#126 Granite Falls Pluton
Nick learns new things about a pluton north of Seattle.
#125 Mount Rainier Geology
Nick has surprisingly old geology stories from Mount Rainier.
#124 The New Idaho Batholith
Nick reports on his new appreciation for the Idaho Batholith.
Nick wonders if Idaho had Cascade Volcanoes before Washington did.
#122 Chinook Pass Geology
Nick visits outcrops near Mount Rainier.
Nick recaps a recent Mt St Helens trip.
Nick returns! The birth of the Cascades is the topic.
#119 Spokane Radio Interview
Nick is interviewed by Spokane Community Radio.
5/18/2024 • 55 minutes, 30 seconds #118 Where Have You Been?
Nick reports on a satisfying winter project: The Ice Age Floods A to Z
#117 Ice Age Floods A to Z!
Nick announces the start of a new YouTube livestream series.
#116 Atwater in the Sanpoil
Nick reports on a memorable weekend with Brian Atwater.
Nick shares the inside scoop on a potential breakthrough.
Nick reports on a recent Penrose Conference in Idaho.
Nick resumes his PBS television series.
Nick wonders about older glaciations in Washington.
Nick reports on attending a GSA meeting in Reno, Nevada.
Nick wonders if the Ice Sheet ever reached Spokane, Washington.
Nick reports on four new Downtown Lectures that are now on YouTube.
Nick wraps up thinking about concepts as he preps for new Downtown lectures.
Nick looks for themes from the Crazy Eocene A to Z series.
Nick recaps highlights from the ‘Exotic Terranes’ alphabet series in 2020.
Nick shares the backstory on his Downtown Geology Lectures.
Nick shares new ideas about a 16.1 Ma basalt flow.
#103 Where's The Fault At?
Nick asks “Where’s the Baja BC Fault?”
Nick talks detrital zircons from British Columbia.
#101 Friday Harbor Geology
Nick recalls a San Juan Islands field trip with Darrel Cowan.
Nick recalls a great trip to Slate Peak.
#99 Blue Mountain Surprises
Nick recaps a recent visit to Washington’s Olympic Peninsula.
#98 Mount Baker Exotic Terranes
Nick recaps a recent field experience at Mount Baker.
#97 North Cascades Highway
Nick reports on a recent trip to the North Cascades.
#96 Mount Stuart & Friends
Nick shares new thoughts about Mount Stuart and exotic terranes.
Nick learns new things related to Moses Coulee.
Nick shares the stunning work of Daniel Coe.
Nick reports on a Sunday field trip to Foster Coulee.
Nick shares new ideas courtesy of Jerome Lesemann and Skye Cooley.
#91 The Snake River was here?
New evidence for the old Snake River pathway.
#90. Columns, Granite, Etc.
Nick recaps his latest efforts.
Randy Lewis shares the Native American story of the Pinnacles.
Nick offers a geology platter with many offerings.
Nick comments on a recent interview with Bob.
Nick shares a new video idea.
Nick shares potential video ideas.
Nick reflects on this past winter.
Nick recalls a big day in the YouTube livestream series.
Nick shifts to thinking about docking Siletzia 50 million years ago.
Nick wonders about the significance of docking Wrangellia.
Nick shares his latest format - with excitement.
Nick shares a new idea…
#78 Crashing a GSA field trip
Nick crashed a recent Grand Coulee Ice Age Floods field trip.
Nick reports on the recent GSA meeting in Portland, Oregon.
10/14/2021 • 40 minutes, 30 seconds #76 Okanagan Ice Age Floods
Nick reports on a recent trip to British Columbia.
#75 North Cascades Highway
Nick explores Highway 20 through the North Cascades.
Nick returns to his old stomping grounds in Idaho.
Nick recalls filming at Lodgestick Bluff.
Nick reports on his various activities of Summer 2021.
#71 Meeting the Dream Team
Nick recaps his recent North Cascades visit.
Nick talks about his connection with Randy Lewis.
Nick talks about the mysterious Challis Magmas.
Nick shares new research on the Chumstick Formation.
Nick uses sedimentary units to document Siletzia accretion.
#66 Brian Atwater in the Grand Coulee
Nick reports on a memorable day at Steamboat Rock.
#65 Long-Lived Yellowstone Hot Spot
Nick shares new work on an old Hot Spot.
#64 Picture Gorge Basalts
Nick shares new work on the earliest Columbia River Basalts.
#63 Near Trench Magmatism
Nick dwells on magmas near ocean trenches.
Nick talks large igneous provinces.
Nick looks at evidence that supports moving plutons.
Nick talks plutons in Canada, USA, & Mexico.
Nick talks Nanaimo like a boss.
