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Chinese, Daily News, 1 season, 1068 episodes, 3 days, 14 hours, 1 minute
英语新闻 磨耳朵必备! 时事热点 来自上海外语频道SHANGHAILIVE ICS新媒体矩阵: 抖音:上海外语频道ICS 丨 打卡最HOT英语新闻 视频号:上海外语频道ICS 丨 全新上线 磨耳朵随时随地 微信公众号:上海外语频道丨ICStudy 大本营 官方剧透平台
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Why does China need to prevent 'involute' vicious competition?

'Involution' and  'vicious competition'  have been cited by the Chinese Government for the first time as threat to the country's high tech and new energy export sectors. What does this mean? And why should we care?Timothy Pope has been a journalist for more than 15 years, and has spent the last decade in China's financial capital, Shanghai. In that time he's been a business reporter and anchor for International Channel Shanghai (ICS) and is now Financal Correspondent for SMG International and CGTN.During that time he's covered the major stories which have shaped the Chinese economy and business landscape. He's interviewed local and global business leaders, regulators, officials and analysts to try and explain how these complex issues affect us all.Tim has interests beyond the stock markets and the latest GDP data. He's an avid walker, hiker, sportsman and video gamer, and a keen reader of history and science fiction. 
8/30/20246 minutes, 48 seconds
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Tim explores how the world's been discussing the issue of China's electric vehicle dominance. How fair is the reporting, and what does the data tell us about how effective the EU's tariffs will be? The EU move seems less driven by ideology, while the US tariffs seem designed to send a specific signal, one that doesn't have much to do with preventing catastrophic climate change, or even protecting industry.Timothy Pope has been a journalist for more than 15 years, and has spent the last decade in China's financial capital, Shanghai. In that time he's been a business reporter and anchor for International Channel Shanghai (ICS) and is now Financal Correspondent for SMG International and CGTN.During that time he's covered the major stories which have shaped the Chinese economy and business landscape. He's interviewed local and global business leaders, regulators, officials and analysts to try and explain how these complex issues affect us all.Tim has interests beyond the stock markets and the latest GDP data. He's an avid walker, hiker, sportsman and video gamer, and a keen reader of history and science fiction. 
8/5/20245 minutes, 53 seconds
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imothy Pope explores how the world sees and talks about China. This time we look at an insightful new podcast called Face-Off: The U.S. vs China.Timothy Pope has been a journalist for more than 15 years, and has spent the last decade in China's financial capital, Shanghai. In that time he's been a business reporter and anchor for International Channel Shanghai (ICS) and is now Financal Correspondent for SMG International and CGTN.During that time he's covered the major stories which have shaped the Chinese economy and business landscape. He's interviewed local and global business leaders, regulators, officials and analysts to try and explain how these complex issues affect us all.Tim has interests beyond the stock markets and the latest GDP data. He's an avid walker, hiker, sportsman and video gamer, and a keen reader of history and science fiction. 
6/17/20249 minutes, 7 seconds
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01/17 TOP NEWS|李强在达沃斯世界经济论坛发表特别致辞

NEWS ON 01/17CHINESE PREMIER LI QIANG TALKS ECONOMY AND AI AT DAVOS 2024李强在达沃斯世界经济论坛发表特别致辞-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦------------CHINESE PREMIER LI QIANG TALKS ECONOMY AND AI AT DAVOS 2024李强在达沃斯世界经济论坛发表特别致辞Hi - I'm Tim Pope. This is China Buzzwords. Continuing our look at the 2024 World Economic Forum in Davos - which attracts the rich and powerful from around the world.嗨,我是蒂姆·波普。这里是中国流行语。继续和我们一起关注2024年达沃斯世界经济论坛,该论坛吸引了来自世界各地的有钱有势的人。China's Premier Li Qiang is there this year leading a pretty big delegation. He's the most high profile Chinese leader to visit the WEF since President Xi Jinping went in 2017. And a lot of people are keen to talk to and hear from Li Qiang this year because China's economic recovery is on the ropes, and also because China is seen as key to helping facilitate an end to the current major conflicts.中国总理李强今年率领了庞大的代表团出席了会议。今年,很多人都渴望与李强交谈并听取他的意见,因为中国的经济复苏面临挑战,也因为中国被视为帮助结束当前重大冲突的关键。In his speech to the forum today, Li touched on the Chinese economy, saying GDP growth for 2023 is expected to be 5.2 percent -- a little above the government's target. And he got a little poetic.在今天的论坛演讲中,李强谈到了中国经济,他说2023年的国内生产总值增长率预计为5.2%,略高于政府的目标。他有些诗意。Li Qiang, Chinese Premier 中国总理李强A European friend once told me that to appreciate the grandeur of the Alps, one must broaden their perspective and look into the distance. Similarly, understanding the Chinese economy requires a panoramic view and in-depth observation. Only by opening up a comprehensive perspective can one achieve objectivity, comprehend the entirety and the overall picture, and truly understand the current state and long-term trends of the Chinese economy.阿尔卑斯山群峰巍峨,连绵不绝。有欧洲朋友告诉我,想要领略阿尔卑斯山雄浑壮阔之美,一定要把视野放宽、把目光投远一些。看待中国经济也同样如此,只有打开视野的纵深,进行全景式观察,才能做到客观和全面,看到整体和全貌,真正了解中国经济的当下之形与长远之势。China's also going to be key to determining global attitudes to AI governance. Making sure AI is a force for good. Li said the technology should not be used to contain countries; and that it's important to make sure it's being used ethically. 中国也将成为决定全球对人工智能治理态度的关键。确保人工智能是一股向善的力量。李强说,这项技术不应该被用来遏制国家;确保它被合乎道德地使用是很重要的。Li Qiang, Chinese Premier 中国总理李强The World AI Conference has set up two expert committees, one is focusing on the strategic planning, and the other is for AI ethics, which means that on the one hand, it is important to focus on development, and on the other hand, it is important to focus on governance, and it is necessary to use it well, but also to manage it well.世界人工智能大会还成立了两个专家委员会,一个是战略规划专家委员会,另外一个就是人工智能伦理专家委员会,也就是说一边抓发展,另外一边就是要抓治理,既要用好它,更要管好它。And Li issued an open invitation to the Davos participants to come to Shanghai's World AI Conference in July, to see how China does things.李强还向达沃斯论坛的与会者发出公开邀请,邀请他们参加7月在上海举行的世界人工智能大会,看看中国在做些什么。And the stakes for getting AI governance right are high. The International Monetary Fund released a report on Tuesday - timed to coincide with Davos. It concludes that 40 percent of jobs around the world will be impacted by AI ... in some cases jobs will change, but some jobs will be entirely replaced. Emerging markets low-income economies meanwhile, will struggle to reap the benefits of the new technology, potentially widening the global equality gap.人工智能治理的正确性事关重大。国际货币基金组织周二发布了一份报告,时间恰逢达沃斯。它得出的结论是,全球40%的工作岗位将受到人工智能的影响。在某些情况下,工作岗位会发生变化,但有些工作岗位会被完全取代。与此同时,新兴市场作为低收入经济体,将难以从新技术中获益,这可能会扩大全球平等差距。We'll be continuing our coverage of the World Economic Forum for the rest of the week. My colleagues in Davos have got some great interviews and perspectives on the ground in snowy Switzerland - so make sure you check those out too. See you next time.本周,我们将继续报道世界经济论坛。参与达沃斯的同事们在白雪皑皑的瑞士也有很棒的采访和观点,请一定要看看。下次见。#热词加油站Buzzword 流行语Delegation 代表团Ethic 伦理Coverage 报道订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大师访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
1/18/20243 minutes, 10 seconds
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01/15 TOP NEWS|习近平主席在达沃斯论坛的演讲和致辞深刻启迪世界

NEWS ON 01/15DAVOS: China's Premier to deliver aspecial address as world leaders and big business seek to rebuild trust破解时代之问 引领发展之路——习近平主席在达沃斯论坛的演讲和致辞深刻启迪世界-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------DAVOS: China's Premier to deliver aspecial address as world leaders and big business seek to rebuild trust破解时代之问 引领发展之路——习近平主席在达沃斯论坛的演讲和致辞深刻启迪世界Hi andwelcome to another China Buzzwords - I'm Timothy Pope.嗨,欢迎收看China Buzzwords,我是Timothy PopeThe 54thWorld Economic Forum is getting under way in the luxurious Swiss ski resort ofDavos. And we're going to bring you a couple of videos this week examining thisannual event.第 54 届世界经济论坛正在瑞士滑雪胜地达沃斯举行。本周,我们将为您带来几段视频,探讨这一年度盛事。The themeof this year's WEF is 'Rebuilding Trust'. It's an interesting theme since manyof those attending are the ones whose trust rating among ordinary people hasplunged so sharply in recent years. Trust in leaders who have presided overslowing global growth. Trust in billionaires perceived as exploiting andexpanding global inequality. Trust that both these groups can work together tomake the future better for everyone.今年世界经济论坛的主题是 "重建信任"。这是个有趣的主题,因为许多与会者都是近年来在民众中信任度急剧下降的人,那些导致全球经济增长放缓的领导人的信任,被认为利用和扩大全球不平等的亿万富翁的信任。相信他们能够携手合作,为每个人创造更美好的未来。Buildingthat kind of trust is a tall order.建立这种信任是一项艰巨的任务。Securingeconomic growth has always been one of the WEF's aims, but it says it'slaunching a campaign to balance growth with social and environmental prioritiestoo. One of the forum's recent studies of 107 global economies found that mostof them are not growing in socially inclusive or environmentally sustainableways. It's also identified misinformation and disinformation【虚假信息】as the most severe global risk in the shortterm as it's been the most significant factor in the erosion of public trust.确保经济增长一直是世界经济论坛的目标之一,不过该论坛也表示,它正在发起一场运动,以平衡经济增长与社会和环境优先事项之间的关系。世界经济论坛最近对全球107个经济体进行的一项研究发现,大多数经济体并没有以社会包容或环境可持续的方式实现增长。该论坛还将错误信息和虚假信息确定为短期内最严重的全球风险,因为这是导致公众信任度下降的最重要因素。The WEF-- the people at the top of global society -- seems to be acknowledging thatthey need to rebuild the public's trust that they're still a force willing andcapable of making the world a better place.世界经济论坛--全球社会的顶尖人士--似乎承认,他们需要重建公众对他们的信任,相信他们仍然是愿意并有能力让世界变得更美好的力量。Anotherthing that's going to be up for plenty of discussion is economic and monetarypolicy. Financial markets remain completely obsessed with interest rates, andwhen major central banks like the US Fed and the ECB might start to bring themdown. Many consider this a key step towards shifting back to global growth.另一个将引起广泛讨论的问题是经济和货币政策。金融市场仍然完全沉迷于利率,以及美国联邦储备委员会和欧洲央行等主要央行何时可能开始降低利率,许多人认为这是转向全球增长的关键一步。Therewill also be sideline meetings trying to deal with issues ranging from the conflicts in Gazaand Ukraine. With high-level delegations【代表团】 from China, the United States, Ukraine, Israel and several MiddleEastern countries, discussions on these wars are going to loom large over thewhole forum.此外,还将举行会外会议,试图解决加沙和乌克兰冲突等问题。来自中国、美国、乌克兰、以色列和几个中东国家的高级代表团将出席会议,有关这些战争的讨论将成为整个论坛的重中之重。But noteverything that happens at Davos is high-minded and idealistic. There are fancydinners and lavish【奢华的】parties that most people can't getinto. And a lot of people are there to make money and do deals. Either fortheir company or their country. Government representatives want to attractinvestment, businesses want opportunities to grow and boost their profits; andwe will see many deals inked this week.但是,达沃斯论坛上并非都是高谈阔论和理想主义。这里有大多数人进不去的豪华晚宴和奢华派对。很多人在那里是为了赚钱和做交易。要么是为了自己的公司,要么是为了自己的国家。政府代表希望吸引投资,企业希望获得增长和提高利润的机会;因此,本周我们将看到许多交易签约。Staytuned as the World Economic Forum continues this week. We'll break down andexplain it for you here, and do check out coverage by other SMG Internationalreporters who are in Davos for the conference - they're going to have somegreat stories and interviews for you too.世界经济论坛本周将继续举行,敬请关注。我们将在这里为您进行分析和解释,同时请关注在达沃斯参加会议的其他SMG国际记者的报道--他们也将为您提供精彩的报道和采访。#热词加油站disinformation /ˌdɪs.ɪn.fəˈmeɪ.ʃən/【虚假信息】delegations /ˌdel.ɪˈɡeɪ.ʃən/【代表团】lavish /ˈlæv.ɪʃ/【奢华的】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
1/16/20243 minutes, 12 seconds
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01/09 TOP NEWS|比亚迪夺得全球新能源车销冠

NEWS ON 01/10BYD BECOMES TOP SELLING EV MAKER, TAKING TESLA'S CROWN比亚迪夺得全球新能源车销冠-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------BYD BECOMES TOP SELLING EV MAKER, TAKING TESLA'S CROWN比亚迪夺得全球新能源车销冠BYD has claimed the title of World's Best-Selling EV maker in a hard-fought battle with Tesla.比亚迪在与特斯拉的激烈竞争中夺得了全球最畅销电动汽车制造商的称号。Now that 2023 results are in for both companies we can see just how fierce a race it was. Both companies beat analyst estimates for the numbers of EVs they sold in the final three months of last year, and both benefitted from cutting prices on their vehicles in a bid to grab market share.如今,两家公司2023年的业绩已经出炉,我们可以看到这场竞争有多么激烈。去年最后三个月,两家公司的电动汽车销量都超过了分析师的预期,而且两家公司都通过降低汽车价格来抢占市场份额。Let's look at the numbers first. BYD sold a little over 3 million vehicles last year -- mostly in China. More than half were pure electric, and the rest were plug-in hybrid EVs. That puts annual sales up by 62 percent compared to 2022.我们先来看看数据。比亚迪去年的汽车销量略高于300万辆,主要集中在中国。其中一半以上为纯电动汽车,其余为插电式混合动力电动汽车。与2022年相比,年销量增长了62%。Tesla sold 1.8 million vehicles -- falling just short of CEO Elon Musk's target of 2 million, but still beating analyst estimates.特斯拉售出了180万辆汽车--略低于首席执行官埃隆-马斯克的200万辆目标,但仍超过了分析师的预期。And in the most recent quarter? ... Tesla delivered 484,507 pure EVs between October and December, while BYD sold 526,409. 最近一个季度呢?…特斯拉在10月至12月间交付了484,507辆纯电动汽车,而比亚迪则售出了526,409辆。So how did BYD overtake Tesla before the year-end finish line?那么,比亚迪是如何在年底前超越特斯拉的呢?Partly it's the price war which has been going on in the EV sector -- particularly here in China -- for the last 12 months. Tesla started it last January by slashing【大量削减】prices on several models and every other automaker followed suit.部分原因是过去12个月电动车行业,尤其在中国的价格战。去年1月,特斯拉率先对多款车型降价,其他汽车制造商纷纷效仿。But it quickly became obvious that Tesla wasn't going to win that price war. Even with generous discounts, its cars are just more expensive. Each model is a premium product. And while BYD has high-end models of its own, it also has cheaper ones. And with most of the world dealing with high interest rates, a cheaper car, which requires a smaller loan from the bank, can look at lot more attractive. And some analysts have said that tax credits in the US may have pushed some Tesla-buyers to get their cars in 2023 instead of 2024.但很快,特斯拉显然无法赢得这场价格战。即使有丰厚的折扣,特斯拉汽车的价格还是更贵。每款车型都是高端产品。比亚迪虽然也有自己的高端车型,但它有更便宜的车型。在全球大多数国家都面临高利率的情况下,一辆需要向银行申请较少贷款的廉价汽车看起来更有吸引力。一些分析师表示,美国的税收减免政策可能促使一些特斯拉买家在2023年而非2024年购买汽车。BYD is also just a generally better recognised brand these days. Tesla might still be a by-word for pure electric cars, but all over the world, more and more BYDs are popping up on the roads. For big chunks of last year BYD models were the best-selling EVs in Thailand, Israel, New Zealand and Singapore. During a trip back to Australia recently, I was shocked when my family started discussing the brand over Christmas dinner.比亚迪如今也是知名度普遍较高的品牌。特斯拉可能仍然是纯电动汽车的代名词,但在世界各地,越来越多的比亚迪汽车出现在道路上。去年,在泰国、以色列、新西兰和新加坡,比亚迪的大部分车型都是最畅销的电动汽车。最近一次回澳大利亚,当我的家人在圣诞节晚餐上讨论这个品牌时,我感到非常震惊。That aside, BYD's position on top of the EV market right now is still due to sales here in China. Roughly 90 percent of its cars are made and sold here where its market share jumped from 21 to 27 percent this year. According to the China Passenger Car Association, Tesla's market share in China is 12 percent.撇开这一点不谈,比亚迪目前在电动车市场上的领先地位仍然要归功于中国国内的销量。比亚迪约90%的汽车都在中国生产和销售,今年的市场份额从21%跃升至27%。根据中国汽车协会的数据,特斯拉在中国的市场份额为12%。The two also have very different sales strategies. BYD is quite traditional: selling through dealerships【经销公司】. In fact BYD has said it's going to be paying out a total of 2 billion yuan in bonuses to Chinese dealerships this year for meeting their sales targets.两者的销售策略也大相径庭。比亚迪非常传统:通过经销商销售。比亚迪已经表示,今年将向完成销售目标的中国经销商支付总计20亿元人民币的奖金。Tesla does things differently. If you want to buy one, you can only buy it from Tesla. And their staff seem to do a much better job of selling the product. According to data from China Merchants Bank, in China, Tesla sells more than twice as many cars per store as BYD does. BYD just has considerably more stores.特斯拉则不同。如果你想买特斯拉,只能从专卖店购买。而且他们的员工似乎在销售产品方面做得更好。根据招商银行的数据,在中国,特斯拉每家店的汽车销量是比亚迪的两倍多。比亚迪只是拥有更多的门店。BYD's China-centered dominance【主导地位】could start to shift once the company gets planned European factories up and running. There's also the risk the EU could raise the currently low tariffs on imported Chinese EVs. 一旦比亚迪计划在欧洲建厂并投入运营,该公司以中国为中心的主导地位可能会开始转变。欧盟也有可能提高目前对进口中国电动车的低关税。But the electric vehicle industry is still a growing one -- one in which both BYD and Tesla have left traditional automakers far behind......但电动汽车行业仍在不断发展壮大,比亚迪和特斯拉已经把传统汽车制造商远远甩在了后面......Oh.. and in case you're wondering, there's one number that Tesla didn't give us yet... sales numbers for its new Cybertruck. The design of this truck might politely be described as "unique" ... so the silence on those sales numbers probably tells us all we need to know.哦......如果你想知道,其实特斯拉还有一个数据没有告诉我们......那就是其新型车Cybertruck 的销售数据。这款卡车的设计可以不客气地形容为 "独一无二"......而对于销售数据的沉默可能已经告诉了我们一切。#热词加油站 slash /slæʃ/【大量削减】dealerships /ˈdiː.lə.ʃɪp/【经销公司】dominance /ˈdɒm.ɪ.nəns/【主导地位】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
1/11/20244 minutes, 24 seconds
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01/05 TOP NEWS|2024年仍像2023年 投资者情绪低迷

NEWS ON 01/051.       2024 STILL FEELS LIKE2023 WITH LOW INVESTOR SENTIMENT2024年仍然像2023年,投资者情绪低迷-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦------------2024 STILL FEELS LIKE 2023 WITH LOWINVESTOR SENTIMENT2024年仍然像2023年,投资者情绪低迷The first trading week of the new yearhasn't exactly been great. Chinese Mainland markets continued to trade lower asinvestors wait for sentiment to recover. But even the better looking data wesaw this week for China's services sector wasn't enough to get things moving.The Shanghai Composite Index was down 0.9 percent on Friday and theShenzhen Component was off more than 1 percent.新年的第一个交易周并不太好。中国大陆股市继续走低,投资者等待市场情绪回升。但即使我们本周看到的中国服务业的数据看起来更好,也不足以推动事态发展。上周五,上证综指下跌0.9%,深证成分股跌幅超过1%。The vast bulk of sectors were downtoday led by losses for tech, healthcare and industrials; while financialstocks just about broke even. 今天绝大多数板块下跌,科技、医疗保健和工业板块领跌;而金融股几乎实现盈亏平衡。Investors are also still waiting to see anyserious payoff from the launch of the new CSI A50 index on Tuesday. This is asmaller, more select index of blue chip stocks than the CSI 300, but it's alsofar more diverse in terms of the kinds of sectors it covers. And whilethere's been strong early interest from funds looking to set up ETFs trackingthe A50, that's going to take a while to translate into gains, and the index isending its maiden week down more than 3 percent.投资者仍在等待周二推出的新中证A50指数带来的任何重大回报。与沪深300相比,这是一个规模更小、更具选择性的蓝筹股指数,但它所涵盖的行业种类也要多样化得多。尽管希望建立跟踪A50的ETF的基金早期有强烈的兴趣,但这需要一段时间才能转化为收益,该指数在首周结束时下跌了3%以上。There was a bit of gloom on other regionalmarkets today now that investors feel sharp and quick US Fed rate cuts are lesslikely. That obsession with when rate cuts will begin also makes the release ofUS jobs data tonight a big event for the markets. But on the whole, fewertraders now think there'll be cuts by March, and that dented growth stocksaround the region. The Hang Seng was 0.7 percent lower at the close.今天,其他地区市场出现了一些悲观情绪,因为投资者认为美联储大幅快速降息的可能性较小。对何时开始降息的痴迷也使今晚美国就业数据的发布成为市场的一件大事。但总的来说,现在认为到3月会减产的交易员越来越少,这削弱了该地区的增长股。恒生指数收盘时下跌0.7%。Alibaba, Lenovo, chip maker SMIC ... alltraded down in Hong Kong. Energy stocks provided a little relief as oil pricesclimbed, with CNOOC and PetroChina among the leading gainers.阿里巴巴、联想、芯片制造商中芯国际。。。香港股市全部下跌。随着油价攀升,能源股略有缓解,中海油和中石油涨幅居前。Japan provided a bit of a contrast today asthe Nikkei 225 rose a quarter of one percent. That was due almost entirely to aweaker yen boosting exporter stocks. As usual that means gains forJapanese automakers - Toyota rose 2.5 percent, but there were gains for banksand brokerages as well.今天,日本日经225指数上涨了四分之一,形成了鲜明对比。这几乎完全是由于日元走弱提振了出口股。和往常一样,这意味着日本汽车制造商的涨幅——丰田上涨了2.5%,但银行和券商也有所上涨。So at the end of the first week of 2024,the new year still feels much like the old one.因此,在2024年的第一周结束时,新的一年感觉仍然很像旧的一年。#热词加油站Index 指数Sector 部门Diverse 多种多样的Exporter 出口商订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大师访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
1/10/20242 minutes, 7 seconds
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01/03 TOP NEWS|中国新股指数引发ETF热议

NEWS ON 01/031. CHINA’S NEW STOCK INDEX CAUSES ETF EXCITEMENT中国新股指数引发ETF热议-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦------------CHINA’S NEW STOCK INDEX CAUSES ETF EXCITEMENT中国新股指数引发ETF热议The Shanghai Composite Index was one of the few Asian markets to inch higher today as a general sense of gloom persists among equity investors. It managed to climb a bit less than a fifth of one percent, while the Shenzhen Component declined three quarters of a percent. Investors are still waiting for signs of a solid economic recovery, according to market watchers.由于股票投资者普遍感到悲观,上海综合指数是今天为数不多的小幅上涨的亚洲市场之一。它设法攀升了不到1%的五分之一,而深圳板块下跌了四分之三。市场观察人士表示,投资者仍在等待经济稳步复苏的迹象。One thing getting a lot of interest was the new index launched yesterday for Chinese A-shares -- the CSI A50 Index. This tracks some of the most well-known companies on the mainland markets, but unlike the CSI 300, doesn't include so many from traditional industries. It's being billed as better representing the modern Chinese economy, and the sectors the government wants to focus on. We have some expected big names on the index including China's most expensive stock - the liquor maker Kweichow Moutai. There's also the electric vehicle battery maker CATL, security system maker Hikvision, Ping'An Insurance, and the drug maker Wuxi Apptec. 有一件事引起了很多人的兴趣,那就是昨天为中国a股推出的新指数——中证A50指数。这追踪了大陆市场上一些最知名的公司,但与沪深300不同的是,它不包括那么多传统行业的公司。它被宣传为更能代表现代中国经济,以及政府希望关注的行业。我们预计该指数上会有一些大人物,包括中国最昂贵的股票——白酒制造商贵州茅台。还有电动汽车电池制造商CATL、安全系统制造商海康威视、平安保险和药品制造商无锡药明康德。According to the regulators, they've received applications from at least seven mutual funds wanting to create ETFs tracking the A50 in the first 24 hours after its launch.... the A50 itself closed today a little lower however.据监管机构称,他们已经收到了至少七家共同基金的申请,希望在A50推出后的前24小时内创建跟踪其的ETF… 然而,A50今天收盘时略有下跌。Automaker BYD -- also on the A50 by the way -- edged higher after being confirmed as the top selling maker of pure electric vehicles in the world - knocking Tesla off its pedestal. BYD shares rose a third of one percent, and financial journal Yicai has reported the company is planning big cash bonuses to Chinese car dealerships for hitting sales targets... bonuses that are expected to total 2 billion yuan.汽车制造商比亚迪(BYD)——顺便说一句,也在A50上——在被确认为世界上最畅销的纯电动汽车制造商后小幅走高,将特斯拉(Tesla)推下了巅峰。比亚迪股价上涨了三分之一,金融杂志《第一财经》报道称,该公司正计划向达到销售目标的中国汽车经销商发放巨额现金奖金。。。奖金总额预计为20亿元。More broadly, Asian stock markets were pretty grim on Wednesday as hopes faded of deep and early cuts to interest rates by the US Federal Reserve. The markets are waiting on both the latest Fed minutes and US jobs data. But that prompted a slide in tech stocks, which left the Hang Seng 0.9 percent lower. PC maker Lenovo was down 4.5 percent.更广泛地说,亚洲股市周三相当严峻,因为对美联储提前大幅降息的希望消退。市场正在等待美联储最新会议纪要和美国就业数据。但这促使科技股下跌,导致恒生指数下跌0.9%。个人电脑制造商联想股价下跌4.5%。But there was some reprieve for Chinese video game stocks after reported personnel changes at the Chinese gaming regulator. New proposed rules designed to reduce spending on video games had sent the sector into a bit of a spin, but gaming giant Tencent rose 1.3 percent while rival Netease was up almost 1 percent.但在中国游戏监管机构公布人事变动后,中国电子游戏股出现了一些喘息之机。旨在减少电子游戏支出的新规则使该行业出现了一些混乱,但游戏巨头腾讯上涨了1.3%,而竞争对手网易上涨了近1%。The tech-inspired market slide today was felt heavily in South Korea too, where the KOSPI 200 shed 2.6 percent -- the biggest fall for that index since late October. Shares in Samsung Electronic were down 3.3 percent.韩国股市今天也感受到了科技股的暴跌,韩国综合股价指数200下跌2.6%,这是该指数自10月下旬以来的最大跌幅。三星电子股价下跌3.3%。Japanese markets will be back from their new year holiday tomorrow.日本股市明天将结束新年假期。#热词加油站ComponentVehicleSlideElectronic订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大师访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
1/6/20242 minutes, 59 seconds
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01/02 TOP NEWS|2024年股市开局走低 数据好坏参半

NEWS ON 01/02MARKETSSTART 2024 LOWER AFTER MIXED DATA2024年股市开局走低,数据好坏参半-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------MARKETSSTART 2024 LOWER AFTER MIXED DATA2024年股市开局走低,数据好坏参半The markets came back to trade for 2024with a couple of conflicting sets of data to digest【消化】. The first was the official manufacturing sector PMI, which wasreleased at the weekend, and Caixin's private survey of the sector which cameout this morning. Both focus on different portions of the industry - theofficial figures look at larger state-owned firms and the Caixin PMI coversmedium and smaller sized private firms. The official PMI showed the sectorshrinking at a faster pace in December, while the Caixin numbers pointed tomore orders and a faster expansion for the private sector. But with businessconfidence still lacking the markets fell today. The Shanghai Composite Indexshed 0.4 percent while the Shenzhen Component was 1.3 percent lower.2024年股市恢复交易,要消化几组相互矛盾的数据。首先是周末公布的官方制造业采购经理人指数(PMI),以及今天上午公布的财新中国制造业PMI。二者关注的都是该行业的不同部分--官方数据关注的是大型国有企业,而财新的PMI则涵盖了中小型私营企业。官方PMI指数显示,中国制造业12月份萎缩速度加快,而财新的数据则显示,私营企业的订单增加,扩张速度加快。由于商业信心仍然不足,今天股市下跌。上证综指下跌0.4%,深证成指下跌 1.3%。There were losses for tech, consumer, real estate,healthcare and financial stocks.科技股、消费股、房地产股、医疗保健股和金融股均下跌。Automaker BYD also declined despite thelatest sales numbers that show it likely to overtake Tesla as the world'sbiggest seller of pure electric vehicles. BYD posted a 62 percent jump in 2023sales -- with a record 526 thousand pure EVs sold in the fourth quarter of theyear alone. If Tesla wants to keep the crown【王冠】, it's going toneed similarly strong sales in the fourth quarter... well ahead of whatanalysts are expecting.汽车制造商比亚迪的股票同样下跌,尽管最新的销售数据显示它有可能超过特斯拉成为全球最大的纯电动汽车销售商。比亚迪2023年的销量猛增了62%--仅今年第四季度就售出了创纪录的52.6万辆纯电动汽车。如果特斯拉想保住桂冠,它需要在第四季度获得同样强劲的销量......远超分析师的预期。For the Hong Kong markets, it's a new year,but not much has changed. The Hang Seng was off 1.5 percent today.对于港股而言,新的一年到来了,但变化并不大。恒生指数今天下跌了1.5%。Real estate stocks continue to be a serious drag【拖累】as sentiment remains weak. An index trackingmainland developers listed in Hong Kong was down more than 4.5 percent. LongforGroup was one of the biggest decliners, shedding 7 percent. 由于市场情绪依然疲软,房地产股继续严重拖累股市。追踪在香港上市的内地开发商的指数下跌超过 4.5%。龙湖集团跌幅最大,下跌了7%。Japanese markets are closed today andtomorrow for a market holiday. But other Asian markets were doing ok today.Australia's ASX 200 advanced half of one percent and South Korea's KOSPI 200was up 0.7 percent. 日本股市今明两天因假期休市。其他亚洲市场今天表现尚可。澳大利亚ASX 200 指数上涨了半个百分点,韩国KOSPI 200 指数上涨了0.7%。#热词加油站digest /daɪˈdʒest/【消化】crown /kraʊn/【王冠】drag /dræɡ/【拖累】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
1/3/20242 minutes, 15 seconds
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12/28 TOP NEWS|元旦假期预计每日跨境旅行156万人次/大雾橙色预警

NEWS ON 12/281. 1.56 MLN DAILY CROSS-BORDER TRIPSEXPECTED DURING NEW YEAR HOLIDAY元旦假期预计每日跨境旅行156万人次2. ORANGE ALERT FOR THICK FOG大雾橙色预警-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦------------1.56 MLN DAILY CROSS-BORDER TRIPSEXPECTED DURING NEW YEAR HOLIDAY元旦假期预计每日跨境旅行156万人次The National Immigration Administrationestimated that an average of 1.56 million trips will be made in and out of theChinese mainland each day over the 2024 New Year holiday, five times more thanlast year. Zhang Hong tells us more. 国家移民管理局估计,2024年元旦假期,平均每天将有156万人次进出中国大陆,是去年的五倍。记者张泓带来更多报道。According to travel agency, popular destinations include Harbin, Koktokay geopark in Xinjiang,and Hulunbuir, Inner Mongolia. B&B bookings in Harbin are 27 times higherthan the same period last year, when COVID-19 was sweeping across the country.Inbound trips have also increased. Data from shows that bookings byinbound tourists increased more than 200% compared to the same period in2019.        据旅行社网站去哪儿网报道,热门目的地包括哈尔滨、新疆可可托凯地质公园和内蒙古呼伦贝尔。哈尔滨的民宿预订量是去年同期的27倍,当时新冠肺炎正在席卷全国。入境旅行也有所增加。携程网的数据显示,与2019年同期相比,入境游客的预订量增长了200%以上。Some travelers started their trip today atBeijing Capital International Airport.一些旅客今天在北京首都国际机场开始了他们的旅行。PassengerI'm going to Xinjiang. I want to take atrip there during the holiday.旅客1我准备要去新疆##//趁现在(即将)放假##所以我就去那边旅游一下##///】PassengerI'm heading for Chongqing. I want to getaround as I came back to China during the holiday.旅客2我要去重庆。放假回国,我想溜达溜达。An airport employee said they will bebusiest tomorrow and on January 1st. 一名机场员工表示,明天和1月1日将是机场最繁忙的时候。Hou Yuze, Operation ManagerBeijing Capital International AirportThere will be 169,000 in-bound andout-bound passenger trips on December 29th. On January 1st, there will be156,000 trips through the airport. 侯羽泽 首都机场运行控制中心运行管理业务经理节前旅客高峰和航班高峰均出现12月29日##当日首都机场预计进出港旅客16.9万人次##////1月1日元旦当天首都机场##进出港旅客人数达到15.6万人次##//】The National Immigration Administration said the average daily number of people passing through customs at both BeijingCapital International Airport and Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport isexpected to reach 33,000, while they predict it will be 68,000 at ShanghaiPudong International Airport. People can call 12367 if they encounter anyproblems while clearing customs. 国家移民局表示,北京首都国际机场和广州白云国际机场的日均通关人数预计将达到3.3万人,而上海浦东国际机场预计将达到6.8万人。如果人们在清关时遇到任何问题,可以拨打12367。ORANGE ALERT FOR THICK FOG大雾橙色预警The national weather observatory today renewed an orange alert for thick fog in some parts of the country,including the provinces of Anhui and Jiangsu. In Shanghai, visibility wasreduced to less than 200 meters this morning. Zhang Yue has the story. 国家气象台今天再次发布包括安徽省和江苏省在内的部分地区大雾橙色预警。今天早上,上海的能见度降至200米以下。记者张乐带来更多报道。Shanghai's Meteorological Bureauissued a yellow alert for heavy fog at 8:30pm yesterday. The city's emergencymanagement bureau reminded local departments to prepare response teams for thefoggy weather.昨天晚上8点30分,上海市气象局发布大雾黄色预警。该市应急管理局提醒当地部门为大雾天气准备应急小组。Drivers on the Outer Ring Road were seendriving at slower speeds during this morning's rush hours. On sections ofhighway bordering Zhejiang, police from both jurisdictions ensured trafficsafety. 在今天早上的高峰时段,人们看到外环路上的司机以较慢的速度行驶。在与浙江接壤的高速公路路段,两地警方确保了交通安全。Pan GuoqiangJinshan Traffic PoliceWe had about a third more traffic policeofficers on duty today during the foggy weather. We reduced the speed limit onthe expressway according to visibility.潘国强 金山交警支队高速大队 大队长根据今天迷雾天气黄色预警 我们外勤大队都提前上岗 增加了三分之一的警力 \\ 根据道路能见度的具体情况我们对高速公路进行了限速About 60 flights were delayed at ShanghaiHongqiao International Airport this morning due to poor visibility amid thefog. Arrivals and departures were not affected at Shanghai Pudong InternationalAirport. The orange alert for thick fog remains in effect for Baoshan District,while a yellow alert continues for Chongming Island. 今天上午,由于大雾中能见度低,上海虹桥国际机场约有60架次航班延误。抵达和离开上海浦东国际机场的航班没有受到影响。宝山区的大雾橙色预警仍然有效,而崇明岛的黄色预警仍在继续。Heavy fog is forecast in parts ofShandong, Jiangsu and Anhui until Saturday. 据预测,山东、江苏和安徽的部分地区将有大雾,直至周六。#热词加油站AdministrationMeteorologicalObservatoryForecast订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大师访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
1/2/20243 minutes, 23 seconds
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01/01 TOP NEWS|数万人元旦假期出行/上海亮灯迎新年/外国人可开A股账户/2023股市收官

NEWS ON 12/291.TENS OF MILLIONS TRALLING FOR NEW YEAR HOLIDAY数万人元旦假期出行2. SHANGHAI LIGHTS UP FOR THE NEW YEAR上海“亮灯”迎新年3.FOREIGNERS WITH PRP CAN OPEN A-SHARE TRADING ACCOUNTS ONLINE持新版永久居留证的外国人可在线开A股账户4.HEADWINDS HOLD BACK A-SHARES WHILE TOKYO STOCKS SURGE IN 20232023股市收官:A股受阻低迷东京股市大涨----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1.TENS OF MILLIONS TRALLING FOR NEW YEAR HOLIDAY数万人元旦假期出行Train stations across the country were busier than usual today as tens of millions are traveling for the New Year Day holiday. 63 million passenger trips nationwide are expected to be taken in the next 5 days. The national railway authority estimated that tomorrow will be the busiest with around 15 million travelers. Many will be heading to northeastern China during the holiday as winter scenery has been trending on social media.由于数千万人在元旦假期出行,今天全国各地的火车站比往常更加繁忙。预计未来 5 天全国将有 6300 万人次出行。国家铁路局预计,明天(12/30)将是最繁忙的一天,将有约 1500 万人次出行。许多人将在假期中前往东北地区,因为冬景成为了社交媒体上的热门话题。2. SHANGHAI LIGHTS UP FOR THE NEW YEAR上海“亮灯”迎新年Downtown areas in Shanghai have a little extra sparkle just in time for 2024. Brighten your New Year holiday in the Xujiahui commercial area with several landscape lighting shows each day between 5 and 10pm until January 1st. Each show will last 7 minutes. On Huaihai Road, a magnolia flower inspired lighting scheme【方案、布局】has been installed and blue lights illuminate【照亮】 the trees along West Nanjing Road. A Shanghai Landscaping & City Appearance Administrative Bureau official said they want to improve the consumer experience and promote spending at night.2024 年到来之际,上海的市中心又多了几分璀璨。在1月 1 日之前,每天下午5点到晚上10 点,徐家汇商业区都会上演多场景观灯光秀,点亮您的新年假期。每场表演将持续 7 分钟。淮海路上安装了以玉兰花为灵感的节庆灯饰,南京西路沿线的树木也被蓝色灯光照亮。上海市绿化和市容管理局的一位官员说,他们希望改善消费者体验,促进夜间消费。3.FOREIGNERS WITH PRP CAN OPEN A-SHARE TRADING ACCOUNTS ONLINE持新版永久居留证的外国人可在线开A股账户Foreigners holding the new version of China’s permanent residence permit can now open accounts online to trade Chinese mainland-listed shares. And Securities Times reported today that many Chinese brokers have officially launched online account registration services. Previously, foreigners with the new Chinese permanent residence permit could only open A-share accounts in offline brokerage offices, according to the China Securities Regulatory Commission.持有新版中国永久居留证的外国人现在可以在网上开户交易中国大陆上市的股票。据《证券时报》今天报道,许多中国券商已正式推出网上账户注册服务。据中国证券监督管理委员会称,此前,持有新版中国永久居留证的外国人只能在线下券商处开设 A 股账户。4.HEADWINDS HOLD BACK A-SHARES WHILE TOKYO STOCKS SURGE IN 20232023股市收官:A股受阻低迷东京股市大涨And now it’s time to take a look at how the Asian stock markets wrapped up - not just the last trading day of the month, but 2023 as a whole....现在我们来看看亚洲股市的收盘情况--不仅仅是本月最后一个交易日,而是整个 2023 年。While the Chinese mainland markets ticked higher on their last day of trade for 2023; it was an upbeat end to a difficult year.在 2023 年的最后一个交易日,中国内地股市走高,为艰难的一年画上了一个圆满的句号。Both the major Shanghai and Shenzhen indices are ending the year below key psychological levels. The Shanghai Composite below 3,000 points, and the Shenzhen Component below 10 thousand. These are levels the markets have been fighting to maintain in the second half of the year, when China’s post-covid economic recovery started showing signs of being a long, drawn out process. The CSI 300, which tracks China’s blue chip stocks, was one of the worst performing global indexes this year, shedding【去除】11.4 percent over the course of 2023.沪深两市的主要指数在年底都低于市场关键价。沪综指低于3000点,深成指低于万点。今年下半年,市场一直在努力维持这些水平,当时中国的后伏特经济复苏开始显现出漫长、拖沓的迹象。追踪中国蓝筹股的沪深 300 指数是今年全球表现最差的指数之一,在 2023 年期间下跌了 11.4%。International investors have been hesitant to buy Chinese A-shares, with net buying on the stock connect links totalling only around 44 billion yuan -- or 6.2 billion US dollars. Sounds like a lot, but it’s the smallest annual inflow since 2015, dented【削弱】by heavy selling in the second half of the year.国际投资者一直对购买中国A股犹豫不决,股票联通净买入总额只有约440亿元人民币,约合62亿美元。听起来很多,但这是自2015年以来最小的年度流入量,今年下半年的大量抛售削弱了这一流入量。But that’s not to say there have been no winners among the traditional sectors and the new. Chinese oil giant PetroChina has seen the benefits as turmoil【混乱】in Ukraine and the Middle East pushed crude prices higher. Its stock ends 2023 up more than 40 percent.但这并不是说传统行业和新兴行业中没有赢家。随着乌克兰和中东地区的动荡局势推动原油价格走高,中国石油行业巨头“中石油”也从中获益。该公司股票在 2023 年底的涨幅超过 40%。It’s also been a year of tech tension between China and the United States, as Washington has sought to restrict China’s access to high end semiconductors -- particularly those that can be used to develop and train AI. That will leave Chinese chip makers to fill the void, and their stocks have been rising. Shares in China's biggest chip producer - SMIC - are up almost 30 percent this year.今年也是中美科技关系紧张的一年,因为华盛顿方试图限制中国获得高端半导体,特别是那些可用于开发和训练人工智能的半导体。这使得中国芯片制造商填补空白,而它们的股票一路高涨。中国最大的芯片生产商“中芯国际”的股票今年上涨了近30%。Hong Kong’s Hang Seng was the world’s worst performing stock index this year, and finished the last trading day flat. It’s followed a similar trajectory【轨道】to the Chinese Mainland markets, and it’s big-name tech listings have suffered due to persistently high inflation and interest rates around the world. Tech stocks and other so-called ‘growth stocks’ tend to be far more interest rate sensitive than traditional sectors ... and if you like low interest rates, this hasn’t been your year.香港恒生指数是今年全球表现最差的股指,在最后一个交易日以持平收盘。恒生指数的走势与中国内地市场类似,由于全球通胀和利率居高不下,恒生指数中的大牌科技股也受到了影响。科技股和其他所谓的“成长股”对利率的敏感度往往远高于传统行业……如果你喜欢低利率,今年就不适合你。If you were tracking the Nikkei 225 it definitely was your year. The Japanese markets put on a stellar performance in 2023 with the Nikkei 225 gaining 28.2 percent - its best year in a decade. We saw the index repeatedly hit 33 year highs, as Japan’s long-running problem of low inflation seemed to finally be conquered, and speculation rose about an end to the BOJ’s ultra-loose monetary policy. Japanese markets were also helped along by a fairly weak yen. Many Japanese listed firms make a fair amount of money outside of the country, and need to repatriate【把(资金)调回本国】 that income. If the yen is low, those yen-denominated profits look even better. And there were even some high-profile statements of confidence in Japanese business - most notably Warren Buffet's Berkshire Hathaway moving to increase its stake in Japanese firms.如果你追踪的是日经225指数,那么今年绝对是你的好年份。2023 年,日本市场表现抢眼,日经 225 指数上涨了28.2%,是十年来涨幅最大的一年。随着日本长期存在的低通胀问题似乎终于得到解决,以及对日本央行结束超宽松货币政策的猜测升温,日经 225 指数屡创 33 年新高。日元相对疲软也对日本市场有所帮助。许多日本上市公司在国外赚取了相当多的钱,需要将这些收入汇回国内。如果日元走低,这些以日元计价的利润就会更好。甚至还出现了一些对日本企业充满信心的高调表态,其中最引人注目的是沃伦·巴菲特(Warren Buffet)的伯克希尔·哈撒韦公司(Berkshire Hathaway)开始增持日本公司的股份。So it’s been a year with some very clear winners and losers. And Chinese and Hong Kong markets are certainly ripe for a rebound in 2024.因此,这一年的赢家和输家都非常明显。2024 年,中国和香港市场反弹的时机无疑已经成熟。#热词加油站scheme/skiːm/【方案、布局】illuminate/ɪˈluːmɪneɪt/【照亮】shed/ʃed/【去除】dent/dent/【削弱】turmoil/ˈtɜːmɔɪl/【混乱】trajectory/trəˈdʒektəri/【轨道】repatriate/ˌriːˈpætrieɪt/【把(资金)调回本国】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
1/1/20245 minutes, 18 seconds
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12/27 TOP NEWS|世界最大重吊船交付/新高铁全线贯通运营/11月工业企业利润增长29.5%

NEWS ON 12/271. WORLD'S LARGEST DEADWEIGHT MULTI-PURPOSE HEAVY-LIFT SHIP DELIVERED世界最大载重吨多用途重吊船命名交付2. NEW HIGH-SPEED RAILWAY PAVES WAY FOR SEAMLESS TOURISM IN EASTERN CHINA杭州至南昌高铁全线贯通运营 串起世界级黄金旅游线3. INDUSTRIAL PROFITS SURGE 29.5% IN NOV11月规模以上工业企业实现利润同比增长29.5%-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1. WORLD'S LARGEST DEADWEIGHT MULTI-PURPOSE HEAVY-LIFT SHIP DELIVERED世界最大载重吨多用途重吊船命名交付Chinese-Polish Joint Stock Shipping Company accepted delivery today of the world's largest deadweight【重负】multi-purpose heavy-lift ship. Yu An's maiden voyage will be along the Eurasian route. Sun Siqi has波兰联合航运公司今天交付了世界上载重量最大的多用途重吊船。“裕安”轮的首航将沿欧亚航线进行。记者孙思奇带来更多报道。Yu An has a length of nearly 200 meters, molded beam of more than 32 meters, molded depth of 19.3 meters and a maximum draft of 13.5 meters. The vessel is equipped with 5 cargo holds, as well as 4 heavy lift cranes【起重机】.“裕安”轮长近200米,型宽32.26米、型深19.3米,满载吃水13.5米。该船配有5个货舱和4台重吊。It's the fifth multi-purpose heavy lift ship operated by Chinese-Polish Joint Stock Shipping Company. From 2021 to 2022, the other 4 were used to ship wind-power equipment, machines for a vaccine factory in Africa, and train engines.这是中波联合航运公司运营的第五艘多用途重吊船。从2021年到2022年,其他4艘用于运输风力发电设备、非洲一家疫苗工厂的机器和火车发动机。But Yu An has more cargo space and a heavier-lift capacity.但“裕安”轮的载货空间更大,起重能力更强。Zhu Dezhang, Party Secretary & General ManagerChinese-Polish Joint Stock Shipping Company朱德章 中波轮船股份公司党委书记、总经理“The lifting weight of the vessel has been increased from 80 to 150 tons. It can also carry twice as much container weight.”“原来这个我们从80吨的吊重##提高到150吨##我们的舱台的面积进一步扩大##特别是我们这个船底##我们也加大了强度##所以从多用途船角度来讲##这条船的集装箱载重量也会增加一倍”After being delivered, it's first voyage will ship 16 pieces of wind-power equipment from Indonesia to Estonia.交付后,它的第一个航程将是把16台风力发电设备从印度尼西亚运往爱沙尼亚。2. NEW HIGH-SPEED RAILWAY PAVES WAY FOR SEAMLESS TOURISM IN EASTERN CHINA杭州至南昌高铁全线贯通运营 串起世界级黄金旅游线Full operations began today on a new high-speed railway connecting a series of popular tourist attractions.The 560 kilometer railway runs from Hangzhou to Nanchang and is now fully operational after the section connecting Huangshan黄山 City in Anhui Province and Nanchang南昌 City in Jiangxi Province opened. The Hangzhou-Huangshan section has a designed speed of 250 km per hour, while the Huangshan-Nanchang section boasts a designed speed of 350 km per hour. The railway route passes through a region featuring scenic lakes, mountains, ancient villages, tea plantation and areas known for making fine porcelain【瓷】.在连接安徽省黄山市和江西省南昌市的黄山至南昌段开通后,这条全长560公里、连接杭州至南昌的新高速铁路已全面投入运营。杭州至黄山段的预计时速为250公里,黄山至南昌段的预计时速为350公里。铁路沿线经过的地区包括风景秀丽的湖泊、山脉、古村落、茶园和著名的瓷器产区。3. INDUSTRIAL PROFITS SURGE 29.5% IN NOV11月规模以上工业企业实现利润同比增长29.5%Industrial profits soared in November due to a raft【大量】of stimulus measures in 2023, the National Bureau of Statistics reported today.国家统计局今日发布报告称,由于2023年的一系列刺激措施,11月份工业利润大幅增长。Profits of the country's major industrial firms with annual core business revenue of at least 20 million yuan increased 29.5 percent year-on-year in November. In the first 11 months of the year, the total profits of major industrial firms reached 6.98 trillion yuan, down 4.4 percent year on year, with the pace of decline narrowing from that in the first 10 months. The statistics bureau said more macro policies went into effect and gradually recovering domestic demand has contributed to the rebound in industrial production and improving industrial profits. It also said the central government will continue to prioritize stronger domestic demand and promote new industrialization to accelerate the recovery of the industrial economy.在11月份,年核心业务收入不低于2000万元的全国重点工业企业利润同比增长29.5%。今年前11个月,主要工业企业实现利润总额6.98万亿元,同比下降4.4%,降幅比前10个月有所收窄。统计局称,更多的宏观政策开始实施,国内需求逐步恢复,促进了工业生产的回升和工业利润的改善。统计局还表示,中央政府将继续把扩大内需和推进新型工业化放在优先位置,以加快工业经济的复苏。#热词加油站 deadweight /ˌded'weɪt/【重负】cranes /kreɪn/【起重机】porcelain /ˈpɔːsəlɪn/【瓷】raft /rɑːft/【大量】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
12/28/20233 minutes
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12/26 TOP NEWS|百年历史的广州火车站翻修后重新开放/上海将向公众开放更多绿地

NEWS ON 12/261. CENTURY-OLD GUANGZHOU RAILWAY STATION REOPENS AFTER RENOVATIONS百年历史的广州火车站翻修后重新开放2. SHANGHAI TO OPEN MORE PUBLIC GREEN SPACES上海将向公众开放更多绿地-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-------------CENTURY-OLD GUANGZHOU RAILWAY STATION REOPENS AFTER RENOVATIONS百年历史的广州火车站翻修后重新开放Guangzhou Baiyun Railway Station reopened this morning after being closed more than three years for renovations. It will serve as another transportation hub in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. Zhang Hong has more.广州白云火车站在关闭三年多进行翻修后,于今天上午重新开放。它将成为广东-香港-澳门大湾区的另一个交通枢纽。请张泓带来更多咨询。The first train departed from Guangzhou Baiyun Station at 8:35am today and arrived more than 2 hours later in Shantou City. The new station is an upgrade and expansion of Tangxi Station, which was built in 1916. The station has been redesigned to resemble a blooming kapok, the city flower of Guangzhou.首班列车于今天上午8时35分从广州白云站开出,2个多小时后抵达汕头市。新站是建于1916年的棠溪站的升级扩建。车站经过重新设计,看起来像盛开的木棉花,广州的市花。Voice of Liu Jun, Chief EngineerBaiyun Station ProjectEach steel beam weighs 90 tons. The longest one is 28 meters. We used building information modeling and 3D laser scanning technologies to install the steel structures precisely.刘俊 中铁建工集团白云站项目总工程师单个花瓣钢结构重量达90吨##最大悬挑长度有28米 弯曲度很高##我们通过运用BIM(建筑信息模型)技术##三维激光扫描技术等一系列##数字化建造技术的运用##成功实现这个花瓣钢结构的精准定位和吊装##The 7-story railway station has a 40,000-square-meter waiting hall that can accommodate up to 15,000 people. With 24 inbound and outbound lines and 21 passenger platforms, the railway station will handle 18 passenger trains per day during its initial reopening stage. It will serve many major routes including the Beijing-Guangzhou high-speed railway, Beijing-Guangzhou railway, Guangzhou-Meizhou梅州-Shantou railway, and Guangzhou-Maoming railway. 这座7层楼高的火车站有一个40000平方米的候车大厅,最多可容纳15000人。该火车站有24条进出站线路和21个客运站台,在重新开放初期,每天将处理18列客运列车。它将服务于许多主要路线,包括京广高铁、京广铁路、广州-梅州梅州-汕头铁路和广州茂名铁路。SHANGHAI TO OPEN MORE PUBLIC GREEN SPACES上海将向公众开放更多绿地A small garden area at 457 North Shaanxi Road is now open to the public after being closed several months for renovations. The green space also has some history to it as the office of the Shanghai Dictionary Publishing House was built here in 1928. It's now classified as an outstanding historical building. Reporter Zhang Yue finds out more.陕西北路457号的一个小花园区在关闭数月进行翻修后,现已向公众开放。这片绿地也有一些历史,因为1928年上海辞书出版社的办公室就建在这里。它现在被列为上海优秀历史建筑。记者张乐了解更多。Egyptian expat George has lived in Shanghai for seven years. He loves to take a walk with his family in this area on North Shaanxi Road. It was closed off to the public in the past, but now people are able to see old magnolias trees, plants, a pond, benches, and pergolas. 埃及的乔治已经在上海生活了七年。他喜欢和家人在陕西北路的这个地区散步。它过去不对公众开放,但现在人们可以看到古老的木兰树、植物、池塘、长椅和凉棚。GeorgeExpat from Egypt乔治,埃及人I didn't expect it to happen this way and it's pretty well done like in the beginning when they started the construction. I didn't know it's going to be open for public and it's going to be done in pretty nice ways such as happening.我没想到会这样,而且像刚开始施工时一样做得很好。我不知道它会对公众开放,而且会以非常好的方式进行,比如现在发生的这样。The main building is a neoclassical style garden house designed by Hungarian architect László Hudec. The entire area covers 10,000 square meters, of which nearly a third is a garden.主楼是一座新古典主义风格的花园住宅,由匈牙利建筑师LászlóHudec设计。整个区域占地10000平方米,其中近三分之一是花园。I've seen a lot of improvements about that like you can see it in so many places. You can tell that there is a lot of hard work going into that to make it pretty well designed as well.我已经看到了很多改进,就像你在很多地方看到的那样。你可以看出,要使它设计得很好,还需要付出很多艰苦的工作。What makes George even happier is that he was named a Citizen Forest Chief. Jing'an District officials introduced the idea last year to encourage more residents to use their free time to participate in voluntary forest patrols and environmental protection activities in nearby parks and green spaces.让乔治更高兴的是,他被任命为公民市民林长。静安区官员去年提出了这一想法,鼓励更多居民利用空闲时间参加附近公园和绿地的森林义务巡逻和环保活动。Gong Mingjun, Deputy DirectorJing'an Landscaping & City Appearance Admin. BureauThe 1,000 square-meter green space along the street is open to the public around the clock. The other 2,000 square meters inside can be adjusted to accommodate various demands. The garden will be available for fashion shows and art performances in the future.宫明军 静安区绿化和市容管理局副局长考虑到办公的需求 这个草坪将来还有一些文化演艺 或者走秀的使用功能外面一千平米左右的花园 是24小时全天候对外开放 整个面积三千(平方米) 里面两千(平方米)左右是可开可合的 兼顾各方需求。花园绿地在开放方式上采取分区开放模式,其中沿街的千平绿地花园将向市民全天候开放;艺术文化产业园区运营的花园绿地,按园区活动需求采取可开可闭的模式,既确保文化产业园区的特色,又实现了开放共享的社会价值。Last year, 21 government and public institutions across Jing'an have piloted the opening and sharing of green spaces, with approximately 190,000 square meters of open green space and 9 pocket parks transformed. By the end of 2025, about 1 million square meters of space is expected to be converted into more than 35 pocket parks.去年,静安21家政府和公共机构试点开放共享绿地,改造开放绿地约19万平方米,改造口袋公园9个。到2025年底,预计将有约100万平方米的空间改造成35个以上的袖珍公园。#热词加油站Expat 外派人员 [ˌeksˈpæt]Institution 机构 [ˌɪnstɪˈtjuːʃn]Patrol 巡逻 [pəˈtrəʊl]Resemble 像 [rɪˈzembl]订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大师访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
12/28/20233 minutes, 57 seconds
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12/25 TOP NEWS|甘肃积石山举行地震遇难同胞悼念活动/内地股市收平 游戏板块延续跌势

NEWS ON 12/251. GANSU MOURNS EARTHQUAKE VICTIMS甘肃积石山举行地震遇难同胞悼念活动2. MAINLAND SHARES CLOSE FLAT, WITH GAMING SHARES EXTENDING SLUMP  内地股市收平,游戏板块延续跌势-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1. GANSU MOURNS EARTHQUAKE VICTIMS甘肃积石山举行地震遇难同胞悼念活动The death toll from the earthquake that jolted parts of northwestern China on December 18th has risen to 117 in Gansu Province and 32 in Qinghai Province. Two people are still listed as missing as search and rescue work continued. A service for the victims was held this morning in Jishishan County, Gansu. According to the local housing and urban-rural development authority, 12,000 prefab【预制建筑】houses will be built by Wednesday. More than 3,500 had already been completed as of Saturday night. The quake destroyed almost 15,000 houses.12月18日,中国西北部分地区发生地震,已造成甘肃省117人遇难,青海省32人遇难。今天上午,甘肃积石山县举行了遇难同胞悼念活动。据当地住房和城乡建设主管部门称,到本周三,将建成12,000套预制房屋。截至周六晚,已建成3500多套。地震摧毁了近15,000 所房屋。2. MAINLAND SHARES CLOSE FLAT, WITH GAMING SHARES EXTENDING SLUMP  内地股市收平,游戏板块延续跌势Let's take a look at the performance of the Asian stock markets now. 我们来看看亚洲股市今日的表现。Things started well for the Chinese mainland markets today. The Shanghai Composite opened higher, but soon lost its early energy and spent most of the day in negative territory, but managed to close 0.14 percent higher. The Shenzhen Component was up 0.38 percent and the ChiNext board closed one-third of a percent higher.今天,中国内地股市开局良好。上证综指高开,但很快就失去了早盘的活力,全天大部分时间处于下跌,不过收盘时还是上涨了0.14%。深成指上涨0.38%,创业板收盘上涨0.3%。Online gaming shares extended losses from Friday as China's new rules to curb spending on video games dented sentiment despite regulators' latest efforts to soothe investor concerns. The weak sentiment towards the sector persisted despite a statement fromregulators【监管者】on Saturday that they would make improvements to the proposed rules after "earnestly studying" public views on them. China's CSI Anime Comic Game Index slumped 4.9%, extending a 10% tumble【暴跌】from the previous session. Shares in gaming companies like Giant Network Group and Kingnet Network were down the 10% daily limit. The proposed rules aim at curbing money and time spent on video games. Stocks in the media sector tumbled 2.6%, while defense shares gained 1.6%. 网游股延续了上周五的跌势,因为尽管监管机构最近努力缓解投资者的担忧,但中国抑制视频游戏消费的新规定还是打击了市场情绪。尽管监管机构周六发表声明称,他们将在征求公众意见后对拟议规则进行改进,但市场对该行业的疲软情绪依然存在。中证动漫游戏指数下跌4.9%,延续了上一交易日10%的跌幅。巨人网络集团和恺英网络等游戏公司的股价跌幅超过了10%的日幅限制。拟议中的规则旨在限制在网游上消耗的金钱和时间。媒体股下跌2.6%,国防股上涨1.6%。The Hong Kong market was closed for Christmas. In Japan, the Nikkei share average ended higher, underpinned【巩固】by prospects for U.S. rate cuts, although shipping company shares fell on expectations a resumption in Red Sea shipping would weigh on freight rates. The Nikkei 225 rose 0.26%, while the broader Topix inched up 0.04%. While the markets were mixed, the only obvious trend was the decline in shipping firms. The Japanese shipping shares index fell 6.51% on Monday and was the worst-performing sector among the Tokyo Stock Exchange's 33 industry sub-indexes. Kawasaki Kisen fell 8.6% to become the worst performer on the Nikkei. On the flipside, Fast Retailing rose 0.62%, giving the biggest boost to the Nikkei among individual shares. 香港市场因圣诞节休市。在日本,日经平均指数收盘上涨,受美国降息前景支撑,不过航运公司股价下跌,因预期红海航运恢复将拖累运费。日经225指数上涨0.26%,东证指数上涨 0.04%。虽然市场涨跌不一,但唯一明显的趋势是航运公司的下跌。 日本航运股指数周一下跌6.51%,是东京证券交易所33个行业分指数中表现最差的板块。川崎汽船下跌8.6%,是日经指数中下跌最多的股票。相反,迅销公司则上涨了0.62%,在个股中对日经指数的提振作用最大。 #热词加油站 prefab /ˈpriːfæb/【预制建筑】 regulators /ˈreɡjuleɪtə(r) /【监管者】tumble /ˈtʌmbl/【暴跌】underpinned /ˌʌndəˈpɪn/【巩固】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
12/26/20232 minutes, 53 seconds
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12/22 TOP NEWS|静安要把苏河湾改造成文化中心/向中国西北地震灾区运送救援物资

NEWS ON 12/221.     JING’AN LOOKS TO TRANSFORM SUHEWAN A CULTURAL HUB静安要把苏河湾改造成文化中心2.     RELIEF SUPPLIES DELIVERED TO QUAKE ZONE IN N.W. CHINA向中国西北地震灾区运送救援物资-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-------------JING’AN LOOKS TO TRANSFORM SUHEWAN A CULTURAL HUB静安要把苏河湾改造成文化中心Jing'an District said it is trying to create a new cultural center in Shanghai at Suhewan, a 4.2 square kilometer area near Suzhou Creek. Reporter Zhang Yue has more.静安区表示,他们正试图在苏州河附近4.2平方公里的苏河湾创建一个新的文化中心。记者张乐带来报道。At the newly opened TBCA Culture and Art Center on Qufu Road, Rafael Kao is displaying one of his latest creations, a three-meter tall painting made of silk and wool fabric. 在曲阜路新开张的TBCA文化艺术中心,高健维在展出他的最新作品之一,一幅三米高的丝绸和羊毛织物画。Raphael KaoArtistChinese wood-carving techniques and ink painting was used, as well as some western painting techniques. Shanghai has gradually become the center of design and art in China, with the development of a permanent regional art center.高健维 艺术家结合中国木雕的手法,结合西方的绘画技巧,当然也有一些水墨技巧。上海已经慢慢成为中国的艺术和设计中心,汇聚了非常多的能量,打造区域生态是非常重要的,常态性的力量,艺术应该是丰富我们生活,渗透到日常,而不是一个短暂的展览就结束了。The exhibition is called 'Invisible Form' and was organized by the center and Design Spring, a China based contemporary home decor design fair. Many of the exhibits are being displayed for the first time in China, after being presented at Paris Design Week in September.该展览名为“看不见的形式”,由该中心和中国当代家居装饰设计博览会Design Spring组织。许多展品在9月的巴黎设计周上展出后,首次在中国展出。The center will be used for media exhibitions, artistic content creation, and design planning.该中心将用于媒体展览、艺术内容创作和设计规划。Wang Ke, Deputy DirectorSino-French School, Central Academy of Fine ArtsA workshop will be set up here at the center for school filled trips for our students, who will make contributions to some urban planning projects, such as renovating old neighborhoods. They'll also have the chance to exhibit their artwork here. 王可 中央美术学院(中法)艺术与设计管理学院副院长我们会放一个空间设计研究工作坊,在这个空间,未来会在每周每个月派我们大量的学生,实地过来进行一些考察研究,不仅仅是对老的建筑线条进行一些数据的归纳,也会对一些新项目进行参与和提升。 空间需要更好的内容和专业的支持,我相信我们多方资源的联手,包括静安区政府的加持,这个平台未来会呈现高水准的专业空间展示。There are 17 historical neighborhoods in the Suhewan area. Some of the heritage buildings have been refit and are now home to some high-end art institutions such as Sotheby's, Fotografiska and UCCA Edge. 苏河湾地区有17个历史街区。一些遗产建筑已经翻新,现在是一些高端艺术机构的所在地,如苏富比、Fotografiska和UCCA Edge。Huang Jiancheng, ProfessorCentral Academy of Fine ArtsThe area around Suzhou Creek is ideal to develop the media and art industry. We will have regular activities and permanent exhibitions, which will help to cultivate younger artists. We are also planning to produce a reality show, focusing on urban renewal and rural revitalization.黄建成 湖南电广文新文化有限公司董事长、中央美术学院二级教授这一块的整个的氛围调性非常符合我们想做的艺术加传媒加产业这么一个体系,我们要致力于把艺术源头的创意和通过传媒的手段推广到社会服务社会的终端,艺术中心的常设展览和主题的展览的不断推出,致力于推动新乐艺术家,还有生活方式的艺术活动。同时设计中心还要与湖南广电打造"设计新生"的真人秀节目,这个节目就是推动新锐设计师和社会的品牌直接推动城市更新和乡村振兴。第三个我们将来还想打造亚洲潮流艺术节,会联动北京、上海、广州,包括湖南,来推动整个潮流艺术的一种生活方式。Huang said a fashion design week will be held at the center, attracting artists from Beijing, Guangzhou, and Shanghai.黄建成说,中心将举办时装设计周,吸引来自北京、广州和上海的艺术家。RELIEF SUPPLIES DELIVERED TO QUAKE ZONE IN N.W. CHINA向中国西北地震灾区运送救援物资As of last night, the recent magnitude 6.2 earthquake in Gansu's Jishishan积石山 County has killed 113 people in Gansu and 22 in Qinghai, while another 12 people were still listed is missing. Sun Siqi has more.截至昨晚,甘肃积石山最近发生6.2级地震积石山该县已造成甘肃113人死亡,青海22人死亡,另有12人失踪。孙思奇带来更多报道。Gansu authorities said their focus has shifted to treating injuries, relocating residents and clearing debris and rubble. And for water and electricity, 5 villages in Jishishan have had the services restored. The expressways, side roads and rural highways have generally resumed operation. Several lanes have been closed to traffic on some of Qinghai's expressways to allow for disaster relief to get into the quake zone.甘肃省有关部门表示,他们的工作重点已转移到救治伤员、安置居民和清理废墟上。在水电方面,积石山的5个村庄已经恢复了供水和供电。高速公路、支路和农村公路已基本恢复运营。青海的一些高速公路已经关闭了几条车道,以便救灾人员进入灾区。Ma Jianguo, Traffic Police Gansu Linxia Public Security BureauWe have assembled all the police force on the road, for the quake relief materials to arrive smoothly.马建国 甘肃省临夏州公安局交警支队高速公路大队副大队长调集所有的能够调集的一些警力##全部上路执勤##保通保畅##保障社会救援力量顺利到达##To prevent the possible occurrence of secondary disasters, a comprehensive inspection of the houses in Jishishan's 12 townships in is also underway and it is expected to be completed before the end of the week.为了防止可能发生的次生灾害,对积石山12个乡镇的房屋进行的全面检查也在进行中,预计本周末前完成。Relief materials from are currently being delivered to the quake-hit areas. Local authorities have also issued a subsistence allowance for families affected by the disaster.目前正在向地震灾区运送来自的救援物资。地方当局还为受灾家庭发放了生活津贴。So far, a total of 784 people were reported as injured in Gansu, the hospitals in the province have been busy treating these victims. 19 medical relief sites and 1 mobile hospital have been set up in Jinshishan. 21 mobile medical teams have also been dispatched, along with more than 100,000 basic medical kits that contain cold and flu medicine, as well as supplies for the treatment of minor wounds.到目前为止,甘肃共有784人受伤,该省的医院一直在忙于治疗这些受害者。在金石山设立了19个医疗救助点和1个流动医院。还派遣了21个流动医疗队,以及10多万个基本医疗包,其中包括感冒和流感药物,以及治疗轻伤的用品。Hundreds of aftershocks have been registered in the Jinshishan area since Monday night's magnitude 6.2 quake, the strongest aftershock so far, a magnitude 4.1, occurred at 4AM today.自从星期一晚上的6.2级地震以来,金石山地区已经记录了数百次余震。今天凌晨4点发生了迄今为止最强的4.1级余震。#热词加油站Allowance  [əˈlaʊəns]  津贴Expressway  [ɪkˈspresweɪ]  高速公路Contemporary  [kənˈtemprəri]  属同时期的Renovate  [ˈrenəveɪt]  修复订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大师访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
12/26/20234 minutes, 8 seconds
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12/15 TOP NEWS|市场期待更激进的GDP增长目标

NEWS ON 12/15MARKET EXPECTS MORE ECONOMIC STIMULUS市场期待更激进的GDP增长目标-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-------------MARKET EXPECTS MORE ECONOMIC STIMULUS市场期待更激进的GDP增长目标The recently-concluded Central EconomicWork Conference also noted that China's economy has achieved a recovery, withsolid progress made in high-quality development in 2023. Our reporters havespoken to 5 economists from leading financial institutions to get their take onthe conference and the signals it's sent. In today's interview, our reporterZhang Shixuan spoke to Wang Dan, the Chief Economist at Hang Seng Bank China.最近结束的中央经济工作会议也提到,中国经济正在复苏,2023年高质量发展扎实推进。我们的记者采访了来自5家领头金融机构的经济学家,谈一谈他们对会议所传达的信号的解读。在今天的采访中,本报记者张诗旋采访了恒生银行(中国)首席经济学家王丹。What signal have you received from the justconcluded Central Economic Work Conference? Is stimulus going to be effectivein getting back the country's economic momentum?刚刚结束的中央经济工作会议,你收到了什么信号?刺激计划能有效地恢复国家的经济势头吗?The previous meetings, including the politburo meeting has sent out a signal that the government will implement biggerstimulus in 2024 than the past two years. This is quite necessary for many ofthe domestic producers. They're trying to find new markets, not just domesticmarkets, but also overseas market. Their production capacity has exceeded whatChinese mainland market can absorb. So there is a need to find new projects,new market to basically use up their production capacity.包括政治局会议在内的前几次会议发出了一个信号,即政府将在2024年实施比过去两年更大的刺激措施。这对许多国内生产商来说是非常必要的。他们正在努力寻找新市场,不仅是国内市场,还有海外市场。他们的生产能力已经超过了中国大陆市场的消化能力。所以有必要找到新的项目,新的市场来消化他们的产能。How important is this year's CentralEconomic Work Conference, given the headwinds faced by the Chineseeconomy at the moment?考虑到目前中国经济面临的不利因素,今年的中央经济工作会议有多重要?We're looking to the new GDP target in theCentral Work Economic Conference. It will be quite essential for businesscommunity to make their plan for the next year. Because this year, theinvestment mood is quite tamed. But next year, many people expect a turnaround.The biggest problem for Chinese economy is still a lack of confidence. It's notjust for consumers, but also investors. And that means for the GDP target in2024, it has to be a little bit more ambitious than just based on fundamentals.So we're expecting more government-led projects, especially in the new energyindustry, supply chain and water projects in central and western China, cityrenovation projects. So a lot of the fiscal expansion has to take place. Andfor domestic consumers, they're expecting faster income growth and that dependson the job market security. In order to achieve that, we also need thegovernment to take a more relaxed stance in both monetary policy and fiscalpolicy. So the Central Economic Work Conference is the foundation for business communityand also it can significantly improve the market sentiment.我们关注中央工作经济工作会议提出新的GDP目标。对于商界来说,制定明年的计划是非常重要的。因为今年,投资情绪相当温和。但明年,许多人预计情况会好转。中国经济面临的最大问题仍然是缺乏信心。这不仅适用于消费者,也适用于投资者。这意味着,对于2024年的GDP目标来说,它必须比仅仅基于基本面的目标更雄心勃勃。因此,我们预计会有更多政府主导的项目,特别是在中国中西部的新能源产业、供应链和水利项目、城市改造项目方面。所以必须进行大量的财政扩张。对于国内消费者来说,他们预计收入增长会更快,这取决于就业市场的安全性。为了实现这一目标,我们还需要政府在货币政策和财政政策方面采取更加宽松的立场。因此,中央经济工作会议是企业界的基础,也可以显著改善市场情绪。How do you view the economic situation thisyear in China? 你如何看待今年中国的经济形势?2023 is indeed a year of deep adjustment.And we have seen this real turnaround for consumer market because last year thebase was too low. So just by a natural rebounding consumer market, we have seena 7% to 8% of growth in retail market for most Chinese cities. And when we lookat the GDP growth for different sectors, it is quite uplifting. But there is agap between the macro data and micro perception. The main reason for that isthis year's growth was still mostly driven by government projects and that ismostly turned into stock building, capital formation as well as manufacturinginvestment. Those things don't necessarily turn into people's income and that'swhy on the micro level, a lot of individuals feel that their wage hasn't grownas fast as before. I would say this year the official target will be metwithout a doubt on the 5% GDP target. There's no doubt we can achieve that. Butin the months to come, there has to be more targeted measures trying to improvethe quality of life and that includes income growth as well as job security.2023年确实是深度调整的一年。我们已经看到了消费市场的真正转变,因为去年的基数太低了。因此,仅凭消费市场的自然反弹,我们就可以看到中国大多数城市的零售市场增长了7%至8%。当我们看到其它产业的GDP增长时,这是非常令人振奋的。但宏观数据和微观感知之间存在差距。主要原因是今年的增长仍然主要由政府项目推动,而这些项目大多转化为建设存量、资本形成和制造业投资。这些东西不一定会转化为人们的收入,这就是为什么在微观层面上,很多人觉得他们的工资没有以前增长得那么快。我想说,今年的官方设定的5%的GDP目标毫无疑问将实现。但在未来几个月里,必须采取更有针对性的措施,努力提高生活质量,其中包括收入增长和工作保障。#热词加油站Politburo  [ˈpɒlɪtbjʊərəʊ]  政治局Adjustment  [əˈdʒʌstmənt]  调整Fundamental  [ˌfʌndəˈmentl]  基本的Headwind  [ˈhedwɪnd]  逆风订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大师访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
12/22/20234 minutes, 13 seconds
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12/21 TOP NEWS|更多重点领域激励政策有望出台

NEWS ON 12/20ECONOMIST PREDICTS STIMULUS MEASURES IN 2024更多重点领域激励政策有望出台-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------ECONOMIST PREDICTS STIMULUS MEASURES IN 2024更多重点领域激励政策有望出台Expectations are high for China's economic recovery to continue in 2024. Our reporter Timothy Pope spoke to Zhou Hao, Chief Economist of Guotai Juan International, to find out his take on the country's economic growth and what we can expect next year.人们高度期待中国经济在2024年继续复苏。本台记者Timothy Pope采访了国泰君安国际的首席经济学家周浩,分享对中国明年经济增长的看法以及我们能期待哪些。Zhou Hao, thanks for making the time to talk to us today. 周浩,感谢你今天抽空接受我们的采访。Hi. 你好。How important is the Central Economic Work Conference this year, given the headwinds【逆风】that are currently facing the Chinese economy?鉴于中国经济目前面临的不利因素,今年的中央经济工作会议有多重要?Well, I think it's very clear that the market has been expecting a kind of very big stimulus package from China for long. And also, in the meantime, we have seen that the property market has been slowing down. Overall speaking, the economy has been somehow a bit kind of battling or even kind of struggling with this kind of headwinds. The Central Economic Work Conference is definitely one of the most important policy meetings in China, and it will set the policy agenda and terms for next year. From this kind of perspective, the market definitely wants to know more and gets more insights about the policy framework for the coming year.我认为很明显的一点是市场长期以来一直在期待中国出台非常大的经济刺激计划。同时,我们也看到房地产市场已经放缓。总体而言,经济在某种程度上一直在与这种不利因素作斗争。中央经济工作会议无疑是中国最重要的政策会议之一,它将确定明年的政策议程和条款。从这个角度来看,市场肯定希望对来年的政策框架有更多的了解和认识。There have been some pretty clear signals that the Chinese government is not gonna turn on the fiscal【财政】fire hose next year and really pump money into the economy. But might we see some more targeted measures, perhaps special bonds, for example, similar to those that we saw issued back in 2020?已经有一些非常明确的信号表明,中国政府明年不会打开财政“水龙头”,真正地向经济注入资金。但是,我们是否会看到一些更有针对性的措施,比如2020年发行的特别国债?We have to acknowledge that the overall policy stimulus will be still kind of targeted, or even moderated in the next few quarters. But the targeted policy also means that the sectors that will be supported by the physical policy will get more kind of support or boost from the policy and also all kind of get more kind of attention from the investors.我们必须承认,未来几个季度的整体政策刺激仍将是有针对性和适度的。但有针对性的政策也意味着,受实体政策支持的行业将从政策中获得更多的支持或推动,同时也会得到投资者更多的关注。So I think for China, there are two different kinds of perspectives when we look at the policy support for next year. One is that the government will continue to provide support to boost the potential or kind of productivity. And in the meantime, the government will provide support to improve the people's livelihood【生计】.因此,对中国而言,明年的政策支持有两种不同的角度。一是政府将继续提供支持,以提高生产潜力或生产率。与此同时,政府还将为改善民生提供支持。What do you expect from the Chinese economy in 2024? What's your outlook?您对2024年中国经济有何预期?前景如何?Overall speaking, if you look at the growth projection for 2024, basically we're looking around like 5%. This is there's no little doubt that China was to deliver a decent growth for next year. But on the other hand, first half of the year, we're still have to be kind of patient to see the economic momentum sentiment【情绪】and also the confidence to gradually build up. I think the hope will be that the overall economic kind of a growth will be consolidated in the first half of next year. And for the second half of next year, overall speaking, the risk will be can somehow contained, especially in both the property sector and also the local government debt related staff. And basically, that will pave ways for good kind of returns in both the bond market as well as the stock market for next year. And first half of the year, we're looking at so called the risk management. And for the second half of the year, I think there will be kind of a good returns or decent returns from a specific sector as well.总的来说,关于2024年的增长预测,我们的基本预期是5%左右。毫无疑问,中国明年会有不错的增长。但另一方面,明年上半年,我们仍需耐心等待经济势头和信心的逐步增强。我认为,整体经济增长的希望能在明年上半年得到巩固。明年下半年,总体而言,风险将在某种程度上得到控制,尤其是在房地产行业和地方政府债务相关方面。基本上,这将为明年债券市场和股票市场的良好回报铺平道路。明年上半年,我们将关注所谓的风险管理。至于下半年,我认为某些行业也会有不错的回报。So there's going to be a lot to watch in 2024. Thanks for sharing your insights, Zhouhao.所以,2024年将有很多事情值得关注。感谢您分享的见解,周浩。Thank you very much.非常感谢。#热词加油站 headwinds /ˈhedwɪnd/【逆风】fiscal /ˈfɪskl/【财政】livelihood /ˈlaɪvlihʊd/【生计】sentiment /ˈsentɪmənt/【情绪】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
12/21/20234 minutes, 28 seconds
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12/20 TOP NEWS|中国经济内外部可控

NEWS ON 12/191. CHINA CAN SURMOUNT THECURRENT ECONOMIC CHALLENGES中国经济内外部可控-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-------------CHINA CAN SURMOUNT THECURRENT ECONOMIC CHALLENGES中国经济内外部可控After a bumpy 2023, there are high expectations for China's economic recovery in 2024. In the wake of the agenda-setting Central Economic Work Conference, our reporter Timothy Pope sat down with Bruce Pang, Chief Economist at the global real estate services company JLL Greater China, to get his take on how the country's challenges can be met.中国经济经历了持续承压的2023后,人们对2024年中国经济复苏寄予厚望。在定基调的中央经济工作会议之后,我们的记者Timothy Pope与全球知名房地产咨询机构仲量联行大中华区首席经济学家庞溟交谈,了解中国如何应对挑战。How important is this year's Central Economic Work Conference in really setting the tone for 2024?今年的中央经济工作会议在为2024年定下基调方面有多重要?Yes, in term of the external environment, actually a recent data shows the potential risk of slowdown in global economy as well as in many macro economies. The softening external demand actually isn't completely favorable has posed challenges for China's growth momentum and is worthy to be addressed and responded to in the top-level meeting. And domestic wise, the market expected some progress policies to complement and bear fruits, which have not yet been effectively translated into near term growth due to the constrained policy transmission and business confidence. 是的,就外部环境而言,实际上最近的数据显示了全球经济以及许多宏观经济体放缓的潜在风险。外部需求的疲软实际上并不完全有利,这对中国的增长势头构成了挑战,值得在高层会议上加以解决和回应。就国内而言,市场预计一些鼓励政策将相辅相成并取得成果,但由于政策传导和商业信心受到限制,这些政策尚未在短期内有效转化为增长。And economy’s indeed facing some structural issues together with local governments’ debt risk, distress in the housing market, etc. So a fairly supportive measures have proven mostly beneficial, raising some pressures on authorities to roll out more stimulus. My opinion is that work conference reaffirms the importance and lays a concrete foundations of stabilizing the expectations and setting up confidence.经济确实面临着一些结构性问题,以及地方政府的债务风险、房地产市场的困境等。因此,政府主导刺激措施大多数被证明是有益的,市场期待政府能推出更多刺激措施。我的看法是,工作会议重申了这一重要性,并为稳定预期和奠定信心奠定了基础。You talked about effective transmission of policy. How much new policy and how much new stimulus is the economy going to need?你谈到了政策的有效传递。中国经济需要多少新政策和新刺激?First, there will be supportive measures at all front and pragmatic strategies to revive recovery and to reengine grows for China together with solid progress in high quality development. The second step, the policymakers pledge to boost domestic demands and store the business confidence to take steps to reorient the economy towards household consumptions and market oriented allocation of resources. And the third one is that the central governments not only recognize the achievement and momentum of China's economy, also identify some specific issues and a few factors and challenges to tackle.首先,政府需要在各个方面采取支持措施,制定务实战略,重振复苏,同时在高质量发展方面取得坚实进展。第二步,政策制定者承诺提高国内需求,并储备商业信心,以采取措施将经济动力转向家庭消费和市场导向的资源配置。第三,中央政府不仅认识到中国经济的成就和势头,还确定了一些具体方面以及一些需要解决的因素和挑战。The property sector is obviously a major area of concern and has been for a while. What can be done there both to promote the sector as a whole, but also just to bring home buyers back to the market. Is this an issue of confidence, one of affordability or is it a combination of factors?房地产行业显然是人们关注的一个主要领域,而且已经有一段时间了。对于房地产领域可以做些什么,既能促进整个行业的发展,又能让购房者重返市场。这是信心问题、负担能力问题还是多种因素的结合?I think the top priority would be to break to potential virtuous cycle in and downward cycle. And some argue that ensuring the delivery of residential buildings is one of top priorities but I don't agree because it's not only priority. The language of housing for the central economical conference was a little change from previous statements. So the key would be to better implementations, executions of existing policies for the property sector to break the potential virtuous cycle, not introducing the new remedies.我认为当务之急是促进房地产业良性循环。一些人认为,确保住宅楼的交付是首要任务之一,但我不同意,因为这不是唯一的优先事项。中央经济会议的住房措辞与之前的声明略有不同。因此,关键是更好地实施和执行房地产行业的现有政策,以促进良性循环,而不是引入新的补救措施。And what's your outlook for the Chinese economy in 2024? 你对2024年中国经济的展望是什么?There will be two major growth drivers for 2024. First will be making good use of policy room. And second will be a synergy between consumption and investment as mentioned by the Work Conference so that there will be better collaborations and strong synergy across different policies include physical monetary size, technology, industrial policies, etc. Among others, the strengthen innovations and coordinations policy tools could also be seen which are positive stabilize expectation sentiment to promote to transition of growth model and structural adjustments. And demand, especially as a domestic demand is the key. So consumption and investments two wings of China's growth. And I think the virtuous cycle, the positive effect from both investments and consumptions, could also be a very important catalyst to further boost China's growth and development next year.2024年将有两大增长动力。首先是充分利用政策空间。第二,正如工作会议所提到的,消费和投资之间的协同作用,从而使不同政策(包括实物货币规模、技术、产业政策等)之间有更好的合作和强大的协同作用,强化创新与协调政策工具对稳定预期情绪,促进增长模式转型和结构调整也有积极作用。而需求,尤其是国内需求是关键。因此,消费和投资是中国经济增长的两翼。我认为,这种良性循环,即投资和消费的积极影响,也可能是明年进一步推动中国增长和发展的一个非常重要的催化剂。Fascinating insights! Bruce Pang, thank you so much for joining us. Thank you.引人入胜的见解!庞溟,非常感谢你的加入。谢谢你。#热词加油站Coordinations [kəʊˌɔːdɪˈneɪʃn]协调Monetary [ˈmʌnɪtri]货币的Residential [ˌrezɪˈdenʃl]住宅的Momentum [məˈmentəm]势头订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大师访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
12/21/20234 minutes, 34 seconds
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12/19 TOP NEWS|科技创新正成为中国经济增长新引擎

NEWS ON 12/18CHINA’S ECONOMIC RECOVERY RELIES ON INNOVATION科技创新正成为中国经济增长新引擎-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------CHINA’S ECONOMIC RECOVERY RELIES ON INNOVATION科技创新正成为中国经济增长新引擎Zhang Shixuan Reporter张诗旋 记者The Central Economic Work Conference had a couple of highlights. One of them is a new term in Chinese we call it “xianlihoupo”, which literally means we fix it and then break it. How do you interpret these new terms?中央经济工作会议有几个亮点。其中有个新词是“先立后破”,字面意思是先打破旧有的固定模式,才能创造出新的。您如何理解这些新词?Hong Hao chief economist of GROW Investment Group洪灏 思睿集团首席经济学家It is a new term. Normally in Chinese we say we break it first and then fix it, right? So we break the existing model first and then we'll fix it and re-jig it. This time around, we're talking about steady the shift first and then develop. So I think stability is the key. I think the management is trying to keep a stable, steady domestic environment for the economic re-engineering processing.这是一个新词。在中文里,我们通常说先破后立,对吧?先打破现有的模式,再重新调整它。这次,我们说的是先稳后变,再发展。所以稳定是关键。管理层正在努力为国内经济再造过程保持一个稳定、平稳的环境。Zhang Shixuan Reporter张诗旋 记者How important is this year’s Central Economic Work Conference? Have you seen any progress made from the conference?您认为今年的中央经济工作会议有多重要?会议取得了哪些进展?Hong Hao chief economist of GROW Investment Group洪灏 思睿集团首席经济学家This year, we’ve seen new messages coming out of this meeting. For example, we're gonna use a new technology development to develop new types of productivity and to propel【推进】 economic growth going forward. And back then, I think last year, for example, we're emphasizing on boosting domestic demand to help the economy to recover. But I think going forward, that is still important because that is also being discussed in the conferences as well. But the role of technologically development is becoming increasingly more important. And I think it's the first time that we're putting science and technology development in the center of economic growth model going forward.我们从今年这次会议中看到了新的信息。比如说,我们要利用新技术来发展新型生产力,推动经济向前发展。而去年,比如说,我们强调要促进内需,帮助经济复苏。在未来,这一点仍然很重要,因为会议上也讨论了这个问题。不过技术发展的作用正变得越来越重要。我认为这是我们第一次把科技发展放在未来经济增长模式的中心位置。Zhang Shixuan Reporter张诗旋 记者What do you think is the dominant trend for the overall economic growth in China this year? 您认为今年中国整体经济增长的主要趋势是什么?Hong Hao chief economist of GROW Investment Group洪灏 思睿集团首席经济学家The Chinese economy is going into a new phase, is trying to switch away from growth model that is driven by property investment growth and going into a high tech manufacturing driven growth. Property sector is important, but it shouldn't be one and only sector that matters to the Chinese economy. And also in a new environment where rivalry【竞争】between countries assign the heating up in terms of who gets to take the lead or even dominate the tech sector. That is probably the crucial success, the crucial battle that China has to (face).中国经济正进入一个新阶段,试图从以房地产投资增长为驱动力的增长模式转向以高科技制造业为驱动力的增长模式。房地产业固然重要,但它不应是中国经济的唯一支柱产业。同时,在新的环境下,国家之间的竞争日趋白热化,谁能在科技领域占据领先甚至是主导地位,这可能是中国必须(面对)的成功关键和关键挑战。Obviously this year, we've seen some initial attempts and end results already. The GDP coming from the property sector in terms of percentage has decreased substantially. But at the same time, investment in other areas and also some new and emerging industries are developing substantially faster than the traditional industries. I would say that this year people are starting see and feel the change of the development model. I'm just hoping that going forward, more and more people come around to this camp and see property as part of the necessary that the consumer discretionary【自由决定的】sector that is helping consumption while the investment that used to be set assign invested in the property center and it will be being used to develop the high tech sector in the manufacturing sector of the Chinese economy.今年我们已经明显看到了一些初步尝试和结果。房地产行业的GDP占比大幅下降。但与此同时,其他领域的投资以及一些新兴产业的发展速度大大快于传统产业。今年人们开始看到并感受到发展模式的变化。希望在未来,越来越多的人能够加入,把房地产看成是帮助消费的可支配消费领域的必要组成部分,而过去分配给房地产中心的投资,将被用来发展中国经济制造业中的高科技领域。Zhang Shixuan Reporter张诗旋 记者Well, this trend, which you refer to as a restructuring process continue in the year to come? Will be able to see some effects from the change?您所说的这种重组趋势在来年是否会继续?这种变化是否会产生某些影响?Hong Hao chief economist of GROW Investment Group洪灏 思睿集团首席经济学家As time goes by, you're seeing the embryo of the new development structure clearer and clearer, while the old development model is sort of receding into the background. Nothing that is probably more likely that we're gonna see an experience in the next couple of years. And China is developing a very substantial comparative advantage relative to the other nations, for example, the EV sectors. I think China now is the largest EV exporter of the world, etc. So things are gradually changing. It's an emerging process that we need to manage well. But obviously we're feeling more and more palpable【明显的】. The change is coming our way. 随着时间的推移,你会看到新发展结构的雏形越来越清晰,而旧的发展模式则逐渐隐退。在未来几年里,我们更有可能看到这样的情况。与其他国家相比,中国正在形成非常大的优势,例如在电动汽车领域。中国现在是世界上最大的电动汽车出口国,等等。因此,情况正在逐渐发生变化。这是一个新兴的过程,我们需要好好把握。我们的感觉越来越明显,变化正在向我们走来。Now we're at about 300% to GDP-debt leverage ratio and that has to be change. I think this year we're probably gonna see for example, restructuring of local government debt, also more assistance for real estate developers who may have short term cash flow problems. There are many things to do but one has to keep in mind that solving the real estate challenge and also solving the local government bond issues, it's a long term issue. We probably took more than a decade to get to where we're now, and probably take at least a couple of years to clean it up.现在,我们的债务杠杆率约为国内生产总值的300%,这必须改变。今年我们可能会看到地方政府债务的重组,以及对可能有短期现金流问题的房地产开发商的更多援助。要做的事情有很多,但我们必须牢记,解决房地产挑战和解决地方政府债券问题是一个长期问题。我们花了十多年的时间才走到今天这一步,可能至少还需要几年的时间来收拾残局。#热词加油站propel /prəˈpel/【推进】rivalry /ˈraɪvlri/【竞争】discretionary /dɪˈskreʃənəri/【自由决定的】palpable /ˈpælpəbl/【明显的】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
12/19/20235 minutes, 16 seconds
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12/18 TOP NEWS|惠誉上调2023年中国经济增速预期至5.3%

NEWS ON 12/15FITCHRATINGSRAISEDCHINA 2023 GROWTHFORECASTTO 5.3%惠誉上调2023年中国经济增速预期至5.3%----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------FITCHRATINGSRAISEDCHINA 2023 GROWTHFORECASTTO 5.3%惠誉上调2023年中国经济增速预期至5.3%Fitch Ratings last Friday raised its 2023 economic growth forecast for China by 0.5 percentage points to 5.3%. Our reporter Zhang Shixuan spoke to Jeremy Zook, Director of Asia-Pacific Sovereign Ratings at Fitch Ratings to learnmore about his take on economic health in China.国际知名评级公司惠誉上周五将2023年中国经济增长预测上调0.5个百分点至5.3%。本台记者张诗旋采访了惠誉评级亚太区主权评级董事杰瑞米·祖克(Jeremy Zook),了解他对中国经济状况的看法。Zhang Shixuan, reporter张诗旋 本台记者The Central Economic Work Conference has assessed this year’s achievements and set a tone for economic development for next year. Which statements from the conference may have a big impact on growth in 2024?中央经济工作会议总结了今年的成就,为明年的经济发展奠定了基调。会议的哪些声明可能会对2024年的经济增长产生重大影响?Jeremy Zook, Director of Asia-Pacific Sovereign Ratings, Fitch Ratings杰瑞米·祖克 惠誉评级亚太区主权评级董事The statement from the conference about using progress to promote stability, we think implies that some of these efforts that the government has made so far this year will be stepped up into next year. So, on the monetary policy side, we think that this kind of signals that there will be a bit more in the way of modest monetary policy easing. But I think the more interesting takeaway is on the fiscal【财政的】side, where the discussion of proactive【积极主动的】fiscal policy being intensified. But I think in terms of the overall message, it’s still not one of a large degree of stimulus. It’s more about keeping growth stable and by sort of managing some of the downside risks in the economy rather than giving a major boost to the growth outlook.我们认为,会议关于“以进促稳”的声明意味着,政府今年迄今所做的一些努力将在明年得到加强。因此,在货币政策方面,我们认为这是一种信号,表明将有更多适度宽松的货币政策。但我认为更有趣的是财政方面,关于积极财政政策的讨论正在加强。但我认为,就总体信息而言,这仍然不是一个大规模的刺激政策。它更多地是为了保持经济增长的稳定,并通过管理经济中的一些下行风险,而不是对经济增长前景进行大幅提振。Zhang Shixuan, reporter张诗旋 本台记者What’s your take on the economic situation this year in China?您如何看待今年中国的经济形势?Jeremy Zook, Director of Asia-Pacific Sovereign Ratings, Fitch Ratings杰瑞米·祖克 惠誉评级亚太区主权评级董事In terms of our outlook for this year, we actually just revised【修改】up on Friday our growth forecast for 2023 from 4.8% to 5.3%. So, I think, what is influencing this upward revision and growth is that the third quarter came out a bit more stable and a bit stronger than what we had and anticipated.关于今年的展望,实际上我们刚刚在周五将2023年的增长预测从4.8%上调至5.3%。因此,我认为,影响此次上调和增长的原因是,第三季度的情况比我们的预期更稳定、更强劲一些。In comparison, though, China’s economy is still growing at a relatively strong pace compared to the rest of the world, but emerging markets this year have come under a bit of pressure as well, and advanced economies have also seen quite a lot of economic challenges given higher interest and rising interest rates.相比之下,中国经济的增长速度与世界其他国家相比仍然相对强劲,但新兴市场今年也面临着一些压力,而发达经济体由于较高且不断上升的利率,也面临着不少经济挑战。It’s very clear that the government wants to move the driver of growth away from the property sector to what it views as a more sustainable model, relying on new manufacturing sector, such as electric vehicles, batteries, renewable energy, as well as more reliance on consumption growth rather than in investment.很明显,政府希望把经济增长的驱动力从房地产行业转移到它认为更可持续的模式上,依靠新的制造业,如电动汽车、电池、可再生能源,以及更多地依靠消费拉动经济增长而不是投资。Zhang Shixuan, reporter张诗旋 本台记者You mentioned that a country is now shifting its driving force for economic growth from property sector while also battling other headwinds【逆风】. Do you think now is the right time to make the transition? And what happens if we don’t do it?您提到,中国目前正在将经济增长的驱动力从房地产行业转向其他行业,同时也在与其他不利因素作斗争。您认为现在是转型的合适时机吗?如果不转型会发生什么?Jeremy Zook, Director of Asia-Pacific Sovereign Ratings, Fitch Ratings杰瑞米·祖克 惠誉评级亚太区主权评级董事This is certainly a policy priority. And we did see quite a lot of imbalances built up in the property sector. There were questions about how sort of sustainable and desirable such credit driven growth where for the Chinese economy. So certainly, reducing the risk coming from property itself, it does help to promote stability. But the question is managing this transition between the property sector driven growth and this new growth model. How does the government sort of manage that? And I think that’s the challenge that we’re facing, that China is facing right now.这当然是政策重点。我们确实看到房地产行业出现了很多失衡现象。有人质疑这种信贷驱动的增长对中国经济的可持续性和可取性。因此,降低来自房地产本身的风险,确实有助于促进稳定。但问题是如何管理房地产行业驱动的增长与这种新增长模式之间的过渡。政府该如何管理?我认为这是我们面临的挑战,也是中国目前面临的挑战。We do think that a lot of the trends that we saw in 2023 will continue. So we see a bit more downside in the property sector, especially in the first half of the year. On the external demand front, we do see a bit of recovery in exports for next year, although we think it will be only a very gradual recovery because growth in advanced economies and the global growth just is a bit weaker in our forecast going into 2024. And this is where the degree of policy support will come into play, we do think and underlying our forecasts is an assumption that the government will utilize again, monetary policy and more significantly fiscal policy to help support more stable growth next year.我们确实认为,在 2023 年看到的许多趋势将继续下去。因此,我们认为房地产行业的下行空间会更大一些,尤其是在明年上半年。在外部需求方面,我们认为明年的出口会有所复苏,尽管我们认为这只是一个非常平缓的复苏,因为在我们的预测中,发达经济体和全球经济增长在2024年会略显疲软。这就是政策支持的作用所在,我们确实认为,我们预测的基础是政府将再次利用货币政策和更重要的财政政策来帮助支持明年更稳定的增长。#热词加油站fiscal/ˈfɪsk(ə)l/【财政的】proactive/ˌprəʊˈæktɪv/【积极主动的】revise/rɪˈvaɪz/【修改】headwind/ˈhedwɪnd/【逆风】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
12/18/20234 minutes, 50 seconds
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12/15 TOP NEWS|中国经济11月出现反弹

NEWS ON 12/151.     CHINESE ECONOMY REBOUNDS IN NOVEMBER中国经济11月出现反弹-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-------------CHINESE ECONOMY REBOUNDS IN NOVEMBER中国经济11月出现反弹The recently-concluded Central Economic Work Conference also noted that China's economy has achieved a recovery, with solid progress made in high-quality development in 2023. Our reporters have spoken to 5 economists from leading financial institutions to get their take on the conference and the signals it's sent. In today's interview, our reporter Zhang Shixuan spoke to Wang Dan, the Chief Economist at Hang Seng Bank China.最近结束的中央经济工作会议也提到,中国经济正在复苏,2023年高质量发展扎实推进。我们的记者采访了来自5家领头金融机构的经济学家,谈一谈他们对会议所传达的信号的解读。在今天的采访中,本台记者张诗旋采访了恒生银行(中国)首席经济学家王丹。What signal have you received from the just concluded Central Economic Work Conference? Is stimulus going to be effective in getting back the country's economic momentum?刚刚结束的中央经济工作会议,你收到了什么信号?刺激计划能有效地恢复国家的经济势头吗?The previous meetings, including the politburo meeting has sent out a signal that the government will implement bigger stimulus in 2024 than the past two years. This is quite necessary for many of the domestic producers. They're trying to find new markets, not just domestic markets, but also overseas market. Their production capacity has exceeded what Chinese mainland market can absorb. So there is a need to find new projects, new market to basically use up their production capacity.包括政治局会议在内的前几次会议发出了一个信号,即政府将在2024年实施比过去两年更大的刺激措施。这对许多国内生产商来说是非常必要的。他们正在努力寻找新市场,不仅是国内市场,还有海外市场。他们的生产能力已经超过了中国大陆市场的消化能力。所以有必要找到新的项目,新的市场来消化他们的产能。How important is this year's Central Economic Work Conference, given the headwinds faced by the Chinese economy at the moment?考虑到目前中国经济面临的不利因素,今年的中央经济工作会议有多重要?We're looking to the new GDP target in the Central Work Economic Conference. It will be quite essential for business community to make their plan for the next year. Because this year, the investment mood is quite tamed. But next year, many people expect a turnaround. The biggest problem for Chinese economy is still a lack of confidence. It's not just for consumers, but also investors. And that means for the GDP target in 2024, it has to be a little bit more ambitious than just based on fundamentals. So we're expecting more government-led projects, especially in the new energy industry, supply chain and water projects in central and western China, city renovation projects. So a lot of the fiscal expansion has to take place. And for domestic consumers, they're expecting faster income growth and that depends on the job market security. In order to achieve that, we also need the government to take a more relaxed stance in both monetary policy and fiscal policy. So the Central Economic Work Conference is the foundation for business community and also it can significantly improve the market sentiment.我们关注中央工作经济工作会议提出新的GDP目标。对于商界来说,制定明年的计划是非常重要的。因为今年,投资情绪相当温和。但明年,许多人预计情况会好转。中国经济面临的最大问题仍然是缺乏信心。这不仅适用于消费者,也适用于投资者。这意味着,对于2024年的GDP目标来说,它必须比仅仅基于基本面的目标更雄心勃勃。因此,我们预计会有更多政府主导的项目,特别是在中国中西部的新能源产业、供应链和水利项目、城市改造项目方面。所以必须进行大量的财政扩张。对于国内消费者来说,他们预计收入增长会更快,这取决于就业市场的安全性。为了实现这一目标,我们还需要政府在货币政策和财政政策方面采取更加宽松的立场。因此,中央经济工作会议是企业界的基础,也可以显著改善市场情绪。How do you view the economic situation this year in China? 你如何看待今年中国的经济形势?2023 is indeed a year of deep adjustment. And we have seen this real turnaround for consumer market because last year the base was too low. So just by a natural rebounding consumer market, we have seen a 7% to 8% of growth in retail market for most Chinese cities. And when we look at the GDP growth for different sectors, it is quite uplifting. But there is a gap between the macro data and micro perception. The main reason for that is this year's growth was still mostly driven by government projects and that is mostly turned into stock building, capital formation as well as manufacturing investment. Those things don't necessarily turn into people's income and that's why on the micro level, a lot of individuals feel that their wage hasn't grown as fast as before. I would say this year the official target will be met without a doubt on the 5% GDP target. There's no doubt we can achieve that. But in the months to come, there has to be more targeted measures trying to improve the quality of life and that includes income growth as well as job security.2023年确实是深度调整的一年。我们已经看到了消费市场的真正转变,因为去年的基数太低了。因此,仅凭消费市场的自然反弹,我们就可以看到中国大多数城市的零售市场增长了7%至8%。当我们看到其它产业的GDP增长时,这是非常令人振奋的。但宏观数据和微观感知之间存在差距。主要原因是今年的增长仍然主要由政府项目推动,而这些项目大多转化为建设存量、资本形成和制造业投资。这些东西不一定会转化为人们的收入,这就是为什么在微观层面上,很多人觉得他们的工资没有以前增长得那么快。我想说,今年的官方设定的5%的GDP目标毫无疑问将实现。但在未来几个月里,必须采取更有针对性的措施,努力提高生活质量,其中包括收入增长和工作保障。#热词加油站Politburo  [ˈpɒlɪtbjʊərəʊ]  政治局Adjustment  [əˈdʒʌstmənt]  调整Fundamental  [ˌfʌndəˈmentl]  基本的Headwind  [ˈhedwɪnd]  逆风订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大师访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
12/16/20231 minute, 7 seconds
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12/13 TOP NEWS|冰雪袭击中国北方/虹桥CBD规划呼吁促进电子商务

NEWS ON 12/131. SNOW AND ICE HIT NORTHERN CHINA冰雪袭击中国北方2. PLAN FOR HONGQIAO CBD CALLS FOR BOOSTING E-COMMERCE虹桥CBD规划呼吁促进电子商务-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-------------1.SNOW AND ICE HIT NORTHERN CHINA冰雪袭击中国北方Central regions of the country can expect more rain, snow or icy weather in the days ahead as temperatures may plummet to record lows in parts of northern China. Sun Siqi tell us more. 由于中国北部部分地区的气温可能骤降至历史新低,预计未来几天中国中部地区将出现更多雨雪冰冻天气。孙思琪告诉我们更多。Moderate to heavy snow has fallen in most of northwestern, northern and central China since the weekend. In Hulunbuir, Inner Mongolia the temperature dropped to minus 40 degrees yesterday, with it dropping to minus 47.8 at one weather station. In Genhe City, Hulunbuir, traffic and pedestrians edged along slowly in an icy fog. 自上周末以来,中国西北部、北部和中部的大部地区降下了中到大雪。昨天,内蒙古呼伦贝尔的气温降至零下40度,一个气象站的气温降至47.8度。在呼伦贝尔根河市,车辆和行人在冰雾中缓慢前行。It's way too cold. It's like walking in a freezer. The tofu is frozen in 5 minutes. 【内蒙古 呼伦贝尔市市民:太冷了 棉袄里套羽绒服##这是行走在"天然大冰柜"里##豆腐五分钟就冻了##】In Daxing'anling Prefecture, Heilongjiang Province temperatures dropped to minus 41 degrees yesterday. This weather will persist for another 3 days. Heating centers have dialed up boiler temperatures to pump hot water into residential radiators. 黑龙江省大兴安岭地区昨日气温降至零下41度。这种天气还会持续三天。供暖中心已经调高了锅炉温度,将热水泵入住宅散热器。Man Hongbin from Huzhong District Heating CenterWater leaving the boiler is now at 83 degrees, the returning water is 57 degrees. 【满洪滨 黑龙江大兴安岭呼中区房产维修与供暖中心工作人员:我们启用了应对措施##提高锅炉的效能跟温度##现在我们的温度##供水温度是83度##回水温度57度】In Shanxi Province a yellow warning for icy roads will remain in effect until tomorrow. Multiple highways in the province were closed in addition to a few scenic sites. 山西省道路结冰黄色预警将持续到明天。除了一些景点外,该省的多条高速公路也被关闭。In Beijing, 158 bus routes were still suspended as of 3pm today after 5 centimeters of snow blanketed the capital. 在北京,由于5厘米厚的雪覆盖了首都,截至今天下午3点,158条公交线路仍处于停运状态。Drivers were reminded to check for road warnings and drive with caution in places with snow or ice. Police officers said to be even more careful on bridges as road surfaces tend to ice over easier.驾驶员被提醒检查道路警告,并在有雪或冰的地方小心驾驶。警方表示,在桥梁上要更加小心,因为路面往往更容易结冰。2.PLAN FOR HONGQIAO CBD CALLS FOR BOOSTING E-COMMERCE虹桥CBD规划呼吁促进电子商务A three-year plan was issued today to boost e-commerce in the Hongqiao International central business district. It set out 15 tasks and came after the State Council approved the establishment of a pilot zone for Silk Road e-commerce cooperation in Shanghai. Zhang Hong tells us more about what's going in the area. 今天发布了一项为期三年的计划,旨在促进虹桥国际中心商务区的电子商务发展。它列出了15项任务,是在国务院批准在上海建立丝绸之路电子商务合作试验区之后发布的。张红告诉我们更多关于这个地区的情况。A host from Russia was busy this morning at a livestreaming base in Hongqiao Pinhui. She has worked as a host since 2021. Covering a range of food and beverage products, sales shot up.今天上午,一位来自俄罗斯的主持人在虹桥品汇的直播基地忙碌着。她自2021年起担任主持人。涵盖一系列食品和饮料产品,销售额激增。Livestreaming HostProducts are sold quickly online because there're are a lot of people watching livestreams. We have warehouses in northeastern China, Changshu, and all over China. 主播 刘莎莎 3518 //线上卖得快 你直播的时候很多人过来看你 3538 全中国都有(仓库)啊 我们的仓库在东北那边,在常熟这边//)The base opened last November. Foreign hosts sell products like black tea from Sri Lanka, essential oils from Iran and honey from New Zealand. Total sales have exceeded 100 million yuan.该基地于去年11月启用。外国东道主出售斯里兰卡红茶、伊朗精油和新西兰蜂蜜等产品。总销售额已超过1亿元。Zhu Jing, Deputy General ManagerHongqiao PinhuiWe have done livestreams to sell products from over 20 countries participating in the Belt and Road Initiative.虹桥品汇副总经理 朱菁 4250 在我们这个平台上,已经为20多个(共建)"一带一路"国家做过直播 //)A superintendent from the Hongqiao Bonded Logistics Center said cross-border e-commerce orders have almost doubled. The center has a maximum capacity for 4 million packages. It now contains over 1.8 million, of which about 70% are from countries with deals under the Belt and Road Initiative. 虹桥保税物流中心的一位负责人表示,跨境电子商务订单几乎翻了一番。该中心的最大容量为400万个包裹。它现在包含180多万,其中约70%来自根据“一带一路”倡议达成协议的国家。Wang Yanjie, Cross-border E-CommerceHongqiao Int'l CBD Bonded Logistics Center BIn terms of categories, we only had personal care products last year. This year, we have food and cosmetics. We're expecting products from more countries. There will be honey from Brazil. New products from Argentina and Spain will also arrive soon. 虹桥国际中央商务区B保跨境电商业务负责人 王彦杰 2500 种类的话,去年只有个护,今年增加了食品和美妆 2520 我们现在在准备引进的一些新的国家,像巴西他们有蜂蜜 阿根廷和西班牙的新的产品会到我们的仓库)The Hongqiao International CBD is also home to many e-commerce companies that help those from abroad enter the Chinese market.虹桥国际CBD也是许多电子商务公司的所在地,这些公司帮助来自国外的人进入中国市场。Li Yi, PRBuy QuicklyWe offer services to over 10 companies from the participating countries. We help them open a store, run the store and do surveys on customers and pricing.百秋公共关系负责人 李艺 5230//我们现在服务的十多个品牌都是涵盖(共建)"一带一路"国家的 5140//给他们提供专业化的服务 比如说开店,店铺运营,研究消费者 5158 定价怎么来定)According to the plan released today, by 2025, the area will have Shanghai's highest average growth rate in e-commerce trade with countries participating in the Belt and Road Initiative.    根据今天发布的计划,到2025年,该地区将成为上海与“一带一路”倡议国家电子商务贸易平均增长率最高的地区。#热词加油站Plummet [ˈkɒmɜːs] 暴跌Initiative [ɪˈnɪʃətɪv] 倡议Remind [rɪˈmaɪnd]提醒Commerce [ˈkɒmɜːs]商业订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大师访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
12/14/20233 minutes, 58 seconds
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12/12 TOP NEWS|投资者摆脱低迷的通胀数据/达·芬奇及文艺复兴时代作品抵达上海博物馆

NEWS ON 12/111. INVESTORS SHRUG OFF SLUGGISH INFLATION DATA投资者摆脱低迷的通胀数据2. SHANGHAI MUSEUM PRESENTS DA VINCI ALONGSIDE CHINESE ARTISTS OF SAME ERA18幅达·芬奇及文艺复兴时代作品抵达上海博物馆-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1. INVESTORS SHRUG OFF SLUGGISH INFLATION DATA投资者摆脱低迷的通胀数据Chinese A-shares rebounded this afternoon, shrugging off weaker economic data published at the weekend. Here's Timothy Pope with a look at the day's trading action.A股今天(12/11)下午出现反弹,摆脱了周末公布的疲软经济数据的影响。记者Timothy Pope带来对今天市场交易情况的分析。Chinese Mainland markets started the day sharply lower as investors reacted to the Saturday's sluggish【行动迟缓的】consumer and producer inflation numbers. But with the CPI falling at the fastest pace in three years, and both measures of inflation coming under increasing pressure, it does boost the case for some form of stimulus measures to come out of the Chinese Government's Central Economic Work Conference. That agenda-setting meeting is expected to be held this week. The Shanghai Composite gained sharply after the lunch time trading break to close 0.7 percent higher. The Shenzhen Component ended the day 0.8 percent higher.投资者对周六消费者和生产者低迷的通胀数据作出了反应,中国内地市场开盘大幅走低。但是,随着消费者物价指数以三年来最快的速度下降,这两项通胀指标都面临着越来越大的压力,有助于中国政府在中央经济工作会议上出台的刺激措施,该会议将于本周召开。上证综指在午间休市后大幅上涨,收盘上涨0.7%。深成指收盘上涨0.8%。Real Estate stocks didn't really participate in the late rally【回升】, and remained the biggest drag on the mainland markets. A sub-index tracking them ended 1.5 percent lower. 房地产股并未真正参与尾盘的反弹,仍然是拖累内地市场的最大因素。房地产股的分指数收盘下跌1.5%。Zhengzhou Coal Mining led gains among energy stocks -- rising 5.7 percent after announcing a 300 to 600 million yuan share buyback plan over the next 12 months. 郑煤机在能源股中涨幅居前——在宣布未来12个月3-6亿元的股票回购计划后,上涨了 5.7%。Hong Kong's markets traded lower all day as consumer and tech shares dragged down the Hang Seng. The main index was off 0.8 percent while the Tech Index was 0.4 percent lower.由于消费股和科技股拖累了恒生指数,香港股市全天走低。恒生指数下跌0.8%,科技股指数下跌0.4%。 was one of the day's biggest decliners, shedding 6.3 percent alongside other tech names including Baidu and Meituan.京东是今天跌幅最大的股票之一,下跌了 6.3%,百度和美团等其他科技股也都下降。Li Ning was the biggest loser on the Hang Seng though, slumping 14.3 percent to a more than 3 and a half year low. Those falls could be related to the company's decision to buy a new Hong Kong headquarters building. The 22-storey commercial and retail building in Hong Kong's North Point is going to cost Li Ning more than 280 million US dollars. 李宁是恒生指数的最大输家,暴跌14.3%,创逾三年半新低。下跌可能与该公司决定购买一座新的香港总部大楼有关。这座位于香港北角的22层商业零售大楼将花费李宁超过2.8亿美元。And in Japan the Nikkei 225 rebounded off Friday's one month low, rising 1.5 percent. The Japanese yen had been at a four month high against the US dollar, which prompted a sell-off of stocks in Tokyo late last week. Today there was a correction【回调】in the yen, slipping back to more than 145.6 per dollar, which was good news for much of the country's export oriented stocks. Nissan added 2.5 percent while Nintendo rose 1.4 percent.在日本市场,日经225指数从上周五的月低点反弹,上涨了1.5%。日元对美元汇率曾创下四个月来的新高,这促使东京股市在上周末出现抛售。今天,日元汇率出现回调,回落到1 美元兑145.6日元以上,这对该国大部分出口导向型股票来说是个好消息。日产汽车上涨了2.5%,任天堂上涨了1.4%。2. SHANGHAI MUSEUM PRESENTS DA VINCI ALONGSIDE CHINESE ARTISTS OF SAME ERA18幅达·芬奇及文艺复兴时代作品抵达上海博物馆Shanghai Museum reopened yesterday after being closed two months for renovations. The "Who is Leonardo da Vinci?" exhibition has quickly attracted attention as it's based on a dialogue between Renaissance masters, led by da Vinci, and Chinese artists from the 15th and 16th centuries. Sun Siqi has more.上海博物馆在闭馆整修两个月后于昨天重新开放。“对话达•芬奇——文艺复兴与东方美学艺术特展”以达-芬奇为首的文艺复兴大师与15、16世纪中国艺术家之间的对话为主题,迅速引起了人们的关注。记者孙思奇带来更多报道。Da Vinci's painting "La Scapigliata", or "The Lady with Disheveled Hair" from the collection of the National Gallery of Parma is unquestionably the exhibition's highlight. The gallery only loans it outside of Italy once every five years. A 2019 exhibition at the Louvre Museum in Paris was the last time it was outside of Italy.帕尔马国家美术馆收藏的达-芬奇画作《La Scapigliata》,即《头发飘逸的女子》,无疑是本次展览的亮点。帕尔马国家美术馆每五年才将这幅画借出意大利一次。2019年在巴黎卢浮宫博物馆举办的展览是它最后一次走出意大利。"La Scapigliata" is an unfinished oil painting with umber and white lead pigments【颜料】 on a small poplar wood panel. It is the outline of a young woman, face gently angled downward, disheveled hair flowing behind her with half-closed eyes and ambiguous smile. It's frequently compared to the Mona Lisa.《头发飘逸的女子》是一幅未完成的油画作品,用黄褐色和铅白颜料在橡木板上所绘。其描绘了一位头发飘逸的年轻女性,双目低垂,轻轻颔首,脸上带着一抹若有似无的微笑。这幅画经常被拿来与《蒙娜丽莎》相比较。Italian art historians found a frame for this masterpiece since it didn't originally have a frame to protect it. 意大利艺术史学家为这幅杰作找到了一个画框,因为它原本没有画框保护。Chu Xin, Deputy Director Exhibition Department, SH Museum上海博物馆展览部副主任 褚馨“The frame and the painting were delivered to us separately in two boxes. The frame contains several settings to make sure that the painting can be kept at a perfect temperature and humidity【湿度】. We'll also record the data and send it to the Italian gallery every two weeks to keep them updated. It's the first time for us to exhibit a painting in such a traditional yet professional way. We've learned a lot from the Italian side in terms of how to protect a masterpiece. ”“这个画框是单独和这幅油画一起运过来,运过来之后是分两个箱子画框有多种设置,以确保画作能保持在最佳的温度和湿度下。我们还将记录数据,每两周发送给意大利画廊一次,以便随时更新。这是我们第一次以如此传统而专业的方式展出画作。在如何保护杰作方面,我们从意大利方面学到了很多。”Francesco D'Arelli Exhibition Curato意大利驻沪总领事馆官员、意方策展人 达仁利“This exhibition could be the starting point of a different approach of the cultural dialogue and so Shanghai Museum is a very excellent museum in the eastern China. Shanghai museum could be the door, the window for this new approach in displaying what are the treasures of our both civilizations. ”“上海博物馆是华东地区非常出色的博物馆。上海博物馆可以成为展示我们两种文明瑰宝的新途径的大门和窗口。”The exhibition features 18 treasured Renaissance artworks from Italy, as well as 18 ancient Chinese paintings from Shanghai Museum's collection. Also on display are pieces by other Renaissance masters including two sketches by Michelangelo, and paintings by pupils of da Vinci.展览展出了18件来自意大利的文艺复兴时期珍贵艺术品,以及上海博物馆收藏的18件中国古代绘画作品。此外,还展出了文艺复兴时期其他艺术大师的作品,包括米开朗基罗的两幅素描和达-芬奇学生的画作。Shanghai Museum has selected 18 paintings from its collection of Chinese art as part of an artistic dialogue with the Renaissance masters. The most famous one is arguably Tang Yin's "Lady With Fan in the Autumn Breeze". Also known as Tang Bohu, Tang Yin of the Ming Dynasty is a household name in China, and this painting is regarded as one of his most famous even though it has been 25 years since it was last on public display at the museum.上海博物馆从其中国艺术藏品中精选了18幅画作,作为与文艺复兴大师进行艺术对话的一部分。其中最有名的是唐寅的《秋风纨扇图》。在明代时期,唐寅又名唐伯虎,在中国家喻户晓。这幅画是他最著名的作品之一,它上次在博物馆公开展出已是25年前。Chu Xin, Deputy Director Exhibition Department, SH Museum上海博物馆展览部副主任 褚馨“Our exhibit designer used an arch and traditional Chinese window to break the boundaries between different topics. For example, while visitors are gazing upon da Vinci's painting, they will also be able to see the works of Chinese artists through a window. I think it is quite interesting and full of artistic value, giving people time and space to stop and think. ”“这次设计师用了这个西式的这个拱门和中式的这个花窗与园林的花窗,通过这样的一种布景和这样的一种打破这个空间和空间之间的隔断。比如,参观者在欣赏达芬奇画作的同时,还能透过窗户看到中国艺术家的作品。我认为这非常有趣,充满了艺术价值,让人们有时间和空间停下来思考。”The exhibition includes 11 pages from the Codex Atlanticus, a set of drawings and texts, that are being shown in China for the first time. The manuscript covers a wide range of subjects, including studies and sketches of paintings, mechanics, mathematics, astronomy as well as inventions such as the parachute【降落伞】, war machines and hydraulic pumps.此次展览还包括首次在中国展出的《大西洋古抄本》中的11页手稿,这是一套图画和文字手稿。手稿内容广泛,包括绘画、机械、数学、天文学以及降落伞、战争机器和液压泵等发明的研究和草图。#热词加油站sluggish /ˈslʌɡɪʃ/【行动迟缓的】rally /ˈræli/【回升】correction /kəˈrekʃn/【回调】pigments /ˈpɪɡmənt/【颜料】humidity /hjuːˈmɪdəti/【湿度】parachute /ˈpærəʃuːt/【降落伞】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
12/13/20236 minutes, 3 seconds
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12/11 TOP NEWS|上海自贸区新任务:打造制度型开放示范区/记得带伞!上海本周迎来降雨

NEWS ON 12/081.CENTRAL GOVERNMENT ISSUES NEW GUIDELINES FOR FTZ国务院印发总体方案推进上海自贸试验区高水平制度型开放2.SHANGHAI FORECAST SHOWING RAIN FOR SUNDAY AND MONDAY出行记得带伞!上海天气预报显示将迎来降雨----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1.CENTRAL GOVERNMENT ISSUES NEW GUIDELINES FOR FTZ国务院印发总体方案推进上海自贸试验区高水平制度型开放China’s State Council has issued new guidelines to expand the Shanghai Free Trade Zone into a demonstration area for what it calls “institutional【制度的】opening-up”. Sun Siqi tells us more about what it means.国务院印发了推动上海自由贸易试验区打造“制度性开放”示范区的新方案。本台记者孙思奇为我们详细介绍这一战略举措的意义。Officials said during the past ten years, the Shanghai Free Trade Zone has accumulated abundant experience for deeper opening-up. Among the 302 regulatory innovations that developed across all of the FTZs in China, 145 came from Shanghai. And in the future, the central government envisions【预想】 a more systemic opening-up for the Shanghai FTZ.官方表示,过去十年,上海自贸区为深化对外开放积累了丰富经验。国家层面复制推广的302项自贸试验区改革试点经验中,源自上海自贸区的有145项。未来,中央政府计划对上海自贸区进行更系统的开放。Hua Yuan, Vice Mayor of Shanghai华源上海市人民政府副市长“这次《总体方案》在自贸试验区制度创新成效的基础上,对‘边境’管理制度改革和‘边境后’管理制度改革都提出了更高标准。比如在货物贸易方面,我们将围绕提高国际贸易效率、降低国际贸易成本的目标,不断提高贸易便利化和贸易数字化水平。”“On the basis of what we achieved at the FTZ, the guidelines have specified stronger reforms in regulations on border control. For example, in cross-border trade, regulations will be changed to increase trade efficiency, lower trade costs and digitalize Customs procedures related to cross-border trade.” Another highlight is a push to increase openness in the financial sector. The guidelines are expected to assist Shanghai in putting regulations in place that are similar to those in the world’s most open markets.方案的另一个亮点是推动金融业的进一步开放。该方案有望使上海自贸区全面对接国际高标准经贸规则。Zhu Min, Director of Shanghai Commission of Commerce朱民上海市商务委员会主任“拓宽数字金融服务在国际经贸往来中的应用场景,主要是加强前沿技术在电子支付、跨境资产管理等领域的具体运用。通过优化跨国公司跨境资金、集中运营管理政策,提升自由贸易账户系统功能,进一步优化上海总部经济跨境投融资服务水平。”“Digital financial services will have wider applications in international economic exchanges, in areas including electronic payment and cross-border asset management. We’ll optimize policies that govern cross-border capital of multi-national corporations, and elevate the ability for corporate headquarters to invest and finance across the border.”Once the guidelines have been implemented【执行】, officials say they believe Shanghai will begin to attract more foreign financial institutions.官方表示,一旦方案得以实施,相信上海将开始吸引更多的外国金融机构。2.SHANGHAI FORECAST SHOWING RAIN FOR SUNDAY AND MONDAY出行记得带伞!上海天气预报显示将迎来降雨It was warm and sunny in Shanghai today with daytime highs reaching 21 degrees at the Xujiahui Meteorological【气象学的】Station.今天(12/08)上海天气晴暖,徐家汇气象站白天最高气温达到21摄氏度。The western suburbs were even warmer today, with a station in Qingpu registering a high 23.6 degrees in the early afternoon. Forecasters say the warm and sunny weather will continue tomorrow, but cloudier skies and rain is expected on Sunday and Monday, ahead of a cold front. The cooler air behind the front will push temperatures down to a high of only 11 degrees on Tuesday, before climbing back in the neighborhood of the low 20s by the end of the week.今日西郊地区气温更为温暖,青浦一气象站在下午早些时候记录到23.6摄氏度的高温。气象学家表示,明天将继续保持晴朗温暖的天气,但在周日和下周一,在冷锋来临之前,预计会出现多云和降雨天气。冷锋后的冷空气将导致周二最高气温降至11摄氏度,然后在本周末回升至20摄氏度左右。#热词加油站institutional/ˌɪnstɪˈtjuːʃənl/【制度的】envisions/ɪnˈvɪʒ(ə)n/【预想】implemented/ˈɪmplɪment/【执行】meteorological/ˌmiːtiərəˈlɒdʒɪk(ə)l/【气象学的】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
12/12/20232 minutes, 29 seconds
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12/08 TOP NEWS|中国和新加坡将30天互免签证/科学家将更深层次研究/A股仍深陷泥潭

NEWS ON 12/081.CHINA, SINGAPORE PLAN RECIPROCAL 30-DAY VISA-FREE ENTRY中国和新加坡计划互惠30天无签证入境2.SCIENTISTS TAKE RESEARCH TO A DEEPER LEVEL科学家将研究提升到更深层次3. A-SHARES REMAIN MIRED BELOW KEY LEVELSA股仍深陷关键水平以下的泥潭-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-------------1.CHINA, SINGAPORE PLAN RECIPROCAL 30-DAY VISA-FREE ENTRY中国和新加坡计划互惠30天无签证入境Deputy Prime of Singapore Minister Lawrence Wong said China and Singapore will work out the implementation details of the 30-day mutual visa exemption agreement early next year. Wong made the announcement at the 19th meeting of the China-Singapore Joint Council for Bilateral Cooperation in Tianjin today. Since the second half of this year, countries including Thailand, Sri Lanka and Malaysia granted visa-free travel for Chinese citizens. China granted visa-free entry for travelers holding ordinary passports of France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain and Malaysia starting this month. 新加坡副总理黄循财表示,中新两国将于明年初制定为期30天的互免签证协议的实施细节。黄循财是今天在天津举行的中新双边合作联合理事会第十九次会议上宣布这一消息的。今年下半年以来,泰国、斯里兰卡、马来西亚等国给予中国公民免签证旅行。从本月开始,中国对持有法国、德国、意大利、荷兰、西班牙和马来西亚普通护照的游客实行免签证入境。2.SCIENTISTS TAKE RESEARCH TO A DEEPER LEVEL科学家将研究提升到更深层次Experiments are ready to commence at the world's deepest and largest underground laboratory in Sichuan Province after construction and installation wrapped up today. Sun Siqi takes a look at the new facility that may prove essential to frontier research in dark matter and other space particles. 在今天施工和安装结束后,位于四川省的世界上最深、最大的地下实验室准备开始实验。记者孙思奇带我们来看这个可能对暗物质和其他太空粒子的前沿研究至关重要的新设备。The lab space is 2,400 meters underground. At that depth, the flux of cosmic radiation, which exists everywhere in the universe, is only one hundred-millionth the level of what it is on the earth's surface. 实验室位于地下2400米处。在那个深度,宇宙中无处不在的宇宙辐射通量只有地球表面的一亿分之一。This ultra-low-radiation environment is essential for scientists attempting to detect and study dark matter. 这种超低辐射环境对试图探测和研究暗物质的科学家来说至关重要。10 research teams from a slew of universities including Tsinghua and Shanghai Jiao Tong have already moved in. 来自清华大学和上海交通大学等多所大学的10个研究团队已经进驻。Li Yuanjing, Deputy Chief Director of Construction of Jinping Underground Lab Facility李元景,锦屏地下实验室建设副总指挥The facility provides excellent conditions for experiments on the study of dark matter, the measurement of neutrinos and research in nuclear astrophysics. In addition, it can also help researchers that study Deep Earth physics. This could become a world-class multi-disciplinary research center. 该设施为暗物质研究、中微子测量和核天体物理学研究的实验提供了良好的条件。此外,它还可以帮助研究地球深处物理的研究人员。这将成为世界级的多学科研究中心。The first phase of the project opened in 2010, multiple achievements in dark matter research were made by Chinese scientist working in the underground lab. Phase 2, which officially opened today, is part of China's 14th Five-Year Plan, and is almost 80 times the size of the phase 1, providing researchers with more than enough lab space to take their experiments to the next level.该项目的第一阶段于2010年启动,在地下实验室工作的中国科学家在暗物质研究方面取得了多项成就。第二阶段于今天正式启动,是中国“十四五”规划的一部分,几乎是第一阶段的80倍,为研究人员提供了足够的实验室空间,将他们的实验提升到一个新的水平。3. A-SHARES REMAIN MIRED BELOW KEY LEVELSA股仍深陷关键水平以下的泥潭Chinese mainland investors today shrugged off news of another Moody's credit outlook cut, this time for the country's banks. Timothy Pope has a rundown of the trading action.中国内地投资者今天对穆迪再次下调信贷前景的消息不屑一顾,这次下调的是中国的银行。记者Timothy Pope简要介绍了交易行为。China's A-share market remained tepid today despite the news of November's export growth. The figures were a big turn-around from October and beat most estimates, but didn't prompt a turn-around for the stock markets. The Shanghai Composite closed less than a tenth of one percent lower, seemingly stuck below the key 3000 point level. Likewise the Shenzhen Component remains below its psychologically important 10 thousand point mark.尽管有11月出口增长的消息,中国A股市场今天仍然不温不火。这些数据与10月份相比有了很大的转变,超出了大多数人的预期,但并没有促使股市出现转变。上证综合指数收盘下跌不到0.1%,似乎一直徘徊在关键的3000点以下。同样,深圳板块仍低于其心理上重要的1万点大关。The Chinese Ministry of Finance's announcement late yesterday of draft rules that would allow the huge National Social Security Fund more leeway in its stock market investments, and be allowed to invest in stock futures, should have given a boost to sentiment. The pension fund has more than 400 billion US dollars worth of assets under management, and the changes would allow it to allocate as much as 40 percent of that to stocks. But these are still just proposals open to market feedback until early January.中国财政部昨天晚些时候宣布的规则草案将允许庞大的国家社会保障基金在股市投资中有更多的回旋余地,并允许投资股票期货,这本应提振市场情绪。该养老基金管理着价值4000多亿美元的资产,这些变化将使其能够将其中40%的资产分配给股票。但在1月初之前,这些仍只是向市场反馈的建议。And ratings agency Moody's either cut the outlook for, or put downgrade warnings on, more Chinese state-owned companies - including banks and insurers - late yesterday. But mainland investors didn't seem too concerned. ICBC, Agricultural Bank of China and Bank of China all rose, as did many insurance firms.评级机构穆迪昨日晚些时候下调了包括银行和保险公司在内的更多中国国有企业的前景,或对其发出降级警告。但大陆投资者似乎并不太担心。中国工商银行、中国农业银行和中国银行都上涨了,许多保险公司也上涨了。Several of the most well known Chinese companies, which are listed in Hong Kong, had their outlooks changed to negative by Moody's yesterday. That dragged the Hang Seng 0.7 percent lower.穆迪昨日将在香港上市的几家最知名的中国公司的前景改为负面。这拖累恒生指数下跌0.7%。Alibaba was one of the firms which had its outlook downgraded to negative. Its shares sank to a 13 month low this morning once investors got a chance to react to the news, but recovered some of that ground during the session and ended 0.6 percent lower. It was a similar story for Tencent, China Mobile, CNOOC, and Dongfeng Motor.阿里巴巴是前景被下调为负面的公司之一。一旦投资者有机会对这一消息做出反应,其股价今天上午跌至13个月低点,但在交易日收复了部分失地,收盘下跌0.6%。腾讯、中国移动、中海油和东风汽车的情况也类似。EV maker NIO managed to lock in another session of gains though after reports that the firm is considering spinning off its battery business. NIO has been talking a lot lately about cutting costs, trying to bring more manufacturing in-house and improving efficiency in order to get the company making a profit. Its stock added 2.1 percent.电动汽车制造商蔚来设法锁定了另一个交易日的涨幅,尽管此前有报道称该公司正在考虑剥离其电池业务。蔚来最近一直在谈论削减成本,试图引入更多的内部制造,提高效率,以使公司盈利。其股价上涨2.1%。Tokyo's Nikkei 225 retreated in the shadow of upcoming US jobs data. The markets will be watching that data for clues as to when the US Federal Reserve will start cutting interest rates. According to market watchers, there just weren't many excuses for investors to buy, especially after a poor session on Wall Street overnight and the Nikkei shed 1.8 percent.在即将公布的美国就业数据的阴影下,日经225指数下跌。市场将关注这些数据,以寻找美联储何时开始降息的线索。据市场观察人士称,投资者没有太多理由购买,尤其是在华尔街隔夜表现不佳,日经指数下跌1.8%之后。Energy companies took the biggest hit after crude oil prices sank to six month lows. They rebounded off that a little bit today, but it was too late for refiner Eneos' shares, which lost 2.3 percent, and extractor Inpex, which shed almost 3 percent.在原油价格跌至六个月低点后,能源公司受到的打击最大。他们今天略有反弹,但炼油商Eneos的股价下跌2.3%,采掘商Inpex的股价下跌近3%,为时已晚。#热词加油站Deputy [ˈdepjuti] 副手Shrug [ʃrʌɡ] 耸肩Radiation [ˌreɪdiˈeɪʃn] 辐射Leeway [ˈliːweɪ] 自由活动的空间订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大师访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
12/9/20235 minutes, 10 seconds
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12/07 TOP NEWS|发改委:经济长期稳定发展/首座第四代核电站商运投产/黄金价格创新高

NEWS ON 12/061. CHINA ACHIEVES SOLID ECONOMIC GROWTH:NDRC国家发改委:有信心更有能力实现经济长期稳定发展2. WORLD'S FIRST 4TH-GENERATION NUCLEAR POWER PLANT BEGINS OPERATION IN CHINA全球首座第四代核电站商运投产3. GOLD PRICE REACHES NEW HIGH, AFFECTED BY US ECONOMIC SENTIMENT美国经济数据糟糕 黄金价格屡创新高-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1. CHINA ACHIEVES SOLID ECONOMIC GROWTH:NDRC国家发改委:有信心更有能力实现经济长期稳定发展China's top economic planner said today that China's economy has shown strong resilience【恢复力】during the year. And the long-term positive fundamentals of the country's economy have not changed.The National Development and Reform Commission said that China's economic recovery is a "wave-like" and tortuous【曲折的】 process. It reported that in the first three quarters of 2023, China's GDP grew by 5.2 percent year-on-year, the conusmer inflation during the first ten months edged up by 0.4 percent. The NDRC also added that the economy will further recover in the fourth quarter and contribute more than 30 percent of global growth this year.国家发改委今天(12/06)表示,中国经济在今年表现出强劲的韧性。中国经济长期向好的基本面没有改变。国家发改委还表示,中国经济复苏是一个“波浪式”的曲折过程。据报道,2023年前三季度,中国国内生产总值同比增长5.2%,前10个月的消费膨胀率小幅上升0.4%。国家发改委补充说,经济将在第四季度进一步复苏,今年对全球经济增长的贡献将超过30%。2. WORLD'S FIRST 4TH-GENERATION NUCLEAR POWER PLANT BEGINS OPERATION IN CHINA全球首座第四代核电站商运投产The Shidaowan high-temperature, gas-cooled nuclear power plant, officially went into commercial operation in Rongcheng County, Shandong Province today.山东荣成的华能石岛湾高温气冷堆核电站于今日(12/06)正式投入商业运行。The facility is considered to be the world's first fourth generation nuclear power plant. The technology behind it was developed domestically by the China Hua'neng Group, Tsinghua University and China National Nuclear Corporation. The power plant has an installed capacity of 200,000 kilowatts. After passing a 168-hour stable operation test, the project was officially put into commercial operation to continuously deliver clean and stable power to the grid【网格】. 该核电站被认为是世界上第一座第四代核电站,由中国华能集团、清华大学和中国核工业集团公司共同开发。电站装机容量为20万千瓦。在通过168小时稳定运行测试后,该项目正式投入商业运营,持续向电网输送清洁稳定的电力。3. GOLD PRICE REACHES NEW HIGH, AFFECTED BY US ECONOMIC SENTIMENT美国经济数据糟糕 黄金价格屡创新高Prices of gold futures set new record this Monday at exchanges around the world, driving retail gold prices to a new highs as well. That's dampening the usual consumption surge at the end of the year, as Lei Shuran reports...本周一,黄金期货价格在全球交易所创下新纪录,带动黄金零售价格也创下新高,这抑制了年底通常会出现的消费激增,记者雷舒然带来报道。In-store records show that since the beginning of September, the price of gold has been above 600 yuan per gram. In November, the price was again on the upswing, and this week it reached a new high of 627 yuan per gram. Many customers who had planned to buy large quantities of gold jewelry have changed their minds. 店内记录显示,自9月初以来,黄金价格一直在每克600元以上。进入11月,金价再次上扬,本周更是创下了每克627元的新高。许多原本计划大量购买黄金首饰的顾客改变了主意。上海市民“I'm planning to buy only 50 to 60 grams. The price has risen to more than 600 yuan per gram, it's too high.”“准备买五六十克的吧 现在600多(元一克)了 太厉害了”Experts say that gold prices may rise further on a possible slowdown in the US economy as well as anticipated US rate cuts early next year, which could pave the way for an upward trend in gold prices and gold-related equities. Spot gold crossed 2,100 dollars per ounce to hit a record high in early Asian trade on Monday, and stood above 2,000 dollars per ounce today. 专家称,由于美国经济可能放缓,以及预计明年初美国降息,金价可能会进一步上涨,这可能会为金价和黄金相关股票的上涨趋势铺平道路。周一亚洲市场早盘,现货黄金突破每盎司2100美元,创下历史新高,今天又突破每盎司2000美元。Liu Shiyao, Researcher ZJTF Futures Research Institute刘诗瑶紫金天风期货研究所贵金属研究员“Monday's sharp rise was also a continuation of last week's negative view about the U.S. market. Excessive pessimism【悲观】 about the U.S. economy caused gold prices to reach new highs.”“周一的大幅度上涨也是延续了上周 对于(美国)市场相当悲观的这样一个情形 对于美国经济的过于悲观 使得金价达到了新高”Despite the price rises, experts believe that gold demand will continue to increase in China as economic and geopolitical uncertainties may drive up purchases of safe-haven assets.   尽管价格上涨,但专家认为,中国的黄金需求将继续增加,因为经济和地缘政治的不确定性可能会推动人们购买避险资产。#热词加油站resilience /rɪˈzɪliəns/【恢复力】tortuous /ˈtɔːtʃuəs/【曲折的】grid /ɡrɪd/【网格】pessimism /ˈpesɪmɪzəm/【悲观】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
12/7/20233 minutes, 19 seconds
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12/06 TOP NEWS|中国快递业务量超过1200亿件/外国投资者加码高端设备

NEWS ON 12/061.     EXPRESS DELIVERY VOLUMN IN CHINA SURPASSES 120 BILLION PARCELS中国快递业务量超过1200亿件2.FOREIGN INVESTORS BULLISH【看涨】 ON HIGH-END MANUFACTURING外国投资者加码高端设备-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-------------1.     EXPRESS DELIVERY VOLUMN IN CHINA SURPASSES 120 BILLION PARCELS中国快递业务量超过1200亿件Official data from the State Post Bureau showed today that this year's 120 billionth parcel was delivered, setting a new record for its annual express delivery volume【容量】. The historic parcel consisted of flowers sent from Kunming, Yunnan Province yesterday. The parcel was loaded onto a high-speed train and delivered to the receiver by a Shunfeng courier in Chengdu, Sichuan Province this afternoon. Express deliveries in China have exceeded 10 billion parcels a month since March, with an average business income over 90 billion yuan. The busiest time of year for courier companies begins in November with the annual Double-11 online shopping spree. During this year's Double-11, an average of 430 million deliveries were processed every day.国家邮政局的官方数据今日显示,今年的第1200亿个包裹被递送,创下了其年度快递量的新纪录。这个具有历史意义的包裹是昨天从云南昆明寄来的鲜花。今天下午,这个包裹被装上了一列高铁,由四川成都的顺丰快递员送到收件人手中。自3月份以来,中国的快递业务量每月超过100亿件,平均业务收入超过900亿元。对于快递公司来说,一年中最忙的时候从每年的11月双十一网上购物狂欢开始。今年双11期间,平均每天处理4.3亿件快递。2. FOREIGN INVESTORS BULLISH ON HIGH-END MANUFACTURING外国投资者加码高端设备Foreign investment in China’s manufacturing sector rose almost 2 percent year-on-year during the first 10 months of 2023, according to the latest data. The growth for high tech manufacturing logged an increased of 9.5 percent. Our reporter Zhang Shixuan visited two manufacturing facilities in Shanghai to look at how that investment is being deployed.根据最新数据,2023年前10个月,中国制造业实际使用外资同比增长近2%。高技术制造业增长9.5%。我们的记者张诗旋参观了上海的两家制造工厂,去看这些投资是如何部署的。This 20-year-old plant, manufactures【生产】 the most modern automotive glazing - roughly 2 million sets a year.这家拥有20年历史的工厂每年生产大约200万套最现代化的汽车玻璃。Eloi Guenet, General Manager of Sekurit Asia, Saint-Gobain埃洛伊·盖内,圣戈班安库里特亚洲总经理Today Shanghai plant is one of the largest plants in our footprint worldwide. We call it the Gigafactory in our group.今天,上海工厂是我们全球最大的工厂之一。在我们集团里,我们称之为“超级工厂”。We have been producing more than 100 million parts since this plant was launched 20 years ago.自从这个工厂20年前投产以来,我们已经生产了1亿多个零件。Meanwhile, more than half a million items come off production lines at this cosmetics factory each day.与此同时,这家化妆品工厂每天有50多万件产品下线。Lei Kaiting, Corporate Affairs General Manager of Beiersdorf China雷开婷,拜尔斯道夫中国公司事务总经理15 years ago, it only supported Chinese mainland, but now it also can cover Taiwan region and also the Asian markets, for about 10% of capacity.15年前,它只支持中国大陆,但现在它也可以覆盖台湾地区和其他亚洲市场,容量约为10%。It could be the global hub for our hairstyling centers. It means the products here can also be export to European market. It is very important.它可以成为我们美发中心的全球中心。这意味着这里的产品也可以出口到欧洲市场。这是非常重要的。Most factories which have attracted foreign investment have both efficient and larger scale production. That's what brought French industrial giant Saint-Gobain to Shanghai to invest in this glazing plant.大多数吸引外资的工厂生产效率高,规模大。这就是法国工业巨头圣戈班来上海投资这家玻璃工厂的原因。 Eloi Guenet, General Manager of Sekurit Asia, Saint-Gobain埃洛伊·盖内,圣戈班安库里特亚洲总经理We are entering now our lamination workshop where we can produce large windshield for automotive. Let's go.我们现在进入我们的层压车间,我们可以生产大型汽车挡风玻璃。我们走吧。Here is the beginning of the line of the laminated path. So you can see that we are going to take one by one - very thin sheets of glass, and we'll start the processing along the line. We have basically four main steps. Pre-processing, bending, assembly and finishing line. This line can produce roughly 1 million per year glass which will be looking like this.这里是层压路径线的起点。所以你可以看到,我们要一个接一个,非常薄的玻璃片,我们将沿着这条线开始加工。我们基本上有四个主要步骤。前加工、折弯、装配、精加工。这条线每年可以生产大约100万个玻璃,看起来像这样。And this will go to the next step. This is exactly the design requested by our customer to mount on their car. Not in a regular shape.这将进入下一步。这正是我们的客户要求安装在他们的汽车的设计。不是一个规则的形状。Most of the tasks on the production line are now handled by robots.大部分生产线上的任务都由机器人处理 Eloi Guenet, General Manager of Sekurit Asia, Saint-Gobain埃洛伊·盖内,圣戈班安库里特亚洲总经理In this workshop, we have three lines. This is the latest line that we have in Shanghai. It was actually installed last year. And the first glass was produced in June 2022. And this is the first last week came out of this line.在这个车间,我们有三条生产线。这是我们在上海的最新款式。它实际上是去年安装的。第一块玻璃是在2022年6月生产的。这是上周从这条线出来的第一个。This bottling line at the plant owned by German cosmetics group Beiersdorf has also been moving rapidly towards full automation. All the filling and packaging is done by machines.德国化妆品集团拜尔斯道夫(Beiersdorf)旗下工厂的这条装瓶生产线也在迅速向全自动方向发展。所有的灌装和包装都是由机器完成的。Lei Kaiting, Corporate Affairs General Manager of Beiersdorf China雷开婷,拜尔斯道夫中国公司事务总经理We first build this production center and we have a distribution center of course and then we add on this innovation center. The ideas come from the innovation center. You can see that as some kind of samples pieces, and will be sent to the pilot lab that in the third floor of this production center. Once it could be industrialized, it will be approved by our process and it will be finally produced in this first and 2nd floors workshop.我们首先建立了这个生产中心,当然我们还有一个配送中心,然后我们增加了这个创新中心。创意来自创新中心。你可以看到这是一些样品,将被送到这个生产中心三楼的试验实验室。一旦可以工业化,它将通过我们的流程,最终将在一楼和二楼的车间生产。The multinationals are setting ambitious growth targets.这些跨国公司正在制定雄心勃勃的增长计划。Lei Kaiting, Corporate Affairs General Manager of Beiersdorf China雷开婷,拜尔斯道夫中国公司事务总经理In the next five years, we're going to have to accumulate 150 million RMB investment here for this plant only. Speed definitely matters. It always. Besides speed we also have a very matured supply chain. We have seen lots of the innovation in package etc. coming from China.在未来的五年里,我们将在工厂投资积累1.5亿元人民币。速度当然很重要。它总是如此。除了速度,我们还有非常成熟的供应链。我们已经看到很多来自中国的包装等方面的创新。#热词加油站Volume / ˈvɒljuːm/ 【容量】Accumulate / əˈkjuːmjəleɪt/ 【积累】Bullish / ˈbʊlɪʃ/ 【看涨】Manufacture / ˌmænjuˈfæktʃə(r)/ 【制造】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大师访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
12/7/20235 minutes, 14 seconds
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12/05 TOP NEWS|50位外籍人士获白玉兰奖/2023电竞上海大师赛开幕

NEWS ON 12/041. 50 EXPATS IN SHANGHAI HONORED WITH MAGNOLIA SILVER AWARD50位外籍人士获白玉兰奖2. ESPORTS SHANGHAI MASTERS OPENS WITH COMPETITIONS ON 5 GAMES 2023电竞上海大师赛开幕-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1. 50 EXPATS IN SHANGHAI HONORED WITH MAGNOLIA SILVER AWARD50位外籍人士获白玉兰奖Fifty expatriates from 15 countries received the Magnolia Silver Award yesterday, in recognition of their contributions to Shanghai's development. Reporter Zhang Hong spoke with some of them and brings us their stories...昨天(12/03),来自15个国家的50名外籍人士荣获“白玉兰银奖”,以表彰他们为上海发展所作出的贡献。记者张泓采访了其中几位,为我们带来他们的故事。Linda Painan is from Singapore, she has lived in Shanghai for 27 years. She is the chairperson of "The Expatriate Center", a non-profit organization that helps foreign nationals settle down in Shanghai, and encourages expatriates to give back to the community. 许菱娜来自新加坡,在上海生活了27年。她是上海爱满家家庭服务中心外籍人士中心的项目会长,这是一个帮助外籍人士在上海安家落户,并鼓励外籍人士回馈社会的非营利组织。Linda Painan, Chairperson The Expatriate Center许菱娜 上海爱满家家庭服务中心外籍人士中心项目会长“I've not heard of any organization that is called people's association for friendship with foreign countries. And I believe that's unique here to China. It's an inclusive city and that it really encompasses all the foreigners here in Shanghai. So we're foreigners, but we're not outsiders.”“我没听说过哪个组织叫人民对外友好协会。我相信这是中国独有的。这是一座包容性很强的城市,它确实涵盖了所有在上海的外国人。所以,我们是外国人,但我们不是局外人。”Manuel Kauf from Germany is the CFO of Merck China, a pharmaceutical【制药的】, life science and electronics company. 来自德国的Manuel Kauf是制药、生命科学和电子公司默克(中国)的首席财务官。Manuel Kauf, CFO Merck ChinaManuel Kauf 默克(中国)首席财务官“I think it's a perfect place to headquarters your company for China business. Well, I think it's very supportive for new technologies, for the innovation and to have a very good collaboration across all the Asian countries. So that means you have very easy access, right? So I think Shanghai is there in a very good position.”“这里是贵公司在中国开展业务的理想总部所在地。这里非常支持新技术和创新,并能与所有亚洲国家开展良好的合作。这意味着可以很容易地进入,所以,我认为上海的地理位置非常好。”Aldo Cibic is an Italian professor at Tongji University. He has been working on upcoming exhibitions at Museum of Art Pudong and the Shanghai Museum as well as a project in Jiading, which he describes as the realization of something he has been researching for years. Aldo Cibic 是同济大学的意大利籍教授。他一直在筹备即将在浦东美术馆和上海博物馆举办的展览,以及在嘉定的一个项目。Aldo Cibic, Professor College of Design & Innovation, Tongji UniversityAldo Cibic 同济大学设计创意学院教授“There's still a lot of curiosity that in other part of the world that they're not anymore. So is this curiosity that is very stimulating for me to propose new things. I wanted to make a book now on pictures, on showing what Shanghai is. Italians, they don't know so much about China and Shanghai. And I'm very happy if I can be useful to build more this communication.”“在世界其他地方,人们仍然有很多好奇心,但现在已经没有了。因此,这种好奇心会刺激我提出新的想法。我现在想做一本关于图片的书,展示上海是什么样的。意大利人对中国和上海了解不多。我很高兴自己能为建立更多的交流做出贡献。”Jiang Qionger founded the luxury lifestyle brand Shang Xia in 2010 in partnership with the French fashion house Hermès Group, with an aim of promoting Chinese culture and heritage to the world. She said she is now working on a project in Paris. 2024 marks the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic【外交的】 relations between China and France.2010年,蒋琼耳与法国时尚品牌爱马仕集团合作创立了中国生活方式品牌“上下”,旨在向世界推广中国文化和传统。她说自己目前正在巴黎开展一个项目。而2024年是中法建交60 周年。Jiang Qionger, Co-founder & Director Shang Xia蒋琼耳 “上下”品牌首席执行官兼艺术总监“Next year you will see I'm doing a huge art installation on the old facade of Musée~Guimet, //the most important Asian art national museum in France and in Europe. And so before there's a joke, we say you get onto the terrace of Musée~Guimet and you watch the Eiffel Tower because they are just close. And next year you will get onto the Eiffel Tower and watch the Musée~Guimet and watch China. I try to bring an angle to show to the world what the contemporary China is.”“明年,你会看到我在吉美博物馆(Musée~Guimet)--法国乃至欧洲最重要的亚洲艺术国家博物馆--的旧外墙做了一个巨大的艺术装置。因此,在开玩笑之前,建议您到吉美博物馆的露台上观看埃菲尔铁塔,因为它们近在咫尺。明年,你登上埃菲尔铁塔,看着吉美博物馆,看着中国。我试图从一个角度向世界展示当代中国。”The Shanghai government set up the Magnolia Award over three decades ago, the award gets its name from the city's official flower, the white magnolia【木兰】. Over the years, a total of 1,827 expatriates have received the award. 上海市政府早在三十多年前就设立了“白玉兰奖”,该奖项的名称来源于上海市的市花--白玉兰。多年来,有1827名外籍人士获此殊荣。2. ESPORTS SHANGHAI MASTERS OPENS WITH COMPETITIONS ON 5 GAMES 2023电竞上海大师赛开幕The 2023 Esports Shanghai Masters opened last Friday. Our reporter Zhang Shixuan was at the tournament and finds out more.2023电竞上海大师赛于上周五开幕。本台记者张诗旋在现场带来更多报道。Zeng Zhuojun is the first champion of this year's event.曾卓君是本届赛事的首位冠军。It's been more than 2 decades since he won his first competition. And the past few years have witnessed explosive growth in E-sports, from game development and the number of players to the organization of international events.从他赢得第一次比赛到现在,已经过去了二十多年。在过去的几年里,从游戏开发、玩家数量到国际赛事的组织,电子竞技都取得了爆炸式的增长。Zeng Zhuojun, Player /// Street Fighter曾卓君 街头霸王选手“The development of E-sports requires players of different games. It's not enough to have just a single combat game. We now also have League of Legends and Honor of Kings. Players have been getting global attention, and more people are watching the games. The audience numbers are comparable to that of basketball and football matches. I'm very proud of that. As other games are thriving, e-sports have been gaining more recognition.”“我觉得离不开各位电竞选手在每一个项目的努力,单单我一个格斗项目我觉得也不行,现在有英雄联盟、吃鸡,然后各种的世界冠军在国际的舞台发扬光大,这个也确实很多人看,甚至可以跟篮球、足球这种大项目对比一下人数,我觉得这是个很骄傲的事情。也因为其他的电竞在崛起了,在国际舞台也取得成绩,所以电子竞技越来越被重视。”The five-day event includes competitions for four games -- League of Legends, Honor of Kings, DOTA2 and Identity -- as well as one exhibition Street Fighter event. Some of these also had their own events in the Asian Games for the first time this year.为期五天的比赛包括《英雄联盟》、《王者荣耀》、《DOTA2》和《Identity》四款游戏的比赛,以及一场《街头霸王》表演赛。其中一些电竞游戏还在今年的亚运会上首次举办了自己的赛事。Zhu Qinqin, Secretary General Shanghai E-sports Association朱沁沁 上海电子竞技运动协会的秘书长“Esports development has met some bottlenecks【瓶颈】 during the past 2 years. But especially after the Asian Games this year, people have required a new model for a tournament held by a third party organizer. So the Esports Shanghai Masters held by the government can be a sample for that. We can introduce our Shanghai Model. And we are still looking for better ways to combine the government and industry associations with businesses.”“近两年,电竞发展遇到了一些瓶颈。但尤其是在今年亚运会之后,人们需要一种新的由第三方主办的赛事模式。因此,由政府举办的电竞上海大师赛可以成为一个样本。我们可以引进我们的 "上海模式"。我们还在寻找更好的方式,把政府、行业协会和企业结合起来。”The annual Esports Shanghai Masters was first held in 2019. It is the first comprehensive esports tournament in China that has been named after a city, and organized by the government.一年一度的电竞上海大师赛于2019年首次举办。这是中国首个以城市命名、由政府主办的综合性电竞赛事。#热词加油站pharmaceutical /ˌfɑ:rməˈsu:tɪkl/【制药的】diplomatic /ˌdɪpləˈmætɪk/【外交的】magnolia /mæɡˈnəʊliə/【木兰】bottlenecks /ˈbɒtlnɛks/【瓶颈】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
12/5/20235 minutes, 24 seconds
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12/04 TOP NEWS|2023上海国际友好城市合作论坛举行/中国对六国试行单方面免签政策

NEWS ON 12/011. SISTER CITY LEADERS GATHER IN SHANGHAI TO INCREASE COOPERATION深化合作,共促发展!2023上海国际友好城市合作论坛在沪举行2.CHINA TO TRIAL 15-DAY VISA-FREE POLICY FOR 6 COUNTRIES中国对六国试行单方面免签政策----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1. SISTER CITY LEADERS GATHER IN SHANGHAI TO INCREASE COOPERATION深化合作,共促发展!2023上海国际友好城市合作论坛在沪举行The 2023 Shanghai International Friendship Cities Cooperation Forum was held today. Delegations from 13 cities in 12 countries discussed future cooperation with Shanghai. Reporter Zhang Hong takes a look.2023上海国际友好城市合作论坛今天(12/01)举行。来自12个国家13个城市的代表团就未来与上海的合作进行了探讨交流。本台记者张泓带来详细报道。The city of Dunedin in New Zealand has been a sister city with Shanghai since 1994. The two cities have worked extensively on culture, education, science, technology and trade.新西兰的达尼丁市自 1994 年起与上海结为友好城市。两座城市在文化、教育、科技和贸易方面开展了广泛的合作。Jules Radich, Mayor of Dunedin, New Zealand朱尔斯·莱迪新西兰达尼丁市市长“We have signed several MOUs during our time here. Two with universities. We have also signed with the Shanghai Chamber of Commerce and the Shanghai Art Film Federation. We have direct air connections now from Auckland to Shanghai, so many New Zealanders will come to visit China now that the airlines are flying again.”“在此期间我们签署了几份合作备忘录。两份是与大学签署的。我们还与上海商会和上海艺术电影联盟签署了合作备忘录。现在,我们有了从奥克兰直飞上海的航线,随着航空公司开通航班,许多新西兰人都打算来中国旅游。”The governor of Carabobo State in Venezuela said he just signed a document today for a sister-city relationship with Shanghai. He said Carabobo is one of the most important industrial regions with the biggest port in Venezuela. And he is looking forward on cooperation in terms of infrastructure, ports and sports.委内瑞拉卡拉沃沃州州长说,他今天刚与上海签订了友好城市关系意向书。他说,卡拉沃沃是委内瑞拉最重要的工业区之一,拥有委内瑞拉最大的港口。他期待在基础设施、港口和体育方面与上海开展更多合作。Rafael Lacava, Governor of Carabobo State, Venezuela拉卡瓦委内瑞拉卡拉沃沃州州长“I just spoke to the vice mayor at the lunch that we have. There’s also collaborations with the Valencian subway. The subway of our city that needs to be finish and then we will have some consulting from the Shanghai subway. We just signed yesterday a letter of intent in order to have a big machinery plant being stored in Valencia, which is the capital of the region of Carabobo. I'm very optimistic.”“我刚刚在午餐会上与副市长进行了交谈。(上海)与巴伦西亚地铁将有合作。我们城市的地铁需要完工,我们将从上海地铁获得一些咨询。昨天,我们刚刚签署了一份意向书,希望在卡拉沃沃大区首府巴伦西亚建立一个大型机械厂。我对此非常乐观。”A delegate from Los Angeles expressed hope that technology and its partnership with Shanghai can be used to tackle【解决】common problems.一位来自洛杉矶的代表表示,希望能够利用技术及与上海的伙伴关系来解决全球性共同问题。Wajenda Chambeshi, Director of Int'l Relations, Policy & Protocol of L.A., U.S.瓦金达·昌贝希,美国洛杉矶市政府国际关系政策和礼宾主任“We have a 2030 goal between the city of Los Angeles and Shanghai to decarbonize the entire fleet 【船队】that goes through the Pacific Sea. We are committed to making sure that we use that technology to decarbonize fleets so that we can make our ships more sustainable and also save the environment.”“洛杉矶市和上海市有一个 2030 年的目标,使经过太平洋的船队实现全生命周期零碳排放。我们致力于确保利用技术实现船队的低碳化,从而使我们的船只更具可持续性,同时促进保护环境。”The Port of Los Angeles and the Port of Shanghai agreed in September to build the LA-Shanghai route, a maritime【海上的】route where zero-emission solutions are supported and demonstrated.洛杉矶港和上海港于今年 9 月同意建设上海港——洛杉矶港绿色航运走廊,这是一条支持和示范零排放解决方案的海运航线。2.CHINA TO TRIAL 15-DAY VISA-FREE POLICY FOR 6 COUNTRIES中国对六国试行单方面免签政策Starting today, China will grant【授予】 unilateral【单方面的】 visa-free entry for up to 15 days to travelers holding ordinary passports of France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain and Malaysia. Our reporter Zhang Shixuan talked to 2 foreign-invested firms in China, and finds out how the new policy has brought new business prospects with it.从今天(12/01)起,中国将对法国、德国、意大利、荷兰、西班牙和马来西亚6个国家持普通护照的旅客实行单方面免签入境政策,本台记者张诗旋采访了两家在华外资企业,了解新政策将带来的全新商业前景。Citizens of the five European countries and Malaysia will now be able to enter China without a visa for business, tourism, family visits and transit purposes. The trial policy will be in effect for one year, until Nov 30, 2024. This has promising prospects for this German-headquartered consulting firm.欧洲五国和马来西亚公民现在可以免签入境来华经商、旅游观光、探亲访友和过境。该试行政策有效期为一年,至 2024 年 11 月 30 日。这对这家总部位于德国的咨询公司带来了光明的前景。Jiang Hao, Partner Roland Berger江浩罗兰贝格大中华区全球合伙人“Before. If you wanna come to China, no matter you’re in Germany or France, you first have the get an invitation letter and then you have to fill the online forms, schedule time, then you have to spend half day go to the consulate for face-to-face interview. So that takes a lot of effort. Now it’s so convenient. You can just make your travel decision anytime, then buy your ticket, then come to China. Especially for our colleagues in other countries, it’s very important for them to have a face-to-face meeting not only with the colleagues in China, but also to visit client in China as well. So, they can have the first-hand information and also have a more direct feelings about how China economy is improving after pandemic. For Roland Berger, China market is always one of the most important countries around the globe. And sometimes we even have our global training and also global seminar held in Shanghai and Beijing. So global colleagues come to here as well to see the first-hand information about the new situation in China.”“之前如果你想来中国,不管你是在德国还是法国,首先你需要拿到邀请函,然后要在网上填表、安排时间,最后还要花半天时间去领事馆面谈,所以要花费很多精力。现在就方便多了。你可以随时做出出行决定,然后买票,然后来到中国。特别是对于我们在其他国家的同事来说,不仅能与中国的同事面对面交流,还能拜访中国的客户,这对他们来说非常重要。这样,他们就能获得一手信息,也能对新冠疫情后中国经济的好转情况有更直观的感受。对于罗兰贝格来说,中国市场一直是全球最重要的市场之一。有时,我们甚至会在上海和北京举办全球培训和全球研讨会。因此,全球的同事也会来这里了解中国新形势的第一手信息。”Jiang also expressed hopes about the resumption of more cross-border flights, which would lower travelling costs.江浩还表示希望恢复更多的跨境航班,以降低出行成本。This German industrial company in Shanghai’s Lingang Special Area is also optimistic about the new policy.这家位于上海临港新区的德国工业企业也对新政策持乐观态度。Shu Wei, VP Finance, Lenze Drive Systems (Shanghai)舒炜伦茨(上海)传动系统有限公司、伦茨中国财务副总裁“I have talked with some of my German colleagues, they’re also excited and they also believe this is very good change a very good policy that will be very good for a better communication between headquarters and their branch companies in China. That is very important even though we are also developing the local expertise for all the know-hows for our product and for our applications. But in our headquarter we do have more experts they have more experience so the support from headquarter is very important for our success in China market. So we do need more and more efficient communication from our headquarter to have more and stronger support to grow our business in China.”“我和一些德国同事聊过,他们也很兴奋,也认为这是一个非常好的改变,一个非常好的政策,利于总部和中国分公司之间更好地沟通。这一点非常重要,尽管我们也在为我们的产品和应用开发本地的专业技术知识。但是,在我们的总部,我们有更多的专家,他们有更多的经验,因此总部的支持对我们在中国市场取得成功非常重要。因此,我们确实需要与总部进行更多更有效的沟通,以获得更多更有力的支持,从而发展我们在中国的业务。”This is China’s latest effort to improve its visa policies. Earlier this month, it expanded its visa-free transit policy to 54 countries to include Norwegian passport holders.这是中国改进签证政策的最新举措。本月早些时候,中国将过境免签政策扩大到54个国家,其中包括挪威护照持有者。#热词加油站tackle/ˈtæk(ə)l/【解决】fleet/fliːt/【船队】maritime/ˈmærɪtaɪm/【海上的】grant/ɡrɑːnt/【授予】unilateral/ˌjuːnɪˈlætrəl/【单方面的】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
12/4/20235 minutes, 40 seconds
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11/30 TOP NEWS|商务部批准镓锗等物出口/上海地铁呈现西班牙现实主义画展

NEWS ON 11/301. CHINA APPROVES CERTAIN EXPORT APPLICATIONS FOR GALLIUM, GERMANIUM商务部:已批准了符合规定的若干镓、锗相关物项的出口申请2. SPANISH REALIST ART WORKS GRACE METRO STATION地铁站内看画展,西班牙现实主义画作首次在上海公共空间呈现-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1. CHINA APPROVES CERTAIN EXPORT APPLICATIONS FOR GALLIUM, GERMANIUM商务部:已批准了符合规定的若干镓、锗相关物项的出口申请China has approved some companies' export applications for gallium and germanium products that comply with relevant regulations, the Ministry of Commerce told at today's regular briefing.商务部在今天的例行发布会上表示,中国已经批准了部分企业符合相关规定的镓和锗产品出口申请。The export controls took effect from this August. Industrial products and materials containing gallium and germanium are generally considered critical raw materials in the semiconductor industry. The commerce ministry said it will continue to review other license applications and make decisions in accordance【符合】 with legal procedures. Also at the briefing, the ministry said that China will conduct a review on the anti-dumping and countervailing【抵消】 measures applicable to imported wine originating from Australia.出口管制从今年8月起生效。含镓和锗的工业产品和材料通常被视为半导体工业的关键原材料。商务部表示,将继续审查其他许可证申请,并根据法律程序作出决定。商务部还公告,决定对原产于澳大利亚的进口相关葡萄酒所适用反倾销措施和反补贴措施进行复审。2. SPANISH REALIST ART WORKS GRACE METRO STATION地铁站内看画展,西班牙现实主义画作首次在上海公共空间呈现A hall within Middle Longhua龙华 Road Metro Station in Xuhui District has once again become a temporary art gallery. This is the first time Spanish realist paintings have been presented in a public space in Shanghai. Sun Siqi has more. 徐汇龙华中路地铁站内的大厅再次成为临时美术馆。这是西班牙现实主义绘画首次在上海的公共空间展出。记者孙思奇带来更多报道。The exhibition features 46 paintings of Spanish masters of realism including some by Antonio Lopez Garcia. Life and their surroundings are the main themes of their paintings.展览展出了46幅西班牙现实主义绘画大师的作品,其中包括安东尼奥-洛佩斯-加西亚的一些作品。生活和周围环境是他们绘画的主题。Inma Gonzalez Puy, DirectorCultural Section of the Consulate General of Spain in ShanghaiInma Gonzalez Puy 西班牙驻上海总领事馆文化处主任“We couldn't bring the originals in the Metro station. But with a reproduction ratio of 1:1, the replicas【复制品】 are exactly the same as the originals. The exhibition also mimics the decorative layout inside art museums, including the frames, lighting and colors on the walls.”“我们没办法把原作带过来,但是通过这种复刻,1: 1 的,感受感、视觉感都是跟原作一模一样,包括它的那个框,框架、画框、灯光什么的,所以包括那个墙上的颜色,我们都是复刻了一个这种就是美术馆里面的这种气氛。”Resident居民“I think the exhibition could accelerate the integration of the world as people will better understand art from other countries. The most important point is that people will know art is very close to everyone, and it will help us cultivate a sense of beauty.”“(画展可以)加速这个世界的融合,让我们普通的市民也能够了解这个世界的艺术。最重要的一点就是让大家知道,艺术这个东西跟普通人其实是很近的,也有助于凭培养我们普通市民的美感。”The exhibition will run until March 31st, 2024. It follows two other exhibitions of replicas in the same station -- one featuring Spanish artist Salvador Dali, the other a series of paintings selected from Prado Museum in Madrid. 展览将持续到2024年3月31日。在此之前,此站还举办过两次复制品展览——一次是西班牙艺术家萨尔瓦多-达利的作品展,另一次是从马德里普拉多博物馆精选的一系列绘画作品展。It's also part of the China Shanghai International Arts Festival's educational program this year. Teenagers are welcome to visit the exhibition and sketch【草图】 the artworks on site. The works can be submitted to LittleStar's Wechat account. 这也是今年中国上海国际艺术节教育项目的一部分。欢迎青少年参观展览并现场写生。作品可以提交到小荧星的微信号上。Chen Chen, Director of Marketing DepartmentShanghai Little Star, SMG陈晨 小荧星品牌中心市场部主任“Some of the paintings are very brightly colored. Children are attracted to bright colors that are very close to life. Our contest is open to all young people who love to create art.“有些画作色彩非常鲜艳。鲜艳的色彩非常贴近生活,对孩子们很有吸引力。我们的比赛面向所有热爱艺术创作的年轻人。”The top submissions will be selected and displayed in the Metro station at the end of the exhibition. Plans are being made to show the best ones overseas. 展览结束后,将评选出优秀作品并在地铁站展出。目前正在计划将最好的作品在海外展出。#热词加油站countervailing /ˈkaʊntəveɪl/【抵消】replicas /ˈreplɪkə/【复制品】sketch /sketʃ/【草图】accordance /əˈkɔːdns/【符合】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
12/1/20232 minutes, 58 seconds
Episode Artwork

11/29 TOP NEWS|专家建议支原体肺炎早期发现合理用药/中国将加强氢燃料电池产业化发展

NEWS ON 11/291.NATIONAL HEALTH COMMISSION EXPERT OFFERS ADVICE ON TREATING MYCOPLASMA PNEUMONIA国家卫健委专家建议支原体肺炎早期发现 合理用药2. CHINA TO STEP UP HYDROGEN FUEL CELLS DEVELOPMENT中国将加强氢燃料电池产业化发展-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1.NATIONAL HEALTH COMMISSION EXPERT OFFERS ADVICE ON TREATING MYCOPLASMA PNEUMONIA国家卫健委专家建议支原体肺炎早期发现 合理用药Fever clinics in Shanghai are recording a large number of pediatric patients infected with mycoplasma pneumonia. A National Health Commission expert shares suggestions on early detection and medication. Zhang Hong has more.上海的发热门诊记录了大量感染支原体肺炎的儿童患者。国家卫生健康委员会的专家分享了关于早期发现和药物治疗的建议。记者张泓带来更多报道。Lu Quan, a pediatric【小儿科的】 medications consultant for the National Health Commission, said self-test kits may not be accurate for children with mycoplasma pneumonia. 国家卫健委合理用药专家委员会儿科用药顾问陆权说,自我检测试剂盒对支原体肺炎患儿的检测可能并不准确。Lu Quan, Pediatric Medications ConsultantNational Health Commission陆权 国家卫健委合理用药专家委员会抗菌药物专业组委员、儿童用药专业组顾问“Children less than 6 months old may not generate enough antibodies. Children aged 6 months or above may not generate antibodies if they are sick for less than 7 days. For early detection, we suggest a nucleic【核酸】acid test. It is the most effective way to diagnose mycoplasma pneumonia.”  “6月龄以内的孩子抗体产生的能力不够 6 个月或以上的儿童如果生病少于 7 天 可能不会产生抗体 为了及早发现支原体肺炎我们建议进行核酸检测 这是诊断支原体肺炎最有效的方法”Lu said nationwide, the bacterium's resistance rate to the antibiotics【抗生素】erythromycin and azithromycin is around 80%. He suggested clinics do drug resistance tests so that an alternative medication is prescribed as soon as possible.陆权说,全国范围内,该细菌对抗生素红霉素和阿奇霉素的耐药率约为80%。他建议诊所进行耐药性测试,以便尽快开出替代药物。Lu Quan, Pediatric Medications ConsultantNational Health Commission陆权 国家卫健委合理用药专家委员会抗菌药物专业组委员、儿童用药专业组顾问“It has high resistance to erythromycin and azithromycin, but it doesn't have resistance to minocycline and doxycycline. I think hospitals need to do a rapid test of drug resistance gene tests.”“你看它(红霉素、阿奇霉素等)这个是高度耐药的 但是 米诺(环素)和多西(环素)它不耐药 我觉得医院需要做 快速的耐药基因的检测”Lu added that parents should only give their child azithromycin after consulting a doctor. He reminded parents to take their child to hospital if a fever persists for more than 72 hours.陆权补充道,家长应在咨询医生后才给孩子服用阿奇霉素。他提醒家长,如果孩子持续发烧超过72小时,应带孩子去医院就诊。2.CHINA TO STEP UP HYDROGEN FUEL CELLS DEVELOPMENT中国将加强氢燃料电池产业化发展China a nation R&D center aimed at perfecting hydrogen fuel cells - not just for use in cars, but across every industry. Zhang Shixuan has the story.中国成立了一个国家级研发中心,旨在完善氢燃料电池——不仅用于汽车,还用于各行各业。记者张诗旋带来报道。Hydrogen is a clean fuel that can be extracted from water, and when consumed to generate power, water is the only biproduct. No fossil fuels, no pollution. It is regarded as one of the cleanest energy options, with potential for use even in aviation and shipping. But a couple of issues have so far slowed the widespread adoption of hydrogen power. The first is cost.氢气是一种清洁燃料,可以从水中提取,消耗氢气发电时,水是唯一的副产品。没有化石燃料,没有污染。它被认为是最清洁的能源之一,甚至有可能用于航空和航运。但迄今为止,有几个问题阻碍了氢能的广泛应用。首先是成本问题。Lu Bingbing, General Manager  Shanghai Hydrogen Propulsion Technology卢兵兵 上海捷氢科技总经理“The cost for hydrogen fuel cells have been lowered from 20,000 yuan per kilowatt in 2015, to 3,500 yuan now. And the usage cost across the fuel cells' entire lifecycle is still higher than that in fossil fuel and pure electric ones. We should work on both hardware and the cost for hydrogen itself, including the production and transportation of hydrogen. When the cost for hydrogen reaches 25 yuan per kilograms, and the cost for fuel cells reaches 1,000 yuan per kilowatt, it can will be ready for large-scale commercial applications.”“从2015年16年的2万块钱每千瓦,现在已经到了基本上3500块钱每千瓦这个水平。当然我们燃料电池现在全生命周期的使用成本还是比燃油,或者比纯电的要贵一些。我们应该在硬件和氢本身的成本上下功夫,包括氢的生产和运输。当氢气成本达到每公斤 25 元,燃料电池成本达到每千瓦 1000 元时,就可以进行大规模商业应用了。”Lu says, to lower the costs, the industry should work on the key materials in battery stacks. And that will be one of the main tasks for the national level R&D center. 13 companies, institutions and research institutes signed agreements to join the center.卢兵兵说,为了降低成本,产业界应该在电池组的关键材料上下功夫。这将是国家级研发中心的主要任务之一。13家公司、机构和研究机构签署了加入该中心的协议。Sun Shigang, Academician Chinese Academy of Sciences孙世刚 中国科学院院士“The hydrogen fuel cells nowadays require platinum【铂】 as a catalyst. This is a limited resource - 90% of it comes from South Africa. Only 0.4% is found in China. So, it's important for us to develop a new generation of catalysts【催化剂】. China is required to reach its carbon emissions peak and carbon neutrality in a shorter time compared with developed nations. So, we need big changes in our in energy structure. We have to accelerate our development of new technologies and businesses.”“现在的氢燃料电池需要铂作为催化剂。铂是一种有限的资源,其中90%来自南非。只有 0.4%产自中国。因此,开发新一代催化剂对我们来说非常重要。与发达国家相比,中国需要在更短的时间内达到碳排放峰值,实现碳中和。因此,我们需要对能源结构进行重大变革。我们必须加快新技术和新业务的发展。”In 2021, China announced the first batch of demonstration cities for hydrogen powered vehicle development. Cities in the Yangtze River Delta Region including Shanghai, Suzhou, Nantong and Jiaxing were on the list. Shanghai's Jiading District, where the R&D center was announced, has been in the field for more than 2 decades. It created the first fuel cell industry park in China, gathering more than 80 hydrogen energy firms. In 2021, its revenue already topped more than 10 billion yuan.2021年,中国公布了首批氢动力汽车发展示范城市名单。包括上海、苏州、南通和嘉兴在内的长三角地区城市榜上有名。宣布成立研发中心的上海嘉定在这一领域已有20多年的历史。它创建了中国首个燃料电池产业园,聚集了80多家氢能企业。2021年,其营业收入已超过100亿元。#热词加油站pediatric /ˌpi:dɪ'ætrɪk/【小儿科的】nucleic /njuːˈkleɪɪk/【核酸】 antibiotics /ˌæntɪbaɪˈɒtɪks/【抗生素】catalysts /ˈkætəlɪsts/【催化剂】platinum /ˈplætɪnəm/【铂】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
11/30/20234 minutes, 20 seconds
Episode Artwork

11/28 TOP NEWS|上海学校帮助学生度过传染病多发季节/我国绿色能源产品向海外进发

NEWS ON 11/281. SCHOOLS IN SHANGHAI HELP STUDENTS GET THROUGH FLU SEASON上海学校帮助学生度过传染病多发季节2. GREEN ENERGY PRODUCTS SUPPORT CHINA'S EXPORTS我国绿色能源产品向海外进发-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1. SCHOOLS IN SHANGHAI HELP STUDENTS GET THROUGH FLU SEASON上海学校帮助学生度过传染病多发季节Schools in Shanghai are working to deal with a rising number of flu infections. Zhang Hong has more. 上海的学校正在努力应对不断上升的流感感染人数。记者张泓带来更多报道。Flu cases peaked last week at Huangpu Experimental Primary School Affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University.上周,上海交通大学附属黄浦实验小学的流感病例达到高峰。Sheng Kaiyan, School Physician Huangpu Experimental Primary School Affiliated to SH Jiao Tong Univ.盛开颜 上海交通大学附属黄浦实验小学卫生保健老师“It's getting better this week with students in only two classes showing influenza A symptoms. Students have returned to school gradually. ”“这一周情况明显好转 只剩下两个班级存在甲流症状的学生 其他学生都已经陆陆续续复课返校”The school has separate rooms for smaller groups of students during flu season and teachers will help those who are sick to catch up. 在流感季节,学校为人数较少的学生准备了单独的教室,老师会帮助生病的学生补课。Zhang Jian, TeacherHuangpu Experimental Primary School Affiliated to SH Jiao Tong Univ.张健 上海交通大学附属黄浦实验小学体卫艺科负责老师“Students who are ill at home can choose to do their homework based on their condition. When they return, their class teacher will help them catch up. There's no mandatory【强制性的】 requirements on homework. ”“因病在家的同学 可以根据自己的自身的情况(完成)如果已经回到学校了 班主任会每天 慢慢把作业补齐 对我们同学的作业没有强制性的要求”Zhongshan School Affiliated to Shanghai Huangpu Institute of Education has designed individualized physical education guidance for students. 上海市黄浦区教育学院附属中山学校为学生设计了个性化的体育教育指导。Sun Jin, PE TeacherZhongshan School Affiliated to SH Huangpu Institute of Education孙瑾 上海市黄浦区教育学院附属中山学校体育教研组长“They do a variety of exercises to boost their immunity. We have individualized events planned for recovered students returning to school. They will be doing light exercise like jogging. ”“通过各种活动 来提高他们的免疫力 对于有些孩子返校复学以后 进行个性化的指导 从慢跑开始 健身操 或者简单的一些运动项目开始 逐步逐步恢复到他们原来的机体状况”The Ministry of Education posted an article on its WeChat account stating that children with mild symptoms【症状】 don't need to be hospitalized and infected students are encouraged to stay home. It also reminded students to get enough sleep and eat healthy meals. 教育部在微信公众号上发布了一篇文章,称症状轻微的儿童无需住院治疗,鼓励受感染的学生留在家中。教育部还提醒学生保持充足睡眠和健康饮食。2. GREEN ENERGY PRODUCTS SUPPORT CHINA'S EXPORTS我国绿色能源产品向海外进发As most of the world increasingly embraces a green energy transition to reduce the effects of climate change, many Chinese companies have become global market leaders in the carbon-free energy sector, owing to government support and the nation's vast manufacturing capacity. The new energy products are gradually becoming a major segment of the country's exports. Lei Shuran has more.随着世界大多数国家越来越多地向绿色能源转型,以减少气候变化的影响,许多中国公司凭借政府的支持和我国庞大的制造能力,已成为全球无碳能源领域的市场领导者。新能源产品正逐渐成为中国出口的主要部分。记者雷舒然带来更多报道。China's new energy sector, driven by strong global demand and enhanced product competitiveness, is propelling the country's exports. That includes electric vehicles, lithium-ion batteries, and solar cells. Latest customs data shows that in the first three quarters of the year, China's outbound shipment value of the three products rocketed by more than 40-percent, to nearly 800-billion yuan. That accounts for 4.5-percent of the country's total exports during the period. JinkoSolar, a major solar module provider, exemplifies this trend, with over 80-percent of its business now derived from exports.  The company says its global module shipments exceeded 150 giga-watts by the end of the first quarter, making it the world's first solar module provider to achieve that level.在全球需求强劲和产品竞争力增强的推动下,中国的新能源产业正在推动中国的出口。其中包括电动汽车、锂离子电池和太阳能电池。海关最新数据显示,今年前三季度,中国这三种产品的出境货运价值猛增40%以上,达到近8000亿元人民币,这占同期中国出口总额的 4.5%。晶科能源是太阳能组件的主要供应商,也是这一趋势的典型代表,目前其业务的80% 以上来自出口。该公司表示,截至第一季度末,其全球组件出货量已超过1.5亿瓦,成为全球首家达到这一水平的太阳能组件供应商。Qian Jing, Vice President JinkoSolar钱晶 晶科能源副总裁“The main reasons behind that include the strong demand driven by the carbon neutrality【中立】 goals of most countries, they have adopted increasingly regulations of limits. Secondly, in supply side, the increasing competitiveness of our products in terms of technology performance and costs, we are far beyond our foreign competitors in these fields. It's manufacturing excellence which can transimitted the latest and advanced technology from laboratories to the mass productuion lines at the lowest costs.”“这背后的主要原因包括,大多数国家在碳中和目标的驱动下需求旺盛,它们采取了越来越多的限制法规。其次,在供应方面,我们的产品在技术性能和成本方面的竞争力不断增强,在这些领域我们远远超越了国外竞争对手。这就是卓越的制造能力,它能以最低的成本将最新的先进技术从实验室转移到大规模生产线上。”The rising demand for solar panels also benefits upstream companies, such as a silicon【硅】 maker in Suzhou, experiencing increased demand for its products due to the popularity of Chinese solar panel products globally over the past few years.太阳能电池板需求的增长也使上游企业受益,例如苏州的一家硅料生产商,由于过去几年中国太阳能电池板产品在全球受到欢迎,对其产品的需求有所增加。Song Hao, Assistant Vice President (Securities) GCL Technology Holdings宋昊 协鑫科技控股有限公司助理副总裁“All of our clients now have export businesses. So, the growing overseas demand for their products is also encouraging us to increase our production. In the next few years, we expect the demand to grow by 10 to 20 percent annually. To us, that means there will be a yearly demand of over 200,000 tonnes of polysilicon.”“我们所有的客户现在都有出口业务。因此,海外市场对其产品日益增长的需求也促使我们提高产量。未来几年,我们预计每年的需求量将增长10%到20%。对我们来说,这意味着每年多晶硅的需求量将超过200,000吨。”Despite the sector's success, experts caution that future market share might be influenced by external factors, urging sustained efforts to continue export momentum. 尽管该部门取得了成功,但专家们提醒说,未来的市场份额可能会受到外部因素的影响,因此他们将继续努力,保持出口势头。Cheng Xin, Partner Bain & Company成鑫 贝恩公司合伙人“In some of the European markets, there is a big inventory of China products in the warehouse, which may take months to absorb. So, this give a very strong signal to all the Chinese players that they need to seriously consider the differentiation versus the other competitors given this significant oversupply situation and before they make extra investment decision. Some of the countries have push out local production encouragement. So, all of these signals, are pushing Chinese company to seriously consider a more sustainable global footprint to support the long term growth.”“在欧洲市场,仓库里有大量的中国产品库存,可能需要几个月的时间才能消化。这向所有中国企业发出了一个非常强烈的信号,即在严重供过于求的情况下,他们需要认真考虑与其他竞争对手的差异化,然后再做出额外的投资决定。一些国家已经开始鼓励本地生产。因此,这些所有的信号都在促使中国企业认真考虑更可持续的全球布局,以支持长期增长。”According to Natixis, a French corporate and investment bank, China has nearly monopolized【垄断】 global solar cell exports, accounting for 80-percent of the total last year, while also holding significant shares in lithium-ion battery and electric vehicle exports.法国外贸银行,即一家法国企业与投资银行的数据显示,中国几乎垄断了全球太阳能电池出口,去年占全球出口总量的80%,同时在锂离子电池和电动汽车出口方面也占有相当大的份额。#热词加油站mandatory /ˈmændətəri/【强制性的】symptoms /ˈsɪmptəm/【症状】neutrality /njuːˈtræləti/【中立】monopolized /məˈnɒpəlaɪzd/【垄断】silicon /ˈsɪlɪkən/【硅】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
11/29/20235 minutes, 25 seconds
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11/27 TOP NEWS|数据标的物将推动形成新一轮资产化创新

NEWS ON 11/27CHINA'S INFO BROKERS ARE TURNING DATA INTO PROFIT数据标的物将推动形成新一轮资产化创新-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1.     CHINA'S INFO BROKERS ARE TURNING DATA INTO PROFIT数据标的物将推动形成新一轮资产化创新Last year, data trading in China accounted for 13.4% of the world's total. Many companies active in the sector gathered in Shanghai at the weekend for the Global Data Ecosystem Conference. Our reporter Zhang Shixuan was there to find out what kind of data is being bought and sold, and whether the data trade in China is secure.去年,中国的数据交易量占全球总量的13.4%。本周末,许多活跃在数据交易领域的公司齐聚上海,参加全球数据生态系统大会。记者张诗旋在现场了解了数据买卖的种类,以及中国的数据交易是否安全。Where we go; What we buy; Who we are⋯ To someone, we're data.我们去哪里;我们买什么;我们是谁......对某些人来说,我们就是数据。“We need data. Data is the oil in the 21st century. ”“我们需要数据。数据就是21世纪的石油。”If it's regarded as critical as crude - it's going to be valuable, and serve as a foundation for a wide variety of businesses. Just as oil needs to be refined; data needs to be collected, sifted【筛选】 and analysed for it to be worth something. And in a country like China - with 1.4 billion people - there's a mountain of data out there. Let's start with a look at the nation's vast road transport network.如果数据像石油一样重要,那么它就很有价值,并成为各种业务的基础。就像石油需要提炼一样,数据也需要经过收集、筛选和分析才能发挥价值。而在中国这样一个拥有14亿人口的国家,数据堆积如山。我们先来看看中国庞大的公路运输网。Xu Saihua, Chairman & CEO /// Shanghai Jinron Digits Technology徐赛花 上海金润联汇数字科技有限公司董事长兼首席执行官“When a car passes by an ETC on the expressway, there's the information on the plate, the owner, the mileage, the time, the direction and the traffic fee.”“当一辆车过了ETC上高速,这辆车的车牌,车主,行驶的行程里程数,经过时间,行驶方向以及通行费的信息都有了。”ETC, or Electronic Toll Collection forms an online system which allows nonstop passage of freight vehicles. As of the end of 2019, there already nearly 200 million cars equipped with an ETC device. But who would want data from road toll gates?ETC即电子收费系统,是一种允许货运车辆不停车通行的线上系统。截至2019年底,已有近2亿辆汽车安装了ETC。但谁会想要公路收费站的数据呢?Xu Saihua, Chairman & CEO /// Shanghai Jinron Digits Technology徐赛花 上海金润联汇数字科技有限公司董事长兼首席执行官“In the past, traditional financial institutions were hesitant to enter the road cargo transport industry. They think it's of high risks. There were internet platforms offering loans with annual interest rate as high as more than 30%. Now, we some banks are cooperating with us. They can get logistics operation information, and get data support after loan issuance【发行】. They are providing a less than 5% interest rate.”“以前传统金融机构根本就不敢进入货运行业,因为觉得这个风险高。现在我们合作的几家银行开始能够获得比如说这些物流的经营信息,及时地跟踪,他还贷中、贷后还能够有一些数据提供。他们的企业资金成本都在5%以内。”There have also been data products that can help insurance companies decide a reasonable price for different vehicles' insurance. These were first listed on the Shanghai Data Exchange last year.此外,还有一些数据产品可以帮助保险公司决定不同车辆保险的合理价格。去年,这些产品首次在上海数据交易所上市。Zhang Shixuan Reporter张诗旋 记者“The annual trading volume of data products at the Shanghai Data Exchange exceeded 100 million yuan last year, and this year's on-exchange trading volume is expected to exceed 1 billion yuan. But where is all this growth coming from?”“去年,上海数据交易所的数据产品年交易额超过1亿元,今年的场内交易额预计将超过10亿元。不过,这些增长从何而来?”Tang Qifeng, General Manager /// Shanghai Data Exchange汤奇峰 上海数据交易所总经理“China goes through unique ways quite different with the other countries typically quite different with the US and Europe. In the US you can find a lot of things is organized by a commercial company. But in China we take the data product like a data asset, so a lot of the market function should play by like us. They have the asset, they can use the asset using different roles. In the history, you use the cash to invest a company, but in this area, you can use your data asset to invest a company. Also data asset is very interesting since it goes to the securities areas. ”“中国采取了与其他国家,通常是与美国和欧洲迥然不同的独特方式。在美国,你会发现很多事情都是由商业公司组织的。但在中国,我们将数据产品视为数据资产,因此很多市场功能都应像我们一样发挥作用。他们拥有资产,他们可以用不同的角色来使用资产。在过去,你用现金投资一家公司,但在这个领域,你可以用你的数据资产来投资一家公司。数据资产也非常有趣,因为它涉及证券领域。”Whenever data collection is mentioned, the questions of privacy and security are raised. It's a subject the industry is vocal about.每当提到数据收集,隐私和安全问题就会被提出来。这也是业界热议的话题。Zhao Xingxing, Vice President /// Shanghai Jinron Digits Technology赵星星 上海金润联汇数字科技有限公司副总裁“All the data products are not allowed for cache【缓存】. Banks send a requirement to the API connector, and enter a firewall to access the intranet【内联网】, where the database gives the bank a credit score. And the score will get to the bank after crossing another firewall.”“所有的数据产品是不允许它进行缓存的。银行会发送一个请求,这个请求通过数据API接口的形式,然后要通过一个互联网跟内网的防火墙进去之后,我在我的结果库里面进行搜寻到这个人所对应的信用分数,这个地方我们又要跨一层防火墙,把这个结果返回给银行。”Jinron Digits Technology says its data products have been accessed more than 20 million times this year, and each instance is recorded to guard against illegal use. At this weekend's Global Data Ecosystem Conference in Shanghai, security and data sovereignty【主权】 were high on the agenda.上海金润联汇数字科技有限公司表示,其数据产品今年已被访问超过2000万次,每次访问都会被记录下来,以防止非法使用。本周末于上海举行的全球数据生态系统大会上,安全和数据主权被列为重要议题。Lars B?umann, China Ambassador /// International Data Spaces AssociationLars Bäumann IDSA国际数据空间协会驻中国大使“The concept of data sovereignty means that you can decide what you share, how long you share, and also what not to share, and also to say what is allowed to do with my data and what is not allowed. And I feel that also China is very interested in that because people are afraid to put their data on some data platform and then the data stays there forever. There is really fast progress. It's really China speed like we say in Germany.”“数据主权的概念意味着,你可以决定分享什么、分享多久、不分享什么,也可以决定允许用我的数据做什么、不允许做什么。我觉得中国对此也非常感兴趣,因为人们害怕把自己的数据放到某个数据平台上,然后数据就永远留在那里了。进步真的很快。就像我们在德国说的那样,这真的是中国速度。”These data experts want more effort to be made to encourage institutions and companies to share their data.这些数据专家希望做出更多努力,鼓励机构和公司共享数据。Piero Scaruffi, Dean and founder of Silicon Valley Institute of Artificial Intelligence, USA皮埃罗·斯加鲁菲 美国硅谷人工智能研究院院长、创始人“It would be nice to have an international institution, part of the United Nations or not, that talks to governments and finds out which data are not sensitive, which data we should be sharing.”“如果能有一个国际机构,无论是不是联合国的一部分,能与各国政府对话,找出哪些数据不敏感,哪些数据我们应该共享,那该多好。”A trading chain was formed between 7 provincial level data exchanges in China on Saturday, when Shanghai also announced the first batch of data product brands, covering finance, manufacturing, transport, sports and technology.上周六,中国7家省级数据交易所之间形成了交易链条,同时上海也公布了首批数据产品品牌,涵盖金融、制造、交通、体育和科技等领域。#热词加油站sift /sɪft/【筛选】issuance /ˈɪʃu(ː)əns/【发行】intranet /ˈɪntrənet/【内联网】cache /kæʃ/【缓存】sovereignty /ˈsɒvrənti/【主权】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
11/28/20235 minutes, 2 seconds
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11/27 TOP NEWS|世界中国学大会·上海论坛举办/百老汇沉浸式音乐剧“大彗星”降临上海

NEWS ON 11/241.EXPERTS IN CHINA STUDIES GATHER IN SHANGHAI TO DISCUSS CHINA'S PAST & PRESENT世界中国学大会·上海论坛在沪举办2.THE GREAT COMET MUSICAL WILL MAKE ITS ASIAN DEBUT IN SHANGHAI NEXT YEAR亚洲首演!百老汇沉浸式音乐剧《大彗星》明年降临上海----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1.EXPERTS IN CHINA STUDIES GATHER IN SHANGHAI TO DISCUSS CHINA'S PAST & PRESENT世界中国学大会·上海论坛在沪举办Around 400 scholars from home and abroad shared their interpretation of China’s past and present at the World Conference on China Studies Shanghai Forum today. Reporter Zhang Hong takes a look.在今天(11/24)举行的世界中国学大会·上海论坛上,400余位海内外知名专家学者分享了他们对中国过去和现在的解读。本台记者张泓带来详细报道。Three scholars were given the Distinguished Contribution to China Studies award at today’s opening ceremony. Canadian historian Timothy Brook was one of them. In addition to serving as the general editor of Harvard University Press “History of Imperial China”, he has published extensively on China in the world with a major focus on the Ming dynasty.在今天的开幕式上,三位学者被授予“中国学贡献奖”。加拿大历史学家卜正民(Timothy Brook)是其中之一。除了担任哈佛大学出版社《哈佛中国史》丛书的总编辑,他还在世界范围内发表了大量关于中国的著作,其中以明朝为主要研究对象。Timothy Brook, Professor Emeritus of Dept. of History, University of British Columbia卜正民 加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚大学历史学荣休教授“I think the importance of getting foreigners to understand Chinese history is to make Chinese history not appear to be something that is far away and strange and different. Whether this has an impact on how we understand each other today, I think it does because if you can reduce the ignorance Chinese have of the world and the world has of China, then you reduce the animosity【敌意】 that can arise between people outside China and Chinese people.”“我认为,让外国人了解中国历史的重要性在于让中国历史不再显得遥远、陌生和与众不同。我认为这会对我们今天如何相互理解产生影响,因为如果能减少中国人对世界和世界对中国的无知,那么就能减少中国以外的人和中国人之间可能产生的敌意。”Academic Zhang Weiwei talked about modern Chinese civilization.学者张维为以“中华文明的现代性”为题发表了主旨演讲。Zhang Weiwei, Distinguished Professor & Dean of China Institute, Fudan University张维为 复旦大学特聘教授、中国研究院院长“It’s the combination of tradition and modernity that makes China rise and China civilization tick. This concept of ‘minben zhuyi’, people’s livelihood first, is very traditional, very Confucius. It’s contained in the ‘Shangshu’, which was 2,500 years ago. We look at China performing today. China has eradicated【根除】 extreme poverty. China has equated world’s largest middle class, 400 million. All these have to do with the government’s policy focusing on people’s livelihood first.”“正是传统与现代的结合,让中国崛起,让中华文明熠熠生辉。民本主义的理念非常传统,非常孔子。它载于 2500 年前的《尚书》。我们看看今天中国的表现。中国消除了极端贫困。中国拥有世界上最大的 4 亿中等收入群体。这一切都与政府民生优先的政策有关。”Rachel Murphy, a professor from the University of Oxford, has been looking at labor migration in China since the late 1990s.牛津大学教授雷切尔·墨菲(Rachel Murphy)自 20 世纪 90 年代末以来一直在研究中国的农民工话题。Rachel Murphy, Professorn of Chinese Development & Society, University of Oxford雷切尔·墨菲 英国牛津大学中国发展与社会研究教授“There’s many aspects of social change and transformation in China that echoes or resonates with experiences in other countries. But then there’s also unique aspects of the Chinese context that affect how this plays out and how this affects people. And that is part of the value of Chinese studies and area studies, because the emphasis is on context, on multifaceted【多层面的】 context, on looking at the society, the culture, the politics, the demography altogether in order to understand what’s going on.”“中国社会变革和转型的许多方面都与其他国家的经验相呼应或产生共鸣。但中国的国情也有其独特之处,影响着这一切的发生,影响着中国人民。这也是中国研究和地区研究的价值所在,因为研究的重点在于背景,在于多方面的背景,在于从社会、文化、政治、人口学等多方面来理解正在发生的事情。”Professor Murphy also noted that in the past, Chinese studies was very dominated by western scholarship, but now she sees more scholars from different parts of the world who are contributing to the English language global dialogue about what China is, how China is changing the world and how the world is changing China.墨菲教授还指出,过去的中国研究主要由西方学者主导,但现在她看到更多来自世界不同地区的学者在用英语开展全球对话,探讨中国是什么、中国如何改变世界以及世界如何改变中国。2.THE GREAT COMET MUSICAL WILL MAKE ITS ASIAN DEBUT IN SHANGHAI NEXT YEAR亚洲首演!百老汇沉浸式音乐剧《大彗星》明年降临上海The Broadway musical “Natasha, Pierre and The Great Comet of 1812” will make its Asian debut at the New Bund 31 Performing Arts Center in Pudong on January 13th. The shows feature new costume designs highlighting fashion and modernity. Sun Siqi has more.百老汇音乐剧《娜塔莎、皮埃尔和1812年的大彗星》将于1月13日在浦东前滩31演艺中心大剧场开启亚洲首演。演出采用全新的服装设计,突出时尚和现代感。本台记者孙思奇带来详细报道。The musical is an adaptation of a 70-page segment from Leo Tolstoy’s 1869 epic novel “War and Peace”, it focuses on Natasha’s romance with Anatole, and Pierre’s search for meaning in his life.音乐剧改编自列夫·托尔斯泰 1869 年的史诗小说《战争与和平》中 70 页的片段,主要讲述娜塔莎与阿纳托尔的爱情,以及皮埃尔寻找人生意义的故事。The cast of consists 28 international performers who were recruited【招募】from auditions held in both Shanghai and New York. Every character has a theme song, and the opening song, titled “Prologue”, introduces the characters.演员阵容集结了28 名从上海和纽约的试演中招募的国际演员,每个角色都有一首主题曲,名为“序幕”的开场曲介绍了各个角色。Or Matias, Music Supervisor of Natasha, Pierre & The Great Comet of 1812奥尔·马蒂亚斯《大彗星》音乐总监“The other thing that is kind of a cornerstone【基石】of the piece is how the piece incorporates【包含】so many different styles of music. So, there’s classical and Jazz and rock, hip hop, pop, so any kind of possible music that you can imagine made it into the score and that’s what makes it so interesting.”“还有一点也是这部作品的基石,那就是这部作品融合了多种不同的音乐风格。其中有古典音乐、爵士乐、摇滚乐、嘻哈音乐、流行音乐,你能想象到的任何一种音乐都被融入到了乐谱中,这也是(这部作品)如此有趣的原因。”Award-winning South Korean stage designer Pilyoung Oh had 400 seats removed from the theater’s front row, and added four ring-shape audience pools to the stage, turning it into a more immersive space for audiences to watch the Russian court dances.屡获殊荣的韩国舞台设计师吴弼泳(Pilyoung Oh)从剧院前排移走了400个座位,并在舞台上增设了四个环形观众池座,使观众沉浸式观看俄罗斯宫廷舞蹈。Zhou Xiaowei, Co-director of Natasha, Pierre & The Great Comet of 1812周笑微《大彗星》中方导演“It’s an immersive show performed in a grand theater, which allows the audience to get very close, just like how we’re talking with each other right now. In some segments, performers even invite spectators to join them on stage.”“它其实是沉浸式和大剧场呈现的综合体,这在全世界也是首例这是非常近距离的体验,近到差不多咱们俩之间的距离,甚至有些桥段演员会拉观众们来加入舞会、狂欢,参与到其中。”Unlike other introduced musical productions, “Natasha, Pierre and The Great Comet of 1812” is not a copy-paste version from Broadway. It’s an updated, localized version that contains many fresh elements.与其他引进的音乐剧不同,《娜塔莎、皮埃尔和 1812 年的大彗星》不是百老汇版本的复制粘贴。它是一个更新的本地化版本,包含了许多新鲜元素。Zhang Xiaoding, General Manager of Shanghai Grand Theater张笑丁上海大剧院总经理“This time it’s us, the Chinese side, that lead the whole production and the Broadway team offered us a lot of help. We’ve spent nearly 20 years to learn and explore, including introducing a lot of original western shows and created a Chinese version. And now, I believe it’s time for us deliver our achievement to the public.”“这次是完全是以我们为主导的,而且百老汇的这样一个团队也是给了我们一个非常大的一个支撑,除了音乐和唱词没有变之外,其他的我们都做了升级版。我们觉得是时候我们来做一个创新融合的作品的时候,那这个过程其实我们用了20多年的时间,那这20多年我们用引进剧目和中文版剧目,包括原创剧目都在是一个学习和探索的过程,现在是要交一份答卷,给大家呈现一个剧目的成果的时候。”The musical “Natasha, Pierre and The Great Comet of 1812” made its off-Broadway debut in 2012, and hit the Broadway stage in 2016. It was nominated for 12 Tony Awards in 2017, and won two. The show will play at the New Bund 31 Performing Arts Center in Pudong until March 3.音乐剧《娜塔莎、皮埃尔和 1812 年的大彗星》于 2012 年在百老汇外首演,2016 年登上百老汇舞台。该剧在2017年获得托尼奖12项提名,并赢得两项大奖。该剧将在浦东前滩31号演艺中心上演至明年3月3日。#热词加油站animosity/ˌænɪˈmɒsəti/【敌意】eradicate/ɪˈrædɪkeɪt/【根除】multifaceted/ˌmʌltiˈfæsɪtɪd/【多层面的】recruit/rɪˈkruːt/【招募】cornerstone/ˈkɔːnəstəʊn/【基石】incorporate/ɪnˈkɔːpəreɪt/【包含】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
11/27/20236 minutes, 1 second
Episode Artwork

11/23 TOP NEWS|百老汇音乐剧《音乐之声》上海开演/2023上海虚拟体育公开赛总决赛落幕

NEWS ON 11/221. 'THE SOUND OF MUSIC' BEGINS 2ND LEG OF ITS INT'L TOUR IN SHANGHAI百老汇音乐剧《音乐之声》上海开演2. 2023 SHANGHAI VIRTUAL SPORTS OPEN CONCLUDES IN HUANGPU DISTRICT2023赛季上海虚拟体育公开赛总决赛落幕-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1. 'THE SOUND OF MUSIC' BEGINS 2ND LEG OF ITS INT'L TOUR IN SHANGHAI百老汇音乐剧《音乐之声》上海开演As one of the most popular Broadway musicals in the international market, "The Sound of Music" is a feast for the ears and eyes at the New Bund 31 Performing Arts Center until December 10. Sun Siqi has more. 作为国际市场上最受欢迎的百老汇音乐剧之一,《音乐之声》将于12月10日在新外滩31号演艺中心上演一场视听盛宴。记者孙思奇带来更多报道。The version performed in China was directed by three time Tony award winner Jack O'Brien, the cast is the Broadway North American troupe【剧团】, which has been touring around the world for one year. Shanghai is the first stop on the second round of it's international tour.在中国演出的版本由三届托尼奖得主杰克·奥布莱恩执导,演员阵容由百老汇北美剧团组成,该剧团已在全球巡演一年。上海是该剧第二轮国际巡演的首站。Based on the true story of the Von Trapp Family Singers, "The Sound of Music" tells the tale of young Maria Rainer, whose free spirit has trouble fitting into the rules and regulations of Nonnberg Abbey. Commissioned by the Mother Abbess to serve as the governess【家庭女教师】 for seven motherless children, Maria transforms the Von Trapp family home from a place of dour rules and regulations to one filled with joy, with laughter, and with music.  《音乐之声》根据冯·特拉普家族歌手的真实故事改编,讲述了年轻的玛丽亚·雷纳的故事。玛丽亚受修道院院长的委托,担任七个没有母亲的孩子的家庭教师,她将冯·特拉普家从一个沉闷的、条条框框的地方变成了一个充满欢乐、笑声和音乐的地方。Simone Genatt, Chairperson & Co-Founder Broadway Asia & Broadway Int'l GroupSimone Genatt 百老汇亚洲国际有限责任公司董事长、联合创始人“Well, I think that the most important part of this production is that the way that it was directed by Jack O'Brien,it has a very contemporary sense of the way people communicate and the celebration of the performers and// what makes this production terrific and special is definitely the design elements which are very very very current and contemporary as well as the way that it was directed. ”“我认为,这部作品最重要的部分是杰克·奥布莱恩的导演方式,它对人们的交流方式和表演者的庆祝活动都非常具有现代感。”This is the third time this classic musical has been performed in China. The first time the show came to China was in 2004, and generated nearly 17 million yuan at the box office. This year, it'll be on stage in Shanghai for three weeks before moving on to other cities in China, including Tianjin, Hangzhou, Suzhou, and Guangzhou. 这是这部经典音乐剧第三次在中国演出。2004年,该剧首次来到中国,创造了近1700万元的票房收入。今年,该剧将在上海演出三周,然后前往天津、杭州、苏州和广州等中国其他城市演出。Zhao Chenlin, Vice President SMG Live赵晨琳 上海文广演艺集团副总裁“While introducing a number of international original performances, we are hoping to boost the market and cultivate more theater-goers with the top level shows, and we are also hoping to train our crew members, including the backstage staff, performers, and technical teams, we hope to identify where we need to work and improve from the experience. ”“在引进多场国际原创演出的同时,我们希望用高水平的演出来带动市场,培养更多的戏剧观众,同时也希望对我们的工作人员进行培训,包括后台工作人员、演员、技术团队等,我们希望从这些经验中发现我们需要努力和改进的地方。”First performed in 1959, "The Sound of Music" will celebrate its 65th anniversary next year. To date, it has been performed over 4,000 times on Broadway in New York and in London's West End, setting a Guinness record for the most people watching a show in a week. "The Sound of Music" has created memories for generations of audiences around the world. The stage shows, musical albums, films, and TV specials have won Tonys, Grammys, Oscars and Emmys. 《音乐之声》首演于1959年,明年将迎来65周年纪念。迄今为止,该剧已在纽约百老汇和伦敦西区演出4000多场,创造了一周内观看演出人数最多的吉尼斯纪录。《音乐之声》为全世界几代观众留下了美好的回忆。其舞台剧、音乐专辑、电影和电视特别节目赢得了托尼奖、格莱美奖、奥斯卡奖和艾美奖。2.2023 SHANGHAI VIRTUAL SPORTS OPEN CONCLUDES IN HUANGPU DISTRICT2023赛季上海虚拟体育公开赛总决赛落幕The finals for the 2023 Shanghai Virtual Sports Open concluded last night in Huangpu District. Over the last 7 months, hundreds of participants got to experience how technology can make sports more accessible. Zhang Yue brings us more.2023赛季上海虚拟体育公开赛总决赛昨晚在上海黄浦落下帷幕。在过去的7个月里,数百名参赛选手体验了科技如何让体育变得更加普及。记者张乐带来更多报道。Virtual rowing may look similar of what people normally do at the gym, but the large screen showing the race on the water makes the competition more intense and real. 虚拟赛艇看起来可能与人们通常在健身房进行的比赛相似,但大屏幕上显示的水上比赛让比赛更加激烈和真实。Roann Liew Virtual Rowing ContestantRoann Liew 虚拟赛艇参赛者“For rowing, it's quite nice to be able to see everyone going to the finish line on the screen.//everyone is so busy. So even though my preference is rowing, I actually don't go on the earth very much, but when we're busy, we can go on the machine and we can track our time.”“对于赛艇运动来说,能够在屏幕上看到每个人都冲向终点线是一件非常惬意的事情。因此,尽管我更喜欢划船,但实际上我并不经常上地球,但当我们忙的时候,我们可以上划船机,并跟踪我们的时间。”On the other side of the venue, 12 virtual motorsport racers were competing in a 20-minute race on the Shanghai F1 International Circuit. 在会场的另一侧,12名虚拟赛车手在上海F1国际赛车场上进行了一场20分钟的比赛。In virtual cycling, participants had make their way up a six-kilometer gentle slope【斜坡】, then cycle another 8-kilometers of bumpy【颠簸的】 roads, which required a quick response from the riders.在虚拟自行车赛中,参赛选手需要先爬上6公里长的缓坡,然后再骑行8公里长的颠簸路面,这就要求车手必须快速反应。Dai Luo Virtual Cycling Contestant戴珞 虚拟自行车选手“It simulates cycling on real roads, but we don't need to worry about getting injured. we can also compete with people basically anywhere, no matter you are in Europe, or the United States.”“它是模拟在真实道路上骑车,我们不必担心受伤。我们还可以与任何地方的人竞争,无论是欧洲还是美国。”This year was the second edition of the event, the schedule, prize money incentives, and gaming software was updated. The number of sports expanded from 5 to 7, and featured 36 events. 今年是第二届赛事,赛程、奖金奖励和游戏软件都进行了更新。比赛项目从5个增加到7个,共设36个比赛项目。Zhang Jiyue, Tournament Director Juss Intellisports张继悦 上海久事智慧体育有限公司赛事总监“Virtual sports is definitely an easier way for people, especially like I said the city people to access to all different kinds of sports like in auto racing. it's very hard for people to do it daily. But getting a simulator is much easier and faster way for people to keep pick up this kind of sports and for rowing as well.”“对于人们来说,虚拟体育无疑是一种更简单的方式,尤其是像我说的,城市里的人们可以接触到各种不同的体育运动,比如赛车。但是,通过模拟器,人们可以更方便、更快捷地学习这类运动和赛艇运动。”Virtual sports have been gaining a lot of traction【拖拉】, in June this year, Singapore hosted the Olympic Esports Week, featuring virtual forms of motorsport, rowing, and sailing.今年6月,新加坡举办了“奥林匹克电子竞技周”,展示了虚拟形式的赛车、赛艇和帆船运动。#热词加油站troupe /truːp/【剧团】governess /ˈɡʌvənəs/【家庭女教师】slope /sləʊp/【斜坡】bumpy /ˈbʌmpi/【颠簸的】traction /ˈtrækʃn/【拖拉】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
11/24/20235 minutes, 18 seconds
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11/22 TOP NEWS|梅兰芳特展在上海开幕/中国投资者期待新的财政刺激措施

NEWS ON 11/221. EXHIBITION ON PEKING OPERA MASTER MEI LANFANG' S LIFE IN SHANGHAI梅兰芳特展开幕 纪念110年前大师首次在上海登台2. CHINESE INVESTORS AWAIT FRESH STIMULUS MEASURES中国投资者期待新的财政刺激措施-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1. EXHIBITION ON PEKING OPERA MASTER MEI LANFANG' S LIFE IN SHANGHAI梅兰芳特展开幕 纪念110年前大师首次在上海登台Mei Lanfang was one of Chinese modern theater's most famous Peking opera stars. He was born in Beijing in 1894, but he moved to Shanghai in 1932, and lived here for about two decades. Mei's first visit to Shanghai was for a performance in 1913. He recalled his days in Shanghai as being greatly influential to his career.梅兰芳是中国现代戏剧最著名的京剧大师之一。他于1894年出生于北京,1932年移居上海,并在此生活了约二十年。梅兰芳第一次来上海是1913年的一次演出。他回忆说,在上海的日子对他的艺术生涯影响很大。Ding Jiarong, Associate Researcher Shanghai History Museum丁佳荣 上海市历史博物馆助理研究员“This is a model of a new type of stage at that time. It's different from the traditional opera stage as it is circular. There's an area in the center that can rotate. We also have a playbill here. You can see they put on Peking Operas adapted from La Traviata. Mei Lanfang wrote in his retrospect that he was inspired by the new stage and the operas, so he made revisions to the Peking Opera stage when he returned to Beijing.”“这个模型就是当时新舞台的样子,它除了有弧形的台唇之外,最大的特点是舞台上是可以旋转的。这里有一张戏单,是20世纪《茶花女》改编的京剧。梅兰芳先生在他的《舞台生活40年》里面,他受了新舞台的戏曲的启发,回到北京以后,对京剧的舞台进行了一些革新。”191 exhibits related to Mei's life are on display at the Shanghai History Museum. One of them is an almost-8-meter-long scroll that contains a stage prop that was painted by Mei.上海历史博物馆展出了191件与梅兰芳生平有关的展品。其中有一幅近8米的长卷,内有梅兰芳绘制的舞台道具。观众“Mei Lanfang put on a revised Peking Opera version of "A Dream of the Red Mansions" after returning from Shanghai. This is the surface of a folding fan that was used as a prop. Mei painted the peony【牡丹】. The fan was torn as the plot went on. Mei's friend Xu Boming put the two pieces together onto a scroll【纸卷】and asked calligrapher Wu Changshuo, who is also a fan of Mei, to write a title for it.”“从上海回来后,梅兰芳上演了一出经过改编的京剧《红楼梦》。这是用作道具的折扇的扇面。梅兰芳画的是牡丹。随着剧情的发展,折扇被撕坏了。梅兰芳的朋友许伯明将两片扇面拼接成一幅手卷,并请书法家吴昌朔先生为其题写书名,因为吴昌朔先生也是一个大梅党。”Mei was among the first to bring Peking Opera abroad, and for the first time, a video of an overseas performance is on display.梅兰芳是最早将京剧带出国门的人之一,这是首次展出海外演出的视频。Zhou Qunhua, Director Shanghai History Museum周群华 上海市历史博物馆馆长“Mei Lanfang visited the Soviet Union in 1935 and later, went on to the United States, where he introduced this traditional Chinese art to overseas audiences. We are very happy to present this footage【镜头】 to the public after 88 years. While foreign audiences couldn't understand Chinese, I believe they still got a taste of the charm of this art form. ”“梅先生曾于1935年访问苏联,后续去美国出访,向海外观众介绍了中国传统艺术。我们很高兴能在 88 年后向公众展示这段视频。虽然外国观众听不懂中文,但我相信他们还是领略到了这种艺术形式的魅力。”The exhibition will run through February 25th.         展览将持续到2月25日。2.CHINESE INVESTORS AWAIT FRESH STIMULUS MEASURES中国投资者期待新的财政刺激措施The Chinese mainland markets retreated today. Investors appear to be hanging on for more signs of concrete stimulus from the Chinese Government. But we're not likely to see much on that front until after the Central Economic Work Conference meeting next month in Beijing. The Shanghai Composite Index declined 0.8 percent today while the Shenzhen Component was down 1.4 percent.今天,中国大陆股市出现回落。投资者似乎在等待中国政府出台更多具体财政刺激措施的迹象。不过,要等到下个月在北京召开中央经济工作会议之后,才可能看到这方面的迹象。上证综指今天下跌了0.8%,深证成指下跌了1.4%。New energy stocks were among those under the most pressure. Blue chip solar stock LONGi Green Energy was down more than 2 percent. And in Shenzhen, China's EV battery maker stocks were in retreat as well, with CATL slipping 2 percent and Eve Energy off 2.5 percent.新能源股是压力最大的股票之一。太阳能蓝筹股隆基绿能跌幅超2%。在深圳,中国电动汽车电池生产商的股票也出现回落,宁德时代下跌2%,亿纬锂能下跌2.5%。Real estate stocks also pulled back after yesterday's gains, with investors locking in quick profits. There were also falls for materials, industrials and consumer shares.房地产股在昨日上涨后也有所回落,投资者锁定快速获利。材料股、工业股和消费股也都出现下跌。Around the region, sentiment remained weak in Hong Kong with the Hang Seng ending flat, despite some strong performances based on results. Healthcare, industrials and financials stocks offset those gains.尽管有一些基于业绩的强劲表现,香港股市依然处于疲弱状态,恒生指数收盘持平。医疗保健、工业和金融股抵消了涨幅。Baidu though was up 4.5 percent -- hitting a 5 week high this afternoon - as third quarter revenue beat estimates, rising 6 perceent to 34.5 billion yuan -- or 4.7 billion US dollars. Baidu also said it has a sufficient stockpile【囤聚的物资】 of AI chips to support app and service development for now, and US restrictions on exporting chips to China will have little impact on the company in the short term. But CEO Robin Li says the restrictions will eventually lead to a consolidation among Chinese large language model AIs, of which he says there are currently more than 230.百度第三季度营收超出预期,达到345亿元人民币(约合47亿美元),同比增长6%,今天下午创下5周新高,上涨4.5%。百度还表示,公司目前有足够的人工智能芯片储备来支持应用和服务的开发,美国对中国出口芯片的限制在短期内对公司影响不大。但首席执行官李彦宏说,这些限制最终将导致中国大型语言模型人工智能的整合,他说目前中国有230多家人工智能公司。Short video app Kuaishou also reported results last night and its stock added 2.9 percent today. The latest quarterly results showed Kuaishou turned a more than 2 billion yuan net profit, compared to a 2.7 billion yuan loss during the same period last year.短视频应用快手也于昨晚公布了财报,其股价今天上涨了2.9%。最新季度财报显示,快手实现了超过20亿元的净利润,而去年同期则亏损了27亿元。And over in Japan the Nikkei 225 rebounded after two sessions of declines, adding 0.3 percent. It's still not back to its 33 year high, but today got some support from a dip in the Japanese yen which took pressure off exporter stocks and saw some investors buy back into companies like automakers and Japanese shipping stocks. Nippon Yusen added 1.3 percent, while on the auto front Mazda added 1.4 percent.在日本,日经225在连续两个交易日下跌后出现反弹,上涨了0.3%。虽然日经225仍未回到33年来的高点,但今天得到了日元下跌的一些支撑,日元下跌减轻了出口股的压力,一些投资者重新买入汽车制造商和日本航运股。日本邮船上涨了1.3%,马自达汽车上涨了1.4%。#热词加油站scroll /skrəʊl/【纸卷】peony /ˈpiːəni/【牡丹】footage /ˈfʊtɪdʒ/【镜头】stockpile /ˈstɒkpaɪl/【囤聚的物资】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
11/23/20234 minutes, 51 seconds
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11/21 TOP NEWS|加快外商投资绿色低碳升级/近300件马蒂斯真迹来沪展出

NEWS ON 11/211. FOREIGN-INVESTED FIRMS STEPPING UP GREEN TRANSFORMATION加快外商投资绿色低碳升级2. HENRI MATISSE EXHIBITION COMES TO SHANGHAI近300件马蒂斯真迹来沪展出-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1. FOREIGN-INVESTED FIRMS STEPPING UP GREEN TRANSFORMATION加快外商投资绿色低碳升级An action plan released by the Shanghai government calls for the city to have 150 demonstration green manufacturing firms by 2025. Our reporter Zhang Shixuan talked to 2 foreign industrial giants and finds out more about their green solutions.上海市政府发布了一项计划,即到 2025年,上海将拥有150家绿色制造示范企业。记者张诗旋采访了两家外国工业巨头,了解它们的绿色转型方案。The 13 buildings at this factory in Shanghai's Minhang District bring a combined rooftop area of almost 46,000 square meters. They provide a natural advantage for green transformation for the pump manufacturer housed here, to install photovoltaic【光伏的】 panels. The first phase of the installation project was completed in September - more than 7,000 photovoltaic panels have been installed, all from a local supplier. They were put into use last week.位于上海闵行区的这家工厂拥有13栋建筑,屋顶面积总计近46,000平方米。为这家水泵制造商提供了绿色转型的天然优势,即安装光伏电池板。安装项目的第一阶段已于9月完成,共安装了7000多块光伏板,全部由当地供应商提供。它们已于上周投入使用。Stephan Timmermann, Chairman of the Executive Board KSB GroupStephan Timmermann 凯士比集团首席执行官“We are absolute specialists for pumps, for valves and of course for service. We are no specialist for green technology solar panels. And here in China, the partner who helped us to build the solar panales on the roof here in our Shanghai plant, he's just an expert. And we benefit from this expertise in a win-win situation. And I must say the job that was done is absolutely amazing.”“我们绝对是泵、阀门、服务领域的专家。我们不是绿色技术太阳能电池板方面的专家。而在中国,帮助我们在上海工厂的屋顶上建造太阳能电池板的合作伙伴是一位专家,我们从他的专业知识中获益,实现了双赢。他们所做的工作绝对令人惊叹。”By 2025, the company estimates the solar panels will be responsible for 50% of the electricity consumption at the factory. KSB is not alone. foreign pharmaceutical companies are also stepping up their green transformation. With its production lines running non-stop throughout the year, pharmaceutical【制药的】 giant Boehringer Ingelheim now has a zero carbon certificate from the Shanghai Government for its factory in Shanghai's Zhangjiang Science City. Much of the factory's air conditioning system has now been upgraded. The company has introduced new equipment like heat pumps and heat pipes to recycle the heat, as well as a new carbon emission management system.该公司预计,到 2025 年,太阳能电池板的用电量将占工厂用电量的 50%。 不仅是凯士比,国外制药公司也在加紧绿色转型。制药巨头勃林格殷格翰位于上海张江科学城的工厂全年不间断生产,现已获得上海市政府颁发的零碳证书。工厂的大部分空调系统现已升级。该公司引进了热泵和热管等新设备来回收热量,并采用了新的碳排放管理系统。Yin Xuelin, General Manager Boehringer Ingelheim Shanghai Pharmaceuticals殷雪林 勃林格殷格翰总经理“Our heat pipes have the highest investment return rate. We got our costs back in just a few months. For those with slower investment returns like photovoltaic panels, we made our investment back in 6 or 7 years, but they can be used for more than 20 years, which means that after we get our costs back we can be operating at no cost but only saving money for more than ten years.”“我们的三维热管是投资回报率是最高的,大概几个月就收回成本了。像投资回报率比较低的,比如说光伏、屋顶光伏,那我们基本上也是6-7年可以收回我们的投资,它的寿命至少在20年以上。也就是说我6-7年收回投资以后,我后面的十几年其实它就是没有成本在运营,只会给我产生效益。”As of 2021 the factory had already saved 31 million yuan in energy costs, more than 4 times the money spent on its upgrades.   截至 2021 年,该工厂已节约能源成本3100万元,是升级改造费用的4倍多。2.HENRI MATISSE EXHIBITION COMES TO SHANGHAI近300件马蒂斯真迹来沪展出Matisse by Matisse, an exhibition of French modern art master Henri Matisse is now on display at the UCCA Edge gallery in Shanghai, bringing together more than 280 works by Matisse, along with other objects he collected. Reporter Zhang Yue spoke to the exhibition's curator【馆长】 to learn more...法国现代艺术大师亨利·马蒂斯的作品展“马蒂斯的马蒂斯”正在上海UCCA Edge画廊展出,展览汇集了马蒂斯的280多件作品以及他收藏的其他物品。记者张乐采访了此次展览的策展人,带来更多信息。The 11 part exhibit invites visitors to explore how Matisse began as an artist, how he invented Fauvism, and the inspiration he gained from his voyage to Tahiti in the 1930s. All of the exhibits, including the oil paintings, sculptures, and prints, were brought by the Matisse Museum in Le Cateau, the museum is in the artist's hometown in Northern France, and houses one of the world's largest collections of Matisse's works, alongside the Matisse Museum in Nice and the Baltimore Museum of Art in the Unites States. 展览共分11个部分,参观者可以探索马蒂斯如何开始成为一名艺术家、他如何发明野兽派以及他在20世纪30年代塔希提岛之旅中获得的灵感。包括油画、雕塑和版画在内的所有展品均由勒卡托·康布雷齐的马蒂斯美术馆带来,该博物馆位于艺术家的故乡法国北部,是世界上收藏马蒂斯作品最多的博物馆之一,与尼斯马蒂斯博物馆和美国巴尔的摩艺术博物馆齐名。Sophie Le Flamanc, deputy director of Musée Matisse in Le Cateau, said 'Collioure, Sun Street' is one of her favorites.马蒂斯美术馆副馆长 Sophie Le Flamanc 说,《科利乌尔,太阳街》是她最喜欢的作品之一。Sophie Le Flamanc, Deputy Director Musée MatisseSophie Le Flamanc马蒂斯美术馆副馆长“It was the first discovery of the sunlight because Matisse was born in the north of France, and the weather is not very fine. When the first time he went to the south of France in summer, it was a discovery with the color with the light and it changes completely his way of painting, his technique of painting.”“这是第一次发现阳光,因为马蒂斯出生在法国北部,那里的天气不是很好。当他第一次在夏天去法国南部时,他发现了阳光下的色彩,这彻底改变了他的绘画方式和技巧。”Born into a textile family that had been in the business for over 300 years, Matisse studied law in Paris and after gaining his qualification he became a court administrator in his hometown. In 1889, he took to painting while recuperating【康复】from appendicitis.马蒂斯出生于一个有300多年历史的纺织世家,他曾在巴黎学习法律,获得资格后成为家乡的一名法院行政官。1889年,他在阑尾炎休养期间开始画画。Philip Tinari, Director UCCA Center for Contemporary Art田霏宇 尤伦斯当代艺术中心馆长“He's just constantly experimenting, trying new things and finding and he was always in bad health. He had multiple health problems who's in a wheelchair and he's still making these paper cuts when he's well into his 80s.”“他不断尝试新的东西和新的发现,而且他的身体一直不好。他有多种健康问题,现在坐在轮椅上,80多岁了还在做这些剪纸作品。”Matisse's paper cut-outs, were part of work in the later years of his artistic career, is another highlight. This exhibition is the first time that this collection has left the museum and been shipped abroad from France. Before coming to Shanghai, the exhibition was very well received in Beijing earlier this year. 马蒂斯的剪纸作品是其艺术生涯晚期作品的一部分,也是另一大亮点。此次展览是这些藏品首次离开博物馆,从法国运往国外。在来上海之前,该展览于今年早些时候在北京举办,反响强烈。观众“We're just so excited because Matisse is such an important artist, but for so many reasons, he's never really had a comprehensive show in China before and certainly in shanghai. And yet 100 years ago there were modern artists in shanghai discussing the work of Matisse. So he has this very long history in this city even compared with Beijing.”“我们感到非常兴奋,因为马蒂斯是一位如此重要的艺术家,但由于种种原因,他从未在中国举办过真正意义上的全面展览,当然也从未在上海举办过。然而100年前,上海就有现代艺术家在讨论马蒂斯的作品。因此,与北京相比,他在这座城市的历史更加悠久。”The influence of Matisse on China's modern art is also a big highlight. Through works and archival materials by artists including Liu Haisu and Guan Liang, visitors will be able to trace how Matisse's influence spread to China, and its effect on artists in China between the 1920s and 1940s. 马蒂斯对中国现代艺术的影响也是一大亮点。通过刘海粟和关良等艺术家的作品和档案资料,参观者可以追溯马蒂斯的影响如何传播到中国,以及马蒂斯在20世纪20年代至40年代对中国艺术家的影响。The exhibition will run to February 18th next year.展览将持续到明年2月18日。#热词加油站photovoltaic /ˌfəʊtəʊvɒlˈteɪɪk/【光伏的】pharmaceutical /ˌfɑːməˈsuːtɪkl/【制药的】curator /kjʊəˈreɪtə(r) /【馆长】recuperating /rɪˈkuːpəreɪt/【康复】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
11/22/20236 minutes, 12 seconds
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11/20 TOP NEWS|上海国际艺术节闭幕式/渣打上海10公里开跑/央行维持利率稳定 股市上涨

NEWS ON 11/201. CHINA SHANGHAI INT'L ARTS FESTIVAL ENDS WITH 'RELATIVE CALM'中国上海国际艺术节闭幕式演出《相对平静》上演2. SHANGHAI STANDARD CHARTERED 10K MARATHON RETURNS渣打上海10公里鸣笛开跑,数千跑者欢聚前滩3. SHANGHAI STOCKS RISE AS PBOC HOLDS RATES STEADY央行维持利率稳定,股市上涨-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1. CHINA SHANGHAI INT'L ARTS FESTIVAL ENDS WITH 'RELATIVE CALM'中国上海国际艺术节闭幕式演出《相对平静》上演"Relative Calm", a heavyweight project co-created by theatrical masters Robert Wilson and Lucinda Childs took the stage last night for the closing performance of this year's China Shanghai International Arts Festival. Sun Siqi has more. 昨晚,由戏剧大师罗伯特-威尔逊和露辛达-蔡尔兹共同创作的重量级作品《相对平静》登上了今年中国上海国际艺术节闭幕演出的舞台。记者孙思奇带来更多报道。Choreographed by Robert Wilson with music by Jon Gibson, the show consists of four parts: "Rise", "Race", "Reach" and "Return". The show hit the stage for the first time in 1981. This new version of "Relative Calm" has been revised by both artists, and includes fresh musical, visual and dance elements. 该剧由罗伯特-威尔逊编舞,乔恩-吉布森作曲,由四个部分组成:“上升”、“角逐”、“实现”以及“归还”。该剧于1981年首次登上舞台。新版《相对平静》经过两位艺术家的修改,加入了全新的音乐、视觉和舞蹈元素。Franco Laera, Producer, Relative Calm弗朗科·拉埃拉《相对平静》制作人“It's not the first time I collaborate with the festival. We have a long friendship, I think it's the most important art event in China. Because it connecting the past with the future, just like what the dance production "Relative Calm" has been featured to the audiences. ”“这不是我第一次参加艺术节了,我和艺术节建立了很长时间的友情,我觉得艺术节是中国非常重要的文化事件,因为它承接着过去和未来, 这个作品正是未来与过去相联系的形象体现。”The one-month festival included 72 performances. 60 percent of them are overseas productions. In addition to performances, new productions were provided with an opportunity to reach potential partners and investors from around the world during the festival's Performing Arts Fair. The fair was an important part of this year's festival, attracting representatives from nearly 560 theatrical【戏剧化的】organizations from more than 40 countries and regions.为期一个月的艺术节包括72场演出。其中60%是海外作品。除演出外,在艺术节演出交易会上,新剧目还有机会接触到来自世界各地的潜在合作伙伴和投资者。艺术节演出交易是本届艺术节的重要组成部分,吸引了来自40多个国家和地区的近560家戏剧机构的代表参加。Yang Jialu, Vice President, The Center for China SH Int'l Arts Festival杨佳露 中国上海国际艺术节中心副总裁 “This year, over 10 percent of the audiences came from other cities or from overseas. These people witnessed the charm and cultural influence of this city. Also, this year's festival laid the foundations for us to get engaged in more international communication to help coordinate future arts festivals. ”“今年艺术节超过10%的观众打着飞的,拉着行李箱,从外地和国外到上海,纷至沓来,欣赏艺术节的表演,也充分表现了上海这座城市在文化上的吸引里和影响力。今年艺术节的举办也为以后艺术节的模式,对外沟通交流的平台搭建以及新老朋友的汇集,都会产生非常重要的作用。”Established in 1999, the annual festival has grown into a significant event for cultural exchanges and one of the world's leading arts festivals.上海国际艺术节创办于1999年,现已发展成为一项重要的文化交流活动和世界领先的艺术节之一。2. SHANGHAI STANDARD CHARTERED 10K MARATHON RETURNS渣打上海10公里鸣笛开跑,数千跑者欢聚前滩Running enthusiasts in Shanghai had no shortage of activities over the weekend, as several running events were held across the city. Reporter Zhang Yue went to two of them and spoke with some of the participants...上周末,上海的跑步爱好者们的活动不断,全市各地举办了多场跑步赛事。记者张乐前往其中两场活动现场,采访了一些参与者。Saturday morning along Huangpu River in Pudong may have been a bit chilly【寒冷的】, but the runners were ready to get sweaty by running the Standard Chartered Shanghai 10k Race. Approximately 3,000 runners ran the event.周六上午,浦东黄浦江畔有些寒冷,但选手们已准备好在渣打银行上海10公里跑比赛中挥洒汗水。约有3,000名选手参加了比赛。Runner“I got to get some exercise while enjoying the beautiful scenery of the park and the riverfront. How cool is that!”“我一边锻炼身体,一边欣赏公园和河岸的美景。这多棒啊”After a five-year hiatus, the Standard Chartered Shanghai 10k Race made its return with a new route, which starts and ends at Qiantan Youcheng Park. Parents and children also got to participate the shorter 2-kilometer race.时隔五年之后,渣打银行上海十公里赛以全新的路线回归,起点和终点均设在前滩友城公园。家长和孩子们还可以参加较短的2公里赛程。Jerry Zhang, Executive Vice Chairman & CEO Standard Chartered China张晓蕾 渣打银行(中国)行长、总裁“It's a lot easier for for everybody to collaborate and achieve the common goal. So I think you know while running on the 10k you feel the same right? So we just wanted to promote that kind of collaboration spirit together with our partners, with our clients, with our staff and with the community we operate in.”“这样大家就更容易合作,实现共同目标。大家在参加 10 公里跑时也会有同样的感受,是吧?因此,我们希望与我们的合作伙伴、客户、员工以及我们所在的社区一起发扬这种协作精神。”The top three male and female finishers of the 10k race received direct invitations to the 2024 Standard Chartered Hong Kong Marathon.10公里赛的男女前三名获得了2024年渣打香港马拉松赛的直接邀请。Also in Pudong, runners signed up to run 'high' at the 2023 Shanghai Tower Vertical Marathon in Lujiazui. 2,000 participants raced up nearly 3,400 steps to a height of 552 meters. 同样在浦东,选手们报名参加了在陆家嘴举行的2023上海中心垂直马拉松赛。2,000名参赛者沿着近3,400级台阶跑上552米的高空。Piotr Lobodzinski, Poland Champion of Men's TeamPiotr Lobodzinski 波兰 国际组男子冠军“The longest staircase【楼梯】in the world, really tough really tough race, but I'm happy with my result around 18 minutes. So you can fight it and hope to be back next year to improve my time.”“这是全球最长的阶梯,比赛非常艰难,但我对自己18分钟左右的成绩感到满意。可以拼一把,希望明年能再来提高我的成绩。”Wai Ching Soh MalaysiaSoh Wai Ching(苏为庆) 马来西亚“This year I think already 4 times to Shanghai, and about many times to China because other cities have many competitions as well like Shenzhen and Guangzhou so I will be back again.”“今年我已经来上海4次了,以及来中国很多很多次了,因为其他城市也有很多比赛,比如深圳和广州,所以我还会再来的。”Vertical marathons have been gaining global traction. They are much easier to coordinate as the event happens inside of a building, and streets don't need to be closed to provide a route. Additionally, because these races are almost always indoors, they can be run in any kind of weather at any time of day.垂直马拉松在全球范围内受到越来越多的关注。由于比赛在建筑物内进行,因此更容易协调,街道也不需要封闭来提供路线。此外,由于这些比赛几乎都在室内进行,因此可以在任何天气、任何时间进行。Daniel Cecetka, President Towerrunning World AssociationDaniel Cecetka世界高塔联合会副执行主任“You have so many high rise building here. Everybody is using lift all the time, but maybe to skip the lift at least twice a week and do the stairs is gonna help you not to be a professional but to be a healthier and happier person. ”“这里有那么多高楼大厦。每个人都一直在使用电梯,也许每周至少两次不乘电梯,而是走楼梯,这不仅能帮助你成为一名专业者,还能让你成为一个更健康、更快乐的人。”The Shanghai Tower Vertical Marathon began in 2017 and has been recognized by the Tower Running World Association as the world's highest.上海铁塔垂直马拉松始于2017年,被世界铁塔跑协会认定为全球最高垂直马拉松赛事。3. SHANGHAI STOCKS RISE AS PBOC HOLDS RATES STEADY央行维持利率稳定,股市上涨Stock markets rose on the Chinese Mainland and in Hong Kong today as sentiment shifted. Timothy Pope has a look at the day's trading action around the region.随着市场变化,中国内地和香港股市今日上涨。记者Timothy Pope来介绍当天的市场交易情况。Chinese mainland markets were on the rise today. The People's Bank of China's decision to hold the benchmark interest rates - the LPR - steady was in line with market expecations. The Shanghai Composite and Shenzhen Component each advanced a little less than half of one percent. 今天,中国内地股市上涨。央行决定维持基准利率不变,符合市场预期。上证指数和深证成指分别上涨了不到半个百分点。The rates move saw major banking stocks advancing cautiously. ICBC - China's biggest lender - rose 0.6 percent, while China's Merchants Bank was up 0.8 percent as rate cuts would impact their bottom lines. 主要的银行股在利率变动中略微上扬。中国最大的银行——中国工商银行上涨了0.6%,而中国招商银行上涨了0.8%,因为降息将影响它们的底线。Oil stocks also gained after media reports that OPEC+ is considering making further cuts to supplies in order to keep prices up. Crude prices extended their run of gains and PetroChina added almost 1 percent, Sinopec was up as well.在媒体报道欧佩克+正在考虑进一步削减供应以维持油价之后,石油股也有所上涨。原油价格延续涨势,中国石油上涨近1%,中国石化也有所上涨。There was also a general boost to sentiment from investor perceptions of tensions easing following the meeting between the Chinese and US presidents last week. That may have helped turn the tide in foriegn investment into the Chinese stock markets. Earlier today there was a net inflow of funds via the stock connect links after several weeks of net outflows.上周中美元首会晤后,投资者都认为紧张局势有所缓解,这也普遍提振了市场情绪。这可能有助于扭转外国投资进入中国股市的趋势。在连续几周的资金净流出之后,今天早些时候通过股票联通的资金出现了净流入。Markets in Hong Kong also rose, benefitting from the general change in sentiment.香港股市也因受到影响而上涨。The Hang Seng was up 1.9 percent.恒生指数上涨了1.9%。It was announced today that two new companies will be added to the Hang Seng in the next couple of weeks. The drug maker Wuxi AppTec, and the EV maker Li Auto. Both of those stocks rose in anticipation【期待】of their entry to the benchmark index, which is scheduled for December 4th. Both have shown strong performance so far this year - particularly Li Auto, which is up 105 percent.今日有消息称,未来几周内将有两家新公司加入港股。一家是药企药明康德,另一家是电动汽车企业理想汽车。这两只股票都因预计将于12月4日加入而上涨。迄今为止,这两只股票都表现强劲,尤其是理想汽车,涨幅高达105%。Shares in property developer Sunac jumped 5.9 percent as the company's 9 billion US dollar offshore debt restructuring formally got underway. The company won approval from a Hong Kong court for the plan back in August, and it will see debts swapped intoconvertible【可转换的】bonds backed by its Hong Kong listed shares. This is a good sign for the Chinese property sector as Sunac is one of the few distressed developers to strike a working deal with offshore creditors.房地产开发商融创的股价大涨5.9%,因为该公司90亿美元的海外债务重组正式启动。该公司早在8月份就获得了香港法院对该计划的批准,债务将被转换成由香港上市股票支持的可转换债券。这对中国房地产行业来说是一个好兆头,因为融创是少数几家与海外债权人达成工作协议的受困开发商之一。In Japan, the Nikkei 225 hit a fresh 33 year high in early trade today before reversing course and closing lower. The Index was down 0.6 percent by the end of the session. 在日本,日经225指数今天早盘创下33年来新高,随后反转并收低。截至收盘,其下跌 0.6%。#热词加油站 theatrical /θiˈætrɪkl/【戏剧化的】chilly /ˈtʃɪli/ 【寒冷的】staircase /ˈsteəkeɪs/【楼梯】anticipation /ænˌtɪsɪˈpeɪʃn/【期待】convertible /kənˈvɜːtəbl/【可转换的】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
11/21/20237 minutes, 26 seconds
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11/17 TOP NEWS|习近平:中美关系的未来是由人民创造的/国足2-1/新加坡旅游局宣传活动

NEWS ON 11/171. XI STRESSES ROLE OF PEOPLE IN CHINA-US RELATIONS习近平:中美关系的未来是由人民创造的2. CHINA DEFEATS THAILAND IN MEN'S WORLD CUP QUALIFIER国足2-1战胜泰国,世界杯预选赛开门红3. SINGAPORE LAUNCHING GLOBAL TOURISM CAMPAIGN IN CHINA新加坡旅游局推出“就在新加坡”全球品牌活动-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1. XI STRESSES ROLE OF PEOPLE IN CHINA-US RELATIONS习近平:中美关系的未来是由人民创造的President Xi Jinping addressed guests at a welcome dinner hosted by friendly organizations on Wednesday in San Francisco. The event was attended by 400 people, including US business leaders, citizens and a Flying Tigers veteran. Sun Siqi takes a look. 周三,国家主席习近平在美国旧金山出席美国友好团体联合举行的欢迎宴会,并发表重要演讲。包括美国工商界及社会各界代表,以及飞虎队老兵在内的400人出席了此次活动。记者孙思奇带来报道。Xi underlined the significance of people-to-people exchanges when addressing the guests. He said it is wrong to view China, which is committed to peaceful development, as a threat and to play a zero-sum game against it. 习近平主席在演讲中强调了人文交流的重要意义。他说,把坚持和平发展的中国视为威胁,搞你输我赢、你兴我衰的零和博弈是走偏了方向。He said just as mutual respect is a basic code of conduct for individuals, it is also fundamental to China-US relations. Both countries have a different path, but are the choice of their people and thus should be respected. 他说,相互尊重是人与人打交道的基本礼数,也是中美两国相处的起码准则。中美各自走的发展道路不同,但都是人民的选择,都应该得到尊重。Xi said peaceful coexistence【共存】is a basic norm in international relations, and one that China and the United States should hold on to. 习近平说,和平共处是国际关系基本准则,更是中美两个大国必须守住的底线。Also yesterday, Xi said at a working lunch during the APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting that sustainable development is the "golden key" to solving current global problems.同样在昨天,习近平在在APEC领导人第二阶段非正式会议和中午的领导人工作午餐上表示,可持续发展是破解当前全球性问题的“金钥匙”。He underlined the importance of consensus in global sustainable development. 他强调了凝聚共识在全球可持续发展中的重要性。Xi proposed accelerating the implementation of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, forging a path of transformation for green development to address climate change. 习近平建议加快落实联合国2030年可持续发展议程,打造绿色发展转型新路径,应对气候变化。The president added his government has been promoting a low-carbon transformation for its economy. China is ready to work with all parties, he said, to make contributions to a cleaner world.他还说,中国政府一直在推动经济低碳转型。他说,中国愿同各方一道携手努力,为打造清洁美丽世界作出更大贡献。2. CHINA DEFEATS THAILAND IN MEN'S WORLD CUP QUALIFIER国足2-1战胜泰国,世界杯预选赛开门红The Chinese men's football team registered a victory as it came from behind to defeat Thailand 2-1 in a 2026 World Cup qualifier yesterday. Zhang Yue has the details.在昨天进行的一场2026年世界杯预选赛中,中国男足在落后的情况下以 2-1 击败泰国队,取得了一场胜利。记者张乐带来详细报道。Thailand jumped into the lead after Sarach Yooyen scored in the 23rd minute, but China's captain Wu Lei武磊 equaled six minutes later. Wang Shangyuan王上源 completed the turnaround for China in the second half by scoring in the 74th minute.泰国队在第23分钟由沙拉奇·尤延破门,但中国队队长武磊在6分钟后将比分扳平。王上源在第74分钟的进球为中国队在下半场完成逆转。Wu Lei, China's Men's National Football Team Player武磊 中国男足队员“And in terms of the next match, South Korea is a strong team in Asia. We need to have the underdog【弱者】mentality【心态】, and we need to fight as hard as possible. It will be a home game and we need to try our best to give a satisfying result to all our fans.”“韩国队现在已经不仅是亚洲强队了,在世界上也是非常好的一支队伍。所以说我们抱着一个放低的姿态去拼拼他们,然后主场作战,希望能够每一个人尽全力,把这个比赛打好”Aleksandar Jankovic, Head Coach, China's Men's National Football Team扬科维奇 中国队主教练“I am satisfied. Also we got some answers as you see, our subs in the second half is a level of quality, solved some technical problems, and finally brought the winning goal, that's always a big satisfaction for a coach.”“我很满意,我们也得到了一些答案,我们下半场发挥出高质量水平,解决了一些技术问题并最终带来了致胜的进球,这对于教练来说是很大的满足”Wang Shangyuan, China's Men's National Football Team Player王上源 中国男足队员“I know there is still a long way to go. We aim to move into the World Cup. After the celebrations tonight we will focus on the South Korea game. ”“我知道我们的路还长,我们的目标是争取进入世界杯的决赛圈,明天开始我们就要忘掉今天的胜利,从明天开始准备下一场和韩国队的比赛”In an earlier fixture, South Korea crushed Singapore 5-0. China will host South Korea on November 21st in Shenzhen.在此前的一场比赛中,韩国队以5-0击败新加坡队。中国队将于11月21日在深圳主场迎战韩国队。The top two finishers in each group will advance to the third round of the FIFA World Cup qualifiers, and book their places at the 2027 AFC Asian Cup in Saudi Arabia.        每个小组的前两名将晋级世界杯预选赛第三轮,并获得参加 2027 年沙特阿拉伯亚洲杯的资格。3. SINGAPORE LAUNCHING GLOBAL TOURISM CAMPAIGN IN CHINA新加坡旅游局推出“就在新加坡”全球品牌活动The Singapore Tourism Board unveiled a global campaign in September to attract more travelers. On Wednesday, the campaign came to China for the first time, specifically targetting tourists from the Chinese Mainland. Zhang Shixuan has more.为吸引更多游客,新加坡旅游局于9月推出了一项全球宣传活动。本周三,该活动首次来到中国,专门针对中国大陆游客。记者张诗旋带来更多报道。The new campaign the Singapore Tourism Board brought to China introduces not just the iconic【标志性的】well-known destinations, but also some hidden gems, and the stories behind them.新加坡旅游局为中国带来的新宣传活动不仅介绍了著名的标志性旅游景点,还介绍了一些不为人知的瑰宝,以及它们背后的故事。Juliana Kua, Assistant Chief Executive /// International Group, Singapore Tourism BoardJuliana Kua新加坡旅游局助理行政总裁“Since China's outbound tourism resumed in February, the number of Chinese tourists in Singapore has been increasing. In July, China has already been the largest tourist resource for Singapore. Tourist numbers during the October golden week was already 53% that of the same period in 2019. And we have also seen a new trend among Chinese consumers. They favor more in-depth traveling, with more experience.”“从中国出境游2月份的时候开始复苏,我们中国游客前访新加坡的轮次也是一直在增加,在7月份的时候,中国已经是成为新加坡的第一大客源国。那除此以外,我们在10月黄金周的时候,2019年的同样黄金周对比,已经是达到53%的恢复率了,我们也是观察到出境游开始复苏之后,我们的中国的消费者也是有新的趋势,那其中一个新的趋势就是他们喜欢深度,有喜欢有更多的体验”In the first 9 months of the year, some 1 million Chinese tourists went to Singapore, recovering to 35% pre-pandemic numbers.今年前9个月,约有100万中国游客前往新加坡,人数恢复到疫情前的35%。#热词加油站 coexistence /ˌkəʊɪɡˈzɪstəns/【共存】kidnapping /ˈkɪdnæp/【绑架】iconic /aɪˈkɒnɪk/【标志性的】mentality /menˈtæləti/【心态】underdog /ˈʌndədɒɡ/【弱者】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
11/20/20234 minutes, 24 seconds
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11/16 TOP NEWS|习近平抵达旧金山/金融支持向民营企业延伸/上音成立多明戈大师工作室

NEWS ON 11/151.1.XI ARRIVES IN SAN FRANCISCO FOR TALKS WITH BIDEN习近平抵达旧金山举行中美元首会晤2.FINANCIAL SUPPORTS TO BE FURTHER EXTENDED TO PRIVATE COMPANIES多措并举!加大力度金融支持民营企业高质量发展3. DOMINGO NAMED HONORARY PRESIDENT OF SHANGYIN OPERA HOUSE“歌剧之王”多明戈重返上海设立大师工作室----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1.XI ARRIVES IN SAN FRANCISCO FOR TALKS WITH BIDEN习近平抵达旧金山举行中美元首会晤President Xi Jinping yesterday arrived in San Francisco for a summit with US President Joe Biden and attend the Asia-Pacific Economic Leaders’ Week. Sun Siqi has more.国家主席习近平昨日(11/14)抵达美国旧金山,应邀同美国总统拜登举行中美元首会晤,同时应邀出席亚太经合组织第三十次领导人非正式会议。本台记者孙思奇带来详细报道。California Governor Gavin Newsom, US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen and other US representatives welcomed Xi upon his arrival at San Francisco International Airport.习近平乘坐专机抵达旧金山国际机场时,受到美国加利福尼亚州州长纽森、财政部长耶伦等美方代表热情迎接。Before departing for San Francisco, Biden said his goal is simply to get US-Chinese communications back on stable ground.在启程前往旧金山之前,拜登表示,他的目标就是恢复中美两国之间的正常沟通交流。Joe Biden, US President拜登美国总统“We're not trying to decouple from China, but what we're trying to do is change the relationship for the better.”“我们不寻求与中国脱钩,我们要做的是改变这种关系,使其变得更好。”London Nicole Breed, Mayor of San Francisco伦敦·布里德旧金山市市长“We're looking forward to building bridges and a better relationship so that we can continue to see our economy thrive.”“我们期待着架起桥梁,建立更好的关系,继续助力经济蓬勃发展。”The upcoming talks are the first meeting between Xi and Biden since their vis-a-vis【面对面的】sit-down in Bali, Indonesia, a year ago. During their Bali talks, the two leaders reached a series of important understandings.这次会晤是习近平和拜登自一年前在印尼巴厘岛举行会谈以来的首次会晤。在巴厘岛会谈期间,两国领导人达成了一系列重要共识。2.FINANCIAL SUPPORTS TO BE FURTHER EXTENDED TO PRIVATE COMPANIES多措并举!加大力度金融支持民营企业高质量发展The People's Bank of China's Shanghai Head Office on Monday held its fourth quarter press conference, saying that as of the end of September, yuan-denominated【为..命名】corporate【公司的】loan balance in the city rose by 9.6% from a year ago - the highest growth rate among all loan categories. Zhang Shixuan has more.中国人民银行上海总部周一(11/13)召开第四季度新闻发布会称,截至9月末,上海以人民币计价的企业贷款余额同比增长9.6%,增速居各类贷款之首。本台记者张诗旋带来详细报道。The Bank of Communications Shanghai Branch this year has issued loans worth 100 billion yuan to private companies. Efforts have been made to lower the cost for loan appliers and extend the financial support to benefit more companies.交通银行上海分行今年已向民营企业发放贷款 1000 亿元。努力降低贷款申请人的成本,扩大金融支持范围,让更多企业受益。Yu Qifang, Deputy General Manager of Inclusive Finance Department, Bank of Communications Shanghai Branch於屺牥交通银行上海市分行普惠部副总经理“We tried to offer more long term facilities and some credit loans to private companies to fulfill their business requirement. And the interest rate, has been further lowered since last year. And besides, we connect with lots of business channels such as some government institutions and some commerce chamber and some industry association. In this way, we just hope we can get in contact with more and more private companies. And actually we really did it.”“我们试图向民营企业提供更多的长期贷款和一些信用贷款,以满足他们的业务需求。自去年以来,利率进一步下调。此外,我们还与许多商业渠道建立了联系,如一些政府机构、商会和行业协会。这样,我们就希望能接触到越来越多的民营企业。事实上,我们真的做到了。”The People's Bank of China's Shanghai Head Office announced that as of the end of October, special loans and other financial support for local tech firms had ammounted to more than 25 billion yuan, covering more than 3,300 tech and innovation firms. The weighted average interest rate for the special tech loans stood at 3.72% - almost 0.4 percentage points lower than the rate of inclusive loans to micro and small companies in October.中国人民银行上海总部宣布,截至 10 月末,对本地科技企业的专项贷款和其他金融支持已超过 250 亿元,覆盖 3300 多家科技创新企业。科技专项贷款加权平均利率为 3.72%,比 10 月份小微企业普惠贷款利率低近 0.4 个百分点。Lyu Jinzhong, Director of Investigation & Statistical Research Dept., PBOC Shanghai Head Office吕进中中国人民银行上海总部调查统计研究部主任“9月份,我们全市新发放贷款的加权平均利率为3.38%,要比去年同期下降39个bp。我们在上海这块,我们的金融机构,特别是我们的银行,应该是做得非常好的。3.38%的个人均平均利率加减平均利率,持续维护、维持在历史的低位,也是全国最低的。”“In September, the weighted average interest rate for newly-issued loans in Shanghai stood at 3.38%. That was 39 basis points lower than the same period last year. Financial institutions especially banks in Shanghai have been doing really well in this field. That rate is kept at the lowest position in history, and also among the lowest across China.”The central financial work conference held at the end of last month has brought more fresh signals for commercial banks in China to extend their support for private companies.上月底召开的中央金融工作会议为中国的商业银行扩大对民营企业的支持带来了更多新的信号。Yu Qifang, Deputy General Manager of Inclusive Finance Department, Bank of Communications Shanghai Branch於屺牥交通银行上海市分行普惠部副总经理“First is science and technology areas. Last year it was placed at the second place, but this year it has become the first one. And also the green economy also goes up to one place. This time is at a second because both of them are chords with the high quality development concept. So obviously this would be our first priority to support. And second, the small and micro companies, but this year it was replaced by medium small micro companies. So you can see that the scope【范围】 has been broadened.”“首先是科技领域。去年它排在第二位,但今年它成为了第一位。另外,绿色经济也上升了一位。这次是第二位,因为这两个领域都与高质量发展理念相吻合。因此,这显然是我们要优先支持的。其次是小型和微型公司,但今年被中型小微企业所取代。所以你可以看到,范围已经扩大。”Latest data from the People's Bank of China showed that as of the end of September, outstanding yuan-denominated loans issued by financial institutions totaled almost 235 trillion yuan, up 11 percent year-on-year. Loans to areas including green development, science and innovation enterprises, and inclusive finance increased relatively fast.中国人民银行最新数据显示,截至9月末,金融机构累计发放人民币贷款近235万亿元,同比增长11%。绿色发展、科创企业、普惠金融等领域贷款增长较快。3.DOMINGO NAMED HONORARY PRESIDENT OF SHANGYIN OPERA HOUSE“歌剧之王”多明戈重返上海设立大师工作室Placido Domingo visited the Shanghai Conservatory of Music yesterday afternoon. At the age of 82, one of the most influential singers in the history of opera was made an honorary professor of the Conservatory【音乐学校】 and honorary president of Shangyin Opera House. Reporter Zhang Yue has more. 昨天(15/14)下午,普拉西多·多明戈访问了上海音乐学院。这位歌剧史上最具影响力的歌唱家之一,以82岁高龄被聘请成为上海音乐学院名誉教授和上音歌剧院名誉院长。本台记者张乐带来详细报道。On his 4th visit to Shanghai, Domingo promised to guide more Chinese vocalists after Maestro Placido Domingo’s Studio was established at the conservatory. The Spaniard toured the campus and opera house with his old acquaintance Liao Changyong, the president of the conservatory. Back in 1997, baritone Liao won first prize at the Placido Domingo Operalia, an international competition for opera singers.这是多明戈第四次来到上海,多明戈承诺,在上音成立普拉西多·多明戈大师工作室后,他将指导更多的中国歌唱家。这位西班牙大师与他的老熟人、音乐学院院长廖昌永一起参观了校园和歌剧院。早在 1997 年,男中音廖昌永就在国际歌剧演员比赛多明戈世界歌剧歌唱比赛(Placido Domingo Operalia)中获得了一等奖。Liao Changyong, President of Shanghai Conservatory of Music廖昌永上海音乐学院院长“当时我获第一名,大师问我在哪里学习的,他说你在意大利的一个学校?我说我在中国,他说只是在中国吗?我说对!100% Made in China! 所以当时说他说你们中国有世界上最好的声乐教育、音乐教育。”“When I won first place, the master asked where I studied. He said: ‘You must have studied in an Italian school.’ I said I studied in China. He said: ‘Only in China?’ I said:‘Yes! 100% Made in China!’ He said China must have the best vocal and music education in the world.”In his new role, Domingo will be lending his status to assist the conservatory’s students.在新的岗位上,多明戈将以他的身份给予音乐学院的学生支持与指导。There are still many possibilities in the future, including opera concerts, full-length productions of operas, masterclasses, opera competitions, and so on.未来还有很多合作的可能,包括歌剧音乐会、歌剧全剧演出、声乐大师班、歌剧比赛等。A day before the event, Domingo performed at the New Bund 31 Performing Arts Center, his first performance in the city in over two decades. He has portrayed more than 100 different roles on the opera stage and won 12 Grammy Awards in a career that started in 1958.活动前一天,多明戈在新外滩 31 号表演艺术中心演出,这是他二十多年来首次在上海市演出。他曾在歌剧舞台上塑造过 100 多个不同的角色,在他1958年开始的职业生涯中,共获得过12项格莱美奖。#热词加油站vis-a-vis/ˌviːz ɑː ˈviː/【面对面的】denominate/dɪˈnɒmɪneɪt/【为..命名】corporate/ˈkɔːpərət/【公司的】scope/skəʊp/【范围】conservatory/kənˈsɜːvətri/【音乐学校】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
11/18/20236 minutes, 8 seconds
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11/15 TOP NEWS|中美直飞增至每周70班/中国首个倾旋旋翼电动飞机首飞

NEWS ON 11/141.CHINA-U.S. DIRECT FLIGHTS SET TO REACH 70 PER WEEK中美直飞客运航班量将增至每周70班2. ELECTRIC eVTOL AIRCRAFT COMPLETE CHINA TEST FLIGHTS中国首个倾旋旋翼电动飞机实现首飞-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1. CHINA-U.S. DIRECT FLIGHTS SET TO REACH 70 PER WEEK中美直飞客运航班量将增至每周70班The number of direct flights between China and the United States has been climbing since the beginning of this year. Last night, Air China became the first domestic carrier【载体】to operate a direct flight from Beijing to San Francisco since the two countries announced a flight increase effective November 9th. Sun Siqi has more. 自今年年初以来,中美之间的直航航班数量一直在攀升。昨晚,中国国际航空公司成为自两国宣布自11月9日起增加航班以来首家开通北京至旧金山直飞航班的国内航空公司。记者孙思奇带来报道。The Air China flight departed from Beijing with more than 200 passengers. 国航航班从北京起飞,载有200多名乘客。The flight increase followed previous agreements to increase passenger flights. The total number of round-trip flights per week has climbed from 18 in January to 24 in May and then to 48 in October. As of November 9th, the weekly flight number cap has been increased to 70. 在此之前,国航已就增加客运航班达成了协议。每周往返航班总数从1月份的18个增加到5月份的24个,10月份又增加到48个。截至11月9日,每周航班数量上限已增至70 个。And ticket prices have decreased -- a round-trip ticket from Shanghai to Los Angeles has dropped from up to 15,000 yuan in January to 7,000 yuan or less. 机票价格也有所下降--从上海到洛杉矶的往返机票已从1月份的高15,000元降7,000元或更低。Qin Ling Aviation Correspondent秦岭 航空领域资深评论员“Before the pandemic, total flights between China and the United States was about 300 per week. So there's still significant room for more. ”“在2019年就是疫情之前,中美之间每周的航班量其实是最多的时候达到每周300班,那么现在其实即使恢复到70班这么一个数据,其实需求的这个差距还是很大的。”At the same time, flights to other countries have also been increasing. The Civil Aviation Administration said in the upcoming winter-spring season, 116 carriers have received approval to operate 13,000 weekly flights to 65 countries, which is roughly 70 percent of the total in the same period in 2019. 与此同时,飞往其他国家的航班也在不断增加。民航局表示,在即将到来的冬春航季,116家航空公司已获准每周运营1.3万个航班,飞往65个国家,约占2019年同期总数的70%。Between October 16th and 22nd, more than 3,800 international passenger flights were carried out, which is more than 50 percent of the pre-pandemic level. Flight numbers to 22 countries including the United Kingdom, Italy and the UAE have approached or even exceeded pre-pandemic levels. 10月16日至22日期间,共执行了3800多个国际客运航班,超过疫情前水平的50%。飞往英国、意大利和阿联酋等22个国家的航班数量已接近甚至超过疫情发生前的水平。2. ELECTRIC eVTOL AIRCRAFT COMPLETE CHINA TEST FLIGHTS中国首个倾旋旋翼电动飞机实现首飞An electric vertical take-off and landing air-craft, or e-VTOL inde'pendently developed by a Chinese start-up has just completed its first round of flight tests. As Lei Shuran reports, it is China's first tilt-rotor elec'tric passenger air-plane.电动垂直起降飞机,或称e-VTOL,由中国一家初创企业独立研发,刚刚完成了第一轮飞行测试。据记者雷舒然报道,这是中国第一架倾转旋翼电动飞机。Its rotors begin turning, and the little plane is off the ground in seconds - no runway needed.  It can operate from just about anywhere.As the first domestic company to make a breakthrough in tilt-rotor technology for eVTOLs, TCab's E20 electric aircraft weighs about 2.4 tons and is more like a bus shuttling【往返运送】between destinations. 它的旋翼开始转动,小飞机在几秒钟内离开地面——不需要跑道。它几乎可以在任何地方操作。作为国内第一家在eVTOL 倾斜旋翼技术上取得突破的企业,TCab的E20电动飞机重约2.4吨,更像是一辆穿梭于目的地之间的公共汽车。YON WUI NG, Founder & CEO /// Shanghai TCab Technology黄雍威 上海时的科技有限公司创始人&首席执行官“If you think about ride sharing business, we can see that for 20 km or below, is mainly using taxi. However, for something between 20 and 50 km as we see the city expands, we are gonna be requiring different ways for transportation. In China, we are gonna be hitting maybe 10 million size of population, almost 20 or 30 cities is going to be hitting this population. ”“如果你考虑拼车业务,我们可以看到,对于20公里或以下,主要是使用出租车。然而,在20到50公里的范围内,随着城市的扩张,我们将需要不同的交通方式。在中国,我们将达到1000万的人口规模,大约有20到30个城市将达到这个人口规模。”The TCab E20 can carry a pilot and up to four passengers, has a payload of 450 kilograms, a cruising speed of 260 kilometers per hour and a top speed of 320. That's five times faster than a taxi, and of course it won't have to stop for the lights. In the future, it could address the demand for short-distance air travel within and between cities.TCab E20可搭载一名飞行员和最多四名乘客,有效载荷为450公斤,巡航速度为每小时260公里,最高时速为320公里。这比出租车快五倍,当然,它不必因为红灯而停下来。未来,它可以满足城市内部和城市之间短途航空旅行的需求。TCab Technology is not the only Chinese firm in the field, despite the higher security and performance requirements of carrying human passengers. Another startup Vertaxi has also just completed the first test flight of its two-ton eVTOL. The model will be unveiled to the public at the upcoming CIIE in Shanghai.尽管搭载人类乘客的安全性和性能要求更高,但TCab科技并不是该领域唯一的中国公司。另一家初创企业上海御风未来航空科技有限公司也刚刚完成了其两吨eVTOL的首次试飞。该模型将在上海举行的中国国际进口博览会上向公众展示。The technology is applicable to more than just a taxi service, and has attracted international interest. Just last month, AutoFlight released its world's first firefighting eVTOL. With more than 95 percent of its components made domestically, a stable supply chain has been an important part of the company's success. 这项技术不仅适用于出租车服务,还引起了国际社会的兴趣。就在上个月,AutoFlight发布了世界上第一个消防eVTOL。该公司95%以上的零部件都是在国内制造的,稳定的供应链是该公司成功的重要组成部分。Xie Jia, Senior Vice President /// Autoflight Aviation Technology谢嘉 上海峰飞航空科技有限公司高级副总裁“The Yangtze Delta area, actually this capacity for the supply chain has been really helpful. And then because we have lots of small components that we can easily get access from the other companies surrounding in this area. Now because the border is open, so we have many plans to go out and visit them. We are targeting Eastern Europe, West Europe and then also US market as well. We're going to have a large existence in the US market.”“在长三角地区,这种供应链能力真的很有帮助。然后因为我们有很多小部件我们可以很容易地从这个地区的其他公司获得。现在因为边境是开放的,所以我们有很多计划去拜访他们。我们的目标是东欧、西欧以及美国市场。我们将在美国市场占有很大的份额。”On October 10th, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and four other departments jointly released an outline for the development of China's green aviation【航空】 manufacturing, putting forward a clear timetable. By 2025, there will be electric airplanes in commercial use, there will be eVTOL trial flights, and a feasibility study into hydrogen【氢】 powered airplanes will be completed. That's got some investors excited. 10月10日,工业和信息化部等四部门联合发布了《中国绿色航空制造发展纲要》,提出了明确的时间表。到2025年,将有商业用途的电动飞机,将进行eVTOL试飞,并完成氢动力飞机的可行性研究。这让一些投资者感到兴奋。Warren Zhou, Senior Investment Manager /// Decent Capital周华林 德迅投资投资总监“We believe there is bigger market in China since we have bigger population. So we think eVTOL will have great opportunity in China in the next 5 to 10 years, there will be 8 or 10 thousand eVTOL in the market. ”“我们相信中国有更大的市场,因为我们有更多的人口。所以我们认为未来5到10年eVTOL在中国会有很大的机会,市场上会有8到1万辆eVTOL。”Also last month the world's first eVTOL route was launched between city of Shenzhen and Zhuhai. It takes 30 minutes for a round-trip, with a total flight distance of more than 80 kilometers. Countries such as France, Japan and the US have also joined the trend, with vertiports and flight route networks under construction.同样在上个月,世界上第一条eVTOL航线在深圳和珠海之间开通。往返需要30分钟,总飞行距离超过80公里。法国、日本和美国等国家也加入了这一趋势,正在建设垂直机场和航线网络。#热词加油站 carrier /ˈkæriə(r) /【载体】hydrogen /ˈhaɪdrədʒən/【氢】 shuttling /ˈʃʌtlɪŋ/【往返运送】aviation /ˌeɪviˈeɪʃn/【航空】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
11/15/20235 minutes, 20 seconds
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11/14 TOP NEWS|雪龙2号救援落难渔船/“弗拉门戈”演奏/亚洲股市上涨

NEWS ON 11/131.XUELONG 2 RESCUES FISHING BOAT IN SOUTHWESTERN PACIFIC OCEAN雪龙2号赤道33小时成功救援落难外国渔船2. FLAMENCO GUITARIST PERFORMS AT JZ CLUB“弗拉门戈”吉他演奏家在JZ俱乐部演奏3. ASIAN STOCK MARKETS RISE AHEAD OF XI-BIDEN MEETING中美元首会晤前亚洲股市上涨-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1. XUELONG 2 RESCUES FISHING BOAT IN SOUTHWESTERN PACIFIC OCEAN雪龙2号赤道33小时成功救援落难外国渔船The icebreaker Xuelong 2 rescued a fishing boat and its four crew members in the open ocean near the equator【赤道】on Saturday while on route to Antarctica on another research expedition. Sun Siqi has more.周六,雪龙2号破冰船在前往南极洲进行科考的途中,在赤道附近的公海救起了一艘渔船及其四名船员。记者孙思奇带来更多报道。Officers on the icebreaker heard a distress signal from a fishing boat in the waters off Papua New Guinea and went to its rescue. The four on board were fishermen from Papua New Guinea. Their boat had been adrift for nearly nine hours after running out of fuel and electricity.破冰船上的人员听到巴布亚新几内亚附近海域一艘渔船发出的求救信号后前往救援。船上四人是来自巴布亚新几内亚的渔民。他们的渔船在燃料和电力耗尽后漂流了近九个小时。Xiao Zhimin Captain of Xuelong 2肖志民 "雪龙2"号船长“Both their high-frequency telecommunication and automatic identification systems were not functioning. So, the boat seemingly lost power. Rescuing people is a legal obligation. We must rescue them.”“因为他现在高频也不能用 AIS自动识别系统也找不到 所以他们现在应该是没电的状态 救援这是法定义务 我们救是必须救的”The expedition team aboard Xuelong 2 offered the fishermen food and diesel fuel, charged their batteries, and contacted the China Maritime Search and Rescue Center, Papua New Guinea Maritime Rescue Coordination Center and the families of the crew members. As there were no local rescue ships available, the team decided to lift the boat aboard the icebreaker and take it to designated waters. After 33 hours, the stranded fishing boat and its crew were brought to a rendezvous【会合】 point safely and handed over to a waiting local vessel on Saturday. China's 40th Antarctic expedition team set sail from Shanghai on November 1st, starting a mission expected to last over five months. The expedition also includes Xuelong 1 and a cargo vessel.雪龙2号的考察队员为渔民提供了食物和柴油,为他们的电池充电,并联系了中国海上搜救中心、巴布亚新几内亚海上救援协调中心和船员家属。由于当地没有救援船只,救援队决定将渔船吊上破冰船,送往指定水域。33个小时后,获救渔船及其船员被安全送达会合点,并于周六移交给等待的当地船只。中国第40次南极考察队于11月1日从上海起航,开始了为期5个多月的考察任务。考察队还包括雪龙1号和一艘货船。2.FLAMENCO GUITARIST PERFORMS AT JZ CLUB“弗拉门戈”吉他演奏家在JZ俱乐部演奏International musicians gave several jazz performances over the weekend. As part of the 19th Jazz Festival, Spanish guitarist Juan Gomez "Chicuelo" played at JZ club on Saturday and Sunday. Sun Siqi brings us more.周末,国际音乐家们带来了多场爵士乐演出。作为第19届爵士音乐节的一部分,西班牙吉他演奏家胡安·戈麦斯(Juan Gomez)于周六和周日在JZ俱乐部演奏《Caminos》。记者孙思奇带来更多报道。Gomez performed his latest album "Caminos".戈麦斯演唱了他的最新专辑《Caminos》。Juan Gomez 'Chicuelo' Guitar胡安·戈麦斯 Chicuelo吉他手“I would say it's a fusion of styles because I'm from the flamingo background and we have a member who plays cello, and he brings a classic style. We also have one who plays percussion and it's more African-Brazilian culture. Also we have a dancer, a flamingo dancer who's from Mexico and she does a contemporary dance that builds on the whole show. So everyone is playing a different style and it's definitely fusion【融合】. It's world music.”“这是风格的融合,因为有火烈鸟的背景,我们有一位成员拉大提琴,带来的是古典风格。还有一位演奏打击乐的成员,他带来的是非洲-巴西文化。此外,来自墨西哥的火烈鸟舞者跳了一段现代舞,为整场演出奠定了基础。因此,每个人都在演奏不同的风格,这绝对是一种融合。这是世界性音乐。”Audience member观众“I felt the passion of this flamenco guitar, which has an exotic charm. It seems like I saw the seaside. It's very special.” “感受到了这个弗拉明戈吉他的热情的感觉,就很有异域的腔调。好像看到了海边,然后感受到了夏天的感觉,就是很不一样,很特别。”“I usually listen to music at home, and this is the first time I have seen a live jazz performance. The enthusiasm of the musicians, including the dancer, is very infectious.”“平时还是在家里也听各种各样的音乐,但这样看这样的 live 还是第一次。我觉得就是看这个乐手们包括这个舞者在台上的状态,觉得很有感染力。”Jazz performance in another bar⋯另一个酒吧里的爵士乐表演⋯⋯Various jazz performances take place in Shanghai every week. Grammy-winning musician and world-renowned harmonica【口琴】maestro Sugar Blue is at Blue Note Jazz Bar in Hongkou District.上海每周都有各种爵士乐演出。格莱美获奖音乐家、世界著名口琴大师Sugar Blue在虹口区的Blue Note爵士酒吧演出。3.ASIAN STOCK MARKETS RISE AHEAD OF XI-BIDEN MEETING中美元首会晤前亚洲股市上涨Asian stock markets started off the week looking stronger. Timothy Pope has a look at the trading action around the region.本周伊始,亚洲股市表现强劲。记者Timothy Pope对该地区的交易情况进行了分析。Chinese mainland markets managed to lock in gains today as investors reacted positively to the news of a meeting this week between President Xi Jinping and his US counterpart Joe Biden in San Francisco. The Shanghai Composite Index added a quarter of one percent. The Shenzhen Component added only a tenth of one percent.由于投资者们对国家主席习近平和美国总统拜登本周将在旧金山会晤的消息反应积极,中国内地股市今日涨幅明显。上证指数上涨了0.25%。深证成指上涨了0.1%。Financial stocks were hogging the spotlight today. ICBC shares sank, and then pared losses in the wake of the ransomware【勒索软件】attack on its US trading unit, which left it owing Bank of New York Mellon 9 billion US dollars for un-settled trades. The attack was reportedly so severe that staff were locked out of everything including their email accounts. ICBC has injected capital into its US unit it order to help pay BNY Mellon, and hired cybersecurity experts. Its shares ended the day down a little under half of one percent.金融股成为今日焦点。中国工商银行股价先是下跌,后因其美国的交易部门遭受勒索软件攻击而收窄跌幅,该公司因未结算交易而拖欠纽约梅隆银行90亿美元。据报道,这次攻击非常严重,员工包括电子邮件账户在内的一切都被锁定,无法使用。中国工商银行向其美国部门注资,以帮助支付纽约梅隆银行,并聘请了网络安全专家。工行股价在当天收盘时下跌了不到0.5%。China Galaxy Securities was also a headline stock after it dismissed market rumours it was going to merge with China International Capital Corporation. The company said neither of its controlling shareholders have plans to merge the brokerage【经纪业务】 with CICC, one of China's top investment banks. Galaxy Securities shares fell more than 3 percent after the announcement, but managed to recover late in the session to close fractionally higher.中国银河证券在驳斥了市场关于其将与中国国际金融有限公司合并的传言后,也成为头条股。该公司表示,其控股股东都没有将该券商与中国顶级投资银行之一的中金公司合并的计划。公告发布后,银河证券股价下跌超过3%,但在尾盘有所回升,收盘小幅上涨。Hong Kong's markets had a rollercoaster session with a strong opening, losses at lunchtime, and then the Hand Seng closing 1.3 percent higher. Optimism over the Chinese and US Presidents' meeting was also at play here. So was a strong close for Wall Street on Friday with the Nasdaq posted its biggest one-day gain since late May.香港市场经历了过山车式的交易时段,开盘时表现强劲,午盘时有所回落,随后恒生指数收盘上涨1.3%。中美两国总统会晤的乐观情绪也在此发挥作用,华尔街周五收盘也表现强劲,纳斯达克指数创下5月底以来最大单日涨幅。That pushed Hong Kong tech stocks higher. Baidu gained 3.3 percent. E-commerce giant Alibaba was up 1.3 percent despite a lacklustre Double 11 shopping festival this year.这推动了香港科技股走高。百度上涨了3.3%。电子商务巨头阿里巴巴上涨了1.3%,尽管今年的双十一购物节乏善可陈。And Country Garden stocks fell after Fitch said this morning that it will withdraw all its ratings for the real estate developer's property services unit for commercial reasons. Last week Fitch downgraded those ratings and put Country Garden Services on a negative watch list. Both the unit and the developer's stocks lost more than 1 percent today.碧桂园股票下跌,因为惠誉今早表示,出于商业原因,将撤销对该房地产开发商旗下物业服务部门的所有评级。惠誉上周下调了碧桂园物业服务的评级,并将其列入负面观察名单。今天,碧桂园服务和开发商的股票都下跌了1%以上。And in Japan the Nikkei 225 retreated from early gains to close flat, although Tokyo tech stocks were also mirroring gains on the Nasdaq.在日本,尽管东京科技股也反映了纳斯达克指数的涨势,日经225从早盘的涨势中回落,收盘持平。Cosmetics company Shiseido was the biggest drag on the markets -- shedding more than 14 percent after the firm made significant cuts to its annual profit forecasts.化妆品公司资生堂是拖累市场的最大因素--在该公司大幅下调年度利润预期后,其股票下跌超过14%。#热词加油站 equator /ɪˈkweɪtə(r) /【赤道】rendezvous /ˈrɒndɪvuː/【会合】 fusion /ˈfjuːʒn/【融合】harmonica /hɑːˈmɒnɪkə/【口琴】ransomware /ˈrænsəmweə(r) /【勒索软件】brokerage /ˈbrəʊkərɪdʒ/【经纪业务】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
11/14/20236 minutes, 12 seconds
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11/13 TOP NEWS|首艘国产大型邮轮“爱达·魔都号”双十一受热捧

NEWS ON 11/101ST MADE-IN-CHINA CRUISE SHIP PROVES COMMERCIAL SUCCESS首艘国产大型邮轮“爱达·魔都号”双十一受热捧-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------Early this month, China's shipbuilding industry marked a new milestone - the delivery of first domestically-built large cruise ship. And if this year's Double Eleven shopping festial is anything to go by, the vessel is set to be a commercial success. As Zhang Shixuan reports, a special livestream was held to sell cruise tickets, and it yielded one quite surprising result.本月初,中国造船业迎来了一个新的里程碑——首艘国产大型邮轮交付。要和今年双十一关联起来的话,那就是这艘邮轮取得了商业上的成功。据记者张诗旋的报道,为销售邮轮船票,企业举行了一场特别的现场直播,并取得了令人惊喜的结果。Nearly 3,000 rooms were handed over to the crew in batchesMore than 70 kitchens of different functions.And more than 50 refrigerated【使冷却】units.To spread our culture, and bring our achievements out.将近三千间房间向船员开放超70几间不同功能的厨房和50几个大小的冷库把我们的文化和成就带出去In less than 2 months, this ship will begin its first commercial journey, which means it will become a home away from home for its first batch of passengers, a place where they can relax, eat and be entertained. All inside this large vessel!在不到两个月的时间里,这艘邮轮将开始其首次商业航行,这意味着它将成为首批乘客的居所,一个可以放松、用餐和娱乐的地方。一切都在这艘邮轮里!There are almost 10 dining places, where passengers can enjoy a buffet, western cuisine and some special Chinese-style food - like hot pot!这里有将近10个餐饮场所,乘客可以在这里享用自助餐、西餐和一些特色中餐——比如火锅!People can even play Mahjong here.人们甚至可以在这里打麻将。Chen Jianwei, General Manager Assistant  Shanghai Waigaoqiao Shipbuilding, CSSC陈剑威 大型邮轮项目建造总监、外高桥造船总经理助理兼邮轮项目部部长“It's entertainment favored by Chinese people. For example, the theater on the ship is cooperating with Mahua Fun Age, tailored to Chinese people's interests.”“这些是中国人喜欢的娱乐方式。比如,邮轮的剧场与开心麻花合作,针对中国人的兴趣爱好量身定制。"The trimmings【装饰材料】on board the ship will certainly be familiar to locals, but this vessel's interior designer believes it'll be popular with people, even if they aren't familiar with traditional Chinese culture and style.邮轮上的装饰肯定是当地人所熟悉的,但这艘邮轮的室内设计师认为,即使不熟悉中国传统文化和风格的人也会喜欢。Jari Mikeal Kauttonen, Cruise Ship Interior Decoration Specialist SH Waigaoqiao Shipbuilding, CSSCJari Mikeal Kauttonen 外高桥造船的邮轮内装专家“European and US people, basically, the old ships is a little bit like same. We don't have hot pot in the European ships. So, it's small things they are anxious to see - what is the cabin, how it looks like, the design, everything, because people have different opinions about the Chinese. They're so old then and historical country that everything look like.”“欧美的老式轮船有点像。欧洲邮轮上没有火锅。所以,他们急于看到的都是一些小东西——船舱是什么样的、外观、设计等等,因为人们对中国人有不同的看法。它是看起来是如此古老和历史悠久的国家。”Zhang Shixuan, Reporter张诗旋 本台记者China's first domestically built large cruise ship. Let's put it right here...... Where it's easy to see.中国首艘国产大型邮轮。把它放在这里...... 容易看到的地方。For the past decade, China has been a world leader in the shipbuilding industry. But cruise ships, are extremely complicated, so they weren't part of the original development of the industry in China. The segment is dominated by the western world. China has recently taken its first steps into building cruise ships, and it certainly won't be the last. It's a crystallization【结晶】 of the cooperation between companies from home and abroad - a process of learning and adapting.近十年来,中国造船业一直处于世界领先地位。但邮轮极为复杂,因此并不属于中国造船业最初的发展范畴。这一领域一直由西方国家主导。中国最近迈出了建造邮轮的第一步,当然这也不会是最后一步。这是国内外企业合作的结晶,是一个学习和适应的过程。Jari Mikeal Kauttonen, Cruise Ship Interior Decoration Specialist SH Waigaoqiao Shipbuilding, CSSCJari Mikeal Kauttonen 外高桥造船的邮轮内装专家“It has been amazing - the process, the different way how they work. And they have learned how we work in the Europe. It's like mixing the cultures together. For example we had a little bit steel issues in the beginning, and how fast they fix those - it was amazing see that, because in Finland, it's totally different.”“他们的工作过程和工作方式都令人惊叹。他们学到了我们在欧洲的工作方式。这就像把两种文化融合在一起。例如,一开始我们遇到了一些钢铁方面的问题,而他们解决这些问题的速度之快令人惊叹,与在芬兰是完全不同的。”Wu Xiaoyuan, Production Director Shanghai Waigaoqiao Shipbuilding, CSSC吴晓源 大型邮轮项目界面总监、外高桥造船生产总监兼邮轮内装部部长“At the beginning of the project, we contacted almost all Chinese suppliers for luxury Ro-Ro passenger ships and Ro-Pax ships, gathering together to build this cruise ship with us. Chinese suppliers have been participating in all areas' construction. We have 30 to 40 local suppliers joining the ship's secondary project, management and construction. Major first-tier suppliers are from overseas - who directly signed contracts with us. By cooperating with these first-tier suppliers, local companies can more easily improve their project management capabilities. For the cruise ship's interior decorations, all things require project management - the 40,000-square-meter work area, the 40,000-square-meter cabin and the 10,000-square-meter kitchens and refrigerated areas.”“项目伊始,我们就联系了几乎所有的中国豪华客船和载人渡轮供应商,聚集在一起与我们共同建造这艘邮轮。中国供应商参与了所有领域的建造。我们有30到40家本地供应商参与了邮轮的二级项目、管理和建造。主要的一级供应商来自海外——他们直接与我们签订合同。通过与这些一级供应商合作,本地公司可以更容易地提高项目管理能力。对于邮轮的内部装饰——4万平方米的工作区、4万平方米的船舱以及1万平方米的厨房和冷藏区。”If the mega booking made during this year's Double Eleven Shopping Festival is anything to go by, the new vessel will be a commercial success. A single 20-million-yuan order was secured at a livestream on October 24th, booking the entire ship for a 5-day cruise.如果今年“双十一”购物节期间的超大型预订情况属实,那么这艘新邮轮将取得商业上的成功。在10月24日的现场直播中,一单就获得了2000万元的订单,预订了整艘邮轮为期 5天的航行。Gu Pengcheng, Board Secretary CSSC Cruise Technology Development顾鹏程 中船邮轮董事会秘书、战略管理部主任“It is very exciting to see the results from the sales parts. It's warmly welcomed by our Chinese customers, Chinese guests. They're excited about the first Chinese-built cruise. And we have decided that Adora Magic City is going to sail from Shanghai Jan. 1st next year. We're going to start from Shanghai for the 5-night journeys to South Korea and Japan. But it's within our radar that we're going to set those long itineraries【行程】that are going to go through the Maritime Silk Road - itineries to cover different countries. Recently we worked with Taobao and we participated in the Double Eleven event, which is a great success for us. Over 10 million viewers participated.”“看到销售部取得的成果,我感到非常兴奋。它受到了中国客户和中国客人的热烈欢迎。他们对第一艘中国制造的邮轮感到非常兴奋。我们已经决定,“爱达·魔都号”将于明年1月1日从上海启航。我们将从上海出发,进行为期5晚的韩国和日本之旅。不过,我们也在考虑制定穿越海上丝绸之路的长航线——覆盖不同国家的航线。最近,我们与淘宝合作,参加了双十一活动。超过1000万观众参与了活动。”Zhang Shixuan, Reporter张诗旋 本台记者“A new sector creates a new ecosystem of industrial supply chains, which in turn leads to more job opportunites and contriutes to the countries' overall economic growth. In Europe - one of the most developed cruise shipbuilding markets - almost quarter of jobs come from the suppliers in the manufacturing sector. But another question remains, Is anyone willing to buy a Large Cruise Ship built in China?”“新行业创造了新的工业供应链生态系统,反过来又带来了更多的就业机会,促进了国家的整体经济增长。在欧洲——最发达的邮轮制造市场之一——近四分之一的工作机会来自制造业的供应商。但另一个问题依然存在,是否有人愿意购买中国制造的大型邮轮?”Jari Mikeal Kauttonen, Cruise Ship Interior Decoration Specialist  SH Waigaoqiao Shipbuilding, CSSCJari Mikeal Kauttonen 外高桥造船的邮轮内装专家“The global, you know, Caribbean, everybody from USA have been seen that one. Now they are heading in a Mediterranean Europe cruise soon. They want to come to Asia, China, Japan, whatever we have over here. Coastline of the China - how long is that one? How many ports? You have beautiful places, ancient history. So people want to come over here. If you keep doing these cruise ships, it will be like 5 or 10 years maybe when you get a little bit bigger market. If you can get it cheaper over here, if you can get it faster over here, they will come over here. In the future, (Chinese shipbuilders will become) one of the priorities.”“每个美国人都见过的皇家加勒比海游轮,现在,他们很快就要去欧洲地中海巡游了。他们想来亚洲、中国、日本。中国的海岸线有多长?有多少港口?中国有美丽的景点,古老的历史。所以人们想来这里。如果你们继续运营邮轮,也许5年或10年后,市场会更大。如果能在这里买到更便宜的邮轮,买到更快的邮轮,他们就会来这里。未来,(中国造船企业将成为)他们优先考虑的对象之一。”Zhang Shixuan, Reporter张诗旋 本台记者“Cheaper, faster and more advanced... The shipbuilders here seem well prepared. The second cruise ship is already under construction at the shipyard in Shanghai.”“更便宜、更快速、更先进... 这里的造船厂似乎早有准备。第二艘油轮已经在上海造船厂开工建造。”Chen Jianwei, General Manager Assistant Shanghai Waigaoqiao Shipbuilding, CSSC 陈剑威 大型邮轮项目建造总监、外高桥造船总经理助理兼邮轮项目部部长“For the first cruise ship, we have taken in some of the technology from abroad. And we also learned about some of their problems. So, when building the first ship, we have made many adjustments and modifications. For the second cruise ship, we can enhance efficiency by 20%. The second vessel has an added segment, and is 17 meters larger than the first. ”“对于第一艘邮轮,我们吸收了国外的一些技术。我们也了解了他们的一些问题。因此,在建造第一艘邮轮时,我们做了很多调整和修改。对于第二艘邮轮,我们可以提高20%效率。第二艘邮轮增加了一个舱段,比第一艘大17米。”Zhang Shixuan, Reporter张诗旋 本台记者“Chinese ship builders have proved they are more than capable of building a large cruise ship. Current projections show that value of the cruise economy could be valued at 500 billion yuan by 2035. Are you ready to set sail?”“事实证明,中国的造船企业完全有能力建造大型邮轮。目前的预测显示,到2035年,邮轮经济的产值将达到5000亿元。您准备好启航了吗?”#热词加油站refrigerated /rɪˈfrɪdʒəreɪtɪd/【使冷却】trimmings /ˈtrɪmɪŋ/【装饰材料】crystallization /ˌkrɪstəlaɪ'zeɪʃn/【结晶】itineraries /aɪˈtɪnərəriz/【行程】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
11/13/20237 minutes, 38 seconds
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11/09 TOP NEWS|10月CPI再度转负、PPI同比降幅扩大/进博会跨国企业盛赞中国发展

NEWS ON 11/091.CHINA’S CONSUMER INFLATION RETURNS TO NEGATIVE GROWTH10月CPI再度转负、PPI同比降幅扩大2. MULTI-NATIONALS SPEAK HIGHLY OF CHINA'S DEVELOPMENT进博会:参展跨国企业盛赞中国发展----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1.CHINA’S CONSUMER INFLATION RETURNS TO NEGATIVE GROWTH10月CPI再度转负、PPI同比降幅扩大China’s consumer prices dropped for the second time this year, the National Bureau of Statistics reported today, while factory-gate prices declined at a faster pace.国家统计局今天(11/09)发布数据表明,全国居民消费价格指数(CPI)今年第二次转负,出厂价格降幅加快。Official data showed that China's consumer price index, a main gauge of inflation, dipped by 0.2 percent year-on-year in October, after a flat reading in September, marking the second decline this year. The statistics bureau attributed the decrease to an ample supply of food thanks to good weather and falling consumer demand after the combined Mid-Autumn and National Day holiday.官方数据显示,衡量通货膨胀的主要指标——全国居民消费价格指数继9月份持平后,10月份同比下降了0.2%,这是今年以来的第二次下降。国家统计局将CPI下降归因于天气晴好农产品供应充足、中秋国庆长假后消费需求回落等因素。Meanwhile, China's producer price index, which gauges【衡量】factory-gate prices, dropped 2.6 percent from a year ago last month, following a fall of 2.5 percent in the previous month. The statistics bureau said the international prices of crude oil and nonferrous metal fluctuated while last year’s high comparison base contributed to the wider PPI decline.与此同时,衡量出厂价格的工业生产者价格指数(PPI)继上月下降2.5%之后,又比去年同期下降了2.6%。国家统计局称,国际原油、有色金属价格波动及上年同期对比基数走高等因素是PPI降幅扩大的原因。2.MULTI-NATIONALS SPEAK HIGHLY OF CHINA'S DEVELOPMENT进博会:参展跨国企业盛赞中国发展It's been six years since the first China International Import Expo was held in Shanghai. And this year, the exhibition area is more than twice as big as it was at the first expo in 2018. CIIE has been continously luring【引诱】new exhibitors and retaining old partners. Our reporter Zhang Shixuan talked to several executives at multinational companies from different industries about their confidence in the market here.距首届中国国际进口博览会在上海举办已经六年了。今年的展览面积是2018年首届进博会的两倍多。进博会不断吸引着新的参展商,也留住了老伙伴。本报记者张诗旋采访了几位来自不同行业的跨国公司高管,了解他们对中国市场的信心。An exhibition area spanning more than 360,000 square meters, featuring 6 main sections - This is the 6th China International Import Expo. But it's the first for Adeline Franger Chouraqui, the Greater China CEO of the French shipping giant.展览面积超过 36 万平方米,设有 6 大展区——这是第六届中国国际进口博览会。但对于法国航运巨头大中华区首席执行官方艾琳( Adeline Franger Chouraqui )而言,这是第一次。Adeline Franger Chouraqui,CMA CGM Greater China CEO方艾琳 法国达飞海运集团大中华区首席执行官“Very nice to meet you. Thank you so much.”“很高兴见到你。非常感谢。”“It is my first time visiting CIIE. I have been to many expos in other countries. And I have been most impressed with the dynamism. I went to the consumer goods area I went to the automobile area, high tech. We’re here in the trade service section.”“这是我第一次参加进博会。我在其他国家参加过许多博览会。这里的活力给我留下了深刻印象。我去了消费品区,汽车区,高科技区。我们在贸易服务展区。”“I understand that there are over 3,000 exhibitors from 150 countries. And I have been to many shows overseas in the past. And none of them had the scale and the variety that I have seen here at CIIE. So mostly impressed.”“据我所知,有来自 150 个国家的 3000 多家参展商。我过去参加过许多海外展会。但没有一个像中国进博会这样规模宏大、种类繁多,令人印象最为深刻。”The company has been a consistent presence since the first CIIE in 2018.自2018年首届进博览会举办以来,该公司一直持续参展。Adeline Franger Chouraqui, CMA CGM Greater China CEO方艾琳 法国达飞海运集团大中华区首席执行官“You can see our LNG-powered vessel that came out of a shipyard from Shanghai in the end of 2020. This is a 23,000 TEU vessel. So these are our largest vessel, one of the largest in the world. And they are deployed【部署】between China and North Europe.”“我们的液化天然气动力系船舶于2020年底从上海的造船厂驶出。这是一艘23000 TEU的船。这是我们最大的船,也是世界上最大的船之一。它们被部署投入在连接中国和北欧的航线。”Adeline - like all the multi-national CEOs at the event - is packing a lot into her CIIE schedule.方艾琳和所有与会的跨国公司首席执行官一样,在参加进博会的日程中安排了大量工作。Adeline Franger Chouraqui, CMA CGM Greater China CEO方艾琳 法国达飞海运集团大中华区首席执行官“We valued the China market as one of our most important and strategic markets. So we value enormously the engagement that we can have with our customers here. Essentially People value the dynamism and the exchanges that can happen at CIIE. Business is back, business is open. And so we value tremendously the exchanges between China and France and China and the world.”“我们将中国市场视为最重要的战略市场之一。因此,我们非常重视在这里与客户的交流。从本质上说,人们看重的是进博会的活力和交流。(进博会彰显了中国)商业回归,商业开放(的合作态度)。因此,我们非常重视中国与法国、中国与世界之间的交流。“Manufacturing, import, agricultural goods. I was just speaking to a customer before, and we can also see our partners in the port industry.”“制造业、进口、农产品。我之前刚刚与一位客户交谈过,我们也可以看到我们在港口行业的合作伙伴。”“I had a chance on November 6th to participate to the Pudong Forum and I was able to share our journey to decarbonization. So the level of the discussion was really high. We are taking concrete action to decarbonize【碳减排】our activity and how we can join the forces with our customers to decarbonize their transportation and their shipping and logistics activity.”11 月 6 日,我有幸参加了浦东论坛,并分享了我们(达飞集团)的去碳化历程。该论坛的讨论水平非常高。我们正在采取具体行动来实现活动的低碳化,以及如何与我们的客户联手实现他们的运输、航运和物流活动的低碳化。Green development is a topic under discussion almost everywhere across the exhibition area this year - as China has been an ideal place to develop new green solutions. German optical tech developer ZEISS, also attending its 6th CIIE, has been sharing successful case studies for localisation and innovation.绿色发展几乎是今年整个进博会都在讨论的话题——因为中国一直是开发新的绿色解决方案的理想之地。德国光学技术开发商蔡司也参加了第六届进博会,并分享了本土化和创新的成功案例。Maximilian Foerst, President & CEO of ZEISS Greater China马克西米利安·福斯特蔡司大中华区总裁兼首席执行官“China is the largest single market for the CarlZeiss group. And we clearly see a bright future in China. China is growing with a lot of the markets of tomorrow. We're talking about sustainability. If you look in sustainable power and energy, China is leading globally. If you look in new energy vehicles, China is leading globally. China is really becoming an innovation hub in industrial terms and also in research and development. So here we are entering a lot of cooperation with Chinese companies. Some of them are our customers where we are developing new applications for them, and even going globalism. Others are with smaller startup companies where we are investing or co-investing or actually taking over the distribution and integrating into our products.”“中国是卡尔蔡司集团最大的单一市场。我们清楚地看到中国的光明前景。中国正在与许多未来市场共同成长。我们正在谈论可持续发展。在可持续电力和能源方面,中国处于全球领先地位。在新能源汽车领域,中国也处于全球领先地位。在工业和研发方面,中国正真正成为创新中心。因此,我们正在与中国公司开展大量合作。其中一些是我们的客户,我们正在为他们开发新的应用,甚至走向全球化。还有一些是小型的创业公司,我们对其进行投资或联合投资,或实际接管其分销业务,并将其整合到我们的产品中。”Pharma giant Roche signed several agreeements during the expo with Chinese companies and associations to strengthen its local supply chain.制药巨头罗氏制药在进博会期间与中国企业和协会签署了多项协议,以加强其本地供应链。Vivian Bian, CEO of Roche Pharma China边欣罗氏制药中国总裁“从94年进入到中国之后,罗氏是第一家其实实现了全产业线布局的生物科技高科技公司。在未来我们会不断地在新的技术方面引进中国,持续地深化我们的布局。我们在不断地推出这样的一些创新的产品,其实很多时候已经实现了跟国际的零差。中国地大物博,其实患者分布非常的广泛,那在这个方面其实还有很大的工作和空间可以去深挖。”“Since we entered the China market in 1994, we have become the first bio-tech firm that has arranged the full production line here. In the future, we will constantly introduce new technologies to China, and launching innovative products. China has a vast population, so we still have room to dig deeper.”The Business Exhibition of the CIIE this year features a record-high 289 of the world's top 500 enterprises and industry giants.今年的中国国际进口博览会汇聚了289家世界500强企业和行业巨头,创历史新高。#热词加油站gauge/ɡeɪdʒ/【衡量】lure/lʊə(r)/【引诱】deploy/dɪˈplɔɪ/【部署】decarbonize/ˌdiːˈkɑːbənaɪz/【碳减排】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
11/10/20235 minutes, 53 seconds
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11/09 TOP NEWS|第六届世界顶尖科学家论坛在沪落幕/进博会消费品展区首发新品齐亮

NEWS ON 11/081. WORLD LAUREATES FORUM WRAPS UP第六届世界顶尖科学家论坛在沪落幕!2. CONSUMER GOODS BRANDS MAKING NEW PRODUCT DEBUTS AT THE CIIE首发新品齐亮相,进博会展现中国消费市场大潜力----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1.WORLD LAUREATES FORUM WRAPS UP第六届世界顶尖科学家论坛在沪落幕!The 6th World Laureates【荣誉获得者】Forum concluded today in Lingang Area, Pudong. As an important part of the “Mobius Forum”, 60 top scientists, including 16 Nobel Prize laureates, weighed in on the value of science education. Sun Siqi has the story.第六届世界顶尖科学家论坛今天(11/08)在上海浦东临港新片区落下帷幕。作为“莫比乌斯论坛”的重要组成部分,包括16位诺奖得主在内的60余位全球顶尖科学家就科学教育的价值展开了讨论。本台记者孙思奇带来详细报道。Scientists agreed that a solid scientific education is quintessential to the future of humanity, where the younger generation is trained to think scientifically, and learn to persist until the problem is solved like researchers do.科学家们一致认为,扎实的科学教育对人类的未来至关重要,要培养年轻一代的科学思维,让他们学会像科研人员那样坚持不懈地解决问题。Dmitriy Ponkratov, Technical Director of Royal Institution of Naval Architects德米特里·庞克拉托夫英国皇家造船师学会技术总监“We should be very open-minded and see what’s actually happening in other industries because the ideas might actually come from there.”“(我们应该)以更加开放包容的心态去接受新知识,去看到各行各业发展的前景,因为往往解决问题的点子,就藏在不同学科之中。”Over the 3-day World Laureates Forum, more than 300 scientists were able to make new connections. 57 scientists were involved in a 3-day relay speech that covered a dozen areas including physics, chemistry and biology.在为期 3 天的世界获奖者论坛上,300多名科学家联结了新的合作纽带。57位顶尖科学家开展了连续3天的接力演讲,涉及物理学、化学、生物学等十多个领域的前沿研究成果。John Hardy, University College London, 2016 Breakthrough Prize in Life Sciences Laureate约翰·哈迪 2016年生命科学突破奖得主伦敦大学学院讲席教授“I’m already getting lots of questions from young scientists, and that makes it worthwhile coming to a meeting like this.”“此次参会,我接触到了一批潜心研究阿尔兹海默症相关问题的中国年轻科学家。”Randy Schekman, 2013 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine Laureate兰迪·谢克曼 2013年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖得主“The hope is that as this continues to grow in influence, that it will cement【加强】a long-term stable collaborative collegial interaction between the East and West.”“我们希望随着世界顶尖科学家论坛不断扩大影响力,它能成为中西方之间交流、合作、互动的一个长期、稳定的平台。”About 5,000 visitors also attended the forum. Scientists called on society to remain enthusiastic about basic science, which broadens the frontier of knowledge before it can be applied in the real world.本届论坛参会人次超过5000人。科学家们呼吁社会保持对基础科学的热情,在其应用于现实世界之前,拓宽知识前沿。2.CONSUMER GOODS BRANDS MAKING NEW PRODUCT DEBUTS AT THE CIIE首发新品齐亮相,进博会展现中国消费市场大潜力While the world is facing some down-turn pressure on economic growth, consumer brands at the CIIE are all optimistic about the growth potential in the China market, choosing the country as a major destination to launch new products. Zhang Shixuan has more.尽管全球经济增长面临一定的下行压力,但参加中国国际进口博览会的消费品牌都看好中国市场的增长潜力,纷纷选择中国作为新品发布地。本台记者张诗旋带来详细报道。The colorful bricks have once again been under the spotlight at the expo this year, where more new possibilities have been figured out with more typical Chinese styles. The LEGO Group debuted 4 new toy sets at its booth - where people can find familiar characters from the Chinese famous literature Journey to the West, the Chinese zodiac and symbols of good fortune like the Dragon, among others.今年,五颜六色的乐高积木再次凭借与中国传统文化的全新碰撞成为进博会的焦点。乐高集团在其展台上正式发布了4款全新玩具套装,人们能从其中找到中国著名文学作品《西游记》中的人物、十二生肖以及象征吉祥的龙等中国元素。Stella Shen, VP of China Marketing of the LEGO Group沈明岚乐高集团中国区市场部副总裁“One of our products is like a city shopping mall. Actually, there’s a lot of elements in this model. There’s a noodle shop in the shopping mall and also the bubble tea shop in the shopping mall. These are also very Chinese culture. And we want to bring these elements to the global portfolio, which we can have our Chinese culture to influence more international consumers.”"我们其中的一个产品就像一个城市购物中心。实际上,这个模型里有很多元素。商场里有一家面馆,还有一家奶茶店。这些也都非常具有中国文化特色。我们希望把这些元素带到全球的产品组合中,让我们的中国文化影响更多的国际消费者。Zhang Shixuan, Reporter张诗旋本台记者LEGO has been launching products featuring Chinese elements at CIIE for 6 years now. So, drawing on Chinese culture and traditions for its modern toys isn’t just a one-off【一次性事物】. It’s turned out to be a real business, not just in China, but also worldwide.乐高已经连续 6 年在进博会上推出具有中国元素的产品。因此,从中国文化和传统汲取灵感创作现代玩具并非一朝一夕的事。不仅在中国,在全球范围内,这已经成为一项实实在在的业务。Stella Shen, VP of China Marketing of the LEGO Group沈明岚乐高集团中国区市场部副总裁“Actually they are more excited than we expected. For example, like Monkie Kid actually sold very well in US market. Actually this is a tailor made for China product line and we launched 4 years ago. And also these Chinese elements - actually bubble tea is also very popular in the Europe Market. They also very love this kind of elements that they see it and they can feel it and they can view it.”“事实上,他们比我们预期的还要兴奋。例如,像悟空小侠系列其实在美国市场卖得很好。实际上,这是我们为中国量身定做的产品系列,我们在4 年前就推出了。还有这些中国元素——其实奶茶在欧洲市场也很受欢迎。他们也非常喜欢这种元素,他们看得见、摸得着。”As the only series developed from a single country’s culture and stories, the series is to celebrate its 5th anniversary next year. The company also held a seminar at its booth, where the design master of the group and the company’s first designer from the Chinese mainland shared details about the series.作为唯一以一个国家的文化和故事为基础开发的系列,该系列将于明年迎来五周年。该公司还在展位上举办了一场研讨会,该集团的设计大师和该公司首位来自中国大陆的设计师分享了有关该系列的细节。Zhang Shixuan, Reporter张诗旋本台记者Since China announced the goal of reaching peak carbon emissions by 2030 and carbon neutrality by 2060, green development has been among consumer brands’ top priorities. This year, clothing, cosmetics and sporting brands are all showing off their latest eco-friendly initiatives.自中国宣布 2030 年达到碳排放峰值、2060 年实现碳中和的目标以来,绿色发展一直是消费品牌的首要任务。今年,服装、化妆品和运动品牌都展示了其最新的环保举措。Japanese sporting brand ASICS made the China debut of a pair of running shoes at the expo, whose shoe midsoles use an eco-friendly material that helps reduce the carbon footprint of the whole production process.日本运动品牌亚瑟士(ASICS)在进博会上进行了一款跑鞋的中国首秀,其鞋垫使用了环保材料,有助于减少整个生产过程的碳足迹。Tsuyoshi Nishiwaki, Senior Managing Director of ASICS Greater China西胁刚史亚瑟士大中华区资深董事总经理“We started the local production from 2020. So that means China specific products for the Chinese market, and specific services. Basketball, volleyball, tennis and table tennis and badminton. So by introducing our specific technology and our specific material, we produce high functionality product for Chinese consumer.”"我们从 2020 年开始本土化生产。这就意味着要为中国市场提供特定的产品和特定的服务。篮球、排球、网球、乒乓球和羽毛球。因此,通过引进我们特定的技术和特定的材料,我们为中国消费者生产高功能的产品。"Japanese cosmetics group Shiseido is making the first appearance of its latest move in sustainable development outside Japan - a new technology takes helps make the bottle of one of its iconic products 100% recycable.日本化妆品集团资生堂(Shiseido)首次在日本境外展示其可持续发展方面的最新举措——一项有助于使其标志性产品之一的瓶子实现 100% 可回收的新技术。Toshinobu Umetsu, President & CEO of Shiseido China梅津利信资生堂中国区总裁兼首席执行官“After being exhibited in the CIIE, we plan to launch these services at the Pudong department store in Shanghai. Of course, we are recognized little bit of changes in the market in the short term but we are strongly believe that China market is strong to further grow. We have a determine to invest with the confidence to China markets.”“在中国国际进口博览会上展出之后,我们计划在上海浦东百货商店推出这些服务。当然,我们也意识到市场在短期内会发生一些变化,但我们坚信中国市场的发展潜力巨大。我们对投资中国市场充满信心。”And Canadian apparel【服装】maker Canada Goose was also among the many brands showcasing their iconic products at this year’s event.加拿大服装制造商加拿大鹅(Canada Goose)也是在今年活动中展示其标志性产品的众多品牌之一。Dani Reiss, CEO of Canada Goose丹尼·瑞斯加拿大鹅首席执行官“We’ve been in China for five years. We’ve opened close to 30 stores now. China as a percentage of our sales has become a material part of our sales. Last quarter China grew 60% over the last year quarter on quarter. And I think it’s very important for international brands to attend conferences like that and to be a part of the ecosystem here in China.”“我们进入中国市场已经五年了。我们现在已经开设了近 30 家门店。中国市场占我们销售额的比例已成为我们销售额的重要组成部分。上个季度,中国的销售额比去年同期增长了 60%。我认为国际品牌参加这样的博览会并成为中国生态系统的一部分非常重要。”In June the company announced its collaboration with the Sanjiangyuan National Park in Qinghai Province to work on preserving ecological and biological diversity, which is its first ever Corporate Social Responsibility programme outside North America.6 月,该公司宣布与青海省三江源国家公园合作,致力于保护生态和生物多样性,这是该公司在北美以外地区开展的首个企业社会责任项目。#热词加油站laureate/ˈlɒriət/【荣誉获得者】cement /sɪˈment/【加强】one-off/ˌwʌn ˈɒf/【一次性事物】apparel/əˈpærəl/【服装】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
11/10/20236 minutes, 13 seconds
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11/07 TOP NEWS|习近平会见古巴塞尔维亚澳大利亚总理/奢侈品牌齐聚进博/拉法口岸开放

NEWS ON 11/071. XI MEETS LEADERS OF CUBA, SEBIA AND AUSTRALIA习近平分别会见古巴总理、塞尔维亚总理、澳大利亚总理2. LUXURY BRANDS TAPPING INTO LOCAL DESIGNERS' TALENT奢侈品牌齐聚进博,纷纷强调“中国元素”3.RAFAH CROSSING REOPENS TO WOUNDED AND FOREIGN PASSPORT HOLDERS拉法口岸对伤者和外国护照持有者恢复开放-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1. XI MEETS LEADERS OF CUBA, SEBIA AND AUSTRALIA习近平分别会见古巴总理、塞尔维亚总理、澳大利亚总理President Xi Jinping yesterday met the prime ministers of Cuba, Serbia and Australia at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. Sun Siqi has more.国家主席习近平昨日在人民大会堂分别会见了古巴总理、塞尔维亚总理和澳大利亚总理。记者孙思奇带来更多报道。While meeting Cuban Prime Minister Manuel Marrero Cruz, Xi noted China and Cuba are good friends, comrades【同志】, and brothers. Xi said China welcomed strengthening bilateral cooperation, especially in the fields of agriculture, tourism, health, science and technology, information and communication.在会见古巴总理曼努埃尔·马雷罗·克鲁斯时,习近平指出,中国和古巴是好朋友、好同志、好兄弟。习近平表示,中方欢迎加强双边合作,特别是农业、旅游、卫生、科技、信息通信等领域合作。Marrero said Cuba is willing to work with China on the Belt and Road Initiative, deepen practical cooperation in various fields, as well as strengthen communication and coordination in international and regional affairs. 马雷罗表示,古巴愿同中方共同推进“一带一路”倡议,深化各领域务实合作,加强在国际和地区事务中的沟通协调。While meeting Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic, Xi said China and Serbia are "iron friends" who have stood together through thick and thin. He called on the two nations to build and operate major projects, as well as promote the early start of the China-Serbia free trade agreement. 在会见塞尔维亚总理阿娜·布尔纳比奇时,习近平说,中塞是风雨同舟的铁杆朋友。他呼吁两国建设和运营好重大项目,并推动中塞自由贸易协定早日启动。Brnabic said China had become Serbia's largest investment partner, noting Serbia looks forward to continuing mutual support with China, and deepening cooperation in science, technology, culture and other fields.  布尔纳比奇说,中国已成为塞尔维亚最大的投资伙伴,塞尔维亚期待同中国继续相互支持,深化科技、文化等领域合作。While meeting Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, Xi said China and Australia have resumed exchanges in various fields and embarked on the right path of improving relations thanks to work on both sides. Xi said in the Asia-Pacific region, China does not engage in exclusive cliques, bloc politics, or camp confrontation【对抗】. And China is ready to carry out more trilateral and multilateral cooperation with Australia to support South Pacific countries in maintaining peace and stability in the Asia-Pacific region through openness and inclusiveness【包容性】.  在会见澳大利亚总理安东尼·阿尔巴尼斯时,习近平说,中澳两国恢复了各领域交流,并在双方努力下走上了改善关系的正确道路。习近平说,中国在亚太地区不搞排他性小圈子,不搞集团政治,不搞阵营对抗。中方愿同澳方开展更多三边和多边合作,以开放包容的姿态支持南太平洋国家维护亚太地区和平稳定。Albanese said as Australia and China have different political systems, it is normal for differences to occur, but these should not be allowed to define the relationship. Australia and China share extensive common interests, and dialogue and cooperation is the right choice.阿尔巴尼斯说,澳中两国政治体制不同,出现分歧是正常的,但不应因此而影响两国关系。他补充道,澳中两国拥有广泛的共同利益,对话与合作是正确的选择。2.LUXURY BRANDS TAPPING INTO LOCAL DESIGNERS' TALENT奢侈品牌齐聚进博,纷纷强调“中国元素”Luxury brands facing pressure from the global economic situation are using the CIIE to push deeper into the Chinese market. Zhang Shixiuan reports. 面临全球经济形势压力的奢侈品牌正利用中国国际进口博览会深入中国市场。记者张诗旋带来报道。This year bringing 12 of its brands, LVMH is participating at the China International Import Expo for the 4th time. 2 of its brands are joining for the first time. Some of them feature products with a distinctly Chinese style, created in partership with local artists.今年,LVMH集团携旗下12个品牌第四次参加中国国际进口博览会。有2个品牌是首次参展。其中一些品牌的产品具有鲜明的中国风格,是与当地艺术家合作创作的。Ludovic Watine-Arnault, Chief of Delegation for CIIE 2023, LVMHLudovic Watine-Arnault 2023年进博会路威酩轩集团代表“We value very much the relationship that we have with our Chinese client and our Chinese partners. Chinese consumers are one of the more discerning【敏锐的】 and the more well educated about luxury in general and our brand. So in terms of future strategy, we will continue to invest on local events. We want to continue to deploy specially made experiences through product, exhibitions, shows, as well as infrastructure. In a few years, DFS will open what will likely be one of the most beautiful malls in Hainan in Ha Long Bay.”“我们非常重视与中国客户和中国合作伙伴的关系。中国消费者的眼光比较独到,对奢侈品和我们的品牌也比较了解。因此,就未来战略而言,我们将继续投资于本地活动。我们希望继续通过产品、展览、演出以及基础设施来打造特别的体验。几年后,将在海南最漂亮的购物中心之一开设DFS。”The multinational conglomerate【企业集团】 now has more than 1,300 stores in China, covering 46 individual brands.这家跨国企业集团目前在中国拥有1300多家门店,涵盖46个独立品牌。Zhang Shixuan, Reporter张诗旋 记者“The China luxury market had been surging, with the market doubling between 2019 and 2021. That's according to a report released by Bain & Company. But that growth streak ended in 2022 when the personal luxury market contracted 10% year-on-year. In 2022, nearly every luxury category and most brands experienced their first major decline in five years. But the report says, 2022 was a reset, not a the start of a major downturn. Growth will resume in this year now that China has lifted all its travel restrictions.”“中国奢侈品市场一直在飙升,2019年至2021年间市场规模将翻一番,根据贝恩公司发布的报告显示。但这一增长势头在2022年终止,个人奢侈品市场同比萎缩了10%。2022年,几乎所有奢侈品类别和大多数品牌都经历了五年来的首次大幅下滑。但报告称,2022年是重启,而不是大衰退的开始。现在中国已经取消了所有的旅行限制,今年将恢复增长。”Yann Bozec, President and CEO, Coach China杨葆焱 Coach中国区总裁兼首席执行官“We've been with a coach brand for the Tapestry Group in China for more than two decades. We have experienced ups and down and we know that it will be like that. We don't see China only as a market. We see China first as a source of inspiration as it was exemplified, many collaboration that we're doing with Chinese designer and Chinese artist. Now the market may be a little bit more soft, but we're still very optimistic about the continuous growth.We discuss and we disclose last year that we committed to open 100 store over the next three years. And I'm very pleased to recall now that for the fiscal year, Tapestry opened 37 stores. So we are very well on track and we continue to have a very strong optimism for the Chinese economy.”“我们与中国泰佩思琦集团的Coach品牌已经合作了二十多年。经历了起起伏伏,我们知道未来也会如此。我们不仅仅将中国视为一个市场。我们首先将中国视为灵感的源泉,我们与中国设计师和中国艺术家的许多合作就是例证。现在市场可能有点疲软,但我们对持续增长仍然非常乐观。去年,我们讨论并透露,我们承诺在未来三年内开设100家门店。我很高兴地告诉大家,在本财年,泰佩思琦已经开设了37家门店。因此,我们的发展非常顺利,我们对中国经济依然非常乐观。”Tapestry brought new spin-off brand to the import expo for the first time this year, with all products made from recyclable materials to highlight its committment to green development. Yann said that the company is also engaged in finding new partners, including more from China.   今年,泰佩思琦集团首次在进口博览会上带来了新的衍生品牌,所有产品均由可回收材料制成,以彰显其对绿色发展的承诺。杨葆焱表示,公司还在寻找新的合作伙伴,包括更多来自中国的合作伙伴。3. RAFAH CROSSING REOPENS TO WOUNDED AND FOREIGN PASSPORT HOLDERS拉法口岸对伤者和外国护照持有者恢复开放The transfer of wounded Palestinians from Gaza to Egypt for medical treatment as well as the exit of foreign nationals, resumed on Monday after being suspended for three days. Stephen Rancourt tells us more.将受伤的巴勒斯坦人从加沙转移到埃及接受治疗以及外国公民出境的工作在暂停三天后于周一恢复。记者Stephen Rancourt带来更多报道。Earlier on Monday, the government media office in Gaza said that any efforts to take convoys of wounded to the Rafah crossing and into Egypt must be accompanied by Red Cross and United Nations vehicles, to ensure their protection and safety.周一早时,加沙政府媒体办公室表示,任何将伤员送往拉法过境点和埃及的车队都必须由红十字会和联合国车辆陪同,以确保伤员的保护和安全。It took four failed attempts before Suzan Beseiso was able to get through the crossing and escape the aerial bombardment of the Gaza Strip. The 31-year-old Palestinian American, is just one of several hundred foreign passport holders allowed to leave the enclave through the Rafah crossing. 经过四次失败的尝试,苏珊·贝塞苏才得以通过过境点,逃离对加沙地带的空中轰炸。这位31岁的巴勒斯坦裔美国人是获准通过拉法口岸离开的数百名外国护照持有者之一。Suzan Beseido, Palestinian American贝赛苏 美国籍巴勒斯坦人“I just got my passport stamped from the Palestinian side and waiting to board on the bus to be evacuated on the Egyptian side. This is one of the toughest days of my life to be leaving my family, my friends and my hometown. ”“我刚刚在护照上敲好了章等着上车前往埃及一侧,这是我一生中最艰难的一天,我要离开家人、朋友和故乡了”Israeli warplanes on Friday struck an ambulance convoy carrying wounded Palestinians to the Rafah border crossing, killing 6 people. The Israeli military said the ambulance was being used by Hamas fighters to transport militants and weapons, adding that several Hamas fighters were killed in the operation. 以色列战机周五袭击了一个运送巴勒斯坦伤员前往拉法边境口岸的救护车车队,造成6人死亡。以色列军方称,这辆救护车被哈马斯战士用来运送武装分子和武器,并补充说有几名哈马斯战士在这次行动中丧生。The exit of the wounded as well as foreign passport holders out of Gaza was suspended following the incident.  事件发生后,伤员和外国护照持有者暂停离开加沙。The Israeli military said today that it has taken control of a Hamas military stronghold in the northern part of the Gaza Strip. The IDF reported they had struck two cells as well as a number of militants in a building adjacent to the al-Quds hospital. 以色列军方今天说,他们已经控制了哈马斯在加沙地带北部的一个军事据点。以色列国防军报告说,他们击中了两个小组以及圣城医院附近一栋建筑中的一些武装分子。UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said Monday that the unfolding catastrophe in Gaza makes a humanitarian cease-fire more urgent with every passing hour. 联合国秘书长安东尼奥·古特雷斯(Antonio Guterres)周一表示,加沙正在发生的灾难使得人道主义停火愈发迫切。Antonio Guterres, UN Secretary-General古特雷斯 联合国秘书长“Gaza is becoming a graveyard【墓地】 for children. Hundreds of girls and boys are reportedly being killed or injured every day. The way forward is clear. A humanitarian ceasefire, now. All parties respecting all their obligations under international humanitarian law, now. ”“加沙正在成为儿童坟场。据报道,每天都有数百名儿童伤亡,前进的道路是明确的,立刻实现人道主义停火,各方立刻遵守国际人道主义法规定的所有义务”Both Israel and Hamas have rebuffed mounting calls for a halt in the fighting. Israel says the hostages must be released first. Hamas says it will not free any hostages or stop fighting while Gaza is under attack. 以色列和哈马斯都拒绝了越来越多要求停止战斗的呼吁。以色列说,必须首先释放人质。哈马斯则表示,在加沙受到攻击的情况下,它不会释放任何人质,也不会停止战斗。Benjamin Netanyahu, Israeli Prime Minister内塔尼亚胡 以色列总理“There'll be no ceasefire, no general ceasefire in Gaza without the release of our hostages 【人质】. As far as tactical little pauses, an hour here, an hour there, we've had them before, I suppose we'll check the circumstances in order to enable goods, humanitarian goods to come in or individual hostages to leave. ”“不释放我们的人质就不会有停火,加沙地带不会有全面停火,至于战术上的小停顿,这里一小时 那里一小时,我们以前实施过,我想我们会根据情况以便人道主义物资进入,或者个别人质离开”Netanyahu also said that he anticipates Israel will have "the overall security responsibility in Gaza" after the war ends. 内塔尼亚胡还说,他预计以色列将在战争结束后“全面负责加沙的安全”。#热词加油站comrades /ˈkɒmrɪdz/【同志】confrontation /ˌkɒnfrʌnˈteɪʃn/【对抗】inclusiveness /ɪnˈkluːsɪvnəs/【包容性】discerning /dɪˈsɜːnɪŋ/【敏锐的】conglomerate /kənˈɡlɒmərət/【企业集团】graveyard /ˈɡreɪvjɑːd/【墓地】hostages /ˈhɒstɪdʒɪz/【人质】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
11/8/20238 minutes, 12 seconds
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11/06 TOP NEWS|跨国药企在进博/澳总理访华/进博会为新西兰出口商提供重要平台

