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Chinese, Education, 1 season, 110 episodes, 2 days, 19 hours, 10 minutes
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E109 | (English) 剖析🇬🇧英國紅色電話亭歷史 / 專訪 The British Phonebox一書作者 Nigel Linge教授

你對🇬🇧英國的第一聯想是什麼?雙層巴士?女王?還是紅色電話亭?本集我很榮幸訪問到英國紅色電話亭專家 Nigel Linge教授,他是The British Phonebox作者;當紅色電話亭在1990年代達到數量的巔峰:15萬,往後便逐漸消失在英國的路上,今天只剩下約2萬5千個,究竟紅色電話亭的未來在哪?它與英國的關係又會如何演變,立刻收聽! 造訪紅色電話亭博物館: 搜尋Facebook / Instagram:Excuse英國腔! Of all the symbols of Britain, what is the first that comes to your mind? Double decker? Her Majesty The Queen? Or the widely instagram-ed red phonebox? In this episode, it’s my privilege to be joined by Professor Nigel Linge, an expert in the field of computer networking and telecommunications in the UK. What interests me most is not the aforementioned, but his being a member of the Association for Industrial Archaeology. His passion for the history of the British phonebox led him to write a book about it — The British Phonebox. If you count yourself as one fan of it, you might fancy listening on! ----------------------------------------------------------------- < 🇬🇧好物嚴選🇬🇧 > 點亮近代英國的經典吊燈 Coolicon,從黑白影像中它現身在倫敦BBC的錄音室裡、倫敦地鐵站內員工餐廳、工作室和辦公室內,它也為前首相邱吉爾照亮了不列顛空戰期間地下的邱吉爾作戰室,及扭轉二戰戰局的貝利橋之發明人 Donald Bailey的工作室;1965年 Coolicon的吊燈更出現在史恩康納萊主演的007電影- 霹靂彈。 穿越時空到今天,Coolicon見證了90年來英國的變化,Coolicon手工地鐵燈是經嚴謹的15道製程,以珐瑯燒製色彩,高辨識度的燈罩設計在以前是用來鹵素燈燈泡散熱,如今大多以Led取代,低垂懸掛時,上方以環境光映亮天花板;下方以平行光提供溫馨照明,今天你可在倫敦交通博物館中看到當年在廢棄的地鐵站 Down Street找到1940年使用的Coolicon綠燈罩。 好消息是台灣的聽眾有福了:Coolicon推出16個珐瑯燒製色彩燈罩外,提供全球唯一授權的地鐵系列燈罩:Underground Edition: 今天全世界的地鐵線路圖設計原來是受1933年倫敦地鐵的技術繪圖員 Harry Beck的版本啟發與影響,將1933年版地圖原汁原味呈現在燈罩內側,非常有收藏與玩味價值;Coolicon手工地鐵燈推出四款經典色調,與地鐵路線代表色相呼應,如Jet Black顏色讓人聯想黑線 Northern Line, Royal Blue想到Piccadily Line,以及象徵District Line的綠色和舊地圖紙質的米色,因為需細膩的手工製作,工廠每週只生產20個。如果你跟我一樣對於倫敦地鐵有著難言喻的情感,Coolicon手工地鐵燈相當值得掛在家中,了解更多,請搜尋總代理琉芯貿易或前往台北、桃園或台南門市。
6/29/202248 minutes, 39 seconds
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E108 | (English) 🇬🇧倫敦的環保傳奇:一個月垃圾都進果醬罐 / 零廢棄生活實踐分享 / Ander Zabala是Hackney自治市的永續經理 /

身為臺南人,小時候記得垃圾車都會廣播垃圾🗑️不落地,臺南真美麗,現在還是追著垃圾車跑,但垃圾量還真沒減少…本集Ander Zabala, 他是位在🇬🇧倫敦Hackney自治市政府機關的永續經理 (Sustainability Manager),邀請到他,不是因為他有個響叮噹的頭銜,而是他令人肅然起敬的生活風格:zero-waste lifestyle:零廢棄生活方式,一切開始於2018年他響應一個零廢棄週的活動,從此他開始每個月將不可回收的垃圾裝進果醬罐,秤重,究竟他是如何過幾乎沒有垃圾的生活,我們一起收聽! 搜尋Facebook / Instagram:Excuse英國腔! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ << 🇬🇧🇬🇧好物嚴選🇬🇧🇬🇧 >> 對你而言,英國吸引人的地方有什麼?對 Excuse英國腔!而言,復古兼具創新是英國設計迷人且有趣的地方:來自英國的音響工程公司 Ashdown在疫情期間推出了款將只在早期的高級音響或是專業錄音室中見到的音量指示器 (俗稱的VU表) 首次搬到兩側耳機外觀,在競爭激烈的耳機市場中獨樹一格,名為Meters 耳機,外觀有三色可選:黑、白跟棕色,兼具科技與復古情懷,個人偏好棕色,採透氣的蛋白質耳罩;科技面上,Meters具 ANC 主動降噪效能、觸控耳機VU表,可以輕鬆切換來電與音樂,控制大小聲及選曲,同時可接線或無線使用,搭載高通高端晶片與藍牙5.1,無線傳輸聽到高解析音樂也是沒有問題,對於挑惕的聽眾,連接手機的app,還可自調五段等化器跟調整VU表的亮度。如果要挑明顯的缺點,那大概是Meters那跳動的VU表指針會讓周圍人也忍不住想知道你在聽什麼吧。 Meters by Ashdown 低音飽滿,中高音層次清晰,降噪表現令我驚豔;在台灣,您可搜尋總代理 古俬選品。 🔗藍牙耳機
6/9/202256 minutes, 4 seconds
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E107 | (國語) 十年磨一劍:「老倫敦,從酒吧出發」一書竟出自作家蔣勳寫在餐巾紙上的建議?/ 英國藍牌導遊、倫敦首家台灣民宿老闆,他是張誌瑋!

如果是待在🇬🇧英國多年的聽眾,你可能早已知道或甚至認識誌瑋,對於尚未認識她的聽眾 — 她與先生共同經營倫敦第一家華人民宿 Lupton 拉普頓;她是英國藍牌導遊;也是最新在台灣上架的「老倫敦,從酒吧出發」一書的作者 。今天,我抱著聽故事的心情,滿心期待地想聽誌瑋這超過三十年、越陳越香的倫敦經,我們一起收聽! 搜尋Facebook / Instagram:Excuse英國腔! << 🇬🇧🇬🇧好物嚴選🇬🇧🇬🇧 >> 想來點氣泡飲料的靈感嗎?來自英國 Northumberland的草本無酒精飲料Fentimans 是陪伴我在梅雨季中的居家冷飲!Fentimans 以草本植物釀造、活酵母天然發酵,獨門食譜和專業製程,延續著百年傳承下來的味覺旅程,從取自中國的薑根到保加利雅的玫瑰油,direct from botanical to bottle, 在嚴峻疫情下,待在家中的您或許可來點Fentimans 多層次口感的草本系列,只有親自品嚐才知道! 你可前往本集介紹下的連結挑選Fentimans 系列六種口味,輸入我的優惠碼 mindthegap,即享95折與免運,本優惠只到6/1,最後一週!👉🏻
5/25/202255 minutes, 34 seconds
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E106 | (English) 在🇬🇧英國倫敦泰唔士河前灘尋寶?/ 佳士得美術學院總監 Ted 用驚奇的方式認識倫敦 !

本集我訪問到🇬🇧 London in Fragments: A Mudlark’s Treasures 一書的作者 Ted Sandling,他是英國歷史悠久的佳士得拍賣會旗下的美術學院線上課程的總監,本集有趣的地方起至 Mudlark一字,你可以理解成海灘尋寶人:特別是位在倫敦泰唔士河潮汐退之後前灘。 作者有深厚的藝術史背景、有園藝設計師及景觀歷史學家的經歷。London in Fragments便是他與讀者分享他歷年在泰唔士河前灘尋到的歷史文物:可以是穿越數世紀的陶瓷碎片、來自古時中國的花瓶碎片,亦可是百年前抽完即丟的煙斗,這些歷史碎片在他手上變成了重新認識倫敦的元素,它們是握在手中活生生卻被遺忘的歷史印記,不是博物館中隔著玻璃,濕度與溫度精準調控,並附上說明的物件,如果你想以不同視角解讀倫敦,我們聽下去! 搜尋Facebook / Instagram:Excuse英國腔! In this episode, I'd like to virtually explore London in a novel way. Here he comes -- Ted Sandling, author of London in Fragments: A Mudlark's Treasures. A centuries-old activity of 'mudlarking' is re-explored today by walking on to the foreshore of River Thames for random relics: from broken pieces of vase from China to an RAF tunic button, from an 18th century broken piece of teapot to a 19-century tobacco pipe. These came on the palm of Sandling's hand: a connection with the forgotten past. A way of seeing history unlike staring at the artefacts through the window in a museum. This is London and this is mudlarking. ---------------------------------------------------------- << 🇬🇧🇬🇧Excuse英國腔! 好物嚴選🇬🇧🇬🇧 >> 對你而言,英國吸引人的地方有什麼?對 Excuse英國腔!而言,復古兼具創新是英國設計迷人且有趣的地方:來自英國的音響工程公司 Ashdown在疫情期間推出了款將只在早期的高級音響或是專業錄音室中見到的音量指示器 (俗稱的VU表) 首次搬到兩側耳機外觀,在競爭激烈的耳機市場中獨樹一格,名為Meters 耳機,外觀有三色可選:黑、白跟棕色,兼具科技與復古情懷,個人偏好棕色,採透氣的蛋白質耳罩;科技面上,Meters具 ANC 主動降噪效能、觸控耳機VU表,可以輕鬆切換來電與音樂,控制大小聲及選曲,同時可接線或無線使用,搭載高通高端晶片與藍牙5.1,無線傳輸聽到高解析音樂也是沒有問題,對於挑惕的聽眾,連接手機的app,還可自調五段等化器跟調整VU表的亮度。如果要挑明顯的缺點,那大概是Meters那跳動的VU表指針會讓周圍人也忍不住想知道你在聽什麼吧。 Meters by Ashdown 低音飽滿,中高音層次清晰,降噪表現令我驚豔;在台灣,您可搜尋總代理 古俬選品。 🔗藍牙耳機
5/18/202236 minutes, 59 seconds
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E105 | (English) 雙語國家怎麼捲起袖子?來自英國的Jed Collinson 語重心長以國語建議台灣父母 / 他協助台灣老師們重塑思維與教學,以英語教物理、數學、社會科學等

來自🇬🇧英國,在台灣捲起袖子把手弄髒,他是Jed Collinson👨‍🏫老師,不只是用英語教學生自然科學,他最近將精力投注在協助🇹🇼台灣老師們在雙語國家目標路上,轉型以英語教學各門學科,對於台灣教育他有話要有說!本集我相當感動, 在29.40 你可聽到他語重心長地以國語建議台灣的家長如何協助孩子溝通與表達自己,如果你認為外國的月亮較圓,本集你一定要收聽;如果你認為東西合璧方為上策,本集你已經該在收聽! 搜尋Facebook / Instagram:Excuse英國腔! From the UK Jed Collinson is a teacher in Taiwan. Previously a High School science teacher, he has since refocussed his energies into training Taiwanese teachers on how to design and deliver courses in different disciplines through English. As many of you may have been well aware, Bilingual 2030 is not merely a manifesto by our incumbent government but a policy — here allow me to quote its vision verbatim ‘helping Taiwan’s workforce connect with the world” and “attracting international enterprises to Taiwan; enabling Taiwanese industries to connect to global markets and create high-quality jobs.’ As I am obviously neither working nor going to any school now, I am pleased to welcome my guest Jed Collinson, who is amidst the frontline of this educational reform over which many still scratch their heads, to share with us what he is doing and what challenges face us on the ground.
5/11/202234 minutes, 42 seconds
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E104 | (國語) 人生如電影,電影如人生,攝影師Jenni幫你拍出來 / 《拾光安平》- 簡汝羚安平樹屋攝影特展 / 英國生活幸福的瞬間’s 全球旅拍

當想要拍家庭或婚禮攝影時,你會考慮什麼?來自台灣旅居英國19年的Jenni是個風格顯明的攝影師,搜尋「英國生活幸福的瞬間’s 全球旅拍」,映入眼簾的是一張張富有情感與電影氣氛的素人照片,緣分起於在倫敦攝政街上那份悸動,憑藉著希望記錄下那感動瞬間的執著,Jenni自學人物攝影,在全球為客戶捕捉人生精彩片刻,在英國曾擔任英國皇室慈善晚宴攝影師、倫敦Lonchamp x Vogue晚會攝影、英國美妝奧斯卡頒獎典禮攝影等。 從3/19到6/19,如果身在台灣的你想觀賞他最新的公開作品,立刻導航台南安平樹屋! 《拾光安平》- 簡汝羚(Jenni)安平樹屋攝影特展:,3,31,,,,14480 --------------------------------------------- 搜尋Facebook / Instagram:Excuse英國腔! 大英風情古董傢俱:
5/4/202244 minutes, 52 seconds
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E103 | (English) 一本穿越時空帶你回到18世紀歐洲街頭的書,原來浪漫的歐洲不存在古早時候?/ 沒有車的倫敦街道,究竟會聞、看跟聽到什麼?/ 專訪The Streets of Europe作者 Brian Ladd

本集專訪紐約的獨立城市歷史學家且是五本書的美國🇺🇸作者 Brian Ladd,他的最新著作 The Streets of Europe🇪🇺: The Sights, Sounds, and Smells that Shaped Its Great Cities 探索包含倫敦🇬🇧、維也納🇦🇹、柏林🇩🇪與巴黎🇫🇷在1700到1900間的街頭究竟是什麼情況:從街景到氣味,甚至是接到聲音,他以學者角度,彷彿將讀者帶上時光隧道,藉閱讀「體驗」兩三百年前的歐洲大城,他的研究嚴謹,筆風引人入勝,彷彿穿越,立刻收聽他與Excuse英國腔!的分享 (繁體中文版正翻譯中)。 搜尋Facebook / Instagram:Excuse英國腔! In an era of smartphones, how much do we sense and feel when passing by all the surroundings? In this episode, based in 🇺🇸 New York, my guest Brian Ladd is an independent urban historian and author of five books. His latest one, The Streets of Europe: The Sights, Sounds, and Smells that Shaped Its Great Cities, is a manifestation of meticulous research in what the 🇬🇧 London streets were like between the 1700 and 1900. How do we know what the smell was on the streets then? What sounds could we hear if we were to be transported through the time machine? If you are curious as I am about how 🇪🇺 European cities have come to be the ones we know of today, listen on with me to have a taste of Ladd’s work of historic artistry. --------------------------------------------------------- 🍸探索來自🇬🇧英國 Fentimans 七種多層次草本無酒精飲料 (輸入優惠碼: mindthegap,享95折優惠+台灣免運!本優惠只到6/1) → Fentimans: 穿越百年的口味,來自英國 Northumberland的草本無酒精飲料Fentimans 在台灣家中就可品嚐!1905年,來自英格蘭西約克郡一個叫Cleckheaton的城鎮,一位叫 Thomas Fentiman的先生,駕著馬車在鎮上挨家挨戶的販賣自己獨門、以草本植物釀造的薑汁啤酒,時間輪轉1世紀後的今天,英國Fentimans 品牌以草本植物釀造、活酵母天然發酵,獨門食譜和專業製程,延續著百年傳承下來的味覺旅程,從取自中國的薑根到保加利雅的玫瑰油,direct from botanical to bottle, 在紛亂升溫的疫情裡,待在家中的您或許可來點Fentimans 多層次口感的草本系列,只有親自品嚐才知道! (我最喜歡蘋果黑莓口味)。
4/26/202240 minutes, 18 seconds
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E102 | (English) 英國的嬰兒如何自主斷奶?/來自Derbyshire的嬰幼兒品牌TUM TUM創辦人Suzanne分享切身經驗與產品設計!

本集,Excuse英國腔!與來賓 Suzanne Stokes,來自英格蘭的東密德蘭,有個郡叫Derbyshire,擁有風光明媚的鄉村景緻,在這裡,當她與先生 Andrew在孩子們約1歲時,觀察到他們的孩子們從喝奶逐漸轉換到吃副食品的過程遇到的困難,如餐具不符合孩子的身型、無法方便抓取、吸管不方便吸吮等;今天,他們的品牌TUM TUM有很豐富的產品線滿足世界各地年輕父母在遇到小朋友離乳時的需求,也包含🇹🇼台灣。收聽本集,我們聽Suzanne談自家品牌 TUM TUM,以及在🇬🇧英國從餵奶到以寶寶主導的離乳過程他的切身專業分享,內容豐富,立刻收聽! 搜尋Facebook / Instagram:Excuse英國腔! (本集由🇬🇧英國品牌Mamas and Papas贊助播出) 🔍了解更多TUM TUM系列 → 🌟請我杯珍奶吧,讓我帶給你更多全球特色的訪談! → In this episode, my guest, Suzanne Stokes, co-founder of TUM TUM, from Derbyshire, England -- a county with picturesque countryside scenery. Here, when her babies were 1 year old she and her husband encountered the difficulties when their babies weaned such as the unfit and not-easy-to-hold cutlery, straw which didn't come in handy, etc. Today, their brand TUM TUM has come with a wide range of products catering to new parents' universal needs when their babies wean (including Taiwan). Tune in to Stokes' sharing of her brand and of how it, if not all British, deals with baby-led weaning
4/19/202233 minutes, 34 seconds
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E101 | (English) 來自英格蘭海濱城鎮 Exmouth,Tom Rook走台灣街道像自家廚房 / 當藝術承載共同記憶,宣揚在地人文/ 細膩地繪畫台灣,他改變人生規劃

人手一機邊走邊滑的今天,導航是最好的朋友,但或許讓我們錯過了街道的細膩印象?來自🇬🇧英國的Tom Rook在🇹🇼台灣以紙筆記錄了台灣大小的街道與城市,以情感及史料,撒些想像力,將我們熟悉的街道、牌坊以親切的畫風就此展開,他的筆畫開啟了他常駐台灣的旅程,改變了他原將搬回英國的計畫,至4/30,你可前往位在台中的Lei Gallery觀賞他的作品,本集他與Excuse英國腔! 娓娓道來他的心路與他那真誠及美好的想像,立刻收聽! 搜尋:Excuse英國腔! Born in Exmouth, England, Tom Rook might not come across as a familiar name, but his drawings of Taiwan’s many neighbourhoods and cities might manifestly illustrate your familiar neighbourhoods, if not serendipitously your home. Having stayed in Taiwan way longer than he had planned, he is calling Taiwan home now. In fact, the alleyways and every turn of the streets in his full-blown drawings have not only appealed to Taiwanese audience to re-think about their relationship with the surroundings but also foreign communities who share their love for Taiwan. If interested in seeing his works in real life, Rook’s first Taichung exhibition is open at Lei Gallery until 30 April 2022. Tune in at once to his interview with Excuse英國腔! --------------------------------------------------------------- 台灣沙龍香氛品牌 百氛苑 (100 Phantom Perfumer Taipei),以嗅覺勾勒台灣印象,東方香調,全球擴香 👉
4/12/202238 minutes, 44 seconds
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E100 | (國語) 復古英倫&懷舊室內設計是什麼? 室內設計師 威威這樣規劃 / 以人為本的設計,操刀多樣風格,兼顧個性化!

