雙語報紙下載 https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ruX7wnG5YiehbJg5SIpdAuKbOhnqiPdX/view?usp=share_link
Team Taiwan sent 60 athletes to compete in 16 different sports in the 2024 Paris Olympics. Taiwanese athletes won 2 gold and 5 bronze medals. The Summer Games is the world’s biggest sporting event. It happens every 4 years.
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可能很多人小時候根本沒有共讀的經驗,因此拿起書陪孩子坐下後,實在不知道怎麼開始說故事:要完全照著唸嗎?要先講解嗎?還是要怎樣?有的時候想跳脫故事劇情,帶孩子玩一下,但是腦海中卻無法自然的組成英文句子跟孩子對話…. 書團的三本雙語繪本(中英對照),都附有QRcode朗讀朗讀,可以邊讀邊玩,幫助容易詞窮or不懂怎麼講故事的家長,透過故事劇情的引導,自然而然跟孩子一起互動。
※單筆消費滿1,500元 輸入「sandy」再折150元
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4. 最後結帳確認顯示優惠折扣就OK唷!
靈感來自小熊出版的雙語繪本《十隻小鴨躲迷藏 Ten Little Ducklings》
Ten little ducklings want to play.
Close your eyes, you mustn’t peek.
Let’s play a game of hide and seek!
Ten little ducklings want to play.
Over the hill and far away.
Ten little ducklings keeping cool.
Splishing, Splashing in the pool.
One little duckling is sitting on a rubber ring.
I see you, duckling!
Ten little ducklings want to play.
Over the hill and far away.
Ten little ducklings Ready, Set, Go!
Zoom, zoom, zooming on the road.
One little duckling is zooming out in front.
I see you, duckling!
Ten little ducklings want to play.
Over the hill and far away.
Into the jungle, they heard a “ROAR!”
Jungle ducklings must explore.
One little duckling is swinging in the tree.
I see you, duckling!
Ten little ducklings want to play,
Over the hill and far away.
Playing in the winter snow,
Snowballs flying high and low!
One little duckling is hiding deep in snow.
I see you, duckling!
The ducklings want to play no more,
Count to ten, and go back home.
Gently dreaming, tucked up tight,
10 little ducklings say good night.
Time to go to bed… Night night, ducklings.
個人網站 | sandytsaiyu.com
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Hosting provided by SoundOn
24.9.2024 • 19 Protokoll, 39 Sekunden
Ep177|中秋唱首月亮的歌學英文 I See the Moon and the Moon Sees Me
曲名:I See the Moon and the Moon Sees Me
詞曲:Meredith Wilson
I see the moon and the moon sees me
Under the shade of the old oak tree
Please let the light that shines on me
Shine on the one I love
Over the mountain over the sea
Back where my heart is longing to be
Please let the light that shines on me
Shine on the one I love
韓國頂級【Hello HiZoo】手工防蟎抗菌兒童寢具
✅ 優惠只到9/17
❤️ 這裡買 https://www.mammicare.com.tw/SandyHH
單筆滿$2000 送可愛造型門擋*1
攜帶方便的 #便攜式睡袋,適合放在幼稚園午睡,或是帶去露營、民宿打地舖,整組含枕芯都可以丟進洗衣機!這組便攜式睡袋,是莫代爾+超細纖維,觸感舒服超親膚,輕柔不厚重,沒有討厭的沙沙聲,尺寸給幼稚園小童使用剛好。
媽咪可兒 (點吾企業有限公司)
電話: 02-25630656
信箱: [email protected]
時間: 周一~五 9:30am - 6:00pm
Hosting provided by SoundOn
11.9.2024 • 15 Protokoll, 56 Sekunden
Ep176|爆米菓之歌 The Rice in the Pot Goes Pop! (ft. Eno & Elu)
感謝【裸廚房: 一生樂米菓】贊助播出
嬰幼兒米餅,我最重視食材「米」的來源。 裸廚房用母親的心嚴格把關,製程嚴謹,為1-4歲寶寶製作無添加零食!
🍿 100%花蓮富里的有機米
🍿 無人工香料、色素、防腐劑
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🍿 爽脆口感,不會黏牙
🍿 夾鏈袋設計,保存方便
9月18日起線上婦幼展期間,單筆消費滿千,就有機會獲得【日本Meroware LILY 燜燒罐】 (市值1,440元/組)共3名
➡️ https://nakedkitchen.me/最涮嘴米菓
【本集故事資訊】✅ 學習單下載 https://bit.ly/3XgNGhk
【爆米菓之歌: 歌詞】
The rice in the pot goes POP POP POP!
The rice in the pot goes POP POP POP!
You can call it,
Pop rice, puffed rice,
Rice-y rice pop-a-corn.
You can eat it this way, that way,
Upside down, anyway you like!
When you feel like going POP POP POP!
Pop them in your mouth,
And crunch, crunch, crunch!
個人網站 | sandytsaiyu.com
Instagram | instagram.com/sandy.bongo/
Facebook | facebook.com/sandytsaiyu/
Youtube | https://bit.ly/3dlO59h
商業合作請來信 [email protected]
Hosting provided by SoundOn
【樂天Kobo電子書】歡慶 8 週年!
👉優惠在這 https://lihistatus.com/aFsaf
9/1-9/10 優惠活動及滿額抽獎別錯過!
📍 電子書優惠
全站電子書結帳輸入優惠碼 8HBD 享73折優惠!單筆消費滿$1688 抽樂天點數888點,滿$3688 多款閱讀器天天抽 !
✅分級讀本 (4-7歲)
Bob Books Set:認識基本26個字母的發音之後,就能從Set 1開始練習,將字母發音的拼讀邏輯應用在單字與短句上。
Scholastic 出版的 An Acorn Book 系列,是專門寫給4~7歲母語小孩的。最入門的有 Frog Meets Dog (1-3),字超少圖片又搞笑,適合幼稚園孩子。字再稍多一點,喜歡類似在台灣賣得很好的《大象&小豬》系列的話,可以選擇 Bumble and Bee (1-3) 或是 Hello Hedgehog (1-3)。
✅圖像小說 (6-12歲):
Arlo and Pips (烏鴉和朋友),或其他同作者Elise Gravel的書
Dog Man (超狗神探)、Cat Kid Comic Club,或其他Dav Pilkey的爆笑漫畫
Fly Guy 是關於男孩Buzz和他智商超高的寵物蒼蠅的故事
📍Kobo Plus月收費方案(14天免費試用,可隨時取消)
暢讀方案 NT$199
暢聽方案 NT$199
聽讀暢享方案 $259
📍Kobo Libra Colour 全彩電子閱讀器
個人網站 | sandytsaiyu.com
Instagram | instagram.com/sandy.bongo/
Facebook | facebook.com/sandytsaiyu/
Youtube | https://bit.ly/3dlO59h
商業合作請來信 [email protected]
Hosting provided by SoundOn
30.8.2024 • 19 Protokoll, 25 Sekunden
Ep174|Kids News #21 兒童雙語新聞:強烈颱風凱米襲台
雙語報紙下載 https://drive.google.com/file/d/1acsI5dK7I0rQvNavyRRbGlV9C0zxwnc4/view?usp=sharing
Typhoon Gaemi was the strongest typhoon to hit Taiwan in 8 years. Schools and businesses were closed for two days. Typhoon Gaemi brought torrential rain which flooded many parts of southern Taiwan, turning streets into rivers, and basements into ponds.
個人網站 | sandytsaiyu.com
Instagram | instagram.com/sandy.bongo/
Facebook | facebook.com/sandytsaiyu/
Youtube | https://bit.ly/3dlO59h
商業合作請來信 [email protected]
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華碩商用電腦ASUS Expert台灣市佔第一!
商用AIPC首選「華碩」,值得信賴! https://bit.ly/3AiUT8T
住近美術館,擁抱優雅日常,盡現驕傲風範!美術東四路X青海路 07-553-3838
Hosting provided by SoundOn
21.8.2024 • 16 Protokoll, 6 Sekunden
Ep173|日本旅遊聲音日記 Hello Japan! Day 3: 海之中道海濱公園 (feat. Eno/Elu)
歌名:The Wheels on the Bus
The wheels on the bus go round and round
The wipers on the bus go swish swish swish
The doors on the bus go open and shut
The horn on the bus go beep beep beep
The (…) on the bus go (…)
個人網站 | sandytsaiyu.com
Instagram | instagram.com/sandy.bongo/
Facebook | facebook.com/sandytsaiyu/
Youtube | https://bit.ly/3dlO59h
商業合作請來信 [email protected]
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遠見眼科 竹北高鐵屈光雷射手術中心
➮ 數百位醫師的眼睛手術團隊
➮ 德國原廠全球級顧問醫師
立即預約1對1術前評估: https://bit.ly/3L6Doe0
Hosting provided by SoundOn
17.7.2024 • 21 Protokoll, 14 Sekunden
Ep170|【兒童理財高手7】小熊Benny的藍莓果汁公司 Part 2 - 為什麼股價會變來變去?(feat. Eno & Elu)
I Will Think Before I Speak
In the Evening By the Moonlight
菲律賓民謠This Felimon
12345 Once I Caught a Fish Alive
The Other Day I Met A Bear
Over in the Meadow
The Funniest Instrument
Green Grass Grew All around
原創歌曲:小太陽My little Sunshine
Take Me Out To The Ball Game
個人網站 | sandytsaiyu.com
Instagram | instagram.com/sandy.bongo/
Facebook | facebook.com/sandytsaiyu/
Youtube | https://bit.ly/3dlO59h
商業合作請來信 [email protected]
Hosting provided by SoundOn
28.6.2024 • 20 Protokoll, 26 Sekunden
Ep167|Silly Song #31 帶我去看棒球 Take Me Out To The Ball game
歌名:Take Me Out To The Ball Game
作詞:Jack Norworth
作曲:Albert Von Tilzer
Take me out to the ball game,
Take me out with the crowd;
Buy me some peanuts and Cracker Jack,
I don't care if I never get back.
Let me root, root, root for the home team,
If they don't win, it's a shame.
For it's one, two, three strikes, you're out,
At the old ball game.
For it's one, two, three strikes, you're out,
At the old ball game.
由美國前職棒手 Berniw Williams 演奏的吉他版本
個人網站 | sandytsaiyu.com
Instagram | instagram.com/sandy.bongo/
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商業合作請來信 [email protected]
----以下訊息由 SoundOn 動態廣告贊助商提供----
Hosting provided by SoundOn
In New York, in the United States, 93-year-old Ruth Gottesman donated US$1 billion to the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, where she used to teach. Medical schools are very expensive. Students graduating from this school usually have a debt of over US$200,000. But now, all the students don’t have to pay any money to go to this school anymore! When Ruth’s husband, David, died, he left her a big fortune.
“He told me to do whatever I think is right with the money,” said Ruth. “This is what I want to do, to have education be free.”
個人網站 | sandytsaiyu.com
Instagram | instagram.com/sandy.bongo/
Facebook | facebook.com/sandytsaiyu/
Youtube | https://bit.ly/3dlO59h
商業合作請來信 [email protected]
Hosting provided by SoundOn
27.5.2024 • 19 Protokoll, 57 Sekunden
Ep164|日本旅遊聲音日記 Hello Japan! Day 1: On the Airplane
用這首我編的英文歌,搭配溫暖的烏克麗麗琴聲,跟天下媽咪們說聲 Happy Mother's Day!
歌名:My Little Sunshine
旋律靈感來自 You Are My Sunshine
歌詞創作by Tsaiyu Chang
You are my sunshine, my little one
I love you to the moon and back
In your eyes, I see the sun shining bright
I love you more than words can express
You are my moonlight, my little one
I love you more than the stars in the sky
Every hug, every smile, every word you say
Fills my heart with love, in every way, every day
個人網站 | sandytsaiyu.com
Instagram | instagram.com/sandy.bongo/
Facebook | facebook.com/sandytsaiyu/
Youtube | https://bit.ly/3dlO59h
商業合作請來信 [email protected]
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城揚建設 陽明第一廳 07-384-2888
漢堡王 上班族多元套餐好選擇
Hosting provided by SoundOn
9.5.2024 • 14 Protokoll, 8 Sekunden
Ep162|【兒童理財高手6】Monkey Land: No Bananas Today! 理財要從小開始 (feat. Eno)
Taiwan’s Biggest Earthquake in 25 Years
On April 3rd, Taiwan was hit by a magnitude 7.4 earthquake. The quake caused buildings to collapse, and injured over 1,000 people. It was the biggest quake in 25 years.