NEWS ON 11/061.PHARMACEUTICAL FIRMS SHOWCASE DIGITAL HEALTH MANAGEMENT TOOLS AT CIIE数字化、智能化、本土化、进博会上,全球药械企业重押中国2.AUSTRALIAN PM VISITS CHINA, CALLS FOR COOPERATION澳总理访华,多谈合作才是正确方向3.CIIE: A GO-TO PLACE FOR NEW ZEALAND EXPORTERS进博会为新西兰出口商提供重要平台-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1. PHARMACEUTICAL FIRMS SHOWCASE DIGITAL HEALTH MANAGEMENT TOOLS AT CIIE数字化、智能化、本土化、进博会上,全球药械企业重押中国Central precocious【早熟的】 puberty【青春期】 is a condition where a child's body begins changing into an adult's too soon. It can cause a child to stop growing at an early age. Recent studies show this condition is increasing in China, affecting up to 1 percent of children. 中枢性性早熟是指儿童的身体过早开始向成人变化。它会导致儿童过早停止生长。最近的研究表明,这种疾病在中国呈上升趋势,受影响儿童的比例高达1%。Takeda has an app that when combined with its urine test strip can help parents check whether their kids may be at risk for precocious puberty, or monitor their kids' hormone【激素】levels if their kids are already being treated. 武田制药推出了一款应用程序,如果与尿液试纸结合使用,可以帮助家长检查孩子是否有性早熟的风险,或者孩子已经接受治疗,app可以监测孩子的激素水平。Owen Gu, Head of Data, Digital & Tech Takeda China顾青 武田中国数字化科技团队负责人“In traditional healthcare, this would mean many hospital visits for a young patient and their family. With this, one can visualize the process of their treatment at home. We expect the app to undergo assessment by China's medical regulator next year. ”“在传统的医疗保健中,这意味着年轻的病人及其家人需要多次到医院就诊。有了这款软件,人们就可以在家里直观地了解治疗过程。我们预计,这款应用将于明年接受中国医疗监管机构的评估。”Years ago at the CIIE, Takeda showcased computer software for doctors of hemophilia A patients to calculate how much blood clotting agent a patient should be inject with and the frequency. Today, the drugmaker unveiled a new version in the form of a smartphone app that the patient can download and calculate for themselves.多年前,武田制药曾在进博会展示过一款电脑软件,供A型血友病患者的医生计算患者应注射多少凝血剂以及注射频率。今天,这家药企推出了新版本的手机应用程序,患者可以下载并自行计算。Danish company Novo Nordisk developed an insulin pen and app for diabetes patients. Place the pen's sensor near the smartphone, and the app notes the amount of insulin in this injection and the time. Also input exercise and blood sugar measurements over the day, and it generates a curve that helps the patient visualize and manage their blood sugar levels. 丹麦的诺和诺德公司为糖尿病患者开发了茵诺胰岛素笔APP。将笔的传感器放在手机附近,应用程序就会记录下这次注射的胰岛素量和时间。同时输入一天中的运动量和血糖测量值,它就会生成一条曲线,帮助患者直观地了解和管理自己的血糖水平。Zhou Xiaping, President, Novo Nordisk China周霞萍 诺和诺德全球高级副总裁兼中国区总裁“We understand the China market as the leader of innovations in digital healthcare. We'd like to work out more digital healthcare solutions that are most needed in this market. ”“中国已成为数字科技的全球创新引领者 希望借力进博合作强磁场 与更多伙伴共同打造中国定制、全球领先的数字化健康解决方案。”Pharmaceutical【制药的】 companies say the goal of these tools is to reduce hospital visits, and eventually be able to conduct some tests at home and have the app interpret the result. 制药公司表示,这些工具的目标是减少医院就诊次数,最终能够在家里进行一些测试,并由app解释结果。2.AUSTRALIAN PM VISITS CHINA, CALLS FOR COOPERATION澳总理访华,多谈合作才是正确方向Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese is now on a four-day visit to China. He's the first Australian prime minister to visit China in seven years, as the two nations look to shore up relations. Ying Junyi has more.澳大利亚总理安东尼·阿尔巴尼斯正在对中国进行为期四天的访问。他是七年来首位访华的澳大利亚总理,两国正寻求巩固关系。记者应俊一带来更多报道。During his visit, the two countries are set to "have an in-depth exchange of views on bilateral issues as well as on international and regional issues of common concern." Albanese attended the opening ceremony of the CIIE, and several business events are being held on the sidelines as well. He says he is looking forward to "constructive economic engagement" between the two countries. Tourism is one aspect of it. 访问期间,两国将“就双边关系及共同关心的国际和地区问题深入交换意见”。阿尔巴尼斯总理出席了中国国际进口博览会”开幕式,博览会期间还将举办多项商务活动。他表示,期待着两国之间“建设性的经济交往”。旅游业是其中的一个方面。Anthony Albanese, Prime Minister of Australia安东尼·阿尔巴尼斯 澳大利亚总理“In 2019, China was Australia's number one tourism market. With travel between China and Australia resuming this year, we are so excited about the return of Chinese travelers. That is why we launched our global tourism campaign right here.”“2019年,中国成为澳大利亚第一大旅游市场。今年,中澳两国之间的旅游重新恢复,我们对中国游客的回归感到非常兴奋。因此,我们在这里启动了全球旅游宣传活动。”It's also about foreign trade. Traded goods and services have rocketed between the two countries since the China-Australia Free Trade Agreement came into force in 2015. Also, more than 250 Australian companies are attending this year's CIIE, presenting products from seafood and beef to wine and iron ore. 两国交往也与对外贸易有关。自《中澳自由贸易协定》于2015年生效以来,两国之间的货物和服务贸易额激增。此外,250多家澳大利亚公司将参加今年的中国国际进口博览会,展示从海鲜和牛肉到葡萄酒和铁矿石等产品。Anthony Albanese, Prime Minister of Australia安东尼·阿尔巴尼斯 澳大利亚总理“China is our largest trading partner and will remain so for the foreseeable future, even as we like all countries seek to diversify our trade. Since the free trade agreement came into force, Australian exports to China have more than doubled, while Chinese exports to Australia have increased by almost 80 percent, benefiting consumers and businesses in both countries.”“中国是我们最大的贸易伙伴,在可预见的未来仍将如此。尽管我们和所有国家一样,都在努力实现贸易多元化。自《自由贸易协定生效》以来,澳大利亚对中国的出口增长了一倍多,而中国对澳大利亚的出口增长了近80%,两国的消费者和企业都从中受益。”During the visit, the two countries have also discussed cooperating on dealing with climate change and other challenges including those in the agricultural and art sectors. 在访问期间,两国还讨论了合作应对气候变化和其他挑战的问题,包括农业和艺术领域的挑战。3. CIIE: A GO-TO PLACE FOR NEW ZEALAND EXPORTERS进博会为新西兰出口商提供重要平台At the 6th China International Import Expo, some New Zealand companies are showing from their specialities here, and building on their previous expo achievements. Zhang Shixuan reports. 在第六届中国国际进口博览会上,一些新西兰公司展示了自己的特色产品,并在上届进博会取得的成绩基础上再接再厉。记者张诗旋带来报道。Well known cute and gentle nature, alpacas are loved by many people. And while you might expect to see them in the highlands of South America, you can also find them grazing on Shanghai's Chongming Island. Opened just this year, it's the first urban alpaca-themed ranch in China - a cooperation between a Chinese alpaca keeper from the Inner Mongolia and a New Zealand firm羊驼天性温顺可爱,深受人们喜爱。虽然您可能会在南美洲的高原上看到它们,但在上海崇明岛,也能看到它们吃草的身影。这是中国首个以羊驼为主题的城市牧场,由来自内蒙古的中国羊驼饲养者和新西兰的一家公司合作建成。Zhang Shixuan, Reporter张诗旋 记者“Look how cute the alpaca toy is! I'm at the consumer goods pavilion at the CIIE. This booth is all about alpaca fibre【纤维】 products - from the New Zealand partner of that alpaca farm in Shanghai's Chongming District.”“看,多可爱的羊驼玩具!我在中国国际进口博览会的消费品展馆。这个展台展示的都是羊驼纤维产品——来自上海崇明区羊驼农场的新西兰合作伙伴。”Duvets, blankets, and coats... All made with alpaca wool from New Zealand.羽绒被、毛毯和大衣…全部采用新西兰羊驼毛制成。Eric Geng, Executive Director , Pacific Alpacas Hometex Group耿聪 太平洋羊驼家纺集团(新西兰)“During these two years, we have set up a number of offline stores either in Shanghai and Shandong province and also Hainan Province. And also we have some cooperation with the local distributors in China market.”“这两年,我们在上海、山东和海南省建立了多家线下门店。此外,我们还与中国市场的当地经销商开展了一些合作。”And they are not just simply importing the alpaca wool. They are accelerating the pace of local manufacturing.他们不仅进口羊驼毛。它们正在加快本地制造的步伐。Dmitri Prokopenko, Operation Director, Pacific Alpacas德米特里·波普科 新西兰太平洋羊驼集团品牌联合创始人、品牌运营总监“Before it was a hundred percent New Zealand production right now we bring in part of production to China so it's probably like 30 to 70% comparison. And we wish to bring more fiber and produce in China because we can speed up and scale it way bigger here in China. Definitely China production, it's top one in the world. You cannot scale so much in New Zealand. The amount of people in New Zealand is very limited. So it's more professional. Everything happening way faster here than in New Zealand. ”“以前,我们百分之百在新西兰生产,现在,我们将部分产品引入中国,因此,与新西兰相比,中国占30% 至70%。我们希望在中国生产更多的纤维,因为我们可以在中国加快生产速度,扩大生产规模。中国的产量绝对是世界第一。在新西兰,你不可能扩大这么大的规模。新西兰的人口数量非常有限。所以这里更专业。这里的一切都比新西兰快得多。”Zhang Shixuan, Reporter张诗旋 记者The company's business seems pretty diverse now. But things weren't like this 2 years ago, when the tourism industry in New Zealand suffered from the pandemic. Attending the CIIE has been a turning point - entering into the China market. 现在,公司的业务非常多样化。但两年前的情况并非如此,当时新西兰的旅游业受到了疫情影响。参加中国国际进口博览会是一个转折点——进入中国市场。Eric Geng, Executive Director , Pacific Alpacas Hometex Group耿聪 太平洋羊驼家纺集团(新西兰)“It's very over our expectation because at the first year when we join CIIE, we only have 9 square meters in here. But during three days, we sold out all our products in just 3 days. And this year we have independent store, which is 36 square meters in CIIE this year. New Zealand is a very small country and it's also export oriented market. But for China is a big consumer market. So we see this is a huge potential opportunity for the New Zealand company who want to enter China market, who want to explore more consumers in the China market.”“这超出了我们的预期,因为第一年参加进博会时,我们在这里只有9平方米。但在三天时间里,我们的产品就销售一空。今年,我们在进博会有一家独立店,面积有36平方米。新西兰是一个很小的国家,也是一个出口导向型市场。但中国是一个很大的消费市场。因此,我们认为这对于想进入中国市场、想在中国市场开拓更多消费者的新西兰公司来说,是一个巨大的潜在机会。”In just 3 years, half of the company's business already comes from China. And it aims to increase that to 70 percent after this year's CIIE. Embracing the achievements from the import expo and highlighting the importance of the China market, the company has brought several paintings, illustrating the friendship between China and New Zealand to this year's expo. 在短短三年时间里,该公司已有一半的业务来自中国。该公司的目标是在今年的进博会后将这一比例提高到70%。为了迎接进博会的成果,突出中国市场的重要性,该公司在今年的博览会上带来了几幅展现中新友谊的画作。Some more well known New Zealand companies have been regular participants at the event, where Dairy giant Fonterra will bring 2 brand new products to China at this year's expo.一些知名的新西兰公司也经常参加本次进博会,其中乳制品巨头恒天然集团将在本届博览会上为中国带来两款全新产品。Teh-han Chow, Chief Executive Officer, Greater China , Fonterra周德汉 恒天然大中华区首席执行官“we can see that consumer sales have grown in the market, generally speaking, nearly 7%. Obviously, we have benefited from a lot from the free trade agreement that China and New Zealand signed many years ago and we will see many of our products become duty free come January one of 2024. So I think that the more trade agreements and the more economic cooperation that we can see amongst nations will benefit all of us in terms of being able to bring new products to consumers that they need and that they want.”“我们可以看到,市场上的消费者销售额普遍增长了近7%。显然,我们从中国和新西兰多年前签署的《自由贸易协定》中获益良多,我们将看到我们的许多产品在2024年1月1日成为免税产品。因此,我认为,贸易协定越多,国家之间的经济合作越多,我们就越能为消费者带来他们需要和想要的新产品,这对所有人都有好处。”Since 2014, Fonterra has opened application centres in China including Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou, Chengdu and Shenzhen, as part of its localization strategy.自2014年以来,恒天然在中国上海、北京、广州、成都和深圳等地开设了应用中心,这是其本地化战略的一部分。China has become the largest export market and source of imports for New Zealand, with bilateral trade volume reaching 25 billion US dollars in 2022. This year, China and New Zealand have agreed to scale up bilateral【双方的】 trade and bolster cooperation in e-commerce, trade in services, the green economy and establish a dialogue mechanism for new energy vehicles. 中国已成为新西兰最大的出口市场和进口来源国,2022年双边贸易额将达到250亿美元。今年,中新双方同意扩大双边贸易规模,加强在电子商务、服务贸易、绿色经济等领域的合作,并建立新能源汽车对话机制。#热词加油站puberty /ˈpjuːbəti/【青春期】precocious /prɪˈkəʊʃəs/【早熟的】hormone /ˈhɔːməʊn/【激素】Pharmaceutical /ˌfɑːməˈsuːtɪkl/【制药的】fibre /ˈfaɪbə(r) /【纤维】bilateral /ˌbaɪˈlætərəl/【双方的】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
11/7/20238 minutes, 35 seconds
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11/05 TOP NEWS|进博会布展完成/贺绿汀120周年诞辰活动/本地进口商受益于进博会

NEWS ON 11/031.EXHIBITORS BUSY FINETUNING THEIR EXHIBITS FOR 6TH CIIE展品总体完成布设,第六届进博会“整装待发”2.EXHIBITION PROVIDES A GLIMPSE OF MUSICIAN HE LUTING'S LIFE “纪念贺绿汀120周年诞辰特展”系列活动在沪揭幕3.LOCAL IMPORTERS BENEFITED FROM CIIE本地进口商受益于中国进博会-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1. EXHIBITORS BUSY FINETUNING THEIR EXHIBITS FOR 6TH CIIE展品总体完成布设,第六届进博会“整装待发”Some exhibitors are fine tuning their displays across the various display sections at the CIIE, which officially opens on Sunday. Sun Siqi has more...第六届中国国际进口博览会将于本周日正式开幕,一些参展商正在对各个展区的展品进行布置。记者孙思奇带来更多报道。At the venue's center square, the Shanghai pavilion【看台】is ready to open again with 90 local brands, including time-honored names, in cosmetics, chinaware and traditional Chinese medicine. The center square is usually reserved for pavilions from Chinese provincial regions, where local businesses display their specialties. But this year's Shanghai pavilion will add international purchase section. 在国家会展中心的中央广场,上海馆已准备就绪,将再次开放90个本地品牌,包括化妆品、瓷器和中药等老字号。中央广场通常留给中国各省区的展馆,当地企业在此展示自己的特色产品。但今年的上海馆将增加“国际采购”展区。The floor and wall covers around the booths had been removed at the automobile section, though the car covers are still there, including on this "Mission X" model by Porsche. Almost all major automakers brought their new electric models. Most of them feature smart driving capabilities. 在汽车展区,展台周围的地板和墙壁上的遮盖物已经被拆除,但汽车的遮盖物还在,包括保时捷Mission X概念车。几乎所有汽车制造商都带来了自己的新型电动车型。其中大部分都具有智能驾驶功能。Zhang Shipeng, Public Affairs Director, Mobis张世鹏 摩比斯公共事务总监“It's our 4th CIIE. We're showing a collection of our latest technologies, including our Mixed Reality display system. Our components will be in future driverless vehicles. ”“我们第四次参加进博会,它主要集成了摩比斯今年开发的主要的新技术,混合现实显示系统,这些新技术主要用于搭载在无人驾驶的车辆上”Lego, which hasn't missed a single CIIE, is going to be greeting visitors with a gigantic 110,000-block heart. 乐高集团从未缺席过任何一届进博会,今年它将用一颗11万块乐高颗粒拼出的“玩乐之心”迎接参观者。Luo Yue, 3D Model Designer,LEGO Group Jiaxing Factory罗悦 乐高集团嘉兴工厂3D模型设计师“This was created by 18 block builders from China and Czech Republic. It's 4.6 meters high, it's the tallest sculpture we've ever displayed at the CIIE, it was particularly challenging to construct.” “18位来自中国嘉兴和捷克的拼搭师共同设计完成的。难度在于它特别高,高达4.6米,是我们从第一届(进博会)开始到现在搭的最高的一次乐高模型”In the incubation【孵化】section for fledgling businesses, the Northern Europe Innovation Center brought 50 companies, a significant improvement from less than 10 when they attended the CIIE for the first time. The trade group decided to host a "University Startup World Cup" final at their booth during this year's Import Expo. A Swiss air-purifier company will showcase its new air purifier that was updated from a product that it has presented at last CIIE. 在创新孵化专区部,北欧创新中心有50家公司。与首次参加中国进博会时的不足10家相比,有了显著提高。该行业组织决定在今年的进口博览会期间在其展位上举办“大学生创业世界杯”决赛。一家瑞士空气净化器公司将展示其在上届中国国际进口博览会上推出的新款空气净化器。Last but not the least, a variety of fruit finally arrived at the site right before the expo opens to ensure freshness. Benin's sugarloaf pineapple that just received import approval in September will make its first appearance in China at the CIIE.最后,各种水果在进博会开幕前运抵现场,以确保新鲜。今年9月刚刚获得进口许可的贝宁鲜食菠萝将在中国国际进口博览会上首次亮相。2.EXHIBITION PROVIDES A GLIMPSE OF MUSICIAN HE LUTING'S LIFE “纪念贺绿汀120周年诞辰特展”系列活动在沪揭幕An exhibition commemorating the 120th Anniversary of the acclaimed musician He Luting opened today at Shanghai Library's Pudong branch, offering a glimpse into the life of the respected composer and educator. Reporter Zhang Yue takes a look.纪念著名音乐家贺绿汀诞120周年展览今天在上海图书馆浦东分馆开幕,让人们一睹这位令人尊敬的作曲家和教育家的生平。记者张乐带您一探究竟。Music scores, records, and furniture from different periods of He's life are on display at the exhibition. Video and books also show the life of the musician and his artistic achievements. By scanning this QR code, visitors will be able to hear "Buffalo Boy's Flute", a piano song created by He in 1934. 展览展出了贺绿汀不同时期的乐谱、唱片和家具。视频和书籍也展示了这位音乐家的生平及其艺术成就。扫描这个二维码,参观者就能听到贺绿汀于1934年创作的钢琴曲《牧童短笛》。With this song, He became the first Chinese composer to gain fame globally by winning a contest sponsored【赞助】 and judged by the Russian composer Alexander Tcherepnin. Born in Hunan Province, He started composing music for Chinese movies in the 1930s. 在俄罗斯作曲家亚历山大·特切列普宁主办并担任评委的比赛中,贺绿汀凭借这首歌曲一举夺魁,成为第一位蜚声国际的中国作曲家。贺绿汀出生于湖南,20 世纪30年代开始为中国电影作曲。Cai Yuan, Student, SH Conservatory of Music蔡元 上海音乐学院学生 “My classmates and I just went to visit He's hometown in summer. As a student vocalist, his spirit of pursuing music and art until his death is an inspiration.”“我们在学校组织的暑期实践中,我们去了韶东的故居,我就是非常有感触的是乘风破浪的精神,不懈的坚持努力。”A concert was also held by teachers and students from the Shanghai Conservatory of Music to commemorate【纪念】He, who was appointed director of the university in 1949, he kept the post until his retirement in 1984. The main concert hall at the university, the oldest of its kind in China, is named after him.上海音乐学院的师生们还举办了一场音乐会,纪念1949年被任命为上海音乐学院院长的贺绿汀。上海音乐学院的主音乐厅是中国最古老的音乐厅,以他的名字命名。Changyong, President,SH Conservatory of Music廖昌永 上海音乐学院 院长“Art and music are not only for professionals, but for the public and all of society. This is why music composition has to be easy to understand, as it is going to arouse people's emotions more easily. This is why we have opened our campus to the public last year, so that people can walk into the university to feel the charm of music. ”“我们的音乐创作,音乐表演不只是给专业观众看的,其实我们的音乐作品是服务于社会,让大家都能听得懂,激发起大家的共同情感。所以在我们去年上海音乐学院对外开放,校园开放其实也是本着这样一个理念,让人们走进大学,感受音乐的魅力。”The exhibition's name "Truth", comes from the Chinese 'Bao Zhen' 抱真, the alias that He gave to himself, representing a spirit of chasing truth his whole life. He's best-known work includes "Song of the Four Seasons" and "The Wandering Songstress," both composed for the 1937 movie "Street Angel" and sung by Zhou Xuan.展览的名称“真理”来自中文“包真”,包真是贺绿汀给自己起的别名,代表了他一生追求真理的精神。他最著名的作品包括《四季歌》和《天涯歌女》,这两首歌都是为 1937 年的电影《马路天使》而作,由周璇演唱。3. LOCAL IMPORTERS BENEFITED FROM CIIE本地进口商受益于中国进博会The 6th China International Import Expo is just 2 days away. While international companies and brands have been obvious beneficiaries from the expo, some local importers have also been making some gains. Zhang Shixuan has more.还有两天,第六届中国国际进口博览会就要开幕了。在国际企业和品牌成为博览会明显受益者的同时,一些本土进口商也有所收获。记者张诗旋带来更多报道。A foreign trade business specialist for 3 decades, Pan Qi had her professional career dominated by textile exports until 6 years ago. But since the 1st China International Import Expo held in Shanghai in 2018, things have changed—from an export to an import business.潘琦是一名从事了30年外贸业务的专家,6年前,她的职业生涯一直以纺织品出口为主。但自2018年首届中国国际进口博览会在上海举办以来,情况发生了变化——从出口业务变成了进口业务。Pan Qi, Marketing Manager, Orient Enterprise 潘琦 东方伟业有限公司市场部经理“As domestic costs increase, the profit for traditional general trading has become lower. So a large batch of foreign trade business staff had to adapt. And the CIIE is a good opportunity for us to shift from export to import.”“国内的成本高了以后,我们一般的传统贸易可能会利润空间越来越小,我们大家一大批老的外贸业务员,我们要转型,那进博会就是我们一个很好的一个转型的契机,我们就从出口做进口了。”Her imports have been expanding from just food at the 1st CIIE, to toys, healthcare products and medical equipment, she's even bringing in children's football training services this year - an expansion from general trading to service trading. The countriesshe trades with have expanded from Japan to also include European countries.她的进口产品从第一届进博会上的食品扩展到玩具、保健产品和医疗设备,今年(进博会)她甚至引进了儿童足球训练服务——从一般贸易扩展到服务贸易。与她有贸易往来的国家也从日本扩展到了欧洲国家。Pan Qi, Marketing Manager,Orient Enterprise潘琦 东方伟业有限公司市场部经理“Many foreign companies have been interested in the China market for some time. But they didn't have an entry point. Now more customers have been reaching out to us, sometimes we even have too many to deal with.”“很多外国的客户,他们对我们中国的市场很有兴趣,但是他们就是抓不到这一个切入点。到现在就是我们越来越大,然后我们就是没有时间去招待这些客人。”This year, Pan's overseas client numbers are 5 times that of last year. The import volume has doubled or trippled compared to 6 years ago. Foreign companies are now more willing to cooperate with local importers.今年,潘琦的海外客户数量是去年的5倍。与6年前相比,进口量翻了两三倍。现在,外国公司更愿意与本地进口商合作。Shang Chen, CEO , Anti-Aging Group尚忱 中国总代安璟汇集团执行总裁“Importers are reliable and have good reputations in the local market. So that makes it easier for us to reach out to the local families and the market. We also want to cooperate with Orient International to enter into China's elderly care sector.”“进口商是可靠的,并且是有知誉度的。这样的话更容易去深入我们的家庭和我们的市场。我们也特别愿意跟东方国际去联手进入更多的康养行业,中国的养老行业。”Some companies are also taking advantage of the expo to import high-end medical equipment, and then, work to localize it. At past expos, Fosun Pharma have been exhibiting a surgery robot from the United States. This year the company has made it possible for the robot to be manufactured in China.一些公司还利用世博会进口高端医疗设备,将其本土化。复星医药在往届世博会上展出了一款来自美国的手术机器人。今年,该公司实现了该机器人在中国的生产。Zhang Shixuan, Reporter张诗旋 记者“It's been 6 years since the first CIIE was held in Shanghai. Numerous exhibits have turned into products for sale. And it's not just industrial equipment; retail goods from the show have become more common in China. Some of them have become exceedingly【非常】popular on e-commerce sites.”“进博会在上海举办至今已有6年。众多展品已成为销售产品。不仅是工业设备,展会上的零售商品在中国也越来越常见。其中一些产品在电子商务网站上非常受欢迎”Mandy Zhang, Busienss Manager, Pinduoduo张曼迪 拼多多业务经理“As an e-commerce platform starting from agriculture business, Pinduoduo has reached almost 900 million consumers with the imported agriculture products from the CIIE, such as cherries from Chili, red shrimp from Argentina, Steak from Australia, and Salmon from Norway. This year's first batch of cherries from Chili just went on pre-sale on the Pinduoduo app. Sales have risen more than 80% from a year ago.”“作为以农业起家的电商平台,拼多多也通过进博会加速全球优质进口农产品与近9亿消费者的直连,像智利车厘子、纽仕兰乳制品、阿根廷红虾、澳大利亚牛排、挪威三文鱼等等。最近今年首批智利车厘子在拼多多首发预售,销量同比增长超80%。”For this year's CIIE, Pinduoduo also plans to host special livestreams, to sell goods from countries that participate in the Belt and Road initiative and from companies attending the import expo.在今年的进博会上,拼多多还计划举办特别直播,销售来自“一带一路”倡议参与国和进口博览会参展企业的商品。#热词加油站 pavilion /pəˈvɪliən/【看台】incubation /ˌɪŋkjuˈbeɪʃn/【孵化】sponsored /ˈspɒnsə(r) /【赞助】commemorate /kəˈmeməreɪt/【纪念】exceedingly /ɪkˈsiːdɪŋli/【非常】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
11/6/20237 minutes, 50 seconds
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11/03 TOP NEWS|女足战平韩国无缘巴黎/进博会聚焦高科技和制药公司/中方呼吁巴以停火

NEWS ON 11/021.WOMEN’S FOOTBALL TEAM FAILS TO QUALIFY FOR PARIS OLYMPICS奥预赛:女足1-1憾平韩国无缘巴黎奥运2. HIGH-TECH & PHARMA COMPANIES MUCH ANTICIPATED FOR CIIE进博会:高科技和制药公司备受瞩目3. CHINA CALLS FOR END TO HOSTILITIES IN ISRAEL-HAMAS CONFLICT“破坏容易重建难”中方呼吁巴以冲突方停止一切敌对行动----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1. WOMEN’S FOOTBALL TEAM FAILS TO QUALIFY FOR PARIS OLYMPICS奥预赛:女足1-1憾平韩国无缘巴黎奥运China drew 1-1 with South Korea last night in an Asian women’s football qualifier match for the 2024 Paris Olympics, a result that left both teams failing to qualify. The match was held in Xiamen, Fujian Province. Zhang Yue has more.在昨晚(11/01)的 2024 年巴黎奥运会女足亚洲区预选赛中,中国队以 1-1 战平韩国队,两队均无缘出线。该场比赛在福建厦门举行。本台记者张乐带来详细报道。South Korea had its best scoring opportunity of the first half in stoppage time, when Ji Souyun hit the post in a counterattack after receiving a through ball from Phair Casey. The away team broke the deadlock in the 63rd minute as Shim Seo-Yoen headed home from a free kick. 15 minutes later, Wang Shanshan's header leveled for China after a precise cross from Yan Jinjin. China almost scored a winner in the 85th minute, but Yan's one-on-one shot in the penalty area went just wide.韩国队在上半场补时阶段打出一脚极具威胁的射门,池笑然在反击中接到凯西·费尔的传球射门,击中立柱弹出。客场作战的韩国队在比赛第63分钟打破僵局,沈藇妍利用任意球机会头球破门。15分钟后,闫锦锦精准传中,王珊珊头球为中国队扳平比分。第85分钟,闫锦锦单刀机会将球射偏,中国女足错失反超比分良机。Shui Qingxia, Head Coach Chinese National Women's Football Team水庆霞中国国家女子足球队主教练“其实从内心来讲,我也是蛮难过的,也比较心疼这些姑娘,我们有很多差距,尤其青训方面,但是我觉得如果说我们清醒认识到我们的差距和很多的不足,真的静下心来去处理一些细节上面的东西,我想今后的中国女足还会往正确的方向去走。”“I feel sorry that we didn't win the match. I want to thank my players for trying their best. We wanted to improve our match, but it didn't work out. We have to learn from all the losses and find the right path in the future.”Australia, the DPRK and Japan qualified as group winners, while Uzbekistan also advanced to the final stage of Asian qualifiers. Two of those four teams will qualify for the Paris Olympics.澳大利亚、朝鲜和日本队以小组第一的身份晋级,乌兹别克斯坦队也晋级亚洲区预选赛决赛。四支队伍将两两对阵,两支获胜的球队将获得巴黎奥运会门票。2.HIGH-TECH & PHARMA COMPANIES MUCH ANTICIPATED FOR CIIE进博会:高科技和制药公司备受瞩目High-tech and pharmaceutical【制药的】companies are once again highly-anticipated exhibitors at the upcoming import expo, bringing advanced technologies and striking deals with local firms. Our reporter Zhang Shixuan talked to two of them and finds out what’s new about this year’s event.在即将举行的第六届中国国际进口博览会(以下简称“进博会”)上,高科技和制药公司再次成为备受瞩目的参展商,他们将带来先进技术,并与本地企业进行交易。本台记者张诗旋采访了其中两家企业,了解今年展会的新情况。We all think of glass as fragile. But as one company at CIIE is proving, it doesn't have to be. This piece of glass ceramic【陶瓷制品】is tough and resistant to extreme temperatures. It’s a crucial component in the new Mozi telescrope opened in China’s Qinghai province in September-- the largest of its kind in the Northern Hemisphere. German high-tech developer SCHOTT will for the first time bring its astronomy materials, including its glass ceramics to the import expo.我们都认为玻璃易碎。但正如进博会的一家公司证明那样,玻璃并不一定如此。这块玻璃陶瓷坚固耐用,可以抵御极端温度。它是今年 9 月在中国青海省启用的墨子巡天望远镜的关键基材,该望远镜是目前北半球最大的同类望远镜。德国高科技开发商肖特集团将在此届进博会上首次展出包括玻璃陶瓷在内的天文特种材料。Salvatore Ruggiero, Vice President of Marketing & Communication, SCHOTT AG萨尔瓦多·罗杰,肖特集团全球市场营销和传播副总裁“Astronomy is a mega trend. And as we know, also in China, they are coming up with a lot of projects in astronomy areas. So, we want to show our products and our applications to the audience. We did a lot of investments in the last five years. For example, 170 million euro we invested here in China in different areas. But now we will not stop with this investment in China and we will invest a lot in China also for this astronomy application.”“天文学是一个大趋势。我们知道,中国也在天文学领域开展了很多项目。因此,我们希望向观众展示我们的产品和应用。过去五年,我们进行了大量投资。例如,我们在中国不同领域投资了 1.7 亿欧元。但现在,我们不会停止在中国的投资,我们还将为天文学应用在中国投入大量资金。”The company’s material is now also used on the world’s largest optical【光学的】telescope currently under construction, the Extremely Large Telescope. It allows the telescope to receive 100 million times more light than the human eye. Technology and pharmaceutical companies aren’t just here to show off their latest products though, they're also looking to cooperate with local firms.该公司的材料还被使用在目前世界上最大的光学望远镜欧洲极大望远镜ELT(在建)上,作使ELT能够比人眼接收多一亿倍的光。科技和制药公司不仅仅是为了在进博会展示他们的最新产品,他们还希望与当地企业进行合作。Jean-Christophe Pointeau, President of Pfizer China彭振科辉瑞全球生物制药商业集团中国区总裁“China is already the second largest healthcare market in the world. It's not only an investment but is also collaborating with the local pharmaceutical industry, innovative product best in class or first in class in specialty care in unmet medical need such as together we could launch not only in China for China, but to bridge all these innovative products which are discovered in China for the rest of the world. We decided with the Hangzhou city to develop a Pfizer Innovation Center where we will take the best of the health care which is the best of Hangzhou with IT digital together to develop health care digital solution.”“中国已经是世界第二大医疗保健市场。这不仅是一项投资,还是与当地制药行业合作的举措,致力于在特殊医疗领域提供最佳或首创的创新产品,满足医疗领域未被满足的需求。我们不仅可以在中国推出这些产品,还可以架起连接中国研发的创新产品与全球其他地方的桥梁。我们决定与杭州市合作开发一个辉瑞创新中心,在这里,我们将把杭州最好的医疗保健与IT数字化结合起来,共同开发医疗保健数字化解决方案。”Pfizer is attending the import expo for the 4th year in a row. Pointeau said he has witnessed the rapid growth in the healthcare sector in China, especially an acceleration of administration. That has made it possible for pharmaceutical companies to launch a new drug in China at the same time as the US or Europe.辉瑞集团已连续四年参加进口博览会。彭振科说,他见证了中国医疗保健行业的快速发展,尤其是行政管理的加速。这使得制药公司可以在中国与美国或欧洲同时推出新药。3.CHINA CALLS FOR END TO HOSTILITIES IN ISRAEL-HAMAS CONFLICT“破坏容易重建难”中方呼吁巴以冲突方停止一切敌对行动China’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations Zhang Jun yesterday said the situation in Palestine and Israel is at the top of the Security Council’s agenda this month, and it’s imperative【紧急的】to promote a ceasefire and halt the fighting. Lei Shuran has more.中国常驻联合国代表张军昨天(11/01)表示,巴以局势是本月安理会议程上最重要的工作。巴勒斯坦和以色列局势是安理会本月的首要议题,当务之急是推动停火止战。本台记者雷舒然带来详细报道。Speaking to reporters at U.N. Headquarters in New York City, as China began its presidency of the Security Council in November, Zhang said that the parties concerned must abide by international humanitarian law, take concrete actions to stop bombing civilian targets and allow the delivery of humanitarian aid supplies. 11 月起中国担任联合国安理会轮值主席国,张军在纽约联合国总部对记者说,中方呼吁冲突各方遵守国际人道法,采取具体行动停止袭击平民设施,并允许人道主义援助物资的运送。Zhang also show the gifts that he gave to the committee members to the reporters.张军还向记者展示了他送给安理会成员的礼物。Zhang Jun, China’s Permanent Representative to the UN张军中国常驻联合国代表“这叫‘鲁班锁’,你很容易就能破坏它,只要拉出六块木头中的一块,它们就分开了,问题在于怎么把它重新组装起来。一旦和平被破坏,就很难重建,这也像是我们正在面临的严峻挑战,需要我们团结起来,彼此支撑,才能拥有更强大的力量解决问题。”“It’s called Luban lock. You can break it easily by putting out one of the six, and then they break. The problem is how to fix it? So once is broken, you cannot fix piece together easily. We may also take it as the serious challenges ahead of us, it needs our solidarity, it needs us to hold each other up together, and then we have more powerful strengths to tackle all the issues ahead of us.”The envoy called on the Security Council to strengthen unity, build consensus, and take responsible and meaningful actions as soon as possible.张军大使呼吁安理会加强团结,建立共识,及时采取负责任、有意义的行动。#热词加油站pharmaceutical/ˌfɑːməˈsuːtɪk(ə)l/【制药的】ceramic/səˈræmɪk/【陶瓷制品】optical/ˈɒptɪk(ə)l/【光学的】imperative/ɪmˈper.ə.tɪv/【紧急的】2订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
11/3/20235 minutes, 59 seconds
Episode Artwork

11/02 TOP NEWS|中央金融工作会议在京举行/SMG神户校园行宣传沪文化/加州山火紧急疏散

NEWS ON 11/011. TWO-DAY FINANCIAL WORK CONFERENCE HELD IN BEIJING中央金融工作会议在京举行2. SMG PROMOTES SHANGHAI CULTURE IN KOBE, JAPAN魔都新发现·日本校园行走进神户3. CALIFORNIA WILDFIRE EVACUATES 4,000 RESIDENTS美加州“高地大火”蔓延,约4000人被强制疏散----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1.TWO-DAY FINANCIAL WORK CONFERENCE HELD IN BEIJING为期两日中央金融工作会议在京举行The Central Financial Work Conference - which take place once every five years - was held in Beijing from Monday to Tuesday. Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, delivered an important speech. Lei Shuran has more.本周一至周二(10/30-10/31),五年一次的中央金融工作会议在北京举行。中共中央总书记习近平发表了重要讲话。本台记者雷舒然带来详细报道。Noting that finance key to the national economy and an important part of the country’s core competitiveness, the meeting urged greater efforts to comprehensively step up financial supervision, optimize【使优化】 financial services and prevent and resolve risks to promote high-quality development of China’s financial sector.会议强调,金融是国民经济的血脉,是国家核心竞争力的重要组成部分,要全面加强金融监管,优化金融服务,防范化解风险,推动我国金融高质量发展。The meeting heard how China’s financial system has strongly supported the country’s overall economic and social development, but also still comes with risks, including corruption【贪污】and poor efficiency.会议指出了金融系统有力支撑经济社会发展大局,但经济金融风险隐患仍然较多,腐败问题屡禁不止,金融服务实体经济的质效不高。The conference delegates【代表】called for optimizing the use of financial resources and creating a market with unified rules and coordinated supervision so risks -- at financial institutions and in local government finances -- can be addressed in a timely manner.与会代表呼吁优化金融资源的使用,打造规则统一、监管协同的金融市场,以便及时应对金融机构和地方政府财政的风险。Zhang Liqun, Development Research Centre of the State Council张立群国务院发展研究中心宏观经济研究部研究员“最终来化解好这个地方政府债务。要有一个综合实测,有一个系统性的政策体系来统一支持,这个也包含着了对整个地方债的这样一个甄别。就是说你做了什么事情?你做的事情好不好?事情做得不好的话,这个钱怎么跑过来的?这里边其实也就包含着这个金融体制一些漏洞,要通过这样一个过程把它尽快的给堵住,把整个金融制度包括金融监管,把它全面的加强起来。”“To ultimately dissolve problems in local government debt, there needs to be a comprehensive measurement and a systematic policy system to offer support, which also includes the screening of local debt. That is, what have you done and how well did you do it? If things are not done well, how were the loans approved? There are financial loopholes in the debt issuance process which should be plugged as soon as possible using the screening process, so as to strengthen the financial system and supervision.”From 2014 to September 2023, China saw its outstanding yuan-denominated loans issued to the real economy shoot up from a little over 81 trillion yuan to more than 230 trillion yuan. The average annual debt growth was 10 percent, generally in line with nominal GDP growth, according to data from the People’s Bank of China.       从2014年到2023年9月,中国发放给实体经济的人民币贷款从81万亿元增加到了230多万亿元。根据中国人民银行的数据,平均年债务增长率为10%,与名义国内生产总值(GDP)增长相符。2.SMG PROMOTES SHANGHAI CULTURE IN KOBE, JAPAN魔都新发现·日本校园行走进神户Representatives from SMG News Center are now in Japan for a series activities to introduce some Shanghai and Chinese culture to local university students. The first stop was in Tokyo earlier this week, and now they are at their second stop, in Kobe. Zhang Yue has more.上海广播电视台(SMG)融媒体中心的节目组正在日本举办“魔都新发现!日本校园行”系列活动,向当地大学生介绍上海和中国文化。本周早些时候,他们已完成首站东京的活动,现在抵达第二站神户。本台记者张乐带来详细报道。Students from Kobe City University of Foreign Studies asked many questions about Shanghai and China at the event, ranging from day-to-day life in the city, to food, to study and work.神户市外国语大学的学生们在活动中提出了许多关于上海和中国的问题,从城市的日常生活到饮食、学习和工作。Student学生“Are there any differences between north and southern China?”“中国南北方有什么不同吗?”Student学生“When do people usually eat hairy crab?”"人们通常什么时候吃大闸蟹?"Student学生“What are the best colleges in China?”“中国最好的大学是哪几所?”Representatives from SMG news center used video presentations and pictures to answer their questions.SMG融媒体中心节目组通过视频展示和照片回答了他们的问题。Mao Danqing, Visiting Professor of Kobe City University of Foreign Studies毛丹青神户市内外国语大学客座教授“最重要就是面对面给他们感性的认识,提高肢体上的了解,比头脑更重要的是能看到对上海的解说,从上海来的气氛,多彩多姿应和了时代的要求。”“The most significant point is that students received a face-to-face introduction, which will improve their real understanding of Shanghai, the event was very engaging.”Kobe City University of Foreign Studies, built in 1946, is the only state-funded university of foreign studies in Japan. The students participating in the event are all majoring in Chinese literature. They all speak Mandarin fluently, many expressed their desire to continue their studies in Shanghai, or possibly working in tourism, as a guide for Japanese tourists in Shanghai.神户市外国语大学创办于1946年,是日本唯一的公立外国语大学。参加活动的学生全都来自中文系,能说一口流利的汉语。许多人表示希望前往上海留学深造,或者从事旅游工作,带日本游客去上海看看。Student学生“Previously I only knew that economic development was quite fast in Shanghai, and Shanghai was home to many Japanese people. After this activity, I learnt more about the city culture. It was a very worthwhile activity.”“以前我只知道上海的经济发展很快,上海是许多日本人的故乡。通过这次活动,我对上海的城市文化有了更多的了解。这是一次非常有意义的活动。”Just like they did in Tokyo, the SMG delegation donated two bilingual books to the university’s library, one introduces 50 life scenarios in Shanghai, the other talks about the Chinese 24 solar terms. Apart from students, local Kobe residents can also borrow the books from the university library.和在首站东京一样,SMG节目组向神户大学图书馆捐赠了两套双语图书,一本介绍了上海的50个日常生活场景,另一本讲述了中国的二十四节气。除在籍学生外,神户的常住市民也能申请办理借书证随时借阅。3.CALIFORNIA WILDFIRE EVACUATES 4,000 RESIDENTS美加州“高地大火”蔓延,约4000人被强制疏散Firefighters aided by aircraft are battling to contain a wind-driven wildfire that has damaged or destroyed at least nine buildings in rural Southern California and forced authorities to issue evacuation orders for 4,000 residents. Zhang Hong has more.在飞机的协助下,消防员正在奋力控制一场由风引起的野火,这场野火已经损坏或摧毁了南加州废墟地区的至少九栋建筑,迫使当局向 4000 名居民下达了疏散令。本台记者张泓带来详细报道。The Highland Fire is burning near the Riverside County hamlet of Aguanga. The fire broke out on Monday and is being spread by the Santa Ana winds over 3.5 square miles of brush.高地大火正在河滨郡阿关加小镇附近燃烧。大火于周一爆发,并在圣安娜强风的吹拂下蔓延至 3.5 平方英里的灌木丛。Resident当地居民“I find everything burned.”“我发现所有的东西都被烧焦了。”The Riverside County Fire Department ordered the evacuation of roughly 4,000 people, including the small town of Aguanga, where the fire started. Officials also opened one refugee center for people and another for animals, while those staying at a recreational vehicle park were directed to move their campers to a Walmart parking lot in Temecula about 15 miles away.河滨郡消防局下令疏散大约 4000 人,包括起火的阿瓜加小镇。地方政府为居民和动物各开设一所疏散中心,在休闲车度假村的游客需把露营车开到约25公里外的特曼库拉的沃尔玛(Walmart)停车场避灾。Barb Bommarito, Evacuee from Saint Louis巴巴·博马里托撤离居民“When I left, there were no flames right in our immediate vicinity. But I went back a couple hours later to take someone to get their medicine and there was, there were flames in our resort.”“我离开的时候,我们附近没有火苗,但几个小时后,我带人回去取药,我们的度假村就着火了。”Also, the bushfire danger period began across New South Wales in Australia, after the remaining nine local government areas on the southern border entered the statutory【法定】phase today.此外,在澳大利亚新南威尔士州各地也开始进入丛林火灾危险期,南部边境的九个地方政府辖区今天进入法定火险期。As of 5:45 p.m. local time today, there are 65 fires burning around New South Wales, 12 of them are listed as out of control. Up north in Queensland, wildfires have killed at least two people and destroyed dozens of homes along the state border with New South Wales. Residents were ordered to evacuate their homes today as bushfires burned out of control while firefighters, including those flown in from across the country and from neighboring New Zealand battled the blazes.截至当地时间今天(11/01)下午5点45,新南威尔士州周围共发生了65起火灾,其中12起被列为失控状态。在北部的昆士兰州,野火已造成至少两人死亡,并摧毁了与新南威尔士州接壤的州边界附近数十幢房屋。当地居民今天被下令撤离家园,因为森林大火失控,从全国各地和邻国新西兰飞来的消防员正在与这些大火作斗争。#热词加油站optimize/ˈɒptɪmaɪz/【充分利用】corruption/kəˈrʌpʃ(ə)n/【贪污】delegate/ˈdelɪɡət/【代表】statutory/ˈstætʃətri/【法定】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
11/2/20236 minutes, 5 seconds
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10/31 TOP NEWS|香山论坛闭幕/神舟十六号载人飞船成功着陆/日央行微调货币政策

NEWS ON 10/311.10TH BEIJING XIANGSHAN FORUM CONCLUDES第十届北京香山论坛闭幕2.SHENZHOU-16 CREW RETURNS TO EARTH神舟十六号载人飞船返回舱成功着陆3.BANK OF JAPAN LOOSENS CONTROL OF BOND YIELDS 日央行放松对长期收益率的控制-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1. 10TH BEIJING XIANGSHAN FORUM CONCLUDES第十届北京香山论坛闭幕The 10th Beijing Xiangshan Forum concluded today with about 1,800 security officials and scholars having in-depth discussions on common security and lasting peace. Zhang Yue has more.第十届北京香山论坛今天闭幕,约1800名国防官员和学者就共同安全与持久和平进行了深入讨论。记者张乐带来更多报道。During a speech this morning, Nong Rong农融, China's Assistant Foreign Minister, said since the outbreak of another conflict between Israel and Hamas, China has dispatched special envoys to regional countries, and provided humanitarian【人道主义】assistance to Palestinians in a timely manner.外交部部长助理农融在今天上午(10/31)的演讲中说,自以色列与哈马斯再次爆发冲突以来,中国向地区国家派遣了特使,并及时向巴勒斯坦提供了人道主义援助。Nong Rong, Chinese Assistant Foreign Minister农融 外交部部长助理“On the issue of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, China will continue to promote an early ceasefire and an end to the war with all parties, stand firm, avoid humanitarian disasters, and push for the Palestinian issue back to the right track of the two-country solution, so as to achieve a comprehensive, just and lasting solution.”“在巴以冲突问题上,中方将继续积极推动有关方面尽快停火止战,避免人道灾难,推动巴勒斯坦问题重回"两国方案"正确轨道,得到全面公正持久解决。”In addressing the Ukrainian crisis, Nong said China will be committed to the right direction of promoting peace talks, calling on all parties to work for cessation【停止】of hostilities and de-escalation and create conditions for restarting talks, and strive persistently for peace. Nong stated that to further deepen, solidify, stabilize and expand the Global Security Initiative, and to grow international consensus on maintaining common security, China will continue to work with all parties for dialogue and exchanges on global security issues in various forms.针对乌克兰危机,农融表示,中方将坚持劝和促谈正确方向,呼吁各方推动停火降温,为重启谈判创造条件,持之以恒地争取和平。农融表示,为进一步深化、巩固、稳定以及扩展全球安全倡议,增进维护共同安全的国际共识,中方将继续与各方一道,就全球安全问题开展多种形式的对话与交流。Nong Rong, Chinese Assistant Foreign Minister农融 外交部部长助理“China will oppose the formation of small circles based on ideology and confrontation. China will hold high-level conferences on the Global Security Initiative at an appropriate time, and build more international consensus【共识】on jointly tackling challenges and safeguarding common security.”“中方将持续同各方围绕全球安全问题,开展多种形式的对话交流,反对以意识形态划线搞小圈子煽动分裂对抗。中方将适时举办以(全球安全)倡议,为主题的高级别活动,同各方加强理念交流,深化政策沟通,进一步凝聚国际社会合作,应对挑战,维护共同安全的共识。”After the speech, the third and fourth plenary sessions of the Xiangshan Forum were held, during which representatives from many countries and international organizations delivered speeches. Singapore's defense minister urged Asian countries to avoid a physical conflict, saying that Asia needs China and the United States to improve relations. 演讲结束后,香山论坛举行了第三、四次全体会议。来自多个国家和国际组织的代表发表了演讲。新加坡国防部长敦促亚洲各国避免实际冲突,并表示亚洲需要中国和美国改善关系。2.SHENZHOU-16 CREW RETURNS TO EARTH神舟十六号载人飞船返回舱成功着陆The Shenzhou-16 returned to Earth with three astronauts aboard at 8:11am at the Dongfeng Landing Site in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. The China Manned Space Agency said all three are in good health and their mission was successful. Zhang Hong tells us more.上午8时11分(10/31),载有三名航天员的神舟十六号飞船在内蒙古自治区的东风着陆场成功着陆。中国载人航天工程办公室表示,三名航天员身体状况良好,任务圆满成功。记者张泓带来更多报道。The return capsule【太空舱】separated from Shenzhou-16's orbiting capsule at 7:21am. The brake engine then ignited and the return capsule separated from the propulsion capsule. The ground search team arrived at the landing site soon after the return capsule landed. All three crew had left the return capsule by 9:10am.上午7时21分,返回舱与神舟十六号载人飞船的轨道舱分离。制动发动机随后点火,返回舱与推进舱分离。返回舱着陆后,地面搜索队很快到达着陆点。上午9时10分,三名航天员全部离开返回舱。Jing Haipeng, Shenzhou-16 Astronaut景海鹏 神舟十六号航天员“I'm finally home, to my motherland after our five-month mission. All operations were carried out without any mistakes.”“我终于回家了,回到祖国母亲的怀抱。五个月的任务我们已经顺利完成了。所有操作,包括指令发送,没有出任何差错,零失误,零差错##。”Zhu Yangzhu, Shenzhou-16 Astronaut朱杨柱 神舟十六号航天员“We coordinated well in successfully completing various tasks and witnessed the glorious space station Tiangong, the country's national space laboratory. China's space station is always worth looking forward to.”“我们乘组一心,天地一心,圆满完成了各项任务,充分见证了我们中国“天宫”空间站的靓丽风采,中国空间站永远值得期待。”Gui Haichao, Shenzhou-16 Astronaut桂海潮 神舟十六号航天员“Everyday I spent in the space station was wonderful. I look forward to traveling to it again to explore more scientific mysteries.”“在空间站里的每一天都过得充实美妙,期待再次到中国空间站出差,探索更多的科学奥秘。”Jing Haipeng was the first Chinese astronaut to complete four space missions, which amounted to more than 200 days combined. Zhu Yangzhu was the country's first spaceflight engineer to go to space and Gui Haichao was the country's first civilian astronaut and first payload expert in space. 景海鹏是中国首位完成四次太空任务的航天员,四次任务总计超过200天。朱杨柱是中国首位进入太空的航天工程师,桂海潮是中国首位民用航天员和首位飞天的载荷专家。The China Manned Space Agency said it means the mission has laid a good foundation for the crewed spaceflight program and bigger experiments in space. 中国载人航天工程办公室表示,这次任务的成功为载人航天计划和更大规模的太空实验奠定了良好的基础。3. BANK OF JAPAN LOOSENS CONTROL OF BOND YIELDS 日央行放松对长期收益率的控制Japan's central bank's policy board announced today it has finally ended its years-long policy of capping long-term interest rates. Meaning the yields on the 10-year Japanese government bond are now allowed to rise above 1 percent. Sun Siqi has the story.日本央行政策委员会今天宣布,日本央行结束了长达多年的长期利率上限政策。10年期日本国债收益率现在可以超过1%。记者孙思奇带来报道。The Bank of Japan said the 1 percent ceiling would be seen as a reference, and that it has decided to increase the flexibility in its "yield curve control" policy, under which the bank has kept the 10-year bond yield at around 0 percent. 日本央行表示,1%的上限将被视为一个参考,该行已决定增加其“收益率曲线控制”政策的灵活性。根据该政策,该行已将10年期债券收益率保持在0%左右。The central bank kept its policy rate at minus 0.1 percent, maintaining the world's only negative interest rates. 日本央行将其政策利率维持在-0.1%,这是全球唯一的负利率央行。Despite the interest rate cap rise, it still significantly revised its inflation forecast upward, saying it expects 2.8 percent core inflation in the 2024 fiscal year, instead of its previous forecast of 1.9 percent.尽管利率上限上调,但日本央行仍大幅上调了通胀预期,其称预计2024财年核心通胀率为 2.8%,而不是之前预测的1.9%。Also in Japan, the operator of the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant says five workers there may have been exposed to several liters of liquid containing radioactive substances, instead of the 100 milliliters that was reported shortly after the exposure occurred. 同样在日本,瘫痪了的福岛电站称,该核电站的五名工人可能接触了几升含有放射性物质的液体,而不是发生后不久报告的100毫升。The workers were accidentally splashed with the liquid last week when they were cleaning pipes for the plant's water purification【净化】system used to treat water accumulating at the plant. 上周,这些工人在清洗用于处理核电站积水的水净化系统的管道时,不慎被液体溅到。2 of the workers that were hospitalized for decontamination【去污】treatment have already been released. 其中2名住院接受净化治疗的工人已经出院。The third round of treated wastewater release will commence in 2 days. 第三轮处理后废水的排放将在两天后开始。A poll by a Japanese news network found support for Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida has slid to 26.9 percent, the lowest since he took office 2 years ago. 全日本新闻网的民调结果显示,日本首相岸田文雄领导的内阁支持率跌至26.9%,为其就任首相两年以来新低。#热词加油站 humanitarian /hjuːˌmænɪˈteəriən/【人道主义】cessation /seˈseɪʃn/【停止】consensus /kənˈsensəs/【共识】capsule /ˈkæpsjuːl/【太空舱】purification /ˌpjʊərɪfɪ'keɪʃ(ə)n/【净化】decontamination /ˌdiːkənˌtæmɪˈneɪʃn/【去污】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
10/31/20235 minutes, 50 seconds
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10/13 TOP NEWS|商务部回应欧盟对华钢铁企业反补贴调查/汇金增持四大行/加沙危机恶化

NEWS ON 10/121.COMMERCE MINISTRY: EU STEELMAKERS ANTI-SUBSIDY�PROBE DISRUPTS TRADE RULES商务部回应欧盟或宣布对华钢铁企业开展反补贴调查2. CENTRAL HUJIIN INCREASES STAKES IN FOUR MAJOR CHINESE BANKS国家队”出手!中央汇金斥资4.77亿元增持四大行股份3.GAZA CRISIS GROWS UNDER INTENSE BOMBARDMENT多地被炸成废墟加沙人道危机急剧恶化----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1.COMMERCE MINISTRY: EU STEELMAKERS ANTI-SUBSIDY�PROBE DISRUPTS TRADE RULES商务部回应欧盟或宣布对华钢铁企业开展反补贴调查The Ministry of Commerce said today that China firmly opposes unilateralism and trade protectionism that abuses trade remedies in response to a reporter's query over the European Union's plan to conduct an anti-subsidy probe into Chinese steelmakers. A spokesperson said such an approach would disrupt international trade rules, increase downstream manufacturing costs and harm the interests of consumers, which is detrimental【不利的】 to the stability of the global supply chain.商务部今日(10/12)就欧盟计划对中国钢铁企业开展反补贴调查答记者问时表示,中方坚决反对滥用贸易救济措施的单边主义和贸易保护主义。发言人表示,欧方上述做法扰乱国际贸易秩序,推高下游生产成本,影响消费者利益,无益于全球产业链供应链稳定。2. CENTRAL HUJIIN INCREASES STAKES IN FOUR MAJOR CHINESE BANKS国家队”出手!中央汇金斥资4.77亿元增持四大行股份Central Huijin Investment, an arm of China's sovereign wealth fund, has increased its stake in the country's four biggest commercial banks. Lei Shuran has more.中投公司的子公司中央汇金投资有限责任公司增持了中国四大商业银行的股份。本台记者雷舒然带来更多报道。According to the banks' announcements released yesterday, Central Huijin has bought shares in Bank of China, Agricultural Bank of China, China Construction Bank, and Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, together worth about 477 million yuan. It plans to further boost these investments in the coming six months, according to the disclosures【透露的秘闻】.根据各家银行昨天(10/11)发布的公告,中央汇金已购买了中国银行、中国农业银行、中国建设银行和中国工商银行的股票,总价值约为 4.77 亿元。根据披露的信息,汇金公司拟在未来六个月内进一步增持股份。Hong Hao Grow Investment Group洪灏,香港对冲基金负责人“虽然它(增持)的百分比非常小,但是更多的还是一个信号的作用,那市场很明显就get到了这个信号。这个也是对于现在市场估值非常低或者说非常便宜的一个肯定。”“Although the percentages of the stake increase were quite small, it's still a positive sign and the market clearly got it. It's also an affirmation that market valuations are very low right now.”The move encouraged trade to heat up in the A-share market today, with more than 3,200 stocks rising, and has also driven calls for the establishment of a stabilization fund.受此利好消息影响,今日 A 股市场交易升温,3200 多只股票上涨,同时也推动了建立平准基金的呼声。Zhang Chi, Sinolink Securities张弛国金证券首席策略分析师“当如果只看到增量资金往外面流出的话,市场是恐慌的,但如果当外资在往外流出的时候,非理性流出的情况下,然后基本面又是支持的,然后我们的估值也是比较偏低的情况下,这时候如果看到做多力量起来的话,那市场的信心实际上是会起来的。”“If there are only incremental【增加的】 outflows, the market will panic. But if the fundamentals get supported when irrational【非理性的】 outflows occur, and at the same time funds take long-term positions when valuations are low, then the market's confidence will increase accordingly.”Headquartered in Beijing, Central Huijin was established in 2003 and mandated【委托统治的】to exercise the rights and obligations of an investor in major state-owned financial enterprises.       中央汇金公司总部位于北京,成立于 2003 年,代表国家依法对国有重点金融企业行使出资人权利和履行出资人义务。3.GAZA CRISIS GROWS UNDER INTENSE BOMBARDMENT多地被炸成废墟加沙人道危机急剧恶化More than 2,400 have been killed on both sides and at least 8,700 more have been wounded in the Israel-Hamas conflict that has gone on for six days. Stephen Rancourt has the story.在已持续六天的巴以冲突中,双方已有 2400 多人丧生,至少 8700 多人受伤。Stephen Rancourt带来详细报道。Hamas militants continued to fire rockets at Israel, including a heavy barrage at the southern town of Ashkelon yesterday.哈马斯武装分子继续向以色列发射火箭弹,包括昨天对南部城镇阿什凯隆的猛烈袭击。Fierce Hamas-Israeli clashes have led to a massive flight cancellation at Ben Gurion International Airport in Tel Aviv.激烈的巴以冲突导致以色列特拉维夫·本·古里安国际机场的大量航班取消。The Israeli military released video clips yesterday, showing airstrikes on the Islamic University of Gaza, which Israel says is an "important Hamas operational, political and military center".以色列军方昨天公布的视频片段显示,加沙伊斯兰大学遭到空袭,以色列称该大学是“哈马斯重要的行动、政治和军事中心”。Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was joined by a top political rival yesterday, to create an emergency government overseeing retribution for the attack by Hamas militants.昨天,以色列总理本雅明·内塔尼亚胡与反对党组建了一个紧急联合政府,负责监督哈马斯武装分子袭击事件的报复行动。Israel's President Isaac Herzog said today that there's no mercy for terror when describing his country's fight against Hamas in the Gaza Strip.以色列总统伊萨克·赫尔佐格今天在谈到以色列在加沙地带与哈马斯的冲突时说,对恐怖活动绝不手软。US Secretary of State Antony Blinken arrived in Tel Aviv, today. Later, he will travel to Amman to meet King Abdullah II of Jordan. US President Joe Biden has pledged to send more munitions and military hardware to Israel, an aircraft carrying advanced armaments to southern Israel's Nevatim Airbase yesterday.美国国务卿安东尼·布林肯今天抵达特拉维夫。随后,他将前往安曼会见约旦国王阿卜杜拉二世。美国总统乔·拜登已承诺向以色列运送更多弹药和军事装备,一架载有先进武器的飞机已于昨天飞抵以色列南部的内瓦提姆空军基地。The United Nations said yesterday that at least 11 UN employees have been killed in Israeli airstrikes, and more than 330,000 people have been displaced in Gaza. Over two-thirds are taking shelter in UN-run schools.联合国昨天表示,至少有11名联合国雇员在以色列的空袭中丧生,加沙有超过33万人流离失所。超过三分之二的人在联合国开办的学校避难。Mohamed Elqura, Gazan加沙民众“Life has ended in Gaza. The Palestinian residents in Gaza are in UNRWA shelters but they have no water, no electricity, and no bread. And there are children, children who have no diapers, no milk and nothing of life's necessities.”“加沙的正常生活结束了,加沙的巴勒斯坦人在联合国近东救济处的避难所,但他们没有水、电和食物,孩子们没有尿布,也没有牛奶和其他一切生活必需品。”The Arab League convened an emergency meeting yesterday to discuss the intensifying Israeli aggression. The meeting underscored the necessity for international cooperation to halt the surge of violence and ensure aid reaches the impacted regions.阿拉伯联盟昨天召开紧急会议,讨论以色列不断加剧的攻击挑衅。会议强调了国际合作的必要性,以制止暴力的激增并确保援助送达受影响地区。#热词加油站detrimental/ˌdetrɪˈment(ə)l/【不利的】disclosures/dɪsˈkləʊʒə(r)/【透露的秘闻】incremental/ˌɪŋkrəˈment(ə)l/【增加的】irrational/ɪˈræʃən(ə)l/【非理性的】mandated/ˈmændeɪtɪd/【委托统治的】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
10/13/20234 minutes, 20 seconds
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10/12 TOP NEWS|首批风电机组出口埃及/中欧班列-进博号满载展品抵沪/人权理事会改选

NEWS ON 10/111. FIRST WIND TURBINES READY TO SHIP TO EGYPT中国电建埃及500MW风电项目首批风电机组发运2. SHANGHAI WELCOMES CHINA-EUROPE FREIGHT TRAIN PACKED WITH CIIE GOODS今年首列“中欧班列—进博号”抵沪,货值逾1600万欧元3. 15 STATES ELECTED MEMBERS OF U.N. HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL中国连任!15国当选联合国人权理事会成员----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1.FIRST WIND TURBINES READY TO SHIP TO EGYPT中国电建埃及500MW风电项目首批风电机组发运In the 10 years since the Belt-and-Road Initiative was proposed, China has been shipping wind turbines【涡轮机】 to participating countries. Today, the parts of what will become the largest wind farm in Africa have been loaded onto a cargo ship. Once assembled, the wind turbines will provide electricity to almost 1 million residents in Cairo, Egypt. Sun Siqi has the story.自“一带一路”倡议提出以来的10年里,中国一直在向参与国家出口风电机组。今天(10/11),用以打造非洲最大风电场的部分零部件已被装上货船。组装完毕后,这些风力发电机将为埃及开罗市近100万居民供电。本台记者孙思齐带来详细报道。At the port of Lyusigang in Nantong, the first 7 wind turbines were being loaded.在南通市吕四港,第一批7台风电设备正在装载中。唐坤中波轮船股份公司货运技术中心港口船长“塔筒总共是28节、主机是7个。总共包括叶片21片。”“That is 28 tower parts, 7 turbines and 21 blades.”Each blade【叶片】 is 84 meters in length, or about the height of a 30-story building.每片叶片长84米,约相当于30层楼的高度。The port is being developed in the direction of a specialty dock for general cargo, like the parts being shipped this time.吕四港正致力于发展成普通货物专用码头,如这次运输的风电设备零部件。For this particular shipment, the port has made ample preparations.对于这次的装运,港口做好了充分的准备工作。Zhen Jie, Deputy GM of Nantong Tongyang Port Co.镇杰南通通洋港口有限公司常务副总经理“我们精心准备,包括这个重件的抬吊、包括超长叶片的起吊,双机抬吊协同作业等方面做了大量要求,确保这个船期能够及时(发运)。”“We have a step-by-step procedure on how to lift the heavy parts, how to load the oversized blades, and how to operate the twin cranes, all to make sure the ship sets sail on time.”Loading was completed this afternoon and the ship Dadanxia will sail tomorrow for Adabiya Port in Egypt. Another 5 ships will carry the remaining 35 turbines.装载工作已于今天下午完成,明天“大丹霞”号将驶往埃及阿达比亚港。另外。还有5艘船将运输剩下的35台风电设备。Once the turbines and booster stations are assembled and completed, the wind farm will produce electricity at an output of 500-megawatts. The project is part of the Egyptian government's plan to have renewable energy make up 42 percent of its total by 2035.风电机和升压站组装完成后,风电场的发电量将达到500兆瓦。该项目是埃及政府综合可持续能源战略计划中的一部分,到2035年,埃及42%的电力供应将来自可再生能源。2.SHANGHAI WELCOMES CHINA-EUROPE FREIGHT TRAIN PACKED WITH CIIE GOODS今年首列“中欧班列—进博号”抵沪,货值逾1600万欧元A freight train, which departed from Duisburg, Germany at the end of September, arrived in Shanghai this afternoon. This is the first freight train of the year to be exclusively【专门的】 carrying exhibits for the upcoming China International Import Expo next month. Reporter Zhang Yue brings us more.今天(10/11)下午,一列9月底从德国杜伊斯堡出发的货运列车抵达上海。这是今年首列专为下月即将举行的中国国际进口博览会运送展品的货运列车。本台记者张乐带来详细报道。The train entered China via the Alataw Pass, a major rail port in Xinjiang on October 6th, it arrived at Minhang District Freight Train Transportation Station this afternoon. Most of the transported goods are cosmetics, with a total value of about 16 million euros.这趟列车于10月6日经新疆重要铁路口岸阿拉塔图口岸进入中国,并于今天下午抵达闵行区货运列车运输站。运输的货物大部分是化妆品,总价值约1600万欧元。Tang Hao, Deputy General Manager of DB Cargo Transasia Co. Ltd.唐昊德铁承亚国际货运代理(上海)有限公司副总经理“这次整列的进博号上面所有的货物都是要参加今年的进博会的,一共有35个集装箱,部分商品先展示,会后,所有的商品就要在中国进行销售。”“There are a total of 35 containers on the train. All the exhibits will be sold in the China market, after they're displayed at the 6th CIIE.”This is the fourth time a freight train has arrived from Europe carrying goods exclusively for the China International Import Expo since the CIIE-Express line began operating last year.这是自去年进博会快线投入运营以来,第四列送抵的运输进博会参展展品的中欧班列。Zhang Yue, Reporter张乐本台记者Two more CIIE Express freight trains from Germany will arrive in Shanghai before the fair opens on November 5th. The two trains are hauling 210 standard containers. Their cargo is valued at more than 350 million yuan.在11月5日进博会开幕前,还将有两列德国始发的“中欧班列-进博号”抵达上海。这两列班列预计承运 210个标箱货物,货值超过3.5亿元人民币。Zhu Yi, Deputy President ofOrient International Group朱毅东方国际集团公司副总裁“总计货值大概在3.5亿人民币,主要的产品包括高端的消费品,主要是一些高档的化妆品以及一些高档的设备,人工(智能)AI的设备。”“The cargo is mainly high-end consumer products, mostly cosmetics, but there is also some equipment and components for the Artificial Intelligence industry.”Wei Wei,Shanghai Train Station Customs魏巍上海车站海关铁路监管科副科长“我们今年延续了以往的进博专窗和班列绿色窗口的模式,通过优化监管流程,今年实现了无需查验的货物轨边直提、需要查验的货物即查即放,确保货物高效通关。”“We have streamlined the whole customs clearance process for exhibits on the CIIE Express. Cargo that does not need examination can be unloaded directly.”For the first time, electronic bills of lading were put into use to speed up the the clearance procedure.值得一提的是,本次“进博号”列车实现了铁路电子提单的应用,,加快了清关程序。Li Chaoyang, Deputy GMof China Construction Bank, Shanghai Branch李朝阳中国建行上海市分行副行长“铁路电子提单通过特定平台实现全程线上流转,大大提升单据周转效率、降低交易成本,有效促进贸易便利化,未来还将改善铁路运输企业融资难等痛点问题。上海建行将继续践行新金融理念,金融赋能进博,全力服务上海五个中心建设和全市高质量发展。”“A railway electronic bill of lading improves efficiency and reduces transaction costs, promoting trade facilitation. Future improvements will address pain points such as financing difficulties for railway transportation companies.”The CIIE Express makes use of the China-Europe freight service line, during the past ten years, approximately 77,000 China-Europe freight trains have delivered goods to 217 cities in 25 European and Eurasian countries.在过去十年间,“进博号”所行驶的中欧货运铁路线上,约77,000列中欧货运班列将货物送达欧洲和欧亚大陆 25个国家的217个城市。3.15 STATES ELECTED MEMBERS OF U.N. HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL中国连任!15国当选联合国人权理事会成员The United Nations General Assembly elected 15 new countries yesterday, to serve on the Human Rights Council for a three-year term starting January 1, 2024. Stephen Rancourt has more.联合国大会昨天(10/10)选举产生了15个新的人权理事会成员国,任期将于2024年1月1日开始,为期3年。本台记者Stephen Rancourt带来详细报道。After the ballots【选票】 were cast and counted, Burundi, Cote d'Ivoire, Ghana, Malawi, China, Indonesia, Japan, Kuwait; Albania, Bulgaria, Brazil, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, France and the Netherlands were elected.经过投票和计票,此次选出的联合国人权理事会成员为:布隆迪、科特迪瓦、加纳、马拉维、中国、印度尼西亚、日本、科威特、阿尔巴尼亚、保加利亚、巴西、古巴、多米尼加共和国、法国和荷兰。This is the sixth time that China has served as a member of the UN Human Rights Council, making it one of the countries with the most elections to this position.这是中国第六次担任联合国人权理事会成员,是当选次数最多的国家之一。Established in 2006, the Geneva-based UN Human Rights Council is responsible for promoting and protecting human rights. About a third of its 47 members are replaced every year so that the council members serve staggered【错列的】 three-year terms for the sake of continuity.联合国人权理事会成立于2006年,负责促进和保护人权,总部设于瑞士日内瓦。理事会47名成员中每年更换约三分之一,因此理事会成员的三年任期交错排列,以保持连续性。Dai Bing, deputy permanent representative of China to the UN, said yesterday that the attempt of the United States to suppress developing countries by using human rights issues is doomed to fail. Dai made the remarks at an interactive dialog held by the third committee of the UN Human Rights Committee with the High Commissioner on Human Rights Volker Türk in Gevena.昨日,中国常驻联合国副代表戴兵在与联合国人权事务委员会第三委员会与人权事务高级专员福尔克尔·蒂尔克(Volker Türk)在日内瓦举行的互动对话上表示,美国利用人权问题压制发展中国家的企图注定要失败。Dai Bing, China's Deputy Permanent Representative to the UN戴兵中国常驻联合国副代表“凡是去过中国的人和任何不带偏见的人都知道,中国新疆各族人民和谐相处,西藏经济社会不断繁荣进步,香港各界民众依法享有广泛权利和自由,任何涉华谎言在事实面前都不攻自破。”“Anyone who has been to China and anyone without prejudice knows that people of all ethnic groups in China's Xinjiang live in harmony, Xizang has achieved economic and social prosperity and progress, and people in Hong Kong enjoy extensive rights and freedoms in accordance with the law. Any lies about China are self-defeating in the face of these facts.”Dai called on all parties to fully respect that all countries have the right to choose their own path of advancing human rights based on their own national conditions. He also called for the joint opposition to the politicization human rights in order to interfere in other countries' internal affairs, or in an attempt to contain other countries' development.戴兵呼吁各方充分尊重各国根据本国国情自主选择人权发展道路,共同反对将人权问题政治化,坚决反对以人权为借口干涉别国内政,围堵遏制别国发展。#热词加油站turbines /ˈtɜːbaɪn/【汽轮机】 blade /bleɪd/【(船或飞机螺旋桨的)桨叶】exclusively /ɪkˈskluːsɪvli/【专门的】ballot/ˈbælət/【选票】staggered/ˈstæɡəd/【错列的】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
10/12/20235 minutes, 58 seconds
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10/11 TOP NEWS|《共建“一带一路”》白皮书/三季度发展指数回升/联合国:深感悲痛

NEWS ON 10/101.CHINA RELEASES WHITE PAPER ON BELT AND ROAD COOPERATION《共建“一带一路”:构建人类命运共同体的重大实践》白皮书发布2. CHINA'S SME DEVELOPMENT INDEX RISES IN THIRD QUARTER三季度中国中小企业发展指数回升3. U.N. AIRS CONCERNS FOR CIVILIANS AS ISRAEL STEPS UP MILITARY RESPONSE IN GAZA联合国秘书长:对以色列宣布全面围困加沙深感悲痛-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1. CHINA RELEASES WHITE PAPER ON BELT AND ROAD COOPERATION《共建“一带一路”:构建人类命运共同体的重大实践》白皮书发布The State Council Information Office released a white paper today titled "The Belt and Road Initiative: A Key Pillar of the Global Community of Shared Future." The white paper said that over the past decade, China has signed deals with more than 150 countries and 30-plus international organizations under the Belt and Road Initiative. Zhang Yue has the story.国务院新闻办公室今日发表《共建“一带一路”:构建人类命运共同体的重大实践》。其中提出,十年来,中国在 "一带一路 "倡议下与150多个国家和30多个国际组织签署了合作协议。记者张乐带来报道。Cong Liang, the deputy director of the National Development and Reform Commission said that ten years on, China has yielded tangible【实际的】 and substantial achievements with the participating countries of the Belt and Road Initiative. Cong said that a number of landmark infrastructure connectivity projects have been completed including the China-Laos Railway, the Jakarta-Bandung High-Speed Railway, the Hungary-Serbia railway and the Piraeus Port.国家发改委副主任丛亮表示,十年来,中国与“一带一路”倡议参与国取得了实实在在的巨大成就。丛亮说,中国与“一带一路”沿线国家已经建成了一批具有里程碑意义的基础设施互联互通项目,包括中国—老挝铁路、雅加达—万隆高速铁路、匈牙利—塞尔维亚铁路和比雷埃夫斯港。Cong Liang, Deputy Director,National Development & Reform Commission丛亮 国家发展改革委副主任 “China-Europe freight trains have established a new logistics channel between Asia and Europe. An international shipping route network under "Silk Road Shipping" has spread all over the world. Based on a framework comprising "six corridors, six routes, and multiple countries and ports," a multi-tiered and multidimensional infrastructure【基础设施】 network is taking shape.”“中老铁路、雅万高铁、匈塞铁路、比雷埃夫斯港等一批标志性项目陆续建成并投运,中欧班列开辟了亚欧陆路运输新通道,"丝路海运"国际航线网络遍及全球,"六廊六路多国多港"的互联互通架构基本形成。”The official also said since the China-Laos Railway opened in December 2021, a total of over 20.9 million trips have been made and 25.36 million tons of cargo【货物】 has been transported via the railway as of early September. A total of 25 provinces in China have opened international freight trains on the China-Laos Railway that reaches Laos, Thailand, Myanmar, Malaysia, Cambodia, Singapore and other countries, significantly increasing economic and trade exchanges between China and ASEAN. 丛亮还表示,自2021年12月中老铁路开通以来,截至9月初,通过该铁路运输的货物已累计超过2090万车次,2536万吨。中国共有25个省份开通了中老铁路国际货运班列,通达老挝、泰国、缅甸、马来西亚、柬埔寨、新加坡等国家,大大增加了中国与东盟的经贸往来。Li Kexin, Director,Dept. of Int'l Economics Affairs, Chinese Foreign Ministry李克新 外交部国际经济司司长“Infrastructure plays an important role in promoting global economic growth and boosting development across every country. Since the initiative was proposed in 2013, Laos has been transformed from a landlocked country to a land-linked hub, the Maldives has its first cross-sea bridge, Indonesia has its first high-speed railway, and East Africa has its first cross-border electrified railway.”“基础设施对促进世界经济增长,推动各国民生发展具有重要的作用,老挝从"陆锁国"变成"陆联国",马尔代夫拥有了第一座跨海大桥,印度尼西亚迈入高铁时代,东非拥有了一条跨国电气化铁路亚吉铁路,当地人民生活得到了巨大改善。”Officials also said representatives from 130 countries as well as 30 international organizations will participate in the upcoming Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation in Beijing this month. 他们还表示,来自130个国家和30个国际组织的代表将参加本月即将在北京举行的“一带一路”国际合作高峰论坛。2.CHINA'S SME DEVELOPMENT INDEX RISES IN THIRD QUARTER三季度中国中小企业发展指数回升According to latest industry data, the index that measures the operational health of Chinese small- and medium-sized companies rose during the third quarter of this year compared to the previous quarter, and a year earlier. Lei Shuran has more.根据最新的行业数据,今年第三季度衡量中国中小企业运营健康状况的指数与上一季度和去年同期相比均有所上升。记者雷舒然带来更多报道。The China Small and Medium Enterprises Development Index came in at 89.2 in the three months ending September 30th, showing some contraction but still up from 89 in the second quarter and 88.3 in the third quarter of 2022. The numbers are based on survey results, and announced yesterday by the China Association of Small and Medium Enterprises. A mark above 100 indicates expansion.截至9月30日的三个月内,中国中小企业发展指数为89.2,虽然有所收缩,但仍高于第二季度的89和2022年第三季度的88.3。中国中小企业协会昨天公布了这一调查数据。100分以上表示扩张。Xie Ji, Secretary General,CASME谢极 中国中小企业协会秘书长“With the introduction of a series of policies and their effects showing, the index returned to an upward trend in the third quarter, higher than that of the same period in 2022 and approaching the highest point in 2 years.”“随着一系列政策组合拳的出台##以及效果的不断显现,三季度(中国中小企业发展)指数重回上升区间,高于2022年同期水平,接近2年来最高点位”The macroeconomic sentiment【观点】 index, which reflects SMEs' confidence in future development, rose 0.5 point to 98.9 in the third quarter. 反映中小企业对未来发展信心的宏观经济景气指数在第三季度上升了0.5点,达到98.9。Liu Yuhang, Director,China Logistics Information Center刘宇航 中国物流信息中心主任“The demand from the e-commerce logistics segment shows an increase and it is maintaining rapid growth, this indicates that the willingness of residents to consume is gradually increasing.”“整个电商物流的板块的这种需求增速,也还保持了一个(快速)增长的状态,说明整个我们居民消费的意愿在逐步地增强”The association added that smaller businesses still face problems due to the complex economic environment, as a result of fierce market competition, rising business costs, declining efficiency and tight capital.该协会补充说,由于市场竞争激烈、商业成本上升、效率下降和资金紧张,小型企业仍然面临着复杂的经济环境问题。3. U.N. AIRS CONCERNS FOR CIVILIANS AS ISRAEL STEPS UP MILITARY RESPONSE IN GAZA联合国秘书长:对以色列宣布全面围困加沙深感悲痛The United Nations said yesterday that nearly 140,000 people in Gaza were now sheltering in sites run by an aid agency for Palestinians. The UN expressed growing concerns about humanitarian needs in Palestinian areas, as Israel ratchets up military its response and a complete blockade【封锁】 of Gaza. Zhang Yue has more.联合国昨日提出,加沙有近14万人目前在一个援助机构为巴勒斯坦人民管理的场所避难。联合国对巴勒斯坦地区的人道主义需求表示日益关切,因为以色列正在加紧军事行动,全面封锁加沙。记者张乐带来更多报道。Israel had announced a total blockade on Gaza, including a ban on admission of water, food, electricity and fuel. Gaza, as one of the world's most water-stressed regions, relies on Israel for nearly 50 percent of water resources and about two-thirds of its electricity. Experts say the bombing and destruction of Gaza's already weak infrastructure will make matters worse and more disease will follow.以色列宣布对加沙实行全面封锁,包括禁止输入水、食品、电力和燃料。加沙是世界上水资源最紧张的地区之一,近50%的水资源和约三分之二的电力都依赖以色列。专家说,轰炸和破坏加沙本已薄弱的基础设施将使情况变得更糟,更多的疾病也将随之而来。United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres yesterday expressed concerns over a complete siege【围困】 of the Gaza Strip, and called for humanitarian aid to be provided in the region.联合国秘书长安东尼奥·古特雷斯(Antonio Guterres)昨天对加沙地带遭到全面围困表示关切,并呼吁向该地区提供人道主义援助。Antonio Guterres,UN Secretary General古特雷斯 联合国秘书长“And I urge all sides and the relevant parties to allow United Nations access to deliver urgent humanitarian assistance to the Gaza Strip. ”“我呼吁各方保证联合国,能够向被困加沙地带的民众运送人道主义物资”Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan yesterday had a phone call with his Israeli counterpart Isaac (eet-zak) Herzog and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas. He said Turkey would continue its efforts to end the conflicts and ensure permanent peace in the region. 土耳其总统雷杰普·塔伊普·埃尔多安昨天与以色列总统伊萨克·赫尔佐格和巴勒斯坦总统马哈茂德·阿巴斯通了电话。他说,土耳其将继续努力结束冲突,确保该地区的长期和平。Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov met with head of the Arab League, Ahmed Aboul Gheit yesterday. He said that the Palestinian problem should not be delayed further. Russia and the Arab League would work to "stop the blood-shed" in Israel and Gaza. 俄罗斯外交部长谢尔盖·拉夫罗夫昨天会见了阿拉伯联盟首脑艾哈迈德·阿布·盖特。他说,巴勒斯坦问题不应再拖延下去。俄罗斯和阿盟将努力“制止”以色列和加沙的 "血腥冲突"。#热词加油站 tangible /ˈtændʒəbl/【实际的】infrastructure /ˈɪnfrəstrʌktʃə(r) /【基础设施】cargo /ˈkɑːɡəʊ/【货物】sentiment /ˈsentɪmənt/【观点】blockade /blɒˈkeɪd/【封锁】siege /siːdʒ/【围困】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
10/11/20235 minutes, 50 seconds
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10/10 TOP NEWS|杭州亚运会圆满闭幕/台风“小犬”登陆/“上海号”慕尼黑首列发车

NEWS ON 10/091. 19TH ASIAN GAMES CLOSE AS 'UNPRECEDENTED SUCCESS'杭州亚运会圆满闭幕2."KOINU" NOW A TROPICAL DEPRESSION, HEAVY RAIN CONTINUES IN GUANGDONG广东:台风“小犬”携风带雨 多地提升应急响应3.FIRST SHANGHAI-MUNICH FREIGHT TRAIN DEPARTS“中欧班列-上海号”慕尼黑首列发车-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1. 19TH ASIAN GAMES CLOSE AS 'UNPRECEDENTED SUCCESS'杭州亚运会圆满闭幕The 19th Asian Games ended yesterday in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province. The closing ceremony was themed "Enduring Memories of Hangzhou" and was used to highlight how sports have the power to unite people. Zhang Yue has the story. 昨天,第19届亚运会在浙江杭州落下帷幕。闭幕式主题是“最忆是杭州”,彰显了体育凝聚人心的力量。记者张乐带来报道。Premier Li Qiang attended the closing ceremony at the Hangzhou Olympic Sports Center Stadium. 国务院总理李强出席了在杭州奥体中心体育场举行的闭幕式。Over 16 days, around 12,000 athletes from 45 countries and regions shared unforgettable moments in Hangzhou. One could argue that the Asian Games be renamed the "China Games" after the host nation dominated the podium【讲台】once again. In the end, Chinaclinched【搂抱】201 golds, 111 silvers and 71 bronzes, finishing atop the medal tally for the 11th straight time since 1982. 在这16天里,来自45个国家和地区的约12000名运动员在杭州共度了难忘的时刻。有人说,在东道主再次称霸领奖台之后,亚运会更名为“中国运动会”。最终,中国将201 枚金牌、111枚银牌和71枚铜牌收入囊中,自1982年以来连续第11次蝉联亚运会奖牌榜榜首。Gao Zhidan高志丹, organizing committee president of the games, also president of the Chinese Olympic Committee, and Raja Randhir Singh, Olympic Council of Asia acting president spoke at the ceremony. Singh declared the games closed, and extended an invitation to the 20th Asian Games in 2026 in Nagoya, Japan.亚运会组委会主席、中国奥委会主席高志丹和亚奥理事会代理主席拉贾·兰迪尔·辛格在闭幕式上发言。辛格宣布运动会闭幕,并向2026年在日本名古屋举行的第20届亚运会发出邀请。Just like in the opening ceremony, a digital torchbearer was used for the closing ceremony. Following the extinguishing of the cauldron, the digital torchbearer stepped out and transformed into starlight that filled the night sky, passing on the flame【火焰】of sports and the spirit of the Asian Games. 与开幕式一样,闭幕式也使用了数字火炬手。随着大火炉的熄灭,数字火炬手走出火炉,化作星光洒满夜空,将体育之火和亚运精神传递下去。Earlier yesterday, athletes took one last chance to experience Hangzhou. They took in some of its culture and beautiful scenery before purchasing souvenirs. One Kyrgyz athlete bought silk products for his loved ones. Hangzhou has long been known as a prominent trading hub along the ancient Silk Road. 昨日早时,运动员们用最后一次机会体验了杭州。在购买纪念品之前,他们领略了杭州的文化和美景。一位吉尔吉斯斯坦运动员为他的亲人购买了丝绸制品。杭州一直是古丝绸之路上著名的贸易中心。Erbol,Kyrgyz Athlete厄尔布尔 吉尔吉斯斯坦运动员“I bought one for my mother, and we catch the Wi-fi and I asked my sisters if they wanted more, and yes, and I send them some pictures of bags, they have chosen, and I bought more for my sister too.”“我给妈妈买了一个包,我们连上了 Wifi,我问姐姐们是否还想要包,我给她们发了一些她们选中的包的照片,然后给她们买了更多的。”Aside from shopping, some athletes couldn't resist visiting museums and learning more about Chinese culture.除了购物,一些运动员还忍不住参观博物馆,了解更多中国文化。Najibullah Sekandar, Chairman,Afghan Taekwondo National Federation纳吉布拉-塞坎达尔 阿富汗跆拳道国家联盟主席“The tour was enjoyable, interesting, and historical things, and nice scene, nice weather, nice city, nice people.”“这次参观很愉快、很有趣、很有历史意义,而且景色不错、天气不错、城市不错、人也不错。”Although Hangzhou was the main site for the Asian Games, five other cities in Zhejiang hosted some of the sporting events. 虽然杭州是亚运会的主会场,不过浙江的其他五个城市也举办了部分体育赛事。2."KOINU" NOW A TROPICAL DEPRESSION, HEAVY RAIN CONTINUES IN GUANGDONG广东:台风“小犬”携风带雨 多地提升应急响应Tropical storm Koinu weakened to a tropical depression this morning, though parts of Guangdong and the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area are still being hit with severe rainfall. The National Meteorological Center maintained a yellow warning for heavy rainfall today. Sun Siqi tells us more. 台风“小犬”今晨减弱为热带低压,但广东和粤港澳大湾区部分地区仍遭受强降雨袭击。中央气象中心今天继续发布暴雨黄色预警。记者孙思奇带来更多报道。Under the influence of both Koinu and a cold front, multiple cities in Guangdong Province have upgraded their emergency response for strong winds. The city of Zhuhai issued a red warning for heavy rainfall, all outdoor work was suspended, and all schools were closed. In the city of Shenzhen, multiple districts were hit with severe rainfall during the past 24 hours. 受“小犬”和冷锋的双重影响,广东省多个城市升级了大风应急响应。珠海市发布暴雨红色预警,所有户外作业暂停,所有学校停课。深圳市多区在过去 24 小时内遭遇强降雨袭击。24 trains continued to operate in the Guangzhou area, although they did take different routes to avoid the severe weather, while the 6 trains that cross the water were suspended.有24列火车继续在广州地区运行,它们采取了不同的路线以避开恶劣天气,而6列火车则停运。Hong Kong is also feeling the storm's effects-- though Koinu has moved to the west, the city was hit with heavy showers today. 29 people were reported as injured as a result of the rain and winds as of this morning. 27 temporary shelters have been set up, and all schools were closed for the day. 香港也感受到了暴风雨的影响——虽然“小犬”已经向西移动,但香港今天仍遭受了大阵雨的袭击。据报道,截至今天上午,共有29人在风雨中受伤。香港设立了27个临时庇护所,所有学校停课一天。The storm is now weakening and approaching Hainan at a speed of 10 kilometers per hour, with possibilities of making a second landfall there tomorrow. 风暴目前正在减弱,并以每小时 10 公里的速度向海南逼近,明天有可能第二次登陆海南。The island is bracing for rain and winds. A most basic typhoon alert was maintained today. All trains services to and from the island have been suspended, including those bound for Beijing, Shanghai and Harbin. 该岛正准备应对风雨。今天发布了台风蓝色预警。所有进出该岛的列车均已停运,包括开往北京、上海和哈尔滨的列车。Residents are expecting the heavy rainfall to continue until Wednesday. 居民们预计,强降雨将持续到周三。Hong Kong police are on patrol to make sure ships stay in the harbor and assisting boat crews with securing their vessels. 香港警方正在巡逻,以确保船只留在港口内,并协助船员保护船只。To the west, in Guangxi autonomous region, forecasters are calling for strong winds tomorrow and Wednesday, all ferry services have been suspended until the weather passes. 在西部的广西自治区,气象员称明天和周三将有强风,所有轮渡服务都已暂停,直到天气好转。3. FIRST SHANGHAI-MUNICH FREIGHT TRAIN DEPARTS“中欧班列-上海号”慕尼黑首列发车The first China-Europe cargo train connecting Shanghai and Munich, Germany, set off from the Minhang District Freight Transportation Station this afternoon. Our reporter Zhang Yue went to the staion to learn more about the train and what it is carrying.今天下午,上海到德国慕尼黑的首列中欧货运班列从闵行区货运站出发。记者张乐前往该站,详细报道这趟班列的开行情况和所运货物。The Shanghai Express' first freight train bound for Munich left the station today. In just 17 days the train will arrive in Munich, after passing through 6 countries and traveling 11,000 kilometers. The train's 55 containers are filled with equipment for seven high-end industrial production lines. 44 containers will stop in Munich and the remaining 11 will go on to Duisburg.“中欧班列-上海号”慕尼黑专列今日首次发车。在途经6个国家、行驶11,000公里之后,列车将在短短17天内抵达慕尼黑。列车上的55个集装箱装满了七条高端工业生产线的设备。其中44个集装箱将在慕尼黑停留,其余11个集装箱将前往杜伊斯堡。Shi Jiwei,Corporate Representative史继伟 企业代表“Compared to air transportation, we will save 50% in costs, and saves up to one month of travel time compared to transporting by sea.”“和空运相比我们这个费用能节省一半,在时间上跟海运相比的话我们节省一个月时间”The route is just one of many freight trains that carry goods from Shanghai to Europe and Eurasia, other destinations include Hamburg, Moscow, Malasevich, Atencoqi. 这条线路只是从上海运往欧洲和欧亚大陆的众多货运班列中的一条,其他目的地包括汉堡、莫斯科、马拉舍维奇和阿腾科奇。The China-Europe freight train has become a popular shipping choice for companies attending the 6th China International Import Expo, which will be held in Shanghai in less than a欧洲货运班列已成为参加将于不到一个月后在上海举行的第六届中国国际进口博览会的企业的热门运输选择。Zhang Yue, Reporter张乐 记者 “Since the first train departed Shanghai for Hamburg, Germany on September 28th, 2021, the Shanghai Express has operated more than 140 trains, transporting more than 4.5 billion yuan worth of goods between Europe and Asia. The first trains carried consumer products such as clothing, and car parts, but over time they gradually shifted to higher value-added products such as photovoltaic【光伏】modules【模块】, LCD panels, motorcycles, and elevators.”自2021年9月28日首趟列车从上海发往德国汉堡以来,上海号已开行了140多趟列车,在欧亚之间运送了价值超过45亿元的货物。首批列车运载的是服装、汽车配件等消费品,但随着时间的推移,逐渐转向光伏组件、液晶面板、摩托车和电梯等高附加值产品。In 2014, Shanghai Commission of Commerce launched a 'single window' policy to help boost cross-border trade and provide convenient services to international traders. 2014年,上海国际贸易“单一窗口”服务模式助推跨境贸易发展,为国际贸易提供便捷服务。Tang Jie,SH Branch, Bank of Communications唐捷 交通银行上海市分行国际业务部 交易银行部 总经理“For instance, the single window policy allows companies to make a reservation of their declarations in order to reduce waiting and inquiry times. Financial products to help companies on a tight budget were also developed.”“例如,“单一窗口政策”允许公司预约申报,以减少等待和查询时间。此外,还开发了帮助预算紧张的公司的金融产品。”Yang Yong, Deputy GM,Shanghai E&P International杨勇 上海亿通国际股份有限公司副总经理“Shanghai is at the core of the Yangtze River Delta region, and we hope the China-Europe freight train is going to further connect the Eurasian continent.”“上海是长江三角洲地区的核心,我们希望中欧货运班列能够进一步连接欧亚大陆。”The policy now services more than 600,000 companies, covering the whole process of customs clearance and trade supervision. The National Development and Reform Commission said that during the past ten years, approximately 77,000 China-Europe freight trains have made the trip, delivering goods to 217 cities in 25 European and Eurasian countries.该政策目前已服务60多万家企业,覆盖通关和贸易监管全过程。国家发改委表示,过去十年间,中欧货运班列已累计开行约7.7万列,将货物运抵欧洲和欧亚25个国家的217个城市。#热词加油站 podium /ˈpəʊdiəm/【讲台】clinched /klɪntʃ/【搂抱】flame /fleɪm/【火焰】photovoltaic /ˌfəʊtəʊvɒlˈteɪɪk/【光伏】modules /ˈmɒdjuːl/【模块】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
10/10/20237 minutes, 7 seconds
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09/28 TOP NEWS|自贸区十年 商务部未来规划/双节火车出行高峰/东航开上海—土耳其航线

NEWS ON 09/271. COMMERCE MINISTRY ON WHAT'SNEXT FOR FREE TRADE ZONES自贸区十周年:商务部谈试点对接高标准经贸规则2. RAILWAY STATIONS PLAN FOR MASSEXODUS DURING HOLIDAY PERIOD放假倒计时!双节期间火车站迎来大量出行旅客3.CHINA EASTERN OPENS DIRECT FLIGHTS BETWEEN SHANGHAI AND ISTANBUL深耕“一带一路”中国东方航空开航“上海—伊斯坦布尔”直飞往返航线----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1.COMMERCE MINISTRY ON WHAT'SNEXT FOR FREE TRADE ZONES自贸区十周年:商务部谈试点对接高标准经贸规则President Xi Jinping stressed building more free trade zones that further improve access to the country’s market and push for modernization of the entire industrial chain. In a little over 10 years, 21 FTZs have been established in the country. Sun Siqi brings us a report from the Ministry of Commerce today on what's next. 习近平主席强调,要推动建设更多自贸试验区,进一步改善中国的市场准入,推动全产业链条现代化。过去十年来,我国已建立起21个自贸试验区。本台记者孙思奇带来报道,介绍新征程上商务部将如何开展自贸区的建设工作。The central government outlined【概述】 a set of measures in June to further open up FTZs in regions including Beijing, Shanghai and Guangdong, with faster customs clearance and greater freedom to do business. 今年六月,国务院印发了一系列措施,进一步推进北京、上海和广东等地区的自贸区制度型开放,加快通关速度,扩大贸易自由度。Ministry officials said since then 13 trial policies have been introduced. Businesses and their employees are already benefiting from these policies that extend the length of stay for foreign business experts, executives 【高管】and their family members. 商务部有关负责人表示,自上述政策实施以来,已有13项试点措施落地实施。这些措施延长了外资企业专家、高管及其配偶停居留期限,有关企业、个人已可以享受到实实在在的政策红利。A greater range of overseas professional certifications are now recognized. Air cargo clears customs in as little as 6 hours, while regular freight is given clearance in as little as 48 hours. 更多国际高标准经贸规则已得到对接。空运快运货物正常情况下在抵达后6小时内放行,对已抵达并提交通关所需全部信息的普通货物,尽可能在48小时内放行。At the same time, more trial policies are being worked out. 与此同时,更多的试点政策正在制订中。Sheng Qiuping, Vice Minister of Ministry of Commerce盛秋平 商务部副部长“对于备受关注的重点行业再制造产品进口试点,已经提出了试点方案和产品目录。商务部正会同有关部门加紧研究,将按要求在6个月内作出决定。对于暂时入境修理货物免关税、跨境购买境外金融服务等试点措施也正在加快制订。配套管理办法、细则、指引等,将尽快对外发布。”“We've already made a plan and list of products for a trial where businesses in several keymanufacturing sectors are allowed to import re-manufactured products. The Ministry of Commerce is now working with multiple government departments to be ready to launch the policy in 6 months. ”Another trial will be introduced to scrap【放弃】 customs duty on goods that need to temporarily enter the border for repair and allow cross-border purchases of overseas financial services. Officials said some of the policies will gradually be introduced in other FTZs, where stress tests will commence on how these policies work. In the first half of this year, the countrys 21 FTZs attracted about 18 percent of all foreign investment and a similar figure for imports and exports despite accounting for less than 0.4 percent of the country's area.此外还将试行暂时入境修理货物免关税、跨境购买境外金融服务等措施。相关负责人表示,具备条件的试点措施将会推广到其他自贸试验区,在更大范围内开展压力测试。今年上半年,21家自贸试验区以不到0.4%的国土面积,贡献了占全国18%的外商投资和几乎等额占比的进出口。2.RAILWAY STATIONS PLAN FOR MASSEXODUS DURING HOLIDAY PERIOD放假倒计时!双节期间火车站迎来大量出行旅客Special operations will be in place on the country's rail network between today and October 8th. Extra trains will be added to schedules and more employees will be on duty to keep things running smoothly during rush periods. 190 million people nationwide are expected to travel by train during the period as it includes the Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day holidays. In Shanghai, all three railway stations today opened their overnight waiting room. Sun Siqi has more.从今日(09/27)起至10月8日,全国铁路网将采取系列特别措施。铁路部门将增开列车,并在高峰期安排更多员工值班,以保证铁路系统平稳运行。中秋国庆双节假期期间,全国铁路预计发放旅客 1.9亿人次。今天起,铁路上海站三大站候车室将通宵开放。本台记者孙思奇将带来更多报道。In the departure area of Hongqiao Railway Station, a screen showed that nearly all tickets from Shanghai have been sold out between today and Friday, forcing some travelers to reschedule their trip. 虹桥火车站出发区的屏幕上显示:从今天到周五,从上海出发的车票几乎全部售罄。一些旅客不得不重新安排他们的出行计划。Traveler旅客”本来想在这儿玩一天再回去的,然后买不到28号的票,只能买27号的了。”“I planned to stay another day, but I couldn't get a ticket for tomorrow. So I'm leaving today.”Shanghai railway authorities said a total of 485,000 travelers departed from the three stations. That was with an additional 25 trains on the schedule. Most of them were destined for northwestern parts of the country, or north of Jiangsu Province. 上海铁路部门称,上海三大站预计发送旅客48.5万人次。其中包括新增的25趟列车。客流方向主要集中在我国西北地区或江苏省北部。Zhang Jianlin, Hongqiao Railway Station张建霖铁路虹桥站值班站长“我们根据整个国庆期间旅客出行需求,会进一步地采取列车的加挂、动车组的重联、以及增开临客的措施,进一步根据旅客需求加大运力。”“We will add more trains or carriages to expand capacity according to demand during the holiday.”Authorities said departures and arrivals in Shanghai will reach about 7 million during the holidays. The operating hours of Metro lines 2, 10 and 17 will be extended to help get people to and from the train stations. More free shuttle buses will be available and the stations will also set up more taxi stands. 铁路局表示,假期期间上海的客运量将达到约700万人次。地铁2号线、10号线和17号线将延长运营时间,便利旅客往返火车站。此外还将提供更多的免费穿梭巴士班次,各火车站也将设立更多的出租车站。As for weather during the holidays, forecasters say it will be largely good and suitable for outdoor activities. However, northern China can expect some showers, strong winds and a cold front. Strong wind is also forecast along the eastern and southern coasts. 据气象预报,大部分地区双节期间天气良好,适合进行户外活动。不过,华北地区可能会有阵雨、大风和冷锋天气。预计东部和南部沿海地区也将有大风气象。3.CHINA EASTERN OPENS DIRECT FLIGHTS BETWEEN SHANGHAI AND ISTANBUL深耕“一带一路”中国东方航空开航“上海—伊斯坦布尔”直飞往返航线China Eastern Airlines today announced the launch of direct flight service between Shanghai and the Turkish city of Istanbul, becoming the first Chinese airline to serve the route.  The first flight will depart from Shanghai in about 4 hours, and our reporter Zhang Shixuan was at the launch ceremony to find out the advantages the new service offers.  中国东方航空公司今天(09/27)宣布开通上海—土耳其伊斯坦布尔直飞航线,成为首家开通该航线的中国航空公司。首架航班将在约4小时后(新闻播报时间)从上海起飞,本台记者张诗旋在在启动仪式现场了解该项新航线服务的优势。Starting tomorrow, China Eastern will offer three direct round trip flights between Shanghai and Istanbul every week, the first departing at 1:30 am tomorrow and arriving in Istanbul in 12 hours. That will save up to half the previous air travel time between the two cities, as well as making the visa chores easier.从明天(09/28)起,东航将每周执行三班往返上海和伊斯坦布尔的直飞航班,首班航班将于明天凌晨1:30起飞,12小时后抵达伊斯坦布尔。航线开通后,两地间的空中旅行时间将比以往节省一半,签证手续也将更加便捷。Liu Yanan, GM Assistant, Network Transport Capacity of Commercial Committee, China Eastern Airlines刘亚楠东航商务委网络运力部总经理助理“在上海到伊斯坦布尔直飞开通以前,大部分时间,旅客想要从中国去土耳其的话需要在周边日韩、东南亚国家进行多次中转,大概的时间大概需要24-25小时左右,直飞航班把整个行程缩短了10-12个小时左右。”“Previously, most visitors wanting to go to Turkey had to make several tranfers through nearby countries, including Japan, the Republic of Korea or Southeast Asian countries. That would take 24 or 25 hours, but the direct flight cuts ten or twelve hours off that.”Liu notes that due to the travel frenzy during the upcoming long holidays, the first few flights during the National Day Holiday are almost sold out. The visit will be a new experience for many.刘亚楠指出,由于即将到来的长假旅游热潮,国庆假期的前几趟航班已经几乎售罄。对许多人来说,这次旅程将会是一次全新的体验。Chen Chao陈超“结合航线新开,打算办理签证后前往土耳其,还没去过。”“With the launch of the new route, I'm planning to get a visa to go to Turkey. I've never been there before.”Liu Yanan, GM Assistant, Network Transport Capacity of Commercial Committee, China Eastern Airlines刘亚楠东航商务委网络运力部总经理助理“在上海出发的时间我们安排在了凌晨1点左右,这样的话,国内包括周围日韩、东南亚国家的旅客可以通过浦东航班接上海到土耳其出发这一段。到达土耳其之后,是当地时间8:30,伊斯坦布尔作为国际性枢纽,方便接从土耳其到欧洲、非洲这些国家的旅客的后一段航班。”“The regular flights depart from Shanghai at around 1 am. So tourists from Japan, the Republic of Korea and Southeast Asian countries can first fly to Pudong, and then get on to the flight to Turkey. The flight arrives in Turkey at 8:30 am local time. As an international hub, Istanbul is also offers transfers to other destinations in Europe and Africa.”This year marks the 10th anniversary of the Belt and Road Initiative【倡议】, and the new route is a fruit of China Eastern's service to the BRI nations.  The airline has upgraded its in-flight facilities as part of the new route's service.  今年是共建“一带一路”倡议提出十周年,而新航线的开通是东航服务“一带一路”沿线国家的硕果。作为新航线服务的一部分,东航对机上设施也进行了升级。Yan Jun, Deputy General Manager  of Customer Committee, China Eastern Airlines严峻东航客户委副总经理“104架双通道航班全部实现了空地互联,去年升级了离地即连,全程在线.““Our 104 double-aisle flights have installed wi-fi connections. Last year, we have upgraded our wi-fi services to make it possible to connect immediately after the plane takes off, and it remains connected for the entire trip.”During the past decade, China Eastern has carried more than 55 million passengers to almost 30 countries along the Belt and Road Initiative, and flights on the route have now recovered to around 70 percent of the level they had hit in 2019. 过去十年间,东航已为“一带一路”沿线近30个国家运送了超过5500万名旅客,目前沿线的航班量已恢复到2019年的70%左右。#热词加油站outline/ˈaʊtlaɪn/【概述】executives/ɪɡˈzekjətɪv/【高管】 scrap/skræp/【放弃】initiative/ɪˈnɪʃətɪv/【倡议】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
9/29/20236 minutes, 30 seconds
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09/27 TOP NEWS|《携手构建人类命运共同体》/中国乒乓球女团夺金/上海新能源汽车发展

NEWS ON 09/261.CHINA ISSUES WHITE PAPER ON GLOBAL COMMUNITY FOR SHARED FUTURE《携手构建人类命运共同体:中国的倡议与行动》白皮书发布2.CHINESE WOMEN WIN TABLE TENNIS TEAM GOLD AT ASIAN GAMES中国队夺得杭州亚运会乒乓球女子团体金牌3.SHANGHAI CHIPS AWAY AT THE ELECTRIC VEHICLE MARKET上海抢占新能源汽车发展高地-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1.CHINA ISSUES WHITE PAPER ON GLOBAL COMMUNITY FOR SHARED FUTURE《携手构建人类命运共同体:中国的倡议与行动》白皮书发布The State Council Information Office today released a white paper titled "A Global Community of Shared Future: China's Proposals and Actions". Sun Siqi has the story. 国务院新闻办公室今日发表《携手构建人类命运共同体:中国的倡议与行动》白皮书。记者孙思奇带来报道。The white paper noted the world is undergoing change on a scale unseen in a century. No country can overcome global development challenges on its own. It is therefore of great significance to promote solidarity and cooperation among all countries and create a better future for humanity.白皮书指出,世界正在经历百年未遇的大规模变革。任何国家都无法独自战胜全球发展挑战。因此,促进各国团结合作,为人类创造更美好的未来具有重要意义。Wang Yi, Chinese Foreign Minister, Member of Political Bureau of CPC Central Committee王毅 中共中央政治局委员、外交部部长“We should boost confidence in common development. The key is to steer globalization in the right direction, oppose decoupling, cutting off supply chains and building small yards with high fences, as well as reject protectionism and unilateral sanctions, and work for a just equitable【公平的】 and transparent set of international economic and trade rules.”“我们要为共同发展注入更强信心,关键是引导维护全球化的正确方向,反对脱钩断链、"小院高墙",抵制保护主义、单边制裁,推动构建公正、合理、透明的国际经贸规则体系”China will hold the 3rd Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation next month. Cong Liang丛亮, Deputy Director of the National Development and Reform Commission, said all Belt and Road Initiative projects are being carried out in accordance with the principle of mutual consultation, co-building and shared benefits. He said in the face of tangible construction achievements, all naysayers who slander【诽谤】 and smear the green Silk Road are not worth refuting. 中国将于下月举办第三届 "一带一路 "国际合作高峰论坛。国家发改委副主任丛亮表示,所有 "一带一路 "倡议项目都是按照共商、共建、共享原则开展的。他说,在实实在在的建设成果面前,诬蔑、抹黑绿色丝绸之路的杂音不值一驳。Cong Liang, Deputy Director, National Development and Reform Commission丛亮 国家发展改革委副主任“We are committed to making green development a defining feature of projects under the Belt and Road Initiative. In terms of policy framework, policy documents have been issued to promote green construction, ecological conservation, energy cooperation, and the cessation【停止】of new overseas coal-fired power projects.”“我们坚持把绿色作为共建"一带一路"的底色,在政策体系方面,出台推出了绿色"一带一路"建设,以及生态环保、能源合作,不再新建境外煤电项目等政策文件”Zhao Fengtao赵峰涛, deputy director of the China International Development Cooperation Agency, said eliminating poverty is not only a shared human aspiration, but also the primary goal of the United Nations' 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. 国家国际发展合作署副署长赵峰涛说,消除贫困不仅是人类的共同愿望,也是联合国2030年可持续发展议程的首要目标。Zhao Fengtao Deputy Director, China International Development Cooperation Agency赵峰涛 国家国际发展合作署副署长“China has helped other developing countries implement more than 6,000 livelihood projects, effectively enhancing local capacity for sustainable development. Its poverty reduction cooperation projects have paved the way for impoverished rural areas to achieve prosperity.”“中方帮助广大发展中国家,实施了6000多个民生项目,有效提升了当地可持续发展能力,减贫示范合作项目,让贫困农村走上了致富之路”Zhao said over the past decade, the Belt and Road Initiative has generated nearly 1 trillion US dollars in investment and lifted 40 million people out of poverty. 赵峰涛说,过去十年间,"一带一路 "倡议带来了近1万亿美元的投资,使4000万人摆脱了贫困。2. CHINESE WOMEN WIN TABLE TENNIS TEAM GOLD AT ASIAN GAMES中国队夺得杭州亚运会乒乓球女子团体金牌At the Asian Games, China defeated South Korea’s three mile moments ago to win men’s table tennis team gold-medal. And Earlier in the day, the Chinese women's table tennis team defeated Japan to win the gold medal. Sun Siqi has this Asian Games round-up. 在今天的亚运会上,中国队三度战胜韩国队,夺得乒乓球男子团体金牌。今天早些时候,中国女子乒乓球队击败日本队,夺得金牌。记者孙思奇带来有关亚运会报道。World No.1 Sun Yingsha opened the first match against Hayata Hina of Japan. Sun took the first 2 games but lost the third. She fell behind early in the fourth game before regaining her form and winning the match 3-1. 世界排名第一的孙颖莎首战日本的早田希娜。孙颖莎拿下前两局,但输掉了第三局。她在第四局早早落后,随后找回状态,以3-1赢得比赛。In the next match, Chen Meng had to go the distance, but persevered to beat Hirano Miu 3-2. 在下一场比赛中,陈梦虽然经历了长时比赛,但还是坚持不懈地以3-2击败了平野美宇。Wang Manyu topped Harimoto Miwa 3-1 to sweep all three matches for China. 王曼昱以3-1击败张本美,为中国队横扫全部三场比赛。Also today, young shooters Sheng Lihao and Huang Yuting took gold in the 10-meter air rifle mixed team event. 今天,青年射击运动员盛李豪和黄雨婷还在10米气步枪混合团体赛中摘得金牌。Chinese cyclists broke an Asian record in the women's team sprint final to claim another gold, while Ma Zhenzhao finished atop the podium in women's judo in the 78-kilogram class. 中国队在场地自行车女子团体竞速赛打破亚洲纪录,再夺一金;马振昭在女子柔道78公斤级比赛中夺冠,登上领奖台。Yesterday, Chinese swimmers took 4 gold, 6 silver and 2 bronze medals in sevent finals. Breaststroke specialist Qin Haiyang broke the Asian Games 100-meter breaststroke record twice in the same day, and took his first gold in Hangzhou with a time of 57.76 seconds in the final.昨天,中国游泳选手在单项决赛中摘得4金6银2铜。蛙泳名将覃海洋在一天内两次打破亚运会100米蛙泳纪录,并在决赛中以57秒76的成绩摘得他在杭州的首金。Qin Haiyang, Chinese Swimmer覃海洋 中国游泳队队员“I expected this. I guess I'm satisfied with how I did. ““能够有一个差不多的成绩,其实就在我预料之内,所以(表现)还可以我觉得”Wang Xue'er won the women's 50-meter backstroke【仰泳】final, while Yu Yiting and Ye Shiwen made it a one-two finish for China in the women's 200-meter individual medley【混合泳】 final. 汪雪儿在女子50米仰泳决赛中夺冠,余依婷和叶诗文在女子200米个人混合泳决赛中为中国队一举夺冠。Ye Shiwen, Chinese Swimmer叶诗文 中国游泳队队员“I wanted Yu to break my record because a record is made to be broken. ”“我也希望她(余依婷)早日打破我的纪录, 因为纪录就是用来被打破的”Also yesterday, Uzbekistan gymnast Oksana Chusovitina re-appeared at the Games and qualified for the vault final on Thursday. The 48-year-old is making headlines by competing at an elite level 34 years after her debut on the international stage when she was 14. The 8-time Olympian continued competing even after her then 2-year-old son was diagnosed with leukemia in 2002. Though her son has long recovered and is now an adult, Chusovitina continues to push herself to be the best athlete she can be.同样在昨天,乌兹别克斯坦体操运动员奥克萨娜-丘索维蒂娜再次亮相本届奥运会,并获得了周四跳马决赛的资格。现年48岁的奥克萨娜-丘索维蒂娜在14岁首次登上国际舞台的34年后再次参加精英赛,成为体操界的头条新闻。2002年,她两岁的儿子被诊断出患有白血病,这位八届奥运会冠军仍坚持参加比赛。虽然她的儿子早已康复并已成年,但丘索维蒂娜仍不断鞭策自己成为最好的运动员。3. SHANGHAI CHIPS AWAY AT THE ELECTRIC VEHICLE MARKET上海抢占新能源汽车发展高地Last year China accounted for more than half of the new Electric Vehicles sold worldwide. EVs made up approximately 25% of China's new car sales in 2022 as well. And as the vehicles get smarter, the market has an increasing demand for the computer chips that run them. Our reporter Zhang Shixuan talked to 2 companies in the industry and finds out the massive scale of the demand and how it is being met.    去年,中国的电动汽车销量占全球新车销量的一半以上。2022年,电动汽车也将占中国新车销量的25%左右。随着汽车越来越智能,市场对运行汽车的计算机芯片的需求也越来越大。本报记者张诗旋采访了两家业内公司,了解了这一需求的巨大规模以及如何满足这一需求。An ordinary modern car may be able to connect with Bluetooth, detect blind spots for the driver, automatically adjust seats and display videos - all at once, and all functions run by tiny semiconductor chips - the average car these days has hundreds of them. SmartSens Technology has been developing automotive image sensor chips since 2020. So far, it has launched 11 automotive-grade Complementary Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor or CMOS image sensors.一辆普通的现代汽车可以同时实现蓝牙连接、为驾驶员检测盲点、自动调节座椅和显示视频等功能,而所有这些功能都由微小的半导体芯片运行——现在的普通汽车拥有数百个这样的芯片。SmartSens Technology公司从2020年开始研发汽车图像传感器芯片。迄今为止,该公司已推出11款汽车级互补金属氧化物半导体或 CMOS 图像传感器。Zhang Peiling, Chief Marketing Officer SmartSens Technology章佩玲 思特威首席市场官“Intelligent driving functions have been advancing steadily, so there are more cameras needed on a car to provide clearer image information. Demand has increased for sensor chips for cameras and laser【激光】radars, processors, computing platforms such as GPUs as well as control units. We are continuing to focus on application scenarios for automotive viewing, sensing and in-cabin monitoring.”“目前,智能驾驶功能逐步向更高级别发展,推动单车搭载的摄像头数量逐渐增长。带动汽车市场对芯片和处理器的需求提升,比如像摄像头、激光雷达等各类型传感器芯片、处理器、GPU等计算平台和控制单元等等。思特威将继续聚焦车载影像类、感知类与舱内三大应用场景的发展”Zhang Shixuan, Reporter张诗旋 记者“It is estimated that this year, global NEV production will grow by 30%. That has brought an increased demand for the semiconductors that drive these electric systems on wheels. Given the chip shortage that interrupted car manufacturing in the past 3 years, companies have been paying close attention to strengthening local supply chains to get prepared for the growing demand. And there are some new opportunities in the market as well. ”“据估计,今年全球新能源汽车的产量将增长30%。这就增加了对驱动这些车轮上的电动系统的半导体的需求。过去三年,芯片短缺曾一度中断了汽车制造,因此各公司一直在密切关注如何加强本地供应链,为满足日益增长的需求做好准备。同时,市场上也出现了一些新的机遇。”Damien Tuleu, Head of Display Solutions Merck Electronics达米安·图勒乌 默克显示科技显示解决方案负责人“Automotive industry obviously is booming in China, EV especially. And with EV comes into a new era in terms of using display to become much more transformative in experiencing with the drivers. We see display becoming much more critical. We are definitely looking for partnering with our customers to get much more particularly in trend into automotive opportunities.”“中国的汽车行业显然正在蓬勃发展,电动汽车尤其如此。随着电动汽车进入一个新时代,显示屏在与驾驶者的互动体验方面将发生更大的变化。我们认为显示屏变得更加重要。我们肯定会寻求与我们的客户合作,以获得更多进入汽车行业的机会。”Shanghai has been a big promoter of automobile chip development. The city now has 8 auto makers and more than 600 auto part manufacturers, laying a good foundation for joint advances between automobile companies and chip makers. SAIC Motor has just set up a 6-billion-yuan investment fund, just for chip development.上海一直在大力推动汽车芯片的发展。上海目前有8家汽车制造商和600多家汽车零部件制造商,为汽车公司和芯片制造商的共同进步奠定了良好的基础。上汽集团刚刚设立了一个 60亿元的投资基金,专门用于芯片开发。#热词加油站 laser /ˈleɪzə(r) /【激光】backstroke /ˈbækstrəʊk/【仰泳】medley /ˈmedli/【混合泳】cessation /seˈseɪʃn/【停止】slander /ˈslɑːndə(r) /【诽谤】equitable /ˈekwɪtəb/【公平的】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
9/27/20237 minutes, 28 seconds
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09/22 TOP NEWS|亚运会赛艇项目收官/上海旅游节客流量上升/泰国总理迎接免签中国游客

NEWS ON 09/251.CHINESE ROWERS FINISH WITH 11 GOLDS AT ASIAN GAMES杭州亚运会赛艇项目收官 中国队获11金2银2.TOURISM FESTIVAL TO PROMOTE FURTHER RISE IN VISITOR NUMBERS上海旅游节推动游客人数进一步上升3.THAILAND RECEIVES FIRST CHINESE VISITORS UNDER NEW VISA-FREE POLICY泰国总理赛塔赴机场 迎接首批免签入境中国游客-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1. CHINESE ROWERS FINISH WITH 11 GOLDS AT ASIAN GAMES杭州亚运会赛艇项目收官 中国队获11金2银China bagged five gold and two silver medals on the final day of rowing at the Fuyang富阳 Water Sports Center today at the Asian Games in Hangzhou. In total, Chinese rowing teams won 11 gold and 2 silver medals. Lei Shuran has more.今天是杭州富阳水上运动中心举行的亚运会赛艇比赛最后一个比赛日,中国队包揽了五金两银。在本次亚运会,中国赛艇队共获得11枚金牌和2枚银牌。记者雷舒然带来更多报道。Zhang Liang张亮 secured his second gold medal in rowing today following another golden performance in the men's double sculls. He is now the most decorated male athlete in the history of rowing at the Asian Games with five career gold medals.今天,张亮在男子双人双桨比赛中再创佳绩,获得了他在赛艇项目上的第二枚金牌。目前,张亮以五枚金牌的成绩成为亚运会赛艇项目历史上获得金牌最多的男运动员。Chinese rowers maintained their form throughout the day, securing gold medals in the women's quadruple sculls, men's quadruple sculls, women's four without coxswain【舵手】 and women's eight with coxswain events.中国赛艇运动员全天保持良好状态,在女子四人双桨、男子四人双桨、女子四人无舵手和女子八人有舵手项目中均获得金牌。During the men's park final in skateboarding, Chen Ye陈烨 won gold, China's first gold medal in the sport at a world event.在男子公园滑板决赛中,陈烨夺得金牌,这是中国在世界大赛中获得的首枚滑板金牌。In the men's 10-meter air rifle individual final, Sheng Lihao盛李豪 broke the world record with a score of 253.3 points.在男子10米气步枪个人决赛中,盛李豪以253.3分的成绩打破世界纪录。Last night, Chinese swimmers won all seven gold medals available. Zhang Yufei张雨霏 won the women's 200-meter butterfly title, breaking the Asian Games record in a time of 2 minutes and 5.57 seconds.  Wang Shun汪顺, Li Bingjie李冰洁, Pan Zhanle潘展乐 and Xu Jiayu徐嘉余 were among those to win gold. Wang set an Asian record in the men's 200m individual medley, while Pan did likewise in the men's 100-meter freestyle. Not to be outdone, the Chinese women's 4x100-meter relay team set an Asian Games record to bring home another gold medal.昨晚,中国游泳选手包揽了全部七枚金牌。张雨霏以2分5秒57的成绩打破亚运会纪录,夺得女子200米蝶泳冠军。汪顺、李冰洁、潘展乐和徐嘉余也获得金牌。汪顺在男子200米个人混合泳中创造了亚洲纪录,潘展乐在男子100米自由泳中也取得了同样的成绩。中国女子4x100米接力队也不甘示弱,创造了亚运会纪录,将另一枚金牌收入囊中。Wang Shun, Chinese Swimmer汪顺 中国游泳运动员“I didn't imagine this before the competition. I only wanted to do my best in every part. I think I have done that.”“赛前没有想过夺冠,只是想要把每个地方做到最好,今晚我觉得我做到了”In table tennis, world No. 1 Fan Zhendong樊振东, veteran【老将】 Ma Long马龙 and Wang Chuqin王楚钦 defeated Singapore 3-0 in the quarterfinals.As of 7pm today, Chinese athletes have won 32 gold, 14 silver and 6 bronze medals, topping the medal tally at the Asian Games.在乒乓球项目比赛中,世界排名第一的樊振东、老将马龙和王楚钦在四分之一决赛中以3比0战胜新加坡队。截至今天下午7点,中国运动员共获得 32枚金牌、14枚银牌和6枚铜牌,位居本届亚运会奖牌榜首位。2. TOURISM FESTIVAL TO PROMOTE FURTHER RISE IN VISITOR NUMBERS上海旅游节推动游客人数进一步上升The 34th Shanghai Tourism Festival opened opened on the 16th, and will run for two more weeks, aimed at boosting consumer spending in the sector.  In many ways, things are already picking up, as Zhang Shixuan has been discovering.第34届上海旅游节已于16日开幕,并将持续两周,旨在促进旅游业的消费。记者张诗旋发现,在许多方面,情况都已有所好转。The hotels have been among the first to see the recovery in tourism, both international and domestic.  For US-headquartered hotel group Hilton, this year has already brought better-than-expected performance, especially since the summer vacation.酒店是最先看到国际和国内旅游业复苏的行业之一。对于总部在美国的希尔顿酒店集团来说,今年的业绩已经好于预期,尤其是自暑假以来。Qian Jin, President, Hilton Greater China and Mongolia“In August, we see that major cities like Chengdu, Beijing and Changsha, both performance and recovery of the occupancy is much better than we expected. And we see that family travel, individual friends travel is very high demand. Besides the normal travel, we see some of the cultural events happen such as Asian game and Belt and Road forum, and plus summer Davos. We facilitate some of the program such as intangible cultural heritage activities. We got a very much positive feedback from those customers.”“在8月份,我们看到成都、北京和长沙等主要城市的表现和入住率的恢复情况都比我们预期的要好得多。而且家庭游、朋友游的需求非常大。除了正常的旅游,还看到一些文化活动,比如亚洲运动会、"一带一路 "论坛,还有夏季达沃斯世界经济论坛。我们推动了一些项目,比如非物质文化遗产活动。我们从这些客户那里得到了非常积极的反馈。”Every year for the last 3 years, the group has been opening 100 new hotels in China.在过去3年中,该集团每年都会在中国新开100家酒店。Qian Jin, President, Hilton Greater China and Mongolia钱进 希尔顿大中华区及蒙古总裁We have a major milestones coming 600th hotels by the end of this year. China is such a large countries and reflect of different segmentation of customers. So in the near future, we're going to look at another new brand into China. We got destinations like resort hotel. But besides, on top of that, actually there's a lot of destinations and we would like to explore where our Chinese domestic travel is going to.今年年底,我们将迎来第600家酒店的重要里程碑。中国是一个非常辽阔的国家,有各种不同的客户群体。因此,在不久的将来,我们将考虑在中国推出另一个新品牌。我们有度假酒店这样的目的地。但除此之外,其实还有很多旅行地,我们希望探索中国国内旅游的目的地。Zhang Shixuan, ReporterChina's tourism sector has been witnessing a continued recovery during the third quarter. Data from the China Tourism Academy says that during the summer travel peak between June and August, the number of domestic trips topped more than 1.8 billion, generating revenue of 1.2 trillion yuan. The upcoming National Day Holiday is expected to bring another boost, more good news for foreign firms which provide things for the tourists to do once they get here.中国旅游业在第三季度持续复苏。中国旅游研究院的数据显示,在6月至8月的暑期旅游高峰期间,国内旅游人数超过18亿人次,实现旅游收入1.2万亿元。即将到来的国庆长假预计将再次推动旅游业的发展,这对那些为游客提供旅游服务的外资企业来说无疑是个好消息。Madame Tussauds' Asian flagship in downtown Shanghai saw more than a million visitors a year before 2020, and it's proving just as popular now.  It's just carried out an upgrade to some show areas to provide guests with more immersive【沉浸式虚拟现实的】experiences.位于上海市中心的杜莎夫人蜡像馆在2020年前每年接待游客超过100万人次,现在也同样受欢迎。杜莎夫人蜡像馆刚刚对部分展区进行了升级,为游客提供更加身临其境的体验。Fiona Yang, General Manager, Madame Tussauds Shanghai上海杜莎夫人蜡像馆总经理 杨丽君So far we have like many peak season, Mayday holiday, peak season like summer holiday actually we are recovery rate is around 60% compare with 2019. We have many guests from Jiangsu and Zhejiang province, also the Shanghai citizens. Meanwhile, the North China and East China, their guest number have been climbing up very much. We will see that many brands, more and more brands are choosing Shanghai. And we have seen many competitors in Shanghai. Now let's say many investor they are have confidence about Shanghai.到目前为止,我们有像很多旺季、五一假期、暑假这样的旺季,实际上我们的回收率比2019年要高60%左右。我们有很多来自江苏和浙江的客人,还有上海的市民。同时,华北和华东地区,他们的客人数量也在不断攀升。我们看到,越来越多的品牌选择上海,在上海也有很多竞争者。现在可以说很多投资者对上海充满信心。The company is continuing to launch new figures this year, the same number as in 2019 and an expansion which it intends to continue.  The Shanghai Municipal Administration of Culture and Tourism reports that in the first half of 2023, Shanghai received almost 140 million domestic visitors, generating tourism revenue of more than 155 billion yuan, an increase of more than 100 percent year on year.公司今年将继续达到新的流量,人数与 2019 年相同,并打算继续扩大。上海市文化和旅游局的报告显示,2023年上半年,上海接待国内游客近1.4亿人次,旅游收入超过1550亿元,同比增长超过100%。3. THAILAND RECEIVES FIRST CHINESE VISITORS UNDER NEW VISA-FREE POLICY泰国总理赛塔赴机场 迎接首批免签入境中国游客Thai officials welcomed hundreds of Chinese tourists today, the first day where they can enter the country without a visa for the next five months.  Officials in Thailand hope the initiative helps boost the country's tourism industry. Stephen Rancourt has more.今天,泰国官员欢迎数百名中国游客,这是中国游客在未来五个月内免签入境泰国的第一天。 泰国官员希望这一举措有助于促进泰国旅游业的发展。记者Stephen Rancourt带来更多报道。Starting today, Chinese travelers who want to visit Thailand will no longer need to get a visa in the next five months and they can stay in for up to 30 days.从今天起,中国游客在未来五个月内到泰国旅游将不再需要办理签证,并且可以在泰国逗留长达30天。This morning at Suvarnabhumi Airport, Thai Prime Minister Srettha Thavisin handed out gifts and posed for pictures as his tourism minister and other VIPs greeted about 100 travelers who had arrived from Shanghai.今天上午,在素万那普机场,泰国总理素拉-他威信与泰国旅游部部长和其他贵宾一起向从上海抵达泰国的约100名游客分发礼物并合影留念。“In the past, you could get a visa-on-arrival, but you still needed to provide some mandatory【强制性的】documents. But now that it's visa-free, it's just like when I went through customs and the customs officer only had to stamp my passport and register my fingerprints, I think it's really efficient and convenient.”“之前落地签还是需要一些材料什么的,免签的话就是,因为我刚刚过海关,他给我只敲了一个章,然后只录了指纹,我觉得这个真的很快捷很方便”Addressing safety concerns among tourists, the prime minister said it is the top priority of authorities.总理在谈到游客的安全问题时说,这是当局的首要任务。Srettha Thavisin, Thai Prime Minister赛塔·他威信 泰国总理“On top of anything else, tourists entering Thailand must feel safe from the first day they set foot in our country until the last where they return home, and they must also be impressed by our hospitality【热情好客】.”“最重要的是让赴泰旅客感到安全,从入境泰国那一刻起直到离开。此外,游客们还将深深体会到泰国的热情好客”The free visa policy for Chinese is estimated to add 700,000 arrivals during the high season, according to the Tourism Authority of Thailand. The visa-free policy is also available to travelers from Kazakhstan. The Thai government aims to attract 40 million foreign visitors in 2024 to help tourism recover to pre-pandemic levels.据泰国旅游局称,中国游客免签政策预计将在旅游旺季期间增加70万人次。来自哈萨克斯坦的游客也可享受免签证政策。泰国政府的目标是在2024年吸引4000万外国游客,以帮助旅游业恢复到大流行前的水平。#热词加油站 coxswain /ˈkɒksn/【舵手】veteran /ˈvetərən/【老将】immersive /ɪˈmɜːsɪv/【沉浸式虚拟现实的】mandatory /ˈmændətəri/【强制性的】 hospitality /ˌhɒspɪˈtæləti/【热情好客】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
9/26/20237 minutes, 29 seconds
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09/22 TOP NEWS|杭州亚运会开幕/第五届外滩金融峰会/2023上海马拉松十一月底开跑

NEWS ON 09/221.ASIAN GAMES TO OPEN TOMORROW第十九届亚洲运动会开幕式23日晚在浙江杭州举行2.WORLD FINANCE EXPERTS CONSIDER LIKELY FUTURE INTEREST RATES第五届外滩金融峰会:全球财经大咖热议“复苏与挑战”3.SHANGHAI MARATHON RETURNS AT FULL SCALE IN NOVEMBER2023上海马拉松11月底开跑-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1. ASIAN GAMES TO OPEN TOMORROW第十九届亚洲运动会开幕式23日晚在浙江杭州举行President Xi Jinping will attend the opening ceremony of the 19th Asian Games tomorrow night in Hangzhou. Swimmer Qin Haiyang and women's basketball player Yang Liwei will carry the Chinese flag at the ceremony. Now Chen Xuan previews what to expect from Chinese athletes at the games.国家主席习近平将出席明晚在杭州举行的第19届亚运会开幕式。游泳运动员秦海洋和女篮运动员杨力维将在开幕式上举中国国旗。现在,陈璇带我们预览对于中国运动员在本届亚运会上表现的期待。All right, Bei...///// China has finished atop the medal standings at every Asian Games since 1982. This marks the third time China has hosted the event. 好的,贝。自 1982 年以来,中国在每届亚运会上都位居奖牌榜首位。今年是中国第三次举办亚运会。886 Chinese athletes will be competing in 407 events in 38 sports. Expect plenty of gold medals in table tennis, badminton, diving, shooting, weightlifting and artistic gymnastics.  886名中国运动员将参加38个项目的407场比赛。在乒乓球、羽毛球、跳水、射击、举重和艺术体操等项目中,金牌数量将十分可观。In table tennis, women's players Sun Yingsha and Chen Meng are both expected to medal, while Fan Zhendong and Ma Long are big favorites on the men's side. 在乒乓球比赛中,女子选手孙颖莎和陈梦都有望获得奖牌,而男子选手樊振东和马龙则是最大热门。Young Olympian Quan Hongchan is favored to dominate diving events. 年轻的奥运冠军全红婵被看好在跳水项目上独占鳌头。The men's football team trumped Myanmar 4-0 yesterday to qualify for the next round. The men's volleyball team defeated Kazakhstan to enter the Top 12.男足昨天以 4-0 大胜缅甸,晋级下一轮。男子排球队击败哈萨克斯坦队,进入12强。Esports and breaking are making their debut【首次亮相】 at the Asian Games this year. Some of China's top gamers and break dancers will be looking to make history by winning the first ever gold medals in these competitions. 电子竞技和霹雳舞首次亮相今年的亚运会。一些中国顶尖的电竞选手和霹雳舞选手有望在这些比赛中争得首枚金牌从而创造历史。The events will be held across 6 cities in Zhejiang Province. Organizers say they're creating the first carbon-neutral Asian Games. In addition to sports venues that run on renewable energy, the opening ceremony will not feature any real fireworks. Instead, organizers will present a digital fireworks display. 比赛将在浙江省的6个城市举行。主办方表示,他们将打造第一届碳中和亚运会。除了使用可再生能源的体育场馆外,开幕式上将不燃放烟花。取而代之的是,主办方将展示数字焰火表演。Yesterday, more athletes and support staff arrived in Hangzhou from 35 countries and regions. More than 3,200 delegates from countries including Thailand, the Philippines, Cambodia and Indonesia arrived at Hangzhou's Xiaoshan Airport.昨天,来自35个国家和地区的更多运动员和后勤人员抵达杭州。来自泰国、菲律宾、柬埔寨和印度尼西亚等国家的3200多名代表已抵杭州萧山机场。The first group of more than 40 horses also arrived yesterday for the equestrian【马术的】 events. 马术比赛的超40多匹的第一批马也于昨天抵达。All 56 competition and 31 training venues passed inspections at the end of July.一共56个比赛场地和31个训练场地已于7月底通过验收。2. WORLD FINANCE EXPERTS CONSIDER LIKELY FUTURE INTEREST RATES第五届外滩金融峰会:全球财经大咖热议“复苏与挑战”The 2023 Bund Summit opened today in Shanghai, bringing together global financial leaders discussing paths towards economic recovery and growth. As the world grapples with geopolitical tensions and economic uncertainties, the fifth Bund Summit is addressing issues in global macro policies, the evolution of international supply chains and artificial intelligence. Zhang Shixuan explains.2023外滩金融峰会今天在上海开幕,全球财经大咖齐聚一堂,探讨经济复苏和增长之路。在全球努力应对地缘政治紧张局势和经济不确定性之际,第五届外滩峰会将探讨全球宏观政策、国际供应链演变和人工智能等问题。记者张诗旋带来更多报道。The first plenary【完全的】session today focused on the future of globalization. In the roundtable discussion, the experts focused on global monetary policies, which have been seeing aggresive moves by major foreign central banks to curb inflation.  This Wednesday, the US Federal Reserve left its key interest rate unchanged for the second time in its last three meetings while suggesting further increases could be coming.  Experts today said markets are now suggesting a higher neutural rate of interest, or R-star.今天的第一次全体会议重点讨论了全球化的未来。在圆桌讨论中,专家们重点讨论了全球货币政策,外国央行一直在采取积极举措抑制通胀。本周三,美国联邦储备委员会在过去三次会议中第二次维持主要利率不变,同时暗示可能会进一步加息。专家们今天表示,市场现在暗示着更高的中性利率。Nathan Sheets, Global Chief Economist, Citi内森·希茨 花旗集团全球首席经济学家 “I think I see a higher cyclical R-star. I don't know if it's as high as 4, but I can easily get my head around 3 or something a little bit higher, which is compared to the Fed docs, they're writing down 2 and a half. I see 50, 75 basis points pretty easy to justify. We have seen in the economy, it's ongoing, very robust pent-up demand for services and that spending has been relatively insensitive to policy price and many other economic parameters【参数】. And given that momentum in the economy, arguably, it has taken, it may continue to take somewhat more restraint for monetary policy to be able to bring things back into balance.”“我看到了更高的中性利率。我不知道它是否高达4,但我可以轻易理解为3左右或更高一点,比起美联储的政策——他们定为2.5。在我看来, 50、75个基点是很容易做到的。在经济中,对服务业的压抑需求非常强劲,而且这种支出对政策价格和许多其他经济参数相对不敏感。可以说,鉴于这种经济势头,货币政策可能需要继续采取更多的限制措施,才能使经济恢复平衡。”Other experts warned of some upward pressure on the neutral rate brought about by debt increases.其他专家警告债务增加会给中性利率带来一定的上升压力。Jason Furman, Former Chairman, Council of Economic Advisers of the White House贾森·弗曼 白宫经济顾问委员会前主席“Now we have a lot more debt than we had four years ago. That debt puts upward pressure on the neutral rate. If you forced me to pick a number, I would pick a number like 75 basis points, which is above what the Fed says. If you would force me four years ago, I would effect a number probably 25 basis points, which was below what the Fed was saying at the time. But I wouldn't be surprised if it was even higher than that. And it's something where you need to watch closely in the next few years.”现在,我们的债务比四年前多了很多。这些债务给中性利率带来了上升压力。如果你非要我选择一个数字,我会选择 75个基点,这个数字高于美联储所说的数字。如果你迫使我让我在四年前选择一个数字,我会选可能是 25个基点,这个数字低于美联储当时所说的数字。但如果比这更高,我也不会感到惊讶。这也是未来几年需要密切关注的问题。Consumer inflation in the US has dropped from a year-over-year peak of 9.1% in June 2022 to 3.7% last month, yet is still well above the Fed's 2% target, and Fed officials have signaled that they may well raise rates once more this year. This week the Bank of Japan and the Bank of England both decided to hold their interest rates steady for now.  At the plenary session today, Wang Yiming from the Monetary Policy Committee at the People's Bank of China noted that for the past three years, China has been holding its interest rates relatively steady, focusing on maintaining a consistent monetary policy.美国消费通胀率已从2022年6月的同比峰值9.1%降至上个月的3.7%,但仍远高于美联储 2%的目标,美联储官员已表示今年很可能再次加息。本周,日本央行和英国央行均决定暂时维持利率稳定。在今天的全体会议上,我国央行货币政策委员会的王一鸣指出,过去三年来,中国一直保持相对稳定的利率,重点是要保持货币政策的连贯性。3. SHANGHAI MARATHON RETURNS AT FULL SCALE IN NOVEMBER2023上海马拉松11月底开跑The Shanghai Marathon is back, 38,000 spots are available for runners to hit the streets on November 26. 20,000 for the full marathon, and 18 for the easier "fun run".上海马拉松赛又回来了,38,000位参赛员将于11月26日上路。20,000人参加全程马拉松,18人参加轻松的 "欢乐跑"。The starting line for the full 42 kilometer marathon will be, as it always has been, at the Bund, the finish line will be at Shanghai Stadium. The precise details for the fun run, including its length route and finish line are still being worked out. 全程42公里的马拉松赛起跑线将一如既往地设在外滩,终点设在上海体育场。欢乐跑的确切细节,包括其长度路线和终点线仍在制定中。Registration【注册】is open until September 26, and the results will be announced on October 13. The winner of the full marathon will receive a cash prize of 55,000 US dollars. This November will be the first full scale Shanghai Marathon since 2019.报名截止到9月26日,比赛结果将于10月13日公布。全程马拉松的优胜者将获得55,000 美元的现金奖励。今年11月将是自2019年以来首次举办的全程上海马拉松赛。#热词加油站 equestrian /ɪˈkwestriən/【马术的】debut /ˈdeɪbjuː/【首次亮相】plenary /ˈpliːnəri/【完全的】parameters /pəˈræmɪtə(r) /【参数】registration /ˌredʒɪˈstreɪʃn/【注册】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
9/25/20236 minutes, 5 seconds
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09/21 TOP NEWS|“薪火”相传迎亚运/男足5-1击败印度/沪苏湖铁路引入虹桥/静安雕塑展

NEWS ON 09/201. TORCH RELAY STARTS FINAL LEG AS HANGZHOU PREPARES TO RAISE CURTAIN ON ASIAN GAMES“薪火”相传迎亚运!杭州亚运会火炬收官站2. CHINA DEFEATS INDIA 5-1 IN MEN'S FOOTBALL AT ASIAN GAMES中国亚运男足5比1击败印度队3. TRACKS FOR NEW SHANGHAI-SUZHOU-HUZHOU COMMUTER LINE INSTALLED AT HQ STATION沪昆铁路“腾挪移”为沪苏湖铁路引入上海虹桥站让位4.LOOSE YOURSELF IN THE JING'AN SCULPTURE PROJECT上海静安国际雕塑展:走进开放的公园美术馆----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1.TORCH RELAY STARTS FINAL LEG AS HANGZHOU PREPARES TO RAISE CURTAIN ON ASIAN GAMES“薪火”相传迎亚运!杭州亚运会火炬收官站With three days to go before the official opening of the 19th Asian Games, the torch【火炬】 relay today returned to host city Hangzhou. It started there on September 8th and has ventured to 11 cities including Huzhou and Jiaxing. Zhang Yue has more.距离第19届亚洲运动会正式开幕还有三天,今天(09/20)火炬传递回到了东道主城市杭州。火炬传递始于9月8日,途经湖州和嘉兴等11个城市。本台记者张乐带来详细报道。Nearly 200 torchbearers will complete the 11.4-kilometer relay with the 2020 Olympic gold medalist in women's badminton Chen Yufei running the first leg at 9:45am. Tennis star Wu Yibing吴易昺, the first male player from the Chinese mainland to secure an ATP Tour title in the open era, run the last leg.近200名火炬手将完成11.4公里的接力赛程,2020年奥运会女子羽毛球金牌得主陈雨菲将于上午9:45开始跑第一棒。网球明星吴易昺将作为最后一棒,他是中国大陆首位在公开赛年代获得ATP职业巡回赛冠军的男选手。2.CHINA DEFEATS INDIA 5-1 IN MEN'S FOOTBALL AT ASIAN GAMES中国亚运男足5比1击败印度队Four sports started yesterday. In men's football, China defeated India 5-1. Gao Tianyi scored from a corner in the 16th minute to open the scoring. India equalized just before half-time. Tao Qianglong scored twice, while Dai Weijun, and Fang Hao also scored in the second half to secure the victory. China's next match is versus Myanmar.昨天(09/19)有四项比赛开始。在男子足球比赛中,中国以5-1战胜了印度。高天意在第16分钟的角球中攻入一球,率先赢得比分。印度在半场结束前扳平比分。后陶强龙攻入两球,戴伟浚和方昊在下半场各打进一球,锁定了胜局。中国的下一场比赛将对阵缅甸。3.TRACKS FOR NEW SHANGHAI-SUZHOU-HUZHOU COMMUTER LINE INSTALLED AT HQ STATION沪昆铁路“腾挪移”为沪苏湖铁路引入上海虹桥站让位After a year of planning the track for the new Shanghai-Suzhou-Huzhou Railway was installed at Hongqiao Railway Station. A work-force of more than 2,000 people completed this project last night. Sun Siqi tells us more.经过一年的规划,上海——苏州——湖州新铁路的轨道在虹桥火车站安装完成。2000多人的施工队伍昨晚(09/19)完成了这项工程。。本台记者孙思奇带来报道。Just after 10 o'clock last night, more than 2,000 workers entered the site once the last train departed Hongqiao station for Kunshan.昨晚在10点过后,当虹桥站的最后一趟列车驶往昆山后,超过2,000名工人进入施工现场。8.5-kilometers of existing track had to be shifted by 11 meters to make way for the new track, and the work had to be completed within 2 and a half hours. Once the move was complete, the tracks for the new commuter line needed to be installed within 3 hours, before morning train services started. The project's engineers spent a year planning this night.为了给沪苏湖铁路建设引入上海虹桥站腾出场地,须将原有的8.5公里的轨道整体西移11米,这项工作必须在2个半小时内完成。移动完成后,新通勤线路的轨道必须在3 小时内安装完毕,以确保后续早班列车正常行驶。项目工程师们花了一年的时间来规划这一夜晚。Meng Fanhua, Project Manager of Shanghai Civil Engineering, China Railway孟凡华中国铁路上海局上海铁路枢纽工程建设指挥部指挥长“这是我们最难的一个工程,对施工预案是反复的预审、审核修改。每一个人、每一道工序都是清晰的。”“This was the most challenging part of the line's entire construction process. We made plans, we made changes, and we changed them again. We knew exactly what to do at each phase, and what each person should be doing.”The new tracks were down by 3 am today, and with the tracks at one of the new line's terminal stations installed work will begin on connecting all the segments of the route that are in various stages of completion.今天(09/20)凌晨 3 点,新轨道已经铺设完毕。随着沪苏湖铁路终点站之一上海轨道安装完毕,接下来继续将连接其余处于不同完工阶段的所有路段。Kang Xiongfei, Chief Engineer of Shanghai-Suzhou-Huzhou Railway Project康雄飞中铁一局沪苏湖项目总工程师“在这个过程中,首先确保营业线施工的安全这是重中之重。另外涉及到交通道路的施工保证交通道路畅通。”“It's very important to make sure trains in operation can run safely, and that we don't block regular city roads.”The railway is expected to open next year as connect Huzhou, Suzhou and Shanghai. The current travel time between Huzhou and Shanghai is nearly 2 hours, the new line will shorten that to 30 minutes.沪苏湖铁路预计将于明年开通,连接湖州、苏州和上海。目前湖州和上海之间的交通时间接近 2 小时,新线路开通后时间将缩短至30分钟。4.LOOSE YOURSELF IN THE JING'AN SCULPTURE PROJECT上海静安国际雕塑展:走进开放的公园美术馆42 installations by 28 artists are now on display as the 7th Shanghai Jing'an International Sculpture Project opens today. Reporter Zhang Yue finds-out that nine public venues across the district are taking part.第七届中国·上海静安国际雕塑展于今日(09/20)开幕,共有28位知名艺术家的42件展品参与展出。记者张乐了解到,该展览联动了该区九处公共场馆。Ram Katzir, an Israeli visual artist based in Amsterdam, is showcasing "Here" at Jing'an Sculpture Park. With both heads in the shape of a piece of cloud, a dog and a man are sitting together, enjoying a moment of peace.来自阿姆斯特丹的以色列视觉艺术家拉姆·卡齐尔(Ram Katzir)目前在静安雕塑公园展示作品《此时此地》(Here)。作品中,头部呈云朵状的一人一狗对坐,共享静谧时分。Ram Katzir, Artist from Netherlands拉姆·卡齐尔荷兰艺术家“Actually, I took part in an exhibition here in 12 years ago, actually 11 years ago in 2012. It's amazing how many more works are here. It is called visual art for a reason:it has to be something that attracts you and makes you want to look at it. Having so many eye-catchers here in the park, I think is a gift to the people of Shanghai.”“事实上,我曾在这里参加过一次展览,确切地说是在11年前的2012年。令人惊奇的是这里现在有更多的作品。它被称为视觉艺术是有原因的:它必须具有吸引力,让你愿意去欣赏。在这个公园里有这么多引人注目的作品,我认为这是送给上海市民的一份礼物。”"Cheese" is on the rooftop of a building and made by Gwon Osang of South Korea, while "Walkway" was created by Katinka Bock from Germany. In this installation, a tree was planted under a 6-meter bridge, and people are welcome to walk on the bridge to be part of it. Of course, the sculpture park serves as the main venue and some changes have been made to it.展品《芝士》(Cheese)位于一栋建筑的屋顶上,是由韩国艺术家权五常(Gwon Osang)创作的。展品《世界桥》(Walkway)则是由德国艺术家卡廷卡·博克(Katinka Bock)创作的。在这个装置中,一棵树被种植在一座6米高的桥下,人们可以走上桥成为装置的一部分。当然,作为主会场的静安雕塑公园也进行了一些改变。Zhang Yue, Reporter张诗旋本台记者A hedgerow running nearly 500 meters has been replaced with flowers, shrubs【灌木】, and benches to open up the sculpture park along West Beijing Road, and make it more accessible.一条长约500米的篱笆围墙已被鲜花、灌木和长凳取代,使得北京西路沿线的雕塑公园更加开放和易于进入。Zhou Yiran, Artist from China周一然中国艺术家“雕塑在这个城市里面在公园里面,它其实是一个城市的文化或者是城市精神的一种浓缩。在这种不同的艺术家的作品里面,其实可以透过艺术家不同的视角,然后你可以看到不一样的世界。现在的作品其实更多的是倾向于这种人与人之间的交互,然后科技人与科技人与未来的这样一种关系,这可能是现在的雕塑最核心的一种趋势。”“Artworks such as sculptures are a reflection of the cultural spirit of a city. You are able to see different worlds through the eyes of artists. Urban installations are often designed to really be a part of everyone's life.”Other venues in Jing'an include Da-ning Jiu-guang Center, Shixi High School, Zhen Ning Fresh Market, and Zhangyuan Garden.静安雕塑展的延伸展区还包括大宁久光中心、市西中学、镇宁菜市场和张园。"Great Elephant" is impossible to miss when passing by West Nanjing Road and Fengyang Road. It's from the mind of artist and architect Nadim Karam, who is from Lebanon. Karam's installations have appeared in Melboume, Prague, Dubai and Beirut, and he said he wants to leave a part of him in each city.当你经过南京西路和凤阳路时,映入眼帘的万象无形(Great Elephant)是一件不可错过的作品。这件作品出自黎巴嫩的艺术家和建筑师纳迪姆·卡拉姆(Nadim Karam)之手。卡拉姆的装置作品曾出现在墨尔本、布拉格、迪拜和贝鲁特等城市,他表示他希望在每个城市都留下自己的一部分。Nadim Karam, Artist & Architect from Lebanon纳迪姆·卡拉姆(Nadim Karam)黎巴嫩艺术家和建筑师。“What's interesting about this is that it reflects the city, the shapes that we have, the animal, flowers and humanoid and the objects everything is printed around this. In this case particularly it reflects Shanghai and all the buildings around in a beautiful way I think.”“这个作品的有趣之处在于它反映了这座城市,我们的形状、动物、花朵、人形和物体,一切都照映其上,美妙绝伦地反映了上海以及周围所有建筑,我认为这非常迷人。”Don't fret【烦恼】 about getting lost trying to find all 42 installations【设备】 as there is a digital map on a Wechat mini program to point you in the right direction. A bilingual audio guide has profiles of each artist. The festival runs through the end of the year.不用担心在寻找这42 件艺术作品时迷路,微信小程序上的电子地图会为你指明方向。此外还有一份关于每位艺术家简介的双语音频导览。该雕塑展将持续到年底。#热词加油站torch/tɔːtʃ/【火炬】shrub/ʃrʌb/【灌木】fret/fret/【烦恼】installation/ˌɪnstəˈleɪʃ(ə)n/【设备】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
9/22/20235 minutes, 31 seconds
Episode Artwork

09/20 TOP NEWS|十一假期车票已售超1亿张/黄金消费市场/爱因斯坦手稿 毕加索原作拍卖

NEWS ON 09/191. OVER 100 MLN TRAIN TICKETS FOR HOLIDAY SOLD NATIONWIDE全国铁路已售中秋国庆假期车票超1亿张2. GOOD OLD GOLD IN BRAND NEW STYLES BRINGS IN GOOD NEW CUSTOMERS黄金消费市场:消费者“越涨越买”3. PICASSO PAINTING, EINSTEIN MANUSCRIPTS UP FOR AUCTION爱因斯坦手稿 毕加索原作现身上海佳士得十年秋拍-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1. OVER 100 MLN TRAIN TICKETS FOR HOLIDAY SOLD NATIONWIDE全国铁路已售中秋国庆假期车票超1亿张More than 100 million train tickets for the upcoming holiday have been sold nationwide as of yesterday, according to China Railway data. Tickets for the Mid-autumn Festival and National Day holidays went on sale about a week ago. Zhang Hong brings us the details.中国铁路数据显示,截至昨天,全国已售出即将到来的假期火车票超过1亿张。中秋节和国庆节假期的车票已于一周前开始发售。记者张泓带来详细报道。Railways across the country will be busiest between September 27th and October 8th. China Railway estimates nearly 16 million trips will be made each day during the holiday, doubling the number of trips during the Spring Festival. Authorities say more trains will be added to popular destinations. 9月27日至10月8日是全国铁路最繁忙的时段。国铁集团预计,节日期间每天将有近1600 万人次出行,比春节期间的出行人数翻一番。国铁集团表示,将在热门目的地增开更多列车。Wuhan, Xi'an and Changsha are the most popular destinations for departures out of Shanghai, while Zhengzhou and Wuhan are the most sought after tickets for people in Beijing. Hangzhou is expected to be among the top 10 destinations during the holiday.武汉、西安和长沙是上海出发的最热门目的地,而郑州和武汉则是北京人最抢手的车票目的地。杭州预计将跻身假期十大热门目的地之列。Ma Zhuang, Hangzhoudong Railway Station马壮 杭州东站客运值班员Based on the number of tickets sold so far, there will be more passengers during the Mid-autumn and National Day holidays than the Labor Day holiday. Train tickets for October 3rd went on sale today at 10:30am. Popular destinations include Beijing, Zhengzhou, Wuhan, Jinan, Nanchang and Changsha.从目前售出车票数量来看,中秋、国庆小长假运输将超过五一假期运输,9月19日旅客就可以预购10月3日的火车票,从10:30开始的售票情况来看,热门方向主要集中在北京、郑州、武汉、济南、南昌、长沙等城市。Railway officials said to register on the waiting list as additional trains may be added to the schedule.国铁集团表示,由于列车时刻表可能会增加列车,因此建议在候车名单上登记。2. GOOD OLD GOLD IN BRAND NEW STYLES BRINGS IN GOOD NEW CUSTOMERS黄金消费市场:消费者“越涨越买”China's gold prices hit a new record last week, with central banks around the world having raised their gold stocks by 387 tons in the first six months of the year. That increased demand is being seen here as well in personal consumption of gold, driven by the younger generation, with a surge in their appetite for the precious metal. Our reporter Zhang Shixuan has found out that their demand is increasing whether they shop in the brick and mortar shops, or on the e-commerce sites.中国的黄金价格上周创下了新纪录,央行在今年前六个月增加了387吨黄金库存。这种需求的增长也体现在个人黄金消费上,年轻一代对贵金属的需求激增。本台记者张诗旋发现,无论是实体店,还是线上网购,他们对黄金的需求都在增加。Gold——The idea of it is often tied to a stereotype of old-fashioned wealth, but now its being turned into niche designs appealing to a wide range of younger purchasers. This store in Shanghai's Yuyuan Garden has found more than half of its clients are now young people - though heritage gold jewelry - gold products integrating traditional Chinese styles with modern designs - is turning out to be a major attraction.黄金——人们对它的概念往往与老式财富的刻板印象联系在一起,但现在,黄金正被转化为吸引众多年轻买家的小众设计。位于上海豫园的这家商店发现,现在一半以上的顾客都是年轻人——尽管是传统黄金首饰--融合了中国传统风格和现代设计的黄金产品——正成为一大亮点。“Heritage gold jewelry is unique. I like the craftsmanship【技艺】. It's now hard to find craftsman. I want to buy it to pay the respects to the crafts.”“我觉得古法会比较别致,老法,我也很喜欢那种工艺,现在很难找到师傅会那种工艺,所以会觉得买了也尊重工艺。”Zhang Shixuan, Reporter张诗旋 记者“This year has shown a strong demand for gold, both for jewelry and for investment. The World Gold Council reports that China's domestic gold jewelry demand increased by 17% year-on-year to 328 metric tons in the first six months. Many of the purchases came from the younger generation. Some buy the jewelry【珠宝】for daily wear. And some for weddings.”今年,无论是首饰还是投资,黄金需求都十分强劲。世界黄金协会报告称,上半年中国国内黄金首饰需求同比增长17%,达到328公吨。许多购买者来自年轻一代,他们购买首饰是为了日常佩戴,还有一些是为了结婚。Chen Mengyi, Regional Manager, Shanghai Yuyuan Garden Area, Laomiao陈梦逸 老庙上海豫园区区域经理 “Compared with what it was in the past, the per customer transaction has been rising significantly. For wedding scenarios, we have launched a new series catering to the diversified, fashionable and customized demand from Generation Z. The series has broken traditional wearing assumptions. It fits for the grand occasion of a wedding, while is also suitable for daily wear. ”“根据以往来比的话,现在客单价显著上升。根据婚礼场景,现在“Z世代”多元化时尚个性化需求,这个系列打破了传统的佩戴局限,不光满足于婚嫁当时的隆重场合,也可以融入日常的生活佩戴。”Online shoppers have proved increasingly keen on gold investments. Data from e-commerce site Pinduoduo show that during the Qixi Festival, China's Valentine's Day, which fell on August 22nd this year, people born between 1995 and 2000 put in more orders than women over 45, who in the past were the primary consumers of gold.  Male consumers aged between 18 and 25 accounted for the fastest growth in gold purchasing on the platform.事实证明,网上购物者越来越热衷于黄金投资。拼多多的数据显示,在今年8月22日中国情人节 "七夕节 "期间,1995年至2000年出生的人比45岁以上的女性下了更多的订单,而45岁以上的女性过去是黄金的主要消费者。18至25岁的男性消费者在该平台上的黄金购买量增长最快。Cao Jing, PR Director, Pinduoduo曹静 拼多多公共事务部总监 “Gold beads, gold bars, and pure gold have become hot search words for young people on Pinduoduo. Their gold purchasing objectives have shifted from pleasing themselves to investment. Many of the young people say they want good value for their money when buying gifts, but that a sense of formal significance is also important. And of course gold holds its value.”“现在金豆子、金条、足金已经成为了年轻人在拼多多平台上购买的搜索热词,悦己性消费逐渐转向为扫货式、投资式消费,我们接触到的很多年轻人也表示在购买礼品的时候性价比要有,也要有,购买黄金可以保值。”Gold prices have remained high this year, standing at around 600 yuan per gram today. To stimulate gold consumption, the e-commerce site has been offering promotional subsidies and group purchasing, and also making available cheaper prices to those who win a chance to buy limited-offer products.  今年以来,黄金价格一直居高不下,目前为每600元左右。为了刺激黄金消费,该线上平台一直在提供促销补贴和团购,还为赢得购买限量产品机会的人提供更便宜的价格。3. PICASSO PAINTING, EINSTEIN MANUSCRIPTS UP FOR AUCTION爱因斯坦手稿 毕加索原作现身上海佳士得十年秋拍Works by Pablo Picasso, Yayoi Kusama and Yoshitomo Nara are now at Christie's gallery as the auction house's Shanghai branch celebrates its 10th anniversary. Also, for the first time, the house is auctioning 'manu-scripts on the Chinese mainland -- this time, a set by 'Albert Einstein. Reporter Sun Siqi takes us there.在佳士得上海分部庆祝成立十周年之际,巴勃罗·毕加索、草间弥生和奈良美智的作品现身佳士得秋拍。此外,佳士得拍卖行还首次在中国大陆拍卖"手稿"—这次是阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦的一套手稿。记者孙思奇带我们了解详情。The exhibition opens with Picasso's oil-pastel-on-paper that's understood to be a self-portrait of the 20th century master as he entered his final years. The richly colored man is reminiscent of Spain's Golden Age, which is likely Picasso's self reflection as he looked back upon his prime years. 展览以毕加索的纸上油彩作品拉开帷幕,据了解,这是这位20世纪艺术大师步入晚年时的自画像。这个色彩丰富的人让人联想到西班牙的黄金时代,这很可能是毕加索在回顾他的黄金岁月时的自我反思。Also gaze into this enigmatic piece by Zao WouKi. An artist educated in China but matured in France, he used techniques that straddled【横跨】 both worlds, and his works are now arguably the most expensive in the world by an Asian painter.此外,您还可以欣赏赵无极的这件神秘的作品。赵无极在中国接受教育,在法国成长,他使用的技法横跨两个世界,他的作品现在可以说是世界上最昂贵的亚洲画家的作品。Yi Ziwei, Specialist, Christie's 20th/21st Century Art易紫薇 佳士得二十及二十一世纪艺术部专家“At the top of the work, you'll notice the oil was diluted【稀释】, creating an impression of Chinese water color painting. The middle of the work is packed with wide brush strokes with oil. It's a combination of Eastern and Western techniques.”“在作品的顶部,你会发现油彩被稀释了,给人一种中国水彩画的感觉。作品的中间部分则是用油彩描绘的宽笔触。这是东西方技法的结合。”The exhibition is ripe with the works of Yoshitomo Nara and Yayoi Kusama, two well-established modern artists. But a collector may find it refreshing that half of the collection are pieces created by younger artists in the 30-to-45 age bracket. With bright colors and eerie eyes, they paint their observation of chaos in the urban environment. 展览中不乏奈良美智和草间弥生这两位久负盛名的现代艺术家的作品。不过,让藏家耳目一新的是,其中一半藏品是30至45岁年轻艺术家的作品。他们用鲜艳的色彩和阴森的目光,描绘出他们对城市环境混乱的观察。Across 10 years, the value of purchases has doubled by collectors on the mainland. Collectors in their 30s and 40s make up half of all Chinese buyers and account for a third of sales value.10年间,大陆收藏家的购买价值翻了一番。三四十岁的收藏者占中国买家总数的一半,占销售额的三分之一。Francis Belin, President, Christie's Asia Pacific庞智锋 佳士得亚太区总裁“There's a perception that Millennial buyers would go for contemporary art. This is not what our numbers show. We see in the past few years very strong pickup amongst Millennial buyers for classic art, which I think is really interesting.”“有人认为,千禧一代的买家会选择当代艺术。但我们的数据显示并非如此。在过去几年中,我们发现千禧一代买家对古典艺术的购买力非常强劲,我认为这一点非常有趣。”With cautious optimism, Christie's brought manuscripts, a category new to Chinese collectors. It's a rare chance to read manuscripts by Albert Einstein as he explained the Theory of Relativity in German.本着谨慎乐观的态度,佳士得拍卖行带来了手稿这一中国藏家的新门类。这是一次难得的机会,可以阅读爱因斯坦用德语解释相对论时的手稿。Georgina Hilton, Head of Classic Art, Christie's Asia Pacific乔治亚·希尔顿 佳士得亚太区西方古典艺术部主管“So that could be a manuscript by Einstein, or it could be a manuscript by Issac Newton, or even, we can look at musical manuscripts【手稿】, like Mozart. That interest really stems back to the fact that our Chinese collectors are interested in things that teach them about humanity, about the past, about the future. ”“这可能是爱因斯坦的手稿,也可能是牛顿的手稿,甚至是音乐手稿,比如莫扎特的手稿。这种兴趣实际上源于这样一个事实,即我们的中国藏家对那些能让他们了解人类、了解过去、了解未来的东西感兴趣。”The exhibition will run from tomorrow until Saturday at Christie's gallery on the Bund. The auction takes place on Saturday evening.展览将从明天持续到周六,地点在外滩佳士得画廊。拍卖会将于周六晚上举行。#热词加油站 manuscripts /ˈmænjʊskrɪpts/【手稿】diluted /daɪˈluːt/【稀释】straddled /ˈstrædl/【横跨】jewelry /ˈdʒuːəlri/【珠宝】craftsmanship /ˈkrɑːftsmənʃɪp/【技艺】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
9/20/20237 minutes, 30 seconds
Episode Artwork

09/19 TOP NEWS|纪念抗战胜利78周年/普洱景迈山古茶林申遗成功/2023上海赛艇公开赛

NEWS ON 09/181.CHINA COMMEMORATES ANNIVERSARY OF WAR AGAINST JAPANESE AGGRESSION中国各地举办活动纪念抗战胜利78周年2.ANCIENT TEA FORESTS IN YUNNAN BECOME WORLD HERITAGE SITE“普洱景迈山古茶林文化景观”申遗成功3.RIVER REGATTA BRINGS INTERNATIONAL ROWERS TO SHANGHAI2023上海赛艇公开赛 国际顶尖选手竞速苏州河-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1. CHINA COMMEMORATES ANNIVERSARY OF WAR AGAINST JAPANESE AGGRESSION中国各地举办活动纪念抗战胜利78周年As sirens sounded today in Shenyang, capital of Liaoning Province, pedestrians stood in silent tribute and vehicles honked their horns to commemorate the 92nd anniversary of the "September 18 Incident" that marked the start of Japan's invasion of China. Stephen Rancourt has more.  今天,在辽宁省省会沈阳,随着警报声响起,行人肃立默哀,车辆鸣笛致敬,纪念日本发动侵华战争的“九一八事变”92 周年。本台记者Stephen Rancourt为您带来更多报道。At the 9.18 Historical Museum in Shenyang, 14 people collectively rang a huge bell while people gathered for a ceremony to commemorate the September 18 Incident. The exhibits on display at the museum detail the Japanese army's long-brewing plan to invade China. 在辽宁省沈阳市九一八历史博物馆,14 人集体敲响了巨大的钟声,人们聚集在一起举行仪式纪念九一八事变。博物馆展出的展品详细介绍了日军酝酿已久的侵华计划。On the evening of Sept. 18, 1931, the Japanese army bombarded Chinese barracks near Shenyang, earlier in the day the Japanese blew up a section of railway under their control near Shenyang and accused Chinese troops of sabotage【破坏】as a pretext for the attack.1931年9月18日傍晚,日军轰炸了沈阳附近的中国军营。当天早些时候,日军炸毁了沈阳附近由其控制的一段铁路,并指责中国军队进行破坏,以此作为进攻的借口。The resistance efforts of the Chinese people after the September 18 Incident signaled the beginning of the Chinese People's War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression.九一八事变后中国人民的抗战标志着中国人民抗日战争的开始。Li Mengmeng, Shenyang Student李萌萌 沈阳市28中学学生 “Those predecessors are great examples and we should learn something from those who sacrificed their lives. ”“我们的先辈们都是好的榜样,我们应该学习他们舍生取义的精神。”September 18th commemoration ceremonies were held across the country today. In Shanghai, this morning people gathered at Shanghai Songhu Memorial Hall in Baoshan District.今天,全国各地举行了九一八事变纪念仪式。在上海,人们今天上午聚集在位于宝山区的上海淞沪纪念馆。Ge Xuanzhu, Baoshan Fire Rescue Station葛烜铸 宝山区消防救援站 政治指导员“We'll work hard and do our best to protect the people and the country that the martyrs【烈士】sacrificed their lives for.”“作为宝山区消防救援队伍,我们会力所能及做好本职工作,将革命先烈用鲜血和生命换来的热土、保卫好、服务好。”Through historical photos, artifacts, electronic maps, scene restorations at the Shanghai Songhu Memorial Hall, visitors can revisit the history of the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression.通过上海淞沪抗战纪念馆的历史照片、文物、电子地图和场景复原,游客可以重温抗日战争的历史。Wang Yufeng, Deputy Director, Shanghai Songhu Memorial Hall王玉峰 上海淞沪抗战纪念馆副馆长“We, together with China's other museums and memorial Halls for the War of Resistance against Japanese aggression, hope more people remember and reflect on history, so the nation may further boost development and maintain peace. ”“我们与全国各地的抗战类纪念馆、博物馆同步举行活动,就是为了警钟长鸣,国耻不容忘却,吾辈当自强。”Also, the Memorial Site of the 4th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in Shanghai opened an exhibition today on key historical moments during the War and how China's resistance became an important component of the Anti-Fascist War.此外,位于上海的中国共产党第四次全国代表大会纪念地今天也举办了展览,介绍抗战时期的重要历史时刻,以及中国的抗战如何成为反法西斯战争的重要组成部分。2.ANCIENT TEA FORESTS IN YUNNAN BECOME WORLD HERITAGE SITE“普洱景迈山古茶林文化景观”申遗成功The UNESCO World Heritage Committee yesterday added ancient tea plantations in Yunnan Province to its cultural heritage list. The area includes old villages and tea forests where farmers still follow growing practices that began in the 10th century. Now Ai Bei tells us more about what's special about the area...联合国教科文组织世界遗产委员会昨天中国“普洱景迈山古茶林文化景观”列入《世界遗产名录》。该地区包括古老的村落和茶林,那里的农民仍然沿用始于公元10世纪的种植方法。现在由爱新觉罗贝向我们详细介绍该地区的独特之处。The "Cultural Landscape of Old Tea Forests of Jingmai Mountain in Pu'er was added to UNESCO's list during its 45th session in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. The tea plantations and its surrounding villages present an ancient model of tea growing developed 1,000 years ago by the Blang and Dai ethnic groups.在沙特阿拉伯利雅得召开的联合国教科文组织第45届世界遗产大会通过决议,将中国“普洱景迈山古茶林文化景观”列入《世界遗产名录》。普洱茶种植园及其周边村寨展示了 1000 年前由布朗族和傣族发展起来的古老茶叶种植模式。The indigenous communities in Yunnan's Lancang Lahu hù Autonomous County developed a mode of growing known as "understory cultivation", where growers plant tea shrubs under a forest canopy. Fallen foliage from the forest fertilizes【施肥】the soil for tea trees. The jungle's rich biodiversity offers natural pest control, and the forest helps regulate the amount of moisture essential to tea growth.云南澜沧拉祜族自治县的原住民发展了一种被称为“林下茶”的种植技术,种植者在林冠下种植茶叶灌木。森林中的落叶为茶树提供肥沃的土壤。丛林中丰富的生物多样性提供了天然的害虫控制,森林也有助于调节茶叶生长所需的水分。The site consists of 5 tea groves, 9 plantation villages and 3 protective forests. Locals still use the old ways to plant and harvest tea.“普洱景迈山古茶林文化景观”由5片古茶林,9个布朗族、傣族村寨以及3片分隔防护林共同构成。当地人至今仍然使用古老的方式种植和采摘茶叶。Though tea is one of the world's oldest beverages【饮料】, this is the world's first heritage site related to tea growing. Preparations to apply to become a World Heritage Site started in 2010. The application was submitted in 2021.虽然茶叶是世界上最古老的饮料之一,但这却是世界上第一个与茶叶种植相关的遗产地。世界遗产申报项目的准备工作始于2010 年,于 2021 年提交。 Li Qun, Director, China's National Cultural Heritage Administration李群 国家文物局局长“The Cultural Landscape of Old Tea Forests of Jingmai Mountain in Pu'er fills the gap in the theme of tea in the World Heritage List. It demonstrates the long history and outstanding achievements of Chinese tea culture, and highlights China's leading position in the birth, planting, trade and dissemination【传播】of tea drinking worldwide.”“普洱景迈山古茶林文化景观填补了《世界遗产名录》中茶主题项目的空白,生动展现了中国茶文化的悠久历史和杰出成就,彰显了中国在世界茶叶的起源、种植、贸易,以及茶文化领域传播的主导地位。”It's the country's 57th World Heritage Site, joining the Great Wall, the Forbidden Palace and Mogao Caves. UNESCO defines the site as a "cultural landscape", meaning a landscape designed and created intentionally by people.它是第 57 处中国世界遗产,与长城、故宫和莫高窟齐名。联合国教科文组织将该遗址定义为“文化景观”,即由人类有意设计和创造的景观。Chen Yaohua, Director, Peking University World Heritage Research Center陈耀华 北京大学世界遗产研究中心主任Jingmai Mountain is a tea culture landscape. It is a relatively secluded landscape unit, with very specific soil, climate and moisture【水分】levels. In this area, both the tea and its culture are preserved.景迈山是一个茶文化景观,有很多特定的自然因素,比如土壤条件、气候条件。另外它的水分条件。所以这些都是它特定的自然条件。在这个地方,茶还有文化传统能够被保留下来。3. RIVER REGATTA BRINGS INTERNATIONAL ROWERS TO SHANGHAI2023上海赛艇公开赛 国际顶尖选手竞速苏州河Suzhou Creek became a battle field for international rowers this weekend, at the 2023 Head of Shanghai River Regatta. The event brought together rowers from across China, as well as some of the world's best rowing squads from the UK and Australia. Reporter Zhang Yue was at the races and spoke with some of the visiting competitors.这周末,2023上海赛艇公开赛在苏州河上开桨。来自中国各地的赛艇选手,以及英国和澳大利亚的世界顶尖赛艇队汇聚一堂。本台记者张乐在比赛现场采访了一些选手。Rowing power houses from overseas dominated the event. The Cambridge University Boat Club won the men's 4.2 kilometer chase on Saturday, in just 12 minutes 38.43 seconds. They were followed by the Australian national team and Oxford Brookes University Boat Club.来自海外的赛艇强队在比赛中独占鳌头。剑桥大学赛艇俱乐部在周六的男子4.2公里追逐赛中以12分38.43秒的成绩夺冠。紧随其后的是澳大利亚国家队和牛津布鲁克斯大学赛艇俱乐部。Luca Ferraro, Student, Cambridge University Boat Club卢卡 法拉利 剑桥大学赛艇俱乐部学生“What an amazing course to race down, obviously a little bit tired of the moment. So take me a while to process it but what an experience racing through this beautiful city, thing we put together, a race that we're happy with. We'd hope to go off really aggressively set the tone at the start of our season to build on into the coming months.”比赛的赛道真是令人惊叹,很明显,我现在有点累了。我还需要一段时间来适应,但在这座美丽的城市里比赛,真是一次难忘的经历。我们希望能在赛季开始时就积极地为比赛定下基调,并在接下来的几个月里继续努力。Toby Lassened, Student, Oxford Brookes University Boat Club托比·拉塞德 牛津布鲁克斯大学划船俱乐部学生“It's a very tough race, especially with the corners and everything. It's very bouncy. It's good that they've got one minute gaps between each crew otherwise it would just be complete carnage【大屠杀】and it will be very horrible. But since they've done that and the organizer done such a good job to get all this up and all it running and amazing media and everything around, it's just a-mazing. So thank you very much for letting us be here and hopefully we can come again.”“这是一场非常艰苦的比赛,尤其是在弯道和其他地方。好在每个车组之间都有一分钟的间隔,否则比赛将是一场大屠杀,非常可怕。但是,由于主办方做得非常好,所有的一切都准备就绪,让所有的媒体和周围的一切都令人惊叹,这实在是太神奇了。非常感谢你们让我们来到这里,希望我们还能再来。”The Australian national team, Team Jiangsu, and Oxford Brookes University Boat Club topped the women's 4.2-kilometer race. The 500-meter race on Sunday was more intense, with the Australian national team winning both men's and women's elite groups.澳大利亚国家队、江苏队和牛津布鲁克斯大学赛艇俱乐部在女子4.2公里比赛中名列前茅。周日进行的 500 米比赛更加激烈,澳大利亚国家队在男子和女子精英组比赛中均夺冠。Zhang Yue, Reporter张乐 记者“Shanghai has a rich history in rowing, dating back to the mid-19th century. The Shanghai Rowing Club was founded in 1863, and was based out of the building behind me on South Suzhou Road. 150 years later, international athletes are gathering in the same place, to race on Suzhou Creek.”“上海的赛艇运动历史悠久,可追溯到19世纪中叶。上海赛艇俱乐部成立于1863年,总部就设在我身后的苏州南路上。150 年后的今天,国际赛艇运动员仍聚集在同一个地方,在苏州河上比赛。”The club hosted regular regattas and attracted participants from across the region back then. Before the race, the foreign teams spent some time getting to know the city.当时,该俱乐部定期举办帆船比赛,吸引了整个地区的参赛者。赛前,外国参赛队花了一些时间了解这座城市。Judith Ungemach, Coach, Australian Rowing Team朱迪斯 澳大利亚赛艇队教练“I said to the the girls before they went out for the first row to have a sightseeing tour and they were like 'oh my god, I wish I took my camera with me'. We trained in a center in Shanghai and we could see there the facilities are amazing so I'm not surprised that it's growing and it's getting better and faster.”“在她们第一排出去观光之前,我对她们说,'天哪,我要是带着相机就好了'。我们在上海的场地接受过训练,那里的设施非常棒,所以我对它发展地越来越好、越来越快并不感到惊讶。”The event also included club and university groups events, as well as individual races, attracting huge crowds along Suzhou Creek.本次活动还包括俱乐部和大学团体赛以及个人赛,吸引了苏州河沿岸的大量人群。#热词加油站 fertilizes /ˈfɜːtəlaɪz/【施肥】beverages /ˈbevərɪdʒ/【饮料】dissemination /dɪˌsemɪˈneɪʃn/【传播】moisture /ˈmɔɪstʃə(r) /【水分】 carnage /ˈkɑːnɪdʒ/【大屠杀】sabotage /ˈsæbətɑːʒ/【破坏】 martyrs /ˈmɑːtəz/【烈士】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
9/19/20237 minutes, 26 seconds
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09/18 TOP NEWS |新版永居证“五星卡”来了/2023上海赛艇公开赛 /新政策提振沪房市

NEWS ON 09/151.CHINA TO UPDATE NEW FOREIGN PERMANENT RESIDENT ID CARD新元素、新技术!新版永居证“五星卡”来了2. STUDENTS TO MAKE A SPLASH ON SUZHOU CREEK2023上海赛艇公开赛:中学生在苏州河“荡起双桨”3.MARKET LIBERALIZATION BRINGS IMPROVEMENT IN HOUSING SALES HERE“认房不认贷”政策提振上海房地产市场----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1.CHINA TO UPDATE NEW FOREIGN PERMANENT RESIDENT ID CARD新元素、新技术!新版永居证“五星卡”来了The National Immigration Administration will be issuing a new version of the foreign permanent resident ID card starting December 1st. Sun Siqi has more.国家移民管理局将于今年12月1日起正式签发启用新版中华人民共和国外国人永久居留身份证(以下简称“永居证”)。本台记者孙思奇带来详细报道。The card will look different and have a new anti-counterfeit design with better data storage technologies.新版永居卡优化了版式布局,采用更为先进的防伪技术,改进提升了证件信息存储和应用管理服务手段。Chen Yongli, Director of IT Dept. of National Immigration Administration陈永利国家移民管理局信息科技司司长“(永居证)调整了证件号码,由15位调整到18位,这个也是这次证件改版调整的一个很重要的方面,编列了外国人标识码、国籍代码、申领地代码等信息码,一人一号,终身不变。”“The ID number is going to be changed from 15 digits to 18 digits. The number incorporates codes that represent the foreigner's nationality and where the card was issued. Once issued, the person will have the same number for life.”The foreign permanent resident ID card is a legal identification document issued by the National Immigration Administration to foreigners who meet the requirements for permanent residence in China. Cardholders can use it as a valid certificate when they apply for a bank card, go to school or a hospital, take a train or plane or check in at a hotel.外国永久居民身份证是国家移民管理局向符合在华永久居留条件的外国人签发的合法身份证件。持证人在办理银行卡、就学、就医、乘坐火车或飞机、入住酒店时,可将其作为有效证件使用。The administration also said old cards will remain valid until they expire. Applicants for permanent residency after December 1st will receive the new ID card.移民管理局还表示,旧版永居证身份证仍然有效,直至证件过期。12 月 1 日之后申请永久居留权的人将收到新版永居证。2.STUDENTS TO MAKE A SPLASH ON SUZHOU CREEK2023上海赛艇公开赛:中学生在苏州河“荡起双桨”The 2023 Head of Shanghai River Regatta【划船比赛】 begins tomorrow on Suzhou Creek【小溪】. For the first time, youth performance race has been added to the event. Reporter Zhang Yue spoke to some of the young participants, and learns what attracted them to take up the sport.2023上海赛艇公开赛将于明日(09/16)在苏州河上拉开帷幕。本届赛事首次设立青少年表演赛项目。记者张乐采访了几位青年参赛选手,了解是什么吸引他们参加这项运动。Coach Jiang Dahuan, a former professional, takes his rowing team to Shendi Rowing Center in Pudong every Friday afternoon to train. The Pinghe School rowing team only had a few members five years ago, but now there are over a hundred.江大欢教练,曾是赛艇专业选手,每周五下午都会带领他的赛艇队到浦东申迪城市赛艇中心训练。五年前,平和学校的赛艇队只有几名队员,但现在已经发展到一百多人。Jiang Dahuan, Head Coach of Pinghe School Rowing Team江大欢平和学校赛艇队主教练“(我们还在)其他时间(安排)队员们在学校划船机上完成核心力量和专项训练等内容。家长在一开始接触的时候会觉得不安全的,但是我们都会让学生们做一次体验日,让家长和学生们都过去感受。”“We also do core strength and specialized training on rowing machines most of the time. Parents felt unsafe at first, but we let the students have an experience day on the river before advanced training began to allow parents and students to feel it.”Beginners start in a four-person boat, and as they improve, they gradually transition【转变】to a two-person and then a single-person boat.初学者会从四人双桨学起,随着他们的进步,逐渐过渡到双人双桨,最终到单人双桨。Huang Xinran, Student of Shanghai Pinghe School黄欣然(音译)平和学校学生“It is really very different when you’re on the river. It doesn’t feel so safe like you only have a really thin boat and you don’t know if you’re going to tip over, but when you train for a long time, you are more confident about it.”“当你身处河上时感觉真的很不一样。坐在单薄的船上,感觉不太安全,你不知道是否会翻船。但是经过长时间的训练,你就会更有有信心了。”The team has won multiple awards in national youth competitions. One of the team members said that rowing helps her be a better person, even though training is harder than she expected.该赛艇队在全国青少年比赛中斩获了各种奖项。其中一名队员说,尽管训练比她想象的要艰苦,但赛艇运动帮助她成为一个更好的人。Xing Yixin, Student of Shanghai Pinghe School邢怡欣(音译)上海平和学校学生“Since we always need to like persevere【锲而不舍】, even when we get overly exhausted, and I also learned to challenge my limitations, trying to achieve the goals that I never expected that I could have accomplished. And most importantly, I learn to cooperate with my teammates, trust my friends, and these are all the important keys to success.”“因为即使在超常疲惫的情况下,我们也需要坚持不懈,我学会了挑战自己的极限,努力实现我从未想过自己可以完成的目标。最重要的是,我学会了与队友合作,信任我的朋友,这些都是成功的重要关键。”Zhou Zhi, Student of Shanghai Pinghe School周至(音译)上海平和学校学生“Rowing really needs you to pay 100% attentions in it because you need to get to how to roll the boat, how to cooperate with your teammates and to know which kind of right strokes you are going to roll.”“划船真的需要你百分之百地专注,因为你需要学会如何掌握划船的技巧,如何与队友合作,以及判断应该使用哪种正确的划桨动作。”The Shanghai High School International Division Rowing team is also among the five schools participating the four-person double sculls performance race. Every weekend, the team trains at the Oriental Land water training base in Qingpu. One teammate from the Australian National Rowing Team offered some encouragement to the younger participants.上海高级中学国际部划船队也是参加四人双桨表演赛的五所学校之一。每个周末,该队在青浦的东方乐园水上训练基地进行训练。来自澳大利亚国家赛艇队的一名队友为这些年轻的参与者提供了一些鼓励。Fraser Miscamble, Australian National Rowing Team弗雷泽·米斯坎布尔澳大利亚国家赛艇队“It’s a great sport combines being cooperate, cooperating with each other and working together as well as the strength into the net to be able to make the boat goes fast as possible.”“这是一项很好的的运动,它结合了相互合作、团队协作,以及整合力量以使船尽可能快地前进。”The organizing committee said the results for these middle school students is not the first priority, the focus is more on teaching the youngsters how to work together as a team.组委会表示,对于这些中学生来说,比赛结果并不是最重要的,重点更多地放在教导年轻人如何团队合作。3.MARKET LIBERALIZATION BRINGS IMPROVEMENT IN HOUSING SALES HERE“认房不认贷”政策提振上海房地产市场Shanghai’s housing and finance regulators jointly announced at the beginning of the month that people who themselves or their family members do not currently own residential properties in the city would be treated as first-time home buyers - regardless of properties they may own elsewhere - and so would be able to enjoy more favourable mortgage【抵押贷款】 terms. This has brought an immediate boost to the local property market, and our reporter Zhang Shixuan talked to real estate agencies and property developers here to find out more about how their business is improving.本月初,上海的住房和金融监管部门共同宣布,居民家庭申请贷款购买商品住房时,家庭成员在上海市名下无成套住房的,不论是否已利用贷款购买过住房,银行业金融机构均按首套住房执行住房信贷政策。这立即给上海的房地产市场带来了提振。本台记者张诗旋采访了上海的房地产中介和开发商,了解他们的业务是否得到改善。Real estate agencies were among the quickest to notice the effects of the new policy, because they’re busier this month. This agency in Shanghai’s Pudong New Area has been receiving 50% more customers than it had been before. That all came from the positive signals released by the new home purchase policy which took effect at the beginning of the month in the city. According to the new regulations, regardless of their previous home mortgage history, as long as members of families, including borrowers, spouses【配偶】and minor children applying for housing loans do not own an apartment in this city, they should be treated as first-time home buyers for the purpose of their mortgage application.房地产中介是最快注意到新政策影响的行业之一,因为他们这个月的业务更加繁忙。上海浦东新区的这家中介公司的客户数量比之前增加了50%。这一切都是源于上海市本月初生效的新购房政策释放出的积极信号。根据新的规定,不论他们以前的住房抵押贷款历史如何,只要家庭成员,包括借款人、配偶和未成年子女在申请住房贷款时在该市没有成套住房,他们应被视为首次购房者获得抵押贷款。Herry Li, Shop Manager of Shanghai Centaline Property Consultants李先生上海中原地产顾问公司店长“9月1号的认房不认贷之前,应该有接近7年政策的,在上海来讲,既认房又认贷。比如讲在外地有个贷款记录,在上海在买房的话,它是属于二套房的话,最低的首付也要达到50%,普遍在内环或中环,大部分这个地段来说的话,首付都要接近70%,这对于一般的购房者他这个压力是非常大。”“Before the new policy released on September 1st, the previous policy had been in effect for almost 7 years. In Shanghai, previously, only people who didn’t have a residential property and didn’t have a mortgage loan record could be treated as first-home buyers. For example, previously, those who had a mortgage loan record outside Shanghai, if they wanted to buy a house in Shanghai, it’s considered a second home, and they would face a minimum down payment 50% of the home price. And that proportion could approach 70% in the downtown area. This meant huge pressure for home buyers.”The new policy brought a huge reduction in down payments, Li says, as first home buyers are required to pay only 35% of the total home price as a down payment. He adds that there have also been more people willing to sell their homes this month.李先生表示,新政策大大降低了首付比例,因为首次购房者只需支付总房价的 35% 作为首付。他还说,本月愿意卖房的人也多了起来。Zhang Shixuan, Reporter张诗旋本台记者In the first 10 days since the new policy took effect, Shanghai’s commercial housing sales ranked top among first-tier cities. Second-hand home sales led the growth. Data from Zhuge shows that, sales of second-hand homes in Shanghai last week saw a month-on-month rise of more than 18%. And pre-sold new residential properties are also climbing.新政实施后的前 10 天,上海商品房销售量在一线城市中名列前茅。其中,二手房销量涨幅居首。来自诸葛找房的数据显示,上周上海二手房销量环比涨幅超过18%。而新建商品住宅的预售量也在攀升。This residential compound in Shanghai’s Pudong New Area finished its 5-day sales subscription on September 7th, right after the new policy took effect. The 147 apartments here received bids from more than 600 potential buyers, 20 or 30% more than had been expected by the property developer.位于上海浦东新区的这个住宅小区在新政策生效后,于9月 7 日结束了为期 5 天的销售认购。这里的 147 套公寓收到了 600 多位潜在买家的竞标,比房地产开发商的预期多出 20% 至 30%。Yuan Kun, Marketing Manager of CSCEC DongFu Shanghai袁昆中建东孚上海市场部经理“尤其是一些改善型的客户,之前他们的购房的预算,可能说比如说他的预算是在800到1000万左右,这样一个认房不认贷的这样的一个政策出来之后,他们把自己的意向房源的总价段,整个的额度是做了一个提升,比如说它可以把整个的一些目标的房源放到了这个1200万左右,这一点还是对客户还是有较大的一个影响的,可能直接会反馈在一些这种这个客户对于项目的一个热情。”“Especially for some clients that are looking for a new home to improve their living conditions, their budget has grown. For example, if previously, their budget was 8 to 10 million yuan, since the new policy was launched, their target prices have risen to around 12 million yuan. The clients are more excited about new housing projects.”To better meet housing demand and promote development of the property sector, China’s financial authorities has just eased mortgage policies. According to an official statement by the government, existing mortgages for first-home purchases will be lowered. And beginning Sept 25, banks and borrowers will also be encouraged to negotiate a rate change or a swap for a new loan.为了更好地满足住房需求,促进房地产业的发展,国家金融监督管理总局放宽了房贷政策。根据政府的官方声明,现有的首套住房贷款将下调。自 9 月 25 日起,还将鼓励银行和借款人协商调整利率或互换新贷款。#热词加油站counterfeit/ˈkaʊntəfɪt/【伪造的】regatta/rɪˈɡætə/【划船比赛】creek/kriːk/【小溪】transition /trænˈzɪʃ(ə)n/【转变】persevere/ˌpɜːsəˈvɪə(r)/【锲而不舍】mortgage /ˈmɔːɡɪdʒ/【抵押贷款】spouse/spaʊs/【配偶】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
9/18/20237 minutes, 47 seconds
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09/15 TOP NEWS|商务部回应欧盟反补贴调查/上证微涨,深证下跌/印尼总统首乘雅万高铁

NEWS ON 09/141.MINISTRY OF COMMERCE CRITICIZES EU’S ANTI-SUBSIDY PROBE INTO CHINESE NEVS商务部回应欧盟宣布即将对中国电动汽车发起反补贴调查2.SHANGHAI RISES 0.11 PERCENT, BUT SHENZHEN RETREATS 0.57%上证综指微涨 0.11%,深圳成指跌0.57%3.INDONESIAN PRESIDENT TAKES RIDE ON JAKARTA-BANDUNG HIGH-SPEED RAILWAY印尼总统首乘雅万高铁列车:时速350公里时仍感觉很舒适----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1.MINISTRY OF COMMERCE CRITICIZES EU’S ANTI-SUBSIDY PROBE INTO CHINESE NEVS商务部回应欧盟宣布即将对中国电动汽车发起反补贴调查China has expressed serious concerns and strong dissatisfaction with the European Union’s decision to launch an anti-subsidy【补贴】 probe【调查】into Chinese electric vehicles, the Ministry of Commerce said today.商务部今日(09/14)回应称,中方对欧盟对中国电动汽车发起的反补贴调查表示高度关切和强烈不满。The ministry said the measures proposed by the European Union are a blatant【公然的】act of protectionism in the name of fair competition, which will severely disrupt and distort the global automotive supply chain. European automotive companies have invested and operated in China for many years, with the Chinese market becoming the largest overseas market for numerous EU-based car manufacturers. The ministry added that China will follow subsequent EU moves and protect the legitimate rights of Chinese companies.商务部发言人称,欧盟拟采取的调查措施是以“公平竞争”为名行保护自身产业之实,是赤裸裸的保护主义行为,将严重扰乱和扭曲全球汽车产业链供应链。欧盟汽车企业在中国投资经营多年,中国市场已成为众多欧盟车企最大的海外市场。中方将密切关注欧方保护主义倾向和后续行动,坚定维护中国企业的合法权益。2.SHANGHAI RISES 0.11 PERCENT, BUT SHENZHEN RETREATS 0.57%上证综指微涨 0.11%,深圳成指跌0.57%The markets were mixed today, but Shanghai did manage to rise just a bit. Timothy Pope has this report.今日(09/14)市场波动,但上证指数勉强上涨。本台记者 Timothy Pope 带来详细报道。The Chinese mainland markets were still fairly directionless today. The Shanghai Composite Index rose fractionally, but the Shenzhen Component fell more than half of one percent. Trade remains slow, as it’s been all week. Today of course the big story was the news that the European Commission is launching a probe into the Chinese Government’s electric vehicle subsidies. This announcement has been blasted by the Chinese Commerce Ministry as protectionist.今日中国内地市场仍相对无明确走向。上证指数微幅上涨,但深圳成指下跌超过0.5%。同本周一直以来的情况,交易依然缓慢。当然,今日重磅新闻是欧洲委员会将对对中国电动汽车发起反补贴调查。中国商务部对该调查进行了的抨击,称其为贸易保护主义行为。Many Chinese automaker stocks were unaffected by the news, but BYD - the country’s biggest EV producer - was down by 3 percent, as it has more European exposure than many of its peers. ChangAn Auto was down 1.7 percent. But EV maker Seres, which partners with Huawei, was up 10 percent, so there was by no means an even effect across the sector.多数中国汽车制造商的股票受到这一消息的影响不大,但中国最大的电动汽车生产商比亚迪(BYD)下跌了3%,因为其与欧洲的关联高于同行。长安汽车下跌了1.7%。但与华为合作的电动汽车制造商赛力斯汽车(Seres)上涨了10%,因此这一行业并没有受到均等影响。More broadly we saw energy companies continuing to rise alongside global fuel prices, while real estate and consumer stocks continued their declines.总体而言,能源公司继续随着全球燃油价格上涨而上涨,而房地产和消费类股票继续下跌。Asian markets were focused on the latest US inflation data which leaves room for the Fed to keep rates stable at its meeting next week. The 0.6 percent jump in the CPI in August was largely due to a surge in gas prices, with the Core CPI rise only 0.3 percent.亚洲市场密切关注着美国最新的通货膨胀数据,该数据为下周美联储维持利率稳定留下了空间。8月CPI上涨了0.6%,主要是由于天然气价格激增,核心CPI仅上涨了0.3%。That was enough to drag Hong Kong’s markets back into positive territory today -- although not by much. The Hang Seng added 0.2 percent.这足以使香港的市场今天重新进入了收涨,尽管增幅不大。恒生指数上涨了0.2%。Oil stocks were leading, but the other major notable was smartphone maker Xiaomi which was up by 2.7 percent. It’s settled a patent licencing dispute with Huawei, with the two tech companies agreeing to a deal which would cover technology including 5G.石油股领涨,但另一个重要的亮点是智能手机制造商小米,涨幅为2.7%。它已解决了与华为的专利许可争端,两家科技公司达成了一项涵盖5G等技术的协议。Tokyo’s markets responded even more robustly to the US CPI. The Nikkei 225 was up 1.4 percent to close back about 33 thousand points.东京市场对美国CPI的反应更为强烈。日经225指数上涨了1.4%,收于约33,000点。Optimism that US inflation and rates might be on the way down combined with hopes that Japanese inflation and rates might start going the other way, with a key BOJ meeting coming up next week too. All sectors were up in Tokyo today but there were big gains for a lot of the blue chips. Those included chip stocks like Tokyo Electron and Uniqlo owner Fast Retailing.市场对美国通货膨胀和利率可能走低感到乐观,同时希望日本的通货膨胀和利率可能开始朝相反的方向发展,尤其是考虑到下周即将召开的关键日本银行(BOJ)会议。今天,东京市场各个行业都表现良好,但许多蓝筹股取得了大幅增长。其中包括像东京电子和优衣库的母公司迅销集团(Fast Retailing)这样的芯片股。3.INDONESIAN PRESIDENT TAKES RIDE ON JAKARTA-BANDUNG HIGH-SPEED RAILWAY印尼总统首乘雅万高铁列车:时速350公里时仍感觉很舒适Indonesian President Joko Widodo took a ride on the Jakarta-Bandung High-Speed Railway on Wednesday, the railway is a landmark Belt and Road Initiative project. Lei Shuran has more.印尼总统佐科·维多多(Joko Widodo)于周三乘坐雅加达-万隆高铁,这是“一带一路”倡议的标志性工程。本台记者雷舒然带来详细报道。Widodo examined the construction progress at Halim Station in the capital Jakarta and took the train to the Padalarang Station in West Java.维多多在雅加达的哈利姆车站检查了工程进展,并搭乘列车前往西爪哇的帕达拉朗车站。The Indonesian president described the ride experience as smooth and comfortable. He hoped that the Indonesian people will use public transportation more frequently in order to reduce road traffic congestion【拥塞】 between Jakarta and Bandung.印尼总统表示乘坐体验非常顺畅和舒适。他希望印尼民众能够更多使用公共交通工具,乘坐雅万高铁,以缓解雅加达到万隆之间的交通压力。Joko Widodo Indonesian President佐科印尼总统“I’ve made four inspections to this project and this is the first time I’ve taken a ride. It’s comfortable. Even when the speed reached 350 kilometers per hour, I didn’t feel bumpy, either standing or sitting. This is an advancement of civilization.”“我来雅万高铁视察过四次,这是我第一次乘坐列车。高铁非常舒服,在时速达到350公里时,我没感觉到任何的颠簸,无论是站着还是坐着。这就是文明的进步。”The Jakarta-Bandung High-Speed Railway connects Indonesia’s capital Jakarta and West Java’s provincial capital Bandung. With a design speed of 350 kilometers per hour, the railway spanning 142.3 kilometers will cut the journey between the two cities from over three hours to around 40 minutes.雅加达-万隆高铁连接了印尼首都雅加达和西爪哇省会万隆。设计时速达到350公里,全长142.3公里的高铁将把两座城市之间的旅行时间从原来的三个多小时缩短到约40分钟。It is the first overseas high-speed railway project that fully uses Chinese railway systems, technology, and industrial components. The railway is expected to begin trial operations in October.这是首个完全使用中国铁路系统、技术和工业组件的海外高铁项目。高铁预计将在十月开始试运营。#热词加油站subsidy/ˈsʌbsədi/【补贴】probe/prəʊb/【调查】blatant/ˈbleɪt(ə)nt/【公然的】congestion/kənˈdʒestʃən/【拥塞】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
9/15/20234 minutes, 53 seconds
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09/14 TOP NEWS|澳大利亚企业积极回应总理年内访华

NEWS ON 09/13Australian Business Very Excited, Injecting Energy Into Relations澳大利亚企业积极回应总理年内访华-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------Australian Prime MinisterAnthony Albanese has accepted an invitation to visit China later this year. He will be the first Australian leader to go to Beijing in seven years. And our reporter Timothy Pope sat down with the Chair of the Australian Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai Heidi Dugan, to discuss the business community’s hopes for the visit.澳大利亚总理阿尔巴尼斯称今年晚些时候访华。他将成为七年来首位访华的澳大利亚领导人。本台记者Timothy Pope与澳大利亚商会-上海的主席杜海蒂(Heidi Dugan)进行了会谈,探讨了商界对此次访华的期待。Tim:Heidi Dugan, welcome to the programme. Thanks for braving the weather to be with us. 杜海蒂,欢迎您,感谢您冒着风雨来参加本次访谈。Heidi:Thank you for having me. 感谢邀请我。Tim:First of all, Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese is upcoming visit to China as of course, diplomatically significant and it does show that relations between China and Australia have improved significantly. What is the Australian Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai hoping will come out of this visit? 首先,澳大利亚总理阿尔巴尼斯即将访华,这必然具有重要的外交意义,也表明中澳关系有了显著改善。澳大利亚商会-上海希望这次访华取得什么成果?Heidi:The whole thing is, is that we've had relations for 50 years now. So, like all relationships, they go up and down and I think this is just a really good sign that everyone's moving in the same direction. So, everyone from AustCham Shanghai is super excited about having a move here and that there is that sort of development of relationship and conversation. And I think that that whole concept of a thing 50 years and that there is the anniversary is a well thought up, you know, idea that now is the time to reinject sort of, you know, some energy into that relationship and to, you know, hope that it flourishes【繁荣】for another 50 years. 中澳建交已经有50年了。如同所有的关系一样,它时好时坏,我认为(访华)是一个非常好的迹象,表明所有人都在朝着同一个方向前进。因此,澳大利亚商会-上海的每个人都非常高兴能在这里开展活动,也非常高兴有好的关系发展和交流。我认为,“50周年纪念”这个概念的提出是经过深思熟虑的,现在正是时候为这种关系重新注入些活力,希望它能再蓬勃发展50年。Tim:As far as bilateral【双方的】trade goes there have been a number of sticking points, which has actually been overcome recently, of course, tariffs on several goods, including coal and barley imports from Australia to China. But some sticking points do still remain. Are you confident that those issues can be sorted out, and the business can go back to normal? 就双边贸易而言,存在着一些问题,在最近已经得到了解决,就是对产品征收关税,包括从澳大利亚进口到中国的煤炭和大麦。但有些问题依然存在。您对于解决这些问题,中澳贸易恢复正常是否有信心?Heidi:Well, first of all, we talked about the tariffs that have already passed. I mean, everyone's very excited and it just shows that again, we're moving in the right direction. Will the lobster and wine tariffs be lifted? I think that's the whole point in these conversations, it's finding an even ground where it benefits both countries, you know where supplying but then there's the consumer here that loves it and wants it. So, I think when there's a win situation, it will always end up moving in the right direction. 首先,我们谈到了关税已经通过。大家都非常兴奋,因为这再次表明我们正朝着正确的方向前进。龙虾和葡萄酒的关税是否会取消?我认为这就是交谈的关键所在——正在找一个对两国都有利的平衡点。因此,我认为当有一个双赢的局面,那最终总会朝着正确的方向发展。Tim:Education is of course another major Australian Export. And we have seen that you were also the represent, most of the major Australian universities here. There has been a bit of a rebound in Chinese student numbers returning to Australia. But are the Australian educational institutions back on the ground here in China, trying to sell the idea of an Australian education?教育,当然是澳大利亚的另一个主要出口源。我们看到,你们也是澳大利亚大多数主要大学在这里的代表。中国学生回到澳大利亚的人数有所回升。但是,澳大利亚教育机构是否回到中国,在努力输出澳大利亚的教育理念?Heidi:None of the universities left. They were here completely supporting like, for instance, the University of Sydney, they've got offices in Suzhou, and they were inviting all the students to come down to their office, to be able to continue their studies. For us, AustCham Shanghai, we really made sure that for the alumni【校友】, everyone that was trying to graduate that we can do graduation events for them, so you know that that has really just continued through the process. Will we push harder? Will we invite welcome the Chinese to come to Australia? Of course. It's such a beautiful relationship when we have students coming to Australia. They learn there, then they come back to China, and it again just strengthens the relationship between two countries. 没有大学离开过。例如,悉尼大学在苏州设有办事处,他们邀请所有学生到他们的办事处继续学习。对于澳大利亚商会-上海来说,我们真的确保了校友的学习,为每一个想要毕业的学生举办毕业活动,所以,整个过程一直都在继续。我们会加大力度吗?我们会欢迎中国人来澳大利亚吗?当然会。当我们将学生带到澳大利亚时,关系发展会变深厚。他们在那里学习,然后回到中国,这将又一次加强两国关系。Tim:And more broadly on foreign investment China's cabinet the State Council has issued its opinions on foreign investment and increasing it and has addressed issues, including competition, tax incentives, and research and development. Are these a confidence booster for Australian companies who do business here in China? 在更广泛的外商投资问题上,中国国务院发布了关于优化外商投资环境和加大外商投资力度的意见,并解决了包括竞争、税收优惠和研发在内的问题。对于在中国开展业务的澳大利亚企业来说,这些是否会增强信心?Heidi:Absolutely. I think for the Australians, the Australian businesses that are here, it's always encouraging to hear that the Chinese government is trying to find ways to support not only business but also life here. On the second level, I think it's really important for organisations like AustCham Shanghai to take that message back home, and to share that with Australian businesses who are thinking about coming into China. So, at the two different levels, I think it's important and it's really about how we get those messages out to the people here and also to the people back home. 当然。我认为对于在这里的澳大利亚人和澳大利亚企业而言,听到中国政府正在想方设法支持他们在这里的工作和生活,肯定是欢欣鼓舞的。其次,我认为像澳大利亚商会-上海这样的企业,将这一消息带回国,并与那些考虑进入中国的澳大利亚企业分享,也是非常重要的。因此,在这两个不同的层面上,我认为如何将这些信息传达给这里的人们以及家乡的人们都非常重要。Tim:Heidi Dugan, thank you so much for joining us. 杜海蒂,感谢参与这次会谈。Heidi:Thank you谢谢。#热词加油站flourish  /ˈflʌrɪʃ /【繁荣】bilateral  /ˌbaɪˈlætərəl /【双方的】alumni  /əˈlʌmnaɪ /【校友】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
9/14/20234 minutes, 45 seconds
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09/13 TOP NEWS|天舟五号再入大气层/“爱达·魔都号”试航成功/“911”纪念活动

NEWS ON 09/121.TIANZHOU-5 CARGO SPACECRAFT RE-ENTERS, ATMOSPHERE AFTER COMPLETING MISSION天舟五号货运飞船已受控再入大气层2.SHANGHAI SHIP-BUILDING READY TO CRUISE INTO THE FUTURE中国首制大型邮轮“爱达·魔都号”试航圆满成功3. 9-11 MEMORIAL CEREMONIES, HELD ACROSS THE UNITED STATES美国各地举行“911”事件周年纪念活动-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1. TIANZHOU-5 CARGO SPACECRAFT RE-ENTERS, ATMOSPHERE AFTER COMPLETING MISSION天舟五号货运飞船已受控再入大气层The Tianzhou-5 cargo spacecraft re-entered the atmosphere in a controlled manner at 9:13 am today, according to the China Manned Space Agency.据据中国载人航天工程办公室消息,天舟五号货运飞船于今天上午9时13分以受控再入大气层。Tianzhou-5 departed from the country's space station yesterday afternoon. Most of its components burned up during the re-entry, but a small amount of debris fell into the waters of the remote South Pacific. Tianzhou-5 was launched on November 12th, 2022 from the Wenchang Spacecraft Launch Site. It transported goods, materials and propellant【推进剂】 to the space station, including essential supplies for the three Shenzhou-15 astronauts during their six-month stay. During its mission, Tianzhou-5 separated from the space station on May 5th, re-docked with it 33 days later and continued to carry out space technology experiments.昨天下午,天舟五号顺利撤离空间站。货运飞船绝大部分器件,在再入大气层过程中烧蚀销毁,少量残骸将落入南太平洋预定安全海域。天舟五号货运飞船于去年11月12日在文昌航天发射场发射入轨。装载了神舟十五号3名航天员6个月的在轨驻留消耗品、推进剂、应用实(试)验装置等物资。在轨飞行期间,天舟五号货运飞船曾于今年5月5日撤离空间站组合体,独立飞行33天后再次与空间站组合体进行交会对接,继续开展了相关空间技术试验。2. SHANGHAI SHIP-BUILDING READY TO CRUISE INTO THE FUTURE中国首制大型邮轮“爱达·魔都号”试航圆满成功China's first domestically made large cruise ship, Adora Magic City, finished its second and last sea trial today and returned to its dock in Shanghai. Our reporter Zhang Shixuan was there for the celebration and to learn more about the ship and its significance.今日(09/12),中国首艘国产大型邮轮“爱达·魔都号”第二次也是最后一次试航圆满完成,顺利靠泊上海码头。本台记者张诗旋在现场参加了庆祝活动,并进一步了解了这艘邮轮及本次试航意义。All of the more than 1,300 engineers and crew aboard were excited to return to Shanghai after the 6 days of sea trials that stretched 1,630 nautical miles. They completed 88 major trials on things like ship maneuverability【流动性】, automation tests, and safety and comfort, as well as checks on emission figures. All met the required standards and the ship has gotten final approvals from the shipowner and the maritime【海事的】classification society.经过6天共1630海里的试航,船上的1300多名工程师和船员在返回上海时都很兴奋。共完成试验项目88个,全面验证了船舶操纵性能、自动化水平、航行安全舒适性,以及排放数据检查。各项性能指标符合标准,全部通过船东和船级社的确认。Niklas Peterstam, Captain, Adora Magic City尼克拉斯·彼得斯坦 "爱达·魔都号"船长I'm the captain on board I will be the captain, so I have just been a more or less been a guest on board, make sure that every test has been done. The is beautiful, but the very successful second sea trial. The ship is doing what its supposed to do and even a little bit more. We managed all the test, the high speed test and all the endurance tests and it's a beautiful vessel.我将是船长,我目前只是邮轮上的客人,确保邮轮的各项试航任务都已完成。这艘邮轮很漂亮,第二次试航非常成功。这艘邮轮在做它该做的事情,甚至超额完成。我们完成了所有的测试、高速测试和耐力测试,这是一艘优秀的邮轮。These were the last sea trials required for the ship before it can begin sailing commercially.   这是该邮轮开始商业航行前所需的最后一次试航。Wei Shengsheng, Deputy Section Chief, Cruise Ship Project Dept, Shanghai Waigaoqiao Shipbuilding, CSSC韦胜圣 中国船舶外高桥造船邮轮项目部副部长 大型邮轮项目建造副经理“In the first trial, we completed tests of the ship's performance.  The second one just now primarily finished off all the navigation【导航】performance tests before the delivery. Now, we can say this ship is fully ready for sailing. After arrival at the port today, it will enter the dry dock again on September 13th, and will take its final inclination test on September 14th.”“我们在上一次试航是把船舶性能做完,通过这次试航,基本上把交船前的航行试验全部完成了,我们距离最终交船又迈进了一步,从现在来讲,我们这个船已经具备航行性能。我们今天靠码头以后,我们会在13号会再次进入到坞内,14号我们会进行最终的倾斜实验。”Zhang Shixuan, Reporter张诗旋 记者“The completion of both of its sea trials means, China's first domestically made large cruise ship is now pretty close to its delivery, which is scheduled in November, a much anticipated milestone in the country's shipbuilding industry. What experience or lessons is it passing on for the industry to learn from? And how will those help?”“中国首艘国产大型邮轮完成了两次试航,意味着该邮轮离交付日期越来越近,预计将于 11 月交付,这是中国造船业备受期待的一个里程碑。它有哪些经验或教训值得业界借鉴?这些有怎样的帮助?”Yi Guowei, Director of Cruise Ship Office,Shanghai Waigaoqiao Shipbuilding, CSSC易国伟 中国船舶外高桥造船邮轮办公室主任、大型邮轮项目副经理“This ship has 24 million components, and had close to 600,000 planning targets. So after working on this first ship, we now have formed an engineering organization model for cruise ship building, including team building, tech solutions and industrial solutions. The second cruise ship will be much larger than the first one. We are very confident that when building the second cruise ship, we can reduce the error rate by 70 to 80%, and also reduce waste. It's our goal to enhance the efficiency by 25%.”“我们这条船有2400万个零件,接近底层有60万个计划节点,所以这样经过首座船的摸索以后,我们基本形成了这条船的工程组织的模式,团队、技术方案、工艺方案。二号船比一号船要大不少,我们非常有信心将我们之前的摸索中犯的错误进行一个极大的降低,这我们肯定要降低70%-80%的错误率,要降低各种各样的浪费。从效率的提升上来讲,我们相信25%以上是我们的目标。”Wei says ship building - especially for something as complicated as cruise liner construction - requires coordinated research and development across supply chain. The large team at the Shanghai-based shipbuilder has now solved many of these problems, and is ready for its next big task.韦胜圣说,造船—尤其是像邮轮这样复杂的建造—需要整个供应链的协调研发。这家总部位于上海的造船公司的庞大团队现已解决了其中的许多问题,并已准备好执行下一个重大任务。3. 9-11 MEMORIAL CEREMONIES, HELD ACROSS THE UNITED STATES美国各地举行“911”事件周年纪念活动On the 22nd anniversary yesterday of the September-11th attacks, multiple ceremonies in the United States commemorated【纪念】the nearly 3,000 lives lost on that day. Sun Siqi has the story.昨天,是美国"9·11"恐怖袭击事件22周年纪念日。当天,美国各地举行纪念活动,缅怀此次袭击中的近 3000 名遇难者。记者孙思奇带来报道。Bells rang and a moment of silence was held at Ground Zero in New York at 8:46 am, when the first plane crashed into the World Trade Center's North Tower. 上午8点46分,悼念的钟声在纽约世贸中心双子塔遗址响起。At a ceremony at the September-11th Memorial, relatives read the names of the 2,977 victims to thousands who had gathered, including Vice President Kamala Harris.在“911”事件纪念馆举行的仪式上,遇难者亲属代表向包括副总统卡马拉-哈里斯在内的数千名集会者依次宣读了所有2977名遇难者的姓名。“The median age of all the names I read was 37. These were people in the prime of their lives. They had a lot to live for, they simply went to work one day and never returned.”“我读到的遇难者的平均年龄才37岁,他们还风华正茂,还有很多的期许。他们只是正常去上班,却再也没有回来。”In addition to the death toll on 9-11, the World Trade Center attack exposed hundreds of thousands of people to toxic air and debris. Hundreds have since died from post-9/11 related illnesses. The New York City Fire Department added 43 new names to the memorial wall just last week. 除了"911 "事件造成的死亡人数外,世贸中心袭击事件还使数十万人暴露在有毒空气和碎片中。此后,又有数百人死于与 "9-11 "事件有关的疾病。就在上周,又有43名纽约消防员的名字被烙印在遗址公园的这面纪念墙上。Ceremonies were also held in Washington and Pennsylvania as solemn tributes unfolded around the United States. 华盛顿和宾夕法尼亚州也举行了仪式,美国各地展开了庄严的悼念活动。On September 11th, 2001, 2 hijacked planes flew into the World Trade Center's Twin Towers, one was flown into the Pentagon, and the fourth crashed into an open field in Pennsylvania. 2001年9月11号,恐怖分子劫持了民航客机,两架撞毁世贸中心双子塔,一架撞毁五角大楼一角,第四架在宾夕法尼亚州坠毁。The attacks prompted then-US-President George W. Bush to launch a "global war on terror" that included a military assault【攻击】on Afghanistan. This started a 20-year U.S. military presence in the country until the Biden administration's chaotic withdrawal in 2021.袭击事件促使时任美国总统乔治·沃克·布什发动了 "全球反恐战争",其中包括对阿富汗的军事进攻。美军在阿富汗长达20年,直到2021年拜登执政的美军撤离告终。#热词加油站 propellant /prəˈpelənt/【推进剂】maneuverability /məˌnuːvərəˈbɪlɪti/【流动性】maritime /ˈmærɪtaɪm/【海事的】navigation /ˌnævɪˈɡeɪʃn/【导航】commemorated /kəˈmeməreɪt/【纪念】assault /əˈsɔːlt/【攻击】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
9/13/20235 minutes, 58 seconds
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09/12 TOP NEWS|浦江创新论坛/央行发声稳汇率/8月CPI同比由降转涨

NEWS ON 09/111.PUJIANG INNOVATION FORUM UNITES INTERNATIONAL EXPERTS, INVESTORS浦江创新论坛 科学家与企业家同频共振2.RMB RISES AS PBOC PLEDGES DECISIVE ACTION TO PREVENT OVERSHOOTING央行发声稳汇率 人民币在岸离岸汇率强势上涨3.CHINA'S AUGUST ANNUAL CONSUMER PRICES UP, PRODUCER INDEX EASES8月CPI同比由降转涨 PPI降幅收窄-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1. PUJIANG INNOVATION FORUM UNITES INTERNATIONAL EXPERTS, INVESTORS浦江创新论坛 科学家与企业家同频共振The 16th Pujiang Innovation Forum opened in Shanghai yesterday with the theme "Open Innovation Ecosystem: Innovation for Global Connectivity." The three-day forum has attracted more than 300 experts and scholars from around the world to exchange ideas on how to strengthen international cooperation in a variety of scientific fields. Ying Junyi has more.第十六届浦江创新论坛昨天(09/09)在上海开幕,主题为“开放的创新生态:创新与全球链接”。为期三天的论坛吸引了来自世界各地的300多位专家学者,就如何加强各科学领域的国际合作进行交流。记者应俊一带来更多报道。This year's Pujiang Innovation Forum sees 40 percent of all its guests hailing from overseas, coming to share cutting-edge ideas, and boost international scientific and technical cooperation. The latest progress on projects including International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactors and China's self-developed large passenger aircraft were shared at the forum's opening ceremony. Guest speakers at the opening also discussed an international effort to study phenotypes, the biological traits of a living creature.今年,浦江创新论坛的境外嘉宾近40%,他们将分享前沿理念,促进国际科技合作。论坛开幕式上分享了国际热核聚变实验堆(ITER)计划、中国自主研发的大飞机等项目的最新进展。开幕式上,嘉宾还讨论了个体的深度表型组研究的国际共同努力。Jin Li, Academician, Chinese Academy of Sciences金力 中国科学院院士“The International Human Phenome Project consists of scientists from 20 countries. Our final aim is to obtain a large amount of phenotype data to make connections and build a map of phenotype【表型】networks. That will contribute to biomedical【生物医学的】studies in the future.”“这是我们国际人类表型组研究协作组的成员,来自20个国家。我们的最终的目标是要建立表型和表型之间的关系。这将构成我们未来生物医学研究的导航图。”Sub-forums to build bridges between investors and startup projects is also part of the forum, primarily in three sectors -- biological medicine, artificial intelligence, and advanced manufacturing. Some 100 high-quality tech projects have been selected for demonstrations to have the opportunity to accelerate their fundraising and expansion.分论坛也是论坛的一部分,主要在生物医药、人工智能和先进制造三个领域为投资者和初创项目搭建桥梁。约有100个优质科技项目被选中展示,以获得加速筹资和扩张的机会。Yin Gang, Founder, Shushuang Tech (Shanghai)印刚 数双科技(上海)有限公司创始人“We can get in touch with some investing institutions here, and learn from some industry leaders. That will help us improve and upgrade our products.”“我们可以在这里接触一些投资机构,向一些行业领袖学习,这将有助于我们改进和升级产品。”Zhang Xiang, Founder, Shanghai PuNa Energy Technology张翔 上海璞钠能源科技有限公司创始人“That will definitely help us improve. We can be more clear about fundraising and other business patterns.”“能帮我们企业去合理地提升,一些融资规划和商业模式。”The forum released a report that more innovation is expected in China in five sectors -- brain chips, quantum information, synthetic biology, hydrogen production and blockchain.论坛发布的报告指出,中国有望在类脑芯片、量子信息、合成生物学、绿色制氢和区块链五大领域实现更多创新。 2. RMB RISES AS PBOC PLEDGES DECISIVE ACTION TO PREVENT OVERSHOOTING央行发声稳汇率 人民币在岸离岸汇率强势上涨The renminbi rebounded strongly against the US dollar today after the country's central bank emphasized its readiness to act decisively to forestall any exchange rate overshooting【突破】. Lei Shuran has the details.在央行强调坚决防范汇率超调之后,人民币兑美元汇率今天强劲反弹。记者雷舒然带来详细报道。The People's Bank of China said today in a statement following a meeting of the foreign exchange market self-discipline mechanism held by the State Administration of Foreign Exchange, that there is a "solid foundation" for the renminbi exchange rate to remain generally stable as the country's economic momentum is gathering steam, with the consumer price index bottoming out and resuming growth on a yearly basis last month. The onshore renminbi jumped on the statement and hit 7.29 as of 5 pm, strengthening by more than 700 basis points compared with Friday's close. The PBOC emphasized in the statement that financial authorities won't hesitate to correct one-sided, procyclical behavior in the foreign exchange market and will deal firmly with any attempts to disrupt market order. 中国人民银行就日前召开的外汇市场自律机制会议发表声明,随着上月居民消费价格指数触底反弹并恢复环比增长,中国经济发展势头正在加快,人民币汇率保持总体稳定的"基础坚实"。声明发布后,在岸人民币汇率跳涨,截至下午5点触及7.29,与上周五收盘价相比升值超过700个基点。中国人民银行在声明中强调,金融管理当局将毫不犹豫地纠正外汇市场的片面、顺周期行为,并将坚决打击任何扰乱市场秩序的企图。Yang Yudong, Chief Editor, Yicai杨宇东 第一财经总编辑“When China's macro-economic fundamentals begin to stabilize, overall expectations begin to be stable, and people's expectations of the foreign exchange market begin to be optimistic, the RMB exchange rate will move relatively more smoothly. The long-term stability of the RMB is closely related to the domestic policy of stabilizing the economy and expectations.”“当中国的宏观经济基本面开始趋于稳定,总体的预期开始平稳,大家对外汇市场的预期开始乐观的时候,人民币的走势就会相对平稳一点。人民币的长期稳定还是跟国内经济的稳经济稳预期的政策密切相关。”Adding to signs that China's economic prospects are improving with demand recovering, the country's increment in aggregate【总数的】social financing - the total amount of financing to the real economy - came in at 3.12 trillion yuan in August, up by 631.6 billion yuan year-on-year, according to official data. At noon today the Central Bank released a raft of new positive data including the fact that new Renminbi loans in August came to 1.36 trillion yuan, a sharp increase from July.官方数据显示,随着需求的复苏,中国经济前景正在改善,8月份中国社会融资总量(即实体经济融资总额)为3.12万亿元,同比多增6316亿元。今天中午,央行公布了一系列新的积极数据,其中包括8月份新增人民币贷款1.36万亿元,比7月份大幅增加。Yang Yudong, Chief Editor, Yicai杨宇东 第一财经总编辑“The credit figure achieved positive growth on both a yearly and monthly basis. While this increase may not seem like much, it was realized from a base of historical peaks over the same period, so it helps to improve market expectations.”“首先体现在信贷的环比同比均是多增。虽然这个增幅看起来不多,但是在历史同期峰值基数上实现的,所以是有利于改善市场的预期。”Yang pointed out that, in general, the scale of social financing reflects the condition of the economy as a whole, and the sensitivity of the RMB exchange rate to the scale of social financing has also risen significantly over the past few years, and the correlation between the two is getting stronger.杨宇东认为,一般来说,社会融资规模反映了整个经济的状况,人民币汇率对社会融资规模的敏感度在过去几年也明显上升,两者之间的相关性越来越强。3. CHINA'S AUGUST ANNUAL CONSUMER PRICES UP, PRODUCER INDEX EASES8月CPI同比由降转涨 PPI降幅收窄Data from the National Bureau of Statistics show China's consumer inflation【通货膨胀】 returned to positive territory in August, while the factory-gate price decline moderated.国家统计局的数据显示,8月份中国居民消费价格指数重回正值,而全国工业生产者出厂价格指数降幅收窄。Official data released over the weekend showed the consumer price index, a main gauge of inflation, rose 0.1 percent year-on-year in August, re-bounding from a 0.3 percent decline in July. The CPI went up 0.3 percent in August from the previous month. The National Bureau of Statistics attributed the CPI rise to the continued improvement in China's consumer market. The producer price index, which measures costs for goods at the factory gate, fell 3 percent last month from a year ago, but the year-on-year decrease narrowed 1.4 percentage points from that recorded in July.周末公布的官方数据显示,衡量通货膨胀的主要指标--居民消费价格指数8月同比上涨了 0.1%,相比7月份下降的0.3%有所反弹。8月的CPI 环比上涨 0.3%。国家统计局将CPI上涨归因于中国消费市场的持续改善。全国工业生产者出厂价格指数,8月比去年同期下降3%,但同比降幅比7月收窄1.4个百分点。#热词加油站 phenotype /ˈfiːnətaɪp/【表型】biomedical /ˌbaɪəʊˈmedɪkl/【生物医学的】overshooting /ˌəʊvəˈʃuːtɪŋ/【突破】aggregate /ˈæɡrɪɡət/【总数的】inflation /ɪnˈfleɪʃn/【通货膨胀】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
9/12/20236 minutes
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09/09 TOP NEWS|珠三角现强降雨/上海旅游节文旅优惠/王辉宫廷珐琅彩作品展

NEWS ON 09/081.MONSOON AND COLD FRONT BRING EXTREME RAINFALL TO GUANGDONG珠三角多地现极端强降雨2.2023 SHANGHAI TOURISM FESTIVAL TO OPEN NEXT SATURDAY上海旅游节:70家景点门票半价文旅优惠活动多3.ARTS AND CRAFTS MASTER RESTORES, FURTHER DEVELOPS FALANGCAI WARES宫廷珐琅彩传承人王辉作品展在上海中心珐琅厅开幕-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1. MONSOON AND COLD FRONT BRING EXTREME RAINFALL TO GUANGDONG珠三角多地现极端强降雨Multiple cities and counties in the Pearl River Delta have been hit with severe to extreme rain since yesterday, as the low pressure system that is the remnants of tropical storm “Haikui” was enhanced by the monsoon. Guangdong Province upgraded its flood control emergency response to its second highest level, and the China Meteorological Administration maintained a yellow warning for intense rainfall today. Here's Wang Yin with the latest.受季风影响,台风“海葵”增强,珠江三角洲多个市、县从昨天(09/07)开始遭受暴雨到特大暴雨袭击。广东省将防汛应急响应提升至二级,中央气象局今天继续发布强降雨黄色预警。由王吟带来最新报道。All right, Chen Xuan.好的,陈璇。More than 11,000 people in the southern suburbs of the city of Meizhou in eastern Guangdong were relocated. 200 people in an outlying town were trapped at home, as flood water levels exceeded 2 meters in some areas.广东东部梅州南郊的 11,000 多人被转移。但由于部分地区洪水水位超过2米,外围城镇的 200人被困家中。Severe rain triggered mud-slides in close to 400 highway and provincial road segments.暴雨引发近400处高速公路和省内公路现泥石流。Also in eastern Guangdong, low-lying towns surrounding the city of Jieyang were significantly flooded. 207 people were rescued or relocated. 同样在广东东部,揭阳市周边的低洼乡镇严重受淹。207人获救和被转移。In the city of Guangzhou, the provincial capital, multiple road segments were severely flooded. One Metro Line 3 station in the southern suburbs was closed, and schools were closed in multiple districts. More than 2,500 people were relocated across the city as of this morning. For the first time in 2 years, Guangzhou issued a city-wide red warning for heavy rainfall. 在省会广州市,多个路段严重受淹。南郊的地铁三号线停运,多个区的学校停课。截至今天上午(09/08),全市已有2500多人被转移。这是广州两年来首次发布全市暴雨红色预警。Shenzhen also issued a red warning in multiple districts. 7 districts recorded extreme amounts of accumulated rain. Water cascaded【倾泻】into a few subway stations. Some downtown subway segments were closed, and all schools and kindergartens were shut down today. 深圳的多个区也发布了暴雨红色预警。其中7个区累计雨量已达大暴雨。地铁站积水严重,市中心部分地铁线路停运,今日(09/08)全市学校和幼儿园停课。The province's flood control headquarters say risks are very high across Guangdong for mountain torrents, river floods and mud-slides. 54 intercity【城际的】or regular-speed trains were suspended, though high-speed trains are still in operation. 广东省防汛防旱防风总指挥部称,广东省发生山洪和地质灾害风险很高。城际54趟列车停运,高铁暂未受影响。In Hong Kong, the registered hourly rainfall at 11pm yesterday broke a nearly 140 year-old record, leading the city to issue its highest warning for severe rain.香港昨天中午11点(09/07)录得一小时降雨量打破了近140年来的记录,导致香港发出了最高级别的黑色暴雨警告。As of 2pm today, 110 people were reported as injured, 4 of them are in severe condition. The Hong Kong Stock Exchange was closed for the whole trading day today. 截至今天下午2点(09/08),共有 110 人受伤,其中 4 人伤势严重。香港证券交易所今天(09/08)全日停市。Meteorologists say "Haikui" didn't create this impact alone—the storm system was enhanced with south-western monsoon and a weak cold front from the East China Sea. Together, they created massive, growing convective【对流的】clouds that dropped an extraordinary amount of rain­—in roughly the same way "Doksuri" poured over northern China just over a month ago. 气象员称,"海葵"并非单独造成这种影响的——台风在移动过程中,与西南季风和来自东海的弱冷锋共同形成了巨大的、不断增长的对流云团,触发了强降雨——这与一个多月前台风“杜苏芮”在中国北部降雨的方式大致相同。Voice of Hu Xiao, Meteorologist, China Meteorological Administration胡啸中国天气网首席气象分析师“"Haikui" was a mere tropical storm when it made landfall, but it was replenished by inflow from the monsoon when it was traveling west. There was an abundance of water vapor, which condensed into massive rainfall when it came in contact with cold front from the north.”“台风“海葵”在上岸之后是一个相对较弱的热带风暴,但是它逐渐西行的过程当中有了充足的偏南偏西南的这种季风的支持,再加上北侧会有冷空气的参与,所以就会制造非常明显的降雨。”2. 2023 SHANGHAI TOURISM FESTIVAL TO OPEN NEXT SATURDAY上海旅游节:70家景点门票半价文旅优惠活动多The 34th Shanghai Tourism Festival will open next Saturday with various attractions in the city offering half-price admission during the event. Lei Shuran has more.第 34 届上海旅游节将于下周六开幕,活动期间全市各景点门票半价优惠。记者雷舒然带来更多报道。A total of 70 scenic spots, including Oriental Pearl Tower, Shanghai Wild Animal Park, Shanghai Natural and History Museum and Shanghai Disney Resort will offer discounts on tickets from September 16th to 22nd. Coupons for food, hotels and performances will be offered by some cultural attraction and tourism companies.9月16日至22日,东方明珠、上海野生动物园、上海自然博物馆、上海迪士尼度假区等70家景区将推出门票优惠。一些文化景点和旅游公司还将推出美食、酒店和演出优惠券。Mao Fang, Vice President, Meituan毛方美团公司副总裁We will distribute coupons worth 1.5 billion yuan to Shanghai residents covering thousands of stores, restaurants, hotels, transportation, tourist attractions and entertainment venues. In some cases, people can pay a deposit online to ensure they get a coupon【优惠券】.我们给上海市民带来了15亿的红包,联动"吃住行游购娱"的数十万商户。现在可以在线支付押金,确保获得优惠券。An online shopping event will also be held during the festival. Discounts on a variety of food, tickets and tours to popular places will be available.购物节期间还将举办网上购物活动。届时,各种美食、门票和热门景点的旅游线路都将打折。Yao Shuoye, Shanghai Culture and Tourism Bureau姚烁烨上海市文旅局重大活动办公室副主任“Many high-quality products will be sold during the livestreaming event.”“直播活动期间将出售许多优质产品。”The festival will run until October 6th. In the first half of this year, 139 million domestic travelers visited Shanghai. They spent about 155 billion yuan in the city during that period.旅游节将持续到 10 月 6 日。今年上半年,共有 1.39 亿国内游客来上海。在此期间,在上海共消费了约 1550 亿元人民币。3. ARTS AND CRAFTS MASTER RESTORES, FURTHER DEVELOPS FALANGCAI WARES宫廷珐琅彩传承人王辉作品展在上海中心珐琅厅开幕Dozens of new falangcai wares by master Wang Hui are on display in the Baoku Culture Center at Shanghai Tower. Fanglacai refers to overglazed enamel porcelain produced at the workshops of the Forbidden City. Reporter Zhang Hong spoke with master Wang to learn about how he replicated the ancient falangcai wares, and further developed a new material for an even better aesthetic【美的】.王辉大师的数十件珐琅彩新作在在上海中心珐琅厅正式开幕。珐琅彩是指紫禁城作坊生产的釉上彩瓷器。记者张泓采访了王辉大师,了解他如何复制古代的粉彩器皿,并进一步开发新材料使其更美。Falangcai are porcelain wares that were painted in the imperial workshops in Beijing during the Qing Dynasty with enamels introduced from the West. They were made exclusively for the imperial court and royal family. 珐琅彩是清代宫廷从西方引进的珐琅彩瓷器。这些瓷器专为宫廷和皇室而作。Xu Taosheng, Deputy Director, Jingdezhen China Ceramics Museum徐桃生中国陶瓷博物馆副馆长“White porcelain produced in Jingdezhen were transported to the imperial workshop and royal craftsman painted them withenamel【瓷器】. The production of Falangcai didn't last for a long time as the enamels were imported and very precious. Also the technique is difficult to master. The technique was lost after the Qianlong reign, but following the reforms of the early eighties, craftsmen were able to attempt a revival of the traditional techniques.”“从景德镇烧好瓷胎以后运往御用作坊,御用工匠在瓷器上绘制珐琅彩。珐琅料都是从国外进口,比较珍贵和稀少。到了乾隆后期,因为珐琅料、工艺的原因,一直失传。随着时代的进步,改革开放以后,很多工匠才恢复了珐琅彩传统的瓷胎画法。”It is estimated that there are only around 400 surviving pieces of falangcai around the world. Master Wang Hui from Tianjin brought his replicas of ancient falangcai wares. He is also showcasing a new material he developed called "bingci", or "Ice porcelain". The material allows enamel patterns to be even more vivid.据估计,全世界现存的法郎彩仅有 400 件左右。来自天津的王辉大师带来了他的古珐琅彩复制品。他还展示了自己研发的一种名为"冰瓷"的新材料。这种材料使珐琅彩图案更加生动。Wang Hui, Tianjin Arts and Crafts Master王辉,天津市工艺美术大师“My team members and I have been working on the new material for 7 years. Its major component is Aluminum Oxide. It was originally used in aviation materials. It needs to be heated at 1850 degrees, much higher than ordinary porcelain. It's also much harder. It's much transparent. But coloring it a more complicated process. The paint needs to be fired 7 to 9 times to be vivid.”“我和我的团队研发这个冰瓷是三氧化二铝为主要的成分,到现在研发7年,这个东西原来是用于航空材料的。他的烧制温度已经达到了1850度,烧制温度和硬度远远超过古代的陶瓷,透光度比较高。工艺要求比原来还要难度大,在冰瓷上要色彩,普通陶瓷上做一遍,我们可能要7到9遍烧制才能达到更好的效果。”Wang called the material "porcelain 2.0" as he regards it as a further development of the traditional technique. Wang said its jade-like texture makes it possible for more contemporary applications like watches and bracelets【手镯】.王辉大师将这种材料称为"瓷器 2.0",因为他认为这是对传统技术的进一步发展。他说,这种材料具有玉石般的质感,因此可以有更现代的用途,比如手表和手镯。#热词加油站cascade /kæˈskeɪd/【倾泻】intercity /ˌɪntəˈsɪti/【城际的】convective /kənˈvɛktɪv/【对流的】coupon /ˈkuːpɒn/【优惠券】aesthetic /iːsˈθetɪk/【美的】enamel /ɪˈnæml/【瓷器】bracelets /ˈbreɪslɪts/【手镯】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
9/9/20236 minutes, 43 seconds
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09/06 TOP NEWS|台风“海葵”两次登陆/张园东区二期改造/郑钦文跻身女单八强

NEWS ON 09/051.HAIKUI MAKES LANDFALL IN CHINA TWICE台风“海葵”今晨两次登陆2.ENGINEERS BEGIN MOVING MORE BUILDINGS IN ZHANG YUAN COMPLEX上海张园推进东区二期改造开启最大规模组团式平移3. ZHENG QINWEN SECURES SPOT IN U.S. OPEN QUARTERFINAL中国选手郑钦文跻身美国网球公开赛女单八强-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1. HAIKUI MAKES LANDFALL IN CHINA TWICE台风“海葵”今晨两次登陆Haikui, the 11th tropical cyclone【旋风】of this year made two landfalls in China this morning, after initially crossing Taiwan yesterday. The storm made landfall in Dongshan County, Fujian Province, at around 5:20 am, and then again in Raoping County, Guangdong Province an hour later. Now Bei has more details.今年第11号台风“海葵”昨天横穿台湾后,今晨(09/05)又两次登陆我国。在今早5点20分前后,它在福建省东山县登陆,一小时后又在广东省饶平县登陆。由爱新觉罗贝来提供更多详细内容。Of course, He Jian.好的,何健At the time of landfall Haikui had degraded into a tropical storm, bouts of heavy rainfall and floods was reported in Fujian and Guangdong yesterday. The China Meteorological Administration maintained a yellow warning for heavy rain this morning. Fujian relocated over 110,000 people residing in high risk areas. Firefighters had to pull several people out of a parking lot in Siming District, Xiamen, after they became trapped in a flash flood. Forecasters say Xiamen and other coastal cities are expected to receive from 150 to 300 millimeters of rain by Thursday. The cities of Fuzhou, Xiamen, Putian, Quanzhou closed kindergartens and schools today. A fire engine carrying 9 people was washed away by flood waters at 4:15 this morning in Yongtai County, Fuzhou. As of 4pm, 6 people were rescued, 1 was killed, and 2 were still missing.在登陆时,"海葵 "已降级为热带风暴,福建和广东昨天出现了暴雨和洪涝灾害。中央气象局今晨(09/05)继续发布暴雨黄色预警。福建紧急转移高危地区居民超过 11 万多人。厦门市思明区发生山洪暴发,数人被困一个停车场,被消防人员所救。气象员称,预计到本周四,厦门和其他沿海城市的降雨量将达到 150 至 300 毫米。今天(09/05),福州、厦门、莆田、泉州等城市的中小学和幼儿园停课。今晨4时15分,福州永泰县一辆载有9人的消防车被洪水冲走。截至下午4点,6人获救,1人遇难,2人失踪。Coastal cities in Guangdong Province, such as Chaozhou and Shantou also closed their schools today. Raoping County, Chaozhou launched a series of inspections on reservoirs【水库】, areas with a high risk of mudslides, and houses, to eliminate safety potential hazards【危险】.广东省潮州、汕头等沿海城市的学校也今日停课。潮州市饶平县对水库、泥石流高发区和民房等开展了一系列检查,以消除安全隐患。According to the national Railway Authority's Guangzhou Branch, nearly 400 trains along the Hangzhou-Shenzhen and Meizhou-Shantou routes suspended operations starting from 4pm yesterday. As the wind and rainfall weakened, some railway routes resumed operation this afternoon. The Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Emergency Management have allocated 200 million yuan for emergency disaster relief in five regions including Guangdong, Fujian, Guangxi and Hainan. 国家铁路局广州分局发布,从昨天下午4点开始,杭州-深圳线、梅州-汕头线的近400趟列车停运。随着风雨减弱,部分铁路线路于今天下午(09/05)恢复运行。财政部、应急管理部紧急预拨2亿元中央自然灾害救灾资金,支持广东、福建、广西、海南等5省做好防汛防台风应急救灾工作。Currently, Haikui has further weakened into a tropical depression and is now northwest of Jieyang in Guangdong. Forecasters expect it to move across Guangdong and Guangxi for the next 4 days while continuing to bring heavy rainfall to Fujian, and the south coast.目前,"海葵 "已减弱为热带低压,位于广东揭阳西北部。气象员预计,它将在未来4天横穿广东和广西,并继续给福建和南部沿海带来强降雨。National observatory said only 12 typhoons were registered in South China Sea and western Pacific this year, less than the same period during previous years, but they many of them had larger impacts. The observatory so far has issued two red alerts for typhoons, and they expect another tropical cyclone will affect China in late September.中国气象局发布,今年西北太平洋和南海共有12个台风生成,少于往年同期,但其中许多台风的影响较大。到目前为止,气象局已经发布了两次最高级别的台风红色预警,预计 9 月下旬将有另一个热带气旋影响中国。2. ENGINEERS BEGIN MOVING MORE BUILDINGS IN ZHANG YUAN COMPLEX上海张园推进东区二期改造开启最大规模组团式平移The renovation of the city's largest heritage complex on downtown West Nanjing Road hit a major mile-stone today as engineering teams began moving multiple buildings. Sun Siqi takes a look at how it's being done and how the project is adding a modern touch to the Zhang Yuan complex, while also keeping its roots.今天,随着建筑的平移正式启动,位于南京西路风貌保护区核心位置,本市规模最大、建筑风格最丰富的石库门建筑群的翻新工程迎来了重要的里程碑。记者孙思奇将带您了解翻新工程的进展情况,以及该工程如何为张园建筑群增添现代气息的同时保留其根基。Three buildings in the eastern section of this community of 26 shikumen style buildings have already been moved to their new locations. Now nine more are being moved, while the other 14 will remain in their original location.张园东区共有26幢石库门风格建筑,3栋老楼顺利抵达预定点位。今天启动平移的9栋建筑,剩下 14 栋将留在原址。The buildings have been strengthened and put on movable supports. They are moved in pairs or trios at a speed of 10 centimeters in 10 seconds since second-floor walkways connect them. The supports allow them to be moved in any direction at any angle.这些建筑已被加固,并安装在可移动的支架上。二楼的人行道将这些建筑连接起来,因此它们可以成对或三个一起移动,以每10秒0.1米的速度向前迈步。这些支架可以让它们以任何角度向任何方向移动。Liu Feng, Manager of Engineering, Jing'an Urban Renewal Construction Co.刘峰上海静安城市更新建设发展有限公司工程部经理“The supports are like human feet. They move and stop at small intervals【间隔】so the structure can be edged forward in a steady way.”“支架就像人的双脚,它们每隔一小段距离就会动和停,能保障建筑可以平稳地向前行走。”There wasn't much space in the original Zhang Yuan complex. So, changes were necessary when the government announced it would be converted into a mixed-use complex.张园本身空间比较局促。因此,当政府宣布将其改建为多功能综合体时,需要改变空间。Cao Jun, Deputy GM, Jing'an Urban Renewal Construction Co.曹俊上海静安城市更新建设发展有限公司副总经理“We also have to excavate the underground space while protecting the buildings above. There needs to be a garage, underground commercial space and walkways that link the major office buildings in the area.”“我们还要对地下空间进行开发,让张园东区具备地下停车、商业空间,甚至主要楼宇之间互联互通的人行道。”The remaining nine buildings will be moved by the end of this year, after which developers will begin constructing a three-story underground space. 其余9栋建筑预计在年底到达预定位置,之后开发商将开始建造一个三层高的地下空间。The first phase was completed last November following four years of renovations. The entire project is scheduled to be completed in 2026. It will include office and commercial space, residences, a hotel, an art gallery and a performing arts venue. 经过四年的翻修后,一期工程已于去年 11 月完工。整个项目计划于 2026 年完工。它将包括办公和商业空间、住宅、酒店、艺术画廊和表演艺术场地。3. ZHENG QINWEN SECURES SPOT IN U.S. OPEN QUARTERFINAL中国选手郑钦文跻身美国网球公开赛女单八强Chinese player Zheng Qinwen advanced to the U.S. Open quarter-finals on Monday, New York city, securing a 6-6 victory over fifth seed Ons Jabeur ofTunisia. This marked Zheng's first win against a top 10 player and her First time reaching the final 8 at a Grand Slam event. Stephen Rancourt has more.在周一的美国网球公开赛女单八分之一决赛中,中国选手郑钦文 2比0击败/赛会5号种子选手贾贝乌尔,职业生涯首次进军大满贯赛事八强。20岁的郑钦文也成为打入大满贯八强最年轻的中国金花。记者Stephen Rancourt带来更多报道。In her best Grand Slam performance to date, Zheng dominated the first set and kept the momentum going in the second by building up a substantial lead surging ahead 5-2. However, the Zheng's attempt to serve out the match met with a temporary setback【挫折】, and she encountered a missed match point at 5-3. It took Zheng three additional match points to secure the victory.郑钦文打出了她迄今为止在大满贯赛场上的最佳表现,她在首盘比赛中占尽优势,并在第二盘比赛中继续保持良好势头,以 5:2 领先。不过,郑钦文在发球胜赛局中遭遇了暂时的挫折,她在 5-3 时错失了一个赛点。郑钦文又连得三个赛点,才确保了胜利。Zheng Qinwen, Tennis Player郑钦文中国网球运动员“I feel this is like important win for me. Like you say, it's a breakthrough. Especially I got good tennis today.”“我觉得这是一场非常关键的胜利,是一次突破,我今天打得非常不错。”Into her first Grand Slam quarterfinal, 20-year-old Zheng Qinwen says Asia's first Grand Slam champion, Li Na was an inspiration for her major breakthrough. 首次进入大满贯四分之一决赛,20 岁的郑钦文表示,亚洲首位大满贯冠军李娜是她的突破目标。Zheng was also named the 2022 Newcomer of the Year by Women's Tennis Association after an incredible run at the French Open, where she stunned two-time Grand Slam champion Simona Halep and French No. 1 Alize Cornet on route to the last 16.在法国网球公开赛上,郑钦文击败了两届大满贯冠军得主西蒙娜-哈勒普和法国排名第一的阿莉兹-科内特,闯入16强,之后她还被国际女子职业网球协会评为2022年度最佳新人。Zheng Qinwen, Tennis Player郑钦文中国网球运动员“Well, I always believe that I'm able to beat everyone if I play the right tennis that I have to play. Of course, the opponent will also play good. There is going to be lot of competition inside. But I believe that if I'm really there fighting for every point, I mean, things are going to happen.”“我一直相信,只要我打出了该打的球,我就能战胜任何对手。当然,对手们也很强大,竞争会非常激烈。但是我会每球必争,竭尽全力去赢得比赛。”Zheng is set to face Aryna Sabalenka of Belarus on Wednesday for a semifinal spot after she defeated Daria Kasatkina of Russia 6-1, 6-3.郑钦文以 6-1 和 6-3 的比分战胜了俄罗斯的达里娅-卡萨特金娜,她将在周三与白俄罗斯的阿丽娜-萨巴伦卡争夺半决赛席位。#热词加油站 cyclone /ˈsaɪkləʊn/【旋风】hazards /ˈhæzəd/【危险】reservoir /ˈrezərvwɑːr/【水库】interval /ˈɪntəv/【间隔】setback /ˈsetbæk/【挫折】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
9/6/20236 minutes, 26 seconds
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09/05 TOP NEWS |台风“海葵”将登陆/设立民营经济发展局/国际航线持续火热

NEWS ON 09/041.    STORM SYSTEM "HAIKUI" TO MAKE LANDFALL EARLY TOMORROW台风“海葵”预计于5日上午登陆2.TOP PLANNER SETS UP SPECIAL BUREAU TO BOLSTER PRIVATE SECTOR GROWTH国家发展改革委设立民营经济发展局3. INTERNATIONAL FLIGHTS CONTINUE HOT, AS DO TICKET PRICES国际航线持续火热 航班价格明显上浮----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1.STORM SYSTEM "HAIKUI" TO MAKE LANDFALL EARLY TOMORROW台风“海葵”预计于5日上午登陆Typhoon Haikui crossed China's Taiwan region yesterday evening with central wind speeds of up 180 kilometers per hour. It has weakened to a Strong Tropical Storm as it makes way across the strait and towards the Mainland. Sun Siqi tells us more about its impact.台风“海葵”昨天傍晚穿过我国台湾地区,其中心风速高达每小时 180 公里。目前,它已减弱为强热带风暴级,正穿过海峡向大陆移动。记者孙思齐向我们介绍它带来的影响。In Taiwan's eastern city of Taitung, video shows a car being pushed backwards by strong winds.在“海葵”登陆的台湾东部城市台东,视频显示一辆汽车被强风吹倒。Severe rain in the southern city of Kaohsiung turned streets into creeks, the roads are lined with damaged vehicles.位于南部的高雄也降下暴雨,整条马路一片汪洋,过往车辆都抛锚熄了火。“Take a look at my home, you can swim in it. ”“你们看我家,这里都可以游泳了。”Up to 700 millimeters of rain fell in Hualien County on the east coast yesterday. A major road bridge was closed as the river flooded to dangerous levels. 昨天,东海岸的花莲县降雨量高达 700 毫米。由于溪水暴涨,花莲大桥被临时封闭。In the county's Xincheng Village, an apartment building for young adults opened just last year succumbed to the heavy rainfall and began leaking in several places. The elevator was turned into a mini waterfall. 新城乡一间刚交付一年多的青年住宅,在首次对抗台风登陆的较量中“败北”,不仅雨水灌进民众家里,就连电梯也漏水变成了小“水帘洞”。“The hillside part of the building is worse because that's the side with the windows. ”“山坡那边比较严重,因为他们靠窗。”The storm has triggered multiple mudslides【泥流】. At least 78 people were injured across Taiwan. Businesses and schools are closed in more than 10 counties or cities. More than 210,000 homes in Taitung lost power at one point. More than 200 flights were canceled across the island.“海葵”已经引发多地泥石流等地质灾害,至少造成了台湾岛内78人受伤。花莲、台东等十多个县市停工、停课,一度导致台东等地超过21万户停电,超200多架次飞机航班被取消。On the Mainland, the National Meteorological Center maintained the yellow warnings for typhoon and severe rain. Parts of Fujian and Guangdong are expecting heavy to severe rainfall until tomorrow, with strong winds and possible thundershowersin some areas. 在我国大陆,中央气象中心继续发布台风和暴雨黄色预警。预计,福建和广东的部分地区明天(09/05)将有大到暴雨,局地有雷雨大风等天气。The storm system is forecast to make landfall early tomorrow morning around the border of Fujian and Guangdong, with wind speeds of up to 100 kilometers an hour. 预计明天凌晨,“海葵”将在闽粤交界一带沿海上岸,风速达每小时100公里。In the coastal city of Shantou in Guangdong, some residential communities have turned their community centers into temporary shelters. 在广东沿海城市汕头,一些居民社区已将社区中心改为临时避难所。Wu Songhua, Deputy Director of Admin, Xiaogongyuan Subdistrict, Shantou吴松桦 广东省汕头市金平区小公园街道综合行政执法办副主任“There're plenty of supplies, instant noodles, water, first-aid kits. There are water pumps, power generators and rafts【橡皮艇】. The canteen and leisure space is on the first floor.”“今年台风“苏拉”、“海葵”来临之际,场所内物资充足,包含生活物资如方便面、矿泉水和医疗及应急抢险物资如发电机、抽水机、橡皮艇。避难场所一楼设置有居民活动场所和食堂。”Patrol staff are on duty 24 hours a day at the docks in the seaside county of Raoping to make sure no fishing boats go out to sea. 饶平县海边码头的巡逻人员 24 小时值班,以确保没有渔船出海。In Fujian, all ferry services and several train services have been suspended. Work has stopped at more than 2,700 construction sites. Close to 200 tourist attractions and leisure spots have been closed, and schools will also remain closed until the storm passes.在福建,所有轮渡和许多火车都已停运。2700 多个建筑工地停工。近 200 个旅游景点和休闲场所已经关闭,学校也将继续停课,直到台风过去。2. TOP PLANNER SETS UP SPECIAL BUREAU TO BOLSTER PRIVATE SECTOR GROWTH国家发展改革委设立民营经济发展局China's top economic planner annonuced today that it will set up a special internal bureau as part of broader efforts to help improve the vitality of the private economy. Lei Shuran has the story.  国家发改委今日(09/04)宣布,将在内部设立民营经济发展局,进一步激发民营经济发展活力。记者雷舒然带来报道。The National Development and Reform Commission told a news conference today that the specialized bureau was set up because stimulating development in the private sector covers a wide scope of activities, long policy chains, and many working processes. The primary responsibilities of the bureau will include tracking, studying and analyzing the development of the private economy, coordinating and organizing the formulation of policies to motivate the sector's growth, and formulating policies to stimulate private investment, the commission said.今日(09/04),国家发改委在新闻发布会上表示,内部设立民营经济发展局是因为促进民营经济发展壮大是一个系统工程,涉及范围广、政策链条长、工作环节多。据介绍,民营经济发展局的主要职责是:跟踪了解和分析研判民营经济发展状况,统筹协调、组织拟订促进民营经济发展的政策措施,拟订促进民间投资发展政策。Zhang Shixin, NDRC Deputy Secretary General张世昕 国家发改委副秘书长兼人事司司长“The tasks regarding the private economy are wide-ranging and policy-oriented, requiring close collaboration and cooperation among various departments to synergize【协同作用】efforts. The establishment of the Bureau for Private Economy Development in the NDRC mainly aims to better perform the functions of coordinating, synthesizing and promoting development.”“民营经济工作涉及面宽、政策性强,需要各个部门密切协作配合,形成工作合力。我委设立民营经济发展局,主要是立足于更好发挥统筹协调、综合施策、促进发展的功能。”The establishment of the bureau is the lastest step following guidelines released in July by the NDRC, which unveiled a series of detailed measures ranging from fair market access to stronger financial support and better government services designed to tackle prominent problems facing private enterprises and build their confidence. Also during today's news conference, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology said it will carry out a national survey to ensure implementation of policies that benefit smaller companies, and reduce burdens on them.民营经济发展局的成立是继国家发改委七月份发布指导方针之后的最新举措。指导方针公布了一系列详细措施,从公平参与市场竞争到更有力的财政支持和更好的政府政策支持,旨在解决民营企业面临的突出问题并提振信心。工业和信息化部在今天(09/04)的新闻发布会上表示,接下来将开展全国减轻企业负担和促进中小企业发展综合督查,督促惠企政策落地见效。Xu Xiaolan, MIIT Vice Minister徐晓兰 工业和信息化部副部长“We will improve the service system, and build a nationwide integrated public service platform for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises, so as to form a service model of direct policy application, direct handling of demands and direct service availability. We will also nurture about 100 new SME specialty clusters.”“我们将健全服务体系,建设全国一体化中小微企业公共服务平台,形成政策直享、诉求直办、服务直达的服务模式。我们还将新培育100家左右中小企业特色产业集群。”Official data shows that of the 178 million business firms in the country, 52.6 million were small and micro enterprises. Xu said that individual businesses and small and micro enterprises play an important role in stabilizing growth, promoting employment and benefiting people's livelihood.官方数据显示,我国1.78亿户的经营主体中,小微企业名录的小微企业有5262.9万户。徐晓兰说,个体工商户和小微企业在稳增长、促就业、惠民生等方面发挥着重要作用。3. INTERNATIONAL FLIGHTS CONTINUE HOT, AS DO TICKET PRICES国际航线持续火热航班价格明显上浮During the past 2 months the city recorded more than 4.5 million inbound and outbound travelers, an almost 40% jump over the previous 2 months, according to a statement today from the Shanghai General Station of Immigration Inspection. Our reporter Zhang Shixuan went to Pudong International Airport this morning, to find out how the travel rush is going now.据上海边检机关统计,在过去的两个月(07/01-08/31),本市出入境旅客超过450万人次,同前两个月相比,猛增40%。本台记者张诗旋今天上午(09/04)前往浦东国际机场了解目前的高峰出行情况。From July to the end of August Shanghai airports handled 20,000 international passenger flights, with traveler numbers up almost 54% on the same period of 2019, according to the Shanghai General Station of Immigration Inspection. And though the summer season officially wrapped up last Thursday, some travelers are still taking advantage of the post-peak period to take off on their trips.据上海边检机关统计,7月至8月底,上海的机场共完成国际客运航班吞吐量2万架次,旅客人数较2019年同期增长近54%。虽然暑运已于上周四正式结束,但仍有部分旅客趁着后高峰期踏上了出游之路。“I'm going to stay in South Korea for 2 or 3 days. I went to Bangkok last month, for around 5 days.”“去韩国待两三天玩一下。上个月前我去了泰国曼谷玩了五六天。”“We are heading to Japan, for a 4-day trip. It's not peak time now, so there are fewer people. Children have started their new semester, and my kids are still little, so we want to take advantage of this opportunity and relax.”“我们要去日本玩四天。现在不是高峰期,所以人少一点。刚好孩子们已经开学,我的孩子还小,趁这个时间去放松一下。”“I'll be in Osaka for a week. This is my first international trip this year.”“我去大阪玩七天,今年还没有出国游过。”Shanghai's airport terminals are a key destination and departure site for international travelers in the city, accounting for more than 85% of the total, with China having now resumed【恢复】group tours to 138 countries and regions. According to the research institute of Tongcheng Travel, as outbound travel destinations and offerings increase, the market benefits of opening up outbound tourism are expected to be fully realized during the National Day holiday.上海的机场航站楼是本市国际游客的重要目的地和出发地,占总数的 85%以上,目前中国已恢复了 138 个国家和地区的团队游。据同程旅行报告,随着出境游目的地的增多和相关产品的持续丰富,出境游放开的市场红利还将持续得到释放,有望在国庆假期迎来全面爆发。Zhao Wenyan, Vice Captain, Team 3 at Shanghai Airport, Shanghai General Station of Immigration Inspection赵文嫣上海边检总站上海机场边检站执勤三队副队长“International travelers at the Pudong International Airport are now in a smooth transition【过渡】 period. Later, with the opening of the Hangzhou Asian Games, the Back-to-School season in Europe and the US as well as the summer-winter exhibition season, we expect tourist numbers will see a huge increase after this short adjustment period.”“当前来看,上海浦东机场出入境客流正处于平稳过渡阶段,但接下来伴随着杭州亚运会开幕、欧美开学季、秋冬展会季等叠加因素影响,客流短暂回落后仍将大幅回升。”Data from Tongcheng Travel show the average air ticket price of international flights should see remarkable growth starting September 25th. On the first day of the National Day Holiday, the average price is expected to be 72% higher than during the summer vacation period.同程旅行的数据显示,从9月25日开始,国际航线机票均价将出现明显增长。国庆假期首日,平均票价预计将比暑假期间上涨72%。#热词加油站mudslides /mʌdslaɪdz/【泥流】rafts /rɑːft/【橡皮艇】synergize /'sɪnədʒaɪz/【协同作用】resume /rɪˈzjuːm/【恢复】transition /trænˈzɪʃn/【过渡】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
9/5/20237 minutes, 19 seconds
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09/04 TOP NEWS | 台风“苏拉”登陆广东 / 房贷利率降低 / 中小学生和幼儿迎新学期

NEWS ON 09/011.SUPER TYPHOON “SAOLA” TO CROSS GUANGDONG TONIGHT超强台风“苏拉”在广东沿海登陆2.CHINA EASES MORTGAGE POLICIES, CUTTING EXISTING RATES央行、国家金融监管总局:降低存量首套房贷利率3. KIDS HIT THE BOOKS AS IT’S BACK TO SCHOOL上海220万中小学生和幼儿迎新学期开学第一课各具特色----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1.SUPER TYPHOON “SAOLA” TO CROSS GUANGDONG TONIGHT超强台风“苏拉”在广东沿海登陆Super Typhoon Saola is hitting China's Guangdong Province head-on ... The National Meteorological Center renewed a red storm warning this morning. Multiple cities in Guangdong and Fujian have relocated people from high-risk areas. Sun Siqi has the details.超强台风“苏拉”正面袭击中国广东……国家气象中心今晨(09/01)再次发布暴雨红色预警。广东和福建的多个城市已将高风险区域人员转移。记者孙思奇为您详细报道。The city of Shanwei on the coast of Guangdong is now close enough to the storm center where wind speeds are up to 100 kilometers-per-hour. A level-one warning for strong winds has been activated.广东沿海的汕尾市目前离台风中心很近,中心附近风力可达每小时100 公里。全市已经进入防汛防台风一级应急响应状态。All businesses, construction sites, public transport networks and schools were closed this morning. Work has stopped at the city's close to 300 construction sites. 8,000 fishing boats were called into port. 从今天上午起,全市采取停业、停工、停产、停运、停课措施。近300个建筑工地停工,8000艘渔船被召回港口。Close to 10,000 people were relocated to 700 indoor shelters【避难所】.近一万人被转移到700个室内避难所。The city of Huizhou, which is farther away from the storm center, is still dealing winds of up to 60 kilometers an hour. Local forecasters have issued a hazardous marine weather alert.距离台风中心较远的惠州市也正遭受高达每小时 60 公里的风力袭击。当地气象台已经发布台风红色预警。Su Zhuwen, Party Secretary, Huidong County Beachside Resort Village苏珠文 惠州市惠东县港口滨海旅游度假区新村村党总支部书记“We've put up this fence so no guests can go out to the sea. We have to make sure everyone is ashore.”“这些都是我们做的防护网,主要作用就是不让游客下海。我们要确保每个人都在岸上。”All boats in Huizhou have returned to port. The airport is now closed as well as some beach side highways. Most high-speed trains along the coast have been suspended. 惠州市的所有船只都已返港。惠州市机场和部分沿海高速已经封闭。大部分沿海动车已停运。In Fujian, a level-two typhoon alert and a most basic severe rainfall alert have been activated. The city of Zhangzhou on the border with Guangdong is being battered【连续猛击】by strong winds. Some trees have fallen in the beach side areas. 福建已经启动二级台风预警和四级暴雨预警。与广东省交界的漳州市正遭受强风袭击,临港树木倒伏。More than 100,000 people were relocated across the province as last night. More than 100 resorts were closed, along with 23 river ferry routes and 42 island boat routes. 截至昨晚,全省超过 10 万人被转移。100 多个度假村停业,23 条内河渡轮航线和 42 条海岛游船航线停运。At the same time, storm system "Haikui" is still approaching from the east.与此同时,台风“海葵”正从东部逼近。Forecasters say Shanghai, Jiangsu and Zhejiang should prepare for heavy showers, as the rain bands thrown off by the storm meet up with cooler air descendingfrom the north, it could lead to some very intense rainfall.气象员称,上海、江苏和浙江等地应准备好应对强降雨,因为台风引起的雨带与从北方南下的冷空气相撞,可能会导致超强降雨。Xin Xin, Forecaster, China Meteorological Administration信欣 中国气象局气象分析师“Saola will be affecting Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao between today and tomorrow. On the other hand, "Haikui" is likely to make a landfall in Taiwan and then head for Fujian. Eastern China should expect rain on Sunday and Monday.”“今天(09/01)和明天(09/02),台风“苏拉”会影响粤港澳,台风“海葵” 未来可能先登陆台湾,再奔向福建,对华东地区的影响重点是在周日(09/03)和下周一(09/04)。”2. CHINA EASES MORTGAGE POLICIES, CUTTING EXISTING RATES央行、国家金融监管总局:降低存量首套房贷利率China's top financial regulators yesterday ordered a cut to down-payments for both first- and second-time homebuyers, while further cutting interest rates on existing mortgages【按揭】.国家金融监督管理总局昨日(08/31)发布降低首套和二套住房最低首付款比例,同时进一步降低存量住房贷款利率。According to a notice issued by the People's Bank of China and the National Administration of Financial Regulation, starting from September 25th borrowers will be able to negotiate【协商】a mortgagte rate change with banks or a swap for a new loan plan. The new interest rates will be based on the central bank's current loan prime rate, and shall be no lower than the city's first-home mortgage rate policy where the original loan was issued. Xinhua reports, citing analysts' estimates, that the lowering of mortgage rates will benefit about 40 million borrowers.中国人民银行和国家金融监督管理总局日前发布通知,自9月25日起,存量首套住房商业性个人住房贷款的借款人可向银行申请调整合同约定的利率水平或协商变更新的贷款方案。新的利率将以央行现行贷款最优惠利率为基础,且不得低于原贷款所在城市的首套住房贷款利率政策。新华社称,据分析师估算,存量房贷利率下调将使约4000万户借款人受益。3. KIDS HIT THE BOOKS AS IT’S BACK TO SCHOOL上海220万中小学生和幼儿迎新学期开学第一课各具特色Kindergarten kids, as well as primary and middle schools had their first day of the new school year. Zhang Hong tells us more about how things went.幼儿园和中小学的孩子们迎来了新学期的第一天。记者张泓向我们详细介绍了开学第一天的情况。At Shanghai Normal University Demonstration Primary School Luwan, some students put on clothing worn by different ethnic groups in the country as they gave a performance.在上海师范大学附属卢湾实验小学,学生们身穿全国各民族的服装进行表演。Student, SHNU Demonstration Primary School Luwan上海师范大学附属卢湾实验小学学生“We have performances with Uygur and Tibetan style dancing. We're wearing traditional clothing for Han ethnicity.”“我们有维吾尔族、藏族风格的舞蹈表演,我们穿的是汉服。”Yu Yiling, Headmaster, SHNU Demonstration Primary School Luwan虞怡玲 上海师范大学附属卢湾实验小学校长“We want students to feel the great changes of our country and embrace the new semester in high spirits.”“我们要带着学生感受到祖国的巨大变化,用最好的最新的迎接新学期的到来。”Shanghai Yao Lian Sheng Middle School held a fire drill today. Changning Fire Brigade taught students how to act in an emergency and invited them to try the work of a firefighter.上海市姚连生中学今天举行了消防演习。长宁消防支队的消防员们教学生们如何在紧急情况下避险,并邀请他们体验消防员的工作。He Yuetong, 7th-Grader, Shanghai Yao Lian Sheng Middle School何钥彤 上海市姚连生中学初一4班学生“We learned how firefighters put out a fire. Maybe some of my schoolmates will become firefighters one day.”“我们体验了如何救火,说不定有朝一日,我们当中也有同学能成为消防员。”In Fengxian, Lingang Fengxian Branch of No.2 High School of East China Normal University opened its doors to students for the first time. 在奉贤,华东师大二附中临港奉贤分校迎来首批新生。Hao Jinghong, Lingang Fengxian Branch, No.2 High School of East China Normal University郝敬宏 华东师大二附中临港奉贤分校负责人“We welcome students from all over the city, especially those living in Fengxian and Lingang. We want students who are excellent at science, and with all-round development.”“我们欢迎来自全市各地的学生,主要是居住在奉贤和临港的学生。我们的重点是培养理科精进、特色鲜明、全面和谐发展的人才。”32 new primary and middle schools opened across the city, but most are in suburban districts as the government aims to allocate more quality education resources there. In Fengxian, police used a drone to monitor traffic conditions. Police also visited a few classrooms and taught students simple self-defense skills and how to avoid telephone fraud【诈骗】.  全市新开设了32所中小学,大部分位于郊区,因为政府希望在郊区分配更多优质教育资源。在奉贤,警方使用无人机监控交通状况。他们还走访了许多学校班级,向学生传授简单的自卫技能和如何避免电话诈骗。#热词加油站shelters / ˈʃeltəz /【避难所】battered /ˈbætər/【连续猛击】mortgage /ˈmɔːɡɪdʒɪz/【按揭】negotiate /nɪˈɡoʊʃieɪt/【协商】fraud /frɔːd/【诈骗】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
9/4/20235 minutes, 54 seconds
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08/31 TOP NEWS |李强会见美商务部长/探访显示器市场 /乌首都遭火箭弹袭击

NEWS ON 08/301.PREMIER LI MEETS U.S. COMMERCE SECRETARY李强会见美国商务部长雷蒙多2.CHINESE PRODUCTION LIGHTS UP THE WORLD DISPLAY MARKET中国制造点亮全球显示器市场3.UKRAINE SAYS TWO KILLED, THREE INJURED IN EARLY MORNING ROCKET ATTACK ON KYIV乌克兰首都基辅遭火箭弹袭击两死三伤----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1.PREMIER LI MEETS U.S. COMMERCE SECRETARY李强会见美国商务部长雷蒙多Premier Li Qiang met US Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo yesterday in Beijing, calling on both sides to enhance mutually beneficial cooperation.国务院总理李强昨天(08/29)在北京会见了来访的美国商务部长吉娜·雷蒙多(Gina Raimondo),呼吁双方加强互利合作。 Li said a sound and stable China-US relationship benefits both countries and the world, emphasizing that trade relations between China and the United States are mutually beneficial and win-win in nature. Politicizing economic and trade issues and overstretching the concept of national security, Li added, will seriously affect bilateral relations and mutual trust, as well as undermine the interests of companies and people of the two countries, which would have a disastrous impact on the global economy. Li noted the two sides should strengthen mutually beneficial cooperation, reduce friction【摩擦】 and confrontation【对抗】, and jointly promote economic recovery and cope with global challenges.李强表示,健康稳定的中美关系有利于两国和世界,强调中美贸易关系是互利共赢的。李克强补充说,将经贸问题政治化,过度扩大国家安全概念,将严重影响双边关系和互信,损害两国企业和人民的利益,对全球经济造成灾难性影响。李克强指出,双方应加强互利合作,减少摩擦和对抗,共同促进经济复苏,应对全球性挑战。 Raimondo said the Biden administration has no intention of containing China's development, does not seek to decouple from China, is willing to maintain communication and normal economic relations, and is willing to promote the steady development of bilateral relations. 雷蒙多表示,拜登政府无意遏制中国发展,不寻求与中国脱钩,愿保持沟通和正常经济关系,愿推动双边关系稳步发展。 2.CHINESE PRODUCTION LIGHTS UP THE WORLD DISPLAY MARKET中国制造点亮全球显示器市场After a revenue spike in 2021 spurred by pandemic-fed demand and rising prices, industrial output in the display industry began to return to earth in 2022. Data from consulting firm Shangpu Group showed that last year, the global display market saw its output value drop more than 20%. Will the year 2023 be the time for it to recover? And what role will China play in that?  Our reporter Zhang Shixuan visited Display Innovation China, an industry fair held in Shanghai to find out the answers. 在经历了2021年新冠疫情刺激下的需求和价格上涨带来的收益高峰后,2022年显示器行业的工业产值回落。咨询公司尚普集团的数据显示,去年全球显示器市场产值下降超过20%。2023年会是显示器复苏元年吗?中国又将在其中扮演怎样的角色?本台记者张诗旋参观了在上海举办的国际显示技术及应用创新展,寻找答案。Liquid crystal, organic light-emitting diodes widely known as OLED and photoresists ... These are now among the most trendy concepts in the display materials industry. Though the market has had its ups and downs in the past 2 years and the competition has been very tough, major developers are constantly coming up with new applicationss as you can see at this show - TV panels, AR and VR displays, and even automobiles.液晶、有机发光二极管(俗称"OLED")、光刻胶......这些都是目前显示材料行业最时髦的概念。尽管过去两年市场起起伏伏,竞争非常激烈,但正如您在本次展会上看到的那样,主要开发商正在不断推出新的应用——电视面板、AR和VR显示屏,甚至是汽车领域。Damien Tuleu, Head of Display Solutions of Merck Electronics达米安·图勒 默克电子公司显示解决方案主管“Right now we are more or less kind of in a cycle where we have seen defeated downturn for the last past two years after the booming of post-COVID requirements, but we expect definitely that cycle, I hope to end by end of this year. What we have seen so far in the market that we have seen definitely a slightly rebound in TV panels, where our customers and the customer for our customers has been rebuilding inventory, which has created some demand in TV partners. What we're hearing right now from the industry is that 2023, we called it as a kind of transition year and we expect 2024 to be defective as a year where we see more recovery in demand and moving forward.”“目前,我们基本正处于一个周期中,在经历了疫情后需求的繁荣之后,过去两年我们已经见证了下滑。,但我们预计这个周期肯定会结束,我希望能在今年年底结束。在市场上,我们已经明显看到电视面板出现了轻微的反弹,我们的客户和我们客户的客户一直在重建库存,这在电视合作伙伴方面创造了一些需求。从行业现在传来的信息是,2023年被视为一个过渡年,我们预计2024年将成为一个复苏需求更强劲的年份,然后向前推进。”Though the global display market witnessed a shrinking in production output last year, data from China's Ministry of Industry and Information Technology shows that in 2022 China accounted for 36% of the market share in the global new display industry. Industrial output of display panels in the country accounted for almost half of the world's total. 尽管去年全球显示器市场的产量出现了萎缩,但中国工信部的数据显示,2022年中国在全球新型显示器行业中占据了36%的市场份额。中国的显示面板工业产量几乎占到全球总量的一半。Damien Tuleu, Head of Display Solutions of Merck Electronics达米安·图勒乌 默克显示科技显示解决方案负责人“China is definitely upfront in terms of display manufacturing. And what we are seeing right now is there is definitely a huge focus on gaming, looking at two main factors for gaming. One is response time to be as fast as possible. And second aspect is contrast ratio.”“在显示屏制造方面,中国无疑处于领先地位。我们现在看到的是,中国对游戏领域的关注度非常高,游戏有两个主要因素。一个是响应时间要尽可能快。第二个方面是对比度比率。”The series of innovations in new materials are all about catching up with the market demand here.这一系列新材料的创新都是为了迎合市场需求。“我们是面板厂,我们公司在福建省莆田市。我们就是要找制造成本可以更优化的材料,希望能够达到我们的要求,达到客户质量的要求,成本又能更多控制。”“I’m from a panel manufacturer from the Fujian City of Putian. We want to find a material that can meet the quality requirements set by our clients, and can save costs.”When orders pile up, sufficient production capacity will be another point of competition. Last September, Merck's first OLED materials production site in China began operation in Shanghai's Pudong New Area, with an investment of 9.8 million euros. Its Electronics Technology Center in China has also been completed and began operation in Shanghai, which cost the company another 30 million euros.当订单堆积如山时,充足的产能将成为另一个竞争点。去年9月,默克在中国的首个OLED材料生产基地在上海浦东新区投产,投资额达980万欧元。此外,默克在中国的电子技术中心也已在上海建成并投入运营,该中心耗资3000万欧元。Yu Sui, Managing Director of Merck Electronics China隋郁默克显示科技(中国)总经理“We had a manufacturing site in Jingqiao for the liquid crystal manufacturing and also we have a site in Suzhou for the display photoresist manufacture. So all those product already achieved fully localization. And of course, even the innovation we also have R&D centers, so for new liquid crystals, for a lot of customers in China, several customers already here in this center this time, those material we innovate together with them, we work with them and to develop new mixtures to enable their new devices, new advanced displays.”"我们在金桥有一个液晶生产基地,在苏州也有一个显示器光刻胶生产基地。因此,所有这些产品都已经实现了完全本地化。当然,即使是创新,我们也有研发中心,所以对于新的液晶,对于中国的很多客户,这次已经有几家客户来到了这个中心,我们与他们一起创新这些材料,与他们一起开发新的混合物,以实现他们的新设备、新的先进显示器。"Official data shows that last year China produced and delivered 160 million square meters of display pandels, accounting for almost 70% of the global total, an increase of 5 percentage points from a year ago.官方数据显示,去年中国生产和交付了1.6亿平方米的显示器面板,占全球总量的近70%,比一年前增加了5个百分点。3.UKRAINE SAYS TWO KILLED, THREE INJURED IN EARLY MORNING ROCKET ATTACK ON KYIV乌克兰首都基辅遭火箭弹袭击两死三伤The mayor【市长】 of Kyiv said that the city was attacked in the early hours of this morning. Stephen Rancourt has more.  基辅市长表示,该市在今天(08/30)凌晨遭到袭击。Stephen Rancourt带来详细报道。According to Ukrainian media reports, Kyiv was hit by a rocket attack early this morning, two people were killed and 3 were injured. There has been no response from Russia on the missile strike.据乌克兰媒体报道,基辅今天凌晨遭到火箭弹袭击,造成两人死亡,三人受伤。俄罗斯方面尚未就导弹袭击事件做出回应。A Russian airport in the city of Pskov was hit with a drone strike last night, according to the governor of the region. There were no casualties【伤亡人员】.据普斯科夫州州长称,俄罗斯普斯科夫市的一个机场昨晚遭到无人机袭击。没有人员伤亡。The Biden administration announced yesterday that the United States will send an additional 250 million US dollars in weapons and ammunition to Ukraine.拜登政府昨天宣布,美国将向乌克兰增发2.5亿美元的武器弹药。Karine Jean-Pierre,White House Press Secretary让·皮埃尔白宫发言人It includes additional mine-clearing equipment, missiles for air defense, ammunition for artillery and HIMARS systems, and over three million rounds of arms ammunition.“军援包括额外的地雷清除设备、防空导弹,用于火炮和‘海马斯’系统的弹药,以及300多万发轻武器弹药。”Ukraine has already received more than 43 billion U.S. dollars from the United States since the conflict started in February of last year.自去年2月冲突爆发以来,乌克兰已从美国获得430多亿美元。Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan plans to hold talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Sochi on September 4. According to TASS, this one-day visit will be largely focused on the Black Sea grain deal.土耳其总统雷杰普-塔伊普-埃尔多安计划于9月4日在索契与俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔-普京举行会谈。据塔斯社报道,这次为期一天的访问将主要围绕黑海粮食交易展开。The Russian Foreign Ministry said yesterday that Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov will head the Russian delegation at the G20 summit in India next month.俄罗斯外交部昨天表示,外交部长谢尔盖-拉夫罗夫将率领俄罗斯代表团出席下月在印度举行的二十国集团(G20)峰会。#热词加油站friction/ˈfrɪkʃ(ə)n/【摩擦】confrontation/ˌkɒnfrʌnˈteɪʃn/【对抗】mayor/meə(r)/【市长】casualtyˈkæʒuəlti/【伤亡人员】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
9/1/20236 minutes, 41 seconds
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08/25 TOP NEWS |日本正式排放核废水/外交部回应日核废水排放 /金砖国家新开放银行

NEWS ON 08/241.JAPAN STARTS RELEASING FUKUSHIMAWASTEWATER INTO OCEAN日本福岛第一核电站正式启动核污染水排海2. CHINESE FOREIGN MINISTRY ISSUES STATEMENT ON RADIOACTIVE WATER RELEASE外交部:日本强推核污染水排海,不正当、不合理、不必要3. BRICS’ DEVELOPMENT BANK STUDIES LOCAL CURRENCY AND GREEN LOANS金砖国家新开发银行持续扩大“朋友圈”----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1.JAPAN STARTS RELEASING FUKUSHIMAWASTEWATER INTO OCEAN日本福岛第一核电站正式启动核污染水排海Japan started releasing treated radioactive wastewater from the crippled Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant into the Pacific Ocean this afternoon, while hundreds of Japanese gathered in central Tokyo to protest the plan. Now,Wang Yin tells us more details.今天(08/24)下午,日本正式开始从福岛第一核电站向太平洋排放经过处理的放射性废水,数百位日本民众聚集在东京市中心抗议这一计划。王吟带来详细报道。All right, Chen Xuan.好的,陈璇。According to Tokyo Electric Power Company, a staff member turned on a sea-water pump at around 1pm local time, marking the beginning of the controversial ocean discharge. The treated radioactive wastewater has been diluted【稀释】as planned before being discharged via an underwater tunnel 1 kilometer from the plant. About 1.34 million tons of nuclear-contaminated water are now stored in about 1,000 tanks at the plant. As scheduled, in 2023, about 31,200 tons of the wastewater will be discharged in four batches, about 7,800 tons each time. TEPCO said it would take up to 30 years or even longer for the contaminated water to be released into the ocean.东京电力公司称,当地时间下午1点左右,一名工作人员打开了海水泵,标志着备受争议的核污水海洋排放计划开始实施。经过处理的放射性废水已按计划稀释,然后通过距离核电站1公里的海底隧道排放。目前,约有134万吨核污染水储存在核电站的约1000个储水罐中。按照计划,2023年将分四批排放约31,200吨废水,每次约7,800吨。东京电力公司表示,这些受污染的水需要长达30年甚至更长的时间才能被全部排放到海洋中。Hit by a magnitude-9.0 earthquake and an ensuing tsunami in March 2011, the Fukushima plant suffered core meltdowns that released radiation, resulting in a level-7 nuclear accident, the highest on the International Nuclear and Radiological Event Scale. The plant has been generating a massive amount of water tainted with radioactive substances from cooling the nuclear fuel in the reactor buildings. The operator built over 1,000 steel tanks on site with a capacity of about 1.37 million cubic meters to store the water.2011年3月,一场9.0级地震和随之而来的海啸袭击了福岛核电站,导致核电站核芯熔毁并释放出辐射,造成了国际核与辐射事件分级表中最高级别的7级核事故。该核电站在冷却反应堆厂房内的核燃料时产生了大量含有放射性物质的水。运营商在现场建造了1,000多个钢罐,容量约为137万立方米,用于储存这些废水。Jim Smith, Professor of Environmental Science, Portsmouth University吉姆·史密斯,朴茨茅斯大学环境科学教授“One is that having water in the tanks isn't the safest option because there could be a typhoon or another earthquake which would cause a leak in the tank. You see that it's full of these wastewater tanks and it's preventing them from getting on with, what to me is the more important problem, of decommissioning the damaged reactors at Fukushima themselves.”“(核污水排海)其中一个原因是,将水储存在水箱中并不是最安全的选择,因为台风或地震都可能导致水箱泄漏。在我看来,更重要的问题是福岛受损反应堆的停用。”The Japanese government has proposed evaluating different methods including discharging into the ocean, burying underground, releasing by steam, and others. The treated water discharge cost the least, but experts warn such a discharge【排放】 without thorough scientific testing could bring incalculable damage to the human body and to the whole ecosystem in the future.日本政府建议对各种污水处理方法进行评估,包括向海洋排放、埋入地下、通过蒸汽排放等。经过处理的水排放处理的成本最低,但专家警告说,在没有经过全面科学测试的情况下进行这种排放,将来可能会对人体和整个生态系统造成不可估量的损害。Goto Masashi, Engineer & Former Nuclear Power Plant Designer后藤政志,工程师兼前核电站设计师“Radioactive materials have various destruction paths in the human body. For example, cesium can affect the thyroid gland and strontium can invade bone. Even a small amount can cause huge damage to human organs.”“放射性物质在人体内有不同的破坏途径,例如,铯可以影响甲状腺,锶可以侵入骨骼,即使是少量的放射性物质,也会对人体器官造成巨大的损害。”Experts said if the water is poured into the ocean, pollution in the Pacific Ocean will trigger a reduction in seafood consumption, tourism in coastal areas, as well as impact global fishery, food and logistics industries.专家说,如果这些水排入海洋,太平洋的污染将导致海鲜消费减少、沿海地区旅游业减少,并影响全球渔业、食品业和物流业。Hundreds of Japanese from all across the country gathered in front of TEPCO’s headquarters in central Tokyo this morning, demanding the Japanese government and TEPCO stop the ocean release. South Korean police today arrested at least 14 college students who stormed a building housing the Japanese embassy in Seoul to protest Tokyo’s release of the treated radioactive water.今天(08/24)上午,来自日本各地的数百名日本民众聚集在东京市中心的东京电力公司总部前,要求日本政府和东京电力公司停止向海洋排放核废水。韩国警方今天逮捕了至少14名大学生,他们冲进日本驻首尔大使馆所在的大楼,对东京释放经过处理的放射性水进行抗议。2.CHINESE FOREIGN MINISTRY ISSUES STATEMENT ON RADIOACTIVE WATER RELEASE中国外交部就日本核污水排海发表声明Also today, a Foreign Ministry spokesperson said China has made serious demarches to Japan and asked it to stop this wrongdoing. Zhang Hong tells us more.  同样在今天(08/24),外交部发言人表示,中方已向日方提出严正交涉,要求日方停止这一错误行为。记者张泓为我们带来更多报道。The spokesperson said in the statement that the disposal of the treated radioactive water from the Fukushima DaiichiNuclear Power Plant is a major safety issue. Its impact goes beyond Japan’s borders, and the issue is by no means a private matter for Japan. To start the discharge is an extremely selfish and irresponsible act in disregard of the global public interest.外交部发言人在声明中表示,处理福岛第一核电站处理过的放射性水是一个重大的安全问题。它的影响超出了日本的国界,这个问题绝不是日本的私事。公然排放核废水是无视全球公共利益的极端自私和不负责任的行为。Wang Wenbin, Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson汪文斌中国外交部发言人“我们敦促日方立即撤销错误决定,本着对海洋环境、人类健康负责任的态度,切实地尊重科学,以妥善的负责任的方式来处置核污染水。中方等利益攸关方多次指出,如果核污染水是安全的,就没有必要排海,如果不安全,就更不应该排海。日方强推核污染水排海,不正当、不合理、不必要,是极其自私极端不负责任的行为。”“China strongly urges Japan to change its decision and dispose【处置】 of the radioactive water in a scientific and safe manner, consent【同意】to strict supervision, and earnestly protect the marine environment and people’s health. China and other stakeholders have pointed out on multiple occasions that if the Fukushima nuclear-contaminated water is truly safe, Japan wouldn’t have to dump it into the sea - and certainly shouldn’t if it’s not. It is unjustified, unreasonable, and unnecessary for Japan to continue with the ocean discharge plan.”The General Administration of Customs said in a statement that as of today it had banned imports of all aquatic products originating in Japan to prevent risks from its discharge of treated radioactive water into the Pacific Ocean. The Chinese mainland is Japan’s largest market for fisheries exports.海关总署在一份声明中表示,从今天起,禁止进口原产于日本的所有水产品,以防止日本向太平洋排放经过处理的放射性水所带来的风险。中国大陆是日本最大的水产品出口市场。3. BRICS’ DEVELOPMENT BANK STUDIES LOCAL CURRENCY AND GREEN LOANS金砖国家新开发银行持续扩大“朋友圈”The 15th BRICS Summit concluded today in Johannesburg, South Africa - the first to be held by the leaders face-to-face in 3 years. Chinese President Xi Jinping said yesterday at the summit that the BRICS is an important force in shaping the international landscape. The member countries contribute more than a quarter of global GDP and have more than 40% of the world's population. Our reporter Zhang Shixuan spoke live to the Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of the BRICS's New Development Bank, who is at the the summit this week, and finds out the latest developments.  金砖国家领导人第十五次会晤今天(08/24)在南非约翰内斯堡闭幕,这是金砖国家领导人三年来首次面对面会晤。中国国家主席习近平昨天在峰会上表示,金砖国家是塑造国际格局的重要力量。金砖成员国贡献了全球四分之一以上的国内生产总值,拥有世界40%以上的人口。本台记者张诗旋现场采访了本周参加峰会的金砖国家新开发银行副行长兼首席财务官,了解最新信息。Today, 6 countries - Argentina, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates - were admitted as new BRICS members. The expanding interest of developing countries in joining the BRICS brings with it new opportunities for the New Development Bank, the multilateral development bank established by Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa with the purpose of mobilizing resources for infrastructure and sustainable development projects in emerging markets and developing countries.今天,阿根廷、埃及、埃塞俄比亚、伊朗、沙特阿拉伯和阿拉伯联合酋长国6个国家被接纳为金砖国家新成员。发展中国家对加入金砖国家的兴趣不断扩大,为新开发银行带来了新的机遇。新开发银行是由巴西、俄罗斯、印度、中国和南非成立的多边开发银行,旨在为新兴市场和发展中国家的基础设施和可持续发展项目筹集资金。Leslie Maasdorp, Vice President & CFO of New Development Bank莱斯利·马斯多普新开发银行副行长兼首席财务官“The bank is very excited about the strong momentum of interest in BRICS because that will also lead to more and more countries wanting to join the New Development Bank. When countries join, they subscribe for shares, which means that they bring in fresh capital into the bank. I was with the president of China Development Bank a few days ago, and all of the national development banks in our different member countries want to make sure that we function more as a system, not just as individual institutions. You’re going to see in future much closer collaboration between the national development banks, like China Development Bank in China, BND in Brazil, Development Bank of Southern Africa, for example, and all the others working much more closely to see if we can finance bigger projects together. A fewweeks ago,we have dialogue with the policymakers in India, with the regulators, with the Ministry of External and Economic Affairs. I anticipate that we're likely going to be doing an issuance in the rupee in India before the end of this calendar year. At this stage, our plan is to register a 2.5-billion-rand equivalent program in India.”“新开发银行对金砖国家的强劲发展势头感到非常激动,因为这也将使得越来越多的国家希望加入新开发银行。当(新的)国家加入时,他们会认购股份,这意味着他们会为银行带来新的资本。几天前,我与中国国家开发银行行长在一起,我们不同成员国的所有国家开发银行都希望我们作为一个体系,而不仅仅是单个机构来运作。今后,国家开发银行之间的合作将更加密切,比如中国的国家开发银行、巴西的国家开发银行、南部非洲开发银行,以及其他所有国家开发银行之间的合作将更加密切,看看我们能否共同为更大的项目提供资金。我们与印度的政策制定者、监管机构、外交和经济事务部进行了对话。我预计,在今年年底之前,我们很可能会在印度发行卢比债券。现阶段,我们的计划是在印度注册一个25亿兰特等值的项目。”Makingissuesin local currencies is now a primary focus for the bank. Last Tuesday, the New Development Bank successfully issued its debut ZAR bond in the South African bond market, making it the highest rated issuer to join this market since 2015. Maasdorp says the bank saw very strong interest in the bond in South Africa and is very pleased with the outcome.目前,以当地货币发放债券已成为该银行的首要任务。上周二,新开发银行在南非债券市场成功发行了首笔南非兰特债券,成为自2015年以来加入该市场的评级最高的发行商。马斯多普表示,新开发银行看到了南非市场对该债券的浓厚兴趣,也对结果非常满意。Leslie Maasdorp, Vice President & CFO of New Development Bank莱斯利·马斯多普新开发银行副行长兼首席财务官“We had 2.5 billion rand of orders, meaning institutions expressing an interest. And we only raised 1.5 billion rand. The investors in our bond are mainly institutional investors, meaning asset managers. They are very large asset managers in South Africa. Most of them participated in this bond auction. We also had very strong interest from the bank Treasuries, meaning the large domestic commercial banks here in South Africa. We signed 2 days ago a project for the Lesotho Island’s Water Project, which is essentially a water resource infrastructure project. That project is denominated in rand. That will be one of the first projects that will be a beneficiary from this 1.5 billion that we have just raised. We intend to become a regular issuer in the South African market. So, we will be doing future issuances to finance infrastructure projects here in South Africa that are denominated in local currency.”“我们有25亿兰特的订单,这意味着有机构表示有兴趣。而我们只筹集了15亿兰特。我们债券的投资者主要是机构投资者,也就是资产管理公司。他们都是南非非常大的资产管理公司。他们中的大多数都参加了这次债券拍卖。银行国债(即南非国内的大型商业银行)也对我们有很浓厚的兴趣。两天前,我们签署了一个莱索托岛水利项目,该项目本质上是一个水资源基础设施项目。该项目以兰特计价。这将是我们刚刚筹集到的15亿兰特的首批受益项目之一。我们打算成为南非市场的常规发行商。因此,我们今后将在南非发行以当地货币计价的基础设施项目融资债券。”Maasdorp says the bank aims to have 40% of its annual lending volume devoted to green projects. He says the demand for financing green infrastructure is large,such as renewable energy, battery storage, electric vehicles and energy efficiency projects. The bank is now also exploring the potential of issuing what are called blue bonds, focusing on water conservancy and the economy of the oceans.  马斯多普说,该银行的目标是将每年40%的贷款额度用于绿色项目。他说,绿色基础设施(如可再生能源、电池存储、电动汽车和能效项目)的融资需求很大,但该领域仍存在巨大的融资缺口。该银行目前还在探索发行所谓蓝色债券的可能性,重点关注水利和海洋经济。       #热词加油站diluted/daɪˈluːt/【稀释】discharge /dɪsˈtʃɑːdʒ/【排放】dispose /dɪˈspoʊz/【处置】consent/kənˈsent/【同意】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
8/25/20239 minutes, 2 seconds
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Big Apple Talks: New Yorkers Share Their Chinese Cultural Experiences!

Explore Expat Insights: Unveiling Perceptions of Chinese Culture in Global Street InterviewsIn today's world, what do expats really understand about traditional Chinese culture? What piques their curiosity or leaves them perplexed? How and where do they access it? Pondering these questions, the team behind My Favorite Chinese Treasures Video Showcasepresents the special 'Global Voices on Chinese Traditions'street interview series. Across six iconic international cities – Shanghai, Beijing, London, Innsbruck, Sydney, and New York – hear from nearly a hundred expats, representing over thirty countries, as they share their thoughts and experiences on Chinese Traditional Culture.New York is one of the most diverse cities in the world, a melting pot of cultures from across the globe. Join us for this episode of ‘Global Voices on Chinese Traditions’, as we tour the streets of New York City, meeting the locals and finding out what they know abouttraditional Chinese culture. From food to history, and language, the Big Apple shares its perspective on China. 
8/25/20232 minutes, 46 seconds
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08/24 TOP NEWS |习近平会谈南非总统/上海自贸区为再制造设备开启绿灯 /日核污水排海

NEWS ON 08/231.XI CALLS ON CHINA, SOUTH AFRICATO STRENGTHEN PARTNERSHIP习近平同南非总统会谈:深化互利合作促进共同发展2.NEW EQUIPMENT RE-MANUFACTURING RULES ENABLE SAVING TIME, MONEY上海自贸区为再制造设备开启绿灯3.CHINA URGES JAPAN TO NOT RELEASENUCLEAR-CONTAMINATED WATER INTO SEA中国敦促日方不得擅自启动核污染水排海----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1.XI CALLS ON CHINA, SOUTH AFRICATO STRENGTHEN PARTNERSHIP习近平同南非总统会谈:深化互利合作促进共同发展President Xi Jinping said yesterday he is willing to work with South African President Cyril Ramaphosa to take the China-South Africa comprehensive strategic partnership to new heights. Xi made the statement in talks with Ramaphosa in Pretoria, South Africa. Sun Siqi has the story.国家主席习近平昨天(08/22)表示,愿同南非总统西里尔·拉马福萨共同努力,推动中南全面战略伙伴关系不断迈上新台阶。习近平在南非比勒陀利亚与拉马福萨会谈时发表了上述讲话。本台记者孙思奇带来详细报道。Xi attended a welcome ceremony yesterday morning at the Union Buildings. After being honored with a 21-gun salute, Xi reviewed the South African guard of honor.昨天上午,习近平在南非联邦大厦出席欢迎仪式。在鸣放21响礼炮后,习近平检阅了南非仪仗队。Xi then held talks with Ramaphosa. Noting that it’s his fourth state visit to the “rainbow nation”, Xi said China stands ready to work with South Africa to carry forward friendship, deepen cooperation, strengthen coordination, push the China-South Africa comprehensive strategic partnership to new heights, and build a high-level China-South Africa community with a shared future.习近平随后同拉马福萨举行会谈。习近平指出,这是他对“彩虹之国”的第四次国事访问,中方愿同南非一道,传承友好、深化合作、加强协作,推动中南全面战略伙伴关系不断迈上新台阶,携手构建高水平中南命运共同体。Xi put forward a four-point proposal. First, he called on both sides to be strategic partners of high-level mutual trust. He also called on the two sides to further support each other on issues concerning each other’s core interests and major concerns.习近平提出了四点建议。首先,他呼吁双方要做高度互信的战略伙伴,继续在涉及彼此核心利益和重大关切问题上相互支持。Second, Xi said China and South Africa should be partners for common progress. With a focus on advancing projects under the Belt and Road Initiative and implementing the nine programs on China-Africa cooperation, as well as the China-South Africa 10-Year Strategic Program of Cooperation, the two sides should consolidate cooperation in advantageous areas.其次,习近平指出,中南要做共同进步的发展伙伴。双方要以推进共建“一带一路”、落实中非合作论坛“九项工程”和《中南十年合作战略规划》为主线,巩固优势领域合作。Third, Xi said the two countries should be friendly partners of deep mutual understanding and goodwill. China stands ready to strengthen cooperation between the two countries on vocational education, youth employment, tourism and technology.第三,习近平指出,中南要做相知相亲的友好伙伴。中方愿加强两国在职业教育、青年就业、旅游、科技等领域的合作。Fourth, Xi said China and South Africa should be global partners that safeguard justice, adding that China is ready to join the developing world in practicing true multilateralism【多边主义】, increasing the representation and voice of southern hemisphere【(球的)一半】 countries in global governance.。第四,习近平表示,中南要做维护正义的全球伙伴。中国愿同发展中世界一道践行真正的多边主义,提升全球南方国家在全球治理中的代表性和发言权。Ramaphosa said China’s investments and cooperation have strongly promoted South Africa’s economic and social development and played a vital role in promoting the development and prosperity of African countries and countries in the southern hemisphere.拉马福萨表示,中国的投资与合作有力促进了南非经济社会发展,对促进非洲国家和全球南方国家发展繁荣也发挥了至关重要的作用。South Africa is ready to carry out China-style pilot cooperation on poverty reduction, expand cooperation in areas such as trade, investment, energy, infrastructure, manufacturing, science and technology, said Ramaphosa, stating more Chinese companies are welcome to invest and do business in South Africa.拉马福萨表示,南非愿开展中国式减贫试点合作,扩大贸易、投资、能源、基础设施建设、制造业、科技等领域合作,欢迎更多中国企业到南非投资兴业。After the talks, Ramaphosa awarded Xi the Order of South Africa, which is the highest honor the country awards to an important and friendly head of state.会谈后,拉马福萨向习近平授予“南非勋章”,这是南非授予重要友好国家元首的最高级别勋章和最高荣誉。The two heads of state also witnessed the signing of a number of agreements.两国元首还见证了一系列协议的签署。2.NEW EQUIPMENT RE-MANUFACTURING RULES ENABLE SAVING TIME, MONEY上海自贸区为再制造设备开启绿灯Re-manufacturing is the process in which a previously sold,leased, used or worn-out product is turned into a new one with quality that is equivalent to or better than the previous one, and this type of updated equipment is becoming increasingly popular. The first import of re-manufactured machines has now been given the green light in the Shanghai Free Trade Zone. Zhang Shixuan explains how the new system saves time and money for everybody.  再制造是指将以前出售、租赁、使用过的或破旧的产品变成质量等同于或优于以前产品的新产品的过程,这种再制造设备正变得越来越受欢迎。目前,上海自贸区已为首批进口再制造设备开了绿灯。本台记者张诗旋为我们解释这种全新体系将如何节省时间和资金。An engine that has been working for 7 years... awaiting replacement or repair. Usually, there are 2 choices - buy a new one, or send it to the factory for repair and wait for weeks or even months. But there is another way - change it for a refurbished【翻新重装】 and updated machine, re-manufactured based on used equipment. When the user orders that as a replacement, they can receive it quickly and at less cost. The old machine will then be recycled by the manufacturer and turned into a re-manufactured one that will enter the cycle later. So, there won't be a time gap caused by repair, the replacement will be better than a repaired machine, and it’s cheaper than buying a completely new one. This is all getting so popular now that domestic offering cannot satisfy all current local needs.一台已连续使用了7年的发动机,亟待更换或维修。这时通常有两种选择——购买一台新的,或者送到工厂维修,等待数周甚至数月。但也有另一种方法,那就是换一台翻新的、升级的机器,只不过该设备由二手设备改造而成。当用户订购这种机器作为替代品时,他们可以以较低的成本快速收到机器。然后,旧机器将由制造商回收,变成再制造的机器,而后再投入使用。这样,就不会出现因维修而造成的时间差,更换的机器也会比维修过的机器更好,而且比购买一台全新的机器更便宜。现在再制造产品十分流行,国内供给已无法满足当前市场需求。Guo Li, Head of Parts & Logistics of Volvo Construction Equipment Investment (China)郭力(音译)沃尔沃建筑设备投资(中国)有限公司零部件与物流部负责人“我们之前在国内再制造的是一些小吨位的建筑设备相关的配件,包括发动机、液压泵之类,但是还没有这种大型的大吨位的特殊设备的发动机,有很多客户,想对老旧设备进行升级,但是又不满足于普通的大修的效果。另一方面有些客户他受到工期的影响,那么他无法承担大修的时间损耗,所以说他们就很希望能够进行发动机的是发动机总成的置换,但是我们之前缺乏一款很有性价比的一个产品。”“In China, we mainly re-manufacture smaller machines, including engines and hydraulic pumps. We don't re-manufacture larger engines for special equipment, but many of our clients have been looking for upgrades for their old machines. They are not satisfied with ordinary repairs, and some are restricted by product delivery time requirements. They cannot afford the time for repair. So they want a complete replacement but a new one is costly.”The company has now made the first re-manufactured goods import order in China - a large engine for articulated trucks from Europe. It is expected to arrive in China next month.目前,该公司已在中国签订了第一份再制造货物进口订单——来自欧洲的铰接式卡车用大型发动机。预计下个月将运抵中国。Zhang Shixuan, Reporter张诗旋,本台记者For years, China has been hesitant to allow the import of re-manufactured goods, out of concern the imports might turn out to be nothing more than foreign waste, and doing nothing but harming the environment. But now, it’s no longer a firm NO. The government has been trying new policies, and updating trade regulations. The complete re-manufacturing engine that allows for imports this year marks a new beginning and a milestone, that is expected to bring a market share expansion to the foreign industrial giant and also more favorably priced products to local buyers.多年来,中国一直对允许进口再制造产品犹豫不决,因为担心进口的再制造产品可能只是洋垃圾,只会对环境造成危害。但现在,这不再是一个坚定的“不”字。政府一直在尝试新政策,更新贸易法规。今年允许进口的完整再制造发动机标志着一个新的开端和里程碑,预计将为外国工业巨头带来更大的市场份额,也将为本地买家带来价格更优惠的产品。Guo Li, Head of Parts & Logistics of Volvo Construction Equipment Investment (China)“此次进口的装载铰接式卡车的发动机,生产成本只有50%,我们的能耗只有60%,同时我们70%的物料可以循环再利用,而我们会减少80%的污染排放。进口再制造产品进入中国之后,不仅能够快速地填补市场空白,未来随着销售额以及市场份额的不断扩展,我们的生产成本会进一步降低,竞争优势会不断提升。在这个基础上,未来我们可能做到产品返销国外。”“Compared to a new product of the same kind, the re-manufactured engine imported this time represents a cost savings of 50 percent and will result in a 60 percent reduction in energy consumption. The amount of materials used is 70 less, and emissions of air pollutants is 80 percent lower. The imports of the re-manufactured engine will fill in the market gap here. In the future, with the expansion of our sales revenue and market share, our production cost will be lower, and we will have more competitive advantages. We expect we can export our products overseas later.”In general, the buyer will only spend 60% of the cost of a brand-new product to get the re-manufactured one. The change was possible by expanded opening-up measures for China’s free trade zones and free ports that the State Council released in June. Encouraging the piloting of re-manufactured imports was listed in the first provision of those measures. Prior to the release of the series of new policies, used road equipment and engines were defined as old mechanical and electrical equipment and were banned from being imported into China. Once that changed, Shanghai was the first to try out the new setup.一般来说,再制造产品的价格仅为同款新产品价格的60%。这一变化得益于国务院6月发布的中国自由贸易区和自由港扩大开放措施。在这些措施中,鼓励再制造产品进口试点被列为第一条。在这一系列新政策发布之前,二手公路设备和发动机被定义为旧机电设备,禁止进口。新政策一经出台,上海便率先试行。Yang Jianwen, Researcher of China Center for Int'l Economic Exchanges Shanghai Sub-center杨建文中国国际经济交流中心上海分中心研究员“近年来再制造产业发展比较快、比较成熟,在全球制造业发展过程中间,大家形成一个共识,是一个比较成熟的一个做法。我们在对接当前的高标准的国际经贸准则的时候,这个是一个节点。再制造产品它本身具有经济性、适用性。而其中工程机械领域特别受到市场的欢迎,因为它的一个技术程度,它的经济发展的要求的强度都比较高。”“In recent years the re-manufacturing sector has been developing rapidly. In global terms it's generally agreed that are manufacturing is now relatively mature. This is an important point in international trading regulations. Re-manufactured products are economical and useful.  The engineering machinery is especially welcomed by the market, because itcan fulfill higher requirements for technological and economic levels.”Yang says that since the Free Trade Zone is now in the first trial of the new arrangement, it will help the regulator further improve and refine its policies, so as to make the re-manufactured goods trade better fit development requirement from manufacturing industry, and also correlate with international trading rules. According to Fortune Business Insight, the global automotive re-manufacturing market is expected to grow at a compound annual rate of almost 10% between 2023 and 2030.杨建文表示,自贸区先行先试,有助于监管部门进一步完善和细化政策,使再制造产品贸易更好地适应制造业发展要求,并与国际贸易规则相衔接。根据《财富》商业洞察的预测,2023年至2030年,全球汽车再制造市场的年复合增长率将接近10%。3.CHINA URGES JAPAN TO NOT RELEASENUCLEAR-CONTAMINATED WATER INTO SEA中国敦促日方不得擅自启动核污染水排海Despite public concerns and raging opposition from both home and abroad, the operator of the crippled Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant has decided to start releasing nuclear-contaminated wastewater into the ocean at 1 pm tomorrow. Lei Shuran has more.不顾公众的担忧和国内外的强烈反对,福岛第一核电站运营方已决定于明天(08/24)下午1点(北京时间中午12点)开始向海洋排放受核污染的废水。本台记者雷舒然带来详细报道。The water will initially be released in smaller portions and with extra checks, with the first discharge totaling 7,800 cubic meters over about 17 days starting Thursday.日本首先将对核污染废水进行分批排放,并进行检查与检测。从本周四开始,在大约17天的时间里,首次排海废水量约7800吨。Tokyo Electric Power Company aims to release 31,200 tonnes of the treated water by the end of March 2024, which would empty only 10 tanks at the site. The pace will pick up later.东京电力公司的目标是在2024年3月底之前排出31200吨经过处理的水,这将仅清空其10个储水罐。以后将加快步伐。The plan, approved two years ago by the Japanese government, has faced criticism at home and abroad.日本政府两年前批准的这一计划在国内外都遭到了批评。Fujihara Toshikazu, Environmental Researcher藤原寿和日本环境研究员“In the past 10 years, the numbers of cancer and heart disease patients have been obviously higher than the levels before the nuclear accident, and there have been many people suffering diseased directly caused by the nuclear accident, including thyroid cancer. Even if there is no immediate impact of the discharge of nuclear-contaminated water into the ocean, but if a few years later, the cases of diseases like leukemia increase, if this really happens, the government may also deny the causal link.”“过去十年里,癌症和心脏病患者的数量明显高于核事故发生前的水平,而且有很多人患有甲状腺癌等由核事故直接引起的疾病。即使核污染水排放到海洋中不会立刻产生影响,但几年后,即便白血病等疾病的病例有所增加,政府也可能否认其中的因果关系。”Tokyo locals said they remained concerned a day before the government released treated radioactive water from the Fukushima nuclear plant into the sea.东京当地居民表示,在政府将福岛核电站处理过的放射性水排放入海的前一天,他们仍然感到担忧。Satoshi Matsuda, Employee at Pharmaceutical Company日本民众制药公司员工“I have some concerns regarding the Fukushima water release. If the government is really going to do it, I would like them to show more evidence that it won't have an effect on the environment.”“我对福岛核污染水排海有些担忧,如果政府真的要这么做,我希望他们能拿出来更多的证据,证明核污染水排海不会对环境产生影响。”Chinese Deputy Foreign Minister Sun Weidong on Tuesday summoned【召见】Japanese Ambassador to China Hideo Tarumi to lodge solemn representations over the Japanese government’s decision to start releasing nuclear-contaminated water into the ocean from Thursday. Sun said the Japanese government’s act amounts to blatantly【公然地】transferring the risk of nuclear contamination to neighboring countries including China and the rest of the international community. Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson said it’s unjustified, unreasonable and unnecessary for Japan to push through the ocean discharge plan.中国外交部副部长孙卫东周二召见日本驻华大使垂秀夫,就日本政府决定从周四开始向海洋排放核污染水一事提出严正交涉。孙卫东说,日本政府的行为等同于公然将核污染风险转嫁给包括中国在内的邻国和国际社会其他成员。中国外交部发言人表示,日本推行海洋排放计划是没有道理、不合理和不必要的。Wang Wenbin,Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson汪文斌中国外交部发言人“日方迄未解决国际社会关于核污染水净化装置的长期可靠性、核污染水数据的真实准确性、排海监测安排的有效性等重大关切。中方等利益攸关方也多次指出,如果核污染水是安全的,就没有必要排海,如果不安全,就更不应该排海。”“Japan has yet to address major international concerns such as the long-term reliability of the purification facility, the authenticity and accuracy of the nuclear-contaminated water data, and the effectiveness of the monitoring arrangement. China and other stakeholders have pointed out on multiple occasions that if the Fukushima nuclear-contaminated water is truly safe, Japan wouldn't have to dump it into the sea, and certainly shouldn't if it's not.”The International Atomic Energy Agency in a final report in July concluded that the release, if conducted as designed, will cause negligible impact on the environment and human health.国际原子能机构在7月份的最后报告中得出结论,如果按照设计进行排放,对环境和人类健康的影响可以忽略不计。#热词加油站multilateralism/ˌmʌltiˈlætərəlɪzəm/【多边主义】hemisphere/ˈhemɪsfɪə(r)/【(球的)一半】refurbish/ˌriːˈfɜːbɪʃ/【翻新重装】summon/ˈsʌmən/【召见】blatantly/ˈbleɪtəntli/【公然地】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
8/25/202310 minutes, 50 seconds
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08/23 TOP NEWS | 毕业生就业补贴新政/日本启动核污染水排海/泰国前总理结束流亡回国

NEWS ON 08/221.SHANGHAI ISSUES NEW POLICIESTO HELP COLLEGE GRADS GET A JOB上海出台新一轮高校毕业生等青年促就业政策措施2.JAPAN TO BEGIN FUKUSHIMA WASTEWATER DISCHARGE ON AUGUST 24日本政府宣布于8月24日开始排放福岛核废水3.THAILAND'S FORMER PM THAKSINRETURNS HOME泰国前总理他信结束流亡回国----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1.SHANGHAI ISSUES NEW POLICIESTO HELP COLLEGE GRADS GET A JOB上海出台新一轮高校毕业生等青年促就业政策措施The Shanghai Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau issued several new policies to help graduates find a job. They include offering subsidies【补贴】 to both companies and students. Zhang Hong brings us the details.上海市人力资源和社会保障局出台新一轮高校毕业生等青年促就业政策措施,包括向企业和学生提供补贴。记者张泓带来详细报道。Companies, social welfare organizations, and individual business owners can get a one-time subsidy of 2,000 yuan for each graduate they hire, provided the new employee is graduated from college between 2021 and 2023, or an unemployed person aged between 16 and 24, or a person who has been registered as unemployed for at least three months in Shanghai. Companies don't need to apply for the subsidy.各类企业、社会组织和个体工商户每聘用一名毕业生,可按2000元/人享受一次性吸纳就业补贴。该新员工必须是2021年至2023年期间的高校毕业生,或在本市登记失业3个月及以上人员或登记失业的16到24岁青年。企业无需自行申请补贴。The bureau will also waive 50% of social insurance contributions for a maximum of 12 months if a social organization, or small or micro-sized company hires someone who graduated from university between 2021 and 2023 and doesn't have a job.如果社会机构或小微型企业雇用2021年至2023年期间毕业且未就业的高校毕业生,还将减免50%的社会保险费,补贴不超过12个月。College graduates from a low-income family, those who are handicapped【残疾的】or have a handicapped family member, or graduates from a secondary vocational school are eligible to apply for a 1,000 yuan subsidy to help them get a job or start their own business. This is the first time applicants from vocational schools are eligible for such a subsidy.低保家庭高校毕业生、残疾人或有残疾家庭成员、中等职业学校毕业生可请1000元的就业创业补贴。这是职业学校的学生首次有资格申请此类补贴。The bureau will ensure that young people looking for a job will have access to at least one career tutoring session, one introductory meeting on employment policies, three job recommendations, and either vocational skills training or an internship position. Authorities alsoset a target of hiring 90% of jobless graduates.        有关部门需确保到年底本市2023届离校未就业毕业生帮扶就业率不低于90%,并对有就业意愿的青年至少提供1次政策宣介、1次职业指导、3次岗位推介、1次技能培训或就业见习机会。2.JAPAN TO BEGIN FUKUSHIMA WASTEWATER DISCHARGE ON AUGUST 24日本政府宣布于8月24日开始排放福岛核废水The Japanese government announced on Tuesday that the plan for the discharge of nuclear-contaminated wastewater from the crippled Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant into the ocean will begin on Thursday. Sun Siqi has more.日本政府周二(08/22)宣布,将从周四(08/24)开始,将受损的福岛核电站处理后的废水排入太平洋。记者孙思奇带来更多报道。Despite opposition from both home and abroad, Prime Minister Fumio Kishida announced the controversial decision following a ministerial meeting heldthismorning.日本首相岸田文雄不顾国内外的反对,在周二(08/22)上午举行的部长会议上宣布了这一备受争议的决定。Fumio KishidaJapanese Prime Minister岸田文雄 日本首相“The Tokyo Electric Power Company is requested to promptly proceed with preparations for the commencement of ocean release based on the plan approved by the Nuclear Regulation Authority. As for the specific release date, August 24 is the expected date if there are no problems with weather and sea conditions.”“我们将要求东京电力公司,立刻为启动核污染水排海做好准备,排海将按照原子能规制委员会批准的方案进行,如果天气和海况允许,预计核污染水排海将从8月24日开始。”Kishida claimed that the government will take full responsibility for the decision.岸田文雄称,政府将对这一决定承担全部责任。Following the announcement, TEPCO said it began transferring the first batch of treated water from storage tanks into a facility to mix it with sea water to dilute it shortly after 10:30在宣布这一决定后,东京电力公司表示,今天(08/22)上午10点30分后不久,公司开始将第一批经过处理的水从储罐中转移到设施中,与海水混合稀释。About a hundred people gathered in front of the Japanese Prime Minister's official residence to protest this decision. According to an opinion poll by national news agency Kyodo, a total of 88.1 percent of respondents expressed concerns over the discharge plan.大约一百人聚集在日本首相官邸前抗议这一决定。日本共同社的最新民调显示,共计有88.1%的日本民众对日本核污染水排海计划表示担忧。Hong Kong and Macao will ban aquatic products from 10 places in Japan including Tokyo and Fukushima starting August 24. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin today responded that Japan did not adequately consult with the international community regarding its ocean discharge plan. China urged Japan to rethink its decision. Wang also added China will take all steps necessary to protect the marine environment, food safety, and people's health.自8月24日起,香港和澳门将禁止源自东京、福岛等日本10个都县的水产品进口。中国外交部发言人汪文斌今天回应称,日本政府不顾国际社会严重关切和坚决反对。中方强烈敦促日方纠正错误决定,并将采取一切必要措施维护海洋环境,维护食品安全和公众健康。3.THAILAND'S FORMER PM THAKSINRETURNS HOME泰国前总理他信结束流亡回国Thailand's former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra returned to the country today after years of self-exile abroad while a deal was reached for formerproperty tycoon Srettha Thavisin to become prime minister. Stephen Rancourt has more.流亡海外十余年的泰国前总理他信·西那瓦今天(08/22)回到泰国。前房地产大亨赛塔·他威信当选新一任泰国总理。记者Stephen Rancourt带来更多报道。Accompanied by his family, Thaksin made a brief public appearance to greet his core supporters and media this morning after arriving in a private jet inBangkok.今天(08/22)上午,他信在家人的陪同下,乘坐私人飞机抵达曼谷,向其支持者和媒体挥手致意。Thaksin was Thailand's premier from 2001 to 2006, but had been in self-exile since 2008. He was convicted of multiple corruptioncharges and faces up to 10 years in jail.他信曾于2001年至2006年期间担任泰国总理,但自2008年以来一直流亡海外。他被判多项腐败罪名成立,面临长达10年的监禁。Deputy PM Wissanu Krea-ngam said earlier that Thaksin will be subjected to legalproceedingsand sent to jail. Hundreds of supporters of Thaksin were at the private jet terminal to welcome his return.泰国看守副总理维萨努曾表示,他信抵达泰国后将接受法律程序并被送入监狱。数百名他信支持者在私人飞机航站楼迎接他信的归来。Mayuraet KodchompooThaksin Supporter他信支持者“We've waited for today for 15 years. We've waited for him to return to the land. There's the feeling that we got someone we love back home.”“我们等了15年才等到今天,我们一直盼着他回国,这种感觉就像我们所爱之人回家了。”Upon arrival, the country's supreme courtsentencedThaksin to serve8 years in prisonalthough it wasn't clear whetherhe will serve any time. Hewas in custody and under the care of Thailand’s Corrections Department.他信抵达曼谷后,泰国最高法院随即判处他信8年监禁,但是不清楚他信是否会实际服刑。他信目前被拘留,并由泰国矫正司负责照顾。Also today, Srettha Thavisin, a candidate backed by Thailand's Pheu Thai-led coalition, secured a simple majority in a parliamentary【议会的】 vote to become the country's new prime minister.为泰党提名的总理候选人赛塔·他威信在当天(08/22)举行的议会投票中获得过半数议员支持,当选新一任泰国总理。The 60-year-oldformerreal estate tycoon was endorsed by a joint sitting of the upper and lower houses, paving the way for the Pheu Thai Party and its alliance to form a new government,which endsapolitical stalemate since the election in May.这位60岁的前房地产大亨得到了泰国上下两院联席会议的支持,为为泰党及其联盟组建新政府铺平了道路,结束了自5月大选以来的政治僵局。#热词加油站subsidy/ˈsʌbsədi/【补贴】handicapped/ˈhændikæpt/【残疾的】parliamentary/ˌpɑːrləˈmentri/【议会的】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
8/23/20235 minutes, 14 seconds
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08/22 TOP NEWS | 金砖国家领导人第十五次会晤/S3公路建设全力冲刺/荷兰向乌提供战机

NEWS ON 08/211.CHINESE EMBASSY DISCUSSES XI'SITINERARY AT BRICS SUMMIT习近平将出席金砖国家领导人第十五次会晤并对南非进行国事访问2.NEW S3 HIGHWAY SHORTENSDOWNTOWN-LINGANG COMMUTES3公路将缩短临港区到市中心通勤时间3.NETHERLANDS AND DENMARK TO PROVIDE F-16 AIRCRAFT TO UKRAINE荷兰和丹麦承诺向乌克兰提供F-16战机----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1.CHINESE EMBASSY DISCUSSES XI'SITINERARY AT BRICS SUMMIT习近平将出席金砖国家领导人第十五次会晤并对南非进行国事访问The Chinese embassy in South Africa held a media briefing on President Xi Jinping's attendance at the 15th BRICS Summit and state visit to South Africa. Xi will co-chair the China-Africa Leaders' Dialogue with South African President Cyril Ramaphosa. Sun Siqi has more.中国驻南非大使馆就习近平主席出席金砖国家领导人第十五次会晤并对南非进行国事访问举行媒体吹风会。习近平将同南非总统拉马福萨共同主持中非领导人对话会。记者孙思奇带来更多报道。Chinese Ambassador to South Africa Chen Xiaodong said Beijing firmly supports South Africa as host of the meeting. Xi will join several informal meetings and the "BRICS Plus" dialogue among leaders. He will also meet some leaders of the participating BRICS countries and leaders who participate in "BRICS Plus" events. They will have in-depth exchanges on issues of common interest such as strengthening unity and coordination among BRICS members, and promoting membership expansion.中国驻南非大使陈晓东表示,中国坚定支持南非主办此次会晤。习近平将出席多场非正式会晤和“金砖+”领导人对话。他还将会见部分金砖国家与会领导人以及参加“金砖+”活动的领导人。双方将就加强金砖国家团结协作、推动扩大成员等共同关心的问题深入交流。Chen discussed the impressive achievements BRICS nations have made, and China's contributions to the group. He also stressed the significance of Xi's state visit to South Africa, the expected results of the visit, and the highlights of cooperation between China and South Africa.陈晓东谈到了金砖国家取得的令人瞩目的成就,以及中国对金砖国家的贡献。他还强调了习近平对南非进行国事访问的重要意义、访问的预期成果以及中南合作的亮点。Anil SooklalSouth Africa's Senior BRICS Diplomat阿尼尔·苏克拉尔南非金砖国家高级外交官“This summit is taking place at a very critical moment. In time when we have major global challenges and the world is looking to BRICS leaders and the BRICS summit to address positively some of these challenges and come out with positive news. I think this summit is going to demonstrate friendship and cooperation to work together to address the challenges that we have.”“本次峰会是在非常关键的时刻举行的。在我们面临重大全球挑战时,全世界都在期待金砖国家领导人和金砖国家峰会积极应对挑战,传出好消息。我认为,本次峰会将诠释友谊与合作才能帮助我们应对当前的挑战。”South Africa has extended invitations to over 70 leaders from African countries and other Global South nations, along with leaders from numerous【众多的】 international and regional organizations.南非已向来自非洲国家和其他全球南方国家的70多位领导人以及众多国际和区域组织的领导人发出了邀请。2.NEW S3 HIGHWAY SHORTENSDOWNTOWN-LINGANG COMMUTES3公路将缩短临港区到市中心通勤时间And in other Lingang news, construction is wrapping up on a new highway that city planners expect will cut commute time between the Lingang special area in southern Pudong and downtown Lujiazui to just one hour. Sun Siqi takes a look.在临港,一条新高速公路的建设正处于收尾阶段。城市规划师预计该公路将使浦东南部临港特区和陆家嘴市中心之间的通勤时间缩短至一小时。记者孙思奇带您一探究竟。The 26-kilometer S3 highway runs from the city's Outer Ring Road to the beaches in suburban Fengxian District in the south.S3高速公路全长26公里,从城市外环路一直延伸到南部奉贤郊区的海滩。Engineers put together a new toll gate design, where the gates are staggered over a short distance instead of all in a row, a novel idea that planners hope can reduce congestion【交通拥堵】.工程师采用了一种新的收费站设计,即在短距离内错开设置收费站,而不是全部排成一排,规划者希望这种新颖的设计能够减少拥堵。An 8-kilometer stretch of the road follows Metro Line 11. In one segment【部分】 of the, the foundations of the highway and the light rail are only 1 meter apart. This posed a challenge to builders because they had to consider how the foundations of the structures' would settle over time.一段8公里长的道路紧邻地铁11号线。其中一段公路和轻轨的地基仅相距1米。由于考虑到结构地基随着时间的推移而沉降,施工人员遇到了不小的挑战。The pillars and road deck are complete, and workers are now mounting the signs and lights, which should be done by the end of August.支柱和路面已经完工,目前工人们正在安装路标和照明灯,预计将于8月底前完工。Wu Liansheng, Project DirectorShanghai Chengtou Highway Group吴连盛 上海城投公路集团指挥长“就是往S4方向,原来从外环线到奉贤新城至少1个小时,那么这条路通了以后,20分钟内就解决了。”“For the moment, the drive between the Outer Ring Road and Fengxian New Town takes at least an hour. With this highway, the drive time is cut to just 20 minutes.”On a good day, the new S3 highway could cut travel time from Lujiazui to Lingang to one hour. The road is scheduled to open in September. Future plans for the highway include an extension that will link up to the economic belt at the northern end of Hangzhou Bay.天气好的时候,新S3高速公路可将陆家嘴至临港的行车时间缩短到一个小时。该公路计划于9月通车,未来该公路计划延伸至杭州湾北部经济带。3.NETHERLANDS AND DENMARK TO PROVIDE F-16 AIRCRAFT TO UKRAINE荷兰和丹麦承诺向乌克兰提供F-16战机Dutch caretaker Prime Minister Mark Rutte confirmed to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy yesterday, that the Netherlands will deliver F-16 combat aircraft to Ukraine. Stephen Rancourt has more.荷兰看守总理马克·吕特昨天(08/20)向乌克兰总统弗拉基米尔·泽连斯基证实,荷兰将向乌克兰供应F-16战斗机。记者Stephen Rancourt带来更多报道。Zelenskyy made a short visit to the Netherlands yesterday. He met Rutte at Eindhoven airbase【空军基地】, where they held a press conference.泽连斯基昨天(08/20)对荷兰进行了短暂访问。他在埃因霍温空军基地会见了吕特,并在那里举行了新闻发布会。Mark RutteDutch caretaker Prime Minister吕特 荷兰首相“Today we can announce that the Netherlands and Denmark commit to the transfer of F-16 Aircraft to Ukraine and the Ukrainian Air Force, including cooperation with the United States and other partners once the conditions for such a transfer have been met.”“今天(8月20日)我们宣布,荷兰和丹麦与美国等伙伴密切合作,一旦条件成熟,将向乌克兰和乌克兰空军提供F-16战机。”Zelenskyy later stated on social media that he expects the support of 42 Dutch F-16 fighter jets.泽连斯基随后在社交媒体上表示,预计会得到42架荷兰F-16战机的供应。Also on Sunday, the Danish defense ministry stated Copenhagen is ready to supply 19 F-16s to Ukraine, with the first six set to be delivered before the end of this year.同样在周日(08/20),丹麦国防部表示,哥本哈根已准备向乌克兰提供19架F-16战机,首批6架将于今年年底前交付。Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said Russia will regard Western F-16 fighter jets sent to Ukraine as a "nuclear" threat because of their capacity to carry atomic weapons.俄罗斯外交部长谢尔盖·拉夫罗夫表示,俄罗斯将把西方派往乌克兰的F-16战机视为“核”威胁,因为这些战机可以携带核武器。At least two people were injured today when parts of a Ukrainian drone destroyed by Russian air defenses fell on a house in the Moscow region. Nearly 50 commercial flights in and out of the capital were disrupted after Russia said it jammed Ukrainian drones in Istrinsky district, and in the Ruzsky district west of Moscow.今天,一架被俄罗斯防空系统摧毁的乌克兰无人机部件掉落在莫斯科地区一栋房屋上,造成至少两人受伤。在伊斯特林斯基区和莫斯科西部鲁茨基区干扰乌克兰无人机之后,进出俄罗斯首都的近50架商业航班中断。#热词加油站numerous/ˈnuːmərəs/【众多的】congestion/kənˈdʒestʃən/【交通拥堵】segment/ˈseɡmənt/【部分】airbase/ˈerbeɪs/【空军基地】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
8/23/20234 minutes, 44 seconds
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What Does Chinese Traditional Culture Mean to Sydney Residents?

