Live in Art Sydney 「疏而不远」线上展览正在进行中,结合线上展我们还于每周六晚8点准时开启线上直播,主持人邀请艺术家和藏家同时做客直播间,交流分享这段特殊时期的生活和艺术创作,体验"疏而不远"的宅家生活。希望通过我们不懈的努力,你也能感受到艺术带来的坚定与美好。在上周刚刚结束的第二期节目中,Live 邀请到 Olia 一家做客直播间,分享来自 The Scots College 13岁 Daniel Cao同学 的奇思妙想。在直播分享后的的一周中,我们持续收到很多观者的留言,或是提问取经,或是有感而发。因此,这也是我们落笔于这篇推文诞生的契机。固定布局 工具条上设置固定宽高背景可以设置被包含可以完美对齐背景图和文字以及制作自己的模板Daniel Cao的小梦想一家三口共同完成墙体绘画家庭艺术教育一个家庭的教育是孩子成长的第一所学校,父母如何引导孩子并且营造一个良好的家庭环境对孩子的成长发展有着极为重要的作用。在一个懂得互相欣赏,互相尊重和互相帮助的家庭环境里,孩子可以养成健康积极的性格,并且拥有良好解决问题的能力。当孩子想要去做一件自己喜欢的事,家长应该及时的给予鼓励和支持。Daniel Cao 送给妈妈的生日礼物用自己的一幅手绘作品印制出一条丝巾表达自己对妈妈的爱 教育 如今,家长们越来越意识到艺术教育对孩子发展的重要性,因此更加注重培养孩子的兴趣爱好,想要孩子去多学一门技艺来培养艺术情操。然而,真正的艺术教育,技法却是次要的,而让孩子了解其背后的生活哲学才是最重要的。换句话来说,即是要让孩子有自己充分的想象空间和创作的自由,鼓励他们懂得如何用艺术去发现自我和表达自我。Daniel Cao创作于2020年疫情期间每个家庭像一座孤岛不能接触只能远远的相望河流被污染成灰色,屋顶蓝色病毒围绕艺术孵化情怀,表达思想,懂艺术的孩子更懂自己且感恩。艺术创作是孩子思考如何自我表达的过程,这个过程可以培养并提升孩子的综合能力。更多的去结合自己的生活经历,学会欣赏并发现身边的美好,通过对人事物的感知理解和沟通,唤醒表达自我的乐趣。所以真正懂艺术的孩子,心理调适能力和社交能力会很强,他们会通过视觉,听觉,动觉等信号和动作去表达自己的想法和意见。这些素质对孩子未来积极的生活极为重要。Daniel Cao送给叔叔的生日礼物因为叔叔最爱吃汉堡把他的最爱做在这件T恤上父母,是孩子最好的艺术启蒙老师。家长都知道艺术教育对孩子的成长很重要,但是无从下手,找不到一个正确的方式进行引导。兴趣便是最好的老师,孩子情绪高涨,兴趣强烈的时候,只需要家长去认可并推动,让孩子主动积极自由大胆的去学习去创造。家长给予孩子创建一定的条件和氛围,让他们可以自由的进行艺术创作。也可以走进孩子的世界,和孩子一起去玩去创作。Daniel Cao爸爸喜欢梵高,Daniel 就学习梵高技法,融合自己的创意完成了送给爸爸的生日礼物 陪伴作为父母,首先要明白陪伴和尊重孩子想法的重要性。我们可以花更多时间和孩子一起探索艺术的不同领域来帮助他们找到自己的兴趣爱好。给予孩子思想上相对的自由,让他们自己选择自己想做的事,并且和他们一起克服过程中的困难。Daniel Cao孩子为主,家长助力一家三口共同完成的墙面绘画当家人,朋友能和孩子一起创作,一起画画,一起演奏,孩子们能够感受到练习中的乐趣,和温暖,而不是枯燥疲惫的技艺培训。而这样的教育方式也可以教会孩子生活是趣味多样性的,一个问题可以有不止一个答案,结果应该是丰富多彩而不是一成不变的。鼓励其次,父母如何鼓励孩子坚持自己的爱好也很重要。及时的表扬能给孩子更多的自信心,让他们看到自己的闪光点,产生积极活动的欲望和情绪,从而主动地去探索去学习和成长。Daniel Cao是两个表妹心中的偶像哥哥为两个表妹新房间画了一张属于他们的三个人的画(图中的三个人物是妹妹和Daniel)其次,父母如何鼓励孩子坚持自己的爱好也很重要。及时的表扬能给孩子更多的自信心,让他们看到自己的闪光点,产生积极活动的欲望和情绪,从而主动地去学习和成长。另一方面家长也可以用询问来代替一味的夸奖,去聆听孩子的艺术创作背后的想法。比如问孩子,“为什么要这样画?你想表达什么?”,并与他们分享你品读作品之后的想法和感受。Daniel Cao第一次尝试在托盘上绘画当孩子被鼓励去表达自己的想法并了解观赏者的看法后,他们会更加有表达的欲望和练习的兴趣,并能培养出他们独有的个人风格,其在艺术中,以及生活各个方面中都很重要。在这些方面中,Olia 一家就值得我们学习。他们从来不会过多的限制孩子和过于重视孩子的绘画技法的学习,更多的是鼓励孩子想象,自由发挥他与生俱来的绘画天分。尤其是在疫情这样特殊的时期,他们给予 Daniel 更多的欣赏互动,支持和关爱。Olia 一家的育儿经值得我们共同学习和分享。通过艺术,家长和孩子可以一起陶冶情操,增近家人情感交流,提升生活的幸福感。这样的互相陪伴,互相欣赏和共同参与,对于孩子的成长意义非凡。Daniel Cao电脑绘图Live in Art Sydney 深刻体会到艺术教育的意义,支持家庭式艺术情操陶冶,培养孩子发现自我、自我表达的艺术潜力。我们将会为优秀的小艺术家Daniel提供个人展览机会,在把这些优秀的作品展出的同时也想要把这份教育观念分享给更多人。再次感谢Olia全家走进我们直播室分享你们的生活。
8/13/2021 • 8 minutes, 51 seconds
15分钟疗愈音乐 | 释放焦虑和烦躁
8/13/2021 • 15 minutes, 10 seconds
1小时梦幻音乐 | 收获好心情
8/11/2021 • 1 hour, 11 minutes, 20 seconds
1小时助眠音乐 | 回归宁静,进入深睡
8/10/2021 • 1 hour, 1 minute, 15 seconds
1小时养生 音乐 | α波428HZ,治愈失眠
8/9/2021 • 1 hour, 3 minutes, 26 seconds
60分钟功效音乐 | 专注力记忆力up
8/8/2021 • 1 hour, 1 minute, 15 seconds
30分钟抗焦虑音乐 | rainheart
8/7/2021 • 24 minutes, 8 seconds
30分钟能量音乐 | 母爱如海
8/6/2021 • 28 minutes, 59 seconds
轻音乐60分钟 | 梦幻音乐调节心情
8/6/2021 • 49 minutes, 2 seconds
1小时工作学习背景乐 | Dreamy Night
8/5/2021 • 1 hour, 4 minutes, 14 seconds
1小时睡前古典乐欣赏 | Tchaikovsky
00:00 胡桃鉗,作品Op. 71a - 第三首:花之圓舞曲The Nutcracker (Suite), Op. 71a - No. 3 Waltz of the Flowers 06:47 B小調第六號交響曲,作品Op. 74《悲愴》 - 第二樂章:優雅的快板Symphony No. 6 in B minor, Op. 74 - Pathetique - 2. Allegro con grazia 15:07 胡桃鉗,作品Op. 71a - 第一首:小序曲The Nutcracker , Op. 71a - No. 1 Miniature Overture 18:04 胡桃鉗,作品Op. 71 - 第十二首d 間奏:特科帕克舞曲The Nutcracker Op. 71 - No. 12d Character Dances: Trepak 19:10 D大調小提琴協奏曲,作品Op. 35 - 第一樂章:中庸的快板Violin Concerto in D major, Op. 35 - 1. Allegro moderato 36:52 胡桃鉗,作品Op. 71a(組曲) - 第二首 特性舞曲:b. 糖梅仙子之舞The Nutcracker (Suite), Op. 71a - No. 2 Character Dances: b. Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy 37:43 一八一二序曲,作品Op. 491812 Overture, Op. 49 52:57 睡美人,作品Op. 66a(組曲) - 第五樂章:圓舞曲The Sleeping Beauty (Suite), Op. 66a - Valse 57:21 降B小調第一號鋼琴協奏曲,作品Op. 23 - 第一樂章Piano Concerto No. 1 in B flat minor, Op. 23 01:01:59 B小調第六號交響曲,作品Op. 74《悲愴》 - 第四樂章 末樂章:悲傷的慢板Symphony No. 6 in B minor, Op. 74 - Pathetique - 4. Final. Adagio lamentoso
8/5/2021 • 1 hour, 12 minutes, 54 seconds