人 ‧ 空間 ‧ 生活 位在新北市林口區的威楓設計工作室的創辦人 室內設計師 劉玉琪 (威威) 擁有豐富多元的室內設計經驗,多風格的住宅設計經歷如復古英倫&懷舊、北歐、鄉村風甚至到家有寵物的暖調工業風等,在他與團隊的規劃執行下,為台灣業主完成對家的想像,本集,威威將與我們分享近期威楓設計為業主策劃執行的復古英倫&懷舊案例中,對於英式風格如何落地台灣,滿足業主的需求同時,兼顧復古英倫風格打造,且配合台灣本地的客觀資源條件。究竟什麼是復古英倫&懷舊的風格呢,立刻收聽! 搜尋:Excuse英國腔! (本集由威楓設計工作室贊助播出 👉
4/5/202257 minutes, 37 seconds
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E99 | (English) 專訪Monocle雜誌之文化編輯Chiara / 如何綜合觀點且深刻地介紹一個國家? /

Monocle是個鎖定全球觀點的獨立媒體,從國際事務、商務、文化到設計出發,由加拿大創辦人Tyler Brule帶領多國團隊,從倫敦出發,在世界多次建立網絡據點,Monocle的精神是紙本永不會被數位取代;2013年我有幸像個粉絲得到Tyler的簽名;將近十年後,我有幸訪問到Chiara Rimella,來自義大利,在倫敦Monocle總部任職文化編輯,也是The Monocle Book of Italy唯二編輯。 本集他將與我們暢談他參與的作品 — 關於設計、商業、美食與時尚之旅:The Monocle Book of Italy是個視覺上的饗宴,深入潛出且多面地探索義大利 (避開陳腔濫調的介紹),從文化到設計,再到建築與交通,一個富含深度的國家等待被挖掘… 搜尋:Excuse英國腔! Fast backwarding to autumn, 2013, in London, ‘Cheers, to the finest in print,’ signed Tyler Brule, Monocle’s Editor-in-Chief on the flyleaf of a Monocle issue I’d just bought. (For those listeners who have not heard of Monocle, it’s a media brand from London positioning itself as a global briefing covering international affairs, business, culture and design.) As a fan of Monocle for over a decade, I am especially thrilled today to be joined by Chiara Rimella, Culture Editor of Monocle and one of the two editors of The Monocle Book of Italy. In this episode, she will talk to us about this book she tirelessly co-worked on — a grand tour of design, business, food and fashion — The Monocle Book of Italy is a visual banquet of the nation. This hardback book is no ordinary travel guide of Italy that repeats the beaten track. Rather, it re-visits the many facets of the country multi-dimensionally, from culture to design, architecture to mobility, with a miscellany more for you to explore this country of profundity.
3/29/202225 minutes, 14 seconds
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E98 | (國語) 他藉刺青周遊列國,受倫敦啟發創立Demiadventure / 刺青在英國與台灣有什麼不同? / Demi精闢建議何時你該考慮刺青了

她叫Demi,曾是英國唯一來自台灣的刺青師,他藉刺青技能遊歷歐洲駐店與參展,他認為刺青技藝須兼具技術、美感與創意,在異文化中,他體驗人生,更認識刺青技藝在文化與文化間的不同,在倫敦時,Demi自創品牌Demiadventure,以倫敦地鐵logo發想,化身他最愛的兔子形狀,紀念在倫敦的生活,今天,他在台中有工作室,我們立刻收聽他的分享。  ———————————————————— 搜尋:Excuse英國腔! 🌟請我杯珍奶吧,讓我帶給你更多全球特色的訪談! → 了解英國音響品牌Mission的LX Connect:《台音好物》 台音貿易有限公司 ————————————————————— Call her Demi. She used to be the only tattoo artist from Taiwan in the UK. Through tattooing skillset, she travelled through Europe as a resident tattoo artist or attending exhibition. She believes this trade counts on technique, aesthetics and creativity. In diverse cultures, she experienced life and learnt how different tattoo styles or preferences were between cultures. In London, she founded her brand 'Demiadventure' -- based on the logo of London Underground, she added a rabbit to it to remember her time in London. Today, you can find her studio in Taichung. Let's tune in to her sharing at once.
3/23/202231 minutes, 28 seconds
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E97 | (English) 2010年紐約時報年度英語教學師鐸獎得主 / 他曾環遊世界協助弱勢學生學英文與謀生技能,落腳台灣北海岸成立IPOWER

在英國、美國與其他地域待了近30年,擁有豐富的跨文化教導弱勢學生經驗,筱薇老師幾年前回到台灣,2017年在台灣北海岸石門區成立了非營利組織IPOWER,其盼以社區的力量翻轉偏鄉的教育:「每一個 I 都是一個 POWER,一個影響力。」 他在紐約的學生們曾因感念他的教誨,以群眾募資為他餞行,又響應低碳生活,提供他從紐約到英格蘭的船票及之後的環遊世界旅費;收聽本集,你可以更了解筱薇老師這一路充滿使命感及同理心的教育道路,在資源極端有限下,他非常實際,但不變的是他熱騰騰的教育心,立刻收聽! 搜尋:Excuse英國腔! 🌟請我杯珍奶吧,讓我帶給你更多全球特色的訪談! → With nearly 30 years spent in the UK, US, etc., Hsiao-wei has an abundance of cross-cultural experience in educating the underprivileged students. She moved back to Taiwan afterwards and founded the NGO, IPOWER, in 石門, located in the northern coastline of Taiwan. Her hope is to overturn how education can be like in the remote area by communal support. When she was about to leave New York, her students initiated a crowdfunding activity for her 'low-carbon' world travel as a farewell gift in which she took a cruise rather than a flight from New York to England. Tune in to learn how Hsiao-wei's journey of mission and empathy has taken her to where she is now.
3/16/202237 minutes, 26 seconds
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E96 | (國語) 為何英國每間餐廳都可能是「親子餐廳」?/英國孩童教養與生活方式由旅居倫敦的Ting娓娓道來 / 在台灣也可以添購的育兒神器

在倫敦的Ting是個全職媽媽,育二孩:哥哥8歲,妹妹5歲,在長年在「人妻。倫敦。習作簿」撰寫旅英生活點滴,有設計背景的他,也曾與英國皮革設計品牌合作聯名新款式。本集他與Excuse英國腔!分享在英國育兒所觀察到的文化,無私地分享英國是如何親子友善,從親子共同參與的藝文/音樂活動到帶小小孩外出用餐的貼心,再到大自然教育與適合嬰幼兒的感知課程跟相關產品推薦,如果你有生小孩的想法或是新手爸媽,本集不可錯過! (本集由英國品牌Mamas and Papas贊助播出) 搜尋:Excuse英國腔! 🌟請我杯珍奶吧,讓我帶給你更多全球特色的訪談! →
3/8/20221 hour, 13 minutes, 32 seconds
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E95 | (English) 專訪三位烏克蘭平民:兩位現位於首都基輔,一位在他國救助母國 / 他是個文化記者,現在天天做土製炸彈 / 他是廣告人,現在槍是他的生命 / 他是公關,現在用專業在向世界發聲 /在這顛沛的今天,他們的勇氣令人敬佩

本集Excuse英國腔!插播來自烏克蘭前線的聲音,訪談時間在戰火蹂躪的3/6與3/7,我與三位烏克蘭的國民:第一位是住在首都基輔郊區的女性、第二位受動員位在基輔的預備役男性,以及第三位是在開戰前逃出烏克蘭的女性,與他們三位的訪談,我希望拼湊烏克蘭當前人民的想法與感受,以及他們親身遭遇到的軍事侵犯,希望他們平安。 在基輔近郊的女性:02.39 在基輔市區的男性:13.27 已出境的女性:39.10 Facebook | Instagram 搜尋:Excuse英國腔! You are to listen to three people’s accounts of the Russian invasion of Ukraine so far — one of whom is still living on the outskirts of the capital, Kyiv, preparing for any imminent threat; another is a reservist, living right in Kyiv, tryin to defend the capital; and the other left the country shortly before the outbreak but endeavours to contribute to the nation — you’ll learn what they have experienced and what they have to say. Please note the account of the former was recorded on 5 March, the latter two on 6 March. To protect three of them, the interviews were conducted anonymous.
3/6/202253 minutes, 40 seconds
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E94 | (English) 你聽到了什麼?收聽倫敦一百年前街道的聲音! / 老照片能重溫舊夢,那老聲音呢?/倫敦大學聲景生態學教授就地接棒延續倫敦街道聲音保存

收聽1928、 2018與2020年封城期間的倫敦市中心Leicester Square (萊斯特廣場), Hyde Park Corner (海德堡公園), Whitechapel等街道的聲音!隨著倫敦在20世紀初湧入大量的勞工與移民,街頭噪音對身心理的影響逐漸成為大家討論的話題,但直到1928年,Daily Mail (每日郵報)記者Commander Daniel親自踏點五處倫敦街道,以當時巨大的錄音器材錄製街道噪音,藉以引起全民至政府正視與解決街頭噪音問題….時隔90年,2018年倫敦大學Goldsmtihs學院聲景聲態學教授John Levack Drever接棒繼續,並記錄2020年封城期間倫敦靜到只剩鴿子拍翅聲的珍貴紀錄,立刻收聽訪談! Facebook | Instagram 搜尋:Excuse英國腔! 了解英國音響品牌Mission的LX Connect:《台音好物》 Tune in to the street sounds recordings of 1928, 2018 and 2020, during lockdown in London: Leicester Square, Hyde Park Corner, Whitechapel, etc! As an influx of population moved to London in the beginning of the 20th century, discussions around the mental and physical impacts of street noises became popular in press and civil society. It wasn't until 1928 that Daily Mail journalist Commander Daniel recorded the street noises across 5 spots in London, using the then bulky recording equipment. His purpose was clear -- to bring the awareness squarely to both the public and government. Ninety years later, 2018 and 2020 during lockdown, John Levack Drever, Professor of Acoustic Ecology at Goldsmiths, University of London continued this field recording; you'll find in that of 2020, the sheer sound of the flapping of pigeons' wings said it all about the peculiar period of human history we were in. Tune in for this interview and invaluable recordings!
3/1/202231 minutes, 55 seconds
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E93 | (國語) 新書專訪_英國的馬克太太的 「你缺的不是努力,而是反骨的勇氣!」/ 馬克先生究竟是誰,聽到最後揭曉! /也是贈書活動;)

馬克太太是誰?在文字的世界,她是犀利冷靜的觀察家;在服裝的領域,她是眼光獨到的時尚女 王;在網紅的業界,她是跨越界線的斜槓才女;在人生的戰場上,她是永不放棄的挑戰者。 從小就喜歡穿搭,尤其是用色大膽的服裝,因而成為大人眼裡的異類。小時候常 常幻想自己是作家,在循規蹈矩才是好孩子的那個年代,被老師認為不切實際。 明明說著一口破英文,卻嚮往國外的生活,靠自己的努力去澳門、日本以及愛爾 蘭打工度假,最後還嫁給馬克先生,定居英國。 雖然做事總是離經叛道、我行我素,但誰說不按牌理出牌的人無法走出自己的小天地呢?希望透過這本書讓大家明白:你的人生是掌握在自己的手裡,而不是活 在別人的嘴裡! 立刻Excuse英國腔!專訪! P.S. 參加贈書活動請先加入Facebook社團: 搜尋:Excuse英國腔! 🌟請我杯珍奶吧,讓我帶給你更多全球特色的訪談! →
2/23/20221 hour, 4 minutes, 36 seconds
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E92 | (English) 成為更好的自己,她40不知天命,成為跨性女/她在台中,是Kim Asher也是金睿凰/參與台灣風電發展,她最愛台灣

那一天,她鼓起勇氣走進台中的百貨的女性內衣專櫃,Kim Asher (金睿凰)今年49歲,她的跨國境跨性別的故事充滿曲折離奇,曾經,她選擇催眠自己,進入傳統的婚姻,但追尋自我的聲音不曾斷歇,她知道,惟有讓自己變得堅強,為自己發聲,也為更多非二元性別認同的族群鼓勵。她的成長大多在英國,她的職涯大多在地球各大遠洋的船上,立刻收聽! Facebook | Instagram 搜尋:Excuse英國腔! 🌟請我杯珍奶吧,讓我帶給你更多全球特色的訪談! → One day, despite hesitation she walked into a lingerie counter at a department store in Taichung. This episode is about an accidental social transition that has since given Kim Asher a rebirth. Being 49 years of age, her stories have been full of twists and turns. Once she chose to walk into a typical marriage with a woman but exited later. In her mind, her self pursuit has never ended because she knows only when she becomes strong can she have a say -- she even further encourages other LGBT fellow people to be themselves. She was chiefly raised in Britain though her later career has taken her all over the oceans: on boat. Tune in at once!
2/15/202241 minutes, 25 seconds
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E91 | (English) 倫敦最道地的義式冰淇淋 !?/ 始於1987,Gelateria 3BIS London店家分享必點口味與飲食文化觀察 / 報Excuse英國腔!可享8折優惠!

你吃過正宗的義式冰淇淋(gelato)嗎? 它的口感不同於一般的冰淇淋。本集邀請到可能是倫敦最道地的義式冰淇淋店家Gelateria 3BIS London,位在市中心景點的分店:Borough Market跟Portobello Road:始於1987年義大利的Rimini,在倫敦品嚐義大利味道無時差!他們用工藝製作義式冰淇淋,提供豐富的口感層次與引進源自世界各地的新鮮食材,更對於美觀有極高的要求,除了義式冰淇淋,還有更多其他甜點。收聽本集,請準備用耳朵吃義式冰淇淋,該店代表Gianmarco Benedetti的介紹讓我訪談時唾腺發達,一度不能自己;請備好筆與紙,記下他推薦必點的招牌,冬天吃義式冰淇淋,不亦樂乎! ❤️嚐gelato享8折!🍦 Excuse英國腔!更與Gelateria 3BIS London合作,只要進店內提及因收聽Excuse英國腔!造訪,拍照上傳分享冰淇淋即可享全店8折優惠! 你可能有興趣👇🏻 步步四階段英國生活會話課: (使用Excuse英國腔!的優惠碼: blimey,再享9折。) What comes to your mind in terms of the taste of Italy? How about a scoop of gelato in London as we gradually exit the winter? In this rare episode, we are at perhaps the most authentic gelateria in London, Gelateria 3BIS London, located at both Borough Market and on Portobello Road. This gem originated from Rimi, Italy in 1987. Lucky you to be in London as you can have a taste of Italy at the comfort in the UK. That remarkable workmanship goes into every gelato they hand over the counter to you. My guest is Gianmarco Benedetti, on behalf of 3BIS, he manages to have my mouth water throughout the interview. So brace yourself too! Plus, listen to the end for his top picks. No spoiler! ❤️Claim your 20% off for a taste of gelato with Excuse英國腔!🍦 With Gelateria 3BIS London, all listeners of Excuse英國腔! can claim 20% off when visiting either gelateria of 3BIS London by telling the staff this podcast interview, taking a shot of your order and sharing it on either Facebook or Instagram!
2/8/202239 minutes, 10 seconds
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E90 | (English) 在英國巴斯邊被地標天際線環繞邊泡天然浴場的體驗是什麼/ When in Rome do as the Romans do./ 專訪巴斯地標Thermae Bath Spa代表Alison,以當地人觀點體驗巴斯!

英國巴斯,一個在1987年被聯合國教科文組織列為世界文化遺產的城市,在此不僅可看到昔日羅馬帝國留下的遺跡外,如羅馬浴場,這裡還有個英國唯一天然溫泉浴場 Thermae Bath Spa。當然這城市的豐富內涵不僅如此,收聽本集了解造訪巴斯時必造訪的非觀光客景點以及這座結合現代與舊歷史的建築是如何將羅馬帝國時泡湯的體驗穿越兩千年原地重現!別忘了巴斯亦是已故英國小說家 珍·奧斯丁居住過並是為家鄉的地方。 🔆合作邀約 →[email protected] Facebook | Instagram 搜尋:Excuse英國腔! 🌟請我杯珍奶吧,讓我帶給你更多全球特色的訪談! → A city having been proclaimed a UNESCO World Heritage in 1987 -- in Bath not only do you see the ruins of Roman Baths, But UK’s only natural thermal spa right next to it, accessible to people who fancy the relaxing experience dating from the ancient Rome. And of course, it's not all the city can offer. Tune in to learn what you can do on your holidays in Bath from Alison and Andrew, whose insiders' tips shouldn't be only for locals. P.S. The City of Bath is the city that Jane Austen ever fondly resided in.
2/4/202224 minutes, 9 seconds
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E89 | (English) 當英國小朋友開始接觸「中華文化」與「華語」,台灣的創業家Yuki老師當仁不讓 / Mandarin Go是個綜合各地華語的中華文化機構,沈浸式地寓教於樂

人在英國劍橋,他叫Yuki,持著英國的企業家簽證,創辦Mandarin Go,顧名思義就是教授華語,也包含中華文化:以幼兒為中心,設計貼近生活的主題與內容,課程提供包含給非母語跟母語人士,繁體與簡體,以實體或網上進行。與他的對話,可感受到教育是種使命,是感動的,他也是中華文化華語教育學會的理事長。今天Excuse英國腔!想跟大家一起來認識Yuki,聽他如何在大不列顛建立起他理想中的華語機構與如何傳遞他眼中的中華文化與語言教育。 🔆合作邀約 →[email protected] 🌟請我杯珍奶吧,讓我帶給你更多全球特色的訪談! → Facebook | Instagram 搜尋:Excuse英國腔! In this episode we meet Yuki, based in Cambridge, the UK. After acquiring an entrepreneur visa, Yuki founded Mandarin Go, a teaching institute which educates students in Mandarin and Chinese culture. Mandarin Go caters to younger children with a curriculum designed around everyday topics and conversations. The courses are offered to both native and non-native speakers in both traditional or simplified Chinese, and can be taken either online or in person. From our discussion, it is clear that education is a personal mission for her and something which she commits herself to wholeheartedly. She is also the president of Chinese Culture and Language Education Association. Let's know more about her with Excuse英國腔! Tune in at once, shall we?
1/19/202233 minutes, 42 seconds
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E88 | (English) 伊麗莎白二世邀他進白金漢宮 / 他的安全帽被拍到出現在貝克漢女兒Harper頭上 / Simon Booth發明了第一部世上首部平衡車

平衡車品牌 Kiddimoto,源自英格蘭西南部的Somerset,世界首創它經典的木製平衡車更在2006年獲倫敦地標玩具店Hamley’s頒One of a kind award,2015年創辦人Simon Booth更受邀到白金漢宮晉見英國女王伊麗莎白,Kiddimoto的平衡車跟滑板車,你都可在英國與台灣找到,本集Excuse英國腔專訪Simon Booth,聽他細細數來這一路創業的奇幻旅程,喜歡他經典的英國國旗圖案平衡車或其它設計或滑板車,立刻搜尋最近的零售據點! (感謝Kiddimoto贊助) 立刻收聽~ 🔆合作邀約 →[email protected] 🌟請我杯珍奶吧,讓我帶給你更多全球特色的訪談! → Facebook | Instagram 搜尋:Excuse英國腔! Balance bike brand, Kiddimoto, originated from Somerset, from England. Its world-first classic wooden balance bike has received an accolade from Hamley's, 'One of a Kind Award'. In 2015, the founder Simon Booth further received an invitation to Buckingham Palace by Queen Elizabeth II for his achievement in international trade. To see the balance bikes and scooters of Kiddimoto yourself, visit your local e-commerce sites or a retailer in your location, be it in the UK, Taiwan and so on. In this episode, Excuse英國腔! is joined by him learning how he has made it. Tune in at once. (in association with Kiddimoto)
1/12/202240 minutes, 38 seconds
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E87 | (English) 專訪荷蘭末代福爾摩沙長官Frederick Coyett兄弟第14代直系後裔 / 從鄭成功反向視角認識台江決戰 / 贈來自三百多年前的書!

