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Tæknilega séð - Origo hlaðvarpið

Icelandic, Finance, 1 season, 15 episodes, 10 hours, 11 minutes
Í átt að stafrænum heimi og aukinni gervigreind! Breytingin yfir í hinn stafrænan heim hefur bæði í för með sér mýmörg tækifæri fyrir Ísland. Tækifærin snúa að möguleikanum að geta kynnt tæknilega nýsköpun. Markmiðið með þessu vefvarpi er sýna fram á hvernig stafrænar lausnir geta geta eflt íslensk fyrirtæki og samfélagið í heild sinni. Alex Moyle, höfundur bókarinnar „Business Development Culture" er stjórnandi vefvarpsins Tæknilega séð. Alex hefur verið viðriðinn sölu alla ævi og unnið með sölufólki í þúsundatali. Hann starfaði í mörg ár við ráðningar og stýrði allt að 40 manna ráðningarteymum með veltu upp á 10 milljónir punda.
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Hackers for hire

Hvernig er hægt að loka stórum instagram reikningum áhrifavalda? Theódór R. Gíslason CTO og einn af stofnendum öryggisfyrirtækisins Syndis kemur í hlaðvarpið og ræðir um allt milli himins og jarðar er varðar öryggi á samfélagsmiðlum, hvernig hugsa á um persónulegt öryggi á netinu, ethical hacking, almennar ábendingar um tölvuöryggi en einnig um persónulegt öryggismat einstaklingsins. 
7/16/202133 minutes, 27 seconds
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Datalab: Framtíðin er gagnadrifin

Hvernig er hægt að nýta gervigreind til þess að auka þjónustuupplifun viðskiptavina, draga úr óvissu í rekstri, auka tekjur og minnka sóun með gervigreind?Við fengum til okkar Brynjólf Borgar Jónsson stofnanda Datalab til þess að spjalla á léttu nótunum um þau gríðarmörgu tækifæri sem felast í gagnadrifinni gervigreind fyrir fyrirtæki. Hvernig er hægt að búa til sérsniðna upplifun á íslensku, hvaða fyrirtæki úti í heim draga vagninn í gervigreindarlausnum og hver verður þróunin hér á landi næstu fimm árin?Þessum spurningum og mörgum fleiri mun Brynjólfur svara í afar fróðlegu spjalli.
6/22/20211 hour, 12 minutes, 58 seconds
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Verður 2021 ár tölvuárása?

Tölvuþrjótum eykst sífellt ásmegin enda er eftir miklu að slægjast fyrir óprúttna aðila, sem herja bæði á fyrirtæki, stofnanir og ríki. Talið er að tölvuþrjótar velti nærri 2 trilljónum Bandaríkjadala ár hvert og sú upphæð fer vaxandi, ef marka má stafræn notkun fyrirtækja og einstaklinga kallar á nýja nálgun í öryggislausnum. Til þess að ræða þróunina og hvers megi vænta höfum fengið til liðs við okkur Charlie McMurdie, einn helsta sérfræðing heims í netöryggi og aðgerðum gegn tölvuárásum.Charlie starfaði í 32 ár í lögreglunni í Bretlandi þar sem hún stofnaði og stýrði tölvudeild sem tókst á við tölvuglæpi og netárásir.Hún starfaði einnig í netöryggissveitinni fyrir Ólympíuleikana í London 2012 og var síðast yfirráðgjafi tölvubrota hjá PwC.Charlie McMurdie er leiðandi sérfræðingur á heimsvísu í upprætingu í tölvuárása. Hún mun án efa opna hug áhorfenda fyrir óþekktum heimi og hættum.#cybersecurityHafðu samband: [email protected]
5/21/202128 minutes, 25 seconds
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The Future of Retail: What now for omnichannel?

Skráðu þig á vefvarp Origo með Miya Knight 20 maí: Omnichannel Retail: Vinningsformúlan í stafrænum heimi - skráning.Auðveldaðu söluferlið með notendavænum tæknilausnum sem skila aukinni sölu - afgreiðslulausnir Origo. As more financial results are announced by retailers for 2020, it is clear to see the difference between retailers who were prepared for the digital future and those that were forced to transform from analogue to digital at speed. However 2021 is no longer about catching up, but how retailers blend the best of the physical and digital delivery models to deliver a seamless customer experience. This is why we have asked Miya Knights to be the latest guest on the podcast and on the 20th of May host a webinar for the Icelandic Retailers.  Miya has been involved with technological developments in retail for over 25 years and well known for her views shared in her two books,  Amazon – the worlds most relentless retailer and Omnichannel Retail – how to build winning stores.  We are also joined by Sigurjón Hjaltason from our retail team. He has worked in the IT industry for more than two decades. His passion is helping his clients realize their strategic goals by making the most of people, process and technology.  Hafir þú áhuga á að vera gestur, veist um áhugavert málefni eða ert með ábendingu sendu póst á okkur - [email protected] 
5/4/20211 hour, 2 minutes, 52 seconds
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Digital Darwinsim – Beyond Survival

