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Lectures by Dr Shomali

Arabic, Islam, 1 season, 388 episodes, 4 days, 18 hours, 14 minutes
Podcast by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
Episode Artwork

Lady Zainab and Crisis Management, Sheikh Shomali, 18th of November 2023

This talk was given in Muslim Convention 2023 in Coventry.
11/18/202315 minutes, 18 seconds
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جایگاه و اهمیت زیارت از دیدکاه قرآن کریم و روایات، استاد شمالی، 31 مرداد 1402

جایگاه و اهمیت زیارت از دیدکاه قرآن کریم و روایات، استاد شمالی، 31 مرداد 1402 by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
8/23/20231 hour, 6 minutes, 32 seconds
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اسرار روزه بر اساس جامع السعادات، قسمت اول، حجه الاسلام شمالی، 14 فروردین 1401

نام کتاب : جامع السعادات نویسنده : النراقي، المولى محمد مهدي جلد : 3 صفحه : 380
4/3/202231 minutes, 6 seconds
Episode Artwork

شرایط سخت دوران امام کاظم (ع) و تربیت عقلانی، حجع الاسلام شمالی، 8 اسفند ماه 1400

This lecture was given on the occasion of the demise anniversary of Imam Kazim (a) on Sun 27th Feb 2022. «یَا سَیِّدِی نَجِّنِی مِنْ حَبْسِ هَارُونَ وَ خَلِّصْنِی مِنْ یَدِهِ یَا مُخَلِّصَ الشَّجَرِ مِنْ بَیْنِ رَمْلٍ وَ طِینٍ وَ مَاءٍ وَ یَا مُخَلِّصَ اللَّبَنِ مِنْ بَیْنِ فَرْثٍ وَ دَمٍ وَ یَا مُخَلِّصَ الْوَلَدِ مِنْ بَیْنِ مَشِیمَهٍ وَ رَحِمٍ وَ یَا مُخَلِّصَ النَّارِ مِنْ بَیْنِ الْحَدِیدِ وَ الْحَجَرِ وَ یَا مُخَلِّصَ الرُّوحِ مِنْ بَیْنِ الْأَحْشَاءِ وَ الْأَمْعَاءِ خَلِّصْنِی مِنْ یَدَیْ هَارُون» بحارالأنوار ج ۴۸ ص۲۲۰ السلام علیکَ یا عَلَم الدّین و التّقوی السلام علیکَ یا خازنَ علم النبیین السلام علیکَ یا نائبَ الاوصیاءِ السابقین السلام علیکَ یا مولیَ یا موسیَ بن جعفر وَ رَحمة‏اللّهِ و برکاتُه» مراسم عزاداری شهادت هفتمین گوهر آسمان امامت و ولایت امام موسی کاظم "علیه السلام" با سخنرانی استاد معزز حجت الاسلام و المسلمین دکتر شمالی "زیدعزه" و مرثیه سرایی مداح اهل‌بیت علیهم السلام زمان: یکشنبه 1400/12/8 مصادف با 25 رجب 1443 و 27 فوریه 2022 ساعت12:45 به وقت ایران🇮🇷 مکان: حسینیه مجازی حکمت
2/27/202244 minutes, 53 seconds
Episode Artwork

تاثیر ارتباط قلبی و مجاورت معنوی و شخصیت حضرت زینب (س)، حجه الاسلام شمالی، 29 بهمن 1400

صلی الله علیک یا بنت ولی الله، یا اخت ولی الله و یا عمة ولی الله... صبـر یـک قطره و تـو دریایی حلـم یک لالـه و تـو صحرایی بعد حیدر تو حیدری به سخن بعـد زهــرا، فقـط تــو زهرایی مراسم سوگواری رحلت جانگداز حضرت زینب کبری سلام الله علیها و جلسه یادبود درگذشت مادری مهربان و مومنه، حاجیه خانم حیدرپور رحمها الله ( والده مکرم سرکار خانم محمدقاسمی) همراه با ذکر مصیبت و سخنرانی استاد معزز حجة الاسلام والمسلمین دکتر شمالی تاریخ : روز جمعه 29 بهمن دماه 1400 زمان: ساعت 15 بوقت ایران مکان : حسینیه مجازی حکمت. This lecture was given on the occasion of the demise anniversary of Lady Zainab (a) and the departure of the mother of Khanum Muhammad Ghasemi on Friday 18th Feb 2022.
2/18/202235 minutes, 43 seconds
Episode Artwork

Message of Imam Husayn for Humanity Today, Sheikh Dr Shomali, 29th Nov 2021

This talk was given in an event organised by the Tenth Day in Manchester.
11/30/202119 minutes, 15 seconds
Episode Artwork

تفسیر سوره اسراء، جلسه دوم، آیات 4 -10، حجه الاسلام دکتر شمالی، 29 آبان 1400

This session was conducted on the 20th Nov 2021. وَ قَضَيْنٰا إِلىٰ بَنِي إِسْرٰائِيلَ فِي الْكِتٰابِ لَتُفْسِدُنَّ فِي الْأَرْضِ مَرَّتَيْنِ وَ لَتَعْلُنَّ عُلُوًّا كَبِيراً 4 فَإِذٰا جٰاءَ وَعْدُ أُولاٰهُمٰا بَعَثْنٰا عَلَيْكُمْ عِبٰاداً لَنٰا أُولِي بَأْسٍ شَدِيدٍ فَجٰاسُوا خِلاٰلَ الدِّيٰارِ وَ كٰانَ وَعْداً مَفْعُولاً 5 ثُمَّ رَدَدْنٰا لَكُمُ الْكَرَّةَ عَلَيْهِمْ وَ أَمْدَدْنٰاكُمْ بِأَمْوٰالٍ وَ بَنِينَ وَ جَعَلْنٰاكُمْ أَكْثَرَ نَفِيراً 6 إِنْ أَحْسَنْتُمْ أَحْسَنْتُمْ لِأَنْفُسِكُمْ وَ إِنْ أَسَأْتُمْ فَلَهٰا فَإِذٰا جٰاءَ وَعْدُ الْآخِرَةِ لِيَسُوؤُا وُجُوهَكُمْ وَ لِيَدْخُلُوا الْمَسْجِدَ كَمٰا دَخَلُوهُ أَوَّلَ مَرَّةٍ وَ لِيُتَبِّرُوا مٰا عَلَوْا تَتْبِيراً 7 عَسىٰ رَبُّكُمْ أَنْ يَرْحَمَكُمْ وَ إِنْ عُدْتُمْ عُدْنٰا وَ جَعَلْنٰا جَهَنَّمَ لِلْكٰافِرِينَ حَصِيراً 8 إِنَّ هٰذَا الْقُرْآنَ يَهْدِي لِلَّتِي هِيَ أَقْوَمُ وَ يُبَشِّرُ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ الَّذِينَ يَعْمَلُونَ الصّٰالِحٰاتِ أَنَّ لَهُمْ أَجْراً كَبِيراً 9 وَ أَنَّ الَّذِينَ لاٰ يُؤْمِنُونَ بِالْآخِرَةِ أَعْتَدْنٰا لَهُمْ عَذٰاباً أَلِيماً 10
11/25/202139 minutes, 33 seconds
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تفسیر سوره اسراء، جلسه اول، آیات1-3، حجه الاسلام دکتر شمالی، 22 آبان 1400

تفسیر سوره اسراء، جلسه اول، آیات1-3، حجه الاسلام دکتر شمالی، 22 آبان 1400 by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
11/15/202142 minutes, 49 seconds
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تفسیر سوره حشر، جلسه هفتم، آیات 23 - 24، حجه الاسلام دکتر شمالی، 9 مرداد 1400

تفسیر سوره حشر، جلسه هفتم، آیات 23 - 24، حجه الاسلام دکتر شمالی، 9 مرداد 1400 by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
9/2/202155 minutes, 16 seconds
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تفسیر سوره صف، جلسه اول، آیات1-6، حجه الاسلام دکتر شمالی، 16 مرداد 1400

تفسیر سوره صف، جلسه اول، آیات1-6، حجه الاسلام دکتر شمالی، 16 مرداد 1400 by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
9/2/202155 minutes, 6 seconds
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تفسیر سوره صف، جلسه دوم، آیات7-12، حجه الاسلام دکتر شمالی، 30 مرداد 1400

تفسیر سوره صف، جلسه دوم، آیات7-12، حجه الاسلام دکتر شمالی، 30 مرداد 1400 by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
9/2/202147 minutes, 23 seconds
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تفسیر سوره صف، جلسه سوم، آیات 13 و 14، حجه الاسلام دکتر شمالی، 6 شهریور 1400

تفسیر سوره صف، جلسه سوم، آیات 13 و 14، حجه الاسلام دکتر شمالی، 6 شهریور 1400 by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
9/2/202137 minutes, 44 seconds
Episode Artwork

Followership, Lecture 1 by Sheikh Dr Shomali, Stanmore, 15th Jan 2019

Followership, Lecture 1 by Sheikh Dr Shomali, Stanmore, 15th Jan 2019 by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
8/24/202147 minutes, 28 seconds
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Followership, Lecture 6, Q&A by Sheikh Dr Shomali, Stanmore, 19th Feb 2019

Followership, Lecture 6, Q&A by Sheikh Dr Shomali, Stanmore, 19th Feb 2019 by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
8/24/202112 minutes, 2 seconds
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Followership, Lecture 2 by Sheikh Dr Shomali, Stanmore, 29th Jan 2019

Followership, Lecture 2 by Sheikh Dr Shomali, Stanmore, 29th Jan 2019 by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
8/24/202154 minutes, 2 seconds
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Followership, Lecture 3 by Sheikh Dr Shomali, Stanmore, 29th Jan 2019

Followership, Lecture 3 by Sheikh Dr Shomali, Stanmore, 29th Jan 2019 by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
8/24/202127 minutes, 13 seconds
Episode Artwork

Followership, Lecture 4 (final remarks) by Sheikh Dr Shomali, Stanmore, 12th Feb 2019

Followership, Lecture 4 (final remarks) by Sheikh Dr Shomali, Stanmore, 12th Feb 2019 by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
8/24/202111 minutes, 31 seconds
Episode Artwork

Followership, Lecture 4 by Sheikh Dr Shomali, Stanmore, 12th Feb 2019

Followership, Lecture 4 by Sheikh Dr Shomali, Stanmore, 12th Feb 2019 by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
8/24/20211 hour, 5 minutes
Episode Artwork

Followership, Lecture 5 by Sheikh Dr Shomali, Stanmore, 13th Feb 2019

Followership, Lecture 5 by Sheikh Dr Shomali, Stanmore, 13th Feb 2019 by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
8/24/20211 hour, 1 minute, 27 seconds
Episode Artwork

Followership, Lecture 6 by Sheikh Dr Shomali, Stanmore, 19th Feb 2019

Followership, Lecture 6 by Sheikh Dr Shomali, Stanmore, 19th Feb 2019 by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
8/24/20211 hour, 5 minutes, 22 seconds
Episode Artwork

Followership, Lecture 7 (final) by Sheikh Dr Shomali, Stanmore, 26th Feb 2019

Followership, Lecture 7 (final) by Sheikh Dr Shomali, Stanmore, 26th Feb 2019 by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
8/24/202157 minutes, 3 seconds
Episode Artwork

ولایت جمعی و اخوت، سوم محرم 1400، حجه الاسلام دکتر شمالی

ولایت جمعی و اخوت، سوم محرم 1400، حجه الاسلام دکتر شمالی by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
8/13/202139 minutes, 58 seconds
Episode Artwork

ولایت جمعی و اخوت، اول محرم 1400، حجه الاسلام دکتر شمالی

ولایت جمعی و اخوت، اول محرم 1400، حجه الاسلام دکتر شمالی by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
8/12/202138 minutes, 56 seconds
Episode Artwork

Love for God, part 3, Sheikh Shomali, third night of Muharram, 11th Aug 2021

Love for God, part 3, Sheikh Shomali, third night of Muharram, 11th Aug 2021 by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
8/12/202154 minutes, 10 seconds
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Love for God, part 2, Sheikh Shomali, 2nd night of Muharram, 10th August 2021

Love for God, part 2, Sheikh Shomali, 2nd night of Muharram, 10th August 2021 by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
8/10/202146 minutes, 57 seconds
Episode Artwork

Love for God, part 1, Sheikh Shomali, 1st night of Muharram, 9th August 2021

Love for God, part 1, Sheikh Shomali, 1st night of Muharram, 9th August 2021 by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
8/10/202159 minutes, 25 seconds
Episode Artwork

استقامت در راه حق و بشارت و همراهی فرشتگان استاد شمالی 4 مرداد 1400

استقامت در راه حق و بشارت و همراهی فرشتگان استاد شمالی 4 مرداد 1400 by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
7/26/202140 minutes, 28 seconds
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تفسیر سوره حشر جلسه ششم آیات 21 الی 22 حجه الاسلام دکتر شمالی 2 مرداد 1400

Tafsir of Surah al-Hashr for the graduates of the Jami'ah, 24th July 2021 لَوْ أَنْزَلْنٰا هٰذَا الْقُرْآنَ عَلىٰ جَبَلٍ لَرَأَيْتَهُ خٰاشِعاً مُتَصَدِّعاً مِنْ خَشْيَةِ اللّٰهِ وَ تِلْكَ الْأَمْثٰالُ نَضْرِبُهٰا لِلنّٰاسِ لَعَلَّهُمْ يَتَفَكَّرُونَ 21 هُوَ اللّٰهُ الَّذِي لاٰ إِلٰهَ إِلاّٰ هُوَ عٰالِمُ الْغَيْبِ وَ الشَّهٰادَةِ هُوَ الرَّحْمٰنُ الرَّحِيمُ 22 هُوَ اللّٰهُ الَّذِي لاٰ إِلٰهَ إِلاّٰ هُوَ الْمَلِكُ الْقُدُّوسُ السَّلاٰمُ الْمُؤْمِنُ الْمُهَيْمِنُ الْعَزِيزُ الْجَبّٰارُ الْمُتَكَبِّرُ سُبْحٰانَ اللّٰهِ عَمّٰا يُشْرِكُونَ 23
7/26/202145 minutes, 42 seconds
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تفسیر سوره حشر جلسه پنجم آیات 18 الی 20 حجه الاسلام دکتر شمالی 26 تیر 1400

Tafsir of Surah al-Hashr for the graduates of the Jami'ah, 17th July 2021 يٰا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا اتَّقُوا اللّٰهَ وَ لْتَنْظُرْ نَفْسٌ مٰا قَدَّمَتْ لِغَدٍ وَ اتَّقُوا اللّٰهَ إِنَّ اللّٰهَ خَبِيرٌ بِمٰا تَعْمَلُونَ 18 وَ لاٰ تَكُونُوا كَالَّذِينَ نَسُوا اللّٰهَ فَأَنْسٰاهُمْ أَنْفُسَهُمْ أُولٰئِكَ هُمُ الْفٰاسِقُونَ 19 لاٰ يَسْتَوِي أَصْحٰابُ النّٰارِ وَ أَصْحٰابُ الْجَنَّةِ أَصْحٰابُ الْجَنَّةِ هُمُ الْفٰائِزُونَ 20
7/26/202144 minutes, 20 seconds
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تفسیر سوره حشر جلسه چهارم آیات 11 الی 17 حجه الاسلام دکتر شمالی 19 تیر 1400

Tafsir of Surah al-Hashr for the graduates of the Jami'ah, 10th July 2021 أَ لَمْ تَرَ إِلَى الَّذِينَ نٰافَقُوا يَقُولُونَ لِإِخْوٰانِهِمُ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا مِنْ أَهْلِ الْكِتٰابِ لَئِنْ أُخْرِجْتُمْ لَنَخْرُجَنَّ مَعَكُمْ وَ لاٰ نُطِيعُ فِيكُمْ أَحَداً أَبَداً وَ إِنْ قُوتِلْتُمْ لَنَنْصُرَنَّكُمْ وَ اللّٰهُ يَشْهَدُ إِنَّهُمْ لَكٰاذِبُونَ 11 لَئِنْ أُخْرِجُوا لاٰ يَخْرُجُونَ مَعَهُمْ وَ لَئِنْ قُوتِلُوا لاٰ يَنْصُرُونَهُمْ وَ لَئِنْ نَصَرُوهُمْ لَيُوَلُّنَّ الْأَدْبٰارَ ثُمَّ لاٰ يُنْصَرُونَ 12 لَأَنْتُمْ أَشَدُّ رَهْبَةً فِي صُدُورِهِمْ مِنَ اللّٰهِ ذٰلِكَ بِأَنَّهُمْ قَوْمٌ لاٰ يَفْقَهُونَ 13 لاٰ يُقٰاتِلُونَكُمْ جَمِيعاً إِلاّٰ فِي قُرىً مُحَصَّنَةٍ أَوْ مِنْ وَرٰاءِ جُدُرٍ بَأْسُهُمْ بَيْنَهُمْ شَدِيدٌ تَحْسَبُهُمْ جَمِيعاً وَ قُلُوبُهُمْ شَتّٰى ذٰلِكَ بِأَنَّهُمْ قَوْمٌ لاٰ يَعْقِلُونَ 14 كَمَثَلِ الَّذِينَ مِنْ قَبْلِهِمْ قَرِيباً ذٰاقُوا وَبٰالَ أَمْرِهِمْ وَ لَهُمْ عَذٰابٌ أَلِيمٌ 15 كَمَثَلِ الشَّيْطٰانِ إِذْ قٰالَ لِلْإِنْسٰانِ اكْفُرْ فَلَمّٰا كَفَرَ قٰالَ إِنِّي بَرِيءٌ مِنْكَ إِنِّي أَخٰافُ اللّٰهَ رَبَّ الْعٰالَمِينَ 16 فَكٰانَ عٰاقِبَتَهُمٰا أَنَّهُمٰا فِي النّٰارِ خٰالِدَيْنِ فِيهٰا وَ ذٰلِكَ جَزٰاءُ الظّٰالِمِينَ 17
7/16/202147 minutes, 38 seconds
Episode Artwork

