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Sumerian Origins

English, History, 6 seasons, 65 episodes, 2 days, 6 hours, 46 minutes
Sumerian Origins
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64. The Urim Stone of Ancient Mesopotamia, Enki’s Biggest Secret Hold’s the Anunnaki in Order

In the heart of ancient Mesopotamia, nestled between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, a tale unfolded that blurred the lines between myth and reality. The city of Eridu, dedicated to the god Enki, held a secret known only to a select few - the Urim Stone. #anunnaki #enki #mesopotamia Enki, the god of wisdom and water, was said to have crafted the Urim Stone in the depths of the Abzu, a mystical subterranean realm. The stone was said to possess the power to maintain balance among the Anunnaki, the divine beings who shaped the destinies of mortals. The protagonist, Naram, a young and ambitious scribe in Eridu, discovered a cryptic tablet hidden deep within the temple archives. The tablet spoke of the Urim Stone and its role in preserving harmony among the Anunnaki. Intrigued, Naram delved into forbidden texts, seeking to unravel the truth behind the legends. As Naram's knowledge grew, so did the shadows that lurked in the corners of Eridu. The city's high priest, Ekur, aware of Naram's pursuits, approached him with a warning. The Urim Stone, he explained, was not just a tale; it was a relic safeguarding the delicate balance between the Anunnaki, ensuring order in both divine and mortal realms. As Naram dug deeper, he uncovered a web of intrigue and political maneuvering among the gods. The Urim Stone, it seemed, held not just power but also secrets that could sway the course of history. Whispers of discontent among the Anunnaki hinted at a struggle for control, and the Urim Stone became the coveted key to dominance. In a twist of fate, Naram found himself caught in the crossfire of divine ambitions. The gods, unaware of his mortal presence, continued their clandestine power struggles. Naram's quest for knowledge became a race against time as he sought to understand the Urim Stone's true purpose and protect Eridu from the impending divine discord. The climax unfolded within the sacred precincts of Eridu as Naram confronted the high priest Ekur, who revealed his own designs for the Urim Stone. In a dramatic turn of events, Naram, armed with newfound wisdom, faced the gods themselves, demanding they reconcile their differences for the sake of humanity. In the end, the Urim Stone, once a symbol of potential chaos, became a beacon of unity. The gods, recognizing the wisdom of a mortal, agreed to uphold the delicate balance without interference. Naram returned the Urim Stone to its hidden chamber, and Eridu flourished as a city of prosperity and enlightenment. As time passed, the tale of Naram and the Urim Stone faded into the annals of history, leaving behind a city that stood as a testament to the power of knowledge and the potential for harmony between the mortal and divine realms.
11/22/202354 minutes, 40 seconds
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63. Enlil and the Priests of Nippur, an Anunnaki Mythology breakdown of Actual Practices

Enlil is a prominent deity in the Mesopotamian pantheon, specifically in Sumerian and Akkadian mythology. The Anunnaki are a group of deities in ancient Mesopotamian cultures. It's important to note that these myths and religious practices evolved over a long period of time, and interpretations can vary. Enlil: Enlil was considered the god of wind, air, earth, and storms in Sumerian mythology. Over time, he became a major deity, associated with the concept of "lil," which refers to the air and the space between heaven and earth. Enlil was often depicted as a bearded man wearing a horned cap, symbolizing his authority. His chief temple was in the city of Nippur. Nippur: Nippur was one of the most ancient and important cities in ancient Mesopotamia. It was a center of religious worship and scholarship. The E-kur, or Enlil's temple, was located in Nippur and played a crucial role in the religious and political life of the region. Priests of Nippur: The priests of Nippur were responsible for the rituals and ceremonies conducted at the E-kur. They held significant influence in the political and social spheres of Sumerian society. The high priest of Nippur was often considered one of the most powerful figures in the land. Actual Practices: While specific details of the religious practices and rituals can be challenging to pinpoint with precision, some general aspects of Mesopotamian religious practices include: Prayer and Hymns: Priests recited prayers and hymns to invoke the favor of the gods. These texts often praised the gods' attributes and recounted their mythological exploits. Divination: Priests were often involved in divination practices, using various methods to interpret signs and omens to understand the will of the gods and make predictions about the future. Festivals and Celebrations: Various festivals and ceremonies were held throughout the year to honor specific deities. These events often involved elaborate rituals, processions, and communal activities. Role in Society: Priests held considerable influence in ancient Mesopotamian society. They not only performed religious duties but also played roles in education, administration, and even served as advisors to rulers. It's important to approach these practices with the understanding that our knowledge is limited, and interpretations may vary among scholars. The details of religious practices would also have evolved over time and may have differed across different city-states in Mesopotamia.
11/20/20231 hour, 8 minutes, 47 seconds
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62. Mystery of Ishtar, Venus and Innana

