可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~Hi everyone, and welcome back to Buzzword Mix. In today's Buzzword Mix our buzzword is Non-binary. If you know the original meaning of the word binary, you probably are getting a bit confused. Are we talking about mathematics? 今天的buzzword叫non-binary, 如果你知道binary原来的意思是二进制的时候, it's a system of zeros and ones, you probably think that we're talking about math, but actually, non-binary is a social concept. Now, to understand non-binary, first of all, we need to understand what binary stands for here. Some societies like ours tend to recognize just two genders, male and female. The idea that there are only two genders is sometimes called a “gender binary”, because binary means “having two parts”, male and female.要了解今天的 buzzword, 首先要知道这里的binary它指的不是二进制, 而是指的所谓的很多的社会里面的gender binary, 就是性别的二元化, 男性和女性. These are the only two options. So when you use “non-binary” to refer to someone, this is a term that people use to describe genders that don't really fall into one of these categories, male or female. 所以non-binary就被翻译成非二元性别者. Again, you're probably getting a bit more confused. Now most people, even including transgender people, are either male or female in most societies, but some people don't neatly fit into the categories of men or women, male or female.
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~On the evening of Friday, April 24, 1891, I was surprised to see my old friend, the famous detective Sherlock Holmes, visit me. I hadn’t seen much of him in the past few months. The last I heard, he was in Paris working on a secret project for the French government. “Holmes!” I exclaimed. “It’s so nice to see you! Are you alright? You look even paler and thinner than usual.” “I’ve been under a lot of stress lately,” he admitted, wiping sweat from his forehead. “Do you mind if I close your shutters?” Without waiting for my answer, he went from window to window, closing and bolting the shutters. The room grew dim, with only a lamp on the table providing light. “Are you afraid of something?” I asked. “Yes, I am,” he replied. “Afraid of what?” “Air guns.” “My dear Holmes, what are you talking about?” “I’m not a fearful man, Watson, but I’m not foolish either. It would be foolish not to recognize danger when it’s near.” Holmes sat down in an armchair. “I apologize for coming so late,” he said. “That’s alright,” I responded. “Would it be a problem if I leave your house later by climbing over your back garden wall?”
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦In today's buzzword mix, our buzzword is Boysober. Now you probably can guess this is another one of these new trends on social media. First of all, let's take this new word apart, boy and sober.You know the word boy, but what does sober mean? The original meaning of sober is staying away from alcohol. For example, if you say I'm sober, that means you didn't drink any alcohol. Sober这个词本身的意思它指的是清醒的, 通常是在我们说不喝酒的情况下. So for example, if I normally drink, but then I decide not to drink for a month, then I can say I want to stay sober for this month while it's perfectly acceptable among drinkers to take a break from the booze and go sober for a while. Now there is a movement on social media about going “boysober”. This movement began by American comedian Hope Woodard, she coined a phrase-going “boysober”. 这是由美国的一个喜剧演员在社媒上带火的一个概念, 叫做boysober. It then has expanded into a social media movement, especially among Gen Z women on TikTok.You probably can guess based on the word itself, the movement is about keeping your twenties untainted by toxic dating habits and roundabout relationships. So essentially, you stay away from relationships, dating and all of these, stay away from boys and stay sober. 这个词被国内的社媒新媒体翻译成 “戒男色”. So in this comedian’s words, it’s about removing the “fake sense of validation that we get from dating and situationships and sleeping around, and refocusing that energy”. Boysober的意义在于说是不用从约会或者是这种什么situationships就是友人以上恋人未满或者sleeping around那些暧昧关系里面, 就是说不用从这些关系里面去获取所谓的这种validation被别人认可的感觉. And refocusing that energy on yourself on other aspects of your life. The reason why she used the word sober is perhaps just as people might want to stabilize after a period of riding the highs and lows of drunkenness and hangovers, there's someone going boysober might want to purge themselves of the bad aspects of dating. 之所以会用sober这个词, 可能说想要借酒精保持清醒的人, 是因为已经受够了这种drunkenness and hangovers, 宿醉或者喝醉的感觉. People going boysober, they want to get rid of all these bad aspects of dating, for example, being at the mercy of someone's mood swings or experiencing any of these dating roller coasters. Boysober也是因为有一些人, 特别是女生受够了这种情感关系里面的这些, 比如说忽冷忽热的各种PUA这种负面感受.
9/24/2024 • 9 minutes, 33 seconds
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~波西米亚丑闻-3Through the smoke, I saw people moving quickly in the sitting room, and soon I heard Holmes’s voice saying it was a false alarm.I moved through the noisy crowd and went to the end of the street, where I waited for Holmes. Ten minutes later, he showed up. We walked quickly and quietly for several blocks until we reached a quiet street off Edgware Road.“You did very well,” Holmes said. “Everything went according to plan.”“Do you have the photograph?” I asked.“I know where it is,” Holmes replied.“How did you find out?” I wondered.“She showed me, just as I planned,” Holmes said with a smile.“I still don’t understand,” I said.Holmes laughed. “My plan was actually very simple. You saw how everyone in the street helped. Thanks to the king of Bohemia and his generous payment, they all got a little richer today.”“I guessed that,” I said.“When the fight started, I squeezed some red paint onto my hand. Then I rushed forward, fell down, and put my hand on my face to look like I was badly hurt. It’s an old trick,” Holmes explained.“I figured that out, too,” I said.“Then they carried me inside. I knew Mrs. Norton wouldn’t leave me hurt on the street. I was taken into the sitting room, which I suspected had the photograph. The king’s men must have tried to break into her bedroom, but Mrs. Norton is too smart for that.”“They put me on the couch, I asked for some air, the maid opened the window, and you did your part.”“How did that help?” I asked.“It was very important. When people think their house is on fire, they instinctively try to protect what they value most. It might be a child or a valuable item. For Mrs. Norton, the most valuable thing was the photograph.“The ‘fire’ was very convincing—all that smoke and noise made it seem real. Mrs. Norton acted just as I hoped. The photograph was hidden behind a sliding panel. She went straight to it, and I saw her pull it out through the smoke.”
9/22/2024 • 10 minutes, 49 seconds
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~The church was empty except for the three people I’d followed and a clergyman. They were all standing in front of the altar, and the clergyman seemed to be arguing with them. I walked slowly up the side aisle, pretending to be an ordinary churchgoer. To my surprise, the three people at the altar turned to look at me. Then Godfrey Norton came running over."“‘Thank heavens!’ he exclaimed. ‘You’re just in time. Could you come with me for a moment?’‘Why?’ I asked.‘Just come along,’ he said impatiently. ‘We only need you for three minutes, or it won’t be official.’I was pulled to the altar, and before I knew it, I was mumbling responses and swearing to things I didn’t understand, all while helping with the quick marriage of Irene Adler and Godfrey Norton.”“You were a witness to their marriage?” I asked, laughing. “How unusual!”“Indeed!” Holmes agreed. “The clergyman wouldn’t marry them without a witness. My lucky timing saved the bridegroom from having to find someone else on the street.In just a few minutes, it was all done. I stood there in my dirty stableman’s clothes while the bride and groom thanked me. It was the oddest situation I’ve ever been in. That’s what made me laugh just now.”Holmes pulled a gold coin from his pocket. “The bride gave me this as a thank you. I’ll wear it on my watch chain to remember today.”“And what did you do next?” I asked.“My biggest worry was that they might leave for their honeymoon right away, which would ruin my plans. But at the church door, they went separate ways—he went back to work, and she went home. She said, ‘I’ll drive out in the park at five as usual.’ So I came back here to get ready.”“What are your plans?”“Just some cold beef sandwiches and lemonade,” he said, calling Mrs. Hudson. “I’ve been too busy to eat, and I’ll be even busier tonight. By the way, I’ll need your help.”“I’d be happy to.”
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~Hi everyone, and welcome to our fun segment called It Means What? Hello, 安澜. Hi, Lulu, hi, everyone. 欢迎回来这个非常有意思的小版块词《源考古研究所》where we talk about interesting origin stories of words, phrases and idioms. So 安澜, what is the word or the phrase for today? I don't know what are we gonna do. I ...I don't know, I really just don't know. Stop panicking.There we go. So that was all an act because you do that so often...?Partly, yes. 所以我们今天要讨论的就是panic这个词是吗? Yes.Panic是恐慌的意思. It's already a very, very short word. It's p-a-n-i-c, I didn't realize there is an origin story. Yes, there is. It comes from Greek mythology. 希腊神话。Who are we talking about? We're talking about the Greek God Pan.Is he the one with like this weird...half animal. Yes. 潘神可能有的小伙伴在什么游戏或者说电影里面看到过这个Greek God Pan. He's not like a major god, he's like a minor God.He's a god of nature who lives in the woods. So he's not a particularly important god. He's one of these spirits or gods that just live in forests and woods. It's kind of like a demigod他不是major god, 不是那种主神, 就是古希腊神话里面的主神, 但它是属于有点类似于spirit, and a god of nature and the wild. Yes, so according to the myths, Pan's voice was so powerful that even scared the gods themselves. So when people and gods and animals heard his voice, it cause them to panic. Yeah, I've heard of another story saying that it was like a tale of war when Pan sort of helped his friend by letting out a shriek... a shrieking sound that sort of scared away his friend’s enemies. Yeah, so cause people to panic. 其实panic就是从潘神这里出来的一个名词, 就是说it's kind of like affected by Pan. So for example, you can say something causes panic or someone is panicking. Yeah, in that sense it can also be used as a verb, for example, 安澜 likes to panic. Yes, that is true.
公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~Hi, everyone. And welcome back to the fun segment called It Means What? Hi, 安澜.Hi, Lulu, hi, everyone. 欢迎大家回来【词源考古研究所】, so 安澜, which particular phrase or word or idiom that we're gonna talk about today? You know the expression robbery? 就是抢劫. Have you ever heard of “daylight robbery”? 抢劫不应该是夜黑风高吗? Daylight robbery. I've heard you're robbing me in broad daylight, 光天化日下抢劫我. I'm assuming it's not real robbery. It's more like what you're doing, it's almost like you're just blatantly robbing me blind. Yes.你做的事情就好像在光天化日之下抢劫我一样明目张胆. Well, exactly. Daylight robbery means it's theft or it's something very unfair, that is really obvious. For example, if you are ripped off, by like a seller, 如果你来买什么东西被宰了, 或者比如说打车, 然后被绕远路了, 你都可以说this is daylight robbery. Or if you go into a restaurant and you see a dish that is really, really expensive and for no reason, you would say that's daylight robbery. I see the context, in Chinese we probably say something similar, it’s like这不是明抢吗? Yeah, like daylight robbery. So is there an actual origin story because it sounds pretty obvious already you're robbing me in broad daylight. Actually, there is a story linked to it and it comes from the 17th century. In 1696, the English government introduced a tax on houses based on the number of windows they had. This was a type of property tax. Ok, 所以这个房产税是按照你有多少个window, 你有多少个窗户. So they assumed the more windows, obviously the bigger the house was. Exactly. So homeowners, especially those with large houses, often bricked up their windows to avoid paying the tax.Brick up means they use brick to just block the windows. Yeah. I think I've seen this in London somewhere some of the old houses.Yes, some of the houses from that era, they do actually have bricked up windows which they just never got round to unbroken. But people need light though. Well. They normally bricked up the servant’s quarters, not their own bedrooms or their own rooms. I see. Now this tax was, you can imagine, was really, really unpopular because it was seen as unfair. People felt that it was saying they don't need daylight. They were effectively taxing sunlight. 所以就是日光税, 我好像还看到过这样的一个翻译.
9/3/2024 • 8 minutes, 22 seconds
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~The Reigate Squires Sherlock Holmes was sick. The great detective had been working too hard lately. For two whole months, he had been busy with his latest case, working over fifteen hours a day, and it had made him very tired and weak. As his doctor and closest friend, I told him he needed a break. It was April in the year 1887, and I thought a week of spring sunshine in the countryside would be good for him. My old friend Colonel Hayter had bought a house near Reigate in Surrey and had said we could visit anytime. This was the perfect time to accept his offer. Holmes, luckily, didn't need much convincing, and on the morning of April 25, we left our Baker Street home for Waterloo Station. By the middle of the afternoon, we had arrived at the colonel's house. After dinner, while Holmes rested on the sofa, the colonel showed me his collection of weapons from the Afghan War, where we had met. "By the way," he said suddenly, "I think I'll take one of these pistols upstairs with me tonight in case of a break-in." "A break-in?" I exclaimed. "Yes! We had an incident not far from here last Monday. Burglars broke into the house of a local businessman named Acton. They didn't do much damage, but the burglars are still free, and one can't be too careful." Holmes, who I thought was asleep, opened one eye. "Did they leave any clues?" he asked. "Not that I know of," said Hayter. "It was a very minor burglary, not worth your attention, Mr. Holmes. The thieves ransacked the library. They made a mess, breaking open drawers and pulling things off shelves. All they took was a book, two candlesticks, a paperweight, a small clock, and a ball of string." "What a strange mix of items!" I said. "They probably grabbed the first things they saw," said Hayter. "The local police should learn something from that list," Holmes said, sitting up straighter on the sofa. "To me, it seems clear that ..." I held up my hand. "You're here to rest, my friend. I don't want you getting involved in another problem right now." Holmes shrugged and sighed, and we changed the topic to something less serious. But my attempts to make this a relaxing trip failed because peaceful Reigate suddenly became a crime scene. The next morning, we were eating breakfast when Hayter's butler ran in looking very worried. "Have you heard the news, sir?" he gasped. "At the Cunninghams'?" "Another burglary?" asked the colonel, his coffee cup in mid-air. "Murder, sir!" The colonel whistled. "By Jove! Who was killed, the father or the son?" "Neither, sir. It was William, their coachman. Shot through the heart, sir." "Who shot him?" "The burglar, sir. Then he ran away and got away. He had just broken through the side door when William arrived and confronted him. William died trying to protect his master's property." "What time was this?" asked Hayter. "Around midnight, sir." "We'll visit this morning to offer our sympathies," said the colonel, sitting back down to his breakfast.
公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~Hi, everyone. And welcome back to Geek Time. 欢迎回来【极客时间】. Hi, Brad. Hey, lulu, how's it going? Yeah. Yean. It's going all right. And can I propose a topic today? All right, what do you think? You know, we talked about cults before, right? 我们之前谈过邪教这个话题.Mhm.I would like for us to talk about one of probably the more notorious, I don't wanna say well-known, I just wanna say infamous modern day cults there is in the US, and it's favored by a lot of Hollywood stars. Ah. You're talking about Scientology.Yeah, okay. Before we get into this topic Scientology这个山达基教。I'm pretty sure some of you have read things about this. Before we start, I just want to say it very categorically. First of all, this is tagged, this is categorized as a cult in China and in many other countries. And we're not here to spread any messages, it’s really more, think of it as a warning, and think of it as just giving you some information, so that you can watch out for. Yeah, in America like Scientology isn't considered a cult by like the government. But many people see it as a cult like the general outlook of most Americans is that Scientology is a cult. I see. So in the basic episode, let's do a little bit of background intro. Who started it? It's a modern thing. So it's not, the history isn't even that long, is it? No, it's actually started by a man named L. Ron Hubbard, ‘which’ is a science or ‘who’, I should say ‘who’ is a science fiction writer. Okay, all right. Let me guess, he wasn't very successful in writing science fiction stories, so he decided to start his own religion.Well, he wasn't like that terrible at writing science fiction, his science fiction isn't the best, but he wanted to create religion as a way to kind of make money. A lot of people look at Scientology as a scam to make money just because of the things that he has said in the past. However, there are a lot of people who say that the whole world is wrong about Scientology. And usually that's just because Scientology gets such a loud voice. And just as you mentioned, we'll talk a little bit about their Hollywood connections later. When you get Hollywood connections, you get a lot of star power. And so that's kind of help them spread the word. Even if so many people look so poorly on it.I think this is really the danger of cults, especially when it has celebrity endorsement, because obviously they have a lot more impact than average folks, and then when they are there to sort of speak up like Tom Cruise did, well, I'm not saying everyone would tend to believe it more, but there will be some people getting tricked into believing it. But I think you said that Scientology was basically believed to be, by a lot of people, as a scam to make money, but so do a lot of cults. The cult leaders, they're not necessarily even believing in their message. A lot of them started that so that they can trick people into believing in something and so that they collect the money.
8/25/2024 • 13 minutes, 47 seconds
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~Hi, everyone. And welcome back to Britain Under the Microscope. 欢迎回来《闲话英伦》. Hi 安澜, what are we going to talk about today? Hi, 璐璐.What's going on? So hot! I can't take this heat anymore. I think the heat in Wuhan is getting to 安澜. But tell you what, how about I get you a cold drink and we talk about British summer drinks? That sounds like a very good idea. Ok, 所以今天我们就来聊聊这些英国人常喝的summer drinks, 就是听起来就很夏天的这种. 我们说饮料其实 they're all alcoholic. Well, yeah. This is not an episode for kids. This is an episode for the parents or the big kids. Yep. First of all, if you ask me about the quintessential British drinks, I would say G&T.Gin and Tonic.Gin and Tonic金汤力. Whichever bar or even just cafe converted into a bar place you go to, you definitely, definitely, definitely will see this classic drink. In London, they just call it G&T, right? Exactly. Because it's a classic cocktail, because it's so easy to make.You say it's a cocktail, it's just a mixed drink, really, it doesn't take any skill. It doesn't use any skill. All you have to do is get some gin, tonic water and lime or lemon. That's it. But because I know, although we're called 酒馆, I'm pretty sure some of our fans, some of our listeners, they are not drinkers, they don't really drink alcohol. So, let's explain what this is. Gin is translated into金酒,琴酒,或者什么杜松子酒,更早的翻译 that gin is a very, very British thing, isn't it? Not really. Gin was actually created in Holland. I did not know that. I thought gin, because you see London Dry Gin or like the original Gin, you think gin must be a London thing. No, it was first invented in 17th century in the Netherlands, but it became very popular in the 18th century and it was so cheap that what it’s known as the Gin Craze made many British people completely alcoholic.Yeah, blame the drink.Because you could buy pints of Gin. And people, particularly poorer people, poorer women would actually drink lots and lots of gin. Even nowadays the basic Gin really is not very expensive. I mean, you can check it online like for example, London Dry Gin, they are very basic brand. It's relatively affordable.And that's after taxes. So you can imagine how cheap it was to create and how much gin you could get. Now for those of you who are non drinkers, you probably read the word Gin in some of the British literature. I wouldn’t say where, just English literature. Then I would not recommend you to drink it but at least smell it. It has a very distinctive smell. I actually really love the gin smell. Yeah, I really like Gin&Tonic, but it always had a bit of a reputation. So we talked about Bathtub Gin. ("Bathtub gin" 是一种在禁酒令时期(1920-1933年)在美国出现的高度酒精饮料,其名称来源于家庭酿酒者将大容量的酒精容器存放在浴缸中,以便添加水和其他成分来稀释和调味 。这种自行制作的酒精饮料通常使用廉价的谷物酒精,通过添加杜松子等植物来赋予其味道,但质量参差不齐,有时可能存在安全隐患 。而 "toilet wine" 或 "prison hooch" 通常是指在监狱中非法制作的酒精饮料,由于缺乏适当的设备和原料,囚犯们会使用任何可用的甜味水果、面包或糖,以及酵母或面包来发酵制作酒精。这种饮料可能隐藏在厕所的水箱中进行发酵,因此得名 "toilet wine" 。然而,这种自制酒精饮料可能存在健康风险,包括肉毒杆菌中毒 。)
8/22/2024 • 15 minutes, 18 seconds
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~Phelps was happy to see us. He looked stronger today and managed to get up from his sofa and shake our hands. “Any news?” he asked. “Nothing yet,” said Holmes. “I’ve spoken to Forbes and your uncle and made some inquiries, which may yet bring results.” “I hope so,” said Phelps. “You know, something strange happened last night. I had quite an adventure.” He tried to sound cheerful, but I saw fear in his eyes. “Sometimes I feel like I’m the target of a conspiracy. First the treaty, and now this. Yet I don’t have an enemy in the world.” “Please tell us what happened,” I urged him. Phelps sat back down on the sofa and began to tell us his story. "Last night," Phelps began, "was my first night without a nurse in the room because I felt well enough not to need her. At around two in the morning, I woke up to a small noise. I lay there listening, thinking it was a mouse chewing on some wood. Then the noise got louder, and suddenly I heard a sharp metallic click from the window. I sat up, scared, because I realized the first noise was a blade being forced between the window sashes, and the second was a catch being pressed back. "There was a pause for about ten minutes, as if the person was waiting to see if I had woken up. Then I heard the window slowly creak open. The tension was too much, and I jumped out of bed and flung open the shutters. A man was crouching there. I only saw him for a second because he disappeared quickly. Most of his face was covered by a cloak, but I saw something shiny in his hand, which looked like a knife. "If I had been stronger, I would have chased after him. Instead, I could only ring the bell and shout for help. That quickly brought Joseph down, and he woke up the rest of the household. They found marks on the flower bed outside the window, but the weather has been dry, and they couldn't follow the intruder's trail across the grass. They did find some damage to the fence, where he might have broken in." Phelps's story had an immediate effect on Sherlock Holmes. He jumped up from his chair and started pacing the room excitedly. "Are you strong enough to walk around the grounds with me?" he asked Phelps. "Oh yes, I could use some fresh air." "And I could too," said Annie. "I'm afraid not, Miss Harrison," said Holmes. "You must stay right here." Annie looked disappointed but sat back down. Her brother joined us, and the four of us went outside to walk around the garden. "I wonder," Holmes pondered, "why the burglar picked your room, Mr. Phelps, for the break-in. The bigger windows in the drawing room and dining room would be easier to open, less likely to be occupied, and there's more to steal in those rooms."
8/20/2024 • 14 minutes, 30 seconds
以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~All right, moving away from cemetery. Where is our next stop? Well, let's go to a hotel. I've heard many hotel haunting stories in the UK. This one is a luxury five star hotel called the Langham hotel .朗廷是吧? Langham, isn't that the one in London next to the BBC building? That's the one.I walked past that a few times.It's actually got a few ghosts in it, including one being a German prince who jumped to his death from a window on the 4th floor. So this hotel must have been there for a very long time then.It's been there since the 19th century. Oh, that's why, so a German prince actually stayed there. YES. and allegedly jumped to his death. And guests staying on the 4th floor have said they've seen a ghostly figure in a military uniform, military attire who is believed to be the Prince. 安澜, let me ask you, if you booked a hotel especially like a luxury hotel, before you go on your trip, you heard it from somewhere that this hotel is haunted. Would that make you want to stay in the hotel more or would you change your booking immediately? I probably would change my booking. The thing is I don't really like hotels anyway. It's very rare that I can have a good night sleep in a hotel. So the idea of actually being in a hotel that is haunted probably would make it even worse. It's such a whoops, maybe a ghost will come in and sing you a lullaby.I very much doubt it, but the Langham does also have another ghost that of a doctor who murdered his wife and then killed himself while they were on their honeymoon. I think I’ve heard of this story, I must have heard it somewhere. So this is the wife killer, so ladies watch out.And ghost of the doctor can often be seen in the room and guest reported feeling sudden drops in temperature and was called an oppressive presence. 很有压迫感的那种. So I do believe in supernatural things. And I'm not sure if I believe in this sudden temperature drop, but I think that although people don't see them, but they can feel the sort of presence or some people they can feel the presence or they can feel the change in the energy field so to speak. Yeah, I'm not sure whether or not that's because they expect it or not.Could be, could also be that you are very self-suggestive. It could be .When you heard the ghost story and you stay in that room that's supposed to be haunted and then you would experience various things. Yes, but now I want to finish off by telling you what has to be the most famous ghost story in the UK, it's so famous, it's been made into documentaries, films even, and it's called the Enfield Poltergeist.Poltergeist, I don't know if our listeners understand that word, that word was originally a German word, we translated into like淘气鬼, 什么吵闹鬼. Poltergeist is not an actual ghost or a spirit, but people I mean English speaking countries or even just general European countries, they do believe in that or they do talk about it. It's just like they pull your furniture around, they throw things and they make lots of noise. They make a chaos in your home or like a house. You don't often see them, but you hear them and you see objects moving. So this particular case is from 1977, it's the Hodgson family, who lived in a council house in Enfield, which is in North London. It's in London again. Yeah, Enfield is just a quiet part of North London. It's just one of these little towns that people who work in London they live in. Mhm. And they started reporting very strange occurrences and these quickly became terrifying.Like furniture moving on its own, knocking sound, objects being thrown like that. I know that's you, 安澜,I know. But the interesting thing was that the focus of the activity seemed to be on the daughters, Janet and Margaret and they were kind of young girls kind of approaching teenage years. And Janet was the center of all of the disturbances. Maybe the Poltergeist just wants to or wanted to play with the girls.
8/18/2024 • 12 minutes, 9 seconds
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~中元节特别节目:英国闹鬼· Theatre Royal Drury Laneo This theatre is often referred to as the most haunted theatre in the world. o One of the most famous spirits said to haunt the theatre is the "Man in Grey," often described as a tall figure wearing a long grey cloak, 18th-century clothes, and a powdered wig. o He’s most commonly seen walking along the upper circle, disappearing into a wall where a hidden passageway was later discovered. o Legend has it that the Man in Grey is the ghost of a young man who was murdered in the theatre. o His appearances are often seen as a good omen, as they typically occur before a successful show run.· The Ancient Ram Inno Built in the 12th century, the inn has a long history of paranormal activity.o The building’s history is dark and mysterious, with stories of witchcraft, pagan rituals, and even human sacrifices.o One of the most infamous spirits said to haunt the inn is that of a young girl named Rosie, who was reportedly murdered in one of the rooms. o Guests have reported seeing her ghostly figure, feeling sudden cold spots, and hearing the sound of a child crying. o Another notorious spirit is that of a demon believed to attack guests in the middle of the night.· Highgate Cemetery o This is a cemetery famous in North London for where Karl Marx and many other famous people from the 19th Century.o One of the most famous legends associated with Highgate Cemetery is the tale of the Highgate Vampire. o In the 1970s, there were numerous reports of a tall, dark figure with hypnotic red eyes seen wandering the grounds. o This vampire-like entity was said to cause a wave of fear and hysteria, with some claiming it was responsible for animal deaths in the area.o There are also stories of a ghostly figure known as the "Mad Old Woman," who is said to roam the cemetery in search of her children. o Another spirit, known as the "Shrouded Figure," is often seen gazing mournfully through the bars of the cemetery gates.
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~Percy Phelps was one of my best friends at school. He was an excellent student and won every prize the school had. Many of the other boys were jealous of him. They called him "Tadpole" Phelps because he was small, and he was often bullied. This did not stop him, though. He went on to get a place at Cambridge University, where he earned a first-class degree. With help from his uncle, the famous politician Lord Holdhurst, he got a good job at the Foreign Office. I lost contact with my friend at this point, so I was surprised to get a letter from him one day in July 1889. He wrote: My dear Watson, No doubt you remember your old friend "Tadpole" Phelps. You will recall how I had an important job at the Foreign Office. All was going well until about nine weeks ago, when something terrible happened that destroyed my career. It caused me a mental breakdown, and I am only just starting to recover. I am still very weak and cannot travel. Do you think you could bring your friend, the detective Sherlock Holmes, to see me? He may be the only person who can help. Your old schoolmate,Percy Phelps. I was very moved by the letter and immediately went to visit Holmes to see if he was interested in the case. I found him at his Baker Street home, looking out of his window, looking bored. "Do you have a case for me, Watson?" he asked. "I really need a case." "Maybe I do," I said, and showed him the letter. When he had read it, I saw a gleam in his eye and knew his curiosity was piqued. He immediately began putting on his coat. "Where are you going?" I asked. "To see Mr. Phelps. There’s no time like the present. Coming, Watson?" We were lucky to catch an early train at Waterloo, and in just over an hour, we arrived at Briar House, Phelps’s home near the town of Woking in Surrey. It was a large house with a beautiful garden. The butler showed us into an elegant drawing room. A few moments later, a plump young man entered and greeted us warmly. "I’m so glad you’ve come," he said. "Percy was hoping you would." "You’re not a member of the family," said Holmes. The man looked surprised. "How did you know?" Holmes pointed to the initials on the locket hanging from his neck: J. H. "Oh, well spotted!" he said. "My name is Joseph Harrison. I may not be a Phelps, but Percy is engaged to my sister Annie, so I will be related to him by marriage. I’ll show you in now if you like—he’s eager to see you." The ground-floor room was large and airy, with pleasant views of the garden. My old friend was lying on a sofa near the open window, looking very pale and tired. A woman was with him, who introduced herself as Annie Harrison.
8/8/2024 • 11 minutes, 50 seconds
公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~In today's buzzword mix, our buzzword is Nepo baby. It sounds really cute because it has the word baby in it. But it's not really about cute babies. First of all, let us take a look at the word Nepo.我们今天的buzzword里面有一个可能大家不是特别熟悉的词叫nepotism.Nepotism你去查的话, 它有裙带关系, 如果你在中文都不是特别知道这个词, 它指的就是任人唯亲, 也就是说用亲属关系这种关系网给你谋取各种福利, 比如说你爸当官, 然后你就可以进一个体系或者进一个公司, 这个就是典型的nepotism. What is nepo baby? Nepo baby now is generally being translated into星二代, because it’s usually used to describe the happenings in show business. 因为最早这个词是从演艺圈出来的. Nepo baby, short for nepotism baby, is a term referring to celebrities whose parents have succeeded in the same careers. 说的就是我们意义上的星二代, 也就是说你现在是在演艺圈的明星, 是因为你爸或者你妈或者你爸你妈都是大明星, 因此你有这样的资源. The implication is that because their parents already had connections to an industry. The child was able to use those connections to build a career in that industry. 这个地方的connection就很像中文里说的 “关系”, 他们的父母用自己的关系网铺平了他们的明星之路.Of course because nepotism is a sign of corruption, so it's not really a good word. Nepo baby is often used in a critical or derogatory manner to highlight perceived unfair advantages or the lack of equal opportunities for those who do not have influential family connections. 中文里的星二代可能是一个中性词, 看你怎么看, 但英文里的nepo baby一般来说是一个critical or derogatory term, 它一般来说是个比较贬义或者比较批判性的词, 因为它强调的是这里面是有unfair advantage, 因为你爸妈是明星, 所以你一出生抽到了上上签, 你就有unfair advantage, 同时也批判了同样可能草根出身的人, 有才但是没有equal opportunities. It often indicates that the celebrities fame and success are perceived as unearned or undeserved. 通常被叫做星二代, 这里面就有一个暗藏的意思, 就说你是个Nepo baby, 所以你今天得来的一切都是你爹妈的connection所换来的, 而不是你自己的本事. 所以whatever you received, fame and success is unearned and undeserved. 不是你自己用才华赚来的, 所以也不是你应得的. The term gained popularity in discussions surrounding nepotism and privilege within industries where family ties can play a significant role in career advancement. 为什么我们直接把它翻译成星二代? 刚才我也说了, 因为最早是从演艺圈出来的, 因为show business在国内也一样, 它跟很多别的行业相比, 它是一个更吃资源的行业. 跟nepotism一起经常被提到的就是privilege特权.
8/6/2024 • 10 minutes, 38 seconds
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~Welcome back to Geek Time Advanced. Hello, lulu. Hi, Brad, ready to get more into Atlantis?Yeah, what do you think what questions do you have about Atlantis?Well, last time you mentioned something saying that all these guesses about where Atlantis is, obviously I would think Atlantis naturally is more linked with Atlantic Ocean just because of the word, right? But you said some people believe it's Antarctica to 南极洲, South Pole, how does that even work? You said it's like ancient maps. When you look at some of the ancient maps, there's a few that show Antarctica as being much closer to Europe. So maybe because of that, people kind of misinterpreted exactly where Antarctica was, when they were describing Atlantis, and Antarctica might have actually had more of a Continental shift, maybe, because like the Continents are moving very slowly over time. And so maybe where Atlantis was in history was actually much different from where it is now. It could just be yeah, maybe it's the whole Continental drift because obviously the world all the Continents looked very different thousands of years ago, maybe not thousands, but maybe even earlier...Exactly....millions of years ago they've just shifted. OK, and did they also believe that Atlantis was a much older civilization? Yeah, they might be like an older like thousands of years more advanced than regular humans, but going back to kind of talking about Antarctica. There's a few like kind of stories about people who have like flown over Antarctica. And once they get to a certain point, the... basically their plane gets taken over. They are moved to this more tropical area of the island somewhere in the center. There's like a whole society living there. And so whether this is actually true or not is completely up to speculation. But there are some stories of people who have flown over Antarctica and seen something like that. I see, so it's like although it's the South Pole, but there's actually a tropical island hidden within....Okay, that sounds way too far-fetched for me, but whatever these lores are, they were all at least saying Atlantis is on Planet Earth, but I thought there were going to be some sort of space talk, alien talk.That we will get to that don't worry. I mentioned aliens earlier right? Now there also is the idea that maybe Atlantis isn't on Earth. Somehow we either use some sort of a way to travel to Atlantis using some sort of spaceship or maybe some sort of like a gate so you can just almost instantaneously travel there. There is actually kind of a TV show called Stargate where in the later seasons they found Atlantis and Atlantis was actually on a whole another planet
8/4/2024 • 13 minutes, 22 seconds
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~Hi, everyone. And welcome back to Geek Time. 欢迎回来【极客时间】. Hi, Brad. Hey, Lulu, how's it going? Yeah. I'm doing alright. So what are we going to talk about today? We've talked about Utopian societies in the past, but have you ever heard of Atlantis? Atlantis, 亚特兰蒂斯. I think I've heard that name in like games, fantasy novels, TV shows, it's not a real place is it? It might be.Oh, it's one of those... it's one of those legendary places that some people believe it to be real.Exactly. Now we've talked about the Pyramids and how the Pyramids may be something related to aliens. And this is maybe a more realistic thing. (also aliens?) However it might not be we have to kind of get a little bit into the topic a little bit more. But first of all Atlantis has been... the whole legend about Atlantis has been around for ages, right? How far can we trace back to in history? We can trace it back to Plato, right? And Plato described Atlantis as an island nation that was basically once the rulers of the western world. 柏拉图时候就已经说到了 an island nation, I thought they were undersea civilization or they sink.Some people called them an Undersea Nation, but according to legend they were sunk into the sea. I see because I don't know why, but every time I think of Atlantis I seem to think about things like Little Mermaid. The Little Mermaid, the father of the Little Mermaid is Poseidon, and Poseidon was the one who ruled over Atlantis and when he got angry at them, he punished them and sank Atlantis into the sea. A lot of the lore about Atlantis it has to do with marine life, has to do with sea.But the people who lived on the island were just regular people who were blessed by the Gods. They lived there and they were rich but they fell out of favor with the gods and so they were punished. So first of all, let's get back to Plato. 当时柏拉图what did he actually say about Atlantis? He just said that's an island nation in what sort of context did he mention...Well, he was talking about more philosophical ideas but he gave a few different dialogues about the island of Atlantis. He called it the Lost Island of Atlantis. Some people say it was just a narrative fiction as a way to tell a story to get people to understand why they should live good lives. But other people say that he was talking about a real place and that in his dialogues he was talking about why people should be careful because if we followed the path of the Atlanteans, we might be lost under the sea as well. So as a philosopher, Plato might have just been talking about something metaphorically, it’s like, let me give you a fable that sort of the thing我给你们讲个寓言故事, 亚特兰蒂斯怎么样, but people might have taken it literally. Some people have taken it literally. Over the years this whole idea about searching for the lost civilization of Atlantis. That's a whole thing. It's a legitimate thing just like looking for Bigfoot. There are people who are searching the world for the Lost City of Atlantis, the Lost Cities of Gold but the Lost City of Atlantis is probably one of the biggest ones that people are looking for. I think there might be a reason because I think marine archaeology has discovered some of these ancient civilizations that have sunk right into the ocean.That's fairly common. There's a lot of islands that have sunk over the years and like the civilizations that live there, all the houses are undersea, some have been preserved, others not so well. Where is Atlantis in the lore? Is it in Europe? It's difficult to say, but some people look at the Mediterranean Sea, others people talk about more like the Atlantic Ocean. However something very interesting be due to like some Continental shift some people say that Antarctica, that is actually Atlantis, Mediterranean, 地中海, 就欧洲这边的or Atlantic sea, 就是大西洋. I mean for me, it would be quite natural to assume Atlantic, Atlantis, you know is that why people draw that connection.
8/1/2024 • 10 minutes, 31 seconds
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~By the way, how long do these sessions last and how frequent not just Prime Minister’s question time, but just in general they do debate every day. Yeah. They can last for hours, they can go into the night. And if it's a particularly big issue, it's not unheard of for them to go through the night debating. And you're not allowed to eat and drink, that doesn't sound like a very easy job. Just from the work hours. It kind of stops them from speaking too much because eventually they all get hungry. And then what the whole debate is adjourned or is just finished. It can be finished or it can be adjourned. So how they vote is they don't take hands. They vote literally with their feet. So when they're ready for a vote, they will go into one room for yes, and one room for no, then they'll count the people in the room.Is it because you guys have never heard of the voting machine the digital voting button?These are rules that came into effect three hundred four hundred years ago and they work. So why change them? I think this is what's really interesting because you kept a lot of the rituals.Yeah.It's so highly ritualistic. Oh god, yes. For example, MPs aren't allowed to wear hats or swords in the House.Hats I understand, that's a respect thing.Yeah.Swords like who? Oh, okay, again this was ages and ages ago.Well, absolutely. So there is actually still a place outside where MPs can leave their swords. But now they use them for umbrellas. I suppose you can poke someone with the umbrella. Well. You notice that everyone is facing each other. So you got one side is the government, one side is the opposition, and the space between the two, you can see there's a line by the feet of the MPs on the front bench. No one can cross that line and the distance between those two lines is how long a sword is. So it's like you can't even reach it if you have a sword. If you have a sword, so you can't stand up and stab your opponent. You know what I think. They probably learned it the hard way. It probably led to sword fights before.Yeah, it did.And people did get killed for a speaking. I'm sure they did. That so now it's just leave your swords in the sword room.Yeah.It's like disarm before you go into the room for the debate, it needs to be a verbal debate. They kept them apart because emotions are high, they don't want them to fight. I hope they have security though.Of course they do. But it's also illegal to wear armor in the House of the Parliament as well. Well. If you get rid of the swords, you, I guess you can get rid of the armor. Yeah. And the MPs aren't allowed to have their hands in their pocket.It’s show that they don't have weapon, concealed weapon.I think so. I did actually try to look up why that's the case and I think that's probably the most likely reason why. Yeah, I don't want to think about other reasons.No.Yeah. But let's dial back a little bit. Earlier on, you said when they want to put something to a vote, so they debate there for you, let's just say there's a new policy, a new law being proposed and then finally after they debated all the details, and they want to let everyone put in a vote, instead of just pressing a button, they will literally vote by going into the “YES room” or the “NO room”. Yeah.
7/30/2024 • 12 minutes, 56 seconds
《闲话英伦》-可以冷嘲热讽、叫嚣对方,但不可为其鼓掌? 这国家单位真有意思
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~Hi, everyone. And welcome back to Britain Under the Microscope. 欢迎回来【闲话英伦】.Hi,安澜. Hi, everyone. So what are we gonna talk about in this episode? Hang on a minute. You have the general election coming up, right? 英国要大选了吧. Yep. In early July, we have our general election. Do you still vote? I mean you don't even live in the UK.I still vote. Yes.And, you know, I don't really follow the politics that closely, however I do enjoy sometimes watching in news, all these fights that go on in the parliament when they're trying to debate. Yes. All these hear, hear.Yeah. That's mostly for the big debates, the ones that make the telly. But most of them are quit quiet. 就是英国议会里面的 Debate还是挺有意思的, 比如说他们去怼,就是现任的首相这样的什么的. So, let’s, I thought can we talk about these traditions in your parliament? Yeah, of course. The British parliament has been around for centuries. So you could imagine that over that time, some quite unusual traditions have developed and some quite unusual rules as well. But first of all, let's rewind or recap. We talked about the parliament before.Yes.我们原来讲过英国政府的构成, 讲过议会. Let me review, let me see if I can still remember this.Okay.It's divided in two parts. You have two houses就有两个, 一个上议院, 一个下议院,叫做House of Lords and House of Commons.Yeah, that's right.其实就是贵族院和平民院,对吧?Yeah.And those people who are shouting, that's House of Commons. I guess.That's the House of Commons. So the House of Commons is the most important House because those are the people who are directly elected. Oh, because House of Lords is passed on. Some of them are passed on. Most of them are what we call Life Peers(终身贵族). So if they've been former politicians, they get “promoted to the House of Lords”. The House of Lords, essentially it's a way of kind of reviewing laws passed by the House of Commons. So if the House of Lords don't like a law or they don't like a proposed bill, then they send it back to the House of Commons. Think of them almost like a editing service.I see. So a lot of the big decisions, the big policies and new acts, new laws are still proposed, first of all, by the House of Commons.All of the new.All of the new. I see. Let's start with this whole what we see on TV. You said that's the big debate that's not like an everyday thing.No. No. So when you see the House of Commons really really sore, that's normally for the big debates such as Prime Ministers question time. It’s just Prime Ministers question time, it just sounds like 安澜's bedtime story.Pretty much. So once a week, the Prime Minister has to answer questions in the House. Once a week as frequent as that? Yeah. Absolutely.What if he is traveling to other countries?Then the deputy Prime Minister will do it. So there will always be someone, someone is gonna be there.There will always be someone. So it's a chance for the opposition to essentially attack the Prime Minister. I see when you say question time, most of us probably thinking is question and answers提问时间, but it's question as in almost like 审问时间. That's right.It's like being interrogated. You did this wrong? Why did you have this policy? Why did you do that? Well. They wouldn't say you. So MPs can't use you. What do they say, Prime Minister? They will say the honourable member for plus the area they represent.What about the Prime Minister, for the country? He would be the Prime Minister or His Ministers would be the Right Honourable Member. Hang on. I'm getting a bit confused. When they are trying to attack the Prime Minister during Prime Minister's question time.
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~Once Hilton Cubitt had gone, my friend rushed to the table. He spread out all the pieces of paper and then focused intensely on the dancing men. For two hours, he filled sheet after sheet of his notepad with figures and letters. He was so absorbed that he completely forgot I was there.Sometimes, when he made progress, he sang and whistled while he worked; other times, when he was stuck, he would sit in silence, frowning at the symbols as if trying to understand them.Finally, he jumped up from his chair with a cry of triumph and walked around the room rubbing his hands together. Then he wrote a long message.“If this brings the answer I expect, Watson,” he said, “then you’ll have another interesting case to write about. I hope the answer will come tomorrow, and then we can go to Norfolk and explain the whole mystery to our friend.”But the answer to the message didn’t come the next day or the day after that, and my friend grew more and more impatient. On the evening of the second day, a letter arrived from Hilton Cubitt. He had found more dancing men written on the pedestal of the sundial. After reading the message for a few minutes, Holmes let out a gasp of surprise and dismay.“We have to go to Norfolk right away!” he exclaimed. “Is there a train to North Walsham tonight?”“The last one just left,” I said after checking the timetable.“Then we must take the first one tomorrow morning.”Our landlady Mrs. Hudson came in with a telegram—the long-awaited reply to the one Holmes had sent.“Just as I thought,” said Holmes after reading it. He looked more anxious than I had ever seen him. “This makes it even more important that we tell Mr. Cubitt about the situation, as he has no idea of the danger he’s in.”As it turned out, Holmes was correct. I wish we had caught that earlier train and prevented the tragic end of this story.The next morning, as soon as we got off the train at North Walsham, the station master hurried toward us.“I suppose you're the detectives from London going to Ridling Thorpe Manor?” he said breathlessly.A look of fear crossed Holmes's face. “Why do you ask?” he said.“Or maybe you’re the doctors? Mrs. Cubitt isn't dead—or at least wasn't when I last heard. You might still be able to save her, even if it’s just for the trial.”“We’re heading to Ridling Thorpe Manor,” said Holmes, “but we haven’t heard anything about what’s happened there.”“It’s a terrible situation,” said the station master. “Mrs. Cubitt shot her husband and then herself, according to the servants. He’s dead, and she’s barely clinging to life. It’s shocking! And to think the Cubitts are one of the oldest and most respected families in Norfolk.”Without a word, Holmes hurried to a waiting carriage. During the drive to Ridling Thorpe, he remained silent. The beautiful Norfolk countryside meant nothing to him. I had rarely seen him so despondent.Finally, we arrived at Ridling Thorpe Manor, a lovely old house made of brick and timber, standing tall among a cluster of trees. As we approached the front door, we passed by the sundial on the lawn and the toolshed where the strange messages had appeared.Inspector Martin of the Norfolk Police had just gotten down from his dogcart when we arrived. He was a small man with sharp, attentive eyes. When he heard my companion's name, he was astonished. “Mr. Holmes, the crime only happened at three this morning. How did you hear about it in London and get here so quickly?”“Mr. Cubitt was my client,” explained Holmes. “I had a feeling there might be trouble and came hoping to prevent it.”“Then you must have information that we don't,” said Martin. “From what I know, they were a very loving couple.”“So you don’t know about the dancing men,” said Holmes, confusing the inspector. “Well, since we couldn't prevent this tragedy, let's at least make sure justice is served. Will you work with me on this?”
7/23/2024 • 13 minutes, 56 seconds
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~Once Hilton Cubitt had gone, my friend rushed to the table. He spread out all the pieces of paper and then focused intensely on the dancing men. For two hours, he filled sheet after sheet of his notepad with figures and letters. He was so absorbed that he completely forgot I was there. Sometimes, when he made progress, he sang and whistled while he worked; other times, when he was stuck, he would sit in silence, frowning at the symbols as if trying to understand them. Finally, he jumped up from his chair with a cry of triumph and walked around the room rubbing his hands together. Then he wrote a long message. “If this brings the answer I expect, Watson,” he said, “then you’ll have another interesting case to write about. I hope the answer will come tomorrow, and then we can go to Norfolk and explain the whole mystery to our friend.” But the answer to the message didn’t come the next day or the day after that, and my friend grew more and more impatient. On the evening of the second day, a letter arrived from Hilton Cubitt. He had found more dancing men written on the pedestal of the sundial. After reading the message for a few minutes, Holmes let out a gasp of surprise and dismay. “We have to go to Norfolk right away!” he exclaimed. “Is there a train to North Walsham tonight?” “The last one just left,” I said after checking the timetable. “Then we must take the first one tomorrow morning.” Our landlady Mrs. Hudson came in with a telegram—the long-awaited reply to the one Holmes had sent. “Just as I thought,” said Holmes after reading it. He looked more anxious than I had ever seen him. “This makes it even more important that we tell Mr. Cubitt about the situation, as he has no idea of the danger he’s in.” As it turned out, Holmes was correct. I wish we had caught that earlier train and prevented the tragic end of this story. The next morning, as soon as we got off the train at North Walsham, the station master hurried toward us. “I suppose you're the detectives from London going to Ridling Thorpe Manor?” he said breathlessly. A look of fear crossed Holmes's face. “Why do you ask?” he said. “Or maybe you’re the doctors? Mrs. Cubitt isn't dead—or at least wasn't when I last heard. You might still be able to save her, even if it’s just for the trial.” “We’re heading to Ridling Thorpe Manor,” said Holmes, “but we haven’t heard anything about what’s happened there.” “It’s a terrible situation,” said the station master. “Mrs. Cubitt shot her husband and then herself, according to the servants. He’s dead, and she’s barely clinging to life. It’s shocking! And to think the Cubitts are one of the oldest and most respected families in Norfolk.”
7/21/2024 • 11 minutes, 47 seconds
The Dancing Men可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~One late morning near the end of July 1898, I was sitting in our living room at 221B Baker Street, thinking deeply. My friend and roommate, the famous detective Sherlock Holmes, was at his experiment table in the corner. He was studying a green, bad-smelling substance in a test tube. "Watson," he said suddenly, "you are not going to invest your money in that South African gold mine." I was very surprised. I knew my friend was good at making logical guesses, but I did not know he could read minds. "How did you know that?" I asked. He put his test tube on the rack and turned to face me. "Admit you're amazed," he said. "I admit it," I replied. "Good," he smiled, "because in five minutes you'll tell me it was all very simple. I work, Watson, by making a chain of small guesses, each one simple by itself. Then, by jumping to the end, I reach a conclusion that can seem surprising. I knew you had decided against investing in South African gold by looking at the groove between your left forefinger and thumb." "I don’t understand," I said, looking at that part of my hand and shaking my head in confusion. "Then I will show you how I figured it out," said Holmes. "First: you had chalk between your left finger and thumb when you came back from your club last night. Second: you use chalk when you play billiards to steady the cue. Third: you only play billiards with Thurston. Fourth: four weeks ago, you told me Thurston had asked if you wanted to join him in buying shares in a South African gold mine and gave you a month to decide. Fifth: your accounts book is locked in my drawer, and you haven’t asked for the key. Sixth: you’ve decided not to invest." "How simple!" I exclaimed. "Exactly," sighed Holmes. "Every problem seems simple once it is explained. Now, here’s something I can’t explain. What do you think of this, Watson?" He tossed a piece of paper onto the coffee table and went back to his test tube. I frowned at the paper, which had been torn from a notebook. It showed a line of little stick figures in different poses. "Why, it’s just a child’s drawing," I said. "Oh, do you think so?" "What else could it be?" "That is what the man who sent it to me wants to know," said Holmes. "He is Mr. Hilton Cubitt of Ridling Thorpe Manor in Norfolk. It arrived in this morning’s mail, and he promised to come by the next train ... Ah, there’s the doorbell now. I wouldn’t be surprised if that was him." There was a heavy step on the stairs, and a moment later, a tall man with pink cheeks and serious blue eyes came into the room. After shaking our hands, he noticed the paper on the table. “What do you think, Mr. Holmes?” he asked. “I’ve heard you like strange mysteries, and I can’t think of one stranger than this.” “At first glance,” said Holmes, “it looks like a childish prank. What I don’t understand is why you’re so worried about it.” “I wouldn’t be,” said Cubitt, “except I’ve seen how it affects my wife. It’s scaring her terribly. She says nothing, but I can see the fear in her eyes. That’s why I need to find out what’s going on.” “Maybe,” suggested Holmes, “it would be best if you told your story from the beginning.”
Both Veneto and Friuli Venezia Giulia are the Prosecco DOC production and origin areas.可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~Now I am quite curious as in what do you guys think about the perception of prosecco in the Chinese market? Do you think that Chinese consumers in general have the basic awareness of prosecco, for example, the prosecco region, what prosecco is, or any of the relevant information, Daisy?I would say to understand Chinese consumers you for sure want to understand what is your niche. So for sure there are a lot of people who might not even know about the name prosecco.True.In that case, this is not really our target audience. Right?So let's assume there's a…I probably beg to differ, because I would see them as potential customers if they don't know prosecco.Yeah. They can be potential customer, for the sake of this call, I mean for the sake of answering your question, this is not the target audience we are talking about, right? They don't know prosecco as a category. Well, that's true. Sometimes they don't know exactly where the prosecco come from.Yeah. What I’ve seen is they know they've heard of Italian wine and then they especially female customers, they know sparkling as like Moscato, probably, they're really, really sweet ones. They don't perhaps have much of an understanding or awareness of prosecco. You're right, Daisy.So I would rather bank that for the opportunity part instead of understanding their perception, let's say there's a group of Chinese a pretty big group that have very little awareness of prosecco that is our potential customers.Yeah.Then we move on to the next category of consumers who are the ones that they know prosecco. They may even know prosecco is from Italy. And then to be more sophisticated, they may even think about which area of production of prosecco. Yeah. So if we look at consumers in this different prosecco understanding journey, then we can understand what is their perception at that stage. And where do we want them to move towards.Exactly.How do we help them increase their understanding awareness and improve their perception of prosecco in the future? So I would actually first identify the different consumer groups with their very different perception of prosecco and work towards that, because you don't want to be telling a novice about the region, the flavor profile and this and that, they might feel a little bit confused.Overwhelmed.Confused. But if you come back in 2 or 3 years, they may already be an expert if they really love that drink.I love the word that you're using. It's like a consumer journey of realization of gaining awareness in the particular consumer products i.e. prosecco here. Very interesting. Thank you, Daisy. What about Matteo? What do you think dealing with Chinese consumers wine consumers directly? What do you think is their understanding awareness or perception of prosecco?I mean, it's very kind of varied by region and tier cities, right? Like Daisy says I mean a lot of them maybe they don't know what the name of prosecco is, or where is the prosecco coming from. And like to say that's definitely not target that we have into the... but again is a potential target. And also some of them regarded as prosecco as affordable drinks and for usually more expert wine drinkers. They don't really like to be or to try the wine or like to get into that.
7/14/2024 • 17 minutes, 28 seconds
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~ 人物介绍:Matteo, wine expert from Italy and the senior manager in sales & marketing at the largest wine importer in China; has extensive experience in the wine industry in promoting Italian wines.Daisy, expert in brand promotion specializing in creating demands for foreign brands.Keywords l Introduction and backgrounds of the guestsl Current state of prosecco in the Chinese market.l What factors have contributed to the growing popularity of prosecco in China in recent years? Hi, everyone. And welcome back to the show. Today we have in our studio two special guests, one of them you may still remember from our previous episodes on Prosecco. So Matteo is from Italy. He's a wine expert and the senior manager in sales & marketing at the largest wine importer in China. He has extensive experience in the wine industry in promoting Italian wines, including prosecco in China as well. Now another interesting fact is that he himself is from Veneto as some of you might know, that's one of the prosecco regions; and another guest, new guest, Daisy, she is an expert in brand promotion specializing in creating demands for foreign brands. Welcome to the show Matteo, Daisy. Hi, Lulu. Hi Lulu.I know I’ve introduced both of you, but could you also give our audience a little bit of introduction about what you're doing right now, your background? Daisy, would you like to start.Sure. My name is Daisy. I am the founder of a company that creates demand for foreign brands in China. I was born in Hong Kong and educated in Spain, the UK, the Netherlands and China.So I would say I have a pretty deep understanding of why and what consumer buy in the China market being Chinese myself. And we've worked across different industries mainly in F&B (food and beverage). We work with big consumer brands, global brands. We also work with independent producers and also restaurants and bars and whatnot. So I would say that our understanding of the wine and prosecco market, it's more psychology focused and also more broad.That's exactly the sort of insights we're looking for. Okay. Thank you, Daisy. And Matteo, please.Hi lulu. Hi Daisy. Hi everyone. My name is Matteo. I work in China right now, I’ve worked in this business for 22 years. I’ve done everything from farming, planting vines, selling wines, passing through production, distribution, importation; I work in F&B as well, of course marketing, sales, worked in Italy restaurant, I worked in different countries and cities like New York, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Dubai, Maldives, Shanghai now. So I think I know one or two things in wine industry.I’m sure you're being modest by saying one or two things.All right, let's dive right into your impressions of the current state of prosecco in the Chinese market. I'll direct this question to Matteo first because you obviously work directly in the wine industry.Yes, current state of prosecco in Chinese market is it’s a product that satisfies a wide range of palates in the situation where people don’t want to spend money on expensive stuff, including F&B, that’s something I have to say.Mhm.They tend to see good price per value products. And prosecco actually falls into this category. So people still want to drink, they basically go for, let’s say more friendly choices definitely. We may also take into consideration that not many people in China drink prosecco, so the per capita consumption is really low, I saw some data saying that 30 million drink imported wines at least once a month in China, which is little.The per capita consumption is 0.6,0.8Yeah.
7/11/2024 • 12 minutes, 13 seconds
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~ In today's Buzzword Mix, our Buzzword is Trauma Dumping. Now this word is so new that it doesn't even have an official Chinese translation. 这个词由于太新了, 我甚至都没有找到一个特别好以及特别官方的中文翻译, 咱们暂且把它翻译成 “创伤倾倒”或者 “创伤倾泻”. When we talk about dumping, we tend to think about dumping of waste, 比如工业的废水废料的倾倒. So what is trauma dump? First of all, I'm sure some of you heard of the word trauma. Trauma在心理学上主要指的是这种创伤创伤性事件. So trauma dumping refers to the oversharing of difficult emotions and thoughts with others. Now the key word here is oversharing. 所谓的trauma dumping, 就是这种会把自己的负面情绪, 特别是这种创伤体验过度分享的行为 oversharing, 这就让我想到了中国文学里面一个经典人物就是祥林嫂. I guess that is the type of trauma dumping. It is not a clinical term used by mental health providers. So it's not like an official word, but on social media you see it used more and more often.People who engage in trauma dumping often share traumatic events or stressful situations with others during inappropriate times.除了刚才说的oversharing, 还有一个特点就是他们会不顾对方的感受, 不分时间, 不分场合, 不合时宜的去跟别人过度分享. During inappropriate times. And also the shared information is usually unsolicited, which means the listener did not ask for their Information. This often leaves the listener feeling overwhelmed, uncomfortable, or even traumatized themselves. 因为这里听者并不是主动的去问的, 经过了对方的这样的一系列的创伤倾泻之后, 这个听的人往往会感觉到overwhelmed, 因为别人过度沉重的人生情绪上或者心理上你很难承受, 然后会觉得不适, 甚至会觉得traumatized themselves, 自己也经历了这种创伤. This is a phenomenon called secondary trauma. 有二手烟就有二手创伤. According to therapists, trauma dumping doesn't facilitate healing. It doesn't make the victim or the person who's doing the trauma dumping heal while it may provide short term relief to the person doing it. Ultimately, it doesn't help either party and leaves the listener feeling burdened and helpless. 专业的心理医生就说, 这种trauma dumping其实并不是特别的健康, 因为它不光会让被动听着你创伤体验的对象感觉非常不适, 甚至也受到二手创伤, 而且就算对于宣泄的人本身来说, 也并不能起到真正的疗愈作用. So how do you recognize trauma dumping? The biggest red flag is if the listener has no chance to talk or share their own emotions, the person on the receiving end of these thoughts and emotions often feels overwhelmed and helpless because they aren't sure how to respond or may not be given an opportunity to respond. 我们怎么样能认出来一个人是不是在trauma dump? 最简单的就是看这个听trauma dump的人, ta是否有机会真正的表达自己的看法, 还是一味的被动的接受.很多这种trauma dumping的被动接受者, ta们会觉得非常不适一个原因就是ta不知道应该做出什么样的回应. 比如说你在对我trauma dump, 然后你说的事情都是特别heavy, 特别沉重, 特别创伤性的, 然后我又不是一个心理医生, 不是一个专业人士, 我完全不知道怎么安慰你, 我也不知道该怎么回应.
7/9/2024 • 10 minutes, 8 seconds
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~ KeywordsTo wrap up the travel discussion with some of the problems -Weather issues-Delays and cancellations-Crimes-Unspoken rules about certain places But having said all of that, there are also some problems. I think we're going to wrap up the travel discussion with some of the problems because we don't want to sugarcoat it for people who are listening and haven't really traveled that much. It's not always...It's not always perfect. It's not always perfect. There are some miserable moments, for example, if the weather is bad, weather really makes or breaks your first impression of a city. I don't know to be honest, I've been to cities where it's been like terrible weather but I went travelling in November. It just shows a different side of the city. It means that you go into like a cosy pub or you go into a cosy cafe which is quite fun.I can see there’s a theme, so basically your traveling experience is just going around the world getting drunk, with different alcohol in different pubs. OK. That might be a point.And going to language lessons to learn how to order drinks. Why not? I'm on holiday. Yeah. I don't know, weather is really something that makes or breaks my moods, my experience. Obviously I would feel great about a city, a new destination if it's perfect weather, for me it's sunny dry, if it's wet, I wouldn't really like the city that much. We got weather. Obviously you got delays and cancellations. Yeah, delays and cancellations. This especially when it's not even weather. It's like caused by human activities like strikes.The longest delay I've ever had is like 24 hours. Because of what? Strikes? Weather. And that's one of the reasons why I don't like flying is that trains are very rarely delayed, but planes, I've been on so many delayed planes in my time. That's actually one of the reasons why I hate going by plane anywhere. But I had also the experiences of being delayed on the train. I also had experiences of getting on the train and the train moved forward a bit and move start moving backwards.Okay. I thought you just got lost. Yeah. There are tracks I doubt very much. But have you ever experienced any crimes? Yes, I once went somewhere and I met with a friend of mine. Her dad was the former chief of police in that city. I was with them and someone stole my camera.That's bold. Right underneath the nose of the former police chief. I know and bless him he was so embarrassed. He took me to the police station. Obviously everyone at the police station recognized him. I had to fill out a form for my insurance. I think he was more embarrassed about it than me.
7/7/2024 • 7 minutes, 21 seconds
索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~How to save money?Red-eye flight 红眼航班Budget airlines 廉航·airports are far away·hidden costsCouch surfing 沙发冲浪 (risky)Hitchhiking 搭顺风车 (risky) What you can do at the destination. Sightseeing 观光游览Trying local food 品尝当地美食Buying souvenirs 购买纪念品Off the beaten track 另辟蹊径City walk 城市漫步Join a food tour 参加美食之旅Language lessons 语言体验课Scavenger hunt 寻宝游戏...I think that leads on to the next topic “how to save money?”. I don't know I used to take red-eye flights.Same here.红眼航班, 也就是差不多12点或者半夜之后出发的航班. I actually prefer ride red-eye flights...Because you can go to sleep. I can sleep on planes now. Because I'm traveling backs and forwards to the UK so often now that I can actually sleep on planes. So I don't like planes like during the day because you can't really sleep and it's too bright. But when you arrive, you still have to push through, although is your bedtime. And also budget airlines I think we both did budget airlines so 廉航, those budget to the ridiculous degree that they would charge you to go to toilets. Well, they said they were gonna do that. Thankfully they tried, thankfully they didn't. But the only thing with budget airlines is that the airports are so far away. So for example in London, one of the main budget airline airports is about 50-60 miles away from London. So that's what, like 70 kilometers as literally in another city. It is. Budget airlines, and there are also hidden costs. 廉航有很多隐藏的收费. You look at the price and you think this is so cheap, but most of us will have a check-in luggage and they charge you exorbitant price with the check-in luggage. Yeah. Ad if you want to select your seat, they charge you for that. And if you want to check in without a boarding card at the airport, they charge you for that. Everything, you have to pay for everything and they're very strict about that. Yes.So I don't really take budget airlines for longer trips just a... very like an hour and half trip. Not more than an hour and half, but the thing with budget airlines is that you really have to kind of explore because after you pay for all of additional features, the additional baggage and things like that, a normal regular flight might still be cheaper. And the other ways that people talk about in terms of money saving or budgeting, I think they're very risky like couch surfing, for example, that was popular for a while就是所谓的沙发客. You basically stay in someone's, let's just say spare couch. I don't really think women should do that in this day and age, it’s way too risky. Couch surfing, hitchhiking. They are a bit dangerous. Personally I've never done them myself. Don't hitchhike, like for example, if you are a woman and then you are traveling alone, definitely don't hitchhike. But if you're like, a really beefy, really big guy, you can hitchhike, but nobody's gonna take you.Exactly. They're gonna think that you're gonna be a murderer or something like that. Exactly. So either way搭顺风车这个事情, 其实大家有时候在电影电视里面看到, 但是真的...OK, some of you might have had the experience and said you had a lovely experience, you met wonderful people. But that could just be because you're extremely lucky. It could be.
7/4/2024 • 12 minutes, 9 seconds
搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~But that aside, let's get to the actual travels. Let's start packing first. Okay. Are you someone who travel light? I travel light and I travel really, really organized. Why am I not surprised? I'm the opposite. I know. I've seen how you've packed, so travel light for me, I have like one small backpack. I tried to fit what I can in it and just try and get everything into it. And normally like small toiletries, travel size toiletries, things like that. Let me guess you have the entire set of all of these travel equipments like travel set, toiletries, 什么旅行装的那些洗漱用具. I bet you have packing cubes. I do have packing cubes. Packing cubes are these little bags like you can put into your big luggage or suitcase so that they will keep your luggage organized. I do have packing cubes, they're brilliant. My idea of packing is really just throw...chuck everything... is just to chuck everything in within the probably the last half an hour. Okay, I can't do that. I would like to say I power pack. No, you just pack really badly, so for me for example I have a special pouch where it's got all of my cables that I need. I just prefer to travel very organized. I always keep... because I travel so much, I always keep my bag essentially packed so that I travel light, I can throw what I need in the bag and then I can go. 我记得很早之前有一次安澜第一次看到我pack的时候, 他已经忍不住要jump in to say, can I do this for you please because you are hurting my brains. Yes, it was not pretty. And this is also why and I'm the opposite of traveling light. So I generally have like checking luggage sometimes excess luggage. I have excess luggage if I'm bringing stuff back from the UK, but if I'm traveling I pretty much try to fit everything into one bag. I see, and one more question.yes.Unpacking, are you the type of person that comes back home from a long flight and then you immediately unpack? Yes. God, how am I not surprised, it takes me a whole week to even start to realize hang on a minute I need to unpack.No, I unpack straight away. But, again as I say, I always keep one of my bags. I keep that semi packed, so that…You have a to-go bag?Yes, of course I got a to-go bag.Why, you're not a paramedic. No, but I travel a lot, so it saves a lot of time and make sure I got everything altogether in my bag. Ok, so everything packed. Let's set off on the journey. What kind of transport I actually know your answer because I know you so well.
7/2/2024 • 10 minutes, 30 seconds
Packing /UnpackingTravel light and organized or the opposite? On the journeyTransport-交通Flight 飞机Train 火车Coach 长途汽车Cruise/ship 邮轮/船 But that aside, let's get to the actual travels. Let's start packing first. Okay. Are you someone who travel light? I travel light and I travel really, really organized. Why am I not surprised? I'm the opposite. I know. I've seen how you've packed, so travel light for me, I have like one small backpack. I tried to fit what I can in it and just try and get everything into it. And normally like small toiletries, travel size toiletries, things like that. Let me guess you have the entire set of all of these travel equipments like travel set, toiletries, 什么旅行装的那些洗漱用具. I bet you have packing cubes. I do have packing cubes. Packing cubes are these little bags like you can put into your big luggage or suitcase so that they will keep your luggage organized. I do have packing cubes, they're brilliant. My idea of packing is really just throw...chuck everything... is just to chuck everything in within the probably the last half an hour. Okay, I can't do that. I would like to say I power pack. No, you just pack really badly, so for me for example I have a special pouch where it's got all of my cables that I need. I just prefer to travel very organized. I always keep... because I travel so much, I always keep my bag essentially packed so that I travel light, I can throw what I need in the bag and then I can go. 我记得很早之前有一次安澜第一次看到我pack的时候, 他已经忍不住要jump in to say, can I do this for you please because you are hurting my brains. Yes, it was not pretty. And this is also why and I'm the opposite of traveling light. So I generally have like checking luggage sometimes excess luggage. I have excess luggage if I'm bringing stuff back from the UK, but if I'm traveling I pretty much try to fit everything into one bag. I see, and one more question.yes.Unpacking, are you the type of person that comes back home from a long flight and then you immediately unpack? Yes. God, how am I not surprised, it takes me a whole week to even start to realize hang on a minute I need to unpack.No, I unpack straight away. But, again as I say, I always keep one of my bags. I keep that semi packed, so that…You have a to-go bag?Yes, of course I got a to-go bag.Why, you're not a paramedic. No, but I travel a lot, so it saves a lot of time and make sure I got everything altogether in my bag. Ok, so everything packed. Let's set off on the journey. What kind of transport I actually know your answer because I know you so well.
6/30/2024 • 8 minutes, 28 seconds
Hi, everyone. And welcome back to 酒馆. Hi, 安澜. Hi, lulu. Hi, everyone. So what are we going to talk about today? Well, next month I'm going on my holidays. So let's talk about travel.Hang on a minute, you're talking about us going to Europe. Yeah.That's not really a holiday. That's like a work trip. You will get some days off. Anyway it's going to be traveling, so even if we are going to be working some of the time, I'm sure we'll get some time off, well, hopefully, or I wanna get overtime.You're traveling with a workaholic. We’ll see. We'll see about that. But we're more excited to show you guys around places that we go to. Yes, we're gonna be showing you around Germany and Poland in our live streams. If we can get the signal.If we can get the signals, yes. Otherwise we're gonna shoot videos and do other things and hopefully continue to live stream in some way.In some way or another. So I thought maybe today we can talk about traveling.AbsolutelyBig topic and I know this is a topic that both of us have a lot to say about. I absolutely love traveling, traveling for me is, I know it's meant to be a luxury but really I love traveling so much, even if I don't have much money, I would still want to spend that money on traveling. So other people spend it on bread, you will spend it on traveling. Yes, and hopefully I will get bread when I'm traveling. That's a dream, isn't it?Yes.In this whole discussion, I think it will be like a few episodes of discussion and this will cover pretty much all aspects of traveling from the desire to travel, to transport, to packing, to things we do in the destination and then also like accommodation, things to watch out for, so on and so forth. So if you're a keen traveler, you're in for treat. Well, I would say let's start with the desire to travel. Well, the desire to travel. I've heard of this expression, which is really funny. It's having itchy feet. 英文里如果直接把它翻译成中文就是脚痒痒. You sure that's not like a foot fungus issue. No, it's not, having itchy feet means it's the desire that you really want to travel so you would say to people I'm really getting itchy feet, I really want to go on holiday or I really want to go traveling. I suppose put in that context, everyone would know that you want to move. Yes.You basically want to get out of your routine and travel and see more of the world, I've also heard of a word wonderlust which is supposed to be German, right? Yeah, it's wonder means sort of walk around and lust is desire, so essentially is the desire to walk around. For example, if you're in a new place that desired that you want to go and explore everything that is a form of wonder lust.
6/27/2024 • 13 minutes, 26 seconds
+小助手VX 【luluxjg2】领取全文稿哦~~Hi, everyone. And welcome back to the segment called It Means What? Yeah.Hi, 安澜。 Hello.欢迎大家回来【词源考古研究所】这个板块. So in this segment, we're going to explore the interesting origin of words and phrases. So 安澜, what is the word for today? Not so much a word but a phrase. Okay. 是短语Spill the beans. Spill the beans, it sounds familiar, spill是倒出来, 然后beans是豆子. Yeah. Is it something about secrets? It is, if you say you spill the beans, that means you accidentally tell a secret or you intentionally tell a secret. Oh, to spill the beans. I think we talked about something similar, was it “let the cat out of the bag”, 把猫放出口袋也是accidentally reveal a secret. But this can be intentionally or accidentally. Spill the beans. So I can say he accidentally spilled the beans, but I can also say 安澜spill the beans, tell me the secret. Yes, but why beans?It actually comes from ancient Greek voting practices. So we go back to ancient Greeks again. Yes. When they were voting, if they wanted to say yes, they would use a white stone or a bean to mean “yes” and a black one for “no”. 所以没有用纸写字的时候, 古希腊就是这样子来投票的. Yes. 一个白色的豆子或者石头, 小石块就是Yes. And black one means no. When they collected all of the beans or the stones, then they will count them and they'll make a decision. I suppose they just put it in some sort of container. Nobody can see what they put in.Exactly, if someone spills the beans that literally means they accidentally or intentionally knock it over. So the secret results of the election are revealed before they intended them to be revealed. I see, that's why spill the beans is to reveal the results that should have been kept a secret at that point. There's quite a few expressions that come from this type of voting practice. For example, you might have heard the expression black ball. Oh, I've heard of that expression to black ball someone就是要“黑球”某个人. I think that means to keep someone outside like to reject someone. Yes, because the black bean or black stone was meant no. So it means no, that means that they don't want that person to join their club or join their society.To blackball someone simply means I voted “no”, like I say no to you exactly to exclude you. Precisely. Actually 安澜, have you ever heard of the new expression “spill the tea” which is all over the internet? I've heard that so many times, so many times. 最近这几年在社交媒体上火了一个词叫spill the tea, tea就是喝的茶. It's not exactly the same, but “spill the tea” means shared a gossip especially like scandal. 就是赶快爆料有什么大瓜, 惊天大瓜. If I say to 安澜, do you know anything about those two? Are they dating? Are they cheating on their spouses? and like spill the tea. I'm useless at gossip. I never know anything.
6/25/2024 • 6 minutes, 22 seconds
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~ Hi, everyone. And welcome back to Britain Under the Microscope. 欢迎回来【闲话英伦】. Hi, 安澜.Hi, Lulu, hi, everyone. Can I propose a topic today? Okay.Don't worry, it's nothing weird. Are you sure? I'm pretty sure. Okay. Lately also on Chinese social media, you see a lot of articles about your Princess of Wales, Kate, because there was a lot of gossip and discussion about how she is recovering from cancer and she hasn't really had any public appearance. She finally appeared for the first time in months at a very important ceremony apparently called... was it something color? The Trooping of the Color. The Trooping of the Color, troop as in army, military? Yeah. 中文里我看到过有很多不一样的翻译版本, 有人把它翻译成什么彩旗飘扬, 彩旗游行, 或者只要按这个意思说是皇家阅兵式. Yes, it's a very unique ceremony. I don't think it happens in many countries. I'm not sure if anyone does know, please correct me. It's very ceremonial. It is. The Troop of the Color marks the official birthday of the British sovereign. So like the British King or Queen, 这个皇室的要不是国王, 要不是女王的official birthday, 官方生日. So that's not their real birthday?The King or Queen has two birthdays, their real one and their official birthday in June. Why in June, for any special reasons? Mainly because of the weather. I can understand. 我们之前聊英国的天气的时候, 就说特别是伦敦, 基本上你唯一能保证天气比较好, 也就是6月后半段7月前半段这个时候. So no matter what the weather is like, the ceremony still goes ahead. So the last Trooping of the Colour last week was actually done in pouring rain. It was really really heavy rain in London but they still carry on the ceremony. They just get wet. Even in June? Even in June.So no matter what their real birthdays or when their real birthdays are or were, they always had the same official birthday? It's normally a Saturday in June. So it’s not a set date? It’s not a set date. I see. It looks like a pretty traditional historical ceremony. It is. It dates back to the 18th century. So the color or colors refer to the regiments’ flag.Regiments, what does that mean? A regiment is a unit of soldiers.Like, for example, infantry? Yeah, so you have an infantry regiment, you have...Navy maybe?Navy, you can't, navy doesn't really have regiments because you have a ship. Ok. 这是不是有点兵团那个概念? It is. 什么团步兵团这样. So everybody has it’s own name. For example, the regiments that take part in Trooping of the Color are the King's own personal regiments. He's guards. I'm getting really confused. So not your military force? Okay, this is why it gets a bit confusing. You said the King's own military force.
6/23/2024 • 12 minutes, 46 seconds
+小助手VX 【luluxjg2】获取全文稿哦~~Welcome back to geek time advanced. How are you doing lulu? Hi Brad. I'm doing fine. So are we gonna talk about aliens and pyramids? Exactly. We talk about aliens a lot on the podcast and aliens are very interesting. And whenever there's some idea, whenever we have an idea that we don't really understand, we can easily just go to aliens. It's so convenient, isn't it? Aliens did it. Although when I was growing up, obviously learning about pyramids, all of these great ancient architectures, we generally attribute it to the wisdom of ancient people. However, there's another way to look at it.Exactly.There are people out there who truly believe in the whole theory of aliens have something to do or had something to do with pyramids. Mhm. Exactly. One of the theories posits that aliens either helped people create the pyramids or forced them to create the pyramids, so they could use them as landing sites for their spacecraft. I'm sorry, that is a bit silly. If they want to use it as a landing pad, why would they just use the ground? Why would they use the pointing stuff that is like the most... I think that is the most uncomfortable way to park your spaceship on top of the Egyptian pyramid. What we can kind of get into it a little bit later with some of Tesla’s thoughts, but the shape might have been on purpose right? There might be a reason for the shape and so we'll come back to that a little bit later. But a lot of people think that they might have been built by the aliens to be landing pads for their spaceships. Yeah, but you said they either helped or forced humans. I have something to say about that. I mean, logically, why would they help humans build that? For what reason, to what end? If they forced humans, what kind of power that they could tower over human? And if they had that level of power, why wouldn't they have just taken over earth? See, this would be my logic. There's a few theories. I think we might have talked about panspermia, but in the past, there's this idea that the aliens actually put us here. They put the humans on earth and helped us in our evolution to become to the point where we're at today. So they can use us as workers in the future. Oh, my god! Are we just a giant ant farm for the aliens? That's what some people believe. So the aliens it takes a long time to travel through the universe. So every time they come to earth, thousands of years might pass. And so people kind of forget that the fact that there are aliens out there; or if they do, they don't really believe because they haven't seen them in generations. And so it is a possibility. That is just a sad possibility. That reminds me of one of the episodes in Rick and Morty, like the Miniverse. So you realize your entire universe is just someone's car factory. Hahaha. That's possible. They sort of like make you work, brainwash you to work, so that by working it, by paddling something, you get so called money and live and salary. But in fact, you're just slaving away for whoever created your universe. You're just slaving away so that their car has battery. That could be, I think it's a lot less likely, but that with the pyramids and that we actually have some sort of, I wouldn't say it's evidence, because people could have easily made the pyramids. There's videos of a man who shows possible engineering techniques that people could have used. I mean he shows how he could move a rock a huge rock by himself, just using a few simple tools made of wood and rope.I'm very human centric. Yeah.So I still rather believe it was our ancestors, common human ancestors, that had the great wisdom, to move things, to make things, beyond we think, are their technological limitations and barriers.Yeah. I don't know if we've talked about Atlantis before but...Oh, we should, in the future. We haven't, but we should.
6/20/2024 • 14 minutes, 3 seconds
加小助手VX luluxjg2领取全文稿~1) Ride shotgun (sit in the seat next to the driver)a. This comes from the Wild West where the person who sat next to the driver carried a shotgun.b. This was so he could shoot anyone trying to rob the coach. Hi, everyone. And welcome back to the segment called It Means What? Yoho~Now that's new. Hi, 安澜. Hi, Lulu, hi, everyone. 欢迎大家回来【词源考古研究所】. So in this segment, we're going to explore the interesting origin of words and phrases. 安澜, actually, can I propose the word or the phrase for today? Yeah, why not? Because I always ask you what do we have for today? There's one thing and I'm sure a lot of our audience would share my confusion, which is, you know that a lot of times you watch like especially American TV show, you have these kids or really immature adults when they jump into the seat next to the driver they would say “I call shotgun”. 不知道大家在美剧里面有没有看过, 我不知道英国人会不会这么说. We understand it, but we don't say anything.It’s an American thing. 对, 看美剧的时候, 就有很多小朋友或者那种心智不太成熟的成年人, 他们会跳到副驾的位置, 然后就说 I call shotgun, 你看到底下的字幕翻译一般都是说 “我抢了副驾的位置, 我抢了”。I always wondered sitting next to the driver, what does that have to do with shotgun which is a weapon.Yes. Ride shotgun or sit up front is sitting in the seat next to the driver. It actually comes from the Wild West. The Wild West, is it like the all of those western movies? Exactly. When you had cowboys and America was expanding west. 就是美国西部那种西部片, 也是like you draw your gun and shoot at each other, cowboys, that sort of thing.The whole idea that it was a lawless environment. There are not many people, there was lots of fights, cowboys, bandits. So back then apparently the person who sat next to the driver in a stagecoach carried a shotgun.Hang on, what is the stagecoach? A stagecoach is a horse carriage, but it's almost like public transport, so it goes a set route. It's normally covered and it is used for post and also for carrying passengers. It's kind of like the horse drawn version of a bus. Just the smaller version of it. Mini bus. A horse drawn version of minibus. Exactly. So it's called a stagecoach because it used to travel different stages of the journey. 公共马车那种感觉. So the person who sat next to the driver carried a shotgun. So he could shoot anyone who tried to rob the coach. So it’s kind of like a bodyguard. Almost like a bodyguard, because also there were attacks from bandits. They were also attacks from wild animals. If we believe in any of these Wild West movies, it's really like you said, it was a lawless place. Everyone was shooting each other really wild. So that's why they say ride shotgun because the person who sat next to the driver had to carry a shotgun to protect the driver. You know what this reminds me of, when we were doing China Story, the course, you remember when we were talking about swordsman, talking about Chinese martial arts, say these kung fu masters, they would become like armed escorts. Yeah, it's the same idea. Exactly the same idea有点. 像我们押镖的那种人一样. And then they have this shotgun and they were just protecting the coach.
6/18/2024 • 7 minutes, 13 seconds
Hi, everyone. And welcome back to Geek Time. 欢迎回来极客时间. Hi, Brad.Hi Lulu.So what are we going to talk about today? Have you ever seen the pyramids? The pyramids金字塔吗? I haven't really been to Egypt. I always wanted to go. Pyramids aren't only in Egypt. They're all over the world. Have you been to like Mexico, maybe?Yeah. In that case, I have seen pyramids actually. Thanks for reminding me. I've seen pyramids in Mexico. Yeah, a lot of times when mentioned the pyramids, people think of the Great Pyramids of Egypt, but there have been pyramids all over the world, which makes people really think that there is something else going on here. There's pyramids in Sudan, Mexico, Italy, Peru, not just Africa, but in like South America as well, which is a whole another world away. But they're all slightly different. I mean, obviously we're more probably, our audience are more familiar with the pyramids in Egypt, which is pointy at the top, but like the pyramids in South America, in Central America, like Mexico. I went to Teotihuacán and the pyramids there at the top is not pointy, is like a flat type. Yeah. There's... the general shape is fairly similar, but some of the aspects of the pyramids are different. It could be based on their beliefs and what they use the pyramids for, but they're all different sizes, but they all generally have the same general shape. If you think about it, it is a mysterious thing, isn't it? If many different ancient civilizations across continents are building or were building more or less the same sort of thing. What's that about? Yeah. It's not only just that they're very similar in shape, some of the designs, some of the decorations that they put on the pyramids are very similar. Some of the faces, some of the other additions they've made to pyramids were very similar even from Africa to South America. So let's dive a little bit deeper into the topic of pyramids. First of all, when were they built, Egyptian ones were built like 5,000 years ago?Yeah, so according to most historians, the pyramids were built about 5,000 years ago, ancient Egypt only really emerged about 6,000 years ago. Some of the other pyramids were built about 2,000 years ago. Recently, there has been some other pyramids found such as GÖBEKLI TEPE, which is found in Turkey. 这个叫什么哥贝克利石阵,就在土耳其发掘. That was in the 19th, right? It was discovered very very recently compared with the other things. Right. Yeah. So people have known about the great pyramids for a long time yet they're easily seen. GÖBEKLI TEPE was partially underground. And so a lot of people didn't even see it. It looks like it was covered up. But a lot of the things they found around the site are about 12,000 years old.Wow.So like if those things are on top of the pyramid, and so that means the pyramid must be older than that.
6/16/2024 • 11 minutes, 41 seconds
《安澜老爷子的晚安故事》-欧美悬疑Top 10 烧脑不容错过-马斯格雷夫仪式 下
关注公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】领取全文稿~“Now, the calculation was simple. If a rod of six feet made a shadow of nine, then a tree of sixty-four feet would make one of ninety-six. I measured the distance, almost reaching the house wall, and placed a peg. You can imagine how excited I was, Watson, when I found a depression in the ground just two inches from my peg. It was Brunton’s mark, and I knew I was on the right track. “Starting from there, I took steps, first noting the cardinal points with my pocket compass. Ten steps in each direction along the house wall, marking each spot with a peg. Then I measured five steps to the east and two to the south, bringing me to the old door’s threshold. Two steps west led me down the stone passage, as the Ritual indicated.” “I felt a deep disappointment, Watson. I thought I had made a big mistake in my calculations. The setting sun lit up the passage floor, showing that the old stones were firmly in place, untouched for years. Brunton hadn’t been here. I tapped the floor, but it sounded the same everywhere, no cracks or openings. Thankfully, Musgrave, now understanding my process, pointed out my error: I had missed the ‘and under’ part.” “I thought it meant we had to dig, but then I realized I was wrong. ‘There’s a cellar under here?’ I exclaimed. ‘Yes, as old as the house. Down here, through this door.’” “We descended a winding stone stair. My companion lit a lantern, revealing we had found the right place, recently visited by others.” “The room, once used for wood storage, now had the wood piled to the sides, leaving a clear space. In the middle lay a large flagstone with a rusted iron ring, attached to which was Brunton’s muffler. ‘By Jove!’ exclaimed my client. ‘That’s Brunton’s muffler. I’ve seen it on him. What has he been doing here?’ At my suggestion, two county police officers were called. With their help, we moved the stone to reveal a black hole. Musgrave, kneeling, lowered the lantern.” “We found a small chamber, seven feet deep and four feet square. In one corner was a squat, brass-bound wooden box. Its lid, with an old-fashioned key, was covered in dust and fungi. Several metal discs and old coins were scattered inside, but nothing else.” However, at that moment, we didn’t pay attention to the old chest, because we were focused on what was next to it. It was a man dressed in black, crouched beside the chest. He was sitting with his forehead resting on the edge of the box and his arms stretched out on each side. The position had drained the blood from his face, and his distorted, pale face made it impossible to recognize him. However, his height, clothes, and hair confirmed to my client, when we lifted the body, that it was indeed his missing butler. He had been dead for several days, but there were no visible wounds to indicate how he had died. When his body was taken from the cellar, we still faced a problem almost as difficult as the one we started with. I must admit, Watson, that until now I had been disappointed with my investigation. I had hoped to solve the case once we found the place mentioned in the ritual, but now that we were there, it seemed we were no closer to uncovering what the family had hidden with such care. While I had shed light on Brunton's fate, I now needed to discover how he had met his end and what role the missing woman had played in the matter. I sat down on a barrel in the corner and carefully considered the whole situation. You know my methods in such situations, Watson. I try to put myself in the person's shoes and, considering their intelligence, imagine what I would do in their place. In this case, it was clear that Brunton was highly intelligent, so I didn't need to adjust for that factor. He knew something valuable was hidden and had found its location. He realized the stone covering it was too heavy to move alone. What would he do next? He couldn't get help from outside without risking exposure.
6/13/2024 • 13 minutes, 23 seconds
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~ “If you think it's necessary,” he replied hesitantly. "To continue my story, I locked the bureau again with Brunton's key and was about to leave when he came back and stood before me.‘Mr. Musgrave, sir,’ he said hoarsely, ‘I can’t handle disgrace. I've always been proud, and disgrace would destroy me. My blood will be on your head if you drive me to despair. If you can't keep me after what happened, let me give you notice and leave in a month, as if it's my choice. I could handle that, Mr. Musgrave, but not being cast out in front of everyone I know.’‘You don't deserve much consideration, Brunton,’ I replied. ‘Your behavior has been terrible. But as you've been with us for a long time, I don't want to publicly disgrace you. A month is too long, though. Leave in a week, and you can give any reason you like.’‘Only a week, sir?’ he cried. ‘At least give me two weeks!’”“A week,’ I said again, ‘and you can consider yourself lucky to be let off so lightly.’‘He slouched away, looking broken, while I put out the light and went back to my room.‘For the next two days, Brunton worked diligently as if nothing had happened. I didn't mention what occurred and waited to see how he would explain his absence. But on the third morning, he didn't show up after breakfast, which was unusual. As I left the dining room, I bumped into Rachel Howells, the maid. She had recently recovered from an illness and looked pale and weak, so I scolded her for working.”“‘You should be resting,’ I said. ‘Come back to work when you feel better.’‘She gave me a strange look and said, “I'm fine, Mr. Musgrave.”‘We'll see what the doctor says,’ I replied. ‘You should stop working for now. When you go downstairs, just tell them I want to see Brunton.’‘The butler's gone,’ she said.‘Gone? Where?’‘He's gone. No one has seen him. He's not in his room. Oh, yes, he's gone, he's gone!’ She collapsed against the wall, laughing and crying, while I hurried to ring the bell for help. They took her to her room, still sobbing, while I asked about Brunton. He had vanished. His bed hadn't been slept in, and no one had seen him since the night before. But all the doors and windows were locked in the morning. His clothes, watch, and money were in his room, but his black suit was missing. His slippers were gone, but his boots were left behind. Where could Brunton have gone, and what happened to him?”“We searched the house thoroughly, but found no trace of him. It's a huge old house, especially the original wing, which is mostly empty. We checked every room and cellar but found nothing. It seemed impossible for him to leave all his belongings behind. I called the local police, but they couldn't find him either. It had rained the night before, so we looked for footprints in the lawn and paths, but found nothing. While we were still puzzled about Brunton, another mystery emerged.”“Rachel Howells had been very ill for two days, sometimes delirious, sometimes hysterical. A nurse was hired to watch over her at night. On the third night after Brunton disappeared, the nurse fell asleep in the armchair and woke up in the early morning to find the bed empty, the window open, and no sign of Rachel. I woke up immediately, and with the footmen, we went to look for her. We followed her footprints to the lake, where they disappeared near the gravel path leading out of the grounds. The lake is eight feet deep, and you can imagine our shock when we saw her trail ending at the edge of it.”“We used drags to search the lake but found no body. However, we found a linen bag containing rusty metal pieces and dull-colored pebbles. That was all we found, and despite searching and asking around, we still don't know what happened to Rachel Howells or Richard Brunton. The local police are stumped, so I've come to you as a last resort.”
6/11/2024 • 13 minutes, 26 seconds
《安澜老爷子的晚安故事》-宝藏与背叛, 贪婪与爱情, 科学与诡计的交织
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~ One thing that always surprised me about my friend Sherlock Holmes was his contradictory habits. On one hand, he was incredibly organized and methodical in his thinking, but on the other hand, he was extremely messy in his personal life. Despite his neat appearance, he tended to keep his things in a disorganized manner, which often annoyed those around him. Personally, I'm not very conventional either, especially after my experiences in Afghanistan, which made me less strict about tidiness. However, there's a limit to how much mess I can tolerate. When I see someone storing their cigars in strange places like the coal-scuttle, or keeping their unanswered mail stuck to the mantelpiece with a knife, I start to feel a bit self-righteous. I've always believed that shooting practice should be done outdoors, so when Holmes would sit indoors, shooting his pistol at the wall, I wasn’t particularly happy about it.Our room was always cluttered with chemicals and items from past criminal cases. These things had a tendency to end up in strange places, like the butter dish or even worse spots. But the biggest problem was his papers. He hated getting rid of documents, especially those related to his previous cases. However, he only mustered the energy to organize them once every year or two. After his bursts of energy, he would become lethargic, spending his time lying on the sofa with his violin and books. Month after month, his papers piled up until every corner of the room was filled with bundles of manuscripts. They couldn't be burned and only he could put them away. One winter night, as we sat by the fire, I suggested that he spend the next two hours tidying up our room since he had finished working on his commonplace book. He couldn't argue with my suggestion, so he reluctantly went to his bedroom and returned with a large tin box. He placed it in the middle of the floor and opened it, revealing bundles of paper tied up with red tape."There are plenty of cases here, Watson," he said, giving me a mischievous look. "I think if you knew everything I have in this box, you'd ask me to take some out instead of putting more in." "Are these records from your early work?" I asked. "I've always wished I had notes from those cases." "Yes, my friend, these were all done before my biographer came to make me famous," he said, lifting bundles of papers gently. "They're not all successes, Watson," he continued. "But there are some interesting problems among them. Here's the record of the Tarleton murders, and the case of Vamberry, the wine merchant, and the adventure of the old Russian woman, and the strange affair of the aluminium crutch, along with a full account of Ricoletti of the club-foot, and his terrible wife. And here – ah, now, this is something unique." He reached to the bottom of the chest and pulled out a small wooden box with a sliding lid like those used for children's toys. From inside, he took out a crumpled piece of paper, an old-fashioned brass key, a wooden peg with a ball of string, and three rusty metal discs. "Well, my friend, what do you think of this collection?" he asked, smiling at my reaction."It's an interesting collection.""Very interesting, and the story behind it is even more fascinating.""Do these relics have a story?""So much so that they are the story.""What do you mean by that?"Sherlock Holmes picked up each item one by one and placed them along the edge of the table. Then he sat back down in his chair and examined them with a satisfied look in his eyes."These," he said, "are all I have left to remind me of the adventure of the Musgrave Ritual."I had heard him mention the case before, though I never knew the details. "I would be very grateful," I said, "if you could tell me about it.""And leave the mess as it is?"
6/6/2024 • 14 minutes, 26 seconds
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~ Keywords 1)Sandwicha.Named after the Earl of Sandwich in the 18th Century.b.He loved gambling and never wanted to leave the gambling table.c.He asked his servant to put some cold meat in between two slices of bread as he could eat one-handed without a knife and fork.d.His friends started to order ‘the same as Sandwich’e.Now eaten around the world. Also called a ‘butty’ or a ‘sarnie’.f.In 2003, a man in Belgium stole diamonds worth 100 million dollars from a vault that was protected by multiple security mechanisms, including a lock with 100 million possible combinations, a seismic sensor, Doppler radar, infrared heat detectors, and a magnetic field. He was caught because he left a partially eaten sandwich near the crime scene which was used as a DNA evidence.Hi everyone, and welcome back to the segment called It Means What?Yay. Hi, 安澜. Hi, Lulu, hi, everyone. 欢迎大家回来【词源考古研究所】这个板块, so in this segment, we're going to explore the interesting origin of words and phrases. So 安澜, what is the word for today? Well, I know how much you like food. Thank you. So I've chosen one that's food related. But hang on, it’s not British food, is it? Yes. It’s not fish and chips, is it? How can we explore the etymology of fish and chips? A fish is a fish, chip is a chip. So what is it? Sandwich.Not so much better sandwich, 三明治. I think I've read that somewhere. Isn't that the name of a guy? It is the Earl of Sandwich. The Earl of Sandwich. Earl is like an aristocratic title,伯爵, but you have Earl Grey like the tea. So this guy literally is called Sandwich. But he wasn't named after a sandwich. The sandwich was named after him. True. Give us the story. So it's quite a famous story. Now the Earl of Sandwich in the 18th century loved gambling. 就赌博。 Really really loved gambling. And when he was gambling, he never wanted to leave the gambling table. So one day he asked his servant to put some cold meat in between two slices of bread, cold meat, Cold meat, it's not meat that has been cooled down. It's like cold cuts, right? Yes.冷餐的什么火腿切的那种 a cold meat, 熟食。So the reason why he did this is that he could eat one handed while the other hand he held his cards. So get rid of knife and fork. No knife and fork. Just use breads as wrapping. Exactly. So he used to do this when he was gambling. And eventually his friends started to order the same as Sandwich. I see. So he got his servants to prepare the bread exactly as he liked it, pieces of meat within two slices of bread. And then his friends looked at it, well, looks yummy just same as Sandwich.Exactly. And then it became a sandwich. I see I would love to have some food named after me. They'd be calling it a Lulu. I don't think it would be that tasty though. Really?No comment.All right, the same as sandwich I see, but sandwich then got hugely popular because actually what's not to like everything is a lot of... even though in Chinese we don't call it a sandwich but we have a lot of sandwich-like stuff, think about like our 肉夹馍, that's also meat within bread essentially. Exactly. That's the whole thing I think because it's so brilliantly simple. now it's eaten around the world. And we got so many different names for it as well. Sometimes it's called a ‘butty’ or it's called a ‘sarnie’. I've never heard of those two, that must be British. They are very British, they are quite British. In American English, they also have a lot of I don't think it's a general slang for sandwich, but they have a lot of specific sandwich types and they would call it, for example, a Meatball Sub like a submarine sandwich; or going down south, you have things like Po’Boy, things like that.
6/4/2024 • 8 minutes, 39 seconds
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~ Welcome back to Geek Time advanced. This is Brad. How's it going? Lulu? It's going. Hi, Brad. So I'm quite excited to dig a bit deeper into Men in Black. As you know, I'm always interested in urban legends, various kinds of urban legends. Last time we talked about Men in Black being, these men in black suits, they're always spotted right after like a UFO sighting, they seem to be test with just intimidating or threatening people to not to talk about the alien or UFO sightings. Is that... do people think it's a government thing like they've been sent by the government? Many people think that it's like this offshoot of the FBI. No government agency has really taken credit for it, but a lot of people think that they might be connected to the FBI, some people even think that they might have started off as the FBI, but then they went rogue, so they kind of made their own organization. I like that. So it's like a rogue cop. Like in the very beginning, they were working for the government and then they sort of just run amok. This has gone wild, gone feral. What might have happened is some consortium of rich people might have said, “hey, we can use the technology from the aliens. So let's not let people know about the aliens, and let's control everything using this organization and they might have splintered off”. Yeah. I mean, we'll get into the usual storyline of a crazy gazillionaire there, sponsoring them to find out more about aliens and UFO. Actually, I have another theory. They might not even be human, men in black, they don't sound human. They could themselves be aliens. They could be, or they could be two different groups there. They could be working together, some might be human, some might be alien. Some sightings of them make them sound perfectly like human. They talk like humans, they look like humans, but some of the sightings make it sound like they don't look very human at all. They have a human shape, but they're very pale and their skin tone and everything is just off. So they are some sort of drone like creatures. It almost sounds like that. Yeah. But this whole idea I have to say that it screams conspiracy theory. 我们之间谈过这个阴谋论. Don't you think it screams conspiracy theory?Definitely. Definitely. It's whenever there's something like this, people are always going to go to conspiracy theories. People seem to like, I think people everywhere in this world, love to think that they've something's hidden in plain sight. There's always some sort of government cover up. There's always this mystery or mysterious plots brewing somewhere under the surface. Right?Right.Is it America's specific thing? Actually, it's not just America. I haven't seen very many sightings of places in a lot of other countries, but there have been a few sightings of the men in black and like the UK, there was one in Cumbria. Man was taking a photo, and in the photo, it looked like there was an alien in the background, or some sort of weird man in a futuristic space suit. Okay.So they took the photo and Kodak, the camera company authenticated the photo as being legit film not been tampered with. So after they authenticated it. Some men showed up to the man's house. They were known as No.9 and No.11. They came to his house and visited him to talk to him about this. They took him to the place where he took the photo and kind of intimidated him and got mad.
6/2/2024 • 13 minutes, 33 seconds
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~Hi, everyone and welcome back to Geek Time. Hi, Brad. Hey Lulu, how's it going? So what are you going to propose that we talk about today? Have you ever heard of the Men in Black? You want to talk about the movie? No, not the movie, of course not. We never talk about movies. The book? The comment?No. The real Men in Black. Hang on a minute就是黑衣人。Are they actually real?Yeah, they're real. According to popular legend at least they are real organization. Okay. So let's talk... I'm always into urban legends. Let's talk about Men in Black then. I, because my whole understanding of Men in Black is basically based on the movie. I think there were two or three movies, 就是黑衣人那个系列的电影. They sort of combat aliens or they are in contact with aliens, all the alien species. They seem to be like the contact people. 如果大家没有看过黑衣人电影的话, 可以去看一看,这个电影已经蛮老了, 但是还是蛮有意思的. But who are they? So that's always a really difficult thing to really know, according to a lot of people say they’re Men in Black are just people in business suits who show up to UFO sightings. Whenever there's a UFO sighting or whenever some people are talking about the UFOs, they're the ones who show up and tell people to be quiet. So, they have been seen in many times throughout the years. There is even some video footage of people who are supposedly men in black. There's video footage.Yeah. There's like you don't really see the interaction between them, but at a UFO sighting in a hotel, there were two men who showed up after two of the employees just were talking about the UFO to the news. I see. So is it the sort of idea that government or some sort of organization doesn't want people to know about the real possibility of UFO or aliens, 好像是一个cover up situation that they use these men in black. I remember in the movie that they had this machine that they can erase your memory. So that is something that people actually talk about as something that Men in Black can use or do. Sometimes people say that it's not really a machine, it's just the way you feel like that when the Men in Black come to talk to you, they're kind of like these cold emotionless people. They may not even be real people.They might be drones.It might be aliens themselves. Right. But they come they talk to you, they intimidate you. And sometimes after they come, people feel like they've lost some of their memory of what happened. It's kind of like intimidation tactic and brainwashing at the same time. I feel like I've seen similar setup in like the Matrix. Yeah. The agents are often seen as being like the men in black. They're kind of modeled after the men in black. There are people that just kind of show up whenever there's a problem in the Matrix, which is kind of like when the aliens come to earth, right, there's a problem in the Matrix. I see. I see. But is this a very common belief like if you talk to, say, average American, do they, have they heard of or at least have some awareness of the idea of men in black?Well yeah. This has been very common theme for the last at least 40 or 50 years, ever since I was a kid I've heard of the men in black. TV shows have talked about the men in black. There’s unsolved mysteries TV shows that talked about these people that show up whenever people talk about aliens.I see.Very, very interesting.I see. 所以黑衣人就是,只要老百姓发现了外星人或者宇宙飞船的话, 黑衣人就会来到你的家, 就是让你不要再讲这个事情了.
5/30/2024 • 12 minutes
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~ 1)Mysterya.Comes from the Greek word for ‘mysterion’ which means ‘secret religious ritual’ or ‘religious secret’b.The Greeks had religious celebrations which were secret and anyone taking part had to swear a vow of secrecy. c.Anyone who broke the vow was executed. d.We still don’t really know what happened when the participants went into the building. e.Some believe that they took drugs or even murder!Hi everyone, and welcome to the segment called 【It Means What?】 hi 安澜.Hi lulu, hi everyone. 欢迎大家回来【词源考古研究所】这个板块. So in this segment, we're going to explore the interesting origin of words and phrases. So 安澜, what is the word for today? Today's word is Mystery. Mystery就是神秘. I love mystery, movies, books and I especially love murder mystery. Oh, I love murder mystery, Miss Marple, Agatha Christie, Sherlock Holmes, all of those mysteries I love.Yes, do you know Miss Marple is Agatha Christie?Yes, I know, but I was trying to think of some more. Yet, you only come up with two, but okay, let's come back to the word mystery. I'm sure mystery has a mysterious origin. It comes from the Greek word ‘mysterion’ . Mysterion, r-i-o-n. Which means a secret religious ritual or a religious secret. Okay. So originated from like a religious context 是有宗教背景的是吗? Yeah. So many of you have probably listened to our episodes on the Greek myths, so the Greeks had lots of different gods. There was one particular god when they worshipped her. Her?It was her. When they worshiped her, they actually had secret rituals. Was this like an evil goddess or something? No. It was a fertility goddess responsible for the earth and farming. 叫丰产的女神, 但是大家的崇拜仪式都得是在secret都得是私下在秘密保密进行. The most famous version of these were called the mysteries, and the celebrations, the rituals, everything was secret and anyone taking part had to swear a vow of secrecy. Hang on a minute. You said the most famous ones were called mysteries. Do you mean when you say mysteries this referred to the rituals themselves? 当时的一系列这种仪式就叫做Mysteries or Mysterion. Yeah, or mysteria. Ok. And then you said people who were involved and as they had to swear a vow of secrecy就是要保密, 要做这种保密宣誓, 就保密承诺. Yes. Is this like nowadays signing the confidentiality agreement or something? In those days, it was even stricter because anyone who broke the vow was executed or killed.Yeah, I'm sorry. This is like one of those stories that didn't really make a logical sense because if everyone who were ever involved in those mysteria swore a vow of secrecy, then how did we know? All we know is that these rituals took place, but nobody knows what happened. So these rituals happened in a huge temple, in a town very close to Athens, the modern capital of Greece.
5/28/2024 • 7 minutes, 39 seconds
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~ The other word that I often hear is booty. What is booty? B-o-o-t-y. That means the same as loot. loot就是抢劫到的那个赃物. But normally we use it when we talk about pirate booty, so it's the whole idea you got a massive treasure chest filled with gold and silver and precious stones. Normally we would say that's pirate booty. This could only really happen like, I guess back then when ships were transferring these precious metals, and nowadays there are no precious metals on the ships. You don't know, there's actually quite a few ships that get robbed by piracy. So you think of all those container ships around the world. Oh. Perhaps, yes.And at least these Spanish galleons they had cannon. I can't think of many container ships having a cannon on board. And also pirate ships that strike me as very hierarchical, because they're completely men, right? And men at sea and with no laws and whatever. Well. You say that there were actually a few female pirates as well. How does that work? I would think, yeah, I can't imagine that. It is true. It must be badass women. There're some great stories which we don't really have time to go into, but if you're interested, I would say it's only worth having a look at.Yeah. But basically these pirates and also sometimes is that the word mutiny?Yes.Sometimes like if the leader is not strong enough and that people want to rebel against him, then there's a mutiny就是会像兵变一样的. Yeah. So we can talk about a mutiny on a ship. We can also talk about a mutiny in the army, so it's when the sailors or the soldiers decide that their commander is not good enough. So the most famous example is also around this time. And it's called Mutiny on the Bounty. On the Bounty?The Bounty was a famous ship and the mutineers, in the end, they just went to a small island in the pacific, and there's actually an island in the pacific which their descendants still live on. I see. Nowadays do people still believe that there is some hidden treasure somewhere on these little islands, small islands? That is a common stereotype that pirates will always bury their treasure, but to be honest, why would they, let's be honest. They will probably have spent it.Exactly. If you're a pirate, you spend a lot of time and effort to steal the treasure. Why would you then bury it?True.But having said that, there are stories of famous shipwrecks in the Caribbean, and people are still searching for these shipwrecks. 哦,就沉船的那个残骸。Maybe there is some pirate booty or pirate loot. There are a few ships wrecks that they say though billions of dollars’ worth of gold and silver under the sea. Wow, certainly something to think about.Absolutely. But one thing I have noticed up till now, though we were talking about a lot of these like booty things, pieces of eight, it just sounds very lingo, like jargony.Yes.听上去就像行话、黑话这种. I know that pirate language is a completely different category like what 安澜 mentioned in the very beginning, says Ahoy matey or like Arghh.Yes.Let's talk about pirate language. Yeah, so if you watch anything about pirates, you probably hear these expressions. So, “shiver my timbers”. shiver my timbers. Shiver is 颤抖,shake.Yeah. Break into pieces.Oh. So it's, how do we use it? It's a bit like saying “oh, my god!”.You scare me that sorts of thing…
5/26/2024 • 10 minutes, 55 seconds
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~ Hi everyone, and welcome back to 酒馆. Hi, 安澜. Ah~~What is the matter, what's going on? Are you stuck? Are you ill? Avast, ye matey. Oh~~~~, I know what we're gonna talk about today. Are we gonna talk about pirates?Ahoy.Okay. Stop it now.Ok.听到安澜刚才说的那些话, 我就知道我们今天要讨论的是 pirates. 海盗Yes. So today I thought it would be interesting to talk a little bit about pirates, and also we can look at some of the language they are supposed to use. I like pirate talks. It's just every time I know they're criminals, but it's just adventure stories that's sort of like excitement.Well, exactly. If you think back to our course, we actually talk about Treasure Island in that. And a lot of the stereotypes around pirates actually come from that book. 对,我们的那个宝藏音频课程,就是【名著扫盲班】里面第一季就讲到了金银岛, Treasure Island, 金银岛其实基本上是属于这个类型海盗文学的这个鼻祖了.Yes.So let’s talk about pirate, p-i-r-a-t-e, pirate.Yes.Not to be confused with private. No, pirate. So what is a pirate? Pirate, 我们叫 “海盗” 就是bandits on the sea. Yeah. Well, essentially that's what it is. A pirate is someone who robs and steals from ships, particularly merchant ships. Merchant ships are ships that are selling things.Yes.商船。 Now, piracy, we call the crime piracy, has been a crime for centuries, and there's still pirates nowadays.Hang on a minute. Piracy, 就是海盗的行为, 对吧? But nowadays we say piracy as in盗版。For example, piracy of copyright stuff. Yeah. So when we talk about privacy, it can be nautical privacy.Mhm.Or it can be video piracy. Nautical means about sailing.Yeah.航海的这个词。Nautical, it’s a nautical term.Yes.And there's no pirates today, right? Like the pirates pirates, arghh pirates, they are pirates. They probably not are pirates, but certainly in some parts of... near Africa, also in the ocean, there are still pirates around.Because a large part of the ocean is still it's difficult to sort of control and govern. Exactly. But today we're gonna be talking about what is known as the golden age of piracy. It's just so paradoxical, because piracy is supposed to be a bad thing as a crime, but you call it the golden age of piracy. Yeah.就是海盗的黄金年代. So this is the era of, for example, pirates in the Caribbean. The whole pirates of the Caribbean /kærɪˈbi:ən/ or Caribbean /kəˈrɪbiən/, 加勒比海盗就是那个时候.Yes. And this is around 1650~1720. Now this was a time of wars between Britain and Spain. So, Britain then controlled a lot of North America. Spain controlled a lot of Central and South America. If you read your history, if you know your history, then you would know that there were lots of conflicts between the British fleets and the Spanish fleets. Yeah, and also the French as well, pretty much everyone was fighting in the Caribbean at that time. And back then Spain, most of its economy relied on gold and silver from South America, and galleons (15-18世纪用做军舰或商船的西班牙大帆船) used to transport all of this precious material from Mexico and South America to Spain. Galleons is a specific ship. Yeah. A galleon is a very large sailing ship, and we still talk about galleons and we think about galleons when we think of pirates, these very big ships with lots of sales, lots of cannon. Almost stereotypical.Yeah.When you think of pirate stories, you think about galleons.Yes.Mhm. Now the strange thing is that originally pirates were encouraged to attack Spanish ships. Encouraged by whom, by you guys? Yes. Britain was at war with Spain. And back then, the government would actually give a license to what we call privateers. Now a privateer is not part of the navy. They were a private individual, but they had a letter from the British government saying if they wanted to attack a Spanish ship, they were allowed to.
