Access Granted NZ
English, Technology, 1 season, 343 episodes, 1 day, 22 hours, 15 minutes
Access Granted NZ
English, Technology, 1 season, 343 episodes, 1 day, 22 hours, 15 minutes

Access Granted - Our last call, ka kite ano
That’s it folks - thanks for everything and goodbye.--------We were a New Zealand podcast (2014 - 2019) sharing behind the scenes of Kiwi tech, media, and startups - https://accessgranted.nz/It was hosted by Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, and Vivian Chandra
12/18/2019 • 47 minutes, 26 seconds

Victoria MacLennan - Why do I do all this stuff
Here it is, the final Access Granted interview and it gives us enormous pleasure that we have managed to ensure our very first ever guest , Victoria MacLennan long time friend and supporter of the show, bookends this AG run (June 2014 episode 3, Victoria MacLennan - Our First Ever Interview: https://accessgranted.nz/episodes/2015/8/31/ep-3).We simply ask, “So what’s been keeping you happy since 2014” and boy-oh-boy do we get an answer to fill the airwaves, you can get a sense of how Vic’s life has grown into something quite spectacular by having a quick look at the links below - so many. Enjoy the ever amazing Victoria MacLennan.- https://nz.linkedin.com/in/victoriamaclennan- https://twitter.com/optimalhq- https://medium.com/@victoria.maclennan- https://optimalbi.com/tell-me-more/victoria-maclennan/- https://nzrise.org.nz/about-us/- https://codeclub.nz/page/our-people- https://www.mbie.govt.nz/business-and-employment/economic-development/digital-economy/ministerial-advisory-group/- https://www.digitalfutureaotearoa.nz/our-people- https://www.facebook.com/ElectricGardenNZ/- https://www.digitalskillsforum.nz/the-forum/about/------------------------------------------------------Behind the scenes of tech, media, and startups, hosted by Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, Vivian Chandra, and others - https://accessgranted.nz/
12/15/2019 • 37 minutes, 59 seconds

Dr Karl Löfgren - Computer says no
A discussion with Sarah Bickerton* about how we seem to focus on the commercial world led us to having a cracking chat with Dr Karl Löfgren who is Associate Professor at the Victoria University (of Wellington!) School of Government.We asked about the speed of change within government, the hurdles to government adopting new technology, and why it seems that many give the New Zealand government (small 'g') such a hard time. This was a conversation we, especially Mike, could've continued well into the small hours.- https://www.wgtn.ac.nz/sog/about/staff/karl-lofgren- https://nz.linkedin.com/in/karl-lofgren-5741a639* Sarah was a guest on the podcast back in October 2018https://accessgranted.nz/episodes/2018/10/4/sarah-bickerton-kindred-spirits------------------------------------------------------Behind the scenes of tech, media, and startups, hosted by Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, Vivian Chandra, and others - https://accessgranted.nz/
12/8/2019 • 45 minutes, 14 seconds

Shiffy Nayar - Leaving a legacy
Shiffy Nayar is leaving a legacy and she’s not afraid if you’d like to do the same.Chatting with Shiffy we discover her More Than Rubies initiative that has awoken from it’s slumber - get involved:"... a movement for young women empowering them to make healthy and informed decisions by equipping them with the practical skills they need to achieve their dreams."During her day job Shiffy is a senior manager at Tensing focusing her talents upon the crazy and wild world of "transformation" be that companies, teams, or people. Oh yeah, Shiffy is a people person but don't you dare think that's a set of "soft skills"!- https://morethanrubies.org/- https://nz.linkedin.com/in/shiffylal- https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/fulfillment-new-beginnings-shiffy-lal- http://uncomfortableisok.libsyn.com/episode-007-taking-the-crumbs-of-intelligence-from-every-interaction-shiffy-lal-from-making-a-difference-skills------------------------------------------------------Behind the scenes of tech, media, and startups, hosted by Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, Vivian Chandra, and others - https://accessgranted.nz/
12/1/2019 • 41 minutes, 5 seconds

Dave Moskovitz - Education is the most important tool
The fifth of our birthday re-visits ("where are they now") has Mike and Dave catching up to discuss what has happened in the 3 years since our June 2016, "Brute force your way to success" episode.How does Dave see the New Zealand startup/ investment 'scene', what's he been working on since 2016, and what would he love you to hear based upon his ever evolving experience - if there's one thing to hear, this is it, scroll to the end.- https://dave.moskovitz.co.nz/- https://nz.linkedin.com/in/davemoskovitz- https://twitter.com/davemosk- https://thinktank.co.nz/- https://accessgranted.nz/episodes/2016/6/10/ep-91-brute-force-your-way-to-success-with-dave-moskovitz------------------------------------------------------Behind the scenes of tech, media, and startups, hosted by Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, Vivian Chandra, and others. Share and Like us on:- https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZ - https://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ - https://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcast - https://nstagram.com/accessgrantednz/
11/25/2019 • 44 minutes, 50 seconds

Tamara Buckland - Mental health 1st aid
Tamara Buckland has experience to share and, as it all comes together, she is now teaching others how to ensure they too look after themselves and their teams.With a discussion about diversity, wellness, and sustainability of teams within all types of teams, not just tech, we have someone that walks the walk as New Zealand evolves it's maturity away from the Silicon Valley view of what it is to be a startup.Evolve with Tarama!- https://www.tamarabuckland.co.nz/- https://nz.linkedin.com/in/tamarabuckland- https://twitter.com/ladygalaxynz- https://coliberate.co.nz/about-us/tamara-buckland/- https://www.sharesies.nz/about------------------------------------------------------Behind the scenes of tech, media, and startups, hosted by Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, Vivian Chandra, and others. Share and Like us on:- https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZ - https://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ - https://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcast - https://nstagram.com/accessgrantednz/
11/18/2019 • 40 minutes, 40 seconds

Chris McDowall - Magic Internet people
Today Viv ends her time with Access Granted by chatting with Chris McDowall. Chris and Viv first met at Kiwifoo earlier this year when he showed us a sneak peek of his latest project. If you haven’t seen the “We Are Here” book yet, check out the link below, it is beautiful and amazing.Chris first got into maps playing Dungeons And Dragons and learning about geography at university and he hasn’t looked back since.- https://www.linkedin.com/in/chris-mcdowall-6057b427/- https://www.masseypress.ac.nz/books/we-are-here/- https://twitter.com/fogonwaterAnd so, we all say goodbye to Viv as she says goodbye to you:"Well, thanks for listening once again, and this time, I’m going to say Heoi anō tāku mō nāianei, that is all for now. You probably already know, Mike, Raj and myself are wrapping this up and this is my last official stint with the crew. It’s been awesome talking to you across the internet, and if you ever bump into me, please come say hi. Ngā mihi nui me te ngā manaakitanga… thank you so much and best wishes"♥------------------------------------------------------Behind the scenes of tech, media, and startups, hosted by Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, Vivian Chandra, and others. Share and Like us on:- https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZ - https://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ - https://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcast - https://nstagram.com/accessgrantednz/
11/13/2019 • 32 minutes, 5 seconds

Gavin de Steur - The (digital) human touch
In the penultimate Viv hosted podcast she gets to go and talk with Gavin de Steur at Uneeq, well in fact she gets to talk to Gavin AND an online virtual human.Gavin, originally from South Africa, is interested in bringing back the emotional human-to-human connection and with UneeQ (formerly Faceme), started here in NZ, he has that opportunity. Uneeq has recently expanded out to Asia, Australia, Europe, and the USA which bring with it a challenging growth path because of the many different communication styles.- https://www.linkedin.com/in/gavin-de-steur/- https://digitalhumans.com/------------------------------------------------------Behind the scenes of tech, media, and startups, hosted by Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, Vivian Chandra, and others. Share and Like us on:- https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZ - https://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ - https://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcast - https://nstagram.com/accessgrantednz/
11/12/2019 • 31 minutes, 27 seconds

Ben Kepes - Feel the fear & do it anyway
As Access Granted moves towards the end it is our good fortune to have started the wonderful "where are they now" series to celebrate our 5th birthday year. With Ben Kepes we not only catch-up on how the past 4.5 years have treated him since we last chatted in May 2015 on his "In the cloud" episode but also share some of his insights gained on the way.Listen to the end, Ben has some gorgeous advice and insights to all taking their own "startup" journey.- http://www.diversity.net.nz/- https://twitter.com/benkepes- https://www.linkedin.com/in/benkepes- https://www.instagram.com/benkepes/------------------------------------------------------Behind the scenes of tech, media, and startups, hosted by Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, Vivian Chandra, and others. See you at #WellyTechShare, Follow and Like us on:- https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZ - https://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ - https://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcast - https://nstagram.com/accessgrantednz/
11/6/2019 • 24 minutes, 42 seconds

Kristen Lunman & Natalie Ferguson - The outcome is the really exciting part
Kristen Lunman and Natalie Ferguson were last on the show just under a year ago and this the third of our 5th birthday celebration, and they are still “obnoxiously happy”. Of course Natalie is taking her third step into the AG limelight after being an early guest back in July 2014.We find out what has changed, a lot with Hatch, what still makes them happy and where it’s all heading … catch up with 2 close show friends and amazing women in tech.- https://nz.linkedin.com/in/kristen-lunman-32b3175- https://twitter.com/KristenLunman- https://twitter.com/natfergster- https://nz.linkedin.com/in/natalieferguson- https://www.hatchinvest.nz/------------------------------------------------------Behind the scenes of tech, media, and startups, hosted by Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, Vivian Chandra, and others. See you at #WellyTechShare, Follow and Like us on:- https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZ - https://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ - https://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcast - https://nstagram.com/accessgrantednz/
11/4/2019 • 31 minutes, 58 seconds

Sh*ts & giggles – The AG Team with Owen Evans
As part of our 5th birthday Owen Evans turned the tables on Mike, Raj, and Viv and interviewed us.Of course with AG now closing down at the end of 2019 the sense of optimism about the future can been seen as unfounded.We would still like to have this published - a moment in time.
11/4/2019 • 36 minutes, 44 seconds

Sam Marsh - Move away from "gaming = bad"
Sam had only 30 minutes with us as he rushed from work for quick chat about the Wellington Gaming community at our latest lair, Hashigo Zake, before skootling up to a tournament.Listen as Mike asks what a game is.Wonder as Raj and Sam get nostalgic about games.Be intrigued as Sam explains how the esports community is growing.Wonder as they all hear about how much $ is in gaming.Question as Mike asks Sam, "Come on, esports isn't sport, it's gaming?"- https://www.rangaguyproductions.com/- Discord: That Ranga Guy#1214- https://www.linkedin.com/in/sam-m-140185179/- https://twitter.com/That_Ranga_Guy- https://www.wellingtonesports.com/- https://discordapp.com/invite/Mf73YXx=========================== #WELLYTECH 2019 - tickets on sale ===========================FRIDAY 13TH DECEMBER, 3:30PM - 8PM | TSB ARENA (WELLINGTON)Join the end of year celebration for the entire Wellington tech tribeFrom startups to corporates, from the Minister up to those that actually make the computers do what they do. Let's get together, celebrate 2019 and look forward to 2020.The #WellyTech festival will feature music, live podcasts, awards, quiz, and more - as well as stalls and stands with activities to get amongst. It's a great opportunity to connect with others in the tech industry in a celebratory atmosphere.https://wellytech.accessgranted.nz/------------------------------------------------------Behind the scenes of tech, media, and startups, hosted by Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, Vivian Chandra, and others. See you at #WellyTechShare, Follow and Like us on:- https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZ - https://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ - https://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcast - https://nstagram.com/accessgrantednz/ Subscribe to the show:- https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/#WellyTech news and events- https://wellytech.accessgranted.nz/- https://www.meetup.com/WellyTech/- https://mobile.twitter.com/wellytechnz Buy the AG merch:- https://www.accessgranted.nz/shop/
10/29/2019 • 30 minutes, 52 seconds

Ed Strafford - Trust yourself
Ed Strafford is a thinker, a big thinker with an amazing brain that can see the future of education within New Zealand. He is also a person that connects those that do with the intention of bringing about deep and meaningful collaborations.We find out from Ed how he ended up in a tech role, what his current favourite project is, and where it's all leading with the future of Aotearoa education?Finding out what the last 10 years taught Ed about working in government is also a grand topic we delve into ... what do you think he's got views upon?- https://nz.linkedin.com/in/ed-strafford-b4293bb- https://twitter.com/EdNZ=========================== #WELLYTECH 2019 - tickets on sale ===========================FRIDAY 13TH DECEMBER, 3:30PM - 8PM | TSB ARENA (WELLINGTON)Join the end of year celebration for the entire Wellington tech tribeFrom startups to corporates, from the Minister up to those that actually make the computers do what they do. Let's get together, celebrate 2019 and look forward to 2020.The #WellyTech festival will feature music, live podcasts, awards, quiz, and more - as well as stalls and stands with activities to get amongst. It's a great opportunity to connect with others in the tech industry in a celebratory atmosphere.https://wellytech.accessgranted.nz/------------------------------------------------------Behind the scenes of tech, media, and startups, hosted by Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, Vivian Chandra, and others. See you at #WellyTechShare, Follow and Like us on:- https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZ - https://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ - https://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcast - https://nstagram.com/accessgrantednz/ Subscribe to the show:- https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/#WellyTech news and events- https://wellytech.accessgranted.nz/- https://www.meetup.com/WellyTech/- https://mobile.twitter.com/wellytechnz Buy the AG merch:- https://www.accessgranted.nz/shop/
10/21/2019 • 35 minutes, 1 second

Samar Alrayyes & Charlie Gavey - Never done the T-Rex thing
Meeting at the 2019 TechFugeesNZ hackathon Mike recognised two very clever, passionate, and dedicated wahine in Charlie and Samar ... and they got on like a house on fire.Samar is currently an Azure Digital Transformation Specialist at Microsoft but really she would say that she is all about, "Empowering organisations to digitally transform their business with Microsoft Azure". Charlie is the Product Manager of Search at Trade Me and Advisor Member of InternetNZ's .NZ Policy Panel.Both Charlie and Samar would say they are way more than titles and you need to listen to get to know the real them in this episode that ranges from "What even is tech?", through to, "How to support those that work in tech" Samar and Charlie have complimentary, but not always agreeing views, on how the New Zealand tech industry can "be better".Charlie:- https://nz.linkedin.com/in/charliegavey- https://twitter.com/charliegavey- http://charlie.nz/Samar:- https://nz.linkedin.com/in/samaralrayyes- https://twitter.com/samaralrayyes------------------------------------------------------Behind the scenes of tech, media, and startups, hosted by Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, Vivian Chandra, and others. See you at #WellyTechShare, Follow and Like us on:- https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZ - https://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ - https://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcast - https://nstagram.com/accessgrantednz/ Subscribe to the show:- https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/#WellyTech news and events- https://wellytech.accessgranted.nz/- https://www.meetup.com/WellyTech/- https://mobile.twitter.com/wellytechnz Buy the AG merch:- https://www.accessgranted.nz/shop/
10/14/2019 • 44 minutes, 10 seconds

#WellyTech System Error - Come & be a tall poppy
A small and boutique collection for the Wellington System Error discussion - thanks to all that came and gave their views on the following 3 topics:- What are your views on the Hippocratic Licence?https://github.com/ContributorCovenant/hippocratic-license- What's the one thing (emotional, physical, etc) that the #WellyTech 2019 event can bring?- What do we think about the Christchurch Call and where it's at?If you have anything to add, do you disagree with what was said - get involved!Next session will be #WellyTech 2019 event - FRIDAY 13th DECEMBER, 3:30pm-8pm at the TSB Arena, tickets go on sale very very soon - https://wellytech.accessgranted.nz/------------------------------------------------------Behind the scenes of tech, media, and startups, hosted by Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, Vivian Chandra, and others. See you at #WellyTechShare, Follow and Like us on:- https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZ - https://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ - https://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcast - https://nstagram.com/accessgrantednz/ Subscribe to the show:- https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/#WellyTech news and events- https://wellytech.accessgranted.nz/- https://www.meetup.com/WellyTech/- https://mobile.twitter.com/wellytechnz Buy the AG merch:- https://www.accessgranted.nz/shop/
10/7/2019 • 24 minutes, 4 seconds

Healthy Homes Hikoi - Time for a break
The episode in which Hīria decides to have a Whare Hauora rest ... only for a month, and only because she needs to focus upon earning $ to get a production run done. We wish Hīria all the best for the next few weeks and we'll be re-joining her sometime in November to catch-up on where's she's got to.Hugs, all the AG crew, x------------------------------------------------------The Whare Hauora update is brought to you by Hīria Te Rangi and Access Granted NZ.All the episodes: https://www.accessgranted.nz/whare-hauora/ Get all the Whare Hauora updates:- http://www.wharehauora.nz/ - https://www.facebook.com/wharehauora/ - https://twitter.com/WhareHauora Access Granted takes you behind the scenes of tech, media, and startups, hosted by Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, Vivian Chandra, and others. See you at #WellyTechShare, Follow and Like us on:- https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZ - https://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ - https://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcast - https://nstagram.com/accessgrantednz/ Subscribe to the show:- https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/#WellyTech news and events- https://wellytech.accessgranted.nz/- https://www.meetup.com/WellyTech/- https://mobile.twitter.com/wellytechnz Buy the AG merch:- https://www.accessgranted.nz/shop/
10/1/2019 • 7 minutes, 37 seconds

Owen Evans - Nobody wants to buy your sh*t
Owen Evans, second of our 5th birthday re-visits, is the CTO at JRNY and was last on the show back in August 2014, "Owen Evans - Data Lake", a true pioneer!Back in 2014 Owen had co-founded a company named Hoist from which he learned heaps (see the show title). He has since been at senior roles at 8i, and Zapier, a board adviser for other startups, and co-hosted the successful Web Developers Conference NZ (WDCNZ) which is back!Owen has a tonne of experience he passes on, how to support people through redundancies, what startups need to focus upon, and how to look after oneself in the tough times.- https://twitter.com/buildmaster- https://nz.linkedin.com/in/owenmevans- http://www.wdcnz.com/- https://accessgranted.nz/episodes/2015/8/31/ep-14-the-data-lake-with-owen-evans------------------------------------------------------Behind the scenes of tech, media, and startups, hosted by Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, Vivian Chandra, and others. See you at #WellyTechShare, Follow and Like us on:- https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZ - https://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ - https://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcast - https://nstagram.com/accessgrantednz/ Subscribe to the show:- https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/#WellyTech news and events- https://wellytech.accessgranted.nz/- https://www.meetup.com/WellyTech/- https://mobile.twitter.com/wellytechnz Buy the AG merch:- https://www.accessgranted.nz/shop/
9/30/2019 • 49 minutes, 10 seconds

#climatestrikenz Greta Thunberg's full UN speech
Last week the world went on strike to protest the inaction from the power structures of society with regard to the current climate emergency and today New Zealand is showing their determination to be heard.So what can we, a podcast do?We have an audience, and so we are publishing the audio of Greta Thunberg’s emotional and, to some, confrontational speech at last Friday’s UN Climate Summit with the hope that it will inspire each and every one us into more direct and noticeable action.Good luck to all those who participate in the nation-wide strikes, and here’s to all of us, together making the world a place we want to live in.SIGN: https://our.actionstation.org.nz/petitions/climate-declaration-from-the-youth-of-aotearoa-2SUPPORT: https://www.schoolstrike4climatenz.comREAD: https://thespinoff.co.nz/tag/climate-strike/RESEARCH: https://www.google.com/search?q=nz+climate+strikeSwedish climate activist Greta Thunberg chastised world leaders Monday, Sep. 23, for failing younger generations by not taking sufficient steps to stop climate change. "You have stolen my childhood and my dreams with your empty words," Thunberg said at the United Nations Climate Action Summit in New York. "You're failing us, but young people are starting to understand your betrayal. The eyes of all future generations are upon you. And if you choose to fail us, I say we will never forgive you," she added. Thunberg traveled to the U.S. by sailboat last month so she could appear at the summit. She and other youth activists led international climate strikes on Friday in an attempt to garner awareness ahead of the UN's meeting of political and business leaders.------------------------------------------------------Behind the scenes of tech, media, and startups, hosted by Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, Vivian Chandra, and others. See you at #WellyTech
9/26/2019 • 5 minutes, 20 seconds

Jordan Carter - The status quo is not good enough
Jordan Carter, first of our 5th birthday re-visits, is the Chief Executive at InternetNZ and was last on the show back in October 2017, "Jordan Carter – The plan is not to have a plan".Since then he's got a 'new' job, restructured the organisation, and been a part of the Prime Minister's "Christchurch Call" in reaction to the terrorist shootings earlier this year.Jordan has a LOT to catch us up on so listen in and then get along to Nethui 2019 at Wellington's Te Papa to continue the conversations ...- https://mobile.twitter.com/jordantcarter- https://nz.linkedin.com/in/jordan-carter-ba988a4- https://2019.nethui.nz/- https://mobile.twitter.com/InternetNZ/status/1175508766676201472- https://internetnz.nz/blog/checking-christchurch-call- https://internetnz.nz/------------------------------------------------------Behind the scenes of tech, media, and startups, hosted by Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, Vivian Chandra, and others. See you at #WellyTechShare, Follow and Like us on:- https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZ - https://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ - https://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcast - https://nstagram.com/accessgrantednz/ Subscribe to the show:- https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/#WellyTech news and events- https://wellytech.accessgranted.nz/- https://www.meetup.com/WellyTech/- https://mobile.twitter.com/wellytechnz Buy the AG merch:- https://www.accessgranted.nz/shop/
9/25/2019 • 42 minutes, 48 seconds

Stephen Clarke - Accidentally surviving time
There's nothing simple about Stephen Clarke, he is a mind on legs with a wealth of experience from the records / archival world with a focus on standards (published we'll have you know).Set yourself down, get a cup of tea, and take a journey through the world as seen through the incredible mind of Steff Clarke ... and YES, you will want to take some threads and continue them, so get in touch with him.- https://nz.linkedin.com/in/steffclarke- https://twitter.com/steffclarke------------------------------------------------------Behind the scenes of tech, media, and startups, hosted by Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, Vivian Chandra, and others. See you at #WellyTechShare, Follow and Like us on:- https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZ - https://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ - https://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcast - https://nstagram.com/accessgrantednz/ Subscribe to the show:- https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/#WellyTech news and events- https://wellytech.accessgranted.nz/- https://www.meetup.com/WellyTech/- https://mobile.twitter.com/wellytechnz Buy the AG merch:- https://www.accessgranted.nz/shop/
9/24/2019 • 44 minutes, 33 seconds

Healthy Homes Hikoi - Plan for business with a business plan
Hīria with the latest in the her journey of being being a founder, chief do-it-all, and startup good person as she fights to keep the value and integrity of the data collected from the community in THEIR hands and not transformed into megabucks and tracking resources for others.------------------------------------------------------The Whare Hauora update is brought to you by Hīria Te Rangi and Access Granted NZ.All the episodes: https://www.accessgranted.nz/whare-hauora/ Get all the Whare Hauora updates:- http://www.wharehauora.nz/ - https://www.facebook.com/wharehauora/ - https://twitter.com/WhareHauora Access Granted takes you behind the scenes of tech, media, and startups, hosted by Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, Vivian Chandra, and others. See you at #WellyTechShare, Follow and Like us on:- https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZ - https://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ - https://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcast - https://nstagram.com/accessgrantednz/ Subscribe to the show:- https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/#WellyTech news and events- https://wellytech.accessgranted.nz/- https://www.meetup.com/WellyTech/- https://mobile.twitter.com/wellytechnz Buy the AG merch:- https://www.accessgranted.nz/shop/
9/19/2019 • 15 minutes, 58 seconds

Emily Mason - The nerd herder
Emily Mason is a woman with a mission, in fact multiple missions from starting a company with values (Frank Advice), ensuring evidence based policies are created, and assisting philanthropic donors the greatest impact in their endeavours (Impact Lab).From a life of government work to running a startup is takes a special sort of person, Emily is that person. Listen in as she details the hurdles, the joy, and the focus needed to step out from under the wings of the large organisation - you will pic up tips!- https://nz.linkedin.com/in/emilymasondatainpolicy- https://impactlab.co.nz/- https://www.frankadvice.co.nz/PS: If you haven't already check out Kylie Reir'is recent episode, it not only compliments this but Emily & Kylie are both connected with Impact Lab: https://accessgranted.nz/episodes/2019/9/5/kylie-reiri-better-decisions-everywhere------------------------------------------------------Behind the scenes of tech, media, and startups, hosted by Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, Vivian Chandra, and others. See you at #WellyTechShare, Follow and Like us on:- https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZ - https://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ - https://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcast - https://nstagram.com/accessgrantednz/ Subscribe to the show:- https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/#WellyTech news and events- https://wellytech.accessgranted.nz/- https://www.meetup.com/WellyTech/- https://mobile.twitter.com/wellytechnz Buy the AG merch:- https://www.accessgranted.nz/shop/
9/16/2019 • 38 minutes, 34 seconds

Heathy Homes Hikoi - More shoulders to carry the load
Listen to Hiria, Kaiwhakahaere at Whare Hauora, and then PLEDGE - 5 days (at time of publication) left: https://www.pledgeme.co.nz/projects/6226-manawa-smart-home-sensor-kit-for-community-organisations------------------------------------------------------The Whare Hauora update is brought to you by Hiria Te Rangi and Access Granted NZ.All the episodes: https://www.accessgranted.nz/whare-hauora/ Get all the Whare Hauora updates:- http://www.wharehauora.nz/ - https://www.facebook.com/wharehauora/ - https://twitter.com/WhareHauora Access Granted takes you behind the scenes of tech, media, and startups, hosted by Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, Vivian Chandra, and others. See you at #WellyTechShare, Follow and Like us on:- https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZ - https://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ - https://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcast - https://nstagram.com/accessgrantednz/ Subscribe to the show:- https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/#WellyTech news and events- https://wellytech.accessgranted.nz/- https://www.meetup.com/WellyTech/- https://mobile.twitter.com/wellytechnz Buy the AG merch:- https://www.accessgranted.nz/shop/
9/15/2019 • 17 minutes, 10 seconds

#WellyTech System Error - Winter BBQ
Fantastic turn out in the very loud Hashigo Zake lounge for this coming together of the #WellyTech community to meet, greet, and ponder 3 topics on the podcast, namely:1: How can a social enterprise grow beyond it's initial idea?2: Using AI is merely sending money overseas to the big vendors.3: Consultancy is dead.See you at the next #WellyTech get together: https://accessgranted.nz/coming-soon/recording-system-error | RECORDING: System Error - Spring Is Sprung (Thursday, September 26, 2019, Hashigo Zake)------------------------------------------------------Behind the scenes of tech, media, and startups, hosted by Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, Vivian Chandra, and others. See you at #WellyTechShare, Follow and Like us on:- https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZ - https://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ - https://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcast - https://nstagram.com/accessgrantednz/ Subscribe to the show:- https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/#WellyTech news and events- https://wellytech.accessgranted.nz/- https://www.meetup.com/WellyTech/- https://mobile.twitter.com/wellytechnz Buy the AG merch:- https://www.accessgranted.nz/shop/
9/13/2019 • 19 minutes, 15 seconds

Paul Armstrong - Unicorn included
Paul Armstrong has a long history in providing ICT consultancy to organisations in New Zealand and further afar with a long and illustrious career at Synergy/Fronde - but that's all history now!Paul takes us through the ups and downs of his career, and how he is excited again to be at TipoTapp bringing the cloud unicorns to all those that need to both move and develop upon the major cloud services out there.For those that need to sell (and let's be honest, who doesn't) Paul has a fascinating series of insights alongside hints & tips for us all.- https://nz.linkedin.com/in/tgz-paul-armstrong- https://www.tipotapp.com/------------------------------------------------------Behind the scenes of tech, media, and startups, hosted by Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, Vivian Chandra, and others. See you at #WellyTechShare, Follow and Like us on:- https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZ - https://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ - https://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcast - https://nstagram.com/accessgrantednz/ Subscribe to the show:- https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/#WellyTech news and events- https://wellytech.accessgranted.nz/- https://www.meetup.com/WellyTech/- https://mobile.twitter.com/wellytechnz Buy the AG merch:- https://www.accessgranted.nz/shop/
9/10/2019 • 54 minutes, 37 seconds

Heathy Homes Hikoi - 1st board meeting!
Big updates from Hiria Te Rangi, Kaiwhakahaere at Whare Hauora.Hiria has had her first formal board meeting with her Directors: Amber Craig, Jay Daly, Dianne Minee - always good to communicate where the organisation is and where it should be heading.And then Hiria has been out and about speaking"The Power Of A Grandmother" TEDxWellington: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RHq1waE-qIYHiria also spoke at JAFAC conference, "How Whare Hauora product development is driving the decolonisation of data collection and management." Why, "why" matters. In a World where everyone is connected, we assume that our personal data is being collected, managed and on-sold. It has become naturalised, that this is the fee we must pay in order to use the service. But what if it wasn't?We learn that the sensor hardware is changing in the future to include little LED screens making a massive UX difference.And finally Raj and Hiria discuss how funding for a "non-traditional tech/data" company is very tough, but Hiria is a tough wahine!Get amongst it on the Whare Hauora PledgeMe campaign: https://www.pledgeme.co.nz/projects/6226-manawa-smart-home-sensor-kit-for-community-organisationsListen to her latest story, it's gold and we're sure those of you with startups can totally related ... ------------------------------------------------------The Whare Hauora update is brought to you by Hiria Te Rangi and Access Granted NZ.All the episodes: https://www.accessgranted.nz/whare-hauora/ Get all the Whare Hauora updates:- http://www.wharehauora.nz/ - https://www.facebook.com/wharehauora/ - https://twitter.com/WhareHauora Access Granted takes you behind the scenes of tech, media, and startups, hosted by Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, Vivian Chandra, and others. See you at #WellyTechShare, Follow and Like us on:- https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZ - https://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ - https://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcast - https://nstagram.com/accessgrantednz/ Subscribe to the show:- https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/#WellyTech news and events- https://wellytech.accessgranted.nz/- https://www.meetup.com/WellyTech/- https://mobile.twitter.com/wellytechnz Buy the AG merch:- https://www.accessgranted.nz/shop/
9/8/2019 • 16 minutes, 44 seconds

Kylie Reiri - Better decisions everywhere
Kylie Reiri is one of those treasurers of New Zealand, a values focused wahine leading a data scientists focused company working on the issues that matter to all of us.Once you've heard Kylie explain where she comes from, how she wants data to make a difference through actual supporting better decisions, for instance services provided by central government, then we would highly recommend her talk given earlier in 2019 at Hack Aotearoa (link below)- https://nz.linkedin.com/in/kyliereiri- https://twitter.com/kylie_reiri- https://www.curiousminds.nz/profiles/kylie-reiri/- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sB6Ww9-WMGw------------------------------------------------------Behind the scenes of tech, media, and startups, hosted by Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, Vivian Chandra, and others. See you at #WellyTechShare, Follow and Like us on:- https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZ - https://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ - https://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcast - https://nstagram.com/accessgrantednz/ Subscribe to the show:- https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/#WellyTech news and events- https://wellytech.accessgranted.nz/- https://www.meetup.com/WellyTech/- https://mobile.twitter.com/wellytechnz Buy the AG merch:- https://www.accessgranted.nz/shop/
9/4/2019 • 41 minutes, 10 seconds

Jessica Manins - Shoot friends with fart guns
Tweet from Jessica Manins, @JessicaManins - Aug 19"When Sir Richard Taylor plays your game @beyonddotfun and says it’s the most fun he’s had in #VR it’s hard not to feel like this #oddball #comingsoon #VR"There's no better introduction to Jessica Mannins' new venture, Beyond, than that - and having played / experienced it both Mike and Raj agree it is the best social VR fun ever.Listen to Jessica's plans for her co-founded company, where it all came from, why VR has tickled Jessica for so long, and most of all how you too could have the best VR time of your life ... with a VR fart gun (if you're quick enough)!- https://nz.linkedin.com/in/jessicamanins- https://twitter.com/JessicaManins- https://www.beyond.fun/------------------------------------------------------Behind the scenes of tech, media, and startups, hosted by Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, Vivian Chandra, and others. See you at #WellyTechShare, Follow and Like us on:- https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZ - https://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ - https://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcast - https://nstagram.com/accessgrantednz/ Subscribe to the show:- https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/#WellyTech news and events- https://wellytech.accessgranted.nz/- https://www.meetup.com/WellyTech/- https://mobile.twitter.com/wellytechnz Buy the AG merch:- https://www.accessgranted.nz/shop/
8/27/2019 • 30 minutes, 58 seconds

Healthy Homes Hikoi - nerds unite!
Hiria is here! More on her journey, speaking at TEDxWelligton and the Zero Carbon Challenge PledgeMe campaign: https://www.pledgeme.co.nz/projects/6226-manawa-smart-home-sensor-kit-for-community-organisations---Whare Hauora has created Manawa: a smart home sensor kit and platform that measures the temperature and humidity of rooms in homes and tells you if your home is making your whānau sick.We built Manawa specifically for whānau, so they gain insights into their health and wellbeing, via notifications and a dashboard.Our Vision is an Aotearoa where your home doesn't make you sick. But for a lot of families, knowing that your home is making you sick and having the resources to upgrade your home or access health services or even purchasing a Manawa kit are near on impossible.So Whare Hauora is running a Pledgeme campaign specifically for Community organisations that help families with housing upgrades like insulation installations or health services like respiratory illness prevention.------------------------------------------------------The Whare Hauora update is brought to you by Hiria Te Rangi and Access Granted NZ.All the episodes: https://www.accessgranted.nz/whare-hauora/ Get all the Whare Hauora updates:- http://www.wharehauora.nz/ - https://www.facebook.com/wharehauora/ - https://twitter.com/WhareHauora Access Granted takes you behind the scenes of tech, media, and startups, hosted by Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, Vivian Chandra, and others. See you at #WellyTechShare, Follow and Like us on:- https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZ - https://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ - https://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcast - https://nstagram.com/accessgrantednz/ Subscribe to the show:- https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/#WellyTech news and events- https://wellytech.accessgranted.nz/- https://www.meetup.com/WellyTech/- https://mobile.twitter.com/wellytechnz Buy the AG merch:- https://www.accessgranted.nz/shop/
8/22/2019 • 13 minutes, 15 seconds

