Easy Croatian brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University, intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. - Učite hrvatski? Želite naučiti više riječi i fraza o aktualnim temama? Slušajte "Lagani hrvatski", podcast hrvatskog uredništva radija SBS i Centra Hrvatskih studija na Sveučilištu Macquarie, u kojem su vijesti izrečene jednostavnim rečenicama i pročitane sporije.
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 177: Bez cijepljenja nema dječjeg doplatka
This is „Easy Croatian“– a weekly podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found below.
10/23/2024 • 7 minutes, 59 seconds
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 176: Sve više kuća sa solarnim panelima
This is „Easy Croatian“– a weekly podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found on the SBS Croatian website.
10/16/2024 • 5 minutes, 49 seconds
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 175: Ima li u Australiji dobne diskriminacije?
Slušate Lagani hrvatski. Ja sam Jasna Novak Milić. Danas govorimo o takozvanom dijeljenom stanovanju, odnosno stanovanju osoba koje nisu u srodstvu, a stambeni prostor dijele da bi smanjile životne troškove. Većina termina odnosi se na iznajmljivanje te na nekretnine. Najprije donosimo prijevod najvažnijih termina i izraza redoslijedom kojim se pojavljuju u prilogu.
10/10/2024 • 6 minutes, 20 seconds
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 174: Prednosti i zamke dijeljenog stanovanja
This is „Easy Croatian“– a weekly podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found on the SBS Croatian website.
10/3/2024 • 6 minutes, 31 seconds
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 173: Stomatološka skrb u Australiji
This is „Easy Croatian“– a weekly podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found on the SBS Croatian website.
9/25/2024 • 6 minutes, 11 seconds
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 172: Vršnjačko zlostavljanje u školi i na internetu
This is „Easy Croatian“– a weekly podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found on the SBS Croatian website.
9/19/2024 • 7 minutes, 33 seconds
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 171: Prometna pravila za pješake
This is „Easy Croatian“– a weekly podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found below.
9/11/2024 • 7 minutes, 58 seconds
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 170: Napušteni pokojnici
This is „Easy Croatian“– a weekly podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found below.
9/4/2024 • 7 minutes, 1 second
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 169. Australski znanstvenici izmjerili masu neutronske zvijezde
This is „Easy Croatian“– a weekly podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found below.
8/28/2024 • 6 minutes, 50 seconds
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 168. Prometne kazne vozačima zbog uporabe medicinskog kanabisa
This is „Easy Croatian“– a weekly podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found below.
8/21/2024 • 6 minutes, 41 seconds
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 167: Lijekovi na velikim vrućinama i na što pripaziti
This is „Easy Croatian“– a weekly podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found below.
8/14/2024 • 8 minutes, 16 seconds
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 166: Agresivnost u vožnji
This is „Easy Croatian“– a weekly podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found below.
8/7/2024 • 7 minutes, 54 seconds
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 165: Recikliranom odjećom protiv krize
This is „Easy Croatian“– a weekly podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found below.
7/31/2024 • 6 minutes, 58 seconds
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 164: Zbog nedostatka konkurencije, više cijene u supermarketima
This is „Easy Croatian“– a weekly podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found below.
7/24/2024 • 6 minutes, 9 seconds
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 163: Zašto prevaranti poruke šalju usred noći i rano ujutro
This is „Easy Croatian“– a weekly podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found below.
7/17/2024 • 7 minutes, 12 seconds
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 162: Žene kojih su se bojali neustrašivi Vikinzi
This is „Easy Croatian“– a weekly podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found below.
7/10/2024 • 6 minutes, 54 seconds
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 161: Zbrinjavanje elektroničkog otpada
This is „Easy Croatian“– a weekly podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found below.
7/3/2024 • 6 minutes, 22 seconds
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 160: Kakvu kavu vole Australci
This is „Easy Croatian“– a weekly podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found below.
6/26/2024 • 6 minutes, 49 seconds
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 159: Poljsko cvijeće za bolji život u gradu
This is „Easy Croatian“– a weekly podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found below.
6/19/2024 • 6 minutes, 26 seconds
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 158: Prednosti privatnog zdravstvenog osiguranja
This is „Easy Croatian“– a weekly podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found below.
6/12/2024 • 5 minutes, 44 seconds
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 157: Šetači žive duže
This is „Easy Croatian“– a weekly podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found below.
