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Chinese is Hard (中文好難) with Dan & Tom Cover
Chinese is Hard (中文好難) with Dan & Tom Profile

Chinese is Hard (中文好難) with Dan & Tom

Chinese, Education, 1 season, 55 episodes, 2 days, 1 hour, 9 minutes
We are two friends who love learning Chinese and shooting the shit, all in Mandarin! We share our experiences learning Chinese, living in Taiwan, and other random topics. Listen as we push our Chinese ability to the limit for your listening and learning pleasure (comprehensible input ftw). 我们是两位特别热爱学中文的好朋友。我们会透过天马行空对话来分享在台湾学中文的体验以及五花八门的人生话题。虽然我们的中文还有很大的进步空间,我们都很喜欢挑战。而且我们相信学语言需要锲而不舍的态度,所以本节目就当成我们学中文的操场和记录。中文好难哦! Support us & vocab lists: Tom's IG: Dan's IG: Youtube: Powered by Firstory Hosting (
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What Language Learners Get Wrong About Learning - Dr. Benjamin Keep | E55

I had a fascinating discussion with Dr. Benjamin Keep about the common misconceptions about learning, the science of learning and how to best learn languages based on science. Dr. Benjamin Keep is a Stanford trained cognitive scientist specializing in learning and instruction. Ben's YouTube channel: @benjaminkeep Ben's newsletter: 💎 Free Chinese Lessons Every Week: 💬 Chinese Speaking Course: ⚡ Language Learning Study System (In Notion): Vocabulary + Flashcard Tracker (free): 7-Day Chinese Foundation Course (free): Best Chinese Learning Tools (free): Learn Top 100 Chinese Characters (free): Learn 214 Chinese Radicals (free): SOCIALS: Instagram: Twitter: YouTube: --- Send in a voice message:
10/24/202350 minutes, 35 seconds
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Russian Guy Masters Chinese By Talking To Strangers - VictorTalking | E54

Today's guest is Victor, who learned fluent Chinese, Korean, English using a technique called social learning. Victor's Youtube: @VictorTalking Victor's Website: Free Learning Resources/Cheatsheets: Follow us on Instagram: Danyo @thedanyopang Tom @sunmoonlaketom About Us: Hey! We are Danyo and Tom, two friends who met in Taiwan and we both love learning Chinese! We chat in Mandarin about all things related to learning Chinese from the learner's perspective. Practice your Chinese with us! New episodes of Chinese So Hard (中文好难) every week.  --- Send in a voice message:
8/24/202350 minutes, 48 seconds
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Indian Learner: "Chinese is a very logical language" - Samridhi/苏老师 | E53

Today's guest is Samridhi, who started learning Chinese in India and now speaks fluently and now teaches Chinese! Let's hear her fascinating story. Samridhi's IG: @chineselanguagestudygram Follow Samridhi: Free Learning Resources/Cheatsheets: Follow us on Instagram: Danyo @thedanyopang Tom @sunmoonlaketom About Us: Hey! We are Danyo and Tom, two friends who met in Taiwan and we both love learning Chinese! We chat in Mandarin about all things related to learning Chinese from the learner's perspective. Practice your Chinese with us! New episodes of Chinese So Hard (中文好难) every week.  --- Send in a voice message:
8/10/202352 minutes, 51 seconds
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Pronunciation Expert: "I Started Speaking After 1 Week" - Will Hart | E52

Danyo interviews Will Hart who learned fluent Chinese with amazing pronunciation living in the UK and without any official teachers! Will's Twitter: Will's Youtube: Free Learning Resources/Cheatsheets: Follow us on Instagram: Danyo @thedanyopang Tom @sunmoonlaketom About Us: Hey! We are Danyo and Tom, two friends who met in Taiwan and we both love learning Chinese! We chat in Mandarin about all things related to learning Chinese from the learner's perspective. Practice your Chinese with us! New episodes of Chinese So Hard (中文好难) every week.  --- Send in a voice message:
7/17/202344 minutes, 10 seconds
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Spanish learner: "I'm Lazy But I Learned Chinese" - 胡语明 | E51

Danyo interviews 胡语明 from Spain who learned fluent Chinese and even teaches Chinese. We discuss how he learned his Chinese and we dig deep into his secrets for other Chinese learners and what he would do differently. Free Learning Resources/Cheatsheets: Follow us on Instagram: Danyo @thedanyopang Tom @sunmoonlaketom About Us: Hey! We are Danyo and Tom, two friends who met in Taiwan and we both love learning Chinese! We chat in Mandarin about all things related to learning Chinese from the learners perspective. Practice your Chinese with us! New episodes of Chinese is Hard (中文好难) every week.  --- Send in a voice message:
6/28/202356 minutes, 34 seconds
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Nigerian Girl Speaks Perfect Chinese Shares Her Secrets - Labake [乐佳] | E50

Danyo interviews  乐佳/Labake from Nigeria who speaks perfect Mandarin and she shares her secrets for learning Chinese fast and getting over the fear of speaking. Tom unfortunately wont be joining us for some time because his internet connection where he lives is pretty slow but hopefully he can join us soon! Free Learning Resources/Cheatsheets: Follow us on Instagram: Danyo @thedanyopang Tom @sunmoonlaketom About Us: Hey! We are Danyo and Tom, two friends who met in Taiwan and we both love learning Chinese! We chat in Mandarin about all things related to learning Chinese from the learners perspective. Practice your Chinese with us! New episodes of Chinese is Hard (中文好难) every week. --- Send in a voice message:
6/21/20231 hour, 4 minutes, 47 seconds
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Ep 49 - Social skills and making friends

這集我們討論社交能力該如何加強!害羞的Tom和靦腆的Dan分享我們到底是怎麼交到朋友的! In this episode we discuss the importance of social skills and how to improve them. Don't miss Dan's hilarious Freudian slip and Tom's impersonation of a timid young lad!  Free Chinese learning resources: Follow us:Danyo's IG:'s IG: Who we are:Two friends who love learning Chinese and like to shoot the shit, all in Mandarin Chinese! We share our experiences learning Chinese, living in Taiwan, and everything else in between. Listen as we push our Chinese ability to the limit for your listening and learning pleasure (great comprehensible input).我們是兩位特別熱愛學中文的好朋友。我們會透過天馬行空般的對話來分享在台灣學中文的體驗以及討論五花八門的人生話題。雖然我們的中文還有很大的進步空間,但我們都很喜歡挑戰。我們相信學語言需要鍥而不捨的精神,所以就讓本節目當我們學中文的操場和記錄吧! 中文好難哦 --- Send in a voice message:
4/15/202347 minutes, 40 seconds
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Ep 48 - Are we perfectionists?

這集我們討論完美主義。對學語言的人來說,當完美主義者是好事還是壞事?來聽聽我們的想法。 In this episode we discuss perfectionism and its implications on language learning. Free Chinese learning resources:http://danyopang.super.siteFollow us:Danyo's IG:'s IG: Who we are:Two friends who love learning Chinese and like to shoot the shit, all in Mandarin Chinese! We share our experiences learning Chinese, living in Taiwan, and everything else in between. Listen as we push our Chinese ability to the limit for your listening and learning pleasure (great comprehensible input).我們是兩位特別熱愛學中文的好朋友。我們會透過天馬行空般的對話來分享在台灣學中文的體驗以及討論五花八門的人生話題。雖然我們的中文還有很大的進步空間,但我們都很喜歡挑戰。我們相信學語言需要鍥而不捨的精神,所以就讓本節目當我們學中文的操場和記錄吧! 中文好難哦 --- Send in a voice message:
4/8/20231 hour, 2 minutes, 44 seconds
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Ep 47 - Time to Talk Taiwanese Mandarin with Abby!

