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Millennial Minimalists

English, Social, 1 season, 216 episodes, 6 days, 16 hours
A podcast on living simply. Follow two Canadian millennials, Kelly and Lauren, as they remove life's excess in favor of adopting minimalist lifestyles. Be inspired to design a simpler, more intentional life.
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Let's Talk Simple Living (Pt. 2 of 2)

This is part two of last week’s discussion where Kelly and Lauren are interviewed on the Your Life! Your Terms! Show with host Anthony Molinaro to discuss all things simple living and how we can find greater meaning and freedom through simplicity! Last week, in this laid back and immersive discussion, Kelly and Lauren discussed the benefits of simple living, common minimalist lifestyle principles, how to be a minimalist in different areas of your life, how to know when it’s time to let go, and practises they follow to help them let go. And in this second and final half of their discussion, you will learn about how to live a minimalist lifestyle in our modern world, and they share their responses to a ton of rapid-fire questions related to minimalist living including each of their responses to the question: what would you each do differently today if we could start your lives over with zero possessions? Plus, they each share why it’s so satisfying when we let go, and they touch on some of their favourite celebrity minimalists, minimalism quotes and more! Be inspired to let go and be more with less. Follow Millennial Minimalists on Instagram, Facebook, & YouTube Book a Simple Living Consult with Kelly & Lauren, check out The Closet Course, and find Millennial Minimalist Partner Discounts on!
10/14/202452 minutes, 38 seconds
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Let's Talk Simple Living (Pt. 1 of 2)

This is part one of a two-part discussion where Kelly and Lauren are interviewed on The Your Life! Your Terms! Show with host Anthony Molinaro. In this casual and immersive setting, together they discuss all things simple living and how we can find greater meaning and freedom through simplicity!  You will learn about the benefits of simple living, common minimalist lifestyle principles, how to be a minimalist in different areas of your life, how to know when it’s time to let go, and much more! Be motivated by Kelly and Lauren’s minimalist lifestyle stories and tips and enjoy some funny commentary in between. Follow Millennial Minimalists on Instagram, Facebook, & YouTube Book a Simple Living Consult with Kelly & Lauren, check out The Closet Course, and find Millennial Minimalists Partner Discounts at!
10/7/202447 minutes, 11 seconds
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Minimalism Stories That Will Inspire You

Kelly reshares your inspiring and heartfelt minimalist lifestyle stories and asks you for NEW SUBMISSIONS to share on a future episode of the podcast!  Kelly and Lauren want to hear about how living a minimalist lifestyle or adopting minimalist practises has helped you design a simpler and more intentional life. If you are interested in sharing your story with Kelly and Lauren, please submit your story over email to or via direct message on Instagram @millennialminimalists or Facebook @millennialminimalists and you can find these quick links below as well! Please do so before or by Oct 7th, 2024. As Kelly reads through past listener stories and shares her reflections, you will learn about some of the greatest benefits that come with living with less, including personal growth and greater fulfillment. Thank you in advance to those of you who share your story. Please see quick links below: Submit Your Story to Kelly & Lauren: Email: Instagram: @millennialminimalists Facebook: @millennialminimalists Learn more about Kelly & Lauren, partner discounts, and Lauren's Closet Course at  
9/23/202434 minutes, 38 seconds
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Let Go & Own Less but Better

Be motivated to let go of excess things, embrace the change that comes with letting go, and own less but better! You will be reminded that the excess items in your home may not only be collecting dust or taking up space in your place, but also costing you money or holding you back in life.  You will learn how to make decisions about what to let go of, how to begin decluttering excess things, how to manage ‘what if items’, how to let go of your attachment to things, and the benefits of owning less but higher quality items, and more! Keeping in mind that a minimalist lifestyle requires consistent upkeep, Kelly and Lauren also share stories about items that each of them have recently let go of and items in their spaces that they are still looking to let go of.   Plus, they discuss the difference between a scarcity mindset and an abundance mindset and how adopting an abundance mindset can help you let go and realize what ‘enough’ is for you! Be inspired to let go of any fear that may be holding you back from letting go of excess stuff and start reaping the wonderful benefits that come with living with less! Closet Course Free E-Guide “Figure out what clothes you actually need” Find Partner Discounts from BetterHelp, Remade, and Viome & Lauren's Closet Course & Outfit E-Guide at! Follow Millennial Minimalists on Instagram & Facebook
9/9/202446 minutes, 29 seconds
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Declutter Your Digital Life with Amanda Jefferson

