Welcome to The 90 Day Peace Project, where you can build persistent inner peace in 5 minutes a day. Directions: 1. Listen to the episodes in order. 2. Focus on ONLY one lesson per day. Read the description. Complete the prompt in writing. 3. A few times during the day, review that day's lesson. Each day builds on the previous, to help you release self-limiting beliefs, realize your true essence, manifest your desires with ease, and develop a sense of persistent peace. Enjoy this free 30 day start to The 90 Day Peace Project. Then, subscribe to complete the last 60 days of the program, which include powerful manifesting techniques and tools for deepening your lasting inner peace each day.
Day 30: When I explore the idea that limitations are not real, I feel...
When I think of an aspect of myself that feels limited, such as fear or lack, I can also imagine them flying away and know that something remains. That which remains is wholeness. The wholeness is always there, and the limitations are temporary and transient. The more I focus on that wholeness, the more I recognize that it is a constant truth.
When I explore the idea that limitations are not real, I feel...
29.8.2022 • 3 Protokoll, 50 Sekunden
Day 29: When I realize that the ways in which I feel small are just illusions, I feel...
As I notice that frustration and insecurity feel small, but peace, joy, and bliss feel expansive, I can understand that feeling limited is an illusion. As I realize these are illusions, I can easily let go of the idea that I am limited. I can turn my attention to exploring the awareness of being part of the infinite instead.
When I realize that the ways in which I feel small are just illusions, I feel...
28.8.2022 • 3 Protokoll, 20 Sekunden
Day 28: If I choose to trust that the information I need will come to me at the right time, I would feel...
When I am seeking an answer and offer the question up to the Universe, then relax and know that the answer will arise at the right time, I stop striving and feel secure. Trusting the infinite knowledge of the Universe also helps remind me that I'm part of it.
If I choose to trust that the information I need will come to me at the right time, I would feel...
27.8.2022 • 2 Protokoll, 32 Sekunden
Day 27: When I allow myself time to recharge, I feel...
By taking time each day to simply be, to go within and allow myself to become quiet, I am renewed. The small amount of self-care time reminds me that I am worthy and part of infinite Beingness.
When I allow myself time to recharge, I feel...
26.8.2022 • 2 Protokoll, 30 Sekunden
Day 26: If I allowed myself to stop replaying my stories of victimhood, I would feel...
Every time I replay a memory of times when I was wronged somehow, I am reliving stress and pain. When I decide that no longer serves me, I can replace it with ways I have grown wiser and stronger since then. The new story brings confidence and self-worth instead of pain.
If I allowed myself to stop replaying my stories of victimhood, I would feel...
25.8.2022 • 2 Protokoll, 53 Sekunden
Day 25: If I allowed myself to shift my feelings of lack into openness to receive, I would feel...
When I change my self-talk from "I want..." or "I need...," to "I am open to," "I am ready for," I create the mental and emotional state that's conducive to allowing my desires to be easily fulfilled.
If I allowed myself to shift my feelings of lack into openness to receive, I would feel...
24.8.2022 • 2 Protokoll, 49 Sekunden
Day 24: As I am anchored in presence and grounded, I notice...
When I choose to be grounded fully, I can have a positive impact on others who are swept off in their emotional overload. Their energy is calmed by the way I'm anchored in calm and compassion.
As I am anchored in presence and grounded, I notice...
23.8.2022 • 2 Protokoll, 55 Sekunden
Day 23: When I understand that I can choose not to participate in the drama around me, I feel...
When other people, social media, and the news are inviting me to respond with strong emotions, I can also step back and simply observe from a detached perspective, without entering the tornado. I can witness without engaging, as I remain present and grounded.
When I understand that I can choose not to participate in the drama around me, I feel...
22.8.2022 • 1 Minute, 58 Sekunden
Day 22: When I realize that I don't have to decide how to feel about things, I feel...
When I release the need to describe the events in my life with some emotional quality, such as good, bad, upsetting, tragic, etc., and instead just allow things to be as they are, I can feel at peace in the midst of the world. I can know that things arise, and I am always okay in the moment.
When I realize that I don't have to decide how to feel about things, I feel...
21.8.2022 • 1 Minute, 28 Sekunden
Day 21: When I realize that judgements about anything that has happened are just stories, I can...