Rowan Simpson - Capture, measure and share. Appropriately
Rowan Simpson provides an episode that replicates his professional life, one of two halves. From being the first non-family member employee of TradeMe before moving on to Xero in it's early years. Since then Rowan has taken his experience and insights to many companies as investor and director, spreading the product development messages, and sharing his approach to tech business with all that are keen to hear (check out his Hoku Ideas page linked below).Why is this show akin to his professional life - it's in two parts. First part recorded at an increasingly loud and busy Roxy Cinema before we decamped to overlook the Wellington harbour and record within a much quieter place - stick with it, it's gold - especially the second half.It's an honour to have Rowan on the show, he's been a shining light within the New Zealand tech industry for many years and with his new venture, OneMetric.io we see him not only filling a "startup hole" but also guiding and passing on his knowledge one more time.- https://hoku.nz/team/rowan/- https://uk.linkedin.com/in/rowansimpson- https://hoku.nz/ideas/- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kD5TjNfJiJM- https://www.onemetric.io/------------------------------------------------------Behind the scenes of tech, media, and startups, hosted by Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, Vivian Chandra, and others. See you at #WellyTechShare, Follow and Like us on:- https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZ - https://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ - https://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcast - https://nstagram.com/accessgrantednz/ Subscribe to the show:- https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/#WellyTech news and events- https://wellytech.accessgranted.nz/- https://www.meetup.com/WellyTech/- https://mobile.twitter.com/wellytechnz Buy the AG merch:- https://www.accessgranted.nz/shop/
8/14/2019 • 39 minutes, 59 seconds

Trent Mankelow - Try not to break anything
Trent Mankelow is currently the acting CEO of Summer Of Tech whilst Ruth McDavitt is off being a parent for the year and is loving it. With Trent's contacts he's looking to bring many more companies into the fold (you could be reading this in one right now, get involved with the link below).Trent has had a life of entrepreneurship co-founding Optimal Experience, being the Chief Product Officer for Vend, and most recently as Trade Me's inaugural Chief Customer Officer - not a bad Kiwi lineup of top tech companies.- https://summeroftech.co.nz/employers/internships/- https://uk.linkedin.com/in/trentmankelow- https://twitter.com/trentmankelow------------------------------------------------------Behind the scenes of tech, media, and startups, hosted by Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, Vivian Chandra, and others. See you at #WellyTechShare, Follow and Like us on:- https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZ - https://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ - https://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcast - https://nstagram.com/accessgrantednz/ Subscribe to the show:- https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/#WellyTech news and events- https://wellytech.accessgranted.nz/- https://www.meetup.com/WellyTech/- https://mobile.twitter.com/wellytechnz Buy the AG merch:- https://www.accessgranted.nz/shop/
8/12/2019 • 33 minutes, 50 seconds

Duncan Greive - The media hustle
With Duncan Greive, Managing Editor of The Spinoff website and co-host of the #realpod, you know you're going to get insight into the New Zealand media scene and where it's all heading to with Facebook and Google gobbling up all the advertising revenue.At the time of recording with Viv The Spinoff were in the throws of launching their Members feature, allowing readers (like all of us at AG) to help support the ongoing work - do it here: https://thespinoff.co.nz/media/25-06-2019/announcing-the-spinoff-members/As always we ask how you the listener can get in touch with our guests and with Duncan he prefers email: [email protected] there is also:- https://www.linkedin.com/in/duncan-greive-8735179a/- https://www.instagram.com/duncan.greive- https://twitter.com/duncangreiveAnd never forget The Spinoff site, https://thespinoff.co.nz/------------------------------------------------------Behind the scenes of tech, media, and startups, hosted by Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, Vivian Chandra, and others. See you at #WellyTechShare, Follow and Like us on:- https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZ - https://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ - https://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcast - https://nstagram.com/accessgrantednz/ Subscribe to the show:- https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/#WellyTech news and events- https://wellytech.accessgranted.nz/- https://www.meetup.com/WellyTech/- https://mobile.twitter.com/wellytechnz Buy the AG merch:- https://www.accessgranted.nz/shop/
8/7/2019 • 35 minutes, 49 seconds

Marie-Claire Andrews – Poke sticks and see change happen
Marie-Claire Andrews for a long time ran the event app start-up Show Gizmodo, and with a life change out to the Wairarapa she keeps connected to the industry via various international event groups. Being out in Carterton however she looked for a co-working space, couldn't find one, talked to the local mayor at a BBQ, and we now have 3Mile :)Marie-Claire is bursting with enthusiasm for the region, the community, and most of all the possibilities that the Wairarapa and all NZ regions have over and above the main centres - what are they, listen in ...- https://uk.linkedin.com/in/marieclaireandrews- https://twitter.com/marie_clair- https://www.3mile.nz/------------------------------------------------------Behind the scenes of tech, media, and startups, hosted by Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, Vivian Chandra, and others. See you at #WellyTechShare, Follow and Like us on:- https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZ - https://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ - https://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcast - https://nstagram.com/accessgrantednz/ Subscribe to the show:- https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/#WellyTech news and events- https://wellytech.accessgranted.nz/- https://www.meetup.com/WellyTech/- https://mobile.twitter.com/wellytechnz Buy the AG merch:- https://www.accessgranted.nz/shop/
8/6/2019 • 36 minutes, 25 seconds

Brough Johnson - Does culture create media or media create culture
Brough Johnson, co-founder of Narrative Muse, and a person that is happy bringing together and community is very important to her. Coming from the TV and film industries for a number of years Brough she discovered that yes there is the content out there for LGBTQ+ audiences but it was harder to find than the mainstream and so from a review site to a full recommendation service Narrative Muse serves this community.Ever asked, “How do I ensure we have a diverse company?”, well Brough has a very simple step YOU can take … listen for the details.- https://www.linkedin.com/in/broughjohnson- https://twitter.com/BroughJohnson- https://www.nzonscreen.com/person/brough-johnson- https://www.narrativemuse.co/------------------------------------------------------Behind the scenes of tech, media, and startups, hosted by Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, Vivian Chandra, and others. See you at #WellyTechShare, Follow and Like us on:- https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZ - https://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ - https://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcast - https://nstagram.com/accessgrantednz/ Subscribe to the show:- https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/#WellyTech news and events- https://wellytech.accessgranted.nz/- https://www.meetup.com/WellyTech/- https://mobile.twitter.com/wellytechnz Buy the AG merch:- https://www.accessgranted.nz/shop/
8/1/2019 • 30 minutes, 20 seconds

Healthy Homes Hikoi - Looking for a co-founder
A bubbly and busy Hiria let's us know that the product is ready to go, she's prepping for some talks and is focusing her last week in the Zero Carbon Challenge on the PledgeMe campaign to get 200 kits to organisations.btw: product pricing is very hard :)Hiria has also published a stack of updates as LinkedIn videos, go check them outAnd finally, as Hiria hear's others are now able to "pitch" the product she is looking for a co-founder by asking around and gonna go 50/50.- TEDxWellington: https://www.tedxwellington.com/- LinkedIn: https://nz.linkedin.com/in/hiriaterangi------------------------------------------------------The Whare Hauora update is brought to you by Hiria Te Rangi and Access Granted NZ.All the episodes: https://www.accessgranted.nz/whare-hauora/ Get all the Whare Hauora updates:- http://www.wharehauora.nz/ - https://www.facebook.com/wharehauora/ - https://twitter.com/WhareHauora Access Granted takes you behind the scenes of tech, media, and startups, hosted by Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, Vivian Chandra, and others. See you at #WellyTechShare, Follow and Like us on:- https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZ - https://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ - https://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcast - https://nstagram.com/accessgrantednz/ Subscribe to the show:- https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/#WellyTech news and events- https://wellytech.accessgranted.nz/- https://www.meetup.com/WellyTech/- https://mobile.twitter.com/wellytechnz Buy the AG merch:- https://www.accessgranted.nz/shop/
7/30/2019 • 12 minutes, 12 seconds

John Hart - This project has got legs
John Hart, otherwise known as FarmGeek, has had a life in tech for a number of years however with a change of lifestyle to become a farmer he has now combined tech and a rural viewpoint to take on introducing tech to the community and how New Zealand needs to be more than sheep.Recently Raj and Mike were invited to "Hemp & Crickets - Oh My!" at which John and the Breadcraft team showed off, "sustainable food using alternative sources of protein - the way of the future" using crickets. And that's now John's job - growing crickets by the many many many thousands.- https://twitter.com/farmgeek- https://nz.linkedin.com/in/farmgeek- http://www.breadcraft.co.nz- https://static1.radionz.co.nz/national/programmes/afternoons/audio/2018699990/john-hart-on-why-he-s-farming-crickets-in-the-wairarapaPS: John also starred in our recent Fab Lab Masterton episode: https://accessgranted.nz/episodes/2019/7/23/john-hart-tamara-olliver-engraving-bananas------------------------------------------------------Behind the scenes of tech, media, and startups, hosted by Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, Vivian Chandra, and others. See you at #WellyTechShare, Follow and Like us on:- https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZ - https://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ - https://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcast - https://nstagram.com/accessgrantednz/ Subscribe to the show:- https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/#WellyTech news and events- https://wellytech.accessgranted.nz/- https://www.meetup.com/WellyTech/- https://mobile.twitter.com/wellytechnz Buy the AG merch:- https://www.accessgranted.nz/shop/
7/29/2019 • 26 minutes, 17 seconds

Paul Brislen – Those damn cellphone radiation waves
Paul Brislen is a well known voice on 'lesser radio', TV, media, and all over the webs with his commentary on the New Zealand tech industry alongside a deep understanding of the telecommunications field.Some fascinating truth about 5G, the Russian fake news, how in-building 5G needs help ... oh, and those extra darned 5G radio waves will NOT give you cancer, sheesh!Paul and Viv cover the latest tech trends, how data has become key but then ugh use of our personal information, taxing the tech multinationals, social media disrupting MSM, Herald's paywall and supporting journalism on the web, and critical thinking.AND, a brief chat about Paul's work with The Aunties - get involved, donate your unwanted hardware, and support the kids and their families.- http://www.brislen.nz/- https://www.linkedin.com/in/paulbrislen/- https://twitter.com/paulbrislen- https://www.aunties.co.nz/- https://twitter.com/whaeapower- https://www.facebook.com/RefugeAunties/------------------------------------------------------Behind the scenes of tech, media, and startups, hosted by Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, Vivian Chandra, and others. See you at #WellyTechShare, Follow and Like us on:- https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZ - https://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ - https://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcast - https://nstagram.com/accessgrantednz/ Subscribe to the show:- https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/#WellyTech news and events- https://wellytech.accessgranted.nz/- https://www.meetup.com/WellyTech/- https://mobile.twitter.com/wellytechnz Buy the AG merch:- https://www.accessgranted.nz/shop/
7/24/2019 • 43 minutes, 48 seconds

John Hart + Tamara Olliver - Engraving bananas
On a recent Wairarapa road trip Mike and Raj caught up with John Hart and Tamara Olliver at the current location of the Masterton Fab Lab, a space for them to, "equip our whole community with 21st century skills so we can all participate in the world of making with technology!"John and Tamara explained the Fab Lab's mission, successes, current home, and their future!We are left wondering WHY AREN'T THERE MORE IN NEW ZEALAND - you will to!- https://www.facebook.com/pg/fablabmasterton- https://mobile.twitter.com/farmgeek------------------------------------------------------Behind the scenes of tech, media, and startups, hosted by Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, Vivian Chandra, and others. See you at #WellyTechShare, Follow and Like us on:- https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZ - https://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ - https://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcast - https://nstagram.com/accessgrantednz/ Subscribe to the show:- https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/#WellyTech news and events- https://wellytech.accessgranted.nz/- https://www.meetup.com/WellyTech/- https://mobile.twitter.com/wellytechnz Buy the AG merch:- https://www.accessgranted.nz/shop/
7/22/2019 • 23 minutes, 31 seconds

Hiria (Whare Hauora) + Access Granted's First Birthday
Whilst Whare Hauora has been around for 2+ years we only joined them on their journey 1 year ago ... but SO MUCH has happened in the intervening 12 months that we thought we'd have a wee celebration (coffee and tea all round, thanks Dom) and a review of how far Hiria and the ever growing Whare Hauora has come ... ------------------------------------------------------The Whare Hauora update is brought to you by Hiria Te Rangi and Access Granted NZ.All the updates: https://www.accessgranted.nz/whare-hauora/ Get all the Whare Hauora updates:- http://www.wharehauora.nz/ - https://www.facebook.com/wharehauora/ - https://twitter.com/WhareHauora Access Granted takes you behind the scenes of tech, media, and startups, hosted by Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, Vivian Chandra, and others. See you at #WellyTechShare, Follow and Like us on:- https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZ - https://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ - https://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcast - https://nstagram.com/accessgrantednz/ Subscribe to the show:- https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/#WellyTech news and events- https://wellytech.accessgranted.nz/- https://www.meetup.com/WellyTech/- https://mobile.twitter.com/wellytechnz Buy the AG merch:- https://www.accessgranted.nz/shop/
7/17/2019 • 29 minutes, 22 seconds

Rebecca Jones & Nathan Donaldson - Watch the water behind your laptop
Looking after the team is spoken much on our podcast but we've yet to have had such a focused discussion on what that means day-to-day as we had with Nathan Donaldson (CEO) and Rebecca Jones (Agile Coach) from Boost.We cover a bit of background, especially how Rebecca made the move from hospitality to Agile Coach, before diving into how to support, grow, and love the teams within your organisation. We even talk about what the means for salary increases using Boosts medieval 'grading' approach - so so cool.You WILL learn loads you can apply from these two!(or get along to their free Agile sessions - Wellington based)- https://nz.linkedin.com/in/nathandonaldson- https://nz.linkedin.com/in/rebecca-jones-44ababb2- https://www.boost.co.nz/- https://www.boost.co.nz/agile-training/introduction-to-agile-methodology------------------------------------------------------Behind the scenes of tech, media, and startups, hosted by Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, Vivian Chandra, and others. See you at #WellyTechShare, Follow and Like us on:- https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZ - https://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ - https://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcast Subscribe to the show:- https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/#WellyTech news and events- https://wellytech.accessgranted.nz/- https://www.meetup.com/WellyTech/- https://mobile.twitter.com/wellytechnz Buy the AG merch:- https://www.accessgranted.nz/shop/
7/15/2019 • 45 minutes, 10 seconds

Tash Bettridge - Protecting whanau through cyber security
Viv first met Tash Bettridge when volunteering with kids at a STEAM workshop at OMGTech - from being a teacher to reinventing herself as a cyber security consultant Tash is one to watch out for."Aesthetically Pakeha", is a phrase Tash uses and whilst it's funny it's also slightly sad how passing privilege affects us all in different ways. Sometimes, like Tash talks about, it really works against you when you least expect it.We wish Tash good luck with her Google adventures, and perhaps we'll catch her up on the flip side. - https://www.linkedin.com/in/tashbettridge - https://www.cybertoa.com/------------------------------------------------------Behind the scenes of tech, media, and startups, hosted by Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, Vivian Chandra, and others. See you at #WellyTechShare, Follow and Like us on:- https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZ - https://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ - https://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcast Subscribe to the show:- https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/#WellyTech news and events- https://wellytech.accessgranted.nz/- https://www.meetup.com/WellyTech/- https://mobile.twitter.com/wellytechnz Buy the AG merch:- https://www.accessgranted.nz/shop/
7/11/2019 • 29 minutes, 47 seconds

Ed Abraham - I love it when a plan comes together
Ed Abraham certainly has a background to wonder at, and Mike most certainly did geek out about the times Ed spent in university with Professor Stephen Hawkins.And it's that big brain of his that see's Ed heading up a company, Dragonfly Data Science, full of very VERY clever people working with data, computers, and making them solve problems that clients bring to them - gotta have a reason, otherwise it's just playingA great example is Dragonfly's work on the Te Hiku Media Kōrero Māori project – applying machine learning to transcribing spoken Māori.- https://www.dragonfly.co.nz/people/abraham-edward.html- https://mobile.twitter.com/dflydsci- https://nz.linkedin.com/in/edward-abraham-86531034- https://www.dragonfly.co.nz/news/2018-05-14-miles-thompson.html------------------------------------------------------Behind the scenes of tech, media, and startups, hosted by Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, Vivian Chandra, and others. See you at #WellyTechShare, Follow and Like us on:- https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZ - https://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ - https://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcast Subscribe to the show:- https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/#WellyTech news and events- https://wellytech.accessgranted.nz/- https://www.meetup.com/WellyTech/- https://mobile.twitter.com/wellytechnz Buy the AG merch:- https://www.accessgranted.nz/shop/
7/9/2019 • 39 minutes, 15 seconds

Kerry Topp - The art of what's possible
Kerry Topp is the Associate Director of Transformation and Innovation for Datacom, but fancy titles aside, he is one of those humans that is naturally full of energy and genuinely want to do good for the world.Viv and Kerry talk about tech change through a human lens, developing capabilities through hackfests, and student led innovation before tackling psychological safety, Google’s Project Aristotle and workplace bullying!Whew, get your notepad out, this one is a doozy!- https://www.linkedin.com/in/kerrytopp/- https://twitter.com/kerry_topp- https://rework.withgoogle.com/print/guides/5721312655835136/------------------------------------------------------Behind the scenes of tech, media, and startups, hosted by Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, Vivian Chandra, and others. See you at #WellyTechShare, Follow and Like us on:- https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZ - https://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ - https://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcast Subscribe to the show:- https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/#WellyTech news and events- https://wellytech.accessgranted.nz/- https://www.meetup.com/WellyTech/- https://mobile.twitter.com/wellytechnz Buy the AG merch:- https://www.accessgranted.nz/shop/
7/4/2019 • 36 minutes, 19 seconds

Ronja Gustafsson - Lifehacks in an App
Ronja Gustafasson came over to New Zealand a year ago and started working as business development at Nowsnapp, a startup based all over the world but developed and delivered out of Kapiti.We also talk Pirate Party from Ronja's Sweden and how it's hiding out in Miramar (who knew).The app itself takes the crowd sourcing / "share economy" approach to all those jobs that you need doing but really can't be bothered with - from taking the dog for a walk, writing that proposal*, or even just popping down the shops to pick up a loaf of bread.Launched in New Zealand and having it's Auckland premiere it is already growing into a substantial hit.- https://nz.linkedin.com/in/ronjagustafsson- https://twitter.com/RonjaJocosa- https://www.nowsnapp.com/- https://www.facebook.com/nowsnapp.nz/- https://nz.linkedin.com/company/nowsnapp- https://www.instagram.com/nowsnapp.nz/- https://twitter.com/NowsnappNZ- http://pirateparty.org.nz/------------------------------------------------------Behind the scenes of tech, media, and startups, hosted by Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, Vivian Chandra, and others. See you at #WellyTechShare, Follow and Like us on:- https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZ - https://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ - https://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcast Subscribe to the show:- https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/#WellyTech news and events- https://wellytech.accessgranted.nz/- https://www.meetup.com/WellyTech/- https://mobile.twitter.com/wellytechnz Buy the AG merch:- https://www.accessgranted.nz/shop/
7/1/2019 • 22 minutes, 58 seconds

Healthy Homes Hikoi - There is no money without the people
A catchup with a smiling Hiria as she rides the Zero Carbon Challenge team work, and has a focused future of GETTING THE MONEY! As with all startups it's not the promises of support everyone makes it's the putting the organisational hand in the deep pocket and standing alongside.------------------------------------------------------The Whare Hauora update is brought to you by Hiria Te Rangi and Access Granted NZ.All the updates: https://www.accessgranted.nz/whare-hauora/ Get all the Whare Hauora updates:- http://www.wharehauora.nz/ - https://www.facebook.com/wharehauora/ - https://twitter.com/WhareHauora Access Granted is the leading New Zealand tech, media, & startup podcast hosted by Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, Vivian Chandra, and others. Hosts of #WellyTechAll our past shows are on our website- https://www.accessgranted.nz Follow and Like us on:- https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZ - https://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ - https://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcast Subscribe to the show however you want:- https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
7/1/2019 • 15 minutes, 20 seconds

Andy Higgs - Regaining control of our data
Blockchain and digital identity was on Andy Higgs lips on his recent Wellington visit to the GOVIS annual conference ... we got the scoop before the attendees :)Andy works for Centrality* but in a previous life was "chasing the rainbows" building MTV in Europe, working at Deloitte Consulting, and co-founding Accelerate Sport (now CSM) based in London.Awesome talk, loads of hints & tips, and plenty of links for the developers out there to use Centrality's open source code. We also get a hint of the upcoming Digital Identity conference (Aug 26 - Aug 27, Te Papa Tongarewa, Wellington), Centrality's work with Yabble, Āhau, and much more ...- https://www.linkedin.com/in/andy-higgs-274ab3a/- https://centrality.ai/- https://portal.centrality.ai/- https://twitter.com/centralityai- https://www.facebook.com/centralityai/- https://centrality.ai/accelerator/yabble-team/- https://centrality.ai/accelerator/ahau-team/- https://digitalidentity.nz/- https://digitalidentity.nz/2019/06/05/nine-out-of-10-kiwis-want-more-control-of-their-digital-identity/* note: Centrality have sponsored this episode AND were sponsors of #WellyTech 2018------------------------------------------------------Behind the scenes of tech, media, and startups, hosted by Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, Vivian Chandra, and others. See you at #WellyTechShare, Follow and Like us on:- https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZ - https://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ - https://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcast Subscribe to the show:- https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/#WellyTech news and events- https://wellytech.accessgranted.nz/- https://www.meetup.com/WellyTech/- https://mobile.twitter.com/wellytechnz Buy the AG merch:- https://www.accessgranted.nz/shop/
6/27/2019 • 37 minutes, 53 seconds

Healthy Homes Hikoi - C all of the things
Our regular chat with Hiria Te Rangi and her journey with Whare Hauora, the social enterprise startup, giving residents data about how their homes are killing hem.A visit to the Band Rotunda in Wellington on a gorgeous winter’s day finds Hiria cogitating upon all the work to do, how tiring it is, and how excited and useful it is being a part of the Zero Carbon Challenge … and she has a team member!- https://www.zerocarbonchallenge.nz/------------------------------------------------------The Whare Hauora update is brought to you by Hiria Te Rangi and Access Granted NZ.All the updates: https://www.accessgranted.nz/whare-hauora/ Get all the Whare Hauora updates:- http://www.wharehauora.nz/ - https://www.facebook.com/wharehauora/ - https://twitter.com/WhareHauora Access Granted is the leading New Zealand tech, media, & startup podcast hosted by Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, Vivian Chandra, and others. Hosts of #WellyTechAll our past shows are on our website- https://www.accessgranted.nz Follow and Like us on:- https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZ - https://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ - https://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcast Subscribe to the show however you want:- https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
6/25/2019 • 10 minutes, 26 seconds

JP Tocker - If you know you're gonna enjoy it, do it
JP Tocker shares a similar cloud journey* with Mike and they discuss this, podcasting with and about successful people, the All Blacks, but mostly the passion that has driven JP to continue doing what he does ... which can include getting you married.- https://www.jptocker.com/- https://www.facebook.com/thejptockershow/- https://twitter.com/jptocker- https://nz.linkedin.com/in/jptocker- https://www.instagram.com/jptocker/* “cloud journey”, sounds distinctly Flash Gordon-esque eh------------------------------------------------------Behind the scenes of tech, media, and startups, hosted by Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, Vivian Chandra, and others. See you at #WellyTechShare, Follow and Like us on:- https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZ - https://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ - https://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcast Subscribe to the show:- https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/#WellyTech news and events- https://wellytech.accessgranted.nz/- https://www.meetup.com/WellyTech/- https://mobile.twitter.com/wellytechnz Buy the AG merch:- https://www.accessgranted.nz/shop/
6/24/2019 • 43 minutes, 14 seconds

Saia Mataele - Paving your own pathway to success
Talofa Lava and Kia ora! Welcome to Access Granted, taking you behind the scenes with conversations from the most interesting people of New Zealand tech, media or startups.Today Viv chats with Saia Mataele about what makes him tick and a wee bit about a few things he is doing in his spare time, from a social enterprise to connect Māori & Pasifika people here in Aotearoa to working on a Pacific-wide e-commerce platform - it's a wonder that he has anytime to sleep!So grab a drink, put your feet up and have a listen.- https://www.linkedin.com/in/saia-mataele/- https://www.facebook.com/NavigatorsofSuccess/- https://www.madpacific.com/------------------------------------------------------Behind the scenes of tech, media, and startups, hosted by Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, Vivian Chandra, and others. See you at #WellyTechShare, Follow and Like us on:- https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZ - https://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ - https://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcast Subscribe to the show:- https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/#WellyTech news and events- https://wellytech.accessgranted.nz/- https://www.meetup.com/WellyTech/- https://mobile.twitter.com/wellytechnz Buy the AG merch:- https://www.accessgranted.nz/shop/
6/24/2019 • 27 minutes, 58 seconds

Ben Forman - Story telling & building transmedia worlds
It was perfect timing for Raj to chat with Ben Forman, co-founder at Wrestler, as he was recently announced by Forbes as a top 30 under 30 ... what an amazing story he has to tell.Ben is passionate about storytelling through technology, with a strong focus on future technologies - did you know he started one of NZ's first commercial drone companies, has been at the forefront of the online video wave since before it was cool, and now runs one of NZ's top VR / AR production companies.Check out the growth, why Ben believes he was at the right place at the right time, and where to next ...- https://nz.linkedin.com/in/benjamin-forman- https://twitter.com/benforman- https://www.wrestler.nz/- https://www.wellingtonnz.com/about-wellingtonnz/positively-informed/30-under-30-wrestlers-ben-forman/------------------------------------------------------Behind the scenes of tech, media, and startups, hosted by Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, Vivian Chandra, and others. See you at #WellyTechShare, Follow and Like us on:- https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZ - https://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ - https://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcast Subscribe to the show:- https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/#WellyTech news and events- https://wellytech.accessgranted.nz/- https://www.meetup.com/WellyTech/- https://mobile.twitter.com/wellytechnz Buy the AG merch:- https://www.accessgranted.nz/shop/
6/18/2019 • 32 minutes, 4 seconds

Walt & Andrew (Voluntarily) - Industry in the classroom
Andrew Watkins has been working in tech for a while including embedded systems, navigation tools, and at NZTA. Aaaaad at an NZTA-run hackathon that Andrew met Walter Lim and then on to an actual Voluntarily hackathon before both joining the company.They discuss OMGTech! and, of course, the new Voluntarily system that is:"... a platform that connects corporate volunteer time with classrooms to teach science, technology, engineering, entrepreneurship, arts and design with the help of engaging content supplied by New Zealand’s leading innovators in educational content."Andrew- https://www.linkedin.com/in/andrewwatkinsnz/- http://groat.nz/- https://github.com/avowkind- https://twitter.com/avowkindWalt- https://www.linkedin.com/in/waltzaround/- https://twitter.com/iWaltzAround- http://walt.online/Voluntarily is part of a wider initiative of the Pam Fergusson Charitable Trust:- https://voluntari.ly/- https://www.pamfergusson.org.nz/------------------------------------------------------Behind the scenes of tech, media, and startups, hosted by Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, Vivian Chandra, and others. See you at #WellyTechShare, Follow and Like us on:- https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZ - https://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ - https://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcast Subscribe to the show:- https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/#WellyTech news and events- https://wellytech.accessgranted.nz/- https://www.meetup.com/WellyTech/- https://mobile.twitter.com/wellytechnz Buy the AG merch:- https://www.accessgranted.nz/shop/
6/13/2019 • 31 minutes, 7 seconds

Tim Packer - 3D Digital twins
Tim Packer is a 'smart city' advocate having worked with NEC and the Wellington City Council on the potential use of sensors to help bring the heartbeat and incidents closer to those that need to monitor and respond.He now heads a startup, the gloriously named BucketLabs, to help cities collate their data in order for the stories to be told and for a "digital twins" to be created and used.But Tim's not all about data, he has a passion for gardening and permaculture!- https://nz.linkedin.com/in/timapacker- https://www.bucketlabs.nz/ ------------------------------------------------------New Zealand tech, media, & startup podcast hosted by Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, Vivian Chandra, and others. Hosts of #WellyTechShare, Follow and Like us on:- https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZ - https://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ - https://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcast Subscribe to the show:- https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/#WellyTech news and events- https://wellytech.accessgranted.nz/- https://www.meetup.com/WellyTech/- https://mobile.twitter.com/wellytechnz Buy the AG merch:- https://www.accessgranted.nz/shop/
6/7/2019 • 40 minutes, 15 seconds

Sean Audain - Council is a chocolate chip cookie
Sean Audain works at the Wellington City Council and has been a civil servant in one manner or another all his professional life ... wait, wait, come back, this is NOT boring! This is a story of how one man endeavours to bring silos of data together to open up to the true owners (citizens of the city and New Zealand). It is a story of one man guiding community groups through the red tape to successful outcomes. It is a story of one man who is passionate that measuring the city will mean better and more open decisions are made about it's future. This is a story about one man and his compassion for the startup.And most of all, this is a story that is in no way finished.- https://nz.linkedin.com/in/sean-audain- https://twitter.com/sean_audain------------------------------------------------------New Zealand tech, media, & startup podcast hosted by Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, Vivian Chandra, and others. Hosts of #WellyTechShare, Follow and Like us on:- https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZ - https://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ - https://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcast Subscribe to the show:- https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/#WellyTech news and events- https://wellytech.accessgranted.nz/- https://www.meetup.com/WellyTech/- https://mobile.twitter.com/wellytechnz Buy the AG merch:- https://www.accessgranted.nz/shop/
6/3/2019 • 49 minutes, 23 seconds

Healthy Homes Hikoi - Tired and wired
The ups of running a startup can be few and far between and once the rush of having your own company wears off it's pure grind to keep going. Hiria has a few ups to share, and a lot of downs to show how she can show the world she will not give up.------------------------------------------------------The Whare Hauora update is brought to you by Hiria Te Rangi and Access Granted NZ.All the updates: https://www.accessgranted.nz/whare-hauora/ Get all the Whare Hauora updates:- http://www.wharehauora.nz/ - https://www.facebook.com/wharehauora/ - https://twitter.com/WhareHauora Access Granted is the leading New Zealand tech, media, & startup podcast hosted by Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, Vivian Chandra, and others. Hosts of #WellyTechAll our past shows are on our website- https://www.accessgranted.nz Follow and Like us on:- https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZ - https://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ - https://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcast Subscribe to the show however you want:- https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
6/3/2019 • 24 minutes, 56 seconds

Melody Thomas - I love loving my work
Melody stares at the perceived Kiwi reticence to talk about anything uncomfortable and shouts SEX! (or rather BANG!), and takes the subject head-on with her ongoing and very successful RNZ podcast.Now, before you get all flustered under the collar this was Raj and Mike chatting to Melody and not the other way around, so no sex talk this time. Melody discusses how she got into podcasting, what the show itself has unleashed, and how and why she is hoping to do more live BANG! shows around the country.Melody is a star podcaster with a cracking story, everyone will learn from this episode.- https://twitter.com/melodyrules_- https://nz.linkedin.com/in/melody-thomas-47b75b28- https://www.rnz.co.nz/programmes/bang- https://thespinoff.co.nz/author/melodythomas/------------------------------------------------------New Zealand tech, media, & startup podcast hosted by Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, Vivian Chandra, and others. Hosts of #WellyTechShare, Follow and Like us on:- https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZ - https://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ - https://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcast Subscribe to the show:- https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/#WellyTech news and events- https://wellytech.accessgranted.nz/- https://www.meetup.com/WellyTech/- https://mobile.twitter.com/wellytechnz Buy the AG merch:- https://www.accessgranted.nz/shop/
5/29/2019 • 35 minutes, 52 seconds

Steve Paea - Creating great Pasifika leaders
Steve Paea, ERP (Netsuite) expert during the day and a Pasifika tech leader and advocate during the … night?From a small coffee meetup/networking informal organisation Steve has, alongside Tovia Va’aelua, Fred Piliu, Bernadette Ah Loo, Joanna Welch, and Joey Nanai, created Pasifika IT that is now partnering with government, and other organisations to provide not just events and networking but now tech mentoring for Pasifika kids,- https://www.linkedin.com/in/stevepaea/- https://www.pasifikainit.org/- https://twitter.com/Stephen_Paea------------------------------------------------------New Zealand tech, media, & startup podcast hosted by Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, Vivian Chandra, and others. Hosts of #WellyTechShare, Follow and Like us on:- https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZ - https://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ - https://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcast Subscribe to the show:- https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/#WellyTech news and events- https://wellytech.accessgranted.nz/- https://www.meetup.com/WellyTech/- https://mobile.twitter.com/wellytechnz Buy the AG merch:- https://www.accessgranted.nz/shop/
5/28/2019 • 35 minutes, 17 seconds

Terry Miller - Fire, robots and ice cream
Terry Miller has a passion for engineering, making stuff, and getting out there ... just listen, you can hear it in his voice.Terry chatted to Mike about how and why he came to co-found a hardware (with software) company aimed at bringing a VR experience that will have you flipping all over the place. AND, the Eight360 is (currently) working in a garage, the true startup myth comes to life.It's a fascinating product, best to check it out in action with their latest video: https://www.facebook.com/eight360VR/videos/296402001236424/ - https://twitter.com/tmillertron- https://nz.linkedin.com/in/terrytron- https://eight360.com/- https://spacesciencefestival.org/------------------------------------------------------New Zealand tech, media, & startup podcast hosted by Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, Vivian Chandra, and others. Hosts of #WellyTechShare, Follow and Like us on:- https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZ - https://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ - https://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcast Subscribe to the show:- https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/#WellyTech news and events- https://wellytech.accessgranted.nz/- https://www.meetup.com/WellyTech/- https://mobile.twitter.com/wellytechnz Buy the AG merch:- https://www.accessgranted.nz/shop/
5/21/2019 • 41 minutes, 5 seconds

Healthy Homes Hikoi - Pipe of functionality
Deep in the lounge at Hashigo Zake we catch up with Hiria as she takes us through this weeks bumpy road to running a startup and the big blocks she needs to put in place very soon.------------------------------------------------------The Whare Hauora update is brought to you by Hiria Te Rangi and Access Granted NZ.All the updates: https://www.accessgranted.nz/whare-hauora/ Get all the Whare Hauora updates:- http://www.wharehauora.nz/ - https://www.facebook.com/wharehauora/ - https://twitter.com/WhareHauora Access Granted is the leading New Zealand tech, media, & startup podcast hosted by Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, Vivian Chandra, and others. Hosts of #WellyTechAll our past shows are on our website- https://www.accessgranted.nz Follow and Like us on:- https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZ - https://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ - https://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcast Subscribe to the show however you want:- https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
5/17/2019 • 9 minutes, 40 seconds

