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Real Lithuanian Podcast

Lithuanian, Education, 1 season, 43 episodes, 3 hours, 58 minutes
This is a podcast for everyone who is interested in learning the Lithuanian language. If you can somewhat understand Lithuanian, give it a try. The podcast is presented in casual everyday Lithuanian to give you an opportunity to practice language comprehension skill. Podcast host Šarūnas is a native Lithuanian speaker, language teacher and enthusiast. For transcripts and translations please refer to: (
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53 epizodas. Apie šiukšlių tvarkymą Lietuvoje

53-asis Real Lithuanian Podcasto epizodas. Šarūnas kalba apie šiukšlių tvarkymą Lietuvoje 53st episode of Real Lithuanian Podcast. Šarūnas speaks about waste management in LithuaniaText, translation and full episode: 20 hours of audio with English translation! 100+ short stories and podcast episodes!If you need a Lithuanian language teacher, please contact me at [email protected] or
7/16/20213 minutes, 8 seconds
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52-as epizodas. Apie Lietuvos energetiką

52-asis Real Lithuanian Podcasto epizodas. Šarūnas kalba apie Lietuvos energetiką 52st episode of Real Lithuanian Podcast. Šarūnas speaks about energy situation in LithuaniaText, translation and full episode: 20 hours of audio with English translation! 100+ short stories and podcast episodes!If you need a Lithuanian language teacher, please contact me at [email protected] or
6/29/20213 minutes, 38 seconds
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51-as epizodas. Apie kelių saugumą Lietuvoje

51-asis Real Lithuanian Podcasto epizodas. Šarūnas kalba apie kelių saugumą Lietuvoje51st episode of Real Lithuanian Podcast. Šarūnas speaks about road safety in LithuaniaText, translation and full episode: 20 hours of audio with English translation! 100+ short stories and podcast episodes!If you need a Lithuanian language teacher, please contact me at [email protected] or
6/8/20214 minutes, 53 seconds
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50 - Apie Euroviziją 2021

50-asis Real Lithuanian Podcasto epizodas. Šarūnas kalba apie Euroviziją 2021 m.50th episode of Real Lithuanian Podcast. Šarūnas speaks Eurovision 2021Text, translation and full episode: 20 hours of audio with English translation! 100+ short stories and podcast episodes!If you need a Lithuanian language teacher, please contact me at [email protected] or
5/22/202114 minutes, 2 seconds
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39 - Lietuviško humoro istorija

39-asis Real Lithuanian Podcasto epizodas. Šarūnas kalba apie lietuviško humoro istoriją39th episode of Real Lithuanian Podcast. Šarūnas speaks Lithuanian humor history. Text, translation and full episode: you need a Lithuanian language teacher, please contact me at [email protected] or
5/12/20205 minutes, 57 seconds
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38 - Moteriški šviesoforai Vilniuje

38-asis Real Lithuanian Podcasto epizodas. Šarūnas kalba apie moteriškus šviesoforo simbolius Vilniuje38th episode of Real Lithuanian Podcast. Šarūnas speaks about female traffic light symbols in Vilnius Text, translation and full episode: you need a Lithuanian language teacher, please contact me at [email protected] or
4/30/20204 minutes, 40 seconds
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37 - Maxima, didžiausias Baltijos šalių verslas

37-asis Real Lithuanian Podcasto epizodas. Šarūnas kalba apie Maximos grupę, didžiausią Baltijos šalių verslą37th episode of Real Lithuanian Podcast. Šarūnas speaks about Maxima group, the largest business in the Baltic StatesText, translation and full episode: you need a Lithuanian language teacher, please contact me at [email protected] or
3/31/20205 minutes, 32 seconds
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36 - Koronavirusas - naujasis maras?

36-asis Real Lithuanian Podcasto epizodas. Šarūnas kalba apie Korona virusą36th episode of Real Lithuanian Podcast. Šarūnas speaks about Corona virusText, translation and full episode: you need a Lithuanian language teacher, please contact me at [email protected] or
3/10/20203 minutes, 11 seconds
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35 - Vytautas Kernagis

35-asis Real Lithuanian Podcasto epizodas. Šarūnas kalba apie Vytautą Kernagį35th episode of Real Lithuanian Podcast. Šarūnas speaks about Vytautas KernagisText, translation and full episode: you need a Lithuanian language teacher, please contact me at [email protected] or
2/24/20204 minutes, 20 seconds
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34 - Ateitis ir dabartis