تفسیر سوره حشر، جلسه سوم، آیات 6 الی 10، حجه الاسلام دکتر شمالی، 12 تیر 1400

Tafsir of Surah al-Hashr for the graduates of the Jami'ah, 3rd July 2021 مٰا أَفٰاءَ اللّٰهُ عَلىٰ رَسُولِهِ مِنْ أَهْلِ الْقُرىٰ فَلِلّٰهِ وَ لِلرَّسُولِ وَ لِذِي الْقُرْبىٰ وَ الْيَتٰامىٰ وَ الْمَسٰاكِينِ وَ ابْنِ السَّبِيلِ كَيْ لاٰ يَكُونَ دُولَةً بَيْنَ الْأَغْنِيٰاءِ مِنْكُمْ وَ مٰا6 آتٰاكُمُ الرَّسُولُ فَخُذُوهُ وَ مٰا نَهٰاكُمْ عَنْهُ فَانْتَهُوا وَ اتَّقُوا اللّٰهَ إِنَّ اللّٰهَ شَدِيدُ الْعِقٰابِ 7 لِلْفُقَرٰاءِ الْمُهٰاجِرِينَ الَّذِينَ أُخْرِجُوا مِنْ دِيٰارِهِمْ وَ أَمْوٰالِهِمْ يَبْتَغُونَ فَضْلاً مِنَ اللّٰهِ وَ رِضْوٰاناً وَ يَنْصُرُونَ اللّٰهَ وَ رَسُولَهُ أُولٰئِكَ هُمُ الصّٰادِقُونَ 8 وَ الَّذِينَ تَبَوَّؤُا الدّٰارَ وَ الْإِيمٰانَ مِنْ قَبْلِهِمْ يُحِبُّونَ مَنْ هٰاجَرَ إِلَيْهِمْ وَ لاٰ يَجِدُونَ فِي صُدُورِهِمْ حٰاجَةً مِمّٰا أُوتُوا وَ يُؤْثِرُونَ عَلىٰ أَنْفُسِهِمْ وَ لَوْ كٰانَ بِهِمْ خَصٰاصَةٌ وَ مَنْ يُوقَ شُحَّ نَفْسِهِ فَأُولٰئِكَ هُمُ الْمُفْلِحُونَ 9 وَ الَّذِينَ جٰاؤُ مِنْ بَعْدِهِمْ يَقُولُونَ رَبَّنَا اغْفِرْ لَنٰا وَ لِإِخْوٰانِنَا الَّذِينَ سَبَقُونٰا بِالْإِيمٰانِ وَ لاٰ تَجْعَلْ فِي قُلُوبِنٰا غِلاًّ لِلَّذِينَ آمَنُوا رَبَّنٰا إِنَّكَ رَؤُفٌ رَحِيمٌ 10
7/3/202147 minutes, 41 seconds
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تفسیر سوره حشر، جلسه دوم

Tafsir of Surah al-Hashr for the graduates of the Jami'ah, 26th June 2021 هُوَ الَّذِي أَخْرَجَ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا مِنْ أَهْلِ الْكِتٰابِ مِنْ دِيٰارِهِمْ لِأَوَّلِ الْحَشْرِ مٰا ظَنَنْتُمْ أَنْ يَخْرُجُوا وَ ظَنُّوا أَنَّهُمْ مٰانِعَتُهُمْ حُصُونُهُمْ مِنَ اللّٰهِ فَأَتٰاهُمُ اللّٰهُ مِنْ حَيْثُ لَمْ يَحْتَسِبُوا وَ قَذَفَ فِي قُلُوبِهِمُ الرُّعْبَ يُخْرِبُونَ بُيُوتَهُمْ بِأَيْدِيهِمْ وَ أَيْدِي الْمُؤْمِنِينَ فَاعْتَبِرُوا يٰا أُولِي الْأَبْصٰارِ 2 وَ لَوْ لاٰ أَنْ كَتَبَ اللّٰهُ عَلَيْهِمُ الْجَلاٰءَ لَعَذَّبَهُمْ فِي الدُّنْيٰا وَ لَهُمْ فِي الْآخِرَةِ عَذٰابُ النّٰارِ 3 ذٰلِكَ بِأَنَّهُمْ شَاقُّوا اللّٰهَ وَ رَسُولَهُ وَ مَنْ يُشَاقِّ اللّٰهَ فَإِنَّ اللّٰهَ شَدِيدُ الْعِقٰابِ 4 مٰا قَطَعْتُمْ مِنْ لِينَةٍ أَوْ تَرَكْتُمُوهٰا قٰائِمَةً عَلىٰ أُصُولِهٰا فَبِإِذْنِ اللّٰهِ وَ لِيُخْزِيَ الْفٰاسِقِينَ 5
6/27/202150 minutes, 27 seconds
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احیاء امر اهل بیت (ع)، میلاد امام رضا علیه السلام

This talk was given in the eve of birth anniversary of Imam Rida (a) on 21st June 2021 live for Husayniyyah Hikmah. These hadiths are cited: الإمام الصادق (ع) - لفضيل -: تجلسون وتحدثون؟ قال: نعم جعلت فداك، قال: إن تلك المجالس أحبها، فأحيوا أمرنا يا فضيل، فرحم الله من أحيا أمرنا، يا فضيل! من ذكرنا أو ذكرنا عنده فخرج من عينه مثل جناح الذباب غفر الله له ذنوبه ولو كان أكثر من زبد البحر. رسول الله (ص): إذا رأيتم روضة من رياض الجنة فارتعوا فيها، قيل: يا رسول الله، وما روضة الجنة؟ فقال: مجالس المؤمنين. - الإمام الرضا (ع): من جلس مجلسا يحيى فيه أمرنا لم يمت قلبه يوم تموت القلوب عن عبد السلام بن صالح الهروي قال: سمعت أبا الحسن علي بن موسى الرضا (ع) يقول: رحم الله عبدا أحيا أمرنا فقلت له: وكيف يحيى أمركم؟ قال: يتعلم علومنا ويعلمها الناس فإن الناس لو علموا محاسن كلامنا لاتبعونا رجال الكشي: جبرئيل بن أحمد، عن الشجاعي، عن محمد بن الحسين، عن أحمد بن النضر، عن عمرو بن شمر، عن جابر، قال: دخلت على أبي جعفر (ع) وأنا شاب فقال: من أنت؟ قلت: من أهل الكوفة جئتك لطلب العلم، فدفع إلى كتابا وقال لي: إن أنت حدثت به حتى تهلك بنو أمية فعليك لعنتي ولعنة آبائي، وإن أنت كتمت منه شيئا بعد هلاك بني أمية فعليك لعنتي ولعنة آبائي، ثم دفع إلى كتابا آخر ثم قال: وهاك هذا، فإن حدثت بشئ منه أبدا فعليك لعنتي ولعنة آبائي. زمان : دوشنبه 1400/3/31 ساعت 21:15 به وقت ایران 🔹 مکان : حسینیه مجازی حکمت
6/21/202135 minutes, 45 seconds
Episode Artwork

تفسیر سوره حشر قسمت اول

Tafsir of Surah al-Hashr for the graduates of the Jami'ah, 19th June 2021
6/20/202155 minutes, 5 seconds
Episode Artwork

تاملاتى بر دعاى جوشن كبير سری دوم ماه رمضان 1400 جلسه هجدهم

تاملاتى بر دعاى جوشن كبير سری دوم ماه رمضان 1400 جلسه هجدهم by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
4/29/202147 minutes, 13 seconds
Episode Artwork

تاملاتى بر دعاى جوشن كبير سری دوم ماه رمضان 1400 جلسه هفدهم

تاملاتى بر دعاى جوشن كبير سری دوم ماه رمضان 1400 جلسه هفدهم by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
4/29/202135 minutes, 32 seconds
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تاملاتى بر دعاى جوشن كبير سری دوم ماه رمضان 1400 جلسه دهم

قسمت سی و ششم This is Session 36 of Reflections on Dua Jawshan Kabir by Sheikh Dr Shomali, 20th April 2021 يَا أَسْرَعَ الْحاسِبِينَ، يَا أَسْمَعَ السَّامِعِينَ، يَا أَبْصَرَ النَّاظِرِينَ، يَا أَشْفَعَ الشَّافِعِينَ، يَا أَكْرَمَ الْأَكْرَمِينَ
4/22/202147 minutes, 34 seconds
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تاملاتى بر دعاى جوشن كبير سری دوم ماه رمضان 1400 جلسه یازدهم

قسمت سی و هفتم This is Session 37 of Reflections on Dua Jawshan Kabir by Sheikh Dr Shomali, 21st April 2021 ﴿۲۸﴾ يَا عِمادَ مَنْ لَاعِمادَ لَهُ، يَا سَنَدَ مَنْ لَاسَنَدَ لَهُ، يَا ذُخْرَ مَنْ لَا ذُخْرَ لَهُ، يَا حِرْزَ مَنْ لَاحِرْزَ لَهُ، يَا غِياثَ مَنْ لَاغِياثَ لَهُ، يَا فَخْرَ مَنْ لَافَخْرَ لَهُ، يَا عِزَّ مَنْ لَاعِزَّ لَهُ، يَا مُعِينَ مَنْ لَامُعِينَ لَهُ، يَا أَنِيسَ مَنْ لَاأَنِيسَ لَهُ، يَا أَمانَ مَنْ لَاأَمانَ لَهُ.
4/22/202156 minutes, 22 seconds
Episode Artwork

تاملاتى بر دعاى جوشن كبير سری دوم ماه رمضان 1400 جلسه نهم

تاملاتى بر دعاى جوشن كبير سری دوم ماه رمضان 1400 جلسه نهم by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
4/21/202144 minutes, 54 seconds
Episode Artwork

تاملاتى بر دعاى جوشن كبير سری دوم ماه رمضان 1400 جلسه پنجم

تاملاتى بر دعاى جوشن كبير سری دوم ماه رمضان 1400 جلسه پنجم by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
4/17/202147 minutes, 4 seconds
Episode Artwork

تاملاتى بر دعاى جوشن كبير سری دوم ماه رمضان 1400 جلسه چهارم

تاملاتى بر دعاى جوشن كبير سری دوم ماه رمضان 1400 جلسه چهارم by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
4/17/202146 minutes, 50 seconds
Episode Artwork

تاملاتى بر دعاى جوشن كبير سری دوم ماه رمضان 1400 جلسه ششم

قسمت سی و دوم This is Session 32 of Reflections on Dua Jawshan Kabir by Sheikh Dr Shomali, 16th April 2021 اللّٰهُمَّ إِنِّى أَسْأَلُكَ بِاسْمِكَ يَا مُصَوِّرُ، يَا مُقَدِّرُ، يَا مُدَبِّرُ، يَا مُطَهِّرُ، يَا مُنَوِّرُ، يَا مُيَسِّرُ،
4/17/202139 minutes, 42 seconds
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تاملاتى بر دعاى جوشن كبير سری دوم ماه رمضان 1400 جلسه سوم

قسمت بیست و نهم This is Session 29 of Reflections on Dua Jawshan Kabir by Sheikh Dr Shomali, 13th April 2021 يَا ذَا الْحُجَّةِ الْقَاطِعَةِ، يَا ذَا الْكَرامَةِ الظَّاهِرَةِ، يَا ذَا الْعِزَّةِ الدَّائِمَةِ، يَا ذَا الْقُوَّةِ الْمَتِينَةِ، يَا ذَا الْعَظَمَةِ الْمَنِيعَةِ
4/14/202137 minutes, 21 seconds
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تاملاتى بر دعاى جوشن كبير قسمت بیست و هشتم

This is Session 28 of Reflections on Dua Jawshan Kabir by Sheikh Dr Shomali, 12th April 2021 يا ذا الحكمة البالغة يا ذا القدرة الكاملة
4/14/202139 minutes, 26 seconds
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تاملاتى بر دعاى جوشن كبير قسمت بیست و هفتم

This is Session 27 of Reflections on Dua Jawshan Kabir by Sheikh Dr Shomali, 11th April 2021 ﴿۲۳﴾ يَا ذَا النِّعْمَةِ السَّابِغَةِ، يَا ذَا الرَّحْمَةِ الْواسِعَةِ، يَا ذَا الْمِنَّةِ السَّابِقَةِ
4/13/202140 minutes, 16 seconds
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Exceptional Opportunities In The Holy Month Of Ramadan Sheikh Dr Shomali 10th April 2021

How to prepare to better appreciate exceptional blessings, providence and mercy of Allah swt in the holy month of Ramadan? This talk was given in the joint meeting of KLC and some Russian speaking brothers and sisters on the 10th April 2021. Как подготовиться к тому, чтобы лучше оценить благословения, промысел и милость Аллаха СВТ в священный месяц Рамадан? Об этом говорилось на совместной встрече KLC и некоторых некоторых русскоязычных братьев и сестер 10 апреля 2021 года.
4/11/20211 hour, 1 minute, 56 seconds
Episode Artwork

مفهوم امت در قرآن کریم، توسط حجه الاسلام دکتر شمالی یازدهم فروردین ماه 1400

Key Concepts of the Glorious Qur'an (in Farsi): 20. Concept of ummah (community; nation) این درس برای گروهی از خواهران حوزوی غیر ایرانی برگزار گردید. (Wed 31st March 2021).
4/1/202142 minutes, 45 seconds
Episode Artwork

مفهوم شریعة در قرآن کریم توسط حجه الاسلام دکتر شمالی چهارم فروردین ماه 1400

Key Concepts of the Glorious Qur'an (in Farsi): 19. Concept of shari'ah (path; way) این درس برای گروهی از خواهران حوزوی غیر ایرانی برگزار گردید. (Wed 24th March 2021).
3/26/202136 minutes, 21 seconds
Episode Artwork

مفهوم ملة در قرآن کریم توسط حجه الاسلام دکتر شمالی بیستم و هفتم اسفند ماه ۱۳۹۹

مفهوم ملة در قرآن کریم توسط حجه الاسلام دکتر شمالی بیستم و هفتم اسفند ماه ۱۳۹۹ by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
3/18/202158 minutes, 20 seconds
Episode Artwork

تجلی الهی در مبعث و نزول وحی در 27 رجب

━━━━💠🌸💠━━━━ عید سعید مبعث و جشن رسالت ━━━━💠🌸💠━━━━ 📆تاریخ: پنجشنبه 21اسفند 11th March 2021 🕰ساعت:14:00به وقت ایران 💻مکان: حسینیه مجازی حکمت سخنران: حجت الاسلام و المسلمین دکتر شمالی
3/11/202146 minutes, 43 seconds
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رهایی از دنیا و آرادی معنوی از دیدگاه امیر المومنین

24th Feb 2021
3/5/202130 minutes, 47 seconds
Episode Artwork

مفهوم فرقان در قرآن کریم توسط حجه الاسلام دکتر شمالی ششم اسفند ماه ۱۳۹۹

مفهوم فرقان در قرآن کریم توسط حجه الاسلام دکتر شمالی ششم اسفند ماه ۱۳۹۹ by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
3/5/202152 minutes, 50 seconds
Episode Artwork

مفهوم دین در قرآن کریم توسط حجه الاسلام دکتر شمالی سیزدهم اسفند ماه ۱۳۹۹

مفهوم دین در قرآن کریم توسط حجه الاسلام دکتر شمالی سیزدهم اسفند ماه ۱۳۹۹ by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
3/5/202153 minutes, 42 seconds
Episode Artwork

مفهوم کتاب در قرآن کریم توسط حجه الاسلام دکتر شمالی بیست و نهم بهمن ماه ۱۳۹۹

مفهوم کتاب در قرآن کریم توسط حجه الاسلام دکتر شمالی بیست و نهم بهمن ماه ۱۳۹۹ by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
2/18/20211 hour, 9 minutes, 10 seconds
Episode Artwork

مفهوم میزان در قرآن کریم قسمت اول توسط حجه الاسلام دکتر شمالی بیست و یکم بهمن ماه ۱۳۹۹

مفهوم میزان در قرآن کریم قسمت اول توسط حجه الاسلام دکتر شمالی بیست و یکم بهمن ماه ۱۳۹۹ by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
2/12/202135 minutes, 36 seconds
Episode Artwork

مفهوم حکمت در قرآن کریم قسمت چهارم توسط حجه الاسلام دکتر شمالی چهاردهم بهمن ماه ۱۳۹۹

مفهوم حکمت در قرآن کریم قسمت چهارم توسط حجه الاسلام دکتر شمالی چهاردهم بهمن ماه ۱۳۹۹ by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
2/4/202132 minutes, 34 seconds
Episode Artwork

منزلت عالمان و تعلیم از دیدگاه حضرت فاطمه سلام الله علیها

منزلت عالمان و تعلیم از دیدگاه حضرت فاطمه سلام الله علیها by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
2/2/202138 minutes, 53 seconds
Episode Artwork

منزلت معنوی و معرفتی حضرت فاطمه سلام الله علیها

منزلت معنوی و معرفتی حضرت فاطمه سلام الله علیها by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
2/2/202134 minutes, 15 seconds
Episode Artwork

مفهوم حکمت در قرآن کریم قسمت سوم توسط حجه الاسلام دکتر شمالی هفتم بهمن ماه ۱۳۹۹

مفهوم حکمت در قرآن کریم قسمت سوم توسط حجه الاسلام دکتر شمالی هفتم بهمن ماه ۱۳۹۹ by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
1/28/202148 minutes, 6 seconds
Episode Artwork

مفهوم حکمت در قرآن کریم قسمت اول توسط حجه الاسلام دکتر شمالی سی ام دی ماه ۱۳۹۹

مفهوم حکمت در قرآن کریم قسمت اول توسط حجه الاسلام دکتر شمالی سی ام دی ماه ۱۳۹۹ by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
1/26/202124 minutes, 43 seconds
Episode Artwork

مفهوم حکمت در قرآن کریم قسمت دوم توسط حجه الاسلام دکتر شمالی سی ام دی ماه ۱۳۹۹

مفهوم حکمت در قرآن کریم قسمت دوم توسط حجه الاسلام دکتر شمالی سی ام دی ماه ۱۳۹۹ by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
1/26/202136 minutes, 24 seconds
Episode Artwork

مفهوم سیئه در قرآن کریم توسط حجه الاسلام دکتر شمالی بیست و سوم دی ماه ۱۳۹۹

مفهوم سیئه در قرآن کریم توسط حجه الاسلام دکتر شمالی بیست و سوم دی ماه ۱۳۹۹ by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
1/14/202123 minutes, 24 seconds
Episode Artwork