Big rocks and dirt fell down in Taroko Gorge, damaging the trails and hurting many tourists.
Roger the Sniffer Dog
“Come, Roger! ”
“Woof! Woof!”
“Are you ready, buddy?”
“Woof! Woof!”
“Good boy! We’ve got a big job today. Let's go find those missing people!”
Roger is a Labrador retriever. He and his three rescue dog friends are working hard to search for victims buried by rockslides in the Taroko National Park in Hualien.
Taroko National The Park is not safe to visit right now. It will cost NT$1 billion to rebuild the park.
個人網站 | sandytsaiyu.com
Instagram | instagram.com/sandy.bongo/
Facebook | facebook.com/sandytsaiyu/
Youtube | https://bit.ly/3dlO59h
商業合作請來信 [email protected]
----以下訊息由 SoundOn 動態廣告贊助商提供----
城揚建設 陽明第一廳 07-384-2888
【Eat Partner 好夥伴】點擊連結 [輸入3 /或/ 按我要預約]!飲食駭客突破卡關的數字,自煮外食、聚餐美食、聰明簡單、不餓肚子!
19.4.2024 • 18 Protokoll, 33 Sekunden
Ep160|Silly Song #30 樹林裡的樹的樹枝上的鳥巢裡的蛋 Green Grass Grew All Around
感謝【真老 黑芝麻粉】贊助播出。
MOMO | 罐裝黑芝麻粉限時優惠活動
🛒MOMO賣場 https://reurl.cc/A4VN2Q
蝦皮 | 輸入專屬優惠折扣碼 「JENLSANDY」再折20元!
優惠碼期間 2024/4/8 ~ 2024/4/30
🛒蝦皮賣場 https://shp.ee/zklr7kd
Oh, in the woods
There was a tree
The prettiest tree
That you ever did see
The tree in the woods
And the green grass grew all around, all around
And the green grass grew all around
And on that tree
There was a branch
The prettiest branch
That you ever did see
Oh, the branch on the tree
The tree in the woods
And the green grass grew all around, all around
And the green gr ass grew all around
And on that branch
There was a nest
The prettiest nest
That you ever did see
Oh, the nest on the branch
The branch on the tree
The tree in the woods
And the green grass grew all around, all around
And the green grass grew all around
And in that nest
There was an egg
The prettiest egg
That you ever did see
Oh, the egg in the nest
The nest on the branch
The branch on the tree
The tree in the woods
And the green grass grew all around, all around
And the green grass grew all around
個人網站 | sandytsaiyu.com
Instagram | instagram.com/sandy.bongo/
Facebook | facebook.com/sandytsaiyu/
Youtube | https://bit.ly/3dlO59h
商業合作請來信 [email protected]
Ep155|Silly Song #29 世界上最好笑的樂器 The Funniest Instrument!
Emma 官網現在女王節,床墊組合最低折萬元!
❤️ 不限金額品項,官網活動額外「再」打9折!
✅ 不囉唆直接買 https://links.emma-sleep.com.tw/podcastsandy
#Emma床墊 #喚醒最好的自己 #emma床墊100日試睡 #德國Emma
I once went to a concert at the National Theater
A celebrated Orchestra to hear
The Conductor was eccentric
And he played up monkey tricks
And the more he fooled the more the crowd did cheer
His antics did amuse me
But that which struck me most
Was an instrument that went …
Whenever we hear…
We all roared with delight
At the very funny fuzzy noise it made
I didn’t know what’s it called, but it went …
Like this …
A lady tried to speak to me but all that I could catch
Was …
I went away determined that a… I would get
But of course, I didn’t know what I would buy
I walked into a music shop,
and said, “I want a …”
“You know, I mean a …”
The shopman he was much confused,
And asked, “What do you want?”
“I want an instrument that sounds like… ”
“I think I know what you would like. It makes a sound like…”
“That’s it!” I said, “A …!”
I took it home and practiced, now I’m good at …
I can’t stop tooting…
I take it everywhere I go, and play…
All day long …
個人網站 | sandytsaiyu.com
Instagram | instagram.com/sandy.bongo/
Facebook | facebook.com/sandytsaiyu/
Youtube | https://bit.ly/3dlO59h
商業合作請來信 [email protected]
❤️抖內生日禮物贊助節目永續經營 http://bit.ly/support399
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
From good friends and true
From old friends and new
May good luck go with you
And happiness too
How old are you?
How old are you?
How old.. how old…
How old are you?
Happy birthday to you
You live in a zoo
You look like a monkey
and you smell like one too
Happy birthday to you
We’ll eat some bamboo
And hop like a kangaroo
Happy birthday to you
個人網站 | sandytsaiyu.com
Instagram | instagram.com/sandy.bongo/
Facebook | facebook.com/sandytsaiyu/
Youtube | https://bit.ly/3dlO59h
商業合作請來信 [email protected]
----以下訊息由 SoundOn 動態廣告贊助商提供----
想要歡樂一整天就找科學麵!→ https://bit.ly/44S8FtB
2.2.2024 • 15 Protokoll, 12 Sekunden
Ep151|Kids News #18 兒童雙語新聞:台灣總統大選 (feat.Eno)
Taiwan’s presidential election took place on January 13th, 2024. Lai Ching-de won the election, so he will be the next president of Taiwan.
“Dongsuan! Dongsuan!”
You must have heard this a lot recently. The phrase “Dongsuan” sounds like “Get elected (當選).” “Dongsuan” also sounds like “Frozen garlic (凍蒜).” Shouting “Frozen garlic!” is a way for people to show their enthusiasm forTaiwan’s democracy.
This is only Taiwan’s eighth time to choose a direct president. The first direct president was chosen in 1996. Over 14 million people voted this year. “Well done, citizens of Taiwan!”
下載本集兒童雙語報紙【Taiwan's Presidential Election 台灣總統大選】
個人網站 | sandytsaiyu.com
Instagram | instagram.com/sandy.bongo/
Facebook | facebook.com/sandytsaiyu/
Youtube | https://bit.ly/3dlO59h
商業合作請來信 [email protected]
----以下訊息由 SoundOn 動態廣告贊助商提供----
想要歡樂一整天就找科學麵!→ https://bit.ly/44S8FtB
27.1.2024 • 16 Protokoll, 47 Sekunden
Ep150|Silly Song #28 Over In the Meadow
絲膚潔是法國No.1品牌,能有效解決私密問題並預防復發。法國市占率超過40%、全球超過百萬女性使用過! 2024/2/28前於下方連結,結帳輸入優惠代碼「SAR100」免費加贈絲膚潔長效清新旅行瓶($300)
✅ 搶購連結 https://reurl.cc/prn40e
--以上為 FMTaiwan Podcast 廣告代理--
Over in the meadow
In the grass in the sun
Lived an old mother cow
And her little calf one
"Moo!" said the mother
"I moo!" said the one
So they mooed and they mooed
In the grass in the sun
Over in the meadow
Where the stream runs blue
Lived an old mother fish
And her little fishies two
"Swim!" said the mother
"We swim!" said the two
So they swam and they swam
Where the stream runs blue
Over in the meadow
In a hole in a tree
Lived an old mother bird
And her little birdies three
"Sing!" said the mother
"We sing!" said the three
So they sang and they sang
In a hole in the tree
Over in the meadow
In the reeds by the shore
Lived an old mother rat
And her little ratties four
"Dive!" said the mother
"We dive!" said the four
So they dived and they dived
In the reeds on the shore
Over in the meadow
In a busy beehive
Lived a mother honey bee
And her little bees five
"Buzz!" said the mother
"We buzz!" said the five
So they buzzed and they buzzed
In the busy beehive
個人網站 | sandytsaiyu.com
Instagram | instagram.com/sandy.bongo/
Facebook | facebook.com/sandytsaiyu/
Youtube | https://bit.ly/3dlO59h
商業合作請來信 [email protected]
Keep Track 記帳
Save Money 儲蓄
Set Goals 設定存錢的目標
Make Smart Choices 做出聰明的選擇
Learn When You Shop 把購物的過程當作良好的學習經驗
第一集:年度最佳糖果工廠大賽 - ESG是什麼?
第二集:過年壓歲錢都跑哪去了?Little Andy, Where's Your Lucky Money?
第三集:小熊班尼的藍莓果汁攤 - 什麼是股票?
第四集:https://sndn.link/tsaiyu/ZQn6y6">聰明存錢術 Andy Saves His Money Wisely>)
❤️一指開立台股、美股、基金 https://pse.is/535nnn
3.定期定額存台股 ~ 手續費優惠中
4.定期定額存美股 ~ 每月約定扣款最低30美元就能買
富邦理財學堂 https://finedu.fubon.org
個人網站 | sandytsaiyu.com
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Youtube | https://bit.ly/3dlO59h
商業合作請來信 [email protected]
29.12.2023 • 17 Protokoll, 5 Sekunden
Ep147|Silly Song #27 那天我遇到一頭熊 The Other Day I Met A Bear
❤️ 蝦皮12/13當日限定!黑芝麻粉3入優惠價 $399
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蝦皮賣場 https://shopee.tw/jenlau1951
❤️ 蝦皮12/13 黑芝麻粉3入限定優惠價 $399
🎁 輸入專屬優惠折扣碼 「JENLSANDY」可以再折20元!
優惠碼期間:2023/12/13 ~ 2023/12/30
The Other Day I Met A Day
Written by Carey Morgan and Lee David in 1919
The other day,
I met a bear,
Up in the woods,
Away up there.
He looked at me,
I looked at him,
He sized up me,
I sized up him.
And so I ran,
Away from there,
And right behind,
Me was that bear.
Ahead of me,
I saw a tree.
A great big tree,
Oh, golly gee.
The lowest branch,
Was ten feet up,
I had to jump,
And trust my luck.
And so I jumped,
Into the air,
But I missed that branch,
On the way up there.
Now don't you fret,
And don't you frown,
I caught that branch,
On the way back down.
This is the end,
there ain't no more,
Until I meet that bear once more.
人熊相遇怎麼辦? https://www.taiwanbear.org.tw/news/news_show/9/208
與熊共存 正確的應對觀念 https://www.taiwanbear.org.tw/news/news_show/11/193
個人網站 | sandytsaiyu.com
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12.12.2023 • 24 Protokoll, 44 Sekunden
Ep146|Silly Song #26 我釣魚但魚咬我 Once I Caught A Fish Alive
本集由【澳洲 Learn & Grow 磁力片台灣總代理Mimieyes】贊助播出
1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Once I caught a fish alive.
6, 7, 8, 9, 10
Then I let it go again.
Why did you let it go?
Because it bit my finger so.
Which finger did it bite?
This little finger on my right.
【澳洲 Learn & Grow 磁力片】
最益智最好玩的開放式玩具, 讓孩子在自由玩樂中培養空間概念及邏輯思維能力。
Learn & Grow 的品牌精神是「創新性x實用性x建構力」, 每個套組都是精心搭配設計,絕不無聊,不論磁力片新手或富翁,都能充分感受 L&G 帶來的驚喜!
市面首創「道路磁片」: 把磁力片變成孩子最愛的嚕車車道路!
弧形磁力片組: 造型百變的3D弧形結構,可以是城堡穹頂、帆船風帆、瓢蟲翅膀或美麗花瓣
幾何圖形組: 市面少見但實用的形狀大集合,含六角形、菱形、長邊直角三角形及大三角形
獨立磁力車組: 方便攜帶,是外出用餐,長時間坐車的育兒好幫手
數字磁片 & 字母磁片: 輕輕鬆鬆把磁力片變成數感啟蒙及英文教具
Learn & Grow 磁力片以食用級 ABS 製作,不含任何有毒物質及添加劑,通過歐盟 CE 認證、美國 CPSIA 測試,以及台灣標準檢驗局檢驗合格,磁力夠強,且與大多數磁力片品牌相容。
磁力片更多玩法可以追蹤IG: mimieyes_tw
❤️ 可以玩很久的聖誕禮物!