Explore Expat Insights: Unveiling Perceptions of Chinese Culture in Global Street InterviewsIn today's world, what do expats really understand about traditional Chinese culture? What piques their curiosity or leaves them perplexed? How and where do they access it? Pondering these questions, the team behind My Favorite Chinese Treasures Video Showcasepresents the special 'Global Voices on Chinese Traditions'street interview series. Across six iconic international cities – Shanghai, Beijing, London, Innsbruck, Sydney, and New York – hear from nearly a hundred expats, representing over thirty countries, as they share their thoughts and experiences on Chinese Traditional Culture.What does Chinese Traditional Culture mean to Sydney residents? Where do they acquire their knowledge about it? Do they consider this information trustworthy? Join us for this episode of "Global Voices on Chinese Traditions" to discover the answers!
8/22/20232 minutes, 40 seconds
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London and Innsbruck Street Interviews on Chinese Traditions

Explore Expat Insights: Unveiling Perceptions of Chinese Culture in Global Street InterviewsIn today's world, what do expats really understand about traditional Chinese culture? What piques their curiosity or leaves them perplexed? How and where do they access it? Pondering these questions, the team behind My Favorite Chinese Treasures Video Showcasepresents the special 'Global Voices on Chinese Traditions'street interview series. Across six iconic international cities – Shanghai, Beijing, London, Innsbruck, Sydney, and New York – hear from nearly a hundred expats, representing over thirty countries, as they share their thoughts and experiences on Chinese Traditional Culture.Join us as we embark on a journey through street interviews, where we'll explore the perspectives of residents from London and Innsbruck. From their initial impressions of Chinese traditions to their personal encounters with its cultural richness, and their shared mission to uphold these legacies, this episode of 'Global Voices on Chinese Traditions' offers a cross-cultural insight into the evolution of Chinese Traditional Culture.
8/21/20232 minutes, 29 seconds
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08/21 TOP NEWS | 结构性货币政策工具聚焦重点/上海邮轮市场加速重振/交通部约谈滴滴

NEWS ON 08/181. PBOC VOWS REASONABLE LIQUIDITY, AID FOR INNOVATION, INCLUSIVE FINANCING央行报告:结构性工具持续支持重点领域和薄弱环节2. FROM BUILDING SHIPS TO GREETING PASSENGERS SHANGHAI RULES THE WAVES上海推进国际邮轮经济高质量发展3. DIDI TOLD TO STOP UNFAIR PRICING PRACTICES交通部约谈滴滴:停止非法定价行为----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1. PBOC VOWS REASONABLE LIQUIDITY, AIDFOR INNOVATION, INCLUSIVE FINANCING央行报告:结构性工具持续支持重点领域和薄弱环节The central bank has vowed to continue using monetary policy tools to maintain reasonable and ample【充裕的】 liquidity in financial markets.央行承诺将继续运用货币政策工具,保持金融体系流动性合理充裕。The People's Bank of China reaffirmed in its quarterly monetary policy report that it would keep money supply growth and total social financing largely in line with nominal economic growth. It said open market operations would be used flexibly to ensure that liquidity in the banking system and money market interest rates remain stable as well. The central bank also said in its report that China's outstanding balance of structural monetary policy tools had reached 6.9 trillion yuan at the end of June, accounting for 16 percent of its total assets. It said these tools prioritized fields that most needed financial support, including low-carbon development, scientific and technological innovation, and inclusive financing.中国人民银行在2023年第二季度中国货币政策执行报告中重申,将保持货币供应量和社会融资规模增速同名义经济增速基本匹配,灵活运用多种工具开展公开市场操作,维护市场预期稳定和运行平稳。报告称,截至6月末,我国结构性货币政策工具余额6.9万亿元,约占央行总资产的16%。结构性货币政策工具优先用于最需银行资金支持的领域,持续支持普惠金融、绿色低碳、科技创新等领域。2. FROM BUILDING SHIPS TO GREETING PASSENGERS SHANGHAI RULES THE WAVES上海推进国际邮轮经济高质量发展The Shanghai government this morning released a city action plan to promote high-quality development in the international cruise line industry. The plan says the city aims to become a high-end cruise line port, a headquarters hub for cruise ship companies, high-end service environment and a world-class consumption cluster. Even now the resumption in the cruise ship industry here is gaining pace. Our reporter Zhang Shixuan visited one of the city's cruise terminals to find out the details.   今天(08/18)上午,上海市政府发布《推进国际邮轮经济高质量发展上海行动方案》。该行动方案称,要将上海打造成为高端邮轮港口、邮轮公司总部枢纽、高端服务环境和世界级消费集群。如今,这里的邮轮产业复工步伐不断加快。记者张诗旋来到码头一探究竟。 At around 12 pm, Wusongkou International Cruise Terminal 1 was full of travelers - the first group tour with Shanghai as its home port to depart in 3 years.中午12点左右,吴淞口国际邮轮一号码头挤满了游客,这是三年来首个以上海为母港出发的邮轮旅行团。“我们是四口之家,一家人一起乘坐邮轮真的很开心,非常棒。听说这是今年第一个恢复航行的团体邮轮,所以想试一试。”“We are a family of 4, and we're really happy to take a cruise as a family.It's a great thing to do. We heard that this is the first group tour cruise to have resumed sailing this year so we wanted to give it a try.”“我真的很高兴,也很激动。终于可以出国旅行了。”“I'm really happy and excited. We can finally travel abroad.”“I'm from Ukraine.. It's gonna be first time. I'm expecting very good level.”“我来自乌克兰。这是我第一次在中国坐邮轮。我有很高的期待。”Luo Tong, Deputy General ManagerZhejiang Everbrightstar International Travel骆彤 浙江光大星辰国际旅行社副总经理“现在都是组团来的,一次3到4个家庭或7到8个年轻人。在此之前,邮轮旅游以中老年人为主,但经过3年的发展,年轻人逐渐成为新市场的主力军。许多人都是和朋友一起来的。”“People are now coming in groups - 3 to 4 families or 7 to 8 young people at a time. Before this cruise line travel was dominated by middle aged and elderly people, but now after these 3 years young people are defining a new market. A lot of them come with their friends.”The ship carries more than 600 passengers, heading to Nagasaki in Japan. Majority of them are group tour travelers. Luo says while previously young people took up around 15% of the entirecruise group tour, the one departed fron Shanghai today has40% of the group membersyoung people. The travel agency is nothing but excited about the resumption of group tours to 78 countries that was announced by the government earlier this month.这艘邮轮载有600多名乘客,正驶往日本长崎。大多数乘客都是跟团游。骆彤表示,以前年轻人约占邮轮团队游的15%,而今天从上海出发的邮轮上40%都是年轻人。政府本月初宣布恢复78个出境团队游的国家和地区,旅行社对此感到非常兴奋。Luo Tong, Deputy General ManagerZhejiang Everbrightstar International Travel骆彤 浙江光大星辰国际旅行社副总经理“邮轮旅游曾经占我们整个公司业务的20%左右,高峰期每年有8万到9万名游客。自8月10日恢复赴日韩出境团队游以来,前来咨询的人突然多了起来。我们的合作伙伴甚至向我们寻求帮助。”“Cruise travel used to take up around 20% of our entire company's business, 80,000 to 90,000 tourists a year at peak time. Since August 10th, when group tours to Japan and South Korea were resumed, all of sudden more people have come to ask about them. Our partners are even reaching out to us forpfuture plans.”Zhang Shixuan, Reporter张诗旋 记者Since Shanghai became a cruise line home port, the city has managed to take up more than half of the industry's market share in China. It is now the only city in Chinathat can offer the whole industrial chain covering cruise ship R&D and manufacturing, operation and port services. Official data released this morning shows that, since the resumption of cruise line sailing, ticket sales revenue【收入】 has topped more than 300 million yuan.自上海成为邮轮母港以来,该市已成功占据中国邮轮业一半以上的市场份额。目前,上海是全国唯一能够提供邮轮研发制造、运营和港口服务全产业链的城市。今天(08/18)上午发布的官方数据显示,自今年邮轮航线恢复以来,门票销售收入已突破3亿元。Ma Yingjie, Deputy DirectorPujiang Immigration Inspection Station,Shanghai General Station of Immigration Inspection马英杰 浦江边检站边防检查处副处长“文化和旅游部公布的恢复出境团队游第三批名单包括日本和韩国。这对邮轮行业来说是个好消息,预计邮轮和游客数量肯定会增长。我们一直在优化工作、改进程序。”“The third batch of resumed group tour destinations list released by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism includes Japan and South Korea. That was good news for the cruise line industry. We expect ship and tourist numbers will definitely grow. We have been optimizing【优化】 our work, and improving our procedures.”Shanghai's Wusongkou International Cruise Liner Port aims to become a major destination for international cruise ships, targeting 300 ship visits and 2.7 million visitors annually by 2025. The Shanghai government announced this morning that the resumption of cruise line sailing has created more than 4,000 jobs already, and that the number is expected to reach around 20,000 by next year.  上海吴淞口国际邮轮港旨在成为国际邮轮的主要目的地,目标是到2025年,每年接待300艘邮轮和270万游客。上海市政府今天(08/18)上午宣布,邮轮复航已经创造了4000多个就业岗位,这一数字预计到明年将达到2万个左右。3. DIDI TOLD TO STOP UNFAIR PRICING PRACTICES交通部约谈滴滴:停止非法定价行为Multiple city government departments, including the Road Transportation Bureau and the police, summoned more than 20 ride-hailing apps earlier this week over illicit pricing practices. Authorities said they aim to put a stop to such practices for a better market environment and protect the rights of drivers. Sun Siqi takes a look at what came out of that meeting.本周早些时候,包括道路交通局和警方在内的多个市政府部门就非法定价行为传唤了20多家叫车软件,并制止此类行为,以营造更好的市场环境,保护司机权益。记者孙思奇带来详细报道。Authorities say car-hailing industry leader Didi has about 80,000 vehicles on the road per day, but less than half are properly licensed. Out of 140,000 monthly active vehicles, a little over 50,000 had a business license.有关部门表示,滴滴作为网约车行业的领头羊,每天在道路上行驶的车辆约8万辆,但只有不到一半取得了合法牌照。在每月14万辆活跃车辆中,仅有5万余辆有营业执照。Didi has a schedule to remove unqualified drivers, but officials say it's falling behind.滴滴计划淘汰不合规的司机,但有关部门反映进度缓慢。Didi's Shanghai Representative滴滴上海代表“我们的计划是在8月至9月间淘汰2.5万辆不合格车辆。”“Our plan is to dismiss 25,000 unqualified vehicles between August and September.”“现在已经是8月中旬了,你们只淘汰了4000辆,能在9月底前完成目标吗?”“It's already mid-August, and you've only dismissed 4,000. Can you meet your goal by the end of September?”At least 80 percent of the vehicles on the car-hailing apps must be licensed by the end of the year, according to a city regulation.根据市政府的规定,到今年年底,网约车软件上至少要有80%的车辆取得牌照。Wu Xuecheng, Passenger Transport OfficeShanghai Road Transportation Bureau吴学成 上海市道路运输管理局客运处“每天约有200万人次出行,包括出租打车。根据道路拥堵情况和司机收入水平,我们计算出网约车总数约10万辆。”“Around 2 million rides are taken a day, including taxi and car-hail rides. Based on road congestion and proper driver income levels, we calculate the total number of cars at around 100,000.”Authorities say they are mostly concerned about fair pricing practices. For example, in Didi's "Discount Fast Ride" category, fares are cheaper and sometimes offered at a flat rate, which is more attractive to customers. But the drivers receive a smaller cut of the fare.有关部门表示,他们主要关注的是公平定价行为。例如,在滴滴的“打折快车”类别中,车费更便宜,有时还提供统一价格,这对乘客更具吸引力,但司机从中获得的分成较少。Earlier this month, Didi opened an option for a driver to take only Discount rides.  本月早些时候,滴滴为司机提供了只接单“打折快车”的选项。Didi's Shanghai Representative滴滴上海代表“You make less for each ride, but you get more customers.”“每次赚得更少,但会拥有更多的顾客。”Authorities said this steers drivers towards taking discount rides, which could eventually hurt them.有关部门表示,这将引导司机更多选择接单“打折快车”,而这最终可能会损害他们的利益。“价格战可能引发许多其他问题,包括延长司机的工作时间,这是不安全的。”“A price war could trigger many other problems, including longer working hours for drivers, which is unsafe.”Officials have also spoken to other car-hailing apps and set a schedule to remove unlicensed drivers from each one, saying that they will be checking on the progress. The Shanghai Transportation Commission said penalties【处罚】 will ensue if the company is still registering unqualified vehicles or drivers.官方还与其他网约车软件进行了沟通,并制定了时间表,将无证司机逐一清除,并检查进展情况。上海市交通委员会表示,如果公司仍在注册不合格的车辆或司机,将对其进行处罚。#热词加油站ample/ˈæmp(ə)l/【充裕的】revenue/ˈrevənuː/【收入】optimize/ˈɑːptɪmaɪz/【优化】penalty/ˈpenəlti/【处罚】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
8/21/20236 minutes, 46 seconds
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08/18 TOP NEWS | 国内发现新毒株EG.5/假期将至 航班预订量激增 /异种移植重大进展

NEWS ON 08/171.DOCTORS ON WHAT TO KNOW ABOUTEG.5 CORONAVIRUS VARIANT国内发现新冠新毒株EG.5!会引发新一轮流行吗?2.FLIGHT BOOKINGS SURGE FOR UPCOMING HOLIDAYS假期将至,航班预订量激增3.PIG KIDNEY TRANSPLANTED INTOHUMAN FUNCTIONS FOR OVER A MONTH异种移植取得重大进展:猪肾在人体内正常工作超一个月----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1.DOCTORS ON WHAT TO KNOW ABOUTEG.5 CORONAVIRUS VARIANT国内发现新冠新毒株EG.5!会引发新一轮流行吗?A new variant of the coronavirus called EG.5 has been circulating in dozens of countries. In China, the Foshan Center for Disease Control in Guangdong Province reported the variant is starting to become prevalent. Here's Chen Xuan with a look at its characteristics and risk levels.一种名为EG.5的新冠病毒变异株已在数十个国家流行。中国广东省佛山市疾病控制中心报告该变异株出现蔓延态势。陈璇为您介绍它的特点和风险等级。Foshan’s CDC reported yesterday the city now has EG.5 outbreaks, but added the risks to public health are manageable.佛山市疾控中心昨日(08/16)报告称,EG.5变异株在佛山市流行毒株中逐渐占据优势,但其对公众健康的风险是可控的。EG.5 is a recent variant closely related to the XBB variants that have been circulating for months. It was first reported in February.EG.5是最近出现的一种变异株,于今年二月份被首次报道,与已流行数月的XBB变种密切相关。Global case data show symptoms are the same as other variants with coughs, fever, fatigue and loss of taste or smell.全球病例数据显示,其症状与其他变种相同,包括咳嗽、发烧、疲劳、味觉或嗅觉丧失。Virologists say the strain isn't more dangerous than previous ones, though it contains one mutation that is known to evade some of the immunity one gains after an infection or vaccination. This might have contributed to its faster circulation speed.病毒学家说,该病毒并没有比以前的更危险,但它含有一种变异,众所周知,这种变异可以逃避感染或接种疫苗后形成的免疫力。这可能是导致其传播速度加快的原因之一。The World Health Organization last week upgraded the variant’s tracking status from “variant under monitoring” to “variant of interest”.世界卫生组织上周将该变异株的跟踪状态从“监视下的变异株”升级为“需要留意的变异株”。Worldwide, the percentage of EG.5 infections has grown from 7.6 percent at the end of June to 17.5 percent at the end of July. But doctors say people shouldn’t worry too much.全球范围内,EG.5感染率从6月底的7.6%增长到7月底的17.5%。但医生表示不必过于担心。Ling Yun, Deputy Directorof Shanghai Public Health Clinical Center凌云(音译),上海市公共卫生临床中心副主任“The WHO upgrades a variant when it shows more advanced transmissibility and reaches a certain percentage among total cases. This just tells us we should be watching out for it. This doesn't mean another wave of the pandemic has come.”“世卫组织会在变异株显示出更高的传播性并在病例总数中达到一定比例时将其升级。这只是告诉我们应该注意它,并不意味着另一波大流行已经来临。”Here in Shanghai, multiple hospitals have reported a 10 percent increase in coronavirus cases, but the numbers are still low compared to the first COVID wave in December 2022, and the second one in May.在上海,多家医院报告新冠病毒病例增加了10%,但与2022年12月的第一波感染和5月的第二波感染相比,病例数仍相对较少。Doctors say whether EG.5 results in a bigger wave of infections depends on immunity levels. Given the May wave, they estimate the strain will not result in a significant rise in case counts.医生表明,EG.5是否会导致又一波感染取决于免疫水平。鉴于5月份的感染潮,他们估计该病毒不会导致病例数大幅上升。But they do advise people who have never been infected or those with underlying health conditions to get vaccinated.但他们建议从未感染过的人或有基础疾病的人接种疫苗。Ling Yun, Deputy DirectorofShanghai Public Health Clinical Center凌云,上海市公共卫生临床中心副主任“One always gets lighter symptoms and a shorter duration of illness the second or third time they get infected. Those who were never infected or with underlying conditions could opt for the quadrivalent vaccines. They offer better defense against current strains. Get a full course of the vaccine if you can.”“人在第二次或第三次感染时,症状会减轻,病程也会缩短。从未感染过或有基础疾病的人可以选择接种四价疫苗。它们能更好地抵御当前的毒株。如果可以的话,尽量做到全程接种。”Doctors add that once infected, high-risk groups should try to take antiviral drugs as early as possible. They say when taken promptly, these drugs greatly reduce the risks of developing severe symptoms or experiencing lasting residual symptoms.医生补充说,一旦感染,高危人群应尽量尽早服用抗病毒药物。用药及时可大大降低出现重症或持久性后遗症的风险。2.FLIGHT BOOKINGS SURGE FOR UPCOMING HOLIDAYS假期将至,航班预订量激增Airfares are soaring for flights in late September and early October as many people in Shanghai are planning a trip during this year's combined Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day holidays. Zhang Yue brings us more.今年中秋节和国庆节双节长假期间,许多上海人都计划出游,9月底和10月初的机票价格也随之飙升。本台记者张乐为我们带来更多信息。Demand has risen for plane tickets to popular tourist destinations such as Japan and South Korea during the National Day holiday and prices have jumped accordingly. The price of a one-way ticket from Shanghai to Tokyo on September 29th reached 5,000 yuan, more than 30% higher compared to the summer travel season. A flight from Shanghai to Bangkok during the National Day holiday can cost up to 10 times more than on a regular day.国庆长假期间,前往日本和韩国等热门旅游目的地的机票需求上升,价格也相应飙升。9月29日从上海飞往东京的单程机票价格达到5000元,比暑期旅游旺季高出30%以上。国庆长假期间从上海飞往曼谷的机票价格也达到了平日的10倍。Zhang Wu'an, Spokesperson of Spring Airlines张武安春秋航空发言人“与2019年疫情发生前相比,出行人数增加了48%。黄金周期间,上海-东京-大阪航线机票已售出80%。9月26日以后的航班,机票价格也在快速上涨”“There has been a 48% increase in travelers compared to before the pandemic in 2019. 80% of tickets have already been sold for the Shanghai - Tokyo - Osaka route during the Golden Week. For flights after September 26th, ticket prices have been rising rapidly.”Although airfares have soared, many still want to travel as the combination of the holidays means 10 straight days off, rather than the usual 3 days for the Mid-Autumn Festival and 7 for National Day.虽然机票价格飙升,但许多人仍然想去旅行,因为假期合并意味着连休 10天,而不是往年的中秋节3天、国庆节7天。Visitors旅客“I went to New Zealand during the May Day holiday and want to go again, but the ticket prices have increased too much. Definitely doubled.”“五一假期我去了新西兰,还想再去一次,但机票价格涨得太多了。肯定翻倍了。”Visitors旅客“I am going to Chengdu and some cities in northern China.”“我要去成都和一些北方城市。”Airlines are adjusting their schedules to meet demand.航空公司正在调整班次,以满足需求。Lou Wenjie, Ground Service Dept. of Southern Airlines Shanghai Branch娄文杰南方航空上海分公司地面服务部“Since August 15th, we have opened a direct flight from Guangzhou to Kashgar, which is the longest domestic route. For international routes, sales of tickets from Shanghai to Osaka and other destinations have continued to be strong. As ticket sales increase, we will adjust the flight schedule and aircraft types in response to changes in passenger flow.”“从8月15日开始,我们开通了广州直飞喀什的航线,该航线为最长的国内航线。国际航线方面,上海至大阪等地的机票销售持续火爆。随着机票销售量的增加,我们将根据客流变化及时调整航班时刻和机型。”As of August 15th, plane ticket sales for the National Day holiday have exceeded 350,000, an increase of nearly 19% compared to a week ago.截至8月15日,国庆假期机票销售量已突破35万张,与一周前相比增长近19%。3.PIG KIDNEY TRANSPLANTED INTOHUMAN FUNCTIONS FOR OVER A MONTH异种移植取得重大进展:猪肾在人体内正常工作超一个月Surgeons in New York transplanted a pig’s kidney into a brain-dead man, and for over a month it has been functioning normally, the transplant is a critical step toward an operation the team hopes to eventually try in patients with actual brain function. Sun Siqi has more.纽约一名外科医生将一只猪的肾脏移植到一名脑死亡的男子体内,一个多月来,猪肾一直在正常工作,这次移植是该团队希望最终在有实际脑功能的病人身上尝试异种移植手术的关键一步。本台记者孙思奇带来详细报道。The transplant recipient was 57-year-old man who fell into a coma in July due to a tumor in his brain, and has been kept alive on a ventilator. His family decided to donate his body for the transplant experiment. Doctors said during the operation in July, after replacing the deceased man's own kidneys with a single kidney from a genetically modified pig, they watched it immediately start producing urine. The pig’s kidney has been functioning normally inside a human body for 32 days.接受移植的是一名57岁的男子,今年7月因脑部肿瘤陷入昏迷,一直靠呼吸机维持生命。他的家人决定捐献他的遗体用于移植实验。医生说,在7月份的手术中,他们用转基因猪的一个肾脏替换了死者自己的肾脏后,看到该猪肾脏立即开始产生尿液。这只猪的肾脏在人体内已正常工作了32天。Dr. Robert Montgomery, NYU Langone Health罗伯特·蒙哥马利博士纽约大学朗格尼健康中心“You take the clamps off and the human blood comes into the pig kidney, turns this beautiful pink color, and then a couple of minutes later, urine starts squirting out of the ureter. It's crazy.”“取下夹子,人类的血液进入猪肾脏,肾脏变成美丽的粉红色,几分钟后,尿液开始从输尿管喷出。这太神奇了。”The experiment marks the longest a pig kidney has functioned in a human, albeit a clinically deceased one. It's the latest in a string of experiments renewing hope that animal-to-human transplants might finally be inching toward reality. The process has suffered decades of failure as people’s immune systems instantly attacked the foreign tissue. Researchers are set to track the kidney’s performance for a second month. Currently. more than 100,000 people are on the list to receive an organ transplant in the United States and thousands die each year as they wait.这项实验中猪肾脏在人体内工作的时间为迄今最长,尽管移植受体是一位临床死亡病例。该实验为该领域一系列实验中最新一次,让人们重新燃起对动物器官移植到人体的希望。由于人的免疫系统会立即攻击外来组织,该研究几十年来历经失败。研究人员将对肾脏的状况进行第二个月的跟踪。目前,美国有超过10 万患者在等待接受器官移植,每年有数千人在等待中死亡。#热词加油站订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
8/19/20236 minutes, 58 seconds
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08/17 TOP NEWS | 读者大会首次移师上海/上海外贸发展稳中提质/房企融资推动保交楼

NEWS ON 08/161.READERS CONFERENCE HELD DURINGSHANGHAI BOOK FAIR FOR FIRST TIME“读者大会”首次移师上海书展2.SHANGHAI FOREIGN TRADE UP 7.4% IN JAN-JUL TERM上海前7个月进出口同比增长7.4%3.BETTER FINANCING HELPS DEVELOPERS DELIVER NEW HOMES ON TIME房企融资推动“保交楼”----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1.READERS CONFERENCE HELD DURINGSHANGHAI BOOK FAIR FOR FIRST TIME“读者大会”首次移师上海书展The 14th Readers Conference by China Publishing Group Corp was held this afternoon at Shanghai Exhibition Center. It was the first time the eventwas held during the Shanghai Book Fair. Sun Siqi has more.中国出版集团公司第14届“读者大会”今天(08/16)下午在上海展览中心举行。这是“读者大会”首次移师上海书展。记者孙思奇带来更多报道。At 2:30 pm, professor of Chinese literature Mo Lifeng discussed ancient poetry from recent popular movies.下午2点30分,中国文学教授莫砺锋讨论了近期热门电影中的古诗。Mo Lifeng, Senior ProfessorInst. for Advanced Studies in Humanities & Social Sciences, Nanjing University莫砺锋 南京大学人文社会科学资深教授“假如你喜欢读唐诗,那么你一定要延伸到宋词。假如你喜欢读宋词,一定要向上追溯到晚唐和五代的词。”“If you love poems written during the Tang Dynasty, you must extend your love to poems from the Song Dynasty, and also those in the Five Dynasties.”Renowned historian Ge Jianxiong from Fudan University shared the new book "The Yellow River and Chinese Civilization".复旦大学著名历史学家葛剑雄分享了新书《黄河与中华文明》。Ge Jianxiong, ProfessorFudan University葛剑雄 复旦大学资深教授“我们现在讲传承中华文明,继承黄河文明,那么实际上黄河文明,它就是中华文明早期的核心。”“The civilization along the Yellow River formed the heart ofChinese civilization.”The Readers Conference was first held in 2008 during the National Book Expo as a networking event for authors, academicians, and readers. The event also helped establishmore than80 reading rooms in the country. This yearmarksthe first time it’s been held during Shanghai Book Fair.Otherscholars and writers including Chen Jin and Cao Wenxuan were also at the conference.“读者大会”于2008年在全国图书博览会期间首次举办,旨在促进作者、学者和读者之间的交流。该活动还帮助在全国建立了80多个阅览室。今年是“读者大会”首次在上海书展期间举办,陈劲、曹文轩等学者和作家也出席了会议。2.SHANGHAI FOREIGN TRADE UP 7.4% IN JAN-JUL TERM上海前7个月进出口同比增长7.4%Shanghai saw its foreign trade rise 7.4 percent year-on-year to 2.45 trillion yuan in the first seven months of the year, customs data showed today.海关数据显示,今年前7个月,上海对外贸易额同比增长7.4%,达2.45万亿元。During the period the city's exports totaled 996 billion yuan, up 9.3 percent year-on-year, while imports grew by six percent to 1.45 trillion yuan. Exports included 693.2 billion yuan worth of mechanical【机械】and electrical products, up 15.2 percent year on year and accounting for 69.6 percent of the city's total export value. Imports of consumer goods accounted for 22.7 percent of Shanghai's total imports during the period, registering year-on-year growth of 13.5 percent. The European Union was the city's biggest trading partner, with total imports and exports between the two reaching 500 billion yuan.其中,出口9959亿元,同比增长9.3%;进口1.45万亿元,同比增长6%。机电产品出口6932亿元,同比增长15.2%,占全市出口总额的69.6%。消费品进口占全市进口总额的22.7%,同比增长13.5%。欧盟是上海最大的贸易伙伴,双方的进出口总额达5000亿元人民币。3.BETTER FINANCING HELPS DEVELOPERS DELIVER NEW HOMES ON TIME房企融资推动“保交楼”Official data released today showed that fewer Chinese cities were reporting month-on-month increases in home prices during July. Only 20 out of 70 large and medium-sized cities saw month-on-month increases in new home prices, down from 31 in June. Yesterday, China's central bank cut interest rates on two lending facilities that can affect home purchase loans as well as developers' financing, and some analysts are now predicting that the bank's one-year loan prime rate is also expected to drop this month, which could have an even bigger impact on the market. Our reporter Zhang Shixuan checks out the demand for new home buying and the home delivery situation for presold homes in Shanghai.今天(08/16)公布的官方数据显示,7月份中国房价环比上涨的城市较少。在70个大中城市中,新房价格环比上涨的城市只有20个,低于6月份的31个。昨天(08/15),中国央行下调了两项可能影响购房贷款和开发商融资的贷款工具利率,部分分析师预测,中国央行的一年期贷款市场报价利率预计也将在本月下调,这可能对市场产生更大的影响。记者张诗旋对上海新房购买需求及预售住宅交付情况进行了探访。By the end of next year, the 3 residential buildings and 21 villas here will becompletedat Shanghai's Zhangjiang Science City. Though sales are not open yet, the reception center is already seeing 30 to 50 groups of clients a day during weekends. Even those from outside Shanghai are welcome just so they meet the local tax requirements.  到明年年底,上海张江科学城的3栋住宅楼和21栋别墅将交付出售。虽然楼盘尚未开售,但在周末,接待中心每天接待的客户已经多达30至50组。符合上海税收要求的非上海户口居民也可以购买。“我跟我老婆也是外地人,然后社保满5年。然后想着攒点首付,看看房子。今年刚结婚,觉得这边看个小户型的,就700万出头的。”“My wife and I are from outside Shanghai. But we've been paying local social insurance【社保】for 5 years, and so we want to save some money and buy a new home. We just got married this year. We're looking for a small apartment, for around 7 million yuan.”“主要是那个社保年限满的,然后也刚结婚,所以想在上海买一套房子。我们工作都在浦东,所以想在浦东买一个。”“We have met the requirement for social insurance payments. And we just got married, so we want to buy a new home in Shanghai. We both work in Pudong, so we want an apartment here.”The company has 14 residential property projects under development, more than half of them intended for families looking to upgrade from homes they now own.  上海中建东孚公司在上海有14个住宅物业项目正在开发中,其中一半以上是为有改善性住房需求的家庭设计的。Wei Wei, Assistant General ManagerCSCEC Dongfu Shanghai魏伟 上海中建东孚总经理助理“以我们张江的项目为例,我们从5月底接待中心开放以来,累计接待了客户1600组,市场关注度较高,大部分的客户来自浦东新区,以三口之家为主,购房主要用于自住和改善需求。”“Take this project in Zhangjiang for example. Since we opened our reception center at the end of May we've welcomed more than 1,600 groups. People have been paying a lot of attention to it. Most of them are from the Pudong New Area, families of three. Most are buying for themselves and to trade up from where they're living now.”The company has been speeding up its delivery times. This June, its project in Shanghai's Kangqiao area made delivery to home buyers 3 months ahead of schedule. It was also the first housing development in the city to makesimultaneous【同时】 delivery of both apartments and their property ownership certificates too, a big saving on paperwork time for everyone. That efficiency has a lot to do with the faster financing that is now available.该公司一直在加快房屋交付时间。今年6月,其在上海康桥地区的项目提前3个月向购房者交付。这也是该市第一个同时交付房屋及房产证的房地产开发项目,节省了大量的文书时间。交付效率的提高与目前更快的融资速度有很大关系。Wei Wei, Assistant General ManagerCSCEC Dongfu Shanghai魏伟 上海中建东孚总经理助理“往年项目贷款有1.5个月到2个月的周期,我们近期曹路和惠南两个项目的正在办理开发贷,现在压缩为在一个月内可以办理完成。我们目前在各个总包和专业分包的付款方面,都是按照合同的约定给予了即时支付,我们按照上海市的约定也每个月对农民工资的专用账户进行支付。”“In the past, our project loans usually required an application process that took one and a half to 2 months. But recently, 2 of our projects in Caolu and Huinan applied for development loans, and they only took a month. We've been paying all our contractors on time according to the agreements. We are also paying workers' salaries to their accounts according to the requirements of the Shanghai government.”Zhang Shixuan, Reporter张诗旋 记者It's been a year since the Chinese government highlighted the need for timely deliveries of presold homes to their owners. During the past year, financial institutions have been told to help developers with that by extending or adjusting loan repayments. Developers' loans maturing before Dec 31, 2024 have been extended for another year. And this year, as the country'sresidential propertymarketis undergoing some massive【巨大的】changes,suchfinancial support is critical to helping the market hang on until, hopefully, demand for home buying recovers.一年前,中国政府强调预售住房交付给业主的及时性。在过去的一年里,金融机构通过延长或调整贷款还款帮助开发商解决这一问题。2024年12月31日前到期的开发商贷款将再延长一年。今年,全国房地产市场正经历着巨大变化,直到购房需求有望恢复前,此类金融支持对于稳定市场至关重要。Yan Yuejin , Research DirectorE-house China R&D Institute严跃进 易居研究院研究总监“今年上半年,尤其是二季度房屋销售端的市场数据可能表现并不是很好。下半年一系列的政策,包括一线城市的纷纷表态,使得我们整个房地产市场的预期是逐渐转好的,一些房企的销售端的数据也有望进一步改善,这些资金状况的改善对我们保交楼来讲还是有帮助的。整个金融机构如果看到销售端的数据转好,那么他会愿意提供更多的资金。”“In the first half of the year, especially the second quarter, housing sales data didn't perform well.  But in the second half of the year, with the series of new policies, we expect the market will gradually turn better. And when the sales data improves, the liquidity will help the on-time delivery of presold homes. And then if financial institutions see better sales figures, they may be willing to lend more money to developers.”The National Statistics Bureau last month released data showing that in the first half of this year, the completion area of residential properties rose almost 20% from a year ago.国家统计局上月公布的数据显示,今年上半年住宅竣工面积同比增长近20%。#热词加油站mechanical/məˈkænɪk(ə)l/【机械】insurance/ɪnˈʃʊrəns/【保险】simultaneous/ˌsaɪm(ə)lˈteɪniəs/【同时】massive/ˈmæsɪv/【巨大的】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
8/17/20236 minutes, 47 seconds
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08/16 TOP NEWS | 全国生态保护红线划定/7月失业率低于上年同期/政策利率再度下行

NEWS ON 08/151.NATURAL RESOURCES MINISTRY WEIGHS INON ECO-CONSERVATION ACHIEVEMENTS全国划定生态保护红线面积约319万平方公里2.SURVEYED URBAN UNEMPLOYMENTRATE AT 5.3% IN JULY国家统计局:7月全国城镇调查失业率为5.3%3.CHINA CUTS KEY POLICY RATES TO SUPPORT COMMERCIAL, POLICY BANKS政策利率再度下行,货币政策加力逆周期调节----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1.NATURAL RESOURCES MINISTRY WEIGHS INON ECO-CONSERVATION ACHIEVEMENTS全国划定生态保护红线面积约319万平方公里The ministry stated that 3.19 million square kilometers of land and sea have been delineated within what the central government calls "ecological protection red lines", a scheme【计划】proposed in 2011 to put an end to "irrational development" that had encroached on ecosystems.自然资源部表示,我国划定包括陆地和海洋在内的“生态保护红线”面积合计约319万平方公里。该计划于2011年提出,旨在结束侵占生态系统的“非理性开发”。Local governments must ensure "mandatory protection" in these areas.地方政府必须确保这些地区的“强制性保护”。According to the blue book, red line areas now cover 35 priority biodiversity protection areas and more than 90 percent of ecosystem types.根据蓝皮书,红线区域目前涵盖我国全部35个生物多样性保护优先区域和90%以上的典型生态系统类型。Tian Chunhua, Deputy DirectorChina Land Surveying & Planning Institute田春华 自然资源部中国国土勘测规划院副院长“我国99%的红树林、92%的冰川及永久积雪、91%的珊瑚礁、89%的海草床以及94%的未开发利用无居民海岛,都纳入了生态保护红线。”“More than 99 percent of the country's mangrove forests, 92 percent of glacier and permanent snow, 91 percent of coral reefs, 89 percent of seaweed beds and 94 percent of undeveloped islands are within the protected red lines.”These areas are scattered across the country and include the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, the Yellow and Yangtze Rivers, forests in the northeast, the southern China hills and swathes【大片区域】of coastline along the South China Sea.这些地区分布在全国各地,包括青藏高原、黄河和长江、东北的森林、华南的丘陵和南海沿岸的大片区域。Chen Yuqi, ResearcherChina Land Surveying & Planning Institute陈瑜琦 自然资源部中国国土勘测规划院研究员“我国生态保护红线主要分布于西部地区,划定面积约246万平方千米,占全国生态保护红线总面积的77%。”“About 77 percent of all protected areas are in the West, accounting for 2.46 million square kilometers.”Local governments are expected to ensure conservation of the habitats and endangered species in the protected areas.地方政府应落实好保护区内栖息地和濒危物种的保护工作。Authorities added China now has the world's most planted forests and grassland. Both environmental indices and biodiversity are improving.有关部门补充道,中国草地面积、人工林保存面积均居世界第一,环境指数和生物多样性不断改善。Close to 74 percent of lakes now have water rated as moderate to satisfactory. More than 300 million acres of land have been treated under a plan to reduce desertification【荒漠化】.目前近74%的湖泊水质被评为中等或满意。一项荒漠化治理计划使超3亿英亩的土地得到了治理。Average PM2.5 readings have dropped 57 percent. The number of heavily polluted days has declined 92 percent. Ministry officials say China has had the fastest improvement in air quality in the world. Over the last 10 years, 19 environmental protection laws have been either issued or revised.PM2.5平均读数下降了57%。重度污染天数减少了92%。环保部表示,中国是世界上空气质量改善最快的国家。10年来中国已颁布和修订了19部环境保护法。Here in Shanghai, PM2.5 readings last year averaged 25 micrograms per cubic meter, the lowest since records have been kept.在上海,去年的PM2.5平均读数为每立方米25微克,是记录以来的最低水平。Aquatic animal diversity indices and fish counts are on the rise in major water bodies including the Huangpu River, Suzhou Creek and Dianshan Lake.黄浦江、苏州河和淀山湖等主要水体的水生动物多样性指数和鱼类数量呈上升趋势。Energy-wise, 36 percent of Shanghai's electricity comes from nuclear, hydro, solar and wind. More than 10,000 factories were improved to reduce carbon emissions.能源方面,上海36%的电力来自核能、水力、太阳能和风能。超1万家工厂进行了升级改造,以减少碳排放。About 1.2 million electric vehicles run on Shanghai's roads. The city's subway lines total 831 kilometers -- both figure rank #1 among cities in the world.上海市电动汽车保有量约120万辆。地铁线路总长831公里。两项数据在世界城市中均排名第一。2.SURVEYED URBAN UNEMPLOYMENTRATE AT 5.3% IN JULY国家统计局:7月全国城镇调查失业率为5.3%The National Bureau of Statistics said today that the country's overall employment remained generally stable with the urban surveyed unemployment rate at 5.3 percent in July, up 0.1 percentage points from the previous month. Zhang Yue tells us more.国家统计局今天(08/15)表示,全国就业总体保持稳定,7月份全国城镇调查失业率为5.3%,比上月上升0.1个百分点。记者张乐带来更多报道。National Bureau of Statistics spokesperson Fu Linghui said various measures have been taken to help college graduates find a job as more than 11 million are expected to complete university this year. He said private companies have hired 670,000 more college grads in 2023 compared to previous years. The bureau said government departments in regions across the country are finding ways to help college students who have not yet found a position to enter the job market. Fu added the number of students in colleges and universities has increased in recent years.国家统计局新闻发言人付凌晖表示,今年预计将有超1100万大学生毕业,因此国家采取了各种措施帮助大学毕业生找工作。与往年相比,2023年私营企业大学毕业生雇佣量增长了67万名。全国各地的政府部门都在努力帮助尚未找到工作的大学生进入就业市场。近年来,高校学生人数不断增加。Fu Linghui, SpokesmanNational Bureau of Statistics付凌晖 国家统计局新闻发言人、国民经济综合统计司司长“2022年,我国16-24岁城镇青年有9600多万人,其中在校学生达到6500多万人。在校学生的主要任务是学习,毕业前寻找工作的学生是否应纳入劳动力调查统计,社会各方面有不同的看法,需要进一步研究。再比如,随着我国居民受教育水平提高,青年人在校学习时间增加,在劳动力调查统计中,对于青年人年龄范围的界定也需要进一步研究。”“In 2022, China had more than 96 million young people between the ages of 16 and 24 in urban areas, and 65 million of them were students. The main task for students is studying. There are different opinions on whether to include students who are looking for jobs before graduation into the labor force survey. With the improvement of the education level, young people spend more time studying in colleges and universities. Therefore, further research needs to be done to define the age range for young people in the labor force survey.”Fu also said starting this month, the surveyed urban unemployment rate of young people will no longer be released to the public, adding the statistical work needs to be updated due to the development of the economy. He added the survey on labor force statistics also needs to be optimized.付凌晖表示,从本月开始,全国城镇调查失业率将不再向公众发布,由于经济的发展,统计工作需要更新,劳动力统计调查也需要优化。3.CHINA CUTS KEY POLICY RATES TO SUPPORT COMMERCIAL, POLICY BANKS政策利率再度下行货币政策加力逆周期调节China's central bank today cut the interest rates it charges for both its medium-term lending facility,its standing lending facility, which provide different forms of financing to commercial banks. Lei Shuran explains the day's financial events.  央行今天(08/15)下调了中期贷款便利和常备贷款便利的利率。常备贷款便利为商业银行提供不同形式的融资。记者雷舒然带来详细报道。The People's Bank of China today injected 401 billion yuan into the market through the one-year MLF facility at an interest rate of 2.5 percent, down from its previous 2.65 percent. It was the second such move in three months. The MLF tool helps commercial and policy banks maintain liquidity by allowing them to borrow from the central bank using securities as collateral.中国人民银行今天(08/15)通过一年期MLF贷款向市场注入4010亿人民币,利率为2.5%,低于之前的2.65%。这是三个月来的央行第二次注资。MLF工具允许商业银行和政策性银行使用证券作为抵押品从中央银行借款,从而保持资金流动性。Qin Tai, Chief Macro AnalystHuajin Securities秦泰 华金证券首席宏观分析师、研究所所长助理“对于长端利率小幅调整,多次、少量的调整方式,更利好于投资周期比较长的基建投资,以及制造业投资这些项目,去形成更多有效投资的实物工作量。所以我们是认为现在的政策导向,很明显是两个不同的方向,对于制造业和基建投资,以促进为主,那么对于房地产市场的信心,以稳定为主。”“Regarding the small adjustments to the long-end interest rate, implementing them in small amounts but over multiple times will be more conducive to the longer investment cycle of infrastructure investment and manufacturing investment projects, allowing them to more effectively invest to support their production. We believe the current policyorientation【方向】has two objectives: promoting investment in manufacturing and infrastructure, while stabilizing confidence in the real estate market.”The bank today also announced 10-basis-point cuts to the overnight, seven-day and one-month interest rates for its standing lending facility, which also supports banks with needs of different terms. Analysts believe the moves could be opening the door to a potential cut in China's lending benchmark loan prime rate, which is scheduled to be revealed in the bank's monthly announcement next week. In June, both the one-year and five-year LPRs were cut by 10 basis points, with the five-year rate falling to 4.2 percent.        央行今天(08/15)还宣布,将其常备贷款工具的隔夜、7天期和1月期利率下调10个基点,为有不同期限需求的银行提供支持。专业人士认为,这些举措可能为中国下调基准贷款优惠利率打开大门,该利率计划在下周的月度公告中公布。6月,1年期和5年期利率均下调10个基点,五年期利率降至4.2%。#热词加油站scheme/skiːm/【计划】swathe/sweɪð/【大片区域】desertification/dɪˌzɜːrtɪfɪˈkeɪʃ(ə)n/【荒漠化】orientation/ˌɔːriənˈteɪʃ(ə)n/【方向】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
8/16/20236 minutes, 31 seconds
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08/15 TOP NEWS | 最高法森林资源纠纷司法解释/华北东北灾后重建/国务院外商投资新政

NEWS ON 08/141.JUDICIAL INTERPRETATION DESIGNED TO PROTECT FOREST RESOURCES最高法发布司法解释明确破坏森林资源犯罪定罪量刑标准2.RELIEF WORK CONTINUES INHEILONGJIANG, JILIN AND HEBEI华北东北:齐心协力恢复受灾地区生产生活秩序3. STATE COUNCIL ISSUES SUPPORTIVE MEASURES FOR FOREIGN INVESTMENT提振外商投资信心!国务院印发重磅《意见》----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1.JUDICIAL INTERPRETATION DESIGNED TO PROTECT FOREST RESOURCES最高法发布司法解释明确破坏森林资源犯罪定罪量刑标准As tomorrow marks the country’s first National Ecology Day, the Supreme People’s Court today issued a judicial【司法的】 interpretation involving cases of illegally occupied forest land to promote environmental conservation. Chen Xuan tells us more details.明天(08/15)是我国首个“全国生态日”,最高人民法院今天(08/14)发布了涉及非法占用林地等森林资源民事纠纷的司法解释,以促进环境保护。陈璇为我们带来详细解读。The interpretation takes effect tomorrow. It states a crime has been committed when one-third of a hectare【公顷】 in a public welfare forest is illegally occupied or destroyed. For a commercial forest, the same applies if more than two-thirds of a hectare is illegally occupied or destroyed.该解释将于明天生效。其中规定,非法占用并毁坏公益林地五亩以上构成犯罪。非法占用并毁坏商品林地十亩以上,同样构成犯罪。It specifies that stealing trees, no matter where they are, will be theft cases under the law.解释明确了在任何地方偷盗树木,都将被依法定为盗伐林木罪。The court document also specifies conviction【定罪】 and sentencing standards for crimes that harm national protected plants. If one or more plants of a first-level protected wild plant, or 1 cubic meter or more of standing timber【木材】 of a first-level protected wild plant is harmed, it constitutes the crime of damaging nationally protected plants. The same crime applies if two or more plants of a second-level protected wild plant or 2 cubic meters or more of standing timber of a second-level protected wild plant are damaged.解释也明确了危害国家重点保护植物罪的定罪量刑标准。危害国家一级保护野生植物一株以上或者立木蓄积一立方米以上,或者危害国家二级保护野生植物二株以上或者立木蓄积二立方米以上的,即构成危害国家重点保护植物罪。According to the Supreme People’s Court, between 2018 and 2022, courts across the nation sentenced more than 80,000 people involved in 60,000 criminal cases related to damaging forest resources.据最高人民法院统计,2018年至2022年,全国法院共判处破坏森林资源刑事案件6万余件,涉案人员8万余人。With better judicial protection of forest resources, the country’s forest coverage and forest stock volume have increased in the past few years. Since 2000, about 25 percent of the world’s newly added green space comes from China.随着森林保护的司法保护力度加大,过去几年,全国森林覆盖率和森林蓄积量不断增加。自2000年以来,全球新增绿地中约有25%来自中国。As a result, the average concentration of PM2.5 in major cities has declined nearly 60 percent in the past 10 years. The number of heavy polluted days reduced significantly, making China become the country with the fastest improvement speed in global air quality.因此,近10年来,主要城市PM2.5平均浓度下降了近60%。重污染天数大幅减少,使中国成为全球空气质量改善速度最快的国家。2.RELIEF WORK CONTINUES INHEILONGJIANG, JILIN AND HEBEI华北东北:齐心协力恢复受灾地区生产生活秩序As flood waters have receded, reconstruction has begun in the provinces of Heilongjiang, Jilin and Hebei. Sun Siqi takes a look.随着洪水退去,黑龙江、吉林和河北等省的灾后重建工作已经开始。本台记者孙思奇带来详细报道。Road and communications equipment repairs are ongoing in the city of Shangzhi in Heilongjiang. A 3-meter-deep hole on one road has been filled. The local government is giving out supplies to people who have returned.黑龙江尚志市正在进行道路和通信设备的维修。公路上一处三米的深坑已被填平。当地政府正在向返回归家的人们发放物资。villager村民“(他们给我们)送行李(被褥)、大米、白面、油。”“They gave us blankets, rice, flour and oil.”The province has downgraded its flood emergency response to level three.黑龙江省已将防汛应急响应降为三级。In Jilin, the water levels of major rivers have dropped to normal, allowing authorities to end a level-2 emergency response. More than 500 soldiers helped restore a 172-meter section of road in Jinma Town in the hard-hit city of Shulan. The also repaired a 60-meter breach in a dam.  在吉林,主要河流的水位已降至正常,当地解除了二级应急响应。500多名士兵帮助重灾区舒兰市金马镇修复了长达172米的道路,还修复了一个60米长的堤坝缺口。In Tianjin, water levels have returned to safe levels after flooding and dam breach alerts were raised last week.天津于上周提级洪水和溃坝警报,目前水位已降至安全水平。In Hebei, businesses are re-opening. Work has resumed at major construction projects across Xiong'an New Area. Safety inspectors are checking eight schools in Laishui County, Baoding City.在河北,商户正重新开业。雄安新区的主要建设项目已经复工。安全检查人员正在检查保定市涞水县的八所学校。Yin Shengnan, Principal of Sanpo Town Primary School尹胜男三坡镇小学校长“(专家)已经进行评定了,(建筑物)是没有危险的,然后我们接下来就是清淤工作结束以后,我们会对整体的环境进行一下消杀,保证9月1日我们如期开学。”The specialists say the buildings are safe. So now we'll disinfect the grounds after we've finished cleaning up. The school should open as scheduled on September 1st.In Gaobeidian, Baoding, disinfection and safety inspections have been completed in 129 of 154 villages.保定市高碑店市154个村中有129个村已完成消毒和安全检查。3.STATE COUNCIL ISSUES SUPPORTIVE MEASURES FOR FOREIGN INVESTMENT提振外商投资信心!国务院印发重磅《意见》China’s State Council has issued new guidelines regarding further optimizing the foreign investment environment and intensifying efforts to attract foreign investments. Lei Shuran has the details.国务院发布了关于进一步优化外商投资环境,加大吸引外商投资力度的意见。本台记者雷舒然带来报道详情。The State Council Information Office told a news conference today that the measures will include improving the quality of foreign capital utilization, guaranteeing the national standard treatment of foreign-invested enterprises, and strengthening the protection of foreign investments. Foreign investments and operations are to be made easier, and fiscal【财政的】 and tax supports increased. The State Council has called on all regions nationwide to adopt measures to support the effort.国务院新闻办公室在今天(08/14)的新闻发布会上表示,这些措施将包括提高利用外资质量、保障外商投资企业的国民待遇标准、加强对外商投资的保护。外商投资和经营将更加便利,并加大财税支持力度。国务院要求全国各地区采取相关措施努力优化外商投资环境。。Chen Chunjiang, Assistant Minister of Commerce陈春江商务部部长助理“研究创新合作采购方式,通过首购订购等措施,支持外商投资企业在我国创新研发全球领先产品等。强化外商投资促进和服务保障工作,做好自由贸易协定原产地证书签证工作,为外商投资企业享受关税减免政策提供便利等。”“We will study innovative cooperative procurement methods and support foreign-invested enterprises through government procurement, so as they will be able to do innovative research  and develop cutting-edge products in China. We will also strengthen foreign investment promotion and service guarantees, including the issuance of certificates of origin under free trade agreements, and the facilitation of tariff reductions and exemptions for foreign-invested enterprises.”The Ministry of Commerce reports that committed foreign direct investment in the Chinese mainland fell 2.7 percent in the first half of this year. Despite that decline, 24,000 new foreign-invested firms were established during the period, up 35.7 percent from a year earlier. The ministry said it will follow up implementation of the guidelines in four areas - coordination with local governments, strengthening public knowledge of the policies, tracking the results of the plans and evaluating problems encountered during the process.商务部报告称,今年上半年,外商对中国大陆的直接投资下降了2.7%。虽然投资有所下降,但同期新设立外商投资企业2.4万家,同比增长35.7%。中国商务部表示,将从四个方面跟进指导方针的实施——与地方政府的协调、加强公众对政策的了解、跟踪计划的结果以及评估过程中遇到的问题。#热词加油站judicial/dʒuːˈdɪʃəl/【司法的】hectare/ˈhekteə(r)/【公顷】conviction/kənˈvɪkʃn/【定罪】timber/ˈtɪmbə(r)/【木材】fiscal/ˈfɪsk(ə)l/【财政的】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
8/15/20235 minutes, 25 seconds
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08/14 TOP NEWS | 河北强降雨致29人遇难/台风“卡努”登陆辽宁/夏威夷大火致55人死亡

NEWS ON 08/111.29 DEAD, 16 MISSING IN HEBEI FLOODS河北省强降雨致29人遇难16人失踪2.TROPICAL STORM KHANUN TO MAKE LANDFALL IN LIAONING TONIGHT台风蓝色预警:“卡努”或于今天夜间进入我国辽宁3.DEATH TOLL FROM MAUIWILDFIRES RISES TO 55夏威夷毛伊岛大火已致55人死亡----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1.29 DEAD, 16 MISSING IN HEBEI FLOODS河北省强降雨致29人遇难16人失踪Hebei officials said today 29 people had died and 16 were still missing in Hebei after the worst flooding in decades. Close to 3.9 million people across 110 cities, counties and districts suffered damage to their homes. Sun Siqi hasmore.河北省委、省政府今天(08/11)表示,在经历了几十年来最严重的洪灾后,河北29人遇难,16人失踪,110个市(县、区)有近390万人的房屋受损。记者孙思奇带来详细报道。Provincial officials observed a moment of silence at the press conference today.今天(08/11),河北省委、省政府在新闻发布会上默哀。They say direct economic losses from the floods are estimated at close to96 billion yuan and that post-flood reconstruction will likely take 2 years. Close to 1 million emergency workers participated in rescue missions.洪灾造成的直接经济损失约为960亿元,灾后重建可能需要2年时间。近100万抢险人员参与了救援任务。Zhang Chengzhong, Vice GovernorHebei Provincial Government张成中 河北省常务副省长“(特大暴雨到来前)提前转移群众,扩大人员转移范围,组织山洪地质灾害危险区、蓄滞洪区和次生灾害影响区群众避险转移,全省累计转移群众175.74万人,其中蓄滞洪区97.84万人。”“We relocated people in advance in areas with different levels of flood andlandslide【滑坡】 risks. More than 1.7 million people were relocated. Close to 980,000 of them were in the flood discharge areas.”Currently, more than 90 percent of blocked roads, damaged power lines, and cellular service stations have been restored.目前,90%以上受阻的道路、受损的电力线路和移动服务站已经恢复。The provincial government says it'll ensure all displaced people can either return home or move into a new one before this winter.省政府表示,将确保所有受灾群众在今年冬天之前返回家园或搬入新居。In Tianjin, warnings have been issued about potential dam breaches for days as 75 percent of the flood water in the Haihe watershed eventually flows to the ocean through the city. A red flooding alert is still in effect for two rivers. Work teams are checking dams and water levels.在天津,由于海河流域75%的洪水最终从天津入海,因此连日来一直在发布可能决堤的警告。两条河流仍处于洪水红色预警状态,工作小组正在检查堤坝和水位。Surveyor测量人员“对这个水位进行一个观测,它在上升的时候,把数据上报给有关部门。第二方面是实时对坝体进行变形观测,在变形较大的时候,上报有关部门进行有效处置。”“We record water levels and report to authorities when they rise. We also monitordeformations【变形】in the dams, and file a report when they reach a certain threshold.”Forecasters say more heavy rain is coming to Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei in the next 24 hours, and advise everyone to take precautions.天气预报显示,未来24小时内,北京、天津和河北将迎来更多暴雨,建议大家做好预防措施。2.TROPICAL STORM KHANUN TO MAKE LANDFALL IN LIAONING TONIGHT台风蓝色预警:“卡努”或于今天夜间进入我国辽宁Tropical Storm Khanun will make landfall in Liaoning Province tonight.All 3 provinces of Northeastern China are bracing for its impact. Sun Siqi has the story.强热带风暴“卡努”将于今晚(08/11)登陆辽宁省,中国东北三省严阵以待。记者孙思奇带来更多报道。Tropical Storm Khanun weakened after making landfall on the Korean Peninsula yesterday, but the storm center is now back out over the water east of the Liaodong peninsula, and its outer rings are dumping rain into northeastern China.热带风暴“卡努”昨天(08/10)在朝鲜半岛登陆后强度减弱,目前风暴中心正向辽东半岛以东海域转移,其外围环流给中国东北地区带来强降雨。Parts of southern Heilongjiang have already been hit with very intense rainfall, leading to damaged roads and downed communications.黑龙江南部部分地区已遭受强降雨,导致道路受损、通讯中断。The mountainous area of Jilin near the border with the DPRK has been dealing with moderate to heavy rainfall for 2 days. The city of Shulan, which had just been battered with floods, relocated 23,000 people from 20 towns and villages.靠近朝鲜边境的吉林山区连续2天出现中到强降雨。刚刚遭受洪水袭击的舒兰市从20个乡镇转移了2.3万人。Multiple cities in Liaoning have been busy relocating people and resources, the local authorities have also stepped up waterway and power line inspections.辽宁多个城市一直在进行人员和资源转移工作,当地政府还加强了水路和电力线路的检查。Du KeState Grid Benxi Company杜科 国网本溪供电公司安监部主任 “我们对涉及水库供电的19座66千伏变电站、23条10千伏线路及所属设备开展隐患缺陷排查治理。”“We're running inspections on nineteen 66-thousand-volt transformers and 23 ten-thousand-volt power lines.”And here in Shanghai, temperatures made it back up over the 35 degree mark to 36.2 in the early afternoon. The local weather office says Khanun is partly to blame.下午早些时候,上海气温又回升到35度以上,达到36.2度。当地气象局称部分原因是受到了强热带风暴“卡努”的影响。Wu Rui, Chief MeteorologistShanghai Meteorological Bureau邬锐 上海中心气象台首席服务官“这两天副热带高压边缘的影响,包括卡努台风外围的下沉气流,也使得我们这两天最高气温要达到36度左右,周日气温也是在35度。”“We're under the influence of downward moving air on the outermost rings of Khanun. Hence, the highs for the weekend will still hover between 35 and 36 degrees.”Forecasters expect showers for the beginning of next week, which will bring daytime highs down to the low side of the mid-30s, and then into the low 30s by next weekend.天气预报员预计,下周初将有阵雨,白天最高气温将降至35度左右,下周末将降至30度左右。3.DEATH TOLL FROM MAUIWILDFIRES RISES TO 55夏威夷毛伊岛大火已致55人死亡The death toll from wildfires on the Hawaiian island of Maui rose to 55 on Thursday, as U.S. President Joe Biden approved a major disaster declaration for the state. Stephen Rancourt has more.周四(08/10),夏威夷州毛伊岛野火已造成至少55人死亡,美国总统拜登已宣布该州出现重大灾难。记者Stephen Rancourt带来更多报道。According to the Hawaii Emergency Management Agency, the wildfire has burned through more than 2,000 acres and destroyed at least 1,700 buildings. It has become the deadliest U.S. wildfire since the 2018 Camp Fire in California.据夏威夷紧急事务管理部门,野火的过火面积已超过2000英亩,导致1700多座建筑受损或被焚毁,成为自2018年加州野火以来美国死亡人数最多的野火。Survivor幸存游客“We found a floating board that we hung onto. We were out there floating. The news was so surreal and everything was burning around, explosions, cars blowing up,embers【火苗】 just flying. We couldn't breathe.”“我们抓住了一块漂浮的木板,挂在上面一直漂着,一切都不像现实中的场景,所有东西都在燃烧,有爆炸发生,汽车爆炸了,火苗到处飞舞,我们几乎无法呼吸。”U.S. President Joe Biden on Thursday approved a major disaster declaration for Hawaii. The Pentagon announced that it has sent a number of troops and military helicopters to Hawaii to assist in rescue-and-recovery efforts.美国总统拜登周四(08/10)批准了夏威夷州的重大灾难声明。五角大楼宣布已向夏威夷派遣部队和军用直升机,以协助救援和恢复工作。Maui reported on the most damaging of the three blazes.,The one in Lahaina on the western part of the island was 80% contained by Thursday morning, and another in Kula in central Maui was 70% contained. There was no assessment yet about the fire that continues to burn in the mountains.茂宜岛报告表示,截至周四上午,三场大火中破坏力最大的一处,即位于该岛西部拉海纳的大火已有80%得到了控制,另一处位于茂宜岛中部的库拉大火也有70%得到了控制。目前还没有对继续在山区燃烧的大火进行评估。Tourists were advised to stay away, and about 11,000 flew out of Maui on Wednesday.游客被建议远离茂宜岛,周三(08/09)约有1.1万名游客飞离茂宜岛。Evacuate Tourist撤离游客“We were up on Front Street the night before the fire started. So to see from one day to the next how it was, and then after that, was justsurreal【不真实的】.”“野火发生的前一晚,我和妻子还去了‘前街’游览,我们亲眼看到了火灾前后的对比,这太不真实了。”The governor of Hawaii estimated that it will take billions of dollars and many years to rebuild Lahaina.夏威夷州长估计,重建拉海纳镇需要数十亿美元和数年时间。#热词加油站landslide/ˈlændslaɪd/【滑坡】Deformation/ˌdiːfɔːrˈmeɪʃn/【变形】ember/ˈembər/【火苗】surreal/səˈriːəl/【不真实的】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
8/14/20235 minutes, 6 seconds
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Street Interview on Chinese Traditions 歪果仁街头采访北京站:中华传统文化初体验

Ask International Students in Beijing: “ What’s your favorite Chinese Treasures? ”Step into the world of expats in Beijing and delve into their unique perspectives on Chinese traditions. Join us on a captivating street interview journey through this dynamic city, as we unravel the stories that make up the "Global Voices on Chinese Traditions" series. From personal encounters with local culture to reasons for adoration, and the mission to spread these tales globally, get ready for a diverse and enlightening exploration!
8/14/20232 minutes, 40 seconds
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Ask Shanghai Expats “What’s your favorite Chinese Treasures?”

Ask Shanghai Expats “What’s your favorite Chinese Treasures?”Curious about the enchanting Chinese traditions cherished by expats in Shanghai? Join us on a captivating street interview journey as we explore the diverse parts of this vibrant city.Get ready to be enthralled by the diverse voices and perspectives that make up the Global Voices on Chinese Traditions series in Shanghai!
8/13/20233 minutes, 1 second
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08/11 TOP NEWS | 拜登签署对华投资限制行政令/出境游国家扩至138个/保险助力防灾减灾

NEWS ON 08/101.BEIJING OPPOSES U.S. RESTRICTIONS ON INVESTMENTS IN CHINA中方坚决反对拜登将签令限制美企对华关键领域投资2.TRAVELERS NOW HAVE MORE OPTIONS FOR TRIPS ABROAD中国公民出境跟团游国家和地区已由60个扩展至138个3.MODERN INSURANCE TECH HELPS WITH DISASTER RELIEF EFFORTS推动保险成为防灾减灾与应急管理的重要支撑力量----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1.BEIJING OPPOSES U.S. RESTRICTIONS ON INVESTMENTS IN CHINA中方坚决反对拜登将签令限制美企对华关键领域投资The Foreign Ministry said today that China strongly deplores and firmly opposes the single-minded roll-out of restrictions on investments in China by the United States. The remarks came after US President Joe Biden yesterday signed an executive order that would block U.S. high-tech investments in China. Zhang Yue has more.外交部今天(08/10)表示,中方强烈谴责并坚决反对美方一意孤行地限制在华投资。美国总统拜登昨天(08/09)签署了一项行政命令,阻止美国对华高科技投资。记者张乐带来更多报道。Designating【指定】China as a "country of concern", the order aims to limit U.S. investments in three categories of national security technologies: semiconductors and microelectronics,quantum【量子】information technologies and some artificial intelligence systems, according to the US Treasury Department. The order is expected to go into effect following a 45-day comment period.美国财政部称,该命令将中国指定为“受关注国家”,旨在禁止或限制美国在三个领域对中国实体的投资,包括半导体和微电子、量子信息技术、部分人工智能系统。该措施预计将在45天的评估期后生效。A Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson said that restricting US investments in China, with national security concerns as a front, is a clear act of overstretching the concept of security and politicizing business engagement. The spokesperson said that is deglobalization and a move to phase China out.美方打着国家安全的幌子,限制美国企业对华投资,大搞泛安全化、泛政治化。美方此举的实质是搞逆全球化和去中国化。The spokesperson added President Biden has made a commitment to not "decouple" from China, urging his administration to follow through on that commitment. In addition, the spokesperson said the United States needs to stop politicizing, instrumentalizing, and weaponizing technology and trade issues, adding that China will monitor developments closely and safeguard its rights.  中方敦促美方切实履行拜登总统无意对华“脱钩”、无意阻挠中国经济发展的承诺,停止将经贸科技问题政治化、工具化、武器化,立即撤销错误决定。中方将密切关注有关动向,坚决维护自身权益。The Ministry of Commerce also said the move was a complete departure from the principles of a market economy and fair competition that the United States has long claimed to champion.中国商务部表示,此举完全背离了美国长期以来宣称捍卫的市场经济和公平竞争原则。2.TRAVELERS NOW HAVE MORE OPTIONS FOR TRIPS ABROAD中国公民出境跟团游国家和地区已由60个扩展至138个TheMinistry of Culture and Tourism announced today thatthey had increasedthe list of countries and regions available for outbound【出境的】 grouptours from 60 to 138. The list now includes the UK, US and Japan. Zhang Hong tells us more about how some travel agencies in Shanghai reacted.文化和旅游部今天(08/10)宣布,出境跟团游国家和地区由60个扩展至138个,包括英国、美国和日本。记者张泓带来上海旅行社的最新动态。After the announcement was made, searches for outbound travels surged over 20 times Many are planning tojust before or after the National Day holiday.Travel agency Spring Tour received its first group of tailor-made trip orders to Japan this afternoon. The agency said more outbound trip packageswill be offeredsoon.携程数据显示,文旅部消息发出后,出境游产品瞬时搜索增长超过20倍,其中国庆出发时段最受关注。今天(08/10)下午,春秋旅游接到了第一批赴日定制游订单。该旅行社表示,他们将在近期推出更多出境游套餐。Zhou Weihong, Deputy General ManagerShanghai Spring Tour周卫红 春秋旅游副总经理“因为三年过去了,有的资源它的价格和接待的要求也不一样了,所以我们要把这些整理出来,另外一个很重要的就是签证的问题,我们要和很多领馆进行沟通,我们也会把市场的需求传导给他们,也希望他们在政策上有所考虑。”“Over the past three years, ticket prices and rulesatcertainattractions have changed so we need to sort them out. Another issue is visa applications. We need tocontact consulates and update them the market demand in the hope that they will make some adjustmentstotheir visa application rules.” saidhighprices this summer haven’t deterred travelers asoverseas tourbookingsincreased 44%in July compared toJune.携程数据显示,夏季出境游价格仍居高不下,但游客出行热情不减,7月份的海外旅游订单比6月份增长了44%。Voice of Wang Yiming, PR Group汪怡明 携程公关总监“我们也会随着跟团游覆盖地区的增长,产品丰富度的提升,跟团游的各项成本也会有一定的摊薄,价格也会变得更加划算。”“We will offer more choices for customerssincethe list of countries and regions available for outbound group travel increased.Prices will drop.”A recent China Tourism Academyreport said thattravelersfromtheChinese mainland made more than 40 million trips to overseas destinations in the first half of this year with 90% ofthem taken in Asia.根据中国旅游研究院近日发布的《2023年上半年出境旅游大数据报告》,上半年出境游目的地共计接待大陆游客超4000万人次。短距离的出境游率先恢复,超90%的游客集中在亚洲地区。3.MODERN INSURANCE TECH HELPS WITH DISASTER RELIEF EFFORTS推动保险成为防灾减灾与应急管理的重要支撑力量The government has enhanced rescue and relief efforts in flood-stricken regions after heavy rainfall brought by Typhoon Doksuri hit north China. At the same time, China's insurance companies have received a large number of claims from flood-hit areas, and Zhang Shixuan explains how the modernized firms are helping support relief work.  台风“杜苏芮”带来的强降雨袭击中国华北地区后,政府加强对洪涝灾区的救援和赈灾工作。与此同时,中国的保险公司也收到了大量来自洪水灾区的理赔申请。记者张诗旋带大家了解现代化的保险公司是如何帮助支持救济工作的。In recent days flooding in North China has stranded residents, washed away bridges and highways, and forced tens of thousands of people out of their homes. China's insurance firms have received a flood of claims from people and companies affected by the flooding and the geological disasters it has triggered. The National Financial Regulatory Administration says that as of 10 am Tuesday, insurance companies in Hebei, Beijing, Heilongjianag, Jilin, and Tianjin have received 117,600 claims, mainly related to automobiles, company property, and agriculture.  Fortunately, the insurance companies were ready.  最近几天,华北地区的洪水导致居民被困,桥梁和高速公路被冲毁,数万人被迫离开家园。中国的保险公司收到了大量来自受洪水及其引发的地质灾害影响的居民和公司的理赔申请。国家金融监督管理局表示,截至周二上午10点,河北、北京、黑龙江、吉林和天津的保险公司已收到11.76万份理赔,主要涉及汽车、公司财产和农业。所幸,对此,保险公司已做好准备。Li Chao, General Manager AssistantChina Pacific Property Insurance Company李超 中国太平洋财产保险公司总经理助理“以往我们其实对于巨灾的一些理赔还是比较复杂的,我们是通过技术手段,通过跟气象部门的合作,我们去研究这些畜牧养殖,包括农林与我们实际的这些自然灾害之间的关系,同时设定一个触发条件,一旦触发之后就自动启动理赔,同时有一个整体的赔付基准,根据灾害的情况直接进行赔付。”“Previously, the insurance claims processes for huge catastrophes were complicated. Now with tech support and cooperation with meteorology departments, we have been studying the relationship between the breeding and agricultural sectors and natural disasters. We have set up trigger conditions which, once triggered, will automatically initiate claims.”For agricultural businesses, the company now offers what is called parametric insurance - policies with premiums set according to the magnitude of an event, rather than by the amount of losses actually incurred. That makes payouts faster, and more flexible. The insurance companies are also introducing technologies to alert clients to the need for risk prevention, and alerting them before huge potential losses take place.该公司现在为农业企业提供所谓的参数保险——保费根据事件的严重程度,而不是实际发生的损失金额来确定。这使得赔付更快、更灵活。保险公司也在引进技术,提醒客户防范风险,并在发生巨大的潜在损失前对客户发出预警。Li Chao, General Manager AssistantChina Pacific Property Insurance Company李超 中国太平洋财产保险公司总经理助理“我们的地理空间技术包括结合我们历史赔付的情况、属地的风险状况标的信息。比如这次这个杜苏芮,我们其实一共锁定了63978个客户,那么提前已经向客户发送了如何来进行抗灾的这种模式,紧接着又锁定了大概有3740个重点客户,是我们属地的工程师亲自到现场。我们可以提供一个相对远期一点的预报,比如说1到10天的一个可视化的一个预报,大概2小时有个临前的一个预报,这样的话就更精准,帮助客户在临前进行相关的防损。”“We combine our geospatial technology with information on the history of our claims and risk situations in different regions. For Doksuri this time, we sent instructions on disaster preparation to 63,978 clients. And we sent our engineers to support 3,740 key clients. We can also offer a visual forecast 1 to 10 days ahead, and a 2-hour short-term forecast, to help clients avoid risks.”The company also utilizes internet of things devices at clients' warehouses, so as to send alerts when the water level exceeds a safety limit. Foreign insurance firms have also been launching similar products. Swiss-Re this year launched parametric insurance coverage for typhoons in China.该公司还利用客户仓库中的物联网设备,在水位超过安全限值时发出警报。外国保险公司也在推出类似产品。瑞士再保险公司今年在中国推出了针对台风的参数保险。Jeffrey Pan, CEO Greater ChinaSwiss Re Corporate SolutionsJeffrey Pan 瑞士再保险集团大中华区首席执行官“We have issued a few policies to large corporates and we are in talk with some small and medium sized enterprises in China, and also in talk with certain some government into in order to promote this business in China. From the recent trend we see the corporates and the government in the coastal area, in the east coast areas more interested with those. I thinkprobably because they are more exposed to natural catastrophe events and most concentrating the assets in the development area.”“我们已经针对大型企业出台了一些政策,我们正在与中国的一些中小企业洽谈,也在与某些政府部门洽谈,以便在中国推广这项业务。从最近的趋势来看,沿海地区和东部沿海地区的企业和政府对这些更感兴趣,可能是因为他们更容易受到自然灾害的影响,而且大部分资产都集中在开发区。”Zhang Shixuan, Reporter张诗旋 记者According to Swiss Re's latest report, natural disasters last year brought global economic losses of 275 billion US dollars, of which insurance covered 45%, or 125 billion dollars.Much of that is attributed to climate change, economic distortion, and inflation, putting more pressure on risk pricing. The report predicts that higher premiums and tighter terms and conditions will likely continue. Experts say, however, that China's catastrophe insurance is still at a lower coverage level compared with the global markets, and so there is still room for growth.据瑞士再保险公司的最新报告,去年自然灾害给全球造成2750亿美元的经济损失,其中保险损失占45%,即1250亿美元。这主要与气候变化、经济扭曲和通货膨胀有关,这些因素给风险定价带来了更大压力。报告预测,保费上涨和条款收紧的势头可能会持续下去。然而,专家表示,与全球市场相比,中国的巨灾保险覆盖水平仍然较低,因此仍有增长空间。Edward Zhou, Senior PartnerMingya Insurance BrokersEdward Zhou 明亚保险经纪公司高级合伙人“基本上大部分的保险公司还是可以去做那个财产一切险的,但是可能像个别的,像这种台风指数等一些比较具体一个风险的一个产品可能是还并不是非常多。就是在海外应该相对比较会比中国更加普遍一些,因为国外的这块的一个保险的一个发展,还是相对于中国是比较发展时间会更长,他们的一个产品也会更加丰富。”“The majority of insurance companies are offering property all risks coverage, but not many companies are offering detailed products like typhoonparametric【参数的】 insurance. Such products are more common overseas, where development time has been longer and so there are more diversified products.”China’s National Financial Regulatory Administration has instructed insurance companies to offer efficient services through accurate predictions, solid preparations, smooth communication, simple procedures, faster payment. And specialized services are necessary.国家金融监督管理局要求保险公司着力做到预判要准、准备要实、沟通要顺、程序要简、赔付要快、服务要专,高效开展保险服务工作。#热词加油站designate/ˈdezɪɡneɪt/【指定】quantum/ˈkwɑːntəm/【量子】outbound/ˈaʊtbaʊnd/【出境的】parametric/ˌpærəˈmetrɪk/【参数的】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
8/11/20238 minutes, 2 seconds
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08/10 TOP NEWS | 台风卡努逼近日本九州/7月CPI同比下降0.3% /银行消费贷利率低至3%

NEWS ON 08/091. TYPHOON KHANUN HIT SOUTHERNPARTS OF JAPAN台风“卡努”向日本南部九州岛靠近2. CHINA'S JULY ANNUAL CONSUMER PRICES DOWN 0.3%, PRODUCER INDEX EASES2023年7月份居民消费价格指数同比下降0.3%3. CHINA'S REAL CONSUMER LENDING RATES FALL TO AS LOW AS 3%低至3%!银行低息消费贷来袭----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1.TYPHOON KHANUN HIT SOUTHERNPARTS OF JAPAN台风“卡努”向日本南部九州岛靠近Tropical Storm Khanun hit the Amami region of Japan’s Kagoshima Prefecture last night, bringing strong winds and heavy rainfall. At least 6 people were injured. The powerful storm continued to move north-ward today. Stephen Rancourt has more.昨天(08/08)夜间,台风“卡努”席卷了日本鹿儿岛县的奄美地区,给九州多地带去疾风骤雨,当地至少6人受伤。今日(08/09),“卡努”再度升级为超强台风,并继续北上。本台记者StephenRancourt带来详细报道。The wind and rain continued to intensify this morning, Kagoshima registered winds speeds of up to 150 kilometers per hour.今晨风雨强度加剧,鹿儿岛的风速达到了每小时150公里。Khanun changed its course and began tracking towards the southern Japan last week. It killed at least 2 people and injured over 100 in Okinawa Prefecture on its first pass through the southern Japanese islands, and cut power to hundreds of thousands of homes. More than 500 flights in southern Japan were canceled, and some Shinkansen bullet train services were also suspended. The Japanese government has suggested that more than 60,000 families in the southern part of the country should be relocated.上周,“卡努”改变了其路径,开始向日本南部移动。在首次经过日本南部诸岛时,造成冲绳县至少2人死亡,100多人受伤,数十万户家庭断电。日本南部地区取消了500多架次航班,部分新干线列车暂停运行。日本政府建议南部地区超60,000户家庭进行转移安置。Japan marked the 78th anniversary of the atomic bombing of its western city of Nagasaki today. This year’s memorial ceremony was significantly scaled down due to the approaching tropical storm. The ceremony was moved indoors for the first time since 1963.今天,日本举行了原子弹轰炸其西部城市长崎78周年和平祈念仪式。由于台风逼近,今年的纪念仪式规模大幅缩小。自1963年以来,纪念仪式首次移至室内举行。Japan’s Meteorological Agency said that another tropical storm, tropical storm Lan, the year’s seventh, has formed and is on track for the country’s main island of Honshu next week.  日本气象厅表示,今年第7号台风“兰恩”已经形成,并将于下周登陆日本本州本岛。As Khanun tracks north, South Korea is also under the storm’s influence. As of 11 am today, Jeju Airport has canceled 144 flights. And for sea routes, all ships in Jeju Island have suspended services, and all ports have been closed. The country has launched a 24-hour emergency response to deal with the oncoming storm.随着“卡努”向北移动,韩国也受到了台风的影响。截至今天上午11点,济州机场已经取消航班144架次。在海上航线方面,济州岛的所有船只已暂停运营,所有港口均已关闭。韩国已启动24小时应急响应,以应对即将到来的台风。2.CHINA'S JULY ANNUAL CONSUMER PRICES DOWN 0.3%, PRODUCER INDEX EASES2023年7月份居民消费价格指数同比下降0.3%China’s consumer prices fell in July for the first time since February 2021, official data showed today, while factory gate prices continued to decline but at a slower pace.据今日官方数据,中国的居民消费价格指数(CPI)自2021年2月以来首次下降,同时工业生产者价格指数持续下降,但降幅收窄。According to data from the statistics bureau, China’s consumer price index, a main gauge【标准】of inflation【通货膨胀】, dropped 0.3 percent year-on-year in July after a flat reading in June. Food prices dipped【下降】 1.7 percent in July compared with a year ago, down from a 2.3 percent rise last month. The statistics bureau said the drop in the CPI was due to a high comparison base in the previous year, but that it is likely to rise gradually with a gradual economic recovery. Also released today, China’s producer price index was down 4.4 percent from a year earlier in July after the 5.4 percent annual contraction seen in June.根据国家统计局的数据,中国的居民消费价格指数CPI(通胀的主要衡量标准),在6月份保持平稳的基础上,7月同比下降了0.3%。与去年同期相比,7月份食品价格下降了1.7%,低于上个月2.3%的涨幅。统计局表示,CPI下降是由于前一年对比基数较高,但随着经济逐渐复苏,CPI可能会逐渐上升。同样在今天发布的数据中,中国的工业生产者价格指数在7月同比下降了4.4%,而6月份则同比下降了5.4%。3.CHINA'S REAL CONSUMER LENDING RATES FALL TO AS LOW AS 3%低至3%!银行低息消费贷来袭The China Securites Journal is reporting that several large state-owned banks and joint-stock banks have cut real lending rates without any preferential conditions to as low as 3.5 to 4 percent. The rate of a consumer loan product offered by China Merchants Bank has fallen to 3.4 percent. But that can fall even further at Shanghai Pudong Development Bank which is issuing coupons via its official Wechat account, allowing borrowers to take advantage of a 3 percent loan rate. Yicai Global reports that smaller banks as well as many regional lenders have been offering similar discount promotions, including Bank of Suzhou, Beijing Rural Commercial Bank, and Guiyang Rural Commercial Bank.据《中国证券报》报道,一些大型国有银行和股份制银行已将实际贷款利率下调至3.5%-4%,而无需任何优惠条件。招商银行的一款消费贷款产品利率已降至3.4%。而上海浦东发展银行甚至通过其官方微信账号发放优惠券,使借款人可以享受3%的贷款利率。据《第一财经全球》报道,许多小型银行以及许多区域性贷款机构一直在提供类似的利率折扣,包括苏州银行、北京农村商业银行和贵阳农村商业银行。Commercial banks set their primary lending rates based on the central bank's Loan Prime Rate, which is currently 3.55 percent for one-year corporate and household loans and 4.2 percent for those of more than five years.商业银行的主要贷款利率是根据央行的贷款市场报价利率确定的,目前一年期企业和家庭贷款的贷款市场报价利率为3.55%,五年期贷款市场报价利率为4.2%。#热词加油站gauge/ɡeɪdʒ/【标准】inflation/ɪnˈfleɪʃ(ə)n/【通货膨胀】dipped/dɪp/【下降】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
8/10/20233 minutes, 30 seconds
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08/09 TOP NEWS | 黑龙江抢修恢复通信电力/加工贸易的转变/中俄外长强调两国战略合作

NEWS ON 08/081. WORK TEAMS GRADUALLY RESTORE POWER, REPAIR ROADS IN HEILONGJIANG黑龙江:多部门抢修恢复道路通信电力2. PROCESSING TRADE TO PROCESS STRONGER AND BETTER PRODUCTS加工贸易:加工更强更优质的产品3. FM: CHINA, RUSSIA WILL MAINTAIN CLOSE STRATEGIC COORDINATION中俄外长强调两国之间的战略合作----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1.WORK TEAMS GRADUALLY RESTORE POWER, REPAIR ROADS IN HEILONGJIANG黑龙江:多部门抢修恢复道路通信电力85 tributaries【支流】 of the Songhuajiang River have water levels above their respective flood warning thresholds, while 12 reservoirs have dangerous water levels in Heilongjiang Province. Clean-up work continues in Hebei and Beijing. Sun Siqi takes a look.松花江85条支流超过各自的洪水警戒水位,黑龙江省12座水库出现危险水位。河北和北京的清理工作仍在继续。本台记者孙思奇带来报道。A red flood alert was removed in the Lalin River in Wuchang City of Heilongjiang as teams continued to repair roads, as well as restore power and communications. 16 of 26 damaged ten-thousand-volt power lines had been repaired, but the other 10 are inaccessible due to floodwaters. Repairs had begun on numerous damaged roads.黑龙江五常市拉林河解除了红色洪水警报,抢险队继续抢修道路,恢复电力和通讯。在26条受损的万伏电线中,16条已经修复,但另外10条因洪水而无法使用。多条受损道路的修复工作已经开始。Hao Lishan, Deputy Director of Wuchang Road Development Center             郝立山五常市公路事业发展中心副主任                             “截至目前(五常市)得有155条受损路段,344处水毁阻断点,动用机械设备达到120多台。”“155 roads are damaged, and 344 are partially blocked. We have more than 120 machines running at these sites.”  With communications down, China Mobile crews were using drones to provide service to emergency workers, eachensuring internet access to 200 people within a 2-kilometer radius.在通信中断的情况下,中国移动工作人员使用无人机为紧急救援人员提供服务,每台无人机可确保方圆2公里内200人的互联网接入。In Zhuozhou City, Hebei Province, emergency workers opened a 100-meter gap in one dam as water levels dropped below those in the city. Water levels were declining about 20 centimeters every 6 hours.在河北省涿州市,当水库水位下降到城市水位以下时,抢险人员在一座大坝上打开了一个100米的缺口。水位每6小时下降约20厘米。In Beijing, power and communications were being restored in suburban districts.在北京,郊区的电力和通信正在恢复。At Beicheying Village in Fangshan District, tap water was restored to about one third of the homes. It will likely take another week before all households in the village have running tap water. Across the district, about half of the flooded villages were still without tap water. 54 trucks were running daily to bring water to these homes. Water treatment companies were on site to purify ground water for people to use.在北京市房山区北车营村,大约三分之一的家庭已经恢复了自来水供应。预计在接下来的一周内,该村的所有家庭都将恢复自来水供应。在房山区内,大约一半的受灾村庄仍然没有自来水。每天有54辆卡车运送水源到这些家庭。自来水净化公司也在现场为人们净化地下水供村民使用。2.PROCESSING TRADE TO PROCESS STRONGER AND BETTER PRODUCTS加工贸易:加工更强更优质的产品An important part of China’s imports and exports is something called the “processing trade,” and our reporter Zhang Shixuan explains just what that’s all about.  中国进出口的一个重要组成部分是“加工贸易”,本台记者张诗旋为我们解释其中的内涵。For the past almost four years, this ship has grown from an agreement to a 135,500-metric-ton Vista-class vessel that can carry thousands of people. This is China’s first domestically built large cruise ship, which completed its first sea trial just last month. It's a giant, and it contains as many as 25 million components and parts - five times that of a C919 aircraft - and much of it is imported. Once the sea trials are done, the ship will be delivered at the end of the year. The project’s extensive demand for imported components and its ultimate export destination makes it a perfect example of the processing trade.在过去近四年时间里,这艘邮轮从一份协议发展成为一艘可搭载数千人的135,500吨级Vista级邮轮。这是中国第一艘国产大型邮轮,上个月刚刚完成首次海上试航。它是一艘巨型船只,包含多达2500万个零部件,是C919飞机的零部件数量的五倍,其中大部分零件是进口的。所有海试结束后,该船将于今年年底交付。该项目对进口零部件的大量需求及其最终出口目的地,使其成为加工贸易的完美典范。Li Fang, Deputy Director of Engineering Management Dept., CSSC Cruise Technology Development李芳,中船邮轮技术发展有限公司工程管理部副主任“整船是大概有3000个Purchase Order设备采购单的物资要进行进口,这个订单仅仅是船东供应品。他还有大量的这个是船厂来采购的订单厂。整个在进口的过程中,海关是对我们有一些是进行保税,有一些先是进口装船安装之后,将来船厂在整船出口交付的时候进行部分退税,按照不同的品类进行退税。”"The whole ship required 3,000 purchase orders for equipment that needed to be imported. And that’s just the figure for the shipowner supplies. There were also a large number of orders booked by the shipbuilder. When importing some parts, the Customs offered us bonded services, and for others, we will receive tax refunds on some categories after the ship is formally delivered and exported.”The processing trade involves a domestic firm initially obtaining raw materials or intermediate【居中的】inputs from abroad and, after local processing, exporting the value-added end goods. Customs duties on the imported materials are exempted if the company can prove that the imports are consumed in the production of goods for export. But for such a large high-end manufacturing product, the Shanghai Customs had to create some special services.  加工贸易是指国内企业最初从国外获得原材料或中间投入品,在当地加工后出口增值的最终产品。如果企业能够证明进口材料用于生产出口商品,则可以免征进口材料的关税。但对于如此大型的高端制造产品,上海海关不得不设立一些特殊服务。Li Fang, Deputy Director of Engineering Management Dept., CSSC Cruise Technology Development李芳,中船邮轮技术发展有限公司工程管理部副主任“比如说船用的大型的船用发电机组,还有全回转的推进器、脱硫塔、造水机,对于这些重点设备他是重点监管,但是整船我们有很大批量的这个进口物资,他允许我们根据我们实际的建造进度自主的进行核单。”“For key equipment like large marine generator sets, azimuth propulsion, scrubbers, and water generators, customs supervised very closely. But for the large number of other imported materials, the customs allowed us to vouch for ourselves based on our construction progress.”Zhang Shixuan, Reporter张诗旋本台记者China’s processing trade volume has risen more than 500 times during the past 40 years. While it once took up half of the country’s foreign trade volume, that proportion has dropped to less than 20% now, as more general trade has grown significantly. But it doesn’t mean the processing trade is any less important now. On the contrary, it still plays a vital role in industrial upgrades and in stabilizing industrial chains, and now also serves a wider range of industries.过去40年间,中国的加工贸易额增长了500多倍。加工贸易曾占中国对外贸易的半壁江山,但随着一般贸易的大幅增长,这一比例已降至不足20%。但这并不意味着加工贸易的重要性有所下降。恰恰相反,加工贸易在产业升级和稳定产业链方面仍然发挥着重要作用,而且现在还服务于更广泛的行业。Yu Jiehua, Deputy Director of Post Clearance Audit Division, Shanghai Customs District of the PRC于杰华,中华人民共和国上海海关稽查处副处长“上海地区,这个加工贸易进出口产品结构当中呢,产业链相对较长,附加值较高的高新技术产品占据了主体,在进出口加工贸易的进出口总值占比是70%左右,加工贸易增值率也达到了78.2%。”“In Shanghai, the processing trade products have relatively longer industrial chains. with high value-added and high-tech products taking the prime spot, accounting for around 70% of the overall processing trade volume. The value rate of the processing trade has now reached 78.2%.”It’s not just growing, it’s changing. The processing trade has now pretty much shifted from labor-intensive products with low added value, to high value-added and high-tech manufacturing. In the first half of the year, Shanghai processing trade volume outside the Customs Special Supervision Zone topped more than 190 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of more than 6%. Customs has been improving clearance services for the imports. Originally, it tracked imports based on individual agreements, with each agreement corresponding to a single customs category. Now the services are capable of tracking an entire company and even a group’s trading activity as a whole.加工贸易不仅在增长,更在变化。目前,加工贸易已基本从低附加值的劳动密集型产品向高附加值、高技术含量的制造业转变。今年上半年,上海海关特殊监管区域外加工贸易额超过1900亿元,同比增长超过6%。海关不断改进进口清关服务。最初,海关根据单个协议跟踪进口,每个协议对应一个海关类别。现在,这些服务能够跟踪整个公司甚至整个集团的贸易活动。Yu Jiehua, Deputy Director of Post Clearance Audit Division, Shanghai Customs District of the PRC于杰华,中华人民共和国上海海关稽查处副处长“比如说像中船集团,他下面有很多船厂。那么这个我们就可以以集团为单元进行监管,那么不同的集团内不同的企业之间的料件就可以自由的调拨。我们推出的这个集团保税政策,不仅仅是汇集了江南长兴、外高桥造船等龙头企业,我们还将那个中船集团旗下的这些众多的分布在长三角区域的这些船厂一并纳入形成产业集群化的监管。”                                                  “For example, the China State Shipbuilding Corporation has many shipyards. We offer a one-stop supervision taking the group as a unit, so that the different companies owned by the group can distribute their materials as they need. Not just leading companies like Jiangnan and Waigaoqiao, we have included all the group's shipyards in the Yangtze River Delta Region to offer an industrial cluster supervision.”Yu says she expects future quality upgrades of the processing trade to include cruise ship and large aircraft manufacturing, advanced packaging and testing of integrated circuits, as well as AI and medical equipment.  于杰华表示,预计未来加工贸易的质量升级将包括游轮和大型飞机制造、集成电路的先进封装和测试,以及人工智能和医疗设备等领域。3.FM: CHINA, RUSSIA WILL MAINTAIN CLOSE STRATEGIC COORDINATION中俄外长强调两国之间的战略合作Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi held a phone conversation with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov yesterday. Wang noted that since Chinese President Xi Jinping's visit to Russia in March this year, the strategic coordination and pragmatic cooperation between the two countries have made headway. Bilateral trade volume has reached a new high and cooperation in the energy sector has been carried out steadily.中国外交部长王毅昨天(08/07)与俄罗斯外交部长谢尔盖·拉夫罗夫通电话。王毅指出,自今年3月中国国家主席习近平访问俄罗斯以来,两国战略协作与务实合作取得了长足进展。双边贸易额再创新高,能源领域合作稳步推进。Wang said it has been proven that China and Russia are trustworthy and reliable friends and partners, saying that at present, the priority for both sides is to continue to implement the consensus reached by the two heads of state, and to promote the high-level development of the China-Russia comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination for a new era. Lavrov said Russia is willing to further strengthen communication and coordination with China under the multilateral framework of the United Nations, BRICS, and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. In an effort to oppose hegemony【霸权】, resist unilateralism, promote the democratization of international relations, and safeguard international equity and justice.王毅表示,事实证明,中俄是可信赖的朋友和可靠的伙伴,当前双方最重要的工作是继续落实好两国元首达成的重要共识,推动中俄新时代全面战略协作伙伴关系继续保持高水平发展。拉夫罗夫表示,俄方愿同中方继续加强在联合国、金砖国家、上海合作组织等多边框架下的沟通协作,反对霸权,抵制单边,推进国际关系民主化进程,维护国际公平正义。#热词加油站tributaries/ˈtrɪbjəˌteri/【支流】intermediate/ˌɪntəˈmiːdiət/【居中的】hegemony/hɪˈdʒeməni/【霸权】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
8/9/20237 minutes, 39 seconds
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08/08 TOP NEWS | 全国降雨有所减弱/强降雨重心移至东北一带/上证科创100指数正式上线

NEWS ON 08/071.EMERGENCY DEPARTMENTS MEET TO ASSESS FLOODS国家防总:全国降雨较前一阶段有所减弱2.CHINA'S NORTHEAST HIT WITH SEVERE RAINFALL强降雨重心移至东北一带3.THE STAR 100 - A NEW MARKET INDEX FOR THE SMALLER STARS OF THE STAR科创板指数体系再添新成员,上证科创100指数正式上线----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1.EMERGENCY DEPARTMENTS MEET TO ASSESS FLOODS国家防总:全国降雨较前一阶段有所减弱Multiple departments, including the State Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters, and the Ministry of Emergency Management, met again today to assess the intensity of the floods across Hebei, Tianjin and China's Northeastern provinces, as well as the potential rainfall from Tropical Storm Khanun is projected to cross into in Jilin Province.国家防汛抗旱总指挥部、应急管理部等多部门今天(08/07)再次召开会议,评估河北、天津和中国东北三省的洪水强度,以及热带风暴“卡努”预计将过境吉林省的潜在降雨量。This comes as flood peaks are passing Tianjin's Haihe River watershed. Multiple major rivers in the Northeast are still dealing with active floods. Authorities are asking subsidiary【附属的】government bodies to monitor Khanun's path and make preparations ahead of time. As large numbers of people were relocated across multiple regions, local governments have been told to prepare sufficient supplies, including food, water, clothes, medication and other necessities. An additional 350 million yuan has been allocated for disaster relief in Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei and the Northeast.当前,全国降雨比前一阶段有所减弱,但海河流域的洪水正在过境天津,东北地区多条河流汛情还在发展。相关部门要求尤其关注台风“卡努”的移动方向,并提前做好准备。另外,此次受灾转移人员较多,当地政府要妥善做好食物、饮用水、衣物、药品等生活必需品的供应,做好生活保障工作。北京、天津、河北和东北地区已增拨3.5亿救灾资金。2.CHINA'S NORTHEAST HIT WITH SEVERE RAINFALL强降雨重心移至东北一带A yellow warning for mountain torrents was issued last night for Northeastern China's Heilongjiang Province as remnants of Typhoon Doksuri poured an excessive amount of rain in the region last week. 12 major rivers in the province are still at dangerous water levels, and 26 reservoirs【水库】have exceeded their flood warning thresholds. Here's Chen Xuan takes a look at how bad things have gotten.由于台风“杜苏芮”残余上周给中国东北黑龙江省带来了强降雨,该省昨晚(08/06)发布了山洪黄色预警。12条主要河流仍处于危险水位,26座水库已超过洪水预警阈值。主播陈璇带来详细受灾情况。The city of Wuchang near Harbin is under severe risk of flooding. 43,000 people have been relocated as a precaution.哈尔滨附近的五常市极有可能发生严重洪灾。为做好预防,4.3万人已被转移。The city of Shangzhi, near Harbin, recorded its heaviest rainfall in 66 years. 17 villages reported different levels of flooding, but most of the water has since receded. Emergency workers are pumping out the rest and disinfecting the areas that were under water. 83 bridges and roads were damaged in more 200 places.哈尔滨附近的尚志市记录到66年来的最强降雨。17个村庄出现了不同程度的洪水,但大部分洪水已经退去。抢险人员正在抽干积水,并对积水区域进行消毒。83座桥梁和200多处道路受损。Yu ChangzhiShangzhi Road Development Center于长志 尚志市公路事业发展中心养护股股长“采用人歇机不歇24小时全力抢修受损道路,派出10个排查小组对全市受损道路进行调查,排查安全隐患。目前已打通6条道路,其他受损道路正在抢修当中。”“Our machines are running 24 hours a day. 10 teams are repairing roads across the city. So far, 6 roads have been restored. All others are still being repaired.”Heilongjiang is China's largest place of origin for crops. Multiple regions have suffered severe damage. The province's agricultural departments are working to find ways to reduce the losses.  黑龙江是中国最大的农作物产地。多个地区遭受严重损失,该省农业部门正尽最大努力减少损失。And in Jilin's hardest hit city of Shulan , 14 people died. Emergency teams are still searching for one other missing person. Water levels in its major rivers are now receding. Close to 120 kilometers of damaged roads have been restored, and the power is back on in 14,000 households.在吉林受灾最严重的舒兰市,已有14人遇难。救援队仍在寻找另一名失联人员。目前,主要河流的水位正在下降。近120公里的受损道路已经恢复,1.4万户家庭恢复供电。As upstream reservoirs discharge water, downstream villages along Lalin river are starting to relocate people before the swell arrives.随着上游水库放水,拉林河沿岸的下游村庄开始在洪水到来前搬迁。At the same time, storm system Khanun, which made a U-turn away from the east China coast last week, is swerving again, this time towards the Korean Peninsula, and Jilin Province. Heavy rainfall is once again on the forecast for Jilin, the weather service estimates the rain will begin falling again in 3 days time.与此同时,上周从我国东部沿海调头而去的风暴系统“卡努”再次转向朝鲜半岛和吉林省。根据预报,吉林可能再次出现强降雨天气,气象部门预计降雨将于3日后重启。Heilongjiang officials have asked subsidiary government bodies to carry out relocation protocols and prepare supplies and flood prevention equipment ahead of time.黑龙江官员已要求下级政府机构执行搬迁计划,并提前准备物资和防汛设备。In Beijing and Hebei, road and power restoration efforts are still underway in most of the heavy-hit areas. The floodwaters have receded in Zhuozhou, and power has been restored at 75 residential compounds.在北京和河北,大部分重灾区的道路和电力恢复工作仍在进行。涿州洪水已退,75个居民区恢复供电。As of yesterday morning, insurance companies have received close to 190,000 claims worth more than 6.2 billion yuan. The claims involve damaged cars, business property and farmland. approximately 260 million yuan has already been paid out.截至昨天(08/06)上午,保险公司已收到近19万份索赔,金额超62亿元。索赔涉及损坏的汽车、商业财产和农田。目前已赔付约2.6亿元。The National Administration of Financial Regulation has asked insurance companies to fast-track the flood loss claims.国家金融监督管理总局已要求保险公司尽快处理洪灾损失索赔。Cao Yang, GMPing An Property Insurance曹阳 平安产险北京分公司总经理“减免了气象证明,取消了定点医院和药物用药的限制。对受损严重而且资金比较困难的企业,确定损失部分主动预付了一部分的赔款;对于受损的农户,派理赔人员上门进行查勘定损,提前支付农险的赔款。”“We've waived the meteorological certificate, which was formerly required for weather loss claims. For injuries, there are no longer any restrictions on which hospitals you can go to, and medications you can be given. For agricultural losses, our staff will make assessments on site and pay for the damage as early as possible.”3.THE STAR 100 - A NEW MARKET INDEX FOR THE SMALLER STARS OF THE STAR科创板指数体系再添新成员,上证科创100指数正式上线The Shanghai Stock Exchange and the China Securities Index Company have just announced the release of their new SSE STAR 100 Index, based on a selection of 100 securities from the STAR Market with medium market capitalization and good liquidity.  Zhang Shixuan tells us more.  上海证券交易所和中证指数有限公司正式发布上证科创板100指数(以下简称“科创100指数”)。科创100指数从科创板中选取市值中等且流动性较好的100只证券作为指数样本。记者张诗旋带来更多报道。Different from the STAR 50 index, which reflects the performance of securities with large market capitalizations, the STAR 100 index includes more listed firms from a wider variety of industries.  The median daily market value of the STAR 100 Index samples over the past year was 15.3 billion yuan, and 74 percent of them have a market value of below 20 billion yuan. That's a very big difference from the STAR 50 Index samples which had a median market value of 42.4 billion yuan over the past 12 months. As of noon on its first day, the STAR 100 index had dropped some 1%.与反映大市值证券表现的科创50指数不同,科创100指数包含更多不同行业的上市公司。 过去一年,科创100指数样本的日市值中位数为153亿元,其中74%的市值低于200亿元。 这与过去一年市值中位数为424亿元的科创50指数样本相比,差距巨大。截至首日中午,科创100指数下跌约1%。Jimmy Zhu, Chief StrategistFullerton ResearchJimmy Zhu 富勒顿研究首席策略师“On the valuation basis, the STAR 100 index, those stocks are more attractive, because their current profit revenue are still low compared with the STAR 50. But on the potential side, we see that upside is pretty visible, because on the average basis, their profit margins are much higher compared with average on the STAR board.”“在估值基础上,科创100指数中的股票更具吸引力,因为它们目前的利润收入与科创50指数相比仍然较低。但在潜力方面,我们看到了相当明显的上升空间,因为从平均水平来看,它们的利润率要比科创板的平均水平高很多。”More than half of the constituents【成分】 of the STAR 100 Index are from industries like bio-medicine, high-end equipment, and new materials. Both their R&D intensity and revenue growth rate were higher than the STAR Market's average.在科创100指数的成分股中,有一半以上来自生物医药、高端设备和新材料等行业。它们的研发强度和收入增长率都高于科创市场的平均水平。Jimmy Zhu, Chief StrategistFullerton ResearchJimmy Zhu 富勒顿研究首席策略师“For investors who are looking out of the semiconductor industry, which is heavily weighted in STAR 50, the STAR 100 gives more asset to choose. And they don't have much correlation. Sometimes, fund managers don't want to put money in one basket. This provides opportunity for them to diversify their portfolio. And on the macro basis, the officials are trying to provide more funding platform for the private sectors, so this is another area for companies in the private sector can raise their fund from.”“对于那些关注半导体行业(较大程度依赖科创50指数)的投资者来说,科创100指数提供了更多的资产选择。它们没有太多的相关性。有时,基金经理不想把钱放在一个篮子里。这为他们提供了分散投资的机会。从宏观上讲,政府正试图为私营部门提供更多的融资平台,因此这也是私营部门公司可以融资的一个新领域。”As of last Friday, there were 550 listed companies on the STAR Market, with a total market value of almost 6.5 trillion yuan. Experts say that with more tech firms joining the board, the launch of additional indexes is critically important.截至上周五(08/04),科创市场共有550家上市公司,总市值近6.5万亿元。专家表示,随着越来越多的科技企业加入科创板,增发指数的推出至关重要。Shao Yu, Chief EconomistOrient Securities邵宇 东方证券首席经济学家“全球包括美国这样一科技股,它那些龙头的股票也就是编制进入指数里的股票,表现得非常强劲。被动的投资,特别是指数型投资现在构成了整个投资的绝大部分,这样对投资人来说就比较简单,指数包括指数类的ETF发行,它的量非常大,最终也活跃了整个市场。”“In the global markets, considering something like US tech stocks, the leading stocks that are index constituents have been performing really strongly. Passive investment, especially index investment has made up the majority of the investments.  It's become easy for investors to just buy an index related product. The launch of products related to indexes such as ETFs is usually large in volume, which winds up raising the value of the entire market.”As of today more than ten STAR Market indices have been released, and products tracking these indices in domestic and overseas markets have reached a value of over 120 billion yuan. The STAR 50 Index alone has attracted over 76 billion yuan of incremental【增量的】funds into the STAR Market since 2022, ranking it first among domestic broad-based indices.截至目前,已经发布了十多个科创市场指数,国内外市场跟踪这些指数的产品价值超1200亿元。自2022年以来,仅科创50指数就为科创市场吸引了超760亿元人民币的增量资金,在国内基础指数中排名第一。#热词加油站subsidiary/səbˈsɪdieri/【附属的】reservoir/ˈrezəvwɑː(r)/【水库】constituent/kənˈstɪtʃʊənt/【成分】incremental/ɪnkrəˈməntl/【增量的】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
8/8/20237 minutes, 53 seconds
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08/07 TOP NEWS | 北京暴雨全力抢险救灾/中国吸引外资磁力不减/证券业迎“降准”3个点

NEWS ON 08/041.RESCUE AND RELIEF WORK CONTINUE IN BEIJING北京抢险救灾情况:紧急救援仍在进行中2.CHINA'S MARKET CONTINUES TO DRAW IN HIGH-TECH FOREIGN INVESTMENT中国吸引外资磁力不减3.CHINA TO CUT SECURITIES SETTLEMENT RESERVES BY 3 PERCENTAGE POINTS证券业迎“降准”3个点----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1.RESCUE AND RELIEF WORK CONTINUE IN BEIJING北京抢险救灾情况:紧急救援仍在进行中Rainstorm, lightning, and strong wind warnings were raised in Beijing today as rescue and relief work continued in suburban districts like Fangshan and Changping. Zhang Yue has more.北京今天(08/04)发布暴雨、雷电和大风预警,房山、昌平等郊区的抢险救灾工作仍在继续。记者张乐带来更多报道。It was still raining heavily in areas of Beijing, making mudslides【泥石流】 and road collapses more likely. Hundreds of rescue workers from Beijing's fire brigade waded into five dangerous villages in Changping District yesterday, bringing food and daily necessities to trapped people.北京部分地区仍在大雨中,泥石流和道路坍塌的可能性增大。昨天(08/03),北京消防支队的数百名救援人员涉水进入昌平区的五个危险村庄,为被困人员送去食物和生活必需品。Resident居民“(家里)四个人,有两个老人,九十的、七十多的,行动也不太方便,走不了,我们也没法走。”“I have two old people in my home, one aged over 90, and the other over 70. They can't walk, so we can't leave.”134 people in Changping have already been relocated to safer places. As of 4 pm today, 76 trains had been canceled. Most of them were departing for Handan, Chengdu, and Nanning. Railway authorities said repairs were underway on the routes affected by the rainstorm.昌平已有134人被转移到安全地带。截至今天(08/04)下午4点,76趟列车停运。其中大部分开往邯郸、成都和南宁。铁路部门表示,受暴雨影响的线路正在抢修。In Tianjin, 29 villages and some farmland along the Yongding River were flooded. All 33,000 people in the villages have been relocated to safety. Water levels are expected to decrease in two days.在天津,永定河沿岸的29个村庄和农田被淹。所有3.3万村民已被转移到安全地带。水位预计将在两天内下降。2.CHINA'S MARKET CONTINUES TO DRAW IN HIGH-TECH FOREIGN INVESTMENT中国吸引外资磁力不减The China Council for the Promotion of International Trade last week reported nearly 70 percent of surveyed foreign-funded companies here are optimistic about the outlook for the Chinese market over the next five years. The primary reasons they cited for investing in China include "large market size", "multiple preferential【优惠的】 policies" and "complete industrial and supply chains". Our reporter Zhang Shixuan talked to one of the firms to see just what they think.中国国际贸易促进委员会上周报告称,近70%的受访外资企业对未来五年的中国市场前景持乐观态度。这些外资企业在中国投资的主要原因包括“市场规模大”“优惠政策多”以及“产业链和供应链完整”。记者张诗旋采访了其中一家企业,进行深入了解。With a total floor space of more than 3,400 square meters, this is the first digitalized comprehensive innovation center that Becton and Dickinson Company has built in China.  The US based medical technology giant opened the innovation center in Hangzhou half a month ago. It's equipped with a professional digital marketing platform, laboratories, and a customer experience center, as well as training and incubation spaces - a testimony【证明】 of the company's confidence in the China market.这座BD公司在中国建立的首个数字化综合创新中心总建筑面积超过3400平方米。 这家美国医疗设备生产和销售巨头半个月前在杭州开设创新中心,配备了专业的数字营销平台、实验室、客户体验中心以及培训和孵化空间——这充分体现了该公司对中国市场的信心。Tom Polen, Chairman, CEO and President BD汤姆·波伦BD公司董事长、首席执行官兼总裁“We think about tapping into the best opportunities of the world. We actually just launched one of the first products that we've developed in China that we've launched in the US and other markets. It's for treating people with liver disease. We have other products in the pipeline【研发生产系统】 that will continue to be used here in China but also be sold internationally.”“我们考虑利用世界上最好的机会。事实上,我们刚刚推出了在中国开发的首批产品之一,并已在美国和其他市场推出。该产品用于治疗肝病。我们还有其他产品正在研发中,这些产品将持续在中国投入使用,也会在国际上进行销售。”Tom Polen, the CEO of the company, came from US last month to announce the opening of the center.  BD公司首席执行官汤姆·波伦上个月专程从美国赶来,宣布该创新中心的开业。James DengBD Greater China Region General Manager邓建民BD公司大中华区总经理“We believe we need to have a presence in Zhejiang in addition to Shanghai where we have 6 legal entity and also Jiangsu we have three plants. We will continue to introduce over 20 new products to China every year. And we are announcing our third manufacturing plan in Jiangsu province. And every year we are planned to introduce one or two product lines into our existing manufacturing plant.”“我们相信,除了在上海的 6家法人企业和在江苏的 3家工厂外,我们还需要在浙江开展业务。我们将继续每年向中国推出20多种新产品。我们即将在江苏省开展第三个生产计划。每年,我们都计划在现有的制造厂引进一到两条生产线。”And the company is not developing just on its own, but is also looking to work with local firms.该公司不仅独立发展,还在寻求与当地公司的合作。Tom Polen, Chairman, CEO and President BD汤姆·波伦BD公司董事长、首席执行官兼总裁“We certainly see tremendous opportunities for informatics and software and AI to improve healthcare around the world. And so that's an area that we've been focused on. Robotics and automation is another area. I've certainly seen an explosion of new innovative companies here in China.That’s very evident.And our dialogues with those companies has gone up over the last several years as we've built those capabilities, soyes,I do expect those will continue and we've had some partnerships that will probably be announced in the future.”“我们看到了信息科学、软件和人工智能改善全球医疗保健方面的巨大机遇,这是我们一直关注的一个领域。机器人和自动化是另一个领域。我确实看到了中国创新型公司的爆炸式增长。这是很显著的。过去几年,随着我们公司能力的提升,我们与这些公司的对话不断加强,我希望这些对话和合作能继续下去。我们可能会在未来宣布一些已经建立的合作伙伴关系。”One of the world's largest medical technology and equipment developers, BD is far from the only multinational company that has been paying close attention to the China market.作为全球最大的医疗技术和医疗设备公司之一,BD并不是唯一一家密切关注中国市场的跨国公司。Junyi Zhang, PartnerOliver Wyman张君毅 奥纬咨询董事合伙人“All the global CEOs want to go to China. They've planned for it for quite a long time. So, they first come to understand the current situation, how the China economic recovery, and they think the China market is still a very active economy power, so they want to use China as their future development angles. Compared to other regions, China has the most advanced manufacturing power compared to the rest of the world, and this is not an market for consuming, but also for manufacturing. China owned the entire value chain. This is very unique.”“全球所有的首席执行官都想去中国,他们已经计划了很长时间。所以他们首先来了解中国经济复苏的现状,他们认为中国市场仍然拥有非常活跃的经济力量,想把中国作为未来发展的方向。与其他地区相比,中国拥有全球最先进的制造能力,这不仅是一个消费市场,也是一个制造市场。中国拥有整个价值链,这是非常独特的。”The Ministry of Commerce says its data shows foreign direct investment in China's high-tech industry grew almost 8 percent year-on-year in the first half of 2023, while that of high-tech manufacturing soared 28.8 percent year-on-year in the same period.  At the same time, China saw newly established foreign-invested enterprises here reach 24,000, a year-on-year increase of almost 36 percent.商务部数据显示,2023年上半年,中国高科技产业的外商直接投资同比增长近8%,而同期高科技制造业的外商直接投资同比飙升28.8%。与此同时,中国新设立的外商投资企业达2.4万家,同比增长近36%。3.CHINA TO CUT SECURITIES SETTLEMENT RESERVES BY 3 PERCENTAGE POINTS证券业迎“降准”3个点China Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation announced yesterday that it will lower the minimum settlement reserve ratio for the securities sector, a move which is expected to release over 30 billion yuan worth of funds back to the brokers. Lei Shuran has the details.中国证券登记结算公司昨日(08/03)宣布,将下调证券行业最低结算备付金率,此举预计将释放超300亿元的资金返还券商。记者雷舒然带来详细报道。The state-owned company said in its announcement that starting from October the settlement reserve ratio for the securities sector will be cut to 13 percent from the current 16 percent.该国有公司在声明中表示,从10月开始,证券行业的结算备付金率将从目前的16%下调至13%。Chen Li, Chief EconomistChuancai Securities陈雳川 财证券首席经济学家“调降结算备付金比例可以释放,一部分券商、银行等结算参与人的流动性,相当于给股票市场实施了一次‘定向降准’,将进一步提高市场资金使用效率,降低市场成本。不少会员证券公司会在资金使用效率方面大幅提升,也会对整个资金的管理水平进一步细化和优化,最终流入市场,起到活跃资本市场的重要目的。”“Reducing the proportion of settlement reserves can raise the liquidity of some of the brokerage firms, banks and other settlement participants, which is equivalent to a 'reserve ratio cut targeted at the stock market', and which will further improve the efficiency of the use of market funds and reduce market costs. This initiative will enable member securities companies to significantly improve the efficiency of their use of funds, and also further refine and optimize the management of funds. These funds will ultimately flow into the market, and play a role of activating capital markets.”Securities settlement reserves are funds placed by brokers in their company accounts to settle securities and non-trading transactions, and they play an important role in guaranteeing the completion of settlements and preventing risks. The CSDC slashed the ratio in 2019 and last year by 2 points each time to cumulatively lower the figure to 16 percent from the original 20 percent. The first adjustment released 11 billion yuan in funds, while the second returned 20 billion to the brokers.  证券结算备付金是券商存放在公司账户中用于证券交易和非交易结算的资金,在保证结算完成和防范风险方面发挥着重要作用。中国结算在2019年和2022年分别将这一比例下调2个百分点,累计从原来的20%降至16%。第一次调整释放资金110亿元,第二次返还给券商资金200亿元。#热词加油站mudslide/ˈmʌdslaɪd/【泥石流】preferential/ˌprefəˈrenʃ(ə)l/【优惠的】testimony/ˈtestɪmoʊni/【证明】pipeline/ˈpaɪplaɪn/【研发生产系统】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
8/7/20236 minutes, 51 seconds
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08/04 TOP NEWS | 抢险救援持续开展/上海连续八年命案全破/泰国远进党被排除组阁联盟

NEWS ON 08/031.RESCUE EFFORTS CONTINUEAS FLOOD WATERS RECEDE海河流域降雨基本结束水位平稳回落,抢险救援继续 2.SHANGHAI POLICE SAY ALL MURDERCASES SOLVED IN PAST 8 YRS上海警方严打各类违法犯罪:命案8年全破 抢案5年全破3. THAILAND’S PHEU THAI PARTY BREAKSAWAY FROM MOVE FORWARD胜选却难上台泰国远进党被排除出组阁联盟----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1.RESCUE EFFORTS CONTINUEAS FLOOD WATERS RECEDE海河流域降雨基本结束水位平稳回落,抢险救援继续 As rescue efforts continue in Hebei Province, China’s Ministry of Emergency Management has upgraded the national disaster response to level three. The National Development and Reform Commission has earmarked【划拨(款项)】100 million yuan for reconstruction costs. Here’s Chen Xuan with a look at all the latest.河北省抢险救援工作持续,国家应急管理部已将全国防汛应急响应提升至三级。国家发展和改革委员会已拨款1亿元人民币用于灾后重建。陈璇带来最新情况。Onehourafter nearly 6 days of torrential【(水)奔流的】rainfall in Hebei, the amount of accumulated water is more than twice the amount contained in all of the province’s major reservoirs【水库】.河北省持续近6天的暴雨后,仅一小时,积水量就已经超过全省各大水库容量的两倍。Rescue and relocation work continues today in the city of Zhuozhou 80 kilometers southwest of Beijing. Multiple rivers run through the city, which is also one of Hebei’s 7 flood discharge areas, the additional nearly 400 millimeters of rainfall resulted in an extraordinary level of flooding.今天(08/03),在位于北京西南80公里处的涿州市,救援和转移工作仍在继续。涿州市有多条河流流经,也是河北省7处蓄滞洪区之一,近400毫米的超常降雨导致了这场特大洪水。Across Hebei, more than 1.2 million people have been relocated, with close to 860,000 of them moved from flood discharge zones. Official say that, though rain has stopped, the city will still have to manage the massive amount of upstream flood waters in the coming weeks.整个河北省已经有超过120万人被紧急转移,其中近86万人来自蓄滞洪区。官方表示,虽然降雨基本结束,但在未来几周内,该市仍需应对来自上游的洪水过境。Li Na, Deputy DirectorofHebei Dept. of Water Resources李娜河北省水利厅副厅长“对涿州来说,还有3亿到4亿立方米的水要过境。如果没有这两个蓄滞洪区,那么下游雄安新区和天津的防洪压力将是非常大的”“There’re still between 300 and 400 million cubic meters of water that’ll pass through the city. If we don’t discharge this floodwater, both Xiong’an New Area and the city of Tianjin will be under significant pressure.”  More than 100,000 rescue workers in over 4,700 teams have been activated in Hebei. The area around Yongji永济Park was heavily flooded, andthe entrance to a school was completely submerged, and the entire area is still without water, power or gas.河北已有超过100,000名救援人员组成4,700多个救援队伍投入抗洪救援工作。永济公园周围地区受灾严重,一所学校的入口完全被淹没,整个地区仍处于断水、断电、断气状态。Feng Qingdong, Zhangjiakou Red Cross Emergency Rescue Team冯庆东河北省张家口市红十字应急救援队副队长“里边的暗流比较多,对于冲锋舟的操作困难性很大,潜在的危险比较多一点。现在水位陆续都在往下降,从昨天到现在,从岸边往后都退了150米左右,接下来就是把灾区里面没有转移的继续都转移完毕。”“There’re strong undercurrents in some of the flooded areas, and it’d be dangerous for us to approach. Between yesterday and today, the water has receded about 150 meters from both shores. We’re working to get the rest of the people out.”A school has been turned into the city’s largest temporary shelter, it’s also serving as a headquarters of the rescue teams and a temporary clinic. Thousands of people are now taking shelter there.一所学校被改建为该市最大的临时避难所,同时也是救援队伍的总部和临时诊所。目前有数千人在此避难。Back in Beijing, the rain has stopped, and flood alerts have been canceled in the downtown districts. 6 suburban districts have downgraded their alert level to yellow. Now people in the hard-hit villages are being relocated to temporary shelters.北京地区降雨已结束,中心城区的洪水预警已解除。6个周边区域已降级至橙色预警。目前,受灾最严重的村庄的居民正在被转移到临时避难所。A rental apartment building was turned into a shelter. However, water started to come in and power was cut shortly after. As of last night, more than 4,300 people there have been transferred to other locations.一幢出租公寓楼被改造成了避难所。然而不久,洪水涌入切断了电力。截至昨晚,已有超过4,300人被转移到其他地点。Also, early this morning, all passengers on board the 3 stranded trains were transported to safety. People in nearby villages have been providing food to the stranded passengers.此外,今日(08/03)清晨,3辆因暴雨被困列车上的乘客都已被送往安全地带。附近村庄的居民为受困乘客提供了食物。Passanger旅客“其实很多居民家里已经没有粮食了,水都没有,但是大家给我们去摘黄瓜,去摘茄子这些拿咸菜。”“Some of the locals gave out all their food, and they went into their own vegetable patches and harvested some cucumbers and eggplants.”The storm system has moved north, and is now causing heavy downpours【倾盆大雨】 in Northeastern China. A basic flood emergency response has been activated.目前暴雨带已北移,导致东北地区出现强降雨。当地已启动了基本的防洪应急响应。Meteorologists say the amount of rain in the past few days has exceeded three of the most extreme storms ever recorded in northern China.气象专家表示,过去几天的降雨量已经超过了中国北方有记录以来三次最强暴雨。Zhang Hengde, Deputy Director of National Meteorological Center张恒德国家气象中心副主任“仅用两天的时间,邢台就下了相当于正常年份两年的雨。北京地区也有两站累计降水量超过700毫米,远超2012年北京"7·21"特大暴雨极值541毫米。”“Xingtai City received 2 years’ worth of rain in 2 days. 2 monitoring stations in Beijing recorded 700 millimeters, which is significantly more than the 541 millimeters that fell in the powerful storm of July of 2012.”2.SHANGHAI POLICE SAY ALL MURDERCASES SOLVED IN PAST 8 YRS上海警方严打各类违法犯罪:命案8年全破 抢案5年全破Shanghai Police said today they have solved all homicide cases for 8 consecutive years and all robbery cases for 5 straight years. Zhang Hong tells us more about two recently solved cases.    上海警方今天(08/03)表示,上海已连续8年实现命案全破、连续五年抢案全破。记者张泓向我们介绍最近侦破的两起案件详情。A suspect surnamed Yu was arrested on June 13th after being on the run for 21 years. In February 2002, Mr. Yang was killed in his taxi. Police speculated that there were two murderers, but they were not able to find the suspects due to technology restrictions. In May, police learned 50-year-old Mr. Yu was in Jiangmen, Guangdong. He was arrested and charged with killing the cab driver.今年6月13日,潜逃21年之久的嫌疑人余某被捕。2002年2月,杨某在出租车内遇害。警方推测有两名凶手,但受限于当时技术条件,警方未能找到嫌疑人。今年5月,警方得知嫌疑人50岁男子余某位于广东江门,随后成功将其抓获并以谋杀出租车司机对余某提起诉讼。Lu Qing, Major Crime Team Leader of Huangpu Criminal Police陆庆上海市公安局黄浦分局刑侦支队重案队队长“该名男子与我们当时的案件当中走访(掌握)的人员同名同姓,我们将其列为重要犯罪嫌疑人。经生物痕迹比对,该犯罪嫌疑人就是我们(案件)的犯罪嫌疑人。”“The man has the same name as our suspected murderer when we were investigating the case back then. He is listed as a major suspect. Through a comparison of bio-markers, we confirmed he is the man we’ve been looking for.”After being arrested, Yu confessed that he killed the taxi driver and robbed him with Mr. Ling. They are both from Pingjiang in Hunan Province. On June 20th, Ling was arrested in Changsha, Hunan.于某被捕后供认了与凌某共同实施杀人劫财的犯罪事实。他们都是湖南平江人。今年6月20日,凌某在湖南长沙被捕。Xie Yangang, Deputy Chiefof Shanghai Criminal Police谢燕刚 上海市公安局刑侦总队副总队长“以‘常态推进+专案攻坚’模式,全面梳理案卷线索,寻找突破口,先后成功侦破命案积案14起。其中侦破20年以上命案积案11起,30年以上1起。”“While solving new cases, we’ve also been taking a fresh look at old cases and looking for new breakthroughs. We solved 14 long-pending murder cases. 11 of them occurred over 20 years ago and 1 case couldn’t be solved for more than 30 years.”In late April, Shanghai police received a call from a company’s accountants saying that they had been defrauded【欺骗】 of several million yuan by someone pretending to be their boss. Police found that they had opened an email with a virus, which allowed a hacker to control their computers.今年4月下旬,上海警方接到一家公司会计的电话,称有人冒充其公司老板诈骗了数百万元。警方发现他们打开了一封带有病毒的电子邮件,黑客由此控制了他们的电脑。Xu Haitao, Deputy Chiefof Cyber Security, Pudong Police徐海涛 上海市公安局浦东分局网安支队副支队长“(黑客)是把被害人登在她办公电脑上的微信,包括截取了她老板或财务总监的头像,获取这个头像以后,他用自己的微信替换成老板的微信,然后再实施诈骗。”“The hacker took screenshots of the profile photos of their boss’ and chief financial officer’s WeChat accounts and forged【伪造】a WeChat account to pretend to be their boss.”Police analyzed the virus and arrested Mr. Zhang on May 10th. Another 29 fraud suspects were arrested in multiple cities nationwide after police looked into his list of contacts.警方对病毒进行了分析,并于5月10日逮捕了男子张某。警方调查了他的联系人名单后,又在全国多个城市逮捕了其它29名诈骗嫌疑人。3.THAILAND’S PHEU THAI PARTY BREAKSAWAY FROM MOVE FORWARD胜选却难上台泰国远进党被排除出组阁联盟The political party that won the most seats in Thailand’s general election in May is out of the coalition to form the next government. The announcement comes amid strong opposition from conservative lawmakers over its proposed reform of laws surrounding Thailand’s monarchy. Sun Siqi has more.在五月份的泰国大选中获得最多席位的远进党被排除出下届政府组阁联盟。此举是因为该政党提议对涉及泰国王室的法律进行改革,遭到了保守派议员的强烈反对。本台记者孙思奇带来报道。Thailand’s election-winning Move Forward Party is no longer part of an eight-party alliance that was formed after a May general election in an attempt to form the country’s next government.在泰国大选中胜出的远进党已被排除出五月全国大选后组成的八党联盟,该联盟旨在组建下一届政府。Move Forward emerged as the largest party in the May polls, followed by Pheu Thai. Pheu Thai Party leader, Chonlanan Srikaew, told a news conference in Bangkok his party had little choice but to break with its ally in the face of insurmountable conservative opposition to it.在五月的选举中,前进党成为最大的政党,其次是为泰党。为泰党领袖冲拉南·西胶在曼谷的新闻发布会上表示,在面对不可逾越的保守派反对时,他的党派别无选择,只能与盟友决裂。Chonlanan Srikaew, Pheu Thai Party Leader冲拉南·西胶 为泰党党首“The Pheu Thai Party and Srettha Thavisin would like to clearly reiterate that we will not support the amendment of Article 112, the royal insult law, and the formation of a new government will not include Move Forward Party in the alliance.”“为泰党和赛塔希望明确重申,我们不会支持修改第112条(‘亵渎君主罪’),组建新政府也不会将远进党纳入联盟。”The Pheu Thai Party said it would nominate a real estate tycoon for prime minister. This has upset some protesters who gathered in front of party headquarters on Wednesday, saying that they were disappointed by the decision.为泰党表示将提名一位房地产大亨作为总理候选人。一些对此不满的抗议者在本周三聚集在为泰党总部前,表达了对这一决定的失望。Jiraporn Butsapakit, Protester抗议者“I’m boiling. I never imagined they would break their promises.”“我很愤怒,我从没想过他们(为泰党)会违背承诺。”Also, a parliamentary vote to select Thailand’s new prime minister on Friday was delayed again, after a court put off a decision in a case involving the progressive party that won May’s election, adding to growing uncertainty about when a new government will take office.此外,周五选举泰国新总理的议会投票再次被推迟,因为法院推迟了对一宗涉及赢得五月大选的进步党的案件的裁决,这增加了新政府何时就职的不确定性。#热词加油站earmark/ˈɪəmɑːk/【划拨(款项)】reservoir/ˈrezəvwɑː(r)/【水库】downpour/ˈdaʊnpɔː(r)/【倾盆大雨】defraud/dɪˈfrɔːd/【欺骗】forge/fɔːdʒ/【伪造】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
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08/03 TOP NEWS | 多地救援队伍驰援涿州/“犹太难民与上海”纽约展/特朗普再遭指控

NEWS ON 08/021.RESCUE TEAMS RUSH TO FLOODED CITY OF ZHUOZHOU多地救援队伍驰援涿州2. EXHIBITION FROM SHANGHAI JEWISH REFUGEES MUSEUM OPENS IN NEW YORK CITY讲述人类命运共同体故事,“犹太难民与上海”主题展纽约举行3.TRUMP INDICTED FOR ALLEGED EFFORTSTO OVERTURN 2020 ELECTION RESULTS特朗普被控试图推翻2020年美国总统选举结果----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1. RESCUE TEAMS RUSH TO FLOODED CITY OF ZHUOZHOU多地救援队伍驰援涿州9 people died and 6 are missing in Hebei Province after the area’s worst storm in a decade. Rescue forces from around the country are rushing to Zhuozhou to help the city deal with serious flooding. Sun Siqi takes a look.河北省遭受十年来最强暴雨袭击,造成9人死亡,6人失踪。全国各地的救援人员陆续紧急驰援涿州,帮助该市应对洪灾。本台记者孙思奇带来详细报道。Hebei officials ordered floodwater to be discharged in 7 regulatory floodways, which are swathesof land where excess【过量的】 water is discharged during emergencies. More than 840,000 people had been evacuated in the province. Zhuozhou was hit particularly hard as three sides of the city are surrounded by these regulatory floodways. So far, 8.4 square kilometers of farmland has been damaged and the Hebei Department of Finance has issued 188 million yuan in disaster relief.河北省陆续启用了7处蓄滞洪区——在紧急情况下临时蓄滞洪水的低洼地。全省已转移群众84万多人。涿州因其三面被蓄滞洪区包围,因此受灾尤为严重。截至目前,已有8.4平方公里的农田被毁,河北省财政厅已紧急拨付 1.88亿元防汛救灾资金。Rainy weather continued today in Zhuozhou as rescue teams arrived from across the country to help 28 local rescue teams with more than 8,700 personnel are helping stranded【陷于困境的】people city-wide. 今日(08/02),涿州地区降雨持续,全国各地救援队陆续前来驰援,28支本地救援队带领8700多名救援人员,正在全力援助受困群众。This residential compound was one of the worst-hit as the buildings were cut off by dangerously high-water levels. A rescue team used helicopters to bring 33 people, including infants, to safety as of this afternoon.这个居民区是受灾最严重的地区之一,居民楼被高危水位所围困。今天下午,一支救援队用直升机将包括婴儿在内的33人转移到安全地带。Rescue workers have also sent supplies to stranded people in the Zhuozhou High-Tech Industrial Development Zone. Soldiers were ordered to lay sandbags in high-risk areas of a river dam.救援人员还向涿州高新技术产业开发区的受困群众运送了救援物资。官兵们受命在河坝高危区域铺设沙袋。A civil rescue team from Shanghai has transferred 51 people to safety, close to 30 of them were children. The team is responsible for 6 villages.一支来自上海的民间救援队已将51人转移到安全地带,其中近30人为儿童。该救援队负责6个村庄的救援工作。Voice of Hong Yunyin, Rescue Contact of Zique Emergency Rescue Team洪运寅上海子鹊应急救援队涿州救援任务前线联络官“受灾情况是比较严重的,现在我处的位置是当地街道的一条主干道,它的积水大概已经过膝盖了,在这个区域里面这个是地势比较高的地方。目前来说我们救出来的人员是在同一个地方的,这个地方是当地的木材厂。因为已经淹到顶部了,木材厂那个地方的水深大概有十几米。“The flooding is serious. The people we rescued were all from a lumber mill. We had to bring them out first because the water had reached the roof. It was probably more than 10 meters deep.”The team was being led by local guides. They bring stranded people out to relatively safer areas, where other teams take over to ensure their well-being.该救援队由当地向导带领,将被困民众转移到相对安全的地区,后由其他救援队伍接管确保群众安全。2.EXHIBITION FROM SHANGHAI JEWISH REFUGEES MUSEUM OPENS IN NEW YORK CITY讲述人类命运共同体故事,“犹太难民与上海”主题展纽约举行The exhibition “Shanghai, Homeland Once Upon a Time -- Jewish Refugees and Shanghai” opened today at Fosun Plaza in New York City. The Shanghai Jewish Refugees Museum has organized it to honor the history of the more than 20,000 Jewish refugees who escaped Nazi persecution【迫害】 during World War Two and found safe-haven in Shanghai. Zhang Hong has more.当地时间8月1日,《上海,曾经的家园——犹太难民与上海》主题展在美国纽约复星大厦开幕。这次展览由上海犹太难民纪念馆策划,旨在纪念二战期间,2万多名犹太难民逃离纳粹迫害,来到上海得到安全庇护的历史。本台记者张泓带来详细报道。The exhibition is showcasing more than 200 photographs and 30 pieces of replica memorabilia from the museum, including the Chinese version of a marriage certificate, ship tickets for Jews escaping Europe and documentaries about Jewish artists.该展览展出了来自博物馆的200多张照片和30件纪念品的复制品,包括中文版的结婚证书、犹太难民逃离欧洲时的船票和有关犹太艺术家的纪录片。Descendant of Jewish Refugee犹太难民后裔“I think there is a very important story to be told about Jewish and Chinese people. Unlike the rest of the world, China is always very welcoming to Jewish people, not only refugees. Even before the World War II, China hadn’t any discrimination on Jewish people.”“我认为犹太人和中国人之间有一个非常重要的故事。与世界其他国家不同,中国一直非常欢迎犹太人,不仅仅是对难民。即使在二战之前,中国也没有对犹太人有任何歧视。”At an opening ceremony of the exhibition, a certificate of honor was issued on behalf of New York City to Shanghai Jewish Refugees Museum. The official thanked the city of Shanghai for accepting Jewish refugees during the war, as well as the museum’s contribution to China-US cultural exchanges.在展览开幕式上,上海犹太难民博物馆获得了一份来自纽约市的荣誉证书。纽约市代表感谢了上海市在二战期间接纳犹太难民,同时也感谢该博物馆为中美文化交流做出的贡献。Chen Jian, Curator of Shanghai Jewish Refugees Museum陈俭上海犹太难民纪念馆馆长“In the past few years, we have been using different methods to find and contact the descendants of Jewish refugees. We hope they can help us document and protect this period of history.”“这些年来,我们通过多种渠道和方式,寻找、联系、凝聚这些犹太难民的后裔。我们希望通过他们对这段历史及其影响有更多的了解,我们也希望和他们一起来传承保护这段历史。”Huang Ping, Chinese Consul General in New York黄屏中国驻纽约总领馆总领事“The relationship between China and the United States is currently going through a difficult time. We need all of the people who support the establishment of community with a shared future for mankind to work together, promote the brilliance of human nature, and help the relationship between the two countries return to normal.”“现在中美关系非常紧张,我们需要每一个支持构建人类命运共同体的人都站出来,共同努力,每个人做一点事,就可以积少成多、聚沙成塔,把人性的这种光辉发扬出来,推动两国关系重回健康、正确的轨道。”The exhibition will last two weeks. Part of the documentary “Jewish Melodies Left in Shanghai” produced by ICS’ parent company SMG, and a promotional video titled “Shanghai Let’s Meet” were shown during the opening ceremony.该展览将持续两个星期。开幕式上播放了上海广播电视台旗下的外语频道制作的纪录片《追寻上海的犹太遗韵》的片段,以及一段名为《上海,让我们相遇》的城市宣传片。3.TRUMP INDICTED FOR ALLEGED EFFORTSTO OVERTURN 2020 ELECTION RESULTS特朗普被控试图推翻2020年美国总统选举结果Former U.S. President Donald Trump was indicted on Tuesday in a Justice Department investigation for his alleged efforts to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election. The indictment is the third criminal case brought against the former president. Stephen Rancourt has the story.美国前总统唐纳德·特朗普8月1日在司法部调查中,因涉嫌试图推翻2020年总统选举结果而受到刑事指控。这是对特朗普提起的第三起刑事指控。Stephen Rancourt带来详细报道。U.S. Justice Department Special Prosecutor Jack Smith yesterday read the 45-page indictment.昨天(08/01),美国司法部特别检察官杰克·史密斯宣读了这份长达45页的起诉书。Jack Smith, Special Prosecutorof U.S. Justice Department杰克·史密斯 美国司法部特别检察官“Charging Donald Trump with conspiring to defraud the United States, conspiring to disenfranchise voters, and conspiring an attempting to obstruct an official proceeding.”“唐纳德·特朗普被指控密谋欺骗美国,密谋剥夺选民选举权,密谋并试图阻碍官方(认证)程序。”The indictment showed that Trump is charged with three counts of conspiracy and one count of obstruction of justice, and could face up to 20 years in prison. Trump was summoned【传唤】to appear at a Washington, D.C., courthouse on Thursday, Aug. 3.起诉书表示特朗普被控三项密谋罪和一项妨碍司法公正罪,可能面临最高20年的监禁。特朗普被传唤于8月3日星期四,在华盛顿特区法院出庭受审。The former president yesterday accused Smith’s team of trying to interfere with the election with what he called another Fake Indictment.昨天(08/01),特朗普指责史密斯的团队试图干预选举,称这是又一个虚假的起诉。John Lauro, Donald Trump’s Attorney劳罗特朗普辩护律师“It comes on the heels of unbelievable allegations against Mr. Biden and his son, as well as the fact that Donald Trump is leading in the polls right now. And now we have what essentially is a regurgitation of the allegations in the January 6 report, which was highly political.”“在拜登和他儿子受到不可思议的指控后,紧接着就出现了(针对特朗普的指控)。事实上特朗普在民调支持率中保持领先,我们现在要做的就是反驳国会骚乱调查报告中的指控,这个报告充满政治操弄。”U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland said yesterday, that prosecutors followed the facts and the law. The indictment, the third criminal case brought against the former president as he seeks to reclaim the White House in 2024, follows a long-running federal investigation into alleged schemes by Trump and his allies to subvert the peaceful transfer of power and keep him in office despite a decisive loss to Joe Biden.美国司法部长梅里克·加兰德昨天表示,检察官们是根据事实和法律进行调查的。本次指控是对试图在2024年重新夺回白宫的前总统提起的第三项刑事案件,此前,相关部门曾长期调查特朗普及其盟友涉嫌图谋破坏权力和平交接、以及在大选失利后仍妄图留任的相关情况。#热词加油站excess//ɪkˈses/【过量的】stranded/ˈstrændɪd/【陷于困境的】summon/ˈsʌmən/【传唤】persecution/ˌpɜːsɪˈkjuːʃ(ə)n【迫害】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
8/3/20236 minutes, 1 second
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08/02 TOP NEWS | 中国女足1比6告别世界杯/北京暴雨已致11人遇难/在漫游中重见城市

NEWS ON 08/011. ENGLAND ELIMINATES CHINA AT WOMEN'S WORLD CUP中国女足1比6不敌英格兰,历史首次无缘小组出线2.11 DEAD, 13 MISSING IN BEIJING AFTER HEAVIEST RAIN IN A DECADE北京强降雨已致11人遇难13人失联3.FEEL LIKE AN EXPLORING ADVENTURE? MAYBE YOU SHOULD TRY A CITYWALK!城市漫步,在漫游中重见城市----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1. ENGLAND ELIMINATES CHINA AT WOMEN'S WORLD CUP中国女足1比6不敌英格兰,历史首次无缘小组出线China was eliminated at the Women's World Cup tonight after losing 6-1 to England in Adelaide, Australia. With the victory, England won the group and moves on in the tournament. England started strongly with Alessia Russo scoring in the 4th minute to take a 1-0 lead. Lauren Hemp doubled their lead with a goal in the 26th minute. Lauren James scored the first of her two goals in the game to give England a 3-0 lead before the first half ended. China pulled one back courtesy of Wang Shuang, who fired home from the penalty spot in the 57th minute. But that was as close as they came as James added her second in the 66th minute while Chloe Kelly and Rachel Daly rounded out the scoring for England. Denmark defeated Haiti 2-0 and also advanced after finishing second in the group with two wins in three games.  今晚(08/01),在澳大利亚阿德莱德举行的2023年国际足联女足世界杯中,中国队以1比6不敌英格兰队,无缘小组出线。英格兰队取得胜利,获得小组第一,晋级决赛。英格兰队开局强势,第4分钟,英格兰女足前锋阿莱西娅·鲁索破门,以1比0领先。第26分钟,劳伦·詹姆斯的进球再次扩大领先优势。上半场结束前,劳伦·詹姆斯攻入了她本场比赛两次进球中的第一球,为英格兰队取得了3比0的领先优势。第57分钟,英格兰后卫布隆泽禁区内手球,王霜点球命中,中国队扳回一球。第66分钟,劳伦·詹姆斯禁区内凌空破门,梅开二度。克洛伊·凯利和雷切尔·戴利为英格兰队再进两球。而在同时进行的另一场比赛中,丹麦女足2比0击败海地女足,以2胜1负的战绩结束小组赛,并以小组第二名成绩晋级。2.11 DEAD, 13 MISSING IN BEIJINGAFTER HEAVIEST RAIN IN A DECADE北京强降雨已致11人遇难13人失联Eleven people died and another 13 are missing in Beijing while in Hebei province, nice people were reported dead and six missing after the extreme downpour brought by the remnants of typhoon Doksuri triggered mountain torrents and flash floods. President Xi Jinping today ordered a search and rescue for the missing and those trapped in flooded areas. And here’s Chen Xuan with a look at just how bad things got in the region.台风“杜苏芮”残余环流带来的极端强降雨引发山洪,已致北京11人遇难13人失联,河北9人遇难6人失踪。习近平总书记对防汛救灾工作作出重要指示,要求各地要全力搜救失联、被困人员。记者陈璇为我们带来受灾情况详细报道。The extreme precipitation began Saturday night and has lasted more than 70 hours in Beijing, with an average of morethan260 millimeters of rain across all districts. 44,000people are dealing withflood damage to their homes, and nearly 130,000 people were relocated【迁移】.这场极端降水从周六(07/29)晚上开始,在北京已经持续70多个小时,各区平均降雨量超过260毫米。4.4万户家庭遭受洪灾损失,近13万人被紧急迁移。The torrential rain warning in Beijing has been downgraded to yellow, though in Mentougou the  warning is still orange.北京市暴雨预警已降级为黄色,但门头沟区的暴雨预警仍为橙色。More weather warnings were issued on strong winds, thunderstorms, and hail in parts of Beijing and Hebei, along with a torrential【猛烈的】 rain alert across Beijing, Tianjin, and Hebei.北京和河北部分地区还发布了强风、雷暴和冰雹天气预警,同时北京、天津、河北地区发布了暴雨警报。The suburban district of Mentougou  in western Beijing was hit hardest, with an average of more than 471 millimeters of rain, with some parts reaching a record 723 millimeters, exceeding all previous records for rainfall in Beijing, since the flood of July, 2012.北京西部郊区门头沟受灾最为严重,平均降雨量超过471毫米,部分地区达到创纪录的723毫米,超过了自2012年7月洪灾以来北京的所有降雨记录。Though the flood waters have receded, underground garages are still soaked in water. Most of the district is without tap water. Parts of the district is without power, and communications are still out in 5 towns.虽然洪水已经退去,但地下车库仍浸泡在水中。大部分地区没有自来水,部分地区停电,5个镇的通讯仍然中断。This morning, 4 helicopters set out to airdrop food and supplies to stranded people.今天(08/01)上午,4架直升机出发向被困民众空投食物和物资。The situation was similar in the southwestern district of Fangshan. Flood waters were up to 1.5 meters deep in 3 low-lying residential compounds. 60,000 households are still withoutwater andpower.西南部的房山区情况类似。3个低洼居民区的洪水深度达1.5米。6万户家庭仍没有水电供应。Chen BingxuanBeijing Road & Bridge Maintenance Group陈炳轩 北京养护集团公路工程第七工程处工程一段副段长“汛情发生之后,从良乡到河北镇的三条道路全部遭到破坏了,公路路基桥梁基本上都冲毁了,现在河北镇基本上跟外边是一个隔绝的状态,主要目的就是抢通良乡到河北镇的一条生命线。”“All of the 3 roads to Hebei Town were heavily damaged, including the roads' foundation and the bridges. So now the town is cut off. We're trying to fix one of the roads as fast as we can, so essential supplies can be sent in.”Supplies will continue to be flown in by air until the road is restored.道路恢复之前,将继续空运物资。At the same time, 3 trains were stranded in Mentougou. 1,800 passengers on board the K396 and Z180 trains have since been transferred to safety. Supplies are being sent to the passengers of the K1178 train.与此同时,3列列车滞留在门头沟。K396和Z180次列车上的1800名乘客已被转移到安全地带,K1178次列车上的乘客已获物资补给。Meteorologists【气象专家】 say the powerful low pressure system that was Doksuri, dropped an extraordinary amount of rain because the easterly winds under the Western Pacific High have been pumping massive amounts of water vapor to central China. The storm was consistently replenished along its path north, which condensed into severe rainfall as the system crossed the Taihang Mountain range.气象专家称,由于西太平洋高气压下的偏东风向中国中部地区输送了大量水汽,因此“杜苏芮”这个强低压系统带来了异常降雨。风暴在北上途中不断补充水汽,并在穿越太行山脉时凝结成强降雨。3.FEEL LIKE AN EXPLORING ADVENTURE? MAYBE YOU SHOULD TRY A CITYWALK!城市漫步,在漫游中重见城市Gather a couple of good friends and take a leisurely stroll through the streets - this is what many people are enjoying these days. It can be a guidedtourfor a small group or just acasual walkfor two or three. Our reporter Zhang Shixuan took a tour of Shanghai to see what's behind the Citywalks, and what they are bringing to the urban economic recovery.约上几个好友,悠闲地漫步街头——这是如今许多人喜欢的事情。它可以是由导游带领的小团体旅行,也可以是两三个人的悠闲散步。记者张诗旋深入上海,探访“城市漫步”背后的故事,以及它们为城市经济复苏带来的影响。Roaming around a city on foot,exploring the hidden secrets that even a resident of the city might not have noticed before. It's called Citywalk.在城市散步,深入市井巷陌,探寻一些可能市民都不曾注意到的角落,这被称作“城市漫步”。Citywalk is not a new term, having originated in London years ago, but the trend has recently caught on in China. One can get easy access to a recommended walking routine on social media apps - Xiaohongshu alone has more than 500,000 notes related to Citywalk.城市漫步不是一个新的概念,它源于伦敦,但这个旅游方式近期在中国风靡起来。人们可以在社交媒体上轻松找到推荐的漫步路线。单单在小红书就已经有超过50万关于城市漫步的笔记。Shanghai Resident上海市民“因为没有事情干,周末想出来放松,舒服也不累。买了衣服,性价比高。”“We had nothing to do during the weekend, so we decided to come out and relax. I just bought clothes and it was very reasonable.”Shanghai Resident上海市民“每周都有这个习惯,之前在国外留学,我感觉(上海)会更繁华一些,这些小的店铺会多一些。”“I've been taking the walk every week. I just finished my study abroad and came back. Shanghai's downtown streets are more bustling, with more small shops.”Visitor from Guangxi广西游客“我们来旅游的,从广西来。Citywalk,就是在城市走走就好了,更加向往这种轻松的城市生活,工作压力太大了。”“We're on tour from Guangxi, and I just want aCitywalk. I have been looking for a relaxed urban lifestyle, to ease the pressure of my work.”Visitor from Zhejiang浙江游客“因为觉得上海的文化很好,就来了。没有路线,我们主打一个随性,明天回去,昨天晚上来的。”“I just like Shanghai's culture, so I came. We don't have a fixed routine, we just wanted a casual tour. We came last night and we will leave tomorrow. ”Zhang Shixuan, Reporter张诗旋 记者The downtown streets of Shanghai, lined with lush trees and buildings with retro styles that tell of the city's history, have long been an attraction for visitors. But now, street wandering has a proper name - Citywalk. There have been some changes.上海市中心的街头,梧桐绿荫和传统建筑诉说着这个城市的历史。这些事物一直以来都对游客有着巨大吸引力,而如今逛街拥有了一个专属的名号——城市漫步。一些随之而来的变化正在悄然发生。While the old architecture has been here for a century, much of it now contains flourishing new businesses, appealing to the increasing number of people who have been coming out and spending more time along the streets.这些传统建筑,已经在街边矗立了一个世纪,但这些建筑里现在有很多新的商业体,吸引着越来越多外出并在街边停留更长时间的人们。Within just a few steps, you can run into a new shop - fashion stores, exhibition halls, restaurants or cafes,often with long lines in front.  每走几步,你就能发现一家新的店——时尚买手店、展厅、餐厅或咖啡店,而且店门前经常排着长队。You can tell from the bricks here that this is a really old building - more than 70 years old. But walking inside, you are surrounded with the most modern style - clothes from niche designer brands, stylish accessories,and aromatherapy supplies. 我们可以从这些砖头看出,这是一幢很老的建筑,已经70多年了。但是走到建筑内部,你会被最摩登现代的风格环绕——设计师品牌的服装,有设计感的首饰和香薰用品。This fashion store opened 3 years ago, together with a beverage【饮料】 shop next door.这家时尚买手店3年前和隔壁的饮品店一起开业。When I stopped by, both were full of visitors, some turning out to be shoppers at both. The owner says the two usually get 2,500 visitors on an average day, bringing in a combined annual revenue of 40 million yuan at peak times.我经过的时候看到两家店都是满客状态,一些客人在两家店都有消费。创始人说这两家店平均一天能够接待2500名顾客,在高峰期年营收能达到4000万元。Ma Junyi, General ManagerShanghai SC Brand Management马君怡上海乐它科技有限公司 总经理“我们现在大店有两家已经开业,马上在本月月底,在淮海路上还有一家要开,有一个1000平米的大店,都是在Citywalk的路线上面。今年4月份开始,旅游恢复,还有很多外籍人士也过来消费,客单价也有提高。今年快闪比较多,会集中在奢侈品。”“We have opened 2 large stores. And at the end of this month, we will open another 1,000-square-meter store on Huaihai Road. All of them are alongCitywalk routes. Since this April, with the recovery of tourism, more foreigners have come. The per customer transaction has also increased. This year, many luxury brands have reached out to us to open popup stores at our place.”Zhang Shixuan, Reporter张诗旋 记者Generally avoiding famous scenic spots and shopping centers, an aimless walk can sometimes take people to places where they can meet the hospitable locals, who may have been running small businesses along the streets for a very long time and who can tell a few tales about the city.城市漫步的路线基本避开著名的景点和购物中心,在漫无目的城市漫步的过程中,有时能遇到一些好客的当地人。他们有些已经在城市街头开店很久了,有的还能讲一些关于这个城市的小故事。Liu Renhe is one of the best-known. People call him Old Mike, and he's been running a street-side cafe for 15 years. Six years ago, he moved to this location, which is now a hot Citywalk destination.刘仁和就是其中比较有名的一位,人们称呼他“老麦”。他已经在上海街头经营咖啡店15年了。6年前,他搬到了这个地方,这里已经成为了一个热门的城市漫步目的地。Liu Renhe, Owner The Cottage Cafe & Bar刘仁和 咖啡店店主“The composition of the clients seems changed quite a lot, from artists, designers and filmmakers, musicians, painters, into normal tourist - old and young, especially when this holiday season. They used to go to the Bund, Nanjing Road East. However, they learn from this internet, they moved to this west part of the town. And then they think this is a more typical Shanghai. There are old buildings, old streets.”“顾客群体发生了很大变化,从一开始的艺术家、设计师、电影制作人、音乐家、画家变成了各个年龄段的普通游客。特别是在像现在这样的假期,他们之前会去外滩、南京东路,但现在,他们从网上看到了介绍,他们来到城市的西面,现在他们认为这是一个更典型的上海,这里有传统建筑和老的街区。”Zhang Shixuan, Reporter张诗旋 记者There are also books about the culture of other countries and cities. Borrow one, geta coffee, and you can start another round of city exploration.这里还有关于其它国家和城市的文化的书籍。借阅一本,点一杯咖啡,你就可以开始另一场城市探索。All the places I walked by were ticket-free. But the zero-cost tours have been driving up consumption, making Citywalk a new magnet for businesses. In a new survey by a data researcher owned by Yicai, 82% of the respondents namedCitywalk as their ideal way of getting around town and enjoying it too!所有我走过的地方都是不需要门票的,但是这些看起来零成本的旅行也在推动消费,让城市漫步成为对商铺的一大吸引力。第一财经进行的一项新调查显示,82%的受访者将城市漫步列为他们最理想的城市出游方式,远超其他旅游方式。#热词加油站relocate/ˌriːˈloʊkeɪt/【疏散】torrential/təˈrenʃ(ə)l/【猛烈的】meteorologist/ˌmiːtiəˈrɑːlədʒɪst/【气象专家】beverage/ˈbevərɪdʒ/【饮料】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
8/2/20239 minutes, 37 seconds
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08/01 TOP NEWS | 恢复扩大消费20条措施发布/北京暴雨致2人遇难/上海发放“AI算力券”

NEWS ON 07/311.NDRC REPEATS CALLS FOR POLICIES AIMED AT BOOSTING CONSUMPTION国家发改委发布恢复和扩大消费20条措施2.2 PEOPLE KILLED IN RAINSTORMS IN BEIJING北京暴雨致2人遇难3.SHANGHAI BOOSTS AI POWER FOR SMALL & MEDIUM BUSINESSES上海发放“AI算力券”助力中小微企业发展----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1.NDRC REPEATS CALLS FOR POLICIES AIMED AT BOOSTING CONSUMPTION国家发改委发布恢复和扩大消费20条措施China's top economic planner today re-iterated calls for local governments to step up measures aimed at boosting consumption amid efforts to sustain an economic recovery.  国家发改委今天(07/31)再次呼吁地方政府采取措施恢复和扩大消费,维持经济复苏。The National Development and Reform Commission announced 20 new measures in its notice today, covering a wide range of items and services. They included new energy vehicles, home appliances【家用电器】, electronics, catering, and cultural and tourism sectors, especially as those in rural areas. It also pledged to support family demands for housing and improved living conditions. The measures asked local governments to loosen any remaining restrictions on auto purchasing and to promote NEV usage, as well as rolling out trade-ins and the recycling of used home appliances. The measures followed NDRC statements at a meeting yesterday on China's economic performance in the first half of this year. Data show that China's gross domestic product grew 5.5 percent year-on-year to 59.3 trillion yuan in H1, and that of the country's 31 provinces, autonomous regions and cities, 13 reported GDP growth exceeding 6 percent during the period.   国家发改委在《关于恢复和扩大消费的措施》中发布 20 条新措施,涉及项目和服务范围广泛,其中包括新能源汽车、家电、电子、餐饮、文旅等行业,尤其是农村地区的此类行业。措施还承诺支持刚性和改善性住房需求,要求各地区不得新增汽车限购措施,扩大新能源汽车消费,并深入开展家电以旧换新,加强废旧家电回收。国家发改委昨天(07/30)在通报上半年发展改革形势的时候表示,上半年中国国内生产总值同比增长5.5%,达59.3万亿元。在全国31个省区市中,13个省区市GDP增速超6%。2.2 PEOPLE KILLED IN RAINSTORMS IN BEIJING北京暴雨致2人遇难Thousands of people were forced to evacuate their homes in Beijing as the remnants【残余部分】 of Typhoon Doksuri dumped record rainfall on the city and grounded flights today. Two people were reported dead in Mentougou District, one of the hardest-hit areas. Lei Shuran has more.今天(07/31),受台风“杜苏芮”残余环流北上影响,北京市出现创纪录的降雨量,导致航班停飞,数千人紧急撤离。在受灾最为严重的门头沟区,已经通报有2人死亡。记者雷舒然带来更多报道。The suburban districts of Mentougou and Fangshan were hit with flooding and mudslides due to the heavy rain. Some cars were washed away in a mountainous area of Mentougou. About 5,000 residents were relocated before the storm arrived, but two bodies were found during rescue work today.本次强降雨,位于北京市郊的门头沟和房山区受灾最为严重,发生塌方和小规模山洪灾情,门头沟多山地区的一些汽车也被冲走。在这场暴雨之前,门头沟区紧急转移群众5000人左右。但不幸的是,在今天(07/31)上午的抢险巡查时,当地工作人员在河道中发现2人,已经失去生命体征。Many roads in central Beijing were flooded as the Yongding River, the capital's biggest, burst its banks.作为北京市境内最大的河流,永定河今天水位暴涨,洪水倾泻而下。北京市中心的许多道路被洪水淹没。Niu SenUrban Sanitation Worker牛森 北京环卫集团通州分公司城市清扫二中心 工作人员“我们在这次强降雨期间,提前启动了防汛的预案,在雨前利用人工,把所有的雨篦子全部清理了一遍,确保雨水可以顺利排出。”“We launched a flood prevention emergency response. For example, our workers cleaned all the sewer grates before the storm to ensure  rainwater would drain properly.”Tourist attractions were closed across the capital and many companies told their employees to stay home. By noon, 40 flights had been canceled at Beijing Capital International Airport. Weather forecasters said the rain will taper off starting tomorrow.首都各地的旅游景点都关闭了,许多公司通知员工居家办公。截至中午,北京首都国际机场已有40个航班取消。根据天气预报,雨势从明天(08/01)开始将逐渐减弱。3.SHANGHAI BOOSTS AI POWER FOR SMALL & MEDIUM BUSINESSES上海发放“AI算力券”助力中小微企业发展China's top industry regulator says the government will step up its push to support the development of small and medium-sized companies that typically specialize in niche sectors such as electronics, software, new materials, and new energy. Many of them are closely connected to AI. Our reporter Zhang Shixuan finds out how Shanghai has been helping out the SMEs.工信部表示,政府将加大力度支持电子、软件、新材料和新能源等细分领域中小型企业的发展,这些企业大多与人工智能密切相关。记者张诗旋为您揭秘上海如何助力中小型企业发展。In the process of industrial digitalization, cabinets like this one are a frequent sight in China's manufacturing industries, helping collect production data. The ultimate aim is to optimize the production output through analyzing the data they collect. And that's what large generative language models are coming for - to make quicker decisions automatically. This Shanghai-based industrial data service provider has been in the market for 7 years now, but it was only since this April that it started to develop large language processing models. Within just 3 months, it has already signed contracts with more than 50 companies.在工业数字化进程中,像这样的机柜在中国制造业中屡见不鲜。这些机柜帮助收集生产数据,分析收集到的数据,最终实现优化生产产量的目标。而这正是大型生成语言模型的目的——自动做出更快的决策。这家总部位于上海的工业数据服务供应商进入市场已有7年时间,但直到今年4月,才开始开发大型语言处理模型。在短短3个月内,这家供应商已与50多家公司签订了合同。Wang Xufei, Product DirectorZyllion Data王旭飞 中云数据产品总监“我们主要服务新能源汽车、集成电路、生物医药和航空航天这些企业。最初,我们只是帮助客户收集数据,在辅助用户做决策的过程中通过人力去进行。目前我们有模型的辅助,把这些信息更汇聚,并能给出一定的建议和意见。”“We mainly serve companies in new energy vehicles, integrated circuits, biopharma, aviation【航空】, and aerospace industries. Originally, we just helped our clients collect data. But when helping them make decisions, we had to rely on human beings. Now, with support from the AI model, we can easily gather information, and give suggestions at the same time.”And all these achievements wouldn't be possible without computing power from these Graphics Processing Unit servers at this data center in Shanghai's Lingang Special Area. The 100,000-square-meter area has more than 1,000 of them - the key to AI computing service. 80% of the users are small and medium sized companies, like Zyllion Data.而所有这些成就的取得,都离不开上海临港特区数据中心的图形处理单元服务器的计算能力。这座占地10万平方米的数据中心拥有1000多台图形处理单元服务器,是人工智能计算服务的关键所在。这里80%都是像中云数据这样的中小型企业。Zheng Hongfei, Marketing DirectorYovole郑鸿飞 上海有孚网络股份有限公司市场总监“现在大概已经有大几十家的临港企业,在我们这里有做过一些关于算力需求方面的交流,甚至一些合作。在我们产品的交付层面上,真正已经交付的可能10家左右。”“Dozens of companies in Lingang have reached out to us to seek cooperation in computing power.  We're already delivering our products to around 10 companies.”The surging【激增】 inquiries this company is receiving are undoubtedly a result of the SMEs' emerging tech development. But an invisible driver behind their increasing volume has been preferential policies from the local government - a series of coupons for using computing services that help the companies save costs.这家公司收到的咨询量激增,无疑是中小企业新兴技术发展的结果。但在其业务量不断增长的背后,还有一个无形的推动力,那就是当地政府的优惠政策——“AI算力券”帮助企业节约了大量成本。Wang Xufei, Product DirectorZyllion Data王旭飞 中云数据产品总监“科创券,目前我们已经申领了,如果最后完成的话应该是补贴到50%。”“We have already applied for science and innovation coupons. And if we get the coupons, we can have a 50% discount.”Zheng Hongfei, Marketing DirectorYovole郑鸿飞 上海有孚网络股份有限公司市场总监“对于中小的创业型企业来说,这是一个非常大的力度了。比如原来用5台机器的,那现在因为优惠可能会用8台、10台机器。产品可能原来开发需要一个月,现在只需两周就能完成,这大大加快了企业的发展。”“For small and medium sized startups, this is already a huge discount. For example, previously a company would book 5 of our servers, but now with the discount, it can book 8 or 10 servers. So their products which before would take a month for R&D will require just 2 weeks to complete the R&D process. That has accelerated the companies' development.”Zhang Shixuan, Reporter张诗旋 记者According to the Shanghai Commission of Economy and Informatization, Shanghai is home to almost 3.3 million business entities, more than 93 percent of which are private companies or registered by individuals. The city's SMEs with annual revenues of more than 20 million yuan achieved an industrial output of 2 trillion yuan last year, accounting for almost half of the city's total. Vigorous as their businesses are, their demand for government support is pretty diverse. And so, Shanghai's newly released supportive policies for SMEs have been divided into 6 categories, covering finance, services and tech facilitation.根据上海市经济和信息化委员会的数据,上海拥有近330万家企业实体,其中93%以上为私营企业或个人注册。去年,全市年营业收入在2000万元以上的中小企业实现了2万亿元的工业产值,占全市工业产值的近一半。企业蓬勃发展,但对政府扶持的需求却相当多样化。因此,上海最新出台的中小企业扶持政策分为六大类,涵盖金融、服务、科技促进等方面。The plan includes provisions to distribute "AI algorithms coupons" to SMEs making use of the city's resources to innovate on core algorithms and model development by refunding up to 20 percent of the contract value. The Lingang Area has been well prepared and quick to respond to the plan.  其中包括,对利用城市资源进行核心算法创新和模型开发的中小企业,发放“AI算力券”,最高返还合同金额的20%。临港新片区对该政策准备充分、响应迅速。Ni Xiaojie, Deputy Director Data Department, Lingang Special Area Management Committee倪晓杰 临港新片区管委会数据部副主任“目前,临港新片区已经有八个算力中心,80%以上都是智能计算的布局。在AI for science等重点行业,包括智能网联汽车、智慧城市以及国际数据港的建设,我们正探索计算算法的更多应用。”“So far, the Lingang Special Area has 8 computing centers. More than 80% of the computing power is dedicated to intelligent computing. In areas emphasizing AI for science, including intelligent connected vehicles, smart city and global data harbor construction, we are now exploring more applications of the large models and data.”Just last month, the area established an industrial alliance for intelligent algorithms, gathering companies in the whole industrial chain, including tech developers and computing power providers. According to a newly released action plan, the area is expected toachieve a scale of its computing power industry topping 10 billion yuan by 2025.       就在上个月,临港新片区成立了智能算法产业联盟,聚集了包括技术开发商、算力供应商在内的全产业链企业。根据最新发布的行动计划,预计到2025年,临港新片区将实现算力产业规模突破100亿元。#热词加油站appliance/əˈplaɪəns/【家用电器】remnant/ˈremnənt/【残余部分】aviation/ˌeɪviˈeɪʃn/【航空】surging/ˈsɜːrdʒɪŋ/【激增】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
8/1/20237 minutes, 20 seconds
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The 31st Summer World University Games opens here tonight in Chengdu and runs to August 8th. Chengdu is the third city in the mainland to host the Summer Universiade, following Beijing in 2001 and Shenzhen in 2011. I’ve got a media pass and the ticket for night’s ceremony so I thought I’d bring you along.第31届世界大学生夏季运动会将于今晚(07/28)在成都开幕,并将于8月8日闭幕。成都是继2001年北京和2011年深圳之后第三个举办世界大学生夏季运动会的城市。我拿到了媒体通行证和今晚开幕式的门票,走,我们一起去看看。Zhang YuePeporter张乐 记者“So are you excited about tonight’s opening ceremony?”“你对今晚的开幕式感到兴奋吗?”Brencic Ana (Croatia)布伦契奇·安娜(克罗地亚)“Yeah, very. I think it’s going to bespectacular【壮观的】, especially the fireworks and all the show you prepared.”“非常激动。我觉得会很壮观,尤其是烟花和你们准备的所有表演。”Zhang YuePeporter张乐 记者“Is this your first time to be here in the city?”“这是你第一次来这座城市吗?”Przyborowski Piotr (Poland)普兹波罗斯基·彼得(波兰)“Yeah, it’s my first time, actually in China.”“是的,这是我第一次来中国。”Sene Diacounda (Senegal)塞纳·迪亚昆达(塞内加尔)“It’s my second time in China. I guess I’ve been here for Shenzhen Universiade in 2011, like 11 years ago.”“这是我第二次来中国。我在2011年的深圳大运会来过中国,大概是11年前吧。”Zhang YuePeporter张乐 记者“What would you think of the service and facilities here?”“你觉得这里的服务和设施怎么样?”Brencic Ana (Croatia)布伦契奇·安娜(克罗地亚)“I think the organization is really great. Since the Day One when we landed in the airport, there were volunteers everywhere. The city is like living for the games. And I’m so excited.”“非常棒!从我们抵达机场的第一天起,到处都是志愿者。这座城市就像是为这场盛会而生,我很激动。”Przyborowski Piotr (Poland)普兹波罗斯基·彼得(波兰)“It’s very modern. Everything is also very big. And it looks as if it’s normal Olympic Games, not the university one only.”“这里非常现代化,每样东西都很大。它看起来不仅是大运会,更像是一场奥运会。”Sene Diacounda (Senegal)塞纳·迪亚昆达(塞内加尔)“We have everything we need. You have some snaps from time to time. And you have all around you, colleagues who are doing the same job. And this is a kind of motivating.”“我们需要的这里都有。时不时会拍几张照片。周围的人也是,感觉很激动。”Zhang YuePeporter张乐 记者“One word in English to describe the city, what would that be?”“用一个英语单词来形容这座城市,会是什么?”Przyborowski Piotr (Poland)普兹波罗斯基·彼得(波兰)“I would say panda-ish, because every labels are pandas.”“熊猫式的,因为每个标签都是熊猫。”This is Rongbao, the mascot for this year’s Games. Rong is another name for Chengdu. This city is the hometown of giant pandas, and Rongbao, was based on a giant panda named Zhima who lives in the Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding.And they also decided to paint his face, Sichuan Opera style.这是今年大运会的吉祥物“蓉宝”。“蓉”是成都的别称。成都是大熊猫的故乡,“蓉宝”的原型是大熊猫“芝麻”,它生活在成都大熊猫繁育研究基地,它的脸也装扮成了川剧变脸的风格。So the opening ceremony will begin soon here at Dong'an Lake Sports Park. Just like any international games, there will be an athletes parade followed by the lighting of the official flame. In this case a cauldron. During this year’s event, more than 10,000 athletes from 170 countries and regions will compete in 18 events.开幕式将在东安湖体育公园主体育场举行。按照国际比赛惯例,开幕式将先举行运动员入场仪式,随后点燃火炬。在本届赛事中,来自170个国家和地区的1万多名运动员将参加18个比赛项目的角逐。The slogan of this year’s event is “成都成就梦想”,or “Chengdu Makes Dreams Come True”.University Games like this are an opportunity for young athletes to begin realizing their dreams.今年赛事的口号是“成都成就梦想”。此类大学生运动会为许多年轻运动员提供了实现梦想的机会。All right, quiz time! Which one of the sports will NOT be part of this year’s University Games? Is it taichi, weightlifting or archery?Comment below if you know the answer!问答时间到!以下哪一项运动不会出现在今年的大学生运动会中?A.太极拳B.举重C.射箭?快来评论区告诉我们你的答案吧!
7/31/20233 minutes, 3 seconds
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07/31 TOP NEWS | 沉浸式探访大运村/超强台风“杜苏芮”已登陆/电竞入选亚运比赛项目

NEWS ON 07/281.UNIVERSITY ATHLETES BEGIN TRAINING ON LOCATION共享大运盛会,同赴青春之约2.TYPHOON DOKSURI MAKESLANDFALL IN FUJIAN强台风“杜苏芮”在福建晋江沿海登陆3.WORLD E-SPORTS - IS CHINA ITS NATURAL HOME?杭州亚运会,将和电子竞技擦出怎样的火花?----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1.UNIVERSITY ATHLETES BEGIN TRAINING ON LOCATION共享大运盛会,同赴青春之约The 31st Summer World University Games opens here tonight in Chengdu and runs to August 8th. Chengdu is the third city in the mainland to host the Summer Universiade, following Beijing in 2001 and Shenzhen in 2011. I’ve got a media pass and the ticket for night’s ceremony so I thought I’d bring you along.第31届世界大学生夏季运动会将于今晚(07/28)在成都开幕,并将于8月8日闭幕。成都是继2001年北京和2011年深圳之后第三个举办世界大学生夏季运动会的城市。我拿到了媒体通行证和今晚开幕式的门票,走,我们一起去看看。Zhang YuePeporter张乐 记者“So are you excited about tonight’s opening ceremony?”“你对今晚的开幕式感到兴奋吗?”Brencic Ana (Croatia)布伦契奇·安娜(克罗地亚)“Yeah, very. I think it’s going to be spectacular【壮观的】, especially the fireworks and all the show you prepared.”“非常激动。我觉得会很壮观,尤其是烟花和你们准备的所有表演。”Zhang YuePeporter张乐 记者“Is this your first time to be here in the city?”“这是你第一次来这座城市吗?”Przyborowski Piotr (Poland)普兹波罗斯基·彼得(波兰)“Yeah, it’s my first time, actually in China.”“是的,这是我第一次来中国。”Sene Diacounda (Senegal)塞纳·迪亚昆达(塞内加尔)“It’s my second time in China. I guess I’ve been here for Shenzhen Universiade in 2011, like 11 years ago.”“这是我第二次来中国。我在2011年的深圳大运会来过中国,大概是11年前吧。”Zhang YuePeporter张乐 记者“What would you think of the service and facilities here?”“你觉得这里的服务和设施怎么样?”Brencic Ana (Croatia)布伦契奇·安娜(克罗地亚)“I think the organization is really great. Since the Day One when we landed in the airport, there were volunteers everywhere. The city is like living for the games. And I’m so excited.”“非常棒!从我们抵达机场的第一天起,到处都是志愿者。这座城市就像是为这场盛会而生,我很激动。”Przyborowski Piotr (Poland)普兹波罗斯基·彼得(波兰)“It’s very modern. Everything is also very big. And it looks as if it’s normal Olympic Games, not the university one only.”“这里非常现代化,每样东西都很大。它看起来不仅是大运会,更像是一场奥运会。”Sene Diacounda (Senegal)塞纳·迪亚昆达(塞内加尔)“We have everything we need. You have some snaps from time to time. And you have all around you, colleagues who are doing the same job. And this is a kind of motivating.”“我们需要的这里都有。时不时会拍几张照片。周围的人也是,感觉很激动。”Zhang YuePeporter张乐 记者“One word in English to describe the city, what would that be?”“用一个英语单词来形容这座城市,会是什么?”Przyborowski Piotr (Poland)普兹波罗斯基·彼得(波兰)“I would say panda-ish, because every labels are pandas.”“熊猫式的,因为每个标签都是熊猫。”This is Rongbao, the mascot for this year’s Games. Rong is another name for Chengdu. This city is the hometown of giant pandas, and Rongbao, was based on a giant panda named Zhima who lives in the Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding.And they also decided to paint his face, Sichuan Opera style.这是今年大运会的吉祥物“蓉宝”。“蓉”是成都的别称。成都是大熊猫的故乡,“蓉宝”的原型是大熊猫“芝麻”,它生活在成都大熊猫繁育研究基地,它的脸也装扮成了川剧变脸的风格。So the opening ceremony will begin soon here at Dong'an Lake Sports Park. Just like any international games, there will be an athletes parade followed by the lighting of the official flame. In this case a cauldron. During this year’s event, more than 10,000 athletes from 170 countries and regions will compete in 18 events.开幕式将在东安湖体育公园主体育场举行。按照国际比赛惯例,开幕式将先举行运动员入场仪式,随后点燃火炬。在本届赛事中,来自170个国家和地区的1万多名运动员将参加18个比赛项目的角逐。The slogan of this year’s event is “成都成就梦想”,or “Chengdu Makes Dreams Come True”.University Games like this are an opportunity for young athletes to begin realizing their dreams.今年赛事的口号是“成都成就梦想”。此类大学生运动会为许多年轻运动员提供了实现梦想的机会。All right, quiz time! Which one of the sports will NOT be part of this year’s University Games? Is it taichi, weightlifting or archery?Comment below if you know the answer!问答时间到!以下哪一项运动不会出现在今年的大学生运动会中?A.太极拳B.举重C.射箭?快来评论区告诉我们你的答案吧!2.TYPHOON DOKSURI MAKESLANDFALL IN FUJIAN强台风“杜苏芮”在福建晋江沿海登陆Typhoon Doksuri made landfall at 9:55 this morning at Jinjiang City in Quanzhou, Fujian Province with windspeeds of up to 180 kilometers per hour. More than 124,000 people in Fujian had been relocated as of 2pm. Zhang Hong has the story.今天(07/28)上午9点55分,台风“杜苏芮”在福建省泉州市晋江沿海登陆,风速高达每小时180公里。截至下午2点,福建省超12.4万人被转移。记者张泓带来详细报道。Highways in Xiamen, Zhangzhou and Quanzhou were all closed as the typhoon hammered Dongshi Town in Jinjiang City leaving flooded streets and downed trees in its wake.台风袭击了晋江市东石镇,街道被淹,树木倒伏。厦门、漳州和泉州的高速公路全部关闭。Over 262 hectares of crops were damaged, causing over 52 million yuan in losses.超262公顷农作物受损,造成的经济损失超5200万元。Here in Shanghai, peripheral of the storm brought rainfall last night till early this morning and will continue to bring showers to the city tomorrow. In coastal areas of Jinshan District, neighborhood committees have made preparation in case of flooding.昨晚到今天(07/28)凌晨,台风风暴外围给上海带来了降雨,明天将持续阵雨。金山区沿海地区,居委会已做好防汛准备。Cao Haijuan, DirectorLinchaosancun Neighborhood Committee曹海娟 金山区临潮三村居委会主任“提醒他们及时疏通清理阳台排水管,以免积水。”“We reminded residents to unclog the drainage pipes on their balconies【阳台】 in case of heavy rainfall.”In the subdistrict of Shihua, the Weiling Road underpass has poor drainage and flooded during last Friday's intense rainfall, up to 60 centimeters of rain collected in the tunnel. Police say they are monitoring the tunnel closely, and if accumulated rainwater exceeds 25 centimeters, the tunnel will be closed. The Shanghai Meteorological Bureau said as the Doksuri tracks farther north its intensity【强度】 decreases, as well as its impact on Shanghai.石化街道卫零路的地下通道排水不畅,在上周五的强降雨中被淹,隧道内积水高达60厘米。警方表示,他们正密切监控隧道,如果积水超过25厘米,将关闭隧道。上海气象局表示,随着“杜苏芮”向北移动,其强度会减弱,对上海的影响也将随之减弱。Although Doksuri’s impact on Shanghai is light, another storm spun up in the last 48 hours, it received its name and number this morning when it intensified to tropical storm status.虽然“杜苏芮”对上海影响较小,但在过去的48小时内又出现了另一场台风风暴。今天(07/28)上午,该风暴增强为热带风暴,并获得了名称和编号。Wu Rui, Chief Service OfficerShanghai Meteorological Bureau邬锐 上海市气象局首席服务官“现在从各家的预报的路径来看,第六号台风‘卡努’(热带风暴)正向华东沿海靠近,但未来因为副热带高压的变化,包括它跟其他天气系统的一些互相作用,可能还存在一定的不确定性,我们也在加强监测当中。”“The forecasted route by various agencies show the No.6 tropical cyclone "Khanun" is headed for the east coast of China. But due to the change of subtropical high pressure and other factors, uncertainties still remain. We're continuing to monitor the situation.”Shanghai managed to thread the needle in terms of Doksuri's outer rain bands for most of today, but showers are expected tonight and tomorrow.今天(07/28)大部分时段,上海都躲过了“杜苏芮”外围雨带的影响,但预计今晚和明天会有阵雨。3.WORLD E-SPORTS - IS CHINA ITS NATURAL HOME?杭州亚运会,将和电子竞技擦出怎样的火花?With the E-sports industry gaining in global reputation, the idea of putting together a global E-Sports community is a major focus at this year's annual World E-Sports in Shanghai. Our reporter Zhang Shixuan has been looking into the development of the e-sports industry and finds China has several important advantages in the market.随着电子竞技产业在全球范围内声名鹊起,打造全球电子竞技社区的理念成为今年在上海举行的全球电竞大会的一大焦点。记者张诗旋带领大家一起对电子竞技产业的发展一探究竟,并了解中国电竞市场的几大优势。At this afternoon's forum, major game producer Riot Games announced that the second international event of the 2024 VALORANT Champions Tour will be held in the Chinese city of Shanghai. Valorant is a game new to the Chinese mainland - launched just this July on the mainland - so setting the tournament in Shanghai is really testimony to the rapid development of e-sports in China and to the outstanding performance of Chinese teams.在今天(07/28)下午的论坛上,大型游戏制作公司“拳头游戏”宣布,2024年《无畏契约(瓦罗兰特)》冠军巡回赛第二届国际赛事将在中国上海举办。《无畏契约(瓦罗兰特)》是今年7月刚刚在中国大陆推出的一款新游戏。将赛事设在上海举行,也证明了中国电子竞技的快速发展和中国战队的优异成绩。Phil So, VP, Esports Management Riot GamesPhil So 拳头游戏电竞业务副总裁“Shanghai is really the roots of e-sports for us and for the whole industry. So for us to bring it to Shanghai is a very logical and sensible choice. Shanghai government supports us a lot in bringing this event. Bringing it to Shanghai was a no-brainer for us. Definitely the teams and the players in China have proven themselves across multiple titles and especially at league of legends at the global stage. So we have high expectations and we definitely think they can deliver at the biggest stages for e-sports.”“上海对我们和整个电竞行业来说都是真正的根基。因此,我们将赛事设在上海是一个非常合理和明智的选择。上海市政府大力支持我们举办这项赛事,把它带到上海是理所当然的。毫无疑问,中国的战队和选手已经在多个赛事中证明了自己,尤其是在英雄联盟的全球舞台上。我们对他们寄予厚望,相信他们一定能在电子竞技的最大舞台上再创佳绩。”Zhang Shixuan, Reporter张诗旋 记者Shanghai has hosted multiple international events such as the 2020 League of Legends World Championship. Now that E-sports has been gaining in global reputation, becoming a medal sport at the upcoming Asian Games in Hangzhou, companies in the field are closely watching future development here - the standardization of the industry, and also how it can reach out to more potential users.上海曾举办过多项国际赛事,如2020年英雄联盟世界锦标赛。如今,电子竞技已在全球声名鹊起,并成为即将到来的杭州亚运会的正式比赛项目。该领域的公司正密切关注电竞行业在上海的未来发展——行业的标准化,以及如何触达更多潜在用户。Dr. Xiao Hong, CEO of Perfect World also spoke to this afternoon's meeting, sharing his ideas about how to chart China's blueprint for the global development ofe-sports.完美世界首席执行官萧泓博士也在今天(07/28)下午的会议上进行了发言,就如何规划中国电子竞技的全球发展蓝图分享了他的看法。Dr. Robert H. Xiao, CEO Perfect World萧泓 完美世界首席执行官“把大家放到一个亚洲游戏平台上,必须有一套标准化的流程,包括装备、组织、团队发展、协作、管理等整个过程。这套标准化的流程将有助于电子竞技在未来的一段时间内成为整个行业的标准化。在亚洲比赛舞台上,有很多传统体育爱好者将有机会真正地关注电竞。我们应该能够吸引更多新的观众和电竞参与者。就像刀塔一样,我们应该从传统体育方面学到很多东西,学习如何组织大型赛事,如何管理亚洲范围内的细节,这是一种多学科的传统体育。”“To put everybody into an Asian game platform, there has to be a standardized processes in terms of equipment, in terms of how to organize them, in terms of the team development, how to collaborate, how to manage the whole sports process. So this standardization process will help the e-sports in the later time in the future would be a standardized, the whole industry. On the stage of Asian game, there are a lot of traditional sports lovers would have opportunity to really look at the e-sports. And we should be able to attract a lot more new viewers and new e-sports participation. Like us, for Dota, we should be able to learn a lot from the traditional sports part, learning how to organize a huge event, how to manage details in terms of Asian wide, a multi disciplinary【纪律】 kind of traditional sports.”Experts say the inclusion of e-sports in the Asian Games is a promising sign of the industry's significance here, though of course there is always room for future development.专家表示,电子竞技被纳入亚运会是一个充满希望的信号,表明了这一行业的重要性,未来仍有较大发展空间。Wang Yong, Deputy Secretary-General  Shanghai E-sports Association王勇 上海市电子竞技运动协会副秘书长“我们可以很明显的看到中国在电竞产业发展中最重要的一个优势是人群优势,那就是我们拥有巨大的用户,我们有巨大的人群。我们无论是硬件的建设、网络的配置,以及整个城市配套的发展都具有很明显的优势。在整个项目的研发方面,同时在整个环境方面,很重要的一点就是电竞在其他城市的发展过程中,已经和高校的教育,和整个社会的发展,乃至和传统体育的融合更为紧密,我们在这一点上还有很长的路要走。”“We can clearly see that in the development of China's e-sports, one of the most important advantages is people. We have huge number of users. And also, we have obvious advantages in hardware, networks and city infrastructure construction. But in terms of project R&D and the whole environment, compared with some cities in other countries, we have a long way to go in creating close connections with college education and ties with traditional sports.”A fresh report released yesterday in Shanghai showed that in the first half of the year, China's e-sports industry saw sales revenue of almost 65 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 1.2%. And that figure didn't include revenue from e-sports livestreams, club operations and tournaments. The upcoming Asian Games is expected to give the industry another good win.昨天(07/27)上海发布的一份最新报告显示,今年上半年,中国电子竞技产业实现营收近650亿元,同比增长1.2%。而且这一数字还不包括电子竞技直播、俱乐部运营和赛事收入。即将到来的亚运会有望让电子竞技产业再创佳绩。#热词加油站spectacular/spekˈtækjələr/【壮观的】balcony/ˈbælkəni/【阳台】intensity/ɪnˈtensəti/【强度】disciplinary/ˈdɪsəpləneri/【纪律】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
7/31/20239 minutes, 12 seconds
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07/28 TOP NEWS | 缅怀英雄!抗美援朝70周年/新能源汽修人员缺口大/三星堆新馆试运营

NEWS ON 07/121.FALLEN HEROES REMEMBERED缅怀英雄!抗美援朝战争胜利70周年纪念日2.FAST TRAINING OF NEW REPAIR STAFF NEEDED TO SUPPORT NEV SECTOR GROWTH买车容易修车难,新能源汽车维修人员缺口大3.A NEW EXHIBITION SPACE FOR ANCIENT ARTIFACTS青铜神树“喜迁新居”!三星堆博物馆新馆试运营----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1.FALLEN HEROES REMEMBERED缅怀英雄!抗美援朝战争胜利70周年纪念日Today marks the 70th anniversary of the end of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea. Commemorative【纪念的】events have been held around the country. Sun Siqi has the story.7月27日是抗美援朝战争胜利70周年纪念日,全国各地举办了一系列纪念活动。本台记者孙思奇带来详细报道。A commemoration ceremony was held this morning at the Chinese People's Volunteer Army Martyrs'【烈士】Cemetery【墓地】in Shenyang. Veterans【退伍军人】, families of heroes who died in the war, and representatives of the community laid flowers at the monument. The cemetery was built in 1951 and is the final resting place for 123 martyrs from the Chinese People's Volunteer Army.今天(07/27)上午,沈阳抗美援朝烈士陵园举行了纪念活动。抗战老兵、英烈家属和社会各界代表向纪念碑献花。沈阳烈士陵园始建于1951年,是123名中国人民志愿军烈士的安息之地。The remains of another 913 fallen soldiers were laid to rest here after being recovered in SouthKorea between 2014 and 2022. Some of their children came today.另有913名阵亡将士的遗骸,于2014年至2022年期间在韩国找到后,安葬于此。一些烈士子女今天也来到了这里。Zheng Li,Daughter of Zheng Xihe, Fallen CPV Soldier郑莉中国人民志愿军烈士郑希和的女儿“我们这一次来就告诉父亲,抗美援朝战争已经胜利70周年了,我们今天来祭奠,这些所有的烈士们,我们才过后面的和平幸福的生活,是永远不能忘记的。”"We're here to tell our father that the war was won. We are here to remember the heroes. Without them, we wouldn't be able to live in the peace that ensued.”In Shanghai at the Memorial Site of the 4th National Congress of the CPC, the son of a veteran couple read a poem about the heroes.在上海中共四大会址纪念馆,一对老兵夫妇的儿子朗诵了一首诗歌缅怀英烈。Wang Nianchao, Storyteller上海革命故事讲述团团长 王念朝“我的父母亲也是跨过鸭绿江和英烈们一起在朝鲜战场上浴血奋战。虽然70年过去了,但是我们的后人不能忘记。”“My parents were among those who crossed Yalu River.They fought and bled side-by-side. It's been 70 years, but we mustn't forget.”An exhibition at the memorial site opened today after curators【策展人】 spent months collecting documents and items from the war. One of the highlights is a photo album with picturesof General Su Yu and Premier Zhou Enlai visiting the DPRK for negotiations about the withdrawal of armies.纪念馆的特展于今日揭幕。策展人们花了几个月时间收集战争中的文件和物品。展览的一大亮点是一本相册,里面有粟裕将军和周恩来总理访问朝鲜进行撤军谈判的照片。2.FAST TRAINING OF NEW REPAIR STAFF NEEDED TO SUPPORT NEV SECTOR GROWTH买车容易修车难,新能源汽车维修人员缺口大Riding the waves of the green transition, China's new energy vehicle sector has turbocharged growth and entered the fast lane. But the rapid shift to NEVs has created a stark issue when it comes to auto repairs and maintenance - a shortage of NEV mechanics. Lei Shuran has more.乘着绿色转型的东风,中国新能源汽车行业加速发展,驶入快车道。但是,在向新能源汽车快速转型的过程中,汽车维修和保养方面出现了一个严峻的问题——新能源汽车技工短缺。本台记者雷舒然为您带来详细报道。With the number of new energy vehicles on the roads skyrocketing【猛涨】in recent years, millions of drivers in China are soon going to need a lot more auto mechanics and backup staff who can fix their new batteries-on-wheels, as well as all the technical supports for them. As of now there just aren't enough to go around. The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology reports China is likely to need at least one million more NEV repairmen and technicians by 2025. By that time, NEV owners will need five times more NEV mechanics than the country will have. Many auto repair shops including this one in Shanghai have already been running into the problem.随着近年来道路上新能源汽车数量的激增,中国数以百万计的驾驶员很快将需要更多的汽车修理工和后备人员来修理他们的新车载电池,并为他们提供各种技术支持。目前,这些人员还远远不够。据工业和信息化部报告,到2025年,中国可能需要至少100万名新能源汽车修理工和技术人员。届时,新能源汽车车主所需的汽车维修人员将是届时全国维修人员总数的五倍。包括上海这家汽车修理厂在内的许多汽车修理厂已经遇到了这个问题。Gong Guanxiong, Owner of Gavin’s Garage龚冠雄加文的车库主理人“目前是有一个增长趋势,尤其是20年以后,更多电动车产品投入市场以后,那么这个增长趋势还是蛮明显的。然后我们这边增长的话,大概是每年以20%的这么一个数量来在增长。主要是一些动力部分的话,电车它的驱动单元和驱动控制模块是完全不同的,那么相比原来的燃油车,它会对维修人员的要求是有一些对电操作这些具体的要求,且目前整个市场来看的话,是肯定是缺少的这么一个人才的这么一个市场。”"More NEV models have come into the market since 2020, and since then we've had an annual growth of around 20 percent in the number of repair orders. It's quite different from repairing a gasoline-powered vehicle. NEVs have different drive units and systems, and mechanics need to have specific knowledge and skills to manage those things. There's definitely a talent shortage in the market now.”And it's not just about learning new skills. Gong says the work requires mechanics to have specialized equipment and tools to work on some NEV batteries and systems, different from usual low-voltage auto electronics.这不仅仅是学习新技能的问题。龚关雄说,这项工作要求修理师使用专门的设备和工具处理与通常的低压汽车电子设备不同的新能源电池和系统。Gong Guanxiong, Owner of Gavin’s Garage龚冠雄加文车库主理人“目前软件的话,燃油车主要还是以这个OBD的这么一个标准,就是我们所谓的on board diagnostic这么一个系统,那么新的像特斯拉新能源车的话,类似于特斯拉这种,那么以特斯拉为例,它的一个整个系统就是完全不同的,那么可能需要我们新的这些额外的特殊工具、特殊软件去进行一些诊断。”"For example, when repairing a gasoline-powered car, we have a system called on-board diagnostics that provides vehicle self-diagnosis and reporting capabilities. But when fixing a Tesla, we need specific tools or computer systems to figure out what’s wrong with it as it's totally different from its gasoline-powered predecessors.”To keep NEV owners from facing long waits to have their cars serviced, experts are warning that more attention needs to be paid to improving current auto repair training.专家警告说,为了避免新能源汽车车主长时间等待汽车维修,需要更加重视改善目前的汽车维修培训。Zhang Junyi, Head of Automotive & Industrial Goods, Greater China of Oliver Wyman张君毅奥纬咨询大中华区汽车与工业品业务主管“When doing the education in the big universities, you need collaboration further with the industry players, for example OEM suppliers, because only them have the in-time technology, and also knowing where to go and how to go. You need to have on-track tech textbooks and teachers and course to reflect the current technology growth. And you need to have more and more vocational technician school to support this growth.”“在大专院校开展教育时,需要进一步与行业参与者合作,如原始设备制造商供应商,因为只有他们才掌握及时的技术,也知道未来的发展趋势以及如何发展。需要有与时俱进的技术教科书、教师和课程,以反映当前的技术发展。需要有越来越多的职业技术学校来支持培养更多维修师。”According to the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers, auto production in China reached ten million units in the first five months of the year, up 11 percent from 2022 with NEV production having gone up 45 percent year-on-year to three million units. The problem now is how to maintain this fast-growing NEV fleet on the road. Zhang said, it will take the schools working together with industry - and fast.根据中国汽车工业协会的数据,今年前五个月中国汽车产量达到1000万辆,比2022年增长11%,其中新能源汽车产量同比增长45%,达到300万辆。现在的问题是,如何维持这支快速增长的新能源汽车车队继续上路行驶。张君毅说,这需要学校与汽车产业共同努力,加快步调。3.A NEW EXHIBITION SPACE FOR ANCIENT ARTIFACTS青铜神树“喜迁新居”!三星堆博物馆新馆试运营The new building of the Sanxingdui Museum in Southwest China's Sichuan Province began trial operations today. The all of the first 600 artifacts unearthed from the Sanxingdui ruins are on display in the new space. Zhang Hong tells us more.位于中国四川省西南部的三星堆博物馆新馆今天(07/27)开始试运行。三星堆遗址首批出土的600件文物全部在新馆展出。记者张泓带来详细报道。The construction of the Sanxingdui Museum's new 1.4-billion-yuan building was completed in 16 months. It has two floors and covers an area of 54,400 square meters, five times larger than the old exhibition venue, and the largest museum displaying artifacts in southwestern China.三星堆博物馆新馆耗资14亿元、历经16个月建设完成。新馆共两层,占地面积5.44万平方米,是原展馆的5倍,是目前西南地区建成的最大的遗址类博物馆单体建筑。Yu Jian, Vice Curator of Sanxingdui Museum余健四川广汉三星堆博物馆副馆长“新馆我们整个展陈面积,可能比我们现在(新馆开放前)展陈的面积多两到三倍,文物的数量也是多了两到三倍的文物数量。”“The new building offers an exhibition area that is two to three times larger than we had before. We can showcase two to three times as many relics as before.”A total of more than 1,500 pieces of exhibits, including pottery, bronze, jade, and gold will be on display in the new building. More than 300 of the artifacts on display were recently excavated【挖掘】from sacrificial pits No. 3 to No. 8. Among the highlights are a nearly 4-meter-high bronze tree, golden masks, and bronze figurines, all dating back to approximately 3,000 yearsago. Wooden supports were used to secure the bronze tree when it was moved into the exhibition hall.新馆将展出包括陶器、青铜器、玉石器和金器在内各类文物共1500余件(套),其中包括300余件三星堆遗址3号至8号祭祀坑新出土的文物。展览中最引人注目的是一棵近4米高的青铜神树、黄金面具和青铜立人像,所有这些文物都可以追溯到大约3000年前。在将青铜神树移入展厅时,使用了木条来固定保护树干和树枝,防止文物破损。Guo Hanzhong, Deputy Director of Relics Preservation, Sanxingdui Museum郭汉中三星堆博物馆文物保管部副部长“现在上面绑了多少个节啊,无数个无数个,加固牢实就对了。人都离远点,别碰着了。”"We tied up a lot of junctions of these wood pieces to ensure it's stable. And we made sure it wouldn't be damaged by passers-by.”During the trial operation, admission will remain at 72 yuan, with students getting in half price. Located in Guanghan city, the Sanxingdui Ruins are believed to be the remnants of the ancient Shu Kingdom which was at its height around 3,000 years ago.试运行期间暂执行原票价,普通票72元,学生票半价36元。三星堆遗址位于广汉市,据说是距今约3000年前古蜀王国鼎盛时期的遗迹。#热词加油站commemorative/kəˈmemərətɪv/【纪念的】martyr/ˈmɑːtə(r)/【烈士】cemetery/ˈsemətri/【墓地】veteran/ˈvetərən/【退伍军人】curator/kjʊəˈreɪtə(r)/【策展人】skyrocket/ˈskaɪrɒkɪt/【猛涨】excavate/ekskəveɪt/【挖掘】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
7/28/20236 minutes, 53 seconds
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07/27 TOP NEWS | 进博会倒计时100天/AI掌握方向盘:智能车舱系统/欧洲“高烧”难退

NEWS ON 07/261. 100-DAY COUNTDOWN TO CIIESTARTS TOMORROW第六届进博会明迎倒计时100天2. WITH EXPANDING AI APPLICATIONS, WHO’S IN THE DRIVER’S SEAT?人工智能蓬勃发展:由谁掌握方向盘?3. EUROPE’S EXTREME SUMMER: HEAT WAVES AND WILDFIRES欧洲“高烧”难退 多国山火肆虐----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1.100-DAY COUNTDOWN TO CIIESTARTS TOMORROW第六届进博会明迎倒计时100天Tomorrow will mark the 100-day count-down to the China International Import Expo. Organizers say more than 360,000 square meters of exhibition space has already been booked. Sun Siqi tells us what to expect.明天(07/27)将迎中国国际进口博览会倒计时100天。主办方称,签约展览面积已超过36万平方米。记者孙思奇带来详细报道。The section of the trade fair with national pavilions will return after a 2-year absence. This year’s CIIE will also have sections for: food and agricultural products, automobiles, industrialequipment, consumer goods, healthcare, and trade in services.连续两年在线上举办之后,国家综合展今年将回归线下。今年的进博会还将设立食品及农产品展区、汽车展区、技术装备展区、消费品展区、医疗器械及医药保健展区和服务贸易展区。Sun Chenghai, Deputy Director of CIIE Bureau孙成海上海进口博览局副局长“目前签约参展的世界500强和行业龙头企业(数量)已经超过上届,全球十五大整车品牌、十大医疗器械企业、十大工业电气企业、三大矿业巨头、四大会计师事务所、三大快递、五大货代均齐聚进博会。”“There will be more Fortune 500 and industry leading companies at this year’s CIIE. Expect 15 major automakers, 10 of the largest medical equipment makers, 10 leading electronics makers, 3 mining giants, 4 of the biggest accounting firms, and 5 major logistics companies from around the world.”Organizers have set up 28 work teams to help exhibitors showcase their goods.主办方成立了28个工作小组,帮助参展商更好地展示商品。Ye Jian, Deputy Directorof Shanghai Customs叶建上海海关副关长“在评估确认风险可控的前提下,允许无动植物疫情流行国家和地区未获检疫准入的动植物产品、食品,经特许审批后入境参展。这项措施将有助于更大范围、更多品类的展品,来参展我们的第六届进博会。”“Food products from countries and regions with no animal or plant disease pandemics that have not previously obtained customs quarantine【检疫】 approvals will be permitted to import their products through a special approval channel. This means there will be a wider range of food products at the CIIE this year.”The total order value from businesses in the Shanghai Buyers’ Alliance【联盟】 has increased steadily each year since the CIIE made its debut in 2018.自2018年中国国际进口博览会首次举办以来,上海交易团的企业订单总额每年都在稳步增长。The event’s permanent trading service showroom in Qingpu District now has close to 200,000 products listed. More than 323-billion-yuan worth of imported goods have been purchased there.目前已有近20万种产品入驻位于青浦区的固定贸易服务展厅,进口商品交易总值超过3230亿元。2.WITH EXPANDING AI APPLICATIONS, WHO’S IN THE DRIVER’S SEAT?人工智能蓬勃发展:由谁掌握方向盘?A raft of Chinese tech giants launched their own AI models at the beginning of the year, and now new applications are being developed, creating new demands for qualified professionals. Our reporter Zhang Shixuan visited a tech firm and a university in Shanghai to see where they are all coming from.  今年年初,一大批中国科技巨头推出了自己的人工智能模型,如今新的应用程序正在开发中,对高素质专业人才提出了新的要求。本报记者张诗旋走访了上海一家科技公司和一所高校,了解当前技术发展状况。With just a few voice instructions the car can quickly respond to a driver’s request or question. More appropriately speaking, it’s the new cabin system that is handling the responses. The idea of smart cabin systems has been around for a while, but with support from Sense Time’s new AI model sets, new applications are now possible. It’s all keeping engineers and product directors busy. Liu Hao is one of them.只需几个语音指令,汽车就能迅速响应驾驶员的请求或问题。更准确地说,是新的车舱系统在处理这些回应。智能车舱系统的概念已经存在了一段时间,但在商汤科技的新人工智能模型集的支持下,将诞生更多的新应用程序。这一切都让工程师和产品总监们忙得不可开交。刘浩就是其中之一。Liu Hao, Innovation Product Manager of Intelligent Cabin, SenseAuto刘浩(音译)商汤绝影智能车舱创新产品经理“之前在车舱主要做一些深度学习图像感知类的产品工作,随着大模型的发展,然后加入了创新部门之后,主要是研究最前沿的大模型的产品和技术,把它应用到车舱内,打造一些全新的产品。”“I had been mainly working on products related to deep learning and image recognition. But now, with the development of big AI models, I’ve joined the innovation department. I now work on new applications of the big model technologies in vehicle cabins.”The product innovation department Liu now works in, is a brand-new segment【部分】of the company, established just at the beginning of the year as the company was finishing off its planning for its big AI models.刘浩现在所在的产品创新部是公司的一个新部门,于今年年初成立,当时公司刚刚完成人工智能大模型的规划。Shao Changxu, Senior Director, Product Innovation of Intelligent Cabin, SenseAuto邵昌旭(音译),商汤绝影智能座舱产品创新高级总监“我们要了解一些前沿科技的内容,了解最前沿的大模型的进展、技术,分析调研用户需求,把技术和需求联系在一起,我们工作包括了前期需求分析、技术导入、产品方案设计、前期项目落地都是由创新团队去主导的。”“We have to learn more about the advanced big model development, and also analyze users’ demands, so as to connect technology with the actual demands. The product innovation department is now responsible for demand analysis, tech introduction, product and solution design as well as early-stage project implementation【实施】.”Shao says that while the first members of the department’s team were selected from within the company, he’s now looking for more staff from outside.邵昌旭说,虽然该部门的第一批成员是从公司内部选拔的,但现在正在寻找更多的外部人才。Shao Changxu, Senior Director, Product Innovation Intelligent Cabin, SenseAuto“随着大模型的涌现,收到来自车厂非常多的需求。旅游规划、儿童陪伴、教育这些场景在大模型发布之前几乎很难做到的,但是目前成为现实。这个架构从端侧升级到云端一体的方案,其实对于整个的产品、设计、开发以及质量验收测试都提出了非常高的需求,各行各业都有一些跨界的人才需求。”“With the emergence of the large AI model, we have received a huge number of demands from car makers. Functions such as travel route planning, and children’s services weren’t possible without the big models. But now the structure has been upgraded from just the user end to a combination of that with the cloud. We now have higher requirements for product design, R&D and quality control. We need people from different industries.”Zhang Shixuan, Reporter张诗旋本台记者While the concept of big AI models has only recently come under the public spotlight, only just recently, the academic world has been preparing for it for quite a while now. The beyond-expectation job offers for the graduates are proof of the hot demand for qualified professionals in the field.虽然大型人工智能模型的概念最近才成为公众关注的焦点,但学术界已经为此准备了很长时间。毕业生们超乎预期的就业率证明了该领域对高素质专业人才的热切需求。Prof. Zhao Hai, Dept. of Computer Science & Engineeringof Shanghai Jiao Tong University赵海上海交通大学计算机科学与工程系教授“博士生有曾经收到过offer年薪达到200万。硕士生呢一般是去就是我们常说的大型的IT公司,他们的自然语言处理方向的部门的招生是还是非常的积极的,实际上本质上是供不应求的问题。我们有特别优秀的硕士毕业生能拿到80万的起薪的年薪。”“One of my doctoral graduates once got an offer with an annual salary of 2 million yuan. Master’s graduates usually go to large IT companies, which are very active in enrolling new people in departments related to natural language processing. There’s not enough talent to fill the demand.  Some of my top master’s graduates are getting jobs with an annual income of more than 800,000 yuan.”Zhao has been teaching students at Shanghai Jiao Tong University specifically in the natural language processing field - the key knowledge required for big AI models - for more than a decade now. And he says the big job offers have been coming in for at least the last seven years.十多年来,赵海教授一直在上海交通大学教授自然语言处理课程——这是大型人工智能模型所需的核心知识。他说,至少在过去的七年里,该行业的就业机会还是比较不错的。Prof. Zhao Hai, Dept. of Computer Science & Engineering Shanghai Jiao Tong University“从3月份开始到7月份,每天平均一天都会有一封邮件要要求来读博士。现在有ChatGPT,所以比如说今年的这些课的话,我就补了一章就是大语言模型。”“From March to July, on average I’ve been getting one email application to study for a PhD every day. After the launch of ChatGPT, I added another chapter into my lessons, on the big language model.”Zhao has just written a textbook specifically on natural language processing, which has included the most recent trendy concept-large language models involving ChatGPT. A college graduate employment data report released by Liepin says that the demand for doctoral graduates in the field has more than quadrupled from a year ago.       赵教授刚刚撰写了一本专门讲解自然语言处理的教科书,其中包括了最近流行的概念——涉及ChatGPT的大型语言模型。猎豹网发布的一份高校毕业生就业数据报告显示,该领域对博士毕业生的需求比一年前增加了四倍以上。3.EUROPE’S EXTREME SUMMER: HEAT WAVES AND WILDFIRES欧洲“高烧”难退 多国山火肆虐Europe is battling the effects of severely high temperatures; June of 2023 was the hottest month since meteorologists began monitoring and recording temperatures 174 years ago. Stephen Rancourt has more.欧洲正在同高温带来的严重影响作斗争。2023年6月是气象学家自174年前开始监测和记录气温以来最热的月份。本台记者Stephen Rancourt带来更多报道。Italy has put 16 cities on red alert because of the high temperatures. These include Palermo and Catania on the island of Sicily. According to the Italian media, four people have died in wildfires in Italy as of yesterday and almost 2,000 people have been displaced.意大利16座城市已发布高温红色预警。其中包括西西里岛上的巴勒莫和卡塔尼亚。据意大利媒体报道,截至昨天(07/25),已有四人丧生于山火,近2000人被迫转移。More than 600 Portuguese firefighters scrambled to put out flames sweeping across a natural park yesterday, the park is located near the Portugal’s capital Lisbon.昨天,600多名葡萄牙消防员奋力扑灭了一场自然公园大火,该自然公园位于葡萄牙首都里斯本附近。Local Resident当地居民“这令人难以接受,我们在这里待了一个多小时了,就眼睁睁看着火烧过来,让内政部长来看看这里发生了什么。“This is unacceptable. We have been here for more than an hour. the firefighters waited for the big flames to come... Call the ministers. The home affairs minister should come here now.””In Greece a third successive heat wave pushed temperatures back above 40 degrees across parts of the country on Tuesday while a string of evacuations from fires that have raged out of control for days continues.周二,在希腊,第三波热浪使得全国多地气温再次升至40摄氏度以上,同时失控的山火迫使人们继续撤离。The fires on the Greek island of Rhodes are forcing tourists and residents to be moved away in the biggest ever fire evacuation in the country’s history.希腊罗得岛的大火迫使游客和居民撤离,这是希腊历史上规模最大的一次火灾疏散行动。A Greek water-bomber plane crashed while diving into a wildfire in the south of the country on Tuesday, both pilots are dead.周二,一架希腊林火消防飞机在该国南部执行灭火任务时坠毁,两名飞行员不幸遇难。#热词加油站quarantine /ˈkwɒrəntiːn/【检疫】alliance /əˈlaɪəns/ 【联盟】segment/ˈseɡmənt/【部分】implementation/ˌɪmplɪmenˈteɪʃ(ə)n/【实施】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
7/27/20237 minutes, 6 seconds
Episode Artwork

07/26 TOP NEWS | 五座新城建设全面发力/上海新型夜经济崛起/旅法大熊猫启程回国

NEWS ON 07/251.MORE PROGRESS INSUBURBAN NEW TOWNS重大功能性事项助力上海五座新城发展2.NEW SHANGHAI STREET MARKETS BOOST THE NIGHTLIFE AND THE ECONOMY上海街头市场点亮城市夜经济3.GIANT PANDA YUAN MENG BIDS "ADIEU" TO PARIS旅法大熊猫“圆梦”启程回国,民众前来告别----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1.MORE PROGRESS INSUBURBAN NEW TOWNS重大功能性事项助力上海五座新城发展Things are shaping-up in the five new su-burban towns in the districts of Jiading, Lingang, Qingpu, Songjiang, and Fengxian as more companies set-up and public facilities open. Sun Siqi takes a look.随着更多的企业落户和公共设施投入使用,嘉定、临港、青浦、松江、奉贤五个上海新城建设已进入全面发力、功能提升的关键阶段。记者孙思奇带您一探究竟。In Jiading, where an automotive industry cluster already exists, an engineering center for car chips opened last month as a home base for the R&D and certification services for companies that manufacture semiconductors【半导体】 for automakers. By 2035, Jiading officials hope to complete what they call a world-class innovation center for chips for smart cars.  在已经形成汽车产业集群的嘉定,一家汽车芯片工程中心于上月挂牌。工程中心将建设汽车芯片研发平台,为服务于汽车制造商的半导体制造商提供全方位测试认证服务。到2035年,嘉定争取基本建成全球智能汽车芯片创新中心。Dong Yemin, GMShanghai Automotive Chip Engineering Center董业民 上海汽车芯片工程中心有限公司总经理“作为一家综合服务提供商,我们提供认证和制定标准,为汽车制造商服务,帮助他们在开发新车型的过程中缩短时间节点。”“We're a comprehensive service provider. We certify, we draw standards. We serve automakers and help them save time in the process of developing new models.”Down south in Lingang, leading lithium-ion battery maker CATL just opened an R&D center for 600 employees.在临港南部,业内领先的锂离子电池制造商“宁德时代”刚刚开设了一个可容纳600名员工的研发中心。Jing Yuan, Deputy Director of DevelopmentLingang New Area Administration井源 临港新片区管委会发改处副处长“这家企业的入驻能够提升整个区域的自主研发的水平,有效形成智能新能源产业的生态圈。”“This firm elevates R&D capabilities in Lingang. It creates a strong supply chain for new energy vehicles.”In Qingpu, the Shanghai United Assets and Equity Exchange has opened a branch office to trade assets, shares, and management rights in both the public and private sectors.在青浦,上海联合产权交易所开设了一家分支机构,从事公有私有资产、股权和管理权的交易。Wu Lieyi, GMShanghai United Assets & Equity Exchange吴烈忆 上海联合产权交易所上海交易总部总经理“我们也整合了平台外部的合作资源,尤其是我们央国企的资源,为青浦的整体的产业导入去做助力。”“We've put together resources from our partners including at central and regional state-owned enterprises so businesses that are moving in can easily find what they need.”In Fengxian, a new boarding school affiliated with Donghua University will open in September. The Shanghai government's vision is for each new town to function as a mini city.在奉贤,东华大学附属的一所新寄宿学校将于9月开学。上海政府的愿景是让每座新城都能发挥微型城市的功能。2.NEW SHANGHAI STREET MARKETS BOOST THE NIGHTLIFE AND THE ECONOMY上海街头市场点亮城市夜经济For lovers of night-life, the city of Shanghai has provided several new hang-out destinations this summer.Five districts in the downtown area have been running street fairs exclusively on weekends. Our reporter Zhang Shixuan visited one in Pudong to check things out.今年夏天,上海为夜生活爱好者提供了几个新的好去处。市中心的5个区举办了周末限定街头集市。记者张诗旋来到位于浦东的一家街市一探究竟。As the weekend night falls, this 230-meter-long road turns into a neon-lit pedestrian street - an exclusive summer weekend night market. Barbecue, fruit, drinks, accessories【配饰】 and makeup... The market has them all.随着周末夜幕降临,这条长达230米的马路变成了霓虹闪烁的步行街——夏日周末夜市的专场。烧烤、水果、饮料、配饰、化妆品…… 这里应有尽有。Zhang Shixuan, Reporter张诗旋 记者“One of the most interesting things about walking in cities like Shanghai these days is that you can often run into surprises, day or night. This street, for example, during a weekday daytime, it can be full of commuters【通勤者】 and vehicles. But now, on a weekend evening, it's turned into a street bazaar. The charm of this is that you can always see new changes at the same place from time to time.”“如今,在上海这样的城市行走,最有趣的事情之一就是,无论白天还是晚上,你都能经常遇到惊喜。比如这条街,平日里可能挤满了上班族和车辆,但现在,在周末的傍晚,它变成了街头集市。这样的魅力在于总能在同一个地方看到新的变化。”Local Visitor当地游客“边走边逛,也许能逛到喜欢的东西,转角的惊喜也是蛮喜欢的。”“I enjoy a casual walk. I can run into my favourite things - I like the unexpected surprises.” US Visitor美国游客“Just trying to explore the city while we're here for the summer, and so it looks like there's always something festive going on and we thought we'd check out the little street fair here. We're from美国. And the Chinese food in America is nothing like the authentic Chinese food here.”“我们趁着夏天来探索这座城市,这里看起来总是有一些节日气氛,我们想看看这里的小街市。我们来自美国。美国的中餐和这里正宗的中餐完全不一样。”US Visitor美国游客“I've been loving the Chinese food. It's been amazing. I love little markets like this, walking around at night. It's too hot during the day to walk around so much, so it's nice to walk around at night and just explore and see what's going on.”“我一直很喜欢中国菜。太好吃了。我喜欢这样的小市场,喜欢在夜里散步。白天太热了,走不了多少路,所以晚上逛逛很好,可以探索一下,看看发生了什么。”Located in Shanghai's Lujiazui Financial City, the number of shoppers is attracting different businesses from both home and abroad.位于上海陆家嘴金融城的集市吸引了来自国内外的不同企业。Satoru Fujita SIDEKICK Brand Developer, Shiseido CompanySatoru Fujita 资生堂公司SIDEKICK品牌开发人员“This kind of night market not happening in Japan so much. It's very awesome. I decided to come here from Tokyo. Especially when we sell the skincare product that was a department store, or a supermarket, or that kind of closed space, but this kind of area is really open. So that everyone feel the change their mind, no standard way.”“这种夜市在日本并不多见。我觉得非常棒。我决定从东京来到这里。特别是销售护肤品时,以前都是在百货商店、超市或类似的封闭的空间里,但这种区域是真正开放的,每个人都能感受到自己的想法在改变,没有标准的方式。”Yu Chengzhe, Popup Store Supervisor LOTUS Shanghai于承哲 上海乐天Popup主管“在商超里,局限性会比较多,但现在在外场就更加灵活,或者宣传的热闹氛围会更加强烈。成单率会比商场里稍微要高一点。”“There are limitations when selling our products in a supermarket, but now, with the outdoor market, it's more flexible, with better an atmosphere. The purchase rate is better than that in a supermarket.”The 5-week long weekend night market is the first of its kind in Shanghai's Pudong New Area - a new attempt to boost the city's nighttime economy. It's already proved a magnet for businesses, gathering more than 100 companies anxious to appeal to the crowds it draws.  这个为期5周的周末夜市是上海浦东新区的首个此类夜市,这是推动上海夜间经济发展的一项新尝试。事实证明,夜市吸引了众多商家,聚集了100多家急于吸引人气的公司。3.GIANT PANDA YUAN MENG BIDS "ADIEU" TO PARIS旅法大熊猫“圆梦”启程回国,民众前来告别Yuan Meng, a 6-year-old male giant panda born in France, left Beauval Zoo in Paris this morning. He will be flown to the Chengdu Research Base for Giant Panda Breeding in Sichuan province. Sun Siqi has more.今天(07/25)上午,出生于法国的6岁雄性大熊猫“圆梦”离开法国博瓦勒动物园,并将于当天返回中国成都大熊猫繁育研究基地。记者孙思奇带来更多报道。Many visitors went to Beauval Zoo to bid farewell【送别】 to Yuan Meng yesterday and took pictures.昨天(07/24),众多游客前往博瓦勒动物园送别“圆梦”并拍照留念。Visitor游客“We saw him for the last time today. He'll leave tomorrow. He'll be in a cage, so we won't see him.” “今天(07/24)是我们和它的最后一次见面了,明天我们就要和它告别了,它会待在卡车的笼子里,我们看不到它。”The 6 year-old male is the first Giant Panda to be born in France, his parents Yuan Zai and Huan Huan were sent to France in 2012. Yuan Meng was born around 5 years later on August 4, 2017.6岁雄性大熊猫“圆梦”是首只出生在法国的大熊猫,它的父母是2012年从成都大熊猫繁育研究基地到法国的“圆仔”和“欢欢”。5年后的2017年8月4日,“圆梦”在法国博瓦勒野生动物园出生。Brigitte Macron, the first lady of France, is the patron of Sino-French panda cooperation. During the naming ceremony, she expressed her gratitude for China's willingness to entrust the precious animals to France.法国第一夫人布丽吉特·马克龙是中法熊猫合作的赞助商。在命名仪式上,她对中国愿意将珍贵的熊猫托付给法国表示感谢。 Brigitte MacronFirst Lady of France布丽吉特·马克龙 法国总统夫人“‘圆梦’和它的父母成为了我们两国之间的纽带,它们是两国人民对话卓有成效的象征。”“Yuan Meng and his parents have helped strengthen ties between the two countries and this kind of cooperation is an effective form of people-to-people exchanges.”On May 17, she visited the zoo to bid farewell to Yuan Meng and took the opportunity to emphasize the importance of protecting endangered species.5月17日,布丽吉特专程来到动物园与“圆梦”告别,并借此机会强调了保护濒危物种的重要性。In 2012, the Chinese Association of Zoological Gardens and Beauval Zoo launched a 10-year international giant panda cooperation and research project, opening a new chapter in Sino-French giant panda cooperation. The agreement was later extended to 2027.2012年,中国动物园协会与博瓦勒动物园开启为期10年的中法大熊猫繁育合作计划,揭开了中法大熊猫合作的新篇章。该计划后来被延长至2027年。#热词加油站semiconductor/ˈsemikəndʌktər/【半导体】accessory/əkˈsesəri/【配饰】commuter/kəˈmjuːtər/【通勤者】farewell/ˌferˈwel/【送别】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
7/26/20236 minutes, 12 seconds
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07/25 TOP NEWS | 李凯尔获中国国籍/植物园“暗访夜精灵”/境外代表团陆续入驻大运村

NEWS ON 07/241.FORMER NBA PLAYER KYLE ANDERSON BECOMES CHINESE CITIZEN中国篮协官宣:NBA球员李凯尔已获中国国籍2.A NIGHT AT THE SHANGHAI BOTANICAL GARDEN在植物园夜访虫虫是一种怎样的体验?3.MORE INTERNATIONAL DELEGATIONS ARRIVE AT CHENGDU UNIVERSIADE VILLAGE境外代表团陆续抵达全方位体验成都大运村生活----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1.FORMER NBA PLAYER KYLE ANDERSON BECOMES CHINESE CITIZEN中国篮协官宣:NBA球员李凯尔已获中国国籍American-born basketball player Kyle Anderson has acquired Chinese citizenship and is now eligible to play for China on the international stage. The Chinese Basketball Association confirmed the news this morning, after Anderson, known as "Li Kaier" in Chinese, landed in Shanghai to finalize the naturalization process. Li met Yao Ming, chairman of the Chinese Basketball Association, and announced on social media that he would join Team China for the FIBA World Cup this August. Born in New York, Li has played for the San Antonio Spurs, Memphis Grizzlies and Minnesota Timbervolves. In 2018, Li and his mother visited Shenzhen to learn more about his family roots.中国篮球协会今天(07/24)上午发文确认,于美国出生的篮球运动员凯尔·安德森已获得中国国籍,将身披中国队球衣出战世界大赛。“李凯尔”是凯尔·安德森的中文名字,此前他已抵达上海办理入籍相关手续。今天上午,李凯尔与中国篮球协会主席姚明会面,并在个人社交媒体发布视频,透露自己将代表中国男篮出战今年8月的世界杯。李凯尔出生于纽约,先后效力过圣安东尼奥马刺队、孟菲斯灰熊队和明尼苏达森林狼队。2018年,李凯尔和母亲来到深圳,开启寻亲祭祖之旅。2.A NIGHT AT THE SHANGHAI BOTANICAL GARDEN在植物园夜访虫虫是一种怎样的体验?Night tours at museums, zoos and parks have become quite popular since the summer vacation started. One of the most difficult night tours to book a spot-for is at the Shanghai Botanical Garden. Reporter Zhang Hong joined one-of the tours to see what makes their night tours so popular.自暑假以来,夜游博物馆、动物园和公园变得相当受欢迎。其中,上海植物园是最难预约的夜游目的地之一。记者张宏来到上海植物园,带领大家感受夜游的独特魅力。Zhang Hong, Reporter张宏 记者As the sun goes down, the bugs come out at Shanghai Botanical Garden, as many insects that call the garden home, work the night shift. I'm a little bit nervous because, when I think about insects on summer nights, annoying flies and biting mosquitoes are what come to mind.But hopefully, I'll get to see some nicer insects, or maybe even some small animals tonight.太阳落山后,许多生活在植物园里的昆虫就出来上夜班了。我有点紧张,因为一提到夏夜的昆虫,脑海中浮现的便是烦人的苍蝇和叮人的蚊子。希望今晚能看到一些漂亮的昆虫和小动物。Bi Yuke, Senior EngineerShanghai Botanical Garden毕玉科 上海植物园高级工程师“我们来一起探究一下蜘蛛网。小朋友知道蜘蛛网是干什么用的吗?捕猎。蜘蛛要织网的时候,会先找到几个支撑点吐出结构线。再纵向吐一些经线,然后再密密麻麻地吐上这一圈一圈的纬线。我们看它的结构线上,我的手被黏住了吗?显然没有。我们来到他的经线上,手被黏住了吗?也没有。我们看一下它的纬线,手被黏住了,可见只有纬线上面有粘液。”“Let's explore a spider web. Do you know what the web used for? Hunting. When a spider starts spinning a web, it will first find a few support points, and produce some silk as the scaffold. It then spins the radial spokes and later the intricate【错综复杂的】spirals. Take a look at its scaffold. Is my finger stuck? Obviously not. Now the spokes. Is my finger stuck? No. Let's take a look at the spiral filaments【细丝】. My finger is stuck, so you see it's only the spiral filaments that are sticky.”“小朋友发现了一个像小手掌差不多大小的蜘蛛,非常恐怖,它的名字叫做白额高脚蛛,它素有蟑螂杀手的美称。如果你们家里发现了白额高脚蛛,不要轻易用手去拍它,蜘蛛还是有一定低毒性的。但也不用害怕,它轻易不会去攻击我们人类,反而会消灭小蟑螂。”“One of the kids found a spider almost the size of his palm. It's very scary. It is called pantropical huntsman spider, also known as the cockroach killer. If you find such a spider in your house, don't smash it with your hand. The spider is of low toxicity. There is no need to be afraid, it will not attack for no reason. It's preferred prey is small cockroaches.”Unlike observing animals in a zoo, where each species is in some type of enclosure and you know where they are. In a botanical garden, you can't really predict which insects you'll encounter, and where it will happen. This makes the tour more unpredictable but also a bit more thrilling.在动物园里,动物都被关在围栏里,游客可以知道它们的位置。而在植物园里,游客不知道将会遇到哪些昆虫,也不知道将在哪里遇到。这使得参观过程更神秘,但也更惊险刺激。“飞的是什么?蝴蝶还是蛾子?在夜晚出来活动的是蛾子,蝴蝶是睡觉的。这个蛾子,在休憩的时候翅膀是怎么样的?是展开的。白天观察一下蝴蝶停在哪个地方,它的翅膀是什么样的?一般是立起来的。”“What is that flying creature? Is it a butterfly or a moth? Moths are nocturnal while butterflies sleep at night. What's are their wings doing when they rest? They are spread out. If you take a look at a butterfly during daytime when it's resting somewhere. Their wings are usually pointing up.”“为什么蛾子总是在树洞里面飞来飞去?我们这棵树非常可怜,它因为遭受了病虫害,流出了很多汁液。这些汁液对于昆虫来说,就是它的食物。”“Why is the moth flying around the tree hole? This tree suffers from pests and its tree sap is dripping, which is food for insects.”“双叉犀金龟,你猜猜它是男孩子还是女孩子?雄性独角仙有用于攻击和防卫的大大的角,而雌性独角仙就没有这样的结构了。”“This is allormyrina dichotoma (Japanese Rhinoceros Beetle). Guess. Is it a male or female? The male beetles have a large horn for attack and defense, while the females do not.”6th Grade Student六年级学生“锹甲、犀金龟,比较喜欢这种。甲虫类的比较酷、比较帅一点,打斗也很好玩。你带的那个管子能给我们看看吗?我放了几个蝉蜕。”“I love insects like stag beetles and rhinoceros beetles【甲虫】. The beetles are cool and it's interesting to watch them fight. Can I see the tube you brought? I collected some cicada slough.”Parent家长“我们18年的时候开始关注这个,一直抢,没抢到。今年是第一次抢到。家里专门有一个房间,养了各种锹甲,各种各样的虫子。”“We've been following this program since 2018 but we couldn't get a spot. This is the first time we managed to get  a spot. There's a room in our apartment for my son to raise bugs like stag beetles.”Wu Hong, Deputy ChiefShanghai Botanical Garden吴鸿 上海植物园副园长“This project, we have been operating for 15 years. Shanghai Botanical Garden is the first garden to do this thing in China. We will teach them the scientific way to do observation, just like a real research.”“这个项目已经开展了15年。上海植物园是中国首个开展这一项目的植物园。我们会教孩子们科学的观察方法,就像真正的研究一样。”Although the tour is designed mainly for children agedbetween6and 12, I'm also having fun, and learned a lot. I hope they'll put togethera program for adults soon. 虽然夜游项目主要是为6到12岁的孩子设计的,但我也玩得很开心,学到了很多东西。希望能尽快推出一些适合成人的夜游项目。3.MORE INTERNATIONAL DELEGATIONS ARRIVE AT CHENGDU UNIVERSIADE VILLAGE境外代表团陆续抵达全方位体验成都大运村生活64 overseas delegations arrived today. As of 10 o'clock this morning, delegations【代表团】from 30 countries and regions had entered the athletes' village. After being postponed for two years, athletes from all over the world will compete in Chengdu.  64批境外代表团今天(07/24)抵达大运村。截至上午10时,已经有30个国家和地区的代表团入住。经历了两年的延期后,来自世界各地的运动员终将在今年于成都一决高下。RekaHungarian Women's Basketball PlayerReka匈牙利女子篮球运动员“I hope for the best. I hope we can achieve something good and then just enjoying Chengdu.”“我希望一切顺利,能够取得好成绩,然后好好享受成都。”AndrewArcher with South AfricaAndrew 南非弓箭手“I like the venue a lot. I've been to quite a few international tournaments and this is right up there with the best that I've seen ever. It's very impressive.”“非常喜欢成都的比赛场地。我参加过很多国际比赛,这是我见过的最好的比赛之一,令人印象深刻。”Joshua Feinstein, MemberGerman Delegation约书亚·费恩斯坦德国代表团成员“It was really a new experience for me. It's my first time in China and I have a very good impression of the country. Everyone is so warmhearted. There are also some very interesting high-tech products. Chengdu is also home to giant pandas. We really want to see the pandas and enjoy our time here.”“对我来说真的是全新的体验。我第一次来到中国,印象特别好,大家都很热情,还有特别有意思的高科技产品。都说成都是大熊猫的家,我们也一定要看看大熊猫,享受在这里的时光。”Iran will send 88 athletes to compete in 11 events, including archery, judo and volleyball. The athletes also expressed their expectations about the trip.伊朗将派出88名运动员参加射箭、柔道和排球等11个项目的比赛。运动员们也表达了他们对此次旅行的期待。Arshia BehnezhadIranian Volleyball PlayerArshia Behnezhad 伊朗排球运动员“We've heard a lot of praise about China. We will enjoy the matches, and hopefully, we can win them to get a medal for Iran again.”“我们听到了很多关于中国的赞誉。我们会享受比赛,希望能赢得比赛,再次为伊朗赢得奖牌。”The Chinese judo, water polo, swimming and martial arts teams have already moved into the athletes village. Some said they are satisfied with their accommodation in Chengdu.中国柔道队、水球队、游泳队和武术队也已入住大运村,并对这里的的住宿条件表示满意。Wang BeiyiChinese Men's Water Polo Player王贝易 成都第31届世界大学生夏季运动会中国男子水球队队员“外面已经看到我们中国队的国旗了,内心有种自豪感。”“I have seen the Chinese flag here. I feel so proud.”Gong Maofu, LeaderChinese Judo Team龚茂富 成都第31届世界大学生夏季运动会中国柔道队领队“在大运村里,我们得到很多小惊喜,我们的队员都十分开心。”“We get little surprises here in the village. All our team members are very delighted.”More than 280,000 tickets for basketball, table tennis and water polo matches went on sale yesterday.篮球、乒乓球、水球等项目的28万多张门票于昨日(07/23)开启销售。#热词加油站intricate/ˈɪntrɪkət/【错综复杂的】filament/ˈfɪləmənt/【细丝】beetle/ˈbiːtl/【甲虫】delegation/ˌdelɪˈɡeɪʃn/【代表团】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
7/25/20237 minutes, 4 seconds
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07/24 TOP NEWS | 神十六乘组首次出舱/外资加速入局中国公募市场/新措施促汽车消费

NEWS ON 07/211.SHENZHOU-16 ASTRONAUTS COMPLETE SPACEWALK神舟十六号航天员乘组圆满完成出舱活动全部既定任务2.FOREIGN FIRMS ENTERING THE PUBLIC MUTUAL FUNDS MARKET HERE外资加速入局中国公募市场3.NDRC ISSUES NEW MEASURES TO FURTHER BOOST AUTO CONSUMPTION国家发展改革委出台措施促进汽车消费----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1.SHENZHOU-16 ASTRONAUTS COMPLETE SPACEWALK神舟十六号航天员乘组圆满完成出舱活动全部既定任务The China Manned Space Agency said that the Shenzhou-16 astronauts last night completed the first spacewalk of their current mission. Astronauts Jing Haipeng and Zhu Yangzhu accomplished all set tasks. Zhang Yue has more.中国载人航天工程办公室表示,神舟十六号航天员昨晚(07/20)完成了本次任务的首次太空行走。航天员景海鹏和朱杨柱完成了所有既定任务。记者张乐带来更多报道。Jing completed his first ever spacewalk while on his fourth trip in space. Zhu became the China Manned Space Program's first flight engineer to take part in extravehicular【舱外的】 activities.景海鹏在第四次太空之旅中完成了首次太空行走。朱杨柱成为中国载人航天工程首位出舱活动的航天飞行工程师。Jing opened the hatch of the airlock cabin at 1:45 pm after receiving the order from the Beijing Aerospace Flight Control Center. Jing and Zhu returned safely to the Wentian lab module at 9:40 pm. They completed several tasks, including installing and lifting the support frame for a panoramic camera outside the space station's core module, and unlocking and lifting two panoramic cameras outside the Mengtian lab module.在接到北京航天飞行控制中心的指令后,景海鹏于下午1点45分打开了气闸舱的舱门。晚上9点40分,景海鹏和朱杨柱安全返回问天实验舱。航天员出舱活动期间,完成了核心舱全景相机B在轨支架安装及抬升、梦天舱全景相机A和B解锁及抬升等多项任务。Gui Haichao, the country's first civilian astronaut, remained aboard the space station to monitor their progress.作为中国首位民用宇航员,桂海潮留在空间站监督舱外工作进展。Wang YanleiChina Astronaut Research & Training Center王焰磊 中国航天员科研训练中心航天员选拔训练室主任“他们的操作能力很强,所有任务都是一次完成,操作很精准、很到位。其次就是整个节奏把控也比较好,所有的操作都有确认。”“They are very capable astronauts. All of our tasks were completed in one go, which means they worked quickly and precisely. They also had good control over the overall rhythm, and all operations have been confirmed.”The Shenzhou-16 crew are expected to finish a number of experiments and complete multiple spacewalks while on their 6-month mission.在为期6个月的任务中,神舟十六号航天员乘组预计将完成多项实验和多次太空行走。2.FOREIGN FIRMS ENTERING THE PUBLIC MUTUAL FUNDS MARKET HERE外资加速入局中国公募市场As Asia's largest public fund market worth almost 28-trillion-yuan, China has proved a magnet【有吸引力的人、地方或事物】 for foreign financial institutions. As of the end of May, more than 10,000 mutual funds have been released in the mainland. Our reporter Zhang Shixuan talked to 2 of the foreign firms and finds out more about the attractions here.中国是亚洲最大的公募基金市场,规模近28万亿元人民币,对外资金融机构具有巨大的吸引力。截至5月底,中国大陆公募基金数量达到1万多只。记者张诗旋采访了其中两家外资金融机构,深度挖掘中国市场对外资金融机构的吸引力。Foreign financial institutions have long had a presence in the Chinese mainland's financial world, but the market in public mutual funds is a new one for the overseas firms.  Having been in the mainland market for almost 30 years, UK-headquartered Schroders is the latest to have established a wholly foreign-owned public fund management company here.  外资金融机构长期以来一直在中国大陆金融界占有一席之地,但公募基金市场对海外公司来说却是一个新市场。总部位于英国的施罗德公司进入中国内地市场已有近30年,是最新在内地成立外商独资公募基金管理公司的企业之一。Elaine Zhang, General Manager Schroder Fund Management (China) Company Limited张兰施罗德基金管理(中国)有限公司总经理“We have observed many opportunities for excess returns in the Chinese stock market, namely the alpha investments that the asset management industry refers to. From a global asset management perspective, China has become a highly attractive market, considering its high overall savings rate and the low pension savings rate per capita together with the demographic【人口】 trends as well as pension and wealth management demands.”“我们在中国股市中发现了许多获得超额回报的机会,也就是资产管理行业所说的阿尔法投资。从全球资产管理的角度来看,考虑到中国较高的总体储蓄率和较低的人均养老金储蓄率,以及人口趋势、养老金和财富管理需求,中国已成为一个极具吸引力的市场。”Zhang ShixuanReporter张诗旋 记者China scrapped foreign ownership caps in its mutual fund industry in 2020, and since then, has been speeding up its approval.The regulators have now welcomed 4 foreign asset managers to open new fully-owned retail fund businesses. With theirnewmutual fund licenses, some havealreadymade successful launches of their public products.中国在2020年取消了公募基金行业的外资持股比例限制,此后,中国一直在加快审批。中国监管机构已迎接4家外国资产管理公司在中国开设全新的全资零售基金业务。凭借共同基金牌照,部分公司已成功发行其公募共同基金产品。US asset manager Neuberger Berman last November celebrated the opening of its retail fund business in China.  So far it has already released 2 public mutual fund products.去年11月,美国资产管理公司路博迈基金庆祝其在中国开设零售基金业务。截至目前,该公司已发行两款公募共同基金产品。William Hui, Deputy CEO Neuberger Berman Fund Management (China)副首席执行官 纽伯格·伯曼基金管理公司(中国)“The successful launches not only allow us to start building our track records with a decent size, but also it's our first entry to the main distributors within China. For example, our first fund had more than 20,000 investors, which the number is quite surprising to our shareholders. They really have public mutual funds having that many investors in the first year. But versus the population size and wealth size of China is still very tiny. So that's why we do think this market has great potential, even larger potential than the US market from our perspective.”“基金的成功发行不仅让我们开始建立规模可观的跟踪记录,同时这也是我们首次进入中国的主要分销商市场。例如,我们的第一只基金有超2万名投资者,这个数字让我们的股东感到非常惊讶——真的有公募共同基金在第一年就有这么多投资者。但与中国的人口和财富规模相比,这个数字仍然很小。因此,我们认为这个市场潜力巨大,甚至比美国市场的潜力还要大。”Neuberger Berman was the second foreign asset manager after BlackRock to run a wholly-owned public fund company on the Chinese mainland. Data from the Asset Management Association of China show that assets under the management of China's publicly offered funds totaled almost 28 trillion yuan at the end of May, and that 47 of the companies in the market are partially or wholly owned by foreign firms, accounting for almost one-third of the total.路博迈是继贝莱德之后,第二家在中国大陆运营全资公募基金公司的外国资产管理公司。中国资产管理协会的数据显示,截至5月底,中国公募基金管理的资产总额近28万亿人民币,市场上有47家基金管理公司由外资企业部分或全部控股,占中国境内基金管理公司总数的近三分之一。3.NDRC ISSUES NEW MEASURES TO FURTHER BOOST AUTO CONSUMPTION国家发展改革委出台措施促进汽车消费China is issuing new measures to increase automobile sales, according to plans released by the National Development and Reform Commission today.根据国家发展和改革委员会今天(07/21)发布的计划,中国将出台新的措施来增加汽车销量。The commission introduced the measures today at a news conference, saying that cities with automobile purchase restrictions are being asked to relax them, while the scrapping of vehicles not up to current emission standards will be accelerated. The measures will also ensure steps are taken to get obsolete【淘汰】 autos off the road, and facilitate the trade-in and registration of used vehicles. The NDRC official said that more effort will be put into lowering the cost of buying and using NEVs, such as adjusting NEV charging prices.And according to official data, in the first half of this year, China's retail car sales reached 224 billion yuan, up 6.8 percent year-on-year. Nearly 3.75 million units of NEVs were delivered during the period, up 44 percent year-on-year.发改委在今天(07/21)的新闻发布会上表示,将鼓励限购城市适当放宽限购政策,同时加快淘汰不符合现行排放标准的汽车,促进二手车的以旧换新和登记工作。此外,将加大力度降低购买和使用新能源汽车的成本,如调整新能源汽车充电价格。官方数据显示,今年上半年,中国汽车零售额达到2240亿元,同比增长6.8%。在此期间,新能源汽车的交付量接近375万辆,同比增长44%。#热词加油站extravehicular/ˌekstrəviˈhɪkjələr/【舱外的】magnet/ˈmæɡnət/【有吸引力的人、地方或事物】demographic/ˌdeməˈɡræfɪk/【人口】obsolete/ˌɑːbsəˈliːt/【淘汰】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
7/24/20235 minutes, 24 seconds
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07/21 TOP NEWS | 习近平会见基辛格/汽车工业:聚焦中小供应商/参观上海精神卫生中心

NEWS ON 07/201. XI MEETS KISSINER, SAYS CHINA READY TOIMPROVE TIES WITH U.S.习近平会见基辛格:中美完全可以相互成就、共同繁荣2. KEY SMALL COMPANIES SUPPORT RAPID DEVELOPMENT OF CHINA AUTO INDUSTRY骨干小企业支撑中国汽车工业快速发展3. SHANGHAI MENTAL HEALTH CENTER OFFERS TOURS上海精神卫生中心开放参观服务----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1.XI MEETS KISSINER, SAYS CHINA READY TOIMPROVE TIES WITH U.S.习近平会见基辛格:中美完全可以相互成就、共同繁荣President Xi Jinping today met former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger at the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse in Beijing. Song Wenjing has more.7月20日,国家主席习近平在北京钓鱼台国宾馆会见美国前国务卿基辛格。记者宋雯静带来详细报道。Xi said 52 years ago, at a crucial turning point in China-U.S. relations, Chairman Mao Zedong, Premier Zhou Enlai, President Richard Nixon and Kissinger made the right choice to seek cooperation between China and the United States, beginning the process to normalize bilateral relations. This not only benefited the two countries, but also changed the world. Xi said that China will never forget old friends, nor Kissinger’s historic contribution to promoting the development of China-U.S. relations and enhancing friendship between the Chinese and American people.习近平指出,52年前,中美两国处在一个关键转折点,毛泽东主席、周恩来总理同尼克松总统和基辛格国务卿以卓越的战略眼光,作出中美合作的正确抉择,开启了中美关系正常化进程,既造福了两国,也改变了世界。习近平称,我们不会忘记老朋友,不会忘记基辛格先生为推动中美关系发展、增进中美两国人民友谊作出的历史性贡献。Xi stressed the world is undergoing【经历】 great shifts unseen in a century, adding that China and the United States are once again standing at the crossroads and need to make a choice. He said looking to the future, China and the United States have every reason to complement each other’s success and achieve common prosperity, and the key is to follow the principles of mutual respect, peaceful coexistence and win-win cooperation. Xi added that on this basis, China is ready to discuss with the United States the correct way for the two countries to get along and promote the steady development of bilateral ties. Xi expressed the hope that Kissinger and other people of vision in the United States would continue to play a constructive role in bringing China-U.S. relations back on the right track.习近平强调,当前世界正在经历百年未有之大变局,中美两国又一次处于何去何从的十字路口,需要双方再一次作出选择。展望未来,中美完全可以相互成就、共同繁荣,关键是遵循相互尊重、和平共处、合作共赢三项原则。在此基础上,中方愿同美方探讨两国正确相处之道,推动中美关系稳步向前。希望基辛格先生和美国有识之士继续为推动中美关系重回正确轨道发挥建设性作用。Kissinger said the relationship between the two countries is crucial to world peace and the progress of society. In the current situation, it is important to abide by the principles set out in the Shanghai Communiqué and understand the utmost importance of the one-China principle. He said efforts should be made to advance US-China relations in a positive direction.基辛格表示,美中关系对于美中两国和世界的和平繁荣至关重要。当前形势下,应该遵守“上海公报”确定的原则,要理解一个中国原则对于中国的极端重要性,他表示要努力推动美中关系朝着积极方向发展。2.KEY SMALL COMPANIES SUPPORT RAPID DEVELOPMENT OF CHINA AUTO INDUSTRY骨干小企业支撑中国汽车工业快速发展In the first quarter of the year, China for the first time became the world’s largest automobile exporter. While the car makers themselves usually get all the credit for this, a large number of small- and medium-sized suppliers are crucial elements for the industry as well. Our reporter Zhang Shixuan visited two of them in Shanghai and found out about the key role they are playing.今年第一季度,中国首次成为世界最大汽车出口国。虽然汽车制造商本身功不可没,但大量中小型供应商也是该行业的中流砥柱。本报记者张诗旋在上海走访了其中两家供应商,了解了它们对汽车工业的重要性。The shift from gasoline and all human-controlled automobiles to electric and intelligent vehicles is making cars into computers on wheels - a trend forcing the auto industry to embrace new software and adopt new systems to test it. Liu Chunxiao’s company has been offering automated testing and verification solutions for R&D software in vehicle control for 6 years. With some 30 employees in Shanghai, the company’s revenue has been growing 30% every year.从汽油车、人控向电动车、智能的转变,汽车俨然成了“车轮上的计算机”——这一趋势使汽车行业必须拥抱新兴软件,采用新系统对其进行测试。刘春晓的公司为车辆控制研发软件提供自动化测试和验证解决方案已有6年时间。公司在上海拥有约30名员工,收益额以每年30%的幅度稳步增长。Liu Chunxiao, General Manager of BTC Software Technology (Shanghai)刘春晓 贝腾软件科技(上海)有限公司总经理“The scale of automobile software has been rising rapidly, which has brought an explosive increase in our testing cases. It would be impossible for a person to handle it all just by themselves, so we plan to introduce AI tools like ChatGPT into the engineering outline of our entire demands, to allow computers to understand demands expressed in natural language, and then generate test cases. This will help better test various domain controllers and autonomous driving software.”“现在整个汽车软件的市场规模正在快速扩张,我们的测试用例也呈现出爆炸式的增长。然而这些测试用例完全通过人工去编制的话,几乎是不可能的。我们也打算把像ChatGPT这种AI的手段融入到我们的整个需求的工程理解中,让计算机理解我们自然语言的需求,从而基于自然语言需求自动生成测试用例,可以更好的测试诸如各种域控制器,自动驾驶相关的软件。”BTC is just one of the companies located in the Shanghai Intelligent Automobile Software Park, which opened last September in Jiading District - an area that gathers a large number of auto makers, and auto parts suppliers. Thanks to the density of auto companies on the ground here, BTC has already picked up some big clients like SAIC Volkswagen. Other firms in the area are working on chip for future technologies. This company in Shanghai’s Pudong New Area has been working on microprocessors for auto makers for one and a half years, aiming to reduce their cost by 50 or 60 percent.上海智能汽车软件园于去年9月在嘉定区开园,聚集了众多汽车制造商和汽车零部件供应商,贝腾软件科技公司只是其中之一。得益于这里密集的汽车企业,贝腾软件科技公司已经赢得了一些大客户,如上汽大众。 该地区的其他公司正致力于研发芯片为未来技术服务。 这家位于上海浦东新区的公司为汽车制造商研发微处理器已有一年半时间,目标是将成本降低50%或60%。Zhang Hongyu, Founder & CEO of Chiplet张宏宇,芯砺智能创始人兼首席执行官“Basically, the idea of chiplets is to divide a large silicon into multiple smaller chiplets. The larger silicon has lots of problem in controlling the cost, because when the areas increase, the yield rate drops a lot. For example, when the silicon area is close to 800-millimeter square, the yield rate is below or around 20%. That’s why the silicon is so expensive. If we reduce the area down to maybe like 200-millimeter square unit, then the yield weight will increase to 50 or 60%.”“从根本上说,芯片组的概念就是把一个大硅片分成多个小芯片。大硅片在控制成本方面存在很多问题,因为当面积增大时,良品率就会大大降低。例如,当硅片面积接近800毫米见方时,良品率就会低于或接近20%。这就是硅如此昂贵的原因。如果我们把面积缩小到200毫米见方的单位,那么良品率就会提高到50%或60%。”Zhang says the company plans to begin commercializing its technology shortly, and is now meeting with potential clients. According to a government guideline on the development of SMEs during the 14th Five-Year Plan, China aims to have 1 million innovative small and medium-sized enterprises by 2025.张宏宇说,公司计划在短期内将其技术商业化,目前正在与潜在客户会面。根据政府“十四五 ”期间中小企业发展的指导方针,中国的目标是到2025年拥有100万家创新型中小企业。3.SHANGHAI MENTAL HEALTH CENTER OFFERS TOURS上海精神卫生中心开放参观服务Parents and children are now able to walk into Shanghai Mental Health Center to learn more about psychology and mental health from doctors, as tours are available at a cognitive center at the hospital’s Minhang Branch. Zhang Yue talked to some students and their parents and finds out what they learned.上海市精神卫生中心闵行分院的认知中心开放了参观服务,现在家长和孩子们可以走进该中心,向医生了解更多有关心理学和心理健康的知识。记者张乐采访了一些学生及其家长,并听他们分享所学。Students were surprised to find this black mouse struggled to escape from the water tank, even though it can swim. However, the third time the mouse was put into the water, it swam calmly and found a way to escape. The test studies the learning process and memory ability of animals.学生们惊奇地发现,即便黑老鼠会游泳,但被放在水箱里还是会挣扎着逃脱。然而,第三次将这只老鼠放入水中时,它却平静地游了起来,并找到了逃生的方法。这项测试研究了动物的学习过程和记忆能力。Shen Yanru, Student学生“老鼠游泳的话,其实它和人们的好猎奇心理是很相同的,它们就是在抵达安全的时候又会忍不住去好奇外面的世界是怎么样的。”I find this experiment so similar to the curiosity of human beings. I can see the little mouse is trying to find another way to escape even though it is safe already.By wearing these VR goggles, students are able to enter a virtual world with obstacles around them.戴上VR眼镜,学生们就能进入一个周围有障碍物的虚拟世界。VolunteerShanghai Mental Health Center志愿者“People are able to get close to balls in different colors. This has been used widely in study and research, and it is also helping patients overcome phobias【恐惧】, including acrophobia【恐高症】.”“VR体验的一个屋子,小朋友可以体验就是去靠近一些黑色球,然后他们可以看见不一样的颜色,这个就是可以用于很多科研和实验,比如说包括像恐惧症啊恐高啊之类的。Students also understand why teachers keep asking them to review their homework regularly, as the Ebbinghaus curve of forgetting states that 74% of memory will be forgotten in one day. Students learned that anxiety is a complex emotion consisting of fear, pain, anger, and guilt. For most teenagers, a certain incident triggers anxiety.学生们还明白了为什么老师一直要求他们定期复习功课,因为根据艾宾浩斯遗忘曲线,74%的记忆会在一天内消失。学生们了解到,焦虑是一种复杂的情绪,由恐惧、痛苦、愤怒和内疚组成。对于大多数青少年来说,焦虑通常是由某件小事引起的。Zhang Shengying, Parent张胜英家长“现在因为小孩面临了小升初,所以也面临了一个青春期的一个阶段,所以作为家长,其实我以前是属于比较有控制的这样的母亲,那么我现在也是想来通过这样的活动学习一下,如何可以把孩子的天性就是让他自己说了算,我的人生我做主。”“My kid is going to middle school next semester, which is an emotionally sensitive period for most students. I have a strong desire for control, but now I realized it is vital for us to listen to children about what they want to do.”Yu Qimin, Parent于启敏家长“我们想让小朋友也了解一下,其实有些有些事情的话并不是说所有的压力都是不能释放的,可以通过各种途径去释放。”“I want to tell my daughter that pressure can be relieved efficiently in different ways.”Zhang Yue, Reporter张乐记者Mental health hospitals used to make people nervous or even scared when talking about them. Let alone walking into one on a tour. However, things have changed, as more people are now willing to know more about psychology and mental health. The Shanghai Mental Health Center said that this cognitive center aims to make brain science and related topics part of regular discourse【谈话】 among people.过去,一提起精神病院,人们就会感到紧张甚至恐惧。更不用说走进医院参观了。然而,现在不一样了,越来越多的人愿意了解更多的心理学和心理健康知识。上海市精神卫生中心表示,该认知中心旨在让脑科学及相关话题成为一个普遍话题。Jiang Ping, Researcher of Shanghai Mental Health Center蒋平上海精神卫生中心“希望让他们看到脑科学并不深奥,并不神秘,它同我们的生活息息相关,它会有很多好看、好玩、有趣、新奇的切入点,可以让各个年龄段的小朋友以此亲近脑科学对脑科学感兴趣,那么日后有可能走进脑科学。”“We hope people learn that brain science is not mysterious, but very close to our daily life. It can be studied through some interesting experiments. Maybe they will become a brain scientist one day.”The Shanghai Mental Health Center said its summer study program is fully booked. But those interested in getting a tour are welcome to contact the center for more information.上海精神卫生中心表示,暑期学习项目已全部被预订。但仍欢迎有兴趣的人士联系中心,了解更多信息。#热词加油站undergo/ˌʌndəˈɡəʊ/【经历】phobia/ˈfəʊbiə/【恐惧】acrophobia/ˌækrəˈfəʊbɪə/【恐高症】discourse/ˈdɪskɔːs/【谈话】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
7/21/20238 minutes, 5 seconds
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07/20 TOP NEWS | 上半年1.68亿人次出入境/工业生产稳步恢复/中国游客巴士在越南侧翻

NEWS ON 07/191.BORDER ENTRIES, EXITS REACH 168 MILLION IN HI国家移民管理局:2023年上半年1.68亿人次出入境2. CHINA’S VALUE-ADDED INDUSTRIAL OUTPUT UP 3.8% Y-O-Y IN H1工信部:上半年全国规模以上工业增加值同比增长3.8%3.4 CHINESE NATIONALS KILLED IN VIETNAM TOUR BUS ACCIDENT越南旅游巴士侧翻,4名中国游客不幸丧生----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1. BORDER ENTRIES, EXITS REACH 168 MILLION IN HI国家移民管理局:2023年上半年1.68亿人次出入境The National Immigration Administration said today that immigration agents across China inspected 168 million border entries-and-exits in the first half of this year, up nearly 170 percent year-on-year, and about 50% compared to the same period in 2019. The administration has resumed【恢复】 pre-pandemic policies for border entry-and-exit control, and restored passenger transport services at 61 land border ports in a bid to facilitate business and trade, while helping to stabilize supply chains. In the first six months, 16,000 cases involving obstruction【妨碍】 of border agents were handled by the authorities. The cases led to 32,000 individuals being arrested.7月19日,国家移民管理局通报,今年上半年,全国移民管理机构共查验出入境人员1.68亿人次,同比增长近170%,是2019年同期的五成左右。管理局已恢复疫情前的出入境边检政策,有序恢复了61个陆地边境口岸客运服务,以促进商贸活动,稳定供应链。今年上半年,相关部门共侦办妨害国(边)境管理犯罪案件1.6万起、抓获违法犯罪嫌疑人3.2万人。2. CHINA’S VALUE-ADDED INDUSTRIAL OUTPUT UP 3.8% Y-O-Y IN H1工信部:上半年全国规模以上工业增加值同比增长3.8%The recovery of China’s industrial sector continues to progress following a series of favorable government policies encouraging increased production. New figures were cited today at a news conference by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. Lei Shuran has the details.在政府出台一系列鼓励增产的利好政策后,中国工业部门保持恢复发展势头。7月19日,工业和信息化部在新闻发布会上公布了最新数据。记者雷舒然带来详细报道。Officials reminded a news conference today that value-added industrial output grew 3.8 percent year-on-year in the first six months, citing data from the National Bureau of Statistics. The figure is a gauge【标准】 of activity in manufacturing, mining, and utilities, and in June alone, it rose 4.4 percent compared to the same period last year. Officials then responded to a variety of questions on additional issues, including new energy vehicles and their power systems, which have become a highlight of China’s industrial development during the past two years.在今天(07/19)的新闻发布会上,工信部发言人援引国家统计局的数据介绍道,上半年全国规模以上工业增加值同比增长3.8%。该数据是衡量制造业、采矿业和公用事业活动的指标,仅6月份就比去年同期增长了4.4%。发言人随后回答了其他社会关切的热点问题,其中包括新能源汽车及其动力系统,这在过去两年里已成为中国工业发展的亮点。Tao Qing, MIIT Spokesperson陶青工信部新闻发言人运行监测协调局局长“实施电力装备绿色低碳创新发展行动,积极培育氢能、新型储能等新兴产业。研究制定新能源汽车动力蓄电池回收利用管理办法,不断完善回收利用体系。”“We are taking actions in low-carbon innovation and development for electric power equipment, and actively cultivating new industries such as hydrogen energy and new energy storage. We are also studying and formulating measures for the recycling of NEV batteries, so as to continuously improve the recycling system.”In the first half of the year, the MIIT said it had instructed 188 app creators to remove violations from their software, and intercepted and blocked more than 9 billion spam messages, 1.42 billion fraudulent phone calls, and 1.51 billion fraudulent text messages.发言人还表示,今年上半年工信部已指导188家应用程序开发者清除软件中的违规内容,拦截和屏蔽了垃圾信息超过90亿次,拦截涉诈电话14.2亿次和涉诈短信15.1亿条。Zhao Zhiguo, MIIT Spokesperson赵志国工信部新闻发言人总工程师“下一步,工信部将细化标准规范,抓住应用商店、智能终端等关键环节,加强移动互联网应用全生命周期管理,技管结合,重点整治用户反映突出的欺骗误导下载、强制自动续费等痛点问题。推广"骚扰电话拒接"服务,强化电信网络诈骗一体化技防手段。”“As a next step, the MIIT will refine standards and focus on key issues such as app stores and smart terminals, strengthen management of the whole life cycle of online applications using a combination of technology and management, and focus on resolution of pain points such as deceptive and misleading downloads, mandatory automatic renewals and other issues that are frequently complained about by users. We will promote a ‘nuisance phone call rejection’ service and strengthen the integrated technical means of defense against telecommunication network fraud【欺诈】.”The officials also said that China will further accelerate the high-quality development of computing power, in order to promote the country’s digital economy and the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries.工信部还表示,中国将进一步加快推动算力高质量发展,以推动国家的数字经济和传统产业的转型升级。3.4 CHINESE NATIONALS KILLED IN VIETNAM TOUR BUS ACCIDENT越南旅游巴士侧翻,4名中国游客不幸丧生The Chinese Consulate in Ho Chi Minh City confirmed that a coach carrying 21 Chinese tourists rolled over in Vietnam’s central Khanh-Hoa province yesterday. Four people died. Upon receiving word of the accident, the consulate immediately, coordinated with the foreign affairs and local public security departments to carry-out rescue activities, and contacted the nearest Chinese companies to assist in the rescue and treatment efforts at the scene of the accident. The injured people were transferred to hospitals. Local police said they are investigatingthe cause of the accident.中国驻胡志明市总领事馆在昨天(7/18)证实,一辆载有21名中国游客的旅游客车在越南中部庆和省发生侧翻事故,已造成4人死亡。总领馆方面接报后,立即启动应急机制,协调庆和省外事及公安等部门全力开展救援,并联系附近中资企业人员前往事发地及医院协助救援、救治,伤者已被立即送往当地医院进行治疗。当地警方表示正在对事故原因展开调查。#热词加油站resume/rɪˈzjuːm/【恢复】obstructio/əbˈstrʌkʃn/【妨碍】gauge/ɡeɪdʒ/【标准】fraud/frɔːd/【欺诈】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
7/20/20233 minutes, 56 seconds
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07/19 TOP NEWS | 习近平会见菲律宾前总统/中国花游队获首金/国产动画点燃“唐诗热”

NEWS ON 07/181.XI MEETS FORMER PHILIPPINE PRESIDENT习近平会见菲律宾前总统杜特尔特2.CHINA WINS TEAM ACROBATIC TITLEAT SWIMMING WORLDS福冈游泳世锦赛:中国花游队收获首金3.ANIMATED MOVIE BREATHES NEW LIFE INTO TANG DYNASTY POETS国产动画电影《长安三万里》点燃中国“唐诗热”----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1.XI MEETS FORMER PHILIPPINE PRESIDENT习近平会见菲律宾前总统杜特尔特President Xi Jinping met former Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte yesterday at Diaoyutai State Guesthouse in Beijing. Xi said that while being president of the Philippines, Duterte made a strategic choice of improving relations with China, with an attitude of being responsible to the people and history. China-Philippines relations were able to return to the right track and prosper, a demonstration of the important contributions Duterte made to friendly exchanges between the two countries. Noting that China and the Philippines are both developing countries in Asia, Xi said China always attaches importance to relations between the two and is willing to work with the Philippines to promote long-term development. Xi also expressed hope that Duterte will continue to play an important role in the friendly cooperation between the two countries.国家主席习近平昨天(07/17)在北京钓鱼台国宾馆会见菲律宾前总统杜特尔特。习近平指出,杜特尔特担任菲律宾总统期间,本着对人民负责、对历史负责的态度,毅然作出改善对华关系的战略选择,中菲关系得以重回正轨并蓬勃发展,为两国友好交往作出重要贡献。中菲同为亚洲发展中国家,中方始终重视中菲关系,愿同菲方一道,推动中菲关系行稳致远。希望杜特尔特继续为两国友好合作发挥重要作用。Senior diplomat【外交官】 Wang Yi also met with John Kerry in Beijing today. Wang said China stands ready to strengthen communication with the United States to jointly tackle climate change, urging the United States to adopt a China policy that is reasonable, prag'matic and positive. He also said the United States should continue to follow the one-China principle, deal with the Taiwan question properly and practice mutual respect, peaceful co-existence and win-win co-operation with China.中央外办主任王毅今天(07/18)在北京与美国总统气候问题特使约翰·克里举行会谈。王毅表示中方愿同美方加强对话沟通,共同应对气候变化。希望美方奉行理性、务实、积极的对华政策,继续坚持一个中国原则,妥善处理台湾问题,同中方共同践行相互尊重、和平共处、合作共赢的相处之道。Kerry said the Biden administration attaches importance to stabilizing ties with China, and hopes to work with it to further improve relations. He said the US always follows the one-China policy.克里表示,拜登政府重视稳定美中关系,希望同中方共同努力,推动两国关系进一步改善。美方始终坚持一个中国政策。2.CHINA WINS TEAM ACROBATIC TITLEAT SWIMMING WORLDS福冈游泳世锦赛:中国花游队收获首金China won the inaugural team acrobatic title in artistic swimming at the World Aquatics Championships last night in Fukuoka, Japan. Consisting of one man and seven women, China won with 238 points for the gold medal, followed by the United States and Japan.昨晚(07/18),在日本福冈举行的世界游泳锦标赛上,中国花游队收获首金。中国队由1男7女组成,最终以238分夺得金牌,美国队和日本队分获银牌、铜牌。The inclusion of a man one each team in the acrobatic competition has long been a topic of discussion. The Fukuoka World Championships has become a milestone and proved a success with men competing after the International Olympic Committee announced last year that Paris 2024 will mark the first time in history that men can compete in the team artistic swimming event. In the men's 10-meter synchronized diving, Yang Hao and Lian Junjie won gold for China, while Chen Yiwen and Chang Yani won the women's 3-meter synchronized diving. China swept all 13 gold medals in last year's Budapest worlds, and is on track to repeat that result this year.在花样游泳项目中,每支队伍派一名男子参赛一直是人们热议的话题。国际奥委会去年宣布,2024年巴黎奥运会,男子将首次被允许参加花游团体比赛。因此,本次男子的成功参赛使本届世锦赛具有了特殊的意义。在跳水男子双人10米台决赛中,中国组合杨昊和练俊杰为中国队夺得金牌,陈艺文和昌雅妮则在女子双人3米板决赛中夺冠。在去年的布达佩斯世锦赛上,中国队包揽了全部13枚金牌,今年有望再创佳绩。3.ANIMATED MOVIE BREATHES NEW LIFE INTO TANG DYNASTY POETS国产动画电影《长安三万里》点燃中国“唐诗热”A domestic animated movie called "Chang'an" has generated a surge of interest in Chinese poetry and discussions about the poets of the Tang Dynasty depicted【描绘】 in the movie. Lei Shuran has more.国产动画电影《长安》激发了人们对中国传统诗词的兴趣,以及对电影中描绘的唐朝诗人的讨论。记者雷舒然带来详细报道。A movie theater in downtown Shanghai was packed over the weekend. Many of the people there said they came for the animated film "Chang'an."周末(07/16),上海市中心的一家电影院座无虚席。许多观众表示他们是冲着动画电影《长安》来的。Audience观众“首先是因为动漫嘛,而且我比较喜欢蛮有诗意的电影,主要它的绘画和它表现的渲染力我很喜欢。”“I chose this movie because I'm an anime fan and like to watch movies with a poetic ambiance【氛围】. The artistic technique and the emotions conveyed in this movie are very appealing to me as well.”The film begins with the recollections of a Chinese poet named Gao Shi, featuring some of the most renowned poets and artists of the Tang Dynasty including Du Fu and Wang Wei. It showcases the busy streets of ancient Chang'an, the vibrant and prosperous city of Yangzhou, as well as the harsh and snowy borderlands of Northwestern China.影片以对著名诗人高适的回忆开始,同时介绍了包括杜甫和王维在内的著名唐代诗人和艺术家,并展现了古长安的繁华街道、扬州的热闹繁华以及中国西北边陲的严寒雪域。Audience观众“真的非常震撼,而且那个画面,大鹏一日同风起,我感觉那段画面是相当炸裂。”“It's amazing. When the scene showcases Li Bai's line from his poem, "If once together with the wind the roc could rise," I can feel that the scene is so impressive.”Some people said that watching the 168-minute movie is just like taking a Chinese lesson in school. For children, they are excited when some of the most iconic figures in their textbooks are brought to life in the movie. Many children recited the poetry along with the characters.有些观众表示,观看这部168分钟的电影就像在学校上了一堂语文课。对孩子们来说,当课本上的经典人物栩栩如生地出现在电影中时,他们非常激动。许多孩子跟随影片中的人物一起背诵诗歌。Kid小朋友“两岸猿声啼不住,轻舟已过万重山。通过观看影片,我更能理解诗人所营造的情感。”"From both sides of the gorge【峡谷】 come incessant howling of gibbons and monkeys, my skiff cleaves the white water, leaving behind thousands of mountain peaks." I can better understand the emotion created by the poet by watching the film.”Yu ZhouProducer of Chang'an于洲 电影《长安三万里》监制“大多数观众虽然从小背唐诗、知道这些诗人们的名字,但他们的故事并不了解。我们也想通过这部作品,能够让更多观众,特别是年轻人、小朋友,更加激发他们对于中国优秀传统文化的兴趣。”“For most of the audience, although the names of the poets are familiar because they've been reciting these poems since childhood, they don't know much about their stories. We hope that more audiences, especially children, will develop a deeper curiosity about Chinese traditional culture.”The movie exceeded 700 million yuan at the box office as of Monday.截至周一(07/17),该片票房已突破7亿元。#热词加油站diplomat/ˈdɪpləmæt/【外交官】depict/dɪˈpɪkt/【描绘】ambiance/ˈæmbiəns/【氛围】gorge/ɡɔːrdʒ/【峡谷】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
7/19/20234 minutes, 8 seconds
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07/18 TOP NEWS | 台风“泰利”来袭/中国女排首获世联赛亚军/中美气候特使在京会谈

NEWS ON 07/171.CHINA MAINTAINS ORANGE WARNINGIN THE SOUTH FOR TYPHOON TALIM台风“泰利”来袭:中央气象台持续发布台风橙色预警2.CHINA FINISHES SECOND IN FIVB WOMEN'S VOLLEYBALL NATIONS LEAGUE中国女排首次获世联赛亚军3.CHINESE AND AMERICAN CLIMATE ENVOYS HOLD TALKS IN BEIJING中美气候特使在北京举行会谈----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1.CHINA MAINTAINS ORANGE WARNINGIN THE SOUTH FOR TYPHOON TALIM台风“泰利”来袭:中央气象台持续发布台风橙色预警Typhoon Talim, the fourth of this year, is expected to make landfall in coastal areas between Guangdong and Hainan tonight, and will bring strong winds and heavy rain to coastal regions in southern China. Zhang Hong has the story.今年第4号台风“泰利”预计今晚(07/17)在广东到海南一带沿海登陆,并逐渐逼近我国东南沿海,带来强风暴雨。记者张泓带来详细报道。The National Meteorological Center is maintaining its orange warning, the second-highest level, for Typhoon Talim, while the China Meteorological Administration decided to to raise its emergency response for typhoons to Level III.针对台风“泰利”,中央气象台今早(07/17)继续发布台风橙色预警,同时发布暴雨黄色预警;中国气象局将台风应急响应提升至三级。At 4 p.m. today, Typhoon Talim was centered over the South China Sea about 150 kilometers southeast of Zhanjiang City in Guangdong Province. It is forecast to move west-northwest at about 20 to 25 kilometers per hour towards the Leizhou peninsula【半岛】 in southwest Guangdong. The storm will make landfall tonight.今天(07/17)下午4点,台风“泰利”的中心位于广东湛江东偏南方向约125公里的海面上。预计,“泰利”将以每小时15到20公里的速度向西偏北方向移动,并于今晚在广东西南部的雷州半岛一带沿海登陆。As the typhoon nears, all departments in Guangdong, Guangxi, and Hainan have taken an emergency response posture and made preparations to mitigate【减轻】 potential damages.随着台风的临近,广东、广西和海南等地各部门已进入应急响应状态,做好应对准备以减轻可能造成的损失。Shenzhen has also closed seaside parks, tourist destinations, and beaches, halted【停止】 all offshore and high-altitude operations, and transferred personnel working on offshore construction projects to safe areas.深圳也已关闭海滨公园、旅游景点和海滩,停止所有海上和高空作业,并将海上施工项目人员转移到安全区域。Huang ZiyingShenzhen Flood Control, Drought Relief HQ黄子英 深圳市防汛防旱防风指挥部办公室工作人员“三防办组织了全市4.1万三防责任人,按照临灾排险八个‘再查一遍’的要求,开展对重点防护对象、水库、河道这些进行排查检查。(全市)11个滨海景区和滨海浴场全部关闭,总计有1651艘渔船已经全部回港避风。”"We have arranged for 41,000 people to carry out inspections and checks on key reservoirs and rivers. The city's 11 coastal scenic spots, and swimming areas in Shenzhen have been closed. 1,651 fishing boats have returned to harbor to avoid the storm."Shanghai was mostly sunny during the day today, with a high of just over 33 degrees. The local weather office said similar conditions are expected for two more days, with a good chance of a return to showers later in the week.上海今天(07/17)白天大部分时间阳光明媚,最高气温略高于33度。当地气象局表示,预计类似天气还将持续两天,本周晚些时候很有可能再次出现阵雨。2.CHINA FINISHES SECOND IN FIVB WOMEN'S VOLLEYBALL NATIONS LEAGUE中国女排首次获世联赛亚军Team China finished second at FIVB Women's Volleyball Nations League competition after losing to Turkey 3-1 on Sunday. This was the best showing for the Chineseteamat this event. Tang Xiaofanhasus more.在周日(07/16)的2023世界女排联赛的冠亚争夺战中,中国队1比3不敌土耳其队,获得亚军。尽管未能夺冠稍显遗憾,但中国女排已经创造了征战这一赛事的历史最好成绩。记者唐晓帆带来更多报道。Turkey won the final match 25-22, 22-25, 25-19, and 25-16, with Melissa Vargas scoring 26 points for Turkey. Li Yingying scored 21 points for the Chinese team.决赛中,土耳其队以25-22、22-25、25-19、25-16获胜,梅丽莎•瓦尔加斯为土耳其队拿下26分,李盈莹为中国队拿下21分。This was the first time that China entered the Volleyball Nations League final. They won the spot after defeating Brazil 3-1 in the quarterfinals, and Poland 3-0 in the semifinals【半决赛】.这是中国队首次晋级世界女排联赛决赛。女排姑娘们在四分之一决赛中以3比1击败巴西队,半决赛中以3比0击败波兰队,晋级决赛。Cai Bin, Head CoachChina Women's National Volleyball Team蔡斌 中国女排主教练“我觉得我们还是一步一个脚印去做,因为一支队伍要成熟,可能会有起伏,这些都正常。我们还要努力,在世界联赛15场球整个过程当中有好有坏,每一场的胜利,或者没有打好,对于我们来讲都是宝贵的财富。”"I think we should work step by step to achieve success. It's normal for a team to experience ups and downs before maturing. We still need to work harder. We had both good and poor performances during the 15 matches. It doesn't matter if we won or lost the game, they were valuable treasures for us."The Chinese women's volleyball squad's next task is to prepare for the 19th Asian Games Hangzhou 2022, followed by the qualification matches for the Paris 2024 Olympics.接下来,中国女排将备战2022年第19届杭州亚运会和2024年巴黎奥运会资格赛。3.CHINESE AND AMERICAN CLIMATE ENVOYS HOLD TALKS IN BEIJING中美气候特使在北京举行会谈The United States' climate envoy John Kerry arrived at the Beijing Hotel in the Chinese capital today for talks with his Chinese counterpart Xie Zhenhua.美国总统气候问题特使约翰•克里今天(07/17)抵达北京饭店,与中国气候变化事务特使解振华举行会谈。Talks between Xie and Kerry lasted about four hours. Mao Ning, a spokesperson for the Chinese Foreign Ministry said today that climate change is a common challenge faced by all mankind. China will implement the spirit of the Bali meeting between the two heads of state, and have an in-depth exchange of views with the US side on climate change issues to join hands in addressing the challenges to enhance the well-being of present and future generations. Kerry's visit also comes at a time when heat waves are sweeping the Northern Hemisphere, which scientists have associated with climate change. The US State Department said that Kerry aims to engage with China on addressing the climate crisis.会谈持续了4个多小时。中国外交部发言人毛宁今天(07/17)表示,气候变化是全人类面临的共同挑战。中方将落实中美两国元首巴厘岛会晤精神,同美方就气候变化的相关议题深入交换意见,携手应对挑战,增进当代和子孙后代的福祉。克里此访正值热浪席卷北半球之际,科学家认为这与气候变化有关。美国国务院表示,克里希望与中国共同应对气候危机。#热词加油站peninsula /pəˈnɪnsələ/【半岛】mitigate/ˈmɪtɪɡeɪt/【减轻】halt/hɔːlt/【停止】semifinals/ˌsemɪ'faɪnəl/【半决赛】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
7/18/20234 minutes, 10 seconds
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07/17 TOP NEWS | 连续四天高温橙色预警/2023上海书展即将启幕/上海演艺市场活力迸发

NEWS ON 07/141.CITY RENEWED ORANGE ALERTFOR HIGH TEMPERATURES上海发布今夏第四个高温橙色预警2.2023 SHANGHAI BOOK FAIROPENS NEXT MONTH2023上海书展将于8月16日启幕3.Show Biz Buzz Returns 上海演艺市场活力迸发----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1.CITY RENEWED ORANGE ALERTFOR HIGH TEMPERATURES上海发布今夏第四个高温橙色预警Shanghai renewed its orange alert for high temperatures at 9:30am today, for a 4th consecutive【连续的】 day since the start of Sanfu三伏. Today's high hit 37 degrees Celsius. Sun Siqi tells us more about how people across the city are managing the heat.今天(07/14)上午9点30分,上海再次发布高温橙色预警,这是自三伏天以来连续第四天发布高温橙色预警。今天最高气温达到37摄氏度。关于上海市民如何应对高温天气,记者孙思奇带来更多报道。In Waigaoqiao, two cargo ships came into port at Haitong Wharf in the afternoon. Stevedores needed to finish loading and unloading 3,000 cars in 24 hours Between the blazing hot sunshine during the day, and the stifling【沉闷的】 humidity at night, they had to rotate on and off shift every hour in order to get the job done safely and on time.在外高桥,下午有两艘货轮驶入海通码头。工人们需要在24小时内完成3000辆汽车的装卸工作。白天烈日当空,夜晚潮湿闷热,为了安全准时地完成工作,装卸工人必须每小时轮班一次。Tang HaiboHaitong Wharf唐海波 码头运营部调度科当班经理“我们会采取工间休息,提前到一个小时一次,并及时发放防暑降温用品。”“Stevedores will take a rest every hour of work, and receive heatstroke prevention supplies and cold drinks.”At Hongqiao Railway Station, the ground temperature was nearly 54 degrees in the afternoon. Police officers were guiding travelers out of the station's P10 parking lot. They were soaked in sweat from the heat and humidity.虹桥火车站下午的地面温度接近54度。由于高温和潮湿,正在引导旅客离开P10停车场的警察完全被汗水浸透。Xu LuyiMinhang Traffic Police徐陆弈 闵行交警一大队民警“我们每天安排人员在这里值勤,一般从上午十点到晚上十一二点,等到大部分地铁或者高铁停运后,我们才会撤岗。”“We've arranged police officers to patrol here every day from 10 am to 12am. They will leave their post when most of the trains finish operation.”At the construction site of S3 highway in Fengxian District, workers in long sleeves and special rubber shoes were working in the high temperatures. As asphalt requires high temperatures to fully mix with sand, summer is the best season for construction.奉贤区S3高速公路施工现场,穿着长袖和特制胶鞋的工人顶着高温工作。由于沥青需要在高温下才能与沙子充分混合,因此夏季是施工的最佳季节。Zhang QiankaiFengxian Construction Development Group张钱凯 奉贤建设发展集团市政公路工程公司机施分公司副经理“沥青配制时,温度一般在175℃以上。我们碾压及摊铺作业的温度,一般在110℃到160℃之间,我们的作业环境通常达到六十度以上。”“When the asphalt is prepared, it is usually over 175 degrees. And the temperature for paving on the ground is between 110 and 160 degrees. So usually we work in conditions in excess of 60 degrees.”To ensure seniors have a safe summer, Shanghai No.1 Nursing Home has installed air conditioners in every rooms and keeping them at 26 degrees. They are also offering snacks like mung bean soup, watermelon and barley tea in the afternoon. The clinic at the nursing home have also made sure to have enough antidiarrheal drugs and IV fluids for their residents.为确保老人安全度夏,上海市第一疗养院在每个房间都安装了空调,并将温度控制在26度左右。他们还在下午提供绿豆汤、西瓜和大麦茶等消暑食品。疗养院的门诊部还为入住者准备了足够的止泻药和静脉注射液。2.2023 SHANGHAI BOOK FAIROPENS NEXT MONTH2023上海书展将于8月16日启幕This year's book fair has eight display areas. During the fair, famous Chinese writers including Nobel laureate Mo Yan will attend the event and do book readings. During the fair, more than 30 renowned writers from home and abroad will participate in the 10th Shanghai International Literary Week, including Australian writer Richard F'lanagan and An'golan writer José Eduardo Agualusa. Tickets will be available for purchase online, and paper tickets are available in Xinhua bookstore branches across the city.2023上海书展暨“书香中国”上海周共设8个展区。书展期间,包括诺贝尔奖得主莫言在内的中国著名作家将出席活动并举行读书会。此外,澳大利亚作家理查德·弗拉纳、安哥拉作家若泽·爱德华多·阿瓜卢萨等30多位海内外知名作家也将参加活动。本届书展同时开通线上线下售票渠道,纸质票会在全市各区新华书店门店设置线下购票点。3.Show Biz Buzz Returns 上海演艺市场活力迸发Audiences craving the magic of performing arts are flocking back to theaters, concert venues, and dance halls across Shanghai. Previously, we've delved into the potential of the market by exploring three shows that hit stages in May. Now, the last in our series covers the plays "Thunderstorm" and "Blossoms". Here's Lei Shuran with the details.渴望感受表演艺术魅力的观众重返观众席,上海剧院、音乐厅和舞厅再次热闹起来。此前,为深入研究市场潜力,我们已经对5月上映的三场演出进行了探讨。现在,系列节目的最后一期将介绍话剧《雷雨》和《繁花》。记者雷舒然带来更多报道。A major sought-after production following its 2022 debut, the Shanghai-dialect version of the classic play "Thunderstorm" hit the stage in the city in May.继2022年首演之后,沪语话剧《雷雨》于今年5月在上海上演,场场爆满、一票难求。The show is choreographed by the Baoshan Shanghai Opera Troupe, which translated "Thunderstorm" into Shanghainese. The play follows the complex relationships between the members of the Zhou and Lu families. It quickly became a "groundbreaker" in the field of realist stage plays, which remain a favorite among people who grew up in the 1950s and 1960s.这部由宝山沪剧团用上海方言演绎的经典作品,讲述了周氏家族和鲁氏家族之间的复杂关系。作为现实主义舞台剧的“开山之作”,沪语话剧《雷雨》在1950至1960年代出生的人心中依然有不可撼动的地位。Hua Wen, Director, Baoshan Shanghai Opera Troupe华雯 宝山沪剧团团长“《雷雨》和我们以前的沪剧完全不同。比如音乐,我们搞的是电声音乐,完全按照电影制作来做的,这样就从年轻人的角度,更好地展现了这部剧背后的隐藏意义。舞美设计的核心概念是一个鸟笼,其实在周朴园这样的一个周公馆里面,他就像一个笼子一样的拴住了那些人性上的一些东西,这个概念就很好。”“ ‘Thunderstorm’ is nothing like our previous Huju operas. For example, this time, we used electronic music in the background. What we've done for the music is very much like what is done in films. It'll be more approachable to young people and better portray【描绘】 the hidden meanings behind the drama. Concerning the stage design, the core concept is a "bird cage", which totally adheres to what we want to express through the show. What happened in the Zhou family is like being locked up in a cage, preventing them from showing the best side of their humanity.”Rao Mingyu, FreshmanShanghai Theater Academy 饶茗钰 上戏大一学生 观众“因为我们是学表演的,所以情节都很熟悉。听我们的老师说沪语版会在情节,包括具体的细节上有一些改编,就想来看一看。”“I'm quite familiar with the plot since I majored in acting. As for the Shanghai-dialect version, my professor said that there'll be some changes, so I wanted to come and see it in person.”Gu Yunpei, High School Student顾韵培 高中生 观众“本身自己是上海人,对保护方言比较感兴趣。因为是学生,在课本上也有这部剧的摘录,所以就过来了。”“I'm Shanghainese and quite interested in protecting our local dialect. Since I've studied "Thunderstorm" in school, I want to take a close look at the show.”Director Hua anticipates that plays in different dialects will flourish, thus she offers some suggestions to those in the industry.华雯表示她期待“方言剧”也可在舞台上占有一席之地,为此她提出了一些自己的建议和想法。Hua Wen, Director, Baoshan Shanghai Opera Troupe华雯 宝山沪剧团团长“我觉得所有的业内人士应该冷静下来,去思考我们怎么做才能让这个时代和社会具有自己的价值,对用户更有意义。如果我们能做到这一点,无论未来发生什么,我们都不会担心被市场淘汰。”“I feel that all of our industry insiders need to calm down and consider what we can do to be more valuable in the market and more meaningful to audiences. If we can do that, then whatever happens in the future, we won't be anxious about being swept out of the market.”Use of the local dialect helps vividly depict the customs, mannerisms and lives of Shanghai people. The stage show "Blossoms" has taken this same approach.方言的注入有助于更准确生动地描绘一个地域的生活风俗和人文故事。除话剧《雷雨》外,另一部沪语舞台剧《繁花》也采用了方言。The play revolves【围绕】 around a group of ordinary people in the 1970s and into the 1990s. It depicts the era's seismic social changes, while portraying Shanghai as a dynamic and glamorous city.该剧围绕着一群生活在上世纪七十至九十年代在上海打拼的小人物展开,叙述了上海在时代转型大背景下的城市变迁,而沪语的演绎则为舞台上呈现上海这座城市的魅力增添了别样的韵味。The play was a hit when it debuted in 2018, with more than 95 percent of tickets selling out. It returns this year at Shanghai Majestic Theater from August 23rd to September 10th, making it the first time for this play to be staged two seasons in a row.《繁花》在2018年首演时大获成功,首轮演出上座率超95%。今年,该剧将于8月23日至9月10日重返上海美琪大戏院的舞台。同时,这也将是该剧首次两季连演。Ma Junfeng, Director, Play "Blossoms"马俊丰 舞台剧《繁花》导演“这就像看戏曲折子戏一样,观众第一天看他演关公,第二天看他演岳云这种非常不同的审美情况和审美形态。这种挑战对我们来说也很有趣,因为我们不想把它变成一个纯商业的东西,我们希望在舞台艺术方面,给观众传达一种互动,希望观众能够在这个当中不只是一种看剧的快乐,也是一种跟剧组成员间的这种非常密切的追随。这样受众会越来越熟悉这些沪语演员和沪语的情感表达,它里面包含了许多属于上海这座城市的迷人文化信息。”“It's like watching a Chinese opera scene as you'll see one actor play different roles on different days. This kind of challenge is also very interesting to us, because we hope "Blossoms" doesn't become a commercial play. We want spectators to have more interactions with our cast members. They'll have fun and get something rewarding. I believe as time goes by, more and more people will get to know Shanghai and Shanghainese performers. The dialect contains so much rich information about how charming Shanghai is.”Shi An, Lead Actor, Play "Blossoms"是安 饰演沪生“对我而言,克服的难点是上海话。虽然上海是我的家乡,但我很少说上海话,所以说得不太流利。不过我觉得还挺开心的,因为这个剧的所有同事,都在用上海话和我们交流,强化我们方言的表达能力。”“For me, the challenge is speaking Shanghainese. Although Shanghai is my hometown, I seldom speak Shanghainese and that makes me not so fluent. But I'm quite happy to be part of the cast, because all my colleagues are speaking Shanghainese every day, which has improved my speaking ability.”A public hungry for the performing arts has streamed back to theaters, concerts and dance shows, revitalizing an industry that was down on its knees.眼下,公众对文化娱乐的需求正在不断增加,人们纷纷涌向剧院,看剧,听音乐会和观看各类演出,上海的演艺市场重新焕发了生机。The start of the new program comes as performing arts are experiencing a strong rebound around the country. In the first quarter of the year, revenue from commercial performances doubled from a year earlier to nearly 5 billion yuan.各类演出类项目也纷至沓来,2023年第一季度,全国营业性演出收入比去年翻了一番,票房收入约50亿元。Ma Chencheng, President of SMG Live马晨骋 上海文广演艺集团总裁“中国的整个演艺行业,尤其是在上海这样一个地方,仍将更多地关注与海外地区的跨文化交流。上海既能够吸纳来自于全世界的优秀作品,同样也会产出更多的优质原创作品走向全世界。所以我觉得就是‘走进来’和‘走出去’,在这条路上,之后会越走越好、越走越大。”“I think the future of the performing arts industry in China, especially in Shanghai, is still focused more on intercultural communications with overseas communities. Shanghai can attract a lot of world-class productions, but we've also got a number of original performances that can be introduced to the outside world. I believe the "in" and "out" way will definitely make our performing arts market better.”The year's calendar of performances extends all to the grass-roots level. Theaters and cultural venues in the Show Life performance zone based in Huangpu District will present over 10,000 performances.今年上海的演出市场也将一直延伸覆盖到社会各个基层。位于黄浦区的“演艺大世界”集聚众多专业剧场和演艺新空间,将为观众带来1万多场精彩纷呈的演出。The Center for China Shanghai International Arts Festival also announced that more than 60 percent of the programs will be from overseas and they will be staged from October 15th to November 15th during this year's festival.中国上海国际艺术节中心也于近日宣布,本届艺术节将于10月15日至11月15日举办,其中境外演艺项目占比近六成。With more international and domestic performers making a return to the city's performing arts scene, the buzz is surely back in show biz.随着越来越多的国内外演艺艺术家重返申城剧场,上海演艺市场定将持续升温,活力迸发。#热词加油站consecutive /kənˈsekjətɪv/【连续的】stifling/ˈstaɪflɪŋ/【沉闷的】portray/pɔːrˈtreɪ/【描绘】revolve/rɪˈvɑːlv/【围绕】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
7/17/20239 minutes, 48 seconds
Episode Artwork

07/14 TOP NEWS | 猕猴大脑三维“地图”/崇明东滩重启开放/王毅出席中国东盟外长会

NEWS ON 07/131.SCIENTISTS GENERATE CELLULARMAP OF MACAQUE BRAIN登顶刊Cell:中国科学家领衔发布猕猴大脑皮层细胞三维“地图”2.DONGTAN BIRD RESERVE READY TO FLY AFTER RENOVATIONS暑期可冲!崇明东滩重启开放3.WANG YI: CHINA AND ASEAN ARE ON RIGHT PATH OF COMMON DEVELOPMENT王毅谈中国东盟全方位互利合作成果----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1.SCIENTISTS GENERATE CELLULARMAP OF MACAQUE BRAIN登顶刊Cell:中国科学家领衔发布猕猴大脑皮层细胞三维“地图”Chinese researchers led a group of scientists from around the globe and yesterday published a paper with aspatial【空间的】distribution map of a macaque monkey’scerebral【大脑的】 cortex【皮层】 in the biology journal“Cell”. Sun Siqi tells us how this finding is critical to understanding the human brain.7月12日,一支由中国科学家领衔的国际科研联合团队在国际知名生物学术期刊Cell(《细胞》)上发表了一篇关于猕猴大脑皮层空间分布图谱的论文。本台记者孙思奇带来详细报道,介绍这一发现对于了解人类大脑的重要性。Observe this complicated spatial map of a crab-eating macaque’s cerebral cortex. The scientists conducted RNA sequencing on 143 cortical regions of the primate, and obtained an atlas of 264 cell types in the brain and then mapped their distribution across the entire cortex.请观察这张复杂的猕猴大脑皮层空间分布图谱。科学家对该猕猴大脑的的143个皮层区域进行了RNA测序,将猕猴大脑皮层中的单细胞分成264种类型,然后将其在大脑皮层上的分布情况绘制成图谱。These cell types have distinct functions that scientists didn’t understand until this study.这些细胞类型具有不同的功能,在此项研究前,科学家们对这些细胞类型的功能尚缺乏一定了解。Li Chengyu, ResearcherofInstitute of Neuroscience, Chinese Academy of Sciences李澄宇中国科学院脑科学与智能技术卓越创新中心研究组组长、研究员“猴脑大概是人的拳头这么大,这么大一个组织,(我们需要)去把它每个细胞,它是谁,它在什么位置搞清楚。”“The macaque brain is the size of a human fist. We had to study every single cell in it, where they are and the genetic identity of each one.”The analysis of the entire brain was done at single-cell resolution, a highly challenging task due to their heterogeneity and large brain size. During the process, a chip developed in China proved to be quintessential.对猕猴大脑进行单细胞分析是一项极具挑战的任务,因为大脑体积庞大且脑细胞具有异质性且。一款由中国自主研发的芯片在单细胞分析过程中发挥了至关重要的作用。Shen Zhiming, Deputy ResearcherofInstitute of Neuroscience, Chinese Academy of Sciences沈志明中国科学院脑科学与智能技术卓越创新中心平台主任、副研究员“它的精度非常高,可以到0.5微米。(猴脑切片)贴上去之后(芯片可)捕获RNA捕获之后测序,测序完了就能获得基因的整体空间分布图。”“This chip reads down to 0.5 micrometers. Stick a thin slice of brain tissue on to the chip, and it captures the RNA and completes the sequencing. Once that's done, you get a map for the genetic distribution of this one slice.”With this technology the team collected millions of genetic sequences from 161 slices across the left hemisphere of 3 macaque brains.利用这项技术,团队从来自3只猕猴的161片左脑半球切片中收集了数百万个基因序列。Li Chengyu, ResearcherofInstitute of Neuroscience, Chinese Academy of Sciences李澄宇中国科学院脑科学与智能技术卓越创新中心研究组组长、研究员“深入挖掘这些数据集,我们发现了比较兴奋性的神经元和抑制性神经元,以及非神经元在空间上有非常强的特异性分布。”“We will now examine the data. What we've discovered is that excitatory and inhibitory neurons and non-neuronal cells, respectively, are very closely distributed.”Scientists hope this research will help them reveal functions of the brain at cellular levels, and go on to discover important target molecules and cellular mechanisms that can lead to the development of important brain disease medications for humans.科学家希望这项研究能够帮助从细胞层面上揭示大脑的功能,并进一步发现脑疾病机制与靶点研发,从而推动重要脑疾病药物的研发。2.DONGTAN BIRD RESERVE READY TO FLY AFTER RENOVATIONS暑假可冲!崇明东滩重启开放Dongtan Bird Reserve on Chongming Island has reopened to the public after being closed 10 months forrenovations【翻新】. Zhang Yue has more.经过为期10个月的翻新,崇明岛东滩鸟类保护区已重新向公众开放。记者张乐带来详细报道。The birdsanctuary【动物保护区】 is on the eastern coast of Chongming and covers an area of more than 240 square kilometers, about 7.8% of Shanghai's total wetland area. The place is an important habitat for migratory birds on the East Asia-Australia route.东滩鸟类保护区位于崇明岛东岸,占地面积超过240平方公里,约占上海湿地总面积的7.8%,是一些候鸟东亚——澳大利亚迁徙路线上的重要驿站。Visitor游客“这里有很多鸟叫,就让人感到很放松,平常写作业的压力全部都能释放出来。”“I feel so relaxed listening to birds chirping. It helps me relieve school pressure.”The reserve’s education base was updated during the closure and now features four exhibition zones. One zone showcases the importance of tidal flats as they are a major source of food for birds. The base calls for people to better protect the environment. Another exhibition zone shows more than 250 varieties of bird specimens and bottom-dwelling fish commonly found on the island.封闭期间,该保护区对教育基地进行了升级改造,目前共设四个展区。其中一个展区展示了潮间带作为鸟类主要食物来源的重要性。该基地呼吁人们加强环境保护。另一个展区展示了岛上常见的250多种鸟类标本和底栖鱼类。Visitor游客“了解一下 看看蛮好,这种动物我们(平时)又看不到的。”“It's so fun to see something we rarely see in daily life.“Chongming is the biggestalluvial【冲积的】 island in China. Nearly one million birds comprising 300 species pass through the reserve every year.崇明岛是中国最大的冲积岛。每年有300多种近100万只候鸟途径保护区进行迁徙。Yuan Saijun, Chongming Dongtan Nature Reserve袁赛军上海市崇明东滩自然保护区管理事务中心宣传教育科副科长“夏季一般是一些繁殖鸟在东滩,比如说像一些须浮鸥,像芦苇荡里的震旦鸦雀、东方大苇莺,是比较常见的鸟。”“Many birds such as whiskered terns, reed parrotbills, and reed warblers are common here during the summer.”Chongming Dongtan Nature Reserve is open Tuesday to Sunday. Visitors are required to make an appointment on the the reserve’s Wechat account.崇明东滩自然保护区每周二至周日对游客开放。游客需提前在保护区的微信公众号上进行预约。3.WANG YI: CHINA AND ASEAN ARE ON RIGHT PATH OF COMMON DEVELOPMENT王毅谈中国东盟全方位互利合作成果Alsotoday,Wang Yi said thatChina and ASEAN are on the right path of forging long-term good-neighborliness while achieving common development and prosperity. Lei Shuran has more.7月13日,中央外事工作委员会办公室主任王毅表示,中国和东盟成功走出了一条长期睦邻友好、共同发展繁荣的正确道路。记者雷舒然带来详细报道。Wang made the remarks while attending the ASEAN-China Foreign Ministers’ Meeting, introducing the achievements in the expansion of mutually beneficial cooperation between China and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations.王毅在出席中国—东盟(10+1)外长会时发表讲话,介绍了中国东盟全方位拓展互利合作成果。He noted that China has reached important consensus with Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Myanmar, Laos, and Cambodia on jointly building a community with a shared future.他指出,中国已与印度尼西亚、泰国、马来西亚、缅甸、老挝和柬埔寨就共同建设命运共同体达成重要共识。He also spoke on the completion of joint construction landmark projects of the Belt and Road initiative. Citing the launch of cross-border passenger services between China and ASEAN on the China-Laos Railway, and the New International Land-Sea Trade Corridor which has opened a channel for trans-regional cooperation. Wang said these projects are bringing tangible benefits to more than 2 billion people.他还谈到了一个个“一带一路”标志性工程的相继建成。中老铁路开通中国东盟间首列快速跨境旅客列车,国际陆海贸易新通道打通了跨区域合作黄金大通道。王毅表示,这些标志性工程为超过20亿民众带来了实实在在的利益。He also saidthat both sides have made efforts to promote regional economic integration, and that trade volume between China and ASEAN, which are each other's largest trading partner, is expected to exceed 1 trillion U.S. dollars this year. 他还表示,中国东盟双方携手促进区域经济一体化,双方互为最大的贸易伙伴,今年双方贸易额有望突破1万亿美元。Wang Yi, DirectorOffice of the CPC Foreign Affairs Commission王毅   中央外办主任   “双方正在积极推进自贸区3.0版谈判,推动RCEP(《区域全面经济伙伴关系协定》)全面生效,共同做自由贸易和市场开放的坚定倡导者。”“China and ASEAN are jointly negotiating version 3.0 of the China-ASEAN Free Trade Area and implementing the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership, with both sides firmly advocating for free trade and open markets.”Wang also mentioned that China and ASEAN have worked together to consolidate a foundation of peace and stability. China actively participates in, and firmly supports the ASEAN-centered regional cooperation architecture, as well as its continued development in an open and inclusive manner without interference.王毅还提到,中方与东盟一起携手夯实和平稳定根基。中方积极参与并坚定支持以东盟为中心的区域合作架构,支持这一架构秉持开放包容理念,排除干扰发展下去。Wang stressed that China welcomes the completion of the second reading of the Code of Conduct in the South China Sea text, and stands ready to continue to play a constructive role in its completion.王毅强调,中方欢迎“南海行为准则”案文二读成功完成,愿为早日达成“准则”继续发挥建设性作用。#热词加油站spatial /ˈspeɪʃ(ə)l/【空间的】cerebral/səˈriːbrəl/【大脑的】cortex/kɔːteks/【皮层】renovation/ˌrenəˈveɪʃ(ə)n/【翻新】sanctuary/ˈsæŋktʃuəri/【动物保护区】alluvial/əˈluːviəl/【冲积的】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
7/14/20235 minutes, 40 seconds
Episode Artwork

07/13 TOP NEWS | 华交会在沪开幕/F1将回归上海赛车场/首座"零碳水质监测站"

NEWS ON 07/121.31ST EAST CHINA FAIR RECONVENES IN SHANGHAI第31届华东进出口商品交易会在沪开幕2.SHANGHAI CIRCUIT IS READY TO HOST F1 GRAND PRIXF1中国站2024年将回归上海赛车场3.SOLAR-POWERED WATER MONITORING STATION OPENS ON LOW-CARBON DAY全国低碳日上海市首座“零碳水质监测站”启用----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1.31ST EAST CHINA FAIR RECONVENES IN SHANGHAI第31届华东进出口商品交易会在沪开幕The 31st East China Fair, one of the largest regional trade fairs in China, began today in Shanghai. Zhang Hong has more.7月12日,中国最大的区域性经贸盛会之一,第31届华东进出口商品交易会在上海拉开帷幕。记者张泓带来详细报道。This year’s fair has a total exhibition area of 105,200 square meters and 5,000 booths.今年的华交会展览规模达10.52万平方米,设有5,000个展位。purchasing agent采购商“(我们是)香港公司,我们做服装的,找一些新的有发展潜力,能合作的工厂。”“I’m from a Hong Kong clothing company. I came here to look for some promising factories to partner with.”purchasing agent采购商“我是来自孟加拉国,这是第一次来的,我们来为工厂买面料。”“I’m from Bengaladesh. I'm here buy fabrics for our factory. This is my first time to attend the event.”Many Chinese export-oriented companies are doing their best to attract buyers. Some are keen on exploring the global market as well. In addition to the exhibition, there will be six procurement matchmaking meetings for them to seek partnerships.展会上,中方外贸企业都在全力吸引采购商。许多企业都对开发国际市场抱有极大的热情。除展会外,本届华交会还将举行六场采购对接会,以助力外贸企业寻找合作伙伴。Jin Wei, Deputy GM of Oriental International Enterprise金伟东方国际创业股份公司副总经理“因为我们是做纺织品的,纺织品它有个特点,不光是看衣服,你要摸它的手感,你要看它具体的颜色。所以我们也是迫不急待地把我们的衣服带到客户面前给他们看。”“We are in the textile business. When buying our products, a buyer needs to touch them and see the colors in person. So we can’t wait to show our products to our clients.”Hu Jinhua, Sales Manager of Wuyi GoMel Housewares胡锦华浙江武义构美日用品公司销售经理“我们之前做的是美国的客户、英国的客户比较多,这次来是想要开拓一下东南亚、日本韩国市场。”“Our clients mainly come from the United States and the United Kingdom. This year we want to explore markets in Japan, South Korea and Southeast Asia.”The annual fair was established in 1991, organized and held in major provinces and cities in eastern China, it is regarded as an important barometer for China’s foreign trade. This year’s event will run from July 12th to the 15th.一年一度的华交会创办于1991年,每年由华东地区主要省市组织举办,被视为中国对外贸易的一块晴雨表。今年华交会的举办时间为7月12日至15日。2.SHANGHAI CIRCUIT IS READY TO HOST F1 GRAND PRIXF1中国站2024年将回归上海赛车场Shanghai InternationalCircuit【赛车道】 said it is ready to accommodate motor race-fans from around the world, as the track has obtained the Grand One Circuit License from theFederation【联盟】 of International Automobiles. That means the venue is prepared for the Formula one Chinese Grand Prix next year.上海国际赛车场表示,已准备好迎接来自世界各地的赛车迷。上赛道已获得国际汽联一级赛道认证,具备举办2024年F1比赛资格。。The previousthree-year licenseexpired at the end of 2019. The circuit said curves and corners can be reconfigured into nine tracks to host different races. Juss Sports, the F1 Grand Prix organizer and the circuit manager said in addition to the refreshing of the grand-stand seats, maintenance and repair work has been completed, including the track surface, the partial repair of tire walls and the repainting of the underground connecting tunnel. A round of final checks will be conducted by FIA in March2024.上一轮赛道认证有效期为三年,并于2019年底到期。赛车场表示赛道的弯道和转角可以进行调整,形成九种不同组合的赛道,以便举行不同的比赛。F1大奖赛承办方久事赛事表示,除了看台座更新外,维修工作也已完成,其中包括赛道表面、部分轮胎墙的修复以及地下连接通道的重新粉刷。国际汽联将于2024年3月进行终审。3.SOLAR-POWERED WATER MONITORING STATION OPENS ON LOW-CARBON DAY全国低碳日上海市首座“零碳水质监测站”启用The city’s first zero-carbon water monitoring facility opened today tocoincide【同时发生】 with National Low Carbon Day, which also happens to be the third day of the National Energy Efficiency Promotion Week. The facility is along the Huangpu River in Yangpu District. Sun Siqi has the story.7月12日,恰逢全国低碳日,同时也是全国节能宣传周的第三天,申城首座“零碳水质监测站”在杨浦区黄浦江畔正式启用。记者孙思奇带来详细报道。This water quality monitoring facility near Yangpu Bridge runs entirely on solar power.这座位于杨浦大桥旁的水质监测站完全由太阳能供电,可实现“自给自足”。It was once the site of a sewer pump station. Now on a sunny day, the solar cells generate power for the monitoring system that tracks more than 30 water quality parameters【参数】. Any unused power is stored in lithium-ion batteries and hydrogenfuel cells -- an advanced system that is still rare nationwide.监测站由原上海电站辅机厂污水泵房改造而成。晴天时,太阳能电池为监测系统供电,该水质监测系统可监测30多项水质参数。剩余电能将被储存到锂电池和氢燃料电池中。这样先进的水质监测系统在全国范围内仍属罕见。Zhao Xiaodong, GMEMC Energy Conservation Technology赵晓东上海伊埃姆西节能工程技术有限公司总经理“我们可以看到磷酸铁锂(锂电池)充电这块,现在电流是10.7安, 就说明储能系统在接受光伏发电的储能(充满可以维持多少天),我们自动监测站设定的目标是10天。”As you can see the electric current reading is 10.7 amperes, meaning the power storage system is absorbing energy from the solar cells. Our target is for the cells to provide up to 10 days of power when fully charged.The underground display area has a vent similar to a chimney. The capillary air-conditioning system works like an AC unit embedded in the walls.地下展示区有一个类似于烟囱的通气孔。这里的毛细管空调系统就相当于一个内置于墙体的空调系统。Kong Mingshu, Designer of Tongji Architectural Design Co.孔明姝同济设计院李麟学团队设计师“这里是留了一些毛细展示墙面,毛细系统是比普通的空调系统节能在40%到60%。”“This is what capillary tubes look like in the wall. They use 40 to 60 percent less energy than a normal air-conditioning system.”The facility began operations today and will host various exhibitions on carbon-reducing practices.该监测站从今天(07/12)开始运行,并将举办各种关于减碳实践的展览会。Also, a new wastewater treatment system has opened at a Baosteelsubsidiary. It is expected to cut pollutant discharges by 60 tons a year.此外,宝钢子公司新建的废水处理系统也已投入使用。预计该系统将使每年的污染物排放减少60吨。Yang Xiaomei, Director of EngineeringBaosteel Nippon-steel Automotive Sheet Co.杨晓梅宝钢日铁汽车板有限公司主任工程师“通过膜处理的技术,把所有的废水经过膜提纯后做成再生水,提纯后的再生水可以在机组里再循环利用。”“With membrane technology, all wastewater is purified and reused in the machines.”Authorities say more than 90 percent of wastewater discharged in the districts of Pudong, Baoshan and Chongming are now monitored 24 hours a day.有关部门表示,浦东、宝山、崇明三区90%的废水排放已实现每天24小时实时监测。#热词加油站circuit/ˈsɜːkɪt/【赛车道】federation/ˌfedəˈreɪʃ(ə)n/【联盟】coincide/ˌkəʊɪnˈsaɪd/【同时发生】parameters/pəˈræmɪtəz【参数】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
7/13/20234 minutes, 31 seconds
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07/12 TOP NEWS | 未来一周酷热仍将持续/京沪航班遇晴空颠簸/王毅将出席东盟外长会

NEWS ON 07/111.SCORCHING HEAT TO CONTINUE FOR THE REST OF THE WEEK未来一周酷热仍将持续2.AIR CHINA SAYS 2 INJURED DURINGTURBULENCE ON SHANGHAI-BEIJING FLIGHT国航上海至北京航班途中遇晴空颠簸两人受伤3.SENIOR CHINESE DIPLOMAT WANG YITO ATTEND ASEAN-PLUS FM MEETINGS王毅将出席中国-东盟国家外长会----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1.SCORCHING HEAT TO CONTINUE FOR THE REST OF THE WEEK未来一周酷热仍将持续Sanfu, the hottest days of summer on the Chinese lunar calendar has arrived. An orange alert for high temperatures was issued by the Shanghai Meteorological Bureau this morning. Daytime highs surpassed【超过】 37 degrees in many parts of downtown. The weather officials say scorching heat will hang around for the rest of the week. Zhang Yue brings us more.中国农历夏季最热的三伏天已经到来。今天(07/11)上午,上海气象局发布高温橙色预警,市区多地白天最高气温超过37度。气象专家预计,未来三天依旧热力不减。记者张乐带来更多报道。Cooling sprays【喷雾】 were set up at the entrance of Shanghai Natural History Museum, to cool down the people waiting to enter the museum. At Wujiang Road pedestrian street, people were covered up to stay out of the sun. Hats, sleeves and face covers were the order of the day.上海自然博物馆入口处安装了降温喷雾,为等待入馆的游客降温。吴江路步行街上,行人们为了防晒把自己裹得严严实实,帽子、长袖、面罩成了标配。Resident市民“进三伏天了,前两天还可以忍受,现在就无法忍受。”“I could handle the heat in the past two days, but today it just too hot.”Temperatures peaked at 37 degrees of higher in many part of the city this afternoon. The Xujiahui meteorological station registered 37.5 degrees. The weather office said temperatures will drop slightly during the weekend, as the subtropical high pressure system  moves away from the east coast.今天(07/11)下午,上海多区气温飙上37度,徐家汇站最高气温冲上37.5度。气象局专家预计,未来三天依旧热力不减,到周末副热带高压东撤后,高温才有望缓解。Wu Rui, Chief Service OfficerShanghai Meterological Bureau邬锐 上海市气象局首席服务官“今天正式‘出梅入伏’,今年这两个日子连在一起,也是比较凑巧的。上海今天部分地区的最高气温可能要冲击38℃,未来3天最高气温也将在37度左右。”“Today is the end of this year's plum rain season and the start of Sanfu. High temperatures in some parts of the city is very likely to reach 38 degrees. Daytime highs will also be around 37 degrees for the next 3 days.”In other parts of the country, Hangzhou and Chongqing registered temperatures of 39 degrees, while southern Hebei hit 40. Up north in the capital Beijing got a bit of a break, only coming in at 34 degrees, down from yesterday's high of 38.5.在全国其他地区,杭州和重庆的气温达到39度,河北南部达到40度。首都北京的气温略有下降,仅为34度,低于昨天(07/10)的最高气温38.5度。Du Jia, Chief Weather ForecasterBeijing Meterological Bureau杜佳 北京市气象台首席预报员“今天夜间到明天白天会有一次比较明显的降水过程,降水前期会伴有比较明显的强对流,会有雷暴,局地的短时降雨比较大,伴有7级左右的雷暴大风和小冰雹。”“Rain is expected later tonight to tomorrow, with possible thundershowers due to strong convective weather. Quick showers will also be seen in some parts of the city, with a level-seven gale and possible hail.”The country's weather officials estimate that due to the effect of El Nino, there will be more high temperature days this year than in the past years in some parts of the country. The World Meteorological Organization said last month was the hottest June ever, adding that average global temperatures will keep increasing throughout July.气象专家预测,由于厄尔尼诺现象的影响,今年中国部分地区的高温天数将超过往年。世界气象组织表示,上个月是有史以来最热的6月,且全球平均气温将在7月持续升高。2.AIR CHINA SAYS 2 INJURED DURINGTURBULENCE ON SHANGHAI-BEIJING FLIGHT国航上海至北京航班途中遇晴空颠簸两人受伤Air China said today that one passenger and a flight attendant were injured on flight CA1524 from Shanghai to Beijing yesterday after running into turbulence【(空气或水的)湍流】.中国国际航空公司今天(07/11)表示,昨天从上海飞往北京的CA1524航班突遇气流颠簸,在此过程中一名旅客和一名乘务员受伤。The statement was issued to counter claims made by numerous internet users that there were more injuries. Air China confirmed only one passenger and one crew member were injured and that when the Airbus 330 plane landed safely at 5:18 pm, they were taken to hospital. Air China expressed its concern and condolences. It vowed to continue to prioritize safety and provide excellent service.此前众多网民发帖称该航班遭遇了严重的湍流,造成了多人受伤。该声明旨在对此做出澄清。中国国际航空公司证实,只有一名乘客和一名机组人员受伤,并且这架空客A330客机于下午5点18分安全落地后,航空公司立即安排专人陪同受伤旅客和乘务员前往医院治疗。中国国际航空公司对此表示关切和慰问,承诺将继续把安全放在首位,提供优质服务。3.SENIOR CHINESE DIPLOMAT WANG YITO ATTEND ASEAN-PLUS FM MEETINGS王毅将出席中国-东盟国家外长会The top diplomats of the Association Southeast Asian Nations began a week of talks in Jakarta today. Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi opened the plenary session in the capital. Lei Shuran has more.印尼外交部长蕾特诺·马尔苏迪11日在印度尼西亚首都雅加达宣布第56届东盟外长会开幕,来自东盟国家的外交部长及政府官员共同出席,开始为期一周的会谈。记者雷舒然带来更多报道。Early this morning, Marsudi welcomed Southeast Asia's top diplomats and foreign ministers. The annual meeting comes as doubts mount over the credibility and unity of the bloc in dealing with the region's challenges.  今天(07/11)清晨,马尔苏迪迎接了东南亚各国外长。此次年会的召开,正值人们对东盟应对地区挑战的可信度和团结性产生怀疑之际。Retno Marsudi Indonesian Foreign Minister蕾特诺 印尼外长“The maintenance of peace and stability in the region is our priority. It is our foundation to turn the region into an epicenter【中心】 of growth.”“维护地区和平与稳定是东盟的首要关切,这是将地区转变为增长中心的基础。”Foreign ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin announced today that Wang Yi, director of the Office of the Foreign Affairs Commission of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, will attend the ASEAN-China Foreign Ministers' Meeting in Jakarta, Indonesia from July 13 to 14.  外交部发言人汪文斌11日宣布,中共中央外事工作委员会办公室主任王毅将出席7月13日至14日在印度尼西亚雅加达举行的中国-东盟外长会。Wang Wenbin, SpokesmanMinistry of Foreign Affairs汪文斌 中国外交部发言人“东亚合作系列外长会,是增进互信、促进合作的平台,中方期待通过此次会议更多凝聚共识,为9月东亚合作领导人会议做好政治和成果准备,促进地区和平稳定繁荣。”“ASEAN is a great platform to drive East Asian cooperation and enhance mutual trust. China looks forward to building more consensus through the meetings to make political preparations for the leaders' meetings on East Asia Cooperation to be held this September, aiming to promote regional peace, stability, and prosperity.”Wang will also attend three other Foreign Ministers' meetings while in Jakarta, the ASEAN Plus Three, the East Asia Summit, and the ASEAN Regional Forum.在雅加达期间,王毅还将出席其他三场外长会议,即东盟与中日韩外长会、东亚峰会外长会和东盟地区论坛外长会。#热词加油站surpass/sərˈpæs/【超过】spray/spreɪ/【喷雾】turbulence/ˈtɜːrbjələns/【(空气或水的)湍流】epicenter/ˈepɪsentər/【中心】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
7/12/20234 minutes, 34 seconds
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07/11 TOP NEWS | 耶伦结束访华之行/临港上线“航运通”/长江口二号古船出水文物首展

NEWS ON 07/101. YELLEN:DECOUPLING FROM CHINA WOULD BE“A BIG MISTAKE”FOR US耶伦结束访华之行重申美国不寻求与中国“脱钩”2. LINGANG TO FURTHER IMPROVESHIPPING SERVICES上海临港:全国首个国际航运服务平台上线,16个航运项目签约3. AN UNDERWATER TIME CAPSULE FROM THE QING DYNASTY来自清朝的水下时间胶囊,“长江口二号”古船出水文物首次公开展出----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1.YELLEN: DECOUPLING FROM CHINA WOULD BE“A BIG MISTAKE”FOR US耶伦结束访华之行重申美国不寻求与中国“脱钩”The Ministry of Finance said today it hopes the United States government will take concrete actions to respond to its major economic concerns, including lifting tariffs and relaxing export controls. The remarks were made after US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen's visit to China, which ended yesterday.美国财政部部长珍妮特·耶伦昨天(07/09)结束访华后,中国财政部今天(07/10)发表讲话,希望美方切实采取行动,回应中方在两国经济关系中的重大关切,包括取消对华加征关税和放宽对华出口管制。Talking about common challenges, the ministry said the "decoupling" of the world's two largest economies would be disastrous【灾难性的】 for both since they have formed numerous common interests after decades of trade. China believes its development is an opportunity rather than a challenge and a benefit rather than a risk to the United States.在谈到面临的共同挑战时,中国财政部表示,世界前两大经济体“脱钩”对两国都是灾难性的,因为经过几十年的贸易往来,双方已经形成许多共同利益。中方表明,中国的发展对美国是机遇而不是挑战,是增益而不是风险。2.LINGANG TO FURTHER IMPROVESHIPPING SERVICES上海临港:全国首个国际航运服务平台上线,16个航运项目签约More than 16 projects with a combined investment of more than 6 billion yuan were signed between Lingang Special Area and shipping service companies. The projects cover a variety of areas including remote services and smart logistics. Zhang Yue has more.今天(07/10)上海自贸试验区临港新片区与一批高能级航运服务企业签约。16个航运服务项目总投资额达60多亿元,涉及远程服务、智能物流等多个领域。记者张乐带来更多报道。COSCO Shipping Technology Company said it has released online services for supply chain management. The company said the services are going to help shipping companies.中远海运科技股份有限公司表示已推出供应链管理在线服务,为航运公司提供帮助。Lin Yiwen, Deputy General ManagerCOSCO Shipping Technology Company林亦雯 中远海运科技股份有限公司副总经理 “第二批(产品)计划于9月底推出,比如对于备品、备件的健康状况,包括怎么远程辅助维修。通过数字化方式,把原来仅仅做供应这一端的定位,延伸到整个对船舶增值服务。”“The services will launch at the end of September, including how to help ship operators repair their ship remotely, and the status of spare parts on the ship. We can now offer much more than just supply chain services.”Bimco is the world's largest direct-membership organization for ship-owners, ship brokers, and agents. One of its executives said the company plans to invest more than 1 billion yuan on a smart logistics【物流】center in Lingang.Bimco是全球最大的船东、船舶经纪人和代理直接会员组织。该公司一位高管表示,公司计划在临港投资超10亿元人民币,建设智能物流旗舰仓。Zhuang Wei, Regional ManagerBimco Asia庄炜 BIMCO波罗的海国际航运公会亚太区总经理   “我们希望临港能够成为领头羊,并在未来取得一些真正的突破。我们将在临港进行一些压力测试,这个过程肯定会(是)跟整个数字化的过程密切衔接在一起。”“We hope to become the leader in the industry, and make some real breakthroughs in the future. We are going to run some pressure tests here in Lingang in which the process will be closely tied to digitalization.”During the first Dishui Lake International Shipping Innovation Conference, which was held over the weekend, Lingang released an international shipping services organization.在上周末举行的首届滴水湖高能级航运服务业创新大会上,临港新片区发布了全国首个国际航运综合服务平台“航运通”。3.AN UNDERWATER TIME CAPSULE FROM THE QING DYNASTY来自清朝的水下时间胶囊,“长江口二号”古船出水文物首次公开展出Tomorrow is China Maritime Day, to mark the occasion, the Shanghai History Museum has put together a new exhibition featuring the findings on the Yangtze River Estuary No.2 shipwreck and the salvage【打捞】 technologies used to raise it from the bottom of the sea. The ship is the largest and best-preserved wooden shipwreck discovered in China to date. Reporter Zhang Hong takes a look.为纪念明天(07/11)的“中国航海日”,上海历史博物馆举办了一场新展览,展示“长江口二号”古船的发现和打捞过程中运用的技术。“长江口二号”是迄今为止中国发现的最大、保存最完好的木制沉船。记者张泓带您一探究竟。Known as Yangtze River Estuary No.2, the century-and-a-half-old ship was lifted from the bottom of the Yangtze River last November. Archaeologists are carrying out research and preservation work on the ship at the old Shanghai Shipyard in Yangpu District. Elements of what they’ve discovered are now on display at the Shanghai History Museum.“长江口二号”这艘有150年历史的古船于去年11月从长江中打捞而出,现保存于杨浦滨江的上海船厂船坞。考古学家在那里开展研究、保护工作。部分出水文物正在上海历史博物馆展出。Zhang Hong, Reporter张泓 记者“考古学家认为这艘船可能是一艘清朝时期航行在华东地区的商船。他们在沉船周围发现了相当多的景德镇瓷器。在这个‘水槽’里,你可以拿着盘子‘舀’出一些船上曾装载的货物。”“Archaeologists believe that the ship was a merchant vessel that sailed the waters of Eastern China during the Qing Dynasty. They found quite a lot of Jingdezhen pottery around the wreck site. Here at this ‘sink’, you can take a plate and ‘scoop up’ some goods that the ship was carrying.”95 objects from the ship, including structural components and pottery, are shown to the public for the first time.包括船体构件及瓷器在内的95件出水自古船的展品均为首次公开展出。One of the findings archaeologists made while working on the ship was a vase filled with little cups, so they made this little challengeherefor visitors. The idea is to arrange the cups in order to get as many into the vase as possible.考古学家在船上发现了一个装满小杯子的花瓶,所以他们在这里为观众设置了这个小挑战。观众要将杯子摆放整齐,尽可能把更多杯子装入花瓶。Zhai Yang, Deputy DirectorSH Cultural Heritage Conservation & Research Center翟杨上海市文物保护研究中心副主任“嫁妆瓶里放着50件团龙纹的小碗,小碗因为是被尘封在嫁妆瓶里面,所以还保持了150年之前刚刚出炉的那种新鲜度。更重要的是,我们是在碗和碗之间防碰撞的稻壳里面做了DNA的检测。我们发现这些碗是在江西地区装载的然后从上海出海。”“Inside this dowry vase, there are 50 small bowls with dragon patterns. As the little bowls were sealed inside the vase, they appear as new as they were 150 years ago. More importantly, we did a DNA test on the crop husk inside the vase, which was for protecting the bowls from breaking. We found that these bowls were packed in Jiangxi and they were headed overseas from Shanghai.”Zhai Yang, Deputy DirectorSH Cultural Heritage Conservation & Research Center翟杨上海市文物保护研究中心副主任“为应对长江口这个最大浑浊带恶劣的水域,我们在国内率先开展了智能化水下考古工作,这是我们用的其中一个无人艇。这个无人艇上面搭载了合成孔径声呐,可以对泥面以下的影像做三维探测。这也是我们首次展示智能水下考古技术和装备。”“Because of the harsh currents of the estuarine turbidity zone, we used smart technologies in the underwater archaeological work. This is one of the unmanned vessels we used. It is equipped with sonar, which is able to capture three-dimensional images of an object under the mud. This is the first time that we’ve displayed some of our newest underwater archaeology technology and equipment.”Zhou Qunhua, CuratorShanghai History Museum周群华上海市历史博物馆馆长“上海位于这个中国南北海岸线的中点,也是长江的龙头,所以这座城市的命运跟中国的航运业有紧密的关系。‘长江口二号’是海上丝绸之路、上海海洋考古学和城市命运的一个重要见证物。一般观众在考古展中,看的都是文物本身和文物背后的故事,这是我们传统的概念。这个展览三分之二的体量用来介绍科技。因为这是暑假,我们需要将中国的考古事业让更多观众、尤其是年轻人了解,让学生对考古有兴趣。”“Shanghai is at the midpoint of China's north-south coastline and where the estuary of the Yangtze River is located. The city has always been closely related to China's shipping industry. The ‘Yangtze River Estuary No. 2’ is an important monument of the Maritime【海上的】Silk Road, Shanghai's maritime archaeology development and the story of the city. At an archaeological exhibition, visitors are usually presented with artifacts and the stories behind them, which is the traditional way an exhibition is curated. Here, two-thirds of the exhibition venue is dedicated to introducing archaeological technologies. Because students are on summer vacation now, we wanted to introduce some of the advances that have been made in Chinese archaeology to a wider audience, and especially the young people, to get them interested in archaeology.”#热词加油站disastrous/dɪˈzæstrəs/【灾难性的】logistics/ləˈdʒɪstɪks/【物流】salvage/ˈsælvɪdʒ/【打捞】maritime/ˈmærɪtaɪm/【海上的】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
7/11/20235 minutes, 54 seconds
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07/10 TOP NEWS | 文旅业拥抱元宇宙/中国多地持续洪旱灾害/泰坦号潜水器公司暂停运营

NEWS ON 07/071.TOURISM INDUSTRY EMBRACES METAVERSE TECHNOLOGIES文旅业拥抱“元宇宙”,开启沉浸式实景体验新时代2.MANY AREAS OF CHINA CONTINUE TO DEAL WITH FLOODS AND DROUGHT中国多地持续遭受洪旱灾害3.OCEANGATE SUSPENDS EXPEDITIONS AFTER DEADLY IMPLOSION“泰坦”号潜水器运营公司宣布暂停运营----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1.TOURISM INDUSTRY EMBRACES METAVERSE TECHNOLOGIES文旅业拥抱“元宇宙”,开启沉浸式实景体验新时代Shanghai has recently released a blueprint【蓝图】 to accelerate the virtual reality applications in the cultural and tourism industry. Core technologies including AR and VR are being used in exhibitions and performances to create more immersive experiences for visitors. Our reporter Tang Xiaofan had a look at some of the VR exhibitions to see how these technologiesarebeing applied.上海最近发布了一份蓝图,以加速虚拟现实在文化旅游行业的应用。包括AR和VR在内的核心技术正被应用于展览和演出,为游客打造更身临其境的体验。记者唐晓帆通过参观展览,带领大家看看这类技术是如何应用的。Tang Xiaofan, Reporter唐晓帆 记者This 500-square-meter space doesn't look like anything special. But the moment you put on this VR headset, you are immediately transported to the tomb of King Khufu. This VR experience allows you to see places that are closed to the public, like the burial chambers. You can even climb all the way to the top of the pyramid to see a commanding view of Cairo.这个500平方米的空间看起来并没有什么特别之处。但您戴上VR头盔的那一刻,就会立刻被“传送”到胡夫国王的陵墓。这种VR体验可以让您参观例如墓室等不对外开放的地方。您甚至可以一路爬到金字塔顶端,俯瞰开罗全景。The 45-minute tour is led by a virtual guide named Mona. She explains the secrets of the pyramid and the inhabitants of the region. The journey ends with a trip down the Nile aboard a funeral barge【驳船】 to attend King Khufu's funeral.这场历时45分钟的游览由一位名叫莫娜的虚拟导游带领。她会向您解释金字塔的秘密以及介绍该地区的居民。旅程的最后,您将乘船沿尼罗河顺流而下,参加胡夫国王的葬礼。Visitor观众“我感觉那种身临其境的感觉还蛮真实的,我甚至可以在棺材旁边观看整个木乃伊制作的过程。”“It's such an immersive experience that everything seems very real, I could even watch the whole process of mummification next to the coffin.”Visitor观众“这是我们的第一次VR体验。不仅仅是游戏,还有科教结合,孩子们还可以在旅行中了解金字塔的历史,这比书本学习有趣得多。”“It's our first VR experience. It's not just a game. Children can also learn about the history of the pyramid on the tour, which is much more interesting than studying on books.”Titled "Horizon of Khufu", the exhibition is the first of its kind in the world that was created through detailed  surveying, scanning, and modelingofGreat Pyramid. The Shanghai event is its first stop outside of France. It has attracted more than 18,000 visitors since its opening on May 12.该展览名为“消失的法老”,是世界上首个通过对大金字塔进行详细勘测、扫描和建模而制作的展览。上海站是其在法国以外的第一站。自5月12日开放以来,已经吸引了1.8万多名游客。Ethan Tang, North Asia GM ofMCC International Co.唐祎程 博新元宇宙创始人兼首席执行官“它是一个大空间沉浸式探索技术,观众可以身临其境走入胡夫金字塔。他们可以在里面自由行走、组队、相互交流。它高度还原了我们去线下文旅景点体验的特点,很多以前我们去不到的地方,通过新技术可以更好的展现给大家。我们看重上海年轻人对于沉浸式文旅消费的高追求,也非常高兴能够把亚洲首展放在上海。”“The project is highly reminiscent of when we traveled scenic spots, which allows us to walk freely and talk with others. With the advanced technologies, we can guide visitors to places that they cannot approach. We choose Shanghai as our first stop in Asia, as young people here have a higher demand for immersive entertainment experiences.”Domestic online video service provider iQIYI also see the potential of virtual reality. It spent around three years creating a virtual reality project based on its original drama "Luoyang". Different elements like theaters, VR, and sensory-simulation techniques are combined. Cars, carriages and other props are built into the backdrop of Luoyang, one of China's four great ancient capitals during the Sui and Tang dynasties.国内在线视频服务提供商爱奇艺也看到了虚拟现实的潜力。爱奇艺花了约3年时间打造了以原创电视剧《洛阳》为基础的虚拟现实项目。该项目融合了剧场、VR、感官模拟技术等不同元素。洛阳是中国隋唐时期四大古都之一,汽车、马车和其他道具都以洛阳为背景。Xu Yuxuan, Directorof Public Affairs Department, iQIYI徐宇轩 爱奇艺公共事务部上海事务总监“这个洛阳IP主要是马伯庸的写的一款小说,2021年我们把它改造成影视IP。VR项目是我们的最新项目,其他项目还包括电影和纪录片。我们线下这个600平的空间扫描到线上,通过3D立体的搭建建模,形成了一个虚拟的世界。”“The Luoyang IP was created based on a novel written by Chinese writer Ma Boyong, and we adapted the story in 2021. The VR project is our latest addition to our projects, which also includes films and documentaries. We scan the 600-squaremeter space and make it into a virtual world through 3D modeling.”Shanghai has just released a blueprint for the development of virtual tourism, with the industry scale to surpass 50 billion yuan by 2025. Museums, art galleries, and shopping centers are encouraged to apply technologies likevirtual,augmented ormixed reality systems as well as holographic projection to create immersive experiences for visitors.上海刚刚发布了虚拟旅游发展蓝图,力争到2025年产业规模突破500亿元,并鼓励博物馆、艺术馆和购物中心应用虚拟现实、增强现实和混合现实系统以及全息投影等技术,为游客创造身临其境的体验。Wu Fangyi, Deputy Director ofJing'an Culture & Tourism Bureau吴芳艺 静安区文旅局副局长“我们已经出台政策,鼓励企业在电影、电子竞技和旅游业中加入元宇宙技术,甚至区块链技术。我们给予最高的300万的产业资金的支持。对于一些平台型的企业,比如说打造一个元宇宙世界观,最高可以给到1000万的产业政策支持。”“We have rolled out policies to encourage companies to add metaverse tech, even blockchain technology in their films, e-sports, and tourism industry. Projects that use these technologies can receive an award of up to three million yuan, while application developers can receive up to 10 million yuan.”Shanghai is the first city in China to draft a long-term blueprint for the development of virtual reality applications. It announced in January to boost the industry with an output of 350 billion yuan in 2025.上海是中国首个起草虚拟现实应用发展长期蓝图的城市。上海在1月份宣布将在2025年推动该产业实现3500亿元的产值。2.MANY AREAS OF CHINA CONTINUE TO DEAL WITH FLOODS AND DROUGHT中国多地持续遭受洪旱灾害Chongqing and the surrounding area has been hit with record breaking rainfall during this year's flood season.Two people are missing in Wanzhou District since the floods began, and 17 people have been injured. Elsewhere in the country, the National Meteorological【气象学的】 Center is continuing to issue an orange warning for high temperatures for areas in northern China. Zhang Hong has us more.重庆及周边地区今年汛期降雨量创历史新高。截至目前,万州洪涝地质灾害已经造成17人死亡、2人失踪。中央气象台继续对我国北方发布高温橙色预警。记者张泓带来更多报道。Changtan Town in Wanzhou District registered its heaviest rainfall since they started keeping records in 1956. The heavy showers triggered landslide. More than 140 people had to be relocated to dormitories at a nearby school. Food has been made available to them, and a medical team is on hand to help those in need.万州区长滩镇降下了自1956年有完整气象记录以来的最大暴雨,引发山体滑坡等次生灾害。140多名受灾群众只能转移到学生宿舍进行安置。安置点保证每一个受灾群众都能按时按点吃上热腾腾的饭菜,此外安置点还配有医疗队伍。Luo Shicai, Deputy Director ofWanzhou Emergency Management Bureau骆世才 重庆市万州区应急管理局副局长“我们主要通过学校、宾馆,实施集中安置,从饮食、住宿、医疗、安全等方面予以服务和保障。”“We relocated people to schools and hotels. We arranged food, accommodation, medical care, and security.”The district received 2,900 items from the Chongqing Emergency Command Center, including tents, beds, lamps, and towels. Local authorities are repairing damaged buildings and other infrastructure so that people can return to their homes as soon as possible.重庆市应急总指挥部办公室紧急向万州区调拨帐篷、折叠床、应急灯、毛巾被等应急救灾物资2900多件。目前,当地正加快修复受损建筑和其他基础设施,确保群众生产生活秩序恢复正常。Over 30 houses in Wushan County in Chongqing have been repaired after having been flooded. New locations were picked to rebuild homes that collapsed.重庆市巫山县30多户房屋进水被淹,目前,被淹房屋的清淤工作已经结束,垮房户重建房屋选址工作已经启动。The National Meteorological Center maintained the orange warning for high temperatures today. As of 3 pm, parts of Hebei and Henan were the warmest in the country. Wu'an in Hebei registered the highest temperature of the day at 43.3 degrees. The National Meteorological Center said this current heat wave will last longer and temperatures will be even higher.今天(07/07),中央气象台继续发布高温橙色预警。截至下午3点,全国气温排行榜的前十名基本位于河北、河南两省。其中,最高温出现在河北武安,达到43.3℃。气象专家表示,此轮高温天气表现出持续时间长,高温强度强等特点。Fu Jiaolan, Chief Forecaster ofNational Meteorological Center符娇兰 中央气象台首席预报员“在北京东部、河北南部、河南北部,将会出现40度或者以上的高温天气。与上一轮6月21日至24日的高温相比,本轮40度以上的高温影响范围更偏南一些。”“Eastern Beijing, southern Hebei, and northern Henan can expect temperatures of 40 degrees or above. Compared to the last round of high temperatures from June 21st to 24th, this current heat wave will push temperatures above 40 degrees in areas farther south.”The high temperatures and less rainfall in central and northern Hebei has led to a drought. Theprovincial Water Resources Bureau intensified its monitoring of fields and crops, and made the decision to divert water Yellow River for irrigation.    河北省中部和北部地区的高温少雨导致出现不同程度旱情。省水利厅加强了对土壤和庄稼的监测,并决定引黄河水进行灌溉。3.OCEANGATE SUSPENDS EXPEDITIONS AFTER DEADLY IMPLOSION“泰坦”号潜水器运营公司宣布暂停运营U.S.-based company OceanGate, which designed, built, and operated the tourist submersible that imploded during a dive to the wreck of the Titanic, said on Thursday that it had "suspended all exploration and commercial operations".总部位于美国的“海洋之门”勘探公司设计、建造和运营的旅游潜水器在下潜至“泰坦尼克”号残骸时发生内爆,该公司周四(07/06)表示已暂停所有勘探和商业运营。The company made the announcement during a brief statement posted atop its website, but the site still contains an advertisement for expeditions【探险】 to the Titanic. The Titan submersible was reported missing on June 18. After searching for four days, the U.S. Coast Guard said that the vessel had imploded, killing all five peopleonboard, OceanGate CEO Stockton Rush was among them. American and Canadian authorities are investigating the cause of the implosion and are raising questions about the unregulated nature of suchtours.该公司在其官网置顶的简短声明中发布了这一消息,但“泰坦尼克”号深潜观光的商业广告并未撤下。据报道,潜水器“泰坦”号于6月18日失踪。在搜寻四天后,美国海岸警卫队确认“泰坦”号发生了内爆,5名乘客全部遇难,“海洋之门”勘探公司首席执行官托克顿·拉什也在其中。美国和加拿大当局正在调查内爆原因,并对此类探险的不规范性提出质疑。#热词加油站blueprint/ˈbluːprɪnt/【蓝图】barge/bɑːrdʒ/【驳船】meteorological/ˌmiːtiərəˈlɑːdʒɪk(ə)l/【气象学的】expedition/ˌekspəˈdɪʃ(ə)n/【探险】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
7/10/20237 minutes, 39 seconds
Episode Artwork

