This weekly comedy podcast, hosted by Broadway music director Nate Patten, takes you behind the scenes of the theatre business featuring interviews with industry celebrities in New York City.
Booked It E28 - Natalie Weiss’s Success Was An Accident
Come to think of it, so was Nate’s career…and life…actually, we’re all happy accidents in this insane world, especially with regard to theatre. Our careers have been forged by “right time at the right place” happenings and so we’re going to talk about it. What is the arts scene now? What is it going to be? How does someone have the foresight to create an online presence before anyone knew what that meant? What does it mean to have the “first viral video” in our circles? We’re going to find out with YouTube sensation Natalie Weiss. Created by Nate Patten and Cam Collins Engineered by: Justin Brown Logo by: Podcast: Facebook: Instagram: Website:
9.10.2020 • 34 Protokoll, 32 Sekunden
Booked It E27 - You guys. We did it. The coronavirus is over.
In the recognition and celebration of the end of the pandemic which is now 100% over, we have decided to dedicate this episode to the brave men, women, and others, who have selflessly given their time to vanquish this vicious virus under the leadership and guidance of our undaunted, unflappable president—Kate Shindle. This week we bring to you: Episode 27: You guys. We did it. The coronavirus is over. No really, it’s over. Nothing more to see or even talk about, thank goodness. Just another paragraph in the annals of history and at least 47 pages of line items in the Actor’s Equity handbook. We speak to a real physician, Dr. Linda Dahl, who knows about real science to empirically confirm our real statement that the coronavirus is now nothing more than a distant memory. What the critics are saying: “The scariest thing about this episode is that I know he’s going to make another one” -Ben Brantley “The worst abomination in front of G-d and country I have heard of in my lifetime” -DC Episcopal Bishop, St. John’s Church “I’d fuck Nate harder than the electorate” -Kayleigh McEnany Written by: Nate Patten and Cam Collins Produced by: Justin Brown Logo by: @bookeditpodcast
12.6.2020 • 47 Protokoll, 44 Sekunden
Booked It E26 - Hey Unemployment, Look Me In The Eye When You F*ck Me
Episode 26 - Hey Unemployment, Look Me In The Eye When You F*ck Me Featuring world renowned economist, Pete Mento—I know we’ve had him on three times in a row, but we can’t find a smarter person that can literally talk about everything important in the world. In this episode, we have a frank discussion about how and when Broadway can reopen. Here’s what they’re all saying: “This is where I gather all pertinent information on the world’s happenings” - Dr. Deborah Birx “Please try again later” - NY Department of Labor Call Center “Go! Write it in a martial hand; be curst and brief; it is no matter how witty, so it be eloquent and fun of invention: taunt him with the license of ink. If thou thrust him some thrice, it shall not be amiss; and as many lies as will lie in my soul.” - Donald J. Trump Written by: Nate Patten and Cam Collins Produced by: Justin Brown Logo by: @bookeditpodcast
16.4.2020 • 28 Protokoll, 20 Sekunden
Booked It E25 - Tap Dancing Around Politics
Do you find yourself speaking confidently about topics you’ve never researched? Are you fully comfortable lecturing people on politics, history, and other things that people get PhDs in without ever having read about them? Did you fail ninth grade history but still sign up to speak on the ‘Constitutional Law’ panel at Hamilton’s BroadwayCon table? Then a career on Broadway might be for you! It also might be time to listen to... EPISODE 25: Tap Dancing Around Politics In this special episode, we address the entertainment industry’s uncanny ability to profess knowledge on topics that we know nothing about. Featuring BookedIt political correspondent: world renowned lecturer on foreign affairs Pete Mento. More praise for #BookedIt ‘Nobody likes Bernie Sanders. And nobody likes this podcast.’— Hillary Clinton ‘Maybe you should try Pearl Studios...?’—Patricia Ripley, owner of Ripley Grier ‘You have stolen my childhood’—Greta Thunberg Written by: Nate Patten and Cam Collins Produced by: Justin Brown Logo by:
31.1.2020 • 41 Protokoll, 39 Sekunden
Booked It E24 - Love Isn't Love Isn't Love, etc.