Be inspired to conquer your digital clutter today so that you can reduce stress, reclaim your attention, and transform your technologies so that they work for you! According to a recent study by The Cleveland Clinic, digital clutter has just as much of a mental impact on us as physical clutter, including feelings of stress, frustration, and burnout. But luckily there is a way out! Kelly is joined by internationally recognized digital decluttering expert and productivity coach, Amanda Jefferson, otherwise known as the Marie Kondo of digital clutter to give you the tools to organize your digital life and boost your productivity! Amanda is the owner of Indigo Organizing where she helps her clients go from digital mess to digital peace. You will learn practical tools to help you better manage and let go of various areas of digital clutter including photos, emails, desktops, files, passwords, and more! Book a Digital Organizing Session with Amanda Today! Use Code: Digital Now to get $50 off Amanda's one-on-one services!  Book Amanda for Speaking Events here! Listen to the Good Enough-ish Podcast!
8/26/202448 minutes, 43 seconds
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Break Through Your Mental Blocks with Brandon Epstein inspired to let go of any fear or anxiety so that you can realize your full potential and achieve greatness. Kelly is joined by world-class mental performance coach and best-selling author, Brandon Epstein, to share insights from his latest book called Programmed to Fail: How to Break Through Your Mentals Blocks and Achieve Greatness. You will learn about the common reasons why we often hold ourselves back from fulfilling our potential and how we can replace old subconscious programming so that our thoughts work for us, not again us.  Plus, Brandon runs an immersive and vulnerable mental performance coaching session with Kelly to further show the benefits of mental training. Brandon Epstein's WebsiteBrandon Epstein on Instagram Brandon Epstein on YouTube
8/12/20241 hour, 1 minute, 34 seconds
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Mindful Minimalism

In this fun and upbeat one-on-one conversation, Kelly and Lauren talk about how living a minimalist lifestyle fosters a more mindful way of life. Together they share a ton of lifestyle tips and resources (from NYT’s best-selling authors Eckhart Tolle and Shane Parrish) to help you live more consciously each day. Plus, they share some of the daily habits they each carryout to be more present with themselves and others.  You will learn about how to consume more mindfully, how practising mindfulness can help you achieve a state of flow, and how embracing solitude can help you reclaim your attention and be in the present moment.  Be inspired by Kelly and Lauren’s lifestyle stories and lessons and be motivated to find greater peace in your every day. Mentions Flow my Mihaly CsikszentmihalyiThe Power of Now by Eckhart TollePodcast: Eckhart Tolle Essential TeachingsClear Thinking by Shane ParrishMy Stroke on Insight by Jill Bolte TaylorTEDxTalk: My Stroke of Insight  Find Partner Discounts from BetterHelp, Remade, and Viome & Lauren's Closet Course & Outfit E-Guide at! Follow Millennial Minimalists on Instagram & Facebook
7/29/202454 minutes, 13 seconds
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Live Simply to Live Fully with The Love Life with Court Show

Learn how living simply can help you live more fully. Kelly is interviewed by Courtney Irving, the host of The Love Life with Court Show to share her personal transformations and minimalist lifestyle tips. This conversation covers topics including how to make decisions about what items to keep and what to let go of, how to avoid buying things to fill an emotional void, how to let go of expensive or sentimental items, and how to manage living with a partner who doesn’t particularly live minimally. Plus, they discuss how donating items can be just as satisfying as buying new things! Courtney is also an aspiring minimalist and she provides a ton of helpful simple living tips! Be inspired by Kelly and Courtney’s discussions and start reaping the great rewards that come with living with less! Find Partner Discounts from BetterHelp, Remade, and Viome & Lauren's Closet Course & Outfit E-Guide at! Follow Millennial Minimalists on Instagram & Facebook Podcast Website: https://www.lovelifewithcourt.comCourt's Instagram: LLWC Instagram: LLWC Facebook Group: TikTok: 
7/15/202458 minutes, 26 seconds
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Prioritize Mental Fitness with Marc Champagne