30分钟功能音乐 | 活化前额叶,增强专注力
8/4/2021 • 35 minutes, 12 seconds
1小时胎教古典乐 | 小提琴PartB
已由HALIDONMUSIC置顶HALIDONMUSIC1周前(修改过)Classical Cello Tracklist: 0:00:00 Tchaikovsky - The Nutcracker, Op. 71a: VIII. Waltz of the Flowers (Arr. for Two Cellos) 0:02:27 Mendelssohn - Songs without Words 0:06:04 Offenbach - Duo for Two Cellos Op. 51 No. 1: I. Allegro 0:12:47 Offenbach - Duo for Two Cellos Op. 51 No. 1: III. Allegretto 0:15:39 Haydn - Duo in D Major, Hob. X:11: I. Moderato 0:20:43 Brahms - 5 Lieder, Op. 49: No. 4, Wiegenlied. Zart bewegt (Brahms’ Lullaby) (Arr. for Two Cellos) 0:22:04 Flies - Schlafe, mein Prinzchen, schlaf ein (Wiegenlied) (Arr. for Two Cellos) 0:23:48 Saint-Saens - The Carnival of the Animals: XIII, The Swan 0:26:27 Bach - Cello Suite No. 1 in G Major, BWV 1007: I. Prélude 0:29:27 Bach - Cello Suite No. 1 in G Major, BWV 1007: II. Allemande 0:33:43 Bach - Cello Suite No. 1 in G Major, BWV 1007: IV. Sarabande 0:36:44 Beethoven - Bagatelle No. 25 in A Minor "Für Elise" (Cello Version) 0:41:31 Bach - Cantata "Ich steh mit einem Fuß im Grabe", BWV 156: Arioso (Arr. for Two Cellos) 0:47.32 Mascagni - Cavalleria Rusticana: "Intermezzo" (Arr. for Two Cellos) 0:50:48 Schubert - Ave Maria, D. 839 (Arr. for Two Cellos) 0:55:00 Barrière - 6 Cello Sonatas: No. 4 in G Major: I. Andante (Arr. for Two Cellos) 0:59:45 Haydn - Cello Concerto No. 2 in D major, Hob.VIIb:1, Op.101: II. Adagio 1:04:13 Tchaikovsky - Variations on a Rococo Theme, Op. 33: III, Andante sostenuto 1:07:46 Tchaikovsky - Variations on a Rococo Theme, Op. 33: VII, Andante sostenuto 1:10:18 Bruch - Kol Nidrei, Op. 47 1:20:30 Rachmaninoff - Cello Sonata in G Minor, Op. 19: I. Lento - Allegro moderato (Live) 1:31:24 Schubert - Sonata for Arpeggione and Piano in A Minor, D. 821: I. Allegro moderato 1:43:14 Schumann - 5 Pieces in Folk Style, Op. 102: No. 2, Langsam 1:47:44 Einaudi - Tu Sei (Arr. for Two Cellos) 1:53:58 Einaudi - Passaggio (Arr. for Two Cellos) 1:58:25 Einaudi - Nuvole Bianche (Arr. for Two Cellos) 2:05:02 Mancini - The Four Seasons of 2020 for Two Cellos: Summer, con brio 2:09:00 Mancini - The Four Seasons of 2020 for Two Cellos: Autumn, con affetto 2:12:21 Mancini - The Four Seasons of 2020 for Two Cellos: Winter, con dolore 2:17:14 Mancini - The Four Seasons of 2020 for Two Cellos: Spring, con disillusione
8/3/2021 • 1 hour, 10 minutes, 52 seconds
1小时胎教古典乐 | 小提琴PartA
0:00:00 Tchaikovsky - The Nutcracker, Op. 71a: VIII. Waltz of the Flowers (Arr. for Two Cellos) 0:02:27 Mendelssohn - Songs without Words 0:06:04 Offenbach - Duo for Two Cellos Op. 51 No. 1: I. Allegro0:12:47 Offenbach - Duo for Two Cellos Op. 51 No. 1: III. Allegretto 0:15:39 Haydn - Duo in D Major, Hob. X:11: I. Moderato0:20:43 Brahms - 5 Lieder, Op. 49: No. 4, Wiegenlied. Zart bewegt (Brahms’ Lullaby) (Arr. for Two Cellos) 0:22:04 Flies - Schlafe, mein Prinzchen, schlaf ein (Wiegenlied) (Arr. for Two Cellos) 0:23:48 Saint-Saens - The Carnival of the Animals: XIII, The Swan0:26:27 Bach - Cello Suite No. 1 in G Major, BWV 1007: I. Prélude 0:29:27 Bach - Cello Suite No. 1 in G Major, BWV 1007: II. Allemande0:33:43 Bach - Cello Suite No. 1 in G Major, BWV 1007: IV. Sarabande 0:36:44 Beethoven - Bagatelle No. 25 in A Minor "Für Elise" (Cello Version) 0:41:31 Bach - Cantata "Ich steh mit einem Fuß im Grabe", BWV 156: Arioso (Arr. for Two Cellos)0:47.32 Mascagni - Cavalleria Rusticana: "Intermezzo" (Arr. for Two Cellos) 0:50:48 Schubert - Ave Maria, D. 839 (Arr. for Two Cellos) 0:55:00 Barrière - 6 Cello Sonatas: No. 4 in G Major: I. Andante (Arr. for Two Cellos) 0:59:45 Haydn - Cello Concerto No. 2 in D major, Hob.VIIb:1, Op.101: II. Adagio
8/3/2021 • 1 hour, 7 minutes, 45 seconds
15分钟助眠音乐 | 催眠深睡
8/3/2021 • 15 minutes, 10 seconds
30分钟助眠音乐 | 解压放松催眠助眠
8/2/2021 • 28 minutes, 43 seconds
60分钟养生音乐 | 疏肝解郁八音盒