07/07 TOP NEWS |AI大会:虚拟世界走向现实 /AI理念赋能智能系统/商务部回应出口管制

NEWS ON 07/061.VIRTUAL WORLD COMES TO LIFE AT WAIC世界人工智能大会:虚拟世界走向现实2.AI CONFERENCE TRADES INTELLIGENTIDEAS FOR INTELLIGENT SYSTEM人工“智”造 :AI理念赋能智能系统3.COMMERCE MINISTRY SAYS EXPORT CONTROLS DO NOT TARGET ANY COUNTRY商务部:出口管制不针对任何国家----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1.VIRTUAL WORLD COMES TO LIFE AT WAIC世界人工智能大会:虚拟世界走向现实The World AI Conference 2023 opened today with more than 500 exhibitors showcasing their latest technologies and services at venues in Pudong, Xuhui and Minhang. Reporter Zhang Yue visited one of the sideline venues in Zhangjiang this morning to tell us about the highlights.2023年世界人工智能大会今日(7月6日)开幕,500多家参展商在浦东、徐汇和闵行三大分会场展出了各自最新的技术和服务。今天上午本台记者张乐参观了浦东张江分会场并向我们报道了展会上的一些亮点。Switching one backdrop to another might be easier for a news anchor【新闻节目主持人】or a reporter like myself when covering various events. This virtual stage studio system provides hundreds of 3D virtual backdrops, and special effects that can be changed in less than one minute. The system is being used for fashion shows, livestreams, press conferences, and corporate recruitment events.虚拟舞台让新闻主播或像我一样的记者在报道不同事件时可以更方便地切换背景。这个虚拟舞台系统提供了数百种3D虚拟背景和特效,而且切换时间还不到一分钟。该系统可用于时装秀、直播、新闻发布会和企业招聘等场景。Li Yinghua, Exhibitor李英华展商“比如说在电商直播场景,也能够更好的让用户停留在直播间,让大服饰类目的所有的商品展示能变得更有趣味性,可以有效的让你的直播账号你的投流效率变得更好,这只是非常简单的一个应用场景的介绍。那另外一个方面呢就是从大家日常的生活直播场景到企业级的传播,到广电影视类的这种需求,我们从软件做了大量的场景的适配,大家可以从提前为大家预设的这些几百套的场景库里面找到自己可以拖拽像用个人使用的那些非常方便的软件一样快速上手,然后把自己的个性化的内容输出出来。”“Livestreaming scenes can now be more creative, which will make product presentation so much fun and attract more viewers. It’s also very easy to learn and use, just like most smartphone video editing apps.”People are also able to take a virtual tour to space as an astronaut, or be a firefighter operating a scaling ladder and putting out a huge blaze【大火】.人们还可通过虚拟太空旅行体验一下做宇航员的感受,还可通过虚拟场景成为一名消防员,并操作云梯参与一场大火扑救。Shen Pengyan, Exhibitor沈朋雁展商“比如说我们有一块内容是操作一个云梯,一个云梯的话大概是要几百万,那很多其实消防队员他们其实是没有机会去真实的去操作的,那么我们在VR的世界里面可以1:1的还原这个云梯的整个的一个操作的一个模式。像消防、军事、线下娱乐,还包括像无人机培训啊这些领域都有,然后我们这款产品今年下半今年下半年的话会会实现一个量产。”“A scaling ladder costs up to a million yuan, and firefighters don't usually have the opportunities to exercise by using a real one in everyday training. However, our system provides an immersive scenario just like the real one. Mass production of the product will begin this year.“Zhang Yue, Reporter张乐本台记者This vest I'm wearing helps me move in different directions in the virtual world. I feel much less dizzy using this compared to VR goggles. The vest also vibrates. For instance, I can feel it when I was hit by a meteorite in space, making for a more immersive and fun experience.我现在穿着的这个背心可以帮助我在虚拟世界中向不同方向移动。与VR眼镜相比,这件背心能够减轻体验者的眩晕感。而且这件背心还会震动。比如,当我在太空中被陨石击中时,我可以感受到震动,增加了整个体验过程的沉浸性和趣味性。Compared to a two-dimensional map navigator, finding places via your smartphone may become easier. This company has helped Zhangjiang Science City create a holographic model.与二维地图导航相比,智能手机导航有了人工智能技术的加持会表现更佳。该公司已协助张江科学城创建了一个全息模型。Shi Zhiru, Exhibitor石志儒展商传统的导航都是二维,在二维基础上从a点到b点,但是比如说我真的是在途经的路上,我能看到什么有趣的事情,看到什么样的风景,其实在我们传统的这些导航里头,对于我们最终的用户来说,或者是我们的老百姓来说,其实都没有直观的印象的,所以说呢我们这一次在张江科学城,然后将我们张江科学城的中区进行了一个1:1的自助孪生的这么一个复刻,然后构建了一个自助孪生的一个服务性的一个基础的系统Digital twin technology helps you have a clear idea of what coffee shops or restaurants are on your way from a subway station to your office. It helps to virtually present real-world objects and environment. This will be very convenient for people working in an industrial park like Zhangjiang Science City.Visitor from the Philippines菲律宾参观者“Right now this AI technology is really very revolutionizing, including the twin cities program, and the avatar, the online avatar. I think that's something that would really change the way we work.”“现在这种人工智能技术真的非常具有革命性,包括城市自助孪生,线上虚拟人物。我认为人工智能将真正改变我们的工作方式。”At the conference's Xuhui venue, entrepreneurs, professors, and scholars in the AI industry were invited to share their views on how our future will be shaped by artificial intelligence, and how the technology can be better adopted in the finance, video game, and movie sectors. Xuhui District is now home to more than 760 AI companies including Montage Technology, Yitu, and Transwarp. The district said the sector generated 17.7 billion yuan in revenue in the first three months this year, a 23.5 percent increase compared to the same period in 2022.在徐汇分场,人工智能行业的企业家、专家和学者受邀分享了他们对人工智能将如何塑造我们未来,以及如何更好地将人工智能应用于金融、视频游戏和电影行业的看法。徐汇区目前拥有超过760家人工智能企业,其中包括澜起科技、依图科技和星环科技。徐汇区表示,该区人工智能行业今年前三个月营收额达177亿元,同比增长23.5%。2.AI CONFERENCE TRADES INTELLIGENTIDEAS FOR INTELLIGENT SYSTEM人工“智”造 :AI理念赋能智能系统Staying with the World Artificial Intelligence Conference, our reporter Zhang Shixuan spoke to several companies to find out how the latest large AI models can be applied to industrial manufacturing, medical care and container transport.持续关注世界人工智能大会的同时,本台记者张诗旋还采访了几家企业,以了解最新的大型人工智能模型如何应用于工业制造、医疗保健和集装箱运输领域。Zhang Shixuan, Reporter张诗旋本台记者Artificial Intelligence is now a big topic of discussion in all kinds of businesses.  Of course there are always significant concepts that really are ahead of the pack, and that may include this year’s hottest topic, large AI models.  A raft of Chinese tech giants announced launches of their own models in the first half of the year, but are some of them really just attempts to cash in on a popular topic, to get some good publicity?  Or are they serious attempts to dig into some real world problems?  Today at the World AI conference in Shanghai we’re going to try to find out some answers.人工智能现已成为各行业讨论的热门话题。在这其中总会提出一些超前的重要概念,其中就可能包括今年最热门的大型人工智能模型。今年上半年,许多中国科技巨头都宣布推出自己的大型人工智能模型,但巨头们此举是单纯地蹭热度宣传自己的企业还是真的在尝试解决行业存在的现实问题?今天我们将在世界人工智能大会上寻找答案。The word“AI model” is everywhere in the exhibition hall.  SenseTime was one of the tech giants that launched big AI model sets this year and it has already turned models into real applications in energy and industrial manufacturing. What makes the new models a turning point is the additional capabilities that they can empower in the industrial world. And that’s what creates new possibilities for tech applications.展馆中,“人工智能模型”一词随处可见。商汤科技是一家于今年推出了大型人工智能模型的科技巨头,该企业目前已经将该模型应用于能源和工业制造领域。新模型之所以新在于它们可以为工业赋能,为技术应用创造了无限可能。Wang Guizhu, General Manager of Digital Energy, SenseTime王贵珠商汤科技数字能源总经理“产线和产线之间以及这条产线来料的不同,都会使得算法发生效果的过程当中会产生一定差异。比如说货检漏检的数据的体现上,那这些其实是会对AI的落地的这个技术的效果产生挑战的,过去这个问题没有太好的办法,我们很多时候是要靠把研究员再派到现场,再去做二次的适配和调试和训练,现在的话这个效率能够使得我们能少量的研究员加上底层的技术支撑,很好的提高这部分的效率。”“The differences between different production lines and the source materials can create new gaps in the results generated by previous AI algorithm, as in product inspections. But in the past, we didn't have many good solutions to this problem, so we had to dispatch researchers to the site, and conduct secondary adaptions, debugging and training. Now, with the new basis of technology, we'll only need a very small number of researchers, a big improvement in efficiency.”Applications like these have already proven their effectiveness in lithium battery production, helping save 60 to 80% of costs, and doubling or even tripling a researcher’s efficiency.人工智能的应用使锂电池的生产成本降低了60%-80%,这证明了人工智能的应用是有效的,而且研究人员的效率也提高到了原来的二倍甚至三倍。Wang adds that, another benefit of the large models is how they can connect recognition and decision, instead of having to make different individual settings based on differentscenarios【场景】. That has already been applied to the electrical grid sector and to medical care.王贵珠还补充说,大型模型的另一个好处是它们可以做到识别和决策的无缝衔接,无需根据不同场景调整设置。该技术目前已应用于电力行业和医疗保健领域。Wang Danyu, Senior Manager of Global Market Dvlp, AI Healthcare, SenseTime王丹宇商汤科技智慧医疗业务拓展经理“比如说全身上下不同的器官,不同的部位不同的疾病,包括它的这个数据模态也是非常多样的,包括CT、磁共振和医学文本,那么过去要训练这个医疗AI的模型,要针对具体的任务来单独的进行训练,要进行数据的标注,所以他的工作量是非常大的。那么现在自从大模型发布了之后,我们发布了医学的基础模型群,包括了语言的大模型,也包括了不同医学影像的大模型。”“For different organs and different diseases, the data models can be very different, in both CT and magnetic resonance tests. In the past, we had to train different AI models based on each individual task, and annotate data seperately, which required a huge work load. But now, with our new large models, we have launched basic model sets for medical use, including a language model, and a medical screening model.”Zhang Shixuan, Reporter张诗旋本台记者The popularity of large AI models began with ChatGPT, which offers a natural language processing model that can be targeted on and offered to individual users.  But is GPT’s popularity just a bubble?  The increase in the number of visits to the program had been slowing since February, and last month for the first time actually fell, by almost ten percent.  If its popularity is declining, what is the future of the large AI model?大型人工智能模型的普及始于ChatGPT。ChatGPT提供了一个智能的个性化自然语言处理模型。但是,GPT会不会是昙花一现呢?自今年2月以来,该程序的访问次数增速一直在放缓,上个月出现首次下降,下降幅度接近10%。如果其受欢迎程度下降,那么大型人工智能模型的前景又会如何?Wang Guizhu, General Manager of Digital Energy, SenseTime王贵珠商汤科技数字能源总经理“大模型的技术会越来越倾向于多模态,只是在目前这个阶段呢在这个NLP这个赛道上是相对比较成熟,而且也呈现了这样的井喷,但是其他的维度是一个逐渐落地的过程。那么从实际场景的需要来讲,它也是希望一个多模态的呈现的。因为你搭建这样的模型是一回事,模型的智能化程度是要靠不断的场景打磨,本质上是一个场景打磨算法,软件定义硬件的一个过程。”“The large model technologies will be more focused on multi-mode use. But now, natural language processing seems relatively mature in this field, and is growing exponentially【以指数方式】.  But regarding the demand from real applications, multi-mode is the future, because the intelligence of a model is continously developed through scenario applications.”It’s not just AI developers who have been digging into the applications of the large models. This Shanghai-based autonomous truck maker has also come up with a new 24-hour logistics service run by its self-developed large model, called Terminal GPT. Thanks to the new big AI model, the service is able to integrate into one analysis -- the vehicles, the people, the distances and the energy requirements in ports and factories - it all makes container transport safer.不仅仅是人工智能的开发人员在深入研究大型模型的应用,这家总部位于上海的自动驾驶卡车制造商最近新推出了一项24小时物流服务,该服务正是由其自主研发的大型模型Terminal GPT支持运行。在大型人工智能模型的支持下,该服务能够将车辆、人员、运输距离和港口、厂区的能源需求等信息整合到一起进行分析,从而使集装箱运输更加安全。Chen Yi, Brand PR Manager of Westwell陈怡(未找到中文名音译)品牌公关经理“集装箱物流场景里面其实是非常复杂的,因为它会涉及到非常多的机械设备、车辆以及非常多的任务调度,那在这种情况下,我们的Terminal GPT相当于一个拥有20年操作经验的一位老师傅,比如说可以推荐各种关键性能的智能操作,可以辅助我们的运营人员做出最优的决策,进而可以提升生产作业的效率。Terminal GPT可以跟我们的车队管理系统进行连接,可以对于我们生产作业场景里面的车队实现更好的车队级的任务分发和最优路径的选择。”“Container transport is very complicated, involving mechanical equipment, vehicles and many task assignments. Our TerminalGPT acts just like an operator with twenty years of experience, and helps operators make the best decisions so as to enhance efficiency.  The model can also be linked with our truck fleet management system, and make the best dispatch assignments and other routine choices.”It's not hard to see that the new large AI models have given the original AI systems and technologies the capability of making both decisions and predictions - abilities especially needed by industrial scenarios.And that is a basic characteristic of AGI -- artificial general intelligence.不难看出,新型大型人工智能模型赋予了原来的人工智能系统和技术以决策和预测能力,这正是工业场景所需要的。这也是通用人工智能的鲜明特点。3.COMMERCE MINISTRY SAYS EXPORT CONTROLS DO NOT TARGET ANY COUNTRY商务部:出口管制不针对任何国家The Ministry of Commerce said today that export controls on gallium and germanium are not targeted at any specific country, and the implementation of such actions conforms to internationally recognized practices. Song Wenjing has the story.商务部发言人表示,对镓和锗实施出口管制措施不针对任何特定国家,这是国际通行做法。宋文静带来详细报道。Trade restrictions on the two metals used in computer chips and solar panels were announced on Monday. Companies in China now need to apply for a license to export the metals. The commerce ministry spokesperson said this conforms to internationally recognized practices.本周一,中国政府决定对用于计算机芯片和太阳能电池板生产的两种金属采取出口管制措施。中国企业若想出口以上两种金属需申请出口许可证。商务部发言人表示,这是国际通行做法。Shu Jueting, SpokespersonofMinistry of Commerce束珏婷商务部新闻发言人“出口管制不是禁止出口,符合相关规定的将予以许可。中国政府实施出口管制,不针对任何特定国家。在发布公告前,中方已经通过中美、中欧出口管制对话渠道进行了预先通报。”“Export restrictions are not a complete ban on exports, and items that comply with regulations will be granted permits. China does not target any specific country with the restrictions. Before the announcement of the restrictions, China had notified the European Union and the United States through export control dialogue channels.”The commerce ministry has yet to receive an application to export either metal. Also at the briefing, the spokesperson expressed concerns about the further suppression of Chinese semiconductor companies by the United States.目前商务部尚未收到企业对两种金属的出口申请文件。发布会上,发言人表示恐怕美国将会进一步打压中国半导体企业。Shu Jueting, SpokespersonMinistry of Commerce束珏婷商务部新闻发言人“中国是世界上最大的半导体市场,芯片销售规模约占全球的1/3美方的做法不仅损害中国企业正当权益,也将损害众多国家和地区的利益,阻碍全球科技交流和经贸合作,最终将反噬自身。”“China is the biggest market for semiconductors around the world, accounting for around a third of global chip sales. The US government's consideration of export controls on artificial intelligence chips is detrimental to Chinese companies' interests and hinders global economic and trade exchanges and cooperation. Such actions would eventually harm the interests of the United States.”The spokesperson also said the Chinese government will continue to pay close attention to developments related to the release of contaminated water from the inoperable Fukushima nuclear power plant. China will carefully assess any possible effects to protect Chinese consumers.发言人还表示,中国政府将继续密切关注福岛核电站核污水排海问题的进展。中国将全面综合评估该方案可能产生的影响,以维护中国消费者的权益。#热词加油站anchor/ˈæŋkə(r)/【新闻节目主持人】blaze/bleɪz/【大火】scenario/səˈnɑːriəʊ/【场景】exponentially/ekspə'nenʃəlɪ/【以指数方式】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
7/8/202310 minutes, 27 seconds
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07/06 TOP NEWS | 在沪外企助力上海发展/探营世界人工智能大会/地球史上“最热一天”

NEWS ON 07/051.FOREIGN COMPANIES CONTRIBUTE 25% TO SHANGHAI’S GDP外资企业在沪“加仓”  助力上海高质量发展2.WORLD AI CONFERENCE BEGINS TOMORROW探营世界人工智能大会:多项人工智能新成果首发3.JULY 3RD WAS THE HOTTEST DAY IN RECORDED HISTORY7月3日成为全球有记录以来“最热一天”----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1.FOREIGN COMPANIES CONTRIBUTE 25% TO SHANGHAI’S GDP外资企业在沪“加仓”  助力上海高质量发展The number of foreign-invested companies in Shanghai has reached 70,000 and they contribute nearly 25 percent of the city’s gross domestic product. Some plan to invest more in the city. Lei Shuran has more.在沪的外资企业已达到7万家,贡献了上海市近25%的国内生产总值。一些企业计划进一步增加在沪投资。记者雷舒然带来详细报道。The third phase of BASF’s innovation park opened recently, making it the German chemical giant’s biggest R&D base in the Asia-Pacific region. Researchers have developed polymer【聚合物】recycling technology in its process engineering laboratory.And in its special material laboratory, researchers develop new materials for new energy vehicles.最近,德国化学巨头巴斯夫上海创新园三期落成启用,该园区是巴斯夫在亚太地区最大的研发基地。巴斯夫研发人员在工艺工程实验室里开发了聚合物回收技术,而在特性材料实验室里,研发人员将开发新能源汽车的创新材料。Lou Jianfeng, Chairman & President of BASF China楼剑锋 巴斯夫中国董事长兼总裁“中国市场已经是(占我们)全球(市场)的半壁江山了。坚定不移地在中国加强投资不仅仅是产能建设,还有创新,把研究成果产业化,这也是我们不断投资中国、投资创新的初衷。”“The Chinese market plays an important role in our company’s global market. We will improve the investment in China consistently, not only our production capacity, but also in realizing research results. This was our original intention for investing in China.”German optics manufacturer Zeiss has rented a building that is still under construction across from its Chinaheadquarters in Waigaoqiao. The company said it rented the land in advance, and will use it for research and development, as well as service management. The industry park where the company is located is now home to 160 companies including those from the United States and Japan.德国光学制造商蔡司在其中国总部外高桥租赁了一栋尚未竣工的建筑物。该公司表示,他们提前租赁了这块土地,计划将其用于研发和服务管理。该公司所在的工业园区现已有来自美国、日本等国的160家企业。In the first five months of this year, another 2,000 foreign-invested companies set up in Shanghai. The actual utilized foreign investment volume exceeded 11.1 billion US dollars in the period, up 17 percent compared to the same period last year. Foreign companies in Shanghai contribute one third of tax revenue and two thirds of total foreign trade.今年前五个月,上海又新设2000家外资企业。前五个月实际使用外资金额超过111亿美元,比去年同期增长了17%。在沪外资企业贡献了上海市三分之一的税收收入和三分之二的外贸总额。2.WORLD AI CONFERENCE BEGINS TOMORROW探营世界人工智能大会:多项人工智能新成果首发The World Artificial Intelligence Conferen ceconvenestomorrow, this year’s event will bring together more than 30 domestic and overseas developers. Sun Siqi takes a look.2023世界人工智能大会将于7月6日开幕,今年的会展将汇集30多个国内外开发团队。本台记者孙思奇带来详细报道。This AI model analyzes a basketball player’s moves in real time: The cameras capture the players’ performance, and the algorithms work out the stats.这台人工智能模型可以实时分析篮球运动员的动作:摄像头捕捉球员的表现,算法计算出统计数据。Wang Zhaohui, Intelligent Sports Director of SenseTime王照辉 商汤科技智慧体育项目总监“包括每个人的技术统计,比如投篮命中率、跑动速度、跑动距离,都可以做展示。现在用的解析其实是靠大模型的算力,远程来支持这套系统的。”“At the end of the game, it generates a montage for your performance. On the side, there's their stats like scoring Percentage, distance covered, and speed. The analysis is remotely connected to our computational power center backstage.”At the booths, you’d find scores of AI models that generate text or graphic designs, and behind all of these models are the firms that develop the algorithms for the systems.在展台上,你会发现大量能够生成文本或图形设计的人工智能模型,而这些模型背后是开发系统算法的公司。Ming Qingyong, Senior Engineer of Enflame明庆勇燧原科技产品高级主管工程师“比如说,我们针对上万张、或者几千万张、几亿张图片,我们通过软件站以及硬件基础可以训练出这些图片的规律,可以得到它的一些特征出来,这个特征就被提炼成为模型。”“Our AI trainer studies up to hundreds of millions of photos. It studies their commonalities【共性】, and that becomes the basis of a model.”And the drones are getting stronger and smarter- this logistics drone plans its route with AI, and can fly safely in minus 20 to 50 degrees, at night or in moderate rain or snow. A real example of a possible future for urban logistics.无人机正变得更加强大和智能——这种物流无人机使用人工智能规划路线,可以在零下20到50摄氏度的恶劣环境中安全飞行,无论是夜间还是在中等雨雪天气。这是未来城市物流可能性的一大实例。Chen Tianjian, Drone System Engineer of Meituan陈天健 美团无人机系统架构师“‘肌肉’方面,它的配送半径从3.7公升级到了5公里。在‘大脑’方面,它首次具备了全像的感知能力,可以让无人机分辨周围的障碍物,进行非常智能的避障操作。”“Its operational radius has grown from 3.7 to 5 kilometers. In terms of its brain, the drone has obtained full vision for the first time. It's much more intelligent and is better at avoiding obstacles.”Getting lost in the metaverse? Experience its link to the physical world at this AR enabled coffee stand.迷失在元宇宙了?一起在这个支持AR技术的咖啡摊位上体验元宇宙与现实世界的联系吧。Li Yang, Business Director of Sight Plus李阳视辰信息科技(上海)有限公司商务总监“通过佩戴AR眼镜做一个手势,或手柄的“元宇宙”点咖啡,点好以后会有一杯咖啡通过机器人自动送到用户的手中。”“Put on the AR goggles, place an order with the console【控制台】, and a real cup of coffee will be delivered right to you by our robot.”This is the 5th time the World AI Conference has convened. More than 200 deals worth a combined 70 billion yuan were signed at past years' events. Between 2018 and 2022, the number of large AI enterprises in Shanghai has grown from 183 to over 340. Their output value grew from 134 billion to more than 380 billion yuan.这已是第五届世界人工智能大会。在过去几届的活动中,签署交易超200项,总价值达700亿人民币。在2018年至2022年期间,上海的大型人工智能企业数量从183家增长到超过340家,产值从1340亿元增长到超过3800亿元。3.JULY 3RD WAS THE HOTTEST DAY IN RECORDED HISTORY7月3日成为全球有记录以来“最热一天”According to data from the US National Centers for Environmental Prediction, Monday, July 3rd, was the hottest day ever recorded.根据美国国家环境预报中心的数据,7月3日星期一成为有记录以来最炎热的一天。The average global temperature reached 17.01 degrees Celsius, surpassing the August 2016 record of 16.92 degrees as intense heat-waves are being felt around the world. The south-western U.S. has been suffering from intense heat the last couple of weeks. Temperatures reached 46.7 degrees in Phoenix, Arizona on Monday, the city's hottest day so far this year. Areas in North Africa are also experiencing powerful heat-waves with temperatures of just under 50 degrees. The World Meteorological Organization said on Tuesday that temperatures are expected to soar【猛涨】 across large parts of the world due to the return of the EL Nino weather in the tropical regions of the Pacific ocean.7月3日全球平均气温达到了17.01摄氏度,刷新了2016年8月的16.92摄氏度的纪录,全球范围内都感受到了异常炎热的热浪。美国西南部在过去几周持续受高温炙烤。周一,亚利桑那州凤凰城的气温达到了46.7摄氏度,是该城市今年截至目前最热的一天。北非地区也正在经历持续高温,气温接近50摄氏度。世界气象组织周二表示,由于太平洋热带地区今年再度出现厄尔尼诺现象,预计全球大部分地区的温度将会飙升。#热词加油站polymer/ˈpɑːlɪmər/【聚合物】commonality/ˌkɑːmənˈæləti/【共性】console/kənˈsoʊl/【控制台】soar/sɔː(r)/【猛涨】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
7/6/20234 minutes, 48 seconds
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07/05 TOP NEWS | 工业机器人布局加速/首例亲体肝移植完成/福岛核污水评估报告发布

NEWS ON 07/041.ROBOTS ARE COMING-FROM WHERE AND TO WHERE?3年内上海工业机器人使用密度将增加100台/万人2.2-YEAR-OLD BOY DISCHARGEDAFTER LIVER TRANSPLANT首例亲体肝移植手术完成,2岁幼童重获新生3.IAEA CHIEF VISITS JAPAN TO DELIVER RESULTS OF SAFETY REVIEWIAEA总干事就核污水排海访日并发布评估报告----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1.ROBOTS ARE COMING -FROM WHERE AND TO WHERE?3年内上海工业机器人使用密度将增加100台/万人According to the World Robotics 2022 Report, released by the International Federation of Robotics, China's massive investment in industrial robots has now moved the country up in the global rankings of robot density, surpassing the United States for the first time and marking a significant improvement in the country's industrial automation level. Our reporter Zhang Shixuan checks out what they're all doing here.根据国际机器人联合会发布的《2022年世界机器人报告》,中国在工业机器人方面的大规模投资已使中国在全球机器人密度排名中名列前茅,并首次超过美国,这标志着中国工业自动化水平显著提高。记者张诗旋带来现场报道。Construction sites in the past have always been full of workers, busy in all kinds of weather and sometimes exposed to safety risks. But on some construction sites in China now, you can find these machines helping out.  This plastering robot is applying a thin layer of mortar over the wall surface all by itself.  In 8 hours it can complete work on 460 square meters, a job that previously would have been assigned to ten workers.  Robots like this are changing the entire industry.  过去,建筑工地上都是忙碌的建筑工人,无论什么天气都要进行作业,有时还面临着安全隐患。但如今,有些建筑工地已经开始使用机器人协助作业。这台抹灰机器人正独自为墙面涂抹薄灰浆,8小时便可以完成460平方米作业,相当于10个工人的效率。这样的机器人正在改变整个建筑行业。Lin Wenbiao, ManagerScience & Quality Dept., China Construction Eighth Engineering Division Shanghai林文彪 中建八局上海公司科技质量部经理“从2019年开始一直到去年为止,我们整个行业的从业人员实际上每年都以70万到100万的这么一个数量在下降,但是施工企业的数量在增加,从11万到去年年底已经超过14万了。”“From 2019 to last year, the number of employees in our industry has dropped by from 700,000 to 1 million every year. But the number of construction companies has been rising, from 110,000 to 140,000 at the end of last year.”These robots have now finished work on 500,000 square meters of walls on Shanghai construction sites.  They were all developed by the construction group itself, at its in-house engineeringinstitute.  这些抹灰机器人已在上海各大工地累计完成50万平方米的抹灰作业。它们都是由建筑集团内部的工程部门自主研发的。Yin Guanghua, PrincipalIntelligent Construction, Engineering Research Institute, China Construction Eighth Engineering尹光华 中国建筑第八工程局有限公司工程研究所智能建筑部“建造机器人,它在自己作业的同时,也在创造环境。这意味着它们必须不断更新以适应新环境,对算法及其适应性提出了更高的要求。我们需要实现人与机器之间的顺畅协作。”“Robots that work on construction sites are creating a new environment while they work, which means they have to be continuously updated to the new environment. That puts more requirements on algorithms【算法】 and their adaptation.  We need to work out smooth cooperation between humans and machines.”Zhang Shixuan, Reporter张诗旋 记者Shanghai's current robot density, a key gauge measuring the adoption of automation in manufacturing, is now already more than twice the global average. Not satisfied with that, the city aims to raise the density by another 100 robots per 10,000 persons in the following years, an increase of almost 40% from now. Where will all the new robots come from? And where will they go?作为衡量制造业自动化程度的关键指标,上海目前的工业机器人使用密度是世界机器人密度平均水平的两倍之多。未来几年,上海计划将工业机器人使用密度将提升100台/万人,相较于当前水平提高40%。新机器人将由哪些机构研发制造?又将被用于哪些行业?Tim Deng, Head of General IndustryABB Robotics China邓奇 ABB机器人中国区通用工业业务单元负责人“第一个是太阳能。三年前,我们在这方面几乎没有任何参考,近几年来,我们的增长率都是两倍、三倍甚至更多。这个市场是非常巨大的。虽然目前看起来有点产能过剩,但我们相信从长远来看,将持续扩大海外市场。它在太阳能和电动汽车电池方面都有很多应用,如装配螺丝驱动和材料处理。”“The first is solar. Three years ago, we had almost no reference in this field, and in recent years, our growth rates have all doubled and tripled or even more. This market is very huge, and although there seems to be a bit of overcapacity at present, we believe it will continue to grow in the long term, including expanding overseas market. There are lots of applications both in solar and EV batteries, such as assembly screw【螺丝】driving and material handling.”The Swiss robotics giant opened a mega factory in Shanghai last December with an investment of 150 million US dollars. As one of the company's largest robotics factory worldwide, the new facility will further energize robotics growth.去年12月,瑞士机器人头部企业ABB机器人斥资1.5亿美元在上海开办了一座大型工厂。作为该公司全球最大的机器人工厂之一,新工厂将进一步推动机器人技术的发展。Tim Deng, Head of General IndustryABB Robotics China邓奇 ABB机器人中国区通用工业业务单元负责人“我们的生产速度提升了200%。我们将在新的和现有的行业中开启灵活自动化的新可能性,比如电子、物流、医疗保健、新能源汽车、电子商务、制药、餐饮和服务机器人。”“We have faster production, with speed improved by 200%.  We will unlock new possibilities for flexible automation in new and existing sectors; electronics, logistics, healthcare, New Energy Vehicles, e-commerce, pharmaceuticals, restaurants and service robotics.”Last year, the annual output of industrial robots in Shanghai accounted for one-fifth of China's total. By 2025, Shanghai is shooting to build 10 industry-leading robot brands and 100 demonstration application scenarios, with the scale of its robot-related industry reaching 100 billion yuan.去年,上海的工业机器人年产量占全国总产量的五分之一。到2025年,上海力争打造出10个行业领先的机器人品牌和100个示范应用场景,机器人关联产业规模将达1000亿元。2.2-YEAR-OLD BOY DISCHARGEDAFTER LIVER TRANSPLANT首例亲体肝移植手术完成,2岁幼童重获新生A 2-year-old boy was discharged from the hospital this morning after a liver transplant at Children's Hospital of Fudan University. It was the hospital's first living donor liver transplant after obtaining approval last year. Reporter Zhang Hong has the story.今天上午,一名2岁男孩在复旦大学附属儿科医院接受肝移植手术后出院。这是该院自去年获得“儿科移植医学”资质后开展的首例亲体肝移植手术。记者张泓带来详细报道。2-year-old Jiajia from Yunnan suffers from biliary atresia and had an operation at Children's Hospital of Fudan University a few months after he was born. This year, he showed signs of liver failure and his parents brought him back to Shanghai. On June 14th, the boy was given a liver transplant. His mother donated a portion of her liver. The process took 6 and a half hours with the two surgeries taking place simultaneously【同时地】.2岁的佳佳来自云南,患有胆道闭锁,出生几个月后在复旦大学附属儿科医院接受了手术。今年,佳佳出现了严重的肝衰竭症状,父母带他带再次来到上海。6月14日,孩子接受了肝移植手术,佳佳母亲是本次手术的供体。两台手术同时进行,整个过程耗时约6.5小时。Jiajia's Mother佳佳母亲“当时我们两个人都去匹配了,但是他爸爸的脂肪肝比较严重。医生讲我的肝比较健康,从我的肝脏中取走了260多克,大概就是1/5左右。”“My husband and I were checked for a match, but he has a fatty liver, so I became the donor. The doctors harvested 260 grams of my liver, which is about one-fifth of the total.”Dong Kuiran, Vice Party SecretaryChildren's Hospital of Fudan University董岿然 复旦大学附属儿科医院党委副书记“由于腹部粘连,手术相当困难,我们需要保持肝脏的结构,并将血管与捐赠者的肝脏相连。我们和华山医院的团队一起合作,手术很成功。”“The surgery was quite difficult due to abdominal adhesions and we needed to maintain the liver's structure and connect the blood vessels with that of the donor's liver. We worked with doctors from Huashan Hospital and the surgery turned out successful.”The hospital obtained approval for pediatric transplants last August, which enables better care of children.去年8月,复旦大学附属儿科医院获得了“儿科移植医学”资质,从而可以为患儿提供更好的治疗。Wang Yi, PresidentChildren's Hospital of Fudan University王艺 复旦大学附属儿科医院院长“如果你没有独立资质的话,那就是要先在成人的医院里做父母或亲体器官的取出,然后再转到我们医院将供体器官移植到儿童体内。但现在可以直接在我们医院进行移植手术,这样质量更高,安全性更能保障。”“Without the qualification, we needed to harvest the organ and transplant it to the young patient in a general hospital for adults. After the surgery, the child would be transferred to our hospital for care. Now we can carry out transplants in our hospital, where children can be given better care by multiple departments.”Children's Hospital of Fudan University is the only pediatric【儿科】hospital in Shanghai that has obtained approval for heart, liver and kidney transplants, according to Dr. Wang. So far, more than 20 kidney transplants have been done at the hospital. The hospital said each year, they have around 60 patients who need a kidney transplant and over 200 who need a liver transplant.据王医生介绍,复旦大学附属儿科医院是上海首个且唯一具备心、肝、肾移植资质的儿童专科医院,截至目前该院已完成20多例肾脏移植手术。该院表示,每年约有60名患儿需要进行肾脏移植,200多名患儿需要肝脏移植。3.IAEA CHIEF VISITS JAPAN TO DELIVER RESULTS OF SAFETY REVIEWIAEA总干事就核污水排海访日并发布评估报告IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi started a four-day visit to Japan today. He met Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida and delivered the IAEA's final assessment report of the government's discharge plan. The China Embassy in Japan today said the International Atomic Energy Agency's report does not constitute an approval of the plan. Lei Shuran has the story.国际原子能机构总干事拉斐尔·格罗西今天(07/04)开始对日本进行为期四天的访问。他会见了日本首相岸田文雄,并发布了国际原子能机构关于福岛第一核电站核污染水排海计划的最终评估报告。中国驻日本大使馆今天强调,国际原子能机构相关评估报告不能成为日本核污水排海“通行证”。记者雷舒然带来详细报道。IAEA chief Rafael Grossi met with Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida in Tokyo this afternoon to deliver the results of the agency's safety review of Japan's ocean discharge plan. Grossi said the report sums up the IAEA's work over the past two years. All of the IAEA's interim evaluations have been positive and the final report is expected to say that the water sampling, testing and monitoring plans involved in the release are adequate and conform to international requirements.国际原子能机构总干事拉斐尔·格罗西今天(07/04)下午在东京会见了日本首相岸田文雄,并发布了该机构关于福岛第一核电站核污水排海计划的安全审查结果。格罗西表示,这份报告总结了国际原子能机构过去两年的工作。目前所有中期评估结果都是正面的。预计最终报告将称,“与排放配套的水采样、测试和监测计划是完善的,符合国际安全标准”。Rafael Grossi, Director GeneralInternational Atomic Energy Agency拉斐尔·格罗西国际原子能机构总干事“The decision about the option, of course, again, I should repeat, is one that is to be made by Japan. We made an evaluation, we compare with other options and we were able to confirm that this (water dispersion) is one that exists that has proven track record and it's being used, as we speak.”“当然,我要再重复一遍,最终是否会实行排海计划的决定将由日本作出。我们也进行了评估,并将该方案同其他方案进行了比较,我们能够确认这是一种实际存在且有相关记录的方案,而且此时此刻,该方案就正在被使用。”Grossi will visit the Fukushima plant tomorrow. Members of the local fishing industry in the area remain opposed to the release of the contaminated water from the region's tsunami-crippled nuclear power plant.格罗西明天(07/05)将访问福岛核电站。该地区周边渔民仍反对福岛第一核电站核污染水排海计划。Kazuo HasegawaLocal Fishermen福岛县周边渔民“I'm completely against it. They're definitely going to do it. I'm really angry about it, but I have to obey the country's decision.”“我强烈反对核污染水排海,但政府执意这么做。我很气愤,但无力改变政府的决定。”At a press conference in Tokyo today, the Chinese Ambassador in Japan said that the IAEA report cannot prove the legitimacy, and legality of Japan's ocean discharge plan, nor can it absolve Japan of its moral responsibility and obligations under international law.今天,中国驻日本大使在东京举行的新闻发布会上表示,国际原子能机构的报告证明不了日方排海的正当性与合法性,免除不了日方应承担的道义责任和国际法义务。Wu JianghaoChinese Ambassador to Japan吴江浩 中国驻日本大使“从职能授权来说,IAEA是促进安全可靠、和平利用核能的国际机构,它不是评估核污染水对海洋环境和生物健康长远影响的合适机构,并且从一开始,日方就限制了IAEA工作组的授权,不接受评估其他处置方案。”“The IAEA is an international organization that promotes the safe, reliable, and peaceful use of nuclear technology. It is not an appropriate organization to assess the long-term impact of nuclear contaminated water on the marine environment and biological health. It should be noted that Japan has limited the authorization of the IAEA working group, and refused to accept the assessment of alternative disposal methods.”Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mao Ning said today that China urges Japan to stop the ocean discharge plan and study other options, deal with wastewater disposal in a science-based, safe and transparent way, and subject itself to rigorous international oversight.中国外交部发言人毛宁今天(07/04)表示,中方敦促日方停止强行推动排海计划,切实以科学、安全、透明的方式处置核污染水,并接受严格的国际监督。#热词加油站algorithm/ˈælɡərɪðəm/【算法】 screw/skruː/【螺丝】 simultaneously/ˌsaɪm(ə)lˈteɪniəsli/【同时地】pediatric/ˌpiːdiˈætrɪk/【儿科】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
7/5/20238 minutes, 46 seconds
Episode Artwork

07/04 TOP NEWS | WAIC 2023开幕在即/科创企业深耕细分赛道/屈冬玉连任粮农组织总干事

NEWS ON 07/031.SNEAK PEEK AT WORLD ARTIFICIALINTELLIGENCE CONFERENCE 20232023世界人工智能大会将在7月6日开幕2.DATA TECH FIRMS DEVELOP QUICKLYIN NEW SPECIALTY FIELDS科创企业深耕数据要素细分赛道3.QU DONGYU RE-ELECTED ASDIRECTOR-GENERAL OF U.N.F.A.O.屈冬玉高票连任联合国粮农组织总干事----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1.SNEAK PEEK AT WORLD ARTIFICIALINTELLIGENCE CONFERENCE 20232023世界人工智能大会将在7月6日开幕This year's World Artificial Intelligence Conference will begin on Thursday in Shanghai and companies are making advances with avatars. Sun Siqi takes a peek.今年的世界人工智能大会将于本周四在上海开幕,各家公司将借此机会展现正在推进的虚拟人物技术。本台记者孙思奇带大家先睹为快。An avatar generator turned heads last year, as a spherical scanner with 27 cameras captures details of a person and creates an AI actor. An avatar in the metaverse is a user's identity. Over the year, its creator collected information for thousands of AI avatars. This year, engineers are taking it to a new level. Type in descriptions like age, gender and facial or physical features, and an artificial image of a person is generated in an instant.去年,一项虚拟人物生成装置引起了轰动,该球形扫描器配备了27个摄像头,可以捕捉人各种的细节,并生成一个人工智能角色。在元宇宙中,虚拟人物是用户的身份代表。在过去的一年里,该装置创造者为成千上万个人工智能虚拟人物收集了海量信息。今年,工程师们实现了技术衍进,用户只需要输入年龄、性别、面部或身体特征的描述,就可以立即生成对应的“数字人”形象。Zhang Qixuan, CTO of  Deemos张启煊 影眸科技首席技术官CTO“这套系统主要接洽的是游戏玩家或游戏的制作团队,比如你有个方阵,方阵里有100个 不同的士兵,在此之前,可能每个都需要艺术家去精细化手调,有这样的系统后,你只要给100个随机种子,就能生成100个长相不同,但都符合士兵人设背景的形象。”"This is mainly for game makers. Let's say there are 100 soldiers in a battle formation. You'd need artists to draw and fine tune every one of them. But with our system, just give us 100 randomized descriptions, and you'll have 100 soldiers that look completely different.”These images won't look as good as ones captured through scanning, but they're extremely cost-efficient.这些图像的精细度可能不如通过扫描获得的图像,但它们非常具有成本效益。And check out this avatar. It translates what it hears into sign language. This could work as an interpreter for people with hearing disabilities.请看这个虚拟人物。它可以将听到的内容翻译成手语。对于听障人来士说相当于配备了一个贴身手语翻译。Zhang Zhaohua, CEO of DGene张朝华 叠境数字科技(上海)有限公司首席执行官CEO“帮他们解决正常的跟社会沟通的问题,那这仅仅是第一步,第二步可以让他们在这上面学习各种各样的知识,能够让他们真正去融入社会。”"Helping them communicate is just step one. We hope eventually, they'll be able to access all types of information, which helps them really become part of this world.”Last year, the firm created a holographic model of Zhangjiang Science City to give an immersive experience of visiting the tech district.去年,这家公司构建了一个张江科学城的全息线上孪生城市,为人们提供了参观该科技区的沉浸式体验。The World AI Conference 2023 will convene from July 6th to 8th at venues in Pudong, Xuhui, and Minhang. Pudong is now home to Asia's largest computational power center, which provides the infrastructure for future metaverse and autonomous vehicle developments.2023世界人工智能大会将于7月6日至7月8日在浦东、徐汇和闵行等地举行。浦东目前拥有亚洲最大的算力中心,为未来元宇宙和自动驾驶车辆的发展提供了基础设施。2.DATA TECH FIRMS DEVELOP QUICKLYIN NEW SPECIALTY FIELDS科创企业深耕数据要素细分赛道China has been putting a lot of efforts into building basic data systems to put data resources to better use. That includes establishing data exchanges and guidelines of twenty key measures to regulate and support them. Local firms in the industry see increasing business opportunities in the developments as Lei Shuran reports.为更好利用数据资源,中国大力建设基础数据系统,包括成立数据交易所并出台“数据二十条”以监管、支持数据交易市场。业内公司的发展商机与日俱增。记者雷舒然带来详细报道。Clinical trials are an important part of the drug development process that affects cost, speed, and quality. As one of the first firms in China to bring specialty data management to the process, ClinPlus has introduced Site Management Organization for hospitals and developers.  The idea is to coordinate【协调】procedures among sponsors, testing sites, and researchers.临床试验是药物研发过程中重要的成本环节、限速环节和质量环节。作为中国首批将专业数据管理引入这一过程的公司之一,普蕊斯(ClinPlus)为医院和开发商提供临床试验现场管理组织服务和产品,主要目的是为了协调赞助商、测试地点和研究人员之间的程序。Yang Hongwei, Founder&CEO ofSMO ClinPlus Co., Ltd.杨宏伟 普蕊斯股份有限公司创始人兼首席执行官“它是整个产业链里头,最终就是能够接触到患者、接触到医生、接触到申办者的这么一个多方体,所以的话它可能就是真正的去解决了临床实验是做出来的,不是这种监察出来的这么一个概念。比如说这个病人来一次随访,他会做很多很多的这种检查项,会做很多很多工作,那么SMO的CRC在这个医院里头,他也会把这个项目进行解构,进行一个项目管理,尽可能的去把这个法规容许的这种工作的这种东西,把它定义下来,然后让医生回归做医生最擅长的医学判断工作。”“SMO is a multi-party system in the industry chain that deals with patients, physicians, and sponsors, and its significance is to address how clinical trials are done rather than just monitored. For example, if a patient comes for a follow-up visit, many tests will be done and there will be a lot of follow-up work. Our Clinical Research Coordinator at the hospital will deconstruct the items and project manage them, taking charge of the work as much as the regulations allow, allowing physicians to focus on the area of medical judgment in which they excel.”Based on its standardized project management system, ClinPlus has implemented【实施】over 2,500 international and domestic SMO projects as of March 31st, helping some 110 new drugs gain market approval. In addition to data application, data storage, copying and safety have also been areas of key interest in the sector in recent years. Founded in 2011, Information2 Software specializes in data replication products and technologies, and has overcome a number of technical difficulties with the help of the local government. It went public on the Shanghai Stock Exchange's STAR Market in January.  基于标准化的项目管理体系,截至3月31日,普蕊斯已经实施了2500多个国内外SMO项目,帮助110多个新药获得市场批准。除了数据应用之外,数据存储、复制和安全也是近年来该行业关注的重点领域。普蕊斯成立于2011年,专门从事数据复制产品和技术,并在当地政府的帮助下克服了一些技术难题。该公司于今年1月在上海证券交易所科创板上市。Hu Junqing, Chairman & CEO ofShanghai Information2 Software Inc.胡俊卿 上海信息软件有限公司董事长兼首席执行官“数据不仅仅是一个结果,它已经变成了一个源头。数据元素已经成为一种生产资料,一种生产要素。我们这企业并不大,但区政府能够非常准确的理解它的重要性,这就是很大的支持。比如说我们这所处的黄浦区,纳税规模到几十亿的企业比比皆是,我们的企业相对来说很小,但区政府已经看到了我们,针对性的对我们这样的企业提出一系列的帮助和政策,这就是对企业高质量发展的一个一个最大的一个支持。”“Data is not just a result, it has really become a source. Data elements have become a means of production, a factor of production. We are not a big enterprise here, but the district government was able to understand the importance of our business, and that was a great support. For example, in Huangpu District, where we are located, there are many big companies with an annual tax scale of several billion yuan. We're relatively small, but the district government noticed us and provided a series of assistance and policies to firms like ours, which were of great support for high-quality development.”A White Paper on Big Data published by the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology points out that in China, suppliers and demanders of data have been expanding from the financial and Internet industries to other sectors, including transportation, medical treatment, government, and meteorology【气象学】.        中国信息通信研究院发布的《大数据白皮书》指出,在中国,数据的供应者和需求者已经从金融和互联网行业扩展到交通、医疗、政府、气象等其他领域。3.QU DONGYU RE-ELECTED ASDIRECTOR-GENERAL OF U.N.F.A.O.屈冬玉高票连任联合国粮农组织总干事Qu Dongyu was re-elected as director-general of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization on Sunday, at the ongoing 43rd session of the FAO Conference in Rome. His new term will run from Aug 1st, 2023 to July 31st, 2027.周日,在罗马举行的联合国粮食及农业组织大会第43届会议上,屈冬玉高票胜选成功连任总干事,新任期将于今年8月1号正式开始,为期4年。Founded in 1945 and headquartered in Rome, Italy, the FAO is a specialized UN agency that coordinates cooperation in food and agriculture projects around the world. Qu was first elected to head the organization in June of 2019, and is the first Chinese national to serve in the position. His efforts have been extensively【广泛地】 recognized by FAO member nations. Since assuming office, Qu has actively led the FAO to address the challenges concerning global food security and contribute to the food and agricultural security of all countries, especially developing countries.联合国粮食及农业组织成立于1945年,总部设在意大利罗马,是协调世界各地粮食和农业项目合作的联合国专门机构。2019年6月,屈冬玉当选联合国粮农组织总干事,成为这一组织历史上首位中国籍总干事。自上任以来,他积极带领粮农组织应对全球粮食安全挑战,助力各国特别是发展中国家粮食和农业发展,得到粮农组织广大成员国的认可。#热词加油站coordinate/koʊˈɔːrdɪneɪt/【协调】 implement/ˈɪmplɪment/【实施】 meteorology/ˌmiːtiəˈrɑːlədʒi/【气象学】extensively/ɪkˈstensɪvli/【广泛地】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
7/4/20235 minutes, 53 seconds
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H:Thank you very much for your time, mister minister, and welcome to the city of Shanghai.非常感谢您的宝贵时间部长先生欢迎您来到上海G:Thank you for having me and having us. It's been a true pleasure to visit your beautiful country. It's my first time to Shanghai and from what I've seen,it’s very beautiful.谢谢来到风景宜人的中国令人心旷神怡这是我第一次来上海所到之处都十分美丽H:You've spent a very full and busy day. You went to Baoshan, the Folk Art Museum, and also you had a business promotion fair in New Zealand Central. On both occasions we saw the performance of your unique Maori art troupes. If I pronounce them correctly, it's Te Whanau a Apanui. They impressed everybody. So have you got some feedback from your Chinese customers, I mean, Chinese potential travelers? How did they like this way of promotion?你们今日的行程忙碌而充实 一早去了宝山国际民间艺术博览馆又在新西兰中心开展了商业合作会在这两处我们都欣赏了新西兰特有的叫作Te Whanau a Apanui 的毛利艺术团表演众人皆为之震撼你们是否已经收到了对新西兰旅游感兴趣的中国游客的反馈?他们对这样的推介活动评价如何?G:First, can I note a special thanks to your people? The way you have cared for Te Waharoa, the carved entranceway, really as a Maori and as a visiting group from New Zealand, truly special to see that you care for a treasure from our land. And what you saw today with Te Kapa Haka group Te Whanau a Apanui was an expression of culture, which is unique to New Zealand. While we bring them to this ancient culture of yours, we have a lot of similarities. And I think when the group performs, it connects with Chinese people, it connects with Chinese values, and it also puts on a great show.首先我想特别感谢你们对木雕“门户”Te Waharoa的保护 作为来自新西兰访问团的毛利人看到你们细心保护我们的宝藏由衷地感到惊喜今天看到的毛利艺术家表演是新西兰独特的文化展现我国古老文化的同时我也看到中国和新西兰有许多相似之处我想艺术家们的表演连结了中国人民和中国文化表演本身也很精彩H:Your main task for your visit here in China, especially this time in Shanghai, is to promote your tourism. And China being the second largest overseas travel market for your country, it's extremely important. How important is it now, after the 3 years of pandemic?新西兰代表团此行来华包括来沪的主要任务是推广新西兰旅游中国作为新西兰海外旅游的第二大市场发挥着极其重要的作用三年疫情过去后现在情况如何?G:The first thing I'll say is for any visitor from China who comes to New Zealand, they've clearly made a choice to come to some way special. We know we are a long way away fromChina. We know that in order to get to New Zealand, you actually make a very conscious decision to travel a great distance. And we don't take that for granted. We know too, though that those visitors are important to our economy, to make sure that we can get tourism back up on its feet and contributing significantly to our economy is a clear drive for this trip, but also a clear priority for this government. And that's an important opportunity for us in New Zealand to rebuild our tourism sector, where we look towards a values base, which is aboutManaakitanga, which is caring for people,Kaitiakitanga, caring for our environment, andWhanaungatanga, connecting people to people.首先我想说每个来新西兰旅游的中国人都做出了非常特别的旅行决定众所周知新西兰距离中国非常遥远你们来新西兰旅游需要深思熟虑才会远道而来我们都清楚我们也知道游客对我们的经济非常重要此次来访目的很清楚不仅是重振我国旅游业刺激经济增长也是本届政府的一项优先级很高的任务因为这对新西兰来说是一个重要的机会来重振旅游业我们看重的是以人为本以环境为本以及民心相通H:The younger generation, or to be more specific, generations “Z”, those are born after the arrival of the new millennium is becoming a major force of the traveling people. Previously we check out Lonely Planet. Now they get information from social media or Youtube or live-streaming. So are there any new strategies tailored for this group of our target consumer?Z时代年轻人 也就是千禧年后出生的群体正在成为现在外出旅游的主力过去我们主要查询《孤独星球》现在他们会从社交媒体网络视频和网络直播上查询信息新西兰旅游局是否为这一特定人群制定了新政策呢?G:Obviously, as part of our trip, the Prime Minister played a significant part in announcing an exciting opportunity that allows Tourism of New Zealand to partner with local social media giant, to spread the message of how beautiful our country is, and how keen we are to see visitors from China. We connect through multiple channels, social media, as you've already mentioned. But what I will reiterate those we can't go past many of the tried-and-true ways of actually connecting with people. And the way we do that is to make sure that those who do come to New Zealand, they are our biggest advertisement. What we've tried to do is we recover from the pandemic is actually have an offering throughout New Zealand. So we want to share the entire country with visitors. And that's the opportunity to capture that free independent traveler, and also to allow them to contribute to local economies, which is really significant for our economy overall in New Zealand. So what we're trying to do is make sure that we spread the message of how beautiful our country is.我们此行一项重要部分就是宣布一个令人振奋的消息新西兰旅游部与中国当地的社交媒体网红合作来宣传新西兰的美景以及我们对中国游客的欢迎我们开通了多种渠道和社交媒体但我想重申我们也不能忽视许多已被验证的可靠的方式我们非常确定那些真正来过新西兰的人们才是我们最大的宣传使者我们尝试在全国上下提供更多服务以期从疫情之后重振经济我们希望整个国家都能迎来游客这也是获取自由行游客的机会让旅游为当地经济做贡献这是整个国家经济恢复的重要手段因此我们长期致力于宣传本国的美丽风光H:In order to attract more Chinese customers, do you have in plan some of the preferential policies to stimulate their business to help them grow better?为了吸引更多中国游客你们是否制定了一些优惠政策来刺激当地经济?G:That's a really good question. And the first thing we say is that tourism operators recognize how important the Chinese market is. Many of them will have bilingual signage, and bilingual offerings so that people can connect with them. Now we've got opportunities in different parts of the country, to support destination management plans, which allow specific focus on operators, and who they might be and how we might be able to support them. There's a huge step from where we were 10 years ago. By the end of the year, we expect our visit to numbers from China to increase significantly, anyway from 700,000 to 850,000 visitors by the end of this year. But we won't stop there. We want to make sure that we can share our offering with as many people as possible. And we expect that next year those numbers will increase significantly. But can I reiterate a very important point? We are trying to promote regenerative tourism where visitors who come to New Zealand actually leave more than they take. And that's identifying that we want to be a low emissions offering. We want to make sure that people look after and respect our environment, in order to keep it in pristine condition for our kids and our grandkids.这个问题很棒首先我们的旅游部门非常清楚中国市场的重要性各地设立了许多双语标识双语服务来更好地服务游客现在我们在全国各地都在强化目的地的管理特别是接待运营方团队的组建以及提供他们所需要的支持与10年前相比 我们又迈出了一大步 到今年年底 我们预计中国游客将迅速增长 从70万人增长至85万人 但我们不会止步于此 我们希望为更多人提供服务 我们希望到明年 旅游人数数据增长更多 我还想重申重要的一点 我们想宣传可再生的旅游这样的概念 也就是说 前来游客可以为新西兰也带来更多 希望我们的服务是低能耗的 希望游客能尊重我们的环境 为子子孙孙保护这样美丽的环境H:Thank you minister, for sharing your insights with us.非常感谢您的分享部长先生G:Thank you very much. And I look forward to seeing you, when you come to visit us in New Zealand.也非常感谢你们我希望下次与你相见是你们来到新西兰旅行之时
7/3/20236 minutes, 39 seconds
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06/30 TOP NEWS |新西兰总理上海行/中国天眼“看见”纳赫兹引力波/签证预约大排长龙

NEWS ON 06/291.PM HIPKINS SAYS ‘NEW ZEALAND IS OPEN FOR BUSINESS’新西兰总理访华:持续扩大深化同中国经贸合作2.CHINESE SCIENTISTS DETECT EVIDENCEOF NANOHERTZGRAVITATIONAL WAVES世界级发现!中国天眼“看见”纳赫兹引力波踪影3.VISA APPOINTMENTS BACKLOGGEDAS DEMAND SOARS FOR TRIPS ABROAD一签难求?出境旅行需求激增,签证预约积压严重----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1.PM HIPKINS SAYS ‘NEW ZEALAND IS OPEN FOR BUSINESS’新西兰总理访华:持续扩大深化同中国经贸合作New Zealand Prime Minister Chris Hipkins is calling the visit to China “all about reconnection”, sending a clear message that New Zealand is open for business and pleasure. Hipkins made the remarks in Shanghai today on the last stop of his official visit to China. Reporter Zhang Hong followed his delegation and brings us more.6月29日,新西兰总理克里斯·希普金斯在访华行程最后一站上海发表讲话称,本次访华的目的是与中国“重新建立联系”,明确表示新西兰欢迎双方的商贸和旅游往来。记者张泓跟随代表团带来了详细报道。Hipkins was welcomed by a lion dance as he visited Shanghai Baoshan International Folk Arts Exposition【展览会】after landing early in the morning. The museum features “Te Waharoa”, a large statue carved from 3,500-year-old kauri wood. It was gifted by New Zealand to China in 2010 at the time of the World Expo and symbolizes the ongoing cultural and business connections between the two countries. 希普金斯于早上抵达上海,前往上海宝山国际民间艺术博览馆进行参观,受到了舞狮表演的热烈欢迎。博览馆特地展示了“Te Waharoa”,这是一座用3500年历史的贝壳杉雕刻的巨型木雕。新西兰在2010年世博会期间将这座木雕赠予中国,以此象征两国持续的文化和商务联结。Chris Hipkins, New Zealand Prime Minister克里斯·希普金斯新西兰总理“New Zealand is home to a large number of Chinese migrants. Some have called Aotearoa New Zealand home since the 19th century. If the Chinese Kiwis now make up 5% of New Zealand’s population, connections of family and friends spread across the Pacific, just as they do for the 1,000 or so Kiwis who are living here in Shanghai. New Zealand is also pleased to again be able to welcome Chinese students and tourists to Aotearoa. This week has been all about reconnection here in China.”“新西兰是许多中国移民的家园。自19世纪以来,许多华人已将‘长白云之乡’新西兰称作自己的家。如今,华裔新西兰人占据了新西兰总人口的5%,他们与家人和朋友的联系跨越太平洋,就像居住在上海的1000多名新西兰人一样。新西兰也很高兴再次能够欢迎中国学生和游客的到来。在中国的这一周,一切都是关于中新两国重建连接。”Charlie Rahiri, Director Maori Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade查理·拉希里新西兰外交与贸易部毛利事务部主任“Maori already have an established relationship from China. Some tribes in New Zealand believe that this is where we came from before we started our great migration around the Pacific and then eventually to Aotearoa New Zealand. So I think if we revert back to those deep links through culture, through connection, then commerce will come.”“毛利人早就与中国建立了牢固的关系。新西兰的一些部落认为其从中国起源,沿着太平洋进行伟大迁徙并最终到达新西兰。因此,我认为如果我们通过文化和交流恢复这些深刻的纽带连结,商业往来也会随之而来。”The Prime Minister and his trade mission went on to New Zealand Central at Xintiandi, where a ceremony was held for the launch of a partnership between Tourism New Zealand and Xiaohongshu, an app often compared to Instagram or Pinterest. 希普金斯和其贸易代表团前往了位于新天地的新西兰中心,举行了启动新西兰旅游局和小红书合作伙伴关系的仪式。小红书是一个经常被比作Instagram或Pinterest的应用程序。He took a selfie with participants at the event and sent a post on Tourism New Zealand’s Xiaohongshu account, inviting people to travel to New Zealand.希普金斯与活动参与者自拍,并在新西兰旅游局的官方小红书账号上发帖,邀请人们前往新西兰旅行。Chris Hipkins, New Zealand Prime Minister克里斯·希普金斯新西兰总理“Since our borders reopened, we worked to drive New Zealand economic recovery by reconnecting with the world, and sharing one simple message: New Zealand is open for business.”“自从我们的边境重新开放以来,我们一直致力于通过与世界重新建立联系来推动新西兰经济复苏。我们要向世界传达的信息简单明确:新西兰开放商业贸易之门。”Hipkins added New Zealand received 890,000 visitors during its summer time roughly from last December to this February. That was two-thirds of the number of visitors that they would have received before the pandemic. An average of 400,000 Chinese tourists traveled to New Zealand each year in the past. 希普金斯补充说,新西兰在去年12月至今年2月的夏季期间接待了89万名游客,这相当于疫情前新西兰接待游客数量的三分之二。过去,每年平均有40万名中国游客前往新西兰旅游。Hipkins is on an official visit to China that wraps up tomorrow. He attended the 14th Annual Meeting of the New Champions, also known as the Summer Davos Forum, in Tianjin. It is his first visit to China since becoming prime minister and the first visit by a New Zealand prime minister to China since 2019.希普金斯的访华之旅将于6月30日结束。之前他参加了在天津举行的第14届新领军者年会,即夏季达沃斯论坛。这是希普金斯担任新西兰总理后的首次访华,也是自2019年以来新西兰总理对中国的首次访问。2.CHINESE SCIENTISTS DETECT EVIDENCEOF NANOHERTZGRAVITATIONAL WAVES世界级发现!中国天眼“看见”纳赫兹引力波踪影Chinese scientists say they have found key evidence of the existence of nanohertz gravitational waves with the 500-meter Aperture Spherical Telescope, which is also known as FAST. This opens an important window into studying supermassive black holes and the evolution of galaxies. 中国科学家表示,他们利用直径500米的球面口径望远镜(FAST)探测到纳赫兹引力波的关键证据。这项发现为研究超大质量黑洞和星系演化提供了重要窗口。Gravitational waves are generated when massive space objects accelerate and disturb surrounding space-time. At extremely low frequency, they give off very weak signals and have wavelengths of up to several light years, and observing them has been challenging. Scientists have been using pulsars【脉冲星】to detect the waves, because their rotation is extremely stable. They use their signal to study how space is affected by gravitational waves. With the FAST telescope, researchers observed 57 millisecond pulsars for 41 months. Detecting gravitational waves will help understand the origins of the structure of the universe and the growth of supermassive black holes.当庞大的天体加速运动并扰动周围时空时,会产生引力波。在极低频率下,引力波发出的信号非常微弱,波长可长达数光年,因此探测引力波十分具有挑战性。科学家一直在利用脉冲星来探测引力波,因为脉冲星的自转非常稳定。他们利用脉冲星的信号来研究引力波对空间的影响。借助FAST望远镜,研究人员观测了57颗毫秒脉冲星长达41个月。探测引力波将有助于理解宇宙结构的起源和超大质量黑洞的增长。3.VISA APPOINTMENTS BACKLOGGEDAS DEMAND SOARS FOR TRIPS ABROAD一签难求?出境旅行需求激增,签证预约积压严重As multiple countries loosened or scrapped【放弃】 COVID-19 travel restrictions since the start of this year, hordes of Chinese travelers are looking to go abroad again. And the lines for travel visas are long. Sun Siqi reports.自今年年初以来,多个国家放宽或取消了新冠旅行限制,大批中国游客希望出境旅行,而签证办理处大排长龙。记者孙思齐带来详细报道。A long line formed outside VFS Global’s office well before it opened this morning.It’sa third-party firm that signs contracts with multiple governments to provide visa processing services. Some traveling to Germany had made their appointment months ago.6月29日早上,VFS Global还没开始营业,但办公室外面已排起了长队,这家第三方公司与多个国家合作,提供签证办理服务。一些计划前往德国的旅客数月前就进行了签证预约。Citizen市民“我是四月份就预约的。非常难约,蹲在网站上去抢。”“I booked an appointment in April. It was very hard. You have to wait on the website for an opening.”And now, the next earliest appointment is September 20th for Germany. Italy has no more available spots. The wait time for a B1/B2 visa to the United States is more than 4 months. 现在,德国签证的最早预约时间已排到9月20日。意大利已没有可预约名额。前往美国的B1/B2签证等待时间超过4个月。The situation is similar at travel agencies. On, the earliest departure date for Germany if one requires their visa service is December 20th. The earliest for Italy is December 8th. Though some agencies offer priority service, most can’t guarantee a departure until the end of August.提供签证服务的旅行社的情况也类似。在携程上,如果需要携程提供签证服务,前往德国的最早出发日期是12月20日,前往意大利的最早出发日期是12月8日。虽然有些旅行社提供加急服务,但大多数旅行社无法保证在8月底之前出发。Voice of Travel Agency Representative某旅行社工作人员“现在申根最起码也要到10月11月,没有办法加急,我们申根全都下了。”“For Schengen states, you’d have to wait until October or November at the earliest. We can't prioritize that.” says because of visa unavailability, most of their clients are now traveling to closer destinations like Japan, Thailand, and Singapore. This summer, the agency has handled more visa applications than the same period in 2019. 携程称,由于没有签证,大多数客户现在选择前往日本、泰国和新加坡等距离更近的目的地旅行。今年夏季,该旅行社处理的签证申请数量超过了2019年同期。Wang Yiming, PR Director of Group携程公关总监汪怡明“长短线的出境需求订单量也是比2019年增长了近一倍左右。”“The number of orders for both long and short trips has almost doubled that of 2019.”But some of the spots seemed to have been purchased by scalpers【黄牛】, who are charging multiple times the original fee. Some are willing to pay.但是一些名额被黄牛买走了,他们的收费为原始费用的数倍。但仍有一些人为此掏腰包。Citizen市民“意大利是去找黄牛帮我们约了北京的号。7月底大概两三千吧,原来好像一千多,他只是帮你抢个号。有的甚至要去云南,这太远了。”“I found a scalper for Italy, they told us to go to Beijing to apply. I paid 2,000, 3,000-something to travel at the end of July. The real fee should be just over 1,000. For some countries, you'd have to go to Yunnan to get a spot.”VFS Global issued a reminder today, asking people to plan ahead of time.VFS Global今天(06/29)发布了一项提醒,建议人们提前计划行程。#热词加油站exposition/ˌekspəˈzɪʃ(ə)n/【展览会】pulsar/ˈpʌlsɑː(r)/【脉冲星】scrapped/skræp/【放弃】scalper/ˈskælpə(r)/【黄牛】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
6/30/20236 minutes, 32 seconds
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06/29 TOP NEWS |探馆杭州亚运会/国际癫痫关爱日:关注癫痫/加拿大山火烟雾持续飘散

NEWS ON 06/281.A SNEAK PEEK AT THE VENUES FOR19TH ASIAN GAMES IN HANGZHOU探馆亚运!杭州亚运场馆一览2.DOCTORS CALL FOR PUBLIC AWARENESS OF EPILEPSY国际癫痫关爱日:关注癫痫与爱同行3.SMOKE FROM CANADIAN WILDFIRES CROSSES THE ATLANTIC OCEAN加拿大山火:烟雾漂洋过海抵达欧洲西部----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1.A SNEAK PEEK AT THE VENUES FOR19TH ASIAN GAMES IN HANGZHOU探馆亚运!杭州亚运场馆一览The much-anticipated 19th Asian Games are set to begin on September 23rd in Hanghzou. Our reporter Zhang Yue took a trip across the bay as part of a media tour, to see the completed venues【场地】and amenities【设施】 that have been built in Hangzhou for the games.备受期待的第19届亚洲运动会将于9月23日在杭州开幕。本台记者张乐跟随媒体采访团一行抵达杭州,参观了本次赛事的场馆和设施。Hey guys. I am in Hangzhou for the 2nd World Press Briefing for the 19th Asian Games. The purpose of this conference is to brief the media on the progress of preparations for the Hangzhou Asian Games this September, so that reporters from home and abroad can have a better understanding of the services provided by the organizing committee. Today we are going to tour several major stadiums, let's go get a sneak peek of what they look inside.大家好,我现在正在杭州参加第十九届亚运会第二次世界媒体大会。这次大会的目的是向媒体介绍本届亚运会筹备工作的进展情况,以便国内外记者更好地了解组委会提供的服务。今天,我们将走进几大主场馆内部,先睹为快。The center’s most eye-catching venue is a butterfly-shaped building that combines an aquatic center and this gymnasium complex I’m in right now. The design is inspired by the Chinese folktale “The Butterfly Lovers”. This gymnasiumcomplex will be used for the basketball matches in September.杭州奥体中心最引人瞩目的场馆当属“化蝶”双馆——游泳馆和我目前所在的体育馆。该馆设计灵感来自中国民间传说《梁祝》。九月份的亚运会篮球比赛将在该馆进行。The venue can accommodate 18,000 spectators【观众】, and one of the basketball courts can transform into an hockey rink within 6 to 8 hours, so that the venue can host hockey, curling, figure skating, and other ice sports in the future.该馆可容纳18,000名观众,其中一个篮球场6-8小时即可被转换成冰球场,因此,亚运会后这里还可用于举办冰球、冰壶、花样滑冰等冰上运动。The aquatic arena is the second largest aquatic center in China, after the Water Cube in Beijing. The facility will host 53 swimming, synchronized swimming, and diving events.奥体中心游泳馆是仅次于水立方的全国第二大水上运动中心。这里将会举行游泳、花样游泳和跳水三个项目的比赛,预计产生53枚金牌。The facility consists of 24 petal-shaped steel structures, and 8 larger petals for the roof. Each of the roof petals weight about 160 tons. They can be rotated to open and close depending on the weather. It takes just under 20 minutes to completely open or close the roof of the "Little Lotus".“小莲花”场馆由24片“小花瓣”和8片会旋转的“大花瓣”构成,上半部分的“大花瓣”每片重达160吨,并能根据天气情况旋转开合,每次开合时间不到20分钟。Nowwe have arrived at our last stop of the day, the Hangzhou Asian Games Museum.打卡今日最后一站:杭州亚运会博物馆!The Olympic Council of Asia donated these six sculptures this month, there's one for track,tennis archery, equestrian,basketball and fencing. There is even an experience zone here at the museum, so people can try some of the sports for themselves.亚奥理事会于本月向杭州亚运会博物馆捐赠6座雕塑,主题分别为射箭、跑步、篮球、击剑、网球和马术项目。市民们还可以在体验区沉浸式体验一些体育项目。During this trip, I’ll also be visiting the Media Village, where 5,000 reporters from around the world will stay during the games. See you then!这次媒体大会我还会去探访媒体村,亚运会期间来自世界各地5千多媒体人员将会在那里住宿休息。大家记得点赞关注哦!2.DOCTORS CALL FOR PUBLIC AWARENESS OF EPILEPSY国际癫痫关爱日:关注癫痫与爱同行Today is International Epilepsy【癫痫】Caring Day, which was proposed by China Association Against Epilepsy in 2007. This year’s keyword is “standardization” as experts discuss uniform standards in hospitals and communities. Doctors are also calling for eliminating misunderstandings and discriminatory treatment of epilepsy patients. Reporter Zhang Hong takes a look.  六月二十八日是国际癫痫关爱日,该日由中国抗癫痫协会于2007年提议设立。今年的主题是“癫痫的规范化诊疗”,专家们将讨论从院内到社区癫痫的规范化诊疗,并呼吁消除对癫痫患者的误解和歧视。记者张泓带来详细报道。Epilepsy is a chronic【慢性的】 noncommunicable disease of the brain that affects people of all ages. It is characterized by recurrent【复发的】 seizures. According to the World Health Organization, an estimated 70% of people living with epilepsy could live seizure-free if properly diagnosed and treated.癫痫是一种脑部慢性非传染性疾病,可发于各个年龄段。该病的特点是反复发作。根据世界卫生组织的数据,如果能够得到准确诊断和妥善治疗,高达70%的癫痫患者可实现零发作。At least 9 million people in China have epilepsy. About two-thirds of them haven't been properly treated, and 60 percent reportedly have had the disease since childhood. Doctor Wang Yi, who specializes in pediatric epilepsy, says children may be able to grow up and live just like others if treated early enough.目前我国约有900多万癫痫患者,其中约三分之二的患者没有接受到正规的抗癫痫治疗。据报道,60%的患者在儿童时期起病。专攻小儿癫痫的王艺医生表示,如果尽早接受治疗,患儿有可能像其他孩子一样健康成长并过上正常的生活。Wang Yi, President of Children's Hospital of Fudan University王艺复旦大学附属儿科医院院长“一旦我们早期的干预,早诊早治最终他们可能根本不影响他们的学习、生活、成长,所以其实这个关键的是窗口期还是非常重要的。儿童的发作的表现会非常非常的丰富和复杂,所以其实家长是搞不清楚,就是说他到底是癫痫发作还是非癫痫的发作。我们可以用互联网可以进行一些在线的咨询、视频,包括它的一些临床检验的报告的解读,其实是可以在网上做到的。所以这样的话它的就可以在很快的时间里面可以给病人家长一个比较比较明确的这样的一个诊断和鉴别。小孩子他在用药在治疗的时候,他的自我的体验其实有的时候他是很难表达的,啊他到底有什么不舒服,然后他用了这个药以后,他是不是吃到这个量了,其实应该有一些相关的办法来去进行管理。”“Seizures can vary from child to child. It's difficult for parents to tell whether a seizure signifies epilepsy. Now we can help the parents, especially those from remote areas, to diagnose epilepsy through online consultations. We can also access their hospital test results. Another thing is that, some very young children are not able to tell us how they feel after taking medicines, so we're now working on ways to monitor whether the dosage【剂量】 is correct.”Dr. Wang said community health service centers should play a larger role in treating those with epilepsy.王医生表示,社区卫生服务中心应该在癫痫患者的治疗中发挥更大的作用。Wang Yi, President of Children's Hospital of Fudan University王艺复旦大学附属儿科医院院长“其实他每一次跑到三级医院,这样是不利于他的一个疾病的整体的一个管理的。他开这些药,它是一个长期的一个处方,长期的一个方案,所以这些方案能够让社区医生跟我们的专科医生进行联动,来进行系统化的管理,它会更直接更便捷,而且更贴近这个我们的百姓的这样的一个服务模式,所以我觉得这个可能是我们接下来去推动的一个重点。”“It's troublesome for a patient to travel a long distance to top-level hospitals and it’s not helpful for health management. Since they have long-term prescriptions【药方】, we can keep in touch with doctors at community hospitals and it will be more convenient for patients to get medicines there. Cooperation with doctors at community clinics is an important task for us.”Professor Luo Li, a specialist in hospital management, says it’s also important to raise public awareness about the disease.医院管理专家罗力教授表示,提高公众对癫痫的认识也非常重要。Luo Li, Vice President of Hospital Mgt. Institute, Fudan University复旦大学医院管理研究所副所长罗力“我们首先要做的一个工作是对社会公众和老百姓进行这样一个科普的一个教育。另外一方面让他掌握基本的一些救治知识,比方说用影像的方式。我们还要创造出一种氛围,啊这个在一些特殊的情况下面旁边老百姓伸出援手,我们要采取一些公益性的一些活动,一些基金会的奖励,一些社会当中的一种赞扬,还有就是我们一些公共政策的支持来鼓励这样一种救助的一个行为。”“We need to educate the public about the disease so that they won’t feel frightened or discriminate against these patients. And we need to show videos to people on how to do basic first-aid treatment. Moreover, we should create an atmosphere that encourages people to offer a helping hand. For example, we can organize volunteer events, offer praise and awards with money from foundations. We also need policies to encourage such deeds.”Shanghai Theater Academy worked with Huashan Hospital Epilepsy Center and put together a stage show dedicated to eliminating fear, misunderstanding and discrimination that have surrounded epilepsy. The show premiered earlier this month at the academy. Selected short clips are available online.上海戏剧学院与华山医院癫痫中心合作,共同推出了一场致力于消除对癫痫的恐惧、误解和歧视的舞台剧。该剧于本月初在戏剧学院首次上演,部分精选片段可以在网络上观看。3.SMOKE FROM CANADIAN WILDFIRES CROSSES THE ATLANTIC OCEAN加拿大山火:烟雾漂洋过海抵达欧洲西部Drifting smoke from the ongoing wildfires across Canada is creating curtains of haze and raising air quality concerns throughout the parts of the central and eastern United States. Smoke from the wildfires in Canada has also made its way to Western Europe. Stephen Rancourt has more.加拿大持续不断的山火产生的烟雾正在蔓延,形成了雾霾层,引发美国中东部部分地区对空气质量的担忧。山火产生的烟雾不断扩散,已漂洋过海蔓延到了西欧地区。本台记者Stephen Rancourt带来详细报道。A NASA satellite image taken on Monday shows smoke from Canada’s wildfires approaching Spain and Portugal. According to climate agencies, the higher altitude smoke doesn’t pose the same health risks in Europe as it does closer to the source of the fires. The lower-lying smoke in North America has been triggering hazardous air quality alerts in the U.S. and Canada since the beginning of June.根据美国国家航空航天局(NASA)周一拍摄的卫星图像显示,加拿大山火的烟雾正朝西班牙和葡萄牙方向蔓延。相关气候监测机构表示,相较于离火灾源较近的地区,欧洲地区的高空烟雾对人类健康的威胁相对较小。而自六月初以来,北美的低空烟雾一直在触发美国和加拿大的危险空气质量警报。The area enveloped by the smoke has expanded from the East Coast to the Midwest of the United States. In Chicago, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency categorized the air as “unhealthy” and urged young people, older adults and residents with health issues to consider spending more time indoors.受烟雾影响的地区已经从美国东海岸扩散到中西部。在芝加哥,美国环境保护署将空气质量列为“不健康”等级,并呼吁年轻人、老年人和有健康问题的居民尽量在室内活动。Chicago Resident芝加哥市民“This is bad. I mean, I run a hundred miles a week, so this is going to be dangerous today.”“空气非常差,我每周会跑大约160公里,但今天这样的空气质量,跑步很危险。”According to the Canadian Inter-agency Forest Fire Center, this year’s wildfire season is the worst on record, 76,000 square kilometers of brush and forest are burning in 450 active fires across the country, over half of them are now spiraling out of control.根据加拿大跨部门森林防火中心(The Canadian Interagency Forest Fire Center)的数据,今年的山火季已成为有史以来最严重的一次。在全国范围内,有450起正在燃烧的山火,76,000平方公里的灌木和森林被烧毁,其中超过一半的火灾处于失控状态。#热词加油站venue/ˈvenjuː/【场地】amenity/əˈmiːnəti/【设施】spectator/spekˈteɪtə(r)/【观众】epilepsy/ˈepɪlepsi/【癫痫】chronic/ˈkrɒnɪk/【慢性的】recurrent/rɪˈkʌrənt/【复发的】dosage/ˈdəʊsɪdʒ/【剂量】prescription/prɪˈskrɪpʃn/【药方】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
6/29/20237 minutes, 34 seconds
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Mr. Granryd, welcome to our program.葛瑞德先生,很高兴您能接受采访Thank you for having me. It's a pleasure to be here.感谢邀请,很高兴来到这里The Mobile World Congress is back in Shanghai this year,世界移动通信大会今年在上海and offline at that.回归线下举办Are there any new focus points相比于以往几年compared to the previous years?有什么新焦点吗?And any changes in participants?参会者有什么变化?There is still international exhibitors仍然有国际参展商which we are very happy to see我们非常高兴地completely offline.在线下看到他们We don't have any online capacity anymore.我们不再进行线上展会了We think that is good我们认为这是好的because people want to come together to do business.因为人们想聚在一起洽谈商务They will talk a lot around the success of 5G他们会谈论5G的成功They will talk a lot around AI.会谈论更多关于人工智能的内容We've Learned that this is我们了解到already your second visit to China这是您在过去的三年里for the past three years.第二次访问中国了What tops your agenda for this visit?您这次访问的主要行程是什么?And what has impressed you most?什么给您留下了最深刻的印象?I'm really excited to be back.我真的很高兴能够回来There's so much innovation happening.有这么多的创新正在发生着There's so much drive and push,有这么多的驱动力pushing the boundaries in China.推动中国的科研So I always get very inspired所以我在这里的时候when I am here总是受到很大的启发I'm sure I'll be more inspired in the future as well我相信我将来也会更受鼓舞China Telecom, 中国电信China Unicom and China Mobile中国联通和中国移动will come with applications that will be sought将会有应用after not only in China不仅被中国市场需要but in Asia Pacific而且在亚太地区or in Europe or in the US.欧洲或美国拥有市场They will be part of the inner circle of course它们将会成为核心圈的一部分and make sure they're also part of my board, 它们也是GSMA board so they are playing a very全球移动通信系统协会董事会的一部分central role in the development of the mobile industry globally因此他们在全球移动行业的发展中发挥着非常核心的作用we're going to sign something called我们会签署Open Gateway for the mobile industryOpen Gateway倡议to open up its networks为移动产业开放网络and invite developers in,并邀请开发企业加入develop applications on our network在我们的网络上开发应用that will be shared globally.这将在全球范围内共享We now have 30 mobile operators, 我们现在有30家移动运营商including China Mobile, China Telecom and China Unicom.包括中国移动,中国电信和中国联通We are thrilled.我们感到很兴奋This is going to be absolutely fantastically exciting这将是一个令人激动的举措to launch APIs that are for business推出商用的应用程序接口to use our 5G networks使用我们的5G网络It's the sharing that gives the power这种共享正是and the strength of this initiative这个倡议的优势As technology has been evolving with随着技术的不断发展a series of breakthroughs like AGI,已经有了一系列的突破如通用人工智能Are there any special developments here in China与世界其他国家相比compared with the rest of the world?中国有什么特别的发展吗?and how do you think that is impacting the global您认为这对于全球通信communication and IC industry development?和集成电路产业的发展有什么影响?AI is not new to us,人工智能对我们来说并不陌生but the generative AI is somewhat new to us.但生成式人工智能对我们来说是新的技术And that is going to be interesting这很有意义and within GSMA,在全球移动通信系统协会内部we're working with something called AI for Impact我们正在做一个项目叫AI for Impactwith United Nations,我们与联合国with several governments与许多政府several societies around the world世界各地的一些社会团体合作to try to understand how should we view AI,试图了解我们应该如何看待人工智能what's the values,价值是什么what's the ethics.伦理是什么Do we need regulation?我们是否需要监管5G of course in China is a fantastic success story.在中国5G是一个成功故事It is by far the fastest developed technology它是迄今为止在所有的时代里at all time发展最快的技术we believe that China will have我们相信1 billion 5G connections by 2025.到2025年中国将有10亿个5G连接数5G is here to stay for a long time,5G的发展将持续很长时间targeting more business to business segment.针对企业与企业的商务板块And business-to-business而企业对企业的业务发展traditionally takes a bit longer time传统上需要更长的时间to develop their own applications去开发他们自己的应用程序so I think we need to be somewhat patient所以我认为我们需要有一定的耐心and make sure that we并确保我们help the industry adapt to the new 5G world.帮助行业适应新的5G世界While many in the industry are calling for虽然行业内许多人正在呼吁worldwide cooperation,全球范围的合作some economies have still been taking actions一些国家仍正在采取against Chinese companies -针对中国公司的行动——with export controls, blacklists,出口控制、实体清单,and battles over semiconductor.和芯片制裁How do you think that is impacting the global economy您认为这对全球经济and overall tech development?和科技的发展有怎样的影响?Well, it's not good.是的,这不是好事And we are troubled by it.我们也被此困扰And that's for sure.那是肯定的We believe that technology我们相信技术needs to be ubiquous.应该无处不在And it's through scale we thrive.而正是通过规模,科技在发展It's through scale of technology,正是通过技术的规模化发展We will become a better society.我们将拥有一个更好的环境The environment in China is very benign.中国的环境是非常良性的It's a very good place,这是一个非常好的地方talented people,有人才well educated people.有受过良好教育的人才hardworking people.有刻苦工作的人So it's a pleasure actually to be here.因此我们很高兴来到这里And we do these events globally,我们在全球开展这些活动but we do have offices我们的办公室也分布在both in Beijing, and here in Shanghai北京,上海and in Hong Kong as well.和香港MWC and GSMA are working to世界移动通信大会和全球移动通讯系统协会have a united technology front正努力实现一个团结的科技阵线So MWC is the way因此世界移动通信大会是一个of bridging the differences弥合分歧的平台and debating them openly on stage在这个平台上公开辩论问题so we can start to understand each other.让我们可以开始相互理解We would much prefer to see a unified world,我们更希望看到一个团结的世界encouraging people to use more technology -鼓励人们使用更多的技术——the same type of technology.相同标准的技术Mr. Granryd it's so great to have you.葛瑞德先生,感谢您接受采访Thanks for your time.感谢您Thank you.感谢您
6/28/20231 minute, 5 seconds
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06/27 TOP NEWS | 模拟家庭助戒毒之路/首例剧本杀著作权案告破/瓦格纳撤离俄南部两州

NEWS ON 06/261.FORMER DRUG ADDICT NOWA REHAB THERAPIST“模拟家庭”助戒毒人员重回阳光之下2.NINE SENTENCED TO PRISON SALEOF PIRATED LARP GAME SCRIPTS首例盗版“剧本杀”侵犯著作权案公开宣判3.LUKASHENKO BROKERS COMPROMISEBETWEEN MOSCOW AND WAGNER GROUP瓦格纳雇佣兵集团人员从南部两州撤离----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1.FORMER DRUG ADDICT NOWA REHAB THERAPIST“模拟家庭”助戒毒人员重回阳光之下A former drug addict turned substance abuse therapist shares her rehabilitation story. She now works at a rehab【康复中心】 center where people are treated in a home-like environment. Sun Siqi finds-out how.昔日的吸毒者变成了戒毒指导师,并分享自己的康复故事。目前,顾瑛在一个康复驿站工作,那里的患者在家庭般的环境中接受治疗。记者孙思琪报道。“Everybody out of bed, fold your clothes, and come help with the food.”“大家起床了,赶紧叠你们的衣服,来帮忙弄菜。”20 years ago, Gu Ying was in a similar situation to the people she now helps. She was addicted to heroin and spent the money her mother gave her on the drug.20年前,顾瑛的处境与她现在帮助的人类似。她吸食海洛因成瘾,把母亲给她的钱都花在了毒品上。Gu YingRehabilitation Therapist顾瑛 上海阳光戒毒中心戒毒指导师“那个时候(2000年)认识了我的第一个男朋友,然后他跟我说这个(海洛因)是香烟,是可以止痛的,可以帮助睡眠的。我那个时候就觉得好玩就吸了几口,没想到我是一口成瘾,把以前给妈妈的积蓄全部掏空。”“I met my first boyfriend in 2000, he told me heroin is like a cigarette, it kills pain and helps you sleep. I tried it, and got addicted.”Her family sent her to a rehab center, where she met therapist Qin Hongming, who changed her life.她的家人把她送到康复中心,在那里她遇到了改变了她一生的的治疗师秦鸿明。Gu YingRehabilitation Therapist顾瑛 上海阳光戒毒中心戒毒指导师“(秦老师带来的)那个人是戒了一年。我说我想问你,你觉得你一年戒掉了吗?然后那个男的回答我说,我只要稳定一年,就会有第二年,有第二年就有第三年,然后这句话一直在鞭策我。”“At the time, Qin was treating another guy for drug addiction. He'd been there for a year. I asked that guy, do you think just one year is enough for you? He said, if I can stay out of addiction for one year, I can do it for 2 years, 3 years. That encouraged me a lot.”After leaving his job as a police academy teacher, therapist Qin started Sunshine Drug Relapse Prevention Center. He wanted to explore ways to treat addiction in a family-like environment.在辞去警校教师的工作后,治疗师秦鸿明创办了上海阳光戒毒中心。他希望探索一套家庭戒毒指导模式。Qin Hongming, FounderSunshine Drug Relapse Prevention Center秦鸿明 上海阳光戒毒中心创始人“围绕他的生理心理存在的所有的问题制定一整套的指导方案,这里面有中西药物的干预,有心理上的干预,有家庭的指导,家庭成员怎么来一步步去做。”“The patient has psychological problems, and we need to help with that. Along with medications, we help through counseling, we engage their family members, we teach them how to help them.”Qin's treatment methods proved more effective than other methodologies【方法】 at the time. As a patient improves, Qin guides them to establish a new circle of friends. This is how Gu recovered. She chose to become a therapist and work at the rehab center. She found telling her own rehab story extremely helpful in treatment.事实证明,秦鸿明的治疗方法比当时的其他方法更有效。随着病人病情的好转,秦鸿明引导他们建立新的朋友圈。顾瑛就是这样康复的。之后,她选择成为一名治疗师,在康复中心工作。她发现讲述自己的康复故事对治疗非常有帮助。In 2021, she branched out on her own, renting a house in the suburbs and turning it into a new facility. Two young adults are here now. 19-year-old Mr. Wang has had trouble managing anxiety while cutting back on drug use.2021年,顾瑛在之前经验的基础上在上海郊区租了一栋房子作为康复驿站。现在驿站有两个年轻人。19岁的小王在戒毒的过程中还是难以控制焦虑情绪。WangDrug addict小王(化名) 戒毒人员“脾气暴躁,抑郁焦虑,有时候抑郁到一定的程度会想自杀。顾老师当时跟我说的是不单只是戒毒,还是要改变你认知的,所以我就过来。”“I felt angry, depressed and suicidal. Ms. Gu told me that what I'm doing isn't just cutting, it's changing how I see myself.”Gu YingRehabilitation Therapist顾瑛 上海阳光戒毒中心戒毒指导师“因为他们是新型毒品(受害者),比如说一般都是他们认知问题很严重,大家住在一起就会自己照见自己,然后他会想到原来碰这个东西会变成这样,我不能再碰了。”“Some of them have self-awareness problems. When we live together, they start to see themselves through the eyes of others, and they realize they've become what they've become because of drugs. They see they must sever the links to the drug.”Some patients left their hometown and old friends to be here, which is essential to ending their addiction. Gu helps them with skills so they can rebuild their life.  一些病人离开家乡、告别朋友来到这里,这对他们戒掉毒瘾至关重要。顾瑛帮助他们掌握技能,以便他们能够重建自己的生活。Gu YingRehabilitation Therapist顾瑛 上海阳光戒毒中心戒毒指导师“每个人都不会动手,说句难听话最好躺着,有人最好帮他什么都送到他面前来,但是个个回去以后变了,父母都说变了一个人,从来没想到他会变成这样的人。”“When they arrived, none of them seemed to want to do any work. They'd rather have everything brought to them. By the time they leave though, even their family members notice how they've changed.”Gu's facility has helped dozens of addicts over 2 years. Some have attended drug-prevention info sessions in universities. In the future, her center may be linked up with job centers so former patients can find employment. Gu's biggest wish is to help those who have seen their lives overturned by drugs recover and rebound.两年来,顾瑛的驿站已经成功帮助了几十名吸毒者戒毒。一些人还参加了大学的毒品预防信息会。在未来,她的中心可能会与就业中心合作,以便患者在戒毒后能找到工作。顾瑛最大的愿望是看到那些深受毒品困扰的人生活回到正轨。2.NINE SENTENCED TO PRISON SALEOF PIRATED LARP GAME SCRIPTS首例盗版“剧本杀”侵犯著作权案公开宣判A group of nine were sentenced to prison yesterday for producing and selling pirated copies of live action role-playing game scripts. It is the first case of intellectual property infringement【侵权】 of LARP scripts in Shanghai. Zhang Hong has more.昨日,一个由9人组成的团伙因制作和销售盗版“剧本杀”被判入狱。这是上海首例侵犯LARP著作权案。记者张宏带来更多报道。Two chief culprits, Su and Lin, were sentenced to four years and four and a half years in prison yesterday at Shanghai Third Intermediate People's Court. They were each fined 1.85 million yuan. The remaining 7 people were sentenced to one to two years in prison, but were given probation【缓刑】.昨天在上海市第三中级人民法院,被告人苏某被依法判处有期徒刑四年零六个月,林某四年。并各自被处罚金人民币185万元。其余7名被告被判处有期徒刑一年至两年不等,但均适用缓刑。Xiao Wanxiang, Head of Criminal TirbunalShanghai Third Intermediate People's Court肖晚祥 上海市第三中级人民法院刑事审判庭庭长“我们经过审理认为盒装剧本是相关创作者通过一定的智力劳动所创作的一个智力成果,是一个作品它是有著作权的。”“During the trial, we determined that  live action role-playing game scripts are creations resulting from intellectual activity and have copyrights.”After setting up a packaging company, Su and Lin bought the LARP scripts online and hired people to scan, typeset, print and sell pirated versions. They used multiple rented spaces to reproduce and store the pirated scripts. From May 2021 to September 2022 when they were caught, they produced over 130 pirated scripts and raked in more than 4.7 million yuan through WeChat and online stores.在成立了一家包装公司后,苏某和林某在网上购买了LARP剧本,并雇人扫描、排版、印刷和销售盗版。他们租用了多个空间来复制和存储盗版剧本。从前年5月到去年9月案发,被告共制作130多种盗版“剧本杀”盒装剧本,通过微信及网店对外销售,涉案金额逾470万元。Sun Xiuli, 3rd BranchShanghai People's Procuratorate孙秀丽 上海市人民检察院第三分院第六检察部主任“一般来讲,根据剧本杀的剧情或者热销的程度,可能(售价)也不等,正版要500多元一本,他卖的时候是30到100(多元)不等。”“Generally speaking, an LARP script is sold at different prices depending on its plot and popularity. For a script that usually sells at over 500 yuan, they'll sell a pirated version for 30 to more than 100 yuan.”The police seized more than 46,000 copies of pirated scripts, which have an estimated value of more than 3.2 million yuan.公安机关查获尚未销售的各类盒装剧本共计4万6千多盒,预计售价超320万元。3.LUKASHENKO BROKERS COMPROMISEBETWEEN MOSCOW AND WAGNER GROUP瓦格纳雇佣兵集团人员从南部两州撤离Moscow enacted counter-terrorist measures on Saturday in response to the situation surrounding the Wagner Private Military Group, the measures were lifted today following a compromise between Wagner and the Kremlin. Stephen Rancourt has more.周六,莫斯科针对瓦格纳私人军事集团的局势制定了反恐措施,在瓦格纳和克里姆林宫达成妥协后,这些措施于今天解除。记者Stephen Rancourt带来更多报道。According to Russian media reports, the counter-terrorist operation regime which was also introduced in the Moscow region and the Voronezh region has been canceled.据俄罗斯媒体昨天报道,俄罗斯首都莫斯科和沃罗涅日地区已宣布解除反恐制度状态。According to a TASS report, the Wagner private military group was accused of attempting to launch an armed rebellion, but late on Saturday, Moscow and Wagner leader Yevgeny Prigozhin, reached a compromise following mediation efforts by Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko.据塔斯社报道,瓦格纳私人军事集团被指控试图发动武装叛乱。周六晚些时候,在白俄罗斯总统亚历山大·卢卡申科的调解努力下,莫斯科和瓦格纳领导人叶夫根尼·普里戈津达成妥协。On Sunday, Vasily Golubev, governor of Rostov Oblast in Russia, posted on social media that Wagner troops had withdrawn from Rostov-on-Don, and returned to their field camps. Approximately 10,000 square meters of road sections were damaged and are being repaired by the city.周日,罗斯托夫州州长瓦西里·戈卢别夫在社交媒体发文说,瓦格纳部队已经撤出顿河畔罗斯托夫并前往其野战营地。此次叛乱导致该市1万多平方米道路受损。目前,相关修复工作正在进行。Local Resident当地居民“After I found out about it, I went out, I live nearby, I went over there looked around, talked to people. It was clear that the attitude was friendly.”“(瓦格纳)撤了以后,我就出门了。我就住在这附近,我过来瞧瞧,和人聊聊天,感觉气氛很友好。”Local Resident当地居民“Now today we are recovering from the stress.”“今天(06/25)我们不再那么紧张了。”Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Mao Ning said today that China supports Russia's ability to maintain national stability, in response to questions over the situation around the Wagner group incident. Mao added that the incident is part of Russia's internal affairs.中国外交部发言人毛宁今天表示,中方支持俄罗斯维护国家稳定。对于瓦格纳集团事件,毛宁表示这是俄罗斯的内政。Mao Ning, SpokespersonChinese Foreign Ministry毛宁   中国外交部发言人“作为友好邻邦和新时代全面战略协作伙伴,中方支持也相信俄罗斯能够维护国家稳定,实现发展繁荣。中俄各层级保持着密切良好的沟通。”“As Russia is friendly neighbor and comprehensive strategic cooperative partner for the new era, China supports and believes in Russia's ability to maintain national stability and achieve development and prosperity. China and Russia maintain close and good communication at all levels.”Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said all charges against Prigozhin will be dropped. Peskov added the incident with the Wagner group will not affect the course of Russia's special military operation in Ukraine, which will continue.     克里姆林宫发言人佩斯科夫表示,将撤销针对普里戈任的刑事指控。瓦格纳集团事件不会影响俄罗斯在乌克兰的特别军事行动进程,该行动将继续进行。#热词加油站rehab/ˈriːhæb/【康复中心】 methodology/ˌmeθəˈdɑːlədʒi/【方法】  infringement/ɪnˈfrɪndʒmənt/【侵权】probation/proʊˈbeɪʃ(ə)n/【缓刑】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
6/27/20236 minutes, 55 seconds
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06/26 TOP NEWS | 端午出游人次预计达1亿/银川市长致歉/泰坦号潜水器5名乘客全部遇难

NEWS ON 06/231.100 MLN PEOPLE EXPECTED TO TRAVEL DURING HOLIDAY端午假期出游激增,预计达1亿人次2.CITY OFFICIALS APOLOGIZE FOR DEADLY RESTAURANT BLAST银川市长就致烧烤店31死爆炸事故道歉3.ALL 5 PEOPLE ON BOARD MISSING SUBMERSIBLE DEAD“泰坦”号潜水器5名乘客全部遇难----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1.100 MLN PEOPLE EXPECTED TO TRAVEL DURING HOLIDAY端午假期出游激增,预计达1亿人次Tourist attractions around Shanghai were busy once again today as attendance soared at museums and visitors along the Bund increased 30% compared to the same period in 2019. Around the country, various events and activities helped entertain folks during the holiday. Zhang Hong tells us more.今天(06/23),上海各旅游景点再次热闹起来,博物馆的参观人数飙升,外滩沿线的游客人数与2019年同期相比增加了30%。端午假期期间,人们在全国各地通过各种各样的活动进行娱乐。记者张泓带来更多报道。At Yuyuan Garden, 60,000 people had visited by 1 pm today. Large crowds were strolling around the Bund today. About 47,000 people were there last night. About 410,000 people have visited the Bund so far duing the holiday, about 35% more than the same period in 2019. Police were on patrol to ensure safety.截至今天下午1点,豫园参观人数已达6万。今天大量人群在外滩漫步,昨晚约47000人。到目前为止,约有41万人在端午假期参观了外滩,比2019年同期增长了约35%。警察在附近巡逻以确保安全。Tourist from Suzhou苏州游客“我们刚从南京路走过来,然后外滩转一下,待会儿我们再去感受一下时光隧道。”   “We just got here from Nanjing Road. After wandering around on the promenade【散步】, we're planning to go to the sightseeing tunnel.”Jiang YiHuangpu Police蒋毅 黄埔公安分局外滩治安派出所综合指挥室警长“在南京路上采取南进北出慢进快出以及波次放行的措施,在江堤整个坡面我们采取了南北均衡单向通行等等一系列的大客流管控措施。”“To access the Bund from Nanjing Pedestrian Road, we ask people to use the south side to reach the promenade and then use the opposite side when leaving the waterfront. We ask people not to linger too long so everyone has a chance to enjoy their day. At the riverside, we ask people to move in the same direction to cope with the large number of people.”In Beijing, a dragon boat race was held at Yuanmingyuan Park, also known as the Old Summer Palace. Each boat was named after scenic sites. People could also see "bamboo-drifting" races, during which people in Hanfu clothing navigate waterways standing on a bamboo raft.在北京圆明园遗址公园,随着号令响起,一场激烈的“九州竞渡”龙舟展演开始了,参演龙舟以圆明园九州各岛命名。人们还可以看到“竹筏漂流”比赛,参赛选手们穿着汉服站在竹筏上航行。Elsewhere, in Qianyang County of Shaanxi, some tourists were attracted to see craftspeople【手艺人】 make embroidered handicrafts, a local intangible cultural heritage. Compared to embroidery in Suzhou and Hangzhou, the Qianyang style is more rustic with contrasting colors.在其他地方,如陕西千阳,一些游客被手艺人制作刺绣工艺品的过程所吸引,这是当地的一项非物质文化遗产。与苏州和杭州的刺绣相比,千阳的刺绣风格更加质朴,色彩对比鲜明。Tourist游客“咱们这边整体来看比较特色,送人也罢自己留都特别有纪念意义。”“It's very characteristic. It's meaningful either to buy one for myself or give it to friends as a gift.”In Taizhou City, Jiangsu Province, people tried games like fishing for zongzi and archery. The China Tourism Academy predicted that 100 million people would travel nationwide during the holiday, exceeding the number during the Dragon Boat Festival in 2019.        在江苏泰州,钓粽子和射箭小游戏让不少市民跃跃欲试。中国旅游研究院预测,假期期间全国将有1亿人出游,超过2019年端午节期间的出行人数。2.CITY OFFICIALS APOLOGIZE FOR DEADLY RESTAURANT BLAST银川市长就致烧烤店31死爆炸事故道歉Local officials bowed last night during a press conference to express deep condolences【哀悼】to the victims of a deadly restaurant explosion in Yinchuan, the capital of Ningxia Hui Autono-mous Region. The blast killed 31 people and injured 7 others on Wednesday. Zhang Hong has more.在昨晚(06/22)召开的新闻发布会上,银川市市长代表当地政府向爆炸事故遇难者表示哀悼和歉意。截至目前,周三于宁夏回族自治区首府银川发生的烧烤店燃气爆炸事故已造成31人死亡,7人受伤。记者张泓带来更多报道。Everyone at the press conference paid tribute in silence to the victims.发布会一开始,与会人员全体起立,为此次事故中的遇难者默哀。Tao ShaohuaYinchuan Mayor陶少华 银川市市长“这是宁夏多年来最为严重的安全事故,我们深表痛心和内疚。在此我代表银川市委市人民政府,向遇难者表示沉重哀悼,向遇难的家属、受伤人员及亲属表示诚挚慰问,向全市人民表示深深的歉意。”“The explosion was the most serious accident in Ningxia in years. We are deeply sorry, and we feel terribly guilty for the large number of lost lives and damaged property. We want to express sympathy to the families of the victims and the injured, and extend our deep apologies to the people of Yinchuan.”More details about the blast were provided during the press conference.发布会上还透露了现场的救援细节。Chen JianminYinchuan Fire Brigade陈建民 银川市消防救援支队支队长“爆炸导致一部分隔墙倒塌,一至二层楼梯被倒塌的建筑构筑物封堵。三个搜救小组对一楼被困人员快速搜救的同时,通过破拆窗户对二层进行全面搜救。”“Several walls collapsed due to the force of the explosion, which blocked the stairs between the ground and first floor. Three rescue teams had to break windows to find people upstairs, while working to save people trapped on the ground floor.”The cause of the explosion is under investigation. Yinchuan has launched a one-month workplace safety campaign. The Ministry of Culture and Tourism also released an emergency notice, demanding businesses and entertainment venues take responsibility for work safety.爆炸原因正在调查中。同时,银川市开展了为期一个月的安全生产大排查大整治行动。文旅部也发布紧急通知,要求企业和娱乐场切实做好安全生产工作和责任落实。3.ALL 5 PEOPLE ON BOARD MISSING SUBMERSIBLE DEAD“泰坦”号潜水器5名乘客全部遇难The U.S. Coast Guard announced today that all five crew members of the Titan submersible are dead. Stephen Rancourt has more.美国海岸警卫队今天(06/23)宣布,泰坦号潜水器搭载的五名乘员全部遇难。记者Stephen Rancourt带来更多报道。The U.S. Coast Guard announcedtodaythat a debris field found near the Titanic earlier in the day is wreckage from the missing Titan submersible. They added a remotely operated vehicle discovered the tail cone of the Titan submersible about half a kilometer from the bow of the Titanic on the sea floor.美国海岸警卫队今天宣布,当天早些时候在“泰坦尼克”号附近发现的一片残骸是失踪的泰坦潜水器的残骸。一辆遥控车在“泰坦尼克”号船头残骸约500米处的海底,发现了潜水器的尾椎等破碎部件。Rear Admiral John MaugerU.S. Coast Guard约翰·莫格 美国海岸警卫队海军少将“In consultation with experts from within the unified command, the debris is consistent with the catastrophic loss of the pressure chamber.““在与统一指挥部的专家商议后,我们认为这些碎片与压力舱发生灾难性内爆的特征相符。”In the case of a submarine, diving beyond the depth it is rated for can result in catastrophic【灾难性的】 hull failure and implosion. Coast Guard officials said that the previously detected underwater noises may not be related to the "Titan". They added they immediately notified the families of the victims and offered their condolences.对潜艇来说,潜水深度超过其额定深度可能导致灾难性的船体损坏和“内爆”。,海岸警卫队官员表示,此前探测到的水下噪声可能与“泰坦”号无关。此外,海岸警卫队官员表示立即通知了遇难者家属,并向他们表示哀悼。Movie director and submersible designer and pilot James Cameron also expressed his shock at the tragedy of the Titan submersible.《泰坦尼克号》电影导演兼飞行员、潜水器设计师詹姆斯·卡梅隆也对“泰坦”号的悲剧表达了震惊。James CameronFilm Director卡梅隆《泰坦尼克号》电影导演“The captain was warned. There were icebergs ahead. It was a moonless night and he plowed ahead. And here we are again. And at the same place, you know, now there's one wreck lying next to the other wreck, for the same reason.”“泰坦尼克号的船长当时收到了警告,称前面有冰山,但他仍然选择在黑夜中前进。现在我们又遇到了同样的情况,潜水器的残骸躺在了沉船的残骸旁,在同样的地点,因为同样的原因(无视警告)。”In 2018, OceanGate Expeditions' former director of marine operations David Lochridge alleged in a lawsuit that he had been fired after raising concerns about the company's "experimental and untested design" of the craft.2018年,海洋之门公司的前海洋业务主管戴维·洛奇里奇被该公司起诉后称,他曾向公司递交报告,指出“泰坦”号的设计是实验性的且缺乏测试,但遭到解雇。#热词加油站promenade/ˌprɑːməˈneɪd/【散步】 craftspeople/ˈkræftsˌpipl/【手艺人】 condolences/kənˈdoʊləns/【哀悼】catastrophic/ˌkætəˈstrɑːfɪk/【灾难性的】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
6/26/20235 minutes, 38 seconds
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06/23 TOP NEWS | 法企助力中国碳中和/长三角龙舟邀请赛金山举行/失联“泰坦”观光艇

1.FRENCH COMPANIES GROW IN CHINA TO AID CARBON NEUTRALITY GOALS法国企业助力中国碳中和目标2.SUBURBAN DRAGON BOAT FESTIVAL ACTIVITIES龙舟竞渡正端午长三角龙舟邀请赛在金山举行 3.RESCUERS ARE IN AN ALL-NIGHT RACE TO SAVE MISSING SUBMERSIBLE CREW彻夜搜救!持续关注失联泰坦号----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1.FRENCH COMPANIES GROW IN CHINA TO AID CARBON NEUTRALITY GOALS法国企业助力中国碳中和目标With France the next stop on Chinese Premier Li Qiang's European trip, he will soon be attending the Summit for a New Global Financing Pact initiated by French President Emmnuel Macron. He will also be working on strengthening cooperation and exchanges with France in a variety of fields including low-carbon development. French companies here are helping China work towards its climate goals of reaching peak carbon emissions before 2030 and achieving carbon neutrality before 2060. Lei Shuran has more.中国国务院总理李强即将抵达法国,开启欧洲之行的下一站。李强将参加法国总统埃马纽埃尔·马克龙发起的新全球融资契约峰会,还将致力于加强与法国在包括绿色低碳发展在内的各个领域的合作与交流。在此期间,法国企业助力中国实现气候目标,即在2030年之前实现碳达峰,在2060年之前实现碳中和。记者雷舒然带来详细报道。China’s ambitious carbon reduction goals have created new business opportunities for French firms. Gas equipment supplier Air Liquide has participated in and completed the construction of more than 70 hydrogen refueling stations in China. It was also part of the clean energy guarantee for the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games, providing hydrogen refueling equipment and technology for the 4 hydrogen refueling stations serving the Games.中国宏大的减排目标为法国企业创造了新的商机。法国气体设备供应商液化空气集团(Air Liquide)已在中国参与建设了70多个氢气加注站。该公司还参与了2022年北京冬奥会的清洁能源保障工作,为冬奥会提供了4个氢气加注站及加氢设备和技术。Yan Jinping, COO ofAir Liquide (China) Holding阎金平液化空气(中国)投资有限公司首席运营官“中国是最大的消费市场,也是液化空气集团的第三大市场,近年来,液化空气集团一直积极采购可再生电力,以帮助我们在中国的工厂脱碳。例如,2022年预计采购低碳电力1200GWh,比2020年增长约120%。未来三年,我们将在中国各地的工厂安装屋顶光伏板,旨在每年减排CO2 5000多吨。”“China is the world’s biggest consumer market. And it is the third largest market for Air Liquide. In recent years, we have been actively sourcing renewable electricity to help decarbonize【脱碳】 our plants in China. in 2023 we expect to source 1,200 gigawatt hours of low-carbon electricity, an increase of approximately 120 percent over 2020. Over the next three years, we will install rooftop photovoltaic panels at our plants across China, aiming to reduce CO2 emissions by more than 5,000 tons per year.”Expansion of French green investment in China has also come to the construction sector. Saint-Gobain, a manufacturer of sustainable construction materials, has been doing business in China for 38 years, and this month announced the inauguration【开创】of a new plaster plant in Yuzhou, Henan Province to expand its business from the country's coastal areas to more central provinces.法国在中国的绿色投资还扩大到了建筑领域。可持续建筑材料制造商圣戈班在中国经营已有38年。本月该集团宣布在河南省禹州市开设一家新的石膏生产厂,将业务从中国沿海地区扩展到更多的中部省份。Ludovic Weber, CEOofSaint-Gobain Asia-Pacific韦博立圣戈班亚太区首席执行官“We have a lot of confidence in China and a lot of projects are happening. Today, as we speak, we have six new lines or new plants ongoing. Buildings represent 40% of the CO2 emission in the world. It's massive. And it's impossible to reach carbon neutrality if we don't reach carbon neutral building. And this is exactly the business of Saint Gobain. And it's perfectly aligned with the corporation between France and China in the area of carbon neutrality.”“我们对中国充满信心,有很多项目正在进行中。今天此刻,我们就有六条新生产线和新厂区正式开工建设。建筑物在全球二氧化碳排放中占比40%。这是个不小的比例。如果我们不能实现建筑物的碳中和,就不可能实现碳中和目标。而这正是圣戈班的业务所在,与法国和中国在碳中和领域的合作完全契合。”France was China’s fourth largest trading partner in the EU in 2022, with total trade value of 72,740 million euros, accounting for 8.5 percent of the China-EU trade volume. During French President Emmnuel Macron's visit to China in April, the two sides signed nearly 40 intergovernmental agreements and business contracts in a wide range of areas including aviation, science and technology, education and agriculture. China and France will celebrate the 60th anniversary of their diplomatic ties next year.2022年,法国是中国在欧盟的第四大贸易伙伴,双边贸易总额达到727.4亿欧元,占中欧贸易总量的8.5%。在法国总统埃马纽埃尔·马克龙今年4月对中国进行访问期间,双方签署了近40项政府间协议和商业合同,涵盖了航空、科技、教育、农业等多个领域。明年,中法将庆祝两国建交60周年。2.SUBURBAN DRAGON BOAT FESTIVAL ACTIVITIES龙舟竞渡正端午长三角龙舟邀请赛在金山举行 The 2023 Yangtze River Delta Dragon Boat Invitational took place today in Jinshan District to celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival.6月22日,2023年长江三角洲龙舟邀请赛在金山区举行,以庆祝端午节。30 teams from Shanghai’s Jinshan District and neighboring provinces of Zhejiang and Jiangsu competed. One of the teams was entirely composed of expats from Germany, Singapore and Malaysia who live and work in Shanghai. Also, this morning, a student competition was held at Oriental Land in Qingpu district. More than 3,600 primary and middle school students participated in a variety of festive activities, including dragon boat races, lion dances and kite-flying competitions.来自上海金山区以及浙江和江苏两省共30支队伍参加了比赛。其中一支队伍为上海国际友人龙舟队,由来自德国、新加坡和马来西亚,在上海生活和工作的外籍人士组成。此外,今天上午在青浦区东方绿舟还举行了一场学生全能赛。3600多名中小学生参加了各种节庆活动,包括龙舟比赛、舞狮和放风筝比赛等。3.RESCUERS ARE IN AN ALL-NIGHT RACE TO SAVE MISSING SUBMERSIBLE CREW彻夜搜救!持续关注失联泰坦号A massive search and rescue effort for a missing submersible near the wreck of the Titanic is now in a critical stage, with just hours before its oxygen supply aboard the vessel is expected to run out. Stephen Rancourt has more.对在“泰坦尼克”号沉船附近失踪的“泰坦”号潜水器的大规模搜救行动目前正处于关键阶段,预计不出几个小时,船上的氧气供应将耗尽。本台记者Stephen Rancourt的报道。(注:美国海岸警卫队22日表示,搭载5人前“泰坦尼克”号邮轮残骸考察的“泰坦”号深潜器已经被确认水下解体,全部乘员遇难。)Rescuers searching for the Titan submersible on Wednesday concentrated their efforts on a remote area of the North Atlantic where undersea noises have been detected, though officials cautioned the sounds may not have originated from the Titan. Organizers of the multinational response -- which includes American and Canadian military planes, coast guard ships and remote operated vehicles-- are focusing their efforts in the North Atlantic close to where the noises were detected by sonar.周三,搜救人员将搜寻泰坦号潜水器的重点集中在北大西洋的一个偏远地区,那里探测到了“水下噪音”,尽管官方提醒称这些声音可能并非来自泰坦号。跨国搜救行动的组织者,其中包括美国和加拿大的军用飞机、海岸警卫队舰艇和远程操作器械等正集中力量在北大西洋的探测区域搜救,搜救区域曾通过声纳探测到了水下噪音。Jamie Frederick,Response Coordinator for Rescue Effort弗雷德里克   救援行动响应协调员“This is an incredibly complex search operation requiring both surface and sub-surface elements, we also have to factor in the ever-changing weather conditions, currents and sea states that expand the search area every hour. The good news is what I can tell you is we’re searching in the area where the noises were detected and we’ll continue to do so.”“这是一项极其复杂的搜救行动,需要水上和水下的配合,还需要考虑到不断变化的天气、洋流和海况,这导致搜救区域不断扩大。但我们仍在搜索探测到水下噪音的区域,并将持续在该区域搜救。”A French robot that can dive to 6,000 meters has been dispatched【派遣】 to help locate the tourist submersible. Teams from the United States, Canada and France have searched more than 25,900 square kilometers of open sea by air, an area roughly the size of Lebanon, or the state of Massachusetts.一台能够潜至6000米深的法国深海水下机器人已被派遣协助寻找失踪的潜水器。来自美国、加拿大和法国的搜救团队已经通过空中搜寻的方式搜索了25900多平方公里的海域,这个面积大约相当于黎巴嫩或马萨诸塞州的大小。Jeffrey Karson, Marine Geologist卡森   海洋地质学家“There are many pieces of the stern, the bow of the Titanic and all sorts of pieces that fell off during that wreck. That’s one of the problems in trying to find the submersible on the sea floor. probably only one ROV can be used at a time because of the danger of entangling the long cables that are attached to them.”“‘泰坦尼克’号的船尾和船头有很多碎片,沉船过程中各种碎片脱落,这是试图在海底找到潜水器的阻碍之一。而且每次可能只能派遣一个遥控潜水器,因为连接在潜水器上面的长电缆有缠绕的危险。”In 2018, OceanGate Expeditions’ former director of marine operations David Lochridge alleged in a lawsuit that he had been fired after raising concerns about the company's "experimental and untested design" of the craft.早在2018年,海洋之门集团(OceanGate Expeditions)的前海洋营运总监洛奇里奇(David Lochridge)曾在诉讼中声称,他因对公司的“实验性和未经测试的设计”提出担忧而被解雇。Will Kohnen, Chairman ofU.S. Marine Technology Society's Committee克宁   美国海洋技术协会载人潜水器委员会主席“There are only 10 vehicles in the whole world that can go 4,000 meters or deeper and all of them are certified - except the Titan. So, it is an outlier. It was not certified, so it had no oversight during design, fabrication and testing.”“全球只有十艘潜水器可以下潜到4000米甚至更深,除了‘泰坦’号 其他都经过了认证。‘泰坦’是一个例外,它没有经过认证,就意味着在设计、制造和测试过程中无人监督。”The 6.7-meter-long submersible began its descent on Sunday.  It set off with 96 hours of air, according to the company, which would mean the oxygen could run out by Thursday morning.这艘长达6.7米的潜水器于上周日开始下潜。根据公司的说法,它携带的氧气仅能维持96小时,这意味着氧气会在周四早上用尽。#热词加油站decarbonize/ˌdiːˈkɑːbənaɪz/【脱碳】inauguration/ɪˌnɔːɡjəˈreɪʃn/【开创】dispatched/dɪˈspætʃ/【派遣】entangle/ɪnˈtæŋɡ(ə)l/【缠住】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
6/23/20236 minutes, 33 seconds
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06/22 TOP NEWS | 李强呼吁加强中德合作/端午铁路高峰/失联泰坦号氧气将耗尽

NEWS ON 06/211.PREMIER LI CALLS FOR MORE COOPERATION BETWEEN CHINA, GERMANY国务院总理李强呼吁中德两国加强合作2.71 MLN PASSENGER TRIPS EXPECTED DURING DRAGON BOAT FESTIVAL全国铁路端午小长假预计发送旅客7100万人次3.LOST TOURIST SUBMERSIBLE HAS LESS THAN ONE DAY OF OXYGEN REMAINING失联泰坦号观光艇氧气即将耗尽----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1.PREMIER LI CALLS FOR MORE COOPERATION BETWEEN CHINA, GERMANY国务院总理李强呼吁中德两国加强合作Premier Li Qiang met German Chancellor Olaf Scholz yesterday, where he called for stronger ties to inject more positive energy and stability into a turbulent【动乱的】world. Sun Siqi has the details.当地时间6月20日,国务院总理李强同德国总理奥拉夫·朔尔茨举行了会谈,并呼吁加强中德联系,为动荡的世界注入更多正能量和稳定性。记者孙思齐带来详细报道。Before the meeting, Scholz held a grand welcome ceremony in front of the Federal Chancellery.会前,朔尔茨在联邦总理府举行了盛大的欢迎仪式。Li said economic cooperation between the China and Germany has been developing for more than half a century, and it is not easy for either to achieve today's results, which have brought real benefits to people in both countries.李强指出,中德经贸合作历经半个多世纪发展,取得今天的成绩实属不易,为两国人民带来了实实在在的利益。He hopes Germany will continue to keep an open mind and handle issues on the basis of international rules and in the principle of the spirit of contract, and adds that the two governments should vigorously【有力地】 strengthen people-to-people exchanges.李强表示,希望德方继续保持开放心态,以国际规则为基础、以契约精神为原则妥善处理有关问题。双方应大力加强两国人文交流。Scholz said Germany welcomes China’s prosperity, noting that Germany rejects all forms of decoupling and that “de-risking” does not equate to “de-sinicization”.朔尔茨表示,德方欢迎中国实现发展繁荣。德方反对任何形式的脱钩,去风险不是“去中国化”。He said Germany is willing to further strengthen bilateral exchanges and reach a consensus on issues such as climate change and green development.朔尔茨表示,德方愿进一步加强双方交往,在应对气候变化、绿色发展等领域达成更多合作共识。On Monday, Li met with representatives of 11 German companies including Siemens, Volkswagen and Merck. He called for executives to note the historic trend of globalization, the trend of China’s economic development, and of win-win cooperation between China and Germany.本周一,李强与包括西门子、大众汽车和默克集团在内的11家德国公司代表会面。并他、呼吁德国企业家们关注全球化这一历史趋势、中国经济发展的趋势,以及中德之间的合作共赢。2.71 MLN PASSENGER TRIPS EXPECTED DURING DRAGON BOAT FESTIVAL全国铁路端午小长假预计发送旅客7100万人次The Dragon Boat Festival is tomorrow. Around 71 million railway trips nationwide are expected between today and Sunday. Zhang Yue looks at this and other modes of transport for the holiday.6月22日是端午节。自6月21日至6月25日,全国铁路预计发送旅客7100万人次。本台记者张乐对假期期间各种交通方式的旅客发送情况进行了了解。Railway stations and highways in Shanghai were busy today as plenty of folks got an early start on their holiday. Shanghai railway authorities said about 500,000 people will leave the city today. They expect even more to leave tomorrow. An extra 108 bullet trains have been scheduled today and tomorrow to popular destinations like Zhengzhou, Hangzhou and Nanchang.今天(6月21日)上海的火车站和高速公路就已经非常繁忙,因为许多人提前开启了端午假期。上海铁路部门表示,今日将有约50万人离沪,预计明天离沪人数会更多。今明两日共增开108趟动车前往郑州、杭州和南昌等热门目的地。Yang Junhua, Manager on Duty of Shanghai Hongqiao Railway Station杨骏华铁路虹桥站值班站长“车站是适时地增开了67趟不同方向的临客,主要的方向集中在江西、中原、沪宁、沪杭、安徽以及苏北方向。”“The station added 67 passenger trains in different directions, mainly to Jiangxi, Nanjing, Hangzhou and Anhui.”During the festival, more than 4.2 million vehicles will use expressways in Shanghai, a 22% increase over the same period in 2019.端午期间,高速公路网车流规模将达420万辆次,比2019年同期增加了22%。The China Tourism Academy estimated more than 100 million people in the country will travel during the Dragon Boat Festival, surpassing【超过】 the level of 2019. The three-day festival is expected to see many opt【选择】for short getaways. The average price of hotel rooms and domestic flights on many travel agency websites are lower than that of the May Day holiday.中国旅游研究院估计,端午节期间全国将有超1亿人出行,超过了2019年的水平。为期三天的端午小长假将以短途旅游为主。许多旅行网站上酒店和国内航班的均价均低于五一假期。Xiong Jie, China Eastern Airlines熊杰东航地面服务部虹桥旅客服务中心高级经理“今年端午节的客流量较往年来说已经增加了3.6倍,预定票量已经达到了94万左右。关于一些热门的航线主要有北京、西安、青岛、兰州、武汉等等热门航线,主要是家庭旅客是居多的。”“During this holiday, passengers are expected to increase 3.6 times compared to previous years. The number of reserved flight tickets has reached about 940,000. Beijing, Xi'an, Qingdao and Wuhan are popular destinations. Most people traveling are families.”5,900 flights carrying more than 900,000 people are scheduled to depart from Pudong and Hongqiao airports during the festival, about the same as the May Day holiday.        端午期间,上海浦东、虹桥两大机场预计航班量5900架次,客流量约90万人次,与五一假期基本持平。3.LOST TOURIST SUBMERSIBLE HAS LESS THAN ONE DAY OF OXYGEN REMAINING失联泰坦尼克号观光艇氧气即将耗尽A Canadian military surveillance air-craft reported it had detected under-water noises while searching for the Titan, the missing submersible in the North Atlantic Ocean. Rescuers have been racing against the clock as the under-sea vessel【船舰】could run-out of oxygen as early as tomorrow morning. Stephen Rancourt has more.加拿大军用侦察机在寻找于北大西洋海域失踪的潜水器“泰坦号”时发现了水下声音。失联潜水器的氧气将于明早即将耗尽,搜救人员正在与时间赛跑。本台记者Stephen Rancourt带来详细报道。In underwater disasters, submariners unable to communicate with the surface will resort to banging on their vessel's hull in an effort to be detected by sonar. However, no official has publicly suggested that's the case, and noises underwater can come from a variety of sources.在水下灾难中,无法与水面通信的船员将通过敲击潜水器的船体来试图被声纳探测到。然而,目前尚未有任何官员公开表示水下噪音为船员敲击船体声音,水下噪音可能有多种来源。Questions remain about how teams would reach the Titan, which could be as deep as 12,500 feet below the surface near the wreck of the Titanic.与此同时,关于如何接近失联的“泰坦号”潜水器仍存在疑问,该潜水器可能位于距深达海面以下约 12,500 英尺(3,800 米)的泰坦尼克号残骸附近。Newly uncovered allegations【指控】 also suggest there had been significant warnings made about the submersible’s safety during its development.此外,一些最新公开的说法表明,该潜水器在研发过程中曾被曝存在严重安全问题。The crew aboard the Titan are Stockton Rush, the CEO of OceanGate, the company leading the expedition【考察】, Rush is said to be piloting the submersible. His passengers include a British adventurer, a Pakistani billionaire and his son, and a Deep-Sea dive specialist and Titanic expert from France.搭乘泰坦号的船员包括海洋之门(OceanGate)公司的首席执行官斯托克顿·拉什(Stockton Rush),据报道拉什任该潜水器的驾驶员。他的乘客包括一位英国冒险家、一位巴基斯坦亿万富翁及其儿子,以及一位来自法国的深海潜水专家和泰坦尼克号专家。Seven vessels from the US Coast Guard, the US Navy, the Canadian Coast Guard and OceanGate Expeditions are continuing to scour the North Atlantic.目前,美国海岸警卫队、美国海军、加拿大海岸警卫队和海洋之门公司的七艘船只仍在北大西洋进行搜寻。Captain Jamie Frederick, Response Coordinator for Rescue Efforts弗雷德里克救援行动响应协调员“Today, the vessel Deep Energy, 194-meter pipelay vessel arrived on scene with underwater ROV capability. They have rendezvoused with the vessel Polar Prince and commenced an ROV dive That operation is currently ongoing.”“今天,一艘194米长的铺管船已抵达救援现场,它具有遥控无人潜水器功能。目前该船已与‘极地王子’号汇合,开始部署潜水探测。该行动仍在进行中。”The Canadian military said it provided a patrol aircraft and two surface ships, including one that specializes in dive medicine. It also dropped sonar buoys to listen for any sounds from the Titan.据加拿大军方表示,他们派遣了一架巡逻机和两艘水面舰艇参与搜救行动,其中包括一艘专门用于潜水医疗的舰艇。他们还投放了声纳浮标,以侦听来自泰坦号的任何声音。Mike Reiss, a writer and producer for the Simpsons, detailed his time as a passenger aboard Titan, which he called a “Zen-like” experience.《辛普森一家》的编剧和制片人迈克·里斯详细描述了他作为泰坦号潜水器的乘客的经历,他称之为一种“宁静至极”体验。Mike Reiss,Producer for the Simpsons Sitcom迈克·里斯《辛普森一家》制片人“One end is the porthole, and the porthole is only the size of the window on a small washing machine. That's your only place you gonna see it. So that was it. It was five of us in that space for 10 hours.”“墙面的一侧还有个舷窗,只有洗衣机上的窗口那么大,你只能透过那看到外面,就这样。我们五个人就在那里面坐了十个小时。”The submersible had a 96-hour oxygen supply when it put to sea around 6 a.m. Sunday, according to David Concannon, an adviser to OceanGate Expeditions, which oversaw the mission. That means the oxygen supply could run out as early as Thursday morning.“海洋之门”公司顾问戴维·康坎农(David Concannon)表示,“泰坦”号潜水器在周日上午6点出海时携带的的氧气供应仅可持续96小时,这就意味着该潜水器的氧气将在北京时间6月22日晚间耗尽。The expedition was OceanGate’s third annual voyage to chronicle the deterioration of Titanic, which struck an iceberg and sank in 1912, killing all but about 700 of the roughly 2,200 passengers and crew.这次探险是海洋之门公司的第三次年度航行,旨在记录泰坦尼克号的腐蚀情况。泰坦尼克号在1912年撞上冰山后沉没,2200名乘客和船员中,只有大约700人幸存。The lost tourist submersible went missing for over two hours on expedition last year, with a journalist who was on board saying that there’s no backup, there’s no escape pod, it's get to the surface or die.这艘潜水器在去年的考察中也曾失踪超过两个小时,一名当时在潜水器中的记者称,舱内没有备用设备,也没有逃生舱,要么回到水面,要么就会丧生。#热词加油站turbulent/ˈtɜːbjələnt/【动乱的】vigorously /ˈvɪɡərəsli/【有力地】surpass/səˈpɑːs/【超过】opt/ɒpt/【选择】vessel /ˈves(ə)l/【船舰】allegation/ˌæləˈɡeɪʃn/【指控】expedition/ˌekspəˈdɪʃ(ə)n/【考察】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
6/23/20236 minutes, 19 seconds
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06/21 TOP NEWS | 上海立法保护野生动物/LPR年内首次下调/一泰坦尼克号观光潜艇失踪

NEWS ON 06/201.SMPC STANDING COMMITTEE PASSESWILDLIFE PROTECTION REGULATIONS上海市人大常委会会议表决通过野生动物保护条例2.CENTRAL BANK CUTS KEY LOAN RATESIN DRIVE TO SUPPORT ECONOMY央行年内首次下调LPR利率 进一步提振实体经济资金需求3.SUBMARINE EXPLORING TITANIC WRECK MISSING, RESCUE EFFORT UNDER WAY一艘泰坦尼克号旅游潜艇失踪,救援行动正在进行中----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1.SMPC STANDING COMMITTEE PASSESWILDLIFE PROTECTION REGULATIONS上海市人大常委会会议表决通过野生动物保护条例The Standing Committee of Shanghai Municipal People's Congress adopted regulations on wildlife protection in Shanghai. The document stipulates that a patrol【巡逻】 mechanism be established and includes detailed rules for the restoration and management of natural habitats. Zhang Hong tells us more.  上海市人大常委会表决通过《上海市野生动物保护条例》。该文件规定建立巡逻机制,并包括恢复和管理自然栖息地的详细规则。记者张泓带来更多报道。Strengthening patrols of natural habitats during migration peaks is one of the highlights of the newly passed regulations. Earlier this year, a black-throated loon was found dead in Century Park, Pudong. It had an oil stain from its neck to its stomach. The bird usually lives in Siberia and only passes through Shanghai in winter. The news triggered discussions on how to protect migratory birds.在迁徙高峰期间加强对自然栖息地的巡逻是此次立法的一大亮点。此前,在上海市浦东新区世纪公园内,一只颈部到腹部沾染大片油污的黑喉潜鸟被发现死亡。这种鸟通常生活在西伯利亚,只在冬季经过上海。这一消息引发了关于如何保护候鸟的讨论。Yan Rui, Legislative Affairs Commission,SMPC Standing Committee阎锐 上海市人大常委会法工委主任 “本市处于候鸟迁徙通道的重要中转点。经研究,我们决定在条例草案第29条增加相关内容,规定野生动物保护主管部门和其它有关部门应当在候鸟迁徙高峰期,加强对候鸟迁徙停歇地和越冬地等重要区域的巡护。”“Shanghai is an important stop for migratory birds. After completing some research, we decided to add content to Article 29 of the draft regulations. The new wording stipulates【规定】that wildlife protection departments should strengthen patrols at stopover sites and wintering grounds during migration peaks.”Another highlight is that a special chapter has been included for the protection of wildlife and their habitats. Shanghai has 22 habitats for wildlife. The new regulations detailed the restoration, preservation and management of these habitats. The document also set up rules for the rescue and care of wildlife.此次立法的另一个亮点是专门设立了保护野生动物及其栖息地的章节。上海有22个野生动物栖息地。新条例详细规定了这些栖息地的恢复、保护和管理。该文件还制定了救助和保护野生动物的规则。Gu Xiaojun, Deputy Director ofShanghai Landscaping & City Appearance Administrative Bureau顾晓君 市绿化和市容管理局副局长“比如说松江区叶谢镇一直在努力保护中华水鹿。条例出台以后,从法治层面上进行了很好的保障。”“For example, Yexie Town in Songjiang District has been making efforts to protect Chinese water deer. The new regulations provide a better legislative【立法的】 basis for the protection.”The regulations will come into effect in October.该条例将于10月起实施。2.CENTRAL BANK CUTS KEY LOAN RATESIN DRIVE TO SUPPORT ECONOMY央行年内首次下调LPR利率 进一步提振实体经济资金需求Benchmark lending rates were lowered today with both the one-year and five-year rates moving down 10 basis points, marking their first decrease in 10 months. The lower Loan Prime Rates together with new equity financing policies that have taken effect recently are expected to provide improved stimulus to the real estate market. Lei Shuran has more.基准贷款利率今日(06/20)下调,一年期和五年期贷利率均下调10个基点,这是10个月来的首次下调。贷款市场报价利率(LPR)的降低,加上最近生效的股权融资新政策,预计将为房地产市场提供刺激。记者雷淑然带来报道。The People's Bank of China today cut the one-year LPR to 3.55 percent and the over five-year LPR down to 4.2 percent. The 10 basis-point reductions means mortgage borrowers will be able to apply for a loan with lower costs. For example, someone applying for a 3 million yuan loan for a second-hand home in Shanghai will see the interest rate dropping to 5.25%, meaning a reduction of over 40,000 yuan in overall interest payments. To ensure that customers can take advantage of the mortgage rate reductions, many banks temporarily suspended loan releases today, and will resume them tomorrow at the new rates. Industry analysts say the cuts were needed.中国人民银行今天(06/20)将一年期LPR降至3.55%,五年期以上LPR降至4.2%。下调10个基点意味着抵押贷款借款人将能够以更低的成本申请贷款。例如,在上海申请300万元贷款购买二手房,利率将降至5.25%,这意味着总利息将减少4万多元。为了确保客户能够享受到抵押贷款利率下调的利好,许多银行今天(06/20)暂停发放贷款,并将在明天(06/21)以新的利率恢复发放。业内分析人士表示,这些削减措施是必要的。Du Haomin, Sinolink Securities Company, Real Estate Industry Analyst杜浩民 国金证券房地产行业分析师“我们看到其实1到5月份以来,数据并不是那么理想,稳住销售实际上也是稳住企业的发展。”“Performance was not ideal beginning in January and extending into May, especially on the sales side. Stabilizing sales is the key to stabilizing the development of the industry.”At the end of last year, China's top securities regulator began allowing property companies to resume refinancing and mergers and acquisitions after a 12-year suspension. As of mid-June the Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Exchanges have approved six real estate companies' refinancing plans, aiming to raise a total of more than 40 billion yuan. Market analysts say together with today's LPR cut, these measures should help ensure stable development of the real estate market.去年年底,中国最高证券监管机构允许房地产公司在暂停12年后恢复再融资和并购。截至6月中旬,上海和深圳证券交易所已经批准了六家房地产公司的再融资计划,旨在筹集总额超过400亿元的资金。市场分析人员表示,加上今天(06/20)的降准,这些措施将有助于确保房地产市场的稳定发展。Du Haomin, Sinolink Securities Company, Real Estate Industry Analyst杜浩民 国金证券房地产行业分析师“一个是供给端,一个是需求端。供给端是为了帮助企业去获得一个更好的资金发展支持,企业发展最终需要通过的是销售端,所以两端共同助力才能助力房地产业的发展。”“Supportive measures from both the supply and the demand sides can help companies ensure better financial support for their development. If there is a significant growth on the sales end, that then will be the ultimate solution for the growth of the companies.”After seeing a rebound in the first quarter, the property market slowed further in May. The latest government figures showed a fall in sales by floor area of 0.9 percent year-on-year in the first five months, more than double the 0.4 percent figure for the first four months. That was the first time this year that the pace of decline had increased.  在经历第一季度的反弹后,房地产市场在5月份进一步放缓。最新的政府数据显示,前五个月房屋销售面积同比下降0.9%,比前四个月的0.4%高出一倍多。这是今年以来首次出现下降速度加快的情况。3.SUBMARINE EXPLORING TITANIC WRECK MISSING, RESCUE EFFORT UNDER WAY一艘泰坦尼克号旅游潜艇失踪,救援行动正在进行中A small sub-marine operated by a private company that runs tour to the wreckage of the Titanic has gone missing off the coast of eastern Canada. The US Coast Guard and Canadian defense ministry are searching for the small craft. Stephen Rancourt has more.一艘由私营公司运营的参观"泰坦尼克号”水下残骸的小型潜水艇在加拿大东部海岸失踪。美国海岸警卫队和加拿大国防部正在全力搜寻。记者Stephen Rancourt带来更多报道。OceanGate Expeditions said in a statement on Monday that it was "mobilizing all options" to rescue those aboard the underwater vessel, which typically has five people on board.海洋之门勘探公司周一在一份声明中表示,它正在“动用一切手段”营救船上人员。这艘船可容纳5人。British billionaire Hamish Harding is among the passengers, according to a social media post from a relative.英国亿万富翁哈米什·哈丁的一位亲属在社交媒体上发帖称,哈米什·哈丁是这艘潜水器乘客之一。The US Coast Guard said on Twitter that a boat on the surface, the Polar Prince, lost contact with the submersible about an hour and 45 minutes after it began diving toward the wreckage site on Sunday morning.美国海岸警卫队在推特上表示,这艘潜艇在周日早上开始向泰坦尼克号残骸地点潜水大约一小时四十五分钟后,与水面上的船“极地王子号”失去了联系。US and Canadian authorities have launched a search-and-rescue operation, including aerial and surface searches, according to statements from the US Coast Guard and Canada's defense ministry.根据美国海岸警卫队和加拿大国防部的声明,美国和加拿大当局已经展开搜救行动,包括空中和水面搜索。Rear Admiral John Mauger,United States Coast Guard约翰·毛格 美国海岸警卫队海军少将“It is a remote area and it is a challenge to conduct a search in that remote area. But we are deploying all available assets to make sure that we can locate the craft and rescue the people on board.”“这是一处偏远海域,在这个区域搜救是个挑战。我们正在部署一切可用资源,确保找到潜水器、营救乘客。”The expeditions, which cost 250,000 U.S. dollars per person, start in St. John's, Newfoundland, before heading out approximately 640 kilometers into the Atlantic to the wreckage site. In order to visit the wreck, passengers climb inside Titan, a five-person submarine【潜水艇】, which takes two hours to descend the approximately 3,800 meters to the Titanic.该探险活动向每名乘客收取25万美元,从纽芬兰的圣约翰斯出发,前往大约640公里外的大西洋泰坦尼克号残骸现场。为了参观沉船,乘客们爬进这艘名为“泰坦”的五人潜水艇,需要两个小时才能下降到约3800米深的海底观赏泰坦尼克号残骸。The British passenger ship famously sank in 1912 on its maiden voyage after hitting an iceberg, killing more than 1,500 people.泰坦尼克号是一艘英国豪华客轮,在1912年的首航中撞上冰山沉没,造成1500多人死亡。#热词加油站patrol/pəˈtroʊl/【巡逻】stipulate/ˈstɪpjuleɪt/【规定】legislative/ˈledʒɪsleɪtɪv/【立法的】submarine/ˌsʌbməˈriːn/【潜水艇】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
6/21/20236 minutes, 22 seconds
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06/20 TOP NEWS | 习近平会见美国国务卿/上海苏州河重启龙舟赛/和平饭店艺术周开幕

NEWS ON 06/191.XI MEETS US SECRETARY OF STATE习近平会见美国国务卿2.DRAGON BOAT RACES RETURN TO SUZHOU CREEK上海苏州河重启龙舟赛3.THE 5TH PEACE ARTS & CULTURE WEEKOPENS AT FAIRMONT PEACE HOTEL第五届“和平文化艺术周”在费尔蒙和平饭店盛大开幕----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1.XI MEETS US SECRETARY OF STATE习近平会见美国国务卿President Xi Jinping met visiting US Secretary of State Antony Blinken in Beijing this afternoon. This follows Blinken's earlier meeting with Wang Yi, director of the Office of the Foreign Affairs Commission of the CPC Central Committee. Sun Siqi gives the details.中国国家主席习近平今天(06/19)下午在北京会见了来访的美国国务卿安东尼·布林肯。此前,布林肯还会见了中央外事工作委员会办公室主任王毅。记者孙思琪带来详细报道。Xi said state-to-state interactions should always be based on mutual respect and sincerity. He said he hopes Blinken's visit will lead to more positive contributions to stabilizing China-US relations.习近平强调,相互尊重和信任是国与国应有的相处之道,希望布林肯通过这次访问,能为稳定中美关系做出积极贡献。Earlier today, Wang Yi, director of the Office of the Foreign Affairs Commission of the CPC Central Committee, also spoke with Blinken.此前,中央外事工作委员会办公室主任王毅也同布林肯举行了会晤。Wang said Blinken's trip comes at a critical juncture of China-US relations and a choice needs to be made between dialogue and confrontation【对抗】. Wang called on the two sides to work together to reverse the downward spiral of bilateral relations.王毅表示,布林肯访华正值中美关系紧张的关键节点,现在必须就友好合作还是冲突、对话还是继续对抗作出选择。并呼吁双方共同努力,扭转双边关系的螺旋式下滑。He reiterated that China will never follow the beaten track of big powers in seeking hegemony, urging the United States not to misjudge China with a trajectory taken by the traditional Western powers. He said this is the key to whether the US government's policy towards China can truly return to a rational approach. Wang also asked the United States to stop hyping up China's threat, lift illegal unilateral sanctions against China, stop its suppression【打压】 of its scientific and technological development, and refrain from interfering in China's internal affairs.王毅强调,中国不会走国强必霸的道路,敦促美方不要用西方传统大国走过的轨迹来误判中国。他表示,这是美方对华政策能否真正回归理性的关键。王毅还要求美方停止炒作“中国威胁论”,取消对华非法单边制裁,放弃对中国科技发展的打压,不得肆意干涉中国的内政。Blinken said the United States is committed to returning to the agenda set by the two heads of state at their meeting in Bali last year, and looks forward to strengthening communication with China, managing differences responsibly and cooperating in areas of mutual interest.布林肯介绍了美方看法,表示美方致力于重回两国元首巴厘岛会晤确定的议程,期待同中方加强沟通,负责任管控分歧,在双方有共同利益的领域开展合作。Yesterday, Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Qin Gang held talks with Blinken. Both sides agreed to maintain lines of communication. Blinken invited Qin to visit the United States, who expressed willingness to make the visit at a mutually convenient time.昨天(06/19),中国国务委员兼外长秦刚与布林肯举行了会谈,双方同意保持沟通渠道。布林肯表示,他已邀请国务委员兼外长秦刚访问美国,秦刚同意在双方都合适的时间进行访问。2.DRAGON BOAT RACES RETURN TO SUZHOU CREEK上海苏州河重启龙舟赛Suzhou Creek was transformed from its usual calm into a blur of oars as the China Dragon Boat Open Tournament returned over the weekend. The competition was held in Putuo District prior to Thursday's Dragon Boat Festival. Reporter Zhang Yue was there and spoke to some of the competitors.随着周末中国龙舟公开赛的回归,苏州河从往常的平静变得桨声阵阵。比赛于周四(06/22)端午节前在普陀区举行。记者张乐在现场采访了一些参赛选手。Despite the pouring rain, rowers pushed themselves to the limits, creating an uplifting symphony on Suzhou Creek. Among the 52 teams, some of the domestic teams like one from Foshan and another from Wenzhou have previously represented China in international dragon boat competitions. One rower from the Philippines said dragon boat racing has becoming increasingly popular in his country.尽管下着倾盆大雨,桨手们还是把自己推向了极限,在苏州河上谱写了一首振奋人心的交响乐。在52支队伍中,一些来自佛山和温州的国内队伍曾代表中国参加过国际龙舟比赛。一位来自菲律宾的划手说,龙舟比赛在他的国家越来越受欢迎。JosephPhilippines' Rower约瑟夫 菲律宾桨手“We usually train at least 4 times a week, and that also includes our land training. It has really got the attention of everybody, especially children and young kids and those in the university and even in the other communities. It has really got the attention of the people and it's really exciting to watch and see.”“我们通常每周至少训练4次,包括陆地训练。龙舟赛吸引了很多人,特别是儿童和青少年以及大学甚至是其他社区的人。人们真的很关注龙舟赛,看了之后确实心潮澎湃。”The 100-meter straight-line race event was added to the traditional 200-meter and 500-meter straight-line races to make the competition more intense.本届龙舟赛在传统的200米和500米直线比赛的基础上,又增加了100米直线比赛项目,使赛况更加激烈。Paddler from Shenyang沈阳队“雨不大,还行,龙舟就是一种精神吧,耐力比较重要。”“It's a bit rainy, but it it won't stop us from performing our best. Stamina is the most important thing to win.”Competitor from Shanghai浦东三林队“团队合作第一,因为龙舟是一个团体活动,它不是个人的,你一个人划的再好也没有用。我们每周都训练三次,配合大家的默契度。”“One of the greatest factors is the team's ability to act as one. We practice three times a week to so we cooperate well with each other.”The two-day event is the Shanghai leg of the 2023 China Dragon Boat Open Tournament, and the 19th Shanghai International Suzhou Creek Dragon Boat Invitational Tournament, which was won by the team from the Philippines. Spectators had an improved experience this year asrenovations【翻新】were completed along the banks of a 21-kilometer stretch of the creek in Putuo.为期两天的比赛既是2023年中国龙舟公开赛上海赛,也是第19届上海国际苏州河龙舟邀请赛,菲律宾队赢得了本次比赛的冠军。今年,随着普陀区21公里长的小河两岸翻新工作完成,观众观赛体验比往年更佳。3.THE 5TH PEACE ARTS & CULTURE WEEKOPENS AT FAIRMONT PEACE HOTEL第五届“和平文化艺术周”在费尔蒙和平饭店盛大开幕The fifth Peace Arts and Culture Week opened at the Fairmont Peace Hotel on East Nanjing Road, one of the city's most recognized landmarks. This year's event features a fusion of artificial intelligence and virtual reality into different art forms, including Shanghai-style paintings, an art film about the Old Jazz Band and a whole lot more. Sun Siqi tells us more.第五届“和平文化艺术周”在南京东路的费尔蒙和平饭店开幕。南京东路是上海最著名的地标之一。今年的活动将人工智能和虚拟现实融合到不同的艺术形式中,包括上海风格的绘画,关于老爵士乐队的艺术电影等等。记者孙思琪带来更多报道。"The Old Jazz Band" played music from the 1940s in the Atrium of the Peace Hotel. The average age of these veteran musicians is 82, making them the world's oldest working Jazz Band. They featured in a documentary film titled "As Time Goes By In Shanghai" by German director Uli Gaulke. During this year's Peace Arts and Culture Week, a new version of the documentary, created with the help of an artificial intelligence will make its premiere.“老爵士乐队”在和平饭店的中庭演奏着20世纪40年代的音乐。这些资深音乐家的平均年龄为82岁,是世界上最年长的在职爵士乐队。他们在德国导演乌利·高尔克的纪录片《上海老爵士》中亮相。今年“和平文化艺术周”期间,在人工智能帮助下制作的新版纪录片将进行首映。George Wee, General ManagerFairmont Peace Hotel和平饭店总经理“Absolutely, music and art, it can form a bridge. so If you then invite technology and artificial Intelligence into it, I think the younger generation will be comfortable and they will embrace it. The older generation would say oh that's cool. I didn't know. It can be done like this. So this year is really special and for us we thought we should jump on this opportunity to make this famous hotel, the peace hotel which is almost 100 years old, to make it relevant to to new younger audiences as well.”“当然,音乐和艺术可以形成一座桥梁。如果把技术和人工智能引入其中,我想年轻一代会很喜欢并乐于接受它们。老一辈可能会认为,‘这太酷了’‘我不知道’‘还可以这样做’等等。今年真的很特别,我们应该抓住这个机会,让这家有着近百年历史的著名和平酒店与新的年轻观众联系起来。”One of the paintings by Chinese artist Bei Jiaxiang was also regenerated by an artificial intelligence. After decades of experience in Australia, Bei Jiaxiang's art is still deeply rooted in the regional culture of Shanghai. Over 20 pieces are also on display during this year's event.中国艺术家贝家骧的一幅画作也是由人工智能再生的。在澳大利亚生活了几十年后,贝家骧的艺术仍深深扎根于上海的地域文化。活动共展出了20多件作品。Bei JiaxiangArtist贝家骧 中国印象派绘画大师“很新颖。现在一些科技很进步,那些AI技术我也是不懂,我一直在工作、在画,力求上海本身特有的灵魂能够碰撞起来。我现在一直在画80年代甚至到80年代末(的上海),正好是在我出国以前感受最深的,现在回来看到的上海,我觉得还是在沿着这样一个风貌往前走,只不过它更加包容了。”“Even though I don't know much about artificial intelligence, I still found it novel and saw that technology is advancing at a rapid rate. I hope the unique soul of the city of Shanghai can collide【碰撞】 in my paintings. I think Shanghai kept some of its style and features from the 1980s while growing.”Built in 1929, the Fairmont Peace Hotel was acclaimed as the "Number One Mansion in the Far East". The hotel plans to provide more activities related to arts and AI during the festival, in cooperation with the Tongji University College of Design and Innovation.费尔蒙和平饭店建于1929年,被誉为“远东第一楼”。酒店计划在艺术节期间与同济大学设计与创新学院合作,推出更多与艺术和人工智能有关的活动。#热词加油站confrontation/ˌkɑːnfrənˈteɪʃn/【对抗】suppression/səˈpreʃ(ə)n/【打压】renovation/ˌrenəˈveɪʃ(ə)n/【翻新】collide/kəˈlaɪd/【碰撞】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
6/20/20236 minutes, 30 seconds
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06/19 TOP NEWS | 梅西刷新职业生涯纪录/沪苏地铁直通/我国经济向好趋势依然稳固

NEWS ON 06/161.MESSI SCORES FASTEST CAREER GOALIN BEIJING FRIENDLY81秒!梅西在北京创职业生涯最快进球纪录2.SHANGHAI-SUZHOU SUBWAY LINK OPENS ON TRIAL BASIS沪苏地铁11号线“牵手”试乘3.CHINA WILL FURTHER PROMOTE CONSUMPTION AND ECONOMIC RECOVERY国家发改委:将抓紧制定出台恢复和扩大消费政策----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1.MESSI SCORES FASTEST CAREER GOALIN BEIJING FRIENDLY81秒!梅西在北京创职业生涯最快进球纪录Lionel Messi delighted Argentina fans in Beijing when he scored the fastest goal of his international career, netting after 81 seconds as the world champions beat Australia 2-0 in a friendly at a raucous Workers' Stadium yesterday. During the match, a young fan wearing a Messi jersey ran onto the pitch and briefly hugged the bemused star, and eluded security personnel for a short time before being taken away. The video quickly went viral. Sun Siqi has more.一场足球友谊赛昨晚(06/15)在北京工人体育场上演。梅西开场81秒就闪电破门,创下其职业生涯最快进球纪录,并最终率领阿根廷队以2比0战胜澳大利亚队。在比赛中,一位身穿梅西球衣的年轻球迷冲进球场,避开保安并拥抱梅西,最后被保安“请”出球场。这一小插曲让本就火爆的比赛“霸屏”热搜。记者孙思琪带来更多报道。Fans immediately got their money's worth when Argentina won the ball in Australia's half in the second minute and Enzo Fernandez found Messi, who beat the keeper with a curling shot from outside the box.当阿根廷在第二分钟赢得澳大利亚半场的球权时,恩佐·费尔南德斯分球梅西,梅西从禁区外弧线射门,击败门将。那一瞬间,球迷们顿时觉得门票钱花得值!In the 68th minute, just before a corner was taken, a fan in a Messi jersey ran onto the pitch, quickly hugged the Argentine legend, dodged several security personnel, ran to the centre circle and high-fived goalkeeper Emiliano Martinez.比赛进行到68分钟,阿根廷队正准备罚角球时,一名身穿梅西球衣的狂热球迷跑进球场拥抱梅西。他躲过了几名安保人员,跑到中圈与阿根廷门将埃米利亚诺·马丁内斯击掌。He was removed from the stadium, but was allowed to return because he was under 18. Such acts are not allowed, but most viewers of the video seemed amused by the act.这名球迷被带离了球场,但最终因为年龄不满18岁被当场放回到看台。这种行为是明令禁止的,但大多数观看视频的人似乎都被他这一行为逗乐了。After the game resumed, Argentina doubled their lead when Rodrigo De Paul floated in an enticing【有吸引力的】 cross into the box and substitute Germán Pezzella found space between two defenders to nod home a free header.比赛重新开始后,罗德里戈·德保罗将球传入禁区,替补出场的赫尔曼·佩泽拉在两名后卫之间头球破门,阿根廷队扩大了领先优势。Lionel Scaloni,Argentina Head Coach斯卡洛尼 阿根廷队主教练“I only have words of gratitude and affection for how we were received today in the stadium. It almost seemed like we were playing in Argentina and that's lovely that our players were shown so much support.”“对于今天在这个体育场收到的欢迎,我感到由衷的感激。这场球简直就像是在阿根廷主场踢的。球迷们太可爱了,他们给予了我们的球员非常热情的支持。”Emiliano Martinez,Argentina Goalkeeper马丁内斯 阿根廷队门将“We felt right at home in Beijing, we thank the support from Chinese fans and their support for the match. We hope we have a chance to come back.”“我们在北京感受到了宾至如归,感谢中国球迷对我们、对这场比赛的支持,希望以后还有机会来中国。”Lionel Messi has been welcomed like a rock star ever since landing in Beijing last week. The areas around the stadium and the team's hotel have been awash with raucous fans. Messi yesterday thanked all fans in China for their incredible support in a post on social media.自上周抵达北京以来,梅西就受到了巨星般的欢迎。球场周围和球队下榻的酒店挤满了喧闹的球迷。赛后,梅西也在社交媒体发文称,感谢所有中国球迷一直以来的热情支持。Beijing police said today the fan has been placed in administrative detention. He was also banned from entering any stadium for sports matches for 12 months.北京公安今天(06/16)发布通报:已依法对该球迷行政拘留,同时责令其十二个月内不得进入体育场馆观看同类比赛。2.SHANGHAI-SUZHOU SUBWAY LINK OPENS ON TRIAL BASIS沪苏地铁11号线“牵手”试乘Metro Line 11 in Suzhou opened today on a trial basis for five days. It connects to Shanghai's Metro network at Line 11's Huaqiao Station and will officially open at the end of the month. Sun Siqi takes a look at the city's first subway line to connect directly with another city.苏州地铁11号线今天(06/16)开始为期5天的试运行。它在11号线花桥站与上海地铁网络相连,将于本月底正式开通。记者孙思琪带领大家一起参观这条首次实现与其他城市直接相连的地铁线路。Get ready to take the subway to Suzhou for a day trip. How about to Yangcheng Lake for a hairy crab feast? Just take a Line 11 subway train to Huaqiao Station, hop off, take a quick walk, and then jump on Suzhou's Line 11.  准备好乘坐地铁去苏州一日游吧!想去阳澄湖吃大闸蟹?只需乘坐上海地铁11号线到花桥站,之后换乘苏州地铁11号线即可实现。Zhong Huilin, Station Manager ofSuzhou Line 11 Huaqiao Station钟慧琳 苏州地铁11号线运营事业部花桥区域站长“苏州花桥和上海花桥是通过中部三座天桥连接的。我们东西两端的天桥是作为免安检通道的,对于一些使用大都会和苏易行的乘客来说,可以实现一码连乘。”“There're 3 hallways. 2 of them are for people transferring. Users of Shanghai or Suzhou's Metro apps canjustre-scan the same code when they exit inthe othercity.”Users of any ticket, including Metro card, will still need to exit the turnstile【旋转栅门】 and re-purchase or re-scan.需要注意的是,其他各类交通卡、纸质票,都需要出站后,重新刷卡或购票。Citizens of Kunshan, Jiangsu江苏昆山市民“我是昆山人,像我们到上海看病乘地铁就方便多了。”“I'm from Kunshan. If I go see a doctor in Shanghai, I can just take the Metro.”Citizens ofShanghai上海市民“我准备到金鸡湖去玩。我觉得这比去火车站坐火车再坐公共汽车方便多了。”“I'm heading for Jinjihu Lake. I find this more convenient than going to a train station, taking a train, and then taking a bus.”The test run lasts 5 days, but only 9 stops are open. Trains stop at 4 pm during the trial run, so be sure to catch one on time. A full one-way ride is close to 1 hour. Facilities in the stations are being fine-tuned before the line officially opens at the end of June.此次为期5天的试乘活动,目前只开放了其中9个站点。试乘期间,每天下午4点前就会结束运营,乘客们需要掌握好出行时间。全线单程耗时近1小时。在6月底线路正式开通之前,车站设施将进行微调。3.CHINA WILL FURTHER PROMOTE CONSUMPTION AND ECONOMIC RECOVERY国家发改委:将抓紧制定出台恢复和扩大消费政策China will be quicklyformulating【制定】 policies to reinvigorate and enhance consumer spending, the National Development and Reform Commission told a news briefing today.国家发展和改革委员会在今天(06/16)举行的新闻发布会上表示,中国将抓紧制定政策来重振和提高消费支出。The country's top economic planner's briefing emphasized China's continued economic recovery and the importance of the service sector. Official data showed that the country's service industry production index saw 9.1 percent growth in the first five months of the year. The NDRC said more efforts will be given to promoting the new energy vehicle industry, in which production and sales both saw year-on-year growth of 40 percent during the first five months. Also at the briefing, the NDRC reported that China's major power plants generated 3.4 trillion kilowatt-hours of electricity in the first five months of the year, up 3.9 percent year-on-year. The country's total electricity consumption saw a growth of 5.2 percent during the period.这一中国最高经济规划机构的简报强调了中国经济的持续复苏和服务业的重要性。官方数据显示,今年前5个月,全国服务业生产指数同比增长9.1%。发改委表示,将加大力度促进新能源汽车产业的发展,今年前5个月,新能源汽车的产、销量均同比增长40%。此外,中国主要发电厂发电3.4万亿千瓦时,同比增长3.9%。在此期间,全国总用电量增长了5.2%。#热词加油站enticing/ɪnˈtaɪsɪŋ/【有吸引力的】turnstile/ˈtɜːrnstaɪl/【旋转栅门】kiosk/ˈkiːɑːsk/【售货亭】metro/ˈmetroʊ/【地铁】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
6/20/20234 minutes, 42 seconds
Episode Artwork


在中国的古老神话里,有一位名叫“嫦娥”的美丽女子,服下了长生不老药后飞上了月宫。某种程度上来说,她应该是最早的中国宇航员。中国探月工程“嫦娥”系列便得名于此。其实,你无需仰望星空,就能感受到中华传统文化的魅力,其爱好者遍布全球。那么,你最爱的中华宝贝又是什么呢?In the ancient Chinese legend, a beautiful lady named Chang’e consumed a magical elixir and flew to the moon. In some ways, she can be considered the original and through this legend, gives her name to China’s moon missions. But you don't need to look to the stars to see the reach of China's vibrant cultural heritage. It has admirers all over the world. So what's your favorite Chinese treasure?今年夏天,“爱上海的理由”第四季热闹开场,邀请中外青少年向全世界展现中华传统文化的魅力。在活动正式开启之前,项目组在上海,北京,纽约,悉尼和伦敦,五座国际大都市采访了来自三十个国家的近百名外国人,了解他们对中华传统文化的印象以和感兴趣的话题。他们的回答也许能给大家带来一些“小灵感”。This summer, My Favorite Shanghai returns for a new season. Join us to share the charm of traditional Chinese culture. To kick start this journey, we traveled to five international cities: Shanghai, Beijing, New York, Sydney and London. There, we interviewed nearly 100 foreigners from 30 countries, delving into their impressions of Chinese traditions and the topics that pique their interest. Some of their answers might just inspire you.歪果仁有话说采访:受访者国籍:美国我在高中选修了普通话。在农历新年的时候,我们会在学校的厨房一起包饺子。I took Mandarin in high school. Like during Lunar New Year, we were like, went and made dumplings and stuff.受访者国籍:美国:我们学校会举办特别的演出,有舞龙,还有扇子舞。非常好看!My school had a whole performance. They had the dragon dance, and the fan dances that I mentioned before. It was very beautiful.受访者国籍:马达加斯加/柬埔寨/贝宁:舞狮也非常受欢迎。还有红包。Yeah, also the lion dancing is quite popular. Also the red envelope.受访者国籍:阿根廷:我去过几次布宜诺斯艾利斯,就是阿根廷最大的城市。那里有华人社区,我在那里品尝了特别多的中国菜,因为太好吃了!I’ve been a couple of times in Buenos Aires, that is the biggest city in Argentina. And they have a Chinese neighborhood. I tried a lot of the food of the place because it’s amazing.受访者国籍:佛得角真的很好吃!It’s delicious.受访者国籍:美国像是茶文化啦,着装习俗,又或者是礼仪方面的习俗。人与人交流中的礼貌和尊重非常重要,这些给我的印象比较深刻。For example, tea traditions, or just dress up traditions, or mannerisms, I know that much.受访者国籍:日本/巴基斯坦有空的时候参加那个广场舞,跟不认识的老人一起下中国象棋我特别喜欢,人情味儿非常浓的感觉。I joined in the dancing in the square in my free time. Also playing chess with elderly people. I really like this feeling of being closely connected with people.受访者国籍:澳大利亚中国人很尊重长者,并且照顾年长者,社会重视老年群体,这是我非常欣赏的一点。在西方社会,感受就不那么明显。Respect for the elders, right, and looking after the elderly and make sure that these are like, you know, their integral part of the society. I think that's something that I really appreciate, that isn't so much in the west, you know.你好!中国受访者国籍:菲律宾我想学习中文。大家都在学,我得跟上。I wanna learn the language. I need to keep up.受访者国籍:法国我想了解汉服还有中国菜。I will say maybe Hanfu, and also food.受访者国籍:英国我想试试中国小城街头的地道美食。I'd like to discover Chinese food in China, in small cities.受访者国籍:卡塔尔各种茶吧。我知道中国的茶特别棒。Teas,I know that you guys have amazing teas.受访者国籍:澳大利亚或许可以多说说中医药相关的内容。Chinese medicine maybe?受访者国籍:芬兰中国音乐,特别是民乐。Chinese music, and especially folk music. 受访者国籍:英国/南非我想了解中国的文化。我想了解中国人日常的生活点滴。I wanna know about the culture. I wanna learn how people go about their day-to-day basis in China.受访者国籍:菲律宾我想了解中国历史,并且我相信世界需要了解它,因为它正是现代文明所传承和发展的。I would like to learn about the history. And I believe that the world needs to know it because that's how the modern civilization has adapted to what it is now.受访者国籍:澳大利亚中国人重视传统,重视家庭。我想知道传统文化对他们来说到底意味着什么。我想知道中国人的核心价值观是什么。They like to have tradition. They like to do all these things with family. And I would like to know what it means to them. Core values I believe, core values.解说词:所以,如果你有一个很棒的故事想和大家分享,把它制作成短视频,并且在8月31日前投递给我们。话题不限。So, if you have a great story to tell, make it into an engaging video and share it with us before August 31. Any topic.同期声:第三季的同学:喜欢功夫!I love Kung Fu.解说词:体裁不限。Any style.同期声:第三季的同学:我喜欢皮影戏。I like to make shadow puppets. 解说词:让我们一起把中华宝贝的故事大声讲给全世界听。Together, we will bring China's rich culture to life in the eyes of the world.采访:受访者国籍:瑞士永远不要忘记你们所拥有的灿烂文化。Never forget how rich that culture is as well.受访者国籍:澳大利亚告诉我们中华文化有多特别。Show why they're special.受访者国籍:菲律宾代表你们的国家发光发热!做一个自豪的中国人!Represent the country well and be proud Chinese.受访者国籍:澳大利亚你不需要和别人一样,坚持你们自己的文化是最棒的!Don't be like anyone else. Be yourself, because everyone else is taken.受访者国籍:美国你们一定会做得很好!自信表达,向世界展示中华传统文化的精彩。Y'all got this. Don't be scared and show the world what y'all about.扫码下载“看看新闻”APP,报名加入活动,与世界分享你最爱的中华宝贝。To get started, scan the QR code, download the Knews app, and follow the instructions to sign up.
6/19/20233 minutes, 56 seconds
Episode Artwork

06/16 TOP NEWS | 故宫博物馆发布新规/5月国民经济继续恢复/端午旅游热推动民航复苏

NEWS ON 06/151.PALACE MUSEUM ISSUESNEW RULES FOR VISITORS北京故宫发布新规:营地车、行李箱等禁止入内2.CHINA'S MAY FACTORY OUTPUT, RETAIL SALES GROW AT SLOWER PACE国家统计局:5月份国民经济运行延续恢复态势3. TRAVEL DEMAND RISES ASDRAGON BOAT FESTIVAL HOLIDAY APPROACHES“最火”端午将至,旅游热推动民航加速复苏----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1.PALACE MUSEUM ISSUESNEW RULES FOR VISITORS北京故宫发布新规:营地车、行李箱等禁止入内The Palace Museum today released new rules for visitors, stating that folding wagons and suitcases will be prohibited in the Forbidden City starting on June 30th. It also said permission will be required for all commercial photography. Zhang Yue has more.6月15日,故宫方面明确要求,从6月30日起,营地车、行李箱等物品禁止携带入内。禁止未经许可的商业性拍摄。记者张乐带来详细报道。As commercial photography shooting activities and livestreaming have become popular, a fair number of people lug video equipment like slide rails, rocker arms, suitcases and foldable wagons into the Forbidden City. The museum said these may damage the site and negatively affect other tourists.随着商业拍摄业态的兴起,各种专业的摄影器材如滑轨、摇臂,以及大型的行李箱、营地车都纷纷进入到了故宫。故宫博物院表示,这不仅会对文物造成破坏,也会影响其他游客的正常参观游览。Qi Fei, Engineer ofWorld Heritage Monitoring Department, Palace Museum齐飞故宫博物院故宫世界遗产监测部高级工程师“御花园的石子路面,它是传统的油灰嵌石子的做法。一些大的行李箱子、营地车的轮子碾压在上面,会将小石子挤压松脱,造成地面图案的不完整或者缺失。”“The wheels of suitcases and wagons, which roll over the Imperial Garden’s cobbled【铺有鹅卵石的】roads, may damage the patterns or even make the stones break apart.”The Palace Museum said that wheelchairs and strollers【折叠婴儿车】will still be allowed inside the Forbidden City. It added that selfie sticks longer than 1.3 meters will also be prohibited beginning on June 30th.故宫博物院表示,轮椅和婴儿车仍可正常入院。此外,从6月30日起,超1.3米的自拍杆也将禁止入院。Zhang Weijian, Deputy Directorof Security Office, Palace Museum张维建故宫博物院保卫处副处长“6月30日以后,会把我们现在的存包处从午门城楼下的右掖门,前移至端门广场西侧的观众服务中心。届时它会与观众咨询窗口和票务窗口比邻,为观众在入院前提供一个便捷一站式的服务。”“After June 30th, we will open a luggage storage area at the tourist center, which is close to the ticket and information kiosks【售货亭】. That will be convenient for tourists.”It also stated that all types of performances, sales of goods or services and commercial filming are prohibited without permission from the Palace Museum. Bloggers are also not allowed to do livestreams or record in the Palaces indoor areas.  此外,此次发布的《故宫博物院参观须知》还明确规定,未经允许,禁止在故宫博物院内进行各类表演、售卖商品或服务、商业性拍摄等非参观游览活动。同时,禁止在展厅内开展自媒体直播、录播活动。2.CHINA'S MAY FACTORY OUTPUT, RETAIL SALES GROW AT SLOWER PACE国家统计局:5月份国民经济运行延续恢复态势China’s economy grew at a slower pace in May, the National Bureau of Statistics reported today, saying the economic recovery is not solid yet.据国家统计局6月15日发布的数据显示,我国5月份主要经济指标增速有所回落,经济恢复基础尚不稳固。Official data showed that China’s industrial output went up 3.5 percent year-on-year last month, 2.1 percentage points lower than that in April. Of all the industrial sectors, equipment manufacturing led the growth last month, reporting an eight percent rise on a yearly basis. The data also showed that retail sales last month were up by 12.7 percent year-on-year, less than the 18.4 percent growth recorded the previous month. The statistics bureau attributed【把…归因于】the slower pace of growth to what it called “a complex and grim international environment” and pressure on domestic structural adjustment.官方数据显示,我国五月规模以上工业增加值同比增长3.5%,比四月回落2.1个百分点。装备制造业增加值同比增长8%,明显快于全部规模以上工业增速。社会消费品零售总额同比增长12.7%,低于四月18.4%的增长。国家统计局解释称,增速回落主要是由于当前“复杂严峻的国际环境”和国内结构转型的压力。Also in May, China’s unemployment rate among people aged 25 to 59 stood at 4.1 percent, narrowing 0.1 percentage point from the previous month, showing a fall which has lasted for three consecutive【连续的】months.同样在五月份,我国25-59岁就业主体人群失业率为4.1%,,比上月下降0.1个百分点,已连续3个月下降。3. TRAVEL DEMAND RISES ASDRAGON BOAT FESTIVAL HOLIDAY APPROACHES“最火”端午将至,旅游热推动民航加速复苏Airlines said more flights will be added to meet surging travel demand as the Dragon Boat Festival begins on June 22nd. Some airlines said discounts for students and services for passengers with pets will be available. Zhang Yue brings us the story.随着6月22日端午将至,多家航空公司表示,将增加更多航线以满足激增的旅行需求。一些航空公司将提供学生折扣,并为携带宠物的乘客提供服务。记者张乐为我们带来详细报道。At Pudong International Airport, some passengers decided to take their trip earlier to avoid the crowds.在浦东国际机场,一些乘客打算避开人流高峰,提前出行。Tourist旅客“趁着人流量还不是特别大,也是考虑到价格问题,提前走了。”“We are traveling now because there are not as many tourists before the holiday and ticket prices haven't risen yet.”Long queues can be seen at check-in counters for both domestic and international flights. Juneyao Airlines said many flights for the coming week are fully booked.无论是国内航班还是国际航班,在办理登机手续的柜台前都可以看到长队。吉祥航空表示,许多下周的航班已经全部预订满额。Zhou Zhenni, Deputy Manager of Pudong Ground Service Dept., Juneyao Airlines周珍妮吉祥航空地面服务部浦东客运处副经理“那么以日本航线为例,吉祥航空东京成田、羽田航线,临近日期的航班目前都已经接近满座。今年端午小长假预计运输旅客近20万人次。”“Take Japan as an example, tickets are almost fully booked for flights heading to Narita Airport and Haneda Airport. We are expecting about 200,000 passengers during this year's Dragon Boat Festival.”China Eastern Airlines said flights inEuropean and South American destinations are also a big hit.中国东方航空表示,欧洲和南美洲航线也非常受欢迎。Gu Ming, Deputy Manager of Pudong Ground Service Dept., China Eastern Airlines顾明东航地面服务部浦东旅客服务中心副总经理“欧洲线我们现在在6月底之前一共恢复了14条航线,新开的美国洛杉矶现在基本上客座率都已经在75%以上了。”“We have resumed 14 flights between Shanghai and Europe as of this month. Plus, the newly resumed flight to Los Angeles has an occupancy rate of more than 75%.”China Eastern, China Southern Airlines, and Juneyao said more than 200 combined flights are expected daily at Shanghai's two airports during the holiday, which is about the same as 2019.中国东方航空、中国南方航空和吉祥航空表示,端午假期期间,上海的两个机场预计每天将有超过200趟航班起降,与2019年相当。Zhu Hui, Duty Manager of Shanghai Ground Service Branch, China Southern Airlines朱慧南方航空上海分公司地面服务部值班经理“端午期间,南航将共计提供出港座位数约6.3万座,其中广州、深圳、北京大兴、乌鲁木齐、成都方向均有部分的航班是投放宽体机执行。”“Flights with a total of 63,000 seats will be available during the three-day holiday. Among the total destinations, passengers going to Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Beijing Daxing, Urumqi, and Chengdu will be able to take wide-body planes for some flights.”Umetrip, a flight service app, said the average ticket price for domestic flights during the three-day holiday is 948 yuan, almost 20% lower than during the May Day holiday.来自航班服务应用航旅纵横的数据显示,端午三天假期国内机票平均价格约为948元,比今年“五一”期间下降约二成。#热词加油站cobbled/ˈkɑːbld/【铺有鹅卵石的】strollers/ˈstroʊlər/【折叠婴儿车】kiosk/ˈkiːɑːsk/【售货亭】attribute/əˈtrɪbjuːt/【把…归因于】consecutive /kənˈsekjətɪv/【连续的】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
6/16/20234 minutes, 46 seconds
Episode Artwork

12/03 TOP OF THE DAY 澳门国际科创博览会/中伊建交50周年/ 外媒报道北京“0冠”结界

NEWS ON 12/031. MACAU HIGH-TECH EXPO LOOKS BEYOND THE GREATER BAY AREA大湾区雄起!澳门举办国际科技创新博览会2. RARE CHANCE TO GAZE UPON IRANIAN MINIATURE PAINTINGS庆祝中伊建交50周年!波斯珍品细密画千里奔“沪”3. CNN Comments on Beijing’s “Covid-free Olympic Bubble”“ 防新冠,北京有结界! ”CNN评北京冬奥防疫措施-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1. MACAU HIGH-TECH EXPO LOOKS BEYOND THE GREATER BAY AREA大湾区雄起!澳门举办国际科技创新博览会As an emerging center of the global economy, the Asia-Pacific region is now hosting an international tech event that displays its most cutting-edge technologies to the outside world, hoping to attract more investment and partnerships from the international market. The first Beyond Expo is now being held in the Macau Special Administrative Region, and Zhang Shixuan has been finding out how companies from the mainland and Macao are doing at their new showcase event.作为正在崛起的全球经济新中心,亚太地区正在举办一场国际科技盛会,向外界展示其最尖端的技术,希望吸引更多的国际市场投资和合作。第一届BEYOND国际科技创新博览会正在中国澳门特别行政区举行,来自内地和澳门的企业表现如何,请听记者张诗璇从现场带回的报道。Following your every tiny gesture, the robot can imitate your every move, thanks to the complete software development kit from tech giant SenseTime. Robots like this one are now the focus of teaching projects in some schools, where students can learn to program them. By bringing its increasingly mature【成熟的】AI education system to the Beyond Expo in Macao, the company has signed deals with the University of Macao and a local middle school to help them better develop the AI profession in the region. But it has ambitions beyond just that. 科技巨头——商汤科技研发了一套完整的软件开发工具包,使得这款机器人可以跟踪你的每一个微小手势,模仿你的每一个动作。这样的机器人是不少学校关注的对象,一些教学项目中会引进机器人来帮助学生们学习编程。商汤科技在BEYOND国际科技创新博览会展出了其日益成熟的人工智能教育系统,并与澳门大学以及当地一所中学成功签署了合作协议,以帮助提升该区域的人工智能专业发展。但它的雄心远不止于此。Shang Hailong / General Manager, SenseTime Hong Kong  In 2019, there were around 30 million people traveling to Macao. This is a very good opportunity for SenseTime. Because we provide a lot of AI features like the Metaverse【元宇宙】 features to help the tourists to enhance their experience in Macao.2018 年,到澳门旅游的人数大约有3000万。这对商汤来说是一个非常好的机会。因为我们提供了很多人工智能功能,比如“元宇宙”,帮助游客提升他们在澳门的体验。The firm unveiled its new Macau subsidiary on the first day of the expo, when it also signed an agreement with the Nam Kwong Company to promote the construction of a smart city. The expo is proving to be a vital one especially for companies based in the Greater Bay Area.在展会的第一天,该公司宣布在澳门开设新子公司,同时它还与南光公司签署了一项协议,以促进智慧城市的建设。BEYOND国际科技创新博览会的重要性不言而喻,尤其是对总部设在大湾区的企业而言。The market here is so promising that some companies have come all the way from the Yangzte River Delta Region to attend the expo. Shanghai-based chip【芯片】giant Corigine is showcasing its smart network interface card product. The system can help cloud service providers enhance efficiency while dealing with large amounts of information.看好当地市场,一些公司从长三角地区远道而来参加展会。上海芯片巨头——芯启源展示了其智能网络接口卡产品。该系统可以帮助云服务提供商在处理大量信息的同时提高效率。Qiu YeminSales / Director, CorigineWe like to merge and combine these things together for the innovation to the next level. 我们希望可以通过这样一种聚合效应,把创新提升到一个新的水平。Zhang Shixuan / ICS ReporterIndeed, the Greater Bay Area【大湾区】has a very vibrant innovative economy, with more than 40,000 national-level high tech enterprises and universities in the world’s top 100 bracket. They have strong tech innovation capabilities and so, helping them realize their new ideas in tech industries is a huge opportunity. Stronger connections with the Greater Bay Area could provide big advantages for everyone.大湾区的创新经济活力十足,4万多家国家级高新技术企业和大学进入世界百强。他们拥有强大的技术创新能力,因此,帮助他们在科技行业实现新想法是一个巨大的机会。加强与大湾区的联系,可以为每个人提供巨大的优势。2. RARE CHANCE TO GAZE UPON IRANIAN MINIATURE PAINTINGS庆祝中伊建交50周年!波斯珍品细密画千里奔“沪”About 100 Persian miniature paintings【波斯细密画】will be showcased to the public at Shanghai Art Collection Museum in Changning District beginning tomorrow. The pieces belong to different museums in Iran and are being exhibited in Shanghai as part of celebrations for the 50th anniversary of the establishment of bilateral relations between China and Iran. Reporter Zhang Hong takes a peak.12月4日起,约100幅波斯细密画将在长宁区上海市艺术品博物馆向公众展出。作为纪念中伊建交50周年的庆祝活动,本次展览汇集了伊朗多家博物馆的一众珍品。Persian miniatures usually refer to small paintings on paper, but over time artists started using boxes. It is a courtly art with exquisite colors and meticulous attention to detail. The style reached its apex【顶点】from the 13th to 16th centuries and was mainly a form of illustration. One of the examples is the illustrations in Shahnameh, or "The Book of Kings", an epic poem written by Ferdowsi. One of the exhibition’s co-organizers says artists started to depict the scenes in the book as the book itself was very important.波斯细密画通常是指在纸上的小幅画作,但随着时间的推移,艺术家们开始使用盒子进行创作。波斯细密画是一种宫廷艺术,色彩精美,细节精湛。 这种艺术风格在 13 至 16 世纪达到鼎盛,当时多是以插图的形式。 比如《列王纪》中的插图就是波斯细密画。《列王纪》由波斯诗圣菲尔多西所作。Organizers say this is the first exhibition of Iranian miniatures in China. And they think it’s a good way to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the establishment of relations between the countries.主办方称,这是波斯细密画首次在中国展出, 也是庆祝两国建交50周年的献礼。 Hossein Bordbar / Bordbar CollectionWe work on this concept of miniatures over a year ago. It takes about 3 months to choose the work and about 2 months for us to bring it to China. We’re sure that people in China love different kinds of art. And when we see how connected we were in old and ancient time together. We have a room to think what we should do today better than what has happened in the past.一年多以前,我们就有了展出的想法。我们花了约3个月的时间选择作品,并历时2个月把这些珍品带到中国。 我们坚信中国人喜爱不同种类的艺术。 当我们意识到其中的联系,才能够比过去做得更好。The exhibition is free and will run until February 27th.此次展览免费向公众开放,持续至2月27日。3.CNN Comments on Beijing’s “Covid-free Olympic Bubble”“防新冠,北京有结界! ”CNN评北京冬奥防疫措施The countdown to the 2022 Winter Olympics has begun. But how are the preparations coming along? On November 3rd, CNN reported on the status of Beijing's 2022 Olympic Games in an article called “More than 1 million people apply to enter Beijing's Covid-free Olympic bubble”.2022年冬奥会开始倒计时。但是准备工作进行得怎么样了?11月3日,美国有线电视新闻网(CNN)在一篇题为《超过100万人申请进入北京“零冠结界”》的文章中,对北京2022年奥运会的状况进行了报道。The article stated that more than 1 million people have applied for unpaid volunteer positions at the Beijing Games, and indicated that the flood of applicants reflects the excitement sweeping【席卷】across China. 文章称,已经有超过100万人申请了北京奥运会的志愿者岗位。文章还指出,大量的申请反映了席卷中国的兴奋情绪。The article then mentioned how 80,000 people initially signed up to volunteer for the Tokyo Olympic Games earlier this year, and how at least 10,000 had quit before mid-June, mostly over Covid concerns. As athletes gathered in the Japanese capital from July to August, daily new cases spiked and Tokyo was placed under a state of emergency.文章随后提到,今年早些时候,有8万人报名参加了东京奥运会,到6月中旬,至少有1万人因为对新冠肺炎的担忧而退出了。从7月到8月,随着运动员聚集在日本首都,每天的新病例激增,东京处于紧急状态。Unlike the delay in the vaccine rollout in Japan, China rolled out its inoculation program with remarkable speed and efficiency. According to the country's National Health Commission, by November 2nd more than 2.2 billion doses had been administered on the Chinese Mainland. Olympics organizers will hold the Games in what's been billed as a "Covid-safe bubble" around Beijing, intended to separate athletes and participants from local residents.与日本推迟接种疫苗不同,中国以惊人的速度和效率推出了接种计划。根据中国国家卫生健康委员会的数据,截至11月2日,中国大陆已经使用了超过22亿剂疫苗。组织者将在拥有“零冠结界”之称的北京周边地区举办奥运会,目的是将运动员和参与者与当地居民隔离开来。Having witnessed the steady progress in the preparations for Beijing Winter Olympic Games, many people overseas are looking forward to the event.  在目睹了北京冬奥会筹备工作的稳步进展后,许多海外人士都在期待这项赛事。#热词加油站mature【成熟的】[məˈtʃʊə(r); məˈtjʊə(r)]Metaverse【元宇宙】 [ˈmetəvɜːs]chip【芯片】[tʃɪp]apex【顶点】[ˈeɪpeks]sweeping【席卷】[ˈswiːpɪŋ] the Greater Bay Area【大湾区】Persian miniature paintings【波斯细密画】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
12/3/20215 minutes, 55 seconds
Episode Artwork

12/02 TOP OF THE DAY 上海落户新政/会繁殖的活体机器人/残障人士专场音乐会

NEWS ON 12/011. GRADUATES INTERESTED IN NEW HUKOU POLICY落户新政来啦!应届毕业生将有机会直接落户上海2. DISABLED SPECTATORS INVITED TO SYMPHONY CONCERT被音乐拥抱 两百多位残障人士被邀请进入交响乐厅3. WORLD’S FIRST BIOLOGICAL ROBOTS CAN NOW REPRODUCE全球首个活体机器人,会自我繁衍了!-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1. GRADUATES INTERESTED IN NEW HUKOU POLICY落户新政来啦!应届毕业生将有机会直接落户上海Master’s degree students from outside Shanghai who graduated from a university in the city this year can apply for a hukou if they work in one of five new cities or free trade zone.现在,对于非上海户籍的研究生应届毕业生们来说,如果他们未来选择在五大新城或是自贸区就业,将有机会在上海直接落户。The Shanghai Center for Student Affairs today started accepting hukou applications from graduates. Some said they wanted to find out more details.从今日开始(12月1日),上海市学生事务中心开始接收来自毕业生们的落户申请。同时,有同学表示自己还想了解更多相关的具体信息。Ms. WangFresh Master Degree Graduate of Shanghai University王同学 上海大学应届硕士毕业生I want to know whether I will be eligible【有资格的】for a hukou if I quit the job I started after graduation and take another job at a different company in one of the five new cities.就想知道如果一家公司,我在毕业之后找了一家公司,但是我辞职了,然后我在12月份入职一家五个新城的公司,能不能符合落户条件。Ms. Li said she wanted to find a job in one of the five new cities because of the policy.无独有偶,因为新政落地,李同学也打算将求职企业所在地转向"五大新城"区域。Ms. LiFresh Master Degree Graduate of Shanghai University李同学 上海大学应届硕士毕业生I was not eligible for permanent residence in Shanghai, so I wasn’t thinking about applying at all. But now with the new policy, I want to find a job here.本来我们是不满足条件落户的,也没想着去落户,突然这个政策出来了,觉得可以试一下,看看如果那边有合适工作的话,就可以趁这个政策,申请一下。In June, the government issued basic requirements for these graduates applying for a Shanghai hukou. One of them stipulates【规定】that the company the graduate works for should have registered capital of at least 1 million yuan.今年六月份,政府颁布了应届毕业生在上海落户的基本条件,其中有一条规定,应届毕业生工作的企业注册资金额度需要超过一百万元。Ms. YuanFresh Master Degree Graduates of Shanghai Normal University袁同学 上海师范大学应届硕士毕业生I work for a small law firm with only a few employees. It doesn’t have registered capital of 1 million yuan. I don’t know if the previous requirements will still be applied to the new rules.我们是一个律师事务所,只有几个人,其实根本就不用注册资金的。这里规定100万,没有那么多的硬性支出,所以这个就不太符合。我也不太清楚,是因为没有出新的政策还是沿用之前的。Applications should be submitted to the Shanghai Center for Student Affairs by the end of this month. The policy was introduced to attract high-quality individuals to the five new cities in Jiading, Qingpu, Songjiang and Fengxian, as well as Nanhui of Pudong New Area. In the past, students from elsewhere on the mainland who wished to settle in the city needed to accumulate 72 credit points. They were awarded based on factors such as education and chosen industry.应届毕业生的落户申请必须于本月底之前提交至上海市学生事务中心。落户新政的实施将对嘉定、青浦、松江、奉贤、以及南汇等五大新城提高对高端人才的吸引力提供帮助。在这之前,非上海户籍的学生想要落户上海,必须要积72分,而这72分的获取则取决于个人的教育背景以及毕业后所选择的职业方向等。2. DISABLED SPECTATORS INVITED TO SYMPHONY CONCERT被音乐拥抱 两百多位残障人士被邀请进入交响乐厅More than 200 disabled people were invited to attend a concert last night as guests of the Shanghai Symphony Orchestra and Xuhui District Disabled Person’s Federation.在上海交响乐团和徐汇残联的共同邀请下,200多位残疾人来到了上交音乐厅观赏音乐。71-year-old Mr. Shi went to a concert for the first time in his life with the help of volunteers.对于71岁的施老伯来说,得益于志愿者们的帮助,他第一次来到了音乐厅现场观看音乐会。Mr. Shi施老伯I have trouble walking, but they had people to help me. It was the first time I enjoyed a performance at a concert hall.市民解决我们的困难,我们最大的困难就是行走不方便,都照顾到了,面面俱到了。The volunteer team, which was set up by the orchestra in November, helped Shi and the others with their health code, real-name authentication and tickets. The symphony hall was designed with disabled groups in mind as it features gentle slopes【坡】, elevators and areas set aside for wheelchairs.上交志愿者团队于今年十一月份首次组建。在这次特别为残障人士举办的音乐会上,他们在很多方面都为残障人士提供了帮助,如健康码的打开展示,实名认证的进行以及票件的获取等。同时,为了方便残障人士在室内的移动,交响乐厅还专门进行了改造,加装了缓坡,电梯以及轮椅放置区等无障碍设施。Zhou PingPresident, Shanghai Symphony Orchestra周平 上海交响乐团团长We haven’t made such big use of the accessibility facilities like today since the symphony hall opened in 2014. This event helped us evaluate our services, and learn what spectators experience here. As a cultural metropolis, Shanghai should provide more services for special groups to enjoy cultural events.我们在新厅建完以后还没有这么大规模使用过(无障碍设施),不管是设施还是服务意识,包括观众的意识都应该有一次这样的检验。同时我们也是想说上海这样的文化大都市,应该让更多人共同来分享这样的文化设施。The intermission was extended from 15 to 20 minutes last night out of consideration for the disabled spectators. The event was also used to mark the International Day of Disabled Persons, which falls on Friday. There were about 600,000 disabled people in the city at the end of 2020.在昨晚(11月30日)的演出中,因考虑到残障人士们的需要,幕间休息被延长至20分钟,同时,此项演出还纪念了周五的国际残疾人日。截至2020年底,全上海共有残障人士达60万人。3. WORLD’S FIRST BIOLOGICAL ROBOTS CAN NOW REPRODUCE全球首个活体机器人,会自我繁衍了!The U.S. scientists who created the world’s first computer-designed biological robots said yesterday that the life forms, known as "xenobots" can now reproduce【繁殖】.昨天(11月30日),创造了世界上第一个由计算机设计的活体机器人的美国科学家们表示,这种被称为 "异种机器人 "的生命形态现在可以进行自我复制。Formed from the stem cells of the African clawed frog, xenobots are less than one millimeter wide. The tiny robots were first unveiled last year after experiments showed that they could move, work together in groups and heal themselves.这些异形机器人们于去年正式亮相,它们脱胎于非洲爪蛙的干细胞,直径不足1毫米,具有移动、合作、以及自我修复的能力。BongardResearcher, Professor, Department of Computer Science, University of Vermont邦加德 项目研究员、美国佛蒙特大学机器人学教授The cells in the pile will adhere and stick to one another. And over about five days, if the pile is big enough, it will also sprout these small hairs, these small cilia, and the pile itself will start moving. And that’s a quote unquote "child Xenobot".成堆的干细胞会相互吸附粘连,大约五天后,如果细胞堆足够大,它们会和母体一样长出纤毛“脚”,变成异形机器人“宝宝”。The scientists that developed them at the US University of Vermont, Tufts University and Harvard University said they have discovered an entirely new form of biological reproduction different from any animal or plant.来自美国佛蒙特大学、塔夫茨大学和哈佛大学的研究人员们表示,他们已经发现了一种全新的,异于任何一种动物或植物的繁殖方式。BongardResearcher, Professor, Department of Computer Science, University of Vermont邦加德 项目研究员、美国佛蒙特大学机器人学教授They can get into places that more traditional robots couldn’t get into. They’re biodegradable. They’re genetically unmodified and they are also biocompatible. So it may be in the long term, we’re able to create biobots from human cells.异种机器人可进入传统机器人无法进入的地方,它们是生物可降解的,(繁殖后)在基因上没有突变,具有生物相容性。因此从长远看,我们可以从人类细胞中造出活体机器人。To make the xenobots, scientists scraped stem cells from frog embryos and left them to incubate【孵化】. They found the sphere-shaped xenobots made from around 3,000 cells could replicate but it happened rarely. With the help of artificial intelligence, scientists tested billions of body shapes to make the xenobots more effective at this type of replication. The supercomputer came up with a C-shape that resembled Pac-Man, from the 1980s video game. They found it was able to find tiny stem cells in a petri dish, gather hundreds of them inside its mouth, after a few days the bundle of cells became new xenobots. In the future, uses for xenobots could include collecting microplastics in the oceans, inspecting root systems for plants and trees and regenerative medicine.为了制造异型机器人,科学家们从爪蛙胚胎中刮出干细胞,并让它们进行孵化。他们发现这些球状异型机器人大约由3000个细胞组成,并能够进行自我复制,尽管这种情况很少发生。在人工智能的帮助下,科学家们为这种异形机器人测试了数十亿种形态,以求使异型机器人在自我复制中做到效率最大化。最终,超级计算机发现了一种类似于80年代视频游戏中的"吃豆人 "的C字形态。这样形态的细胞能够在培养皿中寻找微小的干细胞,并将数百个干细胞聚集在它的嘴里,几天后,这些细胞束就将成为新的异型机器人。在未来,异型机器人有希望在收集海洋中的微塑料,检查植物和树木的根部系统,以及再生医学等领域发挥作用。#热词加油站eligible [ˈelɪdʒəb(ə)l]【有资格的】stipulate [ˈstɪpjəˌleɪt]【规定】slope [sloʊp]【坡】reproduce [ˌriprəˈdus]【繁殖】incubate [ˈɪŋkjəˌbeɪt]【孵化】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
12/2/20215 minutes, 43 seconds
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12/01 TOP OF THE DAY 2020平均工资出炉/世乒赛落幕/梅西第七座金球奖

NEWS ON 12/011. URBAN SALARIES CONTINUE TO RISE, AVERAGE EXCEEDING 15,800 DOLLARS2020年平均工资出炉!你达标了吗?2. CHINA WINS 4 GOLD MEDALS AT 2021 TABLE TENNIS WORLDS休斯敦世乒赛落幕,中国队斩获四金强势收官3. LIONEL MESSI WINS A SEVENTH BALLON D’OR历史第一人!梅西收获第七座金球奖-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1. URBAN SALARIES CONTINUE TO RISE, AVERAGE EXCEEDING 15,800 DOLLARS2020年平均工资出炉!你达标了吗?The annual salary of urban workers in China has risen continuously over the last few years, and the average now exceeds 100 thousand yuan. That is from the latest yearbook issued by the National Bureau of Statistics this month.国家统计局本月(11月)发布的《中国统计年鉴-2021》显示,近年来,中国城镇单位就业人员年工资收入保持逐年增长的态势,年平均工资目前已经超过了10万元(15,800美元)。According to the yearbook, workers in urban state-owned companies saw their annual salaries increase by 7.6 percent last year, following 9.8 percent growth in 2019 and 11 percent in 2018. Of those, employees in information transmission, software and information technology services earned the most, with annual pay averaging of 178 thousand yuan last year. Ranking second and third were employees in scientific research and technology services and in finance. 统计年鉴显示,城镇非私营单位就业人员去年的平均工资上涨了7.6%,而2019年和2018年的涨幅分别是9.8%和11%。其中,信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业就业人员的工资收入最高,去年的平均工资达到了17.8万元(27,900美元)。平均工资排名第二和第三位的行业分别是科学研究和技术服务业以及金融业。2. CHINA WINS 4 GOLD MEDALS AT 2021 TABLE TENNIS WORLDS休斯敦世乒赛落幕,中国队斩获四金强势收官The 20-21 World Table Tennis Championships came to close this morning in Houston. China won gold in men’s singles, women’s singles, women’s doubles and mixed doubles. Song Wenjing has the story.今日(11月30日)上午,2021年世界乒乓球锦标赛在美国休斯敦落下帷幕。中国队斩获男单、女单、女双和混双四枚金牌。World number one Fan Zhendong of China defeated Sweden’s Truls Moregard 4-0 to take the men’s singles title at the 2021 World Table Tennis Championships. For Fan, it was his first world table tennis championship singles gold.世界排名第一的中国选手樊振东以4-0击败了瑞典选手特鲁尔斯·莫雷加德,夺得了本届世乒赛男子单打的冠军,这也是他第一次获得世乒赛单打金牌。Fan ZhendongChinese Table Tennis Player樊振东,中国乒乓球队队员For me, every game is a new adventure, so this final won’t be the final point for me, and hopefully I can learn a lot from this encounter【比赛】 and continue to progress.对我来说,每一个比赛都是一次很好的旅程,很开心自己这一次获得了冠军。但我认为这不是自己的终点,也希望自己通过这个冠军更上一个台阶。In women’s singles, world No. 4 Wang Manyu of China beat her compatriot and world No. 2 Sun Yingsha 4-2 in a nail-biting【令人紧张的,扣人心弦的】 match. It extended China’s dominance in an event they have now won 14 times in a row.在女子单打比赛中,世界排名第四的中国选手王曼昱经过一场激战,以4-2击败了另一位中国选手,世界排名第二的孙颖莎。中国队延续了对这一项目的统治力,目前已经连续14次夺得冠军。Wang ManyuChinese Table Tennis Player王曼昱,中国乒乓球队队员I’m really excited right now. I don’t think there are any losers tonight.其实今天大家的表现都是可敬的,我真的很激动。Earlier in the day, Wang and Sun combined to retain the women’s doubles title with a straight-set victory over Japanese combination Mima Ito and Hina Hayata 3-0.此役之前,王曼昱和孙颖莎作为搭档,在女双决赛中直落三盘击败了日本组合伊藤美诚和早田希娜。Sun YingshaChinese Table Tennis Player孙颖莎,中国乒乓球队队员We are very excited to win this title. We also battled Mima and Hina in the final two years ago, and today we met them again. We have developed a lot ourselves and I think the key to winning this match was because of our bond and understanding of each other.我觉得还是非常开心吧,能赢下这场比赛。两年前也是在决赛中碰到了早田和伊藤吧,今天同样还是她们两个对手。我觉得我跟曼昱经过两年又重返世锦赛的赛场,从第一场打到最后能拿到冠军,还是一场场我俩的信任和默契给了对方很多的鼓励。In addition, Ni Xialian, the 58-year-old member of Luxembourg’s national sports team and the eldest Olympic table tennis player in history, won a bronze medal in women’s doubles with Sarah de Nutte.此外,奥运史上最年长的乒乓球参赛选手,58岁的倪夏莲作为卢森堡国家队队员,与莎拉·德努特搭档,夺得了女双铜牌。3. LIONEL MESSI WINS A SEVENTH BALLON D’OR历史第一人!梅西收获第七座金球奖Argentina’s Lionel Messi has been awarded the Ballon d’Or award for the best player in the world for a record-extending seventh time yesterday. Lei Shuran tells us more.阿根廷球星利昂内尔·梅西昨日(11月29日)创纪录地第7次捧得"金球奖"。More than 170 media members around the world submitted a top-five vote for the award. Messi, who joined Paris St Germain on a free transfer from Barcelona, collected 613 points. Messi won his first major international tournament with Argentina this summer, helping his country’s national team beat Brazil and lift the Copa America trophy.本届金球奖共有170名来自全世界的专业记者参与最终投票。此前从巴塞罗那自由转会到巴黎圣日耳曼的梅西得到613分,排名第一。今年夏天,他率领阿根廷队战胜巴西队夺得美洲杯冠军,这也是他职业生涯的首个成年国家队冠军。Lionel MessiMen’s Ballon d’Or Winner利昂内尔·梅西,金球奖得主The truth is and I said at the time that my biggest feat【成就】 was accomplished in June. It’s something I had hoped for ever since I started playing for the national team.就像我之前说的,获得美洲杯冠军就是我职业生涯的最大成就。从为国家队效力开始,这就是我的梦想。Bayern Munich forward Robert Lewandowski finished second with 580 points behind Messi. He was one of the favorites for the 2020 award before it was canceled due to the coronavirus pandemic. Ahead of this year’s award, France Football magazine had issued a "best goalscorer【(足球比赛的)射手】" award to Lewandowski. 拜仁慕尼黑前锋罗伯特·莱万多夫斯基以580分的得分落后于梅西,屈居第二。在2020年他曾有望获得金球奖,然而奖项最终因为新冠疫情而取消。在今年的金球奖颁奖之前,《法国足球》杂志向他颁发了“年度最佳前锋”奖项。On the women’s side, Barcelona midfielder【(足球比赛的)中场】 Alexia Putellas won the Ballon d’Or award for the first time.在女足方面,巴塞罗那中场普特利亚斯首次获得了女足金球奖。#热词加油站encounter [ɪnˈkaʊntər]【比赛,冲突】nail-biting [ˈneɪl baɪtɪŋ]【令人紧张的,扣人心弦的】feat [fiːt]【成就】goalscorer [ˈɡoʊlskɔːrər]【(足球比赛的)射手】midfielder [ˌmɪd'fildə(r)]【(足球比赛的)中场】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
12/1/20214 minutes, 5 seconds
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11/30 TOP OF THE DAY 首艘混合动力运输船交付/年轻人参与遗嘱确立/日本宣布封国

NEWS ON 11/301.CHINA BUILDS WORLD’ S 1ST HYBRID-POWER CARGO SHIP世界首艘LNG双燃料+电池混合动力运输船交付 2.YOUNG PEOPLE SEE BENEFITS IN REGISTERING A WILL打破“死亡”话题禁忌,年轻人参与遗嘱确立3.JAPAN TO BAN NEW FOREIGN ARRIVALS DUE TO OMICRON VARIANT变异毒株来势汹汹,日本紧急宣布“封国”-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1.CHINA BUILDS WORLD’ S 1ST HYBRID-POWER CARGO SHIP世界首艘LNG双燃料+电池混合动力运输船交付The world’s first dual-fuel LNG battery hybrid power car and truck carrier was released for delivery from China’s Jiangnan Shipyard today. It is set to provide significant gains in energy efficiency and emissions reduction for ocean shipping. Zhang Shixuan has more.由中国江南造船(集团)有限责任公司建造的世界首艘LNG双燃料+电池混合动力系统的汽车运输船今日(11月29日)正式交付离厂。该船在能效方面取得重大突破,实现海运排放减少。With a capacity 【容量】of 3,600 vehicles, the ship has 11 cargo decks, with a combined area equal to 8 football stadiums. It can carry more than 12,000 tons of cargo, but its LNG battery hybrid technology, together with an optimised hull design, will let it play a big role in showing the way to cut the carbon intensity of ocean shipping. 这艘运输船能承载3600辆汽车,有11层甲板,相当于8个足球场的面积。该运输船可携带超1.2万吨的货物。LNG双燃料+电池混合动力科技和优化船身设计使其在减少海运碳排密度方面大展宏图。Zhu Jinbiao, Chief Designer朱锦标总工艺师The use of LNG means emissions of carbon dioxide will be reduced by around 20 to 25%, nitrogen oxide and particulate matter by 80 to 85% and sulfur by 99%.(LNG燃料的使用)使得总的碳排放减少了20-25%,氮氧化物和颗粒物减少了80-85%,硫的排放减少了99%。The ship’s main engine, dynamo and boiler will all be driven by the dual fuel system. The ship stores enough liquified natural gas to power it for the entire trip. 该船的主机、发电机、锅炉,均为燃油和天然气双燃料模式,船上的液化天然气容量可满足全航程需求。Zhang Zhanfei, Chief Builder张展飞总建造师The ship carries batteries, a PTO axle generator, and a controllable pitch propeller. It’s green, environmentally friendly, and very fast.(该船)搭载了电池,还有一个轴带发电机(PTO),以及CPP可调桨。绿色环保,快速性好。The construction group put together 12 technology teams to solve challenges like reducing the weight of internal construction, to ensure the ship did not demand an excess of power. It left Shanghai today, and will enter operation on North Europe-Mediterranean routes.制造团队还成立了12个技术攻关小组来攻克减轻内部结构重量等难题,确保能源的不过度消耗。这艘汽车运输船已于今日(11月29日)驶离上海,即将投入北欧-地中海区域的航线运营。2. YOUNG PEOPLE SEE BENEFITS IN REGISTERING A WILL打破“死亡”话题禁忌,年轻人参与遗嘱确立Writing a will has long been taboo【禁忌】 in public discourse 【话语】 as it reminds people of death. But now, more people are seeing it as a guarantee for the future. Zhang Hong tells us about people going to the China Will Registration Center in Shanghai.“遗嘱确立”由于让人联想到“死亡”,一直以来是公众话题的禁忌。但如今,越来越多的人意识到“立遗嘱”是对未来的一个保障。请听记者带来关于遗嘱确立人的详细报道。Mr. Gong and his wife, who live in Chongming, have a son and a daughter. The couple want to leave their apartment to their daughter.生活在上海崇明区的龚先生和妻子有一儿一女,两人决定把自己的一套公寓留给女儿。Mr. GongShanghai Resident龚先生上海市民After I bought another apartment for my son, I told him that I would leave this apartment to his sister. My son doesn’t know that I am here to write a will. I think that registering a will helps prevent possible conflicts.给我儿子买了另一套房子的时候,我就说了崇明的这一套房子给女儿。我来立遗嘱,我儿子是不知道的。立遗嘱本身就是为了防止他们姐弟两个以后有分歧。A China Will Registration Center employee reaffirmed Mr. Gong’s reasoning.中华遗嘱库的一名工作人员肯定了龚先生的想法。Huang Haibo, Director of SH BranchChina Will Registration Center黄海波中华遗嘱库上海分库主任A will is needed to ensure the proper assignment of properties. We cannot rely merely on humanity when it comes to benefits.(人)都是需要一份遗嘱去保证家里的财产的,因为我们不能在利益面前去考验人性。Huang suggested that Mr. Gong also include a letter so his son understands the will when he sees it.黄海波建议龚先生再附一封信,这样儿子将来看到遗嘱的时候能明白父亲的用意。Mr. GongShanghai Resident龚先生上海市民I hope you and your sister can join hands for a better future. I hope your families will always be nice to each other.希望你们姐弟俩要团结友爱,共同前进,更希望你们两人能够世代友好。Young people are also seen at the center. 38-year-old Zhu Li is one of them. Although she and her husband are healthy and have a stable life, she wants her best friend to be the guardian【监护人】 of her 7-year-old son in case anything happens to them.在遗嘱中心,也能看到一些年轻身影。38岁的朱莉就是其中一员。尽管朱莉和其丈夫身体康健,生活稳定,但倘若发生意外,她希望自己的好朋友可以成为7岁儿子的监护人。Friend of Zhu Li朱莉的闺蜜It represents her trust in me. I believe I’ m capable of doing what she entrusts me to do.这是朋友对你非常大的一份信任。我觉得我能够胜任她委托我的事情。According to a white paper released by the China Will Registration Center, the average age of people making wills dropped from over 77 in 2013 to around 69 in 2020. The youngest was 17 years old.中华遗嘱库发布一份白皮书显示,前来立遗嘱的人的平均年龄从2013年的77岁降至2020年的69岁,最年轻的遗嘱确立人年仅17岁。3.JAPAN TO BAN NEW FOREIGN ARRIVALS DUE TO OMICRON VARIANT变异毒株来势汹汹,日本紧急宣布“封国”Japan will ban new entry of foreigners from around the world starting November 30 over concerns of the Omicron variant. Lei Shuran has more.受新冠病毒奥密克戎变异毒株的影响,日本将于11月30日起暂停所有国家和地区的外国人入境。The decision means Japan will restore border controls that it lifted earlier this month for short-term business visits, foreign students and workers. Prime Minister Fumio Kishida urged people to continue wearing masks and other basic pandemic control measures until further details of the new omicron variant are known.这意味着日本于本月8号刚刚放宽的针对外籍商务人员、留学生、务工人员等的入境政策将被叫停,国境管控将重新实施。日本首相岸田文雄呼吁人们戴好口罩,做好防疫举措,等待有关新型变异毒株的信息发布。Fumio KishidaPrime Minister of Japan岸田文雄日本首相To avoid the worst case scenario and emergency anti-virus measures, we will ban the entry of foreigners from all around the world beginning at midnight on November 30th.为了避免最坏的情况,我们将采取紧急防疫措施。从11月30日0点起,我们将禁止全世界的外国人入境。Japan has already suspended the exemption for people who have recently been to any of nine African countries, Botswana, Eswatini, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Zambia and Zimbabwe. Kishida said a person who has arrived in Japan from Namibia has tested positive for coronavirus, however, it will take four to five days to identify the variant. According to the health ministry, the man arrived at Narita airport from Namibia on Sunday. The Omicron variant was first reported to the World Health Organization by South Africa last week. So far, several European countries as well as countries and regions including Australia, Canada, Israel and China’s Hong Kong have confirmed Omicron infections. The WHO has listed Omicron as a "variant of concern," this variant contains a large number of mutations【变异】, and the organization warns that it may be highly transmissible and pose an increased risk of reinfection to people who have previously been infected by the coronavirus.日本已出台限制措施,拒绝接纳最近去过博茨瓦纳、斯威士兰、莱索托、马拉维、莫桑比克、纳米比亚、南非、赞比亚和津巴布韦等九个非洲国家中任何一个国家的入境者。岸田表示一名来自纳米比亚的入境人员其新冠病毒检测结果呈阳性,但仍需要4到5天的时间来确认其是否感染奥密克戎毒株。卫生部称,该男子于周日从纳米比亚抵达成田机场。上周,南非首次向世界卫生组织报告了奥密克戎变种。目前,欧洲多个国家以及澳大利亚、加拿大、以色列和中国香港等国家和地区均已出现该病毒变种的确诊病例。奥密克戎已被世卫组织列为“需要关注”的变异毒株。该变种经历多重变异,世卫组织警告其具有高度传染性,对之前感染过冠状病毒的人造成二次感染的风险也相应增加。#热词加油站capacity [kəˈpæsəti]【容量】taboo [təˈbuː] 【禁忌】discourse [ˈdɪskɔːrs] 【话语】guardian [ˈɡɑːrdiən]【(尤指双亲已故孩子的)监护人】mutation [mjuːˈteɪʃn]【(生物物种的)变异】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
11/30/20215 minutes, 24 seconds
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NEWS ON 11/261.YEAR-END LINEUP OF MUSICALS BEGINS WITH "ROMEO AND JULIETTE"玻璃渣里找糖吃!阿云嘎领衔中国版《罗密欧与朱丽叶》岁末开场2.GOVERNOR OF OKINAWA REJECTS U.S. BASE RELOCATION PLAN日本:冲绳知事亮"王牌" 拒批美军搬迁地加固地基申请3.WIDE-BODY PASSENGER AIRCRAFT LANDS IN ANTARCTICA FOR THE FIRST TIME空客宽体客机首次降落南极________请为我们点亮右下角的爱心哦________1. YEAR-END LINEUP OF MUSICALS BEGINS WITH "ROMEO AND JULIETTE"玻璃渣里找糖吃!阿云嘎领衔中国版《罗密欧与朱丽叶》岁末开场The Chinese adaptation of the French musical "Romeo and Juliette" debuted tonight at SAIC Shanghai Culture Square, starting a winter menu of hit shows. Zhang Yue has more.作为“2021年末演出季”的开幕大戏,法国音乐剧《罗密欧与朱丽叶》的中国版日前在上海文化广场举行首演。25 performances of Shakespeare’s classic tale of love will be staged through December 19th featuring music and lyrics by Gerard Presgurvic. The song "Les Rois du Monde" has proven one of the most popular since the original "Romeo and Juliette" premiered in Paris in 2001. Since then, it has been translated into more than 10 languages around the world. Four different casts will stage the Chinese adaptation. Popular singer Ayanga plays Romeo.25场演出将持续至12月19日。这出莎翁经典爱情剧目由杰拉德·普雷斯古维包揽词曲创作,自2001年原版《罗密欧与朱丽叶》在巴黎首演以来,《世界之王》一直是最受欢迎的曲目之一,被翻译成10多种语言,在全世界广为流传。此次的中国版“罗密欧”与“朱丽叶”由4组演员共同演绎,其中包括著名音乐剧演员阿云嘎。Ayanga / Chinese Singer阿云嘎 中国版罗密欧扮演者“Since our director Carl is also the choreographer, I’ve learned a lot of body language from him, like how to loosen my body, and how to be more relaxed and romantic on stage. I’ve been enjoying the whole process, and I think Romeo is a simple and impulsive teenager. He’s not that complicated, so I’ll just be all in, and do my best. ”这次和卡尔导演,我觉得因为他是编舞出身的,所以整个的这个舞台它其实有很多身体语言的东西很多,这个是给予我这次角色里,甚至给我本身都有很大的帮助。非常带有浪漫主义色彩,松弛的一种身体语言,非常需要在这个戏里,它不是一个拙劲。我整个过程很享受,现在心态我非常放松,这个人物是一个非常冲动的少年,我觉得他的旅程很简单,爱恨非常明了,所以这个人物并不复杂,所以我演的很酣畅,投入进入就好。Red and blue lighting provide a stark contrast and represent the Montagues and Capulets, the two families that oppose Romeo and Juliette’s love affair. The striking juxtaposition of color symbolizes the tension in the story. Carl Portal, director and choreographer of the original musical, was invited to Shanghai this year to help with the production and he added various Chinese elements. 舞台上的红蓝灯光形成了鲜明对比,分别代表罗密欧与朱丽叶身后,互为仇敌的两个家族,蒙太古家族和凯普莱特家族,强烈的色彩对比更是对故事的张力的体现。此次本土化制作邀请到法语原版主创捷哈·皮斯葛维克与卡尔·波塔尔(Carl Portal)亲自操刀,并在创造过程中融入了中国元素。Carl Portal / Director  卡尔·波塔尔 导演“I’ve been amazed since I found that almost all the cast members here can sing, dance and back flip. So, I added more back flips in this version. And also, although we have some karate in the French version, I wanted the cast to fully present the essence of karate here since it echoes Asian culture. So that’s some of the differences from the original musical.”我发现我们中国舞者非常厉害,个个都能跳能唱能后空翻,所以在这次的中文版里也加了很多高难度后空翻的动作,法语原版里没有多,另外就是其实在"权利"这首歌里有用到空手道这个元素,但因为空手道对于亚洲文化会更加接近,所以在这版里我就要求把空手道这个部分原汁原味的展现出来,那这个部分也是和法语原版有区别的。Culture Square’s theater manager said it took the team over a year to translate and revise the French lyrics into Chinese, adding he found there was much in common between French and Chinese culture.文化广场的剧场经理表示,整个团队花费了近一年的时间翻译和改写法文歌词。在这一过程中,他发现中法文化之间有许多共同之处。Fei Yuanhong / Theater Manager of SAIC Shanghai Culture Square费元洪 上汽上海文化广场副总经理 “French and Chinese literature are both very romantic, and full of impressionism. Since the original lyrics of "Romeo and Juliette" are very poetic, they are a great fit here since China has a very long and deep history of writing and appreciating poetry. I believe audiences will not be disappointed. ”因为法语音乐剧和中国都共有那种非常写意的,浪漫的,大线条的审美,那这种审美中法之间有很多共通,我们也会发现我们和法国文化亲近感比较强,那么这些是个基础,那"罗密欧与朱丽叶"整个是诗歌性的歌词,那么中国又是个诗歌大国,所以这当中有很多艺术化处理的空间,然后让这些歌词呈现的非常美,就是它这种旋律是中国人特别能接受的,跟英美的气质还是非常不同,我们中国呢肯定要走一个中国自己的特色, 但是各国呢都有可借鉴的东西。Culture Square’s winter lineup also includes the musicals "Fan Letter" and "Into the White Night"; along with the plays "The Dream of the Red Chamber" and "The Yellow Storm."上汽上海文化广场推出的“2021年末演出季”剧单还包括音乐剧《粉丝来信》、《白夜行》、《红楼梦》以及《四世同堂》等。2. GOVERNOR OF OKINAWA REJECTS U.S. BASE RELOCATION PLAN日本:冲绳知事亮"王牌" 拒批美军搬迁地加固地基申请In a decision that is likely to lead to a legal battle, the governor of the Japanese prefecture of Okinawa said yesterday that he will not approve the central government's revised plan for moving a US military airbase to reclaimed land.围绕驻日美军基地搬迁事宜,日本冲绳县政府昨天向中央政府亮出抗争"王牌"。知事玉城丹尼 表示,出于安全考虑,不会批准日本防卫省提交的加固搬迁目的地地基的申请。日本中央政府可能就此提起诉讼。�The plan to relocate the airbase from a central urban area in Okinawa to the rural northern coast of Henoko originated in an agreement reached between the Japanese and US governments in 1996. More than 70 percent of voters in the prefecture rejected the relocation plan in a 2019 referendum, with many of them hoping for the base to be moved outside of Okinawa. The central government maintains its view that relocation is the only solution, citing the need to ensure the Japan-US alliance.日美两国1996年商定,将冲绳县内的美军普天间基地,搬至该县 名护市边野古地区。长期以来,驻冲绳美军军人犯罪、军机坠毁、高空坠物和噪音骚扰等事件频发,2019年冲绳县举行的公投中,超过七成的民众反对基地搬迁计划,要求关闭基地或将其迁至县外。但日本中央政府多次强调,要想确保日美同盟不受损,普天间基地在冲绳县内搬迁是"唯一解决办法"。3. WIDE-BODY PASSENGER AIRCRAFT LANDS IN ANTARCTICA FOR THE FIRST TIME空客宽体客机首次降落南极An Airbus A340 plane took off from Cape Town, South Africa and landed in Antarctica after 5 hours of flight. It is the first time that a wide-body passenger aircraft has landed on the icy continent. 一架空客A340客机近日成功降落南极,这也是人类历史上首架在南极大陆上落地的大型宽体客机。这架A340客机从南非开普敦起飞,经过5个多小时的飞行后,抵达南极。�The ice runway can be extremely difficult to navigate. Special grooves have to be carved along the runway to give the plane a better grip while braking. Another hazard is the glare that bounces off the ice. Despite the difficulties, the flight crew managed to successfully land the jet. The plane then returned to South Africa after three hours in Antarctica.由于南极冰原上没有能实现大型客机降落的标准机场,此次飞行计划的策划方在南极的冰原上,开凿并改造出了一条用冰雪制成的跑道。除了临时跑道有些简陋外,缺少标志物的白茫茫冰原也为落地增加了难度。但最终,飞行团队还是完成了这一挑战,并在落地南极3小时后,驾驶A340客机返航。
11/29/20214 minutes, 31 seconds
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Chinese Gen-Z are doing investing in the easy way

NEWS ON 11/26INVESTING CAN GIVE YOU AN EDUCATION BUT THEY’RE DOING IT THE EASY WAY在线投资想赚钱?视频平台教会你!Ant Fortune’s data shows that, during the 7 years from 2013 to 2020, users made a total revenue of more than 400 billion yuan, with active investors on the site topping more than 500 million people as of June last year. More investors are turning to the new online platforms for wealth management, but how do you educate them about the ins and the outs of that? The answer is online investor education, as Zhang Shixuan has been finding out.Lights. Camera. Finance! In his iconic suit and red tie, Ma Hongman is an internet star, but not for public entertainment. He teaches financial and economic knowledge, and his content is so popular that, just half a year after his debut on short video platform Bilibili, he had more than 100,000 fans there. Ma’s followers are in the younger age brackets, with most on Bilibili ranging in ages from 20 to 30. One of his most popular videos was titled financial management guidance for youngsters.Ma HongmanFinancial Professional Video UploaderYoung people develop financial knowledge in depth, and once they follow me, very few people cancel their following. I usually upload commentaries about economic phenomenon. For example, every year’s Double Eleven Shopping Festival, we see the figures climbing. But I tell them if that implies some structural changes on internet platforms or changes in consumers behavior. And I also talk about economic principles and the potential risks behind the success of livestreaming e-commerce.年轻人对财经知识有纵深度,掉粉的问题不严重,分享的第一大类就是经济现象,每天很多财经新闻,如果不了解新闻背后的实际指引,缺少谈资。比如双十一,每年数据都在增长,但是背后有什么结构性变化,互联网平台的修正消费者行为的变化,直播带货的火热,背后的成功的经济学逻辑,要点是什么?将来的风险?我就会作为解读,把背后的价值知识传递。Ma now has more than 520,000 followers on Ximalaya, and more than 250,000 fans on Bilibili. Many say they have benefitted from the online content, including 25-year-old Ni Jiawei who started to check financial information online 2 years ago, right after he began investing in stocks and funds. S2: Ni JiaweiInvestorTheir biggest function is to help me avoid risks. It’s hard for individual investors to understand the current market. Through reading professional information, I can know which sectors may be out of date, and what may become the main profit makers in the future.最大的作用是避雷排坑,现在的行情作为个人投资者很难看懂的,通过这些资讯、专业解读,能知道板块的景气度过去了,不投这些。也会解读预期未来收益。比如国家政策的扶持方向,接下去进行相应的投资分配。The online references have brought him a return rate of 10%. Zhang ShixuanICS Reporter People born in the 1990s made up more than half of all new fund investors in China last year. According to a report by Renmin University and the Ant Group, the most active investor group in financial management products online now is aged 21 to 35, most of whom grew up along with the digital internet era. Looking to the new trend, financial service providers have been uploading more educational content online.Shanghai Stock Exchange now offers educational videos on its official website, with updates on the latest financial news and share debuts. Ant Finance started to provide investor education services on Alipay in 2016, and so far it’s attracted almost 400 million users. Lu Kefeng, Manager Ant Group Investor Education BasePreviously, we mainly provided videos, livestreaming and Questions and Answers. We will introduce comics and articles about new ways of investor education later. And we want to work with the whole industry, including institutions and supervisory departments to reach out to users in any way they like.之前我们做的比较多的是视频、直播、答题,现在也在想新的活动形式,漫画、文章等,我们也想得到行业机构、监管的支持,未来希望通过全行业联合,在平台上通过用户喜欢的方式触达用户。Just this week, short video app Douyin acquired approval to establish a provincial-level online investor education base. But experts warn that to keep up with the younger generation’s investment behavior, financial service providers as well as video site operators need to make some improvements.Liu Liang, Research Professor Institute of Applied Economics, SASSYoung people usually pay more attention to the money they can make, with less consideration about the risks involved. So financial product sales firms should provide risk evaluation ability for their products with professional analysts. And its video sites’ responsibility to supervise the video uploaders, and the derivative products they’ve talked about.从年轻人的特点来说,对投资产品更多带着增值的目的,对风险考虑少,所以做销售推广的平台应该自身对产品有风险评估能力,要有专业分析人员。视频网站要对推广视频的人员要有审查,这是平台的责任,平台有责任对推广视频的和理财产品有关的人,以及未来由此带来的投资衍生品、收益等有义务做监管。A total of 1,432 funds were established in 2020, raising an unprecedented total of 3.2 trillion yuan. Almost 1.2 billion mutual fund accounts had been opened in China as of August of this year, and they had paid out a total of 3.3 trillion yuan in dividends to investors. So the investors are getting an education all right, and so far it seems to be a successful one.
11/26/20214 minutes, 40 seconds
Episode Artwork

11/26 TOP OF THE DAY 产假延长/跨境电商备战“黑五”/商务部回应美国制裁令

NEWS ON 11/261. MATERNITY LEAVE BUMPED TO 5 MONTHS上海生育假延长至60天,女职工生育可享158天假期2. CHINESE E-COMMERCE RETAILERS GEAR UP FOR“BLACK FRIDAY”黑五”购物季将至,跨境电商迎来“大考”3. CHINA PROTESTS U.S. SANCTIONS ON 12 CHINESE ENTERPRISES美国“拉黑”12家中国企业,商务部火速回应挑衅-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1. MATERNITY LEAVE BUMPED TO 5 MONTHS上海生育假延长至60天,女职工生育可享158天假期Now the Standing Committee of the Shanghai People’s Congress today passed a revised regulation on planned parenthood that entitles【赋予权利,使享有权利】 a woman to over five months of maternity leave. Sun Siqi explains.今日(11月25日),上海市十五届人大常委会审议并表决通过了《关于修改〈上海市人口与计划生育条例〉的决定》,规定女职工在生育期间可以享有超过5个月的假期。The regulation endorses the 98 days of national maternity【怀孕,产妇的】 leave, and changes city-level maternity leave from 30 to 60 days. Combine the two and women in Shanghai can now have 158 days of maternity leave. In addition, a husband and a wife can each have 5 days of family leave per year for each child until the child is three years old.新修订的条例将生育假由30天延长到60天,此外根据相关法律,女职工生育享受98天产假。这也就意味着,上海女职工的产假与生育假相加,生育期间可有158天假期。条例还明确,符合法律法规规定生育的夫妻,在其子女年满三周岁之前,双方每年可以享受育儿假各5天。Zhang Meixing, Level I InspectorShanghai Health Commission张梅兴,上海市卫健委一级巡视员If a couple has two children, the husband and wife can each have 10 days of family leave a year.一个子女(夫妻双方)各5天(育儿假),两个子女就各10天。Other policies are coming to provide more support and encourage couples to have more than one child.条例还完善了一系列"积极生育的支持政策",鼓励生育多个子女。Yan Rui, Legal Work DirectorSPC Standing Committee阎锐,上海市人大常委会法工委主任The regulation authorizes municipal and district governments to ease child bearing, rearing and education burdens through financial, educational and insurance support. The government will support and guide the private sector to open nurseries, and support pre-schools, companies and communities to provide nursery care for children under the age of 3.授权市区人民政府综合采取财政、教育、保险等支持措施,减轻家庭生育、养育、教育负担。鼓励和引导社会力量举办托育机构,支持幼儿园和机关企事业单位、社区为三周岁以下儿童提供托育服务。Parents of one child will still have the same benefits as before. Shanghai has 3.8 million families with only one child.条例规定独生子女父母仍将继续享受相关奖励扶助。目前上海约有380万个独生子女家庭。2. CHINESE E-COMMERCE RETAILERS GEAR UP FOR“BLACK FRIDAY”黑五”购物季将至,跨境电商迎来“大考”Many Chinese e-commerce retailers【零售商】 are now taking part in the Black Friday shopping festival, the start of the holiday shopping season in the U.S. and some European countries. Zhang Hong tells us more.欧美传统的"黑色星期五"购物季即将开始,许多中国跨境电商企业正通过这样的契机,步入发展的快车道。At 9pm last night, employees of one company that provides logistics services for cross-border e-commerce retailers, were hard at work in the warehouse. They’ve been handling 80,000 to 100,000 packages each day because of Black Friday, more than twice as much as they usually deal with.昨晚(11月24日晚)9点,作为一家专做跨境电商业务的物流企业,上海义达国际物流有限公司的仓库里灯火通明。随着"黑五"的临近,这里正以每天8到10万件的速度进行分拣,数量是平时的2倍多。Cai Yebin, Deputy General ManagerShanghai Ideal International Logistics Co.蔡烨彬 上海义达国际物流有限公司副总经理We pick up packages during daytime and come back to the warehouse at night. There are people on duty 24-7.我们主要是白天揽收、晚上回仓,一般24小时工作。The packages were then sent to various ports. At Pudong International Airport, goods for Black Friday orders are being packed onto planes.跨境电商商品在分拣完毕后,被送往各个口岸。在浦东国际机场,今年"黑五"的货物正准备登机。Wang Wenjiang, General ManagerShanghai Ideal International Logistics Co.王文江,上海义达国际物流有限公司总经理We are going to send 30 to 40 tons of goods today to Japan, Europe and the United States.今天这批是30多吨,不到40吨的货物,这些货物是销售去往日本、欧洲和美国。Shanghai’s ports has seen an increase of exported products from e-commerce sellers since last month, with a monthly increase of over 30% in October. Shanghai customs has been making efforts to enhance customs clearance efficiency.上海口岸的跨境电商出口量从上个月(10月)起就呈现上涨趋势,10月份环比增加3成以上。上海海关也一直致力于提高通关效率。Xu HuihuaPudong International Airport Customs House徐慧华,浦东机场海关快件监管一处副科长We’ve made the whole process paper-less. It used to take 1 hour to wait for an approval before the goods are allowed to leave the border, and now the approval is granted in about 1 second.目前全程实行了电子化,相关的无纸化,就是原先放行交货时间由原先的1小时压缩到了“秒放”。Some other e-commerce sellers have set up warehouses overseas. Take Amazon for example, popular products were shipped overseas in advance so that they can be delivered to overseas buyers in about a week.跨境电商企业也在大力发展海外前置仓。以亚马逊为例,爆款商品将提前出口到海外的前置仓静候“黑五秒杀”,这样快递包裹基本一周左右就能交付给海外买家。Li Zhongxin, DirectorTUC Research Institute李忠心,运联研究院执行院长In the past when there were no warehouses overseas, it could take 20 to 30 days to receive a delivery.原来的时候 我们的跨境电商的物流企业其实没有海外仓的,交付时间可能是20到30天。Chinese buyers are also taking advantage of Black Friday deals as more companies now specialize in transporting imported products for global e-commerce retailers.进口方面,随着市场上涌现出大批跨境电商进口企业,形成跨境物流生态圈,国内的消费者参与“黑五”“海淘”的热情也开始高涨。3. CHINA PROTESTS U.S. SANCTIONS ON 12 CHINESE ENTERPRISES美国“拉黑”12家中国企业,商务部火速回应挑衅China strongly protests the new U.S. sanctions【制裁】 placed on 12 Chinese enterprises. according to a statement made at a press conference today by a spokesperson for the Chinese Ministry of Commerce. 美国宣布对12家中国企业出台制裁措施,中国商务部新闻发言人在例行新闻发布会上应询表示,中方对此强烈抗议。The comment came in response to the U.S. Department of Commerce adding 12 Chinese companies to its entity【实体】 list yesterday, citing national security and foreign policy concerns. The spokesperson said the U.S. has generalized the concept of national security, abused export control measures, and disregarded facts. And that the sanctions against these Chinese companies are harmful to the security of the global supply chain and global economic recovery.美国商务部昨日(11月24日)称,12家中国企业因为不符合美国国家安全利益或外交政策,被列入“实体清单”。对此,中国商务部新闻发言人表示,美方泛化国家安全概念,随意出台制裁措施,严重缺乏事实依据。美方此举不利于全球产业链供应链安全和世界经济复苏。#热词加油站entitle [ɪnˈtaɪtl]【赋予权利,使享有权利】maternity [məˈtɜːrnəti]【怀孕,产妇的】retailer [ˈriːteɪlər]【零售商】sanction [ˈsæŋkʃn]【制裁】entity [ˈentəti]【实体】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
11/26/20214 minutes, 5 seconds
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11/25 TOP OF THE DAY 李克强考察上海/国台办打击台独行径/白宫宣布释放石油储备

NEWS ON 11/241. PREMIER LI STRESSES BETTER BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT李克强在上海考察:要构建更为良好的营商环境2. MAINLAND REITERATES OPPOSITION TO TAIWAN INDEPENDENCE ACTS坚决遏制!国台办重申会不遗余力打击台独行径3. BIDEN HAILS “LARGEST EVER” RELEASE FROM OIL RESERVE油价疯涨 白宫宣布释放5000万桶战略石油储备-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1. PREMIER LI STRESSES BETTER BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT国务院总理李克强在上海考察:强调要构建更为良好的营商环境Chinese Premier Li Keqiang stressed advancing reforms and optimizing【使最优化】 the business environment amid continuous efforts to unleash market vitality during an inspection tour in Shanghai.国务院总理李克强在上海考察。他强调,要依靠改革开放,增强发展动力,打造有利于各类市场主体蓬勃发展的良好环境,促进经济平稳运行,推动高质量发展。Touring the Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone, Li acknowledged reforms made for investment, trade and finance. He encouraged zone officials to continue experimenting and gain new experiences. Li said Chinese companies should make good use of opportunities presented by a higher level of investment liberalization that will come with the upcoming implementation【执行】 of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership.在上海自贸试验区,李克强对这里通过改革开放,在投资、贸易、金融等方面形成一系列制度创新的成果予以肯定。他鼓励当地官员要继续先行先试、取得新经验,更好为全国作示范。同时,他还强调,中国企业要利用好即将生效的RCEP,要抓住更大程度贸易投资自由化、便利化的机遇,拓展合作共赢空间。At an industrial park for smart manufacturing companies in Pudong, Li learned about RD processes for high-end industrial equipment, and exchanged ideas with executives from foreign firms. He said China will open its door wider to the world and strictly protect intellectual property rights so that more foreign companies can feel confident investing and doing business in China.在浦东的一家智能制造企业园区,李克强了解到了尖端工业设备的研发制造过程,并且他还与园区内外企的管理人员进行了交谈。在谈话中他表示,中国对外开放的大门会越开越大,并且中国严格保护知识产权,使更多外资企业放心在华投资兴业。And during his visit to a power plant in Waigaoqiao in Pudong, Li said efforts should be made to ensure people and factories have electricity. The premier reiterated the need to promote new technologies that will enable cleaner and more efficient use of coal.李克强还考察了浦东外高桥的一家发电公司,他说,要采取措施千方百计保障民生和企业正常生产用电。同时,他重申道要继续探索提高能效的新兴技术,推动煤炭清洁高效利用。At a local employment promotion center, Li asked about the difficulties small-and-micro businesses face, and said work will continue to introduce policies that address their concerns.李克强还走进就业促进中心,询问在场中小微企业负责人有什么困难,并表示国家会继续采取相应措施帮助解决现有问题。As he acknowledged Shanghai’s social and economic achievements, Li urged the city to continue to take the lead in reforms and expanding market access.李克强充分肯定上海经济社会发展取得的成就,希望上海继续在改革开放、开拓创新上走在前列。2. MAINLAND REITERATES OPPOSITION TO TAIWAN INDEPENDENCE ACTS坚决遏制!国台办重申会不遗余力打击台独行径The Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council said today that diehard Taiwan independence separatists shall be punished in accordance with the law.国台办今日(11月24日)表示,将依法对"台独"顽固分子采取必要措施予以严惩。The mainland banned three separatists -- Su Tseng-chang, Yu Shyi-Kun and Joseph Wu -- and their family members from entering the mainland and the two special administrative regions of Hong Kong and Macao.在第一批"台独"顽固分子清单上,苏贞昌、游锡堃、吴钊燮三人赫然在列。他们与其家属将被禁止入境大陆以及港澳地区。Zhu FenglianSpokesman, Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council朱凤莲 国台办发言人What is clear is that these three people are definitely not the only ones on the list of Taiwan independence diehards. We have also noticed that some separatists have claimed to regret not being included on the list. There is no hurry. There will be a time when they will really regret it.可以明确的是,"台独"顽固分子清单上绝不止这3个人。我们也注意到,近期有个别"台独"分子跳得挺高,甚至声称对未被列入"台独"顽固分子清单感到"遗憾"。别着急,有他们真正遗憾的时候。Beijing has fined Taiwan-based Far Eastern Group for a series of violations of laws and regulations ranging from environmental protection to product quality.近期,有关执法部门发现台湾远东集团在当地投资时存在一系列违法违规行为,他们依照国家有关法律法规和程序,对涉事企业进行了处罚。Zhu FenglianSpokesman, Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council朱凤莲 国台办发言人Fines and taxes of about 474 million yuan have been imposed【强制实行】. An undeveloped plot of land has also been taken back. The company is still being investigated.据初步了解,现已处以罚款及追缴税款约4.74亿元人民币(折合约7000万美元),并收回其中一家企业的闲置建设用地。查处工作仍在进行中。Zhu stressed the mainland’s position of welcoming and supporting Taiwan-based companies to invest on the mainland. She added, however, that businesses will not be allowed to make money on the mainland while providing financial aid to diehard secessionists【分离主义者】. v朱凤莲强调说,我们鼓励支持两岸正常经贸往来,但绝不允许任何人、任何企业一边在大陆赚钱,一边给"台独"顽固分子充当金主提供金援。On Monday, Taiwan police said a man allegedly gunned down a person, then fled the island to Fujian Province. They said the suspect, Mr. Huang, is currently believed to be in quarantine at a hotel in Xiamen. Spokesperson Zhu said the situation was being investigated.周一,台湾地区发生了一场枪击案,一男子涉嫌在枪击一人后乘飞机潜逃至福建。台湾警方表示,嫌疑人黄姓男子现在正在厦门的一家酒店中进行隔离。朱凤莲表示相关情况还在调查当中。3. BIDEN HAILS “LARGEST EVER” RELEASE FROM OIL RESERVE白宫宣布释放5000万桶战略石油储备U.S. President Joe Biden on Tuesday ordered 50 million barrels【桶】 of oil released from America’s strategic reserves to help bring down energy costs in co-ordination with other nations, including India, the United Kingdom and Japan.为了抑制疯涨的油价,美国总统拜登周二宣布,将从战略石油储备中释放5000万桶石油,并同时寻求与印度、英国、日本等国合作。The US government will begin to move barrels into the market in mid-to-late December. Gasoline usually lags behind changes in oil prices, and administration officials suggested this is one of several steps toward ultimately bringing down costs. The U.S. Department of Energy will make the oil available from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve in two ways; 32 million barrels will be released in the next few months and will return to the reserve in the years ahead. Another 18 million barrels will be part of a sale of oil that Congress authorized.美国政府最早将于12月中下旬开始将5000万桶石油投放市场,但由于汽油通常滞后于石油价格的变化,因此,有关部门认为这只是实现油价降低过程中的一小步措施。美国能源部将以两种方式释放战略石油储备:在5000万桶石油中,3200万桶属于短期交换,待油价平稳后,约定于2022年至2024年归还战略石油储备,而另外1800万桶则将直接销售。Joe BidenPresident, the United States of America拜登 美国总统It will take time, but before long you should see the price of gas drop where you fill up your tank.这一措施将改变现状,这需要时间,但用不了多久,你们就会看到加油站的油价下降。Shortly after the U.S. announcement, India said it would release 5 million barrels from its strategic reserves. And the British government confirmed it will release up to 1.5 million barrels from its stockpile. Japan and South Korea are also participating. Investors were anticipating the moves could bring a combined total of around 70 million barrels of oil onto global markets.就在美国宣布释放石油储备后不久,印度政府宣布他们也将从其战略储备释放500万桶石油。同时,英国政府证实将从其库存中释放150万桶石油。而日本,韩国等国也表示将参与到释放石油储备中。投资者预测,多国联合释放的石油储备规模共计可达6500万至7000万桶。According to the American Automobile Association, gasoline prices are at about 3.40 US dollars a gallon, 60% higher than a year ago. And high gas prices are chipping away at consumer budgets just as the busy holiday travel season is underway.美国汽车协会的数据显示,目前,全美平均汽油价格超过每加仑3.4美元,这一数字比一年前高出了60%。随着美国旅游季的到来,持续攀升的油价使美国消费者叫苦不迭。American citizens美国民众I haven’t been driving a lot recently, but I am making a long trip down south for the holidays, so not looking forward to paying a lot for the gas to fill my tank.我最近已经不常开车了,但节假日我要开长途去南方,希望不要花费太多钱来加油。Oil prices had dropped in the days ahead of the announced withdrawals. But during Tuesday morning trading, prices shot up nearly 2% instead of continuing their fall.不久前,石油的价格曾下降过一段时间,但在周二开市时,石油价格突然上升了百分之二。Americans used an average of 20.7 million barrels a day during September, according to the federal Energy Information Administration. That means that the release nearly equals about two-and-a-half days of additional supply.根据美国能源情报署的数据,在整个九月份,美国民众平均每天使用2070万桶石油,也就是说,这次石油的释放量仅仅只能满足美国民众两天半的需求。#热词加油站optimize [ˈɑptɪˌmaɪz]【使最优化】implementation [ˌɪmpləmənˈteɪʃ(ə)n]【执行】impose [ɪmˈpoʊz]【强制实行】secessionist [sɪˈsef(ə)nɪst]【分离主义者】barrel [ˈberəl]【桶】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
11/25/20215 minutes, 47 seconds
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11/24 TOP OF THE DAY 全国城镇新增就业1133万人/“羊脸系统”/中美混双组合亮相

1. 11.33 MLN NEW JOBS CREATED IN FIRTH 10 MONTHS目标达成!全国城镇新增就业1133万人2.FARM USES FACIAL RECOGNITION TO CHECK HEALTH OF ITS GOATS“羊脸识别”系统上线,5G科技赋能农场养殖3.CHINA-US PLAYERS PRACTICE TOGETHER FOR FIRST TIME中美混双组合齐亮相,启动“乒乓外交2.0”-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1. 11.33 MLN NEW JOBS CREATED IN FIRTH 10 MONTHS目标达成!全国城镇新增就业1133万人China created 11.33 million new jobs in urban areas during the first 10 months of this year, achieving the target for the whole year in advance. The surveyed urban unemployment rate last month dropped 0.4 percent year-on-year. Zhang Hong brings us the details.今年1至10月,中国城镇新增就业1133万人,提前完成全年目标任务。 10月份,全国城镇调查失业率同比下降0.4%。The surveyed urban unemployment rate stood at 4.9 percent last month, lower than the same period last year. Gross domestic product expanded 9.8 percent year on year in the first three quarters. An official said the resumption of the service sector and the growth in industry, investment and consumption resulted in more jobs. 10月份,全国城镇调查失业率为4.9%,低于上年同期。前三季度,国内生产总值同比增长9.8%。相关人士表示,就业岗位的增加得益于服务业总体保持的恢复态势、工业发展和投资及消费的回升。Chen YunChinese Academy of Labour& Social Security陈云中国劳动和社会保障科学研究院就业创业室A large, multi-layered, diversified and flexible labor market has been formed. It enables a stable employment and allows further growth in jobs.我国形成了大规模、多层次、多元化、弹性大的劳动力市场,这为就业形势的稳定提供了抵抗冲击的能力,也提供了就业增长的巨大空间。This year, the government has offered assistance for unemployed college graduates. People in the countryside are offered more job options in urban areas or nearby regions. Companies are encouraged to work with vocational 【职业的】schools to offer training for new employees. 今年,国家大力扶持未就业毕业生,拓宽农村劳动力外出务工和就近就业渠道。同时,国家鼓励企业与职业技术学院开展合作,为新进人员提供职业技能培训。Xu KeliMinistry of Human Resources& Social Sercurity徐可立人社部就业促进司就业信息处处长The employment policies are becoming more comprehensive. They enable people to find a job or help them with job transfer. They create more jobs and also encourage entrepreneurship.我国就业政策的系统性更加突出:既引导劳动者自主就业,更注重促进转岗就业;既鼓励企业发展吸纳就业,也支持重点群体就业创业。18 new occupations related to the digital economy have been recognized. An estimated 1.5 million cloud-computing engineers, 5 million internet of things installation workers, 5 million AI personnel, 1.25 million industrial robotic system operators and another 1.25 million system maintenance workers will be needed across the country.今年以来,国家发布了18个数字经济领域的新职业。未来5年,我国预计需要云计算工程技术人员近150万、物联网安装调试员和人工智能人才分别500万、工业机器人系统操作员和运维员分别125万。2.FARM USES FACIAL RECOGNITION TO CHECK HEALTH OF ITS GOATS“羊脸识别”系统上线,5G科技赋能农场养殖A goat farm in Chongming is now using a facial recognition system to monitor【监控】 the vital signs of its goats. Zhang Hong tells us more about the system.位于上海崇明区的一山羊养殖场正在使用脸部识别技术来监控山羊的生命体征。请听记者带来的详细报道。At a goat farm in Zhongxing Town on Chongming Island, high-definition cameras are used to collect real-time facial data of 1,500 goats. Common eye diseases and aptha can be detected 【发现】by the cameras. Infrared cameras monitor the body temperature of each goat. The system also calculates the weight of each one so workers can determine the right time to sell the animals.在崇明中心镇的这个白山羊养殖场里,高清摄像头实时采集着场内的1500头羊的脸部数据:眼疾、口疮等羊群常见的疾病能被及时发现;红外热成像探头实时监测每头羊的体温。该系统同时能监测羊的重量,以帮助养殖人员判断合适的售卖时间。Fan JunVert Chongming White Goat Farm范俊 万禾崇明白山羊扩繁场 场长The system basically helps us monitor their overall condition. When nobody is patrolling the yard, the system can notify a vet when a goat will give birth.(该系统)不仅仅局限于脸部,包括它整个身体体形的(监测)。在母羊生产但没有人巡棚的情况下可以预警,兽医就能及时过来接生。The farm has 3,000 white goats and about 20 staff members. That’s expected to increase to more than 10,000 next year. Only 6 employees will be needed once the facial recognition system is in place for all animals.目前羊场共有存栏白山羊3000头,管理人员近20名,明年存栏将突破一万头,而凭借"羊脸识别"系统,只需要6名工作人员就能实现智慧管理。Huang Zhen, ChairmanSH Vert Organic Agricultural Technology Dvpt. Co.黄震 上海万禾科技发展有限公司党支部书记、董事长We have collected over 100,000 pieces of graphic data, which allows us to analyze a goat’s health. Our work efficiency will improve.我们目前已经收集了10万多条图形数据,基本能分析出这个羊的生老病死的数据,也是更好地能够配合好把我们这个羊的生产效能提升上去。The company says the system is the first of its kind to be used in the country. Managers also said the facial recognition system will be used for all goats on the farm next year.该公司表示此“羊脸识别”技术乃全国首例。管理人员表示此项技术将在明年应用于养殖场的所有羊群。3.CHINA-US PLAYERS PRACTICE TOGETHER FOR FIRST TIME中美混双组合齐亮相,启动“乒乓外交2.0”The Chinese and American players that will play mixed doubles together at the 2021 World Table Tennis Championships Finals paired up for their first training session yesterday, one day before the tournament begins. Zhang Yue brings us more.2021年休斯敦世乒赛拉开帷幕,中美两国运动员组队参加混双比赛。昨天(11月22日),也就是赛前最后一天,两对中美跨国混双组合举行了首次合练。Lin Gaoyuan will partner with Lily Zhang, while Wang Manyu will play with Kanak Jha. The two pairs trained together for the first time before the competition.中国选手林高远将搭档美国选手张安,中国选手王曼昱搭档美国选手卡纳克。两对组合互为对手,开始了赛前的第一次合练。Wang ManyuChinese Table Tennis Player王曼昱中国乒乓球运动员I am very excited to partner with Kanak. I have found many of his strengths in training. For example, he played quite aggressively both on the forehand and backhand. I am looking forward to tomorrow’s match.我也是挺兴奋的,挺高兴的,能够第一次和卡纳克去配合。然后也在训练当中发现了他很多优点。比如他的正手和反手还是有很高的攻击性,期待明天的比赛。Lily ZhangAmerican Table Tennis Player张安美国乒乓球运动员It’s good to partner with Lin Gaoyuan. He can hit the ball back, which I think is very hard to do.我感觉就是跟林高远配合地很好,很多球我都以为过不去,但他一下子就能回击。Chinese Table Tennis Association President Liu Guoliang gave instructions to both teams.中国乒协主席刘国梁在一旁指点两对组合。Liu Guoliang, PresidentChinese Table Tennis Association刘国梁中国乒协主席By pairing up Chinese and American players, we hope to demonstrate to the world that the China-US relationship continues to improve through "Ping-Pang Diplomacy"【外交】. We also hope the players do well and attract more fans in both countries to cheer them on.我们就想通过这次比赛,希望中美配出两对混双,能够展示给世界中美"乒乓外交"的这种延续,也希望球员用他们精湛的表现和球技吸引两国更多的球迷、"粉丝"、观众来共同加油鼓掌。In the first round, Kanak and Wang face a Russian pair, while Lin and Zhang will battle Portuguese team.在世乒赛混双首轮比赛中,卡纳克与王曼昱将率先对阵俄罗斯队,林高远与张安随后迎战葡萄牙队。#热词加油站vocational [voʊˈkeɪʃənl]【职业的】monitor [ˈmɑːnɪtər]【监控】detected [dɪˈtekt]【发现】diplomacy [dɪˈploʊməsi] 【外交】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
11/24/20214 minutes, 44 seconds
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11/23 TOP OF THE DAY 中国东盟合作/中美组队出战世乒赛/美国汽车冲撞人群

NEWS ON 11/231. PRESIDENT XI CALLS FOR CLOSER CHINA-ASEAN COMMUNITY命运与共,共建家园!习近平为中国东盟合作擘画蓝图2. CHINA AND US TEAM UP IN TABLE TENNIS CHAMPIONSHIPS纪念“乒乓外交”50周年,中美将组队出战休斯敦世乒赛3. AT LEAST 5 DEAD AFTER CAR PLOWS INTO CROWD美国一汽车冲撞欢庆人群,致数十人伤亡-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1. PRESIDENT XI CALLS FOR CLOSER CHINA-ASEAN COMMUNITY命运与共,共建家园!习近平为中国东盟合作擘画蓝图President Xi Jinping said today that China and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations have established a strategic partnership while chairing the ASEAN-China Special Summit that was held online to commemorate【纪念】 the 30th anniversary of ASEAN-China relations. Lei Shuran has the story.国家主席习近平今日(11月22日)出席并主持了中国-东盟建立对话关系30周年纪念峰会,正式宣布建立中国东盟全面战略伙伴关系。Xi said China supports ASEAN’s efforts to build a nuclear weapon-free zone and is prepared to sign the Protocol to the Treaty on the Southeast Asia Nuclear Weapon-Free Zone as early as possible. 习近平表示中方支持东盟建设无核武器区的努力,愿尽早签署《东南亚无核武器区条约》议定书。He said China is ready to work with ASEAN countries to build a "health shield" for the region. Under the initiative, China will donate an additional 150 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines to ASEAN countries and contribute an additional 5 million US dollars to the COVID-19 ASEAN Response Fund. 习近平指出,中方愿启动"中国东盟健康之盾"合作倡议,倡议包括再向东盟国家提供1.5亿剂新冠疫苗无偿援助,以及向东盟抗疫基金追加500万美元。Xi also announced a series of measures to build a prosperous home with ASEAN countries, including providing ASEAN with another 1.5 billion US dollars of development assistance in the next three years to support their fight against COVID-19 and help their economies recover.习近平还提出了与东盟各国共建繁荣家园的一系列措施,包括在未来3年再向东盟提供15亿美元发展援助,用于东盟国家抗疫和恢复经济。He also pledged to buy up to 150 billion US dollars worth of agricultural products from ASEAN in the next five years. The president added that China is ready to open a dialogue with ASEAN on climate response. The two sides can cooperate on clean energy, green finance and investment, agriculture, sustainable maritime development, he said. 习近平承诺,中国在未来5年力争从东盟进口1500亿美元农产品。此外,中方也愿同东盟开展应对气候变化对话。中国和东盟可以在清洁能源、绿色金融和投资、农业、海洋可持续发展等领域开展合作。2. CHINA AND US TEAM UP IN TABLE TENNIS CHAMPIONSHIPS纪念“乒乓外交”50周年,中美将组队出战休斯敦世乒赛The International Table Tennis Federation said Chinese and US players will team up in the mixed doubles competition at the 20-21 Houston World Table Tennis Championships. The news was announced at an evening banquet【宴会】 marking the 50th anniversary of China-US "Ping-Pong Diplomacy". Zhang Yue has the story.在纪念中美"乒乓外交"50周年晚宴上,国际乒联宣布,中美选手将"跨国配对",出战2021年休斯敦世乒赛混双比赛。Thomas Weikert, president of the International Table Tennis Federation, said at the banquet that the request of the match was made by both teams.国际乒联主席托马斯·维克特在晚宴上表示,组队参赛的申请是中美双方共同提出的。Thomas Weikert, PresidentInternational Table Tennis Federation托马斯·维克特 国际乒联主席To celebrate the 50 years anniversary of Ping-Pong Diplomacy, the Chinese Table Tennis Association and the USA Table Tennis have requested to the ITTF to have their national team athletes to play mixed doubles together, and which our ITTF Executive Committee has now approved.为纪念“乒乓外交”50周年,中国乒乓球协会和美国乒乓球协会向国际乒联提出要求,让两国国家队运动员一起打混合双打,国际乒联执行委员会现已正式批准。Lin Gaoyuan, the men’s singles fifth seed, will pair with American Lily Zhang. Kanak Jha will play with Chinese women’s singles fourth seed Wang Manyu. Chinese Table Tennis Association President Liu Guoliang also spoke about the special arrangement.男单五号种子选手林高远将搭档美国选手张安。女单四号种子选手王曼昱将搭档美国选手卡纳克。中国乒协主席刘国梁也谈到了这次特殊的"跨国配对"。Liu Guoliang, PresidentChinese Table Tennis Association刘国梁,中国乒协主席I hope that 50 years after the Ping-Pong Diplomacy, we can take another solid step and build a stronger foundation to promote a long-lasting friendship between the people of China and the United States.我希望中美"乒乓外交"50周年以后,我们再迈出更坚实的一步,更打下坚实的基础,来推动中美两国人民的友谊。Fifty years ago, the US table tennis team was invited by its Chinese counterpart【对应方】 to visit China at the conclusion of the 31st World Championships in Nagoya, Japan. The American players landed in Beijing on April 10, 1971, becoming the first US group to visit China since the founding of the People’s Republic of China in 1949. The 2021 World Table Tennis Championships are scheduled to be held in from November 23 to 29 in Houston, Texas.50年前,第31届世乒赛在日本名古屋闭幕期间,美国乒乓球代表团应中国乒乓球代表团的邀请访问中国。美国乒乓球代表团于1971年4月10日抵达北京,成为自1949年新中国成立以来第一个访问中国的美国团体。2021年世乒赛将于11月23日至29日在美国德克萨斯州休斯敦市举行。3. AT LEAST 5 DEAD AFTER CAR PLOWS INTO CROWD美国一汽车冲撞欢庆人群,致数十人伤亡In the U.S., at least five people were killed and more than 40 others injured after a vehicle plowed into a crowd during a parade in Wisconsin yesterday afternoon. Zhang Yue has more.美国威斯康星州昨日(11月21日)下午发生汽车冲撞欢庆人群事件,目前(截至11月22日晚)已造成至少5人死亡,40余人受伤。Waukesha is part of the Milwaukee metropolitan area. The incident happened at around 4:30 p.m. local time on Sunday when a red SUV broke through the barriers and sped into the street where the Christmas parade was taking place. 事件发生地沃基沙县位于密尔沃基市大都会区。该事件发生在上周日当地时间下午4点半左右,一辆红色运动型多功能汽车,突破警方设置的路障,加速冲向圣诞游行队伍所在的街道。Jesus OchoaResident赫苏斯·奥乔亚,居民Seeing all the people there bleeding and screaming in terror really hit me hard. When I got closer to the scene I also heard some gun shots, so people started getting even more scared and desperately running away.看到人们流血、听到他们惊恐地尖叫,我万分震惊。当我想走进看一看情况时,又听到了枪声。于是人群更加惊慌了,开始拼命地逃跑。The vehicle was recovered about 20 miles west of the city of Milwaukee. It was not known whether the incident was related to terrorism, but according to the Waukesha Police Chief there was no further danger.肇事车辆在密尔沃基市以西20公里处被发现。目前尚不清楚该事件是否与恐怖主义有关,但据沃基沙县警察局局长称,事件已经不会给民众带来更多威胁。Dan ThompsonWaukesha Police Chief丹·汤普森,沃基沙县警察局局长We’re no longer looking for a suspect vehicle. We do have a person of interest in custody at the moment, but this is still a very fluid【不稳定的,不确定的】 investigation.我们扣留了肇事车辆,逮捕了一名嫌疑人,但调查仍有很大的不确定性。Waukesha public schools were closed today and police have shut down nearby streets and urged the public to avoid the downtown area.沃基沙公立学校今日(11月22日)已关闭,警方封锁了事发区域附近街区,并敦促民众远离市中心。#热词加油站commemorate [kəˈmeməreɪt]【纪念】banquet [ˈbæŋkwɪt]【宴会】counterpart [ˈkaʊntərpɑːrt]【对应方】fluid [ˈplʌmɪt]【不稳定的,不确定的】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
11/23/20214 minutes, 48 seconds
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Climate Change丨Influence & Opportunities

The United Nations climate change conference recently concluded with negotiators agreeing on a new global pact. Our host, Aixinjueluo Bei, spoke earlier to Professor Rodrigo Zeidan from NYU Shanghai and learned about the influence of climate change on our lives, as well as emerging business opportunities.
11/22/20215 minutes, 54 seconds
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Minor Snow丨小雪到,冬始俏

Like!中国节 – 小雪今天是小雪,or Minor Snow, indicates that it could snow at any time now as temperatures drop around the country.From this solar term onwards, a northeasterly wind will blow more frequently. The weather is cold, but not too cold. Therefore, many people forget to wear hats and scarves. This makes them more vulnerable to catching a cold. Just remember to put some more clothes on.When we talk about dispelling cold and keeping warm, eating in accordance with the weather to warm your body is always a wise option. The aroma of baked glutinous rice cakes 糍粑 easily evokes fond memories for people from southern China. The cakes are round to celebrate a family reunion and pray for a bountiful harvest and prosperous year.  Remember, 糍粑 is best served warm in winter. Meanwhile, in some northern regions of China, people tend to eat boiled mutton 涮羊肉, as it warms and strengthens the body.Minor Snow is the best time to start making preserved pork and preserved vegetables. Thanks to the cold weather, preserved food can be stored a long time.Have you ever heard the cute expression 猫冬?It’s not depicting what cats are doing during winter. In fact, 猫冬 comes from a northern dialect, as 猫 means to hide 躲藏,and 猫冬 indicates passing the winter at home. As long as you’ve got enough food preserved for the cold weather, 猫冬 will bring you endless fun.  According to an old Chinese saying, 小雪雪满天,来年必丰年,(字幕:If the sky is full of snow during Minor Snow, next year will be a harvest year." )we can easily tell that snow really matters to many. In northern regions of China, people enjoy making snowmen in the winter.Though it is not so common to see snowmen in southern regions, I believe people here have heard of an animated film called 雪孩子 The Snow Kid, created by 上海美术电影厂Shanghai Animation Film Studio in 1980. 雪孩子 has become one of the figures, along with other classic animated characters like Monkey King, Nezha and the Calabash brothers, in an animated short promoting the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games, bringing back childhood memories for many. This short film encourages people to participate in winter sports.小雪至,冬始俏,莫负好时光。
11/22/20212 minutes, 27 seconds
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11/19 TOP OF THE DAY 冬奥5G全覆盖/国家反垄断局挂牌/11位上海学者入选两院院士

NEWS ON 11/191.5G WILL FULLY COVER BEIJING OLYMPIC VENUES5G全覆盖!北京冬奥会再现“中国速度”2.NATIONAL ANTI-MONOPOLY BUREAU INAUGURATED IN BEIJING国家反垄断局正式挂牌3. SHANGHAI SCHOLARS IN MATH, ENGINEERING ELECTED ACADEMICIANS2021增选两院院士,上海11位学者当选��-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1. 5G WILL FULLY COVER BEIJING OLYMPIC VENUES5G全覆盖!北京冬奥会再现“中国速度”As a series of test events continue ahead of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics, 5G stations are being installed in venues to provide participants, spectators【观众】, officials and staff members the best possible experience during the Games. Zhang Yue tells us more.2022北京冬季奥运会即将来临,一系列会前测试项目持续进行中。目前,场馆内正在搭建5G基站,力求在冬奥会期间为运动员、观众、裁判以及其他工作人员提供更好的“冲浪”体验。The Beijing Games will be the first winter Olympics to be fully covered by 5G. Beijing’s National Aquatics Center, better known as the "Ice Cube," has provided 5G signals for test events.此次冬奥会将首次实现5G全覆盖。变身“冰立方”的北京国家游泳中心”,已经进入5G信号测试阶段。Yu Hong,Technology Dept. DirectorBeijing Winter Olympics Organizing Committee喻红 北京冬奥组委技术部部长All venues for the Winter Olympics will have 5G, as will the streets and roads connecting venues. This allows for ultra-high definition video and various smart services.5G信号覆盖了冬奥会的所有场馆以及连接场馆的道路,这就为超高清视频、各项智能服务等新的应用场景提供了必要的网络连接。The committee is also testing faster ways to test for the coronavirus. Disinfection work is expected to be more efficient with the use of ultraviolet light and gas plasma to sterilize【消毒】 surfaces.北京冬奥组委会还在尝试更高效的新型冠状病毒检测方法,比如采用紫外线消毒和等离子消毒等方法对物体表面进行消毒。Yu Hong,Technology Dept. DirectorBeijing Winter Olympics Organizing Committee喻红 北京冬奥组委技术部部长We will use these methods to disinfect cooling water, the air and surfaces. Health officials will make sure they are safe to use.这些消毒措施,将分别应用于循环冷却水和水处理系统消毒、空气消毒以及物体表面消毒。而在这些消毒技术手段被正式应用之前,都需要经过防疫部门检测,认可其符合相应的安全规范。There are also low-speed wind tunnels that are used to measure the aerodynamic drag of athletes and provide wind resistance training.北京冬奥会场馆还将提供低速风洞(体育综合训练风洞),用于测量运动员的气动阻力,并提供风阻力训练。2.NATIONAL ANTI-MONOPOLY BUREAU INAUGURATED IN BEIJING国家反垄断局正式挂牌China’s new National Anti-MonopolyBureau was inaugurated today in Beijing in the same building as the State Administration of Market Regulation. The State Council, China’s cabinet, announced the decision, the appointment of Gan Lin, deputy director of SAMR, as head of the new bureau on Monday. The establishment of the bureau followed China’s vow to strengthen anti-monopoly【垄断】 regulation and supervision, aiming to enrich regulatory power and offer a better environment of competition for the market.备受市场关注的国家反垄断局今天上午在国家市场监管总局办公大楼正式挂牌。这是继国家乡村振兴局、国家疾病控制局之后,今年国务院新组建的第三个副部级国家局。本周一,国务院已经任命甘霖为国家反垄断局局长。国家反垄断局的成立,将充实反垄断监管力量,切实规范市场竞争行为,为各类市场主体投资兴业、规范健康发展营造公平、透明、可预期的良好竞争环境。3. SHANGHAI SCHOLARS IN MATH, ENGINEERING ELECTED ACADEMICIANS2021两院院士授衔!上海11位学者入选��194 scholars were today given the title of academician, the country’s highest scholastic title. They include 11 from Shanghai in the areas of mathematics, biochemistry, civil engineering and medicine. Sun Siqi takes a look at their achievements.今天(11月18日),194位学者入选两院院士,这也是我国最高学术头衔。这些增选的院士中,中有11名来自上海,其专业涉及数学、生物化学、土木工程和医学领域。Among the 11, five became new academicians at the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Mathematician Li Jun from Fudan University, a specialist in algebra, was honored for solving basic questions in theories relating to the moduli space of vector bundles on a curve, an important branch of number theory and mathematical physics.来自上海的11位科学家中,有5位是中国科学院的新院士。来自复旦大学的数学家李骏,是代数领域的杰出专家,因解决了代数曲面上向量丛模空间理论的一系列基本问题而当选院士,这是数论和数学物理的一个重要分支。Li Jun, Fudan UniversityAcademician at Chinese Academy of Sciences李骏 中国科学院院士 复旦大学教授At my age, my greatest wish is to have more students that come out on top. People asked me why I retired from Stanford University. I said I wanted to go back to China because I can do something for the young ones.到我这个年龄,我最大的愿望,还能做的事情,就是培养下一代。当时大家问我,你为什么要从斯坦福这么好的地方退休。我说我要回去,那么多年轻人都盼望着我回去,而且我回去真的能给他们带来一些好的影响。Li Jie from Tongji University was elected Chinese Academy of Sciences academician for notable structural innovations【创新】 in civil engineering that contribute to disaster prevention and mitigation.来自同济大学的李杰,因在土木工程防灾减灾方面做出了卓越的结构性创新而当选为中国科学院院士。Li Jie,Tongji UniversityAcademician at Chinese Academy of Sciences李杰 中国科学院院士 同济大学教授How safe a building can be in face of a disaster is a very important aspect in the development of a modern city. I’m glad I made academician. This could give a great boost to engineering safety and disaster prevention, which is my area of expertise.工程防灾,尤其是现代城市的防灾,是一个现代城市发展非常重要的侧面,这一次上海能有这方面的院士增补,我觉得对上海的城市安全、城市防灾工作是一个很大的促进。Also from Tongji, Zhu Hehua and Jiang Changjun became academicians at the Chinese Academy of Engineering. Zhu specializes in underground space construction and digitalizing engineering projects, and Jiang is an expert in cybersecurity.同样来自同济大学的朱合华和蒋昌俊当选为中国工程院院士。朱合华专攻地下空间建设和数字化工程项目,蒋昌俊则是网络安全专家。#热词加油站spectator [spekˈteɪtə(r)]  n. (尤指体育比赛的)观看者,观众sterilize [ˈsterəlaɪz]  vt. 消毒,杀菌monopoly [məˈnɒpəli]  n. 垄断,垄断权innovation [ˌɪnəˈveɪʃn]  n. 新事物,新方法;革新,创新订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
11/19/20213 minutes, 45 seconds
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11/18 TOP OF THE DAY 新冠疫苗“混合加强针”/上海乐高乐园开工/波士顿华裔女市长

NEWS ON 11/171. CHINA WILL ALLOW VACCINE-MIXING FOR BOOSTER SHOTS混合加强针来了!中国将新冠疫苗加强针“混打”提上议程2. CONSTRUCTION BEGINS ON LEGOLAND IN SHANGHAI正式开工!上海乐高乐园落户金山3. MICHELLE WU SWORN IN AS BOSTON'S FIRST WOMAN AND ASIAN MAYOR吴弭宣誓成为波士顿首位华裔女市长-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1. CHINA WILL ALLOW VACCINE-MIXING FOR BOOSTER SHOTS混合加强针来了!中国将新冠疫苗加强针“混打”提上议程China has administered more than 2.4 billion doses of coronavirus vaccines. Work is now being done to determine a combination of vaccines to allow for mixing and matching with booster shots.全国新冠疫苗接种数量已经超过24亿剂次,目前,科研人员正在针对疫苗组合注射进行研究,以便推出不同技术路线的加强免疫组合。The inactivated coronavirus booster shot increases the level of anti-bodies in a person’s system and is effective against coronavirus variants. Based on studies through August 2nd, individuals should receive the same type of vaccine when getting a booster shot. For example, if your first two doses were different inactivated vaccine brands, the booster shot needs to be the same brand as the second jab. Both Sinovac and Sinopharm produce inactivated vaccines. CanSino produces an adenovirus one-dose vaccine. National Health Commission official Zheng Zhongwei says all booster shots will raise the level of antibodies in a person’s system. He also says mixing and matching vaccines is safe.在注射灭活疫苗第三剂加强免疫后,人体内不仅抗体水平大幅提高,对各种变异株的防控能力也更加强大。基于8月2号时的研究结果,我国现阶段采用与原接种相同的疫苗进行加强针的注射。例如,如果你在注射前两针疫苗时接种了不同的灭活疫苗,当进行加强针的注射时,疫苗需要与第二针所注射的疫苗相同。现在,北京科兴与国药集团都在进行灭活疫苗的研制生产工作,而康希诺则专攻于腺病毒疫苗的生产。国家卫健委官员郑忠伟指出,所有加强针的注射都将提高人体内抗体的水平。并且他表示,不同技术路线的疫苗注射在安全性方面是有保障的。Zheng ZhongweiHead of China's coronavirus vaccine development task force郑忠伟 国务院联防联控机制科研攻关组疫苗研发专班工作组组长 Using the same type of booster shot as the original is safer. While a mix-and-match booster shot increases levels of neutralizing antibodies even more, the chance of an adverse reaction is higher. But still, the adverse【负面的】reaction can be tolerated.同技术路线的加强,相对来讲就是说安全(性)更好,那么不同技术路线那么接种以后,那么他的抗体水平会有更多的提高,可能他的一些就是这个异常反应、这个不良反应相对会高一点,但是这个不良反应他是能承受的。Zheng says an optimal combination will be introduced soon based on clinical【临床的】studies and discussions.郑忠伟还提到说,下一步他们将结合临床研究结果,组织专家论证,推出最优加强免疫组合。2. CONSTRUCTION BEGINS ON LEGOLAND IN SHANGHAI正式开工!上海乐高乐园落户金山Construction began today on Legoland Resort in suburban Jinshan District. It will include a themed hotel and is expected to open in 2024.位于金山区郊区的乐高乐园今日起正式开始施工,计划中,乐园还将配套一座主题酒店。乐园整体预计将于2024年正式开业运营。Located in Fengjing Town of Jinshan, Legoland will be built brick by brick, covering more than 300,000 square meters and cost around 3.6 billion yuan. It will be the world’s largest Legoland upon completion. The theme park is also expected to take inspiration from its host city.据悉,上海乐高乐园度假区定址金山区枫泾镇东部,将采用铺叠砖块的形式建成,预计总工程占地面积超30万平方米,预算达36亿人民币。建成后,上海乐高乐园将成为世界上最大的乐高乐园。在建造设计上,上海乐高乐园度假区还将进一步凸显上海特色和江南元素Chen JieGeneral Manager, LEGOLAND Shanghai Resort陈洁 上海乐高乐园有限公司总经理“Lego bricks will be used to build a replica【复制品】 of the historical buildings on the Bund, People’s Square, as well as Oriental Pearl TV Tower. Some replicas of shikumen life and local lanes will also be displayed at the resort.”这里不仅有用乐高拼搭的外滩万国建筑、人民广场、东方明珠等海派文化建筑群。我们还把石库门、弄堂等生活生活场景用非常有趣的方式呈现出来。Visitors will be able to explore eight sections, including the world’s first themed area for the cartoon series "Monkie Kid". 乐园建成后,游客们将有机会探索乐园中的八大片区,其中就包括有世界首个以“悟空小侠”为主题的娱乐区。The Jinshan government said Legoland will help accelerate development in the 15-square-kilometer area around the resort.金山区政府表示,乐高乐园还将帮助周围15公里以内的区域加快发展建设的进行。Liu JianSecretary, Jinshan District刘健 金山区委书记“The construction of the resort will greatly improve transportation infrastructure【基础设施】in the northern part of Jinshan. It will also help accelerate the building of a cultural corridor that incorporates century-old towns, farms and the thousand-acre sea of flowers along the 320 National Highway.”(园区的建成)特别对于金山北部地区的道路交通等基础设施将会大幅度的提升,也将加快打造沿320国道融千年古镇、千年古刹、千亩农庄、千亩花海于一体的文旅连廊。There are eight Legoland resorts worldwide. China’s first Legoland is expected to open in Sichuan in 2023, followed by the one in Shanghai and another in Shenzhen the following year.到目前为止,全世界共有八个乐高乐园度假区。中国的第一个乐高乐园将于2023年在四川开业,上海和深圳的乐高乐园也将在2024年开园营业。3. MICHELLE WU SWORN IN AS BOSTON'S FIRST WOMAN AND ASIAN MAYOR吴弭宣誓成为波士顿首位华裔女市长Michelle Wu was sworn in yesterday as Boston’s first woman and first Asian American mayor in the city’s 200-year history, breaking its streak of only electing white men for the job. 36-year-old Wu grew up in Chicago, Illinois, and graduated from Harvard University. Starting in 2010, Wu began to work for former Mayor Thomas Me-nino at Boston City Hall. Wu became a member of the Boston City Council【地方议会】in January 2013, and was re-elected multiple times. She was elected mayor on November 2nd. Some US media are calling her election a turning point in the city’s history.昨天(11月16日),36岁的华裔女性吴弭正式宣誓就任美国波士顿市长,成为该市史上首位亚裔女市长,也终结了波士顿200年来由白人男性担任市长的局面。吴弭出生于伊利诺伊州芝加哥市,毕业于哈佛大学,2010年进入波士顿市政府工作。2013年她首次参与波士顿市议会选举并当选议员,之后三次议会选举获得成功。本月2号,她在市长选举中胜出,成功当选。美媒评论称,她的当选标志着波士顿历史上的一个"转折点"。#热词加油站adverse [ædˈvɜrs]【负面的】clinical [ˈklɪnɪk(ə)l]【临床的】replica [ˈreplɪkə]【复制品】infrastructure [ˈɪnfrəˌstrʌktʃər]【基础设施】Council [ˈkaʊns(ə)l]【地方议会】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
11/18/20214 minutes
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11/17 TOP OF THE DAY 中美视频峰会/中国首位F1赛车手/发改委发布会

NEWS ON 11/171. CHINESE OFFICIAL: XI-BIDEN MEETING CONSTRUCTIVE中美建设性会晤,关键时刻把舵引航!2. ZHOU GUANYU TO BECOME CHINA’S FIRST F1 DRIVER创造历史!周冠宇—中国首位F1赛车手!3. NDRC SAYS NATURAL GAS SUPPLY BALANCED, COAL STOCKS SUFFICIENT国家发改委:保证居民取暖不愁!-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1.CHINESE OFFICIAL: XI-BIDEN MEETING CONSTRUCTIVE中美建设性会晤,关键时刻把舵引航!Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Xie Feng described the online meeting between President Xi Jinping and US President Joe Biden as frank, in-depth, constructive and fruitful. Sun Siqi has more. 中国外交部副部长谢峰称,习近平主席与美国总统拜登的网上会晤是坦诚、深入、具有建设性和富有成效的。Xie said the meeting pointed out the direction and injected new impetus in China-US relations.He said issues related to the Taiwan region, Xinjiang, Hong Kong and the South China Sea are China’s internal affairs and no country has the right to interfere. The meaning of the one-China principle tolerates no distortion and negotiation. Xie also said China is willing to talk with the United States on issues related to risk management based on mutual respect.谢峰表示,这次会晤为中美关系指明了方向,注入了新的动力。谢锋强调,涉台、涉港、涉疆、涉海等问题是中国的内政,任何国家都无权干涉。一个中国原则的涵义和内容,不容篡改、不容歪曲、更不容否定。谢峰还表示,中方愿意同美方在相互尊重的基础上,就有效管控风险进行探讨。Xie FengChinese Vice Foreign Minister谢锋中国外交部副部长Take an example---While the ability to put out a fire is important, fire prevention is also non-negotiable. We must get rid of inflammable【易燃的】 and explosive articles in time. Similarly, the establishment of new rules and regulations between the two countries needs to be based on negotiations and observed by both sides.我给大家打个比方——灭火固然重要,防火同样不可忽视,平时就应该主动及时地清除"易燃易爆品"。必须指出:无论是建立规则还是安装"护栏",都应该平等协商并由双方共同商定、双方共同遵守,而不是一方对另一方提条件、提要求。Since the beginning of the year, Xi has held two phone conversations with Biden and the two leaders agreed to maintain regular communication.自今年年初以来,习近平主席与拜登已经通了两次电话,两国领导人均同意保持定期沟通。Ruan Zongze, Executive Vice-PresidentChina Institute of International Studies阮宗泽中国国际问题研究院常务副院长The mutual exchanges between China and US have been increasing. It indicates that the US needs to seek dialogue and consultation with China to cope with the current challenges it has been facing both at home and abroad.现在我们看到中美之间的交流,这个频率是不断地增加。这说明美国现在遇到了国内外越来越多的困难,它绕不开中国,必须要和中国进行对话协商,甚至希望中国来共同应对这个挑战。During the meeting, the two leaders expressed opposition to a new Cold War mentality and emphasized the necessity of a steady relationship.在本次会谈中,两国元首就中美稳定关系重要性、反对打“新冷战”等达成重要原则共识。2.ZHOU GUANYU TO BECOME CHINA’S FIRST F1 DRIVER创造历史!周冠宇—中国首位F1赛车手!Zhou Guanyu will become the first Chinese to race in Formula 1 in 2022 as he joins Alfa Romeo Racing for next season. 中国车手周冠宇与阿尔法·罗密欧车队签约,他将在2022赛季成为征战F1正赛(世界一级方程式锦标赛)的第一位中国车手。The 22-year-old, now a junior driver of the Alpine F1 team who has also served as its test driver for two years, will be a teammate of 10-time grand prix winner Valtteri Bottas, who is joining from Mercedes.周冠宇,现年22岁,是Alpine学院车手,担任Alpine F1车队试车手两年。下赛季,周冠宇将与10次拿下分站冠军、从梅赛德斯车队转投阿尔法·罗密欧车队的博塔斯一起并肩作战。Zhou will conclude his 2021 duties with Alpine, as well as contest the final two races of the Formula 2 season where he is battling fellow Alpine junior Oscar Piastri, before starting his preparations at Alfa Romeo. He is in 2nd place in the FIA F2 championship【锦标赛】 with races in Saudi Arabi and Abu Dhabi still to come. 周冠宇将在2021赛季结束后离开Alpine F1车队,他还将征战F2锦标赛最后两轮比赛,与同为Alpine学院车手的奥斯卡·皮亚斯特里一争高下。周冠宇目前位列FIA F2车手年度积分榜第二,本赛季还剩沙特阿拉伯和阿布扎比最后两站比赛。Zhou Guanyu, Motor Racer周冠宇 F1赛车手It is a privilege for me to start my Formula 1 racing career with an iconic team, and I feel well prepared for the immense challenges of Formula 1. Next year the target will be to learn as much as possible and as quickly as possible. I know a lot of hopes will be resting on me and I will take this as motivation to become better and achieve more.对我来说,能在这样一支历史性的车队中开启我的F1职业生涯是一件很荣幸的事情。我已经准备好应对F1的巨大挑战,下赛季的目标将是尽可能多、尽可能快地学习和提升自己。我知道很多人对我寄予厚望,我将一如既往地把这作为动力,更加努力让自己变得更好,争取获得更多的成绩。3.NDRC SAYS NATURAL GAS SUPPLY BALANCED, COAL STOCKS SUFFICIENT国家发改委:保证居民取暖不愁!The National Development and Reform Commission said this morning it will ensure steady supplies of coal and natural gas as global prices of both fuels surge and winter looms. Sun Siqi has the story.在寒冬渐近,全球天然气、煤炭价格暴涨的背景下,国家发改委今天(11月16日)上午举行发布会,承诺将保证国内煤炭、天然气的平稳供应。The NDRC said it will push local governments to implement natural gas pricing policies, and make orderly cuts in consumption by non-residential users to ensure households get priority. The country’s raw coal output increased 4 percent year on year to 360 million tons in October, reversing September’s decline. Coal output is expected to increase further this month.国家发改委称,将督促各地政府严格执行天然气价格政策,坚决做到“压非保民”。10月份全国煤炭产量3.6亿吨,同比增长4%,一反9月下降趋势,预计本月煤炭产量将继续稳步增长。Meng Wei, SpokespersonNational Development & Reform Commission孟玮国家发改委政研室副主任、新闻发言人The coal supply was stable during the cold front, and output quickly rose back after the cold front ended. Coal inventory【库存】 levels for power plants and ports will continue to increase. The supply should be secure for this winter and next spring.寒潮期间,煤炭的供应是平稳的,寒潮后煤炭产量迅速回升,发电厂和港口的煤炭库存水平将进一步提升,今年冬天和明年春天的煤炭供应能够得到可靠保障。The NDRC said a crackdown would continue on virtual currency mining operations, adding that cryptocurrency related financial operations are banned.国家发改委表示将持续整治虚拟货币“挖矿”活动,称其相关业务均属于非法金融活动。Meng Wei, SpokespersonNational Development & Reform Commission孟玮国家发改委政研室副主任、新闻发言人We will launch major crackdowns on large-scale crypto mining activities and state-owned enterprises involved in such activities. We will impose punitive【惩罚性的】 power prices on businesses found to be conducting crypto mining at household power prices. We will keep the pressure on this issue.我们将围绕产业式集中式“挖矿”以及国有单位"挖矿"的行为开展全面整治。对执行居民电价的单位,若被发现参与虚拟货币“挖矿”,则将对其加征惩罚性电价,以此形成持续整治虚拟货币“挖矿”活动的高压态势。The spokesperson added rice and wheat stocks increased more than 50 percent this autumn year-on-year. Grains and oil reserves should cover the nation’s needs for more than 15 days.发言人同时介绍道,我国小麦和稻谷商品库存均同比增加50%以上,成品粮油的储备都已经达到了15天及以上的市场供应量。#热词加油站inflammable [ɪnˈflæməbl]adj. 易燃的;易怒的;易激动的championship [ˈtʃæmpiənʃɪp]n. 锦标赛inventory [ˈɪnvəntri]n. 存货,库存Punitive [ˈpjuːnətɪv]adj. 惩罚性的;刑罚的订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
11/17/20214 minutes, 39 seconds
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INTERVIEW|The 6th Plenum: China’s Plans for the Future

A high-profile meeting of the Communist Party of China has adopted a landmark resolution on the major achievements and historical experience of the CPC’s 100 years. The resolution was reviewed and adopted at the sixth plenary session of the 19th CPC Central Committee, held in Beijing from Monday to Thursday. Today, we have Muhammad Zamir Assadi, Special Correspondent of the Independent Pakistan News Agency, to share his view on the future development of China.-----------------INTERVIEW-----------------Q: What’s your understanding of China’s pursuit of “common prosperity”? Muhammad Zamir Assadi:During my journalism work in China, I have visited various provinces and regions of the 2nd largest economy of the world. I also got the opportunity to visit some of the counties who eradicated the absolute poverty following the guidelines of the central governments.I strongly believe that the eradication of extreme poverty in China in line with the United Nations (UN) 2030 agenda has served as inspiration to societies grappling with deprivation and inequality.Phenomenal success in poverty alleviation is a reflection of Chinese people's aspiration for a better life coupled with their indomitable will to overcome all bottlenecks along their path to greatness.Q: What’s your take on the outlook on China’s economy? Muhammad Zamir Assadi:Communiqué of the Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China is a reflection of China’s peaceful development under the leadership of Communist Party of China.The high quality development of China’s economy shows the will and commitment of China’s system that every effort will be put into action to maintain the long term and sustainable economy.The international community is witness to the strength of economic growth of China as it has not only benefited to the local businesses and people but also benefited to the international economies as well.The strength and quality of Chinese economy is emerging as a strong toll and engine for the global economic system and it is also the need of the time to put more efforts for global economic recovery facing the ravaging impacts of COVID19.The performance of Chinese economy since the implementation of reforms and opening up policies have got the strong base and solid momentum that is energizing the international economic activities of developing and develop countries.Q: What do you think are the key drivers for China to reach carbon neutrality before 2060?Muhammad Zamir Assadi:In my opinion, China's 14th Five-Year Plan, for the period 2021–25, presents a real opportunity for China to link its long-term climate goals with its short-to medium-term social and economic development plans.China's recent commitment to achieving carbon neutrality by 2060 has set a clear direction for its economy, but requires ratcheting up ambition on its near-term climate policy. China has also committed to greening its major multi-country infrastructure and development project, the Belt and Road Initiative.
11/16/20213 minutes, 28 seconds
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11/16 TOP OF THE DAY 北交所开市/山东“核供暖”/迪拜国际航展

NEWS ON 11/161. BEIJING STOCK EXCHANGE OPENS FOR BUSINESS钟声正式敲响!中国资本市场进入“北交所时间”!2. HAIYANG CITY INTRODUCES CARBON-FREE HEATING中国首个“零碳供暖”城市诞生,快来了解下核能"暖宝宝"!3. ADVANCED CHINESE MILITARY AIRCRAFT AT DUBAI AIRSHOW迪拜航展盛大开幕,中国教练机惊艳亮相!-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1. BEIJING STOCK EXCHANGE OPENS FOR BUSINESS钟声正式敲响!中国资本市场进入“北交所时间”!Trading started today on the Beijing Stock Exchange, which features 81 small and medium-sized companies in the tech sector. Sun Siqi takes a look at today’s action.北京证券交易所今日(11月15日)正式开市交易,首批81家创新型中小企业集体亮相。让我们跟随ICS记者孙思奇一探究竟吧。Shares in 10 of the 81 companies were being traded for the first time. Their IPOs (Initial Public Offerings) raised more than 1.5 billion yuan combined. The remaining 71 stocks had previously been listed the National Equities【股票】 Exchange and Quotations. The firms cover sectors like high-end manufacturing, services, new energy, new materials and bio-medicine.北交所首批81只上市个股中10只为新股,它们的募集资金总额超过15亿元。其余的71只为精选层平移至北交所的股票,这71家公司涵盖高端制造业、服务业、新能源、新材料和生物医药等领域。Li Yujian, General ManagerBeijing Henghe Info. & Technology co.李玉健,北京恒合信业技术股份有限公司总经理We gained a massive amount of interest from investors and support from the government in areas like talent attraction.登陆北交所之后,我们一方面会获得资本的支持,另一方面也是从政策的支持,包括我们人才引进方面,都获得巨大的助力。Under Beijing Stock Exchange rules, there is no limit on price fluctuations【波动,涨跌】 on a stock’s first trading day, while a share price’s rise or fall is capped at 30 percent on the second trading day. This is believed to benefit SMEs as their stock has the potential for big first-day gains compared to its IPO price. 根据北交所的规定,新股上市首日不设涨跌幅限制,只有临时停牌机制,从第二个交易日起实行30%的价格涨跌幅限制。这样的规定对中小企业是有利的,因为相比新股发行价格,中小企业的股票首日涨幅可能会很大。In Shanghai, retail investors crowded a brokerage about 30 minutes before the market opened. A handful had made 20,000 yuan minutes after trading began. 远隔千里,上海的散户们早已摩拳擦掌,在开盘前30分钟就挤满了一家营业部。有的股民在开盘后几分钟内就赚了2万元。Investor股民I haven’t seen a surge like this in years. I’d like to invest 1 million yuan in the new stocks.好久没见到这样的形势了。新股准备拿100万去打打。The 10 stocks debuting were the story of the day as all 10 rallied. Shortly after opening, shares of all 10 had soared【激增,暴涨】 more than 100%, with Tongxin Transmission surging close to 600 percent at one point. It closed the day up 494 percent.开盘后,10只新股全部大涨,涨幅均超过100%,登上了北交所开市当天的新闻。而同心传动的涨幅更是一度接近600%,收盘时达到494%。2. HAIYANG CITY INTRODUCES CARBON-FREE HEATING中国首个“零碳供暖”城市诞生,快来了解下核能"暖宝宝"!200 thousand residents in Haiyang City, Shandong Province are receiving heat from a nuclear power plant. It is the country’s first commercial nuclear power project and makes Haiyang the first city to have carbon-free heating. Once again Zhang Hong has the story.山东省海阳市的20万居民,首次用上了核能"暖宝宝"。这开启了国内商业供暖利用核能的先河,海阳市也由此成为首个"零碳"供暖城市。It’s now 1 yuan cheaper per square meter to heat an apartment.现在住宅取暖费每建筑平方米下调了1元。Li JianminHaiyang Resident李建敏,山东省海阳市凤凰国际乡村社区居民It keeps the temperature in my home more constant than before. And it’s also cheaper.它供暖比较平衡,它温度不像以前有的时候高了有时低了,第二个这个价钱它能够便宜。First, non-radioactive steam is extracted from reactors at a nuclear power plant. Next, the steam is routed to a multistage【多级的】 heat exchanger and then channeled to a thermal power supply company, which pumps hot water to pipes in residents’ homes.核能供暖,首先要从核电站反应堆中抽取非放射性的蒸汽作为热源。接下来,蒸汽经过换热器进行多级换热,然后输送给热力公司,最后热力公司通过供暖管道将热量传递给用户。Zhao Shouxia, Senior EngineerShandong Nuclear Power Company赵守霞,山东核电有限公司高级工程师There’s only energy exchange during the whole process without any kind of medium like water. It’s a safe and reliable way of generating heat.这个过程中只有能量的这种交换,而没有像水这种介质的一种交换,是特别地安全可靠的。Shandong Nuclear Power Company says Unit 1 of Haiyang Nuclear Plant is the world’s largest cogeneration unit. It has replaced 12 coal-fired boilers and can heat 4.5 million square meters of space. It is expected to cut raw coal by 100,000 tons and carbon dioxide emissions by 180,000 tons every heating season. The company says it is now working on a project that will heat an area of 30 million square meters.山东核电有限公司称,海阳核电1号机组已经成为世界上最大的热电联产机组,取代了原先12台燃煤锅炉,供热范围覆盖450万平方米城区。预计每个供暖季节约原煤10万吨,减排二氧化碳18万吨。该公司还表示,目前正在研发单台机组能够供热3000万平方米的工程。3. ADVANCED CHINESE MILITARY AIRCRAFT AT DUBAI AIRSHOW迪拜航展盛大开幕,中国教练机惊艳亮相Chinese aircraft manufacturers showcased a wide range of military aircraft at the 17th Dubai Airshow, including trainer jets, helicopters and other airborne weapons. Lei Shuran has more.中国航空工业军贸产品亮相第17届迪拜国际航空展,教练机、直升机等各种先进武器悉数参展。The Aviation Industry Corporation of China displayed a flight simulator for the L15 advanced jet trainer, giving visitors a fully immersive experience. An actual L15 jet and a range of compatible【可兼容的】 airborne weapons are on display in the airshow’s outdoor exhibition area. It is equipped with a very advanced radar, as well as fire control and weapon control systems. It can carry up to three tons of air-to-sea and air-to-ground ordinance, and can execute a variety of air-to-ground attack operations.中国航空工业带来了L-15高级教练机的全任务飞行模拟器,为观展者提供了高沉浸感的飞行训练体验。而一台L-15高级教练机真机则同一系列兼容的机载武器一起在航展的室外静展区展出。它配备先进的雷达系统、火控和武器管理系统,可以搭载对空、对海和对地多达3吨的各类型武器,并且能够执行各种对地攻击任务。Zhang Weizhen, Deputy DirectorProduct Apartment, AVIC张卫真,中国航空技术进出口总公司产品部副部长We are in the lead in terms of overall performance compared with similar advanced trainers abroad, and we are pretty far advanced in some particular systems.与国外的同类高级教练机相比,(L-15)整体上性能要处于领先,在个别的系统上还遥遥领先。The business volume of the airshow yesterday reached 37 billion US dollars, with Airbus signing a single deal for 255 new aircraft worth 30 billion US dollars. The air show, which runs until November 18th, is the world’s largest aerospace trade event.昨日(11月14日),航展的单日成交额达到了370亿美元,其中空客公司签下了255架新型飞机的合同,订单价值超过300亿美元。本届航展将持续至11月18日,是世界上规模最大的航空业贸易活动。#热词加油站equity [ˈekwəti]【股票】fluctuation [ˌflʌktʃuˈeɪʃn]【波动,涨跌】soar [sɔːr]【激增,暴涨】multistage [ˌmʌltiˈsteɪdʒ]【多级的】compatible [kəmˈpætəbl]【兼容的】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
11/16/20214 minutes, 24 seconds
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11/15 TOP OF THE DAY 十九届六中全会闭幕/米其林指南发布/美国瘫痪疗法

NEWS ON 11/151.19TH CPC CENTRAL COMMITTEE CONCLUDES 6TH PLENARY SESSION, RELEASES COMMUNIQUE建党百年,重磅决议!十九届六中全会胜利闭幕2. 47 RESTAURANTS EARN STARS IN 2022 SHANGHAI MICHELIN GUIDE2022上海米其林指南新鲜出炉,47家星级餐厅榜上有名3. U.S. SCIENTISTS REVERSE PARALYSIS IN MICE瘫痪有望被治愈?美国新型药物令瘫痪实验鼠恢复行走-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1. 19TH CPC CENTRAL COMMITTEE CONCLUDES 6TH PLENARY SESSION, RELEASES COMMUNIQUE建党百年,重磅决议!十九届六中全会胜利闭幕A high-profile meeting of the Communist Party of China has adopted a landmark【里程碑,地标】 resolution on the major achievements and historical experience of the CPC’s 100 years, according to a communique released yesterday. The resolution was reviewed and adopted at the sixth plenary session of the 19th CPC Central Committee, held in Beijing from Monday to Thursday. 中国共产党第十九届中央委员会第六次全体会议于上周一(11月8日)到周四(11月11日)在北京举行。根据会议公报,全会审议通过了《中共中央关于党的百年奋斗重大成就和历史经验的决议》。Xi Jinping, general secretary of the CPC Central Committee, made a speech at the session. The session heard and discussed a work report Xi delivered on behalf of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee. He also explained the draft【草稿,讨论稿】 of the resolution to the session. The session also reviewed and passed a resolution on convening the 20th National Congress of the CPC in the second half of 2022 in Beijing.中央委员会总书记习近平在会上作了重要讲话。全会听取和讨论了习近平受中央政治局委托作的工作报告,习近平就《中共中央关于党的百年奋斗重大成就和历史经验的决议(讨论稿)》向全会作了说明。全会还审议通过了《关于召开党的第二十次全国代表大会的决议》。2. 47 RESTAURANTS EARN STARS IN 2022 SHANGHAI MICHELIN GUIDE2022上海米其林指南新鲜出炉,47家星级餐厅榜上有名47 restaurants received stars in the 2022 Shanghai Michelin Guide, which was published today. Two restaurants were awarded three-stars, eight were given two stars, and the remaining 37 earned one star. 2022上海米其林指南今日(11月12日)发布,47家餐厅入选星级榜单。其中2家餐厅被授予三星,8家餐厅得到二星,其余37家餐厅拿到一星。Ultraviolet retained its three-stars from last year, while Taian Table received triple-star status for the first time. It also became the city’s first restaurant to win a Michelin green star, given to restaurants that stand at the forefront of a more sustainable approach to gastronomy. Both Baolixuan and Da Vittorio made the jump into double-star status.Ultraviolet成功蝉联三星餐厅。而泰安门则是首次被评为三星餐厅,还成为了上海首家赢得米其林绿星的餐厅,该奖项旨在表彰餐厅的可持续美食实践。宝丽轩和Da Vittorio均由一星餐厅晋升为了二星餐厅。In 2016, the first Michelin restaurant guide on the Chinese mainland was launched in Shanghai.2016年,米其林指南第一次在上海发布,开启了在中国内地的寻味之旅。3. U.S. SCIENTISTS REVERSE PARALYSIS IN MICE瘫痪有望被治愈?美国新型药物令瘫痪实验鼠恢复行走Scientists in the United States recently said that they are a step closer to reversing paralysis【瘫痪】 in humans after they successfully administered a new injectable therapy in mice. Lei Shuran has more.近日美国研究人员成功地在小鼠身上实验了新型注射疗法,宣称他们向攻克修复脊髓损伤的难关,迈进一步。In lab tests, the team from Northwestern University administered a single injection to tissues surrounding the spinal cords of paralyzed mice. Just four weeks later, the animals regained the ability to walk. They described an injection of "dancing molecules" to reverse paralysis and repair tissue after severe spinal cord injuries. The secret behind the new breakthrough therapeutic is influencing the motion of molecules, so they can more easily engage with constantly moving cellular【细胞的】 receptors【受体】. Injected as a liquid directly into the spine, the therapy immediately gels into a complex network of nanofibers【纳米纤维】 that mimic【模拟】 the extracellular matrix of the spinal cord.在实验室中,西北大学的研究团队对瘫痪小鼠脊髓周围的组织注射了一次药物。仅仅四周后,这些小鼠就恢复了行走能力。他们表示注射的"让分子跳舞"的新型药物可以逆转瘫痪并修复严重脊髓损伤后的组织。这种新的突破性疗法背后的秘密便是影响分子的运动,从而使药物更容易地与不断运动的细胞受体结合。药物以液体形式注入脊椎后,便会立即凝结成一个纳米纤维网络,模拟脊髓的细胞外基质。Samuel StuppMaterials Science, Chemistry & Medicine, Northwestern University斯图普,美国西北大学材料科学、化学及医学董事会教授So here are tiny fibers trying to have encounters with those receptors. Well, if they moved more, then they have a much better chance of making contact with the receptors. One way to think about this is that if the molecules are ’dancing’ around or leaping out of the fibers, the probability that they will meet up with the receptors is increased.我们发现细胞膜上的受体移动得很快,细胞膜本身也在移动,这些微小的纤维试图与受体相接触。可以这么想,如果分子在纤维附近跳跃,那么与受体接触的可能性就会增加。Published in the journal ’Science’, the team claims they now want to push for human trials. Nearly 300,000 people are currently living with a spinal cord injury in the United States, according to the US National Spinal Cord Injury Statistical Center.该团队已在《科学》杂志上发表研究报告,表示现在希望申请进行人体试验。根据美国国家脊髓损伤统计中心的数据,美国目前有近30万人患有脊髓损伤。#热词加油站landmark [ˈlændmɑːrk]【里程碑,地标】draft [dræft]【草稿,讨论稿】paralysis [pəˈræləsɪs]【瘫痪】cellular [ˈseljələr]【细胞的】receptor [rɪˈseptər]【受体】nanofiber [nænɔː'fɪbər]【纳米纤维】mimic [ˈmɪmɪk]【模拟】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
11/15/20213 minutes, 26 seconds
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11/12 TOP OF THE DAY 中美联合声明/无印良品生鲜超市/芝加哥中国留学生惨遭枪杀

NEWS ON 11/121. CHINA ANNOUNCES AGREEMENT WITH U.S. ON CLIMATE中美联合声明“新鲜出炉”,减排作战大突破!2. MUJI OPENS FRESH MARKET IN SH无印良品生鲜超市上海首秀,是作秀还是便民?3. UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO GRADUATE KILLED IN ROBBERY24岁中国留学生在美遭枪杀,海外公民人身安全引担忧-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1. CHINA ANNOUNCES AGREEMENT WITH U.S. ON CLIMATE中美联合声明“新鲜出炉”,减排作战大突破!China and the United States pledged【承诺】Wednesday to increase their cooperation on climate action in a joint declaration issued at the U.N. climate talks in Glasgow. Lei Shuran has the story. 11月10日,中美两国在格拉斯哥举行的联合国气候会谈上发表《中美关于在21世纪20年代强化气候行动的格拉斯哥联合宣言》,承诺在气候行动方面加强合作。In separate news conferences, Chinese climate envoy Xie Zhenhua and U.S. counterpart John Kerry said the two countries would work together to accelerate the emissions reductions required to meet the temperature goals of the 2015 Paris Agreement on climate change. 在新闻发布会上,中国气候变化事务特使解振华和美方特使约翰克里表示,两国将共同努力,加快减排以实现 2015 年《巴黎协定》规定的温控目标。Xie ZhenhuaChina’s Special Envoy for Climate Change解振华中国气候变化事务特使In the area of climate change there is more agreement between China and the US than divergence, making it an area with huge potential for cooperation. We are two days away from the end of the Glasgow conference, so we hope that this joint declaration between China and the United States can make a contribution to the success of COP26.在气候变化领域,中美双方共识大于分歧,具有广泛的合作潜力。离格拉斯哥大会结束还有两天,我们希望此份联合声明能够为大会的成功做出中美的贡献。John KerryUS Climate Envoy克里美国总统气候问题特使It commits to a series of important actions, not in the long term, not way out in the future, but now. Now during this decade when it’s needed. Out of this cooperation, we expect acceleration【加速】 of the rate of reduction, and the only way you get it is by sharing technology, working together, sharing climate technology, working together in an effort to do it. 这份宣言提出了一系列重要行动:不是针对长期的、未来的行动,而是针对眼下这十年最迫切的行动。我们希望加速减排,而想要达成这一点,只能分享技术、通力合作。China has announced recently on many multilateral occasions the country’s specific targets and concrete policies, measures and actions. Xie said that China has a policy framework to ensure that it can achieve its climate target.中国近期在数个多边场合宣布了有关减排的具体目标、具体政策、措施及行动。解振华表示,中国有一个“1+N”政策体系,它能够确保中国实现气候目标。Xie ZhenhuaChina’s Special Envoy for Climate Change解振华中国气候变化事务特使That is why we announced that we will strictly control the increase in our coal consumption during our 14th five-year plan period from 2021 to 2025. And during the 15th five-year plan period from 2026 to 2030, we will begin phasing out our coal consumption. We also announced that China will no longer be building new coal-fired projects abroad.我们已经提出了在"十四五"期间,也就是2021年到2025年,我们要严格控制煤炭消费总量的增长。"十五五"期间,煤炭的消费总量要逐步下降,而且在海外要停止建设煤电项目。As the world’s largest developing country, China is striving to meet a grand goal: to reach a peak in its carbon dioxide emissions before 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality before 2060. This ambitious target means China will attempt to complete the world’s most dramatic reduction in carbon emissions, and plans realize carbon neutrality faster than any other country.作为世界上最大的发展中国家,中国正在努力实现一个宏伟目标:2030年前二氧化碳排放达到峰值,2060年前实现碳中和。这一宏伟目标意味着,中国将努力完成世界上最大幅度的碳减排并且计划比其他任何国家都要快地实现碳中和。2. MUJI OPENS FRESH MARKET IN SH无印良品生鲜超市上海首秀,是作秀还是便民?The deals weren’t just online, as retailers also offered Double-11 discounts. And Japanese retailer【零售商】 MUJI chose Shanghai to open its first fresh market in China. Zhang Yue has more.“双十一”不仅仅是网购盛会,零售商也提供双十一折扣。日本零售品牌无印良品的中国首家生鲜复合店落户上海。It’s the first time MUJI has opened a fresh market in China. All vegetables and fruits are pre-packed, but a little more expensive than the average supermarket.这是无印良品首次在中国涉足生鲜超市领域。超市里的蔬菜水果全部是提前包装好的,但是价格要比一般超市贵一点。Customer顾客“The products are neatly arranged and sorted.”这些菜品摆放地很整齐。The market is operated by 7Fresh, which is owned by A 7Fresh employee said the Double 11 Shopping Festival was chosen to integrate【合并】 business modes.整个生鲜复合店的超市区由京东七鲜运营。之所以选在“双十一”这天开门迎客,也是为了显示出电商平台加速线下布局的意图。Huang Lin7FRESH黄琳京东七鲜业态合作部负责人There is no difference between online and offline sales in nature, and our offline shops serve our customers very well.线上线下没有本质性的区别,我们线下的商店也可以很好地服务顾客。One store in Changning (District) said it was busier than usual and that most customers were comparing its prices to those available online. One woman said she wanted to take advantage of the shopping festival.长宁区的一家门店表示,这次”双十一“比平时更忙,大多数顾客都会比较门店商品和线上商品的价格差。一位女顾客说她想通过“双十一”捞点便宜。Customer顾客“Today is the last day of the Double 11 Festival, so I came for the cheaper prices.”今天是“双十一”购物节的最后一天,所以赶到今天来买了,价格会便宜一点。The store guaranteed lower prices than what was offered online by having employees checked online prices every two hours. Its manager said sales had reached 4 million yuan by noon, one million more than the same time last year.该门店通过让员工每两小时查看一次网上价格,来确保门店价格比网上更低。该店经理表示,截至中午,销售额已达400万元,比去年同期增加了100万元。3. UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO GRADUATE KILLED IN ROBBERY24岁中国留学生在美遭枪杀,海外公民人身安全引担忧The Chinese Consulate in Chicago confirmed yesterday that a Chinese student who recently graduated from the University of Chicago was fatally shot in a robbery on Tuesday afternoon in the city’s Hyde Park neighborhood. Lei Shuran has the details.中国驻芝加哥总领事馆昨天(11月10日)证实,一名刚从芝加哥大学毕业的中国留学生于周二(11月9日)下午在该市海德公园附近的一次抢劫中惨遭枪杀。The 24-year-old student was on a sidewalk at around 2 pm on Tuesday when a dark-colored vehicle approached. A man left the vehicle, took out a gun, demanded property, shot the student in the chest, then got back into the vehicle and fled.当地时间周二(11月9日)下午 2 点左右,24岁的受害人正走在人行道上,一辆深色车辆突然在他旁边停靠,一名男子持枪从车里出来向受害人索要财物,然后突然向其胸部连开数枪,并驱车逃离。Local Resident当地居民“You don’t just shoot someone in the chest? for what? phone?"哪有随便朝别人胸口开枪的?为了什么呀?抢一部手机吗?The victim was taken to the UChicago Hospital where he was pronounced dead.案发后,受害者被送往芝加哥大学医院,但最终因伤重不治身亡。UChicago Graduate芝加哥大学毕业生“Because we thought there was a little bit safer, relatively speaking, compared to the other areas, around the Hyde Park so just to hear about this incident, yeah, definitely scared me.” 说实话我们本以为和美国其他地方相比,这个地区会相对安全一点,但这起事件真的吓到我了。A statement issued by UChicago President confirmed that a recent graduate of the university was shot and killed off-campus in the course of a robbery. The statement also said the university is working with the Chicago Police Department to gather more facts about the case. Deploring the student’s death, the Chinese Consulate in Chicago urged parties concerned in the United States to investigate the case and publish any and all information as quickly as possible, while adopting concrete measures to ensure the safety of Chinese nationals including the students in the country.芝加哥大学校长发表的一份声明证实,该大学最近的一名毕业生在抢劫案中于校外被枪杀。声明还表示,该大学正在与芝加哥警察局合作,收集有关此案的更多线索。中国驻芝加哥总领事馆对这名学生的死亡表示痛惜,要求美国有关方面尽快查清并公布所有案件信息,并采取切实措施,确保包括留学生在内的中国公民的安全。A week ago, a Chinese professor from Hunan Province, who was a visiting scholar at the University of Southern California, was forced to fight off a mugger in Los Angeles using his bare hands. The professor was walking on a street near Chinatown when a man in black outfit and mask suddenly attacked him. Held at gunpoint, the professor instinctively used his left hand to block the gun, and his right fist to knock it to the ground. After a struggle, the mugger fled the scene, stealing the professor’s suitcase.一周前,湖南省一名华裔教授在南加州大学访问学者时,被迫徒手与洛杉矶的一名劫匪搏斗。教授走在唐人街附近的街道上时,一名身穿黑衣、戴着面具的男子突然袭击了他。在枪口的威胁下,教授本能地用左手挡住了枪,用右手把枪砸落在地。经过一番搏斗,劫匪最终逃离现场,并抢走了教授的手提箱。#热词加油站pledge[pledʒ]n. 誓言,保证,承诺acceleration [əkˌseləˈreɪʃn]n. 加速,加快;integrate[ˈɪntɪɡreɪt]v. (使)合并,成为一体retailer[ˈriːteɪlə(r)]n. 零售商,零售店;讲述者订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
11/12/20215 minutes, 48 seconds
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What do foreigners and their Chinese friends do at Double 11 Carnival Night?

“Double-11”, an annual shopping spree in China and also the world's biggest shopping carnival, has kicked off!  Our host, Tim and his friends have a unique Double 11 tradition! Let's find out what would foreigners in China do at Double 11 night?
11/11/202112 minutes, 8 seconds
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What do foreigners and their Chinese friends do at Double 11 Carnival Night?