Learn about the importance of mental fitness and how you can adopt mindful lifestyle practises to improve how you think, perform and feel each day! Kelly speaks with best-selling author, podcast host, keynote speaker and mental fitness strategist, Marc Champagne! Marc hosts the Behind the Human podcast where he interviews top performers about their mental fitness habits and he speaks to Fortune 500 companies to help them clear out mental clutter, expand their clarity, and boost their performance. In this discussion, Marc and Kelly dive into what it means to keep our minds nourished and they each share their own daily mental fitness practises and some of the lessons they have gained from top performers. Plus, they discuss how their daily practises have helped them gain greater awareness and control over their inner and outer worlds. Be inspired by Kelly and Marc's daily rituals and be motivated to start asking the right questions to help you stay mentally fit! Learn more about Marc and his works at Behind the Human Find Partner Discounts from BetterHelp, Remade, and Viome & Lauren's Closet Course & Outfit E-Guide at Follow Millennial Minimalists on Instagram & Facebook
7/1/20241 hour, 13 minutes, 58 seconds
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Create a Simple & Intentional Life (Wannabe Clutter Free Podcast)

Be inspired by actionable tips to help you create a simpler, more intentional life today! Kelly is interviewed by the host of the Wannabe Clutter Free Podcast, Deanna Yates. Deanna is a decluttering expert and busy mom and together they explore the principles and practises of simple and intentional living. You will learn about the various types of clutter, how to know where to start decluttering, how to let go of sentimental items, how to manage relational clutter, and how to overcome being a yes person! Plus, Kelly debunks a few minimalist misconceptions and more!  You will learn that letting go of excess things and outdated beliefs can give you the space to live closer to your values, explore your curiosities, and live more authentically. Find Partner Discounts from BetterHelp, Remade, and Viome & Lauren's Closet Course & Outfit E-Guide at! Follow Millennial Minimalists on Instagram & Facebook Check out the Wannabe Clutter Free Podcast with Host Deanna Yates! Follow Wannabe Clutter Free on Instagram & Facebook
6/17/202448 minutes, 9 seconds
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Escape Excess Consumerism

Be inspired to escape excess consumerism! In this one-on-one discussion, Kelly and Lauren talk about how to avoid overconsuming material goods and digital noise. You will be encouraged to think about how you consume, including how to set better boundaries around your consumption habits – whether it be how you consume material goods or the news and social media. While we all need to consume things, overconsumption harms the environment and also affects our psychological wellbeing; leading to unhappiness, debt, wasted time and other consequences. You will learn how we have the power to be better consumers by simply buying less and adopting intentional lifestyle habits. Be motivated to consume less and have more! Find Partner Discounts & Lauren's Closet Course & Outfit E-Guide at! Follow Millennial Minimalists on Instagram & Facebook Articles: Overconsumption and the environment Consumption is NOT the problem How to be Happier by Consuming Less Social media is linked to the boom in cosmetic procedures Reasons to escape excess consumerism and how to do it Living Green: tips to help lower consumption Book: The High Price of Materialism
6/3/202447 minutes, 24 seconds
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Live Clutter-Free with Deanna Yates

