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Thinking in Japanese Podcast

Japanese, Education, 1 season, 166 episodes, 1 day, 2 hours, 30 minutes
In this podcast, I speak about a variety of topics in Japanese. I speak Japanese slowly and as much as simply. Of course, sometimes I have to use difficult vocabulary so I have vocabulary lists for each episode. On the Patreon page, you can check my podcast episodes, scripts, bonus contents, and Japanese newsletters. Let's learn and use Japanese together!
Episode Artwork

Others are the mirrors of yourself 人は自分をうつす鏡(かがみ)

あなたの周りにはどんな人がいますか?その人たちはどのようにあなたと話しますか?あなたは、どのように彼らと話しますか?This podcast is for Japanese learners. There are scripts, more episodes, and Japanese newsletters on Patreon. So if you are interested in this podcast please consider subscribing to it. Script and vocabulary: Instagram:
9/19/20247 minutes, 41 seconds
Episode Artwork

Consistency is key to being good at anything 継続(けいぞく)は力(ちから)なり

あなたはなにかを継続(けいぞく Doing something consistantly)することがとくいですか?毎日何かをすることは、あなたにとってとても役に立ちます。This podcast is for Japanese learners. There are scripts, more episodes, and Japanese newsletters on Patreon. So if you are interested in this podcast please consider subscribing to it. Script and vocabulary: Instagram:
9/12/20249 minutes, 4 seconds
Episode Artwork

If there’s something you can't do, you can do something else 「何かができない」は「ほかの何かができる」

あなたには何かできないことがありますか?じつは、できないことがあるのは、悪いことではありません。This podcast is for Japanese learners. There are scripts, more episodes, and Japanese newsletters on Patreon. So if you are interested in this podcast please consider subscribing to it. Script and vocabulary: Instagram:
9/1/20249 minutes, 24 seconds
Episode Artwork

Paying attention to what you’re doing now 今していることに注目(ちゅうもく)する

あなたは今やっていることに注目(ちゅうもく Pay attension)していますか?それとも、ほかのことを考えていますか?This podcast is for Japanese learners. There are scripts, more episodes, and Japanese newsletters on Patreon. So if you are interested in this podcast please consider subscribing to it. Script and vocabulary: Instagram:
8/7/20249 minutes, 42 seconds
Episode Artwork

An easy way to improve your memory かんたんに記憶力(きおくりょく)を上げる方法

あなたは記憶力(きおくりょく Memory)がいいですか?わるいですか?じつは、記憶力をかんたんに良くする方法(ほうほう)があります。This podcast is for Japanese learners. There are scripts, more episodes, and Japanese newsletters on Patreon. So if you are interested in this podcast please consider subscribing to it. Script and vocabulary: Instagram:
7/30/20247 minutes, 39 seconds
Episode Artwork

Worry itself can make you ill 悩みが人を病気にする

悩(なや)みWorryがあると、大変ですよね。心がつかれます。でも、じつはつかれるのは心だけではありません。This podcast is for Japanese learners. There are scripts, more episodes, and Japanese newsletters on Patreon. So if you are interested in this podcast please consider subscribing to it. Script and vocabulary:  Instagram:
7/4/20249 minutes, 52 seconds
Episode Artwork

Stress makes us indecisive ストレスは決断(けつだん)をさせずらくする

決断(けつだん Decide)することは、とてもむずかしいです。ストレスがあると、それがもっとむずかしくなります。どうすれば、決断(けつだん)がかんたんになるのでしょうか?This podcast is for Japanese learners. There are scripts, more episodes, and Japanese newsletters on Patreon. So if you are interested in this podcast please consider subscribing to it. Script and vocabulary:  Instagram:
5/31/202410 minutes, 15 seconds
Episode Artwork

Good jealousy and bad jealousy いい嫉妬(しっと)とわるい嫉妬(しっと)

嫉妬(しっと Jealousy)には、いいものと、わるいものがあります。いい嫉妬とは、どんな嫉妬でしょうか?This podcast is for Japanese learners. There are scripts, more episodes, and Japanese newsletters on Patreon. So if you are interested in this podcast please consider subscribing to it. Script and vocabulary:  Instagram:
5/2/20248 minutes, 11 seconds
Episode Artwork

Our guess for words is more accurate than we think ことばの推測(すいそく)は思ってるより正しい

わたしたちにはことばの意味(いみ)を推測(すいそく Guess)する力(ちから Ability)があります。This podcast is for Japanese learners. There are scripts, more episodes, and Japanese newsletters on Patreon. So if you are interested in this podcast please consider subscribing to it. Script and vocabulary:  Instagram:
4/25/202411 minutes, 15 seconds
Episode Artwork

Language is not enough, we need to know culture too 言語だけでは足りない

言語(げんご)を学ぶのはとても楽しいですね。それだけではなく、文化(ぶんか)を学ぶのもとても楽しいです。This podcast is for Japanese learners. There are scripts, more episodes, and Japanese newsletters on Patreon. So if you are interested in this podcast please consider subscribing to it. Script and vocabulary:  Instagram:
4/11/202410 minutes, 4 seconds
Episode Artwork

There is no right decision but we can make it right 正しい選択はないが、それを正しくすることはできる

なにかを選ぶのはむずかしいですね。でも、選んだものをもっと良くすることはできます。This podcast is for Japanese learners. There are scripts, more episodes, and Japanese newsletters on Patreon. So if you are interested in this podcast please consider subscribing to it. Script and vocabulary:  Instagram:
4/4/20248 minutes, 57 seconds
Episode Artwork

How to do things you’re not good at 苦手(にがて)なことをやる方法(ほうほう)

だれにでも苦手なことがありますね。今日は、「どうすればそれをできるようになるか」ついて話しましょう。This podcast is for Japanese learners. There are scripts, more episodes, and Japanese newsletters on Patreon. So if you are interested in this podcast please consider subscribing to it. Script and vocabulary:  Instagram:
3/27/202410 minutes, 16 seconds
Episode Artwork

Stimulations keep us young 刺激(しげき)がわたしたちを若くする

あなたの生活に刺激(しげき Stimulation)は多いですか?すくないですか?今日は、刺激(しげき)と若(わか)さについて話します。This podcast is for Japanese learners. There are scripts, more episodes, and Japanese newsletters on Patreon. So if you are interested in this podcast please consider subscribing to it. Script and vocabulary:  Instagram:
3/16/20249 minutes, 53 seconds
Episode Artwork

Showing your weakness makes you stronger 弱(よわ)みを見せると強(つよ)く見える

弱(よわ)み、Weaknessを人に見せるのはこわいです。でも、弱みを見せることにはメリットがあります。This podcast is for Japanese learners. There are scripts, more episodes, and Japanese newsletters on Patreon. So if you are interested in this podcast please consider subscribing to it. Script and vocabulary:  Instagram:
3/7/20249 minutes, 15 seconds
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Why we should do important things first どうして大切なことは先にやったほうがいいのか

わたしたちは、つい大切ではないことのために時間を使ってしまいます。どうして大切なことを先にやってほうがいいのでしょうか?今日は有名なビン(Jar)の話をします。This podcast is for Japanese learners. There are scripts, more episodes, and Japanese newsletters on Patreon. So if you are interested in this podcast please consider subscribing to it. Script and vocabulary:  Instagram:
2/21/202410 minutes, 17 seconds
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The importance of quality of output アウトプットの質(しつ)

アウトプットの質(しつ quality)について考えたことがありますか?多くの人はただアウトプットをがんばります。でも、じつはアウトプットの質(しつ)はとても大切です。This podcast is for Japanese learners. There are scripts, more episodes, and Japanese newsletters on Patreon. So if you are interested in this podcast please consider subscribing to it. Script and vocabulary:  Instagram:
2/5/202411 minutes, 18 seconds
Episode Artwork

How much free time do we need? どのくらいの自由な時間がひつようか?

