OMG, is Jelena back again?Every relationship has its ups and downs, but when we’re talking about Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez, that’s approximately seven years of roller-coaster emotions.Today, we are gonna follow their tangled relationship through music, as both of them amazing singers. Welcome back to music shake with Marcella and Crystal.1. Justin Bieber-What do you mean?2. Justin Bieber-Beauty and a beat3. Justin Bieber-Nothing like us4. Selena Gomez-Love will remember5. Selena Gomez-The heart wants what it wants6. Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez-strong7. Selena Gomez-Revival8. Selena Gomez-Wolves主播:陈芳怡 曹玉鸾监制:廖梓含
11/9/2017 • 27 minutes, 35 seconds
【Music Shake】Big Little Lies
Along the coast line of Monterey, California, one highway is stretching with the Pacific Ocean nearby. Each of the hostesses is heading towards their own destination, as if driving towards their own future, good or bad, unknown. This is the starting point of Big little lies, a peaceful and beautiful scene of west coast. But, as the story tells, nobody knows nothing about anybody.主播:陈芳怡 曹玉鸾监制:廖梓含
Long time no see everyone! You are listening to the first episode of Music Shake of this semester. Today, we’re gonna share the wonderful music of two unique bands with you, Oh Wonder and Passenger. Are you ready for it? Oh Wonder:1. Drive2. Ultralife3. Without You4. LandslidePassenger:5. Let Her Go6. Sweet Louise7. Wicked Man's Rest8. Beautiful Birds主播:曹玉鸾 陈芳怡监制:廖梓含
他们是当今世界上最具人气的古典流行跨界演唱组合,他们来自四个不同的国度,他们各自代表着不同的文化背景,他们每 次出场总是一身笔挺帅气的西装,他们以独特的方式让美声风靡世界,十年历练,他们的歌声跨越国界,更加深入人心,他们就是美声绅士——il divo。歌单:《Unbreak My Heart》《Ti Amero》《Isabel》《I Believe In You》《The Time Of Our Lives》《Si Tu Me Amas》《Amazing Grace》播音:何洋洋 殷晓峰监制:朋子贤文案:何洋洋
6/29/2017 • 30 minutes, 39 seconds
【Music Shake】Oops, Gaga
Long time no see, everyone! Welcome to tonight's music shake. I'm your old friend Marcella, together with Crystal. We are meeting you every two weeks to share our beloved music. Today we want to talk about a talented musician, as she calls herself.She has received as much praise as criticism but she has kept moving on.She was taunted for her mini size, dressing style, hair style, high heels and strange fashion taste.She has been through the most difficult time but announced her rebirth to shock the music world again. She's back, finally. She's Lady Gaga.1. Million reasons- Lady Gaga2. Paper Gangsta- Lady Gaga3. Speechless- Lady Gaga4. You and I- Lady Gaga5. Anything Goes- Lady Gaga6. The Cure- Lady Gaga7. Joanne – Lady Gaga8. Just Another Day- Lady Gaga9. A-Yo – Lady Gaga主播: 曹玉鸾 陈芳怡监制: 廖梓含
6/5/2017 • 32 minutes, 15 seconds
【音乐有你的】Ariana Grande
爱莉安娜·格兰德(Ariana Grande),这个被称作A妹的vocal歌手,嗓音甜美,外表可爱。因成功出演《胜利之歌》Victorious中女主角Caterina Valentine而走红。不得不说,百老汇出身的她有着精致的嗓音与不俗的唱功,宽广的音域和入耳的海豚高音成了她每首歌的标配。而复古的R&B风格下“百转千回”的转音也贯穿在了她的三张专辑当中。1.【Problem】这首《Problem》收录于第二张录音室专辑《My Everything》。作为专辑打单,整首歌延续了全专的复古风格,像是90年代的城市流行歌曲“大杂烩”,快板、中板、慢板相互穿插,既杂糅了开篇的萨克斯,也加入了全篇丰富多彩的现代乐节拍。除却R&B本来较低沉的部分,快速不断的高低音转换,也有着电音一般的穿透力。对我来说,这首《Problem》好似一块流行乐的五仁月饼,虽然馅料鱼龙混杂却也能吃得津津有味。2.【The Way】 作为A妹的第一张专辑《Yours Truly》的打单歌曲,这首《The Way》曾被误以为是天后玛丽亚凯莉的新单。的确,由于风格相似,A妹常常被与玛丽亚凯莉相提并论。当然,平心而论,A妹并没有这个殿堂级的Diva那么好的本钱。除却年龄层面,无论是咬字共鸣还是声音的厚度都跟她有一定差距。但对于歌迷而言,玛丽亚凯莉作为公认的不世出的声乐奇才,能被放在台面上一块进行比较,已经是对当时的A妹的肯定了。3.【Touch It】 如果说低龄偶像Teen Pop Star是A妹出道的初期定位,那收录这首《Touch It》的第三张录音室专辑《Dangerous Woman》正预示着A妹的全面转型。仿佛是对外界质疑的回应,全张专辑紧扣“危险女郎”的主旨:神秘、成熟、性感。在专辑《Dangerous Woman》的封面造型上,A妹一反往日可爱清纯的形象,将自己打扮成蒙面兔女郎,佩戴黑胶兔女郎头套,诠释着她本人的“反派化身”。用她的话说,“这是‘自我独立’的力量。”4.【One Last Time】正如A妹在Facebook所说,“这首《One Last Time》表达的意义是坚强,在每次的恋爱经历中,能得到启发并且能从恋爱的阴影中走出来。”对应前些日子发生的曼彻斯特爆炸事件,粉丝们为了悼念遇难者以及安慰同为受害者的A妹,将这首歌推上了英区iTunes的实时榜第一位。“仇恨无法战胜一切”,“就算世界末日也要坚持爱下去”。5.【Moonlight】 作为第三张专辑《Dangerous Woman》的开场,这首《Moonlight》其实是不称职的。不同于全篇“危险女郎”这一充满成熟诱惑气息的主题,《Moonlight》整首歌像是延续了首张专辑中《Tattooed Heart》的doo wop风格,以唯美的和声衬托少女内心的温馨细腻的情感。6.【Snow In California】 不同于那首广为流传翻唱无数的《Last Christmas》,这首同样出自圣诞特辑《Christmas Kisses》的《Snow In California》充满了粉色调的少女心。“亲爱的圣诞老人,请让大雪下在加利福尼亚,就算是下雨也好,不想让他明早就走,想点办法让我留住他,这就是我心中最完美的礼物。”7.【Quit】 “靠音乐本身说话。”这是当我听到这首单曲《Quit》时闪现的话。A妹的声音总是有种奇妙的穿透力,舍弃了传统抒情歌曲的大开大合,在看似平淡的旋律里其实暗藏里最不动声色的悲喜。从《Problem》的唱衰到《Dangerous Woman》的质疑,一路走来,或许歌曲中那句包含深情的“I can’t quit you”,也正是歌迷们最真切的内心独白。监制:龚林主播:邢宇彤