“Cake cake cake cake cake cake,” -Flo Rida “Doo be doo be doo.” -Frank Sinatra “Love is love is love is love is love.” -LMM Is any of this making sense? Pulling at the very core of your being? Resonating with the masses in order for social movements to be fostered? Oh, that last one is, you say? WHY?! Don’t feel like you’re alone. The minute the 2016 Tony Awards ended we all got “Love is Love is Love” bedazzled onto our dance belts faster than you could say “intimacy director”. Has anyone ever stopped to think about what it was supposed to mean, though? Didn’t think so. EPISODE 24: Love Isn’t Love Isn’t Love, etc. Featuring world renowned political expert Pete Mento What the critics are saying: “This show is so good I didn’t kill myself”—Jeffrey Epstein “I like this episode, but I’d definitely make some serious cuts”—Ivo Van Hove “I can’t wait to listen to this when I’m older!”—the newest Evan Hansen Hey subscribe, hey subscribe, hey subscribe. Written by: Nate Patten and Cam Collins Produced by: Justin Brown Logo by:
14.11.2019 • 39 Protokoll, 20 Sekunden
Booked It E23 - BOOked It: A Very Emotionally Unstable Halloween
There is a 6th dimension beyond that which is known to man and that which is only known to Kate Shindle. It is a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as Shetler Studios. It is the middle ground between light and shadow, between costume and dance belt, between Schnippers and Ripley Grier. It lies between the pit of man's fears and the paragon of his Broadway Bares donation page. This is the dimension of the fright of theatre. It is an area which we call... #BOOkedIt. Written by: Nate Patten and Cam Collins Produced by: Justin Brown Logo by: @bookeditpodcast
31.10.2019 • 5 Protokoll, 26 Sekunden
Booked It E22 - You're Not Famous, You're on Broadway
Have you ever noticed yourself giving speeches to your friends like you just won an Oscar? Did you camp out on Ryan Murphy’s property for 3 weeks to protest James Corden being cast in The Prom movie? Do you keep tagging Alexandria Ocasio Cortez in posts hoping she’ll come see you in The Lightning Thief? Well, it’s probably time you listened to our latest episode: You’re not Famous, You’re on Broadway Here’s what actual famous people are saying: “Nate is the William F. Buckley of theatre podcasting.” -Dick Cavett “I haven’t been this nuts about something since ‘Tickle Me Elmo’” -Tilda Swinton “This show makes me so happy I can’t feel my face” -Meg Ryan Sit back and relax, narcissists. It’s time to do some introspection. #bookedit Written by: Nate Patten and Cam Collins Produced by: Justin Brown Logo by: @bookeditpodcast
17.10.2019 • 34 Protokoll, 53 Sekunden
Booked It E21 - FVU: Facebook Victims Unit
Well...we know we have been on hiatus again. Why this time? We've been stationed at Actor’s Equity fighting to ensure company members receive profit-sharing. And we did it! The cast of ‘Bat Out of Hell’ now each owes $467,000. Speaking of the oppressed, this week we are pleased to present: Episode 21 - FVU: Facebook Victims Unit In this episode, we take on the growing trend of portraying yourself as a victim (ANY kind of victim) on social media, something that is becoming both trendy and (required?) to promote your online presence. The danger of this? It’s harmful to ACTUAL victims. Featuring BookedIt co-anchor, Lisa Gajda! Written by: Nate Patten and Cam Collins Produced by: Cam Collins Logo by: @bookeditpodcast
9.7.2019 • 46 Protokoll, 39 Sekunden
Booked It E20 - Broadway is Broken and I Alone Can Fix It
We apologize for our month long absence, we mistakenly signed on with the producers of ‘Bat of Out Hell’, but like a Broadway revival of ‘The Glass Menagerie’, we’re back. We’ve been living in a tent on Kate Shindle’s lawn protesting ‘Gypsy of the Year’ and starting a campaign to raise money for ‘Head Over Heels’. We are pleased to announce our return episode... ‘Broadway is Broken and I Alone Can Fix It’ Featuring Native American Guest Elizabeth Warren, for approximately 1/64th of the episode Written by: Nate Patten and Cam Collins Produced by: Tom Jorgenson Logo by: @bookeditpodcast
7.11.2018 • 23 Protokoll, 33 Sekunden
Booked It E19 - It Gets Worse
So you’ve arrived. New York City. The Great White Way. Every day is the ‘Let’s Go To The Movies’ scene from Annie. But are you forgetting that ten minutes after you got off the Greyhound you saw a homeless man masturbating into a phone charging station? Has time healed the fact that you put a down payment on a house the first day of ‘Nerds’ rehearsal? Buck up sailor. ‘It Gets Better’...or does it? This week we’re gonna get to the bottom of it. EPISODE 19: ‘It Gets Worse’ Featuring Broadway’s Jenn Gambatese with a special appearance by Broadway veteran and former #BookedIt it guest, Lisa Gajda.
