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Rota Hollanda

Turkish, Social, 2 seasons, 32 episodes, 18 hours, 13 minutes
Hollanda'dan yaptığımız bu podcast ile konuklarımızla ülkedeki gündemi değerlendirip, faydalı olabilecek bilgileri paylaşıyoruz. Görüş, öneri ve istekleriniz için [email protected] adresinden bize ulaşabilirsiniz. Welcome to our podcast recorded and published in the Netherlands. We are discussing order of the day and general topics related to country, Netherlands, with our guests. Sharing interesting stories, experiences and many things more... You can reach us for any inquiries and comments via sending email to [email protected] Hakkında / About:
Episode Artwork

8: Guest Citizen Giancarlo (from the Netherlands)

In this episode, we had an interesting person but also citizen of this country. He is a remarkable team member and an informative guy back in the office days, before corona. He explained us about education system, their family trips to Italy and what he feels about being Dutch man with roots from another country. You are invited to listen our chat with Giancarlo about his life experience, a little bit about job market, about house market, Dutch as a language.
12/30/202019 minutes, 30 seconds