There are stories; there are tales; there are epics; there are legends. Turn on the radio, and feel drama in the air!The story took place in ancient France.There was once a very handsome prince, but he was selfish and unkind, who wickedly taxed his citizens to purchase everything his heart desired. One stormy night, a dilapidated old women arrived at the prince’s castle and asked for shelter. The prince despised the appearance of the ugly madam, dismissing her. However, the old woman was not a mortal, she changed into a powerful fairy. As punishment, she transformed the prince into a hideous beast…….前不久艾玛沃森和大表哥领衔主演的《美女与野兽》风靡全球,影片中贝尔优雅的裙摆,野兽粗犷但深情的告白,听众们是否还记得呢?作为新栏目的第一期,主播们将用声音重现这个奇幻而美丽的童话。《美女与野兽》的故事起源于法国,本期节目中,多才多艺(爱炫技)的主播们拽了不少高大上的法语哦~Mes filles :My daughtersC’est bizzarre!:That’s strangeMon amour :My love Ne nous laisses seules, on t’adore! :Don’t leave us alone!Charlemange-Dieudonné :查理曼大帝和路易十四名字的组合(爱装x的编剧自己给王子起的名字)Belle: 武健平 Beast:沈哲远Father: 朱聪 Fairy & Narrator: 陈芳怡 Sister1: 林玮逸 Sister 2: 曹玉鸾 监制:廖梓含
5/20/2017 • 20 minutes
【Music Shake】Love Live! Nine miracles
Hello everyone! Welcome to Music Shake. We are your old friends Marcella and Crystal. I believe the incredible music of μ’s is still echoing in your mind; although fans usually take μ’s as a whole, every girl in this band has a unique personality. So in this episode, we are goanna to invite you to enjoy the solos of the nine charming girls, which perfectly reflect everyone’s characteristic. I bet you will fell under the spell of them. Music!徳井青空 (とくい そら) - にこぷり♡女子道 (微笑妮可的女子之道)Nico is definitely the funniest girl in μ’s. As a senior student, she seems to be childish from time to time, crazy about school idol things. Her cute actions always make us laugh, but she will stick to her dream and never give up. Listen to this song and you will be under the spell of her “Smiling Nico magic”!Pile (パイル) - Daring!!Appearing to be cold and hard to get along with, Maki actually has a tender heart. She may not be good at expressing her emotion and try to protect her self-esteem all the time, but after getting close to her, you will find that she is kind and considerate. In addition, Maki is so talented that all the songs of μ’s are her amazing works. This song “Daring” is a little of K-pop style, very suitable for her voice.新田惠海 - 愛は太陽じゃない?Honoka gives me an impression of extremely optimistic and outgoing girl. She has led the team and motivated the girls by her high spirit, just like sun, warming everybody around her. Rash as her may be, she will take things very seriously after she making up her mind. Just as the song’s name, she uses her love and passion to lead μ’s to success.三森すずこ (三森铃子) - 私たちは未来の花 (我们是未来的花朵)Born in a family of Japanese traditional dancing and learning to dance and archery, Umi has virtues of a typical Japanese girl: politeness, grace, self-discipline and sense of justice. She is always very earnest and down-to-earth; her solo combines traditional Japanese melody with 1980s pop music style, perfectly mixing modern and tradition together.内田彩 - スピカテリブルCompared to Honoka, Kotori is much more gentle and shy; however, she is strong-minded and never afraid of hardship. She attaches much importance to the friendship with μ’s, even giving up the chance of going abroad to study costume designing. Thanks to her creation, μ’s can always perform with beautiful clothes. A mixture of loveliness and maturity, this is Kotori!久保ユリカ - なわとびSeemingly plain and ordinary, Hanayo is always quiet and shy, and even a little coward. Not having much confidence, she tends to cry when faced with difficulties; but with the encouragement of her friends, she becomes more and more brave. Once resolving to accomplish something, she is no less hard-working than anyone else. Her music is as mild as herself, appreciating her friends with full love.饭田里穗 - 恋のシグナルRin rin rin! With plain short haircut, Rin appears to be a little boyish, good at sports, being very active all the time. She is easy to get excited and tends to take actions without any hesitation when an idea comes up; but sometimes she is also quite rash, lacking consideration. It is her simple mind that makes everyone smile, bring happiness to us. Are you smiling when the music starts?南條愛乃 (Nanjo Yoshino) - ありふれた悲しみの果て (寻常悲伤的尽头)Eli is outstanding in both schoolwork and dancing. She has a strong sense of responsibility, thus doing a good job as the chairwoman of the student union. The experience makes her very mature and considerate, just like a sister of the rest band members. Her solo is softer, also containing a touch of sadness.楠田亜衣奈 (くすだ あいな) - 純愛レンズ (纯爱镜头)As a priestess of the localじんじゃ(JinJia), She is not that serious as I imagined. Instead, she speaks words of wisdom through making proper jokes to activate the atmosphere, as well as using her mysterious power to make divination for the girls and giving good advice. Although very mature indeed, she is actually very naughty. Now just close your eyes and feel the Nozomi power!Just like a rainbow, every girl in μ’s has her unique colour, thus making μ’s so alive and impressive. μ’sic(Music) forever!This is the end of today’s Music Shake. We hope you have a good time with us. See you next time!