مفهوم فحشاء در قرآن کریم توسط حجه الاسلام دکتر شمالی بیست و سوم دی ماه ۱۳۹۹

مفهوم فحشاء در قرآن کریم توسط حجه الاسلام دکتر شمالی بیست و سوم دی ماه ۱۳۹۹ by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
1/14/202138 minutes, 22 seconds
Episode Artwork

مفهوم منکر در قرآن کریم توسط حجه الاسلام دکتر شمالی شانزدهم دی ماه ۱۳۹۹

مفهوم منکر در قرآن کریم توسط حجه الاسلام دکتر شمالی شانزدهم دی ماه ۱۳۹۹ by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
1/8/202152 minutes, 12 seconds
Episode Artwork

مفهوم طیب در قرآن کریم توسط حجه الاسلام دکتر شمالی سوم دی ماه ۱۳۹۹

مفهوم طیب در قرآن کریم توسط حجه الاسلام دکتر شمالی سوم دی ماه ۱۳۹۹ by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
12/26/20201 hour, 22 minutes, 43 seconds
Episode Artwork

مفاهیم مرتبط با سلام (امن، سکینه و ...) در قرآن کریم توسط حجه الاسلام دکتر شمالی نوزدهم آذر ۱۳۹۹

مفاهیم مرتبط با سلام (امن، سکینه و ...) در قرآن کریم توسط حجه الاسلام دکتر شمالی نوزدهم آذر ۱۳۹۹ by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
12/19/20201 hour, 15 minutes, 58 seconds
Episode Artwork

مفهوم سلام در قرآن کریم توسط حجه الاسلام دکتر شمالی نوزدهم آذر ۱۳۹۹

مفهوم سلام در قرآن کریم توسط حجه الاسلام دکتر شمالی نوزدهم آذر ۱۳۹۹ by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
12/10/20201 hour, 18 minutes, 18 seconds
Episode Artwork

مفهوم صدق در قرآن کریم توسط حجه الاسلام دکتر شمالی دوازدهم آذر ۱۳۹۹

مفهوم صدق در قرآن کریم توسط حجه الاسلام دکتر شمالی دوازدهم آذر ۱۳۹۹ by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
12/4/202055 minutes, 46 seconds
Episode Artwork

مفهوم حق در قرآن کریم (جلسه دوم) توسط حجه الاسلام دکتر شمالی پنجم آذر ۱۳۹۹

مفهوم حق در قرآن کریم (جلسه دوم) توسط حجه الاسلام دکتر شمالی پنجم آذر ۱۳۹۹ by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
11/29/202059 minutes, 52 seconds
Episode Artwork

مفهوم حق در قرآن کریم (جلسه اول) توسط حجه الاسلام دکتر شمالی سی ام ابان ۱۳۹۹

مفهوم حق در قرآن کریم (جلسه اول) توسط حجه الاسلام دکتر شمالی سی ام ابان ۱۳۹۹ by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
11/24/20201 hour, 7 minutes, 36 seconds
Episode Artwork

مفهوم رحمت در قرآن کریم (جلسه پنجم) توسط حجه الاسلام دکتر شمالی بیست و سوم ابان ۱۳۹۹

مفهوم رحمت در قرآن کریم (جلسه پنجم) توسط حجه الاسلام دکتر شمالی بیست و سوم ابان ۱۳۹۹ by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
11/13/202038 minutes, 28 seconds
Episode Artwork

مفهوم رحمت در قرآن کریم (جلسه ششم) توسط حجه الاسلام دکتر شمالی بیست و سوم ابان ۱۳۹۹

مفهوم رحمت در قرآن کریم (جلسه ششم) توسط حجه الاسلام دکتر شمالی بیست و سوم ابان ۱۳۹۹ by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
11/13/202059 minutes, 43 seconds
Episode Artwork

مفهوم رحمت در قرآن کریم (جلسه چهارم) توسط حجه الاسلام دکتر شمالی شانزدهم ابان ۱۳۹۹

مفهوم رحمت در قرآن کریم (جلسه چهارم) توسط حجه الاسلام دکتر شمالی شانزدهم ابان ۱۳۹۹ by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
11/7/202054 minutes, 39 seconds
Episode Artwork

مفهوم رحمت در قرآن کریم (جلسه سوم) توسط حجه الاسلام دکتر شمالی شانزدهم ابان ۱۳۹۹

مفهوم رحمت در قرآن کریم (جلسه سوم) توسط حجه الاسلام دکتر شمالی شانزدهم ابان ۱۳۹۹ by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
11/7/202053 minutes, 44 seconds
Episode Artwork

مفهوم رحمت در قرآن کریم (جلسه دوم) توسط حجه الاسلام دکتر شمالی هفتم ابان ۱۳۹۹

مفهوم رحمت در قرآن کریم (جلسه دوم) توسط حجه الاسلام دکتر شمالی هفتم ابان ۱۳۹۹ by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
10/30/202027 minutes, 58 seconds
Episode Artwork

مفهوم رحمت در قرآن کریم (جلسه اول) توسط حجه الاسلام دکتر شمالی هفتم ابان ۱۳۹۹

مفهوم رحمت در قرآن کریم (جلسه اول) توسط حجه الاسلام دکتر شمالی هفتم ابان ۱۳۹۹ by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
10/30/202051 minutes, 9 seconds
Episode Artwork

مفهوم حیات در قرآن کریم (جلسه سوم) توسط حجه الاسلام دکتر شمالی بیست و سوم مهر ۱۳۹۹

مفهوم حیات در قرآن کریم (جلسه سوم) توسط حجه الاسلام دکتر شمالی بیست و سوم مهر ۱۳۹۹ by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
10/22/202049 minutes, 51 seconds
Episode Artwork

مفهوم حیات در قرآن کریم (جلسه دوم) توسط حجه الاسلام دکتر شمالی بیست و سوم مهر ۱۳۹۹

مفهوم حیات در قرآن کریم (جلسه دوم) توسط حجه الاسلام دکتر شمالی بیست و سوم مهر ۱۳۹۹ by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
10/22/202046 minutes, 35 seconds
Episode Artwork

مفهوم حیات در قرآن کریم (جلسه چهارم) توسط حجه الاسلام دکتر شمالی سی ام مهر ۱۳۹۹

مفهوم حیات در قرآن کریم (جلسه چهارم) توسط حجه الاسلام دکتر شمالی سی ام مهر ۱۳۹۹ by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
10/22/20201 hour, 8 minutes, 39 seconds
Episode Artwork

مفهوم حیات در قرآن کریم همراه با اربعین (جلسه اول) توسط حجه الاسلام دکتر شمالی شانزدهم مهر ۱۳۹۹

مفهوم حیات در قرآن کریم همراه با اربعین (جلسه اول) توسط حجه الاسلام دکتر شمالی شانزدهم مهر ۱۳۹۹ by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
10/8/202051 minutes, 53 seconds
Episode Artwork

Introduction To Nahj Al - Balaghah, Part 1, Sheikh Dr Shomali, 23rd Sep 2020

This series is based on Ayat Mutahhari's Seyri dar Nahj al-Balaghah (Glimpses of Nahj al-Balaghah) and given in the 11th term of Hujjat Academy. The English translation is available at:
10/2/202037 minutes, 40 seconds
Episode Artwork

مفهوم نور در قرآن کریم (جلسه دوم) توسط حجه الاسلام و المسلمین دکتر شمالی نهم مهر ۱۳۹۹

Key Concepts of the Glorious Qur'an (in Farsi): 1. Concept of Light, part (b) این درس برای گروهی از خواهران حوزوی غیر ایرانی برگزار گردید. (Wed 30th Sep 2020)
10/2/202046 minutes, 5 seconds
Episode Artwork

مفهوم نور در قرآن کریم (جلسه سوم) توسط حجه الاسلام و المسلمین دکتر شمالی نهم مهر ۱۳۹۹

Key Concepts of the Glorious Qur'an (in Farsi): 1. Concept of Light, part (c) این درس برای گروهی از خواهران حوزوی غیر ایرانی برگزار گردید. (Wed 30th Sep 2020)
10/2/202048 minutes, 20 seconds
Episode Artwork

مفهوم نور در قرآن کریم (جلسه اول) توسط حجه الاسلام و المسلمین دکتر شمالی دوم مهر ۱۳۹۹

Key Concepts of the Glorious Qur'an (in Farsi): 1. Concept of Light, part (a) این درس برای گروهی از خواهران حوزوی غیر ایرانی برگزار گردید. (Wed 23rd Sep 2020)
10/2/202051 minutes, 22 seconds
Episode Artwork

Moral Instructions by Imam Sajjad (a), Sheikh Dr Shomali, 13th Sep 2020

This lecture was given in commemoration of martyrdom of Imam Sajjad (a) قال علی بن الحسین عليه السلام: ثلاث منجيات للمؤمن: كف لسانه عن الناس واغتيابهم. وإشغاله نفسه بما ينفعه لآخرته ودنياه وطول البكاء على خطيئته. وقال عليه السلام: ثلاث من كن فيه من المؤمنين كان في كنف الله وأظله الله يوم القيامة في ظل عرشه وآمنه من فزع اليوم الأكبر: من أعطى الناس من نفسه ما هو سائلهم لنفسه. ورجل لم يقدم يدا ولا رجلا حتى يعلم أنه في طاعة الله قدمها أو في معصيته. ورجل لم يعب أخاه بعيب حتى يترك ذلك العيب من نفسه. وكفى بالمرء شغلا بعيبه لنفسه عن عيوب الناس. تحف العقول - ابن شعبة الحراني - الصفحة ٢٨٢
9/13/202059 minutes, 27 seconds
Episode Artwork

تاملاتى بر دعاى جوشن كبير قسمت بیستم همراه با پرسش و پاسخ

This is Session 20 of Reflections on Dua Jawshan Kabir by Sheikh Dr Shomali, 1۵th May 2020 This lecture was given online in Farsi in the month of Ramadan. ﴿۱۵﴾ يَا ذَا الْجُودِ وَالْإِحْسانِ ، يَا ذَا الْفَضْلِ وَالْامْتِنانِ ، يَا ذَا الْأَمْنِ وَالْأَمانِ ، يَا ذَا الْقُدْسِ وَالسُّبْحانِ ، يَا ذَا الْحِكْمَةِ وَالْبَيانِ ، يَا ذَا الرَّحْمَةِ وَالرِّضْوانِ ، يَا ذَا الْحُجَّةِ وَالْبُرْهانِ ، يَا ذَا الْعَظَمَةِ وَالسُّلْطَانِ ، يَا ذَا الرَّأْفَةِ وَالْمُسْتَعانِ ، يَا ذَا الْعَفْوِ وَالْغُفْرانِ. (١۵) ای صاحب جود و نیکی، ای صاحب بخشش و عطا، ای صاحب امن و امان، ای صاحب قدس و پاکی، ای صاحب حکمت و بیان، ای صاحب رحمت و رضوان، ای صاحب حجّت و برهان، ای صاحب عظمت و سلطان، ای صاحب مهر و ای پشتیبان، ای صاحب گذشت و غفران.
6/15/202053 minutes, 55 seconds
Episode Artwork

تاملاتى بر دعاى جوشن كبير قسمت بیست و پنجم همراه با پرسش و پاسخ

This is Session 25 of Reflections on Dua Jawshan Kabir by Sheikh Dr Shomali, 21st May 2020 This lecture was given online in Farsi in the month of Ramadan. ﴿۲۱﴾ اللّٰهُمَّ إِنِّى أَسْأَلُكَ بِاسْمِكَ يَا عَلِىُّ ، يَا وَفِىُّ ، يَا غَنِىُّ ،يَا مَلِىُّ ، يَا حَفِىُّ ، يَا رَضِىُّ ، يَا زَكِىُّ ، يَا بَدِىُّ ، يَا قَوِىُّ ، يَا وَلِىُّ. (٢١) خدایا! از تو خواستارم به نامت ای والا، ای وفادار، ای توانگر، ای امان‌ده، ای پرمهر، ای خشنود، ای پاک، ای نمایان، ای پرتوان، ای فیض‌بخش.
6/14/202023 minutes, 33 seconds
Episode Artwork

تاملاتى بر دعاى جوشن كبير قسمت بیست و چهارم همراه با پرسش و پاسخ

This is Session 24 of Reflections on Dua Jawshan Kabir by Sheikh Dr Shomali, 20th May 2020 This lecture was given online in Farsi in the month of Ramadan. ﴿۲۰﴾ يَا فارِجَ الْهَمِّ ، يَا كَاشِفَ الْغَمِّ ، يَا غَافِرَ الذَّنْبِ ، يَا قَابِلَ التَّوْبِ ، يَا خَالِقَ الْخَلْقِ ، يَا صَادِقَ الْوَعْدِ ، يَا مُوفِىَ الْعَهْدِ ، يَا عَالِمَ السِّرِّ ، يَا فَالِقَ الْحَبِّ ، يَا رَازِقَ الْأَنامِ. (٢٠) ای گشاینده اندوه، ای برطرف کننده غم، ای آمرزنده گناه، ای پذیرنده توبه، ای آفریننده آفریدگان، ای راست وعده، ای وفادار به پیمان، ای دانای راز نهان، ای شکافنده دانه، ای روزی دهنده بندگان.
6/14/202033 minutes, 41 seconds
Episode Artwork

تاملاتى بر دعاى جوشن كبير قسمت بیست و سوم همراه با پرسش و پاسخ

This is Session 23 of Reflections on Dua Jawshan Kabir by Sheikh Dr Shomali, 19th May 2020 This lecture was given online in Farsi in the month of Ramadan. ﴿۱۹﴾ يَا مَنْ لَايُرْجىٰ إِلّا فَضْلُهُ ، يَا مَنْ لَايُسْأَلُ إِلّا عَفْوُهُ ، يَا مَنْ لَايُنْظَرُ إِلّا بِرُّهُ ، يَا مَنْ لَايُخافُ إِلّا عَدْلُهُ ، يَا مَنْ لَايَدُومُ إِلّا مُلْكُهُ ، يَا مَنْ لَاسُلْطانَ إِلّا سُلْطانُهُ ، يَا مَنْ وَسِعَتْ كُلَّ شَىْءٍ رَحْمَتُهُ ، يَا مَنْ سَبَقَتْ رَحْمَتُهُ غَضَبَهُ ، يَا مَنْ أَحاطَ بِكُلِّ شَىْءٍ عِلْمُهُ ، يَا مَنْ لَيْسَ أَحَدٌ مِثْلُهُ. (١٩) ای آن‌که جز به فضلش امید نیست، ای آن‌که جز عفوش خواهش نشود، ای آن‌که جز به نیکی‌اش چشم ندوزند، ای آن‌که جز از دادش نهراسند، ای آن‌که پایدار نماند جز فرمانروایی‌اش، ای آن‌که جز سلطنتش سلطنتی نیست، ای آن‌که رحمتش همه را فرا گرفته، ای آن‌که رحمتش بر خشمش پیشی گرفته، ای آن‌که دانشش همه را فرو گرفته، ای آن‌که هیچ‌کس همانندش نیست.
6/14/202025 minutes, 49 seconds
Episode Artwork

تاملاتى بر دعاى جوشن كبير قسمت بیست و دوم همراه با پرسش و پاسخ

This is Session 22 of Reflections on Dua Jawshan Kabir by Sheikh Dr Shomali, 18th May 2020 This lecture was given online in Farsi in the month of Ramadan. ﴿۱۷﴾ اللّٰهُمَّ إِنِّى أَسْأَلُكَ بِاسْمِكَ يَا مُؤْمِنُ ، يَا مُهَيْمِنُ ، يَا مُكَوِّنُ ، يَا مُلَقِّنُ ، يَا مُبَيِّنُ ، يَا مُهَوِّنُ ، يَا مُمَكِّنُ ، يَا مُزَيِّنُ ، يَا مُعْلِنُ ، يَا مُقَسِّمُ. (١٧) خدایا! از تو می‌خواهم به نامت ای ایمنی‌بخش، ای چیره بر همه، ای هستی‌آفرین، ای دلبر، ای خِرَد رُبا، ای سادگی‌بخش، ای توان ده، ای زینت‌بخش، ای نمایانگر، ای پخش‌کن. ﴿۱۸﴾ يَا مَنْ هُوَ فِى مُلْكِهِ مُقِيمٌ ، يَا مَنْ هُوَ فِى سُلْطانِهِ قَدِيمٌ ، يَا مَنْ هُو فِى جَلالِهِ عَظِيمٌ، يَا مَنْ هُوَ عَلَىٰ عِبادِهِ رَحِيمٌ ، يَا مَنْ هُوَ بِكُلِّ شَىْءٍ عَلِيمٌ ، يَا مَنْ هُوَ بِمَنْ عَصاهُ حَلِيمٌ ، يَا مَنْ هُوَ بِمَنْ رَجاهُ كَرِيمٌ ، يَا مَنْ هُوَ فِى صُنْعِهِ حَكِيمٌ ، يَا مَنْ هُوَ فِى حِكْمَتِهِ لَطِيفٌ ، يَا مَنْ هُوَ فِى لُطْفِهِ قَدِيمٌ. (١٨) ای آن‌که در فرمانروایی‌اش پابرجاست، ای آن‌که در پادشاهی‌اش دیرینه است، ای آن‌که در شکوهش بزرگ است، ای آن‌که بر بندگانش مهربان است، ای آن‌که به هر چیز داناست، ای آن‌که بر نافرمانان بردبار است، ای آن‌که بر امیدواران اکرام ورزد، ای آن‌که در آفرینش حکمت نماید، ای آن‌که در حکمتش مهر ورزد، ای آن‌که در مهرش دیرینه است.
6/14/202035 minutes, 4 seconds
Episode Artwork