あなたの自由時間(じゆうじかん free time)はどのくらいありますか?じつは、自由時間には、ちょうどいい長(なが)さがあります。This podcast is for Japanese learners. There are scripts, more episodes, and Japanese newsletters on Patreon. So if you are interested in this podcast please consider subscribing to it. Script and vocabulary:  Instagram:
1/28/20249 minutes, 16 seconds
Episode Artwork

Relationships can relieve pain 関係は痛(いた)みもやわらげる

関係(かんけい)は、わたしたちの人生にとってとても大切ですね。じつは、良い関係があると、ほかにも良いことがたくさんあります。This podcast is for Japanese learners. There are scripts, more episodes, and Japanese newsletters on Patreon. So if you are interested in this podcast please consider subscribing to it. Script and vocabulary:  Instagram:
1/15/20249 minutes, 37 seconds
Episode Artwork

To have or to be? 持つかあるか

わたしたちの人生のなかで、いちばん大切なものはなんですか?じつは、成功(せいこう)やお金よりも大切なものがあります。This podcast is for Japanese learners. There are scripts, more episodes, and Japanese newsletters on Patreon. So if you are interested in this podcast please consider subscribing to it. Script and vocabulary:  Instagram:
12/21/202312 minutes, 23 seconds
Episode Artwork

What makes our life happy 何が人生を幸せにするか

わたしたちの人生のなかで、いちばん大切なものはなんですか?じつは、成功(せいこう)やお金よりも大切なものがあります。This podcast is for Japanese learners. There are scripts, more episodes, and Japanese newsletters on Patreon. So if you are interested in this podcast please consider subscribing to it. Script and vocabulary:  Instagram:
12/14/202314 minutes, 1 second
Episode Artwork

Why we suffer excessively 二の矢、どうしてわたしたちは苦しむのか

わたしたちは、必要以上(ひつよういじょう more than neccesary)に苦(くる)しむことがあります。本当は苦しまなくていいときもいいときも、苦しんでいます。それはどうしてでしょうか?This podcast is for Japanese learners. There are scripts, more episodes, and Japanese newsletters on Patreon. So if you are interested in this podcast please consider subscribing to it. Script and vocabulary:  Instagram:
12/7/202312 minutes, 42 seconds
Episode Artwork

Productive failure 生産的(せいさんてき)な失敗(しっぱい)

失敗(しっぱい failur)にも、良い失敗があります。それは生産的(せいさんてき productive)な失敗です。生産的な失敗をすると、わたしたちは多くを学ぶことができます。This podcast is for Japanese learners. There are scripts, more episodes, and Japanese newsletters on Patreon. So if you are interested in this podcast please consider subscribing to it. Script and vocabulary:  Instagram:
11/30/202310 minutes, 10 seconds
Episode Artwork

We learn for ourselves, not for others わたしたちはわたしたちのために学ぶ

わたしたちは、何のために学びますか?人のため?自分のため?日本の歴史(れきし)のなかでも、すばらしい先生の吉田松陰(よしだ しょういん)は、「自分のために学ぶ」のが良いと言います。This podcast is for Japanese learners. There are scripts, more episodes, and Japanese newsletters on Patreon. So if you are interested in this podcast please consider subscribing to it. Script and vocabulary:  Instagram:
11/23/202311 minutes, 10 seconds
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4 important things to acquire any skills 技術(ぎじゅつ)を習得(しゅうとく)するために大切な4つのこと

どんな技術(ぎじゅつ)も習得(しゅうとく acquire)するのに時間がかかります。このために大切なことはなんでしょうか?This podcast is for Japanese learners. There are scripts, more episodes, and Japanese newsletters on Patreon. So if you are interested in this podcast please consider subscribing to it. Script and vocabulary: Instagram: Lessons:
11/8/202314 minutes, 21 seconds
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How Amazonian and our languages are different わたしたちとアマゾンに住む人たちの言語はどうちがうか?

世界には、いろいろな言語(げんご)があります。アマゾンの人たち、Amazonianたちは、どんな言語を話すのでしょうか?This podcast is for Japanese learners. There are scripts, more episodes, and Japanese newsletters on Patreon. So if you are interested in this podcast please consider subscribing to it. Script and vocabulary:  Instagram:
10/31/202310 minutes, 1 second
Episode Artwork

85% of what you are worrying about won’t happen 心配事(しんぱいごと)の85%は起こらない

ことばを推測(すいそく Guess)すると、わたしたちは知らないことばでもわかることができます。でも、どうやって推測(すいそく)するのでしょうか?This podcast is for Japanese learners. There are scripts, more episodes, and Japanese newsletters on Patreon. So if you are interested in this podcast please consider subscribing to it. Script and vocabulary:  Instagram:
10/24/202312 minutes, 9 seconds
Episode Artwork

How to guess new words and improve vocabulary ことばを推測(すいそく)できるとボキャブラリーがふえる

ことばを推測(すいそく Guess)すると、わたしたちは知らないことばでもわかることができます。でも、どうやって推測(すいそく)するのでしょうか?This podcast is for Japanese learners. There are scripts, more episodes, and Japanese newsletters on Patreon. So if you are interested in this podcast please consider subscribing to it. Script and vocabulary:  Instagram:
10/17/202311 minutes, 20 seconds
Episode Artwork

Lack of sleep makes you look older 寝ないと老けて見える

あなたはよく寝(ね)れていますか?じつは、寝ないと、たくさんのわるいことが体の中でおきます。This podcast is for Japanese learners. There are scripts, more episodes, and Japanese newsletters on Patreon. So if you are interested in this podcast please consider subscribing to it. Script and vocabulary:  Instagram:
10/3/202310 minutes, 13 seconds
Episode Artwork

Just a short walk improves your health 少し歩くだけでも健康になれる

運動(うんどう)Exerciseはとても大切ですね。歩くことは、とても健康(けんこう Health)に良いです。This podcast is for Japanese learners. There are scripts, more episodes, and Japanese newsletters on Patreon. So if you are interested in this podcast please consider subscribing to it. Script and vocabulary:  Instagram:
9/23/202311 minutes, 16 seconds
Episode Artwork

Why disturbance should be avoided どうして邪魔(じゃま)をさけるべきか

わたしたちの生活には、どれだけたくさんの邪魔(じゃまDesturbance)があるでしょうか?This podcast is for Japanese learners. There are scripts, more episodes, and Japanese newsletters on Patreon. So if you are interested in this podcast please consider subscribing to it. Script and vocabulary:  Instagram:
9/16/202312 minutes, 8 seconds
Episode Artwork

Good balance of commitment in a relationship 良い人間関係のバランス

いい関係(かんけい relationship)のバランスとは、どんなものでしょうか?1人だけががんばっても良くないですし、バランスが大切です。This podcast is for Japanese learners. There are scripts, more episodes, and Japanese newsletters on Patreon. So if you are interested in this podcast please consider subscribing to it. Script and vocabulary:  Instagram:
9/7/20239 minutes, 37 seconds
Episode Artwork

We live up to expectations even if it’s negative 人はネガティブな期待(きたい)にも応えようとする

わたしたちは人に期待(きたい Expectation)をして、人から期待されます。でもその期待は、良いものばかりではありません。This podcast is for Japanese learners. There are scripts, more episodes, and Japanese newsletters on Patreon. So if you are interested in this podcast please consider subscribing to it. Script and vocabulary:  Instagram:
8/29/20239 minutes, 23 seconds
Episode Artwork

It's worth studying grammar when you become an advanced speaker 上級者(じょうきゅうしゃ)になってから文法を学ぶのは楽しい

あなたは文法(ぶんぽう Grammar)がすきですか?今日は、上級者(じょうきゅうしゃ Advanced)になった人が文法をべんきょうすることについて話します。This podcast is for Japanese learners. There are scripts, more episodes, and Japanese newsletters on Patreon. So if you are interested in this podcast please consider subscribing to it. Script and vocabulary:  Instagram:
8/21/202311 minutes, 48 seconds
Episode Artwork

Do good singers have better pronunciation? 歌が上手い人は発音(はつおん)も上手い?