✅ 12/6~12/25 Mimieyes官網限時優惠中
👉 https://bit.ly/3uFh1HX
ChatGPT has been making headlines around the world since last November. So what exactly is ChatGPT? ChatGPT is an AI chatbot. AI means artificial intelligence. It’s like a super smart computer that knows a lot of things. You can have a conversation with ChatGPT, just like talking or chatting to your friends. ChatGPT will answer your questions, and it can sometimes feel like you are talking to a real person. However, remember that ChatGPT is only a computer, not a real person. Make sure you double-check those ChatGPT answers with your teachers or your parents.
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Instagram | instagram.com/sandy.bongo/
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【遠山呼喚 群島教育計畫】教育航道上,沒有孩子是一座孤島
最後階段 #長期教育資助人 強力募集中!每天16 元,讓教育走進世界偏鄉
即刻翻轉 1,000 位孩子的教育 https://bit.ly/44TVEid
This Felimon (菲律賓民謠)
英文歌詞改編by Tsaiyu Chang
This Felimon, this Felimon
Went fishing in the ocean
He caught a fish, he caught a fish
Just a little tambasakan (mudskipper)
He sold the fish, he sold the fish
At a little market place
And he earned a little cash
Just to buy a little glass
For some coconut wine
>>點擊下載 烏克麗麗簡譜&學習單
個人網站 | sandytsaiyu.com
Instagram | instagram.com/sandy.bongo/
Facebook | facebook.com/sandytsaiyu/
Youtube | https://bit.ly/3dlO59h
商業合作請來信 [email protected]
27.10.2023 • 13 Protokoll, 3 Sekunden
Ep.140|What!? 驚奇動物系列#7 大象冷知識 Elephant Fun Facts That Will Blow Your Mind! (feat. Eno)
----以上訊息由 SoundOn 動態廣告贊助商提供----
你知道嗎?Did you know?
Elephants are afraid of bees. 大象怕蜜蜂。
An elephant can pick up a peanut and shell it with its trunk! 大象可以用象鼻撿起一顆小花生,還能剝殼喔。
Elephants never forget. 大象有絕佳記憶力。
個人網站 | sandytsaiyu.com
Instagram | instagram.com/sandy.bongo/
Facebook | facebook.com/sandytsaiyu/
Youtube | https://bit.ly/3dlO59h
商業合作請來信 [email protected]
21.10.2023 • 18 Protokoll, 15 Sekunden
Ep139|賞月唱歌學英文 In the Evening by the Moonlight
❤️贊助好節目永續經營 http://bit.ly/support399
In the Evening By the Moonlight
By James A. Band (1878)
改編 Tsaiyu Chang
In the evening by the moonlight
You could hear our loved ones singing
In the evening by the moonlight
You could hear those banjos ringing
How our loved ones would enjoy it
They would sit all night and listen
As we sang
In the evening by the moonlight
In the morning by the sunlight
You could hear your loved one singing
In the evening by the moonlight
You could hear my ukulele
How I wish you would enjoy it
You would sit and play and listen
Sing with me
From the morning to the evening
個人網站 | sandytsaiyu.com
Instagram | instagram.com/sandy.bongo/
Facebook | facebook.com/sandytsaiyu/
Youtube | https://bit.ly/3dlO59h
商業合作請來信 [email protected]
Canada is having the worst-ever wildfire season. Over 500 wildfires are burning across the country, half out of control. Even cities in the U.S. are covered in orange smoke from Canada’s wildfires.
個人網站 | sandytsaiyu.com
Instagram | instagram.com/sandy.bongo/
Facebook | facebook.com/sandytsaiyu/
Youtube | https://bit.ly/3dlO59h
商業合作請來信 [email protected]
17.8.2023 • 13 Protokoll, 34 Sekunden
Ep.135|唱歌學英文: I Will THINK Before I Speak 拒當酸民!我講話前會先想一想
Words have power. 話語有力量,能傷人也能造就人。
I Will THINK Before I Speak
To the tune of “Do Your Ears Hang Low?”
Words by Tsaiyu Chang
Is it true? Is it kind?
Does it need to be said?
Is it helpful? Or inspiring?
I will think before I speak.
There is power in my words,
To make this world a better place.
I will think before I speak!
T is for True.
H is for Helpful.
I is for Inspiring.
N is for Necessary.
K is for Kind.
個人網站 | sandytsaiyu.com
Instagram | instagram.com/sandy.bongo/
Facebook | facebook.com/sandytsaiyu/
Youtube | https://bit.ly/3dlO59h
商業合作請來信 [email protected]
11.8.2023 • 11 Protokoll, 57 Sekunden
Ep134|Kids News #15 兒童雙語新聞:台灣黑熊戴牙套 Bobby’s Two New Shiny Silver Teeth (feat. Eno)
新北是座被公園圍繞的城市。公園是離城市最近的後山森林,也是全家大小的遊樂場!本集podcast要教唱一首歌曲《快樂在新北 Here We Are!》歡迎大朋友、小朋友探訪新北市的「森林系公園」!
❤️ 歡迎來新北,玩公園!
下載本集學習單 https://bit.ly/3rgFelZ
Come and play with me at the park,
Stand up, leave your couch, get out of the house!
If you’re feeling sad and blue,
Take my hands, let’s hit the road!
糖果 彩虹 就在左右
不用苦苦尋找 童話的天空
Blue sky, gentle breeze, I’m filled with glee.
Put your little hands in the air.
Say, “Hip! Hip! Hooray!”
It’s time to play!
Oh oh oh hi, oh oh oh hi hi,
Oh oh hi, oh oh oh hi hi,
Oh oh oh hi, oh oh oh hi hi,
To the playground, have some fun!
Oh oh oh hi, oh oh oh hi hi,
Oh oh hi, oh oh oh hi hi,
Oh oh oh hi, let us play outside.
快樂在新北 Here we are!
來和我在這裡玩耍 不分你和我
期待有好事發生 不如跟我走
如果生活煩惱很多 想也沒有用
張開你我的雙手 翅膀飛著走
糖果彩虹 就在左右
不用苦苦尋找 童話的天空
微風 小心動 愛情入座
沒有傷心害羞 有我陪你走
O O HAI, 一起走出來
Da Da La La
淚眼之後 用力地擦乾它
黑夜之後 迎接著好光彩
迷惘之後 路會更加的平坦
擁抱周圍 滿滿幸福的愛
珍惜當下 就活在現在
美麗回憶 不需要等待
天真 自然 大風大聲地笑開
快樂在新北 Here We Are
個人網站 | sandytsaiyu.com
Instagram | instagram.com/sandy.bongo/
Facebook | facebook.com/sandytsaiyu/
Youtube | https://bit.ly/3dlO59h
商業合作請來信 [email protected]
12.7.2023 • 19 Protokoll, 8 Sekunden
Ep132|【兒童理財高手3】小熊班尼的藍莓果汁攤 Benny Bear’s Blueberry Juice Stand - 什麼是股票?
Ep129|Kids News #14 兒童雙語新聞:End of COVID-19 Global Emergency 新冠肺炎不再是全球緊急公衛事件
❤️贊助節目永續經營 http://bit.ly/support399
On May 5th, the WHO said COVID-19 is no longer a global emergency. The COVID-19 pandemic has not ended yet, so people still need to be careful. However, the hardest part is over, and COVID-19 is not scary or dangerous any more.
▶️雙語報紙下載 https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hJlnqo41Ybxh02VQMhbzSBIX0Zjg1oOP/view?usp=share_link
個人網站 | sandytsaiyu.com
Instagram | instagram.com/sandy.bongo/
Facebook | facebook.com/sandytsaiyu/
Youtube | https://bit.ly/3dlO59h
商業合作請來信 [email protected]
13.6.2023 • 11 Protokoll, 49 Sekunden
Ep128|給媽媽的歌 M-O-T-H-E-R
消失了幾個禮拜,因為我去生孩子了。我覺得當媽媽是世界上最辛苦也最享受最多幸福的身份。終於最近跟寶寶有了多一點的默契,偷了一點空為小朋友製作這集新節目,教大家唱一首好聽的英文歌,獻給所有愛孩子的母親。I love you, mama!
歌名:M-O-T-H-E-R (A Word That Means The World To Me)
作詞:Howard Johnson
作曲:Theodore Morse
“M” is for the million things she gave me
“O” means only that she’s growing old
“T” is for the tears were shed to save me
“H” is for her heart of purest gold
“E” is for her eyes with lovelight shining
“R” means right and right she’ll always be
Put them all together, they spell “MOTHER”
A word that means the world to me
個人網站 | sandytsaiyu.com
Instagram | instagram.com/sandy.bongo/
Facebook | facebook.com/sandytsaiyu/
Youtube | https://bit.ly/3dlO59h
商業合作請來信 [email protected]
4.6.2023 • 15 Protokoll, 13 Sekunden
Ep127|What!? 驚奇動物系列#6 懷孕人類冷知識 Fun Facts About Pregnant Women (feat. Eno)
----以上訊息由 SoundOn 動態廣告贊助商提供----
A Song for Daddy 父親節愛之歌
My Father Went to Sea (feat. Eno)
La Cucaracha 蟑螂之歌
The Banana Boat Song (Day-O!)
Twinkle, Twinkle Likke Socks
Has Anybody Seen My Pal?
Aba Daba Honeymoon
個人網站 | sandytsaiyu.com
Instagram | instagram.com/sandy.bongo/
Facebook | facebook.com/sandytsaiyu/
Youtube | https://bit.ly/3dlO59h
商業合作請來信 [email protected]
Ep123|Silly Song #24 黑猩猩和猴子去度蜜月 Aba Daba Honeymoon
----以上訊息由 SoundOn 動態廣告贊助商提供----
❤️支持好節目永續經營 http://bit.ly/support399
歌名:Aba Daba Honeymoon
詞曲:Arthur Fields & Walter Donovan in 1914
>>下載英文歌詞與簡譜 http://bit.ly/42cfRQo
Said the Chimpie to the Monk.
Said the Monkey to the Chimp.
All night long they'd chatter away,
All day long there were happy and gay,
Swinging and singing in their honky-tonkey way.
Means "Monk, I love but you."
"Baba-daba-dab," in monkey talk
Means "Chimp, I love you, too."
Then the big baboon one night in June,
He married them and very soon,
They went upon their aba-daba honeymoon.
個人網站 | sandytsaiyu.com
Instagram | instagram.com/sandy.bongo/
Facebook | facebook.com/sandytsaiyu/
Youtube | https://bit.ly/3dlO59h
商業合作請來信 [email protected]
15.3.2023 • 19 Protokoll, 37 Sekunden
Ep122|Silly Song #23 你有看到我的朋友嗎?Has Anybody Seen My Pal?
本集感謝【SAT. KNOWLEDGE 知識衛星】贊助播出
【生活調理 X 科學養生|重建體內平衡的營養醫學課】
⏰02/28前 #限時優於65折
結帳輸入專屬優惠碼 sandy500 再折 $500 元!
本集歌曲旋律源自1920年代於美國非常流行的歌曲 Five Foot Two, Eyes of Blue (或名 Has Anybody Seen My Gal?)。原曲由Ray Henderson作曲,Sam M. Lewis & Joseph Widow Young 作詞。
歌名:Has Anybody Seen My Pal?
歌詞:改編Written by Tsaiyu Chang 張采聿
One-foot-two, eyes of blue
Has anybody seen my pal?
Big wet nose, big red bow
Always gets into trouble
Has anybody seen my pal?
Now if you run into
A one-foot-two, covered with fur
Tiny paws and floppy ears
Betcha' life it must be her
Could she love?
Could she Awoo?
Could she could she could she coo?
Has anybody seen my pal?