5/23/2024 • 12 minutes, 47 seconds
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~ Hi everyone, 欢迎回来酒馆。And this is a special episode because this is Episode-1000.酒馆节目1000期了。Time really does fly,感觉500期的特别节目也没有过去太久,但想来那已经是2020年底的事了,转眼又是4年。500期节目咱们的基调是情怀,1000期就来个超接地气的快问快答,自己采访自己说几句真心话,也给一直支持酒馆的酒粉,特别是自己在创业或者在新媒体自媒体领域的小伙伴们,聊聊这1000期的幕后故事,废话不多说,咱们开始吧。Host第一个问题就是:璐璐为什么会想到开始做酒馆节目呢?Lulu:I actually talked about this in Episode 500. 其实我在500期的时候就讲过这个事情,我是在大学里面教书,然后最开始的时候,有的学生比较喜欢我的课,然后就说璐璐能不能下课之后,你把你有一些东西放到网上,比如说用音频的形式,这样我们平时即使是培训课程结束了,我们依然可以去听到你讲的这个东西。所以我就做了一个。我最初的大概六七百个粉丝,都是我线下实实在在认识的学生学员。如果大家还记得最开始的时候也做做停停,第一期我是抱着我的猫坐在那儿想了一个下午,断断续续的那样录的,背景好像还有猫叫。我现在已经不好意思再去听第一集了。因为尬的我想“抽”,大家喜欢考古的可以去听听看。Host我听过那一集,璐璐那个慵懒的台湾腔还蛮可爱的,现在酒馆有多少粉丝,发展情况怎么样?Lulu现在酒馆的粉丝全网是刚过了150万,我们现在的业务大概是有三块,一块是content creation,也就是自媒体的内容出产。这里我们既有图文的就是公众号,然后有音频的像音频的播客,然后还有视频号短视频的东西,再加上我们每一周现在基本上9~10场直播;第二块业务就是酒馆的学院,这里面我们有直播课程、录播课程、学习的社群等等;第三块是酒馆的零售品牌【酒馆铺子】,大家可以到微信小程序里面搜索一下就可以看到了。酒馆铺子我们也是有专门的零售团队在运营,有我们非常有品位的铺子大掌柜的和我们后面的零售专家在管,我现在自己主要平时的工作是跟前两块有关,当然了还包括酒馆整个的一个运营的战略性的东西。Host 哇,酒馆现在已经有150万粉丝了。那酒馆设计、图文、音频、播客、视频、直播等等新媒体内容的出产领域,做这些有什么区别呢,我很好奇?Lulu 现在图文和播客可以说风口已经过去了,所以其实现在很难,图文你要想做起来非常的难,因为想要涨粉非常困难;音频其实也是一个差不多的状态,特别是这种播客型的音频,咱们说的音频这里只是说原创的内容,不包括有声书的这种播讲,然后视频也没有前几年那么容易起量,然后可能现在很多的人都转到直播了,我相信可能大家也有感觉,有一些你原来会在播客里面听到的人,现在都转去做了视频或者直播,因为实在是没有办法。做这些,其实每一个图文也好,音频、视频、直播每一个要做好都非常的难,而ta们其实之间壁垒挺明显的。比如说突破图文去做到音频,突破音频的壁垒,做到视频和直播,每一次都是一场恶仗,而且很可能会输。
5/21/2024 • 24 minutes, 52 seconds
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~ Hi, everyone and welcome back to Britain Under the Microscope. 欢迎回来【闲话英伦】. Hi 安澜. Hi, lulu, hi everyone. Now. I think we're gonna go a little bit more up market. We're gonna go to an area called Saint James.Oh, by the way, 安澜, when you say up market that means the higher end. Very high end.就是更高端的. St. James, isn't that a park?St. James is also an area. It's around Saint James’s Palace, so it's near Buckingham Palace. And it's near Piccadilly.白金汉宫前面那一条大道旁边不就有一个公园是St. James’s Park. Yes.So you're gonna talk about the shops in that area. Now most of the shops in this area have what we call a royal warrant. A royal warrant. Let me guess it's warranted by the Royal Family? YEAH. So it's warranted by the King, the Queen, and the Prince of Wales. So any company or any shop that sells products to the Royal Family can show a royal warrant.Oh, I thought it was just approved by them, but this is literally they sell it directly to the Royal Family. Yeah. So it means that for example the King shops at that shop. You mean like he personally would go into those shops?No, of course not.I would think not.No, they deliver. They do delivery services. Exactly. Yon know, some European not like in England, but I've heard some European Royal Houses like the Royal Families, for example, in Scandinavian countries, the Queen or their Royal Family would literally just go down the street into the shops and say hi to the locals. Yeah. Not in the UK. These shops around St. James’s is I would say mostly have royal warrants. So I'm gonna talk about one or two of them. Okay. The first one is Berry Brothers and Rudd. Let me guess Berry Brothers and Rudd , this just people who went into business, the pair of brothers Berry and then you have Rudd.Now they sell wine spirits to the Royal Family. 卖酒的wine spirits就是烈酒. Yeah. And you can actually go there and you can buy their own wine, their own champagne. It's can be quite reasonable. I looked on their website and you can buy bottles of wine around£50. Okay. So basically you can just go... it's open to public. Yes, it is. But the higher end of these you're looking at maybe about£50,000. And Berry Brothers and Rudd is also famous for its scales. Scales, like weigh machine?Yeah. That's because in the 18th and 19th century, originally they used to sell coffee and they had scales and when he stopped selling coffee, they kept the scales and essentially it became one of the only places in London where you could weigh yourself. They're everywhere in China. I know, but we're talking about 18th, 19th century. So noblemen, politicians, and even royalty they would go to the shop to weigh themselves. In public? Well, there was normally a private room where they can weigh themselves. 体重秤在那个地方。And they actually sometimes show the books where they write down the weight of these famous people from history. Ok. Why?Well, it was a way of tracking to see whether or not they gained weight or lost weight. So weird for a wine and spirit shop to do that.
5/19/2024 • 10 minutes, 48 seconds
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~ Hi, everyone and welcome back to Britain Under the Microscope. 欢迎回来【闲话英伦】. Hi 安澜. Hi, lulu, hi everyone. So What are we gonna talk about today?Today I thought I would choose a topic that you would be interested in. What is that. Shopping in London.How dare you, are you gender stereotype me? You think because I'm a girl so I love shopping?No, I think you love shopping because I've seen the amount of random rubbish you buy on Taobao. Touche, fair enough. Ok, let's talk about shopping in London. 我们来说说伦敦购物. Exciting topic, there's so many places to shop in London.Absolutely. And Today we're going to be talking about some of the unique shops in London. But first of all, I think it's important that we get the areas right.So the first area we're gonna talk about is Oxford street and Regent street. Oxford street就是牛津街. Regent street是摄政街. Regent street I'm quite familiar with. Oxford street honestly, I obviously know I've been there, but I don't usually go shopping there. No. Oxford street is the busiest street in Europe and it was the center of the shopping area in London. Has it always been like a shopping area in history?No, originally it was the road to the public execution grounds.Okay, public execution就是公开处死刑的那个地方, 就相当于一个刑场了. That was the road to the public execution grounds. Absolutely. Back in the days people went there to just watch it almost like a show. And I think basically what happened was then a lot of shops started to open up along the way because public executions always draw a crowd. Yeah, like I said it's almost like a performance. So these shops opened started selling snacks I guess while people are waiting between the executions. And then they started selling clothes and the rest is history. It's a bit morbid. Yeah, I wouldn't go to any secondhand clothes shop on Oxford street then. Well, you won't find any secondhand. No, that's right. Because the whole secondhand就像什么二手店那种古着店都是在另外一个地方一个区域. Oxford street, it's filled with like big brands and also fast fashion that sort of thing .Pretty much. So I would say that most of the high street brands they have their main shop on Oxford street.
5/16/2024 • 11 minutes, 24 seconds
"欢迎来到英文小酒馆的迷你双语板块【Buzzword Mix】-新词特饮,短短几分钟,让不同段位的你掌握最新最地道的英文谈资!可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~" In today's Buzzword Mix, our Buzzword is Rage Cleaning. Rage means anger. 这个并没有一个很好的翻译, 所以咱们暂且把它翻译成‘愤怒清洁’或者‘愤怒清扫’. So what does it mean? First of all, let me ask you a question. Nowadays, our lives are filled with stressful situations. I'm sure everyone has had that moment of feeling extremely stressed and you have so much anger inside you. You just need to let it out.Some of us might go for a 5-mile run. Some might indulge in alcohol or start smashing things about. But then there's a group of people who would let out their anger by deep cleaning their house. For instance, a long stressed out day at work leads you to break out the carpet cleaner or a rough day with your kids has you scrubbing the dishes with fury? 我们现在的生活是充满各种各样的压力, 很多时候我们心里憋着一股气, 这股气到底撒在哪儿? 有的人可能会运动, 有的人可能会暴饮暴食, 或者会砸东西. 但是也有这样的一群人, 他们对抗压力的方式就是 rage cleaning, or angry cleaning. Basically this is the act of tackling a cleaning project with the express purpose of releasing pent-up emotion. 具体来说就是通过大扫除来release pent-up emotion or pent-up anger来发泄这种压抑在心里的情绪, 特别是怒气. It sounds like a joke, right? You probably would say who would clean when they're angry, but rage cleaning is real. According to psychology experts, it's a natural reaction that many people experience and is actually kind of healthy, because pushing yourself physically forces you to expel that pent-up energy while focusing on a task instead of dwelling on negative thoughts. 为什么心理学家会认为这种rage cleaning其实是一种还蛮健康的应对压力或者应对愤怒的一个机制, 主要是 pushing yourself physically, 耗尽你的体力去做大扫除的时候, 你就没有时间一直在那dwell on negative thoughts, 一直在那内耗, 一直在那琢磨那些负面的想法, 这可以帮你把心中的一些不满、怒气还有焦虑都发泄出去. It also puts you in a position of control. 同时也能让你重新找到掌控权. Often times anger or stress springs from situations in which we feel helpless. 其实很多时候我们生活中的一些焦虑, 包括愤怒都来源于我们的无助感. For example, you can't shout back at your irresponsible boss or track down the thief who stole your credit card. But what you can do is power through a cleaning project, get it done and experience the satisfaction of having one less chore to do. 比如你工作中的秃头老板, 或者你生活中遇到的种种不满, 你都没有办法真正去掌控, 但是你们家的卫生你是可以掌控的. Clinical psychologists say that people who rage clean are just taking control of what they can. “When we feel disarray in our mental or emotional world, the easiest or most concrete way to counter that is to make our physical world tidy and neat, the way we want our mental world to be. It’s a very natural reaction.” 临床心理学家就认为这是一种再正常不过的反应. 当我们的情感或者说是心理世界出现了各种各样的问题, 特别是当我们感觉我们的心理和情感世界乱七八糟的时候, 千头万绪, 这个时候我们掌控不了自己的心理和情感世界, 我们起码可以让自己的physical world, 也就是我们实际的身边的世界, 具象的世界, 身边的环境能够变得更加tidy and neat能够整洁美观. 这其实是我们希望能够理清自己思绪, 搞清楚自己精神世界的一种外向化的表现. You have such an intense sensation that feels like it needs to be released and you don't want to do it on a person. But you can do it on an object. 特别是我们心里有这种压下来的邪火, 或者那种很强烈的负面的情感的时候, 我们又不想把这种情绪发泄给身边的我们在乎的家人、爱人. 因此有些人就会选择把这些情绪发泄到物件上, 比如说家务事上. Cleaning is actually a great way to channel that because it is focused. You can take that negative energy and displace it onto something inanimate. It also allows you to take a break from whatever it is that triggered you. Now when you come back to whatever triggered you, you can come back to it more grounded and use more parts of yourself to tackle that issue. 比如工作上或者情感上遇到一个特别大的烦心事儿, 这个时候你越想越生气, 越想越窝火, 这个时候索性不去想了, 来一次彻头彻尾的大扫除, 等你耗尽了自己的体力, 再回到困扰你的这些问题的时候, 你的脑子会更清醒, 也能做出更加理智的判断. Taking a negative emotion and turning it into something else is actually a psychological coping mechanism. 其实心理学上还有一个专门的说法, there is a psychoanalytic term that applies to this kind of coping mechanism called sublimation, 叫sublimation, 升华.
5/14/2024 • 9 minutes, 56 seconds
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~ Hi, everyone. And welcome back to your favorite segment Sound of Musicals. 欢迎回来【曲外之音】. Hi, Oliver. Hello again. So, we're gonna continue with our talk about Mary Poppins, the quintessential English nanny. Of course, very British. So, we've already walked you through the storyline. It's pretty simple, it's defensible, fantastical nanny dropped out of the sky, and then just changed the whole household and mate, I think gave the mom and dad some wake-up call, like what is most important thing in life. Yeah, definitely the kids are kind of they've got absent parents, and they don't like the nannies that they keep being given, because they're too strict; or they don't get there the attention from the parents that they want, but Mary Poppins comes in and just changes everything. I like the words you use, they're not bad parents, they're not abusive or anything. They're just absent. Yeah, they care about their children, because they're taking the time to find a good nanny who will raise them correctly. Mr. Banks takes the children to the bank to show where he works. They focus on the wrong things, certainly, at the beginning of the movie. One thing I have noticed since you're talking about Mr. Banks, because apart from Mary Poppins, obviously, and Mary Poppins’ friend all being very colorful, but Mr. Banks seems to be this really grey dud in the film, in the whole storyline, very isolated. He does seem that way, yes. Mary Poppins and the children are sort of one side of it. His wife is part of the suffragette movement on the other. And then there's Mr. Banks in the middle at the bank. So. Yeah.And I think it's almost like he's hypnotized or brainwashed himself to feel like “look, bank is everything, this bank job is everything. And through discipline and efficiency, we somehow would find salvation and I have to run my family like the bank with discipline and efficiency.”Yeah, that's why he keeps hiring these strict nannies who don't really understand what the children need. Mr. Banks is just trying to run everything properly for the most efficient outcome. In a way, although children seem to be in the center stage like they seem to be the one who needed looking after, but Mary Poppins was not just inspiring the kids but also inspiring Mr. Banks. Yeah, definitely. When Mr. Banks loses his job at the end of the movie or musical, and he takes the time to fly a kite with his children, and realizes what is important in his life. Only then does Mary Poppins decide it's time to leave. So the kids have been happy through the whole movie, but Mr. Banks when he gets happy, that's when she goes. Okay, now I’ve got it. Father, children, everyone's together, time to go. Yeah, you mentioned happy, right? So I think underneath all of these song and dance, these magical scenarios, there is a deeper topic about what true happiness is. And are we losing sight of what is really important on our way to pursue so called happiness?For example, when we are trying to chase after money, material gains, promotion, are we losing sight of what is truly important?Yeah, certainly. Mr. Banks and the other people in the bank, when Mary Poppins... when Mr. Banks takes his children to the bank to see where he works. There's a whole song about Michael has a little bit of money. There's a whole song about give us your money. We'll look after it, everything will be great, you'll be happy. And Michael's like no, I want my money. I don't want to put it in a bank. I want it. So, it's kind of showing the alternate happiness in a way, the difference between the childish happiness of I’ve got a little bit of money now which is fantastic. I can do something. To adult happiness of put it in a bank and watch numbers go higher, but don't use it. But that is not even...you said adult happiness, but that's not even real happiness. That's probably just as you're growing up, you've been sort of brainwashed
5/12/2024 • 13 minutes, 14 seconds
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~ Hi, everyone. And welcome back to your favorite segment Sound of Musicals. 欢迎回来, 你们最喜欢的【曲外之音】. Hi, Oliver. Hello again.So last time we talked about The Sound of Music, 【音乐之声】. And today can I also propose another also feel-good happy musical?That sounds good to me. Yeah.So you remember in The Sound of Music, we talked about the main character Maria was a governess是一个家庭教师, but you know you said governess is kind of like a tutor and a nanny. But if I say to you the quintessential English nanny, who do you think of?I think we might be talking about Mary Poppins.Yes. Mary Poppins.Yes.Now Mary Poppins, this character is so well known and so popular. I think sometimes it also is used almost as a synonym as something British, when Americans make jokes and is like “you're such a Mary Poppins.” It's like you're so English. I've never heard that one before, but definitely Mary Poppins is very well known for kind of the British nurse and the English nurse of the time. And in this, I think it's again, it is a musical, but it's also a musical film. And in this one, unlike The Sound of Music where the musical was first and then the musical film, Mary Poppins is actually musical film first. And then much much later they made a musical like on stage musical. Ah. Did they? I didn't know that. Yeah. The musical film, I think most people probably just remember the Disney version of the musical film made in 1964. But the West End production of the actual Mary Poppins musical was not until 2004. Wow, so much later. Yeah. It's again, based on a book, based on a series of books, and you know, these two, there's something in common between Mary Poppins and The Sound of Music.Is there?Think about the main character, the main star of the film. Oh yes. It's Julie Andrews. She plays Maria and Mary Poppins.Yes. Oh. Yeah.So basically she won an Oscar for one of them and she won Golden Globe for the other. She won all the awards. Haha.Yeah. For these two Julie Andrews is amazing, like amazing musical actress. This actress, in general, she sings, she has such a beautiful voice. She does definitely. I talked us through The Sound of Music last time. Would you like to talk us through Mary Poppins now? Sure. And actually, before we get into the storyline, which is not complex at all, do you know that Mary Poppins, the translation, the translated name in Chinese, it has nothing to do with Mary Poppins. It's actually called欢乐满人间, which is a direct translation of like the world is filled with joy and laughter. I like that name. That's a very good title, hahaha. What a great translation. It's got joy and laughter in the title.Yeah.Ok. So the reason why in a lot of the American film or movie reference, this is seen as quintessentially English is because this film the story is set in London in 1910. So there's this family, Banks, Mr. and Mrs. Banks. So Mr. Banks actually works in a bank in finance a bit on the nose. Yeah, very much. Yeah. And like this Sound of Music, von Trapp, Mr. Banks is also very much, I would say, without any joy, very much hapless, very much focused on discipline, and it's basically a workaholic. And so Mr. And Mrs. Banks they come home to discover that their children's nanny has quit once again after the children Michael and Jane run away to find their missing kite. They have two kids, not seven. But these two kids, they're also not really unruly, but they just didn't really like the fact that they didn't really like these old timey, traditional nannies who are just all about discipline and no fun. So basically now Mr. Banks needed to find another nanny. While Mr. Banks wants a strict, no nonsense nanny, who can just basically teaches the kids discipline controls the kid. The children ask for like a kind sympathetic nice nanny.
5/9/2024 • 10 minutes, 53 seconds
Buzzmix-Ep146-Tradwife欢迎来到英文小酒馆的迷你双语板块【Buzzword Mix】-新词特饮,短短几分钟,让不同段位的你掌握最新最地道的英文谈资!可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~ Hi everyone, and welcome back to Buzzword Mix. In today's Buzzword Mix, our buzzword is Tradwife. Trad, t-r-a-d, which stands for traditional. 我会把它翻译成 “传统娇妻”. 如果你关注海外的社交媒体, 可能会在比如像TikTok这样的社媒上面看到了这样的一个越来越火的话题标签 #tradwife, the shares and videos with this #tradwife often show a curated look at women embracing domesticity. 与社媒上很多大女主独立女性的标签正好相反, 这些tradwife的标签通常展现的都是一些女性, 特别是年轻女性去embrace domesticity, domestic life, 展现出来这些女性自愿地回归到家庭, 去拥抱家庭生活; 不管是在她们的穿着打扮, 她们的理念以及她们传达的信息, 都在显示她们自愿, 并且非常享受这种traditional wife或traditional housewife的生活方式. So a tradwife in recent western culture typically depicts a woman who believes in and practices traditional sex roles and marriages. 所以在现在的西方社会里面, 一个tradwife是被定义成拥护并且践行比较传统父权制度之下的这样的性别角色以及婚姻形态. To put it in simpler terms, tradwife lifestyle is usually married in a straight relationship. 通常这样的tradwife, 他们的生活方式都是在一个异性恋的婚姻里面已婚的状态. The man works, the wife does not, 男人在外面挣钱, 女人在家里照顾家庭没有工作. The man is the head of the household and the final word on all things, financial, lifestyle and professional for the family. 男人是绝对的一家之主, 并且对于像家庭经济生活方式等等方面都有绝对的话语权. Kids are a part of the plan if not already in the family. 绝对不会是丁克, 即使现在没孩子, 在将来也一定会有要孩子的计划. So basically being a tradwife, you assume the traditional housewife or stay-at-home mother role and you do all of the household chores like cooking, cleaning, laundry, so on and so forth. Additionally, special attention is paid to the importance of raising children. 其实就是传统居家的这种家庭主妇, 全职太太, 甚至在英文里, 即使不是stay-at-home mom, 全职太太, 全职妈妈, 还有一个词叫做stay-at-home girlfriend, 全职女友, 也经常会跟tradwife一起被提及.
5/7/2024 • 10 minutes, 40 seconds
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~ Hi, everyone and welcome back to 酒馆. Hi安澜.Hi, Lulu. Hi, everyone.And also, the NHS workers they don't really get paid that well. I get the sense that, you know, even Adam does not really get paid that well let alone the more junior doctor like Shruti.No. this is the whole ridiculous thing is that junior doctors sometimes they are actually paid more if they worked in a fast-food restaurant than as a doctor, but now I wouldn't say it's getting better.But in recent years there have been so many strikes, even consultants have gone on strike. I read in the news today that I think they've made a pay deal now, but ultimately, this is the one strike that people generally support, because I would say in the UK among the vast majority of the population, we have a lot of respect for NHS workers. We may complain about the system. We may complain about the politicians. But we don't really complain that much about the doctors or nurses.我从跟英国人的交谈里面, 我也感受得很明显, 大家只要谈到 NHS他们公立医疗体系里面的医护人员, 大家都会觉得非常尊重.During Covid times, there was like clapping for NHS workers, right?Yeah.就是说为他们鼓掌, 还有给他们带什么吃的放的什么他们的车上这种,觉得他们都是这个英雄白衣天使, but they generally have a lot of things to complain about the system.Yeah.Although probably you guys all know that currently there's no better alternative.No one would ever say, let's get rid of the NHS, nobody would actually turn out and say “okay, we need to go back to medical care that you have to pay money for.”Well, exactly. Because to be honest to get rid of your NHS is getting rid of the concept of welfare state essentially.Yeah.就是整个福利国家的,你就全部都会要取消掉.Yeah.I don't know if you guys remember that what we talked about. So in the UK this is what happens. There's basically dual track. So you have the NHS which is for everyone which is free for everyone, even for people who, for example, even when I lived in the UK although I did not have permanent residency, I was not a citizen, a national. However, because I lived there for long enough period, I also had access to NHS.Yeah.So that is one.The other one is the private health care, is the private hospitals who charges you £200 for 115 minutes consultation.Quite a few people have private medical care in the UK, you can get private medical insurance and some NHS doctors they do also work in the private sphere so that they can basically get more money.This is completely normal, right? And it's allowed?It’s allowed and it is completely normal. So some people they do go for private medical care, but private medical care can only go so far.So for example, for very complex procedures, you still more likely go to the NHS.
5/5/2024 • 14 minutes, 44 seconds
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~ Hi, everyone and welcome back to 酒馆. Hi安澜.Hi, Lulu. Hi, everyone.You noticed that I didn't say welcome back to Britain Under the Microscope?Yeah. I did notice that, it was a bit strange.Because today we are actually going to do TV picks.Oh. Goody.Yeah. Just wait for it. It's not a fun TV.Oh.Yeah, in fact, it's a really, really, really depressing TV show.What is it about you and choosing really depressing TV shows for us to talk about?Well. It is a British TV show.Okay.Most of your TV shows can get really depressing.所以今天是一个特别的【荐剧板块】, 我相信, 这个英剧安澜也看过, 因为我原来跟他讨论过。And the name of this TV show this TV series is “This is Going to Hurt”.Yes, I have seen that before. So it is a comedy, but it's also a tragedy, and it's also a drama as well.嗯嗯, 这个中文译名叫做《疼痛难免》。其实我在星期四星期五直播间,就是【看剧解梗】这个环节分享过一集, although it's a really depressing TV show, but I think it's a really good one and the stories behind it and then the issues that it talks about, I thought it's worth a couple of episodes for us to talk about.Yeah, absolutely. So in our previous episodes, we have talked a bit about the NHS, but we haven't really talked about the NHS now, like some of the pressures that doctors go through. And this is essentially the main theme of this TV show.So previously we gave you guys an introduction like a brief introduction of the British medical system, health care system called NHS.英国的一个医疗体系叫National Health Services or Service?Service.Service.就是大家都听过英国的公费医疗就是全民免费医疗,对吧?It sounds like dream come true, sounds great on paper. It sounds great in theory.But in fact, there are so many problems. There are so many challenges as you can imagine.Yes. So I won't go too much into the NHS, because we have discussed it before, but it's important to note that the NHS was founded on the principle that healthcare is free. And you can see a doctor, you can get medical treatment quickly, efficiently, and most importantly, completely free of charge.Just remind me again, it is completely free.In the UK, it is more or less completely free, prescriptions you need to pay, I think it's around £7, but it could have been increased.Like a nominal charge.
4/28/2024 • 16 minutes, 28 seconds
酒馆4/29号有一场试听体验课,可以添加【luluxjg】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~ It's very difficult for me to imagine even though that I’ve lived in the UK and talked to many British people but still, because for me I come from a completely different background, I would have to say, sometimes in China you hear these debate, we're not like an immigration country or immigrant country, but still with when there are more people pouring in from other countries, but I know it's a sensitive topic, but you do hear people say like voicing their concerns about what this will do to, for example, your own belief system, your values, your culture, I know in China they are really nominal number, minimal realistic numbers, but there's still that concern. I'm just wondering if British people are ever concerned about not losing something that's intrinsically British or English. I would say, yes, there is that concern, particularly if some people feel that the value system or the beliefs of immigrants clashes with what we consider as British values. But the problem is that we can't really define what so called British values actually are. If you ask me as a British person what would be considered British, I wouldn't be able to tell you. So it's not based on race or ethnicity. It's not based on race or ethnicity. I would say to a certain extent it's based more on belief and values. This might be the major difference between China and the UK because for us it’s a lot about blood about ethnicity. Yeah, in the UK I would say it's a lot less about that, for some people it is, and even though I don't quite understand because what it means to be British is such a fluid concept. It's always changing. I do not think anyone could really define what it is to be British. Yeah, but you are perhaps very liberal minded in this. Probably I am. The other thing that I think of many people even if we put the whole cultural identity, 把这个文化圈认同先放一边, just realistically or pragmatically, I think many voters in the UK they were worried about over stretching or over stretched public services, like health services, housing, etc. Yeah. Exactly. That was the main concern that immigrants had to overstretch public services and housing. Now to be honest for me, I don't quite agree with that, because housing is a problem in the UK no matter what, it's always been a problem in the UK; and public services, most of our public services rely on immigrants. That is true, because you just have to take one look at NHS workers, a lot of immigrants. Yeah. And the thing it's only around 15% of the UK population who are foreign born. I love the fact that you say only around 15% because for us this is an unthinkable number. There are some cities in the world where it goes up to about 60%. Wow. 60%. Then who are the locals, who are the immigrants?And that's the whole thing. I don't think it really matters because most immigrants work hard, they pay their taxes. So why can't they live in the UK, why can't they just live their lives? They don't break the law, they just live their lives as honest citizens. Yeah. I mean I have to admit although I consider myself quite liberal minded, but when it comes to immigration I do have my own Like concerns about, for example, if you think in the future, the whole trend is going to be we're all blended together, but then we will have to rethink about our cultural identity. What defines us? Would there still be the idea of cultural identity?To be honest that I don't quite agree with that because ultimately, humans will always try to seek some form of cultural identity. It's just the cultural identity, the values, the belief, what is considered the culture changes. All right. So far we've actually had a lot of talks, debates, but now let's look at the pragmatics. So now how easy it is to immigrate to the UK just out of curiosity .From this Spring, the government have made it harder. Immigrants will have to earn£37,800 to get a skilled visitor visa.
4/25/2024 • 11 minutes, 32 seconds
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~ In today's Buzzword Mix, our Buzzword is Pink Tax. The phrase itself is very easy to understand. Pink is a color and tax is, well t-a-x. But there is a lot to be said about this concept. So let's dive into it. First of all, let's look at the definition. What is Pink Tax? 首先我们来看看什么是所谓的粉红税. Pink tax is a markup on goods and services marketed to women and for which men pay less for similar products and services. 所谓的粉红税指的就是goods and services marketed to women. 营销给女性消费者的这些货品和服务上面的一个markup, a pricing markup or a markup in pricing, simply means higher price. 在讲到价钱的时候, markup就是一个价格加成也就是加价. For instance, if you buy a cola in a restaurant, it's probably going to be a lot more expensive than in a supermarket. That is because restaurants have a markup on the drinks they serve. 比如说在餐厅里点酒水肯定比在超市买要贵不少, 这就是一个price markup. So pink tax is a markup on goods and services marketed to women. 所以粉红税它指的就是针对女性营销的产品和服务, 与卖给男性的类似的产品和服务相比较, 会有一个明显的markup, 加价. This phenomenon is often attributed to gender-based price discrimination.Gender-based price discrimination也就是基于性别的价格歧视. The reason why we call it pink tax is not really about stereotyping women. It simply is from the observation that many of the affected products are pink.而为什么叫它粉红税? 不知道大家有没有注意到, 比如说同样一个品牌同样都是卖洗发水, 卖给男士的, 通常是蓝色的瓶子; 卖给女士的, 通常都是粉红色的瓶子. This is the word pink tax comes from. Now in 2015, the issue got a lot of attention when New York City's department of consumer affairs found many instances of gendered pricing when it examined 794 products sold in the city for consumers of all ages. 粉红税这个事情并不是一个特别新的概念, 在2015年纽约的消费者事务部门就通过对市面上794种产品的观察, 发现了有这样的一个概念叫做gendered pricing, 也就是男女有别的定价. However, researchers have been noticing and analyzing this phenomenon since at least the 1990s. 这个事情再往前倒, 在上世纪90年代末期就已经有人提出来并且观察到了. Although we call it pink tax, it's not really a tax, it's just a price markup. So when a company sells a pink product, the female version for more than a blue product, the male version, the additional revenue from the pink product does not go to the government as tax. 为什么说它其实不是税, 就是它多收了女性产品跟粉红色产品的这些钱, 并不会作为税收上交. The only part that benefits from the pink tax are the companies that charge women more than men. These gender based price disparities are prevalent in several sectors and can be seen in many day to day products. But one of the most visible is personal care products. 这种gender-based price disparities基于性别的价格差异, 在很多的日常产品里都能见到, 但是最明显的是在 personal care products, 也就是个护产品. These include, for example, soaps, lotions, razor blades, shampoos, and deodorants.In the United States, one government study analyzed 800 gender specific products from nearly 100 brands. The report found that on average, personal care products marketed to women were 13% more expensive than similar men's products. Accessories and adult clothing were 7% and 8% more expensive respectively.
4/23/2024 • 9 minutes, 24 seconds
4/29,英文小酒馆直播体验课等你来上麦。可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~ Hi, everyone, and welcome back to Britain Under the Microscope. 欢迎回来【闲话英伦】. Hi, 安澜. Hi lulu, hi everyone. 安澜, can I propose a topic?Yeah. Of course.The other day, some students and I when we were talking about international cities or like cosmopolitan cities, what makes a city truly cosmopolitan, and to me it just feels like it's not so much all the city has many foreigners, but more like when you look at people living in a city, you don't really know who are the foreigners, don't really know who are the locals. I completely agree. I think if you still look around and say those are foreigners, then it's not really an international city. An international city is a city where people from all across the world will actually make it their home. Yeah.And London, to some extent, gives me that vibes. So I thought let's talk about immigration, Very complicated subject. I know, it's very heavy as well. So maybe let's just start with some light discussions and gradually get into the heavy bits. I think it's not gonna take too long to get into the heavy side because if you read British newspapers or if you see the news in the UK, there is so much talk about immigration. And it’s such a controversial topic, very controversial. 很有争议的那种话题. 安澜听过中文里说哪个国家是移民国家这个说法. Yeah.So UK has a very long history of immigration, right?He does. For example, if you look at our Royal Family, our Royal Family originally comes from Germany. Oh Yes. There are often historical comedies about that fact. ExactlyThey didn't even speak English. And the thing is that London in particular has always attracted immigrants, and you can see this in lot the port cities as well, like Liverpool. There's always been immigrants. So the idea of someone being like completely British, I never really quite believe that because you have to think that the UK and particularly England is not very far away from Europe, it’s an island, but the distance between France and England is not that far. Yeah, I think and also you keep hearing things like a second generation, third generation 第二代, 第三代移民, usually by third generation they just completely become local. Well even by second generation normally, and sometimes even by first generation. So I think it's important to define exactly when immigration increased dramatically and that was after the World War II. You know you call those waves like immigration waves. So the wave was after the World War II?After the war, after the bombing and after obviously black soldiers and lots of people died, there was a need for skilled and unskilled labor to rebuild after the war. And back then, UK had an Empire and they encouraged people from across what was then the Empire to come to the UK and this included probably one of the most famous incidents of immigration in British history and that was the Windrush. Windrush, was that the name of a ship?
4/21/2024 • 12 minutes, 56 seconds
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~ Hi, everyone. And welcome back to your favourite segment Sound Of Musicals. 欢迎回来【曲外之音】 . Hi Oliver.Hello. So we are going to continue our discussion about The Sound Of Music, 【音乐之声】. Yes. We're moving on to themes and music today, I believe. Last time you walked us through the storyline, it's pretty simple, right? But there are many themes that were mentioned or discussed or shown in this musical. No, I think the main point of the musical is, as we talked about last time, it's kind of a feel good movie with some quite serious background to it. But in the end, it's a few themes which are worth talking about. First of all, obviously pretty clear it's family and love. Definitely so. Yeah .the whole musical is based around this family, the kids and the father are kind of estranged and separated until Maria comes in, wins the kids then wins the captain, everybody falls in love, and then they run away together into the mountains. It's quite a nice theme through the movie. Yeah. If you think about it, I think Maria, the novice nun, single handedly changed the family dynamics, before it wasn't so much as a family but more like a little army in training, trained by the dad. It definitely was, yeah he being a naval officer who's recently come back home, I think he doesn't really know how to raise his own children. Exactly. He's gone through many many governess and has told the governess says here's the whistle when you need them, blow the whistle this way for child number one, this way for number two, and Maria just refuses to it. I think she says their children, they're not dogs or something like that, and she just says no straight away. On yes. I remember that bit. It's like when captain von Trapp, I think when they first met, it's like just whistle when... to signal for each kid to come out. And then when I need you, this is the whistle you're gonna hear. And Maria just basically says I... just protested straight away and say, no, I'm not a dog. I'm not gonna answer to whistle. And then he said just follow my lead, follow my order. And then so Maria says, so captain, what is your whistle? That's it. Yes. And he gets very, very upset by that question. Yeah, but I mean it's quite common in sort of like military families. I don't know if it's the same in other cultures but in China definitely . I feel like I mean I've got no real experience myself, but certainly in movies, TV shows, it does feel like the military father or military mother is always kind of bringing work home in a way and kind of raising their children as they treat the other soldiers they work with. So yeah. I think this is quite a common thing which the musical has picked up on. Yeah. And what Maria is bringing tenderness, laughter and just joy into the family. Yeah. She's breaking through these the restrictions on the rules that captain von Trapp has put in place for an organized and well behaved family and she just has fun with them and lets them have fun and teaches them how to sing as well.
4/18/2024 • 18 minutes, 45 seconds
《安澜老爷子的晚安故事》 -福尔摩斯探案集之蓝宝石案(下)
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~ We went out again into the frosty air. “Now for Mr. Breckinridge,” Holmes said as he buttoned his coat. We zigzagged through the back streets. Soon we were in the Covent Garden market. We saw the name Breckinridge on one of the largest stalls. The owner had a long, sharp face. He and a small boy were just closing up. “Good evening. It’s a cold night,” said Holmes. “You are sold out of geese, I see.” “I can let you have five hundred geese in the morning,” the man replied. “That won’t do,” said Holmes. “I want the same kind of geese you sold to the Alpha Inn. They were fine birds. Where did you get them?” To my surprise, the question made Breckinridge angry. “Now then, mister,” he said. “What is all this about? I haven’t heard anything else all day. ‘Where did you get all the geese? Who did you sell the geese to?’ You would think they were the only geese in the world. People are making such a fuss about them.” “Well, I have nothing to do with the others who have been asking,” Holmes said. He sounded as if he did not care very much about it. “You won’t tell us. So we’ll have to cancel the bet. You see, I’ve bet five pounds those Alpha Inn geese were raised in the country.” “Then you will lose,” said Breckinridge. “Those geese were raised here in town.” “You’ll never make me believe that.” “Will you bet, then?” Breckinridge asked. “That would just be stealing your money,” answered Holmes. “But I’ll take you on.” Breckinridge laughed. He called the small boy to his side. “Bring me the books, Bill,” said he. “Now, then, Mr. Know-It-All,” he went on. “You see this little book? This is the list of folks from whom I buy. The numbers tell where to find them in the big book. See this page? It’s in black ink. Those are my country goose-raisers. See this list in red? Those are my town people. Now, look at that third name. Just read it to me.” Holmes read. “Mrs. Oakshott, 117 Brixton Road. Number 249.” “Quite so. Now look up that number in this big book.” Holmes turned a page. “Here you are. Mrs. Oakshott, 117 Brixton Road. Eggs and Birds.” “Now,” said Breckinridge. “What is the last thing it says there? ‘December twenty-second. Twenty-four geese. At seven and a half shillings. Sold to the Alpha Inn at twelve shillings.’ “Well? What do you say now?” Breckinridge asked.
4/16/2024 • 12 minutes, 14 seconds
Hi everyone, and welcome back to your favorite segment Sound of Musicals. 欢迎回来你们最喜欢的板块【曲外之音】. Hi, Oliver. Hello. Good to be back. Hello, hello. It has been a while. It has, hasn't it, yeah. Very busy recently, I'm afraid.Yeah. Same here. But I can't wait for us to dive, re-dive back into the sea of musicals or musical movies. I know, I've been looking forward to this all week. So which musical movie do you want to dive into today? I give you a hint. This is an oldy but a goody. So, Doe, a deer, a female deer.Ray, a drop of golden sun. I know, I know, I've got it. It’s a good one, it is a good one, The Sound Of Music, classic. The Sound Of Music, 音乐之声。其实我们这个板块叫做Sound Of Musicals, it's also a play on Sound Of Music. Yes. It is where this name comes from.Yeah. So first of all, The Sound Of Music, I'm pretty sure The Sound Of Music is one of those musicals or musical movies that most Chinese audience are quite familiar with. So is it the same in English speaking world The Sound Of Music? Is it something that everyone knows? I think it is very, very well known. Certainly, it's one of the most well known and popular musicals in many places, many countries. Definitely. So I know I grew up with my family, my grandfather specifically watched it every year at Christmas. That's how I was kind of introduced to not just The Sound Of Music, but musicals in general, it was kind of my first experience of them. It does feel like one of those Christmassy or just festive movies to watch, right? It does, and I'm not entirely sure I could tell you why. But for me, it's a Christmas musical because my grandfather watched it at Christmas. And again, I'm not sure why, because I don't think there's anything really about Christmas in it at all.No. No. But I think it's just like happy ending, everyone everything worked out in the end. That sort of, like warm fuzzy type of thing.It’s, yeah. It's got some serious moments, but overall it is quite a feel good film, isn't it? Emm. So let's start with the background, we were talking about musical movies, so which came first remind me, was it the musical or was it the Disney film?Actually. It was a book, it was neither. The first idea of The Sound Of Music, it comes from the memoirs of Maria von Trapp. So the Maria from the musical was a real person. Oh, I did not know that.And it's from her memoirs. So she wrote down her experiences of living with the von Trapp family and becoming part of the von Trapp family in Austria during the1930s. From there it became a musical on Broadway in 1959, is when it premiered on Broadway. And then after that, it became the Disney film that we know today that most people know today. I see. I never really knew it was based on real life memoir. I thought it was just one of those stories that were just created for the sake of it really. I know. I was exactly the same when I found this, when I was looking into interesting things to say today. I was quite surprised to find that it was a real thing.Okay. So let's get into the story itself. I'm pretty sure a lot of our audience knew the story, but maybe you need a little bit of refreshing, but before you start, von Trapp, this von, v-o-n that sounds aristocratic and German.It is, yes. Certainly Germany and Austria and a lot of those kind of central European countries. They have a lot of the nobility, the aristocrats, they often have ‘von’ in their name. Unfortunately. I'm don't really speak much German, so I'm not entirely sure what von means. I need to do my research there. Von means from, I think it's from, so it's basically you kind of own the... like your family, probably like own the land. That's why you're like from that place or of that place. Okay, I see. Yeah. So that's the aristocratic noble side of it. I see, okay. Yeah, and also you said it was set in the 1930s, so that was the beginning of the whole Nazi thing, right?
4/14/2024 • 16 minutes, 13 seconds
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~ Welcome back to Geek Time, advanced. This is Brad. How's it going? Lulu? Hi, Brad. It's going.All right. So I thought we'd get back into talking about liminal spaces.Woo, spooky. Yeah. Now what really started liminal spaces as being part of today's like vernacular things people talk about, it’s something that happened on Reddit. There's whole discussion boards for people to post pictures that evoke this feeling of liminality. Hang on a minute.Yeah.This for those of you who don't really know Reddit. Reddit有点像国内比如说百度贴吧这样的一个存在, 或者更早, 还有什么天涯, 基本上这样的一个存在. It's basically discussion boards, right? Reddit.Right.Community discussions. Yeah. So you mean people are posting pictures that trigger or evoke this liminality feeling, so these eerie pictures?Yeah, but at first people were just posting interesting pictures that they would see. And then people started talking about, oh I think I've been there before that I kind of have Deja Vu. And so the whole feeling of liminality started like showing up. And then people started thinking “I think I was there when I was a kid” that's possible because when buildings are created, they're often built with similar techniques or similar paints and things like that. So you see one building from your childhood, then you see another one maybe from across the country. It could possibly be very similar “oh, I think I've been there, but I've never been to that city before”. So it started off as being quite nice. It started off as some sort of nostalgia, but then it just turned eerie. Like some people started seeing pictures and they just see it and they can't really place it and they don't really understand where it came from. And so people just start getting really weird feelings and it's, it can be something similar to like that whole idea of the uncanny valley. When you see something just like really makes me uncomfortable when I see this. I don't know why.Yeah. Uncanny valley, I think we have talked about this before就是恐怖谷效应. It's like when a doll or like a machine looks really...or a robot looks really, very very similar to a human, but you know it's not a human. Then that gives you that uncanny valley sensations, same as places, I think, with liminal spaces. It looks like the place that you have been, it gives you the sense of Deja Vu, but you know it's not.For sure, it's like sometimes when people see pictures, it gives you that nostalgia feeling. But when you see a photo and you think I've been there but I can't place it. I don't know why I have this feeling like I've been there. Something in your brain gets triggered and it gives you not a good feeling, gives you a bad feeling. Yeah. If we talk about that, we cannot not talk about the Back Rooms. Yeah. One of the first pictures that the kind of like sparked off the whole liminality debate or discussion was the Back Rooms.Back Rooms是叫后室, 就是办公室的那个室, 后室Back Rooms. It's a game, isn't it? Originally, it just started off as a picture and then became a video. Someone posted a video connected to this whole idea of the back rooms. And then it turned into a game. But, yeah, so first it was just a picture and someone you start to say, I think I've been there, and then like I had a dream about this place, and in the dream, it was just a place that would go on forever and ever, no matter what they did, they couldn't find an exit and things were following them. And then there was a video posted on line. This is a very strange word, but it's called a no clip.A no clip?A no clip is when you hit something in the world and merging with that makes you go into another dimension or into another place. The whole idea came from video games when your figure in the game went through a wall where it shouldn't actually go through the wall, and then it ends up in a place where it's not supposed to be. (no clip无碰撞模式:一种在计算机游戏中的“作弊模式”,允许玩家穿过墙壁、地形和其他物体,不受碰撞检测的限制。)就不可能的空间. And that's back rooms.
4/11/2024 • 12 minutes, 39 seconds
《安澜老爷子的晚安故事》 -福尔摩斯探案集之蓝宝石案(上)
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~ It was the second morning after Christmas. I visited my friend Sherlock Holmes to give him my good wishes for the holiday season. I found the great detective lying on the sofa. He was smoking his favorite pipe. Next to the sofa stood a chair. On the chair’s back, there was a black hat. The hat was dirty and torn. A magnifying glass lay on the seat of the chair. Holmes had been looking at the hat. “You know Peterson, the doorman?” asked Holmes. “Yes,” said I. “He found this hat. He brought it here this morning—along with a good, fat goose. Right now the goose is cooking over Peterson’s fire.”I looked rather confused and Holmes continued to explain. “It is a strange story. It was four o’clock on Christmas morning. Peterson was walking home late. He had been at a little party. Peterson could see a man walking ahead of him. He was a tall man carrying a white goose over his shoulder.“The tall man got to the corner of Goodge Street. Just then a gang of hooligans came into the street. One of the young men knocked off the tall man’s hat. The tall man tried to fight back with his stick. Instead, he broke the window behind him. “Peterson rushed up to help the tall stranger. But at the sound of the breaking glass, the man dropped the goose and ran. He must have been afraid that Peterson was a policeman who would arrest him for breaking the glass. The gang ran away too. So Peterson was left with the goose—and this hat.”“Which, surely, he gave back to the owner?” asked I. “My dear fellow. There lies the problem. True, we know the NAME of the owner. See? Here’s a small card that was tied to the left leg of the goose. The card says, ‘For Mrs. Henry Baker.’ Then, here are the letters ‘H. B.’ inside the hat. So we’re pretty sure the tall man was Henry Baker. But there are thousands of people named Baker in London. And HUNDREDS of them must be named Henry. “Well, Peterson brought the hat to me. He kept the goose as long as he could. But today it had to be cooked or it would spoil. So Peterson took the goose home. He left the hat for me.” At that moment the door flew open. Peterson, the doorman, rushed into the room. His face was red. “The goose, Mr. Holmes! The goose, sir!” he gasped. “What about it?” asked Holmes. “See here, sir! See what my wife found inside!” He held out his hand. There lay a shining blue stone. It was no bigger than a bean in size. But it was so pure and bright that it twinkled like a star. Sherlock Holmes sat up. “My goodness, Peterson!” said he. “This is a treasure indeed. I suppose you know what you have there?” “Not the Countess of Morcar’s Blue Carbuncle!” I broke in. “Indeed,” Holmes replied. “I ought to know this stone’s size and shape. Haven’t I been reading about it in The Times every single day? The countess says she will give whoever finds it a thousand pounds.”“That’s right,” said Holmes. “It was on December twenty-second—just five days ago. The police have arrested a plumber named John Horner. I have the story here, I think.” He found the page he was looking for. He read the news story out loud. JEWEL ROBBERY AT HOTEL COSMOPOLITAN John Horner, a plumber, was arrested today. The police say he stole a jewel from the jewel case of the Countess of Morcar. The jewel is known as the Blue Carbuncle. Horner was arrested because of a story told by James Ryder. Ryder works for the hotel. Ryder said that he took Horner to the Countess of Morcar’s room to fix a pipe. That was on the very day of the robbery. Ryder stayed in the room for a while. But he was called away. Horner was left in the room alone. When Ryder got back, Horner was nowhere around. But the dresser had been forced open. A jewel box was lying on the dressing table. The box was empty. The police say that Horner put up a fight when he was arrested. “I didn’t do it!” Horner had cried. But Horner had once served time for
4/9/2024 • 11 minutes, 20 seconds
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~ Hi everyone, and welcome back to Geek Time. 欢迎回来【极客时间】. Hi, Brad. Hey, lulu.So today I thought we can talk about something spooky.Like supernatural, ghost, vampires?No, actually spooky, but in a geeky way.All right. What are you thinking? I'm thinking we should talk about liminal space. Woo. That's always a fun topic. Hahahaha. Yeah. I know that you have heard of this.Oh, yeah, definitely. Emm. Liminal space可能对于我们很多听众小伙伴会是一个很陌生的概念, 即使用中文说出来, 你仍然会觉得很陌生。 但是如果你喜欢游戏啊什么的这种之类的, 或者也是一个geek的话, 你应该听过这个中文被翻译成阈限空间, 就是阈值的阈,阈限空间. Liminal spaces, it's actually getting really popular right now. Yeah. You see lots of videos on YouTube about it.Emm. On Chinese social media, well, I mean, within certain geeky circles, very popular. Haha, I think it's very popular on like Bilibili. So Brad give us a definition. What is a liminal space? Basically, it's kind of like, it's an empty space that gives you a feeling that it's abandoned and eerie. You feel like you've been there before, but because it's abandoned, you kind of feel like you shouldn't be there, but when you think about a liminal space, like the whole idea, like liminal, is something that's translated as being the threshold between two places kind of like a doorway.And so when you're kind of like in this transition, when you go from a world where there's lots of people, and then you go into this place where it seems like it's empty and abandoned. It's that whole feeling, it's like “I shouldn't be here. There's something wrong.” You can also think about it like more psychological terms. It's a place where it's a time in your life when you're going through a transition. Transition.Maybe from childhood to adulthood, or just any type of change in your life can be a liminal space.Yeah. Liminal space它有很多的这个含义. 但是,现在大家看到那些有点恐怖游戏里面那种liminal space, 基本上,就是没有人的空间, 比如说 abandoned houses, abandoned hallway, abandoned mall, 然后像Brad刚才说的,这些地方, 虽然没有真正有怪物出现, 但是就会让你感觉下一秒,就这个地方会出现什么样的事情。你会觉得非常诡异, 你会觉得非常的不舒适。I think they've also described liminal space as this space deep in our psyche, it's like the space between consciousness and unconsciousness.Yeah.This is why when you are talking about the place of transition, and like it's a space between two places. This is why it's very unsettling. I think this is the word probably that best used to describe liminal space, it’s very unsettling. Definitely, unsettling or eerie, that kind of feeling. Yeah. So let's talk about everyday liminal spaces, actually they’re everywhere in our life. Yeah. I mentioned a doorway. Oftentimes when people have something on their mind, they walk through a doorway. They forget what they were doing and why they were going into that room. That's kind of just because like your brain goes through this transition when you walk through a doorway, aside from doorways, stairways, hallways, bridges, a house when someone's moved out and there's no one has come back in yet. This is also a liminal space.Like abandoned space as well.Yeah.Like abandoned mall, abandoned hospital. All of these are rich soil for all of these horror films, actually I’m a huge fan of the horror genre. I mean, I've been watching horror films for all these years, like before I never really encountered the word liminal space, but a lot of those unsettling feelings that I got watching these all sorts of horror, a lot of them is because they're linked with liminal space. Even when no monster’s jumping out, it's still like abandoned house. Why do we find abandoned house, abandoned malls? Spooky or eerie. Right? It's the idea of liminal space.Yeah.
4/7/2024 • 11 minutes, 59 seconds
《清明特辑》-明明只少了一个人, 整个世上却都冷清了(往期回顾)
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~ In Chinese tradition, Qing Ming is a day for remembrance, a day for us to cherish the memory of our loved ones who passed away, and also to pay tribute to our ancestors. In the past few days, you could see on social media and also in many English-speaking programs, their long list of vocabulary related to Qing Ming, the rituals and the stories about this tradition. But this is not what I'm going to talk about in my show today, because for most of us, Qing Ming is not just about the theoretical knowledge and words on paper. It is connected to a very soft part of your heart. It is a day for remembrance, and especially if you have experienced the loss of loved one. So in my episode today, Lulu is going to share with you some of the sayings in English by people who have also lost someone, and they're trying to cherish their memory. 今天小酒馆里,就着清明我们来说说怀念。 In English, when someone passed away, you usually see the word “in the loving memory of …”, in the loving memory of someone who passed away.Sometimes it's very difficult to forget someone who gives you so much to remember. So let's look at some of these sayings from the famous to the anonymous. But love and emotions in these words are very genuine, all the same. The first saying of the day from the Greek playwright’s, Euripides欧里庇得斯, and he wrote: Come back, even as a shadow, even as a dream, 归来吧,哪怕只是一片影子一个梦境也好,归来吧。 Sometimes we can miss someone so much, but we don't even realize it.This is why in the second saying, it says: Sometimes memories sneak out of my eyes and roll down my cheeks. Sneak out means to secretly get out. So here memories turn into tears. 有时回忆会从眼角偷偷溜出来,滑落我的腮边。 We may not even realize how much we miss someone until we feel the tears.There are so many people in the world. Yet for us, there are only a few that truly matter, this is why saying number three said: Sometimes when one person is absent, the whole world seems depopulated.Depopulated means not having enough people. 明明只少了那么一个人, 整个世上却都冷清了. Sometimes when one person is absent, the whole world seems depopulated. I'm sure a lot of people feel like that when they've lost someone that matter to them the most.
4/4/2024 • 8 minutes, 21 seconds
《安澜老爷子的晚安故事》 -福尔摩斯探案集之六座拿破仑半身像(下)
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~ “No, no!” cried Holmes. “Don’t say a word to the cousin, I beg of you.” The manager raised his eyebrows at this response, but promised he wouldn’t. “I noticed when you were looking at your records,” said Holmes, “that you sold those casts on June 3rd last year. Could you tell me when Beppo was arrested?” “I can work it out from the pay list,” said the manager, referring to another file. “He was last paid on May 20th, so the arrest would have been around then.” Holmes thanked the manager and urged him once more to say nothing about our investigation. Then we headed back west. It was midafternoon by the time we managed to grab some lunch at a cafeteria. A newspaper on one of the tables announced, “Kensington Outrage: Murder by a Madman.” The report, by Horace Harker, was a highly sensational version of the incident he had described to us. Holmes propped it up on the salt and pepper shakers and read it while he ate. “This is very good, Watson,” he chuckled. “Listen to this ... It is satisfying to know that both Mr. Lestrade of the Metropolitan Police and Mr. Sherlock Holmes, the famous private detective, are of one mind as to the cause of this series of grotesque incidents: they arise, they say, from madness rather than deliberate crime. “The newspapers, Watson, can be very helpful, if you only know how to use them. And now, if you’ve finished eating, we shall return to Kensington and see what the manager of Harding Brothers has to say about this case.” The owner, Mr. Gerard Harding, turned out to be a polite and helpful little man. “Yes, sir, I’ve read the newspaper report. We sold Mr. Harker the bust some months ago. We ordered three of them from Gelder & Co. They’re all sold now.” “Who bought them?” asked Holmes. “Let me consult my sales book. Ah, here it is. One to Mr. Harker; one to Mr. Josiah Brown of Laburnum Villa, Laburnum Vale, Chiswick; and one to Mr. Sandeford of Lower Grove Road, Reading.” Holmes showed him the photograph, but Harding didn’t recognize the face in it. “Do you employ any Italians here?” Holmes asked. “Yes, we have several on our staff.” “And would any of them have been able to take a look in that sales book?” “I dare say it’s possible.” “Thank you for your help, Mr Harding.” “You’re very welcome, sir.”
4/2/2024 • 19 minutes, 25 seconds
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~ In China we go to 民政局 for both getting married and getting divorced.Yeah.I know in the UK we talked about it for getting married. You have to go to like the council, sort of like the registry or like a civil...You have to go to what is called the registry office. The registry office.就登记大厅,就跟我们那个民政局差不多。Yeah.Is this the same place you go to when you want to get divorce?No. No.To get divorce, you can actually do it online or you can go to a family court. Oh, I see, but either way you have to go to the court?The court needs to grant the conditional offer and then you're given time, normally about I think it's 20 weeks before they finalize the divorce. Is that a cool down period as well? 那个也是什么冷静期吗?It’s normally a cool down period. The idea of that period of time is to allow the husband and wife to discuss how best to proceed in terms of dividing assets. Oh. The pragmatics.It’s to allow them that time to plan what's gonna happen next. Because the reason why divorce can get very expensive is if both parties don't agree and then you get solicitors involved.Lawyers. Lawyers.And both of you would get solicitors.Exactly.And then you fight for everything. Yeah. And that's what can drag out a divorce case. So there are quite a few divorce cases where it's quite simple. They just say “okay, it's not working. You can take this, I'll take this, and that's it”. But obviously divorce sometimes it can't... divorce might not be that smooth.Emm. Not that amicable.Exactly.
3/31/2024 • 12 minutes, 5 seconds
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~ Hi, everyone, and welcome back to Britain Under the Microscope. 欢迎回来【闲话英伦】. Hi, 安澜.Hi, Lulu, hi, everyone. So, Lulu, what do you want to talk about today? Tell you what, let's talk about divorce. That's a very cheery happy subject. It's a pragmatic subject. I guess so. We talked about marriage before, if you remember. We did touch a little bit on divorce, but I don’t think we went into too much detail. I think we're mostly focused on sort of like the happy wedding, newly weds and all that. Well, I focused on that because I'm generally a happier person than you are. Yeah. But let's talk about divorce nonetheless. Okay. I think divorce rate is extremely high in the UK, if I remember correctly. It’s high, but it's actually at its lowest level since 1971. Divorce rate? The divorce rate. In the UK. But it's still quite high, 32% of marriages in the UK end in divorce. 32%, that's actually lower than I expected, to be honest. How much is it in China? I can't remember. You got me there. Actually, I don't know, but I think bits and pieces I've read it seems that the divorce rate in China now is higher than the UK, that's a depressing thought. Yeah. I've seen different figures for China and I've also seen different figures for the UK, but it seems to be around the 32% mark that seems to be the most common. Have you ever thought about the possibility of it dropping, like percentage-wise? It's just because fewer people get married nowadays. Probably yeah, I think that does have a really strong impact, there's so many couples that are common in law. Like common law marriage? Yeah.Civil partnership. Not civil partnerships. That's slightly different. OK, so common law就是事实婚姻那个概念, 对吧? Yeah.So, you live together, you just don't get that certificate. That’s it. That's pretty much it. For those of you who don't remember the marriage episode we did before. So, in the UK it is completely legal. I don't mean it that way, but like for two people to live together, they will have like the complete legal status as a married couple. Pretty much. I don't know the details of the law, but it's like, for example, for how long and how you are known to the neighbors. It's also mostly around assets. So, if, for example, they break up who gets what assets.You still have to divide the assets? 即使是这种同居的男女朋友, 只要是common law married, 他们之后分手的时候还是要分财产的. Exactly the same as a married couple. Pretty much. That's why some of my friends or friend’s friends in the UK, they've been together for decades. They just don't want that piece of paper. No, and in the UK, there's no stigma for not getting married. It's just very, very common. It's a personal choice.
3/28/2024 • 11 minutes, 30 seconds
《安澜老爷子的晚安故事》 -福尔摩斯探案集之六座拿破仑半身像(上)
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~ Mr. Lestrade from London’s Metropolitan Police was a frequent visitor at 221B Baker Street, the home I shared with my friend, the famous detective Sherlock Holmes. Holmes always liked these visits because Lestrade would tell him all the latest news from the world of crime. In return, Holmes might give Lestrade some helpful suggestions for whatever case he was trying to solve. On one evening in June 1900, Lestrade was embarrassed when Holmes asked him what case he was working on. “It’s so ridiculous and stupid that I’m not sure if I want to even tell you,” he said. “On the other hand, although it’s not very important, it’s also strange, and I know you are interested in strange cases. In fact, it might be of more interest to Dr. Watson than to us.” I looked up when I heard my name. “Is it about disease, then?” I asked. “Disease of the mind, maybe,” said Lestrade, “only a madman would hate Napoleon so much that he would want to destroy every statue of him that he can find.” “You mean Napoleon Bonaparte, the former emperor of France?” I exclaimed. “That’s correct,” said Lestrade. “It’s become a case for the police because this man isn’t smashing his own statues of the French emperor—he’s committing burglary to destroy those belonging to other people.” “This does sound very interesting, Lestrade,” said Holmes. “Please tell me more.” Lestrade took out a notebook to look through the details. “The first case was reported four days ago,” he said. “It took place at Harrison’s Art and Antiques, a shop on Kennington Road in London. The assistant went into the back office for a moment when he heard a crash from the main shop. Hurrying back in, he found a plaster bust of Napoleon, which had been standing on the counter, lying in fragments on the floor. He rushed into the street but saw no sign of who did it. “The bust was very cheap, and it seemed like one of those random acts of vandalism that happen from time to time and are not worth investigating. The second case, however, was more serious and, in its way, strange. It happened only last night.” “Just a short distance from the shop I just mentioned lives a doctor by the name of Barnicot. This man is an admirer of Napoleon, and his house is full of books and pictures of the French emperor. Some time ago, he purchased two plaster busts of Napoleon exactly the same from Harrison’s Art and Antiques. One of these he placed in the hall of his house, and the other in his doctor’s surgery in Lower Brixton. “This morning, Dr. Barnicot woke up and discovered his house had been burgled in the night, but nothing had been taken except the bust of Napoleon. It had been carried out into the garden and thrown against the wall, beneath which he found its remains.” Holmes happily rubbed his hands. “This is fascinating,” he murmured. “You’ve not heard the end yet,” said Lestrade. “At midday, Dr. Barnicot arrived at his surgery, and you can imagine his amazement when he found the window open and broken pieces of the second Napoleon bust all over the room. In neither case could we find any clues as to the person who carried out these bizarre crimes. And those, Mr. Holmes, are the facts of the case.” “And very strange facts they are, too,” said Holmes. “Tell me, were Dr. Barnicot’s busts exactly the same as of the one destroyed in the Harrison shop?” “Yes. Exactly the same.” “This suggests the criminal isn’t motivated by a general hatred of Napoleon. Think of how many statues of Napoleon there must be in London. Surely it’s too much of a coincidence that the three he happened to destroy are all identical.” “I’m not so sure,” said Lestrade. “There may be hundreds of statues of Napoleon in London, but as far as we know Harrison’s is the only shop selling them in that area of the city. Therefore, a local Napoleon-hater would begin with them. What do you think, Watson?” “I suppose it’s pos
3/26/2024 • 19 minutes, 14 seconds
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~ Hi everyone, and welcome back to Britain Under the Microscope. 欢迎回来【闲话英伦】. Hi, 安澜. Hi, Lulu. Hi, everyone. The other thing I have noticed is something called special fried rice. And so I was thinking what's so special about it? Because in China, if you say special fried rice and you think this 炒饭 must be amazing. This got like all these expensive things in it, like prawns and like seafood. It must be like gold.Yeah.Gold in it as well. Yeah. And then I realize it's just 扬州炒饭. It is. It's just 扬州炒饭. And I have no idea why it's called special fried rice. I think it's because in many restaurants it was a special, so it was like a speciality dish and the name just stuck, so it became special fried rice. And if you just want like normal rice, you call it steamed rice.Steamed rice or plain rice.Plain rice.But I always remember when my dad, because he loves Chinese takeaways. When my dad came to China, I asked him “what do you want to eat?” And he said “I have some special fried rice” and I just said “Dad, this is China, fried rice isn't very special”. 算不上特别美食. I forgot does it also come in just numbers on the menu like No.68, No.57, that sort of thing. And you know the reason for that is.Why?Because many of the dishes people couldn't pronounce. Okay, well, special fried rice is not Chinese. But these are just some of the typical dishes. They do have some dishes, for example, like a version of 麻婆豆腐. They've got a version of that, but because not many people can say that.Mapo tofu, it's not that difficult. Kung Pao chicken, it's not that difficult. But it is difficult for somebody who's not really traveled and doesn't really know. So what they do is they use numbers.Another reason as well is that you have to think it was immigrants that opened these restaurants.And sometimes not even Chinese immigrants. Sometimes not even Chinese immigrants. Many of the takeaways were run by immigrants, and you have to think that their English was probably not completely proficient. Emm.So this was a way of both sides being able to communicate. So instead of saying “okay, I want crispy duck pancakes”, they'll go “I'll have number18”.Ah, I see.So it's very clear. I see.For what they want.This is more very efficient system. Exactly.
3/24/2024 • 10 minutes, 53 seconds
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~ Hi everyone, and welcome back to Britain Under the Microscope. 欢迎回来【闲话英伦】. Hi, 安澜. Hi, Lulu. Hi, everyone. So what have you been doing since Chinese New Year?I mean apart from being busy at work, I spent all of my spare time trying to go to the gym or going for workout to try to shed some of those holiday weight that I put on.Oh, you tell me about it. I put on a few kilos during the holidays. 中文现在也说每逢佳节长三斤。I don't think it's just三斤, is it? I actually did put on三斤。Exactly?Exactly.I think I put on more than that. So, I thought why don't we talk about food? I mean, we can't eat any delicious food anymore, but at least we can talk about it.Exactly.That's the spirit.Let's fantasize about some of the food that we can actually not eat right now. But I thought, you know, we talked about British food and also British food was there to talk about really. Oh, come on. British food is actually really really nice, but that's a completely other episode. So I thought today, let's talk about food in the UK, but in particular Chinese food in the UK.Oh. That's an interesting, that is actually a very interesting topic. I mean, everybody complains about British food, right? Including some British. But the fact is because of the multiculturalism, 因为英国是一个比较多文化这种移民国家, so especially in London, you can pretty much find food from all parts of the world.Exactly. And in the UK even very, very small places, even some villages, it's quite common to find a Chinese restaurant. I once heard a saying, I don't know if it's a saying or a joke, saying that they will always be at least three different types of restaurants on any given British street, Italian, Indian and Chinese. Is that true? That's absolutely true. I would say probably more Indian and Chinese rather than Italian, but I would say, I've been to very small villages in the UK and they still have a Chinese takeaway. Emm. So let's talk about Chinese food. I think for those of you who have never been to the UK, you will find that these Chinese food that we talk about, they're not really like the Chinese food we're used to at home. Well, yeah. Let’s, we'll talk about the dishes a little bit later, but first of all, as you were saying before, going for a Chinese is incredibly popular in the UK.So they, yeah, I've heard people say “fancy a Chinese”, which initially I found really offensive and creepy, and then I realized they were just talking about Chinese takeaway. Yeah. They're not talking about Chinese people, they're saying if you go for a Chinese that means you're going to get a Chinese takeaway.You call it “takeaway”. Yes.Instead of “takeout”? Yeah. Takeout is American English. But these two are exactly the same meaning. Exactly the same meaning. So if you say takeaway or takeout, pretty much, people will understand what you're saying. Emm, like when you lived in London, did you use to have like a Chinese take away that you will order from.Oh, yeah. Yeah.Remember that when I was growing up this is the days before deliveries and things like that. When you actually wanted to go for Chinese food, what you have to do is call them first of all, and then you go to the restaurant yourself to pick it up.What's the point in that than just go to the restaurant?
3/21/2024 • 13 minutes, 5 seconds
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~ Buzzmix-EP144-Grit.mp3In today's Buzzword Mix, our Buzzword is Grit. I'm sure many of you have read articles about how kids are allowed to roam free, do whatever they want in the west, and they really aren't put under that much pressure as the kids in China. 相信很多人都读过那种 “西方快乐教育”的文章, 并且十分羡慕。但今天的Buzzword里, 想和你分享一个在近些年来英语国家也逐渐开始认同的一个教育理念,叫做Grit教育 , 我看过有把它翻译成 “坚毅教育”或者 “坚韧教育”。Have you ever wondered what makes someone a good student, a good athlete, or a good leader? Why do some people accomplish their goals while others fail. What makes the difference? 你有没有想过不管在哪个领域,不管在多大或者多小的环境里,为什么有人成功有人失败?Usually we answer these questions by talking about the talent of top performers. We say they are very gifted, they are very talented, but we all know there's more to the story than that. 我们也都知道能成功,绝对不只靠天赋。Now some research seem to argue that what makes a bigger impact than talent or intelligence is mental toughness.Mental toughness or grit as they call. It plays a more important role than anything else for achieving your goals in health, business, and life in general. 于是很多最近的研究就得出这样的一个结论,就说grit或者叫mental toughness,你个人精神的坚韧、坚毅程度才是最终决定你是否能成功的要素。So what is grit? Grit is the perseverance and passion to achieve long term goals. 简单来说grit就是达成长远目标long term goals的这种perseverance坚持不懈and passion和热情. Angela Duckworth, a researcher at the University of Pennsylvania did this popular Ted talk. She suggests that grit is a strong predictor of success and ability to reach one's goals. 说到grit怎么火起来,就不得不提到 Angela Duckworth, 她是做了一个挺有名的Ted演讲,有兴趣的你也可以去看一下,专门讲grit. 她也把自己的研究成果写成了这样一本关于grit的书。Her research on grit has shown that, for example, West Point cadets who scored highest on the Grit Test were 60% more likely to succeed than their peers.西点军校里那些 Grit Test里面得分高的学生,在以后的生活训练学习里比其他人的成功概率要高出了60%.Ivy League undergraduate students who had more grit also had higher GPAs than their peers .在Ivy League就是美国这些顶级藤校的大学生里面,如果更有grit的这些人,他们的整个绩点也会明显的高于他们的同学。When comparing two people who are the same age but have different levels of education, grit (and not intelligence) more accurately predicts which one will be better educated.Now this is very interesting because earlier studies of achievement often emphasize the notion that high achieving people typically possess traits above and beyond that of normal ability. 在此之前,很多关于这些成功人士的研究都会聚焦在他们异于常人的这些能力水平天赋等等上面。But people like Duckworth, they emphasize that grit is a better predictor of achievement than intellectual talent because grit provides the stamina required to stay the course amid challenges and setbacks. 但是近些年来像Duckworth做出的这样的研究,就表明其实成功路上最重要的品质就是 grit,坚韧、坚毅,因为只有这样才能在各种的挑战和挫折面前还能够继续走下去. Stay the course. Now let's get more specific and talk about some of the characteristics relating to grit. No.1 is Courage. While courage is hard to measure, it is directly proportional to your level of grit. More specifically, your ability to manage fear of failure is imperative and a predictor of success. 跟grit相关的人格特质的其中之一是courage勇气, 这个勇气主要是去manage fear of failure敢于应对失败的勇气。
3/19/2024 • 10 minutes, 42 seconds
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~ Welcome back to 【Geek time】. This is Brad. How are you doing, Lulu? Hi, Brad. I'm fine. And I can't wait to hear more about Elon Musk, last time we talked about Space X . Aha. Now we're gonna talk about something that's tangential to Space X, it's called Starlink.Star Link.And Starlink isn't a space program in the sense that space rockets and things like that, it's actually satellites, and Space X uses their rockets to put these Starlink satellites into space. 嗯, 中文叫星链, which really created a buzz in all types of media, really. Haha, yeah.What is Starlink about? You said Starlink is all about satellites, and one of the jobs of Space X is to send Starlink satellites into space. What are they used for and what is the coverage? Starlink is basically trying to cover the world with internet service. And so oftentimes there's a lot of cables that connect internet around people's homes. People at home have WiFi and they can use cell phone service. But Starlink is going to bring basically internet service and wireless service now to people around the world using satellites. Emm. I heard that the expectation at least is that it offers better internet connection than 5G.Yeah. If you look at the connection, the internet connection, while in some cases it won't be as strong. It depends on line of sight and just how close you are to one of the satellites. But in general, it is faster than 5G. However, if you live in a city, because you're so close to the cell phone towers and there's a lot of connections around the city, you're probably going to get better service with mobile service than you would with Starlink. However, when you're in a van in the middle of nowhere, and there's no cell phone service around, you could easily get access to Starlink. I see. I have a question though. Are there worries about, because obviously it's still... Elon Musk is a private company. Right? It's not really like, for example, state owned or something in... akin to that, then don't people worry about when Elon Musk controls the internet? Yeah, well, of course, you know, people will always be afraid of who is in control of it. in the US, you have all the internet is controlled by private companies anyways. The internet is not something like power or water that's government controlled. Even in some cases, power and water has been sent off to private companies and that's kind of scary. But yeah, companies in the US are kind of in some ways limiting what access people have to the internet. Okay. But perhaps I should rephrase it, because Starlink is aiming to install or to build better internet connection than 5G, then obviously people would probably opt for the faster option. Wouldn't that bring with it some sort of monopoly issue, like if he's monopolizing the fastest internet connection, that sort of worries? Definitely. Because if other companies start wanting to put satellites into space, there's gonna be a lot of interruption. They're gonna possibly smack into each other. It will create a lot of problems. And so if there's probably going to be some sort of laws built around what he can and cannot do with the internet connection.But not yet.But not yet, right. Because this is still in the infancy. And so no one has really looked at it and go OK, we can see some problems here, but as of yet, there's not been anything to stop him from doing this. Yeah. But talking about these satellites, they're not very big satellites, are they?No. They're actually not that big. They might sound like they're quite big, but in comparison to a lot of the other satellites out there, they're quite small. Most of the satellites are, there about it a little bit further away than the ISS the space station we talked about earlier. They're almost 600 kilometers away from the Earth. But there are two hundred twelve hundred kilograms, while there are smaller satellites, they're not really all that
3/17/2024 • 11 minutes, 23 seconds
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~ 3月14日,埃隆·马斯克的SpaceX公司获准第三次发射星舰;北京时间3月14日晚21时40分,太空探索技术公司(SpaceX)创始人马斯克发文,向星舰团队表达祝贺,星舰“已达到轨道速度”。要知道,仅4个月前的十一月,星舰的上一次试飞以提前发生爆炸而告终,前几次的故障包括:硬着陆撞击海面、发动机传感故障、节流阀卡住。接受采访时,记者提问马斯克:连续失败,你觉得有必要就此打住吗?答说,“不知道什么是放弃,除非我死了。”Elon: I don’t ever give up. I mean, I’d have to be dead or completely incapacitated.被网有调侃为“价值三十亿美金的名画”于是第三次发射被提上议程:“这枚400英尺高(122米)的巨型火箭计划于美国东部时间周四上午8点(北京时间周四晚8点) 开始的110分钟窗口期(launch window)任意一个时间内,从Space X 位于德克萨斯州博卡奇卡的Starbase发射升空。”当然,发射全过程也有在社交媒体X和其官网同步直播,不知道昨天有观看的小伙伴吗?The time has come for Starship to embark on its third test flight, during which the megarocket will once again be pushed to its limits and demonstrate advances made since the previous flight last November.The 400-foot-tall (122-meter) megarocket is scheduled to blast off from SpaceX’s Starbase facility in Boca Chica, Texas, at roughly 8:00 a.m. ET on Thursday, March 14, with a 110-minute launch window available. The company’s livestream will be made available on X and its website, with the broadcast starting at 7:30 a.m. ET. Of course, this is contingent on favorable weather conditions.如果你好奇什么是 SpaceX, 它是做什么的,为什么这么重要...相关阅读欢迎点击下方音频或者查看下方文稿了解哦~ Hi everyone, and welcome back to Geek Time. 欢迎回来【极客时间】. Hi, Brad.Hi, Lulu.So in today's Geek Time, I thought we continue to talk about Elon Musk. All right. Because he's done a lot of really outstanding things. I mean really out-there things, right? You know, people, even if you’re not into science technology, you've heard of things like SpaceX, Starlink, 什么星链呐SpaceX,还有像各种各样的这种rockets, I thought we can start with SpaceX, what does it actually do? And why is it so impressive? Well. A SpaceX was a company, it was started in 2002. The whole reason was there was a competition, and that competition was to design a rocket that could be sent into space and then reused within 2 weeks. And SpaceX was able to win that competition, but that the whole idea is to reduce cost for putting things into space. They are often referred to as a payload, but just something like people or in a satellite or parts for the space station, and do it in a cost effective way. 对, 那个叫载荷吧, 就是那个 payloads. So this was started by what, the US government, you said this competition?I don't remember if the government started, but like the government wanted this, because NASA, NASA could do a lot, but they had to have other people looking at us. NASA is kind of limited as to what it can and can't do. And so they wanted more of like the private sector to go out and start doing some of this stuff as well. And so this whole competition was created as a way to get that going.So basically, private companies like SpaceX they were competing in trying to make fully reusable rockets? You said reusable within 2 weeks.Right.What about the cost? Do they also reduce cost?That's the whole point. It's like if you can reuse the rocket, then you can reduce the cost by a lot. SpaceX has been able to get their rocket launches down to about or 67 million per launch, which is 10 times cheaper than what NASA has been able to do this far. Wow, 10 times, mainly because the rockets are reusable or immediately reusable. I see. I see.
3/14/2024 • 11 minutes, 2 seconds
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~ In today's Buzzword Mix, our Buzzword is Woke. Now I have to confess this word has been sitting in my script for some time. I've been having the hardest time trying to decide whether I wanna talk about this word or not. 其实这个词我一直都想讲, 但一直都在犹豫, 主要是因为这个词后面的争议太大, 而且它的倾向性和内涵一直都在变迁。虽然它是美国乃至英语国家, 甚至整个西方都在谈的一个热词, 但是你问10个人10个人都可能给它下不同的定义, 会告诉你不同的看法。But anyhow, I'm gonna take a step at it. First of all, what does it mean literally? Woke is not standard English. 首先它不是标准英语, it is an adjective derived from AAVE, African American Vernacular English. 它是非裔美国人, 也就是美国黑人他们的口语表达里面的一个词。只要你学过小学英语, 你都学过 wake, wake up, wake醒过来, 这个词的过去式是woke, 它的过去分词是woken. But in some varieties of African American English, woke is used in place of woken. 它最早的字面意思就是在African American的英语里面, 他们会用woke来代替woken这个词; 后来这个词就逐渐的从过去分词的一个变体变成了一个adjective, equivalent to awake. 像我们说stay awake就是保持清醒的状态, 现在woke它的字面意思, 你可以把它理解为清醒状态, 但是我们一般把它翻译成 “觉醒/警醒”. The phrase “stay woke” has been present in African American English since the 1930s.In some context, it refers to an awareness of social and political issues affecting African Americans. 这个词在逐渐的演化中, 就从最早的简单的awake, “清醒的觉醒的”词的本意延伸到美国黑人文化里对系统性种族歧视 “ systemic racism”保持清醒和警惕, 这也是为什么我们把它翻译成 “警醒”或者 “觉醒文化”. But that's not all of it. During the 2014 Ferguson protests, the phrase was popularized by Black Lives Matter (BLM) activists seeking to raise awareness about police shootings of African Americans. 本来这个词它是没有进入mainstream主流的英语语境, 仅限于在黑人群体中的小范围使用; 但到了2014年, Ferguson protest是因为有一位美国黑人被白人警察射杀, 这个事件掀起了弗格森地区的抗议浪潮, 所以当时在社交媒体上#staywoke, “#保持警醒”话题标签就开始火了起来. 当时主要是为了呼吁人们关注这样的一个系统性种族歧视的现象. Over time, it gained so much popularity, it became increasingly connected to matters beyond race, such as gender and identities perceived as marginalized. 不过随后woke这个含义从简单的 “黑人反抗种族压迫” 进一步扩大, 它的政治和社会意义内涵, 开始从 “种族不平等”延伸到 “性别、跨性别者、环保主义、堕胎、性骚扰”等等社会话题, 在美国逐渐就演变成了一场文化战争, 这也是为什么英语里有wokeism, 可以把它理解为 “觉醒主义”或者 “觉醒运动”. Now the term became popular with millenniums and members of Genz, 特别受千禧一代和Z世代的欢迎, 相当于中国的85后、90后、95后、00后这么几代人。As its use spread internationally, woke was added to the Oxford English Dictionary in 2017. Wokeism也逐渐超越了美国的国境, 蔓延到其他英语国家乃至世界上很多其他的国家。所以2017年它也被作为形容词, 收入了牛津字典。So far, this is understandable. But this is when it gets tricky. 但是在woke这个词进入主流英语之后, 它的感情色彩却发生了很微妙的变化。By 2020, many on the political right and some in the center in several Western countries began using the term sarcastically as a pejorative for various leftist and progressive movements and ideologies.Wokeism或者Woke这个概念本来就是比较偏激进派、偏左的这样的一个思潮, 所以到了2020年, 很多偏右甚至偏中间的这些组织或者党派, 他们开始用woke这个词来讽刺一些过于激进或者是这种过度追求政治正确的人。Some argue that this is because the term has been co-opted by mainstream culture and stripped off its original meaning and power. 有的人就说这是因为Woke的内涵, 它迅速的泛化, 进入主流社会, 致使很多人虽然不清楚这个词本来表示什么, 但是他们会把这个词泛泛地用在他们自己认为的各种歧视或者不公现象, 这个时候他们就可以高举 Wokeism警醒的这面大旗, 并且对于他们认为不够woke的人占据moral high grounds, 道德高地。正是因为这种概念的泛化和woke追随者的这种self righteousness, 自以为是道德高地的这种态度, 反而令woke这个本来应该很有力量的词引发了大量的反感. People are starting to watch out for what they say so that they don't get blamed and attacked for not being woke enough, especially in the United States where this concept of woke originated. It has been used in political fights, 特别是在美国这个词还被用来作为党争的工具, the Republican Party representatives, including Trump, and some senators, they are actually calling people who embrace wokeism as the woke mob.甚至共和党里的一些言论, 他们会把 wokeism觉醒主义的这些人称为woke mob, 叫做所谓的 “觉醒暴民” 。所以可以说短短几年间曾经被众多的美国年轻人用作觉醒号角, 在社交媒体上充当进步徽章的这个词woke, 如今很多时候都会在贬损和戏谑的语境里才会被使用。
3/12/2024 • 9 minutes, 52 seconds
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~ Barista is a professional coffee maker是咖啡师. You actually need to get qualified for that. Oh, yeah. You can get qualifications in being a barista. They even have competitions for barista art. Kind of when they make the really nice patterns, pictures…Latte art.Yeah, the latte art. The latte art咖啡拉花的那个东西. Yeah. But back to espresso, I remember because I went to Italy so many times. It's very interesting to see Italians on their way to work in the morning. And then they would pop into a café, but they would never sit down. They would just pay at the bar at the counter, and then just get an espresso and drink it, or a double espresso. Well, actually, vice versa. They'll order a drink, first drink it, then they pay.Oh, okay.But the reason for that is that in Italian cafés, if you sit down, the coffee is more expensive.Yeah. I’m always the dumb-dumb. It's a good way of saving money. If you just want a quick coffee in Italy, you have to stand at the bar. It's a bit cheaper. It's only maybe like a Euro or just slightly more than a Euro. And then you can just drink your coffee and off you go. Yeah, but can't you just go like, do it like in Starbucks, and just order one to go and just…Oh,no no no no no no no…Why?Coffee on the go is just not done in Italy.Okay.It's actually called an American. If you order a coffee to go, then it's pretty much saying I am a tourist. Wow. They look at me, they know I’m a tourist, so…Well, yeah, true. But that's the thing what we would consider as a regular coffee in Britain or in America is called an Americano. Americano is basically just black coffee with…It's espresso.With water.Water down with hot water. The reason why it's called an Americano is that when the Americans during the World War II went to Italy, they couldn't drink the local coffee cause it was too strong. So what they did was they added hot water to it and that became an Americano. Oh, I could imagine the local Italian barista would just be like you're a Yankee, you're an American. That's what you guys would order. So Americano, here’s for you Americans.Exactly.Interesting. 所以为什么叫美式. So this is Italy. Oh, one thing I do want to mention, it's... I used to go to Italy in hot summers. So sometimes I would want to drink like an ice coffee, although I don't really drink coffee. But so when I’m thinking about ice coffee, I was really thinking about like an ice latte or an iced cappuccino. But I just order iced coffee and it turns out just like a very sweetened espresso.Yeah, exactly.I love ices espresso, and I love cold coffee as well. Okay, so that's a little bit about Italians. I think there's also very strong coffee culture in Arabic countries.
3/10/2024 • 13 minutes, 4 seconds
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~ Hi everyone, and welcome back to Happy Hour, 欢迎回来酒馆.It's International Women's Day, every year around this time, we would do a special episode.So far we've talked about the history of feminism, workplace stereo types, and shared with you stories of some truly fascinating women.So what are we gonna talk about today?When it comes to anxiety we face as women on a pretty regular basis, I'm sure a lot of you will agree that one major source of anxiety is related to body image.In other words, do I look good enough?Especially in this day and age, for a woman, looking good is almost seen as a requirement rather than an option.Go on any social media platform, you'll see countless influences trying to show off their perfect body; and even more of them trying to teach you to secrets to attain that perfect body through all sorts of exercise, diet and products.近年来火遍社交媒体的什么A4腰,漫画腿,锁骨养金鱼等等,都是刷出了一波又一波的焦虑。It's pretty difficult not to fall victim to these increasingly harsh standards.But a thing is, when we talk about the ideal body, we sometimes tend to forget that the idea of beauty is not only subjective but constantly changing.So in today's episode, I'm going to take you back in history, take a look at the changing standards of female beauty in the west.今天的酒馆里,璐璐就带你看看西方历史上那些不断峰回路转的对于完美女性身材的定义。Let's start with prehistoric times.Some of the earliest known representations of a woman's body in the west are the 'Venus figurines'.These are small statues from over 20,000 years ago in Europe. These figurines usually portray round, pear-shaped women's bodies, many with large breasts, large hips, and large everything symbolizing fertility, the ability to have many babies.And moving on to Ancient Greece and Rome. The ideal female body should be slim but robust. So you have to have some strength, high, round, useful breasts.
3/7/2024 • 15 minutes, 8 seconds
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~ In today's Buzzword Mix, our buzzword is Hustle Culture. 之前我们说到过一个带hustle 的buzzword叫做Side Hustle副业. But today's Hustle Culture is different. You may not have heard of this word before, but you have definitely experienced hustle culture. So hustle culture describes a common, modern workplace environment that emphasizes hard work and long hours as the key to success. 是不是听起来很熟悉?这个Hustle culture就是指的这么一种现代的职场文化, 它的重点就是hard work and long hours,要取得成功, 你就必须要拼命的工作, 用高强度不断加班这样子的去“卷”才能够获取成功. Hustle culture可以翻译成“搏命文化”, “鸡血文化”或者你直接就说卷的文化. It's become increasingly popular in recent years. With many companies encouraging their employees to put in extra effort and work hours for better results. 其实这个Hustle Culture还真不是只有咱们这儿有, 要不然英语里也不会出现这个词了. Let's dive into the word a little bit more, what exactly is this Hustle Culture?Well, this hustle culture places an intense focus on productivity, ambition, and success. 它所关注的重点就是productivity生产力, ambition野心,和成功success.With little regard for rest, self-care, or any sense of work-life balance. 至于什么休息, 自我关怀或者什么所谓的work-life balance, 工作生活的平衡, 统统都不在意. Now this lifestyle has become increasingly popular in recent years as people strive to achieve their professional goals faster and more efficiently. Despite its popularity though, this mindset has been linked to mental health concerns, like increased anxiety, stress and depression, which we're gonna talk about later. But first of all, you might ask why is hustle culture glorified if it has so many problems, 既然它听起来就有很多问题, 那么为什么它会被吹捧呢?
3/5/2024 • 9 minutes, 52 seconds
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~ Hi, everyone and welcome back to Happy Hour,欢迎回来酒馆. Hi, 安澜. Hi, Lulu.Fancy seeing you in the studio. Fancy seeing you here too. Jokes aside, what are we gonna talk about today?Well. Today I thought we'll choose a topic that means a lot to me, it's very close to my heart. 安澜喜欢的话题, old books, really really old mildew books?No.Scotch?No.Oh. Then there's only one thing left, coffee.Yes. So today I thought let's talk a little bit about coffee. Now the reason why I have chosen coffee apart from the fact that I am completely addicted to coffee. I know Lulu that you don't drink coffee.I can’t. I physically cannot drink coffee. No idea how you can survive. I guess I just drink. So…Okay. Fair do. If you know us very well or know me very well, you probably heard me mention on several occasions that I don't really drink coffee, or can't really drink coffee, because I get pretty bad heart palpitations.And if I don't drink coffee, I actually feel physically unwell. I am very, very addicted to coffee now. 就是我是那种喝不了咖啡的体质,会心动过速, 然后安澜是那种特别典型的, I think many Europeans are like that, you guys get... are so addicted to coffee, you literally get coffee headaches if you don't drink coffee.Yeah. The first thing I do in the morning is make myself a coffee before anything else. If you're in a place where coffee is not available?Woo. That doesn't happen. Even if I go somewhere, if I go into the countryside, for example, I love going into the outskirts of Beijing. I always take coffee with me. You know. Years ago, I remember when I was in Germany and I went into like a, I don't know, I needed to do some procedural thing and I went into like an office, like a functional office. And then I saw the poster on the wall, saying “there's no life before coffee”. And I tested that to be true, because I was talking to the person working there. Obviously, she didn't have her coffee. And she was filling in the form about me, and she looked at me, and she felt in gender as “unknown”.Hahaha…So what it does... That could be coffee, that could be other reasons, but I’m not gonna be rude. So coming back to the topic, why did you choose this topic apart from the fact that you're so addicted to coffee?
3/3/2024 • 11 minutes, 36 seconds
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~ Welcome back to Geek time Advance. This is Brad. How are you doing Lulu? Hi, Brad, I’m doing fine, and I’m ready for our talk about Brain Chipping.All right. So I thought we'd start off by talking about Neuralink, which is Elon Musk’s company. He is creating brain chips that people can use. The whole idea for him is to use like these chips to control devices really like IoT devices or to help people with their motor skills, their cognitive issues.Yeah, just to remind our audience. IoT is internet of things we actually talked about this “物联网”. So it's like all of these things that are connected within a network, right? So using brain chipping, I guess you can control all of those devices. Yeah, so rather than having to say serious name or to any of your home systems, you can just rather than say something, you can think it, and you can control it that way. Yeah, so I think I want my room to be warmer and immediately my brain, this chip in my brain will help control the temperature of the room because it's linked with my smart aircon.Exactly. That sort of idea. These chips aren't just meant for controlling IoT devices. They're also used for helping people with medical issues. They can help people who have problems with motor skills, help people with vision problems or other issues with senses, whether it's hearing or anything like that. And he's already started to do trials not on humans, but on monkeys. So human trials haven't started yet. He is in the process of getting those human trials going. He's accepting applications, but there's a little bit of issue, because some of the monkeys in the trials didn't exactly behave to the way they would. Some of them got sick, because of the brain chips and so may not be ready for human trials. Yeah. To be honest, I know everyone talking about Elon Musk, especially people who really, really love him, really look up to him. There was obviously they always say he's such a visionary, he's a man with vision. But the other way of looking at it is so progressive in a way that sometimes I think that there's a lot of ethical issues, ethical concerns to be hammered out before going further whatever his vision is. Mhm. Yeah, you have to wonder how this is gonna affect people. Are people actually going to be able to maintain their sanity? Are they gonna be healthy? There's a lot of issues that can come because of this. And so we do have to make sure that people aren't going to get sick after we put a chip in their brain.
2/29/2024 • 15 minutes, 57 seconds
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~“Which of you is Holmes?”, the man shouted.“That is my name, sir,” answered my friend. “Now what is yours?”“I am Dr. Grimesby Roylott of Stoke Moran.”“Please take a seat, Doctor,” said Holmes.“I will not!” Dr. Roylott shouted. “My stepdaughter has been here. What did she tell you?”“The weather has been nice this year.” Holmes calmly replied.“You will not distract me! I know who you are. You are Holmes the meddler! Holmes the busybody!”Holmes laughed as he said, “you are very entertaining my dear doctor. Please close the door when you leave.”“I will leave when I have finished! Do not interfere in my affairs. I am a very dangerous man and you will regret it!” Dr. Roylott shouted as he stormed out of the room.When that brute finally left the room, Holmes laughed. “What a delightful gentleman!” Holmes chuckled. “I just hope that Miss Stoner is safe.” “Anyways, let’s order breakfast, Watson. Then I shall walk downtown. I’ll need some facts before we do anything else.” It was one o’clock when Holmes got back. He had a blue paper in his hand. It had notes and numbers all over it. “I have seen the will of Dr. Roylott’s wife,” he said. “She left a thousand pounds, all right. But each girl was to get two hundred and fifty pounds when she got married. If the girls died before getting married, Roylott would get all the money. So you see why Dr. Roylott wanted Julia and Helen dead.”
2/27/2024 • 12 minutes, 38 seconds
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~ Hi everyone, and welcome back to Geek Time. 欢迎回来【极客时间】. Hi, Brad. Hey, lulu, how's it going?It's going. So What are we gonna talk about today? Have you heard of brain chipping? Brain chipping. It doesn't mean chipping your brain. It means linking your brain to a chip?Yeah, putting a computer chip in your brain and connecting the two. 好像叫大脑芯片. I don't think this is... as an idea, as a concept, this is not new. I'm definitely seeing them in sci-fi films or TV shows or books. Oh yeah. It's not a new idea, but it's something that's actually been in the news a lot lately because of Neuralink and they're trying to actually brain chips into real life. Elon Musk again, Musk的公司 Neuralink, 公司之一, 就在做 brain chip的尝试, 把它从科幻变成现实. So that brings a lot of controversy, a lot of discussion and debates. This is what we're gonna explore in this and the next episode. So when you say brain chip like you said it literally is connecting a computer chip to your brain. Like how... through some sort of interface? I'm trying to imagine that. So your brain has a lot of nerve connections and a lot of tissue that connect it to your body. Doctors have started to figure out how to connect something to your brain using those connections. When you think about it, your eye is connected to your brain and they're starting to develop ways to connect artificial eyes that should be able to see things. It's all just a matter of finding a way to interface a chip with using an electrical pulse that goes into your brain and then sending that signal back to the chip. I see. So not necessarily implantation. Yeah, implantation. So in order for it to connect to your brain, you would probably have to actually implant it. You're doing tests... Yeah, implanting that into your brain. I see, I see.And you mentioned doctors, so I'm assuming this whole idea, this whole progress initially, at least was aiming to solve some medical problems?Yeah. There's a lot of issues that stem from issues with your brain, and people have Alzheimer's or they have other memory issues that might benefit from use of these devices. 可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~
2/25/2024 • 13 minutes, 14 seconds
《Geek时间》-富人们知道了什么,都在拼命挖?(Bunkers Adv)
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~ KeywordsWhat is a bunkerAn underground home that is self-sufficientFallout seriesA place to go if the world goes crazy or if there is a worldwide catastropheWhy a bunkerKeeps you away from disease and radiation.A layer of stone should protect against most radiation, but other materials can be incorporated to increase the strength such as lead.You can hide from roving bandits that might come to take your supplies. As seen in movies like Mad MaxFood in a bunkerThere is a need to be able to be closed for decades so food is an issueBecause of green house like conditions typical year cycles don’t have to be followedHowever, to maintain regenerative farming techniques are a must.Livestock is possible, but difficult to manage, but could help with maintaining soil nutrientsHydroponics could allow several layers of growth essentially multiplying space 5 to 10 fold depending on how high ceilings are.Electric powerSolar panels would give away the position of your bunker. Any fuel sources would not last long enoughBicycle power could easily power small electronics and lighting, but larger storage would be required for things like TVs, but this could be a way of keeping the body strongWelcome back to Geek Time advanced everyone. Hi Lulu, how are you doing? Hi, Brad.I'm ready to continue our talk about bunkers. Now have you heard about some regular people building their own bunkers?Only my friends.On YouTube right now, there's a really popular guy who's building his own bunker underneath his house. in America? Yes, in America. I think there might be a few people in the UK doing it as well.All right. Is that even legal? Technically if you don't have permits, it's not legal, but some people actually will go out and get permits for these kind of things, but a lot of people will probably just build it without going out and getting any type of permit for their bunker.If you're going out to get the zoning permit for your bunker to hide away from the world, wouldn't that defeat the whole purpose? Because then everybody would know you're building a bunker.That is technically true. Everyone would know that where your bunker is, but that's only if they went and did research and went to like the government office and saw whoo this person has a bunker, we should go to their house. Most people probably wouldn't do that. But really savvy people probably would look for the bunkers from rich people, because they know they would actually have something worth stealing in their house.That is really sad.So you mentioned as YouTuber, like an influencer, creating his own bunker. And I'm assuming he's live streaming it.
2/22/2024 • 13 minutes, 24 seconds
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~ “It was early in April 1883. At this time I was living with Sherlock Holmes. We had rooms at 221B Baker Street.One morning I woke up early. Holmes was standing by my bed. He was already dressed. I looked up at him in surprise. My clock showed that it was only seven. Holmes generally got up late.“Very sorry to wake you up, Watson,” he said.“What is it?” I asked. “A fire?”“No. It is a young lady. She just came in. She says she must see me. It looks like an interesting case, Watson. I thought you would be interested.”“My dear Holmes, I wouldn’t miss it for the world”, as I jumped excitedly out of bed.I put on my clothes. In a few minutes I was ready. We went down to the sitting room.A lady got to her feet. She was dressed in black. We saw that her face was gray. Her eyes looked like those of a hunted animal.“Good morning,” said Holmes. “My name is Sherlock Holmes. And this is Dr. Watson. He is my dear friend. Please tell us everything. But first of all, you are shivering. Shall I order some hot coffee for you?”“It is not cold that makes me shiver,” the young lady quietly responded. “What is it then?” Holmes responded.“It is fear, Mr Holmes. It is terror.” I could the fear in her eyes and noticed that even though she was only thirty, her hair was already started to turn grey. “Do not fear my dear lady,” Holmes soothingly said, “you are quite safe. Please tell us your story.”“My name is Helen Stoner,” said the lady. “I am living with my stepfather. His name is Dr. Grimesby Roylott. He is the last living Roylott. The Roylotts have been at Stoke Moran for hundreds of years.”Holmes nodded. “I know the name,” said he.
2/20/2024 • 13 minutes, 34 seconds
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~ Hi everyone, and welcome back to geek time with Brad. 欢迎回来【极客时间】. Hi, Brad.Hi, lulu. How's it going? Yeah. I mean it's going and it has been some time since last time we actually talked about geeky stuff. Yeah. I don't remember. Yeah, I hope life's treating you well.Life's treating me pretty good, no problems. But have you seen some of the latest news? I mean that is actually a topic that I would like to propose today. Have you seen people like Zuckerberg and all those tech gazillionaires in the world? It seems like there's now a trend among these people to build some sort of underground bunkers. 就是现在做那个地堡, 什么像扎克伯格他们都开始做那种好像是末日地堡那种感觉. Have you been following these news? Of course I know about the lizard people on their underground bunkers. Guys, if you don't remember the lizard people, Brad and I were actually talking about this whole conspiracy theory, or maybe not. 原来我们说那个阴谋论里面就说有一个谈到 lizard people, reptilian people that are actually in control of the world. So I thought let's talk about bunkers. That sounds very good. Yeah.First of all, what is a bunker? Bunker. I thought bunker was first used in, I don't know, in some sort of shelter during wartime. Aha. Like a lot of times during war, leaders would be in bunkers if there was any issues, really any like front lines near them, they would definitely hide in bunkers, because that's how they would make sure to stay away from being bombed basically. So initially was like anti bombing.Right.I see. Because if you read history or if you watch some historical films or documentaries, you see like Hitler in bunker in his bunker and also Churchill in his bunker.Yeah. Like a lot of people they wanna have a bunker could be for something crazy like a nuclear fallout if there's ever a World War III that includes nuclear weapons, you can see that in the video game series that's really popular, the fallout series.The fallout.Like lizard, yeah, in the series everyone is going to live in bunkers, and then after decades, people escape to the surface, and that's basically how the game takes place. Fallout是一个挺老的游戏叫辐射. I think some of you, if you're older, you probably have heard of that, but they're bringing a new TV series in... this year, based on that game, I think. Yeah. So that whole premises is all nuclear apocalypse核末日这种, right?
2/18/2024 • 12 minutes, 54 seconds
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg】查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~品茗 – KeywordHistory 历史The Classic of Tea 《茶经》To brew tea 泡茶Religious rituals 宗教仪式The Ancient Tea Horse Road 茶马古道Types of Chinese Teas 茶的种类白茶 White tea 绿茶 Green tea 乌龙茶 Oolong tea红茶 Black tea黑茶 Dark tea/Fermented tea*Fermentation 发酵*Oxidation 氧化Tea ceremony 茶道To appreciate tea 品茶Tea competition 斗茶/茗战Lidded tea bowl 盖碗Sharing cup/pitcher 公道杯/茶海Purple sand clay teapot 紫砂茶壶Tea tray 茶盘Tea holder 茶匙Scent cup 闻香杯Tea tongs 茶夹Tea pet 茶宠
2/12/2024 • 15 minutes, 12 seconds
《龙年特辑》-新年致辞 ,“龙”不能翻译成“dragon”吗?
不论是海外求学,国际旅行,接待外宾还是跨境业务洽谈中,你是否满腹干货,想做中华文化使者,但又苦于无法用英文表达?语言,不仅能让你看到更广阔的世界也能让你在更大的舞台发出自己的声音。酒馆特别板块: China Story【用英语,说中国】,双语播出,适合不同段位的你。让我们一起,讲述有趣有料的中国故事。关注公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】,获取精美文稿哦~
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~ When Wilson had gone, Holmes turned to me. “Well, Watson,” he asked. “What do you think?”“I have no idea,” I answered. “It is very strange. What are you going to do?”“Go hear some music,” replied Holmes. “There is a violin concert at St. James’s Hall this afternoon. Come along. We have time to make a stop on the way.”We took the underground train to Aldersgate. A short walk, and we were in Coburg Square.One of the corner houses wore a sign that read “J. B. Wilson.” Holmes stopped in front of the house. He thumped on the pavement with his stick. He pounded in two or three more spots. Then he walked up and knocked on the door.Mr. Wilson’s helper answered. He was a bright, clean looking young man.“So sorry to bother you,” said Holmes. “But can you tell me how to get to the Strand?”“Third right, fourth left,” the young man answered. He closed the door.“That,” said Holmes as we walked away, “is the fourth smartest man in London. I have seen him before. Did you get a look at his knees?”“What about his knees?” I asked. “What do you know, Holmes? Why did you hit the pavement like that?”“My dear Watson,” said Holmes. “This is no time to talk. This is the time to look. Let’s see what lies behind this quiet street.” We turned the corner.To my surprise, we found ourselves on a busy street. “Let’s see,” said Holmes. “There’s a cigar store. And there’s the City Bank. And there is a restaurant. Hmm, yes …”He turned to me. “I’ll want your help,” he said. “Can you be ready at ten tonight? Good. See you then. Oh, and Dr. Watson. Do you have your gun? You had better bring it along.”He waved his hand. Then he disappeared.I got back to Baker Street just before ten o’clock that evening. Two horse-drawn cabs were waiting outside. Inside, I found two men with Holmes.”“Ah! We are all here now!” Holmes said. “You know Inspector Jones of Scotland Yard, don’t you, Watson? And this is Mr. Merryweather.”Mr. Merryweather was long, thin, and sad-faced. He wore a very shiny top hat. He did not look at all happy. “This had better not be a waste of time,” he said. “I’m missing my Saturday night card game. First time in twenty years.”Holmes laughed. “You’ll play a more exciting game tonight,” he said. “You, Mr. Merryweather, stand to win or lose thirty thousand pounds. And you, Mr. Jones? You will get your man.”“That’s right!” cried Inspector Jones. “John Clay. Killer. Robber. He’s a young man. But he’s one of the most wanted criminals in London”“Yes—he’s quite a man, John Clay. The grandson of a duke. Went to the most expensive private schools. His head is as quick as his fingers. I’ve been on his trail for years. I’ve never even set eyes on him yet.”“I hope you will meet him tonight,” said Holmes. “Let’s go. Two cabs are waiting outside. You two men take the first cab. Dr. Watson and I will follow in the second.”
2/4/2024 • 11 minutes, 31 seconds
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~Let's move on now. Now the baby is here.So.Let’s talk about postnatal care就是产后的. First of all, you don't have the idea of月子. 安澜, 听过月子吗? I have heard of that.You don't have the idea at all.No, not at all. Are there any rules about women? Don’t wash your hair, don’t get cold or whatever because you’re vulnerable, you can take a shower immediately.No. You can take a shower immediately. In many cases, they're probably encourage you to take a shower if you've been in labor for quite a long time. Oh, even the medical professionals.Yeah.Okay. And now comes the very, very, very important thing. How long is your maternity leave? New mothers can get 52 weeks of maternity leave. 那就是一年喽, 产假是一年. Yeah, 52 weeks. And how early can you start taking it? You can start 11 weeks before giving birth. So roughly 3 months, the last trimester. And the minimum amount is 2 weeks. What does that mean? Minimum amount, you have to take?You have to take 2 weeks off.Okay.But, generally in the UK, women won't be staying in hospital for that long after giving birth.How long would they stay in a hospital after giving birth?If all is well, if it was a very smooth birth, they could go home after about 6 hours, 6 to 24 hours. I see, if there are no complications and such. So let's get back dial back to the maternity leave. I’m just quite curious about that. When you say 52 weeks, how are the new mothers getting paid? Are they still getting paid? The first 6 weeks are paid at 90% of weekly earnings. The rest of it is paid at £172.48. That's so exact for everybody? Yeah, for everyone. Let me calculate, 172 for each week. Okay? They'll be slightly under£700 per month. Yeah. So it's not a large amount of money. Especially if you were making a lot before. Yeah.I see, do they get anything I know in Scandinavian countries, you actually get like the whole basket of all these baby products, or when you give birth, do you have anything like that?