The association between Ishtar and Venus is a fascinating aspect of ancient mythology that transcends Mesopotamian cultures. Ishtar, the goddess of love, fertility, and war in the Mesopotamian pantheon, has often been linked to the planet Venus. This connection is particularly strong in Babylonian and Assyrian traditions. Venus, the second planet from the sun, is the brightest natural object in the night sky, and its appearance as both the morning star and the evening star has intrigued cultures throughout history. In Mesopotamian astronomy and astrology, Venus was identified with various deities, and Ishtar emerged as the primary goddess associated with the planet. Here are some key points regarding the Ishtar-Venus mystery: Symbolic Representation: Ishtar and Venus share symbolic attributes related to love, beauty, and fertility. The radiant appearance of Venus in the sky, especially during the dawn and dusk, aligns with the goddess's associations with vitality and life. Dual Aspects of Venus: Venus, like Ishtar herself, exhibits a dual nature as both the morning and evening star due to its orbit around the sun. This duality is reflected in the multifaceted aspects of Ishtar, who embodies both love and war, creation and destruction. Astronomical Significance: The Babylonians were keen astronomers, and they made observations of celestial bodies, including Venus. The movements of Venus were meticulously recorded, and its appearances were often interpreted in religious and mythological contexts. Cultural Practices and Worship: Ishtar's worship, particularly in Babylon, involved rituals and celebrations aligned with the movements of Venus. The Venus cycle, with its phases of disappearance and reappearance, may have been linked to the goddess's mythological journeys, such as her descent into the underworld. Influence on Later Cultures: The association between Ishtar and Venus has left a lasting impact on subsequent cultures. The Roman goddess Venus, for example, shares similarities with Ishtar in her roles related to love and beauty, and the identification of Venus as the morning and evening star persisted in various mythologies. In conclusion, the Ishtar-Venus mystery is a captivating aspect of ancient beliefs, blending astronomy, mythology, and cultural practices. The symbolic resonance between the goddess and the planet adds depth to the understanding of both celestial observations and the profound impact of mythology on human perception of the cosmos. The intertwining of Ishtar and Venus reflects the intricate ways in which ancient cultures sought to make sense of the natural world and their place within it.
11/18/202359 minutes, 22 seconds
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61. Anunnaki Rulers, Enki and Enlil, Why do they Still Matter today?

In the annals of human history, a curious and enigmatic legend persists—a tale that transcends time and space. It is the story of the Anunnaki rulers, Enki and Enlil, beings whose presence on Earth has sparked intrigue and wonder for millennia. But in the not-so-distant future, this age-old mythology takes on a new and electrifying significance as humanity delves into the cosmos. In 1947, Earth stands at the brink of a technological revolution that will redefine the boundaries of human existence. A breakthrough in interstellar travel has allowed us to explore distant stars and planets, paving the way for a profound encounter with the unknown. As we venture into the cosmos, ancient Sumerian texts resurface, casting a mysterious glow on our journey. Whispers of the Anunnaki, the gods of old, reach our ears through the abyss of space, beckoning us to unlock their secrets. Enki and Enlil, sibling deities with opposing agendas, become the focal point of our curiosity. Were they truly extraterrestrial beings who visited our planet eons ago? Aboard the SS Anunnaki, a state-of-the-art spaceship, a diverse crew of scientists, historians, and explorers embark on a perilous mission to uncover the truth. Their quest takes them to the edge of the solar system, where a hidden cosmic anomaly serves as a gateway to another realm. It is here, on the periphery of human understanding, that the mythic beings come to life. Enki, a benevolent figure with an affinity for Earth's life forms, emerges as a guardian of wisdom and knowledge. His purpose becomes clear: to guide humanity toward a brighter future, offering us the keys to unlock the universe's greatest mysteries. In stark contrast, Enlil embodies the archetype of a stern and uncompromising ruler, striving to preserve order at all costs. His intentions remain shrouded in obscurity, as he may harbor hidden motives that could alter the course of human destiny. As the crew navigates the cosmos and ventures into the heart of an ancient civilization on a distant planet, they encounter holographic archives that shed light on the Anunnaki's influence on our past. Their advanced technology, genetic engineering, and profound impact on the development of human society come into focus. Yet, a question looms: Are they still watching, still shaping our future, and what role will humanity play in the cosmic tapestry? The SS Anunnaki's odyssey unfolds as a gripping tale of exploration, intrigue, and discovery. With each revelation, the line between science and mythology blurs, giving rise to a profound new understanding of our place in the universe. It is a journey that challenges the very fabric of reality and forces humanity to redefine its place in the grand cosmic drama. In the end, the story of the Anunnaki rulers, Enki and Enlil, reminds us that the mysteries of the cosmos are not confined to the pages of history but are etched in the stars, waiting for us to unravel their secrets and determine our destiny among the celestial realms.
11/9/202359 minutes, 31 seconds
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60. Anunnaki Gods and Our Various Ancestors, History Stranger than Fiction