這集我們採訪熱門podcast節目Talk Taiwanese Mandarin with Abby的主持人Abby Chen! 來聽聽我們聊做podcast的趣事!也千萬不要錯過Abby最近出的書“廖添丁”! In this episode we have the pleasure of discussing podcasting with the host of Talk Taiwanese Mandarin with Abby, the one and only Abby Chen! Make sure to check out her podcast on your favorite platform and don't forget to check out her graded readers at Free Chinese learning resources: Follow us:Danyo's IG:'s IG: Abby's IG: Who we are:Two friends who love learning Chinese and like to shoot the shit, all in Mandarin Chinese! We share our experiences learning Chinese, living in Taiwan, and everything else in between. Listen as we push our Chinese ability to the limit for your listening and learning pleasure (great comprehensible input).我們是兩位特別熱愛學中文的好朋友。我們會透過天馬行空般的對話來分享在台灣學中文的體驗以及討論五花八門的人生話題。雖然我們的中文還有很大的進步空間,但我們都很喜歡挑戰。我們相信學語言需要鍥而不捨的精神,所以就讓本節目當我們學中文的操場和記錄吧! 中文好難哦 --- Send in a voice message:
4/2/202358 minutes, 16 seconds
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Ep 46 - Getting High in Chinese

這集我們討論我們對大麻的看法,還有分享我們的一些經驗。 In this episode we discuss our thoughts on marijuana and share a few stories. Free Chinese learning resources: Follow us: Danyo's IG: Tom's IG: Who are we: Two friends who love learning Chinese and like to shoot the shit, all in Mandarin Chinese! We share our experiences learning Chinese, living in Taiwan, and everything else in between. Listen as we push our Chinese ability to the limit for your listening and learning pleasure (great comprehensible input). 我们是两位特别热爱学中文的好朋友。我们会透过天马行空对话来分享在台湾学中文的体验以及五花八门的人生话题。虽然我们的中文还有很大的进步空间,我们都很喜欢挑战。而且我们相信学语言需要锲而不舍的态度,所以本节目就当成我们学中文的操场和记录。中文好难哦 --- Send in a voice message:
3/25/20231 hour, 19 minutes, 9 seconds
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Ep 45 - Chatting about Shopping in Chinese

這集我們討論買新衣服的重要性,還有Dan是不是已經放棄在固定的地方從醫了?? In this episode we discuss our shopping habits, lifestyle choices and elder care. Free Chinese learning resources: Follow us: Danyo's IG: Tom's IG: Who are we: Two friends who love learning Chinese and like to shoot the shit, all in Mandarin Chinese! We share our experiences learning Chinese, living in Taiwan, and everything else in between. Listen as we push our Chinese ability to the limit for your listening and learning pleasure (great comprehensible input). 我们是两位特别热爱学中文的好朋友。我们会透过天马行空对话来分享在台湾学中文的体验以及五花八门的人生话题。虽然我们的中文还有很大的进步空间,我们都很喜欢挑战。而且我们相信学语言需要锲而不舍的态度,所以本节目就当成我们学中文的操场和记录。中文好难哦 --- Send in a voice message:
3/18/202339 minutes, 29 seconds
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Ep 44 - Winter sports and avalanches in Chinese

這集我們討論“雪崩”是怎麼產生的,以及要怎麼降低雪崩的風險。喜歡戶外活動的人絕對要聽喔!(⁠ʘ⁠ᴗ⁠ʘ⁠✿⁠) In this episode we discuss the causes of avalanches and how to stay safe in a wintry mountain environment. 安全第一! Free Chinese learning resources: Follow us: Danyo's IG: Tom's IG: Who are we: Two friends who love learning Chinese and like to shoot the shit, all in Mandarin Chinese! We share our experiences learning Chinese, living in Taiwan, and everything else in between. Listen as we push our Chinese ability to the limit for your listening and learning pleasure (great comprehensible input). 我们是两位特别热爱学中文的好朋友。我们会透过天马行空对话来分享在台湾学中文的体验以及五花八门的人生话题。虽然我们的中文还有很大的进步空间,我们都很喜欢挑战。而且我们相信学语言需要锲而不舍的态度,所以本节目就当成我们学中文的操场和记录。中文好难哦 --- Send in a voice message:
3/11/202338 minutes, 38 seconds
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Ep 43 - Discussing living remotely in Chinese

In this episode we discuss living in remote areas and Tom's new job in California. Piano solo included! 這集我們討論不同生活環境,以及Tom的新工作。不要錯過這集裡頭的鋼琴演出喔ʘ⁠‿⁠ʘ Free Chinese learning resources: Follow us: Danyo's IG: Tom's IG: Who are we: Two friends who love learning Chinese and like to shoot the shit, all in Mandarin Chinese! We share our experiences learning Chinese, living in Taiwan, and everything else in between. Listen as we push our Chinese ability to the limit for your listening and learning pleasure (great comprehensible input). 我们是两位特别热爱学中文的好朋友。我们会透过天马行空对话来分享在台湾学中文的体验以及五花八门的人生话题。虽然我们的中文还有很大的进步空间,我们都很喜欢挑战。而且我们相信学语言需要锲而不舍的态度,所以本节目就当成我们学中文的操场和记录。中文好难哦 --- Send in a voice message:
3/4/202333 minutes, 54 seconds
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Ep 42 - We interview a Chinese learner in Shanghai (ft. Alexandra)

Today we invite Alexandra, a Chinese learner living studying in Shanghai to discuss her journey learning Chinese and living in Shanghai! Free Chinese learning resources: Follow us: Danyo's IG: Tom's IG: Who are we: Two friends who love learning Chinese and like to shoot the shit, all in Mandarin Chinese! We share our experiences learning Chinese, living in Taiwan, and everything else in between. Listen as we push our Chinese ability to the limit for your listening and learning pleasure (great comprehensible input). 我们是两位特别热爱学中文的好朋友。我们会透过天马行空对话来分享在台湾学中文的体验以及五花八门的人生话题。虽然我们的中文还有很大的进步空间,我们都很喜欢挑战。而且我们相信学语言需要锲而不舍的态度,所以本节目就当成我们学中文的操场和记录。中文好难哦 --- Send in a voice message:
2/25/202359 minutes, 16 seconds
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Ep 41 - Do we get nervous when speaking Chinese?

What do primative humans, competitive tendencies and underwear all have in common? They are all things we discuss in today's episode! 這集我們閒聊一些“有的沒的”。原始人一定很辛苦(⁠´⁠;⁠︵⁠;⁠`⁠) Free Chinese learning resources: Follow us: Danyo's IG: Tom's IG: Who are we: Two friends who love learning Chinese and like to shoot the shit, all in Mandarin Chinese! We share our experiences learning Chinese, living in Taiwan, and everything else in between. Listen as we push our Chinese ability to the limit for your listening and learning pleasure (great comprehensible input). 我们是两位特别热爱学中文的好朋友。我们会透过天马行空对话来分享在台湾学中文的体验以及五花八门的人生话题。虽然我们的中文还有很大的进步空间,我们都很喜欢挑战。而且我们相信学语言需要锲而不舍的态度,所以本节目就当成我们学中文的操场和记录。中文好难哦 --- Send in a voice message:
2/18/202338 minutes, 16 seconds
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Ep 40 - Our experiences with Chinese teachers (Part 2)

In this episode we finish discussing our classroom experiences! 這集我們繼續討論我們曾經上過的中文課留給我們的印象。 Free Chinese learning resources: Follow us: Danyo's IG: Tom's IG: Who are we: Two friends who love learning Chinese and like to shoot the shit, all in Mandarin Chinese! We share our experiences learning Chinese, living in Taiwan, and everything else in between. Listen as we push our Chinese ability to the limit for your listening and learning pleasure (great comprehensible input). 我们是两位特别热爱学中文的好朋友。我们会透过天马行空对话来分享在台湾学中文的体验以及五花八门的人生话题。虽然我们的中文还有很大的进步空间,我们都很喜欢挑战。而且我们相信学语言需要锲而不舍的态度,所以本节目就当成我们学中文的操场和记录。中文好难哦  --- Send in a voice message:
2/11/202338 minutes, 11 seconds
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Ep 39 - Our experiences with Chinese teachers (Part 1)

In this episode Tom begins to share his experience learning Chinese at a language school in Taiwan. Let's just say Tom and his teacher didn't always see eye to eye ◉⁠‿⁠◉ 這集我們來聽Tom分享他在台灣的某個大學的語言中心上課的經驗!原來做“聽寫”有這麼難?? Free Chinese learning resources: Follow us: Danyo's IG: Tom's IG: Who are we: Two friends who love learning Chinese and like to shoot the shit, all in Mandarin Chinese! We share our experiences learning Chinese, living in Taiwan, and everything else in between. Listen as we push our Chinese ability to the limit for your listening and learning pleasure (great comprehensible input). 我们是两位特别热爱学中文的好朋友。我们会透过天马行空对话来分享在台湾学中文的体验以及五花八门的人生话题。虽然我们的中文还有很大的进步空间,我们都很喜欢挑战。而且我们相信学语言需要锲而不舍的态度,所以本节目就当成我们学中文的操场和记录。中文好难哦  --- Send in a voice message:
2/4/202329 minutes, 13 seconds
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Ep 38 - Discussing digital minimalism in Chinese

In this episode we talk about time away from technology and Dan's big Mexican adventure! 這集我們討論遠離手機的重要性,還有Dan去墨西哥城的計畫! Free Chinese learning resources: Follow us: Danyo's IG: Tom's IG: Who are we:  Two friends who love learning Chinese and like to shoot the shit, all in Mandarin Chinese! We share our experiences learning Chinese, living in Taiwan, and everything else in between. Listen as we push our Chinese ability to the limit for your listening and learning pleasure (great comprehensible input). 我们是两位特别热爱学中文的好朋友。我们会透过天马行空对话来分享在台湾学中文的体验以及五花八门的人生话题。虽然我们的中文还有很大的进步空间,我们都很喜欢挑战。而且我们相信学语言需要锲而不舍的态度,所以本节目就当成我们学中文的操场和记录。中文好难哦! --- Send in a voice message:
1/28/202346 minutes, 39 seconds
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Ep37 - How we would learn Chinese if we started over again