8/2/2021 • 1 hour, 8 minutes, 21 seconds
30分钟助眠音乐 | 疏肝解郁,抗焦虑
7/28/2021 • 30 minutes, 42 seconds
30分钟疗愈音乐 | 抗焦虑
7/28/2021 • 35 minutes, 39 seconds
30分钟音乐疗愈 | 助眠深睡
7/28/2021 • 33 minutes, 27 seconds
15分钟助眠音乐 | 放松身心
7/26/2021 • 15 minutes, 10 seconds
1小时胎教古典乐 | Chopin精选合集
00:00 升C小調第七號圓舞曲-作品Op.64 No.2Waltz No.7 in C sharp minor, Op.64 No.2 03:42 降G大調第十一號圓舞曲-作品Op.70 No.1Waltz No.11 in G flat, Op.70 No.1 06:02 降D大調第十三號圓舞曲-作品Op.70 No.3Waltz No.11 in G flat, Op.70 No.3 08:52 第十一號G小調波蘭舞曲Polonaise No. 11 in G Minor 12:45 流暢華麗的行板降E大調大波蘭舞曲-作品 Op. 22Andante spianato and Grande polonaise in E flat, Op.22 25:36 第三號A大調波蘭舞曲-作品Op.40 No.1《軍隊》Polonaise No. 3 in A Major, Op. 40, No. 1, "Military" 30:52 升F小調波蘭舞曲-作品Op. 44《悲劇》Polonaise No. 5 in F-Sharp Minor, Op. 44 41:06 降A大調波蘭舞曲-作品Op. 53《英雄》Polonaise No. 6 in A-Flat Major, Op. 53, "Heroic" 47:46 D小調第八號波蘭舞曲-作品Op.71 No.1Polonaise No. 8 in D Minor, Op. 71, No. 1 53:57 十二首練習曲,作品Op. 10 - 第一首:C大調12 Studies, Op. 10 - No. 1 56:13 十二首練習曲,作品Op. 10 - 第四首:升C小調12 Studies, Op. 10 - No. 4. in C sharp minor 58:23 十二首練習曲,作品Op. 10 - 第五首:降G大調黑鍵練習曲12 Studies, Op. 10 - No. 5 in G flat Black Keys01:00:06 十二首練習曲,作品Op. 10 - 第八首: F大調12 Studies, Op. 10 - No. 801:02:50 十二首練習曲,作品Op. 25 - 第五首:E小調12 Studies, Op. 25 - No. 5 in E minor 01:06:31 十二首練習曲,作品Op. 25 - 第六首:升G小調12 Studies, Op. 25 - No. 6 in G sharp minor01:08:22 十二首練習曲,作品Op. 25 - 第九首: 降G大調,蝴蝶翅膀練習曲12 Studies, Op. 25 - No. 9 in G flat, Butterfly Wings 01:09:26 十二首練習曲,作品Op. 25 - 第十一首:A小調,冬風12 Studies, Op. 25 - No. 11 in A minor Winter Wind 01:13:33 十二首練習曲,作品Op. 25 - 第十二首:C小調12 Studies, Op. 25 - No. 12 in C minor
7/24/2021 • 1 hour, 16 minutes, 37 seconds
1小时胎教古典音乐 | 布拉姆斯与孟德尔松精选合集,提升音乐素养
00:00 布拉姆斯:D大調小提琴協奏曲,作品Op. 77 - 第一樂章Brahms: Violin Concerto in D major, Op. 77 - 1. Allegro non troppo 23:03 布拉姆斯:D大調小提琴協奏曲,作品Op. 77 - 第二樂章Brahms: Violin Concerto in D major, Op. 77 - 2. Adagio 32:46 布拉姆斯:D大調小提琴協奏曲,作品Op. 77 - 第三樂章Brahms: Violin Concerto in D major, Op. 77 - 3. Allegro giocoso, ma non troppo vivace - Poco piu presto 41:17 (影片字卡有誤)柴科夫斯基:D大調小提琴協奏曲,作品Op. 35 - 第三樂章Tchaikovsky: Violin Concerto in D major, Op. 35 - 3. Final. Allegro vivacissimo 49:35 孟德爾頌:E小調小提琴協奏曲,作品Op. 64 - 第二樂章Mendelssohn: Violin Concerto in E minor, Op. 64 - 2. Andante 56:58 孟德爾頌:E小調小提琴協奏曲,作品Op. 64 - 第三樂章Mendelssohn: Violin Concerto in E minor, Op. 64 - 3. Allegretto non troppo - Allegro molto vivace
7/24/2021 • 1 hour, 3 minutes, 27 seconds
1小时胎教古典乐| GRIEG合集 | 大人小孩一起提升音乐素养
00:00 第一號皮爾金組曲,作品46 - 第一首:清晨Peer Gynt Suite No. 1, Op. 46 - No. 1 Morning Mood 04:18 第一號皮爾金組曲,作品46 - 第四首:在山神的王宮Peer Gynt Suite No. 1, Op. 46 - No. 4 In The Hall Of The Mountain King 07:15 兩首悲歌旋律,作品34 - 第二首:最後的春天2 Elegiac Melodies, Op. 34 - No. 2 Last spring 13:14 霍爾堡組曲,作品40 - 第四首Holberg Suite, Op. 40 - No. 4 Air 18:57 抒情小品,作品65 - 第六首 特羅爾豪根的婚禮Lyric Pieces, Op. 65 - No. 6 Wedding Day at Troldhaugen 25:05 抒情小品,作品43 - 第一首:蝴蝶Lyric Pieces, Op. 43 - No. 1 Butterfly 27:10 六首歌曲,作品25 - 第二首:天鵝6 Songs, Op. 25 - No. 2 A Swan 30:05 A小調鋼琴協奏曲,作品16 - 第一樂章Piano Concerto in A minor, Op. 16 - mvt. 1 43:16 A小調鋼琴協奏曲,作品Op. 16 - 第二樂章Piano Concerto in A minor, Op. 16 - mvt. 2 50:22 A小調鋼琴協奏曲,作品Op. 16 - 第三樂章Piano Concerto in A minor, Op. 16 - mvt. 3 01:01:06 第二號皮爾金組曲,作品Op. 55 - 第二首Peer Gynt Suite No. 2, Op. 55 - No. 2 Arabian Dance 01:05:45 第二號皮爾金組曲,作品Op. 55 - 第四首Peer Gynt Suite No. 2, Op. 55 - No. 4 Solveig's Song
深度睡眠音乐助眠音乐深度脑休息音乐催眠能能量音乐The Art of Energy HealingThis is a step by step system to help anyone learn energy healing - even if you don't believe you can do it yet.It will give you a deep understanding of how run different types of energy for healing purposes. You will learn how to give both short and long sessions with step by step action guides.Whether you just want to heal yourself of deep trauma and subtle pain, or you want to start your own energy healing practice, th...