歌(うた)が上手い人はうらやましいですね。彼らは発音(はつおん Pronunciation)もいいと思います。でも、それはどうしてでしょうか?This podcast is for Japanese learners. There are scripts, more episodes, and Japanese newsletters on Patreon. So if you are interested in this podcast please consider subscribing to it. Script and vocabulary:  Instagram:
8/7/20239 minutes, 6 seconds
Episode Artwork

Brain changes by the way we live 脳(のう)は生き方によって変わる

むかしは、脳(のう Brain)は変わらないと思われていましたね。でも、今はちがいます。脳(のう)はいつも変わっています。This podcast is for Japanese learners. There are scripts, more episodes, and Japanese newsletters on Patreon. So if you are interested in this podcast please consider subscribing to it. Script and vocabulary:  Instagram:
7/30/20237 minutes, 19 seconds
Episode Artwork

Since when do Japanese live long? 日本人はいつから長生き??

日本人はとても長生きなイメージがありますよね。でもそれはいつからなのでしょうか?歴史(れきし history)を見ると、それがとても昔からなことがわかります。This podcast is for Japanese learners. There are scripts, more episodes, and Japanese newsletters on Patreon. So if you are interested in this podcast please consider subscribing to it. Script and vocabulary:  Instagram:
7/18/20238 minutes, 8 seconds
Episode Artwork

The more choices the happier? 選択肢が多いほうが幸せ?

今はほんとうにたくさんの選択肢(せんたくし choice)がありますよね。わたしたちはそれで幸(しあわ)せになったのでしょうか?This podcast is for Japanese learners. There are scripts, more episodes, and Japanese newsletters on Patreon. So if you are interested in this podcast please consider subscribing to it. Script and vocabulary:  Instagram:
7/7/202310 minutes, 23 seconds
Episode Artwork

We prefer idiomatic expressions わたしたちはイディオムが好き

イディオム的(てき)な表現(ひょうげん)は、とてもよく使われます。これを使いこなすことができると、とても良いですね。This podcast is for Japanese learners. There are scripts, more episodes, and Japanese newsletters on Patreon. So if you are interested in this podcast please consider subscribing to it. Script and vocabulary:  Instagram:
7/1/202310 minutes, 14 seconds
Episode Artwork

Improving will never end 改善(かいぜん)はおわらない

あなたは改善(かいぜん improve)がすきですか?わたしはすきです。もっと良くしたいと、いつも思います。This podcast is for Japanese learners. There are scripts, more episodes, and Japanese newsletters on Patreon. So if you are interested in this podcast please consider subscribing to it. Script and vocabulary:  Instagram:
6/22/20239 minutes, 39 seconds
Episode Artwork

You can understand the subject if you focus on the context コンテクストや言い方はとても大切

日本語では、主語(しゅご Subject)がありません。でもSubjectは、コンテクストや言い方からわかります。This podcast is for Japanese learners. There are scripts, more episodes, and Japanese newsletters on Patreon. So if you are interested in this podcast please consider subscribing to it. Script and vocabulary:  Instagram:
6/14/202311 minutes, 4 seconds
Episode Artwork

The more stress, the worse habits ストレスがあるほど悪い習慣(しゅうかん)をしやすくなる

ストレスがあるとき、疲れているときほど、良くないことをしてしまいますよね。でもそれには理由(りゆう reason)があります。This podcast is for Japanese learners. There are scripts, more episodes, and Japanese newsletters on Patreon. So if you are interested in this podcast please consider subscribing to it. Script and vocabulary:  Instagram:
6/9/20239 minutes, 58 seconds
Episode Artwork

Liking and wanting are different 好きと欲しいはちがう

「好き」と「やりたい」は、ちがうことがあります。毎日やりたくなってしまうようなことでも、じつは好きじゃないことがありますね。This podcast is for Japanese learners. There are scripts, more episodes, and Japanese newsletters on Patreon. So if you are interested in this podcast please consider subscribing to it. Script and vocabulary:  Instagram:
6/1/202310 minutes, 46 seconds
Episode Artwork

Man learns 5 languages starting at 28 and can read books in them フランクリン自伝(じでん)

Benjamin Franklin’s Autobiographyをよみました。日本語のタイトルは「フランクリン自伝(じでん)」です。This podcast is for Japanese learners. There are scripts, more episodes, and Japanese newsletters on Patreon. So if you are interested in this podcast please consider subscribing to it. Script and vocabulary:  Instagram:
5/17/20238 minutes, 55 seconds
Episode Artwork

Is it worth it to enjoy stories? 物語を楽しむのは価値(かち)がある?

物語(ものがたり story)を読むのはたのしいですね。わたしも、いろいろな物語を英語で読んでいます。This podcast is for Japanese learners. There are scripts, more episodes, and Japanese newsletters on Patreon. So if you are interested in this podcast please consider subscribing to it. Script and vocabulary:  Instagram:
5/11/20238 minutes, 18 seconds
Episode Artwork

Even native speakers have a lot to learn ネイティブスピーカーでも学ぶことがたくさんある

ネイティブスピーカーでも、むずかしい言葉は多いですね。とくに文学(ぶんがく Literature)を読むと、よくあります。This podcast is for Japanese learners. There are scripts, more episodes, and Japanese newsletters on Patreon. So if you are interested in this podcast please consider subscribing to it. Script and vocabulary:  Instagram:
4/27/20238 minutes, 45 seconds
Episode Artwork

Extrovert, introvert, and fluency 外向的、内向的、そして流暢さ

あなたは外向的(がいこうてき introvert)ですか?それとも内向的(ないこうてき introvert)ですか?This podcast is for Japanese learners. There are scripts, more episodes, and Japanese newsletters on Patreon. So if you are interested in this podcast please consider subscribing to it. Script and vocabulary:  Instagram:
4/12/202313 minutes, 49 seconds
Episode Artwork

The 10,000-hour rule: time or methods? 10,000時間の法則、時間か方法か

たくさんの時間を使うことは大切です。とくにプロフェッショナルな人たちはたくさん時間を使っています。This podcast is for Japanese learners. There are scripts, more episodes, and Japanese newsletters on Patreon. So if you are interested in this podcast please consider subscribing to it. Script and vocabulary:  Instagram:
4/7/202311 minutes, 58 seconds
Episode Artwork

Healthy and unhealthy relationships 健康的な人間関係と不健康な人間関係

This podcast is for Japanese learners. There are scripts, more episodes, and Japanese newsletters on Patreon. So if you are interested in this podcast please consider subscribing to it. Script and vocabulary:  Instagram:
3/23/202310 minutes, 22 seconds
Episode Artwork

People are using anger as a tool 怒りは道具

This podcast is for Japanese learners. There are scripts, more episodes, and Japanese newsletters on Patreon. So if you are interested in this podcast please consider subscribing to it. Script and vocabulary:  Instagram:
3/14/202311 minutes, 5 seconds
Episode Artwork