“Double-11”, an annual shopping spree in China and also the world's biggest shopping carnival, has kicked off!  Our host, Tim and his friends have a unique Double 11 tradition! Let's find out what would foreigners in China do at Double 11 night?
11/11/202112 minutes, 8 seconds
Episode Artwork

11/11 TOP OF THE DAY 进博会医药产品/教育数字化/日本首相选举

NEWS ON 11/101. HEALTHCARE FIRMS ENVISION FUTURE CANCER, HEART TREATMENTS亮相进博,癌症治疗有了“新武器”2. SHANGHAI UNVEILS 3-YEAR PLAN TO DIGITALIZE EDUCATION教育数字化!上海教委发布三年转型实施方案3. JAPAN’S KISHIDA RE-ELECTED PM AFTER STRONG GENERAL ELECTION WIN岸田文雄当选日本第101任首相-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1. HEALTHCARE FIRMS ENVISION FUTURE CANCER, HEART TREATMENTS亮相进博,癌症治疗有了“新武器”As the CIIE wrapped up, pharmaceutical【制药的】and medical device makers have shown new products that may reach hospitals and research institutions in the near future. 11月10日,进博会圆满落幕。此次进博会上,制药和医疗设备制造商向人们展示了可能在不久之后进入医院和研究机构的新产品。PerkinElmer’s new device is used in the RD processes for medications. It tests more than 30,000 samples in 24 hours, a 400 percent jump in efficiency. Regular testing of the efficacy of a medication or vaccine on a cell requires coating, marking and signal reading. Together, they account for at least 24 hours of work on one sample. Using new marking and reading solutions, the company’s new technique shortens the work to just 2 hours. 珀金埃尔默发明的新设备可以被用于药物的研发中,它能够在24小时内进行超过三万次的样本检验,效率相较前代产品提高了四倍。对于一般的测试而言,在活体细胞上进行药品或是疫苗效力的检测需要进行涂层,标记以及信号阅读几步,总共可能需要至少24小时才能完成对一份样品的检测。但是在运用新型的标记和阅读技术后,该设备已经能够将检测所需时间缩短到接近2小时。This can be used in the assessment of effectiveness and safety of vaccines and the selection of anti-viral drugs. We’d like to work with biomedical companies and vaccine developers in China.该设备可以用来检测疫苗效力及安全性,也可以参与到抗病毒药物的挑选工作上。我们希望能与中国的生物医学和疫苗研发公司进行合作。So you think you have a strong heart? US-based Edwards Lifesciences’ real-time monitor shows your blood pressure, hydration and heart’s pumping motion. You could be surprised by the readings. 你有没有一个强壮的心脏呢?由美国的爱德华兹生命科学公司研发发明的检测仪可以让你实时了解自己的血压,水分量,以及心脏搏动的具体数据。看到这些数据,你可能会大吃一惊。Wow! 145/97? That blood pressure belongs to a monster. Alright, a little warning sign right here: this number that you see here 4.8 measures the amount of blood that your heart pumps out every minute. The good range should be within 2 and 4, mine is 4.8. That means I’m using an excessive【过多的】amount of oxygen.哇塞!145/97?这血压已经不属于正常人了吧。好吧,这里有一个小小的警告标志:你在这里看到的数字与你心脏每分钟泵出的血液量相关。一般来说,该数值如果能保持在2-4之间是非常不错的,而我的是4.8,也就是说我正在消耗过多的氧气。After immediate hydration and a squatting game, one sees perilous changes to blood pressure and oxygen levels.在进行补水和剧烈的蹲起运动后,我们会发现人的血压和含氧量会向一个比较危险的程度变化。All the numbers are going to the heavens ...各项数据都高出了天际…To help patients with heart valve regurgitation, which afflicts more than 7 million people in China, Edwards’ new minimally invasive technology repairs the valve through a tube inserted through the veins and avoids open-heart surgery that can be traumatic on older patients.在中国,有超过七百万人患有心瓣膜回流的疾病,而为了帮助这些患者,爱德华兹发明了一种微创手术,他们可以通过一根插入静脉的导管来修复瓣膜,从而避免了开胸手术,减少了对高龄患者的身体损伤。We are actually the partner of a clinical trial. We partner with top-tier centers in China such as Fuwai, Zhejiang No.2 and Anzhen (all hospitals). So we expect in the next 3-5 years it’ll be ready to serve the Chinese population.我们现在正与阜外,浙医二院,以及安贞医院等中国顶尖的医疗机构在一项临床试验中进行合作,我们预计它将在接下来的三到五年中投入使用,为中国的民众服务。Onto the cancer section, radiotherapy device maker Accuray’s synchronized technology aligns【使一致】radiation with the movement of your chest and abdomen when you breathe. This way, even patients whose cancer has spread can get treated.而在癌症领域,放疗设备制造商艾柯雷的同步技术使得辐射的释放与人们呼吸时胸部和腹部的运动一致,以此来帮助癌症已经扩散的病人进行治疗。In the old method, as a patient breathes and the position of the target organ changes, a radiotherapist will have to expand the range of the radiation. For larger tumors, where there’re key vessels or organs around, this method will cause serious damage. Some patients with multiple tumors can’t be treated at all. This new technology gives hope to a wider range of patients in the later stages of cancer.在过去,因为病人的呼吸会导致病灶位置的变化,所以放疗师在进行治疗时必须要扩大放射范围,而对于较大的肿瘤来说,当周围有重要脏器时,这样的方法将会对其造成严重的损害。一些患有多肿瘤的病人甚至根本无法得到治疗。而这项新型技术的引入则给更多已经进入晚期的癌症患者带来了希望。And its new 360-degree CyberKnife offers a likely alternative to surgery, where early-stage tumors can be treated with its precision radiation emissions, where tumor tissues are killed within the body with no need for incisions. Exhibitors say many of their products shown at past CIIEs are already helping patients at China’s leading hospitals, and they’re here again to show what they can do to help you live long and prosper.同时,艾柯雷公司发明的360度射波刀则给癌症手术提供了一种可能的替代方案,早期的肿瘤可以通过由它精确发射的辐射进行治疗,无需开刀,肿瘤组织就将在体内被直接杀死。参展商说道,他们在进博会上展出的很多产品已经投入使用,正在中国的医院内帮助治疗病人,而他们现在再次在这里,向大众展示他们如何可以帮助人们长寿。The fourth China International Import Expo came to an end today. At a news briefing this afternoon, officials said 70.7 billion US dollars in deals were signed at this year’s trade fair, down 2.6% compared to last year. The dip was attributed to the pandemic. No accidents or coronavirus infections occurred during the CIIE. More than 150,000 square meters of exhibition space has already been reserved for next year’s CIIE.第四届中国国际进口博览会今天落下帷幕。在今天下午举行的闭幕通气会上,相关负责人透露,本届进博会,各方合作意向热度不减。受疫情等因素影响,按一年计,本届进博会的意向成交金额为707.2亿美元,较上届略降2.6%。在严峻复杂的疫情防控形势下,本届进博会实现了疫情防控零感染、零发生、零事故。此外,第五届进博会的招展工作已经启动。截至目前,企业预定展览面积超过15万平方米,进度快于去年同期。2. SHANGHAI UNVEILS 3-YEAR PLAN TO DIGITALIZE EDUCATION教育数字化!上海教委发布三年转型实施方案The Shanghai Education Commission today released a three-year plan to digitalize classrooms and improve the quality of education.上海市教委发布《上海市教育数字化转型实施方案(2021-2023)》,为在未来进行教室数字化以及教育水平的提升,描绘出一幅美好蓝图。10 application scenarios will be promoted including the teaching process, campus management, and teacher evaluation systems. The introduction of data-driven education is aimed at creating better teaching models and diversifying teacher training.包括教学过程,校园管理,以及教师评估体系在内的10项教育数字化应用场景将在未来不断深入发展,这种数据导向型教育体系的引入旨在打造更好的教学模式,并培训教师向不同方向进行发展。Gu XiaoqingProfessor, East China Normal University顾小清华东师范大学教授We will use accompanying digital terminals to record data on the student learning process such as their participation in lessons and feedback on assignments after class. It could enable us to better tailor our teaching based on student needs and promote their overall development.我们可以通过这种伴随式的这种终端来采集下来,就是说除了他的考试成绩之外的,其他的伴随他成长的这些数字轨迹都能够记录下来,最终就是为了要实现因材施教Li YongzhiDeputy Director, Shanghai Education Commission李永智市教委副主任We will adopt unified data, authentication【认证】and interface standards. Thus, high-quality education resources can be easily shared among schools and students.采用统一的数据标准,认证标准,接口标准来实现对于资源的共享和这个打通。通过这种方式这个优质的教育资源就可以方便地在各个学校,甚至在每一个学生之间都可以更方便地共享。Deputy Director Li also said the ultimate goal of digitalizing schools is to provide the most appropriate education for each student. In August, the Ministry of Education approved Shanghai as a trial zone for this project.李永智还提到,教育数字化的最终目标是要能够为每一个学生提供最适合其自身的教育。八月,教育部同意上海成为教育数字化的转型试点区。3. JAPAN’S KISHIDA RE-ELECTED PM AFTER STRONG GENERAL ELECTION WIN岸田文雄当选日本第101任首相Japan’s Liberal Democratic Party President Fumio Kishida was re-elected as prime minister in a special parliament session today after the LDP secured majority of votes in the House of Representatives election at the end of last month.在上月月底日本自民党获得众议院多数后,日本众议院在今天召开特别国会,岸田文雄成功通过首相指名选举,再次当选,成为日本第101任首相。After coming into power on Oct. 4, Kishida launched his second Cabinet this afternoon, his previous Cabinet resigned en masse as required by the Constitution prior to the three-day Diet session through Friday. Today’s vote was a formality given the dominance in parliament of the party and its junior coalition partner, the Liberal Democratic Party won 261 out of 465 seats in the powerful lower house chamber.在10月4日当选日本首相后,岸田文雄在为期三天的国会会议前率内阁政府全体辞职,并于下午组建了第二次岸田内阁。在10月底进行的日本众议院选举中,自民党获得了465个议员席位中的261个,而在于其它政党结成执政联盟后,他们在下议院压倒性的优势使得本次首相的选举变成了例行公事。Hiroyuki HosodaSpeaker, House of Representatives, Japan细田博之日本众议院议长Fumio Kishida has been appointed as Prime Minister by the Diet members.众议院任命岸田文雄担任日本首相。Kishida is expected to appoint former education minister, Yoshimasa Hayashi, as his foreign minister. Most of the current Cabinet members will remain unchanged as it was just formed last month when Kishida first took the office. Toshimitsu Motegi, who served as foreign minister since 2019, became the LDP’s secretary general in early October replacing Akira Amari. Following the special session, the LDP is looking to convene【召集】an extraordinary Diet session later this year to pass a supplementary budget to alleviate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. He is also looking to secure salary increases for care workers, nurses and nursery school staff.岸田预计将委任前文科相林芳正担任外交大臣,而大部分内阁成员将保持一个月前岸田第一次组阁时的职位不做变动。茂木敏充自2019年以来一直任日本外务相的职务,今年10月初,他代替甘利明开始在自民党中担任干事长。在特别会议后,自民党预计将在今年晚些时候召开一次国会特别会议,以通过扩大预算的提案,借此来缓解由新冠疫情造成的巨大影响,并且,他同时还希望能够通过提案来确保护理人员、护士和幼儿园工作人员的工资增长。#热词加油站authentication [ɔˌθentɪˈkeɪʃ(ə)n]【认证】pharmaceutical  [ˌfɑrməˈsutɪk(ə)l]【制药的】excessive [ɪkˈsesɪv]【过多的】aligns  [əˈlaɪn]【使一致】convene [kənˈvin]【召集】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
11/11/20216 minutes, 46 seconds
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11/10 TOP OF THE DAY 进博绿色发展产品/京剧电影获“金天使奖”/联合国气候变化大会

NEWS ON 11/091.  COMPANIES TARGET GREENER FUTURE瞄准“双碳”目标,进博企业展示绿色发展新产品2.SMG’S PEKING OPERA FILM POCKETS GOLDEN ANGEL AWARD国粹精品!世界首部8K京剧电影喜提“金天使奖”3.  CHINA URGES IMPLEMENTATION OF PARIS AGREEMENT应对气候变化,中国在行动!-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1. COMPANIES TARGET GREENER FUTURE瞄准“双碳”目标,进博企业展示绿色发展新产品China has set a goal of reaching peak carbon emissions before 2030 and achieving carbon neutrality by 2060. Many companies in the environmental sustainability sector are using the CIIE to present their latest products and ideas. Reporter Zhang Yue shows us some you don’t want to miss. 中国的目标是在2030年前达到碳排放峰值、2060年实现碳中和。许多致力于环境可持续发展的企业正通过进博会展示自己的最新产品和理念。Denmark-based Novozymes has high hopes for this feed enzyme【酶】. A company executive said it improves the feed utilization rate while also reducing feed costs and adverse impacts on the environment.来自丹麦的诺维信公司对这种饲料酶寄予厚望。一位公司高管表示,它提高了饲料利用率,同时还降低了饲料成本和对环境的不利影响。Lensey ChenPresident, Novozymes ChinaLensey Chen,诺维信中国区董事长Sustainability is our company’s DNA. We are providing biological solutions and utilizing the power of nature to cure the challenges that we are facing as human beings. 可持续发展是我们公司的基因。我们提供生物解决方案,利用自然的力量来解决人类所面临的挑战。Japanese electronics maker Seiko Epson has pledged to achieve negative carbon dioxide emissions and zero consumption of underground resources, especially from nonrenewable resources such as oil and metals by 2050.日本电子制造商,精工爱普生承诺到 2050 年实现二氧化碳负排放和地下资源的零消耗,尤其是石油和金属等不可再生资源。Zhang YueSMG ReporterAll right. I’m not at a gym. This bike is connected to a printer. The energy from pedaling provides electricity to the printer. One minute of pedaling provides enough power to print one piece of paper. The company says it reduces energy use by 80% compared to most printers.其实我不是在健身房。这辆自行车连上了打印机,踩踏板产生的能量可以为打印机提供电力。骑一分钟提供的能量足够打印一张纸。该公司表示,与大多数打印机相比,它可以减少80%的能源消耗。The company’s PaperLab, a dry fiber papermaker, which was at last year’s fair, has been launched on the Chinese market.该公司的干纤维造纸机PaperLab在去年的博览会上亮相,目前已在中国市场推出。Volvo Trucks revealed a new flagship vehicle. The company says it improves fuel efficiency by 3%, and cuts fuel consumption by 11%.沃尔沃卡车也发布了一款新的旗舰车型。该公司表示,它提高了3%的燃油效率,降低了11%的油耗。Michael DongSVP&President,Volvo TrucksSustainability environment and caring for the people is really our top priority. For European markets, our market share of fully electric heavy-duty trucks is over 40%. So, we really look forward that we can bring all this technology to the Chinese market.推动环境可持续发展以及对人的关注,是我们的首要任务。在欧洲市场,我们的全电动重型卡车所占的市场份额超过40%。我们真的很希望能把这些技术引入中国市场。And this electric excavator creates zero-emissions with reduced energy costs, improved efficiency, and less maintenance demands. 再看这款电动挖掘机,它实现了零排放,同时降低了能耗,提高了效率,维护需求也很少。The idea of green transportation has also been adopted by Germany-based Hexagon Purus as it expands into the Chinese market with fuel cell vehicles and hydrogen cylinders. 德国Hexagon Purus公司也推行绿色交通的理念,他们进入中国市场的主打产品是燃料电池汽车和氢气瓶。Urs LaeuppiCEO, Hexagon PurusWe want to make a contribution to support the efforts that are being made. And we want to make sure that hydrogen driven fuel cell electric vehicles are one additional option for clean transportation roads.我们想要为节能减排尽一份力。我们希望证明氢驱动的燃料电池电动汽车也能助力绿色交通。Aker BioMarine, a Norwegian fishing and biotech company, claims to solve the problem of harvesting krill in both a commercially viable and environmentally friendly way with Eco-Harvesting, a technology that brings live krill on board the boat and prevents by-catch such as birds and sea mammals.挪威渔业和生物技术公司Aker BioMarine称通过生态捕捞技术,以商业可行且环保的方式解决了捕捞磷虾的问题,该技术可以将活磷虾捕捞上船,同时防止了误捕,如鸟类和海洋哺乳动物。Thong Chi LuuSenior VIP Asia, Aker BioMarineEvery bottle(krill oil), we have a label, a QR code on that you can trace back exactly what location is harvested so they can trace them by going to our website, and you know how much we harvested and which location are we harvested from.在我们的产品包装上,每一瓶都有一个追溯原产地的二维码标签,扫码登录我们的网站,可以查询到我们捕捞了多少磷虾,在哪片海域捕捞的。And consumer goods company Unilever is promoting a new laundry capsule that it says is better for the environment because recycled industrial emissions are used instead of petroleum. The company has helped plant more than 11 square kilometers of grassland in Qinghai and surrounding areas. This is the first time the CIIE has had a special area for companies showcasing low carbon and environmental protection technologies.日用消费品公司联合利华正在推广一种新的洗衣胶囊,该公司表示,这种胶囊对环境更有利,因为它用回收工业排放物代替石油作为原料。该公司已经帮助青海及其周边地区种植了超过11平方公里的草原,这是中国国际进口博览会首次设立低碳环保技术展区。2.SMG’S PEKING OPERA FILM POCKETS GOLDEN ANGEL AWARD国粹精品!世界首部8K京剧电影喜提“金天使奖”10 films took home a Golden Angel Award in Los Angeles at the 17th Chinese American Film Festival yesterday. SMG’s Peking Opera film "The Capture and Release of Cao Cao" was lauded【夸奖】for its classic storyline dating to the 3rd-century and new techniques in cinematography.中国有10部电影在第17届中美电影节捧回“金天使奖”。上海广播电视台参与联合出品的京剧电影《捉放曹》,用最新电影科技呈现中国三国时期(公元三世纪)的经典故事,深受好评。"The Capture and Release of Cao Cao" is a classic piece from "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" based on stories in the third century. The focus is on Cao Cao, lord of the Wei Kingdom, and his vicious【恶毒的】character on his way to defeat the other 2 kingdoms and rule all of China.《捉放曹》是《三国演义》中的经典桥段,主角是最后称霸三国的一代枭雄魏王曹操。The film was produced by Shanghai Media Group and Shanghai Jingju Theater Company. It stars the nation’s leading Peking Opera actor Wang Peiyu. Directed by Teng Junjie, the film was shot at 8K resolution【清晰度】, that is 16 times higher than a regular HD film.《捉放曹》由上海广播电视台、上海京剧院等联合出品,京剧名家王珮瑜主演,国家一级导演滕俊杰执导。电影采用了8K技术拍摄,相当于高清电影16倍的超高清晰度。It was the only traditional opera film among the honorees at the Chinese American Film Festival. Chinese productions "A Writer’s Odyssey", "Cliff Walkers" and "Chinese Doctors" also picked up a Golden Angel award.《捉放曹》是本届“金天使奖”获奖名单中唯一一部国粹电影。其它获奖的中国电影还有《刺杀小说家》、《悬崖之上》和《中国医生》。3.CHINA URGES IMPLEMENTATION OF PARIS AGREEMENT应对气候变化,中国在行动!The 26th United Nations Conference of Parties on Climate Change opened on Sunday in Glasgow, Scotland. It is the first conference after the five-year review cycle under the Paris Agreement signed in 2015. Zhang Yue has more.第26届联合国气候变化大会于周日(11月7日)在苏格兰格拉斯哥开幕。这是2015年签署的《巴黎协定》继五年审查周期之后召开的首次缔约方大会。China’s Special Envoy for Climate Change Xie Zhenhua stressed that all countries should seriously honor their commitments, by backing up words with deeds in a global push for climate crisis mitigation and response adaptation. Xie elaborated China’s significant contribution in the field of energy conservation, as well as renewable energy resources development, and noted that China’s contribution accounts for 30-50 percent of the global contribution in this regard.中国气候变化事务特使解振华强调,各国应认真履行承诺,言行一致,共同推动全球减缓和应对气候危机。谢阐述了中国在节能和可再生能源开发领域的重要贡献,并指出中国在这方面的贡献占全球贡献的30-50%。Xie ZhenhuaSpecial Envoy for Climate Change Affairs解振华 中国气候变化事务特使Demonstrated by the Kuznets curve, each country will have more and more emissions in its process of development. But China has lowered its peak by a lot. We also reduced the time span. These are the efforts China has made in response to climate change.库兹涅茨曲线表明,各国在发展阶段肯定会随着发展增加排放,但是中国的排放已经把这个峰值大大降低了。我们既要压低峰值,又要缩短这个时间。这就是中国为应对气候变化做出的努力。Former U.S. President Barack Obama addressed the U.N climate change summit on Monday. The Glasgow summit is the former American president’s first since he helped deliver the 2015 Paris climate accord, when nations committed to cutting fossil fuel and agricultural emissions fast enough to keep the Earth’s warming below catastrophic levels.美国前总统巴拉克·奥巴马周一(11月8日)在联合国气候变化峰会上发表讲话。这是他自2015 年协助促成《巴黎协议》以来,第一次参加联合国气候变化峰会,当时各国承诺以足够快的速度减少化石燃料和农业排放,以将地球变暖控制在灾难性水平以下。Barack ObamaFormer U.S. President奥巴马 美国前总统Some of our progress stalled when my successor decided to unilaterally pull out of the Paris agreement in his first year in office. I wasn’t real happy about that.我的继任者(特朗普)在他执政的第一年就单方面宣布退出《巴黎协定》,使得我们的一些进展陷入停滞,我对此很不满意。Activists said on Monday that promises on financing needed to tackle the impact of climate change are not being kept, delivering their message at an event held on the sidelines of COP26 in Glasgow.而在当天大会一个活动上,有气候活动人士提出,当初各方承诺用于应对气候变化的资金并没有到位。Vanessa NakateClimate Activist from Uganda纳卡特 乌干达气候活动人士These first 100 billion dollars of climate finance was promised to arrive by 2020. It is 2021 and we are still waiting. And now they’re telling us we must wait until 2023.第一批1000亿美元资金应该在2020年前到位,现在他们又告诉我们要等到2023。After numerous rounds of negotiation, some of the stickiest issues still remain unresolved and teams of cabinet ministers from different countries are being sent to move things along.经过多轮谈判,一些最棘手的问题仍未解决,各国与会成员正在继续推进中。#热词加油站enzyme [ˈenzaɪm] n. [生化] 酶laud[lɔːd]  vt. <正式>赞美,称赞vicious [ˈvɪʃəs] adj. 严厉的,恶毒的,恶意的resolution [ˌrezəˈluːʃn] n. (电视、照相机、显微镜等的)清晰度,分辨率订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
11/10/20217 minutes, 5 seconds
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11/09 TOP OF THE DAY 十九届六中全会/中国首位出舱女航天员/寒潮来袭

NEWS ON 11/091. 19TH CPC CENTRAL COMMITTEE HOLDS SIXTH PLENARY SESSION十九届六中全会在京召开,历史性决议即将诞生2. WANG YAPING BECOMES FIRST CHINESE WOMAN TO WALK IN SPACE神十三乘组成功出舱,王亚平太空行走创造历史3. NORTHERN CHINA HIT WITH HEAVY SNOWFALL, FREEZING TEMPERATURES寒潮来袭,全国多地遭遇降雪降温天气-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1. 19TH CPC CENTRAL COMMITTEE HOLDS SIXTH PLENARY SESSION十九届六中全会在京召开,历史性决议即将诞生The 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China started its sixth plenary session in Beijing today. Xi Jinping, general secretary of the CPC Central Committee, delivered a work report on behalf of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and explained a draft resolution of the Party’s major achievements since being founded 100 years ago.中国共产党第十九届中央委员会第六次全体会议,今日(11月8日)上午在北京召开。中央委员会总书记习近平代表中央政治局向全会作工作报告,并就《中共中央关于党的百年奋斗重大成就和历史经验的决议(讨论稿)》向全会作了说明。2. WANG YAPING BECOMES FIRST CHINESE WOMAN TO WALK IN SPACE神十三乘组成功出舱,王亚平太空行走创造历史Wang Yaping became China’s first female astronaut to complete a spacewalk today as she returned to the country’s space station along with her colleague Zhai Zhigang after a 6-and-a-half-hour spacewalk. It marked the third spacewalk mission during the assembly of the space station and the first by the Shenzhou-13 crew. Song Wenjing has more.今日(11月8日),神舟十三号航天员王亚平成为了中国历史上第一位成功出舱的女航天员,他和航天员翟志刚圆满完成了6个半小时出舱活动期间全部既定任务,顺利返回中国空间站天和核心舱。这是中国载人航天工程空间站阶段第三次航天员出舱活动,是神舟十三号航天员乘组首次出舱活动。At 4:30pm yesterday, Zhai and Wang entered the docking hatch【舱口,舱门】 and donned their spacesuits, as mission commander Ye Guangfu stayed inside to monitor the mission. At 6:51pm, Zhai opened the hatch and exited the space station, 13 years after his first spacewalk.昨日(11月7日)16时30分,航天员翟志刚、王亚平进入天和核心舱节点舱并穿上了舱外航天服,航天员叶光富在舱内配合支持。18时51分,航天员翟志刚成功开启天和核心舱节点舱出舱舱门。这是翟志刚时隔13年后再次进行出舱活动。Zhai ZhigangAstronaut翟志刚,宇航员This is 01. I’ve left the space station. All good.我是01。我已出舱,感觉良好。Shuguang Copy. 曙光明白。Wang YapingAstronaut王亚平,宇航员This is 02. I’m departing the space station soon. All good.我是02。我一会儿出舱,感觉良好。Shuguang Copy. 曙光明白。Ye GuangfuAstronaut叶光富,宇航员This is 03. I’ll go on the next spacewalk. All good.我是03。我下次出舱,感觉良好。Shuguang Copy. 曙光明白。At 8:28pm yesterday, Wang exited the space station, making her the country’s first female astronaut in outer space. The mission involved installing robotic arm parts to ensure better functionality【功能】 for future tasks.20时28分,航天员王亚平 从天和核心舱节点舱成功出舱,迈出了中国女性舱外太空行走第一步。她的任务包括安装机械臂悬挂装置与转接件,以提高未来出舱活动时的协同工作能力。At 1:16am today, Wang and Zhai returned to the docking hatch after 6.5 hours. At 2:20am, Ye entered the docking hatch and embraced his crew mates.今日(11月8日)1时16分,经过约6个半小时的出舱活动,航天员王亚平、翟志刚先后返回节点舱。2时20分,叶光富进入节点舱,迎接出舱航天员。Ye GuangfuAstronaut叶光富,宇航员I’m here for you! Come on, let’s hug! 我来接你们俩了!来吧,接受03的拥抱吧!The mission was completed in next-generation spacesuits with Zhai and Wang also checking the reliability and safety of supporting equipment related to extravehicular【舱外的】 activities. 此次出舱任务进一步检验了中国新一代舱外航天服的功能性能,检验了出舱活动相关支持设备的可靠性与安全性。3. NORTHERN CHINA HIT WITH HEAVY SNOWFALL, FREEZING TEMPERATURES寒潮来袭,全国多地遭遇降雪降温天气A cold wave from western Siberia in Russia caused the blizzards that led to plummeting【骤降,暴跌】 temperatures across the country since Saturday. China has seen drops in temperature from 8 to 17 degrees nationwide. Heavy snow engulfed many parts of the country, causing road closures and suspension of public transportation. Now Bei tells us more.上周六(11月6日)以来,来自俄罗斯西西伯利亚的寒潮南下,持续发威,使中国全国气温骤降,降幅达8到17度。全国多地遭遇特大暴雪,导致道路封闭、公共交通瘫痪。Liaoning’s provincial weather service yesterday issued a red warning for heavy snowfall, the highest in the four-level warming system. Taoxian International Airport in the provincial capital of Shenyang resumed operations at 10am today after a temporary closure. But 295 expressway toll stations and all ports in the province remain closed. Forecasters say more snowfall is expected in the region tomorrow.辽宁省气象局昨日(11月7日)启动了四级气象预警信号系统中的最高级别的暴雪红色预警。位于省会沈阳市的桃仙国际机场在临时关闭后于今日(11月8日)上午10点恢复运营。不过,辽宁省高速公路仍有295个收费站封闭,港口也全部停止生产作业。气象预报员预计明日该地区还会迎来更多降雪。Zhou ChunxiaoLiaoning Provincial Meteorological Bureau周春晓,辽宁省气象台首席预报员The middle and northern areas of Liaoning will still see heavy snowfall later tonight and tomorrow. The province will experience low temperatures for the next 10 days.现在到明天这段时间在辽宁的中部和北部地区,还会出现大雪到暴雪。(未来)十天左右吧,辽宁这段时间会持续一个气温持续的这样一个状态。Competition venues for the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics and supporting facilities in Yanqing District and co-host city Zhangjiakou, Hebei Province, were also covered with snow over the weekend. Organizers took the opportunity to make artificial【人造的,人工的】 snow, which will last until the end of December.2022年北京冬奥会延庆赛区和协办城市河北张家口赛区都迎来了降雪,比赛场馆以及配套设施在周末被大雪覆盖。赛区方面也抓住了有利时机,开展了造雪作业。此次人工造雪将一直持续到12月底。Wei Qinghua2022 Beijing Winter Olympics Zhangjiakou魏庆华,北京冬奥会张家口赛区古杨树馆群山地运行场地经理The snow needs to be at least one meter deep at the stoppage area, while on the runway, it should be 40 centimeters thick.停止区这里雪的厚度基本上要达到一米左右,我们看到后面赛道坡上的厚度,它是有严格的要求,厚度在40公分。Shanghai also experienced a winter chill, as temperatures plummeted from highs in the low 20s yesterday morning to a low of around 5 degrees at night. The city issued blue alerts for both low temperatures and strong winds. Forecasters said this marked the lowest temperature in the city for early November since 2000.上海也进入了"速冻模式" ,昨日(11月7日)气温从早上的20度骤降到了晚上的5度左右。上海中心气象台已经启动了寒潮蓝色预警和大风蓝色预警。专家称这是该市自2000年以来11月上旬出现的最低气温。However, forecasters say this doesn’t necessarily mean the city is entering winter, as the temperature will gradually begin to climb again this week.然而,气象专家也表示,此次降温并不代表上海已经正式步入冬天,未来几天最高温度将逐步恢复。Wu Rui, Chief ForecasterShanghai Meteorological Bureau邬锐,上海中心气象台首席服务官There will be a noticeable increase in temperatures in the following few days, lows will climb to around 10 degrees, and highs will be back up to 18 to 20 degrees over the weekend. The national meteorological【气象的】 service has predicted several cold snaps for this upcoming winter. So the average temperature for this winter will be lower than previous years.未来气温回升也是比较明显的,到周末最低气温可以回升到10度左右,最高气温可以达到18到20度。国家气候中心刚刚发布一个消息,就是冷空气今年应该是比较频繁,所以冬天的气温可能会偏低一点。#热词加油站hatch [hætʃ]【舱口,舱门】functionality [ˌfʌŋkʃəˈnæləti]【功能】extravehicular [ˌɜkstrəvi'hɪkjələ]【舱外的】plummet [ˈplʌmɪt]【骤降,暴跌】artificial [ˌɑːrtɪˈfɪʃl]【人造的,人工的】meteorological [ˌmiːtiərəˈlɑːdʒɪkl]【气象的】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
11/9/20215 minutes, 5 seconds
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11/08 TOP OF THE DAY 全球首发应接不暇,进博会上触摸美好生活

PLENTY OF PRODUCTS TO SEE AT CIIE全球首发应接不暇,进博会上触摸美好生活-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------The CIIE has become one of the biggest marketing opportunities for exhibitors to promote their latest products and services in China. Zhang Yue has more.每年的进博会,都是全球新产品和新服务的“竞技场”“发布秀”“展示台”。Global logistics giant DHL is showcasing anelectric aircraft, which according to the company, requires a charging time of 30 minutes or less per flight hour. It also charges during loading and unloading.今年的进博会上,全球物流巨头DHL带来一架全电动飞机,30分钟内可充满每飞行小时所需的电量,在装卸货物过程中也可以进行充电。AlienGo is capable of carrying 7 kilograms worth of parcels【包裹】, and can run for twohours on one charge. The robot has been used in Singapore during the coronavirus pandemic to help reduce human interactions【互动,接触】, and will soon be promoted in Shanghai.AlienGo能载荷7公斤,充一次电能跑两小时。疫情期间,已在新加坡投入使用,以减少人际接触。在不久的将来,也有望出现在上海的街头。This Himalayan salt lamp is also attracting curious folks. Sourced from Khewra Salt Mine in Pakistan, the salt is edible【可食用的】.这款喜马拉雅盐灯也在进博会上圈粉无数,它产自于巴基斯坦的克乌拉盐矿,被称为“可以吃的灯”。CIIE Visitor进博会参观者It tastes pretty good. I’ve never heard of eating salt from a lamp before.还挺好的,就感觉特别新奇,灯还可以凿出盐来。A beer called Snake Venom comes from UK brewing company Brewmeister. It’s the world’s strongest beer with alcohol content coming in at a whopping【巨大的,很大的】 67.5%.英国啤酒商Brewmeister带来一款“蛇毒啤酒”。它是世界上度数最高的啤酒,酒精含量高达67.5%。This year’s trade fair features nearly 3,000 exhibitors from 127 countries and regions.今年进博会,共吸引了来自127个国家和地区的近3000家参展商亮相企业展。#热词加油站parcel [ˈpɑːrsl]【包裹】interaction [ˌɪntərˈækʃən]【互动,接触】edible [ˈedəbl]【可食用的】whopping [ˈwɑːpɪŋ]【巨大的,很大的】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
11/8/20214 minutes, 46 seconds
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Kongsberg Maritime:Give shipping a green push! 丨North Bund Forum

As a world leader in marine technology, why did Kongsberg Maritime choose the Shanghai (Pilot) Free Trade Zone for its supply chain and tech service centre? And how does the company intend to make shipping “greener”?We have Martin Wernli, Senior Vice President and Country Manager, Greater China, Kongsberg Maritime China Ltd. to share his insight view. ----North Bund Forum 2021-----  The North Bund Forum 2021 will be held along the Huangpu River waterfront between November 3 and 5 with themes of "openness and tolerance, innovation and reform, cooperation and mutual benefit". About 150 guests will be invited to the forum, including one-third from abroad who can share their opinions through the Internet or complete the city's strict quarantine process before attending the event.
11/7/20214 minutes, 57 seconds
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Start of Winter 立冬一日,水冷三分

Like!中国节 --- 立冬大家好,今天是立冬,Start of Winter.  The original meaning of the Chinese character 冬 is 终, the end.It indicates that we’re about to welcome the final season of a year.There is a saying 立冬补冬,补嘴空, which means it’s essential to eat nourishing food to keep up our health in winter. For instance, chicken, duck, beef, mutton and fish are usually stewed with some herbs to make it easier for the body to absorb the nutrients. Though it might surprise you, another type of food is also a great option, 饺子,dumplings, which are rich in nutrition.Well, you might think that eating dumplings is quite common, but the custom has something to do with Dr. Zhang Zhongjing. At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, which was about 1,800 years ago, Zhang saved many from a typhoid epidemic and their ears from being frostbitten around the Start of Winter. Zhang cooked mutton, hot peppers and herbs to dispel cold and increase body heat. He also wrapped these ingredients into a dough skin and made them into an ear shape, which later became known as “dumplings”.  Today, there is still a saying 立冬不端饺子碗,冻掉耳朵没人管. Now, it’s less than 100 days from the Beijing 2022 Olympic Winter Games.Athletes from all over the world will be competing in snowboarding, curling, speed skating, alpine skiing and many more events.Though we cannot participate in the games, we can do winter sports to stay fit, 冬泳 winter swimming. 立冬一日,水冷三分。Water temperatures drop rapidly after start of winter. Winter swimming is a test of mental will, and winter swimming enthusiasts believe it’s a good way to improve circulation.Here in Shanghai, if you are willing to try it the Jiading Winter Swimming Club can help. A lot of veteran winter swimmers will share their tips. And…remember to warm up afterwards and have a warm drink. Stay active, stay healthy.立冬至,愿你冬日不寒,日日温暖。
11/7/20212 minutes, 12 seconds
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Port of Antwerp: Automated port offers big opportunities 丨North Bund Forum

Does Information technology matter to ports? How will it reshape the operation of sea ports? We have Jan Van der Borght, Chief Representative in China, Port of Antwerp to share his observations. ----North Bund Forum 2021----- The North Bund Forum 2021 will be held along the Huangpu River waterfront between November 3 and 5 with themes of "openness and tolerance, innovation and reform, cooperation and mutual benefit". About 150 guests will be invited to the forum, including one-third from abroad who can share their opinions through the Internet or complete the city's strict quarantine process before attending the event.
11/6/20215 minutes, 3 seconds
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11/05 TOP OF THE DAY 第四届进博会开幕/“冰丝带”,“酷”科技/微软“宣战”Meta

NEWS ON 11/051. 4th CIIE KICKS OFF IN SHANGHAI第四届进博会开幕啦!2. OLYMPIC SPEED SKATING OVAL FEATURES COOL TECH冬奥会场馆全面完工--“冰丝带”,“酷”科技3. MICROSOFT TO EXPAND ITS METAVERSE STRATEGY微软“宣战”Meta,元宇宙哪家强?-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1. 4th CIIE KICKS OFF IN SHANGHAI第四届进博会开幕啦!President Xi Jinping has just delivered a keynote【(书、演说等的)要旨,主题】speech via video at the opening ceremony of the 4th China International Import Expo and the Hongqiao International Economic Forum. Xi said policies to further open the economy announced at the last CIIE have mostly been implemented, noting the country has overcome the impact of the pandemic and made important contributions to keeping the global supply chain intact. He said this year marks the 20th anniversary of China’s accession to the World Trade Organization, and it has fulfilled the commitments it made. China’s overall tariff level has dropped to 7.4 percent from 15.3 percent in 2001, lower than the 9.8 percent the country promised when entering the WTO. He said the country will not change its resolve 【决心】to open wider at a high standard and share opportunities with the rest of the world. The president also said China will further shorten negative list for foreign investment, expand opening up of service sectors like telecommunications and medical care, conduct stress tests for high-standard reforms in its pilot free trade zones, and deeply engage in cooperation to create a low-carbon and digital economy.习近平主席于11月4日晚以视频方式在第四节中国国际进口博览会暨虹桥国际经济论坛开幕式上发表了主旨演讲。习近平主席说道自己在第三届进博会上宣布的扩大开放措施已经基本落实,中国克服疫情影响,为维持全球供应链的稳定作出了巨大贡献。习近平主席表示,“今年是中国加入世界贸易组织20周年”,这20年来中国全面履行入世承诺。中国关税总水平由15.3%降至7.4%,低于9.8%的入世承诺。习主席称中国扩大高水平开放的决心不会变,同世界分享发展机遇的决心不会变。习主席还承诺中国将进一步缩减外资准入负面清单,有序扩大电信、医疗等服务领域的开放,在自由贸易试验区做好高水平开放压力测试。此外,中国还将深度参与绿色低碳、数字经济等国际合作。2. OLYMPIC SPEED SKATING OVAL FEATURES COOL TECH冬奥会场馆全面完工--“冰丝带”,“酷”科技Construction has been completed of all Winter Olympic sports venues and support infrastructure in the Beijing and Yanqing competition zones. Zhang Yue tells us more about the National Speed Skating Oval, also known as the "Ice Ribbon".目前北京及延庆赛区的场馆和配套基础设施已全面完工。让我们走进有"冰丝带"之称的国家速滑馆一探究竟吧。The National Speed Skating Oval can hold about 12,000 spectators. It has a high-tech curved curtain wall made of 3,360 curved pieces of glass to create a ribbon shape that resembles speed skaters in motion【运动】.国家速滑馆可容纳观众12000人。国家速滑馆的外立面是一张由3360块曲面玻璃单元拼装而成的高科技“天幕”,寓意选手在冰面上滑行如同丝带一样轻盈。Zheng FangNational Speed Skating Oval郑方 国家速滑馆公司设计总负责人The steel cables built on the roof of the "Ice Ribbon" weigh only 27 kilograms per square meter. That equates to about one-fourth of the weight of the roof of a normal sports arena. "冰丝带"实际建造里面使用的钢索,大概屋顶上每一平方米只有27公斤左右。这个和我们常规体育馆的钢结构屋顶比起来差不多是四分之一左右。It’s also the world’s first Winter Olympic venue to use carbon dioxide transcritical direct cooling technology to make ice. The technology maintains the temperature of the ice within 0.5 degrees. The 12,000-square-meter ice surface is divided into different areas, which can be used for ice hockey, speed skating, figure skating and curling at the same time. 国家速滑馆也是全球首个采用二氧化碳跨临界直冷制冰的冬奥速度滑冰场馆。该科技使得冰表面温差不超过0.5℃。近12000平方米冰面被分为若干区域,可同时开展冰球、速度滑冰、花样滑冰、冰壶等冰上运动。Ma Jin, DesignerNational Speed Skating Oval马进 国家速滑馆公司制冰系统设计负责人It has 20 percent higher refrigeration efficiency compared to a normal arena. Another advantage is that we can use waste heat to dehumidify the venue.我们这个能效和传统的技术相比,可以提升20%。还有一个很大的好处,我们可以把制冷产生的废热,用于我们场馆的除湿。The temperature of ice surface will be -7 degrees Celsius, but the seating area for spectators will be about 16 degrees. 在赛场内为了维持冰面,它的温度大概在-7℃,而我所在的观众区温度则保持在16℃左右。3. MICROSOFT TO EXPAND ITS METAVERSE STRATEGY微软“宣战”Meta,元宇宙哪家强?Microsoft appears to be jumping on the ‘metaverse’ bandwagon【风靡的活动】. The software giant is all set to present its own take on the current trend by launching ’Mesh for Teams’ next year, allowing people to take the form of customized avatars in a virtual work environment.Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella said the strategy enables people to create their own digital avatar and collaborate in a virtual environment by simply strapping on any virtual reality headset. Users can create different types of virtual environments, such as campuses, offices, and conference rooms, and meet with other digital avatars. Functions including translation and recording will also be available for people speaking different languages to communicate more easily. Microsoft overtook Apple last Friday as the world’s most valuable listed company at 2.5 trillion US dollars in capitalization after that company released the news.微软公司跟随潮流,加入元宇宙竞技赛道。该科技巨头正式宣布进军元宇宙,将在2022年推出Mesh for Teams解决方案。该方案将增加"数字化身"功能,用户能够以 3D虚拟形象访问虚拟工作空间。微软公司首席执行官纳德拉表示,只要简单地戴上任何VR设备,该项技术便能用户创建自己的“数字化身”,在虚拟环境下与他人进行合作。用户可创建如校园、办公室、会议室等各式虚拟场景,并与其他“数字化身”进行社交。此外,微软还增加了对翻译和转录的支持,以减少不同地区用户的语言障碍。该平台消息公布当天,微软市值首次突破2.5万亿美元,超越苹果,登顶全球市值第一。#热词加油站keynote [ˈkiːnoʊt] n.【 (书、演说等的)要旨,主题)】resolve [rɪˈzɑːlv] n.【决心】motion [ˈmoʊʃn] n.【运动】bandwagon [ˈbændwæɡən] n.【风靡的活动】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
11/5/20214 minutes, 2 seconds
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CMA CGM: On the path to decarbonize shipping 丨North Bund Forum 2021

What is LNG? And why CMA CGM consider it as the best technology available today to limit greenhouse gas emissions from shipping? We have Ludovic Renou, Chief Executive Officer of CMA CGM (China) Shipping Co. Ltd., to share his insight views. For 【Full Version】: Bund Forum 2021----- The North Bund Forum 2021 will be held along the Huangpu River waterfront between November 3 and 5 with themes of "openness and tolerance, innovation and reform, cooperation and mutual benefit". About 150 guests will be invited to the forum, including one-third from abroad who can share their opinions through the Internet or complete the city's strict quarantine process before attending the event.
11/4/20215 minutes, 12 seconds
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11/04 TOP OF THE DAY 工信部回应美方禁令/上海获“三大奖”一等奖/气候峰会中国发声

NEWS ON 11/31. CHINA OPPOSES U.S. FCC BAN ON CHINA TELECOM工信部:敦促美方撤回吊销中国电信国际电信服务牌照的决定2. SHANGHAI SCIENTISTS HONORED FOR NEW MATERIALS, DROUGHT-RESISTANT RICE新材料,抗旱稻,上海在“三大奖”实现“金花齐放”!3. CHINA TO “HONOR ITS WORD” ON CLIMATE信守诺言!中国将持续在气候方面为世界做出贡献-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1. CHINA OPPOSES U.S. FCC BAN ON CHINA TELECOM工信部:敦促美方撤回吊销中国电信国际电信服务牌照的决定The Chinese Ministry of Industry and Information Technology today voiced China’s strong opposition to the U.S. Federal Communications Commission ban on a China Telecom U.S. subsidiary. The statement came after the FCC voted to revoke China Telecom Americas’ license to provide telecommunications services in the United States last week. The commission cited national security as concerns as the reason for the ban. The ministry said China Telecom Americas has been operating in the U.S. for nearly 20 years, abiding by U.S. laws, regulations and regulatory requirements. The ministry urged the U.S. to stop using the "national security" concept to crack down on Chinese companies without factualjustification【正当理由】, adding that China will continue to take all necessary measures to protect the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese companies.针对美方以国家安全为由,撤销中国电信国际电信服务牌照事项,工信部今天发表声明,表示坚决反对。声明指出,中国电信美洲子公司已在美运营近20年,一直谨遵美国法律法规及监管要求。此次美方在未列出我企业具体违法事实的情况下,仅凭主观揣测和怀疑就吊销其在美国国际电信服务牌照,不符合美国市场化国家的形象,也损害了包括美国用户在内的全球消费者的正当权益。中方敦促美方撤回这一决定,以公正、无歧视的态度对待中国电信企业,停止将国家安全概念泛化、将经济问题政治化的错误做法,同时,中方也将继续采取必要措施,保护中国企业在海外的合法权益。2. SHANGHAI SCIENTISTS HONORED FOR NEW MATERIALS, DROUGHT-RESISTANT RICE新材料,抗旱稻,上海在“三大奖”实现“金花齐放”!Among the three award categories, 4 science projects in Shanghai took home first prizes, including one involving new porous【多孔的】 materials and another a rice strain that requires only half the water.在2020年度国家科学技术奖中,上海在国家自然科学奖、技术发明奖和科技进步奖"三大奖"上,牵头获得 4个一等奖,在包括新型多孔材料以及需水量减半的抗旱稻种植等项目上取得重大成果。In the Natural Science Award category, a Fudan University chemistry professor took home a first prize for creating a new method for synthesizing ordered mesoporous carbon materials. Conventional【常规的】 syntheses can only produce randomly porous materials with little control over the distribution and size of the pores. The new material has pores sized between 2 and 50 nanometers, and has a wide range of applications as catalysts or as advanced electronic materials.复旦大学赵东元院士主持完成的《有序介孔高分子和碳材料的创制和应用》摘得国家自然科学一等奖。他们解决了传统上只能合成随机大小的多孔材料的问题,成功将多孔材料的孔径固定在2-50纳米之间,使得这样的多孔材料在未来有成为催化剂或者是尖端电子材料的潜力。Zhao DongyuanAcademician, Chinese Academy of SciencesProfessor, Department of Chemistry – Fudan University赵东元 中国科学院院士 复旦大学化学系教授This project allows us to make all kinds of materials like plastic and rubber porous. These materials can henceforth become permeable.从这个项目出发,我把高分子塑料,包括橡胶,我都可以用这个方法来打成孔,这样的话,原来我们塑料都是不透气,以后我都可以做成透气的塑料。Shanghai’s agricultural scientist Luo Lijun took home a first prize for developing drought-resistant rice that can grow as a dry crop. Regular rice paddies often generate a significant amount of methane gas, which contributes to climate change. The dry rice strain reduces that considerably.上海农科专家罗利军团队主持的《水稻遗传资源的创制保护和研究利用项目》获得国家科学技术奖一等奖。他们在抗旱稻种植的发展方面发挥了重要作用,抗旱稻的推广解决了传统水稻在生长过程中经常产生大量的甲烷气体的问题,为减缓全球气候变暖做出了贡献。Luo Lijunchief scientist, SAGC罗利军 上海市农业生物基因中心 首席科学家The drought-resistant rice strain reduces water use by more than 50 percent and methane emission by 90 percent.我们种节水抗旱稻,可以节水50%以上,这是第一个好处,甲烷排放量减少90%。United Imaging’s 3-tesla Magnetic Resonance Imaging device took home first prize in the Technological Invention category. These machines have doubled the signal strength of regular scanners and provide extremely clear images. The invention allowed China to break the monopoly of overseas manufacturers.而今年的国家科技进步奖一等奖则是颁发给了上海联影医疗科技股份有限公司,他们通过多年的多学科团队联合攻关,研制出了首台国产3.0T磁共振整机产品,较其他同类产品而言,该设备提高了一倍的信号强度,能够提供更加清晰的图像。该产品的发明,有力地改变了我国高端影像核心技术缺乏的被动局面,重构了高端医疗设备国际产业格局。Liu Xin,Deputy director, Institute of Biomedicine and Biotechnology, Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences刘新 中科院深圳先进技术研究院医工所副所长Our resolution is 10 times higher than before, and the overall scan time is 5 times faster.从传统技术到最新技术,意味着我们的空间分辨率要提高10倍,采集速度要提高5倍。Among this year’s honorees, 48 projects were led or jointly developed by Shanghai scientists, that is representing 17.5 percent of the total. They have worked with scientists from 26 other cities. Half of them are in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Anhui. Shanghai’s science commission says this shows the city’s capacity to collaborate with institutions from the Yangtze Delta Region.今年的国家科学技术奖中,上海的科学家们牵头或合作完成共48项,获奖数量占到全国的17.5%,其中他们与来自其它26个城市的科学家进行了合作,半数来自于江苏,浙江和安徽地区,充分展示上海与长三角地区合作科技创新策源的硬实力。3. CHINA TO “HONOR ITS WORD” ON CLIMATE信守诺言!中国将持续在气候方面为世界做出贡献Now at the 26th United Nations Climate Change Conference of the Parties, or COP 26, in Glasgow, China’s special climate envoy Xie Zhenhua said that China will "honor its word", and reach its carbon emissions peak before 2030 as he spoke to media yesterday. Zhang Hong has more.第26届联合国气候变化大会在英国格拉斯哥举行。中国气候变化事务特使 解振华昨天接受中外媒体采访,他表示,中方将会履行自己的诺言,即在2030年前到达碳排放的峰值时间。Xie said China is already taking concrete action to achieve its ultimate aim to reach net zero emissions before 2060.解振华说到,中国已经开始采取具体措施来达到在2060年前完全实现碳中和的最终目标。Xie ZhenhuaChina’s special climate envoy解振华 中国气候变化事务特使We have made our promises and we will honor our promises with action. This is how we show our determination instead of making promises without taking action or making policies.说了,我们就得做到,这才是真正的体现力度,而不是光有目标、没有行动、没有政策,那算什么力度。Xie also called on developed nations to make good on the promise of 100 billion dollars in annual climate financing for the developing world, a goal that was missed last year.解振华还向发达国家“喊话”,称其未能履行其每年提供至少一千亿美元资助发展中国家的承诺。Leaders at the UN Climate Summit have pledged【保证】 to stop deforestation by the end of the decade and slash methane emissions, a very potent greenhouse gas. British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said yesterday it was important to guard against false hope, adding that he was cautiously optimistic but there was a very long way to go in the two-week summit.各国领导人在联合国气候峰会上承诺将在2030年底之前停止对森林的滥砍滥伐,并且大幅度消减甲烷气体的排放。英国首相鲍里斯·约翰逊在昨日说到,我们很有必要去与不切实际的希望作斗争。同时,他还表示自己抱持着审慎乐观的态度,但在为期两周的峰会上,各国领导人还有很长的路要走。Boris JohnsonBritish Prime Minister约翰逊 英国首相There are still two weeks of detailed negotiation to come. We must take care to guard against false hope and not to think in any way that the job is done, because is it not. There is still a very long way to go.接下来还要进行两周的具体谈判,要谨防抱有不切实际的希望,别以为任务已经完成,因为并没有,还有很长一段路要走。Leaders of developing nations called on their richer counterparts【相对应的人】 attending the summit yesterday, to halt rising global temperatures and release billions in climate financing.昨日,发展中国家领导人向参会的发达国家呼吁称,他们需要做出努力去遏止不断上升的全球气温,并提供百亿美元的气候资助。#热词加油站Porous [ˈpɔrəs]【多孔的】Conventional [kənˈvenʃ(ə)nəl]【常规的】Justification [ˌdʒʌstɪfɪˈkeɪʃ(ə)n]【正当理由】pledged [pledʒ]【保证】counterparts [ˈkaʊntərˌpɑrt]【相对应的人】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
11/4/20215 minutes
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11/03 TOP OF THE DAY 进博展品就位/上海迪士尼恢复运营/法澳潜艇风波

NEWS ON 11/031.EXHIBIT BROUGHT BY CHINA-EURO FREIGHT TRAIN READY TO BE SHOWNCASED AT CIIE满载进博好物!中欧班列“上海号”到家啦2.SHANGHAI DISNEY TO RESUME OPERATIONS TOMORROW上海迪士尼恢复运营 再续魔法奇缘3.AUSTRALIAN PM REJECTS SLEDGING FROM FRANCE OVER SCRAPPED SUBMARINE DEAL法澳潜艇风波:高层互呛,到底谁在说谎?-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1.EXHIBIT BROUGHT BY CHINA-EURO FREIGHT TRAIN READY TO BE SHOWNCASED AT CIIE满载进博好物!中欧班列“上海号”到家啦Basin cleaning equipment from Germany has been installed in the CIIE exhibition hall. It is one of the exhibits recently brought to Shanghai by the China-Euro Freight Train. The product allows a thorough cleaning of deposits in basins and reservoirs. It was developed by HST, a German company specializing in clean energy. The unit was installed and tested at the exhibition hall by Chinese engineers with the help of some German engineers via【通过】 video call. Operators of the China-Euro freight train that runs between Shanghai and Hamburg say the overland mode of transport is 17 days faster than sea freight, and 80% cheaper than air freight.来自德国的基础清洁设备已在进博会场馆完成布展。该仪器是近日搭载“中欧班列”从德国运抵的展品之一。该设备由德国环保企业HST研制,可对水池、水库沉积物进行全面彻底的清洁。通过德方的线上视频指导,中方工程师已在场馆内安装并测试了此项展品。列车运营方表示,往返上海和德国汉堡之间的“中欧班列”在时间上比海运快了17天,在费用上比空运节省近80%。2.SHANGHAI DISNEY TO RESUME OPERATIONS TOMORROW上海迪士尼恢复运营 再续魔法奇缘Shanghai Disneyland and Disneytown, which were closed for two days due to a COVID-19 investigation, will resume 【重新开始】 operations tomorrow. The theme park will operate from 10am to 7pm, and Disneytown from 10am to 9pm. Shanghai Disney Resort cast members and third-party employees have completed two nucleic acid tests within 48 hours. All of them have tested negative. The environment samples also returned negative. Visitors with tickets for the last two days can contact the vendor and get a refund or exchange their tickets for a new date. 因疫情排查在过去两天内暂停开放的上海迪士尼乐园和迪士尼小镇将于明天(11月3日)恢复运营。上海迪士尼乐园的运营时间为上午10点到晚上7点,迪士尼小镇的运营时间为上午10点到晚上9点。上海迪士尼乐园和迪士尼小镇所有的演职人员和第三方工作人员都已经在48小时内完成了两次核酸检测,结果均为阴性。所有采集的环境样本均为阴性。购买了过去两天门票的游客可按渠道办理退票或改期前往。3. SLEDGING FROM FRANCE OVER SCRAPPED SUBMARINE DEAL法澳潜艇风波:高层互呛,到底谁在说谎?Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison shot back at French President Emmanuel Macron yesterday after Macron accused Morrison of lying to him over an abandoned submarine contract in September. Lei Shuran has more.法国总统马克龙指责澳大利亚总理莫里森就九月弃购法国潜艇的事宜“故意欺骗”,澳总理昨日予以回击。Morrison said his nation will not accept sledging and slurs【诽谤】and denied he had lied to the French president. He said he had explained to Macron that conventional submarines would not meet Australia’s strategic interests when the two leaders met in Paris in June.莫里森表示,澳大利亚不接受污蔑和诽谤。他澄清说,自己没有撒谎,在今年6月的巴黎会面中就已经向马克龙清楚地解释过,法方的常规潜艇已无法满足澳大利亚的战略需要。Scott MorrisonAustralian Prime Minister莫里森 澳大利亚总理I’ve got broad shoulders, I can deal with that. But those slurs, I’m not going to cop【忍受】sledging at Australia, I’m not going to cop that on behalf of Australians.我承受能力强,能经受得住那些指控。但我不容许马克龙污蔑澳大利亚,我也不能代表澳大利亚人忍受污蔑。During a meeting ahead of the G20 summit last Friday, US President Joe Biden admitted that the U.S. was clumsy in its handling of the contract signed between the UK, the US and Australia that lost France billions. Relations between France and Australia blew up in September after Australia canceled a 90-billion Australian dollar deal with France to build 12 submarines and instead negotiated a defense pact with the US and the UK. 早在上周五G20峰会召开之前的一次会议上,美总统拜登便承认美方在英美澳三国的潜艇合作中做法欠妥,三方协议(间接)致使法国损失百亿。自九月澳大利亚取消与法国签署的价值900亿澳元的12架核潜艇合同,转而寻求与英、美的国防合作之后,澳、法两国关系便已僵化。#热词加油站via [ˈvaɪə] prep.通过resume [rɪˈzuːm] v.重新开始slurs [slɜːr] v.诽谤cop [kɑp] v.忍受;遭受订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
11/3/20212 minutes, 38 seconds
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11/02 TOP OF THE DAY 中国申请加入DEPA/诺奖得主齐聚上海/陆家嘴咖啡文化节

NEWS ON 11/021. CHINA FILES FORMAL APPLICATION TO JOIN DIGITAL TRADE AGREEMENT主动出击!中国正式申请加入DEPA2. NOBEL PRIZE WINNERS WEIGH IN AT WORLD LAUREATES FORUM顶尖科学家论坛开幕,诺奖得主齐聚上海3. SIP A CUPPA JOE AT LUJIAZUI COFFEE FESTIVAL打卡陆家嘴咖啡文化节,参与一年一度“咖啡狂欢”-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1. CHINA FILES FORMAL APPLICATION TO JOIN DIGITAL TRADE AGREEMENT主动出击!中国正式申请加入DEPAChina has filed a formal application to join the Digital Economy Partnership Agreement, the Ministry of Commerce said today. The DEPA was signed by Chile, New Zealand and Singapore in June last year, and aims at facilitating economic engagement and trade in the digital realm. 中国商务部今日(11月1日)表示,中国已正式申请加入《数字经济伙伴关系协定》。该协议由智利、新西兰和新加坡于去年6月签署,旨在促进数字领域的经济参与和贸易。The Ministry of Commerce said minister Wang Wentao submitted the application today, stating it is in accordance with the country’s efforts to further deepen reform and expand high-level liberalization. It will also help China strengthen cooperation with other DEPA members in the digital economic sector, as well as promoting innovation and sustainable【可持续的】 development.商务部部长王文涛于今日(11月1日)正式提交申请,商务部表示,申请加入协定符合中国进一步深化国内改革和扩大高水平对外开放的方向,有助于中国在新发展格局下与各成员加强数字经济领域合作、促进创新和可持续发展。2. NOBEL PRIZE WINNERS WEIGH IN AT WORLD LAUREATES FORUM顶尖科学家论坛开幕,诺奖得主齐聚上海More than 130 Nobel Prize laureates【获奖者】 from around the world and winners of top science honors including the Turing Award attended the opening ceremony of the 4th World Laureates Forum in Lingang this morning. Reporter Sun Siqi was there.今日(11月1日)上午,第四届世界顶尖科学家论坛在中国(上海)自由贸易试验区临港新片区开幕,来自世界各地的130多位诺贝尔奖获得者和图灵奖等世界顶尖科学奖项获得者出席了开幕仪式。The president of the 10th National Committee of the China Association for Science and Technology maintains that artificial intelligence will spearhead societal change, much like the roles steam engines and computers played in past tech revolutions. For that to happen he contends that scientists and infrastructure【基础设施】 developers need to increasingly think across disciplines. 中国科学技术协会主席万钢认为,人工智能将引领社会变革,像过去的蒸汽机和计算机那样驱动新一轮技术革命。要推动人工智能技术发展水平不断进步,科研人员和基础设施开发人员需要更多地尝试跨学科思考。2013 Nobel Prize laureate Michael Levitt and 1986 Turing Award winner John Hopcroft agreed that greater support needs to be given to researchers in basic science. 2013年诺贝尔奖获得者迈克尔·莱维特和1986年图灵奖获得者约翰·霍普克罗夫特一致认为,需要给予基础科学研究人员更多的支持。John Hopcroft1986 Turing Award Winner约翰·霍普克罗夫特,1986年图灵奖获得者Basic research has led to major advances. The reason for this is that researchers in basic research look in all kinds of different directions. Occasionally, a basic researcher stumbles upon a new direction that leads to a new subfield, and possibly creates a new industry and millions of jobs.基础研究引领重大科学发现。这是因为参与基础研究的科研人员会从各个不同的角度看待问题。有时,一位基础研究人员会偶然发现一个新的研究方向,由此形成一个新的研究子领域,并可能创造一个新的行业和数百万个就业机会。Organizers also unveiled the World Laureates Association prize. Scientists at the panel discussion noted that while researchers from around the world work well in fields like reducing carbon and the COVID-19 pandemic, it is still difficult for them to cooperate in areas where nations have competition. Thus, the goal for the forum is to call for greater willingness to share and find more efficient ways for that to happen.论坛主办方还宣布创设“世界顶尖科学家协会奖”。参加论坛的科学家们指出,尽管来自世界各地的科学研究人员在控制碳排放和新冠疫情防控等领域都取得了很大进展,但他们仍然难以在各国相互竞争的科研领域开展合作。因此,论坛的目标便是呼吁更广泛的分享合作,并为此找到更有效的实现方式。Sun SiqiICS Reporter孙思奇,ICS记者For tomorrow and the day after, the scientists are going to be breaking apart into smaller groups, where they talk about issues in their specific fields, including physics and quantum computing. They’ll also be touching upon some general issues that require coordinated efforts from the world’s scientists, including cutting carbon and developing new medications.明后两天(11月2、3日),参加论坛的科学家们将分组讨论各自研究领域的问题,包括物理学和量子计算。他们还将探讨一些需要全世界科学家合作解决的共同难题,包括减少碳排放以及开发新药品。3. SIP A CUPPA JOE AT LUJIAZUI COFFEE FESTIVAL打卡陆家嘴咖啡文化节,参与一年一度“咖啡狂欢”The annual Lujiazui Coffee Festival returned to the central green land area over the weekend. The event, in its sixth year, featured 213 coffee brands, including some by 25 independent coffee shops from across the country.一年一度的陆家嘴咖啡文化节在上周末重新登陆了中心绿地。咖啡文化节现在已经举办到了第六届,今年共有213家咖啡品牌参加,包括来自全国25座城市的独立咖啡馆。Apart from all the caffeine【咖啡因】 fueled fun, guests could gaze upon art installations【装置】 made of coffee grounds that were set up to raise environmental protection awareness. A dictionary teaching people basic sign language about coffee was also launched to encourage people to care for the disabled.除了享受咖啡因带来的快乐外,游客还能欣赏到由咖啡渣制作而成的艺术装置,它们的设立旨在推广“可持续环保”理念。此外,咖啡文化节上还推出了一本教授人们咖啡相关基本手语的词典,旨在鼓励人们关心残障人士。Shanghai now exceeds New York in having the most number of coffee shops in the world, and Lujiazui ranks first in Shanghai with nearly 200 cafes.目前,上海的咖啡馆数量超过了美国纽约,是世界上咖啡馆最多的城市,而陆家嘴有近200家咖啡馆,位居上海第一。#热词加油站sustainable [səˈsteɪnəbl]【可持续的】laureate [ˈlɔːriət]【获奖者】infrastructure [ˈɪnfrəstrʌktʃər]【基础设施】installations [ˌɪnstəˈleɪʃənz]【装置】caffeine [ˈkæfiːn]【咖啡因】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
11/2/20213 minutes, 38 seconds
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10/29 TOP OF THE DAY 儿童新冠疫苗/熊爪咖啡--无声暖人心/以色列住房扩建项目

NEWS ON 10/291. LOCAL CHILDREN AGED 6-11 CAN NOW GET VACCINATED 上海家长请注意:6-11岁儿童接种新冠疫苗安全吗?2. “BEAR-PAW CAFE” GIVES PAUSE FOR THOUGHT ABOUT THE DISABLED熊爪咖啡——寂静的温暖3.ISRAELI COMMITTEE APPROVES NEW SETTLEMENT IN WEST BANK欲扩西岸定居点?巴以冲突再升温-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1.LOCAL CHILDREN AGED 6-11 CAN NOW GET VACCINATED 上海家长请注意:6-11岁儿童接种新冠疫苗安全吗?Parents can now book an appointment for their children aged 6 to 11 to be vaccinated against the coronavirus through the health cloud app, or Jiankangyun. Many parents consulted doctors for more information. Zhang Yue has more.上海家长现可通过手机“健康云”APP为6-11岁的孩童预约新冠疫苗接种。许多家长已向医生咨询相关疫苗接种信息。One local parent was concerned whether her 8-year-old daughter could get vaccinated as she had pediatric epilepsy when she was only three months old. One doctor said children like this can get the shots if the pediatric epilepsy was controlled and never reappeared. 一位当地家长对自己八岁大的女儿是否可以接种新冠疫苗表示担忧。家长称,女儿在2、3个月大的时候被诊断为小儿癫痫。医生表示,只要病情得到控制且不再复发,癫痫患儿还是可以接种疫苗的。Zeng Mei, Director of Infection Dept.Children’s Hospital of Fudan University曾玫 复旦大学附属儿科医院感染科主任In most cases, children are able to receive the vaccine if their disease has been controlled for two to three months.多数情况下,孩子病情控制稳定2到3个月之后就能接种疫苗了。Children who have an irregular heart beat can also get a shot and doctors also say younger patients can get jabbed if they avoid the period of acute【(疾病)急性的】attack of allergic diseases including asthma and eczema. Doctors do not suggest children get vaccinated if their illness or disease has not been controlled. Patients with serious hereditary or allergic conditions such as angioedema are not suitable for getting vaccinated.医生表示,有心律失常问题的孩童依旧可以接种疫苗。同时,像有过敏性哮喘、湿疹等过敏疾病的儿童,只要不在疾病的急性发作期,则是可以接种新冠疫苗的。若病情未得到控制,则不建议接种。有严重性遗传病或像血管水肿等过敏性问题的病人不适合接种。Huang ZhuoyingSH Center For Disease Control& Prevention黄卓英 上海市疾控中心免疫规划所负责人、副主任医师Many places in China have already started vaccinating children aged above three. I believe Shanghai’s vaccination plan for children in this age group will begin soon based on the needs and demands of the city.现在呢,很多地方已经启动三岁以上的这个小朋友的接种。那么我们呢,也会根据本市的一个情况,逐步放开来,那么相信不久的将来,就可以接种上更加小年龄的小朋友了。The government said vaccinations for Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan, as well as expat 【移居外国的】children aged 6 to 11 will be announced in the future.政府表示未来也将对中国香港地区、澳门地区及台湾地区6-11岁的孩童和该年龄段的外籍子女逐步开放新冠疫苗的接种。2. “BEAR-PAW CAFE” GIVES PAUSE FOR THOUGHT ABOUT THE DISABLED熊爪咖啡——寂静的温暖Well outside the venue...About 7 percent of the country’s population or 85 million people live with a disability. In Shanghai, reporter Sun Siqi checks out a "Bear-Paw" cafe that serves as a good example of how people with disabilities can work and contribute to society.我国有850万残障人士,大约占总人口数的7%。在上海的 “熊爪咖啡”店里,残障人士充分诠释了他们是如何工作并回馈社会的。我台记者孙思奇前去一探究竟。Customer No. S7022. Honeycomb macchiato, Please.S7022号,蜂巢玛奇朵来喽。With a flower petal decorating the rim【边沿】, a cup of coffee was handed from a hole by a furry bear claw. Cafe Hinichijou, which means "extraordinary" in Japanese, has drawn hordes of customers since opening last December. Its popularity is not just down to its creative serving style that is a magnet for those seeking selfies to post on social media, but also the cafe’s goal of providing jobs for the disabled.一只毛茸茸的熊爪从小洞里递了一杯咖啡出来,杯边还装点着一片花瓣。Hinichijou在日语里面表示“非凡”,熊爪咖啡(Hinichijou Café)自去年12月开业以来吸引了大量顾客。它的走红不仅仅是因为其独特的服务方式吸引了前来拍照“打卡”的顾客,更重要的是,这是一家为残障人士提供工作机会的咖啡店。Behind the store’s gray facade is a group of baristas with hearing and speaking disabilities including Chen Yingying, who won the coffee brewing contest at the 2019 National Professional Competition for People with Disabilities.在咖啡店灰色外墙内是一群患有听说障碍的咖啡师们。其中一位--陈莹莹,在2019年获得了全国残疾人职业技能大赛咖啡冲调项目的冠军。Chen Yingying, BaristaHinichijou Café陈莹莹 咖啡师The biggest challenge for me is frothing milk, which is usually done by listening to the sound of the froth. All I have to do is to follow the steps from teaching videos and rely on my feelings and eyes to practice the skill again and again until I can master it.对我而言,最大的挑战是打奶泡。我需要听声的蒸汽大小和进气量。笨方法是从模仿开始,一天天不停练习,多看教学视频。通过手触觉和眼睛观赏,不断反复练习会提高。Li Jia, Shop OwnerHinichijou Café李佳 熊爪咖啡店长Sometimes, they are shy of having contact with customers. I will write notes to them saying "Don’t be afraid" as they all have their own strengths. I have witnessed their changes from being very shy to becoming outgoing members of the team.他们有时候会很害怕怎么跟客人沟通。我就会在手写板上告诉他们不用害怕,因为我们有自己的强项。后来他们就从一个胆子很小的伙伴,到很乐意跟我们的客人亲密接触,这是我作为旁观者看着他们一步步走过来的。The brand now has 8 cafes in Shanghai, plus one each in Hangzhou and Nanjing. More than half of its employees have a hearing or speaking-impairment. Three have been promoted to managerial positions including Chen Yingying, who is now in charge of the brand’s training program.目前熊爪咖啡在上海已有8家分店,杭州、南京还各有一家。咖啡店超半数的员工为听障人士。其中三位听障咖啡师已接任管理职位,包括陈莹莹,目前负责品牌职工的培训项目。Chen Yingying, BaristaHinichijou Café陈莹莹 咖啡师I’m more confident now. It’s the life I want. I will encourage more disabled people like me to work hard, be grateful and live a wonderful life.慢慢有自信融入社会了,现在的生活才是想要的生活。以后要帮助更多的人能努力拼搏,学会感恩,活出自己的人生精彩。This is not the first cafe to hire people with disabilities. More "silent" cafes have sprung up in the city including Starbucks, where they employ people with a hearing or speech impairment. To help more disabled people find a job, the Shanghai Disabled Persons’ Federation has rolled out several training programs that include making handicrafts, baking, computer maintenance and other skills. An average of 15,000 people apply each year.熊爪咖啡并非雇佣残障人士的首家咖啡店。还有更多的“无声”咖啡店在上海这座城市里涌现--星巴克咖啡也雇佣患有听说障碍的咖啡师。为了帮助残疾人士找到合适的工作,上海残联推出了手工艺、烘培、计算机维护及其他技巧培训项目班。平均每年大约有1.5万人申请。Chen DongyuanVice Director of Education& Employment, SH Disabled Persons’ Federation陈栋渊 上海市残联教育就业处副处长We will also provide career guidance and follow-up services for the disabled to help them better adapt to their jobs. We will give professional instructions to employers and support startup projects like "Bear-Paw Cafe" to help the disabled in their job search.下一步除了职业培训外,我们还会有职业介绍、职业指导及后续岗位跟踪。目的是为了帮助残疾人更好地适应岗位,并实现稳定就业。除此之外,我们还会为相关单位进行用工指导。我们也会跟相关部门一起支持像熊掌咖啡这样的残疾人创新创业项目。Last year, 380,000 disabled people in the country found new jobs, bringing the total number of employed disabled to 8.62 million. According to the country’s 14th Five-year Plan, an additional 2 million disabled people are expected to receive vocational training by 2025.去年大约有38万残障人士找到了新工作,我国受雇残障人士已达到862万。据我国第14个五年计划,在2025年前,额外的200万残障人士有望获得职业培训。3.ISRAELI COMMITTEE APPROVES NEW SETTLEMENT IN WEST BANK欲扩西岸定居点?巴以冲突再升温An Israeli governmental body approved more than 3,000 housing units for Jewish settlers in the occupied West Bank on Wednesday. Zhang Yue has more.以色列政府已批准在约旦河西岸为犹太定居者建造3000套住房的计划。An Israeli defense official said a planning forum gave the final go-ahead【许可】for the construction of 1,800 homes, as well as preliminary approval for plans to build an additional1,344 more. The United States had already voiced its strong opposition to the expansion of settlements in the West Bank.一名以色列国防官员表示,一规划论坛初步批准了建造1344套住房的计划,并最终批准了建造1800套住房的项目。美国政府对此扩建项目表示强烈反对。Ned PriceState Department Spokesman普莱斯 美国国务院发言人We strongly oppose the expansion of settlements, which is completely inconsistent with efforts to lower tensions and to ensure calm, and it damages the prospects for a two state solution.我们强烈反对扩建定居点。此行为与为缓和紧张局势和恢复平静的努力完全相悖,它破坏了"两国方案"的前景。The Palestinians view the settlements as the main obstacle【阻碍】to peace, and most of the international community considers them illegal. They are located in the West Bank, a territory that Israel has controlled since the war of 1967. The Palestinians wish to build their future state on these lands.巴勒斯坦方面认为定居点住房问题是阻碍和平的主要障碍,国际社会的大多数成员也视以色列此举为非法行为。住房项目分布于约旦河西岸,该地区自1967年来一直被以色列占领。巴勒斯坦人希望将未来的巴勒斯坦国建设在这片土地上。Sabri Saidam, Deputy Secretary GeneralThe Fatah Central Committee萨布里·赛达姆 巴勒斯坦民族解放运动中央委员会副秘书长This is nothing but a declaration of war. It’s clear that Israel is intending, intentionally, to damage the will and the wish of the Palestinian people and their aspiration.这无疑是在宣战。很明显,以色列正蓄意摧毁巴勒斯坦人民的意志和愿望。This is the largest number of new homes to be approved since the inauguration of Prime Minister Naftali Bennett’s government in June. Bennett, the leader of the pro-settler Yamina party, leads a cross-partisan coalition government that includes parties that object to the expansion of the settlements.该项目是自以色列总理纳夫塔利·本内特六月份新组建政府以来批准过的最大数量的住房项目。本内特为右翼党派亚米纳的领导人,该党支持犹太人定居点建设。本内特目前领导着一个多党派联盟政府,其中包含反对定居点扩建的党派。#热词加油站acute [əˈkjuːt]【(疾病)急性的】expat 同 expatriate [ˌeksˈpeɪtriət]【移居外国的】rim [rɪm]【边沿】go-ahead [ˈɡoʊ əhed] 【许可】obstacle [ˈɑːbstəkl]【阻碍】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
10/29/20216 minutes, 29 seconds
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10/27 TOP OF THE DAY 北京冬奥会纪念币亮相/首发"上海号"抵达汉堡/北外滩航运论坛

NEWS ON 10/271. PBOC ISSUES NEW SET OF COMMEMORATIVE COINS FOR BEIJING WINTER GAMES冬奥会倒计时100天,金银纪念币精彩亮相!2. 1 ST CHINA-EURO SHANGHAI FREIGHT TRAIN ARRIVES IN HAMBURG首班“中欧班列-上海号”顺利抵达汉堡!3.SHANGHAI TO HOST SHIPPING FORUM2021北外滩国际航运论坛将在沪开幕-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1. PBOC ISSUES NEW SET OF COMMEMORATIVE COINS FOR BEIJING WINTER GAMES冬奥会倒计时100天,金银纪念币精彩亮相!With just 100 days to go before the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics, the central bank today issued a second set of 10 commemorative coins for the sporting extravaganza【华丽的表演】. The gold and silver coins, all legal tender【法定货币】, have the official emblem of the 24th Winter Olympics on one side along with the Great Wall and snowflakes. The reverse side features different designs, including mascots【吉祥物】of the 24th Winter Olympics and various winter sports. The first set of nine Beijing 2022 commemorative coins were launched in December 2020.在北京冬奥会倒计时100天的重要时刻,为庆祝此次体育盛会,中国人民银行于今日(10月26日)发行一套10枚金银纪念币(第2组)。此套纪念币为中华人民共和国法定货币,正面图案均为第24届冬季奥林匹克运动会会徽,并衬以长城、雪花等元素组合设计。纪念币背面设计各式各异,图案包含本届冬奥会的吉祥物及各类冬奥会运动项目。北京冬奥会第一组金银纪念币已于2020年12月发行。2. 1 ST CHINA-EURO SHANGHAI FREIGHT TRAIN ARRIVES IN HAMBURG首班“中欧班列-上海号”顺利抵达汉堡!The first China-Euro "Shanghai Express" freight train arrived in Hamburg today, the largest port city in Germany. It departed from Shanghai at the end of last month. Sun Siqi has the details.首发“上海号”中欧班列已于今日(10月26日)顺利抵达德国最大港口城市汉堡。该直达货运班列于上月底从上海驶离。At 9am local time, the Shanghai Express, loaded with 50 containers of cargo, entered the Hamburg Bulverde freight station. As the largest port in Germany, Hamburg is also one of the largest terminals for China-Europe trade; nearly one-third of the containers are either going to or coming from China. Hamburg has also been one of Shanghai’s sister cities for 35 years.当地上午9点,满载着50个集装箱的中欧班列“上海号”抵达汉堡布尔弗德货运站。作为德国最大的港口城市,汉堡也是中欧贸易之间最大的终点站之一,近三分之一的集装箱贸易来往于中国。汉堡和上海是缔结了35年友好关系的姊妹城市。The cheaper and safer China-Euro freight trains are very popular as the pandemic has led to high prices for air and sea transport.由于疫情期间海运、空运价格飙升,更为低廉、安全的中欧火车货运方式广受欢迎。Michael WesthagenmannDeputy Mayor of Hamburg迈克尔·韦斯塔格曼 汉堡副市长We learned how important it is to have a shorter and faster mode of transport between China and Germany during the pandemic. I hope that the scope of train operations will be expanded in the next few years.我们在疫情中体会到中德之间更短、更快的运输方式有多么重要。我希望在接下来的几年,列车运营范围还能够扩大。Before the opening of the 4th China International Import Expo, a train from Hamburg arrived in Shanghai carrying exhibits from Germany. 在第四届中国国际进口博览会即将召开之际,搭载着部分展品的一列货车从汉堡驶来,已于日前抵达上海。Wang Wei, Deputy Consul GeneralChinese Consulate General in Hamburg王玮 中国驻汉堡副总领事I think Germany is aware that China aims to demonstrate its firm determination to maintain economic globalization and trade liberalization through the expo, and I believe that this will help Hamburg to participate in the joint construction of the Belt and Road Initiative.我觉得德国也意识到了,中国其实通过进博会、通过其他很多措施,实际是在展现我们维持经济全球化和贸易自由化的坚定决心。相信这(班列开通)有助于汉堡更全面、更深入地参与我们共建"一带一路"。There will be one trip per week this year, and more trains will be added in the future. It is expected that 500 China-Euro freight trains will depart【离开;起程】 from Shanghai annually. 该班列目前每周开行一次,之后将逐步增加开行频次,预计将来每年达到500次发车量。3.SHANGHAI TO HOST SHIPPING FORUM2021北外滩国际航运论坛将在沪开幕The 20-21 North Bund Forum will take place from November 3rd to 5th and is being organized by the Shanghai government and the Ministry of Transportation. Themed "Openness and Inclusiveness, Innovation and Reform, and Win-win Co-operation’, a series of activities and collaborative programs will be revealed during the forum, as well as a set of announcements regarding the shipping industry, the development of ports and energy saving. The government said the event will allow an exchange of ideas on major issues in the global shipping industry. 2021北外滩国际航运论坛将于11月3日至5日在上海市虹口区北外滩举行。该论坛由上海市人民政府、交通运输部共同主办,主题为“开放包容,创新变革,合作共赢”。该论坛聚焦航运经济、港口发展和节能减排方面的重要成果,其他系列活动、合作项目也将在此次会议中发布。上海市政府表示将力争把北外滩国际航运论坛打造成为全球航运领域重大问题的交流平台。#热词加油站extravaganza [ɪkˌstrævəˈɡænzə] n.【华丽的表演】legal tender [ˌliːɡl ˈtendər] n.【法定货币】mascot [ˈmæskɑːt] n.【吉祥物】depart [dɪˈpɑːrt] v.【离开;起程】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
10/27/20212 minutes, 58 seconds
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10/26 TOP OF THE DAY联合国合法席位/进博会艺术珍品/冬奥防疫手册

NEWS ON 10/261. XI SAYS RESTORATION OF PRC'S UN SEAT HAS FAR-REACHING IMPACT新中国恢复联合国合法席位50周年,习近平主席发表重要讲话2. HIGH VALUED ART PIECES TO BE INTRODUCED AT THIS YEAR'S CIIE进博会开辟新展区,世界艺术珍品走进上海3. FIRST EDITION OF BEIJING 2022 PLAYBOOK PUBLISHED冬奥会首版《防疫手册》发布,北京修炼防疫 “金钟罩”-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1. XI SAYS RESTORATION OF PRC'S UN SEAT HAS FAR-REACHING IMPACT新中国恢复联合国合法席位50周年,习近平主席发表重要讲话President Xi Jinping today said that the restoration of the lawful seat of the People’s Republic of China in the United Nations was a momentous event for the world and the United Nations. Xi made the remarks in Beijing at a conference marking the 50th anniversary of the restoration of the PRC’s lawful UN seat. Song Wenjing has more.国家主席习近平今日(10月25日)在北京出席中华人民共和国恢复联合国合法席位50周年纪念会议并发表重要讲话。他表示新中国恢复在联合国合法席位,是世界上的一个大事件,也是联合国的一个大事件。Xi said for the last 50 years, the Chinese people have upheld the authority and sanctity【神圣性】 of the United Nations, and China’s cooperation with the United Nations has deepened steadily. China is now the second largest financial contributor to both the United Nations and US peacekeeping operations. It has been among the first countries to meet the UN Millennium Development Goals, and has taken the lead in implementing【贯彻,落实】 the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. China has acted in the spirit of the UN Charter and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and made major contributions to human rights progress in China and the international human rights cause.习近平表示,新中国恢复在联合国合法席位以来的50年,中国人民始终维护联合国权威和地位,同联合国合作日益深化,已经成为第二大联合国会费国、第二大维和摊款国。中国率先实现联合国千年发展目标,带头落实2030年可持续发展议程。中国始终遵循联合国宪章和《世界人权宣言》精神,为中国人权进步和国际人权事业作出了重大贡献。Xi pointed out that changes unseen in a century are accelerating, and the push for peace, development and progress has continued to grow. He called on the world to advocate peace, development, equity, justice, democracy and freedom, and work together to provide the right guiding philosophy while building a better world.习近平指出,当前,世界百年未有之大变局加速演进,和平发展进步力量不断增长。我们应该大力弘扬和平、发展、公平、正义、民主、自由的全人类共同价值,共同为建设一个更加美好的世界提供正确理念指引。He called on the world to jointly promote the building of a community with a shared future for mankind, and work together to build an open, inclusive, clean and beautiful world that enjoys lasting peace, universal security and common prosperity.我们应该携手推动构建人类命运共同体,共同建设持久和平、普遍安全、共同繁荣、开放包容、清洁美丽的世界。The president called on the world to stay committed to mutual benefits and win-win results, and work together to promote economic and social development for the greater benefit of all people. Countries should put their people front and center, and strive to realize development with a higher level of quality, efficiency, equity, sustainability and security.我们应该坚持互利共赢,共同推动经济社会发展更好造福人民。世界各国应该坚持以人民为中心,努力实现更高质量、更有效率、更加公平、更可持续、更为安全的发展。Xi called on the world to step up cooperation, and work together to address the various challenges and global issues facing humanity. Countries need to encourage environmental protection, green production and green consumption, and let a sound ecology and environment be the inexhaustible【不竭的】 source of sustainable development. 我们应该加强合作,共同应对人类面临的各种挑战和全球性问题。世界各国应该采取实际行动为自然守住安全边界,鼓励绿色复苏、绿色生产、绿色消费,让良好生态环境成为可持续发展的不竭源头。Xi also called on the world to resolutely uphold the authority and standing of the United Nations, and work together to practice true multilateralism【多边主义】. International rules can only be made by the 193 UN member states together, and not decided by individual countries or blocs of countries. International rules should be observed by the 193 UN member states, and there is and should be no exception.习近平还呼吁,应该坚决维护联合国权威和地位,共同践行真正的多边主义。国际规则只能由联合国193个会员国共同制定,不能由个别国家和国家集团来决定。国际规则应该由联合国193个会员国共同遵守,没有也不应该有例外。2. HIGH VALUED ART PIECES TO BE INTRODUCED AT THIS YEAR'S CIIE进博会设立新展区,世界艺术珍品走进上海The fourth China International Import Expo will open a new section for cultural artifacts. The first shipment arrived today and underwent comprehensive security checks. Lei Shuran has more.第四届中国国际进口博览会将为文物艺术品设立新的展区。首批展品今日(10月25日)抵沪,并完成了全面的入境安全查验。One of the highlights of the exhibits is "Beatrice Hastings" a painting by well-known Italian artist Amedeo Modigliani. Created in 1915, the painting worth over 100 million yuan is considered as the most expensive painting in the cultural artifact section of this year’s import expo.展品中的一大亮点便是意大利著名艺术家莫迪利安尼的人物肖像画《门前的阿特丽斯·哈斯丁》。这幅画创作于1915年,价值超过1亿元,被认为是本届进博会参展价值最高的文物类展品。Zhuang Jun, Asian Contemporary Art Dept.Christie’s庄俊,佳士得亚洲现代艺术拍卖主管The painting has been displayed more than a dozen times in several art museums around the world and also has been published several times. Since collections of Modigliani’s paintings are very limited, we feel very lucky to bring one of his pieces to the expo.这张作品也是在全世界各大美术馆展览了十多次,出版几十次。这一两年上拍的莫迪利安尼并不多,因为实在量太少,所以这次我们能把这幅作品带到中国上海进博会,非常幸运。Apart from Modigliani’s painting, Christie’s will also showcase other pieces from artists Zhang Daqian, Camille Pissarro, and Francesco Guardi.除了莫迪利安尼的画作外,佳士得还带来了张大千、毕沙罗和瓜尔迪的作品。In order to promote the importation of cultural artifacts through the CIIE, Shanghai Customs has implemented preferential【优惠的】 tax policies for up to 5 items. The import procedure has also been modified; previously, overseas cultural items and artwork could only stay in the country for up to 6 months, they then needed to exit, re-apply and re-enter the country. The new regulations maintain the 6-month rule, but allow exhibitors to apply for multiple extensions after each 6-month period expires.为了通过进博会促进文物艺术品进口,上海海关允许每个展商享受5件以内税收优惠政策,并免征进口关税、进口环节增值税和消费税。原本境外文物艺术品在进境6个月后,必须出境后再重新申请办理入境。新的规定保留了文物艺术品6个月的进境有效期,但每6个月有效期期满后,可以多次延期。Li JingSH Administration of Cultural Heritage李晶,上海市文物局文物保护管理处副处长The CIIE offers a great opportunity for buyers and exhibitors to have more high-valued international trade exchange.进博会这个平台确实为我们上海打造国际重要艺术品交易中心,有一个比较好的提升。So far, a total of 20 organizations from 11 countries and regions have applied to exhibit 178 pieces at the expo, representing a total value of approximately 1.1 billion yuan.目前,共有来自11个国家和地区的境外机构确认参加第四届进博会,申报展品178件,总货值约11亿元。3. FIRST EDITION OF BEIJING 2022 PLAYBOOK PUBLISHED冬奥会首版《防疫手册》发布,北京修炼防疫 “金钟罩”Organizers of the Beijing Winter Olympics and the IOC today released the first edition of a Playbook that explains coronavirus protocols to be observed during the 2022 Games.北京冬奥组委和国际奥组委今日(10月25日)同步发布了《北京2022年冬奥会和冬残奥会防疫手册(第一版)》,解释了2022年冬奥会期间的新冠疫情防控方案。Participants are considered fully vaccinated according to the regulations of their country of residence at least 14 days prior to their departure to China. Anyone who isn’t fully vaccinated will need to quarantine for 21 days upon arrival in Beijing.参赛人员来华至少14日前需按照其居住国规定,完成新冠疫苗全程接种。所有根据《防疫手册》未完成全程接种的人员需在抵达北京后接受21天的集中隔离。The Playbook specifies that all Olympic athletes and personnel will be isolated from the rest of society while in China. Within this bubble, they will only be allowed to circulate in dedicated vehicles between permitted Olympic sports venues, accommodations【住宿】 and dining facilities.该手册规定,所有涉奥人员在华期间将进入闭环管理。在闭环内,所有人员将只能通过专用的交通工具,在场馆、住宿和餐饮场所等涉冬奥特定空间内之间流动。#热词加油站sanctity [ˈsæŋktəti]【神圣性】implement [ˈɪmplɪmentɪŋ]【贯彻,落实】inexhaustible [ˌɪnɪɡˈzɔːstəbl]【不竭的,不知疲倦的】multilateralism [ˌmʌltiˈlætərəlɪzəm]【多边主义】preferential [ˌprefəˈrenʃl]【优惠的】accommodation [əˌkɑːməˈdeɪʃn]【住宿】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
10/27/20215 minutes, 39 seconds
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10/25 WEEKLY HIGHLIGHTS 首批国家公园/流感疫苗/上海进博会/乌镇戏剧节

1. NATIONAL PARKS PROJECT ENTERS CONSTRUCTION PHASEThe country’s first five national parks have been selected, according to officials from the National Forestry and Grassland Administration and Research Institute for National Parks. Song Wenjing has more.The five national parks are: Three-River-Source National Park, Giant Panda National Park, Northeast China Tiger and Leopard National Park, Hainan Tropical Forests National Park, and Wuyishan National Park. With a protected land area of 230,000 square kilometers, the parks are home to nearly 30 percent of key terrestrial wildlife species found in the country. Authorities said the project has moved from pilot to construction phase.Li Chunliang, Deputy DirectorNational Forestry and Grassland AdministrationWe have achieved basic protection of key ecological areas, which covers their ecosystems and natural landscapes, as well as cultural heritage in the area. This offers protection to the country’s most important flagship species.实现了重要生态区域的整体保护,涵盖了所在区域典型自然生态系统,以及珍贵的自然景观和文化遗产,保护了最具影响力的旗舰物种。Authorities said establishing the national parks is just the beginning, and the next step is to manage them well. More natural education and science popularization bases will be built for people to go camping and hiking.Tang Xiaoping, PresidentResearch Institute for National ParksThe national parks will set reasonable limits on daily visitor capacity and require a reservation. Most of the parks are public welfare projects, which will likely be free. For business projects, we will calculate the cost and charge less money.国家公园里将根据环境容量,合理确定每年或者每天访客承载的数量,建立门票预约制度。原则上公益性项目可能都是免费的,经营性项目实行特许经营,根据每个项目特点核算成本 少收费。Tang said the next step is to adopt targeted ecological protection and restoration measures in order to solve specific problems within each national park.2. DEMAND RISES FOR FLU SHOTSDemand has increased for flu shots, which doctors say significantly reduce the risk of infection and serious complications. But clinic operators say there is nothing to worry about as there are enough shots for those who want one. Song Wenjing once again.At the health service center in Yuyuan sub-district in Huangpu District, Mr. Zheng took his 5-year-old grandson to get a flu shot after the weather turned cooler.Mr. ZhengI asked for leave today just get a flu vaccine since the temperature cooled down.今天特地请假出来打的,天气冷了,预防预防。Mrs. ZhangIt’s getting colder. I think it’s necessary to get a flu shot to boost my immunity.最近天气突然降温,环境温度都变得很低。大家抵抗力免疫力都会下降,所以来打个疫苗,增强一下自身抵抗力。Doctors said the influenza virus spreads fast via droplets and human contact. Flu symptoms include fever, pain, fatigue and respiratory tract infection and noted that the flu is very different to a common cold.Xie Qing, DirectorInfectious Disease Department, Ruijin HospitalIf you show symptoms all over the body like fatigue, muscle soreness and bad appetite, it is more likely to be influenza. People aged 60 and above, children between 6 months and 12 years old, and people with chronic diseases are good candidates for a flu shot.如果有全身症状,就是全身乏力,肌肉酸痛,甚至胃口不好。那我们一定可能还是考虑是一个流感。感染的高风险人群就是一个易感人群,包括超过60岁以上的老年人,还有是年纪轻的、6个月到12岁以下的儿童,还有就是原来有一些慢性基础疾病的人。Dr. Xie said the best treatment time is 48 hours. People with the flu should go to hospital for treatment as soon as possible. According to the World Health Organization, about 5 to 10 percent of adults and 20 to 30 percent of children are infected with seasonal flu every year.3.CIIE VOLUNTEERS ATTEND OATH-TAKING CEREMONYMore than 4,700 people attended an oath-taking ceremony today ahead of being volunteers during the China International Import Expo next month. Some of them were at the National Exhibition and Convention Center in Shanghai, while others watched online. Zhang Hong tells us more.4,746 CIIE volunteers from 40 universities in Shanghai will begin their official CIIE duties in 15 days. 81% of them are under the age of 21. 30% of them have also worked as pandemic control volunteers. Chen Yang, a freshman at Tongji University, worked as a volunteer to help with pandemic control efforts in Hubei and Xinjiang.Chen Yang, StudentTongji UniversityI also submitted my application letter to join the CPC, while signing up as a CIIE volunteer. I want to be strict on myself and do things carefully.我在报名这次进博会志愿者的同时递交了自己的入党申请书,做到严谨、一丝不苟。10% of the volunteers worked at previous CIIEs.Li Zhen, StudentSH University of Int’l Business & EconomiesI’m a senior student and I have been assigned different tasks each year.我是四年级"小叶子" 每一年参与的岗位都是有所不同的。This year, 1,000 volunteers will record short videos during the CIIE.Zu Yuqi, StudentShanghai Normal UniversityI want to record the event and interview my peers, so as to tell the CIIE story from my perspective. I hope my videos can help attract more students to be volunteers.通过自己的一些镜头、一些对身边同学的采访,组成通过我自己视角的进博会,吸引优秀有志的青年志愿者。Ding Bo, Deputy SecretarySH Committee of Communist Youth LeagueWe also assigned volunteers for pandemic control, reminding people to follow the coronavirus protocols.我们也专门设置了防疫宣传的志愿者,不仅要做好疫情防控工作,同时也是防疫的宣传员和维护者。The CIIE runs from November 5th to 10th at the National Exhibition and Convention Center.4.CIIE ATTRACTS MORE OVERSEAS COMPANIESAnd the fair has attracted companies from around the world as they set up an office in Shanghai in an effort to expand their presence in China. Some companies said the benefits can be seen after participating in past expos. Zhang Yue has more.Xu Wenyong’s global trade company has been at three straight events. Xu said the Jamaica Blue Mountain coffee that it introduced at previous fairs has been popular. Reputed to be one of the best-tasting coffees in the world, Jamaica Blue Mountain coffee is rare in the market due to strict growing conditions, industry regulations, and small annual harvests.Xu Wenyong, GMShanghai Wallenford Blue Gobal Trade Co.Jamaica has great confidence in the Chinese market via the CIIE, and our company is happy to offer more coffee to China. Before the first CIIE three years ago, we imported 1,000 to 2,000 kilograms, but now it can reach 4,000 kilograms.通过进博会,牙买加对中国市场的信心进一步增强了,更愿意把更多的出口的份额,分到我们中国市场。进博会以前可能一年的进口量应该是1到2吨,现在可以到2到4吨的样子。Items made of alpaca fur from Peru also found its way to the Chinese market. At this shopping mall on Huaihai Road, stuffed toys and other products made of alpaca fur attracted many people. The company had a booth at the first CIIE and over the past few years it has set up stores in cities such as Beijing, Chengdu, and Shanghai.Ma YuxiaFounder of WarmpacaThis year we are going to display more accessories, and lanthern carpet that is handmade by craftsmen in Peru. Our products are becoming more mature with better quality through CIIE participation. We are also gradually building our customer base.今年我们带来了更多的羊驼毛的配饰产品,另外我们还带来了秘鲁当地工人精心手工拼接的皮毯,我们的产品也更成熟了,质量更好了,我们的客户基础也有了,所以肯定会借助进博会的东风。我们的事业会越来越好的。The Shanghai government said the fair also helps attract more foreign funded projects to the city.Zhang Guohua, Deputy DirectorShanghai Commission of CommerceWe are confident in saying that the CIIE will improve Shanghai’s image, economy, and quality of life.我们期待第四届进博会对于我们上海的经济升级、老百姓生活水平的提高、包括城市软实力的提高,都带来更大的溢出带动效应。The city’s foreign trade was valued last year at 1.2 trillion US dollars, 3.6% of the world’s total, according to the Shanghai Commission of Commerce.5.WUZHEN OLD TOWN CARNIVAL BRINGS THEATRICAL EXTRAVAGANZAFor theatre lovers, the theatre feast at Wuzhen Theatre Festival would probably give you a decidophobia, as all of Wuzhen is a huge stage for all kinds of theatre troupes to show their talents. The Old Town Carnival there is unmissable as the bright and lively mood of the performers will cheer up everyone that follows their steps. Just follow Stephen and me to check out more theatrical highlights in Wuzhen.Wang YinICS ReporterHey, come on, Stephen. It's your first time at the Wuzhen Theatre Festival, right?Stephen RancourtICS ReporterYes. It's not my first time in Wuzhen, but the first time at the Wuzhen Theatre Festival.Wang YinICS ReporterOkay. Everything is so crazy here, but it's not just about the theatre. We've got more to offer at the Old Town Carnival.Stephen RancourtICS ReporterYes, that's right. I was told that there's all kinds of performances just tucked away everywhere.If you're walking down the streets, there's puppet shows, dance shows, interactive type of performances where people can join in with the crew. It's bound to be interesting.Wang YinICS ReporterGood, very detailed. Your job is just to be relaxed, be open to everything here. Let's go?Stephen RancourtICS ReporterAlright, I'll do my best.Wang YinICS ReporterOkay, let's go!The Wuzhen Old Town Carnival is just like a grand immersive theater, attracting visitors to join in on the fun. All of Wuzhen is a stage, and you can experience a variety of different street performances here anytime during the festival. Be sure to check the official schedules to find your favorite shows. Let's wander around for a bit and see what we can do. Be ready… You could be invited to dance at any moment.Wang YinICS ReporterIt's cute!I had to drag Stephen into dancing by force! Don't be shy, just dance like nobody is watching! And…all of a sudden, you can jump into a large crowd.Wang YinICS ReporterOh no. it's too far away.Performers in outlandish costumes walk through narrow, flagstone-paved lanes on stilts.Wang YinICS ReporterYou know, its' very hard as they have to use their knees as lower legs.Everybody is invited to roam the alleys of this 1300-year-old town, and they can feel a huge sense of contrast between the environment and performances. Physical plays are very popular at the carnival. Without any spoken words, artists are working on more possibilities to express their emotions and ideas to the public.Li JingtaoDirector of Performance "SI"Wuzhen is quite open to theatre groups like us. Here, we can focus on only our play. For me, traditional play is pretty much like a movie, as it tells stories to audience in a direct way. Physical theatre is like a novel, leaving blank space for audience. When the blank space meets the audience's own experiences, they might feel touched. We want to tell our story in an implicit way. Each role's facial expression mask represents each one's personality.Performer of "SI"The role I play is a gentleman, who is a leader of a team in our play.Switch off your cell phones, relax and lose yourself. Don't try to look for an answer or an ending to the performance, what really matters is being open and leaving some time for it to sink in. There're also some traditional cultural elements in the old town carnival, these lively puppets really caught our attention. The performance earned huge applause from the spectators. That made me and Stephen also want to give it a shot.Wang YinICS ReporterWe're gonna try this, try to control the puppets.SUBTITLEPlease show us how to control the puppet.Okay.These two strings in the front are for legs.Moving them can control both puppet legs.So it is with yours.Where are the strings?Here they are.You can move the left and then the right leg.Wang YinICS ReporterShe moves.Stephen RancourtICS ReporterA very very complicated monkey puppet.It's probably got two dozen strings hanging off it.In this puppet, they've made it quite lifelike. It's quite something.Hong JindiaoArt Director of Litchi Youth TroupeTraditional puppets have 16 strings, which is basic. With 16 strings, we can do some basic movements on the stage like doing gestures and pondering. But our puppets with more strings can do varied movements. This puppet head is a traditional one, with eyes and mouth fixed on the face. But an innovative puppet head has mobilizable eyes and mouth.Here in Wuzhen, the audience is also part of the show. So how do the visitors here feel about the carnival vibe?VisitorEverything is lively here. In recent years, we see more and more types of avantgarde theatre appear in China. Both of us came back from abroad last year, and now we see quite a lot of surprises.VisitorI walked along the streets and then came across the carnival here. I really want to interact with the performers. The energy here is really nice.Wang YinICS ReporterHey Stephen, as a surprise, I DIYed on postcard of us dancing for you.Stephen RancourtICS ReporterOkay, great. It's my fondest memory of being here. What's this squegging line here?Wang YinICS ReporterThat's my voice, voice message.Stephen RancourtICS ReporterSo if they scan that QR, they can hear that voice message.Wang YinICS ReporterDefinitely.Stephen RancourtICS ReporterI'll put a short little message. There you go.Wang YinICS ReporterLet me see. Good times in Wuzhen!
10/25/202114 minutes, 34 seconds
Episode Artwork

补冬不如补霜降?Frost’s Descent

GETTING TO KNOW THE CHINESE CALENDARLike!中国节 | 举个栗子!霜降必吃美食大家好,今天是霜降。Frost’s Descent marks the transition from autumn to winter. 霜降,是秋天的最后一个节气,也意味着冬天的开始。This is a wonderful time to enjoy maple leaves as they turn yellow, orange or red. Nearly all the tourist websites list the best sites to see maple leaves during this time. 霜降是赏枫的好时节,此时的枫叶经霜打之后染上了黄色、橙色和红色,美不胜收。几乎各大旅游网站都会发布最佳赏枫地的榜单。In ancient times Tang Dynasty poet Du Mu wrote about mountainous scenery: I stopped the coach as charmed by the maple woods; Frosted autumn leaves outshine February flowers in redness. 唐代诗人杜牧曾写诗描绘山间秋色,“停车坐爱枫林晚,霜叶红于二月花” 。If you think there isn’t anywhere in Shanghai to enjoy the beauty of red maple leaves, think again!In Langxia Town of Jinshan District, Maple Island covers an area of 200,000 square meters and is an ideal maple-viewing spot. Qiuxia Garden in Shanghai’s Jiading District was built in the Ming Dynasty and is one of 5 famous classical gardens in the city. In autumn, the leaves of its maple trees turn red, attracting visitors to take photos. 如果你认为上海没有什么地方可以观赏枫林尽染的美景,那你就错了!金山区廊下镇占地20万平方米的枫叶岛就是个赏枫的好去处。位于上海市嘉定区的明代园林秋霞圃,是上海五大古典园林之一。每当秋霞圃里的枫叶转红时,许许多多的游客都会来此拍照。During Frost’s Descent, the day and night temperature gap widen to more than 10 degrees Celsius. Just remember to stay warm, and pay attention to weather changes, because…魔都的天气,你懂的!霜降节气,昼夜温差加大,有时甚至会在10摄氏度以上。大家记得要做好保暖工作,注意气候变化,因为……魔都的天气,你懂的!The transition between seasons means you have to carefully look after your health. A saying goes like “补冬不如补霜降”,so here is a great suggestion. 季节交替时,养生很重要。正如民间谚语说的,“补冬不如补霜降”。Chestnuts during Frost's Descent are considered beneficial to one's health. Chestnuts have a warm nature and sweet flavor, and are good for nourishing the spleen and stomach, invigorating the circulation of blood and relieving coughs, according to traditional Chinese medicine practitioners. 霜降进补宜吃栗子。中医认为,栗子性温味甘,能滋养脾胃、活血止咳。Though chestnuts are not a Shanghai specialty, people here do love them. There are many shops and stands selling sugar-roasted chestnuts at this time of year. The chestnuts in Shanghai are the smaller variety with thin shells, making peeling them with the fingers quite easy. 栗子不是上海特产,但上海人却有栗子情结。这个时节,上海许多店铺都会卖起糖炒栗子。上海的栗子个头较小且皮薄,可以用手轻轻松松剥开。Chestnut cake was in fact created in Shanghai. An authentic chestnut cake should contain only chestnut paste with no flour at all. At the same time, there is a signature dish of Shanghai cuisine, braised pork with chestnuts. All of these are absolutely yummy, but don’t be greedy and overdo it. 栗子蛋糕可以说是一种老上海味道。正宗的栗子蛋糕没有一点面粉,全部由栗子泥堆成。上海还有一道招牌菜——栗子红烧肉。虽然栗子做的美食十分诱人,但不要贪嘴多吃哦。寒霜轻轻降,冬阳徐徐近。愿霜降安康,无忧无愁。
10/23/20212 minutes, 31 seconds
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10/22 TOP OF THE DAY 沈阳餐馆爆炸/进博展品严把关/猪肾成功移植人体

NEWS ON 10/221.EXPLOSION KILLS 4, INJURES 47 IN SHENYANG沈阳一餐馆爆炸致4死47伤2.SHANGHAI CUSTOMS RUNS STRICT INSPECTIONS ON CIIE PRODUCTS进博展品漂洋过“海”来见你3.U.S. SURGEONS PERFORM SUCCESSFUL PIG-TO-HUMAN ORGAN TRANSPLANT史上首次!猪肾移植人体手术成功-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1.EXPLOSION KILLS 4, INJURES 47 IN SHENYANG沈阳一餐馆爆炸致4死47伤Four people were killed and 47 others injured after an explosion this morning in Shenyang, Liaoning Province. The injured were being treated in hospitals, while authorities investigated the incident. Lei Shuran has more. 10月21日早,位于沈阳市和平区太原南街的一家餐馆发生爆炸事故,已致4人死亡,47人受伤。伤者已全部送往就近医院抢救,此次事故的具体原因仍在调查中。The blast took place at around 8:20am in a restaurant on Taiyuannan Street. It damaged nearby buildings and vehicles. Witnesses described the explosion as if "a bomb had been dropped." 爆炸发生在21日8时20分许,爆炸区域多出建筑、车辆受损。针对此次事件,目击者称:“像是扔下一个炸弹一样。”Shenyang Resident沈阳居民I heard the explosion when sitting on my bed. I went out of the house and I saw shattered【粉碎的】glass from buildings.就听着坐在床上,忽悠一下子,咣一下子就爆炸了。完我们就出来看来了,看这玻璃都下来了。More than 100 firefighters were sent to the scene. Media reports citing multiple sources said a gas pipeline had recently been laid out in the area. However, it wasn’t clear whether it was connected to the explosion. The explosion also caused power outages 【停电;断电事故】 to some 15,000 households. The power utility was working to restore electricity. Shenyang government officials said residents whose homes were damaged need to stay in safe locations provided by their local community. 100余名消防队员已赶赴现场。据记者采访获悉,爆炸区域最近正进行燃气管网改造。爆炸是否与燃气管道的维修有关,仍有待官方调查。此外,爆炸导致线路受损,附近1.5万余户停电。断电期间,移动发电机紧急驰援。沈阳政府表示,当地社区已对事故波及居民进行妥善安置。2. SHANGHAI CUSTOMS RUNS STRICT INSPECTIONS ON CIIE PRODUCTS进博展品漂洋过“海”来见你Some products from overseas that will be displayed during next month’s China International Import Expo have arrived in Shanghai. Customs officials say these products will undergo 【经历;经受】strict checks before being transported to the CIIE venue. Zhang Yue has more.第四届进博会的部分展品已顺利抵沪。上海海关关员表示展品参展之前将受到严格检查监管。Food, skin-care products and other items arrived today at Wusong Port in Baoshan District.A notice with the booth number was attached to each shipment so exhibitors will spend less time looking for their products. 10月21日,食品、护肤品及其他展品抵达上海宝山区吴淞港口。展品上加贴的展位数字标签,可帮助参展方快速定位展品。Xu XiaodongWusong Customs Official徐晓东上海吴淞海关物流监控二科关员We will check the overall condition of the cargo, including the weight and size, and whether anything is broken or if a liquid has leaked.核对货物大致的情况,包括分量体积,看看货物是否有破损,是否有各类外溢的情况。Aisles and storage areas have been set up for officials to thoroughly check the cargo.上海海关已建立展品通道、储仓,全面监管到港货物。Song Wei, Deputy Director Shanghai Wusong Customs宋炜上海吴淞海关副关长We are open at any time for the latest shipments of CIIE goods. More personnel are in position to run checks on the products going to the CIIE. 及时了解进博展品进口的动向。我们的监管人员是每天驻守在我们进博的专用窗口,只要有货物一到,我们就立刻马上进行相关的监管作业。Wusong Customs has completed inspections on 15 shipments. Citywide, a total of 110 fast-track windows have been set up to provide all day customs clearance services. This morning, the first delivery of imported cold chain meat from New Zealand arrived in Shanghai. It was transported to a designated warehouse after disinfection and environment sample tests for the coronavirus. Drivers and others transporting the products are required to be vaccinated and get tested regularly for the virus. 目前为止,吴淞海关已对15批货物进行检视。在上海海运、空运、陆运口岸共设立110个进博会专窗和绿色通道,提高全天候通关服务。21日早,本届进博会第一批新西兰进口冷链食品展品抵沪,接受集中消毒、核酸抽样检测后,被送至指定总仓。参照防疫要求,全体货运人员均已接种疫苗,并定期进行核酸测验。Xu Liang, Deputy GMShanghai Huachen Longdefeng Group徐亮,上海华辰优安供应链副总经理Last year we only needed to disinfect the exterior packaging. But this year both the inside and outside of all products need to be disinfected, and samples taken to test for the virus.去年只是外包装消毒,今年在去年的基础上,又增加了防疫强度,内包装也要进行消毒加核酸检测。Products that pass the inspection will then be delivered to the venue by a designated logistics company. A QR code with inspection information will be placed on the packaging. The cold chain warehouse has a storage capacity of 1,200 kilograms of products. 49 truckloads of food will be delivered to the warehouse next week. 经过防疫检验的展品将由指定物流公司运输到展馆场地。产品外包装上附着包含检疫信息的二维码。贮藏冷库可容纳1200千克物资,在接下来一周内,将有49车进口冷链食品展品陆续运至总仓。3.U.S. SURGEONS PERFORM SUCCESSFUL PIG-TO-HUMAN ORGAN TRANSPLANT史上首次!猪肾移植人体手术成功US surgeons have successfully attached a pig’s kidney to a human body. The experimental procedure【手术】 is providing hope that transplants like this could be a major step in solving the shortage of organs available for transplant. Sun Siqi tells us more.美国医生成功将猪的肾脏移植到人体。此台实验手术的成功有望解决器官供体不足的难题。The operation was done last month at New York University’s Langone Health, one of the country’s top academic medical centers. The pig’s genes were altered so that it no longer contained a molecule known to cause immediate rejection by the human body. The patient was brain-dead and had signs of kidney problems. Her family agreed to the experiment before she was scheduled to be taken off life support. For over two days, the kidney was attached to her blood vessels. It was kept outside her body so that researchers could observe it. 美国最为顶尖的学术医学研究院之一——纽约大学兰贡医疗中心上月实施了该手术。这颗肾脏来自一头实施过基因改造的猪,因此其器官组织内不再含有引发排质现象的物质。接受该台手术的患者为脑死亡病人,其身体出现了肾衰竭迹象。其家人同意在对病人停止生命支持前,进行肾脏移植实验。自术后两天来,为方便医生观察,猪肾一直与患者的大腿血管相连。Robert Montgomery Director of Transplant Institute, NYU Langone Health蒙哥马力纽约大学兰贡医疗中心外科医生First of all, it made, you know, lots of urine, like the amount of urine that you would expect from a human kidney being transplanted into someone. For the 54 hours that we conducted the study, the kidney function perfectly. 首先,猪肾产生大量尿液。排尿水平与移植的人类肾脏相当。在54小时的试验过程里,该肾脏运作相当正常。The organ did what a kidney is supposed to do. It filtered waste, produced urine and didn’t trigger【触发】rejection.猪肾有着人的肾脏一样的功能——过滤废物,产生尿液,并没有触发任何排异反应。Robert Montgomery Director of Transplant Institute, NYU Langone Health蒙哥马力纽约大学兰贡医疗中心外科医生The idea is we would need to identify individuals who have a really low likelihood of being offered a human kidney and have a poor prognosis on dialysis. And where even two years or a year of a functioning kidney would be an important thing. 我们的想法是来帮助那些不太可能获得人类肾脏的人,以及透析效果不佳的人。哪怕是拥有一两年能运作的[猪的]肾脏,对这些人来说也是弥足珍贵的。Nearly 107,000 people are currently waiting for organ transplants and more than 90,000 are waiting for a kidney in the US. It can take three to five years for patients to receive a kidney transplant. The scientists involved in this experiment say trials with pig kidneys on critically-ill humans could happen within two years. 目,约10.7万美国病患等待器官移植,其中超9万人等待肾脏移植。为了匹配肾脏,患者可能要等待3-5年。参与此次实验的科学家们表示,有望在两年内实现对肾衰竭晚期患者的猪肾移植手术。#热词加油站shattered [ˈʃætərd] 【粉粹的】power outage [ˈpaʊər aʊtɪdʒ]【停电;断电事故】undergo [ˌʌndərˈɡoʊ]【经历;经受】procedure [prəˈsiːdʒər]【手术】trigger [ˈtrɪɡər]【触发】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
10/22/20215 minutes, 26 seconds
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10/21 TOP OF THE DAY 城镇失业率新低/进博会开幕在即/朝鲜试射导弹

NEWS ON 10/201. URBAN JOBLESS RATE AT LOWEST SINCE 20194.9%! 城镇调查失业率降至2019年以来新低2. CIIE ATTRACTS MORE OVERSEAS COMPANIES开幕在即!第四届CIIE为全球企业打开市场大门3. DPRK TEST-FIRES BALLISTIC MISSLE FROM SUBMARINE朝鲜成功试射新型潜艇弹道导弹-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1. URBAN JOBLESS RATE AT LOWEST SINCE 20194.9%! 城镇调查失业率降至2019年以来新低The National Development and Reform Commission said today that the urban unemployment rate in September was 4.9 percent, its lowest since 2019, due to a stable economic recovery. Yuan Chenyue has more.国家发改委今日(10/20)表示,随着经济持续稳定恢复,9月我国城镇调查失业率已经降至4.9%,是自2019年以来的新低。The commission said since the start of the year, the job market developed steadily. Authorities set this year’s target to create urban jobs for over 11 million people, 95% of which was achieved in the first three quarters. Officials also said in recent years that the urban jobless rate tended to be higher for those aged 16 to 24. More than 9 million students graduated from college this year, and some small and medium-sized companies recruited【招聘】 less due to summer flooding and the pandemic.国家发改委介绍,自今年以来,就业市场总体呈现出稳中向好的发展态势。2021年度,城镇新增就业目标为新增岗位1100万以上,前三个季度累计已完成全年目标的95%。而在青年就业方面,国家发展和改革委员会就业司司长哈增友表示,近年来,以高校毕业生为主的16-24岁城镇青年调查失业率一直偏高。以今年为例,高校毕业生已经达到了九百多万人,而受疫情和夏季洪涝灾害的影响,部分中小企业出现缩招简招的现象,招聘形势相对紧张。Ha Zengyou, DirectorDepartment of Employment, Income Distribution and Consumption哈增友 国家发展和改革委员会就业司司长The commission will develop more high-quality positions for youth. We will continue improving entrepreneurship innovation bases and events, develop financial support to encourage young people to open their own business, which will lead to the creation of more jobs.国家发改委将开发更多适合青年群体的高质量就业岗位,继续建好双创示范基地,办好双创活动周,用好创业担保贷款,鼓励青年创新创业,增强创业带动就业倍增效应。The official also said the job market’s structural imbalance remains a challenge. Next, authorities will continue to upgrade【改善】 economy to create more jobs.同时,哈增友提到,当今就业市场还存在着结构性失衡的问题,下一步,相关机构将继续推动经济发展,以创造更多就业岗位。2. CIIE ATTRACTS MORE OVERSEAS COMPANIES开幕在即!第四届CIIE为全球企业打开市场大门Today marks the 15-day countdown to the China International Import Expo. And the fair has attracted companies from around the world as they set up an office here in Shanghai in an effort to expand their presence in China. Some companies said the benefits can be seen after participating in past expos. Zhang Yue has more.第四届中国进口博览会进入15天倒计时。这项国际盛事吸引了全球各地的公司纷纷在上海落地,以提高企业在中国市场的影响力,部分公司表示进博会的溢出效应已逐渐显现。Xu Wenyong’s global trade company has been at three straight events. Xu said the Jamaica Blue Mountain coffee that it introduced at previous fairs has been popular. Reputed to be one of the best-tasting coffees in the world, Jamaica Blue Mountain coffee is rare in the market due to strict growing conditions, industry regulations, and small annual harvests.徐文勇的国际贸易公司已经参加了三届进博会。徐表示,之前自己带去参展的牙买加蓝山咖啡正在国内市场逐渐走俏。牙买加蓝山咖啡是世界上口味最佳的咖啡之一,但是由于种植条件严苛,以及受到行业规范和产量的限制,正宗的牙买加蓝山咖啡在市场上极为少见。Xu Wenyong, General ManagerShanghai Wolunfen International Trade Co.,Ltd.徐文勇 上海沃伦芬国际贸易公司总经理Jamaica has great confidence in the Chinese market via the CIIE, and our company is happy to offer more coffee to China. Before the first CIIE three years ago, we imported 1,000 to 2,000 kilograms, but now it can reach 4,000 kilograms.通过进博会,牙买加对中国市场的信心,进一步增强了。更愿意把更多的出口的份额,分到我们中国市场。进博会以前可能一年的进口量,应该是1到2吨,现在可以到2到4吨的样子。Items made of alpaca fur from Peru also found its way to the Chinese market. At this shopping mall on Huaihai Road, stuffed toys and other products made of alpaca fur attracted many people. The company had a booth at the first CIIE and over the past few years it has set up stores in cities such as Beijing, Chengdu, and Shanghai.同样小众的秘鲁羊驼毛制品也通过进博会找到了打开中国市场的钥匙。位于上海淮海路的这家商场,上个月迎来了一个新品牌入驻,里面销售的,全是用羊驼毛手工制作的各类玩偶和摆件。创立该品牌的公司曾经参加过首届进博会,而在之后几年中,它先后成功在北京、成都、上海等地开出了自己的线下门店。Ma Yuxia, founderWarmpaca马玉霞 秘鲁Warmpaca品牌创始人This year we are going to display more accessories【配件】, and lantern carpet that is handmade by craftsmen in Peru. Our products are becoming more mature with better quality through CIIE participation. We are also gradually building our customer base. 今年我们带来了更多的,羊驼毛的配饰产品。另外我们还带来了,秘鲁当地工人精心手工拼接的皮毯。我们的产品也更成熟了,质量更好了,我们的客户基础也有了,所以肯定会借助进博会的东风,我们的事业会越来越好。The Shanghai government said the fair also helps attract more foreign funded projects to the city. 上海市政府表示,进博会的成功举办也为推动更多外资项目在上海的落地实施起到了关键性作用。Zhang Guohua, Deputy DirectorShanghai Municipal Commission of Commerce张国华 上海市商务委副主任We are confident in saying that the CIIE will improve Shanghai’s image, economy, and the quality of life.我们期待第四届进博会在不到20天里面即将举办,对于我们上海的经济升级,老百姓生活水平的提高,包括城市软实力的提高,都带来更大的溢出带动效应。The city’s foreign trade was valued last year at 1.2 trillion US dollars, 3.6% of the world’s total, according to the Shanghai Commission of Commerce. 根据上海市商务委的数据,去年,上海口岸进出口贸易额达1.2万亿美元,占到了全球的3.6%比例份额。3. DPRK TEST-FIRES BALLISTIC MISSLE FROM SUBMARINE朝鲜成功试射新型潜艇弹道导弹The Korean Central News Agency reported today that the DPRK successfully conducted the test-firing of a new type of submarine-launched ballistic【弹道的】missile yesterday. 据朝中社今天报道,朝鲜国防科学院昨天成功试射一枚新型潜射弹道导弹。The report said the missile contains advanced guidance technology, which would greatly contribute to the country’s defense and enhance the under-water operational capability of the navy. South Korea’s military also reported that Pyongyang fired a ballistic missile from the vicinity【周边地区】 of Sinpo into the sea east of the Peninsula. The US has condemned the missile launch, calling it a destabilizing act. In recent weeks, the DPRK has carried out several missile tests, including hypersonic and long-range weapons.报道称该枚导弹采用侧面机动及滑翔跳跃机动等许多升级的制导技术,将为提升国防技术和改进海军水下作战能力,作出重大贡献。另据韩媒报道,韩国联合参谋本部昨天称,韩国军队当天上午捕捉到朝鲜向半岛东部海域发射一枚弹道导弹。美国白宫发言人普萨基当天谴责朝鲜此次导弹试射,认为这凸显了开展外交与对话的迫切需要。上月,朝鲜国防科学院曾多次试射导弹,包括远程巡航导弹、铁路机动导弹和高超音速导弹。#热词加油站Recruit [rɪˈkrut]【招募】Upgrade  [ˈʌpˌɡreɪd]【改善】Accessory [əkˈsɛsəri]【配件】Ballistic [bəˈlɪstɪk]【弹道(学)的】Vicinity [vɪˈsɪnəti]【周围地区】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
10/21/20214 minutes, 5 seconds
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10/20 TOP OF THE DAY 圣火启程/世界冠军教你跳街舞/中美“Z世代”

NEWS ON 10/201.GREECE HANDS OVER OLYMPIC FLAME TO BEIJING 2022 ORGANIZERS圣火启程,向北京出发!2. BACKSTAGE WITH WORLD HIP-HOP CHAMPIONS 燃!幕后一瞥:世界冠军教你跳街舞3.CHINA’S AMBASSADOR TO U.S. ADDRESSES GENERATION Z中国驻美大使:我也属于“Z世代” !-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------GREECE HANDS OVER OLYMPIC FLAME TO BEIJING 2022 ORGANIZERS圣火启程,向北京出发!The Olympic flame for the 2022 Beijing Winter Games was handed over to Beijing 2022 organizers today in a ceremony at the Panathenaic stadium in Athens. Lei Shuran tells us more. 北京时间10月19日,在雅典帕纳辛奈科斯体育场举行的火种交接仪式中,奥运圣火正式转交至2022年北京冬奥会代表团手中,踏上飞往北京的旅程!Three torchbearers 【火炬手】 from China and Greece took part in the handover ceremony. Former Chinese aerial skier Li Nina ran a lap with the torch before passing it to the Greek Olympic Ski Champion Paraskevi Ladopoulou, who lit the flame. 来自中国和希腊两国的三位火炬手参与了交接仪式。中国前滑雪运动员李妮娜接过火炬, 绕场地奔跑一圈后,将火炬传递给希腊女滑雪运动员帕拉斯凯维·拉多普卢,后者随后点燃圣火。Vice president of the IOC and Beijing 2022 Olympics Yu Zaiqing promised a simple, safe and excellent Olympic Games in his address to the ceremony.国际奥委会副主席、北京冬奥组委副主席于再清在采集仪式上发表致辞,保证冬奥会的顺利举行,做到简约、安全、精彩。Yu Zaiqing, Vice PresidentInternational Olympic Committee于再清,国际奥委会副主席As you may recall, it was right here 13 years ago on March 30, 2008 that the Olympic flame was handed over to Beijing for the first time. Thanks to the support of the people of the world, China delivered an extraordinary summer Olympics. In a short while, the Olympic flame will be passed on to Beijing for the second time. As a symbol of the Olympic spirit, the Olympic flame will travel to the Great Wall and across other parts of China, bringing with it the light of peace and friendship.2008年3月30日,我们在这里接过北京奥运会的火种,距今已经过去13年了。北京与全世界人民一道举办了一届无与伦比的奥运会。此刻我们又接过北京冬奥会的火种,承载着奥林匹克精神的火种将再次在长城内外展示传递,在中国大地上绽放和平和友谊的光芒。Hellenic Olympic Committee President Spyros Capralos then passed the sacred flame to Yu Zaiqing at the handover ceremony.希腊奥委会主席卡普拉洛斯在交接仪式上将圣火传递给于再清。Spyros Capralos, PresidentHellenic Olympic Committee卡普拉洛斯希腊奥委会主席For Beijing to host both Summer and Winter Olympic Games, it’s an Olympic record. And as you did for the summer games in 2008, I’m convinced the preparations for the Beijing 2022 winter games are going very well and we will experience fantastic winter games.北京先后举办夏季和冬季奥运会,创造了奥运会的历史。正如2008年夏季奥运会的成功举办,我相信2022年北京冬奥会的筹备一定会同样顺利,我们必将共度一届精彩绝伦的冬季奥运。The flame is expected to arrive in Beijing tomorrow and will then start its journey around the city for the upcoming Winter Games.冬奥会火种将预计于明日(10月20日)到达北京,并绕城开启圣火传递之旅。2. BACKSTAGE WITH WORLD HIP-HOP CHAMPIONS燃!幕后一瞥:世界冠军教你跳街舞The "Street dance of China" is ongoing at with the competition quickly eliminating pretenders to leave only the top dancers, many of them veterans at the world street dance championships. Reporter Sun Siqi brought us some of their backstage secrets to those dazzling dance steps.《这!就是街舞4》正在优酷热播。各路舞者同台竞技,逐鹿群雄,劣汰优胜。记者孙思奇为我们带来幕后的精彩报道。Sun Siqi, ICS Reporter孙思奇, ICS记者“Today we’re going inside this top-secret backstage area, and we’re meeting the grande maitre of street dance, Rochka from France.今天我们要来到神秘的幕后一探究竟。让我们和来自法国的街舞大神Rochka聊一聊。It’s like plunging into hip-hop Emerald City with hyper intense colors and music from the underworld. “Oooh, evidently this is where they do the battle and tear each other apart on stage.”跟随来自地底世界炫目的色彩、激情的音乐,我好像是一头扎进了嘻哈音乐的翡翠之城。哇哦,这一定就是他们斗舞争霸的地方了。Out of the haze, and onto the street ...走出迷雾,走向街头。Sun Siqi, ICS Reporter孙思奇, ICS记者This is it, this is about to be the baddest moment of my professional career. Bonjour, Rochka, Comment allez vous? Teach me the easiest move.没跑了,这一定是我职业生涯中最酷炫的一瞬间。“嗨,Rochka. 你好吗?来教我几个简单的舞步吧。”Rochka, Dancer from FranceRochka,法国舞者I would say, let’s start with the crisscross. Basically, strong on your feet, and you’re going to jump and cross. Come back ...And watch your attitude ...You need to look cool, take it easy, and be ready, exactly, yeah.“嗯…我们从crisscross舞步学起好了。动作基本上是这样,站稳,跳起来,双脚交叉,再回来…注意你的姿势。”“你要摆出一副酷酷的样子,放轻松,准备好。对,就是这样。”Sun Siqi, ICS Reporter孙思奇, ICS记者Now lights out, and put it to the test ... Given my level of physicality, my moves looked less like Hip-Hop, more like Hopscotch.灯灭。挑战开始。鉴于我的肢体协调能力,我的舞步看起来一点也不“嘻哈”,更像是小孩子在玩跳房子游戏。But after today, one understands that street dance can be as friendly to a beginner as any other dance. With Breaking entering the Olympics starting at the 2024 Paris Games, the image of street dancing is slowly shifting in China from a subculture to a sport that takes an equal amount of skill and precision【精确性】 as diving and gymnastics, and a form of art that transcends【超越】 barriers, like music.经过今天的一番体验,我了解到街舞和其他舞种一样,初学者上手都很容易。随着霹雳舞在2024年举办的法国巴黎奥运会中正式成为一项体育赛事,街舞在中国的印象也在慢慢变化。原来处于“亚文化”地位的街舞转变成了一项和跳水、体操一样讲求技巧、精准性的运动。街舞,像音乐一样,超越界限,成为了一项艺术。Rochka, Dancer from FranceRochka,法国舞者The real sense for me of the hip-hop culture is to communicate with someone who don’t speak your language but who don’t share the same opinion as you. I would say that was the way to share with people and reunite people, a way to talk without fighting, without screaming, without arguments.嘻哈文化对我而言意味着和说着不同语言、有着不同思想的人进行交流。我认为这是人与人之间的分享、交融,嘻哈文化是一种没有打斗、没有吼叫和争吵的对话方式。Li Chunlin, Dancer& ChoreographerLi Chunlin,舞者&编舞者I learned Popping when I started dancing, I had a teacher. It’s not like now, where everybody knows it. Back then, dancers faced a bit of criticism, people thought street dance was for the bad kids. But now, people understand it as a positive dynamic form of dance that builds confidence. And now one contestant, Yang Kai, has just been named coach for Sichuan’s provincial Breaking team.我是学机械舞(popping)入门跳舞的,有个老师教我。那时不像现在,现在人人都知道街舞。那会儿,学跳舞的总是要面对一些质疑,人们总觉得跳街舞的都是坏小孩。如今,越来越多的人知道街舞是种充满活力的舞蹈形式,还有助于建立自信。Yang Kai作为参赛选手,已经被选定为四川霹雳舞省队的教练了。Yang Kai DancerYang Kai,舞者The dancers started training two months ago, and they’re on eating and practice schedules just like athletes. All of a sudden, they went from street to professional sportsmanship. With Breaking becoming an Olympic event, dancers can achieve the same physical extremities like any other sports.舞者们已经训练了两个月了,他们有着和运动员一样的饮食和训练安排。突然之间,他们摇身一变,从街头走向了职业运动员的道路。随着霹雳舞被确立为一项奥运赛事,舞者们和其他运动项目的竞技健儿一样,不断挑战自我,突破生理极限。This season of "Street dance of China" encourages creative renditions【演绎】 of street dances that aren’t just a pile of techniques. Check out MT Pop’s routine inspired by extra-terrestrial【地球外的】 monsters, and Ma Xiaolong’s pieces based on Chinese chess and the guqin.《街舞4》鼓励参赛选手推陈出新,创意演绎。来看看MT Pop从外星生物上启发而来舞步吧,还有Ma Xiaolong基于中国象棋、古琴创作的作品。Ma Xiaolong Dancer&ChoreographerMa Xiaolong,舞者&编舞者In my mind, Chinese-style street dance is not simply dancing to a Chinese song or wearing Chinese costumes. The routine needs to be based on street dance techniques, like isolation, slow-mo, body control. And it needs to grab the essence that is in Chinese culture and aesthetics, and not just have the look of it.在我看来,中国风的街舞不仅仅是伴着中国风的歌曲或者是穿着古代服饰跳舞。舞步要生根于基本的街舞技巧,比如“分离”,“慢动作”,“身体控制”。此外,它需要抓住中国文化和中国美学的精髓,而不是仅仅有个表象。Like gymnastic floor routines and artistic swimming, who knows, maybe one day, you’ll see street-dance pieces inspired by "Journey to the West" or "Mulan" at the Olympics.正如体操动作和水上芭蕾一样,也许在将来的某天,你会在奥运会上看到以《西游记》和《花木兰》为灵感来源的街舞作品。3.CHINA’S AMBASSDOR TO U.S. ADDRESSES GENERATION Z中国驻美大使:我也属于“Z世代”!The "Generation Z" China-US Youth Dialogue hosted by the China Public Diplomacy Association was held in Malipo County, Yunnan Province yesterday. Chinese Ambassador to the US Qin Gang attended and delivered a speech via video. Song Wenjing has more.由中国公共外交协会主办的“Z世代”中美青少年交流对话会,于18日晚在云南省麻栗坡县举行。中国驻美大使秦刚线上出席会议并发表视频致辞。Addressing Generation Z - those born between 1995 and 2009; a generation deeply connected with the Internet - Ambassador Qin said advanced technologies such as big data and artificial intelligence are double edged swords, and he encouraged the Generation Z to make good use of them for a better future.“Z世代”指的是出生于1995年至2009年之间的人群。大数据、人工智能是双刃剑,秦刚表示,作为数字时代的“原住民”,“Z世代”应该思考如何趋利避害,让科技更好造福人类。Qin Gang, Chinese Ambassador to the US.秦刚中国驻美大使“The phrase ‘Generation Z’ not only refers to age, but also represents a positive and energetic attitude. From this perspective, I also belong to Generation Z as I have a quite young mind. Let’s chase our dreams together and retain our youth forever.”“Z世代”不仅代表年龄,更代表着富有朝气,积极向上、勇于进取的心态。从这个角度讲,我也有一颗年轻的心,和你们一样同属Z世代。让我们一起永葆青春,追逐梦想,一直酷下去。Qin said he hoped Generation Z will be more dedicated to the future of China-US relations and the whole world. During the meeting, US official Joe Cobb also shared his story with China. During a visit to Yunnan in 2018, he had developed a plan in which some US teachers gave English lessons to the local students in Yunnan.秦希望中美两国青年都能为中美和世界的美好未来贡献力量。与会期间,美方官员代表乔•科布也分享了他和中国结下的缘分。2018年科布造访中国云南,期间他创立了一个项目,邀请美国老师给当地学生教授英语课。Joe Cobb, City Council MemberVirginia City of Roanoke, US.乔•科布美国弗吉尼亚州罗阿诺克市议员“It is my belief that even in difficult times globally, our people through our abiding belief and friendship, can overcome any obstacle【障碍】 as a way of growing our relationships with one another.”我相信,即使在全球困难时期,只要中美民众秉持对彼此友谊的坚定信念,就能克服任何障碍,发展友好关系。During the two-hour dialogue, youth representatives from China and the US including popular vloggers and entrepreneurs also shared their opinions on various topics such as the emerging industries in China and the US as well as sports and cultural exchanges.在长达两个小时的会谈中,来自中美双方的青少年代表、网红博主、企业家等分别发表了他们对新兴产业、运动和文化交流等众多领域的观点。#热词加油站torchbearer  ['tɔːtʃ,beərə] n. 【火炬手】precision [prɪˈsɪʒn] n. 【精度】transcend  [trænˈsend] v. 【超出,超越】rendition  [renˈdɪʃn] n. 【演绎】extra-terrestrial [ˈekstrə təˈrestriəl]  adj. 【地球外的】obstacle  [ˈɒbstəkl] n. 【障碍】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
10/20/20218 minutes, 14 seconds
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10/19 TOP OF THE DAY 第三季度GDP/首艘国产大型邮轮/冬奥圣火点燃

NEWS ON 10/191. CHINA’S GDP RISES 4.9% IN Q3三季度GDP同比增长4.9%,国民经济持续恢复态势不变!2. PROGRESS CONTINUES ON CHINA'S FIRST DOMESTICALLY BUILT CRUISE SHIP 造船工业“明珠初现”,首艘国产大型邮轮全船贯通!3. OLYMPIC FLAME FOR BEIJING 2022 WINTER GAMES LIT IN GREECE采集成功,奥运圣火再次为北京点燃!-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1. CHINA’S GDP RISES 4.9% IN Q3三季度GDP同比增长4.9%,国民经济持续恢复态势不变!The National Bureau of Statistics said the economy continued its stable recovery in the first three quarters of this year with major indicators【指标】 staying within a reasonable range. The country’s gross domestic product expanded 9.8 percent year on year in the first three quarters. Lei Shuran has the details.国家统计局表示,今年前三季度国民经济持续恢复发展,主要宏观指标总体处于合理区间。前三季度国内生产总值同比增长9.8%。The country’s economy expanded 4.9 percent in the third quarter year on year after increasing 7.9 percent in the second and 18.3 percent in the January through March period.分季度看,今年一、二、三季度国内生产总值同比增长分别为 18.3%、7.9%和4.9%。Fu Linghui, SpokespersonNational Bureau of Statistics付凌晖,国家统计局新闻发言人Generally speaking, the economy has had a stable recovery in the first half of the year. However, the recovery of the world economy slowed down in the third quarter due to risks from the pandemic. Although China’s economic growth slowed due to various factors such as the coronavirus resurgence and floods, it still shows resilience【韧性】 and vitality【活力】. In general, we are capable of achieving full-year development goals.应该说,今年上半年,我国经济保持了稳定恢复的态势。进入三季度以后,全球疫情扩散蔓延,世界经济恢复势头有所放缓。国内部分地区受到疫情、汛情的多重冲击,但我国经济发展还是表现出了强大的韧性和活力。总的来看,有能力有条件完成全年经济社会发展的预期目标任务。During the January to September period, 10.45 million new urban jobs were created, achieving 95 percent of the target for the whole year. Fu also noted that power shortages in some parts of the country will ease in the near future. He said tight supplies and coal will soon be eased, and its impact on economic operation will be alleviated【缓解】.就业方面,前三季度全国城镇新增就业1045万人,完成全年目标的95%。付凌晖还指出,国内多地电力供应偏紧的状况将会很快得到缓解。他表示,煤炭、电力供应偏紧的情况是阶段性的,对经济的影响是可控的。2. PROGRESS CONTINUES ON CHINA'S FIRST DOMESTICALLY BUILT CRUISE SHIP 造船工业“明珠初现”,首艘国产大型邮轮全船贯通!Hull【船体】 structural work has been completed as construction continues on the country’s first domestically built large cruise ship. The cruise liner is being built by Shanghai Waigaoqiao Shipbuilding Company. Lei Shuran has more.中国首艘国产大型邮轮建造工作迎来新进展,在上海外高桥造船有限公司实现全船贯通。The cruise ship measures 323.6 meters long and 37.2 meters wide and is expected to have a capacity for more than 5,000 passengers upon completion. It will also be equipped with restaurants, shops, theatres, cafes, as well as a 10,000-square-meter area for outdoor activities on deck. 该邮轮总长323.6米,型宽37.2米,建造完工后预计可容纳乘客5000多人。此外邮轮上还设置了餐厅、商场、演艺中心、咖啡馆等不同功能区以及超过1万平米的露天甲板活动区域。Cruise ships are a high value-added product. Shanghai Waigoaqiao Shipbuilding Company is using advanced technologies to overcome difficulties.大型邮轮是一种高附加值船舶产品。在建造过程中,上海外高桥造船有限公司采用的数字化技术手段发挥了关键作用。Chen Gang, General ManagerShanghai Waigoaqiao Shipbuilding Co.陈刚,上海外高桥造船有限公司总经理We have used 3D digital modeling technology during both the design and construction phases. It’s the first time a major cruise construction company has attempted this.在首制邮轮的设计、建造过程当中,我们进行了全三维的数字化建模,这在全球主要邮轮建造场地,是第一次。After moving to the in-stock assembly phase, more than 2,500 engineers and construction workers will be on board the ship every day.在转入内装阶段施工后,每天将有超过2500名工程技术人员和施工人员同时作业。Wang Qi, ChairmanShanghai Waigoaqiao Shipbuilding Co.王琦,上海外高桥造船有限公司董事长China’s shipbuilding industry ranks first in the world. It’s a remarkable transformation from just building cargo ships to building a cruise line that requires recreational activities. It will bring momentum【推动力】 and changes to both the shipbuilding and elderly care industries.中国的造船工业已经成为世界第一。从运货到运人,从运人到娱乐,这样一种巨大的转型不仅是对造船工业带来新的发展,也会对整个工业体系、对养老产业都会带来很大的变化。Construction began in 2019 and is scheduled to end in 2023.该邮轮建造工作于2019启动,计划2023年完工交付。3. OLYMPIC FLAME FOR BEIJING 2022 WINTER GAMES LIT IN GREECE采集成功,奥运圣火再次为北京点燃!The Olympic Flame that will be burning for the Beijing 2022 Winter Games was ignited today at the birthplace of the Games in Ancient Olympia, Greece. Zhang Yue has more.2022年北京冬奥会圣火今日(10月18日)在奥林匹克运动的发祥地——希腊雅典的古奥林匹亚遗址成功点燃。The flame was ceremoniously kindled using the rays of the sun under a cloudless sky at ancient site of Olympia before being carried off on a mini torch relay. The public were not permitted to attend the event due to pandemic safety measures.晴空之下,圣火采集仪式在古奥林匹亚遗址中举行,利用太阳光线完成点火,由此拉开了火炬传递的序幕。受新冠疫情影响,民众被禁止现场观礼。Yu Zaiqing, Vice PresidentBeijing Winter Olympic Committee于再清,北京冬奥组委副主席During the ongoing pandemic, the Olympic flame has brought us confidence, warmth and hope. Under the support of people from around the world, we’ll work closely with the international Olympic committee to hold a safe, simple and fabulous Olympic Games. 在新冠肺炎疫情袭来之时,奥林匹克火种又一次给人们信心、温暖和希望。我们将在全世界各国人民的支持下,与国际奥委会等方面紧密合作,为世界奉献一届简约、安全、精彩的奥运盛会。At the end of the ceremony, the High Priestess handed over the flame to its first torchbearer, Greek skier Ioannis Antoniou, inside the stadium which hosted the first Games centuries ago. The torch was then passed to former Chinese short track speed skating athlete Li Jiajun.在取火仪式的最后,最高女祭司在首届奥运会会址,古奥林匹克竞技场中将圣火交给了第一棒火炬手,希腊滑雪运动员安东尼乌。他随后将火炬传递给了中国前短道速滑运动员李佳军。Thomas Bach, PresidentInternational Olympic Committee托马斯·巴赫,国际奥委会主席The Olympic Games unite humanity in all our diversity. In these difficult times, we’re still living through. The Olympic Games Beijing 2022 will be an important moment to bring the world together, in the spirit of peace, friendship and solidarity.奥林匹克运动将多元化的人类团结在一起。在这个艰难的时刻,2022年北京冬奥会是一个重要契机,它将把全世界凝聚到一起,展现和平、友好和团结的精神。Following the short symbolic torch relay, the flame was transferred to Athens, and will be given to Beijing 2022 organizers tomorrow. The Winter Olympics will take place from February 4 to 20, 2022, followed by the Paralympics.经过短暂的火炬传递,圣火被运往雅典,将于明日(10月19日)转交给2022年北京冬奥会组委会代表团。本届冬奥会将于2022年2月4日至20日举行,随后是冬残奥会。#热词加油站Indicator [ˈɪndəˌkeɪtərz]【指标】Resilience [rɪˈzɪliəns]【恢复力,适应力,韧性】Vitality [vaɪˈtæləti]【生命力,活力】Alleviate [əˈliːvieɪt]【缓解】Hull [hʌl]【船体】Momentum [moʊˈmentəm]【推动力】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
10/19/20214 minutes, 46 seconds
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10/18 TOP OF THE DAY 新能源汽车销量猛增/乌镇戏剧节/外籍“屠夫”临时签证

NEWS ON 10/181. NEW ENERGY VEHICLE SALES EXPECTED TO HIT 3 MLN新能源车销量猛增,发展势头强劲2. WUZHEN THEATRE FESTIVAL RETURNS WITH MORE AVANT-GARDE DRAMAS阔别两年,乌镇戏剧节再出发3. UK,US FACING LABOR SHORTAGES英国“猪满为患”?外籍“屠夫”临时签证派发中-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1.NEW ENERGY VEHICLE SALES EXPECTED TO HIT 3 MLN新能源车销量猛增,发展势头强劲The China Association of Auto-mobile Manufacturers said 334,000 new energy vehicles were produced in the country last month, a year-on-year increase of more than 200%. Once again, Zhang Yue has more.全国乘用车市场信息联席会数据显示,9月新能源乘用车零售销量达33.4万辆,同比增长超200%。The association said sales of new energy vehicles are expected to hit 3 million units this year. Tesla China said it delivered around 56,000 units in September, the most since it started production at its Shanghai manufacturing plant two years ago. 该协会表示,今年新能源汽车的销量有望达到300万辆。特斯拉(中国)数据显示,9月交付量为5.6万辆,创其在上海建厂以来交付量新高。INTERVIEW:Ji Yuhan, Sales Manager, Tesla季雨涵,特斯拉门店销售主管Our order volume is booked until the end of the year. Customers need to wait 6 to 10 weeks for the Model 3, and at least two months for the Model Y.我们现在的订单量其实已经排到年末了,比如Model 3我们提车周期已经放到6-10周,(Model)Y我们现在预订最快也基本上要到12月中下旬才能提到大家的车Domestic brand Nio said it delivered over 10,000 vehicles in one month for the first time. 国内品牌蔚来9月交付量首次破万。INTERVIEW:Cao Jiajun, Nio Shanghai曹佳君,用户顾问部门负责人,蔚来汽车上海公司 The most units we have sold in a month is around 8,000. Our orders soared【上涨;猛增】during the National Day holiday.之前的(月销售)高点在8000多台,所以说增幅还是很明显的。国庆7天,我们新增的订单已经破千了。Auto industry insiders say supportive policies, low usage costs, and easy to change batteries are the main reasons behind rising sales. Production began today at the Ultium Center, an electric vehicle joint venture between GM and SAIC Motor. By 2025, SAIC-GM will launch more than 10 new energy vehicles in China. The China Association of Automobile Manufacturers also said new energy vehicles accounted for more than 17% of total vehicle deliveries.对于销售井喷的原因,各大新能源车企一致认为,政策支持、补能便捷和使用成本低是主要推力。10月15日,上汽通用汽车Ultium 奥特能超级工厂正式投产。到2025年,上汽通用将在中国推出10余款新能源汽车。联席会还表示,新能源汽车占汽车交付总量的17%以上。2.WUZHEN THEATRE FESTIVAL RETURNS WITH MORE AVANT-GARDE DRAMAS阔别两年,乌镇戏剧节再出发Performers, directors, viewers and visitors are descending on Wuzhen, an ancient water town in east China’s Zhejiang Province, to exchange ideas, share inspiration and celebrate the dramatic arts during the 10-day Wuzhen Theatre Festival. Our reporter Huang Yuanqing arrived on site early to get us a sneak peek【偷看,窥视】  at what this year’s festival has to offer. 众多演员、导演、观众及游客来到浙江乌镇,体验为期10 天的乌镇戏剧节,一起交流想法、分享灵感、欣赏戏剧。今年乌镇戏剧节有哪些惊喜?来随ICS记者先睹为快。Huang YuanqingReporterI’m now at the Wuzhen Grand Theater. It’s 10:30 in the morning, and I’m going to introduce some of my picks from this year’s performances before the crowds arrive. 现在是早上10:30,我在乌镇大剧院,我要在观众进场前向大家推荐几部我的心仪之作。Alright, to start with, the first play I’m recommending is this one, "Ago" by famous director Stan Lai. It’s a six-and-a-half-hour production, featuring five acts and a cast of over 200 roles, the play took Lai 10 years to write. I’ve watched part of it in Shanghai when it premiered at the Theater Above and it’s amazing!首先,我推荐大家看的第一部戏是著名导演赖声川的《曾经如是》。《曾经如是》长达六个半小时,包括五幕和 200 多个角色,赖导花费了10 年心血打磨剧本。我曾在上海上剧场观看部分情节,总之就是太棒了!Next up... is this modern Chinese play called "Sunrise" directed and performed by renowned 【著名的】dancer Jin Xing金星, who will challenge herself by playing two roles in this show. It is an adaptation of a play by the late Chinese playwright Cao Yu. I don’t know how you guys feel, but I am truly looking forward to it.下一步由著名舞蹈家金星导演并参演的现代中国戏剧《日出》。金星将在该剧中分饰两角,颇具挑战性。此剧改编于已故中国剧作家曹禺的同名话剧。我不知道你们怎么看,但我期待已久。OK, next, this one. Of course, you cannot miss this one, a remake of the French classic "The Red and the Black" by director Meng Jinghui. It’s also the opening performance of this year’s Festival which will be performed here tonight. OK, so those were some of my picks but there’s plenty more for you to choose from at this year’s Wuzhen festival.当然还不能错过由孟京辉戏剧工作室翻拍的法国经典片《红与黑》。它也将作为今年戏剧节的开幕表演,在乌镇大剧院上演。以上只是我的推荐,本次戏剧节还有其他优秀作品供戏剧爱好者选择。This year, hundreds of artistic groups and organizations from across China will display all kinds of theatrical performances that people can experience for free, almost every corner of this ancient water village will have something to offer.今年,来自全国各地的数百个艺术团体和组织将带来各种多样化文艺演出,游客可以免费观赏。在水乡乌镇,几乎每一个角落都有惊喜等待着人们去发掘。After a round of performances this afternoon, all the carnival groups have come all the way to courtyard in front of the Wuzhen Grand Theater, where the performers will give people a little taste of what they have in store for them. It’ll be like a big party. 经过下午的一轮表演,所有的表演队伍汇集于乌镇大剧院前的庭院,演员将在那里为观众带来一场豪华的视觉盛宴。So for those who want to enjoy the festival in person during the weekend, my advise is that please come as early as possible if you want to find a parking spot. And prepare for the weather, because Wuzhen is a lot cooler than Shanghai, and we are expecting showers over the weekend, so pack an umbrella and dress warm. 如有周末乘车游玩计划,请选择尽早出行。同时,留意天气情况,乌镇比上海要凉爽不少。本周末预报有阵雨,所以记得带好雨具,注意添衣。3. UK,US FACING LABOR SHORTAGES英国“猪满为患”?外籍“屠夫”临时签证派发中Britain announced it would offer six-month emergency visas to 800 foreign butchers yesterday to avoid a massive pig cull, after local farmers complained that many workers from abattoirs and meat processors had left the pork sector fighting for survival. Sun Siqi has more.英国屠夫和肉类加工人员为了生计,纷纷选择离开生猪加工行业,这令当地农民怨声连连。由于积压的待宰生猪过多,英国政府于10月14日宣布,将发放800份应急签证,从境外招募屠夫。Britain’s National Pig Association said a combination of Brexit and Covid-19 has sparked an exodus【(大批人同时)离开】of east European workers, leaving some 120,000 pigs in barns and fields across the country waiting to be slaughtered. The country’s Environment Secretary said the temporary visas for 800 foreign butchers would address the problem.英国国家养猪协会表示,"脱欧"以及新冠疫情导致英国流失大量来自东欧的工人。目前,全英积压的待宰生猪多达约12万头。英国环境部长表示,为应对该问题,将向境外招募屠夫发放800份应急签证。INTERVIEW:George Eustice, UK Environment Minister尤斯蒂斯,英国环境、食品与乡村事务大臣Well, what we’re going to do is allow butchers in abattoirs 【屠宰场】 and meat processors dealing with pigs to be able to come in on a temporary basis under the seasonal workers scheme for up to six months.我们要做的是,允许屠夫和肉类加工人员能够根据季节性用工计划,临时来到英国屠宰场工作,最长时间为6个月。The lack of butchers is just one of a number of areas where Britain is facing acute labor shortages. Last month, the British government announced its plans to issue temporary visas for 5,000 foreign truck drivers and 5,500 poultry workers. The ports in the US are also dealing with labor shortages. US President Joe Biden has announced that two of the country’s busiest ports--- that is the Port of Los Angeles and Long Beach would expand a 24-hour, 7-day-a-week operation to unload an estimated 500,000 containers on cargo ships.缺少屠夫只是英国面临的劳动力缺口之一。上个月,英国政府宣布计划为 5000 名外国卡车司机和 5500名肉禽工人签发临时签证。同样缺人的,还有美国港口业。美国总统拜登日前下令,要求美国最大的两个港口洛杉矶港和长滩港实行一周7天、每天24小时的不间断工作制,以缓解港口货物拥堵。INTERVIEW:Gene Seroka, Executive Director, The Port of Los Angeles吉恩·沙洛卡 洛杉矶港执行主管So we’re moving as fast as possible. Retail goods that have to go through the omni channel distribution network to get to our doorstep or our store shelves. We’re only four and a half weeks away from Black Friday.我们正尽可能地加快清关速度,确保零售业商品尽快通过全渠道经销网络,抵达消费者的家门口或商店货架,毕竟我们距离今年的"黑五"采购季只剩四周半了。The two ports account for approximately 40 percent of the shipping containers entering the US. It was reported that there were 62 ships berthed at the two ports with another 81 waiting to dock and unload. 这两个港口约占进入美国的海运集装箱的40%。据悉,目前有62艘船舶停靠在这两个港口,另有81艘等待靠岸卸货。#热词加油站soared [sɔːr]【上涨;猛增】exodus [ˈeksədəs]【(大批人同时)离开】abattoirs [ˈæbətwɑːr] 【屠宰场】renowned [rɪˈnaʊnd]【著名的】peek [piːk]【偷看,窥视】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
10/18/20216 minutes, 21 seconds
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10/15 TOP THE DAY 神舟十三号/把时间存进“银行”/“星际迷航”舰长勇闯太空

1.CHINA TO SEND ANOTHER 3 ASTRONAUTS TO SPACE今晚!神舟十三号新“太空三人组”将启程,工期加倍2."TIME BANK" PROVING TO BE VIABLE SOLUTION IN ELDERLY CARE把时间存进“银行”,陪你慢慢变老3.STAR TREK’S SHATNER BECOMES WORLD’S OLDEST SPACE TRAVELER“星际迷航”舰长,90高龄勇闯太空-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1.CHINA TO SEND ANOTHER 3 ASTRONAUTS TO SPACE今晚!神舟十三号新“太空三人组”将启程,工期加倍Another three astronauts will board Shenzhou-13 and blast off into space at 12:23am on Saturday. The spaceship will dock with the country’s space station, where the trio will stay in orbit for six months. 神舟十三号载人飞船将搭载新“太空出差三人组”,于本周六(16日)0时23分发射。飞船将前往中国空间站,三名航天员将在轨驻留6个月。Shenzhou-13 will be propelled【驱动】into space on a Long March-2F carrier rocket. After entering orbit, it will dock【对接】 with the space station. The astronauts will be there for six months in what will be the longest space mission ever for Chinese astronauts. 此次任务,由长征二号F遥十三火箭搭载神舟十三号载人飞船,进行发射。神舟十三号飞船入轨后,将与空间站交会对接。三位航天员将在太空停留半年时间,刷新我国载人航天的最长飞行时间记录。INTERVIEW:Lin Xiqiang, Deputy Director, China Manned Space Agency林西强,中国载人航天工程办公室副主任The space station and its equipment are functioning well ahead of the arrival of the Shenzhou-13 crew members. The crew is in good condition, and all pre-launch preparations are in order.目前,天和核心舱与天舟二号、天舟三号组合体状态和各项设备工作正常,具备交会对接与航天进驻条件。执行神舟十三号飞行任务的航天员飞行乘组状态良好,发射前各项准备工作已基本就绪。The three astronauts selected for the mission are Zhai Zhigang, Wang Yaping and Ye Guangfu. In 2008, Zhai became the first Chinese astronaut to do a spacewalk. Ye is the first Chinese astronaut to complete a survival training session organized by the European Space Agency and will go to space for the first time. Wang gave a lecture from space during a 2013 mission and will become the first female astronaut on the Tiangong space station.翟志刚、王亚平、叶光富三名航天员将执行神舟十三号载人飞行任务。2008年,翟志刚出色完成我国历史上第一次太空行走。叶光富是首位完成欧洲航天局组织的国际洞穴训练的中国航天员。2013年,王亚平曾成功进行了中国首次太空授课。她也将是天宫空间站迎来的首位女航天员。INTERVIEW:Wang Yaping, Senior Colonel, PLA Astronaut Division王亚平,大校,中国人民解放军航天员大队After giving a lecture during the Shenzhou-10 mission, many students wrote letters to me asking me when I would return to space and give another lecture. I’m happy to announce that eight years later, I’ve realized my dream to return to space.从神舟十号开通授课之后,有很多同学也给我写信问到这个问题:什么时候能够再次飞上太空,给大家再讲一课?那么今天我非常高兴地告诉大家,经过8年的不懈努力,亚平老师终于再次追梦成功。A send-off ceremony will start around 9:30pm tomorrow. Their mission will include two or three spacewalks, installing important devices for mechanical arms, along with a variety of experiments.出征仪式将于今晚(15日)9点半左右举行。此次任务中,航天员将进行2-3次出舱活动,开展机械臂空间站组装建造关键技术试验,以及一系列空间科学实验与技术试验。2."TIME BANK" PROVING TO BE VIABLE SOLUTION IN ELDERLY CARE把时间存进“银行”,陪你慢慢变老Shanghai is one of the country’s first adopters of the "Time Bank" concept, an initiative【方案】 to look after elderly people. It allows volunteers to receive the same amount of time they provide in service to others when they themselves are old enough to need care.上海是中国首批采用“时间银行”概念的城市之一,旨在照顾老年人。志愿者用心用情志愿服务,把这些精力存入“时间银行”,今后可能用还回自己的身上。87 year-old Ma Xiajing lives alone in Changning District as her son and daughter live far away. However, Ma is not lonely as her caretaker, 67-year-old Ding Peili, visits regularly, chatting with her and helping her with some easy chores.87岁的马霞静独自一人住在长宁区,和儿女离得很远。但马霞静并不孤单,她67岁的看护丁培丽经常来看她、和她聊天、帮她做一些简单的家务。INTERVIEW:Ma Xiajing, Resident, 87 Year-old马霞静,居民,87岁She helps me order fruits and vegetables online, and also picks up packages for me. I live on the 11th floor, and I have trouble walking. I am very touched, because I feel like she is one of the family.我不会用手机啊,志愿者过来会教我手机下单买菜,有时候帮我拿快递什么的,很感动的,他们都是义务劳动。INTERVIEW:Ding Peili, Community Volunteer, 67 Year-old丁培丽,志愿者老人,67岁 I am happy to help them before I become too old to look after myself. I have accumulated over 10 coins now, and it’s comforting to know that I can use them if needed in the future. 我很高兴能在我变老之前帮助他们。我已经有10个积分了,一想到我将来能用到这些积分,我觉得很欣慰。Here’s how the process works. The civil affairs bureau posts requests for volunteers on Wechat. It could be anything from helping take care of someone, or accompanying a cancer survivor on a hospital visit. Care providers earn "time coins" for their work. One hour of service equals 1 time coin. Time coins can be saved and used in the future. A China Development Research Foundation report found that people aged over 65 will make up 14 percent of the country’s population by 2022. Another report stated that from 2018 to 2019, over one tenth of this population was unable to do basic tasks including dress, eat and bathe on their own. Some experts say the time bank not only responds to the challenge of an aging population, but also promotes the development of volunteer services. “时间银行”的运行机制是什么样的呢?民政局会在微信上发布志愿者招募信息。志愿活动包括帮助照顾某位老年人,或陪同癌症康复后的病人去医院检查等。护理人员可以从他们的工作中赚取“时间积分”。一小时的服务等于一个时间积分。时间积分可以保存并在未来使用。中国发展研究基金会的报告指出:截至2022年,65岁以上的人口将占中国人口的14%。另一份报告显示,2018到2019年间,超过十分之一的65岁以上人口行动无法自理,他们无法自己穿衣服、吃饭和洗澡。一些专家表示,时间银行既能缓解人口老龄化困局,有能推进志愿服务发展。INTERVIEW:Shi, Zhongchao, Senior Service Center, Changning Civil Affairs Bureau施忠超,长宁区民政局,养老服务发展中心 More than 39% of the population in our district are those aged over 60. I am talking about 224,000 elderly people. We hope the "Time Bank" Project can encourage more people to share their time and love to seniors, not only those "young seniors" aged around 60, but also younger generations as well. 我们现在长宁,2020年底,登记老人数量为22.4万, 占总人数 39.1%,可以说是高度老龄化,压力还是非常大的。时间银行可以说是一定程度缓解了我们社区养老服务的压力。有助于激励并且规范社会成员为有需求的老人提供服务,不光是60到64这么些老人,而甚至是一些年轻人。So far, more than 820 volunteers in Changning have joined the project. They have served more than 2,500 elderly people above the age of 80. Two volunteers have earned more than 100 time coins, which means 4 days of care when they are old enough to need it. Citywide, four other districts including Hongkou and Yangpu are also implementing the project. The concept was introduced to China in the 1990s after it was created by a professor at Yale University. However, it didn’t take off due to a lack of volunteers, good management and clear rules. 到目前为止,长宁市已有820多名志愿者加入了该项目。他们已经为2500多名80岁以上的老人提供志愿服务。两名志愿者已经获得了100多个时间积分,这意味着他们将来也能享受到4天的志愿服务。虹口、杨浦等其他四个区也在实施“时间银行”项目。这个概念由一位耶鲁大学教授提出,于20世纪90年代引入中国。然而,由于志愿者短缺、管理制度不明确,“时间银行”没有取得显著的成果。INTERVIEW:Xu Yangping, Manager, Changning Time Bank Project徐杨萍,时间银行项目负责人,上海喜雅爱心社区服务中心At the beginning, some of the seniors didn’t initially want the intervention of a stranger, not to mention being checked on every day. Now they are familiar with the idea of volunteers and are willing to discuss their conditions without much prompting. 一开始,一些老年人并不希望陌生人介入,更不要说每天都被检查。现在他们熟悉了志愿者的概念,愿意在没有太多提示的情况下讨论他们的情况。INTERVIEW:Lu Xiaowen, Researcher, Institute of Sociology, SH Academy of Social Sciences陆晓文,社会学所,上海社科院Around 80% of elderly people hope to spend their old age at home or near home, as they feel isolated and uncomfortable in nursing homes. This is why public facilities, community healthcare centers, family doctors and more need to be improved.研究员老人到了一定岁数,进入到养老机构,不光是养老的需要,还有比如说社交需要、自我表现的需要。社会上的需求和个人的价值是我们需要考虑的。还有护理人员的技术能力素质也需要提高,很多养老机构的人员不是专业训练出来的。 老人对于养老的愿望百分之八十是希望居家、就近养老,那社区、社区医院、家附近的公共设施、家庭医生这种服务要更加成为一个系统为老人服务,如何做好基层配套设施,是一个更大的工程。Lu said the needs of the elderly pose a critical challenge as they will have a lasting impact on economic and social development. Shanghai, Nanjing and Beijing have already started new test runs of the Time Bank concept. Men aged 60 to 70, and women aged 50 to 70 are available to register as a volunteer to serve those aged above 80. 陆晓文说,老年人的需求是一个重大挑战,因为他们将对经济和社会发展产生持久的影响。上海、南京和北京已经开始试行“时间银行”新模式。60至70岁的男性及50至70岁的女性均可登记成为义工,为80岁以上的老人服务。3.STAR TREK’S SHATNER BECOMES WORLD’S OLDEST SPACE TRAVELER“星际迷航”舰长,90高龄勇闯太空The second sub-orbital【轨道的】tourism flight of Amazon founder Jeff Bezos’ company - Blue Origin blasted off yesterday, carrying a four-person crew. "Star Trek" actor William Shatner was on-board, at the age of 90. Shatner is the oldest person to ever travel to space. 10月14日, “蓝色起源”公司经营的航天器发射进入太空,进行第二次亚轨道飞行。本次有四名乘客搭乘该太空飞船飞往太空,其中包括90岁高龄的演员威廉·夏特纳,他曾在《星际迷航》中扮演柯克舰长。他是目前为止最年长的“太空旅人”。The New Shepard rocket took off from Blue Origin’s West Texas launch center at around 10:49am local time after a brief delay. The "Star Trek" actor and three passengers hurtled to an altitude of 107 kilometers over the West Texas desert in the fully automated capsule, then safely parachuted【跳伞】back to Earth. The flight lasted just over 10 minutes including about three minutes of weightlessness. Speaking about his voyage into space after landing safely back on Earth, Shatner summarized the trip as "unbelievable."“新谢泼德”号火箭发射曾因天气原因短暂推迟,最终于当地时间上午10点49分从蓝色起源的西德克萨斯州发射中心起飞。“柯克舰长”和其他三名乘客乘坐全自动太空舱在西德克萨斯沙漠上空飞到107公里的高度后跳伞,安全返回地球。这次飞行只持续了10多分钟,其中包括大约3分钟的失重状态。直到安全返回地球后,夏特纳仍然觉得“难以置信”。INTERVIEW:William Shatner, Actor威廉·夏特纳,演员And you look down, there’s the blue down there and the black up there and there is Mother Earth, comfort. This experience, it’s something unbelievable.当你往下看,那是一片蓝色。上面则是黑色的宇宙。地球就在那里,十分安宁。这段经历令人难以置信。Dozens of space fans yesterday gathered in the desert on the side of a Texas highway to watch Shatner go into space. 10月14日,数十名太空迷聚集在德克萨斯州一条高速公路旁的沙漠中,共同见证沙特纳进入太空。INTERVIEW:Movie Fan电影粉丝Wel, he grew up watching Captain Kirk, and to see him go up, I mean... This one says he wants to be an astronaut. He also wants to be a policeman, and a cook and an artist.我先生是看《星际迷航》长大的,现在能见证柯克舰长飞上太空(意义重大)。这个小家伙说他也想成为宇航员。Besides the Blue Origin, Elon Musk’s SpaceX and Richard Branson’s Virgin Galactic are also attracting customers who are willing to pay large sums to experience spaceflight. 除了“蓝色起源”,埃隆·马斯克的SpaceX和理查德·布兰森的维珍银河也吸引了愿意花大价钱体验太空飞行的客户。#热词加油站propel [prəˈpel]【驱动】dock [dɒk]【对接】initiative [ɪnˈɪʃətɪv]【方案】orbital [ˈɔːbɪtl]【轨道的】parachute [ˈpærəˌʃuːt] 【跳伞】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
10/15/20217 minutes, 20 seconds
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Like!中国节 – 重阳节

Like!中国节 – 重阳节大家好,今天是重阳节,Chongyang Festival. It’s also called the Double Ninth Festival because it falls on the ninth day of the ninth lunar month. The festival dates back more than 2,000 years.  In fact, there are many names for this festival, such as Chrysanthemum Festival 菊花节,Height Ascending Festival 登高节, and Seniors’ Day 敬老节. These names are all related to its traditions. For example, showing respect to seniors,climbing mountains,eating Chongyang cakes,drinking chrysanthemum wine and enjoying chrysanthemum flowers.  The custom of ascending a height 登高 originated when ancient people worshipped  mountains. Here in the city, some take part in vertical marathon events on this day in Shanghai’s skyscrapers like Oriental Pearl TV Tower or Jinmao Tower. If you would like to enjoy some natural scenery, 天马山Tianma Mountain in the southeast section of Sheshan Mountain in Shanghai’s Songjiang District is the place to be. It has the distinction of being the city’s largest and highest peak of 佘山. In folklore, nine is the largest number and represents longevity, which is the blessing of people for the health and longevity of the elderly. In 1989, the Chinese government decided to mark Seniors’ Day on the Double Ninth Festival, calling on everyone to respect, love and help the elderly. According to the 7th national population census data, about 4.05 million people aged over 65  now live in Shanghai, accounting for 16.3 percent of the total population. There are some very practical services and facilities for elderly people in Shanghai. For residents over 65 years old, Shanghai’s senior citizen card 敬老卡 ensures free or discounted admission to scenic spots and cinemas. Restaurants, as well as cultural and entertainment venues are expected to offer perks to seniors too. Community canteens 社区食堂 catering to senior residents serve a variety of tasty dishes. Actually, many communities are now working to offer senior healthcare check-ups, lectures to teach them how to use cell phones, along with a variety of classes. I’m pretty sure that even more services will be created to take even better care of our senior citizens. 九九重阳至,愿您健康久久,平安久久。
10/14/20212 minutes, 21 seconds
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10/13 TOP OF THE DAY重磅!电价改革/魔都网红养老院“上新”/英国物种银行

NEWS ON 10/121. CHINA TO LIBERALIZE COAL-FIRED POWER PRICING TO STABILIZE SUPPLIES重磅!国家发改委:有序放开全部燃煤发电电量上网电价2. VIDEO OF DANCING SENIORS GOES VIRAL又燃又治愈!魔都网红养老院上新啦~3. UK'S BIOBANK LOOKS TO SAFEGUARD BIODIVERSITY21世纪“诺亚方舟”?英国建立“物种银行”保护生物多样性-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1.CHINA TO LIBERALIZE COAL-FIRED POWER PRICING TO STABILIZE SUPPLIES重磅!国家发改委:有序放开全部燃煤发电电量上网电价China is to fully liberalize pricing for electricity generated by coal-fired power plants, the National Development and Reform Commission told a news briefing today. All industrial and commercial users will now have to buy directly from the market or via agents over the power grid, in contrast to just 44 percent who are required to do so now. The moves are to ensure sufficient power supplies amid recent large-scale shortages.国家发展和改革委员会今天在新闻发布会上表示,中国将全面、有序放开全部燃煤发电电量上网电价。推动工商业用户都进入市场,直接从市场购电,或通过电网企业代理购买。目前,大约44%的工商业用电量已通过参与市场形成用电价格。此次改革举措的目的在于为了抑制不合理的电力消费、改善电力供求状况。The state planner told a news briefing that 100 percent of electricity generated from coal-fired power plants will now be priced via market trading, up from just 70 percent nationwide now. And the float range of the market price for electricity will be expanded to 20 percent from the current ceiling of 10 and floor of 15 percent from the benchmark【基准】 price. Electricity prices for high energy-consuming industries will not be subject to any controls at all.国家发改委表示,目前,我国燃煤发电已有近七成电量通过参与市场形成上网电价。接下来将有序推动所有燃煤发电电量进入电力市场。电力市场价格浮动范围由现行基准价格的10%上限和15%下限扩大到上下浮动均不超过20%。高耗能企业市场交易电价不受上浮20%限制。Wan Jingsong, Director, Pricing Department National Development and Reform Commission万劲松国家发改委价格司司长The market transaction price of energy-intensive enterprises is not subject to the 20 percent rise. That is to curb unreasonable power consumption while encouraging these enterprises to improve energy efficiency and promote upgrading of the industrial structure. 高耗能企业的市场交易价格不受20%的涨幅影响。既要抑制不合理的用电量,又要鼓励企业提高能源利用效率,促进产业结构升级。Officials also said that the market-based reform of the industry would help to stabilize power supplies, giving power plants more incentives【动力】 to generate power.政府相关人员还表示,以市场为基础的电力行业改革将有助于稳定电力供应,给发电厂更多的动力来发电。2.VIDEO OF DANCING SENIORS GOES VIRAL又燃又治愈!魔都网红养老院上新啦~A music video titled "Dancers in Wheelchairs" went viral on the Internet. The video showed a group of seniors with an average age of 92 years old dancing as they celebrated the upcoming Chongyang Festival at Yangpu Social Welfare Institution.一部《轮椅上的舞者》MV走红网络。上海杨浦区社会福利院,让平均年龄92岁的高龄老人们,也快乐地舞蹈了起来,迎接即将到来的重阳节。The seniors were dressed fashionably, enjoyed the music and the fun of dancing in their wheelchair. 94-year-old Chen Lingying is the oldest in the video.老人们个个打扮时髦,虽然坐着轮椅,却阻挡不了他们享受音乐和舞蹈的快乐。这支MV中最年长的老人,是今年已经94岁的陈玲影。Chen Lingying / Yangpu Social Welfare Institution陈玲影 / 杨浦社会福利院People have been giving me a lot of praise to encourage me. I guess I’ll just accept the praise. I’ve been living here for 13 years and I’m still flexible at the age of 94.人家鼓励鼓励我呀,你们讲好,那我怎么办呢?只好接受吧!我在这里待了13年。你看我94岁,还是很灵活。While it was the first video Chen recorded, 92-year-old Zhuang Shibiao has more experience. Last September, he became famous for imitating masterpieces with other senior residents.相对于陈奶奶的首秀,92岁的庄世标爷爷可谓经验丰富。去年9月,庄爷爷就和福利院里的老人们一起模仿名画,并一举走红网络。The event was organized by nursing staff. They’ve been making efforts to add more color to the lives of residents by organizing various activities and recording them.这个作品背后,是福利院护理人员满满的爱。为了让老人们老有所乐,这群“护老天团”策划着老人们的活动,记录着老人们的生活。So far Yangpu Social Welfare Institution has posted more than 360 videos on its Douyin account and received over 17,000 likes.杨浦区社会福利院的抖音账号开通至今,已发布作品360余个,收获了1万7千多的点赞。3. UK'S BIOBANK LOOKS TO SAFEGUARD BIODIVERSITY21世纪“诺亚方舟”?英国建立“物种银行”保护生物多样性A recent report from the United Nations showed one-eighth of the Earth’s flora and fauna are threatened with extinction. To tackle the situation, scientists in the UK have established a bio-bank network to help preserve biodiversity.联合国最新的一份报告显示,随着气候变化以及人类的过度狩猎、过度捕捞,地球上约八分之一的动植物正面临灭绝威胁。为了延续生物多样性,英国科学家们经过数年努力,逐步建立起了保存动植物基因的"物种银行"。At the National Museums Collection Center in Edinburgh, Scotland, workers were taking a biological sample from this deceased【死去的】 red squirrel. The samples are stored at minus 80 degrees Celsius to preserve them and ensure they are viable for use for decades to come.位于爱丁堡的/苏格兰国家博物馆采集中心内,工作人员正在从一只死去的红松鼠身上采集生物样本。将样本分装在多个试管内,然后封存在零下80度左右的冰柜中。这样的条件下,样本活性能保持至少数十年。Gill Murray DicksonBiobank Researcher/National Museums Collections CenterIn conservation, sample collection is increasingly more difficult, and this is both because of restrictions in access to the animals, but also how rare the animals are themselves. 样本收集越来越困难。一方面是因为要接触这些动物有很多限制,另一方面是因为某些动物本身就非常稀少。Conservationists across Scotland say they have already banked over 8,000 samples, covering more than 1,000 species. This includes the critically-endangered Sumatran rhino and the Scottish wildcat, of which there are less than 100 specimens left in the wild.苏格兰的环保人士表示,他们已经储存了超过8000份样本,涵盖了1000多个物种。这其中包括濒临灭绝的苏门答腊犀牛和苏格兰野猫,它们在野外的个体数量,均不足一百。As climate change is causing widespread extinction in plants, the Kew Millennium Seed Bank in the UK has established the world’s largest plant conservation program, where seeds from over 20 percent of the Earth’s plants are stored. As part of the world’s environmental protection efforts, the 26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties will commence in Glasgow, Scotland at the end of the month. All countries are expected to back a statement that will recommit them to achieve net zero emissions【排放】by 2050.由于气候变化正在导致植物广泛灭绝,英国基尤千年种子银行建立了世界上最大的植物保护项目,在这里储存了地球上超过20%的植物种子。为保护地球生态环境,第26届联合国气候变化大会将于本月底在苏格兰的格拉斯哥举行,大会希望所有与会国家都能支持、并承诺于2050年实现净零排放。#热词加油站benchmark [ˈbentʃmɑːrk] 【基准】incentive [ɪnˈsentɪv] 【动力】deceased [dɪˈsiːst]【死去的】emission [ɪˈmɪʃn]【排放】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
10/13/20214 minutes, 31 seconds
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10/12 TOP OF THE DAY COP15开幕/中印第十三轮军长级会谈/黎巴嫩恢复供电

NEWS ON 10/121. COP15 OPENS IN KUNMING WITH AMBITIOUS IDEALSCOP15大会昆明开幕,呼吁共建地球生命共同体2. 13TH ROUND OF THE CORPS COMMANDER-LEVEL TALKS中印双方边境会谈,西部战区强势表态3. LEBANON RESTORES ELECTRICITY AFTER COMPLETE SHUTDOWN “至暗时刻”结束,黎巴嫩国家电网恢复运行-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1. COP15 OPENS IN KUNMING WITH AMBITIOUS IDEALSCOP15大会昆明开幕,呼吁共建地球生命共同体The 15th meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the UN Convention on Biological Diversity began this afternoon in Kunming, Yunnan Province. The conference is themed "Ecological Civilization: Building a Shared Future for All Life on Earth". Song Wenjing has more.《生物多样性公约》第十五次缔约方大会今日(10月11日)下午在云南昆明开幕。大会的主题是"生态文明:共建地球生命共同体"。The meeting will be held in two parts. The first part runs until Friday. The second part will take place in the first half of 2022, when the finalization【结束,决定】 and adoption of an ambitious post-2020 global biodiversity framework is expected.本次大会分为两个阶段举行:第一阶段将持续到本周五(10月15日),第二阶段定于2022年上半年召开,届时将审议并决定 “雄心勃勃”的《2020年后全球生物多样性框架》。David Cooper, Deputy Executive SecretaryUN Convention on Biological Diversity大卫·库珀联合国《生物多样性公约》秘书处副执行秘书The Kunming Declaration can help to set out some of the key elements that will need to be then reflected in the final framework. It does not prescribe the exact goals or the exact targets. They still need to be negotiated, but it will give a clear sense of direction and a clear sense of the level of ambition needed.《昆明宣言》将为《2020年后全球生物多样性框架》中必须体现的主要元素定调。它不会设定具体的目标,因为这些目标还有待协商,但是这份宣言将为未来行动指明方向。The convention has 196 parties, and the Conference of the Parties is the most important for discussing and making decisions on the convention. 《生物多样性公约》目前共有196个缔约方。缔约方大会是《公约》的最高议事和决策机制。China’s State Council Information Office released a white paper on biodiversity conservation last week. It stated that China is upholding the concept of harmonious coexistence between man and nature in the face of global biodiversity loss and ecosystem degradation【恶化,退化】. China was among the first countries to become a party to the Convention on Biological Diversity, which entered into force in 1993.中国国新办上周发表了《中国的生物多样性保护》白皮书。白皮书指出,面对全球性的生物多样性丧失和生态系统退化,中国秉持人与自然和谐共生理念。《生物多样性公约》于1993年起正式生效,中国是最早签署和批准的缔约方之一,So far, 10 national parks have been established in China, and protected areas account for 18 percent of the country’s land area. During the meeting, an exhibition on biological diversity is being held featuring paintings, sculptures and fossils of both rare animals and plants.目前,中国已完成10个国家公园体制试点建设,各类自然保护区约占国土陆域面积的18%。大会同期,还举办了云南生物多样性保护实践与成果展,展出了珍稀动植物的绘画、雕塑和化石。2. 13TH ROUND OF THE CORPS COMMANDER-LEVEL TALKS中印双方边境会谈,西部战区强势表态China today accused India of "unreasonable and unrealistic demands", and urged the country not to misjudge【误判】 the situation, as the two sides met for the 13th round of the corps commander-level talks on Sunday.中印两军于上周日(10月10日)举行了第十三轮军长级会谈,中方今日(10月11日)表示印方仍坚持不合理也不切实际的要求,并希望印方不要误判形势。According to a spokesperson for the China’s People’s Liberation Army Western Theater Command, the talks were held on the Chinese side of the Moldo-Chushul border meeting point. The spokesperson said China had made great efforts to promote the cooling of the border situation, and fully demonstrated its sincerity【诚意】 in order to maintain relations between the two sides. China also hopes that India will show the same sincerity, take action and work with China to jointly safeguard peace and stability in the border regions.中国人民解放军西部战区新闻发言人表示,该会谈在莫尔多-楚舒勒会晤点中方一侧举行。会谈中,中方为推动边境局势缓和降温做出了巨大努力、充分体现了诚意,希望印方切实拿出诚意和行动,与中方一道共同维护边境地区和平安宁。3. LEBANON RESTORES ELECTRICITY AFTER COMPLETE SHUTDOWN“至暗时刻”结束,黎巴嫩国家电网恢复运行Electrical power was restored in Lebanon yesterday after a blackout occurred on Saturday, when the country’s two biggest power stations shut down due to a fuel shortage.上周六(10月9日),黎巴嫩最大两座发电厂因燃料短缺而相继关闭,在经历一天的全国性断电后,黎巴嫩国家电网已于昨日(10月10日)恢复运行。The country’s energy ministry said it had received approval from the central bank for 100 million US dollars in credit to issue fuel import tenders for electricity generation. They also reported that the country’s power grid was, supplying the same amount of electricity as before the nationwide blackout.该国能源部门表示,央行已批准1亿美元贷款,用于进口供电所需燃料。据报告称,黎巴嫩电力供应情况已恢复至停电前水平。#热词加油站finalization [ˌfaɪnələˈzeɪʃn]【结束,决定】degradation [ˌdeɡrəˈdeɪʃn]【恶化】misjudge [ˌmɪsˈdʒʌdʒ]【误判】devastating [sɪn'serəti]【诚意】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
10/12/20213 minutes, 23 seconds
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10/11 WEEKLY HIGHLIGHTS 神舟十三号/疟疾疫苗/老厂房运动/植物奶/蝴蝶馆/俄罗斯岩刻

1. CHINA PREPARES TO SEND 3 MORE ASTRONAUTS TO ITS SPACE STATIONThe China Manned Space Agency is preparingthe country's next mission as the Shenzhou-13 spacecraft and a Long March-2Fcarrier rocket have been transferred to the launch pad at Jiuquan SatelliteLaunch Center.The agency said today the spaceship will belaunched in the near future at an appropriate time. The Shenzhou-13 will carry3 astronauts to the country's space station, where they will stay for sixmonths. Numerous pre-launch checks will be carried out. The mission is part ofa series of launches to complete the assembly of the new space station by nextyear.2. WHO BACKS ROLLOUT OF MALARIA VACCINETheWorld Health Organization is backing the rollout of the only approved vaccineagainst malaria to children in Africa, marking a potential advance against adisease that kills hundreds of thousands of people annually.Since2019, 2.3 million doses of Mos'quirix, developed by British pharmaceuticalcompany Glaxo-Smith-Kline, have been administered to infants in Ghana, Kenyaand Malawi in a large-scale pilot program coordinated by the WHO. The diseaseis caused by parasites and transmitted to people through infected mosquitoes.Symptoms include fever, vomiting and shivering. The vaccine's effectivenessagainst severe cases of malaria in children is only around 30 percent, but isthe only approved vaccine against the disease that kills one child in Africaevery minute.3. SHANGHAI GOVERNMENT PLANS TO BUILD MORE SPORTS VENUESTheShanghai government says about 8,000 more sports venues and facilities,including outdoor activity centers and football pitches, will be built acrossthe city in the next five years. The city is also promising a better sportsenvironment by improving the management of such facilities. Zhang Yue tells ushow the city is on its way to achieving that goal.A20-meter-tall indoor rock climbing wall at this sports venue in BaoshanDistrict has attracted many residents during the holiday. The venue also has a300-square-meter artificial snow slope and six ski simulators. But, the venue'smanager said there is much more to do.Oursports venue is turning into an ecological park for the sports industry. Sportslovers are also able to play tennis, soccer, swim, and drive go-karts here.BridgelifeNeighborhood Park, which is about a 10-minute drive from the UKSports Works,features taekwondo lessons, basketball, and equestrian for both parents andchildren. The equestrian club already has about 150 members since opening oneyear ago.Abookstore and coffee shops are being planned. We are also updating thefacilities to provide a better experience.Sportsvenues can also be on rooftops, under a bridge, and other under-utilizedspaces. Youth training can also be conducted in these areas. Projects like thiswill become more frequent in the future.In Minhang'sHechuan Town, old factories have been transformed into sports venues like gymsand basketball courts. The surrounding outdoor space has been turned into asoccer field, which can also be used to play baseball or rugby.TheShanghai government has said there is expected to be 2.6 square meters ofsports facilities per capita by the end of 2025, compared to 2.35 square metersnow.4. PLANT-BASED MILK INCREASINGLY POPULAR IN CHINA'S BEVERAGE MARKETTake alook through the coffee shops in Shanghai, and you'll often find something new- plant-based milk. The increasing popularity of the high-protein health drinkis impossible to ignore, but there could still be a long way to go forcompanies in the market. Ying Junyi has more.There'sa new and unusual way to lighten your coffee now - with milk made from plants.In many cafes, oat milk, one of the most popular products, is taking over anincreasing share from ordinary cow's milk to become coffee's best mate. Andwith so many coffee drinkers in China these days, there are plenty of domesticand international plant milk brands in the market. The price is higher thanthat for what the cows provide, but consumers don't seem worried about theextra cost.INTERVIEW:Ittastes better than cow's milk.口感也会好一点,会和普通牛奶有区别。Many ofmy friends prefer coffee with oat milk.挺多的吧,就周边朋友喝咖啡点燕麦的。I wascurious. I order it now because it's trendy.新奇,我点这个也是觉得是一种跟上现在的流行时尚吧。Andthere are niche brands with plenty of niche products. In addition to oat milk,you'll also come across soy-based, coconut-based, and even pea-based milk. Thenewest entry in the plant-based milk competition is potato milk, which alreadyhas its boosters on the internet.INTERVIEW:HyungWoo Kim, Internet PersonalityConsumerswill choose potato milk with curiosity. Making a milk by potatoes? It's a greatidea, and you can make a variety of flavored drinks with potato milk. As theSwedish oat milk brand "Oatley" is being popular in this world and iswelcomed in China, I think potato milk has plenty of potential as well.It lookslike a market in the early stages of development and with a large potentialhere -- a survey by medical research firm Somur shows over 90 percent ofChinese have trouble to some degree with digesting the sugars in animal milk.Adding to that is the increasing demand for healthier food options these days.INTERVIEW:Joy Yin,Senior Food & Drink Analyst, Mintel65percent of our respondants have increased their frequency of healthy eatingcompared to before the Covid-19 outbreak. And 44 percent of our respondantsthink that healthy diet should include both animal and plant protein. On theother hand, we also observed consumers are considering plant-based drinks to bemore natural than milk and dairy beverages.Inforeign markets like the UK and the US, sales of plant-based milk are recordingdouble digit growth every year. Projections from Research and Markets show thatthe global plant-based milk market will be worth 22 billion dollars in 2024.Perhaps China too, will soon be putting the cows out to pasture.5. AN ENCOUNTER WITH BUTTERFLIES AT SHANGHAI ZOOAbutterfly exhibition is now being held at the Shanghai Zoo in ChangningDistrict to raise people's awareness about eco-logical protection. Zhang Hongbrings us more.At thebutterfly garden, children released boxes of wild butterflies under theguidance of zoo keepers.INTERVIEW:Kid-I'veonly seen butterflies that have one single color. I've never seen butterflieswith so many colors before.我以前只见过一种颜色的蝴蝶,没有见过这么多种颜色的(蝴蝶)。VisitorI'd likemy daughter to be closer to nature and learn about the metamorphosis ofbutterflies. She has been observing the process for a long time. It's quite anew experience for her.想让小孩子亲近一下自然,让她感受一下蝴蝶蜕变的过程。刚刚在那边她们观察了很久,非常新奇,是个很好的体验。VisitorI'm fromShanxi and I came here especially for this butterfly exhibition. I saw manydifferent species that I had never seen before. A butterfly has just alightedon me. That's amazing.我们是从山西来到上海,这次特地来看这个蝴蝶展,进来就看到很多以前没有看到过的种类。刚刚一只小蝴蝶就落在我身上,感觉特别神奇。Duringthe exhibition, nearly 70,000 butterflies from some 30 species will be releasedat the zoo. All of them are indigenous to China including the Red Admiral andthe Asian Swallowtail. Visitors can also appreciate some rarer species such asthe dead leaf butterfly, which looks like a dead leaf when its wings areclosed.INTERVIEW:Li Qing,Technician, Shanghai ZooBehindme are all kinds of plants that can provide nectar. There are orchids and plumflowers for butterflies to rest on and feed. We will also prepare fruit forthem to feed on. Visitors can observe how those butterflies eat to sustainthemselves.身后这些是蜜源植物,如五色梅等,这都是蝴蝶需要进食的种类。我们饲养员每天都会准备水果拼盘,如橙子。我们的游客也能看到这些蝴蝶进食的过程。One ofthe more interesting highlights of the exhibition is watching the butterfliesemerge from their cocoons. There are many species in their chrysalis stage ontree trunks, and visitors are able to observe the moment a caterpillar becomesan adult butterfly.INTERVIEW:-Thisbutterfly is a "Blue Tiger". It has just finished its metamorphosis.You need to put it onto the tree trunk. Then it will climb up, inflate itswings and finally become a butterfly.青斑蝶呢,它刚刚化蛹,化蛹出来之后呢,一定要把它引到这树干上,它就慢慢爬上去,然后翅膀一抖动,蝴蝶就慢慢出来了。Inaddition to the live creatures, various butterfly specimens and paintings arealso on display. Other activities such as lectures and DIY butterfly-themedhandicrafts are also being held to enhance the visitor experiences. Theexhibition is scheduled to run until the end of October.6. KARELIAN PETROGLYPHS LISTED AS WORLD HERITAGE SITE(Russian)Vitaly Kudryavtsev, visitor:Humansmade it five or six thousand years ago, but we can still see it very clearly.SvetlanaKudryavtseva, visitor:Can yousee a dinosaur, Vitaly?Vitaly:It looks like a swanSvetlana:Yes, this swan.Vitaly:This with long neck.Thesetwo tourists are talking about the Petroglyphs which are located in the portcity of White Sea in northwestern Russia. These rock carvings were known as'devil's trails' by local villagers as they used the area as a cemetery for avery long time.In 1926,a depiction of a huge moose etched into a stone was discovered by a youngethnographer Alexander Linevskiy just outside White Sea and people have beenfascinated by them for the better part of a century.ThePetroglyphs of the White Sea are spread out across 1.8 kilometers from north tosouth and 0.6 kilometers from east to west. At least 3,400 individual figuresin 11 clusters were discovered in the area over the following decades.330kilometers away, lies another petroglyph site, more than 1,200 figures sitalong 18.5 kilometers of the eastern shore of the Lake Onega. Although theserock carvings are much more spread out, they feature many fantasticalhalf-human half-animal creatures. Those of the White Sea are more mundane,depicting as hunters, gatherers, sea animals and birds, and the daily lives ofthe Neolithic people.INTERVIEW:TatianaGolovina, Director, Belomorsk Petroglyphs Museum塔蒂亚娜·戈洛维娜,白海城岩刻博物馆馆长Belugas,reindeer, moose, swans, large birds... all these allowed ancient humans tosurvive. It's the Neolithic epoch, the late Neolithic. These petroglyphs areestimated to be five to six thousand years old.白鲸、驯鹿、驼鹿、天鹅、大型鸟类……它们是和古代人类共存的动物。
10/11/202112 minutes, 57 seconds
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10/09 TOP OF THE DAY 中美会晤/中欧班列“上海号”返程/日本地震

1.MEETING SETS STAGE FOR MORE CONTACT BETWEEN CHINA-U.S.Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson Zhao lijian told a regular press briefing today that China and the United States discussed the holding a video summit between their leader before the end of this year.Zhao said senior Chinese diplomat yang Jiechi and U.S. national security adviser Jake Sullivan discuss the possibility.Yang and Sullivan have made discussions on holding a meeting before the end of this year. The Chinese side attaches great importance to Biden's recent positive comments on China us relation that the U.S. has no intention of curtailing China's development or waging a new cold war. We hope the U.S. side will pursue a rational and pragmatic policy toward China and will work with China to respect each other's core interests and major concern.2."SH EXPRESS" FREIGHT TRAIN DEPARTS HAMBURGThe "Shanghai Express" freight train left Hamburg, Germany for Shanghai yesterday. It's the first freight train departing Europe directly for Shanghai. Zhang Hong tells more.Early in the morning, the Shanghai Express left Billwerder Terminal in Hamburg. It will travel through Poland, Russia and Kazakhstan among others and is expected to reach Shanghai in 18 days, less than half the travel time of regular trains. Some CIIE exhibits were also loaded on the train.As the largest port in Germany, Hamburg is also one of the largest terminals for China-Europe trade with almost one-third of the containers to or from China. The port handled over 2.4 million TEU in trade with China last year. The railway at Hamburg has been operating amid the pandemic and China-Hamburg freight volume increased about 7% last year.Andreas Bernhof, Billwerder TerminalThe freight train serves as a new Eurasian corridor linking the city of Hamburg and Shanghai. Aside from "Shanghai Express", other China-Euro freight trains have also been very important to us, bringing a large number of trade volume. We sincerely hope to see more trains from China.The first "Shanghai Express" freight train to Hamburg departed Shanghai on September 28th. There is one train each week and more trains will be running between the two cities in the future. China-Euro freight trains now connect 174 cities in 23 European countries.3.POWERFUL OUAKE INJURES MORE THAN 50 IN JAPANA powerful earthquake with a magnitude of 5.9 that struck the Tokyo area last night has left more than 50 people injured and continued to disrupt train services this morning, affecting nearly 370,000 passengers. Zhang Yue has more.According to the East Japan Railway Company, the strongest earthquake in a decade caused services on the Shinkansen bullet train servicing the Japanese capital to be canceled or delayed. 16 local train lines were also disrupted resulting in many late-night train passengers becoming stranded and a commuter disruption this morning. All train services were back up and running by 3p.m. local time today,Around 250 houses in Tokyo's Shinjuku Ward briefly experienced power outages due to the earthquake, and water stoppages and leaks were reported across central Tokyo.Japan's new Prime Minister Fumio Kishida returned to his office yesterday to take helm of a government task force.Fumio Kishida, Japanese Prime MinisterThe first point is to understand the actual situation. The second point is to work together with local governments to help and rescue the victims. The third point is to provide accurate information to the people. The fourth point is to try to prevent the spread of damage.So far, several train and subway lines in Tokyo and Chiba which initially shut down, have restarted their operations. Officials said there was no danger of a tsunami from the quake.According to a report by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport, and Tourism, the earthquake caused 28 incidents of people being trapped in elevators in Tokyo and three neighboring prefectures. All the trapped individuals were rescued, and no injuries were reported.
10/9/20214 minutes, 11 seconds
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10/08 TOP OF THE DAY 中美苏黎世会晤/神舟十三号“出差”在即/全球首款疟疾疫苗

NEWS ON 10/081. SENIOR CHINESE OFFICIALMEETS U.S. NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISOR杨洁篪会晤美国总统国家安全事务助理沙利文2. CHINA PREPARES TO SEND 3MORE ASTRONAUTS TO ITS SPACE STATION神舟十三号就位!三名航天员即将“出差”6个月3. WHO BACKS ROLLOUT OF MALARIAVACCINE世卫组织建议部分地区广泛接种首款疟疾疫苗-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1. SENIOR CHINESE OFFICIALMEETS U.S. NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISOR杨洁篪会晤美国总统国家安全事务助理沙利文Yang Jiechi, a member of the PoliticalBureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, has met with U.S.National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan in Zurich, Switzerland.中共中央政治局委员杨洁篪同美国总统国家安全事务助理沙利文在瑞士苏黎世举行会晤。The two sides exchanged views onChina-US relations as well as international and regional issues of commonconcern. Yang said whether both countries handle their relations well bear onthe fundamental interests of the two countries and two peoples, as well as thefuture of the world. Yang noted that China attaches importance to the positiveremarks on China-US relations made recently by US President Joe Biden, andChina has noticed that the Biden administration said it has no intention【目的】 to contain China’s development, and isnot seeking a “new Cold War”. China hopes the US side adopts a rational andpragmatic China policy, and, together with China, follows a path of mutualrespect, peaceful co-existence and win-win cooperation, with respect for eachother’s core interests.双方就中美关系和共同关心的国际与地区问题全面、坦诚、深入交换意见。杨洁篪指出,中美能否处理好彼此关系,事关两国和两国人民根本利益,攸关世界前途命运。杨洁篪表示,中方重视拜登总统近期关于中美关系的积极表态,注意到美方表示无意遏制中国发展,不搞“新冷战”,希望美方采取理性务实的对华政策,同中方一道尊重彼此核心利益和重大关切,走中美相互尊重、和平共处、合作共赢之路。2. CHINA PREPARES TO SEND 3MORE ASTRONAUTS TO ITS SPACE STATION神舟十三号就位!三名航天员即将“出差”6个月The China Manned Space Agency ispreparing the country’s next mission as the Shenzhou 13 spacecraft and a LongMarch-2F carrier rocket have been transferred to the launch pad at JiuquanSatellite Launch Center.神舟十三号载人飞船与长征二号F遥十三运载火箭组合体已转运至酒泉发射区,中国载人航天今年第二批航天员即将出征太空。The agency said today the spaceshipwill be launched in the near future at an appropriate【适当的】 time. TheShenzhou-13 will carry 3 astronauts to the country’s space station, where theywill stay for six months. Numerous pre-launch checks will be carried out. Themission is part of a series of launches to complete the assembly of the new spacestation by next year.国家航天局今日(10月7日)表示,神舟十三号计划近期择机实施发射,将有三名航天员搭乘神舟十三号载人飞船,前往空间站,展开为期6个月的太空生活。后续将按计划开展发射前的各项功能检查、联合测试等工作,此次发射任务为天宫空间站建设任务之一,按计划,中国空间站将于2022年前后完成建造。3. WHO BACKS ROLLOUT OF MALARIAVACCINE世卫组织建议部分地区广泛接种首款疟疾疫苗The World Health Organization isbacking the rollout【首次展示】 of theonly approved vaccine against malaria to children in Africa, marking apotential advance against a disease that kills hundreds of thousands of peopleannually.世界卫生组织批准全球首款疟疾疫苗,并建议为非洲及其他高危地区的儿童进行广泛接种,这是人类对抗这个每年导致数十万人死亡的疾病的“一大进步”。Since2019, 2.3 million doses of Mosquirix, developed by British pharmaceuticalcompany GlaxoSmithKline, have been administered to infants in Ghana, Kenya andMalawi in a large-scale pilot program coordinated by the WHO. The disease iscaused by parasites and transmitted to people through infected mosquitoes.Symptoms include fever, vomiting and shivering. The vaccine's effectivenessagainst severe cases of malaria in children is only around 30 percent, but isthe only approved vaccine against the disease that kills one child in Africaevery minute.2019年以来,在世卫组织协调的一项大规模试点项目中,英国制药公司葛兰素史克为加纳、肯尼亚和马拉维的儿童接种了230万剂疫苗。疟疾由寄生虫引起,通过受感染的蚊子传播给人类,患病症状包括发烧、呕吐和颤抖。在非洲,每分钟就有一名儿童因这种疾病而死亡。该疫苗预防儿童疟疾重症病例的效力为30%左右,但却是非洲唯一获批的疟疾疫苗。#热词加油站intention, n. [ɪnˈtenʃn]【目的】appropriate, adj. [əˈproʊpriət]【适当的】rollout, n. [ˈroʊˌlaʊt]【首次展示】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
10/8/20212 minutes, 35 seconds
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Cold Dew 寒露浓秋色,莫负好时光

One month ago, I talked about 白露 White dew. And today, I have another solar term for you: 寒露 Cold Dew. At this time, temperatures are usually lower than during White Dew in most areas of the country. There is a saying 白露身不露,寒露脚不露, which means you should pay special attention to keeping your feet warm in order to prevent yourself from catching a cold. However, climate change may make it feel much different during 寒露 than it was hundreds or thousands of years ago. For me, red is the most suitable autumn color. Two red fruits are now in, pomegranates 石榴 and persimmons 柿子. Pomegranates 石榴 have been cherished centuries due to their exquisite beauty and health benefits. The beauty of a pomegranate was depicted by famous painter, calligrapher and seal carver 吴昌硕, one of the most prominent artists in Chinese contemporary art. If you’ve been to 陆家嘴, you may have noticed a traditional house that stands out among all the skyscrapers. This is Wu Changshuo Memorial Hall. Wu wrote poems and painted Pudong’s countryside scenery, including blooming peonies and snow-capped crops. As for persimmons 柿子, there is this saying 立秋核桃白露梨,寒露柿子红了皮。It means persimmons will become ripe during 寒露. In China, a persimmon is a symbol of good luck. Since 柿 has a similar pronunciation as 事,people often say 柿柿如意 to express their best wishes.  Renowned painter 齐白石,particularly known for his depictions of shrimp and fish, had a special fascination for persimmons and his paintings tried to convey auspicious meanings. Using heavy ink, bright colors, and vigorous strokes, he created fresh and lively works that expressed his love of nature and life. Since hairy crab season is approaching. It reminded me of a saying that persimmons and hairy crabs cannot be eaten at the same time. It seems like everybody says so, but I’m not sure of the reason behind it. If you think you know why, please leave a comment with the explanation. As different regions in China take on a look of late autumn, Cold Dew is also a great time for hiking. We’ve got some pretty good hiking trails in Shanghai. For example, Sheshan Forest Park on the southwestern outskirts is a pleasant getaway from the hustle and bustle of Shanghai. There’s also a 6-kilometer trail around Dishui Lake. The trail is popular among hikers, joggers and bird watchers. 寒露至,秋渐浓,天寒露重,望君珍重。
10/8/20212 minutes, 31 seconds
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National Day holiday movies attract viewers of all ages国庆档电影票房飘红

NEWS ON 10/1NATIONAL DAY HOLIDAY MOVIES ATTRACT VIEWERS OF ALL AGES老少咸宜!国庆档电影票房飘红8 new movies are being screened during the National Day Holiday and industry insiders are expecting a better box office performance than the mid-autumn festival. Reporter Zhang Hong explains why."My Country, My Parents," the star-studded anthology, is one of movies that has received a lot of attention. The film pays homage to the past generations who have contributed to China's revolution and development, and features four stories that were filmed by different directors. It is also the last part of a trilogy for the "National Day Holiday Series", following "My People My Homeland" and "My People My Country" which were released over the past two years.The part I'm in charge of required me to create sets of Shanghai in 1978. It's very challenging because the city has changed dramatically. So I chose to focus on details that I was most impressed with when I was young, like the posters on Shanxi Road.徐峥:像我的这一段要这次要还原1978年的上海,现在要去还原那个78年的上海的场景太难了,整个时代翻天覆地的变化,所以我也选择了我记忆当中印象比较深的,比方说山西路那边电影海报的牌子)I came to watch this movie as I've watched the previous two. This new one is really touching. The tears kept coming when I saw the parents trying their best to give their children a better life. And then the theater was filled with laughter for the last two parts of the movie.我因为看过前两部,所以这次来看这部。父辈们很不容易,为了我们现在的生活很不容易。特别地感动,不停地在掉眼泪。后面两个故事是由喜剧导演负责的,所以笑点就更多一些。Another much-anticipated drama is the historical epic "The Battle at Lake Changjin" that tells the story of the Chinese People's Volunteers soldiers fighting bravely in freezing temperatures in the War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea.I learned about this war from reading but now with this movie, it feels so real. It reminds us that wars are cruel. We should cherish our life today as it is hard-earned.�以前只是书本上知道这个战争,通过这个画面就特别真实,战争很残酷,让我们知道我们现在的和平是先烈用鲜血换来的,我们就更应该珍惜现在的生活。There are also animated films, including "Dear Tutu: Operation T-Rex" and "Goldbeak", offering a nice choice for families with young children. According to Maoyan, one of China's largest online ticketing service providers, today's box office sales topped 318 million by 1:30 this afternoon. "The Battle at Lake Changjin" and "My Country, My Parents" ranked first and second, reaching over 200 million yuan and 89 million yuan respectively. Animated movie "Goldbeak" ranked third with over 7 million yuan.We've been looking forward to the National Day Holiday. We saw an increase in box office sales during the Spring Festival and we are also expecting a big number during this holiday as the tickets of top-ranking films are selling quite well.档期方面,国庆也是我们期待的一个节假日,除了今年过年的时候比较高的票房,整个国庆我们还是很看好票房的,因为头部的新影片的票房收入还是挺高的。Analysis by China International Capital Corporation has predicted sales of 4.1 billion to 4.9 billion yuan at the box office during the holiday.
10/5/20212 minutes, 54 seconds
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Explore China Pavilion at Expo 2020 Dubai

Expo 2020 Dubai: China pavilion to showcase tech, arts prowessThe opening ceremony featured 900 cast members from 64 countries. World renowned Chinese pianist Lang Lang, Italian tenor Andrea Bocelli and Expo Ambassador Hussein Al Jasmi took to the stage for the event. The Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE delivered a speech at the ceremony.Today, the entire world has gathered in the United Arab Emirates. Today we witness together a new beginning at Expo 2020 Dubai.The China pavilion showcases the country's newest achievements in information technology, artificial intelligence and space exploration, and at 4,600 square meters, it is one of the largest pavilions at the Expo. Among the highlights of the China Pavilion are exhibits about the BeiDou Navigation Satellite System, the high-speed railway, autonomous driving new energy concept cars, robots, and a light show at night.The Chinese delegation says they chose these high-tech exhibits to demonstrate China's contribution to the world in terms of science and technology, as well as the country's willingness to share the fruits of development with the rest of the world.
10/2/20211 minute, 16 seconds
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Fly over Shanghai in celibration of the National Day

10/2/202139 seconds
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09/30 TOP OF THE DAY 我国对外直接投资全球第一/大食蚁兽宝宝/日本新首相

NEWS ON 9/301.CHINA’S FOREIGN INVESTMENT RANKS NO.1 IN THE WORLD全球第一!2020年中国对外直接投资达1537亿美元2.PREMATURE GIANT ANTEATER PUP MEETS THE PUBLIC AT SH WILD ANIMAL PARK“巨兽节”上线!浦东动物园喊你来看大食蚁兽宝宝啦3.FUMIO KISHIDA WINS JAPAN’S RULING PARTY PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION岸田文雄即将出任日本第100任首相-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1.CHINA’S FOREIGN INVESTMENT RANKS NO.1 IN THE WORLD全球第一!2020年中国对外直接投资达1537亿美元China’s direct investment in other countries increased nearly 154 billion US dollars in 2020, marking the first time the country ranked No. 1 in foreign investment globally. Some 70 percent of the investments went to four major industries, leasing【租赁】 and commercial services, finance, manufacturing, plus wholesale【批发】 and retail【零售】. That came from a report released today by the Ministry of Commerce, the statistics bureau and the foreign exchange administrator.今天(29日),商务部、国家统计局、国家外汇管理局联合发布公报显示,去年,中国对外直接投资达1537亿美元,流量规模首次位居全球第一。近七成投资流向租赁和商务服务、金融、制造与批发和零售这四大领域。The report said outbound【出境的】direct investment rose 12 percent year on year in 2020, after a contraction【收缩】 of 4.3 percent in 2019. China’s total foreign investments came to almost 2.6 trillion US dollars at the end of 2020, ranking third after the United States and the Netherlands. 公报显示,在2019年收缩4.3%后,2020年中国对外直接投资同比增长12.3%。到2020年末,中国对外直接投资存量达2.58万亿美元,次于美国和荷兰。2.PREMATURE GIANT ANTEATER PUP MEETS THE PUBLIC AT SH WILD ANIMAL PARK“巨兽节”上线!浦东动物园喊你来看大食蚁兽宝宝啦China’s first artificially-bred premature【早产的】 giant anteater【食蚁兽】 pup got to meet the public today at Shanghai Wild Animal Park in Pudong. The pup is now under the careful eyes of zoo keepers in the park’s nursing room. Sun Siqi takes a look.在上海浦东野生动物园,国内首例人工育幼成活大食蚁兽宝宝经过保育员的精心照料,今起(29日)正式和游客见面。At lunch time, zoo keepers were preparing a special meal for the giant anteater pup.动物园的工作人员正精心为这只大食蚁兽宝宝准备专属午餐。INTERVIEWShen Jianping, StaffShanghai Wild Animal Park沈建平,上海野生动物园工作人员We have added beef, eggs, various fruits, tomatoes and dried ants into the meals. The pup prefers to eat something sour and dried ants are just sour enough to add to the flavor.里面有牛肉,鸡蛋,各种水果,西红柿,苹果,香蕉,还有蚂蚁干,它比较喜欢吃酸的,蚂蚁干也比较酸,增加它的口味。After a nice meal, the pup was brought outdoors for a variety of games. The zoo keeper said the mother was originally expected to give birth at the end of June. However, the pup was delivered prematurely.饱餐一顿后,大食蚁兽宝宝就被带到在小动物乐园的户外草坪活动。据保育员介绍,这只大食蚁兽幼崽今本应6月底出生,但却早产近一个月。INTERVIEWShen Jianping, StaffShanghai Wild Animal Park沈建平,上海野生动物园工作人员The pup was too weak to climb onto its mother’s back, making it difficult for her to take care of it. It was actually the first time we’ve had to care for a premature giant ant-eater pup. We fed it dehydrated【脱水的】 animal milk to begin with, then moved onto solid food.主要是因为早产,就比较弱,正常的话,幼崽应该要爬到母亲的背上,但是它没有这个能力,所以爬不上去,爬不上去(母亲)就没法带它了。我们这边全人工喂养我们也是第一次,我们人工配乳,我们用犬奶粉、猫奶粉,人工配置,然后让它慢慢适应。The male pup was hypothermic【体温低的】 and almost unconscious【昏迷的】 when it was first brought to the zoo. It weighed less than 1 kilogram. He was eventually nursed【照料】 to health by the zoo keepers, and now weighs 10 kilograms. The zoo keepers say the pup will be staying in the nursery for another two months before being sent to live with the other giant anteaters in the park.刚被送到动物园时,这只雄性幼兽体重不足1000克,体温低并已进入半昏迷的状态。最终经过保育员的抢救和精心照料,小家伙目前的体重已有约10公斤。接下来,它还将在育婴苑生活两个月,之后将被送去与其他大食蚁兽一同生活。3.FUMIO KISHIDA WINS JAPAN’S RULING PARTY PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION岸田文雄即将出任日本第100任首相Japan’s former Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida won the presidential election for Japan’s ruling Liberal Democratic Party today. Lei Shuran has more.今天(29日)下午,日本前外务大臣、64岁的岸田文雄当选执政党自民党总裁。In the first round, Kishida won 256 votes while his contender, vaccination minister Taro Kono secured 255 votes, another two candidates【候选人】, both female received 188 and 63. None of the four candidates secured a majority in the first round of voting. In the runoff vote, Kishida secured 257 votes to Kono’s 170. After his victory, the 64-year-old politician delivered a speech saying that he will lead a transformed party in the general election which is scheduled to occur within weeks.自民党总裁选举在岸田文雄、疫苗大臣河野太郎、前总务大臣高市早苗以及自民党代理干事长野田圣子四人中展开角逐。在首轮投票中,岸田文雄获得256票,河野太郎获得255票,另外两位候选者分获188和63票。四人中,无一得票超过半数。根据选举规则,票数最高的岸田与河野进入第二轮对决。最终,岸田以87票的优势战胜河野,拿下选举。之后岸田文雄登台讲话,表示会在几周后的大选上带领自民党展现全新的面貌。Fumio KishidaNewly Elected LDP President岸田文雄,日本自民党新任总裁From today, I will, with all of my energy, get straight to work. At present, Japan’s national crisis will continue. We must continue our efforts with measures against COVID-19 with utmost【最大的】 determination. In addition, economic measures on the scale of tens of trillions of yen must be firmly established by the end of the year. 从今天起我将竭尽全力,立马投入工作。目前,日本的国家危机仍将持续,我们必须以最大的决心,继续努力采取针对新冠疫情的措施。此外,须在年底前果断出台数十万亿日元规模的经济措施。As the LDP-led coalition constitutes a majority in both chambers of the Japanese parliament, the new party president is almost certain to succeed Yoshihide Suga, and be elected prime minister in the extraordinary Diet session scheduled to be held on October 4. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying today said that China is willing to work with Japan’s new government in accordance with the principles established in the four political documents between the two Asian countries, and promote bilateral ties.由于自民党在议会中占据多数,新总裁岸田文雄将在10月4号召集的临时国会上,接替菅义伟出任日本第100任首相。外交部新闻发言人华春莹今日(29日)表示,中方愿同日本新一届执政团队一道,恪守中日四个政治文件确定的各项原则和精神,深化各领域务实合作,推动中日关系沿着正确轨道健康稳定发展。#热词加油站leasing n. /ˈliːsɪŋ/【租赁】 wholesale n. /ˈhəʊlseɪl/ 【批发】retail n. /ˈriːteɪl/【零售】outbound adj. /ˈaʊtbaʊnd/【出境的】contraction n. /kənˈtrækʃn/【收缩】premature adj. /ˌpriːməˈtʃʊr/【早产的】anteater n. /ˈæntiːtə/【食蚁兽】 dehydrated adj. /ˌdiːhaɪˈdreɪtɪd/【脱水的】 hypothermic adj. /,haipəu'θə:mik/【体温低的】unconscious adj. /ʌnˈkɒnʃəs/【昏迷的】 nurse /nɜːs/【照料】 candidate /ˈkændɪdeɪt/【候选人】utmost /ˈʌtməʊst/【最大的】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
9/30/20214 minutes, 4 seconds
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Shanghai Launches Its First China-Europe Freight Train

Shanghai Launches Its First China-Europe Freight Train首列“上海号”中欧班列发车NEWS ON 9/29-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------The first freight【货运】 train between Shanghai and Hamburg, Germany departed today. The route is expected to expand business opportunities for trade companies here in Shanghai and nearby cities.“中欧班列-上海号”首趟列车今天(28日)发车,前往德国。班列的开行将为上海乃至周边城市的外贸企业带来更多商贸机会。With a blast from its horn, Shanghai’s first freight trainheading all the way to Europe left this morning carrying 50 40-foot-equivalent【相等的】 containers - full of clothing, glassware, auto parts and precision equipment. 随着一声响亮的鸣笛,首发“上海号”中欧班列驶往欧洲。50个40尺的集装箱里,满载着服装鞋帽、玻璃器皿,汽车配件和精密仪器的配件。Nine of the steel boxes belong to the Shanghai-headquartered trading company Cargo Services China, which has been using rail freight to Europe for around 5 years, but previously its containers【集装箱】had to be driven to other cities to get on a train.其中的9个集装箱,属于总部位于上海的嘉宏国际运输代理有限公司。他们使用中欧班列已有5年,但之前需要把集装箱运至其它城市,装上班列。Walter Wang, Assistant General ManagerCorporate Commercial, Cargo Services ChinaMany of our cargos are fromthe Yangtze River Delta Region. And in the past, we had to first put the cargo on a truck trailer and drive it to Zhengzhou or Hefei. A trailer from Shanghai to Zhengzhou could cost 2,000 US dollars, and it took 2 or 3 days to complete the inland transport.我们很多货都是集中在长三角,以前很多时候都是要用拖车到工厂装完货送到郑州、合肥发车。上海到郑州拖车要2000美元的成本,时间也要2-3天内陆运输。Shanghai’s first train will leave China via the Alataw Pass in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region and arrive in Hamburg in about 2 weeks. And on its way back in the mid October, it will carry exhibits from Europe for the upcoming China International Import Expo. The new route is expected to eventually see 500 trains a year, and it’s been very welcomed by the market.首发“上海号”中欧班列将从新疆阿拉山口口岸出境,14天左右抵达德国汉堡;回程将从欧洲运回第四届进博会的参展展品。“上海号”已受到市场欢迎,未来全年可开行500列。Wang Jinqiu, Chairman of the BoardOrient Silk RoadPreviously, our clients using China-Europe freight trains had their cargos【货物】 shipped through other cities. But now, they can just start in Shanghai. The trains are almost booked out through the end of the year, which promises increased frequency next year.原来中欧班列的客户都到其他地方的,现在都回归到上海。今年年底,已经基本订满了,都在排队,为明年提升频次创造了条件。The number of trips made by China-Europe freight trains had now exceeded【超过】 1,000 per month for sixteen straight month.More than 10,000 trips were made during the first 8 months of the year, up 32%year-on-year. And now they’re going ... direct from Shanghai.中欧班列已连续16个月单月开行千列以上。今年1至8月,中欧班列累计开行突破万列,同比增长32%。现在,“中欧班列-上海号”也正式发车了。#热词加油站freight, n. ['freɪt]【货运】equivalent, adj. [ɪˈkwɪvələnt]【相等的】container, n. [kənˈteɪnər]【集装箱】cargo, n. [ˈkɑːrɡoʊ]【货物】exceed, v. [ɪkˈsiːd]【超过】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
9/29/20212 minutes, 6 seconds
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09/28 TOP OF THE DAY 世界互联网大会/进博会首单展品/世界首条沙漠铁路环线

NEWS ON 9/281.2021 WORLD INTERNET CONFERENCE ZEROES IN ON DATA, CYBERSECURITY世界互联网大会开幕,全球目光聚焦中国乌镇2. FIRST CIIE EXHIBIT ARRIVES IN SHANGHAI进博会首票展品抵沪通关,氢能源赛车静待亚洲首秀3. WORLD'S FIRST RAILWAY LOOP LINE CIRCLING A DESERT COMPLETED“大国工程”再创奇迹,世界首条沙漠环线铁路新疆竣工-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1. 2021 WORLD INTERNET CONFERENCE ZEROES IN ON DATA, CYBERSECURITY世界互联网大会开幕,全球目光聚焦中国乌镇The 2021 World Internet Conference started yesterday in the water town of Wuzhen in Zhejiang Province. About 2,000 delegates【代表】 from over 80 countries and regions joined the conference either online or in-person, discussing issues including new development trends and global management of cyber-space. Zhang Hong tells us more.2021年世界互联网大会昨日(26日)在浙江省的水城乌镇开幕。共有来自80多个国家和地区的近2000名代表以线下或线上的形式参会,讨论了全球网络前沿技术发展新趋势、网络空间治理新态势等议题。Data and cybersecurity are two of the focal points at the conference. Tesla CEO Elon Musk joined one meeting online and said data security is essential for smart vehicles.数据和网络安全是大会的两大重点议题。特斯拉首席执行官埃隆·马斯克远程参加了会议,并表示数据安全对于智能汽车至关重要。Elon Musk, CEOTesla埃隆·马斯克,特斯拉首席执行官Tesla has set up a data center in China to localize all data generated from our business here, including production,sales, service and charging. All personally identifiable【可识别的】 information is securely stored in China without being transferred overseas.特斯拉已经在中国建立了数据中心,包括生产数据、销售数据、服务数据和充电数据等所有个人身份信息都安全地储存在中国国内,不会转移到海外。Zhou Hongyi, founder and chairman of Qihoo360 Technology, said that more work is needed to deal with cybersecurity challenges, and companies need a new system to ensure the safety of their data.360集团创始人、董事长周鸿祎表示,解决数字化复杂安全问题需要新的解决方案,应以安全新体系筑牢数字安全屏障。Zhou Hongyi, Founder & CEOQihoo 360 Technology周鸿祎,360集团创始人、首席执行官In the past, cybersecurity companies were like someone selling medicines. Now I want to compare our work to building a hospital for clients. We help them during the whole process, including their operation modes and equipment, so as to enhance their overall capability to deal with security issues. We want to empower our clients, companies and the government.网络安全公司原来像卖药。现在我们的模式把它改成帮你建医院。医院的各种流程,各种运营方式,再加上各种药和医疗设备,这样才能形成强大的医疗能力。要把能力真正赋能给客户、赋能给政府、赋能给企业The World Internet Conference will end tomorrow. 本次大会将于明日(28日)闭幕。2.    FIRST CIIE EXHIBIT ARRIVES IN SHANGHAI进博会首票展品抵沪通关,氢能源赛车静待亚洲首秀The first exhibit -- a hydrogen【氢】 powered race car flown-in from Luxembourg, for this year's China International Import Expo cleared customs today due to improved procedures. SunSiqi has more.第四届中国国际进口博览会的首单展品——一台从卢森堡空运至上海的氢动力赛车样车,得益于海关绿色通道的开辟,今日(27日)已顺利完成通关手续。Click, and approve. Shipping Order Number One just got through customs this morning, a hydrogen energy race car worth 70,000 euros. At previous CIIEs, a company would need to send an employee to customs to fill in the forms.轻点鼠标,即可快速通关。首单展品,这台价值7万欧元的氢能源赛车在早上就已通过了海关审核。而在此之前,是需要企业关务人员到海关现场提交单证资料的。Jiang Kaiyuan, CommissionerExhibition division, Shanghai Customs姜开源 上海会展中心海关关长This demonstrates customs approval truly takes just seconds. This wouldn't happen without big data support at Shanghai Customs.今天首票通关的这票展品,全程都是通过我们上海海关的跨境贸易大数据平台“进博模块”,达到了"秒放"的级别。46 percent of the race car's tires are recycled. With the help of the CIIE, Michelin hopes to bring these tires to mass produced cars in the near future.这台赛车轮胎中46%的材料是可循环再利用的,在进博会的帮助下,今后有望实现从赛道推广到"街道"的演绎。Kamran Vossoughi, CEOMichelin China伟书杰,米其林中国区总裁、首席执行官Shanghai is providing the full ecosystem to make our company easy to do business in Shanghai and in China.上海提供了良好的营商环境 让企业能更方便地在上海乃至在中国开展商务活动。This shipment of goods arrived at 7pm yesterday and disinfection was done overnight courtesy of a green channel for CIIE goods. The CIIE will take place from November 5th to 10th at the National Exhibition and Convention Center. The majority of goods will arrive in October. Luxury items, surgical【外科】robots and autonomous loaders will be among the products exhibited.这批展品在昨晚(26日晚)7点运抵上海,海关连夜进行了消杀,使其顺利通过进博会绿色通道。本届进博会将于今年11月5日至10日在国家会展中心举办,参会展品的入境将在10月迎来高峰,包括无人电动装载机、外科手术机器人等先进技术装备和高端消费品。3. WORLD'S FIRST RAILWAY LOOP LINE CIRCLING A DESERT COMPLETED大国工程”再创奇迹,世界首条沙漠环线铁路新疆竣工The world's first desert-railway loop route was completed today in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. The 825-kilometer-longrailway links Hotan City with Ruoqiang County in the Bayingolin Mongol Autonomous Prefecture. Track-laying was completed at around 11am. A total of 50million square meters of sod【草地】 was laid and 13million seedlings were planted to reduce the risk of sandstorms along the route.和若铁路今日(27日)在新疆维吾尔自治区竣工,标志着世界上第一条沙漠环线铁路——环塔克拉玛干沙漠铁路正式闭合。和若铁路全长约825公里,连接了和田市以及巴音郭勒蒙古自治区的若羌县。铺轨作业在上午11时左右完成。为防范风沙,和若铁路沿线目前共修建草方格近5000万平方米,种植树苗近1300万株。The railway is expected to open in June 2022. Five counties in southern Xinjiang and certain towns of the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps will be connected to the provincial rail network, promoting economic and social development in the region.和若铁路预计2022年6月实现开通运营。它的建成结束了南疆地区5个县以及新疆建设兵团3个兵团团场不通火车的历史,将大力推动当地经济社会发展。#热词加油站delegate  [ˈdelɪɡət , ˈdelɪɡeɪt]【代表】identifiable [aɪˌdentɪˈfaɪəbl]【可识别的】hydrogen [ˈhaɪdrədʒən]【氢气,氢】surgical [ˈsɜːrdʒɪkl]【外科,外科的】sod [sɑːd]【草地】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
9/28/20213 minutes, 38 seconds
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09/27 TOP OF THE DAY 二氧化碳人工合成淀粉/上海文广十周年/对美重磅事实清单

NEWS ON 09/271.    CHINESE SCIENTISTS SYNTHESIZE STARCH FROM CARBONDIOXIDE从0到1的突破!中国首次实现二氧化碳人工合成淀粉2.    CULTURE SQUARE CELEBRATES 10TH ANNIVERSARY拾穗而歌!上汽·上海文化广场十周年生日快乐3.    CHINA ISSUES FACT SHEET ON U.S. INTERVENTION INH.K. AFFAIRS外交部发布对美重磅事实清单-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1.    CHINESE SCIENTISTS SYNTHESIZE STARCH FROM CARBON DIOXIDE从0到1的突破!中国首次实现二氧化碳人工合成淀粉Chinese scientists have developed a world’sfirst with their artificial method of synthesizing【合成】 starch【淀粉】 from carbon dioxide in a breakthrough that could help ease foodshortages. The study was conducted by the Tianjin Institute of Industrial Biotechnology【生物技术】, Chinese Academy of Sciences and published today in the journal “Science”.Zhang Hong has more.中国科学家首次实现二氧化碳到淀粉的从头合成,这在全球范围内尚属首例。该研究由中国科学院天津工业生物技术研究所主导完成,相关成果于9月24日在国际知名学术期刊《科学》发表。Starch is mainly synthesized from wheat【小麦】, potato, rice and corn after more than 60 biochemical reactions. Thetheoretical energy conversion efficiency is only 2%. Scientists have nowmanaged to reduce the biochemical reactions to just 11 steps.在小麦、马铃薯、大米、玉米等农作物中,淀粉合成与积累涉及60余步生化反应以及复杂的生理调控,理论能量转化效率仅为2%。我国科学家则成功构建出一条只有11步反应的人工合成途径。INTERVIEW:Cai Tao, Research Associate, Tianjin Inst. OfIndustrial Biotechnology, CAS蔡韬,中科院天津工业生物所副研究员Our team came up with a new idea to synthesizestarch, which is coupling chemocatalysis and biological catalysis. Now we onlyneed a few hours in a lab to complete the process, which takes plants months todo.我们研究团队提出了化学和生物耦合催化合成淀粉的一个新的思路,目前在实验室只需要几个小时就可以完成农作物需要几个月的淀粉合成过程。Researchers said their method converts carbondioxide to starch 8.5 times faster than corn. Theoretically, given enoughcarbon dioxide, the annual production capacity of starch in a one cubic meter bio-reactorwould equal the annual yield of starch harvested from a one-third hectare ofcorn. The structure of the synthetic starch proved to be the same as that ofnatural starch.实验室初步测试显示,人工合成淀粉的效率约为传统农业生产淀粉的8.5倍。在充足能量供给的条件下,理论上1立方米大小的生物反应器年产淀粉量,相当于我国5亩玉米地的年产淀粉量。核磁共振等检测发现,人工合成淀粉与天然淀粉分子的结构组成一致。INTERVIEW:Chu Xiaoying, Director of Global Collaboration &Partner Publishing for “Science”初晓英,《科学》杂志国际及学术出版合作总监It is a breakthrough in artificial starch, andalso a global first to synthesize starch from carbon dioxide. It’s a groundbreaking【开创性的】 discovery in biosynthesis and bio-manufacturing. It also provides a newpath for agricultural production and industrial bio-manufacturing and makes agreat contribution.它是人工合成淀粉这个领域的一个重大突破,也是从国际上来说第一次(在实验室)从二氧化碳合成了淀粉的整个的过程,对农业生产、对工业的生物制造实际上提供了一个新的途径,对这个领域有非常重大的推进意义。The research team said although the newapproach is still in the laboratory stage, it could be of great significanceonce applied in the real world. The team said it could help ease food shortagesand avoid the negative environmental impact of using pesticides【农药】 and fertilizers【化肥】.科研团队介绍,人工合成淀粉仍处在实验阶段,若未来实现工业化生产,将改善粮食短缺问题,避免农药、化肥等对环境的负面影响。2.    CULTURE SQUARE CELEBRATES 10TH ANNIVERSARY拾穗而歌!上汽·上海文化广场十周年生日快乐SAIC ShanghaiCulture Square has announced its line-up of upcoming performances and plans toproduce original musicals in celebration of its 10th anniversary. Zhang Yue hasmore.9月23日,上汽·上海文化广场迎来了改建开业的十周年生日。在当日举行的“剧院十周年特别发布”上,文化广场公布近日演出排片计划及《关于进一步深化上海音乐剧文化研究中心实体化运作计划》。Deputygeneral manager Fei Yuanhong says the renovation【翻修】 of ShanghaiCultivation Center of Musical Theatre will be finished in April. The centerwill be used for writers, directors, composers and others to share ideas fornew musicals, and host workshops. Founded in 2019, the cultivation center ismeant to increase the talent pool for musicals.上汽·上海文化广场副总经理费元洪表示,上海音乐剧文化研究中心的实体化运作拟于22年4月完工并启用。届时编剧、导演、作曲家等业内名流将汇聚一堂,发挥人才聚合作用,为观众选好戏,为艺术家搭好台。文化研究中心自2019年成立以来,致力于为音乐剧提供更广阔、更优渥的发展平台。INTERVIEW:Fei Yuanhong, Deputy GM, SAICShanghai Culture Square费元洪,上汽上海文化广场副总经理We’ll initiate more projects,manage copyright issues, and engage in more talent exchanges from home andabroad. The goal is to better integrate the resources that a musical needs inChina and further explore the possibilities of Chinese musicals.那么这个文化研究中心将对音乐剧未来的原创的创制,中文版的制作,作品版权的经纪,人才的交流,以及相互资源间的互助,包括创制的排演,平台孵化的资源都把它纳入到音乐剧文化研究中心去,这个中心可以讲是把中国原创音乐剧所需要的各种各样的资源做了个集合,让大家能够在这样一个平台上来探索音乐剧这样一种音乐戏剧样式在中国的未来该如何进行表达和融合。In celebration of its 10thanniversary, Culture Square will stage “A Musical Is Born” and “Romeo andJuliette”. “A Musical Is Born” is the theatre’s fourth original production, andis set backstage during the creation of a musical. While, “Romeo and Juliette”is a French musical based on the William Shakespeare play of the same name. Themusical premiered in Paris in 2001. The Chinese version will premiere inNovember. Culture Square has stage 726 shows in front of 3 million people sinceopening in 2011.为庆祝上汽·上海文化广场改建开业十周年,《蛋壳里的心跳》、《罗密欧与朱丽叶》剧目将登台演出。《蛋壳里的心跳》为文化广场原创孵化作品,呈现了音乐剧人在创作过程中的甜酸苦辣和琐碎日常。法语原版音乐剧《罗密欧与朱丽叶》改编自莎士比亚的同名经典剧作,于2001在巴黎首次登台,其中文版本将于今年11月首映。自2011年开业以来,文化广场共举办演出726台,接待观众人数约3百万人次。3.    CHINA ISSUES FACT SHEET ON U.S. INTERVENTION INH.K. AFFAIRS外交部发布对美重磅事实清单Chinese Foreign Ministry spokespersonZhao Lijian said today that the United States’ attempt to undermine Hong Kong’sprosperity and stability and contain China’s development is doomed to fail.外交部发言人赵立坚在9月24日例行记者会上表示,美方通过打“香港牌”、破坏香港繁荣稳定,遏制中国发展的图谋,不可能得逞。The response came after Chinaissued a fact sheet today on US intervention in Hong Kong affairs and how theUnited States supported anti-China forces in Hong Kong. The fact sheethighlighted five aspects with a total of 102 examples. It details a series ofinterventions since early 2019, including enacting anti-China policies based onunfounded charges against Hong Kong affair, imposing sanctions【制裁】 in anattempt to obstruct the implementation【实施】 of the national security lawin Hong Kong, as well as shielding and supporting anti-China forces and colluding【勾结】 with othercountries to exert pressure on China.9月24日,中国外交部网站发布了《美国干预香港事务、支持反中乱港势力事实清单》。事实清单共罗列了102条事实,系统梳理了2019年修例风波以来,美方干预香港事务,插手中国内政的种种劣迹,具体包括炮制涉港法案、悍然实施制裁、污蔑诋毁特区事务、包庇支持反中乱港分子、多边串联施压等内容。#热词加油站synthesize/ˈsɪnθəsaɪz/【合成】starch /stɑːtʃ/【淀粉】biotechnology /ˌbaɪəʊtekˈnɒlədʒi/【生物技术】wheat /wiːt/【小麦】groundbreaking /ˈɡraʊndbreɪkɪŋ/【开创性的】pesticide/ˈpestɪsaɪd/【农药】fertilizer/ˈfɜːtəlaɪzə(r)/【化肥】renovation /ˌrenəˈveɪʃn/【翻修】sanction/ˈsæŋkʃn/【制裁】implementation/ˌɪmplɪmenˈteɪʃn/【实施】collude/kəˈluːd/【勾结】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”
9/27/20214 minutes, 32 seconds
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Too many EV companies in China? 中国电动汽车行业将何去何从?

Electric vehicles are pretty good. The Chinese Government certainly thinks so - it's been on a drive to push their rollout and sale for years now to cut down on pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. The government's focus on the EV industry has prompted thousands of companies to move in on the sector to try and grab a slice of the profits they seem sure will come their way. Meanwhile, some experts have pointed out that there are too many startups in the sector and the government supports the idea of mergers and acquisitions. So in this episode, we are going to answer this question: are we facing a Great Consolidation?Host: Timothy PopeGuest: Steven Cai——————小广告的分界线———————如果你喜欢这条声音,请点亮右下角的爱心️ 并将它分享出去,让更多人听到 如果在评论贴出朋友圈分享截图 ICS小编会来敲门,送上这条声音的英文文稿!
9/25/20219 minutes, 14 seconds
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09/24 TOP OF THE DAY 上海数字化转型/外交部回应台湾申请加入CPTPP/流浪海象沃利

NEWS ON 9/241.SHANGHAI GEARS UP FOR DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION上海进行数字化转型,2035年至少50个场景实现数字化2.CHINA OPPOSES TAIWAN’S ACCESSION TO OFFICIAL AGREEMENT, ORGANIZATION 台湾申请加入CPTPP?外交部:坚决反对3.WANDERING WALRUS SPOTTED IN ICELAND离开爱尔兰消失逾三周,北极海象冰岛再现身-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1.SHANGHAI GEARS UP FOR DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION上海进行数字化转型,2035年至少50个场景实现数字化A rising number of services have been digitalized since the city outlined its plan to become a global capital for digitalization【数字化】 by 2035. The city hopes to create an inclusive and human-centered digital life. Sun Siqi checks out a smart canteen for the elderly along with other ambitions.自上海提出到2035年建立全球数字化之都以来,越来越多的服务已经实现了数字化。该市致力于打造包容和以人为本的生活方式。In a community canteen for the elderly in Minhang District, a set of smart facilities【设施】 has just been added to better cater to customers. It took only a few seconds at the checkout, with the price of each dish shown on the screen when a senior places his tray on the machine. And of more importance is the increase in menu variety.上海市闵行区的老年社区近日新增加了一套智能设施,以便更好地满足顾客的需要。老人仅需要将托盘放到结算区,单价和总金额就会在大屏上显示出来,整个结算过程只需要几秒钟。同时,菜品的种类也有所增加。INTERVIEW:Resident市民We used to have limited choices. Now, we have more choices and can order whatever we want. It's much more convenient and it saves time.(原来的)老年食堂它配什么我们吃什么,这个呢,可以随意的点,方便的点,老年人省时省力。The secret lies in the smart system that tracks sales. A small chip【芯片】 was added to the bottom of each plate, which stores the information of the dishes. With the system, canteen managers will know which are the best sellers and replace dishes that don't sell well.This is just one of 100 such canteens the city plans to build, which will feature unmanned operations and perhaps even robot chefs. With the use of an algorithm【算法】 and artificial intelligence, similar smart systems and high-tech facilities will be adopted in the community to boost its governance and help ensure a convenient and secure living environment for residents.这背后的秘诀其实是一套智能系统。每个盘子下面都安装了小芯片,用来储存盘子的信息。通过该系统,工作人员可以及时掌握菜品的销售情况,并及时更换销售量不高的菜品。这只是上海市计划建造的100个此类食堂中的一个,这些食堂的一大特色便是无人操作,甚至是使用机器人厨师。通过使用算法和人工智能,社区将采用类似的智能系统和高科技设施来,以加强,并帮助确保为居民提供方便和安全的生活环境。INTERVIEW:XueZelin, Deputy Researcher of Politics & Public Admin., Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences 薛泽林,上海社会科学院政治与公共管理研究所副研究员Our digitalization efforts such as AI canteens and smart elderly care have solved many problems. But in terms of providing high-quality public services and resources, we still have much room for improvement. We need to expand investment in services before residents can benefit from digitalization measures.我们的数字化转型,如AI食堂、智慧养老,其实是解决了很多问题。但在高质量的公共服务、城市资源供给方面,不管是上海还是全国,都体现出一定的不足。我们要增加优质公共服务的投入,在这个基础之上再通过数字化更好地汇集资源为老百姓服务。The digitalization trend is driving the city's endeavor to build itself into a smart city of global influence, with at least 50 scenarios to be digitalized by the end of 2035. For instance, the city plans to build over 50,000 charging poles for electric vehicles and realize digitalization in 90 percent of schools and over 1,000 hotels.在数字化的推动下,上海正努力建设成具有全球影响力的智能城市,到2035年底,至少有50个场景将实现数字化。例如,上海计划建设5万多个电动汽车充电桩,并在90%的学校和1000多家酒店实现数字化。INTERVIEW:XueZelin, Deputy Researcher of Politics & Public Admin., Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences薛泽林,上海社会科学院政治与公共管理研究所副研究员I believe public venues such as museums and art galleries will be upgraded after the establishment of a smart and digital city. Services like elderly care, education and medical care still need to be improved.相信未来我们的数字驱动双驱城市、虚拟城市、数字孪生城市建立起来之后,我们的公共服务如美术馆、博物馆可以实现极大的扩容。但是需要人与人之间服务的,比如说养老、教育、医疗等问题,我们还需要继续加强。And an average of 120,000 forms and applications for various documents are submitted to the Shanghai government each day. About 50 percent of those are submitted through the government's website.上海政府平均每天都会收到12万份各种文件和申请,其中大约50%是通过政府网站提交的。2.CHINA OPPOSES TAIWAN’S ACCESSION TO OFFICIAL AGREEMENT, ORGANIZATION 台湾申请加入CPTPP?外交部:坚决反对Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian today said that China firmly opposes the Taiwan region's accession【加入】 to any official agreement or organization and any form of official exchanges between the region with other countries. Zhao made the remarks after the island said it had applied to join the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership.台湾表示已申请加入《跨太平洋伙伴关系全面进步协定》,中国外交部发言人赵立坚今天(9.24日)表示,中国坚决反对台湾地区加入任何官方协议或组织,坚决反对该地区与其他国家进行任何形式的官方往来。Press ConferenceZhao Lijian, China’s Foreign Ministry Spokesperson赵立坚,中国外交部发言人There is only one China in the world, and Taiwan is an inalienable part of China's territory【领土】. This fact is recognized by the international community and a basic norm of international relations. China firmly opposes the Taiwan region's accession to any official agreement or organization and any form of official exchanges between the region with other countries.世界上只有一个中国,台湾地区是中国不可分割的一部分。一个中国原则是公认的国际关系准则和国际社会普遍共识。我们坚决反对任何国家与台湾进行官方往来,坚决反对台湾地区加入任何官方性质的协议和组织。3.WANDERING WALRUS SPOTTED IN ICELAND离开爱尔兰消失逾三周,北极海象冰岛再现身Marine experts say Wally, the Arctic walrus【海象】, has been spotted in Iceland and is believed to be heading home to the Arctic after a tour of the British coastline.海洋专家称北极海象沃利在冰岛现身,并坚信它在游览英国海岸线后将会回到北极。Wally was originally spotted lounging on rocks in Valentia Island back in March, before being seen off the coast of England, as well as several European countries including France and Spain over the course of several months. Wally hadn't been seen for three weeks when marine experts spotted him in Iceland on Sunday. They recognized him by the scars【伤痕】 on both of his front flippers. It is believed that Wally's adventure may be linked to climate change. Experts say more and more of these Arctic species may be forced to be wanderers as they are displaced from their natural habitats.人们第一次发现沃利是在今年三月份,当时它正趴在瓦伦西亚岛的岩石上休息。随后在接下来的几个月里,英格兰海岸以及包括法国,西班牙在内的几个欧洲国家,都陆续发现了沃利的身影。周日,当海洋专家在冰岛发现沃利时,它已经三个星期没有露面了。专家从它两个前脚蹼上的伤疤认出了它,并表示沃利的冒险之旅可能与气候变化有关。专家表示,越来越多的北极物种可能会因为栖息地环境变化被迫流浪。#热词加油站digitalization, n. [ˌdɪdʒɪtələˈzeɪʃn]【数字化】facility, n. [fəˈsɪləti]【设施】chip, n. [tʃɪp]【芯片】algorithm, n. [ˈælɡərɪðəm]【算法】accession, n. [ækˈseʃn]【加入】territory, n. [ˈterətɔːri]【领土】walrus, n. [ˈwɔːlrəs]【海象】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
9/24/20214 minutes, 37 seconds
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09/23 TOP OF THE DAY 珠海航展即将开幕/白头叶猴群壮大/拜登与鲍里斯会见

NEWS ON 9/231.J-16D, JL-10 AIRCRAFT WILL BE AT ZHUHAI AIRSHOWJ-16D和JL-10重磅亮相!珠海航展将于28日开幕2.WHITE-HEADED LANGUR POPULATION REACHES 1,300 IN CHINA“猴”丁兴旺!我国白头叶猴野外种群达1300只左右3.BIDEN, JOHNSON SEEK DEEPER COOPERATION潜艇风波持续发酵,美英会见再商合作-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1.J-16D, JL-10 AIRCRAFT WILL BE AT ZHUHAI AIRSHOWJ-16D和JL-10重磅亮相!珠海航展将于28日开幕China’s new electronic【电子的】 warfare J-16D plane and JL-10 training fighter jet arrived at Zhuhai, Guangdong province yesterday. Both will be displayed at the 13th China International Aviation and Aerospace Exhibition, which opens on September 28th. Zhang Yue has more.第十三届中国国际航空航天博览会将于9月28号在广东珠海国际航展中心开幕。昨天(21日),歼16D和教10两种机型先后抵达珠海,随后将参加本届中国航展。A 30-millimeter cannon and infrared【红外线】 sensor were removed from the J-16D so that the aircraft could be equipped with electromagnetic【电磁的】 sensors. Military analysts said such sensors disrupt and jam enemy electronic systems like radar. The United States is the only other country to have developed electronic warfare aircraft. The JL-10 features advanced technologies and closely resembles【像,类似于】 a genuine fighter jet. It was first seen publicly during the National Day military parade in 2019. Airshow visitors will be able to see the JL-10 give a demonstration flight. 20 pilots from China’s Red Falcon Air Demonstration Team arrived at the exhibition center in 10 JL-8 trainer jets earlier this week. They will perform with Bayi Aerobatics Team during the airshow.歼16D移除了红外搜索跟踪感应器和30毫米加农炮,机身可容纳电磁传感器等电子装置,可用于干扰和压制敌方雷达防空系统等;我国也成为了继美国之后,世界上第二个具备研制先进电子战机能力的国家。新一代高级教练机教-10运用尖端技术,可以媲美真正的战斗机。教10曾于2019年首次亮相国庆阅兵场,本届航展期间将有两架教10进行飞行表演。此前,中国空军航空大学"红鹰"飞行表演队的20名飞行员,驾驶10架教8飞机,已分批抵达珠海国际航展中心。本届航展,"红鹰"将与"八一"飞行表演队再次联袂亮相,为观众们带来震撼的视觉盛宴。2.WHITE-HEADED LANGUR POPULATION REACHES 1,300 IN CHINA“猴”丁兴旺!我国白头叶猴野外种群达1300只左右The white-headed langur is classified as a first-class protected animal and is also one of the rarest primates【灵长类】 in China. The latest data show that the population of the white-headed langur has increased in recent years, with reaching around 1,300. Sun Siqi has the story.白头叶猴是我国一级重点保护野生动物,也是我国特有的灵长类物种之一。最新数据显示,近年来,我国白头叶猴野外种群得到稳步恢复增长,目前已达到1300只左右。The animal is known for its long tail and tuft【撮】 of yellowish white hair on its head that makes it look like it’s wearing a pointed hat. They dwell【居住】 in the karst hills in south China’s Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region and tree leaves are their primary source of food. Driven to the brink of extinction due to excessive hunting and habitat loss, there were fewer than 300 white-headed langurs in China before 1980.In order to protect this endangered【濒危的】 species, China set up a nature reserve for the white-headed langur in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. The reserve is the first ecological corridor【走廊】 for primates, and is expected to restore connectivity between habitats by facilitating the migration【迁徙】 of monkey populations more safely. 白头叶猴有长长的尾巴,其最特殊、也最萌的是成年猴子头部高耸着一撮直立的白毛,就像带了一顶白色瓜皮小帽。白头叶猴常年栖息在广西壮族自治区喀斯特石山地区,以树叶为食。1980年以前,由于过度捕猎及栖息地的破坏,白头叶猴濒临灭绝,在中国仅有不到300只。为了对白头叶猴种群进行抢救性保护,广西壮族自治区建立起成为我国首个灵长类动物生态廊道——白头叶猴生态廊道,联通过去碎片化的栖息地,帮助猴群安全迁徙。INTERVIEWNong Dengpan, Deputy DirectorGuangxi Chongzuo National Nature Reserve Management Center农登攀 广西崇左白头叶猴国家级自然保护区管理中心副主任The population has been growing well. The number of white-headed langurs was 362 in 40 groups when the reserve was established. By the end of 2020 there were 136 groups of 1,239 monkeys.在保护区建立之初的时候,白头叶猴的数量是40群共362只。到现在,我们在2020年底的时候,是136群共1239只,数量得到了很大的发展。Currently, more than 90 percent of the 1,300 langurs live in four isolated areas of the Guangxi Chongzuo National Nature Reserve.  目前在我国1300只左右的白头叶猴种群中,90%以上分布在广西崇左白头叶猴国家级自然保护区。3.BIDEN, JOHNSON SEEK DEEPER COOPERATION潜艇风波持续发酵,美英会见再商合作Australia’s decision to break off a multi-billion-US-dollar submarine contract with France signed in 2016, and turn to the United States and Britain for nuclear-powered alternatives【替代品】 has sparked【引发】 an outcry【强烈抗议】 from the European continent. French president Emmanuel Macron will not be in New York for the UN General Assembly and will not send a pre-recorded address. Sun Siqi has the story.此前,澳大利亚单方面撕毁2016年与法国签订的数百亿美元潜艇大单,转而与美国和英国合作打造核潜艇,在欧洲大陆引起强烈抗议。法国总统埃马纽埃尔·马克龙表示将不会参加在纽约举行的联合国大会,并不会发表视频演讲。Even under such circumstances, U.S. President Joe Biden and U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson underscored their cooperation on several issues after meeting with Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison. World leaders are converging【齐聚】 in New York this week for the United Nations General Assembly.与此同时,在与澳大利亚首相斯科特·莫里森的视频会议后,美国总统乔·拜登近日再次会见英国首相鲍里斯·约翰逊,就多方面合作展开沟通。本周,世界领导人正齐聚纽约参加第76届联合国大会。INTERVIEWJoe Biden, U.S. President拜登,美国总统And today we’re going to discuss the next steps and all on all of this and as well as how the U.S. and U.K. can continue our cooperation in Afghanistan and the Indo-Pacific and around the world. 今天我们将讨论下一步动作,以及美英如何在阿富汗、印太地区乃至全世界继续展开合作。Boris Johnson. UK Prime Minister约翰逊,英国首相Then, of course, there’s the progress that we’re making in the defense technology partnership that that you’ve you’ve led and with our Australian friends. 在你主导的国防技术合作伙伴关系中,我们和澳大利亚朋友的合作取得了进展。On Sept 15, the United States, Britain and Australia announced a new security partnership, dubbed "AUKUS", under which the first initiative is the delivery of a nuclear-powered submarine fleet to Australia. France recalled its ambassadors to the US and Australia for consultations on Sept 17. France’s European Union partners agreed on Tuesday to put the country’s festering【恶化的】 dispute over a major Indo-Pacific defense deal between the US, Australia and Britain, at the top of the bloc’s political agenda, including at an EU summit next month. On Tuesday, French President Emmanuel Macron discussed cooperation with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Macron assured Modi of France’s continued commitment to the strengthening of India’s strategic autonomy【自主,自治】 as part of a close relationship based on trust and mutual respect. 9月15日,美英澳三国联合宣布成立“AUKUS”军事安全合作伙伴关系,其第一步计划便是协助澳大利亚打造核潜艇。作为回应,9月17日法国宣布召回其驻美及驻澳大使进行商讨。周二,法国的欧盟伙伴同意,将美英澳该印太防务协议引发的争端作为优先政治协商事项,包括将在下月举行的欧盟峰会上优先讨论。周二,法国总统马克龙与印度总理莫迪通话,进一步讨论合作事项。马克龙还向莫迪保证,法国将继续致力于加强印度的战略自主能力,推进两国基于互信与尊重的紧密伙伴关系。#热词加油站electronic adj. /ɪˌlekˈtrɒnɪk/【电子的】 infrared adj. /ˌɪnfrəˈred/【红外线】 electromagnetic adj. /ɪˌlektrəʊmæɡˈnetɪk/【电磁的】 resemble v. /rɪˈzembl/【像,类似于】 primate n. /ˈpraɪmeɪt/【灵长类】 tuft n. /tʌft /【撮】 dwell v. /dwel/【居住】 endangered adj. /ɪnˈdeɪndʒəd/【濒危的】 corridor n. /ˈkɒrɪdɔː/【走廊】 migration n. /maɪˈɡreɪʃn/【迁徙】alternative n. /ɔːlˈtɜːnətɪv/【替代品】 spark v. /spɑːk/【引发】 outcry n. /ˈaʊtkraɪ/【强烈抗议】 converge v. /kənˈvɜːdʒ/【齐聚】 festering adj. /ˈfestərɪŋ/【恶化的】 autonomy n. /ɔːˈtɒnəmi/【自主,自治】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
9/23/20214 minutes, 46 seconds
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09/22 TOP OF THE DAY 全球创新指数公布,中国排名再次上升

NEWS ON 9/21WIPO: CHINA EDGES CLOSER TO TOP 10 MOST INNOVATIVE ECONOMIES全球创新指数公布,中国排名再次上升-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------WIPO: CHINA EDGES CLOSER TO TOP 10 MOST INNOVATIVE ECONOMIES全球创新指数公布,中国排名再次上升China is still the only middle-income economy on the list of the world’s top 30 mostinnovative【创新的】 economies, according to a World Intellectual Property Organization report yesterday, and it’s quickly approaching the top 10. 世界知识产权组织昨天(20日)发布报告,中国仍是唯一一个进入全球创新指数前30名的中等收入经济体,距离全球创新排名前十名之列更近一步。WIPO’s Global Innovation Index【指数,指标】 2021 report stated that China has made continuous progress, moving from 14th in 2020 to 12th this year, and is "knocking at the door of the Global Innovation Index top 10." The report added "this underlines the continued importance of governmental policies and incentives【激励,刺激】 to stimulate innovation."世界知识产权组织(WIPO)发布《2021年全球创新指数》显示,中国持续多年保持稳定进步态势,排名从去年的第14位上升到第12位,将有望跻身全球创新前十。报告认为,中国之所以能取得这样的成绩,凸显了政府政策和激励措施对于促进创新的重要性。China has moved up the Global Innovation Index consistently since 2013. According to the index, China has more patents by origin, scaled to GDP, than Japan, Germany and the United States. In terms of innovation clusters, the top 10 are mostly the same as last year. Shenzhen-Hong Kong-Guangzhou and Beijing now rank second and third, respectively【分别的,依次为】, after the Tokyo-Yokohama cluster in Japan. Shanghai ranks eighth. China has 19 of the top 100 clusters. 从2013年起,中国的创新指数全球排名稳步上升。从单位GDP的专利数量来看,中国已经超越了日本、德国和美国。排名前十的全球领先科技集群和去年相比变化不大。深圳-香港-广州和北京分别位居第二和第三,日本的东京-横滨科技集群位列第一。上海位列第八。中国共有19个科技集群进入全球百强。Published annually, the Global Innovation Index provides performance measures and ranks 132 economies on innovation. Switzerland ranked No. 1, with Sweden at No. 2, and the United States at No. 3. The United Kingdom and South Korea rounded out the top five.全球创新指数每年发布,对全球132个经济体的创新能级和产出进行排名。瑞士、瑞典、美国排名前三。英国和韩国分列第四和第五位。#热词加油站Innovative [ˈɪnəveɪtɪv]【创新的】Index [ˈɪndeks]【指数,指标】Incentives [ɪnˈsɛntɪvz]【激励,刺激】Respectively [rɪˈspektɪvli]【分别的,依次为】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
9/22/20211 minute, 41 seconds
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Happy Mid-Autumn Festival 月圆人圆事事圆,中秋安康

大家好,今天是中秋节,the Mid-Autumn Festival. For thousands of years it has been celebrated on the 15th day of the eighth month of the Chinese lunar calendar. It is the second most important festival in China after the Spring Festival. And you may not know that it’s also celebrated in other Asian countries like Vietnam, Singapore, and Japan. 中秋节 is a grand time for family reunions. The roundness of the moon 月圆 represents reunion 团圆 to Chinese people. Appreciating the moon is also a tradition as the moon is at its biggest and brightest at this time. So, I’m looking forward to pics of the moon appearing in my Moments. Be ready to get my Likes!Have you had a mooncake today?As the signature snack of the Mid-Autumn Festival, mooncake 月饼 conveys auspicious meanings going back 3,000 years. Mooncake competitions have sprouted up across the land. Those with special fillings like crayfish and Luosifen or shaped like lovely animals and flowers have become popular among Gen Z. Have you ever noticed the goddess portrait on mooncake boxes? This is 嫦娥,the Chinese goddess of the moon. 嫦 and 娥 both indicate pretty woman. According to a myth 嫦娥奔月, there used to be 10 suns in the sky, so it was extremely hot all the time. Archer Hou Yi shot down 9 of the 10 suns in the sky. The Queen Mother Goddess of Western Heaven 西王母 gave him an immortality pill as a reward. Hou Yi handed it over to his wife Chang’e. However, someone wanted to steal the pill. Somehow, Chang’e hastily grabbed it and gulped it down. Then she became immortal and her body began to float upwards, directly to the Palace on the Moon. Afterwards, the legend goes that whenever the moon is full on Mid-Autumn Festival, Chang’e can be seen on the Moon. Since the myth 嫦娥奔月 is so popular among Chinese, the country’s lunar exploration mission is known as the Chang’e Project 嫦娥工程. Starting back in 2004, a series of robotic missions have been designed and launched to develop a deeper understanding of the lunar surface and eventually establish a lunar research station.Two days after 中秋节,  秋分,or the Autumn Equinox arrives. On the Autumn Equinox Day, day and night are of equal length. By the way, autumn is the golden season to exercise. Still, we’ve got a friendly reminder. In terms of epidemic control, it’s still best if we minimize our trips and avoid gatherings. 秋风拂面,吹跑烦忧,愿您月圆人圆事事圆。
9/21/20212 minutes, 44 seconds
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09/20 TOP OF THE DAY 神舟十二号回家几道难/上海旅游节开幕/2022北京冬奥会新口号

NEWS ON 09/181.TECHNOLOGICAL BREAKTHROUGH HELPS WITH SAFE RETURN OF SHENZHOU-12神舟十二号归家几道难,多重科技保驾护航2.TOURISM FESTIVAL OPENS WITH FORCUS ON CLASSIC ARCHITECTURES建筑可阅读!在上海旅游节共赏魔都十二时辰3.PUTIN TO ATTEND BEIJING WINTER OLYMPICS“一起向未来”!冬奥会口号揭晓,普京总统确定出席-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1.TECHNOLOGICAL BREAKTHROUGH HELPS WITH SAFE RETURN OF SHENZHOU-12神舟十二号归家几道难,多重科技保驾护航TheShenzhou-12’s return had four phases—speed reduction, free-gliding, re-enteringthe Earth’s atmosphere, and deploying the parachute【降落伞】 before landing. Here’s Wang Yin with more details.神舟十二号返回过程分为四个阶段,即制动减速、自由滑行、再入大气层、开伞着陆。Ofcourse, Chen Xuan...When a spacecraft leaves orbit and re-enters the atmosphereit temporarily loses communication with mission control. An expert said a newpredictive control plan greatly enhanced the safety of the astronauts duringthis black-out period.当载人飞船脱离轨道、穿越大气层时,通信暂时中断,地面和航天员完全失联。一旦出现问题,只能靠航天员和飞船自主处置。专家表示,这次返回任务首次采用"预测制导"方案,大幅提升了穿越大气层"黑障"阶段的安全性和可控性。INTERVIEW:Sun Jun, Deputy Director, BeijingAerospace Control Center孙军,北京航天飞行控制中心副主任We used a new self-adaptive method that allowed the spacecraft to identify its surroundings during the black-out period when returning to Earth. The predictive control ensured the accuracy of the landing location and guaranteed the crew’s safety. It is a major technological breakthrough in controlling the spacecraft’s return to Earth.采用了新的自适应方案,能够在飞船返回在“黑障”过程中辨识空间环境对它的影响,能够实时制定出新的升力控制的策略。应该说通过预测制导的方案,一个是保证人员着陆的精度,另外保证了整个的安全性。应该说是我们返回控制方面的一个重大的技术突破。There turn capsule【太空舱】 landed at the Dongfeng site for the first time rather than Siziwang Banner, both inInner Mongolia Autonomous Region. The Dongfeng site is about 20,000 square kilometers, 10 times larger than Siziwang Banner, creating a need for better communication.神舟十二号载人飞船返回舱着陆场从内蒙古四子王旗调整到东风着陆场,最终成功着陆。这也是东风着陆场首次执行载人飞船搜索回收任务。东风着陆场的搜救范围可达2万平方公里,比四子王旗着陆场大了10倍,其搜索、导航、通信能力得到保障。INTERVIEW:Zhou Bin, GroundCommunication Operator, Shenzhou-12 Search and Rescue Ground Unit周斌,神舟十二号搜救回收地面分队通信操作手The communication distance between vehicles, and between vehicles and base stations increased from 20 to 50 kilometers to ensure the smooth operation of ground communication.车与车之间、车与基站之间通信距离由(原来的)20公里增加至50公里,确保了地面通信的畅通。During their 90-day space stay, the crew carried out two spacewalks, as well as a series of experiments. They tested key technologies for the construction【建设】 and operation【操作】 of the space station, long-term stays for astronauts, and in-orbit maintenance【维护】. They also set a new record for the longest space stay by Chinese astronauts.神舟十二号航天员乘组在空间站组合体工作生活了90天,圆满完成了两次出舱任务及一系列航天医学领域的实验项目,对核心舱组合体的各种设备进行日常管理、调试,定期监测、维持和评估自身健康状态,并执行天和核心舱在轨测试。“太空出差三人组”刷新了中国航天员单次飞行任务太空驻留时间的纪录。2.TOURISM FESTIVAL OPENS WITH FORCUS ON CLASSIC ARCHITECTURES建筑可阅读!在上海旅游节共赏魔都十二时辰The annual Shanghai Tourism Festival began today with officials saying the biggest highlight is "Stories of Shanghai Architecture【建筑】". Zhang Yue tells us more.9月17日,第32届上海旅游节迈过“而立之年”,终于拉开帷幕。今年,上海旅游节特别推出“建筑可阅读、城市微旅行”这一年度主题。A24-hour livestream【直播】 called"Stories of Shanghai Architecture" started at 9pm last night. Over 40anchors from Shanghai Media Group and social media influencers visited more than 150 buildings in the city. The livestream was aired on various channels including Dragon TV, STV, Shanghai News Radio and Bilibili.com9月16日21点,第32届上海旅游节特别节目——“建筑可阅读”十二时辰全媒体大直播亮相荧幕,来自上海广播电视台(SMG)及知名媒体的40余位主持人成为城市“代言人”,与观众一起“阅读”上海150余处建筑的历史记忆与文化变迁。观众可以在东方卫视、上视新闻综合频道、上海新闻广播FM93.4、哔哩哔哩等平台观看直播。Officials said a large number of offline activities will be replaced by online events amid the pandemic. Information, some of which will be in English, new and old pictures, audio and virtual tours will all be online by scanning a QR code【二维码】.在疫情防控的新常态、新要求下,今年上海旅游节上海旅游节取消了室外活动,改为线上活动为主。今年首次推出“建筑可阅读”官方微信小程序,集合建筑信息、建筑导览、建筑打卡等功能,游客只需扫码就能享受“阅读建筑”的更多智慧化体验。INTERVIEW:Chu Xiaobo, Deputy Director,Shanghai Admin. of Culture & Tourism褚晓波,上海市文化和旅游局副局长"Stories of Shanghai Architecture" has already became a signature of Shanghai tourism, and we are going to promote the campaign at this year’s festival. More residents and visitors will be able to enjoy the charm of old and new buildings in Shanghai, and read stories about these structures.借“建筑可阅读”,我们已经形成了一个品牌。那么通过这次旅游节把它做进一步的宣传推广 让更多的市民游客到上海来打卡我们的建筑,领略我们的建筑,来阅读我们的上海。This year’s festival will be shorter to prevent large gatherings during the coronavirus pandemic. The festival ends October 6th.疫情期间,未避免大型线下聚集活动,上海旅游节将缩短办节时间,于10月6日结束。3.PUTIN TO ATTEND BEIJING WINTER OLYMPICS“一起向未来”!冬奥会口号揭晓,普京总统确定出席Invitations were sent out worldwide for the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics with the unveiling of its motto, "Together for a Shared Future".9月17日,北京2022年冬奥会和冬残奥会主题口号揭晓——"一起向未来"!在全球应对新冠肺炎疫情的大背景下,北京冬奥通过口号向世界发出了象征汇聚、共享和未来的邀请。Selected from 79 proposals【提案】submitted since May 2020, organizers explained that "together"represents how mankind stays strong when facing adversity and is the solution to overcoming those difficulties and creating a better future. "For a shared future" embodies a vision for a better life and conveys hope and confidence.去年5月以来,奥组委共征集到79句冬奥会、残奥会口号,最终“一起向未来”脱颖而出。它不仅表达了全人类需要携手共创未来的信念,还与新加入的奥林匹克格言"更团结"高度契合。“一起向未来”"体现出人们对美好生活的憧憬,传达了希望和信念。TheWinter Games will run between February 4th and 20th, with the Winter Paralymics taking place between March 4th and 13th.本届冬奥会将于2022年2月4日-20日举行,残奥会则将于3月4日-13日举行。RussianPresident Vladimir Putin has accepted China’s invitation to attend the BeijingWinter Olympic Games in February 2022, according to Russian Foreign MinisterSergei Lavrov.9月16日,俄罗斯外交部长拉夫罗夫表示,俄罗斯总统普京接受中方邀请,将出席2022年北京冬奥会。The announcement was made yesterday in the Tajik capital of Dushanbe. Lavrov saidRussia supports China in hosting the Beijing Winter Olympics and hopes that the two leaders will be able to meet face to face during the games. He also said that Chinese and Russian athletes will be a perfect example of friendly competition and perform to the best of their abilities.当地时间9月16日,俄罗斯外长拉夫罗夫在塔吉克斯坦首都杜尚别会见中国国务委员兼外长王毅。他表示,俄方支持中方举办北京冬奥会,希望举行面对面峰会,并预祝俄中运动员赛出水平,赛出风格,赛出成绩。#热词加油站parachute/ˈpærəʃuːt/【降落伞】capsule /ˈkæpsjuːl/【太空舱】construction/kənˈstrʌkʃn/【建设】operation/ˌɒpəˈreɪʃn/【操作】maintenance/ˈmeɪntənəns/【维护】architecture/ˈɑːkɪtektʃə(r)/【建筑】livestream/ˈlaɪvstriːm/【直播】QR code /kjuːɑː(r) kəʊd/【二维码】proposal/prəˈpəʊzl/【提案】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”
9/20/20214 minutes, 26 seconds
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09/17 TOP OF THE DAY 天舟择日发射/上海社区智能食堂/外交部回应美英澳核潜艇协议

NEWS ON 9/171.PREPARATIONS MADE FOR TIANZHOU-3 LAUNCH天舟三号近日将择机发射!中国空间站将收到“快递”2.NEW-AND-IMPROVED CANTEEN MAKES SENIORS SMILE从“舌尖”到“心间”,上海社区食堂为老助餐服务再升级3.CHINA SLAMS AUSTRALIA-UK-US NUKE SUBMARINE PACT外交部回应美英澳核潜艇合作:极不负责任-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1.PREPARATIONS MADE FOR TIANZHOU-3 LAUNCH天舟三号近日将择机发射!中国空间站将收到“快递”A Tianzhou-3 cargo【货物】 spacecraft and Long March-7 carrier rocket was transferred this morning to the launching area of Wenchang Spacecraft Launch Site in Hainan Province. The China Manned Space Agency said it will be launched in coming days to deliver supplies to the next team of astronauts sent to the country's space station. Zhang Hong tells us more.今天上午(9.16日),天舟三号货运飞船和长征七号遥四运载火箭已垂直转运至海南省文昌发射区。据中国载人航天工程办公室消息,它将于近日择日发射,为下一批送往中国空间站的宇航员提供补给。At 8:10 a.m., the spacecraft and carrier rocket were transported to the launch pad.上午(9.16日)8点10分,航天器和运载火箭被运送到发射台。INTERVIEW:Wang Yuliang, Commander, Tianzhou-3 Launching Site王宇亮 天舟三号发射任务发射场系统01指挥员We carried out four examinations. As the rocket is transferred to the launch pad, we'll need to change the rocket tank, complete further tests on the cargo spacecraft and make preparations to replenish the propellant【推进剂】.开展了4次总检查测试,现在火箭转到发射区之后,还要陆续对火箭贮箱进行置换,然后控制测量,还有货运飞船这一块要进行加电测试,为加注做好万全的准备。The process took more than two hours.整个过程共花费两个多小时。INTERVIEW:Shao Yetao, Chief Designer, Long March 7 Carrier Rocket邵业涛 航天科技一院长征七号运载火箭主任设计师Weather conditions are unpredictable in September, so we made many upgrades to the rocket including making it water and moisture proof. The rocket can now be launched on a rainy day.九月份的话气象比较复杂,我们对整个火箭的防水防潮做了较多的工作,我们经过全面分析,现在火箭具备中雨条件下发射的能力,提高了发射的可靠性。The facilities and equipment at the Wenchang Spacecraft Launch Site are in good condition, and various pre-launch checks and tests will be carried out as planned.目前,文昌航天发射场设施设备状态良好,后续将按计划开展发射前的各项功能检查、联合测试等工作。2.NEW-AND-IMPROVED CANTEEN MAKES SENIORS SMILE从“舌尖”到“心间”,上海社区食堂为老助餐服务再升级Community-based canteens for the elderly are getting smarter with new facilities designed to better meet their needs. As part of the Shanghai government's plan to add 200 more canteens for the elderly, a smart one opened to the public today in Xinzhuang Town of Minhang District. Lei Shuran takes a look.社区老年人食堂越来越智能化,设施方面也更加能够满足老年人的需求。上海市政府计划增加200家老年人食堂,为了响应这一政策,今日(9.16日)闵行莘庄镇莘松社区食堂正式运营。It took only a few seconds at the checkout. The price appears on screen when a senior places their tray on the machine.老人仅需要将托盘放到结算区,单价和总金额立马在大屏上显示出来,整个结算过程只需要几秒钟。INTERVIEW:Ding Kai, Technician, Xinsong Community Canteen丁凯 闵行莘庄镇莘松社区食堂技术人员The name and price of the dishes will be shown on this screen after we add the information into the system. There's a chip on the bottom of each plate, which stores the information.我们后台把菜加到出品机上以后,这里会显示菜名和价钱。然后打菜员把盘子。这是下面加了芯片的盘子,放在这上面刷一下,这个菜(信息)就到盘子上。The idea is to streamline【简化】 the process and reduce errors. But perhaps of more importance is the increase in menu variety.这样的设计是为了简化结账流程,同时减少结账时可能出现的错误。此外,还可以掌握出售菜品种类数据,以丰富菜单。INTERVIEW:Resident市民We used to have limited choices and eat whatever the canteen provided. Now, we have more choices and can order whatever we want. It's much more convenient and it saves time.(原来的)老年食堂它配什么我们吃什么,这个呢可以随意的点,方便的点,老年人省时省力。The canteen is also equipped with a system that tracks sales.此外,该食堂还引入了大数据系统。INTERVIEW:Yao Jieshun, Technician Department Director, Shanghai Yuanyuan Catering Management Co. 姚结顺上海缘源餐饮管理有限公司技术部负责人We will know which are the best sellers. We will replace dishes that don't sell well for a month.我们要明显的知道老人喜欢吃什么菜,我们这里销量最好的是什么菜。然后根据末尾淘汰制,销量不好的,我们一个月之后就下架,不再烧了,换新的品种上去。Eventually, the canteen will also deliver meals to the elderly in the area.未来,该食堂还将为该地区的老人提供外卖服务。3.CHINA CLAMS AUSTRALIA-UK-US NUKE SUBMARINE PACT外交部回应美英澳核潜艇合作:极不负责任China today commented on the nuclear submarine【潜艇】 cooperation deal between the United States, the United Kingdom and Australia, calling it a grave threat to regional peace and stability. On Wednesday, the three countries announced an Indo-Pacific diplomatic, security and defense cooperation pact【公约】, under which the US and the UK will export "highly sensitive" nuclear submarine technology to Australia. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian said that the countries' move gravely undermines regional peace and stability, intensifies the arms race, and harms the international non-proliferation efforts.中国今天(9.16日)就美国、英国和澳大利亚之间的核潜艇合作协议发表评论,称这是对地区和平与稳定的严重威胁。周三,三国宣布了一项印太外交、安全和防务合作协议,根据该协议,美国和英国将向澳大利亚出口“高度敏感”的核潜艇技术。中国外交部发言人赵立坚表示,这些国家的举动严重破坏了地区和平与稳定,加剧了军备竞赛,损害了国际防止核扩散努力。Press Conference:Zhao Lijian, China's Foreign Ministry Spokesperson赵立坚,中国外交部发言人The United States' and United Kingdom's action of exporting highly sensitive nuclear submarine technology once again proves that they are using nuclear exports as a tool for geopolitical games and adapts double standards. This is a highly irresponsible act. Australia is a non-nuclear weapon holding signatory to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons as well as a signatory to the South Pacific Nuclear Free Zone Treaty. Importing nuclear submarine technology that has strategic and military values gives reasons for the international community, including its surrounding countries, to question its commitment to maintain the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons.美英向澳大利亚出口高度敏感的核潜艇技术,再次证明他们将核出口作为地缘政治博弈的工具,采取"双重标准",这是极其不负责任的行径。澳大利亚作为《不扩散核武器条约》的无核武器缔约国和《南太平洋无核武器区条约》的缔约国,引进具有战略军事价值的核潜艇技术,包括周边国家在内的国际社会有理由质疑澳方恪守核不扩散承诺的诚意。#热词加油站cargo, n. [ˈkɑːrɡoʊ]【货物】propellant, n. [prəˈpelənt]【推进剂】streamline, v. [ˈstriːmlaɪn]【简化】submarine, n. [ˌsʌbməˈriːn]【潜艇】pact, n. [pækt]【公约】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
9/17/20214 minutes, 3 seconds
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09/16 TOP OF THE DAY 全运会开幕/“白玉兰奖”颁奖/联合国大会

NEWS ON 09/161.     14th NATIONAL GAMES OPEN比赛精彩继续!第14届全运会在西安正式开幕2.     50EXPATS WIN 2021 SHANGHAI MAGNOLIA SILVER AWARD为这些歪果仁鼓掌!2021“白玉兰纪念奖” 颁授仪式在上海举行3.     76th UNITED NATIONS GENERAL ASSEMBLY BEGINS第76届联合国大会在纽约正式开幕-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1.     14th NATIONAL GAMES OPEN比赛精彩继续!第14届全运会在西安正式开幕Chinese President Xi Jinping is at the opening ceremony of the 14th National Games, which opened today and run through September 27th in Xi’an, capital of Shaanxi Province.中华人民共和国第十四届运动会开幕式于今晚(15日)8点在陕西西安举行。中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习近平出席开幕式并宣布运动会开幕,本届全运会将于27日闭幕。More than 12,000 athletes will compete in 595 disciplines across 54 sports. The majority of the action is taking place in 13 cities in Shaanxi. Another six events including sailing【帆船】, canoe slalom【皮划艇激流回旋】, surfing【冲浪】, fencing and breaking, a competitive form of break-dancing【霹雳舞】, will be held in seven provinces including Zhejiang, Shandong and Sichuan.共有1万2千多名运动员参加本届全运会决赛阶段54个大项、595个小项的赛事。陕西省13个市区承办绝大多数竞技项目比赛。帆船、皮划艇激流回旋、冲浪、霹雳舞、击剑、场地自行车等项目,则被安排在浙江、山东、四川等7个省市举办。2.     50 EXPATS WIN 2021 SHANGHAI MAGNOLIA SILVER AWARD为这些歪果仁鼓掌!2021“白玉兰纪念奖” 颁授仪式在上海举行Fifty expats【外籍人士】 from 15 countries and regions were given the Magnolia Silver Award this afternoon in acknowledgment【承认、认可】 of their contributions【贡献】 to Shanghai’s development in business, culture, health-care, education and technology. Zhang Yue was at the ceremony and brings us more.昨日(15日)下午,2021年上海市“白玉兰纪念奖”颁授仪式在上海举行,以感谢杰出外籍人士对上海市商业、文化、医疗、教育及科技领域的突出贡献,共有来自15个国家的50位杰出外籍人士获此殊荣。The city’s foreign affairs office said these expats brought excellence and innovation to help build Shanghai into an international hub. Some are senior executives of companies, including Decathlon, Deloitte, and BMW, as well as educators from Tongji University and Shanghai Ocean University. The recipients【获奖者】 also include scientists, engineers, and artists. Maciej Lepicki, Managing Director of Chinese-Polish Joint Stock Shipping Company was granted the award for his contribution of ensuring goods continue to be transported around the world during the pandemic. The company was the first joint venture【合资企业】 in China founded in 1951.上海市人民政府外事办公室表示,这些外籍人士为上海的国际化发展添砖加瓦、贡献力量,注入了新的活力。他们中有迪卡侬、德勤及宝马等公司的高管,有同济大学及上海海洋大学的教授,还有科学家、工程师及艺术家等。Maciej Lepicki是中波轮船股份公司波方总经理,因疫情期间在国际货运领域所作出的突出贡献被授予“白玉兰纪念奖”。中波轮船股份公司成立于1951年,是中国第一家中外合资企业。INTERVIEWMaciej Lepicki, Managing DirectorChinese-Polish Joint Stock Shipping CompanyMaciej Lepicki,波方总经理中波轮船股份公司It was 1962 when we moved from Tianjin to Shanghai, so we are very happy and we are grateful, and the environment in Shanghai is really excellent, I guess not only for Polish because we are a Chinese-Polish company but also all foreigners great not only for Polish but for all foreigners getting in China. The cooperation between local government is excellent.1962年我们将公司从天津迁到上海,我们很感激的是整个营商环境对所有外资企业都很友好,不仅是我们这种中国波兰合资企业。而且,企业与当地政府也保持着良好的合作关系。Pius Hornstein, the Country Lead of Sanofi China is another recipient for his dedication 【奉献】and contribution to the local health care industry. The Switzerland native describes Shanghai as the door to the world, and the city is home to the headquarters【总部】, RD center, as well as Asia-Pacific RD hub of Sanofi China.来自瑞士的赛诺菲中国区总裁Pius Hornstein因对中国医疗行业作出的突出贡献荣获“白玉兰纪念奖”,他形容上海为通往世界的大门。目前,赛诺菲中国的公司总部、研发中心总部及亚太研发总部均设在上海。INTERVIEWPius Hornstein, Country LeadSanofi ChinaPius Hornstein,中国区总裁赛诺菲中国Today China is our second largest market in the world. We want to continue to really foster【培养】 that collaboration. We want to bring even more innovation to China. We want even more localization in certain areas.如今,中国已经是我们在全球的第二大市场。我们将继续深化合作,推动中国创新发展,并在一些领域继续推进本地化进程。Other recipients also include Stephen Rancourt, copy editor of SMG’s ICS News. The Canadian says the award is the city’s way of showing appreciation for the contribution that foreign nationals bring to Shanghai, and every little contribution helps in pushing the city’s development forward.获奖的还有上海广播电视台外语频道的加拿大外籍专家Stephen Rancourt。Stephen表示“白玉兰纪念奖”是上海对外籍人士所做贡献的表彰与鼓励,任何一点一滴的贡献都将推动上海不断向前发展。INTERVIEWStephen Rancourt, Copy EditorInternational Channel ShanghaiStephen Rancourt,外籍专家上海广播电视台外语频道The city has grown so much in the 17 years that I have been here. Now we are in the new era of technological advancement and consolidation of different technologies and sciences. It’s a great thing to see.我在这里生活了17年,这期间上海经历了飞速发展,实现了科技进步、科技融合的巨大飞跃。More than 1,316 people have won the award over the past 32 years, since the award was established in 1989.自1989年“白玉兰纪念奖”成立以来,共有超过1316名外籍人士获此殊荣。3.     76th UNITED NATIONS GENERAL ASSEMBLY BEGINS第76届联合国大会在纽约正式开幕The 76th session of the United Nations General Assembly【大会】 opened in New York, yesterday, beginning nearly three weeks of meetings and conferences including the high-level General Debate.当地时间14日,第76届联合国大会在纽约联合国总部开幕,随后各国领导人将参加为期近三周的会议,包括一般性辩论。Former Moldavian Foreign Minister Abdulla Shahid took office as the President of the 76th UN General Assembly session. He said he intended to send a message of hope to a world troubled by the pandemic, climate change and instability. UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres said the Assembly has proven the value of multilateralism【多边主义】 and a rule-based international system. During the session, leaders from more than 80 countries will speak in-person at the Assembly while the other world leaders will participate via video link.前马尔代夫外长阿卜杜拉·沙希德(Abdulla Shahid)宣誓就职,正式成为第76届联合国大会主席。沙希德呼吁世界拥抱希望,积极应对新冠疫情、气候变化和多重不稳定因素。联合国秘书长古特雷斯表示,联大证明了多边主义和基于规则的国际体系的价值。今年将有超过80个国家的领导人和政要在疫情中聚集纽约,同远程参与的领导人一道参加第76届联大高级别会议周。#热词加油站sailing /ˈseɪlɪŋ/【帆船】canoe slalom /kəˈnuː ˈslɑːləm /【皮划艇激流回旋】surfing /ˈsɜːfɪŋ /【冲浪】break-dancing /breɪk ˈdɑːnsɪŋ /【霹雳舞】expat /ˌeksˈpæt /【外籍人士】contribution /ˌkɒntrɪˈbjuːʃn /【贡献】recipient /rɪˈsɪpiənt /【获奖者】joint venture /ˌdʒɔɪnt ˈventʃə/【合资企业】dedication /ˌdedɪˈkeɪʃn /【奉献】headquarter /ˌhedˈkwɔːtə/【总部】foster /ˈfɒstə/【培养】assembly /əˈsembli/【大会】multilateralism /ˌmʌltiˈlætərəlɪzəm/【多边主义】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
9/16/20214 minutes, 22 seconds
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09/15 TOP OF THE DAY 受伤鸟儿校园中被救,它竟是万里挑一的“鸟中西施”?

NEWS ON 9/15-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------Endangered bird found on primary school playground受伤鸟儿校园中被救,它竟是万里挑一的“鸟中西施”?A security guard at Chang Yi Primary School inPudong reported to SMG that he and his colleagues found an injured bird on theschool’s playground last Friday. The bird turned out to be a fairy pitta【仙八色鸫】, which islisted as a second-class protected animal in China.上海浦东新区昌邑小学陆家嘴校区的保安向上海电视台反映,他和同事们上周五在学校操场上救起一只受伤的小鸟。经鉴定,这只小鸟是国家二级保护动物仙八色鸫。Mr. Zhong, a security guard of Changyi PrimarySchool, said he and his colleagues wanted to free the bird, but it was unableto fly.昌邑小学的保安钟先生说,他和同事们本想将它放生,但小鸟却无力飞行。Mr. Zhong, Security GuardChangyi Primary School钟先生,昌邑小学保安A typhoon was approaching. I was afraid that thebird would be hurt again, so I put it in a box and fed it.因为考虑到现在又是台风季节,怕它再次受到伤害,所以我又慢慢地把它捧回箱子里面,再继续饲养。After doing some research, one of the school’sbiology teachers learned the bird was likely a fairy pitta, a protectedspecies. The school contacted Pudong’s Wildlife Conservation Station, whichconfirmed it was a fairy pitta, which is listed as a vulnerable【易危的】 species bythe International Union for Conservation of Nature. There are about 20,000 suchbirds remaining around the world.学校生物老师在搜索相关资料后发现,这只鸟有可能是国家珍稀保护动物仙八色鸫。学校联系到浦东新区野生动物保护管理站,经鉴定,这只鸟的确是仙八色鸫,属《世界自然保护联盟》列入的易危物种,全球数量不过2万只左右。StaffPudong’s Wildlife Conservation Station浦东新区野生动物保护管理站工作人员We will bring it to a rescue spot forobservation. We will feed it some mealworms and return it to the wild if theinjury heals and it regains its health.会把它带到救助点,我们会先观察一下。如果在没有受伤的前提下,我们给它喂点面包虫。如果状况很好的话,我们会给它放归自然。The wildlife conservation station said people cancontact forestry【林业】 authorities or the police for help if they see an injuredwild animal.野生动物保护管理部门提醒,如遇受伤的野生动物,可及时联系林业部门或者拨打110报警。#热词加油站vulnerable [ˈvʌlnərəbl]【脆弱的,易受伤害的,易危的】forestry [ˈfɔːrɪstri]【林业】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
9/15/20211 minute, 31 seconds
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09/14 TOP OF THE DAY 上海迎战台风“灿都”/福建疫情/朝鲜试射巡航导弹

NEWS ON 9/141. ABOUT 329,000 RELOCATED TO SAFER LOCATIONS IN SHANGHAI迎战台风“灿都”,上海转移安置32.9万人2. NEW COVID-19 CLUSTER EMERGED IN FUJIAN PROVINCE福建三地突发疫情,防控形势严峻复杂3. DPRK TEST-FIRES NEW LONG-RANGE MISSILES朝鲜试射新型导弹,半岛局势再起波澜-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1. ABOUT 329,000 RELOCATED TO SAFER LOCATIONS IN SHANGHAI迎战台风“灿都”,上海转移安置32.9万人About 329,000 people in the city were movedto safer locations today as Typhoon Chanthu moved off the coast of Shanghai.Zhang Hong tells us more.今日(9月13日),台风"灿都"临近,上海市已转移安置约32.9万人。In Lingang Special Area, teams started transferring more than 34,000 people, mostly construction workers, living in temporary or dilapidated【破旧的,年久失修的】 houses at6:45am. Rescue teams, neighborhood committees and construction site managers communicated with one another constantly. By 10am, more than 16,000 people had been taken to safety.早上6点45分开始,临港新片区启动对各类工地临时房屋、危房简屋、一线堤防外3.4万余人的撤离转移工作,其中大部分是一线施工人员。抢险队伍、各村居委、开发主体等防汛组成单位主要人员保持着远程实时联络。上午10点前,共计1.6万余人进入了安置点。Xu HanChina Railway Construction Group徐涵,中铁建设集团华东工程有限公司项目书记We have assigned people to take care of their meals and deal with emergency situations. For example, if someone has a cold, fever or headache, our staff will bring him to Shanghai Sixth People’sHospital in an emergency vehicle.一日三餐,包括一些突发情况,比如感冒、头疼脑热,我们会有应急人员开应急车辆,送到六院就医就诊。Everyone had been moved by noon. Also, water levels in the city’s lakes, creeks and rivers were reduced yesterday to prevent flooding. The water level of Dishui Lake was brought below 2.2 meters,0.5 meters below average. In Jinshan District, more than 16,800 people were moved to over 230 sites this morning.截至中午时段,所有人员都已完成了撤离转移工作。此外,为避免河水漫溢,从昨天开始,临港地区的内河已完成水位预降。目前滴水湖水位已降至2.2米,低于平均水位0.5米。今日(9月13日)上午,金山区已组织撤离超过1.68万人至全区230余个撤离点。Construction Worker建筑工人It is safe here, much safer than the construction site.这儿肯定安全,比工地上安全多了。Qiao YunfengCandidate for Shanyang Town Mayor乔运峰,山阳镇副镇长人选We’ll make sure they have everything they need. For example, we’ll buy breakfast, lunch and dinner and bring it here.给大家做好必要生活上的保障,同时早餐、午餐、晚餐都会紧急地统一制定并采购,然后送到这边。More than 19,000 people in Fengxian District were also relocated to safer places.奉贤区也已转移安置1.9万余人。2. NEW COVID-19 CLUSTER EMERGED IN FUJIAN PROVINCE福建三地突发疫情,防控形势严峻复杂Now the cluster emerged last Friday in Putian and was suspected to have originated from an individual arriving from overseas.The patient, Mr. Lin, tested positive three days ago -- that was 38 days since he arrived from Singapore. He had finished a 21-day quarantine and tested negative 10 times during that period.上周五(9月10日),福建省莆田市发现新的疫情,疑似源头为一位入境人员。病例林某某在三天前接受核酸检测,结果为阳性——这是他从新加坡入境后的第38天。此前他已完成了总计21天的集中隔离,其间接受过10次核酸检测,结果均为阴性。And now the cluster has spread to three cities in Fujian Province. In Quanzhou, 6 out of 7 patients confirmed in the past two days worked in Putian. The seventh case was a close contact of another patient in Putian. In Xiamen, outpatient and ER services were suspended at theFirst Affiliated Hospital of Xiamen University after alogistics【后勤】 worker tested positive yesterday. Another individual, Mr. Wu, was confirmed as positive in Xiamen through testing on people in medium and high-risk areas. Wu arrived in Xiamen from Putian by train a week ago. Parts of two city districts have now been locked down.目前,疫情已经扩散到了福建省的三个城市。泉州市过去两天累计报告的7例确诊病例中,有6例工作地和感染地在莆田市,1例为莆田确诊患者的关联病例。昨日(9月12日),厦门市发现一第三方公司后勤服务人员核酸检测结果为阳性,厦门大学第一附属医院的门急诊服务现已暂停。另一病例吴某某,在厦门的中高风险地区人员筛查中,也被发现核酸检测阳性。吴某某于一周前从莆田乘坐动车抵达厦门。厦门市思明区、同安区的部分区域已经实行了封闭管理。In the three days since Friday, Fujian has counted a total of 75 cases and carriers. Experts from the National HealthCommission say this is not to be taken lightly as the first case was discovered too late. The transmission chain is spreading through a primary school and a shoe factory in Putian’s rural areas, where pandemic control protocols are weaker.在上周五之后的三天之内,国家卫健委工作组专家称,福建本轮疫情严峻复杂,原因是首个病例发现过晚。目前疫情已经在防控能力相对薄弱的莆田农村地区传播开来,并形成了小学和鞋厂两个集中传播点。Du Zhaohui, Panelist in FujianNational Health Commission杜兆辉,国家卫健委赴福建工作组专家At the onset of the cluster, we need to strengthen pandemic control in communities. We need to prevent spreading at street level. When people are getting swabbed【用拭子擦拭,核酸检测】 at test sites, they need to be well separated so they don’t infect each other during the process.疫情初期我们更重要的是,加强这个社区管控措施的严格落地。那么对于路上还有一些人员流动的情况,我们也是要提醒,有序地做好居民引导,尤其是到核酸采样点的过程中,避免人群的聚集,避免人员之间相互交互。Doctors and nurses were sent to Putian from across the province to support testing, medical treatment and epidemic logical investigation efforts.全国各地的医护人员纷纷被派往莆田,以支援当地的检测、医疗和流行病学调查工作。3. DPRK TEST-FIRES NEW LONG-RANGE MISSILES朝鲜试射新型导弹,半岛局势再起波澜The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea said it successfully test-fired a new type of long-range cruise missile over the weekend. Sun Siqi has more.朝鲜称其在上周末成功试射了新型巡航导弹。The DPRK said it launched long-range cruise missiles on Saturday and Sunday. They traveled for 7,580 seconds flying in a variety of patterns above the territorial land and waters of the DPRK before hitting targets 1,500 kilometers away. The country said the development of the long-range cruise missile is the result of 2 years of research and testing.据朝中社报道,朝鲜在上周末两天(9月11日、12日)分别成功试射了新研发的远程巡航导弹。导弹沿着在朝鲜国土和领海上预定的椭圆及八字形飞行轨道,共飞行7580秒,精确打击了设定在1500公里外的目标。该国表示,远程巡航导弹的研发是过去两年来研究和试验的结果。The South Korean Defense Ministry today said it was conducting a detailed analysis in cooperation with the UnitedStates, and Japan also said it was aware of the DPRK’s announcement.韩国国防部称,韩国将与美国合作,对朝方的试射进行深入研究。日本方面也表示,将密切关注朝方的相关举动。Katsunobu KatoChief Cabinet Secretary of Japan加藤胜信,日本内阁官房长官We will address any possible threat from the sky and keep strengthening the ability to protect our nation from missiles.我们将及时发布任何可能来自空中的威胁警告,并加强全国防范导弹袭击的能力。Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson ZhaoLijian today said China called for restraint【克制】 and encouraged relevant parties to meet each other halfway and solve problems through dialogue. China called on both sides to push for a political settle mentto the issues on the Korean Peninsula【半岛】.对此,中国外交部发言人赵立坚今日(9月13日)表示,中方呼吁有关方保持克制,相向而行,积极开展对话接触,不断推进半岛问题政治解决进程。#热词加油站Dilapidated [dɪˈlæpɪdeɪtɪd]【破旧的,年久失修的】logistics [ləˈdʒɪstɪks]【后勤】swab [swɑːb]【用拭子擦拭,核酸检测】restraint [rɪˈstreɪnt]【克制】peninsula [pəˈnɪnsələ]【半岛】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
9/14/20214 minutes, 34 seconds
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09/13 TOP OF THE DAY 中美“越洋电话”/德尔塔灭活疫苗临床前研究完成/拜登疫苗新政

NEWS ON 09/131. XI,BIDEN DISCUSS RANGE OF ISSUES中美领导人拨通“越洋电话”:中美关系是必须回答好的世纪之问2. CHINA COMPLETES PRE-CLINICAL RESEARCH ON DELTA VARIANT VACCINE中国疾控中心:已完成德尔塔灭活疫苗临床前研究3. BIDEN UNVEILS SWEEPING NEW COVID-19 RULES强制接种!拜登推行疫苗新规,将影响近1亿美国人-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1. XI,BIDEN DISCUSS RANGE OF ISSUES中美领导人拨通“越洋电话”:中美关系是必须回答好的世纪之问President Xi Jinping this morning spoke on the phone with his US counterpart, Joe Biden, with the two leaders discussing China-US relations and other issues of mutual interest at length.9月10日上午,国家主席习近平应约同美国总统拜登通电话,就中美关系和双方关心的有关问题进行了坦诚、深入、广泛的战略性沟通和交流。Xi said China and the United States should look ahead, and may continue dialogue to advance cooperation on climate change, the coronavirus response and economic recovery, as well as on major international and regional issues.习近平指出,中美应该拿出战略胆识和政治魄力,推动中美关系尽快回到稳定发展的正确轨道。两国有关部门可以继续接触对话,推进在气候变化、疫情防控、经济复苏以及重大国际和地区问题上的协调和合作。Biden said the US has no intention of changing its one-China policy. He also said the United States is prepared to have more constructive discussions with China to identify key areas where cooperation is possible, and get US-China relations back on track.拜登表示,美方从无意改变一个中国政策。美方愿同中方开展更多坦诚交流和建设性对话,避免误解误判和意外冲突,推动美中关系重回正轨。And at the China Foreign Ministry’s press conference today, spokesperson Zhao Lijian said whether China and the United States can handle their relationship is the question of the century and will have an immense impact on the future of the world.在9月10日外交部例行记者会上,发言人赵立坚就中美两国元首通话相关提问回应称,中美能否处理好彼此关系,攸关世界前途命运,是两国必须回答好的世纪之问。Zhao Lijian, Spokesperson, Chinese Foreign Ministry赵立坚,中国外交部发言人The China-US relationship is a question to which both countries must provide a good answer. With the international community facing many common challenges, China and the United States need to show broad vision and shoulder great responsibilities. The two countries should look ahead, demonstrate strategic courage and political resolve, and bring the relationship back to the right track of stable development as soon as possible.中美合作,两国和世界都会受益,中美对抗,两国和世界都会遭殃。中美关系不是一道是否搞好的选择题,而是一道如何搞好的必答题。当前国际社会面临许多共同难题,中美应该展现大格局,肩负大担当,坚持向前看,往前走,拿出战略胆识和政治魄力,推动中美关系尽快回到稳定发展的正确轨道。2.     CHINA COMPLETES PRE-CLINICAL RESEARCH ON DELTA VARIANT VACCINE中国疾控中心:已完成德尔塔灭活疫苗临床前研究The Chinese Center for Disease Control has announced it has completed pre-clinical【临床前的】studies on inactivated【灭活的】vaccines specifically engineered to fight the delta variant of the coronavirus.Thus far, more than 2.12 billion doses of COVID-19 vaccines had been administered on the Chinese mainland as of yesterday. Here’s Sun Siqi with more.据中国疾控中心最新消息,我国已完成针对德尔塔变异株的灭活疫苗的临床前研究。截至9月9日24时,内地累计报告接种新冠疫苗数量超过21.2亿剂次。The CDC’s chief bio-safety specialist said they had collected samples of the delta variant from patients in cities includingGuangdong, Shanghai and Beijing.中国疾病预防控制中心生物安全首席专家武桂珍表示,德尔塔变异株的临床样本取自广东、上海、北京等地的感染病例。INTERVIEW:Wu Guizhen, Chief Biosafety Expert, Chinese CDC武桂珍,中国疾病预防控制中心生物安全首席专家After three generations of cloning【克隆】 and purification【提纯】,we have completed preliminary selection for the strains used in the vaccine.The vaccines have now left the lab and been pushed into production. Preparation for mass production is ongoing.通过连续三代的克隆纯化,并初步完成了疫苗毒株选育与鉴定,现在已经从我们实验室进入了生产车间,规模化生产前的这样一个准备。Chinese vaccine developers have also started research on recombinant【基因重组的】 vaccines that are effective against multiple strains of the coronavirus and adenovirus, and mRNA vaccines against the beta and delta strains. Some researchers have completed efficacy【功效,效力】 and safety tests on animals.各疫苗研发单位还开展了针对新冠病毒不同变异株的广普或多价重组蛋白疫苗的研究,以及针对贝塔株、德尔塔株的腺病毒载体疫苗,和核酸疫苗的研发工作。部分单位已经完成了动物有效性和安全性实验。Medical researchers say although existing vaccines inChina are still effective against the delta variant, they’d like to be prepared given the continuous mutations【变异】 of the coronavirus. They expect to be able to mass produce new vaccines when a major mutation occurs that enables the virus to evade【规避】 the protection of all current vaccines.专家表示,尽管我国灭活疫苗对德尔塔变异株仍然有效,但新冠病毒仍在不断出现新的变异,我们仍需做到有备无患。这样,即使将来病毒发生严重变异,完全逃脱现有疫苗的预防作用,我们也能够迅速规模化生产新的疫苗。Also, construction started on the first Chinese coronavirus vaccine production facility【设施,场所】 in Europe yesterday in Serbia. The plant is expected to produce 30 million vaccine doses a year starting next April, and will supplySerbia and a several other European countries with Chinese developed Sinopharm shots. The foundation stone for the new facility was laid by Serbian President Aleksandr Vucic in the presence of Chinese Ambassador Chen Bo.当地时间9月9日,塞尔维亚举行中国国药疫苗工厂奠基仪式,将成为首个生产中国新冠疫苗的欧洲国家。明年4月起,工厂有望实现年产3000万剂疫苗,除保证塞尔维亚本国需求外,剩余部分将出口到其他国家和地区。塞尔维亚总统武契奇在中国驻塞尔维亚大使陈波等的见证下,亲自为工厂奠基。3. BIDEN UNVEILS SWEEPING NEW COVID-19 RULES强制接种!拜登推行疫苗新规,将影响近1亿美国人The United States has recorded more than 40.6 million confirmed COVID-19 cases so far. President Joe Biden announced yesterday that he is requiring all federal employees to get vaccinated against coronavirus.Furthermore, the US Department of Labor will issue a rule requiring businesses with more than 100 employees to either have their workers vaccinated, or tested weekly. Zhang Hong has more. 截至9月10日,美国累计新冠确诊已超4060万例。为遏制这种趋势,美国总统 拜登9月9日宣布了一系列强制接种新冠疫苗的新规,要求所有联邦政府工作人员接种疫苗。雇员超100人的所有私营企业,需确保所有雇员完成接种,或每周至少提交一次全员阴性的核酸检测报告。Under Biden’s plan, the administration would require vaccinations for more than 17 million healthcare workers at hospitals and other institutions that participate in Medicare and Medicaid social programs for poor, disabled and elderly Americans. The new vaccination requirements cover about 100 million people, or about two-thirds of the country’s workforce.除此之外,拜登要求全美1700万名接受联邦医疗补贴的医护机构员工接种疫苗。拜登的疫苗新规涉及约1亿人口,约占美国劳动人口的三分之二。JoeBiden, US President拜登,美国总统All employers with 100 or more employees, that together employ over 80 million workers, to ensure their workforces are fully vaccinated, or show a negative test at least once a week.雇员超过100人的私营企业应确保雇员要么接种疫苗,要么每周接受新冠病毒检测。这项规定涉及约8000万雇员。The White House said companies that violate【违反】 the vaccination plan will face fines of 14,000 US dollars. The disease has killed more than 654,000 people in the United States, and deaths and hospitalizations【住院】 have been rising sharply as the easily transmissible Delta variant of the virus continues to spread.白宫官员透露,对于违反上述规定的企业,美国政府将可能对其处以单次1.4万美元的罚款。截至9月10日,美国累计新冠死亡人数已超65万4千人,随着德尔塔变异株在美国境内传播,美国新冠死亡和住院病例不断攀升。#热词加油站pre-clinical/priːˈklɪnɪk(ə)l/【临床前的】inactivated/ɪnˈæktɪˌveɪtɪd/【灭活的】cloning/ˈkləʊnɪŋ/【克隆】purification/ˌpjʊərɪfɪˈkeɪʃn/【提纯】recombinant/rɪˈkɒmbɪnənt/【基因重组的】efficacy/rɪˈkɒmbɪnənt/【功效,效力】mutation/mjuːˈteɪʃn/【变异】evade/ɪˈveɪd/【规避】facility/fəˈsɪləti/【设施,场所】violate/ˈvaɪəleɪt/【违反】hospitalization/ˌhɒspɪtəlaɪˈzeɪʃn/【住院】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”
9/13/20215 minutes, 3 seconds
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China's Christmas Tree Pile-up

The city of Yiwu makes stuff. And around this time of year, one of the main things leaving Yiwu on the backs of trucks are lots and lots and LOTS of little plastic Christmas trees.This year, some of eastern China's biggest ports have been slowed down by covid restrictions and by shipping log-jams at ports all around the world ... and so a lot of the trees, the tinsel, the wreaths and the lights... are all still in Yiwu.
9/11/20217 minutes, 10 seconds
Episode Artwork

09/10 TOP OF THE DAY 三星堆宝物清点/上海世博地区“十四五规划”/北京冬奥会防疫

NEWSON 9/101.ARCHEOLOGISTS UNVEIL MAJOR FINDINGS FROM SANXINGDUI RUINS三星堆千年宝藏“开盲盒”时间到!2.SHANGHAI EXPO SITE TO BECOME WORLD-CLASS ACTIVITIES ZONE打造文化演艺超级地标,浦东世博地区十四五规划发布3.OLYMPIC PANDEMIC PROTOCOLS FOR BEIJING WILL BE SIMILAR TO TOKYO国际奥委会:北京冬奥会将执行与东京奥运会相同防疫原则-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1.ARCHEOLOGISTS UNVEIL MAJOR FINDINGS FROM SANXINGDUI RUINS三星堆千年宝藏“开盲盒”时间到!Archaeologists【考古学家】 today released their major findings at six newly found sacrificial pits at the Sanxingdui Ruins site in Sichuan Province. 四川省文物考古研究院今日(9日)发布三星堆遗址新发现6个祭祀坑的重大考古成果。More than 500 cultural relics were discovered, mainly from pits 3, 6, 7 and 8. The excavation【发掘】 process has entered the final stage at Pit 3, where a gold mask has already been unearthed. It’s the first intact mask to be unearthed as previous ones were all fragments. Archeologists said it was likely attached to a bronze head. 三星堆又上新了500多件文物,主要来自于3号坑、6号坑、7号坑和8号坑。3号坑的发掘工作目前已进入收尾阶段,并首次出土了一件完整金面具,此前发掘的金面具均为残件。专家推断,该面具可能是附着在青铜头像脸上的。An intact jade cong with sacred tree pattern was also unearthed from Pit 3, which will allow archeologists a chance to study the meaning and symbolism of the sacred tree in ancient society. 3号坑还出土了一件刻着通天神树的玉琮,为今人研究古蜀社会中神树的意义、象征等问题提供了重要依据。At Pit 6, a jade blade was found. Jade blades are believed to have been used in ritual ceremonies so they were usually not sharp. But the newly found blade is an exception. 在6号坑内,则发现了一把玉刀。特别的是,玉器在古代一般是礼器,并不锋利,但这把玉刀却是开了刃的。INTERVIEW:Li Haichao, Professor,Sichuan University黎海超 四川大学教授We found a very exquisite jade blade in a wooden box from Pit 6. It’s a really nice piece in terms of its material and craftsmanship【工艺】. Jadeware is usually found together, so we’re expecting to find more pieces nearby.我们在6号坑木箱的箱底,发现了一件非常精美的玉刀,这个是非常非常漂亮的,无论从材质,从工艺,从哪个角度来讲,都是三星堆玉器的一个精品。这种非常好的东西,我们按照一种习惯上,按照这种逻辑来推测的话,它往往不是单独出现的,所以不排除下面有更多的玉器或者其他的器物出土。They also found something made of wood in Pit 6. It’s 190 centimeters long and 20 centimeters wide. Wrapped in mud, it weighs 500 kilograms. The excavation team says they had to cut it out of its wooden box to lift it out of the ground, a process that took three days. 6号坑内,还有一件神秘的残木器重见天日。这件木器长约190厘米,宽度仅有20厘米,连同附着的泥土,重达半吨。考古人员不得已对它实施了切割手术,整整耗时三天才将这件木器成功提取出土。INTERVIEW:Xu Yandong,Excavation Team Member许延东 三星堆遗址祭祀区考古工作队成员Cutting it with a regular chain saw would have damaged it, so we used a wire saw. It takes longer, but damage is minimized. But I still feel sorry that we had to cut it. 硬性切割伤害比较大,所以咱们采用的一种方式就是用绳锯以柔克刚的方式,慢慢慢慢把它进行断开,最小损失状态,保证它的完整性。说老实话我都心疼。A large number of items made of ivory were unearthed from pits 7 and 8. They were also difficult to excavate.整个7号、8号祭祀坑则铺满了象牙遗存,同样提取难度极大。INTERVIEW:Zhang Baorui,Excavation Team MemberIt’s like opening a blind box. You never know what’s under the ivory artifacts. I hope I can tell others that I discovered them under ivory pieces when these findings become exhibits in a museum one day.就跟开盲盒一样,永远不知道象牙下面有啥,就希望以后进博物馆的时候能给随行的同伴们说一下,这个器物是当初我掏象牙的时候,在象牙下面亲手发现的。Archeologists have already found nearly 10,000 artifacts at the Sanxingdui Ruins since March.自今年3月三星堆发掘重新启动以来,已出土文物近万件。2.SHANGHAI EXPO SITE TO BECOME WORLD-CLASS ACTIVITIES ZONE 打造文化演艺超级地标,浦东世博地区十四五规划发布Shanghai government officials said today that the former World Expo site in Pudong will become a world-class activities zone where top shows are staged and regional headquarters are based. The construction of the 25-square-kilometer area along the Huangpu River is part of the area’s 14th Five-Year-Plan. Zhang Yue has more. 上海相关部门负责人员今天(9.9日)表示,位于浦东的原世博园区将会建设成一个世界级的特色商圈,成为顶级会展的集聚区。浦东世博地区,坐落于黄浦江沿岸,面积约25平方公里。该地区的建设已被纳入“十四五规划”。By the end of 2025, nearly 6 million square meters of commercial and business complexes will be built in Qiantan area. Among them, the high-end commercial complex Taikoo Li Qiantan will open this month featuring retail space, restaurants and art galleries【画廊】. A residential area of 900,000 square meters and 1.47 million square meters of office space will be built in Qiantan.Under the plan, Expo Cultural Park will become a visual focal point from the west bank of the Huangpu River. 25 regional headquarters, including those belonging to 10 multinational companies, will be built by the end of 2025. 到2025年底,前滩地区将建成近600万平方米的商业综合体。其中,地标性的前滩太古里以零售空间、餐厅和画廊为特色,已进入9月的盛大开业季。前滩还将建设90万平方米的住宅区和147万平方米的办公区。根据规划,世博文化园将成为黄浦江西岸的视觉焦点。到2025年底,将建成25个各类总部,其中包括10家跨国公司的总部。INTERVIEW:HeChunsheng, Vice President, Expo Shanghai Group贺春生 上海世博发展(集团)有限公司副总裁The construction of the New Development Bank was completed in June and the building is available starting this month. I hope that the companies, especially regional headquarters that set foot in the area, will help each other and progress together.最有代表性的金砖银行(总部大楼)在6月就基本竣工了,在9月要开始使用 0400 作为一个国际组织,对我们的企业,入驻的总部,也有起到互相帮助,互相促进的作用。By the end of 2025, an array of art venues will also open. 到2025年底,一系列艺术场馆也将开放。INTERVIEW:Long Aiping, Deputy Director, World Expo Admin. Bureau of Shanghai龙爱萍世博管理局文化发展处副处长Shanghai Grand Opera House, Shanghai Juss International Equestrian Center and other venues will be built. The area is expected to become a cultural gathering zone where performances, operas, and outdoor concerts are held."十四五"期间将建成的上海大歌剧院马术中心前滩31等一系列重量级场馆在我们地区形成娱乐驻场秀剧院户外音乐节演唱会五大板块形成强势的演艺主题特色的文化集聚区。The government said total investment in fixed assets was budgeted at 130 billion yuan, adding the area will generate tax revenues of more than 11 billion yuan by the end of 2025. 政府表示,固定资产总投资预算为1300亿元人民币,到2025年底,该地区将产生超过110亿元的税收收入。3.OLYMPIC PANDEMIC PROTOCOLS FOR BEIJING WILL BE SIMILAR TO TOKYO国际奥委会:北京冬奥会将执行与东京奥运会相同防疫原则International Olympic Committee President Thomas Bach said yesterday that the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics will adopt similar pandemic management and control principles as the Tokyo Summer Olympics.国际奥委会主席巴赫昨天(9.8日)在瑞士洛桑举行的发布会上表示,北京冬奥会将执行与东京奥运会相同的防疫规则。Bach said that the IOC and the Beijing 2022 Organizing Committee will take suggestions from international experts and the World Health Organization in the coming weeks, adding that some specific protocols will be adjusted to comply with China’s own conditions.巴赫表示,在未来几周,国际奥委会和北京冬奥组委,将讨论北京冬奥会所应采取的防疫措施,并听取国际专家和世界卫生组织的建议。同时他还表示,具体措施会根据中国的具体情况进行调整。#热词加油站archaeologist,n.[ˌɑːrkiˈɑːlədʒɪst]【考古学家】excavation,n. [ˌekskəˈveɪʃn]【发掘】craftsmanship,n. [ˈkræftsmənʃɪp]【工艺】gallery,n. [ˈɡæləri]【画廊】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
9/10/20214 minutes, 53 seconds
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09/09 TOP OF THE DAY 上海二手房市场降温/苏炳添任世赛大使/美舰非法闯入中国领海

NEWS ON 9/91.     SECOND-HAND PROPERTY SALES DROP 24% IN SHANGHAI上海二手房市场降温!8月成交量环比下降24%2.    SU BINGTIAN BECOMES AMBASSADOR OF 46TH WORLDSKILLS COMPETITION“飞人”苏炳添再获新身份——上海第46届世界技能大赛推广大使3.    US WARSHIP WARNED OFF AFTER ENTERING CHINESE WATERS美舰非法闯入中国领海!南方战区:警告驱离-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1.     SECOND-HAND PROPERTY SALES DROP 24% IN SHANGHAI上海二手房市场降温!8月成交量环比下降24%Pre-existing home sales decreased 24% in Shanghai last month compared to July, while the average price dropped 8%. Real estate【房地产】 analysts【分析师】said both sales and prices have dipped to the monthly average of 2019 due to the government’s control measures. Zhang Hong tells us more. 最新数据显示,8月份上海二手房成交量环比下降24%,交易价格也首次出现明显下行,环比下降8%。行业分析师表示密集调控之下,上海二手房市场正在明显降温,量价均已跌至2019年的月均水平。A local real-estateagent【中介,代理人】said she’s observed a plunge in buyers checking out second-hand homes and transaction【交易】volume over the past two months. 一家房产中介表示,过去两个月整个门店的带看和成交数据都出现明显下跌。INTERVIEWReal Estate Agent房产中介The number of home-seekers remains the same, but few are purchasing at the moment. Most of them are staying on the sidelines due to a higher down payment percentage and uncertainty in the market.买房的客户数量还是那么多,但是因为一是首付比例的影响,二也是市场多变,大部分会持一个观望的状态,现在下手的会比较少。Plus property owners are not willing to lower their asking price.另一边,房东也并不愿意轻易下调售价。INTERVIEWReal Estate Agent房产中介The list price verified【核验】by authorities does not meet the owner’s expectation, so they’re not willing to sell the property. 很多房东的心理价位和(通过核验的)价位不是匹配的,所以就不愿意卖。According to a report by real estate agency Lianjia, 18,000 properties were traded last month, down 24% compared to July and a year-on-year dive of 40%, the largest decrease this year. 根据链家的行业分析报告显示,8月份二手房成交量为18000套,环比和同比分别下降24%和40%,为今年最大跌幅。INTERVIEWYang Yunlei, Senior Real Estate Analyst杨雨蕾,行业资深分析师Home-seekers are expecting flat or even lower prices in the future, so they are not in a hurry to make a purchase. According to the latest government policies, banks are now approving mortgage【按揭】loans based on the lowest price from either the contract price, the price assessed by the bank, or the verified price from the real estate transaction center. So home-seekers are forced to slash【削减】their budget. The second-hand housing market will stabilize by the end of the year.购房者预期未来的价格会比较稳定,或者出现稳中下行的情况,就不会急着去交易。第二个"三价就低"作为贷款标准,这个其实直接影响了购房者的支付能力,使得购房者被动地下调购房预算,预期到今年年底整体市场会比较平稳。The Shanghai Housing Administration Bureau issued several measures earlier this year to cool the overheated【过热的】market. They include the verification of the list price of second-hand homes, lower mortgage loans approved by banks and a longer waiting period before lending. 日前上海房地产交易中心采取了一系列措施为二手房市场降温,包括推出“挂牌核验”机制,降低贷款金额,及延长房贷放款周期。2.    SU BINGTIAN BECOMES AMBASSADOR OF 46TH WORLDSKILLS COMPETITION“飞人”苏炳添再获新身份——上海第46届世界技能大赛推广大使Chinese sprinter Su Bingtian, who made history by qualifying for the men’s 100-meter final at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, was named as ambassador【大使】for the 46th WorldSkills Competition, which will be held in Shanghai next year. Song Wenjing has the story. 东京奥运会上,中国田径运动员苏炳添创下历史,成功闯进男子100米决赛,赢得全球瞩目。"亚洲飞人"苏炳添也将担任2022年上海第46届世界技能大赛推广大使,为大赛助力。Su Bingtian set a new Asian record of 9.83 seconds in the men’s 100-meter semi-final to become the first Chinese athlete in Olympic history to qualify for the final at the Tokyo summer games. He was officially announced as the ambassador to promote【推广】the WorldSkills competition today. 中国田径运动员苏炳添在男子100米半决赛中以9.83秒再度刷新亚洲纪录,赢得全球瞩目,成为首位晋级该项目决赛的中国运动员。为了将新时代的体育精神更好地传递至技能运动赛场,上海世赛官方今天宣布,由"亚洲飞人"苏炳添担任上海第46届世界技能大赛推广大使。INTERVIEWSu Bingtian, Ambassador46thWorldSkills Competition苏炳添,上海第46届世界技能大赛推广大使As a top-level competition for professional skills around the world, the event provides an extraordinary stage for young people just like the Olympic Games. They deserve encouragement and cheers as they have made achievements and contribute to society using their skills. Let’s all support the 2022 Worldskills Competition in Shanghai.作为最高层级的世界性职业技能赛事,世赛为广大青年技能选手提供了和奥运会一样的广阔舞台,在世界各地无数普通人用技能成就人生,造福社会,他们同样值得大家的鼓励与喝彩。未来请和我一起关注2022年上海世赛的举办。This is the first time for the Chinese mainland to host a WorldSkills Competition. The city hopes the event will be helpful in promoting vocational【职业的】education and training, as well as the spirit of craftsmanship【工匠,手艺】. The competition will feature over 1,400 competitors from over 60 countries and regions, competing in over 60 skills in the fields of architectural construction, manufacturing and engineering as well as fashion and art. The WorldSkills Competition will be held in Shanghai from October 12 to 17 next year. 上海第46届世界技能大赛将于明年10月12日至17日举办,这也是世赛首次在中国大陆举办。通过举办世赛,上海希望能够进一步推动职业教育与培训发展,大力弘扬工匠精神。上海世赛涵盖结构与建筑技术、制造与工程技术、创意时尚与艺术、信息与通信技术、个人和社会照护、交通与运输6大领域63个比赛项目。届时,将有来自60多个国家和地区的1400多名选手在这里同台竞技。3.    US WARSHIP WARNED OFF AFTER ENTERING CHINESE WATERS美舰非法闯入中国领海!南方战区:警告驱离The Chinese military sent air and naval forces to monitor and then warn off a United States Navy warship from waters near the Meiji Reef in the South China Sea today. 今日(8号),中国人民解放军组织海空兵力,在南沙美济礁邻近海域对美国导弹驱逐舰进行跟踪监视,并予以警告驱离。Tian Junli, spokesman for the People’s Liberation Army’s Southern Theater Command, said that the USS Benfold trespassed【闯入】in waters near the reef earlier today without permission from the Chinese government. The PLA Southern Theater Command mobilized its aircraft and ships to follow and expel【驱逐】the intruding vessel. Tian said the move seriously infringed【侵犯】on China’s sovereignty and security, and is more evidence of the US’s attempts at "hegemony of navigation" and militarization of the South China Sea. Tian added that forces under his command remain on high alert and will safeguard【捍卫】national sovereignty and security, as well as peace and stability in the region.南部战区新闻发言人田军里表示,美国"本福德"号导弹驱逐舰,未经中国政府批准,非法闯入南沙美济礁邻近海域,中国人民解放军南部战区组织海空兵力进行跟踪监视并予以警告驱离。田军里表示,美方这一行径严重侵犯中国主权和安全,是其大搞航行霸权、制造南海军事化的又一铁证。中国对南海诸岛及其附近海域拥有无可争辩的主权。战区部队时刻保持高度戒备状态,坚决捍卫国家主权安全和南海地区和平稳定。#热词加油站Real estate /ˈri:əlɪˈsteɪt/【房地产】 Analyst /ˈænəlɪst/【分析师】 Transaction /trænˈzækʃn/【交易】Agent /ˈeɪdʒənt/【中介,代理人】 Verify /ˈverɪfaɪ/【核验】 Slash /slæʃ/【削减】 Mortgage /ˈmɔːɡɪdʒ/【按揭】Overheated /ˌəʊvəˈhiːtɪd/【过热的】 Ambassador /æmˈbæsədə/【大使】 Promote /prəˈməʊt/【推广】Vocational /vəʊˈkeɪʃənl/【职业的】Craftsmanship /ˈkrɑːftsmənʃɪp/【工匠,手艺】. Trespass /ˈtrespəs/【闯入】Expel /ɪkˈspel/【驱逐】 Infringe /ɪnˈfrɪndʒ/【侵犯】 Safeguard /ˈseɪfɡɑːd/【捍卫】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
9/9/20214 minutes, 22 seconds
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09/08 TOP OF THE DAY 习近平授军衔/上海虹桥商务区规划/大本钟修复

NEWS ON 09/081.5 PLA OFFICERS PROMOTED TO RANK OF GENERAL中央军委举行晋升上将军衔仪式,习近平颁发命令状!2.CITY GOVERNMENT RELEASES 14TH FIVE-YEAR PLAN FOR HONGQIAO CBD虹桥商务区“十四五”规划出炉,架起“彩虹桥”,促进双循环3.ELIZABETH TOWER GETS THE BLUES AS CLOCK HANDS RETURN大本钟修复即将完工,“普鲁士蓝”再现伦敦上空-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1.5 PLA OFFICERS PROMOTED TO RANK OF GENERAL中央军委举行晋升上将军衔仪式,习近平颁发命令状!Xi Jinping, chairman of the Central Military Commission, presented certificates of order at a ceremony yesterday to promote five senior military officers to the rank of general. General is the highest rank for officers in active service in China.9月6日,中央军委主席习近平向晋升上将军衔的军官颁发命令状。上将是中国人民解放军现行军衔制度中最高的军衔等级。The promoted officers are Commander of the Western Theater Command of the People’s Liberation Army Wang Haijiang汪海江, Commander of the PLA Central Theater Command Lin Xiangyang林向阳, Commander of the PLA Navy Dong Jun董军, Commander of the PLA Air Force Chang Dingqiu常丁求, and President of the PLA National Defense University Xu Xueqiang许学强. Xi extended his congratulations to the officers, who saluted himand the audience. Later, Xi and other leaders posed for group photos with the generals.这次晋升上将军衔的军官是:西部战区司令员汪海江、中部战区司令员林向阳、海军司令员董军、空军司令员常丁求、国防大学校长许学强。习近平向他们颁发命令状,表示祝贺。随后,习近平等领导同志同晋升上将军衔的军官合影。2.CITY GOVERNMENT RELEASES 14TH FIVE-YEAR PLAN FOR HONGQIAO CBD虹桥商务区“十四五”规划出炉,架起“彩虹桥”,促进双循环The Shanghai government released its 14th Five-Year Plan for the Central Business District of Hongqiao International Hub for Opening Up today. The plan notes that the CBD will be included in the integration of the Yangtze Delta and leverage the benefits brought by the China International Import Expo.上海市政府今天(7日)发布《虹桥国际开放枢纽中央商务区“十四五”规划》,在发展定位上,服务长三角一体化和中国国际进口博览会两大国家战略。The Central Business District, as a core area of Hongqiao International Hub for Opening Up, covers more than 151 square kilometers and is set to be completed by 2025. Its annual regional GDP grow this expected to be 2 percentage points higher than Shanghai, with commodity【商品】sales reaching about 500 billion yuan.作为虹桥国际开放枢纽核心承载区,商务区规划面积超过151平方公里,到2025年基本建成。届时,地区生产总值年均增幅较上海全市将高出至少2个百分点;商品销售额达到5千亿元左右。 An official said the area will help enhance the growth of regions to its north and south in areas such as international trade.相关负责人表示,虹桥国际中央商务区将在国际贸易等方面辐射带动南北拓展带。SPEAKER:Bao Bingzhang, Party SecretaryAdministrative Committee, Hongqiao CBD鲍炳章 虹桥商务区管委会党组书记、常务副主任“The CBD will be the driving force of an integrated【综合的】cross-regional development with strengths in trade, exhibitions and transportation. It will also enhance cooperation and resource sharing among companies in the Yangtze Delta, and serve as a hub for China’s ‘dual-circulation’.”强商务、强会展、强交通,真正形成动力级,才能更好构建引领区域协同发展新引擎。同时我们也提出,要架起“彩虹桥”,努力成为长三角区域畅通国内循环、促进国内国际双循环的枢纽节点。According to the plan, the Hongqiao CBD is also expected to be a base for exhibitions and trade in global commodities. The National Exhibition and Convention Center, where the CIIE is held, is located within the area.根据规划,商务区将集聚一批顶级会展和活动,打造开放共享的国际贸易中心新平台。承办中国国际进口博览会的国家会展中心(上海)就位于商务区之中。SPEAKER:Bao Bingzhang, Party SecretaryAdministrative Committee, Hongqiao CBD鲍炳章 虹桥商务区管委会党组书记、常务副主任“In the next five years, the Hongqiao CBD will hold international exhibitions with high-end services and attract businesses to set up their headquarters. It will be a place gathering import and export commodities for the Yangtze Delta【长三角】and even the Asia-Pacific region. It will promote international trade, communication and the upgrading of trade and consumption. It will be a place where people can see the benefits brought by the CIIE.”十四五期间,商务区将以国际会展、高端服务、总部经济为战略支点,打造联动长三角、服务全国、辐射亚太的进出口商品集散地,创新发展新型国际贸易,集聚高能级贸易平台和主体,推动商务区贸易功能向国际交流、平台展示、贸易消费功能升级,从而成为进博会成果的集中展示地。3.ELIZABETH TOWER GETS THE BLUES AS CLOCK HANDS RETURN大本钟修复即将完工,“普鲁士蓝”再现伦敦上空The restoration【恢复】of Britain’s iconic Elizabeth tower at the Houses of Parliament hasmoved closer to completion with the return of the hands on its famous clock,now restored to their original Prussian【普鲁士的】bluecolor.英国国会大厦的标志性建筑伊丽莎白塔(大本钟)的修复工作即将完成,钟上的指针已回归普鲁士蓝。The 177-year-old tower has been swathed【包裹】in scaffolding【脚手架】since 2017 when craftsmen began refurbishing【整修】the stonework, reglazing the four clock dials, and repainting the ironwork. The clock tower that houses Big Ben was renamed the Elizabeth Tower in 2012 to mark the 60th year of her reign. During work on the 96-meter-tall Elizabeth Tower, restorers discovered that the clock hands were originally painted blue rather than black.自2017年以来,这座拥有177年历史的塔楼一直被脚手架包裹着。修复人员为4面钟盘重新上釉,铸铁部分重新油漆,精细石雕部分则进行清洁与修缮。为纪念现任英国女王伊丽莎白登基60年,大本钟所在的钟楼于2012年更名为伊丽莎白塔。在修复这座96米高的伊丽莎白塔时,修复人员发现钟上的“原装”指针是蓝色而不是黑色。INTERVIEW:Ian Westworth, Clock Mechanic韦斯特沃斯 钟表机械师“Working on this clock would be a once in a lifetime opportunity. To actually to have taken it all to pieces, putting it back together again, and then carry on looking after it for a few more years, that’s just going to be fantastic.”维修大本钟是一生只有一次的机会,能够把它拆开再重新组装,(完成后)再继续维护它几年。这都是非常了不起的事情。The now 80 million pound restoration project is due to be completed next year. By that time, the famous 13-tonne BigBen bell, which has been largely silenced while the work has been carried out, will chime once again.大本钟整建工程耗资8000万英镑,预计2022年完工。完成整修后,13吨重的大本钟将再度鸣响。#热词加油站commodity [kəˈmɒdəti]【商品】integrated [ˈɪntɪɡreɪtɪd]【综合的】the Yangtze Delta【长三角】restoration [ˌrestəˈreɪʃn]【恢复】Prussian [ˈprʌʃən]【普鲁士的】swathe [sweɪð]【包裹】scaffolding [ˈskæfəldɪŋ]【脚手架】refurbish [ˌriːˈfɜːbɪʃ]【整修】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
9/8/20214 minutes, 37 seconds
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09/07 TOP OF THE DAY 残奥会闭幕/上海港吞吐量创造历史/德国驻华大使离世

NEWS ON 9/71. CHINA TOPS THE MEDAL TALLY AT TOKYO PARALYMPICS东京残奥会闭幕,中国奖牌榜登顶2. PORT OF SHANGHAI BREAKS MONTHLY HANDLING VOLUME RECORD港口人无惧台风疫情,上海港连创历史纪录3. GERMAN AMBASSADOR TO CHINA JAN HECKER DIES"SUDDENLY"德国驻华大使突然离世,中方深感震惊-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1. CHINA TOPS THE MEDAL TALLY AT TOKYO PARALYMPICS东京残奥会闭幕,中国奖牌榜登顶The Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games closed last night. The ceremony was a peaceful and inspirational grand finale to the games as the COVID-19 pandemic continues to surge in Japan. Zhang Yue has the details.2020年东京残奥会昨晚(9月5日晚)闭幕。闭幕式和谐而鼓舞人心,在日本的新冠疫情持续蔓延之时,为这届残奥会画上了圆满的句号。Approximately 2,000 athletes and team officials along with 850 Games stakeholders and guests attended the closing ceremony. Zhang Xuemei, who won the silver with the Chinese women’s wheelchair basketball team, served as Team China’s flagbearer. China topped both the total and gold medal lists with 207 medals, including 96 golds, 60 silvers and 51 bronzes. Tokyo 2020 is the 5th consecutive【连续的】 Paralympics where China has dominated the medal count.约2000名运动员和官员、850位奥运官员及嘉宾参加了闭幕式。获得了银牌的中国女子轮椅篮球运动员张雪梅担任中国代表团旗手。中国代表团共斩获96金、60银、51铜合计207枚奖牌,高居奖牌榜和金牌榜榜首,这是中国代表团连续第五届占据残奥会金牌榜榜首。During the closing ceremony, Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike handed the Paralympic flag to the International Paralympic Committee President Andrew Parsons, who entrusted【交付】 the flag to Anne Hidalgo the Mayor of Paris, the next city to host the Summer Paralympic Games.在闭幕式上,东京都知事小池百合子把残奥会会旗交给了国际残奥委会主席安德鲁·帕森斯,后者将其转交给了下一届夏季残奥会主办城市巴黎的市长安妮·伊达尔戈。Andrew Parsons, IPC President安德鲁·帕森斯 国际残奥委会主席During our carnival of sport, we have celebrated difference, exhibited the best of humanity and shown unity in diversity. However, our journey cannot end here. Tonight, see this not like a closing ceremony, but an opening to a bright and inclusive future.在这场体育盛会期间,我们尊重差异,传递人性的美好,展示多样性的统一。但我们的旅途不会止步于此,不要把今晚看做是一场闭幕式,它是通往光明、包容未来的开端。As for the pandemic’s impact on the games, a total of 301 people associated with the Paralympics tested positive for coronavirus since August 12.受到疫情影响,自8月12日以来,总共有301名残奥会相关人员新冠检测结果呈阳性。Andrew Parsons, IPC President安德鲁·帕森斯 国际残奥委会主席So if people are still (critical) about the Paralympic Games, I have a different opinion but I respect their opinion. And to see that we have achieved to deliver these Games, and that the athletes are happy, it makes me really emotional and happy.如果有人依旧对奥运会表示批评,我有不同的意见但我尊重他们的批评。如今看到我们能够成功举办了大会,选手们也很开心,这让我很感动也很开心。Despite the pandemic, Paralympians gave it their all, over 100 world records were broken at this year’s Paralympic games.尽管受到了疫情影响,残奥会运动员们依旧全力以赴,在今年的残奥上共打破了100多项世界纪录。2. PORT OF SHANGHAI BREAKS MONTHLY HANDLING VOLUME RECORD港口人无惧台风疫情,上海港连创历史纪录Shanghai Port broke records in both monthly and daily handling volumes in August despite the impact of sporadic【零星的,偶尔的】 COVID-19 cases and Typhoon Infa. Sun Siqi takes a look at how it keeps improving.疫情防控要求高,天气情况却不好。8月份,在这样的客观条件下,上海港仍创下了集装箱吞吐量和单昼夜吞吐量两个历史新高,一起去看看港口人在光鲜成绩单背后的努力。Typhoon Infa swamped Shanghai in July, forcing the Port of Shanghai to shut down for 3 days and leading to a ship backlog【积压】 of more than 150. But Shanghai International Port Group, which manages the port, quickly churned threw the backlog after organizing ships to unload at quieter docks. Expanded container unit depot areas and extra cranes【桥吊】 led to a volume of more than 4.3 million container units in August, including a single-day record of 158,000 containers on August 19th.7月,台风"烟花"来袭,上海港"停摆"三天,150多条集装箱船舶亟待靠泊。管理该港口的上港集团通过上下联动,片区互助的方式,快速消减积压船舶。港区堆场增配扩容计划以及新一轮码头桥吊使得8月份单月的集装箱吞吐量超过了430万标准箱,在8月19日当天还创下了15.8万标准箱的单昼夜吞吐量新纪录。Yang Yanbin, Deputy GMSIPG Production Department杨焱滨,上港集团生产业务部副总经理Capacity has improved due to the five new cranes we installed this year at our Shangdong dock in Yangshan.得益于去年我们尚东集装箱码头有5台新的岸桥,今年正式投入了生产,对生产能力有了一个大的提升。SIPG also bolstered【加强】 efficiency with a station at the Port of Taicang, where goods can be merged. Thus, docking time is reduced when ships are in Shanghai.上港集团还在太仓港设立了服务中心,进出口货物可在那里实现集装箱合并,有效减少了支线驳船在上海港各码头的等泊时间。Yang Yanbin, Deputy GMSIPG Production Department杨焱滨,上港集团生产业务部副总经理This way, resources are mobilized at these ports, and costs are reduced for barge companies.一是能释放我们上海港这些集装箱码头岸线的资源,另外对驳船公司来说,它也可以及时调整它的运营的路线,那么节省一定的成本。Paperless declaration procedures for empty containers cuts the time it takes to clear Customs by up to two days. This, in turn, makes for extra room in the depot so more goods can be readied for shipping.上海港全面推行空箱无纸化申报,将进出口空箱整体通关时间缩短了1到2天,有效加快空箱周转速度,减轻空箱堆存压力。3. GERMAN AMBASSADOR TO CHINA JAN HECKER DIES"SUDDENLY"德国驻华大使突然离世,中方深感震惊The German Embassy in China announced today that German Ambassador to China Jan Hecker has died. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin said China was shocked by the ambassador’s passing and sent condolences to his family, adding that China will provide assistance to his family and the German embassy. Hecker, 54, a former foreign policy adviser to Chancellor Angela Merkel, took up his post on August 24. The cause of his death has not been revealed.德国外交部今天证实,新任德国驻华大使贺岩离世,但并未说明其去世原因。中国外交部发言人汪文斌表示,中方对贺岩大使突然离世深感震惊,向他的亲属表示深切同情和慰问,愿为其家人和德国驻华使馆处理后续事宜尽可能提供便利。贺岩现年54岁,曾任德国总理默克尔的对外政策顾问,上月刚刚履新德国驻华大使。#热词加油站consecutive [kənˈsekjətɪv]【连续的】entrust [ɪnˈtrʌst]【交付,托付】sporadic [spəˈrædɪk]【零星的,偶尔的】backlog [ˈbæklɔːɡ]【积压】crane [kreɪn]【吊车,鹤】bolster [ˈboʊlstər]【支撑,加强】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
9/7/20214 minutes, 7 seconds
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White Dew丨蒹葭苍苍,白露为霜

大家好,今天是白露,White Dew, the third solar term in autumn.白露是秋季的第三个节气。An old saying goes like“白露秋风夜,一夜凉一夜.”After sunset①, temperatures decrease rapidly. At night, water vapor② in the air turns into small water-drops that settle on flowers, grass and trees. When morning comes, sunshine makes them look crystal clear.有这样一句农谚, “白露秋风夜,一夜凉一夜”。日落之后,气温迅速下降。夜晚,水汽凝结成露珠,附着在花草树木上。在早晨阳光的照耀下,露珠晶莹剔透、洁白无瑕。Osmanthus flowers start to bloom③ as White Dew arrives, and you'll notice a fresh scent if you happen to be close enough. The city of Guilin, one of the best-known tourist destinations in China, was named after the plant. For Chinese people, osmanthus flowers carry the meaning of true love, faithfulness, good fortune and prosperity④. For example, we say “Zhe Gui”, which literally means to pluck⑤ a branch of an osmanthus tree. In the past, it means to pass an imperial examination, but now it means to win a championship.白露时节桂花开。恰巧走近盛开的桂花树,才能闻到怡人的桂花香。桂林,中国最著名的旅游城市之一,就因桂花而得名。对中国人来说,桂花象征永伴佳人、有忠贞之意,也寓意着吉祥如意、收获满满。例如,“折桂”的字面意思就是摘取桂树的枝条。古时,以折桂比喻科举及第;而今,则以折桂形容比赛夺冠。According to a Chinese myth, in front of the Palace in the Moon, there is a huge osmanthus tree. Under the tree branches there is a mortal named Wu Gang who is wielding an ax chopping it. Wu stayed on the moon and was punished to cut down the sweet osmanthus tree. However, the magic tree had the ability to grow again, thus Wu spent the rest of his life cutting down the tree without resting.中国神话故事《吴刚伐桂》中,月亮上的广寒宫前,有一棵高大的桂树。桂树下,有一个人每天伐树不止。这个被发配到月亮上砍树的人名叫吴刚。但桂树随砍即合,吴刚伐桂便永无休止。During the White Dew period, grapes⑥become widely available for sale. Grapes are good for your health in autumn. Here in the city, Malu grapes are popular among locals. The Malu Grape Theme Park in Jiading District is where visitors can not only taste grapes of top quality, but also visit vineyards and pick their own.正所谓“白露下葡萄”。白露时节,葡萄大量上市。秋天吃葡萄,对身体好处颇多。在上海,高人气品种当属马陆葡萄。在嘉定区马陆葡萄主题公园,游客不仅可以品尝到优质的葡萄,还可以参观葡萄园,亲手采摘葡萄。In some parts of Jiangsu Province and Zhejiang Province, it's traditional to make White Dew wine or sweet rice wine during this period. People serve guests this sweet rice wine to show their hospitality⑦. Also known as “Jiuniang”, it can be used to make a typical dessert Mini Rice Balls with Sweet Rice Wine. But attention please! Since “Jiuniang” contains alcohol, after eating Mini Rice Balls with Sweet Rice Wine, you'd better not drive.在苏浙一带,有自酿白露米酒的习俗。每年白露一到,家家酿酒,用以待客。这种米酒也叫“酒酿”,可以用来制作一道传统甜品酒酿小圆子。不过要注意的是,酒酿里含有酒精成分,吃了酒酿小圆子,可别开车了。白露时节,秋深露重,遥祝秋安!
9/7/20212 minutes, 25 seconds
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09/06 TOP OF THE DAY 抗日战争胜利76周年/静安行道树换新装/日本首相菅义伟弃选

NEWS ON 09/061. PEOPLE COMMEMORATE 76TH ANNIVERSARY OF CHINA`S VICTORYOVER JAPAN抗战胜利76周年!和平大钟在南京撞响2. TREES TAKE ON NEW LOOK IN JING`AN DISTRICT静安行道树的“高街时尚”3.     JAPANESE PM WILL NOT RUN IN UPCOMING LDP ELECTION“奥运会魔咒”应验?日本首相菅义伟放弃换届选举-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1. PEOPLE COMMEMORATE 76TH ANNIVERSARY OF CHINA`S VICTORYOVER JAPAN抗战胜利76周年!和平大钟在南京撞响The Memorial Hall for the Victims of the Nanjing Massacre todayheld events to commemorate【纪念】 the76th anniversary of China's victory over Japan. Song Wenjing has more.9月3日是中国人民抗日战争暨世界反法西斯战争胜利76周年纪念日,侵华日军南京大屠杀遇难同胞纪念馆举行了撞响和平大钟仪式。At 11 o'clock in the morning, 12 people, including descendants【后代】 of the survivors of the Nanjing Massacre, teachers and studentsstruck the bell 13 times at a public memorial ceremony.上午11点,南京大屠杀幸存者后人、教师、学生代表等12人撞响和平大钟,13响钟声在公祭广场上久久回荡。INTERVIEW:Tan Mingchen, Student, Nanjing Foreign Language School谭茗宸,南京外国语学校高二学生I came here not just to strike the bell. I will always rememberthis chapter of history and promote peace.今天来不仅是参加这个和平的撞钟仪式,而且我也希望可以通过重温这段历史,铭记历史,传播和平的思想。INTERVIEW:Ge Fengliang, Son of Ge Daorong, Survivor of Nanjing Massacre葛凤亮南京大屠杀幸存者葛道荣之子As a son of a survivor of the Nanjing Massacre, I want more youngpeople to learn the history through my behavior.我作为大屠杀幸存者二代传承人,我想通过我自己从我做起,让更多的年轻人去了解这段历史。The ceremony was first held on September 18th, 2018. So far, 9,576people have participated and rang the bell 10,374 times.2018年9月18日起,纪念馆开始常态化举行撞响和平大钟仪式。迄今为止,共有9576人参与撞钟,共计撞响10374声和平大钟。In Shanghai, a ceremony was held at the Songhu Memorial Hall forthe War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression to pay tribute to【纪念,表示敬意】 those who died fighting the Japanese. Attendees includedsurvivors, students, soldiers and curators【馆长】 ofother museums.纪念中国人民抗日战争暨世界反法西斯战争胜利76周年仪式在上海淞沪抗战纪念馆举行。到场者包括抗战幸存者、学生代表、军官代表及其他纪念馆馆长等,共同缅怀在抗日战争中英勇牺牲的英烈和不幸遇难的同胞。INTERVIEW:Zhang Yanchun, Shanghai Armed Police Officer张衍春,武警上海总队执勤三支队某中队政治指导员Today we come to the place where the martyrs fought. We shouldremember our mission, and devote ourselves into the great rejuvenation【复兴】 of the Chinese nation.今天来到先辈们战斗过的地方,我们要牢记自己的使命,为我们中华民族的伟大复兴,贡献自己的一份力量。An exhibition themed "War and Peace" also opened at thememorial hall and it features more than 40 paintings by artists from both Chinaand Russia.以"战争与和平"为主题的《中俄名家美术作品展》免费向公众开放,共有40多件艺术品从俄罗斯与中国上海的藏品资源中精选而出。2. TREESTAKE ON NEW LOOK IN JING`AN DISTRICT静安行道树的“高街时尚”Some of the sidewalks in Jing’an District havetaken on a new look recently. For the first time, some of the trees are being decorated【装饰】 with colorful drawings to add some color to the city. 近来,静安区部分道路的行道树悄悄变脸,出现了很多“树洞画”,这在上海还是头一回,也为城市更添一抹色彩。Residents居民-Come here. There’s a panda on the tree. 你们来看呀,树上爬了只大熊猫。-I’ve also found one here. It’s so cute. 这里又有一个,来看来看,蛮灵的。A giant panda holding a piece of bamboo, an owlwith big eyes... Visitors were surprised to find colorful paintings of avariety of animals on the trees along Yonghe Road. All the paintings were doneon the exposed areas on the trunk, after the cuts were made.抱着竹子的大熊猫,瞪着大眼睛的猫头鹰……行人们惊喜地发现,在永和路的行道树上,竟然有各种小动物的图案“跃然树上”。这些都是画在修补后的树洞创面上的彩绘作品。Resident居民The paintings have added to the vitality and beautyof the streets.这样一弄,给整个街道锦上添花,显得更生动活泼。There are nearly 150 plane trees along the twosides of Yonghe Road. Each autumn, greenbelt conservation staff need to cut offthe branches that were eroded by pests. This year, for the first time ever, thelocal greenery management department has invited professional painters todecorate the trunks with cute drawings, the artwork also functions as a sealantto cover the wound.永和路两侧共有近150棵悬铃木。每年秋天,绿化养护人员都要对树木有病虫害的部分进行清理。今年,静安区绿化管理部门首次邀请专业画师在树干的伤疤上进行创作,这些彩绘作品可以说是兼具保护和扮靓功能的“最萌创可贴”。INTERVIEW:Xie Jiabin, Painter谢加彬,专业彩绘师The pigments【颜料】 we use areenvironmental-friendly, they are also rain and sun proof with high durability【持久性】. They won’t cause any damage to the trees.颜料对树木没有任何影响,同时它是防渗的,防雨防晒,耐劳度非常高的环保型材料。Apart from sidewalk trees, 51 more paintings can befound on trees in Zhabei Park. The local authority said other districts of thecity will also adopt the same method of greenbelt maintenance in some of thekey boulevards【大道】 and large parks.除了行道树,闸北公园内的51个树洞上也出现了吸睛的画作。绿化管理部门表示,未来,这一彩绘修补方法将推广至上海更多的道路和公园。3. JAPANESEPM WILL NOT RUN IN UPCOMING LDP ELECTION“奥运会魔咒”应验?日本首相菅义伟放弃换届选举Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga said today at a meeting ofLiberal Democratic Party executives that he has decided not to run in theupcoming leadership election for the ruling LDP, effectively giving up the premiership【首相职务】. Song Wenjing has more.9月3日,日本首相菅义伟在自民党党内会议中宣称,不会参选即将举行的自民党总裁换届选举。日媒称这意味着,菅义伟或在本月底总裁任期期满后,辞去首相职务。Saying that it would be impossible to run the LDP's election whileworking as Prime Minister, Suga told reporters that he wanted to focus on thecountries COVID-19 response during his remaining time in office, adding that hewould likely elaborate on【详细说明】 hisdecision next week at a press conference.菅义伟将没有机会带领自民党参加即将到来的众议院选举,也无法出任下届日本首相。他告诉记者,他想在剩余的任期内集中精力应对新冠,并补充说可能会在下周的新闻发布会上详细说明自己的决定。Yoshihide Suga, Japanese Prime Minister菅义伟日本首相While I had the schedule to run in the election, keeping tabs onthe COVID situation and running in an election would require an enormous amountof energy. I could not do both. I needed to choose one.同时应对新冠疫情和准备自民党总裁选举需要大量精力,不能兼顾,我认为只能二选一。Since taking over after Shinzo Abe resigned last September, Sugahas seen his support ratings sink to below 30 percent as the nation struggleswith its worst wave of coronavirus infections ahead of a general election,which the government has been considering holding on October 17.去年9月,菅义伟接任安倍晋三成为日本首相,但随着日本疫情形势恶化,他的支持率已跌破30%。据日媒报道,日本众院选举或在10月17日举行。Japanese citizen日本民众Japan is witnessing its largest wave of infections, but my son agedover 40 years old hasn't had the chance to get vaccinated.现在疫情这么严重,疫苗还打不上。我儿子四十多岁,到现在还没打上疫苗。Japanese citizen日本民众My impression of Suga is that he's not that efficient and itworries people. If he can take the responsibility to admit his failures, he mayconvince the public.对他(菅义伟)的印象就是做什么都慢一拍,很多事都是,没法让人放心。如果失败了也能明确地承担责任,有错就认错,这样的首相更能令人信服。The LDP is slated【计划】 tohold its presidential election on Sept. 29. Suga's successor needs to be chosenahead the possible general election which might even place before the end ofthe term of Japan's House of Representatives in October.日本自民党将于9月29日举行,将在10月底举行的众院选举之前选出新任自民党总裁。#热词加油站commemorate/kəˈmeməreɪt/【纪念】descendant /dɪˈsendənt/【后代】pay tribute /ˈtrɪbjuːt/to【纪念,表示敬意】curator/kjʊəˈreɪtə(r)/【馆长】rejuvenation/rɪˌdʒuːvəˈneɪʃn/【复兴】decorate/ˈdekəreɪt/【装饰】pigment/ˈpɪɡmənt/【颜料】durability/ˌdjʊərəˈbɪləti/【持久性】boulevard/ˈbuːləvɑːd/【大道】premiership/ˈpremiəʃɪp/【首相职务】elaborate/ɪˈlæbəreɪt/ on【详细说明】slate /sleɪt/【计划】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”
9/6/20215 minutes
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Oops! Santa's stuck in China|圣诞产品的艰难出海路

With the temperature in the 30's it might be hard to remember that Christmas is coming, but it is, and China's vast export machine of Christmas products is gearing up for it. The overall index of new industrial orders may have fallen last month, but that doesn't apply to the holiday needs of the rest of the world. Export orders are pouring in ... But continuing worldwide shipping problems mean it's turning out to be hard to get all the tinsel and the glitter to market.
9/5/20214 minutes, 32 seconds
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Challenges ahead for the Taliban|阿塔要组建新政府,前路如何

What is the current political situation in Afghanistan?And why does it take relatively longer time to form a new government?We have with us Professor Zhang Chuchu, from Fudan University, to share her opinions.GUEST:Zhang ChuchuZhang Chuchu is Associate Professor of International Relations at School of International Relations and Public Affairs, Fudan University. She is also Deputy Director of the Center for Middle Eastern Studies at Fudan University. She receives her PhD in Politics and International Studies, University of Cambridge, UK. Her research focuses on Middle Eastern politics, Sino-Middle Eastern relations, and regional governance. She is author of Islamist Party Mobilization: Tunisia’s Ennahda and Algeria’s HMS Compared, 1989–2014 (Palgrave, 2020). She has published in many top peer reviewed journals including Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space, Land Use Policy, Pacific Focus, Chinese Political Science Review, and Journal of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies.
9/4/20218 minutes, 24 seconds
Episode Artwork

09/03 TOP OF THE DAY 第八批在韩志愿军烈士遗骸回国/课后作业多样化/塔利班“阅兵”

NEWSON 9/31. REMAINS OF CHINESESOLDIERS KILLED KOREAN WAR RETURNED山河已无恙,英烈归故乡:第八批在韩志愿军烈士遗骸回国2.SCHOOLS TRY DIFFERENTAPPROACHES DURING AFTER-CLASS SESSIONS 你好,新学期!“双减”落地,作业有何不同?3.TALIBAN FORCES STAGEMILITARY PARADE IN KANDAHAR塔利班“阅兵”展示缴获武器,美国防部:不能用-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1.REMAINS OF CHINESESOLDIERS KILLED KOREAN WAR RETURNED山河已无恙,英烈归故乡:第八批在韩志愿军烈士遗骸回国South Korea today returned the remains of 109 more Chinese soldiers killed in the 1950-1953 Korean War. An Air Force plane carrying the remains and 1,226 of their belongings landed in Shenyang, Liaoning Province. It was the eighth such repatriation【归国】 since 2014. Lei Shuran has more.9月2日,第八批在1950年至1953年朝鲜战争中牺牲的志愿军烈士遗骸由我国空军专机护送从韩国回到辽宁沈阳,109位志愿军烈士英灵及1226件遗物回归故土。自2014年起,已有八批在韩中国人民志愿军烈士遗骸被迎回中国。At 9 o’clock in the morning, a transfer ceremony was held at Incheon International Airport, South Korea. Chinese People’s Liberation Army service members escorted【护送】 the remains to a Y-20 aircraft. Two jet fighters escorted theplane to Shenyang Taoxian International Airport. It was given a "watersalute" at the airport. Four descendants【后代】 of Chinese soldiers killed in the war were on hand. The remains of their family members were returned last year after being identified through DNA testing.上午9时,中韩双方在韩国仁川国际机场举行志愿军烈士遗骸交接仪式。由中国人民解放军将烈士遗骸护送至Y-20专机,在专机进入中国领空后,空军两架战斗机护送专机至辽宁沈阳桃仙国际机场。沈阳桃仙国际机场以“过水门”最高礼遇迎接志愿军烈士回家。4名志愿军烈士后代参加了迎回仪式,他们家人的遗体在经过DNA检测后,于去年回归。INTERVIEW:Liang Runquan, Family of Liang Baiyou, CPV Martyr梁润全第七批归国的在韩志愿军烈士梁佰有亲属Our motherland attaches great importance to martyrs. I am very proud of them.祖国对这些烈士们是感觉特别的重视,心里感觉很自豪很光荣。INTERVIEW:Lin Yihui, Family of Lin shuishi, CPV Martyr林艺辉第七批归国的在韩志愿军烈士林水实的亲属I hope that more fallen soldiers will be found by their family through DNA tests, and they can be returned to the motherland.很希望就是说这个DNA配对尽量(快),大家能找到自己的亲人,让他们回到祖国的怀抱。About 230 attendees, including Shenyangmunicipal government officials, representatives of armed police forces,soldiers and others participated in the ceremony. The remains will be buried ina martyrs’ cemetery tomorrow in Shenyang. South Korea had already returned the remains of 716 Chinese soldiers between 2014 and 2020.沈阳市政府,武警部队以及士兵代表等230人参加了志愿军烈士遗骸迎回仪式。志愿军烈士遗骸的安葬仪式将于明天(9月3日)在沈阳抗美援朝烈士陵园举行。2014年至2020年,累计已有716位在韩志愿军烈士遗骸回到祖国。2. SCHOOLS TRY DIFFERENTAPPROACHES DURING AFTER-CLASS SESSIONS 你好,新学期!“双减”落地,作业有何不同?Now, some schools have diversified homework assignments so that students are more engaged in their studies. Schools say the move is in response to the "Double Reduction" policy to curb homework and after-school tutoring【辅导】.Zhang Yue has more.在上海,一些学校设置了形式丰富的课业,以提高学生的学习兴趣。校方表示,此举是为了响应“双减”政策,旨在减少家庭作业和校外辅导。8th grader Ruan Kexia from Yan’an Middle School and his classmates are discussing "Water Margin", one of four classic novels in Chinese literature. The students were asked to think dialectically of the different characters, and better understand the story through a group discussion.在延安初级中学,八年级的阮可夏正和小组同学分享了自己阅读中国古典四大名著之一《水浒传》后,对不同英雄人物性格的辨证思考。通过小组讨论的方式,帮助同学们更好地理解故事情节和含义。INTERVIEW:RuanKexia, Student, SH Yan’an Middle School阮可夏延安初级中学学生In the past, what we did mostly was follow what our teachers taught us. Now we are told to think independently.原来的作业是老师讲过,你就根据老师讲的去做,现在的作业需要更多的独立思考。Inanother classroom, teachers were giving an after-school tutorial covering questions students encountered while doing their homework. Students can choose whether to attend or go home.在另一个教室中,老师正在利用课后服务时间,为孩子们答疑解惑。孩子们可以自主选择留在教室参加答疑或是回家。INTERVIEW:Xu Jun, President, SH Yan’an Middle School许军延安初级中学校长For example, teachers will tell students to draw on what they have learned after reading English articles. Physics teachers have also designed homework with cartoon elements. The method combines writing, drawing, and talking. We expect to improve their ability to apply what they have learned.(比如)老师引导孩子们在(英语)阅读之后,对学过的内容进行深度加工,用漫画的形式表达出来,物理老师也很受启发,组织了N格漫画的作业设计,通过写、画、说、做各种形式,加强对学过的知识的综合性的应用和理解。At Pingliang Road No.3 Primary School, 4th and 5th grade students were sitting in a circle with teachers to discuss difficulties during the day’s study. Astudent said it’s better than studying at home.在平凉路第三小学,课后的教室里,四五年级的学生们与老师围坐在一起,和老师讨论今天学习中遇到的问题。一位同学表示这比在家学习更加高效。INTERVIEW:RuanJiaying, Student, Pingliang Road No.3 Primary School阮佳莹学生I used to ask my parents if I had problems with my homework, but sometimes they couldn’t help. Now I can ask my teachers, and it saves time for my parents.以前我有不会的题问爸爸妈妈,他们也不一定知道,现在在学校里有老师辅导,爸爸妈妈轻松了。The school also said students will be assigned different homework based on their progress. Teachers said reducing the burden is not just about limiting their time spent doing homework, making studying more efficient and reasonable.同时,校方表示老师将根据不同学生的进步状况分层布置家庭作业。老师表示,减负不仅是限制孩子花在作业上的时间,而是让学习更加合理高效。3.TALIBAN FORCES STAGEMILITARY PARADE IN KANDAHAR塔利班“阅兵”展示缴获武器,美国防部:不能用The Taliban held a military parade in Afghanistan’s second largest city Kandahar yesterday to celebrate its decisive victory against the US-led coalition. Zhang Yue has the details.昨日(当地时间9.1日),塔利班在阿富汗第二大城市坎大哈举行阅兵仪式,庆祝美国从阿富汗撤军。In the parade, the Taliban showed off dozens of American-made armored vehicles along with newly-seized weapons. Supporters waved Taliban flags from the armored vehicles.在阅兵中,塔利班展示了几十辆美国制造的装甲车以及最新缴获的武器。塔利班士兵们站在缴获的装甲车上,挥舞着白色的塔利班旗帜。INTERVIEW:Kandahar’s Resident坎大哈居民Our country is finally free from illegal occupation, I hope all Afghans will be united in the future.我们的国家终于从非法占领中解脱出来,希望从今以后所有人能团结起来。As the United States has completed its troop withdrawal【撤回】 from Kabul, theTaliban are set to announce the formation of the new government. A member of the Taliban’s cultural commission said yesterday the consultations are almost finalized, adding that they will announce the new government soon and a ceremony was being prepared at the presidential palace in Kabul. The Taliban’s supreme leader Haibatullah Akhundzada is expected to have ultimate power over anew governing council, with a president below him.美国已完成从喀布尔的撤军,塔利班将宣布组建新政府。塔利班文化委员会昨日(当地时间9.1日)表示关于组建阿富汗未来政权系统的磋商“几乎已经完成”,他们将很快宣布成立新政府,并且相关仪式也在喀布尔总统府筹备中。塔利班最高领导人海巴图拉·阿洪扎达预计将全权负责执政委员会,凌驾于委员会主席之上。Also, the Taliban have been massing forces in and around Panjshir province, the only region not under their control. Taliban officials said that their forces are making preparations around the four sides of the Panjshir valley and had captured six bases.However,a spokesman for the National Resistance Front of Afghanistan denied the Taliban offensive on Wednesday, saying that although they had been attacking in three or four different areas, they have been repeatedly pushed back.The acting president of Afghanistan said on social media the anti-Taliban forces will continue to fight the Taliban, while the Taliban responded that they are trying to ensure there is no war and that the Panjshir issue will be resolved calmly and peacefully.此外,塔利班一直在潘杰希尔省及其周围集结军队,该省也是唯一一个未被塔利班控制的地区。塔利班方面表示,他们的部队正在潘杰希尔峡谷四周进行准备,并且已经占领了6个前哨基地。然而,周三,阿富汗反塔前线的发言人对此进行了否认。他表示,尽管塔利班对三四个地区发动了袭击,但均被击退。阿富汗“代理总统”在社交媒体上表示,反塔利班部队将继续打击塔利班。塔利班回应称,他们正在努力减少冲突,确保潘杰希尔问题将得到和平的解决。#热词加油站repatriation, n. [riˌpeɪtriˈeɪʃən]【归国】escort,v.[ˈeskɔːrt , ɪˈskɔːrt]【护送】descendant, n. [dɪˈsendənt] 【后代】tutor,v. [ˈtuːtər]【辅导】withdrawal,n. [wɪðˈdrɔːəl]【撤回】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
9/3/20215 minutes, 31 seconds
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09/02 TOP OF THE DAY 中小学课后服务/上海英国签证难/阿塔组建新政府