4/22/2020 • 1 hour, 3 minutes, 38 seconds
助眠深睡 | 1小时
深度睡眠音乐助眠音乐深度脑休息音乐催眠能能量音乐The Art of Energy HealingThis is a step by step system to help anyone learn energy healing - even if you don't believe you can do it yet.It will give you a deep understanding of how run different types of energy for healing purposes. You will learn how to give both short and long sessions with step by step action guides.Whether you just want to heal yourself of deep trauma and subtle pain, or you want to start your own energy healing practice, th...
4/19/2020 • 1 hour, 4 minutes, 59 seconds
助眠深睡| 30分钟
深度睡眠音乐助眠音乐深度脑休息音乐催眠能能量音乐The Art of Energy HealingThis is a step by step system to help anyone learn energy healing - even if you don't believe you can do it yet.It will give you a deep understanding of how run different types of energy for healing purposes. You will learn how to give both short and long sessions with step by step action guides.Whether you just want to heal yourself of deep trauma and subtle pain, or you want to start your own energy healing practice, th...
4/15/2020 • 30 minutes, 30 seconds
助眠深睡 |30分钟
深度睡眠音乐助眠音乐深度脑休息音乐催眠能能量音乐The Art of Energy HealingThis is a step by step system to help anyone learn energy healing - even if you don't believe you can do it yet.It will give you a deep understanding of how run different types of energy for healing purposes. You will learn how to give both short and long sessions with step by step action guides.Whether you just want to heal yourself of deep trauma and subtle pain, or you want to start your own energy healing practice, th...
4/14/2020 • 30 minutes, 29 seconds
助眠音乐 | 60分钟
深度睡眠音乐助眠音乐深度脑休息音乐催眠能能量音乐The Art of Energy HealingThis is a step by step system to help anyone learn energy healing - even if you don't believe you can do it yet.It will give you a deep understanding of how run different types of energy for healing purposes. You will learn how to give both short and long sessions with step by step action guides.Whether you just want to heal yourself of deep trauma and subtle pain, or you want to start your own energy healing practice, th...
4/13/2020 • 1 hour, 2 minutes, 38 seconds
助眠深睡 | 优美的梦
深度睡眠音乐助眠音乐深度脑休息音乐催眠能能量音乐The Art of Energy HealingThis is a step by step system to help anyone learn energy healing - even if you don't believe you can do it yet.It will give you a deep understanding of how run different types of energy for healing purposes. You will learn how to give both short and long sessions with step by step action guides.Whether you just want to heal yourself of deep trauma and subtle pain, or you want to start your own energy healing practice, th...
4/13/2020 • 1 hour, 4 minutes, 15 seconds
催眠解压 | 懂得真正爱自己
4/12/2020 • 20 minutes, 13 seconds
助眠深睡 | 甜甜的梦
深度睡眠音乐助眠音乐深度脑休息音乐催眠能能量音乐The Art of Energy HealingThis is a step by step system to help anyone learn energy healing - even if you don't believe you can do it yet.It will give you a deep understanding of how run different types of energy for healing purposes. You will learn how to give both short and long sessions with step by step action guides.Whether you just want to heal yourself of deep trauma and subtle pain, or you want to start your own energy healing practice, th...
4/11/2020 • 1 hour, 3 minutes, 24 seconds
助眠深睡 | 30分钟
4/10/2020 • 30 minutes, 29 seconds
助眠深睡 | 60分钟
深度睡眠音乐助眠音乐深度脑休息音乐催眠能能量音乐The Art of Energy HealingThis is a step by step system to help anyone learn energy healing - even if you don't believe you can do it yet.It will give you a deep understanding of how run different types of energy for healing purposes. You will learn how to give both short and long sessions with step by step action guides.Whether you just want to heal yourself of deep trauma and subtle pain, or you want to start your own energy healing practice, th...
4/10/2020 • 1 hour, 30 seconds
助眠深睡 | Dreamy Night
深度睡眠音乐助眠音乐深度脑休息音乐催眠能能量音乐The Art of Energy HealingThis is a step by step system to help anyone learn energy healing - even if you don't believe you can do it yet.It will give you a deep understanding of how run different types of energy for healing purposes. You will learn how to give both short and long sessions with step by step action guides.Whether you just want to heal yourself of deep trauma and subtle pain, or you want to start your own energy healing practice, th...
4/9/2020 • 4 minutes, 23 seconds
助眠深睡 | Delta Waves
深度睡眠音乐助眠音乐深度脑休息音乐催眠能能量音乐The Art of Energy HealingThis is a step by step system to help anyone learn energy healing - even if you don't believe you can do it yet.It will give you a deep understanding of how run different types of energy for healing purposes. You will learn how to give both short and long sessions with step by step action guides.Whether you just want to heal yourself of deep trauma and subtle pain, or you want to start your own energy healing practice, th...
4/8/2020 • 3 hours, 5 minutes, 27 seconds
催眠解压 | 深度放松
深度睡眠音乐助眠音乐深度脑休息音乐催眠能能量音乐The Art of Energy HealingThis is a step by step system to help anyone learn energy healing - even if you don't believe you can do it yet.It will give you a deep understanding of how run different types of energy for healing purposes. You will learn how to give both short and long sessions with step by step action guides.Whether you just want to heal yourself of deep trauma and subtle pain, or you want to start your own energy healing practice, this is course will inspire you.
