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The Pukwudgie Whisperer - Bill and Jaci Kousoulas
In this show, Susy talks with Bill and Jaci Kousoulas. - The mysterious Ohio River Valley, the Silver Bridge disaster, Mothman and more Jaci is a retired U.S. federal official. Her professional expertise lies in data analytics, investigation, and research. Point Pleasant became a home away from home for her the very first time she visited there. The community and people remind her of her childhood and what it was like to experience the unity of life in a small town. She is highly intuitive and has been encouraged by a retired hypnotherapist and gifted psychic to pursue her profound abilities. Jaci has had numerous paranormal encounters during her lifetime, including seeing UFOs, disembodied heads on the dresser, and a lumbering entity plodding through a cornfield, which she describes as looking like one of Richard Shaver’s Detrimental Robots (DEROs). She has also been contacted by family members and friends since their passing.Bill completed his doctorate in psychology in January of 2021. He specializes in positive psychology, the science of “what goes right in life.” Most of his doctoral research is in the area of post-traumatic growth - the good outcomes that we gain by navigating our challenging life experiences. Later in 2021, Jaci and Bill formed Phenomenology Research Professionals, a practice in which they focus on the correlations between paranormal experiences and post-traumatic growth. This discipline allows them to combine multiple interests into a passion for investigating the unknown, learning how people and communities grow from trauma, and helping others to understand that good things can and do come from traumatic events.Become a supporter of this podcast:
25/10/2024 • 1 heure, 6 minutes, 47 secondes
Paranormal Pendle - Emily Paranormal
Craig Bryant talks with Emily Paranormal about her paranormal experiences.Become a supporter of this podcast:
24/10/2024 • 49 minutes, 43 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - Halloween MMMXF
The gang gathers at the Starboard Galley for its first ever remote Halloween Show. Topics include: How to properly feed a bird-eating tarantula, how not to decapitate your parent as a prank, how to properly see UFOs over Oakland, what to do if a ghost invades your kitchen, plus how to dress up as Mack for Halloween. Special Guests: Pistol Pete Falconi and Nurse Chrissy. (Adult Content)Become a supporter of this podcast:
22/10/2024 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 41 secondes
Scary Eire - Premier Episode
On the premier episode of host Mark Manning's Scary Eire, Mark brings us strange and ghostly tales from Ireland. Mark interviews curator of the Cathal Brugha Barracks (Formerly British Army Portobello Barracks for 112 yrs ) and where Mark's paranormal interest began as an army brat. Next, quick two paranormal stories phone interview with a west cork resident. Ireland's mystical and ancient and bloodied North East is represented by ol friend of Mark's, David McGlynn aka The Squire due to his passion for the place. Become a supporter of this podcast:
21/10/2024 • 1 heure, 1 minute, 30 secondes
Unknown Origins Radio Classic - Southwest Cryptids with JC Johnson - 11/26/2012
In this classic edition of Unknown Origins Radio hosts Mark Johnson and Loren DePinto talk with paranormal and cryptid researcher JC Johnson of Paranormal Four Corners about his investigations into mysterious creatures sighted in the American southwest.Original Air Date: November 26, 2012Become a supporter of this podcast:
17/10/2024 • 1 heure, 5 minutes, 4 secondes
Paranormal Peep Show - Jackie Tonks Creatures that Should Not Exist
Does the flying dinosaur, Pterodactyl, actually exist in present day? These prehistoric creatures thought to be extinct, have reportedly been sighted by eyewitness's mostly in Papua New Guinea, but in other places like Australia and the USA as well in the 20th and 21st century. All witness's describing very similar things. Are they mistaken? If so, how can they survive and not been seen by mainstream sight seers? Or are they? Perhaps people keep quiet and do not report the sightings for fear of ridicule.Also under discussion in part 2, we look at Jackie Tonk's own sighting of Bigfoot when she was out in the USA a few years ago. We examine the controversial 1968 cine film of Bigfoot now referred to as the Patti film of Gimlin and Patterson who filmed it in Bluff Creak, California. Is it a man in a suit or are those leg muscles really twitching as they thump to the ground? What do they eat and how do they protect each other? Jackie comes up with some interesting answers.We also mention the famous ufo sighting of Papua new Guinea of Father William Gill who saw a flying saucer outside his church for 2 hours along with his 37 parishioners, who waved at the beings walking around on the top of the flying saucer and they waved back.Jackie Tonks guests on the Paranormal Peep Show for October 2024 with guest presenter Ben Emlyn-Jones and regular host Neil Ward. Become a supporter of this podcast:
17/10/2024 • 2 heures, 25 minutes, 27 secondes
The KTPF Reload Show - Andrew Collins - Göbekli Tepe and Psychic Questing
The KTPF Reload show – Andrew Collins The KTPF Reload Show is the best bit from the old Keep the Paranormal Friendly Live show that ran weekly from 2012 to 2016. The show was hosted by Steve and Sue Taggart and by Andy Mercer in the final two years of the show's life.The shows ran for 2 to 3 hours a week, during which we discussed all the latest paranormal news and stories. We also interviewed someone from the ‘world of the weird.’ The KTPF Reload Show are those interviews. In this edition, we are joined by Andrew Collins, an internationally renowned British scientist, anthropologist, researcher, and writer on psychic questing and ancient mysteries.Also a best-selling author of a variety of books that challenge the way we perceive the past. Andrew talks about how he became involved in the paranormal, his discovery of psychic questing and The Black Alchemist. We touch on the idea of an advanced civilization at the ancient site of Göbekli Tepe. broadcast in 2015Become a supporter of this podcast:
15/10/2024 • 1 heure, 8 minutes, 39 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - When Aliens Landed in Vermont?
The gang discusses a number of topics including the mysterious ancient city of Gobekli Tepe, found high in the mountains of Turkey, that is more than 20,000 years old. Also, an interview with Laurie Jo Litton, former employee of the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency, the most secret government service in the United States, a visit from the Ghost Sisters and ten reasons why Agent X loves Halloween.Become a supporter of this podcast:
12/10/2024 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 41 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - When Aliens Landed in Vermont
In a live broadcast from the Starboard Galley restaurant, the gang discusses a number of topics including cave drawings left in Vermont possibly 5,000 years ago that resemble space aliens. Also, a frightening UFO encounter in Maine & the top ten reasons why it’s better to know a nurse than a cowgirl. Special guests: Suzy Bastille, Taylor Swift & Nurse Crissy. (Adult Content).Become a supporter of this podcast:
04/10/2024 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 41 secondes
6 Degrees of John Keel - Secrets Of The Fairy Path with Daniela Simina
From host BarbaraI’m BAAAACK! Daniela Simina returns to talk about her second book: A Fairy Path: The Memoir of a Young Fairy Seer in Training.It’s an excellent book, and if it has a theme other than fairies and magic, it’s secrets. Secrecy runs through the entire story and it’s a great read. For such a slim volume, it is jam-packed with ideas, magic, meanings, thoughts and memories. I highly recommend it. It’s a memoir of Daniela’s childhood in Rumania when it was ruled by a communist regime, so as I noted, the secrecy is multi-layered and pervasive. Become a supporter of this podcast:
27/09/2024 • 1 heure, 37 minutes, 39 secondes
The KTPF Reload Show - Anthony Peake: Mind and Consciousness
The KTPF Reload Show - Consciousness Theorist: Anthony PeakeAnthony Peake is a writer who deals with borderline areas of human consciousness. His first book, Is There Life After Death?, was published in 2006, and since then, he has developed his own ideas while exploring the latest areas of research in his field.He also focuses on the nature of consciousness and reality, and mysterious phenomena such as déjà vu.Although we had a Skype sound issue, which our guest always seems to experience, we managed to get through the interview.Originally recorded in 2015 Become a supporter of this podcast:
25/09/2024 • 1 heure, 7 minutes, 55 secondes
The Pukwudgie Whisperer - Dawn Martin from The Ghost Whisperers
Susy talks with Dawn Martin from The Ghost Whisperers.Dawn is an amazing woman with an amazing Paranormal Investigation team. We talked about honouring spirits' memories by learning about their lives, burial places, and time in history. Her team takes a unique approach to investigations by gaining the trust of spirits.Become a supporter of this podcast:
24/09/2024 • 50 minutes, 7 secondes
Mack Maloneys Military X-Files - The Secret of Maury Island
The gang discusses a number of topics including a report by Switch on the bizarre Maury Island UFO incident, a story that involves doughnut-shaped UFOs, a dead dog, a bugged hotel room, a fatal bomber crash and a mysterious individual who was later questioned in the JFK assassination. Also, details on a man who tried to contact beings living in the middle of the Earth, only to be killed by a swarm of bees. Special guest: Superfan Susan K.Become a supporter of this podcast:
20/09/2024 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 41 secondes
Paranormal Book Club - Passport to Magonia by Jaques Vallee
Paranormal Book Club - Passport to Magonia by Jaques ValleeSusy, Steve and Andy discuss the seminal work on the world of High Strangeness.Passport to Magonia, Jacques Vallee's influential masterwork that changed our understanding of the UFO phenomenon. An instant classic when first published in 1969, the book remains a must-have resource for anybody interested in the topics of UFOs and alien contact, as well as those fascinated by fairy folklore and other paranormal encounters. All of which Vallee identifies as potentially originating from the same source.(Although, as you will hear, not everyone is a fan ;) ) Become a supporter of this podcast:
20/09/2024 • 1 heure, 17 minutes, 20 secondes
Paranormal Peep Show - Seriously Strange conference
The Seriously Strange Conference Report By Neil Ward 31St August 2024 on The Paranormal Peep ShowThe show visits the Seriously Strange Conference run by ASSAP at Winchester University.Joined by Ben Emlyn-Jones of HPANWO, Neil and Ben enjoy the first day of a two day conference, with some illustrious speakers presenting their talks.It opens with Neil Nixon-Today Winchester Tomorrow the CosmosKristian Lander -Secret of the Night Crawler Dr Ann Winsper - Are Ghosts all in the mind? The Evidence from AnimalsDeborah Hyde - The Croglin VampireJohn Fraser- My Very First Ghost HuntDr Kate Cherrell- Has Elvis Really Left the Building? A History of Celebrity SeanceThis was followed by a panel discussion with questions posed by the audience, including Prof Chris French and Debbie Oakes (one half of the Dodleston Messages)check out the activities of is a scientifically-orientated educational and research charity and learned society dedicated to a better understanding of anomalous phenomena. As well as education, we carry out investigations and research.Anomalous phenomena divide broadly into four areas: psychic phenomena (ghosts, telepathy, mediumship, etc.), Fortean phenomena (cryptozoology, fish falling from the sky, etc.), Earth Mysteries (leys, archaeoastronomy, etc.) and UFOs. As part of our educational remit, this website includes lots of practical information such as:paranormal investigation hintsequipment used on paranormal vigilsan extensive section on paranormal photosarticles on research and previous casesBecome a supporter of this podcast:
19/09/2024 • 2 heures, 32 minutes, 23 secondes
Unknown Origins Radio Classic - The Stardust Ranch with John Edmonds - 03/02/2016
Mark Johnson and Bruce Pearson talk with John Edmonds, the owner of The Stardust Ranch in Rainbow Valley, AZ where for over 20 years he and his wife have experienced an intense amount of high strangeness activity including UFOs, alien abductions and other intense paranormal activity.This episode originally aired on March 2, 2016.Become a supporter of this podcast:
18/09/2024 • 1 heure, 58 minutes, 45 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - The Mystery of the 27,000-Year-Old Pyramid
In a live broadcast from the Starboard Galley restaurant, the gang examines new evidence that a structure in Indonesia is five times older than the Great Pyramid of Egypt. Nurse Chrissy reveals a little-known secret about the first thing nurses to do when a patient in their care passes away. Stephanie McNew of The Highly Spirited Podcast guides Mack through drinking a Haunted Highball on the air. Army veteran Dennis Walsh recounts his experiences flying in medivac helicopters in South Korea and has a heartfelt word of advice for all Americans when it comes to caring for our veterans. Special Guest: Susy Bastille.Become a supporter of this podcast:
14/09/2024 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 41 secondes
Paranormal Pendle - Steve Mera
Craig interviews researcher Steve Mera.Become a supporter of this podcast:
13/09/2024 • 1 heure, 25 minutes, 30 secondes
Seventh Sanctum - David Young
Join Kerry Ann and Natalie as they chat with Paranormal Dimensions host David Young about UFOs and the paranormal Become a supporter of this podcast:
WARNING: SENSITIVE SUBJECT MATTER. LISTENER DISRECTION IS ADVISED!On this episode of Unknown Origins Radio Mark, Loren and Karrie-Ann interviewed renowned EVP specialist Debbie Constantino about her research with electronic voice phenomenon. This episode was originally recorded on April 3rd, 2011.On September 22, 2015 Debbie Constantino died in a murder/suicide perpetrated by her husband. We are airing this show in memory of Debbie and honoring her work. This is in no way meant to ignore or excuse the vile and heinous act perpetrated by her husband who also appeared in this interview, nor will we mention his name here. Debbie was loved by her family and friends, and was highly respected in the paranormal community. She is sorely missed.Become a supporter of this podcast:
11/09/2024 • 1 heure, 17 minutes, 4 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - Is Every Third Person You See An Alien?
The gang discusses a number of topics including a man who received secret messages from his acetylene torch, the crew of an airliner who saw monsters out on its wing and a rundown on what kind of aliens might be walking among us. Special guests: Kim Scheie & Pistol Pete Falconi.Become a supporter of this podcast:
08/09/2024 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 41 secondes
The Reality Realm - Examining Paranormal Investigation
Irene and Mark discuss the modern state of paranormal investigation as highlighted by a recent investigation that Mark participated in a few days ago.Become a supporter of this podcast:
05/09/2024 • 1 heure, 3 minutes, 24 secondes
The Pukwudgie Whisperer - Stevi from 'Truth or Demons podcast' - The Warrens and NESPR
The Pukwudgie Whisperer - Stevi from Truth or Demons podcast - The Warrens and NESPRSusy Chats with Stevi from the 'Truth or Demons' podcast - a podcast dedicated to discussing the famous (or infamous - depending on your viewpoint) Warrens. Become a supporter of this podcast:
05/09/2024 • 1 heure, 9 minutes, 37 secondes
Unknown Origins Radio Classic - Black-Eyed Kids with David Weatherly - 05/21/2012
Mark Johnson and guest co-host Chris Nicolleti talk with author and researcher David Weatherly about the terrifying phenomena of Black-Eyed kids.Original Air Date: May 21, 2012Become a supporter of this podcast:
04/09/2024 • 1 heure, 13 minutes, 25 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - The Man Who Folded Himself
In the gang’s first live broadcast from the Starboard Galley, a variety of topics are discussed including a review of a book about a man with a futuristic time belt who winds up “dating himself.” Also, a review of the new Alien movie, Top Ten Reasons Aliens Don’t Vote For President and a Switch report on whether extraterrestrials walk among us. Special Guest: Sara Lee.Become a supporter of this podcast:
31/08/2024 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 41 secondes
Unknown Origins Radio Classic - Alien in the Freezer with Dr. Jonathan Reed - 03/26/2015
Mark Johnson and Bruce Pearson interview Dr. Jonathan Reed about his incredible encounter with an alien creature in the Washington state woods, and his subsequent relationship with the creature while enduring the worst kind of government harassment. Don't miss this incredible interview about one of the most controversial cases in UFOlogy.This episode originally aired on KGRA on March 26, 2015.Become a supporter of this podcast:
29/08/2024 • 1 heure, 57 minutes, 18 secondes
The KTPF Reload Show - Rosemary Ellen Guiley
The KTPF Reload Show - Rosemary Ellen GuileyRosemary Ellen Guiley was an American writer on topics related to spirituality, the occult, and the paranormal.She was also a radio show host, a certified hypnotist, a board director of the "National Museum of Mysteries and Research" and the "Foundation for Research into Extraterrestrial Encounters", and a "Lifetime Achievement Award" winner from the Upper Peninsula Paranormal Research Society, Michigan] She has written more than 49 books, including ten encyclopedias.Rosemary sadly passed away in July 2019The KTPF Reload Show is the best bit of the old 'Keep the Paranormal Friendly', a live show that ran weekly from 2012 to 2016. In its final two years, Steve and Sue Taggart and Andy Mercer hosted the show. The shows ran for 2 to 3 hours a week, during which we discussed all the latest paranormal news and stories. We also interviewed someone from the ‘world of the Paranormal.’ The KTPF Reload Show are those interviews.Become a supporter of this podcast:
28/08/2024 • 55 minutes, 56 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - Did A Cryptid Save a Hollywood Celeb as a Child?
The gang gets together to talk to Dan Harary, famous Hollywood publicist, on how a bizarre experience as a 5-year-old changed his life. Also, 3 things you didn't want to know about Mack, Top Ten Reasons Why Switch Wears a Piece and how to get backstage at a rock concert.Become a supporter of this podcast:
24/08/2024 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 41 secondes
Unknown Origins Radio Classic - Project Pegasus with Andrew D. Basiago - 07/19/2013
Mark Johnson and Loren DePinto talk with attorney and Montauk Project participant Andrew D. Basiago who talks about his experiences participating in several secret government programs including Project Pegasus and the Mars Jumproom program.Originally aired on KGRA -- 07/19/2013Become a supporter of this podcast:
21/08/2024 • 1 heure, 23 minutes, 45 secondes
The Pukwudgie Whisperer - Eddie Guimont: Connecticut Cryptids
Susy is joined in the studio by Eddie Guimon to discuss Connecticut Cryptids Eddie is Associate Professor of world history, Bristol Community College, with expertise in Great Zimbabwe, colonialism, Flat Earth, cryptids, Lovecraft, British Empire and I have a conversation about local cryptids evolution from folklore to fakelore as well as colonial history in New England. Check out Eddie’s book, co-authored with my friend and previous guest Horace Smith, When the Stars Are Right: H. P. Lovecraft and Astronomy, available on Amazon or Barnes and NobleBecome a supporter of this podcast:
21/08/2024 • 1 heure, 6 minutes, 30 secondes
High Strangeness Factor - Witchcraft and Wicca
Join Susy and Andy as they discuss Traditional Witchcraft and Wicca. What’s the difference, I hear you ask? Well, have a listen and discover. Unfortunately, Steve was a little ‘under the weather,’ so Andy and Susy took the reins, meaning anyone who enjoys the usual ‘drinking game’ of Steve mentioning a certain name will remain completely sober! LOLI’m sure the game can recommence during the next show. Become a supporter of this podcast:
21/08/2024 • 1 heure, 30 minutes, 28 secondes
Paranormal Peep Show - Rod Millington Talks Trans Interdimentional Communication
Rod Millington picks up the afterlife using Trans Interdimensional Communication guesting on The Paranormal Peep Show.Author Rod Millington manages to record what he believes might be spirit voices from the other dimensions, possibly the afterlife and maybe elsewhere. Rod explains how he came across the idea and covers his experimentations with recording voices, using just an ordinary digital audio recorder.Rod says on his website: 'By utilizing Trans-Dimensional Communication (TDC), you can embark on a profound journey within both your soul and beyond, establishing meaningful connections with your inner self and even connecting with spiritual companions such as friends, family, and guides. Importantly, you are not just passively receiving messages and advice; you can actually hear the voices speaking directly to you!Based on my deep knowledge of TDC, I have developed an innovative approach to spiritual counselling called ‘The Dig’, which focuses on delving deep into your innermost being. With TDC as a tool, I excavate the concealed realms of your psyche, where profound wisdom awaits.Preceding TDC, EVP held a significant reputation as a method for capturing inexplicable voices in phone conversations, radio signals, and magnetic recordings. The most distinctive aspect of TDC lies in its capacity to blend computer science with the natural psychic talents of the practitioner, enabling a connection between parallel realms. In contrast to traditional spiritual counseling methods, The Dig offers personalized psychic guidance that empowers you to confront obstacles directly.Rod's website can be viewed at Paranormal Peep Show with your hosts Neil Ward and Andrew ChaplinBecome a supporter of this podcast:
20/08/2024 • 2 heures, 17 minutes, 16 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - The Warminster UFO Mystery
The gang gets together to discuss a number of topics, including the bizarre Warminster UFO abduction case. Also, the Case of the Vanishing Punk Star, Raven explains what “DSLs” are plus more reasons to hate cats. (Adult content). Special guest: Susy BastilleBecome a supporter of this podcast:
17/08/2024 • 2 heures, 14 secondes
Paranormal Pendle - Cryptids with Mick McLaren
Craig Bryant talks with Mick who discusses about the WHIT Team (Winter Hill Investigation Team) in the North West of England, and their research into cryptids in the area.Become a supporter of this podcast:
15/08/2024 • 59 minutes, 25 secondes
The KTPF Reload Show - Eric Von Daniken
The KTPF Reload show - Eric Von DanikenWe delve into the KTPF interview with the incomparable Eric von Daniken, a world-famous ancient astronaut theorist and author of Chariots of the Gods. The KTPF Reload Show is the best bits from the old 'Keep the Paranormal Friendly', a Live show, which ran weekly from 2012 to 2016. In its final two years, Steve and Sue Taggart and Andy Mercer hosted the show. The shows ran for 2 to 3 hours a week, during which we discussed all the latest paranormal news and stories. We also interviewed someone from the ‘world of the Paranormal.’ The KTPF Reload Show are those interviews.Become a supporter of this podcast:
14/08/2024 • 54 minutes, 28 secondes
6 Degrees of John Keel - Deb Kauble A Lifetime of UFO Experiences
From show host Barbara A long-time listener suggested I contact Debra Kauble to see if she’d be a guest, and I’m really glad I listened. First, I read her book, Extraordinary Contact: Life After Intruders, and even went back and reread parts of Budd Hopkins’ Intruders, which I haven’t read in umpteen eleven years. Deb is the real human being behind the name Kathy Davis. She is a warm, loving, funny, and wise person whose lifetime of weird experiences has changed her for the better. I was struck by her descriptions of all the paranormal experiences she’s had since childhood: poltergeist happenings, strange sounds, weird spiders, bees, and all kinds of other oddities that surround her entire family. We talked about all sorts of good stuff and it was a great deal of fun, and I hope we get to do it again sometime. In addition to her book, Deb has a website: . She also works with CERO International, a support group for UFO experiencers all over the world. They have a Facebook Page and everything.Become a supporter of this podcast:
14/08/2024 • 1 heure, 24 minutes, 43 secondes
Unknown Origins Radio Classic - Aliens & Monsters with Butch Witkowski - 02/26/2015
Mark Johnson and Bruce Pearson talk with Pennsylvania researcher Butch Witkowski about Aliens and Monsters in PA. Originally broadcast on 02/26/2015.Become a supporter of this podcast:
08/08/2024 • 1 heure, 58 minutes, 31 secondes
The Reality Realm - Fantastic Folklore
Irene and Mark discuss folklore of many creatures and spirits throughout the UK and the US.Become a supporter of this podcast:
08/08/2024 • 1 heure, 4 minutes, 48 secondes
Seventh Sanctum - Tom Mayes Teacher and Healer
Join Kerry Ann and Natalie as they talk with Teacher and Healer Tom Mayes.Tom is formally trained in Osteopathy, Applied Kinesiology, CranioSacral, Acupressure TCM, Myofascial Release, and Reiki. He has studied with world-class professionals in proven ancient therapies and modern cutting-edge modalities. Tom is the creator of “Integrated Equine Therapies,” a highly effective approach that addresses the core causes of lameness, metabolic and emotional dysfunctions.Become a supporter of this podcast:
08/08/2024 • 1 heure, 1 minute, 7 secondes
The KTPF Reload show - Warminster UFO case
The KTPF Reload show – The Warminster UFOThe KTPF Reload Show are the best bit from the old Keep the Paranormal Friendly Live show that ran weekly from 2012 to 2016. The show was hosted by Steve and Sue Taggart and by Andy Mercer in the final two years of the show's life. The shows ran for 2 to 3 hours a week, during which we discussed all the latest paranormal news and stories. We also interviewed someone from the ‘world of the weird.’The KTPF Reload Show are those interviews. The UFO Flap over Warminster, Wiltshire, UK The KTPF team talk with Kevin Goodman Author of UFO WARMINSTER: Cradle of Contact.The Warminster ‘Thing’ as it became known was sighted on numerious occasions ‘Warminster was the centre of a UFO flap during the 1960s and 70s and became a UFO Mecca for many years. UFO groups and interested people held many sky watches in the area, specifically from Cradle Hill and Starr Hill on the outskirts of the town.’Become a supporter of this podcast:
02/08/2024 • 1 heure, 7 minutes, 49 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - Adventures in the Multiverse
The gang retells some of the weirdest stories they’ve ever heard and discuss if all of them could simply be glitches in the matrix. Also, the bizarre Sandy Larson UFO abduction case, the tale of a man’s head found inside a fish’s stomach and why Mack wants to be reincarnated as a cat. Special guests: Kim & Sara Scheie. Become a supporter of this podcast:
02/08/2024 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 41 secondes
Paranormal Pendle - Elaine Sugden Kelly
In this episode Craig talks with Elaine Sugden Kelly, a paranormal investigator with the Spectre Detector Group based in the North East of England.Become a supporter of this podcast:
01/08/2024 • 58 minutes, 54 secondes
The Reality Realm - The Enigma of Spiritual Energies (Premier Episode)
This is the premier episode of our brand new show, The Reality Realm with Irene Allen and Mark Johnson. This will be a weekly show where Irene and Mark discuss all manner of paranormal and other topics that challenge our current view of reality. In our first episode we discuss spiritual energies, their misconceptions, and their true nature in our reality.Become a supporter of this podcast:
31/07/2024 • 1 heure, 3 minutes, 37 secondes
6 Degrees of John Keel - Haunting Our Own Houses with Karly Latham
From host BarbaraKarly Latham, also known as The Village Tarot Witch, is a fun and funny person who has interesting experiencer stories to share. Unlike me, the weirdness didn’t begin in childhood, and she didn’t start out as a believer in anything supernatural. However, as an adult, she moved into a haunted house, and things started getting stranger and stranger and stranger. There’s a lot here. Spirits, ghosts, card readings, mediumship, PTSD, writing, paranormal investigation and possible astral travel. Oh, yeah, and the possibility of the living haunting houses they’ve lived in in the past…..There’s a little bit of adult language—that’s on me—I forgot to mention we try to be sort of family oriented—but I didn’t interrupt her because she was on a roll. I decided to leave it in and just warn listeners in case it might bother y’all. Karly can be found on Instagram as The Village Tarot Witch or karly.lathamBecome a supporter of this podcast:
30/07/2024 • 1 heure, 39 minutes, 59 secondes
Unknown Origins Radio Classic - Stan Gordon - 12/17/2012
In a classic show from December 2012, hosts Mark Johnson, Karrie-Ann Versace and Loren DePinto talk with UFO and Bigfoot researcher Stan Gordon.Become a supporter of this podcast:
29/07/2024 • 1 heure, 12 minutes, 29 secondes
Paranormal Dimension - Eerie Archeology with Mark Olly
David welcomes Special Guest Mark Olly to the show. Mark is a renowned author and historian and has featured in televised documentaries. He has also been an archaeologist for many years, and on this visit to the show he will talk about many UK based sites with eerie histories. It is planned that Mark will also return again a little later this year to talk about international eerie sites, so this show can be considered as part one. Become a supporter of this podcast:
29/07/2024 • 1 heure, 13 minutes, 7 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - How To Invent Your Own Ghost
The gang discusses life in the afterlife, including a report on ghost hunting in the oldest prison in the world and how one person was able to conjure up their own personal ghost. Also, Switchy reports on the Mora Mystery, a bizarre case of two men in Brazil who were thought to have been planning to meet a UFO but wound up dead with lead masks on their faces. Also, Susy Bastille reports on her recent paranormal date. Special guest: Andy Mercer.Become a supporter of this podcast:
26/07/2024 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 41 secondes
High Strangeness Factor - The Weird and Wonderful World of Steve, Susy and Andy
From Entity Attacks and Haunted Houses to UFOs and talking with Spirits and, of course, John Keel.Steve, Andy and new co-host Susy discuss it all! In a ‘guest free’ round table (or maybe that should be a triangular table…), The Three Amigos (or three Stooges) discuss personal experiences, or in Steve’s case, a lack of…. They talk about ‘how to create a ghost’, The Philadelphia Experiment, Entity or ‘Old Hag’ visitations, Pukwudgie, and more… Become a supporter of this podcast:
23/07/2024 • 1 heure, 36 minutes, 15 secondes
Paranormal Dimensions - Seventh Sanctum
For this show David brings the presenters of another Paranormal UK Radio network show 'Seventh Sanctum', Kerry Ann and Natalie on as his guests. David will try to find out all about them, their experiences and also where the title of their show came from!Become a supporter of this podcast:
22/07/2024 • 1 heure, 1 minute, 35 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - What Do You Call A Guy Who Hangs Around With Musicians
“What Do You Call A Guy Who Hangs Around With Musicians?” – Answer: a drummer. In a special Musical X-Files show, the gang discusses the very best and the very worst of Rock Music’s famous drummers. Also, good friend Martin Fitzgibbon recounts his lost weekend with Keith Moon and rock trivia with Lois Lane. Extra special guest, musician Rich Kennedy.Become a supporter of this podcast:
19/07/2024 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 41 secondes
Paranormal Peep Show - Tribute to Mark Hartshorn
This repeat upload is in tribute to one of the participating guests who passed away in Jun 2024. Mark Hartshorn was not only a talented medium, and counselor, but a family man who cared for all. We were very grateful to Mark and his sister for agreeing to appear on our show. Mark appears here with Andy and Neil back in Sept 2022 with his sister Jayne Hartshorn discussing how they came by their mediumship abilities. We send our condolences to Jayne, and Mark's family and friends.Original program description as follows: Mediums Mark and Jayne Hartshorn who can communicate with the afterlife or another world of existence, are the guests of Neil and Andy this Sept on the Paranormal Peep Show. If you want to skip to that section in particular, bypass the intro and chat about the death of Queen Elizabeth, and go to about 12 mins in.Mark and Jayne Hartshorn were brought up in various haunted houses such as in Brighton and Hove, Plymouth and Wales and kept seeing spirits of the previous house owners, such as old Sea Captains and Black Smiths and spooky shadows crossing along the wall, along with loud bangs across the ceiling etc. Jayne and Mark went on to visit spiritualist churches and demonstrations, where they were impressed by the skill and accuracy of the mediums involved. They were afforded an opportunity to develop their natural mediumistic skills and went on to become full working mediums, both as a partnership and individually. In this show, we discuss their history, how they developed as mediums and the various haunted houses they lived in. Also, we discuss the communications involved with spirits of another world. How do they receive their messages? How Spirits try to get their communications through to us. Why are some places haunted and why does decorating suddenly cause manifestations of phenomena? Why do Spirits send us messages about Smith Crisps?In part 2, we delve into more corporate worlds, rather than spirit worlds, but ask why we were told to have medical interventions from big Pharma during the Pandemic? Was there something more behind it? What does the New World Order have to do with this all and are the dark forces gathering pace? Was David Icke right all along?With your regular hosts Neil and Andy, and in part one, we are additionally joined by Monica. The Paranormal Peep Show, Sept 2022Become a supporter of this podcast:
18/07/2024 • 2 heures, 14 minutes, 10 secondes
Paranormal Dimensions - Terrestrial Trespassers with Philip Kinsella
For this EXTRA show David Welcomes back the great Philip Kinsella as he talks about his latest book 'TERRESTRIAL TRESSPASSERS' which examines the invasion of our planet's airspace and who it is that is behind it.Become a supporter of this podcast:
15/07/2024 • 1 heure, 8 minutes, 8 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - Adventures in Remote Viewing
In a very special show, the gang conducts a Remote Viewing experiment with startling results. Also, Raven reports on “The Crying Boy” mystery, the guests exchange gross food incidents and more ghostly drinking stories with Stephanie McNew. Special Guest: Dr. Simeon Hein.Become a supporter of this podcast:
12/07/2024 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 41 secondes
Seventh Sanctum - Amy and Tonya of Soulseekers Paranormal
Join Kerry Ann and Natalie as they discuss all that is the Paranormal with Soulseekers founders Amy and Tonya. We explore haunted happenings, crystals, infamous locations and more..Become a supporter of this podcast:
09/07/2024 • 58 minutes, 47 secondes
High Strangeness Factor - The Chicago Mothman with Sam Maranto, Bill & Jaci Kousoulas
The Chicago Mothman with Sam Maranto, Biil & Jaci Kousoulas In this episode, we dive into the controversy surrounding the Chicago Mothman. Sam Maranto, director of Illinois MUFON, has investigated the various claims for years. Along with him are Biil & Jaci Kousoulas. They, in tandem with Maranto, have also looked into this mystery.Also, in the episode, Andy and Steve welcome Susy Bastille as the new cohost of the High Strangeness Factor.Become a supporter of this podcast:
09/07/2024 • 1 heure, 41 minutes, 25 secondes
Paranormal Dimensions - Aliens and UFO's with Kathy Cogliano
David welcomes back a fairly recent guest Kathy Cogliano to the show. On this occasion David and Kathy discuss Kathy's experiences with UFO's and aliens!Become a supporter of this podcast:
08/07/2024 • 1 heure, 22 minutes, 32 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - Have You Ever Seen a Ghost
The gang discusses a variety of topics including what are the best conditions to see a ghost. Also, why the gang was not invited back to the Exeter UFO Festival, Al tells a real-life guardian angel story and Juan-Juan explains why pajamas in the UK are better than those in the USA. Special Guest: Superfan Susan K appearing as Raven.Become a supporter of this podcast:
07/07/2024 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 41 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - JFK, The CIA, The FBI & Agent X
The gang does a live remote show from American Legion Post 82 in Endicott, NY. Topics include proof that the CIA & FBI destroyed documents detailing their involvement in the Kennedy Assassination. Agent X tells his true-life spy stories about being assigned to a counterintelligence unit in Berlin shortly before the Wall came down. Plus, Top 10 Reasons Why Lonely Larry Never Went Into The Military & a selection of songs from Sky Club.Become a supporter of this podcast:
28/06/2024 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 41 secondes
Paranormal Book Club - Reverend Michael Carter: 'Aliens in the Scriptures'
Susy and Steve talk with author and TV presenter Rev. Michael JS. Carter (They forget to tell Andy...)Rev. Michael JS. Carter is originally from Baltimore, Maryland. He moved to New York City in 1980 and lived there for 27 years. Michael is an ordained Interfaith Minister and received his BA Degree in Letters from the College of New Rochelle, where he graduated cum laude. He received his Masters In Divinity Degree from Union Theological Seminary in NewYork City (class of 2000). He has served as a staff chaplain (Board Certified) at Lenox Hill Hospital, Beth Israel Hospital, Beth Israel Cancer Center, Methodist Hospital, and New York Hospital Queens while residing in New York City. While serving various Unitarian Universalist Congregations in New York, Michael was trained as an anti-racism trainer and has been recognized by President Clinton for his efforts.Michael was also a weekly columnist for the Asheville Citizen Times, and has written articles for the Black Mountain News, and The Tryon Daily Bulletin, both local North Carolina Newspapers .A long-time UFO Contactee, his Book Alien Scriptures: Extraterrestrials In The Holy Bible was in March of 2014) number one on’s list of UFO-related books. Michael has also appeared on George Noory’s Coast To Coast radio show and on George Noory’s TV show, “Beyond Belief” on Gaiam Television. He has also appeared as a regular guest on Midnight In the Desert, with host Heather Wade. Ms. Wade has taken over for Mr. Art Bell. His credits also include appearing on Academy Award-winning actress Shirley Maclaine’s radio show, as well as author Whitley Strieber's radio show, “Unknown Country.” Michael also appeared this past July 2016 as a guest speaker at the Phoenix MUFON gathering. Michael has written articles on the topic of UFOs and Religion for such publications as UFO Magazine, Alien Encounters (A British Publication), The MUFON UFO Journal, Contact Forum, The S.P.A.C.E. (Support Program for Abductees Contact Encounters) which is a UFO experiencer support group in New York City. He has also spoken at various UFO Confereneces, such as the Second Philadelphia Need To Know Conference, The Annual Long Island UFO Conference with the late Budd Hopkins, as well as appearing on radio and TV shows across the Nation. Rev. Carter has also appeared on Japanese TV talking about UFOs and The Bible. Other TV appearances include being a regular consultant on The History Channel’s, Ancient Aliens Series, as well as being featured in the UFO TV Documentary, The Real 4400. Rev. Carter was also featured in Steven Spielberg”s TV documentary, Abduction Diaries, for the Sci-Fi Channel. “Diaries” was the precursor to Spielberg’s HBO series, “Taken.” Become a supporter of this podcast:
27/06/2024 • 1 heure, 33 minutes, 35 secondes
High Strangeness Factor - Ron Lanham and Joe Perdue of Wild and Weird West Virginia
Steve and Andy, with guest co-host Susy B. are joined by Ron and Joe of Wild and Weird West Virginia Ron Lanham and Joe Perdue of Wild and Weird West Virginia are not only researchers that apply the scientific method in their investigations but they are both experiencers of the unexplained. This interview is a great introduction to a team that has created an organization that provides a "safe haven" to those that want to lean and share their experiences. They can be heard weekly on their podcast, Wild and Weird Radio.Become a supporter of this podcast:
25/06/2024 • 1 heure, 20 minutes, 38 secondes
Paranormal Dimensions - Lily Nova
For this latest scheduled show David talks to experiencer Lily Nova, who has a best selling book out at the moment called 'Contact'. Lily tells her incredible story of contact with beings from another world - and of her own spiritual awakening. She also asks and has an answer to the question - 'What are we?'Become a supporter of this podcast:
24/06/2024 • 57 minutes, 48 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - Are The Beatles Still Together in Another Universe?
The gang discusses a number of paranormal topics including guest Andy Mercer's report on a theory that the Beatles never broke up and are still performing in a universe next door to ours. This claim is backed-up by an album of music that has surfaced that sounds exactly like the Fab Four, but performing songs no one in this reality have ever heard. Also, guest Susy Bastille tours a haunted mine and a report that astronomers now believe the universe contains a mind-blowing two trillion galaxies, each containing at least 500 billion stars.Become a supporter of this podcast:
21/06/2024 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 41 secondes
Paraanormal Peep Show - The Truth About Crop Circles
What is the truth behind Crop Circle formations? Are they real, or man made? If they are real, then who makes them? If they are faked, then who still makes them?We invited Crop Circle researcher and UFO researcher, Robert Hulse back onto the Paranormal Peep Show to discuss his research into Crop Circles with David Cayton back in the late 90s and early 2000s. Robert talks about Project Blackbird which was a BBC and Japanese TV co-production from 1990, where researchers such as Colin Andrews and Pat Delgado were made to look like fools by being shown up by mysterious crop circles turning out to be faked on TV. This, he believes was a scripted show with the aid of the army to give the impression that they were going to find who was responsible for the crop circle formations of the South West of England. In fact, according to Robert, the real research was being conducted by another army group about 19 miles away during the Blackbird Operation.Also discussed is the strange long Black vertical tubes seen by a farmer in 1990 in his fields, which researchers believe could be the beginnings of a crop circle about to be formed. The late Roy Dutton, aerospace engineer gives his theories of what causes the circles to form and how that may happen. All this and more on the June edition of the Paranormal Peep Show, with your hosts Andy Chaplin and Neil Ward.Become a supporter of this podcast:
20/06/2024 • 2 heures, 23 minutes, 24 secondes
Paranormal Dimensions - Earth's Galactic History with Constance Victoria Briggs
For this EXTRA show David talks to his fascinating guest Constance Victoria Briggs. Constance has written several books that have been received and she has been a constantly sought after guest on many shows. David is especially proud to welcome her to 'Paranormal Dimensions'.Become a supporter of this podcast:
17/06/2024 • 1 heure, 6 minutes, 34 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - When Bruce Met John Lennon
The gang gathers for another musical show to discuss a variety of topics including how guest Bruce Vogel got to meet John Lennon -– twice. Plus, Juan-Juan comes clean on whether he licked Keith Richards’ guitar strap or not, rock star Matt Malley on what it was like touring with the Rolling Stones and a special Rock Trivia contest. Guests: Trevor Tucker-Carlson and the lovely Lois Lane.Become a supporter of this podcast:
15/06/2024 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 41 secondes
High Strangeness Factor - Essex Witchcraft with Richard Ward
Andy talks with author and researcher Ricard Ward about his new book ‘Betwixt God and the Devil - Inquiries in Essex Magic from the 16th Century to the Present Day.’In this rather unusual episode, the stalwart of the show is missing! Well, almost completely, as the guest shares Steve’s surname, although we’re all pretty sure they’re not related. (and no mention of John Keel either!)Richard has profound knowledge of various aspects of the Occult, most especially the history and practise of witchcraft in his native county of Essex, in the UK. Most of which he’s poured into his book. Andy, who has similar knowledge and background, and Richard discuss various aspects of this and other books by Richard.‘Betwixt God and the Devil - Inquiries in Essex Magic from the 16th Century to the Present Day.’ Will be published mid June ’24 by Ninth Circle Press (Andy’s own publishing company)The book will be available from VERY SOON!Go to the website and subscribe to be notified when it's available to purchase.And…. Steve Ward will return!Become a supporter of this podcast:
12/06/2024 • 42 minutes, 35 secondes
Seventh Sanctum - Nathaniel Gillis
Kerry and Natalie talk with Nathaniel GillisNathaniel Gillis, known as an esteemed paranormal researcher, is a captivating figure in the realm of the supernatural. With an unwavering dedication to unravelling the mysteries of the infernal, Gillis possesses a wealth of knowledge and expertise that has established him as an authority in his field.With his piercing intellect, he navigates the delicate nuances of paranormal lore with ease, elucidating the dark depths of the occult to shed light on ancient rituals, maleficent entities, and the intricate forces that govern their interactions with the mortal world.Become a supporter of this podcast:
12/06/2024 • 1 heure, 1 secondes
Paranormal Dimensions - Mark Anderson - Aliens & A.I.
This latest show sees us delving into the connection between aliens and Artificial Intelligence as David talks to guest Mark Anderson.Become a supporter of this podcast:
10/06/2024 • 1 heure, 10 minutes, 59 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - Apophis the Asteroid vs. the Glitter-Infected P****
The gang welcomes special guest Mother Raven (real-life mother of co-host, Raven) for a show that deals with everything from an asteroid that’s scheduled to kill us all in seven short years to how Mick Jagger was involved in an incident where a performer in the original “Rocky Horror Picture Show” got an infection on his male organ after intentionally dumping a bag of glitter down his pants. (Adult themes.)Become a supporter of this podcast:
08/06/2024 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 41 secondes
Paranormal Book Club Premier Episode - The Mothman Prophecies by John Keel
Welcome to the Paranormal Book Club Podcast With Susy, Steve and Andy with guest Bill Kousoulas PhDIn our premiere episode, we discuss the high strangeness of The Mothman Prophecies by John Keel.If you think the movie was pretty weird, that's nothing compared to the book!
04/06/2024 • 1 heure, 20 minutes, 23 secondes
6 Degrees of John Keel - Dogman and lycanthropy with Steve Ward
Steve Ward and Barbara Fisher bring you a talk about Dogmen, Werewolves, and Lycanthropy. From Barbara"Part man part canine or something even more mysterious? We're talking about bipedal, possibly shape-shifting paranormal canids. At least, to Steve and I. We start with Dogmen and the Beast of Bray Road, and the investigations and books by the late great Linda Godfrey.She really brought the idea of dogman into public consciousness, especially in the United States.After that, Steve tells about UK researcher Paul Sinclair and his documentary Wolf Lands.And of course, we talk about anomalous lights and how they relate to these paranormal bipedal canids. Yep, Anomalous. Lights. Dogmen. Werewolves and Lycanthropy. They all go together."
03/06/2024 • 1 heure, 35 minutes, 39 secondes
Twin Souls - Joshua Louis
Ronald and Philip Kinsella talk with Joshua Louis about his spiritual path.
30/05/2024 • 1 heure, 1 minute, 27 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - The Bloody Hollywood Show
The gang gathers to trash Hollywood again by revealing movies they’d be embarrassed to admit they like or dislike. Hollywood money-bombs discussed include “Unfrosted,” “Elephant Man,” “Love Story” and a German entry called “Gewalttätige Scheiße,” or “Violent Sh*t.” Also, Raven updates the audience on her annoying cat. (Adult themes.)
29/05/2024 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 41 secondes
Seventh Sanctum - Rigga of Scotland Paranormal Investigations Group
Join Kerry and Natalie as they are joined by Rigga, founder of Scotlands Paranormal Investigations Group. As they discuss urban exploring, infamous locations across Britain, Scotland & Ireland, public events and undisclosed locations.
28/05/2024 • 1 heure, 26 secondes
Paranormal Dimensions - Time for Disclosure with Nancy Thames
For this latest scheduled show David talks to guest Nancy Thames as she tells us that it is well overdue for the time of the 'Disclosure' concerning UFO's and aliens. She will also tell us about her own amazing experiences.
27/05/2024 • 1 heure, 10 minutes, 56 secondes
Paranormal Dimensions - Paranormal Investigations with David Jon
For this Special EXTRA show, David talks to active UK police officer David Jon, who is setting up a new paranormal investigation team which he intends to turn international. The name is the S.E.P.I. Agency - SEPI stands for Supernatural Extra-terrestrial Paranormal Investigations.
20/05/2024 • 2 heures, 1 minute, 57 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - Experts Get Very Scared About Artificial Intelligence
The gang takes on the question of how terrorized we should be by AI. Video game producer Greg Masto explains how AI will soon be part of our everyday lives and Sara & Kim Scheie talk about a dangerous AI technology called CRISPR. Also, Agent X reports about getting attacked by a ghost in a supermarket, Juan-Juan tells about how he drove a massive D-9 bulldozer when he was 10 years old, a news report on a “Diaper Spa,” near the gang’s radio station, and a discussion about the strangest bar drink ever.
18/05/2024 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 41 secondes
Paranormal Peep Show - Secret Bases, Sleep Paralysis & the Trial of Richard D Hall
Ben Emlyn-Jones joins as guest presenter with Neil Ward who discuss Secret research bases in the UK with Box residents who live near one, Mark and Liz Froud, otherwise known as The Crafty Nialist . We also discuss secret tunnels and the reasons that maybe they were designed, and also discuss the Cern project and the strange opening ceremony that introduced the world to the sub-atomic super tunnel. Neil talks about strange shadow hunter beings and the origins of Pan and the word Panic. What also is Sleep Paralysis? Do old Hags really keep you up at night, or do they eventually draw a pension?We then turn out attention to the case of Richard D Hall of Richplanet TV who is being sued by Manchester Bombing survivors and asks is it going to be a fair trial given that he is not allowed to even present evidence to support his case? Has the world gone mad? Yes, ever so slightly more than it was the day before!
16/05/2024 • 2 heures, 13 minutes, 32 secondes
Paranormal UK Radio - Dominion Lost with Bruce Rapuano
Irene returns as she and Mark talk with scientist Bruce Rapuano about his book Dominion Lost: A Scientists Own Alien Abduction Encounters which chronicles his own alien abduction experiences since childhood and examines it from a scientific perspective.
15/05/2024 • 1 heure, 7 minutes, 34 secondes
Paranormal Dimensions - Cosmically Connected with Cortney Kane Sides
For this latest show, David talks to international medium Cortney Kane Sides. Cortney is an internationally renowned evidential medium, spiritual advisor, energetic artist, speaker and published author. Gifted with a unique form of synesthesia, Cortney combines her mediumship skills to connect with her clients on topics of life, love, work and healing, creating unique spiritual paintings for each session.
13/05/2024 • 1 heure, 13 minutes, 5 secondes
Paranormal Pendle - Rendlesham Forest Special
Host Craig Bryant discusses the famous Rendlesham Forest UFO case from the 1980s.
10/05/2024 • 29 minutes, 21 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - The Killer Asteroid Show!
The gang dives deep into all things asteroid. Clubb on when scientists say the Big One will hit. Al Renaldo on some really bad asteroid movies. Mack on the more than 30,000 killer asteroids lurking out in space. Also, Switch and Superfan Susan K talk about their recent meet-up in Point Pleasant, West Virginia, home of the Mothman and Dr. Bob explains why he got a tattoo for his birthday.
10/05/2024 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 41 secondes
Seventh Sanctum - Kaedrich Olsen
Kerry and Natalie speak with Kaedrich OlsenKaedrich Olsen is an author, speaker, teacher, and paranormal expert with over 30 years of experience guiding people through their supernatural and spiritual concerns. From early childhood and throughout his life, Kaedrich Olsen has led a paranormal life. Living in a haunted house full of spirits taught him how to connect with the spiritual realms. Growing up attending a spiritualist church, he learned the art of seance and channelling.His lifetime connection with advanced beings called the Whisperers gave him a keen awareness of the landscape of the afterlife and knowledge of how to work with various entities.His specialities include paranormal arts training, shadow work, runes and Norse mysticism. He is the author of Runes for Transformation, published by Red Wheel/ Weiser, and has appeared on numerous shows and podcasts, as well as lecturing at events across America.
08/05/2024 • 58 minutes, 6 secondes
High Strangeness Factor - James A. Willis of Weird Ohio
Steve, Andy and guest host Susy talk with James A. WillisFounded in 1999 by James A. Willis, The Ghosts of Ohio is a nationally recognized paranormal-research organization that uses scientific and historic methods to investigate and document reported hauntings in the state of Ohio. We are one of the most reputable and prominent not-for-profit organizations in the state and have been in continuous operation since our founding. Find James here -
07/05/2024 • 1 heure, 37 minutes, 2 secondes
Paranormal Dimensions - Portal to the Paranormal with Nando DeSario
For this show David talks to paranormal investigator and podcaster Nando DeSario about his investigations, beliefs and his own independent podcasts which are titled 'Portal to the paranormal'.
06/05/2024 • 1 heure, 16 minutes, 33 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - Pterodactyls Over Massachusetts
The gang welcomes guests Andy Mercer & Susy Bastille for a discussion of a variety of topics including a man who was visited by the crew of a flying saucer who left behind a stack of foul-tasting pancakes. Also, how to capture shadow people on video, recent reports of prehistoric birds flying over the infamous Bridgewater Triangle and what’s the best recipe for hedgehog stew.
03/05/2024 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 41 secondes
Paranormal UK Radio Show - Spiritual Revelations from Beyond the Veil
Mark talks with author Douglas Hodgson about his new book "Spiritual Revelations from Beyond the Veil: What Humanity Can Learn from the Near Death Experience" which chronicles over 500 NDE cases.
01/05/2024 • 58 minutes, 15 secondes
Paranormal Dimensions - Paranormal Investigator Wayne Seaden
For this 'Special' two hour Extra added show David talks to long time paranormal investigator and author of several books Wayne Seaden. Wayne will talk about how his investigation company 'Spookinory'began and his earlier paranormal life which includes working on TV's 'Most Haunted'.
29/04/2024 • 2 heures, 10 minutes, 9 secondes
Twin Souls - Chris Evers "The Shape of Things to Come"
Ronald and Philip Kinsella talk with paranormal author and researcher Chris Evers about his new book "The Shape of Things to Come".
28/04/2024 • 1 heure, 8 minutes, 14 secondes
Mack Maloney' Military X-Files - The Godzilla Show
In another Hollyweird Show, the gang does a deep dive into everything Godzilla. From how the first Godzilla was patched together to the latest, “Godzilla Minus One,” winning an Academy Award. Sidelights include Raven and Susan K admitting to hijinks in movie theaters, Our Friend Trevor on the difference between analog and digital manipulation, and whether it’s true Cher thinks Mount Rushmore is a natural formation.
27/04/2024 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 41 secondes
Seventh Sanctum - Lynda Brookes of Brookes Paranormal Experience
Join Kerry and Natalie as they discuss paranormal investigations, spiritualism, haunted locations and manifestations with Lynda Brooks. Lynda is the cofounder of Brookes Paranormal Experience an events team exploring some of the infamous haunts of the UK
24/04/2024 • 56 minutes, 37 secondes
High Strangeness Factor - Matt Emch An Encounter with Dogman
Steve, Andy and guest co-host Susy are joined by Podcaster and Experiencer Matt Emch Matt Emchis is the Planet 412 Creator Radio Broadcasting for the last 18 years.Matt is also a Color Commentator for HS, College & Semi-Pro Football for 15 years @ Westernreserveradio.comHe also played College football for Jim Tressel @ Youngstown State University’91-‘94 on Full Scholarship, on 4 straight 1AA or FCS National Championships. Winning ‘91-‘93 & ‘94. Runner-Up ‘92.Matt also had one of THE most amazing/terrifying paranormal encounters that we've ever covered.
23/04/2024 • 1 heure, 45 minutes, 32 secondes
Paranormal Dimensions - Maria Wheatley: The Secret History of Stonehenge
On this the 200th 'Paranormal Dimensions' show, David welcomes back the brilliant Maria Wheatley. Maria will be discussing her latest research which is the basis for her latest book 'The Secret History of Stonehenge - Ancestral Mysteries and Lost Civilisations'.
22/04/2024 • 1 heure, 8 minutes, 22 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - Til Death Do Us Part?
The gang talks to Haunted Mansion wedding-planner Kelsey Correia about how she’s able to create happy memories in the same house where three historical figures were brutally murdered. Switchy reports on getting creeped out by a beast known as The Vegetable Man. Also, how a single fiddler started a titanic medieval battle, how a Soviet military disaster was caused by overloaded sausages, and why it’s always a bad idea to build something on top of an ancient burial ground.
19/04/2024 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 41 secondes
Paranormal Pendle - Europe's Roswell with Mark Olly
Craig Bryant talks with researcher and author Mark Olly about Europe's own Roswell incident.
19/04/2024 • 1 heure, 2 secondes
Paranormal Peep Show - Philip Kinsella: Terrestrial Tresspassers
Philip Kinsella, co host of Twin Souls Radio show guests on the Paranormal Peep Show this edition with your hosts Neil Ward and Andrew Chaplin. We talk about Philip's new book on Terrestrial Trespassers, asking what are the Greys, where do they come from and what do they want with us? We discuss the class alien abduction case of Betty and Barney Hill, from 1961, and discuss other areas of high strangeness.
18/04/2024 • 1 heure, 43 minutes, 22 secondes
Mack Maloney's Miitary X-Files - The Best & Worst of Rock Stars
In a special music show, the gang talks about their run-ins with various rock stars, good and bad. What does Ringo smell like? Why is Joannie Mitchell like Amber Heard? Why did JJ turn down Nancy Wilson’s marriage proposal? And has Lois heard back from Elton John yet? All this and more.
06/04/2024 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 41 secondes
The Paranormal UK Radio Show - The Unwelcomed: The Curious Case of Clara Fowler
After a long hiatus, the Paranormal UK Radio Show is back for a new year. Mark talks with author Ron Felber about his new book "The Unwelcomed: The Curious Case of Clara Fowler" about one of the most well documented cases of demonic possession.X: @brwpublisherFacebook: @BlackRoseWritingInstagram: @blackrosewriting LinkedIn: @BlackRoseWriting
03/04/2024 • 1 heure, 2 minutes, 42 secondes
High Strangeness Factor - Dean Bertram
Join Steve and guest co-host Susy Bastille As they talk with Dean Bertram(Andy is AWOL again)Dean Bertram is a freelance writer, filmmaker, and film festival director based in Sydney, Australia. He is the co-founder of A Night of Horror International Film FestivalBertram has written for a range of publications, including The Australian, The Australian Financial Review, People Magazine, IPA Review, 3D World and Fortean Times. Several of his articles are archived online, including a piece on his time studying the Unarius UFO cult, an overview of conspiracy-orientated cinema, He was a regular contributor and columnist for The Spectator Australia from 2010 to 2014
02/04/2024 • 1 heure, 45 minutes, 11 secondes
Paranormal Dimensions - Jason Thornton
For this show we enter the strange, sometimes hard to believe world of Alien Abduction, when David talks to this show's guest Jason Thornton. Jason claims to have been abducted by aliens and claims he can supply proof. He also runs two Facebook groups, that have been set up to help others with similar claims.
01/04/2024 • 1 heure, 22 minutes, 33 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - Murder in the Bridgewater Triangle
Bloopers abound as the gang talks to paranormal researcher Suzy Bastille about the mind-boggling number of events reported inside the Bridgewater Triangle, including sightings of flying dinosaurs, Mothman, Bigfoot, little people known as Puk-wudgies, and at least one actual murder. Andy Mercer of Paranormal UK on what a strange place England can be. Dr. Bob on a secret pact involving one of his students who was a vampire but was prohibited from drinking blood until he was 18. Plus, Top Ten reasons Switchy refused to pose in Playgirl.
29/03/2024 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 41 secondes
Seventh Sanctum - Phil of Dogman Teepee Hunting
Join the ladies of Seventh Sanctum as they welcome Phil of Dogman Teepee Hunting, your one-stop shop for all things paranormal in the wilds of Britain!From Phil -I'm an explorer, a podcaster ( The Interdimensional Voyagers ), and a truth seeker on a lifelong mission to uncover the secrets lurking in the deep forests and forgotten corners of the UK.
27/03/2024 • 1 heure, 5 minutes, 36 secondes
Paranormal Dimensions - The Staticom Project with Ron Yacovetti
For this Special Extra show David talks to Paranormal EVP researcher Ron Yacovetti about his small team's fascinating work on groundbraking hardware and software using 'white noise' for communication with the 'other side'. One not to miss!
25/03/2024 • 1 heure, 38 minutes, 26 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - The Worst TV Shows Of All Time
The gang gets together to discuss the best and worst television has offered over the years, from Star Trek to T.H.E. Cat. Also, special guest Trevor Chamberlain explains the mysterious technology behind the Fleshlight, Raven explains an obscene crochet stitch and Juan-Juan admits to not eating fish & chips for 14 weeks.
22/03/2024 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 41 secondes
Paranormal Peep Show - Super Energy with David Ash
Neil and Andy in the March edition of the Paranormal Peep Show meet scientist David Ash who is the author of 9 books, on physics and super energy. He explains how these physics include the afterlife and so validates the idea of spirits, ghosts and angels etc. Inspired by the insight of Yogis from ancient India, he has dedicated his life to developing a quantum vortex physics that bridges the physical with the non-physical. In doing so he has opened the frontiers of science to the paranormal in a way never before possible.He explains how there may be superenergy realities co-existing with our world in dimensions beyond the speed of light and our range of perception. With his new super-physics he illuminates the nature of spirit and soul, the mysteries of life after death, near death experiences, reincarnation, healings, miraculous manifestations, free-energy, anti-gravity and the possibility of our ascension into higher levels of reality. Your hosts are Andrew Chaplin and Neil Ward
21/03/2024 • 2 heures, 20 minutes, 36 secondes
High Strangeness Factor - The Ghost Guy Paul Bestall
Steve and guest co-host Brandi talk with Paul BestallPaul Bestall is the host of two podcasts. Monsters and Mysteries and The Ghost Guys podcast. He is an experiencer, living in Southern Yorkshire and grew up in a haunted house. His views may be a little unconventional, but his conversation is always fascinating.
19/03/2024 • 1 heure, 37 minutes, 5 secondes
Paranormal Dimensions - Dark Mirror with Mark Manly
On this latest show David talks to another podcaster and paranormal investigator Mark Manley, about his experiences and his own poscast show 'Dark Mirror'. Mark will also, no doubt, display his own dark sense of humour too.
18/03/2024 • 1 heure, 15 minutes, 19 secondes
Seventh Sanctum - Cyn Shrader Hill
Join Kerry Ann and Natalie as they speak with Cyn Shrader Hill, Self-published Author/Editor/Publisher. A native of Lincoln County, Tennessee, home of the very haunted Old Fayetteville Hospital. As the Founder of Elk Valley Paranormal.
13/03/2024 • 1 heure, 2 minutes, 8 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - Rock Talk Around The Clock
The gang talks music. Music journalist Rob Ferraro on being surprised by a member of KISS. Juan-Juan recounts his brief, but steamy love affair with Nancy Wilson of Heart. Lonely Larry tells of his lifelong special relationship with Neil Diamond. Mack recalls the first time meeting his good friend, John Travolta; Lois Lane recounts meeting Elvis Costello seven times.