34-asis Real Lithuanian Podcasto epizodas. Šarūnas kalba apie dabartį ir ateitį34th episode of Real Lithuanian Podcast. Šarūnas speaks about the present and the futureText, translation and full episode: you need a Lithuanian language teacher, please contact me at [email protected] or
1/29/20203 minutes, 34 seconds
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33 - Rolandas Paksas

33-asis Real Lithuanian Podcasto epizodas. Šarūnas kalba apie nušalintą Lietuvos prezidentą Rolandą Paksą33rd episode of Real Lithuanian Podcast. Šarūnas speaks about Impeached President of Lithuania Rolandas Paksas. Text, translation and full episode: you need a Lithuanian language teacher, please contact me at [email protected] or
11/20/20192 minutes, 40 seconds
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32 - Lietuvos Žydai

32-asis Real Lithuanian Podcasto epizodas. Šarūnas kalba apie Lietuvos Žydus.32nd episode of Real Lithuanian Podcast. Šarūnas speaks about Lithuanian Jews. Text, translation and full episode: you need a Lithuanian language teacher, please contact me at [email protected] or
9/30/20195 minutes, 12 seconds
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31 - Kodėl lietuviams taip patinka vokiškos mašinos?

31-asis Real Lithuanian Podcasto epizodas. Šarūnas kalba apie automobilius Lietuvoje.31st episode of Real Lithuanian Podcast. Šarūnas speaks cars in Lithuania.Text, translation and full episode: you need a Lithuanian language teacher, please contact me at [email protected] or
9/22/20194 minutes, 25 seconds
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30 - Baltijos kelias

30-asis Real Lithuanian Podcasto epizodas. Šarūnas kalba apie Baltijos kelią.30th episode of Real Lithuanian Podcast. Šarūnas speaks The Baltic Way [Baltic Chain]Text, translation and full episode: you need a Lithuanian language teacher, please contact me at [email protected] or
8/25/201916 minutes, 31 seconds
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29 - Alvin Karpis, Lietuviškas Gangsteris JAV

29-asis Real Lithuanian Podcasto epizodas. Šarūnas kalba apie Alviną Karpį, lietuvių kilmės gangsterį JAV.29th episode of Real Lithuanian Podcast. Šarūnas speaks about Lithuanian Alvin Karpis, who became Public Enemy No. 1 in the USAText, translation and full episode: you need a Lithuanian language teacher, please contact me at [email protected] or
8/19/20194 minutes, 32 seconds
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28 - Pagonybė, Senoviniai Lietuvių Dievai

28-asis Real Lithuanian Podcasto epizodas. Šarūnas kalba apie pagonybę ir lietuviškus pagoniškus dievus.28th episode of Real Lithuanian Podcast. Šarūnas speaks about Lithuanian Pagan GodsText, translation and full episode: you need a Lithuanian language teacher, please contact me at [email protected] or
8/5/20194 minutes, 49 seconds
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27 - Tadas Blinda, Lietuviškas Robinas Hudas

27-asis Real Lithuanian Podcasto epizodas. Šarūnas kalba apie Tadą Blindą, lietuvišką Robino Hudo versiją27th episode of Real Lithuanian Podcast. Šarūnas speaks about Tadas Blinda, Lithuanian version of Robin Hood.Text and translation: you need a Lithuanian language teacher, please contact me at [email protected] or
7/22/20195 minutes, 44 seconds
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26 - Grūto parkas, vieta, kur sovietmetis vis dar egzistuoja

26-asis Real Lithuanian Podcasto epizodas. Šarūnas kalba apie Grūto parką, apie vietą, kur dar galima pamatyti Sovietų Sąjungą26th episode of Real Lithuanian Podcast. Šarūnas speaks about Grūtas park, a place where you can still see the USSR.Text and translation: you need a Lithuanian language teacher, please contact me at [email protected] or
7/8/20195 minutes, 21 seconds
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25 - Černobylis ir Ignalinos Atominė Elektrinė

25-asis Real Lithuanian Podcasto epizodas. Šarūnas kalba apie Černobylio ir Ignalinos atomines elektrines25th episode of Real Lithuanian Podcast. Šarūnas speaks about Chernobyl and Ignalina nuclear power plants.Text and translation: you need a Lithuanian language teacher, please contact me at [email protected]
7/1/20195 minutes, 36 seconds
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24 - Prezidento rinkimai 2019

24-asis Real Lithuanian Podcasto epizodas. Šarūnas kalba apie prezidento rinkimus Lietuvoje 2019 metais.24th episode of Real Lithuanian Podcast. Šarūnas speaks about Lithuanian presidential elections in 2019Text and translation: you need a Lithuanian language teacher, please contact me at [email protected]
5/24/20195 minutes, 32 seconds
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23 - Antanas Smetona