Whether you are a busy family or busy on your own, be inspired to adopt a clutter-free lifestyle!   Kelly is joined by decluttering expert and host of the Wannabe Clutter Free Podcast, Deanna Yates! Deanna is a busy mom who teaches busy families and individuals how to declutter the mess, calm the chaos, and organize the stuff that’s left behind.   You will learn that living with less is completely possible for families too and that it’s not about depriving children of things but rather it’s a mindset that helps us all become aware of what’s most essential. Deanna believes that decluttering can open us up to a life of freedom we never knew was possible, and she shares simple steps to help us build and maintain tidy homes and minds.    Be motivated by Deanna's clutter-free tips and start embracing a more fulfilling life with less.   Learn about Deanna and her podcast at Find Partner Discounts (BetterHelp, Viome, and Remade Sleep) & Lauren's Closet Course & NEW Incredible Outfit E-Guide at! Follow Millennial Minimalists on Instagram & Facebook  
5/20/20241 hour, 4 minutes, 57 seconds
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Simple Decorating Tips with Myquillyn Smith

Be motivated to create the most stye in your home with the least amount of stuff! If you don’t know where to start when it comes to decorating simply, or if you have decorated your space but it still looks and feels off, this discussion is for you! Kelly is joined by New York Times best-selling author and design and décor expert, Myquillyn Smith to share insights from her new book, House Rules: How to Decorate for every home, style, and budget. In House Rules Myquillyn shares 100 universal decorating truths that provide answers to common decorating questions. In this discussion you will learn how to: decorate or redecorate a space, create a minimalist space that is still warm and cozy, make a small space feel inviting, test a décor idea before you invest in it, decorate a space on a budget, and more! Be inspired to create the home you've always wanted and use it the way you've always dreamed.  Myquillyn Smith's Website Get Myquillyn’s new book House Rules
5/6/202458 minutes, 22 seconds
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Let Go & Buy Better

In this one-on-one conversation, Lauren and Kelly share their responses to a ton of helpful questions to help you rid the excess stuff in your life and make better purchasing decisions. They each share stories about recent items they have decluttered, intentional items they have recently bought, and past purchasing mistakes they have made and how they learned from them. Plus, they share tips to help you decide on what to sell or donate, how to let go of items you feel attached to and don’t often use, and how to avoid buying things you don’t need while on vacation and much more! Be inspired by Kelly and Lauren’s minimalist lifestyle stories and advice and be motivated to let go and buy better! Find Partner Discounts (BetterHelp, Viome, and Remade Sleep) & Lauren's Closet Course & NEW Incredible Outfit E-Guide at! Follow Millennial Minimalists on Instagram & Facebook
4/22/20241 hour, 11 minutes, 16 seconds
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The Power of Less with The Big V Energy Podcast

Be inspired by the great advantages that come with adopting a minimalist lifestyle! Kelly is interviewed by the popular BBC featured podcast, The Big V Energy Podcast with co-host Alex Gillam to discuss practical advice on how to declutter all areas of excess from the physical things to mental clutter. You will learn how to let go, reduce stress, improve your focus, spend with greater intention, travel lighter and more! On the Big V Energy podcast, Alex and her co-host Chess Galea serve candid conversations that matter to woman about woman.They explore the realities, frustrations, and success stories of females in the 21st century and unpack a wide range of topics including body positivity; equality in sports; mental health; building a female owned business; fertility and more. Host Alex Gillam is an aspiring minimalist, and her lifestyle challenges and goals and curiosities about minimalism may be relatable and helpful to you!  Be inspired to let go of the excess from your life and start pursuing a more minimal and meaningful every day! Follow the Big V Energy Podcast on Apple Podcasts and Spotify Follow the Big V Energy Podcast on Instagram Follow Millennial Minimalists on Instagram & Facebook Find Partner Discounts for BetterHelp, Viome and Remade natural sleep supplement and Lauren's Closet Course at
4/8/202452 minutes, 11 seconds
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Understand Your Attachment Style for Better Relationships with Thais Gibson