我們都知道荷蘭被鄭成功擊退,終結西方在台灣殖民的章節,但你知道荷蘭末代長官Frederick Coyett他在戰敗後,雖獲鄭成功免一死,雖難逃被東印度公司及荷蘭政府從判死刑到流放太平洋邊疆小島,得到特赦,才搬回荷蘭。他在流放期間撰寫了知名的t verwaerloosde Formosa (英譯Neglected Formosa;台譯被遺誤的台灣:荷鄭台江決戰始末記),企圖在這扭轉台灣命運的戰役中為自己辯白,內容生動精彩,恍如將場景帶回1661年的熱蘭遮城。 由前衛出版贊助,Excuse英國腔!將提供兩本書給幸運的聽眾,活動請到Excuse英國腔!的FB社團~立刻收聽! 🔆合作邀約 →[email protected] 🌟請我杯珍奶吧,讓我帶給你更多全球特色的訪談! → Facebook | Instagram 搜尋:Excuse英國腔!
1/5/202236 minutes, 44 seconds
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E86 | (國語/English) 2021年回顧 / Excuse英國腔!滿一歲了 / 結尾有彩蛋

謝謝你支持Excuse英國腔!,本頻道一歲了,請訂閱及替我於Apple Podcasts評價,確保每週都能收聽最新的episode! 🔆合作邀約 →[email protected] 🌟請我杯珍奶吧,讓我帶給你更多全球特色的訪談! → Facebook | Instagram 搜尋:Excuse英國腔! Thanks for supporting Excuse英國腔! It's been a year since the inception on 24 December 2020. Please subscribe to any medium you are on, and rate and review it on Apple Podcasts.
12/29/20215 minutes, 8 seconds
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E85 | (國語) 收聽來自台灣,定居德國的聲音療癒師 惜音介紹聲音的力量 / 本集收錄她最新作品 星星搖籃曲/ 當能量穿越空間,在遠端也可聽到她安定的聲音

定居德國萊比錫,惜音曾經照著父母親的期望,在企業裡工作著,但她始終沒忘記的是她從小對唱歌的熱誠;聲音療癒是個自古就有的領域,在經歷了人生的轉捩點後,她開始與來自英國的Sound Healing Academy學習聲音療癒,近期開始她在聲音療癒上的線上服務,同時他也著手創作,如果你希望能平靜,不可錯過她的天籟,始於本集 24.32 《星星搖籃曲 》,一起跟Excuse英國腔! 踏上這靜心之旅吧! 🔆合作邀約 →[email protected] 🌟請我杯珍奶吧,讓我帶給你更多全球特色的訪談! → Facebook | Instagram 搜尋:Excuse英國腔! Based in Leipzig, Germany, Sunny Zibulla Chang used to follow the prescribed career path as her parents wished. Yet, never did she forget her passion for singing since her childhood; sound healing has been existent since time immemorial -- after a decision made in her life that changed everything, she commenced to study with Sound Healing Academy and practise along, and later launched her online services of sound healing. Besides the practice, she also composes songs that feels serene and worry-free. In this episode, she shares with us her latest work, ''The Star Lullaby''. Shall we tune in with Excuse英國腔! for a heart-calming journey?
12/22/202142 minutes, 25 seconds
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E84 | (English) 你有看過氣球狗的公共藝術嗎?有個波蘭的藝術家翻玩Jeff Koons的氣球狗,他的狗也被放在倫敦科芬園展示 / 一系列發人省思的作品,你說他抄襲,還是創意奔放?

來自波蘭,定居倫敦,藝名 Whatshisname的藝術家Sebastian Burdon藉以他翻玩全球知名藝術家Jeff Koons的氣球狗,創造出多樣生活中常見的狗姿勢;他的另系列作品Gone,以大眾熟悉的動畫人物模糊輪廓,呈現在布幕後面,藉由伸出一隻手,是在說再見,還是在打招呼?他的作品令人發笑,以引人省思,有人說他的作品不叫創意,你覺得呢?立刻收聽Excuse英國腔!與他的專訪! 🔆合作邀約 →[email protected] 🌟請我杯珍奶吧,讓我帶給你更多全球特色的訪談! → Facebook | Instagram 搜尋:Excuse英國腔! ‘Whatshisname’ can be both a question and an answer if you are asking who Sebastian Burdon is. Based in London, Polished-born internationally acclaimed artist, Sebastian Burdon, has taken the world by storm after his POPek series of balloon dogs and Gone series came to the attention of the art world and the masses around the world. Today, I am so glad to have him with us, sharing how lateral thinking could ripple our memories however vivid they might be. Tune in at once to listen to his rare interview regarding his known works of art.
12/14/202125 minutes, 42 seconds
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E83 | (English)來自羅馬,他是英國的Guardian(衛報)愛用攝影師,他對東倫敦Hackney的愛,在他的街頭攝影中一覽無遺 / Excuse英國腔!專訪Christian Sinibaldi

東倫敦的Hackney是個在街頭仍可遇見多元文化、不同階層、不同背景居民的行政區(borough),儘管在近年來縉紳化(gentrification)加快,加速了人口的東移,它仍舊保持那叛逆不羈的態度,來自羅馬的著名攝影師Christian Sinibaldi 因緣際會搬到倫敦的Hackney,從此就與它結下了緊密的關聯 -- 從“I am Hackney”系列的街拍到“Evering Road People”,不同時空背景下,你可看到他那帶有社會觀察的鏡頭是如何記錄人物與社區的親密關係;在英國的你,若想一覽他當期的展"60 miles by road or rail"(至12/17),位置:Northampton Museum。 🔆合作邀約 →[email protected] 🌟請我杯珍奶吧,讓我帶給你更多全球特色的訪談! → Facebook | Instagram 搜尋:Excuse英國腔! Hackney, a borough in East London, is a multicultural neighbourhood where different walks of life and backgrounds co-exist vibrantly together. Yet as gentrification continues, more and more have no choice but to relocate eastbound. Regardless, the area still remains its rebellious spirit and sense of community. From Rome, photographer Christian Sinibaldi first moved to London without any idea of what Hackney was, finding himself tightly bonded thereafter -- from "I am Hackney" to "Evering Road People", against different times, one sees his in-depth perspective of observing the community: the close-knit cohesion in the community. If you're in the UK, fancying having a visit to his current exhibition "60 miles by road or rail" (ending on 17 December), head to Northampton Museum.
12/8/202150 minutes, 7 seconds
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E82 | (國語) 來自「南方」的物件、技藝與產業的生命故事 / Excuse英國腔! 專訪南南之隅概念店創辦人Judy / 不可錯過的台灣與南方世界交會的十字路口

Excuse英國腔!本集聲音不出國,來到台北大安區的泰順街:一個1930年代落成的日式建築,曾是台大教職員的宿舍,今天換然一新,是個台灣與地球南方文化交匯的節點; 南南之隅創辦人Judy很精彩地為品牌有如下的期許:對島嶼的國際視野來說,北方是中心、是被仰望的,而所有角落的、被忽略的都是南方。我們致力於呈現角落的南方,挖掘各個關於物件、技藝與產業的生命故事,發展向南的視野。 我曾造訪過該店,無比驚艷店內館藏的多元文化物件,像是來自安地斯山的羊駝圍巾、尼加拉瓜的馬薩亞吊床、甚至是西非迦納的肯特織紋襯衫等,一起收聽Judy是如何以「人類學」般的精神,策劃一個又一個令人眼睛一亮的「南方」珍品! 🔆合作邀約 →[email protected] 🌟請我杯珍奶吧,讓我帶給你更多全球特色的訪談! → Facebook | Instagram 搜尋:Excuse英國腔! In this episode, Excuse英國腔! landed on 泰順街 in Taipei: a Japanese-style building built in 1930s, later purposed for the hall of residence for NTU faculties; today, it's refreshingly become an intersection of Taiwan and 'southern' civilisations across the globe. The founder of Sousou Corner, Judy, has put it splendidly: 'For the Island, global perspective is directed towards the north, somewhere to be looked up to. For all the corners, all the neglected are the south. We dedicate ourselves to demonstrating the southern corners, exploring the lives and stories of objects, craftsmanship and industries.' Let's tune in to Judy's account, getting to know how her team adopts the so-called 'anthropological' spirit to curate one after another eye-opening novelties from the 'south'. ** **
11/30/202144 minutes, 12 seconds
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E81 | (English) 聽過真人圖書館嗎?一個化解偏見、坦承開啟對話的淨土 / 概念源起於丹麥哥本哈根,模式已在全球超過80個國家展開 / Excuse英國腔!專訪創辦人 Ronni

Human Library (真人圖書館) -- 試想有家圖書館,你借到的不是紙本書,而是血肉之身的人,在閱讀過程,你可以問他任何你好奇的問題,你不用擔心受人批判,因為「書」本人就是基於願意分享自身經歷,而挺身而出的人:他可能是躁鬱症患者、同性戀、有自殘傾向、甚至是曾被迫害的難民。今天的真人圖書館已是個拓展到超過80個國家的社會創新實驗,在台灣、泰國、世界眾多國家均有該概念的蹤跡,聽聽創辦人Ronni Abergel本人談這空前的大膽計劃是如何演進、遇到什麼情況跟我們能從中收穫些什麼,立刻收聽Excuse英國腔! 🔆合作邀約 →[email protected] 🌟請我杯珍奶吧,讓我帶給你更多全球特色的訪談! → Facebook | Instagram 搜尋:Excuse英國腔! 'Human Library -- unjudge someone.' is a 'library' where you borrow not a print but flesh and blood. During your reading, you can ask almost any question you have. Fear not you will be judged when asking questions of stereotype because the 'book' itself is someone who is bold enough and willing to share his or her life experience. The books can be a bipolar patient, a homosexual, a person who had engaged in self-harm or even a refugee who was oppressed before. Today, this model of social innovation can be seen across more than 80 countries: in Taiwan, Thailand and many more countries, developed and developing. Let us tune in to listen to the founder of Human Library, Ronni Abergel, learning how this unprecedented courageous concept has evolved, what issues it has faced, and what we could learn from taking part. Tune in at once to Excuse英國腔!
11/23/202144 minutes, 37 seconds
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E80 | (English) 你在倫敦喝過珍奶嗎?有家手搖飲品牌成功將珍奶串起東西文化,不是來自台灣! / 專訪來自新加坡,取經台灣的Biju Bubble Tea 創辦人 Nicholas Phan

你知道在倫敦,多數當地人對Bubble Tea的認知可能是冰果茶加爆爆珠!試想英國與日本的距離三秒鐘,有家手搖店的抹茶全由日本直送,且是有機! -- Biju Bubble Tea創立於2014年,來自新加坡的Nicholas Phan當時苦於無法找到自己喜愛的珍奶,他曾前往台灣取經,喝遍台灣各地珍奶,他知道珍奶在英國要推廣不能只顧及亞洲味蕾,更要抓到英國人的喜好,本集他大方與Excuse英國腔!分享他的創業歷程,與他看到東西方在認知與口味上是如此不同,非常有趣!對珍奶王國的台灣,他的產品創新到落地也是個非常啟發的故事!立刻收聽~ 🔆合作邀約 →[email protected] 🌟請我杯珍奶吧,讓我帶給你更多全球特色的訪談! → Facebook | Instagram 搜尋:Excuse英國腔! Do you know that, in London, many locals still think that bubble tea is iced fruity tea with popping boba? And take a moment to feel the distance between Japan and Britain -- there is a bubble tea chain in London importing organic mocha from Japan! Founded in 2014, Biju Bubble Tea is the creation of Nicholas Phan, from Singapore. In early 2000s in London, he struggled to find a bubble tea he wanted to drink. Before kicking off his business, he flew to Taiwan for research, drinking bubble tea all over the place. He realised that to satisfy the taste buds in Britain, he couldn't merely cater to the Asian palates. The locals' perception and preferences of it matter too. In this episode, he graciously shared with Excuse英國腔! his entrepreneurial journey, his discoveries of the differences between the East and West. Intriguing in its own right. To listeners in Taiwan who take bubble tea for water, his creative approach and how he localises boba culture is a genuinely inspiring story! Tune in at once.
11/16/202143 minutes, 39 seconds
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E79 | (國語) 男子氣概有毒?! / 作者盧省言博士最新著作「有毒的男子氣概」上市片刻就立刻再刷,更將躍上韓國書架 / Excuse英國腔!第三度訪問台灣新銳才華歷史學家盧省言!

當多元性別認同漸被接受,長久以來男性總被認為是二元性別中相較優越的物種,真是如此嗎?「有毒的男子氣概」2021年粉墨登場,為台灣首本撰寫男性性別史的著作,作者盧省言為倫敦大學歷史高等研究院歷史系博士,將西元前30世紀至今,以平易近人兼具深度方式述說這2300年來西方的男性是如何在社會的期待中走到今天,章章精彩,並時時呼應當今台灣社會,直得一讀再讀! 感謝大塊文化出版社贊助,本集Excuse英國腔! 將釋出兩本「有毒的男子氣概」給幸運聽眾,參與抽書活動,請確實依照以下步驟: 在Apple Podcasts上為Excuse英國腔!評價並截圖 並在Excuse英國腔!臉書社團本集貼文留言區附上,並設公開分享 即完成,名單將於11/26公佈兩位幸運聽眾,並寄出(地點限台灣本島) 🔆合作邀約 →[email protected] 🌟請我杯珍奶吧,讓我帶給你更多全球特色的訪談! → Facebook | Instagram 搜尋:Excuse英國腔!
11/9/202158 minutes, 4 seconds
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E78 | (English) Great Britain isn't great? 倫敦長大,父母來自加勒比的小國,他的膚色與移民背景滋潤他的展覽/Michael McMillan博士最知名的展更啟發BBC在2007的紀錄片

倫敦時尚學院的文化與歷史學的副講師,Michael McMillan博士有著豐富的移民觀點,本集他與Excuse英國腔!聊到身份認同(父母親來自聖文森特和格林納丁斯)、黑皮膚在英國白人為主的社會受到的對待與感受等,他有豐富的角色:從劇作家到藝術家、策展人與學者,他最受全球知名的展覽為2005年的The West Indian Front Room,該展覽以鄉愁貫串全展,帶有濃厚加勒比海的移民色彩,更在兩年後啟發BBC,拍了Tales from the Front Room紀錄片。Excuse英國腔!很榮幸跟McMillan暢聊他的創作歷程與他看待英國與社會的觀點,一起收聽! 🔆合作邀約 →[email protected] 🌟請我杯珍奶吧,讓我帶給你更多全球特色的訪談! → Facebook | Instagram 搜尋:Excuse英國腔! As Associate Lecturer in Cultural & Historical Studies, London College of Fashion, Dr Michael McMillan has his in-depth perspectives from a migrant's position. In this episode, he chats with Excuse英國腔! about identity (both of his parents from St Vincent and Grenadines), his treatment and feelings as a man of 'black' colour in the majority-white society of the UK. He wears many hats: from playwright to artist, curator and academic. His most renowned exhibition was in 2005, called 'The West Indian Front Room', where the focus was put on nostalgia through objects and the interior of his migrant background -- that layer of Caribbean cultures. Two years later, a BBC documentary called 'Tales from the Front Room' was released, inspired by Dr McMillan's very exhibition. I am rather honoured to have Dr McMillan with us sharing his journey and his incisive questioning of the contemporary UK society. Tune in at once!
11/2/202154 minutes, 15 seconds
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E77 | (English) 搭雙層巴士邊享用法料邊造訪倫敦地標是什麼感覺?/ 概念源自巴黎的「流動饗宴」,Bustronome是倫敦最潮的移動地標!跟著Excuse英國腔!一起讓店長Viktor帶我們到座位吧!

一邊享用高級法式料理,從前菜到甜點,穿插不同的酒,一邊聽著城市導覽介紹倫敦市中心地標介紹,一邊享受制高點帶來的悠閒,這是Bustronome,源於法國巴黎的「流動饗宴」在倫敦以亮眼的黑漆雙層巴士,下層是廚房、上層是愉快的心情、美好的風景與Fine Dining的味蕾體驗,本集Excuse英國腔!藉著倫敦店長Viktor的聲音引導,歡迎你跟著一起閉上雙眼,讓我們到我們位置上去吧! 🔆合作邀約 →[email protected] 🌟請我杯珍奶吧,讓我帶給你更多全球特色的訪談! → Facebook | Instagram 搜尋:Excuse英國腔! Savouring French cuisines -- from appetiser to dessert, with different wines in between dishes -- and listening to the city guide at hand in your language, introducing the histories of all the tourist attractions in central London, it is that leisurely vibe you have only from the upper deck of Bustronome. Originally from Paris, this 'Moveable Feast' concept comes in the form of a fancy black colour double decker, with the lower deck used for kitchen and the upper for bringing that pleasant experience, beautiful street scenes and fine dining that stimulates your taste buds. In this episode, why not follow Excuse英國腔! to board the bus, assisted by the general manager, Viktor. Close your eyes and let him take us to our tables!
10/26/202132 minutes, 36 seconds
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E76 | (English) 辦給狗狗的藝術展?裝GPS的鞋子?增高型眼鏡?坐在樹幹上辦公?乍聽荒誕卻真實的發明,來自英國的鬼才發明家Dominic Wilcox / 平凡的生活不在平凡,而是充滿火花的試驗場,畢業於皇家藝術學院的他絕對是你不可忽視的藝術奇才!