Dr. Amelia Kincaid, a brilliant archaeologist, uncovered the first clue on an expedition to the ancient ruins of Sumer. Her discovery of a hidden chamber within the Eridu temple was a historic moment. Inside, she found a stone tablet etched with cuneiform writing. With the help of advanced AI translators, she began to decipher the text. The tablet contained a cryptic message: "The Anunnaki are your ancestors, and the time of their return draws near." Intrigued by the implications of the message, Dr. Kincaid's research led her to a global network of scientists, historians, and conspiracy theorists who were equally captivated by the revelation. As they delved deeper into the mystery, a new technology emerged—a device that could unlock the genetic memories buried deep within human DNA. This technology allowed individuals to access ancestral memories, revealing forgotten knowledge, skills, and experiences. It was as though the genetic memories of humanity were a vast library waiting to be explored. Dr. Kincaid's team soon made a groundbreaking connection. Through the genetic memories of thousands of individuals, they began to piece together a history that spanned millennia. It was a history filled with encounters with the Anunnaki, the mysterious gods who had once visited Earth. The Anunnaki, it seemed, were not gods in the traditional sense, but an ancient extraterrestrial race who had once visited Earth. They had genetically manipulated early humans, accelerating their evolution, and sharing advanced knowledge with them. The genetic memories revealed tales of humans being taught agriculture, mathematics, and even astronomy by these godlike beings. However, as humanity's understanding of the Anunnaki deepened, a sinister revelation came to light. The tablets hinted at the Anunnaki's return, but their intentions remained a mystery. Were they returning to guide humanity or to reclaim the Earth as their own? As governments and corporations raced to harness the power of genetic memories and prepare for the Anunnaki's impending return, a divide grew between those who saw the extraterrestrials as benefactors and those who feared their return. Conspiracy theories flourished, and secret societies plotted to control the narrative. In the midst of this chaos, Dr. Kincaid and her team discovered a hidden chamber beneath the ancient city of Ur. Within, they found an enormous starship, a vessel capable of interstellar travel. It was the very ship the Anunnaki had used to reach Earth in the distant past. With the countdown to the Anunnaki's return ticking away, a global alliance formed. Humanity, armed with the knowledge of their ancestors and their advanced technology, prepared to face the gods from the stars. The day of the Anunnaki's return arrived, and the skies were filled with the awe-inspiring sight of their massive fleet descending upon Earth. It was a moment that would define the future of humanity. As the two species met once again, questions and tensions hung in the air. Were the Anunnaki gods, saviors, or conquerors? The answer, it seemed, lay in the hands of those who had unlocked the genetic memories of their ancestors. In a world where science and myth intertwined, the fate of humanity and their connection to the Anunnaki was a story yet to be written.
11/6/20231 hour, 3 minutes, 56 seconds
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57. The Ishtar Nephilim Venus Mysteries: Unveiling the Celestial Goddess of the Anunnaki in Ancient Mesopotamia”