2/1/2024 • 9 minutes, 43 seconds
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~ Sherlock Holmes still lives in our old rooms at 221B Baker Street. I visited him there one day last autumn.When I entered the room, I saw that Holmes was deep in conversation with a fat old man who had bright red hair.I said sorry for interrupting and tried to leave the room so I can let them speak. But Holmes jumped out of his chair and cried “Come in, Dr. Watson!”. “Meet Mr. J. B. Wilson. Mr. Wilson, this is Dr. Watson. He works with me on many of my cases.” The fat man got up and nodded. Holmes sat back down in his chair. He put his fingers together. (He often does that when he is thinking.) He smiled. “Watson, I know you love strange stories as much as I do. Mr. Wilson here has just started telling his tale. And it’s one of the strangest stories I have ever heard.” Mr. Wilson looked proud as Holmes showed such interest in his story. He pulled a piece of paper out of his coat pocket. “Look at this notice, Dr. Watson,” he said. “You can read it for yourself.”As I took the paper from him, I took another look at Mr. Wilson. He was wearing baggy trousers, a dirty coat, a dark waistcoat with a large watch with a watch chain. Holmes saw me looking at the red-headed man and laughed. “Apart from that he went to China, he has done manual labour and does a lot of writing, there’s not much to say.”Mr. Wilson looked shocked and said, “how on earth did you know all that?”Holmes laughed as he said, “it is very easy Mr. Wilson. The tattoo above your right hand could only have been done in China. Plus, the Chinese coin hanging from your watch chain makes it even easier.”“But manual labour? It is true that I worked on a ship when I was younger.”“Your right hand is much bigger than your left. That shows you often worked with your hands.”“But…but….a lot of writing?”“Your coat’s elbow is very shiny which shows that you rest your arm when you are writing.”“I see”, Mr. Wilson laughed, “I thought you had done something clever but I realized that it was so obvious.”Holmes gave a smile and said, “Maybe, I should not be so honest otherwise no one will ever come to me for help. Watson, can you read out the advert?” “To All Red-headed Men”, I began to read out. “There is a job open at the Red-headed League. The pay is 4 pounds a week. The work is not very hard. To get the job you must have red hair. You must be a man over 21 years old. Come in person on Monday, at 11 o’clock, to 7 Fleet Street. Ask for Duncan Ross.” “What can it mean?” I asked.“Holmes laughed. “It is a little odd, isn’t it? Do tell us more, Mr. Wilson.”“I own a store at Coburg Square,” said Wilson. “It’s a very small place and recently business has not been very good. I used to have two helpers. Now I can pay only one. I can pay him only because he will work for half pay. I don’t know what I would do without him.”“Hmm. A good helper who works for half pay,” said Holmes. “And what is the name of this nice young man?”“Vincent Spaulding,” replied Wilson. “He isn’t that young though. Vincent is very smart, and I know that he could easily get more money if he goes to another shop. But, Vincent does have his problems. He is always down in the basement. He plays with all those cameras of his down there. He is mad about taking photos. But on the whole he’s a very good worker.”
1/30/2024 • 12 minutes, 53 seconds
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~ Hi everyone, and welcome back to Britain under the microscope. 欢迎回来【闲话英伦】. Hi安澜. Hi, Lulu. Hi, everyone.Now before we start, I just wanna say this is a special episode that we want to dedicate to one of our dearest friends and partners, Jenny.Congratulations, Jenny.可能对于不太了解我们的小伙伴, 不知道我们一个重要的酒馆的合作伙伴, 也是我们的特别好的朋友Jenny 咩咩, 她是刚当上了妈妈, 刚晋升成为妈妈了, congratulations, congratulations!Yeah~Now I thought to dedicate this to her, I thought we can talk about something relating to having babies, although neither 安澜 and I have a kid, I thought we can talk about what having babies is like in the UK.Well. Absolutely.Especially considering a lot of our listeners are Moms or Dads.Yes.I’m pretty sure you'd be curious to compare what it is like having a kid, having a baby in China and having a kid elsewhere.Yes.Like in the UK.Okay. First of all, the biology remains exactly the same.Oh, come on.Let's start from the very beginning. Not from the very beginning. No, not from the very beginning. No, yeah. The conception is... we're not going to talk about that.No, no. Let's kind of just yeah, ok. So, let's talk about a few months. Yeah. Let's talk about prenatal care. First of all, this is a very professional word. It's a medical word, right? Prenatal. So you talk about prenatal and postnatal.Yeah.Natal就是birth.Birth.或者prenatal, before birth, 这种产前的一些各种护理, 然后产后的护理叫postnatal.Postnatal and prenatal. So let's start first of all with prenatal.
1/28/2024 • 11 minutes, 21 seconds
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~ Okay, we've talked so much about the word dandy itself and also Beau Brummell, but still I think our listeners probably just can't really imagine in their mind’s eye how a dandy would dress, is it more like you have feather there and really like flamboyant, really out there, all the colors? No.OKAY.In the past, men would wear very bright colors, dandies would focus more on the material, design, and the overall fit of the clothes. They would actually wear dark colors. Oh yes, because before the aristocratic the upper class in Britain or in England would draw influence from the French court where everything's like puffy and bright color and really kind of out there. But...so dandyism actually made it a little bit more sophisticated. Oh yeah. People used to take the time because if you think about it in the past, people didn't really care about their personal hygiene. They didn't wash, because all they had to do was put on a wig, put on something bright, cover themselves in perfume and they're done. Whereas dandies would focus for hours on their hair. They would actually try to make themselves clean and they would focus on just getting the clothes looking just right. So it's... dandies are not trying to look effeminate. They're not trying to look feminine. They try to look like a very sophisticated men. Yeah, and it's the dandies who have had the biggest influence over how men dress nowadays. You know what it reminds me of, I don't know if our listeners have heard of the idea of 绅装. 安澜, have you heard of the Chinese words, 绅士的绅, 服装的装, if you check on Chinese social media or just any of the online store, you check 绅装, you will see lots of the stores, lots of the actual clothes. I think that is very much linked with dandyism. It's just fitted clothes and sort of bespoke, there’s actually a bespoke有一个定制西装的品牌就叫做MR Dandy actually in China. Yeah, I've heard about it. So is that the case. It is, and as I was saying before, the clothes that they wore are the clothes that we wear nowadays. So for example, they made trousers popular for men. OKAY. So what did they use to wear, skirts? They used to wear breeches. Breeches are shorts? Like shorts, with tights. Oh. So those pictures that you see was the French court. Yeah. SO they would have breeches that go down the knees and then they wear tights. 就是那种短裤. 大家看到原来法式宫廷那种puffy breeches, 底下那种紧身裤袜. Sometimes puffy breeches. But most of the time just very well fitted breeches. Oh Yes.of course .of course. So then they started abandoning those, and they started wearing trousers as we see today. Yes. And we talked about cravat became ties and they would wear dark coats which later became blazers. You know All of these stereotypes about British gentlemen how would they dress, it sounds like it started from this whole dandyism. I would say that's where a lot of the modern suit comes from, the whole idea of this is how a man should dress. What about the perfume? Did they change that, I... before it was just to cover the smell. But now they focus on their own personal hygiene more, so they probably use a bit of perfume but not too much. Sounds like a nice way to sort of like to change into, to be honest. Well. I don't have the time, but I do like the idea of men really focusing on how they dress, kind of get in their outfits right making sure that they're wearing kind of clean presentable clothes. I'm not dandy by any stretch of imagination. I would say you're more dandy compared to the average men. I do think a lot about how I dress, yes I do. I probably wouldn't call you metrosexual, 安澜, but you are getting there. Well I don't care about my hair sufficient enough to be metrosexual
1/25/2024 • 11 minutes, 53 seconds
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~ In Rome there was once a poor slave whose name was Androcles. Androcles was a kind young man but his master was a cruel man, and so unkind to him that Androcles finally ran away.He hid himself in a wild wood far away from Rome for many days; but there was no food to be found. Androcles grew so weak and sick that he thought he would die soon. So, one day he crept into a cave. Androcles was exhausted and weak with hunger. He laid down on a pile of leaves, and soon he was fast asleep.After a while a great noise woke him up. A large, ferocious lion had come into the cave, and was roaring loudly. Androcles was terrified, for he felt sure that the beast would kill and eat him. Soon, however, he saw that the lion was not angry, but that he limped as if his foot hurt him. The lion carefully sat down in the cave staring at Androcles with sad eyes.Then Androcles grew so brave that he took hold of the lion's lame paw to see what was the matter. The lion stood quite still, and rubbed his head against the man's shoulder. He seemed to say,--"I know that you will help me."Androcles lifted the paw from the ground, and saw that it was a long, sharp thorn which hurt the lion so much. He took the end of the thorn in his fingers; then he gave a strong, quick pull, and out it came. The lion first looked in pain but then when he saw that his paw no longer hurt, he was full of joy. He jumped about like a dog, and licked the hands and feet of his new friend.
1/23/2024 • 8 minutes, 5 seconds
《闲话英伦》- 比女人更爱美,初代网红“买买买”到入狱、发疯。
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~ Hi, everyone and welcome back to Britain Under the Microscope. 欢迎回来【闲话英伦】. Hi 安澜. Hi, lulu. Hi everyone. And welcome back to the studio. Thank you. So how was your holiday? Really really good. Very wet, very cold, there were two storms in the UK, but I stayed at home .Binge eating and binge drinking Pretty much. I think all holidays around the world are pretty much the same, food oriented, family oriented, that's about it. Exactly. When I came back to china, I did find that my clothes were a little bit snug, let's say snug. That's better than saying I’ve got fat. So what are we going to talk about today?As I was struggling to put on my clothes, Okay.I started thinking about something from British history and I started thinking about the dandies. The dandies, the best dressers. 首先解释下 dandies, 你知道在中文里其实不是特别好翻译这个dandy. 我看过直接音译的叫 “丹迪主义”, 我也看过它被翻译成 “绅士”, 或者有一种直接翻译成”纨绔子弟”.翻译是也有点奇怪. Yeah, because a very specific type of men and it's got its own context, historical context. Yeah. I would also say, but even British people and English speakers don't really quite understand what a dandy is or what a dandy was. Well, I guess it's just part of the history. Nowadays nobody really says that, I mean would they say he's such a dandy, you wouldn't say that, would you ? Well, you would say he's such a dandy, but it's always negative. So what does that mean now if you say he's such a dandy. If you say he’s such a dandy, then you are saying he cares too much about his appearance. He worries too much about how he looks, how he dresses. It has the connotation of he's acting a little bit girly.okay, 精致男那种感觉, but you know let's dive in history and let's go back to the origin of these words and then let's start from there. Okay. So I would say first of all, that what a dandy originally was is very different to what we perceive them as today (okay). I would say that dandies were the original metrosexual men. Metrosexual. For our listeners you probably heard of heterosexual, homosexual, sapiosexual, but what is metrosexual? Do you know back in university when I was doing my translation degree, (yeah) we actually had this huge discussion, two-hour discussion as in how to translate the word metrosexual. It’s a difficult word to translate.Metro means metropolitan right? (yeah) City, urban life; and sexual, just sexual. Metrosexual的那个意思, 我们最后决定把它翻译成“都市欲男”或者”都市花美男”.
1/21/2024 • 11 minutes, 35 seconds
《闲话英伦》- 比恋综更炸裂!?当然是外网“裸”综
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~ This one will probably take more of a toll on your mental health, and also possibly your physical health, it’s called Naked Attraction.Okay. Is it restricted? It sounds like it's R or Triple-X, it's not adult content, is it? Let me tell you what happens and you can be the judge. Okay.It's a dating show.Called naked attraction? Where a fully clothed person is surrounded by six naked people in a booth. And their bodies and faces are gradually revealed with the chooser then getting naked themselves. I'm sorry this just sounds pornographic. Is quite pornographic and it actually got a lot of complaints because of this.Mhm.And the whole idea is for the people to find each other and then they go on a date, fully clothed.Are you sure you didn't mistake? You know. Like those adult sites you've been visiting? I checked this on wikipedia, I checked this online and this is what happened.And this is allowed to be shown on TV. Very late at night.But still...I know.Wow. And then the winner goes on fully closed dates. Well yeah. I think that's the prize. They could go on a naked date, but you know it's gonna be awkward in a restaurant.Whoever thought of this and have been watching too much porn I think. Yeah.Yeah, okay. But they're bound to be some reality shows that you can get on board with. I think.Well, if you don't really wanna see lots of naked people or watch a reality show that's around murder or sex, then you can always watch the great British bake off. We go from the extreme pornographic to the extreme wholesome.Yes.Fun for the whole family. Bake off. 一旦有什么off, 就是一个it's a battle.Yeah.Like dance off. Dance off, Bake off, Cook off. So it's a baking competition. It's a baking competition. The great British Bake off. I've heard this for years, it has been around for some time. It's been around since 2010. Wow~And it's a baking competition where judges go round tasting cakes.Sounds fun. I watched that.Yeah. Some of the winners actually become really famous and they become bakers and…Celebrity.celebrity bakers themselves. And this is actually what caused a massive interest in baking in the UK; and during the pandemic, lots of British people started to …Bake stuff.bake stuff. They start to get into baking.Same here, same in China. I think it's because the baking materials and ingredients are so much easier to get than like fresh ingredients that you have to get for everyday cooking. The baking you have flour powders and all that you can store, but the vegetables, you can't.That's it. So obviously 3 years of pandemic really boosted the show's rating. Oh yeah, very much. So. Do you ever watch cooking shows or baking shows?Emm, not really, not really, the one that I like to watch.This is going to be the boring stuff. It's not boring. Okay. There's not much violence or sex in it. It's called The Repair Shop. Are you serious? It even sounds boring. It's called The Repairs Shop. 就是修理店. Please don't tell me this is just a repairman fixing stuff.
1/18/2024 • 9 minutes, 8 seconds
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~ Hi, everyone. And welcome back to our new segment 【It means what?】Yeah~安澜, this is going to be a very interesting word that we're going to talk about today. Okay.欢迎回来我们的新板块【词源考古研究所】. In this segment, we will bring you interesting origin stories of some of the most common words and phrases. So today we're going to talk about the word “companion”.Yes.I know a lot of Chinese learners they like to say “I want to accompany you to do something” 我陪你去做什么事情. Yeah, I've noticed that. Yeah. It doesn't sound very natural.No. We wouldn't say accompany someone. If we say something like the best translation for like “陪”, I would say it's like “spend time with”. Or “keep you company”.Or “keep you company”. 但不管是company还是accompany, 都和这个词有点关系, 就是companion. Yes.也就是同伴这么一个意思, 就是可以陪伴你的人. Sometimes we also say pets are our companion.Well. Exactly.It's someone you spend time with.That's it.Where does this word come from? Because it's very different from like friends or family.Well. Yeah, it's actually from two words, two Latin words. “Com” I think you can probably recognize what that means.“Com” is, I think in Latin used to be written as “c” “u” “m”? Yeah, or like “c” “o” “m”. “c” “u” “m”, “c” “o” “m”, which means “with” “together”. Yeah. So combine example.Companion前面这个com, 它的意思有“和”, 就是 with, 在一起的这个意思. And “panion”? It comes from the Latin word “panis”.“penis”?Not that. Oh, “panis”.
1/16/2024 • 6 minutes, 49 seconds
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~ Hi, everyone and welcome back to Britain under the microscope. 欢迎回来【闲话英伦】. Hi, 安澜. Hi, Lulu. Hi, everyone.So 安澜 you just got back from the UK, what you’ve been doing apart from binge eating and binge drinking? Well, same as everyone during Christmas, watching TV, being with family. I didn't even know you watch TV. I thought you just watch really old movies. I do sometimes watch TV, I do sometimes. So what kind of TV do you watch, soap opera? No. My mom does. I don't. What else?Well. I would say the things that we really just can't escape from in the UK, which are reality shows.真人秀. That's exactly the same as in China. I think that's pretty much exactly the same anywhere in the world at the moment. People are so fascinated with reality shows and those of you who are listening to this episode, I'm pretty sure you have watched reality shows, sometimes maybe not even realizing it's a reality show. Yeah.Reality show I think by definition is just any show without a script. Yeah, but I would say reality shows have become so specific now. I know some really bad reality shows. I know some terrible ones which are exactly the ones that we’re gonna talk about. So I know a lot of you watch like综艺节目, actually they say variety show like综艺节目, but they're not variety shows.No.There are more reality shows.Yeah.And today we're going to talk about popular, trashy, bad, good reality shows in the UK and you can compare to some of the reality shows that you watch in China. Some of these you might have already watched. Emm. Okay. And the whole trend started at least 20 years ago. Well, yeah. Around the early 2000s, you had shows like Big Brother and Survivor that came from the US. Yeah. I was gonna say Survivor is from the US. Big Brother is just like the bunch of people living in the same house?Yeah. With cameras everywhere. Oh. Hence big brother, they’re being watched, monitored the entire time.
1/14/2024 • 10 minutes, 26 seconds
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~ Hi, everyone. And welcome back to our new segment【It means what? 】Yeah~I'm not convinced.Okay.欢迎回来我们的新板块【词源考古研究所】. In this segment, we bring you some of the very interesting origin stories of words and phrases. So the word for today is a word, I'm sure a lot of people have heard of, this is the word ‘candidate’. Oh. Yes. Like presidential candidate.PhD candida
1/11/2024 • 6 minutes, 49 seconds
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~ Hi, everyone and welcome back to Britain Under the Microscope. 欢迎回来行闲话英伦, Hi 安澜。Hi, Lulu, hi everyone. Now as we are recording this, we're in October after the National (Day), so basically we've used up all of the public holidays of the year. Yeah, that is true, (YEAH) but look on the bright side at least it's better than it would be in the UK. What do you mean? Well, the last public holiday in the UK was in August and our next public holiday is the end of December. SO 4 months without any public holiday. That's right. Is that our topic today? Public holidays in the UK. YEAH. I thought, you know we’ve talked about Christmas, we’ve talked about Halloween which instead is not a public holiday. So I thought would be a good idea just to talk about public holidays in general. Yeah. I guess knowing that you guys have even fewer public holidays did make me feel better. In the UK there's only eight public holidays. 只有8个公众假日? Do you mean public holiday days or eight different public... because you know some of our public holidays are... 8 public holiday days. Throughout the year?Well, in England. if you go to Scotland and you go to Wales, they actually have slightly more public holidays than we have in England. You only have 8 days. That's right. Does that include Christmas? YES.If I remember correctly, Christmas is not just one day, it's a... Christmas eve? Not Christmas eve. Christmas eve is a workday.You have Christmas day and you have Boxing day. Christmas eve is not a holiday?No. So technically you still have to work. You still have to work. But most companies they'll let you finish a little bit earlier. 安澜, did you hear that this year there's gonna be a change in China, I think. They just announced the New Year's Eve is not going to be a public holiday this year. Really?
1/7/2024 • 13 minutes, 21 seconds
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~Hi, everyone. And welcome back to one of your favorite segments 【The sound of musicals】欢迎回来【曲外之音】. Hi, Oliver.Hello.So today we’re gonna continue to talk about Wicked.Yes. We're gonna keep going. And you did the impossible, in the last episode by summarizing a brief summary of the story. There's a lot to it.Of a very long story.It is. It is. I think it's only fair that I take the lead in this part as we move on to talk about the themes because there are a lot of themes and quite powerful themes, really all the way through this musical Wicked.Yeah. It's one of those things, isn't it? Like on the surface. It's still quite lighthearted. It's probably based on a children's book.But there are many big themes, heavy themes.There are, yeah, definitely, there's a quite a few things to talk about. I mean, the most obvious one straight away is good versus evil. This idea of is someone completely good and somebody else completely evil in any situation. It's one of the most obvious ones I feel.Yeah. Hence the name Wicked, wicked means evil, right?Yeah. It does. It means evil, not very nice, maybe not completely evil, but certainly they do bad things. Yeah.So Oliver, do you think Wicked - it does - because obviously Elphaba is called or tagged as the Wicked Witch of the West? What do you think of Elphaba the character? I don't think she is wicked at all. I think that the way that the musical shows her is she did do a lot of things with good intentions. That's the thing. To be evil and wicked, you have to have bad intentions. And I don't feel that Elphaba did. I feel that she was trying to make the best of a situation in a way. And, it didn't go her way, which is a little bit tragic really, it's quite sad that these things as they unfolded turned against her.There was a lot of discussion about whether good intentions but still bad ending. Does that make you wicked? Does that make you good?
1/4/2024 • 20 minutes, 15 seconds
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~Hi, everyone and happy new year. 一年前的今天, 我们在新年特辑里讲到了new year resolution新年的决心. In this episode, Lulu is gonna walk you through some very interesting and natural expressions to do with starting and beginning. We're also going to look at some inspiring quotes about new beginnings. Let's get started. To talk about the word “start”. It's usually about something new, exciting. For example, start up a new company. Nowadays you look around, there's so many startups. 初创公司就被叫做startup. And in English, when you say start a family, it doesn't mean getting married. It actually means having a child. For example, a married couple would say we're planning to start a family next year. That means they are ready to have a baby. But apart from these basics, there are many idioms in English with the word “start”. The first one is a fresh start, to get off to a fresh start. This means everything's new, everything's exciting. For example, you might say I'm excited to get off to a fresh start with my new job. 新工作, 全新的开始. Same can be said about new relationships, new homes, a new stage in your life or a brand new year. In comparison to a fresh start, we can also have a head start. Getting a head start means to get ahead of schedule or to start before other people. To have a head start. 有抢得先机或者提前做某件事的意思. For instance, the report isn't due until next Friday, but I'm going to get a head start on it by doing some research over the weekend. The report isn't due until next Friday, but I'm going to get a head start on it by doing some research over the weekend. Although getting a head start is a great attitude, it is a huge Challenge for a procrastinator like me. 如果你也和璐璐一样, 是个procrastinator拖延症患者, a head start might be a bit of a Challenge to you. In addition to fresh start and head start, you also hear the expression, jump start or kick start. Sounds very vibrant, doesn't it?You have jump and kick. Actually to jump start originally means to jump start a car that is connecting the car to another car's battery using cables in order to restart it. 其实jump star的原意是指一辆汽车上电池没电了, 发动不了, 就可以用两根电缆线把没有电的电池和另一辆车上的好电池相连, 帮助这辆车启动. 这个就叫做 jump start. You might have seen it in TV shows and movies a lot. In day to day speech when you say jump start something or kick start something. It means to put things in motion, especially if they were previously stopped or slow. For example, this seasonal promotion might help jump start sales again. 这一季的推广活动应该可以刺激销售额重新增长. This seasonal promotion might help jump start sales again. As for kick start. An example would be we need to find ways to kick start this project, 要想办法启动这个项目. Actually, I once mentioned in the buzzword segment, there is a website called kick starter, which is a crowd funding website that helps fund creative projects. 之前我在buzzword里面也提到过, 其实有一家很有名的支持创意项目的众筹网站, 就叫做 kick starter. So far we have talked about fresh start, head start, kick start, jump start. And perhaps a more common expression you would hear in day to day speech is to start over. If you start over, it means you begin again. Usually because the past wasn't so great, you experienced some difficulty, some challenges, mistakes or even failures. You might say she is planning to start over after her divorce and move on with her life. 离婚之后她计划重新开始自己的人生. Actually nowadays it is getting rather common for people to start over later in their life. And that I find to be really inspirational. I guess it's never too late to start over. As long as you have enough determination. Sometimes people would also say they want to start over with a clean slate, a clean slate. It's like a blank board. Basically, everything has been erased. Clean slate 白板一块, 其实就是零过去, 重新开始.
12/31/2023 • 11 minutes, 48 seconds
《曲外之音》- 女人不坏,观众不爱?
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~Hi, everyone and welcome back to one of your favorite segments, the Sound of Musicals. 欢迎回来 , 你们最喜欢的板块之一, 曲外之音. Hello, Oliver. Hello. So welcome back to the show. And since I have been proposing some of the musicals, so now it's your turn. Which one would you pick? Well. I've got a couple of questions actually, before we begin, my first question is, do you like witches and magic and things like that? Oh. I love witches.They're pretty good.Wizardry witchcraft. My thing, that's totally my territory. Okay, okay, what about if I give you some characters? Could you tell me the show that they're from? Do you think?Okay. InterestingHow about a lion, a scarecrow, a tin man. Any ideas? Ah, we're gonna talk about Wicked. Yeah.Wicked. Wicked. So Wicked中文名叫魔法坏女巫. It sounds like a child's show, but it's actually not. Wicked is a musical based on a novel of the same name, which was published in 1995. But this story is actually based on an older novel, and the film named The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. 很多人应该听过中文名叫绿野仙踪或者奥兹国或者Oz国历险记. Oliver, let me ask you the original story, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, how popular, how well known it is in English-speaking culture?It is incredibly popular. I am certainly the movie is, I think it's one of the most watched movies, it's up there in the what most watched movies of all time category. It is so popular, certainly in the UK, I'd imagine in the US as well. And probably all around the world. The characters - easy to kind of get along, to understand that easy to like and it's got a very clear, good, bad type of type of vibe to it. So everyone can kind of support the hero and against the evil wicked witch. Yeah. Did you watch or read it as a child? I have watched the movie. I watched it a few times as a child, but I’ve never read the book. The book is a new one for me. Okay. So the original book, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, follows a Kansas farm girl named Dorothy. And I'm sure many of you recognize the name Dorothy陶乐丝或者陶乐西. And so, she's just an ordinary farm girl, but one day she ends up in a magical Land of Oz after she and her pet dog Toto are swept away from their home by a cyclone. Yeah. Dorothy, Toto and their house all get taken away in a big tornado or cyclone or something and placed in this magical world with talking scarecrows and Tin Man, robots and lions who are terrified of everything, cowardly lions and it's very very good. Yeah, and she was trying desperately to get back home. And she ran into a lot of adventures. It sounds almost like very similar to the whole idea of Alice in Wonderland. It does feel very similar to that, yes, getting a young girl lost in a magical world just trying to get home. Yeah, so apart from those characters that Oliver just mentioned, the Lion, the Scarecrow, and the Tin Woodman. They're also the Wicked Witch and the Good Witch and the Wizard of Oz. 这里面还讲到什么坏女巫, 好女巫. If you have read the book or watched the movie, I'm sure you know which ones I’m talking about. But this musical, interestingly, is told from the perspective of the two witches, it's not focusing on Dorothy at all. No. Wicked takes the original story of The Wizard of Oz and it flips it around. It happens, I've seen it happening a lot in movies and things nowadays.The movie Magnificent did something similar where the evil traditionally evil character, we see the story from their point of view and from their perspective and it's not quite what we assumed it was. And Wicked, does it very well.
12/28/2023 • 16 minutes, 37 seconds
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~Hi, everyone. And welcome back to 【It Means What? 】 Yeah.Thank you, 安澜. Every time. 欢迎大家回到我们的新板块【词源考古研究所】. Hi, 安澜. Hi, Lulu. Hi, everyone.So 安澜, if I ask you about the hottest topic in the world of technology, what do you think it would be? Well.Two letters.It is gotta be AI.Yes.And to talk about AI就说到人工智能的话, of course, we need to talk about robots.Yes.机器人. I know a lot of you probably have trouble pronouncing that word, although it's very easy, but I've heard many mispronunciations.So for American pronunciation, you would pronounce it Robot [ˈroʊˌbɑt], and British pronunciation?We will say robot [ˈrəʊbɒt].Roughly the same.Yeah, but it doesn't really matter, because it's not an English word anyway.Oh. Is it not?Nope. It actually comes from Czech.就是捷克, 捷克语. Was it also robot in Czech? In Czech, it’s - there's a word “robota”.Robota, let me guess, this gotta be a word related to machine, automation, technological advances, all of those fancy things.No, it means forced labor, slave or serf.What?That's what it means.Okay. Forced labor, 强制劳动, slave奴隶Yeah.Serf我记得的话s-e-r-f对吧? Yeah. That's right.是农奴的意思. Yeah. That's what it means.By the way, what is the difference between a serf and a slave?Well. Serfs were like slaves, as they were forced to stay on the land where they lived. But serfs were part of the land. If they were sold, it's normally with land.And they had some rights.Yeah, they have some very basic rights.But they had to pay for every one of those rights, if I remembered correctly.
12/26/2023 • 7 minutes, 6 seconds
《闲话英伦》- 社保津贴养老金,是“撒钱救国”还是公民福利?
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~Hi, everyone and welcome back to Britain Under the Microscope. 欢迎回来【闲话英伦】Hi 安澜. Hi, Lulu. Hi, everyone. And then the unemployment what you call it the Dole.Yeah in spoken English we will call it the Dole. But if you actually see it in governments, notice it is called jobseekers’ allowance.Jobseekers’ allowance, I like the positivity instead of unemployment allowance.Yeah, the idea is that you only getting that money because you're looking for a job as opposed to live in unemployment benefit.I see, I see. So, you pay one contribution into national insurance, and that covers medical, that covers maternity, that covers pension, and that also covers unemployment.So, it pretty much covers everything. And this was first introduced in 1911. So it's been around for a very long time and it's paid by everybody who is earning over£242 a week.A week. Okay, so that's roughly about £1,000 a month then over that. But I suppose it's roughly the same - is the equivalent as the personal allowance threshold, the tax threshold like£12,000.Yeah, and this is something you start paying at the age of 16.So even when I was doing part-time jobs, I probably wouldn't have paid income tax, but I would still have to pay national insurance contributions.Do you have to pay the same amount of national insurance, no matter how much money you make? No, it still has its own brackets. So it's 12% of your weekly earnings between£242 and £967. And it's then 2% of your weekly earnings above£967.I see. So you have again the brackets for people with different levels of income.Yeah. And everybody in the UK, every British citizen and people who are working in the UK are given a national insurance number.This is how you pay into and also access national insurance.Yeah, yeah. So every time I fill out tax return or I fill out any paperworks, I have to add my national insurance number.I see. When you go to the doctors, is that also the one that you show? No, you don't have to show it. There's another number, an NHS number to access medical, national insurance is basically a way of calculating how much you've paid.So, for example, I've lived in China for many years now. What I do is I pay voluntary contributions.Voluntary means they don't force you to do it, but you choose to do it.I choose to do it, because this is important to get a state pension.So, let me get this straight. So, if you are a British person, a British national living overseas, working overseas, you don't have to pay national insurance in the UK.No.But if you don't, then you won't get the state pension.Exactly. So both men and women at the moment, they get their pension at 66.66. Wow.66, yeah. It's probably gonna go up very, very soon. And what you have to do is you have to pay for 35 years in order to get the full amount.35 years. I think this is much longer than in China.Yeah. Now the good thing is that paying voluntary contributions is not really that expensive. It's only about £700 or £800 a year.
12/24/2023 • 8 minutes, 30 seconds
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~Hi, everyone and welcome back to Britain Under the Microscope. 欢迎回来【闲话英伦】Hi 安澜. Hi, Lulu. Hi, everyone.So, the topic I'm going to propose today, well, I say “I propose” is actually from one of our fans.Oh, brilliant.So she proposed this topic, because she was recently hired by this company, and she's dealing with all these social insurance tax deduction “五险一金” thing.Okay. Oh, dear. I can imagine that's very complicated.And she wanted us to talk about what it's like in the UK.Okay.But first things first, 安澜, you know the idea of “五险一金”, right? Well, to be perfectly honest, I probably understand the Chinese system more than I do the British system.Of course. Because fair enough, you have been working in China for all these years.Yeah, exactly.You have to pay all of those as well.Yes.But for those of you who are still students or you don't really know that much about 五险一金, let me give you a very quick crash course.咱们说的五险一金包括五险是养老保险, This is like the pension, 医疗保险, medical insurance, 失业保险, unemployment insurance, 工伤保险, work-related injury insurance and生育保险, maternity insurance.一金就是住房公积金housing fund. Yes.安澜, you don't have housing fund, do you?No. I don't have housing fund. I don't think I actually have to pay housing fund because as a foreigner.You don’t have access.I don't have access. Okay. So that's a little bit of introduction to our 五险一金. Now before we get into the UK system, I assume that the basic concept is the same, like pay, there's the idea of gross pay. And there’s the idea of net pay也有这种税前税后的概念. Yeah. So gross pay is your full pay before tax and that's normally what is advertised when you apply for a job. That's normally what's written on your contract. Your net pay is your take-home pay.Oh, you call it take-home pay.
12/21/2023 • 8 minutes, 28 seconds
《安澜老爷子的晚安故事》 -毁童年的童话故事,女嘉宾难道不是势利眼么?
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~Hello again欢迎来到Happy Hour英文小酒馆。关注公众号璐璐的英文小酒馆,加入我们的酒馆社群,邂逅更精彩更广阔的世界In olden times, when if you made a wish, it would always come true, there lived a king whose daughters were all beautiful, but the youngest was so beautiful that the sun itself, which has seen so much, was astonished whenever it shone in her face. Close by the king’s castle lay a great dark forest, and under an old tree in the forest was a well. When the day was very warm, the king’s child went out into the forest and sat down by the side of the cool fountain, and when she was bored, she took a golden ball, and threw it up on high and caught it, and this ball was her favourite toy. Now it so happened that the princess’ golden ball fell on to the ground beyond and rolled straight into the well. The king’s daughter followed it with her eyes, but it vanished, and the well was deep - so deep that the bottom could not be seen. She began to cry and cried louder and louder. As she was complaining, someone said to her, “Why are you so upset, king’s daughter?” She looked around to the side from where the voice came, and saw a frog stretching forth its thick, ugly head from the water. “Ah! Is it you who just spoke to me?” Said she. “I am crying because my golden ball has fallen into the well.” “Do not cry,” answered the frog, “I can help you, but what will you give me if I bring your golden ball back?” “Whatever you will have, dear frog,” said she. "My clothes, my pearls and jewels, and even my golden crown." The frog answered, “I do not care for your clothes, your pearls and jewels, or your golden crown, but if you will love me and let me be your friend, and sit with you, and eat with you, and play with you. If you promise me this, I will go down below, and bring you back your golden ball.” “Oh yes,” said she, “I promise, if you will bring me my ball back again.” She however, thought, “How silly this frog is! He lives in the water with the other frogs, and can’t spend time with humans!” But the frog, when he had heard this promise, put his head into the water and sank down, and in a short while came swimming up again with the ball in his mouth, and threw it on the grass. The king’s daughter was delighted to see her pretty toy once more, picked it up, and ran away with it. “Wait, wait,” said the frog. “Take me with you. I can’t run as fast as you.” But all he could do was croak loudly. She did not listen to it, but ran home and soon forgot the poor frog, who was forced to go back into his well again. The next day when she sat herself down for dinner with the king and all the courtiers, and as she was eating from her golden plate, something came creeping splish splash, splish splash, up the marble staircase, and when it had got to the top, it knocked at the door and cried, “Princess, open the door for me.” She ran to see who was outside, but when she opened the door, there sat the frog in front of it. Then she quickly slammed the door and sat down to dinner again, and was quite frightened. The king saw that she was absolutely terrified and said, “My child, what are you scared of? Is there some monster outside who wants to carry you away?” “Ah, no,” replied she. “It is no monster but a disgusting frog.” “What does a frog want with you?” “Ah, father, yesterday as I was in the forest sitting by the well, playing, my golden ball fell into the water. And because I cried so much, the frog brought it out again for me, and I promised him he should be my companion, but I never thought he would be able to come out of his water! And now he is outside there, and wants to come in.” In the meantime, it knocked a second time, and cried, “Princess! Open the door for me! You promised me!”
12/19/2023 • 9 minutes, 15 seconds
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~Hi, everyone. And welcome back to Britain under the microscope.欢迎回来【闲话英伦】Hi, 安澜。Hi, Lulu. Hi, everyone.Now let's use a magnifying glass and go into these stately homes or manor houses and look at the rooms and also look at the servants.Absolutely.So, what is a typical country house? All that I know it’s huge.Yes.There will be lots of bedrooms. There will probably be a drawing room.Hang on a minute. I always wondered this, what is a drawing room? It's not for people to actually draw there.No, no. In ordinary houses, it's like a living room. But a drawing room is probably a little bit more formal, so you'd have living rooms or drawing rooms. So, some would be for guests, some would just be for the family themselves.I don't know if I remember this correctly, when I first visited Buckingham Palace, there's a drawing room there.Yeah.So that is a very typical thing for those huge like palaces or huge houses.Exactly. So you have different types of drawing rooms. So, some were more formal, some were a little bit less formal.But it's the living space.It's the living space.就跟我们的客厅一样, 只不过是 much much bigger.Yeah. In big houses, in the UK now, you might see we don't call them drawing rooms anymore, but you might see there's like a guest living room where if people come to visit your home, you might entertain them in there.But normally at the back or in another room, there’s a room where you would spend time just as a family.I see. I see. I'm sure there's like the normal the usual dining room.Dining room, libraries, studies, a gallery for art as well.Yes, because they would collect pieces, wouldn’t they? Yeah. Of course, there will be servant quarters as well.Servant quarters which is usually the downstairs part.Yeah. It's the bedrooms for the servants.Umm, 就这种upstairs, downstairs.Exactly.我们之前聊到过的就是在英国那种老的大宅子里面, 等级森严的, 有所谓的楼上楼下upstairs, downstairs, upstairs for the lord and lady.And downstairs for the servants. Apart from that there would normally be huge gardens, land for farming, as well as conservatories and something called an orangery.Actually, just put orangery aside, which is a word I've never heard until this topic. Even conservatories, I think it's difficult for a lot of people to understand, or I don't think they've heard about this before. I only got to know the word conservatory when I was looking at the house listing, the real estate listings in the UK. Conservatory, 如果你是在英国租房或者买房的话, 你就会经常看到这个词, 就what is a conservatory? A conservatory is almost like a type of greenhouse. It's a room that is part of the garden. So, it's normally mostly glass. People would have plants in there, people would sit in there, particularly if it's not a very nice day. So it's like being in the garden, but without being cold and wet.所以就有点像半温室, 但有点半阳光房的那种感觉。There are places for people who sit and enjoy the garden。Exactly, when it's a bit too cold to enjoy the garden.Yeah. What is an orangery? Is not a place just for oranges, is it?It is.Okay.Well. Oranges and lemons. So, you have to think in the 17th 18th century oranges, pineapples, lemons were incredibly expensive. So some rich people, what they used to do was create an orangery. So, they could grow this type of fruit that comes from Italy and other hotter places.So they need a greenhouse for that sort of thing.Yeah. Exactly. And it used to be part of the decoration.Interesting, little bit of the tropical paradise that you guys were like aspiring to have.Exactly. You have to think that most of these rich people, they would travel to Italy and France when they were young, and they used to bring things back.Yeah, I can totally see the charm of that. So that's about the anatomy of the house itself.Now let's talk about the servant quarter....
12/17/2023 • 14 minutes, 7 seconds
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~Hi, everyone. And welcome back to Britain under the microscope.欢迎回来【闲话英伦】Hi, 安澜。Hi, Lulu. Hi, everyone.Hi everyone. You sound a bit nasal.I've got a little bit of a cold.Okay. I suppose it adds a different type of charm.Yeah. And it's a good thing. It's audio, I don't look that great at the moment.All right. So, chitchat aside, let us get into today's topic. You know, when a lot of Chinese people when they think about British or English drama就很多人看英剧的时候, I think they start with, you know, what you call it? Big houses, servants, lords, ladies…Yeah. Kind of like sort of period drama.对, 你们管那个叫period drama, 有点时代剧那个意思。So for example when I was watching Downtown Abbey.Yes.唐顿庄园. And also some episodes of Miss Marple like Agatha Christie's, 阿婆的一些都是这种大庄园里面。Yes. So it’s that time, it's the early 20th century. It's the era of the manor house.I thought today let's focus on that. What did you say? You called them Manor houses. Well. There's lots of different names for them. You can call the manor houses, country houses or stately homes.Manor is m-a-n-o-r.Yeah.What does that mean “Manor”? Well. The manor was basically the big house and the land around it.就是一个像庄园这种感觉。对吧Yeah. So, we would still say, for example, the lord or lady of the manor.By the way, statistically and realistically, how many British people still live or still own that type of manor houses?Very very very very few.It's not just, I mean just being rich, is not enough, is it?No.据我所知, 他好像是要有什么原来的那种贵族aristocrats。Well. You get some rich people that they do buy these big houses, they probably don't own much of the land around them. But the thing is - incredibly expensive to keep. And normally if you're looking at more of a traditional manor house, it comes with a lot of responsibilities.Responsibilities? I thought that's just a private home, you just take care of it like we do to our houses or flats.No, traditionally being the lord of the manor means that you have very close ties to the village, because the land is so big or it was so big that they would have its own little industries, it would have its own farms. And, it comes with a lot of responsibilities for the villagers, the people who live nearby.Oh, that's why. I'm sure a lot of you when you are watching TV shows like Downtown Abbey think about Lord Grantham.
12/14/2023 • 10 minutes, 38 seconds
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~Hi, everyone. And welcome back to our new segment. It means what?Yeah. OK, your YEAH is getting less passionate. Anyhow欢迎回来我们的新板块词源考古研究所. Hi, 安澜. Hi, 璐璐. Hi, everyone. So let me propose the word of the day. Okay. This is a word that - well basically will bring up some painful memory of the past 3 years. Okay. So, you know it has something to do with pandemic. Yeah. Is this something we probably all got? And that is the word vaccine. Oh yes. Vaccine or vaccination. 就是接种疫苗, 对吧?疫苗. I'm pretty sure you all got vaccinated. Well, for COVID. Oh, yeah, yeah, I got vaccinated quite a few times, actually I think now.Me too, me too. But I've always wondered, although we've talked about vaccination and all the relevant words and expressions in other episodes. But where does this word even come from? Vaccine? Is it medically originated?No, it's actually a Latin word and it comes from the word for cow. Cow like mooooooo, cow. Moo, cow. Vacca.所以是拉丁文的牛的意思. I fail to see the connection between modern medicine or medical treatment and moo cows. Well, we just call them cows in English. If you call them moo cows, it sounds a little bit stupid. Okay, thank you. That's alright. But I'm pretty sure there's interesting background story. Well yeah. And it all comes from when vaccines were first invented. So, this was in the 18th century and a British scientist named Edward Jenner. Now Edward Jenner was a doctor as well as a scientist. And he noticed something quite strange. That June that time, when smallpox was everywhere.
12/12/2023 • 8 minutes, 35 seconds
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~Welcome back to geek time. We're gonna be talking about cryptocurrency for the advanced lesson. Hey, what's going on? Lulu?Well, I'm prepared to be even more confused.Hahaha. Don't worry. I think this might be easier.Yeah, in the previous episode, we were talking about how cryptocurrency has no central authority or central regulatory bodies to really oversee it. For me, that just sounds like a problem waiting to happen, really sounds like troubles. Because definitely, some people are gonna use it for criminal activities, you know.Exactly. That's one of the things that a lot of people talk about cryptocurrency is the fact that it's connected to crime, which is - you can say that for just about any currency, but cryptocurrency is like the major tool for criminals who are online.Because there's no regulatory body. There's anonymity. Just really a hotbed for a crime.Right. You've like - we've talked about the Silk Road before.Emm. Dark web.Yeah. Using the dark web that are connected to buy and sell goods. All those goods are sold or bought with cryptocurrencies.Because it's much harder to track and to trace.Yeah. It's nowadays the markets are trying to get people to have their name connected to their wallet, but not every market requires that.And so, there is a bunch of people out there that have cryptocurrencies that have just a wallet with no name attached to it.Yeah. Because that was the original aim, that was the original meaning of cryptocurrency, right? They don't want a centralized authority to control all these money transfers. Would there be a lot of money laundering in cryptocurrency?Yeah. Like cryptocurrency, just in like 2021 alone, there was something like $8.6 billion of money laundered using cryptocurrency. That's not even the beginning, like every year that happens, there is other issues involved with cryptocurrency. When you have so much crypto, you can actually use that to affect or inflate the market. You have people that have large sums of cryptocurrency, not only are they using it to launder money, but they are actually able to increase the value of the currency they have, by just selling it to each other for the same amount of money, which increases the amount of trades, which makes people think that it's worth more, and then people buy it for more.Oh, okay. I think I've heard of this. This is called wash trades, right?Right. It happens on the stock market too, gold markets, but it's rampant and in some markets with like cryptocurrency.Yeah. So, it's the whole idea is I have some cryptocurrency, I just sell it to you, you sell it back to me, I sell it to you, you sell it back to me. And so, by doing that we're trying to make it seem that large amount of this cryptocurrency is traded on the market, therefore inflating the value of it.Right.I think the other problem with cryptocurrency is a lot of people obviously use it for speculation. So, like really really - like gambling.Right. Just like buying stock, you want the value to go up. People are investing money in the cryptocurrencies. And when you see like the increase in like the value of Bitcoin over the years, went from something that was worth pennies to being worth thousands of dollars. I think it's worth $30,000 now, and it’s worth $60,000 I think at the beginning of the year something around there.And so, people can take a small investment and make their investment increase 10 times or maybe even a hundred times their original investment.It's a market for gamblers. However, like we talked about last time, most of these cryptocurrency, they do not really have the staying power. They will not be able to really maintain that high value over long term or keep growing. It's very volatile to go up and down fluctuate wildly. Mhm. Yeah, when we look at just like we mentioned Dogecoin earlier, but you could have like five Dogecoin for a penny in 2020. But ...
12/10/2023 • 12 minutes, 3 seconds
《Geek时间》- 加密货币,一念天堂一念地狱?
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~Hi, everyone. And welcome back to geek time. Hi, Brad. Hi, Lulu. So what is our topic for today?We're gonna be talking about cryptocurrency. We kind of talked about NFTs before. And NFTs kind of share a basic background with cryptocurrency, but we haven't really gotten into cryptocurrency before. So I think this is where we can kind of get into it. Yeah. This is where everything started basically. First of all, cryptocurrency在中文叫加密货币. I think many people think of cryptocurrency, they think of Bitcoin 比特币 or even Dogecoin 狗狗币. But what exactly is cryptocurrency?Oh, cryptocurrency is just a currency that doesn't have a central government or authority controlling it. So when you have your dollar, your Renminbi, someone had to print that or control the amount of it. And rather than that, It’s usually the central bank, isn't it?Like the central bank. But rather than that, this is something that's online. And there's like a digital ledger that has a list of everyone who has bought or sold the currency. And so they know who has what and this can be like anonymous. And that's why a lot of people really wanted it. But nowadays a lot of the exchanges are kind of starting to collect your personal data for tax purposes and things like that. I see. so let me slow this down a little bit. There's no central authority. 一般来说我们生活中接触的货币, 不管是人民币或者说美金日元, 它都是由central bank一般都是央行来发行的, but cryptocurrency essentially there is no authority, no central authority, no government involved, and no regulatory bodies, 没有这种监管的机构. So It's just everything stored in a ledger. You said像一个账本, a digital ledger. Right.And some people can be anonymous. They can - you don't know who they are. They're just an account number, but others might have to register. They might have to have their personal data there. Yeah, so oftentimes if you're looking at the blockchain, you may not be able to know who the person is. But if you go to like, for example, the government will know who this person is because they've signed up for an exchange and that exchange has tied their account number to their nameI see and you mentioned blockchain. This was one of the hottest buzzwords a few years back, blockchain, 区块链. Till this day I still don't know exactly what blockchain is, but I know this is the technology behind cryptocurrency, right? Blockchain made cryptocurrency possible. Yeah, it is basically just all the data. Blockchain is the ledger. You have to decrypt and encrypt all the data. So whenever someone buys or sells something using the cryptocurrency or whenever cryptocurrency is traded, it has to go through authorization and they have to run the blockchain. In order to do this, they're using hundreds of computers or thousands of computers and they go through a process that's referred to as mining. So sounds you're like mining for gold. And essentially, that's what you're doing by using your computer to help the blockchain process. You're going to get some sort of payment. Let me stop you there. So mining here就是挖矿. It's like you are mining for gold or mining for diamonds. And this is a way to make money in this cryptocurrency world?Yeah. because rather than have - like a government doing all the mining or regulation, everyone is pitching in to do the regulation or to do the mining to move the data or to move the currency from one person to another. Oh, I see it's like a community thing almost. I've heard of people doing the mining, 其实我自己朋友圈里面也有人去参与这种cryptocurrency的挖矿.
12/7/2023 • 14 minutes, 20 seconds
《安澜老爷子的晚安故事》 - 她仅以长发遮体穿过街道,却被艺术家们争相歌颂
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~Once upon a time, in the medieval city of Coventry in England, there lived a kind and compassionate woman named Lady Godiva. She was the wife of Lord Leofric, a powerful and wealthy nobleman. Lady Godiva was known for her generosity and love for the people of Coventry, but her husband, Lord Leofric, was a stern ruler who declared heavy taxes on the citizens.The people of Coventry suffered under the burden of these taxes, and their pleas to reduce taxes were ignored by the greedy ruler. Lady Godiva, however, felt sorry for all the struggles of the common people. Lady Godiva argued and argued with her husband from dawn to night, trying to persuade him to reduce taxes for the people of Coventry. Lady Godiva thought of new ways to raise money and even said she would write to the king. Unfortunately, Lord Leofric was stubborn and refused to reduce taxes.In the end, Lady Godiva lost her patience and she made a bold and strange proposal to her husband. She said that she would ride through the streets of Coventry, completely naked, if he would reduce taxes and help end the suffering of the people. Lord Leofric was shocked that she would even suggest this but eventually agreed to her terms. Leofric knew how shy his wife was so he was confident that she would never go through with riding naked through the city. The people of Coventry soon heard about Lady Godiva's promise which spread like wildfire through the city. The citizens were grateful for any hope of relief from their taxes and they waited for the day of her ride. Lady Godiva, determined to fulfill her promise and alleviate the suffering of the people, prepared for the ride.
12/5/2023 • 5 minutes, 57 seconds
《闲话英伦》- 英国人的“英”,可能是“英”阳怪气的英
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~Hi everyone and welcome back to Britain Under the Microscope. 欢迎回来【闲话英伦】. Hi, 安澜. Hi, Lulu. Hi, everyone. Let me propose a topic today.Okay.You know, all my time dealing with you.Thank you.And other British people in general.Yeah.Again, I’m not trying to stereotype. And with all due respect.Okay.I do feel like British people have this tendency to be quite sarcastic in their speech. Emm, would you agree?I would say yes, to a certain extent.对。就是,英国人说话的时候很喜欢反讽,就很喜欢说一些反话。安澜,你知道中文里管这个叫什么吗?不是阴阳吗?对,就是,你还知道阴阳啊,这个不错。我们有时候开玩笑就说:“老阴阳人了”。Really.See, there we go.Okay.You can't even control it. So, I thought in today's episode, let us do a few phrases that British people would usually say, but they don't mean what they seem to mean.Okay.I think we did something quite similar in one of our live streaming episodes.Yeah. We actually did an entire life streaming like a pop quiz thing of you quizzing me on all these read between the lines, the hidden meaning of British sarcasm. Ok.So, today we give this quiz to you.So, see if you can understand the hidden meaning behind the sarcasm.So, let's begin.Okay.Well. Let's start, first of all, with requests. Now we all know that British people they tend to make requests very very overly polite. So, …Like this “could you…I was wondering if you could…”Would you most awfully be able, you know, that type of thing, really really exaggerated. So, if your boss says to you “could you do this for me when you have a minute?”What does that mean?Could you do this for me when you have a minute?Although it sounds polite, what do you think it means?Three, two, one? I think it actually means “Do it now.” Yes.When someone says to you in English, when you have a minute, the implication is that it's only gonna take you a minute you need to do it now.Emm, I see. The request is a bit of a tricky one. Because sometimes people might actually be very polite in this situation or they're being polite. But it could also be they are just trying to hide what they truly mean behind the politeness. Exactly.We would also use it if we try to make a point that this person is probably not the best at time management.Mhm. I remember there's also a lot of sarcasm around, not sarcasm, but hidden meaning about good or bad when you say is good or quite good, it's not good or what was that about?For example, what does it mean if I say “ it's quite good”?It's quite good. I think when you say it's quite good, that means it's not really that good?Actually, means very good.Then why can't you just say it's very good?Well. We just don't like to say something is very, we don't like to use the word very. Because it's, it's a bit too strong.Okay. So, if you hear very from a British person, chances are they are being sarcastic.Yeah.Yeah. Okay. You also say “not bad”, right?Yeah, that film’s not bad, that's generally means also good.嗯,跟中文的“不错”差不多 Yeah, a little bit, but “不错” normally means it's very good, while in English is normally means it's good. It's not too exaggerated.I keep hearing you say things like not too bad actually.So, if I ask “how was your day, 安澜, and you say "not too bad actually". What does that mean?
12/3/2023 • 13 minutes, 35 seconds
《曲外之音》- 女儿现场悔婚,母亲和情人顶上却成爱情佳话?
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~Hi, everyone. And welcome back to one of your favorite segments, The Sound of Musicals. 欢迎回来【曲外之音】. Hi, Oliver. Hello, everyone, hello, Lulu. So we're gonna continue with Mamma Mia, the jukebox musical.Yeah. one of… maybe the first or one of the first jukebox musicals I can think of anyway, yeah.There's so many more now. They are everywhere. There seems to be one every few years somebody changes or adds the music from a popular band or singer and they're everywhere. Yeah. Okay. So, in the previous episode, we were talking about the background. We also walked everyone through the story, which is a fun light-hearted story really, they were lots of like little twists, little plots, but the whole idea is pretty simple. Right? It's just a girl who is about to get married. She wants to find out who her father is. And then the whole story unravels. So Oliver, what do you think are some of the themes in this particular story or in the musical? Well. I'm gonna be honest, I've watched it a few times and I struggle to see any major themes if I'm being quite honest, it feels too light-hearted to have anything really deeper than that. On the surface. It just like, it's just a feel good, happy ending musical. Yeah. It feels like something you go out, you forget about the world for a little bit, and not really think about any major issues or anything life important. But interestingly, there are some deeper or bigger themes hidden underneath all these song and dance. First of all, surprisingly is feminism. Really, feminism.Think about the entire setting, think about the main character is a girl. And the main relationship is actually the relationship between her and her mother, and how they had misunderstandings, and then eventually they reconciliated. And also, the mom is a single mother, although we talk about who was she with, but the fact is she wasn't like so hopelessly in love or groveling at any of these men's feet. She was enjoying her life. She was enjoying her friendship with her best friends. They're all women. If you think about it, it’s a huge group of women, it's like a support group almost. That's true. I do remember the songs where they were singing and dancing and enjoying themselves and talking about the worries and everything together and doesn't Donna, the mother, doesn't she own the tavern on the island. Exactly. Where they all are. Yes, yes, there's no men involved there. It's all female owners and management and such. Yeah.Yeah, and there's nothing like this whole toxic competition between women. It's more like they're very supportive of one another, if you think about it to have a kid out of wedlock, not knowing who the father is even nowadays is still problematic. Right? So back in the days, there was probably more social stigma or supposed to be more social stigma. Yet with the support of her friends, nobody was, for lack of a better word, slut shaming her. No, you don't get that feeling at all throughout the show. You're right. Yeah, there was nothing... There's confusion over who the father is, but there's no judgment on anyone, which is quite nice. Yeah. That's good. Yeah.And the other thing is, the only one that actually judged her a little bit was her daughter. Her daughter originally was saying that “no, I don't want to be like you. When I have a kid, I want to know who the father is. I don't want to be like you”. But eventually they also reconciliated. And the mom, Donna, the character is not just, you know, when you see single mother character, the stereotypical single mother is always like toiling away, suffering, being very lonely, being very just like hard done by that sort of imagery. However, in this single parent household, they enjoy songs and dance and love and sunshine, happiness. I think that is also like a more of a positive take on what a single parent household could be.
11/30/2023 • 17 minutes, 48 seconds
《安澜老爷子的晚安故事》- 一个颂扬小孩儿“偷盗”的故事,为何流传至今?
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~Jack saw that the giant was asleep, he crept out of the box. Suddenly, he caught up the hen, ran out of the room, opened the door of the castle, which the giant had left open, and descended the beanstalk as fast as he could.His mother was glad to see him again, and surprised at seeing the hen, which laid them three gold eggs every day. Jack’s mother took them to the next town and sold them, and soon became extremely rich.Some time afterwards, Jack made another journey up the beanstalk to the giant’s castle; but first he dyed his hair and disguised himself. The old giantess did not recognise him, and dragged him in as she had done before to eat him; but once more she heard her husband coming and hid him in the box, not thinking that it was the same boy who had stolen the hen. She put him into the same box, and told him stay there, or the giant would eat him.Then the giant came in, saying:“Fee, fa, fie, fo, fum,I smell the breath of an Englishman.”“Oh!” said his wife, “it is only the farmer, who has just been here. We cannot spare him for your dinner.”Then the giant sat down, and when he had eaten half an ox, he told his wife to bring his moneybags to him. She instantly went and fetched two large bags full of gold; and then left him to go about her usual housework.The Ogre counted out the gold twice, and then put it into the bags and tied them up. In a few minutes, Jack heard him snore. He escaped the box, seized the bags, and hurrying out of the castle, safely carried them home.
11/28/2023 • 6 minutes, 50 seconds
《曲外之音》- 婚礼前夕惊现三位“生父”,是人间亲情还是道德沦丧?
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~Hi everyone, and welcome back to one of your favorite segments, The Sound of Musicals. 欢迎回来大家最喜欢的板块之一【曲外之音】. And it has been a long time, Oliver. Hello, it has been a very long time, yes. But I'm very happy to be back. It's nice to be back. So what is the first musical we're gonna talk about now that you're back?I thought because it's been such a long time, maybe you would like to choose something for today. Okay. I was hoping you would ask that. Before I say the name of the musical, I want you to listen to this music. (Music) Does it sound familiar to you?It does. I think I recognize the band who made those songs. Okay, so you know which musical we're gonna talk about today. I can take a very good guess, yes.And it is ?I’m guessing it's going to be Mamma Mia, the musical made around the music of ABBA, the songs we just heard. Yeah, I mean, I sort of got the feeling that Mamma Mia wouldn't be your top picks. It's not in my top ten, no.Yeah, because it's so lighthearted. It's such a fun musical and you like the heavier stuff like you want it miserable instead of lighthearted. It is more my style is the heavier hitting musicals with deeper messages, but I do enjoy a nice, lighthearted musical as well sometimes. There's a place for them, definitely there is .Yeah, I mean musical theater is supposed to be more lighthearted, right? Especially compared to things like opera.Oh, definitely so. Compared to opera and the standard plays, in many cases, musicals are the the lighthearted, forget the world for one evening and jump into a story with good music. You can dance and sing to later, things like that, musicals are a good escape. Okay, so Oliver, since you know a lot about musicals, even the ones that you don't particularly favor, can you give us a little bit of the background like when was the premiere and just a general background?Okay, yeah. So the musical first of all, it came out in 1999 in London. So that was when it premiered in London. And a year later in 2000, it made the trip over to the US, it has been all around the world since then. It is popular in many places, more than 50 countries and it's been on all of the continents. So it's a very, very popular musical. Yeah. It is very popular and has been on Broadway in West End, in London for so many years. So this musical is called a jukebox musical点唱机音乐剧jukebox is, you know the olden days when you go to a bar there is like a jukebox where you can put in a coin and you can choose the music you wanted to play. So why is it called jukebox musical?It's actually a really popular thing nowadays. Lots of bands are getting their own musicals. ABBA was one of the first, but since then there have been lots of them. They're called jukebox musicals because they use music that wasn't designed for the musical. It was released by a band. You could buy it in a shop or nowadays you can download it and listen to it online, but it's not connected to the musical. People have used that and made the musical around it, rather than the other way, which is more common. Yeah, it's basically, the traditional musicals, they are completely like original songs. They were written for this particular musical. But a jukebox musical is, first of all, there is a very popular singer or very popular band. And then because their albums or their songs are so popular, people... the producers decided to make a whole musical based on their existing music. That's exactly yeah. They're kind of using the popularity of the music that's already there to create a musical. So they make a story to fit the music rather than in the traditional way they make the music to fit the story. So it's kind of a reverse, but it does mean they're really popular with audiences because everybody knows the songs, everybody can sing along. So they're really popular.Especially if you're a fan of the band or the singer. Definitely yeah.
11/26/2023 • 14 minutes, 47 seconds
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~ Hi, everyone and welcome back to Britain Under the Microscope. 欢迎回来【闲话英伦】. Hi, 安澜.Hi Lulu, hi everyone. So 安澜, one of the other episodes we talked about British people being sarcastic usually saying words with a hidden meaning. Oh, yeah. But I've noticed another quality of British people… Okay. which I see again in you a lot. Don't worry, It's a good thing! The understatement, so like the modesty, 英国人很喜欢自谦, 甚至是自我嘲讽. 安澜is a typical example. So if one day he's done something great, if he has made some sort of achievement, if I say congratulations, that's such a job well done. 安澜would give me some joke, some self-deprecating humor就是那种自嘲或者自我贬损的这种幽默. And that I've come to know that is not just you, that is actually a quality of British people. Yeah, I would say British people like making jokes about themselves. Even as a country when we display our country or we present our country to the rest of the world, we also still use lots of self-deprecating humor even though it was years ago now. But I think one of the best examples is the Olympics that were held in London over 10 years ago and the opening and closing ceremonies. It was filled with jokes. It was filled with jokes about England, and it was filled with jokes about the UK. I think this is something cross-culturally, it's quite difficult to understand, especially for Chinese because we focus a lot on national pride. Yeah, we can complain about our country, but it's rather unthinkable for a lot of people to make fun of ourselves in that way. Again, this is no judgment not saying which side is good or bad. But I've really noticed in the UK this ability to laugh at yourself and not to take yourself too seriously. That's true. I would say British people we like to laugh at ourselves, we don't really take ourselves too seriously. And it seems as a good thing. It's not seen as a negative. It doesn't mean that we have low self-esteem. Is the country, isn't it?Is the country. It's our culture where being seen as modest and humorous are seen as positive traits. They're seen as virtues.
11/23/2023 • 12 minutes, 33 seconds
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~ Once upon a time there was a poor widow who lived in a little cottage with her only son Jack.Jack was a thoughtless boy, but very kind-hearted and affectionate. There had been a hard winter, and after it the poor woman was very ill. Jack was unemployed and they gradually grew dreadfully poor. The widow saw that there was no way to stop Jack and herself from starving. They had to sell the only thing that they had left - their cow; so one morning she said to her son,“I am too weak to go myself, Jack, so you must take the cow to market for me, and sell her.”Jack liked going to market very much; but as he was on the way, he met a butcher who had some very large, green beans in his hand. Jack stopped to look at them, and the butcher told the boy that they were very valuable, and persuaded him to sell the cow for those beans! And Jack was so silly that he agreed to give his cow for some worthless beans.When he brought them home to his mother instead of the money she expected for her nice cow, she was furious and upset, shouting at Jack for his stupidity. He was very sorry; but, he said, he might as well make the best of his bargain, so he put the seed-beans into the ground close to the cottage. After he planted the beans, Jack went to bed.The next morning when he got up, he found that the beans had grown, till the bean stalks had reached the sky and Jack couldn’t even see the top of the bean stalk. Greatly surprised, Jack called his mother, and they both gazed in amazement at the beanstalk, which was not only very high, but was thick enough to bear Jack’s weight.“I wonder where it goes?” said Jack to his mother; “I think I will climb up and see.”His mother didn’t want him to climb such a dangerous height, but Jack managed to persuade her to allow him to start climbing it. He knew that there must be something wonderful in the beanstalk.Jack instantly began to climb, and went up and up on the ladder-like bean till everything he had left behind him, the cottage, the village, and even the tall church tower, looked tiny, and still he did not see the top of the bean stalk.Jack felt a little tired, and thought for a moment that he would go back again; but he was so curious that he didn’t want to give up. So after resting for a moment he went on, and at last reached the top of the bean, and found himself in a beautiful country, surrounded by trees; and not far from the place where he had got off the beanstalk was a fine and strong castle.Jack was surprised that he had never heard of or seen this castle before and was thinking who could possibly live there.While Jack was standing looking at the castle, a very strange-looking woman came out of the wood and walked towards him.Jack took off his hat to the old lady, and she said, pointing to the castle,“Boy, that castle belongs to you. A wicked giant killed your father, and took it from your mother; you must win it back from the monster who now has it.”As she stopped speaking, she suddenly disappeared, and of course Jack knew she was a fairy.He was surprised; however, he walked up to the castle door and knocked, and an old giantess came out. She did not wait until he spoke, but pulled him in at once, for she ...
11/21/2023 • 6 minutes, 53 seconds
《Geek时间》- 云端?弱爆了!未来都是“在雾端”
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~Welcome back to Geek Time advanced. Welcome, Lulu. Hi, Brad.How's it going?We were talking about IoT devices in the basic episode. We're gonna continue that and we're gonna talk a little bit about cars as IoT devices. Em, in the previous episode, in the basic one, we were talking about mostly about these smart home devices like we were joking about our fridge talking smack about us behind our backs, and all these you said like thermostat setting or setter or like smart locks. But cars that seems like, I don't know, it seems pretty big as an IoT right? It has a lot of built ins.YEAH. We think about a car today. They already have a lot of sensors already built in. They have the thermostat, they have things related to GPS, they have light sensors and so when it gets dark outside, your front lights will automatically turn on.So there are already tons of IoT devices in the car. However, our future cars will not just have IoT devices, but will be in a sense A IoT device themselves when we go to more like self driving cars.Self driving cars, those cars that you don't have to drive, right? It just drives on its own.Right,Let me get this straight. That means our car will be if we see all of these devices in the internet of things or on the internet of things, if we see them as dots, in the future these cars our car will be one dot containing lots of bells and whistles Yeah, because like all the cars will be interacting with each other. They are going to connect probably to a network of some sort. And they are going to know the position of other cars as those cars are moving around so that the cars can kind of avoid, but it can also be a way to manage the traffic system. Because if there's a network that all the cars are connected to, and then the traffic lights are connected to those, they don't have to follow a regular schedule. They can see ok, if we turn this light red now then the cars that are going can move through and then we can change this light to be green. And It'll help the flow of traffic in the long run. Wow, that kind of blows my mind basically in the future when everyone switches to self driving cars, every car is connected to the internet of things. That basically means we'll be in an almost automated ultra smart system or sort of like transportation infrastructure, then we no longer have to worry about things like traffic jam, congestion collision any of that.Yeah, we can avoid a lot of it. I mean there are still going to be some of those things. There will be accidents, there will be collisions from time to time. No system is perfect, but it will definitely be reduced quite a bit. (em) Now there is this idea of cloud computing everything these days is on the cloud, as they say. Now we're going to possibly move into a new field called Fog computing .Hang on a minute, so I haven't even figured out fully how cloud computing works now. People are now the old technology is moving on towards fog computing like 雾计算,从云计算到雾计算 . What is fog computing?Like we have cloud computing like data is stored on the network rather than on your computer, so you can access that data anywhere. (yeah) But fog computing is where they eliminate the need for the internet where we don't have to even go on the internet. So all the devices themselves in one area create their own network.And so It's kind of like a fog in one area. There's lots of cars over here and they all have their own network and so they kind of referred to that as a fog rather than being like in the cloud on the internet. It's a fog that's outside of the internet. They're all kind of just working together.So instead of controlling every car with an internet based or cloud based system, now they get rid of the cloud and just cars will connect with one another.Right. So it'll be less centralized, it'll be decentralized from a network. Things can still connect to a network. But in a situ
11/19/2023 • 12 minutes, 54 seconds
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~ Hi everyone, and welcome back to Geek Time. 欢迎回来《极客时间》. Hi, Brad.Hey Lulu, how's it going? Yeah, it's good, it’s good. So what are we gonna talk about today? Today we're gonna be talking about the internet of things or IoT.The internet…The IoT中文叫做物联网。internet是互联网,IoT, internet of things 是物,就是物件的物,物联网. I mean, I have seen the definition somewhere and it seems to be referring to all the things are connected rather than the computers. Could you walk us through the basic definition of IoT?So, basically, IoT is just a group of things that are interconnected. They can be on the internet or through their own network, but it's not computers. It's like devices that have sensors in them and software that they used to communicate. And so it might be a button somewhere that you push and it communicates with something, or it might be a temperature sensor that we used to find out the weather in our smartphones. So, is it like one of those, for example, if I've got like a smart fridge refrigerator, that can be part of IoT?Right. Yeah. That's one of those IoT devices. Emm. And IoT means they are actually able to connect with each other and what communicate?Yeah. They basically they inter communicate on their own. When we use the internet, we go online and we look up Information, but an IoT device connects to the internet or through another network, and sends Information to a hub or to another device directly, without any human interaction necessarily. Okay, starts to sound a bit creepy. So my refrigerator can be sending things about my home to another refrigerator, for example, your refrigerator?Well. It's not just gonna go talk to another refrigerator. However, you know you have your phone, and you probably have an APP on your phone that you can use to connect to the refrigerator, and then look at what's inside of your refrigerator or maybe your refrigerator will send you some Information saying “you only have two eggs”, you might want to order two more or more.
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~ Hello, everyone. And welcome back to America Under the Microscope. Hi, Lulu. Hi, James.This is the advanced episode for sex education.So we're gonna continue our talk about sex education we were doing in the basic episode, and I'd like to jump into some of the debates that Americans have on this topic, en...which there are many.I can imagine. The other day I actually watched a video on social media. I think the teacher was teaching, I don't know like something related to LGBTQ and then there was an angry parent storming into the classroom and tried to rip off the pride flag or something like that.YEAH. So that is actually one of the big debates right now. So it isn't really like a subject to debate whether sex that should be taught. But the content of the lessons is a debate yeah. because some parents all they want is the basic biology. It's like ovum, testis, sperm, fertilizers and egg and so on and so forth and really dry science.en. And some are on the opposite end of the spectrum and they want to talk about everything from sexual orientation to gender identity, whatnot. And just like every kind of debate you can't always find, people can't always find the middle ground here.Yeah, but would you consider this I'm not gonna ask you about your personal opinion on this, but I am just going to ask, would you consider gender identity part of this sex education thing? because to me gender is kind of a different...basically it’s a whole different topic.I honestly would put it in a separate unit, completely separate part of the curriculum. It's like part of the social emotional learning because it doesn't necessarily need to be in line with sexual education because sex ed is at least in my mind it is the actual act of partake in sexual relationships. It doesn't really matter who was two adults, then you need to know about how to do it in a responsible safe way. And gender identity, that's an identity lesson and I think that should actually be a separate lesson from sex ed. Yeah. so this point of view, it was like these debates and controversies, they're mostly about what should be included in sex education.Yeah. It's very much that and people's own personal beliefs, their own of whether they're more conservative in these kind of situations are not really do affect what gets done in the classroom. And since it's part of (you know ) the curriculum, this means it's also subject to the board of education and they get to also decide what is and is not included.Yeah, and then it's the protests and then it’s the... more debates and then it’s the media coverage, the whole shebang.AH. American media coverage. It is an interesting watch.But you know that I think who is going to be really conflicted and also be put in a dilemma. I think are the teachers, the educators because they will have to teach the curriculum. But they have to teach it in a way that is non offensive to every single parent otherwise to get into trouble.So they do the impossible, got it.Yeah.If I could teach a way to make every single parent happy that would make me the best teacher on the planet.
11/12/2023 • 11 minutes, 15 seconds
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~ Hi, everyone. And welcome back to America Under the Microscope. 欢迎回来【闲话美国】. Hi, James. Hi Lulu. Hi, everyone. It has been sometimes since last time we’ve spoke. So how's the new semester treating you?It’s been busy , dealing with teenagers is a handful. Actually I thought today we can talk about education-related topic. Cool. In fact the other day, I was talking to some of my students. I said what kind of subjects you did in school, and apart from the the major subjects, the academic subjects, we were talking about health education, specifically sex education. Really?Yeah.Usually that's a topic I find many students don't want to talk about.Well. I mean, I think many of my students they were saying that they wish they had more of a comprehensive sex education when they were in school. Because there wasn’t any when they were growing up. Yeah. So I thought let's talk about that. A little bit of a risky topic is talk about on this platform, but I thought it's a ,nonetheless, it is an essential element of education. Right?I agree it's very important. So first of all, let's talk about your own experience when you were in school, did you get any like formal sex education?Yes I did have ‘sex and health education’ what a lot of schools call it. And I had it at all three levels from primary school, middle school and high school. Oh, So that's always in the curriculum, 就是一直在课程设置里面的是吧?Yes, and most public schools it very much is part of the curriculum. And let me guess based on all these other topics we talked about, it's not the same across the country. Every state has their own standards. That should be a mean for this program. It's not the same everywhere in America. No. A lot of people if they have never been to America, if they were just like listening to social media, whatever, people have this general perception of Americans are very, very open-minded when it comes to sexuality, for example, I don't think that's true. Is it?Not really ,to be honest, most Americans tend to be kind of conservative about it. Don't trust what you see in the media. Most people kind of keep to themselves about that kind of stuff. So what is like the sort of general family attitudes, like parents attitude? Are they happy that it's included or...? Well, I've read recently in a poll from planned parenthood, which is a big nonprofit organization that deals with sex education and pregnancy, that most parents are supportive of these programs in schools. And they want the schools to teach the children. The key factors which are involved are sexuality and health because it's part of being human and it's part of growing up. Em... Hang on a minute. You mentioned planned parenthood. Yes, in English there is something called like Family Planning, right? So It's kind of like has to do with when you want to get pregnant when you want to have babies. Is that true? 就有点计划生育就是跟我们的计划生育不是一样的意思, but it sort of is about planning when do you have kids?It's along those same lines, but a lot of planned parenthood, what they do is they also do education about sexuality, sexual health, sexually transmitted infections and prevention and all these things. So it's not like necessarily about family planning. But when to have children. Em....try to avoid. Understanding what leads to children. And also to sort of like prevent unwanted pregnancy.
11/9/2023 • 13 minutes, 30 seconds
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~ Hello everyone, and welcome to bedtime stories with 安澜. In this segment, I'm going to be telling you some famous stories from Britain and many other countries. So get comfortable and let me take you on a journey far away, The Sword in the Stone. Long ago in England, a wise and good king ruled the land. His name was King Uther. Times were good and the people lived well. King Uther wanted a magician in his court. And so he chose the famous Merlin, Merlin the Magician. Merlin could see into the future. And he knew those good days were not going to last. King Uther and the Queen Guinevere had a child, a baby son. At a party in the castle for the royal birth, Merlin the Magician whispered into the King’s ear. He said, “Your Majesty, there is something you must know. Soon there will be lots of disasters in the country. Your child is in great danger. Let me take the baby far away. I will be sure he stays safe.” “Merlin!” said the King in surprise. “You are a great magician. And you are my friend. But there is no way we would let you take our child away!” Sadly, soon after the child’s birth the Queen died. Not long after, King Uther was killed in battle. That very night, Merlin came into the castle and took the child. The next morning, the royal nurse went into the nursery but all she found was an empty crib! The terrified nurse, the nervous nobles and servants looked everywhere. But the baby was gone! For years, there was no king on the throne. No king to decide the laws. Men of high rank fought each other to be king. Darkness fell over the land. Robbers and murderers ruled the streets of London. Evil men broke into houses and took what they wanted. Travelers on the roads were attacked and robbed. The people of England lived in fear. Yet far away, there was a quiet place. A good knight, Sir Ector, lived peacefully with his two sons. His first son was named Kay. His younger son Arthur had been adopted as a baby. Years before, a stranger had come to Sir Ector with a baby. He asked if Sir Ector would raise the child. The old knight took the baby in his arms. He was glad for a second child, which he named Arthur. Sir Ector raised the child as his own. When Arthur was ten years old, the same stranger returned to Sir Ector’s home. He could read and write, and so Sir Ector hired him to teach his two sons. Kay could not sit still for lessons and he stopped coming. But Arthur listened with wide eyes. He learned everything. That stranger was none other than Merlin the Magician! At the end of each day when Arthur finished his chores, that was time for the lessons. Merlin would sit with Arthur for hours and teach him about the world. Arthur was a thin lad, not strong like his big brother Kay. Merlin said not to worry about that. He said what mattered most was to have a heart that was big and strong. Merlin saw how the birds, foxes and deer followed Arthur. He could see that the boy had a very big and strong heart. By the time Arthur was 16, his brother Kay had become a knight. He was now called Sir Kay. Arthur became his brother’s squire, looking after his weapons and serving Sir Kay when he needed to. He kept great care of his brother’s clothes and helmet, his spears and lances. One day at lesson time, Merlin looked away. He stood up.
11/7/2023 • 7 minutes, 58 seconds
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~ So far we have been focusing on the basics, mostly the fun on the good side. But let's talk about the mystic. Is it actually a secret society? I was doing a bit of research before this episode and I found this really good quote from one of the lead in masons and I think it's really true. We are not a secret society or a society with secrets, but we are a private society. 就是我们没有什么不可告人的秘密, 但是我们是一个private society, 我们是一个那种私人会所的感觉. Exactly.You have to be the selected for you to join.Yeah. Some of the rituals their secret is to non-masons, but masons don't really hide their membership, and the actual main hall in London Freemasons Hall is open to the public. They have their own museum. Oh, Yes, I think I have read somewhere. It’s in the center of London. 有一个Freemasons Hall就是共济会的一个博物馆, 大家感兴趣在伦敦的话可以去看一下. Yeah. And it's a really nice museum. They got a really nice library and it's all completely free. My dad actually used to work there as a guide and working in the library. He always used to say you used to get these people that walking from the street and they were like really nervous or embarrassed. They would actually ask, are we allowed to come in? Of course. I'll give you a guide tour. Because they thought this is like all behind closed doors this kind of deal. Exactly. Yeah.Because when you think of a secret society, you do think a lot about the seediness. You know the things that all the seedy secrets that they cannot share. You said there are secret rituals. And I've heard about like a secret handshake, like you mentioned before. Is it a dumb question to ask what is that secret handshake? It is a dumb question.Is it truly that secret that nobody knows? I have kind of had someone use a secret handshake on me, and to be honesty you can't really tell but I don't really know what it is myself. But this is the part I don't really understand, if masons don't hide their membership. Couldn't they have just asked are you a mason as well? Why would they have to use the secret handshake? Well, a lot of them don't so much anymore. Again, it's all about tradition, it's about ritual. And this is one thing that we love in Britain is tradition. We love rituals even when they don't really make much sense anymore. Yeah, just look at all these royal rituals.Exactly. You mentioned about conspiracy theories and some of them might absolutely love them, they’re brilliant, So the first one is Freemasons secretly control the world. Oh yeah, this is a very very famous well-known conspiracy theory. 一个很主流的阴谋论就是说,像Freemasons or I don't know like there are other similar organizations. They are the ones behind. They are the puppet masters. Exactly. And I guess I can somewhat understand where this comes from because in the past, in the 19th century, in particular, many influential people were masons such as judges, politicians. Now people join lodges based on their physical location and also because of their interest. So, if you're gonna get a bunch of politicians meeting... People start to talk. People start to talk. If you get a bunch of judges and lawyers and barristers all gathering together every week, people start to talk. I do have a question though, now again, this has to do with the whole class thing. Do you think when people hear freemasonry, they think of a certain... it is attaching to a certain class, for example, middle class or working class or…Oh, Yeah. It's kind of upper class, middle class, but nowadays freemasonry is open to everyone. There is that idea that it's only kind of the elites that are Freemasons. But nowadays that's not the case.
11/5/2023 • 8 minutes, 27 seconds
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~ Hi everyone and welcome back to Britain Under the Microscope. 欢迎回来【闲话英伦】. Hi, 安澜. Hi, Lulu. Hi, everyone. So, What kind of topic are we gonna talk about today? Well, Today I thought we talk about something a bit mysterious. Woo, Is it about folklore? No. OK. I thought today we'll talk about what is commonly known as a secret society. 神秘的组织,I think I talked about this topic with Brad before about secret societies in the world and conspiracy theories. If you're talking about the UK let me guess you're gonna talk about Freemasons. That's right. We're gonna talk a little bit about freemasonry. Freemasonry, Freemasons叫共济会. It's probably one of the most well known secret society. I know it sounds really contradictory.Oh, yeah. Exactly is one of the most famous secret societies in the world. Again, because it can be potentially sensitive. We're not siding with any opinions, we’re simply being informative.Exactly.Because it is something that every British person knows no matter how they feel about it. Always something that everyone feels they knows, but actually there's a lot of misunderstanding about Freemasonry. Em. Okay. So let's start with the very basic, I think our audience probably don't know anything about this society. Well, first of all, I should start by saying I do know a bit about Freemasonry because my dad is a free mason. OK, All right. Are you allowed to tell me?Well, I have to kill you afterwards, but no, I'm absolutely fine to tell you. Em, OK.So, Freemasonry is based on the traditions of medieval stonemasons. Yeah, actually I was gonna say although Freemasons is translated into 共济会, but mason is a stone cutter, a stone craftsman就是石匠, 对吧? Stonemasons是石匠的意思. Yep, exactly. So stonemasons were the ones who built cathedrals and castles and to do this, they traveled around the country. Now being a stonemason was a very highly skilled job. Em, I would imagine so.And obviously, back then people couldn't read and write, they had no ID cards.So, to show that they were a qualified and professional stonemason, they used signs and words to show who they were. I think we definitely have similar things in China or we had similar things in China, the stonemasons, also carpenters. They have their signs, their own systems.
11/2/2023 • 8 minutes, 37 seconds
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~Hello again欢迎来到Happy Hour英文小酒馆。关注公众号璐璐的英文小酒馆,加入我们的酒馆社群,邂逅更精彩更广阔的世界。Hi everyone, and welcome back to Britain Under the Microscope, Halloween Special, 欢迎回来《闲话英伦·万圣节特辑》。Hello,安澜。 Hello everyone. Hello and Happy Halloween. Basically, one of my favorite festivals, last year we were doing superstition in the UK, so what we're gonna talk about today? Well, I thought for Halloween it would be nice to do something a little bit historical and also a little bit creepy. So I thought today we can talk about witches. Oh, witches 就是女巫, ok, actually I have a quite a lot of background knowledge in this. I know, so that's why I thought it would be good if we can talk about witchcraft in Britain. Do you know that in university I actually wrote a paper on Witch Hunt. Really? Yeah, always been a fascinating topic, like 安澜 was saying, it's not just a fantasy or supernatural topic, it has a lot of history behind it. First things first, when you talk about witches in British culture in British history, were they always evil? Were they always like an evil presence? Not really, no, back in medieval times, and also early, they've always been witches and a lot of them were generally seen as good. They were seen as good? So what did they actually do? Well, they were known as cunning folk. Cunning folk. Yeah, a man could be a witch back then, they would help to cure people, help the crops to grow, woman to have children. It was a type of folk belief. It's a little bit like 巫医 that sort of ideas, like witch doctor almost. Type of thing. But obviously if you read a lot of stories in the West, in Britain which they were hunted, they were seen as really, really evil. That was from around the 15th century. 15th century. Yeah. How did they turn from the cunning folk which is harmless helpful neighborhood people to this evil presence? Basically, it was caused by two Kings, so Henry the 8th actually made witchcraft a Capital Offense. Capital Offense, 就是要杀头的罪。 Yeah. But why? Because he was worried about the influence of these witches on society, it was also about the church as well, but it was actually another king, a Scottish King who then became king of England, James the First. So King James the First was someone who was really scared of witches. Yes, that's because he believed that witches were attacking his family. That paranoid? A little bit, but he was kind of educated king, so what he did was he wrote a book about finding witches. Finding witches so that they can kill them. Pretty much, and this actually started a witch hysteria when ordinary people started to believe that witches were dangerous.
10/31/2023 • 12 minutes, 22 seconds
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~ Welcome back to Geek Time advanced. Welcome, Lulu. Hi, Brad. So we're gonna continue on with talking about cyber security. Remember, last time when we were finishing up, I asked a question if there are so many people who are experts in cyber security, why are the attackers still winning in a lot of the situations? Why are they still able to make the attacks successful, so to speak. Well, one thing that makes it difficult is that they are always looking for new ways. There's always new computer systems. They make a new operating system. Windows does this every like 5 years or so. And whenever they make a new operating system, there is always going to be some flaws in it.And so basically, while the defenders are out there trying to keep the system defended, the attackers or the bad people are going out there and finding things and then using those exploits to hack into the system. The defenders are always two steps behind the attackers. Can you not preempt some of these attacks if you already know, or if you already see the potential of a loophole? You can. And sometimes people will find a loophole before anyone attacks it. Sometimes they don't even know if anyone has attacked it before they find it. So it's always really difficult. There's... whenever they make a new system, they can look for all the loopholes, but they're never going to find them all. I suppose as the defending side, you have to be all encompassing, all enveloping. You have to really take care of every little detail, but as the attacker, you only need one loophole to be in. I see, so cyber security essentially is ultra important because last time we were talking about it is linked with the integrity of critical infrastructure.Right. People's livelihood, the stock exchange is all on the internet. People transfer money from bank to bank via their computers. People pay their bills nowadays via computer. Everything is online. Can I just ask like a I don't know if it's a related question, so talking about who has access to certain internet. Who has like, I don't know if it's called privilege, security clearance, how does that work?When you work for a company, basically, the idea is to give every user as limited a privilege as possible. We often call this privilege. So basically, they say okay you need access to these rooms, you need access to this data. And We're only going to give you access to those bits of data because that's what you need.And so limits the liability for the company saying that okay you don't have access to the things you don't need. If you did access those that might be a problem. So you're breaking the law. Yeah. Basically the ideas that we want to limit the accessibility to things as much as possible.
10/29/2023 • 11 minutes, 41 seconds
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~ Hi, everyone. And welcome back to Geek Time. 欢迎回来【极客时间】. Hi, Brad. Hey, lulu, how's going? It's being great. And Brad, I would like to propose a topic today. OkLet's talk about one of your majors, which is Cyber Security, right? Ok, good topic. 网络安全. Let's start with the basic. What is Cyber Security? I mean we can translate it. But exactly what is the security about? Is it about data? Is it about I don't know, finance? What is it about? So, cyber security is the total your security of your data and your devices. But when we think about it, right, there's you can look at it as two main ideas. You're protecting your data, whether it's your personal data or the company data or protecting critical infrastructure, companies, computers, your computer, or country's electric grids, their voting machines, their financial systems. So, it's not just data ,it’s devices as well. Okay. Am I to understand it's like several tiers, so you protect personal data, you need to protect like organizational data, like a company or organization, and you also have to protect sort of infrastructure in a country, in a community, like you said, electric grids and then voting machines, financial systems to make sure the country or the community or the region runs smoothly, operate smoothly. Right.Can I ask you just out of curiosity? What does this cyber security major fall under? What is like the big faculty or the big...? So this one is between two faculties usually, most of its under IT, like information technology. But oftentimes with cyber security, it's not just on the IT side of things. It's also on the administrative side of things. So they often will combine the two. So my focus was yeah...Like public admin. Yes, kind of. I see, and would you say it is a popular major to choose based on your observation? It's fairly popular. I think a lot of people tend to go with just more of the basic IT support. I think cyber security is a little bit more daunting for some just because they look at it and they think that's got to be really difficult, but I think it's not any more difficult necessarily than the other IT majors. So let's start with basic two more advanced security measures or settings. Obviously for most dummies, like me the first layer is password, but I know that is not really safe. Yes,when you have a network,of course you need to have a password. And then when you think about passwords, you don't want to just have numbers because then this makes it very simple to decode or decrypt your password. You add in letters and then symbols and then the more you add, the more complex it becomes, the more safe it is. But aside from passwords, a lot of times, people can or systems will use what's called a white list and what's called a blacklist. What you allow and disallow. Yes, right. A white list would just be we only allow these devices, right? And so anything that's on our white list as it is, are the only things that can enter. Or they might use a blacklist where they just say these devices can't be...can’t come onto the network. A white list is a little bit safer, but it also makes it a little bit more difficult if you want to add a new device because you have to go into the system, you have to allow that device. Yeah, unfortunately, I think a lot of people nowadays do not really have the basic awareness. I'm not even talking about the know how but the awareness of cyber security and we opt for convenience rather than total security. Then of course on top of that, we have things like the antivirus software. Most people might run one or two different ones on their systems. But if you're like, really into cyber security, we use something called sand boxing. Sand boxing? Yes. So basically you have your operating system on your computer. When you log onto your computer, you use your computer. But you can actually kind of create what's called a virtual machine.
10/26/2023 • 14 minutes, 3 seconds
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~Hi everyone, and welcome to our new segment 【It Means What?】欢迎大家回来我们的新版块【词源考古研究所】. In this segment, we’re going to explore the interesting origin of words and phrases. So 安澜, what is the word for today? Well, today I've chosen one of my favorite words in English. Let me guess, it's alcoholic. Yes. 安澜这个酒“精”啊. It is whiskey. 就是威士忌. Actually I'm not a whiskey drinker but I always wondered, that doesn't sound English that the word whiskey. No, it actually comes from a Gaelic word. Gaelic is the language from Scotland? Gaelic is a language from northern Scotland and it's completely different to English. So you wouldn't understand Gaelic. I would not understand Gaelic. Actually you can watch Gaelic programs on BBC. What's the point if you don't understand it. Exactly, and it's just so it's very, very different from English. 这个叫苏格兰盖尔语. If you are interested, you can check it out online and see how it sounds. Yes. So it comes from this Gaelic word which means “water of life”. Water of life, isn't that Aqua vitae? Oh, that's Latin. So the Gaelic is “Uisge Beatha” , so it’s Uisge and it became whiskey. 所以是苏格兰盖尔语里面的叫做 “water of life”, 生命之水. Now the reason why they called it “water of life” is that whiskey was not actually originally a drink to be enjoyed. It was a medicine. I thought it was just because they really loved drinking. No, so whiskey started to be distilled in Scotland, so you distill whiskey. You don't make whiskey. 蒸馏, distill. It's like with wine, you fermented, 如果是葡萄酒水果酒它是发酵, 然后 whisky这种烈酒很多是蒸馏distilled.
10/24/2023 • 5 minutes, 25 seconds
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~Now brings the next question. Supposedly I were a member of a trade union and they organized a strike, but I don't want to like, I don't agree and I voted not to have a strike. Then what if the strike still goes on because I'm in the minority. You would still probably have to go on strike. I have to? Yeah, because you belong to that union, if you belong to that union, you've chosen to be with them. If the majority of your union colleagues agree and think should go on a strike, then you have to join them. 明白了, 所以就是说实际上即使你不同意, 但是你们工会里大部分的人都投票同意了, 你还是得必须参加罢工. Exactly. It's a little bit like for example, if a country goes to war, if you don't agree with it, you can't exactly just say I don't agree, so I'm not gonna do anything. So that's the analog you'll be using. Yeah, I see, I see. So it's almost like a mini government type of thing. It is. The unions are designed to act as a balance against management. I see. It’s a check and balance system. Exactly. 其实是为了制衡这些employer. We know that in theory, but in practice, do they really have that much power? You said the London transport system, they have some very powerful unions. I've actually heard about this. Yeah, because quote on quote, if they don't reach a settlement, they go on prolonged strikes. They can hold London hostage because they stop running the underground. Pretty much. 整个伦敦就瘫痪了。 Exactly. And if the government or the local councils, if they continue to basically disagree with the unions or to stop negotiating, then it looks bad on the government. But I do... in real life, imagine myself as just a resident in London, if I have to commute to work, I have to take the underground, the tube every day. Oh, you probably will be very angry. I'll be very angry, but if I feel like I probably won't necessarily feel angry about the company or at the company, I probably will think all these people going on strike, they don't really have any consideration for others and they are asking for unreasonable amount, does that happen? Yeah, a lot. So people are not necessarily just other normal, just general public. They're not necessarily siding with these unions. No. In some cases, they don't side with the unions. One of the things about the transport unions is the they do actually annoy a lot of people. I would assume so.Because lots of people believe that, for example train drivers get a lot of money and some actually do. They got very good at paying conditions and when they complain about it, other people will just go, well, what are you complaining about? If you already getting way above average salary, you're still complaining because you can hold the entire city hostage. Then that's not going to be... But a strike will only work if you have the sympathy of the public. So if the public don't agree with the strike and they get angry, then the unions have less of a case and it makes the employers stronger. Okay. So eventually this will all be in the court of public opinion. Pretty much. So a good example is with the doctors and nurses. When they went on strike, they were very clear on the news about what their demands were, what they wanted. And of course people supported doctors and nurses. Yeah, of course. So lots of people were pressuring the government into siding and agreeing with the unions. I think you mentioned a very important point. You have to be very transparent, very open about what you want, what the conditions are. Yeah, for example, I remember watching news about the NHS strike, the medical workers strike. Then some of the nurses are coming out to tell their story saying how much their take home wage is every month, 每个月到手多少钱. Yeah, and we're talking about single mother working long hours getting paid above average, and it is that money having lived in London, I know that money is not enough, exactly, to support and your kids, let alone l
10/22/2023 • 14 minutes, 33 seconds
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~Hi everyone, and welcome back to Britain under the microscope. 欢迎回来【闲话英伦】. Hello, 安澜. Hi 璐璐. Hi, everyone. So 安澜, I know that you have recently obviously also been in the UK. Yes, I have. You know when I was in the UK this time, I didn't notice because just they say it over and over again in the news, strikes, many strikes. And not just in the UK, in Europe, in general these days. Oh yeah. Certainly throughout Europe and also particularly in the UK, there are lots and lots of strikes. 所以今天咱们就要聊聊罢工这个事情. I know it's a bit sensitive. Well, it is a bit sensitive, but we can be focusing on what it actually means to strike. So we'll be focusing more on the actions. Not so much as in which side we support, but is more informative. Exactly. Okay. But first of all, why are there so many strikes in the UK in recent months? I know there always have been strikes, but it seems to be more frequent. Simply it's down to inflation. And the cost of living crisis.And the cost of living crisis. 就是生活成本的飚高, 还有通胀。We talked about this before. Yes. So there's been a massive increase in inflation, post COVID, and also post Brexit. In October 2022, our inflation went up to 11.1%. Wow, post COVID, post Brexit, you have this double whammy. 英国是既受到COVID新冠的影响, 还受到Brexit脱欧的影响. Yeah. So people are having a pretty tough time right at the moment. But it's important to note that even before COVID and even before Brexit, lots of people were having a tough time. I would say ever since 2008, 2009 with the financial crisis, there's been a lack of investment in public services. When you say public services, do you mean like infrastructure like a health care? Health care, schools, transports, that's because of austerity. What does austerity here mean? Well, austerity in this sense means that the government try to cut expenditure as much as possible.
10/19/2023 • 11 minutes, 24 seconds
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~Hello everyone, and welcome to bedtime stories with 安澜. In this segment, I'm going to be telling you some famous stories from Britain and many other countries. So get comfortable and let me take you on a journey far away, The story of Dick Whittington. Long ago, a poor little boy lived on the streets in torn and dirty clothes. He never saw or knew his parents or his birthplace. He called himself Dick Whittington. One fine day, he met a man driving a wagon who was on his way to London. Dick asked if he could join him on his journey. The kind man agreed but did not ask him to pay. Little Dick was very excited to see London and imagined that its streets were made of gold. However, to his utter disappointment, London was covered in dirt and there was no sign of gold. Dick was soon all by himself. He had gone days without food or money. He was cold and starving. He begged for food, work, and money but no one showed him any kindness. Out of exhaustion and hunger, he collapsed one day at the door of a kind merchant Mr. Fitzwarren. The cook at his place was a cruel woman who told Dick to leave or she would pour hot water on him. Mr Fitzwarren, who had just returned from the London Exchange, took pity on the boy and brought him in. He ordered his servants to provide him with food and drink and the cook to let him work in the kitchen as her helper. Just when little Whittington hoped for brighter days, the servants mocked him and the cook beat him. When the kind merchant’s daughter, Miss Alice, found out about it, she felt sorry for him and ordered everyone to be nice to Dick. Dick Whittington slept in a bed in a tiny attic room that was full of rats and mice. They troubled him enough to prevent him from having a good sleep. A gentleman once visited Mr Fitzwarren who rewarded Whittington with a penny in return for brushing his shoes. Whittington set out with that penny to buy something for himself. On the way, he saw a woman with a cat. He wanted to buy the cat from her but the price was too high. He explained his situation and said, “A penny is all I have.” The good woman allowed him to have the cat for a penny. He named her Miss Puss and hid her in his attic room. She soon got rid of all the rats and mice and helped him sleep peacefully. Soon afterwards, it was time for Mr Fitzwarren’s ship to set sail on a voyage. As per custom, the master ordered each servant to send something of their own for trade so they could possibly earn a fortune. Poor Whittington had nothing to offer but Miss Puss whom he unwillingly gave for the voyage.Dick Whittington’s troubles were far from over. The cruel cook continued beating him and laughing at him for sending his cat on the voyage. Fed up with the situation, the poor boy fled from the house. While deciding which direction to continue his journey away from London, he heard St. Mary-le-Bow church’s bells ringing.
10/17/2023 • 7 minutes, 8 seconds
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~ Hello everyone, and welcome back to America Under the Microscope, advanced episode. Hi Lulu. Hi James.So we're gonna continue our talk about transportation which we were talking about in the basic episode. And we want to start off this episode by talking about money.Oh, how much it costs?Yeah, because this is always our concern, isn’t it? Now, how much do you think it costs to or how much do you think Americans spend on transportation every year?When you say transportation, does this include everything like driving?Yeah, all inclusive, all inclusive.All inclusive, I don't know, maybe six, five, six thousand, it's got to be more than that. Right?Yes. It's about $10,000 a year in transportation costs. 10,000?!Yes.OK, so, what if you, like, would it cost as much if you don't drive?No, it would be a lot less, the biggest things including this are like fuel, insurance and maintenance of your car. I see. But it also includes like if you take flight or anything like this, it's quite a lot. And, if you're in the lower income levels of the society, it's a big chunk of money.That is a lot of money, $10,000 per year just on transport.Yeah, it's like I don't even think I get close to that here, but of course I don't own a car in China, so that does really lower my transportation costs.Yeah, I don't regularly drive a car, I mean I can drive, but I don't really drive in Beijing. So, I don't really know how much it costs to maintain a car to pay all of the taxes and parking. So, you guys can educate us and leave us a comment, telling us as a car owner how much you spend on transport a year. Does it sound like a major chunk of your spending?Yeah. This comes into a major issue. Because if you're trying to move up and trying to make money and you don't have a car, or you have a major accident with your car. You just lost a big chunk of your savings of trying to get it fixed or replaced. And due to our limited public transportation options in many places. There isn't an alternative if you don't have a car.
10/15/2023 • 10 minutes, 10 seconds
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~ Hi, everyone. And welcome back to America Under the Microscope. 欢迎回来【闲话美国】.Hi, James. Hi, LuLu. Hi, everyone. Actually I would like to propose a topic.Cool. Now around the holiday I wanna travel back to Wuhan, I was trying to get a train tickets. When I'm now traveling from Beijing to Wuhan, I almost always get the train because it's so fast. If you consider the flight takes about 2 hours and then there's a long commute to the actual airport. But the train station is also usually located center of town and the train only takes 4 hours, sometimes even a bit under 4 hours. I know I love Chinese high speed trains, so nice. So I thought let’s talk about the transport in America. I know you guys don't really have a lot of trains or like your trains are not really great. We have trains. We have a whole two high speed trains in the whole country. You have high speed train? That's news to me. How fast are they? Well, the one in the northeast that goes between Washington DC and I think up to Boston, I think it can get up to 190. Kilometers per hour. But for very limited stretches because it has many stops. There's a brand new one in Florida between Miami and Orlando and it can go 378 kilometers in 3.5 hours. OK, that is like 120, 130 per hour. Yeah. That doesn't sound very impressive. Sorry to say that. It’s not. So really, trains that I wouldn't say that you have kept up with the world in terms of development of trains. We have not. America is well behind. If you look at many European countries like France, the UK, Germany, Italy, they all have forms of high speed rail. And then if you take Japan, it's like their high speed rails are outstanding. Chinese, high speed rail is really outstanding. Yeah, there's America. It’s sad. But why is that? Because it's such a vast country why? Money. But even building airports also cost money, right? Yes, it does, but there's a few things. So it's just really expensive to build rail because it's not just about the train station. You also have to lay down the track and all that other stuff which you don't have to do for an airport. Oh, I see. So is it fair to say that when it comes to traveling cross country, most Americans won't even think of rail travel. It's not even on the radar now. Who's taking the trains then? It depends on which part of the country you’re in. If you're in the northeast. So New York city region, there are quite a bit more trains where you can usually go from like New York to Boston, New York to Washington DC, New York to Philadelphia. In that part of the country, there are quite a few trains that you can take. But if you're from where I am, there is no train station in my hometown. The closest train station is an hour drive away and the train comes once a day. And you might as well just take the plane. Yeah, it would honestly be cheaper. But air travel, I mean I've also watched a lot of videos of people complaining about air travel and it's almost like a meme. When you watch a TV shows from America, people also complain about air travel. 其实很多美剧或者美国电影里面都有很多人去吐槽美国的飞机,就航空业各种各样的,说服务也好,什么也好,基建也好,so what do you think about the air travel? Right. So air travel is the easiest way to get across the country because a lot of people always seem to forget that America is really big. It takes 5 hours to fly across the country. It's a big place, but because it's high demand and there's high competition, a lot of the airline companies have done... done things to try to remain competitive. And consumers have voted with their feet and they decided that they want cheaper tickets than having all the bells and whistles of airlines.
10/12/2023 • 11 minutes, 39 seconds
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~ The project is funded by “Top Taste Original, High Quality Products from Europe,” an European Union campaign promoting the Consortium of Abruzzo Wines and the Piave DOP Cheese Consortium. Hi everyone, and welcome back to your favorite segment Global Village. In today's episode, we have in our studio two special guests, Michele and Elliott.Michele is an old friend to the show and has appeared in a few episodes. He's currently based in Shanghai and owns a wine importing business, specializing in Italian wines. Elliot is the founder of his own wine import business as well as the owner of the popular wine bistro in Shanghai. Both are wine experts, obviously. Welcome to the show, Michele and Elliott.Hi, lulu. (Michele)Thank you. Great to be here.(Elliott)Great to talk to you again.Today we're going to be talking about Italian wines from the Abruzzo region. But first of all, can you guys give us a brief self introduction about your businesses? Let's give the opportunity to Elliot first.Hi, my name is Elliot Shay, I’ve been in the wine business off and on for about 20 years. I started my wine import company in China about 10 years ago, focusing mostly on wines from Europe, one of my specialties with Italian wines; and then a couple of years ago I started a wine bistro called Crush that aims to pair amazing wines with more American pan-Asian fusion food.Okay. It sounds fantastic, I Love sort of the fusion in food. And Michele, I know that you've introduced yourself several times on the show, but could you still briefly give us an introduction?Sure. So I'm Italian. I live in Shanghai since almost 15 years and I am in the wine business since ten almost. I'm also a sommelier from the Italian Sommelier Association (品酒师协会). I know Elliott since long time and we also sometimes work together within his bistro.Okay, all right. So after the self introduction, I would like to jump directly into the whole Abruzzo wine topic. First of all, I would like to ask you to as individuals, what is your impression, not just as an importer or restaurant owner, but as just a wine drinker, wine lover, what is your impression of Abruzzo wine? Elliot?I think that the ones from Abruzzo are quite versatile, really easy drinking, but also unique and complex at the same time, both the reds and the whites. I was actually quite surprised when I first tried them because I didn't think that they were gonna be as good as they really are.Okay, what about you? Michele?I totally agree with Elliot on this part of the versatility of the wines they have. They are very good in different kinds of occasions. And according to the style, you can use it really, have a very wide applicability in the food pairing, and also not to forget that value for money, it's extremely high for an Italian wine especially.So that was your individual opinion. What about as an importer? I know for a fact that Elliot, as your import business actually carries... actually sells some of the Abruzzo wines and you also serve them in your bistro, right? Yes, that's correct. And can I ask about like your customers, do they like Abruzzo wine?I think at first, they were kind of questioning what is this wine and then also confusing Montepulciano with the Tuscany region as well. But after explaining it to them, and having them tried multiple wines, I think they've gradually become more acceptable to try more wines from the region and have really enjoyed them.Sounds great. Michele, you're from Italy, then back in Italy, what's people's opinion about Abruzzo wine? Is it one of those, I know Italy has so many famous, world famous wine regions. How does Abruzzo feature Italian ranking? Actually, in Italy, we have this problem that we are this huge, wide range of varieties of grape, varieties and wine varieties that we have. It's also sometimes a limit. So we drink a lot of local wines.
10/10/2023 • 22 minutes, 29 seconds
《小酒馆·大世界》-“你没事吧?” 在国外这么打招呼差点被“扁”了
Keywords1.Greetings can be very different in the UK and US2.British humor V.S American humor3.Is there any difference in lifestyle between UK and US? 4.How does TJ feel spending 7 years to get his PhD?Well, it's not quite... we're not enemies, right? You assume that everything is normal and that you know what's happening. But really underneath, there's some kind of problem, some kind of complication is maybe a better word that you don't expect.Yeah, can you give us some like specific examples so that we can get a feel of it?Yeah, one very good example that I've come across several times because it's such a habit of mine is greetings.So in the UK is perfectly normal, especially in the north of the UK where I'm from, to say, are you all right as a greeting, right? Are you all right?That's not just in the north. I hear people say that a lot in London or around London as well. I that used to confuse me because in my book, when you ask people, are you all right as a way of greeting, it sounds like you assume that I'm ill.Right. And so the Americans feel the same way as you. It implies there's something wrong. Like, are you okay as if they've had an accident or fallen over or something has happened or they look very ill or something, I remember just 2 or 3 days ago, I went to a social event.And I saw somebody that I had met once before and I thought I'll go and talk to him, and I walked up to him and said, “are you all right?”, and he looked at me, and he said I'm fine. What's wrong? You know, as if there was some big thing I needed to talk to him about. Then I had to explain to him. No no, I'm just saying hi, right? That's the way it goes. It's interesting because you get different advice from different Americans you know. So Americans they don't say are you all right? They say how are you? how's it going? something like this. Yeah.But then what you say to that, do you actually reply and say how you feel or do you say nothing?I think it's just fine, right? In British culture is when they ask you how are you, they expect you to say I'm fine. Like I'm okay, I'm doing well. They don't expect you to tell them exactly how you feel, even if you feel bad that day, even if you feel a bit under the weather, you don't say, in British culture you don't like announced that because that was not expected.Yeah, there's maybe let's say like ten, maybe if I'm lucky 20 people in the world, when they ask me if I'm all right or if they ask me how it's going, that I will say to them a genuine answer, I'll say it's going okay or I'll say not so good today, but I’ll live or something.But one thing that's very common in the UK is that you give some kind of comical answer or something that's a little bit unusual difference. So I remember I went into the office and saw one of the members of staff and they asked me how I was, and I said I must be fine because my heart is still beating. And they look very confused by that. I feel like in the UK you can get away with these kind of slightly maybe eccentric responses. The British eccentric it's... Just like British humor is very very dry, I think that's the thing. British humor does not translate very well into American humor. I don't think to the general public, maybe in certain crowds, but certainly not in general public.It's true that the Americans seem to really like to signpost that they're making a joke.So everybody knows, you know, from the tone of voice, from the body language that it's big and it's a joke and it's exciting. Whereas, yeah, the English kind of like to slide the jokes in to normal conversation and say something counter intuitive. And it's like a landmine.