2016年,世界第一個專為狗狗辦的藝術展誕生在倫敦、牛津鞋上長了GPS告訴你是否要轉彎、增高型眼鏡讓你身高不夠不再需跑到演唱會前排的搖滾區、無數已經產出跟正在醞釀的發明,都在Dominic Wilcox的素描簿中形成雛型。他的設計讓英國建築設計巨擘Thomas Heatherwick直言「他畫的素描不只機智與美觀,而還挑戰我們處的世界,幫助我們持續用純真的眼光來思考還有什麼其它的可能。」他的Little Inventors項目更是志在幫助啟發孩童成為未來的發明家,他的著作也散佈在世界各個角落,立刻踏上Excuse英國腔!與該位傳奇鬼才的訪談,了解他創意背後的故事與建議吧! 🌟請我杯珍奶吧,讓我帶給你更多全球特色的訪談! → Facebook | Instagram 搜尋:Excuse英國腔! In 2016, the world's first exhibition for dogs was given birth in London; a pair of Oxford with GPS embedded helping you navigate in the city; a pair of glasses that can help you look further and higher. There are countless inventions being born, and equally many are in the making by Dominic Wilcox, a legendary artist and designer from the UK. Thomas Heatherwick, a world-renowned British architect, once described his drawings as ‘Dominic Wilcox’s drawings aren’t just witty and beautifully drawn, they are serious challenges to the real world to keep looking at itself with innocent eyes, wondering what else is possible.’ His 'Little Inventors' project also aims to help many children become inventors of the future. Tune in now with Excuse英國腔! to listen to this legendary creative character, understanding his stories and advice underneath his thought-provoking objects.
10/19/202143 minutes, 57 seconds
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E75 | (國語) 倫敦時裝秀上一件件令人讚嘆且兼顧環保的針織服裝作品,他是1x1 Studio品牌創辦人郭奕伶 / 一場令英國GQ總編拍案叫絕的夜店服裝秀,他說靈感就來自生活中那片刻的悸動

說到針織衫,你想到什麼?在倫敦時裝週上,有個來自高雄的設計師,他的服裝品牌1x1 Studio 以高操手藝將針織服裝演繹出別具風格的服裝系列,目標為小眾,期盼推廣手工針織給更廣大的族群,針針都是他對生活中的感動的演繹,本集他與Excuse英國腔!分享他是如何進入時尚產業,從大品牌實習生到倫敦時裝週耀眼的一顆新星,立刻收聽他在倫敦時裝週第一線的分享與寶貴業內建議! 🌟請我杯珍奶吧,讓我帶給你更多全球特色的訪談! → Facebook | Instagram 搜尋:Excuse英國腔! Speaking of knitwear, what do you think of? During London Fashion Week, there exists a fashion designer from Kaohsiung, Taiwan. Her brand, 1x1 Studio specialises in handcrafted knitwear catering both to him and her. Her collection targets a niche yet aims to reach a wider audience. Every needle and thread sees her small moments in life, her manifestations of those moments. In this episode, she shares with Excuse英國腔! how she entered the industry, from an intern with an established brand to a sparkling budding star of London Fashion Week. Tune in at once to her first-hand sharing with valuable takeaway of advice.
10/12/20211 hour, 5 minutes, 12 seconds
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E74 | (English) 挪威學者Line 是個漢學家,以住過與研究中國的斯堪地那維亞人的視角比較東西方在文化與制度的差異 / 挪威最紅的字之一'hygge'也是本集文化探索的亮點之一

Line Marie Breistrand來自挪威,曾住過中國,目前定居首都奧斯洛,她是Norwegian Institute for Defence Studies的研究學者,專精中國與斯堪地那維亞的國際政策,對於文化與社會制度的差異有其精銳的學術觀點,Excuse英國腔!一直很好奇斯堪地那維亞的歐洲關與世界觀,從冰河到檳榔樹,本集直接探究來自遙遠北歐的漢學者對歐洲到亞洲的社會觀點!立刻收聽。 🌟請我杯珍奶吧,讓我帶給你更多全球特色的訪談! → Facebook | Instagram 搜尋:Excuse英國腔! Line Marie Breistrand is from Norway and living in Oslo now. She lived in China before. As a research fellow at Norwegian Institute for Defence Studies, she specialises in China and foreign policies in the Scandinavian region. Her scholarly perspectives on cultural and societal differences between the West and East is worth your listening. Excuse英國腔! has always been curious about how the Scandinavian countries at large view their roles within the European continent and the world beyond. From glacier to Areca catechu, this episode dives into Line's viewpoint on Europe and Asia as far as society is concerned. Tune in at once!
10/6/202155 minutes, 5 seconds
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E73 | (English) 去過倫敦的你,可能聽過她聲音!? / Excuse英國腔!榮幸邀請到經典前倫敦地鐵站內廣播員,世界級配音員Emma Clarke暢聊她是如何錄製那永垂不朽的 'Mind the Gap!' (注意月台間隙)

你搭過倫敦地鐵嗎?如果答案是肯定的,幾乎能說你聽過她那經典英國的MIND THE GAP (注意月台間隙廣播):本名Emma Clarke,23歲就成為全職配音員,她的聲音堪稱英國國寶級,為BBC眾多戲劇廣播錄製,她的聲音作品出現在世界上各個角落如2016年的電影《太空潛航者》(Passengers)裡她為咖啡機那有趣帶點惱人的配音、在2017跨到2018年的泰唔士河跨年煙火秀,她那經典的MIND THE GAP就在世界的面前,在倏忽的一陣寂靜後,震撼地播放出來,Excuse英國腔!入podcasting至今,算是訪問到心中的偶像,聽眾請多加包容本集是一個粉絲採訪偶像的概念… 🌟請我杯珍奶吧,讓我帶給你更多全球特色的訪談! → Facebook | Instagram 搜尋:Excuse英國腔! Have you ever used London Underground? If so, you have most certainly heard that classic on-platform public announcement, MIND THE GAP. Her name is Emma Clarke; having joined full-time as a professional voiceover at the age of 23, her voice is the national treasure of Britain: she has recorded a lot for BBC drama radio, amongst many others, and her vast range of voice work can be heard across almost all corners of the world, for example, in the 2016 film, Passengers, her voice was heard from a coffee machine; the other example: her iconic public announcement took centre stage in London Fireworks 2018. Today, Excuse英國腔! is extremely delighted and honoured to interview Emma herself. To my dear listeners I want to say this interview can sound like a fan's dream come true. If you find this episode faintly explicitly emotional, that’s because it is! I am a fan talking to my idol!
9/28/202124 minutes, 21 seconds
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E72 | (English) 多語高手Evgenia來自俄羅斯,曾是數位遊牧的她分享如何有效自學外語 / Excuse英國腔! 請教她如何兼顧三種外語並進!

精通德文、西班牙文、英文與母語俄文的Evgenia是個多語高手,本集與Excuse英國腔!分享在沒面對面與母語人士練習對話的前提下,以網路資源有效訓練外語;曾是四年的數位遊牧以語言專長為不同客戶提供翻譯與創譯 (transcreation),她從熱情出發,以系統導航,以專業要求自己,立刻收聽她提供的外語學習建議! 🌟請我杯珍奶吧,讓我帶給你更多全球特色的訪談! → Facebook | Instagram 搜尋:Excuse英國腔! Fancy asking a polyglot how one can learn language on his or her own? Mastering German, Spanish, English and mother tongue, Russian (who doesn't?), Evgenia is in essence a polyglot. In this episode, she shares with Excuse英國腔! how she has trained without face-to-face conversation with a native speaker even before the pandemic; she has utilised effectively the online resources to learn foreign languages. Having used to be a digital nomad for four years utilising her linguistic flair to help her clients with translation and transcreation, she has started off with passion, systematically navigated her learning and held herself to high expectations. Tune in at once to how she advises on foreign language learning.
9/21/202126 minutes, 42 seconds
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E71 | (English) 為何有些英國品牌在中國以都會摩登形象,在英國卻主打鄉村風?/ 為何英國總部跟中國分公司常常各做各的? / Excuse英國腔! 專訪來自英國,為無數西方品牌進入中國的幕後推手Tom Griffiths

出生於英國、成長於紐西蘭、對中國有深入研究,他曾幫英國百貨Harrods策劃對中國市場的策略,協助眾多西方品牌進軍中國市場,從大學就開始研究中國的Tom Griffiths,他對台灣的瞭解不多,但知道康熙來了,本集乾貨滿滿,他娓娓道來他十年來在東西文化間遇到的有趣現象,從隨手買三明治當午餐到跟中國同事一起吃「午餐」,多元文化洗禮孕育他對跨文化溝通的熟稔,給自己沖一杯茶,跟Excuse英國腔!一起聽他有趣的洞悉吧! 🌟請我杯珍奶吧,讓我帶給你更多全球特色的訪談! → Facebook | Instagram 搜尋:Excuse英國腔! Born in the UK, Tom Griffiths grew up in New Zealand and has been keen on researching the ancient and contemporary Chinese culture to date. He used to help Harrods, a celebrated UK department store, build business strategies for the China market. His mission is to help the Western brands enter China and localise their brands. He doesn't know much about Taiwan but fancies Kangsi Coming, a Taiwanese variety-comedy talk show. In this episode, you can learn much from Tom's 10-year experience in between cultures -- from grabbing a sandwich for lunch to being seated for a 'proper' lunch with his Chinese colleagues. His experience transforms his perspectives. Why not make yourself a cup of tea, sipping it whilst listening to Tom's sharing!
9/14/20211 hour, 1 minute, 24 seconds
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E70 | (English) 你知道在瑞士蘇黎世這家二手精品店可挑到台灣原民手工藝品? / 來自奧地利的人類學博士Rosa Enn視蘭嶼為第二個家 / 台灣居住品質在全球排行中到底好在哪?

來自奧地利、定居瑞士,博士研究在台灣的Rosa Enn是一個熱愛環境、公平正義與美學的地球村人,她與Excuse英國腔!分享她為何來到台灣進行人類學研究,並愛上蘭嶼。對於一個歐洲人,亞洲的一切都是充滿衝擊的,從攤商歇業後產品留在原處到夜裡獨自在路上行走地安心,這是台灣特有的信任與安全,Rosa從學者觀點討論她對多個議題的觀點,她熱愛時尚,也實踐愛地球的二手精品買賣,其中有機會與客人介紹台灣原民手工藝更是她開店的樂趣之一,立刻連線蘇黎世! 🌟請我杯珍奶吧,讓我帶給你更多全球特色的訪談! → Facebook | Instagram 搜尋:Excuse英國腔! From Austria, living in Switzerland, planet-loving Rosa Enn has done her PhD in anthropology in Taiwan. As a globetrotter like her, she cares about environment protection, justice and equality, and aesthetics. Excuse英國腔! is pleased to hear her share why she came to Taiwan for her research, why she fell in love with Orchid Island. To a European, almost everything Asian is a clash to her -- from vendors leaving their merchandise on shelf throughout the night to strolling alone at night with no worry. That sense of trust and safety in Taiwan. Rosa shares her perspectives on several issues from a scholar's angle. Additionally, she is into fashion, through the sale of second-hand luxury goods; one of her joys in this trade is to introduce those hand-made items from the Taiwanese indigenous peoples. Let's tune in to Zurich!
9/7/202133 minutes, 50 seconds
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E69 | (國語) 「大不列顛兩千年」是一本值得入門收藏的英國史書,由英國國寶級歷史學家暨榮譽勛爵的羅伊.史壯撰寫 / 身為台灣人馬上被第一章第一句話震懾:不列顛是座島嶼....

說到英國,你想到什麼?羅馬行省還是日不落帝國、邱吉爾還是柴契爾、脫歐還是佛系防疫的強森政府?英國榮譽勛爵羅伊.史壯的「大不列顛兩千年」一書的英文版於1996年出版後,在歷經脫歐後補上脫歐章節,於2021年7月漢文版與台灣讀者相見歡!這是一本適合所有對英國史好奇的讀者,本集 Excuse英國腔! 很榮幸邀請旅英歷史博士盧省言(她亦為本書撰寫推薦序),與我們聊聊這本不可多得的英國史床頭書,立刻收聽! PS 感謝聯經出版社的支持,一位幸運的聽眾將有機會獲得一本大不列顛兩千年新書,活動參與步驟如下: 在Apple Podcasts本頻道下評價與留言,告訴我你為何喜歡英國,以及最喜歡的一集訪談,為什麼? 加入Excuse英國腔!的臉書社團,於本活動貼文下留言告訴我你在Apple Podcasts評價與留言使用的名稱並公開分享貼文(這樣我才可看到),即完成參加抽獎喔!得獎讀者將於一週後公佈於FB。 🌟請我杯珍奶吧,讓我帶給你更多全球特色的訪談! → Facebook | Instagram 搜尋:Excuse英國腔! In terms of Britain, what do you think of it? Roman Britain or British Empire? Winston Churchill or Margaret Thatcher? Brexit or Boris-led administration? 'The Story of Britain' was a book published for the first time in 1996 in English. After Brexit, its new chapter was added to the latest edition. Its Mandarin version was released this July, 2021 in Taiwan. A book that suits all readers interested in the British history. In this episode, Excuse英國腔! is pleased to welcome Shengyen Lu, who has a PhD in history from the UK and wrote the foreword for this book. She will be sharing with us how to taste this book chapter by chapter. My thank-you also goes to Linking Publishing for sponsoring this episode.
8/31/202149 minutes, 30 seconds
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E68 | (English) 你曾在荷槍實彈的特勤人員戒護下料理食物嗎? 曾操刀為兩布希、瑪丹娜與滾石唱團下廚,來自伯明翰的世界名廚Nigel在新竹南寮漁港提供英國原汁原味的炸魚薯條 / 他用廚藝走出貧困家境,在全球多處用料理征服最挑嘴的饕客,選在台灣發揚英式料理!

上一集Excuse英國腔! 來到倫敦市中心品嚐英式炸魚薯條🐟,對於在台灣的朋友,別灰心,就在新竹南療魚港,有世界級的英國名廚Nigel Shute👨‍🍳,來自伯明翰的他曾在全球多處如英國、加拿大、香港、新加坡、馬來西亞、日本與台灣等大大小小的飯店與餐廳以當地食材與多國美食撼動人心,也有難得經驗為已故美國前總統老布希下廚及前總統小布希,確保食物安全無虞的過程,他在本集鉅細彌遺道來,非常精彩,本集也邀請神秘嘉賓Excuse英國腔!的E24加拿大作者John Groot親自走訪Hooked on Fish and Chips,與聽眾分享他為何推薦親自到此吃英式炸魚薯條!一起收聽~ Hooked on Fish and Chips的FB → 🌟請我杯珍奶吧,讓我帶給你更多全球特色的訪談! → Facebook | Instagram 搜尋:Excuse英國腔! In the last episode, E67, we came to central London to savour British fish and chips. But for people in Taiwan, never worry: right at Nanliau Seaport Harbour, Hsinchu, we've got a world-class British chef, Nigel Shute, from Birmingham, who has ever worked in the UK, Canada, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, Japan and Taiwan, etc. at both luxury hotels and premium restaurants with local ingredients and multi-national cuisines to touch gastronomes' hearts. He also had a chance to cook for late president of the US, George H.W. Bush and former president, George W. Bush. He vividly recalled for us how he prepared food for that once-in-a-lifetime occasion, with secret agents guarding with guns and food being sent to laboratory for ensuring safety. Thrilling stories from this ace chef! Together in this episode, my distinguished guest of E24 is also invited for sharing his testimony on his trip to Hooked on Fish and Chips in detail. When is the best time to go there and what to order? Tune in at once, why not?
8/24/202135 minutes, 41 seconds
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E67 | (English) 炸魚薯條為何成為英國經典佳餚?/ 專訪你不可錯過位在倫敦超過50年的Fish & Chips餐廳(炸魚薯條)'Fish Central' / 二代經營Ziya推薦必點海鮮!

創立於1968,二代經營的Ziya的叔叔來自賽普勒斯,在50年代初為謀更好生活移民到大步列顛,從此開創首都知名的炸魚薯條餐廳Fish Central;對於想品嚐美味炸魚薯條的饕客,Ziya說這道菜只有做對更不對的區別,食材的新鮮與菜單的不斷創新是他們屹立超過50年的勝利方程式。本集我也邀請到好友Chia-ying,親自到Fish Central實境體驗與品嚐他們家的招牌料理,她非常細膩地評價該餐廳的口味及服務。此外,想知道Fish & Chips為何成為英國的經典菜餚嗎?Ziya還推薦什麼經典菜?不可錯過,盡在本集Excuse英國腔! E67。 Fish Central的FB → 🌟請我杯珍奶吧,讓我帶給你更多全球特色的訪談! → Facebook | Instagram 搜尋:Excuse英國腔! In 1968, Fish Central restaurant was founded by George, Ziya's uncle, who emigrated from Cyprus to the UK for better life in 1950s. It's become one of the most reputable restaurant offering fresh seafood including iconic British dish: fish and chips. For those who fancy tasting this dish, to Ziya, there are only two outcomes -- you either cook it right or wrong. The restaurant has long been keen on ensuring the freshness of their food and constantly expanding their menu -- a key reason of their over-50-year history. In this episode, I've also invited my friend, Chia-ying, in UK capital. She paid a visit to Fish Central, tasting some of their signatures and shared her feedback on her overall experience. Do you know why this dish has turned into the emblematic British icon? What does Ziya recommend? All in E67, Excuse英國腔!
8/17/202122 minutes, 56 seconds
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E66 | (國語) 英國小孩是如何沈浸式學習的?/ 台灣的新手爸媽可能看過或聽過的童書出版社Usborne / 專訪亞太銷售Chiaohan漫談品牌背後如何縝密,講求科學又好玩的書籍編撰

Usborne Publishing 是英國最大的獨立童書出版,如果你已是爸爸媽媽了,可能曾經不經意聽過或翻過他們家的書籍,本集Excuse英國腔!很榮幸與人在倫敦總部的Chiaohan,她是該公司負責亞洲區的銷售,長居倫敦的她漫談她觀察到英國是如何啟蒙語言教育,小孩如何學習,以及在台灣的新手爸媽為小孩如何建立一個舒適的外語學習環境,立刻收聽! 🌟請我杯珍奶吧,讓我帶給你更多全球特色的訪談! → Facebook | Instagram 搜尋:Excuse英國腔! Usborne Publishing is the most eminent independent publisher of children's books. If you are a dad or mum, you might possibly have heard or seen their books. Excuse英國腔!is pleased to have Chiaohan, from its London HQ, who is responsible for sales in Asia Pacific. As a long-term resident in the capital, she talks about how English learning is done to toddlers in the UK, how they learn and how parents in Taiwan who want to build an environment where their children can learn foreign languages at ease and happily. Tune in at once!
8/11/202145 minutes, 28 seconds
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E65 | (English)想了解臺灣與英國之間商貿在脫歐與疫情間的機會與挑戰嗎? / 臺英雙邊恰好可互相學習與結盟! / 聽聽重量級行家臺灣英僑商會前主席Steven Parker的觀點