6/4/2024 • 3 minutes, 45 seconds
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 156: Smeće kao mlazno gorivo
This is „Easy Croatian“– a weekly podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found below.
5/27/2024 • 5 minutes, 58 seconds
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 155: Smanjena potrošnja opioida među Australcima
This is „Easy Croatian“– a weekly podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found below.
5/10/2024 • 6 minutes, 6 seconds
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 154: Zbog stambene krize raste broj mladih beskućnika
This is „Easy Croatian“– a podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found below.
5/1/2024 • 5 minutes, 36 seconds
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 152: Hoće li vodene baterije zamijeniti litijeve?
This is „Easy Croatian“– a weekly podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found below.
4/5/2024 • 4 minutes, 22 seconds
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 151: Kako prepoznati lažne vijesti?
This is „Easy Croatian“– a weekly podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found below.
4/1/2024 • 6 minutes, 57 seconds
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 150: Utječu li štetni stereotipi o muškosti na nasilje prema ženama?
This is „Easy Croatian“– a weekly podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found below.
3/18/2024 • 6 minutes, 51 seconds
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 149: Zašto je dobro registrirati izvanbračnu vezu
This is „Easy Croatian“– a weekly podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found below.
3/9/2024 • 5 minutes, 7 seconds
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 148: Uzgojem hrane protiv usamljenosti
This is „Easy Croatian“– a weekly podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found below.
2/26/2024 • 5 minutes, 17 seconds
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 147: Zbog računalnih zaslona sve više kratkovidnih mladih osoba
This is „Easy Croatian“– a weekly podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found below.
1/29/2024 • 5 minutes, 38 seconds
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 146: Jesu li useljenici krivi za stambenu krizu u Australiji?
This is „Easy Croatian“– a weekly podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found below.
1/12/2024 • 6 minutes, 33 seconds
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 145: Vodič za ugodno i sigurno australsko ljeto
This is „Easy Croatian“– a weekly podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found below.
1/5/2024 • 6 minutes, 8 seconds
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 144: Opasnost od morskih pasa na australskim plažama
This is „Easy Croatian“– a weekly podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found below.
12/30/2023 • 7 minutes, 30 seconds
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 143: Mentalno zdravlje i dobrobit muškaraca
This is „Easy Croatian“– a weekly podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found below.
12/16/2023 • 6 minutes, 3 seconds
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 142: Kako do nulte stope stakleničkih plinova
This is „Easy Croatian“– a weekly podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found on below.
12/8/2023 • 6 minutes, 36 seconds
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 141: Nenamjenski krediti
This is „Easy Croatian“– a weekly podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found below.
11/25/2023 • 5 minutes, 46 seconds
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 140: Dobrobiti sviranja
This is „Easy Croatian“– a weekly podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found below.
11/19/2023 • 6 minutes, 51 seconds
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 139: Porez na kapitalnu dobit u Australiji
This is „Easy Croatian“– a weekly podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found below.
This is „Easy Croatian“– a weekly podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found below.
11/4/2023 • 5 minutes, 32 seconds
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 137: Maturanti pod stresom
This is „Easy Croatian“– a weekly podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found below.
10/28/2023 • 4 minutes, 11 seconds
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 136: Pomoć za obitelji mladih oboljelih od demencije
This is „Easy Croatian“– a weekly podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found below.
10/21/2023 • 4 minutes, 53 seconds
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 135: Što se smije, a što ne smije u gradskim parkovima Australije
This is „Easy Croatian“– a weekly podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found on the SBS Croatian website.
10/13/2023 • 7 minutes, 17 seconds
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 134: Samoubojstvo i stigma koja ga okružuje
This is „Easy Croatian“– a weekly podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found on the SBS Croatian website.
9/29/2023 • 9 minutes, 5 seconds
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 133: Ostavina i nasljedstvo u Australiji
This is „Easy Croatian“– a weekly podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found on the SBS Croatian website.
9/22/2023 • 7 minutes, 21 seconds
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 132: Sve usamljeniji Australci
This is „Easy Croatian“– a weekly podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found below.
9/15/2023 • 5 minutes, 11 seconds
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 131: Prirodom protiv digitalnih uređaja
This is „Easy Croatian“– a weekly podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found below.
9/6/2023 • 5 minutes, 18 seconds
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 130: Savjeti za uspješnije ovladavanje engleskim jezikom
This is „Easy Croatian“– a weekly podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found below.