5/19/2017 • 35 minutes, 29 seconds
【音乐有你的】Sia: I am Titanium
相信大部分的听众对这首diamonds都很是熟悉,来自天后Rihanna的第七张专辑《Unapologetic》。这首歌无疑令本就大红大紫的日日火的更一塌糊涂。但也许只有一小部分的人知道这首是billboard冠单是由谁创作的。今天我们想为大家介绍的就是这位歌手,SIA,来自澳大利亚的创作型女歌手。其实SIA有很多作品我们早就已经耳熟能详了,从刚才所说的《diamonds》,到前两年Beyonce 的《pretty hurts》,再到疯狂动物城里Shakira倾心演唱的《try everything》等,她火热的内心好像永远迸发着创作灵感的源泉。Breath me - Sia (4:32)翻开她的人生篇,曾经因为父亲的离开和八岁时吸的大麻导致后来得了双向情绪障碍。曾经因为滥服止痛药和抗抑郁药而被诊断出具有双重人格。曾经因为腺体类疾病和巡演压力太大而把自己关在家里拼命酗酒嗑药,内心崩溃而差点自杀。而这些几乎所有的情感都可以在她的作品里去找出一幕幕的范本和诉说。我和很多人一样就是从这首《breath me》开始了解sia。和男友Dan在环球旅游中,Dan提前抵达伦敦,却不幸遭遇了车祸。这场悲剧对于sia的影响很大,她开始与酒精和毒品相伴。她花了很长时间从这段阴影走出来,开始重新回到音乐世界。后来,她写了《breath me》,来纪念Dan.我看见了那些过往,生命中那些年少青葱宛如火花燃烧后所剩的灰烬一般,消失在茫茫天宇没有痕迹。Im in here - sia 3:42sia的创作开始偏向流行,创造热单的同时也开始担当流行歌手的制作人,但是自己的专辑却总是带着自己那种特别的独立味道。《we are born》这张专辑也让sia开始得到主流媒体的关注和肯定。其中《I'm in here》作为绯闻女孩的插曲让更多人了解到这么一位歌手。但没多久sia罹患毒性弥漫性甲状腺肿,又暂时修养消失了一阵。Titanium - sia 3:57当我们再次见到sia,她出现在DJ david guetta的电音合作单曲《titanium》。希望这也是SIA的自白“You shoot me down but i wont fall ,im titanium”疾病不会击倒我,我是金刚不坏啊。Elastic heart - sia 4:18《titanium》的爆红也让大家看到了sia充满力量的声线,魔性的声线和实力的唱功也让她后来出现在很多人的合作曲中,同时众多电影原声也出现了她的作品。比如这首Elastic heart ,被科幻电影《饥饿游戏2:星火燎原》原声带收录Chandelier - sia 3:362015年发行的六专《1000 forms of fear》中首波主打曲《chandelier》大获成功,他的成功绝对是空前绝后的,庞大的网络点击量和独树一帜的MV灰白风格迅速在世界范围内广为传播,为她赢得了巨大的市场关注度。Big girls cry - sia 3:31《1000 forms of fear》整张专辑更加主流,同时为sia带来了前所未有的商业成功。专辑的成功得益于独特的定位和宣传,但是也有很多人感觉sia失去了原有的特色变得过于商业。就我而言,sia是我觉得小众和商业流行结合的最好的一位女歌手,现在的曲子虽然流行度强了很多,但是依然掩盖不住其中扑面而来的艺术气息。多年的经历让sia的歌曲时而悲惋时而坚定,时而轻松时而沉重,每一首歌都散发着独特的sia的味道。监制:刘嵩琳主播:甘霖
01.ススメ→トゥモロウEvening old friends! Welcome back to Music Shake! We’re Marcella and Crystal. So let us take you into world of animation and travel back in time to experience high school life all over again in the next two episodes.Anyone crazy about the Japanese anime must have heard of this project called Love Live! And in 2014, it achieved fame almost overnight and soon established a firm fan base in China. It is a Japanese multimedia project launched in 2010, and went on to produce music CDs, anime music videos, two manga adaptations, and video games. And later a 13-episode anime aired in 2013 and second season in 2014. The reasons for its popularity are obvious, the outshining appearances of the characters, well-designed stories, and most importantly, the sweet voices of the girls and the fantastic songs in it. In our first episode of Love Live!, we are gonna review the main plots of the animation with the music of μ’s . What are you waiting for? Here we go!02.START DASH!! - 二年生Honoka is a student of Otonokizaka High School. When the school may be forced to shut down due to a lack of applicants, Honoka becomes determined to save it. When she passes by UTX high school, she sees a crowd watching a music video of A-Rise, UTX&`&s school idol group. Seeing their popularity, it suddenly comes to her mind that she could also set up an idol group to attract more students to her school.Despite the opposition of her friends and the third-year student union president Eri in the first place, Honoka eventually gain her friend’s support and the three girls start up the idol group and later get permitted to perform at the school hall. The three girls, Honoka, Kotori and Umi, immediately bury themselves in the preparation and busy practice for their first stage show. Holding full expectations for the show but ending up in few people showing up, they didn’t lose faith and decide to work even harder. The song you’re listening to right now is the song of their first show, called START DASH. Enjoy!03.僕らのLIVE 君とのLIFEHonoka gets the group name “μ’s” from an anonymous vote, which actually is from the vice president of the student union, Nozomi. And with their hard work the idol group has become more and more popular as days go by.After the joining of other four girls, Rin, Hanayo, Maki and Nico, the small group has become a formal idol band since. And then comes the once-in-a-lifetime chance to save the school from closing, which is the school open day. μ&`&s is to perform at the day and once the perform turns out to be a success because the amazing performance attracts many girls,the school may not be closed down! The girls need to improve their dancing skills urgently and that’s how they’ve come to the student union president Eri, whose experience with ballet qualifies her as the group&`&s choreographer. After the joining of Eri and Nozomi, the nine-girls band forms. And now let’s enjoy the song at the performance.04. No brand girlsOnce they successfully prevent their school from shutting down, the nine girls of μ&`&s aim for Love Live, the ultimate school idol competition featuring the best school idols in the country. Before that, μ’s decides to participate in the campus talent show to gain more popularity. All the band members are fully engaged in the preparation for the performance. However, when the campus festival comes, Honoka passes out on the stage when they are performing No Brand Girls, and the whole performance is therefore suspended.After considering carefully, they temporarily withdraw from Love Live. Afterwards the girls manage to walk out of frustration, solving all the problems together . 