4/5/2020 • 8 hours, 20 seconds
助眠音乐 | 闭目养神音乐
深度睡眠音乐助眠音乐深度脑休息音乐催眠能能量音乐The Art of Energy HealingThis is a step by step system to help anyone learn energy healing - even if you don't believe you can do it yet. It will give you a deep understanding of how run different types of energy for healing purposes. You will learn how to give both short and long sessions with step by step action guides. Whether you just want to heal yourself of deep trauma and subtle pain, or you want to start your own energy healing practice, this is course will inspire you.
4/1/2020 • 5 minutes, 6 seconds
助眠音乐 | Dolphin s Songs + Alpha Binaural Beats for Study Meditatio
深度睡眠音乐助眠音乐深度脑休息音乐催眠能能量音乐The Art of Energy HealingThis is a step by step system to help anyone learn energy healing - even if you don't believe you can do it yet. It will give you a deep understanding of how run different types of energy for healing purposes. You will learn how to give both short and long sessions with step by step action guides. Whether you just want to heal yourself of deep trauma and subtle pain, or you want to start your own energy healing practice, this is course will inspire you.
3/31/2020 • 3 hours, 1 second
助眠音乐 | Calm Beat Insomnia Peaceful Music for Deep Sleep Delta Waves
深度睡眠音乐助眠音乐深度脑休息音乐催眠能能量音乐The Art of Energy HealingThis is a step by step system to help anyone learn energy healing - even if you don't believe you can do it yet. It will give you a deep understanding of how run different types of energy for healing purposes. You will learn how to give both short and long sessions with step by step action guides. Whether you just want to heal yourself of deep trauma and subtle pain, or you want to start your own energy healing practice, this is course will inspire you.
3/31/2020 • 6 hours, 35 minutes, 7 seconds
助眠音乐 | Delta Binaural Beats for Deep Sleep Stress Relief Meditatio
深度睡眠音乐助眠音乐深度脑休息音乐催眠能能量音乐The Art of Energy HealingThis is a step by step system to help anyone learn energy healing - even if you don't believe you can do it yet. It will give you a deep understanding of how run different types of energy for healing purposes. You will learn how to give both short and long sessions with step by step action guides. Whether you just want to heal yourself of deep trauma and subtle pain, or you want to start your own energy healing practice, this is course will inspire you.
3/31/2020 • 8 hours, 3 minutes, 43 seconds
助眠音乐 | Zen Meditation Healing Music for Stress Relief Sleep Massage
深度睡眠音乐助眠音乐深度脑休息音乐催眠能能量音乐The Art of Energy HealingThis is a step by step system to help anyone learn energy healing - even if you don't believe you can do it yet. It will give you a deep understanding of how run different types of energy for healing purposes. You will learn how to give both short and long sessions with step by step action guides. Whether you just want to heal yourself of deep trauma and subtle pain, or you want to start your own energy healing practice, this is course will inspire you.
3/31/2020 • 3 hours, 5 minutes, 17 seconds
助眠音乐 | 深睡脑波音乐
深度睡眠音乐助眠音乐深度脑休息音乐催眠能能量音乐The Art of Energy HealingThis is a step by step system to help anyone learn energy healing - even if you don't believe you can do it yet. It will give you a deep understanding of how run different types of energy for healing purposes. You will learn how to give both short and long sessions with step by step action guides. Whether you just want to heal yourself of deep trauma and subtle pain, or you want to start your own energy healing practice, this is course will inspire you.
3/30/2020 • 6 hours, 5 minutes, 50 seconds
催眠解压 | 学习用背景乐
深度睡眠音乐助眠音乐深度脑休息音乐催眠能能量音乐The Art of Energy HealingThis is a step by step system to help anyone learn energy healing - even if you don't believe you can do it yet. It will give you a deep understanding of how run different types of energy for healing purposes. You will learn how to give both short and long sessions with step by step action guides. Whether you just want to heal yourself of deep trauma and subtle pain, or you want to start your own energy healing practice, this is course will inspire you.
3/29/2020 • 12 minutes, 41 seconds
催眠解压 | 放松神经的音乐
深度睡眠音乐助眠音乐深度脑休息音乐催眠能能量音乐The Art of Energy HealingThis is a step by step system to help anyone learn energy healing - even if you don't believe you can do it yet. It will give you a deep understanding of how run different types of energy for healing purposes. You will learn how to give both short and long sessions with step by step action guides. Whether you just want to heal yourself of deep trauma and subtle pain, or you want to start your own energy healing practice, this is course will inspire you.
3/27/2020 • 22 minutes, 17 seconds
助眠音乐 | 积极正能量的声波疗愈
深度睡眠音乐助眠音乐深度脑休息音乐催眠能能量音乐The Art of Energy HealingThis is a step by step system to help anyone learn energy healing - even if you don't believe you can do it yet. It will give you a deep understanding of how run different types of energy for healing purposes. You will learn how to give both short and long sessions with step by step action guides. Whether you just want to heal yourself of deep trauma and subtle pain, or you want to start your own energy healing practice, this is course will inspire you.
3/26/2020 • 30 minutes, 9 seconds
助眠深睡 | 助眠音乐
深度睡眠音乐助眠音乐深度脑休息音乐催眠能能量音乐The Art of Energy HealingThis is a step by step system to help anyone learn energy healing - even if you don't believe you can do it yet. It will give you a deep understanding of how run different types of energy for healing purposes. You will learn how to give both short and long sessions with step by step action guides. Whether you just want to heal yourself of deep trauma and subtle pain, or you want to start your own energy healing practice, this is course will inspire you.
3/25/2020 • 1 hour
助眠深睡 | α波【90分钟】 令脑部神经尽快得到松弛
深度睡眠音乐助眠音乐深度脑休息音乐催眠能能量音乐The Art of Energy HealingThis is a step by step system to help anyone learn energy healing - even if you don't believe you can do it yet. It will give you a deep understanding of how run different types of energy for healing purposes. You will learn how to give both short and long sessions with step by step action guides. Whether you just want to heal yourself of deep trauma and subtle pain, or you want to start your own energy healing practice, this is course will inspire you.
3/24/2020 • 1 hour, 30 minutes
催 眠解压 | 钢琴【30分钟】适合早上 晚上 睡前
深度睡眠音乐助眠音乐深度脑休息音乐催眠能能量音乐The Art of Energy HealingThis is a step by step system to help anyone learn energy healing - even if you don't believe you can do it yet. It will give you a deep understanding of how run different types of energy for healing purposes. You will learn how to give both short and long sessions with step by step action guides. Whether you just want to heal yourself of deep trauma and subtle pain, or you want to start your own energy healing practice, this is course will inspire you.