Low anxiety and comprehensible input 低い不安と理解できるインプット

This podcast is for Japanese learners. There are scripts, more episodes, and Japanese newsletters on Patreon. So if you are interested in this podcast please consider subscribing to it. Script and vocabulary:   Instagram:
2/22/20239 minutes, 44 seconds
Episode Artwork

Thinking about money deprives joy  お金のことを考えると楽しめなくなる

お金については、いろいろな心理学(しんりがく psychology)があっておもしろいですね。どうやら、お金のことを考えると楽しみが少なくなってしまうようです。This podcast is for Japanese learners. There are scripts, more episodes, and Japanese newsletters on Patreon. So if you are interested in this podcast please consider subscribing to it. Script and vocabulary:  Instagram:
2/15/202311 minutes, 22 seconds
Episode Artwork

Make something good easy, something bad difficult 良いことをかんたんに、悪いことをむずかしく

あたらしいことをするのはむずかしいですね。でも、ステップを少なくするとかんたんになります。This podcast is for Japanese learners. There are scripts, more episodes, and Japanese newsletters on Patreon. So if you are interested in this podcast please consider subscribing to it. Script and vocabulary:  Instagram:
2/7/202313 minutes, 17 seconds
Episode Artwork

Correction itself can be wrong 訂正(ていせい)は間違っているかもしれない

訂正(ていせい correction)は、ときどきまちがっています。This podcast is for Japanese learners. There are scripts, more episodes, and Japanese newsletters on Patreon. So if you are interested in this podcast please consider subscribing to it. Script and vocabulary:  Instagram:
1/15/202315 minutes, 52 seconds
Episode Artwork

One of my fluent students learned Japanese by shadowing anime わたしの流暢(りゅうちょう)な生徒の一人は、アニメのシャドーイングで日本語を覚えた

わたしの生徒の一人は、アニメのシャドーイングをして日本語を覚えました。彼はとてもFluentです。This podcast is for Japanese learners. There are scripts, more episodes, and Japanese newsletters on Patreon. So if you are interested in this podcast please consider subscribing to it. Script and vocabulary:  Instagram:
12/29/202210 minutes, 33 seconds
Episode Artwork

Why children read the same book over and over again どうして子どもは同じ本を何度も読むか

子どもは同じ本をたくさん読みますね。どうしてでしょうか?This podcast is for Japanese learners. There are scripts, more episodes, and Japanese newsletters on Patreon. So if you are interested in this podcast please consider subscribing to it. Script and vocabulary:  Instagram:
12/20/20229 minutes, 9 seconds
Episode Artwork

”あのー” “えーっと” “うーん” makes you sounds very fluent in Japanese これを使うと、日本語が流暢に聞こえる

日本人(にほんじん)は「あのー」とか「えーっと」ということばをよく言います。This podcast is for Japanese learners. There are scripts, more episodes, and Japanese newsletters on Patreon. So if you are interested in this podcast please consider subscribing to it. Script and vocabulary:  Instagram:
12/8/202211 minutes, 51 seconds
Episode Artwork

How geniuses are normal 天才たちはどのように普通か

This podcast is for Japanese learners. There are scripts, more episodes, and Japanese newsletters on Patreon. So if you are interested in this podcast please consider subscribing to it. Script and vocabulary:  Instagram:
12/1/202211 minutes, 9 seconds
Episode Artwork

Is having an accent bad? アクセントがあるのは良くない?

This podcast is for Japanese learners. There are scripts, more episodes, and Japanese newsletters on Patreon. So if you are interested in this podcast please consider subscribing to it. Script and vocabulary:  Instagram:
11/25/20229 minutes, 5 seconds
Episode Artwork

Japanese speak broken Japanese 日本人は正しくない日本語を話す

This podcast is for Japanese learners. There are scripts, more episodes, and Japanese newsletters on Patreon. So if you are interested in this podcast please consider subscribing to it. Script and vocabulary:  Instagram:
11/12/20229 minutes, 53 seconds
Episode Artwork

If you can’t explain it simply, then you don’t understand it well enough シンプルに説明できないなら、あなたはそれをよくわかっていない

This podcast is for Japanese learners. There are scripts, more episodes, and Japanese newsletters on Patreon. So if you are interested in this podcast please consider subscribing to it. Script and vocabulary:  Instagram:
10/21/20227 minutes, 16 seconds
Episode Artwork

How nature improves our performance 自然はどのようにわたしたちのパフォーマンスを良くするか

This podcast is for Japanese learners. There are scripts, more episodes, and Japanese newsletters on Patreon. So if you are interested in this podcast please consider subscribing to it. Script and vocabulary:   Instagram:
10/13/20227 minutes, 41 seconds
Episode Artwork

How to avoid the damage of staying up late 夜ふかしのダメージを防ぐ方法

This podcast is for Japanese learners. There are scripts, more episodes, and Japanese newsletters on Patreon. So if you are interested in this podcast please consider subscribing to it. Script and vocabulary:  Instagram:
10/1/20229 minutes, 25 seconds
Episode Artwork

Do Japanese men cook? 日本人の男の人は料理(りょうり)をしますか?

This podcast is for Japanese learners. There are scripts, more episodes, and Japanese newsletters on Patreon. So if you are interested in this podcast please consider subscribing to it. Script and vocabulary:  Instagram:
9/20/20227 minutes, 34 seconds
Episode Artwork

Feedback like a mirror 鏡(かがみ)のようなフィードバック

This podcast is for Japanese learners. There are scripts, more episodes, and Japanese newsletters on Patreon. So if you are interested in this podcast please consider subscribing to it. Script and vocabulary:  Instagram:
9/6/202212 minutes, 22 seconds
Episode Artwork

The benefit of getting cold 風邪(かぜ)をひくことのベネフィット

This podcast is for Japanese learners. There are scripts, more episodes, and Japanese newsletters on Patreon. So if you are interested in this podcast please consider subscribing to it. Script and vocabulary:  Instagram:
9/1/202210 minutes, 49 seconds
Episode Artwork

There’s no good or bad motivation モチベーションに良いもわるいもない

This podcast is for Japanese learners. There are scripts, more episodes, and Japanese newsletters on Patreon. So if you are interested in this podcast please consider subscribing to it. Script and vocabulary:  Instagram:
8/15/202210 minutes, 32 seconds
Episode Artwork

People who are reading novels have higher language ability 小説を読む人は言語能力がたかい

This podcast is for Japanese learners. There are scripts, more episodes, and Japanese newsletters on Patreon. So if you are interested in this podcast please consider subscribing to it. Script and vocabulary:  Instagram:
8/4/20229 minutes, 3 seconds
Episode Artwork

Children learn vocabulary by analyzing, not just memorizing 子どもは分析してボキャブラリーを覚える

This podcast is for Japanese learners. There are scripts, more episodes, and Japanese newsletters on Patreon. So if you are interested in this podcast please consider subscribing to it. Script and vocabulary:  Instagram:
7/21/20227 minutes, 1 second
Episode Artwork

Brain needs frequent break 脳には細かい休みが必要

This podcast is for Japanese learners. There are scripts, more episodes, and Japanese newsletters on Patreon. So if you are interested in this podcast please consider subscribing to it. Script and vocabulary:  Instagram:
7/10/202210 minutes, 20 seconds
Episode Artwork

Half learning, half teaching 半学半教(はんがくはんきょう)

This podcast is for Japanese learners. There are scripts, more episodes, and Japanese newsletters on Patreon. So if you are interested in this podcast please consider subscribing to it. Script and vocabulary:  Instagram:
7/6/20228 minutes, 33 seconds
Episode Artwork

Can adults have new habits? 大人はあたらしい習慣をつくれる?

