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Welcome to the Godly Healing Podcast by N. Niami

English, Religion, 1 season, 54 episodes, 10 hours, 7 minutes
Welcome to the Godly Healing Podcast. I am your host, N. Niami and I am so excited to have you here with me. As we embark on this journey of healing, we will begin to transcend our limiting beliefs by shifting our paradigm, uprooting our false beliefs, and replacing them with the truth. It's time to face all our fears and be set free from them because God has not given us a spirit of fear. Therefore we must overcome our fear with crazy-like faith in a faithful God and attain the life and the blessings God has for you and me! So come on along with me, hand in hand with Jesus, and receive the full authority, power, freedom, joy, and peace we have in Him. This is where we heal God's way!
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Faith & Fear Create Your Life

In today's episode, we are going to discuss the difference between faith and fear and why it's important to train your mind to choose faith over fear in any situation you are presented with. They both carry spiritual powers, and have the ability to shape the world around you. Enjoy x
10/25/202310 minutes, 36 seconds
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Setting Boundaries

In today's episode, we discuss the importance of setting boundaries and why you need to set boundarie. I also discuss how you can identify what your boundaries are if this is the first time you're having to set boundaries. Boundaries are there to protect you and your peace and to also teach people how to treat you. Enjoy x
10/11/202312 minutes, 37 seconds
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Take the Pressure off Yourself - It Is Finished

In today's epsisode, we will discuss taking the pressure of ourselves because it is already done and finised by what the Lord Jesus Christ has done on the cross for us. Take the pressure in trying to get things right or be perfect, you're not saved by your own works but saved by Grace through Faith. Enjoy x
9/27/202310 minutes, 35 seconds
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Reasons Why Relationships Don't Last

In today's episode, I discuss with you some of the reasons why relationships don't work and don't last these days and it's not what you think. It's not about blaming the other person but more about looking within ourselves and find out if we are self-sebotaging and sebotaging the relationships we have in our lives. Let talk about what these reasons are and why we are this way. Enjoy x
8/23/202313 minutes, 18 seconds
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Reconciling with Your Inner Child

In today's episode, we discuss your inner child and the importance of reconciling with our inner child. Every one you meet, every single person without exception has an inner child. Some have done the work and have loving accepted and healed their inner child others haven't. But in order for anything to change in your life, in order for you to change you need to become one with that little girl or little boy that you have burried deep within yourself because your parents, society and the world made you believe that he or she is unworthy of love. This is your chance to reconcile with your inner child and take him/her into your loving arms. Enjoy x
8/9/202312 minutes, 39 seconds
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The Obstacles to Faith

In today's episode, we will discuss the obstacles to faith. The things that are stopping us from having unwavering faith. Our walk with God is a walk of faith and Jesus is the author and finisher of our faith so faith is very vital in a believers' life for not only attaining God's blessings for our lives but also to be able to live in the last days and withstand the test of time. Let's discuss the obstacles to faith and take a look and see which obstacles are standing in your faith walk. Enjoy x
7/26/202314 minutes, 31 seconds
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How Do We Start Loving Ourselves

In today's episode, we discuss how do we start loving ourselves and this is a continuous episode to the one where I shared with you how to let go of someone you love. My response was by loving yourself more and in today's episode I will talk to you about how do you start loving yourself. Enjoy x
7/12/202312 minutes, 13 seconds
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How to Let Go of Someone You Love

In today's episode, we will discuss how you can let go of someone you love. I used to ask this question all the time, how am I able to live without this person and how can I let them go while still loving them. It's hard I get it but in this episode I'll give you the only answer the only way out of this diliema. I've tried everything believe me and this is the only way you learn how to let go and choose yourself. Enjoy x
6/28/202313 minutes, 34 seconds
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What My Toxic Relationship Has Taught MeIn

In today's episode, I share with you the lessons and revelations I have received and learned from leaving my most toxic relationship. These lessons came rushing in as soon as I decided to end it and walk away, I soon as I decided that this was it. I was tired of living life the way I had lived it and I knew something needed to change, I needed to change and I did. And it all began the day I ended that relationship. Enjoy x
6/14/202319 minutes, 17 seconds
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The Importance of Healing