3/23/2020 • 32 minutes, 49 seconds
助眠音乐 | 三步入眠音乐【17分钟入睡】
深度睡眠音乐助眠音乐深度脑休息音乐催眠能能量音乐The Art of Energy HealingThis is a step by step system to help anyone learn energy healing - even if you don't believe you can do it yet. It will give you a deep understanding of how run different types of energy for healing purposes. You will learn how to give both short and long sessions with step by step action guides. Whether you just want to heal yourself of deep trauma and subtle pain, or you want to start your own energy healing practice, this is course will inspire you.
3/22/2020 • 17 minutes, 33 seconds
助眠音乐 | 浪漫的 Canon in D 【一小时】
深度睡眠音乐助眠音乐深度脑休息音乐催眠能能量音乐The Art of Energy HealingThis is a step by step system to help anyone learn energy healing - even if you don't believe you can do it yet. It will give you a deep understanding of how run different types of energy for healing purposes. You will learn how to give both short and long sessions with step by step action guides. Whether you just want to heal yourself of deep trauma and subtle pain, or you want to start your own energy healing practice, this is course will inspire you.
3/20/2020 • 1 hour, 5 minutes, 10 seconds
助眠音乐 | 抑郁症患者使用 放松脑部 改善睡眠障碍 【Aune by Luiniss】
深度睡眠音乐助眠音乐深度脑休息音乐催眠能能量音乐The Art of Energy HealingThis is a step by step system to help anyone learn energy healing - even if you don't believe you can do it yet. It will give you a deep understanding of how run different types of energy for healing purposes. You will learn how to give both short and long sessions with step by step action guides. Whether you just want to heal yourself of deep trauma and subtle pain, or you want to start your own energy healing practice, this is course will inspire you.
3/19/2020 • 32 minutes, 29 seconds
助眠音乐 | 冷静情绪 消除不安感【Liturgy of the HoursVespers by
深度睡眠音乐助眠音乐深度脑休息音乐催眠能能量音乐The Art of Energy HealingThis is a step by step system to help anyone learn energy healing - even if you don't believe you can do it yet.It will give you a deep understanding of how run different types of energy for healing purposes. You will learn how to give both short and long sessions with step by step action guides.Whether you just want to heal yourself of deep trauma and subtle pain, or you want to start your own energy healing practice, this is course will inspire you.
3/18/2020 • 1 hour, 1 minute, 33 seconds
助眠音乐 | 流水声【1小时】提升注意力,察觉力
深度睡眠音乐助眠音乐深度脑休息音乐催眠能能量音乐The Art of Energy HealingThis is a step by step system to help anyone learn energy healing - even if you don't believe you can do it yet. It will give you a deep understanding of how run different types of energy for healing purposes. You will learn how to give both short and long sessions with step by step action guides. Whether you just want to heal yourself of deep trauma and subtle pain, or you want to start your own energy healing practice, this is course will inspire you.
3/17/2020 • 1 hour
催眠解压 | 正能量共振【1小时】 改善心情 踢走负能量(下雨声 钢琴曲)
深度睡眠音乐助眠音乐深度脑休息音乐催眠能能量音乐The Art of Energy HealingThis is a step by step system to help anyone learn energy healing - even if you don't believe you can do it yet.It will give you a deep understanding of how run different types of energy for healing purposes. You will learn how to give both short and long sessions with step by step action guides.Whether you just want to heal yourself of deep trauma and subtle pain, or you want to start your own energy healing practice, this is course will inspire you.
3/16/2020 • 2 hours
催眠解压 | 正能量共振【2小时】改善心情 踢走负能量 (流水声 钢琴曲)
深度睡眠音乐助眠音乐深度脑休息音乐催眠能能量音乐The Art of Energy HealingThis is a step by step system to help anyone learn energy healing - even if you don't believe you can do it yet.It will give you a deep understanding of how run different types of energy for healing purposes. You will learn how to give both short and long sessions with step by step action guides.Whether you just want to heal yourself of deep trauma and subtle pain, or you want to start your own energy healing practice, this is course will inspire you.
3/15/2020 • 2 hours
助眠音乐 |【1小时】柔和的旋律 休息或解压用【Noël Nouvelet
深度睡眠音乐助眠音乐深度脑休息音乐催眠能能量音乐The Art of Energy HealingThis is a step by step system to help anyone learn energy healing - even if you don't believe you can do it yet. It will give you a deep understanding of how run different types of energy for healing purposes. You will learn how to give both short and long sessions with step by step action guides. Whether you just want to heal yourself of deep trauma and subtle pain, or you want to start your own energy healing practice, this is course will inspire you.
3/14/2020 • 1 hour, 1 minute, 11 seconds
催眠解压 | 【1小时】适合休息、冥想、瑜伽、睡眠、睡前 【Whisper 】
深度睡眠音乐助眠音乐深度脑休息音乐催眠能能量音乐The Art of Energy HealingThis is a step by step system to help anyone learn energy healing - even if you don't believe you can do it yet.It will give you a deep understanding of how run different types of energy for healing purposes. You will learn how to give both short and long sessions with step by step action guides.Whether you just want to heal yourself of deep trauma and subtle pain, or you want to start your own energy healing practice, this is course will inspire you.
3/13/2020 • 1 hour, 1 minute, 4 seconds
催眠解压|【30分钟】晚上、休息、冥想、睡前【Fragments by Christ
深度睡眠音乐助眠音乐深度脑休息音乐催眠能能量音乐The Art of Energy HealingThis is a step by step system to help anyone learn energy healing - even if you don't believe you can do it yet. It will give you a deep understanding of how run different types of energy for healing purposes. You will learn how to give both short and long sessions with step by step action guides. Whether you just want to heal yourself of deep trauma and subtle pain, or you want to start your own energy healing practice, this is course will inspire you.
3/12/2020 • 30 minutes, 27 seconds
催眠解压 |【30分钟】早上、晚上、休息、冥想、睡前【Quiet Hymn by J
深度睡眠音乐助眠音乐深度脑休息音乐催眠能能量音乐The Art of Energy HealingThis is a step by step system to help anyone learn energy healing - even if you don't believe you can do it yet.It will give you a deep understanding of how run different types of energy for healing purposes. You will learn how to give both short and long sessions with step by step action guides.Whether you just want to heal yourself of deep trauma and subtle pain, or you want to start your own energy healing practice, this is course will inspire you.
3/11/2020 • 32 minutes, 26 seconds
助眠音乐 | 睡前【30分钟】减压 安眠【Sancta
深度睡眠音乐助眠音乐深度脑休息音乐催眠能能量音乐The Art of Energy HealingThis is a step by step system to help anyone learn energy healing - even if you don't believe you can do it yet. It will give you a deep understanding of how run different types of energy for healing purposes. You will learn how to give both short and long sessions with step by step action guides. Whether you just want to heal yourself of deep trauma and subtle pain, or you want to start your own energy healing practice, this is course will inspire you.