08/03/2024 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 41 secondes
Eleanor Wagner's Strange and Scary World - Paranormal Investigator Dina Chirico
Dina Chirico has been fascinated with ghosts ever since her early teens when she had numerous experiences and encounters in her childhood home in NJ. In 1998 she became a member of the New Jersey Ghost Hunter's Society and has been hooked on this field ever since. She has been published in the book anthologies, "Ghostly Tales from America's Jails" by Atriad Press and "Ghosthunting USA" by Clerisy Press and made appearances on local television networks and newspapers.
07/03/2024 • 52 minutes, 20 secondes
Twin Souls - UFOs and the Paranormal with Mike Fiorito
Ronald and Philip Kinsella talk with Mike Fiorito about his book based on Paranormal/UFO experiences, 'FOR ALL WE KNOW.'
With this show David once again returns to the subject of paranormal investigation as he speaks to this shows guest UK paranormal investigator and experiencer Angie Shellie. Angie is also a member of UK group FDL investigations and she will explain what FDL stands for during the show ..... unless you can guess?
04/03/2024 • 1 heure, 2 minutes, 33 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - Lights! Cameras! Bigfoot!
The gang gathers to discuss a variety of topics. Clubb on Russia’s alleged orbiting nuclear weapon. Switch on whether Admiral Byrd actually saw UFOs during his famous expedition to the South Pole. Dr. Simeon Hein discusses his new movie about Bigfoot. Special Guest, Superfan Susan K.
02/03/2024 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 41 secondes
Paranormal Pendle - High Strangeness with Michael Kameron
Michael Kameron – A Lifetime of UFO’s and High Strangeness
29/02/2024 • 1 heure, 3 minutes, 40 secondes
Seventh Sanctum - Scott Richardson Read
Join Kerry Ann and Natalie to discuss folklore, old magick, heritage and culture, and more with Scott Richardson Read.Scott is The founder of The Cailleach's Herbarium and publishes his research and workings there. Scott is dedicated to the preservation of Scottish heritage and currently is a co-ordinator of The Woven Land Network, a charity dedicated to protecting Scottish heritage sites.Listen to an insightful look at what this means in terms of history and the narrative today.
28/02/2024 • 58 minutes, 10 secondes
High Strangeness Factor - Pukwugies with Susy Bastille
Steve and Andy are joined by Cryptid researcher Susy Bastille, who, in her own words, “wanders the swamp at night looking for the little men her parents warned her to stay away from”, including the mysterious Pukwudgies who were the boogie men of her childhood. Join us as we discuss these strange little cryptids and other oddities.(And hear of Andy’s tale of computer death and rebirth and redeath…)
27/02/2024 • 1 heure, 17 minutes, 47 secondes
Paranormal Dimensions - Karen L Fray: Festival of the Unexplained
On this special 'extra' show, David talks to guest Karen L Fray. This is Karen's second time on the show, having been the guest over a year ago. Karen is the manager and co-owner of the UK's 'Festival of the Unexplained'. She will be telling us about the amazing guest speakers and personalities who will be appearing for the 2024 festival. Karen will also tells us more about herself and her experiences as a 'medium'.
26/02/2024 • 1 heure, 18 minutes, 39 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - Do Not Listen To This Show
The gang tackles a number of topics not for the faint of heart including Fans Letters from Hell, names for the gang’s new rock band, the super-creepy Pascagoula Abduction case and why cats and dogs shouldn’t live together. Plus, Dr. Bob recounts his recent near-death experience in graphic detail. Special Guest: Irena Scott.
24/02/2024 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 41 secondes
Paranormal Peep Show - Randy Walsh
Randy Walsh returns as guest for Feb's edition of the Paranormal Peep Show, along with guest host Ben Emlyn-Jones. Randy gives further information on why he believes the Apollo Moon missions were a fabrication. He also introduces us to the work of the Jet Prop Lab or JPL, and the founder of it, Jack Parsons, who by day was an expert in rockets but by night a secret Occultist who was inspired by Alistair Crowley. Randy also discusses the strange connections of the occult and magic with the JFK assassination, and how the Kennedy killing had parallels with the Lincoln killing. Also discussed are the idea of aliens on the moon, with remote viewing, and how maybe alien allies are hiding out on the moon looking out for humanity! All this and more on the Paranormal Peep Show with Neil Ward and Ben Emlyn-Jones.
22/02/2024 • 2 heures, 15 minutes, 6 secondes
Eleanor Wagner's Strange and Scary World - Kathleen Marden
In 1961, Kathleen Marden's aunt and uncle Betty and Barney Hill, had a close encounter and ufo abduction in New Hampshire’s white mountains. As a family member, she was able to get firsthand information on the account on the exact day they arrived home and the subsequent days following the event. Since then she has devoted years of research to their abduction case, and discusses all this and then some on this episode.
22/02/2024 • 56 minutes, 6 secondes
Paranormal Dimensions - Into the Wyrd with Holly Wood
For this show David talks to paranormal media personality Holly Wood - yes her real name as she will explain. Holly is becoming well known in the world of the paranormal via her own podcast show 'Into the Weir1d' and most recently as MC for the UK's 'Awakening' convention. Holly will discuss her own paranormal experiences.
19/02/2024 • 1 heure, 11 minutes, 38 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - Introducing Mack Maloney’s HOLLYWOOD X-Files
For the first time ever, the gang gets together to discuss Hollyweird and the mostly crappy films it produces. Includes: Top Ten Reasons why Quentin Tarantino is a punk, the day a puppet bitch-slapped George Clooney, why it’s best to bring towels to the drive-in & Mack’s confession about his early love for Shari Lewis.
17/02/2024 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 31 secondes
Seventh Sanctum - Neil Storey
Join Natalie and Kerry Ann, as they speak with #Historian and #author Neil Storey. Covering topics such as #BramStoker biography, the ghosts of #BosworthHall, the importance of storytelling, and Help My House is Haunted
15/02/2024 • 1 heure, 12 minutes, 2 secondes
The Afterlife Files - Speaking with the Dead with Joshua Louis
Joshua Louis, creator of Hope Paranormal, seeks out and teaches people many interesting ways to connect to spirits using his intuitive skills as a medium alongside the use of technology. Joshua mainly uses a spirit box to communicate with those who have passed on. Joshua reaches out to people’s loved ones as well as receiving messages from deceased celebrities. Not only does Joshua speak with entities, but he also helps them cross over to the next world. Joshua shows us examples of compelling evidence of spirits that he has captured in his spirit box sessions.Where to find Joshua Louis:Website: Tiktok: @hopeparanormalInstagram: @hopeparanormalEvent: August 26-28, New Orleans Where to find Scott:Website- https://neardeathmeditations.comFacebook- @theafterlifefiles
14/02/2024 • 1 heure, 9 minutes, 43 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X Files - What Happened to Lars Mittank
What Happened to Lars Mittank? –The gang discusses a variety of topics, including the baffling disappearance of Lars Mittank, a young German student who was caught on security cameras acting in a very disturbing manner before vanishing for good.Guest researcher Charles Upton talks about rumours the Pentagon is starting a new religion that would force people to worship UFOs exclusively. Switch on the Mystery Balloons of 1955. Also, Top 10 Reasons Mack’s new book has been banned in Florida. Count the number of f-bomb bleeps in this show and win a prize.
11/02/2024 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 31 secondes
Eleanor Wagner's Strange and Scary World - Stephen Hawley Martin
Stephen Hawley Martin is a former principal of The Martin Agency. He is the author of more than three dozen books and guests on the show to discuss his new release on consciousness and his newest endeavour on a PBS show focusing on informing the public about consciousness.
08/02/2024 • 51 minutes, 18 secondes
High Strangeness Factor - 5th Anniversary Show
Join Steve and Andy (and special guest co-host Brandi) for their 5th Anniversary show! We are joined by our regular anniversary guests Brian and Terrie Seech as we talk about the year gone by and the year to come and (of course) the Mothman and Brain's appearance in the movie!
07/02/2024 • 1 heure, 8 minutes, 47 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - When Did Taylor Swift See a UFO
“When Did Taylor Swift See a UFO?” – The gang has a spirited discussion about a number of topics including a bizarre incident at a Miami shopping mall that erased hundreds of photos from shoppers’ cell phones, which drink goes best with which ghost story and whether Taylor Swift has ever seen a UFO. Special guest: Highly Spirited podcast host, Stephanie McNew.
05/02/2024 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 31 secondes
Paranormal Dimensions - Unearthly Encounters with Yvette McClean
On this show, David welcomes experiencer Yvette McClean to her first guest appearance on to a radio show. Yvette describes her strange, unearthly encounters which have left her searching for answers. She also describes her deep sense of connection with these encounters.
05/02/2024 • 1 heure, 21 minutes, 8 secondes
6 Degrees of John Keel - Steve Ward
From your host Barbara "Steve Ward (of the High Strangeness Factor) and I bring you a talk about Dogmen, Werewolves, Lycanthropy. Because nothing says holiday cheer like talking about bipedal, possibly shape-shifting paranormal canids. At least, to Steve and I. We start with Dogmen and the Beast of Bray Road, and the investigations and books by the late great Linda Godfrey. She really brought the idea of dogman into public consciousness, especially in the Unite States. After that, Steve tells about UK researcher Paul Sinclair and his documentary Wolf Lands. And of course, we talk about anomalous lights and how they relate to these paranormal bipedal canids. Yep, Anomalous Lights. Dogmen. Werewolves and Lycanthropy. They all go together.
31/01/2024 • 1 heure, 35 minutes, 45 secondes
Seventh Sanctum - 'Ye Old Goth Witch' Jade Marvalo
Jade found viral sensation sharing insightful and heart warming sentiments of his old Mountain Witch Nana.We talk fea, offerings, the finest tabacc, old magick, the paranormal and what not to do when wondering the woods... make sure you join Kerry, and Natalie and this weeks guest Jade.Ye Old Goth Witch
31/01/2024 • 1 heure, 4 minutes, 56 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - How To Dump A Body At Sea And Not Get Caught
It’s an on-line book party as the gang celebrates the release of Mack’s new book by the same name, written with crime novelist, Marc Zappulla. Hear the behind the scenes stories, the gang’s reviews, rumors about the book becoming a movie, the right way to burn a car, Mack’s scrapes with the law and why parrots have ESP. Plus, the most requested “Mack After Dark” segments. Special Guest: Lois Lane.
27/01/2024 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 41 secondes
Eleanor Wagner's Strange and Scary World - Lumi Rivera
Lumi Rivera has been interested in the paranormal and strange ever since her first experience at a very young age. She enjoys spending time spirit box investigating and journaling her family's paranormal encounters during their time in Puerto Rico. When not writing about her experiences, she spends time with her partner and cat in the Pacific Northwest. She shares some of those stories in this episode.
25/01/2024 • 54 minutes, 30 secondes
Twin Souls - The Pascagoula Abduction
Ronald and Philip talk with Philip Mantle and Dr. Irena Scott about The Pascagoula Abduction.
25/01/2024 • 1 heure, 6 minutes, 6 secondes
Paranormal Dimensions - Festival of the Unexplained with Nicki Scollan
For this show David talks to one of the organizers of the great UK event 'Festival of the Unexplained' Nicki Scollan. Nicki talks about her role and also her own paranormal investigations within her own paranormal investigation team 'Lost Soul Paranormal'.
22/01/2024 • 1 heure, 7 minutes, 17 secondes
Paranormal Peep Show - Ben Emlyn-Jones: Lighthouse Mysteries, psychic readings & Teleportation
Ben Emlyn-Jones joins Neil Ward at his home in Dorset, South West England on News Years Day to discuss their trip to the Portland Lighthouse and Lighthouse mysteries. Neil also discusses his experiences with mediums, psychics and readings, including giving his own readings to people. Neil also found out that the US Airforce back in 2004 commissioned a report into the possibility of Teleportation, and wonder why would a US defence agency do such a thing, which is mostly considered science fiction? All this and more on the very first Paranormal Peep Show of 2024. A Youtube version exists for this show at Neil Peel The Paranormal Peep Show.
19/01/2024 • 1 heure, 22 minutes, 27 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - UFOs, Rock Stars & Cats on LSD
The gang is joined by Dr. Bob Gross to discuss a wide range of topics, including why musicians see more UFOs than average people and the mystery behind an enormous alien megastructure recently found in space that shouldn’t exist. Switch on why some paranormal events seem to happen like clockwork. Plus, Raven on the super-creepy Peoria State Hospital and Mack tells of a cat encounter that scarred him for life. (Contains Adult Content.)
19/01/2024 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 41 secondes
Paranormal Pendle - Triangular UFO's with Colin Saunders
Craig Bryant talks with UFO researcher Colin Saunders about Triangle UFO's.
19/01/2024 • 1 heure, 7 minutes, 24 secondes
Seventh Sanctum - Scott C Wilson
Scott is Known for the podcast Paranormal Jackazz and is founder of Flatline Paranormal. Involved in paranormal investigations since 2007 he has many years of experience under his belt.His interesting approach to topics, investigative techniques and concepts made for a very interesting chat. Join Kerry and Natalie... as they ask... "did you just say sex with a bigfoot?" Explict content listeners discretion advised.
18/01/2024 • 1 heure, 23 minutes, 12 secondes
Paranormal Dimensions - Life After Life with Nick Kyle
In this extra show David talks to well known paranormal reseacher Nick Kyle about his research which has led to his certainty of Life After Death. A fascinating 2 hours!!
15/01/2024 • 2 heures, 5 minutes, 1 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - What's It Like To Die and Come Back
Friend of the Show Cindy Bailey Dove tells the gang of her recent near-death experience. The Mysterious Ashley G on unusual radio signals heard in outer space. Al Renaldo on the World War II hero, Bazooka Charlie. Plus, bizarre toys, black comets and Switch on why the Men in Black should wear better clothes.
12/01/2024 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 41 secondes
Eleanor Wagner's Strange and Scary World - Holly Faust: Occult Symbol/Spiritual Beliefs
Holly Faust is the occult symbol/spiritual beliefs researcher for Phantom Detectives LLC. She is a paranormal investigator, writer, researcher, esoteric minister, reiki master/teacher, psychic/medium, child advocate, and near-death experiencer. Over the last decade she has put a primary focus on spirituality and occult research. Working on teaching investigators the importance of the clients spirituality in the investigative process along with the importance of historical research. My Journey Out of The Darkness: A glimpse at life in the paranormal and overcoming personal Demons Witches Book of Things: Witches Planner and Grimoire
11/01/2024 • 46 minutes, 6 secondes
My Side of the Crystal Ball - Spirituality in Art with Debra Jacobson
Debra Jacobson grew up in Toronto Canada and from a young age she was in contact with light beings. She saw fairies, spirits and orbs. It all felt very normal until she realized others were not seeing the same things as she was experiencing. However, later on in life Debra did have share experiences which did confirm some of her perceptions. She has always questioned reality or rather the unreality of the space we live in. WWRS: (2:48) The Truth About My Kindness The Expert’s Chair: Debra Jacobson Book: Adventures of the Space Nubies Where to find Robert Lindsy Milne: Website- Facebook- Instagram- @rlm_1949TikTok- @mysideofthecrystalballEmail- [email protected] show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
10/01/2024 • 1 heure, 19 minutes, 21 secondes
Paranormal Dimensions - Paranormal Path with Jacqueline Dixon
For the first Paranormal Dimensions show of 2024, David talks to paranormal investigator and award nominated podcast 'Paranormal Path' show host Jacqueline Dixon.This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
08/01/2024 • 1 heure, 1 minute, 39 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - Frog-Skinned, One-Eye Aliens Frighten Witnesses in Argentina
The Skeleton Gang talks about a variety of topics including two frightening alien encounters in South America, a report that a “Devil Comet” is heading for Earth, bizarre facts from famous war movies, Switch gets some bad popcorn and Mack explains why he fell asleep during “Barbie.” (Contains adult content.)This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
05/01/2024 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 41 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - I'll Have What the Ghost Is Having...
The gang is joined by the Mysterious Ashley G to discuss a variety of topics including how to properly dine-out at a haunted restaurant. Switch on a RAF jet that may have been shot down by a UFO. Clubb on speculation that the government knows a huge asteroid is heading for Earth but is saying nothing. Plus, Switch admits to eating broccoli recently, Superfan Susan K gets a speeding ticket rushing to the show and Ashley G reveals the secret to a good ugly Christmas sweater. Also, a special concert by Sky Club.This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
29/12/2023 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 41 secondes
Paranormal Dimensions - Near Death Experiences with Kathy Colgliano
On this the final 'Paranormal Dimensions' of 2023, David talks to longtime U.S. 'Out of Body' experiencer and researcher Kathy Cogliano about her many experiences.This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
25/12/2023 • 1 heure, 12 minutes, 54 secondes
Mak Maloneys Military X-Files - When Patton Met Private Ryan
In a new show featuring World War II movie trivia, the gang assembles a panel of experts including one general and two lieutenant colonels to compete for cash prizes for charity. What’s the most expensive black & white movie ever made? What’s the biggest blooper in “Saving Private Ryan?” Did MGM really build a full-scale aircraft carrier deck on a Hollywood sound stage? Find out these answers and more in this special broadcast dedicated to our veterans and Homes For Our Troops. Guest host: Lois Lane.This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
22/12/2023 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 41 secondes
Eleanor Wagner's Strange and Scary World - Jack Gregory Near-Death Experience: Part Two
Jack W. Gregory AKA The Accidental Journalist is a UK-Based Author, Consultant & Actor. Sexually trafficked in the UK Special School System, he battled with rejection, fear, mental illness, addiction, and criminality. After losing everything and falling into homelessness and addiction and struggling to climb back up to normalcy, his next hurdle would be on his deathbed and having a near-death experience which would change his life forevermore. Links to his books: show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
21/12/2023 • 49 minutes, 34 secondes
Paranormal Peep Show - Flying Spheres and Triangles Christmas Special
Joining your regular hosts on The Paranormal Peep Show of Neil Ward and Andy Chaplin, are returning guests Ben Emlyn-Jones, Gary Robinson, and Ronnie Kinsella. Ben recounts how the year has been for him, travelling to conferences around the UK and also in Las Vegas and even visiting Area 51 almost! Gary updates us with more Mexican tales of spooky happenings and also of a strange flying sphere he once observed with his Nan over his house in Hemel Hempstead, Herts, UK. In part 2, the gang are joined by author and artist, Ronnie Kinsella, who also has witnessed a strange flying sphere, along with his own Nan and twin brother Philip when they were small boys. The discussion then focuses on the efforts to get UFOs and aliens disclosed in the USA and also in Mexico and we discuss the strange alien mummies presented to the Mexican hearing back in August!This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
21/12/2023 • 1 heure, 46 minutes, 27 secondes
Paranormal Dimensions - Mark Olly: Crystal Skulls and Alien Heads
David welcomes scientific historian and researher Mark Olly back to 'Paranormal Dimensions'for his third visit for this year for this Extra Special show where Mark talks about his book about Crystal Skulls and Alien heads.This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
18/12/2023 • 1 heure, 11 minutes, 46 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - Meanwhile, Back on Earth....
In a special broadcast, the gang gets together to talk about all things Music. Counting Crows bassist Matt Malley on what it’s really like to be a rock star. Juan-Juan on the bizarre differences between the Beatles and the Rolling Stones. Music expert Barry Wenig on how to find rare Beatles records in Uruguay. Plus, fun facts: What famous rock stars saved Superfreak Rick James from being beaten to death in a Toronto bus station? Who was Paul Simon’s famous British roommate? What was John Lennon’s highly unusual hobby? And more! Special Guest: Lois Lane.This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
15/12/2023 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 41 secondes
My Side of the Crystal Ball - Universal Healing with Adam
Adam Gell is a researcher of the Akashic Records, he works as a Shamanic Healing and Life Mastery Guide. Through experiencing trauma from his childhood, Adam has found strength and willpower to heal others and the world. He has found a passion. Speaking the truth when other people are not. WWRS: (3:55) Masking the Pain The Expert’s Chair: Adam Gell Website: Where to find Robert Lindsy Milne: Website- Facebook- Instagram- @rlm_1949TikTok- @mysideofthecrystalballEmail- [email protected] show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
12/12/2023 • 1 heure, 21 minutes, 24 secondes
High Strangeness Factor - Paul Sinclair
Steve speaks with author and researcher Paul Sinclair. Paul is the author of the amazing series of books ‘TruthProof.’ A series of books that detail many examples of ‘High Strangeness’.This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
12/12/2023 • 1 heure, 32 minutes, 16 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - Lost Xmas Show
Resurrected from deep inside the MMMXFiles archives, this fan favorite has a skeleton-gang crew facing the Three Ghosts of Christmas, none of whom is named Bob. (Adult content.)This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
11/12/2023 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 41 secondes
Paranormal Dimensions - Rachel Ashman: Festival of the Unexplained 2024
David talks to Rachel Ashman who is the joint owner and organizer of the UK's 'Festival of the Umexplained' which has been nominated and is in the final for the 'GPN award'for 'Top Paranormal Festival' for 2023. (Ghost Planet Network). David and Rachel talk about the 2023 event and the upcoming 2024 event which promises to be even bigger than 2023. Paranormal Investigations included.This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
11/12/2023 • 1 heure, 3 minutes, 55 secondes
Eleanor Wagners Strange and Scary World - Two NDEs
After dying for several minutes, MK McDaniel and Brian Forrest had near-death experiences with the other side that changed their lives forever. Two very different encounters, they openly discuss what happened. show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
08/12/2023 • 46 minutes, 15 secondes
Paranormal UK Radio Show - Endfield Poltergeist with Andy Mercer
Irene and Mark talk with fellow PAUK Radio Network staff member and show host Andy Mercer about all things Poltergeist, including a detailed analysis of the Endfield Poltergeist case.This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
06/12/2023 • 1 heure, 3 minutes, 2 secondes
Paranormal Pendle - Richard Rokeby: The Burton Dassett UFO Incident of 1923
Craig Bryant talks with author and researcher Richard Rokeby about the Burton Dassett UFO Incident of 1923.This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
04/12/2023 • 58 minutes, 53 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - The Beatles, UFOs, & Ghost Planes Over New York”k
The gang discusses why the U.S. government’s top UFO investigator suddenly resigned after saying UFOs were either aliens or our own Earth-bound enemies. Switch reports on ghost planes spotted over New York City. Clubb reveals new details on the mysterious submarine-sandwich shaped UFO named “Oumuamua.” Plus, were otherworldly forces responsible for the success of The Beatles? Special Guest: The Black-Eyed Kid.This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
01/12/2023 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 41 secondes
Twin Souls - Aliens in the White House with Paul Blake Smith
Ronald and Phillip talk with Paul Blake Smith, best-selling author, based on 'A Presidential Matter,' discussing alleged revealing's of Aliens within the White House Administration.This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
30/11/2023 • 1 heure, 2 minutes, 19 secondes
Eleanor Wagner's Strange and Scary World - Fortean Researcher Shayn Jones
Shayn Jones runs two shows: Inquiries of Our Reality and Bizarre Encounters. He founded Open Minds Media which is the production company that covers both shows. He's a Fortean Researcher and a part of the Phantoms and Monsters Team who has what he considers to possibly have been a wendigo encounter.This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
30/11/2023 • 57 minutes, 34 secondes
Paranormal Dimensions - My Strange Visions with Phil Graham
On this show David talks to ex 'Cosmosis' rock musician and experiencer Phil Graham about his own many strange visions and experiences, and about his own search for the truth of his experiences via research. Phil comes over as someone with a very down to earth personality who is in some ways troubled by his experiences and in others finding an inner peace through reseach.This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
27/11/2023 • 1 heure, 46 minutes, 17 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - There's a Ghost in my Drink
Stephanie McNew of the Highly-Spirited Podcast returns to instruct the gang on the best cocktails to serve while telling ghost stories – with some on-air imbibing to heighten the mood. Also, Superfan Susan K with ten questions for the Black-Eyed Kid and guest Will Sparks describes his extremely rare profession as a paid ghost hunter and why ghosts wear clothes. Plus, how Juan-Juan prepared for Thanksgiving. (Adult content)This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
24/11/2023 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 41 secondes
6 Degrees of John Keel - Haunting Our Own Houses
From your host BarbaraKarly Latham, also known as The Village Tarot Witch, is a fun and funny person who has interesting experiencer stories to share. Unlike me, the weirdness didn’t begin in childhood, and she didn’t start out as a believer in anything supernatural. However, as an adult, she moved into a haunted house, and things started getting stranger and stranger and stranger. There’s a lot here. Spirits, ghosts, card readings, mediumship, PTSD, writing, paranormal investigation and possible astral travel. Oh, yeah, and the possibility of the living haunting houses they’ve lived in in the past…..There’s a little bit of adult language—that’s on me—I forgot to mention we try to be sort of family oriented—but I didn’t interrupt her because she was on a roll. I decided to leave it in and just warn listeners in case it might bother y’all. Karly can be found on Instagram as The Village Tarot Witch or karly.lathamThis show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
23/11/2023 • 1 heure, 39 minutes, 53 secondes
High Strangeness Factor Special - The JFK Assassination
For the 60th anniversary of the events, 'The High Strangeness Factor Special' presents a rebroadcast of an episode of the KTPF radio show from the mid 2010s where Andy Discussed the Assassination of the 35th President John F. Kennedy.At 12:30 on the 22nd of November 1963, shoots rang out in Delay Plaza, Dallas. Shots that led to the death of President Kennedy. And, while an official Government investigation, the Warren Commission found one lone gunman - Lee Harvey Oswald, guilty of the assassination. Questions were already being asked even before the commission's report was published, and many doubted that it was the work of just one man. And as the years have passed by, more and more people have become convinced that JFK was killed by a conspiracy involving more than one person, possibly including elements of the Government.We recognise that the topic is not 'paranormal' but felt that the events of 60 years ago should be marked in some way as we do occasionally discuss conspiracies. This show went out 'live' on Spreaker at exactly 12:30 Dallas time - 60 yyears to the minute that the shooting started The show was broadcast and recorded live in 2017; we apologise for the audio quality.This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
22/11/2023 • 1 heure, 28 minutes, 58 secondes
Seventh Sanctum - The Witchcraft Trials in Essex.
Kerry Ann talks with John Worland discussing the Witchcraft trails in Essex including the 'witch' of St. Osyth - Ursula Kemp.Film maker John Worland organised the creation of a plaque remembering the 13 victims of Essex Witchcraft trials in the 1600s, including Ursula Kemp who was imprisoned in the 'Cage' in St. Osyth in Essex. The plague can now be seen in the grounds of Colchester Castle, where the victims died.This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
22/11/2023 • 47 minutes, 34 secondes
Paranormal UK Radio Show - Reality: What a Concept!
Irene Allen and Mark Johnson dive into deep territory this week discussing the true nature of reality and how it is far stranger than most people can imagine.This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
22/11/2023 • 1 heure, 43 minutes, 5 secondes
Paranormal Concept Show - Vampires
On this episode of The Paranormal Concept Show we delve into the murky depths behind the myths and legends of Vampires.This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
20/11/2023 • 1 heure, 43 minutes, 46 secondes
Mack Malony's Military X-Files - There’s Something About Lois
In a very special show, Lois Lane joins Mack live in the studio to discuss a wide range of topics. What was the Great Solar Storm of 1859? Why is there no dark side of the moon? Who was the Abominable Snowman? Also, Mack answers fans’ questions, Lois describes the four times she’s been “flashed,” including once by a Gumby doll, and also explains why she won’t change her name to Cheese. (Adult themes.)This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
17/11/2023 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 41 secondes
Paranormal Peep Show - Chris Connelly: The Science of Mediumship
Scientist and medium, Chris Connelly joins The Paranormal Peep Show for November edition. Chris has been working in the UK Space industry for the past 35 years but his evening job is being a medium. Using his scientific abilities, he has begun to look into the working of the brain during mediumistic trances to find out what happens! He also discusses the scientific research on Life after Death and says that now even science is acknowledging that people do live on after death! All this and more, in The Paranormal Peep Show, hosted by your regular presenters, Neil Ward and Andy Chaplin.This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
16/11/2023 • 1 heure, 52 minutes, 5 secondes
Eleanor Wagner's Strange and Scary World - Ghost Cowboy Sean Flynn
Scaredy Cat Paranormal’s Ghost Cowboy Sean Flynn started his paranormal group during the Pandemic in October of 2020. His curiosity and interest in all things ghostly began in the 90s when the broken doorbell of his childhood home chimed the night his grandpa died.This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
16/11/2023 • 52 minutes, 33 secondes
High Strangeness Factor - Heather Moser of 'Small Town Monsters'
Steve and Andy chat with Heather Moser Heather Moser is a producer and researcher for the documentary film company Small Town Monsters. She is also an author and adjunct professor. You can read some of her work in the 1,3, and 5th volume of the Feminine Macabre and you can also catch her podcast, The Lore You Know on your favorite podcatcher.This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
David talks to life-time paranormal experiencer Ade Morris. Ade has related a miriad of strange experiences and tries to put some kind of explanation to them. A fascinating two hours!This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
13/11/2023 • 2 heures, 36 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - The Alien in the Chevy Nova
The gang delves into a number of topics including the bizarre death of an Australian gambler known as “Rackman.” Switch tells the story of a Man in Black who appears soon after UFO sightings driving a beat-up Chevy Nova. Superfan Susan K has 10 Questions for Switch & Juan-Juan explains why some humans are so full of electricity they can affect the machinery around them. (Adult content.)This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
12/11/2023 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 41 secondes
My Side of the Crystal Ball - Pat Benincasa: Where Does Art Come From?
Pat Benincasa is a visual artist, art educator and podcaster. Pat has received national and international recognition for her work and been awarded National Percent for Art, and General Services Administration (GSA) Art In Architecture commissions. Her selected work is archived in the Minnesota Historical Society. Pat and Robert blend together the creation of art with tapping into an external source and trusting your intuition in a psychic context. Enjoy this creative and artful conversation!Pat BenincasaWebsite Where to find Robert Lindsy Milne:Website- Facebook- Instagram- @rlm_1949TikTok- @mysideofthecrystalballEmail- [email protected] show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
09/11/2023 • 1 heure, 7 minutes, 26 secondes
Paranormal Pendle - Pentyrch UFO Incident with Gari Jones
Craig Bryant talks with author Gari Jones about his book "The Denbigh Lights" which explores the Pentyrch UFO Incident.This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
09/11/2023 • 1 heure, 5 minutes, 36 secondes
Paranormal UK Radio Show - Lorraine McAdam
Mark Johnson talks with author ET Experiencer Lorraine McAdam about her new book "Phantoms in the Night or ET's?" and her lifelong experience with abduction and interaction with other beings.This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
08/11/2023 • 1 heure, 6 minutes, 8 secondes
Paranormal Dimensions - Iconic Event with Michael Feeley
On this 'Special Extra' show David talks, once again with ancient code resaercher and author Michael Feeley about his upcoming appearance at a special 'live' Ickonic event. Michael will be speaking along with David Icke, Gareth Icke and others. He will also be talking about his new book shortly to be published.This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
06/11/2023 • 1 heure, 13 minutes, 35 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - Fistfight with an Alien
In an all-new show, the gang talks to researcher Kim Scheie about the on-going mystery of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH-370 which went missing almost 10 years ago, including reports that relatives of those on board received text messages from their loved ones weeks after the plane disappeared. Switch reports on a U.S. military officer whose chance encounter with aliens turned into a wild brawl. Plus, top ten reasons Clubb didn’t go trick or treating & Raven recounts an awkward lovers-lane encounter with the police. Special Guest: Sara Scheie.This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
04/11/2023 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 31 secondes
Eleanor Wagner's Strange and Scary World - Les O'Dell
Les O'Dell is a Native West Virginian born and raised in Marion County. As a young child, he experienced paranormal activity that would later pique his interest in all things strange and scary. This curiosity led him to paranormal investigating and founding WV Cryptids and Strange Encounters in 2017. Although his interviews have been about ghosts, UFOs, and other bizarre creatures, Bigfoot has been at the center of his focus and research.This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
02/11/2023 • 1 heure, 6 minutes, 8 secondes
Seventh Sanctum - Halloween Special
Join Kerry Ann and Natalie as they venture into all that is Halloween, from love spells and divinations to Celtic demons and blackberry's plus the origins and evolution of such, through time.(Show was slighly delayed due to a technical issue)This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
02/11/2023 • 1 heure, 14 minutes, 20 secondes
Twin Souls - UFO Author & Researcher Paul Ascough
Ronald and Phillip Kinsellsa talk with UFO author and researcher, Paul Ascough and his revised book UFO's: The Real Story.This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
31/10/2023 • 1 heure, 7 minutes, 38 secondes
High Strangeness Factor Halloween Special - Guy Lyon Playfair Investigator of the Enfield Haunting
High Strangeness Factor - A Special Halloween Presentation! The KTPF Reload Show from 2018, rebroadcasting the original KTPF Show in 2015...Way back in my early days of internet broadcasting, I (Andy) was involved in the KTPF show. The show was a live 3+ hour weekly broadcast where the hosts (including me) discussed paranormal news and events, plus an interview. In this particular show, we interviewed one of the leading investigators in the world-famous ENFIELD HAUNTING - Guy Lyon Playfair. Guy, along with Maurice Gross, spent more than a year investigating all the strange phenomena, documenting all sorts of ‘high strangeness’, but was it real or an elaborate hoax? Have a listen to ‘one who was there’ and decide for yourself.(Apologies for the poor sound quality in places) NB Guy mentions an ‘upcoming’ TV show; it’s not the new one on Apple TV+ - It was the SKY production from 2015This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
31/10/2023 • 57 minutes, 24 secondes
6 Degrees of John Keel - Doings of the Rogue Witch with Cheryl Costa
From your host Barbara Hello, Keelian friends and family! It’s been a little while since we talked with a Witch, isn’t it? So, I called up Cheryl Costa, who has been a Witch for quite a while. In addition, she’s a teacher, an author, a filmmaker, UFO researcher and a Buddhist. We settled in the night we recorded, and had so much fun getting to know each other that we nearly forgot to turn on the recording equipment! (I am such a professional podcaster, y’all!) We talked about Witchcraft, Magick, Buddhism, UFOs, History and Mystery. There’s a lot in here, and a lot that is good for everyone to hear—especially when it comes to how to practice magick effecively. And -why- to practice magic.k in the first place.I don’t want to give too much away. Just listen, and hopefully enjoy. Cheryl’s coming back sometime soon to talk about UFO’s UFO statistics and most importantly, UFOs and the Woo…….As always, here is the list of books we discussed as well as a listing of Cheryl’s books. The Spiral Dance by StarhawkWomen Who Fly by Serinity YoungMagickal Musings of a Rogue Witch by Cheryl CostaThe UFO Beat by Cheryl CostaUFO Sightings Desk Reference: United States of America 2001-2020 by Cheryl CostaUFOs in Ohio and Where to Find Them by Cheryl Costa—there are also 49 more titles in this series, one for each state. A note about the books: The Desk Reference is full of analysis of sightings from both the MUFON and NUFORC databases—and it is amazing. It’s all facts and figures and tables and charts, so it’s not a reading book—it is literally for researchers who want some crunched data. Here it is, crunchy as a bowl of Grape Nuts…..but more useful. The UFO Beat is the opposite of the Desk Reference. Here, Cheryl gives stories that came from the data, in all their narrative glory. This is a fun book to read—but do understand, most of the stories in it come from New York, because she was writing for a small New York State weekly paper. I’ve only had a chance to glance at the Magickal Musings of a Rogue Witch, but what I saw looked plenty good. I’ll write a review and post it on Amazon after I’ve read it.This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
31/10/2023 • 1 heure, 58 minutes, 4 secondes
Paranormal Dimensions - Lorraine McAdam: Phantoms in the Night
David talks to lifelong paranormal experiencer Lorraine McAdam. For many years Lorraine was afraid to come out and tell of her experiences - until now. She realised that her experiences matched those of others, and that withholding her own story was no longer an option.This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
30/10/2023 • 1 heure, 3 minutes, 9 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - Happy Halloween: The Exorcist Special
The gang celebrates Halloween with an entire show devoted to exorcisms. Includes reviews of the original Exorcist movie, plus its five sequels in order of awfulness. Real-life exorcist Archbishop Ron Feyl Enright explains the correct way to perform an exorcism and why it’s important to have some adult diapers nearby. The Black-Eyed Kid calls in from his annual Halloween party, Clubb details his favorite Halloween junk food and Juan-Juan recounts his efforts to turn his head 360-degrees. Special Guest: the Mysterious Ashley G.This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
28/10/2023 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 41 secondes
Paranormal UK Radio Show - Enter the Journey with Rosanna Ienco
Mark (Irene took the night off) talks with guest and author Rosanna Ienco about her experiences with Shamanism and her new book "Enter the Journey: A Mystical Guide for Rebirth and Renewal".This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
25/10/2023 • 54 minutes, 55 secondes
The Afterlife Files - Proof of the Afterlife with Eben Alexander
Join Dr. Scott Taylor and Dr. Eben Alexander, neurosurgeon, and best-selling author of Proof of Heaven, to talk about his Near Death Experience and how his NDE led to a radical shift in his thinking about consciousness. He believes that the scientific community is undergoing a revolution which will lead to an awakening for humanity into a new understanding of the nature of our existence. Where to find Dr. Eben Alexander: Where to find Scott: Website- https://neardeathmeditations.comFacebook- The Afterlife FilesInstagram- @theafterlifefilesTiktok- @theafterlifefilesThis show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
24/10/2023 • 1 heure, 2 minutes, 18 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - Something Else About the Blessed Virgin Mary
In an all-new show, the gang talks to Kevin Cook, expert in Marian Apparitions about why so many people have seen visions of the mother of Christ. JJ flunks his British slang test. Switch falls asleep at the mic. Special Guests: Michelle & Johanna, aka The Space Chicks.This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
20/10/2023 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 41 secondes
Eleanor Wagner's Strange and Scary World - Psychic Detective Nancy Orlen Weber
Eleanor Wagner talks with real-life psychic detective Nancy Orlan Weber turned her own life from crime victim to crime solver! She’s also able to communicate with pets and wildlife!This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
19/10/2023 • 48 minutes, 31 secondes
Paranormal Peep Show - Preston Dennett: One Million UFO Cases on Record
Preston Dennett returns as guest for our Halloween edition of the Paranormal Peep Show, with guest host Ben Emlyn-Jones standing in for Andy Chaplin. regular host Neil Ward along with Ben ask Preston about his views on the recent Senate hearings on UFOs and also the more recent Mexico hearings on UFOS, where they displayed the controversial alleged mummified alien bodies. Preston shares his thoughts on those, plus the different types of humanoids said to be visiting planet Earth and discusses what possible agenda they might have. We also cover some of the cases where aliens have landed in school playgrounds in Wales, Australia and South Africa. and ask why land in schools?This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
19/10/2023 • 1 heure, 49 minutes, 17 secondes
Seventh Sanctum - Jack the Ripper with Steven Keogh
Join Kerry Ann as she speaks with ex-detective and author Steven Keogh. Discussing Stevens most recent published booK 'Murder Investigation Team: Jack the Ripper'. It will be discussing the journey of discovery in writing the book, the crimes committed by the infamous Jack the Ripper and asking questions such as why these lives were taken, and attempt to discover just who was Jack the Ripper? Applying modern-day investigative approaches to the 19th century investigationThis show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
17/10/2023 • 54 minutes, 25 secondes
Paranormal Dimensions - The Demon Connections with Jane Rowley
On this show David talks to Jane Rowley who is connected to the UK's 'Haunted Antiques Museum' as the resident medium. Jane will be talking about her show 'The Demon Connections' on the new free 'Ghost Network' TV channel.This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
16/10/2023 • 1 heure, 3 minutes, 59 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - How to Drink with a Ghost
In an all-new show, the gang talks to Stephanie McNew of the Highly Spirited podcast about what kind of drinks you should have when entertaining someone from beyond. Clubb reports on the latest killer asteroid heading our way. Switch recaps his appearance at the Van Meter Monster Festival and Dr. Bob Gross reports on problems with NASA’s latest UFO study. Also, the hosts search the radio station twice after hearing Bob the Ghost and what might be the worst Top Ten ever. (Adult content.)This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
Craig Bryant discusses Twinvestigate Paranormal InvestigationsThis show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
12/10/2023 • 1 heure, 6 secondes
Paranormal UK Radio Show - Mythical Legends with Daniel Barnett
Irene and Mark talk with 14 year old cryptid researcher and podcaster Daniel Barnett from the UK about his research into bigfoot, dogman, and other cryptids in the south of England.This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
11/10/2023 • 56 minutes, 26 secondes
Eleanor Wagner's Strange and Scary World - Barbara Butcher
Consultant on international mass fatalities, feature speaker of numerous conferences and Director of Forensic Investigations which included disaster planning, victim identification, evidence and missing persons, Author and medical institution teacher Barbara Butcher is a former New York Death Investigator with the medical examiner’s office who opens up about her 20 years+ of death scene investigations.This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
05/10/2023 • 51 minutes, 17 secondes
My Side of the Crystal Ball - Haunting History with Rebecca Pittman
Rebecca Pittman is the author of over 15 books in the Haunting of History series. In addition to her extensive bibliography, Rebecca has also made a living as a professional muralist, motivational speaker, and TV Talk Show Host. Some of the topics Rebecca is passionate about writing about include the Salem witch trials, the case of Lizzie Borden, and other mysterious trials and murder cases. Historical places and paranormal activity merge together in Rebecca’s fantastic literature lineup. WWRS: (3:33) The Living Philosophy of the Evergreens The Expert’s Chair: (6:10)Rebecca Pittman Website- https://www.rebeccafpittmanbooks.comAmazon- Where to find Robert Lindsy Milne: Website- acebook- Instagram- @rlm_1949TikTok- @mysideofthecrystalballEmail- [email protected] show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
04/10/2023 • 58 minutes, 22 secondes
6 Degrees of John Keel - Spirit Initiation, Alien Abduction and Light with Alexandra
From host Barbara 'I’ve been wanting to do an episode comparing and contrasting ecstatic spirit initiation (commonly called shamanic initiation) and alien abduction experiences for a while now, but my personal squeamishness around abduction narratives held me back. However, in doing research on anomalous light phenomena, which has a significant overlap with alien abduction narratives, I have broadened my reading on the topic and have made my peace with it. I might talk about my familial and personal abductionesque narratives in a subsequent episode but not for a while. But here it is, and I couldn’t have asked for a better guest for this topic than Alexandra. She’s deeply knowledgeable on both academic anthropology, and ecstatic spirit practices, and she did some of her doctoral research on the subject of mirrors and light in the context of shamanic practice, and we had a great time going back and forth and around and through the subjects listed in the title.'This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
04/10/2023 • 1 heure, 43 minutes, 33 secondes
Seventh Sanctum - The Bell Witch
In her series of episodes discussing historic cases of witchcraft, Kerry explores one of the most infamous cases of all - The Bell WitchSome backgroundThe Bell Witch or Bell Witch Haunting is a legend from Southern United States folklore, centered on the 19th-century Bell family of northwest Robertson County, Tennessee. Farmer John Bell Sr. resided with his family along the Red River in an area currently near the town of Adams. According to legend, from 1817 to 1821, his family and the local area came under attack by a mostly invisible entity that was able to speak, affect the physical environment, and shapeshift. Some accounts record the spirit also to have been clairvoyant and capable of crossing long distances with superhuman speedThis show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
03/10/2023 • 52 minutes, 47 secondes
Paranormal Dimensions - Paranormal Blackout with Neil Packer
David talks with Neil Packer about his new recent book, the haunted antiques museum and his new paranormal TV channel called ‘Ghost Planet’ network.This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
02/10/2023 • 55 minutes, 17 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - The Golf Ball From Heaven
The gang talks to Author Tom Harley Campbell about his new, UFO-themed novel, “Blue Book,” and the true story about a golf ball he found that had a heart-warming yet chilling message on it. Clubb on NASA’s latest step in studying UFOs. Switch on the recent Mothman Festival, which attracted thousands of fans. Plus, winners of the Name Raven’s Drink Contest are announced. Special guest: Lonely Larry.This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
29/09/2023 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 41 secondes
Twin Souls - Steve Attridge talks Life, Aliens and The New World Order
Ronald and Phillip Kinsella talk with Steve Attridge who discusses Life, Aliens and The New World Order.This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
28/09/2023 • 59 minutes, 31 secondes
The Afterlife Files - Foreshadowing Death with Christa Barker
Christa Barker tells her incredible story involving an SDE she experienced during the time of her husband's passing. Her story begins with a shared dream she had with her husband a few months before his transition and continues through the process of her husband's death. Through meditation, out of body experiences, and other extraordinary spiritual events, Christa was able to give an in depth review of her incredible shared death experience story. Where to find Scott: Website- https://neardeathmeditations.comFacebook- The Afterlife FilesInstagram- @theafterlifefilesTiktok- @theafterlifefilesThis show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
27/09/2023 • 1 heure, 1 minute, 21 secondes
Paranormal Dimensions - The Tyneside Triangle with Neil Storey
David Young talks with Neil Storey about the The Tyneside Triangle....and a bit about Dracula!This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
25/09/2023 • 1 heure, 57 minutes, 35 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - General Frankenstein, I Presume?
Raven punks Mack about her movie career. Switch reports on paranormal investigator John Keel’s highly unusual military career. Super-fan Susan K with 10 Questions for Raven. The gang talks about their recent appearance at the Exeter NH UFO Festival. The Black Eyed Kid subs for Clubb. (Adult themes.)This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
22/09/2023 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 41 secondes
Paranormal Pendle - UAP's, Animal Mutilations and Disclosure
Host Craig Bryant talks with researchers Lee Nicholson and David Cayton about UAP's, Animal Mutilations and Disclosure.This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
22/09/2023 • 1 heure, 17 minutes, 20 secondes
Paranormal Peep Show - Fantastic Faerie Encounters with Dr. Simon Young
Join Neil and Andy with guest Dr Simon Young, discussing the world of faeries and strange encounters with them, along with discussions of the idea of ETs and faeries possibly being one of the same thing. Also discussed are the strange and bizarre coincidences Neil has experienced along with the one's Simon has also experienced too! Andy and Neil welcome you once more for a delightful 2 hours of peeping into the world of the Paranormal!This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
21/09/2023 • 2 heures, 4 minutes, 51 secondes
Eleanor Wagner's Strange and Scary World - Joshua Cutchin discusses the Reality of Faeries
Author, Musician, & Researcher Joshua Cutchin discusses the reality of faeries. He has appeared on countless paranormal programs discussing his work and has been featured on the hit History Channel television show Ancient Aliens, and is a recurring roundtable guest on the Where Did the Road Go? podcastThis show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
21/09/2023 • 45 minutes, 4 secondes
My Side of the Crystal Ball - Wisdom from The White Witch with Maja D’Aoust
On this week’s episode, Robert is joined with Maja D’Aoust, the white witch who is a published Scholar of Alchemy and Occult lore. Maja's interest in Alchemy and the Esoteric Occult sciences spans her entire lifetime. Maja brings many fascinating stories about how she discovered she was a witch and how she became involved in this eccentric work. Maja is very connected to spirit and does work with divination, tort cards, astrology, energy clearing, and even exorcisms. Tune in to this fantastic episode! Website: http://www.witchofthedawn.comEmail: [email protected] Where to find Robert Lindsy Milne!Website- Facebook- Instagram- @rlm_1949TikTok- @mysideofthecrystalballEmail- [email protected] show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
20/09/2023 • 1 heure, 2 minutes, 22 secondes
The Afterlife Files - Listening to That Knock at the Door with Felice Dimartino - Part Two
Felice is featured on The Afterlife Files to explore and describe the unique black light near death experience she had after getting hit by a truck. Felice has put words to such a complex and rare experience of a black light NDE. This experience brought out such a deeper understanding of life, death, and love. Felice is now using her traumatic yet freeing experience to help as many people as she can to elevate their lives and start the journey of healing and light. Where to find Felice Dimartino:Website- Where to find Scott: Website- https://neardeathmeditations.comFacebook- The Afterlife FilesInstagram- @theafterlifefilesTiktok- @theafterlifefilesThis show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
15/09/2023 • 48 minutes, 5 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - Newsflash! New Guinea Wants its Alien Balls Back!
The gang talks to Dr. Bob Gross about the controversial claim that tiny balls from an alien spacecraft were found in the Pacific off the coast of New Guinea. Raven on the terrifying Toronto Tunnel Monster. Guest David Charles, owner of, explains why he hires lots of veterans to work for his CBD company. Switchblade Steve on why UFO sightings, cryptid appearances & other paranormal activity only happen at certain times of the day.This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
15/09/2023 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 41 secondes
Paranormal UK Radio Show - Preston Dennett talks Humanoids and High Strangeness
Irene and Mark talk with celebrated author and MUFON researcher Preston Dennett about his latest book, "Humanoids and High Strangeness: Twenty True UFO Encounters.Where to buy the book: Humanoids and High Strangeness: Twenty True UFO Encounters - Kindle edition by Dennett, Preston. Religion & Spirituality Kindle eBooks @ show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
13/09/2023 • 1 heure, 1 minute, 30 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - The Baffling Case of the Grinning Man
Video game producer & designer Greg Masto talks about the new dangers of AI. Switch tells the very creepy story of a strange grinning man who terrorized a small neighborhood in New Jersey in 1966. The gang tells tales of personal possessions that have mysteriously disappeared, never to be seen again. Raven on why you don’t see strangers in your dreams. (Warning: Adult themes.)This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
08/09/2023 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 41 secondes
Eleanor Wagners Strange and Scary World - Dave Shealy
Eleanor Wagner interviews Dave Shealy.This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
08/09/2023 • 54 minutes, 9 secondes
Paranormal Pendle - The Pacagoula Incident with Philip Mantle
Craig Bryant talks with author and researcher Philip Mantle about recently deceased Calvin Parker and the Pascagoula UFO incident.This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
07/09/2023 • 57 minutes, 24 secondes
My Side of the Crystal Ball - Revealing the Hidden with Michael Feeley
Crop circles, knights of templar, and the Davinci code. These are just some of the intriguing topics that strike up controversy between believers of conspiracy and those who might even call it blasphemy. Michael Feeley delves into these esoteric mysteries of the world in hopes to shed more light on what is going on beneath the surface. Michael seeks out the sacred knowledge with the intention of extracting the truth from the lie. Along with being an ancient code breaker with 17 years of investigative training, Michael is also a spiritual life coach. WWRS: (3:23) A story about seeing beauty The Expert’s Chair (6:13):Michael Feeley Website: Where to find Robert Lindsy Milne!Website- Facebook- Instagram- @rlm_1949TikTok- @mysideofthecrystalballEmail- [email protected] show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
David Young talks with Spyros Melaris about the Alien Autopsy and the Million Dolldar Photo proving it's reality.This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
04/09/2023 • 2 heures, 17 minutes, 6 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X -Files - The Day the Aliens Came to Maine
The Day the Aliens Came to MaineSwitch reports on the mystery of a woman from Maine who in 1959 claimed she was in contact with extraterrestrials, leading the Office of Naval Intelligence to investigate, only to have their officers experience ET contacts as well. Raven on the 20 most haunted places in Massachusetts. Also, rock star & friend of the show, Matt Malley of Counting Crows tell us what it's like to hang with The Rolling Stones and how not to bum out the fans. Plus, a request for Bob the Ghost to sing a Bob Dylan song.This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
03/09/2023 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 31 secondes
Paranormal UK Radio Show - Wayne Saalman
Mark talks with author Wayne Saalman about his new book "The Journey Across Forever" which covers a number of paranormal, spiritual and high strangeness topics.This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
30/08/2023 • 1 heure, 3 minutes, 47 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - The Secret of Creepy Acres
The gang talks to Shawn Englemann, one of the creators of the outstanding You Tube series, “Creepy Acres.” Also, the latest Clubb Report details how close we’ve come to another apocalyptic asteroid hitting the Earth. Plus, Switch reveals what life is really like on a nuclear sub, JJ wishes he could get some real Oreo cookies and a very disturbing story about a ghost haunting a movie theater. Special guest: author Marc Zappulla.This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
25/08/2023 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 41 secondes
Twin Souls - Steve Aspin: Interactions with the Greys
Ronald and Phillip Kinsella talk with author Steve Aspin about his book "Out of Time" and interactions with grey extraterrestrials.This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
24/08/2023 • 1 heure, 6 minutes, 11 secondes
Eleanor Wagner's Strange & Scary World - Bruce Gernon
Bruce Gernon is a world-leading expert, Author, researcher, and theorist. In 1970, he had a life-changing experience while flying over the Great Bahamas Bank in his Beechcraft Bonanza A36. He has been researching this phenomenon for over thirty years since it happened. With four books on the subject, his most recent one is the first time where it shows the illustrations and pictures in color, presenting new details of the anomaly of what creates this mystery. This Bermuda Triangle survivor is best known as the Pilot who "holds the key to the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle", and he is a leading expert witness who has seen the fabric of time during that flight back in 1970.This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
24/08/2023 • 59 minutes, 54 secondes
Paranormal Pendle - Haunted America and Disclosure
Craig Bryant is back from hiatus with a brand-new show. He talks with researchers Ash Ellis and Greg Thomlinson about Haunted America and Disclosure.This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
24/08/2023 • 1 heure, 10 minutes, 57 secondes
Paranormal Dimensions - Haunted Colchester with Raymond McCarthy
David young talks with researcher Raymond McCarthy about Haunted Colchester.This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
21/08/2023 • 1 heure, 13 minutes, 39 secondes
Paranormal Peep Show - Mysterious Mexico/PAUK at Stonehenge
Gary Robinson, musician and resident of Mexico joins Neil in the August edition of The Paranormal Peep Show, to discuss his own personal Paranormal experiences initially that took place in his birth town of Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire, UK, and then later on in Mexico where he got married and presently lives there with his wife and family. We discuss the 'Woke' of various TV shows and films, and then move on to the Woo! Gary has experienced ghosts and UFOS and shares those stories with us and also discusses the strange mind and reality-altering substance Ayahuasca . In Part Two, we change locations and move out of the studio, to location and meet up with Paranormal UK Radio's founders Mark Johnson and Irene Allen at a pub near Stonehenge. Mark has been visiting the UK for the first time and has been given a tour of some of the sites and Stonehenge was on his bucket of places to visit. We discuss this and other sites like Avebury, Tomb of the Eagles, and discuss other strange phenomena like time slips, ghost Maids, haunted hotels, haunted highways and much much more!This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
17/08/2023 • 2 heures, 9 minutes, 39 secondes
My Side of the Crystal Ball - Revisiting Alien Experiences with Lesley Mitchell-Clarke
On this week’s episode, Robert is joined with Lesley Mitchell-Clarke, certified Hypnotherapist who specializes in helping alien abductees. Lesley’s expertise are focused on regressing people back to their experiences being abducted by other world beings and helps them cope, heal, and explore their experiences. Lesley gives us insight on the wide range of alien experiences that people can have, and how you might have had a similar experience as well. Enjoy this fantastic episode of My Side of the Crystal Ball! Lesley Mitchell-Clarke Email: [email protected] Facebook: Lesley Mitchell-Clarke Books: Where to find Robert Lindsy Milne!Website- Facebook- Instagram- @rlm_1949TikTok- @mysideofthecrystalball Email- [email protected] show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
16/08/2023 • 1 heure, 10 minutes, 45 secondes
Paranormal UK Radio Show - UK Special Show
In a special show Mark travels to the UK to spend time with Irene, meeting her in person for the first time after working together for over ten years. In their travels they hook up with Neil Geddes-Ward, researcher and co-host of the Paranormal Peep Show here on the PAUK Radio Network, and have a chat in an old English pub about all things paranormal. Later in the show, they interview Glynn Bennetts, owner of the Mansell Arms Pub in Drefach, Wales which is extremely haunted. They then wrap up the show talking about Irene's infamous Demon Ring of Amalfitana which Mark finally gets to examine in person. Don't miss out on this wonderful show that was a true experience for Mark's first visit to the UK.This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
16/08/2023 • 1 heure, 51 minutes, 43 secondes
6 Degrees of John Keel - Mountaineers Are Always Weird with Jason Ruehl
From host BarbaraMountaineers Are Always Weird with Jason RuehlA fellow West Virginia Native, Jason does the Esoteric Book Club Podcast. He has a history degree, he teaches kids woodcraft and lore and is a true son of the mountains. Bigfoot, monsters, ghosts, ghost lights and. more show up in this episode. He comes with lots of stories to tell and we didn’t even scratch the surface of them. Don’t worry, though, because he’ll be coming back! Enjoy!This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
15/08/2023 • 1 heure, 46 minutes, 21 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-files - The Most Gruesome Haunting Ever?
The gang talks to Chris Ahr, NOAA investigator and the inspiration for Mack’s “Codename Starman” novels, about his burgeoning Hollywood career. Raven on the sickening history of a concert hall in the Philippines. Switch on the day UFO creatures invaded Rome, Ohio. Plus, Mack reviews Oppenheimer and JJ reveals why he could never play guitar for the Hollywood Vampires.This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
11/08/2023 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 31 secondes
Eleanor Wagners Strange and Scary World - Demonologist GP Haggart
World-renowned exorcist and Doctor of Theology with over 30 years of experience casting out demons, GP Haggart has appeared on The Dead Files and A Haunting in Saginaw, Michigan, with cases as seen on the television shows My Ghost Story and Paranormal Witness. He is an author of true-account stories on the Michigan Dogman and the mind of the serial killer.This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
10/08/2023 • 45 minutes, 52 secondes
Seventh Sanctum - The Witch in the Tree: The Hagley Woods Mystery
‘Who put Bella down the Wych Elm?’ - The Hagley Woods Mystery. Graffiti can still found in a sleepy village near Birmingham, UK today, following the gruesome discovery of a body inside an elm tree in the 18th of April 1943, but who put her there?! We explore witchcraft and occultism, the last execution within the Tower of London and Espionage... However, the same question still remains since the 1940’s,"Who put Bella in the Witch Elm and why?"This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
10/08/2023 • 46 minutes, 25 secondes
The Afterlife Files - Retrieving Lost Souls with Kevin Jeffers
Kevin Jeffers shares his experiences as a soul traveler, healer, and energy specialist. He has set out to teach people how to achieve spiritual freedom through a unique expression of consciousness. Kevin has been helping people retrieve their lost or incomplete souls through the process of passing over, for many years. His new book “The Pattern: An Exploration of Consciousness” points to a pathway for people to experience more self-awareness and manifestation.Enjoy this soulful episode of The Afterlife Files!Where to find Kevin Jeffers:Book: to find Scott:Website- https://neardeathmeditations.comFacebook- The Afterlife FilesInstagram- @theafterlifefilesTiktok- @theafterlifefilesThis show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
09/08/2023 • 50 minutes, 52 secondes
Paranormal UK Radio Show - Bruce Gernon: Bermuda Triangle Survivor
Irene and Mark talk with pilot and author Bruce Gernon about his new book Bermuda Triangle Survivor about his flight and experiences through the Bermuda Triangle in 1970.This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
09/08/2023 • 1 heure, 8 minutes, 9 secondes
High Strangeness Factor - Tim Swartz: Mimics
Steve and Andy are joined by aunthor and broadcaster Tim R. SwartzTim R. Swartz is an Indiana native and an Emmy-Award winning television producer and videographer. He is also the author of ‘Gef The Talking Mongoose: The Eighth Wonder of the World,’ ‘Alien Artifacts,’ ‘The Lost Journals of Nikola Tesla,’ ‘Tim R. Swartz's Big Book of Incredible Alien Encounters,’ ‘Time Travel: Fact Not Fiction,’ and many others. As a photojournalist, Tim has travelled extensively and investigated paranormal phenomena and other unusual mysteries in such diverse locations as the Great Pyramid in Egypt to the Great Wall in China. He has also appeared on the History Channel programs ‘The Tesla Files,’ ‘Ancient Aliens’; ‘Ancient Aliens: Declassified’ and the History Channel Latin America series ‘Contacto Extraterrestre.’ His articles have been published in magazines such as ‘Fate,’ ‘Strange,’ ‘Atlantis Rising,’ ‘UFO Universe,’ ‘Mysteries,’ ‘Renaissance,’ and ‘Unsolved UFO Reports.’ His most recent book is ‘Mimics – The Others Among Us.’Tim is also the co-host of the radio show The Paracast along with Gene Steinberg. - www.theparacast.comThis show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
08/08/2023 • 1 heure, 20 minutes, 3 secondes
Paranormal Dimensions - Mark Olly Talks Europe's Roswell
David Young talks with Mark Olly about Europe's Roswell and more...This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
07/08/2023 • 1 heure, 12 minutes, 20 secondes
6 Degrees of John Keel - Bigfoot and Little Men with Lucinda Morel
From Host Barbara"Hello, everyone! Lucinda and I talked and recorded months ago, but it turned out that the episode had recording anomalies in it. (Are we surprised by this? No, we aren’t. Seriously, electronic stuff just messes up around me.)So we had to get back together and talk again and this time it worked! And I’m glad it did because Lucinda’s stories are all wonderful. Bigfoot, and Fairies and caramels and Little People and close encounters, UFOs—it’s all there and its all good. And we talk about food, too."This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
01/08/2023 • 1 heure, 34 minutes, 10 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - The Haunted Submarine
The gang is back with a new show. Switch reports on the case of a haunted German submarine from World War One. Channeler Barbara With on her recent conversations with Princess Di and Albert Einstein. Plus an interview with the ghost-hunting crew, Culz Paranormal Studio, Juan-Juan reviews the latest Hollywood Vampires show & Raven explains why she dislikes her new hair-do.This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
30/07/2023 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 41 secondes
Eleanor Wagner's Strange and Scary World - Monsters with Josh Nanocchio
Eleanor Wagner discusses Monsters with Josh Nanocchio.This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
27/07/2023 • 54 minutes, 23 secondes
High Strangeness Factor - Linda Sigman & Chris Parsons: The Mothman
Steve is joined by guest co-host Cohost - Creature Seeker (While Andy remains neck deep in boxes following his move) To talk Linda Sigman & Chris Parsons, discussing, among other things, Linda's Mothman sighting during the mid 60's when she was 16, possible encounters with MIBs & present possible bigfoot activity near their house in Parkersburg. Join us for an interesting and positively paranormal debate full of high strangenessThis show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
26/07/2023 • 2 heures, 5 minutes, 50 secondes
Paranormal UK Radio Show - The Alaskan Triangle with Mike Ricksecker
Irene was off this week, so Mark talks with author and researcher Mike Ricksecker about his book "Alaska's Mysterious Triangle" and the different paranormal phenomenon recorded througout the state.This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
26/07/2023 • 58 minutes, 24 secondes
Paranormal Dimensions - Crop Circles with Gary King
David Young talks with researcher Gary King about Crop Circles.This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
24/07/2023 • 1 heure, 24 minutes, 54 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - Man Abducted by Space Monkeys!