05.Snow HalationThe second season of the animation begins with the second Love Live Competition approaching. Deciding to join in the competition again, μ&`&s has to win the preliminary first. However, beyond their expectation, the rival in the preliminary is the winner of the last season--A-Rise. Doing everything in their power to gain more supports, it comes to mind that a new and preferably a love song would be most eye-catching, and that’s how Snow Halation is born. With this song, they manage to beat their biggest rival and head for the formal competition.06. KiRa-KiRa Sensation!After putting in lots of hard work, the girls successfully enter the final competition and would star out as the last group of all. To everybody’s surprise, their performance becomes extremely successful and they win the national competition! Now let’s enjoy their performance, KiRa-KiRa Sensation!07.愛してるばんざーい!On the graduation ceremony, the new student president Honoka makes a speech expressing her gratitude. And then she starts to sing their graduation song, harmonised by all students. With the echoes from the hall, the whole school bid farewells to the graduates. The song Aishiteru banzai marks the end for the second season.08. Angelic Angelμ&`&s gets invited to perform in New York as the winner of the second Love Live competition, where the group will hold another concert to help promote the school idols and Love Live.Now you are listening to one of the songs at the concert called Angelic Angel with Eri starring as the center of all nine girls. The combination of Japanese fan dances really makes the whole performance a feast for both vision and audition.09.僕たちはひとつの光As the last song of tonight’s music shake, as well as the last song for μ&`&s before its disbandment, this song is the full stop for this anime television series. It happens to be the one-year anniversary of their final live recently.The nine girls will always shine!μ&`&s FOREVER!This is Crystal together with Marcella. Thanks for listening~ Bye bye!监制:廖梓含主播:曹玉鸾 陈芳怡
【Movie Bakery】Smurfs: The Lost Village, Logan, The Boss Baby...
Hi, welcome to Movie Bakery. Here, we present you with the latest films just like the freshest bread from the bakery. Be careful! Don’t scald yourself.It’s a new program called Movie Bakery. This is our first episode. I am Vivian together with Silvia. In this episode, you will get to know about 5 new movies whose release dates are in this March and April. Two of them are live-action movies, and the other three are animated films. Especially, the 2 live-action movies are also related to comic and animation which you could probably take as the theme of this episode.Well now, Here comes the names of the 5 movies:LoganBeauty and the BeastSmurfs: The Lost VillageThe Boss BabyDetective Conan: The Crimson Love Letter监制:刘嵩琳播音:初予淇 石一君
3/29/2017 • 26 minutes, 49 seconds
【Music Shake】LA LA LAND
【Music Shake】LA LA LANDLong time no see, everyone! Welcome to tonight’s music shake! I’m your hostress Marcella, together with Crystal.Recently the film La la land has been a real hit in the world, it has received acclaim and was regarded as one of the best films of 2016.It won in every category it was nominated for at the 74th Golden Globe Awards, with a record-breaking seven wins, and received 11 nominations at the 70th British Academy Film Awards, winning six. With such wonderful records, you must wonder the reasons for it. And here we’re gonna tell you the reasons! Yes, music!Now close your eyes and enjoy the story with us.The movie opens with one of the most extraordinary sequences in years: a musical number, set in the middle of a morning drive-time traffic jam along a vast stretch of L.A. freeway. Now let’s hear the movie soundtrack “Another Day of Sun.” Another Day of Sun (03:48) starts.Mia, an on-studio barista and aspiring actress, has a moment of road rage with Sebastian who is a struggling jazz pianist. Her subsequent audition goes poorly despite her efforts. That night, Mia's roommates take her to a lavish party in the Hollywood Hills to cheer her up. Hopefully she can meet that “someone in the crowd”.Someone in the crowd.