10/8/2023 • 11 minutes
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~The project is funded by “Top Taste Original, High Quality Products from Europe,” an European Union campaign promoting the Consortium of Abruzzo Wines and the Piave DOP Cheese Consortium. Hi everyone and welcome back to a special episode of Global Village. 欢迎回来【小酒馆大世界】的特别节目. Let's continue to talk about Abruzzo wines. After our talk with Davide who represents the Abruzzo wine region. I'm sure you all got to know a bit more about this beautiful wine region of Abruzzo and the unique wines and cheese it produces. Now let's connect with one of our old friends, Roger. And Roger is not only a wine expert who regularly holds like master classes on wine appreciation, but also the owner of a few very popular restaurants in Xiamen, was one on Gulangyu Island, right Roger?Yeah sure. I love my restaurant, anyway, this is by the seaside. Sounds beautiful! Love the seafood by the seaside. I mean, so today we invite you to the studio. So hopefully we can get some insights from you as a wine expert and also obviously someone in the food and beverage business. What is your impression of Abruzzo wine? So first of all, what is your personal impression and perhaps also professional impression of Abruzzo wine? OK! Shall we start with the professional side? Sure, of course. Which feel more, a lot more complicated. But overall, I think Abruzzo is not a very complicated wine, of course, but when it comes to the aging, and Abruzzo shows a very good potential of aging, shows complexity, shows the tertiary, a typical character of tertiary flavors, for example, like leather, chocolate, and which is (what) I like most. And apart from that, Abruzzo always comes from very ripe grapes. And that gives the Abruzzo wine a very beautiful, you know, there's a plum, ripe cherry, the sort of red fruit or dark fruit flavors; and plus with there's some aging in the oak. So, give it a hint of vanilla plus the chocolate I talked about and toffee, you know, the sort of sweet tasting. But it's not sweet, it's like just give you the sweetness. Sweetness, without the sugar. No, no sugar. So, I'm just talking about the ripening of the fruit. And it's no sweet but still really, really mature and ripe wine that you can have. From the other side, we also have easygoing Abruzzo wines. So, it's like daily consuming wines. So, it's more like a red and dark fruit together with red berry, strawberry and mixed with plum, mulberries. They sort all the different red and black fruits all mixed together. Lots of berries. It does, lots of berries over there. And it shows... there're sort of the really fruitiness and all over again and again, give you a really nice feeling of… in the flower garden, you know this sort of things. The floral and the fruity feeling. It all... from what you're describing, it sounds like quite an approachable wine. When I say approachable, I mean, some of the wines, although very famous, very like big wines from Italy, but they are actually harder for beginner wine lovers because they find it way too heavy. You know, like the Barolo, not everyone, especially like the beginners, they don't have that palate to appreciate that. So, it sounds like with the fruitiness, with the floral tasting notes, Abruzzo wine sounds perfect for people who want to know a little bit more about Italian wines. Exactly Lulu, I totally agree with you. For the big wine, for example, like what you say about Barolo and Barbaresco. They are big wine. They are really big. However, it's very harsh, you need a really good time for you to do the canteen and then to solve out all the tannin. Actually, for some beginners, you feel a lot of tart, you know, this sort of black tea, this sort of feeling that makes you like try to run away from it. Like quite a lot of people who first contact of the champagne, they can't even deal with those yeast. I know. A very strong yeast taste over there. It's the same story.
10/6/2023 • 18 minutes, 39 seconds
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~ So far we've talked about your studies, we talked about your interest in your field, but let's move on to something that is more about life in America, or life in academic setting in America. So first things first, let's talk about academic setting, because this is more specific. So far you have got degrees in British university, Chinese university and now doing a degree in American university. How would you compare these three very different university environment?Yeah, It's one of those things. Ah, it's a little bit difficult to compare the environments. But I definitely think, one of the things that comes to mind immediately is they definitely look after you more in China.So in America, they just kind of say here's some money, find somewhere to live, find something to eat and just take care of yourself. Of course, the Americans they think of this is freedom, right? I'm free to live wherever I want and eat and do whatever I want. But I do have to admit that I do like the Chinese system which kind of looks after you, right? Here's your room, the electricity is on this card and the canteen is down the road and it's tasty and it's cheap. Yeah, everything is sorted.Yeah, I guess it's very beginner friendly, newcomer friendly. Because you don't have to spend all the time feeling disoriented. Exactly! Right. And they'll usually have some kind of orientation does quite comprehensive and give you a nice map, and of course the professors and other students in America have been very kind to me and very helpful.But it's a lot more informal. There is some kind of online induction and training, but it's nowhere near as detailed and comprehensive as the things I experienced in China.What about British university then? Do they do anything like that for newcomers? Yeah, somewhere in the middle, I think, cause you do have the canteens and they are a little bit more expensive and exclusive than the Chinese ones. And it's different when you're undergraduate as well, actually. I think the undergraduates here get a little bit more guidance, just like I did in the UK. But I do think the UK, they kind of give you the training wheels a little bit. But they don't do too much to help you either. Yes, it’s closer to America than China, I think. I see. But what about just this whole work ethics? I don't know if it's the right word to describe it, like in terms of hardworking, how hard, which would you… I know every country, every university has the really, really hardworking people. It has also slackers. But comparatively speaking, which country has the hardest working students?I think it's interesting cause it's a continuum right? So I think in America they give you the most work, so you in terms of like the readings for the courses and things, they give you way more reading than it's humanly possible to do. And I think the idea is you have to kind of choose the important parts, find the important parts. So it's a kind of literature review every time. When I was at Fudan, they don't give you as much. Like maybe we just read like two passages of the Laozi, but you've got to know every single character, of course you've got to be able to read them, but the history of that character. And you've got to know what Huangdi said about that character. And you've got to know what He Shan Gong said about that character. And you've got know, like, there's so much more detailed. I see. This is sort of very two different styles, different focus.
9/28/2023 • 9 minutes, 17 seconds
The project is funded by “Top Taste Original, High Quality Products from Europe,” an European Union campaign promoting the Consortium of Abruzzo Wines and the Piave DOP Cheese Consortium. 可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~Hi, everyone. Welcome back to your favorite segment Global Village. 欢迎大家回来你们最喜欢的板块【小酒馆·大世界】.Today we're going to present to you a special episode sponsored by the Abruzzo consortium from Italy. We have a special guest speaker in the studio, Mr. Davide Acerra, who is the marketing manager of the Abruzzo consortium. Welcome to the show Davide.Thank you, Lulu.First of all, could you give us a general introduction about yourself, especially your role at the Abruzzo consortium?For sure, I'm the marketing manager of the consortium that is the major organization in our region that represents more or less 80% of the producers from Abruzzo wines, and my role is... I work for the marketing about the marketing of the promotional activities of the Abruzzo DOC, in particular, and normally I organize the activities in the world, in particular out of Italy.The overseas market.Yeah. I talk about the wines, I talk with the agency, with the importer, all that you need to organize some promotional activities.I see. First of all, I think our audience probably, well I mean including me, we don't really know that much about the region. I've been to Italy many times, but mostly you know to Rome, Milan. So where is Abruzzo, and could you give us a general feel, I know that you actually live in Abruzzo, is that correct?This is a good question because normally the foreign people when they come to Italy normally used to go to Rome, Milan, Venezia, but Abruzzo is my region, we are in the center south of Italy, the east side of the country.Abruzzo is a very small area, you think that we are more or less 1 million habitants living here, so it's very small for the numbers of China, but it's very rich in biodiversity. It's a treasure of biodiversity.In fact, we are known as the green region of Europe because more than 30% of the territory is protected by leisure parks.Yeah, I mean before our talk actually I did a little bit of research online.Yeah.And like lonely planet is describing Abruzzo as like a hidden gem because its national parks, all the nature.We have free national parks. The first national park of Italy was in Abruzzo, we have one original park and about 77 natural protected areas, so you think it's very, very green, it’s a small region, but we have everything.In the east side, we have the sea. In the west side, we have the habitats, but we have many rivers, lakes, ancient villages, standing serene time. It's original to be discovered.
9/28/2023 • 26 minutes, 38 seconds
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~ Hi everyone, and welcome back to your favorite segment Global Village. 欢迎回来你们最喜欢的板块【小酒馆·大世界】. Today in our studio, we have an old friend. I'm just curious because even as early as your bachelor years, you were doing philosophy already, but what sparked that initial interest like when you chose major for your bachelors study, for your undergraduate study, what made you choose philosophy?I think philosophy is a little bit self-selecting. You have to be a certain kind of person to choose it. When you say self-selecting, is it one of those things like it's not so much as you select that philosophy selected you. Yes, all that it's may be part of my character to study philosophy I guess. I think some people can't help but continue to have those questions that children have. So children will always ask just yesterday, I was waiting to go into somewhere that wasn't open yet and there was a child and they were asking their parents, why isn't it open? And they're like because it's not time yet. And the child saying why isn't it time yet? Then they'd say everything has to happen at a certain time, and he's like, why, why can't everything happen all at once? Like why do they have to happen in order? And then the parent, the mother just said, do you want to look at some pictures on the phone? And The child said, yeah let's look at some videos or pictures on the phone. But unfortunately, I'm one of those children that says no, I want that answer to the question like why, why do things happen? And you carry on asking the annoying questions, they're more interesting than the pictures on the phone. Oh. I see. Yeah, one of those highly inquisitive souls basically.Right. Right or highly annoying, I think, is the other way of describing. I bet your parents say that about you, but you know it's like the major that we study or the field that we're in, the type of jobs that we do, they all make an impact or imprint on us, right? So studying philosophy and even this almost like getting into religious study territory, how has this changed you or do you think it has changed you or your perspectives, your personality at all over the years? Yeah of course. It’s kind of has to, and I think there are definitely a lot of philosophy books, whether it's the Laozi or whether it's JS Mill on liberty or Nāgārjuna...those books after you read them, yeah, you're a completely different person.
9/24/2023 • 11 minutes, 43 seconds
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~ Hi everyone, and welcome back to your favorite segment Global Village. 欢迎回来你们最喜欢的板块【小酒馆·大世界】. Actually today in our studio welcome back an old friend, some of you probably remember we had this philosophy segment called Let's Philosophize? 可能还有一些小伙伴记得原来你们很喜欢的一个板块叫做【知乎哲也】,是讲哲学问题的, 当时就有很多人喜欢这个板块的嘉宾主播TJ, so TJ, welcome back. Hi, Lulu. I'm very glad to be back with you after a long hiatus. I mean you have been really busy, right? I thought the reason why I invited TJ to this segment rather than Let's Philosophize is because he has some interesting life updates to share. Like before in this segment earlier this year, if some of you still remember, we talked to Brad about his move to Japan. And TJ, you were in China in Beijing before COVID and during the COVID years you were back in the UK, and now you're in America. Right, O’er land of the free and the home of the brave as they call it. I'm just trying to get used to the culture shock of being in another place. I call it my third childhood. I had my first childhood in England, my second childhood in China. Now I'm learning everything again, right? Completely different environment. I'm sure this is going to be a very interesting talk. But first things first, let's start with where exactly are you? I mean the United States is a big place. Where are you? The area that I'm in is called the Midwest. The Midwest is the area that's seen as almost like the suburbs of America. It's lots of corn. People are supposed to be very friendly and they've been very nice to me so far. And it's somewhere that seemed to have a community and family values. Which state are you in?So the state that I'm in is called Indiana. Indiana, okay. Are you in like a big city at least or are you like really in suburbs or even countryside of America? So it's one of the strange things really that I'm in a town called Bloomington, which has under 100,000 people. So it is quite small. It's like a village in China.Right. You can bike around very easily. And the interesting thing about Bloomington to me is that its almost half of the entire population is to do with the university, right, its teachers, students or staff. This is my next question and I'm sure a lot of you want to ask this question. Why are you in America? It's a good question, right? Especially as I focus on early Chinese philosophy. So it's a strange place. It's essentially it's because my supervisor in China told me to come here. We have some of the best researchers that focus on early Taoist thought and early Confucian thought in all of the western world. Let me get this straight. You now move from China or from the UK to America to study Chinese philosophy? Yes. That is true. I know it seems very strange. But the degree you're doing right now is your PhD right, your doctorate? Right. I'm doing a PhD.For those of you who don't really know TJ’s really interesting educational background, Let me fill you in. TJ has got two master’s degrees, right? One from the UK one, from China, from Fudan university. Yes, that's right. Can you tell us a little bit about that like what degree did you like, what major did you do it in what field?My undergraduate degree I did in Leeds in England that’s philosophy. Then I went to Beijing Normal university and did some language courses at Beijing Normal University. After that, I did my teacher training. It was in Manchester but it's the Cambridge certification, right? That's not as impressive as it sounds for the listeners that are easily “fooled”. And then a master at Birmingham and then as another master of Fudan, now a PhD in America. So you're just one of those like perpetual students. Right, right. I think I do grow up slowly. It takes a long time for me to grow up.
9/21/2023 • 10 minutes, 39 seconds
1.Has people’s spending habits or their preferences changed after Covid?2.How is prosecco rose different from prosecco?3.How to pair prosecco with food?4.Special mixology tips for prosecco rosé.5. What kind of new prosecco events are on the horizon? Hi, everyone and welcome to the show. This episode is made in collaboration with the Prosecco DOC Consortium. After our talk with Tanja, I'm sure you all got to know a bit more about prosecco and the beautiful region it comes from. Now let's connect with another one of our guests, Roger, who is not only representing Casa prosecco in China, but also the owner of a trendy restaurant on Gulangyu island, Xiamen. Hi, Roger. Hi Lulu. Welcome back to the show.Haha, it’s been a pleasure.So since we talked last time, what has been happening with Casa Prosecco, your restaurant and the general restaurant, food and beverage industry.Well, we have really bad impact from the pandemic. It's been a really tough time for the restaurant owners during the period, but lucky to see we are slowly going through it. Now we see some really, really good conditions gonna come in, shows up and then to have a better economic situation right now. For our restaurant, it was really quiet, people are afraid to go out, have dinner or something. Now we get back to normal, so I'm happy to see that this is or a good sign for the future. I'm quite happy with that.Yeah, I mean good to know that. But would you say... you said it's back to normal, but I just want to know how has this, obviously Covid has a lot of impact on people in all aspects, so have your customers changed somehow like their spending habits or their preferences? For example, have they been spending more after everything opened up? Have they been celebrating more or are they more cautious about spending money? What would you say?This is a great question because it's some sort of controversy in between because after such a long period of lockdown and people were not able to go out freely to have a good time together with a friend or any events.Now they are free to go, so they sort of really happy with that. When they come to our restaurant, I also found out it's a better condition compared to before, however, the purchasing power looks like it goes down. I mean the whole economic situation, it's not really going back to normal, but I'm looking forward to see that, but nowadays if people wanted to buy some champagne, you know the customer used to have champagnes, now they don't really have the money, they would say, okay, show me something really happy stuff and not too expensive. You know what I mean, so now comes to the realistic that people would like to have some fun, they love to and eager to have some fun, but don't cost me too much.Well, prosecco now becomes a more affordable and approachable option I guess.That is exactly what I'm going to say that, now the happy style and they cost less and you can spend less for a longer period of happiness if you know what I mean.
9/19/2023 • 16 minutes, 15 seconds
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~ Keywords1.Types of cults that existed thousands of years ago2.Cults VS. Marketing scheme3.Why start a cult?Welcome back to Geek Time advanced. I'm Brad. Hi, Brad. How's it going Lulu? Yeah. I'm good. I'm ready to talk more about cult.All right. So we're gonna talk a little bit about some of the early cults before like thousands of years ago those types of cults. Oftentimes, cults were considered to be part of like minor religions .So just like pagan beliefs.Definitely, like smaller groups of people having different ideas when the movies we often see them as cannibalistic or something like that really sinister kind of like the Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom and ripping hearts out of your body, stealing your soul kind of thing.Honestly, I think in terms of Indiana Jones, if you don't mind me saying it, it is a little bit of racial prejudice and it's like mystifying or even vilifying cultures that you don't know perhaps.Yeah, they have those...now one of the actual cults that was kind of like it was almost a runner up to early Christianity was called mithraism.Mithraism.Mithraism yeah. Now that was in the Roman empire. You could see they had these underground places where they would worship and mithraism was kind of like... it was an astrological type of cult, they worshipped space and that type of... it wasn't a particular god or anything like that they worshipped, it was the closest thing to a god you could see was like the Taurus, the bullAlmost sounds like the earlier definition of cult is basically just outside of the mainstream. It doesn't have that destructive element.Yeah. Some of them did, some of them had like they might have had sacrifices, although some people think that those sacrifices may not have actually been people they killed, they may have been people that have just died. And so it's kind of hard to see where it actually happened. It could just be that the bigger religions were trying to vilify them as mentioned earlier, but that's something that was actually this mithraism was actually quite common. They found over 400 sites around Rome where they did worship.
9/17/2023 • 10 minutes, 12 seconds
Cult可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~ Hi, everyone. And welcome back to Geek time. 欢迎回到Geek时间。Welcome back to the studio, Brad.Thank you.Today we are going to talk about something equally niche. We’re gonna talk about cult.Indeed.就是邪教了。You know cult I guess in any culture in any country is kind of a taboo topic, isn't it?It can be. Especially like if you know someone who was part of cult because that's when you see someone going through the process of getting into a cult, it kind of like can destroy a whole family.It's something very serious and it can potentially be very, very dark. First of all, let's talk about the definition of cult. What is a cult?Usually a cult is a group of people that follow a leader or some sort of ideology. It might be some sort of idol as in like a thing. 一个领袖或者一种理念。 And they are usually just families joining, or individuals join...Sometimes it's families, but often time it's like a group of people will follow an enigmatic person.I think cults based on my very limited understanding of cults, the reason why there are cults is because they hurt people. They are destructive. Oftentimes they are, and it's something you see after the cult becomes much much bigger, you don't see it in the early stages because if you were to do something like that, people are obviously going to quit. But once you have a cult established and you have these followers, then in order to keep people from going somewhere else, you might hurt them in order to get them to not leave.So a lot of it is to attract them first, and then once they build up some sort of loyalty or fear to the leader and then it's destructive. Right. It's some sort of dependence on them oftentimes like a cult will get someone to sell off all their possessions or like hand over the money, or if you have a house, you sign over your house to the cult leader, so then you have nowhere to go, you have that home and you can live there so long as the cult allows it. It seems like a lot of the cults across the globe seem to believe that the world is going to end and then just believing in that cult is the only way to save yourself.Right. It's either the cult is you're going to save yourself by being in this cult or that they as a cult are going to be the thing that saves the world. 这种所谓的末日邪教doomsday cults. But we talked about secret societies before. What are the differences? It sounds somewhat similar - it’s secretive with a small group of people.Well, like a secret society can be kind of a subset of cult in some ways they have the, usually it’s an ideology rather than like an individual person. Like in a secret society, you may not know who the cult leader is. It may change from area to area and it might be like a group of cults over a large area.So they don't worship any particular leaders. Secret societies are more connected by an idea. Yeah, an idea or some sort of idol. And in most cases, there can be like secret societies that are akin to a cult in the fact that they have a leader who's controlling everything, but secret societies tend not to have such a limited nature. I mean when you're back in the states, like growing up, did you have any run ins or have ever heard about cults in like your social circle?In fact, I did. I've known several people who have been in different types of cults, it's actually when I was just after high school, one of my friends who I worked with actually, he got fired, he lost his job, his wife divorced him. And then he kind of joined this cult, inside of the cult the leader said that he could read other peoples’ previous life so it was like this reincarnation cult.这种重生转世。 And why would people believe him?
9/14/2023 • 12 minutes, 12 seconds
Keywords1.Brief idea of what is Prosecco?2.What is DOC short for?3.What are the aims of the Prosecco DOC Consortium and especially what new development has been made with regard to Casa Prosecco, the overseas branches of the consortium.4.After the pandemic, has the sales of Prosecco worldwide experience a significant increase? What is the forecast for Prosecco sale in the near future?5.Are cocktails like spritz popular in Italy?6.If people travel to the Prosecco region, what can they see and do.Hi, everyone and welcome to the show. This episode is made in collaboration with the Prosecco DOC Consortium. Today we are very lucky to have a special guest in the studio Ms. Tanja Barattin, representing the Prosecco DOC Consortium in Italy. First of all, welcome to the show, Tanja . Hello, everyone. Thank you for having me today.Actually, I should say welcome back, because last year, if you remember, Tanja was on the show talking about Prosecco already.Yes, exactly. It's a pleasure to be back with you today.And it's my pleasure. I mean, still probably some of our listeners haven't listened to that particular episode. So could you give us a brief self-introduction about your role in the Prosecco DOC Consortium? What exactly do you do?Yeah, sure. I'm Tanja Barattin, I’m the promotional department manager at the Prosecco DOC Consortium. So my role is in marketing and promotional activities in the China and foreign markets, and I coordinate events and recreation for Prosecco DOC.I see, so definitely representing Prosecco. Then can you give us a very brief idea of what is Prosecco to people who have probably not heard of it or just heard of it briefly? What is Prosecco?Prosecco is one of the most worldwide consumed Italian sparkling wine. It is produced with Glera grapes and it's named after the former village of Prosecco. So we can see the Prosecco is expression of a specific territory which is located in all these of Italy lying between the Dolomites to the Adriatic Sea, a unique area that we call as a dreamland. Thanks to the particular interaction between climate, soil and wine making tradition.So Prosecco is a location name.Yeah, it's a location. It represents a territory with specific rules collected also into production specification and also the supply chain. So from the vineyards and wine sell out into the labeling and commercialization.I see, so to sort of like make an analog so that audience can understand, is it a bit like when people think of champagne, this is the wine from champagne area. When you people think of Prosecco, this is a specific dual tag. It is the same, actually DOC, so the Denominazione di Origine Controllata (controlled designation of origin) prosecco was born in 2009 from the wine makers, and sparkling houses of nine provinces between the regions of Veneto and Friuli Venezia Giulia, and these in order to link in this solemnly the wine to its territory of origin.
9/13/2023 • 17 minutes, 32 seconds
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~So the sense of community is definitely a pro living in small town. What about some of the cons? Did you feel like I just can't get used to this, especially initially. So there are a few things I mean the lack of food options was a big thing, like I really miss Chinese food; entertainment, I mentioned karaoke before, there was karaoke, but you'd have to go to someone's house to do it. Karaoke in the sense of like karaoke rooms. This does not exist. If I wanted to go to the... there was a supermarket but it was fairly small. So the shopping options were fairly limited; and public transport, there was no public transport if you didn't have a car, you had to walk, because New Zealanders traditionally live in houses with big gardens, not apartments. Walking into town could actually be quite a distance. I see, what about the quietness? Because one thing that I couldn't take when I just spent a few days in English countryside, it was too quiet. It was driving me crazy. How did you handle it?That didn't bother me to be honest. I remember like when I first moved from New Zealand to Beijing, I... this was the year of 2000 and I was staying in Daxing district, and I would just get woken up every morning by thousands of bicycles and bike bells. I struggled with that. I did not struggle coming back to New Zealand with the quietness.I think it's also because you grew up in a smallish town. Right? I grew up a in a city of about 65~ 70,000 people. So a small area, a low populated area.When you move back after all these years living in Beijing to this 4,000 people town, did you notice that your lifestyle has changed or your perspective about things have changed?Absolutely, hugely.So when I lived in Beijing, I had this... it was almost like a feeling of being invincible in some ways, you could go out. It felt like anything was possible in China, that might have just been the time that I was living there around the Olympics, prior to the Olympics, and around the time of the Olympics.It was very high profile...It was just fanatic and it was always stuff going on. There was always opportunities and people were just so optimistic and positive. I was caught up in that. I loved it.Coming back to New Zealand. Everyone was very sedate, very quiet, probably quite pessimistic compared to the optimism that we've been feeling in China.Am I to understand it's kind of like people in Beijing especially back then, no matter if you're Chinese or not Chinese, you felt like there's so many opportunities, so anything can happen, I can make something out of myself. I don't really know how big a success that I can land in the future.But going back, it's more like how your life's gonna be.I'd say so, I've obviously got older as well. So I've been back in New Zealand, living in New Zealand for the past 10, 12years. I've aged as well. So I'm quite happy going to bed at 9 o'clock.Actually, this is my next question. What is the life like in small town, New Zealand, if you have to walk us through a typical day, not just you, I know you have your business, you have actually a lot of things to do, but for an average New Zealanders living in a small town. What is their average day like?Yeah, most people that live in small towns, I just like everyone else. They would either go to school or have a job. In small town, New Zealand, unemployment is probably a bit higher than in the cities. So there will be.. I mean unemployment is still fairly low, but unemployment does exist. New Zealand has a pretty good social welfare system.So if you are unemployed, you get paid weekly. The chances are if you're living in a small town, everything is gonna be much cheaper.
9/10/2023 • 13 minutes, 20 seconds
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~Hi everyone. And welcome back to your favorite segment Global Village. 欢迎回来【小酒馆·大世界】Actually since we're talking to Simon in this segment again, I thought we’d just call this a new segment, just call it New Zealand Under The Microscope. 干脆我们把跟Simon的这一段改叫【闲话新西兰】得了, hi Simon.你好, hello, kia ora.So Simon, we've talked about quite a few topics related to New Zealand, life in New Zealand, today I thought I'm gonna propose another topic that is related to lifestyle in New Zealand, which is how does it feel living in small town New Zealand, or how is it different from your experience of living in places like Beijing or Seoul Or Auckland? Sure. What do you think? Yeah, that sounds good. All right. First of all, for people who don't really know New Zealand, at least you know it's... New Zealand is next to Australia, is in southern hemisphere and is far away from most of the other countries in the world. So exactly how far is New Zealand to other parts of the world, say in flight times from where you live? So New Zealand is very far from everywhere pretty much, we've got Antarctica below us, but there's not many people, in fact, almost no people there, lots of penguins. We've got Australia to our west, it's about 4 hours flight from Auckland to Sydney. So 4 hours by plane, if I wanted to go to, for example, HongKong or Guangzhou, you're looking at around 12, 13 hours, 14 hours to Seoul, 14.5 to Beijing. If I want to go all the way to the UK, so to London Heathrow, it's going to take 24 hours, it's gonna take a full day to fly there. I've been to New Zealand, but I never really fully like realized how far it is. I would imagine going from... I know going from Beijing to New Zealand is far, but I would imagine going from HongKong to New Zealand is not as long as that, but that's really long. We sort of have a bit of an island mentality when things in the world are going badly.
9/7/2023 • 14 minutes, 8 seconds
欢迎来到英文小酒馆的迷你双语板块【Buzzword Mix】-新词特饮,短短几分钟,让不同段位的你掌握最新最地道的英文谈资!可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~In today's Buzzword Mix, our buzzword is Gluten Free. In the past few years, if I went to restaurants overseas, especially say in Europe or some trendy western restaurants in China, I've started to see this word a lot on the menu. 也就是近几年, 不管我是在国外的餐厅, 还是说国内的一些西餐厅网红店, 经常会在菜单上看到这个词, Gluten Free. So what exactly is Gluten Free? 今天的新词特饮我们就来说说这个叫做Gluten Free的饮食风潮. First thing first, what is Gluten Free? Gluten直译是麸质, 麦麸的麸, 这个字还挺复杂的. A gluten free diet is an eating plan that excludes foods containing gluten. 所谓的Gluten Free就是无麸质饮食, 可能听到这里还是很多小伙伴一头雾水, 到底这个麸质是在什么食物里有呢?Gluten is a protein found in wheat, barley, rye, and triticale.麸质其实就是一种蛋白质, 它常见于wheat 小麦, barley大麦, rye 裸麦和triticale这个词我也是第一次听到叫黑小麦, 听到这里可能很多喜欢吃面食的小伙伴都沉默了. A Gluten Free Diet means you can't eat any of that? Then why would people go on this diet? 既然这些最常见的麦都不能吃, 为什么会有人愿意吃这种Gluten Free Diet无麸质饮食? Originally, a gluten free diet is essential for managing signs and symptoms of celiac disease and other medical conditions associated with gluten. 它最早其实不是一个饮食风潮, 而是对于一些疾病的应对措施. The top one is celiac disease, 这个在中文叫乳糜泻.Celiac disease is a condition in which gluten triggers immune system activity that damages the lining of the small intestine. It is an autoimmune disorder. 简单来说乳糜腺Celiac Disease就是是指摄入含麸质的食物之后, 会产生一种自体免疫性肠道疾病, 所以有这种病的人需要无麸质饮食, 就跟糖尿病人需要低糖饮食一样. The other type of health condition that requires people to go on a gluten free diet is Wheat Allergy. 另外一种需要无麸质饮食的健康状况叫做Wheat Allergy 小麦过敏.Like other food allergies, this is the result of the immune system mistaking gluten as a disease causing agent. This will trigger immune system response that may result in congestion, breathing difficulties and other symptoms. 这种小麦过敏就和其他的食物过敏症差不多, 你都会有一些不良的身体反应, 比如说呼吸困难等等.But then because some celebrities are endorsing this diet, the gluten free diet started to become popular among people who don't have these medical conditions. That's because a lot of people are claiming a gluten free diet has other benefits, for example, improved health, weight loss, and increased energy. 但是在国外一些明星大V开始推动了 Gluten Free无麸质饮食的风潮, 说它除了治病还有很多的好处, 比如说improved health会改善你的整体健康状况, weight loss可以减肥, increase energy也可以让你整个人更精神更有能量, 所以 Gluten Free Diet就开始在普通人中间流行起来.
9/5/2023 • 9 minutes, 18 seconds
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~o Money doesn’t mean that you are posh.▪ Posh people generally dress in tweed, wellington boots and shabby clothes – nothing to prove!o Only a quarter of the people actually want to be posh.▪ Many people in the UK see posh people as spoilt, snobbish and entitled. Seen as old-fashioned and pretentious.▪ British people don’t like people who try to pretend to be posh by showing off their wealth and being fake.• Posh wordso Loo (instead of toilet)o Suppero Marvellouso Terriblyo GoshActually I do wanna say something. You mentioned like posh accents before and everybody's saying in Britain, people can tell which class you are from just by accents. I see that in this you didn't really mention accents. So is accent really a sign of whether you're posh or not. To a certain extent, yeah. Accents really do show where you come from. So in the UK sometimes people say that I've got a bit of a posh accent. I don't have a typical accent from where I grew up, but that's mostly because I’ve lived in China for years and years and years and also been a teacher. I don't think you've got a posh accent, people who say 安澜 has got a posh accent, you really haven't heard a real posh accent. No, that is very exaggerated. However we did explain before, right? Even the real posh people, the old money people nowadays, sometimes they try to tone down their posh accents. Mockney. They actually try to talk common people accent. Yeah, because nowadays only 1/4 of the people who were actually interviewed in this survey actually want to be posh. To be honest, it's not that difficult to understand that because we're not just talking about money, right, later on we're gonna talk about money doesn't mean that you're posh. It's not really about money and enjoyment, is mostly about rules. A lot of this they are privileges, but also attached to many rules you can’t just be running around like other kids and doing all this random things, you probably have a lot of family rules to follow.More partly yeah. I would say it is changing a lot. And to be honest, I would say that being posh is now more of a sign of identity. It's not I would say as it was maybe 50 years ago, certainly not a hundred years ago when being posh meant that yes you had to go... you went to the best schools therefore you got the best jobs you would probably in government. Actually, they probably didn't even have jobs think about Downton Abbey. Yeah, exactly. The idea of job and weekends is very middle class. Yeah, they just had lands to inherit, castles, and so manor houses, exactly, to inherit and family coat of arms, heirlooms. I've met posh people in my life and…
9/3/2023 • 10 minutes, 24 seconds
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~keywordsBritain under the Microscope – Posh • What does posh mean?o Positive – expensive and high quality▪ Posh restaurant/car/clotheso Negative – describing someone as posh.▪ He is really posh.▪ Posh accent• How do you know if someone is posh?o There was a survey in 2021 and these are the top 10 signs.▪ You went to boarding school.▪ You have antiques and family heirlooms.▪ You have a wine cellar.▪ You have paintings of your ancestors.▪ You never discuss money.▪ You call your parents “mummy” and “daddy” when you are an adult.▪ You have a family coat of arms.▪ You ride horses.▪ Your dinner parties are catered.Hi, everyone. And welcome back to Britain Under the Microscope. 欢迎回来【闲话英伦】. Hello, 安澜. Hi Lulu. Hi, everyone. So let me propose a topic. Okay. This is a question that has been bugging me for ages. There's one word in British culture that I find very difficult to translate correctly or accurately into Chinese. This is the word posh, p-o-s-h. I know some of you listening to this show, you probably think Lulu you're a translator, easy, just look it up online and dictionary. But it's not so much I don't know the word because that has so much cultural connotation. Yes, the idea of posh really changes its meaning constantly. So first things first, if you look it up in English-Chinese dictionary, ‘posh’ probably can be translated into上流社会的,优雅的, things like that. But it has so many more meanings. The first question I'm gonna ask you is posh a good word or a bad word. It depends. I knew it. So for example, you use the Chinese word 优雅 which is more elegant in English. Now we could describe a place as posh, so a posh restaurant, a posh car, posh clothes. That just means it's expensive, it's high quality, fancy, it's fancy, it's luxurious, maybe. But it's when you describe somebody as posh that becomes a bit negative. If I say 安澜 is really posh. I would not take that as a compliment. So if you say someone is really posh, they have posh accent, what you’re doing is you're being a little bit negative. You're saying they're pretentious. Pretty much.就是有点装. 对吧?装着高大上的感觉. Pretentious and also snobbish as well. Snobbish means... meaning you look down on other people, you think you're better. But keep in mind. Posh is very subtle. If you use it to describe things, locations, it's good, it means luxurious, expensive; but use it to describe people usually quite negative, it focuses more on snobbery and pretentious. Yes, that's right. But that still hasn't answered the question. What is posh? Seriously, what is... well I know you're not. I'm not, very much, common as Muck. What is posh? Is it just higher class?Mostly, yes. Now to be posh is not just about money. Is you have a certain family background, you have a certain identity around kind of where you live, what you do and also the people that you hang out with. It still sounds really vague. I mean if only there’s some sort of criteria. Funny you should say that, there was actually a survey in 2021 on how do you know if someone is posh?Okay, let's hear that. So these are the top 10 signs that someone is posh. 大家听听这个英国人自己评选出来的10条, 这10条如果你都中了或者中了绝大多数, 你就是英国人眼里的posh. So let's hear it. So number one, you went to boarding school. Isn't boarding school just when you actually live in school on campus就是寄宿学校. In China boarding school is just... boarding is just a function. Yeah, no, in the UK, boarding school or private school is incredibly posh because they're very expensive.
8/31/2023 • 10 minutes, 11 seconds
《用英语·说中国》-下班早点回家,今晚上别瞎溜达哦~ (往期回顾)
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~In Chinese culture, the seventh month of the Lunar Calendar holds special significance. It is known as “Ghost Month” 鬼月and hosts the so-called “Ghost Festival” (鬼节) on the 15th of the ghost month. Several Asian countries celebrate the annual Ghost Festival, which is also referred to as either “Zhongyuan Festival” or Yulanpen Festival盂兰盆节. The festival finds it origins in Buddhism, Taoism and Chinese folk beliefs.中元节,民间俗称七月半,七月十五,祭祖节,佛教则称其为盂兰盆节。在统治者推崇道教的唐代,道教的中元节开始兴盛,逐渐将“中元”固定为节名,并相沿迄今。Ghost Month 鬼月Ghost Festival 鬼节Buddhism 佛教Yulanpen Festival 盂兰盆节Taoism 道教Zhongyuan festival 中元节Folk belief 民间信仰Ever since ancient times, Chinese people had the ritual of paying tribute to their ancestors in the middle of the seventh month on the night of the full moon.Taoist doctrine holds that the three basic elements that generate everything in the universe are heaven, earth and water, namely sanyuan or “three elements". The official of heaven brings blessings during Shangyuan (Lantern Festival). The official of earth absolves sins during Zhongyuan Festival, while the official of water dispels disasters during Xiayuan Festival. 自古以来,每年农历七月半满月的晚上,人们有祭拜先祖的习俗。道教将宇宙中万物归为三类:天,地,水,又叫做三元,并以三元配三官,说天官赐福,地官赦罪,水官解厄。上元天官正月十五日生,对应的是上元节(元宵节);中元地官七月十五日生,对应的是中元节(鬼节);下元水官十月十五日生,对应的是下元节(比较不受重视,没有小名)。 Pay tribute to one’s ancestors 祭祖Bring blessing 赐福 Absolve sins 赦罪Dispel disaster 解厄
8/29/2023 • 8 minutes, 22 seconds
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~Welcome back to Geek Time advance, this is Brad. Hello, lulu. Hi Brad. So we're gonna continue on talking a little bit more about web3.0, it's a kind of a difficult subject, but we'll try to make it as easy as possible. One thing you can kind of consider with decentralization is we’re cutting out intermediaries, we’re preventing people from being in the middle as much as possible. So basically with web3.0, each individual like us, we will have more of a say as to how our data is used and what kind of data we can access. Right. So rather than having someone with a centralized website, they can have a website, they can put out information, but it will be much harder for them to control your data or get your information, because they are not gonna have a server that holds all of that. And the way you can kind of look at it is we have the cost of the internet and part of the cost of the internet is that we have ISPs, the internet service providers, they charge you to use the internet. But then there is the cost for all of these servers, and we need place to store all the information, but we may not necessarily have to with web3.0 because everyone can donate their processing power as a way to process the internet, so rather than having single servers that are like costing money, people can donate or rather than... I say donate rather than pay money to use the internet. You can give your processing power as part of the payment. So your personal computer becomes a member of the so called block chain processing. Right, just like you could do Bitcoin mining or something like that, rather than do Bitcoin mining, you're doing web3.0 processing. I see, so it's kind of like you said donating your… not donating, but it's like a trade off, so what you give is your computers processing power allow your computer to become a member of the block chain processing and in return you get sort of like data usage for example, the access to data and internet use.
8/27/2023 • 14 minutes, 59 seconds
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~Hi, everyone. And welcome back to Geek Time, 欢迎回来【Geek时间】. Hi, Brad. Hi, Lulu. What are we talking about today, Lulu? Actually, I have been running into this concept online. It's called web3.0 and I was just wondering what that actually means. Can we talk about that web 3.0? You can kind of think about the internet as being in three main stages. We're in the web2.0 for the most part right now. Web3.0 is gonna be the future of the web if it can be created to the extent that we hope it to be, then the earlier web which was web1.0. Okay. 所以就是网络的1.0时代, 2.0时代和3.0时代, you said we're currently in web2.0? Right. Here web is ‘www’, world wide web. If I remember correctly, this was created, world wide web was created, invented in 1989, I believe? Correct, yeah. So what was the idea or what is the idea of web1.0, the original world wide web. The basic idea is that you can put Information that's accessible to other people who have web devices. If you have a computer or another device to go online and access that data, most of the early web1.0 was just text or some simple pictures that were read only, you went to a website and you could read what was available there. It could be changed and people could update the websites. There were some websites that were bulletin boards where you went there and you did post some information. But a lot of the early web was things made by individuals, hobbyists, someone had and something interesting and so they would post information about it. They liked movies, they would write about movies. If they did art, they might draw something and put it up on their website. But it was quite basic, right? That was mainly from like, 1991 until the early 2000s. 所以1991-2004年之间, web1.0主要还就是一些只读信息, 就是very few interactions.
8/24/2023 • 11 minutes, 6 seconds
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~1)Turn a blind eye (to refuse to acknowledge something that you know is true)a.Admiral Horatio Nelson was fighting a naval battle (Battle of Copenhagen)b.His fellow Admiral sent a message telling them to disengagec.Nelson believed that they could win if they carry on fighting.d.Nelson put a telescope to his blind eye and pretended that he didn’t see the signal.Hi everyone, and welcome back to our new segment 【It means what】.欢迎回来我们新的一个小板块叫做【词源考古研究所】, 在这个板块里我和安澜会跟大家分享一些英文常见的词和习语它们背后的历史故事. Hi, 安澜.Hi Lulu, hi everyone. What is our idiom or word of the day?Our idiom today is Turn a Blind Eye. Blind means you cannot see, so To Turn a Blind Eye is actually a very common idiom, it means?Well, it means to refuse to acknowledge that something is true. Or just basically pretend not to see it. 中文里我们也有一个一模一样的词, 就是睁一只眼闭一只眼, 安澜也知道吧? And I bet it has a specific historical background.
8/22/2023 • 4 minutes, 39 seconds
酒馆“进阶口语课”第22期就要结课了,8/29号(周二)晚我们会在视频号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】直播结业典礼,参与直播间互动即可免费获得【英语水平能力测试】一次,联系直播客服了解详情,好机会别错过,一起来进步!Hi everyone and welcome back to Happy Hour.欢迎你回到酒馆.It's going to be our own 七夕 festival or double 7th festival this weekend.转眼又到七夕,in all of these lover related holidays in the past Chinese or western we have already done a few episodes, for example,we have done romantic love stories,romantic love quotes,we have done,tragic love stories even anti-love stories. So when you guys were busy thinking about gift ideas,I've been trying to come up with a relevant topic; and then it dawned on me, although you see 七夕 related advertising everywhere, few people would actually dig deeper into the legend of love. I'm sure most of you would recognize Cupid,but if I ask you who are the gods and goddesses of love in our own legend and folklore,I'm sure many of you would be shaking your heads. 比起西方神话里家喻户晓的丘比特,如果问到中国爱神,想起很多人就有点儿摸不着头脑了。 And for those of you who got to know me throughout the years, you know that one of my biggest interests is folklore and mythology. So in today's special 七夕 episode,let me introduce you to some of our own gods and goddesses of love.今天的七夕特辑里,璐璐就带你认识一下我们自己的那些爱神,and interesting yet sometimes bizarre stories relating to them. First of all,let's start with the story of 七夕 itself. I'm sure most of you know the story behind 七夕,there are two main characters,牛郎and织女. In English, they are often called the cowherd and the weaver girl. 如果你听到牛郎,首先脑子里面想到的是ホスト,那就建议你和璐璐一样去面壁思过一下,go back to the topic, cowherd and a weaver girl. Cowherd was a poor farmer boy,and the weaver girl was from the heaven. And they fell madly in love and got together like any other star-crossed lovers,and of course the emperor of heaven or the Jade Emperor玉皇大帝found out about this, and was furious. So he got the weaver girl back to heaven when the heart broken cowherd decided to chase after her, the Queen Mother of The West西王母 drew a silver river in the sky and blocked his way. But then because their love was so great,the magpies decided to form a bridge over the silver river for them to meet. In the end, even a jade emperor was moved. So he allowed this couple to meet on the magpie bridge once a year on the 7th day of the 7th month according to the Chinese calendar. And this was the origin of the 七夕 festival. And since thousands of years ago in the Han Dynasty,the tale of the cowherd and the weaver girl had already been celebrated. And on this day,girls would go to local temples to pray to the weaver girl for wisdom,especially skills in needle work,which symbolize the traditional talents of a good wife.古代的七夕少女们会向织女祈求至巧,特别是做针线活这种心灵手巧的手艺,以求能靠手艺符合如意郎君。So七夕was also called“乞巧festival”,which literally means praying for wisdom and dexterity. On that day,girls would also dress up and make wishes for marrying someone who would be a good and loving husband.
8/20/2023 • 13 minutes, 52 seconds
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~ So far we've talked about formal and smart casual; when it comes to casual, it’s pretty much whatever you wear, right? Yeah. Casual means that you can start wearing things like trainers, jeans, T-shirts. These are fine for casual events such as going to the pub or just going out. But you wouldn't really wear this when you’re going for dinner or you wouldn't wear this when you’re going to theater for example. Hang on a minute. You cannot wear trainers or sneakers. 就不能穿这种运动鞋去正式的晚餐或者说去看戏.Some clubs and some places in the UK they would actually ban people from wearing trainers. What do they have against trainers. Well, because it's seen as too casual.I think the rules are changing as well. They are changing, but there are a lot of dress codes or a lot of places that still have dress code, they would actually say no trainers. To be completely honest, I mean we can talk about that for a little bit in the end. But my experience in London, there are still many places that would really require a dress code.Yeah, and I would say kind of if you do go to a restaurant or go for dinner, you should be looking for smart casual. Yeah, smart casual is very safe because you also don't want to overdressed to the point that people think you just went to a baptism or wedding.Exactly.But I have to say in English you say dress up and dress down, right? Dress down means dress more casually, dress up means you are more dolled up. You are more sort of formally dressed. But I always want to dress up rather than dressed down because when you're under-dressed, when you're too casual for the venue, for this scenario, you are gonna feel very uncomfortable. Yeah. I would still say in the UK we are quite conservative when it comes to what we wear. And for example, it’s like trainers, generally I only wear trainers when I'm working out. Oh, trainers are supposed to be sportswear. Yeah, so when I go for runs or if I go for like long walks, then I wear trainers. But if I'm going out anywhere else, I would always wear shoes. Talk about casual, in the very beginning we mentioned there is a layer even more casual than casual called loungewear, 这个就是我们意义上的什么家居服.Loungewear is basically what you wear at home, i.e. what you wear in the lounge, so loungewear would include things like pajamas, but also things like sweat pants or joggers. 就是那种松垮那种运动裤对吧?Yeah, so you would wear jogging bottoms, maybe a T-shirt. Women might wear leggings and people would wear these if at home, but they would also wear them if they're working out or going very quickly to the shops for example.Nearby shops.
8/17/2023 • 9 minutes, 5 seconds
欢迎来到英文小酒馆的迷你双语板块【Buzzword Mix】-新词特饮,短短几分钟,让不同段位的你掌握最新最地道的英文谈资!关注公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】,获取更多有趣节目内容和文稿哦~In today's Buzzword Mix, our buzzword is Capybara. 今天的Buzzword里我们就来说说最近社交媒体上一个现象级的明星Capybara, 如果你没有听过这个词, then listen to this. 【Music】即使你不知道Capybara这个词, 听到刚才那段音乐你是不是也悟了?Just 2 months ago, if you ask me anything about capybara, I would have said “Capywho”?如果是两三个月前, 你跟我讲capybara, 我可能会一头雾水. But these days, I am knee-deep in saving cute capybara videos and searching for various capybara merch. 但现在我的手机里至少存了10段以上的可爱的capybara视频, 并且我的某宝搜索已经加车了不少capybara主题的周边. So what is capybara? Well, capybara is an animal. It's basically like a big guinea pig, Capybara就是被大家戏称为大耗子的水豚. And I'm sure not the only one addicted to these super chill animals. Videos containing the hashtag “capybara” have garnered over hundreds of millions of views on social media. 关于它的视频在全世界至少被播放了上亿次. How does it look like? Measuring about a meter long and weighing 50 kg on average, capybara has the barrel body shape of a pig, tiptoes around on its webbed feet, looks like an upsized guinea pig.Capybara水豚, 它一般有一米长, 大概50公斤左右的体重, 长得像一个筒形, 所以叫水豚嘛,因为有点像猪猪, 怎么看都怎么像一个大型的guinea pig, 就像一个大型的荷兰猪或者豚鼠. But what really sets it apart from other animals is that it exudes the nonchalance of a river stone. 但它最吸引人的是那种特别淡定, 处变不惊的气质, 英语里这个词nonchalance, 我觉得基本相对于我们说的一种 “死了活着都无所谓的气质”. Now I'm sure you've seen all these cute videos about capybara, but let me share with you some of the fun facts about the animal. 接下来就跟大家分享几个关于水豚的热知识. Fact one, capybaras are the largest rodents on earth. 它们是世界上最大的啮齿动物. On average, they weigh about 50kg, however, the biggest capybara ever recorded weighed a whopping 91kg. That's definitely comparable to a fully grown human being. So they're probably larger than you in measure. Fact two, they're pretty much the Semi-aquatic jack of all trades.Native to South America, capybaras like to be close to the water, hence can mainly be found near lake, swamps or rivers like the Amazon. 水豚是属于Semi-aquatic animals它们属于半水生的动物, 所以经常是在水域旁边出现.这种来自南美洲的动物, they are well adapted to stay both on land and in water.And on land, these furry creatures are surprisingly fast. They can reach a speed of up to 35 kilometers per hour.
8/16/2023 • 9 minutes, 31 seconds
欢迎来到英文小酒馆的迷你双语板块【Buzzword Mix】-新词特饮,短短几分钟,让不同段位的你掌握最新最地道的英文谈资!关注公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】,获取更多有趣节目内容和文稿哦~In today's Buzzword Mix, our buzzword is Capybara. 今天的Buzzword里我们就来说说最近社交媒体上一个现象级的明星Capybara, 如果你没有听过这个词, then listen to this. 【Music】即使你不知道Capybara这个词, 听到刚才那段音乐你是不是也悟了?Just 2 months ago, if you ask me anything about capybara, I would have said “Capywho”?如果是两三个月前, 你跟我讲capybara, 我可能会一头雾水. But these days, I am knee-deep in saving cute capybara videos and searching for various capybara merch. 但现在我的手机里至少存了10段以上的可爱的capybara视频, 并且我的某宝搜索已经加车了不少capybara主题的周边. So what is capybara? Well, capybara is an animal. It's basically like a big guinea pig, Capybara就是被大家戏称为大耗子的水豚. And I'm sure not the only one addicted to these super chill animals. Videos containing the hashtag “capybara” have garnered over hundreds of millions of views on social media. 关于它的视频在全世界至少被播放了上亿次. How does it look like? Measuring about a meter long and weighing 50 kg on average, capybara has the barrel body shape of a pig, tiptoes around on its webbed feet, looks like an upsized guinea pig.Capybara水豚, 它一般有一米长, 大概50公斤左右的体重, 长得像一个筒形, 所以叫水豚嘛,因为有点像猪猪, 怎么看都怎么像一个大型的guinea pig, 就像一个大型的荷兰猪或者豚鼠. But what really sets it apart from other animals is that it exudes the nonchalance of a river stone. 但它最吸引人的是那种特别淡定, 处变不惊的气质, 英语里这个词nonchalance, 我觉得基本相对于我们说的一种 “死了活着都无所谓的气质”. Now I'm sure you've seen all these cute videos about capybara, but let me share with you some of the fun facts about the animal. 接下来就跟大家分享几个关于水豚的热知识. Fact one, capybaras are the largest rodents on earth. 它们是世界上最大的啮齿动物. On average, they weigh about 50kg, however, the biggest capybara ever recorded weighed a whopping 91kg. That's definitely comparable to a fully grown human being. So they're probably larger than you in measure. Fact two, they're pretty much the Semi-aquatic jack of all trades.Native to South America, capybaras like to be close to the water, hence can mainly be found near lake, swamps or rivers like the Amazon. 水豚是属于Semi-aquatic animals它们属于半水生的动物, 所以经常是在水域旁边出现.这种来自南美洲的动物, they are well adapted to stay both on land and in water.And on land, these furry creatures are surprisingly fast. They can reach a speed of up to 35 kilometers per hour.
8/15/2023 • 12 minutes, 57 seconds
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~Hi everyone, and welcome back to Britain Under The Microscope. 欢迎回来【闲话英伦】Hi, 安澜.Hi, Lulu, hi, everyone. So 安澜, usually you would propose the topic, today let me propose one. Okay, that sounds rather dangerous. I think it's something that you do have some knowledge of, not a lot, but some knowledge of. Okay. Let's talk about fashion and clothing in the UK.You are right. I don't have much knowledge on that at all.But I can vouch for 安澜, I think he's got a pretty good sense of style. Oh, thank you. Now first things first, when people think of your fashion or clothing in the UK, I think perhaps a lot of our Chinese listeners would have certain stereotypes from old movies, period dramas, like Downtown Abbey for example. Yeah, there's a lot… I've noticed as well like for example when I buy clothes on 淘宝, it would say things like London style or kind of English style clothes, and I look at them and think well, yes, they were English style clothes but when my grandad was alive. I see, well, but retro, vintage. So first things first, let's start with the fact that you don't really have “national dress”. Right?Like for us, you think about 旗袍 or for Japanese you think about kimono. Yeah, UK doesn't really have a national dress. Generally, the clothes that we wear are very similar to the clothes that worn in other parts of Europe, and also in America. Did you guys invent like suit就整个那种西服套装是…Yeah, we did.So obviously everyone knows a suit and many of our listeners probably own maybe one or two if not more suits. Originally it was a British invention, it was invented in the 18th century because before then people would dress in very colorful clothes, very intricate clothes you know that required lots layers, but actually a really famous British dandy called “Beau” Brummel invented a suit where the focus was it's gotta be simple, elegant, and how you show how rich you are or how wealthy you are is by the use of the fabric, it’s by the use of the quality.
8/13/2023 • 12 minutes, 57 seconds
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~ But having said about that, you also lived in South Korea, right?South Korea is an interesting one. So I lived in South Korea for about three... a bit over 3 years. So how are the communities different in China, the sense of community different in China, in Korea and also in New Zealand if you have to compare the three. So there's a few things which sort of come to mind. So in China, when you say sense of community, I think people dancing in the 广场in the square at nighttime.广场舞。Yeah. So when you say Chinese community that's what I think about. When you say Korea, I think having a good old protest about something, Koreans they love to protest and it's a really good opportunity to get out and have a sense...that's my... it's a sense of community there. I see. In New Zealand, the sense of community. It's probably for most like typical traditional Kiwis, a sense of community is around watching a rugby game or a sports event. Sports events. So it's not really on trading dear meat for crayfish. I mean the mainstream would probably be around rugby. Everything's around rugby. But New Zealand is becoming more multicultural. It's perhaps a bit more...it is fairly becoming more multicultural, so it's no longer just about rugby and shaving sheep. Let's not stereotype. I didn't do the stereotyping here. It’s interesting that you mentioned multicultural. So New Zealand obviously is an immigrant country. So do you see more multicultural elements over the years in the sort of local community in New Zealand?Hugely.So where I'm living now Hawk’s Bay region, in 2018, we had around 150 Korean permanent residents; today or this year is a census year, we've got over 600 Korean families living here permanently. Chinese numbers, I don't have exact data, but we would estimate maybe a three and a half four thousand Chinese live here.New Zealand like the projections, government projections would suggest that we by 2040, so it's still quite a few years away, but the 2040 we expect that 1/4 of our population, 26% of our population will be Asian. I see, it's certainly a very popular destination for people who want to emigrate. For example, I know quite a few friends who immigrated to New Zealand. When you talk about immigration, obviously you talk about assimilation. 这种融入当地文化的意思. Do you think new immigrants in New Zealand assimilate well? Is it easy or do they even want to assimilate based on your observation?So certainly the people immigrants they come to New Zealand, they want to assimilate, they want to become part of the mainstream community, in New Zealand, they can do it. I think overall while there is certainly racism in New Zealand, it’s racism in every country, I think generally speaking, your average Kiwi is quite open to people from other countries and other cultures. I have a number of Chinese friends that came to New Zealand and they were determined to assimilate, meet local people and effectively become a New Zealander. They could be Chinese New Zealanders, but they wanted to become a New Zealander. They wanted to understand the culture, they wanted to embrace it, and they very successfully did so. You also have a lot of migrants, and we see this with the Chinese community, with the Koreans, with the Vietnamese, with almost Americans are particularly bad at it to be honest, where they just want to transplant their culture from their home country and their prejudices from their home country and their problems from their home country and just replicate it here in New Zealand.Is it one of those sort of immigrants that they just become very insular? They just keep within their community and they also kind of are showing prejudice against the locals.That is a definite issue in my role as consul. I've been criticized, well, the embassy has received criticism because they asked an non Korean take on the role. I've experienced Chinese people in the local community complaining,
8/10/2023 • 11 minutes, 19 seconds
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~ Hi everyone, and welcome back to Global Village, 欢迎回来《小酒馆·大世界》. We have in our studio, our old friend Simon from New Zealand again, hi, Simon. Hey Kia Ora. 你好。Kia Ora. So previous time we were talking about disaster relief, obviously you guys just been through a cyclone. Then you mentioned how the community came together and then to help out people who were running out of supply in a disaster that just sounds super nice. I just thought that we can explore the topic of community a little bit more. What do you think?Sure, sounds great. So like I said, if you didn't listen to the previous episode, Simon is a pillar in the community, as they say in English. Simon应该属于这个community的领袖人物, 因为既是business owner, 也是相当于等一下让Simon自己说他有各种各样的role. First of all, before we go into the topic itself, Simon, could you give us a general background of your roles right now, like your identity, I know you own your business or businesses, you have multiple business there. But what else, what other roles do you have in the community?Sure. So I'm a bit hyperactive when it comes to businesses. So my main business is a consulting company. I work with New Zealand local councils, local governments. I manage their international partnerships. For example, in China like a foreign affairs office in a local government, 外办, New Zealand, local governments usually do not have 外办. So my company provides that service. We also own a small trading company, so we export various products mostly to China, but also the wider East Asia. And we have a small school teaching migrants that live in New Zealand. And hopefully from next month onwards we will also be attracting international students. Aside from this, wow, I don't sleep much. Just let me quickly cut in. And 酒馆, we are hoping to build some collaborations or cooperation with Simon's business as well. So in the future, we might also connect with Simon in our live stream so that we can see more of New Zealand.But do continue you just finished about your business roles. What are the roles you have?So aside from the business, I am the executive director for the Korea, New Zealand business council, which is a partially government funded organization and we assist New Zealand businesses that are wanting to export, to trade with South Korea. If I remember correctly, Simon, you speak Korean right, fluently or adequately?Yeah, conversational Korean. It's okay, it's enough to get myself in trouble. (Simon showing off his Korean-kidding)
8/8/2023 • 12 minutes, 53 seconds
"欢迎来到英文小酒馆的迷你双语板块【Buzzword Mix】-新词特饮,短短几分钟,让不同段位的你掌握最新最地道的英文谈资!关注公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】,获取更多有趣节目内容和文稿哦~" Hi everyone, and welcome back to Buzzword Mix. 欢迎回到我们的迷你双语板块【新词特饮】, 短短几分钟让不同段位的你掌握最新最地道的英文谈资. In today's Buzzword Mix, our Buzzword is Bed Rotting. This is a really, really new expression. Bed就是床, Rotting本意是腐烂, 所以如果直译就是在床上烂掉, it sounds pretty disgusting. But bed rotting is a new trend that is sweeping TikTok. It involves staying in bed for extended periods of time, not to sleep, but to do passive activities like eating snacks, watching TV and scrolling through devices. 虽然听起来有点恶心, 但是bed rotting它形容的这种状态, 相信大家都不陌生, 也就是 for extended periods of time, 很长的时间躺在床上, 无所事事, 只会干一些比如说吃零食、看电视、刷手机之类的passive activities. This trend is most popular with members of Gen Z, Gen Z is basically the equivalent to our 95后00后.So this trend is popular with Gen Z who may feel burnt out from work, school, family demands, or social engagements. 我愿意把它翻译成 “平躺摆烂”或者 “躺平摆烂”.On TikTok, bed rotting has more than 130 million views. So you get an idea of its popularity. Now people are talking about the benefits of bed rotting, it does have its perks in small doses. 如果适度的去躺平摆烂, 其实是对我们有好处的.Because it can calm the body and help ease stress and exhaustion, especially for people working long hours in a physically or mentally demanding role. 对于平时工作生活压力很大的人, 偶尔的bed rotting躺平摆烂其实是会让你的身体能够从压力和精疲力竭中修复过来. These individuals might use this practice to give themselves an opportunity to recharge their batteries. 中文里我们也说给自己充电, 英文里会说recharge your batteries. 这个意思主要是指的工作生活已经让你精疲力竭, 你需要一个时间修复充电.
8/8/2023 • 9 minutes, 30 seconds
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~ Britain under the Microscope – British Workplace EtiquettePower DistanceoBosses are expected to be on first-name terms with their employees.oEasy access to managers is expected.oJunior staff members are also expected to give their opinions and suggestions. Dress CodeoBusiness casual is now most common.Wearing shirt, shoes and trousers or skirts/trousers for women. Jeans aren’t worn in an office. Ties aren’t worn as much.Shorts, T shirts or trainers are generally not acceptable. Better to be overdressed rather than underdressed. SocialisingoColleagues in many companies still go for drinks on a Friday evening. oImportant to buy a round or at least offer to buy them drinks. That brings us to a very interesting question you mentioned briefly earlier, the power distance. Now I taught cross cultural communication before. So this whole 权力距离 power distance is the distance between just like an entry level employee, for example, and the CEO, and the management, if the power distance is like shorter, that means you are more equal. It is longer, that means it’s more hierarchical. There are many layers. What would you say about British workplace? Is it more hierarchical or is it flatter?In the UK, it's very much low power distance. So bosses are expected to be on first name terms with their employees, and also the idea of easy access to managers is expected. So for example, if I was working for a British company, and even if I was like a really junior position, I would still expect that if I needed to, I would be able to speak to the CEO or the boss. Isn't that a bit idealistic though?It is a bit idealistic, but it's obviously you don't go up to the CEO and to say, hi, can you help me kind of with this? No. But it's the idea that it's expected that they cannot just say no, they'll think of an excuse maybe, but they can't just say no.I think the expectation is people who are actually in senior management position they should see themselves as part of the team instead of superior. Exactly. And with a low power distance, there’s a certain degree of personal charisma that comes into it. So bosses are expected to be leaders. They are expected to lead by example and they are also expected to be there for their employees as well. They don't just bark orders at people. They're supposed to be like the strong backing to support the team as well. A term that you might hear in English is first among equals. First among equals, I see. You do have a little bit more authority because of your position, but just relying on your position is not enough. You also need to work hard and you also need to set an example. You also need to have that personal charisma for people to respect you.Exactly. And part of that is listening to junior staff members. Because they are also expected to give their own opinions and suggestions. What about seniority? How do you regard seniority? If you, let's say there are two employees, A has worked with his company for 20 years and B has only worked here for a year. It's all based on performance. It's not an automatic seniority rules kind of thing, because A has 20 years of experience. It depends on the experience and it also depends on the performance as well. So it’s not something as automatically given. And this is a big thing in the UK around recruitment exercises. So when you recruit people, it's... you don't, for example, share things like age. Yeah, I think you get sued right, for age, discrimination for ages, but that's another, whole other topic. Moving away from this really heavy topic about hierarchy and power distance. By the way, what we're saying is the generalized version. Obviously, there are specific companies, there are specific industries that are very different.
8/3/2023 • 10 minutes, 37 seconds
关注视频号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】,主页【商品橱窗】中进入购买即可,满满干货不要错过哦~1)Nightmarea.Comes from the Old English word mære.b.A mære or mare is an evil female spirit who visits sleeping people on a horse and sit on their chests to kill them.c.They also bring bad dreams and tangle up people’s hair. Hi, everyone. And welcome back to our new segment【It means what?】Yeah!!!Stop it now. (kidding)Awh~欢迎回来, 我们的新板块【词源考古研究所】. Hi, 安澜.Hi, Lulu, hi, everyone. In the segment, we are sharing with you interesting origin, stories, words and phrases. So what is our word for today?Today's word is nightmare. Nightmare就是噩梦. Bad dreams, UMM. Yes, we do say bad dreams in English as well, but nightmare as a word is even older. It comes from somewhere that's even scarier. I sometimes wondered, I know ‘night’, but where does the word ‘mare’ come from?Mare nowadays in English means a horse, a female horse. Mare现在是有母马的意思, but I'm pretty sure the origin has nothing to do with horses. It's got something to do with horses, okay?But this particular ‘mare’ comes from an old English word ‘mære’. Now a mære is actually an evil female spirit. 就是恶灵这种感觉. So this spirit visit sleeping people on a horse and sits on their chest to try and kill them. Yeah, when you say old English, I’m guessing because I am a fanatic of folklore, most of our listeners know this. Now if you say old English lore that most likely this folklore or this whole evil spirit, it comes from Scandinavia? Yeah, Germany, Scandinavia, Nordic countries. We shared a very similar religious belief system. Especially old English is very Germanic. Very very Germanic. 日耳曼系或者说是Scandinavian就北欧的这些传说里面, they have this evil spirit mare. So it's the whole idea of sleep paralysis when you’re sleeping and you wake up but can't move. You know we have the exact word in Chinese, alright, it's called ‘鬼压床’, literally translates into ghost or spirit crushes you in your bed. Yeah, we have exactly the same in English. And this whole mare what you said visits sleeping people and sits on their chest to kill them or to crush them, this whole idea is basically it's a very vivid, very graphic imagery. You can actually see it in some of the artworks. Yeah. It all comes down to that very common phenomenon of sleep paralysis. I think everybody at one time or another, they feel that they've woken up in the night, but they can't move. I think a lot of this obviously has medical explanations behind it, but let's say, people in the olden days they couldn't explain with science, or like medical science. So they could only explain this with the idea of an evil spirit. Exactly. And actually I did some research. So in Norwegian and Danish, in these two northern European languages, the words for nightmare can be directly translated as ‘mare ride’. 所以在挪语和丹麦语里 nightmare这个词直译 ‘mare ride’, basically a mare this evil spirit is riding on you, scary.It is terrifying. In old English, we believe that they used to bring bad dreams and also quite strangely, they used to tangle up people's hair. So they messed people's hair. So when you wake up in the morning and your hair is all over the place, it's not because you were tossing and turning bed. It was because an evil spirit came and played with your hair.
8/1/2023 • 6 minutes, 55 seconds
关注视频号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】,主页【商品橱窗】中进入购买即可,满满干货不要错过哦~Hi, everyone and welcome back to Britain Under the Microscope. 欢迎回来【闲话英伦】. Hi, 安澜.Hi Lulu, hi everyone. So what is the topic for today?Well, I thought today based on some of the comments that we've been receiving and also some of the people that would be meeting, events, I thought today we can talk about the workplace.The workplace. In particular, British workplace etiquette.Etiquette basically means manners, right?Yeah. 就是这种职场的礼仪. I would imagine British workplace etiquette is going to be quite different from the Chinese one. Very different. Very, very, very different.I have so many questions to ask. I mean, I worked with British people before, but I haven't really worked in the full on British environment. It is quite different. It's also a little bit different from America as well. So let's get started with introducing yourself. So you go to the office, first time there, what do you do?To be honest, I think that is one of those questions that is so common but most people don't even think about it. So let's just say we're in Britain first day in the office. I've been here for years and you are the newcomer. Am I to initiate contact or are you gonna come in as new guy and say, hi, I'm the new guy. You would be expected to start the contact. I would say, I haven’t seen you around, are you new here? that sort of thing. And these type of introductions are still relatively formal. So for example, handshakes are still used and also small talk as well. You would be expected to engage a little bit of small talk, which I know for a fact that you really hate. We can talk about small talk in a bit because that is basically an entire topic on its own. Let's talk about the handshakes. So British people don't kiss, don't do the social kissing.No, certainly not in a workplace environment. I think I've seen people doing that, but probably because they also friends?Very close friends probably, but for the first time you don't kiss or hug. What about women and men like, so for example, I've been working here for ages and you are the newcomer. Shall I extend my hand first?You probably extend your hands at the same time. I see and say, nice to meet you. Yeah, nice to meet you.I see. And to talk about ‘small talk’, I absolutely hate the British small talk. I know you do.I don't mind if it's like getting to know each other. But sometimes you know this person very well already, you work with them for ages, and you really have some urgent business or tasks to talk about, but when you get them on the phone or see them in person, you still do a little bit of small talk first. Well, yeah, it's still important to do that. But ironically, in meetings, we don't really engage in that much small talk. But if it's one on one, you do small talk.You do. But how to address people? In Chinese we say 王总,张部长. In the UK, it's all first names.
8/1/2023 • 10 minutes, 49 seconds
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~Let's talk about the differences. Would you say there are some differences in the not just mentality but personality like this sort of national psyche? There's a difference between your average Aussie and average Kiwi in terms of personality. I think it’s a general rule. New Zealand is very concerned about being polite. We don't like confrontation. Most kiwis hate confrontation. We're very indirect which can be quite annoying, I think for many people; Australians, I found they are a lot more decisive, a lot more direct, a lot more self confident. Sometimes can be even a bit aggressive Australians. It's quite interesting. So even you look at our national foreign policies, so how do our two countries interact globally? New Zealand will always just try and get along with everyone when we make foreign policy decisions, it's usually based on the united nations. Just trying to figuring out what is the right thing to do and sticking to it. We hate being told what to do, America.Australia, on the other hand, is obviously quite staunchly American. They're the big country in the Pacific. They know they're the big country in the Pacific. They expect other people to follow what they say. For lack of a better word, it's kind of like a bully mentality, isn't it?Yeah, they're the United States of the Pacific. It's like the original bully kind of idea. But this is just, I'm saying for lack of a better word, again, we're not trying to make over generalizations in that sense. You're more than welcome to share your opinion in the comment section if you disagree with us. Now coming back to this, the other difference that is quite obvious is that the fact the native people are different, right? The native people in Australia, they're called aboriginal people. And then in New Zealand is obviously Maori. Would you say that Maori people play a much bigger role in New Zealand compared with aboriginal people, aborigines in Australia?Yeah, I think so. I would say the Maori population that certainly had a very terrible time at the hands of British colonialism. There is certainly a much greater recognition of Maori culture in wider society than perhaps of aboriginal culture in Australian society. I knew the New Zealand government has... it's over the last 20 years been trying to work with the various Maori tribes, the Iwi, to recognize them to and to try and provide some some support for... an assistance, for the terrible things that happened to them. Australia, the Australian government, I think is now beginning to look at this. But I think while in New Zealand, the main like most New Zealanders accept the importance of Maori culture and Maori and Maori language. I would say that still there are a lot of Australians that would not have the same attitude towards the aboriginal people. I think this is something that most of our audience know very little about. So it's... if you're interested, look into it, at least that's what I feel like from an outsider. I could definitely see Maori people have more of a presence in New Zealand compared with aboriginal people in Australia, but I could be mistaken. Now let us talk about, well, moving away from these very, very heavy topics about history. Let us talk about something a bit more lighthearted. What is or what are some of the things or topics that are going to or are likely to provoke a fight between Aussies and Kiwis, or are there any?No, there's really not that much. Of course we joke about rugby. I won the rugby. No, you won the rugby, cricket, who's got the better beer, 啤酒, 非常重要, but no, there's really not much, people to people, New Zealanders and Australians usually get on pretty well.
7/27/2023 • 11 minutes, 12 seconds
《词源考古研究所》-“muscle”"mussel"傻傻分不清楚?嗯,跟老鼠有关!a.Comes from the Latin word ‘musculus’ which means little mouse.b.The Romans believed that when you flex your muscles, it looks like little mice running under the skin. c.The Romans also thought that mussels looked like little mice (remember the Romans used to eat mice) so that’s why mussels are also called mussels. Hi everyone. And welcome back to our new segment It Means What.Yeah.It’s nice to see you as well. 欢迎大家回来我们的新板块【词源考古研究所】, hi, 安澜. Hi. Lulu, hi, everyone. So 安澜you have been working out a lot, doing a lot of exercises. I've been exercising a bit. So let's talk about the word muscle 肌肉. Okay. So for those of you who know me and see me, that I'm incredibly muscular. Not. I am. I’ve got one muscle. So where does this word come from? Is it from the ancient Greeks where they like to rub themselves with olive oil and then they basically run around naked?No.Okay. It comes from Latin, and it comes from a Latin word ‘musculus’ . Which means? little mouse, 小老鼠. That's because the Romans believe that when you flex your muscles, it looks like little mice running under your skin. You know what I've actually heard that expression in Chinese, I think ages go, I don't know if it's a direct translation from the English etymology, but some people do call, I think it's old fashioned, but they did call muscle 小老鼠. They say I have 小老鼠, I have little mouse. Really?So this is when you're trying to flex your muscle, you're trying to show your muscle, then it looks like a little mouse running around. You can kind of see that, can't you? I think it’s a vivid imagery however not really friendly to people who really are terrified of mice. I like mice, I think they're really cute, but there's also another word in English that comes from ‘musculus’ and probably you can see and guess what it is. It's a type of seafood. I know, mussels就是青口贝, because it sounds exactly the same, muscles, mussels. The pronunciation is Complete the same, the spelling though is different. It's m-u-s-s-e-l-s, and that's because the Romans thought that mussels, i.e. the seafood look like little mice. Again? That's because remember, the Romans used to eat mice. They used to eat mice with honey, it was a delicacy.Okay, for them it's food anyways, so muscles, the seafood looked like another food they ate, which was the mice. I like the muscles, the physical muscles better. I do actually like mussels the seafood as well though. I love mussels, but now you're saying the origin of this word is little mice. I probably have to think twice. Yeah, don't think about it so much.
7/25/2023 • 5 minutes, 35 seconds
CAMPAGNA FINANZIATA AI SENSI DEL REG. UE N. 1308/2013CAMPAIGN FINANCED ACCORDING TO UE REGULATION NO.1308/2013可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~Since you're talking about Prosecco, now let's bring the topic back to Prosecco. Now, Mikelino, I know that Prosecco is one of your best selling items, right? Or you only do Prosecco, you do other wine as well? No, no. I do also sell wines or other kind of wines, but Prosecco is my king. Yeah. But why do you think it's so popular? Like compared with some of the other products that you sell?Easiest answer is because it's super adaptable, super versatile to so many occasions, and we go from a formal dinner, a formal welcoming drink for a dinner to the craziest party that we can have in the nightlife places. This is a 360° of versatility found for such a wine. Prosecco DOC, it's the most exported wine that we have in Italy and this is the reason can use it. I mean, everybody is like every different kind of client there if you're talking to the B to B so from our restaurants to a bar to a club to private event, it's definitely my best selling item to around the 30% of my sales is out of Prosecco DOC. Oh. So adaptability and versatility. Yeah, and also it's very easy to drink, very easy to drink. It goes into cocktails. You can drink it by itself, as a serving style because it could be sweeter or drier according to your preference. So it's really something that find the highest level of applications and the highest number of consumers, not only women or a certain kind but everybody.Yeah. I mean, I totally agree with the versatility and adaptability part, and especially think about my community, I have a community of over 1 million followers. A lot of them, they would probably, like 70% are women, they would like to try some sort of wine, but they can't get into the heavy wine. I mean, we've held some really, really professional big wine sort of wine tasting. And then it seems like people find those very, very hard to accept because they haven't developed their palate so to speak, but Prosecco is just so friendly to beginners in wine tasting.Totally, yes. Yeah.Yes, I agree.Also I was surprised once we, I mean, talking about ourselves, when we started the cooperation with the Revolucion, I was kind of surprised because like nightlife club, I'm open to any kind of clients and Santi was saying, no, we have a very differentiated clientele and we do need the Prosecco, it is not just all about cocktails, despite that as we told before, now the mixology is an important part for Prosecco. This kind of wine is really a different than wine drinking. It's Prosecco drinking. It's a category per se, we could say. It's very different. So I'm gonna ask Santi actually, since Mikelino was saying that you guys were talking about your clientele, their drinking habits, so I'm going to ask is Presecco or sparkling wine in general a popular choice for your customers?OK, as we were talking before concerning the market, a different order from our shops.It's different because the network is different, but in some city, especially Shanghai like we sell a lot of spritz.also because I'm half Italian half Albanian.So in every shop I have a part of Italian community in everywhere. So it's also for that, but not only for that, but in the end, people stay with me say oh I like these, can I try?It's such a great experience drinking Spritz on summer's day and just to remind our… Do you like it? I love it. Just to remind our listeners, Spritz, I hope I'm getting this correct. So Spritz is a sparkling wine like Prosecco, for example Prosecco and some other form of alcohol like for example I drink Aperol Spritz sometimes, so that is Aperol and Prosecco. And I want to say soda, like sparkling water, soda water?And orange slice. Totally right, yes. Yeah.You can be our new bartender. Thank you.
7/25/2023 • 14 minutes, 52 seconds
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~Hi everyone, and welcome back to Global Village. 欢迎回来【小酒馆·大世界】. We're very happy to get Simon back, Simon from New Zealand. Hi, Simon. Hey Kia ora, how’s going?Kia ora, it's going well. And I would like to propose a topic today that I'm not sure if it's sensitive or not. There are not a lot of sensitive topics when it comes to New Zealand, but this one just might be, it's New Zealand versus Australia. Don't get me started. You know the thing is, neighbors, if you look at the world, neighbors or neighboring countries usually have somewhat of a love hate, a really strange, subtle, nuanced relationship from the UK I’ve talked to 安澜about their relationship with the French; I've talked to James from America... talked to their American relationship with Canadians. So with you, I thought we talk about New Zealand and Australia. So do you think New Zealand and Australia have that kind of nuanced love hate relationship. I mean we talk about a bit of a friendly rivalry, but personally I think we're not too dissimilar. We often joke about New Zealand is better at rugby, Australia, won at the cricket, nothing but....Usually sports based.Usually sports based, they steal our celebrities. A lot of Kiwis, perhaps Kiwis a little bit older than me. There used to be a really famous New Zealand band called Split Enz. They grew up in New Zealand, they started in New Zealand. But the Australians all say that they're an Australian band, that makes people upset. It's the origin story. New Zealand is claiming Russell Crowe as a New Zealander, Australian say he's Australian, so Australians are pretty good at stealing our stuff. Okay, you just said there's no love hate relationship, yet you accuse them of stealing. Because they're “bad people”. For all my friends out there who are Australians or living in Australia, no offense. Like it's Simon's opinion, doesn't represent the opinion of the show, I need to have this disclaimer here. Alright, but jokes aside, I think to, before we get into this topic, let's give our audience a general idea. How far is New Zealand from Australia? How far are these two countries apart? I know most people obviously know if you have a little bit of geographical knowledge, you know that these countries are very close together, but exactly how close. So it's quite deceptive.
7/23/2023 • 9 minutes, 47 seconds
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~ Hi, everyone and welcome back to Britain Under the Microscope. 欢迎回来【闲话英伦】Hi, 安澜.Hi, Lulu. Hi, everyone. So, last time we were talking about part time jobs for students and you were sharing with us your quite unsuccessful or successful experience working part time. Yes, as a waiter I worked for about maybe 4, 5 weeks...And got fired.I wasn't fired. You were asked to leave.I was just told not to come back. There is a difference. But you were a pretty successful tour guide. Yes. I wasn't fired from that job. But we also talked about in our previous episode on expenses for students, we talked about how expensive our universities and do parents pay for their kids’ education. And we ended up talking about 70% of British university students have student loan. I don't know if this is the latest figure, but this figure is relatively new. Do you mind if I asked, did you have student loan when you were in universe?Yeah. Back then you only had one loan and that was just called student loan. But now you have two different types of loan. You have a tuition fee loan, which is the loan directly for your tuition fees. 就是学费的贷款. This is paid directly to the university. And for everyday expenses, rent and all of that, you have the maintenance loan. 就好像生活费的贷款. Parents don't help at all? It depends. It really does. But I can talk a little bit about my own experience. So because I was working, I only really took out the money as a loan to pay for my tuition fee. That's because my first year at university I lived in halls (学生宿舍), I should use my savings to pay the fees to live in halls, and I worked to get a little bit of that extra money. And the second and third year I lived at home. So I would say in that type of situation is quite common. My parents didn't ask me for rent or I didn't have to chip in for food and drink and things like that. I see. So they don't give you money per se. You don't get pocket money.But they basically in a way subsidized your living because they allow you to live under their roof without charging you. They don't charge you for food when you stayed at home that sort of thing. I see. And there are some parents that do give an allowance to their kids, but I would say that's not seen as a good thing, that's not seen as something the children would be particularly proud of. So they're not gonna go around and say, my mom and my dad they just give me£5,000. They're not gonna do that. No, because people would actually judge them because the whole idea of being at university is that you are becoming more independent. So that's why lots of university students they're trying to go to universities probably a bit further away from where they live. I see. I can take my niece for example. At the moment she's looking at universities that are completely in different cities from where she lives now. Because she wants to be independent, she wants to have her own life. I can relate to that actually. So when I was choosing universities, when I was in high school, I also it's not really like running away from your parents because you don't like your parents. It's more like you want to prove that you can make it on your own.Exactly. And I would say for 17, 18-year-olds in the UK, they don't look at themselves as children anymore. They want to start live in a more independent life and that's something that is actively encouraged. So it's not about how much allowance their parents would give them. It's more like how much they can earn and what kind of life they can live. Now bringing it a little bit back to student loan. Can anyone like, can anyone living, or British national, can anyone apply and get it approved?Yes, the maintenance loan is means-tested though.Means-tested?So that means they do award you a loan based on your household income and where you're studying. So for example, if you're living in London, then you get more money.
7/20/2023 • 12 minutes, 24 seconds
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~ 1)Mortgagea.Sounds really scary as it means ‘death pledge’. b.Actually means the pledge would be considered ‘dead’ when repaid.c.The idea of a mortgage dates back to the 1100s but it was only 20th Century that they became really popular.Hi, everyone. And welcome to our new segment 【It Means What?】Yeah!!!You don't have to do this every time. No, I enjoy it. 欢迎大家回到我们的新板块【词源考古研究所】, hi, 安澜. Hi, Lulu, hi everyone. So in this segment, we are bringing you interesting origin stories of some of the most common words and phrases in English. So today's word, I'm gonna give you a little bit of a clue. Okay, what do you think is one of the scariest things that most people have in their lives?I don’t know, illnesses?Even scarier than that in some cases. What do you think that we spend most of our money on?So you're talking about money. I know what you're talking about, so you're talking about mortgage. Mortgage很多时候被翻译成房贷, 但它其实是抵押贷款的意思, 对吧?就是有个抵押物, it’s... we translated into house loan in Chinese mostly because that's... for most people mortgage is about house, most people don't have other things. The question is why don't we call it a housing loan in English? And the reason is and it sounds rather scary, it actually comes from French and Latin. It means “death pledge”. Death pledge, pledge is like a promise. Yeah.所以有点死亡抵押的意思. It does sound scary. It does sound a little bit like someone's gonna kill you, but it's not actually it means pledge would be considered dead once the loan has been repaid. So basically, once you pay off your loan, then no longer exists, is dead. Exactly. It's technically dead. Actually, I've seen another version of the etymology. 我看到这个词源的另外一个解释, it's also death pledge, but they're saying it's more like the collateral that you put down like in case you're dead, so you borrowed money, right? Then you have to put your house or some of the things as collateral. 就是要把你房产或者地作为抵押物, because if you die, then how can they collect the money back?That's also one other explanation of death pledge. Yeah. And there are lots of different explanations and that's one of the interesting things about etymology, is the fact that no one is hundred percent sure. 对, 词源学是一个非常有意思的事情, you can always go back and further back. And then there are different variations.
7/18/2023 • 5 minutes, 23 seconds
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~Hi, everyone and welcome back to Britain Under the Microscope. 欢迎回来《闲话英伦》. Hi, 安澜. Hi, Lulu. Hi, everyone. So recently I've seen a lot of the clips, videos on social media about how much money a university student needs for day to day living. And that reminds me of a subject of working, especially when you're still a student. And I thought we both had experience in that.Oh, yes.By the way, when did you start working? When was your first job, part time?My very very very first job, I was about 12. Child labor much? 童工. No, it's not that bad. My mom used to work at florist. So when it was a really, really busy time, like for example, Valentine's Day or Christmas, what I would do is I would sit in the van with the driver who deliver flowers, but because it takes time for the driver to get in and out of the car, pick up the flowers, I would just be the runner. Oh, you are the flower boy, the flower delivery.I was a flower boy, so I'll just sit there, run out, knock on the door, leave the flowers so we can get to the next house, very quickly. But my first regular part time job, I was about 15, 16?I was 16, 17, actually 17, I think.Late starter. Not in China, but... so I thought we can spend a couple of episodes on talking about 打工, working part time job, as a very young person, as a student. So what was your part time job?My part time job is tutoring, using my brains. You had a very high-end part time job. All right. I mean, let's first start by talking about the age. When do kids in the UK start working part time? I don't think they start at 12, that’s against the law.No, that's only because it was like a family friend gave me a little bit of pocket money to do that. It's informal.
7/16/2023 • 9 minutes, 56 seconds
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~Since you're talking about Prosecco, now let's bring the topic back to Prosecco. Now, Mikelino, I know that Prosecco is one of your best selling items, right? Or you only do Prosecco, you do other wine as well? No, no. I do also sell wines or other kind of wines, but Prosecco is my king. Yeah. But why do you think it's so popular? Like compared with some of the other products that you sell?Easiest answer is because it's super adaptable, super versatile to so many occasions, and we go from a formal dinner, a formal welcoming drink for a dinner to the craziest party that we can have in the nightlife places. This is a 360° of versatility found for such a wine. Prosecco DOC, it's the most exported wine that we have in Italy and this is the reason can use it. I mean, everybody is like every different kind of client there if you're talking to the B to B so from our restaurants to a bar to a club to private event, it's definitely my best selling item to around the 30% of my sales is out of Prosecco DOC. Oh. So adaptability and versatility. Yeah, and also it's very easy to drink, very easy to drink. It goes into cocktails. You can drink it by itself, as a serving style because it could be sweeter or drier according to your preference. So it's really something that find the highest level of applications and the highest number of consumers, not only women or a certain kind but everybody.Yeah. I mean, I totally agree with the versatility and adaptability part, and especially think about my community, I have a community of over 1 million followers. A lot of them, they would probably, like 70% are women, they would like to try some sort of wine, but they can't get into the heavy wine. I mean, we've held some really, really professional big wine sort of wine tasting. And then it seems like people find those very, very hard to accept because they haven't developed their palate so to speak, but Prosecco is just so friendly to beginners in wine tasting.Totally, yes. Yeah.Yes, I agree.Also I was surprised once we, I mean, talking about ourselves, when we started the cooperation with the Revolucion, I was kind of surprised because like nightlife club, I'm open to any kind of clients and Santi was saying, no, we have a very differentiated clientele and we do need the Prosecco, it is not just all about cocktails, despite that as we told before, now the mixology is an important part for Prosecco. This kind of wine is really a different than wine drinking. It's Prosecco drinking. It's a category per se, we could say. It's very different. So I'm gonna ask Santi actually, since Mikelino was saying that you guys were talking about your clientele, their drinking habits, so I'm going to ask is Presecco or sparkling wine in general a popular choice for your customers?OK, as we were talking before concerning the market, a different order from our shops.It's different because the network is different, but in some city, especially Shanghai like we sell a lot of spirits.So when I tried the Prosecco with Mikelino, they say right, this is the right one for our streets because actually our order is a lot in Shanghai. So... also because I'm half Italian half Hungarian.So in every shop I have a part of Italian community in everywhere. So it's also for that, but not only for that, but in the end, people stay with me say oh I like these, can I try?It's such a great experience drinking Spritz on summer's day and just to remind our… Do you like it? I love it. Just to remind our listeners, Spritz, I hope I'm getting this correct. So Spritz is a sparkling wine like Prosecco, for example Prosecco and some other form of alcohol like for example I drink Aperol Spritz sometimes, so that is Aperol and Prosecco. And I want to say soda, like sparkling water, soda water?And orange slice. Totally right, yes. Yeah.You can be our new bartender. Thank you.
7/13/2023 • 15 minutes, 5 seconds
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~ Idiot keywordsa.Comes from the Ancient Greek word – “idiṓtēs” which means “a private person”b.The Greeks believed that everyone should be involved in government of the city (or “polis” where the word politics come from)c.Every citizen had to attend the assembly. If they didn’t, they were marked with red paint and fined.d.Those who didn’t were seen as foolish or ignorant.Hi, everyone. And welcome back to our new segment. It means what? 欢迎大家回到我们的新板块【词源考古研究所】. Hi 安澜. Hi Lulu, hi everyone. In the segment, we will share with you some of the interesting origin stories of words and phrases in English. So what is the word for today?Idiot.I’m Sorry, why are you looking at me when you say that word? No, that's the word that we're gonna be discussing today, idiot. Idiot, 翻译成白痴、笨蛋.Yeah. Idiot is pretty rude, right? If you call them oh, such an idiot. Well, it's not like a swear word or anything, but nobody likes to be called an idiot. I would imagine idiot if it goes... even if you trace back to ancient times, it would have something to do with IQ?No. So it doesn't have to do with IQ?Nothing to do with IQ whatsoever. It comes from an ancient Greek word “idiṓtēs” . Which means?A private person. A private person which means he keeps to himself?Pretty much. 就是不合群呗, a loner kind of.Well, a loner, but somebody who just is a bit unique as well. So not like everybody else. That's because the ancient Greeks believe that everybody should be involved in the government of their city. Everyone had to go to the assembly, all the citizens had to take part in the government. This strong sense of citizenship and community. And idiṓtēs was somebody who didn't do that. 还是觉得是不合群的人.
7/11/2023 • 5 minutes, 47 seconds
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~keywordsl How are cities different in terms of spending habits and consumer choices (drink orders)? How is the Chinese market different from other markets? l Have you noticed any changes compared with the days before Covid? (bars/clubs/wine business)Have the sales of prosecco recovered after the lifting of all restrictions? Guest speaker:MikelinoAn entrepreneur based in Shanghai, a sommelier graduated by the Italian Sommelier Association, a passionate wine lover with rich experience in wine business.SantilianoA managing partner of a popular cocktail bar/nightclub franchise called Revolucion Cocktail, an enthusiastic wine lover with sharp perspectives towards the market.Hi everyone and welcome to the show, this episode is made in collaboration with the Prosecco Doc Consortium. Today we're very lucky to have two guests in the studio. Mikelino, who is a wine expert and runs his own wine import business, the wine guy; and Santi who is a managing partner of a very popular cocktail bar/nightclub franchise called Revolucion Cocktail, and they're both based in shanghai. So welcome to the show. Hello to everybody.Hi, everyone. First of all, could both of you tell us a little bit about your business? Let's start with Mikelino, I know you're like an old friend. You've been on the show last year talking to us about Prosecco, but could you tell us still a little bit about your business?Yeah, absolutely. It's a great pleasure to be back. As you correctly mentioned, I am an importer and distribute wine under the company named The Wine Guy. But as most important, I’m representing Prosecco Doc as Casa Prosecco stuff from the Shanghai part, from the Shanghai branch, so I'm very glad to be back on your broadcast and… You are all about Prosecco.Yes, all about Prosecco, yeah, you know me very well. All right. And some of you probably have met or seen Mikelino during the live stream the other day and teaching me how to open a bottle of Prosecco. Okay, and Santi, could you tell us a little bit about your bar/ club?I noticed that you have a few different locations as well. So first of all, thanks for having me. And thanks also Mikelino to introduce for having these broadcasts. First of all, Revolucion is, as mentioned before, is a cocktail bar/club, why? Because Revolucion cocktail come from a Latino concept, is also a Revolucion cocktail and the first one was in Shanghai already 10 years have been past. Yes, and after we start to develop in all over China such as Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Xiamen, Chongqing, Chengdu. Now the next opening in China will be in Xinjiang in Keketuohai, the ski area. Yeah, we are also in the Bangkok, Thailand, and we opened the first one in France, it’s another concept but still under revolucion, but a very similar concept that is in other ski area. So the energy is, as we state, is a cocktail bar, so we have like cocktail and a high level cocktail. And after, who wanna keep going to party, it was found properly in a club. So you have this kind of connection between these two places and our definition for that is a jumping bar.
7/9/2023 • 14 minutes, 19 seconds
《小酒馆·大世界》- 全世界都在恐婚恐育,为何法国女子要“硬刚”?
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~Now moving away from topics that heavy, let's talk about everyday feminism. So at workplace, do French women nowadays struggle with the same equality issues at workplace like equal pay or sort of like equal opportunity to get promoted? Is there glass ceiling or maternal wall that sort of thing. In theory from what I know, the law in France is particularly they make sure that companies are not supposed to discriminate against like hiring a woman but that goes as well people from minorities because they are like around 20%...there is like a lot of people who actually come from like North Africa, Africa, Asian countries, a little bit of... and 1 or 2 generation ago, it was like more for Spain, Italy and Portugal. So we do have laws regarding discrimination, then after, obviously it's gonna be difficult to prove that you've been discriminated against. Like if I'm applying for a job, I'm a woman and another guy’s been selected, I think is gonna be a bit hard to convince a jury that they choose that guy because he was a guy and they didn't choose me because I was a woman. In my recollection, they have not been big public cases of discrimination like this. Still like a French woman, according to the law, people should be paid equally, but I just checked and roughly women are being paid roughly 15% less than men. Than men. Yeah, and I remember like recently a friend of mine she works in a big company. She was explaining to me that they decided the company was having nice bonuses and they decided to raise everyone’s bonus everyone’s salary, because they had such a good year, and good for them it’s just that at the end they raised everyone the same level. So the big manager they were making good money, so I think they give everyone 3% but so like she thought it was kind of silly because entry workers...He didn't really bridge. Yeah, like an entry worker, 3% is not gonna be the same as a big manager. So she thought like they should have equalized the pay of entry workers and women and people maybe who don't have a proper diploma. Sometimes it's a whole work in progress. And to give you another example, I think which is very important regarding maternity leave. French women enjoy a 6 months paid maternity leave when they have a child or the second or the third child. Whereas men just got 2 weeks and I do have a few friends of mine...I think this is roughly the same as in China, give or take, women get 4 to 6 months and men just get 1 or 2 weeks. That's... I don't know how you guys feel about that because that is hardly equal because that kind of sort of just effectively taking men out of the child care responsibilities because they simply do not have the time to do that. Yeah, definitely. And that is an issue. I do know that some of my French friend who became dad and who are supporting feminism, that's the one thing that would complain about. They would say like... they could like drop their job and take a 6 months non-paid vacation, but people are not stupid like if they have to choose between a salary or no salary, they are gonna take their salary. But I do know that some of them were like this is not fair like why can't I be with my spouse and or baby for 6 months, and because at the end it keeps on the discrimination like every man will would have to be forced to take like a 6 months parental leave. I think first of all, you would really reduce like the whole workforce like the chore that you do at home like then guys would have to do the same as woman hopefully. And then second then when you are hiring someone who is like around 28, 30, then you would not think about maybe take a man over a woman because at the end of the day, if they become a father, they would have to take a 6 months paid leave. But the problem is that's not the law right now. Hopefully it will change. But I do know that even for some of those dads, they are a bit like they are not that super happy a
7/6/2023 • 14 minutes, 2 seconds
《词源考古研究所》-Cold shoulder可不是冷肩膀,据说90%的人都错了
Hi everyone, and welcome to our new mini segment It means what? 欢迎回来我们新的mini板块【词源考古研究所】 在这个板块里, 我和安澜会跟大家分享一些非常常见的英文的词汇或者是习语, 它们背后的有趣故事. Hi, 安澜. Hi Lulu, hi everyone. So what is our word or idiom of today? Today we're gonna be looking at the idiom ‘give someone the cold shoulder’. So give someone the cold shoulder. I know this one, it means someone is giving you sort of like a hostile attitude, like treating you with hostility. But it's not kind of like hostile as in shouting at you. It's more about ignoring someone.就是冷落你的感觉. So you ignore them, you don't acknowledge them, you don't welcome them. You give them the cold shoulder. I often find this expression quite strange because I'm always imagining someone is trying to use his shoulder to sort of like push me out of the door that imagery. No, don't be stupid. It's nothing to do with a person's shoulder. So it's not a human shoulder. No, it actually comes from medieval table manners. Ok, 是餐桌礼仪的一部分, 就中世纪的时候, ok. What would happen is when the meals come into an end, and the host wanted everyone to leave, they would hint it was time to leave by serving cold slices of pork or beef shoulder. Hang on a minute.
7/5/2023 • 6 minutes, 5 seconds
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~Hi, everyone and welcome back to your favorite segment Global Village, 欢迎回来【小酒馆·大世界】. Welcome back, Aladin.Hi, Lulu. Thank you for inviting me again. So last time we were talking about French people being romantic or are they actually romantic. Actually, when I think of, or when I stereotype, for lack of a better word, France, I don't think of romance, I think of actually progressive thoughts. For example, feminism. I thought we can talk about that. Sure. I thought you were going to talk about the Great Revolution of 1789, but sure we can talk about feminism as well. Yeah, more on that perhaps later, but let's focus on feminism, since our audience, my audience are 70% to 75% women, and a lot of them are very sort of independent modern ladies. And I'm sure they will be interested in knowing feminism in France. By the way, I've heard this theory. Now this is in cultural theory where they group cultures in sort of like masculinity and femininity, not in the traditional sense, not like manly or feminine. But masculinity is more focusing on valuing achievement, success, power, hierarchy, whilst femininity values more equality, welfare. In that sense, a lot of the charts would say France is more leaning towards femininity, valuing equality and welfare. Do you agree with this whole setting? Yeah, I mean, you brought up that topic and I will admit when in France we never had this thing about success equals masculinity and equality equals femininity. I mean, in that case, I think Karl Marx would be like a feminist. I mean, just joke aside like we don't really have such terms for if you're a successful person, you are really like a man or an alpha male or whatever, maybe other country they have more this idea about that, but in France it's not really like this, just like equality and healthcare and things like that, they are just seen like social public services. I see. Actually the word feminism is a word English has borrowed from French, I think it was féminisme in French. Does it mean exactly the same as feminism means in English?Before I answer that question Lulu, I just want to tell to the audience, like I'm well aware that in case you haven't listen, in case you have not understood them, like a white male of a 34 year old. So I speak under like I'm glad to bring that topic, but I'm sure and I hope one day you can interview other western feminist female who could like keep adding on that, because what I'm gonna share is more like my personal view. And what I've read from the press to consider that I support feminism. But at the same time, like I think it's a bit hard sometimes for a guy to say I'm a feminist, I think.I understand your concern. It's kind of like you're worried being called your men's blaming feminism to a bunch of ladies. That's exactly that. Don't worry about that, it’s an open dialogue.Okay. Just right now, just check like the French definition of feminism on Wikipedia that I'm gonna read in English, don't worry guys, so according to French Wikipedia, feminism is a set of political, social and cultural movements which IDs and objectives are to promote equality between men and women by campaigning for the rights of women. I think that's basically the definition in English. It is the same. I see. And like right now, if I'm thinking about feminism and how it has sort of developed in France, I would think French, like France is more on the progressive side, but it wasn't always like that, was it? I mean, France wasn't always leading the feminism movement.
7/2/2023 • 11 minutes, 3 seconds
《词源考古研究所》 -牛油果的外文这么“污”?不建议搜图!
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~ Hi, everyone. And welcome back to our new segment It Means What?Yeah.Okay, that starts to become annoying. 欢迎回来我们的新板块【词源考古研究所】Hi 安澜.Hi, Lulu, hi, everyone. In this segment, we're bringing you interesting origin stories of very common words and phrases. So I would like to propose a word for today. Go ahead. This is definitely not an English word I think. But this is a star food in this whole super food trend. Okay?这种超级食物或者说这种健康饮食里面, 最近这些年的一个网红食物, 不光是在中国还是在西方. This is avocado.中文现在是叫牛油果. Yeah, I always find it really interesting kind of the Chinese where that comes from. I think it might just be the texture. It tastes a bit buttery because it has really nice fats, right?It's certainly better than the origin of the English word. But it's not English, is it? It's not English, no.Avocado, based on my limited knowledge. It comes from Latin America. So avocado comes from Spanish and the Spanish word comes from the language of the Aztecs.Aztec就是阿兹特克, 中美洲的, where Mexico is right now. If you're interested in history, you definitely have heard of the Aztecs. Yes. The Aztec spoke a language called Nahuatl.Nahuatl. And avocado comes from the word āhuacatl, which means testicle. What? for those of you who don't really understand the word ‘testicles’, well, how shall I explain this?They are the most precious part of a men, a pair of them, if you don't understand, then check it out. I can't... for this show to be out, I cannot say it. Yes, but don't do an image search. But why would they call it testicles? It's a fruit, right? It's food. Yeah. But what do they look like?Forget my question. It's funny to think that avocados are now so popular and they're expensive. They're popular in the UK as well. Very, very very popular.
6/29/2023 • 6 minutes, 39 seconds
《Geek 时间》-明星路人都爱的搪胶玩偶,一个无止尽的超级天坑。
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~Chibi figuresBig head small bodyVery popular in the US now Funko pop brand figures for just about every TV series that is popularEven Chibi gundam modelsModification of modelsCommon for people to modify models with self made partsLife like dioramas DIY videos are popular on youtube nowGarage kitsRealistic models of anime figures Are made to be modified or posed in almost anyway you chose.Became popular in the 80s These are what started the modification of other modelsComparison to the US Models were more popular in the US before the DIY boomMostly cars and airplanes rather than anime characters, but with otaku culture in the US being more popular that is changing.
6/27/2023 • 11 minutes, 38 seconds
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~Hi everyone, and welcome back to Geek Time. 欢迎回来【极客时间】Hi, Brad. Hey, Lulu.So what topic are we going to talk about today? I thought we talk about like action figures, figures and models. Action figures, figures and models, 比如说模型、人型、人偶、手办这一类的是吧? Now I know when you mention this to a lot of people, if they don't know anything about this, they would be like, those are for kids, you're grown up. These aren't just for kids, the models are for everyone. Yeah. So, first of all, let's talk about the basics. Are we just talking about models for I don't know like a character in the movie or in an anime? Not just like an action figure of like a character from them, but there's a lot of different types. There's models of characters, models of cars, models of machines that actual things that will move. You can buy like models to put together like that replicate a car engine. There's models just like could be just about anything. Can I just clarify a word, a phrase, action figures, what does it actually mean, action figures?Action figure is a figure that moves that has some sort of action. Now, not all action figures will move on their own. In fact most don't, but some will have like a button and if you push the button, they'll do an action of some sort, a punch or something or a kick. But mostly an action figure is just something that is actionable. They can move. They could have an arm joint or shoulder joint and knee joint. They can move around and be posed. So for example, if you have a Batman action figure, perhaps his arm can move, his legs can move or of that kind of idea, right? Yeah.I remember hearing in terms of these figures or action figures or models, there was one... very, very famous one called I think is that Gundam?There's a lot of other robot models and stuff, but Gundam is probably one of the most popular and there's even huge lifelike recreations of these in various cities in Japan. There is one that even moves in like, I think Yokohama (横滨), if you're really into Gundam, you can go see them in person. They're like three or four stories tall.
6/25/2023 • 11 minutes, 30 seconds
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~ Hi, everyone. And welcome back to our new segment It Means What?Yeah!You sound very excited.I am. 欢迎回来我们的新板块【词源考古研究所】, Hi安澜. Hi Lulu, hi everyone.In this segment we are going to share with you the interesting origin stories of some phrases and words. So let me propose the word for today.Okay.It’s a word that everybody is interested in and everybody knows, but I've always wondered about the origin of this word. Okay. SalaryThis is salary. Salary?So you work, you get paid and that payment is usually called salary, 你的薪水或者工资, but why salary, where does it come from?That's actually a really good question because it comes from a Latin word, Sal.Sal?Sal. And Sal means salt. Salt like salt and pepper salt?Yep, salt you put on your food. 就是盐, quite a leap from salt to money. Not really, that's because salt for centuries has always been very expensive. It's a very important commodity that's for sure. Very very important. There were huge trade routes around salt. So people were using gold to buy salt and they were also using salt as payment.
6/20/2023 • 6 minutes, 28 seconds
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~ Hi, everyone and welcome back to Britain Under the Microscope. 欢迎回来【闲话英伦】Hi, 安澜.Hi Lulu, hi everyone. Before we start today's topic, let me ask you a question. Sure. What is British people's favorite sport? We talked about that, it was... we talked about football didn't we, in the past?No. Not football. Rugby? Nope. Cricket? No. I have no idea what you're talking about. It's something that everybody in the UK enjoys and it doesn't matter how old you are, it doesn't matter if you're a man or a woman, it is queueing. I thought you're going to say drinking there for a moment.No.But we do enjoy a nice queue. We do like to line up and wait for things.排队. This is a running joke isn't it that British people love queueing?Even if there's only one person there, the automatic setting is to go and line up?Well. To be honest, I always say it's a little bit of exaggerated to say that we love queueing. I don't think anyone really likes to wait for things. I've actually seen that happen in the UK. OK.If you put a sign please queue here, you will see British people queue there.
6/18/2023 • 13 minutes, 18 seconds
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦 Hi, everyone. And welcome back to our new mini segment It Means What?欢迎回来我们新的小板块【词源考古研究所】.In this segment, we're gonna share with you the origin story of some of the common words and phrases in English. Hi, 安澜.Hi, Lulu, hi everyone. So let me propose one, you like cats, right? Yes, I do.There are many cat related idioms.Ah, loads. So I'm sure you know the origin of this one “let the cat out of the bag”. Let the cat out of the bag. 字面意思就是说 “让猫从口袋里跑出来了”. It sounds really strange. Well, it does, but it doesn't sound that strange when you know the story behind it. First of all, the meaning of this idiom “let the cat out of the bag” if I remember correctly is to accidentally reveal a secret就无异中泄密的意思. Yeah, so for example, if you're talking with a friend and you might be talking about a mutual person that you know and you accidentally say a secret. Do you know his...No, it's not like that. It's not intentional.It's not intentional. It's like, I really like that guy, but he's leaving next week. What? he's leaving next week? That is letting the cat out the bag. 无意中泄密了. What is the origin?
6/15/2023 • 6 minutes, 13 seconds
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~Hello, everyone. And welcome back to America Under the Microscope, advanced episode. Hi, Lulu. Hi, James. Let's go ahead and continue our talk we were having about Americans and DIY. Last time you said DIY is partly because of money, because labor costs a lot. Certainly does. But also because people in America, you guys do find a sense of accomplishment from all these DIY projects.So Americans really get very proud with their work. What comes with that is when we are really proud of our own work is a lack of trust in other people's work.I could imagine, but bring that back a little bit. What happens when you actually have the money to hire professionals to do pretty much everything? Let's just say. You’re upper middle class, you've got the money to pay all of your contractors. Would people still do it themselves or would they consider outsourcing?Once you're in that situation, it really becomes more of not so much of a money issue, but more of a prime issue. So they are... people who are still upper middle class and have money, they might still do honey do projects and still do things. But they're gonna be focusing is like this project will take X amount of hours. This one will take two X amount of hours. So they might do the shorter project themselves but hire someone to do a longer project or hire someone who would do the project that goes well beyond their own skills.I see.So really just they're gonna do more of a cost benefit analysis and just timing and all those things. Whereas people who have lower income, they don't have that option.That actually makes sense, for example, like when I'm thinking about hiring a cleaner to clean, this is what I think if I can, within the same amount of time, make more money, then I would out source that because it makes more financial sense. Right? What about you James? like let's say if you guys moved back to the States and you bought a house, what kind of things are you willing to do yourself? What kind of things, what kind of work would you out source? Myself? any kind of painting I would do, I don't need to hire anyone to do that.Anything that evolves simple like repairs, like if I need to put up the... like fix the molding, things like this, I can do whether it's like outdoor things, fixing the fence, fixing the garden type stuff. I have no problem doing that myself.But no piping.Piping no, I would hire a plumber for that. Or if it's things related to the wiring.Electricity.Yes, then I would definitely hire a contractor for that. I don't trust myself enough like I can replace a light socket, I know how to do that. I know how to install a new light switch, that I can do; beyond that, I don't...I can't do it.Yeah, the thing is, just a side note, in my home it’s basically my dad who's doing all of that. My dad actually does not trust other people to do that. But then again, he is an electrical engineer, sort of makes sense.He has the skills. Exactly.But since last time you were talking about saying that if you go to an American's home, then they are going to talk your ear off about what they have done in terms of home improvement.