In a fan favorite show, Raven reports on the bizarre deaths of the Hamar-Daban hikers and their connection to the Russian military. Podcaster Jessie Kwasney tells a very strange monkey-related UFO abduction story. Also, fan letters to the show, why Raven loved GI Joes growing up and Juan-Juan’s tips on dating a vampire.This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
22/07/2023 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 41 secondes
Paranormal Peep Show - Randy Walsh - Apollo Hoax: Hidden in Plain Sight
Neil and Andrew talk with guest Randy Walsh about his research into the Apollo Moon missions and approaches the idea of the alleged hoax from the view point of his career of a professional pilot. He also discusses the strange research he found concerning the lack of safe testing of the F1 engines on the Saturn V rocket. Also discussed are Neil's research into military training films and how the British Intelligence allegedly stole a film from the Russians. Also discussed is the idea of aliens on the moon, the Kennedy assignation, Greys, Reptilians and Simon Parkes!This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
21/07/2023 • 1 heure, 47 minutes, 37 secondes
High Strangeness Factor - Bill and Jaci Kousoulas
Steve talks with Bill & Jaci Kousoulas who wrote 'Bridging the Tragedy' about the aftermath of the Silver Bridge Tragedy that immediaterl followed the Mothman sightings in Point Pleasent.Bill & Jaci interviewed several people that experienced the event.This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
20/07/2023 • 1 heure, 2 minutes, 15 secondes
Paranormal UK Radio Show - Heir of the Witch with Victoria Bell
Irene and Mark talk with film maker Victoria Bell about her new movie "Heir of the Witch" which is inspired by her own story of growing up in Moldova with her paternal grandmother who was an evil witch. The film will be available on streaming platforms everywhere starting on August 4th.Heir of the Witch Trailer: show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
19/07/2023 • 49 minutes, 45 secondes
My Side of the Crystal Ball - Alien Skeptic to Believer with Preston Dennett
On this week’s episode, Robert is joined with Preston Dennett to share his extra terrestrial encounters which lead to his interest and fascination with UFO investigation. Preston began as a paranormal skeptic until he realized how many people close to him have had their own paranormal experiences. Since then, Preston has set out to help heal, teach, and guide people through their other worthy experiences. WWRS: (2:20) Seeing the World How We Are The Expert’s Chair (8:40): Preston Dennett Website: Youtube: Books: Where to find Robert Lindsy Milne!Website- Facebook- Instagram- @rlm_1949TikTok- @mysideofthecrystalballEmail- [email protected] show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
18/07/2023 • 1 heure, 18 minutes, 24 secondes
Mack Maloneys Miitary X-Files - Ghosts Dragons and Trolls
In a new show, the gang goes back to school for Veronika’s Weird History Lessons. UFO author & researcher Preston Dennett talks about how UFOs are strangely attracted to drive-in movie theaters. Switch identifies the cowardly troll who’s been making his life miserable lately. Winners of the “War of Dragons” free book giveaway are announced.This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
14/07/2023 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 41 secondes
Eleanor Wagner's Strange and Scary World - Reverend Kristina Rake
Reverend Mother Kristina Rake is well-versed in science and the supernatural, demonology and history of the occult, as well as theology and physics among other things. She’s an Archbishop, author, speaker, wife, mother and a paranormal investigator. She’s a consultant for MGM studios, and has been featured in numerous documentaries and podcasts, including The Attached on Amazon Prime, which has won 17 international filmmaking awards.This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
13/07/2023 • 55 minutes, 49 secondes
Paranormal UK Radio Show - The Bigfoot/Alien Connection
Irene and Mark talk with film maker Ronald C. Meyer and author Mark Reeder about their research into the connection between aliens, Bigfoot, high strangeness and interdimensional portals.This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
12/07/2023 • 1 heure, 6 minutes, 2 secondes
The Afterlife Files - After Death Encounters with Rich Baumann
Rich Baumann is an old colleague of Scott’s and has joined the Afterlife Files to tell an incredible story of his ADC (after death communication) with his wife who passed away last year. This story will give you chills and will expand your view on what afterlife communication can look like in this world. Where to find Scott: Website- https://neardeathmeditations.comFacebook- The Afterlife FilesInstagram- @theafterlifefilesTiktok- @theafterlifefilesThis show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
11/07/2023 • 20 minutes, 10 secondes
Paranormal Dimensions - Dimensional Travelers with Dave Hunt & Phil Graham
David Young discusses Dimensional Travelers with Dave Hunt & Phil GrahamThis show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
10/07/2023 • 1 heure, 49 minutes, 14 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - The Roswell & Rumble Show
Back by popular demand, Mack & Coco square off while reviewing “Top Gun 2.” UFO researcher Dr. Bob Gross discusses the man-made materials found at the Roswell. Switch on a 1920s UFO crash which led to an early appearance of the Men in Black, and a discussion about Raven’s attire on the show. Special Guest: Pistol Pete Falconi.This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
07/07/2023 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 41 secondes
Twin Souls - Mark Anderson: Paranormal Studies and the A.I. Assistance
Ronald and Phillip talk with Mark Anderson about his Paranormal Studies and the A.I. Assistance.This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
29/06/2023 • 1 heure, 3 minutes, 21 secondes
Eleanor Wagner's Strange and Scary World - UFOs and the Paranormal with Nomar Slevik
Author, Ufologist and paranormal researcher Nomar Slevik has been fascinated by all things paranormal since childhood, beginning with a UFO encounter he had at 4 years old. Because of that experience, his life's passion has been to research, investigate, write, and share extraterrestrial encounters from everyday people in a way that conveys the human element of profoundly strange encounters.This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
29/06/2023 • 1 heure, 5 minutes, 49 secondes
Paranormal UK Radio Show - Lucid Dreams with Von Braschler
Mark talks with author Von Braschler about his new book/scroll on Lucid Dreams.This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
28/06/2023 • 58 minutes, 14 secondes
My Side of the Crystal Ball - Manifesting Spirituality and Synchronicity with Stephanie Forlini
On this week’s episode, Stephanie joins Robert to delve into her journey transitioning from an academic, left brain lifestyle into embracing her spiritual and intuitive nature and the synchronicities that she has experienced her whole life. She has since transformed her world view and shifted into a mode of trying to explain the unexplained through exploring and writing theories in new reality, quantum physics, reality shifting, and above all else looking for answers! WWRS: (3:07) Dog Walk Thoughts Expert’s Chair: (4:42)Stephanie Forlini Tiktok: @stephanieamber07Website: Stephanieforlini.comYouTube: Stephanie ForliniInstagram: steph_forlini Where to find Robert Lindsy Milne!Website- Facebook- Instagram- @rlm_1949TikTok- @mysideofthecrystalballEmail- [email protected] show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
28/06/2023 • 1 heure, 25 minutes, 1 secondes
Paranormal Concept Show - Ghost Hunting 'Tools of the Trade'
In this episode of The Paranormal Concept Show we take a look at paranormal equipment and what the pit falls are in regards to where you place your hard earned moneyThis show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
26/06/2023 • 1 heure, 46 minutes, 42 secondes
Paranormal Dimensions - Gari Jones: The Denbigh Lights
David Young talks with researcher Gari Jones about the Denbigh Lights phenomena.This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
26/06/2023 • 1 heure, 18 minutes, 38 secondes
The Afterlife Files - Healing the World Through Consciousness with Stephan A. Schwartz
Stephan A. Schwartz talks with Scott about all things consciousness with the scholarly knowledge he has accumulated on the topic during his decades of research in cognitive studies and behavioral research. Being an experimentalist and a distinguished scholar in the field, Stephan sets out to show people how we can adapt the direction of culture to be more passionate, life-affirming, fulfilling while fostering the wellbeing of the world. Where to find Stephen Schwartz: Where to find Scott: Website- https://neardeathmeditations.comFacebook- The Afterlife FilesInstagram- @theafterlifefilesTiktok- @theafterlifefiles Produced by LITM Media [email protected] show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
21/06/2023 • 1 heure, 9 minutes, 37 secondes
Paranormal Peep Show - Non-Human Origins with Ben Emlyn-Jones and Philip Kinsella
Neil and Andy talk Non Human Entities with Philip Kinsella and Ben Emlyn Jones.This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
16/06/2023 • 1 heure, 30 minutes, 9 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - When UFOs Were Foo Fighters
The gang takes a deep dive into the Foo Fighters, unidentified flying objects reported by pilots in combat in every theater of World War II. Also, an interview with the paranormal research group, “Your Illegitimate Grandpa,” plus Switchy does the show under the influence of painkillers. Special Guest: Phil Yebz.This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
16/06/2023 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 41 secondes
Eleanor Wagner's Strange and Scary World - Florida Bigfoot with Brad Bertelli
Every area has their own version of Bigfoot, and Key Largo in Florida is no exception. After an incident in 1977, Florida’s Bigfoot was dubbed the Skunk Ape – also known as Swamp Cabbage Man, Swampsquatch and the Florida Bigfoot. The Skunk Ape is a cryptid ape-like creature alleged by cryptozoologists to inhabit forests and swamps in the southeastern United States. Brad Bertelli penned a book based on the original incident. He discusses its history and what he believes about its existence.This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
15/06/2023 • 34 minutes, 4 secondes
My Side of the Crystal Ball - Talk About Tilly
This week’s episode is a special and extended edition of WWRS. Robert shares an intimate and personal story about his beloved dogs and how they completely changed his life. Robert goes through a journey with each of his dogs that in turn has led to a lot of pain but also a lot of joy as well. Where to find Robert Lindsy Milne!Website- Facebook- Instagram- @rlm_1949TikTok- @mysideofthecrystalballEmail- [email protected] show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
13/06/2023 • 39 minutes, 12 secondes
Paranormal Dimensions - Cosmic Awakening with Mary Rodwell
David talks with guest Mary Rodwell about the current cosmic awakening.This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
12/06/2023 • 1 heure, 2 minutes, 29 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - Confessions of a Ghost Hunter
The gang talks to Bill Powers of Grim Reaper Paranormal about his many years of hunting ghosts. Also, Switch reports on the latest Monster Fest and the movie, “Mars Attacks!” Plus, Raven reveals how she watches orbs flying around her house late at night, Clubb opens up about his Twinkie addiction and Juan-Juan tries to channel his inner Yankee Doodle Dandy. (Contains adult themes.)This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
09/06/2023 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 41 secondes
Paranormal UK Radio Show - UFO Whistleblower with Simeon Hein, PhD.
Irene and Mark talk with Simeon Hein, PhD. about the recent UFO whistleblower and former military officer David Charles Grusch's recent revelations of how the US Government has retrieved dozens of UFO's over the years and the ensuing cover-up.This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
07/06/2023 • 54 minutes, 28 secondes
The Afterlife Files - The Humor of Hospice with Ron Culberson
In his career in clinical social work, Ron Culberson has found a niche for himself by bringing humor and light to a field which can be very dark and intense. The hospice experience is known to be very difficult for the patients and their families, which inspired Ron to incorporate his inclination of humor into his work in hospice. Ron has managed to bring out a lighter perspective on everything that leads up to a near death experience, being the process of death and dying. Ron’s mission is to show people who are struggling with death or dying, what it means to be alive. Where to find Ron Culbertson: Website- Where to find Scott: Website- https://neardeathmeditations.comFacebook- The Afterlife FilesInstagram- @theafterlifefilesTiktok- @theafterlifefiles Produced by LITM Media [email protected] show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
06/06/2023 • 50 minutes, 23 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - The Case of the Fallen Angels
The gang discusses the life of paranormal author, John Keel, and the questions he raised in his writings. Are fairies really fallen angels? Why are UFOs seen mostly on Wednesdays and Saturdays? What is the meaning of the mysterious number sequence: 39-75-52? Also, Raven visits a ghost town in the middle of Pennsylvania. Special guest: Keel podcaster Barbara Richer.This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
06/06/2023 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 41 secondes
Eleanor Wagners Strange and Scary World - Gerard Aartsen
Gerard Aartsen discusses his book about George Adamski, a Polish-American author who became widely known in ufology circles after he displayed numerous photographs in the 40s and 50s that he said were of alien spacecraft flown by friendly Space Brothers with whom he took flights with to the Moon and other planets. He talks extensively about how the man was essentially systematically robbed of his credibility then, but cleared today as evidence is continuously revealed and unearthed daily.This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
01/06/2023 • 48 minutes, 26 secondes
Paranormal UK Radio Show - Ghosts and More Ghosts
Irene and Mark talk about their ghostly experiences.This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
31/05/2023 • 59 minutes, 7 secondes
My Side of the Crystal Ball - Fairies, Folklore, and Mystical Creatures with Morgan Daimler
Morgan joins Robert to talk about all things fairies, folklore, and Irish mythology. She is well versed on the topic of Irish Fairy Faith and gives an insight into this magical world. Morgan has written dozens of books on these topics, both fiction and non-fiction. Through her personal experiences, she offers a portal to a world that typically has a stigma surrounding it. Enjoy this mystical and fascinating episode! WWRS: (3:30) One Door Closes, Another One Opens The Expert’s Chair: (17:13)Morgan Daimler Blog: Facebook: Instagram: @morgandaimler Amazon Books: Where to find Robert Lindsy Milne! Website- Facebook- Instagram- @rlm_1949 TikTok- @mysideofthecrystalballEmail- [email protected] show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
30/05/2023 • 56 minutes, 9 secondes
Twin Souls - Paul Sinclair: UFO Encounters & Documentary
Ronald and Phillip Kinsella talk with best selling author Paul Sinclair. It's a great show, with Paul discussing his encounters, along with their upcoming documentary, WOLFLANDS.This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
30/05/2023 • 1 heure, 3 minutes, 49 secondes
Paranormal Dimensions - Life after Death with Anthony Peake
David Young talks with Anthony Peake about life after death.This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
29/05/2023 • 1 heure, 2 minutes, 48 secondes
Mack Msloney's Military X-Files - What Day Will The UFOs Finally Land?
The gang talks to Shane Grove of the “From the Shadows” podcast about whether UFOs are waiting for a certain date before they reveal themselves. Also, banned fan letters for the gang, a preview of “Raven’s Scary Movie Hour,” Mack talks about living with a Boston accent and Lonely Larry tells the joke about a tick who died of malnutrition. (Adult Content)This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
26/05/2023 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 41 secondes
My Side of the Crystal Ball - The Humor of Hospice with Ron Culberson
In his career in clinical social work, Ron Culberson has found a niche for himself by bringing humor and light to a field which can be very dark and intense. The hospice experience is known to be very difficult for the patients and their families, which inspired Ron to incorporate his inclination of humor into his work in hospice. Ron has managed to bring out a lighter perspective on everything that leads up to a near death experience, being the process of death and dying. Ron’s mission is to show people who are struggling with death or dying, what it means to be alive. Where to find Ron Culbertson:Website- Where to find Scott:Website- https://neardeathmeditations.comFacebook- The Afterlife FilesInstagram- @theafterlifefilesTiktok- @theafterlifefiles Produced by LITM Media [email protected]
23/05/2023 • 56 minutes, 9 secondes
Paranormal Dimensions - UFO Wave with Dave Hodrien
David Young talks with Dave Hodrien about a recent UFO Wave.
22/05/2023 • 2 heures, 3 minutes, 12 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - The Horror Next Time...
The gang talks about all things horror, including the Alien movies, horror books and even horror poetry. Also Mack reports on a Homes For Our Troops event he & Lois attended, plus Superfan Susan K asks 10 things everyone wants to know about Juan-Juan. Special guest: Justin Bienvenue.
19/05/2023 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 31 secondes
Eleanor Wagner's Strange and Scary World - Joe and Tim Moon
Joe Moon discusses his paranormal encounter with bigfoot in Mason County Washington in the 90s. His brother, Author Tim Moon, wrote a book loosely based on the encounter. Sensitive to spirit, Joe shares some of his other experiences.
18/05/2023 • 42 minutes, 8 secondes
Paranormal Peep Show - Big Foot, Crop Cirles & Tin Foil with guests Robert Hulse & Beata Van Berkom
Neil and Andy welcome back guest Robert Hulse of Macclesfield UFO Society along with his Canadian Crop Circle researcher friend, Beata Van Berkom, also known as The Tin Foil Hat Lady. Subjects discussed are Crop Circles in Canada and the UK, along with infamous Big Foot, asking are they just big apes or something more? Beata explains why wearing a Tin Foil Hat is for her essential when discussing alternative topics to sceptical friends! #bigfoot #cropcircles #ufos
18/05/2023 • 1 heure, 31 minutes, 36 secondes
My Side of the Crystal Ball -mParanormal Podcasting with Jim Harold
Paranormal Podcasting with Jim Harold | Episode 016On this week’s episode, Jim Harold joins Robert to talk about what it’s like podcasting in the paranormal world, while not necessarily being in the paranormal world. Jim shares his story of how he started his career and became the most popular podcast in the genre. Jim has a total of five books that have been called #1 Supernatural Best Sellers on Amazon multiple times. WWRS: (3:30) Socially Distanced Psychic Readings Part 2The Experts’ Chair: (9:13) Jim HaroldWebsite: https://jimharold.comPodcasts: Books: Where to find Robert Lindsy Milne!Website- Facebook- Instagram- @rlm_1949TikTok- @mysideofthecrystalballEmail- [email protected]
17/05/2023 • 55 minutes, 59 secondes
High Strangeness Factor - Eric Mintel & Dominic Sattal of Bucks County Paranormal
The Return of Bucks County Paranormal. Dogman, UFOs and Indrid Cold.Steve and Andy chat with Dominic Sattal and (eventually) Eric Mintel Discussing all things strange and mysterious from Bucks County Pennsylvania and beyond
16/05/2023 • 1 heure, 15 minutes, 44 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - What’s the Best UFO Case Ever?
The gang goes into the Time Tunnel to discuss what might be the most documented UFO sighting on record. Also, a report on the baffling case of the Ghost Patient of 1945, Hollywood author Gary Olsen and Nurse Kayla call in to discuss their favorite horror movies, Switch channels his inner Mae West and Cobra explains why he’s doing the show “on medication.” Special Guest: Meaghan Reagan.
12/05/2023 • 2 heures, 1 secondes
Bigfoot and the Bunny - Ghost Biker Explorations: Exploring the Paranormal with Miranda Young
Bigfoot and the Bunny talk to Miranda Young of Ghost Biker Explorations. Miranda Young grew up in the Appalachian Mountains of East Tennessee in the very rural town of Robbins. Miranda holds a bachelor's degree in Mass Communications with an emphasis in Journalism & Advertising. Her professional background includes 21 years as a director in marketing, graphic design, and public relations professional. She is also a professional photographer and artist, specializing in drawing historic buildings and monuments. Miranda is the founder, host, producer and marketing executive behind Ghost Biker Explorations, a world recognized web-series which highlights her travels on her motorcycle to historic and haunted locations around the country. She has been featured in numerous magazines and local newspapers, and she has been a guest speaker at events and on podcasts and radio shows across the country. While available on multiple social media platforms, Ghost Biker Explorations is also a popular series on the Mixl04.l ( Mix TV) web-tv platform. In 2021, Miranda co-founded the company History, Highways and Haunts, LLC and co-owns the Historic Scott County Jail true crime museum and paranormal research center in Huntsville, TN.
11/05/2023 • 1 heure, 46 minutes, 40 secondes
The Afterlife Files - Experience the Other Side with Jan Holden
Jan Holden, the current president of the International Association for Near Death Studies, joins Scott to talk about some amazing stories she has relating to the survival of the human soul after death. Jan’s mission as president of IANDS, is to enhance global understanding of NDEs through research education and support. Jan’s experience counseling people who have experienced NDEs, has led her to explore these verified cases of a continued consciousness. Some of the topics that Jan touches on are mind versus body, idealism versus materialism, our purpose in life, and what people perceive during a transpersonal experience or NDE. Where to find Jan Holden: Website: janholden.comIANDS Conference: Where to find Scott: Website- https://neardeathmeditations.comFacebook- The Afterlife FilesInstagram- @theafterlifefilesTiktok- @theafterlifefiles
10/05/2023 • 1 heure, 8 minutes, 23 secondes
Paranormal Dimensions - Arthurian Legends with Mark Olly
David Young talks Arthurian Legends with historian Mark Olly.
08/05/2023 • 1 heure, 2 minutes, 22 secondes
Mack Malony's Military X-Files - The World Will End in 2046
The gang discusses a wide array of doom & gloom topics including a Clubb Report on an enormous asteroid due to hit the Earth in the near future. Raven on the baffling disappearance of college student, Brandon Swanson. Switchy on why it’s always a bad idea to explore an abandoned mine. Dr. Bob Gross on why some people can see UFOs while others can’t. Plus, a report on the strange Haneda UFO Incident. Also, the contest to give away free autographed copies of Mack’s latest book, “War of Dragons,” begins.
05/05/2023 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 41 secondes
Bigfoot and the Bunny - Psychic Mediumship Meets Technology with Medium Sky Raye and Jay W. Prather
Bigfoot and the Bunny welcome Sky Raye and Jay W. Prather to the show. Born as Amy Caprio in central Pennsylvania, Sky Raye is a natural-born Psychic Medium. She is a spiritual healer, teacher, psychic advisor, counselor, evidential medium and self-transformation coach. As a forensic psychic medium, she works with law enforcement on unsolved and missing persons cases. Donating time to help solve missing persons cases is one of the ways she gives back to her community. Sky holds public and virtual events and is a public speaker, spiritual teacher, and intuitive empathic healer. She can read the energies of both the living and the dead. Sky’s devotion to helping to find answers to help explain and help others understand the unknown has always been a passion—- something that started at the age of eight. Her other passion is helping inspire, motivate and guide others on their soul purpose after trauma and loss. Sky discovered her soul purpose through her years of work in behavioral and mental health, both her formal education and personal experiences with the paranormal, and her vast and diverse life experiences. Known for her fine-tuned skill set that she has developed over many years of her journey, Sky is devoted to helping others find answers and better understand the unknown. She works intuitively and energetically with her clients to provide results that are both realistic and tangible. Jay W. Prather is the Owner, Founder, designer and builder for IDC Devices paranormal investigative equipment. He is no stranger to the paranormal, and with over 30 years of experience working with electrical components and electronics, he has been creating personalized, paranormal equipment since 2010. Jay W is not your typical equipment builder, though. His equipment is experimental and meant for seasoned investigators that focus on data, research and correlation among different techniques used in an investigation. Jay W is the creator of the IDC InterComm Box and IDC Direct-Linc, that has been featured on many popular Paranormal TV shows both here in the U.S. as well as abroad, including Ghost Adventures and Haunted Towns with the Tennessee Wraith Chasers, Portals to Hell, Holzer Files and Death Walkers. He concentrates on building equipment that will aid in monitoring the environment during paranormal investigations as well as ITC devices. By 2012, with less than 3 years of building, he realized the severe limitations of the hacked radios, radio kits and just radio/stereos in general he was using as well as the Apps he was creating and so set out to design and build his own tuner/scanners from scratch designed specifically for ITC. This allowed him to bypass these limitations and move ITC forward. Through IDC Devices he offers more than 67 devices and possible combinations for his boxes. Jay W works closely with each individual client to ensure that each piece of equipment meets or exceeds their needs with innovative solutions. He is continuously developing and testing new paranormal investigation equipment to aid those researchers who want to take their research to the next level.
04/05/2023 • 2 heures, 24 minutes, 42 secondes
Eleanor Wagners Strange and Scary World - Eric Extreme
Eric Extreme has an old school approach to paranormal investigating. Researching the paranormal for 30 years and 14 years of empirical investigation experience, he’s the founder and director of the Mount Washington Valley Spirit Scientific Paranormal Investigation Research and Interpretation Team which is a legal non-profit business recognized by the state of New Hampshire as a science consultation service. He and his team will first try and debunk a suspected paranormal event before confirming it as a legitimate paranormal experience.
04/05/2023 • 31 minutes, 34 secondes
PAUK Weekly Show - Joshua Louis and ITC
Irene and Mark talk with researcher Joshua Louis about is techniques with with
03/05/2023 • 1 heure, 11 minutes, 13 secondes
My Side of the Crystal Ball - Paranormal Activity and Spirit Box Recordings
On this week’s episode, Chris and Kristen join Robert to shed light on the less haunting side of the paranormal world. They use different modes of communication with spirits and entities through recorders and spirit boxes. Chris and Kristen were inspired to go down this rabbit hole by their own paranormal events that they have experienced in their lives. This fascination of the mysterious and the unknown turned into paranormal research and the starting of their two podcasts, Bigfoot and the Bunny and Dark Horse Paranormal Podcast. Get ready for real spirit recordings and enjoy! WWRS: (2:51) Socially Distanced Psychic Readings The Experts’ Chair: (14:44) Kristen Johnson & Chris Carr Dark Horse Paranormal: and the Bunny:
02/05/2023 • 1 heure, 11 minutes, 41 secondes
High Strangeness Factor - Mothman and the Silver Bridge Collapse with Bill and Jaci Kousoulas
Steve is joined by Bill & Jaci Kousoulas who wrote ‘Bridging the Tragedy’ about the aftermath of the Silver Bridge Tragedy & interviewed several people that experienced the event. The team has to deal with post traumatic syndrome and other nightmares following the bridge's collapse. But was the collapse linked to the mysterious Mothman sightings in the weeks and months prior to the tragedy
02/05/2023 • 1 heure, 2 minutes, 15 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - Even Stranger, Stranger Things
The gang talks about unexplainable events they’ve experienced in their lives, including finding a quarter in an impossible location, the true story of a vanishing $10 bill and the day an uninvited guest visited Raven’s house. Plus, UFO researcher/Disco King Paul Dale Roberts tells of a bizarre UFO incident at Fort Benning, Georgia, that led to two untimely deaths. Switch reports on Phantom Submarines. Also, the free giveaway contest for Mack’s new book,”War of Dragons” begins.
28/04/2023 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 41 secondes
Bigfoot and the Bunny - Leitreanna Brown
Leitreanna Brown, a paranormal investigator, shaman, storyteller, and public speaker, is a native Southerner who is well acquainted with ghost stories of the South as her family worked with many of these cases. Her writing has appeared in Paranormal Underground Magazine, Fate Magazine, and Senior Magazine. She appeared on My Ghost Story Caught on Camera, “Nine Lives Husbands Wives,” and Ghost Inside My Child “The Screenwriter and the Soldier Ep.1 Season 1.” Recently, Leitreanna was featured on “Repossessed” as a psychic medium. Leitreanna Terry-Brown, daughter of the late Allen Terry of the Ross Allen Serpentarium and Judy Terry, filmed her first television commercial for Romper Room at the age of 4 years old. She traveled with her father and many other famous celebrities which included the likes of Rick Flair, Elvis Presley, Crystal Gayle, The Bee Gees, and many, many others. Her Paranormal Experience extends back to her family roots for generations where Leitreanna is 4th generation Ghost Hunter. Leitreanna, her husband Matthew Brown, and her children Mia Brown and Elijah Brown, have various degrees of psychic abilities. Her husband, Matthew Brown’s specialty is analytical abilities and fierce technical experience. Matthew also lived in a very violently haunted home as a child and has had practical experience growing up dealing with spiritual activities that many people have never even seen. Leitreanna is a registered Analytical Problem Solving Trainer, a Reiki Master, a Medical Qi Gong attunement 3, does crystal work, has studied chakra orientation, native American Folklore, and is a trained shaman. She is also approved by the church to conduct the rite of exorcism. She and her husband are Founders two paranormal groups. They are Founders of Paranormal Research Organization of the Southeast (PROS) where team members and family members participate in the investigations. They also founded Family Spirit which is an all family investigative team. The radio program that Leitreanna hosts shares the name, Family Spirit International, which has been running for twelve years and is currently on Dreagus Productions, JoshWho, 5 radio stations and also runs internationally. Leitreanna Brown, Matthew Brown, Elijah Brown and Mia Brown – Smith were featured on the cover of Paranormal Underground Magazine and Bite Me Magazine. They were featured on the Bio Chanel’s TV show My Ghost Story Caught on Camera, LMN Network’s the Ghost Inside My Child, and SyFy’s Paranormal Witness. Leitreanna has been featured on numerous radio shows including Coast to Coast, Demonology Today, Paranormal Realities, Voices Carry, Down the Rabbit Hole, Wicken Vixen, The Willie Windtalker Show, Haunted Entertainment, A Haunted Life, Supernatural Realm Radio Show Network, Ghost Mafia, The Haunted Syndicate, and The SCARE Show, Beyond the Grave, Unknown Paranormal Radio, Paranormal Experienced Radio, Paranormal Experienced, Alternative Frequencies, Blogtalk Radio, Paranormal Underground Radio, Renee Live, Ghost Tales Network, and Full Spectrum Radio Network. Leitreanna is a Board Member of Dominion Ministries Outreach Network and is now speaking at paranormal conventions such as Carolina Paracon and The Paranormal Awards Paracon. She hosted the Dixie Ghostland Paracon in South Carolina where 23 paranormal celebrities attended. Some guests on Family Spirit include: Andrea Perron, Author of House of Darkness, House of Light John Zaffis of Haunted Collector Jeff Leeper of Ghost Hunters and Forensically Paranormal Investigations Barry Fitzgerald Lead Investigator of Ghost Hunter’s International Mark and Debby Constantino of Ghost Adventures Keith and Sandra Johnson, Author of Paranormal Realities I and II Booth Brothers, film directors Bill Scott, Author of “When Satan Called” Carl Johnson of TAPS, Animal Planet, and Paranormal State Mike Ricksecker Ghostorian and Author Richard Parnell – Owner and CEO of GTN (Ghost Tales Network) Bill Bean, Demonologist and Author of Dark Force as seen on Ghost Hunters Leon Wilkes, Demonologist and Leader of Spiritual Warfare Alliance Team David Campione – Author of The World’s Greatest UFO/Flying Saucer Documentary Dave Considine Demonologist former apprentice to Ed and Lorraine Warren, Founder of Phantasm Psychic Research he organizes and aids individuals and families whose lives have been affected by the supernatural and preternatural realms. In his spiritual warfare work Considine has collaborated closely with Father Malachi Martin, Father Rama P. Coomaraswamy and Bishop Robert McKenna. Dave is also a consultant for A HAUNTING TV program.
27/04/2023 • 1 heure, 54 minutes, 46 secondes
Twin Souls - Medium and Author Susan Clarke
Ronald and Phillip Kinsella talk withSusan Clarke regarding Spirit and her Inner Voice.
27/04/2023 • 1 heure, 49 secondes
Ghostly Tales of the Unexpected - April 2023 (Final Episode)
Host Simon Entwhistles offers his final accounts of Ghostly Tales of the Unexpected. We wish him all the best.
27/04/2023 • 1 heure, 5 minutes, 56 secondes
The Afterlife Files - Speaking with the Dead with Joshua Louis
Joshua Louis, creator of Hope Paranormal, seeks out and teaches people many interesting ways to connect to spirits using his intuitive skills as a medium alongside the use of technology. Joshua mainly uses a spirit box to communicate with those who have passed on. Joshua reaches out to people’s loved ones as well as receiving messages from deceased celebrities. Not only does Joshua speak with entities, but he also helps them cross over to the next world. Joshua shows us examples of compelling evidence of spirits that he has captured in his spirit box sessions. Where to find Joshua Louis: Website: Tiktok: @hopeparanormal Instagram: @hopeparanormalEvent: August 26-28, New Orleans Where to find Scott: Website- https://neardeathmeditations.comFacebook- Instagram- @theafterlifefiles Produced by LITM Media [email protected]
25/04/2023 • 1 heure, 9 minutes, 53 secondes
Paranormal Dimensions - The Strangest Craft with Colin Saunders
David Young speaks with Colin Saunders about a strange type of UFO/UAP.
24/04/2023 • 1 heure, 12 minutes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - The Beatles Were NOT Aliens
Or were they? A reenforced musical gang gathers for a round of deep-dish Beatles Trivia. Why did so many people hate Paul McCartney’s dog? Who was the least-coolest Beatle? What was “The Butcher Cover Cover-up” Conspiracy? Find out the answers to these questions and many more in a special show featuring Beatle experts Mark Poulin, Barry Wenig & rock critic Rob Ferraro. Special Guest MC, Lois Lane.
21/04/2023 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 41 secondes
The Paranormal Peep Show - Pig Witches ,Poltergeists & Pendle Hill with guest Craig Bryant
Paranormal Pendle Podcast host and author Craig Bryant, joins Andy and Neil on the Paranormal Peep Show for the April 2023 edition. Craig talks about his time working as a barman in the Conservative Club in Accrington, Lancashire, and witnessing a dark ghostly shadow man figure staring at him through a serving hatch. This Hatted shadow man figure had been sighted by other members of staff there in preceding years. Also discussed is the Pendle Witch Trials, which is local to where Craig lives, and how the punishments for just being accused of being a witch led to inhumane treatment and finally death by hanging. In Scotland, they put witches in barrels with internal spikes inside and rolled them down the hill resulting in death. Neil talks about the pig in the middle ages, that was tried as a witch in Germany, presumably resulting in a hog roast at the end!Various ghost theories are discussed, and examined, asking why ghosts appear mostly in doorways. UFOs are also mentioned along with Polgergiest activities, including a haunted piano. Craig Bryant's website can be found at further information on Andy's paranormal medium evenings, go to Tuned In Events group on Facebook or Join us on Facebook as the Paranormal Peep Show group, to discuss this show and other shows and tell us about your ghostly or paranormal happenings. We are part of The Paranormal UK Radio Network which can be found streaming 24 hours a day at your Hosts on the Paranormal Peep Show are Andy Chaplin and Neil Geddes-Ward #ghost #hauntedhouse #shadowman #craig bryant #pendle witch
20/04/2023 • 1 heure, 56 minutes, 7 secondes
6 Degrees of John Keel - High Strangeness at the Movies with Zoe Burnett
From BarbaraMorganna and I love movies, and so does Zoe Burdette. We planned on having an episode about the paranormal in cinema with the three of us, each talking about three films with paranormal themes or stories, and we even recorded it. Alas, the Internet Gods were displeased by the offerings I gave (popcorn, while appropriate for the episode, was not sufficient….maybe I needed to add extra butter) and so Zoe’s track on the episode only recorded intermittently, But this time! This time, Zoe and Barbara got together and recorded the episode, and everything worked out. If you like it, we can always do another episode, and this time get Morganna with us and hey, maybe another guest in addition to Zoe. So, what’s happening in this episode? We talk about films that not only have the theme of paranormal activity or phenomena in them, but which also are centered on a nuclear family. All of the films involve small children directly and it’s interesting to watch this dynamic play out in different settings and time periods. Horror films often gain a lot of their juju from the complex dynamics of family life. Parents are doing the best they can with what is happening, children bring energy into the situation and are often the threatened parties, and sometimes, we are reminded that the real monsters are other humans—not ghosts, aliens, demons or cryptids. Or, for that matter, Pagans, Witches, or other humans who have been pushed to the margins of the dominant society and demonized for ages.
20/04/2023 • 1 heure, 56 minutes, 57 secondes
Eleanor Wagner's Strange and Scary World - Paranormal Dimensions with David Young
David Young – one of Paranormal UK’s own and Host of Paranormal Dimensions discusses his career and what led him to host his own show.
20/04/2023 • 59 minutes, 20 secondes
My Side of the Crystal Ball - Finding Your Spiritual Guide
On this week’s episode, fellow psychic Nicole Antoinette delves into how she came into her psychic and intuitive skills that quickly turned her passion and career. Upon her success, she now has a platform to share her message of embracing the spiritual nature and gifts. She hopes to inspire people to come into their own psychic abilities and intuition to combat the feeling of doubt. She discusses the strong feeling of self doubt within this world and how to combat and control those feelings by channeling them into psychic abilities. WWRS (3:00): The Expert’s Chair (3:50):Nicole Antoinette Guillaume Website- Instagram- Youtube- Facebook- Where to find Robert Lindsy Milne! Website- Facebook- Instagram- @rlm_1949TikTok- @mysideofthecrystalball Email- [email protected] Music Credits: All that, Downtown, Hip Jazz This Electro Swing Music Standard License Purchase code: f48e89ed-f2f0-4998-b81c-f7a4f2f31307
18/04/2023 • 1 heure, 8 minutes, 58 secondes
Seventh Sanctum - Witchcraft: 3 Historic Cases
Join Kerry Ann in her premier show discussing three historic cases connected with Withcraft!
18/04/2023 • 54 minutes, 5 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - Oh No! It’s Ogo-Pogo!
The gang talks to paranormal researcher Jason Hewlett about his upcoming documentary on Ogo-Pogo, Canada’s Loch Ness monster. Scott & Amber Rose of the long-running Ghostly Talk podcast relate their favorite ghost stories from over the years. Also the Mysterious Ashley G reports on different ways Big Pharma is killing us. Plus, Top 10 Reasons Juan-Juan wishes he was Switch.
14/04/2023 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 41 secondes
Bigfoot and the Bunny - KD and Katy Stafford of Supernatural InK
Bigfoot and the Bunny welcome the Return of the Technomancers: KD and Katy Stafford who make up Supernatural Ink- Supernatural InK is a paranormal, R&D investigative team. They are “Parahistorians” who have unique research skills.They are the creators of the Nanocom, Nanocom 2, InK Boxes, The Ghost Helmet, InK Boxes and more...Featured on the Travel Channel, Co-founder K.D. Stafford was in five out of eight episodes & custom built equipment for Portals to Hell and is the technical consultant featured on Ghosts of Morgan City and was a cast member on Ghosts of the Devil's Perch as well as being featured on Mysteries Decoded. Katy is an avid historian and has been featured in several documentaries and recently won an award for her editorial by the Academy of Interactive & Visual Arts. Supernatural Ink Paranormal conducts research into unexplained occurrences, through the means of various equipment that is used in the paranormal field, we have a well known intuitive that uses their abilities to asses areas of interest. Supernatural InK goes further than that with their investigative techniques. Researchers of Supernatural Ink provoke historical references through out time to pin point what time period is causing unexplained occurrences. Thus corresponding historical documented facts with our intuitive's explanations. This helps to bring in certain trigger objects to provoke answers and direct responses. Supernatural InK, also builds their own communication devices through theories that were presented in history. They use environmental equipment that meteorologist and engineers use to measure the environment. (Barometric pressure, surface/ambient sound and temperature, humidity)
13/04/2023 • 1 heure, 56 minutes, 32 secondes
The Afterlife Files - Experiencing Black Light with Gary Cocciolillo
Gary Cocciolillo’s life changed forever one day at work when he collapsed and had a seizure which led to him having a near death experience. Gary goes on to explain how he had a rare type of NDE called a black light NDE. This experience of being free from your physical body, time, and fear. Gary has an incredible perspective on NDEs through his own black light journey and shares with us how the duality of love and fear transcends our lives in the physical world. Where to find Gary Podcast: Everything Imaginable Where to find Scott: Website- https://neardeathmeditations.comFacebook- @theafterlifefiles Produced by LITM Media [email protected]
11/04/2023 • 45 minutes, 55 secondes
Paranormal Dimensions - Alien Technology Identified with James Francis Welsh
David Young talks with James Francis Welsh on his research in identifying alien technology.
10/04/2023 • 2 heures, 37 minutes, 39 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - Roswell Mystery Finally Solved
The gang is joined by Dr. Bob Gross who explains why the debris at Roswell could not have been extraterrestrial. UFO author Chris Bledsoe recounts how his life changed dramatically after having an abduction experience. Switch reports on a very tiny troll who’s trying to derail his train to success. Plus, Top 10 Reasons why there is no Top 10 list on this show. Also, a bonus segment of the gang’s best bloopers. (Warning: Adult content.)
07/04/2023 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 41 secondes
Eleanor Wagner's Strange and Scary World - Talking Bigfoot with Andre Verge
Did you say Bigfoot?!! Hear this true-account Bigfoot story that took place in Northern New Jersey. Andre Verge talks about true events and how they affect those involved in the occurrences unfolding around them. When sharing his Bigfoot experience, he takes the reader on a frightening journey. Like the stories told by his native Abenaki ancestors, he brings you into the center of the tale and talks from his personal point of view.
06/04/2023 • 26 minutes, 16 secondes
6 Degrees of John Keel - Contacting Fairies with Octavian Graves
Octavian asked Barbara a question: Is there a safe way to seek contact with fairies? It's a question many people might have, so we made an episode about it.
06/04/2023 • 1 heure, 33 minutes, 49 secondes
Bigfoot and the Bunny - Psychic Medium Christopher Brown
Bigfoot and the Bunny welcome back friend and psychic medium, Christopher Brown...“Mediumship is a language. Spoken from love to those who still remain.” -CB Christopher was born in Portland Maine and became aware of spiritual energy from an early age. Spirit communication on the other hand was something he never thought he’d do. Living for many years in an extremely haunted house, this sparked his love and interest in the paranormal. After investigating an old Seminary in Maine he discovered his ability as a Psychic Medium. This led him to discover spirituality which he is now an Independent Spiritualist Minister as well as Reiki master teacher. Ever since he has studied mediumship and psychic work as well as Metaphysics. From platform and gallery readings to personal one on one readings, Rev. Christopher attends fairs and events across the country giving meaningful messages from the spirit world and sharing his knowledge of the paranormal. He is also working as a paranormal consultant for teams to help with validation. He’s currently working on book called “I F@cking knew it!” and working towards filming a web series with Toby Hartford called Soul Searching
05/04/2023 • 1 heure, 3 minutes, 37 secondes
My Side of the Crystal Ball - Erasing the Stigma of Being Psychic with Debra Lynne Katz
On this week’s episode, Robert has an insightful conversation with Ph.D Psychic, Debra Lynne Katz, about the stigma surrounding being in this line of work. Debra talks about discovering her psychic abilities growing up and how she harnessed those skills throughout her life and career. Among many of Debra’s accomplishments, she recently became a Ph.D establishing the legitimacy of clairvoyant and psychic work. You won’t want to miss this amazing show! WWRS (2:30) The Expert's Chair (7:08):Debra Lynne Katz Website- Facebook- Debra Lynne Katz Instagram- @debra_lynne_katz_psychic Where to find Robert Lindsy Milne! Website- Facebook- Instagram- @rlm_1949 TikTok- @mysideofthecrystalball Email- [email protected]
04/04/2023 • 1 heure, 12 minutes, 48 secondes
Paranormal Concept Show - History and Hauntings of York
This week on The Paranormal Concept Show we delve into the history and hauntings of York
03/04/2023 • 2 heures, 2 minutes, 46 secondes
Paranormal Dimensions - Paranormal UK Show Co-Host Mark Johnson
David Young talks with Mark Johnson, paranormal researcher and co-host of the Paranormal UK Radio show about a variety of paranormal topics. Don't miss out on this fascinating episode!
03/04/2023 • 1 heure, 49 minutes, 8 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - What To Do If Your House is Haunted
The gang talks to Eric Vanderlaan of War Party Paranormal about what to do if there’s a ghost in your house who just won’t leave. Tech expert & video game producer Greg Masto explains some of the dangers lurking in the new world of Artificial Intelligence. UFO researcher & empath Valerie Lofaso talks about her new book, an upcoming secret project and why she became a redhead. Also, Top Ten Reasons Coco is in Alaska. Special guest: Ollie Masto.
31/03/2023 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 31 secondes
Twin Souls - Colin Saunders: Triangular UFOs of the United Kingdom
Ronald and Phillip Kinsella talk with author Colin Saunders about his book "Triangular UFOs of the United Kingdom".
30/03/2023 • 1 heure, 3 minutes, 53 secondes
The Afterlife Files - Experiencing Black Light with Gary Cocciolillo
Dr. Scott Taylor talks to Gary Cocciolillo about how his life changed forever one day at work when he collapsed and had a seizure which lead to him having a near death experience. Gary goes on to explain how he had a rare type of NDE called a black light NDE. This experience of being free from your physical body, time, and fear. Gary has an incredible perspective on NDEs through his own black light journey and shares with us how the duality of love and fear transcends our lives in the physical world. Where to find GaryPodcast: Everything Imaginable Where to find Scott:Website- https://neardeathmeditations.comFacebook- @theafterlifefiles
David Young talks with Derek Savory about Rendlesham Entities.
27/03/2023 • 2 heures, 4 minutes, 4 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - The Day a Gorilla Flew a Jet
The gang gets together once again to play World War II Trivia to honor our veterans and “Homes for Our Troops.” How did the U.S. Military keep its first jet fighter top secret? How did the Mafia help the U.S. win World War II? Did Mussolini have a pet chicken named Tony? Find out all this and more plus learn how to donate to Homes for Our Troops. Special guests: Jim Frenkel, Phil Orbanes, U.S. Army Colonel (ret) Bill Ivey, Vietnam veteran Doug Bolick & the Lovely Lois Lane.
24/03/2023 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 31 secondes
Paranormal Pendle - Stu Allen: Ancient Aliens, Fallen Angels and Bigfoot
Craig Bryant talks with Stu Allen about Ancient Aliens, Fallen Angels and Bigfoot.
23/03/2023 • 1 heure, 2 minutes, 4 secondes
Eleanor Wagner's Strange and Scary World - Bart Sibrel: Award-winning filmmaker, writer, and investigative journalist
You WON’T wanna miss this episode! Spine-chilling revelations and frightening facts. Learn why April 13, 2029 is so important. Bart Sibrel is an award-winning filmmaker, writer, and investigative journalist who has been producing television programs, documentaries, music videos, tv commercials, and stage plays for over thirty-five years. He began at the young age of 18 by hosting his own television talk show and didn’t stop there! He went on to create a documentary about the fake moon landing. Tune in to find out the shocking details!
23/03/2023 • 1 heure, 3 minutes, 58 secondes
Paranormal UK Radio Show - Robert Lindsy Milne
Mark talks with podcast host Robert Lindsy Milne about his show My Side of the Crystal Ball.
22/03/2023 • 1 heure, 5 minutes, 29 secondes
My Side of the Crystal Ball - Jill Cole The Secret Behind Spirit Guide Communication
On this episode, Robert speaks with Jill Cole coming all the way from New Zealand with some incredible stories! Jill is an International hypnotherapist, author, medium, public speaker and energy healer. She uses the culmination of skills to help people in ways like connecting with their guides to be able to communicate with spirits and other creatures. Jill revolutionizes a new level of spiritual communication.WWRS (3:22): We see the world not how it is, but how we are!The Main Event (8:10): Jill Cole Website- www.jillcole.orgWhere to find Robert Lindsy Milne!Website- https://robertlindsymilne.comFacebook- @rlm_1949 TikTok- @mysideofthecrystalballEmail- [email protected] Credits: All that, Downtown, Hip Jazz This Electro Swing Music Standard License Purchase code: f48e89ed-f2f0-4998-b81c-f7a4f2f31307
22/03/2023 • 1 heure, 15 minutes, 46 secondes
Paranormal Dimensions - Secrets of Stonehenge with Maria Wheatley
David Young talks with Maria Wheatley about the secrets of Stonehenge.
20/03/2023 • 1 heure, 7 minutes, 5 secondes
Mach Maloney's Military X-Files - When Ghosts Don’t Know That They’re Dead
In a show courtesy of the Way-Back Machine, the gang talks about time travel, confused spirits and a “bottle of trouble.” Also, 10 Questions for Juan-Juan.
17/03/2023 • 2 heures, 11 secondes
Paranormal Peep Show - Stephen Sakellarios
Neil welcomes Stephen Sakellarios back to the Paranormal Peep Show, to discuss a book they have both been reading from 1875, called People of the Other World by Col Henry Steel Olcott. This book is compiled reports Olcott made on the then famous Eddy family of Vermont, USA, who were producing fully materialised spirit manifestations. They discuss how they were investigated and the accusations of hoaxes aimed back at them, plus comparing them to later materialisations inspected by respected scientists who claimed they were real, and the war time medium who was put in prison to stop her bringing back dead sailors, thus affecting security issues for the British War Ministry. Neil also goes into his own experiences of mediumship and some of the hoaxed he has witnessed!
16/03/2023 • 2 heures, 2 minutes, 16 secondes
The Afterlife Files - Dying On A Mountain with Peter Panagore
Rev. Peter Panagore joins Scott to tell his incredibly chilling yet inspiring story about how he froze to death on a mountain and was brought to life to tell the tale. This experience caused a radical shift in Peter’s life from aspiring architect to divinity school where he became a Reverend. Embracing spirituality and anthology along with a life filled of mystical experiences set him on the path of religion. Peter sets out to help people who cannot access the spiritual parts of themselves. Using yoga, prayer, meditation, and energy transmission to create a safe space for people to connect to light and energy. To be continued… Part 2 The story continues… Episode 10 In last week’s episode, we heard Rev. Peter Panagore setting up the story of how he experienced his NDE when he froze to death while ice climbing. Peter uses the same vivid imagery to explain and share his full experience that changed the direction of his entire life path. Peter tapped into his spiritual side and ultimately became a reverend to help other people through life in the physical world, while exploring mysticism as well. Where to find Peter: Website: Youtube: Books on Amazon: Heaven Is Beautiful Where to find Scott: Website- https://neardeathmeditations.comFacebook- @theafterlifefiles Produced by LITM Media [email protected]
14/03/2023 • 1 heure, 23 minutes, 44 secondes
High Strangeness Factor - Cheryl Lynn Carter
Cheryl Lynn Cater returns to discuss the mysterious and downright chilling Skinwalker Ranch and other moments of 'High Strangeness' including some unexpected results from CE-5 (close encounters of the fifth kind) experiments
14/03/2023 • 1 heure, 6 minutes, 2 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - Is There a Government Conspiracy to Control the Sex Lives of Trees
At times almost indescribable, in this show the gang tackles subjects ranging from a monstrous Frogman to whether some trees have lady parts and, if so, is there a government conspiracy dictating which female trees can have sex and which ones cannot. Also, more Black-Eyed Kid pick-up lines for Raven & Superfan Mike Smith with ten reasons why Juan-Juan should return to the USA. Plus, Switch on whether the Grim Reaper is actually a Man-in-Black. Special guests, Author Marc Zappulla and The Mysterious Ashley G. (Adult content)
10/03/2023 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 41 secondes
Eleanor Wagners Strange and Scary World - Psychic Medium William Becker
William Becker is a psychic medium who helps others integrate spirituality into their everyday life through psychic development classes, readings and psychic life coaching. He’s an experienced paranormal investigator who loves to combine his love of history and psychic abilities to open up the world of ghosts, hauntings and other paranormal realms. To top it all off, he’s an author, as well.Instagram: @parnormalinsightsTwitter: @ParaInsights www.parnormalinsights.nethttps://paranormalinsights.us8.list-
09/03/2023 • 1 heure, 12 minutes, 5 secondes
Paranormal UK Radio Show - Adam Gell: Akashic Records
Mark and Irene talk to Adam Gell about his healing work and working with the Akashic Records.
08/03/2023 • 58 minutes, 14 secondes
Bigfoot and the Bunny - Fairies, Witchcraft, Paganism, Celtic and Scandinavian History and Lore with Morgan Daimler
Morgan Daimler returns to Bigfoot and the Bunny! Morgan is the author of forty two books on subjects relating to Irish mythology, Paganism, and Fairies. She has contributed to multiple anthologies and magazines as well as taught workshops on these topics across the United States and internationally.
08/03/2023 • 1 heure, 26 minutes, 26 secondes
My Side of the Crystal Ball - How to Communicate with Angels
This week on The Expert's Chair is Susan Walter who is an Intuitive Visionary Artist. After having a near death experience as a child, Susan was given the ability to see into the Angelic Realms allowing her to see the angles in their pure light form. Susan shares how communication with angels manifests in symbols and even different languages. Susan continues to embrace her angels that guide her despite the disbelief of her family and community. Sara Troy, owner of Self Discovery Media and Community, is the guest on Main Event as well as, a sharer of the wisdom that has been accumulated through our global podcasts from those who are making a positive difference in the lives of others so they can step into actionsim. Sara takes us on a metaphoric journey, discussing how color coincides with a person’s personality and can help them guide their lives. Enjoy!WWRS (2:45): Freewill and the power that it gives you.Expert’s Chair (10:26):Susan Walter Website- https://www.susanwalterart.comMain Event (38:26):Sara Troy Website- Podcast- to find Robert Lindsy Milne!Website- https://robertlindsymilne.comFacebook- @rlm_1949TikTok- @mysideofthecrystalballEmail- [email protected] Credits: All that, Downtown, Hip Jazz This Electro Swing Music Standard License Purchase code: f48e89ed-f2f0-4998-b81c-f7a4f2f31307
07/03/2023 • 1 heure, 24 minutes, 16 secondes
Paranormal Dimensions - The Binary Factor with Jim Penniston & Gary Osborn
David young discusses The Binary Factor with Jim Penniston & Gary Osborn.
06/03/2023 • 1 heure, 49 minutes, 20 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - Clubb, UFOs and the Strange Case of the Hexham Heads
The gang is joined by Superfan Susan K as they discuss a number of topics including two “alien” skulls found in the UK and bizarre cryptids in our distant past. Also, ten questions for Willy Clubb, a surprise visit from Pistol Pete Falconi and Mack feels an earthquake while on the air.
03/03/2023 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 31 secondes
Bigfoot and the Bunny - Alien Abduction Phenomena and Support with Author Les Velez
Chris Carr and Kristen Johnson discuss Alien Abduction Phenomena and Support with Author Les Velez. Lester will share stories and discuss OPUS, the Organization for Paranormal Understanding and Support, as well as its mission: to reach out and provide help and support to those who have encountered extraordinary paranormal experiences. Lester Velez is a graduate of the University of Vermont with a Bachelor of Science degree in business administration. Beginning in September of 1970, he served in the U.S. Army as a field artillery officer and was later vice president of Luscombe Engineering, a Silicon-Valley based manufacturer’s representative company. He joined MUFON, the Mutual UFO Network, in 1991 and has held the following positions: Field investigator, Training Coordinator for field investigators, the Assistant State Director in Northern California, Chairman of the A.E.R.C. (Abduction Experiencer Research Committee), and team leader of the A.R.T. (Abduction Response Team). Also during that time, he became a facilitator for an abduction support group in San Jose California, and in 1994 co-founded OPUS, the Organization for Paranormal Understanding and Support.
02/03/2023 • 1 heure, 39 minutes, 14 secondes
Paranormal Concept Show - Historic London
This month on The Paranormal Concept Show we delve into historic London with inspiration from our reent London Trip, looking into Sherlock Holmes, Lillie Langtry and Trafalgar Square to name just a few of the location we visited
28/02/2023 • 1 heure, 55 minutes, 49 secondes
Paranormal Dimensions - Kate Rae: Scary Faerielands
David talks with researcher Kate Rae regarding the UK's notorious Faerielands.
27/02/2023 • 1 heure, 22 minutes, 33 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - How a Tornado Won the War of 1812
In a highly request rebroadcast, the gang talks about a variety of subjects including how a bizarre tornado helped the U.S. beat the British in the War of 1812. Raven reports on a piece of art called, “The Hands Resist Him,” which has been described as “The Creepiest Painting of All Time.” Also, Switch on the amazing life of paranormal writer, Charles Fort & Top Ten Reasons Coco should play Superman in the movies.
24/02/2023 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 41 secondes
Ghostly Tales of the Unexpected - February 2023
Simon Entwhistles spends another hour telling ghostly tales of the unexpected.
24/02/2023 • 1 heure, 5 minutes, 56 secondes
Astral Encounters - Alien Communication and Revelation
Astral Encounters Episode 6 - Alien Communication and RevelationIn this episode of Astral Encounters, Vince describes a profound out of body experience in which he went aboard a UFO and communicated with the aliens that had been contacting him for so long in the Astral Dimension. What was revealed to him through this communication answered many questions about the purpose of these contacts and the intentions of these entities.
24/02/2023 • 18 minutes, 56 secondes
Twin Souls - Josh Nanocchio: What Lurks Beneath
Ronald and Phillip Kinsella talk with author and podcast show host Josh Nanocchio about his show "What Lurks Beneath" and discusses his theories on "Dogman".
23/02/2023 • 58 minutes, 50 secondes
Paranormal Pendle - Podcaster Anne Prendergast
Craig Bryant talks with Podcaster Anne Prendergast from the "Creepin' It Real" podcast.
23/02/2023 • 51 minutes, 50 secondes
Bigfoot and the Bunny - Haunted History with Author Rebecca Pittman
Chris and Kristen talk with Rebecca F. Pittman, author of several bestselling books. Her popular History and Haunting series of books have been spotlighted on various TV, radio, and podcast forums. She is a former TV talk show host, muralist, escape room owner, game creator, and runway model who finds mysteries irresistible. BOOKS:*The History and Haunting of Salem: The Witch Trials and BeyondThe History and Haunting of the Stanley HotelThe History and Haunting of the Myrtles PlantationThe History and Haunting of Lemp MansionThe History and Haunting of Lizzie BordenThe History and Haunting of the Palace of Versailles
23/02/2023 • 1 heure, 37 minutes, 19 secondes
Eleanor Wagner's Strange and Scary World - Alien Encounters with Russ Kellett
Russ Kollett is an author of a book on true-account alien encounters. He has appeared on a number of television programs and countless interviews with networks such as BBC and Talk Sport, as well as in tabloid newspapers discussing his UFO research which led him to unearth a conspiracy that opened his eyes into the subject of UFOs. He is convinced not everybody wants the truth to be revealed!
23/02/2023 • 1 heure, 16 minutes, 39 secondes
Paranormal UK Radio Show - Dream Guidance with Machiel Klerk
Irene and Mark talk with Machiel Klerk author of "Dream Guidance", discusses how you can harness the power of your unconscious through dream incubation: an age-old technique that teaches you to access hidden wisdom that can be used for personal development.