تاملاتى بر دعاى جوشن كبير قسمت نوزدهم همراه با پرسش و پاسخ

This is Session 19 of Reflections on Dua Jawshan Kabir by Sheikh Dr Shomali, 13th May 2020 This lecture was given online in Farsi in the month of Ramadan. ﴿۱۴﴾ يَا دَلِيلَ الْمُتَحَيِّرِينَ ، يَا غِياثَ الْمُسْتَغِيثِينَ ، يَا صَرِيخَ الْمُسْتَصْرِخِينَ ، يَا جارَ الْمُسْتَجِيرِينَ ، يَا أَمانَ الْخَائِفِينَ ، يَا عَوْنَ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ ، يَا رَاحِمَ الْمَساكِينَ ، يَا مَلْجَأَ الْعَاصِينَ ، يَا غافِرَ الْمُذْنِبِينَ ، يَا مُجِيبَ دَعْوَةِ الْمُضْطَرِّينَ. (١۴) ای رهنمای ره‌جویان، ای مددرس مددجویان، ای فریادرس فریادکنان، ای پناه پناهندگان، ای ایمنی‌بخش هراسندگان، ای یاور مؤمنان، ای مهرورز بر خاک نشستگان، ای پناه عصیانگران، ای آمرزنده گنه‌کاران، ای اجابت‌کننده دعای بیچارگان.
6/14/202053 minutes, 57 seconds
Episode Artwork

تاملاتى بر دعاى جوشن كبير قسمت بیست و ششم همراه با پرسش و پاسخ

This is Session 26 (final) of Reflections on Dua Jawshan Kabir by Sheikh Dr Shomali, 22nd May 2020. This lecture was given online in Farsi in the month of Ramadan. ﴿۲۲﴾ يَا مَنْ أَظْهَرَ الْجَمِيلَ ، يَا مَنْ سَتَرَ الْقَبِيحَ ، يَا مَنْ لَمْ يُؤاخِذْ بِالْجَرِيرَةِ ، يَا مَنْ لَمْ يَهْتِكِ السِّتْرَ ، يَا عَظِيمَ الْعَفْوِ ، يَا حَسَنَ التَّجاوُزِ ، يَا وَاسِعَ الْمَغْفِرَةِ ، يَا بَاسِطَ الْيَدَيْنِ بِالرَّحْمَةِ ، يَا صَاحِبَ كُلِّ نَجْوىٰ ، يَا مُنْتَهىٰ كُلِّ شَكْوىٰ. (٢٢) ای آن‌که زیبایی را پدیدار نمودی، ای آن‌که زشتی را پوشاندی ای آن‌که بر گناه سرزنش نکردی، ای آن‌که پرده‌دری ننمودی، ای که گذشتت بزرگ، ای که نیکو درگذری، ای آمرزگانیت فراگیر، ای دستت به مهر گشوده، ای شنوای هر نجوی، ای سرانجام هر گلایه.
6/14/202030 minutes, 5 seconds
Episode Artwork

تاملاتى بر دعاى جوشن كبير قسمت بیست و یکم همراه با پرسش و پاسخ

This is Session 21 of Reflections on Dua Jawshan Kabir by Sheikh Dr Shomali, 17th May 2020 This lecture was given online in Farsi in the month of Ramadan. ﴿۱۵﴾ يَا ذَا الْجُودِ وَالْإِحْسانِ ، يَا ذَا الْفَضْلِ وَالْامْتِنانِ ، يَا ذَا الْأَمْنِ وَالْأَمانِ ، يَا ذَا الْقُدْسِ وَالسُّبْحانِ ، يَا ذَا الْحِكْمَةِ وَالْبَيانِ ، يَا ذَا الرَّحْمَةِ وَالرِّضْوانِ ، يَا ذَا الْحُجَّةِ وَالْبُرْهانِ ، يَا ذَا الْعَظَمَةِ وَالسُّلْطَانِ ، يَا ذَا الرَّأْفَةِ وَالْمُسْتَعانِ ، يَا ذَا الْعَفْوِ وَالْغُفْرانِ. (١۵) ای صاحب جود و نیکی، ای صاحب بخشش و عطا، ای صاحب امن و امان، ای صاحب قدس و پاکی، ای صاحب حکمت و بیان، ای صاحب رحمت و رضوان، ای صاحب حجّت و برهان، ای صاحب عظمت و سلطان، ای صاحب مهر و ای پشتیبان، ای صاحب گذشت و غفران. ﴿۱۶﴾ يَا مَنْ هُوَ رَبُّ كُلِّ شَىْءٍ ، يَا مَنْ هُوَ إِلٰهُ كُلِّ شَىْءٍ ، يَا مَنْ هُوَ خالِقُ كُلِّ شَىْءٍ ، يَا مَنْ هُوَ صَانِعُ كُلِّ شَىْءٍ ، يَا مَنْ هُوَ قَبْلَ كُلِّ شَىْءٍ ، يَا مَنْ هُوَ بَعْدَ كُلِّ شَىْءٍ ، يَا مَنْ هُوَ فَوْقَ كُلِّ شَىْءٍ ، يَا مَنْ هُوَ عَالِمٌ بِكُلِّ شَىْءٍ ، يَا مَنْ هُوَ قادِرٌ عَلَىٰ كُلِّ شَىْءٍ ، يَا مَنْ هُوَ يَبْقىٰ وَيَفْنىٰ كُلُّ شَىْءٍ. (١۶) ای آن‌که پروردگار همه اوست، ای آن‌که معبود همه اوست، ای آن‌که آفریننده همه اوست، ای آن‌که سازنده همه اوست، ای آن‌که پیش از همه بود، ای آن‌که بعد از همه هست، ای آن‌که از هر چیز برتر است، ای آن‌که به همه‌چیز داناست، ای آن‌که بر هر چیز توانا است، ای آن‌که او همیشگی است و همه‌چیز رفتنی است.
6/14/202024 minutes, 53 seconds
Episode Artwork

تاملاتى بر دعاى جوشن كبير قسمت هجدهم

تاملاتى بر دعاى جوشن كبير قسمت هجدهم by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
5/12/202024 minutes, 17 seconds
Episode Artwork

پرسش و پاسخ - تاملاتى بر دعاى جوشن كبير قسمت هجدهم

پرسش و پاسخ - تاملاتى بر دعاى جوشن كبير قسمت هجدهم by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
5/12/202011 minutes, 10 seconds
Episode Artwork

تاملاتى بر دعاى جوشن كبير قسمت هفدهم پرسش و پاسخ

تاملاتى بر دعاى جوشن كبير قسمت هفدهم پرسش و پاسخ by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
5/12/202019 minutes, 28 seconds
Episode Artwork

تاملاتى بر دعاى جوشن كبير قسمت هفدهم

تاملاتى بر دعاى جوشن كبير قسمت هفدهم by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
5/12/202028 minutes, 35 seconds
Episode Artwork

تاملاتى بر دعاى جوشن كبير قسمت شانزدهم همراه با پرسش و پاسخ

تاملاتى بر دعاى جوشن كبير قسمت شانزدهم همراه با پرسش و پاسخ by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
5/12/202049 minutes, 22 seconds
Episode Artwork

تاملاتى بر دعاى جوشن كبير قسمت پانزدهم

تاملاتى بر دعاى جوشن كبير قسمت پانزدهم by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
5/12/202032 minutes, 34 seconds
Episode Artwork

تاملاتى بر دعاى جوشن كبير قسمت چهاردهم

تاملاتى بر دعاى جوشن كبير قسمت چهاردهم by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
5/12/202021 minutes, 30 seconds
Episode Artwork

تاملاتى بر دعاى جوشن كبير قسمت سیزدهم

تاملاتى بر دعاى جوشن كبير قسمت سیزدهم by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
5/12/202039 minutes, 13 seconds
Episode Artwork

تاملاتى بر دعاى جوشن كبير قسمت چهارم با پرسش و پاسخ

This lecture was given online in Farsi in the first night of the month of Ramadan 2020
5/6/202036 minutes, 28 seconds
Episode Artwork

تاملاتى بر دعاى جوشن كبير قسمت یازدهم با پرسش و پاسخ

This lecture was given online in Farsi in the first night of the month of Ramadan 2020
5/6/202042 minutes, 4 seconds
Episode Artwork

تاملاتى بر دعاى جوشن كبير - قسمت اول

This lecture was given online in Farsi in the first night of the month of Ramadan 2020
5/6/202023 minutes, 54 seconds
Episode Artwork

- تاملاتى بر دعاى جوشن كبير قسمت هشتم با پرسش و پاسخ

This lecture was given online in Farsi in the first night of the month of Ramadan 2020
5/6/202043 minutes, 53 seconds
Episode Artwork

تاملاتى بر دعاى جوشن كبير قسمت یازدهم با پرسش و پاسخ

This lecture was given online in Farsi in the first night of the month of Ramadan 2020
5/6/202042 minutes, 4 seconds
Episode Artwork

تاملاتى بر دعاى جوشن كبير قسمت نهم با پرسش و پاسخ

This lecture was given online in Farsi in the first night of the month of Ramadan 2020
5/6/202051 minutes, 42 seconds
Episode Artwork

Visiting Benedictine Study House, Karen, Dr Shomali, Nairobi, Sep 2017

On the side of the 8th Catholic Shia dialogue, the participants visited this study house and met with the staff and seminarians. This is Dr Shomali's words in that meeting.
5/6/20204 minutes, 10 seconds
Episode Artwork

تاملاتى بردعاى جوشن كبير قسمت سوم

This lecture was given online in Farsi in the first night of the month of Ramadan 2020
5/6/202026 minutes, 21 seconds
Episode Artwork

تاملاتى بر دعاى جوشن كبير قسمت دوازدهم با پرسش و پاسخ

This lecture was given online in Farsi in the first night of the month of Ramadan 2020
5/6/202040 minutes, 20 seconds
Episode Artwork

تاملاتى بر دعاى جوشن كبير قسمت دهم با پرسش و پاسخ

This lecture was given online in Farsi in the first night of the month of Ramadan 2020
5/6/202035 minutes, 24 seconds
Episode Artwork

تاملاتى بر دعاى جوشن كبير قسمت پنجم با پرسش و پاسخ

This lecture was given online in Farsi in the first night of the month of Ramadan 2020
5/6/202037 minutes, 30 seconds
Episode Artwork

تاملاتی بر دعای جوشن کبیر -قسمت دوم

This lecture was given online in Farsi in the first night of the month of Ramadan 2020
5/6/202033 minutes, 40 seconds
Episode Artwork

تاملاتى بر دعاى جوشن كبير قسمت هفتم با پرسش و پاسخ

This lecture was given online in Farsi in the first night of the month of Ramadan 2020
5/6/202046 minutes, 46 seconds
Episode Artwork

تاملاتى بر دعاى جوشن كبير قسمت ششم با پرسش و پاسخ

This lecture was given online in Farsi in the first night of the month of Ramadan 2020
5/6/202041 minutes, 16 seconds
Episode Artwork

Relation between Imam Mahdi (a) and Jesus (a), 14th April 2020

This talk was recorded around Easter 2020 and shortly after birth anniversary of Imam Mahdi (aj) per request of Imam Hussein Foundation as part of a short documentary on this subject which would include talks from Muslims and Christians.
4/15/202013 minutes, 14 seconds
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Reflections on Imam Mahdi (a)'s Occultation and Some of the Prayers for Him, 11th April 2020

This session was conducted online for KLC students as a follow up for the session which was conducted on the 9th April:
4/12/202057 minutes, 34 seconds
Episode Artwork

Reflections on Imam Mahdi (a)'s Roles in the Time of Occultation, Mid Shaban. 9th April 2020

This session was conducted for KLC students and was open to the community.
4/12/202040 minutes, 25 seconds
Episode Artwork

Eve of 18th Ramadhan 1425

This series were delivered during the month of Ramadan in Fall 2004. It was followed by the second series in the month of Ramadan 2005. Both series studied stations of wayfarers to Allah swt according to Manazil al-Sa'irin (Stations of Wayfarers) by Khwajah Abdullah Ansari.
4/9/202033 minutes, 18 seconds
Episode Artwork

Eve of 20th Ramadhan

This series were delivered during the month of Ramadan in Fall 2004. It was followed by the second series in the month of Ramadan 2005. Both series studied stations of wayfarers to Allah swt according to Manazil al-Sa'irin (Stations of Wayfarers) by Khwajah Abdullah Ansari.
4/9/202032 minutes, 40 seconds
Episode Artwork

Eve of 24th Ramadhan 1425

This series were delivered during the month of Ramadan in Fall 2004. It was followed by the second series in the month of Ramadan 2005. Both series studied stations of wayfarers to Allah swt according to Manazil al-Sa'irin (Stations of Wayfarers) by Khwajah Abdullah Ansari.
4/9/202020 minutes, 48 seconds
Episode Artwork

Eve of 25th Ramadhan 1425

This series were delivered during the month of Ramadan in Fall 2004. It was followed by the second series in the month of Ramadan 2005. Both series studied stations of wayfarers to Allah swt according to Manazil al-Sa'irin (Stations of Wayfarers) by Khwajah Abdullah Ansari.
4/9/202034 minutes, 22 seconds
Episode Artwork

Eve of 26th Ramadhan 1425

This series were delivered during the month of Ramadan in Fall 2004. It was followed by the second series in the month of Ramadan 2005. Both series studied stations of wayfarers to Allah swt according to Manazil al-Sa'irin (Stations of Wayfarers) by Khwajah Abdullah Ansari.
4/9/202031 minutes, 56 seconds
Episode Artwork

19th Eve Ramadhan

This series were delivered during the month of Ramadan in Fall 2004. It was followed by the second series in the month of Ramadan 2005. Both series studied stations of wayfarers to Allah swt according to Manazil al-Sa'irin (Stations of Wayfarers) by Khwajah Abdullah Ansari.
4/9/202045 minutes, 17 seconds
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Eve of 28th Ramadhan - 11 November 2004

This series were delivered during the month of Ramadan in Fall 2004. It was followed by the second series in the month of Ramadan 2005. Both series studied stations of wayfarers to Allah swt according to Manazil al-Sa'irin (Stations of Wayfarers) by Khwajah Abdullah Ansari.
4/9/202015 minutes, 40 seconds
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21st Day Ramadhan

This series were delivered during the month of Ramadan in Fall 2004. It was followed by the second series in the month of Ramadan 2005. Both series studied stations of wayfarers to Allah swt according to Manazil al-Sa'irin (Stations of Wayfarers) by Khwajah Abdullah Ansari.
4/9/202055 minutes, 34 seconds
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Eve of 21st Ramadhan

This series were delivered during the month of Ramadan in Fall 2004. It was followed by the second series in the month of Ramadan 2005. Both series studied stations of wayfarers to Allah swt according to Manazil al-Sa'irin (Stations of Wayfarers) by Khwajah Abdullah Ansari.
4/9/202058 minutes, 41 seconds
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23rd Eve Ramadhan

This series were delivered during the month of Ramadan in Fall 2004. It was followed by the second series in the month of Ramadan 2005. Both series studied stations of wayfarers to Allah swt according to Manazil al-Sa'irin (Stations of Wayfarers) by Khwajah Abdullah Ansari.
4/9/202043 minutes, 41 seconds
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Eve of 26th Ramadhan 1425

This series were delivered during the month of Ramadan in Fall 2004. It was followed by the second series in the month of Ramadan 2005. Both series studied stations of wayfarers to Allah swt according to Manazil al-Sa'irin (Stations of Wayfarers) by Khwajah Abdullah Ansari.
4/9/202031 minutes, 56 seconds
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Eve of 16th Ramadhan on al-I'tisaam - 20 October 2005

This series were delivered as follow up for the series on the same topic during the month of Ramadan in Fall 2004. Both series studied stations of wayfarers to Allah swt according to Manazil al-Sa'irin (Stations of Wayfarers) by Khwajah Abdullah Ansari.
4/8/202042 minutes, 29 seconds
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Eve of 17th Ramadhan on al-Riyadah - 21 October 2005

This series were delivered as follow up for the series on the same topic during the month of Ramadan in Fall 2004. Both series studied stations of wayfarers to Allah swt according to Manazil al-Sa'irin (Stations of Wayfarers) by Khwajah Abdullah Ansari.
4/8/202046 minutes, 34 seconds
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Eve of 18th Ramadhan 1426 on al-Riyadah- 22 October 2005

This series were delivered as follow up for the series on the same topic during the month of Ramadan in Fall 2004. Both series studied stations of wayfarers to Allah swt according to Manazil al-Sa'irin (Stations of Wayfarers) by Khwajah Abdullah Ansari.
4/8/202043 minutes, 8 seconds
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Eve of 19th Ramadhan 1426 on al-Riyadah - 23 October 2005

This series were delivered as follow up for the series on the same topic during the month of Ramadan in Fall 2004. Both series studied stations of wayfarers to Allah swt according to Manazil al-Sa'irin (Stations of Wayfarers) by Khwajah Abdullah Ansari.
4/8/202052 minutes, 32 seconds
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Eve of 21st Ramadhan 1426 on Huzn (sadness)- 25 October 2005

This series were delivered as follow up for the series on the same topic during the month of Ramadan in Fall 2004. Both series studied stations of wayfarers to Allah swt according to Manazil al-Sa'irin (Stations of Wayfarers) by Khwajah Abdullah Ansari.
4/8/202057 minutes, 12 seconds
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Eve of 23rd Ramadhan 1426 (Night of Qadr)- 27 October 2005

This series were delivered as follow up for the series on the same topic during the month of Ramadan in Fall 2004. Both series studied stations of wayfarers to Allah swt according to Manazil al-Sa'irin (Stations of Wayfarers) by Khwajah Abdullah Ansari.
4/8/202016 minutes, 39 seconds
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Eve of 24th Ramadhan 1426 on Khawf (fear)- 28 October 2005

This series were delivered as follow up for the series on the same topic during the month of Ramadan in Fall 2004. Both series studied stations of wayfarers to Allah swt according to Manazil al-Sa'irin (Stations of Wayfarers) by Khwajah Abdullah Ansari.
4/8/202054 minutes, 28 seconds
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Eve of 25th Ramadhan 1426 on Fear & Hope- 29 October 2005

This series were delivered as follow up for the series on the same topic during the month of Ramadan in Fall 2004. Both series studied stations of wayfarers to Allah swt according to Manazil al-Sa'irin (Stations of Wayfarers) by Khwajah Abdullah Ansari.
4/8/202049 minutes, 28 seconds
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Eve of 26th Ramadhan 1426 on al-khudu', al-ikhbaat and al-zuhd- 30 October 2005