This episode is a MUST LISTEN for all! You will be motivated to let go of any relational clutter that may be holding you back from building healthy bonds. Kelly speaks with famed relationship expert and best-selling author Thais Gibson, to share insights from her latest book, Learning Love, to help you strengthen your relationship with yourself and others. Drawing on Thais’ decade of research and experience with clients, she shares a background on attachment theory, the four types of attachment styles, examples of how conflict plays out between attachment styles, and her tools to help you heal in your relationships and become more securely attached.  You will learn the importance of examining, updating, or uprooting obscure behaviors that may be hindering your relationship with yourself and others. Be empowered to gain a better understanding of your own relational patterns and needs (and those of others) so that you can create more meaningful connections. Take the attachment style quiz to find your style! Get the book Learning Love! Thais Gibson on YouTube Personal Development School Follow Thais Gibson on Instagram Follow Millennial Minimalists on Instagram & Facebook Find the Closet Course & Partner Discounts for BetterHelp & Viome at
3/25/20241 hour, 8 minutes, 31 seconds
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Ask Us Anything! (Q&A Pt.2)

This is part 2 of Kelly and Lauren’s latest Q&A episode where they share their responses to your minimalist lifestyle questions! Kelly and Lauren recently prompted the question, “Ask Us Anything!” on social media @MillennialMinimalists and through their mailing list (, and today they continue to share their lifestyle tips! You will learn how to pack minimally for a weekend or weeks away, how to streamline your morning routine, how to stop getting caught in the loop of buying and decluttering, how to rotate the clothes in your closet, how to make better decisions about what to keep and let go of, and more! Plus, Kelly and Lauren each share their money saving goals and some of their favourite simple meal ideas! Be inspired to reflect on the excess in your life, let go, and gain more. (Closet Course) MillennialMinimalists on IG MillennialMinimalists on FB
3/11/20241 hour, 6 minutes, 30 seconds
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Let Go & Gain More (Q&A Pt.1)

Be inspired to reflect on the excess in your life, let go and gain more! In this one-on-one discussion, Kelly and Lauren answer your responses to their questions: “what do you find difficult letting go of?” and “what is one area of excess that you are working on but feel stuck?” Coming from Kelly and Lauren's own research and experiences, together they share how to let go of memorabilia, sentimental items, greeting cards, gifts you don’t need, just in case items, expensive items that aren’t selling, excess kitchen stuff and office supplies, and the junk in junk drawers! Plus, they take a deep dive into the topic of relational clutter, specifically how to let go of or manage friendships that are no longer serving you. This is part one of a two part Q&A discussion. Stay tuned for part two where they share their responses to their question, “Ask Us Anything!" It's especially a fun one, so please stay tuned… Related Links: Teresa Elling Decluttering Memorabilia Alyssa Barber Post-it Expiry Date The Minimalists Decluttering Friendships (Closet Course & E-Guide) MillennialMinimalists on IG MillennialMinimalists on FB
2/26/20241 hour, 16 minutes, 14 seconds
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How to be Love(d) with Humble the Poet

Be inspired to start building a more meaningful relationship with yourself so that you can be and receive the kind of healthy love that you and we all deserve. Kelly speaks with fellow minimalist and international best-selling author, Humble The Poet, to discuss insights from his book, How To Be Love(d): Simple Truths for Going Easier on Yourself, Embracing Imperfection & Loving Your Way to a Better Life. The common theme that flows through all of Humble’s works is ‘let go and gain more,’ and in How To Be Love(d) he opens up about letting go of his unhealthy addiction to the approval of others to achieve love. You will be encouraged to reflect on your own love behaviors and let go of lessons from your past that may be causing you to seek love in healthy ways. You will learn that love is not found, but rather realized, and that when we love ourselves, love will be easier. Follow Humble on Instagram Attachment Theory Explained
2/12/20241 hour, 12 minutes, 21 seconds
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Minimalist Tips to De-Stress & Live More