13.7.2018 • 55 Protokoll, 40 Sekunden
Booked It E18 - Wokeback Mountain
You knew it could be like this. It could be like this always. What you waitin' for, cowboy? A matin' call? This week, @bookeditpodcast proudly presents: EPISODE 18: Wokeback Mountain In this episode, which I’m sure has already triggered everyone before they’ve listened to it, we discuss the reality that being a social activist is no longer just a part of being an actor… It is now a REQUIREMENT for a theatre career. Featuring special guest NATHANIEL HACKMAN (Jerry Springer: the Opera, Les Mis) What critics are saying: “Probably the most impactful thing to have happened this century” -Malala “#grateful” -Cicero “I like being mentioned on Booked It so much that I changed the name of the Gypsy Robe.” -Kate Shindle Written by: Nate Patten and Cam Collins Produced by: Cam Collins Recording Engineer: Tom Jorgensen Logo:
21.5.2018 • 53 Protokoll, 5 Sekunden
Booked It E17 - Actors' Equity: Am I In A Cult?
What is acting? Acting is being. Being is the nature of essence. Being is life. Life is the essence of being. Being is acting. Acting is life. Repeat. What is acti….WHAT THE F*CK? I’m in a cult. You’re in a cult. We’re all in a goddamn cult. #askifitsequity This is the episode where we finally talk about Actor's Equity: why we need it, where it's headed, and how it's all literally burning down around us. Featuring Special Guest and Equity Member since 2012, Adam Kaplan (A Bronx Tale, Newsies) What the critics are saying: 'A little theatre never hurt anyone.’—Abraham Lincoln 'Sorry, Mr. Patten, we couldn't publish your column. It's just too trashy.’ —Kelly Holland (Editor of Penthouse) 'And I thought MY writing was bad.’—Michael Wolff Written by Nate Patten and Cam Collins Produced by Cam Collins Recorded by Tom Jorgensen Logo By
3.2.2018 • 54 Protokoll, 50 Sekunden
Booked It E16 - Impossible: Celebrating 20 Years of Theatre Equality Post-Brandy Cinderella
We here at #BookedIt want you to have a magical Christmas. The stockings are hung, the egg-nog is in your glass, you're still tingling in the afterglow of reaching 38 likes on your latest Instagram post... The only thing you're missing is the dulcet sounds of a privileged, white atheist talking about the rights of black people in the theatre community. Merry Christmas from Booked It. Go fuck yourself. Featuring the absurdly talented Kelvin Moon Loh from the brand new SpongeBob SquarePants Musical.
21.12.2017 • 51 Protokoll, 17 Sekunden
Booked It E15 - Lights, Camera, Daddy Issues!!!
Guess what? You need a therapist. We’re not here to help! There are therapists for that so leave it to the professionals. However, if you find comfort in this episode, or if we have inspired you in any way, we just want to remind you that this still isn’t therapy, and you still need a therapist. Really. So join us for some (non-therapeutic) laughs, a platform void of trigger warnings, and a fantastic interview with broadway star, Derek Klena!
29.9.2017 • 53 Protokoll, 35 Sekunden
Booked It E14 - Hello. My name is Mandy Patinkin. You closed my show. Prepare to die.
Trump got you down? Wish you lived in the 1980s when there wasn’t any racism? Sad the bank wouldn’t let you remortgage your house to get Frozen tickets? Well, we are the podcast for you! This week we take a frothy jaunt through the perilous waters of production decisions in post-racial America; the good, the bad, and the downright confused. Featuring an insightful interview with Grammy, Emmy, and Tony award winning composer and lyricist, Marc Shaiman!