Darwinism in business has always been about survival of the fittest.  Great companies thrive, poor companies die.  Yet the last 12 months has felt like survival of the luckiest than the fittest.   Companies in sectors unaffected by covid thrive,   those in travel, tourism, and hospitality are on life support.  In this episode we interview Tom Goodwin, author of Digital Darwinism.   Tom believes that Covid-19 has only accelerated the need for businesses to digitize, and evolve to meet the needs of digitally native consumers.  In this episode discuss the following questions:   Why the effects of Covid-19 on businesses were predictable  What changes to working practices will remain once the pandemic passes  How companies are showing more empathy towards their customers to succeed  Why the best feedback from customers cannot always be measured  Closing Notes Before you go we need your help,  whilst we will be bringing ideas and stories from around the world we want to share stories of Icelandic innovation.  If you feel you or your organisation has an idea they would like to share please contact us.  We would love to have you as a guest on an upcoming podcast.    Please email [email protected] if you are interested in being a guest.
3/29/202135 minutes, 21 seconds
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Tempo: From Double Data Entry to Global Expansion

If there is one thing developers hate it is double data entry.  So when in 2006 one of Origo's development teams was frustrated with the way time was tracked they were allowed to build a small app to smooth out the process. 14 years later this side project has grown into a company called Tempo, it was acquired by Diversis Capital in 2018, has over 20,000 customers, is an award winning developer in the Atlassian ecosystem, located in 3 countries and recently voted one of the top 10 companies to work for in Iceland. In this podcast we interview Art Zaratsyan VP of Technology and Olof Kristjandottir Marketing Director.  We talk about Tempo’s origin story, engaging teams in a pandemic and how to manage a team you have never met face to face. In this episode discuss the following questions: -          How a data entry issue started Tempo on its growth journey-          How has the pandemic changed how Tempo works internally-          How to manage a Slack chat that is becoming negative-          How to engage a new team you have never met. Closing Notes-          Before you go we need your help, whilst we will be bringing ideas and stories from around the world we want to share stories of Icelandic innovation. If you feel you or your organisation has an idea they would like to share please contact us. We would love to have you as a guest on an upcoming podcast. Please email [email protected] if you are interested in being a guest. 
2/5/202134 minutes, 39 seconds
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Data Driven Culture with Óli Páll Geirsson

A common misconception about Governments is that they are inefficient in spending the taxes they receive from citizens.  For citizens this is frustrating. These frustrations are compounded by the knowledge that Governments are not early adopters of technological solutions that can both improve services and save money.  Which is why we were super excited to interview Óli Páll Geirsson the first Chief Data Officer at the City of Reyjavik.  Óli is on a mission to help Reykjavik City use data to improve the service it delivers to the citizens of Reykjavik.  In this episode we discuss  How to get stakeholder buy-in for data driven projects  How to overcome internal resistance to change  Whether Cloud or On-premise solutions are best when building your tech stack  The ethics and future of AI in government 
1/18/202142 minutes, 26 seconds
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12 Days of a Cyber Secure Christmas by Origo

2020 has seen the worlds largest ever digital transformation program. Our work, personal, educational and fitness lives have moved online.  Yet for all the excitement of living a digital life, millions of individuals and companies have not transformed their approach to online security and safety. Where in the physical world we have different keys for different locks, yet online the majority of people have one key (password) and companies leave the doors and windows to their shops ajar for customers and thieves alike.   In this episode of the technically speaking podcast we take a lighthearted look at the serious topic of cyber security. My guest is Francis West a UK based cyber security expert. Francis is on a mission to educate 1 million people to lead safer lives by 2023. 
12/21/202040 minutes, 3 seconds
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Karantis360 - Helping the aging population live at home for longer

Show Notes Every country in the world is striving to look after their aging populations whilst maintaining the affordability of their health systems. Iceland is not alone in this challenge, between 2010 and 2020 the population of people over 80 in Iceland has increased by more than 2000 to 12,600. Further more the population aged between 60 and 79 has increased by 16700 to 60,300. This has happened whilst the population between the ages of 0 and 20 has remained static (  In addition Covid-19 accelerated the need for governments to look for ways to care for their elderly populations outside of the acute healthcare system where catching Covid-19 could be fatal.    In this episode we interview Helen Dempster Founder of Karantis360 and Andrew Carr Chief Commercial Officer. Karantis360 is a healthcare technology platform that helps support people living longer in their own homes and integrates clinical and social care using AI and IoT.    Closing Notes  Before you go we need your help, while we will be bringing ideas and stories from around the world we want to share stories of Icelandic innovation. If you feel you or your organisation has an idea they would like to share please contact us. We would love to have you as a guest on an upcoming podcast. Please email [email protected] if you are interested in being a guest on the podcast.
11/27/202040 minutes, 38 seconds
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10 days to a COVID-19 digital test and trace solution from scratch to deployment