This series were delivered as follow up for the series on the same topic during the month of Ramadan in Fall 2004. Both series studied stations of wayfarers to Allah swt according to Manazil al-Sa'irin (Stations of Wayfarers) by Khwajah Abdullah Ansari.
4/8/202041 minutes, 11 seconds
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Eve of 28th Ramadhan 1426 on Love for Allah swt as shortcut- 1 November 2005

This series were delivered as follow up for the series on the same topic during the month of Ramadan in Fall 2004. Both series studied stations of wayfarers to Allah swt according to Manazil al-Sa'irin (Stations of Wayfarers) by Khwajah Abdullah Ansari.
4/8/202017 minutes, 2 seconds
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Eve of 27th Ramadhan 1426 on al-zuhd (asceticism)- 31 October 2005

This series were delivered as follow up for the series on the same topic during the month of Ramadan in Fall 2004. Both series studied stations of wayfarers to Allah swt according to Manazil al-Sa'irin (Stations of Wayfarers) by Khwajah Abdullah Ansari.
4/8/202043 minutes, 45 seconds
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Eve of 29th Ramadhan 1426 on Love for Allah swt as shortcut - 2 November 2005

This series were delivered as follow up for the series on the same topic during the month of Ramadan in Fall 2004. Both series studied stations of wayfarers to Allah swt according to Manazil al-Sa'irin (Stations of Wayfarers) by Khwajah Abdullah Ansari.
4/8/20201 hour, 10 minutes, 50 seconds
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Ziyarat Aal-i Yasin, 12th March 2020

This ziyarah was recited Thursday night the 12th of March, 17th of Rajab during the interfaith trip to Switzerland from the 7th to the 14th of March 2020.
3/19/202017 minutes, 21 seconds
Episode Artwork

Identity and Belonging, 6th Peace And Unity Conference, Sheikh Dr Shomali, 20th Nov 2019

Identity and Belonging, 6th Peace And Unity Conference, Sheikh Dr Shomali, 20th Nov 2019 by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
11/21/201912 minutes, 2 seconds
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Prophet Muhammad: Beautiful Role Model & Servant of God, Sheikh Dr M A Shomali, 17th Nov 2019

This lecture was given on the auspicious occasion of the birth anniversary of Prophet Muhammad (s) and Imam Sadiq (a) at the Imam Hussein Foundation in Watford.
11/18/201948 minutes, 8 seconds
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Unity of God and Unity in God, Sheikh Dr Shomali, 1st November 2019

This lecture was given at Tangaza University in Kenya as the keynote speech in the Inaugural Conference for IRDIS (Institute for Interreligious Dialogue and Islamic Studies).
11/9/201950 minutes, 37 seconds
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Divine Universal Laws, Part 13 (final, 12th of Muharram), Sheikh Dr Shomali, 12th Sep 2019

Divine Universal Laws, Part 13 (final, 12th of Muharram), Sheikh Dr Shomali, 12th Sep 2019 by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
9/13/20191 hour, 2 minutes, 57 seconds
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Divine Universal Laws, Part 12 (11th of Muharram), Sheikh Dr Shomali, 11th Sep 2019

Divine Universal Laws, Part 12 (11th of Muharram), Sheikh Dr Shomali, 11th Sep 2019 by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
9/12/20191 hour, 6 minutes, 9 seconds
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Divine Universal Laws, Part 11 (Shaame Ghariban), Muharram 2019, Sheikh Dr Shomali, 10th Sep 2019

Divine Universal Laws, Part 11 (Shaame Ghariban), Muharram 2019, Sheikh Dr Shomali, 10th Sep 2019 by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
9/11/201942 minutes, 22 seconds
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Love for God: Signs and Effects (in Arabic), part 1 by Sheikh Dr Shomali, 8th Sep 2019

المحبه لله تعالی: َعلاماته و آثاره (1) للشیخ الدکتور محمدعلی الشمالی This lecture was given on the 8th Sep 2019 coinciding the 8th of Muharram in London.
9/10/201951 minutes, 17 seconds
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Divine Universal Laws, Part 10 (Day of Ashura), Muharram 2019, Sheikh Dr Shomali, 10th Sep 2019

Divine Universal Laws, Part 10 (Day of Ashura), Muharram 2019, Sheikh Dr Shomali, 10th Sep 2019 by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
9/10/20191 hour, 17 minutes, 15 seconds
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Divine Universal Laws, Night 9 (Night of Ashura), Muharram 2019, Sheikh Dr Shomali, 9th Sep 2019

Divine Universal Laws, Night 9 (Night of Ashura), Muharram 2019, Sheikh Dr Shomali, 9th Sep 2019 by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
9/10/20191 hour, 16 minutes, 43 seconds
Episode Artwork

Love for God: Signs and Effects (in Arabic), part 2 by Sheikh Dr Shomali, Day of Tasua, 9th Sep 2019

المحبه لله تعالی: َعلاماته و آثاره (2) للشیخ الدکتور محمدعلی الشمالی یوم تاسوعا This lecture was given on the 9th Sep 2019 coinciding the 9th of Muharram (Day of Tasu'a) in London.
9/9/201955 minutes, 5 seconds
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Divine Universal Laws, Night 8, Muharram 2019, Sheikh Dr Shomali, 8th Sep 2019

This session explored further the need for love for God and went on reflecting on some hadiths about the people that God loves the most.
9/9/201959 minutes, 40 seconds
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Divine Universal Laws, Night 7, Muharram 2019, Sheikh Dr Shomali, 7th Sep 2019

This session explores the relation between love for God and ability to understand better and gaining wisdom.
9/8/201959 minutes, 54 seconds
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Divine Universal Laws, Night 6, Muharram 2019, Sheikh Dr Shomali, 6th Sep 2019

Divine Universal Laws, Night 6, Muharram 2019, Sheikh Dr Shomali, 6th Sep 2019 by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
9/7/20191 hour, 8 minutes, 30 seconds
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Divine Universal Laws, Night 5, Muharram 2019, Sheikh Dr Shomali, 5th Sep 2019

This session studies further the D.U.L. or Sunnah of aid (al-imdad) along with some reflections on how to approach challenges. Then starts with the D.U.L. of increasing the guidance for those who have appreciated His initial offers of guidance. The lecture goes on explaining the necessity of being patient with the difficulties of performing one's religious duties and refraining from temptations in spiritual journey till one starts tasting the sweetness of love for God. From that point on, everything becomes so much enjoyable and pleasing that one would never be pleased with replacing that experience with anything else in this world. The lecture ends with the example of Qasim, the son of Imam Hasan (a) who despite his very young age had reached the point of realisation that meeting God is sweeter than honey.
9/6/20191 hour, 3 minutes, 25 seconds
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Divine Universal Laws, Night 4, Muharram 2019, Sheikh Dr Shomali, 4th Sep 2019

This session completes the study of the Sunnah of Testing with studying the verse 12:109&110 and two derivate laws: 1. The limitations of the blessings and resources in this 2. Differences between people. Then the lecture continues with studying the Sunnah of Divine Assistance (al-imdaad) as the first conditional or non-absolute Sunnah. Verses 17:1-20, 11:15&16 and 42:20 have been explained.
9/5/20191 hour, 14 minutes, 7 seconds
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Divine Universal Laws, Night 3, Muharram 2019, Sheikh Dr Shomali, 3rd Sep 2019

This session deals with: 1. The way God prepares psychologically and spiritually people when He sends them Messengers 2. The Sunnah of testing and examining individuals, groups and nations with blessings or with difficulties and losses.
9/4/20191 hour, 10 minutes, 30 seconds
Episode Artwork

Divine Universal Laws, Night 2, Muharram 2019, Sheikh Dr Shomali, 2nd Sep 2019

In this session, it has been explained that there are two general types of Divine Universal Laws: 1. The absolute or unconditional ones (al-sunan al-mutlaqah) 2. The non-absolute or conditional ones (al-sunan al-mashutah). Among the first set is the Sunnah of guiding by sending messengers to all nations. In this session, this Sunnah has been discussed referring to the verses: Yunus: 47; al-Nahl:36; al-Fatir: 24; al-Furqan:51& al-Qasas:59. In this lecture, we also studied a derivate sunnah that falls under this one and that is the conformity between messengers and those to whom they have been sent, such as conformity in nature and in language. Reference has been made to the verses al-Israa:95 & Ibrahim:4.
9/2/201942 minutes, 16 seconds
Episode Artwork

Divine Universal Laws, Night 1, Muharram 2019, Sheikh Dr Shomali, 1st Sep 2019

In this session, the concept of Sunnah in the sense of the universal or general laws or patterns that God observes in running the world in both His creation and legislation has been explained. There are 16 cases in 11 verses in which sunnah or its plural: sunan is used. One case refers to the manners of previous generations of believers and that is the verse al-Nisaa:4. All other cases relate to divine universal laws whether they are added to the subject or the object of these laws. Verses Aali 'Imran:137; al-Anfaal:38, al-Kahf:55 and al-Fatir:42&43 have been discussed.
9/2/201956 minutes, 23 seconds
Episode Artwork

Manifestation of God in Human Unity and Relations by Dr Shomali, Loppiano, 27th June 2019

Thursday night event in Loppiano—June 27, 2019 Introduction by Luce: Dr. Mohammad Shomali is the director of the Islamic Center of England and the International Institute of Islamic Studies in Qum, Iran. He has many titles; I won’t mention all of them; but what strikes us the most is that he is at the vanguard of interreligious dialogue with the Christian world. As you understood, he is a great friend and brother of the Focolare movement. In fact, as Mahnaz said, we began this journey of dialogue and we feel with him and with the entire group a very deep unity, as he himself says, “Among us there is no longer dialogue; we are already in unity to bear witness to the world God.” Dr Shomali: In the Name of God Good evening. I am very happy to be here. God is manifest everywhere and in everything I am deeply grateful to God for showing Himself to us in each of our lives. But I want to especially thank God for showing Himself in our relations. In Islamic tradition, we believe that everything is a sign and manifestation of God. If we look carefully, God’s signature is on everything. So, a person who really believes in God and looks at everything as a sign of God is very respectful to everyone and everything. God is more manifest in good relations than good individuals ...
7/6/201933 minutes, 3 seconds
Episode Artwork

The Message of Solidarity by Sheikh Dr Shomali. 8th May 2019

The Message of Solidarity by Sheikh Dr Shomali. 8th May 2019 by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
5/13/201939 minutes, 49 seconds
Episode Artwork

Practical Wisdom in the Qur'an, Session Four by Sheikh Dr Shomali, 1st Feb 2019

Practical Wisdom in the Qur'an, Session Four by Sheikh Dr Shomali, 1st Feb 2019 by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
2/25/201956 minutes, 47 seconds
Episode Artwork

Practical Wisdom in the Qur'an, Session Eight by Sheikh Dr Shomali, 22nd Feb 2019

Practical Wisdom in the Qur'an, Session Eight by Sheikh Dr Shomali, 22nd Feb 2019 by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
2/25/201944 minutes, 20 seconds
Episode Artwork

Practical Wisdom in the Qur'an, Session One by Sheikh Dr Shomali, 25th Jan 2019

Practical Wisdom in the Qur'an, Session One by Sheikh Dr Shomali, 25th Jan 2019 by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
2/25/201941 minutes, 8 seconds
Episode Artwork

Practical Wisdom in the Qur'an, Session Eleven by Sheikh Dr Shomali, 15 April 2019

Practical Wisdom in the Qur'an, Session Eleven by Sheikh Dr Shomali, 15 April 2019 by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
2/25/20191 hour, 26 minutes, 25 seconds
Episode Artwork

Practical Wisdom in the Qur'an, Session Five by Sheikh Dr Shomali, 8th Feb 2019

Practical Wisdom in the Qur'an, Session Five by Sheikh Dr Shomali, 8th Feb 2019 by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
2/25/20191 hour, 4 minutes, 33 seconds
Episode Artwork

Practical Wisdom in the Qur'an, Session Ten by Sheikh Dr Shomali, 15th March 2019

Practical Wisdom in the Qur'an, Session Ten by Sheikh Dr Shomali, 15th March 2019 by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
2/25/20191 hour, 23 minutes, 57 seconds
Episode Artwork

Practical Wisdom in the Qur'an, Session Nine by Sheikh Dr Shomali, 22nd Feb 2019

Practical Wisdom in the Qur'an, Session Nine by Sheikh Dr Shomali, 22nd Feb 2019 by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
2/25/201940 minutes, 16 seconds
Episode Artwork

Practical Wisdom in the Qur'an, Session Seven by Sheikh Dr Shomali, 15th Feb 2019

Practical Wisdom in the Qur'an, Session Seven by Sheikh Dr Shomali, 15th Feb 2019 by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
2/25/201943 minutes, 25 seconds
Episode Artwork

Practical Wisdom in the Qur'an, Session Three by Sheikh Dr Shomali, 1st Feb 2019

Practical Wisdom in the Qur'an, Session Three by Sheikh Dr Shomali, 1st Feb 2019 by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
2/25/201955 minutes, 42 seconds
Episode Artwork

Practical Wisdom in the Qur'an, Session Fourteen (final) by Sheikh Dr Shomali, 3rd May 2019

Practical Wisdom in the Qur'an, Session Fourteen (final) by Sheikh Dr Shomali, 3rd May 2019 by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
2/25/201958 minutes, 35 seconds
Episode Artwork

Practical Wisdom in the Qur'an, Session Twelve by Sheikh Dr Shomali, 26 April 2019

Practical Wisdom in the Qur'an, Session Twelve by Sheikh Dr Shomali, 26 April 2019 by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
2/25/201951 minutes, 45 seconds
Episode Artwork

Practical Wisdom in the Qur'an, Session Six by Sheikh Dr Shomali, 15th Feb 2019

Practical Wisdom in the Qur'an, Session Six by Sheikh Dr Shomali, 15th Feb 2019 by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
2/25/20191 hour, 1 minute, 47 seconds
Episode Artwork

Practical Wisdom in the Qur'an, Session Two by Sheikh Dr Shomali, 25th Jan 2019

Practical Wisdom in the Qur'an, Session Two by Sheikh Dr Shomali, 25th Jan 2019 by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
2/25/201955 minutes, 44 seconds
Episode Artwork

Practical Wisdom in the Qur'an, Session Thirteen by Sheikh Dr Shomali, 26 April 2019

Practical Wisdom in the Qur'an, Session Thirteen by Sheikh Dr Shomali, 26 April 2019 by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
2/25/201932 minutes, 54 seconds
Episode Artwork

Prophet Muhammad (s)'s Mission and Message by Sheikh Dr Shomali, 22nd Dec 2018

4th Unity Conference, Sparbrook Islamic Centre and Jamiah Masjid, Birmingham
12/23/201837 minutes, 8 seconds
Episode Artwork

Mission Statement of Prophet Muhammad (s), Sheikh Dr Shomali, London, 28th Nov 2018

Milad al-Nabi [s] Celebration Wednesday 28th November 2018 at the Islamic College and Hawzah Ilmiyyah of England.
11/29/201829 minutes, 51 seconds
Episode Artwork

Prophet Muhammad and Moral Transformation by Sheikh Dr SHomal, 24th Nov 2018

This talk was given in Farsi for Farsi speaking people at the Imam Ali Islamic Centre. رسول اکرم (ص) و تحول اخلاقی جامعه
11/26/201837 minutes, 50 seconds
Episode Artwork

Community & Collective Identity by Sheikh Dr Shomali, 17th Nov 2018

Community & Collective Identity by Sheikh Dr Shomali, 17th Nov 2018 by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
11/18/201822 minutes, 24 seconds
Episode Artwork

Values Imam Husayn Stood for? by Sheikh Dr Shomali, Ashura Procession, London, 20th Sep 2018

Values Imam Husayn Stood for? by Sheikh Dr Shomali, Ashura Procession, London, 20th Sep 2018 by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
9/20/20188 minutes, 33 seconds
Episode Artwork

Why We Need Hawzahs Today by Sheikh Dr Shomali, 1st Sep 2018

This is part of the talk given at the opening of the Hawzah Ilmiyyah of England for the academic year 2018-2019.
9/1/201813 minutes, 44 seconds
Episode Artwork

When to Celebrate? What to Offer? Reflections on the Concept of Sacrifice, Sheikh Dr Shomali

Eid al-Adha Sermons, Islamic Centre of England, 22nd August 2018
8/22/201831 minutes
Episode Artwork

Unity of God and Unit in God, Sheikh Dr Shomali, Conrad Grebel College, 28th Feb 2018

Unity of God and Unit in God, Sheikh Dr Shomali, Conrad Grebel College, 28th Feb 2018 by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
7/29/201850 minutes, 36 seconds
Episode Artwork

The Role Word of God Plays in Our Life, 1st July 2018

This talk was given in a regular meeting of some Muslims and Christians in which they share their perspectives on moral and spiritual issues.
7/1/201825 minutes, 20 seconds
Episode Artwork

Concepts of "Religion" & "People of the Book" in the Qur'an by Sheikh Dr Shomali, 6th May 2018

This lecture was given as the Closing Speech on the 4th International Conference on Shi'i Studies, London.
5/6/201830 minutes, 4 seconds
Episode Artwork

Divine Justice (Lecture 13) By Dr Sheikh Shomali 18 Oct 2017

Divine Justice (Lecture 13) By Dr Sheikh Shomali 18 Oct 2017 by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
4/23/201858 minutes, 27 seconds
Episode Artwork

Divine Justice (Lecture 15) By Dr Sheikh Shomali 08 Nov 2017

Divine Justice (Lecture 15) By Dr Sheikh Shomali 08 Nov 2017 by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
4/23/201854 minutes, 44 seconds
Episode Artwork

Divine Justice (Lecture 14) By Dr Sheikh Shomali 25 Oct 2017

Divine Justice (Lecture 14) By Dr Sheikh Shomali 25 Oct 2017 by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
4/23/201853 minutes, 45 seconds
Episode Artwork

Divine Justice (Lecture 16) By Dr Sheikh Shomali 22 Nov 2017

Divine Justice (Lecture 16) By Dr Sheikh Shomali 22 Nov 2017 by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
4/23/201838 minutes, 43 seconds
Episode Artwork

