What have we learned about global development? A show from the World Bank Group’s independent evaluation function, IEG.
S3E7 | From geo-pixels to evaluation insights
Geospatial analysis has the potential to provide new perspectives on major development challenges and shed new light on the impact of development interventions. This episode features a lively conversation about using geospatial analyses in evaluations, breakthroughs, challenges, and the future of this technology.
6/13/2024 • 21 minutes, 43 seconds
S3E6 | Driving Prosperity through Financial Inclusion
Improving financial inclusion is linked to at least 9 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and is considered by the World Bank Group as a key enabler of its mission of creating a world free of poverty on a livable planet.
This episode brings together two World Bank Group leaders spearheading financial inclusion efforts: Jean Pesme, Global Director for Finance, in the Finance, Competitiveness, and Innovation Global Practice; and Adel Meer, International Finance Corporation’s Manager for Financial Inclusion.
4/29/2024 • 24 minutes, 51 seconds
S3E5 | Reaching women and girls trapped in violence and conflict
The World Bank is committed to reaching women and girls trapped in fragile, conflict-affected and violent contexts with support aimed at meaningful and lasting change. How is the World Bank approaching this challenge? What lessons can be learned from its experience?
2/26/2024 • 23 minutes, 31 seconds
S3E4 | Lessons on creating an enabling environment for private sector climate action
This episode explores how countries can better engage the private sector towards addressing climate change and its impact and the role that the World Bank and other international organizations play in this.
11/29/2023 • 19 minutes, 29 seconds
S3E3 | Part 2: Taxes, the social contract, and financing development
The second episode on this series about taxes, or domestic revenue mobilization, features a conversation between IEG host Jeff Chelsky and Rusudan Kemularia, Head of the Tax Inspectors Without Boarders Secretariat at the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.
11/6/2023 • 18 minutes, 48 seconds
S3E2 | Part 1: Taxes, the social contract, and financing development
On the first episode of this series about taxes, or domestic revenue mobilization, the World Bank’s Director for Governance Global Practice, Arturo Herrera Gutierrez, and IEG host Jeff Chelsky, discuss how the World Bank can most effectively support countries in managing the difficult terrain of tax reform.
11/6/2023 • 26 minutes, 9 seconds
S3E1: Comment la Banque mondiale peut s’inspirer de son engagement au Maroc pour son nouveau modèle stratégique dans les pays à revenu intermédiaire
Une récente évaluation menée par le Groupe indépendant d'évaluation (IEG) offre des enseignements pour orienter l'avenir de l'assistance de la Banque mondiale au Maroc, tout en mettant en lumière les principes fondamentaux d'une collaboration efficace avec les pays à revenu intermédiaire.
Dans cet épisode, Estelle Raimondo et Sabine Durier se penchent sur le partenariat de la Banque mondiale avec le Maroc, sur ce qui a fonctionné ou pas. Estelle Raimondo, responsable des méthodes d’évaluation d'IEG, a dirigé la récente évaluation du programme pays du Maroc. Sabine Durier dirige le département de la gestion des connaissances et de la communication d'IEG.
10/31/2023 • 28 minutes, 11 seconds
S2E6: Additionality in the private sector and the experience of the International Finance Corporation
Additionality is the unique value that Development Finance Institutions offer to private companies in low- and middle-income countries without crowding out private investments. This episode demystifies additionality and explores how to identify it, measure it, and realize ever more of its unique value.
6/8/2023 • 21 minutes, 56 seconds
S2E5: Boosting Energy Efficiency to Power a Green Future
Boosting energy efficiency is critical for addressing climate change. This episode explores lessons on how to scale up energy efficiency efforts to fully realize their potential.
5/3/2023 • 21 minutes, 13 seconds
S2E3: Lessons for Future Crises from the World Bank Group’s Response to the Covid-19 Pandemic
This episode unpacks lessons about factors that facilitated the World Bank Group's strong response to the pandemic and explores areas that can be strengthened to boost crisis preparedness as we navigate compounding crises.
Related Resources
IEG Evaluation: The World Bank’s Early Support to Addressing COVID-19 Health and Social Response
IEG Evaluation: The World Bank Group’s Early Support to Addressing the Coronavirus (COVID-19): Economic Response (April 2020-June 2021)
Blog: Lessons for building on the World Bank’s unprecedented health and social response to COVID-19
1/18/2023 • 27 minutes, 30 seconds
S2E2: Lessons from Shifting Paradigms in Disaster Risk Reduction
Disasters caused by natural hazards increasingly threaten the lives and livelihoods of the world’s poor. In this episode, we will explore how a more severe risk environment has been reshaping the way the World Bank and its partners approach disaster risk reduction.