NEWS ON 9/21.      PARENTS APPLAUD AFTER-HOURS CARETAKING放学不再愁!上海中小学课后服务上线啦2.     BACKLOG OF UK VISA APPLICATIONS IRKS PARENTS, STUDENTS加急费“打水漂”!上海英国签证迟迟无音讯3.     TALIBAN TO ANNOUCE REFORMATION OF NEW AFGHAN GOVERNMENT阿塔发言人:本周五将宣布新政府组建-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1.      PARENTS APPLAUD AFTER-HOURS CARETAKING放学不再愁!上海中小学课后服务上线啦As required by the Ministry of Education’s "Double Reduction" policy, after-hours care-taking services commenced【开始】at primary and middle schools. Both parents and children rejoiced as kids can finish their homework during these periods. Sun Siqi has more.为全面落实教育部“双减”要求,上海各中小学校纷纷根据自身特色和条件,对课后服务进行细化,推出各项举措,“作业不出校门”让家长和孩子们都纷纷拍手称快。At Hetian Road Primary School in downtown Jing’an, most fourth graders can finish their homework between 3:30 and 4:30 p.m.在静安区和田路小学,课后服务的三点半到四点半是"学习时刻",一个小时里,四年级的孩子基本都能完成今天的作业。INTERVIEWPan Chenkai, Fourth GraderHetian Road Primary School潘辰楷,上海市静安区和田路小学四年级学生The teacher helps us with homework, we can ask questions and they answer them. This way, I can play sports when I go home. 在学习时刻老师会指导我们写作业,我们有不懂的问题可以问老师,老师会帮我们解答。回家就可以做一些自己喜欢的体育运动了。In Xuhui, Shanghai Primary School offers three time options. 位于徐汇区的上海小学课后服务时间为"三段式"。INTERVIEWMao Jianqiong, PrincipalShanghai Primary School毛坚琼,上海小学校长More than half of our parents chose 4:30 to 5:15. 80 percent of parents have chosen to keep their kids in after-hours caretaking.我们一共有80%的家长选择了各种课后服务,4:30到5:15左右的这个时间段是最多的,50%以上的家长都选择了这个时间段。Parents can also change the time their kid leaves on a daily basis. 在上海小学,家长还可根据家庭需求,"以天为单位",按需预约课后服务。INTERVIEWParent家长I have two sons and both my husband and I have a job. I am so grateful for the service. This way, we can choose different times that suit us for the day. This is a great idea. 对我们这种二胎的双职工家庭来说非常非常的有帮助的,那我们可以根据我们当天哥哥弟弟的不同的上下课时间来选择我们每一天不一样的这个接小孩的时间,是真心要给上海小学点赞的。Under new policies launched by the Ministry of Education last month, primary and middle schools have to provide caretaking from Monday to Friday for at least two hours a day. The schools are obligated to supervise【监督】students as they do their homework.根据教育部上个月新推出的政策,中小学需从周一到周五每天至少提供两个小时的课后服务,并进行作业辅导。2.     BACKLOG OF UK VISA APPLICATIONS IRKS PARENTS, STUDENTS加急费“打水漂”!上海英国签证迟迟无音讯Some students looking to study in the United Kingdom and their parents have complained to Shanghai Media Group that they’ve been charged thousands of yuan for express visa services, but still hadn’t received the visa after the 15-work day time-limit passed. Sun Siqi brings us what an SMG reporter found after going to the country’s visa application center.此前部分办理赴英签证的留学生、赴英人员反映,位于四川中路的签证中心收取高昂加急费用,但在15个工作日的审理周期结束后签证却仍迟迟拿不到。记者再次赶赴签证中心,了解后续情况。At the UK Visa Application Center on 213 Middle Sichuan Road yesterday, parents and students were crowding the entrance. Some said they had paid between 5,600 and 8,800 yuan in express fees, but not received their visa. 昨日(8月31日)签证中心门口挤满了学生和家长,部分受访者表示他们已经支付了5600到8800不等的加急费用,但目前仍未拿到签证。INTERVIEWMs. Chen, Parent陈女士,学生家长We submitted【提交】the documents on August 6th, it’s been 17 working days. The application center said you should get the visa in 15 working days. There has been no explanation about what’s going on. At this rate, we’ll miss the flight on September 10th.我们目前为止从八月六号到现在为止,(递交签证)已经17个工作日了还没下来,本来应该15个工作日之内应该可以下来的。签证一点(说明)都没有,我们是九月十号的飞机有可能会误机。INTERVIEWYuan,Applicant申请学生袁同学I submitted on July 26th. It’s been almost 26 working days now, which is twice the amount of time they said it’d take.7月26号到现在一点消息没有,他们说查不到。正常是十五个工作日就出了,但现在快二十六个工作日了,快两倍的时间了。Today, another crowd of parents and their child showed up at the same building. The UK’s embassy【大使馆】posted last night on its WeChat account that it had been receiving "a large number of applications and processing was taking longer than usual". It advised students to "make travel plans after obtaining【获得】a valid visa". The notice also explained that the UK Visa Application Center in Shanghai is run by UK-based VFS Global, a company hired by UK Visas and Immigration to collect applications and deliver【寄送】visas. One student was happy when notified her visa was about to be sent. 今日(1日)签证中心门口依旧挤满了学生和家长,对此,"英国驻华使馆"公众号昨晚发布了最新说明,称目前英国签证及移民局收到的各类签证申请量较大,可能需要更长的办理时间,并建议申请人在拿到签证后在计划出行时间。根据该份说明,上海签证中心的运营方为英国的威孚国际(VFS Global),是英国签证及移民局的商业合作伙伴。在现场,有学生幸运地收到了快递通知,称即将拿到签证。INTERVIEWWhen, Applicant赴英留学生 闻同学They just said mine is going to be delivered this afternoon. 刚刚查到说,今天下午应该会寄出(我的护照)。Still, more were waiting after the promised deadline had passed. 不过,更多的学生只能焦急等待。INTERVIEWGu, Applicant赴英留学生 顾同学I paid 8,821 yuan for express service. I haven’t received mine yet. They only gave me this receipt. There’s no formal invoice. They said I’d be getting mine in five working days, it’s now been eight.我现在还是没有拿到,我是加急了8821元,没有拿到正式的发票,只有这个收据。他们说五个工作日内可以拿到,但现在已经八个工作日了。Some students said that they have been getting mixed messages about express fees. 一些学生表示,关于中途“收费加急”各方说法并不一致。-Applicant: Can I pay for express service after I’ve submitted my application? Is this approved by the UKVI? -Staff at UK Visa Application Center: Yes, it’s not like we’re keeping the money, we wire what we charge to them. -申请人:现在是可以补加急吗?UKVI(英国签证及移民局)就同意这个(收费)是吗?-上海签证中心工作人员:对这钱也不是我们收的,我们每个月会汇(到英国签证移民局)。However, UK Visas and Immigration gave a different message. 但英国签证及移民局对此明确表示否定。-Applicant: Can I pay for express after the documents have been handed in?-Staff at UKVI: No. -申请人:我们学生申请的时候,签证已经递交了,然后中途是可以加急的吗?-英国签证及移民局工作人员:不可以。The same company also provides these services for countries including Ireland, Australia, Canada and New Zealand. Shanghai Live will follow this story.威孚国际同时还提供爱尔兰、澳大利亚、加拿大以及新西兰签证服务,有关赴英签证问题,我们将继续关注。3.     TALIBAN TO ANNOUCE REFORMATION OF NEW AFGHAN GOVERNMENT阿塔发言人:本周五将宣布新政府组建The Taliban said that the three-day meeting of the Supreme Leader’s Council of the Islamic Emirate had concluded【结束】, with important decisions related to governance being finalized. It is also reported that the Taliban will announce the formation【组建】of a new Afghan government on Friday. Lei Shuran has more.昨天(8月31日)阿塔发言人召开发布会,称为期三天的领导人会议已结束,重点做出政府治理相关决议。阿塔发言人同时表示,将于周五宣布政府组建相关事宜。A Taliban spokesman said the meeting chaired by supreme leader Hibatullah Akundzada discussed political, social and security issues, he added that Afghansitan is facing an economic crisis and wants good relations with all nations, including the US.阿塔发言人称,此次会议由最高领导人Hibatullah Akundzada主持,讨论了政治、社会及安全相关议题,同时该发言人也表示阿富汗正面临经济挑战,新政府愿与包括美国在内的世界各国保持良好的政治关系,同时发展经贸关系。INTERVIEWZabihullah Mujahid, Taliban Spokesperman穆贾希德,阿塔发言人We are on the path of peace with all nations. Our message of peace to the international community is--help us and cooperate with us politically. No one should consider us a threat to them, nor should they become a threat to us.我们希望与所有国家发展友好关系,我们向国际社会发出和平信息:帮助我们,与我们展开政治合作,不要把我们当成威胁,但也不要成为我们的威胁。It is reported that the senior deputy leader of the Taliban, Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar is set to be appointed【任命】as the foreign minister of the new government. In the eastern city of Khost, Taliban supporters paraded coffins draped【覆盖】with American, British and NATO flags as part of their celebrations following the withdrawal【撤离】of the last US troops. In response to the formation of a new government in Afghanistan, Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin said today that a new page has been turned in the history of the war-torn country which is on the threshold【门槛】of national peace and reconstruction. 据报道,阿塔分管Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar将担任新政府的外交部长。在东部城市,塔利班的支持者将美国、英国国旗和北约旗帜盖在棺木之上,庆祝美军撤离,与20年的战乱年代彻底告别。当被问及中方是否承认阿塔新政府时,外交部发言人汪文斌表示,阿富汗历史正在翻开新的一页,饱经苦难的阿富汗人民正迎来国家和平与重建的新起点。INTERVIEW汪文斌 中国外交部发言人China sincerely hopes relevant parties in Afghanistan will form an open and inclusive political system, pursue moderate and steady domestic and foreign policies and completely sever【切断】ties with all terrorist organizations.中方真诚希望阿富汗各方顺应本国人民的迫切愿望和国际社会的普遍期待,构建开放包容的政治架构,奉行温和稳健的内外政策,同各种恐怖组织彻底切割。Wang said China will pursue a friendly policy for all Afghan people and continue to provide assistance within its capabilities for the peaceful reconstruction of Afghanistan.汪文斌表示,中方将一如既往奉行面向全体阿富汗人民的友好政策,继续为阿富汗早日实现和平重建提供力所能及的帮助。#热词加油站commence v. /kəˈmens/【开始】 supervise v. /'suːpəvaɪz/【监督】 submit v. /səbˈmɪt/【提交】 embassy n. /ˈembəsɪ/【大使馆】 obtain v. /əbˈteɪn/【获得】 deliver v. /dɪˈlɪvə/【寄送】 conclude v. /kənˈkluːd/【结束】formation n. /fɔːˈmeɪʃn/【组建】 appoint v. /əˈpɔɪnt/【任命】 drape v. /dreɪp/ 【覆盖】 withdrawal n. /wɪðˈdrɔːəl/【撤离】 threshold n. /ˈθreʃhəʊld/【门槛】sever v. /ˈsevə/【切断】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
9/2/20215 minutes, 47 seconds
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09/01 TOP OF THE DAY 世界5G大会/太空便携电源/中俄弃权

NEWS ON 09/011.WORLD 5G CONVENTION OPENS IN BEIJING世界5G大会开幕,未来世界是什么样子?2.ASTRONAUTS USE PORTABLE POWER BANK DURING SPACEWALK国内首创!太空便携式电源助力宇航员的每一步3.CHINA, RUSSIA ABSTAIN FROM UN SECURITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION ON AFGHANISTAN联合国安理会通过涉阿决议草案,中俄弃权-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1.WORLD 5G CONVENTION OPENS IN BEIJING世界5G大会开幕,未来世界是什么样子?The 2021 World Five-G Convention, with the theme of "5G+ By All for All", opened today in Beijing. Visitors were able to exchange ideas on the industry’s latest trends, and experience what a 5G world has to offer.以“5G深耕,共融共生”为主题的2021世界5G大会31日在北京开幕。与会者围绕5G领域的前沿技术、产业趋势以及创新应用等方面展开交流与讨论。The convention【大会】, which is being livestreamed【直播】online, has attracted more than 1,500 experts and business representatives from 20 countries. Two years after 5G opened to commercial use, nearly 1 million 5G base stations had been built on the mainland and there were about 392 million 5G network users. Officials say big data and AI has accelerated the development of 5G in health care and industrial internet.本届大会同时进行线上直播,吸引了来自20个国家的1500余位业界专家和企业精英。5G商业化两年后,内地已建成近100万个5G基站,5G用户达3.92亿。此外,大数据和人工智能的应用加速了5G在医疗保健和工业互联网领域的发展。SPEAKER:Xiao YaqingMinister of Industry & Information Technology肖亚庆 工信部部长“At present, there are more than 10,000 5G application cases in China, covering 22 major industries closely related to the country’s economy, such as electric power, steel, and mining. It’s a new engine for high quality development.”目前全国5G应用案例超过10000个,覆盖了钢铁、电力、矿山等22个国民经济的重要行业和有关领域,形成了一大批丰富多彩的应用场景,成为引领我国高质量发展的新引擎。The event also includes 11 forums and an exhibition showcasing【展示】600 of the latest 5G products and services by 34 companies. By wearing VR goggles, a simulator at the fair allows visitors to experience different situations on the road such as emergency braking, and how a vehicle runs under the Green-Wave traffic control system. The system synchronizes traffic lights on busy streets to reduce traffic jams. China Tower is introducing its latest technology, which the company says can provide a stable 5G network for three telecom【电信】operators in railway tunnels and subways, even during severe weather conditions.本届大会还设有11场主题论坛。此外,大会的展览部分展示了来自34家公司的600项5G最新产品和服务。通过佩戴VR眼镜,参观者可以在模拟驾驶设备上体验紧急刹车、绿波车速引导等不同的道路场景。该绿波系统通过同步各个交通灯来减少交通堵塞。中国铁塔股份有限公司正在推进其最新技术。即使遇到恶劣天气,该技术也能为铁路隧道和地铁的三家电信运营商提供稳定的5G网络。INTERVIEW:Chen JingboChina Tower Corp.陈景勃 中国铁塔工作人员“The 5G signal is stable as the cables are installed in the higher areas of the tunnel walls. They are also water proof.”它处于隧道壁比较高的地方,第二就是由于工艺的创新性,我们的漏缆外面有一层保护皮,它可以有很好的防水性能。The exhibition runs until Thursday. It is open to the public, but a reservation is required.本届大会将持续至周四,公众进行预约后即可参观。2.ASTRONAUTS USE PORTABLE POWER BANK DURING SPACEWALK国内首创!太空便携式电源助力宇航员的每一步As the Shenzhou 12 mission crew have completed their second spacewalk【太空行走】, a special portable【便携的】power bank has come into the spotlight. Developed by the Shanghai Academy of Spaceflight Technology, the device is the first of its kind in China.神舟十二号航天员乘组密切协同,在经历先后两次出舱活动后,圆满完成全部既定任务。期间,航天员首次使用了由上海航天技术研究院研制的太空便携式电源,这一技术和设备为国内首创。This rectangular lithium-ion power bank weighs about 1.5 kilograms. It can provide up to 6 hours of power to support spacewalks. During the latest mission, each astronaut was equipped with a lithium-ion power bank around the waist. The device was designed to withstand【承受】temperatures between minus 60 to plus 85 degrees Celsius.这个呈长方体的锂离子蓄电池重约1.5公斤,可支持长达6小时的出舱活动。上一次出舱活动,两位宇航员都在腰间佩戴了便携式电源。该装置能承受零下60摄氏度到零上85摄氏度的高低温交变环境。INTERVIEW:Yang Bo, Chief Designer of Portable Power BankShanghai Academy of Spaceflight Technology杨波 舱外手持工具电池主管设计师中国航天科技集团八院811所“As for its safety performance, the power bank has a special thermal design to avoid heat being built up in the device and make it resistant to power surges and high temperatures.”安全性方面我们主要是通过一个特殊的安全设计,避免电池出现热量集聚,保证能满足抗过充、抗过放以及(抗)高温的性能。The portable power bank is designed in such a way to help astronauts plug in the charger when wearing large gloves and working in a zero gravity【失重状态】environment.由于宇航员在舱外失重的特殊环境下工作,离子蓄电池在电源连接器采用了浮动式的设计,确保航天员实现盲插。INTERVIEW:Wang ZhihanShanghai Academy of Spaceflight Technology汪之瀚 舱外手持工具电池项目负责人中国航天科技集团八院811所“We have simulated every detail, action, working condition and even emergencies that may occur during a spacewalk to ensure the safety and reliability of the power bank.”在出舱过程中的每一个细节,每一个动作,每一个工况,甚至是意外情况,我们在地面都进行了验证,确保电池安全可靠,万无一失。From design to practice, it took only one year for the Shanghai Academy of Spaceflight Technology to develop it. The demand for portable power banks is expected to rise after the China space station is built. Researchers have already started working on batteries that will be smaller and more portable.作为国内首创的太空便携式电源,从设计到发射使用,上海航天只用了一年时间。后续随着中国空间站的建造完成,它的需求量将大幅提升。为此,研发人员已着手研制更小、更便捷的产品。3.CHINA, RUSSIA ABSTAIN FROM UN SECURITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION ON AFGHANISTAN联合国安理会通过涉阿决议草案,中俄弃权The United Nations Security Council adopted a draft resolution on Afghanistan yesterday with 13 members voting in favor, none against, and China and Russia abstaining. The vote came hours ahead of the US deadline for withdrawing its remaining military personnel out of Afghanistan.昨天(30日),联合国安理会通过了一项关于阿富汗问题的决议草案,其中13票赞成,0票反对,中国和俄罗斯弃权。投票发生在美国撤军结束前的几个小时。The resolution reaffirms【重申】the importance of combating terrorism in Afghanistan and calls for the international community to provide humanitarian assistance【人道主义援助】. Geng Shuang, China’s deputy permanent representative to the UN, said during the meeting that the recent chaos in Afghanistan is directly related to the hasty and disorderly withdrawal of foreign soldiers, adding that the governments of those countries should learn from these lessons and respect the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of Afghanistan.决议重申了在阿富汗打击恐怖主义的重要性,同时呼吁国际社会向阿富汗提供人道主义援助。中国常驻联合国副代表耿爽在会上表示,外国仓促撤军很可能给各类踞阿恐怖组织卷土重来提供可乘之机。有关国家应该吸取教训,切实尊重阿富汗主权、独立和领土完整。SPEAKER:Geng ShuangChina’s Deputy Permanent Representative to the UN耿爽 中国常驻联合国副代表“I hope relevant countries realize that withdrawal is not the end of responsibility, but the beginning of reflection and correction. Those countries should be responsible for what they’ve done in the past 20 years. They have left behind a huge catastrophe in Afghanistan and shifted the blame and responsibility to Afghanistan’s neighboring countries and the Security Council.”希望有关国家能够认识到,撤出不是责任的结束,而是反思和纠错的开始。有关国家应该为过去20年的所作所为负责,不能在阿制造巨大灾难后一走了之,却把责任推给阿邻国和安理会。Geng emphasized that China has always attached importance to Afghanistan’s fight against terrorism and hoped all parties concerned can strengthen coordination and jointly prevent new terrorist attacks. In Afghanistan, thousands of people were looking to flee the country to start a new life in other countries. At the refugee camp near the Polish-Belarusian border, 30 Afghans refused to be sent back after being caught by Polish police.耿爽强调,中方一贯重视阿富汗打击恐怖主义问题,希望有关各方能够加强协调、共同防范新的恐怖袭击。近日,成千上万的阿富汗难民逃离至其他国家。在波兰与白俄罗斯边境附近的难民营,30名阿富汗人在被波兰警方逮捕后拒绝遣返。INTERVIEW:Afghan Refugee阿富汗撤离人员“We come from a country where there is a war. Why did nobody help us here? Why are we not allowed into Europe? If you are not ready to help us here, then let us go to another country. Let us in!”我们来自一个战乱中的国家,为什么得不到帮助,为什么不能进入欧洲?如果波兰不愿意帮助我们,那就让我们去其他国家吧。An American airbase in Germany has served as the largest reception port for the United States to receive evacuees【撤离者】from Afghanistan since the Taliban takeover【接管】. The base has already handled the arrival of more than 20,000 Afghans, processing their refugee status before they leave for the United States. Base officials said the site had at times been pushed to capacity.自塔利班接管阿富汗政府以来,美国设在德国的拉姆施泰因空军基地成为规模最大的阿富汗撤离人员收容中心。该基地已收容超过2万名阿富汗难民。收容期间,他们将获得美国发放的特殊移民签证。基地官员表示,该基地已出现多次满负荷情况。#热词加油站convention【大会】livestream【直播】showcase【展示】telecom【电信】spacewalk【太空行走】portable【便携的】withstand【承受】zero gravity【失重状态】reaffirm【重申】humanitarian assistance【人道主义援助】evacuee【撤离者】takeover【接管】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
9/1/20216 minutes
Episode Artwork

08/31 TOP OF THE DAY 上海核酸降价/“双减”政策落地/飓风袭击美国

NEWS ON 8/311. NUCLEIC ACID TEST PRICES LOWERED IN SHANGHAI再次降价,上海市核酸检测更便民!2. SCHOOLS MAKE SERIES OF CHANGES IN LINE WITH "DOUBLE REDUCTION"POLICY“双减”政策落地,新学期迎来新变化 !3. ONE FATALITY REPORTED IN U.S. DUE TO HURRICANE IDA16年前“卡特里娜”灾难重现?超强飓风“艾达“登陆美国!-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1.NUCLEIC ACID TEST PRICES LOWERED IN SHANGHAI再次降价!上海市核酸检测更便民!The price for an individual nucleic acid test at public medical institutions has been reduced from 80 to 60 yuan starting today. It is the second time that the price has come down as part of the city’s pandemic control efforts. Zhang Hong tells us more.为进一步做好秋冬季疫情防控工作,从今日(8月30日)起,上海公立医疗机构开展的新冠病毒核酸单样本检测价格再次下调,从80元(12.4美元)下调至60元(9.3美元)。At the Zhangjiang branch of Shuguang Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai TCM University, many people were seen coming for a nucleic acid test this afternoon. They were required to show their health QR code, travel history code and write down the places they’ve been to for an epidemiological【流行病学的】 survey. The hospital has four testing windows so test takers didn’t have to wait for too long.今日下午,在上海市中医药大学附属曙光医院张江分院,前来进行核酸检测的人员络绎不绝。他们被要求出示健康码、行程卡,并填写流行病学调查表。院区同时开放了4个检测窗口,因此受检者无需等待太久。Authorities issued a notice to all hospitals and clinics to lower the price from 80 to 60 yuan. This is the second price cut for the testing in 2021, on January 30th it was cut from 120 to 80 yuan.根据国家部署,所有公立公立医院和诊所的新冠病毒核酸单样本检测价格,从80元下调至60元。这是2021年第二次价格下调。上一次是在1月30日,价格从120元(18.6美元)下调至80元。Mr. Luo, Resident骆先生,市民My company required a test result as I came back from outside of Shanghai. The test costs less now.公司要求,因为我从外地回来过,有出过上海,更便宜了。Lu Xiaqin, Head of Nucleic Acid Testing SiteZhangjiang Branch, Shuguang Hospital陆霞琴,曙光医院张江分院核酸检测点组长People can scan the QR code on their receipt and download the invoice. They can print it themselves instead of waiting to get an invoice【发票】 at the hospital.只要自己手机扫一下票据上的二维码,然后自己可以下载(核酸检测)发票,可以自己打印,减少排队(等待)。The hospital now offers nucleic acid testing 24-7.现在,这家医院24小时全天候提供核酸检测采样服务。2.SCHOOLS MAKE SERIES OF CHANGES IN LINE WITH "DOUBLE REDUCTION"POLICY“双减”政策落地,新学期迎来新变化!Primary and middle schools in Shanghai are now making final preparations to adjust courses for the new semester in line with the "Double Reduction" policy, which aims to slash excessive【过分的,过度的】 homework and after-school lessons for students. Zhang Hong tells us more about the changes one middle school is making.新学期即将开始,上海市各中小学正在为课程调整做最后准备,以响应“双减”政策,减轻学生过重的作业和校外培训负担。让我们跟随ICS记者走进一所中学校园,看一看这里都发生了哪些变化。At Luwan Middle School in Huangpu District, PE teachers are trying out new physical training programs for students. The school will also add another longer break during the classes for students to do physical exercises.在黄浦区卢湾中学操场,体育教研组正在测试体能训练的新项目。新学期,学校还将新增“大课间”,组织全体学生体育锻炼。Shen Zhiqiang, Head of PE TeachersLuwan Middle School沈志强,卢湾中学体育教研组组长On rainy days, aside from the regular indoor exercises, we’ll also lead students to do a new set of exercises designed for the class break. The two sets of exercises will last about 30 minutes.比如说下雨天我们会除了做室内操,还有一个自编的课间操。两个操在一起有半个小时的时间。Geography teachers were discussing how to reduce students’ homework.地理教研组正在讨论如何减轻学生作业负担。Geography Teacher地理教师The homework should allow students to use their creativity and allow them to explore by themselves.实况作业主要是以布置有思维深度的作业、开放性的作业、探究性的作业、拓展型的作业为主。Each student will have a mentor starting from this semester. The school also put up a board to record the assignments of each subject so that teachers can adjust the workload as required.根据新学期的“全员导师制”,每位学生都将有自己的导师。此外,校方还设立了"作业公示栏",来记录各学科作业种类、作业完成形成等,以便教师根据需要调整工作量。Zhang Yi, PrincipalLuwan Middle School张怡,上海市卢湾中学校长Some teacher wrote a long letter for students and placed it into a boat with the best wishes that students start a great journey. Some teacher composed a song by turning grade-9 chemistry textbooks into lyrics, so that students will feel less stressed about their studies.比方说我们有老师给孩子写了一封长长的信,折成小船,寓意启航未来。(有老师)为孩子把初三化学的新课录制了自编自唱的原创化学歌曲,来降低孩子们对初三学习的紧张度。3.ONE FATALITY REPORTED IN U.S. DUE TO HURRICANE IDA16年前“卡特里娜”灾难重现?超强飓风“艾达“登陆美国!At least one death has been reported as Category 4 Hurricane Ida yesterday moved in-land along the Gulf Coast of Louisiana. US President Joe Biden officially declared a major disaster in Louisiana. Lei Shuran has more.据报道,四级飓风"艾达"昨日(8月29日)登陆美国路易斯安那州海湾沿岸,造成至少1人死亡。美国总统拜登当天批准,路易斯安那州进入灾难状态。Hurricane Ida lashed the coast with winds of around 240 kilometers-per-hour. Power to the entire New Orleans metropolitan area was knocked out on Sunday night with the failure of all eight transmission lines that deliver electricity to Louisiana’s largest city. The emergency department said that one transmission tower had collapsed into the Mississippi River.飓风“艾达”袭击了沿海地区,最大持续风速达每小时约240公里。在路易斯安那州最大城市新奥尔良,整个都会区的电力都在周日晚上被切断了,向这座城市输送电力的八条电力传输线路已全部中断。紧急事务管理署称,有一座输电塔倒在了密西西比河中。More than one million residents are without power in the region as of last night. Louisiana hospitals already packed with more than 2,000 patients from the latest coronavirus surge are now dealing with the aftermath of powerful hurricane Ida.截至昨晚(8月29日晚),路易斯安那州已有超过100万户家庭断电。恶劣的天气还让紧急医疗服务被迫暂停,该州2000多名住院的新冠肺炎确诊患者面临医疗挑战。John Bel EdwardsLouisiana Governor爱德华兹,路易斯安那州州长And we can expect devastating【毁灭性的,破坏性的】 impacts to continue for most of the next 24 hours or so as the hurricane passes through the state.随着飓风穿过这个州,我们预计接下来24小时左右的时间内,破坏性的影响将一直持续。Ida already downgraded to a tropical storm early Monday morning and is expected to affect Tennessee and Kentucky during the next few days.周一上午,"艾达"已减弱为热带风暴,预计将在接下来几天影响田纳西、肯塔基等多个州。#热词加油站epidemiological【流行病学的】invoice【发票】excessive【过分的,过度的】devastating【毁灭性的,破坏性的】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
8/31/20213 minutes, 58 seconds
Episode Artwork

08/30 TOP OF THE DAY 教育部开学防疫新规/疫情留学的期望与失望/喀布尔机场爆炸

NEWS ON 08/301. EDUCATION MINISTRY ASKS SCHOOLS TO OPEN SAFELY开学倒计时!校园防疫有哪些新要求?2. CHINESE STUDENTS GO ABROAD WITH HOPE AND APPREHENSION疫情之下:留学之路道阻且长3. DEATH TOLL RISES TO 103 IN KABUL ATTACKS突发!喀布尔机场爆炸致百人死亡,“伊斯兰国”宣称负责-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1. EDUCATION MINISTRY ASKS SCHOOLS TO OPEN SAFELY开学倒计时!校园防疫有哪些新要求?The Ministry of Education said today that local governments and school officials should monitor the pandemic closely, and exercise caution when deciding to open schools. The ministry also said schools that do not meet the standard for reopening should remain closed. Zhang Yue tells us more.8月27日,教育部召开发布会,要求各地和学校要根据疫情形势变化和学校、师生分布情况,严格执行秋季开学返校标准,逐校评估开学返校条件,不满足要求不能开学。The ministry said local governments and schools are required to thoroughly check the health status and travel history of students and all employees ahead of their return.发布会介绍,各地和学校要精确掌握师生返校前,连续14天健康状况和行程轨迹。INTERVIEW:He Qinghua, Inspector, National Health Commission贺青华,国家卫生健康委疾控局一级巡视员Students and university faculty members are required to provide a negative nucleic acid test within 48 hours, and take another test according to local government requirements. Students and teachers of middle schools, primary schools, and kindergartens【幼儿园】 who have traveled to medium and high risk areas or have been overseas during the summer vacation need to test negative for the coronavirus within 48 hours of going back to school.高校师生员工返校前要提供48小时内核酸检测阴性证明,返校后按照当地要求进行核酸检测。中小学校和托幼机构师生员工,暑期有出境、到过中高风险地区或有其他异常情况的,返校前提供48小时内核酸检测的阴性证明。The ministry also said cities should stop banning unvaccinated students from attending school.针对近期个别地方把学生甚至家长是否注射疫苗作为能否返校的条件,教育部在发布会上回应,要坚决叫停。INTERVIEWWang Dengfeng, Director, PE, Health & Art Dept., Ministry of Education王登峰,教育部应对新冠肺炎疫情工作领导小组办公室主任、体育卫生与艺术教育司司长Receiving a COVID-19 vaccine should be voluntary, whether it is for students aged 12 to 17, or adults. Inoculation【接种】 should not be the only condition used to determine whether a student is allowed to return school or not.不管是12-17岁的,还是成年人,(接种)都遵守一个共同的原则,就是知情、自愿的前提。既然是知情、既然是自愿,就不应该把是否接种疫苗,不管是本人还是共同生活的人,作为开学返校、入校的一个标准.The ministry added that international students and teachers need permission from school officials to return for the new semester.此外,教育部提醒,境外师生未接到学校通知一律不返校。2. CHINESE STUDENTS GO ABROAD WITH HOPE AND APPREHENSION疫情之下:留学之路道阻且长Chinese students with the intention of studying abroad have finally accepted that the pandemic is just a reality they have to deal with as taking another gap year or doing online courses simply is not the way to go. Reporter Sun Siqi brings us the story of one student about to embark on a journey to an American university, the first time she’ll be on campus as the coronavirus case count swells.当广大中国留学生意识到继续休学一年或是接受网课并非良策时,他们不得不选择直面新冠肺炎疫情带来的挑战。在其与ICS记者孙思奇的交流中,我们将共同见证全球新冠肺炎疫情背景下,留美学生Hannah的求学与求索。After wrapping up her internship【实习】 at a Shanghai news outlet, Hannah Jiang, a sophmore【二年级生】 at Northwestern University, is at her home in Suzhou to prepare for the new school year in the suburbs of Chicago. Having spent her first year at the university’s journalism school online and paying more than 56,000 US dollars in tuition, her odyssey to the United States is finally about to begin. After coronavirus cases had been brought down to less than 100,000 a week in June and July, infections have spiked to one million a week.随着上海的新闻实习告一段落,西北大学大二学生蒋至菡回到苏州家中,为新学年的芝加哥郊区生活做准备。完成一年的线上学习,并支付56,000多美元学费后,她的美国之行终将启程。新冠确诊每周新增保持在10万例以下的6月、7月一去不返,目前美国感染率已飙升至每周100万例。Sun Siqi, ICS Reporter孙思奇,记者Going to the US at this point, what are your biggest worries?此刻只身前往美国读书,你最担心什么?Hannah Jiang, Sophomore at Northwestern Univerisity蒋至菡,西北大学大二学生First of all, definitely the coronavirus, I don’t know how it’s really going to play out in the next couple of months, we’ve seen an uptick【小幅增加】 in cases in the US. But I don’t think they will change my decision to go abroad at this point. It’s just weighing online classes have another year versus the health ... Everyone around me, they’re also going back, that really pushes me to feel like, I don’t want to be left out, I don’t want to be the only one in China and be on the big screen.首先,当然是新冠疫情。最近美国疫情有所加重,但未来几个月疫情会如何发展,我无法预料。以上这些并不会影响我的决定。我只需要在继续上网课和个人健康间判断孰轻孰重,做个抉择。我的同学和伙伴们都陆续回到校园,他们的行动也牵动着我——我不想落后于人,不想独自一人留在中国,不想守着电脑屏幕上网课。Fortunately, her parents take comfort knowing Jiang’s been vaccinated and she’s studied abroad in the past.幸运的是,蒋至菡已完成新冠疫苗接种,并曾出国留学,这为她的父母上了“双重保险”。Dong Lei,Hannah Jiang’s MotherI can’t say I can be totally relaxed, I still worry. I can only ask her to protect herself. I’d say our future for a long time is living with the virus, and everybody just has to learn to take care of themselves.很放心肯定不可能的,其实我还是挺担心。我只能让她保护好自己。未来很长一段时间内,新冠疫情都不会消失,每个人都需要懂得如何防护。ICS:If one day, you’re in the US, and then you were to call home, and tell your parents that you got sick, what would you think they will tell you or do?如果有一天你打电话给家里,说你生病了。你觉得你父母会怎么说?怎么做?Jiang:I do think they’ll be worried, definitely, but I don’t think there’s anything they can do.他们肯定会担心我,但我也知道他们会无能为力。ICS:It’s basically your parents trusting that you would be independent and take care of yourself on this adventure.意思是,你父母相信你可以独当一面,并照顾好自己。Jiang:Exactly, yes.没错。Still, the level of unease many parents experience is palpable. At Pudong airport, long snaking lines of departing students form around the check-in counters. Some have two or three family members bidding them farewell, as many are going to a foreign country for the first time. In a photo circulating on the Internet, a man who appears to be a father is crouching on the floor as he seems to be checking on his child from underneath the departure partition.不难想象,还有许多家长忧心忡忡。在浦东机场,离境学生在登机柜台前排起长龙。有些人身侧站着两三亲友为其送行,因为他们大多是第一次离开祖国。在互联网上流传的一张照片中,一名男子蹲在地上,透过离境隔板望向孩子,他应该是孩子的父亲。Some universities in the United States, like Johns Hopkins, require students to get a USFDA approved vaccine upon arrival, and be tested for coronavirus once a week. Unvaccinated students will be tested twice a week.包括约翰霍普金斯大学在内的部分美国学校,要求抵美前注射经美国食品药品监督管理局(USFDA)批准的疫苗,并每周进行一次核酸检测。如学生未进行疫苗接种,则核酸检测每周两次。Most parents are still worried, though many of them already have a rough idea how their child will be treated should they get infected. Almost every school has set up protocols【协议】that are linked with the state’s hospitals should a student get infected. When you’re at school, protect yourself and engage actively in both your studies and social life. There’s no need to be hiding the whole time.大多数家长还是放心不下,尽管有些人已经对孩子感染新冠后的治疗有了大致设想。几乎每所学校都制定了相关协议,一旦有学生感染新冠,就会与州立医院联系。在学校时,学生要保护好自己,也要积极参加学习和社会活动,没必要畏手畏脚。The United States has issued more than 85,000 visas to Chinese students since May. Education consultancies suggest students take the vaccines as required by their schools as soon as possible, wear masks, report immediately to the school’s health center and get tested if symptoms arise, and also check with the school on medical insurance that covers a coronavirus infection. As the pandemic shows no signs of abating, those choosing to study abroad fly with both expectation and trepidation【忧虑】.自5月以来,美国已向中国学生发放超过85,000份签证。留学机构建议学生尽快按照学校要求接种疫苗、佩戴口罩,如果出现感染症状,立即向学校保健中心报告并接受检测,同时向学校了解承保新冠病毒感染的医疗保险。新冠疫情目前并无减弱迹象,毅然选择出国的留学生们怀揣着期望与不安,飞越云层,到达大洋彼岸。3. DEATH TOLL RISES TO 103 IN KABUL ATTACKS突发!喀布尔机场爆炸致百人死亡,“伊斯兰国”宣称负责Two blasts and gunfire rocked the area outside Kabul international airport on Thursday evening. The attacks killed at least 103 people, and injured more than 105 including 13 US service members. China today condemned【谴责】 Islamic State, who has claimed responsibility for the carnage【杀戮】. Lei Shuran has more.8月26日晚,阿富汗首都喀布尔机场外发生两起自杀式炸弹袭击,造成至少103人死亡,其中包括13名美军士兵,另有至少105人受伤。“伊斯兰国”宣布对爆炸事件负责。8月27日,中方对喀布尔机场附近发生爆炸造成重大人员伤亡感到震惊,并予以强烈谴责。According to the Pentagon, one blast occurred near the airport’s Abbey Gate and the other close to the nearby Baron Hotel. Two U.S. officials said at least one of the explosions appeared to be a suicide bombing.美国国防部消息称,两起爆炸分别发生在喀布尔机场阿贝门附近及其不远处的男爵酒店周围。两名美国官员表示,其中一起爆炸或为自杀式炸弹袭击。INTERVIEW:Unidentified Eyewitness to Explosion目击者The explosion was really powerful. Half were hurled into the water, others on the ground outside.爆炸的威力真的很大,一半的人被甩进水里,另一半人倒在地面上。The Islamic State group’s affiliate in Afghanistan has claimed responsibility for the attack outside the Kabul airport. The IS branch, known as The Islamic State-Khorasan Province named after the ancient name of the region, said that it had targeted American troops and their Afghan allies.极端组织"伊斯兰国"阿富汗分支已宣称对发生在喀布尔机场附近的袭击事件负责。“伊斯兰国”分支机构“呼罗珊省”(ISIS-K)表示,自杀式炸弹袭击者的目标是美国军队及其阿富汗盟友。Taliban Official, Abdul Qahar Balkhi巴尔希阿富汗塔利班官员And as soon as the airport situation is figured out, and foreign forces leave, we will not have such attacks anymore.一旦机场局势得到解决,外国军队撤离,阿富汗就不会再发生这样的袭击。IS also said the bomber managed to get past Taliban security checkpoints to come within 5 meters of a gathering of U.S. soldiers, translators and collaborators before detonating his explosives. US President Joe Biden later vowed to complete the evacuation of American citizens and others from Afghanistan. He also promised to avenge【复仇】 the deaths.极端组织发布的声明中称,袭击者当时设法越过塔利班的安全检查站,到达了距美国士兵、翻译及合作者聚集处约5米范围内,然后引爆了炸药。美国总统拜登后来承诺将继续完成美国公民和其他人从阿富汗的撤离计划,并为死者报仇。U.S. President, Joe Biden拜登,美国总统Been a tough day. We will not forgive. We will not forget. We will hunt you down and make you pay.这是艰难的一天,我们不会原谅,我们不会忘记,我们会追捕你们,让你们付出代价。Biden had pledged to get every American who wished to leave out of Afghanistan. As of Thursday, the State Department estimated there were as many as 1,000 Americans in Afghanistan who may want help getting out.此前,拜登表示,将撤离所有想离开阿富汗的美国人。截至8月26日,美国国务院预测仍有一千余名美国公民滞留阿富汗,需要撤离。However, according to a new poll by U.S. media, Biden’s approval ratings have fallen to their lowest point in his seven-month presidency, amid the rise in COVID-19 cases and the chaotic military withdrawal from Afghanistan. The poll, conducted from Aug 14 to 17, found 49 percent of respondents approve of Biden’s job performance, sliding below 50 percent for the first time.但美国媒体的最新民调显示,在新冠肺炎疫情反弹和阿富汗混乱撤军的双重压力下,拜登的支持率突破其7个月执政期以来的历史新低。这项于8月14日至17日进行的民调显示,仅有49%的美国受访者对拜登的工作表现表示认可。这也是自拜登就任总统以来,其工作表现民调支持率首次低于50%。#热词加油站kindergarten【幼儿园】inoculation【接种】internship【实习】sophmore【二年级生】uptick【小幅增加】protocol【协议】trepidation【忧虑】condemn【谴责】carnage【杀戮】avenge【复仇】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”
8/30/20217 minutes, 44 seconds
Episode Artwork

08/30 TOP OF THE DAY 教育部开学防疫新规/疫情留学的期望与失望/喀布尔机场爆炸

NEWS ON 08/301. EDUCATION MINISTRY ASKS SCHOOLS TO OPEN SAFELY开学倒计时!校园防疫有哪些新要求?2. CHINESE STUDENTS GO ABROAD WITH HOPE AND APPREHENSION疫情之下:留学之路道阻且长3. DEATH TOLL RISES TO 103 IN KABUL ATTACKS突发!喀布尔机场爆炸致百人死亡,“伊斯兰国”宣称负责-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1. EDUCATION MINISTRY ASKS SCHOOLS TO OPEN SAFELY开学倒计时!校园防疫有哪些新要求?The Ministry of Education said today that local governments and school officials should monitor the pandemic closely, and exercise caution when deciding to open schools. The ministry also said schools that do not meet the standard for reopening should remain closed. Zhang Yue tells us more.8月27日,教育部召开发布会,要求各地和学校要根据疫情形势变化和学校、师生分布情况,严格执行秋季开学返校标准,逐校评估开学返校条件,不满足要求不能开学。The ministry said local governments and schools are required to thoroughly check the health status and travel history of students and all employees ahead of their return.发布会介绍,各地和学校要精确掌握师生返校前,连续14天健康状况和行程轨迹。INTERVIEW:He Qinghua, Inspector, National Health Commission贺青华,国家卫生健康委疾控局一级巡视员Students and university faculty members are required to provide a negative nucleic acid test within 48 hours, and take another test according to local government requirements. Students and teachers of middle schools, primary schools, and kindergartens【幼儿园】 who have traveled to medium and high risk areas or have been overseas during the summer vacation need to test negative for the coronavirus within 48 hours of going back to school.高校师生员工返校前要提供48小时内核酸检测阴性证明,返校后按照当地要求进行核酸检测。中小学校和托幼机构师生员工,暑期有出境、到过中高风险地区或有其他异常情况的,返校前提供48小时内核酸检测的阴性证明。The ministry also said cities should stop banning unvaccinated students from attending school.针对近期个别地方把学生甚至家长是否注射疫苗作为能否返校的条件,教育部在发布会上回应,要坚决叫停。INTERVIEWWang Dengfeng, Director, PE, Health & Art Dept., Ministry of Education王登峰,教育部应对新冠肺炎疫情工作领导小组办公室主任、体育卫生与艺术教育司司长Receiving a COVID-19 vaccine should be voluntary, whether it is for students aged 12 to 17, or adults. Inoculation【接种】 should not be the only condition used to determine whether a student is allowed to return school or not.不管是12-17岁的,还是成年人,(接种)都遵守一个共同的原则,就是知情、自愿的前提。既然是知情、既然是自愿,就不应该把是否接种疫苗,不管是本人还是共同生活的人,作为开学返校、入校的一个标准.The ministry added that international students and teachers need permission from school officials to return for the new semester.此外,教育部提醒,境外师生未接到学校通知一律不返校。2. CHINESE STUDENTS GO ABROAD WITH HOPE AND APPREHENSION疫情之下:留学之路道阻且长Chinese students with the intention of studying abroad have finally accepted that the pandemic is just a reality they have to deal with as taking another gap year or doing online courses simply is not the way to go. Reporter Sun Siqi brings us the story of one student about to embark on a journey to an American university, the first time she’ll be on campus as the coronavirus case count swells.当广大中国留学生意识到继续休学一年或是接受网课并非良策时,他们不得不选择直面新冠肺炎疫情带来的挑战。在其与ICS记者孙思奇的交流中,我们将共同见证全球新冠肺炎疫情背景下,留美学生Hannah的求学与求索。After wrapping up her internship【实习】 at a Shanghai news outlet, Hannah Jiang, a sophmore【二年级生】 at Northwestern University, is at her home in Suzhou to prepare for the new school year in the suburbs of Chicago. Having spent her first year at the university’s journalism school online and paying more than 56,000 US dollars in tuition, her odyssey to the United States is finally about to begin. After coronavirus cases had been brought down to less than 100,000 a week in June and July, infections have spiked to one million a week.随着上海的新闻实习告一段落,西北大学大二学生蒋至菡回到苏州家中,为新学年的芝加哥郊区生活做准备。完成一年的线上学习,并支付56,000多美元学费后,她的美国之行终将启程。新冠确诊每周新增保持在10万例以下的6月、7月一去不返,目前美国感染率已飙升至每周100万例。Sun Siqi, ICS Reporter孙思奇,记者Going to the US at this point, what are your biggest worries?此刻只身前往美国读书,你最担心什么?Hannah Jiang, Sophomore at Northwestern Univerisity蒋至菡,西北大学大二学生First of all, definitely the coronavirus, I don’t know how it’s really going to play out in the next couple of months, we’ve seen an uptick【小幅增加】 in cases in the US. But I don’t think they will change my decision to go abroad at this point. It’s just weighing online classes have another year versus the health ... Everyone around me, they’re also going back, that really pushes me to feel like, I don’t want to be left out, I don’t want to be the only one in China and be on the big screen.首先,当然是新冠疫情。最近美国疫情有所加重,但未来几个月疫情会如何发展,我无法预料。以上这些并不会影响我的决定。我只需要在继续上网课和个人健康间判断孰轻孰重,做个抉择。我的同学和伙伴们都陆续回到校园,他们的行动也牵动着我——我不想落后于人,不想独自一人留在中国,不想守着电脑屏幕上网课。Fortunately, her parents take comfort knowing Jiang’s been vaccinated and she’s studied abroad in the past.幸运的是,蒋至菡已完成新冠疫苗接种,并曾出国留学,这为她的父母上了“双重保险”。Dong Lei,Hannah Jiang’s MotherI can’t say I can be totally relaxed, I still worry. I can only ask her to protect herself. I’d say our future for a long time is living with the virus, and everybody just has to learn to take care of themselves.很放心肯定不可能的,其实我还是挺担心。我只能让她保护好自己。未来很长一段时间内,新冠疫情都不会消失,每个人都需要懂得如何防护。ICS:If one day, you’re in the US, and then you were to call home, and tell your parents that you got sick, what would you think they will tell you or do?如果有一天你打电话给家里,说你生病了。你觉得你父母会怎么说?怎么做?Jiang:I do think they’ll be worried, definitely, but I don’t think there’s anything they can do.他们肯定会担心我,但我也知道他们会无能为力。ICS:It’s basically your parents trusting that you would be independent and take care of yourself on this adventure.意思是,你父母相信你可以独当一面,并照顾好自己。Jiang:Exactly, yes.没错。Still, the level of unease many parents experience is palpable. At Pudong airport, long snaking lines of departing students form around the check-in counters. Some have two or three family members bidding them farewell, as many are going to a foreign country for the first time. In a photo circulating on the Internet, a man who appears to be a father is crouching on the floor as he seems to be checking on his child from underneath the departure partition.不难想象,还有许多家长忧心忡忡。在浦东机场,离境学生在登机柜台前排起长龙。有些人身侧站着两三亲友为其送行,因为他们大多是第一次离开祖国。在互联网上流传的一张照片中,一名男子蹲在地上,透过离境隔板望向孩子,他应该是孩子的父亲。Some universities in the United States, like Johns Hopkins, require students to get a USFDA approved vaccine upon arrival, and be tested for coronavirus once a week. Unvaccinated students will be tested twice a week.包括约翰霍普金斯大学在内的部分美国学校,要求抵美前注射经美国食品药品监督管理局(USFDA)批准的疫苗,并每周进行一次核酸检测。如学生未进行疫苗接种,则核酸检测每周两次。Most parents are still worried, though many of them already have a rough idea how their child will be treated should they get infected. Almost every school has set up protocols【协议】that are linked with the state’s hospitals should a student get infected. When you’re at school, protect yourself and engage actively in both your studies and social life. There’s no need to be hiding the whole time.大多数家长还是放心不下,尽管有些人已经对孩子感染新冠后的治疗有了大致设想。几乎每所学校都制定了相关协议,一旦有学生感染新冠,就会与州立医院联系。在学校时,学生要保护好自己,也要积极参加学习和社会活动,没必要畏手畏脚。The United States has issued more than 85,000 visas to Chinese students since May. Education consultancies suggest students take the vaccines as required by their schools as soon as possible, wear masks, report immediately to the school’s health center and get tested if symptoms arise, and also check with the school on medical insurance that covers a coronavirus infection. As the pandemic shows no signs of abating, those choosing to study abroad fly with both expectation and trepidation【忧虑】.自5月以来,美国已向中国学生发放超过85,000份签证。留学机构建议学生尽快按照学校要求接种疫苗、佩戴口罩,如果出现感染症状,立即向学校保健中心报告并接受检测,同时向学校了解承保新冠病毒感染的医疗保险。新冠疫情目前并无减弱迹象,毅然选择出国的留学生们怀揣着期望与不安,飞越云层,到达大洋彼岸。3. DEATH TOLL RISES TO 103 IN KABUL ATTACKS突发!喀布尔机场爆炸致百人死亡,“伊斯兰国”宣称负责Two blasts and gunfire rocked the area outside Kabul international airport on Thursday evening. The attacks killed at least 103 people, and injured more than 105 including 13 US service members. China today condemned【谴责】 Islamic State, who has claimed responsibility for the carnage【杀戮】. Lei Shuran has more.8月26日晚,阿富汗首都喀布尔机场外发生两起自杀式炸弹袭击,造成至少103人死亡,其中包括13名美军士兵,另有至少105人受伤。“伊斯兰国”宣布对爆炸事件负责。8月27日,中方对喀布尔机场附近发生爆炸造成重大人员伤亡感到震惊,并予以强烈谴责。According to the Pentagon, one blast occurred near the airport’s Abbey Gate and the other close to the nearby Baron Hotel. Two U.S. officials said at least one of the explosions appeared to be a suicide bombing.美国国防部消息称,两起爆炸分别发生在喀布尔机场阿贝门附近及其不远处的男爵酒店周围。两名美国官员表示,其中一起爆炸或为自杀式炸弹袭击。INTERVIEW:Unidentified Eyewitness to Explosion目击者The explosion was really powerful. Half were hurled into the water, others on the ground outside.爆炸的威力真的很大,一半的人被甩进水里,另一半人倒在地面上。The Islamic State group’s affiliate in Afghanistan has claimed responsibility for the attack outside the Kabul airport. The IS branch, known as The Islamic State-Khorasan Province named after the ancient name of the region, said that it had targeted American troops and their Afghan allies.极端组织"伊斯兰国"阿富汗分支已宣称对发生在喀布尔机场附近的袭击事件负责。“伊斯兰国”分支机构“呼罗珊省”(ISIS-K)表示,自杀式炸弹袭击者的目标是美国军队及其阿富汗盟友。Taliban Official, Abdul Qahar Balkhi巴尔希阿富汗塔利班官员And as soon as the airport situation is figured out, and foreign forces leave, we will not have such attacks anymore.一旦机场局势得到解决,外国军队撤离,阿富汗就不会再发生这样的袭击。IS also said the bomber managed to get past Taliban security checkpoints to come within 5 meters of a gathering of U.S. soldiers, translators and collaborators before detonating his explosives. US President Joe Biden later vowed to complete the evacuation of American citizens and others from Afghanistan. He also promised to avenge【复仇】 the deaths.极端组织发布的声明中称,袭击者当时设法越过塔利班的安全检查站,到达了距美国士兵、翻译及合作者聚集处约5米范围内,然后引爆了炸药。美国总统拜登后来承诺将继续完成美国公民和其他人从阿富汗的撤离计划,并为死者报仇。U.S. President, Joe Biden拜登,美国总统Been a tough day. We will not forgive. We will not forget. We will hunt you down and make you pay.这是艰难的一天,我们不会原谅,我们不会忘记,我们会追捕你们,让你们付出代价。Biden had pledged to get every American who wished to leave out of Afghanistan. As of Thursday, the State Department estimated there were as many as 1,000 Americans in Afghanistan who may want help getting out.此前,拜登表示,将撤离所有想离开阿富汗的美国人。截至8月26日,美国国务院预测仍有一千余名美国公民滞留阿富汗,需要撤离。However, according to a new poll by U.S. media, Biden’s approval ratings have fallen to their lowest point in his seven-month presidency, amid the rise in COVID-19 cases and the chaotic military withdrawal from Afghanistan. The poll, conducted from Aug 14 to 17, found 49 percent of respondents approve of Biden’s job performance, sliding below 50 percent for the first time.但美国媒体的最新民调显示,在新冠肺炎疫情反弹和阿富汗混乱撤军的双重压力下,拜登的支持率突破其7个月执政期以来的历史新低。这项于8月14日至17日进行的民调显示,仅有49%的美国受访者对拜登的工作表现表示认可。这也是自拜登就任总统以来,其工作表现民调支持率首次低于50%。#热词加油站kindergarten【幼儿园】inoculation【接种】internship【实习】sophmore【二年级生】uptick【小幅增加】protocol【协议】trepidation【忧虑】condemn【谴责】carnage【杀戮】avenge【复仇】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”
8/30/20217 minutes, 44 seconds
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08/27 TOP OF THE DAY 海洋生态保护修复增强/2021沪企百强出炉/上海海关试点新模式

NEWS ON 8/271. SHANGHAI PUBLISHES LIST OF TOP 100 ENTERPRISES84亿入门,2021沪企百强榜出炉2. CHINA’S MARINE ECOLOGY SHOWING SIGNS OF IMPROVEMENT自然资源部:海洋生态保护修复持续增强3. CUSTOMS SHORTEN CHIP INSPECTIONS FOR MANUFACTURERS上海海关试点查验新模式,助力芯片企业“随到随产”-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1.SHANGHAI PUBLISHES LIST OF TOP 100 ENTERPRISES84亿入门,2021沪企百强榜出炉The 2021 Shanghai Top 100 Enterprises List was released today. Only companies headquartered【总部】 in Shanghai can make the list. Song Wenjing has more.今天(8.26日),2021年度上海百强企业榜揭晓,只有总部设在上海的企业才能入榜。SAIC Motor, China Baowu Steel Group and Bank of Communications were ranked as the top 3 companies in the city. The combined revenue【收益】 of the top 100 companies reached nearly 8.5 trillion yuan in 2020, an increase of 4.62 percent year on year, higher than the country’s GDP growth rate of 2.3%.上汽集团,宝武钢铁,交通银行三家企业被评为全市前三大企业。2020年,百强企业总营收近8.5万亿元,增长率4.62%,远超全国2.3%的GDP增速。INTERVIEW:Zhang Peirong, Director, Shanghai Enterprise Federation Consultative Dept. 张培荣 上海企业联合会咨询研究部主任First, the threshold has been raised from last year 7.3 billion to 8.4 billion yuan. Second, the revenue of the top 100 enterprises increased nearly 5 percent, and their assets increased nearly 10 percent. Although the rate of operations resumption is lower than last year, and many technological products have been blocked, these results show we are capable of overcoming these difficulties.首先是门槛由去年的(单企业总营收)73亿元提高到84亿元。第二"上海百强"营收增长将近5%,资产增长将近10%。克服了全年开工率比往年都低,很多技术产品受到阻遏的情况下,我们克服了这些困难才能取得。所以确实是来之不易。Oriental Pearl Group, which is owned by Shanghai Media Group, ranked No. 89 on the list.上海广播电视台、上海文化广播影视集团有限公司旗下的上海东方明珠股份有限公司名列榜单第89位。2.CHINA’S MARINE ECOLOGY SHOWING SIGNS OF IMPROVEMENT自然资源部:海洋生态保护修复持续增强The country’s environment officials said this morning during a press conference that the overall quality of China’s coastal waters has improved significantly. Zhang Yue has more.中国生态环境部相关负责人在今天(8.26日)召开的例行发布会上介绍,中国沿海水域总体水质已得到显著提高。The country’s marine ecology has improved substantially in recent years as the proportion of clean water in coastal waters nationwide last year was 82.3 percent, up by 9.3 percent. Since the Bohai Sea went under comprehensive environmental governance, the overall ecological quality of the sea has improved. Surface water quality in China is divided into five classes, with Class I being the best.近年来,中国的海洋生态有了很大的改善。去年沿海水域清洁水的比例为82.3%,增长了9.3%。渤海实施综合治理以来,海洋整体生态质量有所提高。中国地表水质分为五类,其中Ⅰ类水质最好。INTERVIEW:Zhang Zhifeng, China’s Ministry of Ecology and Environment张志锋 生态环境部海洋生态环境司 副司长So far, 8891 hectares of coastal wetlands【沼泽地】 along the Bohai Sea coastline have been restored and we’ve focused on marine ecological protection for 37.5 percent of the offshore area around the Bohai Sea.攻坚战期间,环渤海三省一市共完成滨海湿地修复8891公顷,整治修复岸线132公里,37.5%的渤海近岸海域划入海洋生态保护红线区,海洋生态保护修复持续增强。China’s Ministry of Ecology and Environment also conducts daily investigations in medium and high-risk regions to accelerate the transfer of medical wastes as part of a comprehensive【全面的】 plan for the management of the COVID-19 pandemic.中国省级生态环境部也在中高风险地区进行日常调查,以加速医疗废物的转移,作为COVID-19大流行管理综合计划的一部分。INTERVIEW:Liu Youbin, Spokesperson, China’s Ministry of Ecology and Environment  刘友宾 生态环境部新闻发言人As of August 24, daily capacity for medical waste disposal in medium to high-risk regions stood at 669 tons, 830 tons less than the peak time on August 11. Major hospitals have been successful in treating their daily waste.医疗废物处置方面,截至8月24日,处置量为669.26吨,较8月11日高峰时处置量减少830.59吨。全国中高风险地区医疗废物处置平稳有序,涉疫医疗废物均得到安全收运处置,做到日产日清。Regulations on Medical Waste Management state that in cases of leakage and possible spreading of harmful microorganisms, temporary storage time for medical waste within a medical and health institution should not exceed 48 hours.《医疗废物管理条例》规定,在发生泄漏和有害微生物可能扩散的情况下,医疗废物在医疗卫生机构内的临时储存时间不得超过48小时。3.CUSTOMS SHORTEN CHIP INSPECTIONS FOR MANUFACTURERS上海海关试点查验新模式,助力芯片企业“随到随产”The customs inspection【检查】 procedure for integrated circuits has been speeded up on a trial basis. With global shipments slowing as a result of the coronavirus pandemic, the shorter clearance time helps manufacturers reliant on imported chips. Sun Siqi has the story.上海海关对集成电路的查验流程改革,可节省两天流转时间。新冠病毒大流行导致全球出货放缓,更短的清关时间有助于制造商使用进口芯片。Customs inspectors were changing and air blasted to enter a dust-free room, where boxes of integrated circuits are opened and inspected. The chips were imported by a company that makes LCD screens for passenger vehicles. They need to be kept free of particles before being installed into the screens. Customs doesn’t have this type of facility, thus, the vacuum【真空】 packed chips were previously escorted to the factory and then inspected there by customs officers. This took time and could result in hefty compensation payments should a client order not be delivered on time.穿上无尘服、带上防静电帽,穿过风淋门,走进企业的洁净室,为了查验这一片片"娇贵"的芯片,海关关员全副"武装"、避免灰尘入侵。这种集成电路是由一家为乘用车生产液晶显示屏的公司进口的。在将芯片安装到滤网中之前,需要确保芯片没有颗粒。海关没有这种设施,因此,真空包装芯片需要提前送到工厂,然后由海关官员在那里进行检查。这需要时间,如果客户订单不能按时交付,可能会导致巨额赔偿。INTERVIEW:Yin Tingting, Shanghai Logistics Director, Tianma Microelectronics殷婷婷 天马微电子股份有限公司上海区域物流部总监Customs needs two to three days to arrange the escort, and that extends our production cycle and lowers delivery capacity.流转需要2-3个工作日,会拉长我们整体的清关周期,造成我们生产周期拉长,(产品)交付能力会下降。But now, customs officers are going to the factory after the outer containers of the chips were inspected at the port.现在海关在口岸实行外包装查验后,企业提货至工厂洁净室,再由海关赴企业洁净室进行拆箱查验。INTERVIEW:Zhao Yichun, Freight Inspection Division, Shanghai Pudong Customs  赵一春 上海浦东海关物控查检处副处长This way, the shipment is inspected the minute the company receives it.企业可以第一时间提货,同时我们可以在货物到达企业的同时,我们可以进行相关的查验。The new procedure is about 2 days quicker. Eight tech firms in Pudong are part of the trial. It will eventually be expanded to more companies.新程序大约可以节省2天的时间,在浦东新区,目前已有8家高新技术企业纳入首批试点,计划将进行进一步推广。#热词加油站headquarter【总部】revenue【收益】wetlands【沼泽地】comprehensive【全面的】inspection【检查】vacuum【真空】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
8/27/20214 minutes, 26 seconds
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08/26 TOP OF THE DAY 大庆页岩油勘探/上海沉浸式科举实景秀/奥运金牌“掉皮”

NEWS ON 8/261. SHALE OIL DEPOSIT DISCOVERED IN HEILONGJIANG12.68亿吨!大庆油田页岩油勘探取得重大战略性突破2.HAN DYNASTY IMPERIAL EXAMINATION INTERACTIVE EXPERIENCE金榜题名时,穿越再升级——沉浸式科举剧情实景秀在上海首展3.“QUALITY” ISSUE WITH TOKYO OLYMPIC GOLD MEDAL金牌“掉皮”?日本造币局:掉落的并非镀金层-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1.     SHALE OIL DEPOSIT DISCOVERED IN HEILONGJIANG12.68亿吨!大庆油田页岩油勘探取得重大战略性突破Daqing Oilfield Company today announced the discovery of a major shale oil 【页岩油】deposit with estimated reserves of about 1.27 billion tons. 今天(25日)中国石油披露,大庆油田古龙页岩油勘探取得重大战略性突破, 新增石油预测 地质储量达12.68亿吨。The PetroChina subsidiary is expected to produce one million tons annually from the deposit within a few years. Located in Heilongjiang Province, the oilfield also known as Daqing was discovered in 1959. Since then, more than 2.4 billion tons of crude oil【原油】has been pumped from it. The oilfield remains one of the country’s largest oil production centers. The company began exploring for shale deposits in the 1980s.未来"十四五"期间,大庆油田页岩油年产量将达100万吨以上。自1959年以来,黑龙江大庆油田勘探开发已逾60年,累产原油24亿多吨,成为中国最大的采油基地之一。上世纪80年代以来,面对油田储采失衡和稳产难的严峻挑战,大庆石油人创新非常规勘探思路,向页岩油进军。2.    HAN DYNASTY IMPERIAL EXAMINATION INTERACTIVE EXPERIENCE金榜题名时,穿越再升级——沉浸式科举剧情实景秀在上海首展One East Plaza in Huangpu District is hosting an immersive【沉浸的】exhibition which brings visitors back to the Han Dynasty to take part in an imperial examination【科举】, or Keju. Sun Siqi brings us more.近日,沉浸式剧情实景秀“金榜题名时”在黄浦区博荟广场ONE EAST开演,参与者将穿越回汉朝,亲身经历一场科举中榜之旅。Visitors need to wear typical Chinese clothing in Han Dynasty called Hanfu during the visit. They will face a set of challenges before they take the final exam. They not only have to spend time on various subjects including writing, politics and arithmetic【算术】, but also need to be proficient in music, calligraphy【书法】and painting. Before the exam, visitors will tie a red ribbon and a small wishing plaque【匾牌】to a tree to pray for good luck. When it comes to the day of the exam, they will sit in a small compartment【隔间】and use their mobile phones to answer questions.参与者需身着汉服,完成一系列挑战后方能参加最后的殿试。考试科目包括写作、时事政治和算术,同时还要求熟知音律、书法和绘画。参加考试前,参与者会在门口的树上系上红丝带与许愿牌来祈求好运。考试当天,他们将分别坐在小隔间内用手机进行作答。INTERVIEWVisitor, 参与者I've never seen the old imperial examination system being explained in such a straightforward way.原先从未如此清晰地了解过科举制度。INTERVIEWVisitor, 参与者The exhibition is very interesting. It made me feel like I was back in the Han Dynasty when I was dressed in Hanfu. 很有意思,穿上汉服就能感受古代的意境。China’s imperial examination system dates back to the Sui Dynasty over 2,000 years ago. The exam was held annually as a way to recruit talent for the government. The system had lasted for over 1,000 years before it was finally abolished【废除】in 1905, as part of the Qing Dynasty’s attempts at modernization.科举是中国古代通过考试选拔官吏的制度,创始于2000多年前的隋朝,经过1000多年的兴衰起落,最终因清政府推动现代化发展而废除于1905年。INTERVIEWYang Xuezhi, Curator杨学智,策展人This exhibition highlights the importance of education and encourages young people to study hard by telling the inspiring stories of ancient scholars who strived for years to earn recognition from the emperor’s court.举办这个以古代科举制度为主题的展览,为的就是突出教育的重要性,希望用古代人的寒窗苦读和学子们考取功名的励志故事激励现代年轻人多读书。The exhibition runs until December 19th and costs 78 to 138 yuan per person. Vistors can either wear their own Hanfu costumes or borrow one from the venue.该实景展将开放至12月19日,门票价格为每人78至138元不等。参与者可身穿自己的汉服也可到场后租借。3.    “QUALITY” ISSUE WITH TOKYO OLYMPIC GOLD MEDAL金牌“掉皮”?日本造币局:掉落的并非镀金层A group of photos of a Tokyo Olympic gold medal posted by trampoline【蹦床】athlete Zhu Xueying朱雪莹on Weibo has sparked a discussion concerning the quality of the medals. 几天前,东京奥运会女子蹦床冠军朱雪莹在社交媒体上晒出自己的金牌照片,发文询问:你们的奖牌也能被抠掉一层皮吗?奥运奖牌的质量问题随即便引发了热议。Zhu wrote that she discovered a small mark on her medal, and thought that it was probably just dirt, so she rubbed it with her finger and found that nothing changed, so then she picked at it and the mark got bigger. The Organizing Committee of Tokyo Olympic Games responded today that the part of the medal that came off was not the gold plating【镀层】, but a coating【覆盖层】applied to the surface of the medal. The Tokyo medals were a new experiment for the Olympic Games, as they were made from metal extracted from electronic devices donated by people in Japan.朱雪莹表示,自己看到金牌上缺了一小块,以为是污渍,擦不掉就用手抠了一下,没想到掉了更大块。针对各方疑问,东京奥组委今天(25日)回应称,剥落的部分是奖牌表面的保护膜,并不是镀金层。本届东京奥运会的奖牌,为了特别展现环保和节约,都是取材于废弃电子设备,是奥运会的一次新尝试。#热词加油站coating【覆盖层】 plating【镀层】trampoline【蹦床】 abolish【废除】 compartment【隔间】 plaque【匾牌】 calligraphy【书法】 arithmetic【算术】imperial examination【科举】immersive【沉浸的】 crude oil【原油】shale oil 【页岩油】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
8/26/20213 minutes, 19 seconds
Episode Artwork

08/25 TOP OF THE DAY 残奥会开幕/精神卫生中心画展/外交部回应美溯源报告

NEWS ON 08/251.TOKYO PARALYMPICS OPEN AMID SPIKE IN COVID-19 INFECTIONS东京残奥会开幕,期待中国健儿再创辉煌!2.MENTAL HEALTH PATIENTS FLEX CREATIVE MUSCLES“600号画廊”——艺术的治愈力量3.CHINA CALLS U.S. INTELLIGENCE REPORT ON VIRUS ORIGINS "ANTI-SCIENCE"外交部:由情报机构去搞病毒溯源是反科学的,请美方停止政治化操弄!-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1.TOKYO PARALYMPICS OPEN AMID SPIKE IN COVID-19 INFECTIONS东京残奥会开幕,期待中国健儿再创辉煌!The opening ceremony for the Tokyo Paralympic Games【残奥会】is being held at the National Stadium in Japan despite the country’s increased COVID-19 infection rate. The games are hosting around 4,500 athletes from over 160 countries.尽管日本新冠疫情形势严峻,东京残奥会开幕式仍将在日本国家体育场如期举行。本届残奥会将有来自超过160个国家的约4500名运动员参加。A total of 162 delegations will compete during the next 12 days. The Chinese delegation marched onto the grounds more than an hour ago, led by Chinese archer【射箭运动员】周佳敏 and long jumper 王浩. The Chinese team which includes 132 women and 119 men, will compete in 20 of 22 sports in Tokyo. This year’s Paralympics will award 539 gold medals across 22 sports, including two new sports—taekwondo【跆拳道】and badminton. The Paralympic games will conclude on September 5th.在接下来的12天里,将有来自世界各地的162个代表团参加比赛。约一小时前,中国代表团在中国射箭运动员周佳敏和跳远运动员王浩的带领下步入体育场。本届残奥会,中国代表团共有女运动员132名、男运动员119名,将参加20个大项的角逐。本届残奥会共设22个大项、539个小项,其中包括两个新项目——跆拳道和羽毛球。此次残奥会将于9月5日闭幕。2.MENTAL HEALTH PATIENTS FLEX CREATIVE MUSCLES“600号画廊”——艺术的治愈力量An exhibition at the Shanghai Mental Health Center in Xuhui Districtis featuring paintings by several dozen patients. The hospital hopes the gallery can be a bridge to better connect mentally ill people and society.近日,位于徐汇区的上海市精神卫生中心开办的画廊中,展出了几十名精神病患者的艺术画作。医院表示,希望画廊能够成为连接精神病患者和社会的桥梁。More than 60 paintings are included in "No. 600 Gallery" at the hospital. About 20 of the hospital’s patients created them. One visitor says she is astonished by their creations.在该院的“600号画廊”里,悬挂着来自20多名患者的60多幅画作。一位参观者表示,看到这些创作,她感到十分惊讶。INTERVIEW:Visitor参观者“I thought the paintings would be more childish and scratchy【潦草的】, but most of them are actually quite mature, with deep themes.”我本来以为这些画会比较童真,但是现在看下来的话,其实更多的还是他们实际年龄的内心表达。INTERVIEW:Zhang Xiaojing, Visitor张晓静参观者“I like the colors and the use of lines in many paintings. Art, especially painting is not limited to being just an artistic endeavor【努力】, but it’s extremely effective as therapy and a calming technique to increase mental and physical health.”觉得一些线条感或者说是它的一些色彩的那个比例,会更加的侧重在一个就是治愈方面的一个作用,一方面的话是让公众有一个机会可以就是了解到正在康复中的精神患者一些思维跟他的一些想象力,然后另一个方面他其实也是帮助患者他本身然后从就是可能借助就是绘画这样的一些实践,更好的能够面对自己,融入以后的生活。The curator, Dr. Chen Zhimin, has been working at the Shanghai Mental Health Center for more than seven years. He has used painting to encourage his patients to better express their inner world. Doctor Chen admit he wasn’t sure about the idea of encouraging patients to create paintings, but it turned out quite successful.“600号画廊”策展人陈智民是上海市精神卫生中心的一位精神科医生,在这家医院工作已有七年多。他常常鼓励患者绘画,来表达自己的内心世界。陈医生表示,他一开始并不确定,艺术创作是否对患者康复有帮助,但实际上最后呈现的效果非常好。INTERVIEW:Chen Zhimin, DoctorShanghai Mental Health Center陈智民精神科住院医师上海市精神卫生中心“It’s safe to say that they are changing for the better through painting, not just that their attention is more focused, or their fingers are more flexible, but their whole mental condition. For example, they are more energetic rather than gloomy【忧郁的】,and they are always excited for the next painting. They are proud of their works, and they will praise others."我们还是能够明显看出他们整个精神状态发生改善,我并不是说他注意力变得更集中,或者说是手指精细活动度得到提升等等具体的改善,而是说我发现他们整个精神面貌上的改变,每当来到画室当中,他们就会就是全神贯注的很有热情的打开自己的一些绘画工具来画起画来,还会主动去欣赏别人的作品,夸赞别人哪里画的好,他没有经历过艺术技巧的学习,也没有经过学院派这种训练,他们就是在没有技巧的帮助或者限制下,比较自由比较流畅的表达自己内心的感受。The exhibition is being held in a separate building from the buildings treating mental health patients. So that patients won’t be disturbed by groups of people. Due to the pandemic, admission of gallery is limited to medical workers, patients of the hospital and their families at the moment.此次展览与诊疗场所分开设置,以免患者被参观者打扰。疫情期间,该画廊仅允许医务人员、医院患者及其家属参观。The hospital said it wants to work with art organizations, NGOs and artists to organize similar events to improve mental health awareness and inclusiveness【包容性】among the public. The hospital’s Daytime Intensive Treatment and Rehabilitation Center is used as a transition place for patients who have already been discharged from the hospital, as most of them face challenges readjusting to life. Music lessons, handicrafts tutorials【辅导课】, lectures and mock job interviews are being organized regularly to help ease the transition.上海市精神卫生中心表示,希望接下来能与更多的艺术组织、非政府组织以及艺术家合作开展此类活动,提高公众的心理健康意识以及社会包容度。该医院还设有日间康复中心,定期组织音乐课、手工艺品制作、讲座和模拟面试等活动,以帮助出院患者重新适应社会生活。3.CHINA CALLS U.S. INTELLIGENCE REPORT ON VIRUS ORIGINS "ANTI-SCIENCE"外交部:由情报机构去搞病毒溯源是反科学的,请美方停止政治操弄!Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin said during a press briefing【新闻发布会】today that the US intelligence【情报】report on the origin of the novel coronavirus is anti-science, unreliable and contains predetermined conclusions.中国外交部发言人汪文斌在今天(24日)召开的例行记者会上指出,美情报部门溯源报告只不过是一份先有结论、后拼凑“证据”的栽赃报告,本身就是反科学的。Wang said that origin tracing requires science, and that using intelligence agencies to trace the origins of the virus wasn’t a scientific approach. He also urged the US to "revert to the right track" and "stop politicizing the issue". The spokesperson added that tracing the origins of the virus requires unity, not finger pointing.汪文斌表示,溯源需要的是科学,而不是什么情报,由情报机构去搞病毒溯源本身就是反科学的。汪文斌还敦促美方从本国人民和世界人民生命健康利益出发,停止政治化操弄,早日回到科学溯源的轨道上来。汪文斌强调,溯源需要的是团结,而不是陷害。#热词加油站Paralympic Games【残奥会】archer【射箭运动员】taekwondo【跆拳道】scratchy【潦草的】endeavor【努力】gloomy【忧郁的】inclusiveness【包容性】tutorial【辅导课】press briefing【新闻发布会】intelligence【情报】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
8/25/20214 minutes, 14 seconds
Episode Artwork

08/24 TOP OF THE DAY 上海防疫措施/国际军事比赛/残奥会旗手

NEWS ON 8/241. ALL CLOSE CONTACTS OF AIRPORT COVID-19 PATIENTS TEST NEGATIVE——00:09毫不放松,严防严控!上海全力应战新冠疫情!2. CHINA WINS FIRST PLACE AT SUVOROV ATTACK MILITARY GAMES——02:09国际军事比赛首战打响,中国步战车一骑绝尘!3. CHINA'S PARALYMPIC FLAG-BEARERS——04:33东京残奥会开幕在即,中国代表团旗手公布!-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1. ALL CLOSE CONTACTS OF AIRPORT COVID-19 PATIENTS TEST NEGATIVE毫不放松,严防严控!上海全力应战新冠疫情!After five local COVID-19 infections emerged among Pudong airport employees covering international flight between Friday and Saturday, Shanghai health officials said they have traced 143 close contacts and 942 secondary contacts. Here’s Sun Siqi with the details.上周五至周六,浦东机场工作人员中出现5例新冠本土确诊病例,均涉及境外货运。上海市卫生防疫人员表示,已经排查追踪了密切接触者143人,密接的密接942人。 All contacts have been placed in quarantine【隔离】 and tested for the coronavirus twice. The results have come back negative. More than 80,000 people in the same work and living environments have also been tested twice, no positive cases were found. Officials added that the five individuals were most likely infected after exposure to people or objects from abroad carrying the virus. All five were infected with the Delta variant, and there was little possibility that it came from the other coronavirus clusters circulating within China.所有的接触者均已落实集中隔离,并接受了两次冠状病毒检测,结果为阴性。8万余名浦东机场确诊病例相关人员也接受了两次检测,没有发现阳性病例。工作人员补充说,这5例病例的感染来源可以聚焦在,暴露于境外输入病毒污染的人员或环境。病例所感染的病毒为德尔塔变异株,其病毒与与近期我国其他本土确诊病例病毒同源性低。Pudong Airport started what it called "remote luggage screening", where Customs officials monitor X-ray scans and passengers from a separate room. Only suspicious bags are opened. With this process in place, 98 percent of arriving passengers can get through Customs within five minutes of picking up their suitcases.浦东机场开始通过先期机检系统,进行“远程行李检查”,海关官员在一个单独的房间中监控X射线扫描结果以及旅客。只有异常的行李包裹才会被打开检查。有了这一流程,98%的入境旅客可以在提取行李后五分钟内通过海关。Zhang Wei, Deputy commissionerShanghai Pudong Airport costums张炜,上海浦东国际机场海关副关长We open only the bags that need to be checked more precisely, which reduces the chance of contact with the virus.我们精准地开箱,那样的话接触(病毒)的几率就大大下降了。Customs also paired up employees so they can remind each other when one takes off their protective gear during work. At railway stations, all arriving passengers were still being asked to show a green health code and pass a temperature check. Those found with a fever will be taken to an isolation area for questions about their travel history.海关还将工作人员两人一组进行了分组,以便他们在工作中脱下防护服时可以互相提醒。在火车站,所有抵沪旅客仍会被要求出示绿色健康码并通过站内测温。发现体温有异常的,会直接进入临时隔离点,进一步确认旅客的旅居史。Lyu Zhengfeng, Party secretaryShanghai Huatie Passenger Service吕征峰,上海华铁旅客服务有限公司上海分公司党支部书记Our cleaning staff also have to show their health and travel history code when they come to work. We check and record their temperatures three times a day.包括上班每天点名的时候,都要看他们的健康码、行程码。他们是每天早中晚各进行一次测温,然后登记记录。The station’s janitorial staff have been fully vaccinated. Turnstiles【闸机】 and escalators【自动扶梯】, which are touched frequently by many individuals, are disinfected every two hours. The entire indoor area is disinfected each night after the station closes.站内所有参与清洁的工作人员都已经接种了疫苗。对于旅客经常接触的闸机、扶梯等重点区域,保洁人员会按照两小时一次的频率进行消毒。每晚清客后还会增加一次全方位消杀。2. CHINA WINS FIRST PLACE AT SUVOROV ATTACK MILITARY GAMES国际军事比赛首战打响,中国步战车一骑绝尘!Chinese soldiers got the first place in today’s individual race of "Suvorov Attack" contest at the ongoing 2021 International Army Games. The contest was held in Korla, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. Zhang Hong tells us more.“国际军事比赛-2021”正在进行中,中国参赛队员在今日(8月23日)的“苏沃洛夫突击”单车赛中获得第一名。这一比赛项目在新疆维吾尔自治区库尔勒市举办。Soldiers from countries including China, Belarus, Egypt and Russia have gathered in Xinjiang to compete in three military games: "Suvorov Attack", "Clear Sky "and “Safe Environment”. Soon after the contest started, Chinese soldiers arrived at the firing location and managed to shoot all of the 5 targets at ranges of 1,100 to 1,500 meters.来自中国、白俄罗斯、埃及和俄罗斯等国的参赛队员齐聚新疆,参加中方在这里承办的三个项目:“苏沃洛夫突击”、“晴空”和“安全环境”。首日比赛开始后不久,中国参赛队员驾驶步战车抵达射击阵位,并成功在1100到1500米的距离外击中了全部5个靶标。The green infantry【步兵】fighting vehicle hit all of the targets.绿色步战车目标全部命中。The "Suvorov Attack" contest has an individual race and a relay race. It tests the infantry’s skills at maneuvering【驾驶,操纵】 a fighting vehicle on a track filled with obstacles as well as their firing rate and accuracy.“苏沃洛夫突击”项目分为单车赛和接力赛,它考验车组在满是障碍物的赛道上驾驶步战车的能力,以及射击速度和准确性。Chen Kewen, LeaderChinese team for "Suvorov Attack"陈克文,"苏沃洛夫突击"项目中国参赛队领队There are 12 obstacles the track. They are larger than we have in our regular training. There are also two firing locations where we are given three chances to shoot at 142 targets that appear randomly. We need to find the targets and destroy them as soon as possible .这个整个赛道它是10种12个障碍物,这个障碍物比我们现行训练大纲这个障碍的要求都要大。两个射击阵位它分别要完成三次射击,靶标142个随机显示,你提前不知道它的位置。要及时发现、命中,来解决这个问题。Soldiers from China, Russia, Belarus and Venezuela took part in today’s contest. Russia used their own vehicles while others used ZBD-86A infantry fighting vehicles provided by China. The 86A infantry fighting vehicles are 6.74 meters long, 2.97 meters wide and 2 meters tall, with a maximum speed of 65 kilometers per、俄罗斯、白俄罗斯和委内瑞拉参加了今日(8月23日)的项目。除俄罗斯使用自带的BMP-3步战车参赛外,其他参赛队均使用中方提供的86A步战车。86A步兵战车长6.74米,宽2.97米,高2米,最高时速65公里。Chen Kewen, LeaderChinese team for "Suvorov Attack"陈克文,"苏沃洛夫突击"项目中国参赛队领队The vehicle carries 30-millimeter cannons with an effective firing range of 1,500 meters. The vehicle can move quickly, strike effectively and it is stable.这个它的车载武器主要是30炮,30炮有效射程是1500米。应该说整个车具备良好的机动力和打击能力,性能还是比较稳定的。Winning the contest requires the seamless cooperation of three crews.赢得这场比赛需要车组三名成员的通力合作。Chen Kewen, LeaderChinese team for "Suvorov Attack"陈克文,"苏沃洛夫突击"项目中国参赛队领队After the vehicle stops, the driver and the crew leader exit the vehicle. The cannon will be handed over to the leader from the driver and then to the gunner. The gunner will load the cannon and fire at the target.停稳以后三个人下车协同补弹,驾驶员和车长下来,驾驶员把弹给车长,车长把单弹再给炮长,准确装弹,快速击发。The Chinese team ranked first, finishing the contest in less than 16 minutes. Russia and Belarus ranked second and third. The International Army Games will run until September 4th.中国车组用时不到16分钟就完成了比赛,排名第一。俄罗斯、白俄罗斯分别位列第二、三名。“国际军事比赛-2021”将持续至9月4日。3. CHINA'S PARALYMPIC FLAG-BEARERS东京残奥会开幕在即,中国代表团旗手公布!Chinese archer Zhou Jiamin and long jumper Wang Hao have been chosen as the flag-bearers for Team China at the opening ceremony of the Tokyo Paralympic Games, which will be held from tomorrow to September 5.中国女子轮椅射箭运动员周佳敏、男子肢残田径运动员王浩,将担任东京残奥会开幕式中国体育代表团旗手。本届残奥会将从明日(8月24日)到9月5日在东京举行。Zhou claimed the women’s composite bow open-individual and mixed double titles at the 2016 Rio Paralympics. Wang was a gold medalist in the men’s long jump in the 2017 and 2019 World Para Athletics Championships.周佳敏曾获得2016年里约残奥会复合弓公开级个人赛、混双冠军。王浩曾获得2017年、2019年世界残奥田径锦标赛跳远金牌。China’s Paralympic team for the Tokyo games is made up of 132 female and 119 male athletes, they will compete in 20 of the 22 events. This group is the 10th Chinese delegation【代表团】 to attend summer Paralympics since 1984. Around 4,400 athletes from about 160 countries and regions are expected to take part in this year’s Paralympics.东京残奥会中国体育代表团由132名女运动员和119名男运动员组成,他们将参加全部22个大项中20个的角逐。此次为1984年以来,中国第10次派团参加夏季残奥会。届时将有来自约160个国家和地区的4400名运动员参加本届残奥会。#热词加油站quarantine【隔离】Turnstile【闸机】escalator【自动扶梯】infantry【步兵】maneuvering【移动,操纵】delegation【代表团】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
8/24/20215 minutes, 30 seconds
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08/23 TOP OF THE DAY 神州十二“出差组”再出舱/塔利班国际合作意愿/浦东商事改革

NEWS ON 08/231. CHINESE ASTRONAUTS COMPLETE 2ND SPACEWALK神舟十二号“出差组”再出舱太空之旅已近尾声2. TALIBAN CALLS FOR GOOD INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS塔利班发言人:愿与国际社会对话合作3. PUDONG ISSUES BUSINESS LICENSES AFTER IMPROVING APPROVAL PROCESS营业执照“瘦身成功”!浦东引领区首批改革举措落地-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1. CHINESE ASTRONAUTS COMPLETE 2ND SPACEWALK神舟十二号“出差组”再出舱太空之旅已近尾声The China Manned Space Agency said today that Chinese astronauts have completed a second spacewalk【航天舱外活动,太空漫步】, with all scheduled tasks accomplished. This came after the three astronauts cooperated to complete the first spacewalk on July 4. Song Wenjing has more.2021年8月20日,据中国载人航天工程办公室消息,神舟十二号航天员乘组密切协同,再次圆满完成出舱活动期间全部既定任务。此前,三位航天员曾于7月4日完成第一次出舱活动。Astronaut Nie Haisheng opened the hatch at 8:38am. At 10:12am, Nie and Liu Boming exited the space station and worked to install thermal【热量的】 control equipment and elevate a panoramic camera with the aid of a robotic arm【机械臂】.8时38分,航天员聂海胜成功开启天和核心舱节点舱出舱舱门。10时12分,航天员聂海胜、刘伯明先后从天和核心舱节点舱成功出舱。随后,在机械臂支持下,他们相互配合开展空间站舱外有关设备安装等作业,包括热控扩展泵组、抬升舱外全景摄像机等。Tang Hongbo monitored their progress from inside the space station. Nie and Liu returned to the space station at 2:33pm, one hour earlier than scheduled.舱内,汤红波进行机械臂操控,协助出舱者完成任务。下午2点33分,航天员聂海胜和刘伯明安全返回天和核心舱,比原计划提前了约1小时。The scheduled tasks were accomplished with close coordination【协调】 between space and mission control on the ground. The spacewalk further tested the capabilities of the agency’s latest spacewalk suits, equipment and robotic arm.此次出舱活动,天地间大力协同、舱内外密切配合,进一步检验了我国新一代舱外航天服的功能性能,检验了航天员与机械臂协同工作能力及出舱活动相关支持设备的可靠性与安全性。The astronauts blasted off【发射升空】 into space onboard the Shenzhou-12 spaceship and docked with the space station on June 17th. They will continue doing a variety of experiments on the station before their scheduled return in the middle of September. Before return, the Shenzhou-12 spaceship will conduct circumnavigation and radial rendezvous tests.今年6月17日,神舟十二号发射升空,并与天河一号核心舱对接。后续航天员乘组将继续开展空间科学实验和技术试验,计划9月中旬返回东风着陆场。返回前,神舟飞船还将进行绕飞及径向交会试验。2. TALIBAN CALLS FOR GOOD INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS塔利班发言人:愿与国际社会对话合作A Taliban spokesman on Thursday reaffirmed that the group wants good relations with other countries, and called on the international community to help Afghanistan establish good foreign relations and strengthen its economy. Lei Shuran has the details.塔利班发言人穆贾希德8月19日表示,希望与国际社会建立更良好的关系,也期待国际社会帮助阿富汗进行重建。In a gathering in Kabul to celebrate Afghan Independence Day, a Taliban spokesperson said that the Taliban would not tolerate any threat to its "principles" and "independence", but also wants good relations with other countries.在当天的独立日纪念活动上,塔利班发言人穆贾希德强调,阿富汗人不容许来自外国的军事侵略,但塔利班愿与其他国家展开友好交流。Zabihullah Mujahid, Taliban Spokesman穆贾希德,阿富汗塔利班发言人We want interaction with all countries of the world based on diplomatic【外交的】 principles and respect. We want good relations, we want a good economy, we want good trading, we want good diplomacy, but in return we want our values to be respected.我们要向全世界传达一个信息:我们愿意基于外交准则和互相间的尊重,与所有国家展开互动。我们希望建设良好的外交、经济、贸易,但我方的价值观必须得到尊重。UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said yesterday that he was ready to speak to the Taliban directly, adding that UN officials in Kabul have been in close contact with the Taliban.联合国秘书长古特雷斯8月19日表示,联合国在阿富汗的人员与塔利班有着密切沟通,他本人也已准备好与塔利班领导人直接对话。On the same day, Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi exchanged views with British First Secretary of State and Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab on the situation in Afghanistan in a phone conversation.同一天,中国国务委员兼外长王毅,应约同英国首席大臣兼外交发展大臣拉布通电话。Wang noted that the situation in Afghanistan has changed from one of military action, to one of political dialogue, and that the situation is still unstable and uncertain. The international community should encourage and guide political dialogue in a positive direction, instead of exerting excessive pressure. Wang also said China is willing to continue to play a constructive role in the Afghan issue without interfering its internal affairs.王毅表示,阿富汗问题已从军事解决进入政治解决的关键阶段,下一步的阿富汗局势仍存在不稳定性、不确定性。国际社会应朝积极方向加以鼓励和引导,而不是施加更多压力。中方愿在不干涉内政的前提下,继续在阿富汗问题上发挥建设性作用。At a press conference earlier today, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying said the immediate task in Afghanistan for the international community is working together to help the relevant parties in the country engage in dialogue.当日例行记者会上,中国外交部发言人华春莹表示,中方鼓励并希望阿塔将其积极表态落到实处,同阿各党派、各民族团结起来,尽快通过对话协商建立符合阿富汗自身国情、得到人民支持、广泛包容的政治架构。3. PUDONG ISSUES BUSINESS LICENSES AFTER IMPROVING APPROVAL PROCESS营业执照“瘦身成功”!浦东引领区首批改革举措落地Pudong New Area issued its first business licenses after changes were made to make the application process easier. The changes came after the State Council last month released a guideline calling on Shanghai to make Pudong a role model of socialist modernization. Zhang Hong tells us more.8月20日,浦东新区向企业发出全市首张简化经营范围登记的《营业执照》,以及首张通过告知承诺核准的《药品经营许可证》,在降低企业市场准入门槛上,再迈出一步。此前,浦东《引领区意见》中明确提出建立"商事登记确认制"和"市场准营承诺即入制",以打造社会主义现代化建设引领区。On the first business license, less items were listed in its business scope. In the past, a company usually included many items as it would be troublesome if the company wanted to add something in the future.浦东发出改革后的首张营业执照,其"经营范围"一栏大幅缩减。以往,企业的“经营范围”可谓“包罗万象”,因为每一次增加经营内容都需要变更登记,费时费力。INTERVIEW:Xue Yongshen, Vice President, Shanghai Construction Group薛永申,上海建工副总裁We’d rather apply for a larger business scope. We may not run some of the businesses, but we want to save the trouble of applying for a change in the future.宁愿写得大而全,今后不一定做。为了防止万一有什么遗漏,今后再办手续。Now a company only needs to register【登记】 its major business and is allowed to run other businesses without further approval being required. A new registration process has been created to make this possible.改革后,执照上的“经营范围”,只要登记主营业务,以后企业要增加从事非许可一般项目的,直接可以经营。这是引领区"商事登记确认制"探索的一小步。INTERVIEW:Shi Wenying, Pudong Market Supervision Administration施文英,上海浦东市场监管局注册许可分局注册一科科长The new mechanism【机制】 enables a more convenient registration of a company’s name, address and business scope. Companies can get a business license more efficiently.涉及到名称、住所,包括我们说的经营范围,还包括我们的便利化登记,是为了让企业更加便捷地能够取得我们的营业执照。Pudong also allows chain stores to apply for a permit to sell over-the-counter【非处方的】 medicines. They can get a permit as long as they make a written commitment saying that it has the qualification documents required by law without actually providing those documents. Tramy Group got this new permit.而在许可领域,浦东率先试点乙类非处方药告知承诺审批制度改革。今后,浦东的连锁商业企业申请零售乙类非处方药的,告知承诺即可发证,取消现场核查,当场即可办结。8月20日,清美集团取得了全市首张告知承诺的《药品经营许可证》。INTERVIEW:Shen Jianhua, Chairman, Tramy Group沈建华,清美集团董事长All of our 680 stores will apply for this permit. It will be more convenient for people to get medicine and it benefits our company.接下来我们680家门店都会去申请这样的(许可)证照,一个为了百姓购买(药品)方便,另一方面企业也有实实在在的好处。INTERVIEW:Wu Ming, Pudong Market Supervision Administration吴明,上海浦东市场监管局注册许可分局副局长Although we’re expanding market access, we will be checking each store with the new permit within two months.我们在合理"放"的同时,对于如何管的安全,我们会在核发这个许可证的两个月内,由属地市场监管所对企业的实际经营情况开展监管。Chain stores of a qualified food company in Pudong will also be able to get a permit for selling food through the same process.8月20日起,浦东符合规定条件的连锁食品经营企业总部,经评审合格后,其直营门店也采取告知承诺方式,取得《食品经营许可证》。#热词加油站spacewalk【航天舱外活动,太空漫步】thermal【热量的】robotic arm【机械臂】coordination【协调】blast off【发射升空】diplomatic【外交的】register【登记】mechanism【机制】over-the-counter【非处方的】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”
8/23/20215 minutes, 20 seconds
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The End of Heat 暑去秋来,遇见美好

Like!中国节---处暑大家好,今天是处暑, The End of Heat.处暑 means 出暑,out of heat,which refers to the official goodbye to summer heat.After the End of Heat, the temperature gap between day and night widens, making people more susceptible to common colds and influenza. Here in Shanghai, the day-and-night temperature gap ranges between 8 and 15 degrees Celsius, so please pay attention to it and choose the right clothes.Signature plants for 处暑 period include 昙花, the night-blooming cereus, or moon flower. It usually blooms during the 处暑 period because of the warm days and cool nights. The white and fragrant flowers blossom at night and wilt before morning.昙花 has long been a symbol of yearning for a beautiful life. If you are a gardener, take a photo when your moon flower opens and post it on your Moments. It will make you the focus of social media. 昙花 is beautiful for sure, and it is also a medicine. You can either steep the petals in your tea or stew it in your soup. TCM practitioners say it’s good for the respiratory system.During the End of Heat period, one folk tradition calls for eating duck, which is a cooling food under TCM. The most renowned one is 北京烤鸭 Peking Roast Duck. This dish is known worldwide for its shiny color, crispy skin and tender meat. Pickled duck from Nanjing 南京盐水鸭, Cantonese-style roast duck 广东烧鸭and ginger duck from Quanzhou 泉州姜母鸭 are other delicacies you can reward yourself with during this period. For people here in the city, 上海酱鸭,stewed duck in soy sauce is a favorite. It’s a typical Shanghai dish with a thick red oily sauce. According to TCM, duck meat is good for the skin. Hmm, sounds like a good excuse for me to devour some duck meat during the dry autumn.处暑到,酷暑消,愿你神清气爽,秋日无愁。
8/23/20212 minutes, 12 seconds
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08/20 TOP OF THE DAY 西藏和平解放70周年/上海警察破获新型诈骗案/塔利班宣布建国

NEWS ON 8/201.CHINA CELEBRATES 70TH ANNIVERSARY OF TIBET’S LIBERATION雪域欢歌70载,西藏启航新时代2.86 DETAINED OVER LOAN SCAMS借了还不完?上海警方捣毁跨省新型诈骗团伙3.TALIBAN ANNOUNCES CREATION OF ISLAMIC EMIRATE OF AFGHANISTAN塔利班宣布成立“阿富汗伊斯兰酋长国”-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1.CHINA CELEBRATES 70TH ANNIVERSARY OF TIBET’S LIBERATION雪域欢歌70载,西藏启航新时代China held a grand gathering today to celebrate the 70th anniversary【周年纪念日】 of the peaceful liberation【解放】 of Tibet. The event was held in Lhasa, capital of the Tibet Autonomous Region. Sun Siqi has the story.8月19日,庆祝西藏和平解放70周年大会在西藏自治区首府拉萨隆重举行。In late July, Xi Jinping, general secretary of the CPC Central Committee, Chinese President and chairman of the Central Military Commission, visited the Tibet Autonomous Region to extend congratulations on the occasion.Xi said over the past years Tibet has made historic strides【跨越】 in economic and social development, with people’s living standards improving significantly. It has been proven that without the CPC, there would have been neither New China nor new Tibet, and that the CPC Central Committee’s guidelines and policies concerning Tibet work are completely correct.7月下旬,中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习近平亲临西藏庆祝西藏和平解放70周年并进行考察调研。习总书记表示,西藏和平解放70年来,社会制度实现历史性跨越,经济社会实现全面发展,人民生活极大改善。实践证明,没有中国共产党就没有新中国,也就没有新西藏,党中央关于西藏工作的方针政策是完全正确的。At the gathering this morning, Wang Yang, a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and chairman of the CPPCC National Committee addressed the event. Wang called the peaceful liberation of Tibet a historic transition for the region. He also said Tibet has entered a new era in which greater development and bigger changes have been made and more benefits delivered to the people since the 18th CPC National Congress.19日上午,中共中央政治局常委、全国政协主席、中央代表团团长汪洋出席庆祝大会并发表致辞。汪洋表示,1951年西藏和平解放,是西藏具有划时代意义的历史转折。党的十八大以来,西藏步入发展最好、变化最大、群众得实惠最多的新时代。Tibet’s GDP soared【剧增】 past 190 billion yuan in 2020 from merely 130 million yuan in 1951.Wang also stressed the need to always follow the leadership of the CPC and march steadily on the path of building socialism with distinctive Chinese features, stability in Tibet and national security and stability in the border areas.西藏地区生产总值从1951年的1.3亿元增加到2020年的突破1900亿元。汪洋强调,要始终坚持党的领导,坚定不移地走中国特色社会主义道路,要巩固发展西藏和谐稳定的良好局面,确保国家安全和边疆稳固。2.86 DETAINED OVER LOAN SCAMS借了还不完?上海警方捣毁跨省新型诈骗团伙Shanghai police said 86 people were detained on suspicion of running online loan scams involving nearly 630 million yuan. Zhang Yue tells us the details.上海警方捣毁一跨省新型网贷诈骗犯罪团伙,抓获团伙成员86人,涉案金额高达6.3亿元。One of the victims said she initially only borrowed several thousand yuan. But her debts soon added up to 1.47 million yuan over two months, and she had to sell her apartment to pay back the loans. So how did that happen? Police said the gang developed 23 smartphone apps, including Guyu and Aifeng, since April 2020. The gang claimed that borrowers could get the money immediately without any collateral.其中一位受害人表示,自己最初只借了几千元,但她的债务却在两个月内增加到147万元,她不得不卖掉自己的公寓来偿还贷款。这是怎么一回事?警方表示,自2020年4月以来,该犯罪团伙开发了23款网贷APP,其中包括“谷雨”和“爱峰”。该团伙称,借款人可以在没有任何抵押的情况下立即获得贷款。The group posted online advertisements and looked for individuals in urgent need of money. However, borrowers were not informed of the loan’s terms, which included a service fee, plus a default fee of 20% if they couldn’t repay in a short time. Police said the group often changed the terms of loan and shortened payment deadlines without notice.该团伙在网上发布广告,寻找急需资金的个人。然而,贷款人并未被提前告知贷款条款,其中包括服务费,以及如不能在短时间内偿还,将会被收取20%的违约金。警方表示,该团伙经常在未告知贷款人的情况下,更改贷款条款,缩短还款期限。INTERVIEW:Guo Yu, Fengxian District Economic Crime Unit Police郭宇 奉贤公安分局刑侦支队民警If borrowers couldn’t pay back the money in time, they were instructed to download other loan apps, which the group also developed. They thus lured victims into borrowing more money. It was too late for victims to realize they had been scammed.被害人会认为我们在从事正常的民间借贷行为,但是从犯罪团伙的环环相扣的设置来讲,他实际上是进入了一个诈骗的流程。这个过程就会让被害人陷入被包围、被围猎的局面。Police said more than 10,000 people across the country were deceived【欺骗】. 86 people were arrested in five cities, and the 23 apps had been shut down.现已查证到全国各地受害人1万余名,目前86名犯罪嫌疑人因涉嫌诈骗罪、帮助信息网络犯罪活动罪,均已被依法采取刑事强制措施,由该团伙开发的23个网贷APP平台均已被关闭。3.TALIBAN ANNOUNCES CREATION OF ISLAMIC EMIRATE OF AFGHANISTAN塔利班宣布成立“阿富汗伊斯兰酋长国”On the occasion of Afghanistan’s Independence Day on August 19, the Taliban officially declared the country as an "Islamic Emirate". The Taliban changed Afghanistan’s name to "Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan", a name that the group has used to refer to itself in official communications. Lei Shuran has the details.在8月19日,阿富汗独立日之际,塔利班宣布成立“阿富汗伊斯兰酋长国”,并在官方通讯中使用该名称。The group’s senior official said yesterday that the new government would be an Islamic government guided by sharia law. He also said that Afghanistan may be governed by a ruling council, while the group’s supreme leader Haibatullah Akhundzada would likely remain in overall charge, playing a role akin to the country’s president. Chinese Foreign Ministry said today it believed the Taliban had changed and history would not repeat itself.该组织的高级官员表示,该组织将会致力于构建开放包容的伊斯兰政府。同时,他还表示,未来阿富汗可能会由一个执政委员会管理,由塔利班的最高领导人海巴图拉·阿洪扎达(Haibatullah Akhundzada)全权掌控。阿洪扎达可能还会担任类似于总统的职位。中国外交部发言人今天(8.19日)表示,塔利班目前的做法是良好的、积极的、务实的,不会重演过去的历史。INTERVIEW:Hua Chunying, Spokesperson, Chinese Foreign Ministry华春莹中国外交部发言人We advocate a comprehensive connection and development of authentic understanding to look at and treat the issues. We must not only look at the past, but also at the present. We must not only listen to what is being said, but also look at what is being done.我们主张要用全面,联系和发展的辩证思维,来认识看待和处理问题,不仅要看过去怎么样,也要看现在怎么样,不仅听其言也要观其行。A Senior Taliban commander met former Afghan president, Hamid Karzai for talks yesterday, as the group worked to establish a government in the country. On the same day, Afghan President in exile Ashraf Ghani, speaking in the United Arab Emirates, said that he had left Kabul to prevent bloodshed and denied reports of taking large sums of money with him as he departed the presidential palace.昨日(8.18日),塔利班高级指挥官与阿富汗前总统哈米德·卡尔扎伊举行了会谈。同日,逃往阿联酋的阿富汗总统阿什拉夫·加尼表示,他离开喀布尔是为了防止发生流血事件,并否认有关他在离开总统府时带走了大笔金钱的报道。VIDEO:Ashraf Ghani, Afghan President加尼阿富汗总统My life was in danger as Taliban gunmen were already at the palace gates. I left Afghanistan in a vest, shoes, and a T-shirt, and I didn’t take anything else with me.当时塔利班枪手已经在总统府邸门口,我穿着背心、鞋子和T恤离开了阿富汗,其他任何东西我都没带。In a TV interview yesterday, US President Joe Biden said he had committed to keeping US troops in Afghanistan until every American was evacuated【撤离】. When asked about the scenes of violence and disorder in recent days, Biden said the chaos was unavoidable.在昨日(8.18日)的一次电视采访中,美国总统拜登表示,美军将留在阿富汗直到所有美国人撤出。当被问及最近几天的暴力和骚乱时,拜登称混乱是不可避免的。INTERVIEW:Joe Biden, U.S. President美国广播公司主持人采访拜登,美国总统--What did you think when you first saw those pictures?– What I thought was, we have to gain control of this. We have to move this more quickly. We have to move in a way in which we can take control of that airport. And we did.-当你第一次看到(有人从美国飞机上摔落的)照片时,你是怎么想的?-我的想法是,我们必须控制这个机场,我们的确做到了,但没有一种完美的处理方式可以让美国完全脱身。Biden’s approval rating dropped by 7 points to 46 percent, its lowest level since he took office as the US-backed Afghan government collapsed, causing thousands of civilians and Afghan military allies to flee for their safety.拜登的支持率下滑7个百分点至46%,跌至他1月上台以来最低。随着美国支持的阿富汗政府垮台,数千名平民和阿富汗军事盟友为了安全逃离。#热词加油站anniversary【周年纪念日】liberation【解放】stride【跨越】soar【剧增】deceive【欺骗】evacuate【撤离】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
8/20/20215 minutes, 30 seconds
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TOP OF THE DAY 上海新增一例本土病例/中法驾照互认/孟晚舟案审理结束

NEWS ON 8/191.     SH REPOORTS 1 LOCAL COVID-19 CASE本土病例+1!上海新增病例系医护人员2.    CHINA & FRANCE NOW RECOGNIZE EACH OTHER’S DRIVING LICENSES正式生效!中法驾照可以互认啦3.    DEFENSE CLAIMS MENG HAS NO LINK TO FRAUD辩方律师:“证据真空”!孟晚舟引渡案审理结束-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1.     SH REPOORTS 1 LOCAL COVID-19 CASE本土病例+1!上海新增病例系医护人员Shanghai reported one local COVID-19 infection today. The individual works at Songjiang Central Hospital and was diagnosed after a routine【例行的】nucleic acid test this morning. The hospital has suspended outpatient【门诊】services and arranged nucleic acid tests for all employees. Zhang Yue has more.今天(18日),上海通报新增一例本土确诊病例,患者为松江区中心医院工作人员,系在医院例行核酸检测中发现。松江区中心医院从今天起暂停门急诊,并第一时间对工作人员进行了全院核酸筛查。The individual hasn’t left Shanghai in the past two weeks. Scientists are now sequencing the virus sample to determine whether it’s related to clusters in Nanjing or Yangzhou, cities with recent outbreaks in neighboring Jiangsu Province. The hospital said the test was done as part of routine testing of its employees. All employees have been required to be tested every three days since August 2nd. Officials say all of the patient’s previous tests came back negative. 这个病例最近两周没有离开过本市,疾控部门正在抓紧开展基因测序,调查该病例与南京及扬州聚集性疫情是否存在关联。从8月2日开始,在医院每三天一次的例行核酸检测中,其此前结果均为阴性。INTERVIEWWu Jinglei, DirectorShanghai Health Commission邬惊雷,市卫健委主任The patient, who lives in Songjiang District, has been vaccinated. She hasn’t left Shanghai in the past 14 days. She has been to several places around her apartment including a fruit shop, supermarket, and Grandma’s Home restaurant. The Eye and ENT Hospital of Fudan University also suspended services at its three branches in Xuhui and Minhang districts today, as the woman went to see an eye doctor.该病例在沪居住地是上海市松江区永丰街道仓丰路855号有庐公寓,已全程接种新冠疫苗,此前自8月2日以来,医院组织的每3天一次的例行核酸检测结果此前都为阴性。流行病学调查显示,该病例14天内未离沪,除工作场所与居住地外,到访过公寓楼下尚品优鲜超市、公寓楼下阿兵水果店、外婆家(新理想广场店)等场所。目前上述场所已进行封闭管理、终末消毒。另据调查,其曾因眼疾到过上海市五官科医院就诊,该医院汾阳路、宝庆路、浦江路三个院区都已经暂停日常门急诊医疗服务。By 6pm, 76 primary and secondary contacts have been placed in quarantine. Citywide, some 7,347 people who may have been infected have been tested for the virus today, and all results came back negative. 272 environment and subject samples also came back negative. 截至今晚(18日)6点,已排查到该病例的密切接触者、密接的密接共76人,全部落实集中隔离措施,核酸检测结果均为阴性。已排查到7347名筛查对象,核酸检测结果均为阴性。目前已对病例相关场所的物品、环境等进行采样,已检测272份样本,结果均为阴性。The patient lives at Yongfeng Community on Cangfeng Road, which is now listed as a medium-risk area. All venues have already been disinfected【消毒】. Songjiang Central Hospital has been locked down and barriers set up at its entrances. People coming to pick up medication or medical reports were told to go to another hospital or come back another day. It wasn’t announced when outpatient services and nucleic acid tests would resume【继续、恢复】.该病例所在的松江区永丰街道仓丰路855号有庐公寓被调整为中风险地区。其到访过的场所均已进行封闭管理、终末消毒。松江区中心医院从今天起暂停门急诊,各个出入口均已封闭。门急诊及核酸检测服务何时恢复,将另行通知。若需取药或取检查报告,患者需前往其他医院或改日再前往松江区中心医院。2.    CHINA & FRANCE NOW RECOGNIZE EACH OTHER’S DRIVING LICENSES正式生效!中法驾照可以互认啦Mutual recognition【认可】of Chinese and French driver's licenses【驾照】went into effect yesterday. 法国外交部网站昨天(17日)发表公告,宣布法中两国此前签署的驾驶证互认换领协议,即日正式生效。The two countries will allow holders of valid driver's licenses to either simply drive with their home country's license or obtain driving permits without having to take additional tests. Chinese citizens who stay in France less than one year can use their Chinese driver's licenses and translated copies, and French citizens who temporarily live in China can present their licenses for temporary Chinese driving permits by offering their French licenses and translated copies. 中法双方承认对方核发的有效驾驶证,一方准许持有对方国家驾驶证的人员,在其境内直接驾车或免试换领驾驶证。对于临时进入对方境内不超过一年的,双方驾驶证实现互认。持有法国驾驶证且希望在中国换领中国驾驶证的人员,则须持有法国2013年9月16号以后签发的、符合欧盟标准的驾驶证。3.    DEFENSE CLAIMS MENG HAS NO LINK TO FRAUD辩方律师:“证据真空”!孟晚舟引渡案审理结束The court hearing of Huawei’s Chief Financial Officer Meng Wanzhou’s extradition【引渡】continued yesterday in British Columbia Supreme Court in Canada.昨日(当地时间17日),孟晚舟引渡案进入第二阶段审理之后的首次法庭听证在温哥华的不列颠哥伦比亚省高等法院举行。Meng’s legal team made a final pitch to the judge, arguing that the US accusation that Meng had defrauded【欺骗】HSBC existed in an "evidentiary vacuum". Meng’s lawyers argued that a fraud【欺骗】charge must involve actual loss or risk of loss, and the legal document submitted by the United States requesting her extradition didn’t provide any evidence to prove that.辩方律师阐明,按照加拿大的反欺诈法,指控欺骗行为,必须要有具体证据可以证明相关欺骗行为引发了实际损失或具体的损失风险。而美方提交的要求引渡的法律文件中未提供任何证据来证明这一点,因此本案存在“证据真空”。#热词加油站routine【例行的】 outpatient【门诊的】 disinfect【消毒】resume【继续、恢复】recognition【认可】driver's license【驾照】extradition【引渡】defraud【v. 欺骗】fraud【n. 欺骗】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
8/19/20213 minutes, 24 seconds
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08/18 TOP OF THE DAY 上海中风险清零/临港无人驾驶公交/上海招录消防员

NEWS ON 08/181.PUDONG COMPOUND DOWNGRADED TO LOW-RISK解封!隔离的14天里,想对你们说一声感谢!2.SHANGHAI'S FIRST AUTONOMOUS BUS LINE BEGINS OPERATIONS临港无人驾驶公交开通,带你一览滴水湖美景3.SHANGHAI BEGINS RECRUITING FIREFIGHTERS召集“蓝朋友”:上海招录600名消防员-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1.PUDONG COMPOUND DOWNGRADED TO LOW-RISK解封!隔离的14天里,想对你们说一声感谢!The Xinyuanxiyuan complex【建筑群】in suburban Pudong was today downgraded to a low-risk coronavirus area. Residents in lockdown for 14 days rejoiced and thanked volunteers for their time and work.位于上海浦东的心圆西苑小区今天降为低风险地区。14天隔离结束,居民们欢欣鼓舞,纷纷感谢志愿者的辛勤工作。Cheering for the recovery of normalcy at midnight, neighbors took a moment to recognize the hard work of volunteers. A man used his camera to record moments of fatigue【疲劳】among the team of volunteers that grew from seven to 398 people who worked day and night during the lockdown. The video has been viewed on social media 20,000 times.凌晨,在为解封而欢呼的同时,居民们纷纷前来感谢志愿者的辛勤工作。一名男子用相机记录下了志愿者疲惫时的身影。隔离期间,志愿者们日夜工作,前来支援的人数也从一开始的7人增加到398人。该视频在社交媒体上的观看次数已超两万次。INTERVEW:Min Yong, Volunteer闵勇心圆西苑小区志愿者“We spent the worst and best 14 days. Without the volunteers, the handful of community workers from the residents’ committee would have long been overrun【超过限度】. The pandemic is something nobody can forget about. I wanted to record these moments.”最坏的14天,也是最好的14天。一开始大家都不知所措,如果没有志愿者的话,靠居委会那几个工作人员,7个工作人员是没有办法承受的。疫情期间是一段很难忘的历史,把它记录下来。INTERVEW:                      Zhao Shichen, Resident赵诗晨心圆西苑小区居民“I’d like to sing for the uncles and aunties because they worked really hard during this half month.”我想唱给这些志愿者叔叔阿姨们,(为什么呀)因为他们很辛苦,这半个月都在为我们服务。Though the lockdown has ended, the community still asks residents to show a pass proving they live there and get a temperature check to ensure safety.虽然隔离已经结束,但社区仍要求居民出示通行证以表明居住地,并进行体温测量以确保安全。INTERVEW:                                 Yan Xiaoming, Chuansha Dispatch StationPudong Public Security Bureau严晓明浦东公安分局川沙派出所民警“We’ll still be here for support and security under plans issued by the residents’ committee. In the future, we will still ensure daily security work.”我们主要是根据居委会,他们安排的一个工作方案,我们去维持做安保的工作。后期我们还是会一如既往的做好我们日常的工作,包括后期的人员管控等等。The compound adds that a visitor will need to show a green health and travel history code, pass a temperature check and register before they are allowed to enter.社区有关人员表示,访客需出示绿色健康码和行程卡,通过体温测量并登记后才能进入社区。2.SHANGHAI'S FIRST AUTONOMOUS BUS LINE BEGINS OPERATIONS临港无人驾驶公交开通,带你一览滴水湖美景Shanghai’s first autonomous bus line opened today after a one-year trial. The route traverses【横穿】No.1 Huanhu Road in Lingang New Area.经过一年的试运行,上海首条自动驾驶公交线路今天(17日)开通。该线路覆盖临港环湖一路。The No.1 Huanhu Road Autonomous Bus Line runs 8.5 kilometers and has 8 stops. The bus starts from No.1 Pier of Dishui Lake and it takes about 30 minutes to circle the lake. The bus is a smart vehicle connected to real-time traffic data and can stop, open and close its doors automatically. It is a third generation automated vehicle, meaning it can manage most aspects of driving, including monitoring the immediate environment and situations that call for an instantaneous【瞬间的】response.环湖一路客运专线全长8.5公里,共设置8个公交站台。自滴水湖1号码头开始绕湖一圈,单班次运营时长约30分钟。该公交是智能网联公交,具备红绿灯信息交互功能,可自动靠边停站、自动开关门。该公交是第三代自动驾驶车辆,可实现自动驾驶运营,具备环境实时监控和即时响应功能。INTERVEW:Li Bing, Chief EngineerShanghai Lingang Traffic李兵上海临港交通有限公司总工程师“We’ve made a big progress in safety, efficiency and other indications.”在安全性、效率以及其他的指标上来说,已经走到了(更进)一步。The bus line is essentially a commuter route but can also serve as a sightseeing ride around Dishui lake. People interested in going for a ride on the Autonomous bus can make a reservation for a free ride on the No.1 Huanhu Road Intelligent Bus’s official WeChat account.该线路同时具备通勤和环滴水湖观光功能。即日起,公众可通过环湖一路智能公交微信公众号预约免费体验。3.SHANGHAI BEGINS RECRUITING FIREFIGHTERS召集“蓝朋友”:上海招录600名消防员This year’s national recruitment drive for firefighters is underway. The country plans to recruit 10,300 firefighters, including 600 here in Shanghai. More people are applying than usual and applications can be submitted until the end of the month.2021年国家消防员招录工作目前正在进行当中,全国共将招录消防员10300名。其中,上海地区将招录600名。报名人数较以往有所增加,报名截止日期为8月31日。At Xujiahui Fire and Rescue Station this morning, applicants were waiting to submit their application. Many of them were young people who had either previously joined the army or had experience as a firefighter.上午,在徐家汇消防救援站,报名者正在等待提交材料。其中不少人参过军,或是有过消防工作经验。INTERVEW:Chen Jun, Applicant陈俊,报名者“I have worked as a firefighter for five years.”因为我之前也是做消防员的,做了5年。INTERVEW:Yan Shaojie, Applicant闫少杰,报名者“I wanted to be a firefighter when I was little. I just left my hometown, and signed up for the post in Shanghai.”我从小就喜欢这个职业。今年也是从家里面刚出来,看到上海消防有招聘的,我就直接报名了。The Shanghai Fire and Rescue Brigade will offer600 positions to applicants in Shanghai, as well as Chongqing, Shandong, Shanxi and Henan. So far, 667 people have applied, which is more than usual.此次上海市消防救援队伍共提供600个招录名额,分别面向上海、重庆、山东省、山西省和河南省招录。截止目前共有667人报名,人数较以往有所增加。INTERVEW:Xie Xuyang, Staff of Recruitment OfficeShanghai Fire & Rescue Brigade谢旭阳市消防救援总队招录办工作人员“We will provide physical training for newly recruited firefighters. Regardless of their previous performance, we will make sure all firefighters meet our standards after training.”我们入职培训期会进行系统性的体能训练。不管你前期考核的成绩好与坏,我们都会让你在入职培训结束后,达到一个合格的消防员的标准。The upper age limit for firefighters this year has been lowered. Physical requirements have also changed. For example, applicants will get extra marks in the 1000-meter run if they finish in 4minutes and 35 seconds or less, which is 10 seconds longer than previous requirements.对今年招录的消防员,年龄上限较以往有所收窄,同时体能要求适当放宽。比如,1000米跑加分从原先的4分25秒放宽至4分35秒。#热词加油站complex【建筑群】fatigue【疲劳】overrun【超过限度】traverse【横穿】instantaneous【瞬间的】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
8/18/20214 minutes, 18 seconds
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08/17 TOP OF THE DAY 7月国民经济/ 新版戴口罩指引/ 塔利班接管阿富汗

NEWS ON 8/171.ECONOMIC GROWTH SLOWED IN JULY DUE TO COVID, NATURAL DISASTERS直面汛情疫情冲击,7月经济继续稳定恢复!2.NEW MASK WEARING GUIDELINES SPECIFY STRONGER SELF-PROTECTION你的口罩佩戴对了吗?新版戴口罩指引发布!3.AFGHAN PRESIDENT LEAVES COUNTRY, TALIBAN CONTROLS CAPITAL KABUL阿富汗局势重大变化:塔利班控制首都,前总统逃亡国外!-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1.ECONOMIC GROWTH SLOWED IN JULY DUE TO COVID, NATURAL DISASTERS直面汛情疫情冲击,7月经济继续稳定恢复!The National Bureau of Statistics said the country’s economy continued to recover in July, but industrial output and retail sales growth slowed due to new coronavirus outbreaks and natural disasters in some regions, as well as uncertainties abroad. Song Wenjing has more.国家统计局表示,7月份国民经济继续稳定恢复。但由于国内疫情多点散发,部分地区受到自然灾害,外部不确定性加大,工业和零售增长速度有所放缓。China’s value-added industrial output, an important economic indicator, went up 6.4 percent year on year in July as production demand continued to recover. The figure was down by 1.9 percentage points than that of June, and higher than that of the same period in 2019 and 2020.7月份,随着生产需求持续复苏,作为重要经济指标的全国规模以上工业增加值同比增长6.4%,比6月份回落1.9个百分点,高于2019年、2020年同期增速。In terms of consumption, the consumer price index last month rose 1 percent year-on-year, down from 1.1 percent in June. The bureau said with an increasingly complex and severe external environment, the economic recovery will be unstable and uneven【不均衡的】, but economic growth was in line with expectations.在消费方面,上个月的全国居民消费价格指数同比上涨1.0%,比起6月份的1.1%有所回落。统计局表示,在外部环境更趋复杂严峻的背景下,经济恢复仍然不稳固、不均衡,但经济增长水平符合预期。Fu Linghui, SpokespersonNational Bureau of Statistics付凌晖,国家统计局新闻发言人In the first half of this year, the economy grew by an average of 5.3 percent in two years, 0.3 percentage points faster than in the first quarter, which indicates that the economy as a whole has maintained a recovery trend.今年上半年,经济两年平均增长5.3%,比一季度加快了0.3个百分点,说明经济总体保持恢复态势。Fu said commodity【(大宗)商品】 prices remain an issue, adding that they are expected to remain relatively expensive due to the overall recovery of the global economy, increased market demand, and a tight supply from major raw material producers.付凌晖表示,大宗商品价格仍将是一个问题。他补充说,由于全球经济整体复苏,市场需求增加以及主要原材料生产国供给偏紧,国际大宗商品价格高位运行还会持续一段时间。The country’s housing market continued to be stable in July, with increases in home prices in 70 major cities slowing down. New home prices in four first-tier cities—Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen and Guangzhou—rose 0.4 percent month-on-month, 0.3 percentage points slower compared to June. Second-tier cities saw a month-on-month increase of 0.4 percent in new home prices, slowing 0.1 percentage point from June.7月份,全国房地产市场继续保持稳定,70个大中城市商品住宅销售价格涨幅总体回落。北京、上海、深圳和广州四个一线城市新建商品住宅销售价格环比上涨0.4%,涨幅比上月回落0.3个百分点。二线城市新建商品住宅销售价格环比上涨0.4%,涨幅比上月回落0.1个百分点。2.NEW MASK WEARING GUIDELINES SPECIFY STRONGER SELF-PROTECTION你的口罩佩戴对了吗?新版戴口罩指引发布!The National Health Commission modified its guidelines on mask wearing for the public after the Delta variant of the coronavirus triggered several infection clusters across the country. Reporter Sun Siqi tells us what remains the same and what has changed.国家卫健委发布最新版戴口罩指引。德尔塔变异株境外输入引发本土聚集性疫情已先后波及多个省份。跟随ICS记者了解一下,公众戴口罩有哪些最新要求?The new guidelines stressed again that you should not just be wearing a mask in enclosed public spaces like in a mall, you should also be wearing it in open air, like on a street or in a park. Remember, you should be wearing a mask even if you have been fully vaccinated.对普通公众来说,除了在商场等密闭场所需要戴口罩外,当处于人员密集的露天广场、剧场和公园等室外场所时,也需要佩戴口罩。提醒一下,接种新冠疫苗以后,仍需坚持佩戴口罩。There’s a difference between a disposable medical mask and a "surgical" mask. The latter has to meet higher standards in its level of protection against droplets. Look for the words "waike" or "surgical" on the packaging when you’re purchasing the latter.一次性使用医用口罩和医用外科口罩有所区别。医用外科口罩对飞沫的防护力度更大。购买时,认准“外科”字样。The new guidelines also specify three professional groups, personnel involved with imported goods, those in hospitals and clinics and those working in areas with frequent interpersonal exchanges, like police officers or delivery workers. The third group is now asked to wear at least a surgical mask during their shifts.新版戴口罩指引中,重点职业人群主要涉及境外输入和污染传播高风险岗位、医疗机构工作人员和公共场所服务人员比如警察、快递员等三类人群。公共场所服务人员现要求工作期间全程佩戴医用外科口罩或更高防护级别口罩。If you’re going to a hospital or use any form of public transportation that goes out of town, you should be wearing a surgical mask or higher. Replace the mask after you leave. Remember, whatever kind of mask you wear, you have to discard it and replace it after a total of eight hours of wear.到医院就诊时,或在跨地区公共交通工具上,佩戴医用外科口罩或更高防护级别口罩。离开以上环境后,及时更换口罩。无论使用哪种口罩,每个口罩累计佩戴时间不超过8小时。The guidelines add that you should hang masks in a clean, dry and ventilated【通风的】 area, and keep a spare on hand. In case of breathing difficulties, take the mask off in a well-ventilated place.需重复使用的口罩在不使用时宜悬挂于清洁、干燥、通风处。外出要携带备用口罩。戴口罩期间如出现憋闷、气短等不适,应立即前往空旷通风处摘除口罩。3.AFGHAN PRESIDENT LEAVES COUNTRY, TALIBAN CONTROLS CAPITAL KABUL阿富汗局势重大变化:塔利班控制首都,前总统逃亡国外!Afghan President Mohammad Ashraf Ghani left the country last night as Taliban forces entered the capital city of Kabul and took control of the presidential palace. Sun Siqi has the details.昨晚(8月15日晚),塔利班部队进入阿富汗首都喀布尔并控制了总统府,(前)总统穆罕默德·阿什拉夫·加尼离开了阿富汗。Ghani confirmed on his Facebook late yesterday that he has left the country, saying the move was to prevent bloodshed. But he did not mention his current location.加尼随后在他的Facebook上确认他已经离开该国,并表示此举是为了避免流血冲突。但他并没有透露自己目前身在何处。Taliban forces entered Kabul city and took control of the presidential palace. The Taliban said they would offer amnesty to those worked with the Afghan government or foreign forces. A Taliban spokesperson said he could confirm there were talks between the Afghan government and the Taliban about a peaceful transfer of power.塔利班武装力量已经进入了喀布尔市并控制了总统府。塔利班方面表示,他们将赦免那些与阿富汗政府或外国军队合作的人。塔利班发言人证实该组织已和阿富汗政府就“和平移交权力”进行了商讨。Mullah Baradar Akhund, Taliban Deputy Leader巴拉达尔,阿富汗塔利班分管政治事务的领导人The way we have come through was unexpected as we have reached the position which was never expected. We should not be arrogant. Now it is time to work, we will provide services to our nation, we will give serenity【安宁】 to the whole nation and go as far as possible for the betterment of our people’s lives.我们获得的胜利、取得的地位出乎意料。但我们不应狂妄自大,真正的考验才刚刚开始。我们将服务这个国家,让它获得安宁,尽可能让国民获得幸福。On the same day, former Afghan President Hamid Karzai announced a coordinating council has been formed for a smooth transition of the power to Taliban. So far, the Taliban have gained control of more than two-thirds of the country’s 34 provincial capitals.同一天,阿富汗前总统哈米德·卡尔扎伊宣布组建协调委员会,负责相关权力交接事宜。截至8月15日,该国34个省会城市中,已有超过三分之二被塔利班控制。Amid the Taliban’s takeover, the US said it would deploy as many as 6,000 of its troops to Kabul airport to ensure the safe departure of its citizens and allies from the country. Meanwhile, several European countries have decided to evacuate their diplomats and citizens from Afghanistan. Britain has deployed 600 troops to help evacuate British nationals. Military aircraft from Germany have arrived in Kabul to pull Germans out. France also announced it would be relocating French nationals to a base in the United Arab Emirates.在塔利班接管期间,美国表示将向喀布尔机场部署多达6000名美国士兵,以确保其公民和盟友安全撤离该国。与此同时,欧洲多国已决定从阿富汗撤出其外交官和公民。英国已经派遣了600名士兵帮助英国公民撤离该国。德国军用飞机已抵达喀布尔,将当地德国公民撤出。法国还宣布将把法国公民从喀布尔转移到位于阿联酋的军事基地。Inside the city of Kabul, flights were suspended at Kabul International Airport as crowds of people waited anxiously at the gates in hopes of leaving the country. But most of the locals chose to stay.喀布尔国际机场的航班已暂停,大批民众焦急地等待在门口,希望离开该国。但大多数当地人选择留下来。Resident of Kabul喀布尔民众Everyone is tired of war, explosions and suicide attacks. Now things have changed. I hope there will be peace and stability so that people can live a peaceful life.所有人都厌倦了战争、爆炸和自杀式袭击。现在情况发生了改变。我希望以后能迎来和平与稳定,这样人们才能平和地生活下去。The Taliban has given assurances that none of the diplomatic missions or foreign citizens in Kabul are in danger. A Taliban spokesperson said they are committed to ensuring security in the city.塔利班保证,在喀布尔的外交使团和外国公民不会有危险。塔利班发言人称,他们将致力于维护这座城市的安全。#热词加油站uneven【不均匀的,不均衡的】commodity【(大宗)商品】ventilated【通风的】serenity【平静,安宁】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
8/17/20215 minutes, 58 seconds
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08/16 TOP OF THE DAY 国务院联防联控机制最新回应/上海”双减“/巴基斯坦恐怖袭击

NEWS ON 08/161. HEALTH COMMISSION:CORONAVIRUS OUTBREAKS CAN BE CONTAINED疫情总体可控,少年仍需接种!国务院联防联控机制最新回应2. AFTER-SCHOOL TUTORING SERVICES EXPAND RANGE OF CLASSES“双减”落地,课外班拓展真·兴趣课程3. PAKISTAN SAYS ATTACK THAT KILLED 9 CHINESE WAS A SUICIDE BOMBING实施者已锁定!巴基斯坦公布“恐袭案”最新进展-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1. HEALTH COMMISSION:CORONAVIRUS OUTBREAKS CAN BE CONTAINED疫情总体可控,少年仍需接种!国务院联防联控机制最新回应The National Health Commission said today that there are currently 156 medium and high-risk areas on the Chinese mainland, adding local COVID-19 cases have risen for 19 consecutive days. The commission also said the outbreaks can be contained【控制】. Zhang Yue has more.8月13日下午,国务院联防联控机制召开新闻发布会。国家卫健委介绍,截至13日,全国共有中高风险地区156个,本土确诊病例连续19天上升。我国面临短时间内多源多点发生疫情的复杂局面,但疫情风险总体可控。The commission said several clusters recently had emerged. As of 12 am today, more than 1,280 locally transmitted cases had been reported in 48 cities across 18 provincial-level regions. Among those cities, 36 have reported no new cases for more than five consecutive days.国家卫健委表示,近期我国多地相继出现聚集性疫情。截至8月12日24时,全国已有18个省48个市发生本土疫情,累计报告病例超1280例。不过这48个城市中,已有36个城市超过5天没有新增感染者报告。INTERVIEW:He Qinghua, Inspector, National Health Commission贺青华,国家卫生健康委疾控局一级巡视员Outside of Yangzhou, Wuhan, and Zhangjiajie, the other cities only have sporadic new cases now. Based on this situation, the recent outbreaks are controllable, and the possibility of a large-scale national outbreak is quite small.除了扬州、武汉、张家界市以外,其他的地市仅仅只是零星的病例报告。所以从这个情况看,全国的疫情风险总体可控,全国层面发生大规模的疫情风险是比较小的。The commission also noted that more than 60 million doses or coronavirus vaccines had been administered to minors aged between 12 and 17. Although Shanghai will begin vaccinating 15 to 17 year olds tomorrow, some places like Beijing, Hubei and Sichuan have already begun inoculating【接种】 youngsters. The commission said parents shouldn’t over worry about side effects【副作用】 since fewer teenagers experience them compared to adults.12-17岁人群接种新冠疫苗总剂次数超过6000万剂。8月14日,上海启动15至17岁青少年新冠疫苗接种,目前北京、湖北、四川等地均已陆续开展青少年接种工作。国家卫健委还指出,家长们无需过度担心青少年接种新冠疫苗会产生不良反应,其发生率并不高于成人。INTERVIEW:Wang Huaqing, Chief Expert, China CDC王华庆,中国疾控中心免疫规划首席专家Parents need to relax when taking their children to get inoculated and they need to tell their children not to be nervous. This will reduce psychogenic reactions.在接种疫苗的过程中,我们的家长和监护人陪着儿童去接种疫苗时,自己要放松,同时也要想办法不让孩子紧张,这样就可以大大减少心因性反应。The commission also said more than 777 million people on the mainland had been fully vaccinated as of yesterday, accounting for more than half of the population. It added that over 1.83 billion doses of coronavirus vaccines had been administered.会上还透露,截至8月12日,超7.7亿人完成全程接种,已超过全国一半人口。全国累计报告接种新冠疫苗18亿3245万剂次。2. AFTER-SCHOOL TUTORING SERVICES EXPAND RANGE OF CLASSES“双减”落地,课外班拓展真·兴趣课程The Ministry of Education recently introduced a set of guidelines to clamp down on【严格限制】 excessive homework being assigned and off-campus tutoring for students in grades 1 through 9. The guidelines also cover improving the quality of education and after-class services in schools. Zhang Yue tells us what some parents and students in Shanghai think about the changes.近日,教育部出台《关于进一步减轻义务教育阶段学生作业负担和校外培训负担的意见》,并从提高课堂教学质量、提升课后服务等方面明确了具体要求。那么,目前上海如何应对“双减”政策?来看记者的调查。At an off-campus tutoring center, parents are waiting to pick up their children. Some parents said they have already signed their child up for extra classes next month.一家培训机构门前,家长们正等着接孩子下课,不少人已为孩子报名了开学后的培训班。INTERVIEW:Student学生My teacher at the center said class will be as usual from Monday to Friday next month after the new semester starts. There will be no class on weekends.老师说(开学以后)周一到周五还是会有的,星期六星期天就没有了。Since the guidelines were released, off-campus training centers including Xueersi and New Oriental said they have already canceled classes featuring curriculum subjects that were scheduled on weekends. The guidelines also said off-campus training centers are not permitted to offer classes taught by foreign personnel who reside overseas. Under the new rules, training centers stopped selling online courses and shifted to other options.“双减”政策一经出台,学而思、新东方等培训机构便取消了安排在周末的学科类课程。由于《意见》规定“严禁聘请在境外的外籍人员开展培训活动”,不少机构暂停网络授课业务,另寻出路。INTERVIEW:EF Youth English Employee上海英孚青少年英语工作人员We had overseas teachers teaching classes both online and offline. Now we canceled our online classes and have foreign teachers based here who teach classes.我们也有一批境外的老师,只不过我们原来小学组是线上线下相结合,现在只招线下课,线上课不做了。Since June this year, many off-campus training centers have expanded their range of subjects to cover art, PE, and science. Experts say the new guidelines require supporting measures so they can be implemented easily, and parents also need to adjust their expectations regarding homework and help their children.今年6月开始,不少校外培训机构拓展其教学科目,开设美术、体育、科学等兴趣课程。专家表示,为保证《意见》顺利施行,有关部门需强化配套治理,家长们也应理性确定孩子成长预期,努力形成减负共识。INTERVIEW:Xiong Bingqi, Vice President, 21stCentury Education Research Institute熊丙奇,21世纪教育研究院院长If parents are more anxious than before, these off-campus training centers will likely move underground. Then the goal of reducing the burden on students will not be realized.如果家长对于这个培训需求没有疏导的话,那可能还会导致一个问题,那就是培训机构从以前的公开合法转向家庭、转向地下,这样的话既没有减轻学生的负担,也没有减轻家长的焦虑。Many said they are trying to balance their studying.许多家长、学生表示,他们正在积极配合“双减”政策。INTERVIEW:Student学生If you have self discipline and can learn independently, it doesn’t matter whether you go to after school tutoring or not. You need to make the best use of the time at school.有自学能力,有没有(培训班)都是一回事。所以(学校里)这点时间还是要抓住,很宝贵。INTERVIEW:Parent家长I think children should be given more opportunities to learn other things, including taking part in activities like chess and swimming.参加参加围棋、游泳、都行,我觉得小朋友应该全面一点。The Ministry of Education has pledged to adopt a strict approval and supervision【监管】 system of off-campus tutoring programs featuring curriculum subjects such as math and physics.教育部表示,将进一步建立健全审批、监管制度,对面向义务教育阶段学生的学科类校外培训机构严加管理。3. PAKISTAN SAYS ATTACK THAT KILLED 9 CHINESE WAS A SUICIDE BOMBING实施者已锁定!巴基斯坦公布“恐袭案”最新进展Pakistani Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi addressed a news conference in Islamabad alongside a top investigator yesterday, saying that last month’s bus attack that killed nine Chinese nationals was a suicide bombing. It was carried out by Islamist militants【武装分子】 backed【支持,依靠】 by Indian and Afghan intelligence agencies. Lei Shuran has more.8月12日,巴基斯坦政府召开新闻发布会,公布巴方对7月14号发生的达苏恐袭事件的最新调查进展,共有9位中国公民在此次事件中遇难。巴方通报称,袭击者属于巴基斯坦塔利班组织,袭击得到了印度和阿富汗情报部门的支持。Around 100 to 120 kilograms of high explosives【炸药】 were used in the bombing, leading into deaths of 13 people dead, including the 9 Chinese nationals. Forensic examination of the suicide bomber’s remains showed the attacker was not a Pakistani national.此次事件中引爆的炸药重约100到120千克,造成包括9名中方承建人员在内的 13人死亡。自杀式袭击人员在经法医尸检后被确认为非巴基斯坦公民。Video footage, cell phone data analysis, the discovery of local handlers and facilitators and the examination of the car used in the bombing all revealed that the TTP, an umbrella movement of militant groups linked to al-Qaeda and Islamic State based in Afghanistan had planned this attack.警方调查交通监控录像、手机通话记录,并对当地经手人进行审问、对袭击车辆检查,种种证据都将矛头指向阿富汗武装组织——巴基斯坦塔利班(TTP),该恐怖组织与基地组织和伊斯兰国联系密切。From the interrogation【审问】 of the two handlers, Ayaz and Hussain, it has become clear that the three main characters who are present in Afghanistan had planned this entire thing, and they got all their guidance, all their directions, all their facilitation【引导】, from senior officials of RAW and NDS in Afghanistan.经过对两名经手人阿亚兹和侯赛因的审讯可知,达苏恐袭案的3名主谋目前都在阿富汗境内,他们策划了整起袭击,并从印度和阿富汗的高级情报人员处得到指导和协助。China’s foreign ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying said China appreciates the efforts made by Pakistan in investigating the terrorist attack. Hua said further investigation by Pakistan is still ongoing. China and Pakistan will follow the important consensus【共识】 reached by the leaders of the two countries, ascertain【查明】 all the facts, and bring those responsible to justice.中国外交部发言人华春莹表示,中方高度关注巴方对有关恐袭事件调查工作在较短时间内取得重大进展,对巴方所作积极努力表示赞赏。目前,巴方进一步调查仍在进行之中。双方将按照两国领导人达成的重要共识,查明所有事实真相,在此基础上追究和严惩肇事真凶。In the meantime, she said both countries will keep strengthening security cooperation mechanisms to ensure the safety of Chinese people, projects and institutions in Pakistan.同时,双方将继续升级和强化安保合作机制,确保中方在巴项目、人员和机构安全。#热词加油站contain【控制】inoculate【接种】side effect【副作用】clamp down on【严格限制】supervision【监管】back【支持,依靠】explosive【炸药】interrogation【审问】facilitation【引导】consensus【共识】ascertain【查明】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”
8/16/20216 minutes, 24 seconds
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Double Seventh Day “七”待与你,“夕”望是你

The Double Seventh Festival isn’t a shopping festival like Double 5 or Double 11, it’s actually one of China’s traditional festivals,七夕节. It falls on the 7th day of the 7th Chinese lunar month. The festival is about the same age as the Great Wall of China, meaning it dates back 2,000 years. On May 20th, 2006, it was added to the National Intangible Cultural Heritage list by the State Council of China.七夕节, also known as Chinese Valentine's Day, is rooted in the legend about a cowherd 牛郎, a human being, and weaving girl 织女, a fairy. They fell in love at first sight and married. 牛郎 didn’t know that 织女 was a fairy and the seventh daughter of the Queen of heaven 王母娘娘. When the Queen of Heaven found out that 织女 had married to a mere mortal, she was furious and sent celestial soldiers to bring 织女 back. She removed her hairpin and created a huge river, known as the Milky Way, to separate the couple. However, their love was so strong and moved all the magpies, which formed a bridge over the river, and later they were allowed to meet each other once a year on the 7th day of the 7th lunar month.A famous Chinese poem 鹊桥仙 was written based on this legend. It says 两情若是久长时,又岂在朝朝暮暮,If love between both sides can last for aye,why need they stay together night and day? Renowned poet William Shakespeare in his Sonnet 116 said Love alters not with brief hours and weeks, but bears it out even to the edge of doom. It seems that love has long been an eternal theme for poets regardless of time or place.Here in Shanghai, we’ve got so many places that are full of love. 甜爱 Road is one of them, as its name indicates Sweet Love. Lovers would head to 甜爱 Road to take photos to record some sweet moments. The Blind Date Corner 相亲角 in People’s Park is also a place of love. Parents of single adults flock to the park in search of a spouse for their son or daughter. Take a stroll along the Bund in the daytime and you can explore the Lover’s Wall that measures 1700 meters long. It was a flood control wall and became a popular hangout for dating couples in the 1970s and 1980s. Thousands of young lovers used to come here on dates. Now the place is decorated with flowers and plants to add a more romantic vibe.In fact, no matter how you spend Valentine’s Day, what really matters is whom you spend it with. 愿天下有情人终成眷属!
8/14/20212 minutes, 16 seconds
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08/13 TOP OF THE DAY 上海12-15岁人群疫苗接种/ 陆家嘴"十四五“规划/ 外交部回应

NEWS ON 8/131.VACCINATION RESERVATIONS OPEN FOR TEENS 15-17@少年们,快来一起打苗苗2.LUJIAZUI SETS COURSE TO BECOME WORLD-CLASS FINANCE HUB IN 5 YEARS未来五年陆家嘴如何面向全球?陆家嘴“十四五”规划发布3.CHINA FIRMLY REJECTS U.S. SENATE’S APPROVAL OF TAIWAN RELATED BILL美加紧操弄“台湾入世卫”,外交部回应来了!-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1.VACCINATION RESERVATIONS OPEN FOR TEENS 15-17@少年们,快来一起打苗苗Shanghai has unveiled its coronavirus vaccination plan for youths aged between 12 and 17. The first group of reservations【预约】 for teenagers aged between 15 and 17 opened today, attracting many parents. Song Wenjing has more.上海将分步启动12至17岁人群新冠疫苗登记预约接种。今日(8.12日)首批开放预约接种的是15至17周岁青少年,不少家长已为孩子进行了登记预约。At around 9 o’clock in the morning, Xu Ruofei, a grade 12 student made reservations for a coronavirus vaccination via the "jiankangyun" health cloud app with her mother. She is required to fill in her personal information, and choose "voluntarily vaccinate".上午九点多,开学后即将升入高三的许同学,在家和妈妈一起在“健康云”App上预约疫苗接种,家长登录系统后,进入"未成年人登记"入口,填写基本身份信息,选择愿意接种,就能预约第一针接种。INTERVIEW:Xv Ruofei, 12thGrader许若菲上海高三学生Today’s reservation went smoothly. I will feel safer when I go out later on.今天约得还是挺顺利的。约完以后,感觉以后出去就更有安全感了。Parents can make reservations for their teenagers via the health cloud app, Shanghai public service app Suishenban, or WeChat accounts of the city government and disease prevention and control center. Parents have to be authenticated【验证】 with their real names. An informed consent form provides information about the vaccine and contraindications. If schools arrange vaccinations for students, parents don’t need to make a reservation.家长可以通过“健康云”app、上海市公共服务app“随申办”、市政府和疾病预防中心微信账号为孩子预约。父母必须用他们的真名进行认证。知情同意书上为父母和孩子提供关于疫苗和禁忌症的信息。但如果孩子学校通知将对登记学生统一安排后续接种,家长就无须再进行操作。INTERVIEW:Huang Zhuoying, Immunization Dept., Shanghai CDC黄卓英市疾控中心规划免疫所所长Some districts or schools will arrange group vaccinations and parents will only need to follow school instructions. If schools don’t organize it, parents can choose a vaccination site near their home.有些区,有些学校,是组织集体预约登记接种的,就是一个学校统一在一个接种点接种。那么在这种情况下,只要听学校的安排就可以了。有些学校学生是全市招生,居住地散在全市各个区,为了方便这部分学生接种,这类学校家长是要自己选择居住地就近的接种点。If juveniles【青少年】 have health problems, they can cancel the reservation. Doctors say the side effects in children aged 12 to 17 is the same as adults. Some groups are advised not to take the vaccine, for example, individuals with a blood, nervous system or heart disease, as well as rare diseases.如果孩子健康情况出现变化,需要暂缓接种,登记系统里可以一键取消预约。医生表示,12到17岁的儿童和成年人一样会有副作用。建议患有血液、神经系统疾病或心脏病以及罕见疾病的人群暂时不要接种新冠疫苗。INTERVIEW:Cao Qing, Infectious Diseases Dept., Shanghai Children’s Medical Center曹清上海儿童医学中心感染科主任Doctors can determine whether a teen’s disease is stable enough for vaccination. Hematology and infectious disease specialists will make the decision together if a student has a blood disease. If one of them had chemotherapy【化疗】 after stem cell transplants, we will determine if their immune system is strong enough.根据之前他做的实验室检查结果来判断他是不是在稳定期,再判断这一类慢性疾病患者能不能接种。如果血液系统疾病,其实我们这的评估门诊是有血液专科医生,感染科医生共同进行判断。在化疗后,移植后,他的免疫功能有没有重建,重建以后我们是可以进行疫苗接种的。Cao said children with such diseases are at higher risk of being infected by the coronavirus, and could suffer from more severe symptoms if infected. So doctors recommend they be vaccinated if conditions permit.曹清表示,患有此类疾病的儿童感染新冠病毒的风险更高,如果感染,症状可能会更严重。所以医生建议在条件允许的情况下进行疫苗接种。2.LUJIAZUI SETS COURSE TO BECOME WORLD-CLASS FINANCE HUB IN 5 YEARS未来五年陆家嘴如何面向全球?陆家嘴“十四五”规划发布Shanghai’s Lujiazui aims to become a world-class financial hub in the next 5 years, according to a plan released today by the Lujiazui Administration Bureau. The 14th Five-Year Plan for the Lujiazui Financial and Trade Zone of the Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone calls for the financial district to rival the world’s top financial hubs in the level of openness and internationalization. Sun Siqi has more.《自贸试验区陆家嘴片区发展"十四五"规划》正式发布。《规划》明确,"十四五"时期,陆家嘴金融城将建设成为上海国际金融中心核心区和与中国国际地位相匹配的国际一流金融城。According to today’s announcement, Lujiazui will accelerate the construction of a global renminbi financial asset allocation【分配】 center, a world-class base for corporate headquarters and a top demonstration area for first-class business environment during the 14th Five-year plan period. By 2025, Lujiazui is expected to have more than 10,000 financial institutions, and 200 regional headquarters of multinational companies.根据规划,十四五期间,陆家嘴将加快建设全球人民币金融资产配置中心、世界级总部功能集聚高地和国际化一流营商环境示范区。到2025年,陆家嘴将累计集聚各类金融机构突破10000家;跨国公司地区总部数量实现翻番,达到200家。INTERVIEW:Liang Qing, Deputy Director, Lujiazui Administrative Bureau梁庆上海自贸区陆家嘴管理局副局长With further internationalization of the renminbi, overseas institutional investors will look for opportunities in the Chinese currency, and we will arrange more channels for them to do so.还有人民币国际化以后,境外的投资机构,怎么样更好地投资人民币的一些资产,这方面下一步也会有更多的通道来安排。INTERVIEW:Xu Jing, Deputy Director, Finance & Shipping Office, Lujiazui Administrative Bureau徐璟 上海自贸区陆家嘴管理局金航处副处长Lujiazui has the best ecosystem for foreign investment. We hope that more leading investment banks from around the world will come to this financial city and establish their workplace.陆家嘴有适合外资发展的最优的生态圈,期待着有更多的在全球各地领先的投资银行都会到我们金融城来,设立相关的机构。The area will also provide a complete finance industrial chain and an unrivaled business environment, hoping to become a magnet for financial talents and employers.陆家嘴将进一步打造完整的金融产业链与良好的营商环境,吸引更多金融人才及投资者。3.CHINA FIRMLY REJECTS U.S. SENATE’S APPROVAL OF TAIWAN RELATED BILL美加紧操弄“台湾入世卫”,外交部回应来了!The Chinese Foreign Ministry today voiced its strong dissatisfaction and firm rejection of the U.S. Senate’s recent approval of a bill, concerning Taiwan’s participation in the World Health Organization.外交部今日(8.12日)表示,中方对美国国会参议院通过了“要求美国国务卿制定战略使台湾重获世界卫生组织观察员地位”议案的行径表示强烈不满和坚决反对。Foreign ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying today responded that China firmly rejects the U.S. Senate’s move, and has lodged solemn representations with the U.S. side. Hua said that according to resolutions of the United Nations General Assembly and the World Health Assembly, the participation of China’s Taiwan region in WHO events must be handled following the one-China principle. Hua urged the U.S. Congress to fully recognize the highly sensitive nature of the Taiwan question, refrain from helping the Taiwan region expand so-called "international space" and stop sending signals to "Taiwan independence" forces.外交部发言人华春莹今日(8.12日)表示,中方对美国国会参议院的行径表示强烈不满和坚决反对,已向美方提出严正交涉。根据联合国大会和世界卫生大会相关决议,中国台湾地区参与世卫组织活动必须按照一个中国原则来处理。中方敦促美国国会充分认清台湾问题的高度敏感性,恪守一个中国原则和中美三个联合公报规定,遵守国际法和国际关系基本准则,不助台拓展所谓“国际空间”,不要向“台独”势力发出任何错误信号。#热词加油站reservations【预约】authenticate【验证】juveniles【青少年】chemotherapy【化疗】allocation【分配】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
8/13/20214 minutes, 44 seconds
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08/12 TOP OF THE DAY 上海青少年接种疫苗/小米目标全球第一/梅西加盟“大巴黎”

NEWS ON 8/121. INOCULATION FOR CHILDREN 15-17 STARTS TOMORROW IN SH青少年们苗苗苗!上海启动15至17岁人群登记预约接种2. CHINA SMARTPHONE GIANT XIAOMI AIMS AT GLOBAL HANDSET TOP SPOT三年内全球第一!雷军定了一个小目标3. MESSI LANDS IN FRANCE TO JOIN PARIS SAINT-GERMAIN泪别巴萨,重新出发!梅西正式加盟法国巴黎圣日耳曼俱乐部-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1. INOCULATION FOR CHILDREN 15-17 STARTS TOMORROW IN SH青少年们苗苗苗!上海启动15至17岁人群登记预约接种Now Shanghai will begin inoculating children against the coronavirus tomorrow. Here’s Sun Siqi with the story.根据国务院联防联控机制工作部署,上海近日将分步启动12至17岁人群新冠疫苗登记预约接种。Local children between the ages of 15 and 17 can be registered for an appointment to get vaccinated. They will receive a two-dose inactivated vaccine from either Sinovac or Sinopharm. Both dosage and suggested interval【间隔】 are the same as for adults. Arrangements will be made later for local children aged 12 to 14, as well as 12 to 17 year-old children from outside the Chinese Mainland. A Shanghai CDC expert says most adverse reactions【不良反应】 are limited to soreness and swelling in the area of the shot.8月12日起,将先行启动15至17岁人群登记预约接种。接种的疫苗为国药中生北京所和科兴中维新冠病毒灭活疫苗,全程接种2剂次。使用剂量、剂型和间隔时间上都与此前成人接种方案一致。12-14岁人群新冠疫苗登记预约接种时间另行通知。12-17岁外籍人士、港澳台同胞、华人华侨根据有关部署安排另外适时启动接种工作。上海疾控中心专家表示,青少年接种后的主要不良反应现象还是接种部位的红肿、硬结、疼痛等。INTERVIEWSun Xiaodong, Deputy DirectorShanghai CDC孙晓冬,上海市疾控该中心副主任、免疫规划专家There are no significant differences in adverse reaction data in clinical trials versus in actual inoculations. Our clinical data support that this group of people can be safely inoculated.从临床试验数据来看,跟已经接种过的这部分人群的副反应发生情况来看,并没有显示有明显差异,临床试验的数据足以支持我们对这部分人群开展接种。Doctors say parents should follow the same inoculation guidelines as for adults, including who should not be getting the vaccine. Experts reminded parents that they should wait if their child is ill, and that they can call the 12320 health hotline or consult medical personnel at a vaccination clinic or pediatric【儿科的】 hospital for more information.接种禁忌症方面,也与18岁及以上成人一致。若身体不适,则应等待恢复健康后再接种疫苗。家长如有新冠疫苗接种相关问题,可拨打12320上海卫生健康热线,也可向疫苗接种点的工作人员或儿童专科医院的"预防接种评估门诊"咨询。INTERVIEWSun Xiaodong, Deputy DirectorShanghai CDC孙晓冬,上海市疾控该中心副主任、免疫规划专家Our data increasingly show that adolescents are susceptible【易感的】 to the coronavirus. There are cases of hospitalization, severe infection and even death among this group. It is equally essential to inoculate these people.现在有越来越多的数据表明,其实这部分(青少年、儿童)人群还是非常容易受到新冠病毒的侵袭的,也就是说他们同样是新冠病毒的易感人群。而且在这部分发病的人群当中,同样也会有重症,会有住院,甚至于会有死亡,所以对他们开展接种也是非常必要的。Parents can make an appointment for their child on either the Suishenban or Healthcare Cloud app. As of yesterday, more than 1.8 billion doses of coronavirus vaccines had been administered across the mainland.家长(监护人)可以通过"健康云"APP、"随申办"移动端等在线登记预约。截至昨天(10日),全国新冠疫苗接种已超18亿剂次。2.CHINA SMARTPHONE GIANT XIAOMI AIMS AT GLOBAL HANDSET TOP SPOT三年内全球第一!雷军定了一个小目标Smartphone giant Xiaomi intends to become the world’s largest smartphone maker within three years, according to its CEO.  小米CEO雷军昨日(10日)表示,小米下一个目标是用三年时间做到全球手机份额第一。According to researcher IDC, Xiaomi accounted for almost 17% of the global handset【手机】 market in the second quarter of this year, topping Apple’s 14.1%, but behind Samsung’s 18.8%.国际数据调研公司IDC报告显示,2021年第二季度,小米以17%的份额超过苹果的14.1%,攀升至全球第二位,三星手机的市场份额为18.8%,继续位列全球第一。Xiaomi launched its latest Mix 4 handset yesterday, saying it is now seriously eyeing high-end phones. Previously the company’s sales have come primarily from the middle- and low-end markets.8月10日,小米正式发布小米 MIX4,争夺高端市场。小米从“出道”至今,销量主要依赖中低端市场。3. MESSI LANDS IN FRANCE TO JOIN PARIS SAINT-GERMAIN泪别巴萨,重新出发!梅西正式加盟法国巴黎圣日耳曼俱乐部Leo Messi’s departure from Barcelona is official. Following his tearful farewell to Barcelona on Sunday, the 34-year-old Argentine signed a two-year deal yesterday with Paris Saint Germain of France’s Ligue one with an option for a third year. Zhang Yue has the story.周日(8日),34岁的阿根廷前锋梅西含泪挥别巴塞罗那俱乐部,正式加盟法国巴黎圣日耳曼俱乐部。双方签约两年,并包含第三年的续约选项。Messi arrived in Paris yesterday afternoon to finalize his signing with Ligue 1 giants PSG.昨日(10日),梅西抵达巴黎,与"大巴黎"俱乐部正式签约。INTERVIEWLionel MessiPSG Player梅西,巴黎圣日耳曼队球员I want to carry on competing and I still harbour【心怀】 ambitions to win another Champions League trophy. I want to achieve that goal and that’s also the reason why I came here. Thanks again to Paris Saint-Germain for inviting me to join the club.我希望不断前进,去赢得奖杯。这是我加盟"大巴黎"俱乐部的原因,我希望能实现这一目标,我要感谢"大巴黎"俱乐部的邀请。Messi will wear the number 30 shirt. The arrival of Barcelona’s all-time record scorer is expected to boost PSG’s ambition to win the Champions League for the first time.梅西将身披30号代表"大巴黎"出战新赛季。而对于"大巴黎"俱乐部,今夏成功签约巴萨第一人梅西,也是"大巴黎"向 队史首座欧冠奖杯发起冲击的最重要一步。INTERVIEWNasser Al-Khelaifi, CEO & PresidentParis St Germain纳赛尔,巴黎圣日耳曼俱乐部主席Everyone knows that our goal is to win the championship of all competitions and I believe we’re getting closer to that goal with the arrival of Messi.每个人都知道,我们的目标就是赢得所有比赛,赢得所有冠军。这一点没有改变,现在有了梅西,我们距离这一目标更近了。Hundreds of fans had been waiting at the airport since Monday after Messi was linked with PSG after his shock departure from Barcelona was announced.在得知梅西与巴萨解约,并加盟“大巴黎”后,上百名球迷从周一开始就聚集在机场,等待梅西的到来。INTERVIEWFans of Messi巴黎球迷It will be crazy, personally and with the matches, we’ll chant his name. A legend is coming. I hope he knows that it’s been three days that we have been waiting for him.太疯狂了,我们喊着梅西的名字,我们迎来了一位传奇巨星。希望他知道,我们已经在这里等了三天了。French media reported that he had passed his medical ahead of signing with PSG. He was staying at the posh Le Royal Monceau hotel, located a few blocks away from the Champs Elysees. The 34-year-old striker had spent has entire career at Barcelona, scoring 672 goals in 778 appearances. He won four Champions Leagues and 10 domestic league titles with Barcelona.据法国媒体报道,梅西已完成了签约前的体检,目前下榻皇家蒙梭酒店,距香榭丽舍大街仅几个街区。34岁的梅西此前效力西甲巴塞罗那俱乐部长达21年,一共为巴萨一线队出战778场比赛,打进672粒进球,是队史最佳射手,并为巴萨赢得了10个西甲联赛冠军和4个欧洲冠军联赛冠军。#热词加油站interval【间隔】adverse reaction【不良反应】pediatric【儿科的】susceptible【易感的】handset【手机】harbor【心怀】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
8/12/20214 minutes, 9 seconds
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08/11 TOP OF THE DAY 奥运健儿获五四奖章/离线版健康码/希腊山火肆虐

NEWS ON 08/111.CHINA HONORS OLYMPIC ATHLETES奥运健儿荣获“五四奖章”,向优秀青年学习!2.SENIORS PROVIDED WITH OFF-LINE HEALTH CODES离线版“随申码”上线,老人出行不再愁!3.FIREFIGHTERS CONTINUE TO BATTLE BLAZES IN GREECE希腊山火持续肆虐,总理向国民道歉-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1.CHINA HONORS OLYMPIC ATHLETES奥运健儿荣获“五四奖章”,向优秀青年学习!The Central Committee of the Communist Youth League of China and the All-China Youth Federation yesterday awarded May Fourth Medals to young athletes who participated in the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games in recognition of【为表彰】their outstanding performances. They included shooter Yang Qian, swimmer Zhang Yufei and diver Quan Hongchan.为表彰我国青少年运动员在东京奥运会的突出贡献,共青团中央、全国青联昨日(9日)决定,授予杨倩、张雨霏、全红婵等奥运健儿“中国青年五四奖章”。Among those honored were the women’s and men’s table tennis teams, and 39 young athletes. 213 athletes arrived at Beijing Capital International Airport yesterday afternoon after their fine performances at the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games. They were later driven to hotels to complete quarantine.共青团中央、全国青联决定授予中国女子乒乓球队、中国男子乒乓球队2个青年集体“中国青年五四奖章集体”,授予39名奥运健儿“中国青年五四奖章”。昨天(9日)下午,参加东京奥运会的最后一批中国体育代表团成员共213人抵达北京首都国际机场,他们将在隔离酒店直至隔离期结束。INTERVEW:Chen LijunMen’s 67kg Weightlifting Gold Medalist谌利军 东京奥运会举重男子67公斤级冠军“I feel so proud and lucky that I got the opportunity to win glory for my country after years of hard training.”感觉运动员这种这么多年的刻苦,能去为祖国尽一份力,感觉很荣幸、很光荣。Most athletes and coaches are expected to be at the 14th National Games of the People’s Republic of China, which are next month in Shaanxi Province. One athlete said she is looking forward to future events, including the 2024 Paris Olympics.从东京奥运会回国的大部分运动员、教练员都将参加下个月在陕西举行的全运会。运动员表示,期待参加全运会,并积极备战2024巴黎奥运会。INTERVEW:Yang ShuyuWomen’s 3x3 Basketball Bronze Medalist杨舒予 东京奥运会女子三人篮球铜牌获得者“I have learned a lot during the Tokyo trip, both mentally and skills-wise. I will keep practicing to perform my best in the future.”无论是技术还是心态都在(东京)奥运之旅得到了不小的磨练和收获。自己也会将收获和出现的问题尽快打磨,努力将之后的比赛赛出水平、赛出风格。The youth organizations called on young people across the country to learn from athletes and improve their skills through hard work.共青团中央、全国青联号召全国广大青少年向中国体育健儿学习。2.SENIORS PROVIDED WITH OFF-LINE HEALTH CODES离线版“随申码”上线,老人出行不再愁!An off-line code function was introduced for seniors in Shanghai who are not familiar with online applications. Seniors can go to administrative service centers, community affairs service centers and telecom operator’s business halls across the city to apply for the off-line health code【健康码】.近日,上海为不熟悉线上操作的老年人提供了随申码离线服务。老年人可前往全市多个行政服务中心、社区事务受理中心以及通信运营商的营业厅申请随申码离线服务。At 9 o’clock in the morning, Ms. Liu went to her local community affairs service center in Minhang District’s Wujing Town. She managed to print the code from a machine in two minutes.上午9点,刘阿姨来到位于闵行区吴泾镇的社区事务受理中心。仅两分钟时间,刘阿姨就成功从机器上打印出了随申码。INTERVEW:Shanghai Resident上海市民“I think it’s convenient for us seniors, so I came here to apply.”看到新闻说了,觉得这个很好,所以我们今天就迫不及待地过来办了,方便我们老年人。At a China Unicom business hall in Changning District, some seniors were also printing their off-line health codes with the help of employees there.在位于长宁区的中国联通营业厅,工作人员也在引导老人打印离线码。INTERVEW:Shanghai Resident上海市民“Previously I seldom went out, because I didn’t know how to get a health QR code. But now it’s very convenient for me to get things done using the off-line health code.”以前我不太敢出门,因为出门要看随申码,我又不会弄。现在有了这个离线码方便多了,我就可以自己行动。The off-line health code is only offered to those over the age of 60, and its period of validity is 180 days. After 180 days, users are required to reapply. If users lose the paper-printed code, they can report the loss and reapply at the machine. Only one application can be submitted by an individual per day.目前,离线码的申领只针对60周岁及以上老年人。一旦过了180天的有效期,则需要重新申领。如果纸质离线码不慎遗失,可以在线下的自主终端机报告遗失,并在机器上重新申领。每人每天只能补领一次。INTERVIEW:Zhang Chun, Deputy DirectorWujing Town Community Affairs Service Center张淳 上海市闵行区吴泾镇社区事务受理服务中心副主任“You can take a photo of the code and save it in your cellphone. A clear photo can also be used for daily scanning.”只要将二维码拍照,留存清晰就可以了,也是同样可以进行扫描确认的。If seniors don’t know how to use mobile applications to detail their travel history, they can send a short message to designated telecom operators, and their travel history code will be sent back to them by SMS.老年人如果不知道如何使用手机端应用程序来展示行程,也可以向指定的通信运营商发送短信。行程卡将通过短信及时发回给老人。3.FIREFIGHTERS CONTINUE TO BATTLE BLAZES IN GREECE希腊山火持续肆虐,总理向国民道歉Firefighters and residents continued to tackle【应付】fires on Greece’s second-largest island for an eighth day on Tuesday as the country endured what the prime minister described as "a natural disaster of unprecedented proportions."到本周二,希腊第二大岛埃维亚岛的山火已持续8天,当地消防队员和居民仍在努力扑救。希腊总理称此次大火为“前所未有的自然灾害”。Smoke and ash from Evia, a rugged island of forests and coves close to the Greek mainland, blocked out the sun and turned the sky orange. The massive fire, which began on August 3, is the most severe of the hundreds of fires Greece has been enduring throughout the past week, destroying pristine【原始状态的】pine forests as well as homes and businesses and forcing the evacuation of hundreds of people by sea. Greece has been hit by its worst heat wave in three decades, which sent temperatures up to 45 degrees Celsius and turned its prized pine forests into tinderboxes【火药桶】.埃维亚岛邻近希腊大陆,岛上森林、水湾遍布。如今,烟雾和火山灰遮住了太阳,将天空染成橙色。希腊在过去一周中经历了数百场大火,而这场始于8月3日的大火无疑是其中最严重的一场。原始松树林、房屋、厂房被摧毁,数百人被迫从海上撤离。希腊遭受了30年来最强热浪的侵袭,气温高达45摄氏度,珍贵的松树林成了一点就燃的火药桶。INTERVIEW:Mina, Resident米娜 当地居民“Terrible. I cannot explain to you, like a horror movie.”(山火)太可怕了,没法用言语来形容,就像是一场恐怖电影。Hundreds of protesters gathered outside parliament in Athens on Monday over the government’s handling of the wildfires. The Prime Minister of Greece apologized on Monday for failures in tackling the devastating event.周一,数百名示威者聚集在希腊议会大厦外举行抗议活动,表达对政府应对火灾反应迟缓的不满。当天,希腊总理就未能应对各地火灾道歉。INTERVIEW:Kyriakos Mitsotakis米佐塔基斯 希腊总理“I will be the first to apologize for any weaknesses. I fully understand the pain of those who watched their homes and properties burn, and the frustration of those who were evacuated from their hometowns.”对灭火工作中的任何纰漏,我是第一责任人,应该向国民道歉。我完全理解那些目睹房屋和财产被毁的灾民内心的痛苦,被迫疏散的居民的沮丧。Mitsotakis announced that a supplementary support package of 500 million euros will made available to people who have lost homes and property in the fire-stricken areas of Attica and Evia island. During the last two weeks, fires also have burned tens of thousands of hectares of forest in Turkey’s Mediterranean and Aegean provinces, killing eight people and forcing thousands to flee to safety. In neighboring Italy, Venice’s St. Mark’s Square flooded twice over the weekend, which is unusual and out of season in the month of August. The Venice municipality【市】said water levels rose to 1 meter on Saturday evening. The floods are caused by a combination of factors exacerbated【使恶化】by climate change, including rising sea levels and unusually high tides, as well as land subsidence【地面下沉】.米佐塔基斯表示,政府将从国家预算中拨款5亿欧元,用于资助雅典所在阿提卡大区和埃维亚岛火灾中失去家园的民众。过去两周,大火还烧毁了土耳其南部地中海和爱琴海地区数万公顷的森林,造成8人死亡,数千人紧急撤离至安全地带。近日,意大利也遭遇反常天气,威尼斯的圣马可广场在周末两次遭水淹。威尼斯市政当局表示,周六晚水位已上升至1米。此次洪水是由气候变化加剧等多种因素造成的,包括海平面上升、潮汐异常以及地面沉降等。#热词加油站in recognition of【为表彰...】health code【健康码】tackle【应付】pristine【原始状态的】tinderbox【火药桶】municipality【市】exacerbate【使恶化】land subsidence【地面下沉】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
8/11/20215 minutes, 30 seconds
Episode Artwork

08/10 TOP OF THE DAY 北京冬奥会筹备/浦东生物医药改革/云南象群回家

NEWS ON 8/31. BEIJING GEARS UP FOR 2022 WINTER GAMES从东京到北京,2022北京冬奥会蓄势待发2. PUDONG INTRODUCES REFORMS FOR BIOPHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY改革之城再出新政,全新机制助力生物医药行业发展3. ASIAN ELEPHANTS APPROACH NATURAL HABITAT“离家出走”17个月,云南象群终于返乡-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1.BEIJING GEARS UP FOR 2022 WINTER GAMES从东京到北京,2022北京冬奥会蓄势待发All eyes are now on Beijing for the 2022 Winter Games, which are less than six months away. Zhang Yue has more.现在,距离2022年冬奥会开幕不到6个月的时间,全世界的目光都聚焦在了北京这座城市。Tang Xijing, who won a silver medal in the women’s balance beam at the Tokyo Olympics, said she invited the world to Beijing for the Winter Games.在东京奥运会上获得女子平衡木项目银牌的唐茜靖说,她邀请全世界都来参加北京冬奥会。Tang Xijing, Chinese gymnast唐茜靖,中国体操运动员Welcome to the Beijing Winter Olympics!欢迎大家来到北京冬奥会!The Winter Games are scheduled from February 4th to 20th. Beijing will become the first city to host both the Summer and Winter Olympics.冬奥会定于2月4日至20日举行。北京将成为第一个举办夏季和冬季奥运会的城市。Thomas Bach, IOC president巴赫,国际奥委会主席We can carry, maybe not all of the awareness, the international awareness to the Winter Games in China. And then China will add its own potential (to it) and this is really huge. So it’s proved to be, in this respect, a great combination.我们可以把国际上对奥运会这么高的关注度一直延续到中国的冬奥会。而且中国还将为冬奥会带来新的巨大的关注度。我想这就是东京奥运会和北京冬奥会某种特别的延续、合作和融合吧。All 12 venues hosting ice- and snow-based competitions in Beijing’s city proper, Yanqing District and Zhangjiakou in neighboring Hebei Province were put through their paces earlier this year through a series of tests. 8 of the 9 non-competitive venues, including the media center and Olympic Village, have already been completed. National Stadium renovations【翻新,改造】 will be completed by October.今年早些时候,在北京市区、延庆区和临近省河北的张家口市举办冰上和雪上项目的所有12个比赛场馆都通过了一系列测试。包括主媒体中心和奥运村在内的9个非竞赛场馆项目中有8个已经完工。国家体育场的改造工作也将于10月完成。2. PUDONG INTRODUCES REFORMS FOR BIOPHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY改革之城再出新政,全新机制助力生物医药行业发展Pudong New Area, as a "pioneer of socialist modernization", is reforming the biopharmaceutical industry by introducing a joint supervision【监管】 system in Zhangjiang Science City. It will help new drugs reach the market quicker than ever before. Yuan Chenyue has more.作为“社会主义现代化建设引领区”的浦东新区,正在向张江科学城引入联合监管机制,对生物医药行业进行改革。这将让新药比以往更快地进入市场。Fruquintinib, China’s first independently developed drug for the treatment of metastatic colon cancer, went on the market in 2019. It was produced by a drug maker in Zhangjiang. Although the company had no production line, it completed commercial production quickly due to a new policy.呋喹替尼是中国第一种独立研发的治疗转移性结直肠癌的药物,于2019年上市。它是由张江的一家制药厂生产的。尽管该公司并没有生产线,但由于新的政策,它很快实现了商业化生产。Su Weiguo, Shanghai Hutchison Pharmaceuticals苏慰国,上海和黄医药首席科技官The new policy helped us reduce much early investment, and we didn’t need to spend money building a factory in the developing phase. We were able to outsource the production to others, but we are still responsible for the quality.新的政策帮助我们免除了很多早期的投资,我们不再需要在产品研发阶段就投入大量的资金去建厂。我们可以外包给任何人帮我们做生产,但是产品质量是我们负责。The company has 10 drugs in development. The company often needs special items such as microorganisms【微生物】 or blood, which require complicated customs approval procedures. Some items are required of overseas examination.该公司现有10种药物正在研发,时常需要一些特殊物品,例如微生物或血液样本,它们的入境需要通过复杂的审批程序,有些还要经过海外检测。Cui Yiling, Shanghai Hutchison Pharmaceuticals崔昳皊,上海和黄医药资深副总裁The reagent is special. We need small amounts, but we need it often. Reducing the clearance time can improve our efficiency.试剂很有特殊性,用量小,频率高,对时间性有要求。只有加快了进关的速度才会让整个研发过程变得更加顺畅、更加及时。To solve the problem, Pudong introduced a joint supervision system for biopharmaceuticals. A white list will be created that key RD companies can apply to join. A joint supervision platform will then be established for various authorities on risk control. Companies can apply for special items according to their needs. After receiving a customs clearance certificate, construction and transportation committees will supervise the transportation process. When the items arrive in the lab, 24-hour surveillance【监控】 cameras will be on and link with the health commission.为了解决这个问题,浦东推出了生物医药产业联合监管机制,将建立生物医药企业(研发机构)进口研发用物品“白名单”制度,各主要研发公司可以申请加入“白名单”。届时将为各风险防控部门建立联合监管平台,生物医药公司可根据需要申请入境研发用特殊物品。在收到清关证书后,建设和交通委员会将监督物品的运输过程。当这些物品到达实验室后,卫生健康委员会通过24小时监控摄像头进行实时监控。3. ASIAN ELEPHANTS APPROACH NATURAL HABITAT“离家出走”17个月,云南象群终于返乡The herd of 14 wild Asian elephants that has been roaming around south-west China’s Yunnan Province is approaching their natural habitat. Sun Siqi has more.一直在中国西南的云南省游荡的由14头野生亚洲象组成的北移象群,目前已经接近其自然栖息地。At about 8 p.m. Sunday, the herd crossed the Yuanjian River bridge with a little encouragement. According to the headquarters in charge of monitoring their migration, the herd could have not crossed the Yuanjiang River without using the road bridge as the water level is too high during the rainy season. More efforts will be made to ensure the security of the herd on their way back.周日(8日)晚8点左右,象群在人工引导下通过了元江桥。据负责监测它们迁移的现场指挥部称,由于雨季水位过高,如果不利用国道元江桥,象群不可能渡过元江。指挥部将继续科学引导,全力保障象群安全,帮助其尽快回归原栖息地。Shen Qingzhong, EngineerNatural Reserve’s Management Office沈庆仲,西双版纳国家级自然保护区管护局高级工程师Right now, it might have been an obstacle【障碍】 for them to cross the river. But now that they made it across the bridge, they’re much closer to their habitat.(元江)对它来说可能是一个天然障碍。现在它过去以后,离它的栖息地就更近了。It took the herd 3 minutes to cross the river since some of the younger elephants have grown during their journey. It has been around 17 months since the herd bid farewell to their natural habitat in a nature reserve in Yunnan’s Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture【地方行政区】.象群用了3分钟便过了河,其中的一些小象在先前的旅途中已经长大了。现在,距离象群告别它们在云南西双版纳傣族自治州自然保护区里的自然栖息地,已经过去了17个月。Shen Qingzhong, EngineerNatural Reserve’s Management Office沈庆仲,西双版纳国家级自然保护区管护局高级工程师Concerning how fast can they cross the bridge, apart from the food, it also has a lot to do with the younger elephants, and whether they can keep up with the speed of the rest of the herd.象群的迁移速度事实上除了跟食物有关系外,还跟小象能不能坚持下来很有关系。The elephants attracted nationwide attention after they left the reserve in Yunnan province last year and walked more than 500 kilometers north. They reached the outskirts Kunming, the provincial capital, in early June, before turning back towards the south. Local authorities have deployed personnel and drones to monitor the elephants, evacuated roads for them so that they could pass safely and used food to distract them from populated areas. The Yunnan provincial government said it will continue to help the elephant herd return to their natural habitat as soon as possible.这些大象去年离开云南省的自然保护区,向北走了500多公里,引起了全国的关注。它们于6月初到达省会昆明市郊,然后南返。相关部门已部署人员和无人机监测大象并疏散道路,以便它们能够安全通行,并利用食物使它们避开人口密集区。云南省政府表示,将继续帮助象群尽快返回其自然栖息地。#热词加油站renovation【翻新,改造】supervision【监督,监管】microorganism【微生物】surveillance【监控】obstacle【障碍】Prefecture【地方治安区,行政区】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
8/10/20215 minutes, 4 seconds
Episode Artwork

08/09 TOP OF THE DAY 新冠疫苗合作国际论坛/中国奥运38金收官/丁丁历险记特展

NEWS ON 08/091. CHINA CALLS FOR UNITY, MAKING VACCINES GLOBAL PUBLIC GOOD加强疫苗国际合作!中国践行疫苗“全球公共产品”大国承诺2. TEAM CHINA CONCLUDES TOKYO OLYMPICS WITH 38 GOLD, 88 MEDALS IN TOTAL38金32银18铜!中国奥运军团携88枚奖牌凯旋而归3. WORLD’S LARGEST TINTIN-THEMED EXHIBITION COMES TO SHANGHAI童年回忆杀!丁丁来中国历险啦-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1. CHINA CALLS FOR UNITY, MAKING VACCINES GLOBAL PUBLIC GOOD加强疫苗国际合作!中国践行疫苗“全球公共产品”大国承诺President Xi Jinping said yesterday that China will strive to provide 2 billion COVID-19 vaccine doses to the world this year and offer 100 million US dollars to the COVAX program, marking a further step in honoring its commitment【承诺】 to make vaccines a "global public good." Xi made the announcements in a written message to the first meeting of the International Forum on COVID-19 Vaccine Cooperation. Song Wenjing has more.8月5日,国家主席习近平向新冠疫苗合作国际论坛首次会议发表书面致辞。今年全年,中国将努力向全球提供 20亿剂疫苗,向“新冠疫苗实施计划”捐赠1亿美元,这是中国落实疫苗全球公共产品承诺的又一重大举措。The first meeting of the International Forum on COVID-19 Vaccine Cooperation highlighted the need to make vaccines a global public good, ensure fair and equitable【公平的】 distribution of vaccines, and increase the vaccine production capacity of developing countries.新冠疫苗合作国际论坛首次会议强调新冠疫苗作为全球公共产品的重要意义,推进全球疫苗公平合理分配,继续采取具体措施提升发展中国家疫苗产能。Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi chaired the meeting via video link under the theme "strengthening international cooperation on vaccines, promoting fair and equitable distribution of vaccines around the world."新冠疫苗合作国际论坛首次会议以视频方式举行,国务委员兼外长王毅主持会议。本次会议主题为“加强疫苗国际合作,推进全球疫苗公平合理分配”。Hailing China’s distributions in global vaccines cooperation, Wang noted several aspects in which China takes the lead, such as sharing the genetic sequence of the novel coronavirus with the world, providing vaccines to developing countries in need, cooperating with developing countries in vaccine production, and actively providing vaccines to the UN peacekeepers【维和人员】 and the International Olympic Committee.王毅强调,中国在疫苗国际合作中贡献突出,做到多个“率先”:中国率先向全球分享新冠病毒全基因序列,率先向有需要的发展中国家提供疫苗,率先同发展中国家开展疫苗合作生产。同时,中国积极向联合国维和人员及国际奥委会提供疫苗。Wang said China has been providing vaccines to countries in need since September 2020. It has donated vaccines to over 100 countries and is exporting vaccines to over 60 countries, with a total of over 770 million doses, ranking first in the world.王毅表示,中国自2020年9月起向有急需的国家提供疫苗,已经并正在向100多个国家捐助疫苗,同时向60多个国家出口疫苗,总量已超过7.7亿剂,居全球首位。He said China recently launched the Initiative【倡议】 for the Belt and Road Partnership on COVID-19 Vaccines Cooperation and welcomes more countries to join, adding that China conducts international vaccine cooperation with no political purpose, with no calculation of economic interests, and with no political strings attached.不久前,中国发起"一带一路"疫苗合作伙伴关系倡议,欢迎各国加入。同时,他强调中国开展疫苗国际合作,不谋求任何政治目的,没有任何经济利益盘算,也从不附加任何政治条件。2. TEAM CHINA CONCLUDES TOKYO OLYMPICS WITH 38 GOLD, 88 MEDALS IN TOTAL38金32银18铜!中国奥运军团携88枚奖牌凯旋而归China's flag bearer Su Bingtian marched on at the closing ceremony of the Tokyo 2020.8月8日东京奥运会闭幕式上,苏炳添作为中国奥运代表团旗手入场。By fielding 413 athletes, China has a strong presence at the Tokyo Games. It takes home 38 golds, 32 silvers and 18 bronzes, ranking second in the Olympic medal count, one gold behind the U.S.本届奥运会,中国共派出413名运动员。中国代表团以38金32银18铜完美收官,居奖牌榜第二位,与榜首的美国仅有一枚金牌之差。Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games【残奥会】 will be held between 24 August and 5 September. After Tokyo, eyes will be turning to the 2022 winter Olympics in Beijing, and 2024 summer Olympics in Paris.2020东京残奥会将于8月24日至9月5日举行。东京奥运之旅过后,让我们一起期待运动健儿在2022北京冬奥会和2024巴黎奥运会的精彩表现。3.WORLD’S LARGEST TINTIN-THEMED EXHIBITION COMES TO SHANGHAI爷青回!童年好伙伴丁丁来中国历险啦Now the exhibition “Tintin and Herge” opened today at the Power Station of Art in Huangpu District. It showcases the art of the Belgian comics series “The Adventures of Tintin” and also sheds light on its creator Georges Remi, whose pen name is Herge. Zhang Hong has more.8月6日,“丁丁与埃尔热”主题展在上海市黄浦区上海当代艺术博物馆开展。展览不仅呈现了比利时动画片《丁丁历险记》的珍贵历史原作,也聚焦“丁丁之父”埃尔热(原名乔治·雷米)的艺术人生。“The Adventures of Tintin” is one of the most popular European comics of the 20th century. The books tell the story of a young Belgian reporter named Tintin and the exciting and humorous adventures he has all over the world. The exhibition—the largest Tintin exhibition in the world, features about 80 pieces of artwork, including manuscripts【手稿】, photos and murals【壁画】.作为20世纪最流行的欧洲动画片之一,《丁丁历险记》讲述了年轻的比利时记者丁丁环游世界的精彩故事。本次展览是目前世界上最大的丁丁盛宴,共展出手稿、相片及墙绘等作品共计80余件。INTERVIEW:Wang Yue, Moulinsart Representative in China王越,《丁丁历险记》版权方比利时莫兰萨公司中国代表There are 10 exhibition halls here. We’re introducing the comic books’ creator Herge to Chinese fans by detailing his life story.这里有10个展厅,我们以倒叙的方法,向中国的丁丁迷详细介绍丁丁背后的比利时伟大画家埃尔热。Georges Remi, whose pen name is Herge, was born in the Belgian capital of Brussels in 1907. He was hired by a newspaper agency after leaving high school and began developing his ideas for Tintin in 1929.埃尔热(原名乔治·雷米)1907年生于比利时首都布鲁塞尔,高中毕业后进入报社工作。1929年,“丁丁”在埃尔热的笔下诞生了。One of the highlights of the exhibition is the friendship crossing over oceans and lands that was behind Tintin’s fourth album “The Blue Lotus”. The book that depicted Tintin’s adventure in China was created in 1936 with the help Herge’s friend Zhang Chongren, a famous sculptor born in Shanghai.本次展览的一大亮点是《丁丁历险记》分册《蓝莲花》背后那段跨越山海的真挚友情。埃尔热的好友张充仁,是出生于上海的著名雕塑家。1936年,丁丁在两人的共同创作下,踏上中国的土地,展开一段冒险之旅。INTERVIEW:Wang Yue, Moulinsart Representative in China王越,《丁丁历险记》版权方比利时莫兰萨公司中国代表At that time, Zhang Chongren was studying in Belgium and visited Herge every Sunday afternoon. He introduced China’s history, books and paintings as well the ancient poems of Li Bai and Dufu. Herge was fascinated by Chinese history and culture and created “The Blue Lotus”.当年,张充仁正在比利时留学。每个星期天下午都回去埃尔热家做客,向他介绍中国的历史、书画,还把李白、杜甫的诗也翻译给他听。让埃尔热完全被中国的悠久历史和文化吸引,创作了《蓝莲花》这个故事。A miniature model of Tintin’s apartment is also on display. The exhibition will run until the end of October and free guided tours are available three times a day.丁丁寓所的微缩模型也将展出。本次主题展将于十月底结束,展览于每日3个固定时间段内提供免费公众导览服务。#热词加油站commitment【承诺】equitable【公平的】peacekeeper【维和人员】initiative【倡议】Paralympic Games【残奥会】manuscript【手稿】mural【壁画】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”
8/9/20214 minutes, 44 seconds
Episode Artwork

Culture Matters丨PUMP IT UP! 魔都健身那点事儿

Living in Shanghai, while fun and dynamic, can be a big challenge for you to keep fit! However, the city is surprisingly accommodating, with various activities and facilities. Many of them are free and full of fun! If you're chasing a good workout, don't miss this out!#NationalFitnessDay 
8/8/20215 minutes, 11 seconds
Episode Artwork

08/06 TOP OF THE DAY 超市防疫升级/科兴将在智利建疫苗工厂/拜登拍板首笔对台军售

NEWS ON 8/61.SUPERMARKETS, INTERCITY BUSES TIGHTEN PANDEMIC CONTROLS测温口罩随申码,上海防疫再升级!2.SINOVAC TO BUILD VACCINE PRODUCTION PLANT IN CHILE科兴将在智利建疫苗工厂,年产量可达5000万剂3.CHINA URGES U.S. TO STOP SELLING ARMS TO TAIWAN拜登拍板首笔对台军售“送礼”还是“埋雷”-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1.SUPERMARKETS, INTERCITY BUSES TIGHTEN PANDEMIC CONTROLS测温口罩随申码,上海防疫再升级!Supermarkets and malls in Shanghai are taking the temperature of customers and asking them to show their health code and wear a mask. Intercity【城际的】 buses in Shanghai are also investigating picking up passengers outside of bus stations. Sun Siqi takes a look.上海的超市卖场加强了疫情防控措施,测温,随申码,口罩缺一不可。为了织密疫情防控网络,上海的省际巴士也开始严查站外载客的情况。At a Century Mart in Putuo District, one-meter spacing is back at the checkout and weighing areas. The supermarket has supplied more pandemic prevention products. And all imported【进口】 frozen food has been removed from shelves.在普陀区的世纪联华超市里,收银处,称重区等容易引起人员聚集的区域,恢复了一米线设置。同时卖场里还增加了防疫物品的备货量,所有的进口冷冻食品也都已下架。INTERVIEW:Zhao Ling, Head of Marketing, Lianhua Supermarket Holdings赵凌,联华超市股份公司市场营销中心部长We removed imported beef and seafood from all of our Shanghai stores and replaced both with domestic products.全上海的门店,进口冷链里面的牛肉制品和海产品类,做了一个下架,用国产品来替代。Also, more people are consulting doctors online. Xuhui Central Hospital’s online prescription【处方】 center is getting 33 percent more inquiries.受疫情影响,上海互联网医院线上就医人数明显上升。徐汇中心医院的“徐汇云医院“线上就诊患者量比以往增加了三分之一。INTERVIEW:Zhou Zhiying, Deputy Chief Physician, Xvhui Central Hospital周志英上海市徐汇区中心医院副主任医师I consult anywhere between 50 and 80 patients a day.平均一天五十个左右(患者)肯定有的,多的时候七八十个。People who don’t know how to use a smart phone can call the hospital’s hotline for help. Still, people are reminded to go in person if they have a fever or respiratory【呼吸的】 symptoms. In the meantime, traffic police are checking intercity buses. At 9 am, a bus bound for Lu’an in Anhui was stopped on Jiaotong Road. The vehicle was supposed to have just three passengers after departing the term in Shanghai, but eight were on board. The driver said the other five boarded outside the station.针对老年人使用智能手机不熟练的情况,医院也增加了热线电话指导服务。医院提醒市民,如果出现体温异常或有呼吸道症状,还是应该及时去发热门诊就诊。此外,上午九点(8.5日),执法人员在交通路上拦下了一辆由上海发往安徽六安的班车。执法人员登车检查发现乘客数量异常,出站人数显示为3人,车上却有8名乘客。司机承认,有5名乘客是在站外上车的。INTERVIEW:Wang Xufeng, Spokesperson, Shanghai Transportation Comm. Law Enforcement王旭峰市交通委执法总队新闻发言人These passengers didn’t get their temperature checked, plus their luggage didn’t go through the safety check and they could be carrying hazardous【危险的】 materials.没有履行防疫的检查,会影响其他乘客的安全,行李没有安检的话,可能会涉及到一些危险品。The driver was asked to go back to the terminal, register all passengers and ensured proper safety checks are followed. Shanghai Long-Distance Bus Terminal said more than 70 buses to and from counties and towns in Nanjing have been suspended since Monday. It also started disinfecting waiting halls and luggage cabins more frequently.最终,大巴重新开回客运站,所有乘客进行实名登记和防疫检查,行李也全部落实安检措施。上海长途客运站表示,自周一以来,已有70余个往返南京地区下属县市的班次进行了停运。同时,客运站对行李舱和候车区域都进行了消毒。2.SINOVAC TO BUILD VACCINE PRODUCTION IN CHILE科兴将在智利建疫苗工厂,年产量可达5000万剂Pharmaceutical company Sinovac said yesterday that it will invest 60 million US dollars for the construction of a vaccine【疫苗】 plant in Chile. Chile's Health officials say the country will help produce and export a variety of vaccines to other Latin American countries that have difficulties in acquiring them.中国科兴制药公司昨日(8.4日)表示,将投资6000万美元在智利建立疫苗工厂。智利卫生部长表示,智利将帮助生产和出口多种疫苗至其它难以获得疫苗的拉美国家。The plant will be built in the first quarter of 2022 in the Santiago region with an estimated annual production capacity of 50 million doses. Sinovac will also establish a research and development center in the northern region of Antofagasta. Chile has so far vaccinated 60 percent of its people, 19.6 million of those doses were CoronaVac vaccines, which was approved for emergency use in Chile in January.该工厂预计于2022年第一季度在智利首都圣地亚哥建成,预计年生产能力为5000万剂。科兴还将在智利北部的安托法加斯塔地区建立一个研发中心。智利目前疫苗接种率为60%,其中1960万剂为科兴公司研发的CoronaVac疫苗,该疫苗于今年1月份在智利获准紧急使用。According to statistics published by Chile Ministry of Health last month, CoronaVac is 65.9 percent effective against infection by the coronavirus, and 90.3 percent effective at preventing severe symptoms.根据智利卫生部上月公布的数据,CoronaVac对冠状病毒感染的有效性为65.9%,对预防严重症状的有效性为90.3%。3.CHINA URGES U.S. TO STOP SELLING ARMS TO TAIWAN拜登拍板首笔对台军售“送礼”还是“埋雷”China urged the United States to stop selling arms to the Taiwan region and cease military contacts with the island, a spokesperson for the Chinese Foreign Ministry said today. According to the Pentagon, the U.S. State Department has approved the potential sale of Medium Self-Propelled Howitzer artillery systems to Taiwan in a deal valued at 750 million US dollars.中国外交部发言人今日(8.5日)表示,中方敦促美方停止售台武器和美台军事联系。据美国国防部国防合作安全局发布消息称,美国务院已批准向台出售总价为7.5亿美元的40套中型自行榴弹炮系统以及相关设备。Stressing that Taiwan is an inalienable part of China, the spokesperson accused the U.S. of interfering in China’s internal affairs and undermining China’s sovereignty and security interests by selling arms to the Taiwan region. The spokesperson also pointed out the US side is sending the wrong signal to “Taiwan independence” separatist forces and is severely jeopardizing China-US relations, as well as peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait.发言人强调,台湾是中国领土不可分割的一部分,指责美国向台湾出售武器,干涉中国内政,损害中国主权和安全利益。发言人还表示,美方这是在向“台独”分裂势力发出错误信号,严重损害中美关系和台海和平稳定。The spokesperson urged US side to honor its commitment, earnestly abide by the one China policy and the three China-US joint communiqués, and immediately revoke arms sales to Taiwan. China will take legitimates and necessary countermeasures in light of the development of the situation.中方敦促美方重信守诺,切实恪守一个中国原则和中美三个联合公报规定,立即撤销有关对台军售计划。中方将根据形势发展坚决采取正当,必要反制措施。#热词加油站intercity【城际的】import【进口】prescription【处方】respiratory【呼吸的】hazardous【危险的】vaccine【疫苗】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
8/6/20214 minutes, 13 seconds
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3-0!China tops Japan in the table tennis women's team final!

3-0, China tops Japan in the table tennis women’s team final and has claimed every gold medal in the event in Olympic history. As of now, Chinese table tennis team has won three golds and three silvers at Tokyo
8/6/202114 seconds
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08/05 TOP OF THE DAY 上海密接阴性/东亚10+3合作/女篮告别东京

NEWS ON 8/41. NO NEW LOCAL COVID-19 CASES REPORTED IN SH最新通报!上海本土病例密接核酸检测均为阴性2. WANG YI CALLS FOR 10+3 TO SET LONG TERMS GOALS10+3合作——王毅出席中日韩视频外长会3. SERBIA ELIMINATES CHINA IN WOMEN’S BASKETBALL巴黎再战!中国女篮惜败塞尔维亚,结束东京之旅-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1. NO NEW LOCAL COVID-19 CASES REPORTED IN SH最新通报!上海本土病例密接核酸检测均为阴性The Shanghai government said that as of 2 p.m. today 67 close contacts, 377 secondary contacts of the COVID-19 patient found on Monday have been put in quarantine. All contacts twice tested negative for the virus. Genetic sequencing【基因序列】tests show the strain is the Delta variant, but unrelated to other active clusters in China. Nationwide, 71 new local COVID-19 infections were reported yesterday along with 25 imported cases. Another 27 asymptomatic carriers were reported with 15 of those being transmitted locally. Sun Siqi has more.上海今天(4日)召开发布会,宣布基本完成8月2日新增本土病例的流行病学调查和基因测序工作。截至下午2点,排查到在沪密接者67人、次密接者377人,已全部落实集中隔离,两次核酸检测结果均为阴性。基因测序结果显示,该病例感染的新冠病毒属于德尔塔变异株,但与近期国内多地本土病例基因组无关联。8月3日,全国新增确诊病例96例,本土病例71例,无症状感染者27例,其中本土15例。The nucleic acid test results of more than 68,000 people, comprising everyone in the patient’s living and work environments have come back negative. The patient had not traveled to a medium or high-risk area or had any known contact history with COVID-19 patients, asymptomatic carriers, close contacts or imported frozen food in the past two weeks. 同时,已排查到在沪的68517名筛查对象,核酸检测结果均为阴性。根据市疾控中心的流行病学调查和基因测序,该病例在发病前14天没有接触过外省市相关病例、无症状感染者和密切接触者,发病前14天内没有国内中高风险地区旅居史,也没有进口冷链物流接触史。INTERVIEWWu Huanyu, Deputy DirectorShanghai CDC吴寰宇,上海市疾控中心副主任The man put himself at high-risk as he unzipped his protective clothing in a contaminated【污染的】environment between July 22nd and 23rd. The timeline fits the coronavirus incubation period. Genetic sequencing tests show the strain is the Delta variant. But we found it is unrelated to other active clusters in China. 病例在7月22-23日中曾有在污染环境中解开防护服等高风险行为。病例发病时间符合新冠肺炎发病的潜伏期特征。基因测序结果显示,该病例感染的新冠病毒属于德尔塔变异株。经比对,与近期国内多地本土病例基因组无关联。With concerns mounting about whether vaccines are still effective against the variant, Dr. Zhang Wenhong said the best strategy is still to wear a mask, wash your hands frequently and get vaccinated.对于国产疫苗面对变异毒株的效力问题,张文宏表示,一是要坚决贯彻疫苗接种的策略,二是要加强个人卫生。INTERVIEWZhang Wenhong, Head PanelistShanghai COVID-19 Treatment Team张文宏,上海市新冠肺炎临床救治专家组组长Compared to other strains there’re more cases where the Delta variant broke through the vaccine’s protection. However, one has to admit that the vaccine greatly reduces the rate of severe illness or death. If the World Health Organization acknowledges that the mutant strain completely evades【逃避】the vaccines, researchers will start developing new vaccines against it. 但是大家无一例外可以看到,疫苗对于德尔塔毒株引起的重症化和死亡是出现急剧下降的,也就是说现在的疫苗对于德尔塔毒株的保护作用是毋庸置疑的。如果一旦世卫组织确认病毒变异已经完全逃避了疫苗对它的作用,也请大家放心,针对病毒的疫苗也会随之被研发出来。Dr. Zhang still called for the public to reduce gatherings, protect themselves, go to the hospital as soon as they have a fever or cough, and never try to hold out with home medications. 张文宏同时表示,减缓社会流动对阻断病毒的二次传播有巨大作用。而一旦出现发热、咳嗽等症状,请佩戴医用口罩及时前往发热门诊就诊。2. WANG YI CALLS FOR 10+3 TO SET LONG TERMS GOALS10+3合作——王毅出席中日韩视频外长会China has called on the Association of South-east Asian Nations as well as China, Japan and the Republic of Korea to make co-operative efforts to promote an overall economic recovery and improve East Asian countries’ crisis response capabilities.中方呼吁,东盟与中日韩三国应合作推进疫后经济复苏,提升东亚国家的危机应对能力。Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi made the remarks when attending a “10 plus 3” foreign ministers’ video meeting yesterday. He said that joint efforts should be made, in the long-term, to improve the mechanism【机制】, resilience【韧性】and vitality of the 10 plus 3 cooperation, in order to maintain the hard-won stability and prosperity that has lasted for many years in East Asia. Wang also mentioned that all parties should consider the 25th anniversary of the launch of 10 plus 3 cooperation next year as an opportunity to plan a road-map for future cooperation. He proposed all parties to jointly build a barrier against the pandemic in East Asia, promote East Asia economic integration【融合】, seek the transformation and development of East Asia, and build a foundation of common values in East Asia.在昨天(3日)举行的东盟与中日韩视频外长会上,王毅表示,要从长远出发,合作提升10+3合作的机制体制、韧性与活力,维护东亚地区来之不易的稳定与繁荣。王毅还号召各国外长,以明年10+3合作启动25周年为契机,规划未来合作路线图,共筑东亚抗疫屏障,共推东亚经济融合,共谋东亚转型发展,共铸东亚价值基础。3. SERBIA ELIMINATES CHINA IN WOMEN’S BASKETBALL巴黎再战!中国女篮惜败塞尔维亚,结束东京之旅Serbia defeated China 77-70 to reach the women’s basketball semi-finals【半决赛】at the Tokyo Olympics today.今天(4日)上午进行的女篮淘汰赛中,中国女篮以7分之差,以70-77不敌塞尔维亚队,无缘四强。Serbia started strong and led for most of the first half with China only managing a brief lead of 29-28 towards the end of the second quarter【节】. But Serbia quickly fought back to hold a slim 35-33 lead before the break. China looked good in the third quarter, using a 10-2 run to build a 58-49 lead. China, which ranked number one in the preliminary【初步的;预赛】round, struggled as a series of Serbian steals and fast breaks led to an 11-0 run and a two-point lead. The Serbians held-on to stun China 77-70.比赛开场,塞尔维亚队更快进入状态,中国队虽手感不佳,但防守效果较好,连使对手失误、咬住比分,在接近半场结束时以29-28领先对手。半场结束时,中国队仅以33-35落后2分。易边再战,中国球员年轻的优势逐渐显现,最终手握9分优势进入末节。末节前2分半钟,塞尔维亚队完成3次抢断,打出11:0反超2分。小组第一出线的中国队几次外线试投未果,最终,以70:77落败。#热词加油站Genetic sequencing【基因序列】contaminated【污染的】evade【逃避】mechanism【机制】resilience【韧性】integration【融合】semi-final【半决赛】quarter【(篮球)节】preliminary【初步的;预赛】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
8/5/20214 minutes, 1 second
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08/04 TOP OF THE DAY 国内疫情更新/变性运动员/AI社区食堂

NEWS ON 08/041.CLOSE CONTACTS OF SH COVID-19 PATIENT TEST NEGATIVE全部阴性!上海确诊病例密接人群核酸检测结果公布2.FIRST TRANSGENDER ATHLETE COMPETES IN OLYMPICS新西兰举重选手成奥运史上首位变性运动员3. OODLES OF NOODLES AT AI COMMUNITY CANTEEN帮你照顾好爸爸妈妈的胃~上海首家AI社区智能食堂来了!-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1.CLOSE CONTACTS OF SH COVID-19 PATIENT TEST NEGATIVE全部阴性!上海确诊病例密接人群核酸检测结果公布The Shanghai Health Commission said today that all close contacts of Shanghai’s newly confirmed COVID-19 case have tested negative so far. The patient, a 53-year-old driver at Pudong International Airport’s cargo terminal, tested positive for the coronavirus yesterday.上海市卫健委今天(3日)表示,到目前为止,上海新确诊新冠肺炎病例的所有密切接触者的核酸检测结果均为阴性。该确诊病例为浦东机场货运区一名外航货机服务人员,男性,53岁,于8月2日检测出新冠病毒阳性。The man tested negative on July 21st and 28th, but tested positive yesterday. He is being treated at Shanghai Public Health Clinic Center. The commission said that medical workers are doing a genetic sequencing test【基因测序】to determine whether the man has the Delta variant.该确诊病例在7月21日和28日的例行核酸检测中,结果均为阴性,而8月2日的检测结果呈阳性。目前,该男子正在复旦大学附属公共卫生临床中心接受治疗。上海卫健委表示,医务人员正在进行基因测序,以确定该男子是否感染德尔塔毒株。INTERVIEW:Wu Jinglei, DirectorShanghai Health Commission邬惊雷 上海市卫健委主任“According to our epidemiological research,the patient had not left Shanghai in the past 14 days. He has no travel history either. We haven’t found any connection between this case and others in the country.”到目前为止做的流行病学调查来看,这个患者近两周从没有离开过上海,也没有外出旅居史。到目前为止,我们没有发现这个病例与国内其他地方的疫情有关联,至少到目前为止。疾控部门正在抓紧开展基因的测序工作。The areas that the patient had frequented have been closed and disinfected【消毒】.对病例曾活动过的场所已进行终末消毒。INTERVIEW:Li Guohua, Deputy DirectorPudong District李国华 浦东新区副区长“After the case was reported, we immediately locked the residential compound where he resides. All the residents at the compound are required to quarantine for 14 days, and report their health status twice a day. All of them will be tested for the virus on the first, 7th, and 14th days of quarantine.”立即对相关小区实行封闭管理,对实行管控小区的居民进行为期14天的健康观测,要求每天两次向小区管理人员报告体温和健康状况。严格实施发热日报告制度,健康监测的第一天、第七天、第十四天将做三次全员核酸检测。Nearly 65,000 people, including about 50,000 Pudong Airport employees, have been tested as of 9am today. More than 27,000 had tested negative, while the remaining results hadn’t come back.截至今天(3日)上午9点,近6万5千人(包括大约5万名浦东机场员工)已经接受了核酸检测。超过2万7千人的检测结果呈阴性,后续情况将及时向社会公布。The National Health Commission reported 61 new local COVID-19 cases yesterday on the Chinese mainland along with 29 imported ones. Another 41 asymptomatic carriers were discovered -- among them, 23 were local. Among local patients, 45 were in Jiangsu, with five from Nanjing and 40 from Yangzhou, which is about 100 kilometers east of Shanghai.据国家卫健委官网消息,8月2日0—24时,31个省(自治区、直辖市)和新疆生产建设兵团报告新增本土病例61例,境外输入病例29例。新增无症状感染者41例,其中本土23例。在本土病例中,江苏45例(其中南京5例,扬州40例)。扬州位于上海以东约100公里。All five cases in Nanjing were discovered during quarantine. The new case count in the city has declined daily for the past few days. In the cluster that started on July 20th, the city has reported 220 infections, with six in severe condition. In the same province, Yangzhou has become the focus as it has reported 94 cases so far. Many of them had frequented a card game-room.南京的5例病例都是在隔离期间被发现的。过去几天,南京新增确诊数量呈下降趋势。在7月20日开始的本次疫情中,南京共报告确诊病例220例,其中重型6例。目前,扬州市累计报告本土确诊病例94例,成为本轮疫情的又一个传播中心。许多感染者频繁活动于棋牌室等地。INTERVIEW:Zhou Minghao, Deputy DirectorJiangsu Province Health Commission周明浩 江苏省卫健委副主任“The largest case of community infection involves 33 secondary infections with five generations of spreading. They involved 9 families and 2 game rooms.”规模最大的一起聚集性事件,共涉及33名续发病例,共传播5代,涉及9个家庭 2个棋牌室。Jiangsu officials say all 45,000 game and Majiang rooms in the province have been closed. Yangzhou reported its first patient was 64-year-old Ms. Mao, who arrived on July 21st from a Nanjing community already under travel restrictions. Mao did not report to her community as required, and went to multiple restaurants, game-rooms and stores. She has been detained oncharges of impeding【阻碍】the prevention of infectious diseases. Yangzhou has now tested all residents for the virus twice. More than 3,200 primary and secondary contacts have been identified.江苏省卫健委表示,目前江苏4万5千家棋牌室和麻将室已全部停业。扬州首例患者是64岁的女子毛某宁。7月21日,毛某宁擅自离开南京已采取封控管理措施的居住地,乘大巴抵达扬州。毛某宁没有按要求向她所在社区汇报,而是去了多家餐厅、棋牌室和商店。因涉嫌妨害传染病防治罪,毛某宁已被警方刑拘。目前,扬州市所有居民已进行了两次核酸检测,已发现3200多名密接和次密接。INTERVIEW:Wang Jinsong, Deputy DirectorYangzhou Health Commission王劲松 扬州市卫健委副主任“We’ve engaged national and provincial health experts, specialty teams in the city and community workers. We don’t want to miss a single contact.”组建包括国家和省级专家专业技术力量、市级流调专班力量和各类社会力量,深入细致开展流调和排查,力争找全密切接触者和次密接。As of 3pm today, Nanjing’s infections have not spread to additional cities outside the 27 cities in 12 provinces reported yesterday. Multiple relay points in the transmission chain have surfaced, including game rooms in Yangzhou, Zhangjiajie’s attractions in Hunan and tour boats in Changde in the same province. Zhangjiajie today ordered all residents and tourists to stay in the city until further notice. In Hubei Province, a railway station in Jingzhou was also discovered as a transmission link. Multiple cases in the same city and Wuhan and cities in Hunan and Hainan were found to have been at the same station. A tour group from Huai’an, Jiangsu had passed through the station. 10 people in the group were later found to have COVID-19. In Henan Province, Zhengzhou’s health officials say most of their 63 cases were linked to Sixth People’s Hospital.截至今天(3日)下午3点,南京本轮疫情扩散范围仍为此前报道的12个省份的27个城市。本轮疫情传播链中,已出现多个传播中心,包括扬州棋牌室、湖南张家界景区以及常德游船。张家界已下令所有人员不得离开本市,如有情况另行通知。此外,湖北荆州火车站传染链或已形成。荆州、武汉以及湖南和海南的多个城市发现的多个病例均与该火车站有关。其中,一个来自江苏淮安的旅游团也曾经过该车站。河南郑州有关部门表示,确诊的63例患者中,大多数都与郑州第六人民医院有关。INTERVIEW:Li Huifang, Deputy Secretary-GeneralZhengzhou City Government李慧芳 河南省郑州市政府副秘书长“The first two local patients shared the same strain -- the Delta variant -- with the infected individual in the Sixth Hospital that arrived from Myanmar.”此轮疫情导致我市新增本土确诊病例13例,无症状感染者50例。经基因测序,最初2名感染者与缅甸入境并在市六院进行治疗的确诊患者的毒株高度同源,均为德尔塔变异毒株。Zhengzhou has put 857 contacts in quarantine, and suspended ticket sales for Beijing-bound trains and buses.Travelers can get a full refund for trips already purchased.目前,郑州已隔离857名相关人员,并暂停发售进京火车票和公共汽车票,相关乘客可进行全额退款。2.FIRST TRANSGENDER ATHLETE COMPETES IN OLYMPICS新西兰举重选手成奥运史上首位变性运动员Weight-lifter Laurel Hubbard of New Zealand made history by becoming the first openly transgender athlete to compete at an Olympic Games last night, but she suffered a disappointing early exit from the women’s over-87-kilogram final after three no lifts in the snatch【抓,夺】.昨天(3日),新西兰选手哈伯德亮相女子87公斤以上级别的赛场,成为奥运会史上首个公开参赛的跨性别女性运动员。遗憾的是,她的三次抓举都没能成功,提前告别了东京奥运会赛场。Despite not reaching the final round, Hubbard smiled and cupped her hands together in a heart gesture before walking off the stage. She thanked International Olympic Committee for living up to the Olympic values and showing that sport is for all.尽管没有进入最后一轮,哈伯德还是微笑着比了个心,然后结束了此次奥运征程。她表示,体育运动属于所有人,国际奥林匹克委员会没有辜负奥林匹克价值观。INTERVIEW:Laurel HubbardNew Zealand Weight-lifter哈伯德 新西兰举重运动员“I’m just so grateful that I’ve had the opportunity to come here and be me. I don’t think it should be historic. I think that, as we move into a sort of new and more understanding world, people are starting to realize that people like me are just people.”我很感谢有这个机会可以参赛,可以做我自己。我不认为这应该是历史性的时刻,我觉得当我们进入一个全新且更加包容的世界,人们会开始意识到,像我这样的也只是一个人。Hubbard was born male and competed in weightlifting at junior level. She transitioned eight years ago, resumed weightlifting and became eligible for the Games under a 2015 IOC consensus allowing transgender athletes to compete in women’s events. There have been fierce disputes on the issue. Some have argued that relatively little research has been conducted on transgender athletes, making it hard to gauge the extent of physical advantages that could remain after transitioning. In other news,the IOC decided to launch an investigation to clarify the facts around the case of Krystsina Tsimanouskaya, the Belarusian athlete who was granted sanctuary in Poland after she feared for her safety when her team’s officials tried to force her to fly home.哈伯德曾是男性,是一名初级举重运动员。八年前,她完成了性别转变。2015年,国际奥委会达成共识,允许变性运动员参加女子项目。这一举动在当时的国际舆论上引发巨大争议。一些人认为,对变性运动员的研究相对较少,因此很难衡量变性后身体所占的优势。此外,国际奥委会决定展开调查,以弄清有关白俄罗斯奥运选手齐马努斯卡娅拒绝回国一事。这位白俄罗斯运动员因担心自己的安全拒绝登机,波兰方面当天向齐马努斯卡娅发放了签证。此前,白俄罗斯奥运代表团试图将其强行遣送回国。2.OODLES OF NOODLES AT AI COMMUNITY CANTEEN帮你照顾好爸爸妈妈的胃~上海首家AI社区智能食堂来了!The city’s first AI community canteen is now officially open to the public at Hongqiao Community in Changning District. It features an unmanned cooking system to supply meals and an intelligent program as cashiers.在长宁区虹桥社区,上海首家AI社区智能食堂现已正式向公众开放。智能烹饪系统完成菜品烹饪,智能结算台则负责收银。Early in the morning, the Hongqiao community canteen fills with hungry diners. One menu favorite is noodles made by a robot. When an empty bowl is put on the plate, the robot starts cooking. Soup is added after the noodles are placed in the bowl. It takes less than two minutes. People can then choose toppings【浇头】and pay for it by putting the plate under a camera, which scans the food and shows the price.一大早,虹桥社区食堂就挤满了饥肠辘辘的食客,机器人煮的面条是其中最受欢迎的菜品之一。机器人先将一个空碗放在盘子上,然后开始烹饪。之后将煮好的面条放入碗中,浇上汤汁。这一过程不到两分钟。人们选择浇头之后,将盘子放在摄像头下,摄像头会自动扫描食物并显示价格。INTERVIEW:Ms. Xu, Resident徐女士,社区居民“Children loved seeing a yellow robot cooking noodles. I also brought my father here and he also enjoyed the noodles as they are well-cooked. It’s important to serve something that the elderly can chew easily.”请"小黄"来做的面条,小孩觉得很新奇,很喜欢吃,老人觉得面条做得很软,我父亲说咬得动,这点对老人家很重要。INTERVIEW:Ms. Liu, Resident刘女士,社区居民“I think the food here is better because it is clean. I can choose what I like and it tastes okay.”质量比外面好一点,主要是干净。味道的话,反正是自己选的菜,也不错的。The canteen offers about 20 options for breakfast, with prices ranging from 2 to 4 yuan. Steamed, fried or baked, all food is prepared by the unmanned cooking system. Li Ming, CEO of the company, said the system reduces labor by about 50 to 80 percent. For the canteen that is 130 square meters, only 2 staff are needed. It’s also designed to be user friendly, especially seniors.该食堂提供约20种早餐,价格从2元到4元不等。不管是蒸、炸,还是烤,所有食物都由智能烹饪系统自动烹饪。该公司首席执行官李明表示,该系统将劳动力减少约50%至80%,130平方米大的食堂只需要2名员工。该食堂对老年人来说更为友好。INTERVIEW:Li Ming, CEOShanghai Xixiang Yixiang E-Commerce Co.李明 首席执行官上海熙香艺享电子商务有限公司“People don’t need to register for a membership or use a smart phone. Seniors can pay with their senior card. Our recipes are also designed for the elderly, including those with diabetes and high blood pressure.”在整个过程中,不需要办卡、注册会员,不需要使用手机,老年人在这里消费,只需要拿菜,最后视觉识别结算,刷老年卡就可以。针对老年人,我们还做了一些菜品上的设计,比如很多菜会做得比较软糯,有糖尿病、高血压的,我们也会在食谱上进行一些考虑。The AI system also monitors the supply and demand of each dish and will command the robots to prepare more if certain dishes are popular. The canteen has seen more than 200 people each day since opening on a trial basis last month. The canteen is part of Hongqiao community’s effort to retired folks as there are about 19,000 residents over 60 years old, accounting for around 38% of the neighborhood’s population. The community now has at least 5 canteens for seniors.人工智能系统还会监测每道菜的供应量和需求量。如果某些菜很受欢迎,机器人就会准备更多食材。自上个月试营业以来,食堂每天接待200多人。该食堂是虹桥社区专为退休人员提供的服务。虹桥社区60岁以上居民约有19000人,约占社区人口的38%。该社区现在至少有5个老年食堂。#热词加油站genetic sequencing test【基因测序】disinfect【消毒】impede【阻碍】snatch【抓,夺】toppings【浇头】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
8/4/20218 minutes, 46 seconds
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08/03 TOP OF THE DAY 新增本土病例55例/苏炳添创造历史/东亚合作外长会

NEWS ON 8/31. 55 LOCAL COVID-19 INFECTIONS REPORTED ON MAINLAND警惕疫情!日新增本土确诊病例达到55例!2.SU BINGTIAN MAKES HISTORY AT TOKYO GAMES亚洲第一人!苏炳添百米飞人大战创造历史!3.CHINESE FM TO ATTEND MEETINGS ON EAST ASIA COORPERATION疫情之下共谋合作!王毅将出席东亚合作系列外长会-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1. 55 LOCAL COVID-19 INFECTIONS REPORTED ON MAINLAND警惕疫情!日新增本土确诊病例达到55例!The Shanghai CDC has just announced a positive case for coronavirus in Pudong Airport. The infected is a service staff member working for a foreign cargo aircraft company. The nucleic acid test sample is still being tested to confirm the result. Authorities say further information will be disclosed【披露】 once available. Earlier, the National Health Commission reported 55 new local COVID-19 cases on the Chinese mainland yesterday spread across eight provinces, along with 44 local asymptomatic【无症状的】 carriers. Among the new cases, 40 were in Jiangsu Province. Here’s Ai Bei with more details...上海市疾控中心刚刚(8月2日)公布浦东机场发现一例新冠阳性病例。该病例是一家外航货运公司的货机服务人员。核酸检测样本仍在进行实验室检测复核以确认结果。相关部门表示,一旦获得更多信息,将予以公布。早些时候,国家卫健委通报,昨日(8月1日)内地新增55例本土新冠确诊病例,分布在8个省份,此外还新增了44例本土无症状感染者。在新增病例中,40例在江苏省。Among Jiangsu’s 40 cases, 11 were in Nanjing, 26 were in Yangzhou and the other 3 were in Huai’an. Nanjing, about 270 kilometers from Shanghai, has had 215 patients since an outbreak began on July 20th. Seven of them are in a severe condition. Health officials have said new daily cases are declining. Over in Yangzhou, about 100 kilometers from Nanjing, the city has had 54 cases so far. Most were infected after going to a card game room and were seniors. Authorities have located more than 2,700 close contacts, and asked anyone who has been to a game room since July 21st to report to their communities and stay home. Such individuals are being given priority for a coronavirus test. As of 9am today, everyone in downtown Yangzhou is being tested a second time for the virus. 1.4 million people have been swabbed. 江苏省新增的40例确诊病例中,南京11例,扬州26例,淮安3例。距离上海约270公里的南京市,自7月20日疫情爆发以来,已有215例确诊病例,其中7例是重症。卫生人员表示,每日新增病例正在减少。在距离南京约100公里的扬州,到目前为止已有54例病例。大多数病例都是在进入棋牌室后被感染的,而且大都是老年人。该市已经排查出了2700多名密切接触者,并要求自7月21日以来进入棋牌室的所有人向社区报告并待在家中,这些市民将优先接受冠状病毒检测。截至今日(8月2日)上午9点,扬州市主城区的所有市民都在接受第二次新冠检测,已经有140万人接受了这次检测。Wang Jinsong, Deputy DirectorYangzhou Health Commission王劲松,扬州市卫健委副主任Lockdowns will continue for high-risk residential【住宅的】 compounds【场地,区域】. Checkpoints are in place at the main roads in and out of downtown and at highways into other provinces.将继续严格实施重点小区的封闭管理,主城区进出通道严格管控、与外省市接壤道路设置卡点等措施。In Hubei Province, Wuhan reported seven cases today. They were all on the same tour to Huai’an in Jiangsu Province. Officials said that means the infection cluster that started in Nanjing has spread to 27 cities in 12 provinces as of 3pm today.在湖北省,武汉今日(8月2日)报告了7例新增病例。他们与淮安某旅游团的活动轨迹存在交集。工作人员说,这意味着从南京开始的疫情截至今日(8月2日)下午3点已扩散到12个省的27个城市。Hunan Province reported seven cases yesterday in the cities of Zhangjiajie, Zhuzhou and Yiyang. Another 11 asymptomatic carriers were discovered, six of them were in Zhuzhou, 60 kilometers south of the provincial capital Changsha. Zhuzhou officials has asked everybody living downtown except those in essential emergency and medical departments to stay home for three days. Xiangtan City also recorded a case today, a woman who had taken a boat tour in Changde City.昨日(8月1日)湖南省通报了在张家界、株洲和益阳发现的7例确诊病例。此外还发现了11名无症状感染者,其中6人在位于省会长沙以南60公里的株洲市。该市已经要求,除从事医疗保障和紧急公务的人员外,所有主城区其他市民一律居家隔离3天。湘潭市今日(8月2日)也新增1例确诊病例。该病例为女性,曾在常德市乘船游玩。Henan Province had one new case yesterday in the city of Shangqiu and 28 a-symptomatic carriers -- 27 were in Zhengzhou, and one was in Zhumadian. The transmission chain started with a pregnant woman who was found to be infected at Zhengzhou’s Sixth People’s Hospital. A few medical workers and cleaners at the same hospital were later infected. The virus strain has been identified as the Delta variant.河南省昨日(8月1日)在商丘市新增1例确诊病例,另有28例无症状感染者——27例在郑州,1例在驻马店。传播链始于在郑州市第六人民医院确诊的一名孕妇。同一家医院的一些医务人员和清洁工后来也被感染。该病毒株已被确定为德尔塔变异毒株。Starting at 10 am today, all highways around Zhengzhou have set up check-points. Drivers who don’t have a negative test result within the past 48 hours are turned away. All summer activities for students have been suspended in the provincial capital, including daycare service.从今日(8月2日)上午10点起,郑州市域范围内各高速公路站都设立了“个人核酸证明查验服务点”。没有48小时内核酸检测阴性证明的驾乘人员将被实行劝返。在这座省会城市里,包括日托服务在内的所有学生暑期活动都已暂停。And after this cluster and two others earlier this year were triggered by an incoming flight, officials are pointing to loopholes【漏洞】 in pandemic controls at Nanjing’s airport. Cleaning crews for domestic and international flights are not separated. The first infection happened on July 10th, but was not reported until July 20th. With more than 600 flights in and out of Lukou per day, it means tens of thousands of travelers were potentially exposed to infection over 10 days. Health experts say maintenance staff at airports should be divided by risk level. Those in high-risk groups should not have contact with others. They should be prohibited from leaving their work and living area except when being transported in a special vehicle. They should also be tested for the virus more often.本轮疫情以及今年早些时候的另外两轮疫情的源头都是入境航班,工作人员指出南京禄口机场在疫情防控方面存在漏洞。负责国内和国际航班的保洁人员没有区分开。第一次感染发生在7月10日,但直到7月20日才报告。每天进出禄口机场的航班超过600架次,这意味着在10天内有成千上万的旅客可能受到感染。卫生专家表示,机场的工作人员应该按工作风险等级区分开来。高风险工作人群不应与其他群体接触,除非乘坐专用车辆,应禁止离开工作和生活区域,并应更频繁地接受核酸检测。Beijing reported a new case today as a close contact of an infection discovered last Thursday. The capital has tightened restrictions on people arriving from medium and high-risk areas.北京今日(8月2日)报告了一例新增确诊病例,是上周四发现一位被感染者的密切接触者,随后北京也加强了对来自中高风险地区人员的限制。2.SU BINGTIAN MAKES HISTORY AT TOKYO GAMES亚洲第一人!苏炳添百米飞人大战创造历史!Chinese sprinter Su Bingtian ran the 100-meter sprint in 9.83 seconds yesterday setting a new Asian record. Although he came in sixth in the final, he clocked a respectable 9.98 seconds, just under 2 tenths of a second behind the winner Lamont Marcell Jacobs of Italy. Zhang Yue has more.中国短跑运动员苏炳添昨日(8月1日)在奥运会田径男子100米半决赛中跑出了9秒83的成绩,创造了一项新的亚洲纪录。尽管他在决赛中止步第六,但他跑出了9秒98这个令人叹服的成绩,仅落后于冠军意大利选手拉蒙特·马塞尔·雅各布斯0.2秒。At the age of 32, Su is much older than his competitors, who are mostly in their 20s or even younger.苏炳添今年32岁,比他的竞争对手年龄要大得多,他们大多20多岁甚至不到20岁。Su Bingtian, Chinese Sprinter苏炳添,中国田径队队员I think all impossibilities are to be broken. And today I realized that.我觉得所有的不可能都是用来打破的,我今天做到了。Su stunned the athletics world when he came in first place at the semifinal with a time of 9.83 seconds, -his personal best. The stunning time also made him the first Asian man to qualify for the men’s 100-meter final at the Olympics in 89 years.苏炳添在半决赛中以9.83秒的成绩获得第一名,刷新了个人最好成绩,震惊了田径界。这也使他成为了89年来第一位获得奥运会男子100米决赛资格的亚洲人。3.CHINESE FM TO ATTEND MEETINGS ON EAST ASIA COORPERATION疫情之下共谋合作!王毅将出席东亚合作系列外长会Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi will attend the ASEAN-China Ministerial Meeting, the ASEAN Plus Three Foreign Ministers' Meeting, the East Asia Summit Foreign Ministers' Meeting, and the ASEAN Regional Forum via video conference from tomorrow to Friday.中国国务委员兼外交部长王毅将于明日(8月3日)至周五(8月6日)出席以视频形式举行的中国—东盟(10+1)外长会、东盟与中日韩(10+3)外长会、东亚峰会(EAS)外长会和东盟地区论坛(ARF)外长会。The Chinese Foreign Ministry said that the overall sound momentum in East Asia cooperation at present has strengthened regional countries' efforts to combat COVID-19 and revitalize【使恢复】 the economy. At the same time, resurgence【复苏】 and fluctuation【波动】 in the global pandemic situation and flare-ups of regional hotspots have added more complexity to East Asia cooperation. China would like to take the opportunity of the 30th anniversary of the establishment of China-ASEAN dialogue relations to call on all regional countries to continue to focus on cooperation, seek common development, jointly address challenges as well as safeguard peace, stability, development and prosperity in the region.中国外交部发言人表示,当前东亚区域合作总体势头良好,为地区国家抗击疫情和经济复苏提供了积极助力。同时,全球疫情反弹波动,地区热点问题此起彼伏,东亚合作面临更多复杂因素。中方愿以中国—东盟建立对话关系30周年为契机,推动地区国家继续聚焦合作、共谋发展、共迎挑战,共同维护地区和平稳定与发展繁荣。#热词加油站disclose【披露,使公开】asymptomatic【无症状的】residential【适合居住的,住宅的】compound【混合物,场地】loophole【漏洞】revitalize【使恢复】resurgence【复苏,复兴】fluctuation【波动】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
8/3/20216 minutes, 25 seconds
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08/02 TOP OF THE DAY 张家界景点关闭/”沪惠保“首批理赔/奥运村餐厅

NEWS ON 08/021. ZHANGJIAJIE CLOSES TOURIST SITES, CINEMAS AFTER NEW INFECTION防控疫情,张家界景点关闭!2. RESIDENTS BEING REIMBURSED UNDER HUHUIBAO MEDICAL INSURANCE PLAN“沪惠保”完成首批理赔3. OLYMPIC VILLAGE CUISINE奥运村伙食怎么样?-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1. ZHANGJIAJIE CLOSES TOURIST SITES, CINEMAS AFTER NEW INFECTION防控疫情,张家界景点关闭!The city of Zhangjiajie in Hunan Province closed all tourist attractions and upgraded 11 neighborhoods to coronavirus medium-risk areas. The city known for its scenic mountains reported one confirmed case of COVID-19 yesterday. Zhang Yue has more.新冠疫情防控措施升级,湖南省张家界市所有景点关闭,11个街道调整为中风险地区。这座以山闻名的城市,昨日(7.29日)新增一例本土确诊病例。The popular domestic【国内的】 tourism destination has also closed cinemas,entertainment venues, 6 performance sites, 1 museum, and 21 majorshopping areas. Zhangjiajie officials said nearly 12,000 tourists remain in the city. Government employees were working with tour agencies to process refunds【退款】 for visitors, and arrange buses to bring them home.这座广受欢迎的旅游城市同时关闭了电影院,娱乐场所,6间歌舞厅,1座博物馆和21个主要商业区。官方数据显示,目前仍有接近一万两千名游客留在该市。政府工作人员正在与旅行社协调,为游客办理退款手续,并安排大巴送游客回家。Zhuzhou City in Hunan has also closed cinemas, entertainment venues【场所/场馆】 and tourist attractions after it reported asymptomatic carriers yesterday. Officials suspended meetings and mass gatherings, and all residents were urged not to leave the city unless necessary. Schools in Hunan were taking precautions.湖南省株洲市昨日(7.29日)通报了一名无症状感染者后,也关闭了电影院,娱乐场所以及旅游景点。当地政府叫停了所有会议和集会,并敦促所有居民非必要情况不离开该市。湖南省的各大学校已采取了预防措施。INTERVIEW:Employee, Changsha No.1 Railway Middle School湖南省长沙铁路第一中学工作人员Today is the first day that newly enrolled senior one students can pick up pre-admission materials. Students, teachers and parents are required to show their health code, register【登记】 their information, and get their temperature taken. We are also limiting the number of people on campus. Those who have nothing to do with the school are not allowed to enter.今天是高一新生拿预录通知书,不管是学生家长还是老师都要量体温,登记,扫码,进去的话也控制人数,如果是外来人员坚决杜绝进校园。Beijing’s Changping District has set up 16 nucleic acid test sites. Residential compounds and office buildings, where about 41,000 people live, have been locked down. Changping District reported two COVID-19 infections, a couple who had traveled to Zhangjiajie. Beijing also strengthened pandemic control measures in parks and transportation hubs【中心】.北京市昌平区已建立了16个核酸检测点。昌平区封控管理确诊病例居住小区及周边9个小区约4.1万人。早前,昌平区曾上报两例本土确诊病例,而这对确诊的夫妇曾前往张家界游玩。此外,北京还加强了公园和交通枢纽的疫情防控措施。2. RESIDENTS BEING REIMBURSED UNDER HUHUIBAO MEDICAL INSURANCE PLAN“沪惠保”完成首批理赔More than 3,300 residents in Shanghai have been reimbursed for medical expenses after purchasing Huhuibao, a new government-backed supplemental medical insurance plan introduced this month. The insurance covers some hospitalization【住院治疗】 charges and 21 expensive drugs that treat diseases such as cancer. Zhang Yue has the story.“沪惠保”是新推出的一项政府支持的补充医疗保险计划。目前,上海已有超过3300名居民在购买“沪惠保”后获得了医疗费用的报销。该保险涵盖了一些住院费用和21种治疗癌症等疾病的昂贵药物。Ms. Yu’s father has a brain tumor【肿瘤】. He has spent more than 130,000 yuan this month on medicine. Since Yu purchased the Huhuibao insurance for her father, she was reimbursed 39,900 yuan, or 30% of the cost of the medications.余小姐的父亲患有脑肿瘤,他7月份的医药费用已经超过了13万元。在余小姐为父亲购买了“沪惠保”后,她获得了3.99万元的报销,相当于医药费的30%。INTERVIEW:Ms. Yu, local resident余小姐,参保人家属It took only three workdays for me to be reimbursed. The money means a lot for a normal family like us, because the medicine that my father has been taking is not cheap. We probably wouldn’t purchase this medicine without the insurance. I feel grateful.审核完成到放款,三个工作日我的赔款已经到我的账户了。坦白来说“沪惠保”对我的帮助就是如果没有这个保险,我们可能不会去用这个药,因为对普通家庭来说这笔开销其实很大的,所以我还是很感谢政府和保险公司的。The Huhuibao plan costs 115 yuan per year. As of yesterday, a total of 3,995 claims had been settled. A Shanghai-based insurer said claiming procedures have been streamlined.购买“沪惠保”的费用是每年115元。截止昨天(7.29日),保险公司共受理理赔案件3995起。上海一家保险公司负责人表示,理赔的程序已简化。INTERVIEW:Gu Yun, China Pacific Life Insurance顾赟中国太保寿险总公司团险营运支持部副总经理Online and offline services are available to benefit senior residents and those with physical difficulties. You can get the service done for yourself, or you can get someone to help you if you can not come in person.我们设计了线上为主,线下辅助,可自助、可代办的便捷理赔流程。INTERVIEW:Wu Guoliang, deputy secretary general, SH Insurance Association伍国良上海市保险同业公会副秘书长Among the 3,303 cases that we have handled, 88% are related to hospitalization charges, 10% are about special drugs, and 2% are for proton and heavy ion cancer treatment. 95% of the cases were handled within 5 days. The total amount of reimbursement【赔付】 has reached over 21 million yuan.已经理赔的案件是3303件,其中住院自费医疗案件占88%,特药案件占10%,质子重离子案件占2%,整个理赔的五日结案率达到了95%。赔付的总金额达到了2111万元。More than 7.3 million people have purchased the Huhuibao medical insurance, accounting for over 38% of all the people with Shanghai medical insurance.“沪惠保”的参保人员已经超过了730万人,占全市参保人数的38%以上。3. OLYMPIC VILLAGE CUISINE奥运村伙食怎么样?It has been one week since the 2020 Tokyo Olympics began. Reporter Lei Shuran filed this report on what the athletes are eating in the Olympic village in Tokyo.距离2020年东京奥运会开幕已经过去了一周。The Olympic Village Dining Hall is comprised of a two-storey main dining area and a casual dining hall. The main area seats about 3,000 people, while the casual area can manage about 280. There’re 2,000 staff members on duty during peak hours, and there’s approximately【大概】 700 menu options available for athletes, largely divided into three categories: Western, Japanese and Asian.奥运村餐厅由一个两层的主餐区和一个休闲餐厅组成。主餐区可容纳约3000人,休闲区可容纳约280人。高峰时段有2000名工作人员在岗,大约有700种食品可供运动员选择,大致分为三类:西餐,日本料理,亚洲料理。VLOG:Erik Shoji, US volleyball athleteErik Shoji,美国排球运动员Cucumber sushi, Tuni Sushi, Japanese curry, this food is so good.黄瓜寿司,好吃。金枪鱼寿司,好吃。最后,日本咖喱,这也太好吃了。VLOG:Ilona Maher, US rugby athleteIlona Maher,美国橄榄球运动员Not to be dramatic, that is the best dumpling I have ever eaten in my life.不夸张,这是我这辈子吃过的最好吃的饺子。Strict COVID-19 control protocols are in place in the dining hall. Athletes must wear gloves when picking up their food. Plastic screens divide the dining tables to prevent the spread of infections. In order to minimize the risk, some athletes are even eating their meals in only 10 minutes.餐厅有严格的疫情防控措施。运动员在取食物时必须戴手套,有塑料屏风将餐桌隔开,以防止病毒传播。为了将风险降到最低,一些运动员甚至会在10分钟内吃完饭。Fukushima Prefecture wants to take this opportunity to promote local food, which has led to some controversy over food safety. Some Olympic delegations have made their own arrangements for their athletes. South Korea’s Olympic team cooks food for its athletes separately and screens all ingredients for radiation. The US delegation shipped 32 tons of food and beverage from Colorado and set up a food supply center for the athletes.福岛县希望借此机会推广当地食品,引发了一些关于食品安全的争议。一些奥运代表团为他们的运动员开小灶。韩国奥运代表队为运动员单独烹饪食物,并对所有成分进行辐射检测。美国代表团从科罗拉多州运送了32吨食品和饮料,并为其运动员设立了一个食品供应中心。#热词加油站domestic【国内的】refunds【退款】venues【聚会地点】register【登记】hubs【中心】hospitalization【住院治疗】tumor【肿瘤】reimbursement【赔付】approximately【大概】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
8/2/20215 minutes, 33 seconds
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A four-day work week? In China? 做四休三,你怎么看?

Imagine that you didn't have to work today! You've worked Monday to Thursday, got everything done and now you have THREE DAYS FREE! Sounds amazing right? Well, pretty much everyone in the Nordic country of Iceland gets to do just that. Long before the pandemic the country started an experiment that shifted one percent of the population to a four-day working week. This week we wanted to look at this -- this holy grail of work life balance -- and see if people think it would work here in China.Host: Timothy Pope / Zhang Shixuan 
7/30/202112 minutes, 9 seconds
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07/30 TOP OF THE DAY 南京疫情传播链延长/游泳队再夺两金/新任驻美大使

NEWS ON 07/301.NANJING COVID-19 CLUSTER SPREADS南京疫情传播链再延长!全国打响防疫阻击战2.CHINA CLAIMS 2 GOLD MEDALS IN THE POOL“霏”常精彩!中国游泳队再摘两金3.NEW CHINESE AMBASSADOR TO U.S. DELIVERS REMARKS UPON ARRIVAL抵美履新!秦刚任中国驻美国大使-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1.NANJING COVID-19 CLUSTER SPREADS南京疫情传播链再延长!全国打响防疫阻击战The National Health Commission reported 24 new local COVID-19 cases on the mainland, 20 of them in Jiangsu Province, 3 in Sichuan, and 1 in Beijing. Two asymptomatic【无症状的】 carriers were reported -- one each in Hunan and Sichuan. And earlier today, one case was confirmed in Zhangjiajie in Hunan Province. Here’s Chen Xuan with a look at the developing clusters that originated in Nanjing.国家卫健委的消息,截至7月28日,内地报告新增新冠肺炎本土确诊病例24例,其中江苏20例,四川3例,北京1例。报告新增本土无症状感染者2例,分别来自湖南和四川。29日下午,张家界发现1例本土确诊病例。Among Jiangsu’s 20 cases, 18 were in Nanjing, and the other 2 were in Yangzhou. Nanjing now has 171 confirmed cases and two asymptomatic carriers since the cluster emerged on July 20th. The entire Lukou community in Jiangning District is now high-risk. Another six residential compounds were lifted to medium-risk【中风险地区】. Multiple community clusters have sprouted.江苏昨天新增的20例本土确诊病例中,南京市有18例,扬州市2例。自7月20日至7月29日,南京市已累计报告本土确诊病例171例及无症状感染者2例。根据相关防控规定,自29日起,南京市江宁区禄口街道全域调整为高风险地区,同时新增6个中风险地区。目前,多地出现散发疫情。Interview:Yang Dasuo, Deputy Director, Nanjing Health Commision杨大锁,南京市卫健委副主任In this picture, you’ll see where 155 patients live --most of them are in or around Lukou. The second picture shows the venues the patients have frequented -- most of them are in Jiangning District and downtown.大家可以看我带来的两张图,一张图是155个病例现住址街道的分布,大家可以看到基本上这些病例还是分布在禄口街道附近。还有一张图是病例的轨迹和现住址的图,主要是在江宁和主城区两块。As the third round of tests began on the city’s entire population, swab samples【样本】 are tested at different concentrations according to the area’s risk level: 10 swabs taken from a low-risk area are mixed into one tube to speed up the process. Five samples from a medium-risk area are mixed into one. And samples taken in a high-risk area are tested individually.目前,南京已经开展第三轮核酸检测,按照风险地区等级实行差异化采样检测——南京正在分区、分时段开展的第3轮全市全员核酸检测,将按照风险地区等级,实行差异化采样检测。高风险地区实行单检、中风险地区1:5混检、低风险地区1:10混检。Clusters that have sprouted outside Nanjing are all related to Zhangjiajie.多地出现无南京旅居史的感染者,而这些感染者都曾去往湖南张家界。The chain of transmission【传播】 likely originated in Nanjing, then to the tourist city in Hunan Province after three infected people in Dalian had a two-hour layover at Nanjing’s Lukou Airport on July 17th before traveling to Zhangjiajie.传播链的源头可能在南京,然后经来自大连的3名无症状感染者传播至湖南省,这3名旅客曾在南京禄口机场停留2小时,转机到达张家界。Sichuan Province reported three cases and one a symptomatic carrier yesterday -- two patients had traveled to Zhangjiajie, one carrier worked at Chengdu’s Tianfu Airport and was on the same flight with a family of three from Chengdu that were confirmed infected on Tuesday.7月28日,四川省上报3例确诊病例和1例无症状感染者——2例病例曾前往张家界,另一例病例在成都天府机场工作,曾与27日确诊的成都一家三口乘坐同一航班。In Hunan, the city of Ningxiang had an asymptomatic carrier yesterday. The man was traveling to Changde city in that province, and had been on the same tour boat as the family from Chengdu.湖南宁乡也于28日上报一例无症状感染者,该病患曾前往湖南常德,并与成都一家同乘一船。In Beijing, two confirmed patients emerged between yesterday and noon today, a couple that had recently traveled to Zhangjiajie.7月28日0时至7月29日12时,北京新增2例京外疫情关联新冠肺炎确诊病例,病例为夫妻关系,均为湖南张家界返京人员。Interview:Pang Xinghuo, Deputy Director, Beijing CDC庞星火,北京市疾控中心副主任All districts and departments have taken control measures from contact tracing to lockdowns. Genetic sequencing tests and epidemiological【流行病学的】 investigations【调查】 are underway. We’ve found 654 contacts and put them in quarantine. We’re still locating more contacts.目前,各相关区和部门已经采取密接追踪、封闭管控等疫情防控措施,相关流行病学调查基因测序及管控工作正有序展开。初步判断上述确诊病例密切接触者654人,已落实集中隔离医学观察措施,其他密接人员正在进一步核实中。The two patients live in suburban Changping district -- their compound and nine others nearby have been locked down. Residents from the same compound and workplace as the couple are asked not to leave Beijing unless necessary, and will need to present a green health code and a negative test result in the past 48 hours to do so.确诊病例现居北京市昌平区,目前病例所在小区及周边9个小区已实施封控管理。小区居民及这对夫妻的同事非必要情况下不能离京,如须离京则需出示绿色健康码和48小时内的阴性核酸检测结果。Here in Shanghai, city authorities are tightening controls on people who arrived from a medium to high-risk area. All such individuals should report to their residential committee or hotel within 12 hours of arrival.上海市防控办发布最新疫情防控有关要求,进一步加强对国内疫情中高风险地区来沪返沪人员健康管理的具体措施。所有来自或途经国内疫情中高风险地区的来沪返沪人员均需在到达12小时内上报居住地或酒店。People arriving from a high-risk area will undergo 14 days of quarantine【隔离】 and two tests. Those from a medium-risk area need to observe at-home isolation and two tests. Residents are advised not to go to a medium or high-risk area or abroad unless necessary.对来自高风险地区的访沪者实施14天集中隔离健康观察,和2次新冠病毒核酸检测。同时提醒广大市民,非必要不前往国内疫情中高风险地区,非必要不出境。Now doctors say the most effective protection is still getting vaccinated【接种】. Wearing a mask in public, washing your hands frequently and avoiding large gatherings are also good ways to reduce the risk of infection. Shanghai has no new local cases as of 7 am today -- all individuals in Shanghai related to a case have been tested negative.目前最有效的防疫措施依然是接种疫苗。在公共场所配戴口罩、勤洗手、避免聚众等也能有效降低感染危险。截至29日7时,上海市未出现本地确诊病例,所有密切接触者的核酸检测结果均为阴性。Interview:Zhang Wenhong, Director, Dept. of Infectious Diseases, Huashan Hospital张文宏,复旦大学附属华山医院感染科主任What we see here is a spreading model where the virus was introduced by flight and then quickly begins to spread in multiple cities. This has happened in multiple provinces within the past week. You might not have known the speed of this model in past clusters in China.从模式上来讲,就呈现一个通过航空线路的传播,迅速地向各地进行传播的模式,几乎集中在一个星期内分布到全国多个省市,以前这种快速地通过航空模式可能大家没有这么切实地感觉到。Infectious disease expert Zhang Wenhong adds that there’re not yet many cases with unknown source. This shows we have not yet entered a stage of widespread community infection. He says if more cases unrelated to Lukou Airport emerge in Nanjing, authorities may need to take tougher action.张文宏表示,在南京本地,南京其他区域并未出现较多的没有源头的社区病例,说明疫情还处于大范围社区弥散前阶段。如果南京出现较多与禄口机场无直接相关的病例,则标志着疫情规模会扩大,可能需要采取更为果断的措施。Zhang said the latest data from Chile showed China’s inactivated vaccines are close to 66 percent effective against an infection, 87.5 percent effective in preventing hospitalization and more than 90 percent effective at preventing ICU admissions. He says this demonstrates relatively high efficiency in preventing a severe coronavirus infection and even death.张文宏透露,根据智利最新发布的数据,中国灭活疫苗对预防新冠感染的有效性约为66%,预防患者的住院率保护力为87.5% ,预防ICU入住率的保护力高于90%,这表明中国灭活疫苗对新冠的重症化、住院甚至是死亡的预防具有较高的有效率。2.CHINA CLAIMS 2 GOLD MEDALS IN THE POOL“霏”常精彩!中国游泳队再摘两金China claimed two gold medals in swimming --- one in the women’s 200-meter butterfly and the other in women’s 4x200 meter freestyle relay【接力】. The country’s athletes have now won 14 gold medals at the Tokyo Olympics. 7月29日,中国游泳队在女子200米蝶泳和女子4x200米自由泳接力项目连获两金。截至当日12时,中国队已在本次东京奥运会赢得14枚金牌。China’s Zhang Yufei had a convincing victory in women’s 200 meter butterfly to win her first gold at the Tokyo Olympics. Zhang led from the beginning, winning with a time of two minutes and 3.86 seconds, slicing 0.2 seconds off the Olympic record set by compatriot Jiao Liuyang at London 2012.在女子200米自由泳项目中,中国选手张雨霏不负众望,取得个人首金。决赛开始,张雨霏没有给对手任何机会,一直遥遥领先,最终以2分03秒86的成绩夺冠,并打破焦刘洋保持的奥运会纪录,提升0.2秒。Later in the day, China broke the world record in the women’s 4x200 meter freestyle relay. Team China clocked 7 minutes and 40.33 seconds, 1.17 seconds faster than the previous record held by the Australians. Yang Junxuan set an early lead for China and Tang Muhan recovered the advantage though Australian challenger Emma McKeon caught up in the middle.随后,张雨霏和队友杨浚瑄、汤慕涵、李冰洁投入女子4*200米自由泳接力决赛。中国队惊艳四座,以7分40秒33的成绩摘得金牌,比前世界纪录保持者澳大利亚队快1.17秒。杨浚瑄为中国队早早确立了领先优势,尽管澳大利亚挑战者Emma McKeon在中间追赶,汤慕涵还是追回了优势。Zhang Yufei, fresh from her 200-meter butterfly gold just an hour earlier, maintained a 0.43 second advantage over second-place Australia before Li Bingjie jumped into the water. Li fended off the challenge from her American rival【竞争对手】 to win the gold for China.张雨霏虽一个小时前刚进行完200米蝶泳决赛,但仍能以0.43秒领先澳大利亚第二棒选手,并将优势传递李冰洁。李冰洁不畏来自美国选手的压力,为中国赢回金牌。Interview:Li Bingjie, Chinese Swimmer李冰洁,中国游泳队队员I want to challenge myself and show no fear for strong rivals when I saw them competing by my side.看到旁边都是强敌,我也想体现出自己那种不畏强敌、迎难而上的精神。Interview:Zhang Yufei, Chinese Swimmer张雨霏,中国游泳队队员The 200-meter freestyle is not my major training event. In the last 50 meters, I felt a strong power rising from the bottom of my heart, which pushed me to go all out to beat my rivals.我不是200自(游泳)主项,结果游到最后50米,就那种中国力量从心底燃起来,就不服输!我一定要跟你拼了!This is Zhang’s third medal in Tokyo after taking a silver in the 100-meter butterfly competition earlier this week. Li Bingjie has now won two medals, with the first a bronze in women’s 400-meter freestyle.继本周女子100米摘银后,张雨霏收获了她在东京奥运会的第三枚奖牌。李冰洁也收获了女子400米自由泳铜牌后的第二枚奖牌。3.NEW CHINESE AMBASSADOR TO U.S. DELIVERS REMARKS UPON ARRIVAL抵美履新!秦刚任中国驻美国大使Upon his arrival, China’s new Ambassador【大使】 to the United States, Qin Gang said that he believes the door of China-U.S. relations, which is already open, cannot be closed. 中国新任驻美国大使秦刚于7月28日抵达美国履新。当晚,他在华盛顿向中美媒体发表讲话时强调,中美关系的大门已经打开,就不会关上。Qin said fifty years ago, Dr. Henry Kissinger made a secret visit to China and opened the door to the normalization【正常化】 of China-U.S. relations during the Cold War. And now, China and the United States are entering a new round of mutual exploration and understanding, and are trying to find a way to get along with each other in the new era.秦刚表示,50年前,正值冷战时期,中美相互隔绝,富有远见的基辛格博士,不得不取道他途,秘密访华。当前,中美正在进入新一轮相互发现、认知和调试中,寻求新时代彼此相处之道。Interview:Qin Gang, Chinese Ambassador to the U.S.秦刚,中国驻美国大使Fifty years later today, as the 11th Chinese Ambassador to the United States, I can travel most openly and fly directly to this country. How the world has changed with the passage of time. I believe that the door of China-US relations, which is already open, cannot and should not be closed. This is the trend of the world, the call of the times, and the will of the people.50年后的今天,作为第11任中国驻美大使,我可以公开踏上正途,直抵美国。时过境迁,令人感慨。我相信,中美关系的大门已经打开,就不会关上。这是时代潮流,大势所趋,民心所向。The ambassador said he will follow through on the spirit of the phone call between the two presidents on the eve of the Chinese New Year, and seek to build bridges of communication and cooperation with all sectors of the United States. Qin also sent greetings to overseas Chinese and Chinese students in the United States, and said he looks forward to meeting and communicating with them soon.秦刚表示,他将按照中美两国元首除夕通话精神,同美国各界架起沟通、合作的桥梁,共同推动中美关系重回正确发展轨道。当天,秦刚还向全美侨胞和在美中国留学生致问候信,期待早日与大家见面交流。#热词加油站asymptomatic【无症状的】medium-risk【中风险地区】sample【样本】transmission【传播】epidemiological【流行病学的】investigation【调查】quarantine【隔离】vaccinate【接种】relay【接力】rival【竞争对手】ambassador【大使】normalization【正常化】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
7/30/20218 minutes, 49 seconds
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07/29 TOP OF THE DAY 南京疫情/IMF经济预测/杨倩的“小黄鸭”发卡火啦

NEWS ON 7/291. NANJING REPORTS ANOTHER 47 LOCAL COVID-19 CASES南京疫情已扩散至5省2. IMF SEES 6% GROWTH, WARNS OF UNEVEN GLOBAL RECOVERY喜忧参半——IMF预测全球经济复苏步伐日益分化3. YANG QIAN’S HAIR CLIPS ARE SELLING OUT IN YIWU新晋“带货王”!杨倩同款发卡成今夏新爆款-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1. NANJING REPORTS ANOTHER 47 LOCAL COVID-19 CASES南京疫情已扩散至5省The National Health Commission reported 55 new local COVID-19 cases on the Chinese mainland yesterday, with 47 in Nanjing, the capital city of Jiangsu Province. Here’s Chen Xuan with the details on this developing cluster【聚集】.国家卫健委28日通报,7月27日0-24时,31个省(自治区、直辖市)和新疆生产建设兵团报告新增新冠肺炎确诊本土病例55例,其中南京47例。As of midnight today, Nanjing has reported two asymptomatic【无症状的】carriers and 153 confirmed cases in the current outbreak. 81 of them have light symptoms, 68 have moderate illness, and four are in a severe condition. Suqian City has reported two cases, both have moderate symptoms. Nanjing officials said most of the new cases were found through testing of key contact groups. Lukou Community, where the airport is, has started a fourth round of nucleic acid testing. 截至今日(28日)24点,此轮疫情南京市已累计报告无症状感染者2例、本土确诊病例153例,其中轻型81例、普通型68例、重型4例;宿迁市累计报告本土确诊病例2例,均为普通型。据南京相关负责人介绍,大部分新增病例为密集排查、重点人群筛查发现。目前,南京禄口机场所在的禄口街道已全面启动第四轮全员核酸检测。INTERVIEWYang Dasuo, Deputy DirectorNanjing Health Commission杨大锁南京市卫健委副主任We found most of the new cases were from the airport or surrounding areas. We have also discovered multiple community clusters passing around. 流调发现,近期新增病例主要还是集中在机场及周边地区,而且在报告的病例中已发现有多起聚集性疫情。Nanjing’s health commission asked people to avoid gatherings and protect themselves. More than 2,300 pharmacies in the city were asked to stop selling antibiotics【抗生素】, fever, and cough medications. The city now has four high-risk and 42 medium-risk areas. Gulou District suspended【暂停】the operation of public venues including 11 cinemas, 54 internet cafes and 43 sports venues. Tutoring and summer day care services have also been suspended. Supermarkets and farmer’s markets will stay open with limits on the number of people allowed in at one time, and similar measures were put in place in Qinhuai District and Jiangbei New Area earlier this week. Doctors say the cluster is the Delta variant -- a mutant strain that spreads faster and generates higher viral loads in a patient. People had milder symptoms at the onset of infection, leading to delays in hospitalization. 南京现有高风险地区4个,中风险地区42个。南京市卫健委特别提醒市民:务必不扎堆不聚集,做好个人防护。全市2300多家零售药店已暂停向市民销售(含网络销售)退热、止咳、抗病毒和抗生素等“四类药品”。鼓楼区已暂停11家电影院、54家网吧及43家体育场所营业,同时暂停培训机构(含托管)线下服务。农贸(集贸)市场、批发市场、商场超市等重点场所要落实限流等管控措施。早前,秦淮区及江北新区也已采取类似疫情防控措施。专家指出,引起此次疫情的是"德尔塔"变异株,传播速度更快,病毒载量更高,但因感染初期症状更轻,导致了就医不及时。INTERVIEWQiu Haibo, Jiangsu Team PanelistState Council Joint Prevention & Control Mechanism邱海波国务院联防联控机制综合组江苏工作组医疗救治组专家A smaller percentage of people had fever at the onset of infection with the Delta variant. Some had minor muscle soreness【酸痛】, fatigue or loss of smell. Others had no symptoms at all. Based on that, we ask people to get checked if they have a sore throat, fatigue, minor digestive tract symptoms or loss of smell or taste.这次德尔塔株感染以后发烧的比例更低了,尤其早期,发烧的病人更低了。他的症状可能就仅仅表现为乏力或者表现为嗅觉障碍,或者表现为轻度的肌肉酸痛,所以还有相对一部分病人是没有症状的。轻微的咽痛,轻微的乏力,或者出现了比如说一些轻微的胃肠道症状的时候,当然还包括一些比如说嗅觉障碍、味觉障碍的时候,我们应该去发热门诊或者是去看医生。Outside Nanjing, the cluster has infected 170 people in nine cities from five provinces. The city of Yangzhou in Jiangsu Province found a positive individual last night through tests on people who had just arrived from Nanjing. All downtown entertainment venues, education businesses and spas have been closed. Three carriers in Dalian, Liaoning Province and another one diagnosed on a different day in the city were found to have been to the same theater on July 22nd in the city of Zhangjiajie in Hunan Province. Zhangjiajie has categorized everyone who was at the theater that night as high-risk contacts. In Sichuan, three new local cases emerged in Chengdu -- a family of three who had traveled to Hunan within the past 10 days. They returned to Chengdu on Sunday. Each one is now in a stable condition at a hospital.除南京外,禄口机场疫情传播链条已蔓延至5省9地(11地,截至28日晚),感染病例数达170人。27日晚,一名南京抵扬人员在扬州友好医院就诊时新冠病毒核酸检测结果呈阳性,主城区娱乐场所、培训机构、洗浴中心等一律暂停开放。27日,大连再增1例本地确诊病例,该病例曾与大连26日通报的3例无症状感染者,同于7月22日晚在张家界观看魅力湘西剧场演出。经评估,7月22号晚第一场魅力湘西所有观众,均属于高风险人群。成都新增3例本土病例,为一家三口,曾在湖南旅游一周,于周日返回成都。目前三人均已接受隔离治疗,病情稳定。2. IMF SEES 6% GROWTH, WARNS OF UNEVEN GLOBAL RECOVERY喜忧参半——IMF预测全球经济复苏步伐日益分化The International Monetary Fund announced yesterday that it was maintaining its global economic growth forecast【预测】of 6 percent for this year, but warned of an increasingly uneven recovery around the world as the gap between rich and poor countries widens amid the pandemic. 国际货币基金组织昨天(27日)发布《世界经济展望报告》更新内容,将2021年全球经济增长预期维持在6%不变,但警告称,疫情面前全球经济复苏步伐正日益分化。The IMF puts China’s 20-21 growth at 8.4 percent, up 0.3 percentage points from its January forecast. Its projection for China’s economic expansion for 2022 remains unchanged at 5.6 percent. The fund said in its report that while the global economy is apparently on firmer ground, recovery would come across as divergent【分化的,不同的】amid high uncertainty caused by the pandemic. In China, effective containment measures, a forceful public investment response, and central bank liquidity【流动性】have led to a strong recovery.国际货币基金组织预计2021年中国经济将增长8.4%,较1月份预测值上调0.3个百分点,并将2022年中国经济增长预测维持在5.6%不变。报告提到,虽然全球经济正在稳步复苏,但全球经济增长前景仍然具有高度不确定性,经济体间的差距继续拉大。得益于有效的疫情防控措施、强有力的公共政策应对以及央行的流动性支持,中国率先复苏、增长强劲。3. YANG QIAN’S HAIR CLIPS ARE SELLING OUT IN YIWU新晋“带货王”!杨倩同款发卡成今夏新爆款China’s women’s three-on-three basketball team won a bronze medal tonight at the Tokyo Olympic games, defeating France 16 to 14. The sport is making its Olympic debut at the Tokyo games.28日晚,中国女子三人篮球队以16-14战胜法国队,夺取铜牌,这也是该项目首次作为奥运会正式比赛项目。Hair clips in the same style as those worn by Chinese shooter Yang Qian who claimed two gold medals at the ongoing Olympics have become extremely popular online. Our reporter Zhang Yue has learned that sales for the hair clip have doubled at the Yiwu International Trade City in Zhejiang Province.拿下女子10米气步枪和混合团体10米气步枪两枚金牌之后,来自宁波的中国射击运动员杨倩成为了新晋的"带货王"。她头上佩戴的饰品在网上迅速走红,同款饰品在义乌国际商贸城的销量已翻了一翻。Online shop owner Hu Jungang went to Yiwu this morning. As a center of international trade, the city is the world’s largest small commodity center. After hearing that a new batch of yellow duck hair clips had just arrived, Hu rushed over to restock his inventory. The sales for the hair clip have gone through the roof since they were spotted being worn by Chinese shooter Yang Qian when she claimed China’s first gold medal on Saturday at the Tokyo 2020 Olympics. 义乌国际商贸城是世界最大的商品批发市场,一大早,开网店的胡俊听说又来了一批"小黄鸭发卡"新货,便立刻赶来义乌采购。就在上周六,杨倩为中国军团拿下首金后,她头上佩戴的小黄鸭发卡便迅速走红,日销量成百倍增长。INTERVIEWHu Jungang, Online Shop Owner胡俊刚,网店店主My store sold nearly 20,000 of them on Saturday, the yellow duck hair clip has been very popular since then. 由于前几天杨倩夺冠了,小黄鸭的发卡就火了,当天就卖了将近两万个。Similar hair clips in the shape of carrot that Yang wore can also been seen in various online shops. A vendor in Yiwu said the two hair clips sold out every day this week. 她头上佩戴的胡萝卜头绳在商城也随处可见,有义乌商户就表示,这两款产品每天都被买断货。INTERVIEWMao Xuxia, VendorYiwu International Trade City毛旭霞,义乌国际商贸城商户  In the past, only around 100 were sold each day. Now I can sell more than 10,000. Yesterday it was out of stock, and our workers had to work until 3 a.m. to make more for today. 之前一天只卖100多个,昨天还没货,现在日销售达到一万多个。昨天晚上工人加班到(半夜)两三点钟今天才有点现货。Yang, who is from Ningbo, won another gold in the 10m air rifle mixed team event final yesterday with her partner Yang Haoran, making the clip even more popular. This has led to some vendors to begin developing derivative products【周边产品】of the yellow duck hair clips.27日,杨倩又与搭档杨皓然联手摘下了10米气步枪混合团体金牌,这让她的头饰又引来一大批网友"种草",一些商家甚至纷纷卖起了小黄鸭发卡的新周边。#热词加油站cluster【聚集】antibiotics【抗生素】suspended【暂停】soreness【酸痛】,forecast【预测】divergent【分化的,不同的】liquidity【流动性】derivative product【周边产品】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
7/29/20216 minutes, 1 second
Episode Artwork

07/28 TOP OF THE DAY 河南灾情最新/浦东金融数据港/上海运动员奥运夺金

NEWS ON 07/281.2 MORE BODIES FOUND IN SUBWAY TUNNEL AFTER ZHENGZHOU FLOOD愿逝者安息!郑州地铁5号线遇难人数增至14人2.FINANCIAL DATA PORT OPENS IN ZHANGJIANG全国首个金融数据港在张江开港3.SHANGHAI ATHLETES SHINE IN TOKYO战奥运,夺金牌!上海小囡闪耀东京!-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1.2 MORE BODIES FOUND IN SUBWAY TUNNEL AFTER ZHENGZHOU FLOOD愿逝者安息!郑州地铁5号线遇难人数增至14人Two more people were found dead over the weekend after flood-waters poured into a subway tunnel on July 20th in Zhengzhou City, Henan Province. It brought the death toll up to 14.7月20日,洪水涌入河南郑州地铁5号线。经搜救排查,上周末(7月26日前)又发现两名遇难者,遇难人数已升至14人。Record precipitation【降水】prompted the flood control and drought relief headquarters in Zhengzhou to upgrade the flooding emergency response level to its highest on July 20th. 12 people were found dead that day. After the remaining water was drained, two more bodies were found over the weekend. Zhengzhou’s subway system remained closed as water was still being pumped from 24 stations, while mud and debris were being cleared from another 147 stations. Bus service was almost back to normal. Train service was also gradually resuming. The Zhengzhoudong Railway Station scheduled 267 trains today, but many were delayed due to technical failures.郑州持续遭遇极端特大暴雨,郑州市防汛抗旱指挥部于7月20日将防汛应急响应提升至I级。“7·20事件”当天,有12名乘客确认遇难。经过抢险排水后,分别于24日下午、25日上午,又发现2名遇难者。目前,郑州地铁全线网停运,24个地铁站正在抽水,147个地铁站正在清淤。郑州市公交线路已几乎恢复正常,郑州局客运列车开行也在逐渐恢复。郑州东站今天(27日)计划开行列车增加至267列,但由于技术故障,不少列车晚点。Rescue work continued in Weihui, Xinxiang City of Henan, where heavy rain caused severe flooding. Floodwaters exceeded depths of 2 meters in some areas of Weihui. At 6am, more than 300 soldiers from the 83rd Army of the PLA were ordered to evacuate residents in nine locations. The 1st Affiliated Hospital of Xinxiang Medical University was still without water and electricity due to flooding.暴雨后,河南新乡、卫辉内涝严重,救援工作仍在继续。卫辉部分地区积水超过2米。早晨6点,解放军第83集团军300多名士兵疏散了9个地点的居民。新乡医学院第一附属医院仍停水停电。INTERVIEW:Sun Jianfeng, The 83rd Army, PLA孙建锋第83集团军某工程防化旅副政委“We have been working since we arrived at the hospital. Some of the critical patients and medical workers are still waiting to be relocated. We will safely transfer all of the people as soon as possible.”我们从今天(26日)中午不到十二点钟,来到这座医院,到目前为止,我们已经奋战了将近8个小时。截至目前,还有部分重病号和医护人员还没有完全转移出去。下一步,我们将按照计划,坚决完成上级赋予我们的任务,把所有的病号和医护人员安全有效的全部转移出去。As of midnight today, all of the patients had been safely transferred.截至今天(27日)24点,患者已全部安全转移。2.FINANCIAL DATA PORT OPENS IN ZHANGJIANG全国首个金融数据港在张江开港As part of Pudong New Area’s pioneer projects to become a leading area for socialist modernization【现代化】, a financial data port opened today in Zhangjiang, a change from what was once Zhangjiang Bank Card Industrial Park.作为贯彻落实《浦东引领区》文件的一个重大举措,金融数据港今天在张江正式开港。这一园区由银行卡产业园转型升级而来。The park, established for 19 years, has gathered clearing data on domestic and cross-border【跨国的】yuan payments, personal and corporate credit and financial derivatives【金融衍生工具】trading data, along with operation and maintenance【维护】companies for banks, insurance and securities firms. The goal from now on is to have companies in the fintech【金融科技】sector complete the industrial chain.经过19年的发展,全国所有的银行卡交易清算数据、人民币支付清算数据等,都在此产生;这里金融基础设施、银行、证券、保险等运维部门聚集。未来,这里将构建具有全球影响力的金融科技产业集群。INTERVIEW:Min Hao, General ManagerShanghai Bank Card Industrial Park Development Co.闵浩 上海市银行卡产业园开发有限公司总经理“In the future, this will be the tech core for the bank card industry, with research and development teams from fintech firms and their subsidiaries.”不仅仅是成本中心和后台,将来可能是开发、研究,和整个技术核心在这里,紧紧抓住金融机构的金融科技力量。他们在科技方面的团队和子公司在这里集聚。INTERVIEW:Men Qingbing, Deputy DirectorPudong New Area Financial Work Bureau门庆兵上海市浦东新区金融工作局副局长“By the end of the year, a national level fintech RD center will land in this park.This will become the foundation for fintech development in China.”国家级的金融科技研发中心,将来也将落户在金融数据港,计划年内开业。这也是进一步扎实我们金融科技的发展底座,打造国家级研发中心。The port will also have payment, clearing, credit report, supervision, standard making and security functions. Also at the ceremony today, a list of fintech labs including UnionPay’s National Engineering Laboratory were unveiled. 11 financial institutions and three core projects including a digital finance program under the China Central Depository Clearing Company started operations today.此外,金融数据港还将聚集支付、清算、征信、监管、安全、标准等六大功能。在今天的开港仪式上,包括中国银联国家工程实验室在内的一批金融科技创新实验室发布。11家机构以及中央国债登记结算有限公司中债数金等3个重点项目顺利落成。3.SHANGHAI ATHLETES SHINE IN TOKYO战奥运,夺金牌!上海小囡闪耀东京!China claimed two gold medals today -- one in women’s synchronized 10-meter platform diving and the other in the 10-meter air pistol mixed team event. Both events featured athletes from Shanghai.今天,中国队斩获两枚金牌,一枚来自女子跳水双人10米台,另一枚来自10米气枪混合团体项目。上海运动员在这两个项目中表现出色,勇夺金牌。China’s Pang Wei 庞伟 and Jiang Ranxin 姜冉馨 with stood the challenge from their Russian Olympic Committee rivals to win the10-meter air pistol mixed team gold medal 16-14.The Chinese pair trailed 4-0 inthe first two rounds, but managed to tie the contest 8-8 before establishing a14-10 advantage. The Russian pair later leveled the score at 14, before Pangand Jiang scored 10.1 and 10.7 points respectively【各自】in the deciding round to give China its second gold medal in shooting. 21-year-old Jiang Ranxin is Shanghai’s 14th Olympic champion. She has also won several medals at the World Championships and the National Games.在东京奥运会10米气枪混合团体赛决赛中,中国组合庞伟/姜冉欣不负众望,在开局落后的情况下后来居上,以16-14的成绩战胜了俄罗斯选手,为中国队夺得本届奥运会的第7枚金牌。中国队在开局0-4落后的情况下,随后以8-8扳平比分,又以14-10取得优势。之后俄罗斯选手又将比分扳平至14-14。在最终的决胜局中,庞伟和姜冉馨分别打出10.1环和10.7环,为中国队夺得第二枚射击金牌。21岁的姜冉馨成为上海第14位奥运冠军。此前,她已在世界锦标赛和全运会上获得过几枚奖牌。INTERVIEW:Jiang Ranxin, Olympic Athlete姜冉馨 运动员“I’m really happy to win the gold medal. But there’s still a long way to go and I will keep fighting.”可能还处于懵懵懂懂的状态。开心是确实非常开心,但是我觉得以后还有很长的路要走吧,还要继续加油。Here in Shanghai, Jiang’s family cheered and applauded the victory.远在上海的姜冉馨家中,也是一片欢腾。INTERVIEW:姜冉馨妈妈、爸爸Jiang’s Parents“Ican’t believe it! Our hearts went up and down while watching. Congratulations! We are waiting for your triumphant return.”我说掐我一下是不是真的,起伏太大了,心脏受不了。我们恭喜你,我们就等你凯旋而归。In the women’s synchronized【同步】10-meter platform diving event this afternoon, Chen Yux i陈芋汐 and Zhang Jiaqi 张家齐 dominated the competition and won the gold medal. The pair led from start to finish and ended with a total score of 363.78 points, more than 50 points ahead of the silver medalists【奖牌获得者】from the United States. Born in 2005 in Shanghai, Chen’s talent was discovered by adiving coach when she was only 3 years old and was being trained by her father, who was a gymnastics coach at the time. She has been diving ever since.在今天(27日)下午的女子跳水双人10米台决赛中,陈芋汐和张家齐凭借出色发挥稳夺金牌。两人以总分363.78分遥遥领先,超获得银牌的美国选手50多分。2005年,陈芋汐出生于上海,父亲是一名体操教练。3岁时,陈芋汐跟着父亲在体操房训练,被一位跳水教练发现。自此开始练习跳水。INTERVIEW:Dong Chunhua, Chen’s Mother董春华 陈芋汐妈妈“I was very nervous when I saw my daughter on TV. I calmed down gradually when I saw her performance during the competition.”非常非常紧张,但是到电视开始转播女儿出现在画面上时,看到她的表现,我就觉得好像我的心情就平复了很多。INTERVIEW:Chen Jian, Chen’s Father陈健 陈芋汐爸爸“It has been 13 years since she started her career as an athlete. Her dream has finally come true.”期待了13年了,自从她开始练体育到现在,13年的梦想今天成功。Chen’s predecessor Wu Minxia, who is a five-time Olympic champion in diving, also congratulated Chen on her victory and hoped she could win more honors for China.国家跳水队原著名运动员、奥运“五金”冠军吴敏霞也对陈芋汐的胜利表示祝贺,并希望她能为中国赢得更多荣誉。#热词加油站precipitation【降水】modernization【现代化】cross-border【跨国的】financial derivatives【金融衍生工具】maintenance【维护】fintech【金融科技】respectively【各自】synchronize【同步】medalist【奖牌获得者】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
7/28/20215 minutes, 55 seconds
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07/27 TOP OF THE DAY 上海迎战“烟花”/中国队再添两银/中方提出两份清单

NEWS ON 7/271. SH DEFENSES HOLD AS IN-FA PASSES上海全员出动!“烟花”过境,他们筑起温暖屏障2. CHINA CLAIMS 2 SILVER MEDALS IN SWIMMING AND DIVING再添两银!中国游泳小将李冰洁打破亚洲纪录3. CHINA VICE FM EXPRESSES STRONG DISSATISFACTION WITH U.S.两份清单——中方敦促美方立即改弦易辙,纠正错误-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1. SH DEFENSES HOLD AS IN-FA PASSES上海全员出动!“烟花”过境,他们筑起温暖屏障Typhoon In-fa’s strength decreased as it made a second landfall this morning in the coastal area of Pinghu, Zhejiang Province. Shanghai’s weather bureau downgraded【降级】its typhoon alert from yellow to blue at 4 p.m. and water levels in the city’s major rivers and creeks were gradually receding【后退】. Zhang Hong tells us more.今早(26日)台风"烟花"在平湖二次登陆浙江嘉兴,之后强度有所减弱。上海中心气象台上午4点更新台风黄色预警信号为台风蓝色预警信号,市内主要河水位有所下降。The water level at Suzhou Creek dropped below 4.55 meters at 3 p.m. It had peaked at 5.5 meters early this morning. The typhoon, heavy rain and high tide pushed the water level to nearly 4.8 meters at the Mishidu Port of upstream Huangpu River tributary in Songjiang earlier today, the highest on record. The warning level is 4.6 meters.At 4a.m., adike【堤】burst near Mishidu Port. The breach measured 8-meters, while a secondary dike partially collapsed. 200 armed police were sent to make repairs. 上午苏州河水位最高达5.5米,下午3点降至4.55米以下。26日恰逢天文大潮,再叠加上台风“烟花”带来的狂风暴雨,黄浦江上游的米市渡水位一度超过4.6米的警戒线,接近4.8米,创下历史新高。凌晨4点,松江区车墩镇米市渡江段曾出现决堤险情,江边第一道防汛堤的缺口长达8米,江水倒灌造成部分二级防洪堤坝垮塌,武警上海总队机动第二支队200名官兵火速赶往处置。INTERVIEWXie Xiaohang, Armed Police谢萧航,武警上海总队机动第二支队机动六中队指导员We separated the area and repaired the breach from bottom to top. 我们通过分区划块方式,对缺口进行了从下往上分区封堵。The flooding was under control in about 3 hours.Pudong Landscaping Management Center had employees on patrol 24-7 to report rising water levels and remove the debris after the typhoon destroyed a fence.经过近3小时的连续作业,两处主要险情已基本排除。浦东新区绿化管理事务中心紧急动员,全面落实24小时值班制,确保通讯畅通,随时沟通水位情况,并及时清扫路面。INTERVIEWYe Qing, Deputy DirectorPudong Landscaping Management Center叶青,上海市浦东新区绿化管理事务中心副主任Once there is a dangerous situation, people who are not on duty will be notified to be on standby.一旦险情过来,原来休息的人随时待命。Sinopec Shanghai Gaoqiao Petrochemical employees found water leaking from an 1,800-meter-long flood prevention wall this morning. 3,600 sandbags were piled up to reinforce【加固】the wall and prevent a collapse.今早(26日)上海高桥石化有限公司员工报告1800米长的防汛墙存在漏水处,相关人员随后迅速垒起3600多个沙袋加固墙体,避免了墙体坍塌。INTERVIEWLu Wei, Sinopec Shanghai Gaoqiao Petrochemical Co.陆伟,上海高桥石化有限公司储运部生产副经理We’ll contact the department to check the design of the flood-prevention wall and work out a detailed plan to eliminate risks. 我们后期会结合专业部门对我们防汛墙的初始的设计制定详细的方案,消除安全隐患。By 3 p.m., the tide level of the Suzhou Creek estuary had dropped below 4.55 meters and the blue tide alert for the Huangpu River was canceled. 88 mobile pump trucks and more than 2,000 rescue teams remain on duty. Preparation plans had been made for 178 pump stations. There was no serious flooding reported on main roads around Shanghai.截至下午3点,苏州河潮位已回落至4.55米以下,随后上海解除黄浦江高潮位蓝色预警信号。88台移动泵车及2000多支救援队仍然随时待命,178座防汛泵站随时准备。目前,上海主路尚未受到洪水的严重影响。2. CHINA CLAIMS 2 SILVER MEDALS IN SWIMMING AND DIVING再添两银!中国游泳小将李冰洁打破亚洲纪录The men’s artistic gymnastics【体操】competition just finished. And China’s team won a bronze medal, with team ROC and Japan ranking first and second.在刚刚结束(26日)的男子体操团体决赛中,中国摘得一枚铜牌,金牌和银牌被俄罗斯奥运队和日本队分别收入囊中。China has claimed silver medals in women’s 100-meter butterfly【蝶泳】and men’s 10-meter synchronized platform 【男子双人10米台】diving as well as a bronze medal in the 400-meter freestyle today. Zhang Ningben has more.今日(26日),中国军团在女子100米蝶泳决赛、男子双人10米台各摘得一枚银牌,并在女子400米自由泳决赛中收获一枚铜牌。Chinese swimmer Zhang Yufei won the silver medal in the women’s 100-meter butterflyevent in 55.64 seconds today. Zhang led through the 50-meter mark at 25.71 seconds, but Canadian Maggie MacNeil went all out over the final few meters and beat Zhang to win the gold medal by just five one hundredths of a second. Zhang will compete in the 200-meter Butterfly event on Thursday. 在女子100米蝶泳决赛中,张雨霏游出了55.64的好成绩,收获银牌。在前50米,张雨霏领先第二名25.71秒,但转身过后接近终点时,远端的7号加拿大选手麦克尼尔赶超上来,以0.05秒的微弱优势力压张雨霏获得金牌。本周四,张雨霏还将参加200米蝶泳比赛。In the men’s 10-meter synchronized platform diving this afternoon, Chinese duo Cao Yuan and Chen Aisez won the silver medal while British divers Thomas Daley and Matty Lee claimed the gold. The British duo began to build their leading position after their fourth dive and tallied 471.81 points, beating China’s Cao and Chen who scored 470.58 points. The Chinese duo faltered in their fourth dive, scoring a sixth-placed 73.44 points, missing out on the chance to win the gold medal. 在下午的男子双人10米台的决赛中,中国选手陈艾森/曹缘组合不敌戴利/马修·李组合,以470.58的总分拿到银牌。比赛的第4跳,陈艾森/曹缘出现失误,只拿到73.44分,使得戴利/马修·李组合获得了领先优势,并保持到最后,以471.81的总分摘得金牌。Also today, 19-year-old Li Bingjie claimed a bronze medal and broke the Asian record for the 400-meter freestyle【自由泳】with a time of 4 minutes and 1.08 seconds. Li shone at the 2017 World Championships in Budapest, winning the bronze in the 400-meter freestyle and silver in the 800-meter, she also set two more Asian records at the National Games later that year. Another bronze medal went to Wei Meng in women’s skeet shooting【双向飞碟】.此外,在女子400米自由泳决赛中,19岁的小将李冰洁以4分01秒08的成绩,刷新亚洲纪录的成绩,摘得铜牌。李冰洁曾在布达佩斯游泳世锦赛上大放异彩,在400米与800米自由泳决赛中分获一铜一银,并在同年九月的全运会两破亚洲纪录。中国军团今日的另一枚铜牌由魏萌在射击女子双向飞碟决赛中摘得。3. CHINA VICE FM EXPRESSES STRONG DISSATISFACTION WITH U.S.两份清单——中方敦促美方立即改弦易辙,纠正错误China has urged the U.S. to rectify【修正】mistakes on its China policy and actions, such as removing sanctions on Chinese officials and visa restrictions on students as well as stopping the suppression【打压】of the development of Chinese enterprises. Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Xie Feng made the remarks during talks with visiting U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman in Tianjin Municipality today. Lei Shuran has more.中国外交部副部长谢锋今天(26日)在天津同美国常务副国务卿舍曼举行会谈,敦促美方应该改弦易辙,纠正错误,撤销对中方领导人、官员、政府部门的制裁,取消对中国留学生的签证限制,停止打压中国企业。Xie said the China-U.S. relationship is at a stalemate【僵局】, fundamentally because some Americans portray China as an "imagined enemy". He urged the United States to change this highly misguided mindset and dangerous policy. The vice foreign minister noted that the U.S. side’s so-called "rules-based international order" is designed to benefit itself at others’ expense, hold other countries back and introduce "the law of the jungle". This is an effort by the United States and a few other Western countries to frame their own rules as international rules and impose them on other countries.谢峰在会谈中指出,中美关系目前陷入僵局,面临严重困难,根本原因就是美国一些人把中国当作“假想敌”,他敦促美国改变极其错误的对华认知和极其危险的对华政策。谢锋表示,美方抛弃国际社会广泛接受的国际法和国际秩序,破坏自己曾经参与构建的国际体系,另起炉灶抛出所谓“基于规则的国际秩序”,无非是想耍赖,想篡改规则限制别人、谋利自己,是想施行弱肉强食、以大欺小的“丛林法则”。INTERVIEWXie Feng, Chinese Vice Foreign Minister谢锋,中国外交部副部长We also expressed strong dissatisfaction with the U.S. regarding its wrong words and actions on issues such as COVID-19 origin tracing, Taiwan, Xinjiang, Hong Kong and the South China Sea. We demanded the U.S. immediately stop interfering in China’s internal affairs, stop damaging China’s interests, stop stepping on red lines and playing with fire or engaging in provocation.中方重点就美方在新冠病毒溯源、台湾、涉疆、涉港及南海等问题上的错误言行,向美方再次表达了强烈的不满,要求美方立即停止干涉中国内政,停止损害中国利益,停止踩红线和玩火挑衅,停止打着价值观的幌子搞集团对抗。Xie said the Chinese side proposed to the American side two lists specifying areas and cases where Beijing demands changes. One is of U.S. policies and allegations concerning China that Beijing says need correcting, and the other is a list of key cases concerning Chinese officials and people in the United States. In the first list, China has urged the U.S. to unconditionally remove visa restrictions on members of the Communist Party of China and their families, sanctions on Chinese leaders, officials and government agencies as well as visa restrictions on Chinese students. China has also urged the U.S. to stop suppressing Chinese enterprises, stop harassing Chinese students, stop suppressing Confucius Institutes, revoking【撤销】the designation of Chinese media outlets as "foreign agents" or "foreign missions," and to withdraw its extradition【引渡】request for Huawei Chief Financial Officer Meng Wanzhou. In the second list, China has expressed concerns over cases about Washington’s rejection of some Chinese students’ visa applications, the unfair treatment of Chinese citizens in the U.S. as well as growing hatred against Asians and growing anti-China sentiments. It urges Washington to respect and protect the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese citizens and institutions in America.谢锋表示,中方向美方提出了两份清单,一份是要求美方纠正其错误对华政策和言行的清单,一份是中方关切的重点个案清单。在纠错清单里,中方敦促美方无条件撤销对中共党员及家属的签证限制,撤销对中方领导人、官员、政府部门的制裁,取消对中国留学生的签证限制,停止打压中国企业,停止滋扰中国留学生,停止打压孔子学院,撤销将中国媒体登记为“外国代理人”或“外国使团”,撤销对孟晚舟的引渡等等。在中方关切的重点个案清单里,中方主要就中国部分留学生赴美签证遭拒,中国公民在美遭受不公正待遇,美不法分子滋扰、冲撞我驻美使领馆,美国国内仇亚、反华情绪滋长,中国公民遭暴力袭击等个案向美方表达严重关切,要求美方尽快解决,切实尊重、保护中国公民和机构在美的合法权益。#热词加油站recede【后退】downgrade【降级】dike【堤】reinforce【加固】rectify【修正】suppression【打压】stalemate【僵局】revoke【撤销】extradition【引渡】【比赛名称】butterfly【蝶泳】men’s 10-meter synchronized platform【男子双人10米台】freestyle【自由泳】skeet shooting【双向飞碟】artistic gymnastics【体操】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
7/27/20217 minutes, 14 seconds
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07/26 TOP OF THE DAY 奥运黑科技/备战烟花/日本奥运外交

NEWS ON 7/261. HIGH-PERFORMANCE TECH FOR HIGH-PERFORMANCE ATHLETES中国“黑科技”助力东京奥运会!2.CITY DEPARTMENTS BRACE FOR INCOMING STORM迎战台风“烟花”,上海准备好了!3.FEWER FOREIGN LEADERS ATTENDING OLYMPICS OPENING CEREMONY来宾寥寥,日本“奥运外交”计划落空!-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1.HIGH-PERFORMANCE TECH FOR HIGH-PERFORMANCE ATHLETES中国“黑科技”助力东京奥运会!The long-awaited Tokyo Olympics opened today, and while concerns about Covid-19 mean that there won’t be fans in the stands, there will be a host of tech milestones【里程碑】 there that the organizers and broadcasters hope will keep the judges on track and the audiences cheering at home. For the first time the game’s broadcasts will be utilizing cloud technology, offered by China’s Alibaba. Other new high-tech like AI and AR is also coming into high demand for supporting international sports competitions, and the Chinese tech giants are doing pretty well at that, too.期待已久的东京奥运会于今日(23日)开幕。在严格的防疫措施下,东京奥运会是历史上首次观众席接近“空场”的奥运赛事,但国际奥委会和奥林匹克广播服务公司希望通过引入多项创新科技,辅助裁判打分,并为在家收看奥运赛事的观众提供全新的体验。东京奥运会采用云上转播技术,实现首次“云上奥运”,由中国的阿里巴巴提供云上支持。此外,人工智能和增强现实等多项新技术也亮相赛场,其中不乏中国科技公司的身影。Without wearing any sensors on your body, this screen can show just where you are and just what you’re doing, by recognizing the joints in your arms and legs. It’s even able to guess where joints like ankles are even if they’re covered up.即便你的身上没有任何传感器,这个屏幕可以通过识别你的胳膊和腿上的关节来展示你身处何地、在做什么。即便像脚踝这样的关节被遮盖住了,屏幕依旧可以识别它的位置。Zhang Shixuan, Reporter张诗旋,记者Just standing here, the system can detect my smallest movements, and you can see how it works with graphic arts. But actually the technology can be widely applied to international sports competitions as well, to help understand and analyze athletes’ gestures【手势】 and performance details.仅仅是站在这里,这个系统就能检测到我最为微小的动作。你也可以看到这一技术如何与平面艺术相结合。这项技术也可以广泛应用于国际体育比赛,帮助理解和分析运动员的姿势和比赛细节。Liao Hu, Senior Project ManagerSenseTime廖虎,商汤科技高级项目经理Our system can capture the sports action of every angle and every moment, for real time shot cutting in broadcast. And it can create a collection of the most exciting moments in a very short period of time. For example, if you want a collection of one of the athlete’s’ highlights, the AI technology can assemble it with just a one click. That was one of its earliest applications to sports.系统可以捕捉到每一个角度、每一个时刻的精彩,这样的话,可以完成实时镜头切换、转播、观赛,不放过每一个精彩的瞬间。可以在很短时间内,机器AI自动生成这些精彩集锦。AI更多的可以从大数据里面找到特征点,比如球场里面的一个运动员集锦,通过AI一键生成,去抓住特征、高光时刻、进球时刻,这是在体育比赛中最早的应用。Developed by Chinese tech giant SenseTime for streaming sports broadcasts, this is just one of the applications of the SenseMars system. Based on 3D rendering, real time navigation inputs and fast map-building technology, the system can also help visitors navigate as they walk around unfamiliar locations. It’s already being used in some scenic spots across China, such as the West Lake area in Hangzhou. Next year, it will be used at the Winter Olympics in Beijing, helping both fans and athletes find their way around the massive area.这只是中国科技巨头商汤科技研发的SenseMARS火星混合增强现实平台的一个应用场景。基于高精度三维数字化地图构建技术的导航导览功能,让观者更具身临其境的体验和参与感。近年来,商汤科技积极拓展多场景落地,“AR游西湖”就是一次成功的实践。明年,该平台还将助力北京冬奥会,为观众和运动员提供导航导览服务。The system has already been tried out at Beijing’s National Aquatics Center, widely known as the Water Cube. The Beijing Winter Olympics will also be using an additional AI system, Xiaoice, as an aid to the judges.商汤科技还携手国家游泳中心(水立方)打造了一款“水立方AR蓝海行动”。2022年北京冬奥会,小冰AI评分系统将作为助理裁判,辅助评判运动员表现。2.CITY DEPARTMENTS BRACE FOR INCOMING STORM迎战台风“烟花”,上海准备好了!And across Shanghai, city departments are bracing for the storm ... police, landscape and urban maintenance workers are unclogging drainage systems and calling ships in to port as suburban farmers are harvesting crops before In-fa destroys them.在上海,市政部门正在为台风的到来进行翻遍。警察和市容环卫工人正在疏通排水系统,并召集船只进港,而郊区的农民则正赶在“烟花”到来前抢收庄稼。As In-fa continues to approach the east coast, launched in June is getting its first test: In downtown Jing’an alone, 54 monitors send back accumulated rainfall data and trigger flood alerts. Fast response drills were run across city districts earlier today using the alarm system。随着台风“烟花”持续向东海岸靠近,6月刚刚上线的上海城市运行数字体征1.0版,迎来首场大考:仅静安区,就有54套积水点感知器发回了积水量数据,并触发超水位警报。今天早些时候,依托该报警系统,各市区都开展了快速响应应急演练。Pan Zhaorui, Staff on DutyShanghai City Operations Center潘朝锐,上海市城运中心值守组工作人员With the data, an urban maintenance worker won’t have to make a thousand calls to get the most basic information.由于这些数据来给我做一些强大的支撑以后,我已经不再需要去打无数个电话,然后问很多情况 来做一些进行一个深入的判断了。Traffic police inspected sewage pipes for blockages【阻塞】 at more than 10 sections of elevated roads that are prone to flooding. At Zhongshan Park station on Metro Line 2, officers and subway operators ran an emergency response drill for flooding in the tunnel.交警检查了10余处易引发水灾的高架路的排水管道,查看是否存在阻塞现象。在地铁2号线中山公园站,工作人员和地铁运营人员进行了一场针对“车站发生倒灌、积水进水”科目的应急演练。Wang JiyiYishan Road Police Dispatch Station王吉毅,轨道交通宜山路站派出所副所长We made some improvements and reduced our response and communications times.我们优化了一些应急预案,缩短了响应警情以及传递信息的时间。Across town, 338 emergency road repair teams and 118 outdoor billboard maintenance teams are on call. Workers from the landscape department have trimmed close to 100,000 trees that line more than 1,600 city streets. At more than 1,000 construction sites, work on the higher floors has been suspended. Ground construction will be halted tonight. At the construction site for the S3 highway, the tower cranes have been folded and secured.在全市范围内,338个道路抢修队和118个户外广告牌维修队随时待命。市容绿化部门的工人们已经修剪好了排列于1600多条城市道路上的近10万棵树木。在建的1000多个建筑工地上,高楼层施工已经全部暂停。今晚(23日晚)地面施工也将停止。在S3公路的施工现场,塔吊已被折叠固定。Jia Leigang, Project ManagerShanghai Tunnel Engineering Co.贾雷刚 上海隧道工程股份有限公司项目经理All beams【梁】, columns and landings at other high-rising machinery have been fortified.现场大型设备的盖梁、立柱和承台都已经得到了有效固定。In suburban farms, people are racing against time, trying to pick the fruit in orchards【果园】 so trees are less likely to fall and cause damage. Greenhouses are being fortified and drainage ditches unclogged.在郊区的农场里,人们争分夺秒采摘果园里的水果,这样就可以尽量避免果树倒伏造成损失。我们正在加固大棚,排水沟也都疏通好了。Ma Bingjie, Village Committee MemberHengzhao Village, Jinshan马冰杰,金山区横召村村委会委员Our workers are helping farmers pick pears, grapes and nectarines【油桃】, to try and cut losses.我们在派人帮助农民采摘梨、葡萄和油桃,以减少损失。At the mouth of the Yangtze River, close to 1,000 boats have been called in to safer waters. Maritime authorities have arranged tugs and rescue boats. The beach front area in Fengxian has been closed, and ferry services have been suspended to and from Chongming Island.在长江入海口地区,近1000艘船只已被调往更安全的水域。海事部门已经安排了拖船和救援船。奉贤区的滨海区域已经关闭,往返崇明岛的渡轮服务也已经暂停。3.FEWER FOREIGN LEADERS ATTENDING OLYMPICS OPENING CEREMONY来宾寥寥,日本“奥运外交”计划落空!Japan’s Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga has started a series of meetings with foreign dignitaries visiting the country for the opening ceremony of the Tokyo Olympics. Lei Shuran has the details.日本首相菅义伟已经开始了与访问日本参加东京奥运会开幕式的外国政要们举行的一系列会晤。Only about 15 countries and organizations have sent their representatives to Japan, partly due to the spread of the coronavirus. While more than 80 state leaders visited China in Beijing Olympics in 2008.受新冠疫情的影响,只有大约15个国家和组织派遣代表前往日本。而在2008年北京奥运会期间,有超过80位国家领导人访问了中国。French President Emmanuel Macron arrived in Japan this morning and met with the head of the International Olympic Committee Thomas Bach. Macron will be the only head of state to attend the opening ceremony for the Tokyo 2020 Games. Paris will host the 2024 Summer Olympic Games following Tokyo.法国总统马克龙今天上午抵达日本,并会见了国际奥委会主席巴赫。马克龙将是唯一一位出席2020年东京奥运会开幕式的国家元首。继东京之后,巴黎将举办2024年夏季奥运会。Meanwhile, Suga and his wife had dinner with US first lady Jill Biden yesterday. The Japanese Prime Minister said Jill’s attendance at the Olympics opening ceremony will be of great significance for Japan-US relations. In addition, South Korean President Moon Jae-in has decided not to visit Japan for the Tokyo Summer Olympics due to some disputes between the two nations. Moon said on social media yesterday that he hoped Tokyo Olympics can overcome all difficulties and be a safe and successful global event.与此同时,菅义伟夫妇昨日与美国第一夫人吉尔·拜登共进了晚餐。日本首相表示,吉尔出席奥运会开幕式将对日美关系具有重要意义,此外,由于韩日两国间的纠纷,韩国总统文在寅决定不赴日参加东京夏季奥运会。文在寅昨日在社交媒体上说,他希望东京奥运会能够克服一切困难,成为一场安全和成功的全球盛会。#热词加油站milestone【里程碑】gesture【手势】blockage【阻塞】beam【梁、波】orchard【滑的】nectarines【油桃】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
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Li Fabin claims China's second weightlifting gold

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Break the record! China wins its 2nd GOLD medal!

Won a second gold medal for China! With a record-breaking performance, Hou Zhihui lifted a combined total of 210kg to win the women's Olympic -49kg weightlifting title, and deliver China's second gold of Tokyo 2020.
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China wins the 1st GOLD medal of Tokyo Olympics!

China won the first gold of Tokyo 2020. In the women's 10-meter air rifle on Saturday morning, the 21-year-old Chinese player Yang Qian scored 251.8 rings in the final round.For the ninth consecutive time in the Olympic history since 1998, the women's 10m air rifle winner claimed the first gold medal of the Tokyo Olympic Games.
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07/23 TOP OF THE DAY 全国驰援河南/上海备战台风“烟花”/外交部再回应新冠溯源

NEWS ON 7/231. RESCUE WORK CONTINUES IN HENAN PROVINCE风里雨里,我们一起!全国多地增援河南防汛一线2. CITY PREPARES FOR IN-FA风云际会,“烟花”将至。魔都严阵以待!3. FM CALLS FOR COOPERATION ON VIRUS PRIGIN TRACING外交部再谈新冠溯源:美方不给出合理解释,质疑就不会结束-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1.RESCUE WORK CONTINUES IN HENAN PROVINCE风里雨里,我们一起!全国多地增援河南防汛一线Rescue teams from across the country have been dispatched to help trapped residents in the city of Zhengzhou. Sun Siqi has more.来自全国各地的救援队纷纷奔赴郑州,展开救援行动。A team of volunteers from Luoyang, Henan Province immediately devoted themselves to the rescue work yesterday upon their arrival at a hospital in Zhengzhou, in which over 1,100 patients and some of their family members were stranded【滞留】.一支来自河南洛阳的志愿队伍在抵达郑州一家医院后,立即投入到救援工作中。据了解,在该医院中,共有1100多名病人和部分家属滞留。 INTERVIEW:Citizen受困者家属My wife has been trapped for more than two days. The first floor of the hospital is flooded. I’m very worried about her. I want to see her immediately.她(我妻子)已经困在那里两天一夜了,医院一楼已经进水了。(我)非常担心她。我想尽快见到她。The hospital is only 4 kilometers from the temporary【临时的】 shelter. But it took rescuers an hour to reach the site as the entire area is seriously flooded. As normal access to the hospital is completely cut off, rescuers have been bringing in a steady stream of supplies.医院距离临时避难所只有4公里。但由于暴雨淹没了周边地区,救援人员花了一个小时才到达现场。通往医院的正常道路已被完全阻断,救援队一直在向医院输送物资。INTERVIEW:Rescue team members救援队队员-How long since you had some water?记者:多久没喝水了?-I forgot.救援队队员:忘记了。-Where are you from?记者:你是从哪里来的?-I’m from Tongbai County of Nanyang, Henan Province. He’s from Xiaogan, Hubei Province. When disaster struck, help came from all sides.救援队队员:南阳桐柏,他是孝感的。一方有难,八方支援。Rescue teams are coming in from as far away as Guangdong Province are also hard at work, a team arriving from Foshan has saved 136 trapped residents. A fire brigade from Nantong, Jiangsu Province dispatched 10 fire engines and 66 fire fighters yesterday, equipped with inflatable rafts and other necessary gear.来自广东的救援力量也已投入行动,抢险仍在紧张进行。一支从佛山赶来的救援队已经救出136名被困居民。江苏南通派出了一支由10辆消防车和66名消防队员组成的消防队,队内配备有充气筏和其他必要装备。Another 7 fire brigades【消防队】 from cities including Nanjing and Changzhou, together with logistics【后勤】 and medical teams have also been sent to the region to assist in rescue operations.南京、常州等市也派遣7支消防队、后勤队及医疗队到达河南协助救援行动。2.CITY PREPARES FOR IN-FA风云际会,“烟花”将至。魔都严阵以待!Flood prevention, water authority and public security departments have made full preparations for Typhoon In-fa, which may bring heavy rain and gale force winds to Shanghai. Lei Shuran has more.为了应对台风“烟花”可能带来的恶劣影响,上海防汛、排水、堤防等部门皆严阵以待,确保防台工作切实到位。Employees of Huangpu District’s water authority were inspecting flood prevention walls along the Huangpu River and Suzhou Creek. They were ordered to report potential risks.黄浦堤防工作人员正在巡查区域内的黄浦江和苏州河防汛墙,一旦发现潜在危险,将立刻上报。INTERVIEW:Lu Zhixiang, Shanghai Water Authority陆志翔,上海市堤防泵闸建设运行中心堤防科副科长We must patrol【巡逻】 frequently these days. We have added three to four inspections every day. When the typhoon arrives, the patrol work must be continuous.像这两天必须增加(巡查)频次。可能是三次四次,到了台风来临的时候要求不间断地巡查。In the afternoon, Longhua port started pumping work to reduce water levels of inner rivers. As of 10am today, the city stopped diverting water from sluices around the city, and planned to prepare 300 million cubic meters of space. More than 2,000 rescue teams and 88 pump vehicles have been prepared.下午,龙华港泵闸打开泵机进行排水工作,尽可能降低内河水位。应对台风"烟花",7月22日10点起,上海停止全市水闸引水,计划在台风来临前,腾出内河调蓄库容3亿立方米。目前,全市2000多支抢险队伍、88台移动泵车严阵以待。INTERVIEW:Sha Zhiyi, Shanghai Flood Prevention Department沙治银, 上海市防汛指挥部办公室督察专员We may exhaust the rainwater pumping station in advance to reduce puddles on the road and underpass.根据降雨的情况,我们可能会采取(雨水泵站)预抽空的措施,这样把整个管网的库容也要腾出来,来减少道路和下立交的积水。In Jinshan District, emergency venues and necessary goods for evacuating people have been prepared. Jinshan City Beach will be closed temporarily starting from Saturday.金山区设置避灾安置场所,并做好防汛物资准备工作。为确保游客出行安全,本周六开始,金山城市沙滩景区将暂时闭园。In Chongming, the flood prevention office opened a water gate and reduced the water level, to deal with the potential torrential rain.为防御台风“烟花”,崇明区防汛办开启水闸,对全区内河水位进行预排预降。The city’s traffic authorities said they have made full preparations at 608 underpasses around the city. Once puddles exceed 25 centimeters, that road will be closed to avoid flooding. Traffic police can use a real-time supervision app to report dangerous information, and send it to flood prevention, public security and water authority departments.上海交管部门针对沪全市608个下立交落实防汛保障工作。一旦路面积水超过25cm,道路将立即封闭,防止“淹车伤人”。交警可以通过实时监测应用程序及时上报信息,此监测信息将同步发送给市防汛、公安及水务等部门,提高协同作战效率。INTERVIEW:Zhang Yi, Shanghai Road Transportation Development Center张毅,市道路运输事业发展中心公路管理科副科长If the puddles aren’t cleared for a long time, it will influence traffic. Under such circumstances, we can ask water authority officials to send some pump vehicles to drain water from the underpass.积水如果长时间得不到排除,将会对交通产生影响。这个时候我们就可以请市排水部门派出相关的一些移动泵车,对下立交进行专门排水,尽早开放交通。Bus drivers have also made emergency plans. Electric buses can transmit real-time data to the command center. If the command center finds a bus’ battery output decreases, it means the bus may be wading into water. Then the command center can send instructions to the driver to stop and evacuate【疏散】 the bus.应对台风“烟花”,公交行业也修订完善了应急处理预案。新能源公交车可向指挥平台回传实时数据,如指挥平台发现公车可能因涉水而电瓶电阻减小,将指挥车辆停运并疏散乘客。3.FM CALLS FOR COOPERATION ON VIRUS PRIGIN TRACING外交部再谈新冠溯源:美方不给出合理解释,质疑就不会结束After two labs in Italy released articles this week saying that blood samples in the country dating back to October 2019 showed antibodies typically found after a coronavirus infection, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian said this showed the complexity of source tracing work for coronavirus. Sun Siqi has more.本周一,意大利两家实验室研究人员发表论文称,在对2019年采集的血液样本进行检测后发现,样本中存在通常会在新冠病毒感染后所观察到的抗体。中国外交部发言人赵立坚表示,这也再次说明新冠病毒溯源问题的复杂性。Spokesperson Zhao Lijian said for a period of time, there have been more and more reports in the international community on indications of coronavirus in multiple places around the world in the second half of 2019. This demonstrates that source tracing for the novel coronavirus is a complex scientific problem, and that cooperation【合作】 from the world’s scientists based on a global perspective is needed.赵立坚强调,一段时间以来,国际社会上出现了越来越多的,关于2019年下半年全球多点多地出现新冠病例的报道。这也再次说明,新冠病毒溯源是一个复杂的科学问题,应基于全球视野,由全球科学家合作开展。Zhao also demanded the US show transparency【透明】 and conduct a thorough investigation【调查】 into its Fort Detrick lab in Maryland over the origins of COVID-19.他还表示美方应展现透明,切实采取措施彻底调查德特里克堡生物实验室,彻底调查疫情源头。INTERVIEW:Zhao Lijian, Spokesperson, Chinese Foreign Ministry赵立坚,中国外交部发言人The June issue of "Vanity Fair" reported that US State Department staffers were warned against investigating the origin of coronavirus because it would open a can of worms. As a matter of fact, the US has remained silent in face of the international community’s concern over its Fort Detrick lab and more than 200 of its biological labs overseas.今年6月《名利场》披露美国政府内部警告不要对新冠病毒的起源进行内部调查,否则可能打开装满蛆虫的罐子。事实上,对于国际社会针对美德特里克堡生物实验室以及美海外200多个生物实验室的严重关切,美方始终三缄其口。美方不给出合理解释,质疑就不会结束。Zhao also said that the doubt will not end if the US does not provide a reasonable explanation as to why US government staffers stopped investigating the virus’ origins.赵立坚强调,若美方不就其新冠溯源问题给出合理解释,质疑就不会结束。#热词加油站strand【滞留】temporary【临时的】fire brigade【消防队】logistics【后勤】patrol【巡逻】evacuate【疏散】cooperation【合作】transparency【透明】investigation【调查】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”
7/23/20215 minutes, 16 seconds
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Wuhan lab leak claim against science: Official

The claim that the SARS-CoV-2 leaked from a Wuhan lab goes against science, a senior official of the National Health Commission (NHC) said Thursday.Zeng Yixin, vice director of the NHC, said he was surprised to hear that some people have claimed the SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, escaped from the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV).The claim is disrespectful to common sense, and goes against science, Zeng told a press conference on the coronavirus origin-tracing work, which is held by China's State Council Information Office.Yuan Zhiming, director of the National Biosafety Laboratory at the WIV, said that his lab, which studies class four pathogens and boasts the highest biosafety rating, has not had any incidents of leakage since it was put into operation in 2018.Zeng added that some claims, such as so-called infection of three WIV staff, or the gain-of-function experiment on the novel coronavirus by the lab, are just rumors that have already been quashed.He noted that it is widely accepted by genetic engineers that the artificial modification of a virus will definitely leave traces. Novel coronavirus has no such trace, which totally rules out the theory that it was man-made.Up to now, none of the WIV staff members have been infected by the novel coronavirus, the lab has not carried out the gain-of-function experiment on the pathogen, and there is no so-called artificial novel coronavirus in the WIV, he reiterated.World Health Organization (WHO) experts said after visiting the WIV that it was "extremely unlikely" that the virus spread from a lab leak, Zeng added.
7/22/20211 minute, 12 seconds
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台风“烟花”再升级@魔都全员 做好准备!

