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Nassau Street Sermons

English, Christianity, 1 season, 58 episodes
Equipping God's people to extend God's kingdom is the mission of Nassau Street Church. Each Sunday, we diligently walk through a given set of scripture to try to achieve this mission. Nassau Street Church is located in Winnipeg, MB and is a part of the Go Mission! conference. Our Senior Pastor is Pastor Al Letkeman. Find the church on the web or by calling 204-475-3841
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"To those who are in Rome...: Romans 3:21-31

Pastor Daren Redekopp preaching on Easter Sunday 2014
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"To those who are in Rome...":Romans 1:8-17

Al Letkeman preaching the second week of Lent
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The Gospel According to Luke: Luke 20:45-21:4

Have you ever found yourself wondering if you really have God’s attention? Maybe as you look up at the sky, from your morning bus ride, or commute, have you ever wondered, "Does He see me?" I mean, how could anyone on a planet of seven billion ever presume to be noticed by God?
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Questions From a Five Year Old: Where Is God When I’m Scared?

We are all afraid of something. What sets those apart who are fearful and those who are fearless? David was a man who knew who it meant to be afraid of something, yet lived fearlessly. He knew that it was God who could transform any situation.
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February 24, 2013 (Luke 6:37-42) - Pastor Al Letkeman

Pastor Al Letkeman Preaching...
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The Gospel According to Luke: Church in the Park

Pastro Daren Redekopp preaches at Church in The Park 2014 (we apologize for the poor audio quality found within)
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Luke 4:1-13 (November 4, 2012)

Pastor Al Letkeman walks the church through the first portion of Luke 4
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Why Can't I see Jesus? (July 6, 2014 - Pastor Daren Redekopp)

Pastor Daren Redekopp poses the question "Why can't I see Jesus?" Listen in to hear the answer, as depicted in a conversation between a young boy and his father.
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Good Friday 2014

Delivered from the dominion of darkness, transferred a kingdom of redemption and forgiveness: that is the effect of the original Good Friday. But despite the lofty language of that passage, what Jesus went through to buy us what he did was no pleasant affair.
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February 10, 2013 (Luke 6:17-26) - Pastor Al Letkeman

Pastor Al Letkeman Preaching
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Luke 3 (October 28, 2012)

Pastor Al Letkeman takes us through Luke 3
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Questions From a Five Year Old: If God is so Good, Why do bad Things Happen?

If God is good, why do bad things happen? Is it possible that a perfect God who gives great gifts to enjoy can still be in control when we see chaos and evil all around us? This question which has been asked for centuries all begins with our view of God - can He be good while bad and unfair things happen to us?
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Luke 19:10 (June 22, Pastor Al Letkeman)

Jesus spoke of the prodigal son, and reached out to a prodigal in the tax collector Zacchaeus. His mission was to seek and save the lost, and Jesus calls us to join Him on His mission.
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Baptism & Membership - April 6, 2014

Baptism and Membership Sunday at NSC
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Luke 5:1-11 (November 25, 2012)

Pastor Al Letkeman preaching
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How do I live for God? (July 20, 2014, Pastor Al Letkeman)

Too often we ask the question 'how do I live for God' without asking the why question. Why am I here, Why do I even want to live for God? It's those questions that bring us face to face with the glory of God, the very glory we are created to image forth. And when we grasp that idea we are ready to ask the question 'how do I live for God?'
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Luke 5:17-26 (December 9, 2012)

Pastor Al Letkeman preaching.
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"To those who are in Rome...":Romans 2:1-16

Living in a holy, reverent fear of God brings us to a richer understanding of His grace. When we rightly understand that we have been saved from God's wrath His unmerited grace becomes that much more beautiful, and the gospel takes on a richer meaning. So does God's kindness and patience lead you to repentance, to a fuller understanding of who you are in the eyes of God? Video coming soon.
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Nassau Street Sermons - Groundhog Day Revisted (Al Letkeman, September 7, 2014)