TechfugeesNZ - Broaden your circle at their Techweek hackathon
Rochelle Stewart-Allen and Wael Aldroubi are looking to bring together 50 devs, designers, lived experiences, and problem solvers to tackle the issues refugees to New Zealand have on entering and settling into Aotearoa. As part of the worldwide Techfugees movement empowering displaced people with technology the New Zealand team are looking to not only create (or built upon) apps to solve real world hurdles for refugees but also connect them to the community ensuring New Zealand is utilising all of it's skill base.So, the details:- WHERE: Oraunui Stokes Valley Community Hub, 184 Stokes Valley Road, Stokes Valley, Lower Hutt(transport to / from Wellington CBD will be provided)- WHEN: Saturday 25th & Sunday 26th May, 9am-5pm each day- COST: $0 (free!)- REGISTRATION: https://techweek.co.nz/whats-on/2019/techfugees-koraunui-stokes-valley-hackathon-419/- https://www.facebook.com/groups/techfugeesnz/- https://twitter.com/techfugeesnz- https://techfugees.com/- https://nz.linkedin.com/in/rochellesa- https://twitter.com/RStewartAllen- https://nz.linkedin.com/in/wael-aldroubi------------------------------------------------------New Zealand tech, media, & startup podcast hosted by Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, Vivian Chandra, and others. Hosts of #WellyTechShare, Follow and Like us on:- https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZ - https://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ - https://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcast Subscribe to the show:- https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/Buy the AG merch:- https://www.accessgranted.nz/shop/
5/15/2019 • 32 minutes, 9 seconds

Don Christie - The ultimate dilettante
Don Christie has made New Zealand, and Wellington especially, his home and fights for everything open tech knowing it will help grow NZ into a world leader of how to 'do tech and data' for the benefit of all.Don takes us through his weird early Gloucester (UK) connection with Mike, how Catalyst came to be and where it is with it's many off-shoots around the world, what+why NZRise, why open source is the key to everything, and how Worser Bay (Wgtn) is a fine fine yachting place.An honour to have Don on the podcast, thanks to him and to all Catalyst-ites past, present, and future for ensuring that tech is not merely about money.- https://nz.linkedin.com/in/donald-christie-1652162- https://twitter.com/normnz- https://www.catalyst-au.net/about-us/our-people- https://www.nbr.co.nz/tags/don-christie- https://nzrise.org.nz/------------------------------------------------------New Zealand tech, media, & startup podcast hosted by Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, Vivian Chandra, and others. Hosts of #WellyTechShare, Follow and Like us on:- https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZ - https://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ - https://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcast Subscribe to the show:- https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/Buy the AG merch:- https://www.accessgranted.nz/shop/
5/14/2019 • 44 minutes, 58 seconds

System Error - Slightly random and anarchistic events
A small and chilly catch up with some of the #WellyTech community as we discuss:1) Who would you like to see / hear from at the September WLG-X Festival?2) #WellyTech event, what should we do with it?3) The pot of event sponsor $ isn't growing, but we have more and more 'community'events - too many?These meetups are for anyone and everyone to come along, meet others, and have a yarn about the things uppermost of the minds of those along. COME ALONG and JOIN IN! Recording happens between 6-6:30pm== NEXT SESSION: System Error - Winter BBQ ==- Thursday, July 18, 2019, 5:30 PM 7:00 PM- San Fran, 171 Cuba Street Wellington, 6011 New Zealand- https://accessgranted.nz/coming-soon/recording-system-error- https://www.meetup.com/WellyTech/------------------------------------------------------New Zealand tech, media, & startup podcast hosted by Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, Vivian Chandra, and others. Hosts of #WellyTechShare, Follow and Like us on:- https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZ - https://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ - https://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcast Subscribe to the show:- https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/Buy the AG merch:- https://www.accessgranted.nz/shop/
5/11/2019 • 25 minutes, 15 seconds

aurynn shaw - Eventually consistent
aurynn shaw supplies an update on the scaled-up Mastodon social media NZ Project, challenges Mike on a number of view points, and discusses the concept of "lazy" (ie, there is no such thing) and how it affects the tech world.All as Dominic from Hashigo Zake (https://www.hashigozake.co.nz/) supplies the team with a free beer, it's not advertising but it certainly helps the conversation flow, thanks Dom.- https://nz.linkedin.com/in/aurynn- https://twitter.com/aurynn- https://eiara.nz/------------------------------------------------------New Zealand tech, media, & startup podcast hosted by Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, Vivian Chandra, and others. Hosts of #WellyTechShare, Follow and Like us on:- https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZ - https://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ - https://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcast Subscribe to the show:- https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/Buy the AG merch:- https://www.accessgranted.nz/shop/
5/8/2019 • 35 minutes, 30 seconds

Ruth Croft - The power of stillness
Ruth Croft helps people use their voice, which might seem weird until you listen to her and find out how many many people fail to get their message across not because the content is terrible but they don't realise the effect their voice is having on those listening.Of course we, as podcasters, were fascinated but it also applies to those having to stand on stage, or merely present at work. In fact we were so fascinated we booked Ruth to run a 4 hour workshop with the whole AG team and we gained so much insight.Don't allow your voice to let you down, get in touch with Ruth:- http://captivatecoaching.co.nz/- https://www.facebook.com/captivatecoaching- https://nz.linkedin.com/in/ruth-croft-0b458846------------------------------------------------------New Zealand tech, media, & startup podcast hosted by Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, Vivian Chandra, and others. Hosts of #WellyTechShare, Follow and Like us on:- https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZ - https://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ - https://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcast Subscribe to the show:- https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/Buy the AG merch:- https://www.accessgranted.nz/shop/
5/7/2019 • 39 minutes, 16 seconds

Healthy Homes Hikoi - Mentoring is choice!
As we get to the pointy end of starting up we here again from Hiria as she comes to grips with the makeup of the Whare Hauora ‘vehicle’, the challenges of going it alone, and advice she would want love all those looking to make a company would hear.------------------------------------------------------The Whare Hauora update is brought to you by Hiria Te Rangi and Access Granted NZ.All the updates: https://www.accessgranted.nz/whare-hauora/ Get all the Whare Hauora updates:- http://www.wharehauora.nz/ - https://www.facebook.com/wharehauora/ - https://twitter.com/WhareHauora Access Granted is the leading New Zealand tech, media, & startup podcast hosted by Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, Vivian Chandra, and others. Hosts of #WellyTechAll our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nz Follow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcast Subscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
5/6/2019 • 20 minutes, 31 seconds

David Shanks - Chief Censor (NZRise)
Another fantastic NZRise Fireside Chat hosted by Miki Szikszaiat at Catalyst IT's Wellington office.This time we hear Miki talk with David Shanks, the New Zealand Government's Chief Censor, as he discusses the fallout from the Christchurch terrorist attack, the on-going challenges with a digital world, and how the Office of Film and Literature Classification can no longer rely on a steady income from porn DVDs- https://nz.linkedin.com/in/david-shanks-a4650251- https://www.classificationoffice.govt.nz/- https://nzrise.org.nz/about-us/------------------------------------------------------New Zealand tech, media, & startup podcast hosted by Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, Vivian Chandra, and others. Hosts of #WellyTechShare, Follow and Like us on:- https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZ - https://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ - https://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcast Subscribe to the show:- https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/Buy the AG merch:
5/2/2019 • 1 hour, 5 minutes, 22 seconds

Hannah Delaney + Jacinda Thorn - PR is absolutely fabulous
A journey up to the Kapiti Coast sees us chatting first with Hannah Delaney and then she is joined by business partner Jacinda Thorn.Hannah founded the Kapiti Collective, originally as a co-working space but now as a serviced workplace. Unfortunately we were all surprised by an alarm test within the building and so we headed to her business partner's home for a chat about both the Kapiti Collective space AND the separate business DelayeyThornPPR with Jacinda.Why did we go up - startups, tech PR, and to get out of the Wellington city bubble.Hannah Delaney and the Kapiti Collective- https://nz.linkedin.com/in/hannah-delaney-b06a5828- https://twitter.com/HannahDelaneyNZ- https://www.kapiticollective.co.nz/ - https://twitter.com/KapitiCollectivJacinda Thorn- https://nz.linkedin.com/in/jacinda-thorn-744aa547- https://twitter.com/jacinda_thornDelaneyThornPR- https://www.delaneythorn.com/- https://twitter.com/delaneythornpr- https://nz.linkedin.com/company/delaneypr- https://www.facebook.com/delaneythornpr/------------------------------------------------------New Zealand tech, media, & startup podcast hosted by Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, Vivian Chandra, and others. Hosts of #WellyTechShare, Follow and Like us on:- https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZ - https://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ - https://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcast Subscribe to the show:- https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/Buy the AG merch:- https://www.accessgranted.nz/shop/
4/29/2019 • 36 minutes, 58 seconds

Aleisha Amohia - a good mix of tech stuff and people stuff
Aleisha Amohia has already achieved more than … YOU! No, seriously, had you in your final year of University jump started a very successful women in tech club running a highly successful annual expo, alongside an actual job at a tech company contributing to a massively popular open source project (Koha). No, neither had we - so listen in and find out how Aleisha manages it all.Oh, and in 2017 she was a finalist in NZ Hi-Tech Awards … - https://nz.linkedin.com/in/aleishaamohia- https://twitter.com/kohails- https://womenintech.nz/- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SpM4ah3cq5I------------------------------------------------------New Zealand tech, media, & startup podcast hosted by Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, Vivian Chandra, and others. Hosts of #WellyTechAll our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nz Follow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcast Subscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/Buy the AG merch:https://www.accessgranted.nz/shop/
4/15/2019 • 24 minutes, 33 seconds

Healthy Homes Hikoi - No retreat no surrender
Tough times call for tough decisions by tough people and if there's one thing you've learnt through the past episodes it's that Hiria Te Rangi is one tough woman.Covering the product (all fine), distribution (schools getting it, PledgeMe peeps you're all good), it comes down to the business (setting up the right structure) and that ever present demon of all businesses, cash flow.Whilst "Winter is coming" for some in the form of TV shows we here at Access Granted NZ are going to do much more when NZ winter arrives. On June 22nd we will be kicking off a major campaign to help Whare Hauroa raise the money it needs to ensure every New Zealander, no matter who they are and what socioeconomic band they land in, has the information to have a warm and healthy home. WATCH THIS SPACE!In the meantime check out Hiria and with the school sensors that she'll be installing in Windley school over the holidays. [Thank you! to Alan Brennan from Monkeytronics for being the Whare Hauora technology partner and Thinxtra Loïc Barancourt for supplying the connection.]https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/update-where-whare-hauora-sensors-now-hiria-te-rangi/------------------------------------------------------The Whare Hauora update is brought to you by Hiria Te Rangi and Access Granted NZ.All the updates: https://www.accessgranted.nz/whare-hauora/ Get all the Whare Hauora updates:- http://www.wharehauora.nz/ - https://www.facebook.com/wharehauora/ - https://twitter.com/WhareHauora Access Granted is the leading New Zealand tech, media, & startup podcast hosted by Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, Vivian Chandra, and others. Hosts of #WellyTechAll our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nz Follow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcast Subscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
4/15/2019 • 10 minutes, 55 seconds

NZ Blackbots - Who doesn't like Lego
The NZ Blackbots are a team of 6 kids from the Lucknow and Mayfair primary school's in Hawke's Bay looking to take on the world of older kids at the International First Lego League Tournament being held in California Legoland this coming May.THEY NEED YOUR CORPORATE HELP TO GET THEREhttps://givealittle.co.nz/cause/help-get-the-nz-blackbots-to-the-world-champsWe spoke to the Principal of Lucknow school alongside ... as they explained what they're up to, what it means to them, and how WE CAN HELP!https://givealittle.co.nz/cause/help-get-the-nz-blackbots-to-the-world-champs"They will be going up against giants with endless funds like High Tech High, and despite their ripe old age of 10, competing against high schoolers. A genuine David & Goliath batter. We want to Burt Munro the snot out of everyone and charm the crowds with the old kiwi can do attitude. The team has gone to the next level at school in their own time. It is beyond amazing what they have done nationally, so now lets take on the world.This is what movies are made of. . ."Get in touch with Brendon White, [email protected], and let him know how you can help OR just to have a chat and find out more.- https://givealittle.co.nz/cause/help-get-the-nz-blackbots-to-the-world-champs- https://www.facebook.com/nzblackbots/- http://www.lucknow.school.nz/- http://www.mayfair.school.nz/- http://www.firstlegoleague.org/events------------------------------------------------------New Zealand tech, media, & startup podcast hosted by Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, Vivian Chandra, and others. Hosts of #WellyTechAll our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nz Follow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcast Subscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/Buy the AG merch:https://www.accessgranted.nz/shop/
4/10/2019 • 23 minutes, 59 seconds

JD & Lana from Raygun - The confidence to focus on the product
JD Trask takes us through how Raygun came to exist and Lana Vaughan joins in with the road forward and how the company is growing to meet it's international growth.Raygun, in our view, is likely to be the next big software success in New Zealand following Weta FX, Xero, and TradeMe ... spot the connection, yes it's geographical :)Nothing is simple, starting a software company has it's hurdles, and JD is very happy to share his lessons whilst "getting into" a growing company involves persistence as Lana explains through her own Raygun story.And yes, Raygun is growing and THEY WANT YOU: https://raygun.com/about/team#vacanciesJD:- https://twitter.com/traskjd- https://nz.linkedin.com/in/jotraskLana:- https://nz.linkedin.com/in/lana-vaughan-753a2898Raygun:- https://raygun.com/- https://github.com/MindscapeHQ- https://twitter.com/raygunio- https://www.facebook.com/raygundotio- https://www.linkedin.com/company/raygun-io------------------------------------------------------New Zealand tech, media, & startup podcast hosted by Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, Vivian Chandra, and others. Hosts of #WellyTechAll our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nz Follow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcast Subscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/Buy the AG merch:https://www.accessgranted.nz/shop/
4/8/2019 • 35 minutes, 54 seconds

Serena Chen - Designing our security
Mike had a virtual chat with Serena Chen discovering how and why she is fascinated and focused upon design within the security realm of tech. Serena currently works as a Product Designer at the Bank of New Zealand (BNZ) but her sights are set on companies further afield ....Serena also co-hosts her own podcast called, "Things of Interest":"... a podcast that encompasses, in its purest form, things that we find interesting. Our discussions often center around technological advancements and how they affect social issues. As two socially-conscious millennial nerds, who better placed to talk about artificial intelligence, leadership, modern dating, the job market, and fandom? Probably no-one."- https://serena.nz/- https://www.thingsofinterest.co/- https://nz.linkedin.com/in/serena-chen- https://twitter.com/sereeena- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9wViHbIN3olD34uPBkp60w------------------------------------------------------New Zealand tech, media, & startup podcast hosted by Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, Vivian Chandra, and others. Hosts of #WellyTechAll our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nz Follow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcast Subscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/Buy the AG merch:https://www.accessgranted.nz/shop/
4/2/2019 • 29 minutes, 47 seconds

Healthy Homes Hikoi - You either believe or you don't
A double session from Hiria as we catch up on the goings on with Whare Hauora.------------------------------------------------------The Whare Hauora update is brought to you by Hiria Te Rangi and Access Granted NZ.All the updates: https://www.accessgranted.nz/whare-hauora/ Get all the Whare Hauora updates:- http://www.wharehauora.nz/ - https://www.facebook.com/wharehauora/ - https://twitter.com/WhareHauora Access Granted is the leading New Zealand tech, media, & startup podcast hosted by Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, Vivian Chandra, and others. Hosts of #WellyTechAll our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nz Follow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcast Subscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
3/27/2019 • 35 minutes, 17 seconds

Cassandra Gray - Game-on. Making the leap to NZ
Cassandra Gray, a relatively new lover of New Zealand, a relatively new gamer, and a relatively new Weta Workshop employee has a story of "following your dreams" AND making it happen.Casandra is newly appointed Assistant Events Coordinator at Weta Workshop, works with the Magic Leap team, is Chairperson at the NZ Game Developers Association, and on the NZ Games Festival committee. Feeling like you don't do enough, we did?So much to learn, how to get here, how to make it happen when you're here, and never say no.- https://twitter.com/cassjadegray- https://nz.linkedin.com/in/cassandra-gray- http://cassandra-jade-gray.tumblr.com/- https://nzgda.com/about-us/board/- https://nzgamesfest.com/meet-the-team/------------------------------------------------------New Zealand tech, media, & startup podcast hosted by Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, Vivian Chandra, and others. Hosts of #WellyTechAll our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nz Follow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcast Subscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/Buy the AG merch:https://www.accessgranted.nz/shop/
3/25/2019 • 31 minutes

Harper Reed - Morality in code
Viv has a squee moment and catches up with Harper Reed at this year's Kiwifoo event (https://www.baacamp.org/). Harper worked as CTO on the Obama 2012 campaign, casually sold his startup to PayPal and recently left them to work on what’s next - hence his visit to Aotearoa.Harper has a fine Twitter profile that seems to sum him up beautifully:"A normal person doing normal things. Check out this guide to my tweets: http://bit.ly/r1GnK // I take photos and operate computers. Books are my friends."Viv finds out what makes him tick and why fun is the most important thing of all.- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harper_Reed- https://harperreed.com/- https://www.linkedin.com/in/harperreed- https://twitter.com/harper- https://github.com/harperreed------------------------------------------------------New Zealand tech, media, & startup podcast hosted by Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, Vivian Chandra, and others. Hosts of #WellyTechAll our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nz Follow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcast Subscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/Buy the AG merch:https://www.accessgranted.nz/shop/
3/20/2019 • 32 minutes, 47 seconds

Martin Krafft - Online identity without blockchain theatre
Martin Krafft reached out to us late in 2018 during a Twitter conversation around "GDPR" and was keen to have a yarn about that plus online identification ... and of course we said, "Come on in!" ... and now you can hear exactly what he has to say about it, why blockchain is NOT the answer (despite having made a bit of $ from cryptocurrencies ;), and how control should be with the individual at all times.- https://keybase.io/madduck- https://twitter.com/martinkrafft- https://github.com/madduck- https://stories.ehf.org/ehf-fellow-martin-krafft-5ea6ddb5cecc- https://keyp.io/------------------------------------------------------New Zealand tech, media, & startup podcast hosted by Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, Vivian Chandra, and others. Hosts of #WellyTechAll our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nz Follow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcast Subscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/Buy the AG merch:https://www.accessgranted.nz/shop/
3/18/2019 • 38 minutes, 55 seconds

Open Data Day, Wellington 2019
At the start of March worldwide many people came together to celebrate 'open data' and unlock the value hidden within. Here in New Zealand we were first amongst many with events in Dunedin Christchurch, and Wellington.We visited aimee whitcroft and Dr Thomas Hartley, organisers of the Wellington event, had a chat with them about what it was all about and then a brief chat with the teams and what they were endeavouring to solve.(and after a long day of hacking Mike may have then met a few at the pub afterwards)- https://accessgranted.nz/episodes/2015/10/19/ep-71-unfck-your-business-with-aimee-whitcroft- https://www.eit.ac.nz/staff/thomas-m-hartley-dr/- https://www.data.govt.nz/blog/international-open-data-day-saturday-2-march-2019/- https://www.data.govt.nz/------------------------------------------------------New Zealand tech, media, & startup podcast hosted by Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, Vivian Chandra, and others. Hosts of #WellyTechAll our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nz Follow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcast Subscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/Buy the AG merch:https://www.accessgranted.nz/shop/
3/14/2019 • 19 minutes, 32 seconds

#WiDSWellington Event Day
Note: you should also listen to part 1 and part 2 of the #WiDSWellington 2019 Speaker series.The day of the event and we got to catch-up with a staaaaaack of people including ALL of the speakers not already represented on the podcast (see above), and all of the exhibitors. With so many people we asked 3 simple questions 1) Who are you; 2) Who are you representing; 3) Why this event?With so many people to talk with this is both a long podcast AND we have added timestamps / chapters for you to skootle forward to the people you want to hear from.1.35: Speakers Frances and DonnaFrances Krsinich (MBIE) and Donna Cormack (Senior Research Fellow, Te Rōpū Rangahau Hauora a Eru Pomare, University of Otago, Wellington)10.44: SponsorFiona Thomson (Analytics Manager at the Social Investment Agency) with colleagues Akaliesh and Simon.18.38: Speaker LIsaLisa Chen – Chief Analytics Officer at Harmonic Analytics22.12: SponsorAkash Jattan representing Revera and Qrious.25.14: Speaker AkeDr Sally (Ake) Nicholas – lecturer in linguistics at Massey University.34.17: SponsorMandy and Andrew from Red Hat.42.31: Speakers Kathryn, Nasca, and VidetteDr Kathryn Hempstalk – Head of Data and Insights at Trade Me.Nasca Peng – Nasca is a statistical analyst and the leader of confidentiality network in Stats NZ.Vidette McGregor – Group Manager of the Population Modelling group at NIWA. 52.22: SponsorJoss from Stats NZ (Open Data Programme)57.35: Speaker LizLiz MacPherson – Government Statistician, Chief Executive of Stats NZ, and the Governent’’s Chief Data Steward.105.33: SponsorSunesh Samarasingh from Enterprise IT.112.15: SponsorEvelyn and Antonia from MBIE.------------------------------------------------------New Zealand tech, media, & startup podcast hosted by Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, Vivian Chandra, and others. Hosts of #WellyTechAll our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nz Follow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcast Subscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/Buy the AG merch:https://www.accessgranted.nz/shop/
3/11/2019 • 1 hour, 23 minutes, 14 seconds

Healthy Homes Hikoi - Dubai calling
"Hiria Te Rangi - 1 March at 13:54 · HOLY WHAT!! Whare hauora, got through to round 2 out of almost 7000 organisations!!!WOW ...so I might be going to Dubai.."-----------------------------------------------------The Whare Hauora update is brought to you by Hiria Te Rangi and Access Granted NZ.All the updates: https://www.accessgranted.nz/whare-hauora/ Get all the Whare Hauora updates:- http://www.wharehauora.nz/ - https://www.facebook.com/wharehauora/ - https://twitter.com/WhareHauora Access Granted is the leading New Zealand tech, media, & startup podcast hosted by Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, Vivian Chandra, and others. Hosts of #WellyTechAll our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nz Follow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcast Subscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
3/7/2019 • 11 minutes, 8 seconds

WiDS Wellington speakers (pt 2) - Online to the world
Part two in the run up to the (sold out, but watch the live stream on Saturday: https://data.sim.vuw.ac.nz/widsw2019/streaming/) Women in Data Science (WiDS) Wellington event we find out who, what, where, and why from four of the speakers - you will hear from:AGATE PONDER-SUTTONAgate has been doing data science, with and without that title, in industry and academia for slightly less than twenty years.- https://nz.linkedin.com/in/agatepondersuttonDAME DIANE RROBERTSONDiane is a successful social sector entrepreneur, giving her a unique combination of strong business and financial skills with strong social sector credentials. She has written and managed databases for a variety of businesses and agencies- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diane_Robertson- https://nz.linkedin.com/in/dame-diane-robertson-768b43a8EMMA VITZEmma is an actuarial analyst at Finity Consulting in Auckland. She graduated from Victoria University in 2017 with a Bachelor in Science in Statistics and Psychology.- https://twitter.com/EmmaVitz- https://nz.linkedin.com/in/emma-vitz- https://github.com/EmVitz- https://medium.com/@emmavitzKATE KOLICHKate Kolich is the Director of Data Systems and Analytics at the Social Investment Agency, where her team supports data and analytics capability for the social sector by acting as an integrator through the provision of the secure data exchange and developing analytical methods and products to measure outcomes for social wellbeing.- https://www.linkedin.com/in/katkolich/- https://twitter.com/Kat_Data------------------------------------------------------New Zealand tech, media, & startup podcast hosted by Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, Vivian Chandra, and others. Hosts of #WellyTechAll our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nz Follow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcast Subscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/Buy the AG merch:https://www.accessgranted.nz/shop/
3/5/2019 • 33 minutes, 24 seconds

Healthy Homes Hikoi - Just give me money
Moved to local Wellington cult beer bar, Hashiho Zake, to find out from Hiria that the PledgeMe products are being tested, that getting $ for social investment in New Zealand is hard, what "social investment" actually is is not mandated in NZ, and that the boys may have a plan to get $100,000 ... watch this space.------------------------------------------------------The Whare Hauora update is brought to you by Hiria Te Rangi and Access Granted NZ.All the updates: https://www.accessgranted.nz/whare-hauora/ Get all the Whare Hauora updates:- http://www.wharehauora.nz/ - https://www.facebook.com/wharehauora/ - https://twitter.com/WhareHauora Access Granted is the leading New Zealand tech, media, & startup podcast hosted by Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, Vivian Chandra, and others. Hosts of #TechweekTV and #WellyTechAll our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nz Follow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcast Subscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
2/28/2019 • 16 minutes, 51 seconds

aurynn shaw - Pulling my content
APOLOGIES - on our quest to find the perfect 'quiet' bar to record within we tried Rogue & Vagabond (way too loud), and ended up at HUSK which wasn't too bad ... but still.Have no fear though, because aurynn overcomes the noise factor by telling us all something VERY BLOODY COOL! And she sticks to telling us about despite Mike wanting to drink more beer (grrr him).Her New Zealand Mastodon project is nearing completion ... find out why she has done it, what it means for us all, and how we can get aboard ... in the coming weeks!- https://nz.linkedin.com/in/aurynn- https://twitter.com/aurynn- https://eiara.nz/------------------------------------------------------New Zealand tech, media, & startup podcast hosted by Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, Vivian Chandra, and others. Hosts of #WellyTechAll our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nz Follow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcast Subscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/Buy the AG merch:https://www.accessgranted.nz/shop/
2/28/2019 • 38 minutes, 36 seconds

WiDS Wellington speakers (pt 1) - Talking to the Wizards of Data Science
In the run up to the (sold out, but get on the waitlist: https://data.sim.vuw.ac.nz/widsw2019/register/) Women in Data Science (WiDS) Wellington event we find out who, what, where, and why from four of the speakers - you will hear from:MARY-ELLEN GORDONMary-Ellen is a Senior Lecturer at Victoria University of Wellington, and co-host of the WiDS Wellington event.- https://www.victoria.ac.nz/sim/about/staff/maryellen-gordon- https://nz.linkedin.com/in/maryellengordon- https://twitter.com/meginzKAT GREENBROOKKat is the founder of Rogue Penguin, a data visualisation company in Wellington.- https://nz.linkedin.com/in/katgreenbrook- https://twitter.com/katgreenbrook- https://www.roguepenguin.co.nz/who- https://accessgranted.nz/episodes/2017/9/11/kat-greenbrook-visualising-dataAMANDA HUGHESAmanda is a Senior Data Scientist with Nicholson Consulting.- https://nz.linkedin.com/in/amanda-hughes-01a9b06b- https://twitter.com/amandahughes223ERNESTYNNE WALSHErnestynne is an experienced senior data scientist from the East coast (Ngāti Porou and Te Whānau-ā-Apanui) of Aotearoa, New Zealand.- https://ernestynne.github.io/index.html- https://nz.linkedin.com/in/ernestynne-walsh-1a16b795We will have a pt 2 with some out-of-towners (ie, non-Wellington based) speakers coming up next week AND a whole series of chats with as many of the speakers, exhibitors, sponsors, and attendees from the event itself.------------------------------------------------------New Zealand tech, media, & startup podcast hosted by Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, Vivian Chandra, and others. Hosts of #WellyTech.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nz Follow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcast Subscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/Buy the AG merch:https://www.accessgranted.nz/shop/
2/25/2019 • 29 minutes, 41 seconds

Healthy Homes Hikoi - Know the size of the maunga
It's hard being a startup in New Zealand, it's even harder being a social enterprise and looking for social investment $. It's a big maunga to climb, but Hiria and her corporate background has more than a start upon the journey ... ------------------------------------------------------The Whare Hauora update is brought to you by Hiria Te Rangi and Access Granted NZ.All the updates: https://www.accessgranted.nz/whare-hauora/ Get all the Whare Hauora updates:- http://www.wharehauora.nz/ - https://www.facebook.com/wharehauora/ - https://twitter.com/WhareHauora Access Granted is the leading New Zealand tech, media, & startup podcast hosted by Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, Vivian Chandra, and others. Hosts of #TechweekTV and #WellyTechAll our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nz Follow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcast Subscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
2/22/2019 • 16 minutes, 54 seconds

Rob Boyle - Love scripting in Sweden
A little bit of nepotism never did anyone any harm … no? If you went by Rob Boyle’s surname* you’d not know he was our very own Mike’s younger brother who, during his Christmas / New Year visit to New Zealand took the opportunity to explain to Mike exactly what he does.Coming from a Microsoft infrastructure background,, managing the first ever Daily Mail website, and now working and living in Sweden Rob (or Bob as he loves to not be called) is on an agile project management journey.A personal thanks to past show star Charlotte HInton (https://accessgranted.nz/episodes/2018/11/27/charlotte-hinton-agile-the-ongoing-party) who volunteered to catch-up with Rob and help him on this agile journey - Kiwis are so generous!- https://se.linkedin.com/in/robboyle1-----------------------------------------------------New Zealand tech, media, & startup podcast hosted by Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, Vivian Chandra, and others. Hosts of #WellyTechAll our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nz Follow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcast Subscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/Buy the AG merch:https://www.accessgranted.nz/shop/
2/18/2019 • 49 minutes, 33 seconds

System Error - Summer Time
With the change in System Error format (see: https://accessgranted.nz/jibberjabber/2018/12/13/a-change-for-system-error) we we have a concise discussion around the following subjects:1: Use of VR in the new Johnsonville library design / training2: Taking time off the phones, and how3: Can tech events demand MSM cover them?We love the question to event organisers, "So what do you want publicity to achieve for your event?"Thanks to Deb and Sean for joining Mike and Raj .See YOU at the next #WellyTech discussion forum: https://accessgranted.nz/coming-soon/recording-system-error- Thursday, April 18, 2019- 5:30pm-7pm (Recording happens between 6pm-6:30pm)- Amador- 78 Willis Street Wellington New Zealand------------------------------------------------------New Zealand tech, media, & startup podcast hosted by Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, Vivian Chandra, and others. Hosts of #WellyTechAll our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nz Follow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcast Subscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/Buy the AG merch:https://www.accessgranted.nz/shop/
2/14/2019 • 23 minutes, 37 seconds

Bob Weir - Why Businesses Fail (WIN A COPY)
Rebecca Caroe, in Auckland, has a chat with Bob Weir around how, why, and who should read his new book, "Why Businesses Fail" - and if you don't hear one tip that makes you sit up and listen then you weren't listening in the first place."Take a journey through hundreds of case studies and stories about failed businesses and take a journey through the irrational human mind that contributed so much to these failures."*** WIN A COPY ***So who should read it - YOU!2 listeners can get a FREE SIGNED COPY by popping your name and email address into the form at: https://accessgranted.nz/episodes/2019/2/12/bob-weir-why-businesses-fail-win-a-copyGood luck- https://www.linkedin.com/in/pinpoint-business- https://www.whybusinessesfail.co.nz/- https://www.facebook.com/WhyBusinessesFailBook/- https://www.radionz.co.nz/national/programmes/ninetonoon/audio/2018664175/why-businesses-fail- https://accessgranted.nz/episodes/2018/11/13/rebecca-caroe-it-does-what-it-says-on-the-tin------------------------------------------------------New Zealand tech, media, & startup podcast hosted by Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, Vivian Chandra, and others. Hosts of #WellyTechAll our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nz Follow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcast Subscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/Buy the AG merch:https://www.accessgranted.nz/shop/
2/12/2019 • 31 minutes, 20 seconds

Kate Kolich + Mary-Ellen Gordon: WiDS 2019 (9th March, Wellington)
We had a brief chat with Kate Kolich and Mary-Ellen Gordon, the co-organisers of WiDS Wellington (Women In Data Science) being held at Wellington’s Victoria University on Saturday 9th March.They take us through the global event, the Wellington one, and what everyone can expect when they come along: https://data.sim.vuw.ac.nz/widsw2019/register/We will be recording a few podcasts in the run up to the conference as well as being there on the day itself.- https://data.sim.vuw.ac.nz/widsw2019/- https://data.sim.vuw.ac.nz/widsw2019/speakers/- https://www.widsconference.org/The 2019 speakers include the following (all of which we will have podcast chats with before and during the conference):- Agate Ponder-Sutton- Amanda Hughes- Dame Diane Robertson- Donna Cormack- Emma Vitz- Ernestynne Walsh- Kari Jones- Kat Greenbrook- Kate Kolich- Kathryn Hempstalk- Liz MacPherson- Louise Barber (Ngapuhi, Ngati Hine)- Nasca Peng- Dr Sally (Ake) Nicholas- Vidette McGregor------------------------------------------------------New Zealand tech, media, & startup podcast hosted by Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, Vivian Chandra, and others. Hosts of #TechweekTV and #WellyTechAll our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nz Follow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcast Subscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/Buy the AG merch:https://www.accessgranted.nz/shop/
2/10/2019 • 14 minutes, 12 seconds

Healthy Homes Hikoi - Trust your gut
Despite a bumpy 2018 with a lot of changes Hiria explains to Mike and Raj how Whare Hauora is now on a stable footing with technical and manufacturing partners in place … all that needs to happen is investment and growth to be ready for the 2019 New Zealand winter.If you are a social investment person then Hiria would love to hear from you - contact details on the Whare Hauora website, http://www.wharehauora.nz/contact/Oh, and the episode title? - Hiria looks back and gives advice to startups going through their first year or so.------------------------------------------------------The Whare Hauora update is brought to you by Hiria Te Rangi and Access Granted NZ.All the updates: https://www.accessgranted.nz/whare-hauora/ Get all the Whare Hauora updates:- http://www.wharehauora.nz/ - https://www.facebook.com/wharehauora/ - https://twitter.com/WhareHauora Access Granted is the leading New Zealand tech, media, & startup podcast hosted by Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, Vivian Chandra, and others. Hosts of #TechweekTV and #WellyTechAll our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nz Follow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcast Subscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
2/7/2019 • 12 minutes, 58 seconds

