武汉 STO2.0 活动中有幸采访了参与活动的星际迷航粉们,这是采访录音。
本期节目录制于20170326,嘉宾:武汉 STO2.0 所有参与者,主播:深思|CrazyEMH
01:25 问题一:大家是怎么喜欢上星际迷航的?
08:09 Kirk 在 TOS 1x02 “The Corbomite Maneuver” 中的发言
You know the greatest danger facing us is ourselves, an irrational fear of the unknown. But there’s no such thing as the unknown, only things temporarily hidden, temporarily not understood.
14:43 美国妹子发言的听写稿(回音太大,尽力了,真的)
Why I like Star Trek? uh, well, trekkers, I grew up with it. As I was a little kid, it was always played in the background. However, unlike most people born in America, um, my family is Mexican, so I saw Star Trek in Spanish. Right, um, but its hard not to love Star Trek if you’re in the States, especially where I’m from, because it’s so ingrained in our culture. It’s a part of us. It’s something that we’ve been around with for all of our lives as kids, since we were kids, and beyond, I mean I hear so many people love Star Trek religiously. To the point that its actually become a religion in the States. It is. Um, It’s hard not to love because it’s a compulsory clause. And its everlasting. It is good literature. It is in good quality. And it becomes the show who we don’t have such great Sci-Fi today.
20:00 问题二:在过去的51年中,star trek在一定程度上引领了技术的发展、促进了我们的社会的某些歧视的消除,那么各位觉得这些改变中最让你感到惊讶的“预言”是哪一个呢?
20:57 问题三:星际迷航因为它的哪一点让你觉得它与众不同?/50年经久不衰的原因是什么?/ 这部剧的哪些特质使得他经久不衰?
21:57 单细胞测序技术
22:28 问题四:如果让你去向别人安利星际迷航,你会首推哪一部电影或是哪一个剧集?
25:10 问题五:星际迷航的日常:喜欢星际迷航有没有对你的生活带来困扰,比如别人的不理解。为了爱星际迷航有没有发生什么尴尬的事
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