23-asis Real Lithuanian Podcasto epizodas. Šarūnas kalba apie pirmąjį Lietuvos prezidentą Antaną Smetoną.23rd episode of Real Lithuanian Podcast. Šarūnas speaks about first president of Lithuania Antanas SmetonaText and translation: you need a Lithuanian language teacher, please contact me at [email protected]
5/10/20195 minutes, 32 seconds
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22 - Žalgiris

22-asis Real Lithuanian Podcasto epizodas. Šarūnas kalba apie Žalgirį ir Žalgirio mūšį.22nd episode of Real Lithuanian Podcast. Šarūnas speaks about Žalgiris and The Battle of GrunwaldText and translation: you need a Lithuanian language teacher, please contact me at [email protected]
3/29/20195 minutes, 32 seconds
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21 - 2019

21-asis Real Lithuanian Podcasto epizodas. Šarūnas kalba apie 2018 metus Lietuvoje.21st episode of Real Lithuanian Podcast. Šarūnas speaks about 2018 in Lithuania.Text and translation: you need a Lithuanian language teacher, please contact me at [email protected]
12/30/20185 minutes, 22 seconds
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20 - Partizanai

20-asis Real Lithuanian Podcasto epizodas. Šarūnas kalba apie pokario partizanus Lietuvoje.20th episode of Real Lithuanian Podcast. Šarūnas speaks about post-war freedom fighters in Lithuania.Text and translation: you need a Lithuanian language teacher, please contact me at [email protected]
11/26/20185 minutes, 15 seconds
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19 - M. K. Čiurlionis

19-asis Real Lithuanian podcasto epizodas. Šarūnas kalba apie žymiausią Lietuvos menininką M. K. Čiurlionį. Fono muzika M. K. Čiurlionis - Miške19th episode of Real Lithuanian Podcast. Šarūnas speaks about most famous Lithuanian artist M. K. Čiurlionis. Soundtrack M. K. Čiurlionis - In the Forest Text and translation: you need a Lithuanian language teacher, please contact me at [email protected]
7/23/20185 minutes, 19 seconds
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18 - Kaunas

18-asis Real Lithuanian podcasto epizodas. Šarūnas kalba apie Kauną18th episode of Real Lithuanian Podcast. Šarūnas speaks about Kaunas.Text and translation: you need a Lithuanian language teacher, please contact me at [email protected]
7/15/20185 minutes, 7 seconds
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17 - Apsipirkimas

17-asis Real Lithuanian podcasto epizodas. Šarūnas kalba apie apsipirkimą Lietuvoje.17th episode of Real Lithuanian Podcast. Šarūnas speaks about shopping in Lithuania.Text and translation: you need a Lithuanian language teacher, please contact me at [email protected]
6/4/20185 minutes, 7 seconds
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16 - Velykos

16-asis Real Lithuanian podcasto epizodas. Šarūnas kalba apie Velykas Lietuvoje.16th episode of Real Lithuanian Podcast. Šarūnas speaks about Easter in Lithuania.Text and translation: you need a Lithuanian language teacher, please contact me at [email protected]
3/31/20185 minutes, 7 seconds
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15 - Kodėl Krepšinis Lietuvoje toks populiarus?

15-asis Real Lithuanian podcasto epizodas. Šarūnas kalba apie krepšinį ir tai, kodėl jis Lietuvoje toks populiarus15th episode of Real Lithuanian Podcast. Šarūnas speaks about basketball and why it is so popular in LithuaniaText and translation: you need a Lithuanian language teacher, please contact me at [email protected]
2/10/20185 minutes, 5 seconds
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14 - Naujų metų pasižadėjimai

14-asis Real Lithuanian podcasto epizodas. Šarūnas kalba apie naujų metų pažadus14th episode of Real Lithuanian Podcast. Šarūnas speaks about New Year resolutionsText and translation: you need a Lithuanian language teacher, please contact me at [email protected]
1/12/20185 minutes, 3 seconds
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13 - Kalėdos

13-asis Real Lithuanian podcasto epizodas. Šarūnas kalba apie Kūčias ir Kalėdas13th episode of Real Lithuanian Podcast. Šarūnas speaks about Christmas Eve and Christmas in LithuaniaText and translation: you need a Lithuanian language teacher, please contact me at [email protected]
12/24/20175 minutes, 9 seconds
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12 - Dalia Grybauskaitė

12-asis Real Lithuanian podcasto epizodas. Šarūnas kalba apie Lietuvos prezidentę Dalią Grybauskaitę12th episode of Real Lithuanian Podcast. Šarūnas speaks about Lithuanian President Dalia GrybauskaitėText and translation: you need a Lithuanian language teacher, please contact me at [email protected] credits: Wikipedia Commons
11/17/20175 minutes, 16 seconds
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11 - Prietarai