This podcast is for Japanese learners. There are scripts, more episodes, and Japanese newsletters on Patreon. So if you are interested in this podcast please consider subscribing to it. Script and vocabulary:  Instagram:
6/24/20228 minutes, 57 seconds
Episode Artwork

Why you need to calm down yourself when you calm down others 人を落ち着かせるには自分が落ち着かないといけない

This podcast is for Japanese learners. There are scripts, more episodes, and Japanese newsletters on Patreon. So if you are interested in this podcast please consider subscribing to it. Script and vocabulary:  Instagram:
6/15/20229 minutes, 47 seconds
Episode Artwork

Smartphone Brain: how much are we using the internet? スマホ脳:どのくらいスマホを使っていますか?

This podcast is for Japanese learners. There are scripts, more episodes, and Japanese newsletters on Patreon. So if you are interested in this podcast please consider subscribing to it. Script and vocabulary:  Instagram:
6/3/202211 minutes, 11 seconds
Episode Artwork

Why relaxing creates strength リラックスが力を生む理由

This podcast is for Japanese learners. There are scripts, more episodes, and Japanese newsletters on Patreon. So if you are interested in this podcast please consider subscribing to it. Script and vocabulary:  Instagram:
5/27/202210 minutes, 10 seconds
Episode Artwork

To be a good talker you have to be a good listener 話し上手になりたいなら聞き上手になりましょう

This podcast is for Japanese learners. There are scripts, more episodes, and Japanese newsletters on Patreon. So if you are interested in this podcast please consider subscribing to it. Script and vocabulary:  Instagram:
5/19/202211 minutes, 41 seconds
Episode Artwork

Thoughts about aging change your health 歳をとることをどう思うかはあなたの健康を変える

This podcast is for Japanese learners. There are scripts, more episodes, and Japanese newsletters on Patreon. So if you are interested in this podcast please consider subscribing to it. Script and vocabulary:  Instagram:
5/14/20228 minutes, 10 seconds
Episode Artwork

When do we become nosy? いつわたしたちはおせっかいになるのか?

This podcast is for Japanese learners. There are scripts, more episodes, and Japanese newsletters on Patreon. So if you are interested in this podcast please consider subscribing to it. Script and vocabulary:  Instagram:
5/3/202211 minutes, 25 seconds
Episode Artwork

Negative feelings cause procrastination ネガティブな気分は先のばしを作る

This podcast is for Japanese learners. There are scripts, more episodes, and Japanese newsletters on Patreon. So if you are interested in this podcast please consider subscribing to it. Script and vocabulary:  Instagram:
4/26/202214 minutes, 1 second
Episode Artwork

Sometimes you need to forget what you can’t do できないことを忘れることも必要

This podcast is for Japanese learners. There are scripts, more episodes, and Japanese newsletters on Patreon. So if you are interested in this podcast please consider subscribing to it. Script and vocabulary:  Instagram: 
4/21/202211 minutes, 13 seconds
Episode Artwork

Should we talk to more people to learn a language? もっと多くの人と話したほうがいい?

This podcast is for Japanese learners. There are scripts, more episodes, and Japanese newsletters on Patreon. So if you are interested in this podcast please consider subscribing to it. Script and vocabulary:   Instagram: 
4/7/202215 minutes, 35 seconds
Episode Artwork

How good stress improves us 良いストレスはわたしたちを良くする

This podcast is for Japanese learners. There are scripts, more episodes, and Japanese newsletters on Patreon. So if you are interested in this podcast please consider subscribing to it. Script and vocabulary: Instagram: 
3/29/202210 minutes, 57 seconds
Episode Artwork

Being badmouthed isn’t that bad 悪口を言われるのはそんなに悪くない

This podcast is for Japanese learners. There are scripts, more episodes, and Japanese newsletters on Patreon. So if you are interested in this podcast please consider subscribing to it. Script and vocabulary: Instagram: 
3/22/20229 minutes, 51 seconds
Episode Artwork

Our focus is more vulnerable than we think 集中力は思ってるよりも弱い

This podcast is for Japanese learners. There are scripts, more episodes, and Japanese newsletters on Patreon. So if you are interested in this podcast please consider subscribing to it. Script and vocabulary: Instagram: 
3/15/202212 minutes, 2 seconds
Episode Artwork

The benefit of indecisive 優柔不断(ゆうじゅうふだん)のメリット

This podcast is for Japanese learners. There are scripts, more episodes, and Japanese newsletters on Patreon. So if you are interested in this podcast please consider subscribing to it.  Script and vocabulary: Instagram: 
3/9/20229 minutes, 50 seconds
Episode Artwork

Television exposure and children’s curiosity テレビと子供の好奇心(こうきしん)

This podcast is for Japanese learners. There are scripts, more episodes, and Japanese newsletters on Patreon. So if you are interested in this podcast please subscribe to it, and let's learn Japanese together!  Patreon: Instagram: Script:
3/1/202211 minutes, 40 seconds
Episode Artwork

Why closer languages are easier to learn どうして近い言語は学びやすいのか

This podcast is for Japanese learners. There are scripts, more episodes, and Japanese newsletters on Patreon. So if you are interested in this podcast please subscribe to it, and let's learn Japanese together!  Patreon: Instagram:
2/17/202210 minutes, 47 seconds
Episode Artwork

Tough things should be done everyday たいへんなことは毎日やったほうがいい

This podcast is for Japanese learners. There are scripts, more episodes, and Japanese newsletters on Patreon. So if you are interested in this podcast please subscribe to it, and let's learn Japanese together!  Patreon: Instagram: Script:
2/5/20229 minutes, 26 seconds
Episode Artwork

Why people do housework have a bigger brain どうして家事をする人は脳が大きいのか

This podcast is for Japanese learners. Let's learn Japanese with interesting topics. I'm a Japanese teacher. And I have scripts, more episodes, and Japanese newsletters on Patreon. So if you are interested in this podcast please subscribe to it, and let's learn Japanese together!  Patreon: Instagram: Script:
1/26/20228 minutes, 1 second
Episode Artwork

Is playing games good for language learning? ゲームで学ぶことはできる?

This podcast is for Japanese learners. Let's learn Japanese with interesting topics. I'm a Japanese teacher. And I have scripts, more episodes, and Japanese newsletters on Patreon. So if you are interested in this podcast please subscribe to it, and let's learn Japanese together!  Patreon: Instagram: Script:
1/17/202210 minutes, 54 seconds
Episode Artwork

Free time is not wasting time ひまな時間はムダな時間じゃない

This podcast is for Japanese learners. Let's learn Japanese with interesting topics. I'm a Japanese teacher. And I have scripts, more episodes, and Japanese newsletters on Patreon. So if you are interested in this podcast please subscribe to it, and let's learn Japanese together!  Patreon: Instagram: Script:
1/13/20229 minutes, 39 seconds
Episode Artwork

Why Japan’s English proficiency is low どうして日本人の英語は上手くないか

This podcast is for Japanese learners. Let's learn Japanese with interesting topics. I'm a Japanese teacher. And I have scripts, more episodes, and Japanese newsletters on Patreon. So if you are interested in this podcast please subscribe to it, and let's learn Japanese together!  Patreon: Instagram: Script:
1/1/20227 minutes, 21 seconds
Episode Artwork

Smart people don’t count on will かしこい人は意思(いし)にたよらない

This podcast is for Japanese learners. Let's learn Japanese with interesting topics. I'm a Japanese teacher. And I have scripts, more episodes, and Japanese newsletters on Patreon. So if you are interested in this podcast please subscribe to it, and let's learn Japanese together!  Patreon: Instagram: This script:
12/16/20217 minutes, 45 seconds
Episode Artwork