Throughout human history, civilizations have gazed upon the stars, attributing celestial bodies with divine significance. Among these celestial entities, the planet Venus has long captivated the human imagination. In ancient Mesopotamia, the cradle of civilization, Venus played a pivotal role in religious beliefs and mythology. Revered as the goddess Ishtar, she embodied both celestial beauty and fierce power. In this blog, we will delve into the rich history and cultural significance of Ishtar as Venus and explore how this divine connection influenced the ancient world. Venus and Mesopotamia Venus, the second planet from the Sun, is the brightest natural object in the night sky after the Moon. Its luminous appearance has led to widespread cultural associations, and Mesopotamia was no exception. The Mesopotamians were highly skilled astronomers, and they meticulously observed the movements of celestial bodies. They associated various deities with the planets, including Ishtar with Venus. Ishtar: Goddess of Love, Fertility, and War Ishtar was one of the most prominent deities in the Mesopotamian pantheon, revered as the goddess of love, fertility, and war. She embodied a complex duality of characteristics: both nurturing and destructive. Ishtar was known for her boundless beauty, love, and sensuality, but she could also unleash her wrath, bringing war and devastation. The Evening and Morning Star One of the most captivating aspects of Venus is its dual nature as both the "Evening Star" and the "Morning Star." This apparent dichotomy, as observed from Earth, deeply influenced the attributes attributed to Ishtar. As the Evening Star, Venus shines brightly in the western sky just after sunset. This aspect of Venus was associated with Ishtar's nurturing and amorous qualities, representing her as the goddess of love and sensuality. Conversely, as the Morning Star, Venus appears in the eastern sky just before sunrise. This aspect of Venus aligned with Ishtar's fierce and protective attributes, embodying her as the goddess of war and defender of her people. The Mesopotamians believed that Ishtar's presence as the Morning Star was a harbinger of victory in battle. Ishtar's Mythological Stories The mythology of Ishtar is replete with tales that highlight her divine power and influence. One of the most well-known stories is the Descent of Ishtar into the Underworld. In this epic tale, Ishtar descends to the realm of the dead to rescue her lover, Tammuz. Her journey symbolizes the changing of seasons, reflecting the cycles of life, death, and rebirth. This myth further solidified Ishtar's connection to fertility and the natural world. Ishtar's Role in Society Ishtar's veneration extended beyond mythology and religious rituals. She held a significant place in society, and her influence extended to various aspects of daily life. As the goddess of love and fertility, Ishtar was invoked by couples seeking her blessings for fertility and a fruitful marriage. Moreover, her role as a war goddess meant that warriors and kings sought her favor before going into battle, hoping for her protection and victory. Legacy and Influence The legacy of Ishtar as Venus continues to resonate through history. The Babylonians and Assyrians carried her worship beyond the borders of Mesopotamia. As civilizations rose and fell, her cult evolved but remained influential throughout the ancient Near East. In later cultures, such as the ancient Greeks and Romans, Ishtar was identified with their respective goddesses of love, Aphrodite and Venus. The parallels between these deities further demonstrate the universality of the worship of celestial bodies and their symbolic representations in various cultures. The celestial identity of Ishtar as Venus showcases the profound connection between celestial bodies and human belief systems. In ancient Mesopotamia, the worship of Ishtar as the Morning and Evening Star captured the complexity of human emotions, reflecting both love and war. As one of the most revered deities, Ishtar's influence extended far beyond religion and permeated the fabric of society. Today, the ancient legacy of Ishtar as Venus serves as a reminder of the enduring human fascination with the cosmos. The celestial beauty and mysteries of Venus continue to inspire awe and wonder, just as they did millennia ago in the hearts of those who looked to the night sky and saw the goddess Ishtar shining brightly above.
7/21/202359 minutes, 21 seconds
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55. Enheduanna and Ishtar, the Struggle of the Anunnaki on Earth, and the Exiles of Mesopotamia