Kelly and Lauren share their minimalist lifestyle tips to further inspire you to simplify your life and identify the areas of excess that may be getting in your way. You will learn about some of the tiny changes that you can make today to help you de-stress, save money, save space, gain time back, feel greater focus, and live more. Whether you are new to adopting a minimalist lifestyle or you are in the midst of maintaining this lifestyle and want to learn more, this conversation is for you. Be inspired to live more with less. (Check out Lauren's Closet Course!) Mentions James Clear's Newsletter Mark Manson: What Everyone Gets Wrong About Goals @NurseHadley Past Episodes Referenced Ep142: Break the Twitch with Anthony Ongaro Ep174: Be Intentional with Your Money with Anthony O'Neal Ep123: Declutter & Organize The KonMari Way with Michele Delory Ep172: Discover Your Emotional Clutter Blocks & Magnets w/ Tracy McCubbin Ep173: Become a Spiritual Minimalist w/ Light Watkins Ep184: Adopt Zen Habits with Leo Babauta Ep97: Conquer Distractions with NirEyal Ep135: Break Up with Your Phone with Catherine Price Ep151: Follow Your Curiosity with TK Coleman Ep176: Overcome Social Pressures & Embrace Contentment with Jamie Varon Ep131: Break Away from Overworking Overdoing and Underliving with Celeste Headlee Ep126: Overcome Distraction and Pursue a More Meaningful Life with Joshua Becker  
1/29/202456 minutes, 17 seconds
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How a Minimalist Lifestyle Can Improve Your Life

Whether you are already living a minimalist lifestyle or new to this simple way of life, this episode is for you! In this solo recording, Kelly shares inspiring and heartfelt stories submitted by Millennial Minimalists listeners to keep you motivated and informed about all the great rewards that come with living with less. Each story supports how living a minimalist lifestyle can improve your life for the better. Be inspired by all of the great benefits that come with living with less, including personal growth and greater meaning and fulfillment. Mentions Joshua Becker Video: Yes, Decluttering Has an Endpoint Ep.132 Simple Sustainable Swaps with Tara McKenna (Don't Be Trashy) Ep.106 Make Your Life Effortless with Greg McKeown Ep.85 Pursue What's Essential with Greg McKeown
1/22/202434 minutes, 17 seconds
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Let’s Talk Second-Hand Shopping & Selling with Poshmark

Kelly and Lauren speak about conscious consumption, sustainable fashion, and the rise of the second-hand clothing market. To lead this conversation, they are joined by Chloe Baffert who is the head of merchandising and curation at Poshmark; the widely popular online marketplace to buy and sell second-hand clothing. You will learn about today’s growing resale market, including the latest stats, the driving forces behind the demand, and the benefits of buying and selling pre-loved clothing, and more! Be inspired to choose second-hand when you need to buy and be motivated to finally put your unwanted items up for sale! Quick Links: Poshmark Forbes Article: Rise Of The Resale Business Statista: Share of Consumers Willing to Buy SecondHand Millennial Minimalists on Instagram Millennial Minimalists on Facebook
1/15/202438 minutes, 35 seconds
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Declutter Your Life in 2024

Be inspired to set and achieve your decluttering goals this year! To motivate you to clear the excess in your life, Kelly and Lauren share the various areas of excess that they are looking to work through this year (including physical, digital, mental, and emotional) and how they plan to achieve them. As you may know, this lifestyle requires upkeep, and Kelly and Lauren discuss the new habits they are looking to adopt and those they are looking to break! Plus, they share decluttering tips to help you work through various spaces in your home including how to keep a less cluttered and more functional closet. By sharing their own lifestyle goals and experiences, Kelly and Lauren hope to motivate you to set and achieve your own decluttering goals in 2024! MENTIONS: Minimalist World Map on Etsy for E-Guide & Closet Course Brand Partners: BetterHelp (Get 10% off your first month) Viome (Click to get our MM discount) Books: Today I Noticed by Willow Older & Deborah Huber Tiny Habits by BJ Fogg Podcast Episodes: 158: Solve Your Clutter Problems with Tracy McCubbin Ep.155 Subtract by Leidy Klotz Other: Xero App: Simplify Your Expenses Our Favourite Clothing Storage Bins on Amazon Hot Mess with Alex Earle  
1/8/202454 minutes, 56 seconds
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Be Less Busy & Have More Impact with Chris Lovett