Neal Richardson - The humans behind the big machine
A cracking chat between Neal Richardson and Viv at the SparkOne annual event (Spark's "unconference") late in 2018.They cover what an unconference is, where the SparkOne version came from, and the best parts of running the event before they widen out to how Neal got to be where he is, the finest parts of working within Spark, and how it's all about perceptions and communications (!)- https://www.linkedin.com/in/neal-richardson-316b523------------------------------------------------------New Zealand tech, media, & startup podcast hosted by Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, Vivian Chandra, and others. Hosts of #TechweekTV and #WellyTechAll our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nz Follow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcast Subscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/Buy the AG merch:https://www.accessgranted.nz/shop/
2/4/2019 • 32 minutes, 59 seconds

aurryn shaw - dismantle our org charts
aurynn’s back, aurynn shaw is back in the AG house, and we couldn’t be happier.When aurynn speaks there is always gold, especially around the culture of tech, how organisations can modernise and equalise their approach to tech and why devops is NOT a job title!- https://nz.linkedin.com/in/aurynn- https://github.com/aurynn- https://twitter.com/aurynn- https://eiara.nz/------------------------------------------------------New Zealand tech, media, & startup podcast hosted by Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, Vivian Chandra, and others. Hosts of #TechweekTV and #WellyTechAll our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nz Follow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcast Subscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/Buy the AG merch:https://www.accessgranted.nz/shop/
1/29/2019 • 41 minutes, 27 seconds

Healthy Homes Hikoi – Hiria's 2018 wrap up
Hiria catches us all up with her 2018 wrap up - so much has happened and SO much to come.We at Access Granted NZ would like to thank Hiria for allowing us to record and publish the Whare Hauora journey through all the trials and tribulations, the changes and challenges - it’s been an absolute pleasure and honour. Here’s to an an amazing year in the Whare Hauora story!More from Hiria: https://medium.com/@kamikazilady/whare-hauora-and-whare-sensors-update-a6cf00d6828b?fbclid=IwAR14tznLQ5myrhC2e2UTB0Jf3jGpr9nZCWZq8kqCSVDV_BfLv-SjGRVM2SU------------------------------------------------------The Whare Hauora update is brought to you by Hiria Te Rangi and Access Granted NZ.All the updates: https://www.accessgranted.nz/whare-hauora/ Get all the Whare Hauora updates:- http://www.wharehauora.nz/ - https://www.facebook.com/wharehauora/ - https://twitter.com/WhareHauora Access Granted is the leading New Zealand tech, media, & startup podcast hosted by Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, Vivian Chandra, and others. Hosts of #TechweekTV and #WellyTechAll our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nz Follow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcast Subscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
1/28/2019 • 20 minutes, 3 seconds

Happy Christmas from Mike & Raj
A SEASONAL THANK YOU AND TO ALL OUR LISTENERSAnd a massive shout out to all involved with Access Granted NZ during 2018 - #TechWeekNZ crew, Viv + Vic, the 40+ companies that made #WellyTech, the event coordinators that invited us along, and to each and everyone we've had on the show. THANK YOU!
12/24/2018 • 1 minute, 58 seconds

The year that was 2018
Mike and Raj run through their highlights of 2018 and take the hard road of choosing their monthly favourite episodes (which is highly likely not to be the same as yours).THANK YOU TO ALL OUR LISTENERS, you are the reason we do this.See you on Christmas Day and then after a few archive classics, back in late January 2019 to kick off 12 more months an fascinating people, intriguing events, and connections galore.January : Sam Jarmanhttps://accessgranted.nz/episodes/2018/1/29/sam-jarman-no-time-for-messing-around-just-get-into-it February : Dave Knighthttps://accessgranted.nz/episodes/2018/2/15/dave-knight-cultivating-sales-peopleMarch : Kowhai Montgomeryhttps://accessgranted.nz/episodes/2018/3/20/kowhai-montgomery-special-snowflake-startups April : New Zealand WiDS 2018https://accessgranted.nz/episodes/2018/4/10/new-zealand-wids-2018May : Hamish McGregor https://accessgranted.nz/episodes/2018/5/17/hamish-mcgregor-vitamins-vs-painkillers June : Hiria Te Rangihttps://accessgranted.nz/episodes/2018/6/18/hiria-te-rangi-slap-you-with-scienceJuly : Simon Che de Boerhttps://accessgranted.nz/episodes/2018/7/31/simon-che-de-boer-encapsulating-reality August : Philip Fierlingerhttps://accessgranted.nz/episodes/2018/8/21/philip-fierlinger-put-your-head-down-and-do-itSeptember : Mobile Refresh 2018https://accessgranted.nz/episodes/2018/9/20/mobile-refresh-2018 October : Adrian Owenhttps://accessgranted.nz/episodes/2018/10/30/adrian-owen-make-time-for-youNovember : Katie Brownhttps://accessgranted.nz/episodes/2018/11/5/katie-brown-its-the-sentiment-that-counts December : Kristen Lunman + Natalie Fergusonhttps://accessgranted.nz/episodes/2018/12/11/kristen-lunman-natalie-ferguson-are-obnoxiously-happy------------------------------------------------------New Zealand tech, media, & startup podcast hosted by Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, Vivian Chandra, and others. Hosts of #TechweekTV and #WellyTechAll our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nz Follow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcast Subscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/Buy the AG merch:https://www.accessgranted.nz/shop/
12/18/2018 • 21 minutes, 38 seconds

Liz Maguire - Human centred design
Liz Maguire is the Head of Digital and Transformation at ANZ and she is clear banks are not the old fashioned fuddy duddies we think they are. We think that if there was one thing we should take away it is the idea of human centred design - there is no point making the flashest stuff if no-one is ever going to use it. It’ll be interesting to see how the customer focused teams at ANZ pan out in the long run as Liz’s team is creating amazing tech everyday, including Jamie but we’ll let Liz tell you who Jamie is …- https://nz.linkedin.com/in/lizmaguire- https://twitter.com/lizziemaguire- http://women.govt.nz/inspiring-women/liz-maguire------------------------------------------------------New Zealand tech, media, & startup podcast hosted by Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, Vivian Chandra, and others. Hosts of #TechweekTV and #WellyTechAll our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nz Follow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcast Subscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/Buy the AG merch:https://www.accessgranted.nz/shop/
12/17/2018 • 29 minutes, 39 seconds

Vivian Chandra + co-founders - Your tech union
As an example of our team being hard working people with day jobs, families, and other community and tech adventures, just check out this podcast from Viv who introduces and talks through the newly launched Aotearoa Tech Union.Viv chats with co-founders Jason Danner, Jess Ducey, Kate Pearce, and Cordelia Black.The ATU is believes that every worker deserves:"1: Fair and reasonable working conditions and hours2: Someone on their side if things go wrong3: Career support, and unbiased information on salary and pay, throughout their entire career4: A voice to government and media that represents their interests without fear of upsetting employersIf you work in a tech job or for a technology company, we’re here for you.Technology is going to be the future of our country. Let’s make sure it’s one we can be proud of."- https://www.atu.org.nz/- https://twitter.com/yourtechunion- https://www.facebook.com/yourtechunion/- https://twitter.com/vivster81------------------------------------------------------New Zealand tech, media, & startup podcast hosted by Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, Vivian Chandra, and others. Hosts of #TechweekTV and #WellyTechAll our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nz Follow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcast Subscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/Buy the AG merch:https://www.accessgranted.nz/shop/
12/12/2018 • 31 minutes, 43 seconds

Kristen Lunman + Natalie Ferguson are obnoxiously happy
There’s no more fun to had than watching Kristen and Natalie explain to Mike how his view of money is both typical for New Zealand and one that’s holding him back in his choices.The last time we spoke to Natalie (July 2014 she was running her own company and yet this year she has taken a ‘standard desk job’ at the KiwiWealth internal startup named Hatch, alongside CEO Kristen and a number of fine folks endeavouring to change how Kiwi’s see the global investment market.Over a beer we chat all things financial, women in tech, and the pros and cons of being a startup within an established organisation.- https://twitter.com/KristenLunman- https://nz.linkedin.com/in/kristen-lunman-32b3175- https://www.hatchinvest.nz/- https://nz.linkedin.com/in/natalieferguson- https://twitter.com/natfergster- https://accessgranted.nz/episodes/2015/8/31/ep-10-rough-redps: congrats to both for making the WTAF 2018 Finalists and to Nat for taking out the people's choice: https://wellytech.accessgranted.nz/------------------------------------------------------New Zealand tech, media, & startup podcast hosted by Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, Vivian Chandra, and others. Hosts of #TechweekTV and #WellyTechAll our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nz Follow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcast Subscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/Buy the AG merch:https://www.accessgranted.nz/shop/
12/10/2018 • 42 minutes, 7 seconds

Healthy Homes Hikoi - From behind the great firewall
Sorry about the delay in getting Hiria's report from behind the great firewall of China to you - totally our fault. So without further ado, get Hiria in your ears and check out what the China deal is all about ...------------------------------------------------------The Whare Hauora update is brought to you by Hiria Te Rangi and Access Granted NZ.All the updates: https://www.accessgranted.nz/whare-hauora/ Get all the Whare Hauora updates:- http://www.wharehauora.nz/ - https://www.facebook.com/wharehauora/ - https://twitter.com/WhareHauora Access Granted is the leading New Zealand tech, media, & startup podcast hosted by Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, Vivian Chandra, and others. Hosts of #TechweekTV and #WellyTechAll our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nz Follow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcast Subscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
12/2/2018 • 9 minutes, 35 seconds

Charlotte Hinton - Agile, the ongoing party
We've been after Charlotte for quite some time and we finally managed to get some time in her diary to chat all things agile, her work at Te Papa, what she's doing in the government's Service Innovation Lab (everyone should make a time to go visit), and finally her time organising the most excellent WDCNZ conference - lets hope that both Charlotte and Owen can bring it back somehow, somewhere.So much ... pop it in your ears and have a listen to the wonderful Charlotte Hinton.- https://www.linkedin.com/in/charlottehinton/- https://twitter.com/charlottehinton- https://www.digital.govt.nz/blog/si-lab-keen-to-share-a-great-space/- http://www.wdcnz.com/------------------------------------------------------New Zealand tech, media, & startup podcast hosted by Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, Vivian Chandra, and others. Hosts of #TechweekTV and #WellyTechAll our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nz Follow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcast Subscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/Buy the AG merch:https://www.accessgranted.nz/shop/
11/26/2018 • 32 minutes, 13 seconds

#WellyTech 2018 – David Perks and Dorien Vermaas (WellingtonNZ)
The #WellyTech event doesn't happen without partners standing next to us and making it happen. We are honoured to hear from David Perks and Dorien Vermaas.David is heading up this large team for WellingtonNZ to help drive economic growth and make the Wellington region Wildly Famous.Dorien is leading WREDA's tech & innovation team and works with game developers, animation studios, AR/VR community and (digital) design sectors.David Perks will be talking on stage in the Access Granted Big Top at 5:55 pm.Watch out for our #WellyTech partner podcasts coming over the next few days:- Liz MacPherson (CEO Stats NZ, Government Statistician, and Chief Data Steward)- Colin Brown (Tribe Lead Network Evolution at Spark)- Andreas Spanner (Chief Architect Australia & New Zealand, Red Hat)Our 3 questions for the event partners are:1: How was 2018 for you and your organisation?2: What are you looking forward to in 2019?3: What’s the ‘state of the nation’ when looking at the Wellington / NZ tech scene?------------------------------------------------------New Zealand tech, media, & startup podcast hosted by Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, Vivian Chandra, and others. Hosts of #TechweekTV and #WellyTechAll our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nz Follow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcast Subscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/Buy the AG merch:https://www.accessgranted.nz/shop/
11/22/2018 • 13 minutes, 35 seconds

#WellyTech 2018 – Andreas Spanner (Chief Architect Australia & New Zealand, Red Hat)
The #WellyTech event doesn't happen without partners standing next to us and making it happen. We are honoured to hear from Andreas Spanner, Chief Architect Australia & New Zealand, Red Hat.Andreas is leading Red Hat’s Business Innovation & Digital Transformation efforts across Australia & New Zealand. His hands-on experience in startups as well as large scale enterprise transformation programmes and reporting through to CIOs and CFOs has given Andreas a solid understanding of business drivers and value creation. In his former role as Head of Enterprise Architecture Andreas led a team of architects during complex business transformation programmes. Andreas has worked on a wide range of initiatives across different industries in Europe, North America and APAC including full scale ERP migrations, HR, finance and accounting, manufacturing, supply chain logistics and scalable core banking strategies to support regional business growth strategies.Since joining Red Hat, Andreas is focussed on helping organisations to build the necessary capabilities and to make the best-fit technology, methodology and architecture choices to be a successful digital competitor.Justin Harrington (Red Hat NZ) will be talking on stage in the Access Granted Big Top at 6:15 pm.Watch out for our #WellyTech partner podcasts coming over the next few days:- Liz MacPherson (CEO Stats NZ, Government Statistician, and Chief Data Steward)- Colin Brown (Tribe Lead Network Evolution at Spark)- David Perks and Dorien Vermaas, (Wellington.NZ)Our 3 questions for the event partners are:1: How was 2018 for you and your organisation?2: What are you looking forward to in 2019?3: What’s the ‘state of the nation’ when looking at the Wellington / NZ tech scene?------------------------------------------------------New Zealand tech, media, & startup podcast hosted by Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, Vivian Chandra, and others. Hosts of #TechweekTV and #WellyTechAll our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nz Follow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcast Subscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/Buy the AG merch:https://www.accessgranted.nz/shop/
11/21/2018 • 20 minutes, 1 second

#WellyTech 2018 – Colin Brown (Tribe Lead Network Evolution at Spark)
The #WellyTech event doesn't happen without partners standing next to us and making it happen. We are honoured to hear from Colin Brown, Tribe Lead Network Evolution at Spark.As Tribe Lead for Network Evolution, Colin is responsible for ensuring Spark has the capability to evolve our network and enable New Zealanders to win big in a digital world. This means managing the strategy, architecture, design and delivery of Spark’s Mobile, Fixed, IP Voice and Legacy Networks service. In this role Colin draws on his 22 years’ experience in ICT and business change, 16 of these within Spark. Over the course of his career with Spark, Colin has played integral roles in some of our most significant technical projects, including the launch of the 4/4.5G Mobile Network, Optical Transport Network, Business Data, Consumer Broadband and IP Voice.Colin has also lead Spark through significant transformational change including the regulated Operational Separation, Structural Separation between Telecom and Chorus, Rebrand for Spark, Turnaround and the recent move to Agile. Colin’s current areas of focus include building capacity in our wireless broadband network, retiring the PSTN, transitioning Spark’s voice future to an all IP Voice Core and planning for 5G mobile networks.Colin is a Director of the Rural Connectivity Group and is on the Board of Trustees for Marram and was previously a Director of Connect8Colin will be talking on stage in the Access Granted Big Top at 5:35 pm.Watch out for our #WellyTech partner podcasts coming over the next few days:- Liz MacPherson (CEO Stats NZ, Government Statistician, and Chief Data Steward)- Andreas Spanner (Chief Architect Australia & New Zealand, Red Hat)- David Perks and Dorien Vermaas, (Wellington.NZ)Our 3 questions for the event partners are:1: How was 2018 for you and your organisation?2: What are you looking forward to in 2019?3: What’s the ‘state of the nation’ when looking at the Wellington / NZ tech scene?------------------------------------------------------New Zealand tech, media, & startup podcast hosted by Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, Vivian Chandra, and others. Hosts of #TechweekTV and #WellyTechAll our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nz Follow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcast Subscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/Buy the AG merch:https://www.accessgranted.nz/shop/
11/20/2018 • 10 minutes, 59 seconds

#WellyTech 2018 – Liz MacPherson (CEO Stats NZ, Government Statistician, and Chief Data Steward)
The #WellyTech event doesn't happen without partners standing next to us and making it happen. We are honoured to hear from Liz MacPherson, CEO Stats NZ, Government Statistician, and Chief Data Steward.Liz joined the public sector with a strong appetite to make a difference. Despite being a self-confessed geek, she is very much a people person with a strong pragmatic side. She enjoys spending time with her family, cooking, and sharing good food with friends and family. In her (rare) spare time, Liz coaches netball, and as a trained opera singer has been known to shine during organisational Christmas carol performances.Liz will be talking on stage in the Access Granted Big Top at 4:50 pm.Watch out for our #WellyTech partner podcasts coming over the next few days:- Colin Brown - Tribe Lead Network Evolution at Spark- Andreas Spanner - Chief Architect Australia & New Zealand, Red Hat- David Perks and Dorien Vermaas, - The Wellington.NZOur 3 questions for the event partners are:1: How was 2018 for you and your organisation?2: What are you looking forward to in 2019?3: What’s the ‘state of the nation’ when looking at the Wellington / NZ tech scene?------------------------------------------------------New Zealand tech, media, & startup podcast hosted by Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, Vivian Chandra, and others. Hosts of #TechweekTV and #WellyTechAll our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nz Follow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcast Subscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/Buy the AG merch:https://www.accessgranted.nz/shop/
11/20/2018 • 12 minutes, 4 seconds

Healthy Homes Hikoi - We're growing up
Changes in the ownership, trip to China to talk tech suppliers, having a consumer-ready version and a community focused one. It’s all go with Hiria and Whare Hauora and there is much more to hear …------------------------------------------------------The Whare Hauora update is brought to you by Hiria Te Rangi and Access Granted NZ.All the updates: https://www.accessgranted.nz/whare-hauora/ Get all the Whare Hauora updates:- http://www.wharehauora.nz/ - https://www.facebook.com/wharehauora/ - https://twitter.com/WhareHauora Access Granted is the leading New Zealand tech, media, & startup podcast hosted by Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, Vivian Chandra, and others. Hosts of #TechweekTV and #WellyTechAll our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nz Follow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcast Subscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
11/18/2018 • 9 minutes, 18 seconds

Rebecca Caroe - It does what it says on the tin
It was with absolute pleasure that Mike caught up with Rebecca Caroe, long time listener and supporter of the show. Rebecca runs her own marketing company based in Auckland as well as being a keen podcaster herself around her passion of rowing.There is so much to listen to, and we guarantee you'll become enamoured of Rebecca's infectious laugh and her great hints and tips.- https://nz.linkedin.com/in/rebeccacaroe- https://creativeagencysecrets.com/- https://twitter.com/rebeccacaroe- https://www.rowperfect.co.uk/rowingchat/------------------------------------------------------New Zealand tech, media, & startup podcast hosted by Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, Vivian Chandra, and others. Hosts of #TechweekTV and #WellyTechAll our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nz Follow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcast Subscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/Buy the AG merch:https://www.accessgranted.nz/shop/
11/12/2018 • 40 minutes, 32 seconds

Katie Brown - It's the sentiment that counts
Katie Brown, from her own company brilliantly named Katie Brown Thinks, was at the forefront of social media use within the New Zealand government and particularly tying it's use to actual outcomes (she has a great story about that).Katie has since moved on and now applies her skills and experiences to her 'community' be that geographical, people. or even her own internal self. She has a great sense of care that again applies to all but especially tech workers ... we know, we bang on about this don't we - well we think it's important for not only the people that work in tech but for our industry as a whole!- https://katiebrownthinks.com/- https://twitter.com/katiebrownthink- https://twitter.com/katie_pai- https://www.linkedin.com/in/katiebrownnz/- https://www.facebook.com/katiebrownthinks- https://www.instagram.com/katiebrownthinks/------------------------------------------------------New Zealand tech, media, & startup podcast hosted by Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, Vivian Chandra, and others. Hosts of #TechweekTV and #WellyTechAll our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nz Follow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcast Subscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/Buy the AG merch:https://www.accessgranted.nz/shop/
11/5/2018 • 22 minutes, 33 seconds

Healthy Homes Hikoi - Turning over a new leaf
Hear how Ackama (previously Rabid Technology) are now the technology partner and the on-going discussions, learning, and fun with Chinese manufacturers.A focus for Hiria is to ensure the firmware and software on the sensors and gateway can be updated to ensure the sensors can be upgraded to take advantage of functionality builtin - it’s not just about temperature and humidity, what about air quality.Hiria presented to the Community Energy Network (https://communityenergy.org.nz/) and is excited about how the data can be used to not only tell you about your house but then connect with those that can do something about it.And of course - yay, Hiria and Whare Haura won an Open Source Ward last week: https://nzosa.org.nz/finalists2018/------------------------------------------------------The Whare Hauora update is brought to you by Hiria Te Rangi and Access Granted NZ.All the updates: https://www.accessgranted.nz/whare-hauora/ Get all the Whare Hauora updates:- http://www.wharehauora.nz/ - https://www.facebook.com/wharehauora/ - https://twitter.com/WhareHauora Access Granted is the leading New Zealand tech, media, & startup podcast hosted by Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, Vivian Chandra, and others. Hosts of #TechweekTV and #WellyTechAll our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nz Follow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcast Subscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
11/1/2018 • 19 minutes, 51 seconds

Adrian Owen - Make time for YOU
Adrian Owen was a big man, like a BIG man. After working in the design world for some years, (alongside Raj as it happens) he noticed that he was gaining weight at an exponential rate which only came to a stop when he was told by his doctor that he probably would be dead within a year.That sort of moment causes changes.Learn from Adrian as he talks about how he changed his life, his families lives, and is now helping others change their lives. We particularly love his “how to start the day” routine, something everyone in the tech world should take note of.- https://www.adrianowen.me/- https://www.facebook.com/dream.dedicate.do- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCli1WPmUIODrADj5ZIxpmEA/- https://www.instagram.com/adrianowen.me/------------------------------------------------------New Zealand tech, media, & startup podcast hosted by Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, and others. Hosts of #TechweekTV and #WellyTechAll our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nz Follow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcast Subscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/Buy the AG merch:https://www.accessgranted.nz/shop/
10/29/2018 • 32 minutes, 7 seconds

Healthy Homes Hikoi - Ako Mandarin
News: Whare Hauora won a 2018 New Zealand Open Source Award, the People’s Choice - go Hiria!!!!Hiria tells us about the challenges of finding a manufacturer, the change in ownership, and some updates on delivery dates for sensors.------------------------------------------------------The Whare Hauora update is brought to you by Hiria Te Rangi and Access Granted NZ.All the updates: https://www.accessgranted.nz/whare-hauora/ Get all the Whare Hauora updates:- http://www.wharehauora.nz/ - https://www.facebook.com/wharehauora/ - https://twitter.com/WhareHauora Access Granted is the leading New Zealand tech, media, & startup podcast hosted by Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, and others. Hosts of #TechweekTV and #WellyTechAll our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nz Follow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcast Subscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
10/26/2018 • 16 minutes, 6 seconds

Jim Boutcher – Guerrilla Giving
Jim Boutcher is mild mannered data nerd by day helping to keep you money safe from the nasty people around the world that want to take it out of the banks ... he does this by being neck deep in data and databases, this is his passion.Jim also has a passion for solving some obvious (to him) problems in society and has come up with the free app, Givahoy. With Givahoy you no longer have the problem of living in a cashless society, walking past the bucket shakers and wanting to give but having nothing in your pocket. Simply whip out the app, pledge your amount and at the end of the month pay the bill.We at Access Granted LOVED this concept and had to talk to JIm, and then we had to bring Jim and the #WellyTech charity, The Neonatal Trust together which we did. At the event (free tickets still available) you can drop your cash OR use the Givahoy app to your favourite collector, it will know using the Givahoy iBeacons being used - clever eh- https://nz.linkedin.com/in/givahoy- https://givahoy.com/who-is-givahoy/- https://twitter.com/givahoy- https://wellytech.accessgranted.nz/wellytech-2018/the-neonatal-trust-auctionINSTALL the Givahoy app:- Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.givahoy.Givahoy- iPhone: https://itunes.apple.com/nz/app/givahoy/id1227172770?mt=8------------------------------------------------------New Zealand tech, media, & startup podcast hosted by Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, and others. Hosts of #TechweekTV and #WellyTechAll our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nz Follow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcast Subscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/Buy the AG merch:https://www.accessgranted.nz/shop/
10/23/2018 • 36 minutes, 21 seconds

Ben Gracewood - I've always been about no bullshit
Ben Gracewood is a stalwart of the New Zealand tech scene having worked his way through development, TV punditry, manager, event organiser, and all through it he has held his principles in front and his head high.We discuss a lot, over a slightly dodgy Internet connection, and really so let’s stop writing and let him guide you to how you can "spend your coins to the betterment of others".Oh, and maybe we will see him use his skills to work with wider NZ one day ... who knows :)- https://ben.gracewood.nz/- https://twitter.com/nzben- https://nz.linkedin.com/in/bgracewood- https://codemania.io/------------------------------------------------------New Zealand tech, media, & startup podcast hosted by Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, and others. Hosts of #TechweekTV and #WellyTechAll our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nz Follow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcast Subscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/Buy the AG merch:https://www.accessgranted.nz/shop/
10/15/2018 • 33 minutes, 12 seconds

Healthy Homes Hikoi - You either get it right (1st time) or you'll fuck it up
Hiria's back with her weekly Whare Hauora catch up, and whilst it's fun, exciting, and definitely a rush running a startup there are times when it's stressful, draining, and lonely - it happens to each and every startup and we thank Hiria for allowing us to be alongside her in the journey------------------------------------------------------The Whare Hauora update is brought to you by Hiria Te Rangi and Access Granted NZ.All the updates: https://www.accessgranted.nz/whare-hauora/ Get all the Whare Hauora updates:- http://www.wharehauora.nz/ - https://www.facebook.com/wharehauora/ - https://twitter.com/WhareHauora Access Granted is the leading New Zealand tech, media, & startup podcast hosted by Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, and others. Hosts of #TechweekTV and #WellyTechAll our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nz Follow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcast Subscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
10/14/2018 • 20 minutes, 22 seconds

James Macnee - Giving People Direction
James Macnee lives in the idyllic north of New Zealand where he is a consultant in the tech world designing systems that enable rapid delivery while increasing stability for such agencies as Ministry of Social Development and others.James is also founder of Dev2, an charity that, through the support of people like you, is able to educate, equip and employ poverty-stricken young people from the Philippines in web development and bring them and their families out of the cycle of poverty. Back to the his work at MSD we talked about a few of the benefits seen out of this new way of working: - David Habershon CIO - mentioned DevOps was the highlight of his year.- Significantly higher quality and throughput. Going from 1000s of support tickets for some project to under 10 per release and delivering more. It's hard to believe. The business mentioned for the first time couldn't spec new features fast enough. They could not keep up with the pace of the development teams.- Enabling the business rapid feedback ---- Before it was years of lag, by the time I finished it was 4 weeks- Moved from contract based relationship to collaboration - building trust- Engaged happy people. People love working when their work makes a difference and they are clearly adding value.- In a KPMG audit at MSD they said they have never seen such a positive change over such a short period.James says it was great to be involved in this and to work with such people and his job was simple; "I created a bit of vision, removed blockers and generally got out of the way so that awesome, smart people could make things happen."- https://www.leanit.co.nz/employees/james-macnee/- https://dev2.academy/- https://www.linkedin.com/in/jamesmacnee------------------------------------------------------New Zealand tech, media, & startup podcast hosted by Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, and others. Hosts of #TechweekTV and #WellyTechAll our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nz Follow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcast Subscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/Buy the AG merch:https://www.accessgranted.nz/shop/
10/9/2018 • 42 minutes, 26 seconds

Healthy Homes Hikoi - Changes And Impacts!
Keeping up with Hiria as the Whare Hauora journey continues with partnerships, agreements, terms, and the potential to ‘go public’ with some sort of social enterprise … listen to this space.Oh, and Hiria is “all in”: with her stall (she was the very first person to signup) at the #WellyTech 2018 event … a costume was mentioned, we can’t wait - get your free ticket: https://wellytech.accessgranted.nz/------------------------------------------------------The Whare Hauora update is brought to you by Hiria Te Rangi and Access Granted NZ.All the updates: https://www.accessgranted.nz/whare-hauora/ Get all the Whare Hauora updates:- http://www.wharehauora.nz/ - https://www.facebook.com/wharehauora/ - https://twitter.com/WhareHauora Access Granted is the leading New Zealand tech, media, & startup podcast hosted by Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, and others. Hosts of #TechweekTV and #WellyTechAll our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nz Follow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcast Subscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
10/4/2018 • 11 minutes, 54 seconds

Sarah Bickerton - Kindred Spirits
We welcome not just Sarah Bickerton (PhD Candidate, Tutor, and Research Assistant at Victoria University of Wellington) to the podcast but our co-host Vivian Chandra and her first recording ... and it was a meeting of kindred spirits as they are both Physics undergrads who then ended up doing more sociology! Whilst Sarah she doesn't work *in* tech right now, she is working *with* tech to work out our political participation. She is also helping to redefine political participation, what a public sphere vs a private sphere is, and what that even means in this day and age where all of our so-called spheres are owned by corporations.- https://www.victoria.ac.nz/sog/research/student-research/phd/sarah-bickerton- https://nz.linkedin.com/in/sarahbickerton- https://twitter.com/sarahhbickerton--------------------------------------New Zealand tech, media, & startup podcast hosted by Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, and others. Hosts of #TechweekTV and #WellyTechAll our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nz Follow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcast Subscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/Buy the AG merch:https://www.accessgranted.nz/shop/
10/4/2018 • 54 minutes, 51 seconds

Tony McDonald + John Weaver - Outsourcing The Stress
Tony McDonald (CEO) and John Weaver (GM) of McDonald's IT joined us for a run through the many facets of their company - from offering transition to cloud services, full IT management, re-carpeting a business and providing full information security.Tony started the company out of a desire to stop the small businesses of Wellington being stung by the major IT vendors and service companies and they have grown their offerings to become someone that can remove the stress of being a business and allow them to focus on what it is they actually do.Tony also runs a record company and his son will be playing at this year's #WellyTech event - check out the details and get your FREE ticket: https://wellytech.accessgranted.nz/wellytech-2018/music- https://nz.linkedin.com/in/tony-mcdonald-29705312- https://nz.linkedin.com/in/johnweaver- https://www.mcdonaldsit.co.nz/- https://www.plasticgroove.co.nz/- https://www.stuff.co.nz/life-style/food-wine/drinks/106657443/wellington-man-sells-epic-beer-bottle-collection------------------------------------------------------New Zealand tech, media, & startup podcast hosted by Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, and others. Hosts of #TechweekTV and #WellyTechAll our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nz Follow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcast Subscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/Buy the AG merch:https://www.accessgranted.nz/shop/
10/1/2018 • 42 minutes, 4 seconds

System Error - The Safe Word Is Cacau
People, they talk, mostly about tech stuff but not always - it's all about the community and letting them have their voice, and so we do ... enjoy (if you can).Heads-up: Raj and Mike are likely to change the format of these recordings in 2019 so that we get a more concise discussion whilst still allowing the #WellyTech community to come together and have their say - watch the blog for updates.------------------------------------------------------New Zealand tech, media, & startup podcast hosted by Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, and others. Hosts of #TechweekTV and #WellyTechAll our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nz Follow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcast Subscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/Buy the AG merch:https://www.accessgranted.nz/shop/
9/27/2018 • 39 minutes, 52 seconds

Christina Bellis + Catarina Gutierrez - Make Money & Do Good, Whaaaa?
The definition of a “social enterprise” is one that, here in New Zealand, is very woolly at the edges however Thankyou Payroll are old hands at being one, with their very definite approach.Christina Bellis (CEO) and Catarina Gutierrez (Marketing Manager) enjoyed a beer with the lads and talked them through how they see "social enterprises in New Zealand, how Thankyou Payroll is growing, why it matters to them personally, and how they ended up in such an organisation.- https://nz.linkedin.com/in/christina-bellis-0a84221a- https://twitter.com/meCatarina- https://mecatarina.com/- https://thankyoupayroll.co.nz/------------------------------------------------------New Zealand tech, media, & startup podcast hosted by Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, and others. Hosts of #TechweekTV and #WellyTechAll our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nz Follow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcast Subscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/Buy the AG merch:https://www.accessgranted.nz/shop/
9/25/2018 • 46 minutes, 33 seconds

Healthy Homes Hikoi - It Wasn't The Sensor, It Was Me
Hiria is back from the west coast of the USA and has many a tale to tell - no least how she has re-found her mojo thanks to all the amazing start-up people she met. And thanks to her focus on her startup she takes us through the plans, the challenges, and the changes …------------------------------------------------------The Whare Hauora update is brought to you by Hiria Te Rangi and Access Granted NZ.All the updates: https://www.accessgranted.nz/whare-hauora/ Get all the Whare Hauora updates:- http://www.wharehauora.nz/ - https://www.facebook.com/wharehauora/ - https://twitter.com/WhareHauora Access Granted is the leading New Zealand tech, media, & startup podcast hosted by Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, and others. Hosts of #TechweekTV and #WellyTechAll our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nz Follow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcast Subscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
9/24/2018 • 21 minutes, 44 seconds

Mobile Refresh 2018
Chats with nearly all the 2018 Mobile Refresh speakers and organisers during the conference held in Wellington on 7th September. This was the third annual conference that sees itself growing and growing - don’t miss out on 2019, http://mrw.gdg.nz/.We asked each of the speakers 3 questions:Who are you?What bring you to 2018 Mobile Refresh?What did you tell the session attendees?Enjoy the answers from the following (not in order):- Zarah Dominguez - Keynote - 12 Years On: A Retrospective- Ilia Kopylov - Breaking the ice with Natural Language Processing- Inaki Villar - Dexs, R8 & 3.2- Sam Jarman & Jie Li - Android and iOS, a 100% fully serious comparison- Bridget Cowie - Golang ❤️ Mobile- Luke Sleeman - Build Better Android Apps with Vector Assets- Michal Pearse - Superheroes & Forgetful teenagers Remote Device Management for iOS- Christie Davis & Valerie Chan - iRow, Practical Machine Learning in iOS- Enrique Manas Lopez - TensorFlow for Mobile Developers- Jennifer Doherty - But doesn’t everyone with a smartphone speak English- Nazlina Quadir - The Power of Storytelling - My Accidental Journey as a WomenTechmakers- Tony Parrott - Mobile Testing, Automation, Manual or Hybrid- Kate Henderson + Kai Koenig - Conference organisers------------------------------------------------------New Zealand tech, media, & startup podcast hosted by Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, and others. Hosts of #TechweekTV and #WellyTechAll our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nz Follow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcast Subscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/Buy the AG merch:https://www.accessgranted.nz/shop/
9/19/2018 • 1 hour, 8 minutes, 49 seconds