20.8.2017 • 53 Protokoll, 1 Sekunde
Booked It E13 - We Get It...You're Safe
#BookedIt has marked itself safe. Thank you to everyone for the calls, text messages, and prayers. Thank God we weren’t on that train, but even if we were, we would totally still be able to release our show this week. In this episode we confront the very public response to any and all happenings, no matter how insignificant, as well as break down Facebook's newest unintended catalyst for narcissism, the “marking yourself safe” function. This week, we feature Broadway casting director Rachel Hoffman (Frozen, Escape to Margaritaville, Come From Away) of Telsey and Company Casting.
22.7.2017 • 59 Protokoll, 6 Sekunden
Booked It E12 - Broadway Cares, But We're Not Sure About You
Take off your clothes, sit back, and relax as we walk you through the perils of modern self-promotion. It's not porn, it's art...for charity! Our guest this week is Kamille Upshaw who is in a show no one has ever heard of which is probably closed by now.
19.6.2017 • 55 Protokoll, 43 Sekunden
Booked It E11 - Are You There Playbill? It's Me, Nate.
The beloved coming-of-age podcast with your host and preteen idol, Nate Patten, takes on theatre journalism and what it's become. Featuring an interview with 3 time TONY award winner, Doug Besterman.
19.5.2017 • 45 Protokoll, 16 Sekunden
Booked It E10 - Your Show Isn't Changing The World
Have you ever wondered how literally every show can change the world? Well, we're here to explain the logistics of this recent phenomenon. It's going to be HISTORIC. This episode also features an interview with the incomparable Mary MacLeod.
10.4.2017 • 47 Protokoll, 29 Sekunden
Booked It E09 - Merrily We Troll Along
This week we have an extremely special guest, John McDaniel (Rosie O'Donnell, Patti LuPone, et al). On this episode we take on the problem of internet trolling and how you can be a part of it all.
14.2.2017 • 40 Protokoll, 52 Sekunden
Booked It E08 - The Broadway Who Cried Wolf
Join us this week with special guest Madeleine Doherty as we navigate the waters of ridiculous hyperbole in social media! It's going to be THE BEST SHOW EVER. Life changing. You'll literally die if you miss this episode. Produced by Cam Collins.
21.1.2017 • 48 Protokoll, 30 Sekunden
Booked It E07 - Go Fund Me? Go F*** Yourself.
This week we take on the completely out of control world of crowdfunding. What it means, what it used to mean, and where it all went horribly wrong. Featuring special guest Lisa Gajda!!!
12.12.2016 • 47 Protokoll, 59 Sekunden
Booked It E06 - Election 2016: Well, That Happened...
Booked It decided to talk about the election, because no one else is. This week we are joined by Broadway music director, Andy Einhorn! You won't want to miss this.
26.11.2016 • 55 Protokoll, 35 Sekunden
Booked It E05 - Over It - Hamilton Edition
SPECIAL EDITION!!!! Today, we take a whole episode to take on the hit broadway show, Hamilton. Thanks for listening!!!
29.10.2016 • 8 Protokoll, 55 Sekunden
Booked It E04 - Self-Indulgent Benefit Cabarets
This week's episode brings you an interview with the dynamic Tommy Bracco from Newsies. Thank you for listening to Booked It!!!
18.10.2016 • 47 Protokoll, 57 Sekunden
Booked It E03 - Shirtless Gym Selfies
Join us for Episode 3 of Booked It! This week's episode features Broadway casting directors Duncan Stewart and Benton Whitley, the founders of Stewart/Whitley Casting in New York City.
5.10.2016 • 53 Protokoll, 25 Sekunden
Booked It E02 - Stop Crying At Your Own Show
We decided to make another episode, and the fabulous Liz Larsen decided to join us! If you've read the title, then we absolutely don't need to explain what this episode is about.
23.9.2016 • 43 Protokoll, 41 Sekunden
Booked It E01 - Being Hashtag Grateful
Join us for our inaugural podcast, Being Hashtag Grateful, with special guest Emily Padgett