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Megumi’s Daily Japanese Adventures【日本語Podcast】 Cover
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Megumi’s Daily Japanese Adventures【日本語Podcast】

Japanese, Education, 1 season, 38 episodes, 4 hours, 48 minutes
日本語の先生・MC Megumiの日常生活を話します。毎日の生活の中での発見やトピックスについて短くはなします。私が旅行した日本のおすすめの場所についても紹介します。日本語を勉強している人にリスニングの練習に聞いてほしいです。 Transcript Japanese teacher MC Megumi will talk about her daily life. I will talk about my daily discoveries and topics in my daily life. I will also introduce some of the places I have traveled to in Japan that I recommend. I would like people who are studying Japanese to listen to it for listening practice.
Episode Artwork

「気」を使う、道後温泉の旅 A trip to Dogo Onsen, one of Japan's most famous hot springs, using the word "気ki".

Very relaxing trip! Words containing "ki" and idiomatic phrases using "ki" are included to introduce a trip to Dogo Onsen.とてもリラックスした旅。「気」を含んだ言葉と「気」を使った慣用句を収録して道後温泉の旅を紹介しています。Transcript, Photos→
4/20/20239 minutes, 12 seconds
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年末年始、おいしい山形旅。~慣用句と共に~Delicious Yamagata trip for the year-end and New Year's holidays. ~With idiomatic phrases~

2022年末に行った、美味しいものがたくさんある山形県への旅。素敵な旅館から、家庭の郷土料理まで。体の一部を使った慣用句をたくさん話してみました。A trip to Yamagata Prefecture at the end of 2022, where there are many delicious foods. From nice hot spring inns to local cuisine at home. I talked a lot about idioms using body parts. Photo, Transcript
1/17/20236 minutes, 45 seconds
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温泉の秋と楽しいオノマトペAutumn at the spa, with fun onomatopoeia

両親と行った宮島温泉旅行の話をたくさんのオノマトペとともに紹介しています。I am talking about the Miyajima Onsen trip I took with my parents. I use lots of fun onomatopoeia. Transcript, photo
11/3/20228 minutes, 38 seconds
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きっかけは? How did I start?

6/1/20223 minutes, 43 seconds
Episode Artwork

Megumi’s Daily Japanese Adventures【日本語Podcast】 (Trailer)

5/24/202223 seconds