In today's episode, we dicuss the importance of HEALING and how your wounds and trauma could be holding you back. In order to experience something different you need to be someone different and you can only become a brand new creation (in Christ) by dying to your old self first. This requires a transformation of mind, healing of your wounds and aligning your mind, soul and spirit with God. Enjoy x
5/31/202316 minutes, 26 seconds
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How Do You Know if You Two Are Meant to Be

In today's episode, I will discuss the topic and the question I get asked all the time - well how do I know if we are meant to be? Many are confused and some are curious as to wether or not they are meant to be with this person or not so I hope this episode will shed some light into this topic. Enjoy x
5/17/20239 minutes, 16 seconds
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Scripture for Fear & Anxiety

In today's episode, I share with you scriptures to help you tackle and get rid of fear and anxiety. I read these scriptures to you and then they are looped in again so you'll hear me read them to you twice and this way as you're out walking or spending time alone you can listen to these on repeat. Meditating on the Word of God will heal your soul and cast out fear and anxiety. Enjoy x
5/10/202318 minutes, 45 seconds
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What to Expect on Your Healing Journey

Im today's episode, I share with you some of the things you can expect on your healing journey. Will will continue to heal, grow, and evolve and it's an ongoing process but here's what I have learned from going through my healing journey in the last few years and I hope this is going to encourage you and inspire you to continue on no matter how hard things may get. Enjoy x
5/3/20239 minutes, 55 seconds
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Faith is Your Assurance

In today's episode, we discuss what is faith and why it's so important in every believers' life. We are told that without faith it is impossible to please God and faith is the key to our answered prayers. So let's dive a little deeper into this topic because you must believe in order to receive so faith is very important and crucial to your walk with God. Enjoy x
4/26/202311 minutes, 44 seconds
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Loving Yourself and Showing Up for Yourself

In today's episode, we discuss how you can love yourself a little bit more and how can you start showing up for yourself in your everyday life. As a Christian I advocate for self love (love for your true authetic self, not your ego) because when you are taken care of and happy then can you be a blessing and of help to those around you. I'll ask you questions that'll help you think of ways you can show more love to yourself today. Enjoy x
4/19/202311 minutes, 27 seconds
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When We Idolise People Rather Than God

In today's episode, I'm going to discuss the sin of idolising people rather than idolising and worshipping the one and only true God. Now don't get me wrong, God will not force Himself upon you for He has given you a free will that you may choose Him wholeheartly and not by force however He sets us free from all our idols because when you give another human all your power you have now become their slave. It's very interesting topic and I believe we all have done this at some stage in our lives. Enjoy x
4/12/202311 minutes, 59 seconds
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Why Does God Allow Us to Suffer

In today's episode, we will discuss why God allows us to suffer and why we are told to rejoice in our suffering. You see Jesus warned us that we would face trials and tribulations, and that we will also share in Christ's suffering but just as we share in His suffering it also means we will share in His glory. In Romans 8:18, it says "the pain that you've been feeling, can't compare to the joy that is coming". So let's dive in a little deeper on this and understand why do we need to suffer. Enjoy x
4/5/202312 minutes, 16 seconds
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Not Every Toxic Person is a Narcissist

In today's episode, we discuss the difference between a toxic relationship and a narcissistic relationship; what differentiates a narcissist from a toxic person. I believe the word 'narcissist' is being thrown around too often too many times however not every toxic person you meet is a narcissist and how you can tell the difference. Enjoy x
3/29/202313 minutes, 30 seconds
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God Will Allow That Person to Hurt You More in Order to Save You

In today's episode, we will discuss how God will allow the person you're with to hurt you more (if need be) in order to release you and save you from it. You see don't expect God to make the decision for you because He's given us all free will, but He will guide you into making that decision even if it means applying a little bit more pressure. Ultimately He loves you too much to watch you suffer in your toxic relationship. Enjoy x
3/22/202311 minutes, 50 seconds
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Don't Compare Yourself to Anyone Else

In today's episode we discuss how comparison is the killer of joy. Why it's so important not to compare yourself to anyone else because we are all on our own personal walk and journey with God. You are exactly where you need to be, have faith and trust the process even if you don't understand it at this time. Things will make sense later down the track. Enjoy x
3/15/20239 minutes, 54 seconds
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The Struggle of 'Time'