A Blue Alert for strong winds has started: watch out for level five to eight strong gale in 24 hours and torrential rain for the weekend – if you have to go out, make sure you leave home with your phone fully charged, and stay safe.  Try to void these places:  a. Flooded road segments, especially if you see a whirlpool because that means there might be a sink hole underneath that you could fall into. b. High-voltage power transmission towers c. Try not to stay at a low point for a long time, like an underpath, under a bridge and underground garage.  And I do know for a fact that most outdoor group activities this weekend like markets have been cancelled.  At home, be sure to secure your windows and balcony doors, protect your potted plants. Both you and your plants should be couch potatoes at home.
7/22/202144 seconds
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07/22 TOP OF THE DAY 郑州暴雨 “胡辣汤”挺住/三孩政策/2021上半年上海GDP报告

NEWS ON 7/221. HENAN RAINSTORM BREAKS LOCAL RECORDS河南持续暴雨!救援行动我们在路上2. CHINA RELEASES DOCUMENT ON THREE-CHILD POLICY SUPPORT MEASURES“三孩”来了!配套政策看这里3. SHANGHAI’S GDP EXCEEDS 2 TRLN YUAN IN THE 1STHALF-YEARUP! 2021年上半年上海GDP报告出炉-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1. HENAN RAINSTORM BREAKS LOCAL RECORDS河南持续暴雨!救援行动我们在路上The death toll has climbed to 25 in Henan Province as record-breaking torrential【倾泻的】rain continues to fall, while 7 others are missing. Precipitation during a one-hour period in the provincial capital of Zhengzhou amounted to an entire month’s worth of rain. President Xi Jinping today demanded authorities at all levels give top priority to ensuring people’s safety and property, while strictly implementing【实施】flood prevention and disaster relief measures. Here’s Sun Siqi with details on rescue work.河南等地持续遭遇突破历史纪录极值的强降雨天气,目前河南省死亡人数已上升至25人,另有7人失踪。(7.21日数据)河南省省会郑州目前一小时的降雨量累计已达到正常情况下一个月的降雨量。今天,习近平主席要求各级政府要将保障人民群众的生命财产安全放在第一位,同时严格执行防洪救灾措施。Streets in downtown Zhengzhou were flooded as cars were stuck in deep water. More than 80 bus routes were suspended, while the routes of over 100 other were changed to avoid flooded streets. A section of Metro Line 5 was flooded yesterday evening after water breached a retaining wall. Video footage showed passengers standing on seats as water rose to chest level, compressing the space for air in the carriage.郑州市中心街道被洪水淹没,多辆汽车被洪水围困。郑州市超过80条公交路线已停运,同时100多条线路绕行以避免经过积水过深的街道。昨天晚上,地铁5号线的一段路段被洪水冲塌了一堵挡水墙。车厢内水漫至腰部乃至胸部,空气越来越稀薄,乘客们都站上座位,等待救援。INTERVIEW:The subway passengers地铁乘客We’re in the carriage and as you can see we’re waist deep in water. But the water level is even higher outside.外面的水已经到这个位置了,车厢内水已经过腰了。车厢外面看到没,车厢外面水更高。The water was really strong, and it has gone higher than our shoulders. About a dozen of us were holding onto the railing.水冲劲太大了,我们身边的人趴在隧道旁边的那个栏杆上。我们大概估计得有十几个人吧,一起在那趴着,因为当时水已经漫到我们肩膀了。Rescuers arrived around 8:30pm, evacuated trapped passengers through the roof of the carriage and used ropes to help people move along the edge of the tunnel to safety.救援人员在晚上8:30分左右抵达了现场,从车顶破洞,将其余被困人员救出。救援人员在地铁隧道护栏边架起安全绳索,护送被困乘客一一从隧道内有序撤离至站台安全地带。 More than 500 people were rescued. Subway workers said the flooded section of the tunnel is at a low point between two stations.Elsewhere, water and electricity supplies were cut off in multiple residential compounds. Power was cut off after the compounds’ power distribution rooms were flooded, which increased the risk of electrocution.500多名乘客获救。据郑州地铁工作人员介绍,事故发生的隧道段,两个站台之间的隧道,呈两头高中间低的走势。此外,郑州市多个小区发布停水停电通知。大雨已导致部分小区配电房雨水灌入,为避免发生人员触电伤亡事件,河南电力已将部分供电设备进行停电。The First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University lost electricity last night, putting ICU patients in immediate danger after backup power ran out. Close to 3,000 medical workers distributed oxygen cylinders to each bed. About 600 patients in critical condition were transferred. A team of emergency repair workers arrived late last night to restore power in the hospital.郑州大学第一附属医院院区停电,备用电池耗尽后,重症监护室的病人危在旦夕。近3000名医护人员坚守岗位,对于需要供氧的病人,一对一使用气囊,人工供氧。约600名危重患者转院。昨日深夜,一组紧急维修人员抵达医院恢复了供电。INTERVIEW:Dou Xiaoxiang, Emergency Repair Team Captain窦孝祥国网郑州供电公司"雷锋号"电力抢修队副队长We got a recovery truck. It got rid of road blocks ahead of us, otherwise we wouldn’t be able to get here. We got our system working. We’re now feeding power to the ICUs我们前面通过市政联系了一个清障车,在前面帮我们清理路障,然后我们的车才得以推进到这里。到了这里之后,我们马上完成相关线路连接工作,现在为这座楼的ICU已经供上电了。Other areas in Henan were hit by heavy rain and mudslides. At least four people died in Gongyi City to the west of Zhengzhou. Soldiers in Kaifeng were sent to repair a breached levee this morning. About 100,000 people were evacuated.河南其他地区也遭遇了强降雨和泥石流的袭击。位于郑州西部的巩义市至少有4人死亡。今天上午,驻扎在开封地区的空降兵某旅在接到抗洪抢险命令后,迅速前往决口处进行支援。目前,已转移避险约10万人。Both hourly and daily precipitation shattered Zhengzhou’s records yesterday. 10 other cities in 河南 recorded heavy rain between Saturday and this morning. Now Chen Xuan brings us what meteorologists say.昨天,每小时和每天的降雨量都打破了郑州的气象记录。从周六至今天早晨,河南其他10个城市也遭受了暴雨的袭击。Forecasters say Typhoon In-fa and small storm systems have pulled in an excessive amount of water vapor to central China, and warn of more torrential rain in central and more in Henan later tonight.气象预报员表示,台风“烟花”和小型风暴系统给中国中部地区带来了过多的水汽,并警告称,今晚晚些时候河南中部至北部地区将有更多暴雨。Several conditions have to be met at the same time. You need steady atmospheric circulation and abundant water vapor. The vapor condenses after it gets lifted over Taihang and Funiu Mountains. At the same time, a series of smaller storm systems keep churning vapor towards Zhengzhou. Together, they created the extreme weather condition that is breaking records. The rain will continue for the next three days in Henan. Stay safe from geological disasters induced by the storm and keep away from mountainous areas.首先是有一个稳定的大气环流形势;二是有一个充足的水汽条件,特别是在太行山和伏牛山的第一影响之下,也是出现了明显的符合抬升作用,第四则是列车效应,那么有非常多的中小尺度的对流系统在源源不断地如列车一般向郑州地区输送,导致郑州出现了历史同期罕见的强降雨。未来的天气趋势显示,今后三天在河南地区还会出现降雨天气,还要谨防雨水的不利影响,而在郑州地区明天到后天则会雨势减弱为小雨或中雨天气,请大家远离山区的危险地带,注意安全。Across the country, the Ministry of Transportation said 29 segments on 26 highways that pass through Henan Province were closed. 303 flights departing from Zhengzhou were canceled. Some regular and high-speed routes that go through the city had segments or equipment damaged by flood.交通部门表示,在全国范围内,途经河南省的26条高速公路中的29段已被关闭,从郑州起飞的303架航班被取消,部分通过河南的常规和高速路线的部分路段或设备已被洪水损坏。At Beijing West Railway Station, people were stranded after a few trains between Beijing and Zhengzhou were suspended. Food and beverages were given to the travelers. Regular train routes between Xi’an, Shaanxi Province and more cities, some of the major cities like Beijing and Shanghai were suspended after equipment was damaged on the Henan portion of the railway.This affected close to 200,000 travelers.北京西站部分开往郑州的列车停运,造成部分旅客滞留。食物和饮料已分发给了被滞留的旅客。同时西安,陕西和北京等主要城市之间的定期列车线路因河南段的设备损坏后暂时停运,这影响了将近20万名旅客。INTERVIEW:Zhao Jie, Party Secretary, Xi’an North Division, China Railway Xi’an Group赵杰西安局集团有限公司西安站西安北客运车间党总支书记More than 200 trains departing from our station were canceled, that is about 60 percent of the total.我们西安北站旅客列车大概有两百多列停止运行和折返,影响的列车情况基本上占我们日常发送旅客和列车开行的60%左右。Here at Shanghai’s Hongqiao Railway Station, 65 trains had been canceled since yesterday, affecting more than 15,000 passengers. More than half of them received a refund.在上海虹桥火车站,从昨天开始,65次列车被取消,影响了超过1.5万名乘客。其中超过一半的人获得了退款。INTERVIEW:Zhang Jianlin, Manager on Duty, Hongqiao Railway Station张建霖铁路虹桥站值班站长3731We’ve processed refunds for more than 9,000 tickets, but we still have 5,000 to go. We’ll send out notices on the 12306 website and the station’s Weibo account the minute train service resume.截止至目前已经退掉了9000多张,有5000左右的张数还在办理退票的过程当中。那么如果说具备了开行条件,我们12306官网和车站的官方微博会第一时间对外公布。Meanwhile at Shanghai’s airports, all of today’s flights to Zhengzhou were canceled or delayed. Some passengers bound for others parts of the country in the northwest switched to air travel after their trains were canceled.在上海机场,今天所有飞往郑州的航班都被取消或延误。在火车被取消后,一些前往西北其他地区的乘客改乘飞机。2. CHINA RELEASES DOCUMENT ON THREE-CHILD POLICY SUPPORT MEASURES“三孩”来了!配套政策看这里China has released a policy document to encourage couples to have more children. It includes tax deductions plus improving services linked to child-rearing and elderly care. Officials detailed the coming changes. Zhang Yue tells us more.中国发布了一项政策文件,鼓励夫妇生育更多的孩子。它包括税收减免,以及改善与育儿和养老相关的服务。The National Health Commission said China’s total fertility【生育能力】rate fluctuated in the past 10 years, even thought the two-child policy introduced in 2015 has had a positive impact on increasing births. The commission said the fertility rate has declined every year since 2018, adding it was still low in the first half of this year.国家卫生健康委员会表示,尽管2015年推出的二孩政策对增加人口出生率产生了积极的影响,但过去10年中,中国的总生育率仍处于波动之中。INTERVIEW:Yu Xuejun, Vice Minister, National Health Commission于学军国家卫生健康委副主任In the near future, China will continue facing pressure to balance the population. The three-child policy and its support measures are expected to prevent the fertility rate from declining further.未来一段时期,我国将持续面临人口长期均衡发展的压力。实施三孩生育政策及配套支持措施,目的就是防止出生人口进一步下滑。 Taking care of pre-schoolers is often a concern for parents. The Ministry of Education said the gross three-year preschool education enrollment【登记】rate is expected to exceed 90 percent by 2025 with accessibility to non-profit and affordable services.照顾学龄前儿童通常是父母关心的问题。教育部表示,到2025年,学前教育三年总入学率预计将超过90%,同时将提供非营利性和父母负担得起的服务。INTERVIEW:Lyu Yugang, Director, Basic Education Dept, Ministry of Education吕玉刚教育部基础教育司司长By the end of May, a total of 102,000 primary and junior high schools in China had launched after school services, benefiting 65 million students who could not be picked up when school hours ended. All compulsory【义务的】 education institutions in the country will provide after-school services starting this fall semester. Efforts will be made to ensure all students in need have access to such services.截至今年5月底,全国共有10.2万所义务教育学校开展了课后服务,有6500万学生参加了课后服务,确保今年秋季开学以后,实现学校全覆盖。我们的课后服务是自愿选择,只要你愿意留在学校参加课后服务,我们学校应该提供这样的条件和支持。Lyu said after school services will be provided every school day for no less than two hours, depending on the local daily work hours. Also, officials said how many children an individual has will also no longer be used as a reference when he or she registers for a household account, enrolls in school, or applies for a job. China will also revise the law on population and family planning to legalize【使合法化】the three-child policy.吕玉刚表示,学校每天将会提供不少于两小时的课后服务,具体视乎当地每日工作时间而定。此外,官员们表示,个人有多少个孩子也将不再被用作登记家庭账户、入学或申请工作的参考。中国还将修改人口与计划生育法,使三孩政策合法化。3. SHANGHAI’S GDP EXCEEDS 2 TRLN YUAN IN THE 1STHALF-YEARUP! 2021年上半年上海GDP报告出炉Shanghai’s gross domestic product reached 2.01 trillion yuan in the first half of 2021, with all economic sectors on the rise. Lei Shuran has more.在2021年的上半年,上海的国内生产总值达到了2.01万亿元,各行各业的数据都在上涨。In the first 6 months of the year, Shanghai’s GDP increased by 12.7 percent over the same period last year. Other major economic indicators【指标】 showed continued improvements across the board, with added industrial value increasing by 20 percent and sending the sector’s total value to over 1.8 trillion yuan. 32 out of 35 industrial sectors achieved growth in the first half, according to figures released today by the Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Statistics.今年上半年,上海国内生产总值比去年同期增长了12.7%。其他主要经济指标全面向好,工业增加值增长20%,超过1.8万亿元。根据上海市统计局今天发布的数据,在35个工业行业中,有32个在上半年实现了增长。The city’s consumption continues to increase as well, with wholesale and retail trade sales exceeding 900 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 30.3 percent.全市消费持续增长,批发零售总额突破9000亿元,同比增长30.3%。INTERVIEW:Zhuang Longde, Deputy Director, Shanghai Survey Team of NBS庄龙德,国家统计局上海调查总队副总队长The supply of major foods such as fresh vegetables and pork is sufficient【足够的】, and the prices of foods have been steadily declining. In the first half of this year, food prices fell by 0.2 percent year-on-year, compared to a 9.3 percent rise in the first half of last year. It is expected that CPI prices will remain stable overall in the second half. At present, the domestic supply of live pigs has basically recovered, and the price of pork is generally declining. In terms of industrial consumer goods, the rise in international bulk commodity prices will have a certain impact on the price of some industrial consumer goods, but the supply of industrial consumer goods is generally sufficient, and there is no basis for sharp price increases.从老百姓关心的食品价格看,鲜菜、猪肉等主要食品供应充足,食品类价格稳中有降。上半年,我市食品类价格同比下降0.2%,而去年上半年上涨9.3%。从后期走势看,预计下半年CPI价格将总体保持平稳。目前国内生猪供给已基本恢复,猪肉价格总体趋于下降。从工业消费品看,国际大宗商品价格的上涨会对部分工业消费品价格产品一定影响,但工业消费品市场供应总体比较重组,价格不存在大幅上涨的基础。The city’s total import and export of goods in the first half was about 1.88 trillion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 19 percent. The growth rate of imports was higher than that of exports. The amount of committed foreign direct investment in the city was 12.4 billion US dollars, with wholly foreign-owned enterprises accounting for most of that. The number of newly-added foreign-owned enterprises came to 2,004.今年上半年,全市货物进出口总额约1.88万亿元,同比增长19%,其中进口增速高于出口。全市外商直接投资实际到位金额124亿美元,其中外资企业占大部分。新增外资企业2004家。INTERVIEW:Tang Huihao, Deputy Director, Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Statistics汤汇浩,市统计局副局长As of the end of June, multi-national enterprises have set up a total of 802 regional headquarters and 493 foreign-funded RD centers in Shanghai. Foreign capital’s confidence in Shanghai has been further strengthened due to the fact that pandemic situation has been effectively controlled in China, and various policies on foreign investment in Shanghai have been implemented. In the second half of this year, Shanghai will continue to attract foreign investment just as it did in the first half.截至6月底,跨国公司累计在沪设立地区总部达到802家,外资研发中心 493家。当前国内疫情得到有效控制,上海外商投资的各项政策得以落实,进一步增强了外资对上海经济发展的信心。下半年上海吸引外资将延续上半年的走势,稳中向好。Shanghai’s general public budget【预算】revenue exceeded 470 billion yuan in the first half, a sharp increase of 20.2 percent compared to the same period of last year.上半年,全市地方一般公共预算收入超过4700亿元,同比大幅上涨20.2%。#热词加油站torrential【倾泻的】fertility【生育能力】enrollment【登记】compulsory【义务的】legalize【使合法化】indicator【指标】sufficient【足够的】budget【预算】implement【实施】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
7/22/20219 minutes, 54 seconds
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07/22 TOP OF THE DAY 郑州暴雨 “胡辣汤”挺住/三孩政策/2021上半年上海GDP报告

NEWS ON 7/221. HENAN RAINSTORM BREAKS LOCAL RECORDS河南持续暴雨!救援行动我们在路上2. CHINA RELEASES DOCUMENT ON THREE-CHILD POLICY SUPPORT MEASURES“三孩”来了!配套政策看这里3. SHANGHAI’S GDP EXCEEDS 2 TRLN YUAN IN THE 1STHALF-YEARUP! 2021年上半年上海GDP报告出炉-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1. HENAN RAINSTORM BREAKS LOCAL RECORDS河南持续暴雨!救援行动我们在路上The death toll has climbed to 25 in Henan Province as record-breaking torrential【倾泻的】rain continues to fall, while 7 others are missing. Precipitation during a one-hour period in the provincial capital of Zhengzhou amounted to an entire month’s worth of rain. President Xi Jinping today demanded authorities at all levels give top priority to ensuring people’s safety and property, while strictly implementing【实施】flood prevention and disaster relief measures. Here’s Sun Siqi with details on rescue work.河南等地持续遭遇突破历史纪录极值的强降雨天气,目前河南省死亡人数已上升至25人,另有7人失踪。(7.21日数据)河南省省会郑州目前一小时的降雨量累计已达到正常情况下一个月的降雨量。今天,习近平主席要求各级政府要将保障人民群众的生命财产安全放在第一位,同时严格执行防洪救灾措施。Streets in downtown Zhengzhou were flooded as cars were stuck in deep water. More than 80 bus routes were suspended, while the routes of over 100 other were changed to avoid flooded streets. A section of Metro Line 5 was flooded yesterday evening after water breached a retaining wall. Video footage showed passengers standing on seats as water rose to chest level, compressing the space for air in the carriage.郑州市中心街道被洪水淹没,多辆汽车被洪水围困。郑州市超过80条公交路线已停运,同时100多条线路绕行以避免经过积水过深的街道。昨天晚上,地铁5号线的一段路段被洪水冲塌了一堵挡水墙。车厢内水漫至腰部乃至胸部,空气越来越稀薄,乘客们都站上座位,等待救援。INTERVIEW:The subway passengers地铁乘客We’re in the carriage and as you can see we’re waist deep in water. But the water level is even higher outside.外面的水已经到这个位置了,车厢内水已经过腰了。车厢外面看到没,车厢外面水更高。The water was really strong, and it has gone higher than our shoulders. About a dozen of us were holding onto the railing.水冲劲太大了,我们身边的人趴在隧道旁边的那个栏杆上。我们大概估计得有十几个人吧,一起在那趴着,因为当时水已经漫到我们肩膀了。Rescuers arrived around 8:30pm, evacuated trapped passengers through the roof of the carriage and used ropes to help people move along the edge of the tunnel to safety.救援人员在晚上8:30分左右抵达了现场,从车顶破洞,将其余被困人员救出。救援人员在地铁隧道护栏边架起安全绳索,护送被困乘客一一从隧道内有序撤离至站台安全地带。 More than 500 people were rescued. Subway workers said the flooded section of the tunnel is at a low point between two stations.Elsewhere, water and electricity supplies were cut off in multiple residential compounds. Power was cut off after the compounds’ power distribution rooms were flooded, which increased the risk of electrocution.500多名乘客获救。据郑州地铁工作人员介绍,事故发生的隧道段,两个站台之间的隧道,呈两头高中间低的走势。此外,郑州市多个小区发布停水停电通知。大雨已导致部分小区配电房雨水灌入,为避免发生人员触电伤亡事件,河南电力已将部分供电设备进行停电。The First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University lost electricity last night, putting ICU patients in immediate danger after backup power ran out. Close to 3,000 medical workers distributed oxygen cylinders to each bed. About 600 patients in critical condition were transferred. A team of emergency repair workers arrived late last night to restore power in the hospital.郑州大学第一附属医院院区停电,备用电池耗尽后,重症监护室的病人危在旦夕。近3000名医护人员坚守岗位,对于需要供氧的病人,一对一使用气囊,人工供氧。约600名危重患者转院。昨日深夜,一组紧急维修人员抵达医院恢复了供电。INTERVIEW:Dou Xiaoxiang, Emergency Repair Team Captain窦孝祥国网郑州供电公司"雷锋号"电力抢修队副队长We got a recovery truck. It got rid of road blocks ahead of us, otherwise we wouldn’t be able to get here. We got our system working. We’re now feeding power to the ICUs我们前面通过市政联系了一个清障车,在前面帮我们清理路障,然后我们的车才得以推进到这里。到了这里之后,我们马上完成相关线路连接工作,现在为这座楼的ICU已经供上电了。Other areas in Henan were hit by heavy rain and mudslides. At least four people died in Gongyi City to the west of Zhengzhou. Soldiers in Kaifeng were sent to repair a breached levee this morning. About 100,000 people were evacuated.河南其他地区也遭遇了强降雨和泥石流的袭击。位于郑州西部的巩义市至少有4人死亡。今天上午,驻扎在开封地区的空降兵某旅在接到抗洪抢险命令后,迅速前往决口处进行支援。目前,已转移避险约10万人。Both hourly and daily precipitation shattered Zhengzhou’s records yesterday. 10 other cities in 河南 recorded heavy rain between Saturday and this morning. Now Chen Xuan brings us what meteorologists say.昨天,每小时和每天的降雨量都打破了郑州的气象记录。从周六至今天早晨,河南其他10个城市也遭受了暴雨的袭击。Forecasters say Typhoon In-fa and small storm systems have pulled in an excessive amount of water vapor to central China, and warn of more torrential rain in central and more in Henan later tonight.气象预报员表示,台风“烟花”和小型风暴系统给中国中部地区带来了过多的水汽,并警告称,今晚晚些时候河南中部至北部地区将有更多暴雨。Several conditions have to be met at the same time. You need steady atmospheric circulation and abundant water vapor. The vapor condenses after it gets lifted over Taihang and Funiu Mountains. At the same time, a series of smaller storm systems keep churning vapor towards Zhengzhou. Together, they created the extreme weather condition that is breaking records. The rain will continue for the next three days in Henan. Stay safe from geological disasters induced by the storm and keep away from mountainous areas.首先是有一个稳定的大气环流形势;二是有一个充足的水汽条件,特别是在太行山和伏牛山的第一影响之下,也是出现了明显的符合抬升作用,第四则是列车效应,那么有非常多的中小尺度的对流系统在源源不断地如列车一般向郑州地区输送,导致郑州出现了历史同期罕见的强降雨。未来的天气趋势显示,今后三天在河南地区还会出现降雨天气,还要谨防雨水的不利影响,而在郑州地区明天到后天则会雨势减弱为小雨或中雨天气,请大家远离山区的危险地带,注意安全。Across the country, the Ministry of Transportation said 29 segments on 26 highways that pass through Henan Province were closed. 303 flights departing from Zhengzhou were canceled. Some regular and high-speed routes that go through the city had segments or equipment damaged by flood.交通部门表示,在全国范围内,途经河南省的26条高速公路中的29段已被关闭,从郑州起飞的303架航班被取消,部分通过河南的常规和高速路线的部分路段或设备已被洪水损坏。At Beijing West Railway Station, people were stranded after a few trains between Beijing and Zhengzhou were suspended. Food and beverages were given to the travelers. Regular train routes between Xi’an, Shaanxi Province and more cities, some of the major cities like Beijing and Shanghai were suspended after equipment was damaged on the Henan portion of the railway.This affected close to 200,000 travelers.北京西站部分开往郑州的列车停运,造成部分旅客滞留。食物和饮料已分发给了被滞留的旅客。同时西安,陕西和北京等主要城市之间的定期列车线路因河南段的设备损坏后暂时停运,这影响了将近20万名旅客。INTERVIEW:Zhao Jie, Party Secretary, Xi’an North Division, China Railway Xi’an Group赵杰西安局集团有限公司西安站西安北客运车间党总支书记More than 200 trains departing from our station were canceled, that is about 60 percent of the total.我们西安北站旅客列车大概有两百多列停止运行和折返,影响的列车情况基本上占我们日常发送旅客和列车开行的60%左右。Here at Shanghai’s Hongqiao Railway Station, 65 trains had been canceled since yesterday, affecting more than 15,000 passengers. More than half of them received a refund.在上海虹桥火车站,从昨天开始,65次列车被取消,影响了超过1.5万名乘客。其中超过一半的人获得了退款。INTERVIEW:Zhang Jianlin, Manager on Duty, Hongqiao Railway Station张建霖铁路虹桥站值班站长3731We’ve processed refunds for more than 9,000 tickets, but we still have 5,000 to go. We’ll send out notices on the 12306 website and the station’s Weibo account the minute train service resume.截止至目前已经退掉了9000多张,有5000左右的张数还在办理退票的过程当中。那么如果说具备了开行条件,我们12306官网和车站的官方微博会第一时间对外公布。Meanwhile at Shanghai’s airports, all of today’s flights to Zhengzhou were canceled or delayed. Some passengers bound for others parts of the country in the northwest switched to air travel after their trains were canceled.在上海机场,今天所有飞往郑州的航班都被取消或延误。在火车被取消后,一些前往西北其他地区的乘客改乘飞机。2. CHINA RELEASES DOCUMENT ON THREE-CHILD POLICY SUPPORT MEASURES“三孩”来了!配套政策看这里China has released a policy document to encourage couples to have more children. It includes tax deductions plus improving services linked to child-rearing and elderly care. Officials detailed the coming changes. Zhang Yue tells us more.中国发布了一项政策文件,鼓励夫妇生育更多的孩子。它包括税收减免,以及改善与育儿和养老相关的服务。The National Health Commission said China’s total fertility【生育能力】rate fluctuated in the past 10 years, even thought the two-child policy introduced in 2015 has had a positive impact on increasing births. The commission said the fertility rate has declined every year since 2018, adding it was still low in the first half of this year.国家卫生健康委员会表示,尽管2015年推出的二孩政策对增加人口出生率产生了积极的影响,但过去10年中,中国的总生育率仍处于波动之中。INTERVIEW:Yu Xuejun, Vice Minister, National Health Commission于学军国家卫生健康委副主任In the near future, China will continue facing pressure to balance the population. The three-child policy and its support measures are expected to prevent the fertility rate from declining further.未来一段时期,我国将持续面临人口长期均衡发展的压力。实施三孩生育政策及配套支持措施,目的就是防止出生人口进一步下滑。 Taking care of pre-schoolers is often a concern for parents. The Ministry of Education said the gross three-year preschool education enrollment【登记】rate is expected to exceed 90 percent by 2025 with accessibility to non-profit and affordable services.照顾学龄前儿童通常是父母关心的问题。教育部表示,到2025年,学前教育三年总入学率预计将超过90%,同时将提供非营利性和父母负担得起的服务。INTERVIEW:Lyu Yugang, Director, Basic Education Dept, Ministry of Education吕玉刚教育部基础教育司司长By the end of May, a total of 102,000 primary and junior high schools in China had launched after school services, benefiting 65 million students who could not be picked up when school hours ended. All compulsory【义务的】 education institutions in the country will provide after-school services starting this fall semester. Efforts will be made to ensure all students in need have access to such services.截至今年5月底,全国共有10.2万所义务教育学校开展了课后服务,有6500万学生参加了课后服务,确保今年秋季开学以后,实现学校全覆盖。我们的课后服务是自愿选择,只要你愿意留在学校参加课后服务,我们学校应该提供这样的条件和支持。Lyu said after school services will be provided every school day for no less than two hours, depending on the local daily work hours. Also, officials said how many children an individual has will also no longer be used as a reference when he or she registers for a household account, enrolls in school, or applies for a job. China will also revise the law on population and family planning to legalize【使合法化】the three-child policy.吕玉刚表示,学校每天将会提供不少于两小时的课后服务,具体视乎当地每日工作时间而定。此外,官员们表示,个人有多少个孩子也将不再被用作登记家庭账户、入学或申请工作的参考。中国还将修改人口与计划生育法,使三孩政策合法化。3. SHANGHAI’S GDP EXCEEDS 2 TRLN YUAN IN THE 1STHALF-YEARUP! 2021年上半年上海GDP报告出炉Shanghai’s gross domestic product reached 2.01 trillion yuan in the first half of 2021, with all economic sectors on the rise. Lei Shuran has more.在2021年的上半年,上海的国内生产总值达到了2.01万亿元,各行各业的数据都在上涨。In the first 6 months of the year, Shanghai’s GDP increased by 12.7 percent over the same period last year. Other major economic indicators【指标】 showed continued improvements across the board, with added industrial value increasing by 20 percent and sending the sector’s total value to over 1.8 trillion yuan. 32 out of 35 industrial sectors achieved growth in the first half, according to figures released today by the Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Statistics.今年上半年,上海国内生产总值比去年同期增长了12.7%。其他主要经济指标全面向好,工业增加值增长20%,超过1.8万亿元。根据上海市统计局今天发布的数据,在35个工业行业中,有32个在上半年实现了增长。The city’s consumption continues to increase as well, with wholesale and retail trade sales exceeding 900 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 30.3 percent.全市消费持续增长,批发零售总额突破9000亿元,同比增长30.3%。INTERVIEW:Zhuang Longde, Deputy Director, Shanghai Survey Team of NBS庄龙德,国家统计局上海调查总队副总队长The supply of major foods such as fresh vegetables and pork is sufficient【足够的】, and the prices of foods have been steadily declining. In the first half of this year, food prices fell by 0.2 percent year-on-year, compared to a 9.3 percent rise in the first half of last year. It is expected that CPI prices will remain stable overall in the second half. At present, the domestic supply of live pigs has basically recovered, and the price of pork is generally declining. In terms of industrial consumer goods, the rise in international bulk commodity prices will have a certain impact on the price of some industrial consumer goods, but the supply of industrial consumer goods is generally sufficient, and there is no basis for sharp price increases.从老百姓关心的食品价格看,鲜菜、猪肉等主要食品供应充足,食品类价格稳中有降。上半年,我市食品类价格同比下降0.2%,而去年上半年上涨9.3%。从后期走势看,预计下半年CPI价格将总体保持平稳。目前国内生猪供给已基本恢复,猪肉价格总体趋于下降。从工业消费品看,国际大宗商品价格的上涨会对部分工业消费品价格产品一定影响,但工业消费品市场供应总体比较重组,价格不存在大幅上涨的基础。The city’s total import and export of goods in the first half was about 1.88 trillion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 19 percent. The growth rate of imports was higher than that of exports. The amount of committed foreign direct investment in the city was 12.4 billion US dollars, with wholly foreign-owned enterprises accounting for most of that. The number of newly-added foreign-owned enterprises came to 2,004.今年上半年,全市货物进出口总额约1.88万亿元,同比增长19%,其中进口增速高于出口。全市外商直接投资实际到位金额124亿美元,其中外资企业占大部分。新增外资企业2004家。INTERVIEW:Tang Huihao, Deputy Director, Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Statistics汤汇浩,市统计局副局长As of the end of June, multi-national enterprises have set up a total of 802 regional headquarters and 493 foreign-funded RD centers in Shanghai. Foreign capital’s confidence in Shanghai has been further strengthened due to the fact that pandemic situation has been effectively controlled in China, and various policies on foreign investment in Shanghai have been implemented. In the second half of this year, Shanghai will continue to attract foreign investment just as it did in the first half.截至6月底,跨国公司累计在沪设立地区总部达到802家,外资研发中心 493家。当前国内疫情得到有效控制,上海外商投资的各项政策得以落实,进一步增强了外资对上海经济发展的信心。下半年上海吸引外资将延续上半年的走势,稳中向好。Shanghai’s general public budget【预算】revenue exceeded 470 billion yuan in the first half, a sharp increase of 20.2 percent compared to the same period of last year.上半年,全市地方一般公共预算收入超过4700亿元,同比大幅上涨20.2%。#热词加油站torrential【倾泻的】fertility【生育能力】enrollment【登记】compulsory【义务的】legalize【使合法化】indicator【指标】sufficient【足够的】budget【预算】implement【实施】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
7/22/20219 minutes, 54 seconds
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Great Heat 大暑至,当是盛夏悦目时

#赞赞中国节大暑 Great HeatStart of Summer, Grain Buds, Grain in Ear, Summer Solstice, Minor Heat… all of these days have come and gone. This leaves us at Great Heat or 大暑- the last solar term for summer. It usually coincides with the "三伏天” or the "dog days of summer", the hottest days of the year.In China, Turpan is a tourist destination that is known as "fire land”. In the well-known Chinese novel "Journey to the West西游记," the Monkey King knocked over a kiln in heaven. The embers fell to earth and lit a mountain on fire,a blaze that lasted hundreds of years. This Flaming Mountain火焰山 was in the heart of Turpan. Although this is pure fiction,the ground temperature in Turpan can reach 80 degrees Celsius!In the summertime, we may lose our appetite. Foods cooling or neutral in nature and hydrating foods can bring relief from the heat. But my suggestion is lamb soup“喝暑羊”. It’s common in China even though you may take for granted that lamb is best in winter. But it is very nutritious to help us recover energy caused by the “Great Heat”.Here in Shanghai, you can find delicious mutton or lamb in Qibao ancient town in Minhang District. And during "三伏天”  or the "dog days of summer", foodies are eating lamb for breakfast as early as 4:30 am. As for me, I prefer staying in bed.But just in case, here are two yummy options for you. One is Qibao braised lamb 七宝红烧羊肉. It is said to been a favorite of Empress Dowager Cixi. The other one is Qibao boiled mutton, 七宝白切羊肉. It represents the best original flavor of mutton. You can always see tourists lining up for these dishes.大暑到,雷声高,细雨阵阵润心潮。愿你大暑心舒畅,大暑快乐!
7/22/20211 minute, 58 seconds
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07/21 TOP OF THE DAY 双台风“共舞”/中国队赛前训练/世界首富太空首飞

NEWS ON 07/211.CITY GEARS UP FOR TYPHOON双台风来搞事情?莫慌,好好预防是王道!2.CHINESE TEAMS ARRIVE IN TOKYO中国队奥运赛前训练开启,教练亲自用脚丈量场地?3.BLUE ORIGIN LAUNCHES FIRST CREWED MISSION首富上天,富豪圈内卷好严重!-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1.CITY GEARS UP FOR TYPHOONTyphoon Cempaka is making landfall on the coast of Guangdong Province this evening, while typhoon Infa is expected to bring showers and thunderstorms to Shanghai starting Thursday.台风“查帕卡”于今晚(20日)在广东沿海登陆,而周四起,申城将受台风“烟花”影响,多发阵雨或雷雨。More than 980 fishing vessels【渔船】have been called back into port as Tropical Storm Cempaka strengthened into a typhoon last night. Meanwhile, Infa, recently upgraded to typhoon is approaching the coastal areas of Zhejiang and Fujian Provinces and its periphery【边缘】is expected to begin to have an impact on Shanghai on Thursday.台风“查帕卡”昨晚(19日)由强热带风暴级加强为台风级,980多艘船舶全部进港。正在向闽浙沿海靠近的台风“烟花”,其外围预计将于周四起影响上海。INTERVIEW:Li Jing, Chief Service OfficerShanghai Meteorological Service李静 上海市气象局首席服务官The city is expected to be affected and see heavy rainfall from Thursday to Friday, along with stronger winds of 45 to 60 kilometers per hours, the winds will be even stronger in coastal areas.本市22日起受台风"烟花"的外围影响,预计22到23日本市局地有中到大雨,陆地最大阵风可达6到7级,沿江沿海地区有7到8级。The city’s flood prevention office has reminded local departments to fully prepare for the heavy rains and winds. To improve the emergency response【应急响应】capacity, a pump station in Zhujing town has been upgraded with a remote automatic control system and its 23 pump gates have been equipped with a monitoring system cope with any extreme weather in a timely manner.应对台风影响,上海市防汛办要求,各区、各部门、各单位要针对大风、暴雨影响,全面开展风险隐患排查。在朱泾镇,一处泵闸升级改造,建成了远程自控和监控系统,实现23个泵闸的智能化控制,确保台风来袭时,能及时响应处置。Local transportation departments have also geared up for flood prevention works. Buses will be asked to stop if cumulative【累计的】rainfall exceeds 300 millimeters.公交公司也抓紧做好积水防御和物资准备工作。累计降雨超过300毫米以上,公交将停止运营。The office also has required local departments to strengthen the inspections of dams, river banks and flood control walls.防汛办还要求,各单位要加强对一线海塘、江堤、防汛墙的检查巡视。2.CHINESE TEAMS ARRIVE IN TOKYOThere are 3 days to go before the Tokyo Olympics open. The Chinese women’s volleyball team arrived at the Olympic village yesterday and started training this morning.距东京奥运会开幕仅剩三天。昨天(19日),中国女排抵达奥运村,今天(20日)上午开始首次训练。The Chinese women’s volleyball team started their first training in Tokyo at 8:30 local time. The drills today are to help players quickly adapt to the new environment. The Chinese table tennis team began training yesterday at the Tokyo Metropolitan Gymnasium. Head coach Liu Guoliang decided to measure the size of the gym using his footsteps.中国女排于东京当地时间上午8:30开展了首次训练,本次训练能够帮助队员快速适应新环境。昨天(19日),中国乒乓球队也在东京体育馆进行了赛前训练,主教练刘国梁则用脚丈量了奥运场地。INTERVIEW:Liu Guoliang, PresidentChinese Table Tennis Association刘国梁 东京奥运会中国乒乓球队领队I wanted to measure the size of the court because its seemed smaller than usual. I’m a bit worried about the athletes’safety when they are playing.主要量场地的大小,因为这整个场地稍微(有点小),听运动员的反应小了一些,所以有点担心球员的跑动,跑动起来的这种安全。During the training session, the Portuguese team also got some practice in with the Chinese team.此外,中国乒乓球队队员还与葡萄牙选手进行了一些训练。INTERVIEW:Xu XinChinese Table Tennis Player许昕 中国乒乓球队队员We have been adjusting our technique according to the size of the court. Several side spin serves hit the side board and our game was affected a little bit by that.一些大赛关键分、直板的优势,还是在于跑动。所以我们刚刚一直在这看场地的大小,有几个侧身球都已经撞到屏幕板上了,稍微会受一些影响。The Chinese badminton team also began training at Musashino Forest Sport Plaza.中国羽毛球队也在武藏野森林综合体育广场开展了首训。INTERVIEW:Xia Xuanze, CoachChinese Badminton Team夏煊泽 中国羽毛球队单打主教练Tokyo’s weather today is very nice. Today’s training is expected to help players adapt to the new environment, including the height of the court and wind directions.大家都看到了,今天(19日)东京的天气特别的晴朗。我们今天(19日)主要是适应整个训练环境,包括场馆的高度,顺逆风。The Chinese taekwondo squad were practicing in the gym at the Olympic Village. The fighters had to pair up with each other to train since they have no other partners.中国跆拳道队在奥运村体育馆里进行训练。由于没有其他团队的队员,运动员们纷纷结对训练。3.BLUE ORIGIN LAUNCHES FIRST CREWED MISSIONBlue Origin just launched its first crewed mission on its New Shepard rocket minutes ago, the rocket is carrying founder Jeff Bezos and three other passengers to suborbital space【亚轨道】and back.20日,美国蓝色起源公司的“新谢泼德”飞行器完成了首次载人太空之旅。飞行器此次搭载了该公司创始人杰夫·贝索斯以及其他三名乘客,由运载火箭送至地球亚轨道后返回地面。It is the first space trip without professional astronauts. Bezos’ fellow crewmates include his brother Mark Bezos, 82-year-old trailblazing female aviator Wally Funk who became the oldest person ever to go into space and 18-year-old physics student Oliver Daemen, the youngest person to enter space.这是非专业宇航员的首次飞天之旅。本次乘客除贝索斯外,还有贝索斯的弟弟马克,82岁的美国前女飞行员沃利·芬克以及18岁的物理系学生奥利弗·德门。后两位分别成为进入太空年龄最大及最小的人。SPEAKER:Jeff Bezos, Founder of Blue Origin杰夫·贝索斯 蓝色起源公司创始人I am excited but not anxious. I feel very good about it. And I think my fellow crewmates feel good about it, too.我很兴奋,但并不焦虑,我感觉很好,我想我的同伴们应该感觉也不错。SPEAKER:Wally FunkA Crew Mate On The Launch沃利·芬克乘客I was disappointed in 40 years of it, but now I’m going to go up with the best team ever.自上世纪NASA的"水星"计划取消之后,我已经失望了40多年。但现在,我要和史上最好的队伍一起上太空了。Although there have been arguments about whether Bezos’ flight qualifies as "Spaceflight". New Shepard’s nearly 11-minute flight did cross the Karmen line at 100 kilometers above sea level, which is considered by many experts to be where the atmosphere ends and space begins.人们对于贝索斯的此次飞行能否被称为 “太空飞行”争议不断。但是在近11分钟的飞行中,“新谢泼德”确实在距离地面100公里的地方越过了卡门线。许多专家则认为卡门线确实是大气层的终点和太空的起点。SPEAKER:Mike Neufeld, Senior CuratorUS Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum麦克·纽菲尔德,高级馆长美国史密森国家航空航天博物馆Does it matter? Really, to those companies who are trying now to sell suborbital space tourism. And to title their passengers ’astronauts’ they obviously want to have some kind of criterion.这样的争论重要吗?对于那些正在尝试售卖亚轨道太空之旅的公司来说,是重要的。为了让他们的乘客得到宇航员的头衔,很显然,他们想要做出一些界定。Billionaires Bezos, Richard Branson and Elon Musk aim to kick-start space tourism for people with deep pockets. Blue Origin will charge passengers 200,000 dollars for a ticket for a future flight.亿万富翁贝索斯、理查德·布兰森和埃隆·马斯克希望能为富豪们实现太空旅行。据悉,蓝色起源公司的太空旅行费用为20万美元。#热词加油站fishing vessels【渔船】periphery【边缘】emergency response【应急响应】cumulative【累计的】suborbital space【亚轨道】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
7/21/20214 minutes, 39 seconds
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07/20 TOP OF THE DAY 朱婷成首位女旗手/遥感三十号10组卫星发射/熊猫生双胞胎崽崽

NEWS ON 07/201.        CHINA’S 1ST FEMALE FLAG-BEARER AT SUMMER OLYMPICS女排队长朱婷!中国首位夏季奥运女旗手2.        NEW REMOTE-SENSING SATELLITE GROUP LAUNCHED中国成功发射遥感三十号10组卫星3.        TWO PAIRS OF PANDA TWINS BORN ON SAME DAY好事成双!四川大熊猫基地喜迎两对双胞胎宝宝-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1.        CHINA’S 1ST FEMALE FLAG-BEARER AT SUMMER OLYMPICS女排队长朱婷!中国首位夏季奥运女旗手The Chinese Olympic Committee announced late yesterday that women’s volleyball team skipper【队长】andtae-kwon-dou【跆拳道】athlete will be the country’s flag-bearers【旗手】at the opening ceremony of the Tokyo Olympic Games. Song Wenjing has more. 中国奥委会昨天(17日)晚上宣布,将由女排运动员朱婷、跆拳道运动员赵帅担任东京奥运会开幕式中国体育代表团旗手。Both athletes were gold medalists in the Rio Olympics five years ago, Zhu with the Chinese women’s volleyball team and Zhao in the 58-kilogram category of men’s taekwondo. The Chinese Olympic Committee said the flag-bearers were selected following widespreadconsultation【商议】and prudent【谨慎的】consideration.朱婷和赵帅均为2016年里约奥运会冠军,朱婷是女排冠军,赵帅是跆拳道男子58公斤级冠军。中国体育代表团经多方征求意见、慎重考虑,最终确定了旗手人选。Zhu Ting, CaptainChinese Women’s Volleyball Team朱婷,中国女排队长I really appreciate the trust from the Chinese delegation. It’s a huge honor and responsibility for me to be named as the flag-bearer. I feel greatly motivated by it. I will set my mind at ease, and devote every effort to the games. It’s always our goal to see our national flag raised and hear our national anthem played. 感谢代表团对女排、对我的肯定与信任。担任旗手是一份荣誉,也是一份责任,让我更有动力去做好每一天,走好每一步。大赛将至,保持平常心,全力以赴。我们的目标还是升国旗奏国歌。The 26-year-old captain of the women’s volleyball team helped China claim the Olympic gold medal in Rio five years ago. Having made her national debut【首秀】aged 18 in 2013, Zhu’s performances at the Rio Olympics propelled her into a global volleyball star and one of the country’s most popular athletes. Zhao Shuai made history by winning China’s first Olympic gold in men’s taekwondo when he triumphed in the 58 kilogram category at the Rio Olympics. As flag-bearer at the 2018 Asian Games in Jakarta, Indonesia, he will be the first athlete to be a flag-bearer in two important international events. 26岁的朱婷是中国女排队长,她曾率队夺得2016年里约奥运会冠军。2013年,18岁的朱婷第一次入选国家队。2016年,她在里约奥运会在一战成名,成为了国际排坛的巨星和中国最受欢迎的运动员。在里约奥运会中,赵帅在跆拳道男子58公斤级决赛中夺得金牌,实现我国男子跆拳道奥运金牌零的突破。2018年雅加达亚运会,赵帅就担任中国代表团旗手。他是中国体育代表团历史上首位连续两届大赛都担任旗手的运动员。2.        NEW REMOTE-SENSING SATELLITE GROUP LAUNCHED中国成功发射遥感三十号10组卫星A new remote-sensingsatellite【遥感卫星】group was sent into orbit this morning from Xichang Satellite Launch Center in Sichuan Province. 7月19日上午,遥感三十号10组卫星在酒泉卫星发射中心成功发射升空。The 10th group of the Yaogan-30 family, the satellites were launched【发射】aboard a Long March Two C-carrier rocket at 8:19am. The satellites will carry out electro-magnetic【电磁】environment detection in a multi-satellite network. The Tianqi-15, a satellite of the Tianqi constellation, was also aboard the rocket. It will be used for Internet of Things data collection. The Long March Two-C rocket has sent all 10 groups of the Yaogan-30 satellites into preset orbits with high precision in the four years since the launch of the first group in 2017. The 100 percent success rate demonstrates the rocket’s high reliability.7月19日8时19分,我国在西昌卫星发射中心用长征二号丙运载火箭,成功将遥感三十号10组卫星发射升空,卫星顺利进入预定轨道,发射任务获得圆满成功。遥感三十号10组卫星之后将采用多星组网模式开展电磁环境探测及相关技术验证。这次任务还搭载发射了天启星座15星,用于物联网数据采集。据悉,从2017年9月起,长征二号丙运载火箭已将全部十组遥感三十号卫星,高精度送入预定轨道,发射成功率100%,充分彰显了"金牌火箭"的高可靠性。3.        TWO PAIRS OF PANDA TWINS BORN ON SAME DAY好事成双!四川大熊猫基地喜迎两对双胞胎宝宝Two giant pandas at the China Conservation and Research Center for the Giant Panda in Sichuan Province each gave birth to twins on Saturday. All four babies, and their mother’s are reported to be in good health. 中国大熊猫保护研究中心传来喜讯,大熊猫"珍珍"和"苏珊"在大熊猫中心卧龙神树坪基地,分别生下了一对双胞胎,母子平安。One giant panda, named "Zhen Zhen", gave birth to a cub【幼仔】at 6:44 pm and a second cub 35 minutes later. Zhen Zhen was born at the San Diego zoo in the United States in 2007 and returned to Sichuan in 2010. In 2015, she gave birth to a pair of twins in the city of Ya’an. The second giant panda, named "Su Shan," gave birth at 6:52 pm, her second cub arrived 42 minutes later. Su Shan was born in 2011. She gave birth to a cub in 2016. In both cases, the firstborn of each set of twins are staying with their mothers and the younger cubs are being taken care of by the Conservation and Research Center staff.7日18点44分,海归大熊猫"珍珍"产下第一仔,幼仔叫声、活力、体温正常,35分钟后,第二仔呱呱坠地。珍珍2007年出生于美国圣地亚哥动物园,2010年回到中国大熊猫保护研究中心,2015年曾在雅安碧峰峡产下一对双胞胎。18点52分,大熊猫苏珊也产下一仔,42分钟后第二仔出生。"苏珊"出生于2011年8月,2016年,"苏珊"也曾在雅安碧峰峡产下一只熊猫宝宝。按照中国大熊猫繁育的惯例,如果生了双胞胎,将由大熊猫妈妈和人工先分别照料抚育第一仔和第二仔,并择机交换养育。#热词加油站skipper【队长】tae-kwon-dou【跆拳道】flag-bearer【旗手】consultation【商议】prudent【谨慎的】debut【首秀】remote-sensing satellite【遥感卫星】launch【发射】electro-magnetic【电磁的】cub【幼仔】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
7/20/20213 minutes, 33 seconds
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07/19 TOP OF THE DAY 宝宝也能打新冠疫苗/洋中医讲“冬病夏治”/疫情下的奥运筹备

NEWS ON 07/191.CHINA REACHES 5 BLN DOSES IN CORONAVIRUS VACCINE CAPACITY宝宝们也能打新冠疫苗!我国新冠疫苗年产能达50亿剂2.HERBAL POWER TO THE RESCUE FOR SUMMER HEAT冬病夏治,法国洋中医给你把把脉3.2020 TOKYO OLYMPICS IS UNDER PREPARATION直面新冠疫情挑战,东京奥运大幕即将拉开!-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1. CHINA REACHES 5 BLN DOSES IN CORONAVIRUS VACCINE CAPACITY宝宝们也能打新冠疫苗!我国新冠疫苗年产能达50亿剂China officially granted emergency use approval for the inactivated coronavirus vaccinedeveloped by Sinopharm for people aged 3 to 17. The company said that the vaccine【疫苗】 has completed clinical trials for phases one and two in Henan Province and which no serious adverse reactions were reported.国药集团中国生物北京生物制品研究所新冠病毒灭活疫苗获批在3-17岁人群中紧急使用。目前,国药集团中国生物新冠疫苗3-17岁年龄组已经在河南完成I/II期临床试验,接种后安全性良好,未见严重不良反应。An immune【免疫】 bridge study was initiated in the UAE in June, aiming to monitor the immune response to the vaccine in 900 children of different nationalities.今年6月,该疫苗的免疫桥接临床试验在阿联酋启动,评估900名3-17岁不同国籍的健康人群疫苗接种后的免疫原性和安全性。Meanwhile, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology says as of July, China’s annual production capacity for coronavirus vaccines is on track to reach 5 billion doses.工信部16日表示,截至目前,我国新冠疫苗年产能已达到50亿剂。2.HERBAL POWER TO THE RESCUE FOR SUMMER HEAT冬病夏治,法国洋中医给你把把脉TCM hospitals are preparing summer treatments for chronic【慢性的,长期的】 illnesses that worsen in winter as "sanfu" has begun. This 30-day period is known to bring the year’s hottest weather, so reporter Sun Siqi tagged along with a French student studying TCM to experience hands-on learning.随着“三伏天”的开始,中医医院正在为那些在冬季会加剧的慢性病准备着夏季治疗。在这30天内,一年中最热的天气即将到来,因此记者Sun Siqi跟随一名学西中医的法国学生一起前去体验学习。Sun Siqi, ICS reporter孙思奇,ICS记者Bonjour, Thomas.你好,Thomas。Thomas Marie, second-year student,Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese MedicineThomas Marie, 上海中医药大学,二年级生Bonjour.你好。Sun Siqi, ICS reporter孙思奇,ICS记者Are you ready for the lesson on summer treatment for winter illness?你准备好开始“冬病夏治”的课程了吗?Thomas Marie,second-year student,Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese MedicineThomas Marie, 上海中医药大学,二年级生Yes, of course, let’s get on to it.  是的,当然了。让我们开始吧。Sun Siqi,ICS reporter孙思奇,ICS记者Alright.好的。Step one, the pulse and tongue diagnosis. I arrived with phlegm and chronic pharyngitis, or a throat infection. Thomas Marie, a second-year undergrad at Shanghai University of TCM, puts what he learned to use.第一步,脉诊和舌诊。我感觉自己有痰,可能是慢性咽炎,或是喉咙感染。上海中医药大学二年级学生Thomas Marie,在我这个病例上学以致用了。Thomas Marie,second-year student,Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese MedicineThomas Marie, 上海中医药大学,二年级生On your tongue, we can see that it’s slightly red, you have red dots on your tongue, which is usually too much fire in the body. But what’s most important is the coating – the coating of your tongue reveals there’s actually some kind of dampness. If the coating was more yellow, it would have a tendency to be damp heat. But here, white means it turns more towards damp cold.我们可以看到你的舌头有点发红,上面有红点,这通常是因为体内有太多火气。但是最重要的是舌苔——它反映了你体内湿气的情况。如果舌苔黄,则可能湿热。但在这里舌苔发白意味着可能是寒湿。The pulse, or mai, is read based on its strength and shape as the pulse passes through. A slippery【滑的】 pulse indicates dampness, a wiry one signals stress. Another 26 pulse characteristics have been recorded in TCM texts.脉搏,或者脉,把脉是要观察脉搏的形象与动态。滑脉表示有湿气,细脉表示有压力。包括这两种在内,中医文献主要记载有28种脉象。Sun Siqi,ICS reporter孙思奇,ICS记者Today, the diagnosis is that it is both weak and slippery, what does that mean?今天的诊断结果是脉搏又弱又滑,这意味着什么?Thomas Marie,second-year student,Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese MedicineThomas Marie, 上海中医药大学,二年级生It goes along with what your tongue is showing. The slippery pulse indicates dampness in the body. The weak is like diminution of either qi or blood. And the fact is that the dampness tends to block the qi, so that’s why your pulse becomes weak and slippery at the same time.它与你的舌头所显示的状况是一致的。滑脉表明体内有湿气。弱脉像是气血不足。实际上湿气会导致阳气阻滞,所以这就是为什么你的脉搏同时又弱又滑。Based on his diagnosis, a paste with herbs including perilla【紫苏】, cinnamon【桂皮】 and tatarian aster【紫菀】 is prescribed. The deeply fragrant paste is placed on the dazhui and feishu nerve points, then heated up. The summer treatment department is packed with regular patients who come for winter illness remedies.根据他的诊断,他开了一种含有紫苏、桂皮和紫菀等药材的药膏。这种药膏挺香的,可以敷在大椎、肺俞穴上,然后加热。夏季治疗部门挤满了前来治疗冬季疾病的常客。Zhu Qiaoyun,Patient患者I’ve had asthma since I was small. Every time I catch a cold, I feel like I can’t breathe. The first summer I came, there was improvement. This is the fourth summer I’ve done it now.我从小就有哮喘,每次感冒就会觉得好像喘不过气一样。在我来的第一个夏天,情况就有所改善了。现在这是我来的第四个夏天了。Wang Zhenwei,deputy director,Respiratory department, Yueyang Hospital王振伟, 岳阳中西医结合医院, 呼吸科,副主任医师In the respiratory department, patients with chronic coughs, bronchitis and obstructive pulmonary disease benefit from the summer treatment. People with recurring frost bite, arthritis and other conditions that worsen when it is wet and cold can also improve. In any case, a doctor will have to diagnose which organ your damp cold is trapped in.在呼吸科,慢性咳嗽、支气管炎和阻塞性肺病患者受益于夏季治疗。受反复性冻伤、关节炎和其在他湿冷天气下病情恶化的顽疾患者,病情也可以得到改善。不论如何,医生一定要诊断出是哪个器官出现寒湿现象。Thomas Marie,second-year student,Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese MedicineThomas Marie, 上海中医药大学,二年级生So here’s the paste treatment. You could also have moxibustion treatment. The moxibustion treatment would be all along the du meridian【经脉】 and the other meridian just next to it.这是膏药疗法。你也可以尝试艾灸疗法。艾灸疗法会沿着督脉和其他邻近的经脉来进行。Sun Siqi,ICS reporter孙思奇,ICS记者Is it the idea that you’re using summer’s heat to drive out the coldness and dampness that can get worse in winter?其中的原理是不是利用夏季的热气来驱散冬季可能会恶化的寒气和湿气?Thomas Marie,second-year student,Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese MedicineThomas Marie, 上海中医药大学,二年级生The main point is that summer is the point where yang is at its peak. So it’s the best moment to improve the yang of your body because you know your yang wouldn’t be specially attacked and get down.关键在于夏季是阳气最盛的时期。因为你知道的,此时你的阳气不会受损而减弱,所以这是增强你身体中阳气的最佳时机。Sun Siqi,ICS reporter孙思奇,ICS记者It was a really relaxing 20 minutes, and the idea is that you do the treatment every other day during the 30-day period with the year’s worst heat.这是非常放松的20分钟。通常医生会推荐,在一年中最热的30天里,每隔一天做一次治疗。To make the most of summer treatments, stay clear of icy drinks, stay away from overly air-conditioned rooms, and avoid taking cold showers and exercise regularly.为了充分发挥夏季治疗的效果,要远离冰镇饮料、远离空调过强的房间,还要避免洗冷水澡,并定期锻炼。3.2020 TOKYO OLYMPICS IS UNDER PREPARATION直面新冠疫情挑战,东京奥运大幕即将拉开!Preparations are underway as the 2020 Tokyo Olympics are set to open next week. Mobile broadcast vans from China were seen on the streets of Tokyo, attracting a lot of attentions.2020东京奥运会将于下周开幕,筹备工作正在进行之中。来自中国的移动广播车也出现在了东京街头,引起了广泛的关注。The China Media Group and Shanghai Media Group mobile broadcast vans are in Tokyo, ready to report on the Olympics Games. The vans attracted a lot of attention and went viral online.中央广播电视台和上海广播电视台的移动转播车现在正在东京,准备报道奥运会。这些转播车引起了广泛关注,其影响在网络上被疯转。INTERVIEW:Japanese Citizen日本市民I came all the way from Osaka to take photos of the Olympic Rings. I am looking forward to the Olympics and I really love to watch the China women’s volleyball team.我是特意从大阪一路赶来拍摄奥运五环的纪念照的。我很期待奥运会,而且我真的很爱看中国女排的比赛。INTERVIEW:Japanese Citizen日本市民I bought a handball ticket, but I can’t go to watch the game now. It’s a shame. I wasn’t able to be a volunteer either. I have no choice but to stay at home and watch the live broadcast.我买到了一张手球比赛的票,但我现在去不成了。真是太可惜了。我也没有当成志愿者。所以我别无选择,只能呆在家里看直播。The Tokyo Olympic games are facing great challenges as over 1,000 new coronavirus cases have been reported per day for the past 3 days.东京都已连续3天日增确诊超过1000例,这使得东京奥运会面临巨大的挑战。In Shizuoka Prefecture, eight staff at a hotel hosting Brazil’s Olympic judo team tested positive for coronavirus. Local officials said the nucleic acid test was conducted before the arrival of the athletes and the staff haven’t been in contact with them.在日本静冈县,一家负责接待巴西奥运柔道队的酒店里的八名工作人员被检测出了新冠阳性。当地官员称,核酸检测是在运动员抵达之前进行的,而工作人员并没有与他们接触。The Japanese government and Tokyo Olympics Committee have decided to allow athletes who are close contacts of a confirmed patient to compete, as long as they have a negative nucleic acid test result within 6 hours of competing.日本政府和东京奥组委已经决定,只要运动员在参赛前6小时内的核酸检测结果为阴性,即使先前与新冠确诊患者有过密切接触,也可以参加比赛。In South Korea, swimming star Park Tae-Hwan will not be attending the games as he has reportedly tested positive for coronavirus. The 31-year-old swimmer won the first gold medal for South Korea for swimming at the 2008 Beijing Olympics.韩国的游泳名将朴泰桓确认不会参加奥运会。据报道,他的新冠病毒检测结果呈阳性。这位31岁的游泳运动员曾在2008年北京奥运会上为韩国赢得了首枚游泳项目的金牌。#热词加油站immune【免疫】vaccine【疫苗】chronic【慢性的,长期的】slippery【滑的】meridian【子午线,经线,经脉】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
7/19/20216 minutes, 21 seconds
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So much fun! CCG现场攻略!穿越2次元你准备好了吗

人美心善的ICS前线小姐姐带你打卡CCG过一个欢乐的周末吧!The 2021 China International Cartoon and Game Expo, or CCG Expo opened today! It certainly should make my day! Every year, the expo is full of cosplayers dressing up as their favorite cartoon characters. But what are COSers or those animation lovers actually looking for?
7/17/202145 seconds
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07/16 TOP OF THE DAY 国防部正告美方/上海健儿出征奥运/数字欧元项目启动

NEWS ON 07/161.US URGED NOT TO “PLAY WITH FIRE” AFTER MILITARY PLANE REPORTEDLY LANDS IN TAIWAN国防部正告美方:切勿玩火!中国必须统一,也必然统一!2.46 SHANGHAI ATHLETES WILL COMPETE AT TOKYO OLYMPICS上海46名健儿出征奥运,请速速准备好摇旗呐喊!3.ECB TAKES FIRST STEP IN LONG MARCH TO DIGITAL EURO数字欧元项目启动,一部手机游欧洲的日子快要到了?-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1.US URGED NOT TO “PLAY WITH FIRE” AFTER MILITARY PLANE REPORTEDLY LANDS IN TAIWANChina’s Ministry of National Defense urged the United States "not to play with fire" and stop provocative【挑衅的】actions in response to reports of a military transport plane landing in Taiwan.昨天,有媒体称,美军一架运输机降落台湾。对此,中国国防部新闻发言人吴谦表示,中方正告美方切勿玩火,立即停止冒险挑衅行径。Senior Colonel Wu Qian, a military spokesman, said the island is a sacred【神圣的】and inseparable part of Chinese territory, and the Chinese military is closely monitoring the situation. He said any foreign military plane landing on Chinese territory must receive approval from the government of the People’s Republic of China. To Taiwan’s ruling Democratic Progressive Party, Wu warned them not to misjudge the situation. Collusion with external forces to seek"independence" or provoke the mainland will only lead Taiwan into danger. He added that the People’s Liberation Army will remain on high alert and take whatever action necessary to crush any "Taiwan independence"attempts.吴谦表示,台湾是中国领土神圣不可分割的一部分,中方对此表示严重关切。任何外军飞机降落我领土,都必须经中华人民共和国政府许可,任何外国舰机擅闯我领空的行为,都将引发严重后果。我们正告美方切勿玩火、立即停止冒险挑衅行径。我们警告民进党当局,不要勾连外部势力,谋"独"挑衅。中国人民解放军保持高度戒备态势,将采取一切必要措施,坚决粉碎任何"台独"图谋。2.46 SHANGHAI ATHLETES WILL COMPETE AT TOKYO OLYMPICSThe Shanghai Sports Administration said that 46 athletes from the city will participate in the upcoming Tokyo Olympics, the most ever for an Olympics other than the Beijing Games in 2008.The Chinese delegation【代表团】includes Shanghai locals such as table tennis player Xu Xin and rowing athletes Zhang Ling and Chen Yunxia.上海市体育局透露,46名上海运动员将参与本届奥运会,人数为历届境外奥运会之最,其中包括乒乓球运动员许昕、赛艇运动员张灵和陈云霞等名将。The athletes will compete in 17 events including table tennis, diving, rowing and shooting at the games. The delegation also includes 15 coaches from Shanghai.上海运动员将参加乒乓球、跳水、赛艇、射击等17个大项的角逐。另外,还有15名上海教练员入选中国代表团名单。3.ECB TAKES FIRST STEP IN LONG MARCH TO DIGITAL EUROThe European Central Bank took a first step towards launching a digital version of the Euro, part of a global drive to meet a growing demand for electronic means of payment and to combat a boom in crypto currencies【加密电子货币】.14日,欧洲央行宣布启动数字欧元项目,该项目旨在应对全球日益增长的电子支付需求以及对抗加密货币的繁荣。The digital Euro is to be the electronic equivalent of banknotes that citizens will be able to keep at the ECB rather than in a commercial bank. The ECB’s Governing Council announced the 24-month initial study phase, to be followed by three years of implementation【实施】. According to ECB President Christine Lagarde, the main objective of the initiative is to avoid leaving digital payments to the private sector,and to ensure that citizens and firms continue to have access to safe central bank funding.数字欧元是一种电子货币,欧洲公民可以将其存放在欧洲央行而非其他商业银行。欧洲央行理事会指出,初步调查研究为期2年,随后的开发阶段或将持续3年。欧洲央行行长克里斯蒂娜·拉加德表示,该举措的主要目的是避免私营部门介入数字支付,并确保公民和企业能够持续获得安全的央行货币。#热词加油站provocative【挑衅的】sacred【神圣的】delegation【代表团】crypto currencies【加密电子货币】implementation【实施】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
7/16/20212 minutes, 24 seconds
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China starts carbon trading!How is it going to work? 丨碳交易市场来了

China has formally launched a carbon emissions trading scheme. How's it going to work? Who's included? What difference could it make?Host: Timothy PopeGuest: Jason Ekberg,Partner at Oliver Wyman
7/16/20219 minutes, 41 seconds
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China starts carbon trading!How is it going to work? 丨碳交易市场来了

China has formally launched a carbon emissions trading scheme. How's it going to work? Who's included? What difference could it make?Host: Timothy PopeGuest: Jason Ekberg,Partner at Oliver Wyman
7/16/20219 minutes, 41 seconds
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07/15 TOP OF THE DAY 碳排放“明码标价”/“银发族”健身新去处/东京奥运会新变化

NEWS ON 07/151. CHINA’S NATIONAL CARBON MARKET TO START TRADING IN JULY明码标价!碳排放权交易市场7月上线2. 18 FITNESS CLUBS FOR SENIORS ARE UP AND RUNNING“银发族”新归宿上海首批长者运动健康之家揭牌3. IOC SAYS IT PUTS SAFETY FIRST FOR TOKYO OLYMPIC GAMES禁止吹乒乓球、擦球台!东京奥运会新变化-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1. CHINA’S NATIONAL CARBON MARKET TO START TRADING IN JULY明码标价!碳排放权交易市场7月上线China’s national carbon emissions【排放】 trading market will commence trading this month. Carbon trading is the process of buying and selling permits to emit carbon dioxide or other green-house gases. Designated emitters will be given the right to release a certain amount of green-house gases.中国碳排放权交易市场将于今年7月启动上线交易。碳排放权交易,实际上是把二氧化碳等温室气体的排放权当作商品来进行买卖,买家将获权释放一定数量的温室气体。At the end of each cycle, emitters that exceed their limit will have to buy un-used permits to offset the extra emissions. Now Chen Xuan tells us more. Thank you, Bei.在每个周期结束时,碳排量超标者需购买购买未使用的排放许可证以抵消额外的排放量。Initial trading will be among the power companies, and the carbon emissions of these companies is estimated to exceed 4 billion tons of carbon dioxide. This means the country’s carbon trading market will become the largest in the world.目前第一个履约周期的预分配额已下发至能源企业,首批纳入的企业碳排放量预计超过40亿吨,我国也将成为全球规模最大的碳排放权交易市场。Interview:Yu Xiang, Research Institute for Eco-civilization, CASS禹湘,气候变化经济学研究室副室主任,中国社会科学院生态文明研究所Under the scheme, companies are assigned quotas for carbon emissions based on their output and industry-specific factors, and can sell excess emission allowances to those in need of more pollution quotas. In effect, the system would incentivize reducing pollution.对企业来说它应该多了一项可以管理的资产,如果它的配额不够的话,它可以通过碳交易来进行相关配额的购买。如果他的配额有所盈余,可以在碳市场进行出售。Regarding pricing, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment said it is very important as the carbon trading market will use price signals to guide the optimal【最佳的】 allocation of carbon-emission reduction resources, thereby reducing the emission reduction costs of the whole society.生态环境部表示碳价十分重要,因为碳交易市场是通过价格信号来引导碳减排资源的优化配置,从而降低整个社会的减排成本。Interview:Zhao Yingmin, Vice Minister, Ministry of Ecology and Environment赵英民生态环境部副部长As the national carbon market has not yet started, it is hard to say what the carbon price will be. However, judging from the operation of the pilot projects across the country, the weighted average carbon price in the past two years has been around 40 yuan per ton.目前,全国碳市场还没有启动,所以还不好说碳价是多少。但从过几年全国7个地方试点运行情况看,近两年加权平均碳价约在40到50元人民币之间。Zhao said the ministry is now considering designing policies such as improving allowance【限额】 allocation【分配方法】 methods and introducing offsetting mechanisms to guide market expectations toward forming a reasonable carbon price.赵英民称,在全国碳市场相关的制度设计中,生态环境部考虑通过改进配额分配方法、引入抵消机制等政策措施来引导市场预期,从而形成合理碳价。Now China’s carbon market started with local pilot projects. In October 2011, local pilot projects for carbon emissions trading were launched in 7 provincial-level regions, including Beijing, Tianjin and Shanghai, coveringabout 3,000 companies in the industries of power, steel and cement. As of June this year, those regions traded 480 million tons of greenhouse gases, with turnover of 11.4 billion yuan.中国的碳市场建设从地方试点起步,2011年10月在北京、天津、上海等7省市启动了碳排放权交易地方试点工作,覆盖了电力、钢铁、水泥等行业近3000家重点排放单位。到今年6月,试点省市碳市场累计配额成交量4.8亿吨二氧化碳当量,成交额约114亿元。According to Shanghai’s 14th Five-year Plan, the city will attain carbon dioxide emissions peak before 2025, which is 5 years ahead of the country. 上海“十四五规划”提出,上海力争2025年实现碳排放总量达峰,比中国2030年实现碳达峰的目标早5年。2. 18 FITNESS CLUBS FOR SENIORS ARE UP AND RUNNING“银发族”新归宿上海首批长者运动健康之家揭牌A total of 18 recreation clubs for seniors have recently been opened in the city, allowing seniors to enjoy quality elderly care services in their neighborhoods. The fitness clubs are the first of their kind in the country. Sun Siqi has more.近期,上海首批18家长者运动健康之家正式揭牌,作为全国首创的长者专属一站式运动康养中心,长者运动健康之家让阿姨爷叔们在家门口就能享受公益优质的健老服务。Auntie Fan has been in a wheelchair ever since she suffered cerebral infarction【梗塞】 a year ago. Now that an elderly fitness club opened in her neighborhood, she receives rehabilitation training every day with her husband.范阿姨一年前因为脑梗中风,只能坐轮椅出行。自从家门口开了这家长者运动健康之家,老伴每天陪着她来"打卡",在专业人员的指导下,范阿姨很快告别了轮椅。Interview:Jing Zhengli, Auntie Fan’s Husband景郑丽,范阿姨老伴儿Through training and practice, she has improved her hand and foot coordination【协调】 and can walk with more stability. She came here by wheelchair on her first day. But now she comes on foot.通过这段时间练习,(我)手的协调能力、走路的稳定性有很大的改善。我们刚来的时候是推着轮椅来的,现在不用推轮椅,就是走着来的。Interview:Wang Lin, Staff Member王林,工作人员We evaluate【评估】 the health conditions of the elderly before choosing proper training programs for them. For example, we often recommend aerobic exercise for those who’ve suffered a stroke.老人分健康的、亚健康的、偏瘫、中风的之类的,所以对于不同的老人会选择不同的设备,像中风的老人一般会选择有氧训练、四肢联动训练。One fitness club in Wujiaochang Street has more than 20 facilities tailored for seniors to have different exercises such as cardio【有氧运动】 and rhythmic exercise. At the fitness club on Kongjiang Road, the elderly are equipped with monitoring devices on their arms, which can transmit their data, including heat rate to the system.位于五角场街道的这家长者运动健康之家,配备了20多种为老人"度身定制"的健身设备,老人可以进行有氧运动等多种锻炼。在控江路街道长者运动健康之家,老人们手臂上都带着一块黑色的监控设备,将其心跳等实时数据传到大屏上。The system will intervene【干预】 and adjust the training based on the on the received data.The elderly can enjoy all the services at the fitness club for only 69 yuan a month by using the coupons given to them by the Shanghai Sports Administration .系统将根据收到的数据干预并调整训练。老年人使用上海市体育局发放的优惠券,每月只需69元就可以享受健康之家的所有服务。Interview:Xia Xuejun, Director, Kongjiang Road Community, Yangpu District夏雪君,主任,杨浦区控江路街道宣传文化办公室Our community is dedicated to providing a professional venue for the elderly to do exercises. We will further improve the city’s soft power by offering better services for the public.街道这一块还是秉持着给老龄化社会提供一个专业的比较好的场所,进一步做好社区公共服务,进一步提升城市软实力。Shanghai will establish 12 more fitness clubs this year, and plans are place to have 100 of them up and running covering all districts, by 2025.今年,上海计划再建12家长者运动健康之家。五年后,其数量将达到100,服务范围覆盖全上海。3. IOC SAYS IT PUTS SAFETY FIRST FOR TOKYO OLYMPIC GAMES禁止吹乒乓球、擦球台!东京奥运会新变化With 9 days to go before the Olympic Games open in Tokyo, Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga met with International Olympic Committee President Thomas Bach this afternoon. Yuan Chenyue has more.东京奥运会即将开幕,日本首相菅义伟于7月14日与国际奥委会主席托马斯·巴赫举行会谈。Bach said the goal is to stage a safe and secure games for the athletes, delegations【代表团】, and local population of the host country. Suga promised that adequate precautions will be in place.巴赫强调,应将保障运动员、代表团和当地居民的安全作为本届奥运会的重要目标。菅义伟承诺采取充分的预防措施。Interview:Thomas Bach, International Olympic Committee President托马斯·巴赫,国际奥委会主席We have supported this decision of having no spectators with a heavy heart... We do not only say "safety first", we deliver on it, even if it was a difficult decision.我们怀着沉重的心情支持大部分比赛场馆空场办赛的决定,我们不仅是口头上说“安全第一”,我们还说到做到,即使这是一个艰难的决定。The Tokyo 2020 Olympic Village officially opened yesterday to welcome over 11,000 athletes from 205 nations and territories as well as international media. But as the Olympics are taking place during a pandemic【流行病】, the village entrance ceremony and any other celebrations were canceled.东京2020奥运村于7月13日正式开放,迎接来自205个国家和地区的11000多名运动员以及国际媒体。由于奥运会实行疫情防控,入驻仪式及任何其他庆祝活动都已取消。The White House announced yesterday that US first lady Jill Biden will lead the US delegation to the Summer Olympics opening ceremony instead of President Joe Biden.7月13日,白宫宣布本次奥运会将由美国第一夫人吉尔·拜登代替总统乔·拜登带领美国代表团出席开幕式。Also yesterday, Swiss tennis player Roger Federer announced his withdrawal from the Tokyo Olympic Games due to knee injury.瑞士网球运动员罗杰·费德勒宣布因膝伤退出东京奥运会。New regulations for this year’s table tennis competition may pose a challenge to the athletes. Players will not be allowed to touch the table with their hands or towels, nor will they be allowed to blow on the ball.今年新发布的乒乓球比赛规则是对运动员的新试炼。规则规定运动员在比赛过程中不能能用手或毛巾接触球台,也不能在发球时对球吹气。China announced it was sending a delegation of 777 people for the Tokyo Olympics, including 431 athletes. It’s China’s largest-ever delegation for an overseas Olympic Games. Nearly all of them are vaccinated【接种疫苗的】. Yuan Chenyue Shanghai Live.中国宣布将派出777人的代表团参加东京奥运会,其中包括431名运动员,代表团几乎全员接种新冠疫苗。东京奥运会是中国体育代表团境外参赛规模最大的一届奥运会。#热词加油站emission【排放】optimal【最佳的】allowance【限额】allocation【分配方法】infarction【梗塞】coordination【协调】evaluate【评估】cardio【有氧运动】intervene【干预】delegation【代表团】pandemic【流行病】vaccinated【接种疫苗的】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”
7/15/20216 minutes, 19 seconds
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7/15/202139 seconds
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07/14 TOP OF THE DAY 中国必须也必然统一/《失孤》家庭团圆了/洛天依“殿下”生快

NEWS ON 7/141.        MAN UNITED WITH HIS SON ABDUCTED 24 YEARS AGO孩子找到了!电影《失孤》被拐儿童原型终迎圆满结局2.        VIRTUAL IDOLS WITH REAL FANS“公主殿下”生快!虚拟歌姬洛天依生日会,粉丝现场应援3.        FM DEPLORES JAPAN’s INTERFERENCE IN CHINA’S INTERNAL AFFIARS中国必须也必然统一!外交部霸气回应日本《防卫白皮书》-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1.        MAN UNITED WITH HIS SON ABDUCTED 24 YEARS AGO孩子找到了!电影《失孤》被拐儿童原型终迎圆满结局A man has been re-united with his abducted【拐卖】son after a 24-year search, where he traveled more than 400,000 kilometers across the country on a motor-bike. Police arrested twosuspects【嫌疑人】in the case that inspired the 2015 film "Lost and Love" starring Andy Lau. Now Chen Xuan has the story. 2015年曾引起广泛关注的电影《失孤》中的被拐儿童原型郭新振已被找到,犯罪嫌疑人已被警方抓获,离散多年的家庭终于团聚。51-year-old Guo Gangtang has been searching for his son since he was 27. Here’s a look as they are reunited at long last. In 1997, Guo’s then two-year-old son Guo Xinzhen was abducted by a woman in Liaocheng Shandong Province. Since then the father has ridden a motorbike across the country with a flag showing his son’s photo and physical traits seeking clues to his son’s whereabouts【下落】. As his search continued he learned about other lost children and informed police officers. They said this information helped them intify more than 100 missing children who had been separated from their family for years. "Lost and Love" starring Andy Lau, who played Guo, recorded a message for the family.1997年,山东聊城郭刚堂(男,现年51岁)夫妇时年2岁半的儿子郭新振,在家门口玩耍时被一陌生女子抱走,下落不明。事情发生后,郭刚堂在摩托车上插上印有儿子照片及相貌特征的旗子,翻越中国骑行了40多万公里,四处打听儿子的下落。在这期间,他了解到许多走失孩子的信息,并积极联系公安机关,帮助100多名走失儿童回到了父母的怀抱。电影《失孤》的主演刘德华在听说这一事情后也为郭刚堂一家送上了视频祝福。INTERVIEWAndy Lau, Actor刘德华,演员,电影《失孤》主演I’d like to say to Mr. Guo that I admire your persistence【坚持】. I’d like to pay tribute to the decades-long work from the police. I’d like to call on everyone to support anti-child trafficking【贩卖】efforts, and I hope more broken families will be reunited. 首先我透过这个镜头要跟郭大哥说,我佩服你的坚持,也还要向公安机关多年的努力致敬。在此呼吁所有的朋友跟我一起支持反拐工作,盼望更多的离散家庭实现团圆。Police in Liaocheng opened a case file days after Guo Xinzhen went missing. His parents’ DNA was entered in the national child abduction tracking system. In January, the Public Security Bureau launched its "Reunion" campaign against child trafficking, sparking officers to re-examine older cases. Officers made a breakthrough【突破】in June, when they believed they had found Guo Xinzhen. A DNA test confirmed his identity. They also identified and located two suspects: 56-year-old Mr. Hu from Henan Province who is in jail in Shanxi for another case, and his then girlfriend, Ms. Tang, who is from Shandong and now 45 years old. 1997年接警后,聊城公安机关成立专案组,并将郭刚堂夫妇DNA信息录入“打拐DNA系统”,但一直没有发现郭新振的下落。今年1月,公安机关展开了查找被拐失踪儿童的专项行动——团圆行动,全力侦破拐卖儿童积案。6月,公安部将该案列为挂牌督办案件,运用最新比对查找手段,成功在河南发现疑似郭新振的线索。根据公安部工作指令,河南刑侦部门立即采集一名本地居民的血样,检验DNA信息并录入“打拐DNA系统”,成功与山东聊城郭刚堂夫妇比中,确认该河南居民即郭刚堂夫妇失踪24年的孩子郭新振。随即,山东聊城公安机关也抓获了当年拐卖郭新振的2名犯罪嫌疑人,呼某(现年56岁,因其他案件在山西入狱)和唐某(现年45岁,案件发生时为呼某女朋友)。INTERVIEWLI Min, Director of Criminal InvestigationShandong Province Dept. of Public Security李民,山东省公安厅,刑侦局局长Hu and Tang were dating in September 1997. They decided to abduct a child while they were traveling in Shandong. On September 21st, 1997, Tang went out and abducted Guo Xinzhen, who was playing near his home. She took him to Hu, who was waiting at an intercity bus station. They then took a bus to Henan and sold Guo. The case is still being investigated. 9月21日,两人窜至山东聊城,呼某在汽车站附近等候,唐某外出寻找作案目标,将在家门口独自玩耍的郭新振抱走,随后与呼某一起乘长途车返回河南,由呼某将郭新振贩卖。目前,案件正在进一步侦办中。Since the Public Security Bureau launched "Reunion", more than 2,600 missing children were identified. 147 old cases were cracked, 372 suspects were taken into custody【拘留】, and more than 1,200 families were reunited. The Public Security Bureau said more than 3,000 free blood sampling sites have been established across the country. Close to 10,000 people have given samples【样本】. The bureau added that this has thus far led to 306 families being reunited. Under the country’s criminal law, individuals who abduct and traffic a child or a woman face a prison term of 5 to 10 years and a fine. Longer prison terms apply when an individual traffics more than 3 children, heads an abduction ring, and cases involve coercion【胁迫】and violence. Individuals found guilty of buying a trafficked person can be sentenced to a maximum of three years in jail. 据介绍,公安部部署开展“团圆”行动以来,在破积案、抓嫌犯、查找失踪被拐儿童等工作取得显著成效。截至目前,已找回历年失踪被拐儿童2609名;侦破拐卖儿童积案147起,抓获拐卖犯罪嫌疑人372名,各地已组织认亲1200余场。同时,全国已建立起3000多个“团圆”行动免费采血点地址,已有近万人主动到公安机关接受免费采血,目前已帮助306个家庭实现了团圆。根据《中华人民共和国刑法》,拐卖妇女、儿童的,处5年以上10年以下有期徒刑,并处罚金。情节特别严重的,如拐卖妇女、儿童3人以上的,拐卖妇女、儿童集团的首要分子的,以出卖为目的,使用暴力、胁迫或者麻醉方法绑架妇女、儿童的,将从重处罚,另外收买被拐卖儿童将面临最高三年有期徒刑的处罚。2.        VIRTUAL IDOLS WITH REAL FANS“公主殿下”生快!虚拟歌姬洛天依生日会,粉丝现场应援Hundreds of fans waved glow sticks and yelled the name of the girl on stage – virtual【虚拟的】singer at a concert celebrating her 9th birthday at Mercedes-Benz Arena in Pudong yesterday. Virtual idols like have a growing and surprisingly loyal fanbase. Sun Siqi has more.7月12日晚,虚拟歌手洛天依的九周年生日会在上海梅赛德斯奔驰文化中心音乐俱乐部举行。现场有上百名粉丝挥舞着手中的荧光棒,高呼洛天依的名字为她庆生。近年来,像洛天依这样的虚拟偶像引领起了一股新的潮流,正受到越来越多粉丝的追捧。Music, lights and cheers... It was just like any other concert, except that the singer everyone was there to see perform, Luo Tianyi, isn’t human. She’s a virtual singer made from holographic 3D images and a synthesized【合成的】voice. Nearly 200 fans came to enjoy the show.音乐、灯光、潮水般的欢呼声…这俨然是音乐会的现场。唯一不同的是这场生日会的主角洛天依并不是真人,而是以雅马哈的VOCALOID3语音合成引擎为基础,制作的VOCALOID中文声库和全息3D虚拟形象。这场生日会也吸引到了近200名粉丝来到现场为洛天依应援。INTERVIEWI have been her fan for nine years. Her voice brings me power and encourages me to move forward.我喜欢她已经九年了,我喜欢她,因为她的歌声能带给我很多力量,能鼓舞我向前。I like Tianyi because she is lovely and has a sweet voice. I usually buy Tianyi’s albums and watch her concerts.我喜欢天依因为她的歌声很甜美,长得也很可爱。平时会购买周边和正版专辑支持她,来线下演唱会应援。I like Tianyi as a virtual singer. I admire her great courage to overcome all the difficulties and become a popular superstar. I was touched to see so many fans celebrating her birthday today.我特别喜欢这样一个虚拟歌姬代表中国,她非常正能量,非常有勇气。尽管这些年的发展坎坷,但天依没有任何萎靡之势,一鼓作气发展到如今这个程度。看到这么多粉丝来到生日会,很感动。Another 5 million fans also watched a livestream of the concert. It is not the first time that Luo has appeared on the stage. She was invited to perform with real singers on CCTV’s Spring Festival Gala. She also performed with renowned pianist Lang Lang in 2019. Luo was created in 2012 as a 15-year-old entertainer and singer by Japanese company Bplats in collaboration with Shanghai He’nian Information Technology Company, and has gone on to become one of China’s most popular virtual idols with around 5 million followers on her Weibo account.除了现场的粉丝,还有500多万名粉丝观看了音乐会的直播。事实上,这并不是洛天依第一次上台,此前她就受邀登上了春节联欢晚会与知名歌手同台献唱,2019年她还与著名钢琴家朗朗联袂演出。2012年,上海天矢禾念娱乐有限公司与日本雅马哈公司联合推出了15岁虚拟歌手洛天依的形象设计。随后,洛天依迅速走红,微博粉丝数高达500万,成为了中国最受欢迎的虚拟偶像之一。INTERVIEW Cao Pu, General ManaterTH Stars曹璞,总经理上海天矢禾念娱乐有限公司Virtual singer Luo Tianyi is different from other ordinary stars. The songs she sang were allcomposed【编写】by users. This made her attractive to tens of millions of fans. In the future, we will introduce more ways for fans to communicate with each other and compose better works for her.因为洛天依是个虚拟歌手,和普通艺人不一样,最大的不同在于有很多创作者为她写歌。她能唱出你为她写的歌,所以粉丝粘性很高,粉丝量是千万级的。未来我们会为音乐创作者提供聚集的平台,让他们为洛天依创作出更好的作品。Apart from entertainment, Luo has also served as a brand ambassador【大师】for Pizza Hut and cosmetics manufacturer Pechoin. Other female virtual idols include Bilibili creation Yousa and Tencent’s Xing Tong. And Shanghai Media Group’s virtual animated host, Shen Xiaoya, made her debut【首秀】last November, the first virtual host used in livestream news coverage on the Chinese mainland. From concerts and fashion shows to livestreaming and commercial activities, virtual idols generated 3.5 billion yuan (540 million US Dollars) in total revenue last year. The market is expected to be worth 6 billion yuan (930 million US Dollars) this year.除歌手的身份外,洛天依还担任了必胜客和百雀羚的品牌大使。类似的虚拟少女偶像还有B站的泠鸢、腾讯的星瞳以及上海广播电视台的虚拟主播申䒕雅。去年11月,申䒕雅完成了她的新闻直播首秀,也在中国内地开创先例。从演唱会、时尚秀到直播及商业活动,虚拟偶像产业在去年一整年共创造了35亿人民币的营收,今年这一数字预计将达到60亿。3.        FM DEPLORES JAPAN’s INTERFERENCE IN CHINA’S INTERNAL AFFIARS中国必须也必然统一!外交部霸气回应日本《防卫白皮书》Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian said China never allows any country to interfere with the Taiwan issue in any way, after Japan released a defense white paper today, making irresponsible remarks about China’s legitimate maritime operations. Song Wenjing has more. 近日,日本发布《防卫白皮书》,首次在报告中提到台湾周边局势稳定的重要性。对此,外交部发言人赵立坚在外交部例行记者会上表示,日方对中方正当的海洋活动说三道四,这是极其错误和不负责任的,中方绝不允许任何国家以任何方式插手台湾问题。At the press conference, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian said that the Japanese side has repeatedly made an issue of China, grossly【粗暴地】interfered in China’s internal affairs, unwarrantedly【无理地】accused China of national defense construction and military activities, and hyped【渲染】the so-called "China threat". 外交部发言人赵立坚表示,这段时间,日方接二连三拿中国说事,粗暴干涉中国内政,无理指责中方正常的国防建设和军事活动,对中方正当的海洋活动说三道四,渲染所谓“中国威胁”。Zhao Lijian, SpokespersonChinese Ministry of Foreign Affiars赵立坚, 中国外交部发言人Taiwan is part of China’s territory, and the Taiwan issue is purely an internal affair of China. We will never allow any country to interfere with the Taiwan issue in any way. The Diaoyu Islands and its affiliated islands are an inalienable【不可分割的】part of China’s territory. China’s patrol and law enforcement activities in the waters of the Diaoyu Islands are the exercise of its inherent【固有的】rights and are legitimate and legal. Could Japan first solve its own problem of discharging nuclear wastewater into the ocean? 台湾是中国领土,台湾问题纯属中国内政。中方绝不允许何国家以任何方式插手台湾问题。钓鱼岛其附属岛屿是中国领土不可分割的一部分。中方在钓鱼岛海域开展巡航执法活动,是行使本国固有权利,正当合法。日方把太平洋的自由开放调门唱得老高,能不能先解决自身试图在太平洋搞核污染水自由排放的问题呢?South Korea also protested Japan’s renewed territorial claims through its defense white paper to the disputed islets lying halfway between the two countries, called Dokdo by South Korea and Takeshima by Japan. The South Korean foreign ministry noted that Dokdo is clearly an integral part of the South Korean territory in terms of history, geography and international law, calling for Japan to immediately retract【撤回】its claim to the islets.此外,日方在新版防卫白皮书中主张拥有韩国与日本争议领土独岛(日本称竹岛)的主权。对此,韩国外交部表示严正抗议,明确指出无论从历史、地理还是从国际法规定来看,独岛都是韩国固有领土,要求日方立即撤回不当主张。#热词加油站:abduct【拐卖】suspect【嫌疑人】whereabouts【下落】persistence【坚持】traffic【贩卖】breakthrough【突破】custody【拘留】sample 【样本】coercion【胁迫】virtual【虚拟的】synthesized【合成的】composed【编写】ambassador【大师】debut【首秀】grossly【粗暴地】unwarrantedly【无理地】hype【渲染】inalienable【不可分割的】inherent【固有的】retract【撤回】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
7/14/20218 minutes, 19 seconds
Episode Artwork

07/14 TOP OF THE DAY 中国必须也必然统一/《失孤》家庭团圆了/洛天依“殿下”生快

NEWS ON 7/141.        MAN UNITED WITH HIS SON ABDUCTED 24 YEARS AGO孩子找到了!电影《失孤》被拐儿童原型终迎圆满结局2.        VIRTUAL IDOLS WITH REAL FANS“公主殿下”生快!虚拟歌姬洛天依生日会,粉丝现场应援3.        FM DEPLORES JAPAN’s INTERFERENCE IN CHINA’S INTERNAL AFFIARS中国必须也必然统一!外交部霸气回应日本《防卫白皮书》-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1.        MAN UNITED WITH HIS SON ABDUCTED 24 YEARS AGO孩子找到了!电影《失孤》被拐儿童原型终迎圆满结局A man has been re-united with his abducted【拐卖】son after a 24-year search, where he traveled more than 400,000 kilometers across the country on a motor-bike. Police arrested twosuspects【嫌疑人】in the case that inspired the 2015 film "Lost and Love" starring Andy Lau. Now Chen Xuan has the story. 2015年曾引起广泛关注的电影《失孤》中的被拐儿童原型郭新振已被找到,犯罪嫌疑人已被警方抓获,离散多年的家庭终于团聚。51-year-old Guo Gangtang has been searching for his son since he was 27. Here’s a look as they are reunited at long last. In 1997, Guo’s then two-year-old son Guo Xinzhen was abducted by a woman in Liaocheng Shandong Province. Since then the father has ridden a motorbike across the country with a flag showing his son’s photo and physical traits seeking clues to his son’s whereabouts【下落】. As his search continued he learned about other lost children and informed police officers. They said this information helped them intify more than 100 missing children who had been separated from their family for years. "Lost and Love" starring Andy Lau, who played Guo, recorded a message for the family.1997年,山东聊城郭刚堂(男,现年51岁)夫妇时年2岁半的儿子郭新振,在家门口玩耍时被一陌生女子抱走,下落不明。事情发生后,郭刚堂在摩托车上插上印有儿子照片及相貌特征的旗子,翻越中国骑行了40多万公里,四处打听儿子的下落。在这期间,他了解到许多走失孩子的信息,并积极联系公安机关,帮助100多名走失儿童回到了父母的怀抱。电影《失孤》的主演刘德华在听说这一事情后也为郭刚堂一家送上了视频祝福。INTERVIEWAndy Lau, Actor刘德华,演员,电影《失孤》主演I’d like to say to Mr. Guo that I admire your persistence【坚持】. I’d like to pay tribute to the decades-long work from the police. I’d like to call on everyone to support anti-child trafficking【贩卖】efforts, and I hope more broken families will be reunited. 首先我透过这个镜头要跟郭大哥说,我佩服你的坚持,也还要向公安机关多年的努力致敬。在此呼吁所有的朋友跟我一起支持反拐工作,盼望更多的离散家庭实现团圆。Police in Liaocheng opened a case file days after Guo Xinzhen went missing. His parents’ DNA was entered in the national child abduction tracking system. In January, the Public Security Bureau launched its "Reunion" campaign against child trafficking, sparking officers to re-examine older cases. Officers made a breakthrough【突破】in June, when they believed they had found Guo Xinzhen. A DNA test confirmed his identity. They also identified and located two suspects: 56-year-old Mr. Hu from Henan Province who is in jail in Shanxi for another case, and his then girlfriend, Ms. Tang, who is from Shandong and now 45 years old. 1997年接警后,聊城公安机关成立专案组,并将郭刚堂夫妇DNA信息录入“打拐DNA系统”,但一直没有发现郭新振的下落。今年1月,公安机关展开了查找被拐失踪儿童的专项行动——团圆行动,全力侦破拐卖儿童积案。6月,公安部将该案列为挂牌督办案件,运用最新比对查找手段,成功在河南发现疑似郭新振的线索。根据公安部工作指令,河南刑侦部门立即采集一名本地居民的血样,检验DNA信息并录入“打拐DNA系统”,成功与山东聊城郭刚堂夫妇比中,确认该河南居民即郭刚堂夫妇失踪24年的孩子郭新振。随即,山东聊城公安机关也抓获了当年拐卖郭新振的2名犯罪嫌疑人,呼某(现年56岁,因其他案件在山西入狱)和唐某(现年45岁,案件发生时为呼某女朋友)。INTERVIEWLI Min, Director of Criminal InvestigationShandong Province Dept. of Public Security李民,山东省公安厅,刑侦局局长Hu and Tang were dating in September 1997. They decided to abduct a child while they were traveling in Shandong. On September 21st, 1997, Tang went out and abducted Guo Xinzhen, who was playing near his home. She took him to Hu, who was waiting at an intercity bus station. They then took a bus to Henan and sold Guo. The case is still being investigated. 9月21日,两人窜至山东聊城,呼某在汽车站附近等候,唐某外出寻找作案目标,将在家门口独自玩耍的郭新振抱走,随后与呼某一起乘长途车返回河南,由呼某将郭新振贩卖。目前,案件正在进一步侦办中。Since the Public Security Bureau launched "Reunion", more than 2,600 missing children were identified. 147 old cases were cracked, 372 suspects were taken into custody【拘留】, and more than 1,200 families were reunited. The Public Security Bureau said more than 3,000 free blood sampling sites have been established across the country. Close to 10,000 people have given samples【样本】. The bureau added that this has thus far led to 306 families being reunited. Under the country’s criminal law, individuals who abduct and traffic a child or a woman face a prison term of 5 to 10 years and a fine. Longer prison terms apply when an individual traffics more than 3 children, heads an abduction ring, and cases involve coercion【胁迫】and violence. Individuals found guilty of buying a trafficked person can be sentenced to a maximum of three years in jail. 据介绍,公安部部署开展“团圆”行动以来,在破积案、抓嫌犯、查找失踪被拐儿童等工作取得显著成效。截至目前,已找回历年失踪被拐儿童2609名;侦破拐卖儿童积案147起,抓获拐卖犯罪嫌疑人372名,各地已组织认亲1200余场。同时,全国已建立起3000多个“团圆”行动免费采血点地址,已有近万人主动到公安机关接受免费采血,目前已帮助306个家庭实现了团圆。根据《中华人民共和国刑法》,拐卖妇女、儿童的,处5年以上10年以下有期徒刑,并处罚金。情节特别严重的,如拐卖妇女、儿童3人以上的,拐卖妇女、儿童集团的首要分子的,以出卖为目的,使用暴力、胁迫或者麻醉方法绑架妇女、儿童的,将从重处罚,另外收买被拐卖儿童将面临最高三年有期徒刑的处罚。2.        VIRTUAL IDOLS WITH REAL FANS“公主殿下”生快!虚拟歌姬洛天依生日会,粉丝现场应援Hundreds of fans waved glow sticks and yelled the name of the girl on stage – virtual【虚拟的】singer at a concert celebrating her 9th birthday at Mercedes-Benz Arena in Pudong yesterday. Virtual idols like have a growing and surprisingly loyal fanbase. Sun Siqi has more.7月12日晚,虚拟歌手洛天依的九周年生日会在上海梅赛德斯奔驰文化中心音乐俱乐部举行。现场有上百名粉丝挥舞着手中的荧光棒,高呼洛天依的名字为她庆生。近年来,像洛天依这样的虚拟偶像引领起了一股新的潮流,正受到越来越多粉丝的追捧。Music, lights and cheers... It was just like any other concert, except that the singer everyone was there to see perform, Luo Tianyi, isn’t human. She’s a virtual singer made from holographic 3D images and a synthesized【合成的】voice. Nearly 200 fans came to enjoy the show.音乐、灯光、潮水般的欢呼声…这俨然是音乐会的现场。唯一不同的是这场生日会的主角洛天依并不是真人,而是以雅马哈的VOCALOID3语音合成引擎为基础,制作的VOCALOID中文声库和全息3D虚拟形象。这场生日会也吸引到了近200名粉丝来到现场为洛天依应援。INTERVIEWI have been her fan for nine years. Her voice brings me power and encourages me to move forward.我喜欢她已经九年了,我喜欢她,因为她的歌声能带给我很多力量,能鼓舞我向前。I like Tianyi because she is lovely and has a sweet voice. I usually buy Tianyi’s albums and watch her concerts.我喜欢天依因为她的歌声很甜美,长得也很可爱。平时会购买周边和正版专辑支持她,来线下演唱会应援。I like Tianyi as a virtual singer. I admire her great courage to overcome all the difficulties and become a popular superstar. I was touched to see so many fans celebrating her birthday today.我特别喜欢这样一个虚拟歌姬代表中国,她非常正能量,非常有勇气。尽管这些年的发展坎坷,但天依没有任何萎靡之势,一鼓作气发展到如今这个程度。看到这么多粉丝来到生日会,很感动。Another 5 million fans also watched a livestream of the concert. It is not the first time that Luo has appeared on the stage. She was invited to perform with real singers on CCTV’s Spring Festival Gala. She also performed with renowned pianist Lang Lang in 2019. Luo was created in 2012 as a 15-year-old entertainer and singer by Japanese company Bplats in collaboration with Shanghai He’nian Information Technology Company, and has gone on to become one of China’s most popular virtual idols with around 5 million followers on her Weibo account.除了现场的粉丝,还有500多万名粉丝观看了音乐会的直播。事实上,这并不是洛天依第一次上台,此前她就受邀登上了春节联欢晚会与知名歌手同台献唱,2019年她还与著名钢琴家朗朗联袂演出。2012年,上海天矢禾念娱乐有限公司与日本雅马哈公司联合推出了15岁虚拟歌手洛天依的形象设计。随后,洛天依迅速走红,微博粉丝数高达500万,成为了中国最受欢迎的虚拟偶像之一。INTERVIEW Cao Pu, General ManaterTH Stars曹璞,总经理上海天矢禾念娱乐有限公司Virtual singer Luo Tianyi is different from other ordinary stars. The songs she sang were allcomposed【编写】by users. This made her attractive to tens of millions of fans. In the future, we will introduce more ways for fans to communicate with each other and compose better works for her.因为洛天依是个虚拟歌手,和普通艺人不一样,最大的不同在于有很多创作者为她写歌。她能唱出你为她写的歌,所以粉丝粘性很高,粉丝量是千万级的。未来我们会为音乐创作者提供聚集的平台,让他们为洛天依创作出更好的作品。Apart from entertainment, Luo has also served as a brand ambassador【大师】for Pizza Hut and cosmetics manufacturer Pechoin. Other female virtual idols include Bilibili creation Yousa and Tencent’s Xing Tong. And Shanghai Media Group’s virtual animated host, Shen Xiaoya, made her debut【首秀】last November, the first virtual host used in livestream news coverage on the Chinese mainland. From concerts and fashion shows to livestreaming and commercial activities, virtual idols generated 3.5 billion yuan (540 million US Dollars) in total revenue last year. The market is expected to be worth 6 billion yuan (930 million US Dollars) this year.除歌手的身份外,洛天依还担任了必胜客和百雀羚的品牌大使。类似的虚拟少女偶像还有B站的泠鸢、腾讯的星瞳以及上海广播电视台的虚拟主播申䒕雅。去年11月,申䒕雅完成了她的新闻直播首秀,也在中国内地开创先例。从演唱会、时尚秀到直播及商业活动,虚拟偶像产业在去年一整年共创造了35亿人民币的营收,今年这一数字预计将达到60亿。3.        FM DEPLORES JAPAN’s INTERFERENCE IN CHINA’S INTERNAL AFFIARS中国必须也必然统一!外交部霸气回应日本《防卫白皮书》Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian said China never allows any country to interfere with the Taiwan issue in any way, after Japan released a defense white paper today, making irresponsible remarks about China’s legitimate maritime operations. Song Wenjing has more. 近日,日本发布《防卫白皮书》,首次在报告中提到台湾周边局势稳定的重要性。对此,外交部发言人赵立坚在外交部例行记者会上表示,日方对中方正当的海洋活动说三道四,这是极其错误和不负责任的,中方绝不允许任何国家以任何方式插手台湾问题。At the press conference, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian said that the Japanese side has repeatedly made an issue of China, grossly【粗暴地】interfered in China’s internal affairs, unwarrantedly【无理地】accused China of national defense construction and military activities, and hyped【渲染】the so-called "China threat". 外交部发言人赵立坚表示,这段时间,日方接二连三拿中国说事,粗暴干涉中国内政,无理指责中方正常的国防建设和军事活动,对中方正当的海洋活动说三道四,渲染所谓“中国威胁”。Zhao Lijian, SpokespersonChinese Ministry of Foreign Affiars赵立坚, 中国外交部发言人Taiwan is part of China’s territory, and the Taiwan issue is purely an internal affair of China. We will never allow any country to interfere with the Taiwan issue in any way. The Diaoyu Islands and its affiliated islands are an inalienable【不可分割的】part of China’s territory. China’s patrol and law enforcement activities in the waters of the Diaoyu Islands are the exercise of its inherent【固有的】rights and are legitimate and legal. Could Japan first solve its own problem of discharging nuclear wastewater into the ocean? 台湾是中国领土,台湾问题纯属中国内政。中方绝不允许何国家以任何方式插手台湾问题。钓鱼岛其附属岛屿是中国领土不可分割的一部分。中方在钓鱼岛海域开展巡航执法活动,是行使本国固有权利,正当合法。日方把太平洋的自由开放调门唱得老高,能不能先解决自身试图在太平洋搞核污染水自由排放的问题呢?South Korea also protested Japan’s renewed territorial claims through its defense white paper to the disputed islets lying halfway between the two countries, called Dokdo by South Korea and Takeshima by Japan. The South Korean foreign ministry noted that Dokdo is clearly an integral part of the South Korean territory in terms of history, geography and international law, calling for Japan to immediately retract【撤回】its claim to the islets.此外,日方在新版防卫白皮书中主张拥有韩国与日本争议领土独岛(日本称竹岛)的主权。对此,韩国外交部表示严正抗议,明确指出无论从历史、地理还是从国际法规定来看,独岛都是韩国固有领土,要求日方立即撤回不当主张。#热词加油站:abduct【拐卖】suspect【嫌疑人】whereabouts【下落】persistence【坚持】traffic【贩卖】breakthrough【突破】custody【拘留】sample 【样本】coercion【胁迫】virtual【虚拟的】synthesized【合成的】composed【编写】ambassador【大师】debut【首秀】grossly【粗暴地】unwarrantedly【无理地】hype【渲染】inalienable【不可分割的】inherent【固有的】retract【撤回】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
7/14/20218 minutes, 19 seconds
Episode Artwork

07/13 TOP OF THE DAY 嫦娥五号“月球土特产”/夏季音乐节/71岁老人太空试飞

NEWS ON 07/131. RESEARCH INSTITUTIONS RECEIVE LUNAR SAMPLES嫦娥五号“月球土特产”首次派送2. CLASSICAL MUSIC FESTIVAL BREATHES LIFE INTO SUMMER古典乐享一夏感受城市脉搏3. VIRGIN GALACTIC COMPLETES FIRST FULLY CREWED TEST SPACEFLIGHT维珍银河:“抢飞”成功!创始人完成太空首飞-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1.RESEARCH INSTITUTIONS RECEIVE LUNAR SAMPLES嫦娥五号“月球土特产”首次派送About 17 grams of lunar samples brought back by the Chang’e-5 probe were delivered today to 13 institutions. They had applied for research programs with the China National Space Ad-ministration’s Lunar Exploration and Space Program Center.嫦娥五号探测器带回的约17克首批月球样品已发放给13所科研机构,它们曾向中国国家航天局探月与航天工程中心申请研究项目。The probe was launched on November 24th, 20-20. The return capsule landed in Inner Mongolia Autonomous【自治的】 Region on December 17th, bringing back about 1,731 grams of moon samples.2020年11月24日,嫦娥五号探测器成功发射。同年12月17日,嫦娥五号返回器携带约1731克月球样品在内蒙古自治区安全着陆。The ad-ministration said these were the first lunar samples sent to research institutions. It said more samples would be delivered in the future.航天局称本次发放的是首批月球样品,未来计划投入更多样品到科研工作中。Also, the country’s Mars rover Zhurong had traveled more than 410 meters on its surface as of last night. The orbiting Tianwen-1, a relay communication satellite, has operated for 353 days.此外,我国“祝融号”火星车已累计行驶超410米,为其提供中继通信服务的天问一号环绕器也已在轨运行353天。2.CLASSICAL MUSIC FESTIVAL BREATHES LIFE INTO SUMMER古典乐享一夏 感受城市脉搏This year’s “Music in the Summer Air Festival” opened at Jaguar Shanghai Symphony【交响乐】 Hall over the weekend. During the two-week event, 22 concerts will be staged at either the hall, Shanghai Urban Lawn Music Plaza or Blackstone apartment. Zhang Yue has the story.2021上海夏季音乐节于本周末在捷豹上海交响音乐厅开幕。在两周时间里,22场音乐会将在上海城市草坪音乐广场和黑石公寓上演。Under the baton of Shanghai Symphony Orchestra’s artistic director Yu Long, the festival opened with Mendelssohn’s “A Midsummer Night’s Dream Overture【序曲】”, the music for Shakespeare’s classic play.在上海交响乐团艺术总监余隆的指挥下,音乐节以门德尔松的《仲夏夜之梦》序曲拉开帷幕,该曲为莎剧经典而作。In its 12th year, the festival and orchestra【管弦乐队】 have become increasingly popular, especially among young people, for the avant-garde repertoire that often includes artwork.该音乐节已举办11届,乐团演奏的前卫曲目独具艺术审美,广受好评,尤其受年轻群体青睐。The Chinese production of the theatrical project “Songs of Nature”, collaborations between rapper J-Fever and the orchestra’s strings, and a concert by Jin Yukuang, a 20-year-old conductor who just won second place at the Khachaturian International Competition last month, will be staged.《自然颂歌》中文版本、说唱歌手J-Fever与乐团的弦乐合作曲目,以及今年6月荣获哈恰图良国际指挥比赛亚军的20岁指挥家金郁矿的音乐会,都将在本次音乐节上演。INTERVIEW:Zhou Ping, President, Shanghai Symphony Orchestra周平,上海交响乐团团长The festival always focuses on young people’s thoughts, and partakes in “crossovers.” This year we tried crossovers between rap and symphony for the first time. On, people can watch a livestream of the concert and at the same time discuss with artists. We hope the music can make the summer time colorful, and more young people interact with us online.今年misa年轻的力量是主题,很多年轻艺术家,包括陌生的金郁矿与新古典,还有跨界rapper,还有余隆,谭盾的作品演出,B站还设立了misa观察局,除了线上演出,还能近距离与艺术家探讨,一起看音乐节。INTERVIEW:Spectator观众I loved the two-piano concerto at the opening concert. I have tickets for five shows this year, and I’m looking forward to Tan Dun’s “The Song of the Earth”.我比较喜欢古典乐,大学也学过音乐学,对这块非常感兴趣,今天双钢琴很期待,很期待谭盾的大地之歌。The theme of this year’s festival is “Growing”, which the orchestra said, reflects the festival’s attempt to discuss post-pandemic【后疫情】 recovery, growth and reproduction.2021上海夏季音乐节的主题“万物生长”蕴含着其对后疫情时代万象更新、蓬勃发展的美好展望。An installation【装置】 made up of dozens of paper boxes and plants was placed in the symphony hall, with the sound of birds chirping in the background.交响乐大厅摆放着一个特殊装置,它由几十个纸盒和植物组成,并选用鸟鸣为背景音乐。3. VIRGIN GALACTIC COMPLETES FIRST FULLY CREWED TEST SPACEFLIGHT维珍银河:"抢飞"成功!创始人完成太空首飞Branson and five crewmates from his Virgin Galactic【银河的】 space tourism company reached an altitude of 53.5 miles over the New Mexico desert, enough to experience three to four minutes of weightlessness and see the curvature of the Earth, and then glided back home to a runway landing.维珍银河公司创始人理查德·布兰森和及其5名员工在新墨西哥州沙漠上空进行试飞。达到53.5英里的高度后,布兰森等人体验了三到四分钟的失重状态并看到地球的曲线轮廓,然后飞船在跑道上滑行着陆。INTERVIEW:Richard Branson, Virgin Galactic Founder理查德·布兰森,维珍银河创始人To all you kids down there, I was once a child with a dream looking up to the stars. Now I’m an adult in a spaceship with lots of other wonderful adults looking down to our beautiful, beautiful earth. To the next generation of dreamers, if we can do this, just imagine what you can do.想对所有孩子们说:我也曾是一个仰望星空的追梦少年,现在我在太空船里和他们一起,俯瞰我们美丽的地球,我想对下一代追梦者说:如果我们能做到,想象一下你们能实现什么?The brief flight took only about 15 minutes, about as long as Alan Shepard’s first U.S. spaceflight in 1961.这次短暂的飞行仅持续约15分钟,与1961年美国宇航员艾伦·谢泼德的首次太空飞行时间差不多。This test flight was intended as a confidence-boosting plug for Virgin Galactic, which plans to start taking paying customers on joyrides【游览】 next year.这次试飞的目的是为维珍银河公司增强信心,该公司计划于明年正式开启商业太空游业。71-year-old Branson spaceflight comes before billionaire【亿万富翁】 and rival Jeff Bezos, who isplanning to fly to space in a craft of his own nine days from now.71岁的布兰森抢先他的竞争对手杰夫·贝佐斯完成试飞,本月20号,蓝色起源将搭载其创始人贝索斯进行首次载人试飞。#热词加油站autonomous【自治的】symphony【交响乐】overture【序曲】orchestra【管弦乐队】post-pandemic【后疫情】installation【装置】galactic【银河的】joyride【游览】billionaire【亿万富翁】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”
7/13/20214 minutes, 34 seconds
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07/12 TOP OF THE DAY 上海天文馆/上海迪士尼门票涨价/AI助力“探星计划”

NEWS ON 7/121. STARGAZERS TAKE INTERSTELLA TRIP AT SH ASTRONOMY MUSEUM“追星人”的盛会——上海天文馆来了2. SHANGHAI DISNEY RESORT WILL RAISE TICKET PRICES全面涨价!上海迪士尼乐园门票调价3. NATIONAL OBSERVATORIES LAUNCH PROGRAM TO DISCOVER STARSAI向宇宙下手了!国家天文台联手腾讯一起找星星-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1.STARGAZERS TAKE INTERSTELLA TRIP AT SH ASTRONOMY MUSEUM“追星人”的盛会——上海天文馆来了Shanghai Astronomy Museum is now open on a trial basis. Stargazers can explore the galaxy and learn the key concepts that lay the foundation for modern astronomy. Reporter Sun Siqi travels at light-speed for a tour of the venue in Lingang.上海天文馆正面向社会公众进行开馆前的压力测试。天文爱好者们可以在这里尽情探索宇宙,了解现代天文学的核心概念。ICS记者孙思奇也以“光速”前往位于临港的上海天文馆,进行了提前探营。It’s out of this world! That’s right, aspiring【有抱负的】 young astronomers may just find a slice of heaven here. The first exhibit is the Foucault Pendulum, an 1851 experiment that demonstrated the rotation【转动】of Earth. Then move on to learn about gravity on different planets, and the stars closest to Earth.这简直是太棒了!没错,这里是年轻“追星人”梦寐以求的地方。刚步入天文馆大厅,映入眼帘的便是傅科摆。这是法国物理学家傅科在1851年所做的一次摆动实验。它证明了我们所在的地球沿着逆时针方向转动,且自西向东自转。接着,我们可以看到不同行星上的重力差异,以及离地球最近的恒星。(recorded)This is how much an apple normally weighs on Earth, and as you can see on Mercury, it weighs almost nothing, and on Jupiter, it is heavier than a brick.这是一个苹果在地球上的重量。如果把这个苹果放到水星上,它的自重几乎可以忽略不计;而如果把它放到木星上,它甚至比一块砖还要重。(recorded)A relatively to-scale model of the stars’ relative positions to the Sun -- our closest neighbor: Proxima Centauri, which is 4.2 light-years away from the Sun, and these are all the stars that are visible to the naked eye.这是一个展示了恒星与太阳相对位置的等比模型。可以看到,离我们最近的恒星是比邻星,它与太阳之间有4.2光年的距离。其余的这些恒星也都是肉眼可见的。The museum also covers basic astronomy concepts like blue and red shift, the habitable【适合居住的】zone for planets in any star system. This leads one to begin pondering【沉思】the massive scale of the universe with 13.8 billion years of history.天文馆内也介绍了一些蓝移与红移、恒星系统中行星的可居住带等基本概念。这不禁让人开始沉思有着138亿年历史的浩瀚宇宙。Going beyond the solar system, you have the Kuiper Belt, you have the Oort Cloud, and then you have the Milky Way Galaxy, and then you have a whole neighborhood of neighboring galaxies that is called the Local Group, which is 10 million light years in diameter【直径】. Before you leave that, you have not even left the block as far as the universe is concerned.在太阳系外侧,依次为柯伊伯带、奥尔特云、银河系以及一整个本星系群。其中,本星系群是包括地球所处之银河系在内的一群星系,它的直径为1000万光年。而这还不是宇宙的全部。If you were to scale down the history of the universe into one year, the Sun was not created until August, the Earth-Moon System was shaped around September, and life explosion happened on Earth around December.如果将宇宙那138亿年的历史压缩为1年,那么太阳是在8月诞生的,地月系大约是在9月形成的,而地球的起源——宇宙大爆炸——大约发生在12月。Construction of the museum took four years. The spiral structure, reminiscent【使回忆起】 of the Guggenheim Museum in New York, proved to be a great challenge for engineers.上海天文馆的建设历时四年,其螺旋状的结构对建筑师来说巨大的挑战。这种造型也让人不禁想起纽约的古根海姆博物馆。INTERVIEW:Li Yaming, Chief Engineer, Institute of Shanghai Architectural Design & Research Company李亚明,上海建筑设计研究院总工程师The shape of the internal space is highly irregular, we used concrete, steel, aluminum alloys and complicated mechanical support structures to turn it into reality.天文馆的内部空间十分不规则。我们利用混凝土、钢铁、铝合金和复杂的机械支撑结构实现了这种设计。On top of the spiral is a life-size model of Tianhe, the core module of China’s space station, get a few photos doing what astronauts do in the same places as in space. Also discover iron and stony meteorites and their crystal structure under the microscope, and experience the distortion of gravity ... The museum attracted a fair number of parents even during the trial opening.抬头望天,螺旋结构的顶部是天和号核心舱1:1仿真模型,你可以近距离感受宇航员的太空生活。显微镜下,你可以观察石铁陨石的晶体结构。你还可以体验重力的扭曲…即便还在压力测试期,上海天文馆还是吸引了许多家长携子女一起前来参观。INTERVIEW:Visitor游客My daughter already knows Jupiter, Mars and Neptune. I’d also like to show her videos of rockets launching.我的女儿已经认识水星、火星和海王星了。我带她来看火箭发射的视频。INTERVIEW:Visitor游客My daughter is interested in natural science. Depending on her interest, we may want to encourage her studies in science.我的女儿对自然科学非常感兴趣。因此,我们也希望能够鼓励她往自己的兴趣发展。 Eventually, stop by the "Interstellar" corridor to pass through a projection of stardust, where particles are blown over as you walk past. With that, museum designers try to convey what astronomers reveal with their science: that each of us is made of elements from this universe, and finally return into the cosmos like a flicker of dust. All trial period tickets have been booked. The museum officially opens on July 18th with tickets costing 30 yuan each.最终,我们止步于“星际穿越”。穿过这条长廊时,身影在磁场中随之起舞,可以看到,上海天文馆的设计师试图以各种形式向我们转达天文学家探索到的科学真理:我们每一个人都是由宇宙中的元素构成的,并最终像闪烁的尘埃一样回归宇宙。目前,压力测试期间的门票皆已售空。上海天文馆将与于7月18日正式向公众开放,门票30元/人。2.SHANGHAI DISNEY RESORT WILL RAISE TICKET PRICES全面涨价!上海迪士尼乐园门票调价Shanghai Disney Resort announced today that it’s increasing ticket prices beginning on January 9th, 2022.7月9日,上海迪士尼度假区发布消息称,自2022年1月9日起,上海迪士尼度假区将调整上海迪士尼乐园的门票价格。The price for "Regular" admission will increase to 435 yuan. "Peak" price will climb to 659 yuan. "Regular Plus" and "Peak Plus" tickets, covering selected weekdays, weekends and holidays, will cost 46 yuan and 70 yuan more.其中,“常规日”门票价格上调至435元人民币;“高峰日”门票价格上调至659元人民币。涵盖部分平日、部分周末和部分中国法定节假日的“特别常规日”和“特别高峰日”门票价格分别上涨了46元人民币和70元人民币。The prices for the many different annual【一年的】 passes will remain unchanged. Children aged 3 to 11, seniors aged 65 and above, plus those with disabilities will continue to receive a 25% discount.许多年卡的价格将保持不变。其中,3周岁至11周岁的儿童、65周岁及以上的老年人以及残障游客购买门票时将继续享受约七五折的优惠。3. NATIONAL OBSERVATORIES LAUNCH PROGRAM TO DISCOVER STARSAI向宇宙下手了!国家天文台联手腾讯一起找星星The National Astronomical Observatories announced a project with tech giant Tencent to find a pulsar, or rapidly rotating neutron star, with the help of artificial intelligence at the World AI Conference yesterday. Sun Siqi tells us why such discoveries are important. 在世界人工智能大会腾讯论坛上,国家天文台与腾讯联合启动“探星计划”,致力于利用AI技术找到脉冲星线索,辅助快速射电暴和近密双星系统中脉冲星搜索。 The program dubbed【把…称为】 "Stellar Exploration Plan" will use Tencent’s YouTu Lab and the computational power of Tencent Cloud. The combination of cloud and AI technologies can help process the massive troves of data received by the Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Radio Telescope, or FAST, which is also the world’s largest single-dish and most sensitive radio telescope. Visual AI analysis would then provide clues to locating pulsars.“探星计划”将基于优图实验室计算机视觉技术、腾讯云领先的计算及存储能力,帮助中国天眼FAST(500米口径球面射电望远镜)处理每天接收到的庞大数据。FAST是世界上最大的单口径射电望远镜,也是目前世界上灵敏度最高的望远镜。INTERVIEW:Li Di, Researcher of the Radio Division of NAOC, Chief Scientist of FAST李菂,中国科学院国家天文台研究员、FAST首席科学家We need cutting edge computers and algorithms to comb through our data and process everything. 我们产生大量的数据,所以需要用比较前沿的、先进的,也就是高效率的计算方法、人工智能的方法和深度学习的方法。INTERVIEW:Huang Feiyue, Deputy General Manager of YouTu Lab黄飞跃,腾讯优图实验室副总经理Our AI model does a preliminary screening of the images and greatly increases the efficiency and accuracy of finding a new pulsar.用我们的AI模型能够进行一个初筛,把这个搜寻的效率大大的提高,另外一方面我们大幅的提升了寻找脉冲星的一个准确率。The FAST telescope captures about 30 million photos a week. It would take an astronomer a year to scan these photos, but with AI, it will take as little as three days. The observatory【天文台】 said it has found five new pulsars in space during the first month of its collaboration with Tencent. Discovering these neutron stars is essential to astrophysics【天体物理学】 research, and helping scientists detect gravitational waves.FAST在1周内产生的数据大约相当于3000万张信号图,如果以人工肉眼处理,按照1张/秒速度,需要用一年的时间才能处理。如果通过AI预筛选,只需要3天时间就可以完成。中国科学院国家天文台表示,在与腾讯合作的第一个月里,天文台在太空中发现了五颗新的脉冲星。这对天体物理学研究至关重要,并有助于科学家探测引力波。#热词加油站aspiring【有抱负的】rotation【转动】habitable【适合居住的】pondering【沉思】diameter【直径】reminiscent【使回忆起】annual【一年的】dubbed【把…称为】observatory【天文台】astrophysics【天体物理学】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
7/12/20215 minutes, 34 seconds
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7/11/202130 seconds
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The intergenerational deal-老外看中国之隔代带娃

Bryan Msimango from Cape Town, South Africa, has lived in Shanghai for nearly two and half years, and is an undergraduate student at Shanghai University. Msimango’s "The Inter-generational Deal" is a 6-minute short documentary about a common practice across China -- grandparents taking care of their grandkids. Today we have with us Msimango, to learn what inspired him to cover this topic, and his takeaways from this unique experience.
7/10/20215 minutes, 34 seconds
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07/09 TOP OF THE DAY AI改变未来/商务部再回应新疆棉事件/离群公象安全返乡

NEWS ON 7/91. TECH GIANTS SAY AI WILL RESHAPE SOCIETY畅想未来!看人工智能如何引领科技变革2. CHINA URGES COUNTRIES TO STOP UNREASONABLE CRACKDOWN ON CHINESE COMPANIES力挺新疆棉!商务部敦促个别国家纠正无理打压企业的错误做法3. LONE ELEPHANT SENT BACK TO HOME IN YUNAN安全返乡!离群小公象被送回西双版纳自然保护区-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1. TECH GIANTS SAY AI WILL RESHAPE SOCIETYThe World Artificial Intelligence Conference 20-21 opened today with heads of domestic tech companies offering their vision for future AI applications. Many believe the technology will re-shape【重塑】 human society. Sun Siqi takes a look.2021世界人工智能大会今天(8日)在上海世博中心开幕,国内各大科技巨头的掌门人分享了对于人工智能发展前景的看法。很多人表示,人工智能将重塑人类社会。A virtual Zhurong Rover met guests at the conference. It also interacted【互动】 with Baidu Founder Li Yanhong, who said AI will be the key driving force for human development over the next 40 years in areas such as transportation.全球首个火星车数字人“祝融号”与现场观众进行了面对面的聊天,随后,被“祝融号”提到的百度创始人李彦宏在发言中提出,人工智能将会是影响未来40年人类发展的变革力量。INTERVIEW:Li Yanhong, Founder & CEOBaidu李彦宏,百度创始人、董事长兼首席执行官My vision for autonomous【自动的】 vehicles is not so much a car, but more like a robot on wheels. It will understand and carry out your commands. Let’s say apples are in season at a suburban farm, you could tell it to go over and bring some back. In the next two to three years, we plan to launch【推出】 our shared auto-pilot vehicle services in 30 cities across the country. 自动驾驶汽车的突破可以让汽车不再像汽车,而更像一个机器人。它跑得比人快,能够听得懂人话,说得跟专业主持人一样。假如郊区农场的苹果熟了,你可以让汽车机器人去帮你把它取回来,而不必自己舟车劳顿。未来2到3年,我们计划将共享无人车服务全面开放至国内的30个城市。Tencent CEO Pony Ma said people need to know more about AI.腾讯公司首席执行官马化腾则鼓励人们要更多地了解人工智能。INTERVIEW:Pony Ma, CEOTencent马化腾,腾讯公司董事会主席兼首席执行官We need to make AI understandable, controllable, usable and reliable【可靠的】. We need to put it to good use. 我们追求科技向善,就要推动AI向善,让AI技术实现可知、可控、可用、可靠。我们善用AI的智慧必须胜过日益强大的AI技术。Huawei’s rotating chairperson Hu Houkun used Shanghai’s 12345 help hotline to illustrate how AI can help a city manage itself with greater efficiency.华为轮值董事长胡厚崑则以上海的12345市民服务热线结合人工智能技术为例,点赞上海的城市温度。INTERVIEW:Hu Houkun, Rotating ChairpersonHuawei胡厚崑,华为轮值董事长The hotline can now read your emotion, understand your words and, if necessary, send out maintenance teams. The backstage server can even predict events, like water pipes possibly breaking when a cold front hits. “12345”用到了自动派单、语义识别,甚至还有情绪的感知。它甚至可以主动预测一些城市时间的发生,比如说寒潮来了以后哪些地方的水管有可能爆裂。Today’s World AI Conference Forum released an index report on the country’s level of innovation in AI sector. China ranked second in this year’s report, coming just after the United States, and ranked among top 10 in policy support, innovative resources and industrial environment.2021世界人工智能大会人工智能治理论坛上发布的《2020全球人工智能创新指数报告》显示,中国的人工智能创新指数已经上升至全球第二位,仅次于美国。从具体指标上来看,中国在基础支撑、创新资源与环境、科技研发、产业与应用等方面均表现良好,四个一级指标均排名前十。INTERVIEW:Zhao Zhiyun, DirectorInstitution of Scientific & Technical Info. of China赵志耘中国科学技术信息研究所党委书记、所长China’s ranking went up from third place last year. The number of new patents【专利】, research articles and computational power in this sector have really jumped into the world’s leading tier. We also lead in market size and the number of companies in this field. 中国的排名比去年上升1名,这些年来我们形成的基础环境,特别是我们形成了很多的人工智能基础研究论文、专利,这些都是很超前的,包括现在人工智能产业赖以发展的算力、我们的市场的规模、企业数量也是比较靠前的。Also at the conference, the Shanghai Science and Technology Commission and a few research institutes released a city work plan that looks to increase the use of AI in health care, education and elderly care.在2021世界人工智能大会人工智能治理论坛上还发布了《上海国家新一代人工智能创新发展试验区社会实验工作方案》,助推医疗诊断辅助决策支持、老年智能服务应用系统等场景开展应用实验。2. CHINA URGES COUNTRIES TO STOP UNREASONABLE CRACKDOWN ON CHINESE COMPANIESMinistry of Commerce spokes-person Gao Feng said today that certain countries need to immediately correct un-reasonable crackdowns【打压】 on Chinese companies, and noted that China has stressed on many occasions that forced labor allegations【指控】 in Xinjiang are totally against facts.在商务部举行的例行新闻发布会上,商务部发言人高峰表示,中方敦促个别国家立即纠正无理打压企业的错误做法,并且中方多次强调,所谓新疆“强迫劳动”问题完全违背事实。Gao’s remarks came in-response to reports mentioning that the president of the parent company of Muji, a lifestyle retailer, stated that no human rights violations have been found and the company will continue to use cotton from Xinjiang. Gao also said China provides active support to foreign firms doing trade and investment in Xinjiang. He added that representatives of international industry bodies and foreign firms in China will visit Xinjiang in the near future.此前无印良品母公司负责人表示,将继续使用新疆棉,根据调查,没有发现棉花农场存在侵犯人权的情况。对此高峰回应表示,中方愿意继续为外国企业与新疆开展贸易投资提供积极支持,同时有关国际行业机构和外国企业在华代表将于近期去新疆实地考察,到新疆的棉田、纱厂等去走一走、看一看。3. LONE ELEPHANT SENT BACK TO HOME IN YUNANA male Asian elephant in China that split-off from his herd for 32 days was tranquilized【麻醉】 and returned to the Xishuangbanna National Nature Reserve in Yunnan.目前,离群小公象已被安全“遣返”回乡至云南西双版纳国家级自然保护区。The young male had previously been part of the herd that has been wandering through the south-western province of Yunnan for more than a year. The lone elephant was captured in Yuxi city after it was seen getting close to a highway and a major rail route. The local government said it’s healthy and did not suffer any injuries during the transfer. The remaining 14 elephants are currently lingering【游荡】 in south-western forests of Yuxi.在此之前,这头小公象已经脱离象群独自活动了32天。7月5日,因发现小公象距离高速及城际铁路仅2、300米,现场指挥部决定经麻醉后,将其送回原栖息地,并且当地政府表示小象在转移过程中都很健康。此前,野象群已经在云南西南部逛吃逛喝了一年多,剩余14头象目前仍在玉溪市大开门社区西南林地内活动。#热词加油站re-shape【重塑】interact【互动】autonomous【自动的】launch【推出】reliable【可靠的】patent【专利】crackdown【打压】allegation【指控】tranquilize【麻醉】linger【游荡】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
7/9/20213 minutes, 43 seconds
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This is the first time that the event has allowed public to experience self-driving vehicles on the open road around the expo. But, a mini-bus?As you can see, the mini-bus has room for about 8 people to sit together. you can see here, instead of a window, the mini-bus has this huge screen, which provides people with a futuristic view using Augmented Reality technology... just like in a sci-fi movie. The level4 self-driving technology makes sure the vehicle avoids pedestrians, chooses the right lanes, and recognizes signal lights.The company says the mini-bus will be a good choice for visitors at scenic spots.Don’t forget to make the appoint for one of these test drives before you come to this year’s event.
7/9/202154 seconds
Episode Artwork

07/08 TOP OF THE DAY纪念全民族抗战爆发84周年/2021世界人工智能大会/3v3篮球赛

NEWSON 7/81.         BELLS RING TO HONOR WAR MARTYRS警钟长鸣!纪念全民族抗战爆发84周年!2.         SNEAK PEAK AT SOME OF THE NEW PRODUCTS AT WAICAI科技新体验 2021年世界人工智能大会即将拉开帷幕!3.         BASKETBALL TOURNAMENT GATHERS YOUNG PLAYERSMAGIC 3上海市青少年三对三超级篮球赛开幕-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1.BELLS RING TO HONOR WAR MARTYRSThe country today commemorated【纪念】the 84th anniversary of the July 7th Incident, which marked the beginning of the War of Resistance by the Chinese People Against Japanese Aggression. At the Memorial Hall of the Victims of the Nanjing Massacre by Japanese Invaders, a peace assembly【集会】was held to mourn【哀悼】the over 300,000 victims killed in one of the most barbaric episodes of World War II. Song Wenjing has more.国殇难忘,警钟长鸣。今天早上八点半,侵华日军南京大屠杀遇难同胞纪念馆举行撞响和平大钟仪式,代表了对30万死难者的追思和对和平的祈愿。12 attendees struck the bell 13 times. Students, veterans【退伍军人】 and family members of the fallen were among those in attendance. Li Zhenming, the son of a survivor of the massacre, has been a volunteer at the Memorial Hall since 2018, when his father died at the age of 93. He called on everyone to remember the past and cherish peace.南京大屠杀幸存者后代、学生代表和观众代表等12人,撞响大钟13声,寓意牢记国耻、珍爱和平。“紫金草学雷锋志愿服务队”成员李真铭在参加撞钟仪式后,心情久久不能平复。他的父亲李高山不仅是南京大屠杀幸存者,也是曾参加南京保卫战的抗战老兵。2018年,93岁的父亲离世后,他成为了侵华日军南京大屠杀遇难同胞纪念馆“紫金草学雷锋志愿服务队”的成员,传承历史记忆,传递和平之声。INTERVIEW:Li Zhenming, the son of a survivor of the massacre李真铭,南京大屠杀幸存者李高山之子We have to remember this history and always believe that our lives will become better and better under the leadership of the CPC. Our dream will surely be achieved. 我们要铭记这段历史,要警钟长鸣。我也坚信在党的领导下,我们的日子一定会过得越来越好,我们的中国梦也一定能够实现。The Nanjing Massacre took place when Japanese soldiers captured【攻占】 the city on December 13th, 1937. Over six weeks, the Japanese army killed at least 300,000 Chinese civilians and unarmed soldiers. Apart from Nanjing, the September 18th Historical Museum in Shenyang, Liaoning Province held a memorial event to mark the outbreak of the war. Poem readings and stories about the war years were particularly poignant【令人沉痛的】.1937年12月13日,侵华日军攻占南京,进行了长达六个多星期的南京大屠杀,30余万中国平民和手无寸铁的士兵惨遭杀戮。除了南京,辽宁省沈阳市的九一八历史博物馆也举行了纪念活动,其中诗歌朗诵和关于战争年代的故事尤其令人心酸。INTERVIEW:Sun Di, Deputy Director of Social Education Department of the September 18th Historical Museum孙迪,沈阳九一八历史博物馆社教部副主任We hope people will always remember this part of our history, especially young people. It’s important to pay tribute to the victims of the war. 激发大家的爱国情怀,让大家铭记历史,勿忘国耻,尤其是对青少年这一块,我觉得从小就培养他们的爱国主义情怀,将这种爱国的民族气节,根植于每一名少年的心中。In February 2014, the National People’s Congress designated December 13th as the National Memorial Day.为了悼念南京大屠杀死难者和所有在日本帝国主义侵华战争期间惨遭日本侵略者杀戮的死难者,2014年2月25日,第十二届全国人大常委会第七次会议决定,将12月13日设立为南京大屠杀死难者国家公祭日。2.SNEAK PEAK AT SOME OF THE NEW PRODUCTS AT WAICThe 20-21 World Artificial Intelligence Conference opens tomorrow. An early-bird exhibition opened today featuring over 10 new products. Zhang Hong tells us more.2021世界人工智能大会将于明天(8日)正式拉开帷幕,展览今天(7日)在上海世博展览馆提前亮相。10余款全球首发、中国首发、首秀的新品,和观众见面。An AI enabled humanoid robot by UBTech made its global debut【首次亮相】 at the exhibition. With six technologies including navigation, facial recognition, and deep learning, the robot is observant while its operating and is also a master of chess. A system by Yogo Robot is designed for robots working in buildings. It allows the robot to switch between its four functions: delivering packages, security, cleaning, and disinfection【消毒杀菌】.展会上,这款全球首发的大型仿人服务机器人吸引了不少观众的目光。通过视觉导航、人脸识别、深度学习等六项人工智能技术,它可以做到耳听八方、眼观六路,快速行走毫不费力,下起象棋也能秒杀对方。而这款首次亮相的楼宇服务机器人系统,可以通过模块更换,自动变身成为不同类型的机器人,实现快递、安防、消杀、环卫四种不同功能。INTERVIEW:Cai Xiaowei, the Co-founder of Yogo Robot蔡晓玮,上海有个机器人有限公司联合创始人The system will order the robots to carry out different tasks according to the time and requirements of people in the building.在整个楼宇体系下,它会按照楼宇不同的需求时间,提供不同的功能。This year, more companies are showcasing products with a comprehensive use of AI technologies. For example, a new system allowing smart home appliances to work together.在人工智能的应用方面,不同于以往的单个、局部展示,更多的企业把重点聚焦在了人工智能集成性、系统性的应用展示。借助人工智能,家电设备也能实现从单机智能,到不同家用设备间的协同工作。INTERVIEW:Qiu Bu, Senior Vice President of A.O. Smith Corporation and President of A. O. Smith China Water Heater Co. Ltd.邱步, A.O.史密斯集团高级副总裁兼中国公司总裁We do have home appliances that can be connected to Wifi or to a phone. But this system is expected to provide consumers with a brand-new experience. The home appliances are all connected with each other. 它超越了传统家电的意义,比如上面带了Wi-Fi模块,或跟手机能连。它更多希望给消费者感受不到的体验,就是家里的主要设备其实都在互相通讯、互相交流。A business leader said compared with the first World Artificial Intelligence Conference held in 2018, he found that products showcased this year have more application scenarios.不少业内人士表示,在第一届人工智能大会上,不少企业带来的,只是概念性产品。到了今年,企业带来的产品,应用场景越来越丰富,功能越来越齐全。INTERVIEW:Min Tan, CBO of UBTech谭旻,优必选科技首席品牌官The biggest change in the past three years is that various industries are blooming. This year, we saw new-generation technologies that can be applied in many scenarios.三年下来,最大的变化是各行各业的应用百花齐放。在这一届的人工智能大会上,我们看到领先于全世界的、场景应用的技术迭代都呈现出来了。The World Artificial Intelligence Conference will open tomorrow. More than 1,000 speakers, including scientists, academics and business leaders will share opinions on topics such as AI in epidemics, averting【避免】a digital gap and AI with carbon neutrality.2021年世界人工智能大会将于明日(8日)召开。大会演讲及参与圆桌嘉宾超过千位,其中包括顶尖科学家、国内外院士、知名企业家等。他们将深入探讨“可信AI”、“消弭数字鸿沟”、“AI与碳达峰碳中和”等热点议题。3.BASKETBALL TOURNAMENT GATHERS YOUNG PLAYERSThe 2021 Magic Three 3-on-3 Shanghai Basketball Youth Tournament tipped off last night featuring players from Shanghai and the Yangtze River Delta. Chinese Basketball Association President and former NBA star Yao Ming attended the opening ceremony and cheered on the players. Zhang Yue tells us more.7月6日,第三届MAGIC 3上海市青少年三对三超级篮球赛在渔阳正式拉开帷幕。开幕式上,前NBA球员、中国篮协主席姚明致贺辞。More than 18,000 players signed up for this year’s event, with the majority from Shanghai. The tournament was organized by the Shanghai Administration of Sports and the Shanghai Education Administration and first held in 2019.为进一步推进篮球运动发展,上海市体育局、上海市教育委员会自2019年起共同主办“MAGIC 3上海市青少年三对三超级篮球赛”。今年,共有18000名选手报名参赛,其中大多数为上海选手。INTERVIEW:Ma Jintao, Basketball Boy, Student of Shanghai Pudong Foreign Affairs Service School马锦涛,篮球少年,上海浦东外事服务学校学生3-on-3 basketball is more exciting, but less formal than normal games. Those of all skill levels can join us. 三对三篮球赛更刺激,但不像常规比赛那么正式。拥有各种技能水平的人都可以加入我们。Yao Ming said the event is a great opportunity to encourage more youngsters to play the sport, as 3-on-3 basketball will be an Olympic event for the first time this year.姚明表示,三人篮球项目今年首次进入奥运会,三对三超级篮球赛是一个鼓励更多年轻人加入篮球运动的好机会。INTERVIEW:Yao Ming, President of the Chinese Basketball Association姚明,中国篮协主席I believe the event will be a bridge to link the heart of young basketball players with Chinese national team members. I wish them the best as they pursue their dreams.我相信这个比赛将作为纽带,连接我们青少年选手,包括我们奥运选手的心。我也祝愿他们在各自的舞台上去追逐他们的梦想。The tournament features three divisions -- the public group, elite group and Yangtze River Delta group. Five cities in Zhejiang, Anhui and Jiangsu will host the Yangtze River Delta region group matches. Shanghai will host the finals on August 21st.本次篮球赛分为大众组、精英组和长三角公开赛三个部分。大众组将分为分区赛、大区赛、总决赛三个阶段。精英组分为预选赛和总决赛两个阶段,长三角公开赛预选赛将在浙江、江苏、安徽的5个城市举行,并于8月21日在上海举办长三角公开赛决赛。#热词加油站commemorate【纪念】assembly【集会】mourn【哀悼】veteran【退伍军人】capture【攻占】poignant【令人沉痛的】debut【首次亮相】disinfection【消毒杀菌】avert【避免】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
7/8/20215 minutes, 25 seconds
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07/07 TOP OF THE DAY象棋AI有颗中国“芯”/ 藏乐响彻上音歌剧院/美国拒签中国留学生

NEWSON 7/61.AI ROBOT DEFEATS CHINESE CHESS GRAND MASTER“小原”出道力克特级大师!象棋AI有颗中国“芯”2.TIBETANS PRESENT MUSIC FROM THE CLOUDS上音歌剧院迎来青藏高原的天籁之音3. CHINA SLAMS U.S. OVER REJECTION OF CHINESE STUDENTS' VISAS别开历史的倒车!中方就赴美留学签证问题向美方提出严正交涉-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1.         AI ROBOT DEFEATS CHINESE CHESS GRAND MASTERThe AI robot "Xiaoyuan" defeated a Chinese chess grand master today at Shanghai Jiao Tong University after one of the country’s top players conceded. Lei Shuran has more.今天下午,由上海交通大学与上海燧原科技有限公司共同研发的中国象棋AI“小原”终于“出道”了!在交大校园内举行的一场特殊对弈上,国际级运动健将、象棋特级大师孙勇征与“小原”进行人机对抗实战,并以孙大师投子认输宣告了“小原”的强劲实力。Hopes for a stirring and dramatic match didn’t materialize【实现】as grand master Sun Yongzheng resigned【屈从】in the first game after only several minutes.原以为棋局会十分胶着,殊不知孙勇征在第一局开局后的几分钟便提前认输。INTERVIEW:Sun Yongzheng, World-Class Athlete, Chinese Chess Grand Master孙勇征,国际级运动健将、象棋特级大师Humans have blind spots. Once the AI finds your weaknesses, it will win. I felt there was little hope to beat a robot, so I chose to admit defeat in advance.人嘛,总归有盲点,被它抓住了漏洞,最后它就得了子。感觉对着机器,机会很渺茫,我就选择了提前认输。Xiaoyuan has played many top Chinese chess masters in the country and has a 97 percent win rate. Its developer said they have improved Xiaoyuan’s AI after collaborating with several partners.目前燧原象棋小原已与中国象棋界多位顶级中国象棋大师对弈,并取得了斐然成绩,其中“小原”的对弈胜盘率可以达到97%以上,实战表现优越,对于解决象棋优化博弈等棋类游戏问题有着重要作用。上海燧原科技有限公司表示,燧原象棋“小原”可以利用现有的数十万高水平棋手竞赛历史数据进行监督学习,同时充分发挥燧原科技云燧的强大算力进行自弈学习,大大加速了这类训练任务里的复杂神经网络模型学习效率与收敛过程,比用传统CPU加速快了100倍。INTERVIEW:Zhao Lidong, Co-Founder and CEO of Enflame赵立东,上海燧原科技联合创始人兼CEOIt has a domestically developed chip, operating system and algorithm【算法】. This was our original vision for Xiaoyuan.国产的芯片、国产的平台、国产的算法开发,还是一个国粹的中国象棋。来做这件事情,这是一个初心。INTERVIEW:Shan Xiali, President of Shanghai Chess Academy单霞丽,上海棋院院长We provided 300,000 to 400,000 chess manuals for the robot. It can be a training partner, or help promote the game on campuses and in communities.我们提供了三四十万量级(的棋谱),应对高水平可以作为陪练。对于一些推广普及进学校进社区,它可以起到很好的辅助作用。In the future, Xiaoyuan’s calculation speed can be applied in other fields scientific experiment calculation, industrial control and social management.人机对弈是一个展示机会。未来,燧原芯片还可以应用于科学实验计算、工业控制和社会管理。这是对中国人工智能发展和进步水平的展示。2. TIBETANS PRESENT MUSIC FROM THE CLOUDSA group of Tibetan musicians from Qinghai Province held a concert at ShangYinOpera House using instruments mostly unknown outside the remote plateau. Reporter Sun Siqi went backstage to learn about the instruments dating back more than 2,000 years, and what can be done to promote the music from the clouds.7月3日晚,果洛州民族歌舞团与上海音乐学院交响乐团、音教系女声合唱团同台,在上音歌剧院共同完成“手牵手·心连心——《从黄河到长江》主题音乐会”。乐团表演时,除了钢琴外,组合里还有很多大家没见过甚至没听过的乐器。记者孙思琦在后台了解到,其中不少乐器动辄两千多年历史,被列为非遗乐器。Hear the ethereal music from Tibetan vocalists and musicians ...The eagle bone flute and ox horn fiddle have been heard among herders for thousands of years in the grasslands more than 4,000 meters above sea level at Golog Prefecture in Qinghai Province, about 2,600 kilometers from Shanghai.聆听着来自藏族歌手及乐手的天籁之音……从东海之滨到雪域高原,上海与青海横跨2600公里。远在海拔4000多米的草原上,鹰骨笛和牛角琴的琴声已经流传千年了。INTERVIEW:The instrument is more than 2,700 years old, that is even earlier than Gesar’s time. We play it at holidays. You play it in the fall, when animals are breeding, and the cows, horses and sheep come and listen.这种乐器已有2700多年的历史,比格萨尔更为悠久。我们不只在节日庆典拉琴,每逢秋天,我一人放牧时,我也会对着牛羊马拉琴。There’re very few who can play it now. Master Shide is one of them. It is an intangible【无形的】cultural heritage. The fiddle is made with local horsetail, lamb skin and ox horn.遗憾的是,如今会拉玛曲牛角琴的人,只剩两三个,异常稀少。牛角做鼓身,羊皮做鼓面,马尾做琴弦,果洛州当地最常见的三种牲畜的元素,都在这件非遗乐器里得到体现。The dragon head fiddle is a more commonplace【常见的】instrument among locals in Golog.在果洛当地,牛角琴是一种十分常见的乐器。INTERVIEW:Almost everybody knows how to play it where I’m from. We gather at holidays. We sing and play.在我的家乡,几乎每一个人都知道如何演奏这种乐器。每逢佳节,我们会聚集在一起弹琴唱歌。The band members all hail from Golog. Tang Shengsheng of the Shanghai Conservatory of Music went to the prefecture last year as part of the conservatory’s support program and helped them compose songs combining their instruments with piano.乐团成员皆来自果洛。上海音乐学院教师汤声声是上海音乐学院文化支援果洛藏族自治州项目的成员之一。去年,她亲临果洛,将民族乐器与钢琴相结合,帮助乐团谱曲。INTERVIEW:We found a massive number of local instruments and styles with great potential. Nature inspires Tibetan musicians, and their music has great tempo and rhythm. It’s been an absolute pleasure working with them. I’d like to help young people outside delve into【探索】the treasure box that is our folk music, and know that there isn’t just the erhu and pipa.我们发现当地的乐器和音乐风格拥有巨大潜力。大自然是藏族乐手的灵感来源。他们的音乐具有很强的节奏型。我非常高兴能和他们一起工作。我很乐意帮助国外的年轻人深入探索我们的民族音乐,让他们知道中国的民族乐器不仅仅有二胡和琵琶。What belongs to our folk music is essentially part of the world’s music, and can go international. And modern musicians should work to discover it, create and re-create music with it.中国的民族音乐本质上是世界音乐的一部分,并且可以“走出去”。现代音乐家应该努力去发掘它,从而进行音乐的创造与再创造。The Tibetan musicians say they feel emboldened by the trip and hope to go international one day. The band will tour to Xining in Qinghai this month and to Beijing in September.西藏乐手表示,通过此次音乐之旅,他们备受鼓舞。他们希望能够走出高原,走向世界。该乐团计划本月在青海西宁进行公演,9月在北京进行公演。3. CHINA SLAMS U.S. OVER REJECTION OF CHINESE STUDENTS' VISASChinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian said China has expressed grave concern and lodged stern representations with the United States...over the rejection of visa applications from Chinese students who had obtained offers to study in the U.S. Zhao made the remarks in response to media reports that over 500 Chinese students who plan to pursue postgraduate studies in STEM majors in the U.S. were denied a visa today.近日,500多名中国留学生联名致信中国驻美国大使馆,反映他们赴美留学签证申请被美方拒绝。对此,外交部发言人赵立坚7月6日表示,近日部分中国留学生在申请赴美签证时,被美方以违反特朗普政府时期签署的第10043号总统令为由拒绝,中方对此表示严重关切,已向美方提出严正交涉。INTERVIEW:Zhao Lijian, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson赵立坚,中国外交部发言人The visa restrictions based on a presidential order signed during former President Trump’s tenure severely damaged the lawful rights and interests of Chinese students and the normal cultural exchange between the two countries. The U.S. needs to correct its mistakes, stop the baseless suppression of international students, and create a good environment for communication and cooperation between the two nations.美方有关签证限制措施延续了特朗普政府时期的遗毒。这也与美方自我标榜的开放自由等理念完全背道而驰,与开展国际人才交流的时代潮流背道而驰,与中美两国人民开展友好交流的共同愿望背道而驰,是开历史倒车。中方敦促美方纠正错误,重新审议有关中国留学生赴美留学签证申请,停止利用各种借口对中国留学生无端限制和打压,保护他们的正当合法权益,为中美人文交流与教育合作营造良好氛围。#热词加油站materialize【实现】resign【屈从】algorithm【算法】intangible【无形的】commonplace【常见的】delve into【探索】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
7/7/20215 minutes, 17 seconds
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The CPC and World Political Parties Summit中国共产党与世界政党领导人峰会

Chinese leader Xi Jinping on Tuesday urged political parties in the world to shoulder their responsibility for the pursuit of people's wellbeing and progress of mankind.Xi, general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and Chinese president, called on political parties to strengthen cooperation to tackle global challenges including the COVID-19 pandemic, inequality, terrorism, and climate change.
7/7/202126 seconds
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Minor Heat 小暑要静心,心静自然凉

#赞赞中国节小暑 Minor Heat 大家好,今天是小暑。Minor heat is the 11th solar term of the year, and it signifies the hottest period is coming but the extreme heat has yet to arrive. There is this saying 小暑不算热,大暑三伏天. It’s time to prepare our body for the coming heat. According to TCM diet therapy, bitter foods help clear heat from the body, absorb dampness, and stimulate appetite. 小暑吃苦胜似进补Gourds, apricot seeds, gingko, and tea leaves are bitter. But if you prefer something sweet, lotus-nut sweet soup 莲子羹 or sweet mung bean soup 绿豆汤 will also relieve the summer heat. Many families plan a holiday during the summer. One of the country’s most-renowned resorts is Chengde Imperial Mountain Resort in Hebei Province. It’s eight times larger than the Palace Museum, also known as the Forbidden City. Once an imperial retreat for emperors like Kangxi and Qianlong during the Qing Dynasty, the resort features expansive gardens and is open to the public. Back in the city, trees provide natural sun umbrellas. Shanghai has over 260 signature tree-lined streets. Flanked with French parasol trees, Huaihai Road is highly recommended, but my favorite is Wukang Road for a weekend stroll and a relaxing stop at a cafe. 薰风愠解引新凉,小暑神清夏日长。小暑到,愿您心静自然凉。
7/6/20211 minute, 36 seconds
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07/06 TOP OF THE DAY 滴滴下架/全球最大天文馆魔都面世/ 中国科技公司美国上市

NEWSON 07/061.RIDE-HAILING GIANT DIDI REMOVED FROM APP STORES下架!“滴滴出行”暂停新用户注册2.SHANGHAI ASTRONOMY MUSEUM OPENS FOR TEST RUN全球最大天文馆!上海天文馆启动压力测试3.CHINESE TECH IPOS ON US MARKETS REVIVE AFTER LULL登陆纳斯达克!中国科技公司赴美上市-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1.RIDE-HAILING GIANT DIDI REMOVED FROM APP STORESThe Chinese internet watchdog announced yesterday that it has notified app stores to remove Chinese ride-hailing platform Didi Chuxing due to "serious" violations of laws and regulations regarding the collection and use of personal information. That came after regulators’ cybersecurity review into the company last Friday.昨晚(4日),国家网信办发布消息,根据举报,经检测核实,“滴滴出行”APP存在严重违法违规收集使用个人信息问题。此前,网络安全审查办公室于上周五(2日)宣布,对“滴滴出行”启动网络安全审查。The Beijing-based firm was told to strictly follow legal requirements and correct existing problems so as to effectively protect users’ information. 国家互联网信息办公室依据《中华人民共和国网络安全法》相关规定,要求滴滴出行科技有限公司严格按照法律要求,参照国家有关标准,认真整改存在的问题,切实保障广大用户个人信息安全。Regulators today also initiated cybersecurity investigations into online truck logistics platforms Huochebang and Yunmanman, and job recruiting【招收】 platform Boss Zhipin to review them on the grounds of national data security, national security, and public interest concerns. 今天(5日),国家网信办再发公告,为防范国家数据安全风险,维护国家安全,保障公共利益,网络安全审查办公室按照《网络安全审查办法》,对“运满满”、“货车帮”、“BOSS直聘”实施网络安全审查。New user registrations for the three platforms as well as for Didi Chuxing will be stopped temporarily during the review, and that was according to the latest announcements.审查期间,“运满满”、“货车帮”、“BOSS直聘”暂停新用户注册。2.SHANGHAI ASTRONOMY MUSEUM OPENS FOR TEST RUNShanghai Astronomy Museum opened for a test today. Officials say it’s one of the most advanced of its kind worldwide after close to five years of construction. The museum is in Lingang New Area and is a branch of Shanghai Science and Technology Museum.上海天文馆(上海科技馆分馆)今日启动压力测试。有官员表示,历时近五年,上海天文馆从全球4000多座天文馆脱颖而出,一跃成为全球最大、最先进的天文馆。这一上海乃至长三角地区全新的天文科普教育和文化旅游地标坐落于中国(上海)自由贸易试验区临港新片区。Under the dome-shaped【穹顶】 ceiling meant to mimic【模仿】 the sky, the planetarium 【天文馆】 presents constellations【星座】 as you’d observe them. Designers say they’d like to turn their exhibits into a star-gazing experience.从空中俯瞰,天文馆主建筑以优美的螺旋形态构成“天体运行轨道”,独具特色的圆洞天窗、球幕影院和倒转穹顶,诠释天体运行的基本规律。倒转穹顶的碗型设计重造了一个观天的地平线,“屏蔽”城市的喧嚣和周遭的一切,使置身其中的人们得以静观天空,思考宇宙,设计师将其称为“与天对话的地方”。INTERVIEW:Zhang Yao, Staff张瑶,工作人员You’ll see the celestial bodies’【天体】 real positions in the sky. Our instructors will help you find your favorite stars.你可以看到天体在天空中的真实位置。我们的讲解员也会帮你找到你最喜欢的星星More abstract concepts like time and space, light and gravity are presented in a way aspiring young astronomers will find easy to comprehend【理解】.我们很创新地做了一个真人实时天象演示模式。我们希望打造一个大家在野外真实观星的场景。INTERVIEW:Du Zhimao, Staff杜芝茂,工作人员The grid lines become denser the closer you get to a black hole. This shows how time and space is distorted【扭曲】 by gravity.离黑洞越近,网格线就越密集。它展示了时间和空间是如何被重力扭曲的。Also discover 70 meteorite samples as well as a 1729 copy of Sir Isaac Newton’s "The Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy". The space exploration section includes models of Chang’e-5, Zhurong Martian rover and the core module of China’s space station.上海天文馆征集了总计约70件著名陨石、超过120件/套文物藏品,以及世界科学发展的著名科学家的原版著作,其中包括牛顿的《自然哲学的数学原理》英文版第一版(1729年)。同时,“征程”展区内,观众还可以观摩嫦娥五号和玉兔号在月球上工作的动态场景;以及祝融号火星车、天和号核心舱仿真模型。INTERVIEW:Du Zhimao, Staff杜芝茂,工作人员In here, you’ll find what astronauts eat, how they heat and preserve their food and where they sleep.这是我们关注的区域:我们宇航员吃什么,以及怎么打开餐具。The museum will open on July 18th. It will host special events from time to time on the latest astronomical findings.上海天文馆7月18日起对公众开放。随着上海天文馆开馆在即,由上海科技馆、上海自然博物馆、上海天文馆构成的上海科学技术博物馆集群也逐步形成。馆内将不时举办关于最新天文发现的特别活动。3.CHINESE TECH IPOS ON US MARKETS REVIVE AFTER LULLFor a while it seemed as though Chinese tech IPOs in the US market had slowed from a flood to a trickle【细流】. But the momentum has been returning, and investors there so far have been warming up to the Chinese tech companies once again. Ying Junyi has more.在过去的一段时间里,中国科技公司赴美上市的趋势有所放缓,但是近期这种势头再次回升。可以看到,不少投资者重拾对这些科技公司的热情。请听应俊一带来的报道。Chinese technology companies are flocking【蜂拥】to the US for IPOs once again. More than 30 Chinese tech companies raised more than 10 billion dollars on Wall Street in the first half of the year, and another 30 or more are expected in the next six months.中国科技公司再次掀起赴美上市热。截止到2021年上半年,共计有超过30家中国科技公司在美上市,其市值共计达100亿美元。预计今年下半年另有30多家中国科技公司还将赴美上市。INTERVIEW:Theodore Shou, Chief Investment Officer, Skybound Capital寿祺,首席投资官,时机资本Many of these companies received early funding in the early stages from US dollars investors or from the US dollars private equity funds. These private equity funds are seeking an exit, and that exit would be better expressed if these companies go public in the US.其中许多企业曾接受来自投资者或私募基金的美元早期投资。这些私募基金正在寻找出场机会,如果这些公司公开上市,那么这些机会将会更好兑现。The boom of Chinese tech IPOs in the US is driven by a desire to tap【利用】 the deep pools of liquidity available there. Shou says many Chinese tech firms have managed to secure relatively elevated valuations in the US market. The IPO regulations there are also resulting in the current cluster of floatations on the US exchanges.中国科技公司希望能够利用美国市场的强流动性,而这也激发了中国科技企业赴美上市的热潮。寿祺表示,许多赴美上市的中国科技公司都获得了相对较高的估值。此外,中国有关部门的上市监管也是激发该热潮的另一个因素。INTERVIEW:Theodore Shou, Chief Investment Officer, Skybound Capital寿祺,首席投资官,时机资本Obviously, many of them are relying on their 2020 annual reports to be included in theirprospectus. And they have a grace period of roughly nine months meaning they need to submit the IPO within nine months otherwise they would have to prepare the semi-annual report in order to supplement the prospectus.显然,在这些公司中,有不少公司都将其2020年年报纳入了招股说明书。它们有约9个月的宽限期,这意味着他们需要在9个月内提交IPO,否则它们就必须额外准备半年度报告以补充招股说明书。As for the onshore market, the registration-based IPO reform has also pushed up the number of IPOs by 70 percent and the amount of money they raised increased by nearly 60 percent. And the revised Securities Law better protects investors’ rights.就在岸市场而言,股票发行注册制改革使IPO数量增加了70%,其市值也增长了近60%。同时,修订后的《证券法》更好地保护了投资者的权益。INTERVIEW:Ryan Tang, Senior Partner, AllBright Law Offices汤奕隽,高级合伙人,锦天城律师事务所上海总部Regulators are paying more attention to IPO applications and requiring stricter information disclosure. They are also spot-checking【抽查】 some of the IPO candidates. The revised Securities Law has an increased emphasis on protecting the interests of small and individual investors.监管部门开始对整个申报流程开始越来越严格,对文件的要求和信息披露会审查的更仔细,还有些会到现场抽查访谈。这些都是新的证券法修改后的体现。新的证券法更趋向于保护型投资者和个体投资者的权益。The number and scrutiny of listing hearings in China have increased, and the new law levies tougher penalties for any market violations.中国上市审核听证会的数量和审查力度都有所增加。根据修订后的《证券法》,任何市场违规行为都将面临更为严厉的处罚。#热词加油站recruiting【招收】dome【穹顶】mimic【模仿】planetarium 【天文馆】constellation【星座】celestial bodies’【天体】comprehend【理解】distort【扭曲】trickle【细流】flock【蜂拥】tap【利用】spot-check【抽查】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
7/6/20215 minutes, 8 seconds
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07/05 TOP OF THE DAY 七一勋章吕其明/中国对外新冠疫苗供应 全球第一/福岛污水处置

NEWSON 07/051.COMPOSER DEDICATES HIS MUSIC TO EVERYONE七一勋章获得者吕其明:将音乐献给每一个人2.CHINA HAS PROVIDED 480 MLN VACCINES TO 100 COUNTRIESTOP1!中国已向国际社会供应4.8亿余剂新冠疫苗3. IAEA INVITES CHINA TO JOIN FUKUSHIMA TECHNICAL TEAM不得擅自排污!中国专家获邀参加福岛污水处置工作组-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1.    COMPOSER DEDICATES HIS MUSIC TO EVERYONE七一勋章获得者吕其明:将音乐献给每一个人Local composer Lv Qiming was awarded the July 1 Medal, the highest honor within the CPC. The 91-year-old has composed many classic symphonic pieces including "Ode【颂歌】to the Red Flag". He says his music is for everyone and that life is what has inspired him over the decades. Zhang Yue tells us more about Lv’s life. 上海作曲家吕其明为中国共产党党内最高荣誉"七一勋章"的获得者。这位91岁的作曲家创作了《红旗颂》等诸多经典交响乐曲。他表示,他的音乐作品是献给每个人的,而他所经历的一切也成为了他过去几十年的灵感来源。更多有关吕其明的生平介绍,请听张乐分享。Born in 1930, Lv joined the New Fourth Army at the age of 10 with his father. When he was 15, he became a CPC member. In 1949, Lv joined the Shanghai Film Studio to work on film soundtracks.1930年出生的吕其明,10岁那年跟随父亲参加新四军,15岁加入中国共产党。1949年,有着艺术特长的他,随解放军进上海,转业至上海电影制片厂,干起了为电影作曲的工作。INTERVIEW:Lv Qiming, Composer, July 1 Medal Recipient吕其明,作曲家、“七一勋章”获得者I used to play violin, er’hu and the bamboo flute. It was so hard to write music for such a big symphony orchestra after joining the film studio. I couldn’t sleep at that time as I was always thinking about how to compose【作曲】.作为一个文工团员,我过去拉过小提琴,拉过二胡,吹过笛子。这些叫什么?叫"小米加步枪" 。但是进了电影厂,面对的是一个大的交响乐队。你怎么写?确实是难呐!非常难呐!真是日夜不能睡啊!Before turning 30, Lv had already created popular film songs like "Playing My Beloved Pipa" and "Who doesn’t Say My Hometome is Good". But he still spent seven years studying at the Shanghai Conservatory of Music while working on the side. In 1965, he was commissioned to create a symphony for the 6th Shanghai Spring Music Festival less than 3 months before it opened. Within 7 days he submitted his first version of "Ode to the Red Flag".在30岁不到之时,吕其明已经写出了《弹起我心爱的土琵琶》《谁不说俺家乡好》等脍炙人口的电影插曲,但是工作之余他仍在上海音乐学院攻读了七年。1965年2月,第六届“上海之春”组委会指定“少壮派”吕其明赶写一个主旋律交响乐,主题就是红旗颂。此时,距离5月开幕只剩不到三个月。吕其明日夜奋战,用七天时间完成了第一版《红旗颂》,在第六届“上海之春”上首演。INTERVIEW:Lv Qiming, Composer, July 1 Medal Recipient吕其明,作曲家、“七一勋章”获得者I used elements from the national anthem to create the lead for the symphony. As for the rest, I drew on my personal experiences and emotions, such as how I felt when I passed Tian’anmen Square in Beijing with the crowds, and the feeling of how China was becoming stronger and stronger. These are the inspirations that have come from my life.我选取了国歌作为主导动机的素材——红旗飘飘。这是作为一个主导动机全部贯穿于这个作品。而中间部分写什么?那就是我自己的体会啊:经过天安门的时候人山人海、大家拉着手,感觉是什么?感觉就是中国就像一个巨人在不可阻挡地向前进。我把这种感情写进去了,这是生活给了我的感受。Lv has spent 54 years modifying it. In 2019, the final version of "Ode to the Red Flag" was completed. He has composed for 200 TV dramas and created more than 10 symphonies and 300 songs, winning dozens of awards. Lv said he will keep writing music as long as he can.之后,在长达54年的时间里,他对作品不断打磨,直到2019年才交出了《红旗颂》的定稿。至今,吕其明先后创作了200多部影视剧作曲、10余部交响乐作品以及300多首歌曲,并因此获得多项殊荣。他表示,只要身体好,脑子不糊涂,他就会一直写下去。2.CHINA HAS PROVIDED 480 MLN VACCINES TO 100 COUNTRIESTOP1!中国已向国际社会供应4.8亿余剂新冠疫苗Starting last year, China has been working with over 10 countries including Russia, Turkey and Brazil to conduct phase 3 clinical trials for coronavirus vaccines. China has also been co-producing vaccines with some developing countries including Egypt, UAE, and Indonesia to help increase their vaccine supply. Many countries said they are satisfied with effectiveness of the Chinese vaccine. Government leaders including Indonesian President Joko Widodo, Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte, and Serbian President Alekandar Vucic.从去年起,中国就与俄罗斯、土耳其、巴西等10多个国家,合作展开了疫苗三期临床试验。中国还与埃及、阿联酋、印尼等10多个发展中国家开展了联合研发和合作生产,帮助这些国家实现疫苗的自给自足。INTERVIEW:Alekandar Vucic, Serbian President亚历山大·武契奇,塞尔维亚总统I feel good. No discomfort or anything. It’s as if nothing happened.我感觉很棒,没有任何不适,就好像什么也没有发生过。Last month, the country received all 4 million Sinopharm vaccines ordered from China. Also in Europe, Hungary became the first country in the European Union to receive vaccines from China. Currently, more than 40% of its population has completed the 2nd dose of the vaccine. The Puskas Arena in Budapest is the only Euro 2020 football venue that has allowed near-capacity crowds. Hungary announced last month, that its national vaccine center will begin producing China’s Sinopharm vaccine. The European Union’s drug regulator says it has started a rolling review of China’s Sinovac vaccine to assess its effectiveness.塞尔维亚向中国订购的400万剂国药疫苗已在6月全部交付。塞尔维亚的邻国匈牙利是首个批准使用中国疫苗的欧盟国家。目前,匈牙利已有四成以上的人口完成了两剂疫苗接种。在高接种率的加持下,匈牙利布达佩斯球场成为本届欧洲杯11座球场中唯一允许满座的球场。匈牙利6月还宣布,将在国内灌装生产中国国药疫苗,尽早实现“疫苗自给”。眼下,欧洲药管局已启动对科兴疫苗的审核程序。INTERVIEW:Spanish Citizen西班牙民众China has done a very good job in the administration of vaccines. It is obvious that China has been fighting the pandemic better and faster than many other countries. I totally trust the safety and effectiveness of the Chinese vaccine.中国在新冠疫苗接种上先行一步。可以看到,他们比我们更快地解除了“防疫封锁”,而且我认为疫苗越多越好。我完全相信中国的疫苗。China has also decided to provide 10 million vaccine doses to COVAX, an initiative co-led by the World Health Organization, to meet the urgent needs of developing countries. The first batch of the vaccines supplied to COVAX rolled off the production line last month. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs said various embassies and consulates abroad have assisted more than 1.7 million overseas Chinese citizens in getting vaccinated in more than 160 countries.此外,中国还积极加入世卫组织主导的“新冠疫苗实施计划”,承诺首批提供1000万剂疫苗,为发展中国家“解燃眉之急”;上月,由国药集团提供的首批疫苗已正式下线。截至目前,外交部和驻外使领馆已协助超170万海外中国公民在160多个国家接种国产或外国新冠疫苗。3.IAEA INVITES CHINA TO JOIN FUKUSHIMA TECHNICAL TEAM不得擅自排污!中国专家获邀参加福岛污水处置工作组The International Atomic Energy Agency has invited Chinese experts to join a technical team carrying out Japan's plan for the disposal【处理】of contaminated【受污染的】water from the Fukushima nuclear plant.国际原子能机构已邀请中国专家加入日本福岛核事故污染水处置问题技术工作组。At a regular news briefing today, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin urged Japan to coordinate with the IAEA in conducting technical evaluations and surveillance【监督】. Wang also called on Japan not to discharge treated water before the stakeholders【利益相关者】, including neighboring countries and international organizations reach a consensus【共识】.中国外交部发言人汪文斌在例行记者会上敦促日本在福岛核污染水处置的技术评估和监督上与国际原子能机构展开协商。他表示,在同包括周边邻国在内的各利益攸关方及有关国际机构协商并达成共识前,日方不得擅自启动核污染水排海。#热词加油站ode【颂歌】compose【作曲】disposal【处理】contaminated【受污染的】surveillance【监督】stakeholders【利益相关者】consensus【共识】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
7/5/20215 minutes, 24 seconds
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EP5 Who are eligible to join the CPC?丨CPC小百科

Ep 5: Who are eligible to join the CPC?Q: I’m a foreigner. Am I eligible to join the CPC?If someone is a child of a Chinese-and-foreign mixed family,if someone has got the permanent residency in China, is he/she eligible to join the CPC?Throughout the history of the CPC, there have been party members from other countries, including Vietnam, Japan, India, Austria, Poland, the UK, the US, and the Soviet Union. For example, Lebanese-American Shafick George Hatem arrived in Yan'an with the Red Army in 1937 and joined the CPC that year.A revision to the constitution that was adopted by the 8th National Congress of the CPC in 1956, clearly put forward that a party member must be at least 18 years of age, and a citizen of the People’s Republic of China. Israel Epstein from Poland worked as a foreign correspondent in China during the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression. In 1957, Epstein was granted Chinese citizenship and he joined the CPC in 1964.Q:As a foreigner who has been living in China for a long time, can I give advice to the party? Can my voice be heard? As the CPC is the ruling party of China, people can put forward their suggestions to party organizations and government organizations through local and state levels. A number of cities have information hotlines available. In some Shanghai’s expat communities, a community-to-government channel has been established to pass on advice and suggestions from foreign residents.
7/5/20211 minute, 50 seconds
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The Song of New China 丨外国姑娘眼中的“义勇军进行曲”

"The Song of New China" is a 9-minute documentary about China's national anthem, "March of the Volunteers". Kristina Grigoryan from Turkmenistan, a master’s student at Shanghai Vancouver Film School, spent three weeks on it. She said she learned much more about China, especially Shanghai, through her research and production. We have Kristina with us, to share the back scene stories.For the full video:
7/3/20214 minutes, 46 seconds
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07/02 TOP OF THE DAY 来自天宫的生日祝福/建党百年,多国来贺/上海公安致敬建党百年

NEWS ON 7/11、TAIKONAUTS SEND BEST WISHES TO CPC来自天宫的祝福!三名宇航员为党庆生2.HEADS-OF-STATE CONGRATULATES ON CPC’S 100TH ANNIVERSARY建党百年,多国来贺3. SHANGHAI POLICE HELICOPTER FLIES PARTY FLAG致敬!上海警用直升机悬挂党旗巡展1、TAIKONAUTS SEND BEST WISHES TO CPC来自天宫的祝福!三名宇航员为党庆生The three astronauts on China’s space station gave their best wishes to the Communist Party of China on its 100th anniversary.中国共产党百岁诞辰之际,三名宇航员从“天宫”空间站发回祝福!Nie Haisheng / Liu Boming / Tang Hongbo聂海胜/刘伯明/汤洪波We wish the great Communist Party of China a happy birthday. Salute!伟大的中国共产党生日快乐!敬礼!The wishes were sent by Nie Haisheng, commander of the crew, together with the other two astronauts Liu Boming and Tang Hongbo. Nationwide, engineers and others in the space industry reviewed the Party’s admission oath and visited old work sites to mark the centenary.聂海胜,神舟十二号航天员乘组指令长,对着镜头表达了祝愿,与他并肩而立的是另外两位队员——刘伯明与汤洪波。在地面,正在执行神舟十二号飞行任务的载人航天工程全线各单位,则通过开展重温入党誓词,重访航天遗迹等活动,来庆祝这一百年盛事。Liu Jin, Deputy Chief Designer,China’s Manned Space Flight Project刘晋,中国载人航天工程副总设计师We will carry forward the spirit and tradition of the older generation, be careful and strive for innovation, and complete the construction of the space station and put it into service as soon as possible.我们一定要继承老一辈的精神和传统,认真细致,努力创新,把我们国家的空间站早日建成、建好,发挥作用。Since April 29th, three space missions have been launched. The astronauts, who will conduct spacewalks during the mission, will remain in space for three months.自从4月29日以来,我国在50天内连续成功实施三次发射任务。航天员目前正在进行出舱活动相关准备工作,并将在太空驻留3个月的时间。2.HEADS-OF-STATE CONGRATULATES ON CPC’S 100THANNIVERSARY建党百年,多国来贺Heads-of-state around the world sent congratulatory messages on the CPC’s centenary as foreign media outlets covered this morning’s ceremony.在中国共产党百年华诞来临之际,多国政府领导人表达热烈祝贺。7月1日当天的庆典举世瞩目,各国媒体争相报道。In talks on Monday via video link with Xi Jinping, Russian President Vladimir Putin extended congratulations on the 100th anniversary of the CPC’s founding, and expressed his hope that China, under the leadership of the CPC, becomes even more prosperous and plays a more important role in global leadership.在周一举行的中俄元首举行视频会晤中,俄罗斯总统普京热烈祝贺中国共产党成立100周年。他表示,俄罗斯祝愿在中国共产党领导下,中国经济社会发展不断取得新成就,并在国际事务中发挥更重要作用。Vladimir Putin, Russian President普京 俄罗斯总统“Russia wishes China to continuously make new achievements in its economic and social development and in international affairs.”The Venezuelan government held a ceremony celebrating the CPC’s centenary. President Nicolas Maduro said China’s achievements are worthy of admiration.委内瑞拉政府今日也举行了中国共产党成立100周年暨中委建交47周年庆祝大会。委内瑞拉总统马杜罗表示,百年来,中国共产党引领拥有悠久历史和深厚底蕴的中国,取得了举世瞩目的发展成就,令人敬佩。Nicolas Maduro, Venezuelan President马杜罗 委内瑞拉总统“Friends support each for better or for worse. In times of suffering and uncertainty caused by the pandemic, China has proved to be a true friend of Venezuela. We’d like to express our thanks. ”朋友应该同甘苦共患难,在新冠肺炎疫情造成的困难和不确定形势下,中国证明了是委内瑞拉真正的朋友。我们必须要表示感谢,谢谢!Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan said the country will never downgrade its long-standing relationship with China no matter what global or political challenges may arise. With this year marking the 70th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between the two countries, Khan said the Pakistani people will always have a special fondness for the people of China.巴基斯坦总理伊姆兰·汗也表示,建交70年来,两国携手历经国际风云变幻,双边关系深厚稳固。伊姆兰·汗表示,中国人民在巴基斯坦人民心中有着特殊的地位。Imran Khan, Pakistani Prime Minister伊姆兰·汗 巴基斯坦总理“China, whenever Pakistan was in trouble, China always stood with us. So, the people of China have a special place in the hearts of people of Pakistan because everyone here remembers.”Leaders of countries including Egypt, Mongolia and Armenia and organizations including the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and League of Arab States also sent congratulatory messages.此外,埃及、蒙古国、亚美尼亚等多国政府首脑,以及上合组织、阿拉伯国家联盟等国际组织领导人,也纷纷发来贺电或贺函,送上诚挚祝福。3. SHANGHAI POLICE HELICOPTER FLIES PARTY FLAG致敬!上海警用直升机悬挂党旗巡展Celebrating the 100th anniversary of the founding of the CPC, three police helicopters flew the Party flag over the Huangpu River this morning, attracting many to photograph the moment. Zhang Yue has more.为了庆祝建党百年,三架警用直升机组成编队,悬挂党旗在黄浦江上空巡展飞行,引来两岸市民游客驻足凝望。A 6.1-meter-wide and 4.3-meter-tall Party flag was flying under the pilot EC155 police helicopter. Two helicopters were used as escorts, flying in formation behind the lead plane. They flew over the Huangpu River in the shape of the Chinese character "pin".编队由一架EC155型警用直升机领航,直升机下方悬挂一面6.1米乘4.3米的党旗,另两架警用直升机护航,在后方编队飞行。整个机队呈"品"字形,掠过黄浦江上空。Last night, thousands of locals watched a light show along the Huangpu River celebrating the 100th anniversary of the founding of the CPC. It featured laser lights and music. The light show covered important incidents in the PRC’s history.昨晚,"永远跟党走"黄浦江主题光影秀正式亮相。市民游客纷纷驻足外滩,重温百年光辉历程。Citizen/市民“As a CPC member for decades, July 1st is really a special day for me. I wish my motherland more prosperity. ” (他是)几十年党龄的共产党员!所以对这个节日,我们两个真的是非常非常期待着能够看到祖国真的是蒸蒸日上。The 6-minute light show will be staged 7 times daily between 7:30pm and 10:30pm at 30 minute intervals until July 4th. The best vantage points are the Bund, North Bund and Lujiazui. 时长6分钟的灯光秀,每晚从7点半到10点半,每隔30分钟上演一次,将一直持续到7月4日。最佳观景点为外滩、北外滩和陆家嘴。
7/2/20214 minutes, 32 seconds
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Ep4: What's the basic unit of the CPC?丨CPC小百科

Ep 4: What's the basic unit of the CPC?Q: What is “Dangzhibu” or Party branches?Party branches are a part of the CPC’s primary organization. They are usually formed in enterprises, rural areas, government organs, schools, research institutes, communities, social organizations, companies of the People’s Liberation Army, and other basic units.Q: What’s the minimum number of members required to form a Party branch?According to the Constitution of the CPC, at least three CPC members are needed to form a Party branch. And if there are more than seven members in a branch, they can form a primary Party committee.Q:What is a Party branch’s primary function?The primary function of a Party branch includes organizing its members to study essential knowledge concerning the Party, as well as general, scientific, legal and professional knowledge. It also regulates, supervises and serves the party members to complete the work in the unit. A branch has the responsibility to check and approve the applications of those looking to join the CPC. It also coordinates all stake holders in the unit and protects the legal rights and benefits of the general public.Q:Is a Party branch a must for foreign companies in China?It is not necessary for foreign-invested enterprises to have Party branches. The first foreign organization to set up a Party branch in Shanghai was the US-based chemical and pharmaceuticals giant DuPont, in 1990.
7/2/20211 minute, 45 seconds
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Ep 3: Is the CPC the only political party in China? 丨CPC小百科

Ep 3: Is the CPC the only political party in China?Q: Is the CPC the only political party in China?No. There are eight other political parties. Most of them came into being and were developed during the 1940s, and the earliest one was the Zhi Gong Party in 1925. The CPC connects itself with the eight parties through the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, or CPPCC. It is an important platform in which non-CPC members work together in state affairs.Q:In China, do you have to be a CPC member in order to have a better opportunity for self-development?Not necessary. Many outside the party have been fulfilling themselves and making contributions. Some examples include the late agronomist Yuan Longping, known for developing the first hybrid rice varieties in the 1970s…and world renowned former basketball player Yao Ming, who chairs the Chinese Basketball Association.Q: Can a non-CPC member be promoted to a high position in government sectors?Among the legislative bodies and government bodies through all levels in China, there have been quite a number of leaders who are not CPC members.Wan Gang, a member of the Zhigong Party, was the former minister of science and technology from 2007 to 2018. In 2007, Chen Zhu was named head of the Ministry of Health, when he had no party affiliations. Huang Runqiu, member of the Jiusan Society, was appointed Minister of Ecology and Environment in 2020.The Civil Service Law of China lists seven basic conditions for being a civil servant and none of them include CPC membership.For more videos about the CPC:
7/1/20212 minutes, 2 seconds
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EP2 How was The Communist Manifesto introduced to China? 丨CPC小百科

Ep 2: What’s the corner stone of the CPC?Q: At its inception, what are the beliefs that have motivated people to join CPC?Since Marxism was first publicly formulated in the 1840s, it has spread to many parts of the world. The classical publication “The Communist Manifesto” by German philosophers Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels was introduced to Japan in the late 19th and early 20th century, and subsequently brought from Japan to China.At the time of the Communist Party of China’s First Congress, the official member count was just over 50. They were motivated by their shared values and their wish to save the country.  “The Communist Manifesto” had a significant impact on proletarian revolutions around the world, including the new democratic revolution and socialist construction in China. “The Manifesto” was one of the cornerstones of the Party’s foundation.Q:How was it then introduced to China?In 1920, 29-year-old translator and scholar Chen Wangdao, who had studied in Japan, translated the “The Communist Manifesto” from a Japanese language edition into Chinese. Chen completed the translation in a woodshed in Zhejiang Province, and it was published that same year, one year before the CPC was founded in 1921.Q:How was the first Chinese version of “The Communist Manifesto” printed?Shanghai was then the most advanced city in China regarding printing and publishing. The first 1,000 copies of Chen’s translation were printed by a publishing house in downtown Shanghai in August, 1920. It quickly sold out and they hurriedly printed another 1,000 copies, Chen Wangdao’s Chinese language version of the Manifesto was later reprinted across China.The Manifesto has been translated into over 200 languages, with more than 1,000 editions. It is believed to be one of the most circulated pieces of literature on social politics, humanities and social sciences in the world.
6/29/20212 minutes, 15 seconds
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06/28 TOP OF THE DAY 我国新冠疫苗注射剂次超11亿/高铁进藏/犹太国际友人特展

NEWS ON 6/251.     Over 1.1 billion doses of vaccines administrated in China全国新冠疫苗接种剂次超11亿2. Bullet train debuts on new railway in Tibet呀啦嗦~高铁进藏!复兴号开上青藏高原3.      Museum hornors Jewish friends of the CPC.“中共百年党史中的著名犹太裔国际友人”特展开幕 --------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦------------Over 1.1 billion doses of vaccines administrated in China全国新冠疫苗接种剂次超11亿The National Health Commission said today that over 1.1 billion doses of COVID-19 vaccines had been administered in China as of yesterday. Calling on the public not to hesitate in getting vaccinated, health officials said joint efforts should be made to build the "Great Wall of Immunization."国家卫健委昨日(6/24)通报,全国新冠疫苗接种已超11亿剂次。中国疾控中心专家呼吁广大群众对于注射疫苗不要犹豫,齐心协力,共同构建"免疫长城"。In some provinces, people can’t access vaccination information for other parts of the country. The National Health Commission says it’s collecting related data, and plans to publish a service system which enables people to check cross-provincial vaccination information. Experts are reminding everyone to get fully vaccinated in order to ensure they have the best protection.针对部分省份无法查询跨省新冠疫苗接种信息问题,国家卫健委近日表示正在汇总全国新冠疫苗接种数据,拟发布相关数据查询服务接口,便利疫苗异地接种。专家还提示,针次的确定基于科学的数据,一定要完成全程接种,不能半途而废,否则达不到最佳保护效果。Bullet train debuts on new railway in Tibet呀啦嗦~高铁进藏!复兴号开上青藏高原The first electrified railway in Tibet Autonomous Region opened today, linking the regional capital Lhasa with Nyingchi, as Fuxing model bullet trains began operating on the Tibetan plateau. 今天(25日),西藏第一条电气化铁路,连接拉萨和林芝的拉林铁路,正式开通运营。At 10:30am, the first Fuxing train pulled out of Lhasa Railway Station in southeastern Tibet, marking the opening of the route. Power substations along the route are monitored 24 hours a day by about 500 surveillance cameras.上午10点30分,首发列车复兴号动车组缓缓驶出拉萨火车站,向林芝进发,标志着拉林铁路正式开通运营。拉林铁路全线牵引变电所采用无人值守系统,近500个摄像头,24小时自动巡检。Ma Lin, China Railway Electrification Engineering GroupAll the data is sent to a control center in Xi’ning, about 2,300 kilometers away. Once a problem is found, the center can take direct control of all power substations along the route.这些数据参数全部在远程,在青藏公司的西宁调度台能显示到。一旦有什么问题,第一时间就可以远程从2300公里以外的西宁调度所,直接能控制到拉林的每一个牵引变电所。The route stretches 435 kilometers and has a designed speed of 160 kilometers per hour. The route includes 47 tunnels and 121 bridges, accounting for about 75% of its total length. It’s the first railway in southeastern Tibet. It will take 3.5 hours to go between Lhasa and Nyingchi, compared to 5 hours by car. It will cut the travel time from Shannan to Nyingchi from 6 hours to around 2 hours.拉林铁路全长435.48公里,设计时速160公里,全线有隧道47座,桥梁121座,桥隧总长占全线的75%,结束了藏东南地区不通火车的历史。拉萨至林芝的出行时间由原来公路的5小时缩短至3.5小时, 山南至林芝的出行时间由原来的6小时缩短至2小时。Museum hornors Jewish friends of the CPC.“中共百年党史中的著名犹太裔国际友人”特展开幕Jacob Rosenfeld, an Austrian doctor, came to Shanghai in 1939 after he was released from a concentration camp and forced to leave his country. In 1941, he was the first foreigner to join the New Fourth Army and became a special member of the CPC a year later. He had treated soldiers for about a decade.1939年,奥地利医生雅克布·罗生特来到上海。彼时,他已经在集中营被关押了一年,又被迫踏上流亡之路。1941年,罗生特是第一个加入新四军的国际友人,而一年之后,他又加入了中国共产党,成为一名特殊的党员。在中国数十年,罗生特一直致力于部队的医疗工作。Intervewee:Student学生In history class, this was not covered in much detail. Today’s visit offered me a chance to understand why some Jews came to Shanghai and what they’ve contributed to China.学历史的话也没有很多地讲这些事。这次活动给我们一个机会更多地去了解犹太人他们为什么来上海,做了些什么。Sidney Shapiro was known by his Chinese name Sha Boli沙博理. He came to Shanghai from the United States in 1947. After the founding of the People’s Republic of China, he translated a large number of literary works. He translated Chinese novels like "Outlaws of the Marsh", "Crescent Moon" and "Spring Silkworms".Sidney Shapiro 更为人所熟知的是他的中文名字:沙博理。1947年,沙博理离开美国,来到上海。在新中国成立之后,他翻译了大量的文学著作,例如《水浒传》、《月芽》、《春蚕》等等。Interviewee:The most impressive is to see another puzzle of this international history of Shanghai. But we still wait for more and more stories because there still are some documents and there still are people that remember something in the history of the city. This is fascinating about the history, isn’t it?一点一点拼凑出这段历史,非常了不起。我们期待着看到更多的故事浮出水面。因为还有很多史料等着我们去探索,还有许多历史的见证者等待我们去探访。这是一段很有魅力的历史,不是吗?The stories of each person are presented in chronological order.每一位人物的故事都按照年代顺序展出Interviewee:China’s liberation was supported by some foreign friends. At the centenary of the CPC, while we celebrate China’s achievements, we also want to commemorate these foreign friends who offered a helping hand to the party and our country. The exhibition is a tribute to them.中国人民的解放事业得到了世界各国各民族人民的同情、理解、支持和帮助,在我们中国共产党成立100周年之际,在我们祖国发生巨大变化,取得今天伟大的成就的时候,我们也非常缅怀为我们党的建立、国家发展做出贡献的各国各民族人民,包括一部分犹太人。为了庆祝建党一百周年,为了牢记在我们革命和建设事业中帮助过我们的人,所以我们举行了这样一个特展。The exhibition will last for three months. Shanghai Jewish Refugees Museum reopened in December last year after renovations. It details the story of 20,000 Jewish refugees who fled Nazi-occupied areas of Europe in the 1930s and 1940s and settled in Shanghai.该展览将持续三个月的时间。上海犹太难民纪念馆经过修缮后,于去年12月重新开放。这里承载着20世纪三四十年代,两万名犹太难民逃离纳粹占领的欧洲地区,来到上海定居的故事。
6/28/20215 minutes, 11 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP1 What is the CPC? 丨CPC小百科

The Party Behind China’s ChangeEp 1: What is the CPC?��Noor Ul Ain / PakistanQ: What is the CPC?The CPC, or the Communist Party of China, was founded in Shanghai in 1921. The first National Congress of the CPC was held on July 23rdof the same year. There were over 50 members at the time, 13 delegates attended, including Mao Zedong. The site of the First CPC Congress is a typical Shanghai shikumen-style house. It is now one of the most visited tourist spots recommended by travel guides.��Eric / United StatesQ: How many CPC members are there in China? And what are their professions?By the end of 2019, party membership numbered just under 92 million in China, accounting for 6.57% of China’s total population. More than 1/3 of the current CPC membership is under the age of 40. Women account for nearly 28% of the CPC. The CPC’s "Hammer and Sickle" emblem symbolizes the workers and farmers that make up the majority of the Party’s membership.��Liliana / Brazil Q: Are people from China’s ethnic minority groups allowed to join the Party?No matter what ethnic group he/she belongs to, anyone with Chinese nationality over the age of 18 may apply for membership.��Mahek / IndiaQ: How to join the CPC? And how long does it take to become a member?Any Chinese national over the age of 18 is eligible to join the CPC. The first step is to write and submit an application letter and get the endorsement of two full Party members. The application must be accepted at a general membership meeting held by the Party branch the applicant is seeking to join. The Party branch will discuss whether the applicant is qualified. Once approved by the Party branch, the application will then go to the next higher Party organization. If approved, full membership will be granted after a one-year probationary period. The amount of time it takes for an application to be approved varies depending on the situation. Should they change their mind, any member is free to withdraw from the Party at any time.For more episodes:
6/28/20212 minutes, 19 seconds
Episode Artwork

06/25 TOP OF THE DAY 象亦有道,没熟的不要/魔都新稻,控糖的那种/贫穷艺术展

NEWS ON 6/251.  WILD ELEPHANT HERD CONTINUES SOUTH云南群象掉头南移 偷吃也是有原则的!没熟的不要!2.  NEW RICE VARIETY BRED BY SH ACADEMY OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES    魔都新稻!控糖的那种!终于可以大口吃米饭了3.PISTOLETTO’S “POOR ART” PIECES ON DISPLAY“贫穷艺术”大师皮斯特莱托上海个展 在《第三天堂》中找寻“生命的公式”--------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦------------1.Wild elephant herd continues south云南群象掉头南移 偷吃也是有原则的!没熟的不要!The herd of 14 wandering① wild Asian elephants has traveled further south in Eshan County in southwest China’s Yunnan Province. They were seen resting in a forest this morning.14头野生亚洲象目前在云南玉溪市峨山县附近活动。今天(24日)上午,它们一直在林地里休息。It’s hard for the herd to find food recently as only roses and peppers② are growing along the route. To help them travel southward to find their habitats③, experts have provided food for them.这几天,象群去到的地方,村民们种的都是玫瑰花、辣椒这些更加经济的作物,所以象群可能会出现饿肚子情况。对此,专家组特地给它们准备了食物,加大投喂量,帮助象群一路向南找到栖息地。The elephant that strayed④ from the herd in March is staying in Puer. He sometimes wanders into nearby farms to feed on ripe corn.今年3月就离开象群的独象,目前一直在普洱的宁洱县停留,偶尔晚上还会溜进村庄里转转,就算去农户家的玉米地里偷吃玉米,也是有原则的,那就是绝不吃未成熟的玉米。The herd had traveled 500 kilometers to the north for over a year from their forest home in southern Yunnan’s Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture. To provide natural habitat for the Asian elephants, the local forestry authority has been planning the establishment of a national elephant park by integrating⑤ 11 natural reserve areas since 2016.从去年开始,云南野生象群离开西双版纳一路北上,这一走就是一年多,迁徙500多公里。实际上,从2016年开始,云南省林业部门就开始规划,整合现有的11个自然保护区,申请建立亚洲象国家公园。Xie Yi, ProfessorBeijing Forestry UniversityThe ecological capacity of natural habitats will be greatly improved by combining the natural reserves⑥. This would go a long way to help ensure the elephants will stay in the elephant park.加强栖息地的连通性,这些栖息地的生态容量(会有)很大的提升。那么对于这些亚洲象留在国家公园内,也就是留在现在的自然保护区内,会有非常积极的作用。China completed a pilot⑦ trial for 10 national parks at the end of last year. The establishment⑧ of a national elephant park could provide a natural habitat for elephants and reduce the chances of the animals wandering into populated areas in search of food.截至去年年底,中国已经完成了首批10个国家公园试点。通过国家公园的建立,更多的大象可以在自然栖息地生活,必然会减少进入到当地群众的生产生活区域觅食和活动,降低人象接触的可能性。①wander v. 徘徊②pepper n. 辣椒③habitat n. 栖息地④stray v. 走失、离群⑤integrate v. (将某事物与另一事物结合)构成整体⑥reserve n. 保护区⑦pilot a. 试点的、试验性的⑧establishment n. 建立2.New rice variety bred by Shanghai academy of agricultural sciences魔都新稻!控糖的那种!终于可以大口吃米饭了After more than 20 years of studies, a team from Shanghai Academy of Agricultural Sciences has bred a new type① of rice for diabetes② patients. Lei Shuran has more经过20多年的研究,上海农业科学院的一支团队培育出了适合糖尿病患者食用的新型水稻。雷舒然报道After over 20 years of research, the "Youtangdao" rice was created by the Research Institute of the Shanghai Academy of Agricultural Sciences. The team spliced③ the gene for resistant④ starch⑤ into standard rice, giving "Youtangdao" a low glycemic index. In a clinical trial run by Huadong Hospital the rice showed its ability to control levels of blood sugar in diabetes patients. Compared with traditional rice, blood sugar levels in test subjects remained stable⑥ after eating two bowls of the new rice.经过20多年的研究,上海农业科学院特种稻研究团队培育出了“优糖稻”大米。研究团队成功定位了控制抗性淀粉合成的基因,所培育出的“优糖稻”相比普通大米,升糖指数更低。在华东医院进行的一项临床试验中,“优糖稻”显示出了控制糖尿病患者餐后血糖的功效。受试者在吃了两碗“优糖稻”米饭后血糖水平仍保持平稳。朴钟泽上海市农科院作物育种栽培研究所研究员The new functional rice variety is the first of its kind around the globe in terms of its gene patent. It’s very hard to find the plant with such characteristics⑦ among hundreds of thousands of plants. We spent a very long time on the research.这是世界上第一个获得基因专利的功能性新品种水稻。在几十万株植株中很难找到具有这些特性的植株。我们花了很长时间做这项研究。The newly designed rice is sewn and harvested⑧ in a similar manner to that of regular rice. A 600,000-square-meter production base for Youtangdao was established in ZhuqiaoTown in Pudong. The base is expected to be expanded 100 times its current size size within 5 years.除了掌握好育秧关、保持好种性纯度,新品种水稻的其他栽培措施和一般水稻一样。目前,在浦东祝桥镇建立了60万平方米的优糖稻生产基地。预计在5年内,基地规模将扩大100倍。①type n. 品种②diabetes n. 糖尿病③splice v. 拼接④resistant a. 抵抗的⑤starch n. 淀粉⑥stable a. 稳定的⑦characteristic n. 特性⑧harvest v. 收割3. Pistoletto’s “Poor Art” pieces on display“贫穷艺术”大师皮斯特莱托上海个展 在《第三天堂》中找寻“生命的公式”The 88-year-old Pistoletto became a critical① figure in Italy’s Arte Povera Movement, which translates as "Poor Art". Artists used items like rags, cardboard and twigs to challenge the world of commercialism, which adherents③ of the movement believed had even invaded the art world.88岁的皮斯特莱托是意大利“贫穷艺术”运动中的代表人物。“贫穷艺术”运动的支持者们认为,商业主义已经侵入了艺术界。于是,艺术家们选择用破布、纸板和树枝等物品来挑战商业主义的世界。Sun Siqi, Reporter记者 孙思奇In these pieces, Pistoletto used one of his favorite materials, and that is a mirror. And this came from the artist’s perception④ that a mirror reflects everything except itself.在这些作品中,皮斯特莱托使用了他最喜欢的装置之一——镜子。这些作品都来自于艺术家的一种感知——镜子反映的是除了自己以外的一切。Gao Shan, Project ManagerShanghai Minsheng Art MuseumThe moment you walk into the mirror installations, you see yourself and how you change. When Pistoletto grew as an artist, he tried to minimize his subjective intervention⑤ during the creative process. That is to say, he hopes you experience the same thing he did when standing in front of one of his pieces.当你走进这些镜子的那一刻,你看到了你自己以及你是如何改变的。当皮斯特莱托作为一名艺术家时,他试图在创作过程中尽量减少主观干预。当你观看他的作品时,他希望你能有同样的体验。Such is true when you see your own reflection with this cardboard and mirror piece "Grande Pozzo", or "Great Well". His "Third Paradise" is a modified infinity⑥ sign with which the artist tries to represent harmony between the natural world with one that is industrial and artificial.Through that he ruminates⑦ on whether humanity is born or buried as we multiply, like in his mirrors.在“Grande Pozzo”和“Great Well”瓦楞纸和镜子碎片中,你能真实的看到自己的倒影。作品“第三天堂”是一个全新的无限符号,皮斯特莱托试图用它来表现自然主宰的世界、现代社会创造的人工世界以及这两者终将达成平衡共生的理想世界。在创作中,他反复思考人类的繁衍带来的是诞生还是灭亡,就像镜子里的世界一样。Pistoletto has shown the same symbol in different materials at the Louvre in Paris, museums in Europe and Asia and public spaces like Machu Picchu.皮斯特莱托曾在巴黎卢浮宫、欧洲和亚洲的博物馆以及马丘比丘等地用不同的材料展示过同样的符号。Gao Shan, Project ManagerShanghai Minsheng Art Museum"Third Paradise" introduced the natural world and artificial world as two diodes⑧. However, you see an extension of that notion in the Trinamic Code installation. The artist means to say that any elements that are juxtaposed can be triggered⑨ at a given time and space to generate a third state.《第三天堂》将自然世界和人工世界比作为两个二极管。然而,您可以在Trinamic Code安装中看到该想法一个延申。艺术家想表达的是,任何并列的元素都可以在既定的时间和空间被触发,从而产生第三种状态。Visitor游客My favorite piece is the "Cubic Meter of Infinity". Glass multiplies the dimensions⑩ that it can present. I feel dark energy through most of the pieces in this hall, with a contrast between the black vinyl and mirror surface.我最喜欢的作品是“Cubic Meter of Infinity”。玻璃可以放大呈现出的尺寸。这里的大部分作品都让我感受到一种黑暗的能量,黑色的乙烯基和镜面形成反差。The exhibition runs until the end of September with tickets costing 60 yuan at Minsheng Art Museum.该展览于上海民生美术馆展览至9月底,门票60元。①critical a. 批判性的②twig n. 细枝、嫩枝③adherent n. 支持者、拥护者④perception n. 感知⑤intervention n. 介入、干预⑥infinity n. 无穷大⑦ruminate v. 沉思⑧diode n. 二极管⑨trigger v. 触发⑩dimension n. 尺寸
6/25/20215 minutes, 10 seconds
Episode Artwork

06/24 TOP OF THE DAY 魔都打造15分钟生活圈/残障人士就业招聘会/外籍网红打卡中国

NEWS ON 06/241.     URBAN PLANNERS RELEASE “15-MIN COMMUNITY LIVING CIRCLE” GOAL宜居 宜业 宜游 宜学 宜养 幸福感满满的15分钟生活圈2.     JOB FAIR FOR COLLEGE GRADUATES WITH DISABILITIES就业帮扶 无碍圆梦 上海市高校残障人士毕业就业招聘会3.“DAKA CHINA”:EXPAT INFLUENCES’ JOURNEY TO YANGTZE RIVER DELTA网红打卡进行时 感受“歪果仁”镜头下的中国--------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦------------1. Urban planners release "15-min Community Living Circle" goal宜居 宜业 宜游 宜学 宜养 幸福感满满的15分钟生活圈The Shanghai government is launching a project to build a "15-minute Community Living Circle", which defines as all living amenities① within a 15-minute walking distance of someone’s home. City officials gave an overview② of their plan.上海正在积极推动建设“15分钟社区生活圈”。对于普通市民来说,直观感受就是从自己家出发,步行15分钟,就可以找到满足各类生活基本需求的场所。上海市政府召开新闻发布会,介绍相关情况。The project’s goal is for people to be able to access elderly care, health care, education, shopping, entertainment③ and other amenities within a 15-minute walk of where they live by 2035. That equates④ to an area of 3 square kilometers with a population of 50,000 to 100,000 people. Shanghai is the first city in the country to release⑤ such a target. “上海2035”总体规划在全国率先提出打造“15分钟社区生活圈”,就是以家为中心,步行15分钟的可达范围内,要建成较为完善的养老、医疗、教育、商业、交通、文体等基本公共服务设施,形成安全、友好、舒适的社会基本生活平台。按照规划导则,生活圈一般范围在3平方公里左右,常住人口约5-10万人。Now more than 180 amenity improvement projects have been completed at communities including Xinhua Road neighborhood in Changning and Caoyang Xincun neighborhood in Putuo in the past two years. 目前,上海全市已完成180余个项目落地,长宁区新华路街道、普陀区曹杨新村等一批社区整体成效显著。Wang WeirenDeputy⑥ Secretary General of Shanghai Government王为人 上海政府副秘书长Starting in 2019, 15 communities were selected in a trial to improve their amenities. We did some research to determine what was missing in each community and improved from there.2019年起,上海选取了15个试点街道全面推动“社区生活圈行动”,充分运用“城市体检”等空间信息化手段为社区“问诊把脉”。Li Feng, Deputy DirectorNational Territory Spatial Planning, Ministry of Natural Resources李枫 副主任 自然资源部We’ve issued a national guideline on how to create such a living circle. We hope to guide other cities as they plan and improve their communities. We’d like for them to come up with plans that are both practical ⑦and easy to carry out.制订了国家行业标准社区生活圈规划技术指南,想通过这个行业标准指导地方进一步做好社区生活圈的相关规划。The goal is to make the metropolis⑧ both livable and desirable. In 2019, the Ministry of Natural Resources listed reform and innovation projects as worthy of being implemented⑨ across the country.上海正在积极推动建设的15分钟社区生活圈,是构建宜居生活环境、提升城市软实力的实践探索。2019年,自然资源部将上海15分钟社区生活圈作为国家改革创新内容,向全国推广。①amenity n. 生活福利设施②overview n. 概述③entertainment n. 娱乐④equate v. 相当于⑤release v. 发布⑥deputy a. 副的⑦practical a. 切合实际的⑧metropolis n. 大城市、首都⑨implement v. 使(某事物)生效、实施2. Job fair for college graduates with disabilities就业帮扶 无碍圆梦 上海市高校残障人士毕业就业招聘会A job fair① for college graduates with disabilities② was held today in Shanghai with 394 positions offered by 86 companies.一场面向上海市高校残疾毕业生的招聘会今天在上海举行,本次招聘会汇集了86家社会单位,提供面向残疾人大学生求职者的招聘岗位394个。Ying Ying is a barista③ who works at Hinichijou, or Bear Paw Cafe, where all baristas have a disability. Instead of a traditional serving window, it serves coffee through a hole in a wall with a furry④, paw-shaped glove. The cafe quickly gained fame⑤ because of this as heaps of customers wanted selfies of a bear paw serving them their beverage. At the job fair, Ying Ying interviewed candidates⑥ for the coffee shop.盈盈(音译)是熊爪咖啡馆HINICHIJOU的一名咖啡师。这家咖啡馆所有的咖啡师都是残障人士。熊爪咖啡没有传统的服务台,店员们会戴着毛茸茸的熊爪手套,从墙洞后面递送咖啡。这家咖啡馆也因此走红,大家都想要一张从熊爪手中接过咖啡的自拍。在这次招聘会上,盈盈面试了几位来咖啡店求职的学生。IntervieweePeople with disabilities don’t have to be considered as vulnerable⑦. In fact, we can also contribute to society.不用把每一位残障人士都想得那么脆弱。事实上,我们也可以为社会做出贡献。Sign language translators⑧ and volunteers were also at the event to help when needed. Some of the students came from other cities.现场配备了手语翻译和志愿者队伍为招聘会提供支持服务。招聘会上还有一些来自其他城市求职的大学生。Student, Beijing Union University北京联合大学毕业生I just arrived here yesterday. My listening ability is not as good as most people, but my eyesight is good. I am confident to find a job that suits me.我昨天刚到上海。虽然我有一点听力障碍,但我的视力很正常。我有信心找到一份适合我的工作。Zhao Weishi, Director赵伟时 上海市残疾人就业服务中心主任Shanghai Disabled Employment Service CenterWe want more companies to provide job opportunities to these students, and we hope the job fair will improve the overall⑨ employment level of people with disabilities in Shanghai.我们希望有更多的企业能为这些学生提供就业机会,能提升上海整体的残疾人就业层次Over 30% of the companies at the job fair are government-sponsored institutions or state-owned enterprises⑩. Job fair organizers said 82 of 184 interviewees were hired.参加招聘会的公司中超3成是事业单位或国有企业。招聘会负责人称,184名面试者中有82人被录用。①job fair 招聘会②disability n. 残疾③barista n. 咖啡师④furry a. 毛茸茸的⑤fame n. 名气⑥candidate n. 申请求职者⑦vulnerable a. 脆弱的⑧translator n.翻译者⑨overall a. 全面的⑩enterprise n. 企业单位3."Daka China": Expat influencers’ journey to Yangtze River Delta网红打卡进行时“歪果仁”用镜头记录中国A group of expat① influencers was invited to take part in "Daka China", a week-long tour to several cities in the Yangtze River Delta② region. Their trip began yesterday in Shanghai and they will share their experiences on social media.一群网红外籍博主受邀参加为期一周的“打卡中国”之旅,访问长三角地区的几个城市。从上海开始,他们将在社交媒体上分享自己的“打卡”经历。The tour began in the morning on the roof of Sinar Mas Plaza in the North Bund, Puxi’s tallest building. The vloggers③ were fascinated by the panoramic④ view of the Huangpu River. Lee John Barrett, a vlogger who now lives in Shenzhen with 278,000 subscribers⑤ on Youtube, said he loved the contrast⑥ between old and new in Shanghai.上午,外籍博主们首先登上了位于北外滩的浦西最高楼——白玉兰广场的顶楼停机坪,浦江两岸的盛景尽收眼底。常驻深圳的视频博主Lee John Barrett在Youtube上有27.8万粉丝,他表示很喜欢上海新旧交织的独特气质。Lee John Barrett, Vlogger from the UKLee John Barrett 英国博主Shanghai has a very very iconic skyline⑦, you know, the view from the Bund, across the modern sort of areas of the city is great. And then the view from the other side of the Bund on the old... But here it’s just terrific. Absolutely incredible.上海有一个非常非常标志性的天际线,从外滩望出去,一眼便能感受到这座城市的现代化,感觉非常棒。再看外滩这边的老建筑群…这里视角非常棒,太难以置信了。In the afternoon, the group visited the Memorial of the First National Congress of the CPC. Luke Johnston, who is now studying at Shanghai Jiao Tong University and posts videos on Youtube and Bilibili, was very enthusiastic to learn more about Chinese history. He was impressed that many of the delegates⑧ were young when they attended the congress in 1921.下午,一行人参观了中国共产党第一次全国代表大会纪念馆。Luke Johnston目前在上海交通大学学习,平时会在Youtube和哔哩哔哩上发布视频,他非常想了解更多中国的历史。打卡一大会址,让他印象最深刻的是,在1921年中国共产党的第一次全国代表大会上,有很多青年代表参会。Luke Johnston, Vlogger from the UKLuke Johnston 英国博主I initially thought it would be very senior figures maybe from Beijing, but really you had representatives from all over China. But also you had people from different ages. You had someone, I saw, was born in 1902. So he would be 19 at the time. They all came together to have their own idea of communism⑨ to help China move forward, which I thought was great.我最初以为参会人员会是来自北京的重要人物,但实际上有很多来自全国各地的、不同年龄的代表。我看到其中一个人是1902年出生,参会时只有19岁。他们用自己坚定的共产主义信念推动中国前进,非常让人钦佩。Another destination was Pathe Villa in Xuhui District. Built in 1921, the three-story brick-and-wood building once housed the studio of Pathe Records, where China’s national anthem⑩ was recorded. Alessandro Martini liked the architecture. He has 128,000 followers on Bilibili.另一个打卡点是位于徐汇区的百代小红楼。这座三层砖木建筑建于1921年,曾经是百代唱片公司的录音室,也是最早录制中国国歌的地方。Alessandro Martini很喜欢这幢建筑,他是拥有12.8万名粉丝的哔哩哔哩UP主。Alessandro Martini, Vlogger from ItalyAlessandro Martini 意大利博主Young people, especially young expats like me, may prefer going to western-style places or the places where we can enjoy food from our home country. So I haven’t visited many historical or cultural sites. I know the trip includes a lot of such places so I’m quite interested in it.在我看来,很多年轻人,尤其是像我这样在国外生活的年轻人,可能更喜欢去西式的地方,或者是能吃到自己国家食物的地方。所以我起式没有去过很多历史和文化景点。我知道这次“打卡中国”之旅会包括很多这样的地方,所以我很感兴趣。In the next few days, vloggers from the UK, Italy, Croatia, Mexico, Spain, Venezuela as well as other countries and regions will visit Suzhou, Huangshan and Hangzhou to explore their various achievements and how the Yangtze Delta is being integrated.在接下来的几天里,来自英国、意大利、克罗地亚、墨西哥、西班牙、委内瑞拉等国家和地区的博主们将继续打卡苏州、黄山、杭州等地,去感受这些地方的多样化发展,以及长三角地区是怎样成为一个整体的。①expat n. 旅居海外的人②Yangtze River Delta 长江三角洲③vlogger n. 博主④panoramic a. 全景的⑤subscriber n. 订阅者⑥contrast n. 差异、对比⑦skyline n. 以天空为背景映出的轮廓⑧delegate n. 代表⑨communism n. 共产主义⑩national anthem 国歌
6/24/20215 minutes, 47 seconds
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6/23/20216 minutes, 5 seconds
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06/23 TOP OF THE DAY浦江光影秀为党庆生/上海特警亲授自卫大招/疫苗没到,美国怪流

NEWS ON 06/22 1.     NEW BUND LIGHT SHOW CELEBRATES 100TH ANNIVERSARY OF CPC浦江两岸光影绚烂,欢庆中国共产党百年诞辰2.     POLICE SWAT TEAM GIVES STUDENTS SELF-DEFENSE LESSONS特警亲授!危急关头,孩子们如何自卫3.     VAST DIFFERENCES IN VACCINATION PACE WORLDWIDE中美领跑,非洲告急!全球新冠疫苗接种情况大不同--------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦------------1.NEW BUND LIGHT SHOW CELEBRATES 100TH ANNIVERSARY OF CPC浦江两岸光影绚烂,欢庆中国共产党百年诞辰Starting June 30th, a new light show in celebration of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China will light up the Bund skyline. Sun Siqi brings us a preview of the spectacle①.为庆祝中国共产党成立100周年,黄浦江两岸将展演以“永远跟党走”为主题的全新主题光影秀,本月30日晚上起将正式亮相。这就跟随我们,一起来先睹为快。The six-minute show begins with a red beam of light from the Monument② to the People’s Heroes. Light installations③ on more than 300 buildings on both banks of Huangpu River will surround a massive light installation in the shape of the CPC 100th anniversary logo.整场光影秀共6分钟。殷红的光束照亮人民英雄纪念碑,拉开了整场光影秀的序幕。浦江两岸,300多栋建筑依次点亮,将建党百年巨型灯光标识,烘托得更加熠熠生辉。Images and text will be displayed on skyscrapers, telling the story of the CPC’s journey and important events in leading the country, from the revolution④ to guiding China into modernization.楼宇大屏上,用各种光影图案,持续呈现中国共产党领导中国革命历史上的重要标志性事件,展现了从石库门到天安门,中国共产党波澜壮阔的百年征程。Ding Qinhua, Head of Landscape ManagementSH Landscaping & City Appearance BureauThe light installation for the celebration logo is more than 20 meters tall and 30 meters wide, it is the largest of its kind in the country. We used a lot of new technology.第一次创新地做了庆祝中国共产党成立100周年的灯光艺术标识。20多米高,30多米宽,是国内最大的。我们采用了很多新的技术。Background music for the show will incorporate⑤ many iconic revolutionary songs.光影秀的背景音乐以不同历史时期、人民群众耳熟能详的经典乐曲为基础,进行了重新编排和创作。Luo Wei, Composer⑥You will hear iconic red-themed music in this show -- essentially, we need to condense⑦ 100 years into a six-minute brilliant⑧ spectacle.贯穿了大量红色经典(音乐),用浓缩的一个时长,去回顾了一场百年的历史,凝聚成一个非常 绚烂和华丽的光影秀。The show will run every thirty minutes from 7:30 to 10:30 pm between June 30th and July 4th.“永远跟党走”黄浦江主题光影秀,从6月30日到7月4日,每晚七点半到十点半,逢半点、整点展演一次。①spectacle n. 壮观的场面或景象②monument n. 纪念碑③installation n. 安装④revolution n. 革命、重大变革⑤incorporate v. 包含⑥composer n. 作曲家⑦condense v. 浓缩⑧brilliant a. 明亮的、辉煌的2.POLICE SWAT TEAM GIVES STUDENTS SELF-DEFENSE LESSONS特警亲授!危急关头,孩子们如何自卫A Shanghai police SWAT team visited more than 20 students in Shanghai today to teach them how to protect themselves. Zhang Yue has more. 6月22日,来自上海市公安特警队的警官们向20余名初中学生亲身传授,如何在危险情况下自卫。20 students were separated into red and blue teams. They competed with each other as they experienced some daily training routines including combat training, shooting practice, and climbing.20名学生们被分为红、蓝两队,以竞赛的形式体验搏斗、射击、攀岩等特警的日常训练项目。Lang Yuxiang, Student, Lansheng Fudan Middle School郎昱翔 兰生复旦七年级学生“以前从来没有见过,这次亲身体验可以见到特警平时是怎么训练的,也知道他们平时那些勇武的行动是怎么做出来的,感觉他们的汗水是非常值得人敬佩的。”This is my first time to see how SWAT police officers train. They are so brave and their gestures are so cool. It is admirable how hard they work to protect us.SWAT team officers taught the students about security and said the most vital thing to do is stall for time as, in most cases, police are on the way.特警队员们对学生进行了安全教育,并强调当危险发生时,争取时间是重中之重。因为在大多数情况下,警察都正在赶来救援的路上。Ma Junfeng,SH Police SWAT Team马俊峰 市公安局特警总队战训支队政委那么为什么把"抗"放在最后呢?最主要是"跑""喊",这是示警的作用,我们不太强调也不太鼓励小朋友去和犯罪分子作对抗,最主要是要保护好自己,保护好同学们。Yelling, running for help and hiding are what students should do. We don’t encourage students to confront and fight a suspect. Self-protection is most important.The event was livestreamed on the police Weibo account. Police said more educational events will be organized for students in the near future.警方将本活动在微博全程直播,并称未来将为学生规划更多教育类活动。3.VAST DIFFERENCES IN VACCINATION PACE WORLDWIDE中美领跑,非洲告急!全球新冠疫苗接种情况大不同Over 2.5 billion doses of coronavirus vaccines have been administered worldwide. But there are vast differences in the pace of progress in different parts of the world. Zhang Hong tells us more.全球接种新冠疫苗人数已超25亿,但不同地区的疫苗接种进度存在显著差异。Data shows that China and the US have administered the highest number of doses. Most of the other countries among the top 10 are mostly high-income countries in the Middle East, Europe and North America. In Africa, less than 10 doses per 100 people is the norm. South Africa’s President Cyril Ramaphosa said Africa only had about 40 million doses of vaccines, which is not even enough for 2% of total population of the continent. The U.S. laid out a plan to share 55 million COVID-19 vaccines globally earlier but there have been delays in sharing the vaccines.数据显示,中国和美国的疫苗接种数量最多。每100人所拥有的疫苗数量排名前十位的国家,多数为中东、欧洲和北美地区的高收入国家。在非洲,每100人中,仅有不到10人能够分配到疫苗。南非总统西里尔·拉马福萨(Cyril Ramaphosa)表示,非洲目前分到的疫苗大约只有4000万剂,覆盖面不足非洲人口的2%。此前,美国曾计划向全球分发5500万支新冠疫苗,但在交付过程中出现了延误。Psaki, White House Spokesperson珍·普萨基 美国白宫新闻发言人“This is a Herculean logistical challenge and we’ve seen that as we’ve begun to implement. Teams need to ensure that there are proper temperature storage, prevent breakage and ensure the vaccine immediately clears customs.”我们在物流运输上面临巨大挑战。(延迟交付)是因为物流团队要确保疫苗有合适的储存温度,要防止它们破损还要保证它们能及时清关。Many poorer countries are relying on deliveries from COVAX, a WHO scheme that is trying to ensure everyone in the world has access to vaccines. The plan is to deliver 2 billion doses by the end of the year.许多欠发达国家将获取疫苗的希望寄托于“新冠疫苗实施计划”(COVAX)。该计划由世界卫生组织主导,旨在保证世界上所有人都能接种新冠疫苗。该计划的目标是在2021年年底前提供20亿剂疫苗。订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
6/23/20213 minutes, 51 seconds
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06/22 TOP OF THE DAY电影金爵奖花落《东北虎》/魔都爱心暑托班/外交部回应美赠台疫苗

NEWS ON 6/211.    ”Manchurian Tiger” wins best film at SIFF上海国际电影节金爵奖花落《东北虎》The 24th Shanghai International Film Festival closed on Saturday night. Over 400 films from home and abroad were screened① at the festival this year. And 13 domestic② and overseas new films were competing for the Golden Goblet main competition. 第24届上海国际电影节“金爵奖”颁奖典礼上周六晚举行。今年的上海国际电影节,有来自海内外的400余部优秀影片进行了展映,13部中外影片角逐主竞赛单元“金爵奖”。The domestic film "Manchurian Tiger" won best feature film during the closing ceremony③ on Saturday night, while Malaysian film "Barbarian Invasion" earned the Jury Grand Prix.中国影片《东北虎》获得最佳影片。马来西亚影片《野蛮人入侵》获得评委会大奖。The Iranian④ film "The Contrary Route" picked up Golden Goblets for both best director and best actor. The best actress award went to the star of the Polish film "Amateurs"⑤.伊朗影片《反身曲径》一举拿下最佳男演员和最佳导演两项大奖。最佳女演员花落波兰影片《业余爱好者》。Russian film "The Conscience⑥" took home three awards including best screenplay⑦, best cinematography⑧ and outstanding artistic achievement.俄罗斯影片《良心》摘得最佳编剧、最佳摄影、艺术贡献奖三大奖项。The SIFF is the only A-class movie event in China.上海国际电影节是中国唯一国际A类电影节。①screen v. 放映、展映②domestic a. 国内的③ceremony n. 典礼、仪式④Iranian a. 伊朗的⑤amateur n. 业余爱好者⑥conscience n. 良知⑦best screenplay 最佳编剧⑧best cinematography 最佳摄影2. Student summer camp registration begins暑期如何维护亲子关系?送神兽去魔都爱心暑托班Shanghai’s public summer camps for primary school students have resumed⑦ this year after a year’s suspension⑧ due to the pandemic. Registration began for some this morning. 由于疫情停办一年的上海小学生爱心暑托班,今年将如期开班。暑托班的报名工作今日启动。At around 8am, the registration① site for summer camps in Jiading town was crowded② with parents who want to enroll their children.上午8点,在嘉定镇街道爱心暑托班报名点,等候的家长已经坐满了街道提供的临时桌椅。The capacity③ is limited. I arrived very early because I was worried there would be no places left.李伯伯爱心暑托班报名学生爷爷: 名额有限,生怕轮不到我就早点来To apply for the camps, parents had to fill out forms on their child’s health conditions in advance and comply with pandemic control protocols④. For those families with two children and have to work at daytime, the summer camp is a great benefit to them.It is difficult to take care of two children who stay at home during the summer holiday. We feel more relaxed if we only have to look after one child at home and can send another to a summer camp.申请暑托班,父母须提前填写孩子健康状况的表格,并遵守疾病协议。对于那些有两个孩子的家庭来说,暑托班能带来很大的帮助。“两个孩子都在家的话,照顾起来就更难一些了,这样的话(一个孩子)在学校里,我们在家里照顾一个孩子的话,还是相对来说要轻松很多。”Jiading district plans to open two summer camps, one in July and another August. The fee is 600 yuan for per student. A total of 30 schools will provide the required space. Parents can look for available⑤ summer camps on the Suishenban(随申办)app and apply for an electronic student card after having successfully enrolled⑥ in a camp.嘉定区计划开设两期暑托班,7月和8月各一期,每期各3周,费用为每期每人600元。共有30所学校为爱心暑托班提供场地。爱心暑托班将接入“一网通办”,家长可通过“随申办”登陆暑托班平台,查询相关信息。报名成功,待工作人员录入信息后,孩子就可在线申领电子学员证。①registration n. 登记②crowd v. 拥挤、挤满③capacity n. 容量④protocol n. 协议⑤available a. 可用的或可得到的⑥enroll v. 登记⑦resume v. 重新开始、恢复⑧suspension n. 暂停、中止3. China urges the U.S. not to politicize vaccine assistance外交部回应美国向台湾捐赠新冠疫苗:不要借疫苗援助搞政治操弄China urged① the U.S. not to engage in political manipulation② or to interfere③ with China’s domestic affairs④ in the name of coronavirus vaccine assistance to China’s Taiwan. The response came after the U.S. sent 2.5 million doses of Moderna vaccine to Taiwan yesterday.美国昨日向台湾捐赠250万剂莫德纳疫苗。中方敦促美方不要借疫苗援助搞政治操弄,干涉中国内政。Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson⑤ Zhao Lijian said that Taiwan’s Democratic Progressive Party is lying when they say the mainland is obstructing⑥ its procurement⑦ of vaccines, and the DPP⑧ authority continued with this political manipulation without concern for people’s lives and health on the island, which is anti-humanitarian⑨. 中国外交部发言人赵立坚表示,民进党当局百般阻挠大陆疫苗入台,甚至谎称大陆阻碍其采购疫苗。民进党当局为了自己的政治私利,持续在抗议合作上大搞政治操弄,这是对台湾同胞生命健康的漠视,有违基本的人道主义精神。①urge v. 敦促②manipulation n. 操纵、控制③interfere v. 干预④affair n. 事务⑤spokesperson n. 发言人⑥obstruct v. 阻止、妨碍⑦procurement n. 获得⑧DPP 民进党⑨anti-humanitarian 反人道主义
6/22/20212 minutes, 57 seconds
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Summer Solstice 夏至已至

Like!中国节 夏至大家好!今天是夏至!In the 7th century B.C., Chinese measured the shadow of the Sun with a template called 土圭. They used it to determine the day with the shortest shadow, which became the summer solstice, the day with the longest period of sunlight in the northern hemisphere. An old Chinese saying goes: 冬至饺子夏至面. It’s a tradition to eat noodles on this day, as around the time of 夏至 is when wheat ripens. China is famous for its variety of noodles like Sichuan’s dandanmian, Wuhan’s hot-dry noodles, Beijing’s noodle with fried soybean paste, Shanxi’s knife-cut noodles and Lanzhou’s hand-pulled noodles.You can eat waxberries and lychees during 夏至 as they are now in season. And it’s said that lychees were Yang Guifei’s favorite fruit. In order to please her, the emperor had fresh lychees, which were grown thousands of kilometers from the capital, delivered by the imperial courier's fast horses. The riders would take shifts day and night in a Pony Express-like manner, to reach the palace as quickly as possible. Both waxberries and lychees expire quickly, so don’t miss out on these fruits while they are still available.夏至已至,愿一切美好如夏而至。夏至快乐!
6/21/20211 minute, 24 seconds
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06/18 TOP OF THE DAY 神舟天和成功对接/上海航天人保驾护航/来路不明APP可能是诈骗!

NEWS ON 6/181. BLAST OFF! SHENZHOU-12DOCKS WITH TIANHE稳稳握手!神舟十二号与天和核心舱成功对接2. SHANGHAISCIENTISTS CONTRIBUTE TO SHENZHOU-12 MISSION神舟十二号背后的“上海力量”为发射任务保驾护航3. SHANGHAI POLICECONTINUE THE CRACK DOWN ON CYBER FRAUD不听!不信!不扫码!不下载!公安提醒谨防网络诈骗--------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦------------1.BLAST OFF! SHENZHOU-12DOCKS WITH TIANHEShenzhou-12 waslaunched into space with three astronauts aboard at 9:22am from the JiuquanSatellite Launch Center in northwestern China. Song Wenjing has more.北京时间2021年6月17日9时22分,神舟十二号载人飞船在酒泉卫星发射中心成功发射。About 573 seconds after liftoff【发射;升空】, Shenzhou-12 separated from the Long March-2Fcarrier rocket and entered its planned orbit. The ship’s solar panels unfoldedand started functioning normally. Astronauts Nie Haisheng, Liu Boming and TangHongbo are fine.北京时间2021年6月17日9时22分,搭载神舟十二号载人飞船的长征二号F遥十二运载火箭,在酒泉卫星发射中心点火发射。此后,神舟十二号载人飞船与火箭成功分离,进入预定轨道,顺利将聂海胜、刘伯明、汤洪波3名航天员送入太空,飞行乘组状态良好,发射取得圆满成功。SPEAKER:Zhang Zhifen,Director of Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center张志芬中国酒泉卫星发射中心主任The Shenzhou-12 mannedspacecraft launch mission is a success.我宣布,神舟十二号发射任务取得圆满成功。At 3:54 pm, Shenzhou-12docked with Tianhe, the core module of the country’s space station. The cargospacecraft Tianzhou-2 had docked with Tianhe on a previous mission. The launchand docking process took approximately 6.5 hours. Scientists installed alocking device on Shenzhou-12 so that it would remain docked with Tianhe.北京时间2021年6月17日15时54分,神舟十二号与中国空间站天和核心舱成功对接,与此前已对接的天舟二号货运飞船一起构成三舱(船)组合体,整个交会对接过程历时约6.5小时。神舟十二号配置了捕获锁系统,确保与天和核心舱保持对接。INTERVIEWEE:Yao Jian,Director of Designers, Docking System of Shenzhou-12姚建航天科技集团八院载人飞船对接机构分系统主任设计师The spacecraft has anactive docking device. The docking ring has three locks that will stretch out.There are three matching devices on the passive docking structure. They willwork like door locks. When the two spacecraft meet, the locks will be activatedon the docking ring. Then the two parts are locked together.装在载人飞船上的叫主动对接机构,对接环主动伸出去,然后在主动对接机构上配套的有三把捕获锁,在被动对接机构上配套有三个卡板器。这个就像咱们的门栓和门锁一样,两个飞行器对接环接触上之后,捕获锁就把两套对接机构锁住了。The three astronautsentered the Tianhe core module at 6:48 pm and will stay in space for aboutthree months. They will begin assembling the space station, go on spacewalksand perform maintenance tasks on the space station.组合体飞行期间,3名航天员将进驻天和核心舱,完成为期3个月的在轨驻留,开展机械臂操作、太空出舱等活动,验证航天员长期在轨驻留、再生生保等一系列关键技术。2.SHANGHAI SCIENTISTS CONTRIBUTE TOSHENZHOU-12 MISSIONScientists from theShanghai Academy of Spaceflight Technology have worked for more than threemonths, contributing to the launch of Shenzhou-12. They helped develop thedocking system, as well as power and communications subsystems. Song Wenjinghas more.上海航天技术研究院的科研工作者们奋战三个多月,为飞船的成功发射保驾护航。本次飞行任务中,从对接机构、飞船电源分系统,到测控通信子系统等,上海航天科研团队都进行了一系列的设计优化。Since the Shenzhouseries of missions began, spacecraft have docked to Tianhe a total of 10 times,including 5 times with astronauts aboard. The Shenzhou-12 spacecraft weighs 8tons and is docking with the 30-ton Tianhe. Shanghai scientists installed controllabledampers to ensure the two connect without damaging one another.神舟载人飞船自执行任务以来,已顺利开展10次对接动作,其中包括5次载人对接。而此次神舟十二号载人飞行任务中,八吨的神舟载人飞船要与三十多吨的天和核心舱组合体进行对接。上海航天对接机构研制团队提出首次在载人飞船对接机构上安装可控阻尼器,确保对接不对舱体造成损伤。INTERVIEWEE:Yang Huaxing,Designer of Manned Spacecraft System杨华星中国航天科技集团八院载人航天工程载人飞船分总体主任设计师With the controllabledamper, the Shenzhou-12 will dock smoothly with Tianhe, it won’t be likecrashing into a wall.有了可控阻尼之后,我们对接机构在小吨位对大吨位的时候,它就不会出现比如说撞上去很硬的一种感觉,而是一个会有缓冲的过程。According to themission, the three astronauts will stay in space for three months. Scientistssay the space station will have an adequate supply of power.按照任务计划,此次航天员将在太空之家驻留三个月。科研人员表示,空间站能够提供可靠的能源供给。INTERVIEWEE:Zhong Danhua,Designer Designer of Manned Spacecraft System钟丹华中国航天科技集团八院载人航天工程神舟飞船电源分系统主任设计师The space station will generate 950 to 1,400 wattsof electricity.目前是两种对接方式。镜像对接可以提供1400瓦的对接工况的发电能力,轴向工况可以提供950瓦的发电能力,电源分系统通过接收外面的供电,可以保证在全遮挡工况下能够持续地、正常地、安全地工作。For space-to-earthcommunications, the Shenzhou-12 has a new voice link channel. Previously,communications between spacecraft and the station had to be relayed【转发;转播】 through the control center on earth. Now astronauts will be tocommunicate with one another directly while in different parts of thespacecraft or on the space station.天地通讯方面,神舟十二号飞船增加了全新的空空话音链路通道,可以实现载人飞船与空间站之间的高质量双向通话。之前,通话需要通过地面的控制中心进行中转,而现在宇航员无需在各个舱之间穿梭,能够直接进行信息传递。3.SH POLICECONTINUE THE CRACK DOWN ON CYBER FRAUDNever downloaduncertified payment APPs! The Shanghai police are reminding residents to abide by【坚持;遵守】 this principle under any circumstances, as they have cracked down twogroups of suspects who defrauded【诈骗】people by conning them into downloading and usingpayment APPs. Lei Shuran has more.“不要下载来路不明的APP!”警方提示,在任何情况下,都必须谨记这条原则,小心诈骗。近日,上海警方连续破获了两个利用“暗雷”手段(诱骗被害人下载使用含有木马病毒的支付APP)实施诈骗的团伙。In March, cybersecurity officers in Shanghai located a group of suspects who posted escortservices on their social media accounts, mostly on WeChat moments. It turnedout that they were actually committing cyber fraud. Anyone who requests theservice has to set up an APP for payment. Victims were told they needed to setup the APP and check into a hotel room before services would be rendered. Theywere also instructed to pay first on the APP which would hold the funds behindpassword encryption【加密】 until after the service is delivered.今年三月,上海网安总队民警发现了一个在社交媒体平台(大多为微信朋友圈)中发布“三陪”信息的嫌疑人团伙。通过侦察,民警发现这个团伙正在进行网络诈骗,一旦有人前来咨询服务,就会要求他们安装APP进行支付。犯罪分子要求受害人安装好软件后先去旅馆开房,然后让他们准备好支付口令红包,并告诉他们只要不透露密码,红包就不会被领取,等到服务完成后,再当面进行交出口令。INTERVIEWEE:Zhang Lin,Cyber Security Officer, Shanghai Public Security Bereau张琳上海市公安局网安总队三支队中队长Most victims let theirguard down after learning the payment is made after the service is provided,even though they had already wired【给…电汇】 the money.这种犯罪是以表诚意付定金的形式,所以往往被害人这时候是放松警惕的。As a matter of fact,the APP intercepts【拦截】 the passcode once the payment is made, victimsended up waiting in hotels room without knowing their money had already beentransferred. In addition, the APP also hacks into a victim’s phone contacts.Suspects pressured victims into not calling the police, by threatening tonotify their contacts about their attempt to hire escorts.实际上,由于已经安装了这个来路不明的APP,受害者在发好口令红包的同时,口令就会被截取,犯罪团伙直接领走了红包内的钱款,开了房的受害者就此人财两空,而且由于通讯录泄露,往往还会被要挟而不敢报警。INTERVIEWEE:Su, Suspect苏某犯罪嫌疑人There was never such anescort service for any of those victims. We just tricked them into paying.领掉红包之后其实是没有这个服务的,他们就被骗了。Also in April, anothergroup of 9 suspects were caught in Shanghai, Heilongjiang and Guangdong. Theywere found to have committed cyber fraud with similar means involving over 400thousand yuan. This group published download information of an on demandpornographic video APP. On the APP page, it reads, one yuan for one clip only.When victims make the payment, the APP changes the amount without prompting theuser. Victims only learned of this well after the payment is complete, when itis impossible to get the money back.4月15日,专案组在上海奉贤、黑龙江、广东等地同步收网,抓获9名以相似手法实施诈骗的犯罪嫌疑人,初步查证,涉案金额40多万元。这套暗雷代码被制作成一款色情视频点播APP。被害人安装后,页面显示,仅需1-2元就能点播视频。然而这个支付界面也是伪造的,实际发送给支付平台的支付金额往往在几百至千元不等,被害人只有在支付成功之后才能看见真实的支付信息,但此时钱款已经无法追回。INTERVIEWEE:Zhang Lin,Cyber Security Officer, Shanghai Public Security Bereau张琳上海市公安局网安总队三支队中队长Victims see a fakepage. The APP intercepts users’ payment password. Then the system changes theamount into 999 or 1,000 yuan. Before the payment is complete, victims have noidea how much they paid.这个页面是虚假的,等于他获得了你的密码,你的支付请求也在他的代码里,1块他改成了999元或者1000块,无法察觉到你是损失了多少钱的。Some fraudsters arealso taking advantage of the user payment interception function to create otherAPPs to commit fraud on other much larger target groups, such as onlineshoppers. Police are reminding residents not to download APPs via weblinks, QRcodes or text messages that they do not recognize.基于暗雷代码,犯罪分子还开发出各类变种APP,目标诈骗范围有所扩大,如使用在线购物的消费者群体。警方提示,切记不能通过网页链接、二维码或短信下载来路不明的应用软件。#热词加油站liftoff【发射;升空】relay【转发;转播】abide by【坚持;遵守】defraud【诈骗】encryption【加密】wire【给…电汇】intercept【拦截】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
6/18/20215 minutes, 54 seconds
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06/16 TOP OF THE DAY 67名被困驴友获救/上海发数字人民币红包/外交部回应G7涉华公报

1.COLLEGE STUDENTS RESCUED FROM ZHEJIANG MOUNTAINS遭遇暴雨被困山区,67名驴友获救!2.SHANGHAI STARTS GETTING FRIENDLY WITH THE DIGITAL RENMINBI上海发放35万份数字红包,你中签了吗?3.CHINA REFUTES G7 STATEMENT ON HK & XINJIANG外交部回应G7公报涉华内容:对中方蓄意污蔑,坚决反对 --------------请记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------NEWS ON 6/15A group of Shanghai college students was rescued① from a mountainous② area during a sudden downpour on Sunday at the border of Ninghai and Tiantai in Zhejiang Province. Zhang Hong tells us more.一个由上海高校大学生组成的驴友团,上周日(13日)在浙江省宁海与天台交界的山区游玩时因暴雨被困,经全力搜救已全部脱险。The group comprised③ 65 students and 2 drivers. Five students were missing when the rescue team arrived around 6pm. After using drones and thermal imagery to locate the missing people, the students were found yesterday morning. They were given first-aid, and food. 驴友团共有67人,除两名旅行社司机外,其余人均来自上海不同高校。周日晚上6点多,当地消防救援人员到达现场。此时,大部分驴友已经撤下山,还有5名驴友失联。救援人员动用无人机,通过热成像确定了被困人员位置后,携带救援装备、食物补给、保暖物品等,深入山上开展搜寻。最终在昨天(14日)凌晨找到了全部被困人员,并成功转移到安全区域。Stranded StudentThere was a steep slope④. People ahead of us were able to make it up, but we weren’t because water was flowing down rapidly. So we were stranded⑤.有一个地方坡度很大,前面的人过去的时候水流还没上去。当我们过去的时候,水流非常大,过不去,就困在了小孤岛上。In Jinyun County of Zhejiang, 81 tourists from Shanghai were also stranded by a downpour. There were on an off-road trip.来自上海某越野车队的30多辆越野车,共计81名游客,在浙江省缙云县一处滩涂游玩时,也遭遇暴雨天气,导致人员被困。Li Fuchun, Stranded TouristThe rain became very heavy at around 3pm. The water was rising quickly, so we decided to call the police.大概三点钟之后,这个雨下得非常大,瞬间涨得很大,水位至少比原来涨了一米多。到这时我们就决定赶紧报警。The tourists were transferred to a safe place within several hours. The fire department⑥ reminded⑦ people to keep an eye on the weather during the plum rain season when traveling.经过数小时救援后,81名上海游客被成功转移到安全地带。消防部门提醒,当前正值梅雨季节,广大游客要增强避险意识,密切注意天气变化引发的各类风险。①rescue v. 营救、救援②mountainous a. 多山的③comprise v. 包含、由...组成④slope n. 斜坡⑤strand v. 使搁浅、使陷于困境⑥department n. 部门、系⑦remind v. 使想起、提醒SHANGHAI STARTS GETTING FRIENDLY WITH THE DIGITAL RENMINBIShanghai is taking part in a new and more extensive① test of the central bank’s digital Renminbi in both online and offline settings. From restaurants to shopping malls and Metro stations, local residents are getting another chance to start getting used to the new payment method being put through its paces by the People’s Bank of China. Ying Junyi has more.随着央行不断推进数字人民币试点,上海也结合线上线下展开了新一轮更加广泛的数字人民币试点工作。在上海各个角落,从餐馆到商场,再到地铁站,市民们正在不断尝试并适应这种新的支付方式。Six commercial② banks in the city gave away some money last week - digital money. They issued 350 thousand digital red packets, each containing 55 yuan, to a random group chosen from two million Shanghai residents who had submitted an application. The lucky ones will be able to use their red packets until their validity③ runs out at the end of the week. Hu Xiaowei is one.上周,上海六家商业银行在报名申领的两百万上海市民中,随机抽选出幸运儿发放了35万份数字人民币红包,每份红包价值55元,使用期限为本周五前。胡小伟(音译)就是其中之一。INTERVIEWEE:Hu Xiaowei, Red Packet WinnerMy friends shared the application link on a social platform, so I tried my luck and I won. It’s something very new, and I think many people are curious④ about it.我有看到大家朋友圈都在转发,所以也去试了一下,结果就抽到了。这还是比较新鲜的事情,大家都会想试一试,都会比较喜欢。More than 700 stores in Shanghai now accept digital Renminbi. Online service company Meituan has launched a special zone on its app that allows the digital currency⑤ to be used to order groceries⑥ and pay for shared bikes. Convenience store chain Lawson is also supporting the new payment method, saying it’s easier to use digital Renminbi than consumers thought it might be.目前,上海有超过700家门店接受数字人民币支付。比如在美团app的一个新板块上,消费者就可以在买食品杂货时,或租借共享单车时用数字人民币支付。罗森连锁便利店也表示,使用数字人民币支付其实比消费者想象中的要更加方便。INTERVIEWEE:Cao Jiayi, SV// Lawson East Nanjing Road BranchWe have been using the digital Renminbi payment system since April 27, and it’s quite easy. You just open the app and make your payment.我们是4月27号开始上线的,只要打开app直接就可以支付,这样的话可能比较方便一点。Plenty of the lucky ones are showing up to see what it’s like to spend the digital red packets.很多中签的幸运市民都体验了一把数字人民币消费。Red Packet WinnerI had applied for the event, and the bank put the money directly into my phone.我去报名了55购物节的抽红包,然后银行直接就把红包发到我手机上了。Red Packet WinnerI got the text message saying I had won the money, and I’m going to use it now.我收到了发布红包的信息,说我抽中了,我准备用用看。The experts say the digital Renminbi payments will work just like other wallets on mobile phones, but will have stronger security⑦ because of its use of blockchain⑧ technology.专家表示,数字人民币支付和其他类型的手机支付方式用起来感觉差不多,但数字人民币使用了区块链技术,因此安全性更强。INTERVIEWEE:Yan Haizhou, Professor, School of Finance// SH University of Int’l Business and EconomicsUsing digital Renminbi is quite similar to using other online payments, while their payment frameworks are different. The digital Renminbi uses blockchain technology, so it’s traceable⑨. It’s much safer for customers and merchants.可能从消费者角度来讲,感受不大太大的使用区别。但是和以往的线上支付比,它的机制不一样。我们现在的数字人民币会采取区块链的技术,所以是可追溯的,这对于交易双方都更加安全。The People’s Bank of China told the Lujiazui Forum last week that it is working with banks to allow the digital currency to be used for a wider variety of purchases in the future.在上周的陆家嘴论坛上,央行相关负责人表示未来将继续与商业银行合作, 在更领域多的支付领域推广数字人民币。①extensive a. 大规模的②commercial a. 商业的、商务的③validity n. 效力、合法性④curious a. 好奇的⑤currency n. 货币、通货⑥groceries n. 食品、杂货⑦security n. 安全、保证⑧blockchain 区块链⑨traceable a. 可追踪的CHINA REFUTES G7 STATEMENT ON HK & XINJIANGThe Chinese Foreign Ministry today urged the Group of Seven countries not to interfere① in China’s internal affairs after the bloc released a joint communique② mentioning China’s Hong Kong SAR and Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. Leaders of the G7 - Britain, the United States, Canada, Japan, Germany, France, and Italy plus the European Union issued the communique on Sunday after a three-day meeting. Zhang Yue has more.为期三天的七国集团(G7)外长会议在英国首都伦敦举行。会后,英国、美国、加拿大、日本、德国、法国、意大利及欧盟等与会各方在周日发表了公报,对涉港、涉疆问题都有所提及。对此,外交部表示涉港、涉疆问题,都是中国的内部事务。七国集团峰会公报提及涉华问题,干涉中国内政,中方对此坚决反对。Reiterating③ China’s determination to defend its national sovereignty④ and territorial integrity⑤, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian urged the G7 countries to stop interfering in China’s internal affairs.外交部发言人赵立坚强调,中国维护国家主权和领土完整的决心坚定不移,中方敦促七国集团立即停止干涉中国内政。Zhao Lijian, Spokesman of the Foreign Ministry赵立坚 外交部发言人It exposes⑥ the bad intention of the U.S. and a few other countries to artificially⑦ create confrontation and widen differences and contradictions. The days when global decisions were dictated by a small group of countries are long gone. Unity and cooperation among the entire international community are needed now more than ever, and all parties need to take concrete actions to defend multilateralism⑧ instead of shifting responsibilities and confusing⑨ the public.七国集团峰会公报提及涉华议题,就涉港、涉疆、台湾、涉海等问题对中方蓄意污蔑,干涉中国内政,暴露出美国等少数国家人为制造对立隔阂、扩大分歧矛盾的不良用心。我想强调世界多极化、国际关系民主化是不可抗拒的时代潮流,一国或一个国家集团号令天下的时代已经过去了。当前形势下,国际社会比以往时候更需要加强团结合作,践行真正的多边主义,而不应基于"小圈子"搞"集团政治"。美国病了,病得不轻,七国集团还是给美国把把脉,开药方吧。①interfere v. 干预、调停②communique n. 公报、官报③reiterate v. 反复地说、重申④sovereignty n. 国家主权⑤integrity n. 完整、完全⑥expose v. 使曝光、显示⑦artificially adv. 人为地⑧multilateralism n. 多边主义⑨confuse v. 使混乱、困惑
6/16/20214 minutes, 58 seconds
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06/15 TOP OF THE DAY 在沪歪果仁的端午这样过/世界献血者日/上影节如火如荼

NEWS ON 6/141. EXPATS TRAVERSE HISTORY & CULTURE ON A BIKE TOUR骑上心爱的自行车,在沪歪果仁的端午与“粽”不同2. HEALTHCARE WORKERS GIVE GIFT OF LIFE ON WORLD BLOOD DONOR DAY世界献血者日 张文宏医生与医务工作者端午献血呼吁大家“为爱举手”3.FILM FANS FLOCK TO CINEMAS OVER HOLIDAY WEEKEND上影节 共享光影盛宴 影迷:因为热爱,所以值得--------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦------------1. EXPATS TRAVERSE HISTORY & CULTURE ON A BIKE TOURA group of 17 expats【在海外旅居的人】 took a bike tour today, traversing【穿过】some of Shanghai’s history and experiencing the local culture and customs during the Dragon Boat Festival. Zhang Hong follows them on the tour.今天(14日),17位在沪工作、生活的外籍人士,一起骑行上海街头,阅读城市建筑,同时体验端午民俗。The tour started at the Shanghai Jewish Refugee Museum in Hongkou District, where expats learned about the life of Jewish Refugees who fled to Shanghai to escape the Nazi Persecution【迫害】 during World War II. They were impressed by the exhibits detailing the lives of the Jews in Shanghai at the time.参加活动的外国友人首站来到位于虹口的上海犹太难民纪念馆,了解“上海方舟”的来历和上海文化“海纳百川”的国际主义传统。馆内展陈详细描述了犹太难民在上海的生活图景,让他们深受感动。INTERVIEWEE:Michael Wunderlich, Vice DirectorGermany Hamburg Liaison Office China“I think there’s a very special fact here that even the entire world has refused to take these poor people, Shanghai still opens its door and welcomes them to come here and have a new life here.”“我认为这里有一个非常特别的事实,即使整个世界都拒绝接纳犹太难民,上海仍然敞开大门,欢迎他们来这里,在这里开始新的生活。”INTERVIEWEE:Ann Sophie de Meester, DirectorAcclime China“One thing that really struck me was that when Shanghai opened up to the Jews, Shanghai did not have an easy time. The Chinese were also suffering. But they still found their way to help other people.”“真正打动我的是,上海向犹太人敞开大门时,处境也很艰难。中国人也在受苦,但他们仍然设法帮助别人。”The group then took a30-minute ride, passing through the North Bund before finally reaching Si’hang Warehouse, site of a four-day battle between the Chinese soldiers and invading Japanese forces back in 1937. The battle-damaged wall of the warehouse is a testament【实际的证明】 to the bravery of the soldiers who died of defending【防守、保卫】the city.经过半小时的骑行,骑行队伍途径北外滩行至“四行仓库”抗战纪念馆。1937年,中国“八百壮士”在这里与侵华日军激战了四天。“四行仓库”布满炮弹孔的西墙见证了誓死保卫上海的英雄壮举。INTERVIEWEE:Ludvig Nilsson,Co-founderJade Invest Shanghai“I think it’s a very exciting and inspiring story. These guys faced such fierce opposition and kept fighting in such brave way. It’s really inspiring to everyone. I have heard of it before, but I haven’t seen this wall for a long time. It’s really good to come here and have a look.”“非常激动,非常激励。这些战士面对如此激烈的炮火,勇敢地坚守和战斗,对每个人都是一种激励。我以前听说过,但一直都没见过。来这里看看真是太好了。”After the visit, the group rode to Sinan Mansions near Xintiandi, which features a complex of early 20th century western-style garden residences. In the mansion【公馆】, they were taught how to make rice dumplings.随后,骑行队伍来到新天地附近的思南公馆,这里有成片建于20世纪初的花园洋房。在思南公馆里,外国友人学习了包粽子。INTERVIEWEE:Stephen Yas,DirectorBKL Architecture Shanghai“I was able to create a Zongzi that would like a triangle. It’s more functional than aesthetic. But I’m sure it will taste good.”“我能够包出三角形的粽子了,虽然样子不够好看。但我敢肯定,味道会很好。”INTERVIEWEE:Michael Luevano, Executive DirectorShanghai JussEvent Operation & Management Co.“It’s always interesting to learn new things and learn how to make Zongzi. It’s very humbling. Although it looks simple, it’s actually very difficult to do. So that was the first thing. Also, the bike tour was really amazing. It’s something I wouldn’t normally do. So it’s really a learning experience for me.”“学习新事物总是很有趣,比如说学习如何包粽子。虽然会有点受挫,因为尽管看起来很简单,但实际挺难的。这是第一点。还有,骑行之旅真的很棒,这是我通常不会做的事。所以这次对我来说有很多新的体验。”The tour ended at the Memorial of the First National Congress of the Communist Party of China, where the group learned how the party was founded by viewing historical relics,photographs and diagrams.骑行之旅最后一站是中共一大纪念馆, 通过文物实物、图片图表等了解中国共产党的诞生历程The city is home to about 215,000 expats, accounting for nearly a quarter of China’s total. That makes Shanghai’s expat community the largest on the mainland.目前在沪工作的外籍人士数量为21.5万,占全国的1/4左右。上海是中国大陆外籍人士最多的城市。2.HEALTHCARE WORKERS GIVE GIFT OF LIFE ON WORLD BLOOD DONOR DAYThirty-two Huashan Hospital employees donated blood today at the Shanghai Blood Center to mark World Blood Donor Day. Sun Siqi has more.6月14日是端午节,也是世界献血者日,上海市血液中心迎来了32名医务工作者。Dr. Zhang Wenhong,leader of the Shanghai COVID-19 treatment team and director of Huashan Hospital’s infectious disease department, also rolled up his sleeve to donate blood. He encouraged more people to do the same, especially young people.华山医院感染科主任、上海市新冠肺炎医疗救治专家组组长张文宏也来到血液中心,撸袖献血。张文宏表示,希望更多人能参与献血,特别是年轻人。25 volunteers donated28 units of blood, and 7 donated 8 units of blood platelets. Nearly one-thirdof them are under the age of 30.今天华山医院的献血志愿者中,25个人献了28人份全血,7人献了8人份单采血小板。有三分之一的献血志愿者,年龄在30岁以下。INTERVIEWEE:Ma Ensi, Doctorof Huashan Hospital of Fudan University马恩斯复旦大学附属华山医院外科医生“The donated amount only accounts for a small part of the blood in my body. It doesn’t harm us.”“献的血量只是我们人体很少的一部分,人体完全能够代偿恢复过来。”INTERVIEWEE:Mao Ying,Director of Huashan Hospital of Fudan University毛颖 复旦大学附属华山医院 院长“Whenever we are using donated blood, we think about the donor and how it saves lives. We want to help as many people as we can.”“我们每次用到血的时候,就知道这点血是拯救了一个人的生命的。我们希望能够为这样的事业也作出我们自己应有的贡献。”Last year, 473,900 units of blood were collected in Shanghai from 330,600 donations. There are13.6 blood donors per 1,000 people in the city, higher than the national average.2020年,上海共募集47.39万人份血液,33.06万人次参加无偿献血,每一千人中就有13.6名献血者,高于全国平均水平。Young people are the driving force behind blood donations in the city. About 75% of last year’s donors were between the ages of 18 and 30, according to the Shanghai Blood Center.年轻人是申城无偿献血的“主力军”。在去年的献血志愿者中,有四分之三年龄在18至30周岁之间。3.FILM FANS FLOCK TO CINEMAS OVER HOLIDAY WEEKENDAs the 24th Shanghai InternationalFilm Festival is currently taking place, hundreds of films are hitting screens across the city. Many movie fans took advantage of the Dragon Boat holiday weekend to see some shows. Lei Shuran has more.第二十四届上海国际电影节正在火热进行中,共有百余部电影排片,不少影迷也趁着端午假期参与电影节。The Shanghai Film ArtCenter in Changning district, which is the main venue of the annual event, was full of movie fans today. Some audience were even wearing customized【定制】 T-shirts for the festival.位于长宁区的上海影城是上影节主会场,今日迎来了一大批观众,一些影迷还穿着为电影节特别订制的T恤。INTERVIEWEE:Movie Fan 影迷“Some films at the festival are so popular and tickets are too hard to get, so I’m wearing this T-shirt with the characters "Ticket Wanted". This year I am going to watch 21 movies.”“上影节热门场的票很难买,所以穿了印着‘求票’的衣服。今年我打算看21部。”“I bought tickets from cinemas in different parts of Shanghai, including Changning and Xuhui. Sometimes I needto rush to another cinema after finishing a movie. It doesn’t bother me because I love movies.”“我买了不同影院的票,长宁的、徐汇的场次都有。有时候一场看完我得赶到另一家影院去,但是也不麻烦,因为热爱嘛。”Some out of town movie fans arrived at the cinema still carrying their suitcases.有不少外地影迷还带着旅行箱前来观影。INTERVIEWEE:Movie Fan 影迷“I came from Wuhan. It’san annual movie feast【盛会】, and I would feel bad if I missed it.”“我是从武汉来的。这是一年一度的电影盛会嘛,不来会很可惜。”“I made lots of friends through the event. Starting from buying tickets, we joined many online groups and knew each others.”“通过电影节我认识了很多朋友,从抢票开始我们就建了小群,也就慢慢了解了大家。”Most of the tickets have been sold out since the opening of the festival. But many movie fans were still searching for available seats.大多数影片在电影节开幕时就已经售罄,但仍有不少影迷在寻找仍未满座的场次。The main venue, the Shanghai Film Art Center, will have a total of 149 shows. About 20,000 people went to the center during the 3-day Dragon Boat Festival holiday.此次上海影城有多达149场电影排片,端午小长假吸引了近2万观影人次。INTERVIEWEE:Gu Yan,Shanghai Film CoSo far, 90 of the 149shows are sold out. From 9am until closing time at night, nearly all of the screenings in Hall No.1 today were full.到目前为止,149场排片中有90场已经售罄。从上午九点到晚上结束营业,第一放映厅的每场排片几乎都是满座。”This year’s film festival features more than 400 movies showing at 40 cinemas around the city.今年,上海国际电影节将在全市40家影院展映400多部影片。#热词加油站expat【在海外旅居的人】traverse【穿过】persecution【迫害】testament【实际的证明】defend【防守、保卫】mansion【公馆】customize【定制】feast【盛会】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
6/15/20216 minutes, 1 second
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Let's go dragon-boating! Happy Dragon Boat Festival!丨端午安康

大家好!今天是端午节!(端 beginning 五five 花字补充) It's one of four major Chinese festivals, along with the Spring Festival, the Qingming Festival, the Mid-autumn Festival.Duanwu is more commonly known as the Dragon Boat Festival, mainly due to the fast, fun and sometimes furious races. Follow the drumbeat to a village near Foshan, Guangdong Province, where skilled paddlers maneuver their dragon boasts along narrow waterways. More than just a showcase of athleticism and teamwork, the 2,500-year-long custom now has a fairly strong international following with many associations and clubs.Zongzi, the pyramid-shaped glutinous rice dumplings wrapped in reed leaves, are another symbol of Duanwu.Last but not least, great importance was attached to the festival as it also acted as “national hygiene awareness day” in ancient times. As insects and snakes were a nuisance in summer, people hung calamus and wormwood above their doorways挂艾草菖蒲, wore a herbal sachet香囊, drank realgar wine雄黄酒, and bathed in herbal water洗草药水. These TCM methods offered some protection against germs and diseases. People today still follow these traditions.五月五过端午,愿您端午安康。
6/14/20211 minute, 28 seconds
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"Lying Flat", More Than A Buzzword丨今天,你躺平了吗

"Tang Ping", or "Lying flat", has recently become a buzzword among young Chinese people. The stress and pressures of life have driven them to lose their desire to achieve anything substantial in life, in terms of a career or starting a family. Earlier I spoke with an Assistant Professor from NYU Shanghai, and learned more about the attitude.订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
6/12/20216 minutes, 2 seconds
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06/11 TOP OF THE DAY 疫苗接种进行时/华为鸿蒙OS2/拜登”解禁“抖音海外版与微信等

NEWS ON 6/101. FIRST VACCINEDOSES WILL NOT BE HALTED FROM TODAY网传“第一针疫苗停打”?假消息!社区预约接种仍在进行中2. HARMONYOS 2INSTALLED ON 10 MLN HUAWEI DEVICES7天突破千万用户华为鸿蒙OS2 你升级了吗?3. BIDENREVOKES TRUMP EXECUTIVE ORDERS TARGETING TIKTOK, WECHAT拜登签署行政令“解禁”抖音海外版、微信等八款应用软件--------------喜欢我们的小伙伴请记得点亮右下角的爱心哦------------1. FIRSTVACCINE DOSES WILL NOT BE HALTED FROM TODAYThe city’s Health Commission has refuted【驳斥】 the rumor thatfirst doses of coronavirus vaccines would be suspended【暂停】 from today.Authorities said most people who are interested in getting vaccinated havealready received their first dose, and future inoculation procedures will bemore flexible. Sun Siqi has more.对于近期网传“6月10日起上海不再打新冠疫苗第一针”的消息,市卫健委和市疾控部门今天明确回应,为不实信息。同时也指出,由于大多数适龄接种者已完成第一针灭活疫苗接种,目前,各区接种模式已从大规模集中接种,逐步转变为灵活机动的社区嵌入式接种。Medical workers and volunteers were super busyyesterday, putting shots in arms from 8am to 8pm at West Nanjing Rd CommunityHealth Center in Jing’an District. Despite the rumor the first doses were nolonger available, people were still able to make an appointment for their firstdose online today.昨晚7点,在上海南京西路街道社区卫生服务中心,疫苗接种工作仍在进行中,为满足更多市民的需求,医护人员及志愿者从早晨8点开始,将一直忙到晚上8点。接种新冠疫苗预约途径和接种流程依然没有变化,只要在 “随申办” 或 “健康云”APP的预约系统内完成预约。This morning in Xinzhuang Town, an old couple gottheir first dose right at the scene without making a reservation【预约】.今天上午,莘庄镇文化活动中心的接种点里,接种工作有序进行。这对老夫妇没有提前预约,现场只用了几分钟,就打好了第一针疫苗。INTERVIEWEE:Vaccine Recipient“I didn’t make an appointment and just came righthere. It didn’t take long to get the shot.”“不需要预约,直接过来,一会儿就打到了。”Minhang District says storage for both the firstand second shots of vaccine is secured. Starting from today, some communitiesin the city will require a community certificate to get a first dose. In sometowns in Jiading District, residents need to apply from the communities inwhich they live and bring their appointment code to get inoculation.闵行区表示,目前无论是第一针还是第二针,疫苗储备都很充足。今起,部分地区接种新冠疫苗第一剂需社区证明。在嘉定,今天部分街镇、社区发布通知,市民接种新冠疫苗第一针需要在居住地社区预约报名,然后再凭健康云上的预约码进行接种。 More than 30.24 million doses of coronavirusvaccines have been administered across the city as of yesterday, among which,over 12.56 million people have received both doses. A total of 59,892 doseshave been administered to expats【旅居海外的人】 living in Shanghai.至昨晚八点,全市已累计接种新冠疫苗3024.92万剂次,其中1256.39万人完成全程接种。在沪外籍人士累计接种59892剂。Authorities said as most of the willing to bevaccinated have received the first shot of the inactivated vaccine, theinoculation method in the city will be gradually transferred from a massinoculation to a more flexible community method. And more medical staff will beadded to continue serving at temporary inoculation sites including residentialareas, commercial areas and metro stations.相关部门表示,随着大多数适龄接种者已完成第一针灭活疫苗接种,上海各区的接种模式,从大规模集中接种,逐步转变为灵活机动的社区嵌入式接种。更多医务人员转战居民小区、商业中心、地铁站等临时接种点继续服务。2. HARMONYOS2 INSTALLED ON 10 MLN HUAWEI DEVICESThe rollout 【首次展示】 ofHuawei’s self-developed Harmony OS 2 operating system is being hailed as asuccess, with the company claiming 10 million users have upgraded to the new systemin just the seven days since its official launch.华为自主研发的鸿蒙操作系统首发后获赞无数。在正式发布后的短短7天内,已有一千万名用户升级到了新系统。As of yesterday morethan 10 thousand companies including Bank of China, CITIC Bank and ChinaGuangfa Bank have announced that they will work with Huawei, the company says,offering services related to the new operating system.华为表示,截止至6月9日,包括中国银行、中信银行和广发银行在内的1万多家企业已经宣布与华为合作,并提供新操作系统的相关服务。Earlier this month,Huawei said that by the end of the year at least 300 million devices will be runningon Harmony OS, of which 200 million will have been manufactured by Huaweiitself.本月初,华为表示至少有3亿台设备将于今年年底前使用华为鸿蒙操作系统,其中2亿台将由华为自主生产。3. BIDEN REVOKES TRUMP EXECUTIVE ORDERS TARGETINGTIKTOK, WECHATU.S. President Joe Biden yesterday revoked【撤销】 and replaced executiveorders targeting TikTok, WeChat and eight other software applications signed byformer President Donald Trump. Zhang Hong has more.昨日,美国总统乔·拜登撤销并替换了针对抖音海外版、微信和前总统唐纳德·特朗普签署的其他八款应用软件的行政命令。The White House said Biden revoked and replacedthree executive orders that aimed to prohibit transactions【交易】 with TikTok,WeChat and eight other communications and financial technology softwareapplications; two of them are subject to litigation【诉讼】. The new ordersigned by Biden yesterday, directs the U.S. Commerce Department to insteadevaluate software applications connected with "foreign adversaries【对手】" underrecent U.S. supply-chain security rules "and take action, asappropriate".白宫表示,拜登撤销并替换了三项行政命令,这些命令旨在禁止与海外版抖音、微信和其他八款通信和金融技术软件应用进行交易;其中,两家公司正面临诉讼。拜登昨日签署新命令,指示美国商务部根据最近的美国供应链安全规则,评估与“外国竞争对手”有关的软件应用程序,并“酌情采取行动”。The order also directed the Commerce Departmentto develop further options to protect sensitive personal data and address the"potential threat" from certain connected software applications.China's Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin today warned the UnitedStates again not to politicize economic and trade issues.该命令还指示商务部进一步制定方案,以保护个人敏感数据,并解决来自某些联网软件应用的“潜在威胁”。今日,中国外交部发言人王文斌再次警告美方不要将经贸问题政治化。SPEAKER:Wang Wenbin, Spokesperson of China’s ForeignMinistry汪文斌中国外交部发言人“China has always urged the United States totruly respect market economy principles and international economic and traderules, to stop abusing national power and unreasonably suppressing Chinesetechnology companies, and to treat Chinese companies in a fair, just, andnon-discriminatory manner. The Chinese government will continue to safeguardthe legitimate rights and interests of domestic companies.”“中方始终敦促美方切实尊重市场经济原则和国际经贸规则,停止滥用国家力量,停止无理打压中国科技企业的行径,公平、公正、非歧视性地对待中国企业,中国政府将继续坚定维护本国企业的正当合法权益。”Citing national security concerns, Trump hadsought to block new users from downloading TikTok and WeChat in the UnitedStates, but his orders were blocked【阻碍】 in U.S. federal district courts and never tookeffect.特朗普曾以国家安全隐患为由,试图阻止美国的新用户下载海外版抖音和微信,然而由于受到美国联邦地区法院屏蔽,这一命令从未生效。#热词加油站refute【驳斥】suspend【暂停】reservation【预约】expat【旅居海外的人】rollout 【首次展示】revoke【撤销】transaction【交易】litigation【诉讼】adversary【对手】block【阻碍】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
6/11/20214 minutes, 34 seconds
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06/10 TOP OF THE DAY 大雨将至!魔都入梅/ 东航真实版生死时速/马克龙遭掌掴

NEWS ON 06/091. PLUM RAIN SEASON BEGINS      雨雨雨雨雨,上海正式入梅2. FLIGHT DELAYED SO DONATED ORGAN COULD BE DELIVERED      关乎生死的11分钟!保障特殊“乘客”,东航火力全开!3. FRENCH PRESIDENT MACRON SLAPPED IN FACE DURING SMALL TOWN VISIT      法国总统马克龙遭民众掌掴,连任道路不易?-----------------请记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------PLUM RAIN SEASON BEGINSShanghai will officially enter its plum rain season tomorrow(6/10) -- and the first rain will be a heavy downpour, with thunder and strong winds. The city has already started reinforcing 12 kilometers of flood levees that line the Huangpu River and Suzhou Creek.据上海中心气象台预报,明天上海就要入梅了,而首场梅雨就将达到大到暴雨程度,并伴有电闪雷鸣和大风。为确保梅雨季防汛安全,目前上海正在加快推进12公里黄浦江、苏州河防汛墙薄弱岸段维修加固工程。Though cool, the humid weather today is prelude to this year’s plum rain season. -- Get your galoshes, umbrellas and raincoats ready for the next few weeks.今天申城虽然气温并不算高,但湿度较高,体感闷热,已是入梅的前奏。准备好你的雨鞋、雨伞和雨衣,迎接未来几周的梅雨。Wang Ping, Chief ForecasterShanghai Meteorological ServiceWe’ll see the heaviest precipitation on Thursday and Sunday, with temperatures hovering between 26 and 30 degrees.本周内降水较强的时段是在周四和星期天,周内最高气温26-30度。Meteorologists are calling for slightly more rain than usual. The reinforcement of the flood levees along Huangpu River and Suzhou Creek is progressing. At a small creek in Baoshan District that feeds into the Huangpu River, workers are wrapping up 4 kilometers of fortified levees – the new two-tier levee is 6.8 meters high.气象专家表示,今年梅雨量与常年相当或略多。为加强防汛安全,黄浦江、苏州河防汛墙薄弱岸段正在加紧维修加固。在黄浦江支流蕰藻浜庙行段和顾村段,4公里多的防汛墙修缮工程已进入收尾阶段。新建防汛墙高达6.8米,并特意建设两级防汛墙。Cai Yi, DirectorBaoshan Levee and Sluice Gate AdministrationThere’re many ships traveling in Yunzaobang Creek – with the two-tier structure, the vessels won’t collide with the main levee and damage it.主要是蕰藻浜船比较多,两级防汛墙比较安全,主防汛墙在后面,船只碰不到。Sha Zhiyin, InspectorShanghai Flood Prevention HeadquartersSome sections of the city’s levees have fallen into disrepair, some having aging structure. We’re reinforcing them based on optimized priority levels.有些堤防还有些薄弱段,有些结构相对比较老化,年代比较久远。我们根据轻重缓急,逐步逐步把我们防汛墙建得更加牢固、更加安全、更加稳定。Work on the levee at Zhangjiabang Creek in Pudong also wrapped up today. Shanghai has been handling close to 40 kilometers of levee projects between 2019 and this year. 13 projects are already complete, four are ongoing, and another eight about to commence.浦东浦明路桥下,黄浦江支流张家浜的一段危旧防汛墙也进行了重建,今天全部竣工。为切实提高防汛安全,2019至2021年度,上海堤防专项维修工程列有25项,总计39.6公里,其中13项已全部完成,4项正在建设过程中,8项将于今年汛后开工。FLIGHT DELAYED SO DONATED ORGAN COULD BE DELIVEREDA flight from Kunming to Shanghai was delayed on Monday to wait for a doctor carrying a donated liver. The organ was donated to a 2-year-old in Shanghai. Zhang Hong has the story. 为了让携带者捐献肝脏的医生能够顺利登机,在本周一,一架从昆明飞往上海的东方航空航班延迟起飞。而这份捐献器官关乎着远在上海的,一位年仅两岁小病患的生命健康。NAT WITH SUBTITLESHello. This is the check-in counter. - Transporting an organ. Roger.【实况 4228 你好,两舱值机,好的,人体器官保障,收到】At around 2pm, a China Eastern Airlines employee in Kunming received a phone call and was told that a doctor was taking Flight 5220 to deliver a donated liver. But the flight was just about to depart.下午两点多,东航在昆明机场的工作人员接到电话,一位携带人体捐献肝脏的医生要搭乘5220航班前往上海。此时已经临近航班起飞时间。NAT WITH SUBTITLESMr. Zhu, have you arrived at the airport?- When you get out of the car, I’ll be waiting for you at gate H10.【打电话实况 3404 哎,朱先生,你们到了吗?那您下车,我在H10这里等着您】Dr. Zhu was late because the operation to harvest the liver took longer than expected. The next flight was 3 to 4 hours later, which could have potentially caused damage to the organ. The airline delayed the flight for him.由于获取捐献肝脏的手术时间延长,导致朱医生无法按照预定时间赶到机场。如果换乘后续航班,需要再等上三四个小时,器官保存的潜在风险更大。本着"生命至上"的原则,航空公司决定尽全力保障。NAT WITH SUBTITLESAre you taking Flight 5220?Let’s go.【实况 3500 是不是5220?走走走,给我】Dr. Zhu and his companion were led to the boarding gate after checking-in quickly.以最快的速度办好登机手续后,工作人员带着两位乘客在出发大厅一路飞奔。NAT WITH SUBTITLESWe’ve just got on the cart.- Excuse me.【实况 3753 刚刚上电瓶车,请让一下】At the same time, cabin crew had prepared their boarding.与此同时,机舱里,机组和乘务组也做好了准备。PHONE INTERVIEWMU5220乘务长 毛袁珍“他一上来,我们就和地面做好交接,就保障这个航班运行的关门了。”As soon as the doctor boarded the plane, we contacted ground staff and closed the cabin door.  NAT WITH SUBTITLESWe’ll close the door now.【实况 4146 好,关门了】Although the cabin door was closed 11 minutes later, the flight arrived at Pudong International Airport before its scheduled arrival time. The National Health Commission said that it takes about one hour less on average to deliver a donated organ since a fast-track channel was established in 2016.虽然航班最终延迟了11分钟起飞,但是到达浦东国际机场的时间却比原计划更早。国家卫健委表示,中国自2016年开通人体捐献器官转运绿色通道以来,器官转运时间平均缩短约1小时左右。FRENCH PRESIDENT MACRON SLAPPED IN FACE DURING SMALL TOWN VISITFrench President Emmanuel Macron was slapped in the face by a man yesterday during his visit to a small town in southeast France. Two men involved have been arrested following the incident. Sun Siqi has the details.昨天,法国总统马克龙前往法国东南部视察期间,遭一名男子掌掴。安保人员很快控制了现场的局势,两名涉事者被逮捕。The video footage showed Macron walking up to the barriers to greet the public. The man, while gripping Macron’s arm, slapped the president right across the face. Security guards quickly intervened, tackling the man and pulling the president away. The man who slapped Macron and another man who filmed the video were detained. Both of them live in the region. Macron described the incident as an "isolated act".视频画面显示,当时马克龙正走到围栏边,想与民众互动。一名长发男子左手拉住马克龙右手猛抽他的脸颊。现场安保人员一拥而上,将男子摁倒在地,并将马克龙带离。警方随后 将掌掴 马克龙的男子,和现场另一名进行拍摄的男子逮捕,初步调查显示,两人都是德龙省本地人。马克龙表示,这是一起“孤立事件”。Emmanuel Macron,French President马克龙 法国总统“Some people express anger, sometimes disarray ... that’s legitimate anger, and we will continue to respond. But stupidity and violence, no, not in democracy.”对于合理的愤怒,我们会做出回应, 但是愚蠢和暴力,那是不可接受的。Macron later continued his visit, saying the incident won’t stop him from greeting the public. Speaking at the National Assembly, French Prime Minister Jean Castex said the incident was an affront to democracy.马克龙当天继续行程,并表示,此次意外并不能阻止他在访问期间继续和民众会面。事件发生后,法国总理卡斯泰在国会发表讲话,表示这一事件是对民主的侮辱。Jean Castex, French Prime Minister卡斯泰 法国总理There can be expressions of legitimate disagreements, but never violence, verbal or even physical aggression. I call for everyone to keep a clear mind.我们可以合法地表达反对意见, 但不允许使用暴力、辱骂,或者人身伤害。我呼吁所有人保持清醒。French politicians including former President Francois Hollande were quick to condemn the attack. Macron’s approval rating in public has been plummeting, especially after the Yellow Vests movement in 2018 and his failure on pension reform in 2019. Macron’s six-week political tour aims to meet with the public as France’s presidential election less than a year away. 法国前总统奥朗德、议员梅朗雄、玛丽娜·勒庞等政坛名人当天也纷纷发声,谴责暴力行为。马克龙的支持率步步走低,特别是在2018年的"黄背心"运动,以及2019年强推养老金改革失败之后。有分析认为,马克龙此次为期6周的全国视察正是为明年4月的大选“探路”。订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
6/10/20214 minutes, 50 seconds
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06/09 TOP OF THE DAY 三星堆在魔都/云南大象再出发/贝索斯要上天

NEWS ON 6/81.     EXHIBITION OF 5,000-YEAR-OLD RELICS OPENS AT FENGXIAN MUSEUM三星堆“在逃”文物惊现魔都!快来看啊~2.     ELEPHANT HERD ON THE MOVE AGAIN睡饱饱的象宝宝跟着爸爸妈妈又出发啦!3.AMAZON CEO ANNOUNCES HE WILL GO INTO ORBIT贝索斯要上天,你怎么看?-----------------请记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1. EXHIBITION OF 5,000-YEAR-OLD RELICS OPENS AT FENGXIAN MUSEUMAn exhibition of state-level relics① from Sanxingdui Museum and Jinsha Site Museum in Sichuan Province opened at Fengxian Museum today in Shanghai. The exhibition offers a glimpse of what ancient life was like in Sichuan.“古蜀之光”三星堆·金沙遗址出土文物大展,今天在奉贤博物馆开幕,展品囊括了来自四川广汉三星堆博物馆及成都金沙遗址博物馆的众多国宝级文物。A selection② of 137 artifacts③ including bronzeware, gold vessels④ and porcelain⑤ date back about 5,000 years. Bronze mask replicas⑥ with protruding eyes, plus a bronze statue of a man and golden sun bird are also displayed. Museum guides provide plenty of information about the major pieces.本次展出的文物共有137件,囊括青铜器、金器、玉石器、陶器等,再现古蜀文明5000年的前世今生。纵目面具、铜立人像和太阳神鸟金饰这三件是复制品。现场还有讲解人员对重点展品进行详细介绍。Interviewee:Li Mingbin, Curator,Shanghai University MuseumThese artifacts may look weird⑦ to us, but they are also very charming. When looking at them, you may wonder how they were made and what messages they delivered⑧.造型用我们的网络语言来说是奇奇怪怪的,但是它们也是非常可可爱爱的,(让观众思考)它本身是什么,它是怎么做成的,我们应该怎样去理解。Two visitors said they were impressed with what they saw.两位游客感叹古蜀文明太震撼。Interviewee:VisitorRelics like Ding that were unearthed⑨ in the central plains⑩ of China are quite different compared to the exhibits at Shanghai Museum.和我们平时比如说在上海博物馆看到的,比较体现中原特色的(展品),比如说鼎是很不一样的。VisitorIt’s great to have these fantastic artifacts displayed in Shanghai and the Yangtze River Delta Region.重量级的文物能够来我们上海,来到长三角,我觉得这个很好。The exhibition will run through the end of August. Visitors can book a free tour by searching “Fengxian Museum" on the Alipay app.本次展览将一直持续至8月底,可以通过支付宝搜索“奉贤区博物馆”预约免费参观。2. ELEPHANT HERD ON THE MOVE AGAINA herd of 15 wild elephants started marching① west from Kunming City this morning after resting in a forest yesterday. 经历短暂休整之后,今晨,由15头野象组成的象群再次启程, 离开昆明向西行进。The elephant herd left Xiyang Village in Jinning District of Kunming City this morning, and eventually reached Yimen County in Yuxi City. Local authorities were working to ensure the safety of both people and the elephants.Interviewee:Chen Fei, National Forestry & Grassland Admin.陈飞 国家林业和草原局亚洲象研究中心主任“Once we notice the herd is moving quickly toward a village, we enact② an emergency plan and evacuate③ it quickly. We are also using food to guide the elephants away from urban areas. ”一旦它产生快速的移动,我们马上就采取相应的措施。如果说向村庄靠近,我们也会采取阻拦及食物引诱的方式。Drone④ footage⑤ showed the pachyderms⑥ had stopped and rested in a suburban area of Kunming City yesterday.无人机在监测过程中,还拍到了昨天野象群在昆明郊外,集体卧倒睡觉觉的温馨画面。Interviewee:Chen Shengyao, Yunnan Forest Fire & Rescue Force陈胜瑶 云南省森林消防总队野象监测团队“At around 7am yesterday, the herd was seen sleeping. We have monitored⑦ them for 12 days and this is the first time we observed them sleeping as a group. Previously, only three or four would sleep at a time, while the others stood nearby. The drone is about 350 meters above ground to avoid disturbing⑧ them. ” 早上七点钟左右 发现象群陆续慢慢躺下睡觉 因为我们监测了12天了,第一次发现这个象群集体睡觉,因为之前监测它在睡觉的时候 基本都是三四头睡,然后有三四头在旁边站着,它每次睡觉的时候我们都是要把无人机调到最高的高度,就是距离它高度是350米左右,就是为了不打扰他们睡觉。One male elephant left the herd and was found in a forest about 4 kilometers from the others. Experts said it will likely return to the group.而前两天离群的一头公象也已经被发现,它在位于象群东偏北方向约四公里的山林中。专家表示,它应该不久就会与大部队会合。①march v.前进、进军②enact v. 制定、采取(措施)③evacuate v. 疏散、撤退④drone n. 嗡嗡声、无人机⑤footage n. 连续镜头⑥pachyderm n. 厚皮动物、象⑦monitor v. 监视⑧disturb v. 打扰3.AMAZON CEO ANNOUNCES HE WILL GO INTO ORBITAmazon founder Jeff Bezos announced yesterday that he and his brother will fly into space next month on the first crewed flight of Blue Origin's New Crew Shepard rocket.亚马逊公司创始人、美国亿万富豪贝索斯昨天宣布,他将乘坐旗下太空公司"蓝色起源"研发的飞船,于下月20号飞往太空。Bezos' rocket company is targeting July 20 for its first suborbital sightseeing trip on its spacecraft, a landmark moment in a competition to usher in a new era of private commercial space travel. The trip will last a total of 10 minutes, four of which passengers will spend above the Karman line that marks the boundary between Earth's atmosphere and space. The company is auctioning off the third spot, the highest bid is currently 2.8 million dollars. Bezos is stepping down as Amazon's CEO to spend more time on his space company. He will leave Amazon on July 5th, just 15 days before the launch.贝索斯的火箭公司计划于7月20日进行首次亚轨道观光旅行,这在开创私人商业太空旅行新时代的竞赛中是一个里程碑式的时刻。这次旅行总共将持续10分钟,其中有4分钟的时间,乘客们将置身于地球大气层和太空的边界(海拔100 km)——卡门线之外。该公司正在拍卖第三个席位,目前最高的出价是280万美元。贝佐斯即将辞去亚马逊首席执行官一职,进而将更多的时间投入他的太空公司。他将于火箭发射前15天,也就是7月5日离开亚马逊。订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
6/9/20213 minutes, 36 seconds
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06/08 TOP OF THE DAY 高考首日/上海电视节拉开帷幕/31国大使到访上海

NEWSON 6/71. PARENTS, TEACHERS CHEER ON GAOKAO TEST TAKERS高考首日,“红红火火”赴考场!祝心想事成,金榜题名!2.SHANGHAI TV FESTIVAL AIMS TO SHOW A REAL CHINA TO THE WORLD家门口也能参加电视节啦!惠民露天放映等你来3. AMBASSADORS IN AWE OVER PACE OF GROWTH IN SHANGHAI31国驻华使节到访上海 纷纷点赞中国发展1. PARENTS, TEACHERS CHEER ON GAOKAO TEST TAKERSAround 50,000 students in Shanghai sat the firstday of the national college entrance exam【入学考试】at 104 test sites around the city. Parents and teachers were there cheering on【加油】 the students. Zhang Hong has the story.6月7日,2021年秋季高考正式开考。上海全市共设104个常规考点,共有近5万名考生参加考试。家长老师齐上阵为考生加油打气。At Datong High School, many students arrived with their parents over one hour before the exam started. Some were accompanied by several relatives【亲戚】. 早上八点不到,大同中学考点已经有许多考生提前到达,送考的队伍里,不少都是全家出动。INTERVIEWEE:Mother of a Test Taker 考生家长Four of us came. My son is taking the test. This is his grandma, aunt, and sister. I wish every student a good score.“我们四个人一起来。我是考生的妈妈,这是奶奶、姑妈和姐姐。希望每一位考生都能取得好成绩。”One mother of a student taking the exam was dressed in red and standing outside the site. She believes red clothing brings good luck. 一位考生的妈妈身着红衣送考,寓意“开门红”。Although Shanghai has no locally transmitted COVID-19cases, test takers were still required to show their ID card, admission card forGaokao, and a form with their daily temperature taken in the past 14 days. 上海无新增本地病例,但是防疫要求同样严格。考生除了携带身份证、准考证外,还要交一张承诺书,记录过去14天的体温。Teachers also lined up along the gate, hugging or shaking hands with their students.教师助力团也在进场处一字排开,与考生们一一握手、拥抱。INTERVIEWEE:Xiong Meiling, Chinese Teacher, Nanyang ModelHigh School熊梅玲南洋模范中学语文教师The gaokao is an important event in a student’slife. But I want students to see it as nothing more than a life experience."在漫长的人生路上,高考是重要的一站,但我希望孩子们能放轻松,把这只是当作一次人生经历。"At 9am, the Chinese test started. This year’s essay prompt for test takers in Shanghai is the relationship between time and the value of things.上午九点,语文科目开考。今年的上海高考语文作文让考生思考“时间的沉淀与事物的价值”。INTERVIEWEE:Test Taker 考生It requires critical thinking【批判思维】. I wrote that time isn’t the only factor in determining the value ofthings, otherwise we wouldn’t know the value of contemporary【当代的】 things.“作文考的是思辨能力。我认为时间的沉淀不是决定价值的唯一条件,因为我觉得如果什么事情都要经过时间沉淀的话,我们就无法挖掘当代有价值的东西。”INTERVIEWEE:Yang Junlei, Professor, Fudan University复旦大学教授The prompt【提示;提词】gives test takers enough space to tap into【挖掘】their capabilities. They also need to think critically and write down their thoughts by using knowledge they learned in class and from daily life.“这个题目留给学生们的空间很大,融会了同学们的各方面的能力,同时也需要他们进行思辨,运用课堂和生活中的知识来表达自己的看法。”The college entrance exam in Shanghai will lastuntil Wednesday.上海高考为期三天,将于本周三结束。2.SHANGHAI TV FESTIVAL AIMS TO SHOW A REAL CHINA TO THE WORLDThe 27th Shanghai TV Festival began yesterday. With the CPC centenary【百年纪念】 as this year’s majortheme, the five-day festival also aims to show the real China to the world.第二十七届上海电视节昨日开幕。本届电视节为期五天,以“建党百年”为主题,希望向世界展示真实、立体、全面的中国。This year’s Shanghai TV Festival will be held both at the site and online, with various events including the Magnolia Awards TV Program Selection, forums, TV market and public screenings, all dedicated to the CPC centenary. It is noticeable that the 10 Chinese TV series nominated for this year’s Magnolia Awards are all based on historical and contemporary events.本届上海电视节将采取线上线下双平台进行的方式,开展多项活动,包括白玉兰奖评选、电视节论坛、电影云市场开启、放映活动等,献礼建党百年。值得注意的是,本届入围白玉兰奖“最佳中国电视剧”提名的十部作品均以历史和时代故事为背景。INTERVIEWEE:Fu Wenxia,Director, Shanghai International Film & TV Festival Center傅文霞上海国际影视节中心主任We aim to increase the professional expertise and diversity of the Magnolia Awards as it reflects the latest trends in the TV industry. So this year, we have 7 jury members for the Chinese TV drama unit and two more members were added to cover the technical and academic aspects.“白玉兰奖是电视行业的风向标,我们希望能提升奖项的专业度及多样性。今年,中国电视剧评委成员从5位增加到7位,加入学术评论和技术类评委,更能体现白玉兰奖的专业性。”As people wait for the final awards ceremony on June 10th, public screenings are being offered to residents.万众期待的白玉兰奖颁奖典礼将于6月10日举行。此外,惠民放映活动也将向市民开放。During the festival, 14 TV series from home and abroad will be screened at 6 venues in the city for free. And for the first time, public screenings will be available in Fengxian and Jiading.电视节期间,国内外14部影视剧将在上海6个放映点进行免费放映,这也是惠民放映活动首次来到奉贤区和嘉定区。The TV shows include the Chinese anti-poaching【反盗猎】 TV series Hunter, the British detective TV series Honor and the Netflix original documentary【纪录片】 My Octopus Teacher. People can make a reservation on Wenhuayun official WeChat account.参与放映的影片包括国产反盗猎题材剧《猎狼者》、英国悬疑剧《荣誉》以及网飞自制纪录片《我的章鱼老师》,市民可在“文化云”官方微信公众号上预约。Officials also announced the launch of a global broadcasting project that includes 50 ChineseTV series. The project aims to showcase multiple facets【方面】 of China to the world. Producer of the television drama Minning Town,one of the shows that will be screened overseas, said he wanted more people to see China’s effort to alleviate poverty.“百年风华·视听共享”全球播映活动同时启动,精选50部优秀剧集,向全球观众讲述更多面的中国。电视剧《山海情》也在全球播映排片之列,制片人表示,希望更多人能够看到中国的扶贫成果。INTERVIEWEE:Hou Hongliang,Producer, Minning Town侯鸿亮 电视剧《山海情》制片人I hope more peoplecan watch Minning Town and get to know China’s huge changes over the years.Many other Chinese TV series were very popular when broadcast overseas, such as Ode to Joy and Romance of Our Parents. I want my TV shows to be part of the historical record, and also be a source of encouragement to people around the world.“我希望有更多人能看到《山海情》,通过《山海情》了解中国这么多年的变化。之前《欢乐颂》、《父母爱情》在海外播出,都取得了非常好的成绩。我希望电视剧能够记录这个时代,并鼓舞人们向前走。”The global broadcasting project will last until October. People from over 100 countries and regions including Germany, Brazil and Malaysia will be able to watch them on television and online.本次全球播映活动持续至今年十月,将在德国、巴西、马来西亚等100多个国家的电视台及新媒体平台展播。3. AMBASSADORS IN AWE OVER PACE OF GROWTH IN SHANGHAIAmbassadors from 31 countries visited public infrastructure and industrial zones in Shanghai over the weekend with many hailing【赞颂】 the city’s rapid growth in the past few decades. I'm reporter Sun Siqi and here's a look at the details.上周末,31国驻华使节来到上海,实地考察了上海经济社会巨大成就。各国大使们纷纷为上海近几十年来的快速发展“点赞”。The trip began in Pudong, the poster child【典范】 of China’s development, where the area known for its muddy swamps was transformed into the country’s financial center.In Zhangjiang Science City, the ambassadors were impressed with robots and prosthetic implants.参观之旅的首站是浦东,从阡陌农田到金融中心,浦东开发开放是中国改革开放和社会主义现代化建设最生动的实践写照。在张江科学城,各种机器人以及假肢技术也给大使们留下了深刻的印象。INTERVIEWEE:Milia Jabbour,Ambassador of Lebanon (黎巴嫩共和国驻华大使)“Whatever we see in China is impressive -- what we saw from slums, how Pudong was before and howit was transformed, it is really impressive. We cannot see this elsewhere in the world.”“我们在中国看到的一切都是令人惊叹的,就比如浦东发展的巨大变化。我在世界任何一个地方都不曾看过这样的发展。”INTERVIEWEE:Antonio SerifoEmbalo, Ambassador of Guinea-Bissau (几内亚比绍共和国驻华大使)“I’ve never beento Shanghai. It is my first time, really. I’m so impressed with its development over the years, especially the international financial center. Shanghai is acity that is so beautiful.”“我没来过上海。这是我第一次上海。我对上海这些年的发展感到惊叹,特别是上海在建设国际金融中心的过程中取得的成绩。这是一座美丽的城市。”The envoys【使者】 then went to an old residential compound in Changning District, onewith no elevators and deteriorating infrastructure. Here, 40 percent of its residents are aged 60 and above. They agreed to pay to install elevators. The compound also has a community service center offering medical services like blood pressure tests, massages and other TCM treatments. Machines help residents pay their utilities bills. The ambassadors were impressed with how tech breakthroughs make life better for the public.接着,大使们来到了长宁区的一处老居民区。这里之前没有电梯,基础设施也非常老化。百分之四十的居民都在六十岁以上。居民们一致决定出资加装电梯。此外,社区服务中心还为居民提供医疗卫生服务,包括量血压、按摩以及中医诊疗。居民还能在机器上自助办理物业费缴纳等。大使们对此赞叹不已。INTERVIEWEE:Luis SchmidtMontes, Ambassador of Chile (智利共和国驻华大使)“Not only the elevator, you know the Communist Party during the last 40 years, eradicated poverty, more than 100 millions of person -- all these demonstrations reflect the preoccupation【思虑;全神贯注】 about the government for the people.”“其实不仅仅是电梯,中国共产党在过去四十年里致力于消除贫困,帮助上亿人脱贫——这一切都表明了中国共产党始终将人民群众利益放在首位。The tour ended at Yangpu District’s riverside promenade【滨海大道】, an area once known as Shanghai’s rust belt due to all the factories. Ambassadors were impressed with the idea and its beauty.行程的最后,大使们来到了杨浦滨江,曾经工厂密布的老工业区一度被称为上海的“铁锈地带”。而今,滨江的建设理念与美丽的风景令大使们印象深刻。INTERVIEWEE:Felix PlasenciaGonzalez, Ambassador of Venezuela (委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔共和国驻华大使)“Fantastic, it’s good for the people living here, it’s amazing for those coming to visit. Congratulations again! I can’t stress enough how much effort you’ve put in making it beautiful,enjoyable for the best of the people.”“太棒了,对于这里的居民来说特别好,对于游客来说也是眼前一亮。太棒了!要把这里建设得这么美丽舒适一定付出了极大的努力。”The diplomats hailed the city’s commitment to both economic growth and convenient and comfortable living environments.对于上海的经济发展以及便捷、舒适的生活环境,大使们赞不绝口。#热词加油站entrance exam【入学考试】cheer on【加油】relatives【亲戚】critical thinking【批判思维】contemporary【当代的】prompt【提示;提词】tap into【挖掘】centenary【百年纪念】anti-poaching【反盗猎】documentary【纪录片】facet【方面】hail【赞颂】poster child【典范】envoy【使者】preoccupation【思虑;全神贯注】promenade【滨海大道】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
6/8/20216 minutes, 49 seconds
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Nightlife in Shanghai——The City That Never Sleeps丨漫谈魔都夜生活

The Shanghai Night Festival is back! From June 5 to 20, the festival will feature over 200 activities that will include shopping, food, leisure and entertainment. We have with us, Alex from UK, to share his ultimate guide to nightlife in Shanghai! 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投递“精品大咖访谈”Culture Matters “漫谈上海”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛~更多视频内容,欢迎订阅我们的油管频道↓↓↓
6/5/20216 minutes, 39 seconds
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06/04 TOP OF THE DAY 一大纪念馆揭幕/华为鸿蒙系统线下体验/韩国抗议日本排污入海

NEWSON 06/031.GRAND OPENING FOR CPC CONGRESSMEMORIAL重磅!中共一大纪念馆开馆,12万件展品再现党的历程2.HUAWEI LAUNCHES HARMONYOS2华为鸿蒙系统正式发布,“超级终端”是怎样的存在?3.S.KOREANS PROTEST JAPAN’S PLAN TO DUMP PADIOACTIVE WATER世界海洋日临近,韩国多地民众抗议日本核废水入海!-----------------喜欢我们的小伙伴请记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1.GRAND OPENING FOR CPC CONGRESSMEMORIALThe Memorial of the First National Congressof the Communist Party of China officially opened in Shanghai today to mark the 100th anniversary of the Party’s founding. Shanghai Party Secretary Li Qiang announced the memorial’s opening.为庆祝中国共产党成立100周年,中国共产党第一次全国代表大会纪念馆今天在上海正式开馆。上海市委书记李强出席并宣布中共一大纪念馆开馆。The new exhibition hall in Xintiandi isacross the street from where the congress was held in 1921. Close to 80 percentof the exhibition area is underground to take up as little  ground spaceas possible. Exterior plaques name the 12 shikumen lanes that hosted important meetings in the Party’s early years.位于新天地的新建展馆与中共一大会址仅一街之隔。为减少地面空间占用,新建展馆近80%的展厅位于地下。展馆外壁上的牌匾记录了早年举办过党的重要会议的12处场所。INTERVIEW:Xue Feng, Curator, Memorial of the 1stNational Congress of CPC薛峰 中共一大纪念馆党委书记 馆长“Before you reach the entrance, you beginby reading the plaques. And you quickly understand Shanghai has other placeswith a glorious history.”“大家可以通过阅读这些墙上的艺术装置来进一步了解上海这座英雄的城市。”Inside, a series of paintings cover theParty’s history from Shikumen to Tian’anmen. A major exhibition about theorigins of the Party was launched today. The "Epoch-making Beginnings:Founding of the Communist Party of China" exhibition documents the original aspirations of the Party in seven sections. It features more than1,000 exhibits, including 600 relics along with photos, videos, oil paintings,sculptures and multimedia works. Overall, the memorial has more than 120,000exhibits. Placards explain how they were essential to the Party’s history.新建展馆内,一系列画作对中国共产党从石库门到天安门的历史进行了回顾。以“伟大的开端——中国共产党创建历史陈列”为主题的展览也于今天开幕。展览设有7个板块,共展出1000多件展品,其中包括600件文物以及照片、视频、油画、雕塑和多媒体声像作品等。纪念馆共有超过12万件展品,展品旁的解说牌则阐明了这些文物在党的历史进程中的重要性。INTERVIEW:Zhang Yuhan, Director of Research &Display,Memorial of the 1st National Congress ofCPC张玉菡 中共一大纪念馆研究馆员“The exhibits are arranged by time periods with particular themes. In this section, we have 100 documents that showed socialism spreading around the time of the May 4th Movement in 1919.”我们注意根据要挖掘展示的主题进行专题式的展示。比如"主义的抉择"这个展项,我们就展示了100件"五四"前后宣传传播社会主义的各种各样的珍贵文献。The site of the CPC’s First NationalCongress, an old shikumen building on Xingye Road, was first opened as amemorial site in 1952, and was renovated【翻新】in1999. However, the house was too small for large-scale exhibitions. There are copies of "The Communist Manifesto" in 72 languages, along with anecdotes about Chen Wangdao, who translated the Manifesto into Chinese, and about Party members spreading Marxism【马克思主义】.The tour takes about an hour.中共一大会址坐落在兴业路上,是一幢旧式石库门建筑。1952年首次作为纪念馆开放;1999年纪念馆进行了翻修,但由于面积较小,仍无法举办大型展览。纪念馆中藏有72种语言的《共产党宣言》副本,还收录了有关《共产党宣言》中文版译者陈望道的故事,以及党员传播马克思主义的故事。参观整个纪念馆约需一个小时。INTERVIEW:Zhang Yuhan, Director of Research &Display,Memorial of the 1st National Congress ofCPC张玉菡 中共一大纪念馆研究馆员“You will not just see relics, but also videos that explain that part of the history, so you’ll leave with a better picture ofwhat happened.”这次不仅仅是展示文物、也不仅仅是展示视频,而是把视频和文物结合起来,共同来讲述生动鲜活的文物的故事。There’s also a sculpture and hologram that recreates the scene when the country’s first communists discussed founding aparty.纪念馆中还陈列有雕塑和全息图,生动再现了第一批中国共产党员建党时的情形。2.HUAWEI LAUNCHES HARMONYOS2Huawei yesterday officially released its operating system HarmonyOS 2, which will be available on mobile phones and tablets【平板电脑】.昨天,华为正式发布了HarmonyOS 2操作系统,该系统将支持在手机和平板电脑上使用。Huawei’s global flagship store on EastNanjing Road welcomed the first curious customers interested in tryingHarmonyOS. Some software developers were among them.位于南京东路上的华为全球旗舰店迎来了第一批HarmonyOS(鸿蒙)系统的尝鲜者,其中也包括一些软件开发人员。INTERVIEW:App Developer 应用程序开发人员“We can download the apps that wepreviously put on the Android market from the app market in HarmonyOS, and itcan also run smoothly on the system. So for us, the initial development cost isrelatively small. In the future we will design personalized interfaces for the Harmony system, so that the Harmony user experience will be better.”互联网应用开发者因为本身它其实从应用商场里面,是能够把我们以前在安卓市场上架的应用程序下载下来,同时也能很顺畅地在鸿蒙系统上进行运行。所以对我们来说,前期的开发成本就比较少了,后续就是针对鸿蒙系统做一些个性化的交互操作,让鸿蒙的用户体验会更好一些。In addition to being applied to a single device, the HarmonyOS can also build a "super terminal" through cross-device interaction, allowing consumers to control multiple devices assimply as operating just one.除了应用于单个设备之外,HarmonyOS(鸿蒙)系统还可以通过跨设备交互构建一个“超级终端”。消费者操控多个设备像操作一台设备一样简单。SPEAKER:Yu Chengdong, Huawei Executive Director余承东 华为常务董事、消费者业务首席执行官“There is a lot of variation in terms ofhow much memory and how much processing power is required by different hardware【硬件】. But HarmonyOS adapts to different hardware and devices.”不同硬件,有的内存非常小,有的内存非常大,有的处理能力要求很高,有的处理能力弱,但是需要长续航等等。用一套HarmonyOS(鸿蒙)系统来解决了不同硬件不同设备的能力。Android and Apple together account for morethan 99 percent of the operating system market. Experts said the emergence ofHarmonyOS is likely to break their dominance【支配】.Huawei said that it has cooperated with thousands of hardware and app developers,along with service providers to build HarmonyOS.安卓和苹果系统在操作系统市场中所占份额超过99%。专家表示,HarmonyOS(鸿蒙)系统的出现可能会打破安卓和苹果系统的支配地位。为打造鸿蒙系统,华为与数千家硬件、应用开发公司以及服务商进行了合作。3.S.KOREANS PROTEST JAPAN’S PLAN TO DUMPPADIOACTIVE WATERAs World Oceans Day approaches, South Koreans yesterday protested against Japan’s decision to dump radioactive wastewater from the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant into the Pacific Ocean. Demonstrations took place outside the Japanese embassy and many other places across the country.随着世界海洋日的临近,昨日,韩国人针对日本将福岛第一核电站放射性废水倾倒太平洋的决定进行了抗议。日本大使馆外以及全国多地都发生了示威游行。In Seoul, several civic groups held a rallyprotesting Japan’s decision, calling on Tokyo to scrap the plan. South Korea hasopposed to the release of what it calls "contaminated water" as thetreatment doesn’t remove tritium, a relative of hydrogen that emits weak radiation. Japan has said the treated water poses no safety concerns.首尔民间团体举行示威,抗议日本排放核废水的决定,并呼吁取消这一计划。由于日本的核废水处理方法无法去除氚(氢的一种同位素),氚仍能发出微弱的辐射,因此韩国对排放核废水表示反对。日本政府则表示,处理后的水不会存在安全问题。The protesters also wrote to the Japanese ambassador to South Korea to ask him offer a better solution to protect the Pacific Ocean. Apart from Seoul, there are more than 60 environmental protection organizations and civic groups across South Korea have taken part in rallies against Japan’s decision. Fishery workers and people inthe Gyeongsangnam-do Province held a rally yesterday using over 100 fishingboats to display a large banner【横幅】with thewords "Protect the Pacific" in large letters.抗议者还写信至日本驻韩国大使,要求提供更好的解决方案,以保护太平洋的生态环境。除首尔外,韩国各地还有60多个环保组织和民间团体参加了反对日本核废水排放的示威活动。昨天,庆尚南道的渔民及民众也举行了集会,共出动100多艘渔船,在海面上排列成“保护海洋”的字样。Japan announced its plan in April to discharge the tritium-laced water from the Fukushima nuclear plant. The plan calls for more than 1.25 million tons stored in tanks, to be released into the ocean inabout two years.日本政府在4月份宣布了福岛核电站含氚废水入海计划。日本将超过125万吨核废水储存在水箱中,在约两年时间内陆续将其排放至海洋中。#热词加油站renovate【翻新】Marxism【马克思主义】tablet【平板电脑】hardware【硬件】dominance【支配】banner【横幅】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
6/4/20215 minutes, 26 seconds
Episode Artwork

06/02 TOP OF THE DAY 解答三孩政策/公安部“团圆行动”/变异新冠病毒新命名

NEWSON 06/011.CHILDCARE,EDUCATION COSTS ON THE TABLE AS CHINA 3RD CHILD POLICY想生不敢生?一起期待“三孩政策”配套支持措施的完善吧!2.1680 MISSING CHILDREN FOUND IN MAJOR PUBLIC SECURITY OPERATION1680个孩子回家了,这是1680个家庭的“团圆”!3.WHONOW LISTING COVID-19 VARIANTS WITH GREEK LETTERS避免污名化,世卫组织改用希腊字母为变异病毒命名!-----------------喜欢我们的小伙伴请记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1.CHILDCARE,EDUCATION COSTS ON THE TABLE AS CHINA 3RD CHILD POLICYAfter yesterday’s announcement that couples will be able to have three children, the NationalHealth Commission answered a slew of questions today.今天,国家卫生健康委员会就昨天宣布的三孩政策答记者问。Health authorities said after second-child policies were introduced in 2013, the proportion of the population under the age of 14 has increased. But across the board, the number of new-borns is declining and health authorities listed three factors.国家卫生健康委员会有关负责人表示,自2013年出台二胎政策以来,0-14岁少儿人口占比有所提高。但总体而言,新生儿数量仍在下降。国家卫健委有关负责人提出了以下三个原因。First, the number of women between the ages of 20 and 34 decreased by an annual average of 3.4 million between 2015 and2020. Second, the number of couples getting married has dropped for seven straight years -- down from 13 million couples in 2013 to 8 million last year, a 40 percent plunge. Third, couples are less willing to have children. Married couples born in the 1990s on average are willing to have 1.66 babies, 10percent lower than a couple born in the 1980s. The main reasons couples are less willing to have children are: the expenses, the difficulty of finding someone to care for the children, and women under pressure to balance work and family. Demographics【人口统计】experts say a third-child policy is essential for improving the population structure in the long run as it will increase the labor pool and reduce the effects of an aging population.首先,2015-2020年,20-34岁生育旺盛期妇女规模年均减少340万人。此外,全国结婚登记人数连续7年下降,从2013年的约1300万对下降至2020年的约800万对,减少40%。第三,群众生育意愿降低。我国“90后”平均打算生育子女数仅为1.66个,比“80后”低10%。夫妻生育意愿较低的主要原因是:经济负担重、婴幼儿无人照料和女性难以平衡家庭与工作的关系。人口专家表示,从长远来看,三孩政策将增加劳动力供给,减少人口老龄化带来的影响,对于改善人口结构至关重要。INTERVIEW:Zhai Zhenwu, Secretary General, China Population Association翟振武,中国人口学会会长The birthrate has decreased the past couple of years, and the number of newborns will continue to slide. I am confident the policy will contribute to bringing the birthrate to a moderate level.在最近一两年,我们的生育率还在持续下降,出生人数也还会下降。我觉得处在这个背景下,一定会在实现适度生育水平这个方面,能够有所贡献。A slew of questions also followed about how to minimize obstacles to have children. China announced it will take lowering child-care and education costs into consideration, and will try to provide fairer and more high-quality schools for everyone.随之而来的一系列问题是,如何最大限度地进行全面配套支持。对此,国家表示将考虑降低幼儿保育和教育成本,并努力为每个孩子提供更加公平、优质的学校教育。INTERVIEW:Zhang Benbo, Director of Social Policy,National Development & Reform Commission张本波,国家发展改革委,社会发展所社会政策室主任In the 14th Five-Year Plan, we plan to build integrated community centers in 150 cities that offer up to 500,000openings for affordable nursery care.在十四五规划也提出一个建设项目,就是在150个城市,通过发展普惠的综合中心和社区中心,提供50万个普惠托位。Policymakers also say they will improve maternity leave【产假】, increase financial support on housing and taxation, and protect women in the workplace who have children.国家将完善产假制度,增加住房和税收方面的财政支持,并保护有孩子的职业女性的权益。2.1680 MISSING CHILDREN FOUND IN MAJOR PUBLIC SECURITY OPERATIONThe Ministry of Public Security said public security forces had found 1,680 missing children since the launch of a special operation to track and find missing and abducted【被诱拐的】children in January. Among the cases, the longest unsolved case was 54 years.公安部表示,自今年1月开展查找被拐失踪儿童的专项行动以来,全国公安机关共找回失踪儿童1680名。其中,案件时间跨度最长达54年。Police across the country also cracked 85long-pending cases, arrested 223 suspects【嫌疑犯】in abduction and human trafficking【贩卖人口】, and organized more than 400 family reunions. The operation, dubbed"Reunion", started in January. The goal was to solve the backlog of child abduction and trafficking cases, arrest suspects and find the missing children. The ministry directly supervised major cases, deployed a number of criminal technology and intelligence research experts, pooled all resources and used the country’s DNA system to identify the children.全国公安机关共侦破拐卖儿童积案85起,抓获拐卖犯罪嫌疑人223名,组织认亲400余场。“团圆”行动始于今年1月,以侦破拐卖儿童积案、抓捕犯罪嫌疑人、查找失踪被拐儿童为主要目标。此次,公安部督办一批重大拐卖儿童积案,依托“全国打拐DNA系统”,并从全国抽调一批刑事技术、情报研判专家,集中力量和各种资源手段查找失踪被拐儿童。3.WHONOW LISTING COVID-19 VARIANTS WITH GREEK LETTERSThe World Health Organization announced yesterday that COVID-19 variants【变种】previously labeled with their scientific names have been given new names using the Greek alphabet.世界卫生组织昨天宣布,将改用希腊字母命名变异新冠病毒。The WHO said the new system will make it easier for people to refer to these strains in public discussions, and also prevent stigmatization and discrimination. The B.1.1.7 strain that was first detected in the UK will now be called the "Alpha variant".世卫组织表示,改用希腊字母命名不仅为了去污名化,也为了简化变种病毒名称。例如,英国首先发现的B.1.1.7变异毒株,被命名为Alpha(阿尔法)。The WHO said the new labels will be used to refer to the strains and will not completely replace the scientific names.世卫组织强调,新命名体系将用于指代菌株,不会取代病毒原有的科学名称。#热词加油站Demographics【人口统计】maternity leave【产假】abduct【诱拐】suspect【嫌疑犯】human trafficking【贩卖人口】variant【变种】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
6/2/20213 minutes, 59 seconds
Episode Artwork

06/01 TOP OF THE DAY “三孩”政策发布/全球技术转移大会开幕/美国阵亡将士纪念日

NEWS ON 05/311.CHINA TO SUPPORT COUPLES HAVING 3RD CHILD三孩政策来了!积极应对人口老龄化2.COMPANIES SEEK TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS AT FAIR“万‘象’需求全球揭榜” 全球技术转移大会开幕3.MASS GATHERINGS AND TRAVEL RUSH IN US OVERMEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND美国阵亡将士纪念日民众聚集庆祝 引发疫情反弹担忧1.CHINA TO SUPPORT COUPLES HAVING 3RD CHILDThe Political Bureauof the Communist Party of China Central Committee said today it will supportcouples who wish to have a third child. It said implementing【实施】 the policy andsupporting measures will help improve the country’s demographics【人口统计】, overcome challenges brought by an aging population, and preservelabor advantages. The bureau said a third-child policy needs to be drafted【起草】in accordance with【按照】 the law, and thatbirth policies need to take economic and social policies into consideration.中共中央政治局5月31日召开会议,提出进一步优化生育政策,实施一对夫妻可以生育三个子女政策及配套支持措施,有利于改善我国人口结构、落实积极应对人口老龄化国家战略、保持我国人力资源禀赋优势。会议强调,各级党委和政府要加强统筹规划、政策协调和工作落实,依法组织实施三孩生育政策,促进生育政策和相关经济社会政策配套衔接,健全重大经济社会政策人口影响评估机制。2.COMPANIES SEEK TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS AT FAIRThe Inno-Match Expo,a part of the Pujiang Innovation Forum, opened today at Shanghai ExhibitionCenter and was created to deepen international cooperation in science andtechnology. Zhang Yue has more.5月31日,2021全球技术转移大会在上海展览中心开幕,此次大会是浦江创新论坛的重要组成部分,旨在促进国内外科技创新合作。China Baowu brought15 technology needs last year, and 12 were achieved during the event.去年,中国宝武在会上发布了15项技术需求,大会期间达成了其中12项需求合作。INTERVIEWEE:Hu Yi,China Baowu胡翊 中国宝武吴淞口创业园总经理“This year we brought25 technology requirements, and hope the event will help us find more partners.”“我们今年又带来了25项创新需求,希望在这个平台上能对接更多的合作伙伴。”Biopharmaceutical【生物制药】 companyAstraZeneca also released its needs today, and some companies came up with intended【为…设计的】 solutions.生物制药公司阿斯利康也发布了技术需求,一些公司也提出了需求解决方案。INTERVIEWEE:“We are working ondigital therapy and surgical planning, and seeking cooperation on products andresources.”“我们正好是做数字疗法和手术医疗规划,想看看在产品、资源各个方面能不能有些合作。”It was the first timethat Beijing-based high-tech company Terminus attended the event. It will send152 robots for logistics【物流】, disinfection【消毒】 andinspection control work during Dubai’s World Expo in October.北京的科技公司特斯联是本次大会首次参展的企业之一。在十月份即将举办的迪拜世博会上,特斯联将会展示其物流款、消毒款、巡控款等152台机器人。INTERVIEWEE:Chen Guanyang,Terminus陈观养 特斯联机器人事业部销售总经理“We want to showcase【展示】 our cutting-edge【先进的】 technology tothe world, and cooperate with partners from home and abroad to findapplications for these technologies.”“我们希望向世界展示中国的高科技企业的先进技术,与来自世界,包括中国的合作伙伴交流,把技术更多融合落地。”Many visitors wereinterested in the quantum computer【量子计算机】 at the Yangtze River DeltaRegion scientific and innovation community pavilion.此外,长三角科技创新共同体馆的量子计算机也备受关注。INTERVIEWEE:Li Jin, OriginQuantum李进 合肥本源量子计算科技有限责任公司品牌经理“Our device can beused at universities and science exhibition halls. We hope to find partners inthis field.”“目前我们的设备和国内多家高校还有科普展馆建立了合作关系。我们想借助这个展会来对接更多的客户群体和行业合作伙伴。”The fair runs untilWednesday. During the event, 10 big companies release their tech needs andabout 100 smaller companies plan to offer solutions.全球技术转移大会持续至本周三,集中展示10家重点企业的技术需求与100余家小型企业带来的需求解决方案。3.MASS GATHERINGS AND TRAVEL RUSH IN US OVERMEMORIAL DAY WEEKENToday is Memorial Dayin the United States, and last weekend saw a travel rush and large-scale gatheringsboth at home in the US and abroad. Lei Shuran has the story.5月31日是美国阵亡将士纪念日。周末期间,美国国内外出现了旅游热潮,并举办了多场大规模聚会。In Washington DC,motorcycles rolledthrough the city yesterday. Many of the people watchingweren’t wearing masks. The country’s center for disease control and preventionsays that those who received two doses of vaccine are allowed to go mask-free,but in large gatherings they must continue to maintain a safe social distance.华盛顿举办了摩托车大游行活动,而许多围观群众并没有戴口罩。美国疾控中心表示,已经接种了两针疫苗的人群无需佩戴口罩,但是在大型集会中仍需要保持安全社交距离。Airports across thecountry saw surge【暴涨】 in traffic with an estimated 2 million people perday traveling by air over the holiday, the highest since March last year. AtDulles International Airport in Virginia, some passengers had mixed reactionson the sudden surge in travel.此外,全国各大机场旅客人数暴涨。据估计,节日期间可能有200万名乘客乘坐飞机出行,创去年3月以来美国航空旅客人数新高。在弗吉尼亚州的杜勒斯机场,一些旅客对于出行人数暴涨表达了自己的看法。INTERVIEWEE:"Well I think I feela little more comfortable that we’ve vaccinated. My, I’m hoping that theairlines are taking the precautions, which they say they have."“我们都接种了疫苗,所以稍稍安心一点。我希望航空公司像他们说的那样采取了防护措施。”“I’m a littlehesitant honestly. It’s a little nervous, you know. I’m a little nervous, don’twant to get sick. I don’t want to get COVID, bring it back. I don’t know ifthere’s a new variant【变体】. ““说实话我有点犹豫、有点紧张。我不想得病,不想感染新冠病毒,不想把它带回家,也不知道有没有变异新冠病毒。”South Korean YonhapNews Agency has reported that to celebrate the Memorial Day, around 2,000foreigners including US soldiers held parties and set off fireworks andfirecrackers without wearing masks at a beach in Busan. The parties lasted fromSaturday afternoon through early Sunday. Six police cars and dozens of policeofficers were dispatched【派遣】 to the scene after they received nearly 40complaints from local residents. They failed to completely stop the gathering.The US army in South Korea said it is working with local authorities on aninvestigation.据韩国联合通讯社报道,为庆祝美国阵亡将士纪念日,包括驻韩美军在内的2000余名外国人,在釜山一海滩不戴口罩举行派对并燃放烟花爆竹。派对从周六下午持续到周日早晨。接到附近居民近40次投诉后,警方派出六辆警车与大量警员,却无法完全叫停这场聚会。驻韩美军方面表示,正在与当地政府合作,就此事进行调查。#热词加油站implement【实施】demographics【人口统计】draft【起草】in accordance with【按照】biopharmaceutical【生物制药】intended【为…设计的】logistics【物流】disinfection【消毒】showcase【展示】cutting-edge【先进的】quantum computer【量子计算机】surge【暴涨】variant【变体】dispatched【派遣】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
6/1/20214 minutes, 9 seconds
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05/28 TOP OF THE DAY 空中救护车/上海动物园婴儿潮/啤酒旺季将至

NEWSON 05/271.RUIJIN HOSPITAL RECEIVES CRITICAL PATIENTS BYHELICOPTER空中救护车已就位,与时间赛跑,我们又快了一步!2.BABY ANIMALS READY TO MEET VISITORS AT SHANGHAIZOO上海动物园喜迎婴儿潮,动物宝宝扎堆出生啦!3.SUMMER DAYSCALLS FOR A BEER, BUT WHEN AND WHERE夏天夏天悄悄来临,这是属于烧烤炸鸡啤酒的季节! 1.RUIJIN HOSPITAL RECEIVES CRITICAL PATIENTS BYHELICOPTERTwo patients in a critical condition【病危】today were flown by helicopter from a hospital inJiaxing, Zhejiang Province to Ruijin Hospital in Shanghai. It came after newprotocols were established for medical emergencies in the Yangtze River Delta.今天,来自浙江嘉兴的两名重症患者经直升机转运至上海瑞金医院。此前,长三角医疗应急救援体系已逐步建立起来。 At around 10:30 am, a helicopter carrying apatient with lymphomatosis landed at Ruijin Hospital. The patient also had aprostate tumor and severe infection. Still feverish upon arrival, he was givena nucleic acid test before being transferred to the emergency ward【急诊室】.上午10时30分许,一架直升机降落在瑞金医院,该直升机载有一名淋巴瘤患者,同时伴有前列腺肿瘤、重症感染等合并症。抵达瑞金医院时,患者仍高烧不退。在进行核酸检测后,患者被转移至急诊室。 INTERVIEW:Xu Pengpeng, Deputy Director, Hematology Dept. ofRuijin Hospital许彭鹏,血液内科副主任医师,上海交通大学医学院附属瑞金医院 “We first treat the infection. Then our doctorsdetermine the best therapeutic scheme for the patient. “我们会首先给予病人抗感染的治疗,之后我们会通过我们全院的整合资源给患者提供最优的诊治选择。 In the afternoon, a helicopter dropped offanother patient from Jiaxing. The individual had suffered a stroke.下午,直升机再次飞抵瑞金医院停机坪,此次转运的第二位患者被诊断为急性脑梗死。 INTERVIEW:Chen Erzhen, Vice-president, Ruijin Hospital陈尔真,副院长,上海交通大学医学院附属瑞金医院“We will be able to save more lives if the rescuehelicopters in the Yangtze River Delta can get these critically ill patients toour hospital, or others in Shanghai.”把长三角那些需要到我们瑞金医院来救治,甚至包括到上海其他医院救治的一些患者,通过空中救援的路线建立起来,这样能够提高危重病人救治的成功率。 The hospital said a standardized scheme includingapplication, evaluation and transfer of patients will be established to form anmedical cooperation network within the Yangtze Delta【长三角地区】. If weather permits, it will take only one dayto evaluate a patient and transfer him to a better hospital. Ruijin Hospitalsaid it is already cooperating with four hospitals in the delta.瑞金医院表示,将牵头建立标准化的患者“申请-评估-转运”机制,成立长三角航空医疗救护协作网。在天气允许的情况下,只需一天就可以完成对患者的评估,并转移至医疗水平更高的医院。瑞金医院表示,目前为止已与长三角地区的四家医院开展了合作。 2.BABY ANIMALS READY TO MEET VISITORS AT SHANGHAIZOOThe Shanghai Zoo has seen a recent baby boom,with several newborn animals coming into the world. Some of these adorable【可爱的】little creatures will be ready to meet the publicon Children’s Day.最近,上海动物园迎来了婴儿潮,可爱的动物宝宝们扎堆出生,将在儿童节和游客见面。 On May 10th, the Hippo family at Shanghai Zooadded a new member, as mother Xiao Dong Xi gave birth to her fifth calf.5月10日,上海动物园的河马一家又添了一个新成员,河马妈妈”小东西”生下了她的第五个宝宝。 INTERVIEW:Wang Haixiong, Keeper of Hippo House, ShanghaiZoo王海雄,上海动物园河马馆饲养员 “As the mother hippo has experienced givingbirth, we’ve gradually loosened restrictions and let the baby meet visitors.”随着它一胎一胎生产以后有经验了,我们会采取逐步放开措施 让它的宝宝从小就和游客见面。 In late March, the 20-year-old giraffe "SiEr" gave birth to a healthy male baby giraffe after 15 months ofpregnancy. Now the baby, which is only 2 months old, is over 2 meters tall. Inaddition to weaning【使断奶】, it has started to learnto eat grass and gnaw leaves under the guidance of its mother. In the past twodays, visitors can already see the baby in the giraffe outdoor exhibition area.今年3月下旬,20岁的长颈鹿妈妈“四二”在怀孕15个月后产下了一只健康的雄性长颈鹿宝宝。如今只有2个月大的长颈鹿宝宝身高已超过2米。断奶之后,它还在妈妈的引导下学会了吃草和啃树叶。这两天,游客们已经可以在长颈鹿户外展区看到他了。 INTERVIEW:Tan Tao, Keeper of Giraffe House, Shanghai Zoo上海动物园长颈鹿馆饲养员 谈涛“It’s actually very timid. We suggest that when visiting our giraffehouse, visitors should not make any loud noises when visits the baby giraffe,so as not to disturb it.”其实它胆子还是很小的。建议各位游客在游览我们长颈鹿馆的时候,看到小长颈鹿不要大声喧哗,不要惊扰到它。 Since the beginning of this year, Shanghai Zoohas successfully bred nearly a hundred baby animals such as chimpanzees,gibbons, roe deer, foxes, porcupines and penguins. On the eve of June 1st,these babies will meet with visitors one after another.今年年初以来,上海动物园已成功繁育出黑猩猩、长臂猿、狍子、狐狸、豪猪、企鹅等近百只动物宝宝。六一前夕,这些动物宝宝将陆续与游客见面。 3.SUMMER DAYSCALLS FOR A BEER, BUT WHEN AND WHEREReporter记者Like everywhere else in the world, when going outwith friends, many Chinese like a beer. China has always been a huge consumerof beer, but preferences are shifting away from traditional industrial beers tomore premium【优质的】and craft brews. As aresult, sales growth of cheaper beers has been on a decline in recent years,while demand for high-end【高端的】beers is rising.和朋友外出时,许多中国人喜欢喝啤酒。这一点,世界各地都一样。中国一直是啤酒消费大国,但人们对啤酒的偏好正从传统工业啤酒转向更高端的精酿啤酒。因此,近年来,廉价啤酒的销量增长逐渐减缓,而高端啤酒的需求却在上升。 INTERVIEW:CITIZENS 市民“In summer, I go out much more often and watchthe games with friends, sometimes have barbecues. For example, in June I’m watching the Euro Cup with my friends and drinkingbeer.”夏天在外面看比赛,吃个烧烤,在户外吃饭频率高,今年6月有欧洲杯,会找几个朋友在外面喝喝酒。 Ms. Wu吴女士“I go out drinking once or twice a week, mostlyafter work somewhere nearby. We usually order food with the beer, so we’ll spend 200 or 300 yuan each. In the summer, we willdefinitely drink outside more, adding another 2 or 3 gatherings a month.”一星期1-2次,大部分下班在附近喝一杯。消费看情况,大部分时候会点食物,人均200-300元 。夏天会增加频率,吃烧烤、点宵夜,都会点啤酒,一个月会多2-3次。 Ms. Dai戴女士“I’ve beendrinking with friends at music festivals, when the temperature has gotten hot.It’s nice to have fresh beers in summer. Last year, we were mostly drinking athome. So for this summer, I would like to travel outside, like Chengdu, formore craft beer bars, maybe attend some beer festivals.”之前天气热过了,已经约过去音乐节上喝过酒了,夏天和清爽啤酒很舒服。去年比较多在家里喝,外面不方便,今年很想出去打卡,包括上海周边,成都也有很多好的精酿酒馆。我们听说最近上海有啤酒节,有各种精酿啤酒,想尝试。 According to a report by consulting firm Zhiyan,China’s premium beers sales will have an annual compound growth rate of almost5% as of 2023. That trend has already been felt at this convenience store chainin Shanghai. Beers priced over 10 yuan each are enjoying fast sales growth now,and this year’s early summer has been bringingin the beer buyers.智研咨询公司的一份报告显示,到2023年,中国高端啤酒的年复合增长率将接近5%,这一趋势已经在上海的连锁便利店有所显现。现阶段,单价高于10元的啤酒销售增长很快,在今年夏初吸引了大批消费者。 INTERVIEW:Sun Qi, Comprehensive ServicesDirector, Bianlifeng孙女士,综合服务经理,便利蜂“Beer sales in May have had a 10 to 20% increasefrom March and April. As the weather gets warm, people will be going out forcrayfish and midnight snacks, and also, some sports matches. We’re sure to seeanother uptick in beer consumption.”五月份整个啤酒销量比3-4月环比分别有10-20%增长,现在随着天气转暖,加上小龙虾、夜宵的刺激,和接下来还有一些欧洲杯赛事的刺激,对我们接下来啤酒的销量和夜间啤酒经济的上升很乐观。 Beer manufacturers are responding by looking atnew consumer groups and new sales opportunities.对此,啤酒制造商纷纷寻找新的消费群体和销售机会。 INTERVIEW:Matt Che, Chief Marketing Officer, BudweiserBrewing Company APAC“Drinking occasions have been changingsignificantly. In the past, when we talking about the consumer drinkinglocations, you drinking at restaurant, bars, clubs and KTVs, and maybe at home.But nowadays people going out for campaigns, for picnic. So when we look at thebeer category, looking at some of the brand trend, we see a very positivemomentum. “现如今,喝酒的场合发生了巨大变化。过去,消费者的饮酒地点可能是餐厅、酒吧、俱乐部、KTV或者家里。但现在,人们会选择外出参加活动,包括野餐等我们观察啤酒这一大类,以及一些品牌趋势,能够看到非常积极的势头。。 During the first quarter of the year, thecompany’s sales in the Asia Pacific Region jumped significantly, thanks to its robust【强健的】sales growth in China. Sales here grew by almost85% from a year earlier. And as more people can go out this year, there will beplenty of gatherings over the crayfish, the barbecues and the fried chicken ...and that means more beer to go along with dinner. Cheers!由于今年第一季度中国区销售额增长强劲,该公司在亚太地区的销售额大幅攀升。中国区销售额较去年同期增长近85%。今年人们终于可以外出了,三五好友聚在一起吃小龙虾、烧烤和炸鸡…这也就意味着晚餐时间,啤酒更加不可或缺。干杯! #热词加油站in a critical condition【病危】emergency ward【急诊室】the Yangtze Delta【长三角地区】adorable【可爱的】wean【使断奶】premium【优质的】high-end【高端的】robust【强健的】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
5/28/20215 minutes, 45 seconds
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05/26 TOP OF THE DAY 上海科技奖揭晓/共享头盔进校园/世卫大会拒涉台提案

NEWS ON 05/251.FACIAL RECOGNITION DEVELOPER EARNS TOP SCIENCE AWARD上海科技奖揭晓,各界大佬SHOW TIME!2.PRIMARY SCHOOLS LEND HLEMETS TO FORGETFUL PARENTS共享头盔进校园,“每个人的头上都戴头盔”!3.WORLD HEALTH ASSEMBLY REJECTS TAIWAN PROPOSAL世卫大会再拒涉台提案,一个中国原则不容挑战 -----------------喜欢我们的小伙伴请记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1.FACIAL RECOGNITION DEVELOPER EARNS TOP SCIENCE AWARD PRIMARY SCHOOLS LENDThe 2020 Shanghai Science and Technology Award was handed out to 281 scientists and projects today. Two standout projects took home the special prize, Yangshan Port’s automated【自动化】 container loading system and a facial recognition technology【人脸识别技术】 that can determine a person from a video or photo.2020年度上海市科学技术奖共授奖281项(人)。两项突出成果获科技进步奖特等奖:洋山港集装箱自动化装载系统;面向人物的图像视频的人脸识别技术。 You can thank professor Ma Lizhuang at Jiao Tong University for your health QR code【二维码】. In February 2020, the first QR code came online after he developed photo-realistic facial recognition technology that identifies a real face from a mask, video or photo.上海交通大学的马利庄教授所开发的健康码在疫情防控中起到了非常重要的作用。2020年2月,第一版健康码上线后,他又开发了超精确人脸识别技术,即在戴口罩、视频或照片等情况下进行精准人脸识别。 INTERVIEW:Ma Lizhuang, Special-term Professor, Shanghai Jiao Tong University马利庄,上海交通大学特聘教授Photo-realistic technology discerns【识别】 whether it is a real person by analyzing the reflection of light from a face. In traditional methods, the app asks you to shake your head or read some numbers. It is still susceptible【易受影响的】 to avatar attacks. With our technology, there’s no need for any such interaction.光线活体就是通过三色光打到脸上,根据人脸上的自然反光来判别这个人是不是真人。我们这个技术先进在无接触、无交互,传统技术通常是让你摇摇头、数数字,容易受到模型攻击。 Ma says his technology is secure enough to guarantee the safety of bank accounts. His team also constructed a live facial recognition system for police. It can identify a person by analyzing images and video taken at different times and places. Through that, more than 1,700 missing persons or human trafficking【贩卖人口】 victims have been reunited with their family.马利庄教授表示,这项技术能够确保银行账户的安全。他和他的团队还为警方建立了一个实时人脸识别系统,通过分析不同时间和地点拍摄的图像和视频来识别人脸。这一系统已帮助1700余名失踪人员及被拐卖者与家人团聚。 INTERVIEW:Ma Lizhuang, Special-term Professor, Shanghai Jiao Tong University马利庄,上海交通大学特聘教授The accuracy started off at less than 80 percent, it later increased to 80, 90 something. Then it went to 98, 99.6 and eventually to 99.8 percent.(从一开始)精度从不到80% 到八十几、九十几,后来用深度学习技术,(精度)从98点几到最后99.6、99.8,这样一步步向(科技)高峰攀登。 The other top prize winner is Yangshan Port’s autonomous container loading system now in use at Phase Four project. It’s faster and more automated than similar systems overseas. The dock handled more than 4.2 million containers a year.此外,洋山港集装箱自动化装载系统也获得了上海市科学技术奖的最高奖项。目前,该系统已在洋山港四期工程投入使用。这一系统与国外同类系统相比,速度更快、自动化程度更高。洋山港码头每年能处理超过420万个集装箱。 INTERVIEW:Huang Xiusong, Director, SIPG Technological Center黄秀松, 上港集团技术中心主任Our cranes are able to load and unload containers at the same time. Our autonomous system is able to create a loading plan while loading.我们尽可能做到桥吊边装边卸,卸一个箱子,马上去装一个箱子。计划和控制我们合在一块,都自己完成,一个大脑去控制整个手脚。我们说自动化程度最高。 The port group is now upgrading the system to boost capacity a further 50 percent. By 2022, the dock will be able to handle up to 6 million containers a year. 181 projects won this year’s Science and Technology Progress Award. In other categories, Dr. Ge Junbo from Zhongshan Hospital’s cardiology department won the highest prize for a breakthrough in treating coronary heart disease【冠心病】. US environmental scientist Bruce E. Rittmann, a member of the US National Academy of Engineering, took home the International Science and Technological Cooperation Award.目前,洋山港正在进行系统升级,将容量继续扩大50%。到2022年,码头每年能处理的集装箱数量将达600万个。今年的上海市科学技术奖共授奖281项(人)。此外,由于在冠心病治疗方面获得重大突破,复旦大学附属中山医院心内科主任葛均波博士也被授予最高奖项。美国国家工程院院士、美国环境科学家布鲁斯E·瑞特曼获国际科技合作奖。 2.PRIMARY SCHOOLS LEND HLEMETS TO FORGETFUL PARENTSAbout 100 primary schools in Baoshan District are providing shared e-bike helmets to improve student safety after observing that many parents or guardians【监护人】 forget to bring an extra one when picking up their child from school. Everyone riding an e-bike is required to wear a helmet under regulations that came into force this month.许多家长或监护人接孩子放学时,往往会忘记要多带一个头盔。为保障学生安全,上海宝山区现约有100所小学提供电动自行车头盔共享服务。根据上海市本月起施行的规定,驾驶电动自行车时,驾驶人和乘坐人员必须佩戴安全头盔。 At about 3 o’clock this afternoon, most of the parents waiting at the gate of Baoshan Foreign Languages School were riding e-bikes. Some forgot a helmet for their child. School employees allowed these students to borrow a helmet, which needs to be returned tomorrow.下午3点左右,已有不少家长等候在宝山外国语学校门口。大多数家长骑着电动车,部分家长却忘了给孩子带头盔。因此,学校为学生提供了共享头盔服务,且学生需在第二天将其归还。 INTERVIEW:PARENTS 家长Sometimes I may forget to bring a helmet when I’m in a hurry. It’s nice that I can borrow one from the school.学生家长有时候可能一下子出门急了,忘记了,可能就到学校里面应一下急。 I forget to take a helmet, I have to borrow one to ensure safety.学生家长有的借肯定要借一下的,总归要确保安全。 Traffic police said they found most of the parents were just forgetful, rather than deliberately violating the regulation.交警表示,大部分家长只是容易遗忘,并非故意违反规定。 INTERVIEW:Gu Wei, Baoshan Traffic Police顾伟,宝山交警支队副支队长Shared helmets will help improve traffic safety awareness among students and their parents. And that will spread awareness to the whole society.通过小小头盔的租借,提醒我们的小朋友和家长,他们交通安全的意识。从而以点带面,提升整个社会面的交通安全意识。 The school said helmets will be disinfected【消毒】after each use.学校表示,头盔每次使用后,都会对其进行消毒。 3.WORLD HEALTH ASSEMBLY REJECTS TAIWAN PROPOSALThe World Health Assembly, the highest decision-making body of the World Health Organization, yesterday refused to include a proposal on Taiwan’s participation in its agenda. China’s permanent representative to the UN Office at Geneva said the Chinese delegation firmly supported the WHA’s decision.昨日,世界卫生大会(世卫组织的最高权力机构)再拒将涉台提案纳入议程。中国常驻联合国日内瓦办事处代表表示,中国代表团坚决支持世界卫生组织的决定。 Noting that Taiwan is an inalienable part of China, Chen Xu the country’s permanent representative to the UN Office at Geneva, said UNGA Resolution 2758 and WHA Resolution 25.1 provided the legal basis for the WHO to abide by the one-China principle【一个中国原则】, and recognized Taiwan as part of China. Chen said, the Taiwan proposal is in violation of the principles of the UN Charter, runs against the WHO’s Constitution and the WHA’s Rules of Procedure, and is illegal.中国常驻联合国日内瓦办事处代表陈旭大使在发言中表示,台湾是中国领土不可分割的一部分。涉台提案违反《联合国宪章》宗旨和原则,违反联合国大会第2758号决议和世卫大会25.1号决议所确认的一个中国原则,违反世卫组织《组织法》和世卫大会《议事规则》,是非法、无效的。 According to Chen, the central government has made appropriate arrangements for Taiwan region’s participation in global health affairs under the one-China principle. Since the coronavirus pandemic began, health experts in the Taiwan region have participated in 16 WHO technical activities, Chen noted. The WHO secretariat briefed health experts in the Taiwan region several times on the pandemic. He said the so-called "international epidemic prevention gap" does not exist, nor do experts from the Taiwan region lack channels to share medical information and experiences with others.陈旭表示,在一个中国原则的前提下,中国中央政府对台湾地区参与全球卫生事务作出了妥善安排。疫情发生以来,中国中央政府批准台湾地区卫生专家参加世卫组织技术活动16次,数次接受世卫组织秘书处疫情信息通报。陈旭表示,根本不存在所谓“国际防疫体系缺口”,也不缺少台卫生专家对外介绍岛内疫情防控做法的渠道和平台。 Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian said yesterday by the time the WHA opened, more than 150 countries had voiced their support for its decision. More than 80 WHO members had sent letters to the WHO to express their commitment to the one-China principle and opposition to Taiwan’s participation in the WHA. China also urged countries to stop politicizing health issues and refrain from interfering in China’s internal affairs through the Taiwan issue. Zhao said this will only hurt their own interests, adding that these acts are doomed to fail.中国外交部发言人赵立坚表示,本届大会开幕前,已有150多个国家通过外交渠道,表示支持中方决定。80多个国家专门致函世卫组织,表明坚持一个中国原则,反对台湾参加世卫大会。中方敦促个别国家,停止将卫生问题政治化,停止借台湾问题干涉中国内政,否则只会搬起石头砸自己的脚,注定以失败告终。 #热词加油站automate【自动化】facial recognition technology【人脸识别技术】QR code【二维码】discern【识别】susceptible【易受影响的】human trafficking【贩卖人口】coronary heart disease【冠心病】guardian【监护人】disinfect【消毒】one-China principle【一个中国原则】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
5/26/20216 minutes, 5 seconds
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05/25 TOP OF THE DAY 碳市场运行测试/安义夜市开幕

NEWS ON 05/241. SEEE STARTS TRADING TESTS TO LAUNCH CHINA’S FIRST CARBON TEETS碳排放权交易落地在即 各项准备测试进行中2. ANYI ROAD POP-UP FAIR RETURNS安义夜市来啦,美食活动打卡安排! ----------喜欢我们的小伙伴请记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------1.SEEE STARTS TRADING TESTS TO LAUNCH CHINA’S FIRST CARBON TEETSThe Shanghai Environment and Energy Exchange announced Saturday that it has begun trading tests in preparation of China’s first emissions【排放】 trading system. According to Lai Xiaoming, chairman of the marketplace, more than 30 companies across the country have said they will ’conduct some real trading tests’, adding that the tests will continue for some time.全国碳排放权交易市场启动在即,上海环境能源交易所5月22日宣布,相关交易测试正在进行当中。上海环交所董事长赖晓明表示,全国有共30多家企业“进行一些真实、实际的测试”,测试还将持续一段时间。Scheduled to start operating by the end of June, the scheme will allow companies to reduce their carbon emissions at low cost while forming a reasonable pricing mechanism. Lai said that the SEEE strives to include as many firms and financial institutions as possible, and will hope to include nearly 2,230 power companies, and gradually expand the scope【规模】to other industries that use a lot of energy.全国碳排放权交易计划于6月底之前上线启动,碳市场的主要目标是为了让企业以较低的成本减排,同时形成一个合理的定价机制。赖晓明透露,碳市场建设将尽量多地纳入控排企业和金融机构,并在全国市场启动初期把电力行业近2230家企业作为突破口,纳入第一次交易主体,后面按照各行业的情况稳步推进,纳入更多高能耗行业。2.ANYI ROAD POP-UP FAIR RETURNSThe popular Green Escape street fair, also known as the Anyi Night Market returned for the 3rd time over the weekend in downtown Jing’an. Organizers say the new version of the market is going to provide visitors with a more immersive【沉浸式的】 experience. Zhang Yue was there and tells us more.上周末,上海的热门打卡地安义夜巷举办了第三季启幕仪式。主办方表示,新一季的夜市将为大家带来更加沉浸式的体验。请听记者张乐报道。 Between Changde Road and Tongren Road, the small lane has once again turned into a stylish weekend night market. In addition to tasty delicacies from around the world, arts and crafts, games, and even plants are also available here.安义路位于常德路和铜仁路之间,这条小路再次摇身一变,成为了别具一格的周末夜市。除了来自世界各地的美食小吃,在这里还能买到手工艺品、游戏甚至盆栽。 INTERVIEWEE:Johawnes Walch, Vendor“There are lots of people here and everybody is in a good mood. There are lots of people who want to try out our products and many people have brought our products. The location is perfect. It’s in here, the center of the city. Also the quality of the vendors【摊主】here is much different.”“这里有很多人,大家心情也很好。有很多人想试试看我们的产品,也有很多人购买。这里的地理位置很棒,就在市中心,而且这里的摊主也很不一样。” The fair will last 20 weekends, covering five major themes, such as picnics, summer parties, and urban camping.本次夜市将持续20个周末,期间会有5个不同的主题活动,例如野餐、夏日派对和城市露营。 This year’s Anyi Night Market has opened its morning fair from 8 a.m. to noon for those who might be too busy come here at night, or simply just want to avoid the crowds. Those who visit in the morning can enjoy some live music, breakfast, and a regular yoga session to get in a little stretch【拉伸】 before starting the day.今年,安义夜巷也会在早晨8点至中午开放早安市集,方便那些晚上比较忙碌,或者想要避开人流的游客。早上前来的游客能够享受到现场音乐、早餐和瑜伽,在新的一天开始前拉伸一下,活动活动身体。INTERVIEWEE:Lin Xiaojue, Director of Jing’an Commerce Commission林晓珏 静安区商务委主任“Visitors are able to taste an authentic Shanghai-style breakfast the ’Big Four’, buy some plants, and learn to be more fit through exercise, like yoga and boxing. We have decorated the fair grounds with green and environmentally-friendly materials, because we encourage people to live in a healthy lifestyle.”“起早的人除了能在这里能品尝到老上海四大金刚早餐,还能买一些绿植、做一些瑜伽、拳击之类的运动,倡导健康的生活方式。我们很多布置的场景都选用了环保材料,希望大家能践行绿色健康的生活方式。” Also at the fair this weekend, was a stand comedy performance by the Jing’an police. The show attracted many people, and besides being funny, it had the added benefit of teaching people about how they can avoid fraud.在本周末的集市上,静安警方也“摆起了摊”,吸引了许多游客驻足。除了好玩、搞笑,这场表演还能帮助宣传和教育如何防范诈骗。 INTERVIEWEE:Zhou Shiqi, Jing’an Police Officer周世奇 静安民警“We are using a fun and entertainment way to tell people how to protect their money. Shanghai is very safe, but it is always good to know these things.”“我们想用这种诙谐、轻松的方式,告诉老百姓如何保护私人财产。尽管上海还是很安全的,但了解一些反诈骗知识肯定不会错。” Since its opening in 2019, the Anyi Night Market has been a hangout【聚会地点;常去的地方】 frequented by style-conscious【注重时尚的】 youngsters. More than 210,000 people visited within the first month that year. Last year, the fair opened in June, just a little later than usual due to the pandemic.自2019年开幕以来,安义夜巷已经成为了“会穿会玩”的年轻人的打卡地,19年吸引游客超过21万人次,而去年由于疫情原因,夜巷推迟至6月举办。 #热词加油站emission【排放】scope【规模】immersive【沉浸式的】vendor【摊主】stretch【拉伸】hangout【聚会地点;常去的地方】style-conscious【注重时尚的】eruption【喷发】lava【熔岩】outskirt【市郊】flatten【摧毁】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
5/25/20213 minutes, 54 seconds
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05/24 TOP OF THE DAY 中国花博会首日/上海港好忙/大熊猫“小奇迹”初亮相

NEWS ON 5/211. China Flower Expo Blossoms on Opening Day中国花博会首日!我们手拉手,一起徜徉在初夏的花海2. SHANGHAI PORT REPORTS HIGHER HANDLING CAPACITY“苏伊士运河堵船”事件持续影响全球航运,利好上海港3. Giant Panda Cub on Display as US National Zoo Reopens一起见证“小奇迹”!旅美大熊猫幼崽首次公开亮相 ------------你的赞赞,就是我们的动力 ----------- China Flower Expo Blossoms on Opening Day中国花博会首日!我们手拉手,一起徜徉在初夏的花海More than 20,000 people visited the 10th China Flower Expo as it opened today in Chongming District. Transportation along with food and drink offerings have been updated to meet different needs. Zhang Yue has more.在上海市崇明区举办的第十届中国花博会正式开门迎客,首日接待超过2万名游客。为了满足不同游客的需求,相关的交通以及餐饮服务都进行了升级。下面是来自记者张乐的报道。After more than 3 years of planning and preparations, the expo opened its gates to the public at 1pm. Strict pandemic controls are in place at the entrance, and visitors were seen entered the grounds in an orderly fashion with guidance from employees.Mini trains and electric vehicles are available for those too tired to walk the entire day.经过三年多的筹备,花博会在下午一点钟,正式向公众敞开了大门。进园需要经过严格的疫情防控检查,我们可以看见游客在工作人员的指引下,正有序地入园。I did some research and I already know which venues I want to visit the most, so it will be faster to take the mini train.【采访 游客:因为之前上午看过直播嘛 其实心里已经有想法对哪个场馆最感兴趣 然后想要直接坐着小火车去了】Restaurants, tea houses, and food trucks serve a variety of meal boxes, barbecued items and even Sichuan cuisine. Nearly 9,000 dining seats are available.餐馆、茶室还有流动餐车提供丰富多样的快餐、烧烤等食物,甚至还有川菜。现场可以提供大约9000个就餐位。I can have something to eat and drink anytime and anywhere inside the park. There are also plenty of restrooms, which is convenient.【采访 山东游客:随时随地就可以有吃有喝。而且特别方便我感觉就是卫生间,哪里都是】Medical stations and ambulances are strategically stationed around the park, while thousands of benches offer plenty of opportunities to take a load off. Plus, a combination of employees and volunteers are scattered around the site to help visitors.园区内分设有医疗救助站和急救车,还有几千张长椅供有人休憩。除此之外,园区内还分散安置了工作人员和志愿者,为游客提供指引和帮助。SHANGHAI PORT REPORTS HIGHER HANDLING CAPACITY“苏伊士运河堵船”事件持续影响全球航运,利好上海港The "Suez Canal ship jam" incident from two months ago continues to have an impact on the global shipping market, and the first batch of affected cargo ships are beginning to arrive at their destinations, including Shanghai. The city's ports have been speeding up their cargo handling to make room for the returning vessels.发生在两个月前的"苏伊士运河堵船"事件,对全球航运市场带来的影响仍在继续。之前积压的数百条大型远洋货船相继抵达目的港,上海的海港口岸提升效能,应对第一波货船靠泊高峰。The Shanghai International Port Group says the Yangshan Deep Water Port is now handling over 200 cargo ships a day. To raise the port's daily capacity, all arriving ships are being asked to complete their loading and unloading operations within 24 hours, instead of the previously mandated 36 hours. The port company said that it is also making preparations for handling a second wave of arriving cargo carriers, while at the same time continuing with its normal port maintenance work and with the upkeep of vessels used for watercourse dredging.来自上港集团的数据显示,货船靠港高峰期间,平均每天的船舶处理作业量在200艘次左右,集装箱吞吐量接近历史记录。一般情况下,一艘货船需要36个小时才能完成装卸作业,如今,在确保安全的情况下,24小时内,船只必须离港。上港集团表示,随着前往欧洲的西行航线陆续返程,预计第二波高峰不久后就会到来。为此,上海港各码头正进行人员调配、机械保养、以及码头前沿航道疏浚等工作,为再度迎接高峰做好准备。 Giant Panda Cub on Display as US National Zoo Reopens一起见证“小奇迹”!旅美大熊猫幼崽首次公开亮相A 9-month-old panda cub made his first public appearance yesterday and will soon welcome in-person visits by his fans across the country, as the US National Zoo in Washington is set for a phased reopening.(5月20日)9个月大的旅美大熊猫幼崽首次公开亮相。不久之后,熊猫宝宝还将迎来来自全美各地的熊猫粉们。The cub, named Xiao Qi Ji 小奇迹 or "Little Miracle", is the son of Tian Tian添添 and Mei Xiang美香, who gave birth to him in August at age 22, thrilling zoo officials who thought she had a slim chance of having a fourth healthy cub. Mei Xiang and Tian Tian have been living in the National Zoo in Washington since 2000. According to the Wildlife Conservation Association, the panda family will live in the US until the end of 2023. The zoo will open today at 20 percent capacity, admitting 5,000 to 6,000 visitors on a daily basis.这只名为 “小奇迹” 的熊猫崽崽是大熊猫 “添添” 和 “美香” 的儿子。去年八月, “美香” 以二十二岁的高龄产下幼崽。这是美香的第四胎幼崽,并且非常健康。这让原本并不看好的工作人员们喜出望外,宝宝因此获名 “小奇迹” 。"美香"和"小奇迹"的爸爸"添添",从2000年开始旅美生涯,堪称华盛顿国家动物园里的"元老级"明星。根据园方和中国野生动物保护协会最新续签的协议,"美香"、"添添"和"小奇迹"将在美国生活到2023年底。今天(5月21日),闭园半年的华盛顿国家动物园重新向普通民众开放,人流量控制在其正常负载量的20%,也就是说,每日可以接待大约5000至6000名游客。订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
5/24/20213 minutes, 16 seconds
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Bitcoin’s Big Fall!What’s wrong with the crypto? 丨专访:货币圈怎么了

你的赞赞,就是我们的动力!Bitcoin’s Big Fall!What’s wrong with the crypto? 丨专访:货币圈怎么了What’s wrong with the crypto? It was another bruising session for cryptocurrencies as margin calls started to add to the bad news for Bitcoin and Ether. A lot of crypto investors had been using borrowed money for extra leverage and the huge falls of the last few days have triggered forced sales of billions of dollars’ worth of those positions, pushing the price down even further. The People’s Bank of China added to some of the selling Tuesday when it reminded Chinese banks that crypto assets like Bitcoin aren’t legal currency in China and financial firms shouldn’t be helping people trade in it. Why Chinese government takes tightening measures towards cryptocurrency NOW? What’s the major driver of crypto volatility? Is China’s digital RMB a kind of cryptocurrency? We have with us Bobby Lee, Founder and CEO of Ballet, to share his insight views.订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投递“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛~更多视频内容,欢迎订阅我们的油管频道↓↓↓
5/22/20216 minutes, 41 seconds
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Bitcoin’s Big Fall!What’s wrong with the crypto? 丨专访:货币圈怎么了