You don’t need to study at a desk 机の上で学ばなくてもいい

This podcast is for Japanese learners. Let's learn Japanese with interesting topics. I'm a Japanese teacher. And I have scripts, more episodes, and Japanese newsletters on Patreon. So if you are interested in this podcast please subscribe to it, and let's learn Japanese together!  Patreon: Instagram: This script:
12/12/20217 minutes, 54 seconds
Episode Artwork

Concentration is contagious 集中力は伝染(でんせん)する

This podcast is for Japanese learners. Let's learn Japanese with interesting topics. I'm a Japanese teacher. And I have scripts, more episodes, and Japanese newsletters on Patreon! So if you are interested in this podcast, please subscribe to it and learn Japanese together!  Patreon: Instagram: This script:
12/7/20217 minutes, 11 seconds
Episode Artwork

How to regret properly ただしく後悔(こうかい)する方法

This podcast is for Japanese learners. Let's learn Japanese with interesting topics. I'm a Japanese teacher. And I have scripts, more episodes, and Japanese newsletters on Patreon! So if you are interested in this podcast, please subscribe to it and learn Japanese together!  Patreon: Instagram: This script:
11/30/20219 minutes, 2 seconds
Episode Artwork

Study or envy 学ぶか嫉妬(しっと)するか

This podcast is for Japanese learners. Let's learn Japanese with interesting topics. I'm a Japanese teacher. And I have scripts, more episodes, and Japanese newsletters on Patreon! So if you are interested in this podcast, please subscribe to it and learn Japanese together!  Patreon: Instagram: This script:
11/25/20218 minutes, 56 seconds
Episode Artwork

Good relax, bad relax 良いリラックスと悪いリラックス

This podcast is for Japanese learners. Let's learn Japanese with interesting topics. I'm a Japanese teacher. And I have scripts, more episodes, and Japanese newsletters on Patreon! So if you are interested in this podcast, please subscribe to it and learn Japanese together!  Patreon: Instagram: This script:
11/16/202110 minutes, 28 seconds
Episode Artwork

Good night makes good morning 良い夜が良い朝をつくる

There are scripts, more episodes, and Japanese newsletters on Patreon! If you like this podcast, be sure to subscribe!  Patreon: Instagram: This script:
11/11/20219 minutes, 15 seconds
Episode Artwork

How to relax under pressure 大変なときにリラックスする方法

This podcast is for Japanese learners. Let's learn Japanese with interesting topics. I'm a Japanese teacher. And I have scripts, more episodes, and Japanese newsletters on Patreon! So if you are interested in this podcast, please subscribe to it and learn Japanese together!  Patreon: Instagram: This script:
11/2/20219 minutes, 37 seconds
Episode Artwork

Growth isn’t necessarily huge 成長はすこしずつ

There are scripts, more episodes, and Japanese newsletters on Patreon! If you like this podcast, be sure to subscribe!  Patreon: Instagram: This script:
10/28/20218 minutes, 48 seconds
Episode Artwork

A simple way to improve thinking skills 考える力をつける方法

There are scripts, more episodes, and Japanese newsletters on Patreon! If you like this podcast, be sure to subscribe!  Patreon: Instagram: This script:
10/23/20218 minutes, 24 seconds
Episode Artwork

Adults are bad at forgetting 大人は忘れるのがへた

You can check scripts, more episodes, and Japanese newsletters on Patreon! If you like this podcast, be sure to subscribe!  Patreon: Instagram: This script:
10/13/20217 minutes, 20 seconds
Episode Artwork

Having too much free time also lowers happiness 時間が多すぎても良くない

You can get scripts, bonus episodes, and Japanese newsletters on Patreon! If you like this podcast, be sure to subscribe to it!  Patreon: Instagram: This script:
9/28/20218 minutes, 19 seconds
Episode Artwork

All skills are related すべてのスキルは関りがある

You can get scripts, bonus episodes, and Japanese newsletters on Patreon! If you like this podcast, be sure to subscribe to it!  Patreon: Instagram: This script:
9/21/20219 minutes, 51 seconds
Episode Artwork

How to weave emotion into your Japanese 感情を込める方法

You can get scripts, bonus episodes, and Japanese newsletters on Patreon! If you like this podcast, be sure to subscribe to it!  Patreon: Instagram: This script:
9/6/20219 minutes, 56 seconds
Episode Artwork

Free voluntary reading improves your grammar 自由な読書

You can get scripts, bonus episodes, and Japanese newsletters on Patreon! If you like this podcast, be sure to subscribe to it!  Patreon: Instagram: This script:
8/31/20218 minutes, 26 seconds
Episode Artwork

Is anime Japanese unnatural? アニメの日本語はふしぜん?

You can get scripts, bonus episodes, and Japanese newsletters on Patreon! If you like this podcast, be sure to subscribe to it!  Patreon: Instagram: This script: 
8/25/202110 minutes, 26 seconds
Episode Artwork

We can't multitask マルチタスクはできない

You can get scripts, bonus episodes, and Japanese newsletters on Patreon! If you like this podcast, be sure to subscribe to it!  Patreon: Instagram: This script: 
8/19/20219 minutes, 44 seconds
Episode Artwork

We should be standing more  わたしたちはもっと立ったほうが良い

You can get scripts, bonus episodes, and Japanese newsletters on Patreon! If you like this podcast, be sure to subscribe to it! Patreon: Instagram:
8/11/20218 minutes, 37 seconds
Episode Artwork

Why strict about grammar backfires なぜ文法を気にするのは逆効果になるか

Bonus episode: [Bonus] Not caring grammar isn’t no-grammar 「文法がない」と「文法を気にしない」はちがう:  Patreonでボーナスエピソードやニュースレターをよむことができます。You can check bonus episodes and newsletters on Patreon. If you like this podcast, be sure to subscribe to it. Patreon: Instagram:
8/8/20218 minutes, 33 seconds
Episode Artwork

There are two types of fluent speakers 流暢(りゅうちょう)な人は2種類いる

Bonus episode: How to improve your speaking fluency 話す流暢さを良くする方法:  Patreonでスクリプトやニュースレターをよむことができます。You can get scripts and newsletters on Patreon. If you like this podcast, be sure to subscribe to it. Patreon: Instagram:
7/30/20218 minutes, 51 seconds
Episode Artwork

Do we hate working hard? 私たちはがんばることがすきじゃない?

Patreonでスクリプトやニュースレターをよむことができます。You can get scripts and newsletters on Patreon. If you like this podcast, be sure to subscribe to it. Patreon: Instagram:
7/20/20218 minutes, 51 seconds
Episode Artwork

How high performers take a break パフォーマンスが高い人はどうやって休憩(きゅうけい)をとるか

Patreonでスクリプトやニュースレターをよむことができます。You can get scripts and newsletters on Patreon. If you like this podcast, be sure to subscribe it. Patreon: Instagram:
7/15/20218 minutes, 13 seconds
Episode Artwork

Why talking in his/her language matters どうして相手の言語ではなすのは大切なのか

Patreonでスクリプトをよむことができます。またボーナスエピソードやニュースレターもあります。You can check scripts and bonus episodes on Patreon. And you can get newsletters in Japanese. If you like this podcast, be sure to subscribe it.  Patreon:  Instagram:
7/13/20218 minutes, 2 seconds
Episode Artwork

Mouth breathing is bad for your brain 口で息をすると脳(のう)がわるくなる

Patreonでスクリプトをよむことができます。またボーナスエピソードやニュースレターもあります。You can check scripts and bonus episodes on Patreon. And you can get newsletters in Japanese. If you like this podcast, be sure to subscribe it.  Patreon:  Instagram:
7/9/20216 minutes, 38 seconds
Episode Artwork

Knowledge needs an action 教育は行動

 Patreonでスクリプトをよむことができます。またボーナスエピソードやニュースレターもあります。You can check scripts and bonus episodes on Patreon. And you can get newsletters in Japanese. If you like this podcast, be sure to subscribe it.  Patreon:  Instagram:
7/6/20216 minutes, 31 seconds
Episode Artwork

How to stay motivated afternoon 午後も元気でいる方法

[Bonus] Which chronotype of person are you? あなたはどのクロノタイプ?   Patreonでスクリプトをよむことができます。またボーナスエピソードやニュースレターもあります。You can check scripts and bonus episodes on Patreon. And you can get newsletters in Japanese. If you like this podcast, be sure to subscribe it.   Patreon:  Instagram:
6/30/20218 minutes, 48 seconds
Episode Artwork

Are you an early riser or late riser? あなたは早起きですか?