In this episode we discuss battling loss of motivation in regards to learning Chinese, share tips for beginners, and compare notes on shadowing technique. 這集我們討論當你失去學語言的動力的時候,該怎麼辦?還有如何成功做“鸚鵡學舌學習技巧 Free Chinese learning resources: Follow us: Danyo's IG: Tom's IG: Who are we:  Two friends who love learning Chinese and like to shoot the shit, all in Mandarin Chinese! We share our experiences learning Chinese, living in Taiwan, and everything else in between. Listen as we push our Chinese ability to the limit for your listening and learning pleasure (great comprehensible input). 我们是两位特别热爱学中文的好朋友。我们会透过天马行空对话来分享在台湾学中文的体验以及五花八门的人生话题。虽然我们的中文还有很大的进步空间,我们都很喜欢挑战。而且我们相信学语言需要锲而不舍的态度,所以本节目就当成我们学中文的操场和记录。中文好难哦! --- Send in a voice message:
1/16/202354 minutes, 40 seconds
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Ep 36 - Tom returns, catch up about life, work & travel

After a long hiatus, we catch up about life, work, travel, Chinese learning and more! Free Chinese learning resources: Who are we:  Two friends who love learning Chinese and like to shoot the shit, all in Mandarin Chinese! We share our experiences learning Chinese, living in Taiwan, and everything else in between. Listen as we push our Chinese ability to the limit for your listening and learning pleasure (great comprehensible input). 我们是两位特别热爱学中文的好朋友。我们会透过天马行空对话来分享在台湾学中文的体验以及五花八门的人生话题。虽然我们的中文还有很大的进步空间,我们都很喜欢挑战。而且我们相信学语言需要锲而不舍的态度,所以本节目就当成我们学中文的操场和记录。中文好难哦! We love hearing from you!  Danyo's IG: Tom's IG:  --- Send in a voice message:
12/30/20221 hour, 1 minute, 38 seconds
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Ep35 - What does 國語 mean and do accents matter? (with Vincent)

Leave a comment and share your thoughts: If you enjoy our podcast please leave a quick review on your podcast app, us, it helps us a lot! 😁 Support us: Taiwan Mandarin phrasebook: authentic Taiwan Mandarin phrases I hear all the time Who are we:  Two friends who love learning Chinese and like to shoot the shit, all in Mandarin Chinese! We share our experiences learning Chinese, living in Taiwan, and everything else in between. Listen as we push our Chinese ability to the limit for your listening and learning pleasure (great comprehensible input). 我们是两位特别热爱学中文的好朋友。我们会透过天马行空对话来分享在台湾学中文的体验以及五花八门的人生话题。虽然我们的中文还有很大的进步空间,我们都很喜欢挑战。而且我们相信学语言需要锲而不舍的态度,所以本节目就当成我们学中文的操场和记录。中文好难哦! We love hearing from you!  Tom's IG:  Danyo's IG:  Youtube: Powered by Firstory Hosting
6/29/202247 minutes, 1 second
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Ep34 - Chatting with a listener, Oliver, about how he learned Chinese in Taiwan

Today Danyo chats with Oliver, a long time listener of our 中文好難, about why he came to Taiwan and how he learned his Chinese! Leave a comment and share your thoughts: If you enjoy our podcast please leave a quick review on your podcast app, us, it helps us a lot! 😁 Support us: Dan's Taiwan Mandarin phrasebook: Who are we:  Two friends who love learning Chinese and like to shoot the shit, all in Mandarin Chinese! We share our experiences learning Chinese, living in Taiwan, and everything else in between. Listen as we push our Chinese ability to the limit for your listening and learning pleasure (great comprehensible input). 我们是两位特别热爱学中文的好朋友。我们会透过天马行空对话来分享在台湾学中文的体验以及五花八门的人生话题。虽然我们的中文还有很大的进步空间,我们都很喜欢挑战。而且我们相信学语言需要锲而不舍的态度,所以本节目就当成我们学中文的操场和记录。中文好难哦! We love hearing from you!  Tom's IG:  Danyo's IG:  Youtube: Powered by Firstory Hosting
6/20/202242 minutes, 2 seconds
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Ep33 - How to study for Chinese tests? Q&A Part 2

We answer your questions in our first Q&A like how to study for Chinese tests and more! Leave a comment and share your thoughts: If you enjoy our podcast please leave a quick review on your podcast app, us, it helps us a lot! 😁 Support us & vocab lists: Danyo's Free Taiwanese Mandarin phrasebook: Who are we:  Two friends who love learning Chinese and like to shoot the shit, all in Mandarin Chinese! We share our experiences learning Chinese, living in Taiwan, and everything else in between. Listen as we push our Chinese ability to the limit for your listening and learning pleasure (great comprehensible input). 我们是两位特别热爱学中文的好朋友。我们会透过天马行空对话来分享在台湾学中文的体验以及五花八门的人生话题。虽然我们的中文还有很大的进步空间,我们都很喜欢挑战。而且我们相信学语言需要锲而不舍的态度,所以本节目就当成我们学中文的操场和记录。中文好难哦! We love hearing from you!  Tom's IG:  Danyo's IG:  Youtube: Powered by Firstory Hosting
6/13/202226 minutes, 54 seconds
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Ep32 - How did we meet in Taiwan? Q&A Part 1

We answer your questions in our first Q&A like how did we meet in Taiwan and more! Leave a comment and share your thoughts: If you enjoy our podcast please leave a quick review on your podcast app, us, it helps us a lot! 😁 Support us: Who are we:  Two friends who love learning Chinese and like to shoot the shit, all in Mandarin Chinese! We share our experiences learning Chinese, living in Taiwan, and everything else in between. Listen as we push our Chinese ability to the limit for your listening and learning pleasure (great comprehensible input). 我们是两位特别热爱学中文的好朋友。我们会透过天马行空对话来分享在台湾学中文的体验以及五花八门的人生话题。虽然我们的中文还有很大的进步空间,我们都很喜欢挑战。而且我们相信学语言需要锲而不舍的态度,所以本节目就当成我们学中文的操场和记录。中文好难哦! We love hearing from you!  Tom's IG:  Danyo's IG:  Youtube: Powered by Firstory Hosting
6/6/202234 minutes, 53 seconds
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Ep31 - Tom shares a VERY scary ghost story in Chinese (No sleep tonight ⊙﹏⊙)