In today's episode, we talk about one of the most uncomfortable subject and this is the subject of TIME. How as believers and children of God we must transacend time and not be ruled by it but it's not always easy because we live in fast paced society where you can almost anything you want at the click of a button. However in the Kingdom of God there is no time and how we can start applying this today so we're not dictated by time which is man made. Enjoy x
3/1/202312 minutes, 3 seconds
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Let's Talk About Cheating

In today's episode we discuss the harsh topic of Cheating and what it does to one's soul once you find out you've been cheated on. It's a betrayal on the most deepest level and it truly damages your self-esteem and you start to question your worth. But let's discuss why this is wrong and how you shouldn't take responsibility for someone else's poor behaviour. Enjoy x
2/22/202313 minutes, 29 seconds
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Toxic Positivity

In today's episode, we will discuss the topic of Toxic Positivity and how detrimental it is to your soul and well-being. Forcing yourself to be positive and happy every second of every day is making you forget one very important factor and essence; being a human. It's a good thing to be positive and our mindset plays a big role in that but forcing yourself to be positive when all you want to do is cry isn't healthy because it is causing you to burry and neglect the emotions that need to be felt and released out of you. Enjoy x
2/15/202311 minutes, 32 seconds
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Don't Equate Your Self Worth With Their Inability to Love You

In today's episode, we will discuss how you shouldn't equate your self worth with someone's inability to love you or even their ability to love you. How seeking external validation will never truly give you the long-lasting joy and peace you are after because like everything else, it is only temporary and it can give you instant gratification but not the long-lasting feeling you are after because the only ever-lasting source is Christ. Enjoy x
2/8/202311 minutes, 45 seconds
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What We Want is Not Always What We Need

In today's episode, we will discuss how what we believe we want is not always what we need and how God is so gracious to us that sometimes He will give us what we want in order for us to realise it's not what we need or in fact want. How He truly knows us more than we know ourselves and how His plan will always be better than ours. What we want is not what we need and this might be a lesson you need to learn today. Enjoy x
2/1/202311 minutes, 50 seconds
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How & Why We Attract the Narcissist

In today's episode I share with you how we attracted the narcissists and why because once you know the truth the truth will set you free. If you don't learn the lessons, you will keep encountering narcissistic personality because they are merely reflecting back to you your false belief system (paradigm). Change your inner world so that your outer world can also change. As within, so without. Enjoy x
1/25/202311 minutes, 21 seconds
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Can God Bring You Two Back Together

In this episode I answer one of the most commonly asked questions; can God bring you two back together after separation? Only you will know if this person is your mean to be spouse because this is something personal to you and your journey but in this episode, I share with you the answer and how separation is part of God's divine plan for the two of you to come back together. Enjoy x
1/18/202310 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Lessons I Learned from Healing

In today's episode I share with you the major lessons I have learned from my healing journey. Now there were so many lessons I had to learn but mindful of time I couldn't share them all with you. But I do share the major lessons which gave me a new level of understanding and freedom, and these were the lessons my soul needed to learn in order to make it through to the next phase of walk with God. Enjoy x
1/11/202313 minutes, 25 seconds
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Forgiveness - This Time Forgive Yourself

In today's episode I share with you a different perspective on forgiveness and how we're taught to forgive others, and this is truly a must if you want to be set free from the pain and the chains of the past. However, in today's topic I talk to you about forgiving 'yourself' too. It's great we forgive others, but have you truly forgiven yourself? Let's find out. Enjoy x
1/4/202310 minutes, 2 seconds
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How Amazing You Are - Pep Talk

In today's episode I will give you a pep talk on how amazing and worthy you are because it's so easy to get caught up with life's worries that we forget how amazing and wonderful we truly are. You are a masterpiece created by God Himself and if you've never heard anyone or don't have anyone to remind you of how amazing you are, then consider me as your friend who reminds you of that today. I am so proud of you and you are truly amazing. Enjoy x
12/28/202210 minutes, 3 seconds
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Doubt Kills Your Faith & Causes Anxiety

In today's episode we will discuss how doubt kills your faith and the very thing that causes anxiety and worry in your life. As children of God and as believers we walk by faith and not by sight but we must first identify what can contaminate our faith because faith contaminated won't get your far. So let's dive straight into this episode and let's identify what kills our faith and how stop sabotaging that. Enjoy x
12/21/20229 minutes, 57 seconds
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Surrendering - What it Means to Surrender