8/31/2023 • 6 minutes, 58 seconds
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 129: Opasnost od dima kod šumskih požara
This is „Easy Croatian“– a weekly podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found below.
8/25/2023 • 6 minutes, 41 seconds
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 128: Useljenici na privremenim vizama nedovoljno zaštićeni
This is „Easy Croatian“– a weekly podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found below.
8/17/2023 • 5 minutes, 37 seconds
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 127: Prednosti međukulturnih prijateljstava
This is „Easy Croatian“– a weekly podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. It is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found below.
8/10/2023 • 5 minutes, 20 seconds
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 126: Što trebaju znati vlasnici mačaka u Australiji
This is „Easy Croatian“– a weekly podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found below.
8/4/2023 • 5 minutes, 57 seconds
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 125: Australci sve dugovječniji
This is „Easy Croatian“– a weekly podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found below.
7/28/2023 • 8 minutes, 13 seconds
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 124: Selidba unutar Australije
This is „Easy Croatian“– a weekly podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found below.
7/21/2023 • 7 minutes, 5 seconds
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 123: Negativno ulaganje kao porezna olakšica
This is „Easy Croatian“– a weekly podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found below.
7/12/2023 • 5 minutes, 27 seconds
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 122: Kako zatražiti veću plaću
This is „Easy Croatian“– a weekly podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found below.
7/6/2023 • 6 minutes, 21 seconds
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 121: Cijepljenje prije putovanja u inozemstvo
This is „Easy Croatian“– a podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found below.
6/28/2023 • 6 minutes, 39 seconds
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 120: Roditeljstvo nakon razvoda braka
This is „Easy Croatian“– a weekly podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found below.
6/21/2023 • 6 minutes, 47 seconds
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 119: O školskom sustavu u Australiji
This is „Easy Croatian“– a weekly podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found below.
6/15/2023 • 8 minutes, 55 seconds
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 118: Kako unajmiti nekretninu u Australiji
This is „Easy Croatian“– a weekly podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found below.
6/8/2023 • 6 minutes, 13 seconds
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 117: Financijsko zlostavljanje starijih članova obitelji
This is „Easy Croatian“– a weekly podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found below.
5/31/2023 • 5 minutes, 48 seconds
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 116: Međugeneracijskim igraonicama protiv usamljenosti i depresije
This is „Easy Croatian“– a weekly podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found below.
5/19/2023 • 5 minutes, 40 seconds
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 115: Pristanak na seksualni odnos
This is „Easy Croatian“– a weekly podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found below.
5/9/2023 • 6 minutes, 55 seconds
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 114: Radnom skupinom protiv pranja novca
This is „Easy Croatian“– a weekly podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found below.
5/4/2023 • 4 minutes, 49 seconds
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 113: Znate li prepoznati simptome srčanog udara
This is „Easy Croatian“– a weekly podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found below.
4/22/2023 • 5 minutes, 25 seconds
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 112: Što je to migrantska tuga
This is „Easy Croatian“– a weekly podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found below.
4/12/2023 • 6 minutes, 20 seconds
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 111: Što napraviti u slučaju prometne nesreće
This is „Easy Croatian“– a weekly podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found on the SBS Croatian website.
3/27/2023 • 7 minutes, 44 seconds
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 110: Kako se razvesti bez suda
This is „Easy Croatian“– a weekly podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found below.
3/17/2023 • 6 minutes, 51 seconds
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 109: Kako spriječiti požar u stambenom objektu
This is „Easy Croatian“– a weekly podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found below.
3/13/2023 • 6 minutes, 20 seconds
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 108: Prednosti četverodnevnog radnog tjedna
This is „Easy Croatian“– a weekly podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found on below.
3/4/2023 • 6 minutes, 3 seconds
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 107: Internetske aplikacije za upoznavanje i opasnost od zlostavljanja
This is „Easy Croatian“– a weekly podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found below.
2/25/2023 • 5 minutes, 35 seconds
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 106: Nova petogodišnja kulturno-umjetnička politika australske vlade
This is „Easy Croatian“– a weekly podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found below.
2/16/2023 • 5 minutes, 19 seconds
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 105: Lažni poreznici vrebaju žrtve na društvenim mrežama
This is „Easy Croatian“– a weekly podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found below.