Only people within the IT industry can truly understand why it takes so long to develop software and IT systems that look super simple from the outside. This is why many seemingly simple software development requests are greeted with a sharp intake of breath from the IT department.  So imagine the response when Guðjón Vilhjálmsson Origo’s heathcare practice lead got a call from the Health Ministry asking Origo to develop a test and trace system that would allow Iceland to open the boarders in 10 days. In this podcast Guðjón shares his experiences of scoping, building, testing and rolling out a nationwide test and trace system in 10 days.  Key topics we discuss are:    Outline of the project & project priorities.  How did you choose your tech stack?  How did you manage the project schedule when different stages were working simultaneously.   What challenges did you have rolling out the software to the users?  How did you ensure the systems were secure from external threats  Closing Notes Before you go we need your help, whilst we will be bringing ideas and stories from around the world we want to share stories of Icelandic innovation. If you feel you or your organisation has an idea they would like to share please contact us. We would love to have you as a guest on an upcoming podcast - please email [email protected] if you are interested.
11/16/202027 minutes, 30 seconds
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New challenges in a digital world

Síbreytilegar væntingar viðskiptavina hafa alltaf skapað óhjákvæmilega og stöðuga áskorun fyrir verslun og viðskipti. Breytingar í átt að stafrænum heimi kalla á auknar væntingar viðskiptavina og nýjar þarfir. Rithöfundurinn Steven Van Belleghem ræðir bók sína The Offer You Can’t Refuse og hvernig fyrirtæki geta nýtt nýja tækni til að mæta þessum nýju áskorunum.
10/28/202033 minutes, 58 seconds
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Why is business development more important than ever

Af hverju er mikilvægara en nokkru sinni áður að fyrirtæki leysi úr læðingi leyniherinn sinn í viðskiptaþróun? Hvernig er einfaldast að skapa tengsl við núverandi og væntanlega viðskiptavini? Hverjar eru bestu leiðirnar til að sýna núverandi eða væntanlegum viðskiptavini að þér þyki jafn vænt um þarfir hans og þínar eigin? Hvaða hlutverk þjónar samvinna í árangursríku viðskiptasambandi?
10/27/202039 minutes, 52 seconds
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How will a future in a digital world look?

Rithöfundurinn Madeline Ashby spáir í spilin og fer yfir þær miklu breytingar sem eru framundan í breyttum stafrænum heimi. Hún segir stjórnendur fyrirtækja þurfa að fara út fyrir þægindarammann og vera viðbúnir að taka þátt í framtíðarbreytingum og stuðla þannig að framförum og betri árangri sinna fyrirtækja.
10/27/202040 minutes, 51 seconds
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Living in an artificially intelligent world

Ýmsir telja að gervigreind og tölvur séu á mörkunum þess að taka yfir heiminn. Raunveruleikinn er hins vegar sá að gervigreind er að breyta vinnuferlum og auka afköst í fyrirtækjum en enn er talsvert í að gervigreind taki að fullu yfir. Í þessu vefvarpi varpar metsöluhöfundurinn Greg Orme ljósi á gervigreind og mannfólkið. Greg Orme skrifaði bókina The Human Edge sem segir frá því hvernig mannfólkið fer að því að lifa af í heimi gervigreindar.  Bókin var valin viðskitpabók ársins í Bretlandi.Greg fer yfir fjögur meginatriði í vefvarpinu.  1 Meðvitund: Að auka meðvitund með því að finna þýðingu og fókus í vinnunni. 2 Forvitni: Að auka forvitni til að læra um heiminn í kringum okkur á hverjum degi og finna spennandi verkefni og reyna að leysa þau. 3 Sköpun: Að æfa sig í skapandi hugsun til að auka líkurnar á að fá  innblástur. 4 Samvinna: Hvernig hægt er að  gera slæmar hugmyndir betri með samvinnu við góða og trausta aðila. 
10/27/202039 minutes, 42 seconds
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How to take advantage of the benefits of cloud-based applications

Af hverju ættu fyrirtæki að nýta sér skýjalausnir? Hvaða tækni þarf til að færa gögn í skýin? Hvað eiga fyrirtæki að gera til að undirbúa flutning í skýin? Hvernig eiga fyrirtæki að stækka og efla skýjalausnirnar yfir alla starfsemi þeirra? Hvaða áskoranir í öryggismálum þurfa fyrirtæki að hafa í huga þegar þau flytja í skýin? Viltu vita meira um skýjalausnir Origo?Nánar um Bernard Golden.
10/27/202038 minutes, 47 seconds