個人網站 | sandytsaiyu.com
Instagram | instagram.com/sandy.bongo/
Facebook | facebook.com/sandytsaiyu/
Youtube | https://bit.ly/3dlO59h
商業合作請來信 [email protected]
❤️支持好節目永續經營 http://bit.ly/support399
下載烏克麗麗簡譜 http://bit.ly/3YEavf6
Jolly old Saint Nicholas
Lean your ear this way
Don't you tell a single soul
What I'm going to say
Christmas Eve is coming soon
Now you dear old man
Whisper what you'll bring to me
Tell me if you can
When the clock is striking twelve
When I'm fast asleep
Down the chimney broad and black
With your pack you'll creep
All the stockings you will find
Hanging in a row
Mine will be the shortest one
You'll be sure to know
Johnny wants a pair of skates
Susie wants a doll
Nellie wants a story book
Yellow, blue, and red
Now I think I’ll leave to you
What to give the rest
Choose for me dear Santa Claus
You will know the best
個人網站 | sandytsaiyu.com
Instagram | instagram.com/sandy.bongo/
Facebook | facebook.com/sandytsaiyu/
Youtube | https://bit.ly/3dlO59h
商業合作請來信 [email protected]
----以下訊息由 SoundOn 動態廣告贊助商提供----
20.12.2022 • 19 Protokoll, 55 Sekunden
Ep115|【兒童理財高手】年度最佳糖果工廠大賽 The Best Candy Factory of the Year! - ESG永續投資是什麼? (feat. Eno)
Twinkle, Twinkle Little Socks
Red socks, purple socks, socks with spots
Big socks, little socks, we all wear socks
Socks are the things you wear on your feet
I wear socks, different kinds of socks
Short socks, toe socks, no-show socks
❤️【85折團購優惠中】下單連結 **
10/19 (三) 23:59 結團。購物享85折團購優惠!
個人網站 | sandytsaiyu.com
Instagram | instagram.com/sandy.bongo/
Facebook | facebook.com/sandytsaiyu/
Youtube | https://bit.ly/3dlO59h
商業合作請來信 [email protected]
EP109|Silly Song #22 牙買加民謠-香蕉船之歌 The Banana Boat Song (Day O!)
這集節目要教大家唱一首牙買加傳統歌謠「Banana Boat」或稱「Day-O」或是「Day Da Light」。唱的是在碼頭工作幫忙搬運香蕉的工人,忙碌了一整個晚上,把香蕉裝載到貨船上。終於天亮,工作也即將結束,他們想要趕快領到工錢,要回家休息了!
1. 採日本生食級養殖法的「爽健雞」
2. 雞隻以雷達式檢驗法多次随機查核,真正全程不用藥
3. 國際Monde Selection品質金獎肯定
4. 小分子胺基酸含量高,營養吸收更好
5. 可常溫保存,不含防腐劑,攜帶方便
✅立馬下單補身體 https://bit.ly/3Qlmusr
Day-O, Me say day, me say day, me say day-o
(Daylight come and me wan’ go home)
Day-O, Me say day, me say day, me say day-o
(Daylight come and me wan’ go home)
Sleep all day and work all night
(Daylight come and me wan’ go home)
Stack bananas till the morning comes
(Daylight come and me wan’ go home)
Lift six foot, seven foot, eight foot bunch
(Daylight come and me wan’ go home)
Come Mister tally man, tally me banana
(Daylight come and me wan’ go home)
Day-O, Day-O
(Daylight come and me wan’ go home)
牙買加方言介紹(Jamaican Patois) https://youtu.be/hNM-BE4xAyo
1952第一個錄音室版本(Edric Connor) https://youtu.be/qDf2tUyY5jw
1956年Harry Belafonte版本 https://youtu.be/DYYkJ0kwNss (最流行的版本)
❤️贊助節目永續經營 http://bit.ly/support399
個人網站 | sandytsaiyu.com
Instagram | instagram.com/sandy.bongo/
Facebook | facebook.com/sandytsaiyu/
Youtube | https://bit.ly/3dlO59h
商業合作請來信 [email protected]
23.9.2022 • 23 Protokoll, 36 Sekunden
Ep108|泰雅博物館歷險記: 勇氣與誠實的故事 Day at the Wulai Atayal Museum - A story of Courage and Honesty
❤️贊助節目永續經營 http://bit.ly/support399
這集「蟑螂之歌」來自一首流傳已久的墨西哥民謠。我運用原本的童謠旋律,搭配我新創作的歌詞,希望小朋唱得開心!下載本集學習單 https://bit.ly/3KuxUc8
歌名:La Cucaracha
作曲:A Mexican Folk Song
作詞:Tsaiyu Chang
La Cucaracha
La Cucaracha
Oh, it’s a little cockroach
The little cockroach
Goes in the kitchen
I can hear my mommy scream
La Cucaracha
La Cucaracha
Oh, poor little cockroach
A leg is missing
A leg is missing
Oh, poor little cockroach
La Cucaracha
La Cucaracha
He will never give up
The little cockroach
Goes in the kitchen, AGAIN!
I can hear my daddy scream
La Cucaracha
La Cucaracha
Oh, poor little cockroach
Two legs are missing
Two legs are missing
Oh, he can’t walk anymore
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商業合作請來信 [email protected]
30.8.2022 • 15 Protokoll, 8 Sekunden
Ep105|伊索寓言 The Donkey in the Lion's Skin 披著獅皮的驢子 (feat. Eo)
A Song for My Daddy
Music and Words Written by Tsaiyu Chang
You are my daddy
I call you 爸比
My superhero in reality
My daddy, always there for me
I am your baby
The day when I was born
You looked at me
A smile came from the bottom of your heart
Oh, daddy I love you
I love you to the moon and back
To infinity and beyond
You are my daddy
I call you 爸比
My superhero in reality
My daddy, always there for me
You call me sweetie, my buddy, your honey
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8.8.2022 • 12 Protokoll, 45 Sekunden
Ep101|Silly Song #20 My Father Went To Sea (feat. Eno)
這週我跟Eno要一起來教小朋友唱一首好玩的英文兒歌,歌名是My Father Went To Sea, Sea, Sea,小朋友學會之後,也要發揮創意自己多多改編、練習各種海洋生物的名字喔!也歡迎免費下載列印我特別為大家製作的學習單 https://bit.ly/3zqh8pr
My father went to sea, sea, sea
To see what he could see, see, see
And all that he could see, see, see
Was the bottom of the deep blue sea, sea, sea
My father went to sea, sea, sea
To see what he could see, see, see
And all that he could see, see, see
Was a (自行填入海洋生物名稱) in the sea, sea, sea
改編:salmon鮭魚、mackerel鯖魚、starfish海星、jellyfish水母、clown fish小丑魚
🐟7/1(五)~8/31(三) 2022挪威鯖魚季
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2.8.2022 • 15 Protokoll, 53 Sekunden
滿百集紀念 - Silly Songs 烏克麗麗彈唱英文歌大串燒 Part 2
不知不覺中,節目已經做了100集了!Silly Song單元一直是小朋友們的最愛,兒童節做的英文歌曲大串燒也很受歡迎,所以本週我決定再用一連串的英文歌,跟大家一起慶祝這個重要的里程碑。
Down By the Banks of the Hanky-Panky
Oh, Where Has My Little Dog Gone?
The Bear Went Over the Mountain
Where Did You Go, Astronaut?
Eeny Meeny Miny Moe
Have You Ever Gone A Fishing
I Had A Little Chicken
There Was A Great Big Moose
Auld Lang Syne
敦煌書局Reading House經典故事有聲讀本
★ 插圖精美、吸引孩子目光
★ 附CD,高規格的音樂劇,故事可念可唱
★ 精緻盒裝、一書多用,有故事背景板與角色卡
★ 豐富的線上資源:故事音檔、故事動畫、互動小遊戲、親子導讀手冊(由暢銷親子作家小熊媽張美蘭撰寫)
✅ https://bit.ly/3xhpdvF
2022/6/16~2022/8/7止,透過以上專屬連結購買Reading House,套書最低到78折,省下超過$1,000元喔!
個人網站 | sandytsaiyu.com
Instagram | instagram.com/sandy.bongo/
Facebook | facebook.com/sandytsaiyu/
Youtube | https://bit.ly/3dlO59h
商業合作請來信 [email protected]
28.7.2022 • 16 Protokoll, 19 Sekunden
Kids News #11 兒童雙語新聞|比跳蚤還小的機器人、台灣首枚科研火箭發射升空
本集節目由【台灣愛普生 Epson】贊助播出
▶️ 英文新聞全文文字稿與翻譯:點我下載
In America, a group of engineers from Northwestern University invented robots that looked like itty-bitty tiny crabs. These robotic crabs are smaller than fleas. They can walk, bend, twist, turn, and even jump!
影片介紹 https://youtu.be/1IP7jptXjgQ
On July 10th, Taiwanese researchers launched the first locally made rocket HTTP-3A for a test flight. The rocket reached an altitude of 3 kilometers, and flew for 2 minutes before touching the sea.
火箭發射影片 https://youtu.be/LjCS0BvcHUc
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✅ P幣回饋找PChome https://ett-tw.biz/j1BvJ
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Instagram | instagram.com/sandy.bongo/
Facebook | facebook.com/sandytsaiyu/
Youtube | https://bit.ly/3dlO59h
商業合作請來信 [email protected]
Northwestern西北大學網站 https://news.northwestern.edu/stories/2022/05/tiny-robotic-crab-is-smallest-ever-remote-controlled-walking-robot/
NSPO 國家太空中心 https://www.nspo.narl.org.tw
ARRC 前瞻火箭研究中心 https://arrc.tw/zh-TW/
民視英語新聞 https://youtu.be/LC2YvR1s_0o
22.7.2022 • 19 Protokoll, 54 Sekunden
Silly Song #19 太空人你去哪裡?Where Did You Go, Astronaut?
感謝【YODEE優迪】與【L’Ange 棉之境】贊助播出
★ 下載連結 https://bit.ly/3uMUK8b
歌名:Where Did You Go, Astronaut?
作曲:旋律取自美國民謠 Where Have You Been, Billy Boy?
作詞:Tsaiyu Chang 張采聿
Oh, where did you go?
Astronaut, Astronaut.
Oh, where did you go in your rocket?
Oh, I went to see the moon,
Took some photos, did moon jumps,
And I put some moon rocks in my pockets.
Will you tell me what it's like?
Out in space, out in space.
Will you tell me what it's like in outer space?
It is really dark and cold.
You can jump high, you can float,
And the Earth looks pretty from outer space.
本集節目由【YODEE優迪】與【L’Ange 棉之境】贊助播出
★ 特殊織法,快乾不容易發霉
★ 蓬鬆吸水,用途超多元
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★ 輕巧好攜帶、旅遊萬用
★ 抗菌包裝,一打開就可以用
實用心得請閱讀 https://sandytsaiyu.com/2022/04/10/lange/
🌟 凡於活動期間7/11(一)~8/11(四)
購買L'Ange 棉之境〖經典純棉紗布巾禮盒組〗
YODEE 優迪即捐贈$100至勵馨基金會 「目睹兒服務計畫」
✅ L’Ange棉之境:https://bit.ly/3pspWqo
❤️ 贊助節目永續經營 http://bit.ly/support399
個人網站 | sandytsaiyu.com
Instagram | instagram.com/sandy.bongo/
Facebook | facebook.com/sandytsaiyu/
Youtube | https://bit.ly/3dlO59h
商業合作請來信 [email protected]
15.7.2022 • 15 Protokoll, 25 Sekunden
原創英文故事 #33 阿波羅11號登月任務 The Eagle Has Landed - The Apollo 11 Mission
❤️贊助支持好節目永續經營 http://bit.ly/support399
53年前的七月,阿波羅11號完成人類首次登月任務。今天我要用英文故事 The Eagle Has Landed 來帶小朋友回顧這個重要的太空里程碑,故事中也會使用當年NASA登月任務的真實通訊錄音,故事很好聽,希望大家會喜歡!
故事:The Eagle Has Landed (Story About the Apollo 11 Mission)
作者:張采聿Tsaiyu Chang
1.Houston, the Eagle has wings.
2.The Eagle has landed.