22/02/2023 • 1 heure, 1 minute, 35 secondes
The Afterlife Files - Glitch in the Matrix with Stephanie Forlini
Stephanie Forlini joins Scott to delve into her journey transitioning from an academic, left brain lifestyle into embracing her spiritual and intuitive nature and the synchronicities that she has experienced her whole life. She has since transformed her world view and shifted into a mode of trying to explain the unexplained through exploring and writing theories in new reality, quantum physics, reality shifting, and above all else looking for answers! Where to find Stephanie: Tiktok- @stephanieamber07Youtube- Spirituality with StephWebsite- Where to find Scott: Website- https://neardeathmeditations.comFacebook- The Afterlife FilesInstagram- @theafterlifefilesTiktok- @theafterlifefiles
21/02/2023 • 53 minutes, 16 secondes
High Strangeness Factor - 4th Anniversary Special
Join Steve and... not Andy (had 'stuff' to sort out) as he (and not Andy) Celebrate the 4th anniversary of starting 'The High Strangeness Factor' Steve is joined by Brian and Terry Seech who were the guests on the very first show 4 years ago (Good grief, how time flies) Steve is also joined by a surprise guest host for part of the show (But it's still not Andy....)
21/02/2023 • 1 heure, 15 minutes, 12 secondes
Paranormal Dimensions - Investigating Paranormal Activity with Dominic Sattele
David Young discuses investigating the paranormal with researcher Dominic Sattele.
19/02/2023 • 1 heure, 1 minute, 36 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - Welcome to Roswell 2023
The gang continues its coverage of the recent UFO sightings including an exclusive interview with UFO researcher & podcaster Martin Willis about personally witnessing the Chinese Spy Balloon shoot down over Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. Dr Bob Gross on why spy balloons still exist in an era of spy satellites. Also, Dr. Simeon Hein on whether the universe is actually an inconceivably immense computer simulation. Plus, Top 10 Reasons Switch would make a good James Bond.
17/02/2023 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 41 secondes
Paranormal Peep Show - Astronauts, Aliens and Air Balloons with Ben Emlyn-Jones
Regular guest Ben Emlyn-Jones joins host Neil Geddes-Ward, to discuss the Apollo missions to the Moon, whether they were faked or real. Plus, we discuss strange co-incidences, ghosts in hospitals and out of Body Experiences, and also Ben's recent visit to Gateshead in the North East where he recounts a story from the 1940s of a Grey Alien that tried to abduct 5 year old Robert Hall!
16/02/2023 • 1 heure, 23 minutes, 16 secondes
Paranormal UK Radio Show - Todd Wilcox: The Slipstream Shaman
Mark Johnson talks with guest Todd Wilcox, author of the book The Slipstream Shaman who takes uson a journey into the Quantum Field as he discusses how you can learn to use your natural abilities in Quantum Healing.
15/02/2023 • 1 heure, 3 minutes, 54 secondes
My Side of the Crystal Ball - Robert's Mentor George Raynault
In this week’s special episode, Robert reconnects with his mentor from over 40 years ago, George Raynault. George was a teacher in the early days of new age topics with an open and curious mind. He taught people the world of how to exercise psychic abilities and channeling intuition. George explains the ideas behind Mind Dynamics and how you can apply it to your daily life by utilizing different levels of meditation. Enjoy! WWRS (3:00): The Living Philosophy of the Evergreens The Expert's Chair(9:30): George Raynault: Mentor, Pioneer, Entrepreneur, and lover of life!Website- Where to find Robert Lindsy Milne! Website- Facebook- Instagram- @rlm_1949 TikTok- @mysideofthecrystalball Email- [email protected] Music Credits: All that, Downtown, Hip Jazz This Electro Swing Music Standard License Purchase code: f48e89ed-f2f0-4998-b81c-f7a4f2f31307
14/02/2023 • 57 minutes, 28 secondes
Astral Encounters - Alien Abductions in the Astral Dimension part 2
In this episode of Astral Encounters, Vince goes into futher detail about some of his encounters with aliens in other dimensions of reality, and perhaps even in the physical world as well. This is the second part of a series on his experiences with alien entities which details the progression and evolution of his experiences with various groups of these nonhuman beings and what he has learned from years of contact and communications with them.
11/02/2023 • 27 minutes, 23 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - Was the Chinese Spy Balloon a UFO in Disguise?
The gang talks about the many strange coincidences between the Chinese spy balloon recently shot down by the U.S. military and unusual UFO sightings in the past few years. Clubb on the Earth experiencing yet another near miss by a killer asteroid. Switch reports on how humans have viewed aliens over the years, from attractive Scandinavian models to ugly little grays. Also, Raven hopes the Universal Simulation will help her retire early, JJ wonders if aliens have kidnapped all the world’s cute waitresses and Mack misuses the word, “rubber.” Adult themes. Special guest: Dr Bob Gross.
10/02/2023 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 41 secondes
6 Degrees of John Keel - Bigfoot of the Corn: Weird Nebraska with Steve Berg
From Host Barbara 'Finally, we got to hear Steve Berg talk about Weird Nebraska, and now you, do, too! Lots of great stuff here. Lots of talk of Bigfoot, flying humanoids, strange lights, stick people, airships and UFO’s—including a couple of really significant cases! We talk about Dr. Raymond Boeche, a noted investigator and author who, as a young man, corresponded with John Keel while Keel was investigating the happenings in Point Pleasant. It turned out that the things Boeche was seeing in Nebraska, were the same sorts of things happening in Point Pleasant, at the same time. There’s so much goodness here, it was worth the wait to get to it. Enjoy it, y’all!'
10/02/2023 • 1 heure, 47 minutes, 20 secondes
Eleanor Wagner's Strange and Scary World - Whitehouse Investigations with Chris Whitehouse
Whitehouse Investigations Paranormal Investigator, Author of “Into the Darkness”, & Talking Paranormal Podcast Host Chris Whitehouse opens up about becoming a ghost hunter.
09/02/2023 • 58 minutes, 45 secondes
Paranormal Pendle - Pursuit of the Paranormal Podcast with Ash & Greg
Craig Bryant talks with Ash and Greg from the "Pursuit of the Paranormal" Podcast.
09/02/2023 • 58 minutes, 39 secondes
Bigfoot and the Bunny - Talking Bigfoot with Jay A. Bachochin
Jay Bachochin is a family man in the state of Wisconsin. He is a graphic designer, cinematographer and film editor. Jay founded The Wisconsin Paranormal Investigators in 2007 to investigate and research UFOs and Ghosts. Since 2014 he has been on a solo quest searching for The Wisconsin Sasquatch in southeast Wisconsin. Jay has self-produced 2 documentaries of his research in the Kettle Moraine. His first film 'Finding Jay' was produced in 2019 and the follow-up sequel 'Beyond the Kettle: Finding Jay 2' was produced in 2022. Both 'Finding Jay' and 'Beyond the Kettle: Finding Jay 2' are streaming on both platforms (Amazon Prime Video, ParaFlixx and Vimeo) and are available on Blu-ray 1080 HD discs.
08/02/2023 • 1 heure, 18 minutes, 42 secondes
High Strangeness Factor - Laura and Tonya of the 'Spooks, Creeps and Assorted Devilry’ Podcast
Steve and Andy are joined by Laura and Tonya of the ‘Spooks, Creeps and Assorted Devilry’ Podcast, discussing, you guessed it… Spooks, Creeps and Assorted Devilry (Not sure who the Spooks and the Creeps are, but decided that Andy IS the devilry!)Plus the misadventures of ‘Keel’ and ‘Rosie’ (no, not John…) Steve’s wonderful cats!
07/02/2023 • 1 heure, 28 minutes, 40 secondes
The Afterlife Files - Reincarnation and Soul Connection with Dr. David Bettenhausen and Carla Bogni-Kidd
After their paths crossed throughout their lives, David and Carla discovered through meditation and regression that reincarnation is real and that they have over 29 past lives together. David and Carla join Scott to share their many experiences being in each other's lives, showing just how strong their connection really is. They tap into spirit guides, angels, and soul families showing that reincarnation and NDEs both overlap by involving a strong sense of consciousness. Through their incredible interconnected stories, David and Carla are living proof that souls continue on after their physical form has passed. Spread the message to be kind to the world! Enjoy! Where to find Dr. David and Carla: Website: thegiftofpastlives.comFacebook: Books: The Gift of Past Lives with Mother, Isabella, God & ElizabethHell No, Reincarnation? with Mother, Isabella, God & ElizabethThe ManualWhere to find Scott: Website- https://neardeathmeditations.comFacebook- The Afterlife FilesInstagram- @theafterlifefilesTiktok- @theafterlifefiles
07/02/2023 • 53 minutes, 34 secondes
Astral Encounters - Alien Visitations and Abductions in the Astral Dimension
In this episode of Astral Encounters, Vince shares some of his out of body experiences in which he encounters aliens in the astral dimension. These experiences include run-ins with mantis entities, missing time and memories, intrusions by grey-type aliens, and even being taken from his body by these entities. Hear about what happened during these frightening experiences. This is part 1 in a multi-part series of episodes focusing on aliens in the astral dimension.
04/02/2023 • 22 minutes, 11 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - When Queen Went to Kansas and All That Jazz
In a special music show, the gang talks to rock musicians, Tom Brislin of Kansas, Matt Malley of Counting Crows and Mark Poulin of Sky Club, about life on the road, how to make a hit record & what to do when there’s too many groupies around. Also, why is Jazz so complex, what is “lead singer syndrome” and why bass players don’t tell blonde jokes. Special guest: rock journalist, Robert Ferraro.
03/02/2023 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 41 secondes
Bigfoot and the Bunny -Journey into the Supernatural with Carl Johnson
The original investigator of the Conjuring House and scholar of the arcane, Carl Johnson, returns with his paranormal partner in crime, Elise Carlson! Carl L. Johnson has been investigating reports of strange phenomena for the past 50 years, dating to his association with noted ghost-hunting couple, Ed and Lorraine Warren. As members of Parapsychological Investigatory and Research Organization: R.I.R.O., a research team based at Rhode Island College in Providence, Carl and his identical twin brother Keith were called in to investigate the Perron family's situation in Harrisville, Rhode Island during August and September of 1973. P.I.R.O. notified the Warrens of the Perrons' situation. Forty years later, this inspired a motion picture titled, The Conjuring. In April, 1972, Carl and his brother Keith attended a lecture presented in Rhode Island College, the featured speakers being Ed and Lorraine Warren. That evening, Carl was invited to join P.I.R.O., the on-campus paranormal studies group. Both Carl L. and Keith E. Johnson were featured on the first two seasons of the popular television series, Ghost Hunters, leaving the show after those two years to better pursue their own interests. Carl has numerous other television credits, including Paranormal State on A&E Network, The Haunted on Animal Planet, Finding Bigfoot on Animal Planet, A Haunting on Destination America , The Learning Channel and Travel Channel, The Exorcism Prayer: independent documentary by Ryan Cavalline (2016), Walking With Shadows: independent documentary by Mike Ricksecker (2021), Ghost Adventures on Travel Channel, Mysteries Decoded on Travel Channel, and Fright Club on Travel Channel. A recent episode of A Haunting: "Inner Demons" featuring Carl and research partner, Elise Giammarco Carlson, is rated the top episode of all 11 seasons. The Johnson family's home in rural North Scituate, RI was subject to inexplicable happenings, that is to say, haunted! This sparked Carl's profound interest in things considered supernatural. He would participate in spirit board sessions, partnering with his younger sister Cynthia as they experimented in communicating with personalities from the "other side." Specializing as a Demonologist and C'thonicist, the latter indicating one who studies classical, "nether" deities, Carl continues his exploration of the preternatural through the research unit, Panorama Paranormal co-founded with historian Elise Giammarco Carlson. Carl defines demonology as, "A systemized study of the lore and cultural traditions of wicked spirits." He incorporates that system into both academic, and applied demonology. Carl was employed by Old Slater Mill Association for 14 years as Interpreter staff and Programs Development. Built in 1793 Slater Mill is regarded as the birthplace of the American Industrial Revolution. The site is rich with history and, it is said, haunting! He is co-author, along with accredited theologian Lana Jan Brock, of, "Shadow Realms Demonology Handbook". Carl is also recognized for his theoretical writing, wherein he expounds on quantum-based hypotheses.
02/02/2023 • 2 heures, 34 minutes, 57 secondes
Paranormal UK Radio Show - Andre Verge: Nightmare in the Woods
This week Irene and Mark talk with author and Bigfoot experiencer Andre Verge about his experiences when he was 8 years old in New Jersey when his family experienced a summer of intense bigfoot activity, which is the subject of this bestselling book "Nightmare in the Woods". He also talks about more recent activity around his current home.Andre Verge is native american and former police office, and the owner of his own tea company, Tego Tea.
01/02/2023 • 1 heure, 3 minutes, 6 secondes
From My Side of the Crystal Ball - Turning Heartbreak into Happiness with Tinka Bel Boczek
Turning Heartbreak into Happiness | Episode 008 This week’s Expert’s Chair is Tinka Bel Boczek, Psychic Medium, Intuitive Empath and Witch, explains how there is difference between being intuitive and being an empath when doing psychic work with people. She opens up about your life story and how she found happiness within herself and shows us how you can turn heartbreak into happiness. Meanwhile on The Main Event, Registered Nurse and specialist in palliative care Sharmini Varunan shares her emotional story on what it was like helping people transition to the next life throughout the pandemic. Sharmini explains how the emotional side of passing on is just as important as the physical elements of her job.WWRS (3:45) The Expert's Chair (8:00): Tinka Bel Boczek Facebook- @Tinka's Spiritual Belly Email- [email protected] The Main Event (28:15): Sharmini Varunan RN Where to find Robert Lindsy Milne! Website- Facebook- Instagram- @rlm_1949TikTok- @mysideofthecrystalball Email- [email protected]
31/01/2023 • 56 minutes, 28 secondes
Paranormal Dimensions - Andrew Ross: The Ghost Whisperer
David Young talks with The Ghost Whisperer Andrew Ross about the Ghosts of Durham.
30/01/2023 • 55 minutes, 47 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - Does the Government Know a Killer Asteroid is Coming?
The gang talks to The Alien Whisperer, Dolly Safran, about how she was first contacted by Alien Grays and how they’ve become a large part of her life. Willy Clubb reports on suspicions that the U.S. Government knows a killer asteroid is heading towards Earth and not telling anyone. Also, Superfan Susan Kauppila joins the show with ten intimate questions for Mack. Contains adult themes. Surprise guest: The Black-Eyed Kid.
27/01/2023 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 41 secondes
Ghostly Tales of the Unexpected - January 2023
Simon Entwhistle tells more ghostly tales of the unexpected.
26/01/2023 • 1 heure, 6 minutes, 6 secondes
Eleanor Wagner's Strange and Scary World - UFO Researcher Wallace Wagner
Wallace Wagner had a tic tac UFO sighting, which caused him to reevaluate all he had been taught. He expressed his changes in perspectives in his debut book, "Crossing the Crevasse” and released his follow-up book, "Within Grasp" recently. "Grasp" is a continuation of UFOs in the Bible and who God is. He discusses his UFO encounter and how it forced him to do research and changed his life forever.Facebook: Profile – Within Grasp. Crossing The Crevasse: Here's a link directly to amazon: Website is: www.withingrasp.netSpoiled Priest by Gabriel Longo
26/01/2023 • 1 heure, 4 minutes, 30 secondes
6 Degrees of John Keel - Cats, Coffee and Cryptids with Dan Trout
From Barbara"Long,, long ago, before Fox was born and I ever said the phrase “It’s like six degrees of John Keel” to Morganna, we used to have our Athens family over for dinner at least once a week. After dinner, we’d have coffee and dessert, and sit and talk about whatever weird stuff we’d read about in the latest issue of “The Fortean Times.” The talk would go on long into the night, with multiple pots of coffee being made and drunk. Ideas would percolate with the coffee and stories would be told and retold, analyzed, theorized deconstructed and reconstructed. Thing on the Stairs would slink down the steps, and hunker in a sparkling grey mist at the bottom, and listen to the tales and laughter. Dan and I were usually the last two awake. Everyone else would tap out and go to bed around two a.m. This episode is a taste of what those long ago evenings were like, minus the coffee, the cats on our laps and Thing on the Stairs."
26/01/2023 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 32 secondes
Twin Souls - Author and Researcher Mark Olly
Hosts Ronald and Phillip Kinsella talk with author and Researcher Mark Olly, an archaeologist and researcher, talking about his new book based on the historical King Arthur, UFOs and the paranormal.
26/01/2023 • 1 heure, 1 minute, 24 secondes
The Afterlife Files - Surviving Death with Kimberly Clark
Kimberly, an enjoyer of life, joins Scott to share her infamous story of the ‘blue tennis shoe on the ledge’ along with other fascinating and unbelievable NDE stories. Through her experience in social work and her own NDE, Kimberly has a unique outlook on death, dying and life. Her unbelievable stories evoke a rollercoaster of emotions and it is well worth the listen! Where to find Kimberly Clark Sharp: Seattle IANDS- SAI [email protected] Where to find Scott: Website- https://neardeathmeditations.comFacebook- The Afterlife FilesInstagram- @theafterlifefilesTiktok- @theafterlifefiles
24/01/2023 • 1 heure, 12 minutes, 42 secondes
High Strangeness Factor Returns - Where the Bleep Have We Been!
Steve and Andy return (finally) to the airwaves (well… Digital airwaves)While away, Steve’s been on an intergalactic cruse (well, moved house to a very interesting location) And Andy’s been working on world domination (well, actually helping out with the PAUK show while Mark and Irene were off air for a while) But they’re back together! Steve and Andy have a bit of a catch up on what’s been going on and talk about plans for the future (And yes, we talk about John Keel too)
24/01/2023 • 1 heure, 36 minutes, 36 secondes
Paranormal Dimensions - Rob Thompson: Psychic Medium & Ghost Finder
David Young talks with psychic medium and "Ghost Finder" Rob Thompson.
23/01/2023 • 1 heure, 12 minutes, 48 secondes
Paranormal Concept Show Returns - Egyptian Curses
The Paranormal Concept Show is back and we are kicking off with the topic of Egyptian Curses. Do they exist and what is the truth behind the myth and how on earth did they find out about them in the first place, We cover this amongst other legends in this fascinating foray in the Curse of the Pharaohs.
23/01/2023 • 2 heures, 49 secondes
Astral Encounters - Communicating with Shadow Beings - the Final Revelation
In this episode of Astral Encounters, Vince describes his communications with the shadow beings that had terrified him so many times in the past, aquires even deeper revelations into the nature of these entities, and answers the question of why they have been contacting Vince for so many years. Are these low level negative astral entities or parasites as so many people have theorized, or are they actually higher level beings with benevolent intentions? Find out in this episode.
20/01/2023 • 18 minutes, 12 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - UFOs & the Great Tator Experiment
The gang talks to best-selling Hollywood author Gary Olsen about Adolf Hitler’s disturbing obsession with Walt Disney. Canadian correspondents Kim & Sara Scheie report on three up close & personal UFO encounters north of the border. Willy Clubb on why the latest Pentagon UFO report is so baffling. Plus, Switch reveals his new breakfast place & Raven cuts her bangs. Special guest: Martin Willis of Podcast UFO.
20/01/2023 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 31 secondes
Paranormal Peep Show - Robert Hulse: Implants, ET Tea and Higher Beings
ET experiencer Robert Hulse of Macclesfield UFO Society returns to the Paranormal Peep Show for January 2023. We discuss with him the magnetic implants of Norwegian UFO experiencer Kate Thorvaldsen and his own implants and that of other families who claim to have been abducted. Interestingly their implant marks look very similar. Robert reveals information about the Blue Arcturians aliens who can heal people with a tea found in the jungles of South America and are known for being healers and helpers. We also discuss the appearances of higher beings who follow Robert around and we recap on the mysterious psychic Bus Driver who had three super tall beings appear in his living room! We hear about a nasty encounter with the Hat Man but this time in a Top Hat! All this and more in the Paranormal Peep Show with your hosts Neil Geddes-Ward and Andrew Chaplin. The Paranormal Peep Show is a monthly show also in audio MP3 podcast format on the Paranormal UK Radio Network, VOTED the Number One Paranormal Podcasting Station! Out first interview with Robert can be viewed here on YouTube, which if you enjoyed listening to this one, is well worth a listen too
19/01/2023 • 2 heures, 9 minutes, 58 secondes
Paranormal UK Radio Show - Dr. Scott Taylor: The Afterlife Files
Irene and Mark talk with Dr, Scott Taylor, host of The Afterlife Files podcast about near and shared death experiences.
18/01/2023 • 1 heure, 11 minutes, 26 secondes
Bigfoot and the Bunny - Soul Hunting, Hybrids, Possession and More with Nathaniel J. Gillis
"Soul Hunting, Hybrids, Possession and More.. What They Know and Aren't Telling You"Our good friend, Nathaniel J. Gillis returns to join us for a conversation that will make your skin crawl... Nathaniel Gillis is a religious demonologist and author. After living in a haunted house, Nathaniel spent 20 years researching what it was he encountered. Nathaniel is the founder of Preternatural Epiphenomenal Philosophy. Nathaniel has sought to redefine the nature of haunting phenomena, ghosts and high strangeness. He's often quoted for his concept of the demonic. "The reason they are playing by different rules is because they are playing a different game."
18/01/2023 • 1 heure, 54 minutes, 11 secondes
From My Side of the Crystal Ball - Mystic Healing and Animal Communication
In this week's episode, Lindsey and Robert share an uplifting and compelling conversation about how to truly put out love energy into the world. With Lindsey's many years of mystic healing and experience teaching all types of demographics, she has become equipped to provide a space for people to share their life experience and move forward in their lives. Enjoy! The Expert's Chair (3:27): Katherine O'Shea Website- Facebook- @soullghtpetservices outube- The Main Event (32:12):Lindsey Scharmyn Website- YouTube- Facebook- Rogue Ways Where to find Robert Lindsy Milne! Website- Facebook- Instagram- @rlm_1949 TikTok- @mysideofthecrystalball Email- [email protected] Music Credits: All that, Downtown, Hip Jazz This Electro Swing
17/01/2023 • 1 heure, 6 minutes, 38 secondes
Paranormal Dimensions - Haunted Histories with Penny Griffiths-Morgan
David talks with paranormal historian Penny Griffiths-Morgan about Haunted Histories.
16/01/2023 • 1 heure, 12 minutes, 57 secondes
Astral Encounters - Shadow Beings
In this episode of astral encounters, we take a deeper look into the shadow beings that Vince has encountered in the astral dimension during his out of body experiences. He shares both frightening and transformational experiences with these mysterious entities and gives insight into their true intentions.
13/01/2023 • 15 minutes, 1 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - Roswell UFO Crash Finally Solved
In a special new show, the gang squares off for a Rumble in the Jungle, reviewing the new Tom Cruisemovie, “Top Gun 2.” Also, UFO researcher Dr. Bob Gross questions why man-made, Earthbound materials were found in the debris at Roswell. Plus, Switch on a 1920s UFO crash which led to an early appearance of the Men in Black, and a discussion about Raven’s attire on the show.Special Guest: Pistol Pete Falconi. (Warning: Adult Themes)
13/01/2023 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 40 secondes
Bigfoot and the Bunny - Brandon Cooper: Shamanism in the Paranormal Part 2
We loved talking to Brandon last time he was on and in this episode, we will dive deeper into what Shamanism is and means to Paranormal Research! Brandon Cooper is the Shaman for K.D. Stafford's team: Supernatural InK. He is ancestrally tied to the Eastern Band of the Cherokee Nation and received training from the late Dianne Little Sparrow on and around the reservation as a youth. He is a 100% disabled combat Marine serving on a voluntary basis in 3 Veteran service organizations: Veteran's Haven of Honor, Semper Fi Barn, and the Pickens County Veterans Board. He has been conducting or participating in paranormal investigations for 25+ years. He is married to psychic medium Anna Cooper who is also a part of the Supernatural InK team.
12/01/2023 • 1 heure, 33 minutes, 25 secondes
Eleanor Wagner's Strange and Scary World - NDE's with Jeremiah Dorph
Jeremiah Dorph had a near-death experience in 2008 that changed his life. It led him to question everything. He got into conspiracy theories and alternative ancient history. A sponge soaking up the knowledge, he started his own podcast, “What if they’re wrong” in hopes of answering some of life’s mysteries. Jeremiah talks candidly with Author and Host Eleanor Wagner about what he believes and all he has researched.
12/01/2023 • 55 minutes, 35 secondes
6 Degrees of John Keel - Happy Weird Year
From Barbara"So, I’m back, and Morganna’s back and even though the last three weeks of the year went sideways for everyone in every branch of our family, we still made an episode where we exhort everyone to Be The Weird you want to see in the World. I mean that. Tell your Story. Read that strange book. Talk to that weird artist you saw on Instagram. Make friends with a Crazy Cat Lady. Take up podcasting, start a new music style and have fun. Because there’s all sorts of negative crazy shit in the world right now, so we need all the positive weird shit we can get out there to counteract it all!"
12/01/2023 • 1 heure, 5 minutes, 48 secondes
Paranormal Pendle - Chris Whitehouse - Part 2
Host Craig Bryant talks with Chris Whitehouse about his new book 'Into the Darkness' and his recent investigations.
12/01/2023 • 58 minutes, 24 secondes
Paranormal UK Radio Show - Premier Show 2023
Irene Allen and Mark Johnson return as the hosts of the Paranormal UK Radio Show, the flagship show here on the Paranormal UK Radio Network. This show kicks off their return for 2023 as they discuss what's been happening in their personal lives and where things are going for the network and other endeavors in the coming year.
11/01/2023 • 1 heure, 1 minute, 10 secondes
The Afterlife Files - Proof of Life After Death with Dr. Jeffery
Tune in to hear about how Dr. Jeffery Long views near death experiences as a person who works in the medical field where death is seen as finite. Through his own extensive research, Jeffery has found that near death experiences are not only real, but are the survival of human consciousness into an unearthly realm. Jeffery delves into what is involved in this type of enlightening event and how each experience compares to the next. Working with a countless number of people of different ages, genders, cultures, religions, ect, Jeffery has studied how and if those factors affect a person’s NDE. Through his research, Jeffery has been able to debunk this idea. Where to find Jeffery Long: Websites: NDERF- ADCRF- OBERF- Where to find Scott: Website- https://neardeathmeditations.comFacebook- The Afterlife FilesInstagram- @theafterlifefilesTiktok- @theafterlifefiles
10/01/2023 • 52 minutes, 1 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - A Ghost Walks into a Waffle House....
The gang welcomes the New Year by discussing a wide range of topics. Switch reports on a frightening ghostly character named The Grinning Man. Raven reports on haunted lighthouses and why many seem to be inhabited by the ghosts of children. Plus, Mack & Raven disagree on a disgusting movie, Mack talks about his brother’s weird little dog, Agent X reveals the mystery of his missing underwear and 10 reasons why Switch returned a Batman costume after Christmas
06/01/2023 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 31 secondes
Astral Encounters with Vincent Field - Premier Episode
Welcome to Astral Encounters with Vincent FieldIn this episode of Astral Encounters, out of body explorer Vincent Field describes his frightening experiences with shadow beings in the Astral dimension.Vincent's Amazon page where you can buy his book -
06/01/2023 • 20 minutes, 25 secondes
From My Side of the Crystal Ball - The Art of Being Claircognizant
Aside from training people on how to write their books and hosting her own podcast, Debbi is a spiritual entrepreneur and has a lot to say about bringing good energy and manifestations into daily life. Robert and Debbi have a fascinating conversation on being present, aware and claircognizant. They discuss what a unified field of connection is and how to relate to someone else's energetic field. Debbi brings in the scientific elements to energy and being claircognizant and shows how matching someone's energetic wavelength can be a life changing experience. Enjoy! The Expert's Chair 7:55): Michelle Carpenter Website- The Main Event (29:20): Debbi Dachinger Website- Where to find Robert Lindsy Milne!Website- Facebook- Instagram- @rlm_1949 TikTok- @mysideofthecrystalball Email- [email protected] Music Credits: All that, Downtown, Hip Jazz This Electro Swing Music Standard License Purchase code: f48e89ed-f2f0-4998-b81c-f7a4f2f31307
03/01/2023 • 52 minutes, 1 secondes
Paranormal Dimensions - Investigating the Unexplained with Ben Walgate
Investigating the Unexplained with Ben Walgate.
02/01/2023 • 1 heure, 17 minutes, 59 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - The Greatest Rumble of All Time
In a special rebroadcast, Mack, Juan-Juan, Switch & Cobra talk to authors Marc Cushman (Star Wars) and John Jackson Miller (Star Trek) about which iconic franchise is more awesome. Also, Switch with a new Report from the Fringe and Ella the Psychic tries to guess what Switch, Pistol Pete & Willy Clubb look like just by hearing their voices.
30/12/2022 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 31 secondes
6 Degrees of John Keel - Cemetery Symbolism with Tui Snider
From Barbara 'Hello, my Paranormal Peeps! I’m a big fan of cemeteries. I find them to be peaceful places filled with trees, plants, animals and of course, beautiful headstones, mausoleums, and sculptures. Yes, there are dead people, but truly, dead folks don’t scare me. (I’m much more worried about living people because some of them, you never know what they’re up to, and sometimes, it’s no good.) I grew up going to cemeteries because everyone in my family is fond of history, art, genealogy and the outdoors. So, wherever we went on vacation, or to visit relatives, you can bet we’d make a stop at the local cemetery—especially if it was historic in some way. Enter Tui Snyder—she, too is fascinated by cemeteries and when she first started visiting them, she wondered about the symbols carved into the headstones and monuments. What did it all mean? She looked for a pocket sized handbook—like the ones that exist for birds, wildflowers or trees—but found nothing. So, she wrote one. She researched it, wrote it and after it was published, she started hearing from readers who had found it useful to them, and she was delighted. She’s visiting with me to share her knowledge of funerary art and we had a great time together. She has plenty of great stories and she shares them with a dash of humor and a bubbly personality. You can find Tui online - - Her website has links to all her books, to her blog and a place where you can get a free guide to what all the hands you see in cemeteries mean! Enjoy!@
29/12/2022 • 1 heure, 22 minutes, 52 secondes
Eleanor Wagner's Strange and Scary World - Peter Zablocki
Peter Zablocki is a historian, author, teacher, and podcaster. His work has been published in Weird NJ Magazine, Military History Quarterly, Military History Magazine, and Honest History Magazine, among others. When not writing, Peter co-hosts a successful podcast with his best friend, titled History Teachers Talking, where they discuss various historical topics in an easy to understand and lighthearted manner. Some of his book titles are: The 1788 Morristown Ghost Hoax, Terror Over Elizabeth New Jersey: Three Airplane Crashes in 58 Days and the Fight for Newark Airport, and Denville 13: Murder, Redemption, & Forgiveness in Small Town New
29/12/2022 • 49 minutes, 50 secondes
Astral Perceptions - Dealing with Grief and Loss
Host Mark Johnson shares an incredibly personal and powerful message relating to handling the feelings of grief and loss over losing a loved one after the recent passing of his wife.
28/12/2022 • 1 heure, 4 minutes, 52 secondes
Paranormal UK Radio Show - The Christmas Story with Matt Arnold
Kerry and Andy are joined in the studio by Matt Arnold to discuss all the stories and legends around the birth of Jesus and the nativity story... and... all is not what you think!Was Jesus really in a stable? Were the 'three kings' really kings, or something more mysterious? And what was the star that the supposedly followed.And perhaps most importantly for this time of year (our Christams show)... are we celebrating on the right date??All this and more is discussed. And listen out for an important announcement at the end!
28/12/2022 • 1 heure, 14 minutes, 1 secondes
The Afterlife Files - Finding Closure Through Shared Death Experiences with Janet Johnson
Janet Johnson joins Scott to tell her incredibly emotional shared death experience that she has experienced with her father. Janet, being a Seeker, delves into her spiritual journey that she went through because of the events of her father’s death. Janet is here to offer hope about the next world to people who have lost theirs. Despite having been raised in a strict religious upbringing, she has been able to explore her spiritual journey and find something beautiful through the passing of a loved one. Special thank you to Janet Johnson for being on The Afterlife Files! Where to find Scott: Website- https://neardeathmeditations.comFacebook- The Afterlife FilesInstagram- @theafterlifefilesTiktok- @theafterlifefiles
27/12/2022 • 52 minutes, 1 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - The Non-Christmas Christmas Show
In a fan favorite re-boot, the gang talks to Dr. Bruce Solheim about his relative’s involvement with Hitler’s despised secret police. Author Matthew Roberts on his new paranormal-themed book, “Initiated.” Army war vet & paranormal podcast host Jessie Kwasney on his unusual combat experiences in Iraq. Also, Top Ten Weird Warships, a discussion on why the British Navy would name one of its ships, the HMS Pansy, and what U.S. military service has the worst food. Special guest: Empath Valerie Lofaso.
23/12/2022 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 31 secondes
From My Side of the Crystal Ball - The Twin Flames Journey with Elle Hari
On this exciting episode, Elle Hari, the twin flame and life coach, shares what exactly a twin flame is and what a twin flame journey is like. Elle explains how this type of inter-dimensional journey is not what you would expect it to be. Elle guides people and their twin flame through the lens of self love, balance, and healing.
20/12/2022 • 1 heure, 25 minutes, 29 secondes
Paranormal Dimensions - Peter Robbins
David Young talks with reknowned author and UFOlogist Peter Robbins about the 42nd Anniversary of the Rendlesham Forest UFO incident.
19/12/2022 • 1 heure, 28 minutes, 28 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - A UFO Christmas Party
The gang celebrates the holidays by discussing weird things that have happened during the Yuletide season. Raven on frightening Christmas myths. Switch on incidents where aliens have been encountered on Christmas Day. Also, Mack tells about a bizarre Christmas Eve fistfight, what’s the best way to steal a Christmas tree, plus Top Ten Christmas presents Juan-Juan doesn’t want. Special guests: Dr. Bob Gross, Kim & Sara Scheie, Agent X, UFO Mechanic Al Renaldo & Superfan Susan Kauppila.
16/12/2022 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 41 secondes
Aliens Revealed - UFO Researcher Jason Gleaves
What’s your favorite UFO case? Is it one of the familiar cases or one of your own experiences? Jason Gleaves is a researcher and author who has penned a fascinating book titled UFO Encounters: Up Close and Personal. In it, he features about fifty of the world’s leading UFO researchers and each of them cite their favorite case.
16/12/2022 • 58 minutes, 21 secondes
Paranormal Peep Show - Christmas Show 2022
Neil and Andrew talk with the Kinsellas and other guests as they discuss Craft, Crop Circles and Christmas!
15/12/2022 • 2 heures, 14 minutes, 19 secondes
The Afterlife Files - 8 Lessons Learned through NDEs with Dr. Bruce Greyson
Expert on near-death research and author of After, Dr. Bruce Greyson, joins Scott to discuss the scientific end of what’s involved in an NDE. In his many years of experience, Bruce discovers the universal after-effects of NDEs and how it impacts the attitude, beliefs, values, and even personalities of those experiencers. Through his research, Bruce has discovered common and universal themes in near-death experiences that go beyond neurophysiological or cultural interpretations, as well as patterns of consistent aftereffects on individuals’ attitudes, beliefs, values, and personalities.Bruce will explain the relatability and commonality between NDErs and will touch on the 8 rules he has written about in his book along with many other fascinating stories. The goal behind After is to present a challenge in our everyday lives by offering key insights on how we can begin to live a more meaningful and fulfilling life.Enjoy the episode and remember, we are all in this together! Where to find Scott:Website- https://neardeathmeditations.comFacebook- @theafterlifefiles
14/12/2022 • 50 minutes, 25 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - Cat Bombs, Flying Tanks & Stalin’s Army of Monkeys
Playing for a $100 prize, the gang learns a lot of weird facts during this edition of the MMMX-Files World War 2 trivia contest. Did Stalin really create an army of ape soldiers called the “Humanzees?” Does “Nazi” really mean “moron” in German? Did Haiti once declare war on Rumania? These answers and more are revealed during this special two-hour broadcast honoring Homes for Our Troops, the charity organization that builds homes for our veterans wounded in combat after 9/11. Special guests: Literary Agent Jim Frenkel, Phil “Mister Monopoly” Orbanes, military historian Jocko Johnson and General Tom Landwermeyer
09/12/2022 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 31 secondes
6 Degrees of John Keel - The Haunted Trivette Clinic with Alex Matsuo
Hello, Keelian People! This week Barbara and Morganna have a really special guest, someone They’ve wanted to speak with since the podcast started. Alex Matsuo, author, ghosthunter, youtuber and maker of fascinating and funny paranormal TikToks, visits us to talk about her newest book, The Hamptonville Hauntings: The Ghosts of the Trivette Clinic. While she’s with us she talks about her favorite experiences out in the field, discusses her humane and humanistic methods of ghost hunting and what it’s like to make contact with both friendly and unfriendly spirits. The book is really good—I edited it—so I’ve read it twice. It’s a fun read, and Alex is a fun guest.
08/12/2022 • 1 heure, 18 minutes, 50 secondes
Bigfoot and the Bunny - The Colors of Heaven, Beginnings Never End with Author Lynn Monet
This thing called life is but the blink of an eye. unaware of the wonders that lie ahead. Everyone is in for the greatest surprise they could ever imagine. Join us for a very special episode as we talk with our good friend and author of "Colors of Heaven Beginnings Never End" as well as the chilling true tome of the haunting "Omnipresent"- The enchanting Lynn Monet!
07/12/2022 • 1 heure, 41 minutes, 48 secondes
Paranormal Dimensions - Brenda Butler and Philip Kinsella - Sky Crash
David talks with Brenda Butler and fellow Paranormal UK Radio Network presenter Philip Kinsella (Twin Souls) Brenda is the author of ‘Sky Crash’ which explored the mysteries around the Rendlesham Forest Incident. She was the first to investigate it. 20+ years later and Brenda worked with Philips to write ‘Sky Crash - Throughout Time’ around 20 years later with Brenda which has just been republished.
05/12/2022 • 2 heures, 17 minutes, 25 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - Return of The Worst Spy in the World
The gang talks with Monopoly expert and military historian, Phil Orbanes, about a World War Two spy codenamed “Top Hat” who betrayed England only to be undone by a femme fatale. Security chief Willy Clubb reads the gang’s latest fan mail. Plus, the Top 5 UFO movies that shouldn’t be re-booted, a new theory that makes time travel possible, and reports that the retired F-117 Stealth Fighter is flying again. Reboot episode. Special guests: Jill Hanson and literary agent to the stars, Jim Frenkel.
02/12/2022 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 31 secondes
Aliens Revealed - UFO Researcher Jason Gleaves
What’s your favorite ufo case? Is it one of the familiar cases or one of your own experiences? Jason Gleaves is a researcher and author who has penned a fascinating book titled UFO Encounters: Up Close and Personal. In it, he features about fifty of the world’s leading and of them cite their favorite case.
02/12/2022 • 58 minutes, 19 secondes
Twin Souls - Chris Meek of The Scottish Paranormal Podcast
Ronald and Phillip Kinsella talk with Chris Meek of The Scottish Paranormal Podcast
01/12/2022 • 1 heure, 4 minutes, 57 secondes
Eleanor Wagner's Strange and Scary World - Elsie Lodde: Haunted AirBNB
Elsie Lodde owns a haunted Airbnb in historic Amador County in California called Bethany’s Home Sweet Haunted Home. It’s alive with paranormal activity, and she talks about the regular occurrences and what she discovered about the house’s history.
01/12/2022 • 57 minutes, 17 secondes
Ghostly Tales of the Unexpected - December 2022
01/12/2022 • 1 heure, 58 secondes
Paranormal UK Radio Show - JFK and UFOs with Jack Roth
Andy is joined by writer, journalist and movie maker Jack Roth to discuss his latest book ‘Killing Kennedy: Exposing the Plot, the Cover-Up, and the Consequences.’ - Addressing the ‘who how and why’ questions around the Assassination. Was it a conspiracy and was there cover up? If so, who was involved and what does it mean for our world today.And UFOs and the Cold War – Did the rise in tensions between East and West come to the attention of ‘other worldly’ visitors? Especially after the use of nuclear weapons at the end of World War 2.All this and more.
30/11/2022 • 1 heure, 31 minutes, 39 secondes
The Afterlife Files - Exploring Life After Life with William Peters
Today on The Afterlife Files, Scott Taylor delves deep with psychotherapist and founder of the Shared Crossings Project, William Peters. Through NDE stories, William strives to provide a community for his patients by sharing experiences with the aim to provide a different, heart-felt way to look at the end of life. Focusing on stories from his brand new book At Heaven’s Door and exploring shared near death experiences, William brings the heart of NDEs to life.Where to find William Peters:Website- https://www.sharedcrossing.comBook- @sharedcrossingsprojectWhere to find Scott:Website- https://neardeathmeditations.comFacebook- @theafterlifefiles
29/11/2022 • 51 minutes, 56 secondes
Bigfoot and the Bunny - Occult in the Paranormal with Andy Mercer
Chris and Kristina talk with Andy (A.D.) Mercer about the Occult in the Paranormal.
28/11/2022 • 2 heures, 23 minutes, 31 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military Ex-Files - Return of The Worst Spy in the World
The gang talks with Monopoly expert and military historian, Phil Orbanes, about a World War Two spy codenamed “Top Hat” who betrayed England only to be undone by a femme fatale. Security chief Willy Clubb reads the gang’s latest fan mail. Plus, the Top 5 UFO movies that shouldn’t be re-booted, a new theory that makes time travel possible, and reports that the retired F-117 Stealth Fighter is flying again. Reboot episode. Special guests: Jill Hanson and literary agent to the stars, Jim Frenkel.
25/11/2022 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 31 secondes
6 Degrees of Jon Keel - Ecology of Souls with Joshua Cutchin
Joshua Cutchin’s newest work, a two-volume book entitled Ecology of Souls: A New Mythology of Death and the Paranormal, will be available both in print and e-book format! And this is the first time Josh sits down to talk about it at length and in public, because that was part of the deal he made with Barbara when she came on board the project as an editor. According to Barbara because "I did the editing, some might call me biased, but I don’t care. I have read the full book, two and a half times—the half is because only some of the chapters I read a third time— and it is really, really good, and very thought-provoking. The amount of research that went into this work is staggering, and the scope of it is far beyond what Josh thought it would be. But that’s ok. Because when you’re going to do research a topic, do it right. Go all the way and follow the ideas to their logical endpoint. That’s what’s been done in this book, and the results are a fabulous labor of love. And that’s all I’m going to say about it here. Why? Because we say all the other stuff in the episode, and I want you to listen to it. Ok, wait, I lied—the cover art and interior art for these books is fantastic—Johnny Decker Miller did amazing work. It’s wonderful. "And Johnny's art is!
24/11/2022 • 1 heure, 43 minutes, 5 secondes
From My Side of the Crystal Ball - Reaching High Vibes with Marcie Newman
On this episode of My Side of the Crystal Ball, Robert speaks with The Heartshift Coach, Marcy Neumann. Marcy shares her stories and experiences about how she guides people to lead their lives with love and acceptance. Marcy teaches people how to align themselves with self love and spirituality through energy healing. As a life coach, Marcy has been able to change people’s lives by leading them to achieve peace and freedom through consciousness and frequencies.
23/11/2022 • 52 minutes, 11 secondes
Paranormal Dimensions - Eric Mintel
David Young talks with paranormal investigator Eric Mintel
21/11/2022 • 1 heure, 8 minutes, 32 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - UFOs, Aliens & the NASA Conspiracy
The gang discusses whether an alien conspiracy is behind many of NASA’s greatest failures. Also, Switch on The Cussac Devils of France, the four creepiest YouTube videos of the month and why the U.S. military once used grizzly bears to test jet fighter ejection seats. Special guests, Kim & Sara Scheie & Pistol Pete Falconi.
18/11/2022 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 31 secondes
Eleanor Wagner's Strange and Scary World - Carol Starr: Psychic, Astrologer, Reiki Master, and Empath
Psychic, Astrologer, Reiki Master, and Empath Carol Starr gets up close and personal about her thirty-year career in Astrology and how she uses her gifts to help with her life and the lives of others.
17/11/2022 • 1 heure, 56 secondes
Paranormal Peep Show - Preston Dennett: Not From Here
Neil and Andrew talk with author and UFO researcher Preston Dennett about his series of books "Not From Here" chronicling the UFO phenomenon.
17/11/2022 • 2 heures, 14 minutes, 58 secondes
Bigfoot and the Bunny - Dr Simeon Hein
If Bigfoot is an Ancient Primate or an Undiscovered Human, why is the Creature Seen Around Balls of Light and Other Paranormal Phenomena?Dr. Simeon Hein examines critical, new scientific findings in coherent energy-matter and how these ideas help explain seemingly paranormal phenomena, like space-time anomalies and orbs, seen around creatures such as bigfoot and other mysterious cryptids. Dr. Simeon Hein is a former university professor in statistics and research methods. He came across the idea of remote viewing in 1996 and took as a skeptic. The results of the training were surprisingly positive and convinced Dr. Hein that there is a large area of scientific knowledge that is being withheld from public discussion. Subsequently, he established the non-profit Institute for Resonance and began teaching remote viewing classes in Boulder, Colorado and continues to teach online. He also became interested in the topics of crop circles, unexplained aerial phenomena, and extraterrestrials.
16/11/2022 • 1 heure, 38 minutes, 1 secondes
The Afterlife Files - Premier Episode: Lessons Learned from NDEs
Dr. Scott Taylor takes us on a journey to explore the near-death experience phenomenon and what it means to our everyday life.
15/11/2022 • 52 minutes, 11 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - The Ghost Who Solved Her Own Murder
The gang discusses a wide range of paranormal topics. Raven on the ghost who solved her own murder. Switch on UFO prankster, Gray Barker. Clubb with a Doomsday Asteroid Report. Plus, ten best pick-ups lines by the Black-Eyed Kid and further reviews of the UFO horror movie, “Nope.” (Warning: Adult Content.)
11/11/2022 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 31 secondes
Aliens Revealed - Viedamour Elliot: The Alliance for Extraterrestrial Diplomatic Contact
The Alliance for Extraterrestrial Diplomatic Contact (AEDC) is an international network of diplomats, politicians, government officials, experts in extraterrestrial affairs, and interested people, with the shared goal of welcoming extraterrestrial civilizations to establish diplomatic missions on our planet. Their overall mission? It’s greeting extraterrestrial civilizations. Viedamour Elliot is the Media Relations Officer of the Alliance for Extraterrestrial Diplomatic Contact.
11/11/2022 • 42 minutes, 38 secondes
6 Degrees of John Keel - The Rain Bringer - Zora Neale Hurston with Allison Jornlin
Morganna and Barbara are happy to welcome back to the podcast, Allison Jornlin! In her third episode with us on the subject of unsung female paranormal investigators from history, she talks about Zora Neale Hurston. Most folks know about Zora from her fiction, especially her novel, Their Eyes Were Watching God, but she did so many other things besides write wonderful novels, plays and short stories. She was also an anthropologist who was a colleague of Margaret Mead and who worked with pioneering anthropologist Franz Boas. In that capacity, she also became a folklorist and a paranormal investigator when she went to collect and document folktales, herbal remedies, and spiritual practices of the New World African diaspora. She was initiated into voodoo and worked with conjure doctors, houngan, and other spiritual leaders in Jamaica, Haiti, and New Orleans. She was given the name, “Rain Bringer” at one of her initiations after fasting for three days and lying face down on a couch in darkness for three days. She had visions during her initiatory fast, but she didn’t report what they were. However, many paranormal happens did occur to her and around her and Allison, Morganna and I talk about a great many of them. She also was the first academic to believe that zombies were real, and were created by the use of some sort of poison or drug, though she couldn’t find out what it was. Decades later, following up on her instinct about the creation of zombies, anthropologist Wade Davis found out at least part of the secret of the zombie making poison and wrote about it in his book, The Serpent and the Rainbow. There’s lots of fun to be had here, great true ghost stories and conjure stories as well as weird asides about obscure laundry chemicals. Yes, you heard it right. Laundry chemicals. The other books we talk about in this episode are Of Mules and Men and Tell My Horse, both by Zora Neal Hurston and Zora Neale Hurston on Florida Food by Frederick Douglas Opie. (Allison highly recommends the Audible version of Of Mules and Men)I mistakenly referred to Ntozake Shange’s memoir cookbook, If I Can Cook/You Know God Can as being by Zora. I have read both books, and they are right next to each other on my shelf of African diaspora cookbooks (yes, I have a shelf of them) and they are both excellent.
10/11/2022 • 1 heure, 32 minutes, 16 secondes
Astral Perceptions - Ken Goudsward: UFOs in the Bible
Mark talks with author and researcher Ken Goudsward about his studies of ancient Hebrew and the earliest forms of the Bible, and how there are many references to UFOs and aliens entities.
10/11/2022 • 1 heure, 4 minutes, 7 secondes
Bigfoot and the Bunny - Paranormal Shaman Brandon Cooper
Brandon Cooper is the Shaman for K.D. Stafford's team: Supernatural InK. He is ancestrally tied to the Eastern Band of the Cherokee Nation and received training from the late Dianne Little Sparrow on and around the reservation as a youth. He is a 100% disabled combat Marine serving on a voluntary basis in 3 Veteran service organizations: Veteran's Haven of Honor, Semper Fi Barn, and the Pickens County Veterans Board. He has been conducting or participating in paranormal investigations for 25+ years. He is married to psychic medium Anna Cooper who is also a part of the Supernatural InK team.
09/11/2022 • 2 heures, 17 minutes, 44 secondes
From My Side of the Crystal Ball - Premier Episode: Why Do People Act That Way?
Host Robert Lindsy Milne talks with Dr. Myke Merrill and Mike Wilson about why people act certain ways.
08/11/2022 • 51 minutes, 58 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - UFOs, Bigfoot & Aliens with Pink Eyes
In a jam packed show the gang talks to UFO research/disco king Paul Dean Roberts about five top-secret photographs he saw of UFOs in Earth’s orbit. Switch on the most bizarre UFO/Bigfoot encounter ever. Clubb on the Government’s attempts to keep Killer Asteroid information from the public. Plus, Juan-Juan tours the ten most haunted inns in the UK, a review of the new UFO movie, “Nope” and Raven reveals why she’s a “Fruity Pebbles Girl.”
04/11/2022 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 31 secondes
Bigfoot and the Bunny - Sorceress Cagliastro and Ken Allen
True Sorcery, Sex Magick, Demon Work... Special Guests_ Sorceress Cagliastro and Ken Allen
03/11/2022 • 2 heures, 9 minutes, 31 secondes
Eleanor Wagner's Strange and Scary World - Paranormal Investigators Margaret Miller and Nicole Kries
Paranormal Investigators Margaret Miller and Nicole Kries discuss with Author Eleanor Wagner their investigation history with her team and their own paranormal background and experiences.
03/11/2022 • 47 minutes, 37 secondes
Paranormal Dimensions - The Unexplained with Karen L. Fray
David Young talks with Karen L. Fray on this Halloween episode of all things unexplained
31/10/2022 • 1 heure, 17 minutes, 13 secondes
Aliens Revealed - Alien Experiencer Sev Tok
Sev Tok has been an Experiencer since childhood. She’s also an Author, Speaker, and Spiritual Counselor. Her first ET Contact happened at age 10 and has continued all her life. She kept it a secret for 45 years until Sept. 2107, when she came face-to-face with a Grey who burned two red X marks on her back. It prompted her to “come out” and write her book, “You Have The Right To Talk To Aliens”.
28/10/2022 • 56 minutes, 35 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - UFOs, Ghosts & the Halloween Asteroid
he gang celebrates the spooky season by telling ghost stories and reliving memories of Halloweens gone bad. Also, when a heavenly body known as the Halloween Asteroid almost hit the Earth. Dr. Bob Gross on spending the night inside a haunted funeral home. Switch on the strangest Men in Black encounter ever. Raven on attending a Halloween party that turned into a brawl & why Mack will never dress up as The Flash. Special guests, author Marc Zappulla and the Black-Eyed Kid. (Warning: Adult Content.)
28/10/2022 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 31 secondes
Astral Perceptions - Craig Bryant: The Black Monks of Accrington
Mark talks with author, researcher and Paranormal Pendle Podcast host Craig Bryant about his new book The Black Monks of Accrington which chronicles numerous stories of the paranormal in northern England.
27/10/2022 • 1 heure, 29 minutes, 49 secondes
6 Degrees of John Keel - Samhain Musings with Susan Demeter and Kiki Dombrowski
It’s the Witchiest time of the year! Halloween! Samhain! All Soul’s Night! and in celebration, Susan Demeter and Kiki Dombrowski return to 6 Degrees of John Keel to talk with Barbara about what they as Witches like to do to celebrate the season!We had fun, we laughed, talked about food, art and holiday traditions. And divination, costumes and rituals And then, we had some heavy talk about honouring the ancestors, death, funerary traditions and grief. We didn’t really plan to get that serious, but you know, the holiday goes there. So, we followed the path laid before us, and went with the flow. But then, we came back from the brink of darkness with some talk of jack-o-lanterns, runaway pumpkins and a trebuchet.
27/10/2022 • 1 heure, 22 minutes, 24 secondes
Twin Souls - Jason Gleaves: UFO Investigator
Ronald and Phillip Kinsella talk with UFO researcher and artist Jason Gleaves about UFO's and other topics.
27/10/2022 • 1 heure, 6 minutes, 2 secondes
Paranormal Peep Show - Steve Ward - Mothman Butts and other Pleasant Points
Andrew and Neil talk with researcher Steve Ward about the Mothman and Point Pleasant.
26/10/2022 • 1 heure, 12 minutes, 58 secondes
PAUK - Medium Clare Hinks and a Supernatural tale for Halloween read by Andy
#supernatual #spooky #halloween In our Halloween show Andy and Kerry are joined by Medium Clare Hicks to talk about her work and experiences. Followed by a tale of supernatural Lovecraftian horror - The Music of Eric Zann ready by Andy (including some spooky music composed by Andy. Also his first 'go' at an audio reading, so please be kind)
26/10/2022 • 1 heure, 40 minutes, 48 secondes
Bigfoot and the Bunny - Sleep Paralysis Demons and Entities with Vicki Joy Anderson
You wake up to a pitch-black bedroom. You cannot move. A nefarious, black shadow begins to walk slowly, ominously toward your bed. You try to scream, but nothing comes out. Has this ever happened to you? If it has, you are not alone. Online statistic estimate anywhere from 17-50% of the population has reported experiencing sleep paralysis at least once in their lifetime. Most people describe the experience as terrifying and attribute it to some sort of paranormal or demonic experience. But what most sufferers of sleep paralysis really want to know is: What is it, really? Why are these entities targeting me? And how can I stop it? Vicki Joy Anderson will share her research and belief as she attempts to answer these questions.BOOKS:They Only Come Out At Night: Exposing the Dark Weapon of Sleep Paralysis,
26/10/2022 • 2 heures, 39 minutes, 40 secondes
Paranormal Dimensions - Paul Sinclair: Proof Beyond a Reasonable Doubt
David Young talks with author and researcher Paul Sinclair about proof beyond a reasonable doubt.
24/10/2022 • 1 heure, 22 minutes, 22 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - Top Ten UFO Myths
In a highly requested show, the gang presents segments on Top 10 UFO Myths, the Mystery of the Green Fireballs and what dreams might mean for you and your sex life. Also, adult-themed outtakes, blooper ads and JJ tries to sing “Mack The Knife.” Special Guests: Jill Hanson & Lois Lane.
21/10/2022 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 31 secondes
Eleanor Wagner's Strange and Scary World - Mark Johnson: Reincarnation and Astral Perceptions
Paranormal UK’s own Mark Johnson is the host of the Astral Perceptions Podcast. He is also a Paranormal Researcher, Tarot Card Reader, and Shamanic Practitioner. He joins Eleanor Wagner in a discussion on reincarnation, astral projection, time travel experiments in today’s world, depossession sessions, and paranormal investigating.
20/10/2022 • 52 minutes, 4 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - When Soldiers See UFOs
The gang talks to video game producer Greg Masto about the future of Artificial Intelligence & Virtual Reality. What does Queen Elizabeth look like in Heaven? Can Juan-Juan play guitar with the Rolling Stones? Can Switch grow real hair in VR? Also, the man who talked to his acetylene torch, a bizarre Einstein theory called “Spooky Action at a Distance” is proven and a call for amnesty for any U.S. military service member threatened with loss of benefits if they reported seeing a UFO. Special guest: Ollie Masto.
14/10/2022 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 31 secondes
Aliens Revealed - UFO Experiencer Yossi Ronen
Yossi Ronen is a contact experiencer who lives in Israel. In 1981, he had his first experience with non-human intelligences while sleeping in his bed. What started out as a benign dream then turned scary for Yossi as he realized he and his home had been invaded by beings not of this world. What was the purpose for the visit? Was Yossi shown a glimpse of our future destruction?
14/10/2022 • 59 minutes, 28 secondes
6 Degrees of John Keel - They Come in Threes: Owls, UFO's and Synchs with Mike Clelland
Barbara and Morganna are joined by Mike Clelland who is the author of The Messengers: Owls, Synchronicity and the UFO Abductee.Mike’s also written Hidden Experience: A Memoir of Owls, Synchronicity and UFO Contact and Stories from the Messengers: Owls, UFO’s a Deeper Reality. All three books are fascinating looks at a seemingly disparate set of experiences that one would think are rare—except, they’re not. Mike has the files of stories from all over the world proving that this deeply human experience is all too normal, real and always presages deep changes ahead for the experiencer.
13/10/2022 • 2 heures, 3 minutes, 43 secondes
Bigfoot and the Bunny - The Phantom Hitchhiker Project: and America's Haunted Roadways with Clarissa Vazquez
The Phantom Hitchhiker Project: and America's Haunted Roadways with Clarissa VazquezAlso with special secret-squirrel shhhhhhh guest, Mr. Chris Balzano!Hey, do you need a ride??? n 2010, the Colorado Coalition of Paranormal Investigators set out too see if roadside crash sites resulted in Geographic Psychic Trauma (GPT) and subsequent phantom hitchhikers. During the ten years they actively conducted their research, they discovered more than just phantom hitchhikers on America's roadways and made a major scientific discovery in the process! Clarissa Vazquez, the founder of CCPI, takes you on a chilling journey down some of America's most haunted roadways and explains how GPT can result in phantom hitchhikers and other ghostly phenomena and how afterlife research can be conducted scientifically!
12/10/2022 • 1 heure, 38 minutes, 1 secondes
Paranormal Dimensions - Mike Covell: Ghosts and Ghouls of Hull
David Young talks with researcher Mike Covell about Ghosts and Ghouls of Hull, UK.
10/10/2022 • 1 heure, 8 minutes, 2 secondes
Astral Perceptions - Fairies and Ghosts with Neil Geddes-Ward
Mark Johnson talks with author, researcher and co-host of the Paranormal Peep Show, Neil Geddes-Ward about all types of mystical creatures including fairies, gnomes, ghosts, and other unusual phenomena.
07/10/2022 • 1 heure, 25 minutes, 53 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - Angels, Ghosts and UFOs
The gang talks about why angels & ghosts are sometimes spotted near UFO sightings. Clubb reports on the latest in the government’s look into UFOs. Winners of the free “God Satellite” book giveaway are announced. Plus, Top Four strangest You Tube clips of the month, why it’s okay to ask a ghost for privacy when taking a shower in a haunted house and a look back at the Killer Clown craze. Special guest: The Mysterious Ashley G.
07/10/2022 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 31 secondes
Eleanor Wagner's Strange and Scary World - Author and Paranormal Researcher Tony Urban
Eleanor talks with the author of a true-account haunting book, “Pennsylvania's Unexplained Mysteries: Ghosts, UFOs, Cryptids, & More (Haunted Pennsylvania),” Tony Urban discusses his fascination with the paranormal on this special haunted Halloween episode.
06/10/2022 • 29 minutes, 9 secondes
Bigfoot and the Bunny - Parapsychology and the Paranormal with Michael Lynch
Dr Michael Lynch, parapsychologist, has been featured on on ‘Worlds Scariest Places”, Nat Geo Show “Taboo” MTV’s show “Fear” , Destination America Live “ Exorcism Live ” Appeared in the Booth Brother Documentaries: “the Haunted Boy”, “Children of the Grave 2”.
05/10/2022 • 2 heures, 30 minutes, 6 secondes
Ghostly Tales of the Unexpected - September 2022
Simon Entwhistle tells more Ghostly Tales of the Unexpected
30/09/2022 • 1 heure, 2 secondes
Aliens Revealed - Jim Penniston: Rendlesham Forest UFO Incident
Dean talks with Jim Penniston, one of the main witnesses to the Rendlesham Forest ufo incident in 1980. It’s described as Britain’s Roswell. More than forty years later, Penniston is still talking about one of history’s most famous ufo encounters. There has been so much written and presented on Rendlesham Forest but a lot of it been distorted. Jim Penniston sets the record straight.