Patreonでスクリプトをよむことができます。またボーナスエピソードやニュースレターもあります。You can check scripts and bonus episodes on Patreon. And you can get newsletters in Japanese. If you like this podcast, be sure to subscribe it. Patreon: Instagram:
6/19/20217 minutes, 52 seconds
Episode Artwork

Good methods aren't necessarily good for you 良い方法はあなたにも良いとはかぎらない

Patreonでスクリプトをよむことができます。またボーナスエピソードやニュースレターもあります。You can check scripts and bonus episodes on Patreon. And you can get newsletters in Japanese. If you like this podcast, be sure to subscribe it. Patreon: Instagram:
6/15/20217 minutes, 45 seconds
Episode Artwork

Japanese people hardly talk about money 日本人はお金についてあまり話さない

Patreonでスクリプトをよむことができます。またボーナスエピソードやニュースレターもあります。You can check scripts and bonus episodes on Patreon. And you can get newsletters in Japanese. If you like this podcast, be sure to subscribe it. Patreon: Instagram:
6/11/20218 minutes, 48 seconds
Episode Artwork

Reading in chunks helps you read a long sentence チャンクで読むと、長いセンテンスが読めるようになる

Patreonでスクリプトをよむことができます。またボーナスエピソードやニュースレターもあります。You can check scripts and bonus episodes on Patreon. And you can get newsletters in Japanese. If you like this podcast, be sure to subscribe it. Patreon: Instagram:
6/8/202111 minutes, 5 seconds
Episode Artwork

Sometimes less is better ときどき少ないほうがいい

Patreonでスクリプトをよむことができます。またボーナスエピソードやニュースレターもあります。You can check scripts and bonus episodes on Patreon. And you can get newsletters in Japanese. If you like this podcast, be sure to subscribe it. Patreon: Instagram:
6/4/20217 minutes, 34 seconds
Episode Artwork

Explanation isn’t enough 説明だけではわからない

Patreonでスクリプトをよむことができます。またボーナスエピソードやニュースレターもあります。You can check scripts and bonus episodes on Patreon. And you can get newsletters in Japanese. If you like this podcast, be sure to subscribe it. Patreon: Instagram:
6/1/20218 minutes, 31 seconds
Episode Artwork

How many years doesn't matter 何年じゃなくて、どのくらい

Patreonでスクリプトをよむことができます。またボーナスエピソードやニュースレターもあります。You can check scripts and bonus episodes on Patreon. And you can get newsletters in Japanese. If you like this podcast, be sure to subscribe it. Patreon: Instagram:
5/22/20217 minutes, 52 seconds
Episode Artwork

Language learning slump 言語のスランプについて

Patreonでスクリプトをよむことができます。またボーナスエピソードやニュースレターもあります。You can check scripts and bonus episodes on Patreon. And you can get newsletters in Japanese. If you like this podcast, be sure to subscribe it. Patreon: Instagram:
5/12/20217 minutes, 35 seconds
Episode Artwork

How to not waste a day 1日をムダにしない方法

Patreonでスクリプトをよむことができます。またボーナスエピソードやニュースレターもあります。You can check scripts and bonus episodes on Patreon. And you can get newsletters in Japanese. If you like this podcast, be sure to subscribe it. Patreon: Instagram:
4/27/20217 minutes, 48 seconds
Episode Artwork

Input vs Output インプットかアウトプットか

Patreonでスクリプトをよむことができます。またボーナスエピソードやニュースレターもあります。You can check scripts and bonus episodes on Patreon. And you can get newsletters in Japanese. If you like this podcast, be sure to subscribe it. Patreon: Instagram:
4/22/202110 minutes, 48 seconds
Episode Artwork

Are generalists bad? ジェネラリストはわるい?

Patreonでスクリプトをよむことができます。またボーナスエピソードやニュースレターもあります。You can check scripts and bonus episodes on Patreon. And you can get newsletters in Japanese. If you like this podcast, be sure to subscribe it. Patreon: Instagram:
4/10/20218 minutes, 3 seconds
Episode Artwork

We have different talents みんなちがう才能がある

Patreonではスクリプトをよむことができます。またボーナスエピソードやニュースレターもあります。You can check scripts and bonus episodes on Patreon. And you can get newsletters in Japanese. If you like this podcast, be sure to subscribe it. Patreon: Instagram:
4/4/20219 minutes, 32 seconds
Episode Artwork

Can you read silently? あなたは黙読(もくどく)できますか?

Patreonではスクリプトをよむことができます。またボーナスエピソードやニュースレターもあります。You can check scripts and bonus episodes on Patreon. And you can get newsletters in Japanese. If you like this podcast, be sure to subscribe it. Patreon: Instagram:
3/31/202111 minutes, 15 seconds
Episode Artwork

One thing you need to care when you start exercise 運動をはじめるときに気をつけること

Patreonではスクリプトをよむことができます。またボーナスエピソードやニュースレターもあります。You can check scripts and bonus episodes on Patreon. And you can get newsletters in Japanese. If you like this podcast, be sure to subscribe it. Patreon: Instagram:
3/24/20217 minutes, 32 seconds
Episode Artwork

How to read Japanese faster 日本語をはやく読む方法

Patreonではスクリプトをよむことができます。またボーナスエピソードやニュースレターもあります。You can check scripts and bonus episodes on Patreon. And you can get newsletters in Japanese. If you like this podcast, be sure to subscribe it. Patreon: Instagram:
3/19/20218 minutes, 26 seconds
Episode Artwork

How to increase Japanese time 日本語の時間をふやす方法

Patreonではスクリプトをよむことができます。またボーナスエピソードやニュースレターもあります。You can check scripts and bonus episodes on Patreon. And you can get newsletters in Japanese. If you like this podcast, be sure to subscribe it. Patreon: Instagram: 
3/13/202112 minutes, 8 seconds
Episode Artwork

Why prohibition doesn’t work なぜ禁止(きんし)は上手くいかないか

Patreonではスクリプトをよむことができます。またボーナスエピソードやニュースレターもあります。You can check scripts and bonus episodes on Patreon. And you can get newsletters in Japanese. If you like this podcast, be sure to subscribe it. Patreon: Instagram:
3/9/202110 minutes, 1 second
Episode Artwork

Do not translate pronunciation 発音をほんやくしない

Patreonではスクリプトをよむことができます。またボーナスエピソードやニュースレターもあります。You can check scripts and bonus episodes on Patreon. And you can get newsletters in Japanese. If you like this podcast, be sure to subscribe it.
3/3/202111 minutes, 4 seconds
Episode Artwork

Today makes tomorrow 今日が明日を作る

Patreonではスクリプトをよむことができます。またボーナスエピソードやニュースレターもあります。You can check scripts and bonus episodes on Patreon. And you can get newsletters in Japanese. If you like this podcast, be sure to subscribe it.
2/27/20219 minutes, 49 seconds
Episode Artwork

It is not all or nothing 0か100かじゃない

Patreonではスクリプトをよむことができます。またボーナスエピソードやニュースレターもあります。You can check scripts and bonus episodes on Patreon. And you can get newsletters in Japanese. If you like this podcast, be sure to subscribe it.
2/24/20219 minutes, 8 seconds
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How to listen colloquial Japanese 口語的(こうごてき)な日本語のリスニングについて

Patreonではスクリプトをよむことができます。またボーナスエピソードやニュースレターもあります。You can check this script and bonus episodes on Patreon. And you can get newsletters in Japanese.
2/22/20218 minutes, 55 seconds
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What is your language trigger? あなたの言語のトリガーはなに?