As I think about how I feel about the events in my life, I can see that I have created stories around each one. These stories include decisions I've made about the qualities of these events. As I notice that they are simply stories, I can also decide to stop telling them, or change them entirely. As the stories lose their emotional attachments, peace floods in to take their place.
When I realize that judgements about anything that has happened are just stories, I can...
20.8.2022 • 4 Protokoll
Day 20: When I notice that all emotions are just experiences that the infinite, unlimited Awareness is noticing, I can stop owning them.
As emotions arise, and I simply notice their presence, I am able to stop owning them. I can acknowledge that the experience is happening, and then watch it pass by as a cloud in the sky will do.
When I notice that all emotions are just experiences that the infinite, unlimited Awareness is noticing, I can stop owning them.
19.8.2022 • 2 Protokoll, 34 Sekunden
Day 19: If I allowed myself to stop searching, I would feel...
As I explore the idea that all answers are already there for me to receive, and instead of striving to figure things out, I leave myself open to answers to flow to me in the perfect time, without effort, I welcome back the energy I had been using to struggle. I allow the events that unfold to contain the answers that I need in the perfect timing.
If I allowed myself to stop searching, I would feel...
18.8.2022 • 1 Minute, 57 Sekunden
Day 18: When I see that the future is only a figment of my imagination in the realm of possibility, and therefore doesn't exist, I can...
As I decide that it's unnecessary to imagine events that may or may not occur in the future, I relax into the peace of knowing that what's happening now is all that matters. Shedding the energy of trying to solve possible events brings about a sense of profound wellbeing.
When I see that the future is only a figment of my imagination in the realm of possibility, and therefore doesn't exist, I can...
17.8.2022 • 2 Protokoll, 12 Sekunden
Day 17: When I realize that the past and future are all imaginary, I also realize...
If I am bothered by thinking about events from my past, I can notice that the past events only exist within my mind's ability to recall them. The memories have been stored according to my emotional energy surrounding them. And none of them are actually real in the present. Therefore, I can understand that all painful memories exist only in my mind, not in reality. Since they don't actually exist now, I no longer need to give them my attention, and can let them go.
When I realize that the past and future are all imaginary, I also realize...
16.8.2022 • 2 Protokoll, 6 Sekunden
Day 16: When I bring my attention back to my breath, I feel...
Breathing happens whether I am paying attention to it or not. It doesn't require effort or planning. And when I pay attention to my breath, I realize that breath simply is happening now. Similarly, life is simply unfolding now, without any effort from me.
When I bring my attention back to my breath, I feel...
15.8.2022 • 2 Protokoll, 41 Sekunden
Day 15: If I experience awareness as bigger than my body, I can...
When I close my eyes, I can move my attention anywhere within our outside of my body. When I realize that the attention is my own awareness, I can experience being beyond physical space, time, limitation, and lack.
If I experience awareness as bigger than my body, I can...
14.8.2022 • 2 Protokoll, 27 Sekunden
Day 14: In the space between thoughts, I notice...
When I bring my attention to the quiet place between thoughts, I am able to hold that space longer. Thoughts become quiet, and peace is increased.
In the space between thoughts, I notice...
13.8.2022 • 2 Protokoll, 51 Sekunden
Day 13: When I release all that is added to me, I realize...
As I accept that the real me is simply peace and presence, I am able to recognize all other labels and emotions as "added to me," and release them. As I practice this releasing of all that is artificially added, peace and presence expand within me.
When I release all that is added to me, I realize...
12.8.2022 • 2 Protokoll, 6 Sekunden
Day 12: If I embrace being Consciousness looking out from my body today, then...
As I release all labels that follow "I am" such as, "I am anxious," "I am frustrated," etc., and only focus on "I am Consciousness looking out from a body," all other labels fall away. In their place are curiosity, presence, and a sense that all is perfectly okay.
If I embrace being Consciousness looking out from my body today, then...
11.8.2022 • 2 Protokoll, 24 Sekunden
Day 11: If today I chose peace, then...
As I intentionally select peace as my dominant sense of being, and return my attention to peace repeatedly throughout the day, I create a new habit. This habit helps my mind and nervous system reset to knowing all is well. From this peace, I am able to live my life efficiently as peace effortlessly spreads into all of my interactions.
If today I chose peace, then...