30/09/2022 • 1 heure, 8 minutes, 54 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - How to Call a UFO on Your Cell
he gang talks to Dr. Bob Gross about a classified NASA project to send Native American astronauts to Mars. British author Neil Geddes-Ward teases his upcoming book about faeries in Great Britain. Raven reports on another haunted painting. Also, the tale of a 50-foot-woman, taking pictures of shadow people, getting phone calls from the dead and Top 10 reasons the gang might not be invited back to the Exeter UFO Festival next year.
30/09/2022 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 31 secondes
Bigfoot and the Bunny - Galactic Federation of Light, Alien Afterlife, and More with Jill Cole
Bigfoot and the Bunny talk with Jill Cole who is the ambassador to the Galactic Federation of Light...Jill is an international hypnotherapist, author, medium, public speaker and energy healer. She channels Jesus, his brother James and archangel’s Michael and Uriel, as well as her guides Dominus and Aurelius ( D&A).Born in South Africa, she moved to New Zealand with her kiwi husband in 1987 and lives a peaceful life in the beautiful lake town of Wanaka.
29/09/2022 • 1 heure, 56 minutes, 55 secondes
Astral Perceptions - Mary Joyce: Spy in the Sky
Mark talks with author and researcher Mary Joyce about her new book SPY IN THE SKY - Secrets and cover-ups on Earth and beyond, which chronicles her findings of structures and UFO's on the moon, Mars, and even under Earth's oceans.
29/09/2022 • 58 minutes, 27 secondes
Twin Souls - Craig Bryant
Ronald and Phillip Kinsella talk with author and paranormal researcher Craig Bryant, host of the Paranormal Pendle podcast.
29/09/2022 • 1 heure, 5 minutes, 18 secondes
Paranormal UK Radio Show - Witchcraft and Magic
Paranormal UK Radio Show - Witchcraft and Magic with Andy and Guest host Kerry.From a hunt to find a mysterious 'house in the woods' to the 'Museum of Witchcraft', Kerry and Andy talk about elements of Witchcraft and Magic.
28/09/2022 • 1 heure, 16 minutes, 46 secondes
6 Degrees of John Keel - Zelia Edgar
We at Paranormal UK Radio welcome Barbara and Morganna to the Network. First show - 6 Degrees of john Keel - Zelia Edgar Barbara and Morgana talk with Zelia discussing her new book plus other occasions of High Strangeness. In the introduction to her newly published book, 'Just Another Tin Foil Hat Presents', Zelia Edgar describes it as a metaphoric place of paradox:”We are in the boondocks of the Twilight Zone, a place where half-formed concepts cavort with full-fledged nightmares, There are no clear boundaries here. Occurrences and appearances bleed through the tidy, self-contained categories that convention dictates should stand. Patterns exist between all anomalies, whether they be cryptid encounters, hauntings, UFO sightings, poltergeist phenomena, religious apparitions, folkloric beliefs or demonic manifestations. The evidence at once points in two separate ways — to physical occurrences that can’t abide by physical laws. Objective events that revel in subjective appearances. Simply put, the evidence points to something paradoxical.”I like to think of this book as “The Greatest Hits of High Strangeness.” It’s like one of those compilation albums they sold on TV in the 1970’s, except instead of songs, it’s monsters, UFO’s and apparitions, oh, my! Sit back and enjoy Zelia, Barbara and Morganna as they talk about the book, the cases therein, patterns that emerge in high strangeness cases and what the heck is it about feet in these strange happenings.
27/09/2022 • 1 heure, 24 minutes, 12 secondes
Paranormal Dimensions - Investigating the Unknown with Deborah Singleton
David Young talks with investigator Deborah Singleton.
26/09/2022 • 1 heure, 7 minutes, 59 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - The Day Mick Jagger saw a UFO
The gang talks about a variety of topics including their recent appearance at the Exeter NH UFO Festival & the upcoming Mothman Festival. Also, Switch drops in to say hello, celebrities who’ve seen UFOs and the Top 10 Reasons Mack has a beard. Warning: Adult Content.
23/09/2022 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 31 secondes
Paranormal Peep Show - Mark and Jayne Hartshorne: Spirits from Another World/The New World Order
Neil and Andrew talk with Mark and Jayne Hartshorne about Spirits from Another World and The New World Order.
22/09/2022 • 2 heures, 13 minutes, 22 secondes
Eleanor Wagner's Strange and Scary World - Astrology with Richard Clarkson
On this Anniversary Episode, Viktoria-Leigh Wagner co-hosts and helps Author Eleanor Wagner discuss Astrology with Richard Clarkson, how he lives his life by it, and how he was hired by the government to use it to discern strategic moves and help the government make pertinent decisions based on astrological guidance. He discusses predictions he has made (including one specifically on the airline disaster of TWA 800). He talks about how he traverses his alternate reality. And how we can access our alternate selves.Anyone interested in receiving their own chart reading can reach out to [email protected] to connect with Richard.
22/09/2022 • 1 heure, 4 minutes, 58 secondes
Bigfoot and the Bunny - Paranormal Pendulum III
Dan Baldwin and George Sewell discuss their book: "Paranormal Pendulum III: The Abduction of Lindsey Higgins, the UFO Phenomenon, the Spirit World … and Beyond", andtheir research with Lindsey Higgins (whose story was the subject of the Netflix series 'Haunted') as well as ghosts, hybrid children and much more...
21/09/2022 • 1 heure, 23 minutes, 5 secondes
Aliens Revealed - Paul Anthony Wallis
Paul Anthony Wallis is a popular speaker, researcher and author of books on spirituality and mysticism. His work probes the world's mythologies for their insight into human origins and human potential.Paul is a healing practitioner and has worked as a theological educator, training pastors in the interpretation of texts, and as an Archdeacon for the Anglican (Episcopal) church in Australia. He’s released several controversial books in the same mold as Chariots Of The Gods. Two of them are Escape From Eden and The Scars Of Eden.
16/09/2022 • 57 minutes, 1 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - How to Live in a Haunted House
The gang goes full ghost mode, discussing the dos and don’ts of dealing with someone from the afterlife. Also, Clubb tells the amazing story about breaking into a haunted house as a kid only to learn years later the house has a connection to someone else on the show. Plus, what happens during a real exorcism, Raven on “the madness of two”, and the Top Ten Reasons Juan-Juan could be thrown out of the UK. Special guests, Valerie Lofaso & Mary Beth Parkinson.
16/09/2022 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 31 secondes
Astral Perceptions - Symmetry: A True UFO Adventure
Mark talks with author Preston Dennett and ET Experiencer Dolly Saffran about their new book "Symmetry: A True UFO Adventure" where Dolly discusses her lifelong experiences of interacting with extraterrestrial beings and what's in store for the future of mankind.
15/09/2022 • 1 heure, 24 minutes, 13 secondes
Paranormal Dimensions - Haunted Antiques with Neil Packer
David Young talks with guest Neil Packer about Haunted Antiques
12/09/2022 • 57 minutes, 3 secondes
Mack Malony's Military X-Files - This Means War!
The gang plays World War 2 trivia again for fan prizes and to honor the military charity, Homes For Our Troops. Why didn’t U.S. Marines fight on D-Day? What was the “Aluminum Trail?” What was the name of Hitler’s dog? Need to know: The Manhattan Project was the name of the program to create the first atomic bomb. Special guests: Literary agent Jim Frenkel, Gamemaster Phil Orbanes & General Tom Landwermeyer (U.S. Army, ret).
09/09/2022 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 31 secondes
Bigfoot and the Bunny - Phantom Detectives, Paranormal Investigation with Joshua Chaires
Joshua Chaires is a paranormal investigator, writer, researcher, musician, and publicist. Chaires got interested in the supernatural at an early age while watching Unsolved Mysteries with Robert Stack. His interest in the supernatural peaked in 2002 when he had the opportunity to investigate The General Wayne Inn in Marion Station, Pa. Chaires is a 2008 graduate of West Chester University and a future graduate student majoring in Business Administration. In 2014 Chaires co-founded the Summerwind Restoration Society along with Wisconsin paranormal investigator Craig Nehring. Their goal was to use the original blueprints of Summerwind Mansion to restore, rebuild, and relaunch Summerwind Mansion as a museum. With it's haunted history Summerwind is known to be the most haunted locations in Wisconsin. In August of 2020 Chaires founded the Phantom Detectives to help people who were going through paranormal experiences. Using the Paranormal Research Society blue-print Chaires is hoping to build a team of renowned paranormal investigators and is dedicated to helping people that are going through these experiences. Chaires has investigated the Sanderson Museum, Selma Mansion, Mill of Anselma, White Chimneys, The General Wayne Inn, Fort Mifflin, Pennhurst, Smyrna Museum in De, Paoli Battlefield, Gettysburg, Chadds Ford Historical Society, and many other locations. On May 21, 2021 Joshua's future LLC company purchased the rights to the late Art Bell's former affiliate directors news program Dark Matter News
08/09/2022 • 1 heure, 29 minutes, 43 secondes
Eleanor Wagner's Strange and Scary World - Psychic Medium Kimberly Guyerdone
Historical Medium and New Jersey Paranormal Project Team Member Kimberly Guyer discusses her mediumship and how it affects her paranormal investigations. She and Eleanor Wagner talk about previous investigations they collaborated on, and the evidence unearthed. She talks about quantum physics and how it fits into the whole mediumship spectrum.
08/09/2022 • 44 minutes, 53 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - Top 10 Jokes About The KGB
With the help of spy historian Phil Orbanes, the gang takes a very deep dive into the late, much-feared Soviet intelligence agency that was actually more Keystone Cops than James Bond. Also, Raven presents more Cursed Films & the free giveaway of Mack’s new book, “The God Satellite” continues. Special guest, literary agent Jim Frenkel.
Craig Bryant talks with Graeme Milne about his book Aberdeen's Haunted Heritage.
01/09/2022 • 1 heure, 2 minutes, 10 secondes
Bigfoot and the Bunny - Demonologist/UFOlogist Nathaniel Gillis
Nathaniel Gillis will discuss his research of Aliens, Demons, and unclean spirits with a twist... Put your seatbelt on and get ready to ride!
31/08/2022 • 1 heure, 49 minutes, 14 secondes
Ghostly Tales of the Unexpected - August 2022
Simon Enwhistle offers more ghostly tales of the unexpected
30/08/2022 • 53 minutes, 47 secondes
Paranormal Dimensions - Jason Gleaves: Project UFO
David Young talks with UFO investigator Jason Gleaves.
29/08/2022 • 1 heure, 14 minutes, 17 secondes
Aliens Revealed - Lower Alloways Creek Incident
The Lower Alloways Creek Incident where an alleged ufo crashed in the South Jersey area in 1991 has raised lots of questions. The incident was officially described as a helicopter crash. Robert Earl White’s mother was the main witness during the incident. Robert is currently on a campaign to get to the truth about what it was that crashed.
26/08/2022 • 50 minutes, 48 secondes
Eleanor Wagner's Strange & Scary World - Reverend Robyne Marie
Life Coach Reverend Robyne Marie discusses her documentary on the 1962 Centralia Pennsylvania coal fire, her connection with the coal miner spirits, and how they felt about the government destroying the town and the people that lived there. She talks about numerology and how it can help you live your best life.
25/08/2022 • 48 minutes, 56 secondes
Astral Perceptions Show - Thiaoouba Prophecy with Samuel Chong
Mark talks with translator and publisher Samuel Chong about Michel Desmarquet's groundbreaking book Thiaoouba Prophecy about one man's UFO abduction experience where he is transported to an advanced planet and given a history of mankind and who we need to return to a spiritual existence.
25/08/2022 • 1 heure, 22 minutes, 38 secondes
Paranormal UK Radio Show - Perception and the Paranormal
How much of what you believe affects what you think you see? And, can we affect the environment around us by will alone? Andy and guest co-host Kerry Greenaway (From The Paranormal Concept Show) Discuss these and other related topics as we explore perception, synchronicity and consciousness.
24/08/2022 • 1 heure, 33 minutes, 44 secondes
Bigfoot and the Bunny - "Slipstream Shaman" Todd Wilcox
Todd Wilcox, known as the “Slipstream Shaman” will take you on a journey into the Quantum Field as he discusses how you can learn to use your natural abilities in Quantum Healing as well as discussing paranormal experiences including Shadow People and Bigfoot!BOOKS: Slipstream Shaman: Using Quantum Healing for Individuals, Communities, the Planet, and BeyondBIO: Todd has had a lifelong fascination with alternative healing, consciousness expansion, and human potential. His first book Slipstream Shaman: Using Quantum Healing for Individuals, Communities, the Planet, and Beyond was recently published and the next two books in the series will be out soon. Todd also loves talking about the paranormal and hosts a radio program called My Side of the Universe.
24/08/2022 • 1 heure, 24 minutes, 56 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military -X Files “Even Stranger Things…”
“Even Stranger Things…” – The gang recounts some of the strangest things that have ever happened to them. UFO Mechanic Al Renaldo tells the chilling story of talking to his deceased father. Mack & JJ see ghosts. Raven explains why her house is so haunted. Plus, Top Ten Reasons why Juan-Juan has not been thrown out of the UK yet and the contest for a free copy of Mack’s new book continues.
19/08/2022 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 31 secondes
Paranormal Peep Show - UFO Experiencer Tony Topping
Neil and Andrew talk with UFO experiencer Tony Topping.
18/08/2022 • 1 heure, 53 minutes, 49 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - What is The God Satellite?
t’s a full house as the gang gathers a panel of experts to talk about the Top 10 scariest movies ever. Also, more on the Scareships, Top 10 Reasons Raven Gets Mad at Mack, plus a free book giveaway for Mack’s new novel, “The God Satellite.” Special guests include: The Black-Eyed Kid, Authors Marc Zappulla & Jason Hewett, Literary Agent Jim Frenkel & the Mysterious Ashley G.
12/08/2022 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 31 secondes
Eleanor Wagner's Strange and Scary World - Lauren Robbins: Double-Visioned Medium
Massachusetts native, Lauren Robbins, is a Double-Visioned Medium™, who is a Renowned and Award-Winning Tested and Endorsed Evidential Psychic, Spirit Medium, Afterlife Research Medium, Author, Healer, and Spiritual Teacher.
11/08/2022 • 52 minutes, 33 secondes
Bigfoot and the Bunny - Past Life Trauma and Channeling the Council of 8 with Michelle Carpenter
Michelle discusses how to release grief and trauma from our bodies and how intergenerational trauma can affect us, including how past lives play a part in releasing trauma. She will explain how she connects into a person's body and energy field to help find the origin of the trauma and start the healing process. She will also talk about the Council of 8, which she channels. Michelle Carpenter has a gift of seeing into a person’s body, mind a spirit. She can sense when a person’s heart “contracts”, when it feels sadness or pain, and expands when their vibration shifts in the moment of grieving or allowing vulnerability. She is shown where feelings are held within the body and mind, working on a deeper level of the subconscious programming. She works with past lives, intergenerational trauma and ancestral trauma and connects with the spirit of loved ones who have passed over. She also channel’s Angelic beings of light, called “Council of 8”.
10/08/2022 • 1 heure, 45 minutes, 34 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - Return to a Place called Machrihanish
In a highly requested episode of a special UK-centric broadcast, the gang is joined by RAF expert Ross Sharp to discuss one of the most secret bases in the world. Also, five good reasons to hate British food, proof The Beatles were created in a laboratory and the Question of the Week: Would you ride in a supersonic fighter plane even if heavy vomiting was involved? Special Guests: Willy Clubb, Winona Raven & UFO Mechanic, Al Renaldo.
05/08/2022 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 31 secondes
Bigfoot and the Bunny - James Annitto: Demonology and the Dominion Ministry
Kristen and Chris talk to their friend, James Annitto, about all things paranormal and mysterious. James Annitto was ordained a Deacon and is a Demonologist who has worked alongside many other specialists in this field. James is also a paranormal investigator/researcher with Paranormal Phenomena Research & Investigation (PPRI), Sanctuary Paranormal, and the founder/owner of The Dominion Ministry. He has been in the paranormal field since the early age of 15, investigating graveyards and legendary surroundings in the New England area such as Mercy Brown, Ladd School, USS Salem, and Slater Mill. His knowledge of the paranormal came from reading many books in his early years. Watching Unsolved Mysteries, Scariest Places on Earth and then, eventually, Ghost Hunters increased his interest and knowledge of the field. His first ever experience came when his aunt showing him a ghostly figure in a photo peeking out of a window during one of their vacations. With this experience James came to love the paranormal and knew that he wanted to be a part of this field when he got older.Being a teenager of 15, it was difficult for him to become part of a research group let alone start his own, so he travelled to graveyards with his camera and a flashlight until he was able to form his own group years later called Ghost Hunters of Supernatural Truth (G.H.O.S.T.). G.H.O.S.T. consisted of Andre Correia formerly of R.I.P.S who appeared on “The Haunted” episode “Demon Attack,” and other members from different areas of the paranormal field with experience levels of none to a few years. James gained a lot of experience running the team and calling clients/business/homeowners. After being in the field for the last 16 years, James has gained a great deal of experience from working with many well-respected members of the paranormal field. He has appeared on many radio and local television shows. He has also given scores of lectures at libraries and expos.James began a new level of his paranormal life when he began his studies in demonology and the ministry. Dedicating himself to helping others in the field and those who are in need of a cleansing or blessing, he travels anywhere he is needed free of charge. Even though he has hundreds of cases under his belt, he never makes himself to appear as if he is better than his peers in the field or unavailable to someone who requires his assistance. If for some reason he is unable to help, he always passes the case along to another in the field with equal or more experience than himself. James in March 2015 created The Dominion Ministry to change the landscape of the spiritual warfare field, bringing many spiritual warriors together. In early 2017, James stepped down from The Dominion Ministry to make time for his family, continued studies in the paranormal and as well becoming a seminarian and then eventually ordained as a Deacon. James also worked alongside Carl Johnson in the research/lecture group Duo Daemonologie which started lecturing in 2019 and ended in 2022. Also, in 2022 James started working with Criminologist Laura Brand, expert on The Toolbox Killers on the project ‘True Evil’; A Podcast and Lecture Series while also retaking over ownership and leadership of The Dominion Ministry
03/08/2022 • 1 heure, 37 minutes, 20 secondes
Paranormal Dimensions - Bob Brown: The Paranormal Rainbow
David Young talks with guest Bob Brown about the Paranormal Rainbow
01/08/2022 • 1 heure, 35 minutes, 20 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - Return of the Scareships
In a special “All About Switch” show, the gang discusses strange UFOs that haunted England just before World War One. Also, the story of the Flatwoods Monster, West Virginia’s “Mystery Hole,” how Switchblade Steve got his nickname and Raven reveals she ran a detective agency when she was nine years old.
29/07/2022 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 31 secondes
Aliens Revealed - ET Experiencer Erin Montgomery
Erin Montgomery is a member of a 4 generation ET contactee family. She decided to share her story to help others realize that there is support available for people with abduction experiences. Erin released her book, Dirty Little Secret: Confessions of an Alien Contactee and if your part of a book of the month club, this should be your first choice.
29/07/2022 • 48 minutes, 17 secondes
Twin Souls - Kathleen Marden: Forbidden Knowledge
Ronald and Phillip Kinsella talk with author Kathleen Marden about her new book Forbidden Knowledge.
28/07/2022 • 58 minutes, 6 secondes
Eleanor Wagners Strange and Scary World - Rebecca Williamson: The Haunted Cambre House
Eleanor Wagner talks with Rebecca Williamson who is the current proprietor of the very haunted Cambre House. A historic building dating back to the 1800s it overlooks the Mississippi River and acts as a wedding venue for its Nauvoo, Illinois residents and doubles as a haunted haven for paranormal enthusiasts. Rebecca talks about her endless spooky encounters with its ghostly inhabitants.
28/07/2022 • 43 minutes, 4 secondes
Bigfoot and the Bunney - Haunted Southern Nevada Ghost Towns with Heather Leigh Landon
Bigfoot and the Bunny talk Haunted Southern Nevada Ghost Towns with Heather Leigh Landon.
27/07/2022 • 1 heure, 9 minutes, 40 secondes
Paranormal UK Radio Show - iConjureTV
Irene and Andy are joined by Chris Booth the co-founder of iConjure TV - Paranormal Investigation team and YouTube regulars How did they get started?, What's their favourite location?, What's their best evidence? (clue, it's in the show) - These and many other questions are answered Check out their channel -
27/07/2022 • 1 heure, 9 minutes, 44 secondes
Paranormal Concept Show - Monistaries Part 2 - Ghosts
The Paranormal Concept team return to the history of the dissolution of the monasteries and an an intriguing ghost story.
26/07/2022 • 1 heure, 26 minutes, 15 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - The UFO Pancake Mystery
The gang welcomes Brother Paul Santoro, renowned chef and Franciscan monk, to discuss what will happen to the world’s religions if life is discovered elsewhere in the Universe. Raven reports on one of the most cursed movies ever, “The Wizard of Oz.” Switch tells the story of the crew of a UFO who stopped on Earth just to get some pancakes. Jocko reveals what “Chicken in Pajamas” really means.
22/07/2022 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 31 secondes
Bigfoot and the Bunny - Haunted Southern Nevada Ghost Towns with Heather Leigh Landon
Heather Leigh started her journey in the paranormal field more than 30 years ago as a teenager after multiple interactions with her grandfather who passed away many years prior. Throughout the years following, she has researched and traveled to locations in order to learn more about the history and paranormal claims. She holds a Doctor of Philosophy in Metaphysical Humanistic Science, specializing in Paranormal Science. She is a Certified Paranormal Investigator (CPI) and Certified EVP Technician (CET). Her goal is to help others take a more scientific approach to paranormal investigations and research.Heather Leigh is a member of the International Paranormal Bureau of Investigations and Research (IBPIR), Chief Administrator and Regional Director for the Northeastern United States for The Warren Legacy Foundation for Paranormal Research and a member of the ParaNexus Anomalous Research Association. She is an author of articles, including in The Real Paranormal Magazine UK, an author, Ghosts of Southern Nevada Ghost Towns (coming out mid-2022), as well as a lecturer about all things paranormal. She is a co-host and content contributor for Touch of Magick, a podcast about magick and the paranormal, and teaches classes through iMystic University. She is also the co-host of The Warren Files and co-host of Ghost Education 101. Heather Leigh is also the founder for Exploration Paranormal and co-founder of Witches Paranormal Society.Here is the link to Heather Leigh’s page with updates, events, classes, and articles.Heather Leigh: her NEW book: Haunted Southern Nevada Ghost Towns (Haunted America) Paperback – Due August 22, 2022
21/07/2022 • 1 heure, 9 minutes, 40 secondes
Paranormal Peepshow - Draco Reptilians and Pleiadians
Neal and Andy talk with returning guests, Julie Phelps and Nic Sands on Draco Reptilians and Pleiadians.
21/07/2022 • 1 heure, 48 minutes, 58 secondes
Paranormal Dimensions - Lady Ghosthunter Eleanor Wagner
David talks with Lady Ghosthunter Eleanor Wagner about American Hauntings.
18/07/2022 • 1 heure, 9 minutes, 49 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - Attack of the Giant UFOs
The gang discusses reports of giant flying saucers, a haunted amusement park and one man’s story about seeing UFOs in the last year of his life. Also, Top 10 Reasons Clubb is in Ireland, why the new Batman movie blows & a confession from Raven about using spells on boyfriends at an early age. Special guests, superfans Kim Scheie & Sara Suddaby.
18/07/2022 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 31 secondes
Aliens Revealed - Regression Therapist Barbara Lamb
Barbara Lamb is a Certified Hypnotherapist, Regression Therapist and a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in California. She specializes in Regression Therapy with people who experience encounters with extraterrestrial beings. She’s also a very accomplished author with landmark books such as Meet The Hybrids, Crop Circles Revealed and two editions of Alien Experiences.
15/07/2022 • 44 minutes, 53 secondes
Paranormal Pendle Podcast - John Tantalon: Edinburgh's Haunted Pubs
Craig Bryant talks with researcher John Tantalon about Edinburgh's Haunted Pubs.
14/07/2022 • 44 minutes, 34 secondes
Bigfoot and the Bunny - Spirit Medium & Paranormal Investigator Phillip Wyatt
Phillip Wyatt is an Eventual Spirit Medium and experienced Paranormal Researcher, and Investigator with The Mystery Center for Advanced Paranormal Phenomena (M.C.A.P.P.). He has extensive background in the study and Practice of ITC, Instrumental Trans Communication. He combines his beliefs in the afterlife along with his gifts as a Medium, together with science and technology to establish the connection and communication between the living and Spirit. He is the founder and administrator for the group The ITC Collaboration, a group of ITC enthusiasts which consists of over five hundred members performing worldwide ITC experiments. Philip is the developer for the Android ITC Spirit Communication App, The ITC Collaboration Pro, available on Google Play. Philip has published Three books, “The Art Of Spirit,” “The Artful Spirits,” and “Spirit Reflections,” which are collections of Spirit Images derived from the Ancient form of Divination called "Water Scrying". Philip has been a featured speaker at the Dragoncon convention in Atlanta GA as a Lecturer in the Paranormal field. As a staff writer for the Paranormal Magazine - “The Paranormal Inquisitor” - Philip presents his views and thoughts on many different Paranormal topics.
13/07/2022 • 1 heure, 15 minutes, 4 secondes
Paranormal Concept Show - Dissolution of the Monasteries
This week on the Paranormal Concept Show we delve down into history and take a look at the dissolution of monasteries and the cultural, political and belief influences that caused the immense change within the European and UK.
12/07/2022 • 1 heure, 53 minutes, 35 secondes
Mack Maloney - Did Anything Really Happen at Roswell?
On the 75th anniversary of the famous UFO “crash,” the gang discusses exactly what was found at the debris site and asks questions such as: Why would a UFO have rope on board? Also, Lonely Larry with Five Questions for Raven, more Cursed Movies and two songs about Roswell from Johnny Cobb and Mack’s band, Sky Club. Special guest: Dr. Bob Gross.
08/07/2022 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 31 secondes
Eleanor Wagner's Strange & Scary World - Kris Sumner
Kris Sumner, Paranormal Investigator with the Soul Sisters Paranormal Group out of Florida, discusses her paranormal group, their investigations and now the haunted jail venue she owns in Tennessee.
06/07/2022 • 1 heure, 6 minutes, 44 secondes
Paranormal UK Radio Show - Steve Ward Returns
The Paranormal UK Radio Show returns with a new co-host alongside Irene.Irene and Andy welcome High Strangeness Factor's' host Steve Ward back to the show to discuss the amazingly mysterious 'Mothman' and related phenomena, now from the perspective of someone who not only lives in Point Pleasant but also works at the Mothman Museum!
06/07/2022 • 1 heure, 40 minutes, 24 secondes
Paranormal Concept Show - Haunted Prisons
This week on the Paranormal Concept Show we take a look at Prisons and the hauntings that allegedly relate to them.
05/07/2022 • 1 heure, 43 minutes, 41 secondes
Paranormal Dimensions - GARY OSBORN
David discusses The Rendlesham Enigma with Gary Osborn
04/07/2022 • 2 heures, 19 minutes, 7 secondes
Mack Maloney - The Star Jelly Mystery
The gang welcomes two super-fans to the show for discussions on mysterious substances falling from the sky and ways Cobra can better protect his farm. Switch talks about life inside the Mothman Universe, the Clubb Report explores the connection between UFOs and the long-awaited launch of the James Webb Telescope, plus the story of a German POW who witnessed an extremely bizarre UFO landing. Specials guests: Mike Smith, Doug Daniel and famous author, Marc Zappulla.
01/07/2022 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 31 secondes
Aliens Revealed - Robert Emerson: Alien Abduction
Robert Emerson has been surrounded by alien abduction experiences for most of his life. Whether as an experiencer himself, his family, friends or as an hypnosis expert working with people who have had abduction experiences and paranormal events, he has more insight into this phenomenon than most. In fact, he grew up in a small town called Middleton in Massachusetts, a hotbed for abduction experiences.
01/07/2022 • 54 minutes, 56 secondes
Ghostly Tales of the Unexpected - June 2022
Simon Entwhistle entertains us with more ghostly tales of the unexpected.
30/06/2022 • 53 minutes, 37 secondes
Eleanor Wagner's Strange & Scary World - Author and Conspiracy Theorist Susana Sheldon
Conspiracy Theorist and Author Susana Sheldon talks to Eleanor Wagner about why 9/11 was an inside job. You don't want to miss this episode!
30/06/2022 • 49 minutes, 5 secondes
Twin Souls - Mark Olly and Crystal Skulls
Ronald and Phillip talk with guest Mark Olly about Crystal Skulls and human evolution.
30/06/2022 • 1 heure, 2 minutes
Bigfoot and the Bunny - Alien Experiencer Wes Roberts
A 30-year contract college professor, Wes Roberts had hints of alien visitations dating back to his teens. Through ofttimes frustrating nighttime experiences, then because of a consciously recalled experience in the 1980s, Wes eventually became convinced his experiences could not be explained away by conventional theories.BOOKS: Intersections: A True Story of Extraterrestrial ContactAn Experiencer’s Garden
29/06/2022 • 1 heure, 34 minutes, 52 secondes
Paranormal Concept Show - Aboriginal Folklore
This week on the Paranormal Concept Show we delve into aboriginal folklore and see if we can answer the controversial question of what the 'Yowie' is. Is is a flesh and bones creature or is its existence purely urban legend?
28/06/2022 • 2 heures, 1 minute, 13 secondes
Mack Maloney Military X-Files - Coco-palooza Redux
It’s all about Commander Cobra in this highly requested special replay show, including 20 questions the gang has always wanted to ask CC, why comedian Robin Williams was a dick, how many Dallas Cheerleaders can you fit inside a helicopter and how not to vomit while airborne. Also, the beginnings of the on-going & usually heated debate on whether Popeye was in the US Navy or the Coast Guard. Plus, Switch explains how he had rum for breakfast & then suddenly shaved off his beard.
24/06/2022 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 31 secondes
Bigfoot and the Bunny - Machiel Klerk: Dream Interpretation
Machiel Klerk discusses how you can harness the power of your unconscious through dream incubation: an age-old technique that teaches you to access hidden wisdom that can be used for personal development.Machiel Klerk is a social entrepreneur, licensed mental health therapist, international speaker, dream worker, and published author. He has been a mental health therapist since 2006, and currently has an online private practice. Machiel is fascinated by healing traditions. He earned a master’s degree in counseling psychology at Pacifica Graduate Institute. Machiel has traveled all over the world and studied many cultures and their healing and dream traditions, and in specific the African traditions as South Africa is the country of his birth. Machiel has published a book ‘Dream Guidance’ with the respected Hay House publishing company. The book is currently available through Amazon, Barnes and Nobles as a pre-order.Machiel has given lectures and workshops in Europe, South Africa and North America about dreams and psychology. He also provides inspirational talks and workshops for companies on creativity, innovation and leadership. He has written several articles on dreams and released a course on Jung Platform. Machiel has vocationally been guided by dreams when he founded the Jung Society of Utah and the online organization Jung Platform as a result of a night time dream. In appreciation for these contributions, he has received several awards from the local community. He moved in his early youth from South Africa to the Netherlands, and lived a year in France during his teenage years. He backpacked a year through Asia and then moved in2004 to the USA where he still lives and dreams.
22/06/2022 • 1 heure, 3 minutes, 10 secondes
Paranormal Dimensions - Kieran Woodhouse: A Haunting in Essex
David Young talks with Kieran Woohouse about A Haunting in Essex.
20/06/2022 • 1 heure, 12 minutes, 45 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - How to Buy a Haunted House
The gang welcomes back Switch with a special show. The Mysterious Ashley G explains how best to buy a “quaintly bedeviled” property. UFO investigator/Disco King Paul Dale Roberts reveals how he found five top-secret UFO photographs belonging to the CIA. Raven reports on people in a French city who wouldn’t stop dancing until they dropped dead. Juan-Juan continues his assault on the British Empire.
17/06/2022 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 31 secondes
Aliens Revealed - Elena Danaan
Elena Danaan has had alien contact since childhood. She was rescued from the Zeta Greys by Nordic aliens while in the process of being abducted and has kept contact with her protectors all her life. Born in France, Danaan is an archaeology graduate working in the field for 20 years, eight of which was spent in Egypt as an engineer epigraphist for the CNRS (Karnak, Luxor, Cairo, Dendera and Valley of the Kings). Completing studies in Druidry, Shamanism, energy and sound healing, she currently works as a spiritual practitioner in Ireland where she currently lives.
17/06/2022 • 1 heure, 1 minute, 26 secondes
Paranormal Peep Show - Julie Phelps: Draco Reptilians, Black Goo and Secret Space Programme
Neil and Andy talk with Julie Phelps regarding Draco Reptilians, Black Goo & Secret Space Programme.
16/06/2022 • 1 heure, 33 minutes, 22 secondes
Eleanor Wagner's Strange & Scary World - Kim Evans's Ghostly Encounters
Retired-Assistant Director of Career Services-University of Oregon, Kim Evans, talks candidly about her ghostly encounters – one being her encounter with the deceased Nevada Senator – William Raggio, Catherine Mackey – the wife of a prominent mining magnate, an old Carson City jailhouse haunt, a Charleston, South Carolina tavern specter and her poignant story of a visit from her own deceased mother.
16/06/2022 • 45 minutes, 21 secondes
Paranormal Pendle Podcast - Paul Sinclair: Truth Proof 4
Host Craig Bryant talks with author and paranormal researcher Paul Sinclair.
16/06/2022 • 1 heure, 25 minutes, 12 secondes
Bigfoot and the Bunny - Telepathy, Clairvoyance and Precognition with Terje Simonsen
Bigfoot and the Bunny welcome back Dr. Terje Simonsen. Dr. Terje Simonsen discusses his research and philosophy of the paranormal going back to ancient times. He notes that, while there is nearly 150 years of scientific research in parapsychology, the field is still marginalized within academia. He also talks about the responses to the paranormal within the field of theoretical physics. He focuses on the practical applications of psi, and on the personal meaning of psi abilities. He is the author of one of our favorite books: "A Short History of (Nearly) Everything Paranormal"
15/06/2022 • 1 heure, 14 minutes, 23 secondes
Astral Perceptions - Von Braschler: Time Shifts and Mysterious Messages from Beyond
Host Mark Johnson talks with author and researcher Von Braschler about his two books "Time Shifts: Experiences of Slipping into the Past and Future" and "Mysterious Messages from Beyond".
15/06/2022 • 1 heure, 34 minutes, 54 secondes
The Paranormal Concept Show - UFOs with Chris De Marais
This week on The Paranormal Concept Show we delve into the world of Ufology with the wonderful Chris De Marais.
14/06/2022 • 2 heures, 3 minutes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - The Most Haunted Ship in the Navy
The gang discusses some disturbing aspects surrounding the haunting of the Navy's aircraft carrier, USS Hornet. Also, Clubb reports on the latest congressional hearings on UFOs, Top Ten Black-Eyed Kid pick-up lines and Raven sees a ghost. (Warning: Adult Content.)
10/06/2022 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 31 secondes
Bigfoot and the Bunny - “A Flash of Beauty: Bigfoot Revealed” with Tobe Johnson and Brett Eichenberger
Tobe Johnson and Brett Eichenberger are co-producers of the new documentary, “A Flash of Beauty: Bigfoot Revealed” and talk about the interviews from researchers and eyewitnesses with extraordinary stories and evidence. They also discuss historical accounts of Bigfoot and the significance within the indigenous culture!The film makes a strong case for the existence of Bigfoot and asks the viewer to examine the evidence and come to their own conclusion.
08/06/2022 • 54 minutes, 19 secondes
Paranormal Concept Show - Mythology of Snakes
This week on the Paranormal Concept Show we delve deep into the mythology of Snakes and take a journey through various cultures and there links to this enduring symbol.
07/06/2022 • 1 heure, 45 minutes, 52 secondes
Paranormal Dimensions - Neil Storey: The Dracula Secrets
David Young returns to the podcast world with his first guest, the amazing historical and paranormal author Neil Storey.
Nancy Tremaine is a lifelong contact experiencer who carried a secret with her for fifty years. Actually, it was a secret she only discovered fifty years after it happened. She was taken aboard an alien craft and during the course of the next five decades, was mentored by what she describes as her best friend in life, a reptilian teacher.
03/06/2022 • 51 minutes, 28 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - Who Was the Best Spy Ever?
The gang is joined by Gamemaster Phil Orbanes and super-agent Jim Frenkel as they count down the Top Ten list of the best spies since World War Two. Also, a report on a creepy dream-like apparition called “Dear David” and the U.S. Navy’s admission that some of its ships had been swarmed not by UFOs but by mysterious drones. Plus, the winners of the “Ask Raven 5 Questions” contest are announced.
03/06/2022 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 31 secondes
Eleanor Wagner's Strange & Scary World - Psychic Medium Jessica King
Jessica King communicates with departed loved ones and the spiritual realm and brings healing at a soul level. She explains how she does it.
02/06/2022 • 35 minutes, 37 secondes
Bigfoot and the Bunny- Haunted Geneology with Natalie Zett
Haunted Geneology with Natalie Zett
01/06/2022 • 1 heure, 3 minutes, 16 secondes
Paranormal Concept Show - Mirror Myths and Lost Treasures
This week on the Paranormal Concept Show we look at the concept of Mirrors and take a journey through Mythology, Lost Treasures, Power and the reflective influences the mirror has on our very psyche.
31/05/2022 • 1 heure, 53 minutes, 15 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-files - Guard Dogs from Another Dimension (Repeat)
The gang is back together! Highlights include: Switch’s “Tales from the Fringe” talking about Dogmen, and how they sometimes act like sentries or guards from another reality. Willy Clubb’s “The Clubb Report” on the new Government study of UFOs. Also, Top 10 New Year’s Resolutions of Teddy, Coco’s Ball-Less Horse, Switch reveals he’s always wanted to be a male model & Lois tells the joke about the rabbit and a rabbi.
27/05/2022 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 31 secondes
Twin Souls - Barry Fitzgerald: The Deception of Gods and Men
Ronald and Phillip Kinsella speak with researcher and author Barry Fitzgerald about his new book "The Deception of Gods and Men".
26/05/2022 • 1 heure, 2 minutes, 18 secondes
Ghostly Tales of the Unexpected - May 2022
Show host and tour guide Simon Entwhistle entertains us with more Ghostly Tales of the Unexpected.
26/05/2022 • 1 heure, 9 secondes
Bigfoot and the Bunny - Psychic Robert Lindsy Milne
Psychic and Friend, Robert Lindsy Milne Returns to Bigfoot and the Bunny with a special heartfelt message to those involved with the Texas school shooting.
25/05/2022 • 1 heure, 24 minutes, 16 secondes
Paranormal Concept Show - Ghosts of The White House
This week on The Paranormal Concept Show we take a look at Ghosts of the White House and the First Ladies.
24/05/2022 • 2 heures, 2 minutes, 3 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - Did Dracula Fly a UFO?
Superfan Susan Kauppila joins the gang as they discuss evidence that suggests the real Dracula, AKA “Vlad the Impaler,” was from outer space. Raven reports on Lake Lanier, the most haunted lake in America; an expert analysis of three extremely creepy You Tube videos indicates they are not hoaxes, plus an image of a weird creature caught on a Trail Cam the same night UFOs were seen overhead.
20/05/2022 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 31 secondes
Aliens Revealed - Jacqueline Smith: Psychic and Hypnotherapist
Jacquelin Smith, B.A., Certified Hypnotherapist, as well as a gifted Psychic, Healer, and Metaphysical teacher is an Experiencer/Hybrid. Jacquelin is a leader in the field of telepathic communication with animals. She communicates internationally with thousands of individuals about their animal companions. Since early childhood, Jacquelin has had numerous experiences as well as telepathic communications with star beings, light beings, angels and interdimensional beings. Jacquelin is able to travel, through her consciousness, to other star systems and universes and remembers what she is shown. Also, she has experienced an NDE.
20/05/2022 • 42 minutes, 17 secondes
Paranormal Peep Show - Ben Emlyn-Jones: UFO Triangle & Conference Updates
Neil and Andrew talk with returning guest Ben Emlyn-Jones about further Welsh UFO activity and an update on a recent UFO conference.
19/05/2022 • 1 heure, 12 minutes, 1 secondes
Paranormal Pendle Podcast - David Saunderson: Haunted London Underground
Craig talks with paranormal researcher David Saunderson about the Haunted London Underground.
19/05/2022 • 56 minutes, 21 secondes
Eleanor Wagner's Strange & Scary World - Mike Mezme: Magic and the Paranormal
Well-renowned Magician Mike Mezmer talks about how he incorporates his magic skills with his paranormal pursuits.
19/05/2022 • 43 minutes, 7 secondes
Bigfoot and the Bunny - ET Experiencer and Abductee Wes Roberts
Chris and Kristen talk to Wes Roberts and take a trip down the rabbit hole.. A 30-year contract college professor, Wes had hints of alien visitations dating back to his teens. Through ofttimes frustrating nighttime experiences, then because of a consciously recalled experience in the 1980s, Wes eventually became convinced his experiences could not be explained away by conventional theories.
18/05/2022 • 1 heure, 34 minutes, 52 secondes
Paranormal Concept Show - Civil War and Battlefield Ghosts
This week on The Paranormal Concept Show we delve into the ghosts and hauntings of various civil war battles not just here in the UK but across the pond in America.
17/05/2022 • 2 heures, 4 minutes, 16 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - If Tree Falls on Mars Does It Make a Sound?
he gang discusses a number of topics including the U.S. Government’s lack of action on its new UFO investigation and a bizarre paranormal game involving a black telephone and an empty house. Dr. Bob Gross reports on the unearthly acoustic conditions on Mars which may make it impossible to hear music on the Red Planet. Also, Raven goes to a bachelorette party and the Popeye Controversy rages on. (Parental guidance recommended)
13/05/2022 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 31 secondes
Paranormal Concept Show - Harry Price
This week on The Paranormal Concept Show we delve into some of 'Ghost hunting' legend Harry Price's cases and try to discover the man behind the media image.
10/05/2022 • 2 heures, 4 minutes, 16 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - UFOs in the Forest
The gang discusses a variety of topics including the bizarre story of a German fighter pilot who saved the lives of a B-17 crew and where to find the three creepiest forests on Earth. Also, Clubb does his best Juan-Juan impression; Mack has issues with his new smart phone and the Top 10 reasons why Bob the Ghost won’t stop haunting the radio station.
06/05/2022 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 31 secondes
Aliens Revealed - Leon Mellul: The Raelian Movement
The Raelian Movement has a message to give to the public, a vast array of information regarding our origin and our future, given to its spiritual leader, RAEL, more than 45 years ago by the scientists who created all life on Earth. This is an extraordinary message. Did the Elohim create all life on earth? Will they return by 2035?
06/05/2022 • 1 heure, 3 minutes, 31 secondes
Eleanor Wagner's Strange & Scary Workd - Richard Wright: The Paranormal Factor
Richard Wright is a host of his own podcast called The Paranormal Factor and is a Texas resident and 20-year US Air Force Veteran who has visited many haunted sights which inspired him to start his own paranormal podcast. Though he considers himself a skeptical believer who believes in the supernatural, he tries to have a healthy, helpful skepticism that looks to possible explanations. He uses his podcast platform to represent skeptic viewpoints and seek the truth. Topic of discussion: Sightings of the black-eyed children.
05/05/2022 • 48 minutes, 56 secondes
Bigfoot and the Bunny - John Yost - Alien Abduction: Answered
John Yost – Filmmaker and creator of Alien Abduction: AnswersJohn’s prestigious career began under the jurisprudence of the US Treasury Department. During that process he attained his U.S. Customs Broker’s License and occasionally was a paid consultant to the FBI in international trade matters. After ten successful years, the work lost its appeal. He left his position and sought another opportunity (and childhood dream) that would equally challenge him…FILM.Within four years, John had successfully earned invitation into every national, arts organization: SAG- (Screen Actor’s Guild), AFTRA- (American Federation of Television & Radio Artists), AEA- (Actor’s Equity Association), and AGMA- (American Guild of Musical Artists).John eventually joined the team of RYNO Production and began the foundation work that would eventually become RYNO PICTURES.In addition to the hundreds of projects that he has written and directed, he has also Produced several films – ALIEN ABDUCTION: ANSWERS - is his watershed project where he finally was able to tell the true story of what happened to him as child.
04/05/2022 • 1 heure, 50 minutes, 52 secondes
Paranormal Concept Show - Kerry Ann
This week on the Paranormal Concept Show we are joined by Kerry Ann, take a listen as we discuss tales from early investigation and through to some thought provoking research Kerry Ann has been doing.
03/05/2022 • 2 heures
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - Top 10 Strangest Wars Ever
Battling through some Bob-the-Ghost equipment sabotage, the gang presents a list of the most bizarre wars ever. Was World War One fought over a secret recipe for Coca-Cola? Did Canada & Denmark go to war over a bottle of schnapps? Why did Spain & Peru go to war over an island covered with bird guano? Also discussed: a ventriloquist’s doll created in a WW2 German POW camp that survived the war but haunted anyone who touched it afterwards, the disturbing and creepy “Pacing Man” video, Top 10 Reasons Juan-Juan is moving to the UK and why Prince Charles needs a new pair of glasses
29/04/2022 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 31 secondes
Ghostly Tales of the Unexpected - April 2022
Tour Guide and show host Simone Entwhistle enthralls us with more Ghostly Tales of the Unexpected.
28/04/2022 • 1 heure, 5 secondes
Twin Souls - Harry Singers: Author and Paranormal Researcher
Ronald and Phillip talk with Harry Singers, a superb audiobook narrator and author of "Schism". We discuss Ronald's book "I, Grey" which he's narrated, his work and views on the UFOs, ghosts and Adolf Hitler's search for alternate forces which were planned to win him the war. A fascinating program and one of the best yet, we feel.
28/04/2022 • 59 minutes, 45 secondes
Bigfoot and the Bunny - Parapsychologist Loyd Auerbach
Loyd Auerbach, MS., is a well-known parapsychologist with 42 years of experience in the field and a focus on education, field investigations, and media portrayals of the paranormal. He is Director of the Office of Paranormal Investigations, President of the Forever Family Foundation, and Vice-president of the Board of Directors of the Rhine Research Center. He is one of two principal instructors of online Parapsychology courses for the Rhine Education Center, an Adjunct Professor at Atlantic University, and has taught numerous graduate courses at JFK University (now National University). He is a member of the Advisory Board of the Windbridge Research Center. He holds a Master of Science degree in Parapsychology degree from JFK University.Auerbach is the author or co-author of 9 paranormal-topic books for the general public including ESP Wars: East & West, Psychic Dreaming, and the classic ESP, Hauntings and Poltergeists: A Parapsychologist’s Handbook. He is a co-author of the first in a paranormal mystery series, Near Death: A Raney/Daye Investigation. A second novel in the series is due out mid-year.His media appearances number in the thousands, including New Thinking Allowed, Oprah, The UnXplained, Larry King Live, The Today Show, and ESPN’s SportsCenter. He performs as professional mentalist Professor Paranormal and is a Past President of the Psychic Entertainers Association. He’s also earned a certificate as a Professional Chocolatier. Auerbach lives in the San Francisco Bay Area.
27/04/2022 • 1 heure, 48 minutes, 2 secondes
Aliens Revealed - John Edmonds: The Stardust Ranch
Aliens, UFOs, people floating from their beds, evil doppelgängers, animal mutilation, demonic voices, Men in Black and other mysterious creatures. On June 1st, 1996, John and Joyce Edmonds purchased a ranch in Rainbow Valley, Arizona called Stardust Ranch. What has followed during the past twenty-four years defies logic and reality.
22/04/2022 • 44 minutes, 4 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - The Search for Bob the Ghost
The gang does a ghost hunt looking for Bob the Ghost, the radio station’s deceased but still rambunctious engineer -- with very creepy results. Also a report on a disturbingly haunted painting called “The Anguished Man.” Plus, the strange announcement from the Pentagon that an object from outside the solar system struck the Earth in 2014. Special guest: Valerie Lofaso.
22/04/2022 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 31 secondes
Paranormal Peep Show - Hugh Newman and Jim Vieira: Giants of Stonehenge and Ancient Britain
Neil Geddes-Ward and Andrew Chaplin talk with guests Hugh Newman and Jim Vieira about the Giants of Stonehenge and Ancient Britain.
21/04/2022 • 2 heures, 8 minutes, 1 secondes
Eleanor Wagner's Strange & Scary World - Brian King: Sasquatch and UFOs
Podcaster Brian King-Sharp discusses his in-depth documentation of Sasquatch sightings around the country. He talks about his paranormal history and his paranormal podcast. He discusses his personal encounter with a UFO. Author Eleanor Wagner shares some other UFO stories from her interviews. Brian introduces the audience to his new True Crime Odyssey podcast.
21/04/2022 • 48 minutes, 6 secondes
Bigfoot and the Bunny - Mongolian Shamanism with Gail Hayssen
Bigfoot and the Bunny talk Mongolian Shamanism with Gail Hayssen.
20/04/2022 • 1 heure, 31 minutes, 54 secondes
Paranormal Concept Show - Poltergeists
This week on the Paranormal Concept Show we delve into the world of Poltergeist phenomena and discuss various theories and hypothesis as to what causes this. We also discuss various other less well known cases such as the Humpty Doo Poltergeist and others.
19/04/2022 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 32 secondes
Mack Maloney - The James Forrestal Case: UFO Murder or Suicide
The gang talks about a variety of creepy topics including the untimely death of Secretary of Defense James Forrestal, the devastating story of the Radium Girls, the Illuminati Conspiracy known as The Octopus and the Horror of Bunnyman Bridge. Also, UFO podcaster Martin Willis reveals an encounter he had with a manatee that might have been sexual. Special guests: Best-selling author Marc Zappulla & the Black-Eyed Kid. (Adult content)
15/04/2022 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 31 secondes
Bigfoot and the Bunny - Liz Milne/What Do Angels Really Look Like?
Bigfoot and the Bunny speak with Liz Milne, then have a discussion on what angels really look like.
14/04/2022 • 1 heure, 52 minutes, 27 secondes
Paranormal Concept Show - Matt Arnold: The Easter Passion
The team are joined by Editor of The Christian Parapsychologist journal, Christian Paranormal Investigator, Researcher and Writer - Matt Arnold to discuss The Easter story of the Crucifixion and Resurrection of Christ.
12/04/2022 • 2 heures, 8 minutes, 3 secondes
Mack Maloney - The Devon UFO Mystery
The gang discusses a bizarre case where British police cornered a UFO only to have the British military tell them to let it go. Also, real-life action-adventure star, Chris Ahr talks about his new job as an undercover “fish cop.” Plus, the Popeye controversy rages on and a discussion about bralettes.
08/04/2022 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 31 secondes
Aliens Revealed - Dev Rugne: Assistant State Director of Mufon Northern California
Dev Rugne is the Assistant State Director of Mufon, Northern California. She has over 45 years of UFO research and independent investigative experience. She became interested in UFOs at an early age and has had many UFO sightings. Her main interest has been the abduction phenomenon. Dev recently released a book titled UFO Investigator. Her story is a fascinating one.
08/04/2022 • 1 heure, 5 minutes, 2 secondes
Paranormal Pendle Podcast - Andy Booth: Codes of the Unknown
Never Mind the Damage drummer and Moulton, Alabama resident Justin Mason talks about his lifetime of paranormal experiences and being able to see peoples’ auras. Author Eleanor Wagner discusses symbols people recognize as signs of visits from deceased loved ones. Mason talks about demons being exorcised out of church members.
07/04/2022 • 46 minutes, 19 secondes
Bigfoot and the Bunny - Robin Armstrong: Astrology, Meditation, Celestial Harps, and Woodhenge
“Astrology is wonderful language and I have always been aspiring to improve my astrological literacy in as many ways or dimensions as possible.” … RobinRobin Armstrong, is a professional astrologer, author, international speaker, and is well known for radio and televisions shows across USA & Canada. He has a CAAE diploma and is president of the RASA School of Astrology Robin has deep roots in both China and India. Robin has designed and built the Celestial Harp (a 72 stringed musical instrument to play a person’s horoscope and the I Ching); and has built Forest Woodhenge (a super sundial of 126 posts arranged according to Astrology and the I Ching). Robin’s most recent books include: ‘Moon Phases’, Zodiac Pattern Types, ‘200 Year Monthly Ephemeris 1900 – 2099’, ‘I Ching: The Sequence of Change, An Astrological Perspective’ and ‘I Ching: The Great Treatise, An Astrological Perspective.
06/04/2022 • 1 heure, 49 minutes, 10 secondes
Paranormal Concept Show - Jay and Teresa Lynch
This week we are joined by our American Cousins Jay & Teresa Lynch discussing their road trips and investigations. Be prepared for the madness!
05/04/2022 • 2 heures, 1 minute, 10 secondes
Mack Maloney - What Happens the Day the UFOs Arrive?
The gang talks to author Dr. Simeon Hein about how a real government “Disclosure” would work. Paranormal researcher Jason Hewett tells the bizarre story of “The New Jersey Watcher.” An extremely creepy video from Mexico emerges that shows dogs barking at extraterrestrial ghosts, plus Super Fan Susan Kauppila joins the show.
01/04/2022 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 31 secondes
Ghostly Tales of the Unexpected - March 2020
Show host and tour guide Simon Entwhistle shares another round of Ghostly Tales of the Unexpected.
31/03/2022 • 58 minutes, 39 secondes
Twins Souls - Paul Sinclair
Ronald and Phillip talk with author and researcher Paul Sinclair.
31/03/2022 • 1 heure, 2 minutes, 48 secondes
Bigfoot and the Bunny - Dr. Scott Taylor - NDE Experiencer, Educator and Academic
Dr. Scott Taylor is the President of the Expanded Awareness Institute. EAI helps people curious about near-death experiences explore what that experience means to them and to our culture as a whole. Scott’s gift is the ability to make the exploration of the nonphysical universe accessible to the curious. Scott is also author and voice of six best-selling CDs of guided meditations on near-death experiences in his Into the Light series. He is a spiritual teacher, speaker and researcher on near-death experiences.
30/03/2022 • 1 heure, 54 minutes, 32 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - Tales of the Bread Ghost, the Death Chair, Vanishing UFOs & More
In a total creep show, the gang discusses topics including a ghost haunting a local supermarket, a chair that kills anyone who sits in it & the dangers of drinking expired beer & pickled eggs at the same time. Plus, a visit from an Irish super-fan & a report on the U.S. Government’s latest attempt to make UFOs “disappear.” (Warning: contains mature content.)
25/03/2022 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 31 secondes
Aliens Revealed - Buddy Bolton: Psychic and Remote Viewer
Buddy Bolton’s personal experiences have been witnessed by many and are very different from the majority. He’s a stellar remote viewer and followed by many scientists for his psychic abilities. He affects RNGs, bends metal (no touch) and heals people. He’s had a non-human intelligence being show up in front of him and one of the scientists he was with.
25/03/2022 • 53 minutes, 20 secondes
Eleanor Wagner - Di Spillane: After Death Communication
Band it About Podcast Host Di Spillane talks about her premonition of the death of her 16-year-old son, Daniel, and then about the visits from him after his death.
24/03/2022 • 1 heure, 4 minutes, 22 secondes
Bigfoot and the Bunny - Susan Walter - NDE and Angel Communicator
Susan is an Intuitive Visionary Artist. After near death experiences as a child Susan was given the ability to see into the Angelic Realms allowing her to see the angles in their pure light form. She uses this ability to draw your Angels Portrait and relay messages and insights from your angels. Susan is also the Artist/Author of the Solfeggio Mandala Activation Guides & Meditation Decks. She also creates healing art with a conscious heart from her visions during meditation. This is her way of connecting with the divine and to assist humanity to do the same and recognize the divine within ourselves.You can find much more info about her and the angel portraits and my creations on her website
23/03/2022 • 1 heure, 40 minutes, 12 secondes
Paranormal Concept Show - Dr. Peter McCue
This week on the Paranormal Concept Show we are joined in the studio by Dr Peter McCue, as we discuss his latest book Curses, Coincidences and Malign Influences as well as other areas of his research, a fascinating discussion
22/03/2022 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 21 secondes
Reincarnation and Seances with Neil Geddes-Ward and Stephen Sakellarios
Neil Geddes-Ward from the Paranormal Peep Show discusses reincarnation and seances with researcher Stephen Sakellarios.
20/03/2022 • 2 heures, 9 minutes, 40 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - What was the Best Kept Secret of World War Two?
The gang plays World War 2 trivia again for fan prizes and to honor the military charity, Homes For Our Troops. Why didn’t U.S. Marines fight on D-Day? What was the “Aluminum Trail?” What was the name of Hitler’s dog? Need to know: The Manhattan Project was the name of the program to create the first atomic bomb. Special guests: Literary agent Jim Frenkel, Gamemaster Phil Orbanes & General Tom Landwermeyer (U.S. Army, ret).
18/03/2022 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 31 secondes
Paranormal Peep Show - Remote Viewer Indigo Phoenix
Neil and Andy talk with psychic medium and remote viewer Indigo Phoenix.
17/03/2022 • 2 heures, 15 minutes, 53 secondes
Bigfoot and the Bunny - Psychic Teacher Elly Molina
Elly Molina is paving the way with her research and background in education to teach children and their parents to trust their intuition and develop conscious awareness. She is creating cutting edge programs that can harness the skills like remote viewing, telepathy, telekinesis, and others that can be applied to everyday life.BOOKS:Children Who Know How to Know Annabelle and the DominoDancing in the Unknown (a compilation with Betsey Chasse.. What the
16/03/2022 • 1 heure, 51 minutes, 25 secondes
Paranormal Concept Show - Andy Mercer
This week we are joined by show producer Andy Mercer, discussing a wide range of topics including, perception v's reality, psychology and parapsychology, Carl Jung v's Sigmund Freud and abnormal psychopathology (psychopaths) and more...
In October 2017, Annette Williamson, through her friend Zoe, experienced contact with three small off world beings. She communicated with the beings for three months with the help of her friend Zoe. Since then, she has continued to communicate with them through telepathic communication. It’s a fascinating account of extraterrestrial contact.
11/03/2022 • 1 heure, 12 minutes, 4 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - If a Nuke Goes Off in Space, Does it Make a Noise?
Dr. Bob Gross joins the gang to discuss “Project Galileo,” Harvard University’s unorthodox search for extraterrestrial life. Also, fan mail questions for Commander Cobra, “Top Ten Reasons Switch Missed the Show” and how musicians might travel a few seconds in the future when playing a song. Plus, discussions on the gang’s “Physics in a Barroom” experiment continue.
11/03/2022 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 31 secondes
Bigfoot and the Bunny - Lynn Monet
Lynn Monet is a Florida native. She was born in Sarasota Florida and raised in Palm Beach County. She currently resides in Travelers Rest South Carolina. She is a mother of three. She has been a nurse for 35 years. Lynn specialized in Medical/Surgical, Urology and the last 17 years in Geriatrics. Lynn currently works in a Management position with a large nationwide Insurance company and now Author. After the purchase of her dream home, Lynn’s enthusiasm quickly turns to heartbreak and questioning of her faith as she fights to protect her children against the unwelcomed inhabitants already living in the home.www.lynnmonet.comHer Books:Omnipresent Omnipresent: What Happened NextColors of Heaven Beginnings Never End
10/03/2022 • 1 heure, 56 minutes, 15 secondes
Paranormal Pendle - Paul Ascough: UAP Sightings and Perceptions
Craig talks with UFO investigator Paul Ascough.
10/03/2022 • 1 heure, 9 minutes, 41 secondes
Eleanor Wagner's Strange and Scary World - Psychic Medium Jane Doherty
Jane Doherty is a feisty South Plainfield, New Jersey gal who has guest starred on a number of popular television shows, but also co-hosted a call-in psychic show for eight years. Her own TV series, "Dead Tenants" gives all the others a run for their money. If you’re interested in her knowledge of the spirit world, she’s the ‘Go-To’ because she’s one of the nation’s leading authorities on psychic encounters with 20-years experience bridging the gap between the living and the dead for tens of thousands of people. She and Author Eleanor Wagner discuss all of this and then some in this flavorful interview.