British Chamber of Commerce in Taipei (臺灣英僑商會)前主席 Steven Parker是臺灣與英國間商務合作的重要橋樑,他對臺灣與英國間的合作契機有敏銳與深度的洞察,隨著脫歐與肺炎成為新的局勢,他剖析了臺灣企業進英國需注意的事項以及英國為何可以是臺灣重要的經貿戰略夥伴,反之亦然;既幽默又含知識性,本集是你輕鬆了解當前雙邊關係的敲門磚,跟著 Excuse英國腔!一起收聽Steven的分享! 🇬🇧臺灣英僑商會(British Chamber of Commerce in Taipei, BCCT) → 🌟請我杯珍奶吧,讓我帶給你更多全球特色的訪談! → Facebook | Instagram 搜尋:Excuse英國腔! Steven Parker, former CEO of British Chamber of Commerce in Taipei is a key bridge between Taiwan and the UK in trading partnership. He's got incisive and in-depth insights into Taiwan-UK partnership. As Brexit and Covid are brought into the mix, he analysed what to note for Taiwanese firms seeking entry into the UK market and vice versa. Both humorous and informative, this episode is your easy bite of current Taiwan-UK relationship. Why not tune in with Excuse英國腔! for Steven's enriching sharing?
8/8/202156 minutes, 4 seconds
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E64 | (English) Excuse英國腔藉聲音遨遊世界,而來自英國的Dave Trax用雙腳走出一部部台灣的紀錄片,他紀錄他的冒險奇遇,佐以充分的研究,他是YouTube系列紀錄片Guanxi for Trax的主持

攤開地圖,旋轉硬幣後落在太平洋,踏上連線最近距離的國家:台灣,對英國人Dave Trax,這是他決定gap year要去哪國的方式;追颱風、開吉普進叢林、踏上無人島、以無人機追逐高速的準退役火車,他有少見的探險家精神,骨子裡多了份教育的目的,在YouTube上,他與團隊精心製作數支有深度的台灣尋奇紀錄片,以英語主持,搭配漢語字幕;本集我也問他很多假設性問題,跟著 Excuse英國腔!聽聽他對台灣心底的想法,你可能會發現,原來當地人不見得最了解當地! GuanXi Taiwan關係台灣YouTube → GuanXi Taiwan關係台灣FB → 🌟請我杯珍奶吧,讓我帶給你更多全球特色的訪談! → Facebook | Instagram 搜尋:Excuse英國腔! He spun a coin over a map to decide where to fly in the UK. And two weeks later, he ended up in Kaohsiung for gap year. This chap is Dave Trax and he is the host of GuanXi for Trax, a series of documentary about the lesser known Taiwan. Chasing typhoon, driving a jeep into the jungle, landing on a no-man island, controlling a drone to chase-shoot a would-retire train type, that spirit of exploration appears as if his innate quality, with a purpose for education. On YouTube, he and his team have been devoted to producing in-depth documentaries of rarely visited sites of Taiwan. He hosts in English with Mandarin subtitle. Over this episode, I also asked him some hypothetical questions, getting to know what are in his mind. You might discover that being locally bred doesn't make you as local as you might have thought!
8/4/202148 minutes, 24 seconds
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E63 | (國語) 你知道法國文化、美食及時尚在疫情間也能遠端體驗嗎?/ 知名旅法風尚生活家的Leah本集不藏私分享他的巴黎生活經驗、在台灣他的私藏法料口袋名單以及3本了解法國風尚文化不可錯過的書籍

說到法國你想到什麼?🇫🇷 Leah是來自台灣,與法國有深刻淵源的風尚生活家,疫情期間,他與Excuse英國腔!分享他眼中的法式生活美學;藉著他多年在精品時尚的歷練以及多年旅居巴黎,在時尚藝文與生活美學上,他表示法式生活無關地域,更多的是心態,他也分享可以在家法式品味生活的小撇步,一起收聽他的洞悉! ❤️追蹤Leah 法式優雅玩生活 IG →leah_love_style ❤️按讚 Leah 法式優雅玩生活 FB → 🌟請我杯珍奶吧,讓我帶給你更多全球特色的訪談! → Facebook | Instagram 搜尋:Excuse英國腔! What do you make of it in terms of France?🇫🇷 From Taiwan, Leah has a deeply rooted passion for French lifestyle. During the pandemic, she talks with Excuse英國腔! over what French lifestyle with aesthetic appeal means to her; with her years of experience in luxury fashion and her life in Paris the past years, to her French lifestyle can be wherever you are as long as you've got the mentality. You could hear she share valuable tips on appealing French lifestyle. Now shall we tune in?
7/28/20211 hour, 17 minutes, 24 seconds
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E62 | (國語)新書大不列顛小怪癖上市,讀者太太十年磨一劍,以台灣視角看英國人行為背後密碼 / 原來Jo Malone在英國很多人不知道!?

讀者太太 (Mrs Reader) 來自台灣,常撰寫關於職場、親子、生活的跨文化社會觀察與現象解析,定居英國十年,原來Sorry並不是那麼sorry? 雙重人格、英式幽默、歐洲的局外人等等,疫情+脫歐的今天,在7月隆重上市的「大不列顛小怪癖」(The Great British Quirks)就是一本你能從讀者太太視角了解當今英國社會的望遠鏡,立刻收聽他與Excuse英國腔!的分享! 購書連結 → 英國職場講座資訊 → 英國留學講座資訊 → 🌟請我杯珍奶吧,讓我帶給你更多全球特色的訪談! → Facebook | Instagram 搜尋:Excuse英國腔! Mrs Reader is from Taiwan, often writing as a columnist regarding UK-Taiwan workplace, family, life. She has lived in the UK for a decade. Is 'sorry' really that apologetic? Dual-character, British humour, outsider of Europe, etc. Against the backdrop of pandemic in conjunction with Brexit, 'The Great British Quirks' - a book published this July, written by Mrs Reader is a cultural lens through her to observe contemporary UK society. Shall we tune in to her sharing with Excuse英國腔! ?
7/26/202150 minutes, 45 seconds
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E61 | (English) 當兩個國家的路人能透過鏡頭向對方揮手,疫情關了門,卻開了立陶宛與波蘭人民友好的窗 / 他發明被BBC報導,宛如任意門的裝置準備全球複製!

Benediktas Gylys可能是當下立陶宛最有話題的公共藝術家,他在首都維爾紐斯與波蘭城市盧布林各放置了兩個 'pOrtal' (暫譯通往他國的任意門),兩地的路人可以看到一個圓形的裝置中間有銀幕可看到對方廣場上即時的影像,在沒有聲音輸出的情況下,大家可以揮手或拿字條向另一邊國家的路人表達善意,在疫情當下,這項創意得到多國大量的興趣,Benediktas的初衷也在裝置的背面清楚寫著:Let’s transcend a sense of separation and be the pioneers of a united planet, from Lithuania with love. 想知道發明人Benediktas的創意發想與聽他談台灣嗎?立刻收聽! Benediktas Gylys的pOrtal → 🌟請我杯珍奶吧,讓我帶給你更多全球特色的訪談! → Facebook | Instagram 搜尋:Excuse英國腔! Benediktas Gylys could be the most talked about public artist in Lithuania at the moment. He has placed two 'pOrtal's, a public installation through which one can see the passers-by from the other country. In its pilot project, passers-by in Vilnius, Lithuania and Lublin, Poland can 'meet' one another through live video broadcasting. The installation is circular with a monitor in the centre and a camera mounted -- with no audio output. One can wave his or her hand or express through body language. This pandemic sees a number of countries show interest in participating in this network of pOrtals. Behind the installation, it reads, 'Let’s transcend a sense of separation and be the pioneers of a united planet, from Lithuania with love.' Fancy to learn the creator's creative process and what he thinks about Taiwan? Tune in at once!
7/21/202128 minutes, 25 seconds
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E60 | (國語) 富含情感,兼具美學,陳珮盈是LGBTQ+的成員,亦有台灣與英國影視產學業的經歷,他在英國的作品Solitude邀請到51屆新進演員金鐘獎得主連俞涵飾演性工作者 / 致力在臺灣打造更好的影視工作環境

還記得Excuse英國腔! E50專訪英國舉重冠軍Mia嗎?他令人振奮的紀錄片就是出自於在英國時期的珮盈導演,他曾在台灣影視圈工作六年,前往英國修讀電影電視導演碩士徹底改變了他看待產業的視角,回到台灣成立影遇影像製作有限公司的他,期許能以不同思維文化建立團隊,拍出多元身份認同的作品,探索更多不同可能。他也精通戲劇、廣告、人物形象與紀錄片。更多細節,立即收聽! 珮盈官網 → 電影Solitude預告片; IG: LGBTQ_solitude → Facebook | Instagram 搜尋:Excuse英國腔! 🌟請我杯珍奶吧,讓我帶給你更多全球特色的訪談! → From E50, did you remember I interviewed Mia, the medallist of England Weight Lifting Grand Prix 2019? Her awe-inspiring documentary was filmed by Pei-ying, the film director. Pei-ying had worked in filming industry for 6 years before embarking on her MA Directing Film and Television, Bournemouth University which has entirely reshaped her perspective on the industry she's long been in. Back home after her completion of the study, she continued to open her company in Taiwan in the hope that she could build a different team with a different mindset, producing more diverse works with varying identities -- ultimately exploring more possibilities. She also specialises in drama, advertising, promotional video of the individual and documentary. To learn more, tune in and check the Facebook group! 🎞️珮盈推薦 LGBTQ+ 電影 Ammonite 莫愛 Directed by Francis Lee → Carol 因為愛你 Directed by Todd Haynes → *訪談中討論到的Male Gaze (LGBTQ+電影) 藍色是最溫暖的顏色(Blue is The Warmest Colour), directed by Abdellatif Kechiche → Female Director in Hollywood 趙婷 電影 遊牧人生 Nomadland → Guardian 報導: Record number of big Hollywood films had female directors in 2020 →
7/18/20211 hour, 5 minutes, 53 seconds
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E59 | (English) 加拿大才藝創作歌手Kori Wray熱愛台灣的多元包容性 / 從靈魂樂到放克,節奏藍調, 爵士到流行樂都是Kori的演唱舒適圈/ 本集精選兩首她專輯歌曲,聽她分享創作背後的故事

從三歲開始唱歌,來自加拿大的才藝創作歌手Kori Wray是知名樂團Soul Train Band的歌手,是台灣為她的家,她視音樂為生命,一路從加拿大、美國到台灣不斷與世界各地音樂家合作、表演,也推出自己專輯What The Year Has Done,本集精選兩首她專輯中的歌曲(鄉村風與節奏藍調),聽他談及背後故事,一起收聽! Kori Wray網站 → 🌟請我杯珍奶吧,讓我帶給你更多全球特色的訪談! → Facebook | Instagram 搜尋:Excuse英國腔! Starting singing at the age of three, from Canada, Kori Wray is a versatile songstress and also a vocalist in Soul Train Band. She considers Taiwan her home and music her life. From Canada to the USA, and to Taiwan, she has constantly collaborated with musicians all over. She also has her album, What The Year Has Done. Within this episode, we choose 2 songs of hers, one being country and the other RnB and listen to stories behind both. Tune in to enjoy!
7/14/202150 minutes, 13 seconds
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E58 | (國語) 當藝術熱情 x 說故事長才在倫敦會迸出什麼火花了?來自台灣的英國導覽執照協會的藍牌導覽員Craig Kao將告訴你 / 以人性出發深入潛出訴說英倫的人文知識的跨文化通才將告訴你英國人跟你想的不一樣!

如果疫情後你想去倫敦來趟兼具知性與感性的深度旅遊,不管是自由行或團體旅遊,那你必須要知道「跟Craig藝起逛英國 (Craig’s Tour UK)」。你可叫他「倫敦小高」,在英國超過20年的他畢業於中央聖馬丁的藝術系,從小很會說故事的他,在三年前受到英國導覽學會最高級別認證的倫敦藍牌導遊執照,堪稱需把英國首都的人文知識生吞活剝才有機會成為其中一員!因為疫情,他暫時回到家鄉台灣,與Excuse英國腔!漫談他這特殊職業的訓練與他重新認識台灣的視角,以及那些大眾傳媒外的英國人真面目,立即收聽! 官方網站 → FB “跟Craig藝起逛英國” → 🌟請我杯珍奶吧,讓我帶給你更多全球特色的訪談! → Facebook | Instagram 搜尋:Excuse英國腔! If you ever picture your next trip to London to be of ‘sense and sensibility’, be it solo tour or group one, you must check ‘Craig’s Tour UK. Craig Kao, with over 20 years of living in the capital, he graduated from Central Saint Martin in BA Fine Art; when little he was good at storytelling. Three years ago, he became one of Blue Badge Tourist Guides of Institute of Tourist Guiding in the UK — a national recognition of his abundant knowledge of the capital. Thanks to the pandemic, he is temporarily based in his hometown Taiwan, having a chinwag with Excuse英國腔! over his unique career stories and how he re-learn about his country, Taiwan after 2 decades of residing in Britain. Plus, he shared some of the real sides of British people away from our mainstream notion. Tune in at once!
7/11/20211 hour, 30 minutes, 8 seconds
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E57 | (國語)為什麼羅斯福總統的美腔跟拜登或川普不一樣?/ 你一定聽過的美國好萊塢1930-40s年的怪腔怪調:幾乎絕種的Mid-Atlantic Accent;時而英腔時又美腔,現在聽來也是蠻酷的;)

你聽過Mid-Atlantcic Accent aka Trans-Atlantic Accent嗎?橫跨大西洋的腔調?美國在1930-40s紅極一時的美英腔結合體在當時是美國上層社會的腔調,黑白的好萊塢電影裡那充滿懷舊感的聲音今天聽來格外有味道,一起收聽這出現於1910年代,幾乎消失在1950年代的英語腔調吧!Lovely ;) 🌟請我杯珍奶吧,讓我帶給你更多全球特色的訪談! → Facebook | Instagram 搜尋:Excuse英國腔! Have you heard of Trans-Atlantic Accent aka Mid-Atlantic Accent? An accent that crossed the Atlantic Ocean? Between 1930s and 1940s, in the US, it was popular all over when the hybrid of US and UK accents intersected and was spoken by the Upper Class in New England. Today, that accent appearing from the black-and-white films back in the old Hollywood days sounds extra-reminiscent of the bygone years. Let's tune in to this once admirable but gone English accent! Lovely;)
7/8/202112 minutes, 34 seconds
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E56 | (English) 花了十年紀錄了臺灣檳榔西施文化 / 那一天,在他鏡頭裡的前總統馬英九渾身不自在 / 外媒在臺第一指名畫面來源,他是南非的Tobie Openshaw

1998年,一位來自南非的紀錄片製作人來到台灣,從此認定台灣是他第二個家,他是Tobie Openshaw, 國際各大媒體在台灣積極合作的影像製作人,從BBC到National Geographic,甚至Discovery跟France24等,當台灣有重大新聞事件時,Tobie是他們信賴的夥伴;除此之外,因為成長於舊南非種族隔離制度下,他很積極地投身台灣原住民的相關議題,如氣候變遷造成的影響到南島語系的保存,他的信念可以由Albert Schweitzer的名言一與概括 'A man can only do what a man can do. But if he does that each day, he can sleep at night – and do it again the next day.' Excuse英國腔!很榮幸有機會訪談到見證台灣20多年的Tobie,他的驚奇台灣紀錄沒有最多,只有更多,趕快收聽! 🌟請我杯珍奶吧,讓我帶給你更多全球特色的訪談! → Facebook | Instagram 搜尋:Excuse英國腔! He is from South Africa. In 1998, a documentary filmmaker called Taiwan his second home. He is Tobie Openshaw, a man highly sought after by international media outlets such as the BBC, National Geographic, Discovery, France24, etc. when there is breaking news from Taiwan. Aside from that, due to his early experience with apartheid in South Africa, he particularly devotes himself to topics of Taiwan's indigenous people, for example, how climate change impacts upon them, the Austronesian connection up and down the Asia Pacific. His faith in life can be summed up as 'A man can only do what a man can do. But if he does that each day, he can sleep at night – and do it again the next day.' by Albert Schweitzer. Excuse英國腔! is pleased to be joined by him, a witness to over 2 decades of Taiwan's civil changes. To learn more about his life, tune in at once!
7/4/202144 minutes, 58 seconds
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E55 | (國語) 比爾蓋茲面試候選人約在餐廳? / 你只有七秒的時間決定第一印象:初次見面該注意什麼?視訊會議有什麼禮節? / 梅菲爾國際禮儀學院創辦人Jennifer Chan談疫情下的國際禮儀

電影金牌特務經典台詞:Manners maketh man. (禮儀成就不凡的人。本句源於William Holman撰寫的Vulgaria一書。) 每個國家都有不同的風土名情,有的常態是他國禁忌,當今世界各國之間的交流雖然因疫情減少,取代的是遠端工作、無數個視訊會議與居家上班,'Netiquette' (網路上的禮儀)更加變得重要,梅菲爾國際禮儀學院創辦人Jennifer Chan是臺灣極少數同時有英國與美國的專業禮儀執照的教練,她大方地與Excuse英國腔!分享我們可以立刻受用的生活/職場禮儀,立刻收聽! 梅菲爾國際禮儀學院 (Mayfair- Manner & Etiquette) → 🌟請我杯珍奶吧,讓我帶給你更多全球特色的訪談! → Facebook | Instagram 搜尋:Excuse英國腔! In 'Kingsman', a film that is popular worldwide, Colin Firth famously put 'Manners maketh man,' originally quoted from William Holman's book, Vulgaria. Every country has its own customs and norms -- behaviours perceived normal in one could be taboo in others. Though face-to-face interactions between countries have immensely reduced currently, remote work, endless video conference calls and WFH have filled in the blank, augmenting the importance of 'netiquette'. Jennifer Chan, founder of Mayfair- Manner & Etiquette, is a rare breed in Taiwan, being certified by both the UK and US in etiquette and manner coaching. She generously shares with Excuse英國腔! tips on etiquette and manners which can be applied instantly in life and the workplace. Tune in at once!
6/30/202157 minutes, 18 seconds
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E54 | (國語) 台灣是亞洲人權的燈塔?/ 東南亞移工已是臺灣社會支撐的勞動力,台灣人權促進會秘書長施逸翔漫談他們在臺長年如何被「特別」對待

苗栗在6月初下達了外籍移工(排除外籍白領)禁止外出命令,不考慮接觸史,僅考慮國籍與簽證;戰爭、天然災害或傳染病更容易讓人看到人性更赤裸的面向,臺灣人權促進會秘書長施逸翔本集漫談這個大且沈重的東南亞移工議題,以細膩人性關懷的口吻述說,臺灣已經很棒,但還可以更好,一起收聽! 臺灣人權促進會 → 🌟請我杯珍奶吧,讓我帶給你更多全球特色的訪談! → Facebook | Instagram 搜尋:Excuse英國腔! Earlier this June, Miaoli put a ban on foreign workers' freedom of movement (except for the white-collar foreigners) despite contact history; war, natural disaster or pandemic can more easily see the real side of human nature. Head of Taiwan Association for Human Rights, 施逸翔, openly talks about this difficult topic: Southeast Asian workers in Taiwan, in depth, displaying humanity. Tune in at once!
6/28/20211 hour, 13 minutes, 28 seconds
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E53 | (English) 一個加拿大記者在北車被一群菲律賓移工包圍,訴說被雇主剝削、騷擾、虐待 / Joe Henley關心人權、社會、環境與地下樂團 / 他比喻苗栗移工禁外出令如舊時南非的種族隔離