Who likes scary stories?? Today we tell several stories that will send shivers running down your spines including a famous Japanese urban legend featuring the tall and creepy 八尺大人。No sleep tonight ⊙﹏⊙ (stories are added below for you to follow along as we read :) 恐怖故事特集來啦!來聽聽日本都市傳說“八尺大人”。保證今晚你們睡不著!你們覺得故事可怕,還是Dan和Tom的笑話可怕? If you enjoy our podcast please leave a quick review on your podcast app, us, it helps us a lot! 😁 Leave a comment and share your thoughts: Support us: Who are we:  Two friends who love learning Chinese and like to shoot the shit, all in Mandarin Chinese! We share our experiences learning Chinese, living in Taiwan, and everything else in between. Listen as we push our Chinese ability to the limit for your listening and learning pleasure (great comprehensible input). 我们是两位特别热爱学中文的好朋友。我们会透过天马行空对话来分享在台湾学中文的体验以及五花八门的人生话题。虽然我们的中文还有很大的进步空间,我们都很喜欢挑战。而且我们相信学语言需要锲而不舍的态度,所以本节目就当成我们学中文的操场和记录。中文好难哦! We love hearing from you!  Tom's IG:  Danyo's IG:  Youtube: First story: 媽媽告訴我絕對絕對不能去地下室, 但是我想知道到底是誰在地下室製造聲響。 這聲音聽起來像小狗的聲音, 而我想要看那隻小狗,於是我打開地下室的門,躡手躡腳地走進去, 但是我沒有看到任何一隻看起來像小狗的東西...... 然而...我媽發現我到了地下室,拉我出去,對我大吼, 她從來沒有這樣大吼過,這讓我好難過... 之後媽媽又告訴我不要再去地下室了,然後給我一塊餅乾, 我的心情好一點了, 所以我沒有問她為什麼在地下室的男孩要製造像狗一樣的聲響, 或者為什麼他沒有腳沒有手...... Second story: 有個人在公司接到一個電話,對方只說了一句話:你家裡丟東西了。 這個人回家以後翻箱倒櫃,找了半天,身份證、銀行卡、手機、錢包……什麼都沒少。 他懷疑是有人惡作劇。 這天晚上,睡到半夜的時候,有個人在他耳邊陰森森的說了一句:你丟了一把鑰匙。 Third story: 【日本都市傳說】八尺大人 父親的老家距離我們家大約兩小時車程。 雖然只是一般農家,但我很喜歡那種優閒的感覺,到了高中可以騎機車後,常會在寒暑假的時候一個人跑去玩。 爺爺和奶奶也都很高興的迎接我的到來。 但是,最後一次去他們家是要升高三的時候,因為那次發生了非常難忘的事。   剛進入春假時刻,因為天氣很好,所以就騎著機車到了爺爺家去玩。 雖然天氣還是有點冷,但靠近房子中庭的走道因為日照的關係顯得有點溫暖,很舒服,所以我就優閒的坐在那裡曬太陽,然後突然聽到 「啵啵啵啵啵啵啵啵啵」似的奇怪的聲音,不是機械的聲音,比較像是人所發出的聲音。   正當我在想是什麼聲音的時候,看到外圍的牆上有個帽子。 並不是放在圍牆上本身。 而是帽子一直往前進,直到經過圍牆的一個裂縫。 看起來像是一位女性,原來那頂帽子是她戴的─那位女性穿著白色洋裝。   但是圍牆一共有兩公尺那麼高,要能從圍牆把頭露出來那女性身高到底是幾公分啊? 當我還在驚訝的時候,那位女性還是繼續移動直到離開了我的視線,帽子也不見了。 不知何時開始「啵啵啵」的聲音也不見了。 那個時候我只有想到可能是原本身高就高的女性穿了超厚底的靴子,要不然就是很高的男人扮成女裝吧。   之後在客廳和爺爺奶奶一邊喝茶,我就把剛發生的事情說給他們聽。 『我剛剛看到一個很巨大的女性,該不會是男扮女裝的吧~』 他們聽了也只有喔~這樣喔的反應。 『比圍牆還要高呢!戴著帽子還發出啵啵啵的怪聲音。』 話說一完,他們倆馬上停下動作,就愣在那裡。   然後爺爺好像很生氣就連續問了,『什麼時候看到?』『在哪裡看到?』『比圍牆高了多少?』的問題。被爺爺這麼一嚇,我也是照實的回答,然後爺爺突然沉默下來,往走廊旁的電話走去,不知道打了電話到哪裡。因為有屏風擋著,所以我聽不到他說了些什麼,奶奶則是失神般的在一旁發抖。   爺爺應該是打完了電話,回到了客廳後就說 『今晚你就住這吧。不,應該說現在變成沒有辦法讓你回家了。』 我拼命的回想該不會是我做了什麼不應該做的事吧?但是實在沒有頭緒,那個女性也不是我自己跑去看,而是她自己從那裡出現的。   接著爺爺就對奶奶說『接下來拜託了,我去接K婆婆過來』就開著小貨車出去了。 我很惶恐的問了奶奶,奶奶用顫抖的聲音回說:『你被八尺大人給迷惑了。爺爺會幫你的,不需要擔心。』 然後奶奶就在爺爺回來之前,慢慢的把事情告訴了我。   這一帶有著稱為『八尺大人』棘手的存在。(以下簡稱八尺) 八尺會以碩大的女性姿態出現。身高就像祂名字一樣高,並且會發出「啵啵啵」似的男性笑聲。每個人看到的可能不太一樣,但共通點是身高很高的女性,頭上戴著東西,還有那個令人不悅的笑聲。 被八尺迷惑的話,會在幾天內遭受殺害。 最後一次發生八尺殺人的事件大約是在15年前。   這時,爺爺帶著一位老婆婆回來了。 『發生了不得了的事了呢,現在先拿著這個。』 K婆婆給了我一個符咒。 然後她和爺爺一起上了2樓,好像在做什麼事情。 奶奶也和我在一起,連上廁所的時候也會跟來,還不讓我把廁所的門完全的關上。 到了這地步我才感受到事情好像真的很嚴重。   過了一陣子後我被要求上到2樓的第一間房間內。 房內的窗戶全被報紙蓋住,報紙上面還貼上了符咒,在四個角落放了大把鹽巴。 然後在一個木箱上面放了一個小小的佛像。 之後不知道從哪裡拿出兩個尿壺,要我用這個當馬桶。   「就快要天黑了,聽好了,到明天早上以前不可以離開這裡。我和奶奶既不會叫你也不會和你說話。就這樣吧,到明天早上七點以前絕對不要離開這個房間。到了七點後由你主動出來。」 爺爺很認真的跟我說了,除了點頭我也不能做什麼。 『要好好的照著剛剛說得去做,符咒不要離開身邊,要是發生了什麼事就向佛像祈禱。』 K婆婆也這樣的對我說。   雖然他們說看電視也沒有關係所以我打開了電視,不過由於不安所以根本沒看進去。 要關門之前奶奶給了我一些飯糰還有零食,但卻一點也沒有想吃的慾望,只能用棉被緊緊的包住自己並且在裡面不斷的發抖。 在這樣的狀態下不知道過了多久,不知不覺就睡著了,醒來的時候電視上正在播某個深夜節目,看了一下自己的手錶,已經是凌晨一點多。   正當我想說怎麼會在這種時間醒來的時候,窗戶傳來了敲打玻璃的聲音。 不是像小碎石碰撞的聲音,而像是用手輕輕敲的聲音。 雖然沒辦法判斷到底是風所造成的聲音還是真的有人在窗外敲打,不過還是努力的說服自己是風所造成的而已。 為了讓自己安心,我喝了一口茶,但還是覺得害怕,就把電視的音量調大,強迫自己看電視。   在這時候,聽到了爺爺的聲音。 『喂~~還好吧?怕的話不用撐也沒關係』 我忍不住靠近了門邊,但馬上想起了爺爺的話。(今晚不會有人來叫你或跟你說話) 然後聲音又說了:『怎麼了?可以來這邊沒關係呀』 雖然很像是爺爺的聲音,但並不是爺爺,雖然我不知道為什麼,但就是有這種感覺,正當我這麼想的同時,全身冒出了雞皮疙瘩,眼光不經意的看到一旁的鹽巴,頂端的部分變成了黑色。   立馬衝到佛像前面坐著,緊握著符咒,開始拼命的祈禱『請救救我 請救救我,拜託救救我 』。   就在這時,   『啵啵,啵,啵,啵啵』   聽到了那個聲音,窗戶玻璃也發出了咚咚咚的聲音 雖然我知道祂應該不至於高到這種地步,但還是不禁地想像祂是從一樓伸手敲打二樓窗戶的畫面。 可以做的事只有向佛像祈禱了。   感覺渡過了一個很漫長的夜晚,即使如此,早晨還是會來臨,沒關掉的電視已經在播放早上的新聞,畫面旁顯示著7點30分。 敲打玻璃聲還有那個啵啵啵的聲音都不知道何時停止了。 也許是睡著了,也或許是嚇昏了也說不定。 房內的鹽巴全都變成了黑色。   為了小心起見,我還是對了一下手錶,確認時間和電視上一致後,才慢慢打開了房門,房門外站著奶奶和K婆婆,奶奶一邊說著真是太好了、太好了一邊流著眼淚。 到了一樓後,爸爸也來了。 爺爺從外面探頭進來說『快點上車』接著到了房外,不知道從哪來了一台休旅車,旁邊還站著好幾位男性。 休旅車是九人座的,我被要求坐在正中央,K婆則是坐在副駕駛座,在一旁的男性們也都上了車,一共坐進了九個人,似乎形成把我從八個方向包圍住的狀態。   『真是辛苦你了呢,雖然你可能會在意,但從現在開始請把眼睛閉上頭低著,雖然我們什麼也看不到,但你有可能會看見吧,在說好之前請忍耐不要張開眼睛。』 坐在我右邊的50歲左右的歐吉桑這樣說道。   然後,由爺爺駕駛的小貨車帶頭,再來是我所坐的休旅車,最後是爸爸所開的小客車。 車隊以很緩慢的速度前進,可能連時速20公里都不到。 過了一段時間後K婆低語說『現在開始是重要的時刻』接著開始像是唸經。   『啵啵,啵,啵,啵啵』   又開始聽到了那個聲音。 緊握著符咒,原本照著指示閉著眼睛低著頭,但不知怎樣的,瞇起的眼睛不小心看到了外面。   看到的是像是白色洋裝,跟著車子移動著。 用著大跨步跟著嗎?頭在車窗以上所以看不到。 但好像是準備窺視車內,開始有了準備低頭的動作。 這時我不禁倒抽了一口氣,旁邊的人對我說『不要看!』 我緊緊地閉上雙眼   「叩叩,叩叩」 窗戶開始傳出敲打的聲音。   一旁的人也陸續發出了驚慌的聲音。 即使他們看不到八尺,聽不到祂發出的聲音,但多多少少能感覺到他吧? K婆加大了唸經的聲音。   終於,當我不再聽到外面的聲音的時候,K婆說了一句『成功躲過了』。   最後車子停在比較寬的路上,我去坐在爸爸的車內。 當爸爸和爺爺在對各位男性道謝的時候,K婆走過來說『符咒給我看看』。 看了還是緊握在手中的符咒,已經完全變成黑色了。 K婆說『雖然我想應該是已經沒問題了,但為了慎重起見,這個還是帶在身邊一段時間』就給了我一張新的符咒。   之後就和爸爸兩個人回到了家裡,機車是由爺爺和鄰居們幫我送回來的。 爸爸好像也知道八尺的事,也跟我說他小時候有個朋友就是因此喪命的,也知道還有其他人也是因為被迷惑而搬到了外地。   爸爸也再次交待我千萬不要再到爺爺家去。   據說八尺的對象大多是青少年或是小孩子,因為年輕人比較容易陷入惶恐不安的狀態,他們聽到親人的聲音,也很容易失去戒心。 爺爺過世的時候我也無法去參加喪禮,這件事讓我特別難過又自責。奶奶不久後也跟著他走。 過了十年之後,我回想時,這些回憶都變得非常模糊。   我甚至開始說服自己那一切只不過是迷信罷了,哪有那種事,明明只是大家對我的惡作劇而已。更何況小孩的想像力特別豐富,很容易受騙。 於是我去爺爺家附近的公墓,花了一點時間後就找到爺爺和奶奶的墳墓了。我在墳墓前面鬆了一口氣,然後對他們說:(爺爺,奶奶..我終於來了..我終於可以好好地跟你們說再見)。我開始大哭。 就在那個時候我聽到我背後傳來非常熟悉的聲音:『啵啵啵』 Powered by Firstory Hosting
5/30/202254 minutes, 27 seconds
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Ep30 - Is this BEST sport you've never heard of? Chatting with founders of Sunrise Roundnet Club (Ming & Ace)