6/13/2023 • 10 minutes, 7 seconds
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~Hi, everyone. And welcome back to America Under the Microscope. 欢迎回来【美国美国】. Hi, James. Hi, Lulu. Hi, everyone. What are we going to talk about today?I have a question for you. It's actually more of an observation that I've noticed while living here. While living in China, one thing I noticed is that people are always like remodeling or fixing up their homes, right?I've never seen anyone paint their own homes. They always hire people to do it. Why is that? You mean paint their walls?Yes.Is that not normal?You're confusing me because in my understanding it’s just like you have to paint your wall or have your wall painted, then you hire a guy, you hire a contractor, hire someone who professionally...Does that, is that not the same in America?We do have professional painters and you can hire someone to do it. What you're more likely to come across in America is the Americans doing that themselves. I guess that's what we're gonna talk about today, the whole do it yourself, DIY. Because in America, DIY is a pretty big thing. And we'll talk about several reasons why that is. I mean that's kind of built in your DNA so to speak. That's a good way to put it. I mean Americans do kind of like to go their own way or create their own stuff. So the idea of doing it yourself is really ingrained in us. But come on. So when we were talking about why Americans like DIY does it not have anything to do with money?No, that almost certainly has everything to do with money. It's money because hiring people to do things for you is expensive. People are basically saying, obviously I don't really have the exact number. But is it true that contractors or let's say like plumbers, electricians, these people they actually make very good money. Yes. If I was an electrician in America, I would be making more money than I am currently as a teacher. Wow. But then I can imagine hiring someone to do painting to fix your pipes will be very expensive. Yeah, although when you're using like the term like an electrician or a plumber, those would be a couple of exceptions and most Americans would hire someone to do those things because making a mistake with wiring or pipes can lead to disaster. 水电还是要找人做的, but painting your house, what mistakes can you make?Couple of hand prints here or there, you might have painted over something you weren't supposed to, but it's pretty easy to fix. But the other thing, the reason why we like to do it is Americans really like to pride themselves on what they've accomplished themselves. So one way we kind of really express ourselves and like if you ever get a chance to go to an American’s home, they will talk your ear off about all the things that they have done to improve their home.
6/12/2023 • 9 minutes, 44 seconds
6/12/2023 • 7 minutes, 48 seconds
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】加入社群,查看完整全文稿和其他精彩内容哦~1)Gymnasiuma.Comes from the Greek word ‘gymnos’ (naked) and ‘gymnazein’ (to train naked)b.Men (only men!) who wanted to work out had to do so naked as the Greeks believed that exercising with clothes on was shameful!c.The Greeks focused on the perfect physique and they rubbed themselves over with olive oil while exercising to shine. d.Gymnasium were also places of learning which is why many high schools in Europe are called gymnasium
6/8/2023 • 6 minutes, 42 seconds
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~Hi everyone, and welcome back to Britain Under the Microscope. 欢迎回来【闲话英伦】. Hi,安澜.Hi Lulu, hi everyone.安澜 I know over the years we've talked about a lot of fun topics, but today I would propose a pretty painful topic. I hope you don't mind.That's fine. How painful we’re talking?You remember last time when we were discussing the coronation of your new King, we mentioned that people had problems with this elaborate spending because there's a huge cost of living crisis in the UK.Yes.大家看新闻, 包括中文媒体报道的可能就会每天都能看到英国, 甚至整个欧洲都有 cost of living, 就物价的上涨, 还有老百姓的各种罢工什么的.So I thought we talked about cost of living, get to the bottom of it, what cost it and how are people dealing with it?As you say, it's not a particularly light topic. So we are gonna be talking a little bit about the economy and we also be talking a little bit about the background behind this. I'm sure that there probably a few economists listening to this, so if you are, please also let us know your thoughts.Exactly. Or people who actually live in the UK.Absolutely.First of all, cost of living就是生活成本; but cost of living crisis, this is very easy to understand, it's basically it's getting more and more expensive to live in the UK.That's right. Prices and inflation have increased dramatically in a very short period of time, much faster than real incomes.Basically your income does not go up, but all of your outgoings, all of your expenses go up.That's right. So it is becoming a lot more expensive to live in the UK and I noticed it myself. I went back to the UK last year in 2022 for the first time since 2019, I was quite surprised how expensive things had got.And this basically covered everything or covers everything, right, from things you buy in supermarket to going out to have a drink in the pub.Inflation is around 10%. And as an attempt to try and stop the inflation, interest rates have also been increasing.首先通胀率是高起10% that's pretty high. But interest rate, honestly, every time you guys increased the interest rate, I was like this has got to be the last time they do it. They can't just keep doing it and then they do it again and then they do it again.Don't mention it. I've got a mortgage in the UK and when I first got my mortgage, it was like 1% interest, now it's 6%.Jesus. 所以从1个点到6个点的增长.Yes.How many times they've been doing it? At least 8, 9 times already.I've lost count.
6/4/2023 • 8 minutes, 1 second
欢迎来到英文小酒馆的迷你双语板块【Buzzword Mix】-新词特饮,短短几分钟,让不同段位的你掌握最新最地道的英文谈资!关注公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】,获取更多有趣节目内容和文稿哦~In today's Buzzword Mix, our buzzword is JOMO. 如果你一直有听我们【新词特饮】这个板块的话, 可能还有点印象, 之前有一集我们讲到过FOMO这个词, FOMO, the fear of missing out. 中文把它翻译成 “错失恐惧症”.Now FOMO refers to feeling or perception that others are having more fun, living better lives or experiencing better things than you are. 这种所谓的 FOMO或者 “错失恐惧症”主要指的就是在社交媒体横行的今天, 我们随时随地都会觉得别人正在过着比我们更精彩的生活, 我们很担心会错失这样的人生经历. 今天的Buzzword就是把FOMO前面的F改成了J. So what then is JOMO? Let me ask you a question, have you ever felt a sense of joy, happiness when you knew you were missing out on an invitation to a party or the latest social media posts and influencer trends because you were “unplugged”? 大家有没有经历过那种最近什么网上流行的新潮流, 但是你没有赶上, 因为你没有关注社交媒体而错过这些潮流, 你有没有感受到一种特殊的轻松和喜悦?If so, then you have probably experienced “JOMO” – the joy of missing out. “错过的喜悦”, 我还看到一个翻译叫做 “错过之欢”. In many ways, JOMO can be considered the opposite of FOMO. 刚才我们也说了FOMO这个错失恐惧症更多的是跟anxiety焦虑, 还有其他各种的负面情绪连接在一起的. It's easy to blame technology and social media for FOMO. However, in fact, FOMO is rooted in our innate tendency to socially compare ourselves to others as we seek to better understand who we are and our place in the world. 很多人就会把FOMO怪在社交媒体上, 但实际上网络也好, 社交媒体也好, 不过是一个手段. 而这种不断的想通过和别人比较, 来寻求自己在社会中的定位, 这是我们人类与生俱来的一个天性.
6/1/2023 • 8 minutes, 56 seconds
"英文小酒馆致力于打造沉浸式英语学习社群,无论是微信社群、有声节目、线上活动和课程,我们都全心全意为爱好英语的你带去一份专属于英语的快乐。关注公号: 【璐璐的英文小酒馆】查音频节目文稿,了解广阔的世界。跟随我们的脚步,体会英语的温度。"So the first six questions is more about sort of like dealing with bosses and working overtime. Now it's more dealing with people you work with.Do we have to?Depending on if what kind of people you work with?The first one, out of the blue, someone in your office lights up a massive pipe of tobacco and starts puffing away. 开始抽烟抽烟斗了, fill in the room with smoke, being British and being American, let's start with Anlan.Well, being British, what you would do is you go okay, pour yourself a scotch. Sit down with them, drink a scotch and probably start smoking. Even if you're not a smoker.Even if you're not a smoker.You don't want to be left out and it would be rude not to join them.I can hear your breeze. It's about the entire time and this is getting louder and louder. All right. I’m sensing the American side might just tell them to cut it, to stop it.Americans would freak out. It's like, what are you doing? You're going to get a shutdown. You want the health inspectors to come here. They will shut us down. Put that out.Is it completely smoke free, sort of thing.Oh, yeah, workplaces are completely smoke free like you'll get into serious trouble.Like being taken to court serious?Like you'll be fired. Companies can get their business license suspended.That sounds pretty...Yeah, it is a no go, it does just no go.One annoying colleague down, the next one. So this one starts using the office microwave to heat up fish every morning. It makes the whole building smell like cat’s breath. So what would you do?Let's start with the American side.Not naming names, Pam, the microwave is not for heating up fish, Pam. It is for non-offensive odors, Pam.Do you work with a Pam?Everyone works whit a Pam.Would you actually say that or would you leave it like...It would be a note.Okay.The other thing is people...your lunch box in the company fridge might magically disappear.Do you actually label it?If it's a communal fridge, label your food?You should, but I didn't see a label on that fish.Don’t touch my fish. And 安澜?I would get in even earlier and cut the wire that's attached the electricity.So a mild electric shock just to prevent that fish smell?It is a very, very bad smell. I really don't like fish smells.That's okay. I need to keep my distance from you.Who microwaves fish? Fish should not be microwaved.I’ve microwaved fish before, leftover fish, you microwave it.Yeah, but not in an office microwave.I don't know, some people don't mind it, but then we digress coming back.I don't even know if this actually happens in both of your cultures. You stand up to tell your colleagues that you're just popping out for lunch,说我出去吃饭了. Does anyone need anything, you ask politely.你们要不要给你们带点什么 and one colleague had the audacity to actually say to you. Yes. And handed you a list of things that he or she needs, being American.That was a rookie mistake, you offered, American culture, you offer, you are obligated. So you can’t just do a polite offering.No, you don't, because you don't have to offer it at all, like I’m going to go out to get lunch. If I say if I’m going to go out to get lunch, anyone want anything? I'm actually offering to buy them something or not buy them but pick it up for them.So if you actually offered, but just thinking that you wanted to, for example, in the same restaurant you pack me a sandwich, but I actually handed you a list and say, James, can you get me this this this?I’m going to McDonald's and I will buy you a big Mac or a Filet-O-Fish.
5/30/2023 • 10 minutes, 52 seconds
英文小酒馆致力于打造沉浸式英语学习社群,无论是微信社群、有声节目、线上活动和课程,我们都全心全意为爱好英语的你带去一份专属于英语的快乐。关注公号: 【璐璐的英文小酒馆】 查音频节目文稿,了解广阔的世界。跟随我们的脚步,体会英语的温度。Hi, everyone and welcome back to your favorite segment Across the Pond. 欢迎你们回来, 你最喜欢的, 并且一直要求回来的这么一个板块, 叫做【英美大不同】. We have in our studio James. Hi, everyone And 安澜. Hello. I'm going to give them some really awkward questions in like social settings, so that they are going to give their answers as American and British and see if they have any differences in their opinions. I'm sure we do. Are you guys ready?Oh, yes.Why not?The topic we're going to do is work.Pass. Question number one, there's a new guy at work and he asks you, what is the best thing about working for this company or this organization, being British or being American?What would you do?Let's start with James. It really depends on whether you like or not like it. Maybe if you don't like it, it would be like coffee is good. And if you do like it, you're going to be honest like we have great benefits. Boss is super approachable. He's a cool dude. Okay. So if you don't like working there, would you not come out and directly say run? Or you might say something like keep your resume updated. Subtle. And 安澜? I would think about ways I can give my work to that person. That's very sneaky. It is very sneaky, but I’m being honest here I would think it's a new guy. He'll say yes to anything. So let's see how much work of mine I can give him. But would you not tell him exactly what is good about this about working here? Absolutely. I’ll tell him about the workload. Okay. Remind me not to ask you to be the poster child for the company. Probably best not. All right. Question number two, a visitor, this is a visitor at work, goes on your work computer before you've had a chance to clear your internet search history, what is he or she likely to find and also how would you respond, 安澜 first?I was going on YouTube to do some company research and also the news BBC, those things I bought on eBay were completely necessary for my project. Would you feel offended that someone goes on just without your permission?To be honest, a work computer, they would have to have your permission because you have to have passwords and things like that. So probably I would have given permission for them to use my computer and then suddenly thought my God, they're going to find what I bought on eBay and Amazon. OK, and James. I’m going to guess they're system administrator because they got into my computer. Second, I got nothing to hide to work computer. I’m not going to put all that stuff on my work computer. That's what personal computers are for. But are you saying that when you are at work, everything you do on the internet is completely about work. So no eBay, no any of that?Usually at work, yes, on our work computers, yes, because many companies in America track what you do online. Scary. Next question, you have a half-day holiday already booked in. But after working your morning, your boss asks you, if you're all set for the afternoon’s big meeting, what would you do in this situation, James?Yeah, I’m heading up to the car now. See you on Monday. Would that not make you a… I don't know, unfavorable person in the eyes of the boss?No, because he's already approved my time off. So...
5/28/2023 • 10 minutes, 56 seconds
"欢迎来到英文小酒馆的迷你双语板块【Buzzword Mix】-新词特饮,短短几分钟,让不同段位的你掌握最新最地道的英文谈资!关注公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】,获取更多有趣节目内容和文稿哦~" In today's Buzzword Mix, our buzzword is Aigiarism. To talk about that, let's talk about ChatGPT first. Now I'm pretty sure even if you're not into technology at all, you have heard of it. It is one of the most significant language models ever created because it is capable of generating human-like text and can perform a variety of tasks, including translation, summarization, and writing code. 即使你对科技再不感冒, 相信你也听过ChatGPT, 也知道它的功能超级强大, 可以迅速生成大段的以假乱真的文本. While undeniably innovative and exciting, ChatGPT might have a dark side and people are starting to see it. 很多人都觉得ChatGPT很强大很好玩很创新, 也有不少人产生了深深的忧患意识, 这个要说到咱们今天的buzzword.First of all, what does Aigiarism mean, like many of the buzzwords we talked about before, it is a combination of two words. 这个词前半部分就是AI人工智能, 后半部分是Plagiarism. Plagiarism一般被翻译成剽窃或者是抄袭. In simple terms, Aigiarism means plagiarizing using AI, sometimes it's also called AI assisted plagiarism. 说白了就是通过AI技术进行了抄袭和学术剽窃行为. Plagiarism, by definition, is taking someone else’s work and presenting it as your own. When you take free content generated from an AI, it falls into the category of ‘not your work’, and by presenting it as your own, you are committing plagiarism.虽然很多人可能会狡辩说, 我用AI只是用了一个科技去生成文本, 我也没有抄谁的, 但这种把不是你自己创造的内容, 当做是自己的提交上去, 本来就是plagiarism的行为. The word “Aigiarism” exists as a result of AI advancement. Since ChatGPT has made the tour worldwide, people have noticed that they could use it to generate free content for papers, articles, and other written forms. 相信试用过ChatGPT的小伙伴都知道, 比如说你想要写篇文章, 其实你只要告诉他, 你希望这个文章里面是大概写什么的, 它就会自动帮你生成一个文本, 而且还看起来非常像是人写出来的. Therefore Aigiarism is directly committing an offense to academic integrity. 大部分学术界的担心都是它会破坏academic integrity, 一般被翻译成学术诚信, 学术诚信的反面就是academic misconduct, 学术不端. Now with the rise of AI tools like text generators, things have gotten to a more complex level where the line between Aigiarism and original content has become blurred.学术剽窃或者学术查重这些词一直都存在, 但是现在有了AI强有力的工具, 怎么界定Aigiarism就变得很复杂. Because AI generated text can often mimic human writing styles and create articles, essays, and even books that are difficult to distinguish from human written work. 这是因为随着技术的进步, 由AI生成的文本, 比如说ChatGPT它生成的文本就可以很好地模仿真人写作的风格, 让一般人很难去判定这个到底是AI写的还是人写的. And this has led to new moral and legal problems for authors, publishers, and content creators who are trying to protect their intellectual property in a time when AI technology is changing and developing super fast.所以这就也让作者、出版商, 包括像我这样的内容主都面临着如何保护自己的intellectual property知识产权这样的一个问题. These worries are pretty fair because originality and academic integrity are foundational standards, not just in the academic world, but in content creation in general.其实这种忧患并不是空穴来风, 因为不光是学术界, 只要涉及原创内容的出产, 那么originality原创性和academic integrity学术诚信都是基石一样的东西.
5/25/2023 • 9 minutes, 1 second
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~It’s such a nice tale and I especially love the ending part where the police were, they were trying to ask if you need psychological help, because they didn't want you to have a traumatic sort of like live with the trauma of that kind of situation of the emergency situation, as a very moving act I would say. Because I thought the police were just coming to say what did you do, Simon?No, they were really good actually, so they came and they asked more to just double check that I was okay than anything else, but they wanted to hear what had happened. And then also tell me the lady had been was fine, she was okay, she was not too seriously injured, not life threateningly. But I back then in the darkness in that sort of situation, when you have no medical training, you don't really know the extent of her injury, were you scared at all, like she's gonna die on me? Because there's bound to be some time, at least half an hour or so that you had to wait with her in the car, right? Yeah, at that time, I think there was adrenaline, there was a lot of adrenaline going on. Of course, I was worried, but I didn't feel I didn't sort of go, Oh my God, this is no what do I do? I just sort of I think common sense sort of played a role. She's bleeding, okay, I want to stop the bleeding. Going, passing out is not a good thing, okay, I'll keep talking to her and keep her awake. Or she's shivering, I'll make sure the heat is up and give her blankets. So it was really just common sense stuff.I suppose some people are like that, they are extremely calm in these kind of situations that don't freak out because it's like the logical part of the brain is taking control, they compartmentalize so they don't really have the time to feel the emotions. That's what you were saying that delayed shock.Delayed shock, and then once it was done, once I could suddenly breathe and go, okay, she's now in the ambulance, she's now not my responsibility. That's when my brain decided to go on a holiday. And I have no recollection, no memory. Now having told us the story, let me I have a few questions to ask. Was this completely a freak accident that never happened or was it actually a relatively common danger that people have to watch out for the falling boulders? It's not common, it's certainly not common, but it does happen because these roads we don't have cars on them all the time. Boulders or rocks will fall off cliff faces, but usually it they just fall and no one's around, doesn't affect anyone. There are cases where a rock has fallen and it's around a corner, a car comes around the corner and hits the rock. It's not very common, no. Also in New Zealand and I'm sure it's the same in some parts of China where there's a lot of mountainous, mountain roads. They put like a metal mesh over the rock face. Oh, yes. 一个网子 to hold the falling rock.To hold the falling rocks. And so that's pretty common. Now in New Zealand. I see. But if people were to travel to New Zealand for the first time travelers, what kind of dangers especially from nature should people watch out for? I know you don't really have many dangerous animals. Do you have any other risks that people have to watch out for?
5/23/2023 • 10 minutes, 1 second
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~Hi, everyone and welcome back to New Zealand Under the Microscope. Hi, Simon.Hi, Kia Ora. 你好. Nice to see you again.Kia Ora. Now today instead of talking about life in New Zealand in general, I would like to to get Simon to tell us about one of his legendary tales. Simon这个人特别传奇, 有很多传奇的人生故事. Now I understand that once in New Zealand, after you moved back, you saved someone's life.You embarrassed me, Lulu, you embarrassed me.Don't be coy. Let's hear that story. I've heard it before and it's truly, it's legendary.All right. A few years ago, I was having to travel a lot for work. So I have clients that are all over the country and I would do a lot of driving. So every week I was on the road going to different cities thousands of kilometers every month.Now one night I was driving home, it was very late, it was around midnight or 1:00 am. I was driving down a rural road. I live in a city called Napier. I was driving on this road which connected Napier and another city called Taupo. This road, it's a terrible road. It's a very bendy road. There's sort of cliffs on each side, that's forested, very bendy, very dark. There's no houses, there's no people around for about 100 kilometers.Total wilderness basically.Yeah, absolutely. It's quite common for there to be accidents on this road.What type of accidents? I don't imagine there will be lots of cars.It's not a huge number of cars but certainly people regularly travel. If you're from Napier and you need to travel north, so if you need to travel up to Auckland or Hamilton or Tauranga or any of the other main cities in the north island, excluding Wellington, Palmersto North, you have to travel on this road.I see.
5/21/2023 • 10 minutes, 6 seconds
欢迎来到英文小酒馆的迷你双语板块【Buzzword Mix】-新词特饮,短短几分钟,让不同段位的你掌握最新最地道的英文谈资!关注公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】,获取更多有趣节目内容和文稿哦~In today's Buzzword Mix, our buzzword is Desk Bombing.You know the word ‘desk’, now ‘bombing’ sounds pretty scary. 大家都知道‘bomb’是 ‘炸弹’的意思, but Desk Bombing is not a terrorist act. It is actually a term circulating in the workplace context recently. It describes the act of dropping by your co-workers at their desk unannounced.直译为 ‘桌边轰炸’或者 ‘办公桌轰炸的行为’,其实就是指的在办公室工作的状态下, 你的同事并没有提前跟你商量, 就突然来到你的办公桌边跟你说个什么事儿. This act is called Desk Bombing, and people who are doing it are Desk Bombers. 这些人就被直译为‘办公桌炸弹客’.The desk bomber could be allocating work, asking for clarification, checking up on you or simply sharing a juicy piece of gossip. 这些Desk Bomber他们找你说话的目的可能确实是分配工作, 澄清一些工作上的事情, 或者只是找你聊个天八个卦. The reason why this is called Desk Bombing is because they came unannounced, unplanned, they didn't warn you.之所以把它叫做Desk Bombing是指的他们并没有事先跟你约好.Some workers prefer dropping by your desk over sending emails to a colleague, especially if they're also in the same room, others hate the interruption to their workflow. 关于Desk Bombing到底好还是不好, 就见仁见智了. 有的人就觉得说, 咱们都已经在同一个房间了, 比起send邮件面对面直说更方便; 也有些人就觉得你入侵了我的私人空间, 打断了我整个工作的流程. And these type of people they would think how dare they talk to me, invade my space. Now we've just been through 3 years of Covid, people got used to the idea of working and studying at home. When you're working and studying at home, it gives you the opportunity to present an idealized version of yourself, protected by the barrier of the screen.疫情三年, 很多人都习惯了居家办公居家学习. 因为在居家办公的状态, 你向你的同事可以呈现一个比较理想化的状态, 那些不理想的部分你可以不让他看到. For example, when you get a call, you can decline. You can change your status to ‘busy’. When a task needs uninterrupted concentration, 你可以更多的自己有掌控力. You become adjusted to hammering out tasks without distractions or needing to engage in small talk. 特别是那种不喜欢small talk闲聊的人, 居家办公可以说帮你规避了所有的这些. But now we're back in the office or at least mostly back in the office to readjust to working in the office, desk bombing starts to become an issue. So how do people feel about it?Now here I'm gonna share with you some interesting opinions and perspectives that I got from an online interview. 这里就跟大家分享一个网上的采访和调研得出来的对于Desk Bombing的几种观点. Person A has been a hybrid worker for the past 7 years. 我们之前也说过, hybrid worker就是一半在家, 一半在办公室这样的一个混合型办公. It's actually very popular around the world in the post pandemic context. He says one of my pet hates is Desk Bombing. He doesn't like it.The days I got to work from home were so productive. I feel the lack of desk bombing on those days is the reason why.A就说我居家办公的时候效率特别高, 主要就是因为没有人会Desk Bomb我. He adds, since remote working has become far more commonplace. The remote equivalent-sudden, unexpected video calls- can be similar, but I feel you have a lot more control over these. 虽然说你在远程居家办公的时候, 也可能会有人突然给你打个视频, 但是在这个情况下, 你是可以有权利拒绝的, 至少你会有更多的控制力.
5/18/2023 • 9 minutes, 7 seconds
搜索公号: 【璐璐的英文小酒馆】 查音频节目文稿,了解广阔的世界。跟随我们的脚步,体会英语的温度!The next part is the big part really, this is called the Investiture. Investiture我查了一下叫做授职. Based on the Chinese I can only imagine this is basically giving the King the power. That's right. The King was presented with the Coronation regalia. What are the regalia?The regalia are all of the jewels and the gold. For example, you have the orb. Orb不是一个球吗?Yes, it’s basically a round golden ball with a cross on top, and that symbolizes the Christian world. Then he gets the sceptre, and that represents kingly power and justice. Sceptre我在打游戏的时候学到这个词, 就是权杖. And the scepter is pretty amazing because it does actually have the world's largest diamond at the top of it.Oh, the bling-bling.And finally the big moment, the St Edward’s Crown.This is the crowning就是加冕了.Yes. St Edward’s Crown was placed on the King's head and you probably saw that it was quite difficult. That's because it weighs 2kg. 2kg is nothing. He is in his 70s. I was imagining something like 5 or 10kg. No, it's about 2kg but still would you really place 2kg on the head of someone in their 70s?Especially considering that he's already holding an orb and scepter and wearing lots of ceremonial clothing. And consider that he has to probably keep wearing that for a good half an hour. The St Edward’s Crown actually dates back to the 17th century. It's not actually the crown that's used every day. That's another crown. There’s an everyday crown? but I mean...Yeah, it's... when I say everyday crown, I don't mean that he wears the crown when he has a bath. You mean like normal, regular ceremonial crown, but this is a special Coronation crow. This is probably the only time he will ever wear the St Edward’s Crown. I see. So I have a question. Obviously the one who's putting the crown on the King's head is also Archbishop of Canterbury. Yes.I've read it somewhere that when the King is stepping up to his throne, he's helped by all these religious figures. Oh yes, that's partly symbolic, but also partly is...Because he's elder...Also because everything he's carrying is really heavy. Yeah, but when Queen Elizabeth, when... during her Coronation, she was very young. But she was still helped. They're not gonna like body builders or anything like that. You can see that they're basically they're carrying things that probably weigh about a good 10kg if not more. And they have the long... the gown the tunic. They have the gowns and they have the cloaks. So it does get rather difficult, and let's face it, would you really want to drop something at that time?You don't wanna trip over your tunic.Exactly. Remember, this is being watched by millions of people. So was that the end of the ceremony?Nope. Then it came to the enthronement. Now this is when originally the lords and nobles would swear loyalty to the King. And when Queen Elizabeth became the Queen, this lasted for hours because every single noble had to go, kiss the Queen and swear loyalty. Kiss the hand I'm assuming.Also the cheek.Okay.
5/16/2023 • 10 minutes, 1 second
搜索公号: 【璐璐的英文小酒馆】 查音频节目文稿,了解广阔的世界。跟随我们的脚步,体会英语的温度。Hi everyone, and welcome back to Britain Under the Microscope. 欢迎回来《闲话英伦》. Hi, 安澜. Hi, Lulu, hi, everyone. Recently, there was a big event in the UK right? You've got a new King finally, after what... 70 years?We've actually had a new King since September, but this time he got a nice, shiny hat. Okay, so the Coronation of the new King加冕礼. You mentioned you've technically got a new King in September, does that mean officially or legally as soon as the Queen died that automatically made Charles the King?Yes. There's no period in Britain where we don't have a King or Queen. It happens automatically. 所以英国的君主制, 君主立宪制是君主一直有在位的, 一个君主去世之后, 马上就是自动下一个继承人就会... who's after Charles?That would be William. And then it would be Charles his grandson, George. I see.If we still have a King or Queen at that time. That's a whole different story. We're not gonna discuss how British people generally feel about having a King or a Queen. But first of all, this all happened 6th May, right?It was a Saturday. It was Saturday the 6th of May King Charles III was crowned at Westminster Abbey. I remember you telling me that you got a holiday.I did get a holiday, we got Monday off. Because of the Coronation. Because of the Coronation. I see, I read a little bit about it, I didn't watch it. But this whole thing seemed to be really complex. So I was hoping that you can walk us through the entire Coronation ceremony. It is very complex. I watched the Coronation from start to finish. It is a very complicated ceremony because the ceremony hasn't changed much in almost 1,000 years, and also it’s mainly a religious ceremony. That's actually my next question. It doesn't look like, for example, president being sworn in. It's not that kind of political or administrative procedures. A lot of it is highly ritualistic, 就是高度仪式化. 这种特别花里胡哨if you forgive my language, it's very elaborate. It is, let’s say it is a religious ceremony. And it’s also important to know it’s a celebration. Because as you mentioned before, Charles became King in September when the Queen died. It was not really the time for celebration. That's why there's always a gap between the King becoming the King and a Coronation. Because the country had to mourn the loss of their previous King or Queen. Now walk us through the ceremony, I've heard there were five parts.There were five main parts, before we start, it's important to note that this is actually a simple version of the Coronation. What is the long version?The long version is what happened 70 years ago when Queen Elizabeth... Yeah, and that lasted for quite a long time. This one was actually quite short. The Queen's ceremony was actually televised as well, was put on real time TV. That's right, for the first time ever. This is actually something that's a bit more meaningful for me because the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II was actually the first memory of my mom and dad. When your mom and dad were very, very little. They were only about 2 or 3 years old at that time, and they still remember my grandmother actually bought television for this. I bet she was not the only one. This is actually what made television very popular in the UK. You really do like your monarch. Okay, so walk us through the ceremony, five parts.Alright, so first of all, it’s the Recognition. Recognition本意认可的意思, is it just like people recognize him as the rightful King?
5/14/2023 • 10 minutes, 4 seconds
《安澜的晚安故事》 -劫富济贫的“悍匪”,是全英最受爱戴的英雄之一 ?
全新版块上线!来酒馆听安澜为你讲述英国及世界的传奇晚安故事~关注公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】,获取更多最新资讯文稿!In all of England, there was no one better with a bow and arrow than Robin Hood. Robin Hood lived with his band of Merry Men in Sherwood Forest. That forest was the King's woods where King John kept his royal deer for hunting.A few years before, King Richard had ruled the land. This King was kind and let the poor come into Sherwood Forest to hunt the deer to feed their families. But the time had come for King Richard and his army to leave England. And then King John became the king when Richard did not return. "Bad King John," as this king would become known by, did not want anyone to come into Sherwood Forest. John wanted all the deer for himself so that he could hunt whenever he wanted. From then on, he declared that anyone seen hunting in Sherwood Forest would be arrested and thrown into prison.Robin Hood did not like that. He moved into Sherwood Forest and dressed in green so that he could hunt whenever he wanted. Other brave men came into Sherwood Forest, too. One by one they joined Robin Hood and became his band of Merry Men.Robin Hood and his Merry Men would hide when rich nobles passed through the woods. Then all at once, they would jump out and rob those rich men. Then he would give their money to the poor starving people.But you can imagine that the rich men who were robbed were not happy! They told Bad King John what was going on in Sherwood Forest. "Something must be done!" they shouted at the King. The King put the Sheriff of Nottingham in charge of Sherwood Forest. It would be his job to catch Robin Hood and throw him into prison! But Robin Hood was too quick and clever. His Merry Men would warn him each time they saw the Sheriff of Nottingham or one of his guards in the woods, and Robin Hood would escape or hide.So the Sheriff came up with a new plan. “I will arrange a great contest,” he said, “to find out who is the best archer in England. The winner will go home with a Golden Arrow.”The Sheriff then said in a low voice, “If I know Robin Hood, he will not be able to stay away from such a contest. And when he comes, we will catch him!”
5/11/2023 • 6 minutes, 28 seconds
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~Welcome back to Geek Time advanced, we're talking about Otaku culture. Welcome Lulu.Hi, Brad.So I've got a question for you. Have you ever heard of something called Dakimakura?Dakimakura, you're talking about the body pillow?Dakimakura就是那种怎么说呢?动漫形象设计的那种一人高的抱枕, 人形抱枕, 或者说有你动漫人物的抱枕. Yeah, don't tell me you have one.I did buy two and I was going to give them to a friend as a joke, that I was gonna let him choose which one he wanted.It didn't really ever plan out, but like, it's one of those things that it's not something you really think a lot of when it comes to Otaku culture, but it is one of those things that does come up to the surface every now and then, you'll see things in the news or something like that.But think having a Dakimakura like a human sized body pillow, the girls are often scantily clad. Some people have…Scantily dressed, yeah?Some people have their own Dakimakura harem.Harem? So they will have a lot of different Dakimakura?Yeah, they have like several.You said scantily clad girls, but actually there are also some very popular male version. I wouldn't say no to a very handsome anime character Dakimakura. Why not?I think most people probably don't really take it that seriously, for them, even if you’re an Otaku, it’s just kind of like a collection. It's sort of like paraphernalias, 像周边产品的这种感觉. But some people are very serious, right?I've heard some people married their Dakimakura?There's been a few marriages where people have married their Dakimakura or they've married their video game character. This has been in like South Korea and Japan. Yeah, it may have been in other places as well, but that's just like the two places that I've actually heard of something like that happening.But so far, including the basic episode, we were mostly focusing on Anime Manga and we're mostly focusing on you're into a specific character because she is cute or he's handsome, but it, Otaku, you said it can be about any hobby, right?There are car Otaku, just about anything can have like an Otaku, train Otaku, Densha Otaku. But one of the most interesting one is military Otaku.So if you're into all these military fad toys and also weapons maybe?Yeah, they'll do cosplay just like anime cosplay.So they'll get like military uniforms, and I've actually walked down one of the streets here and seemed like a shop that had like military uniforms and I was just like. What? It's like almost cosplay stuff and replica guns or weapons. They have something called air soft, and air soft is kind of like a pellet gun.软气枪. It can hurt somewhat. It's not dangerous or anything.No, as long as you use them properly, they're perfectly safe. But if you shot someone up close and using one of the more high powered ones and they didn't have any protection, you could break the skin, but other than that, they are usually safe and they're not gonna hurt you.They use air soft guns and they have reenactments. This is something similar to the US. In the US there are people who do Civil War reenactments where they actually they play characters from history or they just have like skirmishes or something like that.So basically this is just sort of like reenactment, and people just get into characters, I guess they would perhaps role play a specific historical battle or they might just create a futuristic battle which sounds a bit dark if you do a futuristic war scene.They just do whatever they want to do. They might do like what if scenarios like, what if this side won or what if that side won, and so they might... but they don't just reenact the battle. They like reenact everything that goes along with it.I remember one day I was doing some laundry at a coin laundry shop. Three guys walked in and like their whole military get ups and I was like what is going on? They take off their get ups to throw in the washing machines because they just came back from doing like one of their reenactments. I was just like, OK
5/7/2023 • 12 minutes, 31 seconds
关注公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】,领取全文稿,了解更多有趣的英语资讯~Hi, everyone. And welcome back to Geek Time. 欢迎回来【极客时间】. Hi, Brad.Hey, Lulu.So I thought in the previous few episodes in this segment, we were talking about these big tech trends like Crypto or Chat GPT, but can I propose a more lighthearted topic that is really core to the geekdom really?Sounds good to me.You know what I'm talking about because... and also you are living in Japan. So I think you're more than familiar with this word that I'm going to say, which is Otaku 宅.So in Chinese we say 宅, in Japanese Otaku, like ‘taku’ is 宅, ‘o’ is just an honorific like御宅族,如果你要翻译的话, I thought we dedicate two episodes to this particular topic.Mhm.I'm sure you have a lot to say, but first thing first, how would you describe the Japanese idea of Otaku.The easiest way to describe Otaku is someone who puts like all of their energy into something that they really like. A lot of people look at it as like an Anime Otaku or a Manga Otaku, but it's not just those things.It could be a lot of different things that are like Otaku. But that's basically how you would describe it.Oh so basically Otaku has nothing to do with stay indoors outdoors, it’s more like an extreme enthusiast of a special hobby.The idea of Otaku is not that you stay at home, but you feel at home when you're doing your hobby.Oh, that's why they say Otaku. 这里要跟大家特别的解释一下, because in Chinese we say宅男宅女, usually it just means shutting type, kind of don't want to socialize with other people, but the original meaning of Otaku has nothing to do with social skills.No.It's more like a die hard fan of something, right?In Japan, someone who stays indoors is called a Hikikomori, which is like someone who stays at home, but like Otaku is just someone who feels at home in their hobby.所以Hikikomori在日语里面被翻译成中文叫做蛰居族, 就是像冬眠一样, 在家里就是那种完全丧失社会能力的 you know like people who drop out of school and this withdrawal completely from society.That is a hugely negative term, but Otaku is really not or it's becoming less negative. What would you say in Japan? Do you think Otaku, when people say Otaku is it still negative? positive? What about in English?In Japan Otaku is still somewhat considered negative, but it's becoming less so, it's more people are considered to be Otaku nowadays is becoming a more regular thing, so it's less negative, especially with like a lot of foreigners who consider themselves to be Otaku coming to Japan. I think people have started to look at it a little bit less negatively, but also like in America, being an Otaku has always kind of been like a badge of honor.When people started using the word in the US, people started to say “yes I am, and I'm proud of it.”It's like we talked about this before, right. It's like wearing the word Geek as a badge of honor, it's a sense of belonging.All Right.Like when you look at Otaku in the US, in the 80s was... when 80s, 90s, when Sailor Moon and Macross start coming to the US, that's when the Otaku culture in the US started to bloom, very similar to in Japan as well like that's when kind of like in the 80s.Sailor moon and Macross, I've checked中文叫做《超时空要塞》. But then again, I'm too young to know these words.I kind of grew up with the American version of Macross. We called it Robotech, but it was almost the same thing.But that's the thing, right, I mean most people when they think of Otaku, if they are not really familiar with this group or this type of culture, first they think is Manga Anime. 首先还是想到动漫,对吧。Yeah, like most people when they think of Otaku, the first thing they go to is Manga or Anime people who just get into those things, because I think in Japan those are like the two big groups. You have like people who make their own Manga like Doujinshi. They meet up at…同人志.Yeah. They have comic meet ups where they sell or pedal theirs or trade theirs to other people. There's some like Otaku groups, we’ll kind of get into that a little bit more later, but groups of people.
5/4/2023 • 13 minutes, 27 seconds
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~Hello, everyone and welcome back to America Under the Microscope, advanced episode.Hi, lulu, hi, everyone.Hi James.So let's go on and continue our talk about vacationing and traveling that we were previously covering.I have a question.YeahBecause when we were wrapping up last time, you were talking about how you traveling is more seen as family event, because if you're just single or if you just got married, you probably don't have a lot of money to travel. And you probably will spend the time working. I have a question then do people generally see traveling as a must or luxury because in Europe, I kind of got the feeling like in the UK and also in, let's say Southern European countries, going on vacation is like their right, every summer they have to do it. It would be pretty awkward, it would be pretty weird if you don't go on a vacation.But what about in America, do people see it as a must or luxury?No, that's completely different. Americans definitely see it as a luxury not a must, not a right. Because for one, a lot of Americans don't really like the idea of something being a must. It goes against like our freedom to choose. But also a lot of Americans they have to work pretty hard to have the life that they want to have. And that means sacrifice since traveling is a pretty big expense that is one of the things that gets sacrificed.It's not unusual to come across Americans who don't travel much or can't travel because they have other things that they need to pay for. They have to feed their kids and other stuff, so it's very much a luxury.Yeah. I think this is why in movies and TV shows it's very common to see the sort of like when an older couple when they both retired, they're like now we can finally travel.Yeah, because they don't have to worry about their kids. Their kids are all grown up. They don't have other responsibilities. So it is usual for retirees to travel a bit more, they have the freedom to do so.So if it's a luxury then do people show off their vacations like to your colleagues?Oh, yeah. Like it's not unusual to... this was almost like we just got back from the Bahamas. Here's a picture of my husband's swimming in the beach. Here's a picture of ...we got really bad.... sun brings addiction, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. It goes on and on. So it's absolutely sometimes Americans will talk about and show off about.So you just talked about going to the beach at beach resorts. But sometimes you see in America, people travel not by the usual methods they would have like an RV.Yes, right.A recreational vehicle like 房车. Is that very common, those are expensive, aren't they? They’re very expensive?From my part of the country they're extremely common whether it's the full RV camper or if it's just a camper trailer which you connect to the back of a truck, those are extremely common for upper middle class, suburban or more rural Americans because they want to travel and see nature but they want the comforts of home.I see, and people buy those right, they don't rent RV.Oh, you can rent them, but for the most part people buy them, like a big RV it's about the same price as a house, camper vans are...they're not cheap, a camper van again it’s gonna be $100,000 expense to buy and then you have to maintain them.A camper van. It's just like a smaller version of RV?Yes, so we think of it as the smaller version of it.So when American thinks of an RV think of bus size it's the size of a bus.I see.When we think of camper vans they're much smaller. Like in china I've seen camper vans in china, I can see it's becoming more and more popular to rent one and go on in the countryside and stuff. But I've never seen an RV here, not one.Because they're hugely expensive. I think they cost millions.And they're just hugely huge. They would have a difficult time going on a lot of roads in china.And also in China, we just don't have the infrastructure for RVs like where are you
4/27/2023 • 12 minutes, 57 seconds
关注公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】获得全文稿哦~Hi, everyone. And welcome back to America Under the Microscope. 欢迎回来【闲话美国】. Hi, James. Hi, Lulu. Hi, everyone. Has been a long time. I know. Yeah. I think we've managed to cover a lot of the topics already. So do you have any topic suggestions?I was thinking that since we have finally reopened the country and we can go places, we should probably talk about vacation and traveling. Yes. Actually that's a great idea. Now the other day you, me and 安澜, we were talking about... in Across the Pond where we're talking about what we would do if we're traveling to other places in the world. So I thought maybe it would be a good idea to talk about how typical Americans travel, or how they see this idea of traveling, vacationing. That sounds great. We should definitely talk about that. But first things first, can I ask you, I mean, this has been confusing me for ages. So the idea of holiday and vacation都可以有假日的意思. But if you say you go on holiday and go on vacation, first of all, do you guys use that?And if so, are they the same?So this is where it gets a little confusing because Americans would never say I'm going on holiday. It's not an Americanism. We would say I'm going on vacation or I'm going to take a vacation or I have a vacation, these are... we are more likely to use this word ‘vacation’. To an American holiday is Christmas, Thanksgiving. I see, so it's more like this is a public holiday that sort of idea. It's not about you going anywhere. No, because there's like we have a holiday this week, what are you gonna do?Stay home. I see. I see. So now let's talk about vacations. First of all, how long when people say they're going on a vacation?What is the average time they would spend on a vacation. A week.? 2 weeks? I wish it was that long. But sadly, not. Most Americans when they go on a vacation, we think of it more like they're taking a long weekend, so like 3 or 4 days. Because paid holiday... there's not a lot of paid holiday or paid break. Just out of curiosity, you said there's not a lot of paid holidays. So annual leave, the paid annual leave for average American workers. How long is that?It really varies from company to company, but it averages out to 2 or 3 weeks, a year.
4/25/2023 • 9 minutes, 7 seconds
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~ Hi, everyone and welcome back to Britain under the Microscope. 欢迎回来【闲话英伦】on the topic of 鸡娃 second episode, brought to you by学霸安澜and学渣Lulu. Lulu, there's no way that you are 学渣. Compared to you. I have to say 安澜 is one of those students like别人家里的孩子那种 so always very driven, always very geared on. Very good grades, always getting good grades. All right, I was a bit of a nerd. Yes. I still am so…Okay. So coming back to the topic of 鸡娃, I'm sure your parents didn't have to use that on you. But you notice that in China when people talk about education especially primary secondary education, you hear a lot of these classes, although now there are policies banning them, but this whole cram schools and then tutorial这种补课或者什么培优什么这些乱七八糟的这些东西. Are there similar things in the UK?Yes, I would say you can pay for tutor, it’s relatively common. But generally, it's… if you can afford it, first of all, it's seen as a bit of a luxury. And also it's more around if you're falling behind in your studies, then you might consider getting a tutor. 所以是补差的那种. What about you?You wanna go ahead, you wanna charge ahead to be better than other people.Well, to be perfectly honest, I would say for many people, they don't think in those terms. Because you have to ultimately think what is the purpose of the education is to pass the test. So if it's a case of being the top 1% in the class or whatever, I don't think that really does apply so much in the UK. Obviously there may be a lot of people that do think in those terms; but for a lot of the English people that I know, they don't think in those terms, they just say, okay, you got good grades, you can do this to improve. And that’s it. There's none of this fixation about you gotta be the top in the class because from our perspective, what's the point in being the top of the class?Because I think it's the whole idea in China we have the college entrance exam, right?高考, because everyone's gonna take that. That's why being the top one or 0.1 percentile is the most important thing because一分干倒一大片的that's the sort of philosophy. But in the UK yeah, you can be top of the class, you can get very good grades, but you are applying ultimately for the universities that you like and you can apply for multiple universities, so can your classmates. So it's not everyone is on that specific path to compete in a specific...I would say that is the thing I have noticed about China is that for a huge population of students, they're focused on a very limited number of places, a very limited number of courses, which we don't really have in the UK, even for Oxford and Cambridge. Some people really want to get into Oxford and Cambridge. Other people don't really want to go into Oxford and Cambridge. They want to go to another university that they prefer. OK, you do have some very good universities in the UK, but let's be honest here, let's be brutally honest, going to Oxbridge is still very difficult and we talked about that in... it’s very competitive. Of course it is, that's why I failed the interview. Yeah, we still remember that, but that's because you didn't really prepare, actually you know what, you can hire a special tutor or a special agency to help you prepare for Oxbridge interviews. 就是你想进牛剑的话, 是有那种专门的不是辅导班就是mock interview.
4/23/2023 • 15 minutes, 23 seconds
关注公众号和同名视频号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】,了解更多好文和资讯!Hi, everyone and welcome back to Britain Under the Microscope. 欢迎回来《闲话英伦》. Hi, 安澜.Hi, Lulu. Hi, everyone. Can I propose a topic actually? Yeah, of course. Alan, you speak very good Chinese. Have you ever heard of the idea of 鸡娃? Yes...You don't sound very sure. I've heard of it, but it's one of those concepts that I don't think really translates into English. So if you're gonna ask me for an English translation of 鸡娃, then I probably would struggle a little bit. It's basically like motivate your kids but like, forcefully. Forcefully motivates your children. Okay. I'm not sure that's the particularly good translation, but I think that pretty much is what it is, isn't it? I would say probably if we have to really translate it, I would go with the idea of a tiger mom.Tiger mom, the sort of Asian parenting, is that not the stereotype? It is a bit of a stereotype, but to be honest, I've lived in the UK and I've lived in China for quite some time now. I think that's a stereotype that is quite accurate in many cases. But the thing is the whole Asian parents, especially Chinese parents, put a lot of effort, put a lot of emphasis on their kids, that kind of leads to somewhat of a misunderstanding. Sometimes our listeners would ask us, do English parents not care about their kids education, just let them run around wild?I know. I have heard some of our fans and also some of my friends have said what does this mean? Does this mean that British parents don't care about their children, is that...? No, it's a completely different mindset. I tell you why I would like to talk about this whole鸡娃 or parents attitude towards education in the UK, because last time I went back to the UK I was with some friends, and one of them has got a school age child whose... I say school age, this kid is about to go to college and start all that. And then you could see when family friends, when they are visiting when if they have a kid of similar age or slightly older, that's what they're gonna talk about. They're not gonna talk about holiday la, la, la. No, they're gonna talk about kids education, university application. Do you have extra credits? Do you have all of that? Of course. That's the same for my family as well because from the sounds of it, my niece is the same age as your friend's child. And we constantly talk about university, we constantly talk about school. But it's from a very different standpoint. It's not that we don't care. I would say it's that we worry about slightly different things. And in today's episode we're gonna explore that a little bit.Yes.But let's have the general tone is parents are parents no matter which culture which country they're from or they're in, they care about their kids education. Of course, and probably a bit of disclaimer as well. Now I don't have any children and I know that you don't have any children, Lulu. So we're not experts, we're not gonna tell you how to raise your child. If you wanna listen to that, there's millions of those podcast all over the world in English and Chinese and Swahili. Every single language has those podcast has those videos. But what we're doing today is just giving you a little bit of our own personal opinion because we been in education for a number of years now.And also being in the two cultures that we can somewhat compare what we have seen and observed. First of all, let's talk a little bit about secondary education system, 就是整个中学的学制.In England, it's a bit different, so for us is very straightforward. We have primary education which is age 6-12 and then 12-15, it’s junior middle school 初中, and then 15-18 is senior, the high school, and then university. In the UK it's not so.It's a little bit different. Partly because England and Wales they have a different education system than Scotland, for example. But just to give you the quick lowdown, you have primary school which is 6-11 or 12, then you have secondary school which
4/20/2023 • 14 minutes, 27 seconds
片头活动,咨询小助手微信【luluxjg】Your first hunt or your first kill actually, how did you feel about it? Because I know for some people, they probably would feel a little bit strange or a little bit, I don't know, uneasy on their first hunt or first kill. I remember my first hunt, first kill very well. So I was staying at my friend's property. He has a cabin which is in the bush surrounded by forest. We would leave, get up in the morning around 4, 3:30 in the morning, 4 o'clock in the morning. We would go hunting early morning. So got up, had some breakfast, made a cup of tea and then I went... and all the way through preparing. He was saying to me, Simon, don't get over excited. The chances are you will not see a deer. You probably won't even see a deer this morning. If you do, the chances are you'll probably miss it. This is the first time you're hunting. So please just moderate your expectations. Don't be disappointed. Don't get overly excited. He kept telling me this over and over again. Anyway, I had breakfast and I sat on the steps outside the cabin and I was putting on my boots. I had the rifle right next to me. And then suddenly this deer walked out of the bush directly opposite me, right in front of me. And it just sort of stood there right in front of me. Ready to be shot. Ready to be shot. And I pick up the rifle put in the bullet and I hit the bolt, aimed, and I pulled the trigger, BANG! The deer fell down, just straight down. Anyway, my friend heard the gun go off and he came running outside wondering what was going on. And he saw me standing over the deer. And he, he was surprised but then he was also a little bit pissed off because it was one of the deers that he'd been taming for a while. So it was almost like a pet deer. I think that's sad, because obviously that's why the deer came close to you because the deer probably thought friends. But you like, prey. To answer your question, how did I feel afterwards? I felt pretty depressed, really, I felt pretty sad. I killed this animal. I knew academically, I knew these are pests. They destroy New Zealand plant life, they destroy habitats for birds and animals. But they are also Bambi and Bambi's mom. They are, but they create massive devastation, destroy the ecosystem. So there's two sides to it. True.The other thing is we don't hunt for fun, purely for fun if we are going hunting.Yeah, exactly. That's the question I'm gonna ask you if you're not hunting for fun or just for blowing off some steams. Then what do you do with the animals? Do you actually eat the animals that you hunt like a real sort of hunter? Different animals are obviously slightly different in use. Possums, they would have their fur plucked, so you would kill the possum and you take its fur. Pelt.It could be the pelt which could then be used and for example, leather jacket or some other clothing or it could just be the fur which you pluck out the fur. And then that can be then made into clothing fur. Possum fur is quite expensive now. There's a lot of clothing which they do possum fur and sheep wool blends which is really nice. I see. What about deer?For deer for goats, it's usually the meat. So after hunting we would then take the meat. One deer could feed myself and my wife for a couple of months. It's quite a bit of...Yes, you have those big freezers, you mentioned last time that you can just put the deer in. Correct, a chest freezer, big freezes. We've got one at the moment and it is filled with them, with meat. You know, swinging between... a pendulum, between ‘Bambi, don't you shoot Bambi and Bambi's mom,’ but venison, deer meat is yummy. It is good. And then of course, some people will take pelts and some people will take the antlers, deer antlers, quite popular.
4/16/2023 • 10 minutes, 45 seconds
"英文小酒馆致力于打造沉浸式英语学习社群,无论是微信社群、有声节目、线上活动和课程,我们都全心全意为爱好英语的你带去一份专属于英语的快乐。微信公众号: 【璐璐的英文小酒馆】 查音频节目文稿,了解广阔的世界。跟随我们的脚步,体会英语的温度。" Hi, everyone and welcome to your favorite segment Global Village. 欢迎回来《小酒馆·大世界》. Today in our studio we have our old friend Simon from New Zealand. Hi, Simon. Kia Ora. 你好. Kia Ora, Kia Ora. So I remember last time when we were doing the recording, you mentioned something about hunting, apparently you hunt now?Yeah. That is right Lulu. Since returning to New Zealand 10 years ago, 11years ago, I have taken up hunting.Okay. So I thought that would be a very interesting albeit quite foreign concept to a lot of our listeners. I thought let's explore that topic. Topic of hunting. Yes.First of all, and forgive me for being completely ignorant in this aspect. First of all, is it legal to hunt in New Zealand? Like, for example, are people allowed to have guns, weapons? Yeah, so in New Zealand, it is legal to have guns, although you need to get a firearms license, unlike the States where it seems that everyone has 27 guns; in New Zealand, you have to go through training. You've got to go through quite a significant police background check, mental health check, before you're able to get your firearms license. Without a firearms license, you can't buy a gun, you can't take ownership of a gun, you can't buy ammunition or anything related to guns. Okay. I assume you also need to register. That's correct. You have to register the firearms. You've got to have a gun safe in your property which has to be approved by the government. And the police will regularly come to your house and ask to see the gun safe and the gun... and make sure everything is stored properly. Okay, it's technically illegal for example, for me to say, Simon, you're my friend, can you lend me your gun? You cannot do that. That's correct. Although if you said Simon, let's go hunting together. As long as one of us has a firearms license, we can go hunting with someone does not have a firearms license. However, if you do something bad, if you start firing the gun up at the air at passing planes, then it's the person who has the firearms license that you're with that will be in trouble. I see. So whoever owns the gun holds that responsibility. That's correct. But I'm assuming you also have restrictions on what kind of firearms you are allowed to own. You're not allowed handguns. No. Pistols, that sort of thing. So in certain situations, people can apply for a license for a handgun. But it's very uncommon and it's highly regulated, also semiautomatic and automatic rifles just are totally illegal. A few years ago, we had a shooting event in Christchurch. The terrorist opened fire at a mosque and killed a number of people. And I think the next day our Prime Minister basically outlawed automatic and semi automatic rifles. 就是自动和半自动步枪. But I'm assuming with hunting, you just use regular rifles? 普通的步枪That's correct. So, sort of a bolt, a bolt action rifle, so it'll be one shot, bang, and then you have to ... reload, use the bolt and reload, and then the next shot.
4/13/2023 • 10 minutes, 17 seconds
欢迎来到英文小酒馆的迷你双语板块【Buzzword Mix】-新词特饮,短短几分钟,让不同段位的你掌握最新最地道的英文谈资!关注公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】,获取更多有趣节目内容和文稿哦~In today's Buzzword Mix, our buzzword is Stan. Sounds like a name, doesn't it?Well, it is, and it isn't. But it is related to fandom. 所以今天的Buzzword, 咱们就来聊聊和饭圈文化有关的词Stan. The term “stan” comes from the song of the same name on Eminem’s 2000 album, 要说这个词是怎么来的, 这就可以追溯到2000年, 当时事业如日中天的Eminem姆爷出的新专辑里有一首歌就叫做Stan. The song tells the story of an obsessed fan named Stan, who writes multiple letters to Eminem. Eventually, Stan’s obsession spirals out of control, and he becomes violent.这首歌讲的就是一个Eminem的狂热粉丝, 叫做Stan. 他不断的给姆爷写信, 表达他有多么的崇拜他, 但这些信因为得不到回应, 逐渐stand就变得更加疯狂, 而且更加的暴力.It is a pretty dark song. And we don't know where Eminem got the name stan or if the song was truly based on a real person.不过有不少人猜测, 之所以Eminem会把这个狂热粉丝的名字取作Stan, 是因为Stan是stalker跟踪狂和fan粉丝的合成词. Several years after the song's release, the term was picked up by early internet forums to refer to obsessive ardent fans. 随后的几年, 网上一些论坛就开始用Stan来指代那些疯狂迷恋某一个明星的粉丝. Since then, it’s evolved into a catchall term for self-identified online fans of all types of media personalities and artists.不过后来这个词在英语的饭圈也经常会被使用, 甚至有很多人会自称Stan. An urban dictionary entry describing stan for intense fandom was added in 2006. 网上的俚语词典, urban dictionary 2006年就加入了Stan词条, and one of the first tweets using stan as a verb for greatly liking someone came in 2008. 随后 Stan就不只是一个名词了. 再有人发推的时候就把stan作为一个动词来表示狂热的迷恋某一位明星.Over the years, “stan” has morphed into a go-to slang term for diehard fans and was added to the Oxford English Dictionary in 2017.随后作为狂热粉丝这个意思的Stan就留存下来, 并且在2017年被收录到牛津词典.Along with the development of the language, a movement called “stan culture” has also appeared. 随之而来的不光是词汇的变迁, 还包括叫stan culture的, 你可以把它理解成狂热饭圈文化. This particular slang term spread online in the late 2000s and early 2010s withstands of different fandoms arguing for the superiority of their interests. In 2010, the website stan wars launched because of these online arguments. 因为stan culture的大流行, 在2010年出现了这样的一个网站, 就叫Stan Wars, 你可以把它理解为饭圈大战, so that people from different fandoms can fight and argue with each other. 基本上类似于那种什么 “我家哥哥比你们家的好” 那种争论. So in English they're called stans or diehard fans. And interestingly, in Korean, there is an equivalent. 在韩语里有一个相对应的词叫做sasaeng. 听起来是不是有点耳熟?其实就是私生饭, 而中文里的私生饭就是从韩语里借过来的. They're basically described as these stans or diehard fans that are driven by their obsession to commit borderline criminal acts in order to gain attention from celebrities. Now if you don't know anything about fandom, you might wonder what do stans do, how are they different from regular fans?如果你一点都不懂饭圈文化, 可能你会觉得说喜欢一个人我不就是他的粉丝吗?这些所谓的stan和一般的粉丝有什么区别呢? Stans are often able to organize and create large-scale movements that have an impact on social media. So for example, they might be actively streaming or purchasing new songs so that they will rank higher on music charts. 比如他们会短期刷量, 帮助他们家idol的新专辑打榜;Regularly posting or tweeting about their favorite artist to raise awareness.Creating and popularizing various hashtags, trends, memes.不断的刷热搜;Participating in stan wars. 和其他爱豆的粉丝进行饭圈大战;Defending their fave artist during any potential scandals.在ta们的爱豆塌房或者疑似塌房的时候, 站出来力挺爱豆; Stan's have had a profound effect on overall internet culture. And in both English and Chinese, they've even formed their own language called stan language.
4/11/2023 • 9 minutes, 2 seconds
4/9/2023 • 10 minutes, 56 seconds
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~Hi, everyone. And welcome back to your favorite segment Across the Pond. 欢迎回来你 们最喜欢的【英美大不同】. Hi, James. Hi, lulu, hi, everyone. Hi安澜. Hello.You just remind me of like a groundhog or like a mole person. Thank you. OK, we digress. So for those of you who are not familiar with this segment, we invite James and 安澜, James from America and安澜from the UK, we are going to do a comparison in how they are dealing with different social situations. Today, our topic is, drum roll plays, traveling abroad.YeahBecause we finally can. Any travel plans, by the way, before we start? Well, I got a list, Japan, Europe, America, Thailand, Southeast Asia. I can keep going. It's a long list.Same here actually. What about you安澜?Pretty much the same. I've already been back to the UK once, I'm gonna go back again in the summer, but 'm hoping to go to Southeast Asia. OK. So this should be right up your alley. Question one, you've gone to paradise. This could be any sort of tropical islands or whatever you like. But for the week you are there, it rains constantly for the first time in years. What would you do, how would you react? Being American...I've got two Pina Coladas, one for each hand. I want to make the best of it. No, we're still in paradise and they got... the bar is still open. Don't admit defeat, just keep going. Would you still like venture out when it's like pouring with rain? Yes, that's either... I spent all these money to come here. It's like it's warm, it's only wet be either this or jump in the ocean. So...I see. And 安澜I would pretty much do what I was gonna do if it was sunny, stay in my room, look on my phone, read a book, have a beer.安澜 for you traveling is just like finding different places to read your book.And finding different drinks to accompany that. So I've tried American beer, English beer, German beer, Japanese beer. Exactly .That's how you know you traveled. Yeah. Remind me to take you to a bar that offers all those type of world beers. Then you save on the traveling expenses. All right. Honestly, for me, I probably complain the whole time because I absolutely hate rain. I don't do well in rain. You guys are not gonna respond to that. No. All right. Question two, you arrive at the “Beach-view pleasure Resort” 什么海景房, 海景度假村. Only to discover your mosquito-infested room faces a charming brick wall. Bring American, you...I mean it is the most amazing brick wall of everything in my life. It is red with black mortar, the room comes with pets. Are you gonna complain them, seriouslyYeah, but we're gonna have a sense of humor about it. Ok, wouldn't you be angry that you paid for Beach-view pleasure Resort?Yes, most Americans would be quite upset, but they would also be really bemused. And安澜? Well, certainly I will not be happy about it, but I would look out the window. I would enjoy the mosquitoes and tell everyone I'm having a wonderful time. And then at the end of the holiday, leave a very bad review on trip advisor. So neither of you would just move out and consider another hotel? That costs much. And we already spent a lot of money on this awesome viewed hotel and it's... we can't admit defeat. These are called surrender, or else mosquitoes will win. Next question, now I'm assuming is gonna be different for the two of you, you go down for breakfast in the hotel to discover bountiful buffet of every type of cuisine imaginable. 早餐什么都有, 世界各地的美食. What do you go for?Let’s have James again. If you're the smart traveler, you eat the local stuff because they're less likely to mess it up, but the average American, bacon, bacon, bacon, eggs, potatoes. Would you say Americans are generally not very adventurous when it comes to exotic food?Not really, if it's like, no, I mean they'll do continental, a nice cold cuts and cheese and croissants that's not stretching there. That's not pushing them very far. They'll do that. But if it's like, what's this?
4/6/2023 • 12 minutes, 54 seconds
【往期回顾】-明明只少了一个人, 整个世上却都冷清了
英文小酒馆致力于打造沉浸式英语学习社群,无论是微信社群、有声节目、线上活动和课程,我们都全心全意为爱好英语的你带去一份专属于英语的快乐。微信公众号: 【璐璐的英文小酒馆】 查音频节目文稿,了解广阔的世界。跟随我们的脚步,体会英语的温度。1. Come back, even as a shadow,even as a dream (Euripides)归来吧,哪怕只是一片影子一个梦境也好,归来吧。(欧里庇得斯) 2. Sometimes memories sneak out of my eyes and roll down my cheeks.有时回忆会从眼角偷偷溜出来,滑落我的腮边。 3. Sometimes when one person is absent, the whole world seems depopulated.明明只少了那么一个人,整个世上却都冷清了。 4. If tears could build a stairway, and memories a lane, I’d walk right up to heaven and bring you home again. 用眼泪和回忆,能不能建成通向天国的阶梯,接你回来团聚。5. Perhaps they are not the stars, but rather openings in heaven where the love of our lost ones pours through and shines down upon us to let us know they are happy. 夜空的繁星,也许正是我们在天上的那些亲爱的人们流泻而出的爱意,让我们知道他们在天国很好。6. Those we love and lose are always connected by heartstrings into infinity.那些我们深爱的人,即使离开,也不会切断两颗心之间永恒的纽带。 7. If the people we love are stolen from us, the way to have them live on is to never stop loving them.只要我们心里依然爱着,我们深爱的人就一直没有从这个世界离开。 8. We never truly get over a loss,but we can move forward and evolve from it.我们也许永远无法忘却失去亲人爱人挚友的悲痛,但是我们仍然可以从这种悲痛中成长,继续向前。 Almost everything—all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure—these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important. Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart.几乎所有的事,所有外界的期许,骄傲,碍于面子的担忧和对失败的恐惧,在死亡面前都不值一提。记住我们每个人终将死去,才能避免在人生中患得患失。我们都会赤裸裸地面对死亡,所以在活着的每一天都去追随自己的心吧。(乔布斯)以上内容来自专辑璐璐的英语小酒馆
4/4/2023 • 8 minutes, 22 seconds
《小酒馆·大世界》-世界各处的文化和精彩,在小酒馆触手可得哦~ 欢迎关注公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】,可以查看更多精彩内容,查看英语全文稿哦~In the previous episode, we were talking to Aladin, our guest speaker from France about whether French people are truly romantic, and let's continue with that topic today.So now let's move on from just dating to perhaps more settling down whether it's just long term relationship or actually getting married. Would you say when it comes to more serious dating or settling down, French people are still more romantic or pragmatic? The reason why I'm asking is really like in China a lot of the times when we consider marriage, we consider a lot of pragmatic elements, for example, assets, properties, whether the two families match, you know, this whole门当户对thing, does it happen in France?What I found really interesting, because when I just arrived in China, you just start using dating apps especially when you don't know anyone in the country. I was really surprised to see like so many girls telling me you look nice Aladin but like I'm looking for potential wedding, like I'm looking for a potential husband, and like I could sense that already for them like as a foreigner, as a French person coming to China, maybe you're not gonna stay forever. I was just kind of so shocked to see that people would not like give it a chance. It was like so practical already from the get go and you're just like what's the interest of dating? Then if you are just like have already like some kind of checklist of what you want exactly to achieve, then shouldn't we all on those apps put exactly or 户口 and how many money we make each month so that we would be faster this way. So to tell you that as a French person, we don't officially... we would not say something like that, like when you go out and you date and you meet people, you're supposed to find maybe the one love of your life. Common interests. Common interests. But officially like in my own friends and people around me like we would never say like, this guy was nice, but he is like from a poor family so I'm just gonna drop him and this is not gonna work. People will never say that like that would be seen as extremely conservative and really weird. So people are out to meet their love of their life. And in theory, you are not supposed to be too practical about those kind of things. I like that you said in theory. Because at the end of it, for example, like I don't have any study in mind, but for example one day, I, because my dad got married like 5 years ago, in French mayor office like you have some kind of official announcement, it's the law, like you're supposed to put official wedding so that if someone was already married...Objects....the wedding, the people could be “喂, that guy you already got married to this other person like years ago.” So I was out of curiosity, I went to take a picture of my dad like official wedding information. It was taken down, but that doesn't matter, but I was like checking like the 25 couples that got married. I could clearly see that every social class were staying together like a worker with a worker, like a movie, a film production company guy was like married, like an actress, like a doctor was marrying a nurse. So you could see that men would always marry someone from their same social status or they would marry someone a little bit under them. But you would never have like a female surgeon marrying like a 保安 and like a cop or someone like that like people were just like staying around their own ...Social circles.Social circle, and even I see my own friends like if I look around, I come from a middle class Paris family, more like a liberal type of people. So we were supposed to be open minded, but I can clearly see that the people around me they choose people at the end of the day, not that many people choose someone under their social background.I think it's one of those things that you probably not consciously doing it, but subconsciously you're definitely you're kind of stick
4/3/2023 • 13 minutes, 53 seconds
Hi everyone. And welcome back to 酒馆, welcome back to your favorite segment, Global Village, 《小酒馆·大世界》, and we have a new guest speaker in the studio today. Aladin is from France and he is a fellow podcaster, a content producer. Together we're going to do a few episodes on different aspects of French culture and lifestyle. Exciting! Exciting!Welcome to the show Aladin. Hello Lulu, bonjour à tous et merci de m'avoir invité dans votre programme. So hi guys and thank you for inviting me on your show. First things first, can you give us a little bit of introduction? I know you are right now working in Beijing and you have been in Beijing for a few years. So what do you do apart from creating your own podcast?Sure so my name is really Aladin, I'm from France. I can do the French accent if you want but I will avoid it. No joke aside. I've been living in China for 7 years. I've always been working in film and TV, mainly documentaries and podcast. I've worked in Paris then I went to Nanjing to study Chinese, then I worked in private company public Chinese media, and since 2 years I started my own company. Basically a freelancer in podcast and documentary I do a bit of film translation. I actually did like a few translation for Wandering Earth II. There was like a ... see, a few lines were in French so thank you for supporting the movie I guess. And I'm currently based in Beijing. So basically I thought there are so many topics that we can talk about, but let's start with a lighthearted topic. I'm sure you get asked this a lot living in China. It's when people hear you're from France, they would say French people, very romantic. So I thought we talk about are French people really romantic? That's a good question. What's really funny is that each time I meet a new friend and everyone is like法国人,那你一定很浪漫. And I think it's so funny because it's basically the first thing that most people who don't know me say, like I feel it's kind of a way for them to make a bridge and talk to me. What's pretty funny, tiny anecdotes, like a few weeks ago, I was in France, I bought a book about a French artist who used to come to China a lot between the 80s all the way to 2010, really interesting book, and what's so funny is that in the 80s when he was saying he was French, like people were saying you are like from a French, you are from a romantic and revolutionary country. So it's really funny that the mindset of how Chinese see French’s maybe changed a little bit, like people don't see us as revolutionary as before. They sure see us as being really romantic. Yeah, but like seriously, I don't even think this is just what Chinese people think. For example, I met people from other countries, when they have the stereotype or notion of French people, they would also use the word romantic. So the whole idea that France is a romantic nation or French people are romantic, as a French person yourself, how much truth do you think this notion actually holds?Yeah, it's true like everyone, I think would have like some kind of a cliche vision of France like no matter where they're from in the world. What's really funny is that for us, French people, we would think that when we think about romantic country, the first thing we think about is Italy. We think that people from Italy are more romantic than us. When they say your French are so romantic, I'm just like, didn't you guys get the memo or something? So I think that's pretty funny. But it's true that France is actually, I mean, France is the most visited country in the world like and so many people go there on their honeymoon. Who, where and how this whole trend started? I can't quite say who did that, but I think this guy in charge of Paris marketing was pretty good. Because now like I have so many people who said like with my girlfriend with my boyfriend, Paris was like our first destination for our honeymoon or for like abroad trip together, things like that. Paris is seen as a romantic city for sure
3/30/2023 • 10 minutes, 53 seconds
欢迎来到英文小酒馆的迷你双语板块【Buzzword Mix】-新词特饮,短短几分钟,让不同段位的你掌握最新最地道的英文谈资!关注公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】,获取更多有趣节目内容和文稿哦~In today's Buzzword Mix, our Buzzword is Cringe. I know in the past few episodes in this segment, we were talking about pretty serious stuff. So I thought in this buzzword we’ll opt for something that's a lot more light-hearted and fun and very much related to social media. 今天的Buzzword里面说的这个词就跟社交媒体超级相关. 最近不是大家都在说 TikTok 吗?在TikTok里面你也可以经常的看到这个词, 它已经成为网络梗 meme这样的一个存在. Let's first of all, look at the definition. Cringe now usually means when someone acts/ or is so embarrassing or awkward, it makes you feel extremely ashamed and/or embarrassed. 这个词的意思就是说, 当你看到别人做出那种很让人觉得尴尬或者别扭的举动的时候, 你自己都会觉得尬抽或者说尬到脚趾抠地抠出三室一厅这样的一种感觉. 因此 Cringe就真是完全对应了咱们中文网上说的 “尬到了” “尬抽了” 这个感觉. This word Cringe came from Old English, the word Cringan originally meant to fall, to yield in battled, 本来还有 “投降”的意思. Now Cringan then became Cringe sometime in the 16th century when it introduced the feelings of fear and embarrassment. 到了16世纪它就开始有了恐惧和尴尬的意思. Finally, by the 19th century, the meaning had cemented itself; cringe meant to “recoil in embarrassment, shame, or fear.”到了19世纪它就变成了 “尴尬”或者 “羞耻到扭曲”这样的一个感觉.
3/28/2023 • 8 minutes, 29 seconds
《小酒馆·大世界》-世界各处的文化和精彩,在小酒馆触手可得哦~ 欢迎关注公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】,可以查看更多精彩内容,查看英语全文稿哦~ In the previous episode, Simon and I were talking about disasters relief in New Zealand after the Cyclone, and we’re gonna continue that topic today. Yeah. I have an office in the town center, the city center, we also have a small school like a private training institute. So we decided to open the doors, our staff and students as well, some of them were in the evacuation centers, they were in emergency accommodation. So you put them up. We communicated with them and they communicated with other migrants, like mostly Asian migrants that were living in Hawke’s Bay. We opened our office, opened our school and we provided a free Asian style meals. Wow.We managed to get generators going, so we were providing power for charging mobile phones devices. We managed to power the water cylinder, so people could have showers at the office. That's amazing. I don't know how we managed to do it, but we somehow managed to secure Starlink, which is a satellite internet service. So even before the government, the local governments could get connected, we had internet power, hot water and hot meals. I think for the first week or so, every day we had around 150 to 200 migrants coming through for charging, food. Mostly Chinese, also quite a lot of Koreans, Japanese, Vietnamese, Cambodians, Filipinos. Can I just ask that, I know this sounds like a really pragmatic question, but if you're feeding, like you said, you're providing food for that many people like if you're doing it again and again day after day, that is a lot of expenses. Now is that... do you mind if I ask is that coming out of your basically your company’s account or your own personal account or will the government help out? Because I would assume local government should help out in this because it is disaster relief, right?Or is it through some fundraiser?Yeah, so to answer your question, it's pretty much ‘yes’ to all of the above. So firstly, the Korean embassy they contacted me or were... actually pretty early on, they were trying to contact me, they couldn't get through because the phones were down. As soon as we got onto Starlink, we responded to them. They asked me to go to a Korean supermarket which sells Korean food, Asian food, and the embassy effectively instructed them to provide my school with any supplies that I needed for the Korean nationals living within Hawke’s Bay. We were giving out food parcels to the Korean community. We also got some support later on from a few community groups, but mostly, for example, the generator was provided by me. The fuel was provided by me. A lot of the meat was provided by me. The non-perishables were, some of it was donated, some of it my company paid for. So basically, you paid for the lion share of it, but also lots of people and organizations, communities chipped in. Yeah, I mean, for example, quite a lot of the meat because all the fridges, freezers, were dying and were gone because there's no power. I know quite a few people who own restaurants in Hawke’s Bay rather than letting their meet their products go rotten, they would allow me to go and take it and then cook it and then provide it to the migrants. One of the restaurants is next door to my office. They have gas cookers. The gas was still going so there was no electricity but there was gas. They allowed us to do a lot of our cooking in their kitchens. That's a good thing. By the way, who cooked those meals?It was members of the various communities. So one day we had Chinese, like jiaozi, dumplings, noodle soup that was made by us with our Chinese students. They cook for everyone. We did a Vietnamese like full noodle meal lunch. We did a Korean barbecue. So every day we had different dishes. It sounds almost like a community cultural week, kind of events. I know it’s disaster relief, but it's very nice to hear the community then comes together, I think we should have another episode
3/26/2023 • 10 minutes, 13 seconds
Hi everyone and welcome back to Global Village. 欢迎回来你们最喜欢的板块【小酒馆·大世界】. Today we have a new guest speaker, but also...actually a recurring guest speaker, 今天是我们的老朋友Simon, Simon from New Zealand. Hi Simon. Kia ora , 你好.First of all, let me, just out of my concern before we get into the recording, let me ask you about the recent natural disaster that happened in your part of New Zealand. 最近新西兰是有一个cyclone, right?We did. So about three weeks ago, four weeks ago, we had really large that the largest cyclone on records parts of New Zealand. My city was the worst affected area. I'm sorry to hear that. We had about 10 days with no power, no electricity, no internet, or most people no internet. 10 days? So no phones, no internet, no power, some places, no water. It was quite scary. That must be really tough. I thought, shall we just talk about the sort of disaster preparedness and also self reliance in New Zealand, perhaps in this topic?Sure. All right. So first things first, is this common, you said it’s the largest, but does it happen often or regularly, this cyclone or similar natural disasters?Yeah, New Zealand has had its fair share of natural disasters, about ten twelve years ago we had the Christchurch earthquakes which destroyed the city of Christchurch. We had the Kaikoura earthquakes. And then in 2019... volcano? Yes, we had White Island, the volcano eruption, and there were I think 8 people killed in that, terrible event. It sounds scary because when last time I was in New Zealand with my parents, my parents actually went to that island, went to that exact scene, and then that's really scary to think about. Now I'm going to ask you, I know it's still very, very fresh, I hope you don't mind, you mentioned about this cyclone sort of like the electricity was gone, water was gone. So how badly were people affected?For example, in terms of casualties or just normal family, are they out of supplies or their homes flooded, for example.There was about ten deaths in the country, so people died... drowned due to floods or falling debris. There are a few people died. A lot of people were made homeless, either temporarily or they have now totally lost their homes. Within my company, we have one of my staff members, her house was totally flooded out, almost 2 meters of mud right through the house. So she lost everything. It was terrible. I think it is about 5,000 homes which have been destroyed, which for small... for my city which has around 60,000 people, it's a lot.That is a very high percentage. I'm just a little bit curious, may be curious is not the right word, but will they get for example compensated by like for example insurance company or is there disaster relief funds to help them rebuild their homes?Absolutely, while the average Kiwi loves to complain about the government. The reality is that our government compared to most around the world is very generous. Whenever there are natural disasters, they will put in support packages for families, for businesses and for individuals. There's already a number of financial support products available provided by the government. Most people, I think almost everyone would have insurance. So while it's very upsetting to lose your house to lose your property, there will be people who are financially much worse off. But most people will be able to claim and get some reimbursed. Compensation or relief funds. I see that's nice to know actually. What about yourself. Last time we talked, I remember you’re telling me that you are or you were less affected. So it's a bit of a secret, but I'm a secretly a bit of a prepper. I love to be prepared for things. My wife always complains that I buy too much camping equipment. However, for the cyclone, yeah. Are you one of those people that has his own secret bunker and just prepared for the sort of end of the world scenario?I probably would if I was allowed to, my wife won't allow me to do that. No, but I, compared to most p
3/23/2023 • 10 minutes, 30 seconds
"欢迎来到英文小酒馆的迷你双语板块【Buzzword Mix】-新词特饮,短短几分钟,让不同段位的你掌握最新最地道的英文谈资!关注公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】,获取更多有趣节目内容和文稿哦~" In today's Buzzword Mix, our buzzword is Clean Sleep. Do you know that yesterday was World Sleep Day?大家知道昨天是【世界睡眠日】吗?Sleep is one of those topics that is hugely important to us, but we often tend to ignore it. Regardless of your age, you probably have experienced some form of sleeping disorder at certain point in your life. I know I have. So in today's buzzword, let us take a look at this relatively new idea called Clean Sleep. But before we talk about the buzzword itself, let's take a look at the harmful consequences of poor quality sleep. 不过在我们说 buzzword 之前, 我们先来看看 poor quality sleep睡眠质量不佳可能会导致的一些问题. Poor quality sleep can be unsettling for the metabolism and hormones. 它是会扰乱你的新陈代谢和激素水平, which can lead to weight gain, bad moods, impaired memory, and brain fog, as well as serious health concerns, such as inflammation and reduced immunity, which can increase your risk of chronic disease. 随之而来的就是比如体重上升, 情绪不佳, 记忆力受损, 出现这种类似于脑雾一样的情况, 甚至还会有长期反复的炎症, 免疫力降低, 这也就意味着你可能更容易得慢性病. It goes without saying that poor sleep is terrible from a beauty perspective, that is why sometimes people say they need their beauty sleep.而且对你的容貌也会产生影响, 这是为什么有些女生会说要睡美容觉beauty sleep. So now let's get to the buzzword itself, what is clean sleep?这个几年前才出现的概念, 你可以把它翻译成 “洁净睡眠”或者 “清洁睡眠”. Clean sleep is a practice centered around maximizing your sleep hygiene before bedtime. This includes ensuring your mind, body, and sleeping area are all optimized for a healthy night’s rest. 这里的 “清洁睡眠”主要是说要准备你的身、心、 包括你的整个睡眠的区域, 都能够达到一个最好的状态, 最适合你去休息, 也能让你最快入眠. Here I'm gonna share with you some really achievable tips for getting your sleep scrubbed up. 所以要实现这种Clean Sleep和大家分享几个切实可行的小技巧. Number one, eat breakfast every day and within 30 minutes of getting up, this stops the body from running on 'adrenaline energy' which is one of the main causes of shallow, ‘muddy’ sleep.早上起来尽快吃早餐, 这样你的身体不会只是靠 adrenalin energy, 靠肾上腺素撑着, 这样你会更容易有深层睡眠. Number two, minimize stimulants throughout the day – especially caffeine and refined sugars. Don't use caffeine as a substitute for food especially at breakfast and avoid caffeinated drinks after 2pm.尽量在你的一天中少接触会让你神经兴奋的这种stimulants, 特别是咖啡因和精制糖. 早餐也不要喝一杯咖啡了事, 尽量在下午2点之后不要喝任何带咖啡因的饮料. Number three, drink 1.5-2 liters of water every day to create clean cells and circulation. This includes fruit juices, non-caffeinated herbal teas, but avoid ‘low sugar’ drinks which may contain colorants, stimulants and other chemicals which can affect your sleep quality.
3/21/2023 • 9 minutes, 17 seconds
"英文小酒馆致力于打造沉浸式英语学习社群,无论是微信社群、有声节目、线上活动和课程,我们都全心全意为爱好英语的你带去一份专属于英语的快乐。微信公众号: 【璐璐的英文小酒馆】 查音频节目文稿,了解广阔的世界。跟随我们的脚步,体会英语的温度。" You might be wondering: hang on, where’s the Scottish people? We talked about French, English, Welsh, where are the Scots?Yes, where are the Scots?This is when they come to England and they are called the Stuarts. 斯图亚特王朝, that's in early 17th century?Yeah, 1603. James I of England and James VI of Scotland was the Scottish king, and he ruled both England and Scotland under one crownJust let me add in one thing. I think if you want to know more about English history or British history, you really just need to remember a few names, but you need to remember the numbers. Yes. Because it's just the repetition of a few names but with a number attached to it.Pretty much. Okay. So wasn't that the time for Guy Fawkes, like Guy Fawkes night, Guy Fawkes? In one of our earlier episodes, one of our very early episodes we talked about Guy Fawkes and the gunpowder plot. And James I was the man, the King that Guy Fawkes tried to kill. In the gunpowder plot. Yes. Now James I didn't die in the gunpowder plot and eventually his son Charles I came to the throne. Now Charles I fought in the English Civil War. He fought against parliament, parliament won, and King Charles I had his head cut off. I think similar to Chinese history, all these fight for throne and all these fight for jockeying for power, pretty bloody. It was. Even as King or Emperor, you're not exempt. But the difference is that after Charles I was executed, England became a republic. So before it was a monarch. Yeah.Now it became a republic, but you still have the monarch, though. That's because Oliver Cromwell ruled the Commonwealth when we had no king. He became the lord protector; and to be honest, they were very unpopular, they were so unpopular that they actually asked Charles II, Charles I’s son to come back and take the throne. 所以就把君主制又搬回来了. And this is called the restoration. 就是查理二世后面又复辟了, came back to the throne, restoration. It was towards the end of the Stuarts. In1707, Scotland and England became united in the Act of Union. So that is when we started to call the country Great Britain. In 1707, before it was just England, Scotland, separate countries. And this meant that England Scotland became pretty much the same country but there are lots and lots of differences in the law, the customs, and we won’t get going to it this time, it can get a bit complicated. I mean we can use a separate episode to talk about that. Yes. After the Stuarts came the Hanoverians .汉诺威王朝 So the Hanoverians actually came from Hanover in Germany in 1714. They were the ones that couldn't really speak much English in the beginning. That's right, George I couldn't speak much English and was dependent on the first Prime Minister Robert Walpole. We talked about that, that's where Prime Minister我们之前跟安澜录过一集, 讲英国政府的, 就讲为什么会有首相, 最开始的首相主要就是因为这个国王不会讲英文, he is like a translator. So around this time, later, you had George III, George III was the last King of America. Oh, and then they became independent.美国独立之前, 最后的一个王就是乔治三世. Yes. And eventually he became ill and was thought to be mad. And his son George, later George IV became the Prince Regent. 乔治三世的儿子也就是乔治四世, 也就是后面的Prince Regent摄政王. 我们专门录了另外一集节目, 就专门来讲荒唐的Prince Regent的. Yeah, that's a really interesting episode. And later the throne goes to Queen Victoria in 1837. And started the Victorian Age, 然后就到了维多利亚时代了. 维多利亚时代是1837年开始的, 1837, so Queen Victoria still belong to the Hanoverians. Technically yes. But because she lived for so long and also she wasn't one of the rulers of Hanover because she was not allowed to, because she was a woman. Then we started to basically the Hanoverians were phased out. I see, I think then you're kind of fast forwarding to the Royal House now which is the Windsors. 然后就到了温莎王朝, 现在还是温莎, 对吧?Yes. Now this gets a little bit complicated because they weren't called
3/19/2023 • 10 minutes, 30 seconds
"英文小酒馆致力于打造沉浸式英语学习社群,无论是微信社群、有声节目、线上活动和课程,我们都全心全意为爱好英语的你带去一份专属于英语的快乐。微信公众号: 【璐璐的英文小酒馆】 查音频节目文稿,了解广阔的世界。跟随我们的脚步,体会英语的温度。" Hi, everyone and welcome back to Britain Under the Microscope. 欢迎回来【闲话英伦】. Hi, 安澜 Hi Lulu, hi everyone. So can I propose a topic? It depends on the topic. I kind of got into historical drama or period drama like British TV show. 就是英国这种历史、什么宫廷剧. Ok. I thought it’s interesting, lots of plotting, lots of gossip. Yes. But, as you know, my history sucks. It is pretty bad, your history. So all of these dynasties, all of these royal families, royal houses, these really confused me, I thought, can we talk about royal houses, dynasties in England? Yeah, of course. So similar to china, we calculate history by dynasties or royal houses. 所以你们也有这种概念, 什么我们的唐宋元明清, 然后你们也是按照chronological编年的顺序, can't wait for you to walk me through some of the famous and most important... do you call it dynasties or royal houses? I would say we call them royal houses. So there are six of the most famous and important houses. House number one, the Normans, 1066-1144. 诺曼王朝, the Norman, I thought they came from France. Is that right? They came from Normandy. They were originally vikings that's settled in Normandy. And the first king was William the Conqueror. He came from Normandy, he defeated the Anglo-Saxon King Harold at the Battle of Hasting in 1066. William I or William the Conqueror was not a particularly nice person and he just wanted to get as much money as possible. What he did was he ordered the Domesday Book to be created. Now the Domesday Book was an inventory of everything and everyone in England. It was essentially the first census. 相当于第一次人口普查, 所有人都登个记,所有东西都登个记. It sounds rather boring. But in many cities, many villages it's the first mention in the historical record. And this is where many places in the UK their history starts from the Domesday Book. How long did he rule?He ruled, you said to 1144? Not him personally. He had a couple of children, but it ended during what is known as the anarchy when there was fighting between Matilda who was one of the daughters of the King and her cousin Stephen. Can I just ask, ... dynasties how it works?Is it just one royal house can hold the power can control the country, then they will just rule. Yes. They are usually replaced because they were defeated and chased away or killed.Well, yes. In the early history. But in many cases, particularly more modern history is because there's no heir, so it goes to another Royal House. 所以更近的历史干脆没有人,后继无人了, 只能是到另外一个 Royal House. I see. So that leads us now to our next Royal House, the Plantagenets. The Plantagenet. 这个词非常罕见, 就专门我只在英国历史里面见过叫做金雀花王朝. Plantagenet, is that the name of a flower? It's a French name of a flower. It's old French. I see. Now the reason why they have a French name is because this Royal House actually ruled huge parts of France, and they were essentially French in the outlook. The most famous King of this period was Richard, the Lion Heart. 狮心王。 Who went on the Crusades and fought for Jerusalem. 就圣战, the religious Crusade. He was a particularly bad king. He didn't actually like England. And according to the stories, he didn't actually really speak any English. I think it was not the only time in European history where a Royal House that doesn't really speak the local language ruled the local people. It does happen quite a lot, but his brother, King John. Now that is an interesting character. He was famously bad, wicked, unpopular. And he was so unpopular, he actually led to the Magna Carta being signed. 大宪章 。Why? Because his Nobles were so angry with him that they wanted him to sign the Magna Carta to guarantee their rights. But King John didn't really think much of this and he probably ignored it and they carried on fighting. I see. Now the Plantagenets
3/16/2023 • 9 minutes, 55 seconds
"欢迎来到英文小酒馆的迷你双语板块【Buzzword Mix】-新词特饮,短短几分钟,让不同段位的你掌握最新最地道的英文谈资!关注公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】,获取更多有趣节目内容和文稿哦~" In today's Buzzword Mix, our buzzword is Unbanked. Even if you don't follow up on any financial news, I'm sure in the past couple of days, you have seen the headlines about the Silicon Valley bank collapse. 即使你完全不关注金融新闻, 相信在过去的几天内也刷到了美国硅谷银行倒闭的信息. Now this has triggered a lot of discussions even fear about the security of banks. 今天的buzzword我们不讨论新闻, 就来说说和银行有关的词Unbanked. 这个词没有特别正式的官方翻译, 基本上你可以把它理解为 “没有银行账户的人”. Now it's easy to assume that with the world's digital financial services advancements that everyone today has a bank account, but this is far from the truth. According to the World Bank's latest report, nearly 1.4 billion people are unbanked globally. That's close to 1/5 of the global population. 在听节目的大家可能每天用着各种的移动金融/移动支付, 会觉得这个世界上所有的人都至少会有银行账户, 但实际上这个世界上有将近14亿的人口是属于unbanked的状态. Unbanked is an informal term for adults who do not use banks or banking institutions in any capacity. 指的就是不使用任何银行或者银行机构的成年人. While often an issue in the developing world, there are also pockets of unbanked adults in developed countries. Unbanked people generally pay for things in cash. They also typically do not have insurance, pensions, or any other type of financial money related services. 这一部分的人口他们通常都只能用现金或者一些其他的方式进行交易, 同时也基本上不会有保险, 养老金等等专业的和银行相关的服务. They may take advantage of alternative financial services such as check-cashing and payday lending if such services are available to them.那需要钱的时候, 他们有的时候会通过check-cashing, 支票兑换, 或者一个叫做payday lending, 发薪日贷款, 也就是承诺说用你下一次发的薪水来偿还你现在的借贷这样的一个短期的金融服务. Now remember earlier I said there is also unbanked population in developed countries. However, there is no doubt that there is a widening disparity between the world's developed and developing countries when it comes to banking services. According to the UN’s report, in 2021, developed countries have 94% of adults with a bank account, while in developing countries that figure plummets to 71%. There is also a divide between men and women with more women in the unbanked population. 除了没有银行账户Unbanked这个词, 其实还有一个相关的词汇叫做Underbanked. This refers to families who have checking or savings accounts, so these basic accounts, but they more often rely on alternative financial services such as money orders, check-cashing services, payday loans as opposed to traditional loans and credit cards to manage their finances. 这个Underbanked相当于说是银行业务使用率不足, 这样的家庭他即使有基本的银行账户, 与其选择这些传统的银行借贷或者是信用卡, 他平时的一些金融需求可能更多的会去选择, 比如说像money orders汇票以及我们刚才说的发薪日贷款或者是支票兑换等等服务. Now you probably want to ask why people become unbanked, because it sounds very inconvenient. Now according to the Global Findex survey, people who remain unbanked, they give specific reasons. The most common one is simply lack of money. Another reason is some unbanked adults said that they just don't need an account, some others state that bank accounts are just too expensive. And other reasons include distance, documentation requirements, distrust in the financial system and religious concerns. According to surveys in developed countries, including the US and UK you can hear some similar reasons for being unbanked. This includes cost of opening bank accounts or managing your finances at a bank, lack of trust in mainstream banking institutions or simply people's lack of financial literacy or knowledge of banking products.
3/14/2023 • 9 minutes, 26 seconds
《小酒馆·大世界》-世界各处的文化和精彩,在小酒馆触手可得哦~ 欢迎关注公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】,可以查看更多精彩内容,查看英语全文稿哦~All right. As we're coming sort of to the end of our Brad in Japan Series, I've heard that you also bought properties in Japan, and I say properties not just one house, but you've bought multiple. And... Yeah, I bought two.OK. How was the process? Was it difficult foreigner to buy properties to buy houses, flats in Japan? It wasn't so difficult, buying a flat is going to be more difficult simply because there's like a kind of a group, you know, like an apartment complex group where... because everyone owns the property and so you're being brought into that group of people and you're all living together within the same complex.And so that can become a problem, especially with like paying for the apartment fees and things like that nowadays you can't send money very easily without being like a resident of Japan. So if you live here, buying a flat is great, but if you don't live here, I would probably not suggest that now. But buying a house you don't have to do those monthly fees and you don't have to deal with like that group and so......on the land.It's actually much easier, yeah.As far as like buying property goes, it's quite a simple process as long as you have everything taken care of. They... not something... I have seen like stamps being used in China, right, like in the US we don't use stamps. But like in China people use stamps like when you always stamp a document. In Japan they also stamp documents and you have to have like a registered stamp with the government to do things. If you're a foreigner, you can use your signature, but you actually have to go to your embassy and get a special like notarized document saying that this is your signature in order to do it. But aside from that, if you have money, cash is king so to say, as long as you have the money to buy the property, you can buy the property.I see. So it sounds like you really got it sorted in Japan like you're assimilating quite well, you're enjoying your life there. But for sure there are frustrating moments, no?Yeah, I just dealt with like a whole month of a frustration after a frustration.Oh, wow. And I needed a few documents, so I could apply for a program that I wanted to enter, I was gonna enter a motor sports engineering program.I had my mom sent me a bunch of stuff and got lost in the mail, like the package had got damaged. It was like held up for an extra 10 days. And when I got the package finally, it didn't have one of the most important documents, my birth certificate. Either my mom had lost it and forgot to send it or it was taken out of the package or fell out of the package when it got damaged. Like everything kind of like got set back and I got a PDF copy of a new birth certificate in which took a little bit of time. Then I had to do all the translation and stuff. And so I'm already late on... not really late, but getting really close to the deadline of having to submit all my documents. The last thing that I had to do was make a payment for all my test fee and entrance fee and everything. I went to the post office because I don't have a bank account, I have a postal savings account, which is essentially the same thing. It's just at the post office and that's the closest to my apartment.So that's what I use, but that the document that I was supposed to use had a place for a stamp and the post office doesn't do stamps because they're not a regular bank. They told me that they couldn't send the money and it's like, okay, I went to the bank. The bank was closed early. Banks already closed really early, they close at like 3pm. 3pm?I went to the bank. There's actually one bank that's open later, but it's not even remotely close to my apartment. So I went to the bank, the bank was closed. I'm like, so what am I going to do? I contacted the school and they said well, try to pay at the convenience store.
3/12/2023 • 10 minutes, 54 seconds
《小酒馆·大世界》-世界各处的文化和精彩,在小酒馆触手可得哦~ 欢迎关注公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】,可以查看更多精彩内容,查看英语全文稿哦~This idea in Japanese called Yutori Sedai, like宽松世代. So basically people who were born, I think after 1985 or 1987, 就是85后90后日本的这一代, because they enjoyed a more relaxed educational system, there was less competition. So I think as you described, they are probably more focused on work-life balance, a little bit more compared to the older generation, for example, like their parents generation. Yeah.And the other thing about the work, I don't know about the US, I think to some extent, China is a bit similar to Japan in this… in terms of the seniority, 这种论资排辈, although we don't call them前辈后辈, but this whole seniority thing, is it still very pronounced in Japanese culture especially at work?Very much so, it's one of those things that's ingrained in people from elementary school, you have the Senpai and kōhai relationship. 就前辈后辈. Do they actually like people would actually call you Senpai?If you were for example in the company a few years before they…I do hear people saying Senpai I never hear people referring to someone as kōhai, but I do hear Senpai on occasion like sometimes it's almost seemed as a little bit dirty to say the words Senpai.Get your mind out of the gutter. That's something that I hear like occasionally people are like er?...but no, like people will use the word occasionally, but there is kind of like this idea where you're a Senpai if you are older than another person or you're a Senpai if your position is higher than another person, sometimes it's kind of difficult to know where is the relationship if you're quite a bit older than the other person, they are supposed to treat you with respect. But then if you have a higher position than them in the company and they're supposed to treat you with respect, but you can't do both. You have to kind of choose one depending upon the situation, right?And so that can kind of be difficult. The subtlety of the language, actually, let's talk about language, I know that you have been learning Japanese for years. How is your Japanese?I just passed one of my proficiency exams. I got the equivalent to N2, which is I almost scored high enough to get N1 and which is actually quite high. So as far as like my speaking goes, I would say that's maybe a little bit lower than like my reading and my listening, but that’s because I haven't lived in the country for so long, but I would say my speaking has actually gotten quite a bit better over the last year. That's something that does come with living in the country.Of course. It is quite a difficult language to learn and some aspects... especially for Americans or English speakers. Yeah. Just on a side note, I have heard Brad speaking Japanese, you're pretty much fluent. When I travel to Japan, if I meet up with Brad, I have to rely on him a lot of the times if I have difficulty explaining myself in Japanese. So you're fluent pretty much, would you say?Close enough.But you just mentioned, it's quite a difficult language for English learners like for Americans. What are some of the major challenges?Is it Kanji, 是汉字的原因吗?Kanji is one of the things that's difficult. I would say it's a mixture of the Kanji and the Grammar. Like when you compare Chinese and English grammar they're quite similar. Everything stays in the same place. I eat apples. 我吃苹果. But in Japanese, it's I apple eat.And very often you don't say I anyways, you just say apple eat.
3/9/2023 • 15 minutes, 18 seconds
"英文小酒馆致力于打造沉浸式英语学习社群,无论是微信社群、有声节目、线上活动和课程,我们都全心全意为爱好英语的你带去一份专属于英语的快乐。微信公众号: 【璐璐的英文小酒馆】 查音频节目文稿,了解广阔的世界。跟随我们的脚步,体会英语的温度。" Hi, everyone. And welcome back to Happy Hour. 欢迎回来酒馆. Tomorrow is going to be International Women's Day again. 明天就又是国际妇女节了, you know that every year we do an episode dedicated to this special occasion. So far we've introduced to you some badass truly outstanding women, explored the obstacles faced by women, and also talked about the changing beauty ideals. This year I would like to do something a bit different. Now I'm sure you've noticed recently the word feminism has been trending on social media due to a very high profile interview. 相信大家最近都在社交媒体上不断看到女性主义feminism这个词吧? Actually ages ago, we did an episode on feminism, the history of it, the origin, and also the different waves of it. Now as we're increasingly talking about this idea, I thought it would be great to focus on that this year. Now maybe when you are talking about feminism, both in Chinese and in English, sometimes you get stuck on certain words, terms, descriptions.So in this Women's Day Special, let me give you a crash course on the essential words and terms in feminism. 所以就借用上野千鹤子教授的一本书的名字, 咱们今天就来做一期《从零开始的女性主义关键词》. Now before we get into today's content, I would like to state that this crash course is about words and terms, and how they're used in the context of feminism, it's not really about personal opinions. If anything, my aim for making this particular episode is so that you know how these words are used, so you're able to use them in your future conversations to voice your own opinions on the matter. So let's get started with the origin of the word “feminism”. 首先来说说 feminism这个词的起源, 前些年在中国它还经常被翻成 “女权主义”, 后来因为各种各样的原因, 现在它更多的被翻成 “女性主义”. But this word was borrowed from French “féminisme” around 1837; It was first recorded in English in 1851, but it originally meant the state of being feminine. It was only from 1895, feminism started to carry the meaning of advocacy women's rights. 而这个词从法语借到英文之后, 一直到1895年之后, 才开始有 “推崇提倡女性权利”的意思. In short, feminism is a social theory or political movement which argues that legal and social restrictions on women must be removed in order to bring about equality of the sexes in all aspects of public and private life. And notice here, the emphasis is on equality of the sexes, not privileges. 所以女性主义从一开始倡导的就是 “平权”。 Now to talk about feminism, obviously, you have to talk about gender. I know a lot of people might get confused with the word “gender” and “sex”, and true sometimes they can be used interchangeably. But the World Health Organization describes Sex as characteristics that are biologically defined; whereas Gender is based on socially constructed features. So gender has a lot to do with society and its definitions. Another key concept here is Gender Roles. When we talk about gender roles we're talking about men would have a role in the society and women would have a different role in society. A social role encompasses a range of behaviors and attitudes that are generally considered acceptable, appropriate or desirable for a person based on that person's gender. For instance, if we say “boys don't cry” or “girls shouldn't lose their temper”, we're emphasizing gender roles. And when these gender roles are very solid, they become gender stereotypes, 特别强调性别角色的时候, 他们就会变成Gender Stereotypes, 性别刻板印象. Gender stereotypes are a set of preconceptions regarding the role of the certain gender in society, and gender stereotypes often end up causing individuals harm and distress.So if you don't fit gender stereotypes in your society and your culture, you might get a lot of pressure and negative comments. 比如如果一个社会认为男人就一定要在外面闯出一番事业, 那么即使是你愿意当家庭主夫, 家庭也非常幸福, 依然会被别人贴标签, 认为你是 “软饭男”. That is the harm of gender stereotype. 反之那些说 “女性只有生了孩子才完整”, “只有做贤妻良母才是女人的本分”同样是gender stereotypes.
3/6/2023 • 17 minutes, 15 seconds
《小酒馆·大世界》-世界各处的文化和精彩,在小酒馆触手可得哦~ 欢迎关注公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】,可以查看更多精彩内容,查看英语全文稿哦~I have to say Onsen ( 温泉)... not a similar experience, but my first time in an Onsen hotel, what I didn't know was they asked me and my friend when we wanted to have breakfast, so when we checked in, it was late at night, they asked us when do you want to have breakfast? I thought it was just a general question, you know, like when you stay in a hotel, they remind you, Ok, our breakfast is only available from 7 to 10 that sort of thing. I was exhausted so I said eight, eight thirty, nine, and then I later on realized it wasn't like a buffet breakfast. They actually set the table for you in a big banquet room kind of thing, and they put your name, put your name tag on this big table where they put all of the food there. But then the following morning I was so exhausted, both me and my friend, we didn't wake up; and when they knocked on our door and say, for example, Lulu Sama ( ), like you expect, like when are you gonna come for breakfast, breakfast is ready. So I just like go away I'm still sleeping. No, I was not that rude, I was just saying sorry, I don't think we'll be having breakfast. The following morning after that, we found out that the breakfast was served in that way. We felt so embarrassed because they must have set the table and then we said no worries, we're not going. I have had that experience at a hotel in Fuji before. Most of the hotels I stay at are a little bit cheaper, so they don't usually have breakfast in the morning, but when I go to Mount Fuji like I usually stay at a little bit nicer hotel, so they do have that and I have had that experience before as well. Yeah, I mean, these are the interesting or bizarre experiences we have when we're traveling, right? Because it's completely different from your idea of common knowledge, common or common sense. What about the size of things? Because many people, especially if they're from Europe or North America, they're a bit taller. So they complain or not complain, but they observe that everything is a bit too low for them, like the shower head is too low or the bathtub is too tiny. What about your experience? I have had an issue with the shower head before, but it's usually not a problem, usually the shower head is high enough. I think the size of the food though sometimes can be a bit small. I do like that in restaurants in Japan though you can oftentimes get like a lot of side dishes. And so if you're still hungry, or you know, if you're gonna be a little bit hungrier, you can order a few more extra dishes. But sometimes they do have really big food in Japan and that's something I kind of, I see like normal dishes are really small but then you go to some places and they have like the mega dish and you're like what? Yeah and they also like mega dish show, sort of like reality show where very skinny people going around eating mega dishes. Like it's just so contradictory, you go into a restaurant, you have this tiny little bowl, you can just fit in the palm of your hand and then you go to the next place and they just have something it's just like... I couldn't even finish that. 10kg of meat in one dish. Because Japan is, they also rank very high in extreme eating worldwide I think. Yeah, they do have the all you can, like Viking buffets, but usually there's a time limit. So that's something I find kind of interesting. In the US there's no time limit on buffets. In Japan they usually have like a 90 minute or 2-hour time limit. So they don't go bankrupt. I think it makes total sense. You're talking about like Tabehoudai (餐食无限量) or Nomihoudai (饮品无限量) 就是所谓的“放题”, 写出来汉字是放题, 也就是all you can eat, all you can drink, that sort of thing. They do set a time limit. So if you ever go to Japan, that's something to keep in mind. Actually that brings us to the topic of food. What do you think of Japanese food or Japanese diet? You talked about food portions and all these ordering of ...
3/2/2023 • 15 minutes, 9 seconds
"欢迎来到英文小酒馆的迷你双语板块【Buzzword Mix】-新词特饮,短短几分钟,让不同段位的你掌握最新最地道的英文谈资!关注公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】,获取更多有趣节目内容和文稿哦~" In today's Buzzword Mix, our buzzword is Social Media Detox. Nowadays we're pretty much glued to our phones, especially those social media apps. They are always there waiting to devour our attention. 说句实话, 咱们现在绝大部分的人都是低头族, 而且很多人在用手机的时候都会用大量的时间去刷各种社交媒体 social media, that constant pressure to always be online on social media, always post the best pictures, best moments, it can be so overwhelming and also time consuming. In addition, if you are sensitive and struggle with your self esteem, social media can feel very toxic at times. 这样每天大量的刷社交媒体, 不光会占用你很多时间, 而且如果你是那种比较敏感或者对自己不太自信的人, 社交媒体可能会给你带来极大的焦虑. Whether it’s seeing what feels like a gallery of “perfect” bodies, or seeing people who seem to be constantly succeeding in life, it can be really hard not to feel bad about yourself.社交媒体上那些随处可见的高颜值、高收入、才华横溢的人生赢家, 很难让咱们这样的普通人不感觉到焦虑重重. But social media is not real life. As much influence, or seeming influence, it has, it’s a curated and selective sample of what’s actually going on in the world.但实际上社交媒体它反映的并不是真实生活, 或者说至少不是普通人真实生活的全貌, 他只不过是精挑细选下来的那些高光时刻. And many people are beginning to discover this. There has been a recent trend of people consciously reducing their social media use and they call it Social Media Detox. 这也就是我们今天的Buzzword-社交媒体排毒.And a social media detox is a conscious elimination of social media use and consumption for a set period of time. 在一定的时间内有意识的去停用社交媒体. Generally, most social media detoxes are 30 days, so a month, but some people do 7 days or even a year-long social media detox.Ideally, you’re completely eliminating social media use and consumption. This means deleting and removing all social media apps from your phone, and in some cases where it’s possible, temporarily disabling your social media accounts.