In this episode I will talk to you about the one area the Holy Spirit has been dealing with me heavily on. The topic of surrender. I never really understand what that it entails so in this episode I explain to you what it means to surrender and how you can experience the peace, the joy and the stillness you so badly want right here, right now. Enjoy x
12/14/20229 minutes, 48 seconds
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If You're Not a Match Don't Force It

In this episode we will discuss how if you're not a match with this person then don't force it. You can't make something fit that isn't going to fit. You can't force something to be if it's not meant to be. You have to come to an acceptance that at one stage you were a match but now you're not because you have grown and evolved and they're no longer a match to the version you are today and that's okay. Enjoy x
12/7/202210 minutes, 26 seconds
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Your Unbelief Can Stop You From Getting Your Blessing

In this episode we will discuss how your unbelief can stop you from getting your blessing because without faith God is not going to do it. And we discuss the importance and the danger of unbelief and how it is imperative that you get to a place of believing and having unwavering faith because your unbelief can keep you from getting you blessing like it kept the Israelites from entering into the Promised Land. Enjoy x
11/30/20229 minutes, 28 seconds
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If They Want to Leave Let Them Go

In today's episode, I encourage you that if they want to leave then let them go. Don't beg anyone to stay in your life if they don't want to, don't force, don't chase. Don't do anything other than to allow them to leave your life and you moving on with your life knowing that your worth and value is depended on who is or isn't in your life and maybe this is the lesson you need to learn as a result of them leaving? Enjoy x
11/23/20229 minutes, 3 seconds
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Everything is Always Working Out for You

In today's episode I am going to share an example from my personal life and what has happened to me recently in how everything is always working out for us. How we are always guided and even though we may not understand why we're going through this in this particular moment, we then understand once we learn the lessons needed to be learned. Enjoy x
11/16/202211 minutes, 42 seconds
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The Importance of Solitude & Enjoying Our Own Company

In this episode we will discuss the importance of solitude and learning how to enjoy our company. As we begin our journey with God the last thing we want to do is be my ourselves and that'll be the first thing God will have you do. And it's important that we learn to be comfortable with the uncomfortable for a little while and I'll explain why. Enjoy x
11/9/20229 minutes, 13 seconds
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Why We Struggle to Let Go

In this episode we will discuss why we struggle to let go especially of other people. I mean surely there is a reason why we are holding on for dear life and chances are it has nothing to do with love but everything to do with fear and I'll explain that here. Enjoy x
11/2/20229 minutes, 4 seconds
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Everyone is Showing You a Piece of You that Require Healing & Love

In this episode we discuss how the people in our lives are reflecting and showing us the pieces of us that require healing and a little bit more love on our behalf. Our outer world is but a reflection of our inner world and this includes the people that come into our experience. This episode isn't to blame anyone, but it is more designed to encourage you to reclaim your power back from the people you've given it to. Enjoy x
10/26/202211 minutes, 25 seconds
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Healing & Facing Our Trauma

In this episode, we will discuss healing and facing our traumas and the practical ways we can start doing this today. Everybody talks about healing, trauma and pain yet rarely anyone explains what it is and how we can start doing this today by the power and guidance of the Holy Spirit. So we will discuss this in a little further detail and hope it gives you the guidance you need. Enjoy x
10/19/202213 minutes, 57 seconds
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Let's Talk About Self Love from a Christian Perspective

This has been a heavily requested topic because as Christians there is this misconception that self-love is selfish, and we are asked to deny ourselves instead. So, in this episode I explain why self-love is so important but also the true meaning of Self Love and what part of ourselves we should love and what part we should deny. Enjoy xx
10/13/202212 minutes, 41 seconds
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Words of Encouragement - Reminding You of God's Promises for You

This episode is about giving you words of encouragement on your healing journey and walk with God by reminding you of God's promises and faithfulness for He who promised is faithful. (Hebrews 10:23). For we walk by faith and not by sight so I share with you some scriptures where you can hold on to in the midst of adversary. No matter what you're going through right now, you can stand firm on God's Word because He will do what He promised you. Enjoy x
9/19/202210 minutes, 22 seconds
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You Must Do This When Healing From A Broken Heart