3.That’s one small step for (a) man, one giant leap for mankind.
1.Saturn V 農神五號(運輸火箭)
2.Apollo 11 阿波羅十一號任務
3.Lunar Lander 登月小艇 (Eagle)
4.Command Module 指揮艙 (Columbia)
5.三個太空人的名字:Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, Michael Collins
(1) 阿波羅11號任務完整資料
(2) 每日任務錄音&逐字稿
(3) 阿波羅火箭運作原理(Part 1~3)
(4) 登月小艇 Eagle的內部構造
敦煌書局Reading House經典故事有聲讀本
★ 插圖精美、吸引孩子目光
★ 附CD,高規格的音樂劇,故事可念可唱
★ 精緻盒裝、一書多用,有故事背景板與角色卡
★ 豐富的線上資源:故事音檔、故事動畫、互動小遊戲、親子導讀手冊(由暢銷親子作家小熊媽張美蘭撰寫)
✅ https://bit.ly/3xhpdvF
2022/6/17~2022/8/7止,透過以上專屬連結購買Reading House,套書最低到78折,省下超過$1,000元喔!
個人網站 | sandytsaiyu.com
Instagram | instagram.com/sandy.bongo/
Facebook | facebook.com/sandytsaiyu/
Youtube | https://bit.ly/3dlO59h
商業合作請來信 [email protected]
Silly Song #18 爵士兒歌 Down by the Banks of the Hanky Panky
----以上訊息由 SoundOn 動態廣告贊助商提供----
✅每月固定扣款 https://pse.is/3flvml
✅一次性贊助 http://bit.ly/support399
Down by the banks of the hanky panky
Where the bullfrogs jump from bank to banky
With a hippity-hop, and a flippity-flop
The frog fell down and went ker-plop!
Down by the banks of the hanky panky
Where the bullfrogs jump from bank to banky
With a hippity-hop, and a flippity-flop
The frog did a belly flop and went ker-plop!
Down by the banks of the hanky panky
Where the bullfrogs jump from bank to banky
With a hippity-hop, and a flippity-flop
The frog missed the lily pad and went ker-plop!
Clapping Game 拍手遊戲
本集使用Koyama小山烏克麗麗 KYM-C100
個人網站 | https://sandytsaiyu.com
Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/sandy.bongo/
Facebook | https://www.facebook.com/sandytsaiyu/
Youtube | https://bit.ly/3dlO59h
商業合作請來信 [email protected]
----以上訊息由 SoundOn 動態廣告贊助商提供----
本週Sandy采聿老師感冒,一直咳嗽沙啞,所以沒有辦法為小朋友錄製新的故事。但是實在捨不得孩子連假期間沒有新的故事聽,所以我決定用一連串的搞笑英文歌Silly Songs,祝小朋友們兒童節快樂!這些歌曲全都是在節目中教過的呦~ 我們一起唱唱歌,享受這個屬於小朋友的專屬節日!
1. 夏威夷民謠 Aloha ‘Oe
2. 防疫英文歌 1, 2, 3! Stop the Spread of COVID-19!
3. 夏威夷捕魚歌 The Hukilau Song
4. Little Chick Waits
5. Forty Years on An Iceberg
6. 愛之歌 Skiddimarink
7. A Boy and A Girl in a Little Canoe
8. The Drop Fell On the Mango Tree
9. Little Cabin in the Woods
10. A-Tisket, A-Tasket
11. This Old Man
12. The Jumping Flea 跳跳小跳蚤-烏克麗麗之歌
13. 夏威夷再見歌 Aloha ‘Oe
個人網站 | sandytsaiyu.com
Instagram | instagram.com/sandy.bongo/
Facebook | facebook.com/sandytsaiyu/
Youtube | https://bit.ly/3dlO59h
商業合作請來信 [email protected]
----以上訊息由 SoundOn 動態廣告贊助商提供----
✅ 每月固定扣款 https://pse.is/3flvml
✅ 一次性贊助 http://bit.ly/support399
A-Tisket, A-Tasket【歌詞】
An English Nursery Rhyme
A-tisket, a-tasket
A green and yellow basket
I wrote a letter to my friend
And on the way I dropped it
I dropped it, I dropped it
Yes, on the way I dropped it
A little girl she picked it up
And put it in her pocket
(以下這段是由Ella Firzgerald和Al Feldman改編延伸的版本)
She was trucking on down the avenue
But not a single thing to do
She went peck, peck, pecking all around
When she spied it on the ground
She took it, she took it
My little yellow basket
And if she doesn't bring it back
I think that I will die
型號 KYM-300SAC-T
✅立即下單 https://bit.ly/3McB194
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Let’s take a look at some important news from around the world that happened last month, in January, 2022.
Our first story is about a massive volcanic eruption.
An underwater volcano erupted near Tonga on Saturday, January 15th. The eruption sent gas, ash, and stones 20 kilometers high into the sky. The biggest problem now is the ash that has covered the islands, making fresh water dangerous to drink.
Next, we have a story about the very first pig-to-human heart transplant.
A 57-year-old man in the US was about to die of heart disease. The only way to save his life was to give him a new heart, so doctors gave this man a pig’s heart.
✅ 每月固定扣款 https://pse.is/3flvml
✅ 一次性贊助 http://bit.ly/support399
個人網站 | sandytsaiyu.com
Instagram | instagram.com/sandy.bongo/
Facebook | facebook.com/sandytsaiyu/
Youtube | https://bit.ly/3dlO59h
商業合作請來信 [email protected]
----以上訊息由 SoundOn 動態廣告贊助商提供----
本集Kids News與「GK爸爸原創故事繪本」合作播出。
1. 紐西蘭的禁菸令
Our first story is about New Zealand’s cigarette ban.
New Zealand is planning to end smoking in the country. Under this plan, it will be illegal for people born after 2008 to buy cigarettes.
紐西蘭政府非常重視菸害問題,為了打造未來的無菸世代,紐西蘭衛生部正準備通過一項名為《2025下世代零菸計畫》(Smokefree 2025 Action Plan)的法案,法案生效之後,未來2008年以後出生的人,將「終生」不得購買菸草。
2. 保存最完整的恐龍胚胎化石「英良貝貝」
Our second story is about a special fossil.
In China, scientists found a 66 million years old dinosaur egg with a baby dinosaur curled up inside. They named it “Yingliang Bei Bei.”
✅ 每月固定扣款 https://pse.is/3flvml
✅ 一次性贊助 http://bit.ly/support399
輸入優惠碼【聽故事學英文】享九折 ▶️ https://bit.ly/3bR0Jz3
個人網站 | sandytsaiyu.com
Instagram | instagram.com/sandy.bongo/
Facebook | facebook.com/sandytsaiyu/
Youtube | https://bit.ly/3dlO59h
商業合作請來信 [email protected]
29.1.2022 • 16 Protokoll, 14 Sekunden
What!? 驚奇動物系列 #3 斑馬冷知識 Zebra Fun Facts That Will Blow Your Mind!
----以上訊息由 SoundOn 動態廣告贊助商提供----
這集要教唱一首蘇格蘭民謠Auld Lang Syne。這首歌大家耳熟能詳,在台灣常被翻作「驪歌」,會在畢業典禮或是告別式上唱。不過在歐美國家,唱這首歌是新年的傳統,用來告別舊年迎接新年,是一首溫暖美麗的旋律。用這首歌祝福大家新的一年豐盛充實!
Auld Lang Syne【歌詞】
Scottish poem by Robert Burns 1788
Music based on an old Scottish folk song
Should old acquaintance be forgot
And never brought to mind
Should old acquaintance be forgot
For auld lang syne
For auld lang syne, my dear
For auld lang syne
We'll take a cup of kindness yet
For auld lang syne
We two have paddled in the stream
From morning sun til dine
but the sea between us broad have roared
Since days gone by (Since auld land syne)
And there’s a hand my trusty friend
And give me a hand of thine
And we'll take a cup of kindness yet
For auld lang syne
For auld lang syne, my dear
For auld lang syne
We'll take a cup of kindness yet
For auld lang syne
✅ 每月固定扣款 https://pse.is/3flvml
✅ 一次性贊助 http://bit.ly/support399
免費看試教影片 ▶️ https://bit.ly/3bR0Jz3
個人網站 | sandytsaiyu.com
Instagram | instagram.com/sandy.bongo/
Facebook | facebook.com/sandytsaiyu/
Youtube | https://bit.ly/3dlO59h
商業合作請來信 [email protected]
13.1.2022 • 17 Protokoll, 31 Sekunden
歡迎2022再見2021:新年快樂 Happy New Year! (feat. Lingumi)
1. 專為2-6歲幼兒設計的英語啟蒙學習APP
2. 共四個Level,超過200堂課
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4. 超過 300 種迷你互動小遊戲、AI語音技術
5. 注重聽力和口說,幫助孩子開口說英文
✅ 訂購連結 http://bit.ly/Sandy_Lingumi (下載後免費試用7天)
❤️ 輸入折扣碼【sandy20】可享全方案 8 折優惠
1. 李哲楷Jasper-5y
Yum and Hush were best friends, and they always play together. But one day, Hush disappeared. Yum couldn’t find Hush. He was very sad. On New Year’s Eve, Yum went to see the fireworks alone. Fireworks lit up the night sky. And… Yum saw his friend, Hush! They were so happy to find each other. Thanks to the fireworks! Happy New Year!
2. 陳昀蔚Sunny-6y
One New Year’s Eve, I hear a knock on my door.
“Who is it?”
“I’m Monster Nian! Ho, Ho, Ho!”
Oh no! A monster at my door! Should I hide? Should I run away? What should I do? I am scared, but I open the door. The monster doesn’t look scary AT ALL!
“He..llo…,” I say.
“Wel…come… to my… house.”
“Ho! Ho! Ho! I am Santa…, I'm Monster Nian!” says the monster. “I’m here to wish you a holly jolly Christm… I mean, a happy new year!”
He gives me a big smile. He gives me a hug. He even gives me a red envelope. I’m so happy. Then Monster Nian says goodbye.
“Ho! Ho! Ho! Merry Chr…. Happy New Year!”
Wait a minute! Is that Monster Nian or Santa Claus?
3. 陳湘甯Karen-7y
Chinese New Year is coming.
The cat is meowing.
The dog is barking.
Parents are setting off fireworks
Children are running around in the yards.
Chinese New Year is so much fun.
Everyone loves it!
✅ 每月固定扣款 https://pse.is/3flvml (MixerBox)
✅ 一次性贊助 http://bit.ly/support399
個人網站 | sandytsaiyu.com
Instagram | instagram.com/sandy.bongo/
Facebook | facebook.com/sandytsaiyu/
Youtube | https://bit.ly/3dlO59h
商業合作請來信 [email protected]
Silly Song #16 熊熊去爬山 The Bear Went Over The Mountain
----以上訊息由 SoundOn 動態廣告贊助商提供----
❤️️Sandy老師專屬連結 ▶️ https://bit.ly/3bR0Jz3
The Bear Went Over the Mountain
An American Camp Song
The bear went over the mountain
The bear went over the mountain
The bear went over the mountain
To see what he could see
And all that he could see
And all that he could see
Was the other side of the mountain
The other side of the mountain
The other side of the mountain
Was all that he could see
替換歌詞:forest / river / garden
個人網站 | sandytsaiyu.com
Instagram | instagram.com/sandy.bongo/
Facebook | facebook.com/sandytsaiyu/
Youtube | https://bit.ly/3dlO59h
商業合作請來信 [email protected]
英文故事 #28 你看誰在飛? Look Up In the Sky! (feat. Sherry Liu)
----以上訊息由 SoundOn 動態廣告贊助商提供----
❤️️Sandy老師專屬訂購連結 ▶️ https://bit.ly/3bR0Jz3
Q1. 為什麼要上這套課程?
Q2. 適合對象
Q3. 教材內容
(1)Alphabet Reader Treasure (ART)
Q4. 授課方式
Q5. 上完課的收穫
▶️ https://bit.ly/3bR0Jz3
故事:The Sky Song / Look Up in the Sky!