Patreonではスクリプトをよむことができます。またボーナスエピソードやニュースレターもあります。You can check this script and bonus episodes on Patreon. And you can get newsletters in Japanese.
2/12/20218 minutes, 40 seconds
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Don’t be afraid of making mistakes まちがえてもいい

Patreonではスクリプトをよむことができます。またボーナスエピソードやニュースレターもあります。You can check this script and bonus episodes on Patreon. And you can get newsletters in Japanese.
2/1/202110 minutes, 10 seconds
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Important expressions for reading Manga マンガを読むために大切な表現

Patreonではスクリプトをよむことができます。またボーナスエピソードやニュースレターもあります。You can check this script and bonus episodes on Patreon. And you can get newsletters in Japanese.
1/27/20218 minutes, 43 seconds
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Positive ticket ポジティブチケット

Patreonではスクリプトをよむことができます。またボーナスエピソードやニュースレターもあります。You can check this script and bonus episodes on Patreon. And you can get newsletters in Japanese.
1/18/202111 minutes, 23 seconds
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Habit chain helps you to make a new habit 習慣(しゅうかん)の鎖(くさり)はあなたを助ける

Patreonではスクリプトをよむことができます。またボーナスエピソードやニュースレターもあります。You can check this script and bonus episodes on Patreon. And you can get news letters in Japanese.
1/8/20219 minutes, 37 seconds
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Everyone has a different pronunciation problem みんなちがう発音の問題がある

Patreonではこのエピソードのスクリプトと、ボーナスエピソードを聞くことができます。ニュースレターもあります。You can check this script and bonus episodes on Patreon. And you can get news letters in Japanese.
12/31/202010 minutes, 19 seconds
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3 input barriers インプットをじゃまする3つのバリアー

Patreonではこのエピソードのスクリプトと、ボーナスエピソードを聞くことができます。ニュースレターもあります。You can check this script and bonus episodes on Patreon. And you can get news letters in Japanese.
12/22/20209 minutes, 8 seconds
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Even bad man thinks himself a good man 悪い人でも自分を良い人だと思っている

Patreonではこのエピソードのスクリプトと、ボーナスエピソードを聞くことができます。ニュースレターもあります。You can check this script and bonus episodes on Patreon. And you can get news letters in Japanese. 
12/15/20207 minutes, 57 seconds
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Speaking is the result of input 話すことはインプットの結果

Patreonではこのエピソードのスクリプトと、ボーナスエピソードを聞くことができます。ニュースレターもあります。You can check this script and bonus episodes on Patreon. And you can get news letters in Japanese.
12/8/20209 minutes, 51 seconds
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Japanese children learn Kanji by books and manga 子供は本とマンガで漢字を学ぶ

Patreonではこのエピソードのスクリプトと、ボーナスエピソードを聞くことができます。You can check this script and bonus episodes on Patreon. 
11/24/20208 minutes, 25 seconds
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Nature makes you relaxed more than massage 自然はマッサージよりもリラックスさせる

Patreonではこのエピソードのスクリプトと、ボーナスエピソードを聞くことができます。You can check this script and bonus episodes on Patreon.
11/17/20208 minutes, 10 seconds
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How to tell your story in Japanese ストーリーの話し方

Patreonではこのエピソードのスクリプトと、ボーナスエピソードを聞くことができます。You can check this script and bonus episodes on Patreon.
11/10/20206 minutes, 55 seconds
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Native speakers aren't necessarily correct ネイティブはいつも正しいわけじゃない

Patreonではこのエピソードのスクリプトと、ボーナスエピソードを聞くことができます。You can check this script and bonus episodes on Patreon.
11/3/20207 minutes, 34 seconds
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When you are not motivated, stand up モチベーションがないときは立ちましょう

Patreonではこのエピソードのスクリプトと、ボーナスエピソードを聞くことができます。You can check this script and bonus episodes on Patreon.
10/27/20207 minutes, 52 seconds
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Why the best education country doesn't do homework なぜフィンランドの生徒は宿題をしないか

Patreonではこのエピソードのスクリプトと、ボーナスエピソードを聞くことができます。You can check this script and bonus episodes on Patreon.
10/19/20207 minutes, 59 seconds
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Reading speed in a foreign language 外国語で読むスピード

Patreonではこのエピソードのスクリプトと、ボーナスエピソードを見ることができます。You can check this script and bonus episodes on Patreon.
10/12/20208 minutes, 14 seconds
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Why violence has declined なぜ暴力(ぼうりょく)は減ったのか

Patreonではこのエピソードのスクリプトと、ボーナスエピソードを見ることができます。You can check this script and bonus episodes on Patreon.
10/9/20209 minutes
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Do you need to study grammar? 文法の勉強は必要ですか?

ボーナスエピソード: かんたんな物語を読む大切さ
10/6/20209 minutes, 21 seconds
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Japanese can't understand dialect 日本人は方言がわからない

スクリプト:  [Bonus] How 13 year-old Japanese girl learned English 13歳の女の子が英語を学んだ方法
9/29/20207 minutes, 8 seconds
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Why kindness makes you healthier 親切にすると健康になる

スクリプト: ボーナスエピソード: How bilingual baby responses to language? バイリンガルの赤ちゃんの反応
9/21/20207 minutes, 15 seconds
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How to increase your memory without study 勉強せずに記憶力(きおくりょく)を上げる方法

スクリプト: Patreonでは、もっと多くのエピソードを聞くことができます。
9/14/20207 minutes, 49 seconds
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Manly and womanly speech 男らしい、女らしい話し方

スクリプト: ボーナスエピソード: 日本人が会話で使わない表現
9/8/20209 minutes, 11 seconds
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How to deal nervousness 緊張(きんちょう)の扱(あつか)い方

スクリプト: ボーナスエピソード: How Japanese think about money 日本人はお金をどう考えるか
8/24/20207 minutes, 52 seconds
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We can't speak well without practice 練習なしでは上手く話せない

8/18/20208 minutes, 24 seconds
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Japanese grammar is flexible 日本語の文法は自由

スクリプト : ボーナスエピソード: Why Japanese can speak without subject なぜ日本語は主語なしで話すことができるか
7/27/20206 minutes, 50 seconds
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Japanese is not a flat language 日本語はフラットじゃない

スクリプト: ボーナスエピソード:専門家は予測が上手くない
7/7/20207 minutes, 19 seconds
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Good friends and bad friends いい友達、わるい友達

6/9/20207 minutes, 20 seconds
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1% Improvement for perfectionism 完璧主義(かんぺきしゅぎ)のための1%の改善(かいぜん)

5/26/20206 minutes, 43 seconds