Today we chat with two new friends (Ming & Ace) about Roundnet/spikeball culture in Taiwan and starting a new club in Taichung. Tom is not here this episode :(, every go say hi to him and tell him to come back! Follow Sunrise Roundnet Club: If you enjoy our podcast please leave a quick review on your podcast app, us, it helps us a lot! 😁 Support us & vocab lists: Who are we:  Two friends who love learning Chinese and like to shoot the shit, all in Mandarin Chinese! We share our experiences learning Chinese, living in Taiwan, and everything else in between. Listen as we push our Chinese ability to the limit for your listening and learning pleasure (great comprehensible input). 我们是两位特别热爱学中文的好朋友。我们会透过天马行空对话来分享在台湾学中文的体验以及五花八门的人生话题。虽然我们的中文还有很大的进步空间,我们都很喜欢挑战。而且我们相信学语言需要锲而不舍的态度,所以本节目就当成我们学中文的操场和记录。中文好难哦! We love hearing from you!  Tom's IG:  Danyo's IG:  Youtube: Powered by Firstory Hosting
5/23/202237 minutes, 29 seconds
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Ep29 - Keren 老師 shares about first dates and relationships

In this episode we talk language and love with Teacher Keren! What's the best way to learn Chinese? Who should buy dinner on a date? Listen and find out! 這集我們邀請大名鼎鼎的可人老師跟我們聊語言以及愛情!學中文哪個比較重要:輸入 (input) 或輸出 (output)? 兩個人約會誰應該買單?來聽聽我們的看法!  Get in touch with Keren 老師: Instagram: website: YT: If you like our podcast please leave a rating or review on whichever app you use to listen to us, it helps us a lot! 😁 Leave a comment: Support us & vocab lists: Who are we: Two friends who love learning Chinese and like to shoot the shit, all in Mandarin Chinese! We share our experiences learning Chinese, living in Taiwan, and everything else in between. Listen as we push our Chinese ability to the limit for your listening and learning pleasure (great comprehensible input). 我们是两位特别热爱学中文的好朋友。我们会透过天马行空对话来分享在台湾学中文的体验以及五花八门的人生话题。虽然我们的中文还有很大的进步空间,我们都很喜欢挑战。而且我们相信学语言需要锲而不舍的态度,所以本节目就当成我们学中文的操场和记录。中文好难哦! We love hearing from you!  Tom's IG:  Danyo's IG:  Danyo's Taiwanese Mandarin phrasebook: Youtube: Powered by Firstory Hosting
5/15/20221 hour, 13 minutes, 39 seconds
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Ep28 - why we love travel (+ recent 蘭嶼 trip)

In this episode Danyo talks about his trip to beautiful Orchid Island and we discuss our love of travel. 在蘭嶼可以玩什麼?我們對旅行的看法是什麼?我們很久沒有錄節目,中文有沒有退步?想知道答案的話,趕快來聽聽這集! Who are we: Two friends who love learning Chinese and like to shoot the shit, all in Mandarin Chinese! We share our experiences learning Chinese, living in Taiwan, and everything else in between. Listen as we push our Chinese ability to the limit for your listening and learning pleasure (great comprehensible input). 我们是两位特别热爱学中文的好朋友。我们会透过天马行空对话来分享在台湾学中文的体验以及五花八门的人生话题。虽然我们的中文还有很大的进步空间,我们都很喜欢挑战。而且我们相信学语言需要锲而不舍的态度,所以本节目就当成我们学中文的操场和记录。中文好难哦! If you like our podcast please leave a rating or review on whichever app you use to listen to us, it helps us a lot! 😁 Leave a comment and share your thoughts: Support us & vocab lists: We love hearing from you!  Tom's IG:  Dan's IG:  Youtube: Powered by Firstory Hosting
5/10/20221 hour, 6 minutes, 43 seconds
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Ep27 - Short story time in Chinese (The Egg)

Story time! In this episode Dan reads Andy Weir's short and thought-provoking story "The Egg" and we discuss the story in depth. What is the meaning of life??? (・o・) 這集我們來聽聽一個非常精彩的短篇故事叫“蛋”。人生的意義到底是什麼??  If you like our podcast please leave a rating or review on whichever app you use to listen to us, it helps us a lot! 😁 Support us & vocab lists: Who are we: Two friends who love learning Chinese and like to shoot the shit, all in Mandarin Chinese! We share our experiences learning Chinese, living in Taiwan, and everything else in between. Listen as we push our Chinese ability to the limit for your listening and learning pleasure (great comprehensible input). 我们是两位特别热爱学中文的好朋友。我们会透过天马行空对话来分享在台湾学中文的体验以及五花八门的人生话题。虽然我们的中文还有很大的进步空间,我们都很喜欢挑战。而且我们相信学语言需要锲而不舍的态度,所以本节目就当成我们学中文的操场和记录。中文好难哦!  We love hearing from you! Tom's IG: Dan's IG: Youtube: --- Send in a voice message: Powered by Firstory Hosting
5/2/20221 hour, 11 minutes, 21 seconds
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Ep26 - chat about growing up in China vs Canada (with Dan's childhood friend SuMing)

In this episode we chat with my childhood friend, SuMing, about growing up in China and immigrating to Canada and learning a new language and culture! You wont want to miss this one! Who are we: Two friends who love learning Chinese and like to shoot the shit, all in Mandarin Chinese! We share our experiences learning Chinese, living in Taiwan, and everything else in between. Listen as we push our Chinese ability to the limit for your listening and learning pleasure (great comprehensible input). 我们是两位特别热爱学中文的好朋友。我们会透过天马行空对话来分享在台湾学中文的体验以及五花八门的人生话题。虽然我们的中文还有很大的进步空间,我们都很喜欢挑战。而且我们相信学语言需要锲而不舍的态度,所以本节目就当成我们学中文的操场和记录。中文好难哦! We love hearing from you! Tom's IG: Dan's IG: Youtube: --- Send in a voice message: Powered by Firstory Hosting
4/25/20221 hour, 6 minutes, 26 seconds
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Ep25 - chat about living abroad, culture shock, and love with Ben 老師

In this episode we talk to the world-traveling, Chinese-teaching, heart-breakingly handsome Ben from Chinese with Ben! 這集我們邀請鼎鼎大名的奔老師跟我們聊他在西班牙和美國的精彩經驗,理想的生活方式,還有愛情! Teacher Ben's Youtube channel: Ben's Instagram: Who are we: Two friends who love learning Chinese and like to shoot the shit, all in Mandarin Chinese! We share our experiences learning Chinese, living in Taiwan, and everything else in between. Listen as we push our Chinese ability to the limit for your listening and learning pleasure (great comprehensible input). 我们是两位特别热爱学中文的好朋友。我们会透过天马行空对话来分享在台湾学中文的体验以及五花八门的人生话题。虽然我们的中文还有很大的进步空间,我们都很喜欢挑战。而且我们相信学语言需要锲而不舍的态度,所以本节目就当成我们学中文的操场和记录。中文好难哦! We love hearing from you! Tom's IG: Dan's IG: Youtube: --- Send in a voice message: Powered by Firstory Hosting
4/18/20221 hour, 15 minutes, 54 seconds
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Ep24 - Filler words...good or bad?