2/28/2023 • 8 minutes, 56 seconds
《小酒馆·大世界》-世界各处的文化和精彩,在小酒馆触手可得哦~ 欢迎关注公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】,可以查看更多精彩内容,查看英语全文稿哦~Hi everyone, and welcome back to Global Village. 欢迎回来【小酒馆·大世界】. But this time instead of inviting a new guest speaker to come on the show, we are talking to one of our own regulars. 如果你听过Geek Time或者是来上过酒馆的口语直播课程, 就肯定知道他,资深 geek-Brad, welcome back Brad. Hey, how's it going, Lulu? I'm good. I heard that your life has changed quite a bit. You're in Japan now, right? That's right. I'm in Kyoto. Oh, one of my favorite cities in the world, so I thought it would be interesting to talk about your experience in Japan because you plan to stay there long term, correct? Yeah, probably, that's the whole point. So could you, first of all, give us a little bit of an explanation or idea or ideas of your current life? Like when did you move to japan? What are you doing right now? Sure. Currently I'm living in Kyoto as I mentioned, I moved here just about a year ago, I think it was about 10 months ago. I came here on a student visa. I'm studying Japanese. I just passed one of the Japanese language proficiency exams that's gonna help me with my future. But I've just been studying full time and then working part time teaching on the side while I do that. So in the future, am I to assume that your plan is to get perhaps another degree in Japan and then maybe find a job there and then just settle down?Yeah, that's pretty much the plan, I've been looking at schools. I'm in engineering, I really like cars and racing, so I kind of wanna combine my engineering and my knowledge of cars, so I have to get some sort of like certification or degree to do that. So I've been trying to apply for engineering schools related to cars or some sort of car related program like motor sports engineering. I see, that's pretty cool. I mean you do have engineering background anyways, right?Right. I have a degree in electronics engineering. Okay. So I thought it would be fun in the next few episodes. Let's make this a series to talk about your experience in Japan, because Brad, you have a quite unique experience. You're born and raised in the States, you are an American, and then you lived in China for, on and off, for a decade. Yeah, 7 years, the first time; and then 3 years, the second time. OK.And now you're moving to Japan. There are lots of cultural comparisons, cultural topics that we can explore. But first things first, why Japan, like when did you become interested in Japan? Was it a childhood thing or what was it like? I kind of became interested in China and Japan at about the same time. I grew up in a really small town in America. There is only about 7,000 people. So there was no like outside foreign influence there whatsoever; and every now and then I would just see like a kungfu movie with like Jackie Chan or Gordon Lew or like a Japanese Samurai movie with Toshiro Mifune; and I just kind of became like who are these people and where are they from? Like, why don't I see this in the US?It looks so cool, the kungfu thing, martial arts. So did you actually learn Asian martial arts like kungfu or maybe like karate as a child or as a teenager? Yeah, after the karate kid movie came out in my childhood, I learned karate for a while.Then I moved, so I couldn't continue that. But I did start learning like Taekwondo for a while; and then once I found a school for kungfu, I learned kungfu for about half a year or so, but I didn't really have time for it. I got a job. And then I saw school that did like Brazilian jiu-jitsu, which is like a Brazilian form of a Japanese martial art. And then when I moved to China, I did 咏春拳.So you're just like really into martial arts. Yeah, I also did kendo when I was in the US and then when I was a student in Japan, I did that as well. So I've done like a variety of different martial arts through the years. For those of you who don't really know what kendo is, 就是日本的剑道. That just sounds like you have always been interested in the same type o
2/26/2023 • 15 minutes, 59 seconds
《Geek时间》- 茶里茶气的人工智能,还会在线劝人离婚了?
【Geek Time】-“极客”时间,和“科技宅”Brad一起聊神秘有趣的“黑科技”“高科技”“硬科技”。欢迎关注公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】,可以查看更多精彩内容,查看英语全文稿哦~Welcome back to Geek Time Advance. This is Brad. Welcome back, Lulu. Hi, Brad. So I thought we'd continue on with talking about some of the issues with ChatGPT. I think in the previous episode, we focus mostly on how great it is, how different it is from some of the earlier chat bots. But there are some really obvious problems. One of the things is, have you read the news about some schools already starting to ban ChatGPT in school, in university, in tests?One of the issues with ChatGPT is that when you give it a math problem, for example, it can give you the answer, but not only that, it can show you the work for the problem. So all you have to do is just copy down what it tells you to do. And so you don't even have to go online and find if someone's answered the question before on a database somewhere. Because ChatGPT would work for you. It's the perfect cheating machine. Yeah. And you can also use it to write essays; and it goes online and it basically pulls information from all the stuff and then creates an essay for you. Yeah, actually I watched a short video of a short interview with Chomsky, you know, 乔姆斯基, one of the most famous linguists and linguistic experts in the world. He basically calls ChatGPT a form of high tech plagiarism. You could say that. That's what you're talking about, right?Writing essays, basically I can… as a student or as a researcher, I probably can just lay back enjoy whatever I enjoy and then let ChatGPT write my essay for me. Exactly. Like people basically can write down information about their own experience. But rather than do that, you can use ChatGPT to go online and just write down other people's experiences for you as if it that your own. But will you get found out?Oh, yeah.You know that some professors or some universities they have developed their programs to check whether you have plagiarized your work or not. 就是那种论文查重的.What about essays written by AI, by ChatGPT?They're creating AIs that can detect whether or not an AI took a picture or created a picture, I should say, or wrote an essay. There’re usually telltale signs whether or not something was written by an actual human or written by an AI. Human beings. Why do we make life so difficult for ourselves?And yet so easy.I know. So we created AI technology like ChatGPT to write our essays for us, but then we have to create AI programs that will detect whether the essays are written by AI or not. It's a mouthful. I'm also worried about the scams. In deepfakes are a big issue nowadays especially as they get better and better. You could call someone and they could imitate your voice and look like you, and ChatGPT like software can be used to make deepfakes look more realistic. I've seen some of the deepfake videos that is scary. So guys, if you don't really know what's that like, imagine that they can steal your face or they can create a human being that does not exist, like an expert that actually is not a real human expert, but then using AI technology, using deepfake, this person can look very realistic and they can use your voice as well, use your pattern of speech. And now that they're using your voice and they're using your patterns of speech. They're coming for your jobs. That's another concern, isn't it?People like, oh no, ChatGPT is gonna steal our jobs. What do you think?Right now, ChatGPT is doing some things like editing code and can even write some python code.So like it's getting kind of crazy what it can do. So it's probably not going to write high level code that people need for bigger programs. But definitely editing code is something that takes a lot of work. And it can help out with that. It probably can replace certain jobs. I'm not sure if it's completely but like I said earlier, customer service, for example. Yeah, customer service is a big thing. Data processing is something that's probably going
2/23/2023 • 12 minutes, 27 seconds
通过本张名著,你将获得:西方国家名著必读清单45集音频+逐字稿+图文良心制作精选文化贴士/名人轶事介绍/金句提炼/修辞手法分析故事情节浓缩精华来自璐璐和安澜不一样的见解和解说优雅英音Quotes跟读Hi everyone, and welcome back to酒馆. One piece of good news, 我们的新专辑上线了, Season Two of the Bluffer's Guide to English Literature. 【英文名著扫盲班】第二季.In the previous episode of the intro to Season II of The Bluffer's Guide to English Literature, Anlan and I talked about the books we've chosen, and we're going to continue with the book list today.And similar to Alice, we've also got another story of a young person who is coming of age.Which is very, very, very, very long.Very long but a classic, David Copperfield.《大卫·科波菲尔》. You're British. You pretty much have to talk about Dickens.I do, and David Copperfield was Dickens’ favorite book, he actually says this is my favorite book.It's…perhaps it's because it's a partly autobiographical. Yeah. So in this episode, we're going to be talking about his background. And we'll also be talking about a very long plot, which is almost like a soap opera.Yeah, to compare David Copperfield and the modern-day soap opera, you probably can get into the story a lot more.Yes.Now I know how much you like a good story with very, very clear beginning, climax and the end.Yes.
2/20/2023 • 8 minutes, 35 seconds
通过本张专辑,你将获得:西方国家名著必读清单45集音频+逐字稿+图文良心制作精选文化贴士/名人轶事介绍/金句提炼/修辞手法分析故事情节浓缩精华来自璐璐和安澜不一样的见解和解说优雅英音Quotes跟读Hello again欢迎来到Happy Hour英文小酒馆。关注公众号璐璐的英文小酒馆,加入我们的酒馆社群,邂逅更精彩更广阔的世界Hi everyone, and welcome back to酒馆. One piece of good news, 我们的新专辑上线了, Season Two of the Bluffer's Guide to English Literature. 【英文名著扫盲班】第二季.Yeah, hi Anlan.Hi, Lulu, hi everyone.Did you enjoy recording about all those books with me?Of course, I did. It was great to talk about some of these books, particularly the ones that I like, but I did actually learn a lot from the books that you like.其实之前【英文名著扫盲班】第一季上线的时候, 我们就已经做了一个发刊对谈了, 对吧?发刊词. We talked about why we enjoy reading, why we love literature and why literature is so important for language learners and for those who want to understand a little bit around the culture of the English speaking world.So in this episode we're going to talk a little bit more about the books we have chosen. In particular, why we have chosen them.因为我们在第一季的时候已经录了那种很正经的发刊词, 然后里面也说了我们各种各样的理念, philosophy.So I thought season two, we can still use those philosophies, but we're going to add an extra episode, a little bit more fun episode to tell you how we've come to choose these ten books for the second season.Yes. It involves lots of discussion, lots of arguments between Lulu and me.Lots of fights.Lots of fights, simply because there are so many books we want to choose. So what we do is each of us comes up with a list of ten books we want for the album.Yeah.Now Lulu's taste in books is a bit strange. Personally, some of these books I don't really quite understand, but my books are really, really good.I could say the same thing.我跟安澜在选书的时候, 基本上会同时考虑这种top booklists, and also our own preferences and our own experiences. And we do have very different tastes. After we share with each other, our ten book selections, we kept saying to each other, why did you choose that book?Yes. So how we select them is after having arguments, we do try to choose an example of some of the most popular genres, not to mention the books that really have a following even to this day, so that they do appear in cultural references all the time.Yeah. So you don't have to worry, although 安澜 and I have very, very different tastes in books but the books we've ended up choosing they're all very, very well-known books.Basically the starting point as with the first album is if these books are parodied in TV shows like The Simpsons, we put them on the list.只要是被辛普森一家恶搞过的, 就证明他足够的有名.Yes.
2/19/2023 • 9 minutes, 20 seconds
"欢迎来到英文小酒馆的迷你双语板块【Buzzword Mix】-新词特饮,短短几分钟,让不同段位的你掌握最新最地道的英文谈资!关注公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】,获取更多有趣节目内容和文稿哦~" In today's Buzzword Mix, our buzzword is Situationship. Now we've just gone through Valentine's Day, did you celebrate with your significant other?Are you still single?Or are you in a situation where you are dating someone but it's not exactly a relationship. You and your partner have fun together and may even be intimate, physically and emotionally. But you haven't made a commitment to each other or even discuss the future together. 我相信很多人既不是那种婚姻爱情幸福甜蜜的状态, 也不是母胎单身, 而是有约会对象, 但是似乎就是那种若即若离, 没有确定下来的关系. Now you have the exact word in English to describe just that. 所以今天的Buzzword我们就来说说, 英文里用来形容 “友人以上, 恋人未满” 的这个词Situationship.Situationship is a combination of situation and relationship. So if you are dating someone, but when people ask you whether you are in a relationship, your answer is well, it's complicated. Then you're probably in a situationship. Let's look at the definition first, less than a relationship, but more than a casual encounter or friends with benefit, a situationship refers to a romantic relationship that is and remains undefined. 其实要说situationship它最大的特点就是还没有定性, 两个人在一起很亲密, 会做很多恋人做的事儿, 但是并没有所谓正规的名分, 也没有正式的讨论过将来. And apparently this is becoming a trend, especially in the young generation. Now if you look at the society nowadays, our expectations of relationship has changed. People are getting married later in life and many people are eager to explore relationships in a less structured way without pressure to commit as they prioritize self-knowledge and developing as individuals.那之所以situationship会成为一个潮流, 主要是因为现代人特别是年轻人的婚恋观出现了很大的改变. 人们越来越晚婚, 而且比起感情婚姻承诺这些东西, 更愿意去考虑个人自身的发展.Especially Gen-Z, 特别是Z世代, 也就是相当于中国的95后00后, they take an especially pragmatic approach to love and sex, and subsequently aren't prioritizing establishing committed romantic relationships the same way their older peers once did. 他们对于婚恋性爱的观点倾向于更加实用主义, 用句更通俗的话来讲, 可能就是谈恋爱不如搞钱重要.
2/16/2023 • 9 minutes, 46 seconds
【Geek Time】-“极客”时间,和“科技宅”Brad一起聊神秘有趣的“黑科技”“高科技”“硬科技”。欢迎关注公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】,可以查看更多精彩内容,查看英语全文稿哦~Hi, everyone. And welcome back to Geek Time. 欢迎回到【Geek时间】. Hi, Brad. Hey, Lulu. What are we going to talk about today?What is the top trending topic in geek world?Good, something I found recently a lot is ChatGPT. That's all the fad in China as well. 如果大家关注, 哪怕你不是特别关注Tech的新闻, 最近应该都经常看到 ChatGPT. 怎么说呢, 就是一个聊天机器人的这么一个概念吧, to dumb it down, would you say ChatGPT is a chat bot? In its space form, you could say it's a chat bot. Let's start with the basics. Chat, we understand. But GPT. Yeah, GPT means generative pretrained transformer. That's a big word. That's a mouthful. 中文直译是生成式预训练转化模型, can we actually break it down?I mean a lot of our listeners probably don't know like me don't really know much about this. So generative, first of all, 生成式what does that mean?Means to be able to generate something or create somethingSo like when you talk to ChatGPT, they are able to create dialogues. All right, create new content. Pretrained obviously means it's been trained using AI technology or some relevant technology?It's a form of AI, it's been trained to perform particular tasks and one of those tasks is doing chat. But so it's basically… it's trained to generate some sort of chat. OK, and transformer?So it takes information that it has access to and transforms it into something new. I see. I actually did my own little research preparing for this topic. Just tell me if I'm understanding this correctly, it's called ChatGPT, basically it's a chat model that's using GPT-3, GPT-3, it's like a neural network what they call it. It's a neural network. It's their third generation of their current GPT model. 所以其实可以理解为是用GPT-3就是三代GPT的神经网络模型, 然后创造出来的这么一个ChatGPT, 类似于聊天机器人, 人工智能聊天的这么一个存在. But this is definitely not the first prototype for chat bots, right?There were many before, I used certain chat bots, but they were all a bit, for lack of a better word, dumb. This chat bot is something a little bit more than original chat bots. It can chat with good precision. It can write essays or scripts for a book or a movie. Wow. You can think of it as being like the ultimate fan fiction writer. 可以写同人志的那种.
2/14/2023 • 11 minutes, 58 seconds
"英文小酒馆致力于打造沉浸式英语学习社群,无论是微信社群、有声节目、线上活动和课程,我们都全心全意为爱好英语的你带去一份专属于英语的快乐。微信公众号: 【璐璐的英文小酒馆】 查音频节目文稿,了解广阔的世界。跟随我们的脚步,体会英语的温度。" Hi, everyone. And welcome back to happy hour, 欢迎回来酒馆. It's that time of the year, isn't it? It's time for a Valentine's, no, anti-Valentine's Day special.又到了一年的情人节或者说是反情人节特辑, well love it or hate it, it happens every year. Just about as soon as the calendar turns over, love is in the air; or to be more precise, in the shopping centers, restaurants, bars, on all sorts of e-commerce platforms and all over social media.Throughout early February, you can't turn around without seeing boxes of chocolate, Teddy bears holding a heart and all sorts of Valentine's Day decorations.Loved by some, loathed by others, Valentine's day is widely regarded as the ultimate day of cheesy, unapologetic romance. So whether you go all out, splurge on the luxury Valentine's Day experience for you and your sweetheart, or you prefer to go low key, just ignore the holiday together; or if you are hopelessly single.I'm sure at some point, you've wondered about the origin of Valentine's Day where did it come from?Now I know a lot of people in China would say it's a western holiday, but where in the West and when, and most importantly how? While some may be vaguely aware that the occasion takes its place from a famous person called Valentine or Saint Valentine, they may not be acquainted with the full history of Valentine's Day. 可能有人知道西方的情人节是圣瓦伦丁节, 就是有一个人叫圣瓦伦丁. The history of Valentine's Day actually finds its roots in ancient Rome and it's not as rosy and romantic as you might want to believe. So in today's episode, let's dig deeper into the un-romantic history of Valentine's Day. So one thing to keep in mind, saint Valentine actually could refer to several people. We don't really know which saint Valentine the holiday technically celebrates. The Catholic church has records of at least three different martyrs named Valentine or Valentinos.
2/12/2023 • 13 minutes, 6 seconds
Hello again欢迎来到Happy Hour英文小酒馆。关注公号璐璐的英文小酒馆,加入我们的酒馆社群,邂逅更精彩更广阔的世界Hi everyone, and welcome back to Famous Brits Under the Microscope【英伦名人八卦堂】. Hi, 安澜. Hi Lulu, hi, everyone.We haven't done this for a while.No, it's been a really long time since we last did this segment. But I thought today I want talk a little bit more about the gossipMhm. We talk about the great people from British historySo boring...You can get a bit boring.Okay.Today I want to tell you about probably one of the worst kings we ever had.It's not the great, it’s the infamous.Exactly. And this was George IV.George IV. 乔治四世, I'm really bad at history, so remind me.So George IV reigned in the early 19th century, but he was most famous for being the Prince Regent.就是摄政王, 是不是Blackadder 里面, in Blackadder Hugh Laurie that character.He was the Prince Regent, and this was also the Time of Jane Austen.And we still talk about the regency as a time of architecture, art, literature, good manners. But it's named after somebody who was not a very nice person.And his time that was... when he had the power, when he's on the throne that was called the regency. That's right, 叫摄政时期, if you look it up in Chinese.So it starts with him being born in1762, his father and mother were the king and queen obviously. And as a child, even though he was a good student, he wasn't stupid, he was more interested in luxury, eating, drinking, and partying. He was incredibly lazy.So it's basically someone born with really not just silver spoon, was like diamond spoon.Well put it this way. He got around£14 million a year as allowance from the king and also from parliament.£14 million?In today's prices, in 2022.And that was just allowance?That was just his allowance, but even with that amount of money, he was constantly in debt. He was overspending.What did he spend it on, partying? drinking? How much could he drink?
2/9/2023 • 11 minutes, 17 seconds
欢迎来到英文小酒馆的迷你双语板块【Buzzword Mix】-新词特饮,短短几分钟,让不同段位的你掌握最新最地道的英文谈资!关注公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】,获取更多有趣节目内容和文稿哦~Hi everyone, and welcome back to Buzzword Mix. 欢迎回到我们的迷你双语板块【新词特饮】, 短短几分钟让不同段位的你掌握最新最地道的英文谈资. In today's Buzzword Mix, our buzzword is Gamification. Now I don't know if you have noticed, but nowadays whatever you do, whether you are studying or you are exercising, or you are using any sort of APP, there are always certain settings that make you feel like, am I actually playing a game?可能大家也注意到了, 各种各样领域的APP, 它都会有一些特别像游戏的设置, 比如说什么积分、排行、奖励, so let's talk about this word in today's Buzzword-Gamification. 所以今天的Buzzword, 我们就来聊聊「游戏化」. Gamification, obviously from the word game, gaming, is the strategic attempt to enhance systems, services, organizations, and activities by creating similar experiences to those experienced when playing games in order to motivate and engage users. 游戏化很好理解, 为了吸引参与者或者使用者提升他们的参与度和驱动力, 在非游戏的语境里加入游戏的元素和体验. This is generally accomplished through the application of game design elements and game principles in non-game contexts. 更具体的就是在非游戏的语境里加入游戏设计的元素以及游戏的一些规则. Gamification is part of a persuasive system design, and it commonly employs game design elements to improve user engagement, organizational productivity, flow, learning, crowdsourcing, knowledge retention, so on and so forth. 它可以用到的领域非常的多, 从普通的提升用户参与度粘性到知识的宣传, 提升组织内部的生产力, 工作流程, 甚至可以用在比如说政治性的宣传或者说众筹项目等等场景. Now while you think this might be a very new idea, games and game-like elements having used to educate, entertain, and engage for thousands of years. It's just that nowadays with our smartphones and apps, we're able to do it much more engaging. So here I'm going to share with you some of the most classic game elements used in Gamification. These are Points, Badges, and Leaderboards. 在各种游戏化设计里面万变不离其宗的三个大类就是积分Points, Badges 徽章, and Leaderboard排名榜.Points are used as visual identifiers of progress in sports, reward cards and video games. Badges display achievement, whether from service in the military or a gold star on school report card.Leaderboards are used across sports, sales teams, and in general life to present competitive placement. So a little bit of healthy competition and a sense of accomplishment is really what gamification is all about. 其实说来说去游戏化的根基, 除了那些花里胡哨吸引人眼球的design之外, 更多的是唤起人们的一种好胜心以及人们对于成就感的渴望.
2/7/2023 • 8 minutes
不论是海外求学,国际旅行,接待外宾还是跨境业务洽谈中,你是否满腹干货,想做中华文化使者,但又苦于无法用英文表达?语言,不仅能让你看到更广阔的世界也能让你在更大的舞台发出自己的声音。酒馆特别板块: China Story【用英语,说中国】,双语播出,适合不同段位的你。让我们一起,讲述有趣有料的中国故事。添加luluxjg2获取全文稿哦~~What Is Lichun?According to the traditional Chinese solar calendar, there are 24 solar terms in a year. Lichun is the first solar term. Lichun is the day when the sun is exactly at the celestial longitude of 315° (i.e. 45.66 days before the spring equinox). The date of Lichun is not fixed to one Gregorian calendar date, but it always occurs on February 3rd, 4th, or 5th, mostly on February 4th.立春,为二十四节气之首。立,是“开始”之意;春,代表着温暖、生长。 二十四节气最初是依据“斗转星移”制定,当北斗七星的斗柄指向寅位时为立春。现行是依据太阳黄经度数定节气,当太阳到达黄经315°时为立春,于每年公历2月3-5日交节。 明代作品《群芳谱》对立春解释为:“立,始建也。春气始而建立也。干支纪元,以寅月为春正、立春为岁首,立春乃万物起始、一切更生之义也,意味着新的一个轮回已开启。在传统观念中,立春有吉祥的涵义,标志着万物闭藏的冬季已过去,开始进入风和日暖、万物生长的春季。《史记.天官书》(The Records of the Grand Historian):“正月旦,王者岁首,立春日,四时之始也”,立春为四时之始。中国古代一些著作将立春的十五天分为三候:“一候东风解冻,二候蜇虫始振,三候鱼陟负冰”,说的是东风送暖,大地开始解冻。立春五日后,蜇居的虫类慢慢在洞中苏醒,再过五日,河里的冰开始溶化,鱼开始到水面上游动,此时水面上还有没完全溶解的碎冰片,如同被鱼负着一般浮在水面。Lichun HistoryThe history of the 24 solar terms dates back three millennia. They were used for farming in China since the Spring and Autumn Period (770-476 BC), but, according to some experts, the 24 solar terms were only used for the first time in books during the Western Han Dynasty (206 BC – 9 AD).廿四节气是上古农耕文明的产物,它在我国传统农耕社会中占有极其重要的位置。The beginning of spring was of great significance to farmers in ancient times, as it marked the beginning of a new year’s work. Major celebrations and traditional Lichun activities were handed down by the generations. Traditional Lichun CustomsThere are still some traditional activities held on the day of Lichun, especially in rural areas.
2/5/2023 • 7 minutes, 49 seconds
【Geek Time】-“极客”时间,和“科技宅”Brad一起聊神秘有趣的“黑科技”“高科技”“硬科技”。欢迎关注公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】,可以查看更多精彩内容,查看英语全文稿哦~Welcome back to Geek Time advance. This is Brad. How are you doing Lulu?Hi, Brad.So we're going to continue on with our discussion of Star Wars and Star Trek. Have you actually gone and watched any of the episodes like you were supposed to?Well, there's so many of them, so many movies and episodes of the tv series, I promise I'll try to sit down and watch them. All right. But seriously, what is the big deal? I mean last time, obviously you walked us through the two series, the two settings and all the plot lines. But you still haven't really explained why is it so important in geekdom or in geek culture.When you look at Star Trek and Star Wars, these two and then you have Doctor Who in the UK, they’re what really paved the way for people to accept sci-fi as a genre.There have been lots of sci-fi classics out there. The Time Machine, The Invisible Man, there's been lots of sci-fi literature, but it's always kind of had the stigma in the literary world where you're, it's not real literature so to say.But with the Star Trek and Star Wars, you get a lot of people who are actually looking at Star… or its science fiction as an actual genre that should be kept as an important genre in literature. I mean when I was in university, we had a class and we could choose like a particular subgenre. I chose the sci-fi when I did it because that's what I was really into, and that's something they probably wouldn't have done 20 years before that. I see. So basically these three, the three big ones, Star Trek, Star Wars, Doctor Who, they sort of kind of like brought sci-fi to the forefront, and legitimized the role of sci-fi in literary world. I mean, like, when you look at the world as it is today, we've... in the last 20, 30 years, there has been so much change when it comes to technology that people really understand the value of sci-fi and what sci-fi has been telling us. And so people are actually looking at this, ‘Okay, We should actually not just look at literature and what literature says about the world, but we should start looking at sci-fi more specifically.’Yeah, honestly, I have to say, although I'm not like a huge fan of sci-fi, but I can certainly see the point of sci-fi. I think a lot of really like the classic sci-fi tales. They are like cautionary tales almost. They talk about humanity, scientific progress, and how… many of the ethical dilemmas in scientific development.Yeah when you look at sci-fi, if we kind of look into even if it's a Doctor Who but like we look at the way species are treated in Star Trek and Star Wars, we do see a lot of that those ethical dilemmas even when it comes to the way robots are treated in Star Trek. There was a whole episode we were deciding whether or not AI should be considered as conscious if it gets to a particular level, right? When you watch Star Trek and Star Wars, you'll see the majority of beings are humanoid in one way or another.So they behave like humans or they look kind of like humans.They'll maybe emulate a particular group of people that we might see in the world now, but like the majority of it is kind of this whole idea that most life out there will probably look like us in one way or another. They might have more arms or more legs or more eyes. Maybe they won't have ears like we know it. But they'll have some sort of body that we can understand, right?It's a very human centric perspective, isn't it? It’s like how we imagine aliens and extraterrestrial beings, this is all based on how we look.Right. And that's when it comes to what science used to think is that when you look at the building blocks of life that humans would or that animals would have to look something like us. If you look at most animals on the planet, mammals at least, mammals have really similar bone structures. When you compare them, you can kind of say, oh this is how this mammal bone structure became
2/2/2023 • 14 minutes, 33 seconds
【Geek Time】-“极客”时间,和“科技宅”Brad一起聊神秘有趣的“黑科技”“高科技”“硬科技”。欢迎关注公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】,可以查看更多精彩内容,查看英语全文稿哦~Hi, everyone. And welcome back to Geek Time, 欢迎回来【Geek时间】. Hi, Brad. Hey, Lulu.Quick question: Star Trek or Star Wars? I'm kind of in the middle. I love both. I know a lot of people when they think of Star Trek and Star Wars, there is always this divide where you're either a Trekkie or you're a Star Wars fan. But for me, I really, I love both. Now to our listeners for 70-75% women, I know this is probably a very geeky topic. Now, I know many of you watched things like Big Bang Theory or some other comedy where you constantly hear the reference to Star Wars and Star Trek. Star Wars星球大战和Star Trek 星际迷航, 这两个都成了一个梗了, 经常能在很多喜剧里面看到.Whenever they appear in comedy, it's always people who are into them, they're really, really into them. And people who are not into them, just don't get it; and they are like the “geek tag” right? That’s the geek badge of honor, almost.They are the kings of geekdom.Yeah. In these 2 episodes, we're gonna talk to Brad, a seasoned geek, 资深geek. What is the big deal about Star Wars and Star Trek? I think with Star Trek that came first. Well actually when you look at sci-fi, Doctor Who 《神秘博士》of course came before that, but Star Trek in the U.S. at least started in the 60s in a kind of in the late 60s. But it's been on TV for the majority of the time since then or in a movie format one way or the other. Star Trek was originally kind of like this show was a one-off adventure every time they were going to a new world. Like a self-contained, right?Right. A new civilization, like the whole tagline was “to boldly go where no man has gone before,” right? They have this whole idea where you could watch any episode and you wouldn't really be lost. You'd be able to understand what was going on. Nowadays, it's kind of moved into this more serial nature where you have to watch from the beginning to the end. And that's one of those things that has kind of...it’s a developing plot. Right. That's kept people more focused on the show rather than just being casual watchers. It gets people to watch it from week to week. Okay. But it's Star Trek, this whole idea is that it's about the scientific journey. There might be some things that seem really fantastical and you're like this must be magic. But the end of every episode they show you how it somehow has to do with scientific and there's a scientific reasoning behind it. That's kind of like the magic of Star Trek. This is why it's sci-fi. It’s not a fantasy, because everything is somewhat based on scientific reasoning, right? Yeah. Now, I just make you watch it sometime.
1/31/2023 • 12 minutes, 49 seconds
不论是海外求学,国际旅行,接待外宾还是跨境业务洽谈中,你是否满腹干货,想做中华文化使者,但又苦于无法用英文表达?语言,不仅能让你看到更广阔的世界也能让你在更大的舞台发出自己的声音。酒馆特别板块: China Story【用英语,说中国】,双语播出,适合不同段位的你。让我们一起,讲述有趣有料的中国故事。岁寒三友 The Three Friends of Winter时至岁末,万物冬藏。风雪之中,有几种植物挺霜而立、凌寒飘香,给寒冬增添别样的美丽,给人们带来绿色的希望。The Three Friends of Winter is an art motif that comprises the pine, bamboo, and plum. The Chinese celebrated the pine, bamboo and plum together, as they observed that these plants do not wither as the cold days deepen into the winter season unlike many other plants. Known by the Chinese as the Three Friends of Winter, they later entered the conventions of East Asian culture and Vietnamese culture. Together they symbolize steadfastness, perseverance, and resilience. They are highly regarded in Confucianism and as such represent the scholar-gentleman's ideal.严寒时节的三位友人,具体指松、竹、梅三种植物。在中国传统文化中,有些植物因其自然属性而被赋予某种人文蕴涵。松、竹四季常青,历冬不凋;梅花凌霜傲雪,美丽绽放。三者都不怕严寒,在严寒中展现自身的生命力和自然美,宛如在严寒中相伴生长的好友,故被世人合称为“岁寒三友”。在历代文人骚客的不尽吟咏之中,被赋予顽强刚毅、坚韧不拔、高洁坚贞等精神品格,点亮了中国人的精神世界。 When the famous intellectual Su Shi' was exile to Hubei. With help from a friend, he built a small residence on a parcel of land. Not only did he grow crops on the land, he also planted pine trees, bamboos and plum trees. 北宋大文豪苏东坡遭到权臣排挤,被贬至黄州(今湖北省黄冈县)。为了解决经济困难,苏东坡自己开垦了一片荒地,种植稻、麦、桑、枣等农作物。不久,他又在院子里种上松、柏、梅、竹等花木。When his friend visited him and asked Su whether he felt too lonely and isolated in the winter with no one around. 一次,朋友来看望他,见他的居所冷清萧瑟,便打趣地问他坐卧起居,满眼看见的都是雪,是不是太寂寞,太冷清?Su laughed that said:“风泉两部乐,松竹三益友。” how can I be lonely when everyday I enjoy the symphony of the breeze and babbling spring and the companionship of my three friends of winter;清风吹拂和泉水淙淙的声音就是两曲优美的音乐,枝叶常青的松柏、经历寒冬而不雕谢的竹子和傲雪绽放的梅花,便是相伴严冬最好的朋友。
1/27/2023 • 7 minutes, 37 seconds
不论是海外求学,国际旅行,接待外宾还是跨境业务洽谈中,你是否满腹干货,想做中华文化使者,但又苦于无法用英文表达?语言,不仅能让你看到更广阔的世界也能让你在更大的舞台发出自己的声音。酒馆特别板块: China Story【用英语,说中国】,双语播出,适合不同段位的你。让我们一起,讲述有趣有料的中国故事。中国古人如何保暖的?Temperature adjustable room daubed with pepper mashDuring the Qin (221-206 BC) and Han (206 BC-220) dynasties, temperature adjustable rooms emerged in royal families. Royal court had larger and well-equipped rooms, with fireplaces and "Fire walls" that were attached to the stove. They were basically the rudimentary forms of radiator and kang bed-stove.秦朝时,在贵族以及皇宫内又出现了“壁炉”和“火墙”等用以取暖。壁炉里主要是用烧炭来御寒,并且将出烟孔放在室外,避免炭烟中毒。另外在秦兴乐宫遗址中还发现了火墙的做法,即用两块筒瓦相扣,做成管道包在墙的内侧,与灶相连通,已经具备了火炕、暖气的雏形。Imperial palaces such as Changle Palace and Weiyang Palace in Western Han Dynasty (206 BC-AD 24) had temperature adjustable halls. It is said that the "temperature adjustable hall" was built with pepper mash daubed on the wall, embroidery tapestries hung on the wall and a thick carpet paved on the ground. Windshield screens and wild goose feather-made curtains were also used to keep cool air outside.汉武帝时建立了一座温室殿,位于前殿之北,冬天时供皇帝居住,在殿内设有各种防寒保暖的特殊设备,《西京杂记》记载:“温室殿以花椒和泥涂壁, 壁面披挂锦绣,以香桂为主, 设火齐云母屏风,有鸿羽帐,地上铺着西域毛毯。”未央宫温室殿是公卿朝臣议政的重要殿所。Back in the days, only the empress’s palace was built with pepper mash on the wall, hence the name “椒房殿”(The palace of pepper houses) . For a long time, only the empress or the most favored concubines could enjoy this special privilege, making 椒房 the symbol of power in the inner palace.而皇后的宫殿则主要通过花椒和泥涂抹来取暖,被称为“椒房殿”。当然,到后来,“椒房”几乎成了皇后的代称,成为后宫女权的象征。Ground heating systemDuring the Ming (1368-1644) and Qing (1644-1912)dynasties, a ground heating system was used indoors, which was built by concreting circular flue underground. The charcoal fire smoke would flow through channels to the whole room and raise the temperature indoors. The ground heating system enabled the room heat up evenly and mildly. As the fiery pit and smoke jack was set outdoors, the heating method was safe, clean and practical.The ground heating system wasn't invented by Ming and Qing dynasty people. It emerged as early as Wei and Jin dynasties (AD 220-420). The historical record shows that the northeast part of China had used fire pits to keep warm during that time, which functioned similarly as a ground heating system.
1/25/2023 • 13 minutes, 23 seconds
关注【璐璐的英文小酒馆】+小助手【luluxjg2】获取全文稿不论是海外求学,国际旅行,接待外宾还是跨境业务洽谈中,你是否满腹干货,想做中华文化使者,但又苦于无法用英文表达?语言,不仅能让你看到更广阔的世界也能让你在更大的舞台发出自己的声音。酒馆特别板块: China Story【用英语,说中国】,双语播出,适合不同段位的你。让我们一起,讲述有趣有料的中国故事。The four cuisines we talked about in the previous episode were the four major cuisines of China before the Qing Dynasty, which is why they are collectively known as the Four Great Traditions of Chinese Cuisine (Lu, Chuan, Yue, and Su). Think of the next four cuisines as the newcomers, established around the end of Qing Dynasty to form the major eight.5. MIN (FUJIAN) CUISINE (闽菜): Min Cuisine is from the southeastern coastal province of Fujian. It features the best that both land and sea have to offer. Like most of the cuisines on this list, there are several sub-styles.In the capital city of Fuzhou, the food is light and fresh. Farther from the coast, in western Fujian, there are more meat than seafood dishes. In southern Fujian, you’ll find Hokkien cuisine, which has influenced (through migration) the cuisines of Southeast Asia and Taiwan. There is also Putian cuisine, which has a focus on seafood. 由于福建人民经常往来于海上,于是饮食习俗也逐渐形成带有开放特色的一种独特的菜系。闽菜以烹制山珍海味而著称,在色香味形俱佳的基础上,尤以“香”、“味”见长,其清鲜、和醇、荤香、不腻的风格特色,以及汤路广泛的特点,在烹坛园地中独具一席。福州菜淡爽清鲜,讲究汤提鲜,擅长各类山珍海味;闽南菜(厦门、漳州、泉州一带)讲究佐料调味,重鲜香。故此闽菜形成三大特色,一长于红糟调味,二长于制汤,三长于使用糖醋。In many parts of Fujian, a meal is not a meal without a soup. Their most esteemed soup—also perhaps the most famous soup in China—has a very unusual name. “Buddha/Monk Jumps Over the Wall” (佛跳墙).The name suggests that it’s so tantalizing that a monk would break all restraint and jump over the monastery wall to have a taste!It takes a few days to make this soup, with several very expensive ingredients from both land and sea. Some include jinhua ham, chicken, pork, mushrooms, fresh bamboo shoots, abalone, sea cucumber, dried scallops, and dried fish maw.With all these extravagant ingredients, you can expect to pay an arm and a leg for a bowl. The broth is clear, but the flavor is equally delicate, rich, and powerful. 佛跳墙通常选用***、海参、鱼唇、牦牛皮胶、杏鲍菇、蹄筋、花菇、墨鱼、瑶柱、鹌鹑蛋等汇聚到一起,加入高汤和福建老酒,文火煨制而成。成菜后,软嫩柔润,浓郁荤香,又荤而不腻,味中有味。Fujian cuisine also uses rice wine to make “drunken” dishes, fermented rice wine to make brines, and fermented red yeast rice sauce to braise.
1/23/2023 • 11 minutes, 11 seconds
关注【璐璐的英文小酒馆】+小助手【luluxjg2】获取全文稿Year of the Bunny 癸卯兔年-水兔-黑兔 Year of the Water Rabbit根据天干地支推算出,2023年属于癸卯年,癸属水,卯为兔,故有了“水兔年”的说法。同时,在五行当中,白色-金、青色-木、黑色-水、红色-火、黄色-土,因此,“水兔年”也被唤作“黑兔年”。Rabbit, HareRabbit and Hare are two species in the same family. Get to know Rabbit: • The large = Flemish Giant (up to 13kg)• The small = Netherland dwarf rabbit (between 0.5 – 1.13kg)• A baby rabbit is called a kit/kittens, a female is called a doe and a male is called a buck. • Rabbits are very social creatures that live in groups. They live in warrens – a series of tunnels and rooms that they dig underground.• Their teeth NEVER stop growing! Instead they’re gradually worn down as the rabbit chews on grasses, wildflowers and vegetables – meaning they never get too longRabbit symbolismRabbits almost always symbolize prosperity, abundance, good luck, and fertility.1. In most European cultures, rabbits are springtime animals, symbolic of fruitfulness and renewal. 2. The connection between rabbits and spring is also found in Japanese culture. 3. Rabbits are the luckiest of the Zodiac animals in China, according to Chinese astrology, rabbits are predicted to be gentle, quiet, elegant, and alert as well as quick, skillful, kind, patient, and very responsible, faithful .4. In the U.S., rabbits are symbolic of cleverness, devotion to self-improvement, and good luck. But they are primarily seen as trickster animals by Native American cultures. 5. Many Central American peoples see rabbits as symbols of fertility, Aztec mythology associates rabbits with drunkenness and promiscuity.Terms of endearmentHoney bunny Snuggle bunnyDust bunnyGym bunnySnow bunny Beach bunnyIdioms related to bunnyRabbit foodBreed like rabbitsPull a rabbit out of the hatpull a rabbit out of (one's)/the hatDown the rabbit holeAs mad as a March hareFamous rabbits in artsAlice in Wonderland(The White Rabbit) 【爱丽丝梦游仙境】里的白兔先生 Peter Rabbit 【彼得兔】Bambi (Thumper) 【小鹿斑比】里头的Thumper Bugs Bunny 【兔八哥】Zootopia (Judy Hopps)【疯狂动物城】里头的兔子朱迪和兔兔有关的成语发奋强,扬眉气,飞猛进,前似锦辞旧岁,跃新程
1/21/2023 • 13 minutes, 35 seconds
不论是海外求学,国际旅行,接待外宾还是跨境业务洽谈中,你是否满腹干货,想做中华文化使者,但又苦于无法用英文表达?语言,不仅能让你看到更广阔的世界也能让你在更大的舞台发出自己的声音。酒馆特别板块: China Story【用英语,说中国】,双语播出,适合不同段位的你。让我们一起,讲述有趣有料的中国故事。+luluxjg 或者关注工号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】领取精美文稿。Chinese regional cuisines are amongst the many different cuisines found in different provinces of China as well as from larger overseas Chinese communities.These styles are distinctive from one another due to the factors such as availability of resources, climate, geography, history, cooking techniques and lifestyle. One style may favor the generous use of garlic and spring onions over chilli and spices, while another may favour preparing seafood over other meats.一个菜系的形成和它的悠久历史与独到的烹饪特色分不开的。同时也受到这个地区的自然地理、气候条件、资源特产、饮食习惯等影响。HistoryAs early as the Shang Dynasty (17th century BC - 1046 BC) and Zhou Dynasty (1046 - 256 BC), China’s dietary culture has taken shape. 商周时期,中国的饮食文化开始初具雏形。In the Song Dynasty (960 - 1279 AD) , the northern and southern food already had their own characteristics. The interesting fact is, back then, it was the North that favored sweet flavors while the South went for more savory options. 早在宋代的时候,中国各地的饮食已经有了区别。《梦溪笔谈》(The Dream Pool Essays)卷二四中记录到:“大底南人嗜咸,北人嗜甘。鱼蟹加糖蜜,盖便于北俗也。”在当时,中国的口味主要有两种,北方人喜欢吃甜的,南方人喜欢吃咸的。By the end of the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644 AD), Chinese cuisine started to divide into three distinctive styles based on cuisines of Beijing, Suzhou and Guangdong. 南宋时候,北方人大量南迁。逐渐地,北方的饮食文化影响了南方。在南方地区形成了自己的派系。到了明代末期,中国饮食分为京式、苏式和广式。京式偏咸,苏式、广式偏甜。Historically, the Four Great Traditions(四大菜系) of Chinese cuisine are Chuan, Lu, Yue and Su, representing West, North, South and East China cuisine correspondingly. However, in modern times the list is often expanded to the Eight Great Traditions (Chinese: 八大菜系)By the early Qing Dynasty (1644 - 1911 AD), four most influential cuisines prevailed. What are the four main styles of Chinese cuisine at that time? They are cuisines of Shandong, Sichuan, Guangdong and Jiangsu respectively. By the end of the Qing Dynasty, the four new cuisines - Zhejiang cuisine, Fujian cuisine, Hunan cuisine, and Anhui cuisine appeared; together with former four cuisines, they were listed as “8 Chinese Cuisines”.到了清代的时候,徐珂所辑的《清稗类钞》中记载:“肴馔之各有特色者,如京师、山东、四川、广东、福建、江宁、苏州、扬州、镇江、淮安。”后来概括为鲁、川、粤、苏四大菜系。清末民初开始,闽、浙、湘、徽等地方菜也逐渐出名,就形成了中国的“八大菜系”。后来形成最有影响和代表性的也为社***公认的有:鲁、川、粤、苏、闽、浙、湘、徽等菜系,即被人们常说的中国“八大菜系”。
1/20/2023 • 14 minutes, 52 seconds
"欢迎来到英文小酒馆的迷你双语板块【Buzzword Mix】-新词特饮,短短几分钟,让不同段位的你掌握最新最地道的英文谈资!关注公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】,获取更多有趣节目内容和文稿哦~" In today's Buzzword Mix, our buzzword is F.I.R.E. 不是 “火” 这个词, 而是F.I.R.E, abbreviation, it refers to financial independence, retire early, 财富自由, 早早退休. Sounds exciting, doesn’t it?Who wouldn't want financial independence at an early age so that we can just retire. 这几年大家的日子都过得挺紧巴, 但你再往前倒几年, 经济形势比较好的时候, 其实身边还是有很多人在讨论财务自由的, 比如说知乎上就有很多帖子问, 在什么北上广深要实现财务自由需要多少钱?And usually people would give an astronomical number, but actually this F.I.R.E in English might be slightly different from your understanding of财富自由. So let's dive right into it. The F.I.R.E movement is a lifestyle movement with the goal of gaining financial independence and retiring early. 它其实是有关于生活方式的一种风潮或者运动. The model became particularly popular among millennials. In the 2010s, gaining traction through online communities, via Information shared in blogs, podcast, and online discussion forums. 在10年左右是最火的时候, 差不多也是那个时候国内有很多关于财富自由的讨论, 而最热衷于讨论他们的就是millennials千禧一代, 我原来说过, 基本相当于咱们的80 90后。The main ideas behind the F.I.R.E movement originate from the 1992 bestselling book, Your Money or Your Life, as well as the 2010 book Early Retirement Extreme. These works provide the basic template of combining a lifestyle of simple living with income from investments to achieve financial independence. 财富自由运动, 它倡导的就是通过相对简单的生活方式以及各种投资性的收入, 也就是非工作的收入来实现财富自由。In particular, the book Early Retirement Extreme describes the relationship between savings rate and time to retirement, which allows individuals to quickly project their retirement date, given an assumed level of income and expenses. 2010年这本书里还详细的帮你计算了你的收入、开支以及你退休时点之间的关系. 也就是说只要你用它的公式, 就可以通过现在的收入和开支算出你几岁能退休。And this movement kind of also led to the increasing popularity of side hustling. Because this is also seen as a path to accelerate financial independence. 这个财富自由的运动也带火了, 我们之前提到过的比如说side hustling副业这样的风潮. 因为大家会觉得如果有side hustle就能更快更早地实现financial independence. In essence, the F.I.R.E movement is about deciding when you want to stop working, often earlier than traditional retirement ages, then saving up to live your ideal lifestyle when you get there.In China, when we think about financial independence, we think it's a life of luxury. 在国内一般人提到财富自由, 很多人都会觉得说你一定要特别有钱, 要资产过亿. But actually the original F.I.R.E movement in English speaking world, it recommends three main lifestyles you can aim for.
1/17/2023 • 9 minutes, 24 seconds
+ luluxjg2 或者工号 璐璐的英文小酒馆索取【闲话英伦】系列精美文稿啦Hi everyone, and welcome back to Britain Under the Microscope. 欢迎回来【闲话英伦】. Hi, 安澜. Hi, Lulu, hi everyone. So what are we going to talk about today?As many of you know, I've recently gone back to London. And I was walking around London and I just suddenly thought it might be interesting to talk a little bit about how London developed, and in particular, how it used to smell. How it used to smell? Yes. Okay. So I was walking along the Thames and it got me thinking about medieval London and Victorian London and what it was like back then. In London today is pretty clean I would say, especially considering it's a bustling metropolis. Yes, I wouldn't say it's like the cleanest city in the world, but actually there's so many trees in London that technically according to the United Nations’ own standards, London is technically a forest. All right. One thing that did get me is that the Thames, everyone knows the Thames泰晤士河, Thames is… I don't know if it's dirty or… the color is just it's very brown. It is very brown. But actually it's a very clean river. The reason why it's so brown is because it's a tidal river. It's close to the sea, it’s an estuary. So lots of the mud and the soil is being washed down the Thames; and also you have the tides coming in from the sea. So basically, it's more muddy than anything else. So it's not contaminated or polluted, it’s just the mud. No, no, there's lots of fish that actually are able to live in the Thames. But you mentioned that London used to smell, when was that?It got really, really bad in the Victorian age. And if you go back, imagine that you're walking down the street in London in the mid-19th century, the first thing you would have noticed was the mud. So there were no like pavements?There were pavements, but the actual main road was covered in mud. Now, most of that mud though, was not actually mud. It was dung. From the horses?From the horses. In the 1890s, the city's horses were producing 1,000 tons of dung a day. Wow, they sure crap a lot. Yes, the horses. You can imagine back then there were young children who were paid to try and scoop up as much of the dung as possible to free up the traffic, and they'll sell that dung to farmers. Yet the other thing about the Victorian times, Victorian London, was that there were a lot of child laborers. Yeah, and there's also a lot of poor people. In some areas, particularly more affluent areas, wealthier areas of London, there used to be men that would stand by the roadside and you would pay them. So what they would do is when you wanted across the road, they will shovel the dung out of your pathway. And they were essentially like human traffic crossings. They had to shuffle the dung away, the manure away, so that you can walk. Otherwise you just walking on horse shit.Pretty much, and also back then as well the reason why I said it was really, really bad was because London grew incredibly quickly. Sewage was rudimentary, and there weren't many sewers instead cesspits were used. 所以那个时候下水管道是没有的, 或者说基本上非常basic. Yeah. And they just have cesspit for all the sewage.And it used to get really, really bad because you had to pay people to climb in and dig out the cesspit, they were called night soil men. Isn't it quite dangerous? I mean, it happens, especially in the rural areas, I think not that long ago. If you had this cesspit and then if people fall into it, they could really die. A lot of them did. It was a profitable work because they would sell the waste to farmers. And there was also a rule that you could find… wherever you found you kept. So if there's any loose change or coins or jewelry that dropped in and it was yours, but it was very, very dangerous work. And also you have to pay them. So you can imagine if you didn't have that much money or you were a bit cheap, what would happen?
1/15/2023 • 10 minutes, 39 seconds
China Story| 瘟神疾患全退散
+ luluxjg2 或者工号 璐璐的英文小酒馆索取【用英语说中国】系列精美文稿啦Hi everyone, and welcome back China Story, 欢迎回来【用英语说中国】, it has been a while.Today is the Little New Year in Chinese culture. 今天是小年了, 确切说是北方的小年, 南方应该会晚一天. The major celebration of the Chinese New Year is just around the corner and I bet many of you are taking stock of the year we just had and getting ready to ring in the new one. And may I just say: What a year! 相信经历了诸多起伏诸事不顺的2022年,大家都迫不及待想要翻篇儿了吧。过去的三年可以说关键词就只有一个: The COVID-19 pandemic,新冠疫情。那么今天,趁着小年,咱们就来聊聊中国文化里的:瘟神。 瘟神usually translated into God of Plague or God of Pestilence, is a god or group of gods responsible for illness, plague, and disease in Chinese folk religion. 瘟神或者叫疫病神, 是中国乃至东亚民间信仰中的瘟疫之神。In some belief systems, 瘟神(Wen Shen) is identified as a single entity who commands wen spirits; in others, the term is used for a grouping of several distinct gods.各地信仰的瘟神其实并不一致, 可以是一位也可以是几位神的组合. In the olden times, when medical knowledge was not yet as advanced as today, people believed that plagues were caused by evil spirits. In order to ward off these epidemic spirits, protection gods were worshipped that were thought to dispel the plague.瘟疫其实就是急***病, 在古代民智未开医, 疗条件比较低劣的情况下, 大家对于这种可怕的疾病恐惧至极, 甚至很多的时候认为是鬼神作祟, 因此也会祈求神灵保护. And this could be found in many different cultures. Now we call them God or Gods of Plague or Pestilence, but initially, there weren’t gods at all. In fact, there were more considered evil spirits. Three to be more precise.
1/13/2023 • 11 minutes, 35 seconds
"一冠"傻三年, 新冠真的伤脑子?
"欢迎来到英文小酒馆的迷你双语板块【Buzzword Mix】-新词特饮,短短几分钟,让不同段位的你掌握最新最地道的英文谈资!关注公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】,获取更多有趣节目内容和文稿哦~" In today's Buzzword Mix, our buzzword is Brain Fog. I think by now, most of you have already recovered from Covid, while most of your symptoms might have disappeared already, some of you might still be experiencing some lasting after effects. 相信听我们节目的大部分小伙伴和我一样都已经 “阳康”了, 虽然可能大部分的症状都已经没有了, 但阳过之后可能会有一些持续时间更长的后遗症。 For example, you might still be coughing a little bit. For me, personally, I feel like my sense of smell is not as sharp as before. In addition to this, some people have been complaining that their brains seem to have slowed down a bit. So I thought it would be a good idea to talk about this buzzword relating to covid, Brain Fog. 中文直接翻译成 “脑雾”。 I'm pretty sure many of you have heard of this expression both in Chinese and in English, but actually brain fog isn't a medical term. It's a term used for certain symptoms that can affect your ability to think, you may feel confused or disorganized or find it hard to focus or put your thoughts into words. 所谓的 “脑雾” 其实并不是一个医学术语, 只是大家对于认知能力受到一定影响, 喜欢用的这么一个口头表达。To be more specific, this might include a range of symptoms. 它的具体症状包括,仔细听听看, 看你有没有躺枪:Poor concentration, especially difficulty in multitasking and following conversations. 比较难集中注意力, 特别是multitasking几件事情同时进行的时候尤其明显, 而且有时候跟人说话感觉跟不上节奏; feeling confused, 喜欢犯迷糊; thinking more slowly than usual;forgetfulness, 健忘; mental fatigue, 精神疲累; fuzzy thoughts, 脑子里面就好像一团雾,感觉什么东西都模模糊糊的。Brain fog can feel similar to the effects of sleep deprivation or stress. 即使身体完全健康的人, 也可能因为睡眠不足或者压力过大出现brain fog. It's not the same as dementia and does not mean structural damage to the brain. 不用太担心的就是, 这种脑雾和真正的失智或者痴呆症是完全不同的, 这并不意味着你的脑子受到了结构性的损伤。Now there are a number of factors and health conditions that can cause brain fog, including lack of sleep, increased stress levels.会造成脑雾的原因, 除了我们刚才说到的睡眠不足或者说压力过大, 还可能包括depression抑郁, dementia痴呆症或者失智, perimenopause女性的围绝经期也就是绝经前的时期, medication服用的某种药物, hormonal conditions 激素水平的变化。 For example, some women might complain about brain fog during or right after the pregnancy. 俗话里说的什么 “一孕傻三年” 其实也跟 brain fog有点关系. And of course, one other factor that can cause brain fog is a viral infection such as COVID-19. 当然还有一个很重要的原因就是病毒性感染, 比如新冠。While recovering from COVID-19, some people experience brain fog, symptoms may vary and change over time. It's not just people who were hospitalized with coronavirus who can develop brain fog. It's a common part of long COVID.新冠所引起的脑雾, 不光是那些危重症在医院里的人才会出现, 很多得过新冠的人也会出现这种long COVID, 所谓的长新冠, 也就是新冠的一些后续问题后遗症, 脑雾就是其中之一。Many people who have recovered from the acute life-threatening effects of COVID-19, but still report that they don't feel that they're thinking and memory back to normal. 这也就是很多人可能已经没有了其他那些更严重的, 甚至危及生命的新冠症状, 但是仍然觉得他们的思维和记忆力都没有恢复到之前的正常水平。You can think of the brain fog as a networking problem with communication between the various parts of the brain becoming compromised by either direct injury from the virus itself or from immune system over activation that leaves us simmering, but gradually fading inflammation behind in the brain. 更具体的来讲会出现这种脑雾, 其实是因为你的脑部的各个部分, 由于受到了病毒的攻击, 仍然在恢复的过程中, 也可能是在病毒攻击下, 你整体的免疫系统被过度激活, 所以在脑部仍然留有一些炎症反应的后遗症。A COVID-19 infection and its inflammatory aftermath jolt the intricately coordinated neural networks in the brain and disrupt the flow of Information.新冠感染的本身以及它后续的一些炎症的反应, 都可能一定程度地影响我们的脑部, 也就让我们传递信息的这些通路出现了一些不顺畅。The good news is that the vast majority of patients with the post COVID-19 brain fog recover completely over the course of 6 to 9 months.
1/10/2023 • 8 minutes, 28 seconds
关注工号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】,获取全文逐字稿和更多好文哦Hi everyone, and welcome back to Britain Under the Microscope. 欢迎回来【闲话英伦】Hi, 安澜.Hi Lulu. hi everyone. Last time we were talking about Oxford from the Oxbridge combo. So today let's talk about Cambridge, 牛建里的剑桥. Yeah, absolutely. I think a lot of people in China, their first association with Cambridge is 徐志摩,is再别康桥. I've actually been to the memorial in Cambridge. So 康桥就是Cambridge, but it's just like a different translation. Now Oxford and Cambridge, Cambridge is later, right? It was founded later. Yeah, Cambridge is relatively new, because it was founded in 1209. Relatively new. Well, relatively.So Cambridge is quite similar to Oxford. There is no campus and the colleges are spread throughout the city, so it's made up of about 31 colleges with over 150 different institutions all within the university. So like Oxford which is located in Oxford city, Cambridge, it's also its own city. Cambridge is a city, and just like Oxford, it's got lots of people who live there. There's lots of it's actually quite a lot of service industries in Cambridge. So lovely city as well. It's a beautiful city. I would say Cambridge is slightly quieter than Oxford. Oxford is still quite close to central London. Cambridge is a little bit further out and there's a lot more countryside around Cambridge. And how far is it from London? There's about 2.5 hours. So it's a bit more out there. It is a little bit more out there, yeah. And I remember we were talking about most of your Prime Ministers graduated from Oxford. So, I remember you mentioning that Oxford is more humanities and Cambridge focuses a little bit more on science. Yeah, it's not as clear cut as that, but Cambridge does have a really strong scientific background. So for example, the Cavendish laboratory is one of the most famous in the world, in particular, for physics and biology, so it's really famous, even though it's quite new, it's 19th century, but this is where the electron, the neutron and DNA were discovered.Impressive. But having said that, it's not all science because I know that there is something theatrical going on in Cambridge.Yes, you have the really famous amateur theatrical club, footlights. I don't know. Hugh Laurie?Yes, Hugh Laurie, John Oliver, Douglas Adams. So for those of you who have listened to our literature album, we've talked about Douglas Adams and The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, this is where they all started. 对, 我们的名著专辑专门才讲过他的一本书。Yeah, talking about books though, Cambridge has some amazing libraries. There are over 100 libraries in Cambridge and the main one is actually what we call a legal deposit library. What is a legal deposit library? So under British law, every book that is published in the UK and Ireland, Cambridge University library can request a copy of it for free. Oh, so it's more like almost like an archive for record keeping. Yeah, Oxford has the same thing as well. But every book that is published in the UK generally goes to Cambridge University library. So that's about 100,000 books every single year. So that's like heaven for bookworms. I love the bookshops in Cambridge. Imagine being a student going to Cambridge...Oh, God, amazing.
1/8/2023 • 12 minutes, 24 seconds
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~Hi, everyone. And welcome back to Britain Under the Microscope. 欢迎回来【闲话英伦】. Hello, 安澜.Hi, Lulu. Hi, everyone. 安澜 you grew up as a top student, right?Overachiever. I was certainly kind of… a bit of a nerd. Don't be modest. 安澜绝对是从小是学霸那种. You know that many top students in China, they have... and I believe everywhere in the world, have this certain obsession with top universities. 学霸都有那种顶尖名校情结。I think pretty much every student they think about the top university, they want to try to aim for that. Especially the top students. So I thought we can talk about some top universities in the UK. Now when I think about, and I think I speak for a lot of people, when we think about famous universities, in the UK, we think Oxbridge. 中文也叫牛剑, 英文也叫Oxbridge, 把这两个学校拼在一起, 对吧?We do think about Oxbridge, and I guess if we have to speak about them...Yes, because 安澜 did not go to Oxbridge.No, but my university was okay, was good. But I wasn't smart enough for Oxford, but my university is also still ranking in the top three or top five. 对安澜去的UCL (University College London) 也一般都是排名top three的, 有几年还超过了 我记得是超过了Cambridge, there were a couple of years. I can't quite remember exactly when. But nonetheless, let's talk about Oxbridge.Okay.Let's start with oxford.It's good that we start with Oxford, because that was the first university in the UK. It's actually the second oldest university in the world. The first being in, I don't know, Germany? Italy. So the first university was in Italy, and then the second oldest is Oxford. And pretty much it's so old that they're not quite sure when teaching began there. Some people say it's around 1096 or so, but people don't really know. 1096, almost a thousand years.Pretty much. It is close to 1000 years old. And you think about all of these students that kept going to Oxford, and you think about all the students from other countries that want to go to Oxford. Actually the first international student arrived in 1190. That's very liberal minded at that time. So you're talking about international students being admitted into oxford so early. What about women?Women had to wait a little bit longer, until 1920 actually. It figures, 1920s. And that's to all the colleges. No, actually all colleges started to admit both men and women from 2008. 2008?Calm down, calm down. It's not banning women from attending these colleges, it's actually banning men. So the last female-only college actually only started admitting male students in 2008.I see. 所以Oxford里面有一个是只收女生的学院. I see. And in 2008, onwards both men and women.That's right. You mentioned colleges. Now is it a case that Oxford is like this big umbrella, basically understanding of university, and then you have different colleges that belong to the university?Oxford University or the University of Oxford has about 39 colleges, which are self-governing. They all have their own traditions in history. But when you think about Oxford as a city, don't think of it as like one big university, it's actually lots of colleges all spread out across the city. So they don't really have the idea of a main campus with a gate. No. It's all part of the main city. And that's pretty much the same for many universities in the UK. You don't actually have a main gate and fences around the campus. It's actually just part of the city. Yeah, even some London based universities, they don't have campus, their buildings are just scattered around London. That's right. Same with Oxford. Actually you mentioned Oxford city. So Oxford is actually a city, a town that many people don't know that, it's not just a university. It is a city. It's a very popular city. It's not very big though. Well, it's still a city.
1/5/2023 • 14 minutes, 37 seconds
"欢迎来到英文小酒馆的迷你双语板块【Buzzword Mix】-新词特饮,短短几分钟,让不同段位的你掌握最新最地道的英文谈资!关注公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】,获取更多有趣节目内容和文稿哦~" In today's Buzzword Mix, our buzzword is on Unboxing. Now if you're a follower of social media or video streaming sites, you have definitely heard of the concept. 但凡你视频没少刷, 你都一定看到过这种类型的视频, 咱们今天的buzzword Unboxing就是字面意思—开箱。Unboxing is literally the unpacking of products, especially high-tech consumer products where the process is captured on video and uploaded to the internet. 我们说的开箱视频, the item is then also explained in detail and can sometimes be demonstrated as well. 就是大家在小某书小破站上都看到过的那种视频, 一个UP主收到了某个品牌的新品, 然后对着摄像头开箱, 并且一边开一边具体的分享他的感受以及试用的体验。Now you may think Unboxing is a relatively new concept, but actually Yahoo Tech places the first unboxing video to be for the Nokia E61 cell phone in 2006.可能在有些人的记忆里开箱, 也就是近些年来才火起来的, 但其实这种意义上的开箱视频早在2006年就有, 而当时开箱的产品居然是诺基亚, 现在听起来就已经觉得好古早的品牌了。 And according to Google trends, searches for the term unboxing began to surface in the final quarter of 2006. 根据Google trends, 谷歌趋势的数据分析, Unboxing这个词也是从2006年最后一个季度开始被人不断搜索。Now early unboxing videos focused mainly either on gadgets or fashion items, however, once the trend took off, unboxing videos were available for nearly everything that is available for purchase. 最早的开箱视频一般都是电子类产品或者是时尚类的单品, 但现在你也知道, 所有的东西都可以开箱测评。By 2014, the popularity of these unboxing videos were such that some companies have been known to upload unboxing videos for their own products whilst others send products to uploaders for free. 这个风潮被带起来之后, 2014年左右开始, 各种各样的商家也都加入了这个阵营, 要么是自己做起了官方的开箱视频, 要么就是把自己的产品发给那些UP主, 让他们来做unboxing videos. You might ask why are unboxing videos so popular? And yes, they are popular both within China and in other parts of the world. Some people considered that the popularity of unboxing videos is due to the ability of showing the product exactly for what it is without any adulteration advertisers usually make around the product. 有些人就说可能是因为传统的广告片里往往会把这个产品拍得过于的完美, 而真实的开箱视频会让消费者更直观的看到一个产品真实的面貌。And being able to see what the customer is actually getting can contribute to the decision process. Now these influencers who have up loaded the unboxing videos, they have tried to make these unboxing videos more interesting by adding all sorts of special effects or doing them in different ways with lots of creativity. 和网上所有其他的视频一样, 开箱测评这个领域也非常的卷, 简简单单的去开个箱, 已经不足以吸引人的眼球了, 所以各路UP主就各显神通, 加入各种各样奇奇怪怪的创意。They often d***tize it and, in turn, take on a quirky, playful spirit, for example, to unbox a waterproof device, then they take the unboxing underwater, 比如说一个防水的电子产品, UP主就选择水下开箱, 那各种角色扮演玩段子整活更是层出不穷。 Meanwhile, the growth of e-commerce has also been a major factor contributing to the rise of unboxing. 当然电商的越来越火, 也是另外一个重要因素.
1/3/2023 • 8 minutes, 5 seconds
+luluxjg2了解详情哦I'm really curious. So 安澜 in the UK for example, do you guys learn or are you required to learn Greek myth in school? To a certain extent, we are told these stories and these stories are relatively well known in the English-speaking world. We're probably not taught to that same extent, it's not like, for example, we have a Greek mythology class. So it's not systematic.No, but we are told these stories. And to be honest for someone who would be kind of well-read or well-educated, there is that understanding that they would at least no parts of the stories? 我来翻译一下更直白的说就是有文化的人你多少都得懂点Greek myths, 就是这也是你文化修养/文化素养的一部分吧. So it's like our other bluffer's guide is one of those things that will make you sound more cultured and more just better read and educated. And also to understand a lot of the references in culture that are related to Greek myths. As we'll talk about in the album, there's quite a few expressions, quite a few words in English that all come from Greek mythology. For example, if you say someone is narcissistic or you can say a beautiful guy being the literal Adonis.Yeah, and we even go into some kind of slightly more advanced vocabulary, slightly harder vocabulary, like for example, Sisyphean.Sisyphean and tantalizing.Tantalizing as well. All of these words we just mentioned have their roots in Greek mythology. That's right. Very interesting stories behind them. Yeah. Yeah, I think that makes Greek mythology still highly relevant. I would say that just from an interest perspective, we really hope that you enjoy the stories because they are entertaining. They are fascinating stories. But also from a learning aspect, the album is done mostly in English with Lulu speaking a bit of Chinese to gloss over some of the more complex parts. There are full scripts as well, but more importantly we're telling the stories in English. Yeah.And also we are explaining these stories impact on western culture. Now let's get into exactly how this album is structured and how is it created or developed. 这个跟我们之前的一些课程不太一样, 就像我们开始说它不是一个那种形式的课程, 就好像两个老师在这跟你讲。首先 Album分为三个部分, 同样的1个故事, 比如说这里面有10个主要的故事, 然后每个故事有3个部分, 第一个部分是安澜的英音纯享版, so it's just 安澜's gentle voice telling you the story. Yes.Just the story. 你可以把它理解为带表情讲述的那种感觉。而且安澜的声音本来就非常gentle, 这个里面就很适合你哄睡。This is your bedtime listening, so hopefully the story will actually put you to sleep. But hopefully not because it's boring. Yeah.然后第二个部分是一个我跟安澜的讲述的部分, 因为你光听 story的话里面会有很多的点, 你可能听不明白, 不管是词也好, 还有包括一些神的名字, 以及他们具体什么样的角色, 以及当时的一些context, 这个里面, 我也会用我最温柔的声音跟安澜一起来讲述和讲解这个故事, 这个部分就会更长, 比那个故事要长很多。Yeah. Both these two sections, we would say we made them children friendly. You remember Lulu saying about some of the Greek myth can be a little bit unsuitable for children. A little bit?Very unsuitable for children. So what I'm doing is I'm telling the story as I was told the story when I was five or six years old. 对, 前面这两个部分, 不管是安澜的纯享哄睡版, 还是我跟安澜的讲解版本, 我们都会用比较温柔的声音, 然后给大家讲的都是一些全家都能听的东西。但是有的小伙伴肯定会说 What about all these saucy bits?What about all these really abnormal or just the interesting things about Greek mythology?那个我们也没有放弃, 这就是为什么每个故事有第三个部分, 我跟安澜把它叫做Lulu and Anlan's What On Earth Were They Thinking?就是他们在搞哪样?在搞什么鬼? 我们把它叫做【璐璐和安澜的吐槽时间】, 里面有一些让人很费解的一些情节, 一些超级***的或者说三观尽毁的情节,然后我和安澜会用现代人的视角去对他进行一个吐槽。So we're going to be looking at these myths in a more modern way, we would also be telling you the full truth behind these myths as well. So this is probably a section not for children. This is more for adults. I think the more you emphasize on that, the more it makes them want to listen to. Hopefully. Today's children mature early. But I will still feel happier if children didn't really listen to that section. 不过吐槽的环节, 我们会把它跟前面的分开, 因为吐槽环节我们的声音音量, 包括我们说话的方式也会有所改变, 所以就希望不要大家在哄睡的故事听完之后突然开始出现情绪比较激动的吐槽。
1/1/2023 • 9 minutes, 47 seconds
《发刊对谈-上》希腊众神的“朴素”赏罚观:对我好, 就奖你;不然就“搞”你。
Hi, everyone. And welcome back to 酒馆. Hi, 安澜. Hi 璐璐. Hi everyone. We have a piece of good news. We have yet another new album. 我们的新课程其实不是新课程, 就是一个新专辑。 Yes.为什么不是课程呢 ,等一下你就知道了, 因为没有那么正经。Yeah, to be honest, in this we're not really trying to teach in that way. What we're trying to do is we're trying to share something about western culture that is pretty much well known throughout the English-speaking world, but also French, German, and in particular, the Greek speaking world.关子卖的够多了,这个专辑叫做【Story Time With Lulu And Anlan- Greek Mythology】.Yes. 我们把它叫做【璐璐和安澜的晚安故事-希腊神话篇】, 为什么叫做Story Time With Lulu And Anlan? First of all, we're telling stories Yeah. Second of all, in the future we want to expand this to cover other things. Yes, to be honest, this is really a labor of love. Yeah, and Greek mythology is only the beginning. Yes, that's because Lulu and I, we both love stories. This is one of the things that I would say that most of us are like, we love a good story, we love to be told tales, whether or not we're really young children; or whether or not in our cases, a little bit older than that. 不管是儿童还是成年儿童都喜欢听故事。And this is something universal, and it has been like that since the beginning of time. Exactly. I would imagine cave people get together to listen to stories. Yeah. But why Greek mythology, 为什么从希腊神话开始, I know that 安澜 has an answer for all of these questions because he absolutely is fascinated with Greek mythology. Basically we chose Greek mythology because I kept nagging Lulu that we really should do Greek mythology because it's something that I love to talk about. But first things first, what is Greek mythology? 我们知道说希腊神话, 希腊神话, 但希腊神话实际上包括的是什么东西?Greek mythology are the myths and legends of ancient Greece, so they're linked to the Gods and Goddesses of ancient Greece. There are so many stories that have come down through the ages.And these were the stories that were told already in ancient Greece. Yeah, they were used to explain what the world was like, they were used to entertain, they were used to teach; same as mythologies around the world. Now what makes Greek mythology I would say even more special is the emphasis and the impact of Greek culture and later Roman culture on western civilization or western societies. More than a little bit later. But first things first, you mentioned Roman, ancient Rome, 就古希腊, 古罗马, 我的历史不好, 所以我在这上面总是有一些confusion, 特别是有一些神在Greek mythology里面它叫一个名字, 但他到了Roman mythology又叫另外一个名字, 是这样吗?比如说宙斯, Zeus, that's his name in Greek mythology. Yeah, but in ancient Rome, his name was Jupiter. So Zeus and Jupiter that was basically the same character. Yes, I won't go too much into details because it's a bit complicated. But ancient Rome really, really admired ancient Greece. They wanted to base their culture in ancient Greece. I see, so they sort of imitated.
12/29/2022 • 11 minutes, 31 seconds
欢迎来到英文小酒馆的迷你双语板块【Buzzword Mix】-新词特饮,短短几分钟,让不同段位的你掌握最新最地道的英文谈资!关注公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】,获取更多有趣节目内容和文稿哦~In today's Buzzword Mix, our buzzword is Off-the-Grid.Before we get into this expression, let me ask you a question: when you are slaving away at your work every day or being tortured by all these hustle and bustle of a megacity that you live in, have you ever thought about getting away from it at all and live a simpler life?近些年来在国内也经常看到那种新闻, 比如说什么90后小夫妻卖掉城市里的房子, 然后回归田园生活等等。It’s a nice dream for a lot of people. 所以今天的Buzzword里, 我们就说一说终极的回归田园的生活方式叫做Off-the-Grid, 可以翻译成「脱离电网生活」。Sounds a bit strange? Let me explain.Living off grid or living off-the-grid means living in a property without connection to public utilities, like the main electrical grid.它之所以被叫做 off-the-grid living, 是说这种生活方式, 它不依赖于现代生活的所有这些public utilities公共事业, 比如水、电、污水处理, 其中 grid特别就是指 main electrical grid集中的电网。So in other words, off grid homes are completely autonomous. It is all about being self-sufficient, they rely on themselves. 因为国情不一样, 可能这么说, 还有很多人不能理解。 其实我就在比如说澳大利亚新西兰看到过这种off-the-grid living, 比如说到树林里自己建一个房子, 它的电水全部都是自己解决。This way of life is also known as homesteading, permanent camping, or living off the land. Now you can go fully off-the-grid by generating your own electricity, digging wells, using septic tanks, composting, and growing your own food, and you probably stop using phones and the internet as well. 讲到off-the-grid也有不同程度, 有些人的off-the-grid living是非常硬核的, 他会自己发电, 自己挖水井, 或者想办法利用自然的水源, 连污水处理、堆肥一系列的事情都自己处理, 当然吃的东西也靠自己种, 完全告别手机网络这些东西。But then there are also some others, they prefer to live partially off-the-grid. Now keep in mind this can be different from person to person. 还有的人只是想浅尝这种off-the-grid living. 这里面就会有各种不一样的选择了. They can use, for example, solar power, but they may still rely on other utilities like city water or sewage. 他可能会用比如说太阳能之类的能源, 但是水和污水处理这些可能还是要用到公用设施。Some people they even buy food at grocery store or have internet access. As you can see, it depends on what works best for you. But the whole idea of living off-the-grid is trying not to be so dependent on modern urban living so that you can live in a more self-sufficient way. 但大部分想选择living off-the-grid的人, 都是希望能够过一种更加自给自足的, 更加简单的生活。Let's be honest, it's not for everyone, especially that we're so used to modern conveniences, but there are some benefits to this sustainable way of life. For example, number one, small environmental footprints.You will use less water, produce less waste, and rely on alternative energy sources, renewable energy sources to generate electricity. 首先比起都市生活, 你个人对于环境的影响会更小。Number two, deeper connection with nature. 你可以深度拥抱大自然。A lot of people who live off-the-grid, they will live much closer to nature. And this will help you reconnect with nature. This is also why off-the-grid living is more popular in places where they are a lot of beautiful and relatively safe natural areas. Number three, better health. When moving to the wilderness, people usually become more self-reliant, more active. And this can help prevent some health problems. 这种在大自然里自给自足的生活会让你的身体也变好。Number four, greater personal satisfaction.Learning new skills to survive without public utilities and solving problems on your own will boost your confidence. 在这样自给自足的生活中, 你有没有发现自己各方面的生存和动手技能逐日提升? The last but not least, lower stress and anxiety. For most people, the number one reason why they want to get away from urban living is because modern life makes them feel stressed and anxious, and living surrounded by nature can help you feel more relaxed. But of course as you can imagine, living off-the-grid has its own share of problems. There are some important basics that you need to keep in mind. Should you ever want to consider some form of off-the-grid living?The three essential things for survival are water, food, and shelter. 如果你真要想尝试live off-the-grid, 首先要考虑的是生存的三个基本要素, 水、食物和住所。Water is obviously the most important for survival. While if you live in the city, you never really ha
12/27/2022 • 9 minutes, 2 seconds
《璐璐荐剧》- 劲爆画面+露骨语言的豆瓣高分剧,没心理准备我劝你别看。
全文稿+luluxjg2General Info.it's a British American Period D*** inspired by the Covent Garden ladies, by British historian Hallie Rubenhold. 是一个历史时代剧It's set in the 18th century London, the Georgian era. 时代背景是18世纪乔治王时代的伦敦It tells the story of courtesans/prostitutes of two brothels competing not just to stay on the top, but to stay alive. this TV series is inspired by The Covent Garden Ladies, a book written by British historian, Hallie Rubenhold.Why recommend it?no.1, it is a costume d*** set against rich historical tapestry.有丰富历史背景的时代剧no.2, there's the amazing acting and very round characters. 张力十足的表演和有血有肉的角色 no.3 there's the gripping storyline. 抓人的故事线no.4 it also shows the complexity and the greediness of humanity from a female angle. 用女性视角去展现很多人性的复杂和粗粝no.5 for someone who's a language enthusiast, it does offer very interesting linguistic specimens. 这部剧有丰富有趣的词汇量no.6 the music, it's a blend of historical elements and modern music.Remindersit contains a lot of graphic scenes and obscene language. it touches upon a lot of moral gray zone. it requires deeper understanding of the historical context. it uses specific terms and the accent might cost a little bit difficulty in understanding.
12/25/2022 • 12 minutes, 40 seconds
关注【璐璐的英文小酒馆】+小助手【luluxjg2】获取全文稿Hi, everyone and welcome to our Christmas Special. 欢迎来到酒馆的【圣诞特辑】. Now you probably notice that usually with these seasonal specials, I would be the only one doing the recording. But today, we're going to connect with 安澜. And as some of you probably already know, 安澜went back for the holiday, finally.So hi, 安澜. Hi, Lulu, hi, everyone. So finally back with your family. Yes, after 3 years, I'm finally back in the UK with my family. And tell us how do you feel? Sure excited.Very excited. To be honest it's a bit strange being back in the UK after such a long period of time, and obviously there's lots of changes in those 3 years which don't need to mention. But I'm really really excited, spending my time with my family and my friends and also getting ready for Christmas. You must really feel like the festive mood in London, right? Because I mean in China it’s not really a thing. Yeah, absolutely, all the decorations are up, all the shops now are quite busy with people doing their last minute Christmas shopping. It's really festive. We've done Christmas episodes before, so I’m quite curious as in what do you want to talk about today? Today I thought what we could do, we could talk about one of the main figures for Christmas and that is, of course, Father Christmas. Father Christmas? You mean Santa Claus? No, Santa Claus is in America. Father Christmas is what we traditionally call. 所以你们的圣诞老人叫 Father Christmas. That's pretty cute. And either way, it's the same person.Pretty much. They come from different routes, but generally the idea of a Father Christmas or a seasonal gift giver comes from Saint Nicholas. Yes, I've heard of Saint Nicholas, so sometimes people would nickname him, Saint Nick. Saint Nicholas is the patron saint of children. Patron saint其实就是有点像守护神的这种感觉. 孩子的守护神, that's why he brings the gifts. Yep. The original story is that Saint Nicholas was a bishop in modern day Turkey, and he would secretly deliver bags of gold so that poor girls could have a dowry and get married. Dowry 是嫁妆, so the gifts weren't gifts. They were just literally bags of gold. They were just bags of gold, and back then there were no chimneys so he used to through the window. I would like to be waiting for Christmas by the window and just have some strange man chuck bags of gold at me. I know it's a bit strange. And to be honest, the original story a lot of people have forgotten. There is one tradition that we still observe. People really generally forget where it comes from. At Christmas time it can be traditional to give gold chocolate coins to children. 那种巧克力金币. That was from the tradition when Saint Nicholas used to actually give bags of gold. Yeah. I see. And Saint Nicholas, how did saint Nicholas become Santa Claus? Basically it was through the Netherlands. In the Netherlands, they celebrate Saint Nicholas's day, which is in early December, but they call him Santa Claus. And obviously if you know history, a lot of American tradition was actually affected…was originally from the Netherlands. You think that New York was originally called New Amsterdam. True. 对, 美国它有很多风俗是最开始是从荷兰这边过去的, so now they call it Santa Claus. Yes. But getting back to Father Christmas, there's always been a figure associated with Christmas all the way back to the 17th century when actually he was banned. For what? I thought Father Christmas was harmless and it's not even religious. He just brought gifts and toys. That's precisely why it was banned. In the 17th century we had the puritans and they actually banned Christmas because they said it was nothing to do with religion. It was just a pagan holiday. It was just an excuse for people to have fun.
12/22/2022 • 11 minutes, 17 seconds
关注公众号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】来获取更多拓展内容和全文逐字稿, 如果你喜欢【新词特饮】这个节目, 不要忘记关注主播来听听我们其他的精彩专辑。So as a consumer, do you think you have experienced trading down?In today's Buzzword Mix, our buzzword is Trading Down.Having been through 3 years of the pandemic, I think most of us have experienced or are still experiencing some degree of financial struggles, since pay cuts and job losses have pretty much been the norm since the outbreak.三年大疫, 再加上经济下行等等大环境的影响, 其实全世界人民的日子都过得紧巴巴的。国内从前几年开始就已经有人提到了消费降级, 其实这个概念并不是中国特有。In today's buzzword, let's talk about this concept in English, trading down.Trading down or down trading refers to the practice of switching from expensive products or brands to cheaper alternatives in a bid to conserve cash. Trading down或者down trading指的就是消费者为了节约花销, 从expensive products and brands转向cheaper alternatives, 更便宜的替代品,这不是消费降级, 又是什么呢?As people are struggling with their personal finances, everyone's focused on maintaining a tight leash on expenses and cutting down on discretionary spending. 在大家钱包吃紧的情况下, 很多人都会选择从discretionary spending非必要消费这个方面首先进行down trading, 消费降级。Down trading or trading down in this sense is a tool that consumers can use to shield their finances. As consumers turn price-sensitive, bells and whistles no longer appeal. 这就意味着当广大的消费者都变得更加price-sensitive, 对价格更加敏感, 这个时候那些花里胡哨的功能、新款就没有什么太大的吸引力了。Products which meet the basic requirements are preferred over those that are perceived to be value-adding. 与其弄上一大堆增值的玩意儿, 不如就是基本款更受欢迎。And when consumers downgrade, they are more likely to scout for value-for-money goods. And this is true whether for small-ticket consumption items or if they're buying bigger items like cars or durable goods.不管是在卖日常用品, 还是到大件的, 比如说电器甚至汽车, 大家都会更关注 value-for-money 性价比. Now you probably have read a lot of articles talking about the situation in China, but what about the situation in other parts of the world? According to McKinsey’s latest European Consumer Pulse Survey, carried out from September to October this year, they have surveyed the views of respondents in France, Germany, Italy, Spain, and the UK, and they have observed the following trends among consumers. 根据九、十月份麦肯锡做的一个关于欧洲消费者调研里的数据, there are a few key findings, and you can check if as a Chinese consumer, you feel exactly the same. Number one, most people are concerned about rising prices. 大部分的人都对于物价的不断上涨表示担忧。For 58% of European consumers, increasing prices are their no.1 worry. Number two, economic confidence has dipped.因为各种内外部的因素, 消费者普遍对于经济形势信心下滑, this is much worse than even the first 2 years of Covid, consumer pessimism is higher with 43% of people expressing doubt about economic recovery.
12/20/2022 • 8 minutes, 16 seconds
Hi everyone. Welcome back to Happy Hour, 欢迎回来酒馆. I'm sure a lot of you know that we have released a new course a while ago- The Bluffer's Guide to Shakespeare【莎士比亚扫盲班】. 我知道有很多听我们节目的小伙伴已经买了这个专辑, 而且有人已经听完了, 还觉得意犹未尽, 还问我们有没有下一季, 这个可能就是一季的事了.So I thought today I invite my co-developer 安澜 and we can get a little bit more into personal life of Shakespeare. Hi, 安澜. Hi Lulu, hi everyone. You know we spend all this time telling the stories from Shakespearean plays, one thing that I feel a little bit regretful is that we weren't gossipy enough. Yes. To be honest, there's a lot we can gossip about, particularly when it comes to Shakespeare. But before we start gossiping, it's important to note that a lot of Shakespeare's life is very uncertain. Still enigmatic. There are still a few kind of mysteries around Shakespeare. One of the biggest mysteries is his loves.His loves?His loves, plural. He's love interests. His…那些风流往事. Exactly. And a question that many scholars are asking nowadays was Shakespeare actually gay?Okay. We're going to answer that question, well, we're going to try to talk about that in today's show. Mhm. But either way we are going to explore the private and personal love lives of Shakespeare. Yes.I mean, you would imagine that he hadn't somewhat of a colorful love life or at least love interest because he was able to create all those really 狗血 stories. Pretty much. The thing that we are certain about is that Shakespeare married Anne Hathaway, he was only 18 and she was 26. That we talked about in our episodes. 我们在专辑里面和专辑发刊词里面都说了, 他娶了Anne Hathaway, 安妮·海瑟薇, 跟现在女明星的名字是一样的, 他们跟Anne Hathaway取的. Yeah. 而且是姐弟恋, she was 26. He was only18. Yes, so even back then, that was seen as quite an age gap, I would say. Quite unusual. Quite unusual. And also the wedding apparently was very rushed as according to the records she gave birth to their daughter 6 months later. 还是奉子成婚.Probably, but again, we're not one hundred percent sure. However, the one thing that we do know about is Shakespeare was probably an absentee father and husband. They lived in Stratford while Shakespeare spend his time in London. Remind me how far away is Stratford? It's quite far. It is, mile-wise I'm not too sure, but nowadays it probably takes 2 hours by car. So back then it must have taken a lot longer. Back then probably a whole day trip. A day or even 2 days. So basically they were kind of like not separated in that way, but in the actual fact they were separated, 也是属于长期分居的这种状态, 就是丧偶式育儿Anne Hathaway.Some people thought did Shakespeare really love Anne Hathaway, because there's a famous story that when he died, he left his second-best bed to his wife, not the first best bed, his second-best bed. What? that was so calculating, why not the best bed?That's really the question. On the surface, it appears like you didn't really care, but to be honest, he could also be the fact that Anne Hathaway would get most of his possessions. And also the second best bed was probably their bed in back in those days, if you were rich enough, you may have your bed in your living room as a piece of furniture, but also for guests. So you have the best bed for guests, but their actual bed that they used was probably the second best. That's actually they’re romantic if you think about it.If you think about it in that way. But again, we're not 100% sure. But obviously we're not just here to talk about him and his wife. Yes. That will be too orthodox for Shakespeare. But Shakespeare wrote a lot of love, sonnets, poems. So it was a time of plague in London, so Shakespeare couldn't perform. He couldn't open theatres, so he stayed at home and wrote sonnets. One of the key figures in these sonnets…The dark lady. The dark lady. Why is it the dark lady? Is it because the mysterious? Is it about the mystery or is it actual skin color?Again. we're not 100% sure. Mhm. We're not even 100% sure if she existed, and if she existed who was she. Now
来酒馆,找小助手【luluxjg2】索取全文稿啦~Hi, everyone. And welcome back to Famous Brits Under the Microscope. 欢迎大家回来【英伦名人八卦堂】. 1. 迄今为止,嘴最"毒"的英国首相非他莫属!2.早餐就开始喝烈酒,这样的***你放心吗?3. 国际政坛出名的老烟枪,胖酒鬼和大毒舌,却被BBC评为历史上最具影响力的人。4. 考试不及格,心仪专业落选,却不妨碍他拿诺贝尔文学奖。5. 日不落的余晖,战火中的绅士?这位首相收到的争议比你褒奖多一百倍!好奇么,来听节目就知道说是是谁啦!Hi, everyone. And welcome back to Famous Brits Under the Microscope. 欢迎大家回来【英伦名人八卦堂】. Hi, 安澜. Hi, Lulu. Hi, everyone. It’s been a while since we did this particular segment.Yeah, it's been quite some time, hasn't it? And who are we gonna talk about today?Well since it's Famous Brits Under the Microscope, I thought that today we could talk about the greatest ever British person as voted by the public and the BBC. The greatest? it's a man, and it's not fictional? He is not fictional, no. I have a few names in my head. I'm not sure. Well, he was also known as the British bulldog. Are we gonna talk about Winston Churchill? 丘吉尔 the British bulldog. Is it just because of how he looked? Well, partly is. I think it's also temperament, but there were also quite a few propaganda posters during the war that showed him as a bulldog. And I think he does actually look a little bit like a bulldog. Churchill was a very complex sort of character, wasn’t he?It's not really a simple black and white like he's a good or bad person. No. Churchill, I would say very much was a man of his time, so he had views which nowadays we would not agree with, and some of these habits like his drinking and smoking, it's hard to really support nowadays. Yeah. He is hardly the poster child or poster boy for healthy living or political correctness now. Exactly. But that doesn't mean that he was not a fascinating character to talk about. Exactly, to be great doesn't necessarily mean you have to be a perfect person. Exactly. So, let's get started. Let's start with his family background. Yeah. Winston Churchill was born in 1874 and he was born to a rich aristocratic family. And not a lot of people know this, but despite the fact that he's known as very much a British person and very patriotic British person, he was actually half American. What? Churchill? Yeah, his mother was an American. All right, because you sort of pictured Churchill as the quintessential British person. Oh yeah, but he was half American. Later in his life, he actually became an honorary American citizen.就是荣誉美国公民. Yeah. I see. And I've heard that he wasn't really doing that well in school. He was not a very good student. No, he was actually quite bad student.
12/8/2022 • 13 minutes, 5 seconds
全文稿获取:微 【luluxjg2】In today's Buzzword Mix, our buzzword is Cougar. 最近那些buzzword我们讨论都是一些比较严肃的社会话题. So today let's keep it light-hearted and talk about a pop culture slang. Cougar is an actual English word. Originally it refers to a type of big cats, c-o-u-g-a-r, cougar的本意就是美洲狮, 是一种大型的猫科动物, but it has an entirely different meaning in pop culture.Put simply, a cougar in slang terms is an older woman who seeks a romantic or sexual relationship with men who are significantly younger. 就是大家都很熟悉的在老友记里演Monica的那一位, she actually started in a comedy show called Cougar Town. 她就曾经主演过一个长达六季的喜剧叫做Cougar Town. 这个词也是有很多的争议, 有一些人认为他是赋能女性的, 而且甚至是女权主义的, because women are taking control. 其实你想想看我们说的杀猪盘, 那个里面的older women一般都是受害者, but cougars they are the predators. They enjoy younger men.但也有人会觉得这其实就是一个misogynistic male fantasy, 其实它的根基还是男权社会里面的一种幻想,带着不少的情绪。
12/7/2022 • 8 minutes, 51 seconds
【Geek Time】-“极客”时间,和“科技宅”Brad一起聊神秘有趣的“黑科技”“高科技”“硬科技”。欢迎关注公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】,可以查看更多精彩内容,查看英语全文稿哦~Welcome back to Geek Time Advanced. Hello, Lulu. How are you doing? Hi, Brad. I'm doing OK. I'm rather to have a more in-depth conversation with you about utopia and dystopia.Alright. Where do you want to start?Brad, you're a geek, and you watch or read a lot of Sci-Fi, right? Mhm. Why do you think so many Sci-Fi works tend to create these utopian/dystopian world?I think when you think about science and technology, these people are creating science or using science and creating technology as a way to create a better world, which lends itself into creating a utopia, right? We want to make our lives easier.So when you think of science, Sci-Fi and the future, that's where we want to be, we want to be going to this utopian world. However, a lot of the times technology has some bad effects which actually brings us into a dystopian world.I mean, you see all of these Sci-Fi works. They have their own …obviously their own view or their own perspective. Some are definitely darker than others. You have the more sort of like darker, for example, like Terminator that sort of view where humans are going to be just wiped out.Definitely like, yeah, when you look at Sci-Fi the… you have those worlds where people are on the brink of annihilation, you want like …the creator, the writer of these stories is trying to warn us about the possibility of all these bad things.Occasionally, you have someone with a more optimistic view. There's Tomorrowland which is a… it's a more recent film, but they have an older like TV series about it, but like Tomorrowland is kind of like this future utopia where we don't really have politicians so much as the leaders are scientists.So there are kind of more optimistic views of the future as well. They’re are just few and far between.I mean, you come from more of a STEM background. Do you believe that if scientists were to rule the world rather than politicians, you think that will make it a better world or the other way around?I think it would be a little bit better. I don't necessarily think that it will be a utopian society. I just think that if the people who are in charge of science, education were scientists, there's going to be a lot better society overall. I don't really think that politicians necessarily should be in charge of everything. I think that there needs to be people who understand the science in charge of that.But there are many mad scientists as well.There's the whole mad scientist idea, but like not all scientists are mad scientists; and so you're not going to have one person controlling everything. You'd want a coalition of scientists in that way. They can prevent there are rogue scientists here and there. And even with politicians being in control of everything, there are still going to be mad scientists. That's true. But I guess then that's why you have the ethics committee. Scientists are not just talking about can we do it. It's also talking about should we do it.Of course, we should.I don't think you should be in power because that sounds scary. By the way, all of these like Terminator or last time you mentioned Logan's Run, those are relatively old or classic works of dystopian world. What are some the recent Sci-Fi dystopian stories that you have read or watched?I think some of them were… recent ones can almost be worse, like you've got Hunger Games which is kind of like it's in the future and that you have all these districts and the kids…they choose kids from every district to go and…In a Battle Royale situation.Yeah, exactly you had the Battle Royale movie probably was like 20 years ago or so. Now you have a Hunger Games which is a similar but it’s its own story.Then The Handmaid's Tale, of course, which I think is probably one of the most scariest things. I can see this actually happening in the world in the future. You have these many women in the world who can't have .
12/4/2022 • 13 minutes, 8 seconds
关注【璐璐的英文小酒馆】+【luluxjg2】获取全文稿Hi, everyone. And welcome back to Geek Time. 欢迎回来【 Geek时间】. Hi, Brad. Hey, Lulu. Brad, I can I propose a topic today?Sure. So when I watch Sci-Fi films and TV series or Sci-Fi related books, it's quite often that you see these books or works, they're trying to portray a world that is almost like heaven on earth. Everything's perfect, everything is regulated, everything runs smoothly, nothing ever goes wrong. Yeah. So that's like the idea of utopia. Utopia. Let's talk about that, shall we?OK. I guess we can kind of start with what exactly is utopia, just like you mentioned, right? It's a perfect society. But when you look at Sci-Fi, there's few different ideas behind it. There's like ecological utopia is where everyone kind of lives in a perfect balance with nature. There's more economic utopias where the economy is running without any… it's running self-sustainably. But when you look at the word, utopia, it's kind of an interesting thing. In Greek, it means no place. So it kind of like there is this idea that it's perfect, but it can never exist. First of all, let's slow down a little bit here. OK.So utopia, in Chinese we translated usually into 乌托邦. 很有意思, 就是中文里面乌托邦, 前面的乌是子虚乌有的乌, so it's like Brad said no place, but it's actually a play on word because it can actually also mean good place?Yeah.And then originally, ages and ages ago, there was a book called Utopia, so that sort of started that idea of this perfect world. And like Brad was saying, 乌托邦有很多种, 比如说 ecological eutopia, 主要是跟生态系统的整个的非常的和谐的一个状态, 或者是economic utopia where economy is self-sustainable. A few years back, you remember there was a quite popular animated film called Zootopia. OK. Yeah. I've watched most of it. I haven't seen the ending though. Yeah, but the idea was also that all these animals no matter if they’re meat eaters or plant eaters, they live…they're supposedly living in harmony. It's like animal heaven on earth animal version. Yeah.But what about the scientific or technological utopias in Sci-Fi films?Okay. Yeah, like when we look at Sci-Fi utopias, usually something to do with science and medicine or technology that helps bring about this utopian place. So you mean, like science and technology are super advanced, and people like never get old, never get sick and never die that's sort of thing. Yeah, it could be that technology has become super advanced and we don't have to worry about things. Occasionally, it might just be less advanced but that we've learned to use that technology to kind of sustain life in a sustainable way. Like a… you can look at Star Trek, Star Treks Federation is kind of based on this utopian society where we no longer use money. We can create everything that we need and people that want to can devote their life to the exploration of space. We go out and try to create this federation with all the other planets out there. Yeah. But having said that, having talked about the idea of utopia which is having on earth perfect world, I've also noticed that in these works, almost all of them, they're not like comedies, they're not like stories about these perfect world, it's almost, always about these supposed utopias turned into hell on earth. It's turning into a dystopia. 这个在中文里叫反乌托邦或者叫敌托邦, dystopia. So what is the idea of a dystopia?Basically, when you look at Sci-Fi, every utopia is a dystopia. Because when you're getting into this idea that there is a utopia, you watch how it slowly devolves over the course of the film, either by the means of the technology or by the means of someone else who is subverting the technology to do terrible things.When we look at it and a classic version of a dystopian society, there is a good example which is Logan's Run, one of the first science fiction movies I watched as a kid. The whole society is built as this utopian society. The movie itself is set after the world that's been fairly destroyed by a nuclear war. Everyone lives in th
12/1/2022 • 10 minutes, 8 seconds
"欢迎来到英文小酒馆的迷你双语板块【Buzzword Mix】-新词特饮,短短几分钟,让不同段位的你掌握最新最地道的英文谈资!关注公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】,获取更多有趣节目内容和文稿哦~" In today's Buzzword Mix, our buzzword is Tech-life Balance. Tech means technology. Now I'm sure over the years you've heard of the expression work-life balance, 这些年我们一直都在说work-life balance, 工作和生活的平衡, which basically is about how to maintain a balance between our work and personal life. But nowadays, as we're getting more and more reliant on modern technology as we’re hooked on our smart devices and the internet, we now have to worry about a new type of balance, which is tech-life balance. 不过随着我们所有人越来越依赖于现代的这些科技, 特别是智能设备和网络, 现在我们要关心的就不光是work-life balance, 还有今天的buzzword, tech-life balance, 科技与生活的平衡。The expression tech-life balance has been circulating for the past few years or so, because with the increasing popularity of social media, for many, the internet and other forms of electronic communication are not just tools, but a personal space that we somehow ‘inhabit’; and it’s practically impossible to imagine life without them. 这也是因为随着现在智能设备以及社交媒体的越来越发达, 他们已经远远的超过了一个简单的科技工具, 而成为了我们每天生活甚至我们的身份和个人空间的一部分。Tech-life balance is an expression that's now been adopted to describe the daily challenge facing all digital natives and most digital immigrants. 这里说到了两个概念, 我们原来也提到过 digital native, people who have never known a world without mobiles and the internet. 在中国来讲基本就是95后出生的人, 他们被叫做 “数字原住民”.Because ever since they were little, they already lived in the world with internet. And if you were born before that, then you are digital immigrants. 在这之前出生的人被叫做 “数字移民”, because they can still remember the old days without the internet and all these modern technology. And the struggle to maintain tech-life balance is on how to use technology to our advantage, but not to the detriment of real life. 而所谓的科技生活的平衡, 也就是怎么样能让现在的这些网络科技为我们所用, 但是又不过度的侵蚀和影响我们的线下生活。If you think about it, technology or tech can cover practically all of the bases that it was once necessary to leave the house for, many of us no longer have to be in the office to continue working. Especially during the past few years when work from home became the norm. We can send emails, take phone calls, hold meetings, write and submit reports all from wherever we happen to be during the course of a day, making our work hours potentially limitless; and perhaps even more significantly, tech is supreme in our personal lives too. We can play games, stream movies and TV, catch up on the latest gossip, discuss debate, socialize, do the weekly shop, plan a holiday…the list is endless, and all this whenever, wherever, and without ever having to come into contact with another real touchable person face to face. In fact, for me, personally, my life is, I would say about 90% online. 现在不管是工作还是个人生活中, 我们都可以通过现在的这些technology, 完全不用接触到活人就可以做很多的事。And it's because of this, it is even more challenging to maintain tech-life balance, because the boundary between technology and your actual life is often blurred;But of course being overly reliant on all these technology and let them run your life has its problems. That's why there are a few things you can do and try to maintain some level of tech-life balance. No.1, stop double screening.Double screening这个概念相信很多小伙伴都非常熟悉. Have you ever caught yourself using a computer and a smartphone at the same time?For example, when you're watching a movie on your computer, you are still on your phone playing a game at the same time. This looks like multitasking, but in the long run it can be bad for your attention and productivity. This can also over stimulate your brain and you may suffer from information overload.
11/29/2022 • 8 minutes
《小酒馆·大世界》-世界各处的文化和精彩,在小酒馆触手可得哦~ 欢迎关注公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】,可以查看更多精彩内容,查看英语全文稿哦~In the previous episode, we talked to William about his life in Sweden, and we're gonna continue with that topic today.Do they have laws about household chores? Like who does the dishes and all that?I would say it's quite equal I think. I think in a young family, both parents… they’re home at different times, like one might be working one might be home, so they both know how to cook, they both know how to clean, because they have to share the responsibility. But that doesn't seem to be any problem. I’ve never known of any problem with it. I’ve got a young daughter and when her boyfriend they are living together and they share, and it seems to work. And they can't usually rely on their parents like young couple they can't really rely on their parents for to take care of their baby, right?That's correct. I mean, most of the young couples they are both working and probably their parents are also working, so the grandparents of the kids are working. So they rely a lot more on the service of day cares which is called dagvård in Swedish, and kindergarten and they go to kindergarten quite early, very early because both young couples need to work. This is an expensive place to live. Yeah, how expensive we talking about constantly here, northern European countries are very, very expensive, exactly how expensive.I would say very, very expensive.You lived in Geneva. One of the more expensive places in the world. Is it more expensive than Geneva?I would say people in Sweden they live for the most part from paycheck to paycheck. I would say most Swedes especially young to middle aged Swedes don't have a lot of money in savings. They live well, but they don't normally have a lot of money. It's an expensive place to live. But is it also because they have very good social welfares? So there's always multiple safety nets so that they don't have to have a lot of savings. There are excellent social welfare. The education system is free, Medicare, medical aids for Swedish citizens, Swedish residents is free. It's a very small amount, you have to pay upfront and then that same treatment continues for until they fix you. In that respect it’s quite cheap; but the day to day life, the cost of living…is very high. …is quite expensive. Yeah, one of the things I noticed when I first went to Sweden is I noticed a lot of young people had exceptionally gorgeous apartments. I really couldn't figure this out. I thought maybe everybody's got rich parents. But then I found a new word and I think it's the origin of the word rent, as in paying the rent, because the word “ränta” in Swedish means interest, like the interest on the loan. And they only when they buy an apartment or a house, they are only paying off the interest. They're not paying off the principal. Oh, not the principal. Not a capital. No, no. But does that mean they still…well, from my perspective, then they still don't own it, though, because if they always have that principal that they have yet to pay, if they're only paying interest. That's right. And the ideas you move up the property ladder, you buy a piece of property, you pay the interest on your loan, the property appreciates, and when you sell it, you sell it for a profit, and then you move the profit into the next place and so on. I see. Seems to work. I was actually gonna ask you about homeownership, so I guess that makes it easy for people to buy and own… to get their…Homeownership is really easy, buying property in Scandinavia is very, very simple, it’s very straightforward, it is.The other thing that I'm really curious to know is that so far we have been grouping Scandinavian countries together, but I'm sure for Swedish people, in general, they don't feel like they're the same as their neighbors like Norwegians or Danish. No. It's like within the Scandinavian countries of Denmark, within Norway, Finland, and Iceland to a lesser extent. There
Okay. I'm just gonna be quite difficult and say what if I were your students and I write an answer that you really personally do not agree with, what happens then?You just mark, you based on the rubric, students have… there's a rubric like and… did you hit those points on the rubric? Yes, you did, you get the points. My opinion doesn't matter. I don't share my opinion with my students. Kelly Roell what is a rubric?I see. Rubric is something I guess a lot of our audience if they don't teach, they probably don't really use that word very often. Rubric is kind of just like a marking like grading standard. Yes. It's just a grading chart, so it just what are the things that teachers grading you on. And like, what does an outstanding look like?What does a good look like?What does fair and neat work…it's just highlighting, it's like what you did is like, did you hit these things? Did you do these things?I see, actually very interesting that you mentioned how you grade. Is it a point-based system or is it ABC or is it? How do you grade your students in like exams or essay?Like the grades I give them is a number. But the grade in the system is letter. Letter. I see, I see, are you a tough grader?No, not really, although my students may disagree. Because in my class, they I mean, homework is graded as complete or incomplete, regardless of whether the answers are correct or not. Because I want to see that do you understand it?Are you putting an effort?Are you trying? You are, okay, you get full points in that. Projects and quizzes are graded more strictly. I see, apart from these subjects, the major subjects like you said, like Chinese, English, Math, maybe Science, History, what are the sort of more, let's say extracurricular things or perhaps more the artsy, sporty things, do you have that offered?I'm sure you do, but what kind of things do you offer to your students at the school?At this school I work at, there is music programs, art programs, technology programs, a very robust science program. So we have different programs available for students who have different interests, who plan on going into different areas when they finish school. So it's not all just academic. You learn Math, History, English, Chinese. So there's a lot of other things and all students every student at the school has to take arts, all students have to take some kind of performing art. All students have to take…Like drama?Yeah. Other performing art could be drama, this could be singing, this could be band, it's required for all students here. Do you have like design classes because I think that's very popular right in a lot of private schools?Yeah, we do have design classes. There's an in-depth design program that students can take part in. They can do arts, sculpting, graphic design. I think we also have clothing design. Fashion design?I think we do, I'm not entirely sure because I don't work in that department. Okay, sounds fantastic. But what about the students? I'm getting a bit gossipy here. We know a lot of these international, especially good international schools in Beijing or Shanghai, they're quite costly, in terms of tuition. So these students they are all from relatively well off families, I would imagine, what's their family backgrounds, based on your observation? In general, a lot of these parents tend to be business people. They run businesses, IT, things like that. Some of them got money through real estate, a lot of people they lived in China over the past 23 years. There are few kids that are children of professors from various schools, but in general, everyone here is upper middle class and higher, because the tuition is high.Money is definitely a thing, but it's also the education level. It's also how you are educated, like how you perceive the world. Because a lot of these what you were talking about, obviously they're preparing for these kids not really to take the college entrance examination in China; they
11/20/2022 • 11 minutes, 57 seconds
"欢迎来到英文小酒馆的迷你双语板块【Buzzword Mix】-新词特饮,短短几分钟,让不同段位的你掌握最新最地道的英文谈资!关注公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】,获取更多有趣节目内容和文稿哦~" In today's Buzzword Mix, our buzzword is Mass Layoffs. If you're currently working, especially if you're working in tech industry, this early winter does not bring a lot of confidence. With tech giants like Twitter and Meta, firing employees on an unprecedented scale. 最近不管是马斯克还是小扎, 他们的这种大规模的裁员行为, 都让相关行业的小伙伴心惊肉跳. Everyone's asking who's the next? And you keep seeing this expression, mass layoffs popping up in the news. So in today's buzzword, let's talk about mass layoffs, 大规模裁员.To understand mass layoffs, first of all, we need to understand layoff. A layoff is the temporary or permanent termination of employment by an employer for reasons unrelated to the employee's performance. 一般layoff翻译成裁员或者下岗. You can say someone is laid off or you can use it as a noun and say a layoff. 根据具体情况, 它既可能是temporary, 暂时的; 也可能是permanent, 永久性的. 尽管在新闻里这回对于 Twitter和Meta裁员的新闻报道会用各种各样的词, 比如说firing, 比如说cuts, layoffs, but there's actually a distinct difference between firing someone and laying off someone. Usually an employee may be fired on the grounds of unsatisfactory performance or breach of duty. 一般我们说firing是说被炒了, 通常都是员工自己的问题, 比如说绩效达不到或者违反了公司的某些规定. But when employees are laid off, that usually is not because they did anything wrong, but the companies aim to cut costs due to decline in demand for their products or services or during an economic downturn. 而layoff的情况通常不是个体员工自己的问题, 而是公司运营不善, 经费不足, 或者遇到了经济大环境的影响, 必须得精简人员削减成本. That's why laid off employees are often entitled to a severance package. 因为不是员工自己的错, 导致layoff, 所以基本上按照相关法律, 他们都有权获得severance package遣散费, 也就是裁员赔偿, 平时我们说的n加几n乘几的那个. And they also qualify for unemployment insurance. From the company's point of view, layoffs are generally called downsizing or even smart sizing. 很多公司会用downsizing甚至smart sizing这样的词来形容规模性裁员. The reason is often because of an economic downturn or corporate restructuring, such as bankruptcy or buyout. 而它的原因除了经济大环境不景气, 还可能是各种 corporate restructuring 企业重组, 比如说破产重组或者是被收购.