Conrad Johnston - Hanging Out On A Space Station Above NZ
Conrad Johnston or Queen Olivia St Redfern, two amazing people in the same body and he has a lot to tell you.From the start-ups, the early partying, the change of life, and the social media explosion, he has lessons to learn and pass on at every moment.Ladies and gentleman, and especially Phil, we give you Conrad / Olivia!- https://www.linkedin.com/in/laquisha/- https://twitter.com/conradrjohnston- https://thequeenolivia.com/- https://twitter.com/queenoliviastr------------------------------------------------------New Zealand tech, media, & startup podcast hosted by Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, and others. Hosts of #TechweekTV and #WellyTechAll our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nz Follow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcast Subscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/Buy the AG merch:https://www.accessgranted.nz/shop/
9/18/2018 • 44 minutes, 49 seconds

Nat Dudley - Accidental Designer
Nat Dudley launched her UX career in a queue at Auckland's annual Gather event ... actually it started even earlier with a random conversation in a bar. From these events Nat has emerged as one of the countries top UX designers with a true empathetic approach to her work.Nat discusses not only her career, her approach to design but how there are very few, if any, true career paths for UX people within New Zealand.We also covered equability and diversity within tech, and what that means for all of us. Especially us as we heard about the most awesome "Do Better at Conference Diversity" that Nat wrote sometime ago and which we are taking to our hearts for all #WellyTech events.- https://nz.linkedin.com/in/natdudley- https://twitter.com/natdudley- http://conference.hopper.org.nz/- https://www.webstock.org.nz/talks/be-kind-design/------------------------------------------------------New Zealand tech, media, & startup podcast hosted by Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, and others. Hosts of #TechweekTV and #WellyTechAll our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nz Follow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcast Subscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/Buy the AG merch:https://www.accessgranted.nz/shop/
9/10/2018 • 36 minutes, 24 seconds

Healthy Homes Hikoi - Walking The Hard Path
We receive an update from Hiria as she traipses the West Coast of America in search of knowledge, connections, and investment ... ------------------------------------------------------The Whare Hauora update is brought to you by Hiria Te Rangi and Access Granted NZ.All the updates: https://www.accessgranted.nz/whare-hauora/ Get all the Whare Hauora updates:- http://www.wharehauora.nz/ - https://www.facebook.com/wharehauora/ - https://twitter.com/WhareHauora Access Granted is the leading New Zealand tech, media, & startup podcast hosted by Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, and others. Hosts of #TechweekTV and #WellyTechAll our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nz Follow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcast Subscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
9/10/2018 • 8 minutes, 7 seconds

Andrew Mayfield - Don't send this podcast to the shareholders
Andrew Mayfield (or "Andrew Fantastic", it's not a drag name) loves creating and measuring impact as he discusses Optimal Workshop and how they are "growing at the speed of revenue".Andrew has a range of advice for startups, from, "Don't use fonts made out of dots', through, "Don't send this podcast to the shareholders", to, "If you want to run a big business, learn to run a small one first".We also like, "Call it a plan rather than proposal".- https://www.linkedin.com/in/andrewmayfield/- https://twitter.com/andrewfantastic- https://www.optimalworkshop.com/team- http://www.uxnewzealand.com/------------------------------------------------------New Zealand tech, media, & startup podcast hosted by Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, and others. Hosts of #TechweekTV and #WellyTechAll our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nz Follow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcast Subscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/Buy the AG merch:https://www.accessgranted.nz/shop/
9/4/2018 • 39 minutes, 52 seconds

Healthy Homes Hikoi - Open Source People Are Bad A$$!
Hiria outlines new organisations wanting to use/trial the sensors, but many of them are siloed and Hiria wants to connect the right parts/people together ... the work continues.The team are working on showing what you can get from the data such as the change that is that is occurring in your house and what can be done about it.Hiria will travel to America to talk to many people in San Diego at a summit about domestic violence and also venture to San Francisco to look for people interested In investing.Oh, and Hiria is worried about getting the sensors through the US TSA - follow Hiria's journey on Twitter.- https://www.sigfox.com/- https://nzosa.org.nz/peoples-choice/- http://www.ivatcenters.org/san-diego-summit/------------------------------------------------------The Whare Hauora update is brought to you by Hiria Te Rangi and Access Granted NZ.All the updates: https://www.accessgranted.nz/whare-hauora/ Get all the Whare Hauora updates:- http://www.wharehauora.nz/ - https://www.facebook.com/wharehauora/ - https://twitter.com/WhareHauora Access Granted is the leading New Zealand tech, media, & startup podcast hosted by Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, and others. Hosts of #TechweekTV and #WellyTechAll our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nz Follow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcast Subscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
9/2/2018 • 15 minutes, 52 seconds

Nicole Ferguson - Research At The Speed Of Thought
Nicole Ferguson is the CEO at Research and Education Network New Zealand (REANNZ) which provides leading edge services for our country’s top researchers and educators, who often need access to technology that cannot be provided by commercial networks.Nicole, according to the ancient Mike, is a young CEO and Nicole disavows him of that view as she discusses the journey to the CEO role.Nicole also has some great views on women in tech, the tech community, the collaboration that REANNZ has to engage within across the world, and that their ultimate goal is a network that, "moves data at the speed of thought", whilst making time to innovateOh, and we talk about breakfast drinks - Bloody Mary- https://reannz.co.nz/about/our-people/nicole-ferguson/- https://twitter.com/nicolerferg- https://nz.linkedin.com/in/nicolefergusonnz------------------------------------------------------New Zealand tech, media, & startup podcast hosted by Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, and others. Hosts of #TechweekTV and #WellyTechAll our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nz Follow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcast Subscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/Buy the AG merch:https://www.accessgranted.nz/shop/
8/28/2018 • 46 minutes, 36 seconds

Healthy Homes Hikoi - Learn, Adapt, Persevere, Repeat
Hiria takes us through the Whare Hauora Pledgeme, running pilots for teams in Waikato, and why they have pushed out manufacturing until February.Hiria also has three BIG announcements!1 – Hiria is going to Dev Academy, https://devacademy.co.nz/2 – Hiria is going to San Diego to learn and San Francisco to get fundingNew company called Ruruhau (a social Enterprise) which is the R&D arm of Whare Ha-3 – Nominated for the NZ Open Source Awards, https://nzosa.org.nz/finalists2018/And finally, they need to hire an ops manager - is that you?------------------------------------------------------The Whare Hauora update is brought to you by Hiria Te Rangi and Access Granted NZ.All the updates: https://www.accessgranted.nz/whare-hauora/ Get all the Whare Hauora updates:- http://www.wharehauora.nz/ - https://www.facebook.com/wharehauora/ - https://twitter.com/WhareHauora Access Granted is the leading New Zealand tech, media, & startup podcast hosted by Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, and others. Hosts of #TechweekTV and #WellyTechAll our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nz Follow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcast Subscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
8/26/2018 • 21 minutes, 42 seconds

Philip Fierlinger - Put Your Head Down And Do It
Philip Fierlinger has worked amongst the "gods of Silicon Valley".Raj and Philip have a fascinating run through Philip's design life, from the early days in film, before his design love took over,. They discuss design, what it is, and why it's essential to your business, and how it has played such a pivotal role for Philip in such roles as co-founder of Xero.Also check out this lot - Philip learnt to code at 12, came up with the smartphone concept 16 years before Apple, started a company that had the Beastie Boys as their first client, created an online music store prototype, amongst the first people to use Quicktime VR, and was a beta tester for what became Flickr.Finally, Philip is a local surfer, hosts a podcast for Massey design students allowing them to meet the industry, and advisor to many New Zealand-based startups.*phew*, so much goodness for your ears ...- https://nz.linkedin.com/in/fierlinger- https://twitter.com/skyrize- https://www.alchemypodcasts.com/- https://twitter.com/AlchemyPodcasts------------------------------------------------------New Zealand tech, media, & startup podcast hosted by Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, and others. Hosts of #TechweekTV and #WellyTechAll our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nz Follow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcast Subscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/Buy the AG merch:https://www.accessgranted.nz/shop/
8/20/2018 • 50 minutes, 51 seconds

Rohan Wakefield - An Exquisite Livelihood For All
We have met many people that are driven by passion, a deep desire to change the world for the best, and yet we have never met someone quite like Rohan Wakefield.Rohan, and all the team at Enspiral Dev Academy, have, for a number of year, been beavering away in Wellington and Auckland ensuring that the ever growing New Zealand tech sector has the people and skills required. It's not just about the pure technical skills and you will hear Rohan discuss the core skills that he is so energetic about - being able to work with other, diversity, and ultimately empathetic - it is these skills that mean we will produce products and service that will shine to the world,- https://nz.linkedin.com/in/rohanwakefield- https://devacademy.co.nz/author/rohan/- https://twitter.com/rohanwakefield------------------------------------------------------New Zealand tech, media, & startup podcast hosted by Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, and others. Hosts of #TechweekTV and #WellyTechAll our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nz Follow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcast Subscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/Buy the AG merch:https://www.accessgranted.nz/shop/
8/13/2018 • 37 minutes, 11 seconds

Healthy Homes Hikoi - Thriving On The Chaos
With Hiria in all parts of the country drumming up support from individuals, corporates, and the healthy industry we had to jump onto a quick Google Meet to catch up.Some big learnings (maybe even a pivot), some new rewards and only SEVEN DAYS TO GO!https://www.pledgeme.co.nz/projects/5701-whare-sensors-that-tell-you-when-your-home-is-making-you-sick------------------------------------------------------The Whare Hauora update is brought to you by Hiria Te Rangi and Access Granted NZ.All the updates: https://www.accessgranted.nz/whare-hauora/ Get all the Whare Hauora updates:- http://www.wharehauora.nz/ - https://www.facebook.com/wharehauora/ - https://twitter.com/WhareHauora Access Granted is the leading New Zealand tech, media, & startup podcast hosted by Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, and others. Hosts of #TechweekTV and #WellyTechAll our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nz Follow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcast Subscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/Buy the AG merch:https://www.accessgranted.nz/shop/
8/13/2018 • 10 minutes, 29 seconds

Priscilla Loong - Activating Mahuki & Dumpster Diving For Paper
Priscilla Loong is the Activation Manager at Te Papa's STEM accelerator, Mahuki. Having kicked off a cracking startup, The Misprint Co , from a Startup Weekend Priscilla has been ensuring the health wealth, and well being of the Mahuki cohort and they are now into their 4th programme.FInd out what an "activation manager" is, what "STEM" stands for, and how you could be involved ...- https://nz.linkedin.com/in/priscillaloong- https://www.mahuki.org/about/mahuki-team/priscilla-loong- https://soundcloud.com/user-761753163/priscilla-podcast- https://twitter.com/priscillaloong- https://misprint.co/------------------------------------------------------New Zealand tech, media, & startup podcast hosted by Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, and others. Hosts of #TechweekTV and #WellyTechAll our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nz Follow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcast Subscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/Buy the AG merch:https://www.accessgranted.nz/shop/
8/6/2018 • 37 minutes, 5 seconds

Healthy Homes Hikoi - Thunderbirds Are Go!
PledgeMe project is kicking in, a few weeks to go so please please support this amazing charity - simply go to the project page, "Sensors that tell you when your home is making you sick". As the project runs questions come in and Hiria and team have answered a lot of them in a video (on the project plage and linked below).Hiria has been hitting the media with TV, newspaper, and radio slots abound especially after the first of the workshops at Strathmore in Wellington. Monday (6th Aug) Hiria is in Auckland to talk to all you corporates to garner even more support - she'll do interpretive dance on the Queen's Street pedestrian crossing if that's what it takes!- https://www.pledgeme.co.nz/projects/5701-whare-sensors-that-tell-you-when-your-home-is-making-you-sick- https://www.facebook.com/wharehauora/videos/1476597585819091/- https://www.nzherald.co.nz/index.cfm?objectid=12101270&ref=twitter------------------------------------------------------The Whare Hauora update is brought to you by Hiria Te Rangi and Access Granted NZ.All the updates: https://www.accessgranted.nz/whare-hauora/ Get all the Whare Hauora updates:- http://www.wharehauora.nz/ - https://www.facebook.com/wharehauora/ - https://twitter.com/WhareHauora Access Granted is the leading New Zealand tech, media, & startup podcast hosted by Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, and others. Hosts of #TechweekTV and #WellyTechAll our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nz Follow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcast Subscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/Buy the AG merch:https://www.accessgranted.nz/shop/
8/5/2018 • 14 minutes, 46 seconds

Simon Che de Boer - Encapsulating Reality
Simon Che de Boer is a rockstar ... no, not because he looks like one, but he truly is in the world of virtual reality. His self-taught techniques, use of open source, and sheer amount of work he puts in has meant there is no-one on the planet is able to create the level of hyperreality that he can.Just ask his fans all over the world, including many production companies, major software companies, hardware vendors, and fellow AR/VR creators.Now, with any rockstar there comes a heartfelt background, a story of ups and big downs, and of resilience and overcoming the arrows of outrageous misfortune.And at the end of it, Simon is a funny guy with an incredible talent and a burning star of focus within him, He can also scratch you up the wrong way with his brutal honesty - we at AG welcome it :)- http://www.realityvirtual.co/- https://nz.linkedin.com/in/simon-che-de-boer-2a49386a- https://www.youtube.com/user/thesystemera- https://twitter.com/thesystemera- https://www.imdb.com/name/nm9965673/- https://www.facebook.com/realityvirtual.co/And make sure you check out Nefertari's Tomb: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ah1pnPXpI8Q------------------------------------------------------New Zealand tech, media, & startup podcast hosted by Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, and others. Hosts of #TechweekTV and #WellyTechAll our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nz Follow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcast Subscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/Buy the AG merch:https://www.accessgranted.nz/shop/
7/31/2018 • 34 minutes, 8 seconds

System Error - Test Your Bias On Tinder
Wow, a packed System Error recording this week with Raj hosting Deborah Robb, Kay Jones, and Kowhai Montgomery as they all gathered around a table at Golding's Free Dive to shoot the breeze about anything and everything that came to mind.JOIN US NEXT TIME - same venue, Thursday 13th September, 4pm-6pmBut for now, get the views on the following:* Metlink changes * Recycling* Uses of various data and sharing your data between companies* Meat alternatives, * Tinder vs Grinder vs pink sofa vs arranged marriages - more human connection in meet space is needed. * Those dam Air NZ safety videos, traveling, and "security theatre". * Don't be that “Self important” person at the airport* Walk around the city in a costume randomly helping people* What do you want to do when you grow up?* Learning as an adult – getting out of your comfort zone to grow* Kowhai recommends a game to play. "The evolution of trust" – https://ncase.me/trust/------------------------------------------------------New Zealand tech, media, & startup podcast hosted by Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, and others. Hosts of #TechweekTV and #WellyTechAll our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nz Follow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcast Subscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/Buy the AG merch:https://www.accessgranted.nz/shop/
7/25/2018 • 1 hour, 54 seconds

Chris Desmond - Take Comfort In The Uncomfortable
In our second crossover podcast we find out why Chris Desmond runs his "Uncomfortable Is OK" podcast, what it means to be a new Dad (uncomfortable?) and how easy, or not, it was to get into podcasting when not a techie by any stretch of the imagination.- http://uncomfortableisok.libsyn.com/- https://www.facebook.com/uncomfortableisok1/- https://www.instagram.com/uncomfortableisok/- https://twitter.com/ChrisDesmondnz------------------------------------------------------New Zealand tech, media, & startup podcast hosted by Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, and others. Hosts of #TechweekTV and #WellyTechAll our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nz Follow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcast Subscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/Buy the AG merch:https://www.accessgranted.nz/shop/
7/23/2018 • 35 minutes, 50 seconds

Healthy Homes Hikoi - Aotearoa, Are You With Us?
Listen about the PledgeMe project ... and then GO PLEDGE: https://pledgeme.co.nz/projects/5701-sensors-that-tell-you-when-your-home-is-making-you-sickWe need your help to take the next step and run trials in key communities, so we’re asking you to pledge to buy a kit, and for each kit you buy we’ll give one to a family in need. Each kit comes with 4 sensors, a gateway and a free app that helps you measure the health of your home.We believe every home in New Zealand should have sensors, and that they should be government funded for our most vulnerable communities - just like the flu jab. But until we can make that a reality, we need our community to help us reach those who need us the most.Join our mission We want an Aotearoa where our homes don’t make us us sick. We want every home to have a sensor kit within the next 5 years.By pledging your support, you’ll help empower communities to understand how their homes can affect their health.You’ll also help us gather secure, non-personal data that helps paint a picture of what’s needed in New Zealand building standards.https://pledgeme.co.nz/projects/5701-sensors-that-tell-you-when-your-home-is-making-you-sick------------------------------------------------------The Whare Hauora update is brought to you by Hiria Te Rangi and Access Granted NZ.All the updates: https://www.accessgranted.nz/whare-hauora/ Get all the Whare Hauora updates:- http://www.wharehauora.nz/ - https://www.facebook.com/wharehauora/ - https://twitter.com/WhareHauora Access Granted is the leading New Zealand tech, media, & startup podcast hosted by Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, and others. Hosts of #TechweekTV and #WellyTechAll our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nz Follow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcast Subscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/Buy the AG merch:https://www.accessgranted.nz/shop/
7/23/2018 • 9 minutes, 48 seconds

Paul Ramsay - Cutting Code With Equinox
Paul Ramsay is co-founder and director of the NZ-owned consultancy firm Equinox, a day-to-day hands-on worker bee, and one of the few true gentlemen of tech in New Zealand.It was a pleasure to hear Paul's views on how to stay real in a growing company, what it takes to overcome a serious blip in a company's progress, and how the Government can truly help grow the New Zealand ICT industry to become the nation's 2nd income earner [spoiler] ensure it's easy and a focus for agencies to become customers of New Zealand's tech companies [/spoiler].- https://www.linkedin.com/in/paulramsay/- https://www.equinox.co.nz/- https://www.equinox.co.nz/about/paul-ramsay------------------------------------------------------New Zealand tech, media, & startup podcast hosted by Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, and others. Hosts of #TechweekTV and #WellyTechAll our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nz Follow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcast Subscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/Buy the AG merch:https://www.accessgranted.nz/shop/
7/16/2018 • 37 minutes, 19 seconds

Healthy Homes Hikoi - Sensors, Workshops & PledgeMe!
Hiria Te Rangi's weekly Whare Hauora catch up and she discusses the partnerships the charity is making, especially getting the sensors nationwide.Hiria also discusses and sharing of data with such organisations as Powershop which will help their residents work out how effective their homes are at keeping the warmth in.20th JULY: PledgeMe campaign goes live - get prepared to support the team in their mission! https://www.pledgeme.co.nz/If you're approached by the Whare Hauora team approach your business for donations then please DO IT!And finally, watch this space as Hiria, Amber, and Brenda return from their Board Strategy Retreat weekend with news of what's next with Whare Hauora.------------------------------------------------------The Whare Hauora update is brought to you by Hiria Te Rangi and Access Granted NZ.All the updates: https://www.accessgranted.nz/whare-hauora/ Get all the Whare Hauora updates:- http://www.wharehauora.nz/ - https://www.facebook.com/wharehauora/ - https://twitter.com/WhareHauora Access Granted is the leading New Zealand tech, media, & startup podcast hosted by Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, and others. Hosts of #TechweekTV and #WellyTechAll our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nz Follow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcast Subscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/Buy the AG merch:https://www.accessgranted.nz/shop/
7/16/2018 • 13 minutes, 53 seconds

Edwina Mistry - Cultivating Diversity In Tech
Edwina Mistry has an origin story that has given her the worldview that women can do anything (as they can). From her coding days, to her managerial and directorship times she now concentrates her efforts on ensuring tech, and the internal workings of tech, are available to all - from schools in South Auckland to girls shadowing those working in tech (as we say, "you can be what you can't see").Edwina is a New Zealand powerhouse and has recently been recognised as such by a number of institutions, associations, and her peers.- https://nz.linkedin.com/in/edwina-mistry-04499429- https://twitter.com/CreateOps- https://twitter.com/TechWomenNZ- https://techwomen.nz- https://shadowtechday.nz/------------------------------------------------------New Zealand tech, media, & startup podcast hosted by Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, and others. Hosts of #TechweekTV and #WellyTechAll our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nz Follow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcast Subscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/Buy the AG merch:https://www.accessgranted.nz/shop/
7/10/2018 • 47 minutes, 38 seconds

Healthy Homes Hikoi - Starting A Start-up For Good
Welcome to Hiria Te Terangi, Kaiwhakahaere at Whare Hauora, and her inaugural weekly update on running a startup. Each Monday we'll have a quick catch up with Hiria to see how the product, the charity Whare Hauora, and the scaling are progressing. Every start-up has their own story however they all experience similar trials and tribulations, success and golden moments - follow along to see how a New Zealand start-up does it.------------------------------------------------------The Whare Hauora update is brought to you by Hiria Te Rangi and Access Granted NZ.All the updates: https://www.accessgranted.nz/whare-hauora/ Get all the Whare Hauora updates:- http://www.wharehauora.nz/ - https://www.facebook.com/wharehauora/ - https://twitter.com/WhareHauora Access Granted is the leading New Zealand tech, media, & startup podcast hosted by Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, and others. Hosts of #TechweekTV and #WellyTechAll our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nz Follow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcast Subscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/Buy the AG merch:https://www.accessgranted.nz/shop/
7/8/2018 • 16 minutes, 57 seconds

Michael Gregg - Donkey Deep In VR
Michael Gregg, a man of many stories and we are lucky enough to hear a lot of them in today's episode. With Michael's recent-ish move into the VR/AR world, based upon a deep desire of many years ago, we hear about the rapidly expanding ProjectR collab/working spaces initially started in Wellington but now opening up in places all over the world (Taipei for instance).Michael was also helped found and is current Chairman of the New Zealand VR/AR Association AND is MD of Blackeye- https://nz.linkedin.com/in/michaelgregg1- https://twitter.com/michaelgregg- http://www.projectr.international/- https://twitter.com/PROJECTR_NZ- https://twitter.com/PROJECTR_INTL- http://www.nzvrara.nz/- http://www.blackeye.nz/------------------------------------------------------New Zealand tech, media, & startup podcast hosted by Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, and others. Hosts of #TechweekTV and #WellyTechAll our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nz Follow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcast Subscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/Buy the merch:https://www.accessgranted.nz/shop/
7/3/2018 • 51 minutes, 55 seconds

Laura Keown - B Side Stories
As part of sharing the Wellington podcast love here is our crossover recording with Laura Keown who graciously hosted us at the Wellington Access Radio studios where she produces the weekly B Side Stories."Stories from the people who make Wellington tick! B-Side Stories takes us beyond the mainstream to celebrate the unsung heroes, rebels and enthusiasts who shape the fabric and flavour of Wellington, New Zealand.B-Side Stories is aired every Tuesday from 5-6 pm on Wellington Access Radio."It was both illuminating to hear why Laura has taken on and grown the show, what it's like to have actual equipment, and how much swearing is allowed.- https://soundcloud.com/b-side-broadcasts- https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/b-side-stories/id1180813833?mt=2- https://www.facebook.com/bsidebroadcasts/- https://twitter.com/laurabkeown- http://www.accessradio.org.nz/And Laura's episode interviewing us is: https://www.accessgranted.nz/jibberjabber/2018/5/17/b-side-stories-finds-out-what-makes-us-tick------------------------------------------------------New Zealand tech, media, & startup podcast hosted by Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, and others. Hosts of #TechweekTV and #WellyTechAll our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nz Follow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcast Subscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/Buy the merch:https://www.accessgranted.nz/shop/
6/25/2018 • 32 minutes, 23 seconds

Hiria Te Rangi - Slap You With Science
Together with Brenda Wallace and Amber Craig, Hiria Te Rangi have created Whare Hauora with one mission and one mission only, "An Aotearoa, where your home, does not make you sick."It started a few years ago and we are proud to be sharing Hiria's own story just as Whare Hauora launches into two key pilots, and gears up for a public release of their sensors via a PledgeMe campaign: http://www.wharehauora.nz/preorder-1/Start-ups are hard, actually making a difference is tough, and doing it with open and transparent principles could mean it was a step too far - but not with Hiria and the team, they are determined and Whare Hauora *is* going to help bring health to all Kiwis.Get involved - http://www.wharehauora.nz/get-involved-1/- http://www.wharehauora.nz/- https://twitter.com/WhareHauora- https://www.facebook.com/wharehauora/- https://twitter.com/N3rdyByN4ture- https://nz.linkedin.com/in/hiriaterangiBrenda Wallace 2015 episode (and now we know what the secret project was): https://www.accessgranted.nz/episodes/2015/11/19/ep-76with-brenda-wallaceAmber Craig 2015 episode:https://www.accessgranted.nz/episodes/2015/8/31/ep-41-patreon-amber-craig------------------------------------------------------Access Granted podcast featuring Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, and others sharing the NZ people from tech, social media, startups and upstartsAll our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nz Follow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcast Subscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/Buy the merch:https://www.accessgranted.nz/shop/
6/18/2018 • 48 minutes, 31 seconds

Maddy King and Mārama – VR In Space (#ais2018)
It took 24 hours for 10 teams competing in the first ever international ActInSpace hackathon to come together, produce a thing and pitch before an esteemed set of judges ... and they did it! Te Mārama won first prize, a trip to Toulouse where they go head-to-head with all other international winners! Apart from the trip on the 'vomit comet' + support and IP, they are up for so much networking with ALL the big players in the space industry it's almost frightening.Te Mārama, whose startup idea will reduce the amount of repairs that humans do in space by cost effectively using VR to control repair robots remotely, is made of five team members – Mahima Seth (Auckland), Ben Tairea (Wellington), Maddy King (Wellington), Zeus Engineer (Christchurch) and Jonah Belk (Dunedin).SUPPORT OUR KIWI TEAM!The team fly out this weekend (23rd June) and they need YOU to be right behind them at the final on 27th June!1: Like their YouTube video to help win People's Choice: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3_mCyG5Dk4E2: Follow them on Twitter, and RT their tweets: https://twitter.com/maramainspace3: Like and share their Facebook posts: https://www.facebook.com/maramainspace/Also keep an eye on the CSST Twitter and Facebook as hosts and the team behind the Christchurch event they will be in Toulouse sharing live updates!- https://www.facebook.com/csst.co.nz- https://twitter.com/CSST_NZ- https://actinspace.org/------------------------------------------------------Access Granted podcast featuring Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, Pascale Hyboud-Peron, Vaughan Rowsell, Dave Lane, and others sharing the NZ people from tech, social media, startups and upstartsAll our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nz Follow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ https://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcast Subscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/Buy the merch:https://www.accessgranted.nz/shop/
6/18/2018 • 36 minutes, 16 seconds

Maru Nihoniho – The Cube Journey
Maru Nihoniho chats around her passion for storytelling, game making, and how to make the leap from one industry into another.After listening with Maru I think we can all agree that the journey to games developer has, for Maru, been one of the highest adventure, courage, and certainly following her dream. We salute and thank you Maru for showing the way.AND, watch out The Guardian, coming to a games console near you VERY soon ...- https://nz.linkedin.com/in/marunihoniho- http://www.metia.co.nz/- http://www.metia.co.nz/metia-interative---our-games.html- https://twitter.com/marunihoniho------------------------------------------------------Access Granted podcast featuring Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, Pascale Hyboud-Peron, Vaughan Rowsell, Dave Lane, and others sharing the NZ people from tech, social media, startups and upstartsAll our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
6/11/2018 • 49 minutes, 9 seconds

John Edwards - NZRise privacy fireside chat
NZ Rise kindly asked us to record their May 2018 "Privacy fireside chat" with the wonderful John Edwards, NZ Privacy Commissioner, and the skilky tones of Miki Szikszai (Snapper CEO).- https://www.privacy.org.nz/- https://nzrise.org.nz/- https://twitter.com/jce_pc- https://twitter.com/mikiszikszai------------------------------------------------------Access Granted podcast featuring Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, Pascale Hyboud-Peron, Vaughan Rowsell, Dave Lane, and others sharing the NZ people from tech, social media, startups and upstartsAll our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
6/6/2018 • 58 minutes, 31 seconds

Paul Fraser - Free, Perfect & Now
Paul Fraser, Advisory Director at EY, and Mike have been mates since the old days (hence the photo, that was NOT taken at the recording) and were key in the growth of Wave Adept and the subsequent acquisition by Cloud Sherpas. However, they come at life with a very differing view point with Paul focussing very much on services (Mike is more of a product person) and with this talk we hear about the good, bad, and sometimes difficult sides of services and consulting thereof.Paul is also a non-user of social media, so you're just gonna have to email him :)------------------------------------------------------Access Granted podcast featuring Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, Pascale Hyboud-Peron, Vaughan Rowsell, Dave Lane, and others sharing the NZ people from tech, social media, startups and upstartsAll our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
6/5/2018 • 53 minutes, 17 seconds

System Error – Everything is BullSh_t
It's ranty, it's heated, it's wide ranging, it's loads of fun and really YOU need to be here (next one is Thursday July 19th, 4pm-6pm at Golding's Free Dive in Wellington.Enjoy (and we make no apologies for sound quality ... you gotta come along really ;)Our System Error Collection: https://www.accessgranted.nz/system-error/------------------------------------------------------Access Granted podcast featuring Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, Pascale Hyboud-Peron, Vaughan Rowsell, Dave Lane, and others sharing the NZ people from tech, social media, startups and upstartsAll our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
5/31/2018 • 1 hour, 5 minutes, 9 seconds

Kate, Kai, and Nick - Mobile Refresh 2018
AG show stars Kate Henderson and Kai Koenig, came along with their fellow organising buddy, Nick Parfene, to let us all know about the 3rd annual Mobile Refresh conference in Wellington on September 7th.They are keen to get the word out, especially the call for 'papers', ie, are you up for giving a talk. It can be anything to do with mobile development, deployment, marketing, and, getting the apps into people's hands to make a difference.They are particularly keen to maintain and increase their diversity of speakers, especially women which we wholeheartedly support!Note: this is a platform agnostic event designed for ANY mobile developers, be that iOS, Android, or mobile webapps!- http://mrw.gdg.nz/- http://twitter.com/GDGWellington- http://slack.gdg.nz/------------------------------------------------------Access Granted podcast featuring Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, Pascale Hyboud-Peron, Vaughan Rowsell, Dave Lane, and others sharing the NZ people from tech, social media, startups and upstartsAll our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
5/28/2018 • 32 minutes, 25 seconds

Techweek 18 - Christchurch's The 4th Revolution
DAY 5 ... and that's a wrap on Techweek TV for 2018!The team (minus Mike who had to rush off to run a 24 hour hackathon) take us through the time in Christchurch, share some thoughts on the whole week and relax into an amazing job well done.ALL the videos are available from source - https://www.facebook.com/TechweekNZ/ - and on our dedicated page - https://www.accessgranted.nz/techweektv-2018 - that also includes some highlight photos and a link to ALL our week's photos.A big shout out to ALL those that watched, liked, and shared the live videos. A massive hug from all the team to all the team, Courteney, Jono, Mike, and Raj.What a blast it all was!------------------------------------------------------Access Granted podcast featuring Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, Pascale Hyboud-Peron, Vaughan Rowsell, Dave Lane, and others sharing the NZ people from tech, social media, startups and upstartsAll our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
5/25/2018 • 14 minutes, 54 seconds

Techweek 18 Wellington's Creative Realities
Day 4, and after a narrow escape from a sticky AirNZ created situation, the team were back live on Facebook - brilliant work from the lads, Jono, and Courteney!We review the day, Courtney gives her thoughts on the morning's speakers and we're in and out of your ears as fast as a rabbit, being hunted by the quick fox.See you all in Christchurch tomorrow for the final day of #TechweekTV: https://www.facebook.com/TechweekNZ/------------------------------------------------------Access Granted podcast featuring Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, Pascale Hyboud-Peron, Vaughan Rowsell, Dave Lane, and others sharing the NZ people from tech, social media, startups and upstartsAll our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
5/24/2018 • 16 minutes, 29 seconds

Techweek 18 - 10 Billion Mouths To Feed
Our 15 minute wrap up from Tauranga and the "10 Billion Mouths" event talking agritech/agtech and foodtech alongside investors from the US and innovative startups.We talked with:- Arama Kukutai- Graeme Mueller- A taste taste of Sunfed Chicken- George Kellerman- Steven Saunders & Alistair Scarfe- Sarah Nolet- Rosie Bosworth- Richard Wildman------------------------------------------------------Access Granted podcast featuring Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, Pascale Hyboud-Peron, Vaughan Rowsell, Dave Lane, and others sharing the NZ people from tech, social media, startups and upstartsAll our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
5/23/2018 • 15 minutes, 52 seconds

Techweek 18 - Auckland Events Wrap Up
DAYS 1 and 2 are in the can - we have Techweek TV as a going concern, it's happening!We learned that #ai is writing media, #electric bikes are fun, the passion of the many to #collaborate and grow the #newzealand #tech industry, what #UpStarters is, how awesome #cricket #bats are made, and Techweek NZ is a massive beast!We'll be LIVE tomorrow from the #Tauranga headline event chatting with #Agritech, #foodtech, and all things #food.12pm-2pm - let us know where you'll be listening from!- DAY 1 VIDEO: https://www.accessgranted.nz/coming-soon/2018/2/22/techweektv-good-for-the-world-open-day-1- DAY 2 VIDEO: https://www.accessgranted.nz/coming-soon/2018/5/22/techweektv-good-for-the-world-open-day-2- All about us and Techweek TV: https://www.accessgranted.nz/techweektv-2018- Techweek TV page: https://techweek.co.nz/techweek-tv/------------------------------------------------------Access Granted podcast featuring Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, Pascale Hyboud-Peron, Vaughan Rowsell, Dave Lane, and others sharing the NZ people from tech, social media, startups and upstartsAll our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
5/22/2018 • 15 minutes, 48 seconds