2/10/2023 • 5 minutes, 56 seconds
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 104: Pobačaj u Australiji
This is „Easy Croatian“– a weekly podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found below.
2/2/2023 • 8 minutes, 24 seconds
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 103: Nogometašica izborila odštetu za neisplaćenu porodiljnu naknadu
This is „Easy Croatian“– a weekly podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found below.
1/25/2023 • 6 minutes, 54 seconds
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 102: Zvučnim kupkama protiv tjeskobe
This is „Easy Croatian“– a weekly podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found below.
1/18/2023 • 7 minutes, 4 seconds
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 101: Australske zmije i paukovi – Što ako vas ugrizu?
This is „Easy Croatian“– a weekly podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found on the SBS Croatian website.
1/11/2023 • 7 minutes, 56 seconds
Jubilej podcasta "Lagani hrvatski" - stota epizoda serije koja se sluša i izvan Australije
Objavljena je 100. epizoda jezičnog podcasta "Lagani hrvatski", koji stvaraju Centar Hrvatskih studija na sveučilištu Macquarie i SBS Croatian. Vijesti i aktualnosti u ovom su podcastu izrečene jednostavnim rečenicama i pročitane sporije, a o postignućima u prve dvije godine objavljivanja ovog jedinstvenog podcasta razgovaraju Jasna Novak-Milić i Marijana Buljan.
1/11/2023 • 9 minutes, 29 seconds
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 100: Među Australcima sve manje vještih plivača
This is „Easy Croatian“– a weekly podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found below.
12/15/2022 • 5 minutes, 36 seconds
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 99: Od sad bez lažnih direktora
This is „Easy Croatian“– a weekly podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found below.
11/23/2022 • 5 minutes, 13 seconds
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 98: Endometrioza – česta, ali malo poznata bolest
This is „Easy Croatian“– a weekly podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found below.
11/9/2022 • 7 minutes, 26 seconds
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 97: Električnim automobilima do klimatskih ciljeva
This is „Easy Croatian“– a weekly podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found
11/2/2022 • 6 minutes, 16 seconds
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 96: Kako se u australskim školama uči o seksualnom zdravlju
This is „Easy Croatian“– a weekly podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found below.
10/25/2022 • 6 minutes, 21 seconds
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 95: Patite li od sindroma izgorijevanja na poslu?
This is „Easy Croatian“– a weekly podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found on the SBS Croatian website.
10/19/2022 • 6 minutes, 35 seconds
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 94: Navijači teško do smještaja u Katru
This is „Easy Croatian“– a weekly podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found below.
10/13/2022 • 4 minutes, 34 seconds
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 93: Sve manje Australaca traži financijske savjete
This is „Easy Croatian“– a weekly podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found below.
10/5/2022 • 6 minutes, 32 seconds
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 92: Uloga Britanske monarhije u Australiji
This is „Easy Croatian“– a weekly podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found below.
9/27/2022 • 5 minutes, 48 seconds
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 91: Kako kamatne stope utječu na inflaciju
This is „Easy Croatian“– a weekly podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found below.
9/19/2022 • 7 minutes, 57 seconds
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 90: Novi sustav kategorizacije opasnosti od požara
This is „Easy Croatian“– a weekly podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found below.
9/13/2022 • 7 minutes, 57 seconds
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 89: Genetički testovi za utvrđivanje osjetljivosti na karcinome i bolesti srca
This is „Easy Croatian“– a weekly podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found below.
This is „Easy Croatian“– a weekly podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found below.
8/29/2022 • 5 minutes, 52 seconds
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 87: Skrb o djeci s alergijama u australskim školama
This is „Easy Croatian“– a weekly podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found below.
8/23/2022 • 7 minutes, 45 seconds
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 86: Uskoro referendum o glasu starosjedilaca u saveznom parlamentu
This is „Easy Croatian“– a weekly podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found below.
8/16/2022 • 6 minutes, 52 seconds
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 85: Šalicama za kavu do nestalih osoba
This is „Easy Croatian“– a weekly podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found below.
8/11/2022 • 7 minutes, 9 seconds
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 84: Među beskućnicima sve više tinejdžera
This is „Easy Croatian“– a weekly podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found below.
8/1/2022 • 6 minutes, 44 seconds
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 84: Među beskućnicima sve više tinejdžera
This is „Easy Croatian“– a weekly podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found below.
