科聊团队修正半年之后的回归,由知了带来时下火热的科技新闻。本期节目,您将听到:“冰桶挑战”善款带来新发现;CRISPR-Cas基因编辑技术修复导致视网膜炎的遗传变异;《自然-生物技术》回应众科学家对韩春雨团队论文的质疑。[同样休息了半年的]歌单:许巍 - 像风一样自由Ramin Djawadi - Merchant of DeathRamin Djawadi - Mark IThe Socail Network - In the Hall of the Mountain KingThe Socail Network - In Motion海贼王 - Bon Voyage!
8/7/2016 • 18 minutes, 10 seconds
2/14/2016 • 1 minute, 18 seconds
辞旧迎新,科学不无聊为各位预测新的一年最值得期待的科技进展。我们洋洋洒洒的拉出了三十几项,却最终一一划去,这里为大家送上科聊精挑细选的五条,猴年就看它们的啦。新年第一张#歌单#Brian Tyler - Iron Man 3Tokyo Drift歌ってみた - 星空に願いを込めてSoundtrack - Fly Love菅野祐悟 - 夜空にたなびく煙ハンバート ハン バート - 1時間
当大数据走进医疗系统,当信息学与医学深入交流,这就是本期嘉宾,美国明尼苏达大学张锐教授所投身的时代浪潮。当你还在吐槽医保系统,腹黑医药行业“内幕”的时候,有人在为计算机和医生之间架设沟通的桥梁,利用人工智能的新技术,实实在在地推动着医疗事业的发展。本期节目,让我们对话美国电子病历系统研究者,生物医学健康信息学研究员,张锐博士。据说你想知道的“歌单”:She & Him - In the Sun熊宝贝乐团 - 环岛旅行王菀之 - Love has it all陈绮贞 - (失明前)我想记得的四十七件事
12/4/2015 • 1 hour, 12 minutes, 50 seconds
女科学家如何保持家庭生活与学术工作的平衡 (左小非) No.64.
岩崎明子育有2个女 儿,屠呦呦也育有2个女儿。当然,这不是本期节目的重点。女性科学家想在科研领域做出杰出贡献,同时又能照顾好家庭,是非常非常不容易的。耶鲁大学医学院知名女教授、HHMI科学家Akiko Iwasaki(岩崎明子)前段时间在Nature子刊发表文章,论述了女性科研人员在家庭生活和科研工作之间的艰难平衡,给出了一些实用的建议。本期节目就带大家看看学术大牛是如何寻找工作生活平衡点的。背景音乐:Joel Hanson--Traveling LightKeith Urban--Tonight I Wanna Cry
暑期过半,选校开始!本期嘉宾来自加拿大阿尔伯塔大学,跟我们一起分享一下UofA,尤其是微生物与免疫系的现状,欢迎收听~(被要求以久而Nothing觉得然并卵的)歌单:Andrew de Torres- All that I need is you林二汶- Little girl in the world范玮琪- 悄悄告诉你Coldplay- The hardest part方大同- 狂潮自然卷- BeautifulColdplay- Scientist
在好导师系列最终章,我们引用Nature Review Mol Cell Biology中的一篇文章配图,分析九类典型的导师风格,小红小妖热辣点评,Nothing主播现身说法。还是那句话,选导师是大事,同学们长点心啊!Reference:Yewdell, Jonathan W. "How to succeed in science: a concise guide for young biomedical scientists. Part I: taking the plunge." Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology 9.5 (2008): 413-416.
No.37. 变态导师(小红/小妖/Nothing)为好导师转身(中)
Bad Project
by Zheng Lab at BCM
Oh oh oh... Caught in a bad project
Oh oh oh... Caught in a bad project
Why why why oh why
Do I waste my time?
Why why why oh why
Hate this bad project
Why why why oh why
Do I waste my time?
Why why why oh why
Hate this bad project
In my rotation, you said guaranteed
One year = first author, is all I would need
But you just lied,
Lied lied lied but you just lied
You were defending, one foot out the door
I got your project and its problems galore,
I hate my life,
Life life life I hate my life
Life life life I hate my life
You know that I want you
And you know that I need you
(Touching a Cell journal)
I got a bad, bad project
I want good data
A paper in cell
But I got a project straight from Hell
I wanna graduate in less than 5 years
But there ain't no getting out of here
Oh oh oh... Caught in a bad project
Oh oh oh... Caught in a bad project
Why why why oh why
Do I waste my time?
Why why why oh why
Got a bad project
Your tubes aren't labeled,
Your lab book's a mess
And all this gives me such incredible stress
What is that smell
Cells cells cells just lost brain cells
I got your psycho,
Your crazy ass mice
Cant's read your protocol it's written in Thai,
What's in this box?
What what what's in this box?
You know that I want you
And you know that I need you
I got a bad, bad project
I want good data
A paper in cell
But I got a project straight from Hell
I wanna graduate in less than 5 years
But there ain't no getting out of here
Oh oh oh... Caught in a bad project
Oh oh oh... Caught in a bad project
Why why why oh why
Did I choose this life?
Why why why oh why
Hate this bad project
Blot blot western baby
Figure 1 will be amazing
Blot blot western baby
Transfer - this exposure's hazy
Blot blot western baby
Got no band this shit is crazy
Blot blot western baby
Work it blot that bitch crazy
I want a job
And I wanna be free
I want a job
but I ain't got no degree
but I ain't got no degree
I don't want to be poor
Got your bad project
Got your bad project
Committee's angry and my PI is bored
She don't want to fund me anymore
I wanna give up and I want outta here
Gonna find an alternate career
Got your bad project
Got your bad project
Got your bad project
Why why why oh why
Want my mice to die
And I want to cry
Hate this bad project.
Xu Guang,目前就读于美国麻州大学Worcester分校(University of Massachusetts, Worcester),今天他将跟我们讲讲这所学校,聊聊学术,分享一下科学界的八卦。到了11月,新英格兰地区又开始进入了漫长的冬季,听听Guang哥怎么说...
11/15/2014 • 27 minutes, 28 seconds
No.29. 关爱罕见病“视网膜母细胞瘤”患儿
11/5/2014 • 56 minutes, 22 seconds
科聊第一位来自美国之外的北美嘉宾,Angela,目前就读于加拿大顶尖牛校英属哥伦比亚大学(The University of British Columbia),听她来讲讲这所学校,温哥华这所城市,以及关于加拿大的种种,包括移民政策、生活状态等等,聊得主播Nothing都动心了呢,近期一定要去温哥华看一看,相信你们也会喜欢。
北美高校系列,本期请到清华校友,现在阿拉巴马大学伯明翰校区(University of Alabama - Birminham)攻读博士的王宇歌同学,聊一聊在阿甘的故乡读书生活的感受。你能想象电影中如此乡村的的地区,却坐拥全美顶尖的微生物免疫与传染病研究中心,艾滋病研究中心,美国东南地区医疗中心的阿拉巴马大学及附属医院吗?还记得电影中不停奔跑的阿甘跑进了大学橄榄球队吗?阿拉巴马大学橄榄球队至今也仍是全国冠军的有力争夺者。不信来听!