Divine Justice (Lecture 19) By Dr Sheikh Shomali 20 Dec 2017

Divine Justice (Lecture 19) By Dr Sheikh Shomali 20 Dec 2017 by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
4/23/20181 hour, 9 minutes, 39 seconds
Episode Artwork

Divine Justice (Lecture 18) By Dr Sheikh Shomali 13 Dec 2017

Divine Justice (Lecture 18) By Dr Sheikh Shomali 13 Dec 2017 by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
4/23/201858 minutes, 27 seconds
Episode Artwork

Divine Justice (Lecture 17) By Dr Sheikh Shomali 29 Nov 2017

Divine Justice (Lecture 17) By Dr Sheikh Shomali 29 Nov 2017 by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
4/23/201840 minutes, 10 seconds
Episode Artwork

Divine Justice (Lecture 22) By Sheikh Dr Shomali 07 Feb 2018

Divine Justice (Lecture 22) By Sheikh Dr Shomali 07 Feb 2018 by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
4/23/20181 hour, 8 minutes, 18 seconds
Episode Artwork

Divine Justice (Lecture 20) By Dr Sheikh Shomali 24 Jan 2018

Divine Justice (Lecture 20) By Dr Sheikh Shomali 24 Jan 2018 by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
4/23/201848 minutes, 54 seconds
Episode Artwork

Divine Justice (Lecture 21) By Dr Sheikh Shomali 31 Jan 2018

Divine Justice (Lecture 21) By Dr Sheikh Shomali 31 Jan 2018 by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
4/23/201846 minutes, 23 seconds
Episode Artwork

Islamic Belief System (Lecture 26) Characteristics And Infallibility Of The Prophets Dr Shomali

Islamic Belief System (Lecture 26) Characteristics And Infallibility Of The Prophets Dr Shomali by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
4/23/201852 minutes, 58 seconds
Episode Artwork

Islamic Belief System (Lecture 28) Moral Characteristics Of Prophet Muhammad(s) Dr Shomali 15.10.16

Islamic Belief System (Lecture 28) Moral Characteristics Of Prophet Muhammad(s) Dr Shomali 15.10.16 by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
4/23/201830 minutes, 12 seconds
Episode Artwork

Islamic Belief System (Lecture 29) Moral Characteristics Of Prophet Muhammad Dr Shomali 22 Oct 16

Islamic Belief System (Lecture 29) Moral Characteristics Of Prophet Muhammad Dr Shomali 22 Oct 16 by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
4/23/201829 minutes, 59 seconds
Episode Artwork

Islamic Belief System Unit 5 (Lecture 30) Moral Characteristics Of Prophet Muhammad By Dr Shomali

Islamic Belief System Unit 5 (Lecture 30) Moral Characteristics Of Prophet Muhammad By Dr Shomali by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
4/23/201847 minutes, 23 seconds
Episode Artwork

Islamic Belief System Unit 4 (Lecture 24) General And Specific Guidance By Dr Shomali 10.9.16

Islamic Belief System Unit 4 (Lecture 24) General And Specific Guidance By Dr Shomali 10.9.16 by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
4/23/201842 minutes, 9 seconds
Episode Artwork

Islamic Belief System Unit 5 (Lecture 31) Moral Characteristics Of Prophet Muhammad By Dr Shomali

Islamic Belief System Unit 5 (Lecture 31) Moral Characteristics Of Prophet Muhammad By Dr Shomali by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
4/23/201835 minutes, 35 seconds
Episode Artwork

Islamic Belief System Unit 4 (Lecture 25) Characteristics Of The Prophets Dr Shomali 24 Sep 2016

Islamic Belief System Unit 4 (Lecture 25) Characteristics Of The Prophets Dr Shomali 24 Sep 2016 by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
4/23/201837 minutes, 36 seconds
Episode Artwork

Islamic Belief System (Lecture 32) Significant Of Recitation Quran By Dr Shomali 26 Nov 2016

Islamic Belief System (Lecture 32) Significant Of Recitation Quran By Dr Shomali 26 Nov 2016 by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
4/23/201839 minutes, 56 seconds
Episode Artwork

Islamic Belief System Unit 4 (Lecture 27) Prophethood Miracles Dr Shomali 08 Oct 2016

Islamic Belief System Unit 4 (Lecture 27) Prophethood Miracles Dr Shomali 08 Oct 2016 by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
4/23/201840 minutes, 5 seconds
Episode Artwork

Islamic Belief System Unit 5 (Lecture 33) Moral Characteristics Of Prophet Muhammad By Dr Shomali

Islamic Belief System Unit 5 (Lecture 33) Moral Characteristics Of Prophet Muhammad By Dr Shomali by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
4/23/201823 minutes, 31 seconds
Episode Artwork

Islamic Belief System Unit 6 (Lecture 35) Resurrection By Sheikh Shomali 17 Dec 2016

Islamic Belief System Unit 6 (Lecture 35) Resurrection By Sheikh Shomali 17 Dec 2016 by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
4/23/201854 minutes, 4 seconds
Episode Artwork

Islamic Belief System Unit 7 (Lecture 36) By Sheikh Dr Shomali 28 Jan 2017

Islamic Belief System Unit 7 (Lecture 36) By Sheikh Dr Shomali 28 Jan 2017 by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
4/23/201843 minutes, 48 seconds
Episode Artwork

Islamic Belief System Unit 7 (Lecture 37) By Sheikh Dr Shomali 11 Feb 2017

Islamic Belief System Unit 7 (Lecture 37) By Sheikh Dr Shomali 11 Feb 2017 by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
4/23/20181 minute, 17 seconds
Episode Artwork

Islamic Belief System Unit 7 (Lecture 38) By Sheikh Dr Shomali 18 Feb 2017

Islamic Belief System Unit 7 (Lecture 38) By Sheikh Dr Shomali 18 Feb 2017 by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
4/23/201844 minutes, 43 seconds
Episode Artwork

Islamic Belief System Unit 7 (Lecture 39) By Sheikh Dr Shomali 25 Feb 2017

Islamic Belief System Unit 7 (Lecture 39) By Sheikh Dr Shomali 25 Feb 2017 by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
4/23/201844 minutes, 42 seconds
Episode Artwork

Islamic Belief System Unit 7 (Lecture 40) By Sheikh Dr Shomali Final Session 1st April 2017 (1)

Islamic Belief System Unit 7 (Lecture 40) By Sheikh Dr Shomali Final Session 1st April 2017 (1) by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
4/23/201839 minutes, 24 seconds
Episode Artwork

Islamic Belief System (Lecture 34) Unit 5 (remaining) Unit 6 (beginning) By Dr Shomali 3 Dec 16

Islamic Belief System (Lecture 34) Unit 5 (remaining) Unit 6 (beginning) By Dr Shomali 3 Dec 16 by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
4/23/201826 minutes, 32 seconds
Episode Artwork

Religion in a Secular World: Can Integration Be Enforced? by sheikh Dr Shomali, 15th March 2018

Conference on: "The position of religion in Sweden’s future" Stockholm (Sollentuna) 14-15 Mars 2018 Organised by: - Swedish Agency for Support to Faith Communities (SST) - Imam Ali Islamic Centre, Stockholm / Islamic Shia Assemblies in Sweden (ISS) - The interfaith council of Sweden (SIR)
3/17/201811 minutes, 25 seconds
Episode Artwork

Unity of God and Unity in God, Waterloo, Sheikh Dr Shomali, 28th Feb 2018

Details Join us for a public lecture by Mohammad Ali Shomali, PhD, the founding director of the International Institute for Islamic Studies in Qum, Iran, and the Director of Islamic Centre of England. In his philosophical presentation, Shomali will address the unity of God and how in Islam, tawhid (unity of God) shapes and forms every aspect of Islamic thought. After surveying several Islamic thinkers’ work on the concept of unity of God, he will try to explain how belief in unity of God should lead to unity in God.
3/8/201850 minutes, 36 seconds
Episode Artwork

The Key to Success in This World and the Hereafter by Sheikh Dr Shomali, 22nd Feb 2018

This lecture was delivered at Masjid-e Ali in Luton for Ayyam-e Fatimiyyah.
2/23/201852 minutes, 7 seconds
Episode Artwork

Sincerity: Necessity and Benefits, part 2 by Sheikh Dr Shomali, 28th Jan 2018

This talk was given in commemoration of demise anniversary of Lady Fatimah (a) in the Imam Husayn (a) Centre in London
1/28/201848 minutes, 56 seconds
Episode Artwork

Sincerity: Necessity and Benefits, part 1 by Sheikh Dr Shomali, 27th Jan 2018

This talk was given in commemoration of demise anniversary of Lady Fatimah (a) in the Imam Husayn (a) Centre in London
1/28/201847 minutes, 13 seconds
Episode Artwork

Status of Morality: Universality & Centrality of Ethics, part 2 by Sheikh Dr Shomali, 5th Jan 2018

This is the second part of two lectures which were delivered in a short course on Islamic Studies, offered by the Islamic College. There were 27 participants, mostly from Sweden, but also from London, Milton Keynes and Rotterdam.
1/6/201839 minutes, 1 second
Episode Artwork

Status of Morality: Universality & Centrality of Ethics, part 1 by Sheikh Dr Shomali, 5th Jan 2018

This is the first of two lectures which were delivered in a short course on Islamic Studies, offered by the Islamic College. There were 27 participants, mostly from Sweden, but also from London, Milton Keynes and Rotterdam.
1/5/201838 minutes, 11 seconds
Episode Artwork

امام موسی صدر

امام موسی صدر by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
12/14/201752 minutes, 35 seconds
Episode Artwork

Importance of the Verses on the Message and the Messenger in Understanding the Qur'an

This lecture was delivered by Sheikh Dr Shomali in the Islamic College and Hawzah Ilmiyyah of England in London on the 6th Dec 2017
12/6/201729 minutes, 23 seconds
Episode Artwork

Lessons On Imamah And Wilayah, Session One By Sheikh Dr Shomali, 19th Nov 2017

Lessons On Imamah And Wilayah, Session One By Sheikh Dr Shomali, 19th Nov 2017 by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
11/21/201728 minutes, 26 seconds
Episode Artwork

Divine Justice, (Lecture 12) By Sheikh Dr Shomali, 11th October 2017

This series of lectures is based on the book: Divine Justice by Ayatollah Mutahhari.
10/13/201747 minutes, 20 seconds
Episode Artwork

Unity In God By Sheikh Dr Shomali, Nairobi, 2nd Sep 2017

This is the second talk which was given in the first day of 8th round of Catholic Shia Dialogue that took place in Nairobi from the 2nd to the 7th Sep 2017 at Subiaco Centre in Karen.
10/13/201716 minutes, 7 seconds
Episode Artwork

Divine Justice (Lecture 11) On Calamities By Sheikh Dr Shomali, 4th October 2017

Divine Justice (Lecture 11) On Calamities By Sheikh Dr Shomali, 4th October 2017 by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
10/5/201737 minutes, 2 seconds
Episode Artwork

Lessons On Islamic Morals, Part 3 By Sheikh Dr Shomali, Stanmore, 31st Jan 2017

Lessons On Islamic Morals, Part 3 By Sheikh Dr Shomali, Stanmore, 31st Jan 2017 by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
10/4/201734 minutes, 47 seconds
Episode Artwork

04 Islamic Theory Of Education By Sheikh Dr Shomali, 16th May 2017

04 Islamic Theory Of Education By Sheikh Dr Shomali, 16th May 2017 by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
5/10/201742 minutes, 45 seconds
Episode Artwork

05 Islamic Theory Of Education By Sheikh Dr Shomali, 17th May 2017

05 Islamic Theory Of Education By Sheikh Dr Shomali, 17th May 2017 by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
5/10/201750 minutes, 21 seconds
Episode Artwork

09 Islamic Theory Of Education By Sheikh Dr Shomali, 24th May 2017

09 Islamic Theory Of Education By Sheikh Dr Shomali, 24th May 2017 by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
5/10/201755 minutes, 3 seconds
Episode Artwork

11 Islamic Theory Of Education By Sheikh Dr Shomali, 26th May 2017

11 Islamic Theory Of Education By Sheikh Dr Shomali, 26th May 2017 by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
5/10/201718 minutes, 16 seconds
Episode Artwork

02 Islamic Theory Of Education By Sheikh Dr Shomali, 11th May 2017

02 Islamic Theory Of Education By Sheikh Dr Shomali, 11th May 2017 by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
5/10/201749 minutes, 18 seconds
Episode Artwork

08 Islamic Theory Of Education By Sheikh Dr Shomali, 19th May 2017

08 Islamic Theory Of Education By Sheikh Dr Shomali, 19th May 2017 by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
5/10/201741 minutes, 34 seconds
Episode Artwork

10 Islamic Theory Of Education By Sheikh Dr Shomali, 26th May 2017

10 Islamic Theory Of Education By Sheikh Dr Shomali, 26th May 2017 by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
5/10/201739 minutes, 40 seconds
Episode Artwork

12 Islamic Theory Of Education By Sheikh Dr Shomali, 26th May 2017

12 Islamic Theory Of Education By Sheikh Dr Shomali, 26th May 2017 by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
5/10/201711 minutes, 30 seconds
Episode Artwork

07 Islamic Theory Of Education By Sheikh Dr Shomali, 18th May 2017

07 Islamic Theory Of Education By Sheikh Dr Shomali, 18th May 2017 by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
5/10/201739 minutes, 17 seconds
Episode Artwork

01 Islamic Theory Of Education By Sheikh Dr Shomali, 10th May 2017

01 Islamic Theory Of Education By Sheikh Dr Shomali, 10th May 2017 by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
5/10/201741 minutes, 55 seconds
Episode Artwork

06 Islamic Theory Of Education By Sheikh Dr Shomali, 18th May 2017

06 Islamic Theory Of Education By Sheikh Dr Shomali, 18th May 2017 by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
5/10/201758 minutes, 38 seconds
Episode Artwork

03 Islamic Theory Of Education By Sheikh Dr Shomali, 16th May 2017

03 Islamic Theory Of Education By Sheikh Dr Shomali, 16th May 2017 by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
5/10/201748 minutes, 9 seconds
Episode Artwork

Divine Justice (Lecture 7) By Dr Sheikh Shomali, 26 April 2017

Divine Justice (Lecture 7) By Dr Sheikh Shomali, 26 April 2017 by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
2/22/20171 hour, 3 minutes, 40 seconds
Episode Artwork

Divine Justice (Lecture 5) By Dr Sheikh Shomali, 05 April 2017

Divine Justice (Lecture 5) By Dr Sheikh Shomali, 05 April 2017 by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
2/22/20171 hour, 1 minute, 6 seconds
Episode Artwork

Divine Justice (Lecture 1) By Sheikh Dr Shomali, 22 Feb 2017

Divine Justice (Lecture 1) By Sheikh Dr Shomali, 22 Feb 2017 by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
2/22/20171 hour, 6 minutes, 38 seconds
Episode Artwork

Divine Justice (Lecture 2), By Sheikh Dr Shomali, 15 March 2017

Divine Justice (Lecture 2), By Sheikh Dr Shomali, 15 March 2017 by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
2/22/20171 hour, 3 minutes, 57 seconds
Episode Artwork

Divine Justice (Lecture 4) By Dr Sheikh Shomali, 29 March 2017

Divine Justice (Lecture 4) By Dr Sheikh Shomali, 29 March 2017 by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
2/22/201750 minutes, 26 seconds
Episode Artwork

Divine Justice (Lecture 3), By Sheikh Dr Shomali, 22 March 2017

Divine Justice (Lecture 3), By Sheikh Dr Shomali, 22 March 2017 by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
2/22/201759 minutes, 43 seconds
Episode Artwork

Divine Justice (Lecture 9) By Dr Sheikh Shomali, 13 Sep 2017

Divine Justice (Lecture 9) By Dr Sheikh Shomali, 13 Sep 2017 by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
2/22/201750 minutes, 52 seconds
Episode Artwork

Divine Justice (Lecture 10) By Dr Sheikh Shomali, 20 Sep 2017

Divine Justice (Lecture 10) By Dr Sheikh Shomali, 20 Sep 2017 by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
2/22/201741 minutes, 35 seconds
Episode Artwork

Divine Justice (Lecture 6) By Dr Sheikh Shomali, 19 April 2017

Divine Justice (Lecture 6) By Dr Sheikh Shomali, 19 April 2017 by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
2/22/201757 minutes, 14 seconds
Episode Artwork

Divine Justice (Lecture 8) By Dr Sheikh Shomali, 10 May 2017

Divine Justice (Lecture 8) By Dr Sheikh Shomali, 10 May 2017 by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
2/22/201757 minutes, 37 seconds
Episode Artwork

Lessons On Islamic Morals, Session Eight, Par 1 By Sheikh Dr Shomali, 9th May 2017, Stanmore

Lessons On Islamic Morals, Session Eight, Par 1 By Sheikh Dr Shomali, 9th May 2017, Stanmore by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
1/17/201719 minutes, 23 seconds
Episode Artwork

Lessons On Islamic Morals, Session Nine By Sheikh Dr Shomali, 16th May 2017, Stanmore

Lessons On Islamic Morals, Session Nine By Sheikh Dr Shomali, 16th May 2017, Stanmore by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
1/17/201728 minutes, 50 seconds
Episode Artwork

Lessons On Islamic Morals, Session Six By Sheikh Dr Shomali, 18th April 2017

Lessons On Islamic Morals, Session Six By Sheikh Dr Shomali, 18th April 2017 by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
1/17/201749 minutes, 59 seconds
Episode Artwork

Lessons On Islamic Morals, Session Seven By Sheikh Dr Shomali, 25th April 2017

Lessons On Islamic Morals, Session Seven By Sheikh Dr Shomali, 25th April 2017 by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
1/17/201734 minutes, 15 seconds
Episode Artwork

Lessons On Islamic Morals, Session Eight, Par 2 By Sheikh Dr Shomali, 9th May 2017, Stanmore

Lessons On Islamic Morals, Session Eight, Par 2 By Sheikh Dr Shomali, 9th May 2017, Stanmore by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
1/17/201721 minutes, 45 seconds
Episode Artwork