10/03/2022 • 53 minutes, 11 secondes
Paranormal Concept Show - Vivien Powell
This week we are joined by Dan Winter's partner in crime, Vivien Powell and we discuss Simply Spooky, Mediumship and Conventions worldwide and so much more...
08/03/2022 • 2 heures, 1 secondes
Mack Maloneys Military X-Files - Top 10 Complaints About The Show
In a highly requested show, the MMMX-Files’ gang is joined by super-fan Jocko Johnson to discuss topics including nuclear suicide missions once planned by U.S. Special Forces and how to solve a cold case in 30 minutes. Plus: Top 10 complaints about the show; Switch explains the secrets of dousing and Coco on how to escape three dangerous situations in less than five minutes. Also, very famous author Marc Zappulla announces a new deal he and Mack have signed to co-author a true crime book. Special Guest: Lois Lane.
04/03/2022 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 31 secondes
Bigfoot and the Bunny - Psychic Medium Christopher Brown
Chris and Kristen talk with psychic medium Christopher Brown. Christopher was born in Portland Maine and became aware of spiritual energy from an early age. Spirit communication on the other hand was something he never thought he’d do. Living for many years in an extremely haunted house, this sparked his love and interest in the paranormal. After investigating an old Seminary in Maine he discovered his ability as a Psychic Medium. This led him to discover spirituality which he is now an Independent Spiritualist Minister as well as Reiki master teacher. Ever since he has studied mediumship and psychic work both independently as well taken courses at the world renowned Arthur Findlay collage in the UK. From platform/gallery readings to personal one on ones readings, Christopher attends fairs across the country giving meaningful messages from the spirit world and sharing his knowledge of the paranormal. He is also working as a paranormal consultant for teams to help with validation. He’s currently working on book called “I F@cking knew it!” and working towards filming a web series with Toby Hartford called Soul Searching.
02/03/2022 • 1 heure, 28 minutes, 5 secondes
High Strangeness Factor Third Anniversary Show
Steve and Andy are join in the studio by Brain and Terrie Seech to celebrate the show's birthday and to discuss the Seech's latest project on light anomalies and much more
01/03/2022 • 1 heure, 27 minutes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - The Show of Lists
n a special requested show, the gang does two hours of Top Ten lists, including Top 10 Cryptids, Top 10 Airplanes Too Weird to Fly, Top 10 NASA Conspiracies – and Top 10 reasons Juan-Juan likes Downton Abbey. Also discussed: How not to film a movie on an aircraft carrier, why Tom Cruise insists that when he runs in a movie, no one else can run beside him and why it’s always wise to take the Ping and not the Pong. Special guest: Ella the Psychic.
25/02/2022 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 31 secondes
Aliens Revealed - Terry Lovelace: Incident at Devils Den
The book, “Incident at Devils Den” details one of the most disturbing abduction events ever reported. In fact, it may very well be the most disturbing. If you thought there were just good aliens, think again. Terry Lovelace has been a lifelong experiencer. Recently, Aliens Revealed Live did a three-part series on some of Terry’s childhood experiences titled Aliens in the Bedroom. More recently, he discovered anecdotal proof of an experience where he shows he was snatched from his sleep onto a craft while he slept.
25/02/2022 • 54 minutes, 24 secondes
Bigfoot and the Bunny - Rev. Peter Panagore- Heaven is Beautiful
Peter Panagore went ice climbing with his partner on the world-famous Lower Weeping Wall, along the Ice Fields Parkway in Alberta, Canada. On their descent, they became trapped on the side of the mountain. As the sun set, he was overcome by exhaustion and hypothermia. He died on the side of that mountain. And in those minutes on the other side, he experienced hell, forgiveness, and unconditional love. Heaven was beautiful.
24/02/2022 • 1 heure, 55 minutes
Twin Souls - Brandon Thomas: Expanding Reality
Neil and Andy talk with author Brandon Thomas regarding his book Expanding Reality.
24/02/2022 • 1 heure, 7 minutes, 12 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - UFOs & The Irish
When a scheduled guest interview falls through, the gang takes aim on the Emerald Isle. Switch on Captain Edward Ruppelt, the USAF officer who ran the notoriously-deceptive, Project Blue Book. Jocko reports on a combat phenomenon called “Acoustic Shadow” and how it helped win the Battle of Gettysburg. Plus, the latest Clubb Report, Mack gets a nasty fan letter, Top Ten Reasons It’s Cool to Be Irish and why it’s not wise to kiss the Blarney Stone. Special Guests: Valerie Lofaso & Pistol O’Pete.
18/02/2022 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 31 secondes
Paranormal Peep Show - James Brodie: Universal Harmonix
Neil and Andrew talk with guest James Brodie as he explains his theories that connect super string theory with UFOs, Men in Black and strange ghostly phenomena, and suggests they are all part of the great Universal Harmonix
17/02/2022 • 2 heures, 1 minute, 53 secondes
Bigfoot and the Bunny - Dr. Michael Lynch - Paranormal Researcher
Dr. Michael Lynch holds a Ph.D in Parapsychology and is an avid researcher of all things paranormal and unusual.. From the mysterious to the outright frightening, we will discuss topics that make you think a little deeper and chill you to the bone...
16/02/2022 • 2 heures, 35 minutes, 13 secondes
High Strangeness Factor - Tim Swartz
Tim Swartz is a longtime writer, researcher and investigator. As a photojournalist, Tim Swartz has traveled extensively and investigated paranormal phenomena and other unusual mysteries from such diverse locations as the Great Pyramid in Egypt to the Great Wall in China. On this show The Creature Seeker and I talk to Tim about everything from the Mysteries of Dulce, New Mexico to Gef the talking mongoose! We also pay tribute to Tim Swartz's longtime friend & colleague, Timothy Green Beckley who we lost last may. Together they did a very successful long running radio show called Exploring the Bizarre and oversaw a great publishing empire that produced hundreds of diverse books on all things paranormal.
15/02/2022 • 2 heures, 8 minutes, 51 secondes
Paranormal Concept Show - Black Dog Folklore
This week on the Paranormal Concept Show we look at the folklore and legends of the Black Dog and take a look at the various cultures where this legend appears as well as taking a look at a few of the folklore tales surrounding it.
15/02/2022 • 2 heures, 2 minutes, 34 secondes
Aliens Revealed - Teri Lynge-Kehl: Non-Human Entities
From a very early age, Teri Lynge-Kehl has been experiencing strange happenings and occurrences. She has now taken on the daunting task of writing and documenting all these life-changing moments and sharing them with you. Writing short stories of her lifetime of multiple interactions with non-human entities has become Teri's passion and mission. She believes that the truth must be told about extraterrestrials for the benefit of all mankind.
11/02/2022 • 49 minutes, 48 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - Weirdo-Palooza Redux
The gang takes on the Weird with creepy stories about military personnel coming back to life & appearing in people’s dreams. Clubb & Raven share their own personal stories about reincarnation. “Star Trek Continues” creator Vic the Wop tells each member of the gang what kind of character they would play on Star Trek. Mack recalls a strange incident from his childhood & Juan-Juan recounts his brush with death as a youth. (Not recommended for minors.)
Conspiracy Theorist Kyndra Crup shares her thoughts on a place referred to as The Underground where celebrities and well-knowns who died are alive and housed and hidden in this space. A huge discussion emerges between Kyndra and author Susana Sheldon as they compare notes on the topic ultimately finding themselves immersed in the subject of a new world order unfolding around us. Believe it or not, listen in to decide for yourself.
10/02/2022 • 48 minutes, 45 secondes
Paranormal Concept Show - Nandor Fodor
This week on the Paranormal Concept Show we explore the life and times of Nandor Fodor and his influence on the paranormal today. A fascinating man who was ahead of his time.
08/02/2022 • 1 heure, 58 minutes, 28 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - In Search of Buddha and the Hunky Ghost
The gang discusses the very creepy story of Robert the Doll and why people feel compelled to write him letters asking for forgiveness. Also, what is the number one mystery about the Moon? Plus, Top 10 Reasons Juan-Juan is over Tom Brady. Special guests: Ella the Psychic, Famous Author Marc Zappulla & The Black-Eyed Kid.
04/02/2022 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 31 secondes
Paranormal Pendle Podcast - Episode 20: Ronald Kinsella
Craig talks with UFO researcher Ronald Kinsella about UAP's, alien abductions and the Greys.
03/02/2022 • 1 heure, 3 minutes, 4 secondes
Bigfoot and the Bunny - Chris McKinnell of The Warren Files
Chris McKinnell is the director of the Warren Legacy Foundation for Paranormal Research, which carries on the work of his grandparents, Ed and Lorraine Warren. He began working with the Warrens in 1980, at the age of 16. After his first incredibly intense night of poltergeist activity, two demons walking in the room, pounding that shook the walls, levitation, growling, upside down crosses, and physical assault of the woman of the house by an entity, Chris never looked back. He has assisted or led investigations on some of the Warrens most famous cases, as well as several thousands of others. He now leads an international network of paranormal researchers that continue the Warrens’ mission all over the world.
02/02/2022 • 1 heure, 44 minutes, 13 secondes
Paranormal UK Radio Show - Mike Paterson: Sasquatch Ontario
Irene and Mark talk with Bigfoot Researcher Mike Paterson about his 14 years research and interactions with Bigfoot on a property in Ontario, Canada.
02/02/2022 • 1 heure, 32 minutes, 7 secondes
High Strangeness Factor - Michael Huntington
Michael Huntington of Strange Travels has been everywhere from the Pascagoula UFO abduction site to the house where the abduction of Barry was filmed for Close Encounters of the 3rd Kind. Michael also has a vast knowledge and appreciation for UFO history from the early classic UFO reports to the colourful characters that dominated the UFO landscape.
01/02/2022 • 1 heure, 56 minutes, 20 secondes
Paranormal Concept Show - Treasure Hunts Pt.2
This week on The Paranormal Concept show we continue on the quest for buried treasure and take a look at a few more myths and legends which surround the quest for buried treasure. Di d we find any? you'll have to tune in to find out
01/02/2022 • 2 heures, 3 minutes, 12 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - How a Tornado Won the War of 1812
Although without Juan-Juan and Coco, the gang talks about a variety of subjects including how a bizarre tornado helped the U.S. beat the British in the War of 1812. Raven reports on a piece of art called, “The Hands Resist Him,” which has been described as “The Creepiest Painting of All Time.” Also, Switch on the amazing life of paranormal writer, Charles Fort & Top Ten Reasons Coco should play Superman in the movies.
This topic may challenge your thinking a little. We’ve spoken about spiritual consciousness on this program in the past with excellent response. What about Exoconsciousness…is it the same thing? Rebecca Hardcastle Wright, Founder of the Institute for Exoconsciouness and who coined the word, joins Dean Caporella to talk about this fascinating subject, one which may have you walking away shaking your head in disbelief.
28/01/2022 • 49 minutes, 13 secondes
Eleanor Wagner's Strange & Scary World - Kathy McDaniel - Near Death Experience
n 1999, M.K. McDaniel suffered a near-death experience so traumatic she became an author writing about her disturbing encounter which shifted her religious beliefs to a deep spirituality and changed her life forever. Eleanor Wagner delves deeply into conversation with Kathy on her near-death experience and reveals knowledge on hell and offers up a heart-felt message to the world about heaven and dying and how Jesus is THE reason for the season.
27/01/2022 • 54 minutes, 10 secondes
Ghostly Tales of the Unexpected - January 2022
Simon Entwhistle's shares more original stories from his upcoming book "Ghostly Tales of the Unexpected - Vol II".
27/01/2022 • 56 minutes, 6 secondes
Twin Souls - James Thompson: Worlds Without Number
Ronald and Phillip talk with author James Thompson about his new book, Worlds Without Number. It's a fascinating insight into the demonic presence.
27/01/2022 • 1 heure, 52 secondes
Bigfoot and the Bunny - Matt Warner - Paranormal Researcher
Bigfoot and the Bunny talk Haunted Objects and the Paranormal with Matt Warner.
26/01/2022 • 1 heure, 41 minutes, 21 secondes
Paranormal UK Radio Show - Mariel Forde Clarke - Where After
Irene and Mark talk with author Mariel Forde Clarke about her near death experiences, the spiritual realm, healing, and how we connect with the other side.
26/01/2022 • 1 heure, 26 minutes, 33 secondes
Paranormal Concept Show - Treasure Hunts
This week on the Paranormal Concept Show we delve into the world of mystery and take out our hiking boots and traverse the world of treasure hunts. We take a look at Forrest Fenn Treasure and Rennes le Chateaux. RennesleChateaux
25/01/2022 • 1 heure, 36 minutes, 25 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - Guard Dogs from Another Dimension
The gang is back together for the New Year. Highlights include: Switch’s “Tales from the Fringe” talking about Dogmen, and how they sometimes act like sentries or guards from another reality. Willy Clubb’s “The Clubb Report” on the new Government study of UFOs. Also, Top 10 New Year’s Resolutions of Teddy, Coco’s Ball-Less Horse, a major announcement about the show being picked up by a large paranormal radio network and Lois tells the joke about the rabbit and a rabbi.
21/01/2022 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 31 secondes
Paranormal Peep Show - Kieran Woodhouse - The UFO and Ghost Connection
Neil and Andrew talk with Kieran Woodhouse about the connection between ghosts and UFO's.
20/01/2022 • 1 heure, 29 minutes, 47 secondes
Paranormal Pendle Podcast - Philip Kinsella
Craig Bryant talks with UFO Researcher and author Phillip Kinsella about UAP's, reptillians, greys and disclosure
20/01/2022 • 1 heure, 5 minutes, 3 secondes
Bigfoot and the Bunny - KD and Katy Stafford - Parahistorians
We talk to the Technomancers, KD and Katy Stafford who make up Supernatural Ink- Supernatural InK is a paranormal, R&D investigative team. They are “Parahistorians” who have unique research skills. They are the creators of the Nanocom, Nanocom 2, InK Boxes and more...Featured on the Travel Channel, Co-founder K.D. Stafford was in five out of eight episodes & custom-built equipment for Portals to Hell and is the technical consultant featured on Ghosts of Morgan City.
19/01/2022 • 2 heures, 27 minutes, 8 secondes
Paranormal UK Radio Show - Shirley Blancke - Teachings of an Ecuadorian Shaman
Irene and Mark talk with author Shirley Blancke about her book "The Way of Abundance and Joy: The Shamanic Teachings of don Alberto Taxo" which discusses shamanism and healing.
19/01/2022 • 1 heure, 3 minutes, 43 secondes
High Strangeness Factor - Zelia Edgar Returns
Steve and Andy are joined by guest host Brandi to talk with Zelia Edgar, discussing her new book ‘Just Another Tin-Foil Hat Presents’ where she catalogues some of the strangest and most mysterious paranormal encounters she has uncovered, along with other examples of ‘high strangeness’
18/01/2022 • 1 heure, 47 minutes, 18 secondes
Paranormal Concept Show - Orson Welles
This week on the Paranormal Concept we take a look at the influential figure of Orson Welles and follow the proverbial rabbit hole of weird links to do with enigmatic man. From War of the World, Urban Legend and Cursed films have a listen to see how this all ties together.
18/01/2022 • 2 heures, 2 minutes, 19 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - Did the U.S. Military Kill Thousands of American Airmen Needlessly?
A discussion on the Bomber Generals controversy of World War Two during which thousands of American fliers may have died needlessly. Also, fan-favorite segments featuring Dribbles the Bitter Clown & Emily Mittermaier, Top Ten names for the gang’s new rock band, more fan questions read on the air, plus two songs from Sky Club including one that is NOT titled” Don’t Let Go, Nicole.
14/01/2022 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 31 secondes
Aliens Revealed - Thiago Luis Ticchetti - Brazilian UFO Researcher
Thiago Luiz Ticchetti is a ufo researcher and author from Brazil. He has spent many years investigating some of Brazil’s most famous ufo cases. Varghinha, Colares, Antonio Vilas Boas and Ubatuba just to name a few. Brazil consistently produces ufo and alien sightings, but they seem to be more sinister than other parts of the world. Ticchetti discusses these cases and more with Dean Caporella.
14/01/2022 • 41 minutes, 8 secondes
Eleanor Wagner's Strange and Scary World - John Matthews - Lady Ghostbuster Series
In Episode 5 of the Lady Ghostbuster Series, John Matthews, the youngest member of The Lady Ghostbuster team at 27 and one of its’ few male team members, discusses being a conduit as a child and how it led him to become a paranormal investigator.
13/01/2022 • 46 minutes, 41 secondes
Paranormal Concept Show - The Green Man
This week on the Paranormal Concept Show we take a look into the folklore and mystique of The Green Man and ask the question what is the history and is it really an ancient pagan forest deity?
11/01/2022 • 1 heure, 39 minutes, 36 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-files - Foo Fighters Everything You Need to Know
In a special broadcast, Mack is a guest on Martin Willis’s very popular “Podcast UFO” show along with author Graeme Rendall for a deep dive into the foo fighters of World War II. Did UFOs really tag along with Allied bombers during air raids over Germany? (Answer: Yes). Were just as many UFOs seen during the Pacific War against Japan as over Europe? (Answer: Yes). Did the Nazis have help in their war effort from aliens? (Answer: Definitely No). 487. MACK MALONEY & GRAEME RENDALL (
07/01/2022 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 31 secondes
Paranormal Pendle - Richard Rokeby - Author and UFO Investigator
Host Craig Bryant talks with Richard Rokeby - Author and UFO Investigator.
07/01/2022 • 1 heure, 1 minute, 43 secondes
Bigfoot and the Bunny - Psychokinesis and Manifestation with Dr. Joseph Gallenberger
Psychokinesis and Manifestation with Dr. Joseph Gallenberger
04/01/2022 • 1 heure, 44 minutes, 51 secondes
Paranormal Concept Show - The Secret
Welcome to 2022 and The Paranormal Concept Show takes an in depth look at motivational speakers and the concepts behind The Secret and Abraham Hicks. Does the Law of Attraction actually work and what is the fundamental truths behind these teachings. Join us as we discuss this fascinating topic .
04/01/2022 • 1 heure, 57 minutes, 59 secondes
Aliens Revealed - Phillip Mantle - 12/31/2021
Philip Mantle is an international UFO researcher, author and broadcaster. He also runs the Flying Disk Press, which publishes UFO books. Philip Mantle's interest in UFO research began in l979 when he joined the British UFO Research Association (BUFORA), and Yorkshire UFO Society (YUFOS). Mantle looks at the changes in stigmas attached with ufo sightings since he began researching the topic in the 1970s.
31/12/2021 • 50 minutes, 16 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - The UFO War Between China & India
Mack & Lois discuss topics including Japan’s futuristic World War Two fighter plane, the war China & India fought over a UFO hotspot and tales of the Mad Scientists of the Pentagon. Also, 15 very personal questions for Mack & proof that a clicking noise is a sign your phone is being tapped. Also, “Roswell,” a musical selection from the rock band, Sky Club. Special guest: Author Sharon Weinberger.
31/12/2021 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 31 secondes
Twin Souls - End of Year Reflections - December 2021
Ronald and Phillip discuss their thoughts and reflections of the past year.
30/12/2021 • 1 heure, 2 minutes, 5 secondes
Eleanor Wagner - Nick Frasche - Wanaque Reservoir UFOs
On January 11, 1966 around 6:30 PM police radios were dinging with reports of a glowing light over the Wanaque Reservoir. Residents in the surrounding area claimed it was a flying saucer. The light was seen and observed by many. Nick Frasche, a former Paterson police officer, was on shift at the time and was at the site of the event. He speaks about what he encountered on that night and the days following the sighting. Meteorologist and weather radio talk show host Nick Stefano joins in on the conversation. And, if all this isn’t enough, Both Nicks share their own paranormal stories to add to the mix.
30/12/2021 • 50 minutes, 56 secondes
Paranormal Dimensions - Monroe Nevels: Rendlesham Forest UFO Case
On this David's final show he talks to Monroe Nevels on the 41st Anniversary of the Rendlesham Forest UFO incidents. Sgt. Nevels was with Colonel Halt and others on the 27/28 December 1980. He operated the Geiger counter and confirms the Craft of Unknown Origin sighting. A 3 Hour Special.
27/12/2021 • 3 heures, 4 minutes, 14 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - Why Are UFOs Haunting a Small Oregon Town?
In the latest compilation show, the Best of Commander Cobra & Willy Clubb, the gang discusses topics such as: whether the first moon landing was faked, why a small town in Oregon is hearing strange ghostly noises, the do's and dont's of talking to aliens on the phone and how a secret Nazi base was discovered near the North Pole. Plus, Cobra details his apprehension and trial stemming from landing on the wrong runway at a top-security military base and why fans continue to send Juan-Juan adult toys for Christmas. Also, a musical selection from the band, Sky Club. (Contains adult content.)
22/12/2021 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 31 secondes
Astral Perceptions - Christmas Show
Mark talks about the meaning of Christmas from a non-religious yet spiritual perspective, and how we can incorporate those feelings of peace and love year-round.
22/12/2021 • 56 minutes, 33 secondes
Bigfoot and the Bunny - Lynn Monet: Real Life Hauntings
We welcome back Lynn Monet. She is the author of "Omnipresent" and "Omnipresent: What happened Next" both real life hauntings that will chill you to your core.. SCARY and the TRUE STORY of her experience, we really love! She is also the author of the new book: "Colors of Heaven, Beginnings Never End". Lynn Monet (Lin Moe Nay) is an American Author and Lecturer. She was born in Sarasota, Fl and currently resides in Travelers Rest, SC. Lynn's a mother of three. She was a runway Model for Sarah Parker in Palm Beach Florida from 1982 to 84 and has been a nurse since 1984. Lynn is also on the Board of Directors for Health and Recovery Guide Magazine.
22/12/2021 • 2 heures, 40 minutes, 29 secondes
Ghostly Tales of the Unexpected - 2021 Christmas Special
Host and tour guide Simon Entwhistle enthralls us with many Christmas-themed ghost stories for the remainder of 2021.
20/12/2021 • 1 heure, 58 secondes
Mack Maloney - Attack of the UFO Robots – A True Story
In a compilation show featuring the best of Switchblade Steve Ward, topics include a battle between bow hunters and aliens with ray guns, why 1973 was called the “Year of the Humanoids,” Top Ten UFO Myths, news that a UFO-themed Broadway musical is in the works, UFO Giants spotted in Israel & the time William Shatner flipped out on Valentine’s Day. Special guests: Ella the Psychic, Emily M & Superfan Barbara With.
17/12/2021 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 31 secondes
Aliens Revealed - Peter Robbins: The James Forrestal Mystery
Peter Robbins is an investigative writer specializing in the subject of UFOs. Not long after the Roswell incident, the suspicious death of James Forrestal rocked American politics. Was it suicide or was he murdered? Robbins has researched James Forrestal and the mystery surrounding his death for almost three decades. He has produced a documentary and provides a thorough analysis of the days leading up to Forrestal’s death.
17/12/2021 • 54 minutes, 51 secondes
Paranormal Peep Show - Christmas Special
Neil and Andy talk to special guests Ben Emlyn-Jones, Nic Sands, Paul Northridge, Philip and Ronnie Kinsella discussing Jesse Ventura, ghosts using computers, and Mars artifacts.
16/12/2021 • 2 heures, 21 minutes, 56 secondes
Bigfoot and the Bunny - Mark Fiorentino: Master of Reality: The Unified Field Theory
Bigfoot and the Bunny talk with Author and researcher Mark Fiorentino about his book Master of Reality: The Unified Field Theory which covers Einstein's theory of relativity and how it can be used to help mankind move into the future.
16/12/2021 • 1 heure, 57 minutes, 28 secondes
Eleanor Wagner - Jodi Niper-Coombs - Lady Ghostbuster Series
Healthcare professional, empath and reiki healer whose little bit of skepticism adds to the mix - Lady Ghostbuster team member Jodi Niper-Coombs discusses the group’s paranormal investigations and visits with deceased loved ones, along with her own personal background with the paranormal, Reiki and the power of positive thinking.
16/12/2021 • 46 minutes, 19 secondes
Paranormal UK Radio Show - Leslie Mitchell Clarke - Hypnotic Regression and Alien Abduction
Mark and Irene talk with author and hypnotherapist Leslie Mitchell Clarke. Lesley Mitchell-Clarke is a Toronto based Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist who specializes in in a number of modalities, including working with individuals who feel that they have had experiences with extra-terrestrial beings. Most of this fascinating work, as well as Metaphysical Therapies such as Past Life and Inter life Regression takes place at Lesley’s Toronto hypnosis clinic, Lightwork Hypnosis.
15/12/2021 • 1 heure, 59 secondes
Paranormal Concept Show - The Year in Review
This week on the Paranormal Concept Show we take a look back at the past year's show and discuss the various concepts and ideas that we have covered. We have had some amazing guests on who have brought their experiences and ideas forward who have provided a fascinating insight into the paranormal world
14/12/2021 • 1 heure, 55 minutes, 30 secondes
High Strangeness Factor - Stan Gordon
Stan Gordon shares his vast knowledge of high strangeness from his research and investigations in Pennsylvania over the last several decades. His findings are nothing short of astounding and the listener may have to rethink what he or she has believed about the unknown.
14/12/2021 • 2 heures, 3 minutes, 3 secondes
Paranormal Dimensions - Mark Doulton - Southend UFO group
On this last show before Christmas David talks to Mark Doulton who has run the Southend UFO group, which is based in Essex, UK. Mark has some interesting firsthand experiences to tell.
13/12/2021 • 1 heure, 23 minutes, 13 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - The Day The Saucers Arrived On Time
The gang discusses what really happened during the famous 1951 UFO sightings called The Lubbock Lights. Also, the real Noah’s Ark may have been found, how a ‘paranormal fog’ saved George Washington’s Army & Mack’s remedy for writer’s block. Plus, Top 5 bad jokes about the gang. (Contains adult content.)
10/12/2021 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 31 secondes
Bigfoot and the Bunny - Dark Horse: Dr. Kimberly McGeorge
Bigfoot and the Bunny goes Hybrid- this is our sister show, Dark Horse Paranormal and we featured guest, Dr. Kimberly McGeorge. We discuss a variety of topics with her from cryptids to haunted objects.
08/12/2021 • 1 heure, 55 minutes, 8 secondes
Paranormal UK Radio Show - Extraordinary: The Revelations
Irene and Mark talk with Jon Sumple and Jack Roth from J3 Films about their new groundbreaking documentary Extraordinary: The Revelations. Extraordinary: The Revelations explores the historical significance of the ET presence as well as three specific paradigms — biblical, ascension and colonization — that attempt to define the alien agenda. While individuals in each of these “thought camps” believe ET interaction is occurring, their endgame assessments are vastly different. Retired military whistleblowers directly involved in government-sanctioned programs related to ET engagement and communication also tell their life-changing stories, answering once and for all: Do governments know about the existence of ETs, have they made contact with them, are they engaged in “Above Black” programs, and have they been hiding these facts from the general public for decades?
08/12/2021 • 1 heure, 47 minutes, 34 secondes
Paranormal Concept show - The Seven Cemeteries of London
On this week's Paranormal Concept Show we take a look at the Magnificent Seven Cemeteries of London, why they came about and the relevance in the evolution of burials. This fascinating topic although not strictly paranormal incorporates many of the beliefs we now hold within the field and is a fascinating subject.
07/12/2021 • 2 heures, 3 minutes, 20 secondes
Aliens Revealed - Mike Murburg - CE5 Mike Murburg is from Tampa, Florida and the leader of an incredible CE-5 group. When we started communicating with Mike to become part of this Paranormal U.K. Radio Network interview, his response resonated with me right away when he said…“ Why chase ET when you can invite him or her in for tea”. How to invite Its or aliens into your circle. Mike Murburg talks about human initiated contacted with aliens.
03/12/2021 • 44 minutes, 2 secondes
Mack Maloney - The 4000-pound Cookie
In a very special show, the gang plays World War Two trivia in honor of our wounded veterans and the military charity, Homes for Our Troops. Sample questions: What kind of cookie weighs 4,000 pounds? What famous spy had a wooden leg? What pilot shot down more than 400 planes during World War Two? At the end of the game, the names of four winning fans are picked from the Magic Fishbowl. Also, 10 reasons why the Gray Aliens will land on Earth before Christmas, plus a surprise musical performance by the rock band, Sky Club. Special guests: General Tom Landwermeyer, Monopoly expert Phil Orbanes & literary agent, Jim Frenkel.
03/12/2021 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 31 secondes
Eleanor Wagners Strange and Scary World - Stephen Hawley Martin - Episode 6
With a podcast of his own where he’s interviewed dozens of near-death survivors, psychics, paranormal researchers, as well as quantum physicists and medical doctors, this best-selling author can keep us talking for hours. Stephen Hawley Martin delves into his many years of experience and talks in-depth about his new release, “A Witch In The Family.”
02/12/2021 • 1 heure, 3 minutes, 36 secondes
Paranormal UK Radio Show - Mark Fiorentino - Master of Reality: The Unified Field Theory
Irene and Mark talk with Author and researcher Mark Fiorentino about his book Master of Reality: The Unified Field Theory which covers Einstein's theory of relativity and how it can be used to help mankind move into the future.
01/12/2021 • 1 heure, 46 minutes, 38 secondes
High Strangeness Factor - Lee Hampel
Concluding a series of programs that have centered on the infamous Bray Road in Wisconsin, we talked to Lee Hampel about the High Strangeness evens that he has chronicled on his farm which is located near Bray Road. He has photographed on his game cameras UFOs, strange lights & unexplained mists. Lee has also been a witness to The Beast itself.
30/11/2021 • 1 heure, 32 minutes, 1 secondes
Mack Maloney - The Movie Star Who Invented a Torpedo
The gang talks to Dr. Simeon Hein about some astonishing examples of ESP & Remote Viewing. Raven does a remote broadcast from the gang’s adopted American Legion Post in Endicott, NY. Plus, famous women in the military and Lonely Larry’s unsuccessful search for a McRib sandwich. Special Guest, Legion Post Commander Mike Coleman.
29/11/2021 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 31 secondes
Paranormal Dimensions - Michael Dee - Paranormal Film Maker
This show David talks to the film-maker and creator of 'Take the Cake Productions' which produced 'Scariest Places', 'Merrick Alora's Ghost Towns' and 'Morbid, Michael Dee.
29/11/2021 • 1 heure, 16 secondes
Twin Souls - Dr. Irene Scott - Beyond Pascagoula - November 2021
Ronald and Phillip talk with Dr. Irena Scott, PhD about her new book Beyond Pascagoula which takes an indepth look at the famous UFO abduction case.
25/11/2021 • 1 heure, 1 minute, 44 secondes
Bigfoot and the Bunny - Lindsey Scharmyn: Astral Journeys, attachments and Spiritwalking
Lindsey Scharmyn is an experiencer of other realms via astral travel, dreamwalking, visions, and interaction with other-dimensional entities. A Shaman; spiritual guide and teacher for others. She will discuss how she performs cleansings, blessings, and spiritual reclamation. She will discuss her tarot journey included a severe entity attachment and her personal shamanic encounters of a profound nature, including synchro-mystic travels through life, leading to her purpose.
24/11/2021 • 2 heures, 59 secondes
Paranormal Concept Show - Spirit Photography
In the week's show Kerry, Paul and Richard look into the history and controversy surrounding Spirit Photography. Images that apparently captured deceased relatives supposedly visiting the living. But are the photos real or clever fakes? The show traces their history from the Victorian era to more modern times.
23/11/2021 • 1 heure, 45 minutes, 48 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - Spy vs Spy vs Spy
The gang talks to former U.S. Army Counter-Intelligence officers Scott O’Connell and Agent X about their real-life adventures trailing Russian spies around Berlin at the height of the Cold War. Also, Mack gets crystal-balled by Raven, more bizarre aircraft fails, Switch reports on aliens wearing pajamas and five ways UFO Mechanic Al Renaldo would break up a noisy party.
19/11/2021 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 31 secondes
Aliens Revealed - Mary Rodwell
19/11/2021 • 47 minutes, 10 secondes
Paranormal Peep Show - Ben Emlyn-Jones: 60th Anniversary of the Betty & Barney Hill UFO Abduction Case
Neil and Andy talk with ufologist Ben Emlyn-Jones about the 60th Anniversary of the Betty & Barney Hill UFO Abduction Case.
18/11/2021 • 1 heure, 46 minutes, 55 secondes
Eleanor Wagner's Strange & Scary World - Tera Fansler - Lady Ghostbusters Episode 5
Raised Wiccan, Lady Ghostbuster Team Member Tera Fansler discusses how she’s able to use her five senses to help her connect with spirit in this third episode of the Lady Ghostbuster Series. Tera shares her many experiences over the years and discusses the numerous collaborative paranormal investigations between she and Author Eleanor Wagner and the poignant endings to some left with the clients involved.
18/11/2021 • 56 minutes, 12 secondes
Bigfoot and the Bunny - Andrea Perron - "The Conjuring" Survivor
ndrea Perron is the author of “House of Darkness House of Light,” a supernatural trilogy which is the TRUE story behind the 2013 feature film, “The Conjuring.” In her frequent travels, she lectures about spirituality, metaphysics and all phenomena considered paranormal, concentrating her research in Ufology. As an outspoken human and animal rights activist, all she does, she does with love, always the best of intentions. It is her fervent desire to spread her positive message to as many as possible
17/11/2021 • 1 heure, 57 minutes, 33 secondes
Paranormal UK Radio Show - Jack Cary: UFO's, Cryptids and High Strangeness
Irene and Mark talk with paranormal author and investigator Jack Cary from the Paranormal Intelligence Agency about everything paranormal including Bigfoot, UFO's and other forms of high strangeness.
17/11/2021 • 1 heure, 44 minutes, 31 secondes
High Strangness Factor - Bray Road Reveal
The Bucks County Paranormal Investigation team reveal the results of their night vigil and investigation of Bray Road and the surrounding areas. This is where the Beast of Bray Road is said to lurk. What they discover is a high strangeness area that involves many different manifestations of the paranormal.
16/11/2021 • 1 heure, 43 minutes, 52 secondes
Paranormal Concept Show - Heraldry and Coats of Arms
This week on the Paranormal Concept Show we delve deep into the past to look into the historic world of Heraldry and Coat of Arms. This topic is very involved but we try to reveal some of the mysteries and stories that are to be found behind the symbolism of these historic insignia.
16/11/2021 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 21 secondes
Mack Maloney - Pudding Pops From Outer Space
The best of the gang’s bits, skits and Top Ten lists. Switch’s favorite breakfasts. How Juan-Juan would have won World War Two. Why the Romans ate mouse pancakes. Why it’s cool to be Canadian. The tale of the human doughnut. Funny fan letters from Germany and who was Nips Galore?
15/11/2021 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 31 secondes
Paranormal Dimensions - Secrets of the Ancients with Michael Feely and James Welsh
David talks to two star guests for this show -- James Welsh and Michael Feely. James believes he has made some startling discoveries concerning the ancient pyramids. He puts these theories to Michael, who is a well known authority on secret codes of the ancients.
15/11/2021 • 2 heures, 12 minutes, 15 secondes
Paranormal Pendle Podcast - Kevin Griffiths-Boden
On this episode Craig Bryant chats with Kevin Griffith-Boden, member of the 'Ghanon' Group of paranormal investigators who approach every investigation with an open mind and a healthy dose of skepticism!
11/11/2021 • 56 minutes, 43 secondes
Bigfoot and the Bunny - Psychic Medium Robert Righi
Bigfoot and the Bunny with Forensic Psychologist and Medium Robert RighiWe are honored to talk with Robert Righi about his incredible body of work. From having his first paranormal experience at 4 years old, being a forensic psychologist and criminal profiler for 35 years for the state of Florida, being involved in exorcisms sanctioned by the Catholic Archdiocese of Chicago, interviewing serial killer Ted Bundy on death row, to being a volunteer at a hospice for children and helping them to cross over- Robert has seen it all. He is one of the very few psychic mediums to have a degree in Psychology and be a profiler as well as a clinical social worker. He has found over the many years within the fields of psychology and psychic mediumship that they are skills that blend well together. He also helps those going through the grieving process, through their journeys from death.
10/11/2021 • 1 heure, 40 minutes, 42 secondes
High Strangeness Factor - Donna Fink and Bray Road
Steve is joined by Andy and Brandi to talk with Donna fink about her experiences investigating the paranormal. In her adventures, she has run across Dogmen, Bigfoot, UFOs, orbs, Gremlins and even a Wereboy. Having interviewed and talked with many eyewitnesses of cryptids & UFOs, she knows to expect the unexpected.
09/11/2021 • 1 heure, 36 minutes
Paranormal Concept Show - Darren W Ritson
This week on the Paranormal Concept Show we are joined in the studio by Darren W Ritson, following on from The South Shields Poltergeist we discuss various theories regarding what a Poltergeist could possibly be and look beyond the 'ground zero' case to see if its effects are felt beyond. Darren has just released his book Contagion which looks at this particular phenomenon.
09/11/2021 • 1 heure, 58 minutes, 30 secondes
Aliens Revealed - Kevin Briggs - 11/05/2021
Dean talks with UFO Researcher Kevin Briggs.
05/11/2021 • 37 minutes, 14 secondes
Eleanor Wagner - Richie Moschella: New Jersey Paranormal Project - Episode 4
Richie Moschella of the New Jersey Paranormal Project shares his background and history and what led him to the paranormal. Being sensitive to spirit his whole life, Richie is now learning to develop his connection with spirit and creating drawings of what he sees that can help convey the message the spirit wishes to relay to their loved one. Author Eleanor Wagner discusses joint paranormal investigations between NJPP and her own Lady Ghostbuster Team.
04/11/2021 • 50 minutes, 27 secondes
Bigfoot and the Bunny - June Lundgren: Demons, Shadow People & Earthbound Spirits
Bigfoot and The Bunny welcome back June Lundgren to the show and she discusses how to recognize the difference between demons, shadow people and negative earthbound spirits. She discusses how each of these creatures have weaknesses, fears, appearances, abilities and how to get rid of them if possible.
03/11/2021 • 1 heure, 50 minutes, 45 secondes
Paranormal UK Radio Show - MR Gorga: Demons Among Us
Irene and Mark talk with author MR Gorga about his book "Demons Among Us" which chronicles his twenty years of experience with demonic spirits.
03/11/2021 • 1 heure, 41 minutes, 7 secondes
Paranormal Concept Show - Beth Darlington
This week on The Paranormal Concept Show we are joined in the studio by the renowned paranormal researcher Beth Darlington. Beth's passion and energy for the paranormal field is focused on learning and expanding her experiences from attending talks and conventions to a good old ghost hunt. On this show, we have a fascinating discussion covering many areas of the umbrella term paranormal world from spirits and ghosts to cryptozoology and everything in between.
02/11/2021 • 2 heures, 1 secondes
Mack Maloney - A Very Disturbing Halloween
The gang goes full spooky in this special show for All Hallows Eve. Willy Clubb reports on UFO incidents that happened on Halloween. Lois Lane recounts five bizarre military incidents that cannot be explained. Author Valerie LoFaso talks about her three-book series of ghost stories. Lonely Larry recalls a frightening encounter during a visit to Tijuana. Plus, a discussion about the Slenderman Myth and the tragic events it has spawned.
01/11/2021 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 31 secondes
Mack Maloney - Preston Dennett - Why Do UFOs Like Drive-in Movies?
The gang talks to UFO researcher Preston Dennett about his book, “UFOs at the Drive In.” Also, Cobra explains what happens if an airliner accidently goes supersonic, a report on a mysterious World War Two fighter plane that was half-British & half-German and Bob the Ghost interrupts the show once again. Special guest: UFO Mechanic Al Renaldo.
29/10/2021 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 31 secondes
Twin Souls - James Thompson: Author of Worlds Without Number
Ronald and Phillip talk with author James Thompson about his book Worlds Without Number.
28/10/2021 • 1 heure, 6 minutes, 30 secondes
Paranormal Pendle Podcast - Halloween Special with Simon Entwhistle
Craig Bryant celebrates Halloween talking with our own Simon Entwhistle from the Ghostly Tales of the Unexpected podcast about the infamous Pendle Witches trials.
28/10/2021 • 32 minutes, 21 secondes
Ghostly Tales of the Unexpected - October 2021
With host Simon Entwhistle.
28/10/2021 • 59 minutes, 21 secondes
Bigfoot and the Bunny - Michael Feeley - Ancient Codes
What Michael Feeley is about to reveal is something very different from what has been stated before, very different from what so-called scholars have told us. What you have previously been told can now be re-written, as the true message of our ancestors can now finally be heard.Michael uses his 17 years of evidence gathering knowledge and investigative training to break many ancient codes that have previously remained a mystery throughout the world. To Michael, they are no longer a mystery.
27/10/2021 • 1 heure, 58 minutes, 40 secondes
Paranormal UK Radio Show - Dr Mary Helen Hensley - 10272021
Irene and Mark talk further with Dr. Mary Helen Hensley regarding her psychic abilities, her Near Death Experience, Energy Healing and her books.
27/10/2021 • 58 minutes, 31 secondes
Paranormal Concept Show - Jack the Ripper with Russell Stephen Edwards
This week on the Paranormal Concept Show we delve into Victorian London and walk in the footsteps of Jack the Ripper with a fascinating tale of investigation and exploration with Russell Stephen Edwards and his quest to finally answer the age-old question of 'Who was Jack the Ripper'.
26/10/2021 • 2 heures, 8 minutes, 47 secondes
High Strangeness Factor - Rev. Michael Carter
In the show, Steve and guest co-host Brandi talk with the Reverend Michael J.S. Carter who returns to discuss his new book is 'Initiation -The Spiritual Transformation of the Experiencer.' along with other fascinating topics. Plus an announcement by Andy right at the end - not to be missed...
25/10/2021 • 1 heure, 19 minutes, 41 secondes
Paranormal Dimensions - Sacha Christie-Juliette Gregson - Paranormal Truth
David is joined once again by Sacha Christie and Juliette Gregson. This show is a second in the series 'Paranormal Truth', following on from a show earlier this year. This is also a 'Halloween Special'.
25/10/2021 • 1 heure, 33 minutes, 55 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - Even the Devil was an Angel once....
The gang talks with Sylvia McKelvey, author of “Storm on the Horizon: The New Age, UFOs, and the Cosmic Christ,” about the spiritual connection between angels, devils and aliens. Also, Raven tells Coco his fortune, reveals that he has a sensitive tarot card. Plus, a report on the Pope and a mysterious bottle of scotch. Special guest: Lois Lane.
22/10/2021 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 31 secondes
Aliens Revealed - Jennifer Stein: MUFON Director - 10/22/2021
Craig Bryant talks with researcher Deborah Singleton about ghosts and cryptids.
21/10/2021 • 51 minutes, 12 secondes
Paranormal Peep Show - Nic Sands: I Saw Military Shoot Down UFOs - October 2021
Neil and Andy talk to Nic Sands about first-hand account of the military shooting down a UFO.
21/10/2021 • 1 heure, 58 minutes, 35 secondes
Eleanor Wagners Strange and Scary World - Deb Solinski - Lady Ghostbusters Episode 3
As part of the Lady Ghostbuster series, Team Member Deborah Solinski talks about her journey as a lifelong sensitive and how it led her to become a Lady Ghostbuster team member. Author Eleanor Wagner and Deb discuss their collaborative paranormal investigations, and which were the most exciting and frightening of the events. Deb delves into how her quirky, goofy personality coincides with her metaphysical side.
21/10/2021 • 1 heure, 4 minutes, 26 secondes
Bigfoot and the Bunny - Robert Lindsy Milne: Psychic Intuitive Counselor - 10/20/2021
Robert Lindsy Milne is a Psychic-Intuitive Counsellor, Teacher, Healer, and Life Coach. He is recognized across the continent as one of the most insightful Psychic Intuitive Counselors of his time. At a very young age Robert started working as a psychic intuitive doing readings at the “Cosy Tea Room” in Toranto and at the same time battling serious literacy issues. He managed to overcome his disabilities and traveled the world giving insight with his Psychic Intuitive Sessions to tens of thousands of people.
20/10/2021 • 1 heure, 57 minutes, 29 secondes
Astral Perceptions Show - Areas of High Strangeness/Dealing with Today's Issues - 10/20/2021
Mark discusses various locations throughout his area as well as other areas around with world that exhibit High Strangeness. He also discusses how to keep a positive, spiritual perspective during troubling times.
20/10/2021 • 1 heure, 8 minutes, 4 secondes
Paranormal Concept Show - Dr Cal Cooper
This week on The Paranormal Concept Show we are joined by Dr Cal Cooper, Psychologist, Author and Science Promotor and we find out how the professionals investigate anomalous phenomena. Cal is also a Council member at the SPR. Join us as we delve into the other side of the paranormal and find out if the two sides can ever be joined.
This week David talks to Shani Struthers who is the author of twenty-two supernatural thrillers (so far). Having been brought up with an understanding of the Occult and alternative views on religion, she threads this knowledge throughout her books, often drawing on real-life experiences of her own, from people she has known and from well-known Occult figures too.
18/10/2021 • 1 heure, 3 minutes, 33 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - Have We Found Heaven On Earth? - 10/15/2021
In a special show, the gang talks about Mack’s book, “Beyond Area 51, The Mysteries of the Planet's Most Forbidden, Top Secret Destinations.” Segments include reports on Shadow People, Flying Humans, UFOs & the Knights Templar, the Navy’s Area 51, the Hurricane Bomb and a place in Russia scientists believe may be “Heaven on Earth.” Special Guest: Superagent Jim Frenkel
15/10/2021 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 31 secondes
Bigfoot and the Bunny - Jim Hunt: Knock Knock Ghost - 10/13/2021
Psychic Medium Jim Hunt from the TV show "Knock Knock Ghost" (currently available on Amazon Prime) travels the world searching for answers to some of our biggest questions about what happens when we die -Chris and Kristen delve deep into these questions and also hold a ghost box session with Jim!
13/10/2021 • 2 heures, 6 secondes
Paranormal Concept Show - Jacqueline Dixon and Barry R Frankish
This week on the Paranormal Concept Show Paul, Richard and Kerry are joined in the studio by Jacqueline Dixon and Barry R Frankish. Both have been avid paranormal investigators for a long time so we follow their journey and have a good old fashioned round table discussion regarding influences, experiences and opinions.
12/10/2021 • 2 heures, 4 minutes, 40 secondes
High Strangeness Factor - The Bray Road Beast
Steve talks with Dominic Sattele and Eric Mintel of Bucks County Paranormal who Investigate the Beast of Bray Road aka the Wisconsin Werewolf.
12/10/2021 • 1 heure, 15 minutes, 49 secondes
Paranormal Dimension - Maria Wheatley: Ancient Sites - 10/11/2021
This week David talks to guest, author and tutor Maria Wheatey about her many years of esoteric investigations of ancient sites which include Stonehenge and Avebury.
11/10/2021 • 1 heure, 5 minutes, 56 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - The Strangest War Ever Fought - 10/08/2021
The gang talks with ex-NYPD/paranormal investigator Jocko Johnson about how the Australian Army lost a full-scale war against 50,000 six-foot-tall flightless birds known as Emus and how battle tactics used by the creatures sealed the final victory. Plus, 10 Questions for Jocko, more horror stories about growing up in Boston, Clubb reads the latest fan mail & Mack reveals how he became best friends with John Travolta. Also, the free show swag giveaway continues. Special Guest: Lois Lane.
08/10/2021 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 31 secondes
Aliens Revealed - Jeff Krause: MUFON Los Angeles - 10/08/2021
Dean talks with Jeff Krause, the Director for MUFON Los Angeles.
Craig Bryant talks with Debbie Hatswell about the British Bigfoot and Dogman creatures.
07/10/2021 • 1 heure, 9 minutes, 49 secondes
Eleanor Wagner's Strange & Scary World - Bobby J Gallo: Gallo Family Ghost Hunters - Episode 2
Master Magician Bobby J. Gallo of the Gallo Family Ghost Hunters talks about his career as a world-class professional magician. He has too much respect for spirit to try and pull the wool over peoples’ eyes about it. He discusses how he is able to separate the two when ghost hunting on paranormal investigations with his wife and two daughters. Author Eleanor Wagner discusses his latest book release, Family Spirits, his paranormal investigations, and his paranormal program.
07/10/2021 • 1 heure, 5 minutes, 17 secondes
BBC Essex - Host Ian Wyatt Interviews Neil Geddes-Ward on Recent UFO Sightings in Essex, UK
Radio Show host Ian Wyatt from BBC Essex interviews our own Paranormal Peep Show co-host Neil Geddes Ward on recent UFO sightings in Essex, UK.
06/10/2021 • 6 minutes, 40 secondes
Eleanor Wagners Strange & Scary World - Teaser Episode
Teaser for the Eleanor Wagner's Strange & Scary World podcast on the Paranormal UK Radio Network.
06/10/2021 • 1 minute, 49 secondes
Bigfoot and the Bunny - Lester Velez: UFO Abductions - 10/06/2021
Bigfoot and the Bunny have an amazing interview with Lester Velez, discussing abductions and what follows...Lester Velez shares stories and discuss OPUS, the Organization for Paranormal Understanding and Support, as well as its mission: to reach out and provide help and support to those who have encountered extraordinary paranormal experiences.
06/10/2021 • 1 heure, 46 minutes, 15 secondes
Paranormal Concept Show - Conspiracies
This week the Paranormal Concept delves down into the world of the Illuminati and conspiracy theory. What do we make of it all - who knows - take a listen to find out
05/10/2021 • 1 heure, 53 minutes, 10 secondes
Paranormal Dimensions - Caz Clarke and Gari Jones - The Pentyrch Incident
This week David is joined once again by Sacha Christie as co-host. They talk to returning guest Caz Clarke along with her co author Gari Jones about their explsive new UFO book 'The Pentyrch Incident'.
04/10/2021 • 1 heure, 34 minutes, 39 secondes
Mack Maloney - Angels, Devils & the Mystery of Ong’s Hat - 10/01/2021
The gang talks to Bishop Ron Feyl-Enright about what’s really happening when people experience visions of the Virgin Mary. Also, a report on a mysterious ghost town in the middle of New Jersey called Ong’s Hat. Plus, ten technical questions for Coco, finding out what’s inside America’s National Quiet Zone, Raven cooks the brain of UFO Mechanic and the free MMMX swag giveaway continues. Special Guest: Lois Lane
01/10/2021 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 31 secondes
Twin Souls - Connie Willis Pt 2 - September 2021
The Twins Ronald and Phillip talk with Coast to Coast AM radio host and paranormal researcher Connie Willis.
30/09/2021 • 1 heure, 6 minutes, 3 secondes
Bigfoot and the Bunny - Damien Nott - 09/29/2021
"Culled from our archives, this is our interview with Australian Experiencer, Photographer and Filmmaker Damien Knott from April 2021"
29/09/2021 • 1 heure, 53 minutes, 11 secondes
High Strangeness Factor - 6 Degrees of John Keel interview Andy Mercer
With Steve off on his travels, Andy takes the helm... sort of. The is an interview of Andy by the '6 Degrees of John Keel' podcast team as they discuss the Occult and the paranormal and other areas of high strangeness.
28/09/2021 • 1 heure, 45 minutes, 53 secondes
Paranormal Concept Show - Salem Witch Trials
This week on the Paranormal Concept show we discuss the Salem Witch trials and look at the possible factors that contributed to why this horrific historical situation occurred and the concepts surrounding it.
28/09/2021 • 1 heure, 54 minutes, 47 secondes
Paranormal Dimensions - Graham Philips: Historical Legends - 09/27/2021
This week's guest Graham Philips talks to David about his many years of researching historical legends with a paranormal twist.
27/09/2021 • 1 heure, 29 minutes, 39 secondes
Mack Maloney - Nuclear Wars in Ancient Times - 09/24/2021
The gang discusses scientific evidence recently unearthed in India & Pakistan that suggests a nuclear war was fought there 3,000 years ago. Also, Switch reports on a man who heard alien voices coming from his welding torch. Plus, Raven reads Clubb's fortune & Lonely Larry complains about a deadbeat friend. Special Guest: Lois Lane.
Dean talks with UFOlogist Rebecca Renfroe-Bourneman.
24/09/2021 • 43 minutes, 11 secondes
Eleanor Wagner's Strange and Scary World - Laurel Devine: Lady Ghostbuster Series - 09/24/2021
As part of the Lady Ghostbuster Series, Team Member Laurel Devine discusses her 40-year career as a psychic, medium and medical intuitive. She and Author Eleanor Wagner discuss their collaborative paranormal investigations, and they delve into discussions on the tarot, time travel, astral projection and clairvoyance - all of which Laurel has experience and training.
23/09/2021 • 1 heure, 3 minutes, 11 secondes
Paranormal Pendle Podcase - ALLFM Manchester - 09/24/2021
Craig Bryant interviews folks from ALLFM Radio about the paranormal in Manchester.
23/09/2021 • 1 heure, 6 minutes, 19 secondes
Paranormal UK Radio Show - Stephanie Milanowski: Clairvoyage - 09222010
Irene and Mark talk with author Stephanie Milanowski about her book Clairvoyage which highlights her lifelong experiences with being clairaudient, clairvoyant and clairsentient, as well has her experiences with black-eyed children and the Men in Black.
22/09/2021 • 1 heure, 33 minutes, 1 secondes
Paranormal Concept Show - Aliens with Mark Manley
Join the Paranormal concept crew as we delve into UFOs Time travel and Skinwalker ranch one more time with our friend and former co-host Mad Mark 'ALIENS!' Manley.
21/09/2021 • 57 minutes, 56 secondes
Paranormal Dimensions - Barry Fitzgerald: Paranormal Legend Hunter - 09/20/2021
This week's guest Barry Fitzgerald (Ghost Hunters International) talks to David about his many years of hunting down paranormal legends.
20/09/2021 • 1 heure, 9 minutes, 4 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - How To Get a Trombonist Off Your Front Porch - 09/17/2021
In a special musical episode, the gang talks to Brian Dunne, drummer extraordinaire for Hall & Oates and the TV show, “Darryl’s House.” Plus, Dr. Bob Gross on his involvement in “Operation Pink Noise,” a secret project to make musical CDs sound “muddy.” Also, ex-NYPD investigator Jocko Johnson on the murder of rock star Bobby Fuller, who died after being forced to drink five gallons of gasoline. Special Guests: Producer Chris Billias & Lois Lane.
17/09/2021 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 31 secondes
Paranormal Peep Show - Peter Robbins: "Closer Than You Want" Encounters with UFO's. - 09/16/2021
Andrew and Neil talk with famous UFO researcher Peter Robbins about very "close" encounters with UFO's.
16/09/2021 • 1 heure, 57 minutes, 47 secondes
Bigfoot and the Bunny - Tom D’Agostino: Haunted New England - 09152021
Bigfoot and the Bunny talks to Tom D’Agostino about Haunted New England.
15/09/2021 • 1 heure, 45 minutes, 48 secondes
Paranormal UK Radio Show - Michael Gagliardi: Devil Takes The Hindmost - 09/15/2021
Irene and Mark talk with author Michael Gagliardi about his book Devil Takes The Hindmost about his childhood experiences with his mother suffering from severe demonic possession.
15/09/2021 • 1 heure, 51 minutes, 40 secondes
Paranormal Pendle Podcast - John Tantalon - North Edinburgh Nightmares - 09/15/2021
Craig Bryant talks with John Tantalon about North Edinburgh Nightmares.
15/09/2021 • 45 minutes, 2 secondes
High Stangeness Factor - Roland Watson: The Mysteries of Loch Ness - 09/14/2021
The Mysteries of Loch Ness. Steve talks with Roland Watson, a long term researcher, speaker and writer on the most famous of paranormal enigmas. Is Nessie real unknown cryptid or just imagination and myth?
14/09/2021 • 1 heure, 18 minutes, 1 secondes
Paranormal Concept Show - Curses - 09/14/2021
This week on the paranormal concept show we take a look at the various fundamental reasons that are at play behind the concept of curses and ask are they really a supernatural force at play.
14/09/2021 • 1 heure, 53 minutes, 31 secondes
Paranormal Dimensions - Darren W. Ritson: The South Shields Poltergeist - 09/13/2021
This weeks David Young talks with Darren W. Ritson who has written around 20 books on ghost and poltergeist activity throughout the UK. On this show with David he talks about some of those and his latest book 'Poltergeist Parallels and Contagion' due out early October.
13/09/2021 • 1 heure, 27 minutes, 56 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - Does Area 52 Exist? - 09/10/2021
The gang talks about unusual secret bases around the world, all of which have histories of UFO activity. Also, the story of a man who found aliens growing in his backyard. Plus, the Mystery of Boscombe Down, how the KGB investigated UFOs and who was Major Mudd?
10/09/2021 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 31 secondes
Bigfoot and the Bunny - Peter Muise - Legends Along the New England Shore - 09/08/2021
Bigfoot and the Bunny discuss Witches, Warlocks, Legends and Lore-Puckwudgies and Sea Serpents Along the New England Shore with Author Peter Muise.
08/09/2021 • 2 heures, 33 secondes
Paranormal UK Radio Show - Bridget Finklaire: Hypnotherapist and Spiritual Teacher - 09/08/2021
Irene and Mark speak with Hypnotherapist and Spiritual Teacher Bridget Finklaire about a variety of high concept spiritual topics. She's also the author of her spiritual novel Red Dress.
08/09/2021 • 1 heure, 58 minutes, 58 secondes
Paranormal Dimensions - Paul Sinclair: Night People - 09/06/2021
David talks to Paul Sinclair about his latest book 'Night People', and his plans for the future.
07/09/2021 • 1 heure, 16 minutes, 56 secondes
Paranormal Concept Show - A Paranormal 'Round Table'
Kerry, Richard and Paul discuss their latest 'adventures' in the world of the paranormal, including discussing an investigation of a rather unusual location.
07/09/2021 • 2 heures, 7 minutes, 58 secondes
Aliens Revealed - Kelly Sammy - UFOs and the Afterlife - 09/03/2021
Dean talks with Kelly Sammy about UFOs and the Afterlife.
03/09/2021 • 53 minutes, 1 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - The Case of the Battered Police Car - 09/03/2021
The gang talks to show contributor Jocko Johnson about a mysterious collision involving a Minnesota policeman and “something” that hit his patrol car, resulting in damages so bizarre even the Ford Motor Company couldn’t explain them. Also, Coco on the many different shapes of UFOs, the story of World War Two’s Ghost Bomber and Top Ten names for the gang’s new rock band. Plus, Raven relives her frightening Ouija Board story.
03/09/2021 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 31 secondes
Bigfoot and the Bunny - Sam Baltrusis: Author and Paranormal Investigator - 09/01/2021
We talk to Paranormal Author and TV Personality, Sam Baltrusis. The man behind Haunted Hotels with Sam Baltrusis, Ghosts of Salem and the upcoming Curse of Lizzie Borden on Discovery + among many many other projects
01/09/2021 • 1 heure, 37 minutes, 17 secondes
Paranormal Concept Show - The Kabbalah
This week join Kerry & Richard as they are joined by writer, researcher and show producer Andy Mercer to discuss one of the core elements of the 'Western Magical Tradition' - The Kabbalah.
31/08/2021 • 1 heure, 58 minutes, 43 secondes
High Strangeness Factor - Skinwalker Ranch
A Special show from Steve and Andy where they discuss the mysteries and all-around weirdness surrounding the enigmatic Skinwalker Ranch in northern UtahThey discuss elements of the show 'Secret of Skinwalker Ranch' but have done their best to avoid giving away any spoilers!
31/08/2021 • 1 heure, 41 minutes, 1 secondes
Paranormal Dimensions - Clairvoyent Laura Plumb Sayers - 08/30/2021
David speaks with Laura Plumb Sayers about her life-long clairvoyent and paranormal experiences with the afterlife ... and beyond. with guest co-host Sacha Christie.
30/08/2021 • 2 heures, 35 minutes, 24 secondes
Paranormal Pendle Podcast - The Haunted School Investigation - 08/27/2021
Craig replays a live recording for a haunted school investigation
27/08/2021 • 50 minutes, 46 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - The Mystery of the Six Photos - 08/27/2021
The gang talks to UFO researcher & disco dance king Paul Dale Roberts about six mysterious photographs he saw while working for a classified unit in the U.S. Army. Hollywood author Gary Olsen talks about early sci-fi movies and little-known sci-fi TV shows. Also, Mack answers 10 questions he wasn’t asked on Coast to Coast, more tales from the Skinwalker Ranch & Security Chief Willy Clubb reads the gang’s latest fan mail. Special Guests: Ella the Psychic & UFO Mechanic Al Renaldo.