Solomon told us years ago in Ecclesiastes that what has been done will be done again, and again and again. Life he said really is one big version of groundhog day. For most of us if we look at our calendars from year to year, those words are validated. So as we begin a new year in the life of the church, again doing the things we do once more, for what purpose will we do these things? It's how we approach them that determines for what purpose we'll live our lives this year.
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March 2, 2014 - Compassion Canada Sunday

'Remember the poor', Peter, James and John instruct Paul and Barnabas as they begin their ministry among the Gentiles. Acts 2 shows us the local church carrying out this mandate in their community giving to everyone as they have need. The local church, alleviating poverty in the name of Jesus, the very thing that Compassion Canada is partnering with local churches around the world to try and accomplish.
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Luke 7:1-10 (March 17, 2013)

Pastor Daren Redekopp preaching.
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Luke 6:46-49 (March 10, 2013)

Pastor Daren Redekopp preaching
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The Gospel According to Luke: 19:28-48

There Jesus stood, waiting for a colt of a donkey, like a triumphant king on the verge of his homecoming. What was he up to? Just what was happening on this trek to Jerusalem? The King was beginning to shed his disguise...
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February 23, 2014 - The Gospel According to Luke: Luke 18:35-43

He's on his way to the climax of his mission in Jerusalem and Jesus hears the cry of a blind beggar at the side of the road. Ironically, the blind man sees who Jesus really is, while the seeing crowd is blind to who is in their midst. Jesus calls the blind man to him and gives him his sight, giving us a glimpse into importance through Jesus' eyes.
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"To those who are in Rome...":Romans 1:18-31

They became futile in their thoughts and their senseless hearts were darkened. Do you know what I see when I think about those words? I see a man, going down into a basement...
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The Gospel According to Luke: Luke 20:27-44

Does your faith allow you to dream of and hope for that place where all is as it should be, including us? Can you imagine a land beyond the "wardrobe" filled with hope, the place we were meant to be? The Sadducees couldn't, and thus they come to Jesus with a question about the resurrection one day, sure they would stump him. The conversation went as follows...
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What is so important about church? (July 13, Pastor Al Letkeman)

It's rather amazing to think that God divinely appointed a group of imperfect people with the task of displaying to the world who God is. As we gather here week after week, do we fully understand what is so significant about this thing we call the church. Questions from a five year old: What is so important about the church?
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February 17, 2013 (Luke 6:27-36) - Pastor Al Letkeman

Pastor Al Letkeman preaching...
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Questions frm a 5 year old: How do I hear from God (August 31, 2014)

Chris Kerr Preaching
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"Coffee with the Pastors" (January 6, 2013)

A Sunday morning conversation between Al Letkeman, Daren Redekopp and Brynden Devenny
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"To those who are in Rome...":Romans 1:1-7

Life has a way of interrupting us doesn't it? And those interruptions can make you forget––the bigger things, like who you really are in Christ, and all the present possibilities that he bought for you with his death. But fret not, constant Christian: that's exactly where the first seven verses of Romans 1 comes in!
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Questions From a Five Year Old: Is God One or Three?

Blake Richison discusses the question of is God one or three?
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Mothers Day, 2014

Jesus spoke of remembering him when we come to the Lord's table. Paul spoke about remembering, Moses spoke about remembering, remembering that we were once slaves but have been rescued by God. And the constant call in all of this is to remember what God has done for us in our midst, to never forget the story, so that the generations coming up behind us will always know who this God is.
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Luke 7:11-35 (March 24, 2013)

EMMC/Go Missions! Director Jacob Friesen preaching.
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"To those who are in Rome...: Romans 3:1-20

Palm Sunday at NSC.
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Questions From a five year old: How did Jesus save me?