In this episode we talk about "就是" which both learners and native speakers tend to constantly say- is it an overused crutch word or an important part of expression? Listen to find out our point of view! 我們今天就是要分析“就是”這兩個字,我們就是想討論大家就是會不會太常講“就是”,如果你們好奇我們的看法如何,那,就是,非常歡迎各位來聽一聽 Who are we: Two friends who love learning Chinese and like to shoot the shit, all in Mandarin Chinese! We share our experiences learning Chinese, living in Taiwan, and everything else in between. Listen as we push our Chinese ability to the limit for your listening and learning pleasure (great comprehensible input). 我们是两位特别热爱学中文的好朋友。我们会透过天马行空对话来分享在台湾学中文的体验以及五花八门的人生话题。虽然我们的中文还有很大的进步空间,我们都很喜欢挑战。而且我们相信学语言需要锲而不舍的态度,所以本节目就当成我们学中文的操场和记录。中文好难哦! We love hearing from you! Tom's IG: Dan's IG: Youtube: Episode analytics --- Send in a voice message: Powered by Firstory Hosting
4/12/202238 minutes, 28 seconds
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Ep23 - learning Chinese vs English & chat about veganism (special guest 志偉)

In this episode we talk with our friend 志偉 who is an avid language learner, new father, and passionate vegan! 這集我們跟好朋友志偉討論很多有趣的議題:學語言,當父親的心得,還有veganism! 志偉's youtube channel: Who are we: Two friends who love learning Chinese and like to shoot the shit, all in Mandarin Chinese! We share our experiences learning Chinese, living in Taiwan, and everything else in between. Listen as we push our Chinese ability to the limit for your listening and learning pleasure (great comprehensible input). 我们是两位特别热爱学中文的好朋友。我们会透过天马行空对话来分享在台湾学中文的体验以及五花八门的人生话题。虽然我们的中文还有很大的进步空间,我们都很喜欢挑战。而且我们相信学语言需要锲而不舍的态度,所以本节目就当成我们学中文的操场和记录。中文好难哦! We love hearing from you! Tom's IG: Dan's IG: Youtube: Episode analytics --- Send in a voice message: Powered by Firstory Hosting
4/2/20221 hour, 23 minutes, 58 seconds
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Ep22 - again...we try a ridiculously effective game to learn Chinese

In this episode we take some new Chinese vocab and phrases out for a test drive! How do you say "practice makes perfect" in Chinese? Listen and find out! 這集我們又來練習一些最近學到的中文詞彙!想知道我們的例句有多白目嗎?來聽聽看吧!我們相信大家聽完之後會覺得“耳目一新”! Who are we: Two friends who love learning Chinese and like to shoot the shit, all in Mandarin Chinese! We share our experiences learning Chinese, living in Taiwan, and everything else in between. Listen as we push our Chinese ability to the limit for your listening and learning pleasure (great comprehensible input). 我们是两位特别热爱学中文的好朋友。我们会透过天马行空对话来分享在台湾学中文的体验以及五花八门的人生话题。虽然我们的中文还有很大的进步空间,我们都很喜欢挑战。而且我们相信学语言需要锲而不舍的态度,所以本节目就当成我们学中文的操场和记录。中文好难哦! We love hearing from you! Tom's IG: Dan's IG: Youtube: --- Send in a voice message: Powered by Firstory Hosting
3/26/202250 minutes, 57 seconds
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Ep21 - trying a ridiculously effective game to learn Chinese

In this episode we play a ridiculous yet effective learning game- trying to say as many designated vocabulary expressions as possible throughout our conversation! Who will be the big winner??? Listen and find out :D 這集我們做個荒謬又有效的學習實驗:在我們聊天的過程當中看看誰可以講今天的詞彙最多遍!還有,誰最頑皮?我們只能說:江山易改,本性難移! Who are we: Two friends who love learning Chinese and like to shoot the shit, all in Mandarin Chinese! We share our experiences learning Chinese, living in Taiwan, and everything else in between. Listen as we push our Chinese ability to the limit for your listening and learning pleasure (great comprehensible input). 我们是两位特别热爱学中文的好朋友。我们会透过天马行空对话来分享在台湾学中文的体验以及五花八门的人生话题。虽然我们的中文还有很大的进步空间,我们都很喜欢挑战。而且我们相信学语言需要锲而不舍的态度,所以本节目就当成我们学中文的操场和记录。中文好难哦! We love hearing from you! Tom's IG: Dan's IG: Youtube: --- Send in a voice message: Powered by Firstory Hosting
3/18/20221 hour, 8 minutes, 39 seconds
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Ep20 - chatting with polyglot from Hong Kong who speaks 6 languages - Ms Lin

Today we chat with a polyglot from Hong Kong who speaks 6 languages - Ms Lin!!! Learn Mandarin and Cantonese with@Ms Lin Chinese  : website: IG: YT: FB: Who are we: Two friends who love learning Chinese and like to shoot the shit, all in Mandarin Chinese! We share our experiences learning Chinese, living in Taiwan, and everything else in between. Listen as we push our Chinese ability to the limit for your listening and learning pleasure (great comprehensible input). 我们是两位特别热爱学中文的好朋友。我们会透过天马行空对话来分享在台湾学中文的体验以及五花八门的人生话题。虽然我们的中文还有很大的进步空间,我们都很喜欢挑战。而且我们相信学语言需要锲而不舍的态度,所以本节目就当成我们学中文的操场和记录。中文好难哦! We love hearing from you! Tom's IG: Dan's IG: Youtube: --- Send in a voice message: Powered by Firstory Hosting
3/12/20221 hour, 7 minutes, 42 seconds
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Ep19 - life has no meaning?

In this episode we talk about mortality and finding meaning in life. Sounds cheerful doesn't it? w(°o°)w 這集我們討論一些比較沉重的話題,像人生的意義,死亡,還有台灣的夜市(好啦,最後一個沒那麼沉重) Who are we: Two friends who love learning Chinese and like to shoot the shit, all in Mandarin Chinese! We share our experiences learning Chinese, living in Taiwan, and everything else in between. Listen as we push our Chinese ability to the limit for your listening and learning pleasure (great comprehensible input). 我们是两位特别热爱学中文的好朋友。我们会透过天马行空对话来分享在台湾学中文的体验以及五花八门的人生话题。虽然我们的中文还有很大的进步空间,我们都很喜欢挑战。而且我们相信学语言需要锲而不舍的态度,所以本节目就当成我们学中文的操场和记录。中文好难哦! We love hearing from you! Tom's IG: Dan's IG: Youtube: --- Send in a voice message: Powered by Firstory Hosting
3/5/20221 hour, 54 seconds
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Ep18 - discussing money problems in Chinese

In this episode we discuss headaches and personal finance (no connection between the two ¯\_(ツ)_/¯) 這集Tom抱怨他頭很痛,為什麼Dan要逼Tom錄節目呢 ಥ‿ಥ 還有,我們討論個人經濟相關的議題...錢到底多重要??? Who are we: Two friends who love learning Chinese and like to shoot the shit, all in Mandarin Chinese! We share our experiences learning Chinese, living in Taiwan, and everything else in between. Listen as we push our Chinese ability to the limit for your listening and learning pleasure (great comprehensible input). 我们是两位特别热爱学中文的好朋友。我们会透过天马行空对话来分享在台湾学中文的体验以及五花八门的人生话题。虽然我们的中文还有很大的进步空间,我们都很喜欢挑战。而且我们相信学语言需要锲而不舍的态度,所以本节目就当成我们学中文的操场和记录。中文好难哦! We love hearing from you! Tom's IG: Dan's IG: Youtube: --- Send in a voice message: Powered by Firstory Hosting
2/25/20221 hour, 13 minutes, 32 seconds
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Ep17 - Learning a new language in a foreign country with our Taiwanese friend Summer!

In this episode we chat with our good friend Summer from Taiwan who has recently moved to England about adjusting to life in a foreign country and the struggles of language learning! Learn Chinese with Summer: 我的網址,可是平台會抽佣金XD 這集我們跟台灣朋友Summer聊她在英國生活的經驗,還有在“人生地不熟”的國家怎麼克服語言和文化相關的困難。 Who are we: Two friends who love learning Chinese and like to shoot the shit, all in Mandarin Chinese! We share our experiences learning Chinese, living in Taiwan, and everything else in between. Listen as we push our Chinese ability to the limit for your listening and learning pleasure (great comprehensible input). 我们是两位特别热爱学中文的好朋友。我们会透过天马行空对话来分享在台湾学中文的体验以及五花八门的人生话题。虽然我们的中文还有很大的进步空间,我们都很喜欢挑战。而且我们相信学语言需要锲而不舍的态度,所以本节目就当成我们学中文的操场和记录。中文好难哦! We love hearing from you! Tom's IG: Dan's IG: Youtube: --- Send in a voice message: Powered by Firstory Hosting
2/18/202236 minutes, 4 seconds
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Ep16 - Our favorite tiger related expressions in Chinese (Lunar New Year special!!)