Throughout history, numerous tales have captured our imagination, blending mythology and history into captivating narratives. One such story revolves around the ancient Mesopotamian civilization and its connection with the Anunnaki, a group of powerful deities. Within this rich tapestry of legends, two prominent figures emerge: Enheduanna, the High Priestess of the Moon, and Ishtar, the goddess of love. Their intertwined stories shed light on the struggle between the Anunnaki and their impact on the earthly realm. In this blog post, we delve into the fascinating world of Enheduanna and Ishtar and explore their roles in the cosmic drama of the Anunnaki. The Anunnaki and Their Realm: The Anunnaki, often regarded as the gods of ancient Mesopotamia, were believed to have dominion over various aspects of human life. From agriculture to warfare, these deities shaped the destiny of humanity. In this pantheon, Ishtar, the goddess of love, fertility, and war, held a significant place. She symbolized the dualities of life, embodying both passion and destruction. Enheduanna: High Priestess and Poetess: Enheduanna, the daughter of Sargon of Akkad, made her mark in history as the High Priestess of the Moon. She was not only a spiritual leader but also a celebrated poetess, credited with composing some of the earliest known literary works in human history. Enheduanna's writings provide a window into the cultural and religious landscape of ancient Mesopotamia. The Power Struggle: Enheduanna's influence extended beyond her religious duties, as she played a pivotal role in shaping the political landscape of her time. However, her rise to power was not without challenges. Political intrigue and power struggles plagued the world of the Anunnaki, mirroring the complexities of human society. In this cosmic struggle, Enheduanna's devotion to Ishtar became a source of strength and inspiration. The Connection with Ishtar: Ishtar, the enigmatic goddess, wielded immense power and influence. She transcended human understanding, embodying both the nurturing aspects of fertility and the destructive forces of war. Enheduanna's devotion to Ishtar allowed her to tap into the divine energies that flowed through the realm of the Anunnaki, enabling her to navigate the treacherous waters of her time. Cosmic Reflections: Enheduanna's relationship with Ishtar served as a reflection of the delicate balance between the celestial and earthly realms. The struggle between the Anunnaki mirrored the conflicts and challenges faced by humanity throughout history. Through her writings and spiritual connection with Ishtar, Enheduanna brought solace and guidance to her people, reminding them of their place within the grand cosmic tapestry. Legacy and Influence: Enheduanna's contributions have left an indelible mark on history. Her works, such as the "Exaltation of Inanna," provide insight into the cultural and religious beliefs of ancient Mesopotamia. The influence of her poetry can still be felt today, as her words echo through the annals of time. Enheduanna and Ishtar stand as timeless symbols of the struggle between the divine and the mortal, reflecting the human quest for meaning and purpose. Their stories offer a glimpse into the complexities of ancient Mesopotamian society, while also addressing universal themes that resonate with humanity. As we explore the world of Enheduanna and Ishtar, we gain a deeper appreciation for the rich tapestry of human history and the eternal struggle between the gods and mortals that has shaped our collective consciousness.
7/19/202343 minutes, 6 seconds
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44. Enki Led Them, That’s All, It was NINMAH who changed the fate of Sumerian History

Welcome to "The Enki and Ninmah Debate", a podcast that explores the mythological stories of the ancient Sumerians and their deities, Enki and Ninmah. In this podcast, we delve into the heated debate between these two powerful figures about the possibility of returning to their home planet, Nibiru. Enki, the god of wisdom and creation, believes that it is time for the Annunaki, his fellow gods, to return to Nibiru after their long stay on Earth. He argues that they have learned enough from their time on Earth and it is time to resume their duties on their home planet. On the other hand, Ninmah, the goddess of fertility and creation, disagrees with Enki. She believes that their mission on Earth is not yet complete, and that they have a responsibility to continue to guide and develop human civilization before returning to Nibiru. She argues that there is still much to learn and discover on Earth, and that they have a duty to help humanity reach its full potential. Through a series of expert interviews and in-depth analysis of ancient Sumerian texts, we explore the arguments made by Enki and Ninmah, and the implications of their differing perspectives. Join us as we delve into the fascinating world of Sumerian mythology and the enduring debate about the fate of the Annunaki.
4/4/202341 minutes, 1 second
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42. Anunnaki Power UNLEASHED, They HAVE Started their Return, Ancient Texts were Right, Global Instances on the Rise