(4:19)Mia has to take a long walk back after finding that her car has been towed away. During a gig at a restaurant, Sebastian slips into a passionate jazz improvisation despite warnings from the owner to stick to the setlist. Mia overhears the music as she passes by ,and that’s when she falls for Sebastian. Enjoy "Mia and Sebastian's Theme".Mia and Sebastian’s Theme starts.(1:38)Months later, Mia runs into Sebastian again at a party where he plays in a 1980s pop cover band; she teases him by requesting a song he considers an insult for "a real musician". After the gig, the two walk together to find their cars, lamenting being in each other's company despite the chemistry between them which both of them try to deny in the duet “A Lovely Night”.A lovely night starts.(4:40)Mia takes Sebastian on a walk around the movie lot, explaining her passion for acting; Sebastian takes Mia to a jazz club, describing his passion for jazz and desire to open his own club. They warm to each other, that’s when the City of stars begins.(City of stars starts and the hostress keeps on.)(1:51)This song won a Golden Globe Award for Best Original Song, Critics' Choice Movie Award for Best Song and the Best Original Song at the 89th Academy Awards. In the film, the song is first sung by Gosling alone as the character of Sebastian as he sings and dances on the Hermosa Beach pier. Later in the film, it is reprised by Sebastian and Mia during a montage of him getting ready to tour with Keith's band.After more failed auditions, Mia decides, at Sebastian's suggestion, to write a personal single-actress play. Sebastian begins to perform regularly at a jazz club , and the two move in together. A former classmate, Keith, invites Sebastian to be the keyboardist in his fusion jazz band, which offers a steady source of income. Dismayed over the band's pop-oriented style, Sebastian initially refuses but decides to sign with them after overhearing Mia trying to convince her mother that Sebastian is working on his career. Mia attends one of their concerts but is disturbed, knowing Sebastian does not enjoy his band's music, set a fire.Start a Fire starts.(3:11)During the band's first tour, Mia and Sebastian get into an argument. And later on the night of Mia's play, Sebastian fails to show up due to a photo shoot he had forgotten about and the play is a disaster. Despondent, she decides to move back home to Boulder City, Nevada.One day, Sebastian receives a call from a casting director who had attended Mia's play, inviting Mia to a film audition the following evening. Sebastian drives to Boulder City and persuades Mia to attend. For the audition Mia is simply asked to tell a story; she begins to sing about her aunt who inspired her to pursue acting "The Fools Who Dream". Convinced that Mia has succeeded, Sebastian asserts that she must devote herself wholeheartedly to the opportunity. Yes sometimes dreams will come true when the opportunities show up, so don’t give you dreams up!The Fools Who Dream starts.(3:48)Five years later, Mia is a famous actress and happily married to another man, with whom she has a daughter. One night, the couple stumbles upon a jazz bar. Noticing the Seb's logo she had once designed, Mia realizes Sebastian has finally opened his club. Sebastian spots Mia in the crowd; both are visibly unsettled. He begins to play their love theme, prompting an extended dream sequence in which the two imagine what might have been had their relationship worked perfectly . Epilogue starts.(7:39)And end of story. We hope that you’re having a good time with us.That’s all for today’s Music Shake. For further information, please follow us on Wechat pages radiouibe. This is Crystal together with Marcella. Thank you for listening. Enjoy your night! See you next time!主播:曹玉鸾 陈芳怡监制:廖梓含
除了闻名世界的《猫》、《歌剧魅影》、《悲惨世界》,值得一听的还有哪些音乐剧? 这期在今年6月份制作的节目将带来两部在百老汇舞台上长盛不衰并且饱受世界各地观众喜爱的音乐剧,《芝加哥》以及《魔法坏女巫》。 《芝加哥》展示的是上世纪20年代这座城市的纸醉金迷,两个女人,有着相似的经历,甚至是相似的心计,展开了为求成名的争夺战。 《魔法坏女巫》则改编自小说《西方女巫的命运与一生》,以《绿野仙踪》中邪恶的西方女巫为主人公,讲述了她与北方女巫相互纠缠的人生。 节目文稿由在纽约亲身观看演出的爽哥特别创作,带来原汁原味的观后评论,更有多首经典原声献上。节目中选用的原声:《芝加哥》01. All That Jazz02. Cell Block Tango03. Roxie 《魔法坏女巫》01. The Wizard and I02. Defying Gravity03. For Good策划及文稿:周殿爽播音:何洋洋、殷晓峰监制:刘春梅