In this episode we celebrate Lunar New Year and discuss our favorite expressions related to tigers! Do you know what "tiger back bear waist" means? How about "crouching tiger hidden dragon"? 這集我們討論農曆新年,還有分享我們最喜歡的“虎相關”的詞語! Who are we: Two friends who love learning Chinese and like to shoot the shit, all in Mandarin Chinese! We share our experiences learning Chinese, living in Taiwan, and everything else in between. Listen as we push our Chinese ability to the limit for your listening and learning pleasure (great comprehensible input). 我们是两位特别热爱学中文的好朋友。我们会透过天马行空对话来分享在台湾学中文的体验以及五花八门的人生话题。虽然我们的中文还有很大的进步空间,我们都很喜欢挑战。而且我们相信学语言需要锲而不舍的态度,所以本节目就当成我们学中文的操场和记录。中文好难哦! We love hearing from you! Tom's IG: Dan's IG: Youtube: Episode analytics --- Send in a voice message: Powered by Firstory Hosting
2/12/202249 minutes, 33 seconds
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Ep15 - Chinese teacher Richard on changing the world through teaching Chinese, giving back, love and more!

In this episode we chat with our friend and legendary Chinese teacher Richard! You definitely don't want to miss this episode as we go deep into Richard's background story, motivations and life philosophy. It's a story worthy of a Hollywood movie! 這集大名鼎鼎的理查老師來分享他的背後故事,他當中文老師YouTuber的初衷,還有他的人生哲學!他的故事讓Dan和Tom感動到無話可說!我們期待以後看到理查老師的人生被拍成電影! 我们是两位在认识的,爱讲中文的歪果人!我们打算透过本节目聊关于台湾,中文以及人生的话题。我们两位也希望可以透过本节目继续练习中文。虽然我们的中文还不算很厉害,我们都很喜欢挑战,也相信学语言需要锲而不舍的态度,所以本节目也会当我们学中文的记录。中文好难!  Richard's channels: We love hearing from you! Tom's IG: Dan's IG: Youtube: Video of interview: Who are we: Two friends who love learning Chinese and like to shoot the shit, all in Mandarin Chinese! We share our experiences learning Chinese, living in Taiwan, and everything else in between. Listen as we push our Chinese ability to the limit for your listening and learning pleasure (great comprehensible input). 我们是两位特别热爱学中文的好朋友。我们会透过天马行空对话来分享在台湾学中文的体验以及五花八门的人生话题。虽然我们的中文还有很大的进步空间,我们都很喜欢挑战。而且我们相信学语言需要锲而不舍的态度,所以本节目就当成我们学中文的操场和记录。中文好难哦! We love hearing from you! Tom's IG: Dan's IG: Youtube: --- Send in a voice message: Powered by Firstory Hosting
2/4/20221 hour, 10 minutes, 28 seconds
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Ep14 - Testing our English to Chinese translation + Danyo confesses love to Teacher Richard

In this episode we try to test each other's language ability and share useful Chinese expression via a translation activity. How do you say "to let the cat out of the bag" in Chinese? How about "to be out of touch with the times"? Listen to find out! 這集我們玩一個英翻中遊戲!用中文To have a hidden agenda到底要怎麼講??來聽聽吧!中文真的好難.. Who are we: Two friends who love learning Chinese and like to shoot the shit, all in Mandarin Chinese! We share our experiences learning Chinese, living in Taiwan, and everything else in between. Listen as we push our Chinese ability to the limit for your listening and learning pleasure (great comprehensible input). 我们是两位特别热爱学中文的好朋友。我们会透过天马行空对话来分享在台湾学中文的体验以及五花八门的人生话题。虽然我们的中文还有很大的进步空间,我们都很喜欢挑战。而且我们相信学语言需要锲而不舍的态度,所以本节目就当成我们学中文的操场和记录。中文好难哦! We love hearing from you! Tom's IG: Dan's IG: Youtube: --- Send in a voice message: Powered by Firstory Hosting
1/27/202249 minutes, 11 seconds
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Ep13 - Sharing our favorite Chinese idioms!! How important is learning idioms?

Idiom time! In this episode we discuss several Chinese idioms (成語) we really like including 天方夜譚,雪中送炭,細水長流,井底之蛙 and more! 大家喜歡成語吧?這集我們各自介紹幾個特愛的成語!跟好朋友一起討論成語真的是錦上添花(如果我們亂用成語的話,請見諒喔!) Who are we: Two friends who love learning Chinese and like to shoot the shit, all in Mandarin Chinese! We share our experiences learning Chinese, living in Taiwan, and everything else in between. Listen as we push our Chinese ability to the limit for your listening and learning pleasure (great comprehensible input). 我们是两位特别热爱学中文的好朋友。我们会透过天马行空对话来分享在台湾学中文的体验以及五花八门的人生话题。虽然我们的中文还有很大的进步空间,我们都很喜欢挑战。而且我们相信学语言需要锲而不舍的态度,所以本节目就当成我们学中文的操场和记录。中文好难哦! We love hearing from you! Tom's IG: Dan's IG: Youtube: --- Send in a voice message: Powered by Firstory Hosting
1/21/20221 hour, 19 minutes, 28 seconds
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Ep12 - Feeling nervous speaking Chinese + our first Chinese livestream with legendary Teachers Richard and Ben + Tom's rap career

In this episode we discuss recent live streams with our favorite Chinese teachers, Dan's minimalistic camping techniques and Tom's rap career. 這集我們討論最近跟中文老師們開的直播,Dan的露營方式,還有Tom的饒舌歌。 Who are we: Two friends who love learning Chinese and like to shoot the shit, all in Mandarin Chinese! We share our experiences learning Chinese, living in Taiwan, and everything else in between. Listen as we push our Chinese ability to the limit for your listening and learning pleasure (great comprehensible input). 我们是两位特别热爱学中文的好朋友。我们会透过天马行空对话来分享在台湾学中文的体验以及五花八门的人生话题。虽然我们的中文还有很大的进步空间,我们都很喜欢挑战。而且我们相信学语言需要锲而不舍的态度,所以本节目就当成我们学中文的操场和记录。中文好难哦! We love hearing from you! Youtube: Tom's IG: Dan's IG: --- Send in a voice message: Powered by Firstory Hosting
1/14/20221 hour, 3 minutes, 29 seconds
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Ep11 - Mental health + learning Chinese new years resolutions

In this episode we discuss our New Year's Resolutions, mental health, Tom's sexy voice and more!   這集我們聊:新年新希望,Tom的聲音正常嗎?,還有憂鬱症。 Who are we: Two friends who love learning Chinese and like to shoot the shit, all in Mandarin Chinese! We share our experiences learning Chinese, living in Taiwan, and everything else in between. Listen as we push our Chinese ability to the limit for your listening and learning pleasure (great comprehensible input). 我们是两位特别热爱学中文的好朋友。我们会透过天马行空对话来分享在台湾学中文的体验以及五花八门的人生话题。虽然我们的中文还有很大的进步空间,我们都很喜欢挑战。而且我们相信学语言需要锲而不舍的态度,所以本节目就当成我们学中文的操场和记录。中文好难哦! We love hearing from you! Youtube: Tom's IG: Dan's IG: --- Send in a voice message: Powered by Firstory Hosting
1/7/202257 minutes, 47 seconds
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Ep10 - Christmas special + celebration differences in US vs Canada vs Taiwan!?

Merry Christmas! In this episode, we discuss our Christmas traditions growing up and how we're planning to celebrate this year.   祝大家聖誕節快樂!這集我們討論所有聖誕節相關的話題。你們熟悉美國以及加拿大聖誕節的傳統和文化嗎? Who are we: Two friends who love learning Chinese and like to shoot the shit, all in Mandarin Chinese! We share our experiences learning Chinese, living in Taiwan, and everything else in between. Listen as we push our Chinese ability to the limit for your listening and learning pleasure (great comprehensible input).  我们是两位特别热爱学中文的好朋友。我们会透过天马行空对话来分享在台湾学中文的体验以及五花八门的人生话题。虽然我们的中文还有很大的进步空间,我们都很喜欢挑战。而且我们相信学语言需要锲而不舍的态度,所以本节目就当成我们学中文的操场和记录。中文好难哦! We love to hear from you!  Tom's IG:  Dan's IG:  Youtube: --- Send in a voice message: Powered by Firstory Hosting
12/30/202139 minutes, 5 seconds
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Ep9 - Tom's new favourite Chinese learning app & how to travel to Taiwan to learn Chinese (+ our first listener message!!)