Pain is inevitable when breaking up with someone you loved. We've all been there and as much as you want some things to remain as they are, change is also inevitable. So when a relationship is over don't make the mistake of going into another relationship without allowing yourself to grief the loss and heal. And so you must do this one thing immediately after your break-up as you are entering your healing journey. Not doing this will prolong your healing. Enjoy x
9/8/20228 minutes, 35 seconds
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The Love of Christ - A Reminder of How Loved You Are

The devil works overtime to take our focus away from Christ and make us believe that we are too far gone for Him. That He would never accept us back because of what we've done. But let's not forget that the devil is liar and nothing, absolutely nothing can separate us from the love of Christ (Romans 8:39) and in this episode I remind you of that. Enjoy x
8/31/20227 minutes, 33 seconds
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Why We Allow People to Mistreat Us - The Real Reason Why

Let's get honest with ourselves in this episode and reflect on why we allow people to mistreat us and why we remain in situations and relationships we know are no good to us. There must be a reason why we believe this is all we're worth and yes there absolutely is. There's always a reason and I'm going to share that with you today in this episode.
8/24/20228 minutes, 34 seconds
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The Misconception Of Forgiveness And What It Truly Means

Forgiveness has been misinterpreted by so many and they think it's all about excusing the other person for the pain they've inflicted upon us. But this is furthest from the truth, forgiveness has nothing to do with them but everything to do with you and setting yourself free from that pain. Let's dive into this episode and discuss one of the most important topics - Forgiveness.
8/18/20227 minutes, 8 seconds
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Who Have You Placed On A Pedestal In Your Life?

In this episode we will reflect on who have we placed on a pedestal in our lives? Have we placed God at the center of our lives or do we have a mere human who has become the center of our existence? Let's have this honest chat because self-awareness is the first step towards personal growth.
8/9/20229 minutes, 55 seconds
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God's Plan Entails Facing All Our Fears

We all know that God has a perfect Plan for our lives as believers however no one really speaks about what that plan looks like. So in this episode I will share with you how God's Plan entails us facing all our fears so that He can set us free. Enjoy x
7/2/20228 minutes, 19 seconds
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How To Get Closer to God - Steps On Drawing Close to Him

In this episode, I share with you a couple of steps on how you can get closer to God today. Sometimes we feel that we are so far gone or too far for God to reach us so here I reassure you that God is closer than you think. Enjoy x
7/1/20229 minutes, 57 seconds
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New Year New Mindset - Let's Make This Your Best Year Yet

As today is the last day of 2021 and we are about to welcome the a new year 2022, it is important that we get our mindset right, that we begin right. God promises to give you beauty for ashes so leave the ashes behind, all the setbacks and disappointments, leave them all behind. And begin this new year with the right mindset and right attitude so you can receive the beauty God has promised you.
12/31/20218 minutes, 51 seconds
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Self Identity & Self Image - How Do You See Yourself?

Self identity and self image is everything. How you see yourself will be how others will see you also. Your beliefs about yourself will determine the quality of life and people you encounter so it is so important that we see ourselves as worthy, loved, and special because that's what you are in the sight of the Lord. Come on along and let's discuss this important topic.Episode starts at 2:14min
9/22/20219 minutes, 32 seconds
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The *Key* to Your Answered Prayer

It is written that ALL prayers are a 'yes' and 'amen' in Him (Christ) therefore what you want is already yours and it is already given. But yet it has not come to pass, why is that? Find out why in this episode as I also share with you the *key* to your answered prayer. You have a part to play in this co-creating element with God and I share with you what you need to do to receive what is rightfully yours through Jesus Christ. IT IS DONE!
8/24/202114 minutes, 39 seconds
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A Broken Heart - Why our hearts had to break

In this episode we discuss a broken heart and why our hearts needed to break. Sometimes it's a hard pill to swallow to know that our hearts needed to break but it is only in the truth and accepting the truth can we be set free. Join me on this episode as we discuss a broken heart, my journey with having my heart broken by the same person numerous times and why all this needed to happen.
8/17/202113 minutes, 31 seconds
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A God-filled Podcast - Intro

Welcome to a God-filled podcast. I am your host, N. Niami and I am so excited to have you here with me.As we embark on this journey, we will begin to transcend our limiting beliefs by shifting our paradigm, uprooting our false beliefs, and replacing them with the truth, being the Word of God. God has not given us a spirit of fear therefore we must overcome our fear with crazy-like faith in a faithful God and attain the life and the blessings God has for you and me!
8/16/20212 minutes, 14 seconds