六月初在苗栗的無差別外籍移工禁足令在台灣的外籍人士圈掀起波瀾,來自加拿大的Joe Henley是個作家,也是地下重金屬與龐克的歌手,長年對若是與人權相當關心的他在去年出版了Migrante一書,啟發自他某次在台北車站遇到一群菲律賓移工,聽聞各種不堪、被社會漠視的對外籍移工不公不義剝削對待,他決心以小說形式將故事述說,以第三文化角度同理心切入,立刻收聽! Joe Henley個人網站 → Facebook | Instagram 搜尋:Excuse英國腔! 🌟請我杯珍奶吧,讓我帶給你更多全球特色的訪談! → Earlier this June, in Miaoli, the local government put a ban on migrant workers' freedom of movement, causing a torrential anger amidst foreign community in Taiwan and little of that amongst Taiwanese. From Canada, Joe Henley is an author and a vocalist of underground metal and punk. He has long been involved in reporting human rights issues -- last year his latest book, Migrante, was published in English, which was inspired by his encounter with a group of Filipino caregivers at Taipei Main station, listening to their vivid account of being exploited, harassed, abused, etc. by their household in Taiwan. He was then determined to write it out through novel, through his third-cultural lens. Tune in at once!
6/23/202141 minutes, 14 seconds
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E52 | (國語) 興趣能當飯吃嗎? Tiffany & Co. 英國唯一手工雕刻師:來自臺灣的Ning被英國政府視為重要資產,以日漸失傳的雕金技術驚艷品牌總部 / 也獲得伊莉莎白女王獎學金/ 聽她一路如何實現夢想的故事

你知道如果在英國Tiffany & Co.買珠寶💍有客製雕刻需求,你收到的雕刻全都出自一位台灣雕金師Ning的巧手及工藝!來自台中,她在台灣🇹🇼、英國🇬🇧與義大利🇮🇹受過珠寶雕刻扎實的訓練,具有日漸失傳的雕金技術,她讓珠寶客製不只是鑲嵌與簡單刻字,她也自創個人工作室,接受藝術品和客製化及教學需求,並拿到英國女王伊麗莎白獎學金,一起收聽她雕金的奇幻旅程吧!如在倫敦的朋友可以在6/22-29在Design Centre London參觀The Contemporary Craft Fair,Ning本人在26、27號會在現場喔! 🎫 參觀The Contemporary Craft Fair → 👑 Ning上Queen Elizabeth Scholarship Trust (QEST)最新一期雜誌封面 → 🌟請我杯珍奶吧,讓我帶給你更多全球特色的訪談! → Facebook | Instagram 搜尋:Excuse英國腔! If you ever happen to purchase jewellery and have it customised from Tiffany & Co. in the UK, chances are you may receive your treasure engraved by a Taiwanese lady named Ning. Marvellous in her own right, she has solidly trained in Taiwan, the UK and Italy in jewellery making. She has a passion for Florentine hand-engraving from Italy. Beyond Tiffany, she has a studio open to customisation by request. She even received a scholarship from the esteemed Queen Elizabeth Scholarship Trust (QEST), which supports excellence in British Craftsmanship. Shall we tune in at once to her extraordinary journey? 💍 To those pals in London, between 22 and 29 June, you are invited to the Design Centre London to visit the Contemporary Craft Fair, where Ning's works will be presented. And, if you are lucky, Ning herself will be present on 26 and 27 June!
6/20/202149 minutes, 4 seconds
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E51 | (國語) Cheers, mate! 「Excuse英國腔!」頻道半年訪談回顧 — 你最喜歡哪一集? / 告訴我你還想聽什麼吧!

「Excuse英國腔!」已經半歲了,在錄滿50集的此刻,不管你是舊雨還是新知,謝謝此時收聽的你🎙️,我想在此刻與你共同來回顧這半年來這麼多與世界各國來賓的訪談,其中是哪一集讓你發現我的?你最喜歡哪一集呢?之後,你有想聽的類別訪談嗎?歡迎你在Apple Podcasts留言評價告訴我,或至FB社團或IG留言,你的意見我都會思考,謝謝你喜歡本頻道❤️ Facebook | Instagram 搜尋:Excuse英國腔! 🌟請我杯珍奶吧,讓我帶給你更多全球特色的訪談! → It's been half a year since the birth of 'Excuse英國腔!', with 50 episodes in total count. Whenever you are on board with us, thank you very much for tuning in at this very moment. I would like to take this episode to look back on the past 6 months to view the past interviews with all the distinguished guests from everywhere. From which episode did you first find me? What is your all-time favourite? And any type of interview you wish to see in the future? You are encouraged to rate and leave comment on Apple Podcasts or in Facebook group/ through Instagram, to let me know what you think. Again, thank you for your being with us!
6/16/202112 minutes, 21 seconds
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E50 | (English) 小時候被同學嘲笑身材像練舉重 / 2019年意外的贏得英國舉重冠軍的Mia手腕骨折還上場 / 回國返家鄉開始「修理」人的人生

「女力士」你沒聽錯,在彰化秀水有個熱血故事正在發生:從小被嘲笑身材像練舉重的女孩Mia,熱愛運動,2019年英國舉重比賽就在無預期的情況下贏得冠軍,她有著對挑戰無畏的精神,現在彰化的她,藉由體態調整、運動按摩、銀髮族訓練等等,服務鄉里與慕名而來的客戶(年紀最大有88歲!) 本集她更提議要以英語解綬訪談,快來收聽! 女子力量實驗室FB →女子力量實驗室-Ladies-Strength-Lab-107933021030138 女力士IG → 🌟請我杯珍奶吧,讓我帶給你更多全球特色的訪談! → Facebook | Instagram 搜尋:Excuse英國腔! In Xiushui Township, Changhua County, an uplifting story is unfolding: when little, Mia was often laughed at because of her figure resembling a weight lifter.As a sport enthusiast, in 2019, she accidentally became the medallist of England Weight Lifting Grand Prix 2019. She has always come across fearless, embracing challenges. She even suggested she and I conduct the interview in English. Now back in her hometown, she provides a wide range of services to help neighbours and clients from around the island (the eldest client being 88-year-old!).Tune in to learn her fascinating story!
6/13/202144 minutes, 6 seconds
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E49 | (國語)「華夏新姿」的夏姿,以東方元素征服西方精品市場 / 品牌總監Christina分享品牌經營

Christina Chen在英國求學,在臺灣有豐富的國際精品資歷,她在第一個進駐歐洲的時尚品牌「夏姿」扮演品牌總監,繼續為臺灣精品在全球佔一席之地努力,一起收聽她談及品牌的定位、未來計畫與人才培育! 夏姿官網 → 🌟請我杯珍奶吧,讓我帶給你更多全球特色的訪談! → Facebook | Instagram 搜尋:Excuse英國腔! Christina Chen has a miscellany of experience in the Western luxury brands after she finished her study in the UK. She has continued on the same path by joining SHIATZY CHEN, the first luxury brand from Taiwan opening its retail shop in Europe. Tune in to listen to what brand positioning the brand takes, its future plan and talent cultivation.
6/9/202126 minutes, 8 seconds
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E48 | (English) 連線倫敦大學SOAS台灣學院院長Dr Dafydd Fell / 深化臺灣與英國學術交流的靈魂人物 / 解嚴後親身見證台灣社會巨大改變

1989年有個英國大學生因為「重大事件」被安排到臺灣學習國語,親眼目睹剛解嚴時充滿待爆發能量的臺灣社會,從此種下一輩子緣分,他是Dafydd Fell博士,活躍全球學術界的臺灣學者,他是倫敦大學亞非學院台灣學院的院長,更是協助創立歐洲的台灣研究協會(European Association of Taiwan Studies),本集他將談到他在20世紀末的臺灣看到什麼與他如何用學術來研究他所愛的臺灣。想了解細節,快來收聽! 倫敦大學亞非學院之台灣研究 → 2021年Dafydd出刊的研究 → 🌟請我杯珍奶吧,讓我帶給你更多全球特色的訪談! → Facebook | Instagram 搜尋:Excuse英國腔! In 1989, a British undergraduate was accidentally sent to Taiwan following a 'significant event' in China. He then, to his never-ending surprise, witnessed how Taiwan's society, of which decades-long martial law was shortly lifted, has changed in the ensuing years. His deeper interest in Taiwan was forming as he stayed. Today, he is an active scholar of Taiwan, Director of the Centre of Taiwan Studies at SOAS, University of London. He even helped establish the European Association of Taiwan Studies. He shares what he witnessed back in the 1990s and how he has contributed academically to Taiwan, a country he is ever so enthusiastic about. Tune in to learn his story!
6/6/202157 minutes, 45 seconds
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E47 | (國語)訓犬師Miki分析不同國家對待狗的差異 / 台灣養狗文化 / 我們如何能養成「跨物種同理心」與狗和諧共生

熱愛動物,有豐富訓犬資歷的Miki漫談「養狗經」,以同理心出發分享如何認識狗行為,進而建立良好的人狗共生關係,她提到狗狗幼幼班對主人與幼犬共同生活的重要,也以國際經驗比較不同人類文化圈是如何對待狗,立刻收聽! 米拉寵物-犬.貓行為訓練師 Miki 謝佳蕙 → 🌟請我杯珍奶吧,讓我帶給你更多全球特色的訪談! → Facebook | Instagram 搜尋:Excuse英國腔! Animal lover, Miki, with sufficient dog training experience, talks about 'how to keep a dog'. She shares from empathy how to learn dog behaviour and then build a robust relationship between humans and canines. Also, she speaks of the importance of attending 'dog kindergarten' with your puppy and compares how dogs are treated in different cultures. Tune in at once!
6/2/202148 minutes, 23 seconds
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E46 | (國語)在英國念歷史博士是什麼概念 /「歷史」是否客觀 / 聽省言博士分享如何鑑往知來

英國大學如何教授歷史?原來英國先從小朋友手牽手進博物館開始;如果歷史只是x→y,那也不會有那麼多人沒在2019年底猜到今天疫情下的世界。省言博士將於我們分享她對歷史學科的想法與如何從歷史中借鏡,進而培養獨立思考。省言博士學經歷:現為中央研究院法律學研究所博士後研究學者,政大歷史系畢業後陸續在愛丁堡大學攻讀歷史碩士與倫敦大學歷史高登研究院歷史博士。 安妮 / 本初子午線觀察記 → 🌟請我杯珍奶吧,讓我帶給你更多全球特色的訪談! → Facebook | Instagram 搜尋:Excuse英國腔! Anne is a post-PhD researcher at Institutum lurisprudentiae Academia Sinica. With a master's degree in history in the University of Edinburgh and a PhD in history from the Institute of Historical Research, School of Advanced Study, University of London. She compares how history is taught between the UK and Taiwan and moreover shares how we can reflect on history, walking out with lesson learnt.
5/30/20211 hour, 2 minutes, 22 seconds
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E45 | (English) 2030年雙語國家政策理想vs現實 / 補習班文化下快樂學習還存在嗎 / 美國在台資深教育家Adam提出他的觀點與建議

你知道台灣政府目標在2030年達到雙語國家的目標嗎?漂亮的藍圖背後,大家知道該怎麼做、動機是什麼嗎?補習班為何那麼多家長跟學生搶著排隊報名?究竟是英文能力不足還是批判性思考不足?Englist創辦人Adam Hatch有他精闢的觀點分享,一起收聽! Englist官網 → 🌟請我杯珍奶吧,讓我帶給你更多全球特色的訪談! → Facebook | Instagram 搜尋:Excuse英國腔! Are you aware that by 2030 Taiwanese government wants to achieve 'Bilingual Nation' goal? Despite the well written blueprint, do people really know what to do, what motives are, etc.? Why do many parents and children queue for registering for cram school when all they feel is exhaustion? Is the problem lying in lack of English proficiency or critical thinking? Adam Hatch, founder of Englist, has his perspective here. Tune in to learn more!
5/26/202141 minutes, 19 seconds
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E44 | (English) 在台灣你也可以觀賞英語劇場 / Taipei Shorts創辦人John Brownlie藉由推廣戲劇讓我們感受英語之美

'KEEP ENGLISH THEATRE IN TAIWAN', John Brownlie來自英國,2019年創立的Taipei Shorts社群旨在推廣英語劇場,如果你喜歡看英語戲劇或想參與創作甚至表演,或純粹想認識在台灣的英語同好社群,趕緊收聽! Taipei Shorts的FB紛絲頁 → 🌟請我杯珍奶吧,讓我帶給你更多全球特色的訪談! → Facebook | Instagram 搜尋:Excuse英國腔! 'Keep English Theatre in Taiwan' -- what a slogan! John Brownlie is from the UK. In 2019, he founded Taipei Shorts with an aim of advocating English language theatre. If you fancy English theatre or want to participate in any shape or form, or simply wish to meet other like-minded English lovers here, tune in at once!
5/23/202122 minutes, 2 seconds
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E43 | (English)來自香港定居倫敦的Sophie有在香港、台北與倫敦培訓教授國語 / 她分享外國人學國語會遇到的情況與三地教國語方式上的差異

Sophie是我見過最國際化的國語教師,她在香港、台北跟倫敦學習國語教學,因為疫情,她的學生來自世界各地,本集她分享不同文化對於學國語會遇到什麼不同狀況,喜歡學中國的簡體還是臺灣或香港的繁體?一起收聽! 🌟請我杯珍奶吧,讓我帶給你更多全球特色的訪談! → Facebook | Instagram 搜尋:Excuse英國腔! Sophie is the most international Mandarin teacher I've known of. She has got her qualifications in how to teach Mandarin in Hong Kong, Taipei and London. Due to Covid, her students are scattered across the globe. In this episode, she shares why Mandarin learning is gaining traction, what situations learners from different cultures might encounter, which version of Chinese students choose, simplified or traditional, etc.? Tune in to learn more!
5/19/202129 minutes, 22 seconds
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E42 | (國語)疫情當前,信心與士氣要挺住 / 解謎不列顛戰役時英國政府如何以宣傳穩住人心 That's the spirit!

說到二戰英國,你想到什麼?百姓睡地鐵站、士兵開探照燈、防空火砲四射、邱吉爾近地底指揮,Keep calm and carry on在二戰竟然沒人聽過?難道是後人對歷史的投射與誤會? 原來這一切認知都是英國政府的計謀?盡在本集分享 🌟請我杯珍奶吧,讓我帶給你更多全球特色的訪談! → Facebook | Instagram 搜尋:Excuse英國腔! Speaking of WW II in Britain, what first comes to your mind? Civilians sleeping in underground stations, soldiers searching for bombers to target, non-stop shooting of artillery, or Winston Churchill commanding in the underground bunker? 'Keep calm and carry on' was rarely heard of in WW II? Is that likely it is merely our projection and misunderstanding of the history? Tune in now to learn all. Oh, fingers crossed for Taiwan!
5/17/202111 minutes, 2 seconds
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E41 | (English)蘇格蘭的Alan是個資深獵頭,他分享眼中的台灣求職市場與想來台灣工作的外籍人士會遇到的抉擇

Alan Mclvor來自愛丁堡,他的獵頭職涯開始於上海,後來搬回台北定居,他對於台灣求職市場有深刻的認識,特別是對外國求職者會遇到的狀況,提供諸多建議,他也分享異文化間的適應,我們可以從他的視角,以不同角度看我們所愛的台灣。 🌟請我杯珍奶吧,讓我帶給你更多全球特色的訪談! → Facebook | Instagram 搜尋:Excuse英國腔! Alan Mclvor is from Edinburgh. His headhunting career started in Shanghai but he eventually moved back to Taipei. He has a particularly in-depth insight into the job market in Taiwan especially for foreign job seekers, and offers some advice. He also shares how he has adapted to the cultural differences he faces every day. We can learn from his viewpoint by looking at our beloved Taiwan from a different angle.
5/12/202141 minutes, 16 seconds
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E40 | (國語)我在西倫敦,我超台 / ‘Ho-ja’「好呷」是家充滿愛與關懷的台灣餐廳,以接英國地氣的台味征服當地的味蕾 / 聽經理Summer分享

鹹酥雞、炸雞排、牛肉麵等,再平凡不過的台灣小吃,那是因為你在台灣!西倫敦有家感動鄰里的台到爆的‘Ho-ja’「好呷」餐廳,不只是供應英國首都台灣小吃,它還扮演救助當地街友、小朋友的愛心便當供應來源,疫情期間,在物流成本高漲不穩定的背景下,堅持不斷貨、店經理Summer娓娓道來她一路的心路歷程與如何與社區建立那互信互助的美好關係,趕快收聽! Ho-ja臉書紛絲頁 → Facebook | Instagram 搜尋:Excuse英國腔! 🌟請我杯珍奶吧,讓我帶給你更多全球特色的訪談! → Chicken popcorn, beef noodle, fried chicken, pork stew, you name it. All these sound familiar and typical when you are in Taiwan. BUT. Here we are, in west London, Ho-ja, a Taiwanese restaurant has stood there for half a decade, serving extraordinary Taiwanese food and drinks to the locality and people who are fascinated by their food. Not only do they serve the fantastic meals, they also donate bentos to the local people, children and the needed. Through the pandemic, their door has remained open despite the difficulties of steadily sourcing ingredients from Asia. The manager, Summer, is with us sharing her journey of running this touching place and how they have brought the community closer against the hardship. Tune in now or never!
5/9/20211 hour, 13 minutes, 52 seconds
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E39 | (國語)防疫英文書讀後分享:你知道「超前部署」英語怎說嗎 / 為何不是social distance

疫情改變了全人類的生活,對於疫情,那些每天聽阿中部長說的話的英語你知道幾個?「世紀病毒:必讀防疫英文知識與詞彙」一書由蘇正隆副教授編著,Excuse英國腔! 強力推薦在學英文的你一定要讀!泰國曼谷知名的DJ Ekception也參與本集的表演喔,趕快收聽! 購買:世紀病毒:必讀防疫英文知識與詞彙 → Facebook | Instagram 搜尋:Excuse英國腔! Covid-19 pandemic has changed the lives of mankind. Of those terms and phrases the Taiwanese minister of health use day in, day out at the press conferences, how many do you actually know in English? The book, 世紀病毒:必讀防疫英文知識與詞彙, covers a wide range of practical English related to the pandemic we are all inevitably in. I cannot stress enough how important this book is to those learning English now. PS in this episode, a renowned Bangkok-based DJ, Ekception, also performs within. Tune in at once! 🌟請我杯珍奶吧,讓我帶給你更多全球特色的訪談! →
5/5/202126 minutes, 7 seconds
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E38 | (English) Nikhil來自印度,致力於以AI模型找出更好的新冠肺炎藥物 / 他分享印度當前疫情與我們如何能幫忙

Nikhil Pathak是個病毒學家,在清華大學取得Bioinformatics & Computational Biology博士學位,現在新竹創立以AI驅動、開發下一代藥物的公司'BIOXAI',他廣泛地談及印度疫情為何走到今天、現在急需什麼資源,到身在台灣的大家或許可以幫點什麼,一起收聽他的專業分享! 🌟請我杯珍奶吧,讓我帶給你更多全球特色的訪談! → Facebook | Instagram 搜尋:Excuse英國腔! Nikhil Pathak is a virologist based in Hsinchu, after receiving his PhD in Bioinformatics & Computational Biology in National Tsing Hua University, he is keen on running his AI-driven drug discovery company called BIOXAI. He broadly addresses why the Covid situation has evolved to how it is today, what resources are most needed, and what we can do to help in Taiwan. Let's listen to his sharing!
5/2/20211 hour, 4 minutes, 21 seconds
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E37 | (國語)國際新聞主播林佳璇分享對新聞從業的想法 / 播報也要「接地氣」聽聽如何報導具台灣味的國際新聞

年代新聞主播林佳璇畢業於倫敦大學Goldsmiths,有在台灣不同電視台從事新聞採訪與播報的經驗,與Excuse英國腔! 漫談她對行業的想法與分享過往趣聞,想了解媒光燈下的林主播?趕快收聽! 國際新聞主播林佳璇FB粉絲頁 → ; IG: chgrace.lin 🌟請我杯珍奶吧,讓我帶給你更多全球特色的訪談! → Facebook | Instagram 搜尋:Excuse英國腔! ERA News news anchor, Grace Lin, graduated from Goldsmiths, University of London. She has worked for many news channels as a journalist or anchor. A warm welcome to her joining Excuse英國腔! where she shares her thoughts on the industry and anecdotes. To learn more, tune in now!
4/28/202128 minutes, 32 seconds
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E36 | (國語) 你超man, 他很over,她真fashion,Do you speak Chinese / 本集將揭露那些我們每天講得很自在,卻又似是而非的用法

我台式英語我驕傲?了解國英語邏輯差異,正確切換語言讓你在學業與職場上游刃有餘! Facebook | Instagram 搜尋:Excuse英國腔! English is spoken around the world. In Taiwan, we have got so-called 'Taiwanese English'. If one learns how to decode it and switch between the two languages smoothly and accurately, one can benefit greatly in school or the workplace. 🧋請我杯珍奶吧,讓我帶給你更多全球特色的訪談! →
4/25/202120 minutes, 19 seconds
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E35 | (English)品牌對於一家公司為何重要?來自西雅圖,偶然認識台灣就住下來的Josh曾任Acer的創意總監,在台灣創辦Level Interactive,一起聽他專業分享!