27/08/2021 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 31 secondes
Twin Souls - Connie Willis: Radio Host and Paranormal Investigator - August 2021
The Twins Ronald and Phillip talk with Coast to Coast AM radio host and paranormal researcher Connie Willis.
26/08/2021 • 1 heure, 4 minutes, 32 secondes
Bigfoot and the Bunny - Occult Magick in the Paranormal with Ken Allen
Bigfoot and the Bunny talk with Ken Allen and discuss the benefits of occult knowledge in the paranormal, including banishings, self protection methods as well as discuss the Djinn.
25/08/2021 • 1 heure, 44 minutes, 54 secondes
Paranormal UK Radio Show - Dr. Mary Helen Hensley: Near Death Experience and Energy Healing
Irene and Mark talk with Dr. Mary Helen Hensley regarding her psychic abilities, her Near Death Experience, Energy Healing and her books.
25/08/2021 • 1 heure, 57 minutes, 2 secondes
Paranormal Concept Show - Mothman and more with Steve Ward
In this week's show Kerry, Paul and Richard are joined by writer, researcher and host of the High Strangeness Factor, Steve Ward to discuss the Mothman, and other 'high strangeness'
24/08/2021 • 2 heures, 6 minutes, 1 secondes
Paranormal Dimensions - David Icke - There Is No Death
This week David Young talks with David Icke about the idea that there is no death.
23/08/2021 • 51 minutes, 4 secondes
Aliens Revealed - Grant Cameron - 08/20/2021
Dean talks with longtime UFO investigator Grant Cameron
20/08/2021 • 43 minutes, 21 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - Dreaming of Green Fireballs
The gang presents a Greatest Hits show. Segments include Top 10 UFO Myths, the Mystery of the Green Fireballs and what dreams might mean for you and your sex life. Also, adult-themed outtakes, blooper ads and JJ tries to sing “Mack The Knife.” Special Guests: Jill Hanson & Lois Lane.
20/08/2021 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 31 secondes
Paranormal Peep Show - Alyson Dunlop Shanes and Ian Shanes - Rescue Mediums - August 2021
Neil and Andy interview Alyson Dunlop Shanes and Ian Shanes who work as Rescue Mediums for lost souls.
Mark replays an interview he conducted back in 2018 with Shamanic Practitioner Karen Furr on the healing practice of Depossession.
18/08/2021 • 1 heure, 10 secondes
Bigfoot and the Bunny - Chris Balzano: The Bridgewater Triangle - 08/18/2021
In this episode, we welcome back Chris Balzano to our show to discuss the Bridgewater Triangle, the Origins of a Ghost Story, Puckwudgies and much more...Christopher Balzano is a writer, researcher, folklorist, and current host of the podcast: Tripping on Legends.. Chris's books include Dark Woods, Ghosts of the Bridgewater Triangle, Haunted Florida Love Stories and more... He has been documenting the unexplained since 1994 and has been a prominent figure in the paranormal world through his books, articles, movie appearances and his Tripping on Legends podcast.. He was also featured in the documentary the Bridgewater triangle
18/08/2021 • 1 heure, 58 minutes, 9 secondes
Paranormal UK Radio Show - Dr Kimberly McGeorge - 08/18/2021
Dr. Kimberly McGeorge is an internationally renowned naturopathic doctor, energy healer, remote viewer, paranormal expert and consciousness teacher. Her extensive client list includes some of the world’s most talented healers and, for the past 25 years, she has worked on thousands of people around the world. Dr.Kimberly was born with the ability to remote view, see people's auras and was highly intuitive. While still in college, she helped police on many occasions. Finding she had a natural affinity with herbs, she worked as a herbalist and went on to create and distribute her own line of herbal organic products internationally. During this time, her personal practice expanded to multiple clinics throughout Columbus. Driven by her inner knowing that her healing work could be made much quicker, more affordable and amplified exponentially using technology, Dr. Kimberly consulted with an esteemed neurosurgeon and realized that the healing frequencies in naturopathy could be applied to all areas of her client’s lives. Her latest ground-breaking program Frequency Master™ teaches how to master frequencies in your own life and trains other healers to use her own unique and successful methods.
18/08/2021 • 1 heure, 57 minutes, 29 secondes
Paranormal Concept Show - Portals And Gateways
In this week we peer into Portals and Gateways where will this lead us? Come along and listen to this awesome show...who knows where we will end up!
17/08/2021 • 1 heure, 58 minutes, 8 secondes
High Strangeness Factor - Nash Hoover
Steve and guest c-host Brandi are joined by Nash Hoover, host of the internet TV show dedicated to exploring cryptid legends and mysteries - 'Chasing Legends'
17/08/2021 • 1 heure, 24 minutes
Paranormal Dimensions - Johnny Summers: Host of The Invited - 08/16/2021
This week David talks with fellow Radio host Johnny Summers. Host of 'The Invited' from The Zykotika Studio.
16/08/2021 • 1 heure, 21 minutes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - Strange Sounds from Nowhere - 08/13/2021
The gang discusses unexplained sounds people have been hearing around the world for centuries. Vic the Wop calls in with the latest on his series, Star Trek Continues. Cobra explains ten military sayings that have entered civilian life. Also, why winged cryptids rarely use their wings to fly. Plus, Raven recovers from oral surgery, Clubb advises Switchy on how to vacuum his wig and Juan-Juan models his new Rolling Stones attire, autumn edition.
13/08/2021 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 31 secondes
Bigfoot and the Bunny - John Olsen - Haunted Utah - 08/11/2021
Haunted Utah with John Olsen, Author of the Stranger Bridgerland Series of books, John was fueled by his own experiences with the unknown, John has spent the last 25 years interviewing and documenting first-hand accounts of those who have witnessed all kinds of strange and unusual phenomena in the western United States. The Stranger Bridgerland series contains firsthand accounts of everything from ghosts, monsters and hauntings, to glitches in the matrix, Sasquatch, and UFOs.
11/08/2021 • 1 heure, 44 minutes, 26 secondes
Paranormal Concept Show - Matt Arnold Returns - 08/10/2021
We are again joined by Matt Arnold. He's back by popular demand and this time we are talking Fallen Angels.
The 'Alien Autopsy' changed the world of ufology forever in 1995, causing it to shatter into even more polarised factions. Was it real or was it fake? Spyros Melaris, the producer of this video, knows all of the answers. In this show he will tell about his upcoming book and tours .. and much more. If you have followed this story for the past 25 years, this is not to be missed.
09/08/2021 • 1 heure, 8 minutes, 50 secondes
Aliens Revealed - Preston Dennett - 08/06/2021
Dean talks with author and UFO researcher Preston Dennett who has written numerous books on first-person encounters with UFO's and extraterrestrials.
06/08/2021 • 35 minutes, 40 secondes
Mack Maloney - Theres Something About Mary - 08/06/2021
The gang tackles the controversial subject of Marian Apparitions, instances in which tens of thousands of witnesses have seen visions of what they believe is the Virgin Mary, mother of Jesus Christ. Also, researcher & broadcaster, Paul Eno on the paranormal & the afterlife. Plus, a surprise visit from Raven’s father, Switchy’s new wig, and security chief Willy Clubb reads the gang’s fan mail.
06/08/2021 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 31 secondes
Bigfoot and the Bunny - Lesley Mitchel: Author of INTERSECTION: A True Story of Extra-terrestrial Contact - 08/04/2021
Bigfoot and the Bunny talk with Lesley Mitchell Clarke, author of INTERSECTION: A True Story of Extra-terrestrial Contact and host of Contact TV, discusses the use of skilled hypnotherapeutic regression in working with individuals who believe that they have had extra/ultra-terrestrial contact and many other experiences of high strangeness.
05/08/2021 • 1 heure, 52 minutes, 51 secondes
Paranormal Concept Show - Paracelsus
This week we take a look at the works of Paracelsus, and the links between us and the elements EARTH, AIR, FIRE, WATER. We also look into folklore surrounding the Elementals.
03/08/2021 • 2 heures, 28 secondes
High Strangness Factor - Raven Experiencer of the extraordinary
Steve and co-host Andy are joined by 'Raven' to discuss her experiences with the paranormal and strange occurrences in her life. Raven is also a co-host on Mack Maloney's Military X-Files.
03/08/2021 • 1 heure, 21 minutes, 29 secondes
Paranormal Dimensions - Mary Rodwell
World renowned researcher and lecturer on UFO's and encounters with non-human intelligences, Mary Rodwell provides intellectual analysis of real phenomenon. She has presented some of the most fascinating individual cases on this subject through first hand counselling with many experiencers.
02/08/2021 • 1 heure, 5 minutes, 36 secondes
Twin Souls - UFO Researcher Paul Ascough - 07/29/2021
Ronald and Phillip Kinsella talk with UFO researcher Paul Ascough.
29/07/2021 • 1 heure, 5 minutes, 31 secondes
Paranormal Concept Show - Tree Folklore
Kerry, Paul and Richard discuss folklore, myths and Legends associated with trees.
27/07/2021 • 2 heures, 10 minutes, 45 secondes
Paranormal Dimensions - Ron Halliday
Well respected Scottish UFO investigator and author Ron Halliday takes his research into the world of transfiguration seances and the documented communications with alien spirits. Ron talks about his new book ‘Alien Spirits?’
25/07/2021 • 1 heure, 25 minutes, 25 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - Cops and UFOs - 07/23/2021
In a special show, the gang recounts bizarre UFO incidents that involved the police. Also, the winners for the 2nd World War Two trivia contest are announced. Plus, ghoulish secrets of the NYPD and details about Raven’s award-winning Halloween costume. Special Guest: NYPD veteran, Jocko Johnson.
23/07/2021 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 31 secondes
Aliens Revealed - Kosta Makreus and Hollis Polk - 07/23/2021
Kosta Makreas and Hollis Polk head a collective of more than 11,000 peaceful groups and individuals from over100 countries who join once a month to make coordinated, interactive and united contact with numerous loving and peaceful ET or alien beings and civilizations.
23/07/2021 • 1 heure, 12 minutes, 43 secondes
Bigfoot and the Bunny - Gail Hayssen - 07/21/2021
Bigfoot and the Bunny talk to Gail Hayssen. Gail discusses her work with Shamans, Miraculous Healings, Remote Viewing, Dreams that helped solve mysteries, and she will talk about what it was like to be the test subject for scientific research in the field of Metaphysics.
21/07/2021 • 1 heure, 56 minutes, 20 secondes
Paranormal UK Radio Show - Robert Lindsy Milne - Pyschic Counselor - 07/21/2021
Mark talks with psychic counselor Robert Lyndsy Milne.
21/07/2021 • 1 heure, 13 minutes, 7 secondes
High Strangeness Factor - Joshua Cutchin
Steve is joined by guest co-host Zelia Edgar to talk with Joshua Cutchin. Joshua is a writer, researcher and musician. He's also a regular guest on a number of radio stations and shows including - Coast to Coast AM, Mysterious Universe, Binnall of America, Radio Misterioso, and the Gralien Report. And occasionally pops up on the History Channel television show Ancient Aliens
20/07/2021 • 1 heure, 53 minutes, 22 secondes
Paranormal Concept Show - Dreams and the Mind
This week on the Paranormal Concept show we are swimming into the dream world with Writer and Psychotherapist (and show Producer) Andy Mercer
20/07/2021 • 1 heure, 56 minutes, 28 secondes
Paranormal Dimensions - Paul Croft: Secret Hauntings - 07192021
David talks with Paul Croft about secret hauntings.
19/07/2021 • 1 heure, 41 minutes, 48 secondes
Paranormal Peep Show - Paranormal Researcher Mark Johnson - 07/15/2021
Neil and Andy talk with paranormal researcher and co-host of the Paranormal UK Radio Show about the paranormal, ghosts, spirituality and where we are headed as a species.
16/07/2021 • 1 heure, 56 minutes, 16 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - Angels in Wartime - 07/16/2021
The gang gets together for a special show about sightings of ghosts and angels in times of war. Incidents discussed include a World War Two era radio that still broadcasts news from the front, ghost planes spotted flying over Great Britain, an account of a giant angel preventing Japanese warplanes from bombing an undefended town and reports of ghosts haunting US troops in Afghanistan. Special guest: Willy Clubb.
16/07/2021 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 31 secondes
Paranormal Pendle - Ash Ellis and Greg Thomlinson - 07/14/2021
Craig Bryant talks with Ash Ellis and Greg Thomlinson about UAP's, Disclosure, Ghosts and the perils of podcasting.
15/07/2021 • 1 heure, 5 minutes, 45 secondes
Astral Perceptions Show - The Chosen - 07/15/2021
Mark discusses the television show The Chosen and how it relates to modern spirituality.
14/07/2021 • 53 minutes, 35 secondes
Paranormal UK Radio Show - L.A. Marzulli - On The Trail of the Nephillim - 07/14/2021
Irene and Mark talk with author and researcher L.A. Marzulli about his books "On the Trail of the Nephillim" which discusses the biblical accounts of hybrid creatures and their attempts to control the human race.
14/07/2021 • 56 minutes, 3 secondes
Bigfoot and the Bunny - The Paranormal Couple - 07/14/2021
Bigfoot and the Bunny talk to Cody Ray Desbiens and Satori Hawes, The Paranormal Couple from Ghost Nation and also the curators of “The Paranormal Couple’s Haunted Museum of Objects, Oddities, and Curiosities.”
14/07/2021 • 1 heure, 46 minutes, 54 secondes
The Paranormal Concept Show -The Pandemic Effect
This week on the Paranormal Concept Show we are joined by Haunted Happenings' Hazel Ford and Haunted Magazine's Karen Fray. We discuss events before the Pandemic and how it has changed our lives, and the world, forever.
12/07/2021 • 1 heure, 56 minutes, 54 secondes
Paranormal Dimensions - James Francis Welsh
The results of 14 years of investigations by James into a series of UFO sightings which has resulted in very recent startling and possibly historical discoveries.
11/07/2021 • 2 heures, 29 minutes, 51 secondes
Mack Maloneys Military X-Files - The Yo-Yo Show - 07/09/2021
Cobra sits in for Mack with a show full of military techniques and anecdotes. UFO researcher Mary Joyce discusses NASA "whistle blowers.” Switchblade Steve Ward talks about the upcoming Mothman Convention in Point Pleasant, West Virginia. Special guests, Empath Valerie Lofaso and musician Matt Malley.
09/07/2021 • 1 heure, 56 minutes, 30 secondes
Aliens Revealed - James Hudson - 07/09/2021
09/07/2021 • 55 minutes, 32 secondes
Bigfoot and the Bunny - Terje Simonsen - A Short History of (Nearly) Everything Paranormal - 07/07/2021
Bigfoot and the Bunny talk with Terje Simonsen, author of "A Short History of (Nearly) Everything Paranormal"Terje discusses his research and philosophy of the paranormal going back to ancient times. He notes that, while there is nearly 150 years of scientific research in parapsychology, the field is still marginalized within academia. He also talk about the responses to the paranormal within the field of theoretical physics. He focuses on the practical applications of psi, and on the personal meaning of psi abilities.
07/07/2021 • 1 heure, 53 minutes, 43 secondes
High Strangeness Factor- Jocko Johnson NYPD and the Paranormal
Steve and Andy are joined by former NYPD Detective 'Jocko Johnson' discussing some strange and mysterious 'happenings' while a serving officer, as well as his work and a 'cold case' detective later in his career.
06/07/2021 • 1 heure, 12 minutes, 20 secondes
Paranormal Concept Show - R.A.F Neatishead
This week on the Paranormal Concept show we are joined in the studio by West Yorkshire Paranormal Society, We investigated with them at the weekend at R.A.F Neatishead, listen to the show to find out what we actually got up to
06/07/2021 • 2 heures, 4 minutes, 22 secondes
Paranormal Dimensions - Bill Rooke
On this week's show I am joined by Bill Rooke, he tells us about his many years of contact and interaction with strange light beings - and others that seem to appear from another dimension. Prepare to be amazed!
05/07/2021 • 1 heure, 33 minutes, 12 secondes
Paranormal Peep Show - UAP Report Special with guests Ben Emlyn-Jones and Phillip Kinsella - 07/02/2021
Neil and Andrew record a special bonus Peep Show with special h guests Ben Emlyn-Jones and Phillip Kinsella to discuss this just-released UAP Report.
02/07/2021 • 1 heure, 19 minutes, 15 secondes
Mack Maloneys Military X-Files - Are 50,000 Extraterrestrials Living in New Mexico? - 07/02/2021
The gang welcomes two special guests: WW2 researcher Tony Cisneros talks about The Lost Heroes of St Vith and UFO Grandmaster Norio Hayakawa explains why people want to believe 50,000 ETs are living in a mountain in New Mexico. Also, Raven gives a bun update and show security chief Willy Clubb reveals some unusual perks of his job.
02/07/2021 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 31 secondes
Paranormal Concept show - Mediumship with Clare Hicks
This week on the Paranormal Concept Show we delve into the world of Mediumship. Our Guest Clare Hinks is a well established Medium and Spiritual Practice coach that not only has provided many people with comfort and validating messages from spirit but has also facilitated others to do the same. Tune in as we explore Clare's journey and hear her thoughts on Mediumship
29/06/2021 • 1 heure, 58 minutes, 2 secondes
Paranormal Dimensions - Philip and Ronald Kinsella - 06/28/2021
David talks with twin brother Ronald and Philip Kinsella about all things spiritual, psychic and UFO related.
28/06/2021 • 1 heure, 20 minutes, 39 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - Oh Canada - 06/25/2021
In a very special broadcast, the gang welcomes five Canadian super-fans to the show with unpredictable results. Topics include Canadian Lake Monsters, the Shag Harbour UFO incident, Top 10 Reasons why it’s Cool to be Canadian, the allure of ketchup potato chips and why cops in Canada still ride horses.
25/06/2021 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 31 secondes
Aliens Revealed - Earl Grey Anderson - 06/25/2021
Dean talks with UFO investigator Earl Grey Anderson.
25/06/2021 • 47 minutes, 31 secondes
Ghostly Tales of the Unexpected - June 2021
Host and tour guide Simon Entwhistles spins more ghostly tales of the unexpected.
24/06/2021 • 59 minutes, 21 secondes
Twin Souls - Malcolm Robinson: Ufo's and Poltergeists - 06/24/2021
Ronald and Phillip talk with longtime investigator Malcolm Robinson on a variety of topics including UFO's and poltergeist activity.
24/06/2021 • 1 heure, 2 minutes, 30 secondes
Bigfoot and the Bunny - Nathaniel J. Gillis: Demonology - 06/23/2021
Bigfoot and the Bunny talk with demonologist Nathaniel J. Gillis.
23/06/2021 • 1 heure, 43 minutes, 21 secondes
Paranormal UK Radio Show - Jiulio Consiglio: Open Your Third Eye - 06/23/2021
Irene and Mark talk with author and spiritual counselor Jiulio Consiglio about his new book Opemn Your Third Eye: Activate Your Sixth Chakra and Develop Your Psychic Abilities.
23/06/2021 • 1 heure, 29 minutes, 20 secondes
High Strangeness Factor - Bob & Laura Antone with Liam Cupkovic
A 'Paranormal Roundtable' discussion with host Steve Ward and guests Bob & Laura Antone with Liam Cupkovic, all Paranormal Experiencers and Investigators.
David Young talks with UFO experiencer and author Tony Topping.
21/06/2021 • 1 heure, 11 minutes, 37 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - Mack-in-the-Box - 06/18/2021
Mack goes remote with less than stellar results. Guests include author Jim Hamilton on how to survive an airplane crash and Thom Reed, expert on the bizarre Berkshires UFO incident. Plus, Raven explains why she was asked to stop bringing her mummy books to school. Special guest: Willy Clubb.
18/06/2021 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 31 secondes
Astral Perceptions Show - High Strangeness and the Advancement of Spirit - 06/17/2021
Mark talks about tapping into Spirit to move beyond the current negativity of our current society, then focuses on areas of High Strangeness activity like the Skinwalker Ranch and the Stardust Ranch.
17/06/2021 • 1 heure, 29 secondes
Paranormal Peep Show - Brandon Thomas - Expanding Reality - 06/17/2021
Neil and Andy speak with Brandon Thomas about expanding reality.
17/06/2021 • 2 heures, 31 secondes
Bigfoot and the Bunny - Dr Kimberly McGeorge - Alien Consciousness - 06/16/2021
Bigfoot and the Bunny chat about current events andprovide a couple relevant spirit box clips. They then talk to Dr. Kimberly McGeorge. Dr. Kimberly is an internationally renowned naturopathic doctor, energy healer, remote viewer, paranormal expert and consciousness teacher. They discuss cryptids, All Things Paranormal and Psychic Abilities as well as Consciousness, Aliens and Alternative Healing.
16/06/2021 • 1 heure, 57 minutes, 36 secondes
Paranormal UK Radio Show - Preston Dennett - Wondrous: 25 True UFO Encounters - 06/16/2021
Irene and Mark talk with renowned UFO author Preston Dennett about his new book "Wondrous: 25 True UFO Encounters".
16/06/2021 • 1 heure, 51 minutes, 1 secondes
Paranormal Concept Show - Jay & Teresa Lynch
Join Paul, Kerry, and Richard as they are joined by their old friends from across the pond paranormal investigators Jay and Teresa Lynch, this is sure to be a fun show as we find out what they are up to stateside.
Malcolm Robinson's joins me to talk about his latest book is 'The Sauchie Poltergeist', on this show he tells us much about it and some of his other research and experiences within the field of the paranormal.
13/06/2021 • 1 heure, 34 minutes, 45 secondes
Paranormal Pendle - Philip Mantle - 06/11/2021
Craig talks with UFO investigator, author and owner of Flying Disk Press Philip Mantle about Near death experiences, UAP's, Rendlesham Forest and Alan Godfrey.
11/06/2021 • 1 heure, 16 minutes, 19 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - How the Incredible Human Doughnut Won the War - 06/11/2021
In a show devoted to World War Two and those who fought it, by popular demand the gang competes in another WW2 trivia contest. What was the deadliest bombing raid of the war? Where was the Bridge Too Far? Who fought in the largest tank battle in history? Who was the Man Who Never Was? Special guests: Jim Frenkel, Tony Cisneros, author Gary Olsen and MC Phil Orbanes.
11/06/2021 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 31 secondes
Aliens Revealed - Stephen Bassett - 06/11/2021
The Paradigm Research Group was established in 1996 to facilitate ways to end a government imposed truth embargo of the facts surrounding an ET presence engaging the human race. Stephen Bassett is the executive director of the Paradigm Research Group. Stephen travels the world speaking to audiences about the implications of formal “Disclosure” by world governments. Bassett talks about the upcoming ufo report to Congress with Dean Caporella.
11/06/2021 • 1 heure, 3 minutes, 8 secondes
Paranormal UK Radio Show - Paul Wallis - The Scars of Eden - 06/08/2021
Mark talks with author, researcher and theologian Paull Wallis from Australia about his new book The Scars of Eden: Has humanity confused the idea of God with memories of ET contact?
09/06/2021 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 22 secondes
Bigfoot and the Bunny - Chris Balzano - 06/09/2021
Chris and Carla have a discussion on UAP phenomena and spiritual communication as well as an archived interview we did a while back with paranormal folklorist, author and researcher - Chris Balzano! We discuss the Bridgewater Triangle, Puckwudgies, King Phillip's War and much more.
09/06/2021 • 1 heure, 3 minutes, 8 secondes
Paranormal Concept Show - The Brothers Grimm
Join Paul, Kerry, and Richard as they delve into the works of the Brothers Grimm, where all is not quite what it seems.
08/06/2021 • 2 heures, 19 secondes
High Strangeness Factor - Steven Machat
Steven Machat The Renaissance Man of Metaphysical Truths from the Creation of Earth to the Pop Music of the 21st Century.
08/06/2021 • 1 heure, 39 minutes, 1 secondes
Paranormal Dimensions - Win Keech
Win is a paranormal researcher/experienced who investigates many avenues of the paranormal. In this show he talks about battles with Reptilians', Crop circles, Astral Travel and the evil challenges facing us all.
07/06/2021 • 1 heure, 39 minutes, 17 secondes
Mack Maloney - The Search for South Detroit - 06/04/2021
In another Musical X-Files, the gang talks to three singer-songwriters about the stranger aspects of their careers. Includes what to do when you get a pick-up truck instead of an engagement ring, the mystery of Chuck Berry’s missing ding-a-ling and how not to write a song about Juan-Juan.
04/06/2021 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 31 secondes
Bigfoot and the Bunny - Kris Newby - Bitten: The Secret History of Lyme Disease and Biological Weapons - 06/02/2021
Kris Newby, author of Bitten: The Secret History of Lyme Disease and Biological Weapons! Kris Newby is an author and award-winning science writer at Stanford University and the senior producer of the Lyme disease documentary UNDER OUR SKIN, which premiered at the Tribeca Film Festival and was a 2010 Oscar semifinalist. Newby has two degrees in engineering, a bachelor’s degree from the University of Utah and a master’s degree from Stanford University. Previously, Newby was a technology writer for Apple and other Silicon Valley companies.
02/06/2021 • 1 heure, 35 minutes, 23 secondes
Paranormal Concept Show - Spiritual Practice and Crystals
This week the Paranormal Concept Show discuss spiritual practice and the wonderful world of Crystals.
01/06/2021 • 2 heures, 4 minutes, 39 secondes
Paranormal Dimensions Show - Simon Sharman
Simon has a documentary film on Amazon Prime called 'Cosmic Whistleblowers'. It's an investigation into the Roswell incident ... which turned into something else... Join me in venturing into the unknown with Simon Sharman.
30/05/2021 • 1 heure, 10 minutes, 59 secondes
Mack Maloney - Clint Hayes and Cheryl Costa - 05/28/2021
Lt. Col. Jay Zeamer and his Eager Beavers were a B-17 bomber crew stationed in Australia and New Guinea in 1942-43. So named for Zeamer’s constant volunteering for missions, and his crew's happiness to oblige him, they served during the crucial early period in the war in the southwest Pacific, defending Australia from invasion by the Japanese before pivoting to take the offensive against Japan. As a result The Eager Beavers were the most decorated bomber crew of the War.
28/05/2021 • 1 heure, 58 minutes, 36 secondes
Astral Perceptions Show - Ghosts and Hauntings - 052721
Host Mark Johnson shares his own paranormal experiences and investigations from the past twenty years.
27/05/2021 • 1 heure, 1 minute
Twin Souls - Paul Blake Smith - President Eisenhower's Close Encounters - 05/27/2021
Ronald Kinsella talk to researcher Paul Blake Smith about reported meetings between U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower and extraterrestrials.
27/05/2021 • 1 heure, 3 minutes, 33 secondes
Paranormal UK Radio Show - Nathaniel Gillis - Demonologist - 05/26/2021
Irene and Mark talk to Demonologist Nathaniel Gillis about his unique research into Demonology and it's close relation to the UFO abduction phenomenon.
26/05/2021 • 2 heures, 1 minute, 18 secondes
Bigfoot and the Bunny - Psychic Chris Garcia - 05/26/2021
Bigfoot and the Bunny talk with psychic medium Chris Garcia.
26/05/2021 • 1 heure, 15 minutes, 17 secondes
High Strangeness Factor - Morgan Lee Knudsen
Steve talks with author and researcher Morgan Lee Knudsen, the Award-Winning founder of Entityseeker Paranormal Research. Morgan has been seen on various television networks internationally, such as Discovery Channel, Destination America, & has been featured on HAUNTED HOSPITALS and PARANORMAL 9-1-1. Morgan is also Guest Professor at NorQuest College
25/05/2021 • 1 heure, 24 minutes, 20 secondes
Paranormal Dimensions - Paul Ascough - UFO's: The Real Story - 05/24/2021
David Young talks with UFO researcher Paul Ascough to get the real story on the UFO Phenomenon.
24/05/2021 • 1 heure, 3 minutes, 58 secondes
Aliens Revealed - Terry Lovelace - Incident at Devil's Den - 0/52/20121
Dean speaks with author Terry Lovelace about his books "Incident at Devil's Den" and "Devil's Den: The Reckoning" which chronicles his UFO abduction experiences throughout his life.
21/05/2021 • 59 minutes, 23 secondes
Mack Maloney - Real Life Ghost Cop - 05/21/2021
The gang talks to retired police officer Jocko Johnson about paranormal incidents he witnessed while serving with the New York City Police Dept, including talking to a deceased woman in a Bronx cemetery and how a ghostly 911 call led him and his partner to save a family of five from burning to death. Also, Vic the Wop, who plays Captain Kirk on the Star Trek Continues series, reveals how he gets his hair to look just like William Shatner’s. Also, Top Ten Worst Sci-Fi Cop Movies. Special guests: UFO comedian Phil Yebba, famous author Marc Zappulla and The Black-Eyed Kid. Warning: Contains Adult Content.
21/05/2021 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 31 secondes
Paranormal Peep Show - Ros Way - Rescue Mediums - 052021
Neil and Andy talk with Ros Way, Ghost rescuer. Helping trapped souls cross over.
On this episode Craig talks to medium and paranormal investigator Diane Pate about her investigations into Warner Street in Accrington (could this be the most haunted street in England?), the ghost of a bloodied child, murders, powerful evil entities and being a Medium.
20/05/2021 • 54 minutes, 12 secondes
Bigfoot and the Bunny - Becky Vickers and Child Spirit "Toby" - 05/19/2021
Bigfoot and the Bunny interview Becky Vickers who about Goatman's bridge in Denton, TX. They also talk about a time where they communicated with a child spirit (or what presented itself as a child spirit) named Toby.
19/05/2021 • 1 heure, 32 minutes, 55 secondes
Paranormal Concept Show - The Paranormal Spectrum
Join Paul, Kerry, and Richard as they discuss the broad spectrum of the paranormal world and their thoughts about it.
18/05/2021 • 2 heures, 2 minutes, 1 secondes
Aliens Revealed - Dave Spinks - 05/14/2021
Dean talks with guest Dave Spinks.
17/05/2021 • 40 minutes, 48 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - I’m Poptarticus! - 05/14/2021
Controversy reigns as the gang plays a World War 2 trivia contest for a lucky winning fan. Also: a report on a UFO that had bat-like wings, Top 5 things Switch would have for breakfast if he lived in Ancient Rome, an argument about Popeye’s military career, Juan-Juan admits he once had a rat’s tail haircut and Raven "goes bun." Special guests: Game Show MC Phil Orbanes and former US Army remote viewer, Bill Ray.
14/05/2021 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 31 secondes
Bigfoot and the Bunny - Michelle Freed - 05/12/2021
Bigfoot and the Bunny's premier episode on the Paranormal UK Radio Network where they talk with Michelle Freed discussing Remote Viewing, her time as Art Bell’s producer, Clairvoyance, hypnosis, parapsychology and much more…Michelle Freed is a graduate of the Alternative Practitioner Academy and received certification from the National Guild of Hypnotism. She completed the beginning, intermediate, and advanced training programs through the International School of Clairvoyance, where she learned to integrate her intuitive gifts.
12/05/2021 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 7 secondes
Paranormal UK Radio Show - The Gift of Past Lives - 05/12/2021
Irene and Mark speak with David Bettenhausen & Carla Bogni-Kidd about their book "The Gift of Past Lives: with Mother, Isabella, God and Elizabeth" and the miracle of reincarnation.(Note: We apologize for the sound quality coming from Irene's end during the interview. They were having storms in the UK which affected her internet.)
12/05/2021 • 1 heure, 56 minutes, 29 secondes
Paranormal Concept Show - Paranormal War Part 2
Join Paul, Kerry, and Richard as they continue to look into some of the paranormal events that occur during wartime as this week they delve into World War II.
11/05/2021 • 2 heures, 1 minute, 54 secondes
High Strangeness Factor - Phenomenology Research Partners Part 2
Steve is rejoined by his fellow Phenomenology Research Partners to discuss all things paranormal.
11/05/2021 • 1 heure, 33 minutes, 52 secondes
Paranormal Dimensions : Kenney W. Irish
This week Paranormal Dimension Host David Young interviewes Kenney W Irish
09/05/2021 • 1 heure, 11 minutes, 45 secondes
Aliens Revealed - Kathleen Marden - 05/07/2021
Kathleen Marden is a leading UFO researcher, the author of several books, a featured on-camera commentator, and an international lecturer. Her interest in UFOs and contact began in 1961, when her aunt and uncle Betty and Barney Hill, had a close encounter and subsequent abduction in New Hampshire’s White Mountains. She has been MUFON’s Director of Experiencer Research since 2011 and is on the Board of Directors of the Edgar Mitchell Foundation for Research into Extraterrestrial and Extraordinary Encounters.
07/05/2021 • 47 minutes, 31 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - It Came From Boston - 05/07/2021
In another Musical X-Files, the gang talks about the bizarre music scene in Boston from the 1970s to present. You’ve heard of Aerosmith & J Geils – but whatever happened to The Ultimate Spinach? Stories include: Arguing with Paul McCartney, how not to fly a traffic helicopter and why they don’t dance the Macarena in Kokomo. Guests include “Pistol Pete” Falconi, Captain Carl Strube, musician Mark Poulin & Rock Critic Larry Katz.
On this episode Craig Bryant speaks to Paranormal Investigator and Storyteller Michaela Cooke from East Sussex in The UK. She tells us some fascinating stories about ancient woodland spirits, haunted cuddly toys, mischievous spirits who hide slippers and we discuss the age old mystery of missing odd socks !
06/05/2021 • 55 minutes, 6 secondes
Astral Perceptions Show - UFOs and Aliens - 05/06/2021
In this episode Mark tackles the subject of UFO's and Aliens, and tries to move past our traditional way of thinking of this phenomenon.
06/05/2021 • 1 heure, 1 minute
Paranormal UK Radio Show - John Russell - A Knock in the Attic - 05/05/2021
Irene and Mark talk with psychic and paranormal investigator John Russell about his new book A Knock in the Attic: True Ghost Stories & Other Spine-chilling Paranormal Adventures.
05/05/2021 • 1 heure, 52 minutes, 3 secondes
Paranormal Concept Show - Paranormal World War part 1
This week on the paranormal concept show we delve into the myths, legends, and paranormal occurrences surrounding the conflict that has gone down in history as one of the bloodiest conflicts of all-time World War One.
04/05/2021 • 2 heures, 1 minute, 53 secondes
Haunted Histories - Mystery of Cannock Chase - 05/03/2021
Join Penny as she chats with the boys from the black country, Russ & John of Wednesbury Paranormal about the history and mystery surrounding the infamous Cannock Chase. A twenty six square mile area of natural beauty, but also tales of dogmen, black eyed children, spirits and UFO’s. Is there a logical explanation to any of it? Listen in….if you dare.
03/05/2021 • 1 heure, 19 minutes, 18 secondes
Paranormal Dimensions - Tami Urbanek - Ghostly Whispers from the Grave - 05/03/2021
David Young talks with guest Tami Urbanek about Ghostly Whispers from the Grave.
03/05/2021 • 1 heure, 2 minutes, 48 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - You Are Wise to Fear The Mosquito - 04/30/2021
Coco sits in for Mack & Juan-Juan and talks to the “Mad Englishmen” responsible for re-building one of the legendary Mosquito attack planes from World War Two. (“Made of wood, two Rolls Royce engines, so fast, it could out run the bullets.”) Also, Switchblade Steve reports on a Mosquito-UFO encounter discussed by Winston Churchill and Dwight Eisenhower. Special guests include John Lilley, Bill Ramsey & Ross Sharp.
30/04/2021 • 1 heure, 57 minutes, 38 secondes
Aliens Revealed - Rey Hernandez - 04/26/2021
Host Dean Caporella talks with Rey Hernandez.
30/04/2021 • 52 minutes, 14 secondes
Astral Perceptions Show - Dreams, Visions and Past Lives - 04/29/2021
In his second show, host Mark Johnson talks about some of his very personal paranormal and spiritual experiences since childhood of precognitive dreams, out of body experiences, astral travelling and past life experiences.
David talks with UFO researcher Caz Clarke about The Pentrych UFO.
26/04/2021 • 1 heure, 24 minutes, 34 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - Don’t Pick Up The Phone - 04/23/2021
Mack, Coco, Switchy & Raven talk to video game producer/internet expert Greg Masto about the Top Ten Places not to go on the Internet. Switch reports on five creepy instances where people have received phone calls from the dead. Also a disturbing visit from Dribbles the Clown. Special Guests: Author Valerie LoFaso & UFO tour guide Tony Cisneros.
23/04/2021 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 31 secondes
Aliens Revealed - Sheila Seppi - 04/23/2021
23/04/2021 • 54 minutes, 56 secondes
Astral Perceptions - Premier Episode - 04/22/2021
Host Mark Johnson takes the listener on a spiritual journey looking at the true nature of our reality and how to get past the fear and ego-driven issues we create within our lives.
22/04/2021 • 1 heure, 17 secondes
Paranormal Concept Show - Faith Healing
This week the Paranormal Concept Show takes a look at the mechanisms that are at play with faith healing - is it truly a gift from God/universe, is it manipulation of energy, or is it just our minds at work?
19/04/2021 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 7 secondes
Haunted Histories - The Haunted School - 041921
Penny is joined by Phil Measey of GPS to talk about a favourite location of theirs and also a place that makes you want to go back. Tales of slamming doors, unexplained bangs, intelligent answers to questions and muffled conversations. Listen in….if you dare.
David Young talks with Paranormal Investigator Kieran Woodhouse about his investigations.
19/04/2021 • 1 heure, 57 minutes, 18 secondes
PAUK - Kerry Greenway - 041621
Irene and Mark talk with guest Kerry Greenway, co-host of The Paranormal Concept Show here on the Paranormal UK Radio Network about crystals, the Fae, and a very naughty ring.
16/04/2021 • 1 heure, 57 minutes, 22 secondes
Aliens Revealed - Joseph Jordan - 04/16/21
Dean talks with UFO researcher Joseph Jordan
16/04/2021 • 1 heure, 6 minutes, 13 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - Mystery of the Gulf Breeze Six - 04/16/2021
In one of the top rewind shows, the gang talks with Paul Dale Roberts about how he came upon classified photos of UFOs taken in space and his days as The Disco King of Sacramento. Ron Kolek on six members of U.S. military intelligence who went AWOL to pursue UFOs. Security chief Willy Clubb reports on the gang’s latest bag of fan mail. Special guest: Ella the Psychic.
16/04/2021 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 31 secondes
Paranormal Peep Show - Russell Brinegar: Overlords of the Singularity - 04/15/2021
Is humanity controlled by an alien agenda? This topic and more is discussed in Overlords of the Singularity with guest Russell Brinegar with hosts Andy Chaplin and Neil Geddes-Ward.
15/04/2021 • 2 heures, 2 minutes
Paranormal Pendle Podcast - Mick McLaren: The Beast of Winter Hill - 04/15/2021
Craig Bryant talks with Mick McLaren about the Beast of Winter Hill.
15/04/2021 • 52 minutes, 31 secondes
High Strangeness Factor - Zelia Returns!
Steve Ward is joined by co-host Andy Mercer (finally) as he welcomes back the 'rising star' of the paranormal Zelia Edgar to discuss all things strange and peculiar...
12/04/2021 • 1 heure, 35 minutes, 21 secondes
Paranormal Concept Show - Ghost Walks
This week the Paranormal Concept takes a look at the art of storytelling. We are joined in the studio by two of the best Ghost Walk hosts in the country, Mackenize Crompton from Shadows of York and Simon Entwhistle from Top Hat Tours. Join us as we find out some ghostly tales and real-life occurrences that have happened on these walks.
12/04/2021 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 9 secondes
Paranormal Dimensions - Pyschic Medium Indigo Phoniex - 04/12/2021
David talks with international psychic medium Indigo Phoniex about witchcraft and predictions for the future.
12/04/2021 • 1 heure, 16 minutes, 11 secondes
Aliens Revealed - Dr Irena Scott - 04/09/2021
Dean talks with Dr. Irena Scott.
09/04/2021 • 47 minutes, 5 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - UFOs, Monkeys, Vampires & You - 04/09/2021
Raven reports on the bizarre deaths of the Hamar-Daban hikers and the theory they died after ingesting toxins dumped in Siberia by the Russian military. Jessie Kwasney, Iraqi war veteran and creator of the paranormal podcast, relates the strange, monkey-related UFO abduction case of Terry Lovelace. Also, fan letters to the show, why Raven loved GI Joes growing up and Juan-Juan’s tips on dating a vampire. Special guest: Willy Clubb.
09/04/2021 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 31 secondes
Paranormal Pendle Podcast - Eden Forth - 04/08/2021
Craig Bryant talks with Eden Forth about the Haunted Accrington Police Station, Ghostly Monks and investigating with Most Haunted
08/04/2021 • 48 minutes, 18 secondes
Paranormal UK Radio Show - Terry Lovelace - Incident at Devils Den - 04/07/2021
Irene and Mark talk with author and UFO abductee Terry Lovelace about his personal UFO abduction experiences as chronicled in his books "Incident at Devil's Den" and it's sequel "Devil's Den: The Reckoning".
07/04/2021 • 1 heure, 57 minutes, 15 secondes
Paranormal Concept Show - Tales from the Crypt
On this week's show, we take a look at the horror sensation Tales from the Crypt and a couple of real-life historical crypt tales, listen if you dare!
05/04/2021 • 2 heures, 26 secondes
Haunted Histories - Weird World War One - 040521
Penny is joined by Andy Lock, WW1 historian to discuss the circumstances surrounding some of the weirdest tales to come out of the Great War…including angelic bowmen, indestructible cavalries, crucifixion and corpse factories? Listen in….if you dare.
05/04/2021 • 1 heure, 5 minutes, 51 secondes
Paranormal Dimensions - Film Maker Colin Skevington - 040521
David talks with film maker Collin Skevington
05/04/2021 • 1 heure, 12 minutes, 23 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - How to Smash Your Bass In Front of 50,000 Fans - 04/02/2021
How to Smash Your Bass In Front of 50,000 Fans -- In another Musical X-Files, the gang talks to Andy Farber and Vic Mignogna about the iconic Music of Star Trek. Raven and NYPD Cold Case expert Jocko Johnson report on the bizarre murder of 60’s rock star, Bobby Fuller. Counting Crows bassist Matt Malley recounts the time he intentionally smashed his bass guitar in front of 50,000 fans. Also, more Musician Jokes, what William Shatner is really like, and how best to avoid Kenny G. Special Guest: Mark Poulin.
02/04/2021 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 31 secondes
Aliens Revealed - Denise Stoner - 040221
Dean talks with UFO researcher Denise Stoner.
02/04/2021 • 43 minutes, 30 secondes
Paranormal Pendle Podcast - Paul Sinclair - 04/01/2021
Craig Bryant speaks with UFOlogist Paul Sinclair.
01/04/2021 • 1 heure, 37 minutes, 25 secondes
High Strangeness Factor - Shakespeare and the Supernatural
Due to unforeseen issues, Steve Ward was not able to record a show for HSF so, in a reload from the archives, Andy Mercer discusses Shakespeare and the Supernatural with Jon Kaneko-James author of 'This Isle is Full of Monsters - Shakespeare's Audience and the supernatural.' (originally broadcast Spring 2018)
30/03/2021 • 1 heure, 1 minute, 36 secondes
Paranormal Concept Show - Thought Forms & Tulpas
Join Paul, Kerry, and Richard in the studio as they discuss the Theosophical concept of thought-forms and tulpas.
29/03/2021 • 1 heure, 58 minutes
Paranormal Dimensions - Terry Lovelace - Devils Den: The Reckoning - 03/29/2021
David talks with UFO experiencer Terry Lovelace about his sequel to his groundbreaking book Incident at Devils Den, Devils Den: The Reckoning.
29/03/2021 • 1 heure, 30 minutes, 29 secondes
Aliens Revealed - David Toon - 03/26/2021
Dean Caporella talks with David Toon, former US Army Aviation Officer about potential alien cover-ups.
26/03/2021 • 42 minutes, 22 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - Everything You’ve Heard about Remote Viewing is True - 03/26/2021
Everything You’ve Heard about Remote Viewing is True -- In a double-special show, the gang talks with Bill Ray, commanding officer of the U.S. military’s infamous remote-viewing program of the 1990s, who confirms that remote-viewing works and was used extensively by the CIA to find Russian submarines and secret missile bases. Also, Phil Orbanes continues his series of heroic female spies in World War Two. Raven reports on India’s mysterious Skeleton Lake. Plus, Switchy gets a new wig and Top 10 Reasons Juan-Juan knows it’s Spring.
26/03/2021 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 31 secondes
Ghostly Tales of the Unexplained - March 2021
Host Simon Entwhistle shares more Ghostly Tales of the Unexpected for the Month of March, 2021.
25/03/2021 • 58 minutes, 10 secondes
Twin Souls - Kathleen Marden - 03/25/2021
Ronnie and Phillip talk with UFO expert Kathleen Marden about various UFO cases including the Betty and Barney Hill case.
25/03/2021 • 58 minutes, 46 secondes
Paranormal Pendle Podcast - Lee Nicholson - 03/25/2021
In this episode we talk to Lancashire UFO investigator Lee Nicholson about animal mutilations, a family blighted by strange phenomena and UFO sightings over Barnoldswick in Lancashire.
25/03/2021 • 1 heure, 14 minutes, 55 secondes
Paranormal UK Radio Show - Lionel Friedberg - Forever In My Veins - 03/24/2021
Irene and Mark talk with television producer, film maker and author Lionel Friedberg. Lionel Friedberg is the Man who brought us television shows such Ancient mysteries, Mysteries of the Bible and History Mysteries for the discovery channel, History Channel and National geographic. His latest incredible book brings us on an adventure of Shamanism, Near-Death Experience, interviews with the dead, UFO encounters (Photographed) and strange paranormal encounters during his World travels as a Hollywood documentary filmmaker.
24/03/2021 • 1 heure, 30 minutes, 12 secondes
The Paranormal Concept Show - Interdimensional Beings
Paul and Richard are joined in the studio by MOUFON UFO researcher Chris des Marais to discuss all things UFOs and interdimensional.
Penny is joined by Jayne Harris, Investigator, Herbal Queen and all round awesome person to talk about the ruined Dudley Castle, a place she has investigated many times. What is the Civil War link? Who is the Grey Lady? And how long has it been there?Listen in….if you dare.
22/03/2021 • 1 heure, 3 minutes, 43 secondes
Paranormal Dimensions - David Halperin - The Hidden Story of the UFO - 03/22/2021
David Young talks with UFOlogist Dave Halperin about the Hidden Story of the UFO
22/03/2021 • 1 heure, 14 minutes, 56 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - What Really Happened at the Button Factory? - 03/19/2021
“What Really Happened at the Button Factory?” -- The gang talks to space enthusiasts Matt Silberman & Reverend Tanya about why the U.S. hasn’t returned to the Moon. Empath Valerie Lofaso recounts her bizarre sexual encounter with a ghost from the 1850s. Cobra on how the U.S. built a futuristic jet fighter in less than a year. Switch reports on the famous Lonnie Zamora UFO Case. Plus, Top 10 Reasons the gang has been banned from the Thirsty Moose.
22/03/2021 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 31 secondes
Aliens Revealed - Chuck Zukowski - 031921
Dean talks with UFOlogist Chuck Zukowski.
22/03/2021 • 57 minutes, 15 secondes
Paranormal Peep Show - Robert Hulse - Is He Part Alien? - 03/18/2021
Is Robert Hulse part alien? Since the age of 2, Robert has experienced abductions, alien implants, shape shifting into alleged alien life forms, seen ghosts and spirit manifestations, investigated crop circles and animal mutilations and more.
18/03/2021 • 2 heures, 31 minutes, 58 secondes
Paranormal UK Radio Show - Sylvia True - Where Madness Lies - 03/17/2021
Irene and Mark speak with author Sylvia True about her semi-autobiographical novel "Where Madness Lies" which discusses mental illness and her family's experiences at the Sonnenstein Psychiatric Institution back during the rise of Nazi Germany, and how mental illness is viewed today.
17/03/2021 • 1 heure, 16 minutes, 18 secondes
High Strangness Factor - Cheryl Lynn Carter Returns
Steve is joined by Experiencer, Investigator & Author Lynn Carter to discuss UFO's, Aliens and other high strangeness
16/03/2021 • 1 heure, 19 minutes, 1 secondes
Paranormal Concept Show -The Medium's Journey
Join Paul, Kerry, and Richard as they interview, Vivien Powell and Lucy Albrighton about their mediumship journey.
16/03/2021 • 2 heures, 2 minutes, 41 secondes
Paranormal Dimensions - Lisa O'Hara - Abducted and Furious - 031521
David interview UFO abductee Lisa O'Hara about her traumatic UFO experiences.
15/03/2021 • 2 heures, 2 minutes
Aliens Revealed - Chuck Zukowski - 031221
Chuck Zukowski is a UFO/Paranormal Field Investigator. He’s been researching and Field Investigating the unknown for more than 30 years. As an investigator, he’s appeared on radio and television shows discussing his investigations and has his own TV Show on the Travel Channel called, Alien Highway. Zukowski approaches every investigation from a skeptical point of view looking for any known possibility before offering any solution."
12/03/2021 • 57 minutes, 25 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - Top 10 Complaints About The Show - 03/12/2021
The MMMX-Files gang is joined by super-fan Jocko Johnson to discuss topics including nuclear suicide missions once planned by U.S. Special Forces and how to solve a cold case in 30 minutes. Plus: Top 10 complaints about the show; Switch explains the secrets of dousing and Coco on how to escape three dangerous situations in less than five minutes. Also, very famous author Marc Zappulla announces a new deal he and Mack have signed to co-author a true crime book. Special Guest: Lois Lane.
12/03/2021 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 31 secondes
Paranormal Pendle Podcast - Simon Entwistle - 031121
Craig Bryant talks with master storyteller Simon Entwhistle of the show Ghostly Tales of the Unexpected.
11/03/2021 • 45 minutes, 36 secondes
Paranormal UK Radio Show - J Douglas Kenyon - Ghosts of Atlantis - 03/10/2021
Mark talks with author J. Douglas Kenyon regarding his upcoming book Ghosts of Atlantis: How the Echos of Lost Civilizations Influence our Modern World.
10/03/2021 • 1 heure, 36 minutes, 15 secondes
Paranormal Concept Show - Darren W. Ritson
Paul, Kerry, and Richard are joined in the studio by paranormal researcher, author, and investigator Darren W. Ritson to discussing the re-release of his book and work he carried out investigating the South Shields Poltergeist case.
09/03/2021 • 2 heures, 4 minutes, 35 secondes
Haunted Histories - Ghosts of Ollerton Hall - 030821
This week on Haunted Histories I take a look into the Ghosts of Ollerton Hall, who or what haunts the Hall, Listen to the stories and legends of this amazing location.
Today we are joined in the studio by SACHA CHRISTIE & JULIETTE GREGSON. Two amazing guests.
08/03/2021 • 1 heure, 29 minutes, 39 secondes
Mack Maloney - A Mysterious Place called Machrihanish - 03/05/2021
In a special UK-centric broadcast, the gang is joined by RAF expert Ross Sharp to discuss one of the most secret bases in the world. Also, five good reasons to hate British food, proof The Beatles were created in a laboratory and the Question of the Week: Would you ride in a supersonic fighter plane even if heavy vomiting was involved? Special Guests: Willy Clubb, Winona Raven & UFO Mechanic, Al Renaldo.
05/03/2021 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 31 secondes
Aliens Revealed - Paul Wallis/UFO Investigator - 03/05/2021
Chuck Zukowski is a UFO/Paranormal Field Investigator. He’s been researching and Field investigating the unknown for more than 30 years. As an investigator, he’s appeared on radio and television shows discussing his investigations and has his own TV Show on the Travel Channelcalled, Alien Highway. Zukowski approaches every investigation from a skeptical point of view looking for any known possibility before offering any solution.
05/03/2021 • 55 minutes, 30 secondes
Paranormal UK Radio Show - Von Braschler - Time Shifts - 030321
Mark talks with author Von Braschler about his upcoming book Time Shifts.
03/03/2021 • 1 heure, 39 minutes, 21 secondes
High Strangeness Factor - Bill Konkolesky
Steve and guest co-host Charles Cox talk with Michigan MUFON Director & experiencer Bill Konkolesky
02/03/2021 • 1 heure, 30 minutes, 1 secondes
Paranormal Concept Show - Richard Freeman
Join Kerry, Paul and Richard as they delve into the world of Cryptozoology on this week's Paranormal Concept Show with the amazing Richard Freeman (Apologies for some sound issues)
02/03/2021 • 2 heures, 15 secondes
Paranormal Dimensions - James Worrow - 030121
David Young talks with James Worrow about the weaponisation of an unidentified aerial phenomenon.
01/03/2021 • 1 heure, 4 minutes, 43 secondes
Aliens Revealed - Melissa Kennedy - 022621
An RH negative blood type person could be a descendant of the gods. According to ufologist Melisa Kennedy, this could be possible. Kennedy is RH negative herself and it’s been her lifelong mission to get to the bottom of this mystery.
26/02/2021 • 40 minutes, 2 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - We’re Not in Kansas Anymore…or Are We? - 02/26/2021
In a special “Musical X-Files” show, the gang talks to Tom Brislin, keyboard player for the classic band, Kansas. Plus, Ten More Musician Jokes, (Q: “What do you throw a drowning bass player?” A: “His amp.”) Also, five reasons not to hate Jazz, what song The Eagles should never play again and why do people detest trombone players? Special guests: Matt Malley of Counting Crows & CB Billias of Bristol Studios.
26/02/2021 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 31 secondes
Twin Souls - Terry Lovelace - Devils Den: The Reckoning - 02/25/2021
Ronnie and Phillip talk with author and UFO experiencer Terry Lovelace about this new book Devils Den: The Reckoning.
25/02/2021 • 1 heure, 2 minutes, 4 secondes
Ghostly Tales of the Unexpected - February 2021
Ghostly Tales of the Unexpected with host Simon Entwhistle.
25/02/2021 • 58 minutes, 10 secondes
UOR - Tim Stover & Mike Patterson - Originally Aired 08/21/2014
Mark and co-host Bruce Pearson talk all things Bigfoot with researchers Tim Stover from Ohio Bigfoot, and Mike Patterson from Sasquatch Ontario.
24/02/2021 • 1 heure, 57 minutes, 45 secondes
Paranormal Concept Show - Divination
On this week's Paranormal Concept show Kerry and Paul delve in the mystical world of Divination and take a look at some of the methods and theories behind it
23/02/2021 • 2 heures, 1 minute, 6 secondes
House of Asher - Horror Movies Based on Real Events - 022221
Steve talks about horror movies based on real events.
22/02/2021 • 30 minutes, 54 secondes
Paranormal Dimensions - Michael Feeley - Secrets of the Real Da Vinci Code - 022221
David talks with Michael Feeley about the Secrets of the Real Da Vinci Code.
22/02/2021 • 1 heure, 18 minutes, 5 secondes
Haunted Histories - The Haunted Tivoli with Jolene Jackson-Lockwood - 022221
Penny is joined by clairvoyant medium and investigator, Jolene Jackson Lockwood, as they talk about the Tivoli in Buckley North Wales, a former cinema that suffered a tragedy in 1945, but was it murder? What did Jolene discover there? What other secrets does the area hold? Listen in….if you dare.
22/02/2021 • 59 minutes, 53 secondes
Aliens Revealed - Stephen Bassett - 02/19/2021
Dean talks with legendary UFOlogist Stephen Bassett.
19/02/2021 • 49 minutes, 34 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - Weirdo-Palooza - 02/19/21
The gang takes on the Weird with creepy stories about military personnel coming back to life & appearing in people’s dreams and how some people have had past lives not on Earth. Clubb & Raven share their own personal stories about reincarnation. “Star Trek Continues” creator Vic the Wop tells each member of the gang what kind of character they would play on Star Trek. Mack recalls a strange incident from his childhood & Juan-Juan recounts his brush with death as a youth. (This episode not recommended for minors.)
19/02/2021 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 31 secondes
Paranormal Peep Show - Mark Anthony Wyatt - Ghosts of Cornwall - 02/18/21
Neil and Andrew talk to author Mark Anthony Wyatt about his book Ghosts of Cornwall.
18/02/2021 • 2 heures, 8 minutes, 56 secondes
High Strangeness Factor - Charles Cox
Steve and guest co-host Bill Boycott have another interesting conversation with UFO investigator Charles Cox
16/02/2021 • 1 heure, 33 minutes, 59 secondes
Paranormal Concept Show - History of Magic
This week in the Paranormal Concept Show as we take a look at the inspiration behind Harry Potter. The magic, mystery and real life witches that may have inspired the books.
16/02/2021 • 1 heure, 46 minutes, 38 secondes
Paranormal Dimensions - Ed Smith - 021521
David Young talks with investigator Ed Smith about Rendlesham Forest UFO and many other cases.
15/02/2021 • 1 heure, 8 minutes, 11 secondes
Aliens Revealed - Roberto Pinotti Roberto Pinotti is an Italian aerospace journalist and recognized by the legendary Dr. J. Allen Hynek as a world calss ufo researcher and expert. He's produced two excellent volumes on UFO contacts in Italy. He talks about ufos in Italy and the amazing cover up which took part following Italy's Roswell in 1933.
12/02/2021 • 1 heure, 2 minutes, 8 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files
“The Show of Lists” – In a special show, the gang does two hours of Top Ten lists, including Top 10 Cryptids, Top 10 Airplanes Too Weird to Fly, Top 10 NASA Conspiracies – and Top 10 reasons Juan-Juan likes Downton Abbey. Also discussed: How not to film a movie on an aircraft carrier, the Tale of the Flying Pancake, and why Tom Cruise insists that when he runs in a movie, no one else can run beside him. Special guest: Ella the Psychic.
12/02/2021 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 31 secondes
Paranormal Concept Show - Spirit Animals
This week on the Paranormal Concept Show Paul Rook and Kerry Greenaway take a look as some of the tales of spirit animals, ghosts and discuss the concepts that surround them.
09/02/2021 • 2 heures, 33 secondes
Paranormal Dimensions - Thomas_Hackney
Guest Thomas Hackney - Alien memos and warnings.
08/02/2021 • 1 heure, 6 minutes, 7 secondes
Haunted Histories - The ghost of Ma Barker
Penny is joined by Kristy Sumner of Soul Sisters Paranormal as they talk about the site of infamous gangster, and one of the FBI’s Public Enemies last stand, Ma Barker of the Barker Karpis gang. Was she really the brains behind the outfit? Who was in the house with her when she died? Who is STILL in the house? Tune in to hear about the investigations that Kristy and her team have done there and also learn about the history of one of the biggest gangsters of depression era USA. Listen in---if you dare.
08/02/2021 • 1 heure, 13 minutes, 42 secondes
Aliens Revealed - Peter Robbins on James Forrestal
Peter Robbins is an investigative writer specializing in the subject of UFOs. A regular fixture on radio shows in the US and in the UK, he has appeared as a guest on and been consultant to numerous TV programs and documentaries. Robbin’s investigation of the death of James Forrestal, the first secretary of defense in the United States is now legendary. Not long after the Roswell incident, the suspicious death of James Forrestal rocked American politics. Was it suicide or was he murdered? Peter Robbins has recently produced a documentary on the case and provides a thorough analysis of the days leading up to Forrestal’s death.
05/02/2021 • 55 minutes, 3 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - Female Spies Galore!
“Female Spies Galore!” -- In a special show, the gang discusses some of history's most famous female spies. “Mr. Monopoly” Phil Orbanes tells the story of Vera Atkins, a British spy whose astonishingly courageous actions shortened the length of World War Two. Cobra reports on Celebrity Cook Julia Child’s career as an agent in the OSS, the precursor of the CIA. Raven on the strange story of Mata Hari, the World War One spy who gave lap dances in her spare time. Also, it’s Raven vs Juan-Juan in the “Top 10 Bond Girl Playoff.” Special guests: Phil Yebba and Agent X.
04/02/2021 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 31 secondes
PAUK - Ian Rubenstein - 020321
Irene and guest co-host Steve Ward talk to Dr. Ian Rubenstein regarding his book "Consulting Spirit" which chronicles his experiences as a medium and physician.