11/17/2022 • 8 minutes, 56 seconds
【luluxjg2】> 走进一代文豪笔下的精彩世界> 体验莎翁剧作里的悲欢离合,嬉笑怒骂> 深入解读时代背景,主题隐喻,搞懂文化梗> 学习深远影响英语表达的“莎派”语言> 听主播精彩飙戏,演绎经典片段Drunk and standing up maybe in the rain. Now that sort of explains why a lot of the plotlines seem a bit overly dramatic.我读莎士比亚的时候, 觉得他有的时候里面的语言超级夸张, 超级戏剧化.That's the only way you could keep their attention.Imagine Shakespeare's writing for group of normally men who have been drinking all day. If they didn't like the play, they will be more than happy to start throwing food and start fights.And back then remember that all men would carry a sword or dagger.Wow, 所以大家去想象莎士比亚那个剧最开始在莎士比亚还活着的时候上演的, 这种场景绝对不是我们今天这种很有文化的感觉, 而是当时很多老百姓站在底下, 然后也都喝醉了, 大部分都是男的, 他们如果看不到那种打斗或者很精彩的这种很dramatic的剧情就会往上丢东西.我们现在只是说 boo就是嘘人家下台, 他们那时候直接就东西砸上去.I would say probably the closest equivalent is imagine being an actor and you’re performing in front of a group of gangsters who are very angry and very drunk.I see. so that probably would give you a better idea of how Shakespeare's plays were originally performed.Yes.Now back to our course, our album.How do we introduce his play in this course? 那可能很多小伙伴就想问, 刚才说的这么精彩, 让我也开始对莎士比亚的剧有点兴趣了. 在我们的莎士比亚扫盲班里,到底是怎么样分析这些剧的呢?Because we're assuming that you're not drunk or violent as you listen to our course, we're a little bit more gentle in introducing Shakespeare's plays than it used to be in the past.But we don't assume you know anything about it.That's right.We're gonna really break it down to you. First, starting with each play’s background.首先我们是选了10部莎士比亚最有名或者是最有特点的剧, 不同时期的都有, 像大家都耳熟能详的, 比如说是Romeo and Juliet《罗密欧与朱丽叶》, the Merchant of Venice《威尼斯商人》, 还有像Macbeth《麦克白》 都在里面. 首先我们会介绍background, 它的背景.Yeah, that's right.So we'll describe the background, and describe a little bit of the history as well. So for example, with Romeo and Juliet, we discuss what it would have been like for Elizabethan women or women during Shakespeare's time;And for the Merchant of Venice, we talk a little bit about the history of Venice, and also relationships with Jewish people.And then usually 安澜 will walk us through the plot line. 接着就是安澜带着我们走整个的故事线, 每次都很为难安澜, 因为这个剧都比较长, 安澜会用比较简单的语言给我们总结一下, 把这里面的情节, 我也会在旁边帮大家梳理所有这些人物和剧情.Yes, I will break down the plot. I'll try to keep it as simple as possible. I'll be focusing on the main plotlines, and making it as easy as possible for you to understand what the story is. 经常听我们节目的小伙伴都知道我们是英语占绝大部分. 不过在解释莎士比亚这个剧情的时候, 因为有很多的名字, 所以我也会适时的在中间补一些中文, 这样保证大家不迷路. 这个课程里面每一部剧我们都是分为上下集的, 上集讲完了这个故事和背景, 下集我们就会讲theme.
11/15/2022 • 12 minutes, 22 seconds
关注luluxjg2获取文稿啦~Hi everyone, and welcome back to酒馆. Good news, we have another new course!Yeah! By the way, hi, 安澜. Hello. 我们的新专辑【莎士比亚扫盲班】, the Bluffer's Guide to Shakespeare上线了, 璐璐和安澜陪你走进莎士比亚十部最有名的戏剧, 解读文豪笔下的喜怒哀乐, 嬉笑怒骂, 让沙翁的戏剧不再遥远. I think the last time we did this was to introduce our course the Bluffer's Guide to Literature. 上一次和安澜录发刊词还是在录上一个专辑【英文名著扫盲班】. Yes, that's right. And as we were doing that course, we realized we didn't actually put any Shakespeare into that particular course. So I thought we should do one on Shakespeare. The Bluffer's Guide to Shakespeare. I think everyone has heard of Shakespeare even if they have never really read anything that he wrote. 就算你没有读过任何莎士比亚的东西, 但至少也知道莎士比亚这个人. Exactly. Famous all around. Pretty much. Do you guys actually have to read Shakespeare in school? Of course, pretty much in every English-speaking country, you have to study Shakespeare. When I was younger, I had to read, I think it was about two of his plays? and then when I went to college, before going to university, I also read another one of his plays as well. So a lot of the kids, even if they don't want to, they have to read Shakespeare. They have to read it, they have to do exams on Shakespeare. Yeah, I would say a lot of kids don't really like it. It is quite old-fashioned. But for me I personally loved it. I love Shakespeare. Well, put it this way, his works are the second most published in the English speaking world. 是英语世界里出版次数第二多的. What's the first? The Bible. Of course. I know the 3rd one is Agatha Christie. 第三名是阿加莎·克里斯蒂. That’s right. He wrote many plays and also poems. Yeah, he's famous for writing 37 plays and 154 sonnets. Sonnet就是14行诗,是一种特别的诗体. Yeah, it's a particular form of poetry. Because of his plays and also his poetry, he was regarded as a literary genius from the very moment he died. 中文里也把它叫做“文豪”, 这也是为什么很多时候我们听到说“莎翁”,这个就是对他的一个尊称.And he also was famously inventing a lot of words. That's right. It’s difficult to really calculate how many words he invented, but it's around 1,700. And some of the words you wouldn't imagine was invented by him, was actually invented by him, like ‘advertising’ was invented by Shakespeare. Yeah, luggage, gossip, and ... I'm a little bit confused about this myself, but apparently Shakespeare invented the word elbow. 就是一个肘部, 手肘, elbow. Gossip, 八卦这个词是莎士比亚创造的, 我能信. Yeah. This were obviously things that if you check online, you would find about him, the fact sheets.Who is Shakespeare? Shakespeare was born in April 1564 in a small town called Stratford-upon-Avon.That's why he was known as the Bard of Avon.That's right. Now Shakespeare's family was, I won't say wealthy, but they were kind of relatively well off, they had money. But when he was a child, his family actually lost a lot of that money, so he was unable to go to university even though that he went to the local school and learnt Latin.The two facts that I know about Shakespeare's personal life is, first of all, he married early and his wife's name is Anne Hathaway, 就是安妮·海瑟薇, 现在女演员的名字. Her parents probably got it from Shakespeare's wife.Pretty much. So he married Anne Hathaway when he was only 18. And Anne Hathaway was actually quite a bit older than him.这也是姐弟恋的先锋.And also the other fact is one of his kids was actually named Hamlet or Hamnet, something like that.That's right. His only son was called Hamlet or Hamnet, both forms of the name were used back then. It was when he died that Shakespeare wrote his famous play Hamlet.So that's a bit of a sad story, background story.Now of course, everyone knows Shakespeare is a famous playwright, 他是一个非常伟大的剧作家, but he was actually acting himself.Well, yeah. There are quite a few plays where scholars think Shakespeare was playing maybe the lead or one of the supporting roles.His money came from writing plays,
11/13/2022 • 11 minutes, 32 seconds
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~ Hi, everyone. And welcome back to America Under the Microscope. 欢迎回来【闲话美国】.Actually, this is a special edition. Hi James.Hi, lulu, hi everyone, special edition. Why is it special? Yes, because instead of talking about American society, American life, today we are gonna talk about you. Me? Why would people want to hear about me? People, our audience they know you, they are interested in your life as well. Actually James just had a major, I would say, a major change in his life. Before he was teaching in university. And then recently you joined an international school in Beijing. Indeed I did, I have changed my jobs. I've gone from teaching college students to teaching middle schoolers at an international school. Okay. So first of all, congratulations on the new job.Thank you.But what is it like?Today I thought we would just invite James to share with us a little bit of… about his life in international school in Beijing which I'm assume… the thing is our audience, I think there are lots of parents as well, and then maybe there are also international school students. Can be.So this would be an interesting topic, a bit more personal touch to it.First of all, when did you make the move, like it was a month, 2 months ago? I started applying for the job earlier this year. I managed to land the job in May. And I began working for the school in August, so I've been teaching here for 2 months now. Ok, and you're fully settled there, right? Yeah, I've…Fully settled in.I moved out here and have been teaching and my life is… here now and I'm really comfortable where I am. Okay. First of all, you're in the outskirts of Beijing?I wouldn’t say it's the outskirts. It's right next to the outskirts. I see. It's a nice sort of natural surrounding. It's much better than us here, just the hustle and bustle. You've got mountains, you've got green, lots of greenery. Yeah, that's pretty common for a lot of international schools. They tend to get built more in the suburban areas of cities as there's more land available.Where my campus is, we got… were surrounded by mountains, parks, not… sadly does come with a few disadvantages. There aren't restaurants or supermarkets that are super close by. I see. Well, you can't have the cake and eat it too usually, it's the convenience or the quiet… right, it’s the quiet suburban life. I like the quiet. But let's talk about the school, let's talk about your work environment. So the people that you work with, are they mostly Chinese or mostly non-Chinese like the other teachers? It's actually 50:50, so my colleagues are a mix. And all of them, they come from all over the world, like I have a supervisor from Venezuela. I have colleagues that are from Pakistan, America, Australia, France, Mexico. And everyone is well educated. My Chinese colleagues have Masters Degrees from top universities. Everyone tends to be have education certificates or trained in education.
11/10/2022 • 12 minutes, 30 seconds
"欢迎来到英文小酒馆的迷你双语板块【Buzzword Mix】-新词特饮,短短几分钟,让不同段位的你掌握最新最地道的英文谈资!关注公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】,获取更多有趣节目内容和文稿哦~" In today's Buzzword Mix, we're gonna talk about something more light-hearted. So the buzzword of the day is Plogging.P-l-o-g-g-i-n-g, haven't heard of it? it's understandable because this new word really has only been around for 5 or 6 years, and also it wasn't originally an English word. This word comes from Swedish. 这个词本来是瑞典语, 即使是在瑞典语里, 它也是一个拼接成的新词。It's a combination of the Swedish verb “plocka upp”, which means “pick up”, 是瑞典语的捡起来, and “jogga ”, to jog, 和 “慢跑” 这两个词组成的新词, 瑞典语里是 “plogga”. But when it spreads around the world, especially getting into the English language, people just call it plogging. So what is plogging?The idea is very simple. It's a combination of jogging and picking up litter. Litter means trash, rubbish. 中文把它翻译成 “拾荒慢跑”.It sounds a bit strange, doesn't it?I know a lot of people in China also have the habit of jogging on a regular basis. Plogging simply takes advantage of jogging and other outdoor sports to pick up the litter that spoils our cities and natural spaces. 其实这个概念很好理解, 我知道很多小伙伴应该也有定期户外慢跑的习惯, 所以plogging就是在你慢跑的时候看到垃圾就随手捡来放在一个垃圾袋里, 然后集中处理, 相当于一边健身一边保护环境。The idea of this sustainable initiative is simplicity itself. The participants or the ploggers take to the streets with rubbish bags to pick up the litter they come across while exercising. 而这些手拿垃圾袋一边慢跑运动, 一边捡垃圾保护环境的小可爱们就被叫做ploggers. The founder of this activity was Erik Ahlström, a Swedish guy who on leaving his hometown in 2016 to settle in Stockholm started to clean up the rubbish in the areas where he practiced his sport.
11/8/2022 • 8 minutes, 9 seconds
"英文小酒馆致力于打造沉浸式英语学习社群,无论是微信社群、有声节目、线上活动和课程,我们都全心全意为爱好英语的你带去一份专属于英语的快乐。公号: 【璐璐的英文小酒馆】 查音频节目文稿,了解广阔的世界。跟随我们的脚步,体会英语的温度。" Hi everyone, and welcome back to Britain Under the Microscope Advanced. In our previous episode we confused you a lot with the idea of the British government and how our government is formed. Mhm. Thanks a lot for tuning into this episode where we’re probably going to try and confuse you even more. Hi, Lulu.Hi, Anlan. I'm sure I get thoroughly confused. So I have a question first. Yes. We were talking about the two houses. Now let's talk about the Prime Minister. Uh, yes.I always wondered, see, when you hear president or chairman, you know they're the top guy. Yeah.But Prime Minister, it’s prime ministers like top minister, which means he essentially is still a minister. Yeah. Or she. Yes, she or he. Sorry being unintentionally sexist, but he or she is still a Prime Minister. That's right.Is that where the word comes from? The idea is the Prime Minister is a First Among Equals, so the Prime Minister acts as the leader of the government in the name of the King. Uh, it’s the representative. Somewhat like a representative, but essentially the Prime Minister is acting within the blessing of the King or Queen. I see, and how long have you been having Prime Ministers?Since the 18th century. Originally, we had a Prime Minister because they were, I should say, representing the King, because we had a King, King George I, who was German and couldn't speak English. So the first Prime Minister was like a glorified translator?Uh, pretty much, Wow.George I and Robert Walpole, his name was Robert Walpole, the first Prime Minister, they had to speak in Latin, so because King George I couldn't learn English. He was a bit older at this time. They had a prime minister.I see. I see. Now the Prime Minister lives, as you all know, at No.10 Downing Street which is close to the government departments in White Hall and the Houses of Parliament. And what about those parliamentary debates that we constantly see on TV, sometimes get really heated and people were shouting, they're basically booing the Prime Minister. Oh, yeah. That is very traditional. Oh.What you're probably seeing is what we call Prime Minister's Question Time. Okay.Now Prime Minister's Question Time is when any MP can ask the Prime Minister a question and the Prime Minister has to defend their stance, or sometimes attack the stance of the Opposition, or the leader of the Opposition in particular.It looks brutal. It looks really… they look really aggressive, the people who are asking questions, the Opposition.Yeah.
11/6/2022 • 14 minutes, 28 seconds
"英文小酒馆致力于打造沉浸式英语学习社群,无论是微信社群、有声节目、线上活动和课程,我们都全心全意为爱好英语的你带去一份专属于英语的快乐。公号: 【璐璐的英文小酒馆】 查音频节目文稿,了解广阔的世界。跟随我们的脚步,体会英语的温度。" Hi, everyone. And welcome back to Britain under the Microscope. 欢迎回来【闲话英伦】. Hi, 安澜. Hi Lulu, hi everyone. 安澜, can I propose a topic today?Yeah, of course.You know I've been following up on the latest news in the UK, yeah. I think I know what topic you would propose. It looks a bit messy. It is very, very messy. And it's also quite difficult for people who are not British to really understand. So I thought it would be an interesting idea for us to actually talk about the government and the political system in the UK to give people just a general idea. Yeah, well, to be honest it’s confusing for us as well. But I think if you don't understand the British government and the British political system, it can get very, very confusing. So first things first, your political system is called君主立宪制, 叫constitutional monarchy. Yes, we have a monarch, we have a king. But the king's actual power isn't really that big, they have a lot of authority, they have a lot of influence, but no real political power, so political power goes to our government, our Parliament. All that I know about your government is that your government consists of two houses. 我就知道英国有上院和下院, 上院叫什么House of Lords. The House of Lords and the House of Commons.House of Commons. So there is no actual Constitution in the UK, is there? it’s not like in United States. No, unlike many countries, the UK doesn't actually have a constitution. Instead, it based on presidents. 我听过一个叫做constitutional conventions, 叫宪法惯例, 就是没有实际明文的宪法, 但是有宪法惯例. So for example, we would have one law and then the judges would decide on how to interpret that law, and then there might be another law, then another law, then another ruling, and eventually it builds up into just common practice. And this has been going on for centuries. So it's basically just referring back to how it was done before…And changing when it needs to be changed.But it wasn't always like that, was it? Like before at one time in your history, obviously, king or queen, the monarch did have actual power. Oh, yeah. I would say that was years and years and years ago because there's actually been some kind of parliament since the 13th century over 750 years ago, we had a few rather bad kings, so the nobles actually tried to limit their power. And the first attempt to doing this was the Magna Carta.Magna Carta meaning The Great Charter.The Great Charter.中文翻译叫大宪章.The Magna Carta, which means “great charter” in Latin, was drawn up by English barons (nobles) and church leaders to limit the king’s power. In 1215 they forced the tyrannical King John to agree to the charter. The Magna Carta stated that the king must follow the law and could not simply rule as he wished.Yeah, so that was 1215, and you might hear British people talk about Magna Carta, but to be honest, not many people really understand what it was. It’s probably what you learned in history classes. But there are some very important things that were added to the Magna Carta including if you are convicted of a crime, you have the right to be judged by a jury. So let's bring it back to the actual political system. We talked about the two houses. 我们就来说说英国这个议会制度, 首先说上院 House of Lords, obviously, this consists of lords. Yes, so historically they were upper class lords, so they were the aristocracy, but nowadays it has slightly changed. There are around 700 lords and ladies, but most of them are what we call Life Peers. Life peers, I think I've heard of this翻译叫做 “终身贵族”, 听起来好像很高大上, but it actually means they are only nobleman or noble woman for their lifetime. Yeah, so they'll have the title for their lifetime, but their children won't have it. So this is the difference between what we call Hereditary Peers. 就是Life Peers实际上是不能世袭的, 像Hereditary Peers是可以父传子,子传孙这样的.Yeah但是life peer… it's just…it’s not so elitist. The idea of having a
11/3/2022 • 11 minutes, 15 seconds
"欢迎来到英文小酒馆的迷你双语板块【Buzzword Mix】-新词特饮,短短几分钟,让不同段位的你掌握最新最地道的英文谈资!关注公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】,获取更多有趣节目内容和文稿哦~" In today's Buzzword Mix, our buzzword is Crowd Crush. Now I know a lot of people are still in shock about the tragic incidents that happened in Seoul a few days ago. 其实关于Crowd Crush, 我第一时间就已经做了一个短视频, 但是短视频的篇幅实在有限, 很多事情都没有办法具体讲. So I thought I would devote this buzzword episode to the concept of Crowd Crush. Again, we're not a news podcast, we're not gonna comment on news. Instead, we're gonna focus on sharing information, information that hopefully you will find useful should you ever find yourself in a dangerously dense crowd.Crowd crushes are catastrophic incidents that can occur when a body of people becomes dangerously overcrowded. Crowd Crush是由于人群的密度过大所导致的灾难性事件. 如果你没有经历过那种过密的人群, 可能很难想象 at this extreme density, a crowd can start to act like fluid, sweeping individuals around without their volition. 人群密度特别大的时候, 一个人群的流动形式就很像液体. 就好像是你在海水里, 浪打过来的时候, 你基本没有办法对自己的身体有任何的控制. Such incidents can occur at large gatherings such as sporting, commercial, social, and religious events. It can happen for all sorts of reasons. And a critical factor is crowd density rather than crowd size.造成这种Crowd Crush它的重点是人群密度, 而不是总人数. 中文里惯常会叫做 “踩踏事件”, 但英语里相关的事件你会看到三个不同的词, the first one is Crowd Collapse, 这个是指人群密度特别大, 所有的人都紧紧地挤在一起的时候. If a person falls, the support to those around is lost, while the pressure from those further out remains, causing people to fall into the void.一个人倒下, 本来塞得满满的人群中间就会出现一个void空洞, 这个时候后面的人也会掉进空洞, causing a bigger void. And people who have fallen are at risk of being smothered by the weight of bodies on top, or be trampled. 而倒下的人就很容易会有被踩踏的危险.
11/1/2022 • 10 minutes, 11 seconds
Hi everyone, and welcome to this special Halloween edition of Britain under the microscope. 欢迎来到【闲话英文】的万圣节特别版. Hi, 安澜. Hi, Lulu .Hi, everyone.Is that time of the year?Yes, so for this Halloween, I thought I'm gonna tell you something that's really scary, frightening, fairies. Fairies?Yes, fairies.Okay. I'm assuming you're not talking about like Disney versions of fairies 那种仙女. No, I’m not talking about all of those beautiful little girls with wings that fly around with magic wands, granting wishes. No, I'm talking about fairies. 但迪斯尼就是把这种小仙女小精灵都叫做 fairies. Yes, so we're talking about the true origins of fairies and a traditional idea of what is a fairy and why they are terrifying. Now you're speaking my language.For those of you who have been listening to the show, you know that I'm really into a cold…I'm really into all these supernatural things. So I know for a fact that fairies, the original meaning from medieval Britain is something probably more akin to spirits or even like little monsters.Pretty much. They were known as the little people or the hidden peoples, people were actually a little bit too scared to mention them by name. 我觉得在中文里它就不应该被翻译成仙女仙子, 因为安澜也知道中文里的“仙” is a very positive word. It means you're above people. You're superior. Yes.You're immortal. However, fairies I would say they're mischievous, they are sometimes evil. They are. To be honest, it is a bit tricky to translate the term because it's changed so much in the centuries really. 我觉得更像精怪, 你说精灵精怪可能会更合适一点. I think that would probably be the nearest translation to it. 这种山精野怪Because they were believed to cause disease and play tricks on people, so they were sometimes good, sometimes bad. They were quite almost neutral in many cases. They are kind of… you said they like playing tricks on people, so they're like kind of tricksters. They’re basically, I would say a sort of shadow society. So they're like humans. So, as you have good people and bad people, sometimes good people turn bad, and bad people turn good. It's that same sort of idea, fairies are society that live among us. But we cannot see them. We cannot see them, I think many cultures have that idea. They might not always call them fairies but where’re they from, are they from things in nature?People… scholars aren't really sure where the idea comes from. Some people think that they are the spirits of the dead. Other people think that they are fallen angels, so they weren't good enough for heaven, but they weren't bad enough for hell. So they're stuck on earth. They're pretty much stuck on earth, but I would say they do have their origins in ancient Greece and Rome, where kind of as many societies in ancient times believed that trees, rivers, the natural world had its own spirits, a little bit like Japan nowadays. Yeah, you say Japan but actually in Chinese lores, there are also lots of stories. When there's a lot of nature, especially if you consider people in the past in ancient times, they didn't really know that much about nature, nature is largely mysterious. You hear rustling in the woods could be hidden people. Yeah. That is where the idea comes from, the creatures that could be easily offended, but they can also be helpful. You know you mentioned hidden people, right, isn't that what they call it in Iceland? 在冰岛有一个叫做什么…翻译过来也叫hidden people. Yeah. So Iceland, they believe in elves, and that's kind of somewhat similar to fairies. But I would say they all have their common roots really, so that creatures that should be, how should I say, you should be careful of offending. They have a lot of power, a lot of influences, they can do some really bad things if you make them angry.They can be very menacing. They can be. One thing I've heard of, I don't know if it's about fairies changeling. Yes. That is probably one of the sort of more terrifying aspects of the myth, where it was believed that fairies would steal babies or even adults and replace them with a fairy
10/30/2022 • 11 minutes, 4 seconds
If you are into something creepy, this one is for you. You know that living in this world with our ever advancing technology and our understanding of the world, sometimes we can get very sure and very arrogant. We're sure of the things we know of the world we see, and for things that don't really fall into this framework, we simply disregard them. However, outside of human perception, there's a bigger world filled with the unexplained. So let me introduce the SCP foundation, a very special organization. 你知道,这个组织是干嘛的吗?The best way is to read their mission statement. Since the beginning of mankind, we huddled in caves and around small fires, fearful of the things we didn't understand. It was more than explaining why the sun came up. It was the mystery of enormous birds with heads of men and rocks that came to life. So we called them gods and demons, begged them to spare us and prayed for salvation. In time, their numbers dwindled and ours rose, the world began to make more sense when there were fewer things to fear, yet the unexplained can never truly go away, as if the universe demands the absurd and impossible. Mankind must not go back to hide in fear. No one else would protect us, and we must stand up for ourselves. While the rest of mankind dwells in the light, we must stand in the darkness to fight it, contain it, and shield it from the ice of the public, so that others may live in a sane and normal world.According to its website, the SCP foundation is a secret organization entrusted by governments around the world to locate and contain individuals, entities, locations and objects that violate natural law.
10/29/2022 • 15 minutes, 47 seconds
恐怖片求生指南| 天道好轮回,老好人最先“领盒饭”?
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~ Hi, there. 欢迎回到酒馆, 关注【璐璐的英文小酒馆】, 发现节目原稿和精彩好文, 逛逛全球好物, 在这里邂逅更广阔的世界. Hi everyone, and welcome back to Happy Hour. 欢迎回来酒馆Halloween Special.Now I know some of you are not really a big fan of the Horror Genre like me, but don't switch off yet, I promise you I will not scare you in this episode.And you remember last Halloween Special, we focused on all these stupid things people do in the horror films? think of today's episode as a sequel to that. So the Happy Hour Presents your survival guide in horror movies and TV shows. How many times have you screamed at the TV while watching a horror film?Yelling things like don't go down there you idiot, sell the house. Perhaps a lot of you think that if you were ever in that situation, you would definitely not be that stupid. 平时我们经常开玩笑说, 如果我们在宫斗剧里能够活到第几集; 但是咱们今天升级一下难度, 看看在恐怖剧集里你能活多久. The thing is we might think we can easily outsmart these dumb-dumbs in horror flicks. But the fact is even if you are the fastest the strongest or even the smartest, in the world of horror movies, no one is safe. In fact, your chances of survival are pretty low. One wrong move could mean a horrifying death. The good news is we've got the know-how to help you out. In the horror thriller genre, there a lot of conventions, well, cliches.其实像我这种 “阅片无数” 的狂热爱好者, 早已经摸透了恐怖惊悚片的套路, there’re many tropes and cliches, today, you're going to learn how to survive in a horror flick. Rule No.1, be a good person, but not too good. I know that sounds a little contradictory, but it's going to help you make it out of this with your life, your sanity, and all your body parts still intact. 恐怖片看多了, 多半都能看出每个人的人设, and horror movies love to punish jerks, bad people. So if you're the mean cheerleader or the obnoxious jock, so if you're like the sexy but mean type, like to bully other people, then your days are numbered. Rude characters are usually killed off early; and the meaner you are, the more spectacularly brutal your death will be. Audiences just love to see jerks get what they deserve. So if you're mean, you know you're not gonna make it out alive. It's better to be the kind-hearted leading man or woman, because statistically you stand a much greater chance of surviving a night of terror. But here's the thing. You don't wanna be too nice or too good, because then you tend to do some pretty stupid things like helping the stranger by the roadside, taking in a poor little girl who’s looking for her mommy. Just remembered a phrase, No good deed goes unpunished. 恐怖片里做好事不一定有好报, 所以第一条铁律 “做好人, 但千万别要做没有底线的傻好人.” That would significantly improve your chance of survival. Survival Rule No.2, don't investigate. What was that strange noise out in the woods? I'd better go check it out, alone. What?That's the dumbest thing you could possibly do. Don't go into barns, basements, graveyards, ancient burial grounds, abandoned asylum, abandoned school, abandoned hospital, abandoned everything. They are abandoned for a reason, just don't go into them; because this is guaranteed a way to get you into some really sticky bloody situation. But if you still can't resist a temptation to investigate, then remember two things. Number one, don't ever split up with your friends. 可如果你的好奇心过于旺盛, 你非要去investigate,那么就记住不要split up with your friends, 不要跟你的朋友分开. If your friends so much as suggest splitting up, you should tell them to ‘shut up’, because you know the minute you guys split up, you will face your final scene;And Number two, when you go for a quick investigation, don't ever say I'll be right back. No, you won't be right back. You will be bloody and hanging from the garage door, you know that.所以第二条铁律, 事出反常必有妖, 千万不要好奇心过剩, 什么事都想一探究竟. Rule No.3, turn around because who or whatever it is that frightens you, it's always behind you. While hiding from deranged knife-wielding thing of evil, you might ask yourself, where is it?The answer, right behind you. 不管是神鬼妖狐还是杀人魔, 只要你找不到他, 他一定就站在你身后. Learn from tho
10/27/2022 • 12 minutes, 15 seconds
In today's Buzzword Mix, our buzzword is Ghosting. 马上就是万圣节了, 可能大家一听今天的buzzword Ghosting就是Ghost “鬼”这个词加ing, 就会觉得璐璐是不是要开始讲什么恐怖的事情了. Actually ghosting has nothing to do with scary things. But it has everything to do with relationships. So ghosting refers to abruptly cutting off contact with someone without giving that person any warning or explanation for doing so. 没有任何预警的就突然切断联系, 其实就是中文里说的“玩消失”. So for example, if you are dating, and the person you're dating just suddenly disappears. And they cut off all the contact with you without explaining why, then we can say you have been ghosted. It's called ghosting because it involves someone essentially vanishing into thin air, disappearing as if they were a ghost. Ghosting is generally used in reference to a romantic relationship, for example, when you're dating. But it can technically refer to any scenario where contact unexpectedly stops. Ghosting这个词最开始虽然只是恋爱领域的事情, 但其实如果友人、家人甚至你面试的公司突然对你玩消失, 也有很多人会用Ghosting这个词.玩消失, 既可以是一夜之间突然毫无征兆的发生, 也可能是在一个很漫长的过程中, the other person might start by soft ghosting 它可以逐渐的消失. Some of the early signs that someone might be ghosting you include如果出现以下的这些征兆, 你就要小心了, 可能对方要开始ghosting了. They regularly bail out on plans to get together. 比如经常会取消计划或者尽量找借口不跟你见面. They struggle to make commitments不愿意做出任何承诺. They don't like to share personal Information. They don't want you to meet their friends or family. They disappear from social media. They rarely respond to your texts or calls, your conversation with them lack depths, and they seem disinterested. 你跟他们的交流也变得非常浅层, 而且通常他们对和你聊的事以及你的生活都表现的没有什么兴趣. Those are probably some of the early warning signs that they might start ghosting you.This day and age, ghosting very often occurs on social media. It involves cutting off all social media contact without any explanation. The other person may unfriend, unfollow, or even block you on all social media platforms. 如今这个年代, 很多时候的“玩消失”都是从社交平台开始的, 他们可以对你unfriend删好友, unfollow取关, 甚至把你拉黑. They may even go so far as to deactivate or delete their social accounts to prevent all contact. 甚至有人做得更绝, 会直接删掉社交账号, 就为了让你找不到ta们. Although the behavior of ghosting has been around since the dawn of time, but the term ghosting came mainstream about 7 years ago alongside the surge in online dating. And it became an official entry in the The Merriam-Webster Dictionary in 2017. 虽然玩消失这种行为并不新鲜, 但是ghosting这个词大概也就是六七年前才开始变得火起来. 2017年正式被收入Merriam-Webster Dictionary. The reason why the term suddenly got mainstream is perhaps because online dating, all of these dating apps has simply made it way easier to ghost people, so that more people feel like they could relate or understand being ghosted or doing the ghosting. 之所以近些年来ghosting这个词突然火起来, 可能是因为现在有太多的这种左滑右滑上下滑的dating APP or social network APP, 所以很多人都经历过ghosting这种行为. Now if you have ever been ghosted in any form of relationship, one of the questions that you're going to keep asking yourself is why can't the other person just come out and say they don't want to contact me anymore. Why do they choose to ghost? There are two primary reasons why a person would ghost another. So reason number one, it's the Easy Route. 第一个原因就是因为“玩消失” 简单粗暴.Because many people find it way easier in a short term to ghost someone than to have an awkward, uncomfortable, heart to heart conversation about why you're not interested in keeping in contact with them. The person doing the ghosting often wants to avoid confrontation or dealing with someone's hurt feelings. So they simply stop all communication, hope that you get the message and just leave them alone. Reason number two is option overload and fatigue. 第二个原因就是选择过多, 腻了就换.Especially with internet dating, this is what you see. There are so many choices. So they're quick to say, ‘OK, next’. 特别是各种交友约会的APP里, 腻了就ghosting简直是一个常态. Now the reason why we talk about ghosting is because on the surface, ghosting seems harmless. They're just disappearing, they're not shouting at you, they're not having a fight with
10/25/2022 • 7 minutes, 58 seconds
"英文小酒馆致力于打造沉浸式英语学习社群,无论是微信社群、有声节目、线上活动和课程,我们都全心全意为爱好英语的你带去一份专属于英语的快乐。搜公号: 【璐璐的英文小酒馆】 查音频节目文稿,了解广阔的世界。跟随我们的脚步,体会英语的温度。" Hi everyone, and welcome back to Britain under the Microscope.欢迎回到【闲话英伦】. Hello 安澜. Hi. Lulu. Hi, everyone.Actually. Today let's make it a special edition. Instead of talking about UK in general, let's talk about you. Are you getting scared?Well. A little bit. Yeah.Actually, it's because sometimes when I'm interacting with our audience, with our followers, they kind of ask so what did Anlan major in? What’s his major when he was in university?因为大家都知道, 我是一直读语言上来的, 很多人都会问, 说安澜在大学里学的是什么?Actually, I know for a fact that you studied something called Classics. Yes. That's right. 翻译成什么古典或者经典什么, 这个东西是一个很特殊的学科, and I thought we can talk about that today. OK. Goody. I can hear the excitement in your voice. It's a subject that I really, really loved. This is what I studied for my BA, and my MA, I studied Chinese; but I always remember my BA and this was certainly something that I really love studying, despite the fact that, let's face it, it doesn't really get you many jobs. We can talk about the career prospects of this major in a bit. OK.But first things first, what is Classics?Classics is, I would say, western subject. It's the study of classical languages. Classical languages here means?Ancient Greek and Latin. Ancient Greek and Latin. So it's not even modern Greek. No, no, ancient Greek. Dead languages.Well, dead-ish. But it's also the study of philosophy, art, history, and lots of other subjects all related to the ancient world, particularly Greece and Rome. I see. So is that like, I don't know, I'm trying to relate to my experience, my own experience. So I don't know is that like a history major or what is it?It's an arts subject. So that's why I've got a BA in arts. It's partly history, but it's also languages and philosophy as well, and archaeology. 一个generally文科的东西. Yes. That's right. Now I don't know if it's just a stereotype of mind or not. Is this the sort of thing that when people hear, they go like kind of like a fancy subject, because it's not very practical. Shall we say就是听上去很高大上的, 不是那种说毕业了就能找工作, 而是那种感觉好像有钱人学的东西. I think you’re a bit too nice to me when you say oh people go Wow, you study Classics. In my experience, most of them say why?I've met people when they hear others are studying Classics or things like that, or like art history subjects like that, they go they must be rich, they must have rich parents. All I can say to you and all of our listeners that is completely not true. But do they have that kind of perception in… or stereotype in the UK as well?To a certain extent, yes. That's because ancient Greek and Latin is mostly taught at private schools. But the thing is, it's important to know that Classics and in particular, ancient Greek and Latin and the history and philosophy was the basis of education for centuries. So all educated people were expected to learn Latin and Greek. I think even nowadays in the UK, people, let's just say from a probably class wise, more upper class or upper-middle class people, they were probably at some point in their education learned the Classics. Yes, but you can also learn the Classics at state school as well, in particular history. I went to a state school. State school就是公立学校呗. Yeah, just an ordinary state school. I started learning Latin when I was at college, before I went to university, then I started learning Latin and Greek in more depth when I was at university. But you mentioned this is the basis of education like with all educated people being expected to learn for a long time. That was the tradition. That was the tradition. Medieval times, the renaissance, renaissance literally means rebirth, and we call it the renaissance because scholars started to find more Latin and Greek works, and that led to what is called humanism. 就是Renaissance是文艺复兴期, Humanism是人文主义 so that is closely linked with the study of cl
10/23/2022 • 11 minutes, 11 seconds
Welcome back to Geek Time. This is Geek Time advanced. Hi lulu.Hi Brad.We're gonna get into the more advanced ideas of quantum computing, and we're gonna talk about something that Einstein was talking about, he referred to it as spooky action and when you think about spooky, it's kind of a scary idea, maybe not like really, really scary, but something that's spooky is kind of… it’s creepy. 中文里把这个翻译成 “鬼魅效应”或者 “幽灵效应”。Yes, it is really spooky. Is it because Einstein thought it’s something that is beyond human imagination? Is it that sort of idea?Yeah, essentially, when we look at spooky action, like a spooky action at a distance, there's this idea of quantum entanglement. What that means is you have like two particles, electrons or something like that, and they're entangled quantumly, which means that they're always going to be the same. It doesn't matter how far apart you get those two particles, they're always going to be connected, and they're always going to be the same. So like if you were to use them as a way to transmit data, because they would always be the same, you could essentially transmit data at faster than the speed of light, which is something that according to Einstein wasn't possible, right, he was looking for a way ‘can we travel faster than light?’ People just like it's not possible, but like there's this idea of quantum entanglement which allows us to do this. Basically, you have these two particles even if they're separated by like one is on earth and one is somewhere in space. We could transmit data between these two particles because they're connected somehow.I see. So like perhaps it could be used in space exploration like space stations or spaceships…and then…Yeah. And then data can be transferred instantaneously. Yeah, so like for example, if we wanted to send a message to the Mars, it would take a long time, it's not going to get there instantaneously like when we talk at a long distance, it might take a second or two for that to travel. And so there might be like some sort of echo or time lapse between our conversation on the phone, but when we're looking at this, like if we had two quantum entangled particles, one on a space station and one on earth, we could instantaneously talk to each other. There wouldn't be any gap in between. Wow. So basically maybe with quantum entanglement in the future talking to Mars or transferring things to Mars would be easier, would take less time than just air dropping it from one of my computers to another computer.
10/20/2022 • 13 minutes, 44 seconds
"欢迎来到英文小酒馆的迷你双语板块【Buzzword Mix】-新词特饮,短短几分钟,让不同段位的你掌握最新最地道的英文谈资!关注公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】,获取更多有趣节目内容和文稿哦~" In today's Buzzword Mix, our Buzzword is Zero Waste.Hearing this expression, you know that it has something to do with environment and sustainable living. 今天咱们就来聊聊和环保以及可持续生活方式有关的Zero Waste, 零废弃的概念. Now it sounds simple, but it's not as simple as your parents telling you don't waste food or don't waste money. It is actually a set of principles focused on waste prevention that encourages redesigning resource life cycles so that all products are reused. 零废弃的这个概念, 它是基于 waste prevention, 最大程度地避免废弃, 避免浪费所建立的一系列的准则. It encourages redesigning resource life cycles. 它关注的是重新设计各种资源的生命周期, so that all products are reused. The goal is to avoid sending trash to landfills, incinerators, or the ocean. 现在我们很多的废弃物、垃圾, 最终会到要么是landfill 垃圾填埋场, incinerator焚化炉, 或者直接排到海洋; 零废弃就是为了避免这些传统的垃圾处理方式.The Zero Waste International Alliance (ZWIA) has an even more detailed definition. 零废弃国际联盟, 它对于零废弃的定义就是The conservation of all resources by means of responsible production, consumption, reuse and recovery of all products, packaging and materials. 通过负责任的生产、消费, 所有产品的重复使用和回收, 负责任的包装设计和材料选择来实现资源的保护和节约. Without burning them and without discharges to land, water or air that threatened the environment or human health.避免对废弃物进行焚烧, 或者是向土地、水源和空气中排放可能会破坏环境或威胁人类健康的物质. Zero waste examines the entire life cycle of a product or material, highlighting inefficiencies and unsustainable production and consumption practices. 零废弃最大的一个特点就是, 它不只是针对一件产品, 它关注的是每一个产品或者材料的全生命周期, 生产消费各种操作中不够节能环保, 不够可持续的部分。
10/18/2022 • 8 minutes, 38 seconds
【Geek Time】-“极客”时间,和“科技宅”Brad一起聊神秘有趣的“黑科技”“高科技”“硬科技”。欢迎关注公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】,可以查看更多精彩内容,查看英语全文稿哦~Hi everyone, and welcome back to Geek Time. Hi Brad. Hey Lulu. So what are we gonna talk about today? Well, I thought we’ll talk about quantum computing. It seems to be something that a lot of people are talking about these days.Yeah, I think most people have heard of it, but honestly like if you ask me to translate, I know quantum computing is量子计算。However, I have no idea what it actually means, so it'd be a very good crash course for me.All right, so since a lot of people don't really… they might know few basic things about computing and what that is. Before we can talk about quantum computing, we really have to understand what computing is. And when you think about all the computers we've had for since the birth of computers, there has been really this idea of binary numbers. Two states often on…二进制就是zero and one. Exactly.So that is what we call the basic bit of computing, but most computers run off of not just using a single bit, like you might have like 8 bits which is referred to as a byte. And when you have like two states, you have 2×2×2, but it's two to the 8th power, and that has 256 different states, 000001 like that. Byte就是字节。 So an eight bit string is a bite and has, like you said, 256 different values. Yeah, right, and then you go from like bits to bytes and then bytes to kilobytes, which is a kilobyte is 1,024, not exactly 1,000, a lot of people think it's 1,000, but it's really 1,024, because that's 2x2x2x2x2… to the 10th power. I see. And so kilobytes to megabytes to gigabytes, and nowadays most people can store a terabyte in their computer, something in the terabytes. Yeah, 就是我们存储的时候说一个T一个G, so these are terabytes, gigabytes. Now before we get into like quantum computing, we're just gonna look at an example really quick of 2 bits. All RightAnd if you have 2bits, there's really four possibilities which could be 00, 01,10, and 11. If you like think of them as numbers, they would be like 0, 1, 2, and 3. But when we look at them as a bit format, it would be 00, 01, 10, and 11. Now when we get into quantum computing, we don't have bits as we do in computing, we have what's called a qubit or a quantum bit, but a quantum bit allows them to have both states at the same time, so rather than having a 0 or a 1, it can be 01, or like somewhere in between that, the 2 bits that we’re looking at could be 00, 01, 10, or 11, so there's four different states if we have 2bits. Now when we go into quantum computing, we have a qubit and a qubit is similar to a bit. But rather than having two possible states, it can occur with both states at the same time, or like somewhere in between those two states. And when we get into like two qubits, we have those four that 00, 01, 10, and 11. We can have all four of those states occurring all at once. So it's not just one, it's all of them.So in my very basic understanding is that quantum computing, this qubit, 量子位it's called, all of these four states to exist at the same time. So it doesn't have to be one or the other.Right, and so it allows for that and even mixing of states which allows the computers to like quantify things in much faster speeds, much… like much larger degrees, and so basically it allows it to grow exponentially faster. When you have a regular computer, it grows exponentially, but it's 2×2×2, like every bit you add, you have an exponential growth of two, but when you have a quantum computer, it’s like 4x4x4, it can just goes up so much faster. I see. You're looking at that or so. So it's much higher or more effective computing power?Right, so when you kind of think about this, a lot of computing can be seen as something when we look in cryptography as an example. Cryptography is about making… this is about encryption and decryption,就是密码和解码。对吧? Right, and so when you look at current methods like what we use on our current computers, basically their e
10/16/2022 • 9 minutes, 46 seconds
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~ Hi everyone, and welcome back to Britain Under the Microscope.欢迎回来【闲话英伦】Hi, 安澜. Hi, Lulu. Hi, everyone.What are we going to talk about today?I thought, since we’ve discussed about the Queen and her passing, I think it might be a good opportunity to discuss about our new King, King Charles III.Actually, at the end of that episode, you promised me that we're going to talk about King Charles III.Well, it's a big topic. So there's lots that we can discuss about this. Um. Honestly, this is… the whole idea of monarch这种君主制, it's still very, very foreign to me because we don't have a monarch anymore. And your monarch is a constitutional monarch, 君主立宪制.That's right. Let's start, first of all, what the king actually does or what the British monarch actually does. So first of all, the important role is that they are the head of state for the UK.Head of state. I see, Prime Minister is the head of government, and the King now is the head of state.Yeah, same as pretty much every other country that they have a head of state. It's normally the president in many countries, but in the UK, it is the King or Queen. So he is the head of state of the UK, and also his other role is the head of the commonwealth.So, basically, the old empire that's the left over…the old empire.Well. Many of the countries were part of the British Empire. There’re also some countries that weren't part of the British Empire. They've also joined. It's around 56 countries around the world with around 2.5 billion people.That's actually quite surprising.It's quite a large organization, and he is the King of 14 of those countries like… Canada, Australia, New Zealand. Yeah.But you say that he is the King of these countries, but these countries they have their own head of government and all that. King himself doesn't really hold a lot of real power, that's like my understanding of it.
10/13/2022 • 15 minutes, 2 seconds
"欢迎来到英文小酒馆的迷你双语板块【Buzzword Mix】-新词特饮,短短几分钟,让不同段位的你掌握最新最地道的英文谈资!关注公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】,获取更多有趣节目内容和文稿哦~" Hi everyone, and welcome back to Buzzword Mix. 欢迎回到我们的迷你双语板块【新词特饮】,短短几分钟让不同段位的你掌握最新最地道的英文谈资. In today's Buzzword Mix, our buzzword is Hangry. You’ve heard it right, not hungry, not angry, hangry. It's a combination of hungry and angry. So you probably can guess the meaning of hangry. Have you ever noticed that when you're really hungry, your tummy is rumbling. You are more likely to get angry, to lash out at unsuspecting loved ones or even innocent bystanders? 不知道你们有没有注意到, 当你饿着肚子的时候, 就很容易对身边的人发这种无名火. And this sudden, irrational rage is often referred to as “hanger”, a combo of hunger and anger. If you have hanger, you are hangry. 中文我觉得可以翻译成“饿到生气”. Now personally I have experienced that. For a period of time, I was having this no carb diet, and I was hungry all the time; and I had the worst temper, I would get angry for no particular reasons. 我个人可是体验过 hangry的感觉. 原来有段时间去做这种断碳饮食, 然后经常会饿, 然后脾气特别臭. Now you might think this is just a meme, a joke. 很多人可能觉得这个hangry就是一个梗.But actually now the experts are saying it is a very real thing. And the explanation they offer is when you haven't eaten for a while, the level of sugar glucose in your blood decreases. 当你饥饿到一定程度的时候, 你的血糖就会降低. When your blood sugar gets too low, it triggers a cascade of hormones, 这个时候就会触发你身体里的很多激素出现改变, including cortisol皮质醇, this is a stress hormone这是一个压力激素, and adrenaline 肾上腺素. And these hormones are released into your bloodstream to raise and rebalance your blood sugar. 因为血糖过低促使这些激素的分泌. Some of these hormones are related to anger and aggression. 而这些激素跟生气、攻击性都会有关. To be more specific, there are parts of our brains that help us control our emotions and regulate our behaviors. But if we have very low glucose level or blood sugar, this means the higher brain functions are not working as well as they could be. So there may be a breakdown in those higher brain functions that help us modulate primitive responses, therefore we start lashing out. 说得更具体一点, 其实就是我们的大脑负责管控情绪和行为的部分, 这些更高级的功能, 它需要血糖值达到一定的程度才能够正常运行; 而过度饥饿, 血糖值过低的时候, 这些大脑的高级功能就容易出现问题, 于是我们就会出现情绪失控的状态. Essentially, it's not just our bodies that run on food, it's our brains. When we don't have the critical glucose at the needed levels, mechanisms of self-control over aggression break down. 我们吃下去的东西不光是维持我们肢体的运行, 同样也在供给我们的脑, 而当血糖达不到我们的大脑所需要的量的时候, 我们对于自己aggression攻击性和愤怒的自控能力就会开始出现消减. So, when you’re hangry, you’re not just more prone to snap at somebody because you’re hungry on a physical level, you’re actually hungry on a cerebral level in your brains;And the deprivation is causing your reactive filters to blur if not shut down completely.所以当我们说我们hangry饿到生气的时候, 不光是说饿着肚子觉得很生气, 而更多的是大脑出现了饥饿, 而这种饥饿让我们降低了这种自控能力, 开始出现了更加原始的攻击性行为。And interestingly, researchers have also documented the hangry phenomenon in relationships. 其实有研究就表明饿到生气的现象也会影响亲密关系. A study on married couples found that the lower the participants' blood sugar level, the angrier and more aggressive they felt toward their partners.在夫妻相处之间, 当一方的血糖值越低, 他们就会对自己的伴侣展现更多的愤怒和攻击性.
10/11/2022 • 7 minutes, 34 seconds
《知乎哲也》板块,由受到大家喜爱的哲学小哥TJ和主播璐璐一起探讨哲学那些事儿~ 公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】可以搜索英语全文稿哦~Hi, everyone. And welcome back to Let's Philosophize. 欢迎回来【知乎哲也】. Hi TJ. Hi Lulu. Thanks for having me back. What's the question you’re gonna ask me today? Lulu, do you think that we should kill people to save other people?Okay! That is a rather strange question. Do you mean like killing bad people?Well, I mean they might be bad people, but uh, it's hard to know, right?What I'm talking about is a philosophy problem called The Trolley Problem. I don't know if you've heard of it before. 电车问题, but enlighten us anyway. So, it's from a 1967 philosophy paper by a philosopher called Philippa Foot, and she said I'll use her words and it's a little bit academic but I think it should be okay.“it may rather be supposed that he is the driver of a runaway tram [trolley] which he can only steer from one narrow track on to the other; five men are working on one track and one man on the other; anyone on the track he enters is bound to be killed.”就是说有这么一个失控的有轨电车, 然后在这个司机现在有1个选择要做, 就是两边的这2个铁轨在他自己在的这条轨上有5个人, 然后另外1条轨上有1个人, 如果他不变轨, 他就会直接把这5个人弄死。如果他要做一步操作, 变到另外一条轨道上, 就会杀死另外一条轨道上的那个人。So, this is the famous trolley problem. Well, if that is the question, you’re gonna ask me, I would say I will change track because killing one person is better than killing five people?Right, and that's a very intuitive logic, right?That 90% of people that you ask, say that uh, they would do the same thing, that they would switch the track, kill five people. And of course, we assuming these men are all working on the tracks, they do the same job. We don't know about their families, right?They all have families but five families unless this one man has a very very big family, I think the odds are that similar numbers of people will be upset per person, so it seems to make sense that you pick 5 over 1. Sounds like simple math, right?But not all the philosophers agree with that.
10/9/2022 • 13 minutes, 15 seconds
Buzzmix-Ep114-Meal prep 关注公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】获得更多精彩内容。In today's Buzzword Mix, our Buzzword is Meal Prep. Now this is a very simple phrase. “Meal” is just the three meals we have every day, “prep” is short for preparation. This is a quite popular trend on social media in recent years, especially before the pandemic. 今天的Buzzword我们就来聊聊, 前几年在社交媒体上很火的Meal Prep备餐这个概念. Meal prepping is the concept of preparing whole meals or dishes ahead of schedule. So instead of cooking the food and eating it straight away, you would prepare the food or the meal beforehand to eat it later. For example, you would spend some time on weekends to prepare for your meals for the following week. 备餐的概念其实很简单, 比如说你在周末花多一点时间, 把下面几天或者一周的饭食都准备好, 然后到每天要吃的时候, 只用简单的加热或者加工就可以吃了。Now this is particularly popular amongst busy people because it can save a lot of time. And having pre-prepared meals on hand can also reduce portion size and help you reach your nutrition goals. 除了可以省时间, 很多提前备餐的人也觉得这样可以更好地控制自己的portion, 就每一顿吃的分量, 并且可以更好的做到营养的均衡, 因为可以提前计算.This way when you're super busy or when you come home exhausted from work, you're less likely to order or eat junk food. Meal prepping is actually not a new thing. There has long been a strong culture around meal prepping, with numerous online communities, like Instagram accounts, Facebook groups, dedicated to documenting the process by sharing recipes, hacks, and even the best food containers. 不管是国内还是国外, 在各种的社交媒体上, 你都可以看到很多关于meal preps的社群或者是账号, 他们会分享recipes 菜谱, hacks一些备餐的小窍门, 甚至包括the best food containers, 会去推荐一些保存食物的容器.
10/6/2022 • 8 minutes, 11 seconds
Lulu: Hi, everyone. And welcome back to one of your favorite segments, TV Picks. 欢迎回到【荐剧版块】. You notice that usually I say Lulu's TV Picks, “璐璐荐剧”, but today I just said TV picks, that's because today's TV picks comes from Anlan. Hi, Anlan. Anlan: Hello. Lulu: Thank you for joining this other segment. Anlan: That's absolutely brilliant to come along. I love watching TV, so hopefully I might have a few TV picks that our fans might be interested in. Lulu: You certainly have a very different taste when it comes to TV picks. Anlan: Well yeah. I'm not big fan of crime shows or cop shows. Lulu: Horror. Anlan: Horror. Basically if you are like me and you don't really fancy being depressed watching SVU and other similar types of TV show, I think this segment might be good for you. Lulu: So enough with the suspense, what is the TV pick that you are going to share with us today? Anlan: I'm going to share a lovely TV pick for you called All Creatures Great and Small. Lulu: All Creatures Great and Small. 中文译名叫《万物生灵》, 还有把它直译为《万物既伟大又渺小》. We actually wrote an article about this, it has been very popular in China as well. Anlan: Yes, it's really popular in the UK, and also very popular in America as well apparently. Lulu: But for those who have never heard of it, could you give us the background? Anlan: Right. So All Creatures Great and Small is a remake of an earlier TV show in the 1980s which actually I watched when I was growing up, based on the books of James Herriot. Lulu: James Herriot. Anlan: Yeah. James Herriot was a British vet or veterinary doctor, who became a writer. Lulu: Vet is an animal doctor. Anlan: Yes. Lulu: 兽医. And that book or this TV series is basically about his experience of being a vet. Anlan: Yeah, basically in a very unique part of the UK called Yorkshire. Lulu: 约克郡. You hear that a lot in obviously a lot of the TV shows relating to UK. But what is Yorkshire actually like?I personally have never been to Yorkshire. Anlan: Well, Yorkshire is a county in the North of England. It's really famous for the dales. Lulu: Dales? Anlan: Dales are… it’s a type of park, it's a type of countryside, and it's really beautiful. Lulu: Dales中文就是谷地. They're like valleys. Anlan: Yeah, they're very small valleys, you know. It's not like the Grand Canyon or anything like that. They're just very small… Lulu: Quaint little valleys. Anlan: Yeah, with lots of villages, lots of farms as well. Hence, why he is a vet. Lulu: When British people think of Yorkshire, do they automatically think of beautiful countryside? Anlan: Partly. Yes. Another word for Yorkshire, another name for Yorkshire is God's own country, and that's something that Yorkshire people do actually like to say because they… Lulu: They're very proud of it. Anlan: They are very proud. It's a very beautiful part of the UK. Yorkshire people, they're also quite unique as well. There's a bit of a stereotype about them that they are very direct, very honest, actually sometimes bordering on rude or being a bit stubborn. Lulu: Probably like no nonsense type of people. Anlan: Exactly. But in reality a lot of Yorkshire people they're very down to earth, they’re also very friendly as well. There are also some stereotypes that they're quite frugal and tight with money. But I would say probably they're a little bit more careful because Yorkshire was always traditionally a slightly poorer area of the UK. Lulu: It's just what you have described just paints a picture very much like traditional small town, small villages that type of idea. And the TV show is basically about a vet in Yorkshire. Anlan: That's it. In the program, it's about him coming to Yorkshire and living and working with another vet there whose name is Siegfried Farnon. Lulu: Farnon. Anlan: Farnon hired Herriot as a vet. And Farnon is actually quite eccentric.
10/4/2022 • 12 minutes, 3 seconds
关注公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】获取全文稿噢~National Day Special National Day 国庆日-Celebrate the founding of the People’s Republic of China in 1949 Extended into a Golden Week Signature Elements 关键元素 -Pay tribute to national heroes at the Monument to the People’s Heroes向人民英雄纪念碑致敬 -The flag-raising ceremony at Tian’anmen Square天安门广场升旗仪式 -The guards marching -National anthem played by military band 军乐队奏国歌 -Festive decorations 节日装饰 -Military parade 阅兵式 -Live concerts 现场音乐会 -Firework shows and light shows 烟火表演和灯光秀 Patriotism 爱国主义 Feeling Patriotic 爱国之情油然而生 National day in other countries 其他国家的国庆日 USA – the Fourth of July Independence Day (the Fourth of July) is a federal holiday in the United States commemorating the adoption of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776.Canada DayMost communities across the country will host organized celebrations for Canada Day, typically outdoor public events, such as parades, carnivals, festivals, barbecues, air and maritime shows, fireworks, and free musical concerts, as well as citizenship ceremonies. There is no standard mode of celebration for Canada Day. Australia DayAustralia Day is the official National Day of Australia. Celebrated annually on 26 January, it marks the anniversary of the 1788 arrival of the First Fleet of British ships at Port Jackson, New South Wales, and the raising of the Flag of Great Britain at Sydney Cove. In the UKBritain has no unique National Day. It has a number of days of celebration which go largely uncelebrated. There are special dates related to patron saints (守护圣者): St George’s Day in England, St Andrew’s Day in Scotland, St David’s Day in Wales and St Patrick’s Day in Northern Ireland.
10/2/2022 • 12 minutes, 24 seconds
《小酒馆·大世界》-世界各处的文化和精彩,在小酒馆触手可得哦~ 欢迎关注公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】,可以查看更多精彩内容,查看英语全文稿哦~And talking about Prosecco being more popular in first tier cities in China especially how has the Prosecco sales in China grown in the past, let's say, five or ten years? Obviously, I know there is a pandemic, but before that what was the growth trajectory.Pre-pandemic we remember in 2019, we were doing quite well, around 20, 25% of growth. It was really good. The market was very much matured, but still a lot of people were actually picking prosecco, or especially hotels and restaurants as a free floor products or also cocktail products. For example, spritz took over pretty much in the Shanghai quite well, yeah. So it…we’re quite happy with the trend. Actually you talk about spritz, do you think the increasing popularity of spirits or just using Prosecco to mix a cocktail? Do you think that trend contributed to the growth in Prosecco sales? I do believe that is a factor to count in because definitely if you want to make the real spitz, the real spritz is made of prosecco obviously. So if the people are actually interested to try the spritz and they like it, of course restaurants, hotels, bars, they need more prosecco to do that. So it's a very, very connected factor to count in. Okay. And Mikelino, what do you see? You mostly sell to end consumers or also to business. Well, business is still more than 50% of my market mix, of my sales mix. And consumers are growing because there is also shortening of the supply chain. So the people like to go more direct in a direct source, so that if you are the importer, they like to talk to you directly more and more. This also helps the growth of the consumption and the trade. My trend is a little bit different, I'm more connected to the micro texture of the market, for example, I was less influenced by the recent events of the pandemic.I heard that your end consumers buying more.My end consumers are buying more, yes. We are doing well, I mean, just the only channel is growing, so the others are stable.I see.The prosecco is also very connected to the restaurant channels, so actually what we hope is that people can join more and more the restaurant life and this will help the sales to pick up again, especially like this the mixology with the cocktails what you mentioned. It's a driver for prosecco, it's a driver for many other drinks; it’s the driver for the wine, the icon consumption. It's a big, big movement in China now. And bringing in the social aspect of having that drink, Prosecco is a social drink, unlike perhaps some other drinks where you can imagine yourself just staying at home, having a little bit of scotch on your own, but prosecco is more like you know you talk and you drink that imagery. And then I know that you're both involved in a lot of events. You probably also hosted or organized lots of different events to promote wine or to prosecco. At these vents, how were you say collaborate with organizations like prosecco DOC Consortium like Casa Prosecco? How does it work? It works. There's a huge part is the communication that Casa Prosecco and Consortium does in China through like a program like this one or the publications. And then there’s a lot of offline events that involve… could be for consumers or could be for professional, depends. These are involving also brands. This is the perfect way to go on developing the market. You have to, as Matteo say that you have to educate people, and to educate the people, you have to open those bottles, you have to let them taste wines, to try more wines, and start recognizing the differences. This is for consumers, even professional people are, in the very end, they also are consumers. So knowing the characteristics, so when I go for events, when I participate in events organized by Prosecco, I go and I try different kind of wine, I try maybe dryer or less dryer profile aromatic profiles of the prosecco.
9/29/2022 • 17 minutes, 11 seconds
"欢迎来到英文小酒馆的迷你双语板块【Buzzword Mix】-新词特饮,短短几分钟,让不同段位的你掌握最新最地道的英文谈资!关注公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】,获取更多有趣节目内容和文稿哦~" In today's Buzzword Mix, our Buzzword is Infodemic. Now this is a combination of two words we all know too well, “information” and “pandemic”.由Information和Pandemic组成的这个词Infodemic, 中文里把它翻译成 “信息疫情”, 简称 “信疫”。 I'm sure you've heard of the expression going viral. 现在网络特别是社交媒体上, 如果一条新闻或者一条视频火了, 我们通常会说going viral病毒式的传播。But with more and more Information going viral overnight, what we can encounter is an infodemic. By definition, an infodemic is a rapid and far-reaching spread of both accurate and inaccurate Information about something, such as a disease. 所谓 “信息疫情” 就是指关于某一个话题一个事情, 比如说一个病毒, 整个网络会涌现出大量的真真假假的信息, 而这些信息会迅速的蔓延到互联网的每一个角落。As facts, rumors, and fears mix and disperse, it becomes difficult to learn essential information about an issue. 而随着这些事实、谣言还有恐惧不断的交织和传播, 作为普通人, 我们就很难了解关于这个事情的核心的有效信息。Now since we're still not out of the current pandemic, you might think the word infodemic has come out of the covid years, but actually this word isn’t new, it was coined in 2003, the year of SARS. 可能有的人会觉得infodemic这个词是在新冠这几年才出来的新词, 但实际上它是在03年非典的时候就被创造出来了。And it was coined by journalist and political scientist David Rothkopf in a Washington Post column. Back then he said, SARS is the story of not one epidemic but two, and the second epidemic, the one that has largely escaped the headlines, has implications that are far greater than the disease itself. That is because it is not the viral epidemic but rather an "information epidemic" or infodemic that has transformed SARS into a global economic and social debacle. 他当时就说非典其实要对付的是两个疫情, 一个是病毒的疫情, 还有一个造成更大的社会和经济影响的就是infodemic.
9/27/2022 • 7 minutes, 55 seconds
《小酒馆·大世界》-世界各处的文化和精彩,在小酒馆触手可得哦~ 欢迎关注公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】,可以查看更多精彩内容,查看英语全文稿哦~Hi everyone, today we have in our studio two guests from Italy. They're both wine experts and entrepreneurs themselves who have extensive experience in the wine industry, and also in promoting Italian wines, including Prosecco in China. First of all, let's say hi to Matteo and Mikelino. Hi, hi, everyone.Hello, hello, everyone.And welcome to the studio. First of all, I would like to ask both of you to give us a little bit of an idea of what you do. Could Matteo? So I actually work for one of the biggest importers and distributors in China. I work as a senior brand manager, not just for Italian wines, but for more than 28 brands from all around the world. And I'm in China 4 years, 20 years’ experience in the wine business.And based on our previous talk, you basically grew up with the entire wine culture, right?My family owns a small vineyard, a place called Valdobbiadene, which is the core area of Prosecco; and I worked in a winery before for 10 years, I worked in Maldives and Dubai as in hospitality. I worked in New York, and then a little bit in Moscow for a short period of time, and Shanghai. OK, a true expert. And Mikelino.I am an entrepreneur. I live in Shanghai, I work in Shanghai, people know me here as the wine guy, which is the name of my company, I thought it was suitable. I live in China since 15 years and I am a sommelier graduated by the Italian Sommelier Association. And wine is my passion.Mikelino, you said wine is your passion, and this is very interesting because when I talk to people who work in the wine industry, this tends to be the general feeling, general sentiment, a lot of people they would say you think about wine, it's not just drinking, it's about socializing, it's about a lifestyle. Would you agree with that?It is, actually, I didn't always work in wine, but in the very end, the life brought me to work with my passion. And also was… many people ask me and say, why don't you work in wine? Because people were referring to me for some wine suggestions. Where do I buy this? Where do I get that?And finally, I decided to move on and around 10 years ago, I started devoting my life to this business, even my wife finds it boring because she says I always talk about wine. Honestly speaking from a little bit of my own experience as a drinker, a lover of wine, obviously I'm no way an expert. I always remember before the pandemic I used to go to Italy a lot, I absolutely loved the country. When I went to Italy, sometimes I would join my local friends or new friends for aperitivo. Am I correct in pronouncing that?Yes. You pronounced it correctly. Aperitivo is a very important moment our social life in Italy, no matter if it's during the day or during the evening.So what is aperitivo?Aperitivo is a culture. Basically, it's the moments when usually finish your work or during weekends you get with your friends, usually before dinner, and you have a drink altogether, it’s a very social thing.And then this actually can get into a dinner thing as well. Which why years ago aperitivo was emerged with the word dinner, which is ‘Cena’ in Italian. And we started calling it ‘Apericena’ which is ‘Aperitivo’ and ‘Dinner’.So it basically you start with a drink, then use some small bites and cold cuts and pizza, and then goes into a 2 or 3 hours... 2 or 3 hours?It can be, yeah, I mean, back in the day when I was in Italy…but that happened when I go back in my hometown now as well, can be we meet at 6, 6:30, and then we can start drinking and eating and finishing out at 11. That's… sometimes it's quite normal.I guess especially on a hot summer day, when people are just basically standing around, maybe even outside and then just mingling with one another.No. That happens also in winter. It's every season…Four-season thing.It is every season.Every season.In summer, it's definitely easier because… Regardless of weather....
9/25/2022 • 18 minutes, 30 seconds
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~ Hi everyone, and welcome back to Britain Under the Microscope. 欢迎回来【闲话英伦】 Hi, 安澜. Hi Lulu, hi everyone. 安澜, every time I start the program by asking you what are we gonna talk about today, can I propose a topic? Sure.So lately, one of the biggest news in the world is the death of your queen. And actually, when I was doing my Tuesday live streaming, 我周二晚上直播的时候, 正好有小伙伴问到我这个问题就是说how do British people feel about this?So I thought can we talk about that?It's a really, really interesting topic. It's a topic that we've been obviously discussing a lot in the UK because this is the first time we've ever had to deal with this situation for over 70 years. That's actually, first of all, the queen passed away on September the 8th. I know that she was 96 years old, and she had been on the throne for, you said, over 70 years. Just 70 years, she actually had a Platinum Jubilee this year. Platinum Jubilee is 70 years. Yep. You have Diamond Jubilee which is 60 years, and then Golden Jubilee which is 50 years. I see. It's impressive, I mean, a few days ago, she was still working, she was still seen in public meeting up with the new prime minister that was impressive, especially thinking about her age and health conditions. Yeah, and that I would say is probably one of the most shocking things because we could see in the pictures of the queen was very frail. She obviously aged a lot, but we still thought that she was relatively healthy. Because she was working at her age. She passed away at a place called Balmoral? She passed away at Balmoral Castle, which is in the Highlands of Scotland. It's actually one of her favorite residences; and it's where she goes or where she went I should say on her summer holidays. I see, so like it's private, it's like her private home, one of her private homes. It's not owned by the states, all of other…most of other palaces are owned by the government or owned by the nation. But Balmoral is actually her private residences. Actually to think about, to most people in the UK, well, at least people under the age of 70, this was the only queen, only monarch they knew. And we can talk a little bit about what people think towards the end of the episode. But I would say that's the key part really, because she's the only queen that most people have ever known, and also she's just always been there. We can talk about people's reaction in a bit. But what's the nation's reaction?Did you set aside…I think I’ve heard it somewhere that a lot of the government business is closed for like a period of time?As soon as the death was announced, Britain went into official mourning. 就是国丧期. And how long was that?That was until Monday.I see So until the day of the funeral, and what happens during this time is that most events are cancelled, TV schedules change, so watching the BBC and other UK channels, pretty much it was 24-hour coverage about the queen. The other thing that I’ve noticed is there was this ceremony where people could go to see the coffin and then to say their final goodbyes. Yep. It's actually called lie in state or lying in state where the coffin is displayed to the public, and people can walk past and pay their respects.I see. So lie in state就指的葬礼前让人们可以去公开的吊唁. Yes. It's not the same as in maybe for example China because you don't actually see the body. It's not the open casket. It's not an open casket, it’s a close casket. And you can walk past and view and pay your respects. So because she passed away in Scotland, she was first laid in state in Edinburgh as the queen of Scotland. Oh, it’s…because it’s separate. 可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~
9/22/2022 • 13 minutes, 24 seconds
欢迎来到英文小酒馆的迷你双语板块【Buzzword Mix】-新词特饮,短短几分钟,让不同段位的你掌握最新最地道的英文谈资!关注公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】,获取更多有趣节目内容和文稿哦~In other words, SJWs don't hold strong principles, but they pretend to.说到这里, 相信你能想象到某一些人的嘴脸了。但其实有很多人不同意SJW的这种说法, 而且认为这样的叫法比较危险。Because some people believe that the overuse of SJW in a negative manner is simply a way to dismiss anyone who brings up real issues with social justice. 反对使用这个词的人认为, 如果我们太习惯给别人扣上SJW或者“圣母”的帽子, 我们就没有办法真正的去讨论关于Social Justice的一些话题。 Use of the term has also been described as attempting to degrade the motivations of the person accused of being an SJW implying that their motives are for personal validation rather than out of any deep-seated conviction. 而且只要把别人定性为SJW就可以无视或者贬低他的所有观点,批判对方是在刷存在感, 这样也可能会误伤一些真正想要深入讨论社会公正和正义问题的人。But whether you like the term or not, it has become so popular that in August 2015, Social Justice Warrior or SJW was one of several new words and phrases added to Oxford dictionaries.
9/20/2022 • 9 minutes, 12 seconds
《Geek时间》 - 大数据时代,原来我们每天都在“裸奔”
【Geek Time】-“极客”时间,和“科技宅”Brad一起聊神秘有趣的“黑科技”“高科技”“硬科技”。欢迎关注公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】,可以查看更多精彩内容,查看英语全文稿哦~Welcome back to Geek Time. This is the advanced episode about Big Data. Hello, Lulu.Hi Brad. We're gonna start off by talking about the… some of the benefits of big data. I mean, the benefits are pretty obvious, right?Because last time you were talking about the three Vs, the Volume, Variety, Velocity, so it's just basically the ability to be able to process huge amount of data that before it used to probably take people years to process. Now it can be done in a matter of days or even hours or seconds. Exactly. And it's not just yet looking at the amount of data, but we're looking at greater geographical areas just like I mentioned with like talking about the weather, but not just with whether, we can look at more like health related issues, it can be a lot of different things; but we can connect variables that typically wouldn't be found when we're looking at things may be related to our health. And like a doctor, when you go in to see the doctor, he's gonna ask you certain questions. They can start making some correlations based on how you answer those questions. But with big data, they can actually look at larger groups of people who have health conditions. And based on those health conditions, they might be able to find like a better reason why people have these particular health conditions. So one possible case jumps to mind is, for example, if people from certain area, certain sort of geographical background, or let's say, other type of background, they have similar backgrounds and they all develop similar symptoms. The doctor might not know, but the big data would help the doctor to find or to build that connection. Yes, so like they can look for those things much easier. It's not just like one doctor looking for everything, it's several doctors putting out their information and then looking at that data and finding out a more reliable cause for something. And it's also just about everyone is able to access a lot more data than in the past in the age of big data. When we look at the data that people have access to, we start to look at some of the difficulties, gets really hard to really randomize the data. In the past, people would just go out and they would collect data from, you know, random people. They wouldn't collect their name or anything. But nowadays, when like companies are collecting data, there's all this information attached to one particular person. It's hard to really randomize that when you have like all these particular sets related to one person. Does that mean that, for example, when they collect data from you, they say this is a random person and then… but because they collect your age, they collect your, for example, nationality, and then your geographical occasion, and eventually they will make up a pretty good picture, pretty precise picture of who you are. So it's not really random, it's not really随机 anyways, it's a specific person. They have all these data points. And so unless they strip away several of those data points, it's really hard to randomize whose data is what?It's something… When we look at that amount of data, one of the other issues that comes is like we're looking at a lot of data overload. When someone's doing research, they're gonna look at specific sets of data, but because they have all this extra data, they're going to start just including that extra data, just because they have it at their hands. When they start doing that, they start looking and finding correlations that aren't really there. I see. So they start to read too much into the data just because they have it. There is this data and it's kind of unclear if there's a correlation to it at all. So for example, everyone who loves Hello Kitty seems to be developing a cough. And you are like… then you draw like a false causal link saying that people who likes Hello Kitty is likely to have like lung disease. B
9/18/2022 • 12 minutes, 26 seconds
【Geek Time】-“极客”时间,和“科技宅”Brad一起聊神秘有趣的“黑科技”“高科技”“硬科技”。欢迎关注公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】,可以查看更多精彩内容,查看英语全文稿哦~Hi, everyone. And welcome back to Geek Time. Hi, Brad.Hey Lulu. Brad, you are currently in Japan, right?Correct. I just moved to Japan. I've been here a few months now. Is that gonna be a long term thing?Possibly, still I’m a student now, but I am looking for full time work. And so once I figure out that, then I’ll make a move. So that's just gonna be your new home. And then we're doing this recording remotely, but we're still gonna be talking about geeky or tech-related subjects or topics. And what are we going to talk about today?I thought we’ll talk about big data. Big data大数据. It's one of those things that everyone has heard of, everyone talks about. But if you ask people what exactly is big data, not everyone can actually come up with the definition or not everyone knows the ins and outs of it, right?It's a little bit difficult to get into. So first of all, what is big data?A lot of times when people hear the word “big” like big pharma, things like that, they think of a big company; and big data is not that, big data is just a large amounts of data. Traditionally, data was very small sets of information that people could put together and sought through, and like find out information about their customers or something like that. But now with the explosion of like being able to store huge amounts of data and sought through larger sets, we get something called big data. Before, for example, it’s just each store would collect their own data, each business, but now everything is connected. Correct! Like everything, a lot of people that have data online will trade or sell their data to other people.
9/15/2022 • 13 minutes, 4 seconds
"欢迎来到英文小酒馆的迷你双语板块【Buzzword Mix】-新词特饮,短短几分钟,让不同段位的你掌握最新最地道的英文谈资!关注公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】,获取更多有趣节目内容和文稿哦~" In today's Buzzword Mix, our buzzword is Cancel Culture. 这几天又有很多关于公众人物“失德”和“塌房”的讨论, so I thought it would be a good time to talk about something that is relevant. This is one of the more controversial buzzwords that has gained in popularity in the English-speaking world in the past few years. 所以今天的buzzword我们就来讨论一个跟公众人物“塌房”相关的这么一个词, 叫做 “cancel culture”直译为“取消文化”. It sounds pretty strange, doesn't it? It really has only come into frequent use since a few years ago. It refers to a form of ostracism in which someone or some organization is thrust out of social or professional circles-whether it be online, on social media, or in person. 所谓的“取消文化”指的是一个公众人物或者一个组织, 因为某些言行不当, 而遭到了一些群体、群众, 特别是网民的排斥、排挤、抵制。这种情况出现的时候, 我们就可以说公众人物或者组织has been cancelled. You can also describe it as the practice of withdrawing support for public figures and companies after they have done or said something considered offensive or objectionable. This canceling is often performed on social media in a form of group shaming. 这种cancel culture它的表达形式通常是在社交媒体上进行的group shaming, 群体羞辱, 就是大家一起来踩或者抵制。The other similar idea is "Call-out culture", 跟取消文化很相关的另外一个词叫做"Call-out culture", 被翻译成“指控文化”。Actually, the "Call-out culture" has been in use as part of the #MeToo movement. It encouraged women and men to call out their abusers on a forum where the accusations would be heard, especially against very powerful individuals. “指控文化”是来自于 #MeToo 运动, 它的作用是鼓励性侵和性骚扰的受害者, 勇敢的站出来去指控那些施暴者, 特别是那些位高权重的公众人物。And the phrase “cancel culture” gained popularity since late 2019, most often as a recognition that society will exact accountability for offensive conduct. 而到了2019年,和“指控文化”相关的“取消文化”也火了起来。它强调的是任何一个人,特别是公众人物,他的言行一旦失格失德,整个社会都会对他进行问责。To hold someone accountable for their words and behaviors. 其实很多人会把 “call-out culture”和 “cancel culture”放在一起说, 其实这两个文化稍微有点区别。“Call-out culture” is about calling attention to someone's wrongdoing, and maybe giving them a chance to learn from and correct the issue; but “cancel culture” does not give this opportunity, and instead, immediately labels them as bad and want to get them cancelled. 它们两个的不同主要在于“指控文化”的目的是希望被指控的人能够意识到自己的错误作出补偿, 并且改正自己的行为;而“取消文化”连这个机会都不会给, 希望直接把这个人从公众的视野中抹去取消。
9/14/2022 • 7 minutes
《小酒馆·大世界》-世界各处的文化和精彩,在小酒馆触手可得哦~ 欢迎关注公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】,可以查看更多精彩内容,查看英语全文稿哦~I think Prosecco is a perfect welcome drink. If you're having a banquet and then when the guests arrive the first drink, when they're just mingling, going around talking to people, what you're gonna have is not a very, very strong red. What you're gonna have is bubbly, something light, something elegant, it's just something to get you going, so maybe more men should really open up. Exactly. Something quite fruity so help you… sometimes when you get really hungry, you cannot consume too much alcohol, Prosecco is just like around 11 or 12 percentage of alcohol. It's really good enough for you to bring up your appetite if you don’t feel hungry, but consume a little bit of the sweetness and fruitiness. So if you are a gentleman and listening to this, Prosecco is perfect for you as well. Since you were mentioning champagne, this is actually the next question I'm going to ask. Champagne Prosecco, both are sparkling wines. So what makes Prosecco special? From my point of view, the Prosecco, it is the image of the fashion, because more and more young generation who are keen on this popular drinks, fashion style and fashion life. Secondly, compared with other types of wine, Prosecco has low alcohol level and it is not easy to get drunk. For our ladies, we always want to keep the elegance. Thirdly, I think that Prosecco has its unique taste, fresh and natural. It is not complex and easy drinking;So last but not the least, it can be provided in any sense of environment and can be matched with any food. Also, as Roger mentioned, compared with the price, Prosecco’s more competitive than champagne. Much better value for money. Yes, much better value. Sounds like it's a very versatile drink and matches all sorts of scenarios and food.And Roger I'm sure you have something to add as well. When you drink something, you have to think about your wallet first, you got a very huge wallet, you go for champagne, no one can stop you, right? As the situation global like pandemic, it's not really in the positive economic situation. So why don't we try something easier to drink? It's more on the tip of the fashion area. Italy is always on top or two of the fashion world, a lot more competition, for example, like sailing or motor cycling, fancy, assignment sports. They are starting to use Prosecco instead of champagne for the champion who spread in the world. You can see that all the times, right?So I would say from my point of view, because I'm getting with so many different audiences all the time. To me, I personally love Champagne. There's no problem at all. It's a classic drink, but it's more like a grandfather's drink for me.It's a bit old fashioned, isn't it, classic but old fashion.Yeah, it's a bit old fashion. I would like to say Prosecco is more friendly, easy to drink, easy to accept it, more fruit instead of a lot of yeast.
《小酒馆·大世界》-世界各处的文化和精彩,在小酒馆触手可得哦~ 欢迎关注公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】,可以查看更多精彩内容,查看英语全文稿哦~Hi, everyone. Today we have in our studio two guests from Casa Prosecco, China. Casa Prosecco is an organization set up with the aim of promoting the Prosecco DOC brand. They are going to be sharing with us a lot of their interesting experiences in promoting Prosecco in the Chinese market. Welcome to the show Feiling, welcome to the show Roger. Hi. Dear.Hi everyone. First of all, I know that Feiling you are in charge of Casa Prosecco, China, right?Yes, Lulu. So could you, first of all, tell us what kind of organization is Casa Prosecco? Sure, dear. Casa Prosecco is the office of Prosecco DOC Consortium in China, which was founded in March 18th, 2016, the main business of Casa Prosecco is to promote all types of activities and events according to the strategic planning and the instructions from the Consortium.We know Prosecco is a very famous wine type, but why Casa, Casa means family, house in Italian? Yes, Casa means family, you're right, but I’d like to tell you a story, ok, back story, the headquarter of Prosecco DOC Consortium is in the world city Treviso, the hometown of tiramisu.Oh, Treviso.I'm sure that you’ll like it. Yes, Treviso, where is only 29 kilometers away from Venice, the romantic capital. Venice is the birthplace of Italian traveler Marco Polo. Everyone knows that, right? Yeah, he came to China with his father in 1275, and was fascinated by Chinese brilliant history and culture. Later he wrote very famous The Travels of Marco Polo, which praised the prosperity of China for its developed industry and commerce, bustling market, magnificent capital. Since then, Italians believe that the Silk Road starts from Venice, and finally, it’s in Chang'an, now my city Xi'an; so, our back story is Silk Road story, history is never far from us. That's very interesting because Feiling, I was actually gonna ask you, I know that Casa Prosecco China was founded in Xi'an, that was actually my second question, like why Xi’an.Now you're saying the back story is grand, kind of like a modern-day Silk Road connection. I like that. It's always nice to be able to trace back in the history and find the connection between China and Italy and through Prosecco of all things, very nice. But I know that Casa Prosecco China also has other offices, right? Roger, you are from the Xiamen office, right? You're based in Xiamen. Yeah, exactly. That was like a few years ago we set up the Casa Prosecco in Xiamen. The reason behind it is quite simple as well, naval city Quanzhou and it's the Silk Road on the sea. So this is another part to start the relationships. This is relationship we get started.
9/8/2022 • 16 minutes, 19 seconds
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~ Hello everyone, and welcome back to Britain Under the Microscope, our advanced episode.On languages.In our previous episode we talked a little bit about the native languages of Britain, but today we're gonna be talking a lot more around language learning in the UK, attitudes to language, and also some of the languages that you might hear on the street in the UK.I mean the UK is a very multicultural country, especially if you live in London, you bound to bump into lots of people with a wide variety of native languages. Yeah. What do you think are some of the most popular or some of the most widely spoken languages in the UK that are not English or native languages? I'm not sure which is the most spoken, but I know it’s definitely not French. Yes, French is relatively widely spoken but not as much as these languages the languages actually are...the first one is Polish. 噢,波兰语, ok, yes, that is… at least before Brexit, when I was in the UK I did notice a lot of Polish people. Yep.You have a lot of Polish immigrants or just workers. Yeah, so you have Polish. Then you have Punjabi. Punjab is the Indian language, Pakistani language?Yes, it comes from the Punjab region of India Pakistan; so it’s a northern language. You also have Gujarati. Sounds also Indian. Yes, Gujarati is from the area around Mumbai. So western India, then you have Hindustani, so Hindi, Urdu, and also Bengali. So lots of Indian languages, lots of different regional Indian languages. Lots of Indian languages, yeah.Because you have a huge population that's originally from India. Yeah, I remember when I was at school, I could have learned a few words of Punjabi, Hindi, Gujarati, but I was a kid, so they were mostly swear words, relatively rude words. We're always doing that learning languages. You mentioned learning some of these curse words in foreign languages in school, but forgive me for saying this, but based on my understanding, British people are not the best at learning foreign languages. We are notoriously bad at learning foreign languages. According to some statistics about 62% of UK citizens can't speak a second language. I think it's also because if you can use English to go around the world, then people are just a bit lazy, they just don't want to learn. Well, say it a bit lazy but also there's not really much incentive. As an English speaker, if I go around the world it’s very rare that I find myself in a situation where I can't get by, I can’t find someone that speaks English.Exactly.But you compare the 62% of UK citizens with most other European countries where that's around 10% of the population that can't speak a second language. Especially if you think about some central western European countries that are smaller, it is so common for them to speak 3, 4 languages fluently. Yeah, particularly if you go up to Northern Europe, for example, the Dutch, when I go to Holland or go to the Netherlands, it's amazing that pretty much every Dutch person that you meet speaks flawless English.
9/4/2022 • 12 minutes, 5 seconds
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~ Hi, everyone, and welcome back to Britain Under the Microscope. 欢迎回来【闲话英伦】. Hi, 安澜. Hi. Lulu. Hi, everyone. So what are we going to talk about today? Before we start talking, I wanna actually ask you to listen to these recordings. I want you to tell me where do you think these come from. Yeah, Okay.(clips)So what do you think? Okay, obviously I don't have a vast knowledge of all the world languages, but a lot of these sound elements, I would say probably some languages closer maybe to Hebrew, maybe? No. I can give you a hint. This is Britain Under the Microscope. Are these native languages in Britain? Yep! So the first recording that you heard…如果是英国本地语言的话, maybe we are talking about like Welsh, 威尔士语or… I don't know the languages…woo like maybe Scottish? Welsh definitely. So Welsh was the first language, and the second language was actually Gaelic from Scotland. Yes, because Scottish is not a language. No there’s something called Scotts and we’ll talk a bit about that in a sec. So I guess we're talking about languages in the UK. Yeah, and more specifically we're talking about native languages in the UK, because whenever you think about Britain, the first thing you think about is English. Definitely. But actually even though the vast majority of British people speak English, there was still about 8% of the population where… there's still about 8% of the population whose first language isn't actually English. You know what, that is a bit surprising. So you have other official languages then?Yeah, we also have other official languages. These are also languages such as Welsh. 威尔士语 and? And also Gaelic to a certain extent. But if you look at government websites, if you look at the NHS (National Health Service) they actually offer translation services for many languages spoken in the UK. 刚才这个Gaelic就是盖尔语. So I thought let's start first of all with Welsh. Okay. I'm assuming Welsh is spoken in Wales. Yes, it’s spoken by over 500,000 people with varying degrees of fluency, but there are still quite a few native speakers and those that speak it at proficient level.500,000! That's not a small number. Does that mean that people living in or born in Wales, they would have to learn Welsh in school?Yeah, you have to learn Welsh at school up until the age of 16. Some people take that even further and they learn it at university, but also the government is trying to encourage the use of Welsh. So it's also spoken in the Welsh parliament. I'm just a bit … you know what I'm picturing? So, what if for example, you, if you move to Wales to live in Wales and you work for the government, how can you communicate with other… with Welsh speakers when you don't speak the language? From what I've heard, I think they actually really encourage you to at least learn basic Welsh. But you have to think also they do speak English. They do speak English. Yeah. Which brings me to the question how far apart is Welsh to English? I mean, we heard the little clip and that sounds like a completely different language. Completely different. Welsh is actually one of the oldest languages in Europe. It's descended from the language that was spoken in Britain before the Roman invasion. So Welsh is completely different to English. English is closer to German, French. Welsh is a completely different language family. Is it just pronunciation that's different or like vocabulary…? 可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~
9/1/2022 • 14 minutes, 2 seconds
"欢迎来到英文小酒馆的迷你双语板块【Buzzword Mix】-新词特饮,短短几分钟,让不同段位的你掌握最新最地道的英文谈资!关注公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】,获取更多有趣节目内容和文稿哦~" In today's Buzzword Mix, our Buzzword is Thirst Tweet. So what is Thirst Tweet?Tweet is something you post on Twitter, tweet就是在推特上发的帖。And the original meaning of thirst is when you want something to drink, you say I'm thirsty or I feel the thirst, but put together, Thirst Tweets are tweets by fans expressing sexual desire towards the celebrity. 放在一起, Thirst Tweet就变成了粉丝对于他们疯狂喜欢的明星表达他们欲望的饥渴帖。And some of them are very explicit. 有一些可以说是露骨之极. Despite being explicit or because of it, thirst tweet videos on the BuzzFeed YouTube channel, regularly get millions of views. 这个风潮最开始是由BuzzFeed带起来的, 他们就特别喜欢在油管上放一些某某明星读他自己粉丝的thirst tweet这样的视频,期期爆火。People usually do this to male celebrities, mostly straight men whose discomfort is seen as cute or funny. 一般出来读这些thirst tweets的明星都是男性明星, 而且很多时候是直男straight man, 而看着他们读自己疯狂粉丝的饥渴帖读的面红耳赤, 很多人会觉得很搞笑很可爱。The man in question is only allowed to react with shock or awkwardness. No line cannot be crossed, and nothing can be too insensitive with a thirst tweet. 这里面基本上是百无禁忌, 而且明星还不能翻脸, 大不了只能坐在那里尬笑。It is as if the sexual objectification in thirst tweets must be taken in stride and worn as a badge of honor. 虽然很多的thirst tweets里面都是赤裸裸的sexual objectification, 完全把明星作为幻想对象的这种物化, 但在这个环境里一切都被合理化, 明星不光不能生气, 还必须得泰然处之, 甚至引以为荣。Now you probably still think thirst tweets sound a bit too theoretical. So how about some examples, for the sake of this pod cast, I have to choose some less explicit ones. 为了过审,咱们就选两条相对温和, 没有那么露骨的饥渴帖和大家分享一下。比如前几年Lucifer这个剧火了,就带火了主演Tom Ellis.So one thirst tweet for Tom Ellis says “I want the government to create a law where Tom Ellis can’t wear a shirt. He has to be shirtless 24/7”政府应该出台法律让Tom Ellis永远都不能穿上装。A thirst tweet for Jackson Wong says I'm sure the best way to eat chocolate is to have it off Jackson Wong’s abs. 在国内也很火的王嘉尔收到的一条thirst tweet, 就说巧克力的正确吃法就是放在王嘉尔的腹肌上舔食。And these are still some mild ones. It can go very extreme. 现在大家在各种平台上看到又美又飒的小姐姐视频下面, 总是会有“姐姐给个机会”这样的评论也是Thirst Comment. Now I don't know how you feel about these thirst tweets you just heard, maybe you find it funny or weird or a bit extreme. But usually if it's the other way round, if it's a man on the internet writing this to a female celebrity, usually we would see it as a bit disturbing and creepy. 很有意思的是如果是女生给男明星写这种thirst tweet, 大家都会觉得比较搞笑比较可爱;但是反过来如果是男性给女明星写这样的thirst tweet, 往往就会让人觉得有更强烈的不适感。 "欢迎来到英文小酒馆的迷你双语板块【Buzzword Mix】-新词特饮,短短几分钟,让不同段位的你掌握最新最地道的英文谈资!关注公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】,获取更多有趣节目内容和文稿哦~"
8/31/2022 • 7 minutes, 7 seconds
【Geek Time】-“极客”时间,和“科技宅”Brad一起聊神秘有趣的“黑科技”“高科技”“硬科技”。欢迎关注公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】,可以查看更多精彩内容,查看英语全文稿哦~Welcome to Geek Time. This is Brad. How are you doing Lulu?Hi, Brad.So we're gonna continue on with STEM, and moving to something called STEAM, just doesn't have the same feeling. No, all these lingos, though, stem is S-T-E-M, STEAM is with an a.…an a.A is for arts.Right, the whole idea is that A is bringing arts back into STEM because people moved away from the arts in like the 80s people started moving away. The government started taking funding out of art subjects, music, and all of that, and this was accelerated even more in the 90s.But then like STEM came about and people said, why do we keep moving away from arts? Arts are still important. We still need arts, and so they decided to put it back in. Oh, the pitiful arts just get crammed in with S-T-E-M, honestly I'm seeing that shift in China, so we're seeing that shift like a lot of people… you do hear a lot of people saying that we really should just focus more on STEM subjects as what we would call 理科like science subjects, engineering subjects. Why are we even bothered with liberal arts subjects? They're not gonna generate any productivity which I think it's a bit… to me obviously I am in arts, I was in applied linguistics and you can… I kind of bridged both of those, I've studied language and you know, I have degrees on language and I have degrees on engineering.Yes, we all know you have a wide range, different disciplines, so you are basically STEAM.At least the EYeah, but so this whole STEAM, I think it's just obviously like you said, it's to trying to bring it back, but this arts is not really like arts, as we would understand, like 文科. It's not history, politics, it is not this type of arts. It’s more like the design elements. For example, if you're talking about designing something even industrial design or if it's designing something with computer programs, you still want to have that the ability to make it aesthetically pleasing, you have a beautiful design, that sort of idea.In this part, yeah, the STEAM wants people to be able to do the design process, you know, not only just do the… they want to have a whole design process where they're doing problem solving and not just doing problem solving, but focusing on like incorporating teamwork, discussion, creative thinking, all of these things because when you just focus on robotics and programming, then that kind of takes like center stage.And they don't want just robotics and programming to be the center stage of STEM. So they want to have more of like a big thing.And so sometimes some of the STEAM materials just completely move out the robotics aspect. You still might design something and build something to fulfill a task, but you may do it with other materials.The whole idea, I think it's for like a well-rounded education and learning, especially in primary or secondary education these stages. You don't want to limit students’ options. RightYou don't want to, say, okay, you wanna do math, just do math, don't do anything arts related, or vice versa.In the US we never really kind of had a separation between those things. When you went to high school, you did have to study art. Like you had to take art classes, you had to take math classes, you had to take math up to a certain level. So you had to take at least like I think it was 2 or 3 years of math. You had to take 2 or 3 years of science. You had to take history, but if you wanted to, you could take like Advanced Placement history.And so you didn't have to take the basic subject. You could get college credit level.Yeah, so that's AP, that is helping you explore your interest. If you're interested in history can do AP history. If you're interested in math, you can do AP math. That's the idea.Yeah, we have all these subjects, but we didn't really have a bridge between them.....欢迎关注公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】,可以查看更多精彩内容,查看英语全文稿哦~
8/28/2022 • 13 minutes, 19 seconds
【Geek Time】-“极客”时间,和“科技宅”Brad一起聊神秘有趣的“黑科技”“高科技”“硬科技”。欢迎关注公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】,可以查看更多精彩内容,查看英语全文稿哦~Hi, everyone. And welcome back to Geek Time.欢迎回来, 【Geek时间】. Hi, Brad. Hello, Lulu. So what are we gonna talk about today? Today I think we'll talk about STEM. STEM. S-T-E-M. I know that. It's science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Right. OK. So you are in STEM. Yeah, I studied engineering. And shall we talk about STEM as in part of the education? That's primarily what STEM is set up to be. It's focused to be not just people working in these fields as STEM fields, but also as an idea of a way to teach young people.Okay. So first of all, for example, in United States, when did STEM education start? It's something that kind of started in like the last decade or so. It's probably like in more smaller pockets, maybe the decade before that. But really it's been something that's been pushed over the last decade.But I'm not talking about STEM as a concept. Let's just say for people who are receiving education, when does it start? It starts usually in elementary school.Elementary school. And is it as actual subjects or as what kind of subjects like math or…It's…the primary focus of this is to kind of merge the subjects together, rather than kind of like sectioning off all the subjects as kind of like separate ideas, we want to merge them together. I see. When students learn math, they go through, they learn all the tables and all these things. They learn the formulas, but they don't really connect that to other subjects. And so what this is trying to do is trying to merge the subjects together. So that way, you're not just seeing it one by one. I see.Would you say, in general, I know that you have lived in Asia for ages that you haven't really been back to the States, but what would you say in general, do you think in America, schools or general education sector pays a lot of attention to STEM especially primary education and secondary education?Nowadays, yes. But definitely when I was a kid, not very much. Ok. Why is that? It's been just because there's a lot of young people who shy away from these fields. They see it and they see it as something that's really difficult. They want to avoid taking the classes that are like math. Math is really difficult. When you take a class like history, you give an answer, you kind of get partial credit for if you're partially right. Whereas you take a math class, if you're wrong you’re wrong. if it's 5.0 but it's actually like 5.1, you're wrong. Kids kind of like… math was really scary for a lot of people, because you can't fake it. Right. And I guess that's why a lot of the STEM people who work in STEM in the United States they are actually immigrants and from other countries.There's not a lot of people who go into STEM fields in the US these days. It's changing of the last like 10 years there's been a big movement back into STEM fields, but for the decades before that, we had to kind of import a lot of experts in the field because there just wasn't enough young people in the US who were studying in those fields. I see. So now it's a shift back. I think it's also because the internet has just enjoyed exponential growth. So with all the IT companies would require a lot more people.Definitely, like, I think another thing that kind of scared people away was the Dot-com Bubble. There's a lot of young people who were kind of getting into IT. I myself was getting into IT just before the Dot-com Bubble burst.It's like this, this is it, no more IT.
"英文小酒馆致力于打造沉浸式英语学习社群,无论是微信社群、有声节目、线上活动和课程,我们都全心全意为爱好英语的你带去一份专属于英语的快乐。公号: 【璐璐的英文小酒馆】 查音频节目文稿,了解广阔的世界。跟随我们的脚步,体会英语的温度。" Hello, everyone and welcome to America Under the Microscope advanced episode. Hi, Lulu. Hi, James. Let's continue with our talk about American game shows. Alrighty. Let's talk about household names, specifically the host of the three shows we talked about in the basic level, Wheel of Fortune, Jeopardy and The Price Is Right.I would imagine with those big three being so popular and then they've been on air for so many years. So the hosts of these game shows they would be, like you said, household names, everyone at least recognize those names even if they don't watch it.For Wheel of Fortune, the hosts are Pat Sajak and Vanna White. These two people are household names, everyone in the country knows them.And how long have they been the hosts?30+ years. And that they never changed hosts?No, I don't think they want to quit because they get paid really well to do this. Multi-million dollar contracts to make the show and…It's not that difficult, is it?It's not like acting. They don't have to remember scripts or anything like that. And so they get paid a lot, and same with Jeopardy's host, Alex Trebek.I've heard that name before, Alex Trebek.Suddenly, his name would show up in the news a lot more now because he has cancer. So Jeopardy is going to have to find a new host in the very near future.And he is still hosting?Yes. He still is, but that's going to come to an end soon…And then… For The Price Is Right, you have the old host Bob Barker which everyone knows, but he retired several years ago. And now is Drew Carey who's a famous comedian and he had it on his own TV shows in the past. Everyone knows these people. Apart from these household names. Are there any references? I would imagine there's some references in terms of the phrases they use on the show, because in China, this was the case. Yeah, that's true, too. So like from Wheel of Fortune, people might use the phrase and conversations like I’d like to buy a vowel when they want to like get clues…and stuff.Get hints. I’d like to buy a vowel. Because vowels are… they are more useful than consonants, aren't they?And like lots of them from The Price Is Right like Come on down or How much do you bid? And all these catch phrases, people will use them for playing other games or they'll… like English teachers use these all the time in class to make classroom games.And is one of those things, if you say to an American, especially in that voice, they would immediately recognize. And you also see parodies of these games.A lot of comedy shows will do parodies of them, and they'll do be parodies of them on sitcoms, and they are that big.I have to say that I'm perhaps more familiar with some of the British game shows because of the summer I stayed England for 2 months. I did watch quite a bit of game shows. A lot of those game shows in the UK, they would have celebrity special, so they would invite famous people or minor celebrities to be the contestants.Oh, we do that too and they play for charity.So that's the same. So they play and the money because they already quite rich, they don't really need the money. They play for exposure and then for charity. Yeah, and those episodes are never serious, like they have Celebrity Jeopardy episodes and they never asked them that hard because...that… doesn't look good, and the celebrities don't take it seriously because no matter what they do, they get money for their charity whether they win or lose.Yeah, in the UK, the only the winner would get money for their charity.American TV shows like You lost. That's okay. We'll still give $10,000 to your charity.
8/21/2022 • 12 minutes
"英文小酒馆致力于打造沉浸式英语学习社群,无论是微信社群、有声节目、线上活动和课程,我们都全心全意为爱好英语的你带去一份专属于英语的快乐。公号: 【璐璐的英文小酒馆】 查音频节目文稿,了解广阔的世界。跟随我们的脚步,体会英语的温度。" Hello again and welcome back to America Under the Microscope. 欢迎你又回到【闲话美国】. Hello, James. Hi, Lulu. So what are we going to talk about today? I wanna ask you a question, what's on TV at 7:00 pm every night in China? That would be 【新闻联播】, that would be the news. That's not very exciting. In the United States, usually around this time, we would be basically our Game Show hour where there will be two of the biggest Game Shows. Game Show, this is usually with contestants and people competing for a prize. Correct. So these are shows where the contestants are regular people like you or me and they are playing for prizes usually money. 就是这种综艺答题型的节目或者竞技型的节目Game Shows. There're some really long lived Game Shows in America, right? Yeah, we're gonna talk about three of them today. We're gonna talk about these because these are household names in America. They are known by everyone in the country. So even if you don't watch it, you've heard of it. And they are constant references of these Game Shows in American TV shows or movies. Yeah, they'll show up everywhere. 大家看美剧或者说美国电影的时候, 经常就会听见有人提, 其实是一个文化梗。I bet one of them is Wheel of Fortune. It is. The first one we were gonna talk about is Wheel of Fortune. Ok, let's talk about the big three. Yes, so let's start off with Wheel of Fortune (Since 1983). So Wheel of Fortune is basically Hangman game…Guessing Words. It is. Hangman是一个猜单词的双人游戏。由一个玩家想出一个单词或短语,另一个玩家猜出其中的每一个字母。出题玩家一般会画一个绞刑架,当猜词的玩家猜出了短语中存在的一个字母时,出题的玩家就将这个字母存在的所有位置都填上。如果玩家猜的字母不在单词或短语中,那么出题的玩家就给绞刑架上小人添上一笔,直到7笔过后,小人被吊死,游戏结束。So you have three contestants, and then there's a big wheel, like a really big wheel. On each turn one of the contestants will spin the wheel. It will land on a money amounts like $100 $200 $500, something like that. And then they guess letters to try to guess… to put into the phrase and they try to guess the phrase. So if they guess a letter correctly, they can spin again to get a higher amount, then guess another letter and so on and so on.And if they guessed it wrong, then it’s someone else’s …Then it goes to the next player. If they spin the wheel and lose a turn, it goes to the next player. If they guess wrong like they try to guess the phrase like maybe the phrase is like they should guess like the end of the movie and they say it's the end of the book. Wrong guess, it goes to the next player.Okay, so whoever has the correct guess, how much money is this person collecting? However much they spun and guessed correctly. So it accumulates, so they guessed two letters and each letter was 500, they now get $1,000. Okay. I'm getting a bit confused. Yeah, but don't you get an extra point for guessing the entire sentence? You get to keep the money. Everyone else who didn't guess it loses the money from that round. Okay. So how many rounds are there? I mean, how many phrases are there? Usually there's four or so, because it doesn't take that long to guess the phrase and whoever has the most money at the end will do the final phrase all by themselves. And they'll win a grand prize, usually something like $25,000. So it's not a huge amount of money. Do they do this every day?Yes, Monday through Friday.
8/18/2022 • 10 minutes, 22 seconds
"欢迎来到英文小酒馆的迷你双语板块【Buzzword Mix】-新词特饮,短短几分钟,让不同段位的你掌握最新最地道的英文谈资!关注公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】,获取更多有趣节目内容和文稿哦~" In today's Buzzword Mix, our buzzword is Foreclosure. 在网上查Foreclosure就经常看见它的翻译是“法拍房”, 也就是法院拍卖房. This is a topic that has suddenly gained in popularity in the past few years in China. 在中国也就是近几年这个话题突然变得很火. So in today's buzzword, let us get into the basics of Foreclosure. First of all, foreclosure is a legal term. 首先它是一个法律上的术语, 把foreclosure翻译成“法拍房”其实是不严谨的, 虽然它跟法拍房有关, 但是foreclosure是一个法律过程.It is a legal process in which a lender attempts to recover the balance of a loan from a borrower who has stopped making payments to the lender. 简单说来, 就是在借贷关系里, borrower找别人借钱的这个人, 因为各种原因停止偿还贷款. 那么这个时候债权人也就是lender, 他来强行收回剩余贷款的这样的一个过程. And how do they do it? They do it by taking ownership of the mortgaged property and selling it. 这就需要债权人强行收回房产等抵押物, 并进行拍卖, 然后以此收回贷款, 这样的一个过程被叫做foreclosure. 而这个里面因为要涉及到强行拍卖房产, 所以常常被人简单地理解为“法拍房”.Since foreclosure is a legal process, of course we have to talk about its legal basis. Why is it okay to do that? The foreclosure process derives its legal basis from a mortgage. 说到foreclosure的法律依据就要提到mortgage这个概念, 有的时候去查mortgage会被翻译成“房贷”, 但其实它是抵押贷款的意思, 只不过因为一般人接触到的抵押贷款多半是房贷, 所以才在很多时候被翻译成房贷。The whole idea of mortgage is that it gives the lender the right to use a property as collateral, in case the borrower fails to uphold the terms of the mortgage document. 所谓的抵押贷款就是指当borrower找别人借钱的这个人, 无法按时按期偿还贷款的时候, 这个债权人lender可以收回这个被当做collateral抵押物的房产。 Now we just talked about a borrower fails to uphold the terms of the mortgage document. 刚才说到的borrower没有办法履约, 这个行为就被叫做default违约. Typically, default is triggered when a borrower misses a specific number of monthly payments. But it can also happen when a borrower fails to meet other terms in the mortgage documents. 比如几个月都无法按时偿还月供, 就可能会被认定为default违约.
8/16/2022 • 7 minutes, 22 seconds
《曲外之音》-当音乐剧变成 rap battle.
酒馆音乐剧板块《曲外之音》,跟璐璐和英国资深音乐剧人Oliver一起品名音乐剧背后的故事,让高雅艺术触手可得~公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】可以索要英语全文稿哦~Hi, everyone. And welcome back to the Sound of Musicals. 欢迎回来【曲外之音】. Hi, Oliver.Hello again.This is our Part Two of Hamilton. The musical that you guys have been requested. Although for both me and Oliver, we have to admit that I wouldn't say this is my favorite.I do have to agree it's not my favorite, but it's still very good.Yes, the music is very good I give you that. And last time when we were talking about the storyline, and then Oliver you mentioned that although you loved the music, but the story you're not very familiar with, but that's history, right?And you are history buff. When you didn't learn that part of the history, I mean in school in the UK you guys don't learn that part of the history?We do learn it, but not in the same way as American students would learn it. It is the founding of their nation. They would learn it. I imagine they would learn it (in depth) in detail and in depth. Yes, they'd know lots of different people who did this and why, and in the UK we have much more of a broad view of history, and we look at big time periods. So studying the American War of Independence or the American Revolution, whichever you want to call it, we would study 100 years and a lot happens in 100 years.So we can't take too much time to focus on specific people. We would look at the events caused it, what happened afterwards, but we wouldn't study, for example, Alexander Hamilton, he would not be in a UK school because, I don't want to say not important to the UK, but he's not a specific character in UK history.Yeah. Honestly, I think there's patriotism. There's also that sense of national pride. I mean like, we said last time, every country has that type of works of art. If they put up a movie out or musical whatever you have it and then they focus on their own national history, and especially the founding of a nation, especially perhaps a very specific period in their national history. And it's not just to tell a story but also to evoke in their audience, in the audience in that nation to evoke a feeling of pride. That is your route.Yeah, definitely so. Definitely something that people, American people and people in the US should be proud of. It's the founding of their nation, you should be proud of those things. Yeah, it's just not the entire world doesn't learn it in their schools. So there are going to be gaps in knowledge for people from different countries. It's the same with Chinese history for me. I like Chinese history but we don't learn it in UK schools though.Exactly. I mean the other thing that I’ve noticed is that although a lot of these main characters, historically they're supposed to be white, but on stage they were played by clearly not white actors. That is intentional, right?It's not just because they just happened to have this actor or these actors.No, it was definitely an intentional move, yes.Historically, the founding fathers were all middle to upper class white men, but because of the way this show wants to become more modern, it wants to show modern America whilst telling a story of the founding of America intentionally chooses non-white actors to be these leading historical characters. And I think it's fantastic. I think it's great because that with the music shows that it's the history of a country, it's not the history of an ethnic group. It doesn't matter where your family is from, or where your history and your roots is, because this is a shared history from all American people. And I think that's fantastic. I think it's brilliant how it brings Americans together.Yeah, at least this is what they are aiming for. I mean whether it is idealistic or not. But they were making a conscious effort of trying to show cultural diversity, amalgamation of cultures, and styles as well.