Joshua Roberts來自美國,在Acer擔任過全球創意行銷總監的他,近年在台創立自己的品牌顧問公司Level Interactive,他以台灣經濟的脈絡談及台灣公司跟創建品牌價值這兩條線能如何相交,創造更多國際品牌! 趕快收聽! Level Interactive官網 → Facebook | Instagram 搜尋:Excuse英國腔! 🌟請我杯珍奶吧,讓我帶給你更多全球特色的訪談! → Joshua Roberts is from Seatle, the US. He used to be Head of Global Creative Marketing at Acer. Recently, he launched his design and branding agency named Level Interactive. He talked through how Taiwanese companies and branding value, the two lines which used not to intersect much 30 years ago can create sparks now, bringing more global brands from Taiwan. Listen on!
4/21/202134 minutes, 31 seconds
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E34 | (國語)專訪暢銷書《微醺,倫敦》作者Lisa Huang是個Slashie: 白天銀行家,黑夜酒與生活美學家 / 聽完即刻微醺

擁有英國WSET的烈酒證照的Lisa Huang開箱新作的部分精彩內容:從烈酒到雞尾酒再到啤酒,解析酒在英國的文化地位,以及從品酒體悟出的人生哲理,立刻收聽! 《微醺,倫敦》FB粉絲頁 →微醺之夜倫敦-978707945589372/ Facebook | Instagram 搜尋:Excuse英國腔! 🌟請我杯珍奶吧,讓我帶給你更多全球特色的訪談! → Lisa Huang, author of '微醺,倫敦', is WSET-certified in spirit. She talks with Excuse英國腔! about her book -- from spirit to cocktail to beer. She reveals the cultural heritage of alcohol in British culture. Plus, what she has realised about life from tasting alcohol. Listen on.
4/18/20211 hour, 9 minutes, 40 seconds
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E33 | (國語)上髮廊說英語馬上上口 / 在台北就能親自感受英倫的頂上設計功夫

Daniel跟Nicola都是來自英國經驗豐富的barber跟髮型設計師,都在台北開放大家預約,今天就要跟大家分享原來用英語說自己要的髮型需求如此簡單,馬上聽完即刻預約!(想跟Nicola剪髮的妳只要在臉書社團公開分享第32集,截圖並留言即可享有8折體驗優惠喔,僅有五個!) Facebook | Instagram 搜尋:Excuse英國腔! Daniel and Nicola come from the UK, with vast experience as a barber and hairdresser and now they both are in Taipei, ready for your appointment. This episode is to share with you how easy it is to express your haircut needs with English-speaking barbers or hairdressers. Listen on and book in no time For those wanting to book Nicola, if you share E32 publicly, take a snapshot of it and comment underneath the post, you can receive a 20% off from a haircut with her. Only 5 positions available! 🌟請我杯珍奶吧,讓我帶給你更多全球特色的訪談! →
4/14/202113 minutes, 39 seconds
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E32 | (English)想讓前TONI&GUY倫敦時裝週髮型造型師的Nicola弄頭髮嗎 / 擁有多年國際經驗的她在台北開放預約囉

Nicola來自英格蘭中北部的Preston,在倫敦有多年在TONI&GUY的訓練與髮型師經驗,也是倫敦時裝周後台為模特兒髮形設計的中流砥柱,她在之後到東倫敦的Shoreditch在獨立髮廊工作,已經搬到台北的她,歡迎想嘗試不同髮型或想有個性化髮型的妳即可預約喔。 🌟 妳只要在Excuse英國腔!的FB社團公開分享這集貼文,截圖並於本貼文留言,即可享有Nicola剪髮8折的優惠喔 ,名額只有五位! 🌟請我杯珍奶吧,讓我帶給你更多全球特色的訪談! → Facebook | Instagram 搜尋:Excuse英國腔! Nicola comes from Preston, England. With many years of training and working for TONI&GUY, she was also a stylist behind the scene of London Fashion Week. She came working at an independent salon in Shoreditch afterwards. Now, she is in Taipei. For those who want to try different hairstyles or personalise your style, search no further! To the first 5 lucky ladies: You only need share this Facebook post publicly from the group, Excuse英國腔!, take a snapshot and comment below the post to inform the admin. The first lucky 5 ladies are entitled to a 20% off discount of a haircut with Nicola. Share it now and seize yours!
4/11/202121 minutes, 57 seconds
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E31 | (國語) 要是早知道這些方法:台灣常見的英文錯誤及克服方法

學英文一定要去補習班嗎?一定要再走那些學校時期的考試導向學習心態嗎?如何用自我提升的態度,從「心」出發,讓英文實力穩穩進步! Facebook | Instagram 搜尋:Excuse英國腔! Do you have to go to the cram school to improve English? Must you hold that same-old-same-old test-oriented mentality in learning English? How to improve yourself with a right attitude, starting from your heart -- leading to your proficiency steadily getting better.
4/7/202112 minutes, 32 seconds
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E30 | (國語)布農族藝術策展人彼勇是台灣原住民文化推廣的國際推手 / 聽他如何踏上英國,藉策展發揚原民文化

從經營自家民宿到踏上大不列顛的碩博之路,擁有多樣血統的彼勇秉持初衷,以策展為方式,用自己的方式向台灣甚至是世界宣揚原住民文化,一起來聽他立志的夢想實踐! 屏東的臺灣原住民族文化園區八角樓特展館,在3/20-5/22期間展出《女性團結:接受.轉向.擴張》; 該數位展則由彼勇與英國文協與倫敦第一民族藝術節協助舉辦。 🌟請我杯珍奶吧,讓我帶給你更多全球特色的訪談! → Facebook | Instagram 搜尋:Excuse英國腔! Biung Ismahasan, a curator originally from Bunun, Taiwan, is the keen advocate of Taiwanese indigenous cultures through curation of arts. Listen to this interview for how he has embarked on his journey becoming a curator, from the UK back to Taiwan. And also, check his exhibition in Pintung (Resurgence and Solidarity: Indigenous Taiwanese Women’s Art').
4/4/202131 minutes, 29 seconds
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E29 | (Bilingual) 我決定退出podcast/謝謝朋友們三個月的支持與回饋,這決定不容易...

有人在聽嗎?Excuse英國腔! 還是ㄎ 一 尢? 我決定就先到這裡就好了,謝謝朋友們這三個月的支持… Facebook | Instagram 搜尋:Excuse英國腔! Anyone listen to this channel, 'Excuse英國腔!' ? I will put it on a pause for now. Thank you all for the support over the past three months….
3/31/20216 minutes, 9 seconds
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E28 | (English) 辭職兩次,被開除三次 / 叛逆的倫敦創意文案Paul分享如何培養英文文筆,無私分享盡在本集

Paul Falla定居阿姆斯特丹,他三十年的創意文案跟發想在英國、荷蘭跟中國得過眾多的獎項,本集分享如何培養英文寫作的能力與習慣,無私地分享他的經歷,一起收聽! Facebook | Instagram 搜尋:Excuse英國腔! 🌟請我杯珍奶吧,讓我帶給你更多全球特色的訪談! → Paul Falla is based in Amsterdam. With 30 years of experience in English copywriting and creative solutions across the UK, Netherlands and China, he has won numerous awards. In this episode, he will be sharing how to cultivate English writing skills and habits. Let's listen!
3/28/202132 minutes, 24 seconds
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E27 | (English)與英國AI聊火鍋與珍奶 / 噴飯對話,令人傻耳

首次用英語跟AI聊天!? 原來是英國的谷歌翻譯~ 我們聊到台灣人熱愛的火鍋與珍奶,雖然谷歌翻譯女士沒有胃口(有的話還得了),但還是很「好奇」,爆笑對話,要聽到最後! |收聽全球多元訪談,同時學習英式英語,馬上訂閱| |每週一與四準時收聽Excuse英國腔!| Apple Podcasts→ Spotify→ FB→ Excuse英國腔! IG→ Excuse英國腔! This episode features Google Translate UK (what the heck?!) Talking about hot pot and bubble tea of Taiwan. Eccentric and entertaining. And the funniest bit? At the very end!
3/24/20216 minutes, 51 seconds
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E26 | (English) Paul來自倫敦/台北Babylon的DJ/分享台英電音市場喜好差異與喜好曲風

Babylon是全台唯一的Sky Bar, 藝名: ReSoul的Paul Duffy來自倫敦,分享他身為的DJ觀察到的台灣與英國行業差異,並分享他最愛的風格:UK Garage,喜歡電音的你不可錯過他的分享! Facebook | Instagram 搜尋:Excuse英國腔! Babylon is the only sky bar, located at ATT4FUN in Taipei, in Taiwan. ReSoul is DJing regularly there. Within this episode, he shares his insights into UK-Taiwan differences in dance music scene. Plus, he shares his likes of UK Garage, a genre that hasn't gained traction here but is full of potential (hopefully!) 🌟請我杯珍奶吧,讓我帶給你更多全球特色的訪談! →
3/21/202146 minutes, 9 seconds
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E25 | (國語)不為考試前提如何免費有框架跟方法地有效加強英文 / 撇步與分享盡在本集

加強英文一點都不難,只要用對方式,持續,時間會證明!快來聽Excuse英國腔!的分享~ Facebook | Instagram 搜尋:Excuse英國腔!
3/17/202115 minutes, 22 seconds
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E24 | (English) John是個加拿大作家(書名:Taiwanese Feet),超愛台灣 / 八年時間用雙腳環台灣海岸線一圈,路途刺激且精彩

John Groot是個台灣歷史、文化與地理的專家,來自加拿大,他的書細膩地記載他花了八年時間行走台灣海岸線一圈的路途趣事,以雙腳踏遍城市鄉村,正港愛台灣! Amazon購買 → 🌟請我杯珍奶吧,讓我帶給你更多全球特色的訪談! → Facebook | Instagram 搜尋:Excuse英國腔! From Canada, John authors the book 'Taiwanese Feet'. He is passionate about Taiwan -- eight years walking along the coast of Taiwan, he has encountered all kinds of life episodes, from being confronted by stray dogs to almost being hit by a falling rock from the cliff. His adventure was remarkable and his storytelling was personal.
3/15/202135 minutes, 17 seconds
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E23 | (English) Cinthia來自巴西聖保羅,嫁給英國先生 / 她分享如何從校園一路到職場適應倫敦生活

還在聖保羅時Cinthia自覺英文能力不錯,但隨著在倫敦念書與工作,她逐漸發現表面下的文化差異,她的建議:保持熱情,勇於嘗試與犯錯,反而能擦出火花!一起聽她的分享~ Facebook | Instagram 搜尋:Excuse英國腔! 🌟請我杯珍奶吧,讓我帶給你更多全球特色的訪談! → From Sao Paolo, Brazil, Cinthia thought her English proficiency was not bad. But as she went on to study and work in London, she has gradually discovered the cultural differences under the surface. Her advice: keep the momentum. Keep trying! Let's listen to her story!
3/10/202129 minutes, 29 seconds
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E22 |(國語)近代名言佳句分享! 來自李小龍/邱吉爾/卓別林/基努李維等名人的人生智慧,馬上聽起來

李小龍說Empty your mind. Be shapeless!; 設計師Paul Smith說「生活中街有啟發,如果你沒看到,那表示你不夠認真看!」 還有好多名言跟它們時光背景的分享! Facebook | Instagram 搜尋:Excuse英國腔!
3/8/202117 minutes, 15 seconds
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E21 | (English) Matthew來自英國 / 在台北創立了每週五晚上的語言交換活動/也分享對台灣全球競爭力的看法

Matthew Ryan在台灣多個產業都有經驗,現在身為自由工作者,對於語言交換別有看法的他,創立了知名的'Real Taipei Language Exchange',適合想專心練習英語跟國語的台灣人與外國朋友。 Real Taipei Language Exchange活動連結: 🌟請我杯珍奶吧,讓我帶給你更多全球特色的訪談! → Facebook | Instagram 搜尋:Excuse英國腔! Matthew is from England. He talks about the concept of his 'Real Taipei Language Exchange', held every Friday night. Plus, he shares his insights into Taiwanese economic prospect.
3/4/202121 minutes, 4 seconds
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E20 | (English)英國布萊頓的Oli為愛在封城前搭最後幾班回台飛機 / 也是DJ的他熱愛語言交換

在倫敦14年的Oli從沒想過自己差點無法與台灣的太太團聚,2020年3月英國封城倒數,台灣邊境管制規則日益緊縮,如同電影的生化危機場景,都讓當時在倫敦還未習慣戴口罩的Oli覺得身處不真實的世界,一起來聽她娓娓道來他如何幸運地夾縫中搭上最後幾班飛機,與妻子重逢! Oli的混音連結: 🌟請我杯珍奶吧,讓我帶給你更多全球特色的訪談! → Facebook | Instagram 搜尋:Excuse英國腔! A British gentleman flew to Taiwan shortly before the 1st lockdown went effective. In the name of love. What a story worth listening to!
2/28/202138 minutes, 8 seconds
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E19 | (English)英國老師在台灣 / 分享23個在臺體驗到的文化衝擊

台式時尚?秋冬帶烤箱手套騎機車!英倫型男老師在來台一年的時間內記錄下他遇到的台灣特別社會現象,有的令人莞爾,有的引人省思,別太認真,來聽聽笑笑吧! Facebook | Instagram 搜尋:Excuse英國腔! Taiwanese fashion? Wearing oven gloves whilst riding a scooter! This stylish British teacher has been in Taiwan for a year and has come up with a list of local phenomena which he's found interesting -- some are amusing whereas some are thought-provoking. Don't be serious and just come here for a laugh!
2/25/202152 minutes, 21 seconds
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E18 | (English) 英國心理學會認證會員Deep(也是Linkedin前員工)漫談封城的倫敦職場與生活洞察與如何保持心理健康

來自英國Leicester的Deep在首都倫敦住了有7年,也是Linkedin前員工的她分享他觀察到的封城倫敦生活與職場情況,以及以她的心理學背景如何在封城時能保持心理健康,一起來收聽她的分享! 🌟請我杯珍奶吧,讓我帶給你更多全球特色的訪談! → Facebook | Instagram 搜尋:Excuse英國腔! As a certified member by The British Psychological Society (BPS), Deep is also a former LinkedIn staff. She talks about workplace and life during the London lockdown and how to keep mentally healthy during this period.
2/21/202119 minutes, 40 seconds
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E17 | (English) 旅居美國的荷蘭生命教練暨作者Marit Ouwerkerk暢談她在荷蘭、英國跟美國她的生命歷程

Marit Ouwerkerk來自荷蘭阿姆斯特丹,有倫敦創新管理背景,疫情前定居紐約,建立無國界 'Purpose Circle' for women。官網: One Purpose Circle官網 → Facebook | Instagram 搜尋:Excuse英國腔! Marit is both an author and a purpose coach. From Netherlands, shs's got a master's degree in Management of Innovation in London. And prior to Covid, she lived in New York and founded 'Purpose Circle' for women.
2/17/202120 minutes, 37 seconds
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E16 | (國語) 破解商務E-mail架構跟禮儀 / 劃清即時通訊如LINE與Email的界線

你工作有需要寫英文Email嗎?如果是肯定,那這集podcast你不可錯過!原來英文email是有一套正式的寫法,如何有效達到溝通目的,盡在本集。 Facebook | Instagram 搜尋:Excuse英國腔!
2/14/202117 minutes, 52 seconds
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E15 | (國語)上海資深獵頭揭秘她眼中何謂好的履歷&求職信/年後要寫的英文履歷應該注意什麼

國際獵頭公司Hudsdon位在上海辦公室的Managing Consultant, Di Gao, 為Excuse英國腔!侃侃而談他處理過上千份履歷中「好的履歷&求職信」應具備的條件,擁有英國知名大學University of Bath財金碩士背景,她的國際經驗提供你更宏觀的求職視角。 Facebook | Instagram 搜尋:Excuse英國腔!
2/10/202116 minutes, 23 seconds
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E14 | (English) 英倫理髮師Daniel為愛留台灣 / 歡迎紳士造訪大稻埕體驗道地英式男性理髮

紳士們:若你來過台北大稻埕的「英倫紳士理髮店」,你會知道下次再來千萬別開車或騎車,"What would you like to drink? We've got beer, whisky, tea and coffee." Excuse英國腔!有幸親自體驗英倫髮型師 Daniel道地的barber服務,一起來聽他娓娓道來他如何落腳台灣,用剪髮觸動人心,帶給台灣男士不同的體驗! 英倫紳士理髮店FB → Facebook | Instagram 搜尋:Excuse英國腔! To all gentlemen, if you fancy a proper barber service in Taiwan, look no further — in 大稻埕, Taipei, Daniel, founder of The Heritage & Barbe, 英倫紳士理髮店, is your go-to place! 🌟請我杯珍奶吧,讓我帶給你更多全球特色的訪談! →
2/7/202130 minutes, 55 seconds
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E13 | (English)緬甸軍事政變/翁山蘇姬遭軟禁/全國斷聯外通訊:聽聽位在曼谷的仰光女孩的心聲