Hamish McGregor – Vitamins vs Painkillers
We thank Hamish McGregor who took time out of his busy schedule to meet Mike in Miramar between flights, and it was well worth it. Hamish discusses the kin2kin (https://kin2kin.com/) app that he co-founded in Wanaka, it's origin, the journey of a startup, being an entrepreneur, and how having an idea and even the first release is only the first tiny steps.[Mike: kin2kin is probably one of the few apps we've encountered via the podcast that I have instantly seen how it would help in my life. The idea of shared family photos via wifi frames makes my heart sing.]- https://nz.linkedin.com/in/hamish-mcgregor-4324b114- https://kin2kin.com/- https://www.facebook.com/kin2kinapp/- https://twitter.com/kin2kinapp------------------------------------------------------Access Granted podcast featuring Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, Pascale Hyboud-Peron, Vaughan Rowsell, Dave Lane, and others sharing the NZ people from tech, social media, startups and upstartsAll our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
5/16/2018 • 33 minutes, 58 seconds

Ben Reid - Advancing The AI Ecosystem
Following on from last week's Ben talking AI we have another :) Ben Reid is Executive Director at Artificial Intelligence Forum of NZ and we were extremely fortunate to have some time with Ben on the day that the "Artificial Intelligence: Shaping a Future New Zealand" report was released upon the world."This report is the culmination of a one year research project led by the AI Forum with research partners IDC and Sapere. The research examined the New Zealand and international AI industry landscapes, investigating AI’s potential impacts on New Zealand’s economy and society. The report identifies key AI opportunities, in the public, private and education sectors, that New Zealand can invest in now to actively shape the effects on our collective future."We could wax on lyrically about what it says but let's leave Ben to tell you and after you read it for yourself ...- https://nz.linkedin.com/in/benreid- https://twitter.com/ben_r- https://aiforum.org.nz/- [PDF] http://resources.aiforum.org.nz/AI+Shaping+A+Future+New+Zealand+Report+2018.pdf------------------------------------------------------Access Granted podcast featuring Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, Pascale Hyboud-Peron, Vaughan Rowsell, Dave Lane, and others sharing the NZ people from tech, social media, startups and upstartsAll our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
5/15/2018 • 37 minutes, 51 seconds

Ben Rose - Having A Chat(bot) About AI
Ben Rose, General Manager, Direct and Partnerships at nib, joined us via the magic of the Internet to take us through how nib are experimenting with Artificial Intelligence through the use of chatbots and machine learning to automatically answer clients questions.Ben also explains how a seemingly "stuffy" insurance company has an attitude of this century and not the last, and how they have "online" in their DNA that enables agile experimentation. He also advises that companies of all sizes in New Zealand should start working out how AI can help their company - it's not expensive, but it is something to get one's head around.- https://nz.linkedin.com/in/mrbenrose- https://twitter.com/mrbenrose- https://www.nib.co.nz/------------------------------------------------------Access Granted podcast featuring Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, Pascale Hyboud-Peron, Vaughan Rowsell, Dave Lane, and others sharing the NZ people from tech, social media, startups and upstartsAll our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
5/7/2018 • 30 minutes, 27 seconds

Wellington Techweek 2018 Event Organisers
ALL Wellington events: https://techweek.co.nz/whats-on/filter/?Location=3At a WREDA organised event we stick our microphone under a number of Wellington event organisers and ask them, "What is your event, where / when and why should people come along?", enjoy the answers from:- Emeline Paat-Dahlstrom, Edmund Hillary Fellowship / SpacebaseNZ Space Challenge Regional Showcase - Monday 21st 5:30pm - 7:30pm / BizDojo, 115 Tory St- Amber Joseph, New Zealand Students' Space AssociationStudents in Space Conference - Monday 21st 5:30pm - 9pm / Rutherford House - Lecture Theatre 2, Vic Uni, 33 Bunny StreetAndrew Wood, Touchtec- Your Data in Future Politics - Friday 25th 5:30pm - 8:30pm / Main Lecture Theatre, Faculty of Architecture and Design, Vic Uni, 139 Vivian SZtMinistry of Business, Innovation and EmploymentECLI: The system that saves lives - Wednesday 23rd 2pm - 4pm / MBIE, 15 Stout StNadia Webster, Service Innovation Lab- Better Rules Hack - Saturday 19th - Sunday 20th 9am - 4pm / tbc- Transitioning to an Optimistic Future - Monday 21st 9am - 12pm / tbc- Showcase: Building government’s digital service innovation capability - Monday 21st, Tuesday 22nd, Thursday 24th 1pm - 3pm / tbc- Emerging Tech: Artificial Intelligence and what feeds it - Tuesday 2nd 12pm-1:30pm / tbc- Workshop – Delivering digital government services informed by the Māori worldview - Thursday 24th 10:30am-12:30pm / tbc- Showcase: Building government’s digital service innovation capability - Friday 25th 3:30pm - 5:30pm / tbcKate MacDonald, BizDojo Wellington- Founders Night w Paper Kite's Nic Gibbens #Techweek Edition - Thursday 24th 5:30pm - 7:30pm / BizDojo, 3 Market Lane- Collider Tech for Noobs: an intro to Agile - Monday 21st 12pm - 1pm / BizDojo, 3 Market Lane- Collider Tech for Noobs: Understanding Open Source Software - Tuesday 2nd 12pm - 1pm / BizDojo, 3 Market Lane- Collider Tech for Noobs: SEO - What even is it? - Wednesday 23rd 12pm - 1pm / BizDojo, 3 Market Lane- Many "other people's events" ...Ben Reichelt, Wellington PHP MeetupAn introduction to web development - Tuesday 22 6pm-9pm / BizDojo, 115 Tory StDorien Vermaas, WREDACreative Realities - Thursday 24th 9am - 5pm / Shed 6, Queens WharfRaqi Syed, Miramar Creative CentreTechnology and bad luck - Wednesday 23rd 5:30pm - 7:30pm / Miramar Creative Centre, 133 Park Road, MiramarALL Wellington events: https://techweek.co.nz/whats-on/filter/?Location=3------------------------------------------------------Access Granted podcast featuring Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, Pascale Hyboud-Peron, Vaughan Rowsell, Dave Lane, and others sharing the NZ people from tech, social media, startups and upstartsAll our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
5/1/2018 • 22 minutes, 39 seconds

Melissa Firth – Culture Trumps Strategy
Melissa Firth, a person we have been working hard to get on the show for what seems like a lifetime ;) And it was worth the wait as she takes us through the inner workings of Te Papa, what the Chief Digital Officer role involves, how the team has been built-up in a short number of years. and their goals for the coming years.Melissa also highlights some of the attributes of her team, the organisation and the wider environment that has allowed them to experiment, deliver and ensure they aren't bogged down in "old thinking":https://nz.linkedin.com/in/melissa-firth-3b37871https://twitter.com/mslissahttp://www.mahuki.org/about/mahuki-team/melissa-firthhttps://www.tepapa.govt.nz/about/what-we-do/leadership/executive-team------------------------------------------------------Access Granted podcast featuring Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, Pascale Hyboud-Peron, Vaughan Rowsell, Dave Lane, and others sharing the NZ people from tech, social media, startups and upstartsAll our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
4/24/2018 • 38 minutes, 36 seconds

Adam Blackwell – Amongst Skullduggery
Adam Blackwell, a man on a mission to rid the world of not just terrible Powerpoint presentations but also give back the joy to meetings. Through the use of training and services at Stun Sells he moves people and companies to those that can engage business peers, whether that's to close a deal, sell a concept or merely to inform progress.And it's not just services but using the app, Showcase, he is able to equip those out on the road with the information that they truly need to do their jobs ... and track the usage and fine tune the information given.AND, he's worked in the US and has some brilliant tips to be aware of when flying on NZ1 to your first few big deals ... just because they say they will call you with an excited voice, doesn't mean they will.- https://www.linkedin.com/in/adam-blackwell-0a47255/- https://stunsells.com/- https://showcaseworkshop.com/------------------------------------------------------Access Granted podcast featuring Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, Pascale Hyboud-Peron, Vaughan Rowsell, Dave Lane, and others sharing the NZ people from tech, social media, startups and upstartsAll our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
4/18/2018 • 39 minutes, 46 seconds

New Zealand WiDS 2018
In a quiet, yet hot corner of the University of Auckland Faculty of Engineering Mike stole away most (not all, unfortunately) of the speakers at the inaugural Women In Data Science 2018 New Zealand (https://www.widsnz.org/) to find out what they were going to say on stage - here they all are:- Professor Rosalind Archer- Liz MacPherson- Pieta Brown- Dr Lisa Chen- Amanda Hughes- Dame Diane Robertson- Kat Kolich- Emma Vitz- Alex Garkavenko(unfortunately we missed Agate Ponder, but watch this space ...)Watch the full video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7VKOQGxJVu4Full photos: https://photos.app.goo.gl/ARioZUGW8Ou5aXCC2------------------------------------------------------Access Granted podcast featuring Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, Pascale Hyboud-Peron, Vaughan Rowsell, Dave Lane, and others sharing the NZ people from tech, social media, startups and upstartsAll our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
4/10/2018 • 36 minutes, 34 seconds

Menno Finlay-Smits – Blending of Tech and Environment
Dave Lane chats with Menno Finlay-Smits (@mjs0) about the Cacophony Project that will turn birdsong into data and use the best of breed IT technologies to dramatically improve our trapping ability. It's a cracking conversation and we'd like to thank Dave for his first episode on the podcast, here's to many more.- https://cacophony.org.nz/- https://github.com/TheCacophonyProject- https://twitter.com/birdsongnz- https://twitter.com/mjs0- http://menno.io/------------------------------------------------------Access Granted podcast featuring Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, Pascale Hyboud-Peron, Vaughan Rowsell, Dave Lane, and others sharing the NZ people from tech, social media, startups and upstartsAll our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
4/2/2018 • 35 minutes, 49 seconds

Corin Healy - The Funny Side of Tech
Corin Healy (@corinhealy78) is a man with two sides - one is the IT manager of a team at a well respected telco company (Chorus), the other is a stand-up comedian ... how on earth does he know when to do which?We have a cracker of a conversation with Corin, covering off the trials and tribulations of middle management, the over use and bad design of Powerpoint slide decks, what's it like to be a team lead and, surprisingly, Avatar.Underneath this is the ever constant crossover between your passion and your pocket!- https://twitter.com/corinhealy78- https://nz.linkedin.com/in/corin-healy-96284739------------------------------------------------------Access Granted podcast featuring Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, Pascale Hyboud-Peron, Vaughan Rowsell, Dave Lane, and others sharing the NZ people from tech, social media, startups and upstarts.All our past shows are on our website- https://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:- https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZ- https://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ- https://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:- https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
3/28/2018 • 38 minutes, 5 seconds

Kowhai Montgomery - Special Snowflake Startups
Kowhai Montgomery has moved amongst the Wellington tecch scene for a while and, after working with NGO's and small startups before heading the sales for one is now working in the online/"blended" learning space.Kowhai has many comments on the archetypal sales approaches, the language used and the approaches that can be taken - discussing the difference between "hunter" and "gatherer" (and even saying those words aren't really correct.Sales, an issue for many Kiwi companies, takes many differing approaches, learn from Kowhai about her approach.- https://nz.linkedin.com/in/kowhai-montgomery-97b33450------------------------------------------------------Access Granted podcast featuring Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, Pascale Hyboud-Peron, Vaughan Rowsell, Dave Lane, and others sharing the NZ people from tech, social media, startups and upstartsAll our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
3/20/2018 • 45 minutes, 14 seconds

System Error / Mauricio Freitas - Bad, Worse and Worser
We have Lucas, Kay, Mike, Raj and off course Mauricio gathering around a the table at Golding's Free Dive to discuss the tech issues of the day!- https://twitter.com/freitasm- https://twitter.com/JennyKayNZ- https://twitter.com/lukaszfromwelly- http://www.goldingsfreedive.co.nz/We cover:- Telcos – 2G is no more – forced upgrade off handsets- (lack of) Service providers- Netflix hacking- Some Devs teams don't think User Experience - Those dam updates!- The Olympics - How we judge people- #Wellyech 2018 is booked in- Cyber security is now a degree at Vic Uni- Which bad band/event (that you secretly love) would you drop everything to go to?- Purple Teletubby past away- The Troll in chief- White Man Behind A Desk- Privacy issues – Technology is an accelerant - Old school TV shows - Flat earthers- Guess which site has 40k per hour (only for a morning)- Intergen’s new Wellington offices- Gun control in the USA- The Govt CTO role------------------------------------------------------Access Granted podcast featuring Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, Pascale Hyboud-Peron, Vaughan Rowsell, Dave Lane, and others sharing the NZ people from tech, social media, startups and upstartsAll our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
3/14/2018 • 1 hour, 5 minutes, 13 seconds

Adam Shand – From WiFi To Wild Via Weta
Adam Shand is enjoying a journey that involves a lot of learning. He has learnt about setting up WiFi for communities before it was a thing, he has learnt how movies work (and don't), he is learning how to become sustainable, and he is learning what makes great managers tick and how to support them.All of this learning is not just for himself though is one that he does with others and wants to share as far as he can.This podcast has so much gold in it we just say - listen up!- http://adam.nz/- http://adam.nz/managers- http://www.pekapekahill.nz/- https://personaltelco.net/------------------------------------------------------Access Granted podcast featuring Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, Pascale Hyboud-Peron, Vaughan Rowsell, Dave Lane, and others sharing the NZ people from tech, social media, startups and upstartsAll our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
3/12/2018 • 57 minutes, 59 seconds

Gavin Knight - Consulting Is Like A Performance Art
Gavin Knight (@gavinknight) has a story that is both typical and individual as he takes us behind the word "consultant" and exposes what it's really like to work for many clients, a handful of agencies and ultimately for oneself.http://www.gavinknight.com/Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/gavinknightLinkedIn: https://nz.linkedin.com/in/gavinknight------------------------------------------------------Access Granted podcast featuring Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, Pascale Hyboud-Peron, Vaughan Rowsell and others sharing the NZ people from tech, social media, startups and upstartsAll our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
3/5/2018 • 44 minutes, 41 seconds

Merridy Marshall – Talking To Kids And Tall children
Merridy Marshall is a powerhouse taking the world of tech to the kids (big ones and small ones) through bringing Code Club Aotearoa to Wellington and touring with the Robotics Roadshow. And all this whilst she is an active mum, and principal consultant at Assurity ... that's one busy person.But the passion for tech for all shines through - enjoy!ContactTwitter: https://twitter.com/merridymarshallLinkedIn: https://nz.linkedin.com/in/merridy-marshall-96412030Code Club Aotearoahttps://codeclub.nz/If you can sopare (and you can) an hour a week teaching kids coding at your local school then you too can be a hero like Merridy. Get in touch with Code Club and let them know!------------------------------------------------------Access Granted podcast featuring Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, Pascale Hyboud-Peron, Vaughan Rowsell and others sharing the NZ people from tech, social media, startups and upstartsAll our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
2/27/2018 • 33 minutes

Kate Kolich – You Can't Be What You Can't See
Kate Kolich (https://nz.linkedin.com/in/katarina-kolich-28881a118) has worked in the Wellington banking industry for many years, most notably at BNZ where she is currently the Head of Enterprise Data and Information Services.Whilst we touch on her work at the BNZ, as we sat in their sparkly new Partner Centre, we focussed mostly on her role in engaging more women into tech and specifically into the data sciences arena.This work includes New Zealand's first ever Stanford Women In Data Sciences (WIDS) Conference to be held in Auckland on March 5th - details: https://www.widsnz.org/ We also find out why Katarina has such a passion for connecting those new to the industry with those that have experience and how that has her purposefully growing a public profile because, "You can't be what you can't see!"Find out more about Katarina's work with the NZTech Women: https://techwomen.nz/ ------------------------------------------------------Access Granted podcast featuring Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, Pascale Hyboud-Peron, Vaughan Rowsell and others sharing the NZ people from tech, social media, startups and upstartsAll our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
2/21/2018 • 38 minutes, 6 seconds

Mahuki pt 2 - SimplyFi, Tide Talk, Vaka Interactiv & ContinUX
(recorded December 2017)We finish off our chats with the 2017 Mahuki cohort by finding out what the teams had worked upon, how they found the programme and, most importantly, what next.SIMPLYFI LTDSimplyFi are a family team of three dedicated to two things: simplicity and sharing.They are developing an application that will help artists, private collectors and everyone in between to simply and securely catalogue their collection.http://simplyfi.co.nz/Showcase video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T4-2ga5ldyU&t=21sTIDE TALKTideTalk uses technology to break down barriers preventing us from learning - and thus preserving - our languages. Our learning tool features customizable lessons, an immersive environment to grow new language skills and gamified progress, rewarded with gems of cultural knowledge that really brings our languages to life.http://tide-talk.com/https://www.facebook.com/tidetalkinghttps://www.instagram.com/tidetalking/https://twitter.com/tidetalkingShowcase video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F6cKi3ylqG4&t=5sVAKA INTERACTIVVaka Interactiv, is a Pasifika and Māori team that creates impact communication through technology. With their current focus on the museum sector, they are developing interactive digital portraits that allow museum visitors to engage in conversation with cultural figures. http://vakainteractiv.com/https://www.facebook.com/vakainteractivhttps://www.instagram.com/vakainteractiv/Showcase video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g3nk05mQAcMCONTINUXContinUX brings together software development, UX design, and culture and heritage sector expertise to bring you MORPH – data analytics for the GLAM sector.http://getmorphed.co/Showcase video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NjbjCBPDytM------------------------------------------------------Access Granted podcast featuring Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, Pascale Hyboud-Peron, Vaughan Rowsell and others sharing the NZ people from tech, social media, startups and upstartsAll our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
2/20/2018 • 1 hour, 5 minutes, 31 seconds

Mahuki pt 1 - Collaborate, I Want To Experience, LocalFlair & ScimitAR
Mahuki pt 1 (of 2) - Collaborate, I Want To Experience, LocalFlair & ScimitARAfter an introduction about Mahuki (https://www.mahuki.org/) from Bronwen Newton (2017 Mahuki Entrepreneur in Residence), we found out what the teams had worked upon, how they found the programme and, most importantly, what next.COLLABORATEWe are a Social Enterprise called Collaborate run by four young Wellington women. We have designed a platform for matching volunteers skills with opportunities in community and cultural organisations like museums and charities.Showcase video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2EFKGyK6vkEhttps://letscollaborate.co.nz/https://www.linkedin.com/company/collaborate-wellington/https://www.facebook.com/thecollaborateappI WANT TO EXPERIENCEI Want To Experience uses immersive Virtual Reality to take users into the intimate worlds of explorers, innovators, curators and artists. Passionate experts tell you what they are most curious about - what they've spent their lifetimes’ studying. We provide an avenue through which cultural Institutions can unlock their human treasures, reach geographically unbound audiences and deepen the learning experience for their visitors.Showcase video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BIt_D5g5u7shttps://www.iwanttoexperience.com/https://www.facebook.com/iwtevrhttps://twitter.com/iwtevrhttps://www.instagram.com/iwtevr/LOCALFLAIRLocalFlair enables institutions to activate creatives around them through commercial opportunities. Galleries and museums all want to support local creatives, but in order for the work to also support the institutions they must do 3 things.Showcase video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Z9BeAHvnHYhttps://localflair.io/SCIMITARTaking your experiences to the next level!ScimitAR is a team of creatives, educators and game developers who are passionate about making fun, interactive and educational experiences.Showcase video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vk2GeDWHtbQ https://scimitar.nz/https://www.facebook.com/ScimitarStudiosNZhttps://twitter.com/ScimitarStudioshttps://www.linkedin.com/company/scimitar-ar-limited-----------------Access Granted podcast featuring Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, Pascale Hyboud-Peron, Vaughan Rowsell and others sharing the NZ people from tech, social media, startups and upstartsAll our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
2/19/2018 • 1 hour, 16 minutes, 57 seconds

Dave Knight – Cultivating Sales, People
Dave Knight (https://www.linkedin.com/in/davidcknightnz/) is a salesman at heart. He knows how to sell. He also knows how to not be a dick, stay away from the politics and focus on the outcomes required and it's from all of this that he started Hear:Say:Do (https://www.hearsaydo.co.nz/) his sales coaching company.Why do we on Access Granted even bother talking with "sales people" - well, it's for exactly the reason you're thinking that, because we believe that New Zealand tech and media has a big issue, it can't sell what it makes, and that holds especially true for newly formed businesses ("start-ups").Listen to Dave, get the tips, and then see the other 'sales' podcasts we have for you: https://www.accessgranted.nz/episodes/?tag=sales------------------------------------------------------Access Granted podcast featuring Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, Pascale Hyboud-Peron, Vaughan Rowsell and others sharing the NZ people from tech, social media, startups and upstartsAll our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
2/14/2018 • 37 minutes, 46 seconds

Dean Johnson - Your Mess For Less
Dean Johnson (https://www.linkedin.com/in/dean-johnson-03142b1/) is an experienced consultant that has worked in many countries, mainly in the banking industry - check out his roll of roles: CEO, CIO, IT Director, Pre-Sales Director and Programme Management.As we cover all of the tech industry we were honoured to hear Dean's story AND to get to grips with his THREE tips for all people that work in tech, no matter at what level:1; There's No Such Thing As An IT Project2: You Don't Manage Projects You Manage People3: Outsourcing Of IT Services Is Done Because Business Doesn't Understand IT------------------------------------------------------Access Granted podcast featuring Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, Pascale Hyboud-Peron, Vaughan Rowsell and others sharing the NZ people from tech, social media, startups and upstartsAll our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
2/13/2018 • 1 hour, 7 minutes, 23 seconds

Sam Jarman – No time for messing around, just get into it
Sam Jarman (@samjarman) is a man on a mission and has the focus and goals of someone with many more years his 'senior'. From working as a dev (at time of recording it was Sailthru, but he is now at BNZ), to being a futurist and technology commentator he has a passion to share the world of technology - a mission we wholeheartedly approve of!This was a redo interview as we had technical difficulties and we quickly dive into what makes Sam tick, where he sees it all going and how he IS going to make it happen.We also highly recommend Sam's most excellent "Dev Chats" series - https://www.samjarman.co.nz/chats - that includes Kristina Balaam, Libby Schumacher-Knight, John-Daniel Trask, and many many more most excellent developers - subscribe now! ------------------------------------------------------Access Granted podcast featuring Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, Pascale Hyboud-Peron, Vaughan Rowsell and others sharing the NZ people from tech, social media, startups and upstartsAll our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
1/28/2018 • 36 minutes, 59 seconds

Josh Forde – Rabid about software and social good
Josh Forde (@JoshForde) co-founder of Rabid Technologies the tech company behind many of New Zealand's online companies such as PledgeMe. Raj and Josh talk a little about what they do but focus more on where they are taking the company, the challenges within (re)focusing a fairly well established company. Josh explains how they have grown out of their Enspiral roots and are now looking at supporting "social good" using the skills and experiences they have at their fingertips.They also discuss the growth of Rabid, it's future and how to expand outside of New Zealand - everyone wants to do this so listen and learn as to how Rabid are tackling this particular challenge.------------------------------------------------------Access Granted podcast featuring Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, Pascale Hyboud-Peron, Vaughan Rowsell and others sharing the NZ people from tech, social media, startups and upstartsAll our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
1/24/2018 • 41 minutes, 17 seconds

Jo Eggers - Deep Inside The Machine
Jo Eggers (@IslandBayGirl) works as senior project administrator inside New Zealand central Government and we can to chat about what it's like being deep inside the machine. We also divert into what iot's like being a woman inside IT, a common thread we cover in many episodes (https://www.accessgranted.nz/women-in-tech/).Jo has a fascinating take on the differences (or none) between the works she does and many IT Departments do and those out in the so called "start-up" and commercial world - we're all in this together really.------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
1/17/2018 • 38 minutes, 54 seconds

Deborah Robb - Loving Life and Banking
Deborah Robb (@robbdj) is a powerhouse of positivity, joie de vivre, and seeing all things glass half full. Working in, and loving (of course), the world of banking for many years she takes Mike and Raj on a journey from South Africa to New Zealand and how we can all learn from the advantages we have in life to ensure we give back as much as we possibly can.(and Deb and Raj had a wee dance as well - check out the photos on the website)------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
1/13/2018 • 53 minutes, 23 seconds

Jim Donovan - Professional Director Changing The World In Big Ways
Jim Donovan (@jimisambard) loves change and positive disruption! He began his career as an information systems engineer, progressing through project management, sales, marketing and general management in Britain and New Zealand. As a CEO, he led the transformation and expansion of several substantial technology-based companies: Electra, Fronde and Deltec (Hi Tech Company of the Year in 2000). He's advised major corporations in New Zealand, Australia and SE Asia on business strategy and performance improvement. Today he's a professional company director - and we find out exactly what that means - with wide industry experience, particularly in technology-based businesses, pan-industry bodies, and the research & education sectors. He is chairman of ultra-fast high-capacity telco REANNZ.He also has plans to completely change the housing industry ... watch that space ... ------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
1/9/2018 • 56 minutes, 51 seconds

The year that was #WellyTech 2017
What a monster of an 2017 ending we have for you!In between the fantastic interviews with the #WellyTech Xmas Do guests, Raj and Mike name their top episodes of 2017 ending with their picks of the year - what was yours (leave a comment)We take the #WellyTech interviews in batches of 3, thus:- Hon Clare Curran (@clarecurranmp) - "Minister of the Future" (Mike's supplied title, not official)- Liz MacPherson (@GovStatistician) - CEO of Stats NZ- Vic MacLennan (@optimalhq) - best person, Director, Investor and Board Member- Nate Dunn (@nate) - 3Bit Solutions and Geekzone- Ruth McDavitt (@ruthmcdavitt) - CEO of Summer of Tech- Paul Matthews (@nzPaulM) - CEO of IT Professionals NZ- Kat Kolich - Head of Enterprise Data and Information Services at BNZ- Sunit Prakash (@sunitprakash) - lean, mentor and awesome dude- aimee whitcroft (@teh_aimee) - Flax Roots and many many civic / open movements- Paul Stone (@enotsluap) - Open Data at Stats NZ- Melissa Firth (@mslissa) - Chief Digital Officer of Te Papa- Justin Douché – Zero Point VenturesBONUSWe've also added in our #WellyTech roaming and talks with Graham Muller from NZTech, Jesse Armstrong from Vaka Interactive (who make digital portraits) and our old friend and fellow co-host, Mauricio Freitas from Geekzone.This year has been one of expansion, road trips and amazing conversations - here's to many MANY more in 2018!Thanks for your time and see you next year with more tech people sharing their own stories. Ka kite anō au i a koutou----Previous episodes mentioned in this podcast- Miki Szikszai – Getting out of the building- Natalie Albert – Diversity is hard work- Sam Daish – Do little things that make a big difference- Vivian Chandra – OMG Tiger Mum- Lance Lones - Building new realities- Dr Rosie Bosworth at TechWeek Mahia - Mana At Mahia------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
12/18/2017 • 1 hour, 8 minutes, 55 seconds

Jenene Crossan – Growing successfully but taking time for yourself
It's always awesome when we have people back to share their ongoing stories and with Vaughan catching up with Jenene Crossan (@Jenene), founder and CEO of and winner of the 2016 Most Inspiring Individual at NZ Innovation Awards, that's exactly what we have*Vaughan and Jenene discuss the changes that have happened, the growth in the company and the challenges therein. They also discuss how important it is, as founders and CEO's of young growing companies, to take time to look after oneself, a lesson we can all take on-board.------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
12/14/2017 • 49 minutes, 53 seconds

Julie Treanor - Corporate to startup, it's all the same people challenges
Julie Treanor (@domesticexec) has worked in "HR / leadership" (people focussed areas) at all levels of the corporate ladder but recently decided to stride out on her own and found herself in Wellington's BizDojo surrounded by "startups". Through a number of workshops, sitting down with people and listening she discovered that the differences in challenges were ones of scale not content.Julie has recently started her own business, Just Lead, set-up a woman-focuses mentoring service (Triple Twist) Natalie Sisson, and works with CreativeHQ within their Lightning Lab programs.We have a cracking discussion about the many facets she brings to the work of "helping people get the best out of themselves" ... pop it in your ears now.------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
12/11/2017 • 46 minutes, 41 seconds

Pia Andrews (Waugh) – To do something so well that you transcend the act itself
Pia Andrews (recently married, you probably know her as Pia Waugh, @piawaugh) is a deep thinker, a deliciously cohesive speaker and one of the most active and effective people we have ever met when it comes to making changes in how governments work.Mike and Pia discuss her work in various parts of the Australian Government, the recent challenges therein, and how she is now (openly) working on Government As A Platform (GaaP) within the Lab+ team within DIA for us Kiwis. We also find out why she believes NZ is in a much better position for true change than many other countries.We also touch on the 'why' she does all this amazing open civic-focussed work.------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
12/7/2017 • 35 minutes, 14 seconds

Aliesha Staples – The reality of storytelling
Vaughan Rowsell (@rowsell) talks to Aliesha Staples who comes from a 13 year film industry and VR/AR content creation background. Aliesha is the founder of Staples VR, a production studio for the creative technologies sector, and Staples Rentals, an emerging technology equipment rental company.Aliesha was the winner of the High Tech Awards Young Achiever of the year award for 2017 (Idealog story) and her company Staples VR is the finalist for both innovation and emerging business categories of the 2017 Westpac Business Awards. She has produced Virtual and Augmented experiences for the likes of Warner Brothers, Paramount, Disney and TVNZ.Some great insights into the world of AR, VR, MR and 360 – and the differences between them all. Aliesha also talk about sharing insights and knowledge as they learn their way through the industry, which helps grow the industry as a whole too.------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
12/4/2017 • 40 minutes, 28 seconds

Natalie Albert – Diversity is hard work
Natalia Albert (@nataliaalbert) is currently a Project Manager at Stats NZ after having tried her professional hand at many roles both inside and out of the public sector.Moving to NZ from Mexico Natalia discovered how insular NZ can be when it comes to "experience gained elsewhere" and so, to prove she can do the work that makes her smile she set up events - there's nothing like showing someone you can do it!Based on this experience Natalia, alongside her day job which she loves, is setting up an event in the new year that will provide experience for similar women - those that can do, but Kiwis don't believe it because they've not done it here.ANd all through this Mike and Natalia talk diversity, feminism and how men can support by getting out of the way.------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
11/23/2017 • 46 minutes, 24 seconds

Miki Szikszai – Getting out of the building
Miki Szikszai (@mikiszikszai, LinkedIn), CEO Snapper, talks to us about change, how things change and why we need to change. We learn how Snapper evolved quickly to create a solution that customers flocked to and now they are exporting the technology globally.Miki has a background in technology innovation in New Zealand having led the development of new markets and capability for Telecom NZ that include it’s Fixed and Mobile Internet Content businesses, deployment of NZ’s first 3G Mobile network and the establishment of an in-house Innovation team.Snapper also work with Summer of Tech to grow new talent in the industry, Miki talks us through how that works.------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
11/21/2017 • 56 minutes

System Error / Mauricio Freitas - The End Of 2017
This was our last system Error session for 2017 and we had an open invitation for anyone that wanted to come along. Along with Mike and Raj, we had Lukas, Dave, Rochelle, Kay and off-course Mauricio.The session covered:* Intergen conference* The countdown to Christmas (yay or Uhhh depending on your point of view)* Gift giving – minimalism vs consumerism * What happens when the internet (connectivity to the web) goes down?* New smartphones and the dramas that come with them* 2degrees are shutting down 2G without helping customers adjust, companies help users when this happens?* Community interaction and education about technology (and where Tech companies fit in to that)* The evolution of the local library * The rate of change today, compared to the last generation* Why cant people learn technology?* The old battle between Mac, Windows and Google Chrome* Will every child go to school with their own personal AI in the future?* Why does Lukas’ Mac have only one port! #DongleLife* Every Fitbit Mauricio has have a different chargerIt a long but very entertaining chat with some amazing and funny people. If you want to come down next time look out for the Facebook invite or check out https://www.accessgranted.nz/coming-soon/2017/8/31/recording-system-error-with-mauricio-hwgz6Also get to the #WellyTech Christmas party, get your free ticket here https://www.accessgranted.nz/jibberjabber/2017/10/4/wellytech-2017-christmas-party-this-year-its-big------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
11/16/2017 • 1 hour, 6 minutes, 17 seconds

Rachel Hatch – Bringing the VR & Physical world together
We talk to co-founder Rachel Hatch (@rachelnzvr) about the VR kiwi project that has been 8 years in the making and the journey to make an idea into a viable product ready to ship. VR kiwi provides the missing link, the freedom to be able to naturally and physically walk and run within virtual reality. This system includes both hardware and software allowing custom made experiences delivered – “plug and play”.We also talk about what inspired and motivated Rachel to do what she does ... Viewmaster ;)------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
11/13/2017 • 33 minutes, 11 seconds

Lukas Zawilski – Turkeys are never gonna vote for Christmas
“Making life better through technology is my thing” Lukasz Zawilski (@lukaszfromwelly) is the Chief Information Officer at New Zealand Qualifications Authority.An internationally experienced executive and leader with a unique blend of skills and experience gained through working with some of the world's leading organisations. Relocated to New Zealand in 2002 and have been fortunate enough to work with some great organisations across New Zealand & Australia since then.Our discussion leads us to the changing tech world (open data, chat bots, messaging apps, social platforms, cloud services, security etc) and the struggles people face during this change including the impacts on the education sector.Lukas is an entertaining and informative person, it was so much fun talking to him and you can sometimes join him at our recordings of System Error.Bonus: We also chat about the idea of having a Govt CTO.------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
11/6/2017 • 44 minutes, 23 seconds

Vic Crone - NZ Rise Innovation Interview
Vic Crone, CEO of Callaghan Innovation joined NZ Rise members in Wellington to discuss their experiences with Callaghan Innovation and shared her views on where she believes Callaghan Innovation can play a role in supporting the local eco-system.The interview was with Miki Szikszai, CEO of Snapper, and provided by NZ Risehttps://nzrise.org.nz/The interview was hosted by Equinox IThttps://www.equinox.co.nz/------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
11/2/2017 • 56 minutes, 16 seconds

Alex Clark – Crowdfunding for journalism
Alex is passionate about digital technology, and enjoy exploring ways to embrace its full potential. His academic background lies within the fields of media studies, ICT law and technology enterprise, while my professional background is in journalism.Alex created PressPatron, which makes it easy to support media outlets online. In a few simple steps, supporters can make monthly and one-off contributions to their favourite online publishers – which Access Granted love and are part of.We talk about many ways the media landscape is changing and how some media outlets are dragging their heals (like many industries in a state of flux). After that we talk about Wireless headphones and Poo Animoji’s“I’ve never seen a Poo so expressive before” ------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
10/30/2017 • 49 minutes, 53 seconds