Lessons On Islamic Morals, Part 2 By Sheikh Dr Shomali, Stanmore, 24th Jan 2017

Lessons On Islamic Morals, Part 2 By Sheikh Dr Shomali, Stanmore, 24th Jan 2017 by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
1/17/201734 minutes, 1 second
Episode Artwork

Lessons On Islamic Morals, Part 4 By Sheikh Dr Shomali, Stanmore, 13th Feb 2017

Lessons On Islamic Morals, Part 4 By Sheikh Dr Shomali, Stanmore, 13th Feb 2017 by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
1/17/201730 minutes, 14 seconds
Episode Artwork

Lessons On Islamic Morals, Session Ten, Review By Sheikh Dr Shomali, 24th May 2017, Stanmore

Lessons On Islamic Morals, Session Ten, Review By Sheikh Dr Shomali, 24th May 2017, Stanmore by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
1/17/201735 minutes, 44 seconds
Episode Artwork

Lessons On Islamic Morals, Part 1 By Sheikh Dr Shomali, Stanmore, 17th Jan 2017

Lessons On Islamic Morals, Part 1 By Sheikh Dr Shomali, Stanmore, 17th Jan 2017 by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
1/17/201743 minutes, 13 seconds
Episode Artwork

Lessons On Islamic Beliefs, Session 4, Part 2 By Sheikh Dr Shomali, 22nd Nov 2016, Stanmore

Lessons On Islamic Beliefs, Session 4, Part 2 By Sheikh Dr Shomali, 22nd Nov 2016, Stanmore by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
10/18/201626 minutes, 12 seconds
Episode Artwork

Lessons On Islamic Beliefs, Session 1, Part 1 By Sheikh Dr Shomali, 18th Oct 2016, Stanmore

Lessons On Islamic Beliefs, Session 1, Part 1 By Sheikh Dr Shomali, 18th Oct 2016, Stanmore by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
10/18/20161 hour, 50 seconds
Episode Artwork

Lessons On Islamic Beliefs, Session 5, Part 1 By Sheikh Dr Shomali, 6th Dec 2016, Stanmore

Lessons On Islamic Beliefs, Session 5, Part 1 By Sheikh Dr Shomali, 6th Dec 2016, Stanmore by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
10/18/201634 minutes, 5 seconds
Episode Artwork

Lessons On Islamic Beliefs, Session 3, Part 2 By Sheikh Dr Shomali, 1st Nov 2016, Stanmore

Lessons On Islamic Beliefs, Session 3, Part 2 By Sheikh Dr Shomali, 1st Nov 2016, Stanmore by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
10/18/201620 minutes, 56 seconds
Episode Artwork

Lessons On Islamic Beliefs, Session 6, Part 2 By Sheikh Dr Shomali, 13th Dec 2016, Stanmore

Lessons On Islamic Beliefs, Session 6, Part 2 By Sheikh Dr Shomali, 13th Dec 2016, Stanmore by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
10/18/201647 minutes, 45 seconds
Episode Artwork

Lessons On Islamic Beliefs, Session 5, Q&A By Sheikh Dr Shomali, 5th Dec 2016, Stanmore

Lessons On Islamic Beliefs, Session 5, Q&A By Sheikh Dr Shomali, 5th Dec 2016, Stanmore by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
10/18/20169 minutes, 17 seconds
Episode Artwork

Lessons On Islamic Beliefs, Session 1, Part 2 By Sheikh Dr Shomali, 18th Oct 2016, Stanmore

Lessons On Islamic Beliefs, Session 1, Part 2 By Sheikh Dr Shomali, 18th Oct 2016, Stanmore by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
10/18/201640 minutes, 1 second
Episode Artwork

Lessons On Islamic Beliefs, Session 4, Part 1 By Sheikh Dr Shomali, 22nd Nov 2016, Stanmore

Lessons On Islamic Beliefs, Session 4, Part 1 By Sheikh Dr Shomali, 22nd Nov 2016, Stanmore by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
10/18/201647 minutes, 11 seconds
Episode Artwork

Lessons On Islamic Beliefs, Session 4, Q&A By Sheikh Dr Shomali, 22nd Nov 2016, Stanmore

Lessons On Islamic Beliefs, Session 4, Q&A By Sheikh Dr Shomali, 22nd Nov 2016, Stanmore by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
10/18/20167 minutes, 1 second
Episode Artwork

Lessons On Islamic Beliefs, Session 3, Q & A By Sheikh Dr Shomali, 1st Nov 2016, Stanmore

Lessons On Islamic Beliefs, Session 3, Q & A By Sheikh Dr Shomali, 1st Nov 2016, Stanmore by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
10/18/201617 minutes, 46 seconds
Episode Artwork

Lessons On Islamic Beliefs, Session 2, Part 1 By Sheikh Dr Shomali, 25th Oct 2016, Stanmore

Lessons On Islamic Beliefs, Session 2, Part 1 By Sheikh Dr Shomali, 25th Oct 2016, Stanmore by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
10/18/201647 minutes, 13 seconds
Episode Artwork

Lessons On Islamic Beliefs, Session 3, Part 1 By Sheikh Dr Shomali, 1st Nov 2016, Stanmore

Lessons On Islamic Beliefs, Session 3, Part 1 By Sheikh Dr Shomali, 1st Nov 2016, Stanmore by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
10/18/201653 minutes, 18 seconds
Episode Artwork

Lessons On Islamic Beliefs, Session 5, Part 2 By Sheikh Dr Shomali, 6th Dec 2016, Stanmore

Lessons On Islamic Beliefs, Session 5, Part 2 By Sheikh Dr Shomali, 6th Dec 2016, Stanmore by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
10/18/201635 minutes, 20 seconds
Episode Artwork

Lessons On Islamic Beliefs, Session 6, Part 1 By Sheikh Dr Shomali, 13th Dec 2016, Stanmore

Lessons On Islamic Beliefs, Session 6, Part 1 By Sheikh Dr Shomali, 13th Dec 2016, Stanmore by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
10/18/201632 minutes, 1 second
Episode Artwork

Lessons On Islamic Beliefs, Session 2, Part 2 By Sheikh Dr Shomali, 25th Oct 2016, Stanmore

Lessons On Islamic Beliefs, Session 2, Part 2 By Sheikh Dr Shomali, 25th Oct 2016, Stanmore by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
10/18/201630 minutes, 44 seconds
Episode Artwork

Lessons On Islamic Beliefs, Session 2, Part 3 Q&A By Sheikh Dr Shomali, 25th Oct 2016, Stanmore

Lessons On Islamic Beliefs, Session 2, Part 3 Q&A By Sheikh Dr Shomali, 25th Oct 2016, Stanmore by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
10/18/201624 minutes, 25 seconds
Episode Artwork

Islamic Belief System Unity Characteristics Of The Prophets (Lecture 22) 30 - 4-16

Islamic Belief System Unity Characteristics Of The Prophets (Lecture 22) 30 - 4-16 by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
8/12/201633 minutes, 13 seconds
Episode Artwork

Islamic Belief System (Lecture 18), By Dr Shomali, 19.03.2016

Islamic Belief System (Lecture 18), By Dr Shomali, 19.03.2016 by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
8/12/201646 minutes, 36 seconds
Episode Artwork

Islamic Belief System, Anthropology, Human Dignity(Lecture 14) 20.2.16

Islamic Belief System, Anthropology, Human Dignity(Lecture 14) 20.2.16 by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
8/12/201646 minutes, 20 seconds
Episode Artwork

Islamic Belief System, Anthropology, Respect Gor Human Life (Lecture 15) 27.2.16

Islamic Belief System, Anthropology, Respect Gor Human Life (Lecture 15) 27.2.16 by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
8/12/201637 minutes, 47 seconds
Episode Artwork

Islamic Belief System (Lecture 13), Anthropology, Immateriality Of Human Soul 13.2.16

Islamic Belief System (Lecture 13), Anthropology, Immateriality Of Human Soul 13.2.16 by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
8/12/201644 minutes, 19 seconds
Episode Artwork

Islamic Belief System, Divine Decree And Measure (Lecture 17), 12.03.2016

Islamic Belief System, Divine Decree And Measure (Lecture 17), 12.03.2016 by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
8/12/201650 minutes, 25 seconds
Episode Artwork

Islamic Belief System, Human Desires And Decision Making ( Lecture 16, 5th March 2016

Islamic Belief System, Human Desires And Decision Making ( Lecture 16, 5th March 2016 by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
8/12/201636 minutes, 10 seconds
Episode Artwork

Islamic Belief System, Unit 4, Infallibility & Miracles (Lecture 23) 7 May 2016

Islamic Belief System, Unit 4, Infallibility & Miracles (Lecture 23) 7 May 2016 by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
8/12/201636 minutes, 51 seconds
Episode Artwork

Islamic Belief System, Unit 4, Prophethood, General Guidance (Lecture 20) 16.4.16

Islamic Belief System, Unit 4, Prophethood, General Guidance (Lecture 20) 16.4.16 by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
8/12/201640 minutes, 34 seconds
Episode Artwork

Islamic Belief System, Unit 4, Prophethood, Prophets & Codes Of Law (Lecture 21)

Islamic Belief System, Unit 4, Prophethood, Prophets & Codes Of Law (Lecture 21) by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
8/12/201642 minutes, 43 seconds
Episode Artwork

Islamic Belief System, Unit Three, Equity (Lecture 19), By Dr Shomali, 09.04.2016

Islamic Belief System, Unit Three, Equity (Lecture 19), By Dr Shomali, 09.04.2016 by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
8/12/201636 minutes, 48 seconds
Episode Artwork

Akhlaq (Lecture 44) - By Sheikh Dr Shomali 11.04.2016

Akhlaq (Lecture 44) - By Sheikh Dr Shomali 11.04.2016 by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
7/25/201644 minutes, 23 seconds
Episode Artwork

Akhlaq (Lecture 41) - By Sheikh Dr Shomali 07.03.2016

Akhlaq (Lecture 41) - By Sheikh Dr Shomali 07.03.2016 by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
7/25/201628 minutes, 8 seconds
Episode Artwork

Akhlaq (Lecture 43) - By Sheikh Dr Shomali 04.04.2016

Akhlaq (Lecture 43) - By Sheikh Dr Shomali 04.04.2016 by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
7/25/201640 minutes, 7 seconds
Episode Artwork

Akhlaq (Lecture 42) - By Sheikh Dr Shomali 14.03.2016

Akhlaq (Lecture 42) - By Sheikh Dr Shomali 14.03.2016 by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
7/25/20161 hour, 8 minutes, 43 seconds
Episode Artwork

Akhlaq (Lecture 45) - By Sheikh Dr Shomali 18.04.2016

Akhlaq (Lecture 45) - By Sheikh Dr Shomali 18.04.2016 by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
7/25/201653 minutes, 56 seconds
Episode Artwork

Akhlaq (Lecture 40) - By Sheikh Dr Shomali 29.02.2016

Akhlaq (Lecture 40) - By Sheikh Dr Shomali 29.02.2016 by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
7/25/201639 minutes, 38 seconds
Episode Artwork

Unity Of God And Unity In God, Part 4 By Dr Shomali, 27th Feb 2017, University Of Glasgow

Unity Of God And Unity In God, Part 4 By Dr Shomali, 27th Feb 2017, University Of Glasgow by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
7/8/201631 minutes, 32 seconds
Episode Artwork

Unity Of God And Unity In God, Part 1 By Dr Shomali, 8th July 2016, Sophia University, Italy

Unity Of God And Unity In God, Part 1 By Dr Shomali, 8th July 2016, Sophia University, Italy by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
7/8/20161 hour, 10 minutes, 3 seconds
Episode Artwork

Unity Of God And Unity In God, Part 3 By Dr Shomali, Mariapolis, Sussex, 10th August 2016

Unity Of God And Unity In God, Part 3 By Dr Shomali, Mariapolis, Sussex, 10th August 2016 by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
7/8/201655 minutes, 40 seconds
Episode Artwork

Unity Of God And Unity In God, Part 2 By Dr Shomali, 9th July 2016, Sophia University, Italy

Unity Of God And Unity In God, Part 2 By Dr Shomali, 9th July 2016, Sophia University, Italy by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
7/8/201634 minutes, 31 seconds
Episode Artwork

Understanding The Quran, Lesson Eight (814) By Sheikh Dr Shomali, Month Of Ramdan 2011, London

This series of 14 lectures were delivered in the month of Ramadan in 2014 at the Islamic Centre of England in London.
3/6/201652 minutes, 48 seconds
Episode Artwork

Understanding The Quran, Lesson Eleven (1114), Month Of Ramdan 2011, ICEL, London

This series of 14 lectures were delivered in the month of Ramadan in 2014 at the Islamic Centre of England in London.
3/6/201651 minutes, 58 seconds
Episode Artwork

Understanding The Quran, Lesson Five (514) By Sheikh Dr Shomali, Month Of Ramdan 2011, London

This series of 14 lectures were delivered in the month of Ramadan in 2014 at the Islamic Centre of England in London.
3/6/201651 minutes, 55 seconds
Episode Artwork

Understanding The Quran, Lesson Fourteen (1414) By Sheikh Dr Shomali, Month Of Ramdan 2011, London

This series of 14 lectures were delivered in the month of Ramadan in 2014 at the Islamic Centre of England in London.
3/6/201656 minutes, 56 seconds
Episode Artwork

Understanding The Quran, Lesson Nine (914) By Sheikh Dr Shomali, Month Of Ramdan 2011, London

This series of 14 lectures were delivered in the month of Ramadan in 2014 at the Islamic Centre of England in London.
3/6/201651 minutes, 56 seconds
Episode Artwork

Understanding The Quran, Lesson One (114) By Sheikh Dr Shomali, Month Of Ramdan 2011, ICEL, London

This series of 14 lectures were delivered in the month of Ramadan in 2014 at the Islamic Centre of England in London.
3/6/201630 minutes, 31 seconds
Episode Artwork

Understanding The Quran, Lesson Seven (714) By Sheikh Dr Shomali, Month Of Ramdan 2011, London

This series of 14 lectures were delivered in the month of Ramadan in 2014 at the Islamic Centre of England in London.
3/6/201656 minutes, 53 seconds
Episode Artwork

Understanding The Quran, Lesson Six (614) By Sheikh Dr Shomali, Month Of Ramdan 2011, ICEL, London

This series of 14 lectures were delivered in the month of Ramadan in 2014 at the Islamic Centre of England in London.
3/6/201644 minutes, 26 seconds
Episode Artwork

Understanding The Quran, Lesson Ten (1014), Sheikh Dr Shomali, Month Of Ramdan 2011, ICEL, London

This series of 14 lectures were delivered in the month of Ramadan in 2014 at the Islamic Centre of England in London.
3/6/201650 minutes, 58 seconds
Episode Artwork

Understanding The Quran, Lesson Thirtenn (1314) By Sheikh Dr Shomali, Month Of Ramdan 2011, London

This series of 14 lectures were delivered in the month of Ramadan in 2014 at the Islamic Centre of England in London.
3/6/201646 minutes, 41 seconds
Episode Artwork

Understanding The Quran, Lesson Three (314), Month Of Ramdan 2011, ICEL, London

This series of 14 lectures were delivered in the month of Ramadan in 2014 at the Islamic Centre of England in London.
3/6/201651 minutes, 42 seconds
Episode Artwork

Understanding The Quran, Lesson Four (414), Month Of Ramdan 2011, ICEL, London

This series of 14 lectures were delivered in the month of Ramadan in 2014 at the Islamic Centre of England in London.
3/6/201658 minutes, 37 seconds
Episode Artwork

Understanding The Quran, Lesson Twelve (1214) By Sheikh Dr Shomali, Month Of Ramdan 2011, London

This series of 14 lectures were delivered in the month of Ramadan in 2014 at the Islamic Centre of England in London.
3/6/201649 minutes, 20 seconds
Episode Artwork

Understanding The Quran, Lesson Two (214), Month Of Ramdan 2011, ICEL, London

This series of 14 lectures were delivered in the month of Ramadan in 2014 at the Islamic Centre of England in London.
3/6/201655 minutes, 13 seconds
Episode Artwork

Akhlaq ( Lecture 22) - By Shaikh Dr. Shomali 14 09 2015

This series of lectures is delivered by Sheikh Dr Shomali at the Hawzah Ilmiyyah of England.
2/27/201646 minutes, 6 seconds
Episode Artwork

Akhlaq ( Lecture 3 ) - Sheikh Dr Shomali - 10.11.2014

This series of lectures is delivered by Sheikh Dr Shomali at the Hawzah Ilmiyyah of England.
2/27/201648 minutes, 19 seconds
Episode Artwork

Akhlaq ( Lecture 23) - By Shaikh Dr. Shomali 21 09 2015

This series of lectures is delivered by Sheikh Dr Shomali at the Hawzah Ilmiyyah of England.
2/27/201641 minutes, 46 seconds
Episode Artwork

Akhlaq ( Lecture 25) - By Shaikh Dr. Shomali 5 10 2015

This series of lectures is delivered by Sheikh Dr Shomali at the Hawzah Ilmiyyah of England.
2/27/201633 minutes, 4 seconds
Episode Artwork

Akhlaq ( Lecture 24) - By Shaikh Dr. Shomali 28 09 2015

This series of lectures is delivered by Sheikh Dr Shomali at the Hawzah Ilmiyyah of England.
2/27/201640 minutes, 36 seconds
Episode Artwork

Akhlaq ( Lecture 26) - By Shaikh Dr. Shomali 12 10 2015

This series of lectures is delivered by Sheikh Dr Shomali at the Hawzah Ilmiyyah of England.
2/27/201634 minutes, 23 seconds
Episode Artwork

Akhlaq (Lecture 1) - Sheikh Dr Shomali - 06.10. 2014

This series of lectures is delivered by Sheikh Dr Shomali at the Hawzah Ilmiyyah of England.
2/27/201651 minutes, 1 second
Episode Artwork

Akhlaq ( Lecture 27) - By Shaikh Dr. Shomali 19 10 2015

This series of lectures is delivered by Sheikh Dr Shomali at the Hawzah Ilmiyyah of England.
2/27/201621 minutes, 33 seconds
Episode Artwork