作者:Sherry Liu
改編:張采聿Tsaiyu Chang
Butterfly is in the sky.
Bird is in the sky.
Bee is in the sky.
Dragonfly is in the sky.
Mosquito is in the sky.
個人網站 | sandytsaiyu.com
Instagram | instagram.com/sandy.bongo/
Facebook | facebook.com/sandytsaiyu/
Youtube | https://bit.ly/3dlO59h
商業合作請來信 [email protected]
18.11.2021 • 23 Protokoll, 28 Sekunden
英文故事 #27 我們一起去打獵抓獅子!We're Going on a Lion Hunt!
----以上訊息由 SoundOn 動態廣告贊助商提供----
專屬連結 ▶️ https://bit.ly/3bR0Jz3
✅ 聽Sandy說故事學英文|啟發兒童自然發音閱讀力
1. 孩子愛上學英文,自信開口唸故事,完課後可輕鬆銜接全英文課程
今天的故事改編自一首美國著名的童謠,或是Camp Song,叫做We’re Going on a Lion Hunt。英國童書作家Michael Rosen也曾以這首歌作為靈感,創作了英國國民繪本We're Going on a Bear Hunt《我們要去捉狗熊》,獲獎無數,三十年來受到世界各地小朋友的喜愛。
We’re going on a lion hunt.
We’re going to catch a big one.
We’re not scared.
Wait! Do you see what I see?
Oh no! Long, long grass!
Can’t go under it…
Can’t go over it…
Can’t go around it.
We have to go through it!
Chop, chop, chop, chop!
We’re going on a lion hunt.
We’re going to catch a big one.
We’re not scared.
Wait! Do you see what I see?
Oh no! Tall, tall trees!
Can’t go under it…
Can’t go over it…
Can’t go around it.
We have to climb up them!
Up, up, up we go!
We’re going on a lion hunt.
We’re going to catch a big one.
We’re not scared.
Wait! Do you see what I see?
Oh no! Deep, deep river.
Can’t go under it…
Can’t go over it…
Can’t go around it.
We have to swim across it!
Splish, splash! Splish, splash!
We’re going on a lion hunt.
We’re going to catch a big one.
We’re not scared.
Wait! Do you see what I see?
Oh no! A dark, dark cave.
Can’t go under it…
Can’t go over it…
Can’t go around it.
We have to go into it!
Tip toe, tip toe, tip toe.
A wet nose…
Two big ears…
Sharp teeth…
Ahh! It’s a big lion!
Run! Out of the cave!
Tip toe, tip toe, tip toe.
Run! Swim across the river!
Splish, splash! Splish, splash!
Run! Climb up the trees!
Up, up, up we go!
Run! Go through the grass!
Chop, chop, chop!
Run into the house!
Slam the door!
Into the bedroom!
Under the blankets!
Whoo.. safe on our beds!
Tired and sleepy.
We will catch a lion tomorrow.
Good night.
個人網站 | sandytsaiyu.com
Instagram | instagram.com/sandy.bongo/
Facebook | facebook.com/sandytsaiyu/
Youtube | https://bit.ly/3dlO59h
商業合作請來信 [email protected]
12.11.2021 • 22 Protokoll, 28 Sekunden
What!? 驚奇動物系列 #2 紅鶴冷知識 Flamingo Fun Facts That Will Blow Your Mind!
----以上訊息由 SoundOn 動態廣告贊助商提供----
故事:What!? Flamingo Fun Facts That Will Blow Your Mind
作者:張采聿Tsaiyu Chang
配音:感謝獻聲的可愛寶貝們 Eno / Ray / Chien / Hanks / 欖仁媽媽家的小妞
個人網站 | sandytsaiyu.com
Instagram | instagram.com/sandy.bongo/
Facebook | facebook.com/sandytsaiyu/
Youtube | https://bit.ly/3dlO59h
商業合作請來信 [email protected]
3.11.2021 • 19 Protokoll, 25 Sekunden
Kids News #7 兒童雙語新聞|馬祖將劃棲地保護螢火蟲 (feat. Bingo賓狗)
----以上訊息由 SoundOn 動態廣告贊助商提供----
本集Kids News與【Bingo賓狗】合作播出
❷人氣 Podcast 《聽新聞學英文》主持人
- 4 分鐘快速掌握五件大事
- 5 分鐘跟上美國七大頭條
- 20 分鐘了解五則新聞故事
線上課程限時優惠中 https://bit.ly/3FZll5L
There are over 60 different kinds of fireflies in Taiwan. Some fireflies only live in Taiwan. 10 years ago, researchers found two new species of firefly living in the Matsu Islands. Now, the county government is setting aside 13 hectares of land to protect these special little friends.
自由時報:馬祖「雌光螢」 將劃棲地保護
Taipei Times: Fireflies to get conservation area on Matsu Islands
✅ 每月固定扣款 https://pse.is/3flvml
✅ 一次性贊助 http://bit.ly/support399
個人網站 | https://sandytsaiyu.com
Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/sandy.bongo/
Facebook | https://www.facebook.com/sandytsaiyu/
Youtube | https://bit.ly/3dlO59h
商業合作請來信 [email protected]
26.10.2021 • 14 Protokoll, 25 Sekunden
英文故事 #26 猴子樂園的稅務小故事 The Story of Tax from Monkey Land (feat. Eno)
The Story of Tax from Monkey Land
作者:張采聿Tsaiyu Chang
▶️ 英文故事全文 https://sandytsaiyu.com/2021/11/04/tax/
▶️ 屏東縣政府財稅局FB
▶️ 屏東縣政府財稅局IG
✅ 每月固定扣款 https://pse.is/3flvml
✅ 一次性贊助 http://bit.ly/support399
個人網站 | https://sandytsaiyu.com
Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/sandy.bongo/
Facebook | https://www.facebook.com/sandytsaiyu/
Youtube | https://bit.ly/3dlO59h
商業合作請來信 [email protected]
14.10.2021 • 25 Protokoll, 3 Sekunden
Silly Song #15 小狗跑到哪裡去了?Oh Where Has My Little Dog Gone?
----以上訊息由 SoundOn 動態廣告贊助商提供----
【歌名】Where, Oh Where Has My Little Dog Gone?
烏克麗麗簡譜下載 https://bit.ly/storypodshare
Oh Where, Oh where has my little dog gone?
Oh where, oh where can he be?
With his ears cut (so) short,
And his tail cut (so) long.
Oh where, oh where can he be?
Oh Where, Oh where has my little rat gone?
Oh where, oh where can he be?
With his teeth so sharp,
And his tail so long.
Oh where, oh where can he be?
Oh where has my little ____ gone?
Oh where, oh where can he be?
With his ____ so ____,
And his ____ so ____.
Oh where, oh where can he be?
這首歌最原始的版本來自Der Deitcher‘s Dog,是由Septimus Winner在1864年寫的一首歌曲,融合德語的腔調和英文。對原曲有興趣的朋友可前往YouTube聽聽看 https://youtu.be/rhkMFh0kkv8
✅ 每月固定扣款 https://pse.is/3flvml
✅ 一次性贊助 http://bit.ly/support399
個人網站 | https://sandytsaiyu.com
Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/sandy.bongo/
Facebook | https://www.facebook.com/sandytsaiyu/
Youtube | https://bit.ly/3dlO59h
商業合作請來信 [email protected]
ASUS ZenBeam Latte L1無線藍牙行動投影機
線上購物 https://bit.ly/3rXbk2v
搭載Harman Kardon®藍芽喇叭
Taiwanese athletes won 12 medals - two golds, four silvers, and six bronzes - in the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. It was by far Taiwan’s best performance in the Olympics.
On Sunday, August 15th, the Taliban took control of Afghanistan. Many Afghans left Afghanistan because they were worried about the future. Females are worried that they might lose their chance to go to school and work.
News for Kids: https://newsforkids.net
✅ 每月固定扣款 https://pse.is/3flvml (MixerBox)
✅ 一次性贊助 http://bit.ly/support399
個人網站 | https://sandytsaiyu.com
Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/sandy.bongo/
Facebook | https://www.facebook.com/sandytsaiyu/
Youtube | https://bit.ly/3dlO59h
商業合作請來信 [email protected]
16.9.2021 • 19 Protokoll, 20 Sekunden
Silly Song #14 一個奇怪的老先生 This Old Man
1. 專為2-6歲幼兒設計的英語啟蒙學習APP
2. 共四個Level,超過200堂課
3. 牛津、哈佛專業課程團隊打造,受英國教育部正式推薦
4. 超過 300 種迷你互動小遊戲、AI語音技術
5. 注重聽力和口說,幫助孩子開口說英文
✅ 訂購連結 http://bit.ly/Sandy_Lingumi(下載之後免費試用五堂課)
❤️ 輸入折扣碼【sandy20】可享全方案 8 折優惠
本集節目歌曲:This Old Man
烏克麗麗簡譜下載 https://bit.ly/storypodshare
This old man, he played one
He played knick knack on my thumb
With a knick knack paddy whack
Give a dog a bone
This old man came rolling home
one / thumb
two / shoe
three / knee
four / door
five / hive
six / sticks
seven / up in heaven
eight / gate
Nine / spine
ten / once again
✅ 每月固定扣款 https://pse.is/3flvml (MixerBox)
✅ 一次性贊助 http://bit.ly/support399
個人網站 | https://sandytsaiyu.com
Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/sandy.bongo/
Facebook | https://www.facebook.com/sandytsaiyu/
Youtube | https://bit.ly/3dlO59h
商業合作請來信 [email protected]
9.9.2021 • 25 Protokoll, 55 Sekunden
品格繪本系列 #1 不公平! That's Not Fair! (feat. Eno)
家長或是老師們,一定常聽到孩子在玩遊戲時嚷嚷著:「That’s not fair不公平!」今天的故事主角是Sydney,全班要一起做水果沙拉,但是孩子們卻因為誰要負責挖水果、每個人要分多少藍莓在喬不攏!這個故事來自Newmark Learning出版的一套故事盒【MySELF認識我自己】。接下來我每個月會固定選一本書,由小幫手Eno來讀給大家聽,透過短故事讓孩子換位思考,學習情緒管理、人際關係、肯定自己、團體合作,培養好品格!
Take turns 輪流
Follow the rules 遵守遊戲規則
You will have to takes turns! 你們要輪流喔!
Everybody takes turns. 大家要輪流。
Everyone will get a turn. 大家都會有機會輪到。
Does that sound fair? 這樣的方法你們覺得公平嗎?
Does everybody agree? 大家都同意嗎?
Is it my turn? 換我了嗎?輪到我了嗎?
Can I get a turn? 可以換我嗎?
It’s my (your) turn. 換我(你)玩了。
We can take turns. 我們可以輪流。
✅ 每月固定扣款 https://pse.is/3flvml (MixerBox)
✅ 一次性贊助 http://bit.ly/support399
個人網站 | https://sandytsaiyu.com
Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/sandy.bongo/
Facebook | https://www.facebook.com/sandytsaiyu/
Youtube | https://bit.ly/3dlO59h
商業合作請來信 [email protected]
2.9.2021 • 20 Protokoll, 5 Sekunden
英文故事 #24 小青蛙的預言夢 Dream Jobs (feat. 秧學教育Ruby老師)
小朋友長大後想要成為什麼樣的人?做什麼職業?有什麼夢想?What do you want to be when you grow up?
【線上英文繪本教室 A Day Of Kid’s Life】
訂購連結:https://ps.yottau.net/3lpdb7 (輸入Sandy采聿老師折價卷代碼「SANDY100」,即可獲得100折價優惠。與其他優惠不能合併使用,期限至 9/15(三) 23:59止)
✅ 每月固定扣款 https://pse.is/3flvml (MixerBox)
✅ 一次性贊助 http://bit.ly/support399
個人網站 | https://sandytsaiyu.com
Instagram | www.instagram.com/sandy.bongo/
Facebook | www.facebook.com/sandytsaiyu/
Youtube | www.youtube.com/c/SandyTsaiyu
商業合作請來信 [email protected]
19.8.2021 • 22 Protokoll, 44 Sekunden
Kids News #5 兒童雙語新聞|台灣首位芥川獎得主李琴峰 (feat. Eno)
【Kids News兒童雙語新聞】本集英文全文
Today’s news item is about Li Qin-Feng. She is the first Taiwanese novelist to win the Akutagawa Prize. Li Qin-Feng (李琴峰) won the prestigious Japanese literary prize with her novel The Island Where Red Spider Lilies Bloom. She is the second non-native speaker to win this prize.