2016年3月21日 Never Let Me Go《别让我走》是英国日裔小说作家石黑一雄创作的一本小说,讲述的是一个有关克隆人的故事,他们的存在只是为了给人类捐献器官。可是,没有人的人生是只能为他人的存在而存在。听着克隆人的故事,却要思考我们自己的人生。生而为死,该如何面对?而我们又生而为何?其实就像电视剧中女主角恭子说的那样:我们心怀空无一物的宝箱而生,一边不断寻找东西填满它,一边向前,在结束之前,等待明天。2016年4月1日 张国荣——《左右手》2016年3月25日,电影《缘分》的重映好像把我们带回到了32年前,在电影中有熟悉的身影,有熟悉的名字,有熟悉的歌声。有人把怀旧当情怀,有人说情怀就是怀旧。可是,情怀应该是“你离开了却散落四周”,怀旧应该是“天高海深,没什么可拥有,却还记得你当初的模样”。我们会莫名其妙地爱上一个东西,也可能会莫名其妙地讨厌一个东西,有的时候却往往都是因为移情或是迁怒,可是这也并没有什么关系。守候你的人,总会在不经意间,在往事回首中,泪流满面,默默祈祷,却又面带微笑。哥哥,你说对吧?2016年4月3日 和田光司——Butterfly每每听到《Butterfly》前奏,就仿佛回到了数码宝贝世界。原来这首歌已经陪伴我们走了那么久,久到那时候和我们一起听歌的人已不在身旁,久到我们已经没有当初的单纯和幻想。小时候,对于未来,对于未知的世界,我们也许有着无数次的幻想,但,你一定也这样想过:想着自己成为被选召的孩子,和自己的数码宝贝一起去冒险。面对无数次的危险,你有勇气,有友情,有希望,有知识,有诚实,有爱心,有纯真,有光明,最重要的是还有可以穿越冷酷无情世界的无限的梦想。不管小时候你的梦想现在有没有实现,不管你曾经拥有的勇气,纯真还剩下多少,当你再听到这首歌的时候,请你勿忘初心,勇往直前!2016年10月15日 乔任梁——《笑话》好久都没有和人说说真心话了,不是没有想说的话,而是没有可以倾诉的人,也没有适合倾诉的机会。有的人,总觉得有好多话想和他说,但真的见面却又不知从何说起;有的人,想对他说很多心底藏了很久的话,但想说的却终究说不出口。说起来就像个笑话一样,幻想无数次的场景好像在梦里出现了吧,在荒诞的梦境中,一切都那么不合理,一切都和现实生活那么不同。我们自己也一样,借着梦里错乱的真情,说着不敢说出口的话,做着不敢做出来的事,想着心心念念的那个人。梦终归要醒,醒来痛快地舒一口气,然后继续装傻,继续扮演自己。监制:王琳主播:古璇 韦腾博 罗行健 宋景怡
介绍:Hi各位听众,久别的We Do Hits又回来啦,本期节目由三位元老级英播联手为大家呈现,聊聊Billboard榜单上的那些歌曲。温馨提示:不喜欢电音的听众朋友们可以直接跳过5分14至8分11段的那首Me, Myself&I(监制大人表示自己不是很能欣赏)。希望大家都有愉快的一天噢!主播:曹星瞳Cynthia 汪握青Emily 方菲Cecilia监制:陈祥语Gloria
5/4/2016 • 42 minutes, 7 seconds
节目介绍: 《在路上》是关于走出校门、走向世界的贸大人的故事,每期节目由在世界各地求学、生活、工作的学长学姐讲述他们的喜怒哀乐,美国的多元文化、欧洲的人文气息、南洋的风土人情,你感兴趣的,这里都有。我们希望《在路上》能够成为在校生和优秀校友交流的平台,让贸大学子在和前辈们一起成长的同时,思索自己的未来。我们欢迎各位同学和学长学姐积极互动,关于海外留学、工作、生活,有什么想说的,想问的,都可以点击页面下方的“写留言”写下自己的疑问,在次期节目中,学长学姐会为大家解答。主播介绍: 张青,贸大金融学院2011级投资学专业毕业生,现就读于新加坡国立大学定量金融专业。在校期间担任惠园之声广播台副台长和中文主播,连续三年担任对外经济贸易大学新年晚会主持人,多次主持校园十佳歌手大赛决赛、国际文化节开幕式等活动。2016年2月在新加坡首都剧场担任“中新建交25周年互访暨第十九届新马吸引青少年艺术交流盛典”主持人。本期节目,张青学长将和我们分享他在新加坡的留学生活与自己的人生感悟。 新加坡国立大学(National University of Singapore),简称国大(NUS),是新加坡首屈一指的世界级顶尖大学,为东亚AACSB认证成员、东亚EQUIS认证成员、国际研究型大学联盟成员、Universitas 21 大学联盟成员、环太平洋大学协会成员,在工程、生命科学及生物医学、社会科学及自然科学等领域的研究享有世界盛名。在2015—2016年QS排名中,新加坡国立大学世界排名第12位。
本期音乐有你的将为大家带来一支来自荷兰的乐队——WITHIN TEMPTATION 诱惑本质,请尽情聆听那在哥特教堂高耸的尖顶上响起的黑色交响。 播音:李睿昭 监制:梁慈恩歌单:1.INTRO 2. SAY MY NAME 3.MEMORIES 4.JILLIAN(I’D GIVE MY HEART) 5.SHOT IN THE DARK 6.FASTER 7. A DEMON’S FATE 8. WHAT HAVE YOU DONE 9. LET HER GO
新的一期Talk Show姗姗来迟啦!上一期和这一期节目均由英文主播Sunshine(徐阳光)携手嘉宾Torian以及监制Tina(琚星)为大家呈现一期视角独特的Talk Show,以及一个不同于课堂上的英语口语教师Torian!嘉宾介绍:Torian A. Richardson是一个出生在芝加哥的非裔美国人。本科学习财务的他在国际企业中做过咨询和销售,周游过世界四大洲的40多个国家,现在正在经营自己的一份事业。值得一提的是,他曾在2013年至2014年担任对外经济贸易大学的英语口语教师,并为自己起了一个好听的中文名字“童瑞安”。Torian always seeks to be intellectually curious and has an entrepreneurial spirit while seeking out hidden potential and planting positive seeds of Attitude | Accountability | Action. He is always on the road to explore and experience the world.监制:琚星主播:徐阳光嘉宾:Torian
7/2/2015 • 23 minutes, 12 seconds
【Talk Show】A Ray of Sunshine
节目介绍:新的一期Talk Show姗姗来迟啦!这一期和下一期节目均由英文主播Sunshine携手嘉宾Torian以及监制Tina为大家呈现一期视角独特的Talk Show,以及一个不同于课堂上的英语口语教师Torian!嘉宾介绍:Torian A. Richardson是一个出生在芝加哥的非裔美国人。本科学习财务的他在国际企业中做过咨询和销售,周游过世界四大洲的40多个国家,现在正在经营自己的一份事业。值得一提的是,他曾在2013年至2014年担任对外经济贸易大学的英语口语教师,并为自己起了一个好听的中文名字“童瑞安”。Torian always seeks to be intellectually curious and has an entrepreneurial spirit while seeking out hidden potential and planting positive seeds of Attitude | Accountability | Action. He is always on the road to explore and experience the world.监制:Tina主播:Sunshine嘉宾:Torian
6/28/2015 • 24 minutes, 22 seconds
Some of us get dipped in flat, some in satin, some in gloss. But every once in a while you find someone who's iridescent, and when you do, nothing will ever compare.有人住高楼,有人在深沟,有人光万丈,有人一身锈,世人千万种,浮云莫去求,斯人若彩虹,遇上方知有。这是一个关于遇见生命中那个如彩虹一般的人的故事。在《怦然心动》中,你会看到爱情如何在Bryce和Julie两个人心里生长、发芽,如何产生病变,如何更新。双方在感情中进退反复,犹如为画上的绿树添枝加叶,树木一天天丰满、真实,散发着鲜活美丽的气息。 监制:刘春梅主播:古璇、韦腾博
01. 《Mercy》Duffy
02. 《Viva la Vida》Coldplay
03. 《Chasing Pavements》Adele
04. 《Poker Face》Lady Gaga
05. 《Single Ladies》 Beyoncé
06. 《White Horse》 Taylor Swift
11/21/2014 • 22 minutes, 11 seconds
【音乐留声机】格莱美十年音乐留声机 (2007-2008)
《You Are Beautiful》 James Blunt
《Not Ready to Make Nice》 Dixie Chicks
《Jesus Take the Wheel》 Carrie Underwood
《Rehab》 Amy Winehouse
《What Goes Around ... Comes Around》 Justin Timberlake
《Umbrella》 Rihanna Featuring Jay-Z
11/18/2014 • 25 minutes, 21 seconds
《Daughters》 John Mayer
《Vertigo》 U2
《We Belong Together》 Mariah Carey
《This Love》 Maroon 5
《Since U Been Gone》 Kelly Clarkson
《Bless The Broken Road》 Rascal Flatts
11/16/2014 • 23 minutes, 21 seconds
【巴洛克游唱——且听风吟】古剑奇谭二 永夜初晗凝碧天
主播:兰梦 小雨 阿爽
11/15/2014 • 28 minutes, 3 seconds
【We Do Hits】Edition 14.1
2014 Billboard, 43rd
Top 1 All about that bass - Meghan Trainor
Top 2 Shake it off - Tylor Swift
Top 3 Bang Bang - Jessie J, Ariane Grande and Niki Minaj
Top 4 Black widow - Iggy Azalea and Rita Ora
Top 5 Habits (stay high ) - Tove Lo
Top 6 Don't tell ' em - Jeremih
Top 7 Animals - Maroon 5
Top 8 Stay with me - Sam Smith
Top 9 Hot boy - Bobby Shmurda
Top 10 Don't - Ed Sheeran
He was born in Taiwan and was an academy award winning director. He made his debut in 1992 and won a second Golden lion in 2007… YES, ANG LEE is the answer!