03/02/2021 • 1 heure, 56 minutes, 40 secondes
Ghostly Tales of the Unexplained
A potpourri of tales, some ghostly, some ghastly, beginning with Simon's own personal experience which convinced him of the reality of life after death.
02/02/2021 • 58 minutes, 10 secondes
Paranormal Concept Show - Ravens & Wolves
This week on The Paranormal Concept Show we delve into the legends and mythology of Ravens and Wolves
02/02/2021 • 1 heure, 52 minutes, 3 secondes
High Strangeness Factor - Daniel Hagemen
Steve and guest co-host Terrie Seech talk with UFO researcher and experiencer Daniel Hagemen
02/02/2021 • 1 heure, 38 minutes
Paranormal Dimensions - Andrew Collins
Andrew Collins, secrets of the ancients.
31/01/2021 • 1 heure, 28 minutes, 50 secondes
Aliens Revealed - Tihiago Luiz Ticchetti
Brazil is one of the countries with the highest UFO impact in the world. Cases that occur in the country are among the most spectacular of all UFO literature. Thiago Luiz Ticchetti, whose father was a pilot in the Brazilian air force, has researched the UFO phenomenon for more than 22 years. He's co-editor and columnist of UFO magazine and also a columnist of the UFO truth magazine. He's published dozens of articles forUFO magazine and foreign publications, and he's also the author of 11 books including his latest offering, UFO Contacts In Brazil.
29/01/2021 • 42 minutes, 31 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files
Welcome to “Mack Maloney’s MUSICAL X-Files” -- In a special show, the gang is joined by rock musicians Matt Malley, Mark Poulin & Rich Kennedy plus award-winning record producers Chris Billias & Don Falcone to discuss the making of “Roswell,” the new UFO-themed CD by Mack’s band, SKY CLUB. Topics include how to write a hit record, why M&Ms are the new scourge of the rock world and the best in musician jokes. What do you call a guy who hangs around with musicians? (A drummer.) Special guest: Raven
29/01/2021 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 31 secondes
Twin Souls - John Steiger
Twin Souls, with guest John Steiger, author of "The UFO Trilogy--Dramas for the Stage."
28/01/2021 • 1 heure, 5 minutes, 10 secondes
The Paranormal Concept Show - Scripture with Matt Arnold
This week on The Paranormal Concept Show we are joined by Matt Arnold. Matt has studied a plethora of Paranormal occurrences in the Bible, from the afterlife to demons.
25/01/2021 • 2 heures, 1 secondes
Haunted Histories - Workhouse to war with Jane Rowley
Penny is joined by Jane Rowley, who is probably better known as one of the founders of the Haunted Antiques Paranormal Research Centre in Hinckley, they talk about her Great Grandmother and what she face growing up in the early part of the 20th century. The talk covers workhouses, the First World War and also how you can use mediumistic abilities to help with research…. Listen in….if you dare.
25/01/2021 • 1 heure, 3 minutes, 12 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files
“Another Look at the Other Side of Mars” – The gang talks with producer Gary Shoefield about the Alien Autopsy movie, his hit pop-star hologram shows and his son, Luke Brandon Field, who stars in the Oscar-winning movie, Jojo Rabbit. Also, LA publicist Heather Burgett on her grandfather’s miraculous final bombing mission in a B-17 and what it’s like to be visited by a ghost. Plus, Switch reports on a remote viewing experiment that found ancient structures on Mars. (Most requested show of 2020.)
22/01/2021 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 31 secondes
Paranormal Peep Show
Favourite UFO cases discussed by a UK medical doctor, and UFO researchers, including Fire in the Sky, The Nimitz cases, Betty and Barney Hill, and The Rendlesham Forest Incident. With Dr Ian Rubenstein, Philip and Ronald Kinsella.
21/01/2021 • 2 heures, 4 minutes, 27 secondes
Paranormal UK Radio Show - Commander Cobra - 012121
Irene and guest co-host Steve Ward talk with "Commander Cobra" from the Mack Maloney's Military X-Files show about all things strange and paranormal.
20/01/2021 • 1 heure, 58 minutes, 38 secondes
Paranormal Concept Show - Macabre History
The lives of some of Britain's greatest monarchs are very well known but what is less talked about is what happened to them after their deaths. You may think it was quite straightforward they were laid rest and that's it or was it? Join us as we delve into the macabre history of some of them, post-mortem.
19/01/2021 • 2 heures, 1 minute, 11 secondes
High Strangeness Factor - Winged Cryptids with Brian Seech
Steve and guest co-host Zelia Edger discuss winged cryptids and other flying weirdness, on this the High Strangeness Factor's 2nd anniversary show
18/01/2021 • 1 heure, 33 minutes, 51 secondes
Aliens Revealed - Bruce Cornet
While the Travis Walton abduction caused worldwide interest in 1975 when he was snatched from an Arizona forest by aliens watched by his horrified crew, another similar incident occurrednear Richmond, Virginia just six years later.It went virtually unnoticed and unreported. Bruce Cornet was snatched from his work trailer and returned there one hour later. His crew were completely oblivious to what was happening to him. It has since become known as the Wellsite Abduction.Alien abduction experiences don’t come any more shocking than this one. It’s one of the more remarkable abduction cases we’ve come across and but for lack of attention, easily rivals some of the more famous cases over the past seventy years for intensity.This is Bruce Cornet’s story and his abduction by the wrinkled-brow aliens.
15/01/2021 • 1 heure, 20 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files
“At Least Now We Know The Snowmen Are Real” – The gang discusses why UFOs would need lights. Security chief Willy Clubb reads the show’s latest fan mail. Raven reports on the chilling Dyatlov Pass Incident & whether UFOs were involved. Switch is challenged to eat an entire box of Frosted Flakes in one sitting.
15/01/2021 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 31 secondes
House of Asher - Haunted Family Curses - 01/13/2021
Steve Asher talks about a family and their long-time curse.
13/01/2021 • 24 minutes, 55 secondes
Paranormal UK Radio Show- Stephen Weber - The Place Between Here and There
Irene and Mark talk to author Stephen Weber about his near-death experience as related in his book "The Place Between Here and There".
13/01/2021 • 1 heure, 22 minutes, 33 secondes
Paraormal Concept Show- Channeling with Barry Strohm
Join Paul, Kerry, and Richard as they interview Barry and Connie Strohm, Barry uses the gift of spirit communication to contact and channel messages from the other side. We think you'll be surprised who we actually have a chance to open up communication with live in the studio, this show is certainly interesting and not to be missed.
12/01/2021 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 30 secondes
Haunted Histories - The Underground Street with Are You Haunted
Penny is joined by 1/3 of the Are you Haunted team, Jane and Dale, to talk about one of their most recent episodes where they investigated a large collection of cellars that are nicknamed the underground street…what did they find? What do they think about researching a place beforehand? How does it feel down there and most importantly, would they go back. Listen....if you dare.
11/01/2021 • 1 heure, 14 minutes, 33 secondes
Aliens Revealed - L.A. Marzulli
L. A. Marzulli is an author, lecturer and filmmaker. He has penned 13 books including The Nephilim Trilogy which made the CBA best sellers list. Marzulli teamed up with film producer Richard Shaw to create The Watchers series. There are now 11 installments in the series and Watchers 7: UFO Physical Evidence won UFO Best Film and the Peoples Choice Awards, at the UFO Congress in 2014. He has a monthly magazine which is widely read in fact, anything ufo-related and L.A. is on the trail!L.A. Marzulli’s series On the Trail of the Nephilim I & II are full-color, over-sized books, which uncover startling evidence that there has been a massive cover-up of what he believes are the remains of the Nephilim, the giants mentioned in the Bible.
08/01/2021 • 44 minutes, 49 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files
“Coco-palooza!” – It’s all about Commander Cobra in a special show, including 20 questions the gang has always wanted to ask CC, why comedian Robin Williams was a dick, how many Dallas Cowboy cheerleaders can you fit inside a helicopter and how not to vomit while airborne. Also, a heated debate on whether Popeye was in the US Navy or the Coast Guard, Plus Switch explains how he had rum for breakfast & then suddenly shaved off his beard.
08/01/2021 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 31 secondes
Paranormal Concept Show - 2020 Review Show
To kick off the New Year Paul, Kerry, and Richard have decided to have a look back at the old in our 2020 Show Review, find out which shows were their personal favourites, and what we hope to bring you in the coming year ahead.
05/01/2021 • 1 heure, 57 minutes, 18 secondes
High Strangeness Factor - Paul Eno
Steve and co-host Andy talk with writer, researcher and broadcaster Paul Eno, discussing his many years of researching ghosts, poltergeists, demons, cryptids, UFOs, and other out-of-the-ordinary phenomena.
05/01/2021 • 1 heure, 35 minutes, 1 secondes
Paranormal Dimensions - Col. Charles Halt
Paranormal Dimensions, with guest Col. Charles Halt. Rendlesham 40th anniversary special.
03/01/2021 • 2 heures, 47 minutes, 31 secondes
Aliens Revealed with guest Calvin Parker
The Pascagoula alien abduction occurred in 1973 when co-workers Charles Hickson and Calvin Parker claimed they were abducted by aliens while fishing near Pascagoula, Mississippi. The incident earned substantial mass media attention.In the early evening of October 11th, 1973, both men were startled to witness a strange craft descend and hover a few feet above the ground just yards from their location. Before they had a chance to run, an opening appeared and out ‘floated’ three humanoid creatures. Both men were terrified when the creatures grabbed them and took them aboard the object.Both men were subjected to examinations and were terrified as they believed they were about to die. Minutes later, both were deposited back on the riverbank and the craft departed. Taking off in their car the two witnesses eventually located a public telephone and phoned the local sheriff. A short time later they were interviewed at the sheriff’s office. The two disoriented witnesses told their story of a close encounter and abduction. Calvin Parker has remained mostly quiet about the event until recently. He tells his story.
01/01/2021 • 51 minutes, 36 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files
“My Favorite Aunt Was in the Gestapo” – The gang talks to Dr. Bruce Solheim about his relative’s involvement with Hitler’s despised secret police. Author Matthew Roberts on his new paranormal-themed book, “Initiated.” Army war vet & paranormal podcast host Jessie Kwasney on his unusual combat experiences in Iraq. Also, Top Ten Weird Warships, a discussion on why the British Navy would name one of its ships, the HMS Pansy, and what U.S. military service has the worst food. Special guest: Empath Valerie Lofaso.
01/01/2021 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 31 secondes
Twin Souls, with guest Philip Mantle
Philip Mantle joins us on TWIN SOULS to discuss his new book 'INTRODUCING UFOs.' We also cover the Roswell incident, among other notable encounters.
31/12/2020 • 1 heure, 2 minutes, 33 secondes
Paranormal Dimensions - Rendlesham 40th Anniversary Special
Rendlesham 40th anniversary special, with guests Jim Penniston and Col. Charles Halt.
27/12/2020 • 3 heures, 22 minutes, 8 secondes
Paranormal Concept Show - Christmas Traditions
Join Paul, Kerry, and Richard for their final show of the Year as they take a look at the various Christmas traditions that have been handed down to us throughout the ages, some you may be familiar with and others perhaps not.
22/12/2020 • 2 heures, 1 minute, 31 secondes
House of Asher - Christmas elves or aliens?
House of Asher - Christmas elves or aliens?
21/12/2020 • 32 minutes, 42 secondes
Haunted Histories - Hampton Court Palace with Dr Ciaran O Keeffe
Penny is joined by parapsychologist Dr Ciaran O’Keeffe to hear about his experiences of researching the hauntings of the amazing Hampton Court Palace. Listen to hear them debate what causes these experiences, some of the evidence Ciaran and his team discovered, and how students these days have amazing digs…Listen in….if you dare.
21/12/2020 • 58 minutes, 5 secondes
Paranormal Dimensions - Alex Lovelock
Paranormal Dimensions with guest Alex Lovelock, the maverick medium; a lifetime of spirit communication.
21/12/2020 • 1 heure, 24 minutes, 30 secondes
Paranormal Peep Show - Christmas special
Christmas special: Moonshots, Monoliths and Mince Pies.
19/12/2020 • 2 heures, 50 minutes, 5 secondes
Aliens Revealed with guest Linda Moulton Howe
An alleged extraterrestrial metal which surfaced during the 1990s has continually captivated ufo researchers. Notwithstanding the fact that this metal may be from off planet: the information about it was revealed during a series of letters more than twenty years ago and the amazing details about how it came to be in existence and where it was taken from, is stuff you cannot possibly make up.A Bismuth/Magnesium-Zinc micron-layered metal allegedly pulled off the bottom of a wedge-shaped ET craft that came down on the White Sands Proving Ground in the late 1940s has captivated those who have come into contact with it as well as the ufo fraternity. Linda Moulton Howe, UFO research’s “First Lady”, has been heavily involved in researching this mysterious object for more than 20 years. If you doubted the existence of ET before this, this story will leave you in no doubt we are not alone.
17/12/2020 • 1 heure, 17 minutes, 29 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - haunted battlefields
“Where’s the World’s Most Haunted Battlefield?” -- Hollywood writer Gary Olsen & the gang count down the Top 10 Scariest Movies Ever Made. Psychic William Stillman talks about paranormal activity at Gettysburg. Switch reports on “This Day in UFO History.” Also, why it was a bad idea to photograph deceased relatives back in the 1800s. Special Guests: Willy Clubb & Raven.
17/12/2020 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 31 secondes
Paranormal Peep Show - Ian Rubenstein
Enfield Poltergeist and spirit guides in discussion with Dr Ian Rubenstein.
17/12/2020 • 2 heures, 8 minutes, 59 secondes
High Strangeness Factor - Phenomenology Research Partners
The show is an exploration of the ideas, investigations & research of John Keel & his profound influence on the way in which the Phenomenology Research Partners explore the paranormal.
15/12/2020 • 1 heure, 37 minutes, 51 secondes
Paranormal Concept Show - Penny Dreadfuls
Join us as we delve into the world of Victorian print media and the strange and bizarre world of the publications known as the Penny Dreadfuls. There is more to these publications than first meets the eye, find out how influential they were in Victorian Society and how they make up our view of Victorian life even today.
15/12/2020 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 1 secondes
Paranormal Dimensions
Paranormal Dimensions, with guest Bennett J. Vonderheide - Stones of the Ancients
13/12/2020 • 59 minutes, 21 secondes
Aliens Revealed - Steven Strong
An alleged extraterrestrial metal which surfaced during the 1990s has continually captivated ufo researchers. Notwithstanding the fact that this metal may be from off planet: the information about it was revealed during a series of letters more than twenty years ago and the amazing details about how it came to be in existence and where it was taken from, is stuff you cannot possibly make up.A Bismuth/Magnesium-Zinc micron-layered metal allegedly pulled off the bottom of a wedge-shaped ET craft that came down on the White Sands Proving Ground in the late 1940s has captivated those who have come into contact with it as well as the ufo fraternity. Linda Moulton Howe, UFO research’s “First Lady”, has been heavily involved in researching this mysterious object for more than 20 years. If you doubted the existence of ET before this, this story will leave you in no doubt we are not alone.
11/12/2020 • 1 heure, 29 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files
The Best Spy Ever -- Author Phil Orbanes joins the gang to tell the story of “Garbo,” an unlikely British secret agent who double-crossed Hitler and wound up saving thousands of lives on D-Day. Also, Coco on Top Gun’s haunted hangar and how he wound up in the movie, "Bad Boys 2." Plus, “The Case of the Missing Gravestone," a report on a fighter pilot who has a big toe for a thumb and why you’ll never look at Tom Cruise’s teeth the same way again. Special guests: Raven and Pistol Pete Falconi.
11/12/2020 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 31 secondes
PAUK - Susan Plunket - Psychologist, Author & Channeller
Mark talks with Author and Jungian Psychologist Susan Plunket regarding her channeling of higher beings and her work to help enlighten humanity.
09/12/2020 • 1 heure, 35 minutes, 47 secondes
Paranormal Concept Show - Victorian Spiritualism
Join Paul, Kerry, and Richard as they delve into the explosion of spiritualism in the victorian period. They will be taking a look at the many colourful characters that shaped the way we view spiritualism in this day and age from the Fox sisters to Florence Cook.
08/12/2020 • 1 heure, 56 minutes, 51 secondes
Haunted Histories - The real Hill House
Penny talks with the founder of The Ghost Book, the wonderful Lorien Jones, all about this unique home near to Ross on Wye. Listen in to hear stories of doors moving by themselves, people laughing when there is no one around, and even growling… Listen in….if you dare.
06/12/2020 • 1 heure, 11 minutes, 44 secondes
Paranormal Dimensions - Erin Montgomery
Paranormal Dimensions with guest Erin Montgomery, alien contactee
06/12/2020 • 55 minutes, 39 secondes
Aliens Revealed - Nick Redfern
Aliens Revealed, with guest Nick Redfern.
04/12/2020 • 1 heure, 7 minutes, 22 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files
“The Mystery of June 28, 1980” – The gang talks to TV writer Paul Coyle about his work on Star Trek, Hercules, Xena and Superboy. Switch reports on the baffling connection between five paranormal events that occurred on the same day in 1980. Also, the World’s Top 5 Strangest Military Bases. Special guests, Willy Clubb & Agent X.
04/12/2020 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 31 secondes
House of Asher - 2020 in Review - 120320 Compressed
Steve Asher takes an in-depth look at the craziness of the year 2020.
03/12/2020 • 30 minutes, 22 secondes
High Strangeness Factor - Nick Redfern Mars and other Mysteries
Steve and Andy talk with Nick Redfern about his new book 'The Martians' as well as other aspects of his works.
01/12/2020 • 1 heure, 40 minutes
Paranormal Concept Show - Ghosts of the Crown Pt.2
Join Paul, Kerry, and Richard as they conclude their tour of the locations used in the filming of the Netflix series The Crown. They will be joined in the studio by Chris Howley and Melissa Williams the curators of Woodchester Mansion, one of the filming locations used disgusting the history and the hauntings associated with this location.
01/12/2020 • 2 heures, 2 minutes, 16 secondes
Paranormal Dimensions - Steve Boucher
This week's guest is alien contactee Steve Boucher.
29/11/2020 • 1 heure, 55 minutes, 17 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files
“When is a Ghost not a Ghost?” -- The gang talks with paranormal researcher Paul Eno about his theories on what ghosts might be. Greg Masto with the top ten most controversial war video games ever. Clare Haynes tells a frightening Ouija Board story. Special Guests: Willy Clubb & Agent X.
29/11/2020 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 31 secondes
Twin Souls - Neil Geddes-Ward
Twin Souls with guest Neil Geddes-Ward--artist, author and researcher.
26/11/2020 • 1 heure, 11 minutes, 47 secondes
Ghostly Tales of the Unexplained, with Simon Entwistle
A holiday wreath of Christmas ghost stories--and all from genuine accounts.
26/11/2020 • 58 minutes, 10 secondes
Paranormal UK Radio Show - Spectrewaves Paranormal - 11/25/20
Irene and guest co-Host Paul Rook talk with Don and Laynee from Spectrewaves Paranormal about their investigations throughout the midwest of the US.
25/11/2020 • 1 heure, 40 minutes, 41 secondes
The Paranormal Concept Show - Ghosts of the Crown
The Netflix series The Crown has it all following the true-life events around the royal family. Paul, Kerry, and Richard as they take a look at the real stars of the show the locations used during the filming along with their history and the paranormal stories attached to them
Penny talks with Spook Eats founder, Amanda Woomer-Limpert about her spiritual home, The Ghostlight Theatre, who still walks the boards although long gone? What is the history of the building? Why is German relevant? And who is the red lady?Listen in….if you dare.
23/11/2020 • 1 heure, 9 minutes, 14 secondes
Paranormal Dimensions
June Lundgren - psychic medium.
23/11/2020 • 1 heure, 24 minutes, 16 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files
“Why is the US Navy’s Area 51 inside the Bermuda Triangle?” – The gang discusses AUTEC, the Navy’s highly-secret base on Andros Island in the Caribbean. Navy cryptologist Matt Roberts talks about serving aboard the aircraft carrier, USS Teddy Roosevelt, at the same time its pilots encountered the famous “Gimbal UFO.” Also, Cobra reveals he was once forced down at Area 51 and held by the authorities. Special guest: Ella the Psychic.
20/11/2020 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 31 secondes
Paranormal Peep Show - Near-Death Experiences and UFO's
United Planet's Paul Northridge joins Andy and Neil to discuss his near-death experience amongst other paranormal themes. Paul is one half of Derby-based Unite Planet Youtube channel with his co-host Johny Sinclair. We also discuss UFOs and abductions with him and also the occurrences on September 11th 2001 or 9/11. What brought the twin towers down? We discuss the book, "Where Did the Towers go?" by Dr Judy Wood, and the idea that they were brought down by some kind of secret energy weapon.
19/11/2020 • 1 heure, 56 minutes, 18 secondes
PAUK - The Howley Files - 11/17/20
Irene and Mark talk with British paranormal researcher Chris Howley and clairvoyant Melissa Williams about their documentary series The Howley Files-X.
18/11/2020 • 1 heure, 55 minutes, 42 secondes
High Strangeness Factor - Adventure Writer Martin Powell
Martin Powell has written hundreds of stories, both for comics and prose, in numerous genres for Disney, Marvel, DC, Dark Horse, Capstone Books, and Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc., among others. Nominated for the prestigious Eisner Award for his fiction featuring Sherlock Holmes, he has written many of the most popular characters in the industry, including Superman, Batman, Popeye the Sailor, Dracula, Frankenstein, and Tarzan of the Apes.His Tall Tale of Paul Bunyan won the national Moonbeam Golden Award for Best Children's Graphic Novel of 2010. Powell is the creator of The Halloween Legion, a nominee for the Stan Lee Excelsior Award, and he’s also been an educational writer for Gander Publishing, dedicated to improving literacy reading skills for students of all ages.Currently, as the author of nearly a dozen different Edgar Rice Burroughs online comics series, and the critically acclaimed Jungle Tales of Tarzan graphic novel, it is probable that Powell has written more Burroughs characters than any other writer. In 2017 he received the coveted Golden Lion Award from the Burroughs Bibliophiles for his on-going contributions to the legacy of Edgar Rice Burroughs.
17/11/2020 • 1 heure, 41 minutes
Paranormal Concept Show - The Haunting of Bly Manor
There was a lot of mystery, concepts, and questions presented during the latest Netflix series The Haunting of Bly Manor. Join Paul, Kerry, and Richard as they discuss the series and give their take on some of the characters portrayed and the paranormal phenomena occurring around them.
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - How to Fly A Battleship - 111320
In a special show, the gang discusses robot fighter pilots, flying battleships and why bears don’t like parachutes. “Mac & Cheese (aka Switch)” discuss their Top-3 favorite UFO incidents. Mack and JJ argue about director Quinten Tarantino, Part 3. Special guest: Willy Clubb
13/11/2020 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 31 secondes
Paranormal Peep Show - James Randi, Skeptical Magician
James Randi, Skeptical Magician
13/11/2020 • 1 heure, 39 minutes, 21 secondes
Paranormal UK Radio Show - Steve Pierce and John Goulette - The Travis Walton UFO Abduction - 11/11/20
Irene and Mark talk with Steve Pierce and John Goulette, two of the witnesses to the Travis Walton UFO abduction case on November 10th, 1975. (Note: we apologize for the sound quality during this show as Steve and John were on cell phones in areas without the best reception.)
11/11/2020 • 1 heure, 15 minutes, 13 secondes
Paranormal Concept Show - A History of Witchcraft
Join us with our special guest and show producer Andy Mercer as we delve into the history and practices of Witchcraft and Magic throughout history to the modern-day, and as we found out it is not as straightforward as you may think.
10/11/2020 • 1 heure, 58 minutes
Paranorma Dimensions - Nick Redfern
Nick Redfern - the Rendlesham Forest conspiracy, and more!
09/11/2020 • 1 heure, 54 minutes, 53 secondes
Haunted Histories - The Secret Nuclear Bunker
Penny is joined by Phil Measey and BarriGhai of Ghostfinder paranormal society to talk about the not so secret nuclear bunker in Kelvedon Hatch, a place people either love or hate but that definitely has an eerie air about it. What lingers there? Does anyone know why? And did it ever shut it’s doors and have staff thinking the dreaded button had been pressed?Listen in...if you dare.
09/11/2020 • 1 heure, 10 minutes, 39 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files
“The Worst Spy in the World” – The gang talks with Monopoly expert and military historian, Phil Orbanes, about a World War Two spy codenamed “Top Hat” who betrayed England only to be undone by a femme fatale. Security chief Willy Clubb reads the gang’s latest fan mail. Plus, the Top 5 UFO movies that shouldn’t be re-booted, a new theory that makes time travel possible, and reports that the retired F-117 Stealth Fighter is flying again. Special guest: Literary agent to the stars, Jim Frenkel.
06/11/2020 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 31 secondes
Ghostly Tales of the Unexplained - October 2020
Simon Entwistle, our favorite top-hatted teller of hair-raising tales, treats of Yorkshire.
04/11/2020 • 58 minutes, 56 secondes
Paranormal Concept Show - The Gunpower Plot
Join Paul, Kerry, and Richard as they travel back in time to the year 1605 and remember, remember the 5th of November, gunpowder, treason, and plot. This story has it all, and also find out where the conspirators are supposed to haunt today.
03/11/2020 • 1 heure, 58 minutes, 33 secondes
High Strangeness Factor - Parapsychology and The Mothman
Steve and Andy chat with Psychologist Bill Kousoulas about Parapsychology and strange phenomena especially Mothman.
03/11/2020 • 1 heure, 27 minutes, 2 secondes
Paranormal Dimensions
Paranormal Dimensions with hosts David E. Young and Juliette Gregson. This week's guests are Stephen Williams and Kayla Bayles, with Memphis Ghost Investigtions and Spirit Rescue.
02/11/2020 • 1 heure, 5 minutes, 48 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files
“Why ISN’T the Truth Out There?” – The gang talks with UFO researcher Dr. Bob Gross about why, after decades of investigation by the military and by civilians, we are no closer to knowing what UFOs are. Also, Hollywood author Gary Olsen on the Top 10 Alien movies that should be re-booted. Plus, a visit from the Ghost Sisters. Special guest: Lois Lane.
30/10/2020 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 31 secondes
Twin Souls
Ian Rubenstein, author of "Consulting Spirit: A Doctor's Experience with Practical Mediumship."
28/10/2020 • 1 heure, 12 minutes, 53 secondes
Paranormal UK Radio Show - Eleanor Wagner - Sussex County Hauntings - 10/28/20
Irene and Mark talk with Eleanor Wagner about her two-volume book series Sussex County Hauntings where we discuss numerous haunted locations throughout northern New Jersey in the U.S.
28/10/2020 • 1 heure, 21 minutes, 47 secondes
Paranormal Concept Show - The History of Halloween
In this week's show, Paul, Kerry, and Richard delve into the long-established tradition of Halloween, from its origins back in the age of the Celts and how it has evolved throughout history up until the present day.
27/10/2020 • 1 heure, 58 minutes, 23 secondes
House of Asher
Halloween 2020 special.
26/10/2020 • 30 minutes
Paranormal Dimensions
Dr. Louis Turi, the Cosmic Code.
25/10/2020 • 1 heure, 50 minutes, 42 secondes
Haunted Histories - Haunted Huntingdonshire
Join Penny as she talks with investigator and author Mark “Edgie” Egerton about his book The Haunted History of Huntingdonshire and the various experiences he had whilst researching and writing. What links diarist Samuel Pepys with the area? What connection is there with the first wife of Henry VIII? And just who is “Fred”?All will be revealed if you dare to listen…
25/10/2020 • 1 heure, 4 minutes, 47 secondes
Paranormal Concept Show - Anomalies of the Ancients
Join Paul, Kerry, and Richard this week as they climbed back onto dry land and take a look at the monuments our ancestors left us, as they travel from Salisbury Plain to South America and then on to Egypt.
20/10/2020 • 1 heure, 58 minutes, 30 secondes
High Strangeness Factor - 6 Degrees of john Keel Podcast
Steve and co-host Andy talk with Barbara Fisher, Kendra Maurer and Morganna Marks of the 'Six Degrees of John Keel Podcast'They were all inspired by the writings of John Keel to bring their experiences to the podcasting world as a way to show their audience that "The Weird is Out There and That's OK." As Keel said, "It's the normal condition on this planet."
19/10/2020 • 1 heure, 23 minutes, 2 secondes
Paranormal Dimensions
Paul Sinclair, "Night people."
18/10/2020 • 1 heure, 15 minutes, 39 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files
“Super Mules of the Future” – The gang discusses the U.S. Army’s plan to equip its troops with robotic mules. Matt Phillips from Jarhead Java on how his coffee company helps America’s veterans. Clubb reports on a possible UFO-link to the religious visions at Fatima. Plus, winners of the Goodreads “Battle of the Wingmen” free book giveaway are announced. Special guest: Lois Lane.
16/10/2020 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 31 secondes
Paranormal Peep Show - Colin Skevington - 101520
Neil and Andrew talk with guest Colin Skevington about "The Lossen".
15/10/2020 • 2 heures, 5 minutes, 26 secondes
PAUK - Nick Redfern - The Martians - 101420
Author Nick Redfern discusses his new book "The Martians" which speculates about life on Mars, both in the past and currently, and how they may have directly influenced humanity.
14/10/2020 • 1 heure, 27 minutes, 3 secondes
Paranormal Concept Show - USOs & Underwater Anomalies
Join Paul, Kerry, and Richard as they get her feet wet diving into the world of USOs and underwater anomalies from strange unidentified craft spotted in our seas, to possible discoveries of underwater cities and structures of unknown origin.
Haunted Histories - Richard Estep - Haunted Gettyburg
Join Penny as she talks with her good friend and fellow author, Richard Estep all about the fascinating town of Gettysburg and just why he believes it is so interwoven into American history. In a show called Haunted Histories, of course there may be some paranormal talk and they discuss the books that Richard has written documenting his experiences whilst staying in some of the most haunted Inns that were used as makeshift field hospitals during the infamous battle.
11/10/2020 • 1 heure, 17 minutes, 17 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - Top Ten UFO Frauds, Redux
“Top Ten UFO Frauds, Redux” – In one of the most requested rewind shows, the gang discusses the worst frauds in UFO history. Military expert Ross Sharp on the Mystery of Hitler’s Best Friend. Switch reports on non-alien humanoids seen at some UFO landing sites. Also, Bob the Ghost interrupts the show on-air. Special guest: Lois Lane.
08/10/2020 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 31 secondes
High Strangeness Factor - The Shaver Mystery
Steve and co host Andy discuss the perplexing mysteries surrounding the writings and supposed UFO experiences of Richard Sharpe Shaver. Onetime writer for the Amazing Stories magazine, Shaver claimed his 'fictional' stories were actually 'covers' for real events. But what is the truth?
05/10/2020 • 1 heure, 14 minutes, 20 secondes
Paranormal Concept - Malcolm Robinsion Interview
This week Paul, Kerry, and Richard are joined in the studio by one of the foremost UFO and paranormal researchers in the UK, Malcolm Robinson, where we will be delving into Malcolm's work across several areas of the paranormal, including his latest book release The Sauchie poltergeist.
05/10/2020 • 1 heure, 55 minutes, 59 secondes
Paranormal Dimensions
Paranormal Dimensions with special guest, Philip Kinsella.
04/10/2020 • 1 heure, 28 minutes, 4 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files
A Secret of World War Two Special Broadcast: “The Spy in the Top Hat” -- Phil Orbanes, the best Monopoly player in the world, tells the incredible story of how a Monopoly game led to four Russian spies being uncovered in the White House during World War Two. (Fans of codebreaking, have a paper and pencil ready.) Also, author Bob Jamison on his father exploits in 1945 Germany hunting Nazi scientists for NASA -- and his later connection to the JFK assassination. Plus, why the Germans & Japanese thought foo fighters were American secret weapons and Switch reports on a man who heard voices coming from his blowtorch. Special guest: Ella the Psychic.
02/10/2020 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 31 secondes
Paranormal Concept - Investigations with Chris des Marais
Join Paul, Kerry, and Richard as they talk with former NYPD officer and State Sec. Director for MUFON South Carolina, Chris des Marais, as they delve into the world of investigating anomalous phenomena in the field. They will also so be discussing a case Chris is working on that spans both sides of the Pond.
28/09/2020 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 31 secondes
Haunted Histories - Edinburgh Manor
Penny is joined by Alison and Kim of REP Paranormal to talk about the former County Home near Monticello in Iowa that they have investigated many times. This place has been a Poor Farm, a home for those with mental health issues and somewhere for the elderly to live.
28/09/2020 • 1 heure, 3 minutes, 53 secondes
Paranormal Dimensions - Frank Willis
Paranormal Dimensions with guest Frank Willis. "So Many dimensions to little time." Leyline of power.
28/09/2020 • 1 heure, 10 minutes, 56 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files
“The Haunted B-52 & Other Strange Stories from the Vietnam War” -- The gang talks about several paranormal incidents reported during the Vietnam War, including a missing B-52 bomber found hidden deep in the jungle, undamaged, its crew dead. Dr. Bob Gross on how to reform UFO investigation techniques. Plus, Top Ten fan letters for Switchy. Special guests: Willy Clubb & Valerie the Empath.
25/09/2020 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 31 secondes
Ghostly Tales of the Unexplained with Simon Entwistle
That elegant storyteller Simon Entwistle raises the hairs on the back of your neck once again, with a Halloween special about the infamous Pendle witches.
24/09/2020 • 54 minutes, 50 secondes
Twin Souls - Philip Mantle
Twin Souls with guest Philip Mantle
23/09/2020 • 1 heure, 3 minutes, 6 secondes
PAUK - Craig Bryant - 092320
Irene and Mark talk with author and researcher Craig Bryant about UFO's, Ley Lines and ghosts throughout the Pendle Hill area of northern England.
23/09/2020 • 1 heure, 50 minutes, 41 secondes
Paranormal Concept Show - For Whom the Bell Tolls
From very early times, there has been a link in myths and legends between bells, and the supernatural. Join Paul, Kerry, and Richard as they explore the fascinating stories and truths behind them and listen to where it leads them
21/09/2020 • 1 heure, 51 minutes, 38 secondes
High Strangeness Factor - Voodoo with Andy Mercer
Steve Ward's occasional co-host and producer takes the reins for a show and Discusses Voodoo- Its History and Practises with writer and researcher Richard Ward (no relation) This is repeat of an old show from 2017 from Andy's old show.
21/09/2020 • 58 minutes, 1 secondes
House of Asher - Spirit Box Experiment
House of Asher - Spirit Box Experiment. Steve and Neecee attempt to make contact with a possible entity causing mischief around the studio.
20/09/2020 • 29 minutes, 3 secondes
Paranormal Dimensions - Simon Entwistle
Guest, Simon Entwistle, paranormal and mystery storyteller
20/09/2020 • 1 heure, 1 minute, 46 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files
“How Did Foo Fighters Get Their Name?” – The gang discusses the origins of the Foo Fighters, World War II slang for UFOs. Author Micah Dank talks about his new book series, “Into The Rabbit Hole.” Switchblade on the Van Meter Incident. Ella the Psychic selects the six winners of the big Mack Maloney free book giveaway. Agent X mixes up Chiclets with Tic Tacs. Special Guest: Canadian Superfan Pam Chudoba.
17/09/2020 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 31 secondes
Paranormal Peepshow - Keith J. Clark
Andy and Neil interview Keith J Clarke ofThe iDigitalMedium team. We listen as Keith plays us various clips of audio of potentially spirits communicating across the void via ITC and EVP and also we hear about spirits manifesting on TV. iDigitalMedium are composed of people such as yourself - volunteers from all walks of life. Their ages vary considerably, as well as their life experiences. They share a common interest - to water the "plant" of human consciousness and watch as it blossoms into a beautiful flower.From the IDigital Medium web site : 'As we move forward in this effort, the list of those who will join us will grow. While everyone is a part of this initiative - the people on this page contribute of their time selflessly because they believe in the purpose, have passion, and are willing to work together as one.We also give special thanks to those who have previously served in capacity as a team member and have helped us grow since the birth of iDigitalMedium. Their contributions and service to the community is much appreciated.
16/09/2020 • 2 heures, 3 minutes, 31 secondes
Paranormal Concept Show - Dante's Inferno with Andy Mercer
This week Paul, Kerry, and Richard are joined in the studio by author and occult specialist (and show producer) Andy Mercer to talk about his latest book on the subject of Dante's Inferno. Plus we discuss some of Andy's previous work on Runes and more.
14/09/2020 • 2 heures, 21 secondes
Paranormal Dimensions, Scott Longman
Paranormal Dimensions featuring Scott Longman
13/09/2020 • 1 heure, 2 minutes, 33 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files
“If You Play War Videos Games, You’re Going to Hell…” The gang talks to video game producer Greg Masto about the Top 10 War Video Games on the market. Cindy Bailey Dove on a historic day in Drone History. The big Mack Maloney free book giveaway continues. Also, how to make millions playing games on YouTube and teaching a cat to flush a toilet. Special Guests: Matt Silberman & Tanya.
13/09/2020 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 31 secondes
PAUK - David Ditchfield - 090920
Irene and Mark talk with author and Near Death Experiencer David Ditchfield about his new book "Shine On: The Remarkabe Story of How I Fell Under a Speeding Train, Journeyed to the Afterlife, and the Astonishing Proof I Brought Back With Met"
09/09/2020 • 1 heure, 28 minutes, 26 secondes
High Strangeness Factor - Mothman Guide Brittany Sayre
Steve and Andy talk with 'Mothman TNT area' Guide Brittany Sayre, preceded by Andy's exploits on a ghost investigation.The video footage mentioned by Andy can be viewed at
08/09/2020 • 1 heure, 11 minutes, 10 secondes
Paranormal Concept Show - Crystal Skulls with Joshua Shapriro
Following on from last week's show Paul, Kerry, and Richard are joined in the studio by Joshua Shapriro, who for the last 37 years has been involved in studying one of the world’s greatest mysteries, which is known today as the Crystal Skulls.
08/09/2020 • 2 heures, 18 secondes
The Richard Spasoff Show - The Creepy Things Children Say
The Richard Spasoff Show - The Creepy Things Children Say
07/09/2020 • 43 minutes, 35 secondes
Paranormal Dimensions - John Fraser
Paranormal Dimensions - John Fraser - The Poltergeist Phenomena
07/09/2020 • 1 heure, 25 minutes, 11 secondes
Haunted Histories - The 1889 Haunted Mcinteer Villa
Penny talks to owner of the 1889 Haunted McInteer Villa, Stephanie Neal, all about the history hauntings and the many deaths that the property in Atchison Kansas has seen. Where is the most activity? And what exactly happened whilst they were talking that rendered the host speechless?
07/09/2020 • 1 heure, 2 minutes, 35 secondes
The Richard Spasoff Show - Irene Tsu
The Richard Spasoff Show - Interview with actress Irene Tsu
03/09/2020 • 41 minutes, 46 secondes
Where Have I Known You Before?
“Where Have I Known You Before?” – In a special broadcast, show security chief Willy Clubb reports on the link between reincarnation and soldiers killed in battle, including an especially disturbing episode from his childhood. Also, the story of a B-47 bomber’s chilling encounter with a UFO over the Gulf of Mexico. Plus, Trish of Sweetwaters Donuts announces plans to name a donut after Switch. Special guest: Jill Hanson.
03/09/2020 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 31 secondes
PAUK - Philip Kinsella - Guardians of the Dead
Irene and Mark talk with psychic medium, and author Philip Kinsella about his new book Guardians of the Dead.
02/09/2020 • 1 heure, 15 minutes, 12 secondes
Paranormal Concept Show - Skulls and the Paranormal
It is said some scream, and others are made from crystal. Of all the imagery associated with the paranormal and supernatural skulls hold a fascination. Join Paul Rook, Kerry Greenaway, and Richard as they discuss some of the stories surrounding this iconic image of the macabre.
31/08/2020 • 1 heure, 58 minutes, 11 secondes
House of Asher - Covid-19 ghosts, goblins and ghostly night visitations
House of Asher - Covid-19 ghosts, goblins and ghostly night visitations
30/08/2020 • 40 minutes, 30 secondes
Paranormal Dimensions - Nigel Wright
Paranormal Dimensions - Nigel Wright. Chasing the shadows--a life spent search for the paranormal.
30/08/2020 • 1 heure, 34 minutes, 2 secondes
The Richard Spasoff Show - Haunted road trip with a detour
The Richard Spasoff Show - Haunted road trip with a detour.
30/08/2020 • 59 minutes, 36 secondes
The Richard Spasoff Show, Tales from the After Life, with Gizella
The Richard Spasoff Show - Tales From the After Life, with Gizella
27/08/2020 • 34 minutes, 50 secondes
Twin Souls - Siobhan Nicolaou- 082720
Ronald and Phillip Kinsella talk with Siobhan Nicolaou - Master of Energy and Life Coach.
26/08/2020 • 1 heure, 6 minutes, 6 secondes
Mack Maloney - Why Did UFOs Haunt the USS FDR? - 082820
“Why Did UFOs Haunt the USS FDR?" -- The gang talks to UFO researcher Paul Dale Roberts about six mysterious photographs he saw while working for U.S. intelligence services. Real-life NCIS agent Chris Ahr on what it’s like to correct scripts for the NCIS TV shows. The bizarre story of the USS FDR, a U.S. Navy aircraft carrier haunted by UFOs for more than 20 years. Plus, the Mack Maloney free book giveaway continues. Special guest: Nurse Kayla.
26/08/2020 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 31 secondes
High Strangeness Factor Amberrose Hammond
25/08/2020 • 1 heure, 51 minutes, 5 secondes
Paranormal Concept Show - Stigmata
Paranormal Concept Show - Stigmata Kerry, Paul and Richard discuss religious wounds and other phenomena
25/08/2020 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 1 secondes
The Richard Spasoff Show - Father Longnecker - Immortal Combat
23/08/2020 • 31 minutes, 38 secondes
Paranormal Dimensions - Prof. Diana Pulsulka
23/08/2020 • 1 heure, 5 minutes, 53 secondes
Haunted Histories - Haunted Anzio Army Camp
23/08/2020 • 1 heure, 7 minutes, 35 secondes
The Richard Spasoff Show - Underground Psychic Mediums
20/08/2020 • 35 minutes, 7 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - Static Man vs. the Donuts from Outer Space
Mack, Juan-Juan, Cobra & Switch talk with X-Men producer Eric Lewald about how not to kill off a super hero. Switch meets the mystery guest of his dreams, but she doesn’t recognize him. Plus, the best UFO humanoid reports from the 1950s and the bizarre story of how Mack & Coco became friends during the first Gulf War. Special guest: Valerie the Empath.
20/08/2020 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 31 secondes
Paranormal Peep Show - Steve Boucher - Abductions, Alien Bases, & ET Firewall
19/08/2020 • 2 heures, 13 minutes, 51 secondes
Paranormal Concept Show - Ghost Dimension TV show
17/08/2020 • 2 heures, 1 minute, 7 secondes
The Richard Spasoff Show - The Haunted History of Lincoln, Nebraska
17/08/2020 • 42 minutes, 17 secondes
Just Another Tinfoil Hat - 081520
Paranormal Researcher Steve Ward Interview - Part 2
17/08/2020 • 1 heure, 8 minutes, 45 secondes
Paranormal Dimensions - Carol Noonan: The Plieadian Child - 08/17/20
17/08/2020 • 1 heure, 15 minutes, 22 secondes
Just Another Tin Foil Hat - Steve Ward interview
16/08/2020 • 1 heure, 5 minutes, 44 secondes
Paranormal Dimensions - Carol Noonan
Paranormal Dimensions, featuring Carol Noonan
16/08/2020 • 1 heure, 12 minutes, 21 secondes
The Richard Spasoff Show - Haunted History of Lincoln
The Richard Spasoff Show - The Haunted History of Abraham Lincoln.
16/08/2020 • 42 minutes, 17 secondes
The Richard Spasoff Show - Visions of Hell
13/08/2020 • 43 minutes, 47 secondes
Mack Maloney - What is the Most Secret Top Secret of All Time?
Mack, Juan-Juan, Cobra & Switch talk with author Phil Orbanes about a special op from World War Two that was so secret, even the President wasn’t told about it. Vic Mignogna, star of the “Star Trek Continues,” dishes on William Shatner. The Ghost Sisters talk about their chilling ghost-hunting adventures. Switch gets an unusual fan letter. Mack & JJ argue about Quentin Tarantino again, and the gang proves that Roger Moore was the best James Bond ever. Also, the big Mack Maloney free book giveaway continues. Special guests: Willy Clubb & Lois Lane.
13/08/2020 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 31 secondes
High Strangeness Factor - Twin Peaks and the Paranormal
11/08/2020 • 1 heure, 29 minutes, 47 secondes
Paranormal Concept Show - Holy Relics
10/08/2020 • 1 heure, 58 minutes, 37 secondes
The Richard Spasoff Show - Angelic & Spirit Encounters
09/08/2020 • 43 minutes, 40 secondes
Paranormal Dimensions - Ronald Kinsella
09/08/2020 • 1 heure, 43 minutes, 16 secondes
Haunted Histories - Ghost Biker Explorations
09/08/2020 • 1 heure, 19 minutes, 33 secondes
The Richard Spasoff Show - Calls from the Dead
06/08/2020 • 40 minutes, 34 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - Did a Six Year Old Soldier Fight in WWII?
Mack, Juan-Juan & Switch talk to radio show host Jill Hanson about lucid dreaming, nightmares, shadow people and why flying in your dreams is a good thing. Show security chief Willy Clubb tells the chilling story of a six-year-old boy who remembers fighting the Japanese in World War Two -- and has the scars to prove it. Plus, NCIS agent Chris Ahr, the inspiration for Mack’s new book, “The Kalashnikov Kiss,” joins the gang in announcing how listeners can win free autographed copies and why “what happens on safari, stays on safari.” Also, Switch hits the jackpot for breakfast.
06/08/2020 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 31 secondes
Inside Outer Limits - 'The Night People' with Paul Sinclair
04/08/2020 • 1 heure, 43 minutes, 51 secondes
Paranormal Concept Show - Mystery Boxes
03/08/2020 • 1 heure, 56 minutes, 28 secondes
The Richard Spasoff Show - Living with a Mischievous Ghost
02/08/2020 • 41 minutes, 30 secondes
Paranormal Dimensions - Marcus Allen - Secrets of the Moon
02/08/2020 • 2 heures, 51 minutes, 36 secondes
The Richard Spasoff Show - People in their final moments before death - and after
31/07/2020 • 28 minutes, 50 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - Angels & Devils - The Dark Reality of Virtual Reality
Mack, Juan-Juan, Cobra & Switch talk Virtual Reality with video producer Greg Masto and Bishop Ron Feyl Enright. If you murder someone in VR, is it a crime? When the military embraces VR, will it change war forever? Will Juan-Juan ever play live on stage with the Rolling Stones? These and other questions are answered in this special broadcast. Also, Ella the Psychic goes on a date and Tim Weisberg explains what sunk Dark Matter Radio. Special guest: Val the Empath.
31/07/2020 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 31 secondes
Paranormal UK Radio Show -Geraint Hopkins - Snakeman and Gothic Ghost Hunter
28/07/2020 • 1 heure, 4 minutes, 31 secondes
High Strangeness Factor - Linda Zimmermann
27/07/2020 • 1 heure, 21 minutes, 4 secondes
Paranormal Concept Show - EVP with Sarah Chumacero
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - Why Gorns Can't Drink Coffee
Beamed up once again, Mack, Juan-Juan, Cobra & Switch talk to Bobby Clark, the veteran Hollywood stuntman who played the famous Gorn monster in the original Star Trek TV series. Marc Cushman, author of “These Are The Voyages,” explains why William Shatner isn’t that much a dick. Also, the gang discusses the Dyatlov Pass Incident, in which nine Russian mountain climbers died under extremely bizarre circumstances. Plus, Mack accuses Cobra of using a voice-altering device; Switch details his latest Pop-Tart breakfast. Special guests, Agent X & Empath Valerie LoFaso.
23/07/2020 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 31 secondes
The Richard Spasoff Show - True life experiences that go beyond the angelic realm
23/07/2020 • 52 minutes, 19 secondes
Ghostly Tales of the Unexplained
22/07/2020 • 47 minutes, 50 secondes
Inside Outer Limits - David Marler
21/07/2020 • 1 heure, 34 minutes, 1 secondes
Paranormal Concept Show - The Devil You Know
20/07/2020 • 2 heures, 3 minutes, 28 secondes
Just Another Tin Foil Hat - Steve Ward
19/07/2020 • 1 heure, 9 secondes
Paranormal Dimensions - Paula Elisabeth Green
19/07/2020 • 1 heure, 29 minutes, 20 secondes
The Richard Spasoff Show - Sheena Metal
19/07/2020 • 1 heure, 9 minutes, 7 secondes
The Richard Spasoff Show - Jim Bruton - Near Death Experience
17/07/2020 • 1 heure, 19 minutes, 2 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - "Great Balls of (Green) Fire!"
Everything’s cool as Mack, Juan-Juan, Cobra and Switchy talk to John Jackson Miller, author of a new Star Trek book, “Die Standing.” Amy Martin on the new paranormal network, Midnight FM, and what it was like working with Art Bell. Plus, a report on the mysterious Green Fireballs of the early 1950s. Special guest: Lois Lane.
17/07/2020 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 31 secondes
Paranormal Peep Show - Kate Ray - Faeries, Sods & Sky Dragons
16/07/2020 • 2 heures, 1 minute, 22 secondes
Paranormal Concept Show - The Paranormal Journey
14/07/2020 • 1 heure, 57 minutes, 40 secondes
High Strangeness Factor - Ross Sharp - Warminster UFO
14/07/2020 • 1 heure, 7 minutes, 1 secondes
Paranormal Dimensions - Barry R. Frankish
12/07/2020 • 1 heure, 9 minutes, 57 secondes
The Richard Spasoff Show - Patti Negri
12/07/2020 • 1 heure, 10 minutes, 37 secondes
Haunted Histories - Are You Haunted? Sara & Phil Whyman
12/07/2020 • 1 heure, 12 minutes, 48 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - Ouija boards & UFO's as time machines
Mack, Juan-Juan, Cobra and Switch talk with Phil Orbanes, founder of Winning Moves, the company that makes Ouija Boards. Dr Mike Masters, author of “Identified Flying Objects,” on the theory that UFOs are time machines from our own future. Plus, “Either/Or” for Cobra & why it’s unwise to play your wife in RISK. Special guest: Lois Lane.
10/07/2020 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 31 secondes
The Richard Spasoff Show - Lori Spagna & Chris Gilbert MD PhD
09/07/2020 • 1 heure, 29 minutes, 59 secondes
Inside Outer Limits - Italian UFO Cases with Roberto Pinotti
07/07/2020 • 1 heure, 32 minutes, 2 secondes
Paranormal Concept Show - Arthur Conan Doyle
07/07/2020 • 1 heure, 58 minutes, 28 secondes
The Richard Spasoff Show - Gregory Carpenter
05/07/2020 • 1 heure, 22 minutes, 50 secondes
Paranormal Dimensions - Spyros Melanis
05/07/2020 • 3 heures, 1 minute, 27 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - Shaken Not Stirred - The Bizarre Weapons of 007
Mack, Juan-Juan, Cobra & Switch talk with RAF arms expert Ross Sharp on the strange gadgets and weapons used in the James Bond movies. A controversy over “Either/Or for Mack.” Also, how to sneak junk food aboard a nuclear submarine. Special guests, Hollywood Author Gary Olsen, UFO Comedian Phil Yebba & Empath Valerie LaFaso.
02/07/2020 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 31 secondes
The Richard Spasoff Show - Father George Rutler - Spiritual Warfare & Faith
02/07/2020 • 1 heure, 18 minutes, 42 secondes
Paranormal UK Radio Show - John Fraser - Poltergeist! A New Investigation Into a Destructive Haunting
30/06/2020 • 2 heures, 2 minutes, 41 secondes
Paranormal Concept Show - 'Away With The Fairies' and more.
29/06/2020 • 2 heures, 5 minutes, 17 secondes
High Strangeness Factor - Allison Jornlin Chicago Mothman
29/06/2020 • 1 heure, 25 minutes, 33 secondes
Haunted Histories - St. Albans Sanatorium - Tennessee Wraith Chasers
28/06/2020 • 1 heure, 1 minute, 53 secondes
Paranormal Dimensions - Paul Vecchiet - ET Spiritualist
28/06/2020 • 1 heure, 12 minutes, 36 secondes
The Richard Spasoff Show - Walking Through Walls with Philip Smith
28/06/2020 • 45 minutes, 3 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - Shootout at the Pillow Factory
Mack, Juan-Juan & Switch talk with Dr. Bob Gross about a bizarre meeting he attended where NASA secretly discussed sending Native American astronauts to Mars on the belief that they were better suited than America’s “regular” astronauts to handle any psychological conditions that might be found there. Switch reports on a series of inexplicable events happening in upstate New York. JJ recounts the time he was rushed to the hospital after an accident in a pillow factory. Special guest: Ella the Psychic.
26/06/2020 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 31 secondes
The Richard Spasoff Show - Brennan Storr
26/06/2020 • 53 minutes, 58 secondes
Ghostly Tales of the Unexplained
24/06/2020 • 1 heure, 1 minute, 9 secondes
Paranormal UK Radio Show - Stephen Williams - Memphis Ghost Investigations & Spirit Rescue
24/06/2020 • 1 heure, 55 minutes, 5 secondes
Inside Outer Limits - Nigel Watson
23/06/2020 • 1 heure, 31 minutes, 41 secondes
The Richard Spasoff Show - Michael Lichen
23/06/2020 • 1 heure, 2 minutes, 55 secondes
Paranormal Concept Show Mudlarking with Nicola White
22/06/2020 • 1 heure, 53 minutes, 1 secondes
Just Another Tin Foil Hat - Chad Lewis & Kevin Lee Nelson
22/06/2020 • 1 heure, 6 minutes, 24 secondes
Paranormal Dimensions - Steve Wills
22/06/2020 • 1 heure, 7 minutes, 46 secondes
Extraordinary Tales From the Other Side - Joanna Summerscales
21/06/2020 • 1 heure, 39 minutes, 39 secondes
The Richard Spasoff Show - Mark Leslie
19/06/2020 • 1 heure
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - Juan-Juan & the Haunted Computer
Saluting our nation’s wounded veterans, Mack, Juan-Juan, Cobra & Switch talk to Brig. General Tom Landwermeyer & Kathleen DeVito of “Homes For Our Troops,” the best veterans’ charity in the country. The gang discusses Ouija Boards & their connection to the paranormal. Juan-Juan relives his encounter with a haunted computer. Coco reveals that Mrs. Cobra likes it when he dresses up as Batman. Special Guest, Empath Valerie LaFaso.
19/06/2020 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 31 secondes
Paranormal Peep Show - Steve Ward & Zelia Edgar - Mothman, UFOs & Faerie Encounters
17/06/2020 • 2 heures, 12 secondes
Paranormal UK Radio - Karen Gresham Nickells - ET Experiencer and Clinical Hypnotherapist
17/06/2020 • 2 heures, 1 minute, 16 secondes
High Strangeness Factor Special - Kenneth Grant
15/06/2020 • 1 heure, 1 minute, 42 secondes
Paranormal Concept Show - Shamanism with Gareth Hughes
15/06/2020 • 1 heure, 58 minutes, 59 secondes
Mysteries and Monsters - Gary Cunningham & Rob Cornes
15/06/2020 • 1 heure, 25 minutes, 56 secondes
Haunted Histories - William Tabone, Aradale Asylum
15/06/2020 • 1 heure, 5 minutes, 36 secondes
Paranormal Dimensions - David Cook
14/06/2020 • 1 heure, 41 minutes, 4 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - The Hidden Secrets of Astroglide
Mack, Juan-Juan, Cobra & Switch talk to author Linda Zimmermann about her experiences investigating the incredible Hudson Valley UFO sightings, sometimes while in her bathrobe. Researcher Cindy Bailey Dove on the Colorado Drone Swarm Mystery. Either/or with Juan-Juan. Special Guest: Emily Mittermaier.
12/06/2020 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 31 secondes
Inside Outer Limits - Charles Parish
09/06/2020 • 1 heure, 34 minutes, 4 secondes
Paranormal Concept Show - H.G. Wells
09/06/2020 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 56 secondes
Mysteries and Monsters - Richard Freeman
08/06/2020 • 1 heure, 37 minutes, 11 secondes
Just Another Tin Foil Hat - Kieran Woodhouse
07/06/2020 • 1 heure, 1 minute, 5 secondes
Paranormal Dimensions - Indigo Phoniex
07/06/2020 • 2 heures, 2 minutes, 52 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - Why do aliens like disco?
Mack, Juan-Juan, Cobra & Switchy talk with Paul Dale Roberts about strange-looking UFOs photographed in orbit and the days when he was the Disco King of Sacramento, California. Ghost expert Ron Kolek on the bizarre case of the Gulf Breeze Six. Security chief Willy Clubb reports on the gang’s latest fan mail. Special guest: Ella the Psychic.
04/06/2020 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 31 secondes
Paranormal Concept Show - Ghost Apps with Brian Holloway
02/06/2020 • 1 heure, 58 minutes, 13 secondes
High Strangeness Factor - Bigfoot with David Bakara
02/06/2020 • 1 heure, 26 minutes, 20 secondes
Mysteries and Monsters - Paul Sinclair
01/06/2020 • 1 heure, 37 minutes, 26 secondes
Paranormal Dimensions - Neil Spring
31/05/2020 • 1 heure, 10 minutes, 49 secondes
Haunted Histories - Jayne Harris
31/05/2020 • 1 heure, 30 minutes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - Could the Flash beat Superman in a race?
The gang’s obsession with comic books continues as Mack, Juan-Juan, Cobra & Switch talk with comics expert Brian Cronin about the secret worlds of DC and MARVEL. Rock star Matt Malley of Counting Crows calls in. Also, 10 Questions for sci-fi book editor, Jim Frenkel. Plus, a free, uncensored segment of Mack After Dark. Guest co-host: transitioning vampire, Kara Kittrick.
28/05/2020 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 31 secondes
Ghostly Tales of the Unexplained
27/05/2020 • 1 heure, 55 secondes
Inside the Outer Limits - Nancy Tremaine
27/05/2020 • 1 heure, 16 minutes, 11 secondes
Paranormal Concept Show - Spook Eats
26/05/2020 • 2 heures, 41 secondes
Mysteries and Monsters - Ken Walker
25/05/2020 • 1 heure, 20 minutes, 44 secondes
Just Another Tin Foil Hat - Anthony Tyler
24/05/2020 • 1 heure, 21 secondes
House of Asher - Miss Neecee and the slack faced girl
24/05/2020 • 1 heure, 1 minute, 24 secondes
Paranormal Dimensions - Adam Greaves
24/05/2020 • 1 heure, 1 minute, 3 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - Top 10 Best UFO Incidents
Mack, Juan-Juan, Cobra & Switch talk with video game designers Greg & Sarah Masto about the future of gaming and how you can make $1 million a day playing Fortnite. Nurse Kayla with the top ten best UFO sightings. Emily M visits a haunted prison and reveals why West Virginia’s license plates used to be colored yellow. Also, more alien voices are heard on the show. Special Guest: Valerie the Empath.
21/05/2020 • 1 heure, 59 minutes, 31 secondes
Paranormal UK Radio Show - Terry Lovelace - Incident at Devil's Den
20/05/2020 • 2 heures, 2 minutes, 39 secondes
Paranormal Peep Show - Maria Wheatley - Megalithic Sites and Ley-Lines
19/05/2020 • 2 heures, 1 minute, 54 secondes
Paranormal Concept Show - The Kraken Awakes
19/05/2020 • 2 heures, 2 minutes, 6 secondes
High Strangeness Factor - John Keel
19/05/2020 • 1 heure, 13 minutes, 1 secondes
Mysteries and Monsters - Keith McCloskey
18/05/2020 • 1 heure, 35 minutes, 45 secondes
Paranormal Dimensions - Richard Case, the Ghost Challenger
17/05/2020 • 1 heure, 26 minutes, 31 secondes
Haunted Histories - Highgate Cemetery
17/05/2020 • 1 heure, 30 minutes, 58 secondes
Mack Maloney's Military X-Files - Top Ten UFO Frauds