10.8.2022 • 1 Minute, 26 Sekunden
Day 10: By accepting that it's okay not to know what will happen, I feel...
When I let go of trying to have all of the answers and prepare for any possible scenario, I allow myself to respond to what is actually happening here and now. This frees my mind from its constant working to find answers, and gives me mental space to seamlessly respond to what is in my reality. I accept that I am capable of handling what is presently occurring. With that acceptance comes a sense of confidence and peace.
By accepting that it's okay not to know what will happen, I feel...
9.8.2022 • 2 Protokoll
Day 9: With peace at my center, I am able to...
When I quiet my narrative mind and sink deep into what's left, I find pure peace. I allow this peace to expand fully, into and beyond my body on all sides. As I do so, the nervous system begins to adjust and align with this ever-present peace. Regular practice helps this become my baseline state of being.
With peace at my center, I am able to...
8.8.2022 • 2 Protokoll, 11 Sekunden
Day 8: Who I am is my choice. Today, I choose...
When I accept that the true depth of my being is pure potential, I know that I can step into the role of an optimal version of myself at any time. By imagining that I am this person, happy and successful, my mind understands how to live this way. As I allow myself to become this, all other possibilities fall away and life responds accordingly to my new role.
Who I am is my choice. Today, I choose...
7.8.2022 • 3 Protokoll, 20 Sekunden
Day 7: When I'm present right now, I feel...
As I notice only what is happening here and now, my mind shifts away from anxiety about the future or past. My mind focuses on this moment and my nervous system calms down. I am able to release anything else, and with it, fully embrace the knowing that all is well in this moment.
When I'm present right now, I feel...
6.8.2022 • 2 Protokoll, 41 Sekunden
Day 6: In this moment, I am enjoying...
As I bring my attention to what's enjoyable right now, my mind steps away from the need to suffer and strive. My mind enjoys the challenge of finding what's good around me, and the success of finding things to enjoy reminds me that there's always something good. This practice leads to a higher level of happiness, which is here for me always.
In this moment, I am enjoying...
5.8.2022 • 1 Minute, 37 Sekunden
Day 5: If I accepted that all is unfolding perfectly on its own, I would feel...
As I think of stepping back from the need to control, and embracing only the ease of responding to what's in this moment, I allow myself to release the weight of my imagined burdens and be fully present. I accept that I am capable of handling what's before me, without the need to look ahead or behind.
If I accepted that all is unfolding perfectly on its own, I would feel...
4.8.2022 • 1 Minute, 52 Sekunden
Day 4: My favorite vacation spot is... because...
Thinking of my favorite vacation spot, I can imagine myself there, with nothing to do but enjoy being in this place, with perfect weather. As I imagine it, I also feel myself relax and feel the joy of being in this place that I love.
My favorite vacation spot is... because...
3.8.2022 • 1 Minute, 37 Sekunden
Day 3: I feel most relaxed when...
As I think of what makes me feel relaxed, I imagine that is happening right now. I allow the experience of being fully relaxed to arise fully within me.
I feel most relaxed when...
2.8.2022 • 2 Protokoll, 24 Sekunden
Day 2: I feel safe when...
As I think of that safe feeling, I allow myself to experience it fully, knowing that it is real, here and now. I am safe and nothing needs to be done to be safe.
I feel safe when...
1.8.2022 • 1 Minute, 59 Sekunden
Day 1: Who do I love?
As I think of those I love, I allow the feeling of loving them to fill me and reach out from my heart to theirs. I notice that my mind becomes calm, and my emotional state becomes grateful and happy.
Who do I love?
31.7.2022 • 1 Minute, 53 Sekunden
Welcome to The 90 Day Peace Project
Welcome to The 90 Day Peace Project, where you can build persistent inner peace in 5 minutes a day. Directions: 1. Listen to the episodes in order. 2. Focus on ONLY one lesson per day. Read the description. Complete the prompt in writing. 3. A few times during the day, review that day's lesson. Each day builds on the previous, to help you release self-limiting beliefs, realize your true essence, manifest your desires with ease, and develop a sense of persistent peace. Enjoy this free 30 day start to The 90 Day Peace Project. Then, subscribe to complete the last 60 days of the program, which include powerful manifesting techniques and tools for deepening your lasting inner peace each day.