11-asis Real Lithuanian podcasto epizodas. Šarūnas kalba apie prietarus Lietuvoje.11th episode of Real Lithuanian Podcast. Šarūnas speaks about superstition in Lithuania.Text and translation: you need a Lithuanian language teacher, please contact me at [email protected]
11/8/20175 minutes, 44 seconds
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Dešimtas epizodas - SAVANORIAVIMAS

Dešimtasis Real Lithuanian podcasto epizodas. Šarūnas kalba apie savanoriavimą Lietuvoje.Tenth episode of Real Lithuanian Podcast. Šarūnas speaks about volunteering in Lithuania.Text and translation: you need a Lithuanian language teacher, please contact me at [email protected]
10/22/20175 minutes, 36 seconds
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Devintas epizodas - DARIUS IR GIRĖNAS

Devintasis Real Lithuanian podcasto epizodas. Šarūnas kalba apie pilotus Darių ir Girėną.Ninth episode of Real Lithuanian Podcast. Šarūnas speaks about pilots Darius and Girėnas.Text and translation: you need a Lithuanian language teacher, please contact me at [email protected]
10/1/20175 minutes, 37 seconds
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Aštuntas epizodas - NAMINIAI GYVŪNAI

Aštuntasis Real Lithuanian podcasto epizodas. Šarūnas kalba apie naminius gyvūnus.Eighth episode of Real Lithuanian Podcast. Šarūnas speaks about pets.Text and translation: you need a Lithuanian language teacher, please contact me at [email protected]
9/17/20174 minutes, 37 seconds
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Septintas epizodas - MOKSLAS

Septintasis Real Lithuanian podcasto epizodas. Šarūnas kalba apie mokyklas ir švietimo sistemą Lietuvoje.Seventh episode of Real Lithuanian Podcast. Šarūnas speaks about schools and education system in Lithuania.Text and translation: you need a Lithuanian language teacher, please contact me at [email protected]
9/3/20175 minutes, 38 seconds
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Šeštas epizodas - PAJŪRIS

Šeštasis Real Lithuanian podcasto epizodas. Šarūnas kalba apie Lietuvos pajūrį.Sixth episode of Real Lithuanian Podcast. Šarūnas speaks about Lithuania's seaside.Text and translation: you need a Lithuanian language teacher, please contact me at [email protected]
8/27/20175 minutes, 38 seconds
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Penktas epizodas - MINDAUGAS

Penktasis Real Lithuanian podcasto epizodas. Šarūnas kalba apie karalių MindaugąFifth episode of Real Lithuanian Podcast. Šarūnas speaks about King MindaugasText and translation: you need a Lithuanian language teacher, please contact me at [email protected]
8/20/20175 minutes, 48 seconds
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Ketvirtas epizodas - MAISTAS

Ketvirtasis Real Lithuanian podcasto epizodas. Šarūnas kalba apie maistą ir ką lietuviai mėgsta valgyti.Fourth episode of Real Lithuanian Podcast. Šarūnas speaks about food and what Lithuanians like to eat.Text and translation: you need a Lithuanian language teacher, please contact me at [email protected]
8/13/20175 minutes, 48 seconds
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Trečias epizodas - KELIAVIMAS

Trečiasis Real Lithuanian podcasto epizodas. Šarūnas kalba apie keliavimą ir kaip žmonės Lietuvoje mėgsta keliauti.Third episode of Real Lithuanian Podcast. Šarūnas speaks about traveling and how people in Lithuania like to travel.Text and translation: you need a Lithuanian language teacher, please contact me at [email protected]
8/6/20175 minutes, 47 seconds
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Antras epizodas - STOVYKLAVIMAS

Antrasis Real Lithuanian podcasto epizodas. Šarūnas kalba apie stovyklavimą ir ką žmonės Lietuvoje mėgsta veikti vasarą.Second episode of Real Lithuanian Podcast. Šarūnas speaks about camping and what people like to do in summer.Text and translation: you need a Lithuanian language teacher, please contact me at [email protected]
7/30/20175 minutes, 51 seconds
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Pirmas epizodas - INTRO

Pirmasis Real Lithuanian podcasto epizodas. Šarūnas kalba apie Vilnių ir Televizijos bokštą.First episode of Real Lithuanian Podcast. Šarūnas speaks about Vilnius and TV tower.Text and translation: you need a Lithuanian language teacher, please contact me at [email protected]
7/23/20175 minutes, 54 seconds