12/22/2022 • 28 minutes, 35 seconds
S2E1: Lessons Unwrapped from Tackling Plastic Waste
Every year, the world generates 2 billion tons of trash, including 400 million tons of plastic. Most of this waste is mismanaged, piling up and flowing into our oceans, adding to greenhouse gas emissions and land and water pollution. A long-term solution requires the world to shift to a circular economy. What does circularity entail? What can we learn from global efforts to tackle solid waste, and in particular plastics?
Host Jeff Chelsky talks trash with Steve Fletcher, Professor of Ocean Policy and Economy at the University of Portsmouth, to take stock of lessons from a waste crisis that is disproportionately affecting people in poverty.
9/20/2022 • 19 minutes, 38 seconds
S1E6: Learning from Development Policy Financing
Development Policy Financing (DPF) is a major instrument of multilateral development banks and has played a prominent role in the World Bank’s pandemic response. Also known as policy-based lending, DPF is a fast-dispersing instrument that provides non-earmarked funds to a country's national budget. How does DPF work and how successful has it been in achieving its various goals? The World Bank’s Director of Policy Operations, Stéphane Guimbert, and IEG host Jeff Chelsky take stock of the trends and lessons of using policy-based lending to support developing economies.
Conversation highlights:
[00:04-07:55] How does Development Policy Financing (DPF) and its prior actions work?
[07:56-14:44] What are key lessons emanating from the Bank’s fifth DPF Retrospective?
[14:45-20:07] The role of Development Policy Operations (DPOs) in crisis response.
[20:08-22:25] Measuring success – what makes a DPO good?
[22:26-25:08] The use of DPOs in countries affected by fragility, conflict or violence (FCV).
[25:09-27:30] Determining the size of a Development Policy Operation.
5/17/2022 • 28 minutes, 25 seconds
S1E5: Learning from Data Innovation
Data are vital for understanding the progress and impact of strategies in global development. New technologies coupled with increased computing power are creating opportunities for gathering and analyzing ever larger amounts of data from a greater range of sources. In addition, remote data collection has played an important role in getting around the restrictions put in place to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. But innovative use of technology began before the pandemic. How have new technologies influenced data gathering and use, and what are their implications for learning from evidence and for evaluating efforts in international development?
3/25/2022 • 24 minutes, 5 seconds
S1E4: Learning the Lessons of Fragility, Conflict and Violence
More than a billion people live in areas affected by fragility, conflict, and violence. Climate change and the COVID pandemic threaten to drive that number even higher. How have the World Bank Group and the range of actors involved in development adapted to address new and persistent sources of insecurity, and what are the lessons for future efforts aimed at fostering development and stability?
Host Brenda Barbour speaks with Sarah Cliffe, Director at the Center on International Cooperation at NYU.
3/2/2022 • 23 minutes, 34 seconds
S1E3: Debt Déjà Vu: Learning from Previous Waves of Debt Crises to Weather Current and Future Storms
What have we learned from tackling previous debt crises? We discuss the conditions that steered low-income countries into the current wave of debt distress and possible paths development organizations can take to prevent a new crisis.
2/8/2022 • 25 minutes, 59 seconds
S1E2: Measuring Results in Global Development
What have we learned about measuring results in international development? We are less than a decade from delivering on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The SDGs touch on some of the most profound challenges facing humanity, such as ending poverty and reducing inequality. What does it mean to assess results on this massive agenda?
Senior evaluator Estelle Raimondo and host Brenda Barbour rethink Results Based Management. How can systems better support countries achieve their development outcomes? And what can the COVID-19 pandemic tell us about current results measurement practices?
1/6/2022 • 23 minutes, 46 seconds
S1E1: Learning from the Frontlines on Adapting to Climate Change
Millions of people rely on natural resources for their livelihoods and well-being. What have we learned from climate adaptation efforts to preserve and manage natural resources and their impact on local communities?
Climate change is accelerating the degradation of natural resources, putting whole communities at risk. In this episode we take a look at the Great Green Wall, a large belt of trees stretching across 12 African states, developed to combat land degradation and desertification of the Sahel. The World Bank and its partners have invested over one billion dollars on this iconic project to preserve and manage natural resources.
Listen in as Lauren Kelly, of the Independent Evaluation Group (IEG), and Oumou Moumouni, of the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs UN OCHA, share lessons learned from the implementation of these programs and their impact on local communities.
11/1/2021 • 21 minutes, 11 seconds
Introduction: What Have We Learned?
Welcome to the evaluation podcast from the World Bank Group’s independent evaluation arm, IEG, where we reflect on the lessons learned from tackling pressing challenges in international development.