主持人:刘海羿 计晓岚
2005年夏季发行的现场演唱特辑En Concert是圣马克教堂儿童唱诗班于2005年1月28号、30号两天在巴黎着名的Le Palais des Congrès大会堂所作的现场演唱精华,演唱会由担任圣马克教堂儿童唱诗班指挥职务超过20年的名指挥家Nicolas Porte担纲指挥。在暖度恰当、悠扬动人的交响乐的乐声,30位唱诗班成员以洋溢着圣洁、童真气氛的唱诗班合唱歌声选唱了《放牛班的春天》的主题曲Vois Sur Ton Chemin(眺望你的路途)与 In Memoriam(追念)等多段主题乐曲,还有来自Bruno Coulais为《小宇宙》(La Fin Du Rêve)、《喜马拉雅》(Karma)以及2003年荣获柏林电影节肯定的丹麦动画片《男孩变成熊》(Le Trou Dans La Neige、Le Choix)所作的电影音乐作品以及传统圣乐作品(Ave Maria)。圣马克教堂儿童唱诗班的美妙歌声演唱,贴切传达了Bruno Coulais的电影音乐里所蕴藏的神圣、优雅特质,同时也表达了音乐净化人心的真谛。
主 持 人:李芳芳
The Fray 成名于2002年 ,
Isaac Slade 担任主唱和钢琴演奏,
Joe King 吉他和和声,
Dave Welsh 吉他,
Ben Wysocki 担任鼓手。
他们的队伍缺少bass手,但巡回演出的时候会请 Jimmy Stofer 相助。
他们的风格类型像Coldplay, 走的路线像 U2, 唱的歌不比Counting Crows逊色。
乐队风格与英国的Coldplay和Keane相似,但THE FRAY的特点在于乐队对钢琴的钟爱。
过三年的努力,在2005年的9月终于推出了首张专辑《How to Save a Life》,而之前的单曲《Over My Head (Cable Car)》则最早出现在电影原声大碟《Stealth》之中。
专辑中的主打歌曲《Over My Head (Cable Car)》无疑是一首值得多听几遍的歌曲,
而标题歌曲《How to Save a Life》来得更加的抒情,开场的钢琴绝对让人沉醉,
歌曲也在很大程度上和《Over My Head (Cable Car)》打成平手,专辑在美国本土卖了150万张,
策划、监制: 刘 牧
主 持 人: 李芳芳
5/19/2014 • 45 minutes, 52 seconds
PeterLicht很喜欢以多种形式来进行他的工作。他第一张流行音乐EP《Sechs Lieder》于2000年问世,当时是以Meinrad Jungblut的名义发行的,迄今为止人们都不是很清楚“Meinrad Jungblut”是Peter
Licht的本名还是化名。在其第三张由Motor Music发行的、由Jochen Naaf制作的专辑《Album Lieder vom Ende des Kapitalismus》面世之前,PeterLicht的书作《Wir werden siegen. Buch vom Ende des Kapitalismus》于2006年3月由慕尼黑Blumenbar出版社出版发行,囊括了小说、诗歌、部分的日记、广告标语、歌词和一些素描作品。此外在2003年由PeterLicht配乐的话剧《Karoshi.Tod durch Überarbeitung》首次上演于慕尼黑小剧场。2006年由女导演Christiane Pohle执导的基于PeterLicht的音乐和文章的的话剧《Wir werden siegen. Und das ist erst der Anfang》首演于同一剧场。
PeterLicht称他的工作“在现实上钻孔,观察那些滴出的事物,从中选出美丽的事物来做”。虽然他地下时期的夏日专辑《Sonnendeck》在2000年和2001年反响非凡,但他在2006年之前都并未出名:照片和其他的传记详情都不为人所知。第一次现场演出是PeterLicht在莱比锡书市上推介自己书作的时候,而在2006年他开始了他的首次巡演。既便如此他还是拒绝为自己拍摄照片也拒绝出现在电视中。2006年5月18日他和他的乐队在Harald Schmidt的演出中登台时,他的身体被摄录了下来,但是没有露脸。2007年PeterLicht凭其文章《Die Geschichte meiner Einschätzung am Anfang des dritten Jahrtausends》获得了3sat奖和Ingeborg-Bachmann的出版大奖。
2007年10月3日PeterLicht在汉堡剧院拉开了他德国七城巡演的序幕,广播节目“SWR Literatur im Foyer”向美因茨报道了这次巡演,而且播出了与PeterLicht的谈话和三首Live中的曲目。
2008年9月5日专辑《Melancholie und Gesellschaft》问世,此张专辑中有10曲纯Bandmusic,借此PeterLicht完全脱胎于之前被人们熟识的电声流行乐样式。
2009年1月24日到3月8日PeterLicht在慕尼黑小剧场举办了名为“Festival vom unsichtbaren Menschen”的活动,其中有演唱会、话剧表演和朗读会等节目。其中的压轴话剧《Räume Räumen》是由PeterLicht亲自导演的,而且此话剧含有由他亲自创作的歌词,剧本是基于其小说《Geschichte Meiner Einschätzung Am Anfang Des Dritten Jahrtausends》的——因此这就是他第一部自己的话剧。
主 持 人:张晨阳
5/19/2014 • 46 minutes, 32 seconds