8/14/2022 • 15 minutes, 6 seconds
《小酒馆·大世界》-世界各处的文化和精彩,在小酒馆触手可得哦~ 欢迎关注公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】,可以查看更多精彩内容,查看英语全文稿哦~Lovely, and I am really curious because ice cream business sounds so sweet and exciting. And when you're testing the market, for example, if you want to promote a new flavor, do you actually have focus group and invite people to taste it and see how they feel about it?First of all, Dlight is a company which is now nearly 17 years old. We have I would say very dedicate palate like for example my Chinese partner Queency Wang has a very, very delicate palate. She will be one of the persons will definitely decide if an ice cream is good or not. So basically, the first thing we will do is that we will make sure that the ice cream that we want to create is to the level of quality we are looking for. Dlight as a true identity, we are not trying to copy what the others are doing. We are basically very little interested. Why? Because we want to give an experience to our customer. This experience we wanted to be absolutely unique. So to give something unique to the customer, you need to give something you believe in, we believe into absolute quality into what we are doing in terms of ice cream.And also because we are working with the B2B market, we have the chance through our professional customers to test the market. What is working, what is not working. And we can also add the feedback of the best chef on the market because we are working with more than 500 five-star hotels today, so which means that we have a lot of feedback from those professionals who are actually extremely sensitive about quality. And so basically, we are constantly adjusting in order to reach perfection.So you mentioned that your brand Dlight has been mostly focusing on B2B, so Business To Business that you're targeting the high end hotels directly tapping into the food and beverage experts of these hotels. Yes.But I know that now you're also switching to B2C. I just want to ask like why did you choose B2B, and how do you think B2B and B2C are different in the ice cream industry?When you speak about B2B, effectively, we're speaking about Horeca, food and beverage professional market, Horeca means hotel, restaurant, and cafe. Basically Dlight is specialized for the past 17 years into this market, but it's not only the hotel five stars. We are basically working with hotel five stars, chain of restaurants, chain of output, chain of social buffet. We are working with airlines; we are working with a multiple segmentation of the market.Why we mentioned about international five-star hotel is because we basically do not want to make a low grade quality. So basically our ice cream level is for what we call the first-tier market. That means the highest ranked hotel restaurant cafe and high-end market.Why did we choose B2B 12 years ago? Basically when I became a partner, it was basically because China market is a very big market. By the way it's not one market, it's a multiple dimensional market.So basically you need to have, it's my belief, you need to have a huge financial capacities to be able to enter B2C market, into the consumer market.To advertise, you need to have the financial sufficiency to be able to, I would say for a long period of time to be able to demonstrate that your product is a right product. To market it.
8/11/2022 • 16 minutes, 45 seconds
"欢迎来到英文小酒馆的迷你双语板块【Buzzword Mix】-新词特饮,短短几分钟,让不同段位的你掌握最新最地道的英文谈资!关注公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】,获取更多有趣节目内容和文稿哦~" In today's Buzzword Mix, our buzzword is the GOAT or G.O.A.T. Now if someone calls you the GOAT on social media, you shouldn't feel offended, you should feel flattered. 如果你上国外的社交媒体, 就很可能看到过the GOAT或者G.O.A.T. So when we call someone the GOAT, what do we actually mean? The original word refers to an animal, but like goat这个词有山羊的意思, 所以有的时候你也会在社交媒体上看到这样一个山羊的emoticon表情符。But now on social media, it is actually an acronym. 但是现在的社交媒体上, 它其实是一个首字母的缩写. G.O.A.T. refers to the Greatest of All Time. 是不是正好对应我们的YYDS-永远的神。Nowadays you see many people using the GOAT or G.O.A.T. to talk about some famous athletes or sports legend. However, back in the days, the worst thing in the world of sports was being a GOAT.现在我们经常看见,有人用G.O.A.T.来形容某一个体坛的巨星或者传奇人物, 但其实往回倒几十年, 在体育界如果被人称为GOAT, 其实是很糟糕的一件事儿。Back then, the word goat derived from the word scapegoat. 因为在那个时候, goat这个词是从scapegoat替罪羊过来的。And back then, the word GOAT used to refer to the guy who blew the game. 而当时那种因为自己的发挥失常, 而致使自己的球队输掉整场比赛的人就被叫做the GOAT.言下之意就是说不是替罪羊, 因为本来就是他的失误。So when did the word GOAT change its meaning? Well, many people would attribute this to Muhammad Ali, the legendary boxer.这就要说到当年的拳王阿里。Muhammad Ali was a very, very confident person, even arrogant. And he always called himself the greatest of all time. 当年的拳王阿里一直都是自信满满, 认为自己是the greatest of all time. 而后来他妻子成立了公司的名字也叫做G.O.A.T. And fast forward to 2000, a popular rapper LL Cool J helped to popularize the word as a definition for greatest when he released an album titled G.O.A.T. - greatest of all time. 到了千禧年, 这股风潮就刮到了乐坛, 当时很火的一个叫做LL Cool J 的rapper推出了一张专辑就叫做G.O.A.T. Since then, rappers and professional athletes have used the acronym for themselves just as often as their fans crowned them with the title.至此之后, G.O.A.T. - the GOAT这种说法就在乐坛和体坛流行开来。And the term has broadened its meaning, for example, in 2004, Urban Dictionary entry defined GOAT as “exceptional”.而它的意思也从最开始的字面意思,扩展到非常出色、非常出众, 就相当于我们的YYDS. Now the term GOAT or G.O.A.T. is often used with reference to sports legends like Serena Williams, LeBron James, and Lionel Messi. And it has also started to branch out of the sports and music world and pop out into the broader culture - on social media, for example. 除了用来形容体坛和乐坛的传奇人物, 其实它也更多的被广泛的流行文化所接受. So much so that it was included in major dictionaries, becoming part of the general vocabulary. 因为太火, 所以直接收录到一些主流的词典, 比如Merriam Webster, 正儿八经地成为了英语的一部分.Now let's move on to sample sentence. The acronym G.O.A.T. is often used to praise exceptional athletes, musicians, and other public figures. 你听懂了吗?关注公众号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】,来获取更多拓展内容.如果你喜欢新词特饮这个节目, 不要忘记关注主播来听听我们其他的精彩专辑。So who do you think is the GOAT? 期待你的分享, 我们下期见.
8/9/2022 • 5 minutes, 20 seconds
酒馆音乐剧板块《曲外之音》,跟璐璐和英国资深音乐剧人Oliver一起品名音乐剧背后的故事,让高雅艺术触手可得~公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】可以索要英语全文稿哦~Hi, everyone. And welcome back to The Sound of Musicals.欢迎回来【曲外之音】. Hi, Oliver.Hello.So actually I was gonna say, can I propose a musical that we're gonna talk about today? Of course. Yeah.It's actually a very new one. It's Hamilton. It has been requested a few times by our listeners. Have you watched or listened to the soundtracks in Hamilton?I have never seen the show, but after it was requested a lot by your audience, I did find the soundtrack online and listen to it, and I can see what’s requested. I did really enjoy the music from it, it was fantastic, it was really good. It's very different, isn't it. Very different from the other things we have talked about, yes, it's a much more modern show with an old topic. The storyline and the plots is historical, a few100 years old, but it's got a very modern take to it with modern music, and a modern cast, and for a modern audience. You say it's a historical musical, it's about the story of Alexander Hamilton,right? What Americans see as one of their founding fathers就是美国人都会视为是开国元勋之一的这个Alexander Hamilton. Yes, so the whole story the whole show is about the life of Alexander Hamilton, who is or was one of the founding fathers of the US, yes, he had a very interesting life. As people know, I like history and this was quite an interesting little section of history to look at, because I don't know much about it before this. Because it is American history, it's very America centric, this whole musical.Yeah, the musical is Americentric because it's the story of one of the people who created the country, it has significance to people in America. And one of the things I didn't understand all of the story that was put forward because a lot of it depends on this background knowledge and just cultural knowledge from living in and growing up in the US and being American which I don't have. But aside from that, it was still very interesting. There are a lot of cultural references in this.
8/7/2022 • 13 minutes, 22 seconds
《小酒馆·大世界》-世界各处的文化和精彩,在小酒馆触手可得哦~ 欢迎关注公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】,可以查看更多精彩内容,查看英语全文稿哦~ Hi, everyone. Welcome back to your favorite segment Global Village. We have in our studio today, a new guest. 他就是来自料理级法式冰淇淋品牌【简法】Dlight 的Vincent. He'll be sharing with us his life stories and love of ice cream. Welcome to the show, Vincent. (French) I will translate and I will say simply I’m very happy to be with you. Okay, good. So first of all, could you give us a very brief self-introduction?Yes, my name is Vincent Giuge. I am French. I was born in Nice in 1971. And I arrived in Asia about 22 years ago. Wow. Yes. That's already quite a long time, 10 years in Vietnam and 12 years in China. I am now very happily married to a Chinese lady with whom I have a baby – Yangyang. I am expecting another kid, actually.Congratulations. Thank you very much. And basically I'm working for Dlight for the past 12 years since I arrived in China, because I became an investor of the company and I am basically in charge of the business development for 简法 for Dlight for the past 12 years. Ah, I see. So basically throughout the 12 years in China, you have been devoting yourself in developing Dlight and being involved in the ice cream business. But how did you get into the ice cream business? Have you ever had any experience in the industry before?Ah, it's an interesting question. Yes, I had a kind of experience, but it was a very long time ago. At that time, it was about 20 years before, when I was a very young man just after finishing my studies, I have been hired into the most famous ice cream parlor in Nice, which name is Fenocchio. And this was a very, very famous ice cream parlor, in which even all the tourists - Italian tourists were going to eat ice cream. And it has been I would say my first contact with what we called very high-quality ice cream, because this parlor was constantly full, and I had the chance to taste excellent ice cream at that time. Apart from that, what brought me to the ice cream business in *** experience. Basically, after 10 years of developing business for various company in Vietnam, I decided to become my own entrepreneur. A friend of mine was one of the partners of Dlight in China. He proposed me - at that time I was looking for investment, I was looking to be partner into a business. And then he proposed me to analyze the business situation. This is what I did, and I decided to change my life and to jump into this new experience because I was believing that their product was absolutely excellent. Yeah, if there's anything that you wanna try to jump into, ice cream has got to be one of the sweetest industries to jump into. Mentioning that, I've noticed that your brand Dlight is advertised as authentic French ice cream. So, I just want to ask what is authentic French ice cream. How is that different from, let's say, other types of ice cream?
8/4/2022 • 15 minutes, 45 seconds
"欢迎来到英文小酒馆的迷你双语板块【Buzzword Mix】-新词特饮,短短几分钟,让不同段位的你掌握最新最地道的英文谈资!关注公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】,获取更多有趣节目内容和文稿哦~" Hi everyone, and welcome back to Buzzword Mix. 欢迎回到我们的迷你双语板块【新词特饮】,短短几分钟让不同段位的你掌握最新、最地道的英文谈资。In today's Buzzword Mix, our buzzword is Microaggression. 我们知道凡是有Micro的,一般被翻译成“微什么什么”,所以Microaggression就是微歧视。This is a term used for commonplace, daily, verbal, behavioral, or environmental slights. 所谓的”微歧视”就是指我们日常生活中言行方面的对于某一个群体或者某一些人的轻视和偏见。The microaggression whether intentional or unintentional, communicate, hostile, derogatory or negative attitudes toward stigmatized or culturally marginalized groups. 不管是无心还是有意,这种微歧视,它实际上都在传达着一种贬低的负面态度,而它针对的对象就是stigmatized or marginalized groups,也就是在社会或者文化中通常会被污名化或者边缘化的群体。Sounds too theoretical? How about some real-life examples based on my experience? So someone said to me, Lulu, you work in a university, that's a great job for a woman. 有人就跟我说,诶,女生在大学当老师好呀!Or when I lived in other countries, someone said to me, Lulu, you are so liberal-minded, I don't think of you as Chinese. 或者比如说在国外的时候,有人就说,璐璐我觉得你的思维特别开放,我都不把你当成中国人。On the surface, these sound like compliment, but they actually contain microaggression. That's because they are still based on some core prejudice and stereotypes. 是因为他们的根基依然是对于某一个群体的刻板印象和偏见。 We can trace the term “microaggression” back to 1970. The term was coined by Harvard University psychiatrist Chester M. Pierce to describe insults and dismissals, which he regularly witnessed non-black Americans inflicting on African Americans.1970年,由哈佛大学的心理学家创造出来的这个词,最初是用来形容其他族裔对于非裔美国人,也就是美国黑人的歧视。By the early 21st century, use of the term was applied to the casual degradation of any socially marginalized group. 而到了21世纪早期,microaggression就延展到对所有边缘化群体日常的这种轻视和贬低。除了少数族裔,还可以针对 ***性少数人群,people living in poverty贫困人口, and people with disabilities以及残障人士。Psychologists Derald Wing Sue defines microaggressions as brief, everyday exchanges that send denigrating messages to certain individuals because of their group membership. 心理学家Derald Wing Sue就把这种微歧视定义为在日常的交流里,对于某一个特定群体的人,发出的这种贬损贬低的信息。I know a lot of people would ask, all these microaggressions that you have been describing, targeting a specific marginalized group. It just sounds like racism, sexism, and homophobia.可能有人就会说,刚才提到的这些微歧视的定义,和我们平时说的racism种族歧视,sexism性别歧视,还有homophobia恐同,到底有什么不同呢? There is a difference, otherwise, they won't be called microaggressions.Although microaggressions and these common discrimination, they are based on some of the same core ideas. But microaggressions are a little different from overtly racist, sexist, or homophobic acts or comments because they typically don't have any negative intent or hostility behind them. 这是因为比起那些overtly racist, sexist, homophobic acts or comments,明显的、公然的性别歧视,种族歧视等等, Microaggressions它通常的出发点并不是完全恶意和负面的;and also people who engage in microaggressions are ordinary people who generally see themselves as good moral, decent individuals, and microaggressions occur because they are outside the level of conscious awareness of the perpetrator. 而且这些发起微歧视的人,他们通常都是有正常三观的普通人。之所以会有microaggression,往往是因为在某一方面,他完全没有意识到已经对他人造成了冒犯。But that is not to say microaggressions are not harmful. Microaggressions, although they're seemingly small and sometimes innocent offenses can take a real psychological toll on the mental health of their recipients. 不过虽然叫做微歧视,看起来似乎没有什么大不了的,但它也依然会给接受者造成不小的负面心理影响。
8/2/2022 • 7 minutes, 57 seconds
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~ Hello, everyone. And welcome back to America Under the Microscope, advanced episode. Hi, Lulu. Hi, James.In our basic episode, we were talking about the generalities of political correctness. For this advanced episode, I want to get into the more nitty gritty of PC language, specifically how it's almost impossible to know what is PC now.Yeah. Has it been taken too far?I, me personally, I think some people do take it a bit too far. You can see this by how the standard just keeps changing. And there is no set standard of what is or is not PC, but it seems like people keep moving the goal post. It's like… it's like you can say this but not that. Now you can't say that either you have to say this, now you can't say this, you have to say those. It's like… what is right?Yeah. And who's to decide what's right?That's the other key, it’s like who gets to make the decision, because if it's say, if we're going to talk about like the common one that shows up a lot, let's say just simply, should you say black or should you say African American?OK. So who is the one who decides which is politically correct? If you're talking about the community that you're directly referring to, they don't… themselves have a consensus of what is or is not PC. So if you have the group, you're trying to avoid offending, who can't decide whether it is or is not offensive, then you're at a loss.The other thing is, you were talking about language being ever changing, especially this whole PC language. You know that the whole idea of reclaiming certain words.For example, that's just again use this idea of black. So white is okay but black is not, it's been for a period of time people thought that was not PC, you have to say African American, what not. And then there are people saying, no, why shouldn't we say black? We should reclaim that word and then just use it in a positive sense. You see, in a lot of aspects, language has been reclaimed to mean something positive because why should you think black is an offensive term if it's just a word?So, as… there's no good answer to that and I… sociologists and other much more educated people than us debate this all the time and they don't get anywhere with it.No, it's almost like debating for debating’s sake.I think that's what they get paid to do. They're talking heads. Yeah. The other thing that's very big, that's also relevant to PC language is the idea of cancel culture.Yes, cancel culture. This is a big one right now. And you see this a lot, like this is something big, you'll see in a lot of college campuses in America right now, is students trying to stop speakers from coming to the school to give presentations, because some of the students don't agree with the views or the things that speaker says, even though the university invited them to introduce different views and different opinions.And right now, cancel culture, I personally think cancel culture is extremely dangerous, just because somebody doesn't like something is not a reason that you should stop them from speaking. Because if you use like in a classroom, like I spend time in the classroom, we have questions and discussions, and students get to share their opinions. I don't always agree with my students’ opinions, but I'm not going to prevent them from sharing their views in class. And I'm also not going to let my students argue or insult students for sharing opposing views.
7/31/2022 • 9 minutes, 32 seconds
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~ Hi, everyone. And welcome back to America Under the Microscope. 欢迎回来. 闲话美国. Hi, James. Hi, Lulu. Hi everyone. So what are we gonna talk about today? Right. So I have a question for you. And it is have you ever noticed how some Americans are always very careful about how they address or refer to other people? What do you mean? Let me give me an example. So a lot of students, when they learn English, they learn words like businessman, but we don't use that word anymore. It's now business person. Oh, ok. So you don't say businessman, you say business person. I know what you're talking about, are you talking about political correctness? PC.Yes, PC, political correctness is the topic of the day. PC直译的话就叫政治正确. I think if you watch a lot of American TV shows or talk shows, you definitely, definitely have heard of this expression, but I think many of our listeners probably don't really know the ins and outs of it. So first of all, James, give us a definition, what exactly is political correctness. Okay. So in simple terms, think of it as a way of using English that tries its best to avoid offending other people. 就是尽量不要冒犯别人的这种用词. So the original goal of this is try to be polite, not to offend. Right? It's kind of a combination of that. So it's about things like to avoid generalization or grouping people together or assuming things about others. It's even if it's talking about positive stereotypes. So if we take like a very common positive stereotype, like Asians are good at math that is not technically politically correct. Because it's a stereotype. That's a stereotype and a generalization, even though it's considered a positive stereotype, it's still not politically correct. It's about avoiding implying anything based on somebody's gender, race, nationality and so on. I see. When did this whole PC trend start? That's really kind of difficult to point down, but generally it got kind of big in the late 80s and 90s, and it's really big now. Yeah, and it's just constantly evolving as well. I think is it fair to say even for native speakers, even for Americans, not everyone's fully aware of all the PC terms that you should be using. This is quite complex, partially because the PC terms do change from time to time. I mean it's hard to keep up with what is or is not. Okay. Also, there is no agreement completely of what is or is not okay, because it's about not offending others. If you think about it, is it ever really possible to avoid not offending everybody? 搜索【璐璐的英文小酒馆】查看全文稿和其他精彩内容哦~
7/28/2022 • 10 minutes, 55 seconds
《小酒馆·大世界》-世界各处的文化和精彩,在小酒馆触手可得哦~ 欢迎关注公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】,可以查看更多精彩内容,查看英语全文稿哦~Hi everyone. Today we are going to continue our talk on Prosecco and we have in our studio to more guest speakers, Joey and Daniele from the restaurant industry. Welcome to the show guys. Hello everybody. Good afternoon.First of all, I will actually give the floor to you guys to tell us a little bit about your restaurant experience. Let's start with Daniele. Hello. I’m Daniele Salvo from Italy, exactly from Napoli (Naples那不勒斯). And we are located in Beijing with Bottega. We arrived here for consulting. One enterprise approached my family for restaurant consulting and we arrived here 11 years ago exactly.I have to admit Bottega is actually one of my favorite pizza restaurants in Beijing. Thank you.And actually I’ve heard that you guys won the Best Pizza in Asia Award, right?Exactly. We take this massive award from 50 Top Pizza, which is a world guide of best pizzeria in the world.That’s impressive.And with them, we are working that in future as so in China there will be a real ranking of best pizzeria, not just in Asia.You basically have been around this industry, especially pizza since…basically since childhood, right?My father was a pizza chef, all these brothers are pizza chef, my grandfather is pizza chef. We grew up in a pizza environment.Sounds amazing.So what about you, Joey? Your restaurant is in fusion food, is fusion cuisine, right?Yes, that's right. My name is Joey. I’m from Singapore. I’ve been in Shanghai since 1995 and I used to work as a corporate guy in advertising. Restaurant was something that I started in 2015. My last restaurant was called UMAAMI Global Kitchen and Bar. What we do is basically Singapore style fusion food to get with a bar. Yes.I’m gonna ask both of you a basic question, what is it like to work in a restaurant or have a restaurant in Beijing and in Shanghai? What is unique about this experience? I mean, especially Daniele, you were always in food and beverage, how is it different?Totally different, for me it was a unique experience. First of all, the impact with this big city, Beijing 25 million people, we don't have this big city in South Italy. Also the communication was a big step for us, a big world. And the search of the ingredients, at beginning it was quite hard to find the right ingredients. Even simple basis was not easy to find.But over the years, I mean in the past 5 years or so, it's getting easier, I would assume? Definitely, with more importing company, I’m importing like made in Italy food like mozzarella, tomato, basil sauce, now it’s getting quite easier now to find products.Sounds amazing. And what about you Joey, in Shanghai, I mean obviously people have a much more open attitude and perhaps products are just easier to source.《小酒馆·大世界》-世界各处的文化和精彩,在小酒馆触手可得哦~ 欢迎关注公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】,可以查看更多精彩内容,查看英语全文稿哦~
7/26/2022 • 21 minutes, 5 seconds
《曲外之音》-百老汇最“下流”的上流音乐剧Hi, everyone. And welcome back to the Sound of Musicals. 欢迎回来【曲外之音】. Hi, Oliver. Hello, again. This is Part Two of our discussion on the Book of Mormon.Yeah, a great musical. Albeit controversial, because on the surface it looks like it’s anti-religion, it’s saying that religions are stupid, but it's not necessarily so, is it?No, it does look like that at first glance, but it's not being offensive towards religions. I don't think so. If you look below the surface of it, it is just kind of making a commentary on people's beliefs, not necessarily religion, but any people's beliefs; and it's not offensive to them, it's just using comedy as a way to discuss them. I think it's not sort of criticizing religion as a concept, as a source of faith, source of hope, source of salvation. But it's more satirizing some of the very rigid rituals certain religions have, or all religions have, and saying that we shouldn't be focusing on all of these minute details of a religion, but we should focus on why people have religion or have religious belief to start with. It is really to have that hope. Yes, I agree. I think it is just making a comment on how people's beliefs might be a little bit unusual sometimes and may seem silly to others, but the outcome is that people have hope, they have belief. This lets them get through terrible situations, whatever their hope is, whatever their belief is. It's a coping mechanism in many ways. And that is something that everybody needs, no matter how you find it. Especially like the beginning and the end they use the same piece of music. Beginning it was saying the Book of Mormon, towards the end, it says the Book of Arnold, it doesn't matter whether it’s Book of Mormon or Book of Arnold. The idea is the same. It brings people hope. Yeah, the fact the music is the same. It shows that religions whilst they may seem different and have different names, they have the same goal in a way, which is this hope that people have. Yeah, and even for people who are self-claimed believers, and sometimes it's very difficult to say what they actually believe in. Is it the actual details about a certain god or certain deity, or is it more about the idea of religion?For example, the villagers in Uganda, when Arnold Cunningham, one of the Mormon boys, when he was preaching, he added in a lot of nonsense, he added in a lot of Sci-Fi films and fantasy films. However, these people just believed him. So eventually they were trying to say to the villagers Look, I'm so sorry that was not real. A lot of those things we said was nonsense. And then the villagers were saying you know what, we didn't take it literally. We took it metaphorically, we never thought those were the absolute truth what you were saying, but we just took it as part of the belief system and that's just metaphorical. I think obviously we don't want to go into specific religions in the world now, but if you think about it, every religion has those stories. If you ask believers, do they truly believe in all of those stories that actually happened?Maybe not, but the messages these stories sent, they're very meaningful.Yeah. They're very meaningful. I am not religious myself, but I like the messages that they bring the faith and the hope that they give to people. But talking about that, actually a little bit about the music. One of the…perhaps can be construed as most offensive piece of music in this, is called Hasa Diga Eebowai. Yeah, we were just talking about nice messages of hope. This is a message of hope. This is a coping mechanism. It fits perfectly into what we were talking about even if the language is appalling for some people. Yeah.
7/24/2022 • 15 minutes, 54 seconds
《小酒馆·大世界》-世界各处的文化和精彩,在小酒馆触手可得哦~ 欢迎关注公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】,可以查看更多精彩内容,查看英语全文稿哦~Hi, everyone. Welcome back to the show.If I ask you to imagine Italy, what pops up in your mind first, grand architecture, breathtaking landscape, gorgeous people, or exquisite cuisine?And now imagine you're appreciating the ancient architecture, chatting with people, and enjoying the food, still something is missing, it is that special bubbly drink that is quintessentially Italian, Prosecco.In this four-episode series, financed by the Prosecco DOC Consortium, according to EU regulation, we are going to embark on a fascinating journey into the world of Prosecco.跟着酒馆一起来趟意大利文化之旅, 打开意大利国民起泡酒Prosecco的世界.So first things first, what is Prosecco to Italians?-To me, Prosecco is all about music, parties, and friends. -Prosecco symbolize joy, victory, and celebration.-For me, Prosecco means weekends and holidays. -Prosecco is a relaxing moment in my garden at the end of the day.To understand this bestselling sparkling wine in the world, we’re honored to have a special guest in our studio today. Miss Tanya Barattin from the Prosecco DOC Consortium to share with us all about this beautiful and quintessentially Italian wine Prosecco. Welcome to the show, Tanya.Hello, thank you so much. I'm so excited to be here with you today. Great.I know that you work with Prosecco from an expert’s point of view, but for our listeners a lot of them probably don't really know that much about Proseccos, some of them probably have never heard of Prosecco, so first things first, what is Prosecco?Yeah, we can say that Prosecco is the worldwide leading Italian sparkling wine, a representation of Italian excellence, coming from a specific territory located in Northeast side of Italy, switching between two beautiful regions which are Veneto and Friuli Venezia Giulia.Italians had a long history of making Prosecco.Yes.So when was Prosecco first made going back in history?If we look to the nowadays areas of production which is represented by these nine provinces between these two beautiful regions in Northeast of Italy, we found first wine production since the Roman Empire, so very long time ago.Wow.But the first, we can say oral mention about wine sounding Prosecco goes back to the 1382, and were in the most Northeast side of the region in Trieste province. That time some historical people, wine studying, Plinio, a Naturalis historia study of Plinio il Vecchio found this wine called ‘Pucino’, and they think that was the ancient name of Prosecco. (Prosecco Wine: History, Information, Interesting Facts - WebFoodCulture)That was the original.Yes. First we can say oral mention, because for the first written mention, we have to go back to the 1745, and we moved to the most West side of the area of production near Vicenza;and there was a poet, Aureliano Acanti wrote about Prosecco in a very shining way in the poem “Il Roccolo”.There are many vineyards in that region, right?Many people are actually involved in the Prosecco…Yes, exactly, especially in Treviso province because if we talk about when we started to produce Prosecco in a sparkling version, like we know it nowadays, we have to go back to the 1850, in Treviso, in the beautiful Conegliano, where was found the most historical Italian oenology school, it was the 1876 more or less, for the first time was applied to second fermentation, so the bubbling process to Glera grapes in order to make Prosecco. I see. But if we look to nowadays, Prosecco is made by a very big family because especially the DOC is represented by more than 12,000 grape lords, so the one that the cultivated grapes; 1,200 wine makers, the one that takes care to the base wine, production; and 360 sparkling houses, so the one that takes care of the bubbling, so the second fermentation and bottling.
7/21/2022 • 20 minutes, 11 seconds
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~Hi everyone, and welcome back to Britain Under the Microscope. Hi, 安澜.Hi, Lulu. Hi everyone.So what are we gonna talk about today?I really don't know. It's just too hot to think about anything. I know what you're talking about. I mean we have been experiencing heat waves in Beijing. It starts very very early in the morning, but also Europe is going through serious heat wave.Yeah, Britain, at the moment, this week is bracing for a heat wave.What is heat wave for Britain?I mean I used to live in London and the highest temperature I remember was barely 30.This heat wave is particularly unique because it looks like the temperatures are gonna go up to 40℃.In London?In the southeast of England. 40℃?Wow!The thing is it’s not so much the sun, it's more that certain times of the year we get the really hot winds coming from the Sahara in Africa.And it was never this bad.This is the first time in England at least that the temperature alert has ever reached red. It's always been amber, but for the first time in history is now red and the government have actually declared a national emergency.You know I guess for people in lots of parts of China, we would think isn't that exaggerating a little bit, and 40℃ is not really like that serious.It is a bit different in the UK.I don't think you guys have air conditioning.Office buildings like cinemas and other big public buildings have air conditioning. Homes generally don't.Most of British people don't even have fans.They do now.But that's the hot item now.But houses in the UK they're not built for heat, they actually built for cold and damp weather. So they’re designed to keep heat in, they're not designed to let it out.So that's why I felt… you answered the question that I always had in my head, like why are some of the, even expensive houses or properties in the UK, they don't seem to be very airy.No, because particularly the older houses like the Victorian houses and houses built in the early 20th century, they were built for cold and damp weather.So for example, the house where I grew up that was built in the 1920s, 1930s, and my room, even though it never got as hot as the day when I was a child, my room used to go up to about 35℃ if it was maybe 30℃ outside.So the temperature actually is much higher inside.Yes. It's kind of like living in the oven type of situation.It is. It’s absolutely horrible. That's one great thing about living in Beijing is that you can have the air con on.Yeah, but I guess it's also because before this whole maybe global warming extreme weather, people in Britain never really needed air conditioner. You wouldn't buy air conditioning just to use it once a year.Not even once a year, maybe once every 5 years in the past. But now as you say, temperatures are increasing, the global climate is changing. And one of the things most noticeable, particularly London, is London underground.We talked about that when we were talking about the tube, 伦敦的那个地铁, suffocatingly hot. During the summer it’s actually quite dangerous. And when it reaches maybe 28, 30 ℃ they would actually start putting on posters saying if you use London underground…Stay hydrated.Stay hydrated, take water. So when I used to work in central London, and during the summer, I would always make sure I had a bottle of water because I've seen too many times on the underground people fainting because of the heat.You can actually faint, and for people who had never been to London, if you are thinking about the sort of modern subway system in Beijing or Shanghai or in some other major cities in China, you think about the very very air conditioned carriages.Yeah.London underground does not have air conditioning, doesn't even have fans. No.
7/19/2022 • 12 minutes, 58 seconds
酒馆全新音乐剧板块《曲外之音》,跟璐璐和英国资深音乐剧人Oliver一起品名音乐剧背后的故事,让高雅艺术触手可得~工忠号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】可以索要英语全文稿哦~{合并} Musical-Book of Mormon-1_mixdown.mp3Hi, everyone. And welcome back to the Sound of Musicals. 欢迎回来【曲外之音】. Hi, Oliver. Hello again. Now this time again, I am going to propose a musical, one of my favorites, one of my old time favorites. What exactly are we going to talk about today? Which one is your favorite?I think we talked about this before and this is absolutely one of the perhaps more controversial ones. This is the Book of Mormon. I've heard of it. Yes. 中文翻译叫《摩门之书》或者《摩门经》. I'm sure some of our audience have heard of it and some of you probably have even watched it. I mean, I have watched it in the West End. I actually have seen it live. Nice. It was one of the best theatre experiences I ever had.西区 The West End of London 是19世纪的英国人用来指代伦敦查令十字以西的商业和剧院聚集区的名词。在西区中心盘踞着大大小小40个剧院,伦敦人直白的称呼这篇区域为TheatrelandFantastic. I do really want to. I haven't seen it myself, but I have listened to some of the songs and I really want to go and see this one. This is a good one. But before we get into it, remember, I said it's hugely controversial for many reasons and you will get to know as we start talking about it. But first of all, a reminder, this is not for the faint-hearted. If you are very uptight, if you get easily offended, perhaps stop listening to this. Yeah, this one… it's very easy to get offended by if you have certain views. So listen with caution. Let's jump right into it. Since I proposed it, so I'm gonna just very quickly gave a background. So the Book of Mormon, you know that this musical is actually created by Trey Parker and Matt Stone, the brilliant minds behind South Park. South Park, yes. Again, another controversial thing. It seems to be there their cornerstone. South Park《南方公园》是1997年由特雷帕克和马特斯通制作的动画,至今已经有25季。《南方公园》虽然是一个卡通片,但它是拍给成年人看的,反过来又用了孩子作为主角,经常通过嫉妒夸张的模仿与巨大的脑洞,来讽刺、映射美国文化和社会问题。Do you like South Park? I do. I like the controversy but more so I like the fairness. People get offended by South Park because of what it talks about. But I think it's completely fair because it makes fun of everything. Everyone. Nothing, nothing is off limits, no one is out of bounds. And I think that just makes it a good comedy because you know what you're going to get and everybody gets the same. The Book of Mormon它是由写南方公园的这两个人写的, Trey Parker and Matt Stone. So I always tell people if you want to know if you would like the Book of Mormon, watch South Park first. South Park has a lot of music bits as well. It does. If you can get on board with those then you definitely have no problem with the Book of Mormon, you would be able to appreciate it. If you find those really offensive, really dirty, then don't go and see the Book of Mormon because you are going to be in for a shock. It is really out there, both of them, the show South Park and the musical the Book of Mormon are really out there in the comedy and the sense of humor that they have and show. So first things first, why is it called the Book of Mormon? There is actually a thing, the Book of Mormon is a real thing, it's also obviously the name of this musical, it’s about Mormons or the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. 摩门教可能有很多人听说过. By the way, Oliver, have you ever heard of the Mormon Church? I have, yes. I've met a few of them once before, very polite people, the group I met anyway, the family I met were very polite. But we don't have, there's not a huge following of the Mormon Church or the Latter-day Saints in the UK. It’s much more centered in the US. Yeah, but even in the US they're not like… they’re minority, anyway. No, they are in minority, but they do have a larger presence in the US than in the UK. It's a very small group in the UK. On the surface, it looks like this musical is making fun of the Mormon Church, because it's centered around these characters they’re all Mormons.
7/17/2022 • 14 minutes, 24 seconds
【Geek Time】-“极客”时间,和“科技宅”Brad一起聊神秘有趣的“黑科技”“高科技”“硬科技”。欢迎关注公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】,可以查看更多精彩内容,查看英语全文稿哦~Welcome back to Geek Time. This is Geek time Advanced. We were talking about cosplay, LuLu, and you mentioned that you've cosplayed before, any chances you're going to tell us what you did before?Are we still on that? OK. I’m not going to be very specific because I actually did multiple characters. Maybe in the future, as I’m doing more videos now, maybe in the future I will do more, but usually it's this kind of really dark femme fatale characters and with some animalistic elements, but that's all I’m going to say now. Just wait for my future videos. Alright, look forward to that.So anyhow, let's get into more cosplay talk. Mhm. In the basic episode, we talked more about the costumes; but it's not just the costume, it’s a lot of props like weapons, other items like accessories...all of these.For sure. Especially nowadays with like some people are getting into like old style blacksmithing and everything like that. They're like building like realistic versions of weapons.But a lot of times people just use foam and plastic and things like that to make their weapons look realistic. People are adding like LED lights to make their weapons light up and things like that.Yeah. There's a lot of different variation people are using like realistic weapons and some of them…Actually, I don't know about YouTube, but on Bilibili, recently, there are few people who are just like you said there. I’m not sure if they're blacksmith, but they are these craftsmen. They're really into this and they are trying to make these very realistic looking like katanas or like sword from specific anime. And some of them not just light up, they can, for example, they can when you pull it out, it has it like there's fire coming out. It's really cool.I’ve seen something like that. There's a particular YouTuber that does a lot of videos like that. He's made an actual version of Mjolnir which is Thor's Hammer. He put a magnet on it, and so if he puts the hammer down on something metallic, it will magnetize to it and people won't be able to lift it. But he's got a special ring that when he puts his hand on, Mjolnir, disengage the magnet and he can lift it up.So people are really like what's going on? Wow. That is really smart. I love that, it is really smart. And also the light saber is one of those that has been made over and over again.Yeah, they haven't like done like the actual representation of like the ones we see in the movies. But they've done ones with like battery packs that you get kind of like in the extended Star Wars universe. But they have like all these things. There's an anime called Attack on Titan. And they have these swords that the blades can come off, because the blades often get stuck in things. And so you have like a pack of like seven different swords, but you have to use the same handle over and over again. And someone made like swords that can do that. And so if you carry like a pack of these sword blades. You can just cut something and then retract the handle and get a new blade.I see. I mean there's so much creativity and so much like craftsmanship in this. I’m thoroughly amazed, but that brings actually one question.Remember last time we said a lot of people would dress up and the whole gear and they would go to like a Comic-con, wouldn't that be really dangerous if everyone's like wielding real sword and katana?Some people do bring real weapons and it depends on the policy of the location that they’re holding the convention in, but they often do something called peace bonding and that means you like put something on the sword. ..【Geek Time】-“极客”时间,和“科技宅”Brad一起聊神秘有趣的“黑科技”“高科技”“硬科技”。欢迎关注公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】,可以查看更多精彩内容,查看英语全文稿哦~
7/14/2022 • 12 minutes, 28 seconds
冰激凌只会说ice cream?千万其他冰激凌哭晕在冰箱。
《小酒馆·大世界》-世界各处的文化和精彩,在小酒馆触手可得哦~ 欢迎关注公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】,可以查看更多精彩内容,查看英语全文稿哦~Hi again and welcome back.So what's the weather like in your city?Has it been raining, very humid, or just suffocatingly hot? Right now we are experiencing the height of summer.And if I ask you on a typical summer day like this, what is that one treat you absolutely crave? Something you fell in love with when you were a child; something cold, sweet, creamy and just tastes like a little piece of heaven.I'm sure for a lot of you, the answer will be ice cream. In English there's a popular line of lyrics says I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream, which pretty much shows that love of ice cream is shared across the globe.But do you actually know your ice cream?In today's episode, we're going to explore the world of ice cream and all the other relevant summer treats. We're gonna take a look at different types of ice cream or frozen desserts, how to order ice cream and many interesting expressions and facts you probably didn't know before.So if you have a sweet tooth, this episode is definitely for you.今天的酒馆里璐璐给大家奉上满满的冰品冰饮,一起体验炎炎夏日的冰凉甜蜜.If you go into any supermarket or convenience store,there are so many choices when it comes to frozen desserts.But if you ask someone to use English to describe it, most people only know the word ice cream. However, ice cream just doesn't really cover the wide variety of all these frozen treats.First of all, let's take a look at some of the most popular types of frozen desserts and I put them into two categories.The first category is those with more cream. If you like a creamier taste, this category is more for you. So we start with the basics in this category, ice cream bar. 这就是我们传统意义上说的雪糕.Frozen dessert on a stick, usually with chocolate coating. So the ice cream is wrapped within a thin layer of chocolate, it's to prevent the ice cream from melting.One typical example that comes to mind is Magnum 梦龙, by the way, they are now getting really expensive. If ice cream bar is not enough for you, why not try ice cream sandwich?As the name suggests, this is a dessert that sandwich has a layer of ice cream between two cookies or two thin cake-like layers, 冰淇淋三明治.I see it quite often in the UK, somehow in Beijing they are not as popular. And for a special occasion many people would also order ice cream cake. They are great but they don't really keep that well.Going into a restaurant, cafe or just a fast food joint, many people would order sundae,喜欢吃冰激凌的小伙伴肯定都吃过圣代Sundae. It's a direct translation.
7/10/2022 • 13 minutes, 46 seconds
【Geek Time】-“极客”时间,和“科技宅”Brad一起聊神秘有趣的“黑科技”“高科技”“硬科技”。欢迎关注公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】,可以查看更多精彩内容,查看英语全文稿哦~Hi, everyone. And welcome back to Geek Time. Hi, Brad. Hey, Lulu.Usually I would ask what are we gonna talk about today, Brad. But I thought you have been coming up with very technical topics. So today let me propose one that is not so much geeky but nerdy, cosplay. All right, sounds good. I like cosplay.I mean you're into comic books, you're into all of these and animation, so I thought this would be a topic for you as well. Yeah, I'm definitely into comic books, animate all that so I'm definitely into the cosplay.OK, so let's start with the definition. What is cosplay? If you just look at like the basic definition as nowadays people often see it as dressing up as a character from anime or comic books, but it doesn't have to be just limited to that. It could be just about any fictional character out there. Actually cosplay this word as we know it is from Japanese and I know, Brad, you're in Japan right now. How would you pronounce it in Japanese? コスプレ/ kosupure. It's from two words costume and play. Well, it can't make this clearer, it’s just you dress up in costume and you play.Yeah. But like you said it's basically now it can be any type of fictional characters right like movie, for example, now they're showing drastic world three so technically I can dress up as a dinosaur and call that cosplay. You definitely could, that would be a very difficult costume to put together but could definitely you go for it. And although some people are doing it professionally, they’re probably get paid for it or they can sell the end products like a finished film or finished photos, but most people do it for fun. Yeah. Like nowadays especially I would say the vast majority of people are doing it just for fun. There's a very small group of people that do it professionally and get paid to go to conventions. But the vast majority of people are just creating costumes and doing it for themselves. Let’s do a very simple step by step Guide how to do it say if you don’t have anything, don’t have any experience how to start cosplay. Well, if you don't have any experience making a costume, one of the things you can do is just go online and buy a costume. They're usually pretty cheap and depending upon where you buy them, the quality can be decent. There are a lot of cheaper costumes, so you have to watch out because some of them might fall apart after like a use or two. But you can definitely buy them online or you can make them yourself.The really shoddy ones. But you gotta have tailoring skills, that’s not something that everyone can do really to make your own costume, especially considering some of the costumes are hugely elaborate, usually complex. Yeah, people usually when they first start out, they'll choose a costume that's much easier to make where they can like maybe buy a shirt and then just make some modifications to the shirt to look like that anime character. Like if you look at Charlie Brown, for example, he's got a yellow shirt with a black stripe on it and some people will just buy yellow T-shirt and then use a marker or paint dye or something to put that diagonal on it, yeah. I'm just thinking who's gonna cosplay Charlie Brown. I brought up Charlie Brown because I've seen Charlie Brown cosplay before. Wow, that is strange. Anyhow but I mean in China it has been getting bigger this whole trend this cosplay trend. So you see some professional quite professional studios on for example Taobao. So you can send them pictures or tell them which character you want and for quite relatively high price they can make it as close to the original costume as possible. So it's kind of like customized or even bespoke costume.For sure. 【Geek Time】-“极客”时间,和“科技宅”Brad一起聊神秘有趣的“黑科技”“高科技”“硬科技”。欢迎关注公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】,可以查看更多精彩内容,查看英语全文稿哦~
7/7/2022 • 11 minutes, 5 seconds
关注【璐璐的英文小酒馆】获取全文稿哦~Another thing that is quite important about reading literature is to really train your critical thinking skills. Because in these stories, nothing is just black or white. You don't have one person who is definitely the villain, or one person who's definitely the hero. These stories, these books, they represent the complexities of human life. 对, 人性很复杂的, 其实有时候我觉得挺遗憾的就是 Now you see sometimes the stories are so simplified. It's like when you look at one character and you say he's a bad person, so everything about him is bad. Literature should not be like that. Every character, good characters, good books should really be round, they should have different aspects about them. 就是说经典的文学里面, 所有的角色应该是比较复杂的, 全面的这样有血有肉的角色, 而不只是一个扁平化的脸谱型的角色。Hm.So now you might ask there are actually many of these courses, like reading courses, 其实市面上还有很多这种什么名著, 包括某一本书这样的课程. Why is our course a bit different?I would say first of all, we don't just have the regular classics like Jane Eyre, Pride and Prejudice, which I'm sure you've all read, and they are all great books. Don't get me wrong. 就是我们选书的时候首先没有选那种就是说在中国读者这边就已经被说烂了的, 比如说什么 Jane Eyre, I’ve actually never read Jane Eyre. Neither do I.And personally, I’m not that crazy about Jane Austen or about Bronte Sisters because they've just been talked about so much. So what we want to do with this course is we want to introduce some books, they're pretty much known by everyone in the English speaking world, even if they’ve not read them, but they're known about, but they're not necessarily the most famous books here in China. 我们最开始在选择【英文名著扫盲班】第一季这10本书的书单的时候, 我跟安澜讨论了很久, 就找了一些这种在中国并不是大红大紫的, 或者被讨论了很多年的这种书, 但是这10本书又确实是在所有的英语世界的榜单里面都是在很前面的。 Usually top 10, top 20. Yep, and also our rule of thumb is if they are constantly referenced or parodied in TV shows or movies, then they're on the list. 还有一个就是经常会在英语国家的电视电影, 包括动画作品里面, 如果你经常能听到 cultural reference对它们的一些玩梗, 包括reference and parody恶搞, then they are on the list, because they are that popular. But we’ve also chosen stories and books that are quite varied in their themes or styles or genres. Because people are very different, right?One person might like reading this type of stories, another person might prefer something completely different. Yep. I have to admit there's one or two books on our list that probably not my favorites.We have our differences.Exactly. But we talk about books like To Kill a Mocking Bird, and we discuss racism and the background of the Civil Rights Movement; we also talk about Catcher in the Rye, and books that have been banned in schools. 《麦田里的守望者》就是禁书的榜首这样的书, 还有刚才安澜说了To Kill a Mocking Bird,《杀死一只知更鸟》会谈到种族冲突和平权的运动. And also 安澜has chosen personally Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy. Yes, that's actually one of my favorite books, but again very well known, it was originally a radio show, that has been made into a TV show and it's been made into a film as well. It has been parodied a lot, and you do see it as pop cultural references. It is science fiction. And it's totally absurd. It's essentially as a comedy. And also that, we know a lot of our listeners are students, you might be university students or even high school students. So you're just transitioning into your adulthood, you're becoming an adult. So we've also chosen a couple of the coming of age stories like Lord of the Flies, Little Women.And Treasure Island. 比如说我们还专门找了几本这种成长型的coming of age stories, 比如说《蝇王》或者说《小妇人》, 包括安澜说的《金银岛》, they are all touching upon the coming of age theme.
7/4/2022 • 11 minutes, 8 seconds
关注***【璐璐的英文小酒馆】,获得全文稿哦。Hi everyone. Great news, we have a new course for you. Yeah. 我们的新课程【英文名著扫盲班】上线了, 璐璐和安澜陪你读英语国家家喻户晓的10本经典,带你走进10个风格迥异, 但都精彩非常的故事。So安澜, the English name for this course is called Bluffer's Guide to Literature, why Bluffer’s Guide? We chose the name Bluff’s Guide because we understand that you might be a bit busy, or you might not have the time, or you might not even be able to find the book. So instead of actually having to read the entire book, well we hope you do read the book, we hope that this course will give you enough knowledge to bluff other people. So if someone asks you or makes a reference about these books, you know enough about the book to carry on the conversation. 其实就是下回别人再谈起来, 或者说提到这些经典里面的桥段, 你至少可以装一下。Yes. We're not just excited because we have this new course, but also because this new course is something that ,安澜 and I, we've been trying to do for ages. We both love literature, we both love reading, we love books, everything to do with books. Or basically big book nerds or book warms. We are pretty nerdy when it comes to books. 我跟安澜都是那种书虫属性的。 So I thought in this intro for our new course, you can talk a little bit about our experiences with books, and why literature matters. Lulu, tell me why do you like book so much?Why do you like reading so much. All right, this goes back to when I was really little. You know how parents would tell little kids bed time stories, 家长都会给小孩讲那种***故事, but when I was a little, I wouldn't fall asleep listening to those stories, I get even more excited. So I'd be like, my mom was falling asleep, then I said, mom wake up what happen next?And then eventually I just lost the patience and I taught myself how to read so that I can read stories, I would say that was the beginning of my very long romance with books, and then I started reading books and I never stopped.What type of books?For me, really my primary interest, I know this doesn't sound like very in-depth or intellectual, I love mystery, suspense, crime, detective sort of books.Ah yes, Agatha Christie, Sherlock Holmes…Hm, the classics, but also lots of other styles. I have never been interested in romance. What about you?I'm not very interested in romance, but I was saying my situation is probably quite similar. My stories are quite similar to yours. I love Eden. When I was younger, my dad would tell me stories from history, the Greek myth, for example. So I was constantly hearing all of these stories. And when I was younger, it actually took me a little bit longer to learn how to speak than other kids. And my parents actually say that I learned how to read before I learned how to speak. Maybe you just didn't want to speak because books are so fascinating. They are friends. Pretty much. I was always in the library, I was always taking out books, and I was always getting into trouble for library fines because I would like the book so much that I wouldn't want to give it back. You’d just keep the books. I would just keep the books, and every so often I’d to go to my mom to beg her to pay off the library fine.I see. But what about your first experience reading any books in another language, I mean, for me, it's obviously English, but for you it's, I don't know, German?Yes, I would say the first books I read in a foreign language were in German. So I read some of the German classics, like 20th century literature; and I also used to read German newspapers and magazines, I can't do that now, my German is terrible. But then I went on to Latin and Greek, because I studied that at university; and then finally to Chinese. 安澜的外文阅读就听起来都很高大上, 什么德文经典, 拉丁文的经典。
7/4/2022 • 11 minutes, 45 seconds
微信公众号: 【璐璐的英文小酒馆】 Hi, everyone. Welcome back to Britain Under the Microscope. 欢迎回来【闲话英伦】. Hi, 安澜. Hi. Lulu. Hi, everyone. So in the previous episode we were focusing on nature documentaries, especially those made by BBC. In this episode, let's move on to history documentaries which I know you love.I love history documentaries. I just love absolutely everything about history. In this we’re so different because history has got to be one of my biggest headaches when I was in school. I think the reason why I didn't like history is because I thought it was so boring. It was mostly about memorizing dates and names and facts. Yeah, I know that a lot of people they learn history that way, but when I was at school and also outside of school as well, I learned history by the stories and that's the thing that I found really fun is that there's so many stories, it’s not just names of kings or queens or emperors. They are actual people, they’re the stories behind all of these grand events in history. This is what I said about, I've recently started to get into documentaries because some of these great documentaries they really bring history to life. I know we're gonna be talking about BBC documentaries, but I can even see that now in China there's some really great history documentaries that do bring history to life. Yeah, it's not just this really like very rigid structure and almost like textbook materials. This is the thing, they start to do things like docudrama or like reenactment就是那种场景再现. Docudrama就是documentary和drama拼在一起的. So they would hire actual actors to act as these famous historical figures. That is also very popular in the UK. Very very popular. One of the…ones I liked the most is a bit old now is called Days that Shook the World. Yes I love that. Days that Shook the World, when I was watching it, I did not even think I was watching documentary.Yep. Because it's just a very simple premise. Basically it's one day that's really meant to us in history and they go through it step by step, so minute by minute. And they get actors and actresses to act as these people. It's really gripping. Yes, it is. And it's different from a drama because as you say it's a docudrama, so it's really authentic, it's very close to the original. This is one trend of trying to make it into a docudrama. The other trend I don't know if you would agree with me is that you see a lot of scholars but they are not your conventional scholars or just like being very serious and giving you all these theories. Yeah. In the UK, I would say one of the most famous scholars who appears in these history documentaries is Mary Beard. (温妮弗莱德·玛丽·比尔德爵士(Dame Winifred Mary Beard)英国著名古典学家,剑桥大学古典学教授。)Mary beard. Is she the one who's doing like ancient Rome? Yes, she's a professor of classics at Cambridge University. But she's not the typical Cambridge don and she's not dry or boring. She's actually really passionate about her subject. ( don, see also donnish, a teacher at a university, especially Oxford or Cambridge (尤指牛津大学和剑桥大学的)大学教师)Honestly, my stereotype of an Oxford or Cambridge academic is someone who's very elitist, speak with a posh accent, and just like, basically saying ‘I'm gonna teach you this, and I know you wouldn't understand.’Yeah, pretty much, that's one thing I really like about this particular presenter is that she makes it really engaging. She brings ancient history down to earth. So she talks about things like graffiti. She talks about how Romans go to the toilet. Yeah, I remember watching bits of it when she was going around all these ruins in Rome and introducing the artifacts. And I think you could really see passion in her eyes. But she really isn't a TV figure. I don't like judging people's appearance but I'm not even talking about appearance but more like she doesn't really do like all these makeup or grooming and all that, she's got hair all over the place. 关注【璐璐的英文小酒馆】,查询全文文稿。
6/30/2022 • 11 minutes, 27 seconds
"欢迎来到英文小酒馆的迷你双语板块【Buzzword Mix】-新词特饮,短短几分钟,让不同段位的你掌握最新最地道的英文谈资!关注公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】,获取更多有趣节目内容和文稿哦~" Today's Buzzword is going to be very special. It is not an expression that we would use on a daily basis, but it is one of the hottest discussion topics in the past few days. 相信很多人都知道几天之前美国发生了一件大事儿, 这件事情不仅让英文的媒体炸开了锅, 在中文的媒体和社交平台上也受到了广泛的关注. 而这条新闻有一个核心的概念, 也就是我们今天的Buzzword, 那就是Roe v. Wade. 中文的翻译比较拗口, 叫做“罗诉韦德案”. So in today's Buzzword, we're gonna get into the basics of Roe v. Wade and why it is such a big deal?The actual Roe v. Wade is a legal case. 如果你看过美剧里的庭审的场景, 肯定会对这个表达不陌生. 这种X v. Y的表达一般作为某一个诉讼的简称, X v. Y就是 “X 诉Y”, 这也是为什么在中文里我们把它翻译成 “罗诉韦德案”. So who is Roe and who is Wade?For this we need to go back in time. In 1969, Norma McCorvey, a Texas woman in her early 20s, sought to terminate an unwanted pregnancy. 话说在1969年, 美国德州有一位叫Norma McCorvey的二十几岁的女性, 她意外怀孕了, 然后想要堕胎.McCorvey, who had grown up in difficult, impoverished circumstances, previously had given birth twice and given up both children for adoption. 她的经济条件很差, 之前生过两个孩子都因为无力抚养, 只能把孩子送给别人领养.At the time of McCorvey’s pregnancy in 1969, abortion was legal in Texas, but only for the purpose of saving a woman's life. 当时她所住的德克萨斯州对于堕胎的法律是: 除非是危及到孕妇生命的情况, 不然堕胎一律不合法. So in that kind of situations, American women with the money, they could get abortion by traveling to other countries or pay a large fee to a US doctor willing to secretly perform an abortion. 对于当时的美国女性来讲, 如果你有足够的经济条件, 你可以到堕胎合法的其他国家去进行手术, 或者是在美国本地找一个愿意秘密违法进行堕胎的医生. 但对于McCorvey这样经济条件的人来说, 她并没有办法在经济上承担这样的选择. So after trying unsuccessfully to get an illegal abortion, McCorvey was referred to Texas attorneys Linda Coffee and Sarah Weddington, who were interested in challenging anti-abortion laws.这个时候就有人给她介绍了两位律师愿意帮她打这个官司, 针对德州反堕胎的法律提出质疑. 在法庭的记录里, 给McCorvey的化名就是Jane Roe, 这就是“罗诉韦德”里的“罗”.So in 1970, the attorneys filed a lawsuit on behalf of McCorvey against Henry Wade, the district attorney of Dallas County where McCorvey lived. 所以1970年这两位律师就提起诉讼状告当时McCorvey所居住的德州达拉斯的地区检察官Henry Wade, 认为德州禁止堕胎的法律, violated McCorvey’s constitutional right to privacy, 侵犯到了美国宪法赋予McCorvey的隐私权. 这里的Henry Wade也就是“罗素韦德案”里的“韦德”.The case eventually reached the US Supreme Court, and Supreme Court made a ruling in a 7-2 decision, struck down the Texas law banning abortion. 这个诉讼案最终是到达了美国的联邦最高法院. 在1973年联邦高院的9位大法官以7:2的多数裁定判定McCorvey, 也就是“罗”胜诉.To be more specific, the court divided pregnancy into three trimesters.更具体的来讲, 法院裁定把整个的pregnancy分成三个孕期, three trimesters, 每个孕期大概三个月; And declared that the choice to end a pregnancy in the first trimester was solely up to the woman. 前三个月, 也就是第一个孕期, 完全由怀孕的女性自身决定是否进行人工流产;In the second trimester, the government would regulate abortion, although not ban it, in order to protect the mother’s health.第二个孕期为了保护孕妇本人的健康. 政府可以对堕胎进行一定的管控, 但是也不会完全禁止.In the third trimester, the state could prohibit abortion to protect a fetus that could survive on its own outside the womb, except when a woman’s health was in danger.到了第三个孕期, 由于这个时候的胎儿如果脱离母体, 已经可以独立存活. 为了保证他们的生命权, 政府才会禁止堕胎. 除非有特殊情况证明, 如果不终止妊娠会危及到孕妇的生命. So that was the legacy of Roe v. Wade. "欢迎来到英文小酒馆的迷你双语板块【Buzzword Mix】-新词特饮,短短几分钟,让不同段位的你掌握最新最地道的英文谈资!关注公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】,获取更多有趣节目内容和文稿哦~"
6/28/2022 • 9 minutes, 11 seconds
公号: 【璐璐的英文小酒馆】 查音频节目文稿,了解广阔的世界。跟随我们的脚步,体会英语的温度。Hi, everyone. Welcome back to Britain Under the Microscope. 欢迎回来【闲话英伦】. 嗨,安澜. Hi, Lulu. Hi, everyone.You know, in the beginning of the segment, I always asked you what we gonna talk about today, but how about I propose a topic? Oh, brilliant. Finally, the pressure is off me. And you're definitely gonna love this topic. Woo! So let me ask you a question first. When it comes to TV and film, what is your favorite genre? I would say documentaries. Yes, let's talk about documentaries. Ok, it’s brilliant. Particularly BBC documentaries. I know BBC has made a lot of documentaries. Yes. And you pretty much watched all of them. Pretty much. I do love documentaries. I only started to get into documentaries in recent years. Before I thought them as a bit boring, they're just not as exciting as your fictional stories. But how can you say that. Real life is just so much more fascinating than anything in the TV drama or TV series. There's so many amazing things in the world. And there's so much history, nature, and all those stories behind those as well. I guess that's what they say, real life is often stranger than fiction. Pretty much. Is that why you like documentaries? You mentioned nature and history. YES.Those are pretty common themes for documentaries. Those are the ones I really like. So for nature, it's the amazing wildlife, it's the calm but also exciting parts as well. For example, you see lions in Africa, you see birds in Antarctica, etc, etc, it’s just amazing to see all of these different forms of wildlife around some of the most beautiful scenery in the world. BBC documentaries, especially nature documentaries, got amazing filming, absolutely stunning imageries. And history, I remember talking to you about this before, I guess that's also the reason why I started to get into documentary, it’s when real life kind of gets really stressful and you feel like you're stuck and you watch some of the history documentaries, and you think human beings, each one of us is just so unimportant when you think about it in historical terms. The thing about history is that pretty much anything that has happened or will happen has happened maybe thousands of years ago.And again and againAnd again and again. That's, I would say, that's one of the great things, but also one of the bad things about humans is that we're always constantly repeating our triumphs, but we also repeat our mistakes as well. ....关注【璐璐的英文小酒馆】,查看更多精彩内容。
6/26/2022 • 13 minutes, 1 second
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~In the beginning of the show, she's constantly shooting videos about her experience in the Jurassic Park. And then you have Yasmina or Yas who is a teen athlete, extremely fit, she's been training for years and she always shines when there's a need for speed and agility. The last one is Sammy, Sammy is full of energy, is one of those people that has such a bubbly personality that she's always able to cheer everyone up. So these are the characters, pretty stereotypical, right?The story line is very simple. These six teenagers, the original plan was they would go to this camp at the Jurassic Park. And they would enjoy a fascinating camp experience, seeing all the dinosaurs doing all the activities. But then you know as with any of the Jurassic movies, things go horribly wrong. And these teenagers were left on the island, having to survive and defending themselves, and trying to eventually get off the island. So that's pretty much the background of the story. And of course the biggest story line is about dinosaurs. So let's take a look at dinosaurs. The word dinosaur was coined by sir Richard Owen in 1841 to describe the fossils of these reptiles. So he came up with the word dinosaur combining the Greek words “deinos”, which means terrible, and “sauros”, which means lizard, terrible lizards, 恐怖的蜥蜴, and there you have dinosaur.The study of dinosaurs belongs to the field of Paleontology. If you watch Friends you’d know that, that's Ross’ field. The dinosaurs lived in the Mesozoic era, Mesozoic era中生代被称为the age of dinosaurs, because dinosaurs were the dominant species of the age, that was about 252 to 66 million years ago. Mesozoic era included three consecutive geological time periods. 中生代又分为三个季Triassic period 三叠纪, Jurassic period 侏罗纪, and Cretaceous period白垩纪, whenever we watch any movies within the Jurassic franchise, what most of us are interested in are dinosaurs themselves. What types of dinosaurs are we seeing?There are many ways to categorize dinosaurs, the basic ones by what they eat, like other species, we can categorize dinosaurs as carnivore, the meat eaters, 肉食; Herbivore, the plant eaters, 植食; and Omnivore, the everything eater, 杂食.Dinosaurs who eat other animals can be called predators, 掠食者. And if no one can eat them or hunt them in the food chain then they are Apex predator, 顶级掠食者.Any animals they hunt are called prey. But then obviously there are more complex ways to categorize dinosaurs. So the two major categories that most dinosaurs seem to fall into are Saurischians, meaning lizard hipped, and Ornithischian or bird hipped. 按照更专业的分类, 恐龙主要的两大类分别是Saurischians 蜥臀目也叫龙盘目, and Ornithischian鸟豚木, 或者叫鸟盘木. Let's start with Saurischians . Under Saurischians, there are two major sub categories. The first category is called Theropods beast-footed. 在龙盘目或者蜥臀目下面有两个主要的亚目, 第一个是Theropods 兽脚亚目, they tend to be meat eaters, they have powerful legs and short arms. Any particular dinosaur comes to mind. Yes, the tyrannosaurus暴龙.Let’s face it, it simply wouldn't be a good dinosaur movie if it doesn't have tyrannosaurus in it. But it's not just a tyrannosaurus, pretty much all these fake scary creatures that appear in the Jurassic franchise and also more specifically in this TV series, belong to the Theropods category. 可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~
6/23/2022 • 13 minutes, 58 seconds
欢迎来到英文小酒馆的迷你双语板块【Buzzword Mix】-新词特饮,短短几分钟,让不同段位的你掌握最新最地道的英文谈资!关注公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】,获取更多有趣节目内容和文稿哦~In today's Buzzword Mix, our buzzword is Upcycling. Just by hearing this word, you might be able to guess that upcycling has something to do with recycling, upcycling also known as creative reuse. By definition, upcycle means to recycle or reuse something in a way that increases the original object’s value. Upcycling中文翻译成“升级再造”, 也就是把已经用旧了或者不能用的东西加入一点想象力和创造力, 把它升级再造成一个新的东西, 以实现物品材料循环再利用的目的. In short, upcycling is taking something old and creating something new. Now you might be asking since there is upcycling, is there downcycling?Of course, the best way to understand upcycling is actually to compare it to downcycling. Both are types of recycling. Downcycling is the kind of recycling we usually think of. 其实说到downcycling有的时候被翻译成降级再造, 也就是我们传统上理解的这种循环回收, 再利用Recycling. This is, for example, recycling paper or plastic, these materials are broken down and reused to create a product that is considered less valuable than the original. 在这种传统的降级再利用里, 一般就是把材料回收之后, 通过再次的加工生产出一个价值较低的产品. For example, most recycled paper like old newspapers is considered to be lower grade paper. 比如说回收的旧报纸之类的纸类就会被recycle或者downcycle成一些品质要求较低的纸制品. And by contrast, upcycling is the same process of free using old materials, but it creates something more valuable or of a higher quality. For example, it might include using materials from plastic bottles to make new shoes or reclaimed wood to make quality furniture. 而对比之下, upcycling升级再造就指的是在循环再造的过程中, 会通过创意和设计让被回收的旧物或者旧材料拥有更高的价值. 比如说用回收的塑料瓶做成鞋子, 或者把回收的木材做成高品质的家具. Essentially the difference between downcycling and upcycling is that downcycling creates a lower grade version of the same thing; and upcycling transforms old materials into a new different high quality item. Another reason why upcycling is pretty popular is because it supports a circular economy.Upcycling升级再造这个风潮之所以会火起来, 还有一个原因是因为它有利于circular economy, 循环经济. This is a system in which goods are used and reused multiple times rather than getting discarded or thrown away after one use. This system is more sustainable because it relies on using what we already have rather than constantly creating new products out of new materials. 这种循环经济就跟我们现在都在关心的sustainability, sustainable living, 可持续的生活方式息息相关. The idea of upcycling started in mid 90s, and there are some clear benefits of it. The first one is upcycling minimizes the extraction of natural resources. 首先升级再造upcycling可以最大程度地减少对于自然资源的使用.When you upcycle something, you reduce the need to extract raw materials or create synthetic materials because you already have what you need.因为upcycle用的都是现成就已经有的回收再利用的东西, 所以既不需要使用更多的原材料, 也不需要去生产更多的合成材料. Think about how many trees we can save if all our furniture is made with pre-used wood. The second benefit upcycling can bring is that it reduces landfill waste. Upcycling的第二个好处是可以减少垃圾填埋. It saves your original product from a fate in the landfill. Even if the original product is recyclable, plastic can only be downcycled once or twice before the product breaks down. And eventually these recyclables still end up in landfill which can be harmful, especially if they aren't biodegradable. 虽然我们平时扔垃圾的时候会注意可回收和不可回收, 可是那种downcycling的回收通常都有一个限度, 比如塑料制品一般来说downcycle一两次最后还是要被丢到垃圾填埋区, 就会造成很大的污染. But with upcycling, you don't actually throw things away or break them down. You are turning them into something that can be used and can last much longer. And a third benefit is less manufacturing, less carbon emission. 关注公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】,获取更多有趣节目内容和文稿哦~
6/21/2022 • 8 minutes, 13 seconds
《知乎哲也》板块,由受到大家喜爱的哲学小哥TJ和主播璐璐一起探讨哲学那些事儿~ 公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】可以搜索英语全文稿哦~Hi, everyone. And welcome back to 【Let's Philosophize】.欢迎回来《知乎哲也》.Hi, TJ. Hey, Lulu. Good to see you again. Good to see you. TJ, I know that every time you ask me a question to start our discussion, can I ask you a question this time? Yeah, of course, go ahead. Have you been following up on one of the top trending news on Chinese social media about what happened in Tangshan? Yeah, I’ve seen the video, and I’ve read a few different opinions online, a lot of people have been talking about it. One topic that has come up is the topic of self-defense, should we do it, how should we do it, and how much should we do it? So I thought we can talk about self-defense from a philosophical point of view. Yeah, of course. It's good to look at these real life situations in philosophy because I know sometimes it's very abstract. And self-defense is a situation that we have to face on our own. The police, they can't be everywhere all the time, and I don't think we would want the police to be everywhere all the time either, that would make us uncomfortable. So it means there's always that chance that we meet these situations where we have to defend ourselves. And of course, there's the practical side of that, the martial arts and all different kinds of strategies that we can use to defend ourselves. But there's also the question of what should we do? You know, how should we treat people? Exactly. So when we talk about self-defense, it's always good to look at this from a moral point of view, in terms of what should we do if we want to be good people. And the first thing we can look at is the deservingness of the person. So should this person be harmed? We might say yes, sometimes we might say no. So if we use a simple example of hitting somebody, so I’m a reasonably healthy man, if a child hits me, most people would say that child does not deserve to be hit by me, right, that I can't just hit the child.Okay. Deservingness就是正当性. Should they be harmed? So you just give the example of a child, maybe also people who have mental illness? Right, mental illness or maybe even if they're very drunk, we changed the rules for people if they're drunk too. I’m not sure I agree with the drunk thing because that was actually one of the big issue here. Some people were mentioning in this incident that happened in China saying all these people were drunk, you know how drunk people are. But being drunk, if you are mentally all right, like if you're not mentally ill, then being drunk really shouldn't be your get out of jail free card. It shouldn't be your excuse. Exactly. I think there's different levels of drunkenness as well, just like mental health, if you feel a little bit down one day, that doesn't mean that you can do anything you want. And the same thing with drunkenness, I remember my sister punched me in the face when she was very, very drunk, but she also couldn't stand up at that point, she couldn't stand up straight, she didn't know where she was. So I think that these… in this case, I don't think we can say that these men were so drunk that they didn't know what they were doing, right? Yeah.I don't think they have that kind of excuse. They don't look mentally unhealthy to me. It seems like that they are normal adults, right, that we would expect them to behave better than what they did. 《知乎哲也》板块,由受到大家喜爱的哲学小哥TJ和主播璐璐一起探讨哲学那些事儿~ 公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】可以搜索英语全文稿哦~
6/19/2022 • 14 minutes, 6 seconds
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~Hello everyone, and welcome back to America Under the Microscope, advanced episode. Hi Lulu.Hi, James.Let's continue our talk about text books and curriculum, and let's get into the more controversial issues related to textbooks in America.Oh, yes. I've heard about some of the issues. Yeah. So let's go and talk about some of that textbook content that people find to be questionable. As we talked about in the last episode, so the states choose the standards and the textbooks that can be used. But this also leads to political influence because different states have like different views of what should or should not be taught.Different political leanings.And this can reflect into the textbooks for use and what get taught. Good example of this in America would be the American Civil War.Oh, American Civil War, I thought now is pretty much settled like people have a generalized leaning on this, or people still disagree on which side should be supported?Well, in general you're not going to find people arguing that because slavery was bad. It's more of like in some states, more commonly in the Southeast will still frame it as like a war against Northern aggression.I see.Instead of a war about… Abandoning…abolishing slavery.So, I mean, they still talk about the abolishing slavery, but they also talk about some of the atrocities that the Northern armies did, and they focus more on that. They're not teaching incorrect information, but they're just skewing it and putting a kind of a spin on it.I think it was history textbooks, it’s always… perhaps it attracts more debates because history is one of those, the facts might be the same, but how you spin it, how you interpret it will directly affect people you are teaching.And the other subject that this is really noticeable in are biology and English.Biology and English? Yes. Biology, the big one in biology is evolution.Oh, yes, because there are people who don't believe in evolution.There are quite a few Americans, due to their religious beliefs, don't believe in evolution and don't want evolution to be taught in schools. Or if it is taught in schools, it needs to be taught alongside something called intelligent design.Intelligent design?Yeah, it's a religious idea. I don't quite understand it. But it is…Is it just creationism?Yean, it is, under a new term.Can I just clarify this? It is against law to teach students, directly teach students religion in public school, right?Yes, separation of church and states. So the schools cannot do any kind of religious activity or religious indoctrination in schools. What they can do is they can teach about the religions as in this is a religion, this is what people believe, this is where it is practiced as an you know just general cultural knowledge. But you cannot tell a student that is like there is one god, that you will get you fired.But now it sounds like you're saying people who are religious are saying if you teach, if you teach evolution, if you teach that human came from monkeys, then you must teach religion as well.In some states, yes, not in all states. I was lucky in my state that did not happen. My state is like you learned evolution, that was what you learned. Yeah. The other thing I would imagine is sex education.That's another big one. But mostly it’s just whether it is taught, how much it's taught, or is it not taught. So some places they just don't teach it.At all?At all. Some places teach it really well. So it depends. And I suppose when.Yeah, also when they teach it too.And you also mentioned English language, what's that aboutHa, a big part of the issue and English is like the novels you read.Oh, the book list. So a lot of parents don't want their kids read certain novels because they contain themes they don't like, or language they don't like.可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~
6/16/2022 • 10 minutes, 34 seconds
"欢迎来到英文小酒馆的迷你双语板块【Buzzword Mix】-新词特饮,短短几分钟,让不同段位的你掌握最新最地道的英文谈资!关注公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】,获取更多有趣节目内容和文稿哦~" In today's Buzzword Mix, our buzzword is Threequel. 相信很多人都和璐璐一样, 已经看过新上的《侏罗纪世界3》了,所以今天的Buzzword里,我们就来聊聊和电影有关的这个词Threequel.The term Threequel is a blend of the words “three” and “sequel”, 这个新词是由“three”和“sequel”两个部分组成的.The word “sequel” originates from the Latin sequella, meaning “follow”.When we are talking about movies, “sequel” simply means the second movie following the original story. 说电影的时候“sequel”指的就是续集/续章.And Threequel means the movie that is following the sequel. 而所谓的Threequel就是指续集后面的续集, 比如说三部曲里的第三部。In the Hollywood film industry, three usually is thought of as the magic number. That's why there are lots of trilogies. 在电影史上你就能看到很多的trilogy, 三部曲. This is usually the original movie followed by sequel, and then followed by a threequel, the third movie in the series. Now there are many examples of high profile threequels, for example, The Godfather Part III, 影史上有很多有名的电影系列都出到了第三部, 比如说《教父3》.And the latest threequel in the Jurassic Franchise – Jurassic World Dominion.刚刚上映的《侏罗纪世界》第三部也是一部threequel.Many threequels have enjoyed box office success, especially those ones that are based on stories originally conceived as trilogies, such as The Lord of the Rings.很多系列里的第三部票房成绩都还算不错, 特别是像《指环王》这样本来就计划做三部曲的电影系列. However, despite the box office success they may enjoy, threequels are often seen as disappointing. 虽然票房不错, 但是也有很多人都觉得凡是三部曲里的最后一部多半都是烂片. Some people even talk about the curse of the threequels, 甚至有人把它叫做threequel的诅咒. And it's not just the terrible ones, some of the most critically acclaimed trilogies also suffer from the threequel curse.即使那些很有名的电影系列, 很多时候也逃不过第三部烂尾的诅咒. So it got us wondering, what's really happening here. Why are threequels almost always the worst ones?There are two factors that come into play here: formula and necessity.The reason why film trilogies have been around for so long is that they're a really great structure to tell a long story, with each film serving as a beginning, a middle, and an end. This also means that each film should serve a very specific purpose.为什么三部曲一直很火?主要就是因为如果要把一个很长的故事讲完整, 三部曲的分工正好是beginning, middle, and an end, 各占其位, 各司其职.No matter the genre, the first film always serves as an origin story that introduces us to our heroes and the world they live in. 第一部, 通常是介绍整个故事的大背景以及主人公.The sequels always tend to enjoy more freedom, since their characters and worlds are already established for them. For this reason, the second film is all about heroes facing the greatest challenge they've faced yet.然后到了sequel续集的时候, 因为前面已经打好了框架, 就可以专注来讲主人公面临的某一个巨大的挑战或者一个大反派.This is where the problem with threequels comes in. There isn't really a formula for a successful threequel, at least not yet.关注公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】,获取更多有趣节目内容和文稿哦~"
6/14/2022 • 8 minutes
公号: 【璐璐的英文小酒馆】 查音频节目文稿,了解广阔的世界。跟随我们的脚步,体会英语的温度。Hi, everyone. And welcome back to America Under the Microscope. 欢迎回来《闲话美国》。Hi, James. Hi, Lulu, hi everyone. Every time I'll start the episode by asking you what we're gonna talk about today, but instead of doing that, I would like to propose a specific topic. I see. Go ahead. Have you been following the latest heated discussion about textbooks? The problem with Chinese text books on social media. Ah, I have seen posts about it, but I haven't really been following that news. So a lot of people are getting really angry about the problems with these text books. I thought it would be quite interesting to talk about text books that you guys use in United States. That's a very good topic. Let's do it. First things first, in China, our textbooks, especially for K12, so for primary education and secondary education, they are generally approved by the Ministry of Education, 是由教育部这边要审核和认可的。 And then how the curriculum as well, 整个课程计划, what about in the States? I'm guessing, from based on what we were talking about before in other episodes, each State will have their own rules. That is a very good guess and you are correct, in America, it’s a lot more complicated than here in China. Don't you have Department of Education? Don't they have a say like more of a generalized control over this? OK, so we do have a Department of Education at the Federal level, but in America, the Department of Education does not set curriculum and does not choose or write the text books that the schools use. The Department of Education sets the education policy, such as who can go to school like don't discriminate against your students, things like this; and making sure that the schools are credited, and are safe and suitable for students. But the material, the curriculum is all done at the local State level. I see, so Department of Education is very much about macro policy, 更多是宏观的一些政策, very vague, very general. That's right. And then what does State do?The State Departments of Education, they are the ones who really control what is taught in the classroom. So the State Education Departments, they're the ones that set such curriculum and choose the standards which the teachers need to be teaching in the classroom. Additionally, they also approve the text books that are to be used in school. Okay, you know in China, we would say at this grade you should be, for example, you should recognize, let's say 3,000 Chinese characters at this age or at this grade, you should be able to do geometry, so that sort of thing is set by the States. Yeah, governments uhhhThose are what we'd call the standards. I see. I have a question though, because each State will have this much power over how kids are taught, what kind of contents are taught in school, then the difference between states can be significant, right, technically some states can set a very low standard for the students for the kids?Now there are some nationwide standards that the States can choose to use. Some people may be familiar with the term Common Core. What is Common Core?This is a standard for English Language Arts and Math that has been adopted in many States across the country as part of their school standards; and Common Core states things like by this Grade students will be able to analyze text and write a descriptive essay, by this Grade, they can know this kind of math formula and things like that it's a standard, but States can choose their own. Common Core听起来有点像我们统一的教学大纲。But you also said they're about English Language Arts and Math. 公号: 【璐璐的英文小酒馆】 查音频节目文稿,了解广阔的世界。跟随我们的脚步,体会英语的温度。
6/12/2022 • 11 minutes, 23 seconds
酒馆音乐剧板块《曲外之音》,跟璐璐和英国资深音乐剧人Oliver一起品名音乐剧背后的故事,让高雅艺术触手可得~公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】可以索要英语全文稿哦~Hi, everyone. And welcome back to Sound of Musicals. 欢迎回来【曲外之音】。In the previous episode, we talked to Oliver about West Side Story, and today we're gonna continue that talk about its conflicts and the music. Hi, Oliver. Hello. Welcome back to the show. Thank you. It's good. I remember talking to you when we're not recording and then you mentioned that you play the character in West Side Story. However, this is not one of your favorite musicals. No, that's true. I was in this show, and there are definitely some good aspects of it. But it doesn't sit perfectly with me. There are lots of things which I think could have been done better, or changed, or it’s just not my style. It’s not as hopeless as Les Mis (Les Miserables 悲惨世界). Yes, that's true. Les Mis is on the other end of the musical chart in terms of hopelessness and sadness really. But I think some aspects in this, yeah, they could have certainly been a bit more serious, a bit more heart-hitting than they were. Yes. When I was watching it, at bits I also felt like it is still about gang violence or maybe they were just using this as a backdrop, but certainly at place it felt like they were kind of playing light of this theme which should be a lot darker, a lot heavier. It should, yeah. And most times people do make gang violence, gang warfare to be very dark because that is more towards the truth of gang violence. West Side Story takes it in a very different direction by having these serious gangs who fight and kill. They do elaborate dances to happy music while they click their fingers, it doesn't feel quite like I should take them seriously. It's hard to be, it does feel like that. It's like pretend gangsters but actual musical actors. Yes, it does feel like that. We are supposed to believe these guys fight and they're angry and they do lots of bad things, but you can't really believe it sometimes when you see them. That's one of the things that I think could have been changed a little bit. But I do know that lots of people like that side of it. It’s embracing this gang culture, this gang idea but not in a serious heavy sad way. Yeah, I mean you can't imagine turning Godfather trilogy into musicals, it just doesn't work. Don Corleone (唐·柯里昂, 《教父》系列的Godfather) clicking his fingers and spinning doesn't really go very well with that movie. No, no. And I think a lot of people do love the idea of gangsters. Actually, I think in many cultures, there has been a period… different historical periods of people would into that sort of film, TV, it's also about this youth related adrenaline rush, like you're fighting for whatever you think it's the right reason to fight. And you can use violence to correct the wrongs or to deal with everything. That idea I think you can obviously see in the gang members. Yes, definitely. Both of the gangs have very different ideas of … in terms of how they should be seen by other people and how they should be treated and their positions within the neighborhood. Both of them are using violence to try to become the top gang to have everybody listen to them, so they are respected. What that actually means for the neighborhood? I'm not entirely sure, because would they do if they are number one? But that's not talked about within the musical. I don't think they just want to be the best. So… No. But the other thing I noticed about the two gangs it's not just normal two nameless gangs. It's more like, there’s the racial element. There's definitely the racial element. It's the whites, the local gangs. I don't know if they're Italian because Tony sounds very Italian, then some of the other names sounds a bit Italian. And then you have this other newer immigrants, the Puerto Rican gang. So the racial element that you do see. ...公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】可以索要英语全文稿哦~
6/9/2022 • 15 minutes, 56 seconds
"欢迎来到英文小酒馆的迷你双语板块【Buzzword Mix】-新词特饮,短短几分钟,让不同段位的你掌握最新最地道的英文谈资!关注公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】,获取更多有趣节目内容和文稿哦~" In today's Buzzword Mix, our buzzword is Side Hustle. If you have been following English language media in the past few years, you have definitely seen this expression. So Side Hustle, “Side” means on the side; “Hustle” here simply means work or a job. So simply put a Side Hustle is work you do on the side of your regular job to make additional income. 说白了, 在你主业工作之外所有你做的这些搞钱的副业, 都可以叫做Side Hustle. Some people might say, isn't that just a part time job? It is and it isn't. The way people define Side Hustle tends to vary, but to most, it involves some type of self-employment as opposed to a traditional second job.Side Hustle和普通的***还是有点不一样的, 它通常更倾向于是self-employment, you are your own boss, such as freelance gigs. 比如说自由职业的一些工作, or an entrepreneurial endeavor或者干脆是自主创业. One great thing about Side Hustles is that they often serve as an opportunity for people to pursue something they’re interested in or passionate about. But perhaps the greatest reason more and more people are starting a Side Hustle comes down to the financial security it can provide.Although this word has been very popular in the past few years, the expression Side Hustle was actually first used in 1950. 其实从50年代就开始出现的这个Side Hustle并不是一个新词, but the term became popular during and after the last recession when traditional jobs disappeared and enterprising people had to make ends meet. 但是它的爆火则是因为上一次经济萧条期, 传统的工作机会越来越少, 所以很多人都不得不开始研究副业搞钱这条路. So what are some of the typical examples of Side Hustles?For example, you can set up a store and start selling clothes and other things online; you can launch your own social media account for profit on YouTube or on Bilibili, TikTok; you can make and sell handicrafts; you can teach online courses, offer photography services; or you might be doing some freelance creative work including writing, illustration, graphic design.常见的Side Hustle包括开网店/做自媒体/售卖自己做的手工艺品/教授网上课程/做写手插画师…等等自由职业. The reason why so many people are engaged in Side Hustles is because there are obvious benefits. A Side Hustle can offer you the opportunity to explore your passions or pursue your dream job without sacrificing the steady pay check of a day job. 一个好的副业可以让你既不牺牲平时工作的稳定, 又能去追求自己的梦想. Not only does a Side Hustle provide an injection of extra cash flow to your bank account, it can also help to boost overall life satisfaction.而且用副业就能搞到钱补贴家用, 也会提升你的生活质量. Another benefit of having a Side Hustle is that they allow for flexibility in workplace and work hours. Often Side Hustles are solopreneurial or entrepreneurial endeavors. 很多人喜欢副业其实是因为它的flexibility, 灵活性, 因为很多人在副业里自己不是个entrepreneur创业者, 就是solopreneur单打独斗的创业者. And when you're the boss, you get to decide everything, call the shots-including when and for how long you’ll work. This can be really appealing to those who feel trapped by a traditional 9-to-5 job.仅凭这一点Side Hustle就能吸引很多已经过惯了朝九晚五的人. On Top of that, Side Hustle typically does not require a large financial investment upfront. 它的另外一个好处就是和真正抛家舍业的创业不一样, Side Hustle通常不需要a large financial investment upfront一开始就投入一大笔资金.It can be as simple as you create something and you try to sell it online. If you're good enough, you can easily sell ideas and knowledge you already have. While there are plenty of pros to having a Side Hustle, that's not to say there aren't a lot of things to consider before diving in. 说了这么多好处Side Hustle可不是人人都能一闭眼就开干的. There are many things to consider, one major consideration before taking on a Side Hustle is the potential conflict with your day job, some companies have policies that prohibit moonlighting.... 关注公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】,获取更多有趣节目内容和文稿哦~
6/7/2022 • 8 minutes, 40 seconds
《曲外之音》-原来莎士比亚才是拆CP的鼻祖!-West Side Story
酒馆音乐剧板块《曲外之音》,跟璐璐和英国资深音乐剧人Oliver一起品名音乐剧背后的故事,让高雅艺术触手可得~公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】可以索要英语全文稿哦~Hi everyone, and welcome back to the Sound of Musicals. 欢迎回来【曲外之音】. Hi Oliver.Hello.So what are we gonna talk about today? In the very first interview I had with you, you talked about your theater groups have put on quite a few musicals, and you mentioned Les Misérables, but what else?One of my earliest musicals that I had a speaking part in, not a lead role, but I was on stage a lot, I was talking. It was West Side Story. Okay, based on our conversations before, you don't really strike me as someone who would be in West Side Story, like essentially a gangster story, right?It is basically, yes, it's a story about two gangs in New York fighting for control of their neighborhood who is the top gang.West Side Story is one of those things I'm not sure if it's very popular among Chinese audience, but if people in English speaking countries, if they know anything about musical theater, they have at least heard of it.Yes, I'm not sure how many people would say it's their favorite, but most people have heard of it, yes, either the musical or the two movies that were made of it.The latest movie version of West Side Story was released only last year 2021 by Spielberg.Yes, it came out last year. I haven't seen it but the reviews are quite positive. Online reviews seem to like the movie.I checked on Rotten Tomatoes, they’re getting as high as 93% which is amazing.That is quite good.I have to admit I only watched some of it, but the whole cinematography how they shot it looked amazing, definitely have to find a time to watch the entire thing, little bit about the background. So it debuted in the 1950s, right?Yes, in 1957 is when it opened, and it did quite well, lots of people did enjoy it. They went to see it and they had about 1,000 shows within 3 years, so it did very well for itself.And I think one of the things that made Wide Side Story really popular or special is not just the gang stories, but it's also that is based on a Shakespeare play Romeo and Juliet.Yes, so the background and sort of the under story, the story itself really is based on Romeo and Juliet this idea of two gangs fighting in a city; and then a boy from one gang, a girl from the other fall in love, and everything that happens between them. It's basically modern-day Romeo and Juliet set in New York.Yes, that is exactly it is, it's modern setting for Romeo and Juliet. And there are different take in some areas, some things are a little different, but overall the story is quite similar I think to Romeo and Juliet.It's just instead of rival families, these are rival gangs, but I suppose it's the equivalent of rival families.It is yes, when Romeo and Juliet was set, it was family gangs but not everybody in the family was actually related. You could be in somebody's family but not their brother, their cousin, anything like that. They could be your friend. The Clan, like the clan culture, like a family clan.Yes, exactly. So you could be friends of the family fighting with them, but not actually in the family.All right. So, let me give you that impossible task again of giving us a very, very brief summary of the plot. ...公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】可以索要英语全文稿哦~
6/6/2022 • 13 minutes, 32 seconds
《Geek时间》-收集一年的P, 能卖几个钱?
【Geek Time】-“极客”时间,和“科技宅”Brad一起聊神秘有趣的“黑科技”“高科技”“硬科技”。欢迎关注公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】,可以查看更多精彩内容,查看英语全文稿哦~Hi everyone, and welcome back to Geek Time. This is Brad. Hey, Lulu, how are you going?Actually, it’s Geek Time advanced.Geek Time advanced, that’s right.Hey, Brad. So last time we were talking about NFT.Yeah, so we're gonna kind of talk a little bit about the speculative nature of the NFT as an asset, like the stock market.Speculative, basically, means you're taking a lot of risks.NFT just sounds like all speculation to me because it doesn't have any real, in a traditional sense, any like real sort of value.Right. In some cases, it does have value because it can give you like a commercial right to use something. But when it comes to, some of it is just you buy a piece of art and you're hoping that maybe someone will want to buy that from you later at a higher price.But it's still different though. If I buy an actual painting, I can hang it up in my room for people to see. And later on I can sell that actually that very tangible piece of painting to other people. But NFT, I can't hold in my hand.And if I lose the file, I lose all of my money, right?If you lose the file, you lose everything. Like it's connected to like when you look at it, it doesn't have any value unless you have a buyer. That's the one thing like that one makes it quite speculative, right? You can't sell it unless you have a buyer; when it comes to the stock market or something like that, you buy a stock, there's a value that's inherent in the company. But when you have like a piece of art, may not have anyone that wants to buy that at any point ever.So it doesn't have any intrinsic value in that way. Because I know you, I know you invest in stock market and even in crypto-currency, what about NFT, would you in the future ever consider investing in NFT market?I don't think I would ever actually buy any NFTs, unless that NFT carried some sort of licensable rights that I could use.Okay.Like if it was just… maybe like a song, if I can…the NFT gave me the right to use a song or something like that.But you will only buy it if you can profit from it, not just because you really like this artist that you would buy an NFT.Probably not. I'll buy the T-shirt from someone.All right, probably much cheaper. When did it all start?This started about 2011, as when they think the first NFT was actually made, could have been before that. But this was like the first time that anyone has like recorded knowledge of an NFT that I've seen. Someone made an art piece of art at GPEG, basically. I don't know if that was the actual file, but it was a graphic piece of art that they sold as an NFT; and then after that, there wasn't really a whole lot. But in 2015, Ethereum started selling like hexagon tiles to their world. They sold all the hexagon tiles for something like $1.4 million. Not a piece, but the total.But still, I mean that is a very very new concept. Why do you think NFT, since it was pretty much created, the whole concept was created 5 or even 10 years ago, why do you think was all the buzz about NFT now like in the past year or so?....欢迎关注公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】,可以查看更多精彩内容,查看英语全文稿哦~
6/2/2022 • 12 minutes, 24 seconds
"欢迎来到英文小酒馆的迷你双语板块【Buzzword Mix】-新词特饮,短短几分钟,让不同段位的你掌握最新最地道的英文谈资!关注公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】,获取更多有趣节目内容和文稿哦~" In today's Buzzword Mix, our buzzword is That Girl.You heard it right, it's super simple. Today's buzzword only consists of two of the most simple words in English vocabulary, that girl.However, “that girl” is a viral phenomenon that's been going around on TikTok since last year, and its popular has also split over onto other platforms including YouTube. 今天的buzzword我们就来聊聊从去年开始火遍社交媒体的这个标签 “that girl-那个女孩”. First things first, who is that girl? Well, of course “that girl” is not any girl in particular. It is, however, essentially a viral wellness trend. 所谓的那个女孩指的不是特定的某个女生, 而是去年开始火遍社交媒体的一种wellness trend. Wellness这个词蛮难翻译的, a combination of your physical, mental, and spiritual health, 基本可以把它理解为你的身心灵都全面健康.People who want to be “that girl, they are embracing the best version of themselves or showing the best version of themselves, and trying to level up their life. 所以”那个女孩”指的也就是社交媒体上永远都自律阳光正能量的完美女神. The “that girl” trend first rose in popularity on TikTok in April last year, videos with the #thatgirl had billions of views, many of these encouraged the viewer to become that girl. “那个女孩”的风潮去年在 TikTok上走红, 很快就达到了过亿的播放,一时有无数的人开始发短视频, 争当”那个女孩”.So how do you become that girl?Let me walk you through her routine. So that girl wakes up really early in the morning. She cooks and eats a plant-based breakfast. “那个女孩”早上总是很早起床, 然后下厨给自己做一份健康又美丽的素食早餐. And then she journals her thoughts in a neatly section day planner. 她会在自己的每日计划文里工工整整的写下今天要做的事项以及她的心得体会. She chants affirmations, perhaps saying to herself in the mirror you are the best. 她随时随地都在对自己进行自我肯定的暗示. She works out in cute coordinated outfits. 她健身的时候永远穿着超高颜值的成套的健身服. After working out she gulps some green juices which is really good for your system. 健完身再来一大杯绿色的果蔬汁. She is productive, professionally successful, and somehow still finds time for skin care, meditation, and all the time taking perfect photos of all of the evolve for social media. 她不仅效率惊人, 事业有成, 永远的保持着最佳状态; 同时护肤冥想一样也没落下, 还有时间把自己所有的这些完美瞬间都拍成照片或者视频分享在社交媒体上. So this is a typical “that girl”.This all sounds a little bit exhausting to me, but there are many people who enjoyed the “that girl” trend, especially young women. For example Hollie, an 18-year-old lifestyle YouTuber based in the UK, feels like the trend is about finding joy within the small moments找到生活的小确幸; whilst also establishing daily habits and routines that allow you to be healthy mentally, physically, and spiritually.她就认为that girl的风潮确实可以激励你去追求身、心、灵的全面健康.She said “I think if you focus on the feelings you get from following this trend, and how engaging in these habits can improve your overall well-being, then it can actually be very helpful and motivating”.Another young video creator who also became “that girl” last year, she calls the trend more of a “highlight reel” .另外一位也跟风拍了视频的女孩就认为that girl的这种视频其实更像一个highlight reel, 高光时刻的集锦. ...关注公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】,获取更多有趣节目内容和文稿哦~"
5/31/2022 • 9 minutes, 12 seconds
【Geek Time】-“极客”时间,和“科技宅”Brad一起聊神秘有趣的“黑科技”“高科技”“硬科技”。欢迎关注公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】,可以查看更多精彩内容,查看英语全文稿哦~Hi everyone. And welcome back to Geek Time.欢迎回来【极客时间】。Hi, Brad.Hello.I know that I always ask you what we're gonna talk about, but can I propose a topic today?Right, what do you have in mind?NFT.OK.Something I see everywhere now, but I just don't understand. Would you say NFT is a big topic in English speaking world as well?I would say it's really big, it's all over in the news these days. You see it just about anywhere, on Facebook, on YouTube, you'll see just tons and tons of videos and news stories about people buying NFTs.But please tell me that people in English speaking world also don't understand, most of them…Most of them really have no idea what it is, like a lot of them like the boomers are just like what is this NFT stuff.Boomers are old. Ok, first things first, NFT in Chinese is called非同质化代币。同质就是同样的 I don't know, maybe同样的性质的代币it still sounds very technical, in English, it's… Non-Fungible Token. Fungible means…?Not replaceable.Not replaceable token, token is almost like a little coin, right, that you use; and they are art pieces, could you give us a, like a very general, description of what is a Non-Fungible Token? Non-Fungible Tokens can really be any type of file format. They could be like jpeg art, they could be movie files, they could be music files, they could be 3D printable files, just about anything, but it ends kind of like involves just a bunch of data that you can sell.But it's not replaceable because you have one file, and this file can only be used by like one person at a time. Ok, so let me put it in an even simpler way, if you Brad were an artist, you made a digital creation, like a painting, digital painting. I wanna buy that painting, like I wanna buy the NFT of that painting, basically I buy something digital and then there's a file that shows I own the digital version of that painting or that digital painting. Right, you would own like a license afore, right, so you wouldn’t own like the copyright to it.Like original owner, the original creator of that, they would own the copyright to that idea, but like you could own depending upon like the base kind of, like the contractual agreement with the NFT, you could either just own it and have it for your own use or maybe even use it for like a license to be able to sell things containing that graphic or art.所以就是原著者/原创者还是有著作权,还是有版权 copyright.But I have, depending on how much I pay, depending on the contract, I will have some form of ownership either I can just have it to myself or I can use it for commercial use to make money.Yeah.And usually you said only one copy, but it's not just one copy, is it?You can own one copy, you could own 10 copies of it, basically like the person who makes the art or whoever makes the NFT can make as many copies as they want, and so like the value of that can be really based on the number of copies, maybe there's only one copy of it or maybe…And that is very, very expensive, if they're like millions of copies, then it's really cheap. Exactly.I see.So say I pay you the money, I got the copy. What do I get? I don't just get the picture, I get a file?It's a file, it's like a block chain file, so you get something that's like the art, but also it comes with like a block chain that shows like your ownership of it.Block Chain就是区块链。Another topic that we can really go into, but essentially I just get like a digital file that proves the ownership, ok.
5/29/2022 • 13 minutes, 25 seconds
可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~【America Under the Microscope】Advanced Keywords• Late night wars (Previous generation of famous comics)Fight for viewersControversy over who takes over the show• Outdated formatYouTube and subscription-based TVNo need to stay up late to watchLack of originality • Modern hostsMuch more friendly rivalryHello everyone, and welcome back to America Under the Microscope, advanced episode. Hi, Lulu. Hi, James.So we're gonna continue our talk about late night talk shows, and I want to know what talk shows do you like?I've been watching the Daily Show.I've watched a lot of Daily Show, but not so much with the new host.Trevor Noah?Yeah.I mean, I like Trevor Noah. But I started watching the Daily Show when John Stewart was still the host.I remember watching the Daily Show when I was still in university, a long time ago. What attracts you to… for example the Daily Show.What I liked about the Daily Show is because it was different than other late night talk shows, yet and also, Stephen Colbert’s previous show, The Colbert Report. Oh, I love Colbert Report. Because they were literally fake news. So it was kind of poking fun of like the Cable News programs. So they were just doing things very differently; and also their interviews that they did. They interviewed people that you wouldn't see on the regular talk shows because they interviewed like scientists, writers that you would not normally think of…One thing that always shocks me about the Daily Shows is like some of the interviews these people they look legit, you think are they just playing alone with this whole comic act? I think sometimes they were. Or do they actually think this is a serious interview?Most of them are aware that it's a comic act, but the hosts were pretty good at like jesting based on the guest that they had there. So they know some can be more playful or others play a more straight.Yeah, but I mean, I'm not saying it's scripted, but they've definitely talked to these people before. It's not like live interview. One thing that always gets to me is that sometimes people get really offended by like the Daily Show. And then they're like this is just fake. This is not true.Well, dah, this is like we're comedians. It's not a news program.I think this is very important to see things like the Daily Show as just satirical comedy. There's satirical about absolutely everything, to not take it seriously. This is one thing I think that… personally I think it's the ability to take a joke, you don't have to agree with them, right? And that's the thing. What I like about some of these shows especially like the Daily Show is that I like the sort of the comedy timing, a lot of the hosts and also the co-hosts on this show they've got perfect comedy timing, and their own different style.They're all comedians and they're all have practicing it for years and getting on the Daily Show like if you're a comedian and get on the daily shows. You're really an upcoming comic.I do watch things like Fallon and Kimmel sometimes, but honestly for me personally that is a little bit too family friendly for my taste.Yeah, they're… the big ones like Fallon and Kimmel, they're trying mass appeal, they're trying to reach out to be… the general public. I mean Colbert is a little bit different. He does bit more satire, so it kind of misses with some of the population.He's actually involved in politics, right? Colbert?Partially. I mean, he's jokingly run things, um, but he is known to be a bit more political than the other hosts. 可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~
5/26/2022 • 10 minutes, 57 seconds
"欢迎来到英文小酒馆的迷你双语板块【Buzzword Mix】-新词特饮,短短几分钟,让不同段位的你掌握最新最地道的英文谈资!关注公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】,获取更多有趣节目内容和文稿哦~" In today's Buzzword Mix, our buzzword is the Goblin Mode. Now if you have been following TikTok, Instagram, and Twitter lately, chances are you have seen this new trend?今天的buzzword里,咱们就来聊聊最近在国外的社交媒体很火的一个词, the Goblin Mode--哥布林模式.To understand what that is, we need to understand the original meaning of the word “goblin”.In European folklore, goblin is a general name for evil and malicious spirits, usually small and grotesque in appearance. 在欧洲的民间传说里就提到这样一种长相怪异丑陋的像精灵一样的类人生物, 他们被叫做Goblin哥布林; 如果你喜欢奇幻题材的影视游戏, 肯定也见过goblin这样的存在. Now in many of the stories, they are described as a subterranean species, so they live underground. They don't really socialize with humans apart from causing them trouble, and they pay zero attention to how they look. 关于哥布林的形象怎么说, 就是颜值一言难尽的那种. 他们很多时候生活在地下, 和人也没有什么良性的互动. Now you might be asking, but how is goblin related to us? Picture this: it’s Saturday afternoon, and you have hundreds of things to do, but instead of doing them, you're in your pajamas, you make yourself a comforting bowl of instant noodles and devour them, splashing soup over your chin and your bed sheets while your dog looks at you in disgust. 比如你可以想象在某一个宅家的周末, 你穿着睡衣, 刚狼吞虎咽下一包泡面, 泡面的汤汁滴的你睡衣还有床上到处都是, 连你们家狗子都在一边嫌弃你. You've just binged an entire web series and are preparing to start another. 你刚 “肝”完了一部狗血的网剧, 马上连“肝”下一部.You feel a bit like a slob. Look at yourself in a mirror, you're just in “Goblin mode”.那么恭喜你, 完美达成了你的 “哥布林模式”. So this Goblin Mode, which is taking the current pandemic-ridden world by storm, is a state of being that is defined by behaviors people got used to during deep lockdown days.所谓的“哥布林模式” 就是因为这几年断断续续长期的疫情宅家, 我们已经很习惯的那种居家生活, 躺平摆烂的状态. ... 字数有限,全文文稿请关注公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】,获取更多有趣节目内容和文稿哦~"
5/24/2022 • 8 minutes, 12 seconds
搜公号: 【璐璐的英文小酒馆】 查音频节目文稿,了解广阔的世界。跟随我们的脚步,体会英语的温度。KEY WORDS• Late night talk show Basic• Video clips of Jimmy Fallon/Kimmel and Stephen Colbert are popular on Chinese social media• What is Late night talk shows? History• Started late 40s early 50s• Evolved from variety shows• Created the format • Monologue • Comedy• Celebrity interviews• A house band• Musical performances• Format hasn’t changed Now the big three popular talk shows? • The Late Show• The Tonight Show• Jimmy Kimmel Live• Evolution Late night comedy news The daily Show Hi everyone, and welcome back to America Under the Microscope. 欢迎回来【 闲话美国】.Hi James.Hi Lulu, hi everyone. So what's our topic today? Well, I've been noticing on Chinese social media a lot right now, clips from comedians like Jimmy Fallon, Jimmy Kimmel and Stephen Colbert seem to be really popular here. Are we going to about talk shows?We're going to talk about talk shows, specifically kind of like the American style of talk shows. First of all, what is the idea of talk show? In Chinese, we translated it directly into脱口秀, but is it just like a one host and then guest speakers so… like what we're doing now? A little bit like what we're doing now, so talk show, you have the host.Uh.And usually, the host is a comedian because they’re also gonna, you know, spend part of the time just talking by themselves and tell jokes, but then they interview usually celebrities, but it could be things like musicians, comedians, actors, famous authors, and even sometimes politicians, too. But the whole undertone of it is comic? Yes. The undertone of these shows is comic and entertaining. So the interviews usually are not serious, it 's not a news interview or anything like that. So they are no serious talk shows? Like a serious dialogue asking, for example, politicians about the policies they want to make?In those kind of things, we would consider that more of a news talk show, and those do exist. But usually that's not going to be hosted by a comedian that's going to be hosted by a journalist. Oh, so when people about talk shows in America, most people would think it's more like a comic.More light hearted. We do have kind of like daytime talk shows which tend to be more… not serious but not quite comedic. That's another thing. When it comes to脱口秀, you have the idea of daytime就是日间的脱口秀and late night深夜脱口秀. 去【璐璐的英文小酒馆】 查音频节目全文逐字文稿~
5/22/2022 • 8 minutes, 40 seconds
《知乎哲也》板块,由受到大家喜爱的哲学小哥TJ和主播璐璐一起探讨哲学那些事儿~ 公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】可以搜索英语全文稿哦~Welcome back to 【Let's Philosophize】. 欢迎回来《知乎哲也》。In the previous episode, we were talking to TJ about “doubting and knowing”, let’s continue with that topic.Yeah. Depends on the context, depending on what you represent, depending on the historical limitations, geographical limitations, cultural limitations, political limitations, you see, kind of like a relative fact or relative truth. So this is the argument of whether there is ultimate truth in the world. Yes, exactly. And how do we find that truth if things are quite relative?So… this already sounds quite difficult and it's… but there's three more to go. The next one is criticism of any theory like Descartes. He's very critical…Foundationalism. Yeah, it's a very big challenge because if you have a foundation, then you have to prove that foundation. Exactly. Actually this was what I wanted to ask you when you mentioned Descartes’ foundationalism. 刚才TJ讲笛卡尔的基础主义的时候, 我就特别想问, 就是说If you assume, for example, the foundation of all the other things, of your entire belief system, for example, is “he loves me, we have a good relationship” , if this is your foundation, then all of your subsequent thinking is built on thinking he definitely loves me, this is the truth. But what if that is not the truth. Then your entire belief system collapses, right?Right.So, isn't that the problem with foundationalism?How can you make sure that foundation is solid? Exactly. Exactly. And this is the problem with all of philosophy really is that we just keep doubting. You try to find some foundation, but then you have to doubt the foundation. And you need more proof.It's difficult being a philosopher, isn't it?Yeah. Yeah. It's quite difficult. So far, we’ve talked about the dissent among experts, 专家之间的异议; Number two, we talked about relativism, 相对主义, so people are restricted by different context, their background; Number three is foundationalism, 基础主义, so you have to doubt the foundation. There’re two more. I think the next one to talk about is infinite regress. This is just what happens if we don't have a foundation. If we can't have a foundation, then you just keep asking why. Infinite regress是无限后退. Does that mean, for example, you say, fundamental belief he loves me. How can you be sure he loves you?Then you doubt that. And then you just keep going down that rabbit hole. Keep asking yeah, but how can you prove that?But how can you prove that?But how can you prove that?Exactly.That's the infinite regress. Yeah, the best way of thinking about the infinite regress, I think is children, because children are often the infinite regress, you say Go to bed and they say Why.They ask difficult questions.Right. Go to bed. Why?Because you need to sleep. Why do I need to sleep? To be healthy. Why do I need to be healthy? Otherwise you get sick. Why will I get sick?Right...You can see that this will go on for a very long time until like Descartes, you eventually say because I told you so, right? Or for Descartes because God told you so, you need…Exactly.You need some authority. This does sound like a rabbit hole that you just fall into. Yeah, so we have one more.Right. And the last one is usually called coherentism. 融贯论. What is coherentism?