【Further Information】
Li Qin-Feng is a 31-year-old novelist. She was born and raised in Taiwan. She started learning Japanese when she was 15 years old. In college, she double majored in Chinese and Japanese. Li Qin-Feng moved to Japan when she was 23, and published her first Japanese novel when she was 28.
✅ 每月固定扣款 https://pse.is/3flvml (MixerBox)
✅ 一次性贊助 http://bit.ly/support399
個人網站 | https://sandytsaiyu.com
Instagram | www.instagram.com/sandy.bongo/
Facebook | www.facebook.com/sandytsaiyu/
Youtube | www.youtube.com/c/SandyTsaiyu
商業合作請來信 [email protected]
12.8.2021 • 15 Protokoll, 37 Sekunden
英文歌曲 A Drop Fell on the Mango Tree 一滴雨落在芒果樹上 (feat. Eno)
----以上訊息由 SoundOn 動態廣告贊助商提供----
✅ 每月固定扣款 https://pse.is/3flvml (MixerBox)
✅ 一次性贊助 http://bit.ly/support399
這首歌唱的是台灣夏日的午後雷陣雨,雨滴落在台南玉井芒果園裡面的景象,是上一集節目【夏日的芒果園Summer Shower in the Mango Orchard】的延伸,記得要去聽喔!
歌名:A Drop Fell on the Mango Tree
詞曲:張采聿 Tsaiyu Chang
A drop fell on the mango tree,
Another on the roof.
A half a dozen kissed the leaves,
And made the mangoes laugh. Ha ha ha!
A few went out to help the brook,
That went to help the sea.
The breeze brought air so cool,
And bathed the faces in glee.
A drop fell on the mango tree.
歌詞改編自Emily Elizabeth Dickinson的一首詩
A Drop Fell on the Apple Tree
原文在此 https://poets.org/poem/drop-fell-apple-tree-794
個人網站 | https://sandytsaiyu.com
Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/sandy.bongo/
Facebook | https://www.facebook.com/sandytsaiyu/
Youtube | https://bit.ly/3dlO59h
商業合作請來信 [email protected]
5.8.2021 • 19 Protokoll, 48 Sekunden
英文故事 #23 夏日的芒果園 Summer Shower in the Mango Orchard (24節氣-小暑&大暑)
----以上訊息由 SoundOn 動態廣告贊助商提供----
【Kids News兒童雙語新聞】本集新聞全文
The G7 met in the United Kingdom for three days in June. In this meeting, the coronavirus pandemic was one of the most important subjects. The G7 promised to give one billion vaccine doses for the rest of the world.
If you want to know more information about this year’s G7 Summit, please go to https://newsforkids.net/articles/2021/06/14/coronavirus-climate-are-subjects-of-g7-meeting/ to find out more on the subjects discussed in this year’s meeting.
✅ 每月固定扣款 https://pse.is/3flvml (MixerBox)
✅ 一次性小額贊助 http://bit.ly/support399
感謝本集片頭音樂由O.U Music提供
Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/sandy.bongo/
Facebook | https://www.facebook.com/sandytsaiyu/
Youtube | https://bit.ly/3dlO59h
商業合作 | [email protected]
8.7.2021 • 12 Protokoll, 19 Sekunden
Silly Song #13 愛之歌 Skiddymarink (feat. Eno)
----以上訊息由 SoundOn 動態廣告贊助商提供----
✅ 每月固定扣款 https://pse.is/3flvml (MixerBox)
✅ 一次性小額贊助 http://bit.ly/support399
Skidamarink a-dink a-dink,
Skidamarink a-doo.
I love you!
Skidamarink a-dink a-dink,
Skidamarink a-doo.
I love you!
I love you in the morning,
and in the afternoon.
I love you in the evening,
and underneath the moon.
Oh, skidamarink a-dink a-dink
Skidamarink a-doo.
I love you!
Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/sandy.bongo/
Facebook | https://www.facebook.com/sandytsaiyu/
Youtube | https://bit.ly/3dlO59h
商業合作 | [email protected]
----以上訊息由 SoundOn 動態廣告贊助商提供----
✅ 每月固定扣款 https://pse.is/3flvml (MixerBox)
✅ 一次性小額贊助 http://bit.ly/support399
【Kids News兒童雙語新聞】本集新聞全文
全文下載 https://bit.ly/storypodshare
1) The first news item is… It’s raining in Taiwan!
Heavy rain poured down from the sky on Sunday, May 30th. The rain brought some much needed relief to the serious drought in Taiwan.
2) The second news item is about the solution to COVID-19.
I don’t want to be sick.
I want to go back to school and play.
Scientists say that the only solution now is to vaccinate. More vaccines are coming to Taiwan. MIT (Made in Taiwan) vaccines could be ready as early as July.
Keep spreading the good news!
✅Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/sandy.bongo/
✅Facebook | https://www.facebook.com/sandytsaiyu/
✅Youtube | https://bit.ly/3dlO59h
✅商業合作 | [email protected]
7.6.2021 • 18 Protokoll, 1 Sekunde
#寫作挑戰賽 #小作者投稿 My Pet Dinosaur by Law Zok Yi from Malaysia
1. 專為2-6歲幼兒設計的英語啟蒙學習APP
2. 共四個Level,超過200堂課
3. 牛津、哈佛專業課程團隊打造,受英國教育部正式推薦
4. 超過 300 種迷你互動小遊戲、AI語音技術
5. 注重聽力和口說,幫助孩子開口說英文
✅ 訂購連結 http://bit.ly/Sandy_Lingumi(下載之後免費試用五堂課)
輸入折扣碼【sandy20】可享全方案 8 折優惠
本集為全英文節目,由小幫手Eno主持。前兩週,Eno為好朋友們製作了一集全英文的五分鐘短節目,邀請大家參加「我的寵物恐龍 My Pet Dinosuar」的寫作挑戰。還沒收聽的朋友可以前往本連結收聽 https://sndn.link/tsaiyu/OIwlEX 。感謝小朋友踴躍投稿!Eno已經選出他最喜歡的兩篇文章,將於節目中朗讀出來。今天的故事是由來自馬來西亞7歲的劉卓藝小朋友所創作,文字內容未經修改潤飾。一起來聽聽看!Dear Law Zok Yi, Thanks for writing this story. You are amazing!
----以上訊息由 SoundOn 動態廣告贊助商提供----
【Kids News兒童雙語新聞】本集新聞全文
1) The first news item is about Ingenuity, NASA’s Mars helicopter.
It flew! A helicopter flew on Mars!
NASA sent a helicopter, called Ingenuity, to Mars. On April 19th, Ingenuity took off and hovered above the Red Planet for 40 seconds. The helicopter took photos and then landed safely.
2) The second news item is about a big train crash in Hualien, Taiwan.
On April 2nd, a busy train derailed.
How did it happen?
A crane truck slid onto the railway track near a tunnel. The busy train hit the crane and derailed in the tunnel.
1) It is okay to feel scared. Even grownups feel scared all the time!
2) It was an accident. It was not your fault.
3) Talk to someone you trust about your fear. It will make you feel better.
4) Most importantly, you are loved!
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▶️點選「2020好聲音獎」> 可用旁邊搜尋「聽故事學英文」(編號158) 投下去!
✅Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/sandy.bongo/
✅Facebook | https://www.facebook.com/sandytsaiyu/
✅Youtube | https://bit.ly/3dlO59h
✅商業合作 | [email protected]
----以上訊息由 SoundOn 動態廣告贊助商提供----
贊助連結 https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/0cb16276-249c-4d9d-834a-bbbaf7a51cc7
Little Cabin in the Woods
A Popular American Camp Song
Little cabin in the woods,
A little man by the window stood.
Saw a rabbit hopping by,
Knocking at the door.
"Help me, help me, sir!" he cried,
"Before the farmer bops my head."
Come little rabbit, come inside, warm up by the fire!
使用KOYAMA小山烏克麗麗 型號 KYM-C100
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(3) 專屬分齡育兒電子報
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商業合作 | [email protected]
23.4.2021 • 20 Protokoll, 12 Sekunden
Kids News #1 兒童雙語新聞|長賜號受困蘇伊士運河、台灣缺水危機
全新系列【Kids News兒童雙語新聞】
接下來每個月我都會為小朋友做一集兒童雙語新聞,如果你認同也喜歡我的節目,你可以透過小額贊助支持我 https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/0cb16276-249c-4d9d-834a-bbbaf7a51cc7
《敦煌世界繪本節 第二波 Part 2》
2021/4/17-5/16 敦煌世界繪本節 Part 2! 更多英文繪本接力登場,全面5折,佩佩豬、忙碌鎮、熊貓先生、艾瑞卡爾等知名系列繪本等你帶回家!世界繪本節擁有豐富多元的主題新書及分類,家長們依照年齡或功能,皆可找到最適合孩子的繪本,把握搶購倒數機會!馬上搶購5折英文繪本 https://cavesfamily.pse.is/PB2_13
加入 Caves Family LINE@,搶先收到繪本節最新資訊:http://supr.link/W44nm
Peppa Pig粉紅豬小妹系列 https://reurl.cc/GdYOLx
Busytown忙碌鎮系列 https://reurl.cc/xg8AAV
Oi Frog的系列 https://reurl.cc/dVoAkg
Hair Love https://reurl.cc/XebygR
We Want Names too! https://reurl.cc/MZoVoL
Daddy Fartypants https://reurl.cc/zbkEGy
1) The container ship, called Ever Given, blocked the Suez Canal for six days.
On March 22, strong winds blew Ever Given sideways and it got stuck in the Suez Canal. This caused a traffic jam of more than 200 ships. Large machines and tugboats worked for 6 days to finally free Ever Given on March 29.
2) Taiwan cut home water supply 2 days a week
With little rain and no typhoons in 2020, Taiwan is facing the worst drought in 56 years. Many lakes and dams are drying up. People are hoping for the plum rain season to come.
Be a good friend of the Earth: 3 Ways to Save Water
1.Take short showers (less than 5 minutes)
2.Put a plastic bottle in your toilet tank
3.Turn off the tap and fill a glass when brushing your teeth
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商業合作 | [email protected]
16.4.2021 • 26 Protokoll, 31 Sekunden
What!?驚奇動物系列 #1長頸鹿冷知識 Giraffe Fun Facts That Will Blow Your Mind! (feat. Eno配音)
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2021/3/20-5/16 一年一度的敦煌世界繪本節 ,匯集國際出版社全新英文繪本,全面5折,讓家長們可以不用花大錢就能入手進口繪本、不用出國也能帶孩子環遊世界!
加入 Caves Family LINE@,搶先收到繪本節最新資訊:http://supr.link/W44nm
Little Chick Waits [歌詞]
Words written by Dr. Jean Warren
Melody created by Jacob Riederer
Little chick waits in his egg of white,
Curled up cozy, oh so tight.
Then he taps out a hole with his beak, beak, beak.
And pops from his shell, with a “Cheep, cheep, cheep!”
使用KOYAMA小山烏克麗麗 型號 KYM-C100
贊助連結 https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/0cb16276-249c-4d9d-834a-bbbaf7a51cc7
Instagram | sandy.bongo
Facebook | https://www.facebook.com/sandytsaiyu/
Youtube | https://bit.ly/3dlO59h
商業合作 | [email protected]
2.4.2021 • 16 Protokoll, 16 Sekunden
英文故事 #16 跳跳小跳蚤-烏克麗麗的故事 The Jumping Flea (feat. Eno)
Silly Song #9 男孩和女孩划著獨木舟 A Boy and a Girl in a Little Canoe
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Instagram | sandy.bongo
Facebook | https://www.facebook.com/sandytsaiyu/
Youtube | https://bit.ly/3dlO59h
商業合作 | [email protected]
** 如果你喜歡我的podcast,請贊助支持我繼續創作,讓更多小朋友享受免費的英文學習資源!**
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A Boy and a Girl in a Little Canoe [歌詞]
A Traditional Camp Song
Just a boy and a girl in a little canoe
With the moon shining all around
They paddled and they paddled
For miles and miles
You couldn’t even hear a sound
They talked and they talked
Till the moon grew dim
She said you’d better kiss me
Or get out and swim
So whatcha gonna do in a little canoe
With the moon shining all around.