Nick looks at important bedrock near Wenatchee.
Nick visits the rugged core of the North Cascades.
Nick tackles Mount Stuart north of Ellensburg.
Nick crosses the Straight Creek Fault.
Nick visits Washington's San Juan Islands.
Nick features exciting new work by Karin Sigloch.
Nick finishes building British Columbia.
#51 Intermontane Superterrane
Nick dives into British Columbia bedrock.
#50 Ralph Haugerud Interview
Nick interviews USGS geologist Ralph Haugerud.
#49 Darrel Cowan Interview
Nick interviews University of Washington geology professor Darrel Cowan.
Nick interviews Baja BC godfather Myrl Beck.
Nick visits a few Mesozoic portals.
#46 Cle Elum Exotic Terranes
Nick learns new exotic tricks close to home.
8/4/2020 • 1 day, 11 hours Nick shares ideas about the mysterious Mima Mounds.
7/30/2020 • 59 minutes, 56 seconds Nick returns from his Backyard Livestream series.
7/12/2020 • 1 day, 7 hours, 7 minutes Nick begins YouTube Live lectures from his home.
3/24/2020 • 30 minutes, 15 seconds Nick remembers Tom Foster and his start with outreach efforts.
3/15/2020 • 33 minutes, 20 seconds #41 Demise of the Kula Plate
Nick continues with his new lecture preparation.
2/19/2020 • 36 minutes, 5 seconds #40 Demise of the Farallon Plate
Nick raps about the once mighty Farallon Plate.
2/5/2020 • 36 minutes, 38 seconds Nick visits with USGS geologist Richard Waitt.
1/30/2020 • 26 minutes, 30 seconds #38 Igneous Rock Identification, Etc
Nick preaches igneous rock classification rules. Etc.
1/16/2020 • 38 minutes, 4 seconds Nick chats with Oregon geologist Emily Cahoon.
1/10/2020 • 36 minutes, 45 seconds Nick teaches an Introduction to Rock Identification lab.
Nick goes to the field with paper topographic maps.
Nick teaches a GEOL 101 LAB lesson on topographic maps.
12/23/2019 • 35 minutes, 1 second Nick interviews famous geologist Brian Atwater.
12/19/2019 • 31 minutes, 26 seconds Nick wonders about the rhyolite north of Ellensburg.
12/19/2019 • 26 minutes, 34 seconds Nick shares stories of new Bretz material surfacing from 1922.
12/19/2019 • 36 minutes, 28 seconds #30 Bretz's Field Evidence
Nick describes Bretz's evidence from the early 1920’s.
12/19/2019 • 34 minutes, 38 seconds Nick talks about famous geologist J Harlen Bretz.
12/19/2019 • 37 minutes, 56 seconds #28 Ellensburg Blue Agates
Nick hunts for the famous blue agates of Ellensburg.
12/19/2019 • 34 minutes, 50 seconds Nick goes gold mining in Liberty, Washington.
12/19/2019 • 34 minutes, 22 seconds #26 Terranes in Washington
Nick builds Washington from scratch.
12/19/2019 • 34 minutes, 22 seconds Nick opens a can of worms.
12/19/2019 • 33 minutes, 48 seconds Nick explains how the Olympic Mountains developed.
12/19/2019 • 25 minutes, 43 seconds Nick heads up into the Cascades to study volcanoes.
12/19/2019 • 34 minutes, 38 seconds #22 Columbia River Basalts
Nick explores the flood basalts of the Pacific Northwest.
12/19/2019 • 33 minutes, 13 seconds Nick remembers the Farallon Plate.
12/19/2019 • 39 minutes, 41 seconds Nick looks onshore and offshore for great earthquake evidence.
12/19/2019 • 33 minutes, 26 seconds Nick unearths the field evidence for the Seattle Fault.
12/19/2019 • 37 minutes, 38 seconds Nick heads to California’s major plate boundary.
12/19/2019 • 32 minutes, 1 second Nick ponders why volcanoes erupt differently.
12/19/2019 • 35 minutes, 8 seconds #16 Magmas and Igneous Rocks
Nick delves into magma chemistry and igneous rocks.
12/19/2019 • 34 minutes, 24 seconds Nick addresses volcanic activity within tectonic plates.
12/19/2019 • 29 minutes, 38 seconds Nick surveys the action at plate boundaries.
12/19/2019 • 35 minutes, 23 seconds Nick explores the exciting world of plate tectonics.
12/19/2019 • 40 minutes, 20 seconds #12 Pangea and Continental Drift
Nick looks at evidence for a supercontinent.
12/19/2019 • 31 minutes, 19 seconds Nick looks at deformed crust.
12/19/2019 • 36 minutes, 2 seconds