你的赞赞,就是我们的动力!Bitcoin’s Big Fall!What’s wrong with the crypto? 丨专访:货币圈怎么了What’s wrong with the crypto? It was another bruising session for cryptocurrencies as margin calls started to add to the bad news for Bitcoin and Ether. A lot of crypto investors had been using borrowed money for extra leverage and the huge falls of the last few days have triggered forced sales of billions of dollars’ worth of those positions, pushing the price down even further. The People’s Bank of China added to some of the selling Tuesday when it reminded Chinese banks that crypto assets like Bitcoin aren’t legal currency in China and financial firms shouldn’t be helping people trade in it. Why Chinese government takes tightening measures towards cryptocurrency NOW? What’s the major driver of crypto volatility? Is China’s digital RMB a kind of cryptocurrency? We have with us Bobby Lee, Founder and CEO of Ballet, to share his insight views.订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投递“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛~更多视频内容,欢迎订阅我们的油管频道↓↓↓
5/22/20216 minutes, 41 seconds
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05/21 TOP OF THE DAY 中俄核能项目开工/比特币全线崩盘/ 情感类KOL走红

NEWS ON 05/201.XI, PUTIN WITNESS OPENING OF NUCLEAR ENERGY PROJECTS硬“核”开工!中俄合作再添“核”动力!2.CRYPTO IS ON THE ROPES AGAIN, BUT AN EXPERT TAKES THE LONG VIEW比特币历史性暴跌,“凛冬将至”的预兆?3.HAPPY LOVERS’ DAY - AND SOME GOOD ADVICE TOO恋爱怎么谈?情感大V助你一臂之力! -----------------喜欢我们的小伙伴请记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1.XI, PUTIN WITNESS OPENING OF NUCLEAR ENERGY PROJECTSPresident Xi Jinping and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin yesterday hailed, via video link, nuclear energy cooperation between the two countries. A groundbreaking【开创性的】ceremony was held to mark the first day of construction of power units No. 7 and 8, which include reactors, generators【发电机】and containment vessels, at Tianwan(田湾) Nuclear Power Plant in Jiangsu Province, and power units No. 3 and 4, which include reactors, generators and containment vessels, at the Xudapu(徐大堡) Nuclear Power Plant in Liaoning Province. Song Wenjing has more.昨日,习近平主席在北京通过视频连线,同俄罗斯总统普京共同见证两国核能合作项目——田湾核电站和徐大堡核电站开工仪式。开工仪式热烈祝贺位于江苏省的田湾核电站7号、8号机组(包括反应堆、发电机和安全壳)以及位于辽宁省的徐大堡核电站3号、4号机组(包括反应堆、发电机和安全壳)正式开工。 Xi reiterated【重申】China’s close attention to long-standing energy cooperation with Russia. Stressing that bilateral【双边的】cooperation on nuclear energy is part of their strategic partnership, Xi said he hopes both countries will build on this and identify other sectors for cooperation. He made three main points. First, he highlighted the importance of safety and security during construction, urging workers to always put safety first, while striving to set an example for global nuclear cooperation. Second, innovation needs to be a driving force in such cooperation, said Xi, calling for greater integration【结合】of technology. Third, Xi said China and Russia should remain committed to strategic coordination and work to promote international energy governance. Putin said cooperation on the peaceful use of nuclear energy marks a significant step in the comprehensive strategic partnership between the two countries. He added the project will inject new vitality into Russia-China relations, but also help achieve carbon neutrality.习近平强调,能源合作一直是两国务实合作中分量最重、成果最多、范围最广的领域,核能是其战略性优先合作方向,一系列重大项目相继建成投产。习近平提出三点希望。第一,坚持安全第一,树立全球核能合作典范。第二,坚持创新驱动,深化核能科技合作内涵。第三,坚持战略协作,推动全球能源治理体系协调发展。俄罗斯总统普京表示,和平利用核能合作是俄中新时代全面战略协作伙伴关系的重要组成部分。这一核能合作项目,不仅将为俄中关系进一步发展注入新的活力,也将助力实现碳达峰、碳中和目标。 "Start" announced by two presidents习近平下达指令“开工!”普京下达指令“启动!” Once completed, the four units are expected to effectively help China meets is target to reduce carbon dioxide emissions.此次开工的4台核电机组建成之后,将有效帮助中国实现减少二氧化碳排放的目标。 2.CRYPTO IS ON THE ROPES AGAIN, BUT AN EXPERT TAKES THE LONG VIEWNow it was another bruising session for crypto-currencies【加密货币】as margin calls started to add to the bad news for Bitcoin and Ether. Bitcoin had lost nearly one percent at one point today and a short time ago was trading at 39,885.27 US dollars. A lot of crypto investors had been using borrowed money for extra leverage and the huge falls of the last few days have triggered forced sales of billions of dollars worth of those positions, pushing the price down even further. The People’s Bank of China added to some of the selling Tuesday when it reminded Chinese banks that crypto assets like Bitcoin aren’t legal currency in China and financial firms shouldn’t be helping people trade in it.加密货币又迎来了一个痛苦的交易日。无力追加保证金的投资者只能眼睁睁看着自己被强平,进一步加剧了比特币和以太币的踩踏式下跌。今日,比特币一度下跌近1%,不久前的交易价格为39885.27美元。许多加密货币投资者一直通过借钱来增加杠杆,而过去几天的巨幅下挫直接造成数十亿美元计的杠杆仓位被强平,从而进一步压低了价格。周二,中国人民银行提醒中国各银行,比特币等加密资产在中国不属于法定货币,金融机构不为虚拟货币交易提供服务。这一公告也加剧了比特币抛售。 SPEAKER:Bobby Lee, Founder & CEO, Ballet鲍比·李,创始人和首席执行官,加密钱包BalletBitcoin today, until it becomes less volatile【不稳定的】, it is not suitable for day to day payments. It is not suitable to pay for a taxi ride. You might have enough bitcoin and think you can go to the airport, and by the time you get to the airport if Bitcoin falls by 20% you don’t have enough to pay for the ride. That would be terrible. Same with supermarket shopping or even online commerce.如今的比特币不适合作为日常支付手段,除非它能够变得稳定起来。用于支付出租车车费是不合适的。假设你有足够的比特币,但当你到达机场时,比特币下跌了20%,你就没有足够的钱来支付车费了,这很有问题。超市购物或者网上购物也是一样的情况。 The other huge factor in Bitcoin’s recent rise and fall has been Tesla CEO Elon Musk’s flip-flop on whether he’d allow the world’s biggest crypto asset to be used to buy his cars. First he said it would, and now he’s decided that bitcoin mining is bad for the environment because it uses too much electricity.比特币近期起伏较大的另一个重要因素是,特斯拉首席执行官埃隆·马斯克,关于是否允许使用比特币这一世界第一大加密货币来购买特斯拉汽车的态度一再转变。一开始他表示认同,现在他又认为比特币挖矿消耗太多电力,会对环境造成危害。 SPEAKER:Bobby Lee, Founder & CEO, Ballet鲍比·李,创始人和首席执行官,加密钱包BalletElon Musk has a large megaphone so when he speaks a lot of people listen - a lot of people are his fans, his followers. So you know, I guess our industry benefitted from him embracing crypto in January and February, the market rallied and now he’s sort of changed his mind again and the market corrects a bit. But I’m not worried because bitcoin’s success will not depend on Elon.埃隆·马斯克的影响力很大,所以当他说话的时候,很多人都会听——很多人是他的粉丝以及追随者。所以,我猜想今年1月和2月的时候,整个行业受益于他对加密货币的认可态度,上升显著;而现在他又改变了主意,因此市场回调。但我并不担心,因为比特币的成功与否并不取决于埃隆·马斯克。  3.HAPPY LOVERS’ DAY - AND SOME GOOD ADVICE TOOToday is known as Lovers’ Day in China, since "May 20th" can sound a little like the phrase "I love you" in Chinese. It’s a happy day for happy couples, and in addition to traditional celebrations, they can now take a look at other people’s love stories, online - and maybe get some good advice too. Ying Junyi has more.由于“520”发音与汉语中的“我爱你”相似,因此5月20日在中国也被视为情人节。对于情侣来说,今天是一个美好的日子。除了传统的庆祝活动,还可以在网上围观别人的爱情故事——也许还能收获一些不错的情感建议。 In the digital era we’ve all gotten used to the idea that key opinion leaders【意见领袖】can have a great deal of influence among their followers. But now people are beginning to share their love stories and experiences online, and social media platforms are beginning to be new guides for people looking for ways to get along better with their significant other.在数字化时代,各平台大V在粉丝中往往拥有的巨大影响力,对此,人们早已见怪不怪。但现在人们开始在网上分享自己的爱情故事和经历,社交媒体平台也开始成为情侣间寻求更好相处方式的新途径。 INTERVIEW:Citizens 市民How to be together, how to find a good partner, I always watch those things.怎么相处啊,应该找什么样的人啊。不只是好的,一些毒鸡汤也会不停去看。 I’m curious about the stories, and want to learn from them. And the ones online or on TV are pretty interesting.就是想知道些同龄人的故事啊,而且网上啦电视上他们都比较有趣,取取经什么的。 They’re something fresh. I don’t watch them, but my wife does. Fresh young couple aren’t like us, they’re happy to talk about things online.我觉得应该来说是新鲜感吧。我不看这些,但我太太看这些,像新的年轻人他们都喜欢在网上嘛,不一定是在线下,想知道就是他们的观念。 Hong Chenyao has more than 65 thousand followers listening to her stories on Weibo. She and her husband Mr. Liu have been updating their social platforms with their daily interactions for a long time now. Much of their content is relationship tips, with more and more people are now asking them for advice. The couple say they’ve benefitted from that themselves.洪女士在微博上有超过6.5万名粉丝收听她的情感故事。很长一段时间以来,她和丈夫刘先生一直将他们的互动日常发布在社交平台上。他们大部分内容是恋爱技巧类的,所以现在越来越多的年轻人会来向他们寻求帮助,他们觉得自己也从中受益不少。 INTERVIEW:Hong Chenyao & Liu, VloggerHandling relationship problems is not like working or something else that has fixed models. We have been together for a long time, and our followers want to learn something about that. So we decided to share our stories.情感类的内容,它不像工作或者其它东西有固定的模式,大家可能有疑问或者比较好奇我觉得 然后我们在一起很久了有很多经历和想法,就很自然而然的分享出来了。 At first, she made videos on her own. When I started to help her, I found we have more time together, so it’s good for our relationship too.以前视频主要还是她个人做,后来我渐渐也参与其中,平时日常互动的时间变多了,对于我们感情我觉得这也是非常直接的正面影响。 And their stories are helping out not just couples, but also singles who are struggling to be in a relationship. The experts say there’s a need for that.他们的故事不仅帮助了许多情侣,也帮助了那些在恋爱中苦苦挣扎的单身人士。专家表示,现在人们确实会有大量咨询情感问题的需求。 INTERVIEW:Dr. Paul Wang, Founder, Dr. Paul Wellness GroupNowadays a lot of people are scared to going to marriage as the divorce rate is quite high. A lot of people, when they immersed into these characters, they are trying out to see if how a relationship will look like or how to resolve conflicts, how do they work together, how do they have their daily life being showcased. In the current generation, people do have a lot of need in terms of being understanding and connecting with people.现在很多人害怕结婚,因为离婚率很高。当人们沉浸在恋爱关系中时,会试图了解一段关系是什么样的,或者如何解决矛盾,如何协力合作,又如何展示自己的日常生活。现代社会中,人们确实会在与他人的理解和沟通方面有很多需求。 And with people attracted to the KOL couples, some brand marketing strategies are starting to take them into account as well. Hong Chenyao has already managed to commercialize their account by partnering with cosmetics makers and home appliance【(家用)电器】providers - good advice, and good business as well. Happy May 20th!随着情侣大V获得越来越多的关注,一些品牌营销也开始向他们伸出橄榄枝。洪女士已经通过与化妆品制造商和家电供应商的合作,成功实现了账号商业化——这是一个很好的建议,也是一笔不错的生意。“520”快乐! #热词加油站groundbreaking【开创性的】generator【发电机】reiterate【重申】bilateral【双边的】integration【结合】crypto-currencies【加密货币】volatile【不稳定的】key opinion leader【意见领袖】appliance【(家用)电器】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
5/21/20216 minutes, 52 seconds
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05/20 TOP OF THE DAY 天问传回火星照/城镇就业人员年平均工资/打击反亚裔仇恨法案

NEWS ON 5/191. CHINA’S TIANWEN-1 PROBE SENDS BACK MARS LANDING VISUALS    祝融镜头下的火星,天问1号给大家传回来了!2. URBAN EMPLOYEES’ SALARIES ROSE IN 2020 DESPITE COVID-19    你涨工资了吗?2020年城镇就业人员年平均工资57727元3. US HOUSE PASSES ANTI-ASIAN HATE CARIME BILL    压倒性优势!美国会众议院通过打击反亚裔仇恨犯罪法案-----------------喜欢我们的小伙伴请记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------CHINA’S TIANWEN-1 PROBE SENDS BACK MARS LANDING VISUALS祝融镜头下的火星,天问1号给大家传回来了! Two photos and two videos captured by Mars probe Tianwen-1 were released today by the China National Space Administration.国家航天局今日发布我国首次火星探测天问一号任务探测器着陆过程两器分离和着陆后火星车拍摄的影像。 The first photo shows the lander’s ramp extending to the surface of Mars. The second image shows the rover’s【火星车的】 solar panels【太阳翼】and antenna【天线】, with the red soil and rocks on the surface clearly visible. The probe also sent back a video taken by the orbiter【环绕器】.从第一张照片可以看到,在火星车前进方向上,着陆平台驶离坡道机构展开正常。第二张照片显示,祝融号火星车太阳翼、天线展开正常到位;火星表面纹理清晰,地貌信息丰富。天问一号还传回了一段环绕器拍摄的视频。 The country’s first Martian rover established a link with the orbiting relay station and transmitted the data to Earth on Monday.本周一,中国首辆火星车与环绕器建立稳定的中继通信链路,陆续传回图像数据。 A new ocean monitoring satellite was sent into orbit【轨道】 today from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in north-western China. A Long March-4B rocket carrying the HY-two D satellite blasted off【发射升空】at 12:03pm. It was the 370th launch in the Long March rocket series.一颗新的海洋动力环境卫星在酒泉卫星发射中心发射成功,顺利进入预定轨道。长征四号乙运载火箭搭载海洋二号D卫星于中午12:30分发射升空。此次任务是长征系列运载火箭的第370次飞行。 The HY-two D will form a link with the HY- two B and HY- two C satellites to build an all-weather monitoring system to support the country’s prediction of marine disasters, sustainable development and utilization of ocean resources, responses to global climate change, as well as ocean research.海洋二号D卫星入轨后,将与在轨运行的海洋二号B卫星和海洋二号C卫星组网,共同构建我国首个海洋动力环境卫星星座,形成全天候、全天时、高频次全球大中尺度的海洋动力环境监测体系,为我国预警预报海洋灾害、可持续开发和利用海洋资源、有效应对全球气候变化、开展海洋科学研究等提供精准的海洋动力环境信息。 URBAN EMPLOYEES’ SALARIES ROSE IN 2020 DESPITE COVID-19你涨工资了吗?2020年城镇就业人员年平均工资57727元 The average salary of China’s urban employees grew in 2020 despite the impact of COVID-19. According to the National Bureau of Statistics【国家统计局】, the real growth of average salary for urban employees in non-private sectors adjusted for inflation rose by more than 5.2 percent to about 97,000 yuan during the year.在疫情冲击下,2020年城镇单位就业人员年平均工资仍然保持增长。国家统计局19日发布的数据显示,扣除价格因素,2020年全国城镇非私营单位就业人员年平均工资实际增长5.2%,达到97379元。 Average annual salaries in the private sector reported year-on-year growth of more than 5.3 percent, to stand at more than 57,000 yuan after deducting price factors. The growth rate of the average salary of urban employees in non-private sectors was at its lowest point since 1984, however, while that of workers in private sectors dropped to its second-lowest point since 2009, according to the bureau.根据国家统计局的数据,2020年城镇私营单位就业人员年平均工资为57727元,扣除价格因素实际增长5.3%。城镇非私营单位就业人员年平均工资增速为1984年以来的最低值,同时,城镇私营单位就业人员年平均工资的增速为2009年以来的第二低位。 US HOUSE PASSES ANTI-ASIAN HATE CARIME BILL压倒性优势!美国会众议院通过打击反亚裔仇恨犯罪法案 The US House of Representatives yesterday voted overwhelmingly【压倒性的】to pass a bill aimed at combating the rise in anti-Asian hate crimes in the country.当地时间18号,美国国会众议院/以压倒性优势,通过一项打击反亚裔仇恨犯罪的法案。 This legislation would create a position at the Justice Department to expedite a review of COVID-19 related hate crimes, provide grants for states to create hotlines for reporting hate crimes. It also provides for law enforcement【执法】training aimed at preventing and identifying hate crimes.根据法案,美司法部将设立专门职位加快对反亚裔仇恨犯罪的审查;建立多种语言的在线仇恨犯罪举报系统;加强各州和地方执法部门关于仇恨犯罪的报告、追踪等;为提高公众“疫情期间对仇恨犯罪的认识”提供指导意见。 Biden is expected to sign the bill into law as soon as tomorrow. 美国总统拜登有望于5月20号签署法案,使其正式成为法律。订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
5/20/20213 minutes, 56 seconds
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05/19 TOP OF THE DAY “天和”号等待交会对接/上海人口普查数据一览/全球反常天气

NEWS ON 05/181.CORE MODULE OF SPACESTATION ENTERS RENDEZVOUS ORBIT“天和”号已完成在轨测试,静候天舟!2.SHANGHAI POPULATON UP BY8% IN PAST DECADE TO 24.9 MLN十年过去了,上海人口变了,真的变了!3.MOSCOW HIT BY HIGHTEMPERATURES,WHITE UK HIT BY HAILSTORM高温冰雹轮番上演,每一个极端天气都让人颤抖!-----------------喜欢我们的小伙伴请记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1.CORE MODULE OF SPACE STATION ENTERSRENDEZVOUS ORBITThe core module of China’s space stationpassed all tests today and entered its planned orbit【轨道】, where it will dock with the Tianzhou-2 cargo spacecraft.中国空间站的核心舱今天通过了所有测试,已进入预定轨道,等待与天舟二号货运飞船交会对接。Tian-he was launched on April 29th and hassince undergone more than 40 tests, which included checks covering rendezvous【会面】 and docking, the living conditions of astronauts, and itsmechanical arms. The China National Space Administration plans to construct a spacestation【空间站】by 2022, and Tian-he is its core piece.Tianzhou-2 is expected to launch within days.“天和”号核心舱于4月29日发射升空,此后进行了40多项测试,包括交会对接、航天员驻留以及机械臂测试。中国国家航天局计划在2022年前完成空间站的建造,而“天和”号是空间站的核心部分。天舟二号则预计在未来几日内发射升空。2.SHANGHAI POPULATON UP BY 8% IN PASTDECADE TO 24.9 MLNNow data from the seventh national census【人口普查】showed that the population of Shanghai reached 24.9 million in 2020,up by 8 percent from 2010. Authorities from the city’s statistics bureau【统计局】said the rate of the city’s growth was only 0.8 percent. That’s 2.6percentage points lower than the annual growth rate reported between 2000 and2010.第七次全国人口普查数据显示,2020年上海市常住人口为2490万,与2010年相比增长8%。市统计局表示,上海市年平均增长率仅为0.8%,比2000年到2010年的年平均增长率下降2.6个百分点。The census data showed an increase in the proportion【比例】of the city’s young people. There are 2.4 million children under theage of 14, or 9.8 percent of the city’s population, up by 1.2 percentage pointsfrom 2010. Although there was an increase, Shanghai’s proportion of childrenunder the age of 14 is the lowest among all the provinces and municipalities【自治市】in China.人口普查数据显示,上海市少儿人口比重有所回升。0-14岁人口为240万人,占全市人口9.8%,与2010年相比提高1.2个百分点。虽然少儿人口比重有所回升,但上海14岁以下儿童比例在全国各省市中仍为最低。Officials acknowledged that Shanghai’soverall population is aging. The latest figures showed 5.8 million people overthe age of 60, accounting for 23.4 percent of the city’s population, up by 8.3percentage points from 2010. As for gender balance in the city, males still outnumber【(在数量上)比…多】females by small margin, 51.8 to 48.2 percent, statisticallyspeaking the ratio【比例】comes out to 107.3 men forevery 100 women; up from 106.2 in 2010.市统计局表示,上海总人口呈现老龄化态势。最新数据显示,60岁及以上人口为580万,占全市人口的23.4%,比2010年提高8.3个百分点。全市常住人口性别构成中,男性仍小幅超过女性,男性人口占51.8%,女性人口占48.2%。常住人口性别比(以女性为100,男性对女性的比例)为107.3,相较于2010年的106.2有所上升。SPEAKER:Shi Fang, Seventh Shanghai PopulationCensus Team施方,上海市第七次全国人口普查领导小组办公室主任The main reason of the higher ratio is thatmore men come to Shanghai for work from other cities. For example in 2019, morethan 75 percent of the people who came to Shanghai, came for work, most of themare male.上海人口性别比高于全国平均水平的主要原因是,外省市来沪常住人口性别比是偏高的。从2019年的抽样调查情况来看,这部分人口来沪主要以工作、经商为主。2019年上海外来常住人口来沪经商、务工的比例为75.1%,其中男性比例是比较高的,因此把整个上海性别拉高了。3.MOSCOW HIT BY HIGH TEMPERATURES,WHITEUK HIT BY HAILSTORMThe world has been experiencing someunusual weather recently. Temperature peaked at more than 30 degrees inRussia’s capital city of Moscow yesterday, while a freak hailstorm【冰雹暴】hit the southern and central parts of England. Sun Siqi has more.近日,世界多地出现反常天气。昨日,俄罗斯首都莫斯科的最高气温超过30℃;英格兰南部和中部地区遭受罕见冰雹袭击。以下是孙思琪的报道。The unusually high temperatures hit Moscowyesterday to the delight of many residents.昨日,莫斯科出现反常高温,众多市民开心纳凉。INTERVIEW:Moscow Resident莫斯科市民The temperature varies greatly here. Thetemperature can dip below 25 degrees in winter. And now, it’s so warm. It’sgreat that we can enjoy such warm weather in May.这里的温差很大,冬天有零下25度,现在又这么热。我们很喜欢这样温暖的5月。Meteorologists【气象学家】said that the influence of dry and warm air masses from Central Asiaas well as an anticyclone have resulted in an unusually hot weather in Moscow.However, thunderstorms are in the forecast for the next two days, accompaniedby a drop in high temperatures of at least 10 degrees. In southern and centralEngland, a very rare and intense hailstorm momentarily【短促地】turned the region white as large hailstones flooded the streets.This particular hailstorm is considered rare as it hit during unseasonably【反季节地】low temperatures.气象学家表示,受来自中亚的暖气团、干气团以及反气旋的影响,莫斯科出现异常炎热的天气。不过,预计未来两天将有雷雨,并伴有10度以上的大幅降温。英格兰南部和中部则遭受了一场罕见冰雹的猛烈袭击,街上随处可见大块的白色冰雹。本次冰雹是在反常的低温条件下发生的,因此尤为罕见。#热词加油站orbit【轨道】rendezvous【会面】space station【空间站】census【人口普查】statistics bureau【统计局】proportion【比例】municipalities【自治市】outnumber【(在数量上)比…多】ratio【比例】hailstorm【冰雹暴】Meteorologists【气象学家】momentarily【短促地】unseasonably【反季节地】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
5/19/20213 minutes, 29 seconds
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05/18 TOP OF THE DAY 花博会出行指南/巴以冲突升级

NEWSON 05/171.TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN UNVEILED FOR FLOWER EXPO各就各位,低碳出行!上海花博会等你来!2.UN SECURITY COUNCIL URGES CESSATION OF ISRAELI-PALESTINIAN VIOLENCE巴以冲突愈演愈烈 中国主持联合国安理会巴以冲突问题紧急公开会----------喜欢我们的小伙伴请记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------1.TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN UNVEILED FOR FLOWER EXPOShanghai traffic police say a plan will be in place【到位】during the upcoming 10th China Flower Expo, which begins this Friday and runs through July 2nd. Police say cargo trucks【货车】 will be banned on the Shanghai section of the G40 Expressway from 6am to 8pm on weekends and during the Dragon Boat Festival. Zhang Yue tells us more.为确保即将到来的第十届花博会安全顺利举办,上海市公安局发布了展会期间(5月21日至7月2日)交通管理方案。双休日、端午假期每日6时至20时,G40沪陕高速(上海段)禁止悬挂黄色机动车号牌载货汽车通行。请听记者张乐带来的报道。Police also said all sedans【小轿车】, SUVs or vans won’t be allowed to use the G40 expressway’s Yangtze RiverTunnel and Bridge that connects Shanghai with Qidong City in Jiangsu, from 7am to 1pm on weekends and during the Dragon Boat Festival from June 12th to 14th. More than 600 buses, 300 taxis, and five ferry lines will be available to take people between downtown 【市区】and Chongming Island.此外,双休日、端午假期每日7时至13时,G40沪陕高速上海长江隧道段上海市区往启东方向,禁止悬挂外省市机动车号牌的小客车通行。展会期间将提供600余辆公交车、300辆出租车,并有五条轮渡线路投入使用,便于游客往返于城区和崇明岛。INTERVIEW:Xing Peiyi, Head of SH TrafficPolice邢培毅 市公安局交警总队总队长“We recommend people take public transportation instead of driving. Those who need to drive are recommended to go at staggered 【交错的】time periods. Traffic control measures around the expo, including parking ban and one-way lanes, will be in place. We have run traffic pressure tests three times to make sure traffic will run smoothly during the expo. ”“我们希望市民群众尽量乘坐公共交通前往场馆。对于需要驾车进出岛的市民和游客,可以在小客车非限行时段错峰出行。同时,我们还对园区周边道路设置了单行线和禁停区。我们进行了三次交通压力测试,确保花博会安全顺利举办。”Police cars, fire trucks, and ambulances are exempt【免除】 from the restrictions. People on Chongming can apply for exemptions from the traffic controls if they are not attending the expo.警车、消防车、救护车等车辆不会受到道路限行影响。在出入岛交通管控时间段内,崇明本地居民如确有特殊需求需驾车出行,可以预约办理 “出入岛临时通行证”。INTERVIEW:Wang Jinxing, Deputy Directorof Chongming Public Security Bureau王金星 崇明公安分局副局长“We have run a thorough check to all hotels, homestays, and tourist sites around the expo venue. We will giveout a passes according to their needs. Residents and visitors are required tomake a reservation and register their vehicle information one day ahead.”“我们警方对管控区内的酒店、民宿和其他景点都进行了全面的排摸,根据停车位数量来核发每日的通行证额度。市民群众要提前一天联系预定的酒店、民宿或者是景点前台,由前台对自驾车辆进行备案登记。”Expo tickets are now available from 100 to 160 yuan each. Once the expo opens, tickets will range from 120 to180 yuan.花博会门票现已开放售卖,预售价为每人100至160元。正式开幕后,价格为每人120至180元。2. UNSECURITY COUNCIL URGES CESSATION OF ISRAELI-PALESTINIAN VIOLENCEAs the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has entered its second week, the United Nations Security Council heldan open debate on the situation last night. During the virtual meeting countries called for an immediate end to the bloodshed【流血冲突】. Zhang Yue has the story.巴以冲突进入第二周,战火愈演愈烈,联合国安理会16日就巴以冲突问题举行紧急公开会,多国表示关切并敦促冲突方立即停火。请听记者张乐带来的报道。China hosted the meeting as the Security Council president for the month of May. The emergency meeting was scheduled to be held last Friday, but delayed due to obstruction 【阻碍】from the US.The Palestinian foreign minister urged the UN Security Councilto take action to end Israeli attacks on Gaza during the meeting, saying Israel has committed war crimes.中国作为联合国安理会5月轮值主席主持了本次会议,而由于美国的不断阻挠,原定于上周五举行的会议延期至5月16日。巴勒斯坦外交部部长敦促联合国安理会采取行动,让以色列停止对加沙开火,并称以色列“已经犯了战争罪”。SPEAKER:Riad Al-Malki, Palestinian FM“How many Palestinian civilians killed is enough for a condemnation【谴责】? 200 Palestinians have been killed, a third of them children and women. ”“要多少巴勒斯坦人民的死亡才能换来谴责?现在已经有200名巴勒斯坦民众死亡,三分之一是妇女和儿童。”The Israeli Ambassador to the UN blamed Hamas for the exchanges of fire.同时,以色列驻联合国大使强烈谴责哈马斯对以色列的持续袭击。SPEAKER:Gilad Erdan, Israeli Ambassador to UN“Hamas’s insidious【潜伏的】 strategy of firing at Israeli civilians while hiding behind Palestinian civilians. It will lead to the death of more innocent Israelis and Palestinians.”“哈马斯把巴勒斯坦民众作为掩护,对以色列人开火,这会导致两方更多的无辜民众死亡。”The UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres iterated【重申】 that the only way forward is to return to negotiations. Chinese State Councilor and foreign minister Wang Yi put forward a four-point proposition【主张】 for an immediate end to hostilities: ceasefire and cessation【停止】 of violence, humanitarian【人道主义的】 assistance, international support and a "two-state solution". Wang added that China welcomes negotiators from the two countries to hold direct talks in China. The US ambassador to the UN said America will offer assistance if the two sides seek a ceasefire.联合国秘书长安东尼奥·古特雷斯再次表示,唯一的办法只有协商。中国国务委员兼外交部长王毅在会上就巴以冲突问题提出了四点主张:第一,停火止暴是当务之急;第二,人道援助是迫切需要;第三,国际支持是应尽义务;第四,“两国方案”是根本出路。王毅部长表示,中方欢迎巴以双方谈判代表在华举行直接谈判。美国驻联合国大使表示,如果双方停火,美国将会提供援助。The violence in Israel and Gaza continued today. Early this morning, Israeli planes bombed for nearly 10minutes from North to South in Gaza city. A six-year-old girl named Suzy and her father were the only survivors of a family of seven after being trapped for seven hours under the debris 【废墟;碎片】of their home, destroyed by Israeli airstrikes.直到今日,以色列和加沙依旧战火纷飞。17日凌晨,以色列战机对加沙地带多个目标发动了一系列猛烈空袭,轰炸从北到南持续了10分钟。6岁小女孩苏西在废墟下被困了7个小时后获救,被送至父亲所在的医院,和父亲一起接受治疗。然而,她的家已被炸毁,她的母亲和4个兄弟姐妹也都在空袭中丧生。SPEAKER:RiyadEshkuntana, Survivor and Suzy’s Father“A second airstrike hit the room and I felt and the ceiling was destroyed and I was under the rubble【碎石】. The last moments of my wife’s life, I saw her throw herself on floor and concrete【混凝土】 fell on her head.”“空袭击中了我们的房子,我觉得天花板掉下来了,我被埋在了碎石里面。我看到妻子重重地摔在地上,混凝土都砸在她头上。”To provide humanitarian assistance, Egypt opened the Rafah border crossing yesterday, one day earlier than scheduled. It will allow students, the elderly, and people who are sick or wounded to escape from Gaza into Egypt. Within half a day of being open, over 260 Palestinians crossed into Egypt.埃及为实行人道主义援助,提前一日开放了与加沙边境的拉法口岸,允许加沙的巴勒斯坦学生、老人和病患通过。开放半日内,已有260名巴勒斯坦人通过口岸进入埃及境内。#热词加油站in place【到位】cargo truck【货车】sedan【小轿车】downtown 【市区】staggered 【交错的】exempt【免除】bloodshed【流血冲突】obstruction 【阻碍】condemnation【谴责】insidious【潜伏的】iterate【重申】proposition【主张】cessation【停止】humanitarian【人道主义的】debris 【废墟;碎片】rubble【碎石】concrete【混凝土】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~
5/18/20215 minutes
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What Keeps Young People away from Manufacturing? | 专访:年轻人的职业选择

What Keeps Young People away from Careers in Manufacturing?Delivery man or factory worker? Which one would you pick to start your career? Many of Chinese young people have made their decisions. China released once-in-a-decade census data this week showing the ongoing drift of workers away from China’s manufacturing sector and towards the service sector and its fast-growing delivery and ride-hailing industries. China may no longer supply young, productive, cheap workers. What keeps young people away from careers in manufacturing. What change is underway in the country's manufacturing sector? To explore those questions, and more, we have Li Wei, Senior China Economist at Standard Chartered Bank to share his observations.
5/15/20216 minutes, 12 seconds
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05/14 TOP OF THE DAY 高校毕业生破900万/特斯拉暂停使用比特币/美英涉疆闹剧

NEWS ON 05/131.COLLEGE GRADUATES WILLSURPASS 9 MLN高校毕业生突破九百万!你找到工作了吗?2.TESLA NO LONGER ACCEPTING BITCOIN OVER CLIMATE CONCERNS特斯拉暂停使用比特币支付,加密货币何去何从?3.CHINA’S UN MISSION REBUKES VIRTUAL EVENT ON XINJIANG美英等国上演涉疆闹剧,这就是所谓“关心人权”?-----------------喜欢我们的小伙伴请记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1.COLLEGE GRADUATES WILLSURPASS 9 MLNMore than 9 million college students areexpected to graduate this year and they will face a daunting employmentenvironment amid the coronavirus pandemic. The Ministry of Education said todaythat help will be available as the students begin their search for a job. ZhangYue has more. The ministry said the nation’s civilservice examination will take place in July, two months earlier thanusual. Students who fail the examination will have more time to look for otherjobs.Wang Hui, Ministry of Education王辉,教育部高校学生司司长We will optimize enrollment in postgraduateprograms and those choosing to enter a vocational college. This is as importantas adjusting the majors of students to better fit what the job market needs.发挥高等教育人才"蓄水池"作用,适度扩大研究生、专升本招录规模,把升学扩招同调整学科专业结构统筹推进。A weeklong job fair will be held nationwidefrom May 17th to 23rd to provide both job opportunities for the new graduatesand chances for universities and employers to better match candidates with openpositions. Each province will organize at least two large-scale job fairsduring the week, according to the ministry. Universities and colleges will alsohold campus recruitment events. Liu Yuguang,DirectorChina HigherEducation Student Info. & Career Center刘玉光,全国高等学校学生信息咨询与就业指导中心主任Students from 60 colleges will be able toconnect with representatives from 120 companies in key industries ranging fromchemical materials and clean energy to information technology andmanufacturing.将有60余所高校以及来自能源动力、材料化工、装备制造、信息通讯、生态环保、国防科技等18个重点领域行业的120余家企业在现场进行对接。The number of students graduating is about350,000 more than last year.2.TESLA NO LONGER ACCEPTING BITCOIN OVER CLIMATE CONCERNSTesla’s CEO Elon Musk announced via socialmedia yesterday that Tesla has stopped accepting bitcoin due to theenvironmental burden caused by the energy consumption of bitcoin mining. But he also said Tesla would not sell itsbitcoin. In early February, Tesla disclosed that it had invested 1.5 billiondollars in bitcoin and announced that the company would accept bitcoin as apayment method for its products. After the release of the news, the price ofbitcoin briefly rose sharply. But after Musk’s latest announcement, the priceof bitcoin plunged more than 12% within the past 24 hours and was a littleunder 50,000 US dollars. Bitcoin’s record high is 64,829 US dollars.3.CHINA’S UN MISSION REBUKES VIRTUAL EVENT ON XINJIANGA spokesperson of China’s Permanent Missionto the United Nations expressed firm opposition to a side event yesterday onthe so-called human rights situation in Xinjiang. The event was organized bythe U.S., U.K. and Germany as well as several other countries andnon-governmental organizations. Zhang Hong tells us more.The spokesperson said while the U.S. andsome other countries talked about human rights in Xinjiang, they are actuallythinking about ways of using Xinjiang to contain China. They make a presumptionof guilt and then fabricate so-called evidence. The spokesperson pointed outthat China is among the safest countries in the world. All crimes are punishedin accordance with law. Guo Jiakun, Chinese Diplomat郭嘉昆,中国外交官Xinjiang is always open. Over 1,200diplomats, journalists, scholars from more than 100 countries have visitedXinjiang in past years. We welcome everyone to visit Xinjiang, but we opposeany kind of investigation based on lies and the presumption of guilt.Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hua Chunyingalso responded to the event today. Hua Chunying, Spokesperson华春莹,中国外交部发言人The U.S., Britain, Germany and a few othercountries always try to preach to others on human rights as"lecturers", while they themselves have a deplorable record. All thefalse accusations they make against China are in fact a reflection of their owncrimes and egregious behaviors in history and dark psychology.这几个国家总是试图要充当人权的"教师爷",如果他们真的关心人权,为什么他们不邀请真正的新疆的民众去参加?为什么不对本国存在的严重种族歧视政策和行为进行深刻的反思并切实地改正?如果他们真的关心人权,应该立即停止在海外军事行动中滥杀无辜,立即确保疫苗在全球的公平分配。Hua said the conference was full of liesand disinformation, and such a farce has also been resolutely resisted by themajority of UN member states.订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~更多视频内容,欢迎订阅我们的油管频道↓↓↓
5/14/20214 minutes, 11 seconds
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05/13 TOP OF THE DAY 联合国年中报告/苏伊士运河将拓宽/美国东部”油荒心也慌”

NEWS ON 05/121. UN RAISES GLOBAL ECONOMIC GROWTH FORECAST TO 5.4%联合国年中报告发布:中美领跑全球经济2. EGYPTIAN PRESIDENT APPROVES PLAN TO EXPAND SUEZ’SSOUTHERN STRETCH埃及:苏伊士运河拓宽计划获批 能否打破“搁浅”魔咒?3. MORE THAN 1,000 GAS STATIONS RUN OUT OF FUEL INEASTERN US油荒心也慌!美国输油管线被“黑” 民众恐慌购油 超1000家加油站库存告急----------喜欢我们的小伙伴请记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------1.UN RAISES GLOBAL ECONOMIC GROWTH FORECAST TO 5.4%The United Nations released a mid-year update of itsWorld Economic Situation and Prospects 2021 report yesterday. It predictedglobal growth of 5.4%, but warned uncertainty remains due to the coronaviruspandemic. Zhang Hong tells us more.The United Nations revised its global economicforecast upward from 4.7% to 5.4% growth this year as a result of rebounds inChina and the United States. It revised its forecast for China from 7.2% to8.2%.INTERVIEW:Hamid Rashid, UN Dept. of Economic and Social Affairs拉希德 联合国经济和社会事务部全球经济监测中心主任“The fact is that China is playing a very importantrole. The robust investment in China that happened during the last six months,and also the merchandise export, has increased significantly in terms ofelectronics and electrical equipment, digital equipment, all the parts and all theother manufacturing export from China which have been very robust. And it hasexceeded the pre-crisis level. That is also driving a good outlook for China.”“事实是中国扮演了重要角色。过去6个月以来,中国的投资蓬勃增长,商品出口也大量增长,特别是电子类产品、数码设备,包括中国制造的出口。各个领域都非常稳健,超过了新冠肺炎疫情前的状况。这让世界提升了中国的经济增长预期。”It predicted 6.2% growth for the United States, upfrom its previous forecast of 3.4%, but reduced its euro zone outlook from 5%growth to 4.2%. Lead author Rashid said the United Nations is still optimisticabout the global economy, but numerous uncertainties amid the pandemic cloudthe picture. According to the report, the pandemic has pushed about 114 millionpeople intro extreme poverty, adding the world’s most vulnerable countries arefacing the prospect of a lost decade. For many developing countries, economicoutput is only projected to return to pre-pandemic levels next year or 2023.2.EGYPTIAN PRESIDENT APPROVES PLAN TO EXPAND SUEZ’SSOUTHERN STRETCHEgyptian President Abdel-Fattah al-Sisi yesterdayapproved the Suez Canal Authority’s plan to expand and deepen the southern stretch of the waterway.The project is expected to be completed within twoyears. The Canal Authority plans to widen the 30-kilometer stretch of thewaterway between the city of Suez and the Bitter Lakes by 40 meters. It willalso deepen the section from 20 to 22 meters. Officials said the grounding ofthe 440-meter Ever Given container ship for six days in March highlighted theneed for the canal’s expansion.3.MORE THAN 1,000 GAS STATIONS RUN OUT OF FUEL INEASTERN USThe shutdown of Colonial Pipeline entered into its sixth day after being hit bya cyberattack last Friday, which has caused gasoline shortages at gas stationsalong the east coast of the United States.By yesterday shortages primarily driven by panicbuying led to more than 1,000 gas stations running out of gasoline. The averageprice of unleaded gasoline almost reached 3 dollars per gallon, the highestsince November 2014. US Secretary of Energy warned gas station owners therewill be "no tolerance for price gauging," and urged the public not tohoard gasoline, insisting there is no need. A large part of the pipelineresumed operations manually late Monday, and Colonial will be able to restartmost of its operations by the end of the week.订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~更多视频内容,欢迎订阅我们的油管频道↓↓↓
5/14/20213 minutes, 17 seconds
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05/12 TOP OF THE DAY 人口大数据新鲜出炉/国产小家电崛起/NASA探测器返航

NEWS ON 05/111. NATIONAL CENSUS PEGSPOPULATION AT 1.4 BILLION14.1178亿,每一个你都很珍贵!2. DOMESTIC BRANDS CATERING TO BIGMARKET IN SMALL HOME APPLIANCES功能、审美统统在线,崛起吧,国产小家电!3. NASA SPACECRAFT IS HEADED BACK TOEARTH WITH ASTEROID SAMPLES“奥西里斯-雷克斯号探测器已成功抓取小行星样本,请求返航!”-----------------喜欢我们的小伙伴请记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1.NATIONAL CENSUS PEGS POPULATION AT 1.4BILLIONChina’s population on themainland reached 1.41 billion, the National Bureau of Statistics announcedtoday. Here’s Ai Bei with the details. Thank you, He Jian. China’s populationrose 5.38 percent, or 72 million people, in the past decade. The annual growthrate averaged 0.53 percent, down from 0.57 percent between 2000 and 2010.People aged 60 and above reached 264 million, or 18.7 percent of thepopulation, up 5.44 percentage points from 2010. Close to 18 percent of thepopulation were aged below 14 in 2020, up 1.35 percentage point from 2010. INTERVIEW:Ning Jizhe, Director, National Bureau ofStatistics宁吉喆,国务院第七次全国人口普查领导小组副组长、国家统计局局长China has 30 million more people in the agebracket of 0 to 14. The second-child policy and its implementation have led tothis change. Second children accounted for 50 percent of all newborns in 2017,compared to 30 percent in 2013.0-14岁少儿人口的数量比2010年增加了3092万人,比重上升了1.35个百分点。"单独二孩""全面两孩"等决策部署和政策措施,促进了出生人口出现回升,"二孩"生育率明显提升,出生人口中"二孩"占比由2013年的30%左右上升到2017年的50%左右。Males accounted for 51.24 percent of thepopulation, with females accounting for 48.76 percent. The male-to-female ratiowas 105 to 100, a slight drop compared to 2010. The census also reflectedchanges in the distribution of people as population density increased ineconomically developed regions. Close to 40 percent live in eastern regions.More than 900 million people, or close to 64 percent of the population, live inurban areas. The share jumped 14 percentage points from 2010. The country’sfertility rate was 1.3 children per woman in 2020. The National Bureau ofStatistics cited a combination of factors for slow births, including a declinein the number of women at child-bearing age, delays in having a first child,and rising living costs. It predicted the population growth rate would continueto slow in the future, but added it was too early to indicate when thepopulation would peak. INTERVIEW:Ning Jizhe, Director, National Bureau ofStatistics宁吉喆,国务院第七次全国人口普查领导小组副组长、国家统计局局长For some time to come, China’s populationwill remain above 1.4 billion. There are 880 million people aged 16 to 59, westill have an abundant labor force. The average age is 38.8 years. In general,we’re still young.预计在未来一段时间内我国人口总量会保持在14亿人以上。普查的结果还显示,我国16-59岁劳动年龄人口为8.8亿人,劳动力人口资源仍然充沛。我国人口平均年龄通过这次普查了解到是38.8岁。总的看,依然年富力强。Here in Shanghai, the number of permanentresidents exceeded 24.8 million -- 51.77 percent male and 48.23 percent female.Shanghai has a relatively high level of education with people above the age of15 having an average of 11.8 years of formal education. More than 33,000 peopleper 100,000 have at least a junior college degree. And the city ranks third interms of an aging population with 16.28 percent of its inhabitants aged 65 orabove.2.DOMESTIC BRANDS CATERING TO BIG MARKETIN SMALL HOME APPLIANCESSmall home appliances have becomeincreasingly popular among Chinese consumers, thanks to young people’s higherexpectations and the convenience of online marketing channels. Zhang Shixuanfinds out how domestic brands are leveraging the booming market, and changingit as they go.An increasing focus on personal health andfood safety has boosted demand for high-quality goods from tech-savvy buyers.Home appliance makers in China have now gradually transformed from simpleoriginal equipment manufacturers into well-recognized global brands, and theyare among the dominant exhibitors at this year’s China Brand Day,reflecting their increasing importance in the market.INTERVIEW:Dong Zhihui, Manager, Galanz ShanghaiSales CenterWe started to see an uptick since the lastDouble-eleven shopping festival. In the past, people usually bought standardovens with just a single function. But last year, sales of multi-functionappliances almost doubled from a year earlier. People born after 1995 havebroader horizons. They want something with an international appeal, things withwider varieties to suit their own personalities. So they have higherrequirements for kitchen appliances.我们从去年双十一开始觉得整个小家电开始崛起,过去冷门的,比如多功能机以前很少的,都是传统烤箱,去年双十一开始多功能机,销量上涨特别快,比例基本是翻番。95后接触的视野、渠道国际化、追求多样化,追求个性,他们对于产品、使用的烹饪工具的追求更多了。The company is showcasing its latest smallhome appliance catering to younger generations’ tastes at the fair this year,including a new oven with double doors. All with cute shapes that appeal to youngerdemands for good-looking products.Zhang Shixuan, ReporterThe young generation’s increasing interestin small home appliances has brought a boom to the industry, which sold morethan 56 billion yuan worth of them last year. China now has more than 1 millionsmall home appliance firms, and the number is still growing, by more than 15%every year for the past five years. INTERVIEW:Hou Hongru, Manager, Yolo China,Zhongshan ParkDomestic home appliance makers like Midea,Joyoung and Supor sell the best. Our store’s revenue for small appliances hasbeen registering year-on-year increases of 30 to 50% every month since lastyear. Domestic brands have higher turnover rates and are always on order. Theirsales growth is 20% faster than that of foreign brands.国产小家电,美的、九阳、苏泊尔卖得最好。每个月同比业绩提升30-50%。一年多了。受众程度更高、消费者更容易接受,国产的库存、周转率高,进货更多,周转率快,出样多。国产销量好,国产增速快,比进口增速多20%。With 70% of its small home appliance salesfrom domestic brands, the uptick in small home appliances at this store indowntown Shanghai began last year, and it’s now selling almost 3 million yuanworth every month. The most popular brand, Midea, accounts for sales revenue ofbetween 300,000 and 400,000 yuan a month. The store is happy to see asignificant increase in per customer transaction values, often double what ithad been in the past. It’s young buyers who are driving much of the sales. INTERVIEW:Mr. ZhangI mainly buy domestic brands, like Mideaand Supor. I’ve bought a Midea induction cooker and air fryer. I spent most of mytime at home last year, so I wanted to be able to cook on my own.基本上都会选择国产品牌,美的、苏泊尔。之前买过美的电磁炉,空气炸锅。去年不能出门,在家里就会想自己做点吃的INTERVIEW:Ms. XuThe quality of Chinese brands has improveda lot in the last couple years, and they’re very affordable.I bought several from Xiaomi last year. I look mainly for utility and price.国产品牌质量比以前好多了,价格可以接受。就前两年觉得国产品牌好了。去年买了各种小米小家电,考虑实用性,价格也很重要。China’s small household appliance companieshave gradually abandoned strategies of low-price competition, and are tradingup with regular innovations in technology, quality and design.3.NASA SPACECRAFT IS HEADED BACK TOEARTH WITH ASTEROID SAMPLESNASA spacecraft Osiris Rex, whichscientists believe has collected samples from an asteroid, began it’s two-yearjourney back to Earth from nearly 322 million kilometers away yesterday. The spacecraft is attempting to complete amission to visit a near-Earth asteroid called Bennu, survey the surface,collect a sample and deliver it back to Earth. The spacecraft will eject acapsule containing the samples, which is expected to land in a remote area of Utah.NASA says the samples will be distributed to research laboratories worldwide,but 75 percent of the samples will be reserved for future generations to studywith technologies not yet created.订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~更多视频内容,欢迎订阅我们的油管频道↓↓↓
5/12/20217 minutes, 17 seconds
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05/11 TOP OF THE DAY 中国品牌日玩转国货/智慧菜场/美国宣布进入国家紧急状态

 NEWS ON 05/101. PEERING THROUGH TIME AT CHINA BRAND DAY中国品牌日:老字号、新科技、国货精品,你想要的都有!2. DIGITAL SYSTEM INSTALLED IN JING’ANWET MARKET省时省钱省心的智慧菜场在这里3. U.S. DECLARES STATE OF EMERGENCY OVER PIPELINE CYBER-ATTACK美国宣布进入国家紧急状态----------喜欢我们的小伙伴请记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------1. PEERING THROUGH TIME AT CHINA BRAND DAYChina Brand Day exhibition opened today with time-honored brands spinning their products into the realm of bold and blingy. Reporter Sun Siqi looks at what they have to offer.Fromtime honored to cutting edge ... let’s begin with the traditional.Anyonewould like to venture a guess? What is the oldest brand in the time-honoredbrand section, and how old would it be? Would you be guessing 100 years old, 200 max? The answer is 302 years old and the brand is eyeglass maker Wuliangcai.Notsatisfied with resting on its laurels, the eyewear maker worked with its parent company and launched Gozem for 20 somethings who tend to impulse buy and are attracted to anything blingy.This is like Mick Jagger, yeah? I look like a rockstar from the 1970s. And then ...This one, super cool -- looks like one of those 3D movie goggles, I’m gonna goout looking like this.INTERVIEW:Chen Kang, Brand Manager, ShanghaiSanlian Group“The sunglasses and spectacles range between 299 to 2,000 yuan. Eyeglasses include the price of prescription lenses. The brand also sells watches and accessories.The target is clear, we sell to millennials who need the ‘it’factor. ”Shanghai Watch, which was established in 1955, now features time pieces with tourbillion, an engineering feature that corrects slowing. This intricate watch retails for 50,000 yuan.INTERVIEW:Xia Zhenyi, Market Operations Manager,Shanghai Watch“Tourbillion makes sure the watch’s timing is accurate even when its winding wears off. Wetarget high-end customers and collectors, customers aged between 35 and 50. ”As for newer brands, China Southern Airlines’ remote diagnosis system gives engineers on the ground the mechanical readings on an aircraft during the flight so ground crew spend less time on maintenance, resulting in fewerdelays. A VR system for engineers and flight attendants speeds up training.INTERVIEW:Yu Guo, Aircraft Maintenance Engineer,China Southern Airlines“A mechanic spends more than 200 hours on theoretical knowledge and more than 15 days applying that knowledge in real situations. With the VR device, they can study with no interruptions. ”Shanghai Electric’s autonomous tram with an invisible track costs only a third of regular trams. Construction is three times faster.INTERVIEW:Jiang Jianfei, Head of Marketing,Shanghai Electric Group蒋建斐,上海电气自动化集团、上海电气轨道交通集团市场销售部部长“Parking accuracy is within 10 centimeters sideways and 20 centimeters along the track. “它是利用数字化的技术,横向的精度可以控制在10厘米,纵向停车的位置精度可以控制在20厘米之内。There’s also domestic carmaker Hongqi’s hydrogen powered engine for buses, and blood vessel stents for your brain to prevent a hemorrage or stroke. Admission is free at China Brand Day exhibition, which runs until Wednesday at Shanghai Exhibition Center.2. DIGITAL SYSTEM INSTALLED IN JING’ANWET MARKETA digital system that records vegetable prices has been installed in a wet market in Jing’an District. It aims to provide better services for customers and help with wet market management. Zhang Hong has more.Green Pepper? 5 yuan. Lettuce? 5 yuan.青椒?5块,莴苣?5块。Wet market staff collected the vegetable prices early in the morning and typed the information into the system. The prices were then shown on the screen at the entrance.INTERVIEW:Resident上海市民“I will take a look at the prices first and go straight to the vendor that offers the lowest price. It saves me time. ”先比一下价,在这里看完的话,就知道最便宜的在哪个摊位,直接过去就行了,节省了时间特别高级。Each vendor is equipped with the same type of cash register that shows the price of vegetables clearly. The market also accepts digital RMB.INTERVIEW:Vendor菜场摊主“With this system, it is impossible to charge random prices, an alarm would be triggered. If I wrote 5 yuan on the price tag but charge people 7, I will be reported by the system immediately.”不能乱卖的,办公室里面会警报,报的是五块,假如说我卖7块的话,领导马上就过来找我谈话了。The data also helps to better manage the market.INTERVIEW:Gu Wei, Head of Zhenning WetMarket谷伟,镇宁菜市场场长“We can analyze how the business are performing. If there is a noticeable decrease in turnover, we’ll need to study whether the prices are too high. The data allows us to better manage the prices and supplies.”我们可以分析出菜场的生意的好坏,一旦人少,营业额有所下降,我们就有所警示,是不是我们的业主菜价过高。统计这些数据,我们保价稳供。As intelligent wet markets are running on a trial basis in the city from April to November, each district in Shanghai is expected have at least one wet market that is equipped with the digital system.3. U.S. DECLARES STATE OF EMERGENCY OVER PIPELINE CYBER-ATTACKThe White House declared a state of emergency in 17 states and the District of Columbia yesterday, in response to the shutdown of one of the largest pipelines in the United States. Zhang Yue has more.The emergency declaration from the U.S. Department of Transportation lifts restrictions for vehicles and drivers who are providing assistance to areas that are suffering shortages of refined petroleum products. The pipeline,operated by Georgia-based Colonial Pipeline, carries gasoline and other fuelfrom Texas to the Northeast. It delivers roughly 45% of fuel consumed on theEast Coast. It was hit by what Colonial called a ransomware attack, in which hackers typically lock up computer systems by encrypting data, paralyzing networks, and then demand a large ransom to unscramble it. The company yesterday said it was in the process of restoring some of its IT systems.INTERVIEW:Gina Raimondo, US CommerceSecretary雷蒙多 美国商务部长“It’s an all hands on deck effort right now. And we are working closely with the company, state and local officials to, you know, make sure they get back up to normal operations as quickly as possible and there aren’t disruptions in supply.”现在各方全力以赴,我们正在与科洛尼尔公司、州及地方官员密切合作,以确保他们能够恢复正常运营,消除供应中断。Colonial Pipeline said it has temporarily halted all pipeline operations after Friday’scyber-attack. The company given no details as to who the attacker was, or what the demands were, however two people close to the investigation, speaking on acondition of anonymity, identified the culprit as DarkSide. DarkSide claims that it does not attack hospitals, nursing homes, educational or government targets and donates a portion of its take to charity. They are among a group of ransomeware gangs that have cost tens of billions of dollars in losses in the past three years.订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~更多视频内容,欢迎订阅我们的油管频道↓↓↓
5/11/20216 minutes, 10 seconds
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What’s Happening to China’s Film Market丨专访:国产电影站起来

$248M in 5 days! What’s Happening to China’s Film Market?$248M in 5 days! What’s Happening to China’s Film Market?Chinese box office across five-day May Day Holiday hit a record high of 1.603B($248M), according to statistics released by the China Film Administration. More than 10 titles opened during the holiday without any significant Hollywood blockbusters in mix. Local films fully dominated as China continues its strong recovery after having set a new benchmark during February’s Lunar New Year. What’s happening here? Do the upbeat results over the holidays mean cinemas can expect a good year? We have with us, Max Yang, Film Producer, to share his insight views. #悬崖之上 #你的婚礼 #秘密访客 #阳光劫匪#追虎擒龍
5/10/20215 minutes, 11 seconds
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热点:WHO Approves China‘s Sinopharm COVID-19 Vaccine for Emergency Use

The World Health Organization has approved the COVID-19 vaccine manufactured by China's Sinopharm for emergency use.The announcement was made on Friday by the WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom.Tedros AdhanomDirector-General of WHO."This afternoon, WHO gave Emergency Use Listing to Sinopharm Beijing's COVID-19 vaccine, making it the sixth vaccine to receive WHO validation for safety, efficacy and quality." 
5/8/202140 seconds
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05/07 TOP OF THE DAY 足不出”沪“全球购/数字人民币试点/宠物盲盒太揪心

NEWS ON 05/061. SHOPPINGFESTIVAL CONTINUES  五五购物节热潮持续,足不出“沪”购全球!2. SHANGHAI PROMOTES DIGITAL YUAN PILOT DURING SHOPPING FESTIVAL  数字人民币试点进行时!这么方便,你真的不试试吗?3. DELIVERY SERVICE SLAMMED FOR INHUMANE DELIVERY OF DOGS, CATS   一切皆可盲盒?宠物盲盒成“宠物亡盒”,太揪心! ----------喜欢我们的小伙伴请记得点亮右下角的爱心哦---------- Welcome to this edition of Shanghai Live, I’m He Jian, I’m Chen Xuan, I’m Timothy Pope. 1.SHOPPING FESTIVAL CONTINUESMore than 2,800 new products from 550 brands will be introduced during the ongoing Double-Five Shopping Festival. Some multinational companies said they have confidence in the Chinese market. Zhang Yue has the story. This Italian luxury jewelry company opened its first Chinese store at IFC Shopping Mall, which set up a temporary store on the first floor to sell handbags, shoes, and clothing. INTERVIEW:Huang Zhicheng, Director, Rental Business Dept., IFC黄智晟,上海国金中心商场租务部租务总监“30 percent of the 260 stores are in our mall are new to Shanghai. Customers are able to get some new brands without traveling to other countries.”从开业到现在我们差不多260家店,大概30%是第一次来到上海的,特别是有些新的品牌,消费者不需要到国外去买,在国内也能找到。 West Nanjing Road’s business district reported a 60% increase in sales compared to the same period in 2019.Many companies have been updating their services. INTERVIEW:Zhang Linna, General Manager, Plaza 66张琳娜,恒隆广场总经理“We host a variety of event sand activities year-round in the atrium. We want to introduce more new products to shoppers.”像我们中庭的活动,都是一家接一家,整年都没有停,直到年底,希望把更多更快的新品给消费者看。 This US sports gear and clothing company has set up its largest show room in Waigaoqiao area. INTERVIEW:Lu Qixing, Deputy Director陆启星,上海浦东新区商务委副主任“We have been launching policies to make international business easier. For instance, imported cosmetics for non-special use will benefit from a simpler registration policy, and products can be showcased in bonded zones. It’s all about attracting companies to China.”我们通过贸易便利化举措,比如非特化妆品备案以及保税展示等等,让更多新品快速到中国来展示。 More than 100 international companies are launching new products during the shopping festival. 2.SHANGHAI PROMOTES DIGITAL YUAN PILOT DURING SHOPPING FESTIVAL Shanghai has been testing the digital Yuan during the city’s Double Five Shopping Festival this year. The famous shopping street Nanjing Road was made into a key district for digital RMB payments during the May Day holiday. This was the third round of Shanghai’s digital renminbi trials, and was carried out by issuing red envelopes and bank discounts totaling over 50 million Yuan in value. According to the Huangpu District Government, most merchants on Nanjing Road now support digital renminbi payments. Shopping malls and retail brands like Bailian Group and New World Group have also created "digital Yuan key experimental blocks," areas in which the usage rate of the digital RMB is the highest in Shanghai. Japanese clothing retailer Uniqlo has started testing digital Yuan payments in a few stores in Shanghai and Guangzhou, and says it plans to expand the pilot to about 200 stores nationwide in late May. 3.DELIVERY SERVICE SLAMMED FOR INHUMANE DELIVERY OF DOGS, CATS ZTO Express was roundly criticized after one of its business outlets in Chengdu was found to have transported puppies and kittens as part of controversial "pet blind box" sales on e-commerce sites. Song Wenjing has more. Chengdu Aizhijia Animal Rescue Center volunteers intercepted about 160 packages containing live pets at one ZTO outlet on Monday in Chengdu, Sichuan Province. Many of the animals were in poor health when they were rescued. INTERVIEW:Chen Yunlian, Chengdu Home of Love Animal Rescue Center陈运莲,成都"爱之家"负责人“You can imagine the cruelty when these little ones were kept in a closed space with no water, food or proper air circulation.”你想那么幼小的生命,加上头天还禁食禁水,加上这个车还是全封闭的,没有空气流通,肯定是受不了,肯定是非常悲惨的。 The center said it had taken the animals following health checkups that were arranged by local animal disease control authorities. The healthy ones will be available to adopt. On Tuesday, ZTO apologized for collecting live animals from e-retailers, which it said breached rules. It added that an employee overseeing safety affairs in the province had been suspended with salary deducted. Chengdu’s post bureau said they will investigate the matter. Some companies sell a series of toys in blind boxes. Each box comes with a toy, but the buyer doesn’t know which one until opening it. In most cases, each series contains one rare toy, so many customers enjoy trying to collect a whole set. Now "pet blind boxes" are being offering on e-commerce platforms like Taobao and Pinduoduo. Buyers receive a pet of unknown breed and appearance that can cost anywhere from 10 to thousands of Yuan. They are required to sign a waiver "no return, no exchange". INTERVIEW:Citizen市民“I can’t understand such behavior. It has no guarantee, and animals die easily.”我是无法接受的,没有保障吧,生命很容易就死了,那种盲盒。 In most cases, the puppies and kittens haven’t been vaccinated and can potentially spread disease. They endure difficult conditions as some are transported across provincial borders, leading some to suffocate or die of dehydration. It’s illegal for courier companies to transport live animals. Companies or individuals must complete the necessary quarantine, vaccination and registration certificates before shipping a live animal. 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~更多视频内容,欢迎订阅我们的油管频道↓↓↓
5/7/20215 minutes, 5 seconds
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05/06 TOP OF THE DAY 骆驼交通/ 棍什么球?棍网球!/ 东京奥运会”测试跑“遭吐槽

 NEWS ON 05/051. SCENIC AREAS MAKE USE OF DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY    骆驼们也有专属红绿灯!景区管理太欢乐!2. CHINA LACROSSE LEAGUE LOOKS TO GROW FANBASE    什么棍球?棍网球!棍什么球?棍网球!什么网球?棍网球!感觉要火!3. TOKYO OLYMPIC MARATHON TEST RUN HELD IN SAPPORO    “给孩子们做个好榜样吧”——东京奥运会马拉松“测试跑”遭民众吐槽 -----------------------喜欢我们的小伙伴记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------------- Welcome to this edition of Shanghai Live, I’m Aixinjueluo Bei, I’m Chen Xuan. 1.SCENIC AREAS MAKE USE OF DIGITAL TECHNOLOGYTourist sites across the country are using digital technology to maintain order and reduce the risk of the corona-virus spreading. Zhang Hong tells us more. At Dixingu(地心谷) Scenic Area in Enshi(湖北恩施), Hubei Province, people can scan a QR code to locate parking spots, washrooms or listen to audio tours. An alarm system monitors water levels and prevent tourists from getting close to dangerous areas. INTERVIEW:Xiang Jin, Deputy General Manager/ Dixingu Scenic Area, Hubei向金 湖北恩施地心谷景区副总经理“The alarm system is designed for the karst landforms here. It allows us to monitor and manage the area efficiently, and ensure the safety of our guests.”针对我们的喀斯特山区地貌进行监测和预警,我们能够及时有效地进行治理和防护。给游客提供一个安全的游览环境。 At Xiandu Scenic Area in Jinyun County(仙都风景区,缙云县), Zhejiang Province, 400 surveillance cameras monitor visitors. Once capacity hits 80%, ticket sales are halted and those within the scenic area are asked to avoid big groups. Visitors can also find their location on it’s Wechat.INTERVIEW:Visitor 游客I don’t need to ask someone anymore. It saves me a lot of time and I can plan my trip better.不需要人工问询、咨询,就可以节约很多时间, 用更多时间来合理安排我们的行程。 Dunhuang(敦煌) City in Gansu(甘肃)recorded an increased in visitors eager to take a camel ride during the holiday. INTERVIEW:Yang Gai, Crescent Lake, Dunhuang杨盖 敦煌市鸣沙山月牙泉景区驼运项目负责人“We split up the camel rides and designed a crescent-shaped route. A traffic light was erected to make it more orderly for the camels, vehicles and visitors.”将骆驼分流派遣,然后我们还专门设置了具有月牙形的驼行路线,在我们的返回区域。我们又设置了具有骆驼元素的红绿灯,对我们的骆驼、车流、人流进行一个分流的管控。 INTERVIEW:Visitor游客“The traffic light separates tourists from the camels and helps prevent accidents.”这个红绿灯其实是很智能的。可以方便我们的行人,避免跟动物发生直接接触,避免造成这种伤害。 Scenic areas in Xi’an and Nanjing asked tourists to make reservations online and also limited capacity to maintain order and control the pandemic. 2.CHINA LACROSSE LEAGUE LOOKS TO GROW FANBASEThe 2021 China Lacrosse League has wrapped up at Jiangwan Stadium in Shanghai’s Yangpu District. Reporter Zhang Yue was there and learns the sport is slowly gaining both fans and players. For many in China, lacrosse remains a little-known sport, especially compared to fan favorites like basketball and football. But the game, which originated in North America among indigenous tribes, is believed to be about 1,000 years old. It is played with a solid rubber ball and a long stick with netting at the end. INTERVIEW:Yuen Yifan, Chinese Lacrosse Player/ 2018 World Lacrosse Championship袁一帆 中国棍网球运动员“Lacrosse combines soccer, basketball, and hockey. It’s a challenging and skillful sport requiring strong teamwork, along with good individual coordination of the arms and legs. You need good energy to play.”棍网球是结合了结合足球、篮球以及曲棍球特点于一体,考验运动员的手脚协调性以及团队合作能力,还是很刺激的把,适合我们年轻人。 Team Hai Gui won the men’s league, while Chengdu Mulan Originals grabbed the women’s crown. One American who lives in Suzhou said the event helps promote the sport. INTERVIEW:Rachael Lynch, Lacrosse Player棍网球运动员“Especially with the tournament, we’re just having a lot of spectators and developing the skills, and just getting more eyes on the game. We should always be trying to find friends and starting clubs and everything wherever we can. You just have to be very careful, no contact whatsoever. The kids are more capable than we think and they don’t want to hurt anybody. So I absolutely think that you can inspire a lot of youth development. “ Organizers admit that developing a sport like lacrosse isn’t easy here due to expensive equipment and finding suitable fields to play. INTERVIEW:Li Haishi, Event OrganizerSLDL Development Consultant李海市 主办方 拉克洛斯棍网球发展顾问“More professional and amateur clubs exist compared to 1999, when it was first introduced to China. Schools in Shanghai are more open to small sports like lacrosse, and we are already cooperating with schools to hold more competitions and tutorials. ” Lacrosse was included in the 1904 and 1908 Olympic Games. A team from Canada won both. The IOC says the sport could return to the Olympic family as early as the 2028 Los Angeles Summer Olympics. 3.TOKYO OLYMPIC MARATHON TEST RUN HELD IN SAPPOROCOVID-19 counter-measures were in place as Tokyo Olympic organizers held a test run for the marathon in the northern Japanese city of Sapporo today. Sun Siqi has more. Six international athletes participated in the Sapporo Challenge Half Marathon 2021, all of them underwent stringent testing protocols before and after entering Japan. Organizers urged spectators not to come and watch the race, while staff patrolled areas near the venue, urging the people that did show up to keep their distance. The Olympic marathon and other foot race events are scheduled to be held from August 5 to 8 in Sapporo. INTERVIEW:Seiko Hashimoto, Tokyo 2020 President桥本圣子 东京奥组委主席“At this event, I hope that everyone around the world will be able to understand how well the (COVID-19) measures were implemented by watching the athletes run on television.”我希望今天全世界的民众##通过电视机看到选手们奔跑的样子,可以看到我们的防疫对策是成功的。 However, some Hokkaido residents said they didn’t believe the event was setting a good example for children. STREET INTERVIEW:Nobue Furutate, Hokkaido Resident 北海道居民“I don’t think we should be doing this. At schools, all the children are practicing self-restraint but the adults are just doing whatever they want to do. That is not okay.” 我觉得不应该办测试赛。在学校里,老师都训练孩子们不要外出等, 但大人就想做什么做什么。这是不对的。 In other Olympic news, the world’s oldest person, 118-year-old Kane Tanaka, has decided not to take part in the torch relay for the Tokyo 2020 Olympics for fear of contracting the virus. 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放 “精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~更多视频内容,欢迎订阅我们的油管频道↓↓↓ 
5/6/20215 minutes, 14 seconds
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Do You Dare to Make Kids' Lives Easier? 丨专访:教育困境谁的锅

After-school Tutoring to blame for China's educational rat race? 喜欢我们的小伙伴记得点赞评论+关注哦!According to a report by consulting firm Oliver Wyman, the overall market for China's K-12 after-school training,including tutoring and enrichment programs, reached roughly 800 billion Yuan ($122 billion) in 2019. The industry is expected to experience rapid growth after setbacks in 2020 amid the pandemic. The booming market is also giving cause for concern-----seven-days-a-week after-school tutoring classes hurt children's physical and mental health. Some even suggested a ban on tutoring institutions. But will focusing on the tutoring industry address the problem of involution? Will that relieve parents from their intense anxiety? We have Claudia Wang, Partner at Oliver Wyman, to share her observations.订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投递“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~更多视频内容,欢迎订阅我们的油管频道↓↓↓
5/5/20217 minutes, 52 seconds
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04/30 SHLIVE | TOP OF THE DAY 天和核心舱发射/外交部回应/拜登执政百日演说

NEWS ON 04/301. CHINA’S SPACE STATION ENTERS NEW PHASE WITH CORE MODULE LAUNCH天和核心舱成功发射 开启中国建造空间站序幕2. FM:U.S. SHOULD APPROACH COMPETITION WITH CHINA RATIONALLY外交部回应拜登演说:不要有“酸葡萄”心理3. BIDEN ROLLS OUT LEGISLATIVE AGENDA IN HIS 1ST ADDRESS TO CONGRESS美国总统拜登发表就职百日演说 成绩单能打几分?喜欢我们的小伙伴记得点赞评论+关注哦!订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投递“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~Welcome to this edition of ShanghaiLive, I’m He Jian. I’m Chen Xuan. / ICSNews Anchor.欢迎收听今天的《直播上海》,我是何健。我是陈璇 /ICS主播。1. CHINA’S SPACE STATION ENTERS NEW PHASE WITH CORE MODULE LAUNCH天和核心舱成功发射 开启中国建造空间站序幕The Long March-5B Y2 rocket, carrying the Tianhe module, blasted off fromthe Wenchang Spacecraft Launch Site on the coast of Hainan at 11:23am. 8minutes and 14 seconds later, the module 【航天舱】separated from the rocket and entered a planned orbit. At noon, its solarpanels 【面板】 unfolded and begun functioning properly. Tianhe will be the controlcenter of the space station Tiangong, which means "heavenly palace"in Chinese. The T-shaped space station will have two lab capsules, Wentian andMengtian, on either side of Tianhe.上午11时23分,在海南文昌发射中心,长征五号B遥二运载火箭搭载“天和”核心舱发射升空。8分14秒后,天和核心舱与火箭成功分离,进入预定轨道,之后太阳能帆板两翼顺利展开且工作正常,发射任务取得圆满成功。“天和”核心舱是我国“天宫”空间站的控制舱。“天宫”是中国神话中天地居住的宫殿。空间站呈T字型,还包括天和核心舱两侧的“问天”和“梦天”两个实验舱。Tianhe has a total length of 16.6 meters, a maximum diameter 【直径】 of 4.2 meters and a total takeoff【起飞】 mass of 22.5 tons. It’s thelargest spacecraft developed by China. It will also serve as the main livingspace of the crew, as well as support some scientific and technologicalexperiments. The module is equipped with systems to recycle water and oxygen.“天和”核心舱轴向长度16.6米,最大直径4.2米,起飞质量22.5吨,是我国至今建造的最大的航天器。“天和”核心舱也是宇航员的主要工作和居住场所,能够进行科学和技术实验,并装配有水循环和空气循环系统。Interviewee: Bai Linhou, Vice Chief Designer of Space Station System受访者:柏林厚 航天科技集团五院空间站系统副总设计师“We added a fiber optical communication system. Astronauts will be able tobrowse the web or call people on earth. It will be just like they are on theground.”“我们在空间站上引入了光纤通信的网络系统,航天员可以在轨浏览地面的网页,拨通地面人员的电话直接进行沟通。他所使用的网络和电话与我们正常人在地面上使用的没有什么区别。”As one of the country’s most complicated space missions so far, assemblingthe space station requires 11 total launches this year and next. After today,two launches are scheduled to take the lab capsules 【太空舱】 into orbit, followed by four manned missions andfour cargo vessel 【大船】 flights.组装建设空间站是我国迄今为止最为复杂的航天任务,未来两年一共将进行11次发射任务。“天和”核心舱发射完毕后,还将发射两个实验舱,并陆续进行4次货运飞船和4次载人飞船发射。The space station will operate in a low-Earth orbit between 340 and 450kilometers above the planet. It has a designed life of 10 years, but expertsbelieve it could operate more than 15 years with appropriate maintenance andrepairs. A Long March-5B rocket will take thetwo lab capsules into orbit. A Long March-7 rocket will transport the cargovessel, while a Long March-2F rocket will launch the manned spacecraft intospace.空间站将在距离地面340至450千米的近地轨道运行,计划将在轨运行10年。专家表示,通过定期维护整修能够运行15年以上。长征五号B火箭将搭载两个实验舱进入轨道,长征七号火箭将搭载货运飞船,而长征二号F火箭将搭载载人飞船。Tianzhou cargo vessels and Shenzhou manned spaceships will be launchedlater this year, with two more of each planned next year.今年,天舟货运飞船与神舟载人飞船都将陆续发射,明年也各有两架在列。2. FM:U.S. SHOULD APPROACH COMPETITION WITH CHINA RATIONALLY外交部回应拜登演说:不要有“酸葡萄”心理China today urged the U.S. to view competition with China in a rationalway and reiterated 【重申】 its commitment to peaceful development and friendly relations with theUS. The comments came after US President Joe Biden said yesterday that the in a competition with China and other countries to win the 21st century, butwas not seeking conflict with China. Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson WangWenbin said at a press conference today that cooperation should be thecenterpiece 【核心】 of China-U.S. relations.中方敦促美方理智看待中美竞争,重申中方同美方和平、友好发展的愿景。美国总统拜登昨日发表演说,称美国与中国和其他国家是竞争关系,目标是赢得21世纪,但美方并不寻求与中方的冲突。外交部发言人汪文斌在新闻发布会上表示,中美关系的核心是合作。Wang Wenbin, Spokesperson of Chinese Foreign Ministry汪文斌 中国外交部发言人“Competition between China and the U.S. in some areas is normal, but weshould compete with each other for excellence in a track and field stylecompetition, rather than trying beat each other down in a wrestling 【摔跤】 match. In this competition,we should work to improve ourselves rather than trying to undercut 【削价竞争】 or set traps for each otherand engage in zero sum games.”“中美在一些领域存在竞争也是正常的,但这种竞争应该是你争我赶的‘田径赛’,而不是你死我活的‘决斗赛’。双方应当在竞争中提升自我、超越自我,而不是给对方使绊子、下套子,搞恶性竞争、‘零和博弈’。”3. BIDEN ROLLS OUT LEGISLATIVE AGENDA IN HIS 1ST ADDRESS TO CONGRESS美国总统拜登发表就职百日演说 成绩单能打几分?U.S. President Joe Biden addressed a joint session of Congress last nightfor the first time, rolling out【推出;铺开】 his administration’s two top priorities in a sweeping【大范围的】 legislative agenda; theAmerican Jobs Plan and the American Families Plan. 28日晚,美国总统拜登在国会参众两院联席会议上发表演讲,阐述国会立法议程中的两个重点,包括美国就业计划和美国家庭计划。He championed his 2.3-trillion-US-dollar infrastructure plan, a staggeringfigure to be financed by higher taxes on corporations. Biden is emphasizingblue-collar roles as he outlines the plan, saying it’ll create jobs ineverything from modernizing America’s roads, bridges and highways to replacingthe nation’s lead pipes.拜登宣传了自己超2万亿美元的基础设施计划,该计划在缓步进行中,但需要对企业进行更高税收才能实现。拜登强调了蓝领阶层的重要性,称基建计划能够提供更多的工作岗位,改进公路、桥梁和高速公路建设并更换老旧的铅水管。“American tax dollars are going to be used to buy American products madein America to create American jobs.”“我们要用美国纳税人的钱去买美国制造的美国产品,为美国创造就业。”The president urged a 1.8 trillion US dollar investment in children,families and education to help rebuild an economy devastated by the pandemicand compete with rising global competitors. However, video footage 【录像片段】 showed U.S. Senator TedCruz struggling to keep his eyes open during the over hour long speech.Following the speech, Cruz tweeted his assessment of Biden’s performance, usingthe hashtag "BoringButRadical."拜登提出了针对儿童、学生和教育的总计1.8万亿美元的“美国家庭计划”,帮助美国经济复苏,并与全球其他发展中的对手竞争。然而,视频中参议员特德·科鲁兹在这一个小时的演讲里昏昏欲睡。随后,他在推特上发布了自己对拜登执政百日的看法,并打上了“无聊但有新意”的标签。#热词加油站module['mɑdʒul]【航天舱】panel ['pæn(ə)l] 【面板】diameter [daɪ'æmətər]【直径】takeoff ['teɪk.ɔf]【起飞】capsule ['kæp.sjul]【太空舱】vessel ['ves(ə)l]【大船】reiterate [ri'ɪtə.reɪt]【重申】centerpiece ['sentər.pis] 【核心】wrestle ['res(ə)l]【摔跤】undercut [.ʌndər'kʌt] 【削价竞争】roll out【推出;铺开】sweeping ['swipɪŋ]【大范围的】footage ['fʊtɪdʒ]【录像片段】更多视频内容,欢迎订阅我们的油管频道↓↓↓
4/30/20214 minutes, 53 seconds
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04/28 SHLIVE | TOP OF THE DAY 绝美超级月亮/熊猫公交车/上海国际艺术节

NEWS ON 04/281.FIRST SUPERMOONOF 2021 LIGHTS UP THE NIGHT SKY全球各地的超级月亮,你pick哪一款?2.PANDA BUSES HITTHE STREETS OF SHANGHAI熊猫公交车——上海公交的“呆萌”担当3.ARTRA TO DEBUTIN JUNE上海国际艺术节来啦,打造没有边界的艺术乐园!喜欢我们的小伙伴记得点赞评论+关注哦!订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投递“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的亲,可以常来逛逛哟~Welcome to thisedition of ShanghaiLive, I’m He Jian / ICS News Anchor.欢迎收听今天的《直播上海》,我是何健/ICS主播。1.FIRST SUPERMOON OF2021 LIGHTS UP THE NIGHT SKY全球各地的超级月亮,你pick哪一款?The year’s first supermoon【超级月亮】 appeared yesterday, illuminating【照亮】 night skies around the world.今年第一轮"超级月亮"昨天现身全球多地夜空,呈现缤纷色彩。A supermoon refersto a full moon that occurs when the moon’s orbit is closest to Earth making it appear largerthan usual. According to NASA, this year’s super moon has been called a "pink" supermoon, as it appears in April and named after an American plant that blooms inSpringtime called the "pink phlox". The extra-large moon glowed overlandmarks in Sydney, New Delhi, Istanbul and Berlin. The moon was also clearlyvisible over the cities in Argentina, Venezuela, and Chile.超级月亮是指当月球按椭圆轨道运行至近地点时出现的满月。由于月亮离地球近,人们看到的满月也比平时大。美国国家航空航天局称,今年的超级月亮被称为“粉色”月亮,这个名字来源于一种春季开花的美国本土植物“粉红福禄考”。超级月亮与悉尼、新德里、伊斯坦布尔和柏林等各地的著名地标交相辉映,在阿根廷、委内瑞拉和智利的各个城市,民众也可以一睹超级月亮的风采。2.PANDA BUSES HITTHE STREETS OF SHANGHAI熊猫公交车——上海公交的“呆萌”担当The first"panda buses" can now be seen driving along riverside areas in thedistricts of Huangpu and Xuhui, attracting curious passengers.在上海黄浦区和徐汇区滨江一带,首批“熊猫公交车”沿岸穿行,吸引了众多乘客。As the namesuggests【顾名思义】, each panda bus is painted black andwhite. The headlights are designed to look like panda eyes with dark circles.There are also two small round black ears on the roof. Each panda bus has 27seats, as well as a barrier-free area for wheelchairs near the rear door. Sincethe buses are used on a sightseeing【观光】 route, the windows are larger, making it easier forpassengers to get good views of the scenery.“车如其名”,每辆熊猫公交车都是黑白相间的。公交车的前照灯就像有黑眼圈的熊猫眼睛,车顶上还装有两个圆圆的黑耳朵。每辆熊猫公交车有27个座位,后门附近还设有轮椅无障碍区。由于熊猫公交车是旅游观光型公交车,因此它的窗户面积更大,以方便乘客欣赏风景。3.ARTRA TO DEBUTIN JUNE上海国际艺术节来啦,打造没有边界的艺术乐园!The Center forChina Shanghai International Arts Festival will launch a new event called"Artra" in June. As a side event of the Arts Festival, the eventfeatures three shows aimed at younger audiences. Reporter Zhang Hong takes alook.上海国际艺术节将于6月推出名为“Artra自定艺”的全新品牌。作为艺术节的周边活动,“Artra”将推出三个面向年轻观众的节目。以下是记者张泓的报道。"Integrate"will make its debut【首次亮相】 and is the creation of Chinese-American choreographerShen Wei. It features Shen’s paintings and installations, followed by videos projected on fourgiant screens before ending with a contemporary dance. The show will be stagedat West Bund Dome, which is part of the West Bund Dream Center.美籍华裔编舞家沈伟创作的多媒体互动展演《融》将举行全球首演。沈伟以绘画元素和装置元素作为演出开场;紧接着,四面巨型屏幕会播放一段影像;最后是一曲现代舞。该剧将在西岸上海梦中心的西岸穹顶艺术中心上演。Chen Anda, DeputyGeneral ManagerShanghai West BundDevelopment Group Co.陈安达, 副总经理上海西岸开发(集团)有限公司The West Bund isknown for its cluster of museums showcasing static forms of art. In the future,the West Bund Dream Center will have theaters to present dynamic【动态的】 forms of art. Shen Wei’s work is an integration of various arts.We want to make the West Bund a place with an assortment of artforms.以前西岸更多的是美术馆,偏向静态展示,未来的剧场、演艺中心更多偏向动态的,我们希望梦中心特别单元能够呈现更多元的文化方向。沈伟这个项目不仅是舞蹈,在我们看来更是跨界的艺术融合项目,预示西岸的文化线索从单向的以美术馆静态展示为主向更多元、更动态、更跨界的方向延伸的趋势。"Apologue2047 Selected" by film director Zhang Yimou will be staged at ShanghaiGrand Theater. It combines Chinese folk art with audiovisual【视听的】 technology. Also in June, a concert named"No-boundary Playground" will be held featuring young singers and dancersfrom a popular reality show and ZideGuqin Studio, which attracted more 2.5million hits on Bilibili for a video of one of its performances.由电影导演张艺谋执导的舞台剧《对话·寓言2047》将在上海大剧院上演。该剧结合了中国民间艺术和现代声像技术。此外,音乐会“没有边界的游乐场”将于今年6月举行,汇集了来自国内爆款真人秀以及“自得琴社”的年轻歌手和舞者。“自得琴社”的演出视频在视频网站哔哩哔哩上的播放量超过250万次。YangJialu, VicePresidentThe Center forChina Shanghai Int’l Arts Festival杨女士,副总裁中国上海国际艺术节中心The China ShanghaiInternational Arts Festival is held every October and lasts for one month. Itfeatures operas, dramas and ballets, which are classic performances that tendto attract older spectators【观众】. We want the side event "Artra" to be morecreative and attract younger people.上海国际艺术节于每年十月开幕,为期一个月。传统演出形式包括歌剧、戏剧、芭蕾等,面向的受众年龄较大,所以我们想在每年上半年五六月份办一个艺术节的副品牌artra,通过前瞻、先锋、多元融合、艺术与科技融合的表演形式,主动拥抱年轻群体,使观众群破圈、下沉。Tickets for"Apologue 2047 Selected" are now available online, while tickets for"Integrate" go on sale tomorrow and those for "No-boundaryPlayground" on May 8th.舞台剧《对话·寓言2047》门票现已开启线上发售,多媒体互动展演《融》门票明起发售,而音乐会“没有边界的游乐场”门票将于5月8日起售。#热词加油站supermoon【超级月亮】illuminate[ɪˈluːmɪneɪt]【照亮】as the namesuggests【顾名思义】sightseeing[ˈsaɪtsiːɪŋ]【观光】debut[ˈdeɪbjuː]【首次亮相】dynamic[daɪˈnæmɪk]【动态的】audiovisual[ˌɔːdiəʊˈvɪʒuəl]【视听的】spectator[spekˈteɪtə(r)]【观众】更多视频内容,欢迎订阅我们的油管频道↓↓↓
4/28/20213 minutes, 30 seconds
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04/27 SHLIVE | TOP OF THE DAY 致敬牺牲消防员/黑龙江野生东北虎/骆驼图书馆

NEWS ON 04/271. COLLEAGUES,FAMILY MOURN FIREFIGHTERS WHO DIED IN LINE OF DUTY致敬金山4.22火灾牺牲消防员!2. TIGERCAUGHT AFTER ATTACKING WOMAN东北虎“完达山1号”出没 已进行隔离监控3. CAMEL LIBRARY IN PAKISTAN BRINGS BOOKS TOKIDS DURING PANDEMIC巴基斯坦:传递爱心的“骆驼图书馆”Welcome to this edition of ShanghaiLive, I’m He Jian / ICS News Anchor.欢迎收听今天的《直播上海》,我是何健,我是爱新觉罗贝 /ICS 主播。1.COLLEAGUES, FAMILY MOURN FIREFIGHTERS WHO DIED IN LINE OF DUTY向英雄致敬!纪念金山4.22火灾牺牲消防员AShanghai fire department has confirmed that two of its firefighters,33-year-old Feng Chenmin and 25-year-old Tang Weijia sacrificed their liveswhile putting out a blaze【火焰】 at a warehouse insuburban Jinshan district last week. Song Wenjing tells us more about theheroes.昨日,上海消防政工微信公众号发布了 22日金山区厂房火灾中英勇牺牲的两名消防员的信息,他们的名字是丰晨敏、汤伟佳,分别只有33岁和25岁。请听记者宋雯婧报道。Onthe afternoon of April 22nd, a warehouse used to store electronics accessoriescaught fire on Linsheng Road. While battling the blaze, Feng, Tang and otherfirefighters entered the warehouse【仓库】to save people trapped inside. The fire changed suddenly at 3:30pm, causingFeng and Tang to lose contact with their colleagues. They were later found tohave collapsed on the warehouse’s third floor. One camera captured the lastfootage of them as they entered the warehouse.4月22日下午,位于金山区林盛路上的一座电子零部件仓库发生火灾。在灭火的同时,丰晨敏、汤伟佳和其他几名消防员进入仓库对被困人员实施救援。下午三点半,火情突然变化,丰晨敏和汤伟佳与其他队友失去了联络。后经搜救,二人被发现倒在三楼救援现场,摄像机记录下了他们进入火场前的最后画面。FengChenmin was born in Quzhou, Zhejiang Province. He joined the Shanghai firedepartment in 2007. He had taken part in more than 4,000 rescue missions andhad won three awards. He had written in his diary that honor is a part of afirefighter’s responsibility.丰晨敏出生于浙江衢州,于2007年加入上海消防支队,入伍以来共参与各类灭火救援战斗和社会救助行动4000余起,先后荣获嘉奖3次。在日记中,丰晨敏写道:“荣誉代表着我们消防员的职责。”Interviewee:Ai Bixian, Jinshan District Jinwei Fire Rescue Station受访者:艾必先 上海市金山区金卫消防救援站特勤分队三班班长“Fengalways told us to keep ourselves safe, and not to run around. He always kept aneye on us.”“出警的时候,他一直强调的就是一定要安全,不要乱跑。他一直跟在我们的后面。”Interviewee:Zheng Fangcheng, Jinshan District Jinwei Fire Rescue Station受访者:郑方成 上海市金山区金卫消防救援站站长“He never admitted defeat. He always wanted to do better than others. He was verystrict with himself.”“他不服输,什么事情都要做得比别人好,对自身的要求非常非常严格。”Feng’smother was understandably heart broken to learn of his fate.可以想见,丰晨敏母亲对儿子的牺牲十分悲痛。Interviewee:Wang Juxiang, Feng Chenmin’s Mother受访者:汪菊香 丰晨敏母亲“Ifelt that my world collapsed, but we cannot change reality. He chose thiscareer. He sacrificed himself for others. That’s part of his duty.”“我感到天都塌下来了,但现实无法改变。他选择这份职业,为人民而牺牲,这也是他崇高的职业。”TangWeijia was born in Shanghai’s Jinshan District. He became a firefighter in2014, and had taken part in more than 600 missions and was credited【表彰】 with saving at least 20 people’slives. He had won 7 awards during his career. Tang was actually on vacation theday of the warehouse fire. He had gone to the fire station to prepare for asporting event. When the fire alarm sounded, he didn’t hesitate to go.汤伟佳是上海金山人,2014年1月参加消防救援工作。入职以来参与处置各类灾害事故600余起,营救被困群众20人,先后7次荣获嘉奖。4月22日火灾当天,汤伟佳正在休假。他回到消防站准备接下来的运动会,但是当警铃响起时,他毫不犹豫加入了行动。Interviewee:Li Tao, Jinshan Fire Detachment Zhangyan Rescue Station受访者:李涛 金山区张堰消防救援站特勤二班班长“Ikept calling his name on the radio at the scene of the fire. I was desperatefor an answer, but there was no response.”“我用电台一直在喊着他的名字,就想听到他给我回复一句。但是叫了很久很久,一遍一遍, 就是没有回应。”Interviewee:Fan Xiaodong, Jinshan Fire Detachment Zhangyan Rescue Station受访者:范小东 金山消防救援支队张堰救援站特勤二班班长“Therewas a fire station close to the vocational school Tang went to for thepetrochemical industry. He heard the fire engine sirens and saw thefirefighters often. It had a big impact on him and he decided to become afirefighter.”“石化工业学校南边就是学府特勤站。他在读书的时候一直听到警铃,一直看到消防员们出警,那时候就受到了影响,最后他自己成为了一名消防员。”Tang’sexample led his cousin to becoming a firefighter in Jinshan.受到哥哥影响,汤伟佳的表弟也成为了金山的一名消防员。Interviewee:Liu Jiacheng, Jinshan Detachment Tinglin Rescue Station受访者:刘佳成 上海市金山消防支队亭林救援站特勤一班消防员“Ican no longer fight side by side with my cousin. His strong spirit and couragewill inspire me to keep safeguarding people’s lives and property in place ofhim.”“现在我长大了,也加入了消防员这个职业,但是不能和哥哥一起战斗了。我会秉承哥哥的优良传统,继承哥哥的勇气,代替他继续监守,保卫人民群众财产生命安全。”Tang’sfamily hasn’t been able to break the news of his death to his paternalgrandmother out of fear of how much it will hurt her.汤伟佳的家人担心奶奶无法承受伤痛,选择了暂时保密。2. TIGERCAUGHT AFTER ATTACKING WOMAN东北虎“完达山1号”出没 已进行隔离监控ASiberian tiger that attacked a villager on Friday in Mi Shan, Heilongjiang Province has been captured andsent to the China Hengdaohezi ’Fe-line BreedingCenter in Mudanjiang. Song Wenjing hasmore.周五,在黑龙江密山市,一只东北虎袭击了当地村民。该虎已被捕捉,并送至牡丹江市的横道河子猫科动物饲养繁育中心。请听记者宋雯婧报道。Thetiger attacked Li Chunxiang while she was working on a farm. She was reportedlyin a stable condition after she was sent to a local hospital for surgery totreat her wounds. The male tiger was shot with tranquilizer【镇静剂】 darts and taken to the breedingcenter. The tiger, aged around 3 years, suffered no trauma【外伤;精神损伤】. It weighs 225 kilograms and hasbeen placed in quarantine for 45 days in an area monitored 24 hours a day. Thebig cat has been acting normally according to reports. The Russian Academy ofSciences said the tiger crossed into Russian territory from China last Thursdayand returned to China early on Friday. Experts said they had not yet determinedwhere it came from originally.被老虎扑倒的村民叫做李春香,当时她正在劳作,经当地医院处理伤口后情况稳定。警方随后用麻醉针控制住了这只雄性东北虎,并将它送至繁育中心。该虎约3岁左右,没有外伤,重225公斤,需进行45天隔离检疫观察。报告显示,该东北虎表现正常。俄罗斯科学院称,这只老虎周四跨过边境来到了俄罗斯,周五又回到了中国境内。专家表示,暂不知晓老虎从哪里来。Interviewee:Zhang Minghai, Director at National Forestry and Grassland Administration受访者:张明海 国家林业和草原局猫科动物研究中心主任“Itis inferred that the tiger recently moved in the border area between China andRussia, but we can’t make any conclusion about which side it came from until weget the result of provenance【起源,出处】 identification.”“这只东北虎近日在中俄边境活动,但在得到示踪结果之前,我们还推断不出它来自哪里。”Theanimal was found in an abandoned house in Linhu on Friday morning afterattacking Li. Experts said the number of Siberian tigers has increased inChina, which shows the environment is improving.在袭击了李女士后,周五早晨,在临湖的一处废弃房屋发现了这只东北虎。专家表示,我国境内东北虎数量增加,标志着生态环境正在改善。3.CAMEL LIBRARY IN PAKISTAN BRINGS BOOKS TO KIDS DURING PANDEMIC巴基斯坦:传递爱心的“骆驼图书馆”The founder of the Camel Libraryproject in Pakistan hopes to expand it to cover more villages and is lookinginto funding. The country closed its schools due to the pandemic, sending over50 million students home in March of last year.在巴基斯坦,“骆驼图书馆”项目的发起人贾拉勒希望继续扩大这个项目,以覆盖更多的村庄,并正在寻求资金支持。自去年三月,疫情在巴基斯坦蔓延,当地政府关闭了学校,5000多万学生无法上学。The Camel Library project beganin Pakistan last August, helping children in remote areas to continue learning.Camel Ro-shan carries the books to four different villages in the district ofKach, making the journey on alternate【交替的】week days. Children choose the books they like and return them when Ro-shanreturns. Village schools have re-opened, but local officials say they have receivedmany more requests for the library to continue due to its popularity.去年八月起,“骆驼图书馆”项目启动,帮助偏远地区的孩子们阅读和学习。每隔一周,骆驼“罗山”会带着书本走遍4个偏远村庄,而孩子们可以选择他们喜欢的书带回家阅读,等到下周再归还。尽管现在村里的学校已经重新开学,但当地官员表示,他们还是收到了更多要求骆驼图书馆继续服务的请求。#热词加油站blaze  [bleɪz]【火焰】warehouse['wer.haʊs]【仓库】credit['kredɪt]【表彰】tranquilizer['træŋkwə.laɪzər]【镇静剂】trauma['trɔmə]【外伤;精神损伤】provenance['prɑvənəns]【起源,出处】alternate['ɔltər.neɪt]【交替的】
4/27/20215 minutes, 41 seconds
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The Untold Story of Titanic's Chinese Survivors丨THE SIX 导演访谈

The Untold Story of Titanic's Chinese Survivors丨THE SIX 导演访谈More than a century ago, the sinking of Titanic killed more than 1,500 passengers and crew. Around 700 survived the Titanic, and among them were six Chinese passengers whose stories have largely remained unknown. Who are they? Where did they come from? Where did they end up? Why were their stories shuffled off? The recently released documentary "The Six", executive produced by TITANIC director JAMES CAMERON, reveals the mystery. In this episode, we have Arthur Jones, Director of “The Six” to share stories behind the scenes.
4/26/202127 minutes, 1 second
Episode Artwork

The Untold Story of Titanic's Chinese Survivors丨THE SIX 导演访谈

The Untold Story of Titanic's Chinese Survivors丨THE SIX 导演访谈More than a century ago, the sinking of Titanic killed more than 1,500 passengers and crew. Around 700 survived the Titanic, and among them were six Chinese passengers whose stories have largely remained unknown. Who are they? Where did they come from? Where did they end up? Why were their stories shuffled off? The recently released documentary "The Six", executive produced by TITANIC director JAMES CAMERON, reveals the mystery. In this episode, we have Arthur Jones, Director of “The Six” to share stories behind the scenes.
4/26/202127 minutes, 1 second
Episode Artwork

04/23 SHLIVE | TOP OF THE DAY 世界地球日/特斯拉再回应/苹果发布防丢失神器

1.  CHINA PLANTS 36 MILLION HECTARES OF FOREST    世界地球日:保护森林 我们在行动!2. TESLA TO HAND IN DRIVING DATA AFTER BUYER’S PROTEST AT AUTO SHOW     特斯拉公开“安阳刹车事故”前1分钟数据3. APPLE UNVEILS FRESH LINE OF PRODUCTS AND UPGRADES   苹果新品发布:Airpods丢了?让全世界帮你一起找!NEWS ON 04/23Welcome to this edition of ShanghaiLive, I’m He Jian, I’m Chen Xuan/ ICS News Anchor.欢迎收听今天的《直播上海》,我是何健, 我是陈璇 /ICS 主播。1. CHINA PLANTS 36 MILLION HECTARES OF FOREST世界地球日:保护森林我们在行动!Today marks the 52nd Earth Day. According to the United Nations, the world lost an average of 4.7 million hectares 【公顷】 of forested land a year in the past decade. But Asia was the region that realized the biggest net gain at an average of 1.2 million hectares a year, most of which was contributed by China. Here’s Chen Xuan with the details.今天是第五十二个世界地球日。联合国数据显示,过去十年中,林地以每年470万公顷的速度流失。然而,亚洲的林地面积每年净增120万公顷,其中大部分来自于我国植树造林工程。请听陈璇带来的报道。In the past five years, China planted 36 million hectares of forest. The country’s total forested area is now 220 million hectares, including 80 million of planted forests. The forest coverage rate has reached 23 percent, with forest stock volume exceeding 17.5 billion cubic meters. Both numbers have increased in the past 30 years. Biodiversity is also being preserved. Managers of the country’s largest mangrove forest【红树林】 in Guangxi Province say they have spotted【发现】 more endangered bird species, including the critically endangered spoon-billed sandpiper.在过去五年中,我国共种植3600万公顷森林,总林地面积达到2.2亿公顷,包括8000万种植林面积。过去的三十年间,森林覆盖率和蓄积量均不断上升:覆盖率达到23%,蓄积量超过175亿立方米。生物多样性保护也在稳步进行。广西省拥有面积最大的红树林保护区,工作人员表示,他们已经发现了更多的濒危鸟群,包括极度濒危物种勺嘴鹬。Interviewee: Tang Shangbo, Guangxi Beilunhe Estuary National Nature Reserve受访者:唐上波 广西北仑河口国家级自然保护区工作人员“I observed seven spoon-billed sandpipers 【鹬鸟】this year, the most ever. Our survey shows the number of bird species in our reserve has risen from 187 in 2008 to 296 this year.”“今年我监测到7只勺嘴鹬,是数量最多的一次。经过调查,我们发现保护区里的鸟群种类从2008年的187种, 提升到2021年的296种。”Now near Qinghai Lake in Yunnan Province, Wuliangshan Nature Reserve managers noticed rising numbers of indicator species that provide clues about the health of the environment.无量山自然保护区位于云南省,靠近青海湖。工作人员发现指示生物的数量不断上升,能够反映出环境状况。Interviewee: Zhao Xiankun, Wuliangshan Nature Reserve受访者:赵贤坤 无量山自然保护区景东管护局大寨子观测站负责人“We’ve seen gibbons, grey langurs, Himalayan gorals, wild boars and porcupines【豪猪】 around the villages, which shows biodiversity is improving.”“长臂猿、灰叶猴、兽类斑羚、野猪、豪猪在村子附近都能够看到了,说明我们的生物多样性不断往好的方向发展。”Interviewee: Hou Yuansheng, Qinghai Lake National Nature Reserve受访者:侯元生 青海湖国家级自然保护区管理局“Back in 2007, the forest coverage rate around Qinghai Lake was 65 percent. It was 76 percent last year. The number of aquatic birds increases by about 50,000 annually.”“2007年的时候,整个青海湖的植被覆盖率是65%,2020年我们已经达到了76%。而且整个水鸟的种群数呈增长趋势,每年平均增长5万只左右。”The Ministry of Natural Resources【自然资源部】 has set goals to preserve biodiversity in key areas like the estuaries of the Yellow River, Yangtze River, tropical forests and the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. This year also marks the fifth anniversary of the Paris Accord signing. China has set a goal of having carbon dioxide emissions peak by 2030 and achieving carbon neutrality 【中和;中立】 by 2060. It is estimated that carbon emissions per capita will reach 8 tons by 2030. It was more than 10 tons when major Western nations hit their emissions peak.自然资源部提出保护重点地区生物多样性,例如黄河河口、热带雨林和青藏高原地区。此外,今年也是《巴黎协定》签订五周年,中国的目标是在2030年达到碳排放顶峰,2060年实现碳中和。据估计,2030年我国人均碳排放量将达到8吨,而主要西方国家碳排放峰值则超过10吨。 2. TESLA TO HAND IN DRIVING DATA AFTER BUYER’S PROTEST AT AUTO SHOW特斯拉公开“安阳刹车事故”前1分钟数据 Electric vehicle maker Tesla agreed yesterday to provide regulators with pre-accident driving data after a spiraling media backlash【抵制;反响】 due to its mishandling of a buyer’s protest at the Shanghai Auto Show. The company said that it will cooperate with regulators or third-party agencies designated by the government or customers to provide data about vehicles involved in accidents. The buyer had been protesting what she said was a brake failure on a Tesla automobile. The company will also ask third-party agencies chosen by Zhengzhou’s market regulator to test and authenticate its cars’ safety and driving data, it said.上海车展车主维权事件引起大众和媒体热议。特斯拉回应称,他们会配合政府机构,向监管部门及消费者本人提供事故前的驾驶数据。维权车主表示其汽车刹车失灵,特斯拉表示已与郑州市市场管理监督局联系,将委托政府指定的技术监管部门进行检测,检验车辆安全和驾驶数据的真实性。3. APPLE UNVEILS FRESH LINE OF PRODUCTS AND UPGRADES苹果新品发布:Airpods丢了?让全世界帮你一起找!Apple has announced a range of new products and services in another expansion of its product line. They include AirTags, at 30 dollars each, tiny devices that can be attached to items like keys and wallets to help locate them when they are lost.苹果在新品发布会上展示了一系列最新产品和服务,代表着其产品线得到了拓展。其中包括30美元一只的蓝牙追踪器Airtags,能够固定在在钥匙或者钱包上,提供定位以防物品丢失。The new iPad Pro tablet will have keyboard and trackpad【触控板】options, and updated iMacs will feature a higher quality front-facing camera and microphone to cater for consumers’ making video calls.新iPad Pro配备了键盘和触控版,iMac也配置了更高清的前置摄像头和麦克风,提升用户视频通话体验。Shares of Apple were down 1.3 percent on the announcements, then rose slightly back to close 0.3 percent higher on the Nasdaq market yesterday. But the company’s stock has risen nearly 95 percent over the past year, as consumers stocked up on electronics during the pandemic.发布会后,苹果股价下降了1.3%,昨日纳斯纳克指数又回升了近0.3个百分点。疫情期间,消费者大量采购电子产品,苹果股价在去年一年上涨了95%。#热词加油站trackpad [t'rækpæd]【触控板】hectare ['hek.tɑr]【公顷】mangrove forest【红树林】spot [spɑt]【发现】porcupine ['pɔrkjə.paɪn]【豪猪】sandpiper ['sæn(d).paɪpər]【鹬鸟】Ministry of Natural Resources【自然资源部】neutrality [nu'træləti]【中和;中立】backlash ['bæk.læʃ] 【抵制;反响】trackpad [t'rækpæd]【触控板】
4/23/20214 minutes, 14 seconds
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04/21 SHLIVE | TOP OF THE DAY 冰山再见 福岛海鲜铯超标 特斯拉后续

 ON 04/21Welcome to thisedition of ShanghaiLive, I’m He Jian, I’m AixinjueluoBei/ ICS Anchor.欢迎收听今天的《直播上海》,我是何健,我是爱新觉罗·贝/ICS主播。1. HUGE ICEBERG IN SOUTH ATLANTIC ALL BUT DISAPPEARED再见了,网红冰山A-68One of the world’s largest icebergs【冰山】to ever break off an Antarctic Ice shelf,has all but disappeared after floating for 3 years in the South Atlantic. LeiShuran has more.世界最大冰山之一从南极冰架上脱落,在南大西洋上漂浮了3年之后最终解体。以下是雷树兰的报道。The huge iceberg, formerlylabeled A-68 had been moving north since it calved from Antarctica’s Larsen C ice shelf in 2017. Scientistswere initially concerned about risks to wildlife if the nearly 6,000 squaremeter iceberg ran aground near the island of South Georgia, but the oncemassive iceberg has melted and broken up into fragments【碎片】. The last major fragment measures justover 20 square kilometers. Researchers are now concerned about the impact offreshwater from the melting ice on animals and marine life【海洋生物】.这座巨大冰山代号A-68,自2017年从南极洲的拉森C冰架上脱离后一直在向北移动。最初科学家担心,如果这座近6000平方米的冰山在南乔治亚岛附近搁浅,会给野生动物带来危险,但这座曾经蔚为壮观的冰山现已融化并分裂成碎片。A-68最后一块碎块的长度仅略超20平方公里。而研究人员现在更关心的是冰融化产生的淡水对动物和海洋生物的影响。Professor GeraintTarling, British Antarctic Survey塔林,英国南极考察生态学家Just having aphysical obstacle like this in the waters around South Georgia, could present alot of problems for things like penguins and seals. When they’re trying to get out to their feedinggrounds, particularly at this time of year.(A68冰山)将会在南乔治亚岛附近水域中形成一道物理障碍,给当地的企鹅、海豹等生物造成困扰,阻碍它们前往育雏地进行育雏。South Georgia ishome to colonies of tens of thousands of penguins and 6 million fur seals,which could be threatened by the broken-up iceberg during their breedingseason【繁殖期】. The waters near the island are also oneof the world’s largest protected marine areas and are home more marine speciesthan the Galapagos Islands in the eastern Pacific Ocean.南乔治亚岛是数万只企鹅和600万只海豹的栖息地,而冰山碎裂可能会对它们的繁殖期产生影响。该岛附近海域也是世界上最大的海洋保护区之一,甚至比东太平洋的加拉帕戈斯群岛拥有更丰富的海洋物种。2. JAPAN TO LIMITROCKFISH SHIPMENTS FROM FUKUSHIMA超标!福岛黑鲉鱼禁止上市!The Japanesegovernment restricted shipments of black rockfish from Fukushima yesterday,after high levels of a radioactive substance【放射性物质】 was found in a sample. It is the firstsuch action taken by the government for fish caught near Fukushima in 14 months.Sun Siqi has more.因黑鲉鱼样本被检测出放射性物质超标,日本政府昨日宣布禁止福岛海域的黑鲉鱼上市。这是日本政府14个月来首次对福岛附近捕获的鱼类采取此项禁止措施。以下是孙思奇的报道。Japaneseauthorities say that tests run on a Black Rockfish sample last week showed 270becquerels of radioactive cesium per kilogram, more than 2 and-a-half times thecountry’s limit of 100 becquerels per kilogram infood. In fact, local fishermen found Rockfish with cesium levels over theacceptable limit in early February, but the government failed to impose anyrestrictions.This has again aroused local residents’ concerns over the dumpingof nuclear wastewater. They also criticized an animated video【动画片】 featuring radioactive tritium as mascot【吉祥物】. The video was removed from the Ministryfor Reconstruction’s website only one day after they were uploaded. MinsterKatsuei Hirasawa apologized for promoting the video.日本政府表示,在上周对黑鲉鱼样本进行的检测中发现,每公斤黑鲉鱼含有270贝克勒尔的放射性铯。此前,日本规定每公斤食品中放射性物质不得超过100贝克勒尔,而黑鲉鱼样本的放射性物质已超标2.5倍。事实上,当地渔民在2月初已发现了铯含量超标的黑鲉鱼,但当时政府没有实施任何举措。此次样本放射性物质超标再次引起了当地居民对倾倒核废水的担忧。民众还批评了以放射性氚为吉祥物的动画视频。该段视频在日本复兴厅官网上发布一天后最终下架。此后,日本复兴大臣平泽胜荣为氚吉祥物视频道歉。Katsuei Hirasawa,Japanese Reconstruction Minister平泽胜荣,日本复兴大臣I apologize tothose who are not happy about this, especially the victims in FukushimaPrefecture.对因此而感到不快的人,特别是福岛县受灾的民众表示歉意,真的非常抱歉。Despite protestsat home and abroad, the Japanese government is still planning to dump thewastewater. Starting next month, the Tokyo Electric Power Company will submit aplan detailing improved methods of handling nuclear materials to the NuclearRegulation Authority.尽管国内外抗议不断,但日本政府仍计划倾倒核废水。下个月,东京电力公司将向日本原子能管制委员会提交一份改进方案,以详细说明处理核废水的计划。3. WOMAN GETS 5-DAY DETENTION AFTER DISRUPTING SHANGHAI AUTO SHOW车顶维权告一段落,会有HE吗At the ShanghaiInternational Automobile Industry Exhibition yesterday, a woman stood on top ofa Tesla car to draw attention to【引起注意】her complaints about the car’s alleged brake failure【刹车失灵】. Shanghai police said today that thewoman, Ms. Zhang, has been given five days of administrative detention【拘留】for disturbing public order.在昨天举行的上海国际汽车工业展览会上,一名女子站在特斯拉车顶高呼"特斯拉刹车失灵"引发广泛关注。上海警方表示,张女士因扰乱公共秩序被处以行政拘留5日。Zhang and anotherwoman, Ms. Li, caused a scene at the ongoing auto show. Li was given anadministration warning for disturbing public order【公共秩序】. Police said Zhang forced her way on topof the car, damaging it in the process. Zhang, a car owner from Henan Province,claimed a brake failure caused her Tesla Model 3 to collide with two other carstraveling in the same direction on the 341 National Highway on February 21st.Zhang insisted the accident was caused by Tesla, while Tesla said they hope tobegin third-party testing with her approval. The dispute remains unresolved.在近日举办的车展上,张女士和李女士车顶维权一事引发广泛关注。李女士因扰乱公共秩序被处以行政警告。警方表示,张某强行爬上车顶,在此过程中造成车辆一定程度受损。来自河南的车主张女士称,2月21日,她的特斯拉Model3在341国道上与同方向行驶的另外两车相撞,而事故原因是刹车失灵。张女士坚称事故是特斯拉造成的。特斯拉方面则表示,他们希望在征求张女士同意后进行第三方检测。目前,这一纠纷仍未解决。#热词加油站iceberg[ˈaɪsbɜːɡ]【冰山】fragment[ˈfræɡmənt]【碎片】marine life【海洋生物】breeding season【繁殖期】radioactivesubstance【放射性物质】animated video【动画片】mascot[ˈmæskət]【吉祥物】draw attention to【引起注意】brake failure【刹车失灵】detention[dɪˈtenʃn]【拘留】public order【公共秩序】
4/21/20214 minutes, 10 seconds
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04/20 SHLIVE | 2021 Shanghai Auto Show 超燃!2021全球首个A级车展来了

Welcome to this edition of ShanghaiLive, I’m AixinjueluoBei / ICS NewsAnchor.欢迎收听今天的《直播上海》,我是爱新觉罗•贝 / ICS 主播。The Shanghai Auto Show is making a roaring return after a one-yearhiatus【停滞】 and this year’smodels are all about comfort and ease of driving in a clear nod to autonomousdriving. Our reporter Sun Siqi navigates the massive National Exhibition andConvention Center and brings us the details.阔别一年,上海车展再次回归。今年的上新的车款大多致力于提供舒适、轻松的驾驶体验和自动驾驶功能。记者孙思奇在国家会展中心,为我们带来现场报道。At this auto show, carmakers are introducing what they call a"sensorial【感觉的】 drivingexperience" -- basically, making driving not a pain on busy city roads.And here we have Cadillac’s new electric model LYRIQ, with enhanced SuperCruise function that is capable of doing lane change【变道】 for you even on busy city highways.在本届车展上,许多品牌提出“感官交互型驾驶体验”的概念,让城市道路驾驶不再烦心。凯迪拉克发布了最新款纯电车型LYRIQ,巡航系统升级,即使在城市拥挤的高架路上也能实现变道。The feature works on some expressways【高速公路】 like the middle and outer ring roads and most highwaysleaving the city. The automaker is mapping more roads, and the data can be downloadedto your car’s computer system.凯迪拉克的超级巡航驾驶系统适用于中环、外环高架路和大部分出城高速。更多路段导航也在规划之中,能够从车辆系统中直接下载道路数据信息。Interviewee: Felix Weller, Vice President of Cadillac受访者:菲利克·韦勒凯迪拉克中国区副总裁“So already now, we have around 300,000 kilometers worth of road mappingin China available, mostly of those are obviously in tier-one【一线的】cities, so Shanghai is pretty well coveredalready. Going forward with future generations of Super Cruise, we’ll then alsobe able to cover about 95 percent of all driving scenarios【方案;情景】that will include basicallydoor-to-door autonomous driving.”“截止至目前,我们的系统已经覆盖了国内30万公里的道路,大部分都集中在一线城市,上海的覆盖率比较高。随着SuperCruise超级巡航系统不断迭代升级,将来能够应对百分之九十五的驾驶情景,基本实现自动驾驶。”Onto sportscars.接下来再来看看跑车。After launching the EVs and E-hybrids, Porsche felt now is the time tobring some of the classic models in limited edition to the China market -- thisBoxster 25 is retailing at just under one million yuan right here, the amountis limited to 1,250 vehicles worldwide.保时捷在发布了纯电动与混合动力车型后,也瞄准时机,推出了经典车型的中国限量款。例如这次展出的Boxster 25周年纪念版,全球限量1,250台,制造商建议零售价不到一百万元。The resilience【弹性】of China’s marketafter the COVID-19 pandemic has pushed Porsche to also launch a 20thanniversary 911, which they are limiting to just 20 cars in China. A new 718Spyder model has been added to its permanent lineup【阵容;队伍】.疫情之下,中国汽车的市场弹性,促使保时捷发布了911Turbo S中国20周年纪念版,国内仅售20台。此外,718Spyder车型也正式发布。Interviewee: Jens Puttfarcken, President & CEO of Porsche China受访者:Jens Puttfarcken 保时捷中国区总裁兼首席执行官“As long as the pandemic is going on, Chinese population willconcentrate their consumption in China. We expect this year to sell about 4,000'911' to the Chinese market, and maybe 10,000 '718', so itwill be a quite tremendous increase and steep increase against last year.”“全球疫情还在持续中,消费者也会集中保持在国内消费。我们计划今年在中国市场销售四千台‘911’车型和约一万台‘718’车型,相较去年来说,今年会是一个很大的增长。”In terms of comfort, features like heat massages in the back seats thatappeared in luxury SUVs a couple of years ago are popping up【出现】 in more affordable models.就舒适度来说,几年前在高配置SUV上才有的加热按摩座椅也适配于更多经济划算的车型。In this Buick GL8, there’re different massage functions -- there’sRelaxation, Deep Tissue Massage, there’s Elegance and Weight loss, Recoveryafter Exercise ... and inside this Relaxation mode, it really feels like I canjust go right to sleep.别克GL8上也有了许多不同的按摩功能,比如“轻松舒展”、“深度释压”,还有“优雅纤体”、“减重塑形”“拉伸恢复”等等。调到“深度释压”模式感觉很舒服,我觉得我可以在车上睡着了。And autoparts maker ZF is introducing its strongest processor andsoftware for autonomous driving that mimics decisions made by a human brain.零部件制造商采埃孚也发布了最新的超级计算机,适用于自动或自主驾驶,能够模拟人脑进行决策。Interviewee: Dr. Holger Klein, Board Member of ZF Group受访者:柯皓哲博士德国采埃孚董事会成员“To prevent crashes, to however, move fast -- because you as a human,you’ll see, not a danger, I keep on accelerating, this is probably the thingwhich will take longest to cover 100 percent. If you’d ask me, most probably,we can already cover 80, 90 percent.”“我们自己开车的时候,加速、避免碰撞等等都可以控制,不会有危险。但是对于计算机来说,要做到百分百规避风险需要很长时间进行试验。我们的产品能够做到避免百分之八十到九十的碰撞。”The auto show showcases more than 1,000 exhibitors from 20 countries andregions. It’s open to the public from this coming Saturday until April 28thwith admission costing between 50 and 100 yuan per person.此次车展吸引了来自20个国家和地区的1,000多家展商。本周六(4月24日)至4月28日,车展向公众开放,门票售价为工作日每人50元,双休日100元。#热词加油站hiatus【停滞】sensorial【感觉的】lane change【变道】expressway【高速公路】tier-one【一线的】scenario【方案;情景】resilience【弹性】lineup【阵容;队伍】pop up【出现】
4/20/20213 minutes, 28 seconds
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Welcome to this edition of Shaghai Live, I'm Chen Xuan/ ICS News Anchor.Top of this week:——COMPANIES BRING EV-RELATED TECHN OLOGIES TO ELECTRONICA CHINA 2021智能新能源车闪耀 2021慕尼黑上海电子展——OVERSEAS BREEDERS EAGER TO TAP INTO CHINESE FLORICULTURE MARKET2021上海国际花展:海外养花人看好中国花卉市场 ——OLDIES BUT GOODIES-RETIREES FINDIN G NEW JOBS WITH SOCIAL MEDIA退休=养老?社交媒体时代,他们这样开启了职业生涯的第二春
4/18/20218 minutes, 52 seconds
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Welcome to this edition of Shaghai Live, I'm Chen Xuan/ ICS News Anchor.Top of this week:——COMPANIES BRING EV-RELATED TECHN OLOGIES TO ELECTRONICA CHINA 2021智能新能源车闪耀 2021慕尼黑上海电子展——OVERSEAS BREEDERS EAGER TO TAP INTO CHINESE FLORICULTURE MARKET2021上海国际花展:海外养花人看好中国花卉市场 ——OLDIES BUT GOODIES-RETIREES FINDIN G NEW JOBS WITH SOCIAL MEDIA退休=养老?社交媒体时代,他们这样开启了职业生涯的第二春
4/18/20218 minutes, 52 seconds
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周末特供丨Will Japan’s dump affect our lives? 上海交大海洋专家谈废水入海

Japan has announced that it will release 1.25 million tons of treated wastewater contaminated by the wrecked Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant into the Pacific Ocean. What influences will the nuclear waste water bring after it was discharged into the ocean? Is the "treated wastewater" as safe as the government claimed?Will Japan’s dump affect our lives? ICS NEWS Anchor, Chen Xuan spoke to Li Ji, oceanographer from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, to find out the potential impact on the environment and lives.
4/17/20215 minutes, 50 seconds
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04/16 SHLIVE | When Chinese style meets daily clothing 日常搭配也能穿出中国风

Welcome to MONEY TALKS! I’m Timothy Pope/ ICSNEWS ANCHOR.欢迎收听《财道》我是Timothy Pope/ICS主播。When people mention traditional Chineseclothing, the first thing that probably comes to mind is the Hanfu–the traditionalcostume clothing that has been a fad for Chinese young people. So what aboutthose who might want a bit of tradition in your daily dress? Well now that'savailable too, as Zhang Shixuan reports.说起中国传统服饰,最先想到的或许是汉服。近十年来,年轻人中掀起了“汉服热”,不过,汉服只有在特定的场合才适合穿着。但如果想要把传统元素融入日常搭配中,该怎么办呢?“新中式”服装来了!请听记者张诗璇报道。An apparel【服装】renaissance【文艺复兴】 hasbeen taking shape, with a growing army of the young looking to the past fortheir sartorial【衣着的】choices. They are actually willing to pay more for clothes featuringclassic fashion, but they are also looking for something that they can wear fortheir normal workdays.在国风服饰复兴的当下,越来越多的年轻人在穿衣选择上也想要“复古”一把,愿意花更高的价格购买传统元素的时装。同时,他们也希望能有一些适合工作场合的传统服装。Interviewee: Consumer of Chinese-styleclothes受访者:传统服饰消费者“I started getting interested intraditional clothes 10 years ago, and I like how Chinese culture has embraced internationaldesigns. I like clothes that cater Chinese tastes, I once spent 20,000 yuan onone outfit【整套服装】.”“我十年前开始喜欢传统服饰,喜欢中国文化的兼容并包。我希望衣服能够适合中国人的特点,我花过最多的一套有两万块。”“If I were 20 years old I would weartraditional clothes all day. But now, now I'm in my 30s, and I have to dressfor the occasion. So I hope that there will be some improvements on thetraditional models.”“如果我还是20多岁的小伙子,我会大胆穿,但现在30多岁了,还是要分场合来看。所以如果传统服饰能进行一定改良的话,我很愿意接受。”“I will buy them if they fit my style, andI like them. The best would based on Chinese elements and have some details ofwestern styles. I could pay several hundreds, or even more than 10,000 onsomething like that. I think it's great to wear Chinese-style clothes forimportant occasions.”“如果要是符合我的衣着风格和喜好,我就会买。最好是底色有中国元素,细节上学习西方的设计理念。花几百几千甚至上万我都可以。重要场合穿中式衣服确实很好。”So not surprising that a new brandspecifically targeting these young customers made its debut【首秀】at theongoing Shanghai Fashion Week. The company brought more than 100 items to theshow over the weekend.在上海时装周上,一个专注于年轻消费者市场的全新“新中装”品牌也进行了首秀,展示了百余件服饰。Interviewee: Jiang Biao, BrandingDirectorDongfangEnya受访者:蒋飙 “东方·恩雅”服装设计师“Many of our designs were adopted fromChinese traditional bronze ware, ceramic【陶瓷的】 rubbings 【拓本】andarchitecture. Many of the necklines were adopted from the Chinese stand-upcollar or Hanfu. And there are also some western style elements in the designs.”“我们的设计中有很多图形、纹样来自中国传统青铜器、陶瓷拓片和建筑拓片花纹。很多领型也是从立领或者汉服的领型演变而来的。版型部分也融入了西方元素。”This is the first time that the State-ownedconglomerate【集团】Orient International has introduced a brand specifically tailoringclothes featuring new Chinese classic fashion.这是国企东方国际集团首次推出新中式时装品牌。Interviewee: TongJisheng, Chairman of theBoard, Orient International受访者:童继生东方国际集团董事长“We will first have a market coming out inBeijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou. And then, based on consumers' interest andfeedback, we will expand the business to the whole country, and even overseas.“我们希望在北上广先做一个市场布局,看看消费者兴趣体验,然后再有机会向全国各地甚至海外拓展。”E-commerce site Tmall says special garmentslike Hanfu led the pack among other popular costumes, generating 1.26 times thesales of conventional blouses during last year's Double Eleven shoppingfestival. Industry leader say there is still plenty of ways the traditional fashiontrend can grow.天猫电商平台显示,在去年的双十一购物节上,汉服等特殊服装的销量领先于其他服饰,是普通衬衫的1.26倍。业内人士表示,中国风时装的潮流仍将以不同方式持续增长。Interviewee: Pro. BianXiangyang, VicePresident, China Fashion Association受访者:卞向阳教授中国服装设计师协会常务理事“The industry should continue integrationof the traditional culture to make sure it can be inherited. The market needs more things people can wear daily,that can combine international trends with our traditional culture. That way,people will be interested in wearing the new clothes, both locals andforeigners.”“我们要坚持对传统文化进行梳理,明确哪些东西可以传承。我们更需要能在日常生活中穿着的衣服,把国际流行和传统文化结合。这样无论是中国人还是外国人,都能喜欢上新中式服装。”Professor Bian says that while some threemillion people have purchased costume Hanfu, daily apparel featuringtraditional Chinese elements has now grown to an even larger market, with majorplayers having already made revenue topping more than 10 billion yuan ($1.53billion).卞教授认为,既然已经有三百多万人购买过汉服,那么融合了中国传统元素的日常服饰会越来越受欢迎。数据表明,一些主要的新中式时装品牌收入已达100亿元。#热词加油站apparel【服装】renaissance【文艺复兴】sartorial【衣着的】outfit【服装;搭配】debut【首秀】ceramic【陶瓷的】rubbings【拓本】conglomerate【集团】
4/16/20213 minutes, 15 seconds
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04/14 SHLIVE | Dump Radioactive water into Sea? 伤心太平洋:日本核废水要入海了

JAPAN TO RELEASETREATED FUKUSHIMA WASTEWATER INTO SEACHINA URGESJAPAN TO ADDRESS NUCLEAR WASTEWATER CONCERNSNEWS ON 04/14Welcome to thisedition of ShanghaiLive, I’m He Jian, I’m Aixinjueluo Bei/ICS Anchor.欢迎收听今天的《直播上海》,我是何健,我是爱新觉罗·贝/ICS主播。Japan announcedtoday it will release more than 1 million tons of treated radioactive【放射性的】 water from the wrecked Fukushima nuclear plant into thePacific Ocean in two years, an option fiercely opposed by the area’s residents.Here’s Sun Siqi with the story.日本今天宣布,将在两年内把福岛核电站失事后的100多万吨放射性废水排入太平洋,这一决定遭到当地居民强烈反对。以下是孙思奇带来的报道。Yoshihide Suga,Japanese Prime MinisterWe judged thatreleasing the treated water into the sea is possible, and came to an agreementon the basic measures.我们判断排放入海为可行方法,并将以此为基本方针。Tokyo ElectricPower Company plans to filter【过滤】 the water toremove isotopes, leaving only tritium, a radioactive isotope hydrogen that isdifficult to separate from water. The company will then dilute【稀释】 the liquid until tritium levels fall below regulatorylimits before pumping it into the ocean. Groups of protesters gathered outsidethe Prime Minister’s residence in Tokyo.东京电力公司计划过滤掉水中的其他同位素,只留下氚——一种很难从水中分离出来的放射性氢同位素。随后,该公司将稀释这些液体,直至氚含量符合监管标准,再将其排入海洋。成群结队的抗议者聚集在官邸外。It’s notpossible. There’ll be radioactive material however much you try to dilute it.How can you just throw radioactive water into the sea?稀释不了,没那个可能。不管怎么稀释,都会有辐射物质残留,怎么能把有辐射物质残存的废水排入大海呢?Our oppositionto this will not change just because the government made its decision. 我们反对排放入海的态度是不会放弃的,不会因为政府决定了,我们就放弃。SouthKorea summoned【召见】 Japan’s ambassador to Seoul to protestthe plan.Koo Yoon-cheol, S.Korea’s Office of Government Policy CoordinationThe decisionwill not only cause danger to the safety and maritime【海的】 environment of neighboring countries, it was alsomade unilaterally【单方面的】 without sufficient consultation withour country, which is Japan’s closest neighbor.这一行为给周边国家安全,和海洋环境带来威胁,这也是日方在没有与地理位置临近的韩国进行充分磋商和寻求理解的情况下,单方面做出的决定。The accumulating【堆积】 wastewater has been stored in tanks at the Fukushimaplant since 2011, when a massive earthquake damaged its reactors and coolingwater became contaminated【污染的】. The annualstorage costs are about 800 million US dollars and space is running out.Japanese authorities had considered other options, including building moretanks or evaporating the water. They considered pumping it into the ocean themost "realistic" option.自2011年大地震以来,福岛核电站反应堆遭到破坏,冷却水受到污染,这些废水一直被储存在福岛核电站的水箱中。水箱每年产生约8亿美元的存储成本,同时也面临水箱空间不足的问题。日本当局也考虑了其他处置方式,包括建造更多的水箱或将水蒸发。他们认为把核废水排入海洋是最“现实”的选择。China’s ForeignMinistry called Japan’s decision to release water from the Fukushima nuclearplant extremely irresponsible and urged Tokyo to respond to its concerns. ZhangNingben has the story.中国外交部表示,日本决定排放福岛核电站核废水的行为是极其不负责任的,并敦促日本有关方面对各方关切作出应有回应。Foreign Ministryspokesperson Zhao Lijian said the release will seriously damage internationalpublic health and the interests of people in neighboring countries.外交部发言人表示,核废水排海将严重损害国际公共健康安全和周边国家人民切身利益。Japan shouldre-evaluate its handling of wastewater, and refrain from wantonly dischargingit before reaching a consensus【一致】 with allstakeholders and the International Atomic Energy Agency.日本应重新审视福岛核电站核废水处置问题,在同各利益攸关国家和国际原子能机构充分协商并达成一致之前,不得擅自启动排海。China also urgedthe United States to address Japan’s decision based on facts when commenting onthe Biden administration’s recently declared stance【立场】 that Japan’s decision has been "transparent,"and "appears to have adopted an approach in accordance with globallyaccepted nuclear safety standards."Zhao Lijian,Spokesperson Ministry of Foreign Affairs of ChinaInternationalauthorities and experts have clearly pointed out that the discharge of tritiumcontaminated wastewater from the Fukushima nuclear power plant into the oceanwill affect the marine environment and the public health of neighboringcountries. The existing treated wastewater contains other radio-nuclides andneeds to be further purified and treated. China hopes the US will evaluate thefacts. ZhangNingben, Shanghai Live.国际权威机构和专家明确指出,福岛核电站含氚废水排入海洋,将对周边国家海洋环境和公众健康造成影响。同时,现有经过处理的废水中,仍含有其他放射性核素,需进一步净化处理。美方向来重视环境问题,希望美方在真正的环境问题上,对事不对人,不要让这个重视被打上引号。记者张宁犇,直播上海。#热词加油站radioactive[ˌreɪdiəʊˈæktɪv]【放射性的】filter[ˈfɪltə(r)]【过滤】dilute[daɪˈluːt]【稀释】summoned[ˈsʌmən]【召见】maritime[ˈmærɪtaɪm]【海的】unilaterally【单方面的】accumulating[əˈkjuːmjəleɪt]【堆积】contaminated[kənˈtæmɪneɪtɪd]【污染的】consensus[kənˈsensəs]【一致】stance[stæns]【立场】
4/14/20213 minutes, 30 seconds
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04/13 SHLIVE | Technology Expo 抢鲜看!脑洞“高科技”这样改变生活

Welcome to this edition of ShanghaiLive,I’m Aixinjueluo Bei/ICS Anchor.欢迎收听今天的《直播上海》,我是爱新觉罗·贝/ICS主播。The China Shanghai International TechnologyFair opens this Thursday. High-tech companies in Shanghai will be showcasing【展示】theirlatest technologies and products. Zhang Hong brings us a preview of上海)国际技术进出口交易会(简称上交会)将于本周四开幕,上海各高新企业也将展出最新的科技产品。请记者张鸿为我们带来本届上交会热点前瞻。-- Level Six.-- Level Seven.六楼、七楼。The contactless holographic【全息的】displayallows people to pick a floor without touching the elevator button. It helps toavoid the risk of possible infection from touching a contaminated【被污染的】surface.免接触全息显示技术应用于电梯上,能够隔空控制、选择楼层,由此避免直接触摸带来的交叉感染风险。Interviewee: Shi Jinghua, CEO at YesarGroup受访者:石景华上海衍视电子科技公司首席执行官“The technology can be applied to basicallyany equipment with a screen. For example, the self-registration and paymentmachines in the hospital and ticket-selling machines at railway stations.”“这项技术可以应用到各种各样有触摸屏的设备中,比如医院的挂号机、缴费机,高铁自助售票机等。”These disinfection【消毒;杀菌】robots have also been upgraded. They can now operate for 7 to 8 hours on asingle charge.消毒机器人也进行了性能升级,一次充电后,能够提供7到8小时的续航时间。Interviewee: Ma Xiayi, Marketing Manager ofTaimi Robotics Technology Co.受访者:马夏怡上海钛米机器人科技公司市场经理“Our disinfection robots are now equippedwith sensors for PM 2.5 and hydrogen peroxide【过氧化氢】. The robotwill stop disinfecting a targeted area when the hydrogen peroxide reaches acertain density【密度;浓度】.”“我们的消毒机器人还配备了PM2.5和过氧化氢浓度的感应器,达到一定浓度之后就会停止喷雾。”Another company developed an AI model toprovide weather forecasts for aviation. It can even detect the slightdifferences between the two ends of each runway, while traditional modeling canonly provide a general forecast within a range of 3 to 5 kilometers.新技术还让航空气象预报越来越精细。这套人工智能模型可以精准探测到同一机场的不同跑道,甚至一条跑道两端细微的天气差别。而此前,传统的预报模型只能预判3到5公里范围内大致的天气变化。Interviewee: Su Zhongyue, Chief Expert atAI Research Institute, EM Data受访者:苏仲岳上海眼控科技人工智能研究院首席科学家“The model allows the airport to make betterarrangements for flights so there will be less last minute cancellations.”“这套模型让飞机能够作更精细的调度安排,取消的航班就会减少。”The model has been used by CAAC's EastChina Region Administration and will provide weather information for airportsincluding Pudong and Hongqiao airport.中国民用航空华东地区管理局已将这套人工智能模型投入使用,将为浦东机场和虹桥机场提供天气信息。The China Shanghai International TechnologyFair will be held from Thursday to Saturday at Shanghai World Expo Exhibitionand Convention Center. Over 1,000 companies are taking part in the fair.上交会将于本周二至周四(4月15日至17日)在上海世博展览馆举办,超过一千家企业参展。#热词加油站showcase【展示】holographic 【全息的】contaminated 【被污染的】disinfection 【消毒;杀菌】hydrogen peroxide【过氧化氢】density 【密度;浓度】
4/13/20212 minutes
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4/11/202110 minutes, 46 seconds
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4/11/202110 minutes, 46 seconds
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04/09 SHLIVE丨Britain's prince Philip dies at age of 99 英国菲利普亲王辞世

Britain’s Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh and husband of Queen Elizabeth II, has died at the age of 99, Buckingham Palace announced today. The palace said in a statement that Prince Philip passed away peacefully this morning at Windsor Castle. Further announcements will be made in due course and the Royal family join with people around the world in mourning his loss, it also said. The Duke of Edinburgh, as he was officially known, had been by his wife’s side throughout her 69-year reign, which is the longest in British history. They married in 1947.
4/9/202149 seconds
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04/09 SHLIVE | Wuhan Returns to Normal 武汉“重启”一周年 满满人间烟火气

Welcome to this edition of ShanghaiLive,I’m AixinjueluoBei / ICS News Anchor.欢迎收听今天的《直播上海》,我是爱新觉罗•贝 / ICS 主播。Wuhan is now prospering with a return oftourists and a rebounding【回升】 economy one year after the lockdown was lifted【解除】. Here’sSun Siqi with more details.自“解封”已过去整整一年,武汉经济回暖的同时也迎回了一批又一批的游客。请听记者孙思奇带来的报道。On April 8th, 2020, Wuhan reopened after 76days in lockdown. Blockades at highways in and out of the city were removedearly that morning. A year later at the same toll gate【收费站】, trucksare now transporting vegetables and other goods into town, not boxes ofpandemic control gear【装备】.2020年4月8日,历时76天的“封城”结束,武汉“重启”。当日凌晨,进出城的高速闸口处的重重路障被移除。一年后的今天,在同样的高速收费站,货车运送的已不再是防疫物资,而是蔬菜和其他各类商品。Interviewee: Officer at GongjialingTollgate ,Wuhan受访者:武汉市龚家岭收费站工作人员“About 40,000 vehicles pass the gate a daynow, that’s almost the same as 2019.”“我们现在的日均流量达到了4万台次,相比于2019年几乎持平。”At Wuhan Tianhe Airport, counters arepacked with travelers, many of whom just toured Hubei Province. New flightroutes opened to 13 popular tourist destinations in Shandong, Dunhuang andJiayuguan in Gansu Province. 90 percent of the seats are occupied.在武汉天河机场,值机柜台前排满了旅客,其中不少是来湖北旅游的游客。今年,武汉天河机场新开了至山东、敦煌和甘肃嘉峪关等13处热门旅游地的航线,上座率达到了百分之九十。Interviewee: Mr. Pei, Tourist受访者:裴先生游客“We just went to see Sanxia and the canyonin En’shi. We took a direct flight. ”“我们去了三峡和恩施大峡谷。我们搭乘的都是直飞的航班。”Wuhan’s streets are bustling【熙熙攘攘的】 onceagain. Long lines form outside this popular breakfast spot by 9 am.武汉的街道也恢复了往日的热闹与生机。这家“网红”早餐店,早上九点就已经排起了长队。Interviewee: A tourist受访者:游客“As you can see, I don’t even have a placeto sit. I’d say Wuhan is back to its former self.”“你看,我们都没地方坐着吃,但是感觉整个武汉已经恢复正常生活了。”A year ago, the shop was close to going outof business during the lockdown. But government policies like rent reductionand loans helped it and other small businesses weather 【经受,度过】 thewinter. 51 billion yuan ($7.78 billion) worth of tax and fees were scrapped 【取消】.Businesses received a total of 101 billion ($15.4 billion) yuan in rescueloans.去年此时,这家小店由于疫情的影响几乎面临倒闭,但政府出台了租金减免、小额贷款等政策,支持商家们共渡难关。政府共减免了510亿元的税费,并向商户提供了总额1010亿元的扶持贷款。Known for its cherry blossoms, 42,000doctors and nurses that came to the city’s aid last year were invited to comeback and enjoy the scenery. More than 20,000 medical workers and their familymembers have accepted the invitation.武汉樱花闻名遐迩。今年樱花盛开之际,四万两千名在疫情期间曾支援过武汉的医护人员也受邀回到武汉,共赏美景。有超过两万名的医护人员及其家属应邀而至。Interviewee: A medical worker受访者:医护人员“Our mood is totally different now. Otherdoctors and nurses have arrived, and we made friends when times were the worst.We’re more than happy to gather again under the blossoms.”“我们的心情不同了。有这么多战友回来,而且我们是在艰难困苦中建立的感情,能够相约在樱花树下特别高兴。”Wuhan has reported zero local transmissionssince May 18th, 2020. Mass vaccination started in December. As of Tuesday, 3.7million doses had been administered 【实行】. In the firstquarter of 2020, Wuhan’s GDP suffered a sharp decline of about 40 percent. Despitethe hardship, the city soon recovered and grew rapidly over the next threequarters. By the end of last year, the slide was narrowed to 4.7 percent. Plansare underway to invest more than 250 billion yuan ($38.1billion) in over 2,000public health projects. As lives return to normal, so does hope and prosperity.自2020年5月18日起,武汉本土病例零新增;12月,新冠疫苗接种工作启动。截止至4月6日,已接种疫苗370万剂次。2020年第一季度,武汉地区生产总值比上年同期锐减40%。尽管困难当前,武汉迅速复苏,在后三个季度中实现了经济的快速增长。至去年年底,其地区生产总值与上年同期的差距缩小到了4.7%。超两千个公共卫生项目正在计划建设中,预计投入2500亿元。在武汉,生活回归正常,希冀与繁荣就在前方。#热词加油站rebound【回升】lift【解除】toll gate【收费站】gear【装备】bustling【熙熙攘攘的】weather【经受,度过】scrap【取消】administer【实行】
4/9/20212 minutes, 48 seconds
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04/08 SHLIVE丨China mints 200 new billionaires 2021福布斯富豪榜上的中国顶流

THE RICH GET RICHER AS CHINA MINTS 200 NEWBILLIONAIRESNews on 04/07Welcome to MONEY TALKS! I’m Timothy Pope/ICS NEWS ANCHOR.欢迎收听《财道》我是Timothy Pope/ICS主播Forbes published its annual billionairesindex on Tuesday and said that Chinese super-rich now account for 20 percent ofthe wealth on the list. And there aren’t just more billionaires than ever...the rich are getting richer as well. Forbes says the world’s billionaires areworth a combined 13.1 trillion US dollars, up from 8 trillion just a year ago.China has 698 names on the list - second only to the US and up from 456 last year.China’s richest person - the bottled water tycoon Zhong Shanshan jumped to 13thrichest on the list after the IPO of Nongfu Spring in Hong Kong last year.Amazon chief Jeff Bezos remains the richest of the rich, with Tesla boss ElonMusk having made a huge jump from number 31 on the list to second place this year.The rest of the top five include LVMH CEO Bernard Arnault, Microsoft’s BillGates, and Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg.4月6日,《福布斯》公布了年度亿万富翁指数,称中国的超级富豪目前占上榜富豪总数的20%。现在的亿万富翁并不比以往更多……富人也越来越富。《福布斯》称,全球亿万富翁的资产总额从一年前的8万亿美元增加到13.1万亿美元。上榜的中国富豪人数从去年的456人上升到今年的698人,仅次于美国。去年农夫山泉在香港上市后,中国首富——瓶装水大亨钟睒睒的排名跃升至第13位。亚马逊(Amazon)首席执行官杰夫·贝佐斯(Jeff Bezos)仍然是富豪中的顶顶流,而特斯拉(Tesla)老板埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)则从第31名跃升至第2名。前五名中还包括LVMH首席执行官伯纳德·阿尔诺、微软的比尔·盖茨和Facebook的马克·扎克伯格。
4/8/20211 minute, 14 seconds
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04/07 SHLIVE | Shanghai Fashion Week 2021魔都时尚圈的大事情

FASHION WEEK RUNWAY SHOWS START WITH STREET STYLENEWS ON 04/06Welcome to thisedition of ShanghaiLive, I’m Hejian/ICSAnchor.欢迎收听今天的《直播上海》,我是何健/ICS主播。And ShanghaiFashion Week runway shows started tonight at the main venue【会场】 at Xintiandi.Reporter Sun Siqi was therejust 30 minutes ago and tells us what she saw.上海时装周T台秀今晚在新天地主会场拉开帷幕。半小时前,记者孙思奇刚刚到达现场,以下是现场发回的报道。The Autumn/Winter2021 Shanghai Fashion Week opened with défilé【鱼贯而行】ofMark Fairwhale. It has been very refreshing tosee the brand try to incorporate【吸收】elements from animals and ancientChinesemythsinto their street wear. At thesame time, we also spoke to industry insiders, many have been very optimisticabout the outlook of China’s fashion retail after Shanghai Fashion Week resumedlast October, take a listen.2021秋冬上海时装周开幕,时装品牌马克华菲带来了本次开场大秀。本场大秀中,马克华菲将动物元素及中国神话传说融入到街头服饰当中,令人耳目一新。同时,不少业内人士表示,自去年10月上海时装周恢复线下发布活动后,中国时尚零售业的前景非常乐观。让我们来听听业内人士的看法。Cui Yaoyao,Freelance Illustrator崔女士,自由设计师I worked for fourfashion brands. I saw them suffer last year. Their stores had barely anybusiness. After the pandemic was mostly brought under control and they starteddoing livestream sales, my clients have been mostly satisfied with the rebound【反弹】. I expect this year will be even betterfor them than 2019.我合作过四个时尚品牌。去年他们确实遭受了重创,商店也几乎没有生意。后来新冠疫情基本得到控制,他们开始投身电商直播销售,生意有所回升,客户们也都挺满意的。对于时装品牌来说,我估计今年的情况会比2019年更好。Yang Kuntian, CEO,Mark Fairwhale杨先生,马克华菲CEOWith the internalcycle and domestic【国内的】 consumption coming to center stage, this is a greatopportunity for Chinese brands to dig deep into the domestic market and createa strong presence. Once they nail that, they might be able to go onto creategreater influence overseas. In this fight, those that can present fashionelements unique to China in a contemporary way will come out top.国内的内部循环和国内消费备受瞩目,这对于中国品牌来说是一个很好的机会,来进一步深入国内市场,带来强大的影响力。国内品牌只要做到了这一点,就有可能继续向海外扩大影响力。在这样的竞争中,那些能够通过一种现代的方式呈现中国传统时尚元素的品牌就会脱颖而出。Also beingpresented at the Xintiandi main venue are the défilé of Chinese fashion brands including CommeMoi and C+Plus Series. Both brands are bringing social media ready looks thatare also extremely photogenic【上镜的】, and this kind of looks are very popular with the 20ssomethings at the moment. And also a brand called Hemu that liked to takefabric inspirations from ancient Chinese wear and give them an edge. Ingeneral, Chinese designers are trying to walk away from this overly craftystyle from the past, and also embraces wearabilityand simplicity. Also, checkout other fashion events and exhibitions at Jing’an Kerry Center and TankShanghai. Sun Siqi, Shanghai Live新天地主会场还展出了包括CM女装和C+PlusSERIES在内的中国时尚品牌。这两个品牌都带来了非常吸睛的造型,受到社交媒体上20多岁年轻人的热烈追捧。品牌荷木则擅长从中国传统服饰中汲取面料方面的灵感,这成为他们的一大优势。总的来说,中国设计师也在尝试摆脱以往过于奢华复杂的风格,逐渐强调穿戴舒适性和简约性。此外,观众朋友们还可以前往静安嘉里中心和上海油罐艺术中心,参观在此举办的其他时尚活动和展览。孙思奇,直播上海。#热词加油站venue【会场】défilé【鱼贯而行】incorporate【吸收】rebound【反弹】domestic【国内的】photogenic【上镜的】
4/7/20212 minutes, 9 seconds
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04/06 SHLIVE | How much would you pay for a shared power bank? 共享充电宝涨价

04/06 SHLIVE | Rising fees of shared power bank 电量告急,共享充电宝却“用不起”? Welcome to this edition of Shanghai Live, I’m Wang Yin/ ICS Anchor.欢迎收听《直播上海》,我是王吟/ ICS主播。 What do you do if you’re outside and need to charge your phone? Look for a power bank【移动电源】, of course, one of the little cabinets that let anyone plug in - for a fee. And that’s the problem. The fees have been going up faster than you can say direct current ... and the resistance is increasing. Lei Shuran takes a closer look.如果在外面想要充电,怎么办?当然是找一个人人都能用的充电宝——不过,得花钱。那么问题来了:共享充电宝的租金正在不断上涨,也引起了怨声连连。请听记者雷舒然带来的报道。 Rental fees for the most common charger brands are now up to as much as 6 yuan per hour, compared to no more than 2 yuan last year. And the upper limit for long-time rentals has also sparked up, costing users much more when they borrow a charger and fail to return it on time. The surges【激增】are powering【推动】plenty of complaints.现在,国内最大的共享充电运营商租赁价格达到了每小时6元,而去年的价格不超过2元。如果借出后没有及时归还,这笔“长期租赁”的费用上限还会更高。租金上涨也引起了大家的诸多抱怨。 Interviewee: Power Bank User受访者:共享充电宝消费者“I borrowed a charger for 2 to 3 hours, and when I returned it I was charged 12 yuan. Before, it was only 1 yuan and now 12.”“我借了两三个小时,还的时候发现要收12块,但之前只要1块钱。” “I once spent 99 yuan for one rental. The hub from which I borrowed it was fully filled when I got there, so I couldn’t return mine.”“我最高一笔花了99块,因为当时没有还成,我借了之后就立马被塞满了。” Ninty percent of the domestic market is now occupied by just four power bank sharing providers. One of them has just debuted on the US Nasdaq market, opening at 10 US dollars per share and then jumping as much as 18 percent higher. That is Energy Monster, backed by Alibaba. The company’s IPO【Initial Public Offering 首次公开募股】filing says its net profit【净利润】 dropped from 8.24% in 2019 to 2.68% in 2020, however. It says that’s the result of a surge in distribution costs, which went up by more than 55% in 2020. And that, plus a collapse in usage last year, explains the price increases this year by all the power bank companies.现在,国内百分之九十的共享充电市场由四家运营商分摊。其中,背靠阿里的“怪兽充电”刚刚以10美元每股宣布在美国纳斯达克上市,市场份额飞速上升了18%。而怪兽充电首次公开募股文件显示,其2020年净利润从2019年的8.24%下降至2.68%。由于2020年的推广成本增加了55%,再加上去年的使用人数骤减,所有移动充电运营商都上调了价格。 Interviewee: Jiedian Power Bank Marketing Officer受访者:街电共享充电宝 市场部工作人员“We paid one year’s entry fee to shopping malls, but then came the pandemic and revenue【营收】 didn’t meet our expectations. So when going back this year we’ve raised our prices to make our money back.”“我们向商场付了一年的入驻费,后来受到疫情影响,营收没有达到预期。后来我们考虑到回收成本的问题,就把价格上调了。” Consulting firm Frost and Sullivan says that in the next 5 years, the compound annual growth rate of the power bank sharing business could reach over 20 percent. But the company says that depends on improving management and aligning【调整,校准】 industry standards ... and on the willingness of the customers to keep plugging in.沙利文咨询公司称,在未来五年,如果共享充电行业能够加强管理、调整产业标准,并且消费者有继续使用移动充电宝的意愿,那么整个产业的复合年增长率将会达到20%。 #热词加油站power bank【移动电源】surges【激增】power【推动】IPO【Initial Public Offering 首次公开募股】net profit【净利润】revenue【营收】align【调整,校准】
4/6/20212 minutes, 33 seconds
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4/4/202110 minutes, 45 seconds
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4/4/202110 minutes, 45 seconds
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04/02 SHLIVE | Self-service tax hall 这么硬核的税厅第一次见!

04/02 SHLIVE | Self-service tax hall 这么硬核的税厅第一次见!Welcome to thisedition of ShanghaiLive, I'm Chen Xuan.欢迎收听今天的《直播上海》,我是陈璇/ ICS 新闻主播。The city's first self-service【自助】 tax hall openedin Jing'an's Shibei High-Tech Park. Up to 3,500 businesses in the surrounding4-square-kilometer area will be able to file theirtaxes 【报税】faster and easier than everbefore. Sun Siqi takes a look.上海首个智慧税务社会共治点在静安区市北高新园区启用,解决园区及其周边近4平方公里、3500余户企业纳税人“最后一公里”的办税问题。记者孙思奇带来报道。The computers are programmed to process every taxissue. To receive a paper invoice, a company rep would previously either haveto go to a bureau 【机构部门】 or wait up totwo days for delivery. Now, they just need to show their ID, type in theirtaxpayer number and print the forms. 这些自助设备可提供各类涉税事项服务。以发票领用业务为例,企业办税员原本需要前往税务部门,或者使用网上申领配送的“T+1”服务。现在,只要出示证件和纳税人编号,即可打印出发票。For tax returns, a business representative wouldnormally have to go to a service hall to submit essential【必不可少的】documents. Now, they can simplycall the bureau at one of the machines, and send the paperwork over through thescanners.退税业务也更加便捷。企业代表以前需要前往税务部门提交办理业务所需资料。现在通过智能传输,能实现了与税务人员“面对面”的线上咨询,实时地将资料扫描到税务部门。Zhao Mingfu/ Director/ Tax Bureau of Jing'an District赵明富静安区税务局局长It will help with regional【区域的】 economic growth. We hopesuch locations pop up in more places in the city. 服务于区域经济发展,希望像这种(共治)点在全市可复制可推广。A government official says moreself-service computers will beinstalled【安装】 in the future,including ones with additional functions not limited to taxation【税收】. The government envisions【展望】 residents being able toobtain social insurance payment records, and printing out the birth andmarriage certificates at these sites.未来,更多智能自助设备将进驻这里。除了办税服务,社保缴纳记录、出生证明、婚姻登记等都能一站式完成。#热词加油站self-service 【自助】file their taxes 【报税】bureau 【机构、局】essential 【必不可少的】regional 【地区的】installed【安装】taxation【税收】envisions【展望】 
4/2/20211 minute, 16 seconds
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04/01 SHLIVE丨Domestic air travel recovered 国内游飞起来!浦东机场很忙

Welcome to this edition of ShanghaiLive, I’m Aixinjueluo Bei / ICS News Anchor.欢迎收听今天的《直播上海》,我是爱新觉罗·贝 / ICS 主播 After travel dropped sharply during the coronavirus pandemic last year, scheduled daily flights out of Shanghai Pudong International Airport have increased to more than 1,500, or roughly the same as in 2019. Most of them are domestic flights. Zhang Yue has the story. 去年新冠疫情期间空港出行人数锐减。而今,浦东机场的计划航班量已经达到日均1500架次以上,接近疫情前的2019年同期水平。其中以国内航班居多。请听张乐带来的报道。 The airport’s managers said domestic flights and passengers this year have already surpassed【超越】those from the same period in 2019. At 10am, Terminal 2 was crowded.机场工作人员表示,目前浦东机场的国内航班量和客流量已大幅超越2019年同期水平。上午十点钟,机场2号航站楼人潮涌动。 Interview旅客Passenger疫情好转了!出去玩了,旅游,去林芝!I am going to Linzhi, Xizang as the pandemic situation is improving. 旅客Passenger至少出差的人明显要比过去多了很多吧!At least there’re more people on business trips than before. Shanghai-based Spring Airlines has even opened a new direct flight route【航线】 between Shanghai and Wulong, Chongqing.总部位于上海的春秋航空,新开设了上海往返重庆武隆的直飞航线。 旅客Passenger(以前)没有直飞的,我们就想去看看嘛,尝尝鲜There was no direct flight before, so this time I want to go to Wulong on the direct flight. The airline has opened more than 100 new domestic routes since last year, with 60% of them out of Pudong International Airport.去年以来,春秋航空一共新开了100多条国内航线,其中六成放在浦东机场。 Xu Xiaolin,Duty Manager,Spring Airlines徐晓琳 春秋航空浦东航站值班经理 受疫情影响,国际航班还没有完全恢复,那空下的时刻,我们就利用这个时刻来开发国内航班。International flights have not resumed completely due to the pandemic. We used the opportunity to open new domestic flights. Shanghai-based Juneyao Airlines has also resumed【恢复】 all domestic flights once suspended【暂停】by the pandemic.总部位于上海的吉祥航空也恢复了所有因疫情被削减的国内航班。 Sun WeiAssistant to GM,Juneyao Airlines孙尉 吉祥航空地面服务部总经理助理 不仅如此,我们还把重庆的班次增加到了每天四班, 比疫情之前还翻了个倍。We have also doubled the number of flights between Shanghai and Chongqing to four everyday. Juneyao Airlines schedules 350 flights per day, a 20% increase from the same period in 2019. Flights departing Pudong International Airport have been at about 80% capacity. As of late March, the airport’s average daily passenger numbers have surpassed 110,000, 14% more than the same period two years ago. The number of domestic flights has increased to nearly 900 everyday, up 24% from the same period in 2019.吉祥航空的日均航班量目前达到350班,比2019年同期增长两成。从浦东机场出港的航班运能已恢复到80%左右。到3月下旬,浦东机场日均国内客流在11万人次以上,达到2019年同期的114%;国内航班量逼近900架次,比2019年同期上涨了24%。#热词加油站surpass /səˈpɑːs/【超越】route /ruːt/【航线】resume /rɪˈzjuːm/【恢复】suspend /səˈspend/【暂停】
4/1/20212 minutes, 10 seconds
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03/31 SHLive | How to refloat the business?大船开走了,货还堵着! 企业怎么办

03/31 SHLive | How to refloat the business?大船开走了,货还堵着! 企业怎么办Welcome to this edition of Shanghai Live,I’m Aixinjueluo Bei/ICS Anchor.欢迎收听今天的《直播上海》,我是爱新觉罗·贝/ICS主播。After blocking the Suez Canal【苏伊士运河】for nearly a week, a giant container【集装箱】ship is finallyfree and the canal is open. The blockage【堵塞】is estimated to have cost global tradealmost 10 billion US dollars aday, as the canal handles nearly 12 percent of theworld's trade. Companies inShanghai are also suffering from the results andtrying to figure out how todeal with them. Ying Junyi has more.苏伊士运河封锁近一周后,搁浅巨轮终于摆正,航道恢复畅通。由于苏伊士运河处理全球12%的国际贸易运输,这次封锁预计每天造成全球贸易近100亿美元的损失。一些上海企业也受到了影响,正在尽力寻求应对方法。Have you checked the status【状况】of the one that left for Genoa this morning?I've asked the shippingcompany, but haven't got a reply yet.早上那个船,你帮我查过没有啊,到热那亚的?我已经去问船公司了,还没有回复。First thing in the morning, foreign tradehandler Yuanyuan is busy contactingfreight forwarding agents. He was responsiblefor a shipment ofchemical materials from Shanghai to Genoa, Italy, but due tothe canal blockage, hecouldn't get an update on its status.一大早,外贸业务经理苑苑的第一件事就是忙着联系货运代理。他负责从上海到意大利热那亚的化工材料运输,但由于运河堵塞,他无法获取船运的最新情况。Yuan Yuan/ Export Business Manager苑苑 外贸业务经理The cargo left Shanghai on March 10. Itshould have passed through the canal. If not, it must have been stuck there.这个货是3月10日发出的,这个时间应该已经经过那里了。如果是没有经过的话,那就可能真的是堵在那边了。Due to the delays in shipments, manypurchasing agents have canceled theirorders.由于船运延误,许多采购商纷纷取消了订单。Yuan Yuan/ Export Business Manager苑苑外贸业务经理If they place an order no shipping companycould deal with it if the ship needs topass through Suez canal.现在他们如果给我们下订单的话,也没有船公司肯接。现在船公司也是处在停滞状态,如果是要走苏伊士运河这条航线的话。Chinese importers have also been affected,especially those waiting for thedelivery of fresh products.中国进口商也受到影响,尤其是那些等待生鲜食品交付的进口商。Chai Chenyun/ Export Business Manager柴琛赟外贸业务经理Good just aren't arriving in time. What weneed to do is to follow up andcoordinate【协调】withthe foreign suppliers to see if we can re-route the ships.后续肯定会有一些“空窗期”,就是有一段时间,可能货物没办法及时到港。我们能做的就是及时去了解它,及时跟国外的供应商沟通,看后续是不是货物就不走那条航线,改运其它的航线。Experts say the Suez blockage has led tocontainer shortages, port congestion【堵塞】andcapacity constraints. That all means a rise in shipping costs for theforeigntrade industry is inevitable.专家表示,苏伊士运河堵塞导致集装箱短缺、港口拥堵和运力受限。而这些都意味着——外贸行业运输成本的上升是难以避免的。Song Yu/ Deputy General Manager,Shanghai Foreign Trade, Orient International宋玉东方国际集团上海市对外贸易有限公司副总经理If the ship is waiting at the Suez canal,there will be increased charter costs. If theships are re-routed around theCape of Good Hope, there will be an increase inthe cost of fuel and a delay indeliveries. The costs in time are also inevitable. Wehave been trying to hedge【避免】our risks for the payments and contract performanceterms.如果是等在苏伊士运河,等待它疏浚的情况的话,每一天都会产生一个租船的成本。如果是统行好望角,航运过程当中的燃料成本,包括时间成本,也是无法避免的。但是除了交通成本增加之外,其它方面的影响我觉得还是可控的。比如合同方面,应该是不会有太大风险,包括付款方面。我们的一些金融工具也考虑到这种情况,这个风险是完全可以覆盖的。The giant container ship is now on its way,but it could take another ten days toclear the backlog at Suez, and even longerto straighten out the missed deliveriesand the payments involved with them.这艘搁浅巨轮现已恢复至正常航道。而未来,还需要大约10天甚至更长时间来完成积压货物的清理工作以及滞后的交货和付款工作。 #热词加油站Suez Canal【苏伊士运河】container [kənˈteɪnə(r)]【集装箱】blockage [ˈblɒkɪdʒ]【堵塞】status [ˈsteɪtəs]【状况】coordinate [kəʊˈɔːdɪneɪt]【协调】congestion [kənˈdʒestʃən]【堵塞】hedge [hedʒ]【避免】
3/31/20212 minutes, 23 seconds
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03/30 SHLIVE丨Top secrets of the Mahjong table一起来battle!当老外迷上中国麻将

NEWS ON 3/29FIRST FOREIGNERS ADOPTED MAHJONG,NOW THEY'RE AUTOMATING SHUFFLINGWelcome to MoneyTalks, I’m Timothy Pope/ ICS Anchor.欢迎收听今天的《财道》,我是Timothy Pope/ICS主播。It's nothing unusual for a Chinese home to be filled with the sounds oflaughter and shuffling 【洗牌】mahjong tiles【棋子】. And while mahjong has been played in other countriesfor some time as well, it's now gaining such popularity overseas that it'sdriving up the sales of China's automatic shuffling machines. Zhang Shixuan hasmore.麻将是中国人最为寻常的家庭活动之一,家里常常充满了欢声笑语和阵阵洗牌声。进入国际市场一段时间后,麻将在海外风靡,也带动了国内自动麻将机的生产。请听记者张诗璇报道。Four people around a table with domino-like tiles, Mahjong has been played inChina for centuries. And over the years it's become a source of entertainmentfor people all around the world as well.在中国,麻将已流行了好几个世纪:四个人围坐在桌边,拿着多米诺骨牌一般的麻将牌。近年来,全世界也掀起了一股“麻将热”,成为大众娱乐的方式之一。Interviewee: Japanese Mahjong Lover受访者:来自日本的麻将爱好者“It's fun and it keeps me alert. I've been playing Mahjong for around 10 years,once or twice a week with my Japanese friends.”“打麻将很开心,又能够锻炼大脑。我搓了10年了吧,一个星期1-2次,一般都和日本的朋友一起。”“It's good for my brain. And I usually play with my friends 3 or 4 days afterwork. I've been in China for 18 years. It was really just in the past 10 yearsthat I started to play Mahjong more often here, as I've met more friends whocan play with me.”“打麻将可以锻炼大脑。我一般下班后打,和朋友一起,3-4天一次吧。我在中国18年了,但最近十年多了一些‘牌友’,搓得比较多。”He likes it so much that he even opened a mahjong hall in Shanghai 2 years ago.But what about all the mahjong lovers who aren't in China? It turns out theywant the most modern thing in mahjong gear - an automatic shuffling machine.他特别喜欢麻将,甚至两年前自己在上海开了一家棋牌室。那么,那些海外麻将爱好者状况如何呢?其实,他们最想要的是紧随潮流的“高科技”——自动麻将机。If someone in another country or region orders a mahjong machine online througha cross-border【跨境的】e-commerceplatform, they can expect delivery in around a month. International love of theChinese game is keeping China's mahjong machine makers busy.通过跨境电商平台,在其他国家或地区下单订购麻将机,一个月左右就能收到。如此,全球麻将爱好者们也让国内的麻将机制造商忙碌了起来。This mahjong table manufacturer in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province started toproduce mahjong machines in 2008, but only since May of 2019 did the companynotice soaring【猛涨的】 orders fromoverseas. During the just-concluded Lunar New Year Shopping Festival this year,the company saw its overseas orders double from a year earlier.来自浙江杭州的麻将机品牌“如喜”于2008年创立。2019年5月,海外订单数量大幅增长。就在刚刚过去的农历春节,如喜已经收到了比前一年多两倍的海外订单。Interviewee: Li Jie, Operation Director of Hangzhou Ruxi Mahjong Machine受访者:李杰 杭州如喜麻将运营总监“Foreigners prefer Mahjong machines priced at around2,000 yuan, relatively expensive ones. In some areas with cold weather, likeAustralia, consumers tend to choose tables with built-in【内置的】 heaters. Some clients think the machines are too large,so they buy poker mahjong instead - they're convenient and cheap.”“外国人爱买价格在两千左右,稍微贵一点点的。在澳大利亚这种比较寒冷的地方,他们会选择内置取暖款。还有一些买家会觉得麻将机太大了,就会买扑克麻将,方便携带又便宜。”During the Spring Festival Shopping spree this year, some 40,000 automaticmahjong machines and 15,000 family mahjong tables were sold on the Taobao andTmall cross-border platforms. Some foreign orders even came in two months inadvance to avoid shipping delays. Most of the buyers were from the US, Canada,Australia and Singapore.年货节期间,天猫国际已经卖出了近40000台自动麻将机和15000副家用麻将。为了避免延迟发货,一些海外消费者提前两个月就下了订单。大部分买家来自美国、加拿大、澳大利亚和新加坡。Interviewee: Guo Hang, Business Expansion Director,Tmall Taobao World受访者:郭先生 天猫国际业务拓展总监“We will continue to highlight products' overseas elements, such as Englishintroduction books, that cater to【适应】 overseas needs. We're also working on the logistics【物流】, because mahjong machines are large precisionequipment, which requires care in transportation.”“我们会强调海外元素,制作英文说明书,根据国外消费者推荐比较符合诉求的产品。另外,我们也希望物流上有一定保障,因为麻将机体积较大,又是精密器械,运输时要特别注意。”In 2017, the International Mind Sports Association announced the idea ofincluding Mahjong as one of its mind games - right along with its fivestandards, chess, bridge【桥牌】, checkers【国际跳棋】, go【围棋】, and Xiangqi. In the same year the MahjongInternational League was admitted as the sixth member of the association, andwhen it held its Elite Exchange that year, 30% of the players were from outsideChina - Japan, Singapore, Austria, Denmark, France, Hungary, Italy andSwitzerland.2017年,国际智力运动联盟一致决议,宣布国际麻将联盟成为国际智力运动联盟正式成员,这也意味着竞技麻将成为继国际象棋、桥牌、国际跳棋、围棋和象棋之后,第六个国际正式智力运动项目。在国际麻将联盟举办的欧亚麻将精英赛上,30%的参赛选手来自其他国家,如日本、新加坡、奥地利、丹麦、法国、匈牙利、意大利和瑞士。#热词加油站shuffle【洗牌】tile【棋子】cross-border【跨境的】soar【大幅增加】built-in【内置的】cater to【适应】logistics【物流】bridge【桥牌】checkers【国际跳棋】go【围棋】
3/30/20213 minutes, 40 seconds
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03/29 SHLIVE | Graduates return home for good jobs 春招季迎来“归国潮”

NEWS ON 03/26GRADUATES RETURN HOME FOR JOB INTERVIEWS ... SOME BY COMPUTERWelcome to Money Talks, I’m Bai Xuxu/ ICS Anchor.欢迎收听《财道》,我是柏栩栩 / ICS 新闻主播The spring hiring season is upon us, and it turns out that worries about COVID-19 in the rest of the world are driving even more Chinese graduates to seek employment at home. Zhang Shixuan finds out how companies and graduates are approaching the changes and the challenges this year.春招季已经到来,对于世界疫情状况的担忧也让更多留学生回到国内就业。记者张诗璇报道企业与毕业生们如何应对今年就业市场的机遇与挑战。With COVID-19 having been brought under control on the Chinese mainland, a large number of overseas graduates have chosen to return home for a job this year. Wen Zheyu is one of them. He has joined the medical equipment giant BD, after obtaining his master’s degree from Hong Kong Baptist University.由于疫情在国内已经得到了有效控制,今年有一大批留学生选择回国就业。文同学也是其中之一。他硕士毕业于香港浸会大学,现就职于碧迪医疗器械有限公司。 Interviewee: Zheyu Wen, Marketing Management Trainee /// BD China受访者:文同学 碧迪(中国)市场管理培训生“The economy in the mainland is more stable and I applied for over 100 companies, and finally I got several offers.”“内地经济较为稳定。我投了一百多份简历,最后也拿到了一些offer。” The competition is tough, Wen says, because more graduates like him have decided to come back for a job. One of the newest challenges they are facing this year is that many of their preliminary【初步的】 interviews are being carried out using Artificial Intelligence【人工智能】.文同学说,越来越多和他一样的留学生决定回国就业,竞争十分激烈。而今年,他们还面临着一项新挑战:由AI面试官进行初面。 Interviewee: Marilyn Liu, RD Management Trainee /// BD China受访者:Marilyn Liu碧迪(中国)研发管培生I think this technology is quite tricky. There is no standard to choose the best candidate. It seems very random, I think. I practiced a lot. At home, I recorded videos to see how I behave myself in the camera to check my expression.AI面试官还挺棘手的。我感觉筛选标准非常随机,很困难,所以我也练习了很多次,比如在家自己录视频,看看自己在镜头面前表现怎么样。”  Interviewee: Grace Wu, Sr. Director of Human Resources, BD Greater China受访者:Grace Wu 碧迪大中华区人力资源部总监“We use the AI solution to the first selections, because they will be screened 【筛选;检查】 and sourced by certain criteria. But in the second the stage, we more focus on the face-to-face interactions.“我们会用人工智能进行初筛,对求职的人员按照一定的标准进行筛选和分流。在第二轮面试,我们会更注重面对面的交流。 BD has already recruited 30 fresh graduates so far this year, double the number it hired in 2019, to help it meet the 2 billion US dollar revenue target it has set for its China operations to hit within the next five years. The Top Employers Institute has certified 101 companies as this year’s top employers in China, based on 6 criteria, including company business strategies, human resource’s capabilities, and the full range of employee experience. A forum held by the institute yesterday heard presentations from some of those companies about their new views of human resources work.为了在中国市场实现20亿美元利润的五年目标,碧迪今年已经招收了30名应届毕业生,是2019年的两倍。杰出雇主调研机构根据企业商业战略、人力资源能力和雇员全方位体验等六大标准,评选出今年中国的101家“杰出雇主”。在昨日的论坛上,一些获得认证的企业就人力资源方面分享了自己的看法和经验。 Interviewee: Kamran-Charles Vossoughi, CEO /// Michelin China受访者:Kamran-Charles Vossoughi米其林(中国)首席执行官 “Our company is growing double digit 【两位数】 in the Chinese market. We produce in China, for China. The Chinese market is very special. And the Chinese consumers are very demanding. So we need to understand the market. We need to input new blood into our company because the Chinese market is growing really fast.”“我们公司在中国市场正以两位数不断增长。我们在中国生产,也为中国生产。中国市场有自己的特点,中国的消费者也有着越来越高的需求。所以,我们需要了解市场,并不断补充新鲜血液来应对快速增长的中国市场。” And it’s not all just about high-end 【高级的】professionals. Skilled retail workers are also important for business expansion.不仅仅是高级管理人才,有经验的销售人员对于企业发展来说也至关重要。 Interviewee: Leon Li, HR External Affairs Director /// Pandora China受访者:Leon Li潘多拉珠宝(中国) 人力资源部外事总监“From our perspectives that, always we focus on retail【零售】 stores. So 75% of the recruitment will go to stores. And the rest part is talking about office recruitment.从公司的角度来看,我们十分注重零售门店,所以75%的招聘都集中在这里,其余的是一些办公岗位。 Li says that the company will be recruiting 50 percent more employees this year than in 2019, and plans to raise the number by another 50 percent in the next five years. According to the latest circular jointly released by six government departments including the National Development and Reform Commission, the country expects to create more than 1.1 million new jobs this year.李先生表示,今年,潘多拉中国的招聘人员数量比2019年增长了50%,并计划在五年内再翻一倍。六大政府部门,包括国家发改委在内联合发布的数据显示,今年国内预计新增110万就业岗位。 #热词加油站preliminary【初步的】Artificial Intelligence【人工智能】algorithms【算法】screen【筛选;检查】high-end 【高级的】retail【零售】
3/29/20213 minutes, 22 seconds
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03/26 SHLIVE丨Pokemon’s Long-lasting Popularity 这是全世界最赚钱的IP!

03/26 MoneyTalks | Pokemon’s Long-lastingPopularity 这是全世界最赚钱的IP!Welcome to MoneyTalks, I’m WangLihuan/ ICSAnchor.欢迎收听今天的《直播上海》,我是王黎欢/ICS主播。Have you caught them all yet? Pikachu andhis pals from the Japanese video game series Pokemon, have just celebratedtheir 25th birthday. The virtual buddies are a global phenomenon, and the brandis now the world's most valuable media franchise. Ying Junyi has more.你捕获到所有的宝可梦了吗?皮卡丘和其余《宝可梦》中的精灵小伙伴们刚刚庆祝了他们的25岁生日。虚拟宠物是一个全球性的浪潮,而如今,宝可梦已成为世界上最具价值的IP。It'sprobably not much of an exaggeration to say that almost everyone on the planetknows what Pokemon is. According to researcherStatista, people have spent an estimated 100 billion dollars on the Japanese franchise【一个品牌的各种衍生商品和服务的总称】 since its debut【首次亮相】 in 1996-- making it the most lucrative【获利多的】 mediafranchise in the world. If you're counting in terms of money spent, Pokemon ismore popular than Hello Kitty, Winnie the Pooh, Star Wars, and even MickeyMouse. 毫不夸张地说,每一个人都知道宝可梦。统计机构Statista称,自1996年日本的宝可梦系列游戏首次亮相以来,人们已经在宝可梦上花费了约1000亿美元,这也使得宝可梦成为了世界上最吸金的IP。如果以消费者花费作为计算标准,宝可梦的受欢迎程度甚至超过Hello Kitty、小熊维尼、米老鼠和《星球大战》。How did Pokemon become such a big andrecognizable brand? Well, the diversity and design of the little creatures ishardly an accident. Experts say they're the reason Pokemon has become sopopular with people around the world.宝可梦是如何成为影响如此浩大的知名IP的呢?这些极具多样性和设计感的小精灵的出现绝非偶然。专家表示,这些小精灵是宝可梦这一IP在世界各地如此受欢迎的原因。Wang Chongchang, Research Manager//iResearch受访者:王先生,调研经理//iResearchPeople at different age groups and withdifferent cultural backgrounds, can all accept the Pokemon games and storylines. Its character designs also appeal to many different people's perceptions【见解】ofwhat is cute. There are plenty of high-quality games like Pokemon, but they allhave strong geographic or cultural elements which means they do not havePokemon's universal appeal.  受众的年龄段、文化地域对于宝可梦来说都没有很大的限制,各地的人们都能接受宝可梦的故事情节以及玩法,特别是它的角色设计,能兼顾各个群体的审美。其实和宝可梦同时代也诞生了很多优秀的游戏,比如恶魔城。但这些游戏都有比较强的地域特色或者时代特色,所以在走向世界这方面,这些限制都不助于他们像宝可梦这样强势。Like other top-grossing media franchises,Pokemon has made its money on merchandising【销售】,license deals and retail sales. Socks, stationary【文具】,shoes -- you can find Pikachu on everything. For a while there was even aPokemon airline, run by All Nippon Airways.与其他吸金的IP一样,宝可梦也通过销售、授权和零售来赚钱。袜子,文具,鞋子——皮卡丘总能出现在所有物品上。此前,全日空航空公司甚至推出了一架宝可梦涂装飞机。Interviewee: Wang Liangji, PTCG Player受访者:王先生宝可梦玩家A lot of the money Pokemon has made comesfrom its trading card game. PTCG is now one of the most popular trading cardgames in the world. A 1999 US first edition of the set recently sold for some400 thousand dollars at auction. Long-time player Wang Liangji attributesPTCG's success to its character design as well as to the Pokemon Company'smarketing strategy.宝可梦的集换式卡牌游戏成为公司的“吸金王”产品,也是现在世界上最流行的卡牌游戏之一。1999年第一版的全套卡牌以40万美元的价格拍卖。老玩家王先生认为,宝可梦卡牌游戏的成功之处在于其角色设定和公司的市场战略。“I've attended official PTCG competitionsin Japan, and unlike other trading card competitions, you see many parents andtheir children playing the game together. In the past few years, the game hasbeen targeting【面向】the middle-aged as consumers, encouraging them to communicate withtheir kids via PTCG. And it worked.”“我也去国外参加过官方的比赛。不像其他TCG比赛,宝可梦TCG会有很多家长带着小孩一起来参加,因为前两年的广告就是发展中年玩家群体,让家长通过这个游戏和孩子进行沟通,反响非常好。”Interviewee: Wu Huaigu, Director OuqisheBoard Game Studio受访者:吴先生桌游社老板ThePokemon Company is also entering the Chinese market now. Its video games aswell as the card game have all launched official Chinese versions, which willallow Chinese Pokemon fans to attend all the global Pokemon games. “宝可梦公司也正在开发中国市场。掌机和卡牌游戏均发布了官方中文版本,让国内的玩家们也能参与到国际上的游戏交流之中。”That might be true. Pokemon Shanghai wasestablished last July, and has now announced a partnership with Tencent toco-develop an official Pokemon mobile game. Pokemon has just announced plans tolaunch three new Pokemon video games, all with official Chinese versions.  You just never know where they'll turn up next.  宝可梦上海分公司于去年七月成立,刚刚与腾讯官宣合作,共同研发正版授权手游。宝可梦也公布了三款新游戏的开发计划,均有官方中文版本。或许未来,宝可梦还会拓展其他领域,给我们带来惊喜。 #热词加油站franchise[ˈfræntʃaɪz]【一个品牌的各种衍生商品和服务的总称】debut [ˈdeɪbjuː]【首次亮相】lucrative [ˈluːkrətɪv]【获利多的】perception [pəˈsepʃn]【见解】merchandise [ˈmɜːtʃəndaɪz]【销售】stationary [ˈsteɪʃənri]【文具】target [ˈtɑːɡɪt]【面向】
3/26/20213 minutes, 19 seconds
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03/25 SHLIVE丨Panda-themed train begins trail runs 麻将吧台KTV,川味快乐来一份

NEWS ON 3/24Welcome to this edition of ShanghaiLive, I'm Aixinjueluo Bei.欢迎收听今天的《直播上海》,我是爱新觉罗贝 A panda-themed【熊猫主题的】express train launched its trial passenger services today in southwest China's Sichuan province. The train left Chengdu Station in the morning bound for【开往...】 E'mei Railway Station.熊猫专列3月24日在四川省正式试运行!从成都站出发,沿成昆铁路,开往峨眉站。Featuring 10 panda-themed carriages【客车厢】including a “Panda restaurant” and a “Panda park”, the limited express train can carry a total of 252 passengers.熊猫专列由10节主题车厢组成,包括一节熊猫餐车(餐车)和一节熊猫乐园(多功能娱乐车),全列定员252席。 The train is equipped with multiple recreational facilities【休闲娱乐设施】including automatic mahjong tables【麻将桌】, KTV studios and a bar car. USB ports【USB接口】, 5G internet access and entertainment systems are also provided to improve the quality of the service.“机麻”、“唱K”、“蹦迪”等休闲娱乐设施都被搬上了列车。USB接口、5G极速网络覆盖、影音娱乐系统等硬件设备提升乘坐享受。In the future, the train will mainly be used for travel in Sichuan, Guizhou and Chongqing. Travelers will be able to reserve tickets【订票】for the Panda Train by the end of the month. 未来,“熊猫专列”将穿越四川、贵州、重庆两省一市,本月底开放订票。
3/25/20211 minute
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03/24 SHLIVE | The secret of Sanxingdui三星堆盲盒揭晓,你入“坑”了吗?

03/24SHLive | The secret of Sanxingdui三星堆盲盒揭晓,你入“坑”了吗?NEWS ON 0324Welcome to thisedition of Shanghai Live, I’m HeJian / ICS Anchor.欢迎收听今天的《直播上海》,我是何健/ICS主播。Archaeological【考古学的】experts announced today that the SanxingduiRuins in southwest China's Sichuan Province can be traced back to more than3,000 years ago.考古专家今天宣布,位于中国西南部四川省的三星堆遗址可以追溯到3000多年前。According to theSichuan Provincial Cultural Relics【遗迹】 and Archaeology Research Institute, preliminary【初步的】radiocarbon【放射性碳】dating on samples unearthed from Pit Number4 have confirmed that it was dug between 1,199 and 1,017 BC, making it 3,000 to3,200 years old. This discovery means that Pit Number 4 dates back to the lateShang Dynasty. More discoveries lie ahead as excavation【挖掘】and research work is underway at six newlyuncovered sacrificial pits【祭祀坑】at the Sanxingdui site.据四川省文物考古研究院介绍,4号坑出土样品经放射性碳年代测定后,可初步证实其出现时间为公元前1199年至1017年之间,也就是距今3200至3000年前。这一发现意味着4号坑可以追溯到商代晚期。随着对六处新发现的三星堆遗址祭祀坑的挖掘和研究工作,更多新的发现将一一浮出水面。#热词加油站archaeological[ˌɑːkɪəˈlɒdʒɪkəl]【考古学的】relics [ˈrɛlɪks]【遗迹】preliminary[prɪˈlɪmɪnəri]【初步的】radiocarbon[ˌreɪdiəʊˈkɑːbən]【放射性碳】excavation[ˌekskəˈveɪʃn]【挖掘】sacrificial pits[ˌsækrɪˈfɪʃl]【祭祀坑】
3/24/202155 seconds
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03/21 SHLIVE丨Better Sleep, Better Health! ICS“睡眠日”哄睡特辑来了

Welcome to this edition of ShanghaiLive, I’m Aixinjueluo Bei/ICS NEWS Anchor.欢迎收听今天的《直播上海》,我是爱新觉罗·贝/ ICS主播Sunday is the annual World Sleep Day. This year, China's theme of the Day is “Strong Immunity Stems from Quality Sleep”. During the coronavirus pandemic Chinese people on average went to bed 2 to 3 hours later last year, according to a report released by the Chinese Sleep Research Society【中国睡眠研究会】. Earlier, I spoke to Grace Chen, founder and CEO of two sleep clinics in the United States and China, to find out why it's so vital to have a good night 's sleep.
3/20/20216 minutes, 36 seconds
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周末特供丨Culture Matters!魔都奶茶能征服加拿大咖啡控吗

3/19/20215 minutes, 9 seconds
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周末特供丨Culture Matters!魔都奶茶能征服加拿大咖啡控吗

3/19/20215 minutes, 9 seconds
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03/18 SHLIVE丨The biggest winner in HI, MOM's success 李焕英爆红,谁是赢家

NEWS ON 0317“HI, MOM” MEANS HIGH PROFITS, BUTWHO'S MAKING THEM?《你好,李焕英》爆红背后的真正赢家Welcome to Money Talks. I’m Timothy Pope / ICS news anchor.欢迎收听今天的《财道》, 我是Timothy Pope / ICS主播The Year of the Ox has started on high for China’s film industry. The most eye-catching film so far is the bitter-sweet comedy【悲喜剧】, Hi, Mom. Zhang Shixuan finds out who’s profiting from the movie’s success.牛年伊始,对于中国电影业来说,也是开了个好头。最受关注的莫过于《你好,李焕英》这部令观众笑中带泪的电影。记者张诗璇解密电影爆红背后的大赢家。It’s been more than a month since Hi, Mom’s release, but enthusiasm【激情】for the film is far from fading. Telling the story of a young woman in deep grief at her mother’s death in a car accident and who travels back in time to meet her mom in 1981, the film held first place in China's daily box office for 25 consecutive【连续的】days.电影讲述了一个女孩在母亲因车祸去世后悲痛万分,却意外地穿越回1981年,并遇见了年轻时的母亲的故事。上映月余的《你好,李焕英》自2月15号起已连续25天“霸榜”国内电影票房第一名。 With a production cost of just 80 million Yuan, Hi, Mom hit the 5 billion Yuan mark at the box office within just 23 days of release, the fastest income-earner in China's film history. And since it's still on in cinemas, the figure just keeps climbing. So who's the biggest winner in the film's success?《你好,李焕英》的制作成本仅为八千万,却成为了中国电影最成功的作品之一。上映23天,票房即突破50亿元,其创收速度堪称中国影史之最。由于电影目前依旧在院线上映,这个数字只会不断增加。所以,谁是这场胜利背后的赢家呢? The movie's distribution is being handled by four major distributors【发行方】 and four affiliates【附属;分会】.据悉,《你好,李焕英》包括了四大主要发行方与四家联合出品方。 Interviewee: Max Yang, Film Producer受访者:杨先生 电影制作人“The top winners, I will say, are the multiple distributors of that movie, the movie, the distributors who trusted the movie who bet on【打赌】 the movies, because we knew it was down in a deal. We called a minimum guarantee.“我认为最大的赢家会是这部电影的多个发行方,包括相信这部电影、愿意赌一把的发行方,因为我们都知道这其实就是‘打包的买卖’,业内称之为‘保底发行’。 In this kind of guarantee, distributors pay a fixed amount for the rights to show the movie. Essentially, they buy the film from producers for a lump sum【一次性支付】, and then keep all the box office receipts for themselves. The alternative【可供选择的事物】 is for distributors to pay a small fee up front and then split the box office receipts with the film's production company. Hi, Mom’s producers sold their rights in the film for 1.5 billion Yuan, which would leave the distributors with a very tidy share of those box office receipts. It all comes down to the fact that movie finance in China is becoming more conservative these days.在保底发行中,发行方支付一笔固定数额,获得电影的放映权。一种是发行方从制作方处以全额支付买下电影,并将获得保底票房之外的全部超额收益。另一种方式是发行方支付较少的数额,在保底票房的基础上,高出的票房由制作方和发行方按一定比例分账。《你好,李焕英》的制作方将发行权以15亿元卖出,这意味着发行方将会拿到数额不菲的票房收入。归根结底,近年来,国内的电影金融业更加趋于保守。 Interviewee: Max Yang, Film Producer受访者:杨先生 电影制作人Generally, the industry has been less busy or has been cooling off compared to early years. And people spend less money in making a movie. So I'm talking about budget cut. A couple of years ago people kind of feel natural about a movie, easily passing 1 billion benchmark【基准】in about a week or so. But now, some movies will even having problems passing 100 million. So people are not that taking things for granted. And I think people understand the reality better.“总体来说,电影业相比往年的热度有所减退,对于电影制作的投资也在减少,所以我要说的是预算缩减的问题。几年前,大家都觉得一部电影在一周内达到十亿的基准票房是很正常、很简单的。但现在,许多电影想要超过一亿都有难度,所以人们不再那么想当然了。我想,大家对现实情况也看得更清楚了。” Yang says this trend will help the film production industry consolidate the position of core players, and so maintain healthy growth. Just Monday, Huanxi Media Group said it has acquired exclusive China distribution rights to the sports drama film for a minimum guarantee of around 600 million Yuan. The producers’ costs in making the film were 300 million, which leaves them with a profit - and Huanxi with the hope the film will do much better than its 600 million-yuan bet.杨先生认为,这样的趋势能够巩固主要电影从业者的地位,确保整个产业良性发展。就在周一,欢喜传媒集团宣布获得一部体育传记类电影的国内发行权,保底发行费用为六亿。这部电影的制作成本为三亿元,也能给制作方带来一定利润,而欢喜集团方面表示,希望这部电影能够超过预期的六亿票房。 #热词加油站bitter-sweet comedy【悲喜剧】consecutive【连续的】distributors【发行方】affiliates【附属;分会】lump sum【一次性支付】
3/18/20213 minutes, 6 seconds
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03/17 SHLIVE丨Got shortlisted! "Better Days" 《少年的你》冲鸭

NEWS ON 3/16Welcome to this edition of ShanghaiLive, I'm Aixinjueluo Bei.欢迎收听今天的《直播上海》我是爱新觉罗贝/ "Better Days" - a Chinese film directed by Hong Kong filmmaker【电影制作人】Derek Tsang - has received a nomination【提名】for Best International Feature Film【最佳国际影片】at the 93rd Academy Awards【奥斯卡金像奖】.由中国香港导演曾国祥执导的电影《少年的你》入围第93届奥斯卡最佳国际影片提名名单。Featuring stars Zhou Dongyu and Yiyang Qianxi, "Better Days" puts the spotlight on school bullying【校园霸凌】and teenage crime【青少年犯罪】. The topic of school bullying struck a strong personal chord with Chinese audiences after its China debut in October of 2019. It's a nationwide problem that has existed for years but was rarely broached【引入】in Chinese cinema. 由周冬雨和易烊千玺主演,《少年的你》是一部聚焦校园霸凌和青少年犯罪的电影。2019年10月在国内首映后,戳动人心,引发观众共鸣。校园霸凌离我们并不遥远,却鲜少被搬上大荧幕。The last time a Chinese film was nominated for an Oscar in the Best International Feature Film category was director Zhang Yimou’s "Hero" in 2003. The pandemic-delayed 93rd Academy Awards Ceremony will be held on April 25th in Los Angeles.上一次入围奥斯卡最佳国际影片(原最佳外语片奖)提名名单的华语电影是2003年张艺谋导演的《英雄》。受新冠疫情影响,第93届奥斯卡延至4月25日在洛杉矶举行。#热词加油站filmmaker【电影制作人】nomination【提名】Best International Feature Film【最佳国际影片】school bullying【校园霸凌】teenage crime【青少年犯罪】
3/17/202158 seconds
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03/16 SHLIVE丨Strongest sandstorm in decade 沙来请闭眼!特大沙尘暴今起好转

NEWS ON 3/15Strongest sandstorm in decade ENGULFS NORTHERN IN CHINAMany regions in northern China including Beijing experienced a sand-storm today. According to the National Meteorological Center【国家气象中心】, the sand-storm is the strongest and most wide-spread storm in nearly a decade. Meteorologists say the sand-storm originated from southern part of Mongolia, where at least six people were killed over the weekend. Sun Siqi has the story.今日,包括北京在内的北方多地出现沙尘天气。根据国家气象中心,本次沙尘天气是近十年来最强、范围最广的一次。气象学家称,本次沙尘暴自蒙古国南部而来,上周末已造成蒙古国内至少六人死亡。Interviewee: Li Liang, Weather Analyst of China Meteorological Administration受访者:李靓中国天气网气象分析师“The storm originated in southern Mongolia. The area is under unusually high temperatures, that leads to deserts thawing【融化】earlier. As strong winds pass over these deserts at the border of China and Mongolia, they churn up【搅动】 the sand and dust, and send it south.”“此次的沙尘源地主要是蒙古国的南部。由于近期蒙古的气温是异常偏高的,因此沙源地在不断解冻。大风经过中蒙边界的沙源地时吹起了沙尘,向下游输送。”The cloud of dust arrived at northwestern Hebei Province last night before moving toward Beijing. The sandstorm swept across Beijing this morning, turning the sky yellow. At 10 am, average concentration of hazardous airborne【空气中的】particles【颗粒】 PM10 exceeded 5,000 micrograms per cubic meter, with some areas registering more than 9,000. Air quality levels read "hazardous".沙尘风暴于昨夜先到达河北省西北部,并向北京移动。今天早晨,沙尘席卷了北京,天空也变成了黄色。上午十点,有害的可吸入颗粒物PM10平均浓度超过了每立方米5000微克,一些地区更是达到了9000微克每立方米,空气质量指数“爆表”。Interviewee: A Beijing Citizen受访者:北京市民“It smells like soil in the air, my eyes hurt.”就是那种沙土的味道,眼睛会有点不舒服。Visibility【能见度】 was lower than 1,000 meters in most parts of Beijing during the day. At least 120 flights arriving or departing from Beijing's two airports were canceled as of midday, 49 flights were delayed. The National Meteorological Center issued a yellow alert this morning for 12 provincial-level regions.今日,北京多地能见度小于1千米。上午至中午,从北京两大机场出发或到达的近120架次航班取消,49列航班延误。今晨,国家气象中心也在12个地区发布黄色预警。Seniors, children and those with a chronic【慢性的】 respiratory【呼吸道的】 illness are reminded to avoid outdoor activities. People should wear a mask and wash their face and the inside of their nose when they come inside. This is the most intense and extensive sandstorm in China in the past ten years.老人、小孩以及慢性呼吸道疾病患者需减少户外活动。市民外出需戴口罩、勤洗脸,并在进入室内后清洗鼻子。这是近十年来我国最强、范围最广的一次沙尘天气。 #热词加油站National Meteorological Center【国家气象中心】thawing【融化】churn up【搅动】airborne【空气中的】particles【颗粒】Visibility【能见度】chronic【慢性的】respiratory【呼吸道的】
3/16/20211 minute, 56 seconds
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03/15 SHLIVE丨植物不生病,吃着更放心!魔都科学家解密植物双重免疫机制

NEWS ON )03/11Scientists Discover Workings of Double-Layer Immune Response In Plant科学家重要新发现:植物双层免疫系统可协同御敌Welcome to this edition of ShanghaiLive, I'm Chen Xuan / ICS Anchor.欢迎收听今天的《直播上海》,我是陈璇 / ICS 主播  Scientists from a Shanghai institute under the Chinese Academy of Sciences today published a study in the leading journal "Nature", revealing how plants defend against diseases with two layers of immune 【免疫】responses, and how the two mechanisms 【机制】 enhance each other. The findings can shed light upon【揭示】 cultivating stronger crops in the future. Here's Sun Siqi with the details.《自然》(Nature)发表了中国科学院上海研究所研究员辛秀芳团队的研究论文,该研究揭示了植物两大免疫系统在功能上协作及交互作用的机制,研究结果为未来培育强力作物提供了新的视角。请听记者孙思琦带来的报道。Like the game Plants vs. Zombies, inside a plant its cells are silently fending off 【抵御】attacks from bacteria【细菌】 and fungus【真菌】.就像在游戏《植物大战僵尸》里那样,植物细胞也静静地抵抗着细菌和真菌。It's been known that most plants have two layers of defense known as PTI and ETI. When bacteria attack, PTI first comes into action after the plant recognizes the pathogen's 【病原体】 molecular 【分子】 pattern. ETI is later triggered by the plant's receptor proteins that read the toxic proteins the pathogen generates. The two responses were previously thought to act independently.我们知道,大多数植物拥有两层免疫系统:PTI和ETI。细菌来袭时,植物识别到病原体的分子模式, PTI随即发生反应。接着,植物的受体蛋白读取由病原体产生的毒性蛋白,并触发ETI反应。在先前的研究中,这两种反应均被认为是独立进行的。 Professor Xin Xiufang and her team discovered that in an arabidopsis【拟南芥】 plant, a genus 【属】 that includes cabbage and mustard, layer one is able to strengthen the action of layer two, which then increases the level of signaling components that trigger layer one. In other words, they're dependent on each other to achieve the strongest defense.辛秀芳教授课题组发现在拟南芥属植物(如卷心菜和芥菜)中,第一层免疫(PTI)能够强化第二层免疫(ETI)的免疫作用,而ETI也能够上调PTI中一些重要的信号成分转录与蛋白水平。也就是说,二者相互依存,共同构成了最强防御。 Interviewee: Professor Xin Xiufang, Chinese Academy of Sciences Shanghai Branch辛秀芳 教授 / 中国科学院上海研究所“PTI comes into action first, but it can be inhibited 【抑制】 by toxic proteins from the bacteria. Then the second layer, the ETI, is triggered when plant cells recognize the toxic proteins. In our research, we found that as PTI activity peaks and wanes【衰退】, ETI kicks in 【进入】 and pushes PTI back to its peak. The two layers act like in a circle, enhancing each other.”“PTI最先反应,但可能会被细菌中的毒性蛋白阻止。而第二道防御,即ETI在植物细胞识别到毒性蛋白时开始反应。我们的研究发现,在PTI免疫进程中,ETI也会加入其中,并在PTI免疫效果减退时为它助力。两道防御形成了一个循环,彼此相互增强。” Further research is required to determine whether the same mechanism exists in other plant species. If verified, scientists may be able to develop crop strains 【菌株;种】 that are more resistant to diseases.为了确定在其他种类的植物中是否也存在同样的机制,需要进行更深入的研究。如果能够确认这种机制是广泛存在的,科学家们便有可能培育出更具抗病性的植物。 Most existing disease-resistant crops were developed by enhancing their ETI. Now, scientists may have more strategies to increase plant resistance -- there're more genes that we can target to enhance both PTI and ETI levels.目前的大多数抗病性作物是通过提高ETI水平培育出来的。而现在,由于获得了更多用以提高PTI和ETI水平的目标基因组,科学家们也有更多办法来提升植物抗病性。 This can be achieved through either cross-breeding 【杂交】 or genetic engineering【基因工程】. The findings may contribute to food supply safety as climate change has been shown to lead to wider dispersal 【分散】of some plant sickening pathogens.通过杂交或基因工程,能够获得更多植物基因组数据。天气变化会扩散植物病原体的传播,而本研究的结果有利于食物供应安全。 #热词加油站shed light upon【揭示】fend off 【抵御】bacteria【细菌】fungus【真菌】inhibited 【抑制】 kicks in 【进入,破门而入】wanes【衰退】dispersal 【分散】genetic engineering【基因工程】cross-breeding 【杂交】
3/15/20212 minutes, 33 seconds
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03/12 SHLIVE丨Wearable Screens 把屏幕穿在身上?复旦“高定”厉害了!

WEARABLE SCREENS MAY BE HERE SOONER THAN YOU THINK衣物皆可屏幕的日子,也许很快就来了!Welcome to this edition of ShanghaiLive, I’m Aixinjueluo Bei/ ICS Anchor.欢迎收听今天的《直播上海》,我是爱新觉罗·贝  / ICS主播。 Fudan University researchers have developed textiles【纺织品】 that can serve as a display screen, according to an article in Nature, a weekly British scientific journal. Reporter Zhang Hong takes a look.最近,英国科学周刊《自然》刊登了来自复旦大学研究团队最新研究成果——他们研发出了一种可以作为显示屏的纺织品。请听记者张弘带来的报道。 In author Liu Cixin's "Three Body Problem", people in 2211 wear clothes that glow with patterns and colors changing according to their mood. This futuristic clothing is becoming possible with "large-area display textiles" developed by a research team from Fudan University. It all began with an illuminating【发光的】thread.科幻作家刘慈欣在著作”三体”中提出:到 2211年,人们所穿着的衣服将会随着心情的变化而呈现不同的图案和颜色。2021年,来自复旦大学的研究团队所开发的“大面积显示纺织品”使这种充满未来感的服饰成为可能。而这一切都是从一条发光的细线开始的。 Interview:Shi Xiang, Primary Author / Doctoral Student, Fudan University施翔 论文第一作者 复旦大学高分子科学系博士研究生It's a conductive 【导电的】thread with a smooth electroluminescent 【电致发光的】 coating. It looks and feels like regular yarn. It's firm. As you can see, it can still illuminate steadily after being sewn onto thick leather. It is also machine washable.它其实是一根导电的线,外面负载了一些发光材料。它与我们普通纺织用的线非常相似,它耐洗涤,也很牢固,编制在这么一个很厚的皮革上面它也是可以很稳定地发光的。 Brightness between EL units deviates by less than 8% and remains stable even when bent, stretched or pressed, which means the image on the textile remains clear.电质发光单元之间的亮度偏差小于8%,即使弯曲、拉伸或按压也保持稳定,这意味着织物上的图像能够保持清晰。 Interview:Peng Huisheng, Corresponding Author / Macromolecular Science Dept., Fudan University彭慧胜 论文通讯作者 复旦大学高分子科学系教授We can now produce a textile that is over 10-meters long. It is machine washable and can work for 1,000 to 2,000 hours.我们织物目前可以做到十几米长。我们可以放到洗衣机里去洗,反复弯折,都没有问题,且可以稳定工作一两千个小时。 This method of weaving can be used to include other electronic functions such as a keyboard and power supply【电源】into the textile, thus allowing the team to build a "multifunctional integrated 【综合的】textile system" for various applications, including checking and replying to messages, and navigation when you're riding a bike and you cannot hold your phone. Professor Peng said he believes display textiles will be an integral part of smart garments【衣服】 in the future.这种编织方法可以将键盘和电源等其他电子功能融入到纺织品中,从而使团队能够为各种应用构建一个“多功能集成纺织品系统”;包括当你骑自行车不能握着手机时,可以通过智能织物查看、回复信息以及使用导航功能。彭教授说,他相信显示纺织品将成为未来智能服装不可或缺的一部分。 Interview:Peng Huisheng, Corresponding Author / Macromolecular Science Dept., Fudan University彭慧胜 论文通讯作者 复旦大学高分子科学系教授Almost all electronic products need a screen, so do smart garments. It would be difficult for people to use without a screen. Our textile can serve as a screen on a smart garment. We can put sensors into a smart garment that can measure various body indexes and send the information to your doctor. In the future, it may save us the trouble of going to the hospital for a check-up.做任何的电子产品都离不开屏幕显示,智能织物做好了很多功能就都有了,没有显示就很难真的用起来,所以它是必不可少的。我们可以做传感,把体内的指标采集出来,把你的健康情况传输到医生那里。我们提出一个梦想,把医院带回家。 Some people said they would love to try it if available.有些人说,如果有机会的话,他们很乐意尝试一下这款智能织物。 Interview:CitizenWe need to take out our phone from our pocket to check information and sometimes it's inconvenient. But with this textile display, you can easily check your messages on your sleeve 【袖子】and it's much lighter than a phone.现在大家都有手机,你需要看消息还需拿出来,有时候挺麻烦的,但是有这种柔性织物的话就很方便,也不会有什么负担,就贴在你身上,很方便。 Interview:CitizenIt seems really cool to display words and pictures on your clothes. They would definitely make an awesome daily outfit.在衣服上显示一些你想展示的东西,我觉得挺酷的,而且你还可以个性化搭配这些衣服。 A member of the research team said they've already received interest from various companies for products ranging from voice box covers and automotive【汽车的】 interiors to home decorations and high-end【高档的】 couture【时装】clothing.该研究小组的一名成员表示,已经有多家公司对他们的可穿戴电子织物表现出了兴趣,而这些公司的产品包括音箱盖、汽车内饰、家居装饰和高端时装等。#热词加油站Textile [ˈtekstaɪl]【纺织品】Illuminating illuminating【发光的】Conductive [kənˈdʌktɪv]【导电的】electroluminescent 【电致发光的】power supply【电源】integrated [ˈɪntɪɡreɪtɪd]【综合的】garment [ˈɡɑːmənt]【衣服】sleeve [sliːv]【袖子】automotive [ˌɔːtəˈməʊtɪv]【汽车的】high-end [ˌhaɪ ˈend]【高档的】couture [kuˈtjʊə(r)]【时装】
3/12/20213 minutes
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03/11 SHLIVE丨Becoming aware of AUTISM 为孤独症家庭点亮未来之路

NEWS ON 3/10Welcome to this edition of ShanghaiLive,I'm He Jian.欢迎收听今天的《直播上海》我是何健 / ICS主播At the ongoing national legislative session, the vice governor of Minhang District, lawmaker【人大代表】Liu Yan, is making another suggestion after years of persistence on the improvements for children with autism【孤独症】. Reporter Sun Siqi takes a look at what she is proposing this year.In a southwestern suburb of Shanghai, children with autism are learning at Qibao Experimental Primary School. They’re not separated from other children and many have made friends who help and take care of them. A boy with autism told us he likes his friends and teachers, and they are good to him. In Shanghai, children with mild to moderate autism are able to go to a regular school, and this has helped their development.在上海西南郊区的七宝实验小学,孤独症儿童正在学习。他们没有和其他孩子分开,许多人还与帮助和照顾他们的同学结成好朋友。一个患有孤独症的男孩告诉我们,他喜欢他的朋友和老师,他们对他很好。在上海,轻度到中度孤独症的儿童可以去正规学校上学,这有助于他们的成长发展。Wang Jin, PrincipalQibao Experimental Primary School王瑾 / 上海市七宝实验小学校长You can see that when autistic kids came in at first grade, they had weak communication skills and could barely control or take care of themselves. But by grades three and four, there's a noticeable difference. They follow a teacher's instructions, talk to classmates and express their like for others.你可以看到,当孤独症儿童在一年级时,他们的沟通能力很弱,几乎不能控制或照顾自己。但是到了三四年级,情况就有明显的不同了。他们会听从老师的指示,与同学交谈,并表达自己对他人的喜爱。 Liu Yan, LawmakerVice Governor of Minhang District GovernmentEarly intervention【早期干预】 is crucial for children with autism. At the moment, the most effective treatment is social interaction【社交互动】 to help them approach the world.早期干预对孤独症儿童至关重要。目前,最有效的治疗方法是通过社会互动来帮助他们接近这个世界。 In 2018, lawmaker Liu Yan submitted a suggestion for more children with autism to be enrolled in regular schools. Back then, fewer than 20 percent of them across the country sat in the same classroom as regular kids. As the situation improves, difficulties exist like hiring medical professionals to instruct teachers. Plus, additional facilities can cost a school hundreds of thousands of yuan a year.2018年,刘艳提交了关于让让更多孤独症儿童进入普通学校就读的议案。当时,全国只有不到20%的孤独症儿童能拥有和普通孩子一起上学的机会。近年情况不断改善,但一些困难也逐渐浮现出来,比如教师需要治疗师的专业指导。此外,添置各种额外设施也是一大笔费用。 Chen Jin, Special Education OfficialMinhang District Education BureauWe also need more teachers with a background in special education【特殊教育】. We've been trying to train such teachers with the help of East China Normal University and the city, but we still need help.我们还需要更多有特殊教育背景的教师。在华东师范大学和市里的帮助下,我们一直在努力培养这样的教师,但我们仍然需要更多的帮助。 Liu notes thee problems in her draft suggestion, but she’s also mulling【长时期思考】over another question: where will these students go after nine years of mandatory education. She found that 60 percent of such children end up at home again after middle school, relying on their parents for the rest of their lives.这些问题,刘艳在她的议案中都关注到了。但她还在不断思考另一个问题: 完成九年义务教育后,这些孩子的去处在哪里? 她发现,有六成孩子在中学毕业后只能回家,依靠父母度过余生。 Liu Yan, LawmakerVice Governor of Minhang District Government For children who still can't take care of themselves there needs to be separate daycare facilities. At the moment, they are not accepted by either orphanages【孤儿院】, nursing homes or mental health facilities. For those who can take care for themselves and work, there needs to be vocational schools【职业中等专业学校】 or even vocational colleges【职业高等专业院校】to admit them. There needs to be government-level action on this.对于那些仍然不能照顾自己的孩子,需要有单独的日托机构。目前,孤儿院、疗养院或精神卫生机构都不愿意接受他们。对于那些既能照顾自己又能工作的人,就需要中等职业教育学校甚至高等职业学院来接纳他们,政府需要对此采取相应的行动。 Many families with an autistic child have one parent taking care of them full time. The burden【负担】only increases as the child ages. Liu maintains that sorting out where-to-go will greatly relieve the stress on such families. And for the kids, it will prevent them from becoming overly isolated once again.在孤独症家庭,父母其中一人全职照顾孩子的情况并不少见。患儿家长的负担随着孩子年龄的增长而加重。刘艳坚持认为,解决孩子们的去向问题将大大减轻这些家庭的压力。对孩子们来说,这也将防止他们再次被边缘化。 #热词加油站lawmaker [ˈlɔːmeɪkə(r)] n. 人大代表autism [ˈɔːtɪzəm] n. 孤独症mull [mʌl]] v. 长时期思考special education特殊教育burden [ˈbɜːdn] n. 负担
3/11/20212 minutes, 57 seconds
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03/10 SHLIVE | WINTER SPORTS WARM UP 冬奥会倒计时,氛围组准备好了吗

Welcome to this edition of ShanghaiLive, I'm Aixinjueluo Bei / ICS Anchor.欢迎收听今天的《直播上海》,我是爱新觉罗·贝 / ICS主播。At the ongoing【正在进行的】annual session, Yang Yang, a member of the National Committee of the CPPCC and retired【退役的】Olympic champion【奥运冠军】, has filed a proposal to the country's top political advisory body, calling for the promotion of winter sports【冰雪运动】among the wider public, especially younger generations. Reporter Zhang Yue tells us the details of her proposal.在正在进行的两会上,全国政协委员、退役奥运冠军杨扬向国家最高政治咨询机构提交了一份提案,呼吁在更广泛的公众当中,特别是年轻一代中推广冰雪运动。记者张跃向我们介绍了她提案的具体内容。7th grader Xia Xiaoyu has been figure skating【花样滑冰】for 7 years, training for at least two hours per day is a must for Xia. However, Xia has been struggling【挣扎】whether she should continue training as she is getting busier in middle school.7年级的夏晓雨 (音译)已经学习花样滑冰7年了,最少2小时的训练是她每天的必修课。然而,随着中学生活的日益繁忙,夏晓雨一直在为是否应该继续训练而苦恼。As a former Olympic champion skater and a mother of two, political advisor Yang Yang learned that school sports programs at elementary schools【小学】has grown much faster than at middle schools. Facing the stress【压力】of entering a better high school and college, many middle school students have to give up the sports that they had been practicing since their early childhood.作为前奥运会滑冰冠军和两个孩子的母亲,政协委员杨扬了解到,小学体育项目的发展比中学快得多。面对进入高中和大学的升学压力,许多中学生不得不放弃他们从小就练习的体育运动。 Yang has worked on a proposal for this year's two sessions with Ni Minjing, deputy director of the Shanghai Education Commission【上海市教育委员会】, suggesting middle and high schools to build up their sports programs to better cultivate【培养】younger athletic talent.杨扬和上海教育委员会副主任倪敏静共同起草了今年两会的一项提案,建议初高中建立自己的体育项目,以便更好地培养年轻的体育人才。 YANG YANG, Political AdvisorIt's important to have the League【联赛】, especially school leagues【校园联赛】in winter sports. In the last couple of years, we can see more events for kids, but there's something missing. It's the school leagues. Because sports, especially winter sports is not all about the winning, it's about the culture, the excitement, about the team spirit【团队精神】, about the excellence, about cheering for each other and respecting rules.杨扬,政协委员各类联盟,尤其是冰雪运动方面的校园联盟是很重要的。在过去的几年里,我们看到了更多专门为孩子们设置的活动,但还是缺少了点东西。那是校园联盟。因为运动,尤其是冰雪运动不仅仅是关于输赢,更是关于文化、激情,关于团队精神、追求卓越,甚至是关于互相喝彩、尊重规则。
3/10/20211 minute, 55 seconds
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WOMAN POWER LEADS CONSUMPTION GROWTH, A KEY ECONOMIC DRIVER According to the World Bank, among the world's top 20 economies. China has one of the highest labor force participation rates for women, which means that better education, rising disposable income【可支配收入】 and aspirations for the "good life" are making women a major driver of consumption in China's economy. Zhang Shixuan has more. A few clicks on the phone screen, and Zhang Mengchu has finished booking a furniture repairman. That cost her a hundred yuan, but since last year when the 39-year-old took charge of 【负责】all family spending, it represents just a small part of her budget. The total can come to ten or fifteen thousand a month, most of that for her daughter's education, apartment cleaning, and food. Nicole Zhang, Post-1980s我先生在境外管理公司,疫情无法回来,之前先生做家庭消费主导者,国内生活的话,我就全部承担起来了。我的女儿初一,初中其实对于一个孩子非常重要,现在语数外的主课很重视,初一阶段,每个月2000多。My husband works overseas and has not been able to come back because of the pandemic. So now, I'm the decision-maker【决策者】 for family spending. My daughter is now in grade seven, which is very important for her studies in Chinese, Mathematics and English. I'm spending around 2,000 yuan a month on her extra-curriculum courses【课外补习班】. Zhang keeps the rest of the spending for herself, mainly for catering【餐饮】 and cosmetics【化妆品】. And she also keeps an eye on【关注】healthcare, on which she can spend up to 2,000 yuan a month. Her 14-year-old daughter, however, is paying for entirely different things. She spends money on games and internet applications, especially for her favorite hobby, drawing. Zhou Yining, Post-2000s五年级的时候开始买procreate,绘画,本来有绘画爱好。现在68元。我也包月,B站版权看电影。我同学喜欢也喜欢买软件,买视频网站会员爱奇艺,喜欢看番就买B站。I subscribed to the app Procreate when I was in Grade five because I'm keen in drawing. It's 68 yuan a year. And I also pay for membership on Bilibili to watch movies. My classmates do too, and they also buy some apps like me. Some of them might pay for memberships【会员】 on video platforms like iQiyi, and Bilibili to watch anamie. It's the women born around the 1990s, however, who have become the main consumption force in China, and who are proving to be extremely varied in their shopping preferences【购物偏好】. Ms. Qian, Post-1990s化妆品、护肤品会花1000-2000,每个季度I buy cosmestics, 1,000 or 2,000 yuan worth, every quarter. Ms. Zhang, Post-1990s超过50%在餐饮,满足社交需求。更愿意为耐用品电子器材这种买单。一年四五件把,小几千,手机、电子书这种More than half of my spending goes to social meals, and I also paying for electronics, like mobile phones or e-books. A recent report from Tmall says 80% of the leading new brands【头部新品牌】 on the platform focus on women's products, as they remain keenly interested in new things. Of consumers who have generated more than 12 orders for new brands a year, 70% are women. Jason Yu, General Manager Kantar Worldpanel Greater ChinaFemales are much more independent. And as they are more well-educated. they actually decide to be more confident in themselves in what they choose. When female become mother, especially the younger females, they are very different. Of course, they take increasing care of their families. But at the same time, they also want to take care of themselves. So they want to be not just called a mother, but actually a little sister. And of course who should know more about women than ... other women. The result is that women's shopping has driven up【拉动,提高】 the number of women's shop owners. Tmall says more than half of its clothing shop owners are women, and shops that would traditionally have featured more men owners, like electronics, games and sports, are now seeing a significant jump as well in the number of women shop owners.  #热词加油站disposable income [dɪˈspəʊzəbl ˈɪnkʌm]【可支配收入】take charge of [teɪk tʃɑːdʒ ɒv] 【负责】decision-maker [dɪ'sɪʒənmeɪkə(r)]【决策者】extra-curriculum course [ˈekstrə kəˈrɪkjələm kɔːs]【课外补习班】catering [ˈkeɪtərɪŋ]【餐饮】cosmetic [kɒzˈmetɪk]【化妆品】keep an eye on [kiːp ən aɪ ɒn]【关注】membership [ˈmembəʃɪp]【会员】shopping preference [ˈʃɒpɪŋ ˈprefrəns]【购物偏好】leading new brand [ˈliːdɪŋ nju: brænd【头部新品牌】drive up [draiv ʌp]【拉动,提高】
3/9/20213 minutes, 42 seconds
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03/08 SHLIVE丨SHORT VIDEO, BIG JOB! 当职业短视频玩家,你够专业吗

Watching short videos for entertainment or study has become common in China, especially during the thriving online economy brought on by the COVID-19 outbreak. But making a good short video is a complicated skill in itself, and Zhang Shixuan has been investigating and talking to some of people who are making a business of it.Making a good short video requires knowledge of the subject, as well as training in video creation and editing. That's what the Shanghai-based short video studio, Ahead Four, boasts【拥有(引以为傲)】, with its more than 10 short video producers. Each of them hosts an account, and produces an offering two or three times a month. Keeping track of all that requires a mountain of work, and that's what 25-year-old Liu Ruobin does. She joined the studio 9 months ago after getting her master's degree from the University of Leeds, and her days are now full of recording and analyzing viewership data and comments, from both the studio's own video accounts and from other popular content creators.Liu Ruobin, Operation Staff /// Ahead Four(当初)投了不下于十个简历,都在短视频领域,内容运营、策划、文案。是因为我看到短视频正处在风口,我本身又有传媒背景,想抓住机遇。各种待遇还是很满意。I applied for more than 10 jobs, all in the short video field - content, operations or planning, because I saw that the industry is beginning to thrive【兴盛】. And I studied media, and the income's not bad.The studio now has 30 employees, two-thirds of them with a master's degree from prestigious【著名的】 universities like Columbia University and the University of Cambridge.Robin Shaw, Co-founder /// Ahead Four可供挑选的人才多了很多,明显发现很多人因为我们做过很多账号,有点名气,他们知道我们孵化了这些账号,就特别容易愿意加入我们。There are an increasing number of qualified professionals on the job market. Many people have been following our accounts and they know that it was us that nurtured them, so they are interested in joining us.Robin says his studio is still recruiting, and taking on five or six new employees a month.For the past two years Shanghai Tech University has become aware of a significant increase in the number of graduates heading to【投身】the short video industry. One of the most important reasons is those high salaries.Dr. Zhou Pingqiang, Assistant Dean /// School of Info. Sci-Tech, ShanghaiTech Univ.本科生去这样的行业最高40多万,硕士70万,博士100万。Our fresh graduates with a bachelor's degree entering the industry can make up to 400,000 yuan(over 60 thousand dollars)a year, and with a master's up to 700,000 yuan(over 100 thousand dollars). Doctoral graduates, one million yuan(over 150 thousand dollars).Job-hunting site Liepin says the number of professionals in the short video industry grew 16% between 2019 and 2020, and the number of job openings jumped more than 67% during the same period.
3/8/20212 minutes, 37 seconds
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Welcome to this edition of ShanghaiLive, I'm Aixinjueluo Bei.欢迎收听《直播上海》,我是爱新觉罗·贝 / ICS AnchorA community in Pudong is installing elevators in its old residential buildings after agreeing to pay a monthly fee【月供】instead of making a lump sum payment【一次性付款】, thus overcoming a major obstacle that is all too common around the city. 日前,浦东某社区的老住宅楼里安装了电梯,不同的是,这次工程采用的是每月分期付费的方式,这一模式解决了加装电梯最大的痛点——一次性出资难。 Workers started to install elevators in two buildings at Weifang No. 9 Village in Pudong this morning. The community was built in the 1980s. Seniors living there have long wanted an elevator. But the convenience will cost them up to 250 yuan a month.上午,工人们开始在浦东潍坊九村两栋老楼加装电梯。该社区建于20世纪80年代。住在那里的老年人早就想要一部电梯了。实现这“一部电梯”的便利,每个月最多250元钱。 Mrs. Fan, Resident 居民方阿姨Those who live on the 6th floor will pay 250 yuan a month. I live on the 4th floor and will pay only 180 yuan each month. It's totally affordable.住6楼的每月交250元。我住在4楼,每月只付180元。这完全是负担得起的。 杨福成 / 潍坊新村街道People hesitated when one large sum was required for installation, but residents are more willing to pay for it when it's spread out【分散的】over time.使老百姓从一次出大钱,变成分散出小钱,这样老百姓更出得起,而且愿意出。 The community's managers have signed a 15-year insurance policy that covers the life cycle【使用寿命】of the elevators. The insurance fee is included in the monthly payment and also covers a daily maintenance【日常维护】.该小区的管理者已经签署了一份15年的保险,涵盖了电梯的整个使用生命周期。保险费和电梯的日常的维护费用都包含在居民的月供中。Gan Yuli, Deputy GMChina Pacific Insurance SH BranchThe residents will only need to think about the monthly payment and won't have a big burden to worry about.居民只需要考虑月供,就不会有太大负担。 Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy will monitor the elevators in real time【实时地】. Residents can report malfunctions【故障】. The municipal government has pledged【承诺】 to install 1,000 elevators in old buildings across the city this year.上海振华重工将对电梯的运行情况进行实时监控。居民页可以报告故障。上海今年将完成加装电梯1000台。
3/5/20211 minute, 39 seconds
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BLOSSOMS IN SHANGHAI 魔都赏樱正当时!Numerous parks and botanical gardens【植物园】 in Shanghai are attracting big crowds for cherryblossom season. Reporter Sun Siqi takes a tour of Chenshan Botanical Garden andgushes about the scenery.在这个樱花盛开的季节,上海各大公园和植物园吸引了众多游客前去赏樱。记者孙思奇参观了辰山植物园,对那里的景色赞不绝口。Question for the day: What is the difference between plum, peach, pear,apricot, cherry and quince blossoms? You may know they all come from the familyof rosaceae【蔷薇科】, and they blossomaround the same time in spring, but it does take expertise to know the exactdifferences -- take a listen.今天的问题是:梅花、桃花、梨花、杏花、樱桃和海棠花有什么区别?你也许知道它们都是蔷薇科植物,而且它们几乎在春天同时开花,但要知道它们之间的确切区别确实需要专业解答——来听一听。Cherries trees have horizontal stripes on the bark, the flowers have a long stalk【植物的茎】 and grow in a cluster【簇,团】, just like cherries. Plum flowers have very shortstalks and look like they're clingingto【贴,依附】 the branches. Peachblossoms are similar but have only five petals. Pear and quince have a bulgingpart under the flower. But pear flowers have a bright red anther【花药】,which is unique. And you can recognize apricot blossoms by their red calyx【花萼】.樱花树的树皮上有水平条纹,花朵的茎很长,像樱桃一样成簇生长。梅花的茎很短,看起来就像紧紧地贴在树枝上。桃花与梅花相似,但花瓣只有五瓣。梨花和木瓜花的下部有一个突起。但是梨花的花药部分是鲜红色的,这是独一无二的。你还可以通过红色的花萼来辨别杏花。Yeah, I know about the tree bark markings. I also know cherry blossom petals【花瓣】 have a V-shaped dent.我不仅知道樱花树皮上有独特的纹路。我还知道樱花花瓣上有v形凹痕。Putting what I just learned to the test ...现学现卖,我们一起来试试…Based on my recently obtained knowledge, even though the shape of these flowerslooks rather unorthodox, theyshould also be a category of cherry blossoms.虽然这些花的形状和我刚刚所了解的并不完全一致,但它们也应该是樱花的一类。That is correct. These bell-like flowers are cherry blossoms native to China.The ancestor of all cherry blossom trees started as fruit bearing trees, andwere later cultivated【种植】 just for the flowers.是的。这些钟状的花是中国特有的樱花。这些观赏性的樱花树最早都是结果的,后来人们才开始种植观赏性的花树。 Over here, the latest bunch of plum flowers are still in bloom ...在这里,最后一束梅花还在盛开……There's something infinite about this shade of pink, you feel like you canstand under a cloud of it, and all of your troubles would melt away ...这一片粉色无限延伸,置身其中,仿佛所有的烦恼都会消失……... Just watch out for the bees as your troubles fade away ...…只要小心蜜蜂,当你的烦恼消失…... The famous pear blossom tree -- one that marks the legendary love betweenTang Emperor Li Longji and his favorite concubine.…著名的梨花树——象征着唐代皇帝李隆基和他心爱的妃子之间的传奇爱情。Onto apricots, there's only ONE tree in the entire garden. You'll need to booka guide service to find out where it is. Still, none can beat people'sfavorite.说到杏树,整个花园只有一棵。你需要预约导游服务才能知道去哪儿找。不过大家最爱的还是它——I saw plum and apricot trees at Century Park this spring. I stillprefer cherry blossoms. They are so romantic.今年春天我在世纪公园看到了梅树和杏树。我还是比较喜欢樱花,太浪漫了。And no, none of these delicious looking flowering trees bear fruitexcept Chinese quince.不过,这些好看的花树都不结果,除了木瓜。Chinese quince is a typical plant that gives you both gorgeous flowers andfruit. The quince fruits come out in fall and last until the following spring.The short bonsai【盆景】 quince in homegardens also bears fruits.木瓜有着美丽的花朵和果实。木瓜树在秋天开花,一直持续到第二年春天。家庭u种植的盆景木瓜也能结出果实。The garden's attendance tripled in January and February compared to the sameperiod in 2019. Closer to downtown, check out Gucun Park in Baoshan and CenturyPark in Pudong. If you missed the baby pink Kawazu cherry blossoms, the whitepink Yoshino cherry will go into full bloom in two weeks, with a host of otherplants likely to flourish 【盛开】well into April.今年1月和2月,花园的游客人数是2019年同期的三倍。靠近市中心,可以去宝山顾村公园和浦东世纪公园看看。如果你错过了浅粉色的河津樱花,那么粉色的吉野樱花将在两周内盛开,还有许多其他植物可能会在4月份盛开。#热词加油站botanical gardens [bəˌtænɪkl ˈɡɑːdn]【植物园】rosaceae [rəu'zeisi,i:] n.【蔷薇科】stalk [stɔ:k] n.【植物的茎】cluster [ˈklʌstə(r)] n.【簇,团】clinging to [ˈklɪŋɪŋ tu]【贴,依附】anther [ˈænθə(r)] n.【花药】calyx [ˈkeɪlɪks] n.【花萼】petals [ˈpɛtlz] n.【花瓣】cultivate [ˈkʌltɪveɪt] v.【种植】bonsai [ˈbɒnsaɪ] n.【盆景】flourish [ˈflʌrɪʃ] v.【盛开】
3/4/20213 minutes, 1 second
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BLOSSOMS IN SHANGHAI 魔都赏樱正当时!Numerous parks and botanical gardens【植物园】 in Shanghai are attracting big crowds for cherryblossom season. Reporter Sun Siqi takes a tour of Chenshan Botanical Garden andgushes about the scenery.在这个樱花盛开的季节,上海各大公园和植物园吸引了众多游客前去赏樱。记者孙思奇参观了辰山植物园,对那里的景色赞不绝口。Question for the day: What is the difference between plum, peach, pear,apricot, cherry and quince blossoms? You may know they all come from the familyof rosaceae【蔷薇科】, and they blossomaround the same time in spring, but it does take expertise to know the exactdifferences -- take a listen.今天的问题是:梅花、桃花、梨花、杏花、樱桃和海棠花有什么区别?你也许知道它们都是蔷薇科植物,而且它们几乎在春天同时开花,但要知道它们之间的确切区别确实需要专业解答——来听一听。Cherries trees have horizontal stripes on the bark, the flowers have a long stalk【植物的茎】 and grow in a cluster【簇,团】, just like cherries. Plum flowers have very shortstalks and look like they're clingingto【贴,依附】 the branches. Peachblossoms are similar but have only five petals. Pear and quince have a bulgingpart under the flower. But pear flowers have a bright red anther【花药】,which is unique. And you can recognize apricot blossoms by their red calyx【花萼】.樱花树的树皮上有水平条纹,花朵的茎很长,像樱桃一样成簇生长。梅花的茎很短,看起来就像紧紧地贴在树枝上。桃花与梅花相似,但花瓣只有五瓣。梨花和木瓜花的下部有一个突起。但是梨花的花药部分是鲜红色的,这是独一无二的。你还可以通过红色的花萼来辨别杏花。Yeah, I know about the tree bark markings. I also know cherry blossom petals【花瓣】 have a V-shaped dent.我不仅知道樱花树皮上有独特的纹路。我还知道樱花花瓣上有v形凹痕。Putting what I just learned to the test ...现学现卖,我们一起来试试…Based on my recently obtained knowledge, even though the shape of these flowerslooks rather unorthodox, theyshould also be a category of cherry blossoms.虽然这些花的形状和我刚刚所了解的并不完全一致,但它们也应该是樱花的一类。That is correct. These bell-like flowers are cherry blossoms native to China.The ancestor of all cherry blossom trees started as fruit bearing trees, andwere later cultivated【种植】 just for the flowers.是的。这些钟状的花是中国特有的樱花。这些观赏性的樱花树最早都是结果的,后来人们才开始种植观赏性的花树。 Over here, the latest bunch of plum flowers are still in bloom ...在这里,最后一束梅花还在盛开……There's something infinite about this shade of pink, you feel like you canstand under a cloud of it, and all of your troubles would melt away ...这一片粉色无限延伸,置身其中,仿佛所有的烦恼都会消失……... Just watch out for the bees as your troubles fade away ...…只要小心蜜蜂,当你的烦恼消失…... The famous pear blossom tree -- one that marks the legendary love betweenTang Emperor Li Longji and his favorite concubine.…著名的梨花树——象征着唐代皇帝李隆基和他心爱的妃子之间的传奇爱情。Onto apricots, there's only ONE tree in the entire garden. You'll need to booka guide service to find out where it is. Still, none can beat people'sfavorite.说到杏树,整个花园只有一棵。你需要预约导游服务才能知道去哪儿找。不过大家最爱的还是它——I saw plum and apricot trees at Century Park this spring. I stillprefer cherry blossoms. They are so romantic.今年春天我在世纪公园看到了梅树和杏树。我还是比较喜欢樱花,太浪漫了。And no, none of these delicious looking flowering trees bear fruitexcept Chinese quince.不过,这些好看的花树都不结果,除了木瓜。Chinese quince is a typical plant that gives you both gorgeous flowers andfruit. The quince fruits come out in fall and last until the following spring.The short bonsai【盆景】 quince in homegardens also bears fruits.木瓜有着美丽的花朵和果实。木瓜树在秋天开花,一直持续到第二年春天。家庭u种植的盆景木瓜也能结出果实。The garden's attendance tripled in January and February compared to the sameperiod in 2019. Closer to downtown, check out Gucun Park in Baoshan and CenturyPark in Pudong. If you missed the baby pink Kawazu cherry blossoms, the whitepink Yoshino cherry will go into full bloom in two weeks, with a host of otherplants likely to flourish 【盛开】well into April.今年1月和2月,花园的游客人数是2019年同期的三倍。靠近市中心,可以去宝山顾村公园和浦东世纪公园看看。如果你错过了浅粉色的河津樱花,那么粉色的吉野樱花将在两周内盛开,还有许多其他植物可能会在4月份盛开。#热词加油站botanical gardens [bəˌtænɪkl ˈɡɑːdn]【植物园】rosaceae [rəu'zeisi,i:] n.【蔷薇科】stalk [stɔ:k] n.【植物的茎】cluster [ˈklʌstə(r)] n.【簇,团】clinging to [ˈklɪŋɪŋ tu]【贴,依附】anther [ˈænθə(r)] n.【花药】calyx [ˈkeɪlɪks] n.【花萼】petals [ˈpɛtlz] n.【花瓣】cultivate [ˈkʌltɪveɪt] v.【种植】bonsai [ˈbɒnsaɪ] n.【盆景】flourish [ˈflʌrɪʃ] v.【盛开】
3/4/20213 minutes, 1 second
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EDUCATIONAL REQUIREMENT LEVELUP FOR PROPERTY AGENTS IN CHINAWelcome to MoneyTalks, I'm Wang Lihuan / ICS Anchor.欢迎收听《财道》,我是王黎欢 / ICS主播In Shanghai now more than 60 percent of property agents hold at least a bachelor's degree, some of them even with overseas educational backgrounds. It turns out they need the education to deal with increasingly sophisticated buyers. Chen Tong takes a closer look.在上海,超过60%的房地产经纪人至少拥有学士学位,其中一些人甚至有海外教育背景。事实证明,受过良好教育的房产经纪人,更有能为服务成熟买家。请听记者陈彤发回的报道。 Zhang Haoran specializes in【专门从事】 selling apartments to foreigners...and that's when his educational background comes to the fore. Zhang received his master degree in IT from a college in the UK, but then decided to become a property agent【房地产经纪人】 in Shanghai.Zhang Haoran负责对接外籍客户,教育背景的优势在此时凸显出来。他毕业于英国的一所大学,并取得了计算机专业硕士学位。但后来他决定回到上海做一名房地产经纪人。Zhang Haoran, Property Agent Shanghai LianjiaAlthough my major is not perfectly or precisely matched with this industry. The logical thinking and the way of solving the problem do help me get used to my career now.虽然我的专业与这个行业不是完全对口的,但它的逻辑思维和解决问题的方式的确让帮助我适应了现在的职业。The company says it started to raise the academic threshold【学历门槛】 for its sales staff in 2015. Nationwide, some 47 percent of its agents now hold a bachelor's degree, nearly ten percentage points more than in 2015. And in large cities like Beijing and Shanghai where buyers are more are more sophisticated, most agents are required to have a bachelor's degree.房产经纪公司表示,销售人员的学历门槛从2015年起提高。在全国范围内,公司旗下约47%的房产经纪人拥有学士学位,比2015年高出近10个百分点。在北京和上海这样的大城市,买家更多也更成熟,大多数经纪人都被要求拥有学士学位。Lan Xin, HR General Manager Shanghai Lianjia过去经纪人定位为房产销售,我们希望将来是属于顾问型经纪人。目前我们的全国教育体系非常专业对口的相对还是少的,我们更加看重今天来了之后学习能力是否强。In the past, we considered property agents to be property sellers, but we hope they can become professional consultants【顾问】 in the future. There are not many majors relevant to this in our educational system, so we look for agents with a real ability to learn.And of course in a mega city like Shanghai, there is plenty of room for sales staff with a wide variety of backgrounds. Chen Tao graduated with a degree in art, and perhaps surprisingly, he became a property agent last year. Chen lives in Shanghai's downtown districts【市中心区】, however, surrounded by all types of classic buildings and villas【别墅】. That makes him very professional when it comes to introducing apartments with interesting histories.当然,在上海这样的大城市,有足够的市场空间容纳各种背景的销售人员。陈涛毕业时取得了艺术学位,但令人惊讶的是,他去年成为了一名房地产经纪人。他住在上海的市中心,周边围绕着各种经典建筑和别墅,这让他在销售那些有历史背景的房产时,更加游刃有余。Chen Tao, Property Agent Ming Ming Real Estate历史的话有些著名的比如保护建筑介绍的这些都是了解的,这肯定也是要介绍的老房子里面的故事本来也是卖点之一。I know about the famous buildings and their history. I introduce them to my clients because the stories behind the old buildings are a good selling point【卖点】.Le Lijun, Senior Consultant Ming Ming Real Estate我们从事这个中介行业里面有博士生、研究生,大学生非常常见的。如果他刚刚从业,会有专业的老师带他看一些老房子,走一些知名的马路,了解房子跟房子里面的故事,包括每条马路的知名建筑和老洋房。Our academic requirement is at least junior college level, but we also have PhD students, and graduate and undergraduate college students. We have teachers introduce the history of the buildings to new agents.A survey from property search engine shows nearly 50 percent of property agents spent an hour a day studying property-related information last year, and 27 percent of them spent one and a half hours. It says 73,000 property agents in China hold bachelor's degrees or above, with 6,000 of them having graduated from universities ranked by the Ministry of Education 【教育部】 as among the country's best.房地产搜索引擎Ke.com的一项调查显示,去年有近50%的房地产经纪人每天花一小时研究房地产相关信息,27%的人每天花一个半小时。报告称,中国有7.3万房地产经纪人拥有本科及以上学位,其中6000人毕业于国内教育部排名最好的大学。  #热词加油站specializes in专门从事property agent房地产经纪人academic threshold学历门槛consultant [kənˈsʌltənt] 顾问downtown districts市中心区villa [ˈvɪlə] 别墅selling point卖点the Ministry of Education教育部
2/28/20213 minutes, 8 seconds
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LOCALS ARE LINING UP FOR LANTERN FESTIVAL TREATS NEWS ON 2/23Welcome to this edition of ShanghaiLive, I’m Hejian / ICS Anchor.欢迎收听《直播上海》,我是何键 / ICS主播 This year's Spring Festival ends on Friday with the Lantern Festival, a traditional festival celebrated on the 15th day of the first lunar month. Many residents in Shanghai have been preparing the food and decorations for the day. Zhang Yue has more.今年春节将在周五的元宵节进入尾声,元宵节是中国传统节日,时间为每年农历正月十五。许多上海居民已经开始为这一天准备节日食物和一些装饰品。 At Yuyuan Garden in Huangpu District, locals and visitors were queuing to buy glutinous rice balls, a popular dessert that is eaten on the day of the Lantern Festival.在黄浦区的豫园,居民和游客们纷纷排队购买汤团(也叫汤圆,上海叫“汤团”)。元宵节吃汤团的传统由来已久。I bought two boxes, one with pork filling, and the other with black sesame. I decided to buy glutinous rice balls earlier, because there will be too many people on the day of the Lantern Festival.游客:一个是鲜肉汤团,一个是黑洋酥汤团。元宵节人太多了,我们不如现在早一点(买)嘛,都一样的呀。To attract more customers, the store has prepared durian flavored rice balls for those who want to try something new. The limited new flavor rice balls are covered with pumpkin flour, which has attracted many younger customers. The store said sales of glutinous rice balls has doubled compared to 2019.为了吸引更多的顾客,特别是那些爱尝新的客人,店家还特别准备了榴莲味的汤团。限量发售的新口味汤团,皮子里掺入了南瓜,吸引了不少年轻顾客。该店表示,与2019年相比,汤团的销量翻了一番。 Xu Zhengliu, ManagerNingbo Rice BallWe sold around 70,000 to 80,000 rice balls a day this week, and we estimated that we'll sell more than 100,000 rice balls two days before and after the Lantern Festival.宁波汤团店经理徐正留:这两天每天也有7、8万(只),元宵节前后两天我们预计销售要超过十万只。To welcome the festival, many craft stores at Yuyuan Garden started to sell lanterns made in different shapes, and the rabbit ones made of paper are the most popular.为了迎接元宵节,豫园里的许多工艺品商店推出了各式各样的彩灯,其中纸做的兔子灯最受欢迎。 Interview: customerI want to buy this to remember my childhood. My kid can also play with it.顾客:怀念一下我们小时候的童年。买给自己的孩子,然后自己正好也可以玩一下。To reduce large gatherings, people visiting Yuyuan Garden from February 25th to March 1st are required to enter in staggered time periods, they must make a reservation and present their ID cards to gain access. Emergency plans will be conducted to limit crowds if necessary.为了避免人群过于密集,在2月25日至3月1日期间参观豫园的游客需错峰入园,提前预约并出示身份证才能进入。如有需要,还将采取紧急措施来限流。
2/24/20212 minutes, 1 second
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02/23 SHLIVE丨THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL 魔都万兽归笼,寒假作业都写完了吗

NEWS ON 02/22Welcome to this edition of ShanghaiLive, I'm He Jian. 欢迎收听《直播上海》,我是何健 / ICS 主播The new semester began today for primary and secondary school【中小学】students in Shanghai, with more than 1.4 million students returning to class. Song Wenjing takes a look at their first day back.今天,上海中小学生的新学期开始了,超过140万学生返回课堂。下面请跟随记者宋雯婧去了解一下孩子们的“开学第一天”。 Wearing a mask and temperature checks are required upon entering schools. Each school is also required to disinfect【消毒】 classrooms daily. Before the new semester, teachers had collected the health QR codes【健康码】and travel history records of students and those who live with them.进入学校必须佩戴口罩,并进行体温检测。各学校还要求每天对教室进行消毒。在新学期开始前,老师们已经收集了学生们以及其家人的健康码和出行记录。 Fourth grader Ma Jingding usually went to Lanzhou, Gansu Province to celebrated the Spring Festival with his grandparents, but this year he didn’t. His father had bought plane tickets, but ultimately decided to cancel the trip.四年级的马京鼎通常会回甘肃兰州和祖父母一起过年,但今年他没去。其实父亲已经买好了机票,但最终还是决定取消这次旅行,留下就地过年。 Interview: Ma Jingding / Forth Grader马京鼎 四年级甘肃小朋友During our Chinese New Year’s Eve dinner【年夜饭】, dad, mon and I had a video call with my grandparents. I hope that the pandemic will end as soon as possible so that I can visit my grandparents this summer.除夕晚上我们通过视频的方式给奶奶拜了年。我希望情能早日过去,今年暑假我就能去看奶奶啦。 Some students prepared heartwarming gifts for school employees who had to work during the Spring Festival, first grader Wang Yuging wrote “fu” characters and made boxes of tanghulu【糖葫芦】, and crispy sugarcoated haw, for them.有些孩子为春节期间留守学校的工作人员准备了暖心的小礼物。一年级的王玉靖给工作人员们写了“福”字,还为大家做了几盒脆甜的糖葫芦。 Interview:Wang Lan / Class Teacher 王岚/班主任Home economics【家政】has always been one of our strengths and we want to combine it with Spring Festival customs. So many students learned how to make dumplings and spring rolls. Some even managed to cook dishes, they have also been encouraged to record happy moments with their families.把学习家务和体验春节民俗结合在了一起。让孩子们学习一项家务和过年习俗相结合。包饺子、汤圆、春卷还有的小朋友学会了炒冬笋肉丝。我们也鼓励孩子把这些瞬间记录下来。 Kindergartens also reopened today. Some welcome kids with decorations such as figures of lions and oxen. The celebration will continue to entire week until Friday’s Lantern Festival【元宵节】, when students will be encouraged to express their best wishes to their teachers and classmates. 幼儿园今天也开学了。有些幼儿园还装扮上了各种狮子、牛的喜庆形象迎接孩子返校。返校后的庆祝活动将持续整整一周,直到周五的元宵节,到时候,学校还会鼓励小朋友们向老师和同学表达他们美好的祝愿。 
2/23/20212 minutes
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Welcome to Money Talks,I’m Bai Xuxu / ICS News Anchor HOT ONLINE VIDEOS - NOT JUST FOR FUN Want to learn new skills? Instead of googling or signing up for offline courses, an increasing number of young Chinese are now choosing to watch short videos online. These new short videos are not just something trendy - they're transforming how people here engage with information and knowledge. Zhang Shixuan has more.想学习新技能吗? 如今,越来越多的中国年轻人选择通过观看网络短视频的方式来学习,而不仅仅是网络搜索或报名参加线下课程。这些新兴的短视频不只是流行资讯而已,它们正在改变人们获取信息和知识的方式。请听来自记者张诗旋的报道 26-year-old postgraduate student Su Haotian started up【创立】 his own video account last June, when video platform Bilibili launched a new channel especially for knowledge-sharing content. Su primarily uploads information about popular internet applications once every 2 weeks, and he now has more than 1.2 million followers on the platform.26岁的研究生苏浩天于去年6月开通了自己的视频账号,当时视频平台“哔哩哔哩”推出了一个专门分享知识内容的新频道。苏浩天账号的主要内容是当下流行的互联网应用相关资讯,每两周上传一次。到现在他的账号已经聚集了120多万粉丝。 Su Haotian, Video Uploader2月份疫情暴发,全部远程在线学习,在家学习天天对着电脑,对着视频网站觉得这是一个很好的形式,4个月上课学习制作视频。做了一个微信全民软件,那次开始粉丝量播放量数据质的飞跃,涨了40万粉丝。Last February when the outbreak started, I was learning online through videos, and I thought this was a pretty good idea. So, I spent 4 months learning how to make them.  My breakthrough came when I made a video about WeChat, and my follower numbers shot up by around 400,000. After just six months on Bilibili, Su was named the platform's outstanding newcomer for 2020. He's got plenty of company. Last year, 100 million users watched knowledge-sharing videos on Bilibili.落户“哔哩哔哩”仅仅6个月后,苏浩天就被评为2020年“哔哩哔哩”新人奖up主。而他的故事并不是个例——要知道,仅2020年,就有1亿用户在“哔哩哔哩”上观看了知识分享类视频。 Interview:user 用户采访半年前开始看的,bilibili首页推送,不会主动关注,刷到就看,一个星期一两次。科普,科技、法制I started to watch knowledge videos half a year ago when I saw the promotional link on the home page. I usually watch once or twice a week. I like technology and law. Interview:user 用户采访看了一年多了,就电脑上看,每天都看,10分钟以内的视频都可以I've been watching the educational videos for more than a year. I watch every day, things around ten minutes long. Interview:user 用户采访每天都会看,看了好几年了,15年开始的,这两年科普类视频越来越多了,喜欢长一点,20-30分钟I've been watching every day since 2015. There's been more educational videos during the past 2 years, and I like the longer ones, 20 or 30 minutes.  Zhang Shixuan, Reporter 记者/张诗璇Every day in August last year there were 21 million people watching 45-minute educational videos on Bilibili. That was almost a 1.5-fold【1.5倍】 jump from last January. The market is so promising it's no wonder that many other Internet companies are also taking a hard look at it.去年8月,每天有2100万人在“哔哩哔哩”在线观看长达45分钟的教育类视频。这几乎是去年1月份的1.5倍。这个市场有前景,难怪许多其他互联网公司也纷纷盯上了这块蛋糕。 Last December, Baidu-backed Haokan Video announced an investment of 1 billion yuan to promote knowledge sharing content. Just last month Netease announced it would also spend a billion yuan to start offering video services. Bytedance-owned Xigua Video announced an investment of 2-billion-yuan last October, also to support video creators.去年12月,百度旗下“好看”视频宣布投资10亿元重点补贴泛知识类创作者。就在上个月,网易宣布将斥资10亿元开始提供视频服务。字节跳动旗下的“西瓜”视频去年10月宣布投资20亿元,同样用于支持视频创作者。 Some mature video up-loaders have been figuring out business models to maintain sustained long-term growth. Having been creating knowledge sharing content on various video platforms for 4 years, Shanghai-based DXCHANNEL now has some 267,000 followers on Bilibili, and began commercializing its offerings with different brands and video platforms just last year. The company is now making four million yuan a year.一些比较成熟的视频创作者一直在寻找保持长期持续增长的商业模式。4年来,DXCHANNEL一直在各种视频平台上创作知识分享内容,坐标上海的DXCHANNEL目前在“哔哩哔哩”上拥有约26.7万名粉丝,并于去年开始与不同品牌和视频平台合作,开始商业化内容的尝试。这家公司目前年收益400万元。 Lucia Shen, Executive Producer /// DXCHANNELWe really start the commercialization in our third year. You want to have a very solid content brand so that people understand why this content is valuable to them. And second is really the accumulation of subscribers. Only when you reach a certain level, you are able to commercialize on these contents.我们真正开始商业化是在第三年。我们希望拥有一个非常稳固的内容品牌,这样人们才明白为什么这些内容对他们来说是有价值的。其次是用户的积累。只有达到一定的数量的用户积累,才能将这些内容商业化。 Experts say, more uploaders are expected to begin following the paid-content model. 专家表示,预计将有更多的内容创作者选择这种付费内容模式。 Blair Zhang, Research Analyst /// Digital, Media & Finance, Mintel英敏特数字、媒体与金融研究分析师Around 40% of consumers represented that they hadn't paid any money for knowledge contents, but they did plan to do so, such as paying for Ximalaya FM, Zhihu, and Tencent Virtual Class. Helping consumers develop skills and hobbies emerges as an opportunity for e-learning【数字化学习】.约40%的消费者表示,他们从未体验过付费知识内容,但他们确实打算开始尝试——比如为喜马拉雅FM、知乎和腾讯虚拟课堂的内容付费。通过这些内容,帮助消费者发展技能和爱好,这为数字化学习的发展提供了契机。 According to a recent survey conducted by Mintel, 71% of short video viewers pay to improve their skills at difficult work tasks. iResearch says, the revenue of the short video industry reached 14.01 billion yuan in 2018. And it is expected to surpass 55 billion yuan as of last year.英敏特公司最近进行的一项调查显示,71%的短视频观众在遇到较为困难的工作时,付费为自己提高技能。艾瑞咨询表示,2018年,短视频产业实现收入140.1亿元,而2020年,这一数字预计将超过550亿元。
2/20/20214 minutes, 14 seconds
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News on 2/16 CHINESE BOX OFFICE SOARS TO HOLIDAY RECORD Chinese mainland movie ticket sales during the Spring Festival have reached 6 billion yuan, breaking the 5.9-billion-yuan record set in 2019.中国内地春节档电影总票房达到60亿元人民币,打破2019年59亿人民币的记录。 Today alone, data from ticketing platform Maoyan showed ticket sales exceeding【超过】 940 million yuan by 6pm with 19 million tickets sold. "Detective Chinatown 3”is the undisputed【毋庸置疑的】 box-office champion thus far with over 3 billion yuan in ticket sales. "Hi, Mom" is next after chalking up【达到】nearly 1.8 billion yuan.根据票务平台——猫眼的数据统计,仅2月16日当日票房就超过了9.4千万人民币(下午6点前),售出电影票1千9百万张。《唐探3》以远超30亿的票房稳居第一,《你好,李焕英》以近18亿票房排行第二。 The news pushed Chinese film stocks higher the Hong Kong Stock Exchange【港交所】in its first day of trading after its holiday. Shares of Maoyan Entertainment jumped as much as 24% to reach its highest close since March 2019. Theater operator IMAX China soared 88% and producer rallied【回升】17%.港交所开市第一天,票房利好消息推动中国电影股走高。猫眼娱乐股价上涨24%,达到2019年3月以来的最高收盘价。同时,IMAX中国股价上涨88%,阿里巴巴影业回升17%。 So far this year, the mainland’s box-office has generated 10billion yuan with nearly 230 million film tickets sold.2021年,中国内地电影票房已经达到了100亿人民币,观影人数近2亿三千万人次。  更新数据统计:截止到2月18日0时,春节档电影总票房突破80亿人民币。截止到2月17日,《唐探3》以36.15亿票房位居第一,《你好,李焕英》28.82亿排名第二。
2/19/20211 minute, 12 seconds
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02/09 ShanghaiLive丨Forget me not…会上错菜的“忘不了餐厅“实体店魔都开张

NEW CAFÉ HIRES SENIORS WITH ALZHEIMER’SDISEASEForget me not…会上错菜的“忘不了餐厅“实体店魔都开张NEWS ON 02/08Welcome to this edition of ShanghaiLive.I'm Aixinjueluo Bei.欢迎收听今天的《直播上海》,我是爱新觉罗·贝/ICS新闻主播 A special restaurant has opened in downtownXuhui district. It hires seniors with Alzheimer's disease【阿尔茨海默症】and was inspired by Dragon TV's【东方卫视】 charity reality show【真人秀】: Forget Me Not Cafe 【忘不了餐厅】. The goal is to spread awareness about the disease and help peopleunderstand how to interact【交流】 with people withAlzheimer's.一家特别的茶餐厅在上海徐汇区悄然开张。受东方卫视慈善真人秀节目《忘不了餐厅》的启发,餐厅聘请了一些患有阿尔茨海默氏症的老年员工。目的是传播这种疾病的相关知识,帮助人们了解如何与那些有认知障碍的老人们相处。 Forget Me Not Cafe is on Yongjia Road,where the reality show was filmed. At 11am on Sunday, employees Li Junhu andZhu Caiping arrived for their shift【轮班】. They were onthe reality show and known by their nicknames, Grandpa Xiaomin and GrandmaCaiping.这家餐厅位于节目拍摄地所在的永嘉路。周日上午11点,员工李君沪和朱彩萍赶来接班。他们在节目上以小敏爷爷和蔡平奶奶的绰号被大家所熟知。 With the help of others, Grandpa andGrandma tried their best to remember their work environment.爷爷奶奶们在他人的帮助下努力记住自己的工作环境。 Although Grandpa and Grandma sometimesforget which dishes go to which table, there were volunteers on standby【待命】 to help. They also reminded both to take a break from time to time【不时地】.虽然爷爷奶奶们还是会忘记哪张桌子上哪些菜,好在有志愿者在一旁待命随时准备帮助他们。 大家还会不时提醒双方休息一下。 "Forget Me Not Cafe" was areality show that aired on Dragon TV in 2019 and 2020. In both seasons, fiveseniors with Alzheimer's disease worked as servers【服务员】 in the restaurant. After the reality show ended last year, the crew decided torent the place, hire a professional company to run the restaurant and offerjobs to the seniors.“忘不了餐厅”是一部真人秀综艺节目,于2019年和2020年在东方卫视播出。在两季节目中,有五位患有阿尔茨海默症的认知障碍老人在餐厅担任服务员。去年节目结束后,工作人员决定租下这个地方,聘请一家专业公司经营这家餐厅,并为有认知障碍的老人们提供工作。 The restaurant is recruiting more seniors,and plans to offer more posts to those with Alzheimer's disease.该餐厅目前正在招募更多的老年人,并计划为阿尔茨海默氏症患者提供更多职位。 #热词加油站Alzheimer ['ælz'ɛmɚ]/Alzheimer's disease n. 阿尔茨海默症interact [ˌɪntərˈækt] v. 互相交往,交流shift [ʃɪft] n. 轮班from time to time 不时地reality show 真人秀forget me not 也可写作Don't-forget-me或者forget-me-not就是蓝色小花“勿忘我”
2/9/20211 minute, 41 seconds
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02/04 ShanghaiLive丨Stay-at-home!瞄准电竞,家装巨头“宅”出新花样

SPECIAL FOR E-GAMERS, THE NEW FURNITURE TRENDS IN SHStay-at-home!瞄准电竞,家装巨头“宅”出新花样NEWS ON 02/04Welcome to MoneyTalks, I'm Bai Xuxu.欢迎收听今天的《财道》,我是柏栩栩 / ICS财经主播The blossoming stay-at-home economy【宅经济】 is soon likely to set new records for growth and market size inChina and the furniture brands are doing everything they can to take advantageof the new opportunities here.  ZhangShixuan has more.在蓬勃发展的“宅经济”在中国的增长和市场规模很可能会创下新的纪录。而家具品牌正竭尽所能,抓住这一机遇。According to a newly released BuildingMaterials Home Index【建材家居景气指数】, theconsumption demand for home building materials and furniture jumped more than13 points in December from a month earlier. It was almost 4 points higher thanin the same period of 2019, as more and more people look for more and more newfurniture. 根据最新发布的建材家居景气指数,2020年12月家装建材及家具的消费需求比11月高出13个百分点, 与2019年同期相比高出近4个百分点, 越来越多的人想要购买更多的新家具。采访: 消费者因为呆在家里时间多了,更需要舒适的多样化的产品。可能更想要有更多功能性,不能一次性,有更多收纳空间,家里干的事情多了,要买更多东西I'm spending more time at home now, so Ineed more comfortable and diversified things. I want products with morefunctions to give me more storage space, because I'm doing more at home now andhave more things there.  Some of the new furniture trends can bepretty specialized. Swedish furnishing giant IKEA has gone so far as to launchmore than 30 Esports-related products, including tables, chairs, and mousepads. Partnering with Chinese hardware brand, the Republic of Gamers, theofferings made their global debut【首次亮相、初次登台】in Shanghai last week. Some game players are finding them essential.一些家具新风潮开始聚焦某个专一领域。瑞典家具业巨头宜家(IKEA)迄今为止已经推出了30多种与电竞相关的产品,包括电竞桌,电竞椅和电竞专用鼠标垫。上周,宜家和中国硬件装备品牌ROG玩家国度联手推出的电竞家居产品系列,在上海举办全球首发。对于这样的产品,一些游戏玩家表示非常欢迎。采访: 消费者平时打游戏蛮多的,有一个杯托设计可以放杯子,夹在桌子上,平时家里有养宠物,家里打游戏猫会跳上来,杯子会倒,很烦人。I play games very frequently, and I like acup holder that I can attach to the desk. I have a cat at home, and it willjump on my desk when I'm playing and knock the cup off.  Really annoying.With people encouraged to stay at homeduring the upcoming Spring Festival, the gaming sector is expected to witnessanother boom. The National Press and Publication Administration has alreadyauthorized 84 domestically developed games【国产游戏】 so far this year. But large as the gaming market is, the furnishings providersare looking beyond just that.  过年期间,人们将继续被鼓励减少外出,这可能为游戏行业带来新一轮的增长。今年以来,国家新闻出版总署已经批准了84款国产游戏。 但是,尽管游戏行业有着巨大的市场,家具产商所追求的不仅于此。采访: Anna Pawlak-Kuliga, 宜家(中国) CEO Anna Pawlak-Kuliga, CEO and President ///IKEA China We design and develop the range in China inShanghai, and in IKEA development centers. So, it shows our commitment ofconfidence for this market and also the fact that we look in to the future withoptimism. We know that of course, China market is very diverse. We have manycustomer segments. We try to fit to the demand of many.这个电竞系列产品是在宜家的上海产品研发中心设计开发的。这表示,我们对这个市场充满信心,对未来的发展前景十分乐观。中国市场是非常多元化的,这一点毋庸置疑。我们有许多不同的客户群。我们尝试着满足多数人的需求。
2/4/20212 minutes, 19 seconds
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02/03 ShanghaiLive丨满园春色关不住,“立春”其实刚上路

《中国天文年历》显示,北京时间2月3日22时59分将迎来“立春”节气。The "Start of Spring" 【立春】is the first of the 24 traditional Chinese solar terms【节气】.立春是农历二十四节气之首。The Chinese character“立”means“launch; start; or establish”and ordinary people in ancientChina considered the day as the beginning of the year. An old Chinese sayinggoes, 一年之际在于春,“a year’s plan starts with spring”.“立”是“开始、建立”的意思。古人认为这一天是新的一年的开始。俗话常说:一年之计在于春。Flowers begin to bloom and it's a good timefor people to go outdoors, which is called 春游 or 踏春 in Chinese.立春时节,春暖花开,万物勃发,适宜人们出游踏春。In many parts of China, people observe thecustom of "biting the spring"【咬春】 on thefirst day of the "Start of Spring" term. People eat traditional foodlike radishes,and spring rolls, hoping that a smoothbeginning to the year will bring good luck all year long.在中国的许多地方,人们在立春时还遵循“咬春”的习俗,会吃萝卜、春卷一类的传统食物,希望来年顺风顺水、好运常伴。Another custom is "whipping the springox". 【鞭春牛】A sculpture of an ox made of paper, mud,or clay is beaten by farmers with colorful clubs or whips, this symbolicallyannounces the start of spring and symbolizes a wish for a good harvest. And… the year of the Ox【牛年】 is on the way.立春的另一个习俗是鞭春牛。人们会用彩色的鞭子鞭打用纸、泥或是粘土做成的“牛”。这象征着春天的开始,祈愿新的一年五谷丰收。牛年就要到了!预祝大家牛年大吉,牛气冲天!立春到了,让我们一起迎接春暖花开!#热词加油站Start of Spring 立春solar term 节气a year's plan starts with spring 一年之计在于春biting the spring 咬春whipping the spring ox 鞭春牛the year of the Ox 牛年
2/3/20211 minute, 19 seconds
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02/01 ShanghaiLive丨7部贺岁片热闹开售!《唐探3》预售过亿一骑绝尘

CINEMAS PREPARE FOR BUSY SPRING FESTIVALPERIOD春节档预售两日票房破亿!“Detective Chinatown 3”你抢到了吗?NEWS ON 1/29Welcome to thisweekend edition of Shanghai Live, I'm Wang Yin.欢迎收听周末版《直播上海》,我是王吟/ICS新闻主播。Tickets for sevenfilms for the 2021 Spring Festival holiday went on sale at 8am today. By 5pm,sales had topped【超过】57 millionyuan with "Detective Chinatown 3"【唐人街探案3】 leadingthe way【一路领先】with 43 millionyuan. Zhang Hong takes a look at how cinemas are preparing.今天早上8点,2021春节档预售开启。 截至下午五点,七部影片已产生超过5700万票房,《唐人街探案3》以4300多万的成绩一骑绝尘。记者张泓带我们看看电影院的准备情况。 (更新到2月1日上午十点最新数据:春节档预售票房已达1.55亿元,《唐探3》为1.18亿元位列第一)At Grand Theater onWest Nanjing Road, janitors【保洁人员】were busy disinfecting【消毒】the cinema. Moviegoers【影迷】will needto show their health QR code before entering the cinema, according to a newpandemic control regulation.在大光明电影院,保洁人员在对影院各个部位消毒、大扫除。根据上海的影院防疫新规,观众需扫影院码后方可入场。Hu Chen, Assistant toGeneral Manager, Grand TheaterEach person'sinformation will be sent directly to the CDC (Centers forDisease Control)【疾控中心】. Ourcinema does not have the right to the information, so people don't need toworry about privacy【隐私】.胡谌 大光明电影院总经理助理每个观众的信息会直接到后台防控办,这个我们影院是没有权力去调取的,所以不用担心隐私问题。Some cinemas may setup separate movie hall codes in case the CDC needs to track people down【追踪】. Industry insiders【业内人士】are stillconfident about the holiday boxoffice【票房】despite a 75percent cap【封顶】on seating capacity【上座率】.有的影院还会在每个影厅门口再设一个影厅码,方便疾控中心发现问题后追溯,尽管每场上座率不能超过75%,业内人士仍然对春节档的票房充满信心。Jin Hui,General-Secretary, Grand TheaterWe are expectinglarge audiences【观众】just likewe did during the National Day holiday. But we need to take pandemic controlsseriously while providing a comfortable atmosphere【氛围】for viewers to enjoythe films. 金辉 上海市电影发行放映行业协会秘书长从"十一"(国庆档)观影的情况来看,观众还是会比较多的。但我们需要认真进行疫情防控工作,同时为观众提供一个舒适的观影氛围。Other Spring Festivalreleases include "Endgame"【人潮汹涌】 and "Assassin in Red"【刺杀小说家】, both wereshot in Shanghai. 春节档上映的影片还包括《人潮汹涌》和《刺杀小说家》,都是在上海拍摄的。 #热词加油站janitor /ˈdʒænɪtər/ n. 门卫,清洁工disinfect /ˌdɪsɪnˈfekt/ v. 给...消毒moviegoer /ˈmuːviɡoʊər/ 影迷,电影观众box office 票房 
2/1/20211 minute, 30 seconds
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01/29 ShanghaiLive丨抖音pay上线!新移动支付你会用吗?

NEW PAYMENTS PROVIDERS ENTERING CHINA'SMOBILE MARKET抖音pay上线!新移动支付你会用吗? NEWS ON 1/28Welcome to Money Talks, I’m Timothy Pope.欢迎收听今天的《财道》,我是TimothyPope/ICS财经主播。The short video app Douyin has just entered China's massive digital payments market【数字支付市场】 witha new mobile service, looking to tap into the sector which is already dominated by【由……占主导地位】 giants Alipayand WeChat Pay. Zhang Shixuan finds out how new players are hoping to corner ashare of the business for themselves.短视频app抖音带着自己全新的移动支付服务,入局中国庞大的数字支付市场,希望进入已经被支付宝和微信支付两大巨头所主导的领域。移动支付行业的“新人”如何让自己在市场中占有一席之地?ICS记者张诗璇带来报道。 Douyin's new payment service allows users to link cards from 10 banks totip livestreaming【网络直播】 hosts,purchase paid content, and also buy stuff from the app's e-commerce offers.Douyin previously used only WeChat Pay and Alipay, but now its payments areprocessed by Ulpay(Union Life Pay), a Hubei-based firm that Douyin'sowner Bytedance【字节跳动】 reportedlyapplied to buy in 2018. Now that Douyin can boast 600 million daily activeusers, experts say the timing was right to launch its own payment servicebecause it will help cement【巩固】 theloyalty of its user base.新的抖音支付服务目前支持十家银行卡的绑定,用户可以通过抖音支付给直播的主播打赏、购买付费内容,还可以在抖音电商中购买商品。抖音此前只使用微信支付和支付宝,但现在其支付可由总部位于湖北的武汉合众易宝科技有限公司提供服务。据报道,抖音母公司字节跳动于2018年申请收购该公司。如今,抖音拥有6亿的日活跃用户,专家表示,这正是推出自己的支付服务的绝佳时机,因为这将有助于巩固其用户基础的忠诚度。 According to a report by Hua Chuang Securities, China's mobile payment marketwas expected to have surpassed【超越】 600trillion yuan in 2020 and will continue to enjoy high-speed growth. And Douyinis far from the only company trying to move into digital payments. Bilibili hasjust registered its own payment domainname【域名】. Pinduoduo has justacquired its payment trademark【商标】, andin-app payments are already available for Meituan and Didi. All the newentrants could be well positioned to take advantage of the government's crackdown【打击】 on monopoly【垄断】 practicesin the country's internet finance sector.根据华创证券的一份报告,截止至2020年,中国移动支付市场规模预计超过600万亿元,并将继续高速增长。抖音并不是唯一一家试图进入数字支付领域的公司。哔哩哔哩刚刚完成了自己的支付域名备案。拼多多刚刚注册了其支付商标。美团和滴滴已经在app内上线自己的数字钱包。中国政府对互联网金融领域垄断行为的打击,或许是新入场的移动支付企业的绝佳契机。#热词加油站digital payments market 数字支付市场dominate /ˈdɑːmɪneɪt/  v. 控制;支配;在…中占主要地位livestream /ˈlaɪvstriːm/ v. 网络直播cement /sɪˈment/ v. 巩固domain name 域名trademark /ˈtreɪdmɑːrk/ n. 商标monopoly /məˈnɑːpəli/ n. 垄断;垄断者;专卖权#关于cement的冷知识“cement”作为名词,表示“水泥”,例如:cement concrete 水泥混凝土cement paste 水泥浆cement floor 水泥地面“cement”作为动词,可以表示“把…粘合”,常常被引申为表示“巩固、加强”。例:共同的目标可以让一个群体更团结。Collective goals can help cement solidarity.和同义词“consolidate”、“enhance”、“make sth. stronger”相比,cement更富有画面感~cement后常接表示“关系”的名词,比如: relationship, bond, friendship, tie, connection等等。cement的这种用法也是《经济学人》中的常客哦~ 你学会了吗? 
1/29/20211 minute, 45 seconds
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01/28 ShanghaiLive丨2021中国健身趋势调查发布,你赶上fitness trend了吗?

2021 CHINA FITNESS TRENDS SURVEY REPORTRELEASED2021中国健身趋势调查发布,你赶上fitness trend了吗?NEWS ON 1/28Welcome to this edition of ShanghaiLive,I’m Aixinjueluo Bei.欢迎收听今天的《直播上海》,我是爱新觉罗·贝/ICS新闻主播。With the number of obese【肥胖的】 people in China continuing to rise, burning extra calories【卡路里】 is the top fitness trend【健身趋势】 for2021, according to a report jointly published by Shanghai University ofSport【上海体育学院】 and the American College of SportsMedicine【美国运动医学会】. The report looks at 20 fitness trends.Song Wenjing has the story.上海体育学院和美国运动医学会联合发布一份调查报告,公布了20种大众健身趋势。随着中国肥胖人口数量的持续上升,燃烧更多卡路里将是2021年最热门的健身趋势。记者宋雯婧带来报道。The 2021 China Fitness Trends Survey wasbased on 3,368 online questionnaires【问卷】 collectedby fitness industry insiders【业内人士】. It listsexercise for weight loss as the top trend.《2021年中国健身趋势》收集了健身行业业内人士的3368份在线问卷,“减重运动”名列榜首。The most recent government statistics【数据】 published on December 23rd, show that over 50 percent of the adultpopulation are overweight【超重的】 or obese.12月23日公布的最新政府统计数据显示,中国超过50%的成年人超重或肥胖。Almost 20 percent of children andteenagers are classified as【被列为】 overweight orobese. Experts say rising awareness【意识】 about thehealth problems obesity causes is the main reason more people want to loseweight. The pandemic has also demonstrated【证明】 theimportance of being healthy and having a strong immune system【免疫系统】.近20%的儿童和青少年也属于超重或肥胖之列。专家表示,越来越多的人想要减肥,主要是对肥胖引起的健康问题的关注度不断提升。这次疫情也证明了保持健康和拥有强大免疫系统的重要性。中国健身趋势调查课题组代表 黎涌明With people's physical space limited whilebeing quarantined【隔离】 at home, weight gain hasbeen an issue, so that in turn has promoted the idea of weight loss. So losingweight through a healthy diet【健康饮食】,and aerobic exercise【有氧运动】 are expected to be thetop trends this year.由于被隔离在家中,活动空间有限,体重增加成了一个问题,这反过来又促进了人们减肥的想法。因此,通过健康饮食和有氧运动减肥有望成为今年的流行趋势。#热词加油站obese /oʊˈbiːs/ adj. 肥胖的,过胖的calorie /ˈkæləri/ n. 卡路里(热量单位)fitness trend 健身趋势questionnaire /ˌkwestʃəˈner/ n. 问卷;调查表immune system /ɪˈmjuːn ˈsɪstəm/ 免疫系统aerobic exercise /eˈroʊbɪk ˈeksərsaɪz/ 有氧运动#关于Aerobic Exercise的冷知识Q: 在家能做哪些有氧运动呢?At-home aerobicsRunning/jogging 跑步/慢跑Walking 走路Dancing 舞蹈Rope Jumping 跳绳Q: 去健身房能做哪些有氧运动呢?Aerobic gym exercisesStair stepper 踏步机Swimming 游泳Elliptical machine 椭圆机Aerobic class 有氧健身班Cardio dance class 有氧舞蹈课Indoor cycling 室内自行车Cardio kickboxing 有氧拳击操Q: 有氧运动和无氧运动有什么差别?先从英语开始学起~有氧运动叫AerobicExercise,那么无氧运动叫什么呢?无氧运动叫Anaerobic Exercise,注意这个否定前缀an。有氧运动,顾名思义“有氧气”,需要大量呼吸空气,它对心、肺是很好的锻炼,可以增强肺活量和心脏功能。而无氧运动的最大特征是:运动时氧气的摄取量非常低。由于速度过快及爆发力过猛,人体内的糖分来不及经过氧气分解,而不得不依靠“无氧供能”。通过无氧运动可以提高机体的肌肉力量、爆发力、增加肌肉体积,提高运动速度。
1/28/20211 minute, 32 seconds
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01/26 ShanghaiLive丨财经动物园之“瞪羚”来了!

TWO SESSION BUZZWORDS: THE GAZELLE FIRMS, LEAPING AHEAD财经动物园之“瞪羚”来了!NEWS ON 1/25Welcome to MoneyTalks, I'm Wang Lihuan.欢迎收听今天的《财道》,我是王黎欢 / ICS财经主播During the two legislative meetings this year, some new buzzwords【流行词】are coming up among political advisors and delegates. One of them is gazelle company【瞪羚企业】, referring to a small firm with big developmental potential【发展潜力】. There are quite some of these in Shanghai, and Chen Tong takes a closer look.今年上海两会的委员和代表们口中出现了一些新的流行词,“瞪羚企业”就是其中之一,指的是具有高成长性的中小企业,上海就有不少这样的瞪羚企业,记者陈童带来报道。People have been using animals to describe the financial world – unicorn companies【独角兽企业】, bull markets【牛市】, bear markets【熊市】and the herd effect【羊群效应】. And now there's a new one – the Gazelle Company. Gazelles are great athletes – they run very fast and leap【跳跃】very high.人们常常用动物来形容金融世界,独角兽公司、牛市、熊市、羊群效应,现在又有了一个新伙伴——瞪羚企业,瞪羚可谓是非常强大的“运动员”,它们跑得非常快,跳得非常高。So a gazelle company refers to【指的是】a young fast-growing business of relatively small size. Gazelle companies are often found in the technology industry, but also in retail, apparel, or food and beverage.瞪羚企业指的是年轻的、规模相对较小但成长速度飞快的企业,科技圈不乏瞪羚企业,在零售、服装和食品饮料行业中也有不少。Shanghai-based Foyoung Technology is such an animal. While the drone【无人机】market has been flying high for some years, the demand for Foyoung's product – an automatic parking apron【停机坪】for drones – has also been surging. Drones can be conveniently stored【储存】inside the white box, and can be launched and recovered there as well. The firm was just established【成立】in 2018 with only 20 staff, but now has some 100 people working nationwide. 总部设在上海的复亚智能就是一家瞪羚企业,随着无人机市场近年来的飞速增长,对公司产品无人机自动机场的需求也同步激增。无人机可以便捷地存放在自动机场的“白盒子”内,也可以在“白盒子”里进行起飞和修复,公司在2018年成立时只有20名员工,目前在全国已有100名左右的员工。The pandemic increased demand for drone surveillance【无人机监测】, but more importantly, the company's founder says demand was already on the increase before the virus appeared.疫情爆发使得无人机监测的需求大增,但公司创始人表示,在此之前 无人机的需求已经有所增加。#热词加油站buzzword /ˈbʌzwɜːrd/ n. 流行词 gazelle /ɡə'zel/ company/firm 瞪羚企业leap /liːp/ v. 跳跃refer to 指的是drone /droʊn/ n. 无人机parking apron 停机坪store /stɔːr/ v. 储存drone surveillance 无人机监测# 关于金融圈“动物们”的冷知识今天的冷知识让我们一起来认识金融圈的那些“动物们”1. Bull Market  牛市“牛市”指的是上涨的市场因为牛角尖尖向上牛本身也象征财富、力量和希望人们用“牛市”形容股市大涨长红2. Bear Market  熊市“熊市”也称空头市场指行情普遍看淡、延续时间较长的大跌市人们用“熊”表示下跌的深层意义在于股市的调整不受人的心意而左右就像熊很难被驯化一样3. Unicorn Firm  独角兽企业在投资领域投资人将估值超10亿美元的初创企业称为“独角兽”如果遇到了他们很可能大赚一笔独角兽用来表示这样的企业很难寻觅4. Black Swan  黑天鹅欧洲人直到17世纪才在澳大利亚发现了黑天鹅打破了“天鹅都是白色的”这个牢不可破的信念因此“黑天鹅”指的是罕见却影响巨大的风险往往能引发颠覆性的后果5. Gray Rhino  灰犀牛“灰犀牛”常常用来指代人们习以为常的风险你以为能够掌控它 让它对你不产生威胁但是灰犀牛一旦向你狂奔而来也会带来极大地破坏力
1/26/20211 minute, 37 seconds
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01/21 ShanghaiLive丨终于有姓名,往后就叫 Chinese Baijiu

CHINESE LIQUOR LIGHTS UP BUYERS AND INVESTORS, GETS A LEGAL NAME获消费者和投资者青睐——“中国白酒”终于有姓名NEWS ON 01/20Welcome to Money Talks, I'm Timothy Pope. 欢迎收听《财道》,我是Timothy Pope/ ICS财经主持人. Chinese media have discovered that the country's famous strong liquors -- baijiu -- have finally gotten an official name from the customs administration. They're now legally “baijiu", a direct reading of the Chinese. For some time now the brands have been lighting up both the retail and the capital markets, and Chen Tong takes a spirited look at both.中国媒体发现,中国海关商品名录中已将中国著名烈酒——白酒的对应英文名正式更改为“Baijiu”,即白酒的汉语拼音。近来,中国白酒在零售和资本市场的表现都十分亮眼,请记者陈童带来详细报道。If you've ever had it, you'll never forget it. Born in China's Sichuan and Guizhou provinces and with an alcohol content of more than 30 percent, China's own spirits go straight to your head.一口难忘———诞生于四川和贵州,酒精含量超过30%的中国白酒,非常上头! Chen Tong, Reporter陈童,《财道》记者In the past, China's customs administration has always called the Chinese baijiu “Chinese distilled【蒸馏的】 spirits". But starting this year, Chinese baijiu have finally had their name officially recognized as Chinese baijiu. One of the important reasons behind the change is baijiu's increasing popularity with the public.过去,在中国海关商品名录中,中国白酒的英文名称被翻译为 “Chinese distilled spirits", 也就是“中国蒸馏酒”。但从今年开始,中国白酒的对应英文名将统一为“Chinese Baijiu”。更名背后的重要原因之一在于白酒的知名度越来越高。 With the Spring Festival fast approaching, sales of baijiu have been surging【激增】in this shop -- tripling the sales at other times of the year. Baijiu prices have also been rising steadily too. The wholesale price of one bottle of the premium【高档】brand Kweichou Moutai is now more than 3,000 yuan, hundreds more than it was just last year.随着春节的临近,白酒在这家商店的销售额持续激增,是一年中其它时间的三倍。白酒价格也一直稳步上涨。一瓶特级贵州茅台酒的批发价现在已经超过3000元,比去年上涨了数百元。 The strong liquor is turning in not only strong sales to consumers, but also strong equity 【股票】performance for investors. Despite a bit of profit-taking【获利抛售】recently, the share price of Kweichou Moutai rose more than 70 percent last year, while that of Wuliangye jumped by more than 120 percent.劲道十足的白酒不仅带动了消费者的强劲消费,对投资者来说,白酒股的表现也十分抢眼。除了近来出现部分获利抛售的现象之外,去年贵州茅台的股价上涨了70%以上,五粮液的股价上涨幅度也超过了120%。 And the capital markets seem to think that the more baijiu they have, the happier they will be. New brands including Jiangxiaobai and Guxiaojiu have all gotten financial backing within the last year.看起来,白酒股可以说是资本市场的宠儿,越多越好。2020年,包括江小白和谷小酒在内的新品牌都融资成功。#热词加油站surge /sɜːdʒ/v.  急剧上升、激增premium  /ˈpriːmiəm/adj. 高昂的、优质的equity /ˈekwəti/n. (公司的)资产净值、普通股profit-takingn.[金融] 获利抛售#“会上头”的冷知识Liquor 和 Spirits 有没有区别?日常可以通用,都翻作“烈酒”一定要说不同的话根据柯林斯字典的解释liquor可以泛指一切酒精饮料,包括烈酒spirit+s 复数形式表示“烈酒”通常指的都是“蒸馏酒”↓↓↓由谷物、果蔬等原料发酵而成的酒度数较低但如过在酒精发酵 【alcoholic fermentation】的基础上再进一步蒸馏提纯【distillation】就可以得到风味浓烈的高度酒连名字都特别生猛——诸如“烧刀子” “老白干”都是蒸馏酒不过 我们再也不用纠结白酒到底是叫 Chinese liquor还是Chinese spirits啦!以后请叫它“Chinese Baijiu”!
1/21/20211 minute, 57 seconds
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01/18 ShanghaiLive丨UP! 70城房价报告出炉

CHINA’S HOUSING PRICES REMAINMODERATE IN DECEMBERNEWS ON 01/15Welcometo Money Talks, I'm Wang Lihuan. 欢迎收听《财道》,我是ICS财经主播王黎欢。China continuedto see a generally stable housing market【房地产市场】inDecember, with home prices in 70 major cities showing mild month-on-month【环比】increases.去年12月,中国房地产市场保持总体平稳,70个大中城市商品住宅环比价格稳中略涨。 National Bureauof Statistics data released today show new homes prices in four first-tier cities【一线城市】:Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, climbed by 0.3 percentmonth-on-month in December, 0.1 percentage points faster than in the previousmonth.国家统计局15日发布的数据显示,四个一线城市北京、上海、广州、深圳十二月的新建商品住宅销售价格环比上涨0.3%,涨幅比上月扩大0.1个百分点。 During the sameperiod, the country's second-tier cities【二线城市】and third-tier cities【三线城市】witnessedmonth-on-month rises of only 0.1 percent in new home prices.同期,中国二、三线城市新建商品住宅销售价格环比上涨仅0.1%。 Resold home【二手房】prices in first-tiercities were up 0.6 percent month-on-month in December, while prices in secondand third-tier cities had month-on-month increases of only 0.1 percent and 0.2percent respectively【分别】.去年12月,一线城市二手住宅销售价格环比上涨0.6%,而二、三线城市仅分别上涨0.1%和0.2%。 On an annual basis【同比】,new home prices in first-tier cities went up 3.9 percent last month, whilethose in second-tier cities rose 4 percent. Resold homes in first-tier citiesgrew 8.6 percent year-on-year【同比】, expanding by 0.3 percentage points fromthe growth seen in November.与2019年12月相比,一线城市新建商品住宅销售价格同比上涨3.9%,二线城市同比上涨4%。一线城市二手住宅销售价格同比上涨8.6%,涨幅比上月扩大0.3个百分比。#热词加油站month-on-month环比year-on-year同比first-tier/tɪr/ city 一线城市resold home 二手房respectively /rɪˈspektɪvli/adv. 分别#爱“比”的冷知识「同比」year-on-year与历史「同时期]比较,例如2021年1月份与2020年1月份相比较。「环比」month-on-month与「上一个」统计周期比较,例如2020年12月份与2020年11月份相比较。
1/18/20211 minute, 12 seconds
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01/13 ShanghaiLive | 新能源车大卖!一月汽车市场淡季不淡的背后

The new year is usually considered the slowseason for car sales, but automakers are fully charged up about launching newelectric models. Analysts expect this year to be the turning point for majorcar manufacturers to push out a host of EVs. Sun Siqi takes a look.新年通常被认为是汽车销售的淡季但汽车制造商对推出新的电动车型充满了热情分析人士预计今年将是各大汽车制造商推出大量新能源车的关键转折点孙思奇带来详细报道OnJanuary 1st, US car manufacturer Tesla announced they are taking reservationsfor its Shanghai-made Model Y, with a significant price reduction compared toits imported counterpart. In just 12 days, the wait list for delivery isalready well into the second quarter.1月1日 美国汽车制造商特斯拉宣布上海产特斯拉Model Y全新上线开始接受预订与进口Model Y相比 价格大幅下调短短12天预定火爆交付时间已经排到今年二季度The first quarter is usually a slow seasonas automakers【汽车制造商】 tendto be focused on wrapping up end-of year promotions. They usually chose tolaunch new models in April.第一季度通常是汽车销售淡季因为汽车厂商往往都在之前的年底促销活动中“发力”他们通常选择在四月份推出新车型AfterChina set goals at the end of 2020 for the reduction of the country's carbon emissions【碳排放】 after 2030, experts say this yearmight be the turning point, where high-end manufacturers, like BMW, MercedesBenz and Audi, would launch a slew of【大量】electric models.中国于2020年底制定目标表示在2030年后将减少碳排放专家表示今年可能是一个转折点因为宝马、奔驰和奥迪等高端汽车制造商都将推出一系列电动车型On December 31st, 2020, the nationannounced subsidies【补贴】onEVs this year that will reduce by 20 percent. In Shanghai, people who purchasean EV still get their license plate【牌照】 for free. Analysts expect the policy to remain thesame for the next two years.2020年12月31日国家印发通知 表示2021年新能源汽车补贴标准在2020年基础上退坡20%在上海 购买新能源车仍然可以免费获得牌照分析人士预计这一政策在未来两年保持不变#热词加油站automaker:[ˈɔːtəʊmeɪkə(r)]n. 汽车制造商a slew of:大量、许多carbon emission:碳排放subsidy [ˈsʌbsədi]n. 补贴;津贴;补助金license plate:汽车牌照EV/ElectricVehicles:电动汽车# 和车有关的冷知识大家注意到了吗在提到电动新能源车的时候常常会看到的一个词“EV”其实就是electric vehicle的缩写目前市面上常见的EV包括:Hybrid Electric Vehicle插电式混合动力汽车Battery Only Electric Vehicle纯电动汽车
1/14/20211 minute, 28 seconds
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01/12 ShanghaiLive | 春运不回家,企业发补贴请“你”留下

春运不回家,企业发补贴请“你”留下NEWS ON 1/11Aixinjueluo Bei / News Anchor:Welcome to this edition of ShanghaiLive, I'm Aixinjueluo Bei.欢迎收听今天的《直播上海》我是爱新觉罗·贝/ ICS 新闻主播Chinese authorities have been encouraging people to skip returning home 【避免返乡】for the Chinese New Year holiday, as the travel peak increases the risk of coronavirus infection. Companies in several cities including Ningbo and Xiamen are giving out allowances【津贴】 to encourage employees not to return to their hometown for the Spring Festival. Zhang Yue has more.由于春运高峰可能增加在途感染新冠的风险中国政府一直在鼓励公民春节期间避免返乡包括宁波和厦门等地的企业正给就地过年的员工发放补贴请看记者张乐的报道Yuan Hang, who is from Jinzhou City, Hubei Province has been working in Nantong City, Jiangsu Province for six years. Yuan was planning to visit Hubei during the Spring Festival, but she changed her mind as the city's disease control officials encouraged residents to reduce travel during the holiday. Yuan's parents also called and said staying healthy is the top priority【第一位】, so they completely understood her decision.从湖北荆州来的袁航已在江苏南通工作了六年袁航原来计划春节回湖北过年因为南通的疾控部门鼓励居民在假期中减少旅行袁航的父母也打电话告诉她健康是第一位的所以完全理解她的决定Yuan Hang, Food Quality Coordinator袁航 食品协管员Of course I want to go home for the Spring Festival. However, I work for a social  community, and the community might need me during the holiday. So I decided to stay.本来的话是想回家过年我们毕竟是在街道工作因为疫情的发展 说不定我们过年的时候也需要忙于工作所以我决定留在这边Some companies in Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province are giving out transportational allowances for employees who stay in Ningbo for Chinese New Year.浙江宁波的部分企业正给就地过年的职工发放补贴In Huzhou City, Zhejiang Province, 31 coordinators have been dispatched【派遣】by a social community to visit commanies, and learn what they need to help employees from other parts of the country to stay for the holiday【就地过年】.在浙江湖州当地街道派出了31名助企服务员与企业对接了解他们的需要以帮助外地员工就地过年In Xiamen City, Fujian Province, labor union officials are also giving out【发放】a  transportational allowance to encourage  employees to stay for the holiday, and then go back to their hometown at a later date.在福建厦门工会领导正发放交通补贴鼓励员工就地过年 错峰返乡热词加油站skip returning home 避免返乡allowance   /əˈlaʊəns/ n. 奖金、津贴top priority /praɪˈɒrəti/ 第一位、优先dispatch /dɪˈspætʃ/ v. 派遣stay for the holiday 就地过节give out 发放、分发# 那些“在途的”冷知识今天的冷知识 学习一下英语中有关交通和通勤的常用词上下班高峰 rush hour/traffic peak大客流 large passenger flow低峰 low peak错峰出行staggered shifts/travelstagger本身是蹒跚的意思也可以解释为错开工作或假期staggered shift/travel指错峰上班或出行最后说一句家里蹲也能很精彩啊 Stay at home can be fun!
1/12/20211 minute, 56 seconds
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01/11 ShanghaiLive | 高甜!“中国罗曼史”《浮生六记》你看了吗?昆曲版本周上演!

高甜!感动无数老外的“中国罗曼史”你看了吗?昆曲版本周上演!NEWS ON 1/7Wang Yin / News Anchor:Welcome to this edition of ShanghaiLive, I'm Wang Yin.欢迎收听今天的《直播上海》我是王吟 /ICS新闻主播An updated versionof the Kunqu Opera, "Six Chapters of a Floating Life", will be stagedat Shanghai Grand Theater on January 15th and 16th. It's based on the literaryworks of Qing Dynasty scholar and writer Shen Fu. Song Wenjing has more.新版昆曲《浮生六记》将于2021年1月15日至16日于上海大剧院上演该剧目改编自清代学者 作家沈复的作品《浮生六记》请听来自记者宋雯婧的报道Shen Fu's  book"Six Chapters of a Floating Life" contains autobiographical【自传体的】 sketches about himself and his wife ChenYun. It originally had six chapters covering the couple's life, both their joysand sorrows.《浮生六记》是沈复的自传体式作品描绘了他与妻子陈芸的生平原著分六卷记录下两人生活中的悲喜点滴Compared with theoriginal that premiered【首次公演】in July 2019, this version is shorter and allcostumes have been redesigned to better depict【描绘、描述】the moods of the characters.比起上海大剧院2019年7月首演的版本新版更加精练剧中所有的衣饰都重新设计过 以更好地表现角色的情绪Ma Junfeng, DirectorSix Chapters of a Floating Life导演 马俊丰We also did someminor changes to the stage setting to better focus on the rich emotions of thecharacters.在舞台上我们也做了一些精简希望能在有限的几幕戏中非常浓度高的把舞台上的质感体现出来Co-presented【联合出品】by Jiangsu Performing Arts Group, the play isthe first Kunqu Opera production created by Shanghai Grand Theater. TheShanghai version was adapted by a young team, including scriptwriter Luo Zhou,and director Ma Junfeng, both of whom are considered among the best of theirgeneration. It also adds a contemporary【现代的】context to the classic art【古典艺术】.与江苏省演艺集团联合出品的昆曲《浮生六记》是上海大剧院的第一部原创昆曲作品由一支非常年轻的团队对原著进行改编包括编剧罗周 以及导演马俊丰这两位都是同辈中的佼佼他们通过改编将古典艺术与现代语境融合在一起Zhang Xiaoding, General ManagerShanghai Grand Theatre上海大剧院总经理 张笑丁With the integrationand cultural exchange project in the Yangtze River Delta region, we hope todisplay an original theatrical production that can fully represent our Jiangnan(south of Yangtze river) culture to the public, so that's why we chose tocreate "Six Chapters of a Floating Life". Hopefully it will go ontour to other cities in China.上海大剧院创作这部戏也是希望联合长三角优质的演艺资源在上海大剧院的舞台上做一台能够充分体现江南文化的原创戏曲作品所以我们选择了《浮生六记》这个题材以后也会把这台昆曲带到更多的城市去演出The "SixChapters of a Floating Life" has been translated into many languages.Late author and scholar Lin Yutang first translated it into English in 1936. Heonce said the book captures the essence of a Chinese husband and wife's way oflife.《浮生六记》被先后翻译成多种语言而最早的外语译本是中国作家/学者 林语堂1936年的英文译本他曾经评价《浮生六记》中沈复和芸娘的夫妻生活之道大概是古典爱情中的最高理想# “超文艺的”冷知识“浮生”其实只有四记?原本是有6卷的。1877年初次出版之际,意外遗失了最后两卷。所以现存的译文均为前四卷的内容。“浮生”的铁粉林语堂“素好《浮生六记》,发愿译成英文,使世人略知中国一对夫妇之恬淡可爱生活”。“浮生”初见 1936年,林语堂的译文在《天下》连载,成为《浮生六记》最早的外语译本。《天下》——最早由中国人创办的英文月刊之一,在中国和英美均有发行。“浮生”世界 首个英译本面世之后,这本“中国人的罗曼史”先后被翻译成英、德、法、丹麦、瑞典、日、马来等多种外国语言。
1/11/20212 minutes, 3 seconds
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01/07 ShanghaiLive |全国多地提倡就地过年,退车票NOW FOR FREE

全国多地提倡就地过年,退车票NOW FOR FREENEWS ON 1/7He Jian / News Anchor:Welcome to this edition of ShanghaiLive,I’m He Jian.欢迎收听今天的《直播上海》,我是何健/ICS新闻主播。Shanghai railway officials said the servicefee on refunds(退款) will be waived for tickets purchased before today(1/7). The refundis designed to reduce large gatherings ahead of the Spring Festival, thecountry’s peak period for domestic(国内的) travel. Zhang Yue has more.上海铁路官方表示,在1月7日之前购买的车票,退票将免收退票手续费。退票的目的是为了减少春运的大规模聚集,而春运是国内出行的高峰期。记者张乐带来报道。Mr. Huang and his mother, who are fromShijiazhuang City, Hebei Province, came to Shanghai to visit relatives onemonth ago. They had train tickets to return tomorrow. Huang decided to get arefund.黄先生和他母亲来自河北省石家庄市,一个月前来上海探亲。他们本来买了明天回程的火车票。现在,黄先生决定办理退票手续。We should follow the government policies.We heard that our whole residential complex(居民小区) is closed and everyone must get testedfor the virus. We decided not to go back now.我们应该跟着政府的政策走。我们听说我们整个小区都被封掉了,每个人都必须接受核酸检测。我们决定现在不回去了。 Many people had already bought trainstickets to go back to their hometown or visit friends during the SpringFestival. However, some have changed their minds.很多人已经买了火车票,准备在春节期间回老家或者走亲访友。不过,有些人已经改变了主意。I haven’t gone back to Jiangxi for 20years. I was planning to go back to Nanchang for a party, and I bought round-triptickets(往返票) already. Now I got a refund, just to be safe.我已经20年没有回江西了。我本来打算回南昌聚聚,已经买好了往返票。现在为了保险起见,我退了票。Also, China Eastern Airlines, Air China,China Southern Airlines, and Juneyao Air are providing free ticket refunds onflights to Beijing. Those wanting to reschedule their flight(改签航班)can also do so without paying theusual service fee.此外,中国东方航空公司、中国国际航空公司、中国南方航空公司、吉祥航空等航空公司,对飞往北京的航班提供免费退票服务。想改签航班的旅客也可以不用像往常一样支付服务费。 #关于TICKET的冷知识TICKET的这些说法你造吗?one-way ticket单程票single ticket单程票return ticket往返票round-trip ticket往返票虽然return有退还的意思,但是returnticket可不是退票的意思,而是往返票的意思。因为退票的重点不是把票退回去,而是拿回支付的票款。refund是退款,所以我们一般都用 refund the ticket 或 get a refund for aticket 来表示退票,例:退火车票是refund the train ticket。 你学会了吗?
1/8/20211 minute, 27 seconds
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12/28 ShanghaiLive丨7000号待命!上海地铁家族又添丁

7000TH METRO TRAIN READY FOR SERVICE上海第7000列地铁列车准备出发The number of Metro trains in Shanghai exceeded 7,000 today, more than any other city in the world. The new trains are capable of autonomous driving 【自动驾驶】and have charging stations for your smartphone. Sun Siqi has the story.今天 上海地铁列车保有量正式突破7000辆大关列车保有量规模位居世界第一全新的列车采用无人驾驶模式并配备智能手机充电站请听来自记者孙思琦的报道The trains have improved air conditioning 【空调】so you won't feel cold or warm air blowing directly on you. Carriageshave adjustable colored lighting, and wireless charging stations for smartphones. The trains will run autonomously on lines 14, 15 and 18.列车改善了空调系统因此不会有冷风或者暖风直吹车厢上装有可调节的彩色照明灯以及为智能手机配备的的无线充电站列车将在14、15和18号线运行无人驾驶列车上海地铁维保有限公司车辆分公司项目经理 施浚珲The trains will drive themselves back to the base at night and pull out【驶离】to the main track in the morning.在全自动驾驶模式下列车可以自动回库进行休眠 然后早上自动发车到正线上There won't be a driver, but there will be someone on board to monitor the train's status in case of emergency. Line 10has already been running autonomously for six years.(列车中)不会有司机但车上会有人监控火车的状态以应对紧急状况10号线已经无人驾驶了六年上海地铁维保有限公司车辆分公司总经理 印祯民 0319 Line 10 is one of the only few autonomous subway routes in the world and transports more than one million passengers a day. After 10 years of experience, we've developed a mature management mechanism【机制】 for autonomous trains, and we're guided by these lessons in the construction of new lines.上海地铁10号线是唯一一条日客流超过百万的全自动驾驶线路经过10多年的探索我们形成了一套比较完整的关于全自动驾驶的运营管理体系和技术体系 指导了我们后续新线的建设和运营During the 14th Five-Year Plan period, Shanghai plans to have more than 1,000 kilometers of subway tracks, and will explore smart subway management technologies.在“十四五”期间上海计划拥有超过1000公里的地铁轨道并将探索智能地铁管理技术# 有趣的冷知识Pull out (车或驾驶者)驶离路边;退出(协议、比赛或组织)The trains will drive themselves back to the base at night and pull out to the main track in the morning.在全自动驾驶模式下,列车可以自动回库进行休眠 ,然后早上自动发车到正线上。Pull down 拆毁Pull in (车)停下,进站;(船)到岸Pull over 靠岸;靠边Pull off 驶向路边短暂停车;做成、完成(困难的事)Pull through (大病、手术等后)康复;渡过难关
12/29/20201 minute, 26 seconds
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12/29 ShanghaiLive丨“大魔王级”寒潮席卷全国,你还只会说“very very cold”吗?

COLDWAVE SWEEPS ACROSS CHINA“大魔王级”寒潮逼近Welcometo this edition of ShanghaiLive, I'm Wang Yin.欢迎收听今天的《直播上海》我是王吟 / ICS新闻主播Anorange alert【橙色预警】for a cold wave【寒潮】wasissued today, the highest in the three-tier system【三个等级】. As a strong cold front will sweep【横扫】acrossmost parts of central and eastern China, temperatures will drop by 12 to 16degrees Celsius【摄氏度】.寒潮预警升级为橙色这是寒潮预警的三个等级中的最高级别冷锋将席卷中国中部和东部大部分地区气温将跳水12至16摄氏度Inthe city of Shenyang in Liaoning Province, pedestrians【行人】arewearing thick coats. The temperature is forecast to drop by 8 to 12 degreesCelsius in the Northeast starting from today, pushing overnight lows down tobetween minus【零下的】20 and minus 25. Thecold wave is expected to reach Shandong tonight, bringing strong winds, snowand rain to the cities of Tai’an, Jinan and Zibo. Temperatures there willbottom out【降到最低点】at minus 10 to minus15.在辽宁省沈阳市路上的行人们裹着厚厚的外套预计从今天开始 东北地区的气温将下降8至12摄氏度夜间最低气温将降至零下20至零下25摄氏度之间寒潮预计今晚到达山东省泰安 济南 淄博等地将迎来大风 降雪和降雨天气气温降至零下10至零下15度Shanghaihad midday【中午】highs in themid-teens today, but temperatures here are forecast to drop below zero over thenext 36 to 48 hours. The lowest temperature for this week is expected to breaka 20-year record.今天中午 上海气温达到高点但预计在未来36至48小时上海的气温将降至冰点以下本周的最低气温预计将打破20年来同期纪录Thecity ran drills【演习】for snowfall thismorning. For the first time, the city's management, natural disasterpreparedness【预案】and weather forecastsystems were all included in the drills.今天上午 上海进行了暴雪应急演习市城运系统 自然灾害应对指挥系统气象先知系统之间首次三网融合参与演习Theintegration【融合】of the three networksenables us notify nearby rescue teams【抢险队伍】and assignemergency support and supplies as soon as possible.上海市应急管理局/章震宇现在 这个系统三网融合之后可以实现迅速(信息)传递一旦哪个地方出现应急情况的话我们就可以调动周边的抢险队伍抢险的物资 给予第一时间的支援Theantifreeze【防冻液】in buses will bechecked and they’ve been fueled with a specialized diesel【柴油】whichcan be used in temperatures as low as minus 5 degrees.公交行业将提前检查公交车防冻液加注专用柴油 可以在零下5度正常行驶 Alsotoday, an orange alert for fog【大雾】was issued inShanghai, the second-highest level. The air was moderately【中度地】pollutedby 11 am. Primary and middle schools had their PE lessons【体育课】indoors.Air disinfection was carried out regularly at schools.今天上海还发布了大雾橙色预警这是大雾预警的第二级别截止上午11点 空气质量中度污染小学和中学的体育课均改在室内进行校内会定时对空气进行消毒# “超冷的”冷知识当你要表达“超冷的”你该怎么说呢cold?very cold?very very cold?Stop it!小编为你准备了更多表达“冷”的方法1. crisp 凉爽crisp指的是干燥寒冷让人舒适的可以表达“有一点冷”2. nippy 凉快动词nip的意思是“掐或捏”nippy就比喻寒风刺骨般的感觉3. chilly 寒冷chilly指“天气或空间寒冷”也可以用来指人感觉到冷chilly多用来表达“令人不快的冷”4. frosty 严寒frosty用来形容的是“冷到结霜的天气”frost本身就是“霜、极冷天气”的意思5. freezing 极度寒冷freezing指的是“严寒的”常常指温度低于零度的天气可以说 freezing的冷是“大魔王”级别的哟!
12/29/20201 minute, 57 seconds
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12/25 ShanghaiLive丨“反转”英文怎么说?孙杨还能赶上东京奥运会吗?

NEWS ON 12/24Chen Xuan / News Anchor:Welcome to this edition of ShanghaiLive, I'm Chen Xuan.中午好!欢迎收听《直播上海》我是陈璇 / ICS新闻主播 The Swiss Federal Tribunal(瑞士联邦最高法院)has overturned (推翻) the Court of Arbitration for Sport's(CAS 国际体育仲裁法庭)ruling on Chinese swimmer Sun Yang, who had been banned(禁赛)for eight years for doping violations.(违反反兴奋剂条例)中国游泳运动员孙杨被CAS国际体育仲裁法庭裁定违反反兴奋剂条例,并禁赛8年。近日,瑞士联邦最高法院推翻了这一裁决。The CAS found the three-time Olympics champion, 29-year-old Sun Yang guilty in February of refusing to cooperate with sample collectors during a visit to his home in Hangzhou, Zhejiang in September, 2018. Sun then turned to the Swiss Federal Tribunal for appeal.今年2月,国际体育仲裁法庭对29岁的三届奥运金牌得主孙杨做出过错裁定。起因是2018年9月,孙杨在取样人员造访其杭州住所进行赛外反兴奋剂检查时拒检。孙杨随后向瑞士联邦最高法院提出上诉。The main question of the Swiss Federal Tribunal, concerns the Chairman of the 3 judge panel over the CAS hearing(听证会), 62-year-old former Italian Foreign Minister Franco Frattini, who, according to Sun's lawyers, has posted several allegedly racist comments on social media. This has led the Swiss Federal Tribunal to believe that it is possible Frattini did not run(举行) the hearing fairly or impartially. The CAS was then asked to reopen the case.(重新审理此案)瑞士联邦最高法院撤销CAS裁决的主要原因是三人仲裁团的主席,现年62岁的意大利前外交部长——弗兰科·弗拉蒂尼,被孙杨的律师发现曾多次在社交媒体上发表过针对中国人的种族歧视言论。这使得瑞士联邦最高法院质疑弗拉蒂尼在“孙杨事件”上的公正性。随后,国际体育仲裁法庭被要求重新审理此案。 In a public hearing held by the CAS in November 2019, Sun said the Doping Control Officer(兴奋剂检查官) and her assistants lacked sufficient authorization and credentials. One lawyer said the overturning of the Swiss tribunal has gained some precious time for Sun to possibly compete at Olympics.在2019年11月国际体育仲裁法庭举行的公开听证会上,孙杨表示兴奋剂检查官及其助手缺乏足够的资质证明。一位律师说,瑞士最高院的翻案,为孙杨赢得了参加奥运会的宝贵时间。If the results of the hearing come after the Tokyo games, and the results of the second hearing also find Sun guilty of doping,  Sun's scores at Tokyo Olympics will be invalidated(使无效), and he'd be stripped of(被剥夺)any medals he would have won.如果第二次听证会的结果在东京奥运会之后公布,且仍然维持原判,那么孙杨在东京奥运会上的成绩将作废,所获奖牌将被剥夺。
12/25/20201 minute, 41 seconds
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12/24 ShanghaiLive丨一半国人体重超标!Overweight/Obese你在哪个段位

OVERHALF OF CHINESE ADULTS OBESE OR OVERWEIGHT中国超一半成年人超重或肥胖Welcome to this edition of ShanghaiLive, I’mChen Xuan.欢迎收听今天的《直播上海》我是陈璇 / ICS新闻主播According to a report released by the NationalHealth Commission, more than half of adult Chinese residents are obese【 病态肥胖的】 oroverweight, owing to unhealthy diets and static【静态的】lifestyles.国家卫健委公布的报告显示由于不健康饮食和缺少运动中国超一半的成年人处于肥胖或超重的状态Data shows China's dietary fat intake continues toincrease. The average oil and salt used by Chinese families is much higher thanthe recommended level. Teenagers and children are consuming too many sugarydrinks.数据显示 中国膳食脂肪摄入量持续增加中国家庭的平均油盐使用量远高于建议水平青少年和儿童喝了太多含糖饮料More than 50 percent of Chinese citizens aged 18and older are overweight or obese. The number for juveniles【少年】 between 6 and 17 years old is nearly 20 percent,and for children under 6 years old just over 10 percent. The obesity rate inChina has been climbing fast, and the overall prevalence is very high, bulging【隆起的】 waistlines are affecting the entire population.中国疾病预防控制中心营养学首席专家赵文华指出我国成年居民超重肥胖人数比例超过50%6到17岁的儿童青少年接近20%6岁以下的儿童则稍高于10%中国的超重肥胖率快速爬升整体流行水平较高超重肥胖正在影响所有人In a survey on nutrition and chronic【慢性的】diseases covering nearly 600 million people thatwas conducted between 2015 and 2019. The data shows a reduction in the gapbetween urban and rural areas on physical growth and malnutrition【营养不良】. Comparedto the data released in 2015, males between 18 and 44 years old are 1.2centimeters taller on average, while females are 0.8 centimeters taller. Thedelay in development of children in rural areas due to poor nutrition wasradically improved, and China's premature mortality rate【过早死亡率】caused by major chronic diseases decreased eachyear.据2015年至2019年间一项覆盖近6亿人的营养和慢性病的调查显示城乡之间 在身体发育和营养不良方面的差距正在缩小与2015年数据相比18岁至44岁的男性平均高出1.2厘米而女性平均高出0.8厘米农村儿童由于营养不良引起发育迟缓的情况得到根本改善重大慢性病导致的过早死亡率逐年下降In 2019, Chinese residents' premature mortalityrate caused by cardiovascular【心血管的】diseases, cancer, chronic respiratory【呼吸的】diseases and diabetes was 16.5 percent, 2 percentlower than 2018.国家卫生健康委副主任李斌指出2019年,我国居民因心脑血管疾病 癌症慢性呼吸系统疾病和糖尿病等四类重大慢性病导致的过早死亡率为16.5%与2015年的18.5%相比下降了2个百分点Data from the World Health Organization showed that60 percent of chronic disease was related to an unhealthy lifestyle. Expertssay that physical exercise and good nutritional habits go a long way to savepeople from preventable diseases and illnesses.世界卫生组织的数据显示60%的慢性病与不健康的生活方式有关专家们指出体育锻炼和良好的营养习惯对预防疾病和疾病有长远的帮助# 有趣的冷知识生活中常常听到的BMI是指身体质量指数【Body mass index】是目前国际上常用的衡量人体胖瘦程度以及是否健康的一个标准计算公式为:BMI=体重指数BMI=体重(千克)÷身高(米)²在我国,一般来说BMI在18.5-24为正常24-28为超重(overweight)28以上为肥胖(obese)收藏文稿图片↓
12/24/20202 minutes, 23 seconds
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12/23 ShanghaiLive丨Latest Research:兵马俑才不是散装的呢!

RESEARCHERS SAYSTERRA-COTA WARRIORSMADE IN DIFFERENTWORKSHOPSWelcome to this editionof ShanghaiLive, I’m Aisin Giorro·Bei / ICS News Anchor欢迎收听今天的《直播上海》,我是爱新觉罗·贝 / ICS新闻主播Researchersfrom Emperor Qinshihuang'sMausoleum Site Museum and University College London have concluded that the terra-cottawarriors【兵马俑】 in Xi’an weremade by individual workshops. Zhang Hong has more.秦始皇陵博物院和伦敦大学学院组成的研究团队联合发布了最新的研究成果表示兵马俑当年其实是多个独立作坊制作的Their research waspublished inArchaeometry, aninternational journal covering the application of scientific methods todetermine the ages and places of origin of archaeological specimens【标本、样本】. Researchers took 213samples from 28 objects in Pit 1 and analyzed them geochemically【地球化学研究】 via X-ray.这份研究报告被刊登在国际著名科技考古权威期刊Archaeometry上文物工作者运用X射线荧光光谱的分析方法对秦俑一号坑内保存的28件文物藏品开展原位无损检测获取了213个分析点土质的地球化学元素数据杨莹 秦始皇帝陵博物院文物保护部助理馆员We found that thereare geochemical similarities among different parts of a warrior while there are apparent【显著的】 differences among thesame part on different statues.通过这个分析我们就发现相同陶俑的不同部位化学元素的组成是非常接近的不同陶俑的相同部位陶土的成分是有明显区别的The researchersconcluded that one workshop would produce a complete statue, refuting【反驳】previous findings that body parts were assembled【组装】 from prefabricated【预先制作的】 components made in several workshops. There is also a compositionaldistinction between figures marked with the name "Gong" and"Xianyang". They seem to be the products of two workshops.最新研究成果证实了同一窑口可以生产完成整装的兵马俑而不是之前有些学者提出的不同窑口生产后再进行的拼装带有“咸阳”与“宫”陶文的陶俑土质成分不同这从科学考古的角度表明“咸阳”与“宫”可能是代表制作秦俑的其中两个生产作坊Researchers speculated【推测】 that this may have been necessary to meet therequirements of such an ambitious project in a relatively short time.研究团队猜测之所以采用这种制作流程的原因可能是为了在相对短的时间内完成兵马俑制作这项庞大的工程
12/23/20201 minute, 27 seconds
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12/21 ShanghaiLive丨Number minus 10 冬日柴油来了

-10# WINTER DIESEL NOW AVAILABLE AT 38 GAS STATIONS IN SHANGHAIWelcome to thisedition of ShanghaiLive, I’m He Jian.欢迎收听《直播上海》,我是何健 / ICS新闻主播Some ofShanghai's gas stations are now selling Number Minus 10 diesel(minus 10-type diesel)【-10号柴油】, which can be used in temperatures as low as minus 5degrees Celsius. Sinopec【中石化】said the condensationpoint【凝点】 for winterdiesel is lower, which makes it suitable for buses and fire engines.上海的一些加油站开始销售 “-10号”柴油这是一种可以在低至零下5℃的环境使用的燃料中石化表示 “-10号”的凝点较低更适合大巴和消防车38 gas stations arealready supplying the winter diesel. An oildepot【油库】 in YangpuDistrict is supplying more than half of the total amount of winter diesel forthe city. It now supplies about 300 tons of winter diesel each day and isexpected to supply as much as 1,500 tons daily. Sinopec said moreenvironmentally friendly bio-diesel【生物柴油】for winter will be released to the market by the end ofthe month.上海大约有38座加油站已经开始供应这种“冬日柴油”全市“冬柴”供应量的一半储存在位于杨浦区的一座油库这座油库目前每天供应300吨的“冬柴”未来预计可以达到1500吨的日供应量中石化表示到月底 将有更多“冬日版”环保生物柴油上市#有趣的冷知识-10号柴油的 “-10”代表柴油的凝结点,也就是零下10摄氏度。同理“0”号柴油的凝结点就是0摄氏度。生物柴油是指植物油(如菜籽油、大豆油、花生油、玉米油、棉籽油等)、动物油(如鱼油、猪油、牛油、羊油等)、废弃油脂或微生物油脂与甲醇或乙醇经酯转化而形成的脂肪酸甲酯或乙酯。生物柴油是典型的“绿色能源”,具有环保性能好、发动机启动性能好、燃料性能好,原料来源广泛、可再生等特性。近年来许多研究证实,无论是小型、轻型柴油机还是大型、重型柴油机或是拖拉机,燃烧生物柴油后碳氢化合物都减少55%~60%,颗粒物减少20%~50%,CO减少45%以上,多环芳烃减少75%~85%。
12/22/202054 seconds
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12/16 ShanghaiLive丨Hokusai来了!日本电影周8部新片登上魔都大屏

Welcome to this edition of ShanghaiLive,I’m Hejian.欢迎收听今天的《直播上海》,我是何健 / ICS新闻主播Eight new Japanese movies will be screened in Shanghai from December 11th to 18th as part of the Japanese Film Festival. Organized by the Shanghai International Film Festival【上海国际电影节】 and Shanghai Art Film Federation 【上海艺术电影联盟】, their goal is to promote cultural exchanges between Chinese and Japanese filmmakers. Sun Siqi has more.作为一年一度“日本电影周”的传统项目八部日本新电影如约而至 登上魔都大屏幕展映时间从12月11日持续至18日活动由上海电影节以及上海艺术电影联盟承办旨在于促进中日电影工作者之间的文化交流请听来自记者孙思琦的报道The festival includes the latest Japanese films covering a diverse range of genres【流派】. Several movies will be making their Chinese mainland premier【首映】 and will be screened at Tianshan Cinema and Grand Cinema. The movies include "Hokusai", suspense thriller "Silent Tokyo", youth movie "Our Story," and several others.2020日本电影周带来了不同流派的最新电影作品其中有不少作品将在天山电影院和大光明影院举行中国内地首映包括《北斋》,悬疑片《沉默东京And so this is Xmas》以及青春电影《小说之神》等等"Hokusai" was the closing movie at the 2020 Tokyo International Film Festival. It's a biopic【传记电影】 on Japanese artist Katsushika Hokusai, who was famous for his colored woodblock prints【彩色木质版画】 that went on to become a massive influence in the art world.《北斋》是2020东京电影节的闭幕影片它是一部聚焦日本艺术家葛饰北斋的传记影片葛饰北斋是日本著名的浮世绘画家 (风俗画、版画)其画风对后世艺术界有着极大的影响Its stars couldn't be here due to the pandemic, but they recorded a message for Chinese moviegoers【电影观众】.影片的演员们由于疫情无法亲至现场但是通过录制短片的形式和中国观众进行了互动(Japan-male ) 主演 柳乐优弥The year 2020 is a turning point for everyone, so I hope through watching "Hokusai", people will gain the power and hope to keep going towards a brighter future.2020年是个重要的转折点在这种情况下希望电影《北斋》能带给大家振奋的精神与继续前行的动力The Japanese Film Festival has received critical acclaim【好评】. The previous edition sold more than 90% of available tickets, attracting more than 10,000 fans.“日本电影周”口碑不俗在上一届就创下了超过9成的售票记录吸引了过万影迷观看The movies will also be screened in Hangzhou from December 18th to 27th.2020年的八部新片还将于12月8日至27日在杭州上映# 有趣的冷知识浮世绘,也就是日本的风俗画,版画。它是日本江户时代(1603~1867年间,也叫德川幕府时代)兴起的一种独特的民族艺术是典型的花街柳巷艺术主要描绘人们日常生活、风景和演剧浮世绘常被认为专指彩色印刷的木版画(日语称为锦绘)但事实上也有手绘的作品
12/17/20201 minute, 39 seconds
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12/11 ShanghaiLive丨Strick Tests for elderly 70+“老司机”上路有多难?

News on 1211陈璇 / ICS主播Shanghai traffic authorities said today that 152applicants aged 70 and above have applied for a driver's license after the lawwas changed last month. Those aged 70 and above must meet health requirementsin order to take the test. Police said 20 of the applicants failed the test ontheir first attempt. Zhang Yue has more.从11月20日起 上海已放开了机动车驾照申领的最高年限上海交警表示目前已有152名70周岁老人提出了驾考申请其中有20名申请人在第一次参考时未能通过针对老年人设置的 "能力测试"72-year-old Mr. Cao came to the vehicle managementagency on West Huaxia Road this afternoon, asking about a light motorcycledriver's license. These vehicles have a maximum speed of 50 kilometers per hourand require a license, unlike a scooter.Seniors must take acapability test covering 20 criteria to examine a driver's judgment, ability toremember and respond.这天下午 72岁的曹先生来到位于华夏西路的车管所咨询轻便摩托车驾驶证的申请事宜轻便摩托车的时速限制在每小时50公里并且必须持有效驾驶证照才能上路与小电动车不同Cao still needs totake two traffic regulation road tests. If everything goes smoothly, Cao will beable to drive a light motorcycle legally in a month.Shanghai trafficpolice said there are now 14 drivers aged 70 and above who have passed both thecapability and traffic regulation tests. Police also said standards will bestrict to ensure road safety.曹先生需要通过两次有关交通道路法规的考试如果一切顺利他将在一个月内取得轻便摩托车驾驶证交警表示为了保证道路安全取得驾驶证的要求非常严格Liu Qiong Traffic Police Vehicle Management交警总队车管所民警 刘琼Their physicalcondition needs to be checked strictly, as well as the tests. Drivers aged 70and above must provide a physical condition certificate each year to prove thatthey are capable of driving.严格身体条件的审核第二个就是严格考试标准第三个就是他们领取驾照以后每年要求他们提交身体条件的证明确保他们的驾驶安全Those who failedcan take the test within three months.考试没通过的申请者可以在三个月内重考
12/11/20201 minute, 32 seconds
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12/10 ShanghaiLive丨千年银杏绽放秋日盛景

1,200-YEAR-OLD GINGKO IN JIADING ATTRACTS RESIDENTS一期一会 安亭1200年银杏吸引游人无数People from all across the city have been coming to Anting Town in Jiading District to enjoy the beautiful golden leaves of a 1,200-year-old ginkgo tree【银杏树】, as the leaves of the  tree only turn yellow once a year during December. Visitors can enjoy the beauty within the next 10 days.在嘉定区的安亭镇1200年的古银杏绽放秋色每到12月 这一年一度的盛景都会吸引无数游人前来观赏未来10天 都是赏景的好时光The tree is 25-meters tall. It's the oldest of 1,300 trees that have been registered in Shanghai. Officials say the tree is still capable of fertilizing【使受粉】 female  ginkgo trees within a 5 kilometer radius【方圆五公里】. Ten years ago, Jiading District built a garden to protect the tree. The garden has real-time surveillance cameras and a tower with a  lightning rod【避雷塔】.这棵古老的银杏高25米上海登录在册的1300古树中它是最年长的一棵来自官方的“八卦”称在起风的时候方圆5公里内的银杏雌株都可以收到它“爱”的信号哦(风媒授粉)十年前 为了保护这棵古树嘉定区建造了一座公园公园内设置有实时监控摄像头以及一座避雷塔
12/10/20201 minute
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12/03 ShanghaiLive丨Heart melting!永康路“熊爪”咖啡走红!

CAFE WITH HEARING IMPAIRED BARISTAS PROVES POPULARNEWS ON 12/03Welcome to this edition of ShanghaiLive, I'm He Jian.A coffee shop in downtown Xuhui District has quickly gained fame after opening only a few days ago. Its baristas【咖啡师】have a hearing impairment【障碍】, so the founder has devised an unique way to serve beverages【饮料】. Song Wenjing has the story.欢迎收听《直播上海》,我是何健 / ICS新闻主播 位于徐汇区的这家咖啡店,没开几天便名声大噪。这里的咖啡师是一位听障人士,而店家的服务方式可以说是非常特别了。来听记者宋雯婧带来的报道。At this cafe on Yongkang Road in Xuhui District, customers can't see the baristas inside. A fluffy toy bear paw reaches out of the wall to serve them. After a customer takes the coffee, the bear paw shakes their hand and even gives them a rose. Some are now calling it “Bear Paw Cafe”.在徐汇区永康路上的这家咖啡店里,是看不到咖啡师的。光秃秃的墙上只有一个小洞,一只毛茸茸的“熊爪”从洞里伸出来,将一杯杯咖啡送到客人手中,顺便再和客人握个“爪”,有时还送朵玫瑰花。人送外号:“熊爪咖啡” 。Customer/顾客A fluffy paw gives me a coffee in winter. It' s very warm. 有一个毛茸茸的小爪爪,递一杯咖啡给你,你就会感觉很温暖。The founder of the cafe wants her baristas to be able to work without people watching, freeing them of judgment. She says from the start she wanted to hire people with hearing loss【听力障碍】.店主人希望给咖啡师一个没有异样的目光和指指点点的环境去工作。开这家小店的初心,就是想要为听障人士提供工作机会。Wang Haiqing / Founder of Hinichijou Cafe王海青 / 非日常咖啡创始人 I asked the Shanghai Disabled Person's Federation【上海市残联】 if any special training was required for someone with a hearing impairment. The officials told me that people with hearing loss can make very good coffee. They offered me eight people to interview. We hired three of them.我问残联有没有相应的这个培训。也是他们告诉我们说,其实聋哑人的咖啡师,他们做咖啡非常非常棒。当时一开始给我们推荐了七到八位的面试者,我们也从里面聘用了三位。Customer / 顾客I learned about the cafe through media reports. It's very meaningful. It can help those who really need it and provide more jobs to special people.我从媒体上了解到这家咖啡店。我觉得还是比较有意义的,可以帮助到真的需要帮助的人,而且提供更多的岗位给一些特殊人群,挺好的。During its trial opening【试运行】, the cafe has sold more than 400 cups of coffee each day.在试运行期间,小店每天出售的咖啡已经超过400杯。Ying Ying / Barista盈盈/咖啡师I hope we, disabled people can do things as well as ordinary people.希望残障人士做事,能跟正常人一样好。Customers with a disabled person's certificate receive one free coffee per day. The founder plans to open more branches.残障人士凭残疾证,可以在小店每天领取一杯免费咖啡。店主人也表示,未来希望能够开设更多分店。
12/4/20201 minute, 58 seconds
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12/02 ShanghaiLive|当爱豆可以推迟服役?

你的爱豆被豁免了吗S.KOREA PASSES LAW TO ALLOW K-POP STARS TO POSTPONE MILITARY SERVICENEWS ON 12/02South Korea's parliament passed a bill [法案] yesterday that will allow a pop star who was recommended by the country's minister of culture, sports and tourism to postpone[推迟] his military service until the age 30. Chen Xuan tells us some details.爱新觉罗·贝 / ICS新闻主播:韩国国会12月1日在全体会议上审议通过《兵役法》修订案。根据该法案,包括“韩流”男子演艺团体成员在内“大众文化艺术领域优秀人员”在获得文化体育观光部长官推荐后,允许推迟到30岁再服兵役。下面由陈璇为大家带来详细报道。�Chen Xuan: All right, Bei. 陈璇 / ICS新闻主播:好的,贝。�South Korea requires all able-bodied[体格健全的] South Korean men aged between 18 and 28 to serve in the military for about two years. But the country allows eligible [符合条件的] students to defer their duties up to the age of 28 and has granted exemptions[法律上准许豁免] for high-profile classical musicians and athletes who won Olympic medals or a gold at the Asian Games. Such as the Tottenham Hotspur forward Son Heung-min. 在韩国,18岁到28岁的适龄健康韩国籍男子都必须到部队服役两年左右。但凡事都有例外——符合一定条件的学生,可推迟服役至28岁,而一些国宝级的音乐家还有奥林匹克奖牌或亚运会金牌得主,则不在强制服役之列。比如效力于英超托特纳姆热刺足球俱乐部的韩国知名足球运动员——孙兴慜就被免除了兵役。So far no K-pop star has ever received an exemptions. For example, South Korean Actor Hyun Bin enlisted in the army in 2011, receiving training with other normal soldiers. Last year, boy band Big Bang's G-Dragon was discharged from the army.不过,目前还没有哪位韩流明星获此殊荣。举个轰动一时的�:被称为韩国“四大公共财产”之一的顶流——玄彬就在2011年入伍,当了一名普通士兵。而乐队男团 Big Bang成员权志龙也在去年正式退伍。However, some pop stars could miss out on their golden years of their career while serving.但对一些明星来说,入伍就意味着错过演艺生涯的黄金时间。�Many argued that the amendment [修订案] to the Military Service Act was designed to provide exceptions for K-pop megastars [巨星] who improve the country's cultural status and boost the economy. 那么,通过这份修订案,是为了给韩流明星们打开方便之门吗?毕竟他们提升了国家文化地位,刺激了经济发展。这也是《兵役法》修订案的主要争议之所在。A poll released last month by local news showed 53% of respondents supported special treatment for BTS, while 47% opposed it. Supporters say entertainment icons and internationally recognized athletes can improve South Korea's image, while opponents say the achievements of K-pop stars can't put on a par with [相提并论] Olympic medal winners.韩国某新闻媒体上个月所做的民意调查显示,大约有53%的受访者支持“男团”推迟入伍,47%的受访者表示反对。支持者认为娱乐明星和拥有国际知名度的运动员都可以提升韩国国家形象,而反对者则认为韩流明星的成就和奥运奖牌获得者无法相提并论。
12/3/20201 minute, 44 seconds
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12/01 ShanghaiLive丨马首回家!圆明园好久不见

OLD SUMMER PALACE RELIC RETURNED AFTER 160 YEARS.NEWS ON 12/1A bronze horse head looted(掠夺) from the Old Summer Palace(圆明园) in Beijing was returned today after 160 years.160年前被人从北京圆明园掠走的马首铜像,在今天终于被归还。It was the first time a major cultural relic(文物) from the Old Summer Palace was returned to its original location after being taken overseas. The horse head was designed by Italian artist Guiseppe Castiglione and blends East and West elements.它成为第一件回归圆明园的流失海外的重要文物。马首铜像由意大利艺术家郎世宁(原名朱塞佩·伽斯底里奥内)设计,融合了东西方元素。Late Macao billionaire(亿万富翁) Stanley Ho bought the bronze horse head and agreed to donate(捐赠) it to the National Cultural Heritage Administration(国家文物局) before his death.澳门亿万富翁何鸿燊先生在生前买下了这尊马首铜像,并在去世前将它捐赠给了国家文物局。Twelve animal head sculptures once formed a zodiac(生肖) water clock in the Old Summer Palace. The originals were stolen from the royal garden by Anglo-French allied forces(英法联军) during the Second Opium War(第二次鸦片战争) between 1856 and 1860.圆明园的十二个兽首铜像曾经是十二生肖兽首喷泉水力钟。在1856年至1860年的第二次鸦片战争期间,英法联军入侵,并将它们从皇家园林中掠走。
12/2/202054 seconds
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11/30 ShanghaiLive丨Ready Go!海南“限塑令”升级

海南禁塑令生效NEWS ON 11/3010 types of disposable(一次性的) plastic products(塑料制品) including bags and tableware(餐具) will be prohibited from sale and use starting tomorrow in Hainan Province.从12月1日起,海南省将禁止销售和使用包括塑料袋和一次性餐具在内的10种一次性塑料产品。At supermarkets in Haikou City, plastic straws and utensils(用具) have been removed from shelves and replaced with biodegradable(可生物降解的) products. 在海口市的超市里,塑料吸管和餐具已从货架上移走,取而代之的则是可生物降解塑料制品。The provincial ecology and environment bureau said local manufacturers can meet demand for biodegradable bags of about 30,000 tons, and tableware at 10,000 tons.海南省生态环境厅表示,当地的制造商可以满足约3万吨的可生物降解袋和1万吨可降解餐具的需求。A bureau spokesperson also said guidelines will be issued to reduce the cost of biodegradable products since the raw materials(原材料) are currently twice the price of normal plastic products.该厅发言人还表示,将发布相关政策以减少可生物降解产品的成本,因为该产品的原材料价格是目前正常塑料制品价格的两倍。
12/1/202048 seconds
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11/26 ShanghaiLive丨Making Emojis 表情包成新风口?

make your own emojis!搜索“上海外语频道”公众号看英语新闻 一起磨耳朵!带中英译文MOBILE PHONE EMOJIS - NOT JUST FUN,BUT A WAY OF MAKING MONEY TOO Emojis gifts and social media stickers are now an indispensable part of our daily lives and crucial to the way we communicate. But where do they actually come from and why do people bother to make them? Well, it turns out they can be a good way of making money for their creators, as Ying Junyi reports.The emojis and mobile stickers that we like are constantly changing - people get tired of the old ones, and look for ways to pick up on the latest buzzwords. That means the designers need to upgrade their work from time to time - even Tencent last week came up with six new ones for its official emoji set. Another favorite set, Zhushasha, has been downloaded over 50 million times, and its designer Lalala says she has to keep a close ear out for new buzzwords that users will like. Coming up with a new emoji is not a quick or a casual matter, however. Lalala, Independent DesignerWe are often inspired by popular buzzwords when designing stickers, but we have to select the phrases we are going to use carefully. Many of them will only be popular for a short time, while designing a sticker set can take a long time. We usually launch three to four sets a year.But once a sticker series like Zhu Shasha receives high public recognition, it can become a brand in itself, allowing the designer to make some serious money from it.Lalala, Independent DesignerWe make money mainly from donations from sticker users, from sales of derivatives and partnerships with other brands. We mainly focus on selling derivatives as it's a more stable income source.Big brands can take advantage of the popularity of stickers by partnering with famous designers, and some even launch their own sets. Both Pepsi and Starbucks have introduced their own sticker sets on WeChat, and experts say that's an excellent way for brands to stay in touch with their consumers.Jason Yu, Managing Director// Kantar WorldpanelToday, consumers are a bit tired of the direct hardcore marketing message, so I think those soft marketing vehicles are really effective sometimes to make consumers love the brand. We do see those stickers or emojis are very popular ways to engage those customers and it really shows that those brands care about those consumers and would like to talk in their language.As of the end of last year, WeChat had nearly 1.2 billion monthly active users. That's big potential exposure for a brand, so the big advertisers are likely to stick with it.
11/30/20202 minutes, 55 seconds
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11/25 ShanghaiLive丨带爸妈玩转智能时代

11/26/202054 seconds
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11/24 ShanghaiLive丨口罩、消毒水市场供应稳定

11/25/20201 minute, 53 seconds
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11/22 ShanghaiLive丨魔都地铁禁止公放

11/24/20202 minutes, 48 seconds