Just a boy and a girl in a little canoe
With the moon shining all around
They paddled and they paddled
For miles and miles
You couldn’t even hear a sound
They talked and they talked
Till the moon grew dim
She said you’d better kiss me
Or get out and swim
So whatcha gonna do in a little canoe
With the moon shining all a,
Girl padding all a,
Boy swimming all around.
31.1.2021 • 19 Protokoll, 10 Sekunden
英文故事 #10 子宮內的最後一天 Last Day in the Womb (feat. Eno配音)
Silly Song #8 冰山漂流四十年就穿一套睡衣 Forty Years on an Iceberg
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是不是聽膩了車上那片小孩的英文童謠CD…來跟我一起唱唱搞笑又無厘頭的Silly Song!在冰山一起漂流四十年,什麼都不穿就穿睡衣,抱抱北極熊取暖吧~
Instagram | sandy.bongo
Facebook | https://www.facebook.com/sandytsaiyu/
Youtube | https://bit.ly/3dlO59h
** 如果你喜歡我的podcast,請贊助支持我繼續創作,讓更多小朋友享受免費的英文學習資源!**
[贊助連結] https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/0cb16276-249c-4d9d-834a-bbbaf7a51cc7
Forty Years on an Iceberg
A Traditional Camp Song
Forty years on an iceberg,
Over the ocean wide.
Nothing to wear but jammies,
Nothing to do but slide. (Whoo!)
The air was cold and frosty,
The frost began to bite.
I had to hug a polar bear,
To keep me warm at night.
Silly Song #7 我想要一隻河馬當聖誕禮物 I Want a Hippo for Christmas (feat. Eno)
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Instagram | sandy.bongo
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Youtube | https://bit.ly/3dlO59h
歌名:I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas
作詞作曲:John Rox
I want a hippopotamus for Christmas
Only a hippopotamus will do
I Don't want a doll, no dinky tinker toy
I want a hippopotamus to play with and enjoy
I want a hippopotamus for Christmas
I don't think Santa Claus will mind, do you?
He won't have to use our dirty chimney flue
Just bring him through the front door
That's the easy thing to do
I can see me now on Christmas morning
Creeping down the stairs
Oh what joy and what surprise
When I open up my eyes
To see a hippo hero standing there
I want a hippopotamus for Christmas
Only a hippopotamus will do
No crocodiles, no rhinoceroses
I only like hippopotamuses
And hippopotamuses like me too
Mom says the hippo would eat me up, but then
Teacher says a hippo is a vegetarian
There's lots of room for him, in our two-car garage
I'd feed him there, and wash him there,
and give him his massage
I can see me now on Christmas morning
Creeping down the stairs
Oh what joy and what surprise
When I open up my eyes
To see a hippo hero standing there
I want a hippopotamus for Christmas
Only a hippopotamus will do
No crocodiles or rhinoceroses
I only like hippopotamuses
And hippopotamuses like me too
23.12.2020 • 23 Protokoll, 57 Sekunden
英文故事 #8 二十四節氣(冬至) Winter Solstice - The Longest Night
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Chestnut Roasting On An Open Fire (The Christmas Song)
作詞作曲 Robert Wells / Mel Torme
Chestnuts roasting on an open fire
Jack Frost nipping at your nose
Yuletide carols being sung by a choir
And folks dressed up like Eskimos
Everybody knows a turkey and some mistletoe
Help to make the season bright
Tiny tots with their eyes all aglow
Will find it hard to sleep tonight
They know that Santa's on his way
He's loaded lots of toys and goodies on his sleigh
And every mother's child is gonna spy
To see if reindeer really know how to fly
And so I'm offering this simple phrase
To kids from one to ninety-two
Although it's been said many times, many ways
Merry Christmas to you
11.12.2020 • 22 Protokoll, 35 Sekunden
聖誕歌曲教唱 Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas
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Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas
作詞 Ralph Blane
作曲 Hugh Martin
Have yourself a merry little Christmas
Let your heart be light
From now on your troubles will be out of sight
Have yourself a merry little Christmas
Make the Yuletide gay
From now on your troubles will be miles away
Here we are as in olden days
Happy golden days of yore
Faithful friends who are dear to us
Will be near to us once more
Some day soon we all will be together
If the fates allow
Hang a shining star upon the highest bough
So have yourself a merry little Christmas now
4.12.2020 • 18 Protokoll, 36 Sekunden
Silly Song #6 搞笑小魚之歌 Have You Ever Gone A-Fishing? (feat. Eno)
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Youtube | https://bit.ly/3dlO59h
Have you ever gone a-fishing on a hot and sunny day? Watching all the little fishies swimming in and out the bay. With their hands in their pockets and their pockets in their pants… and all the little fishies doing the hootchie kootchie dance!
Have you ever gone fishing on a rainy rainy day? Watching all the little fishies with umbrellas in the bay. With their hands in their pockets and their pockets in their pants… and all the little fishies doing the hootchie kootchie dance!
Have you ever gone fishing on a cold and chilly day? Watching all the little fishies frozen solid in the bay. With their hands in their pockets and their pockets in their pants… and it’s just too cold to do the hootchie kootchie dance!
Have you ever gone fishing on a hot and cold day? Watching all the little fishies all confused in the bay. With their hands in their pockets and their pockets in their pants… and it’s just too confused to do the hootchie kootchie dance!
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Youtube | https://bit.ly/3dlO59h
There Was An Old Lady
Adapted from a traditional nursery rhyme
There was an old lady who swallowed a bat.
I don’t know why she swallowed a bat.
Imagine that!
There was an old lady who swallowed a spider,
That wiggled and giggled and tickled inside her.
She swallowed the spider to catch the bat.
I don’t know why she swallowed a bat.
Imagine that!
There was an old lady who swallowed a cat.
How crazy is that, to swallow a cat?
She swallowed the cat to catch the spider.
She swallowed the spider to catch the bat.
I don’t know why she swallowed a bat.
Imagine that!
There was an old lady who swallowed a ghost,
A ghost, oh my! She swallowed a ghost!
She swallowed the ghost to scare the cat.
She swallowed the cat to catch the spider.
She swallowed the spider to catch the bat.
I don’t know why she swallowed a bat.
Imagine that!
There was an old lady who swallowed a witch.
She just opened her mouth and swallowed a witch.
She swallowed the witch to help the ghost.
She swallowed the ghost to scare the cat.
She swallowed the cat to catch the spider.
She swallowed the spider to catch the bat.
I don’t know why she swallowed a bat.
Imagine that!
There was an old lady who swallowed a haunted house.
I don't know HOW she swallowed a house.
Wait a minute. This is just getting crazy.
I can’t believe it…
There was an old lady who swallowed a…
Let the party begin!
Happy Halloween!
31.10.2020 • 24 Protokoll
Silly Song #5 一隻不會下蛋的小雞之歌 I Had a Little Chicken who Wouldn't Lay an Egg (feat. Eno)
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Youtube | https://bit.ly/3dlO59h
I had a little chicken who wouldn't lay an egg
So I rubbed hot water up and down her leg
I rubbed hot water up and down her leg
And the silly little chicken laid a hard boiled egg
A hard boiled egg, a hard boiled egg
And the silly little chicken laid a hard boiled egg
I had a little chicken who wouldn't lay an egg
So I rubbed some chocolate up and down her leg
I rubbed some chocolate up and down her leg
And the silly little chicken laid a chocolate egg
A chocolate egg, a chocolate egg
And the silly little chicken laid a chocolate egg
I had a little chicken who wouldn't lay an egg
So I rubbed some butter up and down her leg
I rubbed some butter up and down her leg
And the silly little chicken laid a nice fried egg
A nice fried egg, a nice fried egg
And the silly little chicken laid a nice fried egg
24.10.2020 • 18 Protokoll, 19 Sekunden
Silly Song #4 小兔子阿福之歌 Little Bunny Foo Foo
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這首無厘頭的英文Silly Song談的是一隻調皮的小兔子,老是喜歡抓起地裡的小田鼠,往他們頭上巴下去!最後,調皮的兔子被好心的仙女變成了一隻GOON
Little Bunny Foo Foo went hopping through the forest
Scooping up the field mice
And bopping them on the head
Down came the good fairy, and she said,
"Little Bunny Foo Foo
I don’t want to see you
Scooping up the field mice
And bopping them on the head
I’ll give you three chances / two more chances / one last chance
If you don’t behave
I’ll turn you into a Goon!"
The moral of the story is…
Hare Today, Goon Tomorrow
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Youtube | https://bit.ly/3dlO59h
14.10.2020 • 21 Protokoll, 27 Sekunden
英文故事 #4 很噁心!不要放進嘴巴裡! Don't put That in Your Mouth! (feat. Eno & Dada)
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記憶中一個有夠奇怪的夏天,我遇到了一隻會講話的小蟲,名字叫做Herman。請跟我一起聽英文學英文,我會為小朋友進行中文導讀,講解單 字和故事內容,邊聽故事還要邊一起唱Silly Song喔!
I was sitting on my fence post
Chewing my bubblegum
Playing with my yo-yo
Then along came Herman the worm
And he was this big….
I said, “Herman, what happened?”
He said, “I swallowed….”
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Youtube | https://bit.ly/3dlO59h
17.9.2020 • 19 Protokoll, 31 Sekunden
Silly Song #3 愛喝果汁的大麋鹿 There Was a Great Big Moose (feat. Eno)
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歌名叫做 There was a Great Big moose
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There was a great big moose
He liked to drink a lot of juice
There was a great big moose
He liked to drink a lot of juice
Singing Oh-Way-Oh
Way-oh way-oh way-oh way-oh
Way-oh way-oh
Way-oh way-oh way-oh way-oh
The moose’s name was Fred
He liked to drink his juice in bed
He drank his juice with care
But he spilled it in his hair
Now he’s a sticky moose
Who liked to drink a lot of juice
1.9.2020 • 15 Protokoll, 29 Sekunden
Silly Song #2 水桶破了一個洞?還是腦袋有洞?There's A Hole in the Bucket
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這是一首令你腦洞大開的Silly Song!
學習可以不用那麼嚴肅,拿掉濃濃的說教意味,唱唱搞笑英文歌,全家一起be silly!單字有沒有背起來無所謂,英文有沒有進步也不是重點。只要孩子興致來了,學英文就沒問題了~
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Youtube | https://bit.ly/3dlO59h
There's a hole in the bucket, dear Liza.
Well, fix it, dear Henry.
With what shall I fix it, dear Liza?
With straw, dear Henry.
The straw is too long, dear Liza.
So cut it, dear Henry.
With what shall I cut it, dear Liza?
With a knife, dear Henry, dear Henry.
The knife is too dull, dear Liza.
Then sharpen it, dear Henry.
With what shall I sharpen it, dear Liza?
With a stone, dear Henry.
The stone is too dry, dear Liza.
So wet it, dear Henry.
With what shall I wet it, dear Liza?
With water, dear Henry.
With what shall I carry it, dear Liza?
With a bucket, dear Henry.
There's a hole in the bucket, dear Liza…..
18.8.2020 • 17 Protokoll, 33 Sekunden
Silly Song #1 一首沒完沒了永遠唱不完的歌 The Song That Doesn't End
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這是一首搞笑、不正經、無厘頭的Silly Song
學英文可以不用那麼嚴肅,唱唱搞笑英文歌,全家一起be silly
The Song That Doesn't End
From the album Lamb Chop's Sing-Along, Play-Along
By Shari Lewis in 1992
This is the song that doesn't end
Yes, it goes on and on my friend
Some people started singing it not knowing what it was
And they'll continue singing it forever, just because…
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