IGPI Podcast discusses business environment in Japan from a global perspective. グローバルな視点から見た日本の経済について解説・ディスカッションする対談形式のPodcastです。 今後は日本語配信など、徐々にコンテンツの幅を広げていく予定です。 Our website: https://igpi.co.jp/en/ Twitter:@IGPI_PR Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@IGPI
若者が経営者の右腕として地方企業に飛び込む ~起業力を身に着ける新しい働き方~
横並びの就活に違和感を覚えている、成長意欲を持つ若者たち。IGPIのマネジャーで、彼らに新しい就職の選択肢を提供するVENTURE FOR JAPANの理事も務める的場大楽をゲストに招き、若者の成長をフォローする新時代の取り組みについて伺います。
メインパーソナリティー:塩野 誠/経営共創基盤(IGPI) 共同経営者(パートナー)
本日のゲスト:的場 大楽/経営共創基盤(IGPI) マネジャー、一般社団法人VENTURE FOR JAPAN理事
VENTURE FOR JAPANのウェブサイトはこちら https://ventureforjapan.or.jp/
7/24/2024 • 29 minutes, 13 seconds
Discovering Melbourne, Australia: Lifestyle and Insights
We invite Mr. Rachit Khosla , who resides in Melbourne and is active with IGPI Australia, to discuss various aspects of the actual living environment in Australia, including transportation infrastructure, education, cost of living, and recommended tourist destinations.
Main personality: Makoto Shiono, IGPI Partner
Today’s guest: Rachit Khosla, Country Manager, IGPI Australia
6/21/2024 • 9 minutes, 8 seconds
What opportunities does Australia offer to Japanese companies?
Australia, with a higher per capita GDP than Japan, has significant business potential. This time, we invite Mr. Rachit Khosla, who is active at IGPI Australia, to explore Australia's business environment and delve into the potential for business collaboration between Japan and Australia.
Main personality: Makoto Shiono, IGPI Partner
Today’s guest: Rachit Khosla, Country Manager, IGPI Australia
Sushi Power – an industrial product or luxury experience?
Sushi is becoming increasingly popular in Southeast Asia. Sometimes we can enjoy sushi at reasonable prices, and other times reserve high-end sushi restaurants for the special events. This duality explains both strength and weakness of Japanese business. Makoto and Kohki discuss the similarity with Japanese entertainment business (e.g. Anime and Manga) as well.
Main personality: Makoto Shiono, IGPI PartnerToday’s guest: Kohki Sakata, IGPI Singapore CEO, IGPI Partner
5/25/2023 • 11 minutes, 41 seconds
What if we create "Manga Village" in Da Nang, Vietnam?
This episode focuses on the effectiveness of the regional collaboration between South East Asia and Japan. Such collaboration would establish the win-win relationship in Manga, Anime, and even sport. Kohki also mentions the recent changes in the cultural diversity in South East Asia.
Main personality: Makoto Shiono, IGPI PartnerToday’s guest: Kohki Sakata, IGPI Singapore CEO, IGPI Partner
5/16/2023 • 7 minutes, 1 second
Even as Luffy sets sail into the world, Japan's Anime industry remains "locally-produced" with no major changes
While Japanese Anime boasts worldwide popularity, the inside of this industry is said to be 'black', where creators are forced to work for long time with minimal salary. What makes this dreamy industry remain unprofitable? Any lessons to be learnt from overseas countries?
Main personality: Makoto Shiono, IGPI PartnerToday’s guest: Kohki Sakata, IGPI Singapore CEO, IGPI Partner
5/15/2023 • 6 minutes, 20 seconds
Japan’s Entertainment Creation Power from the Perspective of Japanese History
Why are Japanese Manga and Anime of such high quality? Why have they spread throughout the world? Unraveled from the view of Japanese culture and language.
Main personality: Makoto Shiono, IGPI PartnerToday’s guest: Kohki Sakata, IGPI Singapore CEO, IGPI Partner
The view of the investment opportunities, tech scene and geopolitical landscape in Nordics and Baltics
We bring you the latest from Pre City-Tech investors meetup in Tokyo. Marek Kiisa and Claes Mikko Nilsen from Nordic Ninja, VC investing in Nordic and Baltic Countries talk about the view of the investment opportunities, geopolitical landscape, message to the Japanese investors and more.
Main personality: Makoto Shiono, IGPI Partner
Today’s guest:
Marek Kiisa, Managing Partner at Nordic Ninja.
Claes Mikko Nilsen, Investment Director at Nordic Ninja.
2/28/2023 • 12 minutes, 11 seconds
Strategic use of Japanese companies by Asian investors
Are Japanese companies not good at starting business?
In which respect Asian institutional investors would contribute to their transformation?
Main personality: Makoto Shiono, IGPI Partner
Today’s guest: Kohki Sakata, IGPI Singapore CEO, IGPI Partner
2/10/2023 • 5 minutes, 57 seconds
What does the “Asia” mean for Japanese companies?
How have Japanese companies seen Southeast Asia?
Does it mean internationalisation or globalisation?
Is it true Japanese is not good at agile models?
Main personality: Makoto Shiono, IGPI Partner
Today’s guest: Kohki Sakata, IGPI Singapore CEO, IGPI Partner
2/9/2023 • 6 minutes, 22 seconds
Are Japanese companies really "over"?
Japanese economy is seeing the lost decade’s’ while it has leaped after the World War II.
What were the key success or failure factors of both the Japanese government and companies?
Main personality: Makoto Shiono, IGPI Partner
Today’s guest: Kohki Sakata, IGPI Singapore CEO, IGPI Partner