Chris Cormack – Delightfully subversive
Chris created Koha and has spent the last 17 years refining his creation. Chris has worked for a few companies but his core focus has been Koha throughout his career.Koha is a fully featured, scalable library management system. Development is sponsored by libraries of varying types and sizes, volunteers, and support companies worldwide.Chris is a "stealth Maori" and he explains how he uses his Maori culture around the world – funny story.An amazing open source tale.------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
10/23/2017 • 56 minutes, 54 seconds

Murray Clode – Artpreneur, yes it is a thing
Pascale, one the team, talks to Murray Clode about art, tech and what happen when the two worlds collide. Tucked upstairs in a nice new sunshiny office at Basestation coworking space in Tauranga CDB, Murray share how he has followed his passion for exploring his inner-creative while at the same time helping unleash others.If you are into non linear journeys, Murray’s story is one of a kind. From the world of Telecommunications to Architecture to heavy industry then on to management and Business Improvement through Six Sigma and Lean and onto IT services business management as General Manager and Company Director and now onto Art.He’s made his business to improve his own happiness by leaving big business behind to combine his business knowledge with his art talent and venture into ‘artpreneurship’.As many times in any entrepreneurial journeys things take a turn for the better [mostly] when a community element is added and happy collisions with techies happen to deliver more than just apps. So tune in to find out more about what makes Murray truly tick and about upcoming Art of Technology, launching for its third iteration on October 18 in Tauranga.
10/16/2017 • 35 minutes, 48 seconds

Vivian Chandra – OMG Tiger Mum
Vivian Chandra (@vivster81) is passionate about many things, CRM’s, data, and ensuring kids are not left behind.Being involved with OMGTech! since day one and offering to help out at the launch event she was hooked from the very first moment. We talk about how technology needs to be integrated into the school curriculum not just an add on (optional) subject.------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
10/9/2017 • 38 minutes, 14 seconds

System Error / Mauricio Freitas – Why is there a reset phone in your anus?
Wow this conversation went in every direction possible. Around the table were Troy, Mauricio, Mike, Raj and Gavin.We jabbered about:Usability, functionality, serviceUsing AI botsRecruitment techLinkedIn spam (“Hi Troy you have a nice face”)Paring down your social channelsEmail is broken (still) but which messaging app to go to? The old battle between Windows vs Mac vs Google Buzz word BSData – Analytics and patterns/trendsTelcos, they just don’t get itiPhone X and Facal recognition Keeping your device safe whist travellingGun policy at work (in America off course), Everyday carry (EDC) and a few of gun stories.NZ talent trend – Qualifications are becoming less important.Also – #WellyTech Christmas Party coming up on the 30th November register here------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
10/5/2017 • 55 minutes, 3 seconds

Jordan Carter – The plan is not to have a plan
Jordan Carter (@jordancarter) has been CEO of Internet New Zealand since 2013, leading the organisation as it builds a better New Zealand through a better Internet.He is a policy expert on many of the issues raised by the Internet, especially policy, regulation, and social impact as well as being a a leader of teams, strategist in terms of organisational development and achieving policy outcomes, and experienced at working with and for Boards.We talk about the way we use the Internet now and also how we used to live/work without it “back in the day”.We urge everyone to get along to NetHui (9 & 10 November at Auckland's Aotea Centre) to share your voice to help drive a better Internet for all Kiwis.------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
10/3/2017 • 38 minutes, 48 seconds

Anna Guenther – Getting Sh_t done!
We have had Anna on many times talking about the amazing campaigns that are on Pledgeme.co.nz This time we actually talk about PledgeMe itself and its amazing growth path and some very interesting news. *Cough* Australia.Women in Tech - its a thing, its a thing people are talking about. Anna shares some cool insights.Note, this episode contains many pop culture references from the 90’s.------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
9/25/2017 • 50 minutes, 28 seconds

Kat Greenbrook – From insight to action
Kat is on a mission to increase the number of data insights actioned. There is a growing gap between analytics teams and decision makers, stemming from a breakdown in communication. This is why Kat started Rogue Penguin.
Kat has worked across multiple industries, NZ and internationally. With both science and graphic design degrees and is happiest when making data come to life.We cover Data visualisation through graphic designBrandingConsistent changeAnalytics and insights------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
9/18/2017 • 38 minutes, 12 seconds

System Error / Mauricio Freitas – Everyone's got a good point
We have Mike, Raj, Mauricio and new addition to the team AJ (graduate of the NZ Radio Training School) sitting around a table at Golding Free Dive we discuss “is radio still a thing” and what's happening to broadcast TV?NostalgiaWe have a nostalgic moment when talking about Palm (“Palm is coming back!”) and Windows in the 90’s and how things used to be.“The support process is broken”We discus many many fails and interesting stories in tech at the moment including but not limited to:Ring doorbellOnline back up fails.Microsoft Band vs Fitbit vs other Kick Starter failsWhy are apps/services disappearing faster and faster, without the ability to get your data out.We live in a disposable tech society Facebook Customer services support issuesAdobe Customer services support issuesData over-charges Google hardware issuesBonus failFake taxi image used on a political campaign (using Google images)So grab your favourite beverage and join us for a funny and insightful conversation.------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
9/14/2017 • 58 minutes, 19 seconds

Kai Koenig – my cat, my chickens & my wife
The lost episode. We recorded this one a while ago but unfortunately we misplaced it, until now. Kai Koenig (@agentK) works as a Software Solutions architect for Ventego Creative in Wellington, New Zealand. He also co-founded the company with two partners and is the CTO of Zen Ex Machina, a startup in the fields of digital & user experience consultancy based out of Canberra in Australia.Kai's work comprises a mix of consulting, training, mentoring and actual development work using a range of technologies, common themes being Java, CFML, JavaScript, Android etc. Occasionally Kai writes for magazines (currently mainly Heise's iX in Germany) or in his blog, publish a podcast, 2 Developers Down Under, with his friend Mark Mandel (@neurotic) from Melbourne.Since 2007 he's also been flying small, single-engine aeroplanes around New Zealand and sometimes Australia, currently working on is Commercial Pilot License.Side note: “Yey, I remember Macromedia!” – Raj (I miss Freehand)------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
9/11/2017 • 46 minutes, 51 seconds

2017 ICT Policy Election Special
Over the past few weeks we spent some time with the main party political parties and their ICT representatives in order to have them articulate their stance.== ICT representativesWe get to hear from:- Greens: Gareth Hughes, @GarethMP- NZ First: Tracey Martin, @TraceyMartinMP- National: Brett Hudson, @bhudson_nz- Labour: Clare Curran, @clarecurranmp- ACT: David Seymour, @dbseymour== Questions- What is your own tech background?- Can you sum up your parties ICT policy for us please?- What are the 3 differences between your policy approach and the other parties?- How will your policies speedup and increase the maturity of our IT deployments, specifically in government?- How will your policies help the ICT industry grow and develop and take the country forward?We then asked each MP a different 'Listener question', thanks to all that sent them in.Thanks so much to all the party representatives, and we hope this podcast gives you more of an insight into how each of the political parties see ICT and will help you decide who to give your vote to.------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
9/4/2017 • 1 hour, 5 minutes, 26 seconds

Yoseph Ayele & Alina Siegfried – Tackling global challenges from NZ
Growing up in Ethiopia and living in six countries has made Yoseph a global citizen driven to make positive impact through entrepreneurship. Yoseph works closely with the entrepreneurship community across NZ, Silicon Valley, and other hubs around the world.As a former New Zealand National Poetry Slam champion and TEDx speaker, and with a diverse background in resource management, startups, communications and government, Alina believes in the power of story above almost everything else.Edmund Hillary Fellowship (EHF) incubates solutions to global problems from New Zealand and make a lasting positive impact on the world. If you are interested in joining the cohort get to www.ehf.org ASAP – Deadline is 1 Oct 2017------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
8/28/2017 • 45 minutes, 22 seconds

Sam Daish – Do little things that make a big difference
Sam Daish started in recruitment to HR and strategy which lead to information management and analytics. These days Sam spends his time at Xero as Head of Data Innovation, so he’s all about how to use data and conveying information in interesting ways. Using data for business and automation but also for social good. Mike and Sam talk also about the art of play.
8/21/2017 • 43 minutes, 24 seconds

Emily Loughnan – Creating immersive experiences
Emily Loughnan is a passionate creative and business owner in Wellington. Emily started Clicksuite in 1993, they responsible for some amazing experiences using digital media from websites to immersive museum installations. Raj and Emily geek out a little be about video and design as Emily started out as a TV Producer. We connect the dots between CD-Roms (remember those?) all the way through to Virtual and Augmented reality. Now Emily also has a start-up, her team have developed Curio a software platform for the museum sector that allows them to create interactive experiences – without the need for Clicksuite (in terms of everyday creation, you still need Clicksuite for the hard stuff).And when Emily has free time, she takes care of a bunch of vines that happen to produce a nice Pinot Noir.We also dive into Women in Tech (just quietly) and Emily talks about her experiences in the workplace – we have a few WTF moments.------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
8/14/2017 • 44 minutes, 47 seconds

Eva Sherwood – Doing things "we're not meant to do"
We chat with Eva Sherwood from v and NZTech. Eva is in Sales at Oracle – working with govt. Eva started in Finance while studying from there she was approached to work on “some new software” thing becoming a software tester. We talk about new career paths e.g. not having to be a Doctor, lawyer or accountant. Get into tech where there are great roles that a really well paid.Eva also chairs the specialty group, Women in Tech – part of NZTech where Eva is a board member too). Eva points out that the tertiary institutions produced 50%/50% male/female grads, yet the Tech sector still has much lower ratio (music like many other industries). We also touch on the language used in job ads that are heavily male leaning (and aggressive).Fascinating story and great commentary and perspective on women in tech. Last thought – “think about your daughters and what opportunities you would like to see for them”.------------------------------------------------------We share New Zealand tech, social media, startup people's stories. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike’s (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj’s (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.www.accessgranted.nzhttps://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://www.facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ
7/31/2017 • 35 minutes, 34 seconds

Donna Sorsa – using your voice for value
This week we talk to Donna Sorsa (from Fuelled) and Liz Riversdale. They dive into how and why women get into tech. Not just importing talent from overseas, but nurturing people from with NZ. Donna had a great opportunity – spending time in a variety of roles and then specialising as a Business Analyst. Donna was around during the transition of Synergy to Fronde and worked on some amazing projects here in NZ and in Australia. We also talk about getting back into work after making time for family, and the impact that has on your life and career. Liz also challenges the general assumptions people have on the decisions that are made – very interesting.------------------------------------------------------We share New Zealand tech, social media, startup people's stories. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike’s (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj’s (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.www.accessgranted.nzhttps://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://www.facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ
7/24/2017 • 43 minutes, 40 seconds

Grant Foggo – Focus on the customer
Friend of the show Grant Foggo joins Mike at Goldings Free Dive. Grant is also a connector of people working Amanda Santos at StratAspire who are a growth and sales consultancy. We talk about how sales, account management, relationships and outcomes. Companies spend too much time hunting for new business rather than keeping clients happy.Grant brings extensive knowledge and experience of developing and implementing strategies. As a natural networker and salesman he has a proven ability to identify and create business opportunities. His abilities to identify strategies and structures enables him to successfully assist our clients to create, develop and close deals and projects. Grant also talks about his time in Brunei – very interesting story about a very interesting place (say no more).------------------------------------------------------We share New Zealand tech, social media, startup people's stories. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike’s (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj’s (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.www.accessgranted.nzhttps://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://www.facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ
7/17/2017 • 44 minutes, 38 seconds

Hannah Mundell & Harriet Riley talk Summer of Biz
Hannah Mundell & Harriet Riley talk Summer of BizWe chat with the new Summer of Tech sibling, Summer of Biz (https://summerofbiz.co.nz) and particularly with Harriet Riley and Hannah Mundell. Summer of Biz covers.Summer of Biz focuses on HR & Marketing industry where they connect enlightened Wellington employers with top local HR & Marketing students for paid summer jobs.Harriet and Hannah talk about how they got together, saw a need and got cracking. They are currently looking for students, mentors and businesses who are keen to get involved (either as a sponsor or provide internships). So if this sparks an interest, get involved.------------------------------------------------------We share New Zealand tech, social media, startup people's stories. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike’s (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj’s (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.www.accessgranted.nzhttps://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://www.facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ
7/5/2017 • 31 minutes, 41 seconds

Tapio Sorsa from Fuelled – A techie in the colouring in dept
Mike takes us back to our first studio (his place) and we meet his neighbour Tapio Sorsa who has had a varied career in tech in NZ. His previous roles included working for Kiwibank, Microsoft, Fronde and Oracle. He is highly proficient in product development, operations, governance and IT strategy. And he’s also a passionate and driven person that thrives in an environment that values achievement, accountability, transparency and teamwork.Mike and Tapio dive into “Helping people do stuff” in terms of roles in tech and how the industry evolves over time. Tapio started Fuelled (fuelled.co.nz) to provide a fast, flexible, user-friendly form of finance that lets growth businesses turn their outstanding invoices into cash. ------------------------------------------------------We share New Zealand tech, social media, startup people's stories. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike’s (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj’s (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.www.accessgranted.nzhttps://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://www.facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ
6/27/2017 • 59 minutes, 55 seconds

Hamish Fraser – Hoofed it on a bus to Timaru
Hamish Fraser (@verbman) started Verb 14 years ago. Verb is a technology company and the primary vehicle for web entrepreneur Hamish Fraser to offer his consultation services, business connections and software services. Verb had a CMS product for designers to use to build websites.Hamish also had an interest in local govt (“Communities fascinate me”). He became one of the youngest members of Timaru district council where he was the chair of the district services committee. Hamish also ran a blog at the time and openly communicated what he’s was doing on the council – which lead to a few “disagreements” with some of the council teams. We also dive into the tiny house movement and living mindfully (by the way Hamish has been living on a bus for many years). A great bunch of stories.------------------------------------------------------We share New Zealand tech, social media, startup people's stories. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike’s (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj’s (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.www.accessgranted.nzhttps://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://www.facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ
6/20/2017 • 47 minutes, 44 seconds

Merrin Macleod – Riding the Rails
Merrin Macleoad from Rails Girls to talk about Kiwi Ruby about the upcoming conference she is organising.We go into what Ruby (est 1993) is and how it fits into the Dev world.Mike and Merrin also geek out on a few languages they learnt back in the day.Kiwi Ruby is about a mixture of local and international speakers, a day of workshops and one single-track day of talks. The will cover topics that interest, excite, and delight Rubyists and the Ruby-curious of all levels.It's being held on Thursday 2 November (workshops) and Friday 3 November (conference) at Te Papa on the Wellington waterfront.------------------------------------------------------We share New Zealand tech, social media, startup people's stories. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike’s (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj’s (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.www.accessgranted.nzhttps://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://www.facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ
6/12/2017 • 40 minutes, 28 seconds

Stephanie Pride – Mashing Arts & Tech & TechWeek Wrap up
We catch up with Stephanie Pride about the Arts Tech (speed dating night) event she ran during Techweek 2017. This is where various people got together to create amazing ideas that use a mixture of arts and technology which lead to a showcase – where members of the public could come and see the presentation of the ideas the teams came up with.“New Zealand’s arts, science and tech sectors come together to transform classical performing arts for the 21st century.”After an epic week traveling around the North Island our weary travellers made it back to Wellington to Goldings Free Dive for the wrap up of the week. The script was flipped however when the crowd at Goldings started asking our heros the questions this time. Some amazing stories (including whats going to happen to Farming in NZ and the future of food!). We also ponder the big question “Who’s your Rossie?”Thanks to all that come along and we hope you had a great time.------------------------------------------------------We share New Zealand tech, social media, startup people's stories. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike’s (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj’s (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.www.accessgranted.nzhttps://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://www.facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ
6/7/2017 • 44 minutes, 30 seconds

TechWeek Whanganui – The Confluence of Maps, Movies & Mayors
Rain! Rain like you've never seen before took us away from New Plymouth and on down the North Island to Whanganui and the Confluence Coworking Space.------------------------------------------------------We share New Zealand tech, social media, startup people's stories. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike’s (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj’s (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.www.accessgranted.nzhttps://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://www.facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ
5/11/2017 • 1 hour, 2 minutes, 49 seconds

TechWeek New Plymouth – Cow-orking in Taranaki
Into the mighty Taranaki, or "Taradise" as Adrian called it :)We were invited by Graham Nelson and Jacqui Elley to visit the Manifold co-working space in New Plymouth and, it is a gorgeous working arena into which a number of Taranaki start-ups are beavering away at changing the world.------------------------------------------------------We share New Zealand tech, social media, startup people's stories. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike’s (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj’s (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.www.accessgranted.nzhttps://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://www.facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ
5/10/2017 • 1 hour, 15 minutes, 26 seconds

TechWeek Hamilton - On Farm Innovation At Farming2020
We were both intrigued as to how Farming2020 event would gel/clash with the ideas espoused at Silicon Mahia and the answer came with our chat with Peter, the driving force behind the event, and the innovators we spoke to ... listen up.------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
5/9/2017 • 52 minutes, 4 seconds

TechWeek Mahia - Mana At Mahia
A trip to the East Coast is always fun and the Silicon Mahia day was FULL of fun! And it was full of Maori mana as the packed event heard by speaker after speaker say that there is nothing to loose by stepping into the future, remember the past explorers and reach for the stars – it was stirring stuff.------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
5/8/2017 • 38 minutes, 19 seconds

TechWeek Taupo - It's Everywhere But In Your Head
A relatively quiet Sunday for the #twnz17 road-trip catching up with one of the our original show-starts, John Curtis, who has set-up Taupo's first co-working space, Kloud Collective.------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
5/7/2017 • 29 minutes, 22 seconds

TechWeek, Talented Tauranga
A gorgeous drive from the Auckland to Tauranga and out to see Pascale and the team at the Windermere Campus of Toi Ohomai Institute of Technology where they have brought together 8 teams of students to create, validate and pitch a full business idea ... all in 2 days – now that's a Mashup!------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
5/6/2017 • 54 minutes, 31 seconds

TechWeek Auckland - It's All About The Virtual Cricket
At AR/VR Garage we walked into a surreal moment - we had an audience waiting for us to perform :) We have a wide ranging series of conversations, a wander around the AR/VR Garage, a look at the weekend's Minecraft set-up and quiet chat with those that came along.
* Belinda Hope from AR/VR Garage* Daniel Crayford from VersoVR* Rebecca Caroe, @rebeccacaroe and Creative Agency Secrets* Minecraft setup * John McDeermott (@Farfields_0x04), IOT Meetup and Future Realities event* Ira Munn (Stuff.co.nz article), from Ierospace------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
5/5/2017 • 47 minutes, 22 seconds

TechWeek Auckland - Squeezing in BizDojo @GridAKL
We fly to Auckland to kick off our TechWeek road-trip and we were invited to squeeze in BizDojo @GridAKL as our first venue – and what a wonderful place and people it was. We are on our way!!* Avishek Kumar from closed loop* Hamish Campbell (@polemic) from Koordinates* Eva Perrone (@eva_perrone), Activation Manager at BizDojo @GridAKL* Rob Hanks co-hosting the Future Realities event and from Curiat* Jenn Clamp, National Coordinator of TechWeekNZ & Lauren Peate (@lmpeate) from Edmund Hillary Fellowship------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
5/5/2017 • 35 minutes, 57 seconds

Techweek Wellington – get set, go!
We are gearing up for an epic TechWeek. Here's a quick preview of whats going to happen. We kick off our week with a meeting of some of the organisers of the Wellington events. We talk to: * Irwin from the Hutt STEMM Festival who tells us about the amazing things happening in the next two weeks. * Erica Anderson from Xero who is running a Everyday Security Without Screens session* Raewyn Tse who is the project coordinator for Techweek* Karl Stafford from the Wellington ICT graduate school who is giving a talk about The Future of Digital Education at BizdojoWe will be blogging, posting and uploading podcasts during this whole Techweek as we road trip around the North Island. Also follow the hashtag #twnz17 and all that is Techweek on twitter.------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
5/3/2017 • 30 minutes, 33 seconds

Paul Spence - The Venture Catalyst
Paul Spence (@geniusnet) has been around the startup and tech scene for a long time but we start with our pre-take off checklist as Paul was a pilot and aviation meteorologist before heading into tech. Most will know Paul from iwantmyname.com, a domain management company he started with Lenz Gschwendtner and Timo Reitnauer.Paul is also very active in the community (not only in tech) and always looks to help people where he can with his insights into startups, community and collaboration.More recently he started another endeavour called polany.io – an insight engine. So keep an eye out for that in the coming months.------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
4/18/2017 • 39 minutes, 31 seconds

David Preece - Ship with a container
David Preece wanted to be a yacht designer when he grew up but ended up starting his own company making yacht instrumentation. Now David concentrates on making containers using SmartOS at his company 20ft.nz.We also talk about the investor eco system and the next steps for 20ft.nz------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
4/11/2017 • 38 minutes, 21 seconds

Richard MacManus - The write stuff
Richard MacManus (@ricmac) is an author and tech columnist and prior to that he ran a popular technology blog called ReadWriteWeb (now ReadWrite). He founded RWW in April 2003, building the business into one of the leading technology blogs in the world which he then sold the company to SAY Media in December 2011.We talk about how Richard came to the decision to move on from RWW and get into his novel writing and the new role with the newly created Newsroom.Mike and Richard also discuss how to navigate conferences, especially if you’re and introvert.------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
4/5/2017 • 52 minutes, 21 seconds

Matthew Bartlett - Open Source Warfare
Matthew Bartlett (@mhjb) started his career in graphic design (and typesetting), from there he became self employed and never looked back. After a long time in front a screens Matthew got into writing, book publishing and project management.Matthew is also a Director of Loomio – open source software, built by a worker-owned cooperative social enterprise that began in 2011, when activists from Occupy Wall Street and social entrepreneurs from the Enspiral Network realised they needed to solve the same problem: fast, inclusive, effective decision-making without meetings.Raj and Matthew geek out about typography Photoshop and other design related jibber jabber.Then we dive into open source programming, chatbots, AI and Matthew's next project. Fascinating conversation.------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
3/28/2017 • 53 minutes, 48 seconds

Amanda Santos – Time to sell
Amanda Santos is a “hunter” and has extensive experience and success in supporting and guiding start-ups and other businesses in the area of sales, managing a software company and strategy. Being discouraged to go into tech, Amanda first went into sales (relishing the challenge) and from there software/services sales.Mike talks with Amanda about what her company Tekron, who specialise in advanced timing technologies, atomic clocks, services and solutions – all manufactured right here in NZ (Lower Hutt). They also discuss Tekron's new approach to working as a unit thanks to Amanda and her new CEO role.And finally, we hear that 'cold calling' is THE BEST thing – connecting with people and building relationships. Don't believe us, just listen and get the sales tips you always wanted ...------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
3/13/2017 • 54 minutes, 34 seconds

Dan Khan - Evidence based entrepreneurship
Part 2 of the talk with Dan Khan, he’s started Zero Point Ventures and we talk about the evolution of the start up eco system and the processes that are needed to make companies successful and also defining what success actually looks like for NZ companies.“Instead of making a 100 million dollar company, lets make 100, million dollar companies”------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
3/7/2017 • 40 minutes, 38 seconds

Lance Lones - Building new realities
We head to to Shelly Bay, on the Miramar/Wellywood Peninsular, to meet Lance Lones from L2VR (@L2VRfilm) where they research, design and manufacture virtual reality cameras right here in NZ!The cinematic industry has always evolved as technology changes and here we are again, right back at the start with VR. It is exciting for those in this cutting edge industry where everything is up for grabs and everything is unknown - how will creators use these new technologies and what needs to be built?Lance take us through how L2VR came to be, how they approach cinematic VR and how they are the complete company from software to the very impressive hardware they create in-house using 3D printers. Raj and Lance geek out over resolutions from tape to 4k/8k and 16k as well as coming up with a new name for “films” in this digital age.There are some great surprises on this one ...------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
2/28/2017 • 51 minutes, 30 seconds

Heidi Börner - Le'ts not kill people
On a sunny day outside Karaka cafe here in the Wellington lagoon, we talk to Heidi Borner the founder of Orange Umbrella a Health and Safety company that help measure organisations risk. Heidi has a background in Occupation therapy and she found an gap in the processes and how organisations approach health and safety “ so she started Orange Umbrella. We also speak to Hannah Delany who Heidi works closely with to get the heath and safety message out.We discuss how companies can and need to have a robust process and have all stakeholders (including the Board of Directors) support for the good of their people. Its about having conversations rather than being lectured to.No seagulls were harmed in making this podcast.------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
2/17/2017 • 42 minutes, 37 seconds

#WellyTech 2016 - end of year special
We have had a long year and this was a time to reflect, get together and have fun. We talk to many of the attendees of #WellyTech where we talk about the past year (the ups and downs) and what the future holds for the Tech community next year. Dan Randow also flips the script and interviews Raj about Access Granted's journey in digital transformation. "Thanks for your ongoing support of Access Granted. Its been a long year, enjoy the break and we will be back next year." – Mike and Raj.Thanks to our collaborators BizDojo, ColliderWgtn, DevAcademy, Geekzone, NZ Rise, Hack Miramar, Open Data NZ and Rails Girls Wellington.------------------------------------------------------We share New Zealand tech, social media, startup people's stories. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike’s (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj’s (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.www.accessgranted.nzhttps://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://www.facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ
12/26/2016 • 45 minutes, 32 seconds

Richard Hulse - Transforming the wireless
We chat with Richard Hulse (@RichardHulse) who, having recently left Radio New Zealand, walks us through his amazing career and the evolution of radio in NZ from the days of reel to reel tapes to the digital landscape. We also get a history lesson how the state owned broadcaster created our first commercial station and a few interesting names come up too.Richard was also part of the team that developed the Radio New Zealand website using many languages to connect all the audio systems together and change the old “brochureware” site into the popular muilt-media platform that it is today.------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
12/24/2016 • 1 hour, 8 minutes, 5 seconds

aurynn shaw - The constellation of development
We check in with aurynn shaw (@aurynn), continuing on from previous episodes, "The Culture of tech" and "Engineers disease" (jumping straight to proposing solutions rather than working with people to understand the problem first).We discuss ‘pattern match thinking’ and how to avoid it breaking down the barriers between Devs vs Ops as well as unpacking ’Contempt culture’ in tech a factor aurynn attempts to change within organisations.There is a lot in this one, enjoy the ride.------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
12/5/2016 • 59 minutes, 55 seconds

Mark Pascall - The ledger of things
We talk to Mark Pascall from 3Months (@3monthsNZ) about Blockchain and the Internet of Things and how it all fits together.Mark's background is Acoustical Engineering (the branch of engineering dealing with sound and vibration). He came to Wellington for the kite surfing and found a role at the one firm that specialised in Acoustical Engineering leading on to software engineering around many firms in Wellington. Mark set up 3Months, a company that specialises in natural ways people can interface with tech, IOT and the application of Blockchain as well has having a history of being one of the first companies to use the Agile Methodology. For Mark collaboration has become second nature and is a way all industries can work together to complete in the global market place. We also get the best explanation on how Blockchain actually works.This one has a few “Wow” moments enjoy ...------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
11/26/2016 • 1 hour, 1 minute, 8 seconds

Jessica Manins - The new reality
Wow 100 episodes! And what a great way to celebrate that with a chat with Jessica Manins (@JessicaManins) about the exciting world of VR.Jessica has been involved in start ups for a while and we talk to her about her latest venture – The New Zealand VR/AR Association (http://www.vrar.nz/) launch. Their mission @VRARNewZealand is to create a collaborative network of companies and individuals encouraging new ideas, innovation and support for New Zealand’s virtual, mixed and augmented reality industry.Also thanks from Mike and Raj for continuing to support our podcast.------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
10/19/2016 • 21 minutes, 39 seconds

Dan Khan - Sandwich of choice
[Part 2 of this interview, "Evidence based entrepreneurship" is now available]You may know about Dan Khan (@leancto) from Lighting Lab and Creative HQ. Originally from England, Dan hit the ground running as soon as he landed in New Zealand, straight into the tech and start-up scene. We also talk to Dan about the good old days of computing and programming – including creating role playing games on computers.Way back when, Dan was also part of a team that created one of the 1st online communities (a social network) and worked with WAP (old school mobile internet).Dan has been involved in a range of projects, startups and ventures and also mentored many entrepreneurs and now he’s part of ZeroPoint Ventures where he’s helping more startup get to where they need to be.We also talk about Euro board games and craft beers, cooking and eating the ultimate curry and the best “last meal” sandwich.We ran out of time to capture Dan's full story, so will get him back on again soon.------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
9/20/2016 • 46 minutes, 54 seconds

aurynn shaw - Engineers disease
“Culture is what do not what we do say”This is the continuation of the amazing chat we had with aurynn shaw (@aurynn / http://eiara.nz/ – part 2 of a chat we had last week). Mike and aurynn talk further about “Engineers disease” – jumping straight to proposing solutions rather than working with people to understand the problem 1st. “You think you know enough to solve the problem”.“Engineering is the easy part, but the talking to others and not ruining their day is the the hard part”.We also dive into (and some of the origins of) 'sexism in tech'. This may start a great debate, let it marinate and please leave comments or talk to us on Twitter and/or Facebook.------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
9/6/2016 • 44 minutes, 49 seconds

aurynn shaw - The culture of tech
We chat with aurynn shaw (@aurynn / http://eiara.nz/), part 2 of a chat we had months ago – The Default Human - as the team talk about devops in organisations, the cultural as well as the technical aspects, and how change can occur – for the right reasons. aurynn shares a story of how Devs can have a “we're better than you” mentality much like sports rivalry which isn’t important and then introduces us to “Engineers disease” – which is a conversation for another podcast.Anna (@where_is_anna) from PledgeMe is also back to give us an update on the amazing things happening on the site.------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
8/30/2016 • 51 minutes, 55 seconds

System Error / Mauricio Freitas - [Insert product here]
Time for another session with Mauricio Freitas (@freitasm, owner of Geekzone) as we dive into a few topics of the day.OS//OS Conference http://www.opensourceopensociety.com/Paper vs Digital notes e.g. OneNote Product placement of tech in film and televisionTech myths perpetuated by film and television Jason Bourne Geo blockingPeople injuring themselves with PokemonGoAdvertising vs paywallWhat's new on Geekzone.co.nzEnjoy ...------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
8/16/2016 • 30 minutes, 46 seconds

NZRise ITx – Blockchain, IT industry & Ghost Boards
We were invited by the NZRise team to attend at the ITx conference where we caught up with many people in the industry.In this segment we talk to Vikram Kumar (@vikram_nz) about his talk on Blockchain and with Sunit Prakash (@sunitprakash) about the tech industry, skilled migrants and how he found the conference. Bonus: we had much fun with the team from Ghost Boards who were showing their skills at ITx. “Like an iPhone, but for your feet”.------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
8/9/2016 • 26 minutes, 28 seconds

NZRise ITx – with the NZRise team
We were invited by the NZRise team to attend at the ITx conference where we caught up with many people in the industry.In this session we catch up with Victoria Mclennan (@optimalhq) and Ian Apperley (@ianapperley) from NZRise. We talk with Dave Lane (@lightweight) about an open source projects that involved notice bird life and explains what a Cacophonometer is and what its used for. And finally we chat with Ruth McDavitt (@ruthmcdavitt) from Summer of Tech to talk about the supposed “recruitment shortage”.------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
8/2/2016 • 29 minutes, 53 seconds

NZRise ITx – Live Lightning Talks
The lightning talks focused on disruption in the technology sector and its potential. Each person had 5 minutes to talk, with 1 minute for Q&A.The session went for one hour, and at the end delegates had the opportunity to connect with those spoke. Ian Apperley facilitated these talks, and to the following people were the speakers:Clint Van Marrewijk (ThunderMaps)Nicolas Erdody (Open Parallel)Mike Riversdale (Miramar Mike)Josh Vial (Enspiral)Ruth McDavitt (Summer of Tech)They cover disruption from many angles including, planning, software, business, education and recruitment. A great session.------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
8/2/2016 • 1 hour, 7 minutes, 5 seconds

NZRise ITx Special – The Mayoral Candidates
We were invited by the NZRise team to attend at the ITx conference where we caught up with many people in the industry (which will follow in Ep 94-95). In this session we talk to the Wellington mayoral candidates and get their views and ideas for the Tech sector, very interesting conversations.Also check out Ep 93b where we cover the live mayoral debate from the ITx Conference. ------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
7/26/2016 • 22 minutes

NZRise ITx Special – Live Mayoral Debate
We were invited by the NZRise team to attend at the ITx conference where we caught up with many people in the industry (which will follow in Ep 94-95). In this session we cover the live mayoral debate, where our candidates each talk about their vision for the ICT sector.Also check out follow-up where we spend 10-15 minutes talking to the mayoral candidates the ITx Conference. ------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
7/26/2016 • 1 hour, 11 minutes, 11 seconds

System Error / Mauricio Freitas - Don’t mess-up my Twitter stream!
It's been a long time coming as w catch up with our friend Mauricio Freitas (@freitasm) from Geekzone for another System Error session. Topics of the day:Why movie sequels are crap?DVD’s vs streaming services?Whats happened to Twitter?The Microsoft Linkedin acquisitionISP issues continue…Bonus: Amazon gave their user some money back.------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
6/27/2016 • 26 minutes, 44 seconds

Dave Moskovitz - Brute force your way to success
Dave Moskovitz (@davemosk) is well known in the start up scene and has been an enabler in the community for many years. We discuss many things including our tech culture, diversity, the community, immigration and what traits you need to succeed in business. We go through the evolution of Start Up Weekend and the principles that can be applied to all business – including failing!We ran out of time in this this episode and so we will definitely have Dave back on to continue his story.------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
6/14/2016 • 40 minutes, 15 seconds

Graham Mann + Mike During - Poolside ordering
We talk to Graham Mann (@greevis) from Welman Technologies and Mike During from GuestFolder. Welman are one of the original “startups” from the late 90’s who carved out an early niche in accommodation industry. Now they have teamed up with Mike During to create GuestFolder. We also discuss the apps they are creating to help users with accommodation and service. Both Mike and Graham have a rich and varied history in tech, we dive into how they do what they do. We even get some sage advice from Graham and Mike about getting going on your own startup.------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
6/7/2016 • 42 minutes, 59 seconds