"How did Jesus save me?" is probably one of the most simple and complex questions in Scripture - so much is written about salvation. How did God save in the Old Testament? What can we learn from the way the Israelites responded to His salvation?
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January 20, 2013 - "Rethinking Church: What is the point of leadership?" - Pastor Al Letkeman

Pastor Al Letkeman preaching.
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February 9, 2014 - The Gospel According to Luke: Luke 18:9-17

Why does prayer become such a difficult aspect of life when Jesus has made it rather simple and far less complex? The answer I realize lies in whether I approach God as the Pharisee or as the tax collector - the story we looked at this past week.
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January 27, 2013 - Rethinking Church: Belonging - Pastor Daren Redekopp

Pastor Daren Redekopp finishes our brief series on rethinking church.
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Luke 6:12-16 (December 30, 2012)

Brynden Devenny preaching
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Nassau Street Sermons - Declared Innocent: Romans 4:17-25 (Pastor Al Letkeman, Oct 5, 2014)

Pastor Al preaching.
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Luke 1:1-4 (October 14, 2012)

Pastor Daren Redekopp starts of Nassau Street Church's sermon series on "The Gospel According to Luke" - a series dedicated to uncovering who this Jesus is.
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Luke 6:1-11 (December 23, 2013)

Pastor Daren Redekopp preaching through the first portion of Luke 6
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Nassau Street Sermons: September 21, 2014

One evening this past summer I found myself watching the movie 'Lone Survivor', the story of the failed Operation Red Wings in and 4 young men with an incredible sense of mission. I found myself thinking that the Apostle Paul could have related to these guys. He knew about mission, knew about laying it on the line, knew about an all out focus. What would you give your life too?
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Luke 5:12-16 (December 2, 2012)

Pastor Daren Redekopp begins this Advent season by exploring this portion of the Gospel of Luke
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February 16, 2014 - The Gospel According to Luke - Luke 18:18-30

A rich young man earnestly asks Jesus what he must do to be saved. What do we have to do? Are there certain rules to follow or a list somewhere that we could check off once completed? Jesus sees the young man's heart and challenges him not only to do the things he knows he should, but to toss the things we love the most - more than we love God - and to join Jesus in everything.
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February 2, 2014 - The Gospel According to Luke: Luke 18:1-8

A widow daily pounds at the door of an crooked judge, crying out for justice. If an unjust judge, who cares nothing for God or people, will eventually give in, how will the God who created and loves you treat you and your prayers? So wear God out with your prayers - just try - and pray with faith that Jesus will make everything right.
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Luke 4:14-30 (November 11, 2012)

From our series "The Gospel According to Luke", November 11, 2012, Pastor Daren Redekopp walks Nassau Street Church through the Luke 4:14-30.
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Luke 1:5-2:52 (October 21, 2012)

Pastor Daren Redekopp works us through Luke 1:5-2:52
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Questions frm a 5 year old: Who Made God (August 24, 2014)

Pastor Al preaching
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Nassau Street Sermons - Declared Innocent: Romans 4:1-16 (Pastor Al Letkeman, September 28, 2014)

Imagine if you can, yourself as Jean Val Jean, standing before the priest well aware of the guilt you carry. Than having the priest step up, looking you into the eyes declaring that you are a new man, bought with the silver candle sticks. Declared Innocent, the words spoken to us by God because of his son Jesus on the cross. Spoken as a judge declaring us innocent and free.
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Nassau Street Sermons - Missions Stories (Guest Speaker, September 14, 2014)

"Paul declared one day, that he was not ashamed of the gospel, "because it's the power of God to save us". The reality of this message gets lived out daily, through the church in the 10/40 window, at times being persecuted for their faith as they proclaim Jesus as Lord. Jesus continues to save individuals in the country of Bangladesh, because daily they proclaim they are not ashamed of the good news of Jesus Christ."
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The Gospel According to Luke: Luke 19:1-27

Pastor Al Letkeman preaching from Luke 1:1-19
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The Gospel According to Luke: Luke 24

Pastor Daren Redekopp preaching
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Luke 6:43-45 (March 3, 2013)

Pastor Daren Redekopp preaching
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Luke 5:27-39 (December 16, 2012)

Pastor Al Letkeman Preaching
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Luke 4:31-44 (Novmeber 18, 2012)

Pastor Daren Redekopp preaching
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January 13, 2013 - "Rethinking Church: What is the Purpose?" - Pastor Al Letkeman

Pastor Al Letkeman preaching...