In this episode Tom shares his new favorite Chinese learning app, we introduce a phrase 漸行漸遠 which means to grow farther and farther apart, and from there somehow segue into a passionate discussion about how our brains work and lifestyle choices. All in Chinese!   PS. Thanks to Laura for leaving such an awesome first audio message for us.  Feel free to also leave your own audio messages and we'll feature it in future episodes!!! 這集Daniel介紹他最近學到的成語,然後我們討論我們的大腦奇妙之處,最後Tom分享他賺錢的方法(不用上大學??)。 Who are we: Two friends who love learning Chinese and like to shoot the shit, all in Mandarin Chinese! We share our experiences learning Chinese, living in Taiwan, and everything else in between. Listen as we push our Chinese ability to the limit for your listening and learning pleasure (great comprehensible input). 我们是两位特别热爱学中文的好朋友。我们会透过天马行空对话来分享在台湾学中文的体验以及五花八门的人生话题。虽然我们的中文还有很大的进步空间,我们都很喜欢挑战。而且我们相信学语言需要锲而不舍的态度,所以本节目就当成我们学中文的操场和记录。中文好难哦! We love to hear from you! Tom's IG: Dan's IG: Youtube: --- Send in a voice message: Powered by Firstory Hosting
12/23/20211 hour, 11 minutes, 59 seconds
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Ep8 - 囧男如何在台灣學中文?Popular Korean Youtuber 囧男 shares how he learned Chinese in Taiwan!

In this episode Korean YouTuber Gyeong Nam shares his adventures living in Taiwan, learning Chinese, and being a full-time YouTuber! Bonus: What Taiwanese snack does he miss the most?? Have a listen to find out!  這集我們邀請韓國YouTuber囧男來分享他在台灣徒步環島的特別經驗,學中文的過程,還有當YouTuber的好跟壞。彩蛋:他最想念的台灣食物居然是 __?? If you enjoy our podcast please leave a quick review on your podcast app, us, it helps us a lot! 😁 Support us & vocab lists: Who are we: Two friends who love learning Chinese and like to shoot the shit, all in Mandarin Chinese! We share our experiences learning Chinese, living in Taiwan, and everything else in between. Listen as we push our Chinese ability to the limit for your listening and learning pleasure (great comprehensible input). 我们是两位特别热爱学中文的好朋友。我们会透过天马行空对话来分享在台湾学中文的体验以及五花八门的人生话题。虽然我们的中文还有很大的进步空间,我们都很喜欢挑战。而且我们相信学语言需要锲而不舍的态度,所以本节目就当成我们学中文的操场和记录。中文好难哦! We love to hear from you! Youtube: Tom's IG: Dan's IG: --- Send in a voice message: Powered by Firstory Hosting
12/17/20211 hour, 3 minutes, 9 seconds
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Ep7 - Not understanding native speakers + Listener feedback!

今天我們討論一件讓我們都很感動的事情(要聽才知道是什麼嘻嘻),以後上電視節目的目標,我們的節目有哪些意義(如果有的話嘻嘻),還有怎麼面對自己聽不懂的時候。   In today's episode we talk about some recent feedback we've gotten, what value our podcast potentially has and how to deal with not understanding what people are saying to you in conversation. Who are we: Two friends who love learning Chinese and like to shoot the shit, all in Mandarin Chinese! We share our experiences learning Chinese, living in Taiwan, and everything else in between. Listen as we push our Chinese ability to the limit for your listening and learning pleasure (great comprehensible input). 我们是两位特别热爱学中文的好朋友。我们会透过天马行空对话来分享在台湾学中文的体验以及五花八门的人生话题。虽然我们的中文还有很大的进步空间,我们都很喜欢挑战。而且我们相信学语言需要锲而不舍的态度,所以本节目就当成我们学中文的操场和记录。中文好难哦! We love to hear from you! Youtube: Tom's IG: Dan's IG: --- Send in a voice message: Powered by Firstory Hosting
12/8/202140 minutes, 8 seconds
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Ep6 - Speaking with native speakers & our first impressions of each other + special guest Vincent!

It's our honor to welcome our very first guest Vincent Tsai to the show who is a native of Hualien and our very dear friend. We discuss how we all met and our first impressions of each other. Listen to see if we can keep up with a native speaker!   Vincent來了!我們這集很榮幸邀請我們的花蓮好友Vincent上節目,很開心他可以當我們的第一位來賓! 我們聊我們當初都是怎麼認識的,還有對彼此的第一印象是什麼。 Who are we: Two friends who love learning Chinese and like to shoot the shit, all in Mandarin Chinese! We share our experiences learning Chinese, living in Taiwan, and everything else in between. Listen as we push our Chinese ability to the limit for your listening and learning pleasure (great comprehensible input). 我们是两位特别热爱学中文的好朋友。我们会透过天马行空对话来分享在台湾学中文的体验以及五花八门的人生话题。虽然我们的中文还有很大的进步空间,我们都很喜欢挑战。而且我们相信学语言需要锲而不舍的态度,所以本节目就当成我们学中文的操场和记录。中文好难哦! We love to hear from you! Youtube: Tom's IG: Dan's IG: --- Send in a voice message: Powered by Firstory Hosting
12/2/202155 minutes, 57 seconds
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Ep5 - How we started to read native Chinese books

In this episode we talk about the steep learning curve involved with reading Chinese novels and how we've handled this gigantic challenge. Also Daniel got lost in the woods recently! 😱 這集我們討論開始閱讀中文小說的時候要怎麼下手,以及面對這個巨大挑戰時要怎麼保持鍥而不捨的態度。還有,來聽Daniel最近在森林裏迷路的恐怖故事! Who are we: Two friends who love learning Chinese and like to shoot the shit, all in Mandarin Chinese! We share our experiences learning Chinese, living in Taiwan, and everything else in between. Listen as we push our Chinese ability to the limit for your listening and learning pleasure (great comprehensible input). 我们是两位特别热爱学中文的好朋友。我们会透过天马行空对话来分享在台湾学中文的体验以及五花八门的人生话题。虽然我们的中文还有很大的进步空间,我们都很喜欢挑战。而且我们相信学语言需要锲而不舍的态度,所以本节目就当成我们学中文的操场和记录。中文好难哦! We love hearing from you! Youtube: Tom's IG: Dan's IG: --- Send in a voice message: Powered by Firstory Hosting
11/22/202155 minutes
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Ep4 - Our Chinese learning goals & what we find hard about learning Chinese

In this episode of our intercontinental podcast we continue catching up after Tom's Taiwan departure as we span topics such as Daniel's swimming ability, Tom's tattoo advice and our current goals for learning Chinese.  Tom買了新麥克風!這集我們很自然地聊天,談五花八門的話題包括Daniel的游泳能力,Tom建議陌生人刺的中文刺青,還有目前我們兩個人學中文的目標。 Who are we:  Two friends who love learning Chinese and like to shoot the shit, all in Mandarin Chinese! We share our experiences learning Chinese, living in Taiwan, and everything else in between. Listen as we push our Chinese ability to the limit for your listening and learning pleasure (great comprehensible input).  我们是两位特别热爱学中文的好朋友。我们会透过天马行空对话来分享在台湾学中文的体验以及五花八门的人生话题。虽然我们的中文还有很大的进步空间,我们都很喜欢挑战。而且我们相信学语言需要锲而不舍的态度,所以本节目就当成我们学中文的操场和记录。中文好难哦!We love hearing from you!  Youtube:  Tom's IG:  Dan's IG: --- Send in a voice message: Powered by Firstory Hosting
11/16/202154 minutes, 45 seconds
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Ep3 - Learn Chinese at home + Tom leaves Taiwan 😢

In this episode we catch up with each other for the first time since Tom moved back to the US. We discuss long distance relationships, Tom's plans for his time in Ohio, and Dan's recent hiking and camping adventures. First remote episode so please bear with us as we work out the kinks!   Tom 回國了!這集我們聊Tom離開台灣的感受和他接下來的計畫,遠距離的愛情,飲食習慣,還有Dan最近的露營體驗。因為是我們第一次遠距離錄節目,請多見諒!我們還在適應技術方面的新模式 Who are we: Two friends who love learning Chinese and like to shoot the shit, all in Mandarin Chinese! We share our experiences learning Chinese, living in Taiwan, and everything else in between. Listen as we push our Chinese ability to the limit for your listening and learning pleasure (great comprehensible input). 我们是两位特别热爱学中文的好朋友。我们会透过天马行空对话来分享在台湾学中文的体验以及五花八门的人生话题。虽然我们的中文还有很大的进步空间,我们都很喜欢挑战。而且我们相信学语言需要锲而不舍的态度,所以本节目就当成我们学中文的操场和记录。中文好难哦!We love hearing from you! Youtube: Tom's IG: Dan's IG: --- Send in a voice message: Powered by Firstory Hosting
11/8/202151 minutes, 45 seconds