Sinead Boucher - Evolution of media
Mike talks to Sinead Boucher (@sineadboucher) from Fairfax as she explains the role journalism plays in the wider media landscape (including print and the steady transition to digital). Sinead also outlines her UK OE and what she brought back to New Zealand from the news publications moving to digital in those the early online ages.Listen as Sinead also shares some cool “war stories” from days gone by and journalism before the digital era :)AND, we also find out Stuff.co.nz could have been called something else entirely.------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
5/31/2016 • 45 minutes, 57 seconds

Francesca Jago - Mobile movie making
Francesca Jago (@fjjournalist) from Get Ahead Media runs video production courses for businesses and professionals on how to create broadcast-quality videos using smartphones, and promote them using social media.We talk about the shift from the "pros" producing video content for companies to every day smartphone users creating content for themselves. Francesca explains how this is possible and even gets Mike excited about creating his own content.------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
4/19/2016 • 27 minutes, 38 seconds

Melanie Langlotz & Amie Wolken - Sharks in the Park
We speak with Mel Langlotz and Amie Wolken from Geo AR Games (@GeoArGames), creating 'augmented reality games' for kids!We chat about the journey from inception, going to Chile to be part of an international start up incubator, then back in NZ where they are currently going though the Lighting Lab XX programme.Geo AR Games is leading the charge in "geospatial augmented reality", an innovative new concept that combines the great outdoors with mobile gaming. View architectural wonders, play captivating motion games, travel through the solar system and beyond – all in a local park using your smart phone or tablet.------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
4/4/2016 • 25 minutes, 12 seconds

Jessica Venning-Bryan - Knowledge is Power
Jessica Venning-Bryan (@jvenningbryan) has spent almost 15 years advising organisations on how to engage people with their products and services. From beer to wind farms, elections to employment. We discuss working for the Govt, PR (Sweeney Vesty), Saatchi & Saatchi and ways to communicate information depending on your audience.Now at Flick Electric – where she is part of a team that is growing fast and taking on the power industry. Flick uses a client portal that uses rich data to explain how your power usage is effected by our lifestyle and vice versa.Jessica also tells us about Cultivate, a free mentoring programme she started that supports early to mid career women to navigate the modern workplace, in particular the structures that make it harder for women to access equal opportunities and equal pay. Jessica shares her own workplace bullying story which became a driving force to start Cultivate.------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
3/29/2016 • 48 minutes, 10 seconds

Nick Williamson - Place as a Service
Nick Williamson (@mashmatix), for the last 20 years, has forged his career working at the intersection of Planning, Surveying, Law, and Spatial Science. Much of that time has been spent in and around local government, although he spends a lot of time talking to ‘ordinary people’ working to bring disruption, creativity and community to many projects (eg, Kamo Place Race (TEDxChristchurch talk) and Place As A Service with Te Karanga).We also welcome back Anna Guenther (@where_is_anna), CEO from PledgeMe, for an update on what crowd funding campaigns are happening at the moment.------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
3/22/2016 • 46 minutes, 53 seconds

Rollo Wenlock - Working in concert together
Rollo Wenlock (@RolloWenlock) CEO and founder of Wipster dives into the freelance world of film making, failing fast and onto developing a creative web platform - from "Video Boy" to "Video Man". It is fascinating to hear Rollo discuss how he views running a business is a lot like an orchestra, comprised of many instruments working together, not just a lone jazz flute. And of curse we cover the recently announced Wipster / Vimeo partnership but also the work they are doing with Adobe, at which point Raj may or may not have gotten a little excited.------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
3/14/2016 • 45 minutes, 7 seconds

Dean Gowans + Regan Ryan - Power to the people
Dean Gowans and Regan Ryan, co-founders of Embrium and both from the energy sector, have created systems used throughout the power industry as we talk about legacy tech/approaches that you know, one day, you need to let go of, "... and when you do it is refreshing".We also cover creating your own hardware to work with your software and the Internet of Things. During our chat we felt an earthquake (welcome to NZ overseas listeners) which had us discussing their quake stories and monitoring apps.------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
3/7/2016 • 36 minutes, 21 seconds

Sandy Mamoli & David Mole - "Select yourself"
This week we talk to Sandy Mamoli and David Mole from Nomad 8. We talk Agile, working with Trade Me and their new book "Creating great teams", a book about self selection – which is a way for people to pick the teams they want to work in, within an organisation. This process highlights who your members prefer to work with and how their relationships develop over time.------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
3/1/2016 • 37 minutes, 47 seconds

Troy Hammond - the "zero f_cks given" guy
This week we talk to Troy Hammond from Talent Army. He's a not your typical recruiter. He tells us why he decided to hang up the suit for a pair of jandals and start his own recruitment business specialising in startups. Troy has a unique perspective to the recruitment process and the industry itself.------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
2/22/2016 • 50 minutes, 9 seconds

Aaaaaaand, we're back
This is a quick note to let you know that we are back in action and can't wait to start the year. We have new music, artwork and a bunch of cool stories to tell this year!------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
2/16/2016 • 1 minute, 36 seconds

The year that was 2015
Wow what an amazing year, we met many great people with awesome stories to tell, this week we go through some golden moments from the past year. Have a fun break and see you all here next year.------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
12/21/2015 • 1 hour, 3 minutes, 14 seconds

Emma Woods - Towards the people
Emma Woods (@codingcockatoo) is our final guest for 2015 and what a fantastic end to our season it is. Emma takes us through how she went from burlesque dancer to one of the designers helping Provoke at their Wellington office deliver bespoke solutions for their customers. AND, like others we talked to, she is a great role model for those that decide they want to change career, researched online about coding and made it happen leading to her first paying position – do it people!------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
12/9/2015 • 44 minutes, 32 seconds

#WellyTech 2015 - Xmas party panel
What an amazing gathering of Tech, media, and Start up people! We had a vision of having a party where many people could connect and have fun. So we got together with Geekzone and Hack Miramar and came up with our end of year/christmas party – #WellyTech.Mayor Celia Wade Brown started off proceedings talking about the great hub we have here in Wellington.Hack Miramar organised a collaboration exercise that had everyone involved in creating a presentation of what their vision of the future of tech in Wellington looked like.From there we recorded a quick 15 min panel session with Victoria MacLennan, Laura Reitel, Tim Kong, Ruth McDavitt and Melissa Clark-Reynolds.The live band "Rose Road" featuring Hannah Fraser, Kerry Wood, Sharon Greally played and roaming magician Arjun entertained the crowd while the judge reviewed the collaboration pieces. Mauricio (our regular on "System Error") took the stage and presented the prizes to the winners.It was an amazing night, it was awesome to see so many people engaging and having a great time. Thanks to those that helped in creating the event (Steph – Organiser extraordinaire, Mauricio – Man with the prizes hook ups, and Jono – Video and sound magician) and big thanks to Hopgarden for having us. ------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
12/6/2015 • 12 minutes, 4 seconds

Amelia Laundy - The student becomes the teacher
This week we speak to Amelia Laundy (@amelialaundy) web dev in the API team at Trade Me. We talk about her journey coming to NZ and working and learning in the tech space in NZ. She spend time at the Dev Academy as a student and then later as a teacher. We also discuss the "Open Salary" process... ------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
11/30/2015 • 35 minutes

Brenda Wallace - Purple circuit boards
This week we speak to Brenda "I'm a Rails dev, but don't tell my friends" Wallace (@BR3NDA) who, having got her first computer at one, has grown up with computers all her life (just like a millennial). We talk about tinkering with home automation, open source, Y2K, mobile language, hacking and working at Catalyst, Weta Digital and Rabid. We also chat about a new acquisition at Rabid called OSH Park, wearable tech and its applications. ------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
11/23/2015 • 44 minutes, 59 seconds

Kendall Flutey - Learning Banqer
Kendall Flutey (@kendallflutey) from Banqer, an online banking system for the classroom where kids learn about many aspects of financial literacy. Kendall came from an accounting background, saw a need and jumped into development of Banqer.------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
11/17/2015 • 47 minutes, 31 seconds

aurynn shaw - The Default Human
aurynn shaw (@contraurnnian) from Eiara is one of those people we have long time admired from afar for her honesty, strength and passions. We talk photography, moving countries, working for Weta Digital, writing code and what's the default human?! During this chat it was a revelation to hear how hard it can for devops and how Aurynn went through it and out to the other side.Oh, and she challenges Mike big time and that’s why we are definitely working on having aurynn as a regular on the show, fingers crossed. Enjoy. ------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
11/10/2015 • 55 minutes, 59 seconds

Rod Drury - The end of the beginning
This week we talk to Rod Drury (@roddrury) starting with paddle boards and how Rod started in the industry with Microsoft Access and Visual Basic apps before 'why Aftermail' and then, of course, Xero.We cover youth employment/grad programmes and how they can help grow the industry via the small business that are customers of Xero.Rod asks what do you do after you make it big – "buy your silly cars, then what?" and puts his view on how companies can help in communities to build expertise and greater companies that will help evolve New Zealand Inc. What's next for Xero ... machine learning ... automate everything! ------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
11/3/2015 • 48 minutes, 45 seconds

System Error / Mauricio Freitas - Last Hurrah 2015
This is our last 2015 System Error show with Mauricio Freitas (@freitasm) and we dive into prostitution (as a service), idiot drivers, and Tile. We were also joined by Nate Dunn (@nate) and Dan Randow (@danrandow) as we talk about our amazing event happening on the 4th of December.------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
10/27/2015 • 32 minutes, 53 seconds

aimee whitcroft - Unf*ck your business
Episode 71, This week we catch up with "Frantic Enabler" Aimee Whitcroft. Ring master of the famous nerd night in Wellington and general UnF*cker of businesses. We talk about how she came to be in Tech in NZ and the fun adventures during the Mongol rally...Also we talk about teaching baby AI's their first words...Also:PARTAY! Yip, we are having a party – well, we are co-hosting a party alongside the fine folks from Hack Miramar and the community over at Geekzone. It’s going to be a cracking evening on Friday 4th December! There will be live music, beer, prizes and only 100 people – so get over to our blog, Jiber Jaber for the Lil Reggie link to get your FREE ticket.------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
10/20/2015 • 34 minutes, 56 seconds

Nadia McGregor - The Revolution Kid
This week we talk to Nadia McGregor founder and director of School of Design Thinking. It is a fascinating discussion covering Nadia’s current work with design thinking and what that actually is. Also as an Iranian born woman, design thinking has had a great affect on her life and what brought her to New Zealand.------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
10/13/2015 • 41 minutes, 24 seconds

System Error / Mauricio Freitas – Tractor as a service
It's time for another instalment of System Error with Mauricio Freitas (@freitasm) from Geekzone. We dive into Tractor software copyright issues, stumbling into a real life Tinder event. We have a little food rant (and digital distribution of content) while eating our pizza. Oh and dealing with CLICK BAIT – from Spammers and our own news sites! Our solution – fight back with porn...------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
10/6/2015 • 35 minutes, 6 seconds

Ben Duflou - Counting digital beans
This week we talk to Ben Duflou from All Accounted For. His accounting firm has moved into an advisory role in the new age of cloud accounting. They started using Xero, when it wasn't cool. We also chat about the landscape and the pitfalls to watch out for when getting your start up – up and running.We also get one piece of advice that will change your bottom line.------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
9/29/2015 • 46 minutes, 54 seconds

Kate Henderson - student virtual reality
We talk to Kate Henderson (@mistyepd), Victoria University student that many have encountered via Summer of Tech, hackthons, Google uni events and at Android dev meet-ups. We cover, Google IO, Google card board and virtual reality.------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
9/22/2015 • 40 minutes, 41 seconds

Grant Robinson & Darryl Gray - An atomic conversation
This week we talk to Grant Robinson (@grantrobinson) and Darryl Gray (@darrylgray) from Atomic. We talk about the early days of Xero (employee 5 and 6), some time at BNZ and their first "start up" experiences creating the YouMoney banking platform. We also chat about the earlier days of "interactive" design and using graphics to tell stories – and how they came up with the "Google Docs of design software".We also have a few words from PledgeMe CEO and founder, Anna Guenther - listen up as there’s something cool closing tonight which is Tuesday 15th September, 2015.------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
9/15/2015 • 55 minutes, 55 seconds

System Error / Mauricio Freitas - Mobile Phone Update Angst
This week we chat to Mauricio Freitas (@fretasm) for another "System Error" segment where we talk about switching from Windows phone to Android and the security issues with old Android. We dive into the issues with all the platforms and their update cycles. Mauricio also shows us his new wearable gadget. Then we rant about clueless drives distracted by their tech.------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
9/8/2015 • 35 minutes, 48 seconds

Alastair Thompson - Evolution, digital and Kim Dotcom
This week we have an exclusive chat with Alastair Thompson (@althecat), co-founder of Scoop. We cover a variety of topics including the press gallery, going digital, how he started, the whole Kim.com "Extravaganza", and the evolution of Scoop to the "New Scoop" which launches soon! Its a fascinating chat. Enjoy.------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
8/31/2015 • 1 hour, 6 minutes, 34 seconds

Devon Moodley – Motion Graphics Artist
This week we chat to Devon Moodley (@DevonMoodley), Motion Graphics Artist. We talk about how he went from studying film to motion graphics and eventually making videos at Xero. Raj and Devon geek out on design and film for a while and some how we get onto wedding singing.Watch out for an interesting announcement involving Owen Williams. Enjoy.------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
8/25/2015 • 42 minutes, 56 seconds

Brendan Ritchie – Being a different Kiwi ISP
This week we chat to Brendan Ritchie (@bcarmody), CEO at DTS one of NZ's many ISPs ... but this one is a little different. Enjoy.------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
8/18/2015 • 28 minutes, 58 seconds

Courtney Foon - Shopin
This week we chat to Courtney Foon (@mshumanist) Entrepreneur and UX designer. She has been part of the R9 Accelerator with the ShopPin team. Enjoy.------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
8/10/2015 • 33 minutes, 48 seconds

Julian Apatu - Proudly Ngati Porou at R9
This week we chat to Julian Apatu (@japatu) designer about town as well as a proudly being of Ngati Porou. We also talk about the R9 Accelerator programme and design thinking. Enjoy.------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
8/3/2015 • 45 minutes, 8 seconds

System Error / Mauricio Freitas + Nick Williamson - Travel, People vs Machines
This week we chat to Mauricio Freitas (@fretasm) for another "System Error" segment where we talk airports and travel, whisky, people vs machines and a whole lot more. We also have Nick Williamson (@mashmatix) along for the ride. Enjoy.------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
7/29/2015 • 39 minutes, 44 seconds

Matt Cobham – Site sorted
This week we catch up with Matt Cobham (@CobhamMatt) from SiteSorted where we talk startups, tech, the R9 Accelerator programme and a whole lot more. We also catch up with Anna from PledgeMe too.------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
7/14/2015 • 53 minutes, 57 seconds

John Gonzales - travel, gaming, Clippy, and programming
This week we catch up with John Gonzales (@johnnyicon) from Hashbang where we talk travel, gaming, startups, tech, Clippy, programming, even MS Paint and a whole lot more. We also recap the Govhack.org.nz event that happened over the weekend.Mike and Raj jumped on Google Hangout this week so please excuse the audio in parts.------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
7/8/2015 • 1 hour, 15 minutes, 26 seconds

System Error / Maurico Freitas – [fill in the blanks]
This week we catch up with Mauricio Freitas (@freitasm) for another instalment of System Error. This time, over pizza and whisky, we talk about Jurassic World, bus timetables, phone plans, Mike’s absence.------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
7/1/2015 • 27 minutes, 26 seconds

Michelle Burke - Dive into Data
This week we catch up with Michelle Burke (@smrtgirl). We talk about data visualisation and that ugly term "Big Data"------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
6/24/2015 • 47 minutes, 56 seconds

Lucy Luo - Talks Law
This week we catch up with Lucy Luo (@lucysjl), who came via a fellow podcast, The Moxie Sessions. She works as a lawyer with tech companies during their "Start Up" phase through to IPO.------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
6/16/2015 • 38 minutes, 39 seconds

Jenene Crossnan - Flossie.com
This week we talk about making our Podcast sustainable (we recorded our video!) And we catch up with Jenene Crossnan (@Jenene) from Flossie.com------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
6/9/2015 • 18 minutes, 11 seconds

Nick Clark & Richard Corney - Take flight
This week we talk about making our podcast sustainable and we catch up with Nick Clark (@nickroydclark) and Richard Corney (@richardcorney) from Flight Coffee.------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
6/3/2015 • 38 minutes, 14 seconds

Ben Kepes - In the cloud
This week we talk to Ben Kepes (@benkepes), all round entrepreneur and authority on the "cloud" ------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
5/26/2015 • 35 minutes, 26 seconds

Cameron Mehlhopt - Tech and being in the movies
This week we have a brief catch up with Anna from PledgeMe about the latest pledges and we get to know Cameron Mehlhopt (@CameronMehlhopt) from StarNow and learn about being a tech firm in the talent space, work in film and television industry.------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
5/20/2015 • 33 minutes, 27 seconds

Mike Riversdale - On the mic
We take a moment to get to know the man behind the mic as Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) explains how he does what he does – explaining stuff.------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
5/13/2015 • 33 minutes, 12 seconds

Dan Randow - Collaboration Wrangler
We talk to Dan Randow (@DanRandow) – Collaboration Wrangler where we discuss building trust and making strategy.------------------------------------------------------We share New Zealand tech, social media, startup people's stories. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike’s (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj’s (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.www.accessgranted.nzwww.twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZwww.facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ
5/6/2015 • 46 minutes, 49 seconds

System Error / Mauricio Freitas - Tinder for Cats
Another awesome session with Maurico Fretias (@freitasm) as we discuss many things that have "ticked" people off then the conversation leads up to a new app idea - Tinder for cats.------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
5/5/2015 • 41 minutes, 18 seconds

Jackson James Wood - Health and ORA
Mike sits back and enjoy an interview as this was Raj flying solo again talking with Jackson James Wood (@_jjw_) and his media work with PledgeMe and being a co-founder of Ora Safety and Health.------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
4/29/2015 • 29 minutes, 38 seconds

Jackson James Wood - Health and ORA
Mike sits back and enjoy an interview as this was Raj flying solo again talking with Jackson James Wood (@_jjw_) and his media work with PledgeMe and being a co-founder of Ora Safety and Health.------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
4/29/2015 • 29 minutes, 38 seconds

Jack Yan - Humour with the brand consultant
A wide ranging and, tbh, very funny interview as Jack takes us through the changes in media he's experienced and some of his thoughts on where it's going – and we didn't even touch on his love of Google!------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
4/22/2015 • 45 minutes, 59 seconds

Andrew Schofield - Virtual team taking on the world
Anna Guenther provides her monthly update on PledgeMe Team tech and media related items to watch. We then lead into Raj who has a fascinating conversation with Andrew Schofield (@nzscoff) from Timely and how it is a true virtual company based around New Zealand but taking on the world.------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
4/15/2015 • 28 minutes, 43 seconds

Bianca Mueller - Smart like a fox with your IP
Smart like a fox, and with substantial international work experience in Germany and Spain, Bianca Mueller (@LawDownUnder) has developed serious expertise in the IT & IP, and international law. In essence, this means that she can read a 100 page legal document without dozing off and write up commercial contracts that allow you to sleep at night.Bianca has a knack for techie, digital, and creative stuff (read: nerd) and has the rare ability to convey complex concepts in plain English (or German or Spanish).She balances this out by saying randomly hilarious things out loud when it’s least expected.http://www.lawdownunder.com/------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
4/8/2015 • 43 minutes, 8 seconds

System Error / Maurico Freitas – Netflix
Another stella discussion / rant with Mauricio Freitas (@freitasm), this time it's about service (or lack of) and that gets us onto Netflix.------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
4/7/2015 • 29 minutes, 39 seconds

Amber Craig - A Bit Busy
The journey to make the podcast sustainable continues but in the meantime the amazing Amber Craig (@amscraig) goes through (almost) all of her projects and makes Mike Riversdale and Raj Khushal feel like they're just not doing enough!------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
4/1/2015 • 48 minutes, 53 seconds

Tim Kong - Shaking things up
A change to our podcast format (slicker and quicker to the interviews) and more importantly a deep discussion with Tim Kong (@timoslimo) at N4L around all things tech and education orientated here in New Zealand (hint: it's about the teachers not the tools).------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
3/25/2015 • 48 minutes, 11 seconds

Brenda Leeuwenberg & Sandy Mamoli - Getting Agile
We start with a new monthly catchup with Anna CEO of PledgeMe who runs through a few tech/media items before a fascinating conversation with Sandy Mamoli & Brenda Leeuwenberg discussing their Nomad8 / agile story.------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
3/17/2015 • 43 minutes, 21 seconds

Jason Gleason - Tried nothing & all out of ideas
Stepping out of the corporate life to run your own start-up always comes with a great deal of trepidation, but Jason Gleason (@runningpockets) and co-founders of Eight Wire prove that it can be done.------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
3/11/2015 • 45 minutes, 2 seconds

System Error / Mauricio Freitas - Stand & Deliver
If anyone cares to listen to Mauricio Frietas (@freitasm) and this particular System Error rant then please let us know in the comments what it's about, ta.------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
3/10/2015 • 33 minutes, 55 seconds

Ian Apperley - F_ckoff money
After a brief story from Mike about, "Fuck off money" we have a cracking conversation with the disruptor, challenger of ideas and Hack Miramar co-founder, Ian Apperley (@ianapperley).------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
3/4/2015 • 27 minutes, 40 seconds

Lillian Grace - BIG DATA
We were extremely lucky to catchup with Lillian Grace, CEO of WikiNewZealand [now called Figure.NZ], just before their re-launch of the site (http://figure.nz/) and the release of a brand new back-end feeding up public API access to all the data they utilise.Raj and I had a chat before the interview as to what "big data" means especially in light of DJ Patil being named the US Government's first "Chief Data Scientist"------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
2/24/2015 • 35 minutes, 49 seconds

Anna Guenther - Raise a glass to the Yeastie Boys
After we dispel the myths of "there's a talent shortage in NZ", Mike has an insightful chat with Anna Guenther (@where_is_anna) who was still on a high with the amazing success of the recent Yeastie Boys PledgeMe campaign.------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
2/18/2015 • 44 minutes, 59 seconds

Vaughan Rowsell - The Lego of the Mind
Fantastic catchup with Vaughan as he tells his story – and remember everyone, take every opportunity to tell your story!------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
2/10/2015 • 45 minutes, 45 seconds

Ruth McDavitt - Employee #1 At Summer of Tech
The Summer of Tech (SoT) organisation gains employee #1 and it's first CEO in the guise of Ruth who talks to Raj and Mike about the what, why and who of SoT but also her dreams and desires for the future.------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
2/4/2015 • 38 minutes, 40 seconds

System Error / Mauricio Freitas - Sort out your Security Safety and Privacy, now!
Mauricio Freitas (@freitasm) has a wee 'discussion' about sorting out your security on-line. AND, if you're a techie, for heaven's sake please reach out to those around you that aren't and help them ... please!------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
2/3/2015 • 29 minutes, 5 seconds

Sean (from) Golding's - Studio 1
Cracking interview with Sean Golding (@Stoatphone) from Golding's Free Dive (http://www.goldingsfreedive.co.nz/) in Wellington explaining how, as a young bar, they used the cloud and tech to get the 'boring stuff' out of the way as fast as possible allowing him and his staff to concentrate on being an awesome bar.And a big thank you for allowing us to record so many of our shows in the bar, or "Studio 1" as we know it as.------------------------------------------------------We share New Zealand tech, social media, startup people's stories. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike’s (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj’s (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.https://www.accessgranted.nzhttps://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://www.facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ
1/27/2015 • 44 minutes, 59 seconds

Melissa Clark-Reynolds - And We're Back
Back into a new year. We chat with Melissa Clark-Reynolds is widely recognised as an inspirational role model and entrepreneur. Her story is extremely inspirational. Her business acumen, skills, knowledge and experience have made her a popular speaker in both New Zealand and Australia on a range of business subjects, including entrepreneurship, innovation and sustainability.
1/21/2015 • 1 hour, 52 seconds

The Year That Was 2014
We wrap up the crazy year that we decided to start a podcast.------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
12/17/2014 • 57 minutes, 7 seconds

Nathan Li - Unpluging
Nathan Li co-founded Educa, a Software as a Service (SaaS) business I started in 2011. They provide an online and mobile learning platform that connects preschool teachers with parents/family members around young children’s learning.------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
12/17/2014 • 44 minutes, 56 seconds

2014 Xmas Drinks With Our Show Guests
We get together with as many of our 2014 show alumni and get their thoughts on the past year and what they're exited about for 2015.------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
11/26/2014 • 23 minutes, 38 seconds

Bill Moses + Brad Murray - The Collaboration Myth / Inside The Datacom Beast
We find out from Bill Moses (@nzbill) and Brad Murray how the Datacom machine works including their in-house incubator. ------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
11/19/2014 • 54 minutes, 14 seconds

Rumi Shivaz - Insightful Insights
We chat with Rumi Shivaz from Midas Infomedia Limited about data and analytics.------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
11/11/2014 • 51 minutes, 11 seconds

TechEd 2014, Chris Auld & Jonny Lin – Hacking Everything
Our final show from the 2014 Microsoft TechEd Conference in Auckland thanks to Hashtag Radio. This episode we catch up with Chris Auld and Jonny Lin from Intergen talk all things hacking - hardware, software, cloud and the delightful "internet of things" combination of all.------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
11/4/2014 • 47 minutes, 52 seconds

DK - the innovators
We talk to DK, 'Social Media man' and speaker as well as being one of the minds that bring us TEDx Wellington.------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khusal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
10/29/2014 • 50 minutes, 44 seconds

TechEd 2014, Mark Woodrow + Luke Grange - Yammer Time
We're still at the 2014 Microsoft TechEd Conference in Auckland thanks to Hashtag Radio. One of the most surprising and interesting TechEd conversations was with Mark Woodrow (@markwoodrow) and Luke Grange (@lukegrange) from Yammer. Raj flies solo and gets a cracking interview ...------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
10/14/2014 • 22 minutes, 54 seconds

TechEd 2014 - Andy Wigley and Mobile at Microsoft
We're at the 2014 Microsoft TechEd Conference in Auckland thanks to Hashtag Radio.Covering your diversity issue as well as catching up with Andy Wigley (@andy_wigley) mobile software developer, speaker and author, technical evangelist at Microsoft. ------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
10/7/2014 • 40 minutes, 57 seconds

TechEd 2014 - Shaking things up, Microsoft Azure & Imagine Cup winners
We're at the 2014 Microsoft TechEd Conference in Auckland thanks to Hashtag Radio.We talk to the 2014 Imagine Cup winners and we shake things up a little in term of our show format.------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
10/7/2014 • 41 minutes, 43 seconds

Michelle Dickinson - Inside The Looking Glass
This week we talk to Michelle "Nanogirl" Dickinson (@medickinson) about breaking stuff and getting more kids and in particular girls into tech. She also strips down a Microsoft Surface Pro 3.------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
9/30/2014 • 13 minutes, 33 seconds

Jono Tucker – Back When I Was A Bogan
This week we catch up with Jono Tucker (@txtjono), a former Business Development manager at a tech firm but has now started his own photograph and film business, we find out how it all happened.We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
9/23/2014 • 39 minutes, 3 seconds

Election 2014 Special - ICT Policies from Labour, Greens and NZ First
That's right we have one too. We speak to the ICT representatives from our policy parties. Well those that made the effort anyway. Today we’re talking with Clare Curran (Labour), Gareth Hughes (Greens) and Tracey Martin (NZ First). We had invited National and InternetMANA but unfortunately we were unable to get time with either of those parties.------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
9/10/2014 • 34 minutes, 11 seconds

Raj Khushal - Field Strip an Uzi, Blindfolded
This week we find out more about one of the hosts of Access Granted, Raj Khushal (@NZRaj). We find out what he does and how get go to do what he's doing now, from startups to design to film.------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
9/2/2014 • 34 minutes, 41 seconds

Owen Evans - Full Interview
FULL INTERVIEW: We talk to with Owen Evans (@buildmaster) co-founder of Hoist apps and the annual WWDC conference.------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
8/26/2014 • 50 minutes, 53 seconds

Owen Evans - The Data Lake
We talk to with Owen Evans (@buildmaster) co-founder of Hoist apps and the annual WWDC conference.------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
8/26/2014 • 33 minutes, 31 seconds

Bruce Aylward - full interview
FULL INTERVIEW: This week we talk virtual teams, startup, cloud computing and doing it in Wellington with Bruce Aylward from Psoda.------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
8/18/2014 • 35 minutes, 21 seconds

Bruce Aylward - Soda with a P
This week we talk virtual teams, startup, cloud computing and doing it in Wellington with Bruce Aylward from Psoda.------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
8/18/2014 • 32 minutes, 18 seconds

Owen Williams - full interview
FULL INTERVIEW: We talk to blogger, tech journalist Owen Williams (@ow).We also discuss some CMS advice from Richard Hulse.------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
8/13/2014 • 54 minutes, 34 seconds

Owen Williams - Stoned Mac OW
We talk to Blogger, Tech journalist Owen Williams.We also pass on some CMS advice from Richard Hulse, Digital Product Lead, Analyst at Radio NZ and InternetNZ Councillor.------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
8/13/2014 • 39 minutes, 12 seconds

Lou Draper - full interview
So much in this show: ICT education, NZTech CEO views, what is the cloud, why aren't Kiwi companies on-line, events, events, eventsAnd of course Lou Draper (@loudxx) great "how to get tech publicity" interview.------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
8/6/2014 • 27 minutes, 42 seconds

Lou Draper - "Wamble"
So much in this show: ICT education, NZTech CEO views, what is the cloud, why aren't Kiwi companies on-line, events, events, eventsAnd of course Lou Draper (@loudxx) great "how to get tech publicity" interview.------------------------------------------------------We share New Zealand tech, social media, startup people's stories. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike’s (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj’s (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.www.accessgranted.nzhttps://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://www.facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ
8/6/2014 • 33 minutes, 19 seconds

Natalie Ferguson - RoughRed, full interview
FULL INTERVIEW: Our interview with Natalie Fergson (@natfergster) is full of gold – starting a company, think Wellington is a bit up itself or just love a laugh then you must listen. Natalie spent the last 8 years working with companies and organisations, creating websites and applications.------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
7/30/2014 • 41 minutes

Natalie Ferguson - RoughRed
Our interview with Natalie is full of gold – starting a company, think Wellington is a bit up itself or just love a laugh then you must listen.We talk to Natalie Ferguson from Decisive Flow over a bottle of wine "that sums her up nicely" – Rough Red. Natalie spent the last 8 years working with companies and organisations, creating websites and applications.------------------------------------------------------We share New Zealand tech, social media, startup people's stories. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike’s (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj’s (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.www.accessgranted.nzhttps://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://www.facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ
7/30/2014 • 32 minutes, 57 seconds

Ben Northrop - full interview
FULL INTERVIEW: This week we talk about what going on with Telecom/Spark and catch up with Ben Northrop (@benNorthrop) from Run the Red – text marketing agency that was subsequently sold to Push Pay.------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
7/22/2014 • 28 minutes, 59 seconds

Ben Northrop - Run the Red
This week we talk about what going on with Telecom/Spark and catch up with Ben Northrop from Run the Red – text marketing agency that was subsequently sold to Push Pay.------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
7/22/2014 • 32 minutes, 50 seconds

Grant Sherson - full interview
FULL INTERVIEW: This week we have guest Phil McAwesome of Hashtag Radio interview Grant Sherson from Vision College about the course they provide there for tech people.------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
7/14/2014 • 32 minutes, 26 seconds

Grant Sherson - Vision College school of ICT
This week we have guest Phil McAwesome of Hashtag Radio interview Grant Sherson from Vision College about the course they provide there for tech people.------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
7/14/2014 • 32 minutes, 42 seconds

Laura Reitel - StartUps, Innovation & the NZ way
We speak to Laura Reitel Community Startup Manager at Creative HQ about the programs they run and the tech community in Wellington.
7/9/2014 • 30 minutes, 23 seconds

Laura Reitel from CreativeHQ, full interview
We speak to Laura Reitel (@lrtl), Community Startup Manager at Creative HQ about the programs they run and the Wellington tech community.------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
7/9/2014 • 30 minutes, 15 seconds

John Curtis - Beany in Taupo
John Curtis (@vrtual) from Beany and a few other businesses talks accounting software, working on the cloud and running businesses from Taupo. We also talk about Google a little bit.------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
6/30/2014 • 31 minutes, 46 seconds

Steve Graham - full interview
Steve Graham, ex Microsoft and Fronde talks about being the 'digital hippy', finding tech talent in strange places and his many new ventures.------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
6/25/2014 • 30 minutes, 52 seconds

Steve Graham - In Peaks and Coughs
Steve Graham, ex Microsoft and Fronde talks about being the 'digital hippy', finding tech talent in strange places and his many new ventures.------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
6/25/2014 • 33 minutes, 6 seconds

Sam Rye - Lifehack HQ
Sam Rye (@sam__rye) from Enspiral talks us through LifehackHQ and the changes they are making.News from the many Kiwi +TEDx events, was the +CIO Conference just a junket and much much more ...------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
6/18/2014 • 21 minutes, 4 seconds

Victoria MacLennan - Our First Ever Interview
Our very first interview with OptimalBI's Managing Director and co-founder Victoria MacLennan.------------------------------------------------------We share New Zealand tech, social media, startup people's stories. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike’s (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj’s (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.https://www.accessgranted.nzhttps://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://www.facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ
6/11/2014 • 33 minutes, 34 seconds

Episode 2 - Tech news and events
Episode 2 - Tech news and events------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/
6/2/2014 • 30 minutes, 11 seconds

Episode 1 - And we're off
And...We're off. We started this Podcast to tell the stories of the Tech, Startup community her win NZ.------------------------------------------------------We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.All our past shows are on our websitehttps://www.accessgranted.nzFollow and Like us on:https://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://linkedin.com/company/access-granted-podcastSubscribe to the show however you want:https://www.accessgranted.nz/subscribe/------We share New Zealand tech, social media, startup people's stories. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!Mike’s (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj’s (@nzRaj) background is in film, design, media and making things happen.www.accessgranted.nzhttps://twitter.com/AccessGrantedNZhttps://www.facebook.com/AccessGrantedNZ
5/28/2014 • 20 minutes, 44 seconds