緬甸於2/1發生軍事政變,民選領導階層包含翁山蘇姬全遭軟禁或被卸下職務,事發突然,緬甸對外聯繫全面中斷,聯合國未達共識,我們有幸訪問居住在泰國的緬甸女孩,提供她的觀察! Facebook | Instagram 搜尋:Excuse英國腔! Coup in Myanmar/ Communication with the external world cut/ Listen to what this Burmese lady based in Bangkok had to say! 🌟請我杯珍奶吧,讓我帶給你更多全球特色的訪談! →
2/3/20219 minutes, 16 seconds
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E12 | (國語) Excuse英國腔!受遊留學教育中心的Ted訪問 / 如何挑英國碩士科系&英國求職

如果你即將考慮要出國唸碩士,或想在英國找工作,本及訪談或許能給你一些啟發或建議,雖然疫情令人卻步,但現在畢業後有PGWP兩年工作簽證,對想留在當地的你是個非常好的機會喔!下一集:如何撰寫英文履歷及求職信,不可錯過~ Facebook | Instagram 搜尋:Excuse英國腔!
1/31/202125 minutes, 34 seconds
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E11 | (國語) 福爾摩斯狗爸分享在自身在英中泰三國找業務&行銷工作經驗

你想出國工作嗎?你知道如何用英語面試嗎?寫好英文履歷與求職信很重要,因為人資一天看無數履歷,只有幾秒注意是留給你的文字,學好職場英語,好處數不完! Facebook | Instagram 搜尋:Excuse英國腔!
1/28/202115 minutes, 17 seconds
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E10 | (English) Excuse英國腔!封面故事- 福爾摩斯Tomo自介跟Mito妹妹的故事

Excuse英國腔!邁入第10集了!大家是否對封面照片的福爾摩斯狗Tomo好奇呢?你知道他還有妹妹嗎?Tomo全英自介,一起來聽! Facebook | Instagram 搜尋:Excuse英國腔!
1/25/20217 minutes, 1 second
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E9 | (國語) 如何說好英式英語 / 了解英國人說話的習慣,你可以聽起來更道地

想學英式英語或想了解它跟美式的細膩差異嗎?這集告訴你如何練習英式用法! Facebook | Instagram 搜尋:Excuse英國腔!
1/21/202119 minutes, 45 seconds
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E8 | (國語) 1/10-16新聞集錦: 各大媒體新聞摘要導讀/馬丁鞋要上市/沒法上髮廊,裘德洛順便留髮髻

英國過去一週大事,Excuse英國腔! 為你導讀~ Facebook | Instagram 搜尋:Excuse英國腔!
1/17/20217 minutes, 10 seconds
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E7 | (國語) 脫歐與疫情夾擊的英國的工作前景/ 在陷封城的倫敦,來自上海總經理的第一手觀察

首相Boris Johnson上週宣布第三次封城令,變種病毒與無症狀的迅速傳播使得英國NHS面臨瀕臨崩潰的危機;來自上海的知名協助中國留學生與海外求職機構Careerfrog倫敦總經理Jessica與Excuse英國腔!漫談她在英倫的第一手觀察,想聽不同於傳統媒體對疫情報導的你,千萬不可錯過! Facebook | Instagram 搜尋:Excuse英國腔!
1/13/202126 minutes, 25 seconds
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E6 | (商務) Email 按“送出”前,你需要注意的事 / collaborate together?/ convince≠persuade?

寫英文Email要注意什麼:從常見的tone調確立,到用字遣詞是否精確,按“送出”前你需注意的事,都在此集!可在臉書社團與IG找到本集重點內容。 Facebook | Instagram 搜尋:Excuse英國腔! -practise (動) /practice(名);美式只有practice -different to (英式); different than(美式; different from(兩者) -presently ≠ now fill in(英)/ fill out(美) -at the weekend(英)/on the weekend(美) -effect ≠ affect -everyday ≠ every day -may be ≠ maybe -continual ≠ continuous -imply暗示 vs infer 推論: -convince ≠ persuade -advise (動); advice (名): a piece of advice comprise = be comprised of= consist of = is made up of =be composed of Tautology: repeat again collaborate together return back final conclusion short summary in my opinion, I think…. 5 p.m. in the afternoon give away freebies shout aloud fall down PIN (personal identification number) number Style: invitation (my preferred use) vs invite pre-planned, pre-order (plan & order已經表達了完整意思了,多了pre-很多餘) 英式正式結尾敬詞 Dear Sir/Madam or Dear Sir or Madam 接Yours faithfully; Dear Mr XX or Ms OO 接 Yours sincerely American:Sincerely, 跟 Sincerely yours 不管開頭是否有名字。
1/10/202130 minutes, 28 seconds
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E5 | (國語) 你說的英語塞了幾個like? Um, I mean, you know, like..... 少說填充字,更自然流利

英語的filler word(填充字) 充滿在我們的周圍,但在正式場合,還是盡量避免,今天列出幾個最常掛在嘴邊的,一起來聽如何斟酌使用吧! Facebook | Instagram 搜尋:Excuse英國腔! Oh it was like yesterday. I saw like a stray kitty in the street at like 2 p.m. Like I mean I really like it. She’s like my baby, you know. 少用like,聽者會更容易專注在對話內容。 2.basically Basically, when there is an argument between a husband and wife. Remember she is always right.  That hotel is basically the best one in town but sadly it is not dog-friendly. 3.innit (Do) you fancy it, don’t you? It is marvelous, isn’t it? We’re going outside, aren’t we?  > do you fancy it, innit? It is marvelous, innit? We’re going outside, innit? How could I, um, order dishes with Ubereats on my phone ? Well, you simply down’load their app, be it on Android or IOS. And you’re, um, good to go really !  How dare you drive my car? Well, it’s a nice car, why not? 5. Really So, I went to a party last night. Oh, really. 6. you know Can a dog remember his keeper after 10 years of separation? Well, you know, I think so.  7.sort of/kind of Basically, she looks sort of like my sister, you know. > She looks slightly like my sister. 8. literally It’s literally the stinkiest stinky tofu I’ve ever had in my life. And also I’m literally blown away by this fantastic bubble tea!  9. I mean English is a useful and interesting language. I mean, I really mean it. > English is a useful and interesting language. I really mean it.  >English is a useful and interesting language which I really mean. 10. let’s see/let me think (see) Hey, we should definitely meet next time. When will you be available next time. Let’s see, how about next Saturday afternoon? 兩個建議: 1. 嘗試忍住快脫口而出的填充字,呼吸一下,想好再講,別怕對話中的片刻寂靜;你可以觀察前總統歐巴馬或一些脫口秀主持人如何善用短暫的寂靜,達到極佳的溝通效果。 2. 知道你在說什麼,每個說出來的字都有他的用意。偶爾用填充字可以幫助說話的連貫,過度的使用,聽的人可能會開始數你說了幾個讚,啊不是,是幾個like。 總結: 溝通先求精確accuracy、再來是言簡意賅clarity,最後才追求優雅elegance。
1/5/202111 minutes, 5 seconds
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E4 | (國語) 變種病毒當前,留學英國 KEEP CALM AND CARRY ON?

知名留學顧問OMEGA的Jenny經理將與Excuse英國腔!分享疫情當下的留學英國最新狀況,新的友外籍學生政策是否能延續呢?學校現在如何上課? 都在本集~ 歐美加官網 → Facebook | Instagram 搜尋:Excuse英國腔!
1/2/202121 minutes, 57 seconds
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E3 | (國語) 英國陸軍起床會裝可愛?Sorry, it's my 'boo-boo'? 無敵的binomial, 學起來

你知道英國陸軍起床會說Wakey-wakey, rise and shine嗎?你知道學校教我們的英文很多都不口語,老外以為你在唸詩?這集分享超過30個實用有趣的binomial,讓你英語瞬間母語感很重! Facebook | Instagram 搜尋:Excuse英國腔! 1.more or less Example: In Britain, every household drinks tea, more or less.;We’ve got more or less 300 students this year enrolling at the college . 2.back and forth Example: The report deadline is 10 p.m.; as usual James rushes back and forth to the loo in the library because he is such a procrastinator. 3. do’s and don’ts Example: before we boarded the plane, the skydiving instructor explained the do’s and don’ts to us. 4. take it or leave it Example: That’s the lowest price we can accept. Take it or leave it. 5. pros and cons Example: Can we get serious for a moment? How could we have signed the deal without evaluating the product’s pros and cons? 上面這五個用法的共通點就是結合相反字意來表達新的意思。 下面是用意思相近的字,讓語意更鮮明。 1.plain and simple Example: It is bribery, plain and simple. 2. pure and simple Example: Brexit is the end result, pure and simple. 3. sick and tired Example: Mary is sick and tired of her neighbour’s partying all night upstairs. She can hardly sleep at night. 4. safe and sound Example: ‘Come back home safe and sound’, said the wife to the husband, who was about to head to the battlefield. 5. neat and tidy Example: Despite no one is watching, Thompson still keeps his room neat and tidy. 頭韻法: 在英文文學中,有種技巧是將多個字的字首音重覆。 1.tried and tested Example: The masks donated by Taiwan are tried and tested in comparison with many offerings online. 2. now or never Example: Do what you are passionate about. It’s now or never. 3. mix and match Example: Dianna looks extraordinarily edgy by mixing and matching clothes from different styles whereas Benson simply puts on black-and-white suit. What a bore. 4. dilly-dally Example: Don’t dilly and dally. We must run now. The train is leaving in 10 mins! 5. done and dusted Example: it’s too late to apologise. It’s done and dusted. Sorry, um, This 3-year long project was finally done and dusted. What a process! Fancy a pint or 2 to celebrate it? 6. bread and butter Example: Teaching English is my bread and butter. By the way, I also like bread with butter. who doesn’t? 7. short and sweet Example: Keep your presentation short and sweet. And skip all the mumbo jumbo. 8. chit-chat Example: Did you talk to their CEO just now? Not much, just chitchat. 押韻法 1. the nitty-gritty Example: Your product sounds excellent but let’s get down to the nitty-gritty - how long is its warranty? 2. super-duper Example: Their menu is super-duper. That’s why Michelin awarded them 3 stars. 3. mumbo jumbo Example: This contract is 30-page long with all the mumbo jumbo. It could have been shortened to ten. 4. tittle-tattle Example: Hey, it’s all hearsay. Stay away from tittle-tattle! 5. easy-peasy Example: That’s a piece of cake. Easy-peasy. 6. arty-farty Example: You see those pretentious arty-farty people? They have no idea what art really is. 7. bigwig Example:Bigwigs nowadays no longer wear wigs, be it big or small. 8. rise and shine Wakey-wakey, rise and shine~ 9. wear and tear Example: You cannot just lock your Louis Vuitton bag in the wardrobe forever simply because you’re afraid of wear and tear. 10. walkie-talkie Example: It’s rather common to see walkie-talkie being used in big restaurants in Taiwan. 疊字 1. again and again Example: She’s told you again and again there is no hope for making it up. Forget about her. The world is your oyster. 2. all in all Example: We have constantly had inbound confirmed cases of Covid-19. All in all, it’s still fairly safe to go about lives as normal. 3. no-no Example: All right, from now on, it’s a no-no to use your mobile at the dinner table! It’s a courtesy to others. 4. boo-boo mistake Example: Damn, my apologies, it’s my boo-boo. I hope she’s not too upset about it. 5. Wakey-wakey Example: Wakey-wakey, what lovely weather!
12/30/202019 minutes, 48 seconds
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E2 | (國語) 美國英國單字比較,原來parking lot跟car park都是停車場,你知道幾個呢

英美用詞大不同,停車場到底是parking lot還是car park? 一起來聽有趣的比較! Facebook | Instagram 搜尋:Excuse英國腔! 食物類 cookie/biscuit It’s perfect to have a chocolate biscuit with a cup of tea on a weekend afternoon. potato chips/crisps Hey, there is a football match this evening, shall we buy some crisps to go with beer? french fries/chips Fish and chips is one of the most distinguished British dishes, if not most delicious. candy/sweets 街道與店家 crosswalk/ zebra crossing One of the most famous photo of Beatles’s is the one in which they walk on a zebra crossing on Abbey Road. train schedule/train timetable Harry, could you check the train timetable? Yeah, we need head to nine and three quarters platform for the train departing at 9 a.m. parking lot/car park Hi mate, I’m new here. Do you know where the nearest car park is? truck/lorry If you ride a scooter in Taipei, please stay away from the lorries. They have quite some blind spots. traffic circle/roundabout In London, there are many roundabouts. You have to know where to exit. Otherwise, you’ll easily get lost. sidewalk/pavement In Taiwan, many bicyclists ride their bike on the pavement. You would never see that in Amsterdam. expressway, freeway/ motorway The fastest route between Taipei and Taichung is not necessarily the motorway. Provincial highways are sometimes a better alternative at busy times. overpass/flyover In densely populated city such as Taipei, flyovers are a common sight. Some parts of MRT system are running over the flyover. stroller/pushchair Pushchair is not only for little children but also for dogs nowadays. There is no wonder why those dog keepers are called dog parents. line/queue There is a queue here, my friend. drug store, pharmacy/ chemist’s or chemists Every household is recommended to have a first-aid kit at home. You can easily find one at a chemist’s. shopping cart/shopping trolley During Christmas holiday period, people’s shopping trolleys are always full, be it online or physical. restrooms/toilets Excuse me, my nature is calling. Could I use the toilets here please? takeout/takeaway At midnight in London, kebab is perhaps your only source of snack, I am afraid. trash can/rubbish bin Clean your rubbish bin, you mum shouted. garbage can/dustbin It’s become a rare sight to see dustbins in Taipei now. 運動相關: push-up/press-up, How many press-ups can you do in one go? soccer/football The Brits call football in the US ‘American football’. jump rope/ skipping rope Skipping rope exercise is a good way of cardiovascular workout. sneaker/trainer My trainer asked me to switch to a new pair of trainers. 居家相關: vacuum cleaner/ hoover It’s dirty indoors, where is the hoover? bangs/ fringe A not too long] fringe is all right. I tend to sweat a lot. zippers/zips Pull the zip up, mate. Otherwise you look like a pervert. sweater/jumper She is never tired of buying new jumpers. Can you imagine she’s collected all the colours of the rainbow now. undershirt/vest A vest is essential if you sweat lot in summer. vest/waistcoat You look splendid in this waistcoat. It should certainly be in your shopping trolley. underwear/pants He’s a quintessential fashionista. He has a wide range of pants, be it quirky or colourful. closet/wardrobe Tony hasn’t cleaned his wardrobe for a long time. It’s shockingly chaotic inside. panties/knickers At Victoria’s Secrets, they’ve got a variety of knickers for women. pants/trousers Suit up, my friend. Take off your pyjamas and put a nice pair of trousers to impress! tux/dinner jacket He is on a dinner jacket hunt today as he is about to meet the president tomorrow. outlet, power point/socket My mobile is dying. Is there any socket here? faucet/tap In Taiwan, you have to boil tap water before drinking it.
12/26/202017 minutes, 21 seconds
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EP1 | (國語)發音跟拼音都對了,主菜就不會是Main 'Curse'

英文是工具,也是藝術,有規則,又不斷地打破;發音決定別人的理解力,更是建立自信的基石,讓我們一起來探索英語之美吧! Facebook | Instagram 搜尋:Excuse英國腔! --拼音很像,意義很不同-- bizarre 怪異 vs bazaar 市集 biannual 一年兩次 vs biennial 兩年一次 ingenious聰明的 vs ingenuous 天真的 --單複數拼音改變,發音些微改變-- woman vs women 女人 man vs men 男人 analysis vs analyses 分析 crisis vs crises 危機 --發音一樣,拼字不同,意義不同-- stationary 停滯不動的 vs stationery 文具 principle 原則 vs principal 主要的;校長 --字首影響字意-- uninterested 沒興趣 vs disinterested 無私的 misinformation 錯誤資訊 vs disinformation 刻意的假資訊 disuse 未被使用的狀態 vs misuse 錯誤使用 --字尾影響字意-- economic 經濟的 vs economical 節省的 magic 魔術的 vs magical 彷如魔術般的 historic 具歷史意義的 vs historical 歷史的
12/24/202024 minutes, 53 seconds
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E0 | (bilingual)收聽全球多元訪談,兼學習英式英語 / 在Apple Podcasts跟Spotify

(English version starts at 1:36) Excuse英國腔! 是個雙語的podcast頻道,在這裡,你將可收聽來自全球各地多元的訪談,隨著全球供應鏈的重新調整、台灣新南向政策的推動到2030年我們將邁向雙語國家的計畫,跨文化溝通更顯重要,如果你也認同英文好不等於有國際觀,本頻道會是你的同溫層,如何真正達到有效的跨文化溝通呢?從了解不同觀點開始! Excuse英國腔!可以在Apple Podcasts跟Spotify上收聽,從為愛留台灣的英倫紳士barber到上海獵頭分享如何寫履歷及求職信、從加拿大作家用雙腳繞台灣海岸線一圈到來自英國定居荷蘭的叛逆傳奇英文文案、甚至從布農族出身投身於全球推廣原住民文化的藝術策展人到倫敦亞飛台灣學院院長分享解嚴後台灣社會的變遷,還有更多特色的訪談等待你去探索,如果你也喜歡英式英語,Excuse英國腔!也分享實用的英式英語技巧與用法,讓你有機會從非母語學習者視角學習及感受英式英語的美好,喜歡本頻道的你,我希望你能在Apple Podcasts上不吝嗇你的評價與留言,告訴我你最喜歡的主題與任何建議,我也歡迎你加入Excuse英國腔!在臉書的社團或IG! Facebook | Instagram 搜尋:Excuse英國腔! 合作邀約: [email protected] Excuse英國腔!, literally meaning Excuse my British accent — a bilingual podcast channel. Here, you will be able to access unique interviews from around the world. As our global supply chain is restructuring in part due to Covid-19 and trade war between the US and China; we’ve also got aiwan’s New Southbound Policy and Taiwan’s 2030 Bilingual Country Project, cross-cultural communication has never been so crucial today. If you believe in the notion that one’s English proficiency does not necessarily reflect one’s global perspective, this channel will be your echo chamber. And why not? Then you might ask, ‘how do you effectively communicate between cultures? It begins where different perspectives are heard -- the motto of this channel. You could access my episodes on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. From British barber settling in Taiwan for love to Shanghai headhunter sharing how to write CV and cover letter; from Canadian author walking along the entire coastline of Taiwan on foot to rebellious legendary English copywriter based in Amsterdam; even from Bunun art curator advocating Taiwan’s indigenous peoples’ cultures to Director of Taiwan Studies of SOAS, London. There are way more unique interviews featuring distinguished guests out there to explore. If you also wish to learn British English in a smart casual way, I share practical British English tips and usages, too. You can learn and feel the beauty of the language from me, a non-native British English speaker who self trains. Finally, and it’s of utmost importance, if you fancy this channel, I would really appreciate it if you rate and comment my channel on Apple Podcasts, telling me what your favourite is and any feedback you might have. You are also warmly, I hope it’s not hot there, invited to join my Facebook group or follow me on Instagram where you can join the conversation. Alright, stay safe and well, cheers!
12/19/20204 minutes, 16 seconds