Anunnaki, also known as Anunna and spelled Anunnaki, Annunaki, and Anunnaku, is an ancient Mesopotamian pantheon of gods. Yet, the actual meaning of the phrase ("princely seed" in Sumerian) remains unclear, as the number of these gods, their names, and their activities change according to the few historical writings found by academics. Enlil, Ea (Enki), Ninhursag, Sin (Nanna), Shamash (Utu), and Ishtar are among the gods listed in various sources as Anunnaki members (Inanna). Enlil, the god of the air who separated the heavens and the ground, is regarded as the most important. Ancient Hittites and Hurrians, whose mythology include a group of "old gods" exiled to the underworld by a later generation, eventually identified the former gods as the Anunnaki. In treaties, they were called upon as witnesses to assure the observance of oaths. The Anunnaki served multiple roles in Mesopotamian mythology. According to the Sumerian tale of Enki and the World Order, one of their key tasks in ancient mythology was to determine the destinies of humans. The Anunnaki were initially linked with the sky, but literary and administrative documents indicate that their involvement in terrestrial concerns expanded through time. In the Enuma Elish, the Babylonian creation myth, the main Babylonian god Marduk had dominion over 600 Anunnaki gods. He commands 300 gods to inhabit the skies and 300 to inhabit the ground. Yet, other sources identify the Anunnaki as Underworld gods. In the Epic of Gilgamesh, the Anunnaki are represented as being the judges of the dead. In the Sumerian tale Descent of Inanna to the Underworld, the goddess Inanna descends into the realm of the dead in an attempt to dethrone her sister, the queen of the departed. The Anunnaki approach her to evaluate her audacity. Archaeologists have not discovered any evidence that the Anunnaki were collectively worshipped. Instead, each god had his own cult, and different cities had temples dedicated to specific deities who served as city patrons.
3/11/202349 minutes, 37 seconds
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41. THEY WALK AMONG US, Anunnaki Descendants and Sumerian Connections, ENKI Left Some Igigi Behind

The Anunnaki were the “People of Anu,” going by the translation you prefer. Anu was the son of Anshar and Kishar, offspring of Lakhmu and Lakhamu, children of Tiamat and Apsu, the divine ocean gods. In Ancient Greece, Tiamat was known as Thalassa. Anu and his brethren lived and toiled on Earth until they rose up and defeated the earlier gods. Anu slew Anshar (Alalu) and became chieftain of Earth or what we would know as Sumeria. He fathered many gods, but he was overthrown by his son Enlil who was overthrown by Hadad. In Phoenician myth, Enlil and Hadad became known as Dagon and Baal. In the early Hittite/Hattic myths, they were siblings. but by the Phoenician myths, they were father and son. The Anunnaki became what we know as the Sumerian Gods. Unlike the Gods of Greece, the Anunnaki and Ennead (Gods of Egypt) dwelled on Earth with their worshippers and retired to heaven when their rules on Earth were over. In Babylonia, they chose Marduk as their patron god, who kind of replaced Baal-Hadad at the head of their hierarchy of gods which they called the Igigi, so the Anunnaki became the Igigi. When the Assyrian Empire took over, they replaced him with their god, Assur, but they didn’t have the prominence of the previous empires and didn’t last as long as they were always attacked by foreign enemies, most notably by the Greeks and Romans who brought their own gods.
3/9/202341 minutes, 27 seconds
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36. Sumerian Gods of Nibiru, Ishmael Ningishzida Debut, WE KNOW how they got here and why

The Sumerians are today's wonder of the day and another incredible ancient society. Ancient Sumer, a group of city-states, was in Mesopotamia. The Sumerians invented arithmetic geometry, writing, and armies. Furthermore, their publications educate readers about Sumerian culture today. The Sumerian civilization flourished between 4100 and 1750 B.C. "Sumer" was named after the "land of cultured rulers." Sumer was one of the earliest to divide the day into hours and minutes. They also had a sophisticated religion centered on gods known as the Anunnaki. The Sumerians' destiny was thought to be in the hands of the Anunnaki. The Anunnaki were often depicted in myths as judging humankind. The gods were also known as the children of the Earth and the Sky. Most people regard these tales as myths, just like the Greek gods. Others, though, wonder whether there is more to the story. Some scientists think the Anunnaki were actual people. They might have come from another planet, according to popular belief. Many individuals believe they are from the enigmatic planet X, which they claim passed incredibly close to Earth thousands of years ago. Why would aliens come to Earth and behave like gods? Of course, to enslave humans! According to this theory, the Anunnaki compelled the Sumerians to dig for gold for them. The Anunnaki departed for Planet X after they had all they needed. According to some, the Anunnaki were a kind of reptile humanoid. They argue that these reptiles assisted the Sumerians in the development of their writing and mathematical systems. Furthermore, they believe that reptiles still exist and have influence over people. Were the Anunnaki genuine? Or have they fabricated gods? One thing is sure: these ancient Sumerian deities continue to attract humans.
2/25/202340 minutes, 31 seconds
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27. They Found it, Ishtar’s Temple in Mari, What they Found INSIDE is Stranger than Anunnaki Lore