8/1/2022 • 6 minutes, 44 seconds
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 83: Tinejdžeri i poremećaji uzrokovani prekomjernim igranjem računalnih igrica
This is „Easy Croatian“ – a weekly podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found below.
7/26/2022 • 7 minutes, 17 seconds
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 83: Tinejdžeri i poremećaji uzrokovani prekomjernim igranjem računalnih igrica
This is „Easy Croatian“ – a weekly podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found below.
7/26/2022 • 7 minutes, 17 seconds
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 82: Znate li kako reciklirati?
This is „Easy Croatian“ – a weekly podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found below.
7/19/2022 • 7 minutes
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 82: Znate li kako reciklirati?
This is „Easy Croatian“ – a weekly podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found below.
7/19/2022 • 7 minutes
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 81: Pješčani akumulatori za pohranu obnovljive energije
This is „Easy Croatian“ – a weekly podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found below.
7/11/2022 • 5 minutes, 35 seconds
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 81: Pješčani akumulatori za pohranu obnovljive energije
This is „Easy Croatian“ – a weekly podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found below.
7/11/2022 • 5 minutes, 35 seconds
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 80: Opasan nametnik prijeti australskim pčelama i poljoprivredi
This is „Easy Croatian“ – a weekly podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found below.
7/4/2022 • 5 minutes, 55 seconds
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 80: Opasan nametnik prijeti australskim pčelama i poljoprivredi
This is „Easy Croatian“ – a weekly podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found below.
7/4/2022 • 5 minutes, 55 seconds
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 79: Negativan utjecaj pretilosti u dječjoj dobi na funkcije mozga
This is „Easy Croatian“ – a weekly podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found below.
6/27/2022 • 6 minutes, 22 seconds
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 79: Negativan utjecaj pretilosti u dječjoj dobi na funkcije mozga
This is „Easy Croatian“ – a weekly podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found below.
6/27/2022 • 6 minutes, 22 seconds
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 78: Kriza na australskim skijalištima
This is „Easy Croatian“ – a weekly podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found below.
6/20/2022 • 6 minutes, 28 seconds
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 78: Kriza na australskim skijalištima
This is „Easy Croatian“ – a weekly podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found below.
6/20/2022 • 6 minutes, 28 seconds
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 77: Pušenje nakon pandemije
This is „Easy Croatian“ – a weekly podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found below.
6/6/2022 • 6 minutes, 48 seconds
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 77: Pušenje nakon pandemije
This is „Easy Croatian“ – a weekly podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found below.
6/6/2022 • 6 minutes, 48 seconds
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 76: Plaće kvalificiranih useljenika manje danas nego prije 10 godina
This is „Easy Croatian“ – a weekly podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found below.
5/31/2022 • 6 minutes, 4 seconds
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 76: Plaće kvalificiranih useljenika manje danas nego prije 10 godina
This is „Easy Croatian“ – a weekly podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found below.
5/31/2022 • 6 minutes, 4 seconds
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 75: Dodatni dani bolovanja za stigmatizirane zdravstvene probleme
This is „Easy Croatian“ – a weekly podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found below.
5/23/2022 • 6 minutes, 44 seconds
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 75: Dodatni dani bolovanja za stigmatizirane zdravstvene probleme
This is „Easy Croatian“ – a weekly podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found below.
5/23/2022 • 6 minutes, 44 seconds
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 74: Zbog povlačenja leda ugrožen opstanak polarnih medvjeda
This is „Easy Croatian“ – a weekly podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found below.
5/16/2022 • 7 minutes, 2 seconds
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 74: Zbog povlačenja leda ugrožen opstanak polarnih medvjeda
This is „Easy Croatian“ – a weekly podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found below.
5/16/2022 • 7 minutes, 2 seconds
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 73: Posudionicom odjeće protiv povećanja životnih troškova
This is „Easy Croatian“ – a weekly podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found below.
5/9/2022 • 5 minutes, 55 seconds
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 73: Posudionicom odjeće protiv povećanja životnih troškova
This is „Easy Croatian“ – a weekly podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found below.
5/9/2022 • 5 minutes, 55 seconds
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 72: Kako se provode australski savezni izbori
This is „Easy Croatian“ – a weekly podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found below.
5/2/2022 • 7 minutes, 15 seconds
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 72: Kako se provode australski savezni izbori
This is „Easy Croatian“ – a weekly podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found below.