【音乐有你的】——New Found Glory
1997年夏天,New Found Glory乐队成立于美国佛罗里达州的Coral Springs,一支混合了朋克与情绪硬核摇滚乐的五人乐队,成员包括主唱Jordan Pundik,吉他手Chad Gilbert和Steve Klein,贝斯手Ian Grushka,以及鼓手Cyrus Bolooki。这支成立于高中校园的乐队很快就开始了他们极富活力的演出,他们每到一处都能将现场的气氛调动至极限,高能量的释放掀起一场震动。很快,凭借火爆的现场演出,New Found Glory乐队在当地以及东海岸的一些地区拥有了一部分自己的歌迷群体。
New Found Glory隶属美国Punk名厂Drive Thru!,New Found Glory在其中业绩最为傲人,尽管在美国Punk领域他们还无法动摇Green day、Blink-182的地位,但是New Found Glory至少在new skool阵营中成为了商业明星。
策划、监制: 刘 牧
主 持 人: 冯 晨
5/19/2014 • 47 minutes, 53 seconds
【音乐有你的】Mika——《The Boy Who Knew Too Much》
主 持 人:张晨阳
5/19/2014 • 44 minutes, 49 seconds
嘿,别误会Mika可不是来自日本的歌手或团体,他是能让你一听上瘾,享受快乐听音乐的终极目标。才华出众且极度疯狂的Mika,邀请你共赴他精心调配出的华丽音乐奇想世界2007开春英国乐坛最受瞩目歌手,BBC Sound十大闪耀头号推荐新星Mika,即将霸占你的CD Player,让你Repeat千遍也不厌倦。让各界引颈期盼的首张专辑《Life In Cartoon Motion》,请到加拿大籍横跨各界的制作高手Greg Wells(Carole King、Rufus Wainwright、Pink、Jewel)全程掌控,首发行即空降英国金榜冠军+爱尔兰季军+法国TOP6+世界榜TOP7。首支单曲“Grace Kelly”勇夺英国金榜七周冠军,愉快畅意气流充满其中,Mika的音频犹如皇后合唱团主唱Freddie Mercury声调再现;接着蓄势待发的“Lollipop”,可爱卡通式调调,甜甜暖意散发如万花筒般快乐音符;以钢琴轻盈弹奏撩起无压情绪,中板快意之“My Interpretation”,犹如走在初春大街上享受迎面吹来和煦微风的自在,不在乎身旁发生的任何事物;再次陷入Queen乐团编制幻境的“Love Today”,高潮起伏的托出层次鲜明骨架,如新浪潮时期跳跃的电子颗粒散射其中,预期将成为强力攻势大作;让Mika成名的关键作品“Relax(Take It Easy)”,同时取样英国摇滚团Cutting Crew于1986年创下美国双周冠军之“(I Just)Died In Your Arms”,登上法国+波兰排行冠军,在未发行单曲的情况下,仅靠着网络下载,英国也进入T0P67位置;以简单琴韵加弦乐组合而成的“Any Other World”、福音式的优美之歌“Happy Ending”,都是耐人聆听的抒情推荐佳作。
策划、监制: 刘 牧
主 持 人: 冯 晨
为这部电影担任原创配乐的古斯塔佛.桑陶拉列/Gustavo Santaolalla是当今拉丁音乐界最富盛名的制作人。出生于阿根廷,音乐风格融合摇滚、爵士、灵魂、非洲节奏与传统拉丁乐,为“西班牙语摇滚(Rock en Espanol)”运动的先锋代表。以“摩托车日记”原声带获得英国奥斯卡奖(BAFTA)最佳电影配乐,并在今年颁发的第6届拉丁葛莱美音乐奖获得年度最佳制作人,创下6届内有4届都获奖的风光纪录。2004年他与墨西哥新锐名导阿利安卓岗札雷伊纳利图(Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu)三度合作的“灵魂的重量”让他获得世界电影配乐大奖(World Soundtrack Award)的“年度大发现”奖。古斯塔佛.桑陶拉列在《断背山》再现神妙吉他功力,简单三两拨弦即勾勒出怀俄明州广漠的草原景色,搭配弦乐也为这段悲伤的同志爱情铺展出朴实隽永的意象;乡村女杰Emmylou Harris为他所写的“A Love That Will Never Grow Old”献出绝美嗓音诠释,“No One’s Gonna Love You Like Me”里民谣歌手Mary McBride和着吉他散发幽幽蓝草风味,当代草根新星Jackie Greene的“I Will Never Let You Go”曲调轻快却带着温柔的固执,新生代民谣歌手Teddy Thompson在“I Don’t Want To Say Goodbye”中唱出年轻的青春深情;而他与公开出柜的加拿大创作才子Rufus Wainwright共同翻唱60年代乡村巨匠Roger Miller之名作“King of the Road”,刻意展现爵士摇摆风味。草根摇滚歌手Steve Earle为本片重新灌录其代表作“The Devil’s Right Hand”,乡村长青老将Willie Nelson翻作Bob Dylan编曲的民谣“He Was A Friend Of Mine”隐约呼应电影结局,听了教人不胜唏嘘。
如果你还不认识杜拉拉,那么但愿你已经在工作中一切顺遂。很多人都说这是一本可以让任何岗位人去学习的办公室人际关系守则。所以,可能人人都是杜拉拉,只是停驻于不同的阶段。不过,人生不止一种方式,今晚除了杜拉拉,还推荐的额外的选择,当然,可能你还有更好的正在享受的方式。人人都是杜拉拉,maybe you are, maybe you not.那都是你的选择,开心就好。