3/10/2020 • 32 minutes, 25 seconds
助眠音乐 | 闭上眼睛 解决睡眠障礙 【Peace by Luiniss】
深度睡眠音乐助眠音乐深度脑休息音乐催眠能能量音乐The Art of Energy HealingThis is a step by step system to help anyone learn energy healing - even if you don't believe you can do it yet. It will give you a deep understanding of how run different types of energy for healing purposes. You will learn how to give both short and long sessions with step by step action guides. Whether you just want to heal yourself of deep trauma and subtle pain, or you want to start your own energy healing practice, this is course will inspire you.
3/9/2020 • 1 hour, 2 minutes, 34 seconds
助眠音乐 | 音乐治疗 调整自主神经系统 帮助舒缓抑郁症和恐慌症
深度睡眠音乐助眠音乐深度脑休息音乐催眠能能量音乐The Art of Energy HealingThis is a step by step system to help anyone learn energy healing - even if you don't believe you can do it yet. It will give you a deep understanding of how run different types of energy for healing purposes. You will learn how to give both short and long sessions with step by step action guides. Whether you just want to heal yourself of deep trauma and subtle pain, or you want to start your own energy healing practice, this is course will inspire you.
3/8/2020 • 2 hours
催眠解压 | 减轻不安感和身体不适感
深度睡眠音乐助眠音乐深度脑休息音乐催眠能能量音乐The Art of Energy HealingThis is a step by step system to help anyone learn energy healing - even if you don't believe you can do it yet. It will give you a deep understanding of how run different types of energy for healing purposes. You will learn how to give both short and long sessions with step by step action guides. Whether you just want to heal yourself of deep trauma and subtle pain, or you want to start your own energy healing practice, this is course will inspire you.
3/6/2020 • 33 minutes, 27 seconds
助眠深睡 | Relaxing Sleep Music
深度睡眠音乐助眠音乐深度脑休息音乐催眠能能量音乐The Art of Energy HealingThis is a step by step system to help anyone learn energy healing - even if you don't believe you can do it yet. It will give you a deep understanding of how run different types of energy for healing purposes. You will learn how to give both short and long sessions with step by step action guides. Whether you just want to heal yourself of deep trauma and subtle pain, or you want to start your own energy healing practice, this is course will inspire you.
3/5/2020 • 3 hours, 20 seconds
助眠音乐 | 安神
深度睡眠音乐助眠音乐深度脑休息音乐催眠能能量音乐The Art of Energy HealingThis is a step by step system to help anyone learn energy healing - even if you don't believe you can do it yet.It will give you a deep understanding of how run different types of energy for healing purposes. You will learn how to give both short and long sessions with step by step action guides.Whether you just want to heal yourself of deep trauma and subtle pain, or you want to start your own energy healing practice, this is course will inspire you.
3/3/2020 • 9 hours, 19 minutes, 14 seconds
助眠音乐 | 自律神经
深度睡眠音乐助眠音乐深度脑休息音乐催眠能能量音乐The Art of Energy HealingThis is a step by step system to help anyone learn energy healing - even if you don't believe you can do it yet.It will give you a deep understanding of how run different types of energy for healing purposes. You will learn how to give both short and long sessions with step by step action guides.Whether you just want to heal yourself of deep trauma and subtle pain, or you want to start your own energy healing practice, this is course will inspire you.
3/3/2020 • 9 hours, 10 minutes, 41 seconds
助眠音乐 | 助眠
深度睡眠音乐助眠音乐深度脑休息音乐催眠能能量音乐The Art of Energy HealingThis is a step by step system to help anyone learn energy healing - even if you don't believe you can do it yet.It will give you a deep understanding of how run different types of energy for healing purposes. You will learn how to give both short and long sessions with step by step action guides.Whether you just want to heal yourself of deep trauma and subtle pain, or you want to start your own energy healing practice, this is course will inspire you.
3/3/2020 • 9 hours, 8 minutes, 16 seconds
助眠音乐 | 集中注意力
深度睡眠音乐助眠音乐深度脑休息音乐催眠能能量音乐The Art of Energy HealingThis is a step by step system to help anyone learn energy healing - even if you don't believe you can do it yet.It will give you a deep understanding of how run different types of energy for healing purposes. You will learn how to give both short and long sessions with step by step action guides.Whether you just want to heal yourself of deep trauma and subtle pain, or you want to start your own energy healing practice, this is course will inspire you.
3/3/2020 • 9 hours, 14 minutes, 30 seconds
助眠音乐 | 放松身心
深度睡眠音乐助眠音乐深度脑休息音乐催眠能能量音乐The Art of Energy HealingThis is a step by step system to help anyone learn energy healing - even if you don't believe you can do it yet.It will give you a deep understanding of how run different types of energy for healing purposes. You will learn how to give both short and long sessions with step by step action guides.Whether you just want to heal yourself of deep trauma and subtle pain, or you want to start your own energy healing practice, this is course will inspire you.
3/3/2020 • 9 hours, 7 seconds
助眠音乐 | 深睡
深度睡眠音乐助眠音乐深度脑休息音乐催眠能能量音乐The Art of Energy HealingThis is a step by step system to help anyone learn energy healing - even if you don't believe you can do it yet. It will give you a deep understanding of how run different types of energy for healing purposes. You will learn how to give both short and long sessions with step by step action guides. Whether you just want to heal yourself of deep trauma and subtle pain, or you want to start your own energy healing practice, this is course will inspire you.
3/1/2020 • 3 hours, 2 minutes, 50 seconds
助眠音乐 | 安神
深度睡眠音乐助眠音乐深度脑休息音乐催眠能能量音乐The Art of Energy HealingThis is a step by step system to help anyone learn energy healing - even if you don't believe you can do it yet.It will give you a deep understanding of how run different types of energy for healing purposes. You will learn how to give both short and long sessions with step by step action guides.Whether you just want to heal yourself of deep trauma and subtle pain, or you want to start your own energy healing practice, this is course will inspire you.
2/27/2020 • 7 hours, 13 minutes, 13 seconds
助眠音乐 | 提神专注力
深度睡眠音乐助眠音乐深度脑休息音乐催眠能能量音乐The Art of Energy HealingThis is a step by step system to help anyone learn energy healing - even if you don't believe you can do it yet. It will give you a deep understanding of how run different types of energy for healing purposes. You will learn how to give both short and long sessions with step by step action guides. Whether you just want to heal yourself of deep trauma and subtle pain, or you want to start your own energy healing practice, this is course will inspire you.
2/25/2020 • 3 hours, 3 minutes, 43 seconds
助眠音乐 | 治疗强迫症
深度睡眠音乐助眠音乐深度脑休息音乐催眠能能量音乐The Art of Energy HealingThis is a step by step system to help anyone learn energy healing - even if you don't believe you can do it yet. It will give you a deep understanding of how run different types of energy for healing purposes. You will learn how to give both short and long sessions with step by step action guides. Whether you just want to heal yourself of deep trauma and subtle pain, or you want to start your own energy healing practice, this is course will inspire you.