5/2/2022 • 7 minutes, 15 seconds
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 71: Što je to genocid
This is „Easy Croatian“ – a weekly podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found below.
4/25/2022 • 10 minutes, 18 seconds
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 71: Što je to genocid
This is „Easy Croatian“ – a weekly podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found below.
4/25/2022 • 10 minutes, 18 seconds
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 70: Problem beskućnica kao predizborni izazov
This is „Easy Croatian“ – a weekly podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found below.
4/19/2022 • 7 minutes, 2 seconds
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 70: Problem beskućnica kao predizborni izazov
This is „Easy Croatian“ – a weekly podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found below.
4/19/2022 • 7 minutes, 2 seconds
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 69: Što očekivati od saveznih parlamentarnih izbora?
This is „Easy Croatian“ – a weekly podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found on the SBS Croatian website.
4/11/2022 • 6 minutes, 17 seconds
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 69: Što očekivati od saveznih parlamentarnih izbora?
This is „Easy Croatian“ – a weekly podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found on the SBS Croatian website.
4/11/2022 • 6 minutes, 17 seconds
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 68: Kršenje ljudskih prava u Australiji
This is „Easy Croatian“ – a weekly podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found below.
4/4/2022 • 7 minutes, 56 seconds
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 68: Kršenje ljudskih prava u Australiji
This is „Easy Croatian“ – a weekly podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found below.
4/4/2022 • 7 minutes, 56 seconds
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 67: Meta na meti australskog tijela za zaštitu potrošača
This is „Easy Croatian“ – a weekly podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found below.
3/28/2022 • 6 minutes, 10 seconds
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 67: Meta na meti australskog tijela za zaštitu potrošača
This is „Easy Croatian“ – a weekly podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found below.
3/28/2022 • 6 minutes, 10 seconds
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 66: Kampanjama protiv oglašavanja nezdrave hrane u javnom prijevozu
This is „Easy Croatian“ – a weekly podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found below.
3/22/2022 • 6 minutes, 49 seconds
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 66: Kampanjama protiv oglašavanja nezdrave hrane u javnom prijevozu
This is „Easy Croatian“ – a weekly podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found below.
3/22/2022 • 6 minutes, 49 seconds
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 65: Duševno zdravlje mladih i sprječavanje samoubojstava
This is „Easy Croatian“ – a weekly podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found below.
3/15/2022 • 6 minutes, 10 seconds
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 65: Duševno zdravlje mladih i sprječavanje samoubojstava
This is „Easy Croatian“ – a weekly podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found below.
3/15/2022 • 6 minutes, 10 seconds
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 64: Kako usporiti demenciju
This is „Easy Croatian“ – a weekly podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found below.
3/8/2022 • 6 minutes, 41 seconds
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 64: Kako usporiti demenciju
This is „Easy Croatian“ – a weekly podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found below.
3/8/2022 • 6 minutes, 41 seconds
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 63: Porotnička dužnost
This is „Easy Croatian“ – a weekly podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found on below.
2/22/2022 • 8 minutes, 17 seconds
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 63: Porotnička dužnost
This is „Easy Croatian“ – a weekly podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found on below.
2/22/2022 • 8 minutes, 17 seconds
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 62: Problemi australskih podstanara
This is „Easy Croatian“ – a weekly podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found below.
2/15/2022 • 7 minutes, 2 seconds
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 62: Problemi australskih podstanara
This is „Easy Croatian“ – a weekly podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found below.
2/15/2022 • 7 minutes, 2 seconds
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 61: Lunarna nova godina
This is „Easy Croatian“ – a weekly podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found below.
2/9/2022 • 7 minutes, 15 seconds
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 61: Lunarna nova godina
This is „Easy Croatian“ – a weekly podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found below.
2/9/2022 • 7 minutes, 15 seconds
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 60: Nakon pandemije, ponovo u kockarnice
This is „Easy Croatian“ – a weekly podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found below.
2/2/2022 • 6 minutes, 45 seconds
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 60: Nakon pandemije, ponovo u kockarnice
This is „Easy Croatian“ – a weekly podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found below.
2/2/2022 • 6 minutes, 45 seconds
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 59: Erupcija vulkana na otočju Tonga
This is „Easy Croatian“ – a weekly podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found below.