Akhlaq (Lecture 2) - Sheikh Dr Shomali - 13.10.2014

This series of lectures is delivered by Sheikh Dr Shomali at the Hawzah Ilmiyyah of England.
2/27/201650 minutes, 27 seconds
Episode Artwork

Akhlaq (Lecture 4) - Sheikh Dr Shomali - 17.11.2014

This series of lectures is delivered by Sheikh Dr Shomali at the Hawzah Ilmiyyah of England.
2/27/201644 minutes, 54 seconds
Episode Artwork

Akhlaq (Lecture 6) - Sheikh Dr Shomali - 15.12.2014

This series of lectures is delivered by Sheikh Dr Shomali at the Hawzah Ilmiyyah of England.
2/27/201645 minutes, 20 seconds
Episode Artwork

Akhlaq (Lecture 5) - Sheikh Dr Shomali - 08.12.2014

This series of lectures is delivered by Sheikh Dr Shomali at the Hawzah Ilmiyyah of England.
2/27/201650 minutes, 8 seconds
Episode Artwork

Akhlaq (lecture 7) - 22.12.2014

This series of lectures is delivered by Sheikh Dr Shomali at the Hawzah Ilmiyyah of England.
2/27/20161 hour, 1 minute, 4 seconds
Episode Artwork

Akhlaq (lecture 9) - 26.1.2015

This series of lectures is delivered by Sheikh Dr Shomali at the Hawzah Ilmiyyah of England.
2/27/201636 minutes, 26 seconds
Episode Artwork

Akhlaq (Lecture 8) - Sheikh Dr Shomali - 05.01.2014

This series of lectures is delivered by Sheikh Dr Shomali at the Hawzah Ilmiyyah of England.
2/27/201648 minutes, 3 seconds
Episode Artwork

Akhlaq (Lecture 10) - Sheikh Dr Shomali 02.02.2015

This series of lectures is delivered by Sheikh Dr Shomali at the Hawzah Ilmiyyah of England.
2/27/201643 minutes, 26 seconds
Episode Artwork

Akhlaq (Lecture 11) - 09.02.2015

This series of lectures is delivered by Sheikh Dr Shomali at the Hawzah Ilmiyyah of England.
2/27/201648 minutes
Episode Artwork

Akhlaq (lecture 12) - By Sheikh Dr Shomali 02.03.2015

This series of lectures is delivered by Sheikh Dr Shomali at the Hawzah Ilmiyyah of England.
2/27/201651 minutes, 9 seconds
Episode Artwork

Akhlaq (Lecture 13) - Sheikh Dr Shomali 09.03.2015

This series of lectures is delivered by Sheikh Dr Shomali at the Hawzah Ilmiyyah of England.
2/27/201657 minutes, 24 seconds
Episode Artwork

Akhlaq (Lecture 14 - Part 1) - Sheikh Dr Shomali

This series of lectures is delivered by Sheikh Dr Shomali at the Hawzah Ilmiyyah of England.
2/27/201629 minutes, 20 seconds
Episode Artwork

Akhlaq (Lecture 14 - Part 2) - Sheikh Dr Shomali

This series of lectures is delivered by Sheikh Dr Shomali at the Hawzah Ilmiyyah of England.
2/27/201626 minutes, 27 seconds
Episode Artwork

Akhlaq (Lecture 16) - By Sheikh Dr Shomali 30.03.2015

This series of lectures is delivered by Sheikh Dr Shomali at the Hawzah Ilmiyyah of England.
2/27/201648 minutes, 20 seconds
Episode Artwork

Akhlaq (Lecture 15) - By Sheikh Dr Shomali 23.03.2015

This series of lectures is delivered by Sheikh Dr Shomali at the Hawzah Ilmiyyah of England.
2/27/201650 minutes, 14 seconds
Episode Artwork

Akhlaq (Lecture 17) - By Sheikh Dr Shomali 13.04.2015

This series of lectures is delivered by Sheikh Dr Shomali at the Hawzah Ilmiyyah of England.
2/27/201646 minutes, 53 seconds
Episode Artwork

Akhlaq (Lecture 19) - By Sheikh Dr Shomali 27.04.2015

This series of lectures is delivered by Sheikh Dr Shomali at the Hawzah Ilmiyyah of England.
2/27/201638 minutes, 57 seconds
Episode Artwork

Akhlaq (Lecture 18) - By Sheikh Dr Shomali 20.04.2015

This series of lectures is delivered by Sheikh Dr Shomali at the Hawzah Ilmiyyah of England.
2/27/201649 minutes, 2 seconds
Episode Artwork

Akhlaq (Lecture 20) - By Sheikh Dr Shomali 11.05.201522

This series of lectures is delivered by Sheikh Dr Shomali at the Hawzah Ilmiyyah of England.
2/27/201641 minutes, 51 seconds
Episode Artwork

Akhlaq (Lecture 28) - By Shaikh Dr. Shomali 26 10 2015

This series of lectures is delivered by Sheikh Dr Shomali at the Hawzah Ilmiyyah of England.
2/27/201644 minutes, 37 seconds
Episode Artwork

Akhlaq (Lecture 21) - By Sheikh Dr Shomali 18.05.2015

This series of lectures is delivered by Sheikh Dr Shomali at the Hawzah Ilmiyyah of England.
2/27/201648 minutes, 30 seconds
Episode Artwork

Akhlaq (Lecture 29) - By Shaikh Dr. Shomali 2 11 2015

This series of lectures is delivered by Sheikh Dr Shomali at the Hawzah Ilmiyyah of England.
2/27/201643 minutes, 54 seconds
Episode Artwork

Akhlaq (Lecture 31) - By Shaikh Dr. Shomali 23 11 2015

This series of lectures is delivered by Sheikh Dr Shomali at the Hawzah Ilmiyyah of England.
2/27/201616 minutes, 30 seconds
Episode Artwork

Akhlaq (Lecture 30) - By Shaikh Dr. Shomali 9 11 2015

This series of lectures is delivered by Sheikh Dr Shomali at the Hawzah Ilmiyyah of England.
2/27/201627 minutes, 14 seconds
Episode Artwork

Akhlaq (Lecture 32) - By Shaikh Dr. Shomali 30 11 2015

This series of lectures is delivered by Sheikh Dr Shomali at the Hawzah Ilmiyyah of England.
2/27/201650 minutes, 26 seconds
Episode Artwork

Akhlaq (Lecture 33) - By Shaikh Dr. Shomali 7 12 2015

This series of lectures is delivered by Sheikh Dr Shomali at the Hawzah Ilmiyyah of England.
2/27/201635 minutes, 40 seconds
Episode Artwork

Akhlaq (Lecture 34) - By Shaikh Dr. Shomali 21 12 2015

This series of lectures is delivered by Sheikh Dr Shomali at the Hawzah Ilmiyyah of England.
2/27/201631 minutes, 22 seconds
Episode Artwork

Akhlaq (Lecture 35) - By Sheikh Dr Shomali 25.01.2016

This series of lectures is delivered by Sheikh Dr Shomali at the Hawzah Ilmiyyah of England.
2/27/201645 minutes, 46 seconds
Episode Artwork

Akhlaq (Lecture 36) - By Sheikh Dr Shomali 01.02.2016

This series of lectures is delivered by Sheikh Dr Shomali at the Hawzah Ilmiyyah of England.
2/27/201614 minutes, 11 seconds
Episode Artwork

Akhlaq (Lecture 37) - By Sheikh Dr Shomali 08.02.2016

This series of lectures is delivered by Sheikh Dr Shomali at the Hawzah Ilmiyyah of England.
2/27/201643 minutes, 1 second
Episode Artwork

Akhlaq (Lecture 38) - By Sheikh Dr Shomali 15.02.2016

This series of lectures is delivered by Sheikh Dr Shomali at the Hawzah Ilmiyyah of England.
2/27/201624 minutes, 53 seconds
Episode Artwork

Akhlaq (Lecture 39) - By Sheikh Dr Shomali 22.02.2016

This series of lectures is delivered by Sheikh Dr Shomali at the Hawzah Ilmiyyah of England.
2/27/201635 minutes, 23 seconds
Episode Artwork

Akhlaq (Q And A) - By Sheikh Dr Shomali 15.02.2016

This series of lectures is delivered by Sheikh Dr Shomali at the Hawzah Ilmiyyah of England.
2/27/201622 minutes, 2 seconds
Episode Artwork

1 Self- Purification 21.07.2009

This series was delivered in July 2009 by Sheikh Dr Shomali at the Islamic Centre of England, London.
2/26/201658 minutes, 42 seconds
Episode Artwork

2 Journey From Darkness To Light 22.7.2009

This series was delivered in July 2009 by Sheikh Dr Shomali at the Islamic Centre of England, London.
2/26/201658 minutes, 16 seconds
Episode Artwork

3 Light And Guidance 23.7.2009

This series was delivered in July 2009 by Sheikh Dr Shomali at the Islamic Centre of England, London.
2/26/201651 minutes, 38 seconds
Episode Artwork

4 Light Of Prophet Mohammad 24.7.2009

This series was delivered in July 2009 by Sheikh Dr Shomali at the Islamic Centre of England, London.
2/26/201654 minutes, 43 seconds
Episode Artwork

5 Light Of Faith 27.7.2009

This series was delivered in July 2009 by Sheikh Dr Shomali at the Islamic Centre of England, London.
2/26/201655 minutes, 50 seconds
Episode Artwork

6 Different Dimensions Of Light 28.7.2009

This series was delivered in July 2009 by Sheikh Dr Shomali at the Islamic Centre of England, London.
2/26/20161 hour, 24 seconds
Episode Artwork

7 Significance Of Remembrance Of God 29.7.2009

This series was delivered in July 2009 by Sheikh Dr Shomali at the Islamic Centre of England, London.
2/26/20161 hour, 1 minute, 3 seconds
Episode Artwork

8 An Analysis Of The Concept Of Dhikr 30.7.2009

This series was delivered in July 2009 by Sheikh Dr Shomali at the Islamic Centre of England, London.
2/26/201653 minutes, 49 seconds
Episode Artwork

Quranic Sciences, Lecture 1, Part 1, Sheikh Dr Shomali, 14/09/2015

This series of lectures was delivered at the Hawzah Ilimiyyah of England in the autumn semester of the academic year 2015-2016.
2/26/201639 minutes, 17 seconds
Episode Artwork

Quranic Sciences, Lecture 2, Part 1, Sheikh Dr Shomali, 21/09/2015

This series of lectures was delivered at the Hawzah Ilimiyyah of England in the autumn semester of the academic year 2015-2016.
2/26/201637 minutes, 40 seconds
Episode Artwork

Quranic Sciences, Lecture 1, Part 2, Sheikh Dr Shomali, 14/09/2015

This series of lectures was delivered at the Hawzah Ilimiyyah of England in the autumn semester of the academic year 2015-2016.
2/26/201635 minutes, 29 seconds
Episode Artwork

Quranic Sciences, Lecture 2, Part 2, Sheikh Dr Shomali, 21/09/2015

This series of lectures was delivered at the Hawzah Ilimiyyah of England in the autumn semester of the academic year 2015-2016.
2/26/201644 minutes, 51 seconds
Episode Artwork

Quranic Sciences, Lecture 4, Part 1, Sheikh Dr Shomali, 5/10/2015

This series of lectures was delivered at the Hawzah Ilimiyyah of England in the autumn semester of the academic year 2015-2016.
2/26/201629 minutes, 53 seconds
Episode Artwork

Quranic Sciences, Lecture 4, Part 2, Sheikh Dr Shomali, 5 /10/2015

This series of lectures was delivered at the Hawzah Ilimiyyah of England in the autumn semester of the academic year 2015-2016.
2/26/201643 minutes, 38 seconds
Episode Artwork

Quranic Sciences, Lecture 6, Sheikh Dr Shomali, 19/10/2015

This series of lectures was delivered at the Hawzah Ilimiyyah of England in the autumn semester of the academic year 2015-2016.
2/26/20161 hour, 9 minutes, 33 seconds
Episode Artwork

Quranic Sciences, Lecture 7 Part 1, Sheikh Dr Shomali, 26/10/2015

This series of lectures was delivered at the Hawzah Ilimiyyah of England in the autumn semester of the academic year 2015-2016.
2/26/201636 minutes, 31 seconds
Episode Artwork

Quranic Sciences, Lecture 7 Part 2, Sheikh Dr Shomali, 26/10/2015

This series of lectures was delivered at the Hawzah Ilimiyyah of England in the autumn semester of the academic year 2015-2016.
2/26/201631 minutes, 9 seconds
Episode Artwork

Quranic Sciences, Lecture 8, Part 1, Sheikh Dr Shomali, 2/11/2015

This series of lectures was delivered at the Hawzah Ilimiyyah of England in the autumn semester of the academic year 2015-2016.
2/26/201634 minutes, 16 seconds
Episode Artwork

Quranic Sciences, Lecture 8, Part 2, Sheikh Dr Shomali, 2/11/2015

This series of lectures was delivered at the Hawzah Ilimiyyah of England in the autumn semester of the academic year 2015-2016.
2/26/201635 minutes, 23 seconds
Episode Artwork

Quranic Sciences, Lecture 9, Sheikh Dr Shomali, 9/11/2015

This series of lectures was delivered at the Hawzah Ilimiyyah of England in the autumn semester of the academic year 2015-2016.
2/26/201652 minutes, 52 seconds
Episode Artwork

Quranic Sciences, Lecture 10, Sheikh Dr Shomali, 23/11/2015

This series of lectures was delivered at the Hawzah Ilimiyyah of England in the autumn semester of the academic year 2015-2016.
2/26/201640 minutes, 17 seconds
Episode Artwork

Quranic Sciences, Lecture 11, Sheikh Dr Shomali, 30/11/2015

This series of lectures was delivered at the Hawzah Ilimiyyah of England in the autumn semester of the academic year 2015-2016.
2/26/201648 minutes, 36 seconds
Episode Artwork

Quranic Sciences, Lecture 12, Sheikh Dr Shomali, 7/12/2015

This series of lectures was delivered at the Hawzah Ilimiyyah of England in the autumn semester of the academic year 2015-2016.
2/26/201647 minutes, 59 seconds
Episode Artwork

Quranic Sciences, Lecture 13, Sheikh Dr Shomali, 21/12/2015

This series of lectures was delivered at the Hawzah Ilimiyyah of England in the autumn semester of the academic year 2015-2016.
2/26/201653 minutes, 22 seconds
Episode Artwork

Quranic Sciences, Lecture 3, Sheikh Dr Shomali, 28/09/2015

This series of lectures was delivered at the Hawzah Ilimiyyah of England in the autumn semester of the academic year 2015-2016.
2/26/20161 hour, 13 minutes, 31 seconds
Episode Artwork

Quranic Sciences, Lecture 5, Sheikh Dr Shomali, 12/10/2015

This series of lectures was delivered at the Hawzah Ilimiyyah of England in the autumn semester of the academic year 2015-2016.
2/26/20161 hour, 6 minutes, 54 seconds
Episode Artwork

Islamic Belief System, Knowing Human Being (Lecture 12) By Sheikh Dr Shomali 23.01.2016

Islamic Belief System, Knowing Human Being (Lecture 12) By Sheikh Dr Shomali 23.01.2016 by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
1/21/201645 minutes, 54 seconds
Episode Artwork

Islamic Belief System, Knowing God (Lecture 11) By Sheikh Dr Shomali 12 12 2015

Islamic Belief System, Knowing God (Lecture 11) By Sheikh Dr Shomali 12 12 2015 by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
12/12/201540 minutes, 58 seconds
Episode Artwork

Islamic Belief System, Knowing God (Lecture 10) By Sheikh Dr Shomali 05 12 2015

Islamic Belief System, Knowing God (Lecture 10) By Sheikh Dr Shomali 05 12 2015 by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
12/5/201546 minutes, 44 seconds
Episode Artwork

Islamic Belief System (Lecture 9) By Sheikh Dr Shomali 14.11.2015

Islamic Belief System (Lecture 9) By Sheikh Dr Shomali 14.11.2015 by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
11/14/201553 minutes, 19 seconds
Episode Artwork

Islamic Belief System, Knowing God (Lecture 8) By Sheikh Dr Shomali 14 11 2015

Islamic Belief System, Knowing God (Lecture 8) By Sheikh Dr Shomali 14 11 2015 by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
11/14/201531 minutes, 20 seconds
Episode Artwork

Islamic Belief System, Knowing God (Lecture 7) By Sheikh Dr Shomali 7 11 2015

Islamic Belief System, Knowing God (Lecture 7) By Sheikh Dr Shomali 7 11 2015 by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
11/7/201549 minutes, 21 seconds
Episode Artwork

Islamic Belief System, Knowing God (Lecture 6) By Sheikh Dr Shomali 31 10 2015

Islamic Belief System, Knowing God (Lecture 6) By Sheikh Dr Shomali 31 10 2015 by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
10/31/201545 minutes, 22 seconds
Episode Artwork

Islamic Belief System, Knowing God (Lecture 5) By Sheikh Dr Shomali 17 10 2015

Islamic Belief System, Knowing God (Lecture 5) By Sheikh Dr Shomali 17 10 2015 by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
10/17/201539 minutes, 42 seconds
Episode Artwork

Islamic Belief System, Knowing God (Lecture 4) By Sheikh Dr Shomali 10 10 2015

Islamic Belief System, Knowing God (Lecture 4) By Sheikh Dr Shomali 10 10 2015 by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
10/10/201545 minutes, 4 seconds
Episode Artwork

Islamic Belief System, Knowing God (Lecture 3) By Sheikh Dr Shomali 3 10 2015

Islamic Belief System, Knowing God (Lecture 3) By Sheikh Dr Shomali 3 10 2015 by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
10/3/201551 minutes, 25 seconds
Episode Artwork

Islamic Belief System, Knowing God (Lecture 2) By Sheikh Dr Shomali 26 09 2015

Islamic Belief System, Knowing God (Lecture 2) By Sheikh Dr Shomali 26 09 2015 by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
9/26/201543 minutes, 29 seconds
Episode Artwork

Islamic Belief System, Outlines Of The Course (Lecture 1) 19 09 2015

Islamic Belief System, Outlines Of The Course (Lecture 1) 19 09 2015 by Sheikh Dr. M. A. Shomali
9/19/201547 minutes, 6 seconds