2/23/2020 • 3 hours, 3 minutes, 43 seconds
助眠音乐 | 安睡
深度睡眠音乐助眠音乐深度脑休息音乐催眠能能量音乐The Art of Energy HealingThis is a step by step system to help anyone learn energy healing - even if you don't believe you can do it yet. It will give you a deep understanding of how run different types of energy for healing purposes. You will learn how to give both short and long sessions with step by step action guides. Whether you just want to heal yourself of deep trauma and subtle pain, or you want to start your own energy healing practice, this is course will inspire you.
2/22/2020 • 3 hours, 2 seconds
助眠音乐 | 深睡
深度睡眠音乐助眠音乐深度脑休息音乐催眠能能量音乐The Art of Energy HealingThis is a step by step system to help anyone learn energy healing - even if you don't believe you can do it yet. It will give you a deep understanding of how run different types of energy for healing purposes. You will learn how to give both short and long sessions with step by step action guides. Whether you just want to heal yourself of deep trauma and subtle pain, or you want to start your own energy healing practice, this is course will inspire you.
2/22/2020 • 2 hours, 59 minutes, 32 seconds
助眠音乐 | 深度冥想
深度睡眠音乐助眠音乐深度脑休息音乐催眠能能量音乐The Art of Energy HealingThis is a step by step system to help anyone learn energy healing - even if you don't believe you can do it yet. It will give you a deep understanding of how run different types of energy for healing purposes. You will learn how to give both short and long sessions with step by step action guides. Whether you just want to heal yourself of deep trauma and subtle pain, or you want to start your own energy healing practice, this is course will inspire you.
2/19/2020 • 6 hours, 3 minutes, 38 seconds
助眠音乐 | 激活海马体
深度睡眠音乐助眠音乐深度脑休息音乐催眠能能量音乐The Art of Energy HealingThis is a step by step system to help anyone learn energy healing - even if you don't believe you can do it yet. It will give you a deep understanding of how run different types of energy for healing purposes. You will learn how to give both short and long sessions with step by step action guides. Whether you just want to heal yourself of deep trauma and subtle pain, or you want to start your own energy healing practice, this is course will inspire you.
2/18/2020 • 6 hours, 3 minutes, 29 seconds
助眠音乐 | 舒缓疲劳
深度睡眠音乐助眠音乐深度脑休息音乐催眠能能量音乐The Art of Energy HealingThis is a step by step system to help anyone learn energy healing - even if you don't believe you can do it yet. It will give you a deep understanding of how run different types of energy for healing purposes. You will learn how to give both short and long sessions with step by step action guides. Whether you just want to heal yourself of deep trauma and subtle pain, or you want to start your own energy healing practice, this is course will inspire you.
2/17/2020 • 6 hours, 3 minutes, 58 seconds
助眠音乐 | 水流声
深度睡眠音乐助眠音乐深度脑休息音乐催眠能能量音乐The Art of Energy HealingThis is a step by step system to help anyone learn energy healing - even if you don't believe you can do it yet. It will give you a deep understanding of how run different types of energy for healing purposes. You will learn how to give both short and long sessions with step by step action guides. Whether you just want to heal yourself of deep trauma and subtle pain, or you want to start your own energy healing practice, this is course will inspire you.
2/16/2020 • 3 hours, 4 minutes, 31 seconds
助眠音乐 | 给心灵做SPA
深度睡眠音乐助眠音乐深度脑休息音乐催眠能能量音乐The Art of Energy HealingThis is a step by step system to help anyone learn energy healing - even if you don't believe you can do it yet. It will give you a deep understanding of how run different types of energy for healing purposes. You will learn how to give both short and long sessions with step by step action guides. Whether you just want to heal yourself of deep trauma and subtle pain, or you want to start your own energy healing practice, this is course will inspire you.
2/15/2020 • 3 hours, 3 minutes, 38 seconds
助眠音乐 | 深睡
深度睡眠音乐助眠音乐深度脑休息音乐催眠能能量音乐The Art of Energy HealingThis is a step by step system to help anyone learn energy healing - even if you don't believe you can do it yet. It will give you a deep understanding of how run different types of energy for healing purposes. You will learn how to give both short and long sessions with step by step action guides. Whether you just want to heal yourself of deep trauma and subtle pain, or you want to start your own energy healing practice, this is course will inspire you.
2/11/2020 • 1 hour, 1 second
催眠解压 | 自律神 超长助眠
深度睡眠音乐助眠音乐深度脑休息音乐催眠能能量音乐The Art of Energy HealingThis is a step by step system to help anyone learn energy healing - even if you don't believe you can do it yet. It will give you a deep understanding of how run different types of energy for healing purposes. You will learn how to give both short and long sessions with step by step action guides. Whether you just want to heal yourself of deep trauma and subtle pain, or you want to start your own energy healing practice, this is course will inspire you.
2/8/2020 • 1 hour
催眠解压 | 清除負能量冥想
深度睡眠音乐助眠音乐深度脑休息音乐催眠能能量音乐The Art of Energy HealingThis is a step by step system to help anyone learn energy healing - even if you don't believe you can do it yet. It will give you a deep understanding of how run different types of energy for healing purposes. You will learn how to give both short and long sessions with step by step action guides. Whether you just want to heal yourself of deep trauma and subtle pain, or you want to start your own energy healing practice, this is course will inspire you.
2/1/2020 • 2 hours, 1 minute, 10 seconds
催眠解压 | 多巴胺分泌 赶走抑郁和負面情緒,降低生活不安感 (特定赫茲)
深度睡眠音乐助眠音乐深度脑休息音乐催眠能能量音乐The Art of Energy HealingThis is a step by step system to help anyone learn energy healing - even if you don't believe you can do it yet. It will give you a deep understanding of how run different types of energy for healing purposes. You will learn how to give both short and long sessions with step by step action guides. Whether you just want to heal yourself of deep trauma and subtle pain, or you want to start your own energy healing practice, this is course will inspire you.
The Art of Energy HealingThis is a step by step system to help anyone learn energy healing - even if you don't believe you can do it yet. It will give you a deep understanding of how run different types of energy for healing purposes. You will learn how to give both short and long sessions with step by step action guides. Whether you just want to heal yourself of deep trauma and subtle pain, or you want to start your own energy healing practice, this is course will inspire and educate you ---- in my own unique style which is down to earth, hilarious, and based on what WORKS.We all have this extraordinary healing potential - and at this CRAZY time on earth, it is essential that we tap into this life giving energy and use it for the betterment of humanity.CLose your eyes,let's begin.Enjoy the music which I choose for you.