The monarchs of the Anunnaki kingdom of Mari in eastern Syria resided there at the Royal Palace of Isthar. Mari served as the "Anunnaki Trading Centre" for these more significant, strong kingdoms, and was strategically located among Palestine, Syria, Babylon, the Levant, and other Mesopotamian city-states.
12/21/202233 minutes, 43 seconds
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26. ENKI’s Lost Pyramid FOUND, We know the Builder! Nibiru Council Gudea of Lagash

Technologically Advanced Extraterrestrials From Nibiru Who Came For Gold, Created Us From Their Genome to Work the Mines, Then Gave Us Pyramids! "Eyewitness accounts recorded on papyrus, copper, clay, stone, wood, and textiles may be retrieved in situ or from a recognised source,". The subsequent interpretation of these works is the record of the culture's conscious remembrance. The Sumerian, Egyptian, Hindu, and Hebrew texts that record sightings of Advanced Beings or human communication with them are reliable and substantial pieces of evidence. The Dead Sea Scrolls, Nag Hamadi Scriptures, Gnostic Gospels, and Paleo-Hebrew Torah are among examples.
12/15/202227 minutes, 1 second
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25. Enki Has Been Caught Out, THEY Just Released New Files on Enmerkar and the Lord of Aratta

Enki, Lord of plenty, Lord of resolute choices, Lord of wisdom and understanding in the Land, Expert of the gods, Chosen for prudence, Lord of Eridug, will accomplish this. For then, man will have no Anunnaki enemies. On that day, the countries of ubur and Hamazi, as well as twin-tongued Sumer—great mound of lordship power— together with Akkad—the mound that possesses everything that is fitting— and even the country of Martu, lying on verdant meadows, will all be able to communicate with Enlil in one language. For on that day, for the arguments between lords, princes, and kings, Enki, for the disputes between lords, princes, and kings, will be installed there, and the language of humanity shall be unified!'"
12/10/202233 minutes, 21 seconds
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17. Gilgamesh and Enkidu Survive, Science Proves a 7,000 Year Old Mystery of Ancient Civilization

The Ninevite version of the epic begins with a prologue in praise of Gilgamesh, part divine and part human, the great builder and warrior, knower of all things on land and sea. In order to curb Gilgamesh’s seemingly harsh rule, the god Anu causes the creation of Enkidu, a wild man who at first lives among animals. Soon, however, Enkidu is initiated into the ways of city life and travels to Uruk, where Gilgamesh awaits him. Tablet II describes a trial of strength between the two men in which Gilgamesh is the victor; thereafter, Enkidu is the friend and companion (in Sumerian texts, the servant) of Gilgamesh. In Tablets III–V the two men set out together against Huwawa (Humbaba), the divinely appointed guardian of a remote cedar forest, but the rest of the engagement is not recorded in the surviving fragments. In Tablet VI Gilgamesh, who has returned to Uruk, rejects the marriage proposal of Ishtar, the goddess of love, and then, with Enkidu’s aid, kills the divine bull that she sends to destroy him. Tablet VII begins with Enkidu’s account of a dream in which the gods Anu, Ea, and Shamash decide that Enkidu must die for slaying the bull. Enkidu then falls ill and dreams of the “house of dust” that awaits him. Gilgamesh’s lament for his friend and the state funeral of Enkidu are narrated in Tablet VIII. Afterward, Gilgamesh makes a dangerous journey (Tablets IX and X) in search of Utnapishtim, the survivor of the Babylonian Flood, in order to learn from him how to escape death. When he finally reaches Utnapishtim, Gilgamesh is told the story of the Flood and is shown where to find a plant that can renew youth (Tablet XI). But after Gilgamesh obtains the plant, it is seized and eaten by a serpent, and Gilgamesh returns, still mortal, to Uruk. An appendage to the epic, Tablet XII, relates the loss of objects called pukku and mikku (perhaps “drum” and “drumstick”) given to Gilgamesh by Ishtar. The epic ends with the return of the spirit of Enkidu, who promises to recover the objects and then gives a grim report on the underworld.
10/15/20221 hour, 8 minutes, 49 seconds