Be inspired to start simplifying your work life so that you can stop being the busiest person in the room and start being the most impactful and productive one! Kelly speaks with acclaimed simplicity coach, author, TEDx speaker, and fellow minimalist, Chris Lovett for a second time to help you apply minimalism to your work life. You will be challenged to ask yourself 'how can I use minimalism in the workplace? And, 'how can I do less and have more impact at work?' Chris experienced overwork first hand and after experimenting with doing less at his former workplace he eventually cracked the code and today he works with talented people around the world to help them work less and create better results. You will learn about the habits that you can adopt to reclaim control over your busy work life and the benefits that come with doing less, more focused work. Episode 107: Own Less & Live More Chris' First Book: Discovery of Less: How I found Everything I Wanted Underneath Everything I Own Learn more about Kelly & Lauren and their courses and e-guide at Follow @MillennialMinimalists on Instagram & Facebook
1/1/20241 hour, 5 minutes, 21 seconds
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Your Inspiring Minimalist Lifestyle Stories

Share in the stories of your fellow listeners and be motivated by all of the great rewards that come with living with less. Kelly and Lauren re-share a past episode where some of you share how living with less has improved your lives for the better. Plus, Kelly and Lauren kindly ask you to submit more, new stories to be read by them/ shared in an upcoming episode in the new year! Whichever way this lifestyle has improved your life, Kelly and Lauren want to hear your story! See below to submit your story: Submit your story for an upcoming episode before or by January 2nd (end of day) and if you would like to remain anonymous please let K&L know: Email: Instagram: @MillennialMinimalists Facebook: @MillennialMinimalists
12/25/202322 minutes, 32 seconds
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Live Well with Less with Elsa Elbert

Kelly and Lauren are interviewed on the Composed Living podcast, with host Elsa Elbert who speaks on the art of intentional living.  Elsa is the Founder and CEO of Composed Living, a Los Angeles based professional organizing company that helps people transform their cluttered homes to beautifully organized spaces. Together they discuss the benefits of decluttering your spaces, the habits you need to maintain them, and how to manage everyday distractions to help you keep on track. Plus, Kelly and Lauren share some of the most challenging parts about maintaining a minimalist lifestyle and how they have worked through them. You will be reminded about how the minimalist lifestyle gives you time back to reconnect with yourself and those most important to you.  Be inspired to live well with less. Listen to the Composed Living podcast Follow @MillennialMinimalists on Instagram & Facebook Learn more about Kelly & Lauren and their courses and e-guide at  
12/18/202354 minutes, 25 seconds
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Pt.2 Simplify the Holidays

In this second half of last week’s Holiday Q&A episode, Kelly and Lauren further inspire you to simplify your life this holiday season! Kelly and Lauren share simple holiday food and drink suggestions and activity ideas, how to manage your schedule during this busy season, how to navigate what to wear to holiday events, and how to keep the magic alive without the stuff! Plus, they discuss how to avoid feeling overwhelmed this season such as how to manage feelings of loneliness or feeling like you have to do it all. Be inspired to adopt a minimalist approach to this holiday season so that you can enjoy the traditions you love and move through this time with ease. This episode is sponsored by Guess Where Trips. CLICK HERE to find your discounted experience gift here! Mentions Episode 88: Simplify the Holidays with Meg Nordman Funny Banana Video! The Daily Connoisseur: How to Remain Elegant and UNBOTHERED During the Holidays A 2016 study published in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology A 2020 study published in the International Journal of Research in Marketing Follow @MillennialMinimalists on Instagram & Facebook Learn more about Kelly & Lauren and their courses and e-guide at
12/11/202339 minutes, 9 seconds
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Pt.1 Simplify the Holidays

Be inspired to simplify your life this holiday season! Kelly and Lauren respond to your questions to help you manage this often cluttered and busy time of year. In this first part of a two-part holiday discussion, Kelly and Lauren answer your questions related to gift-giving and receiving, including their suggestions for meaningful and affordable gift ideas and how to politely decline a gift or exchange with others. Plus, they discuss how to decorate your spaces simply and more consciously. Be inspired to adopt a minimalist approach to this holiday season so that you can enjoy the traditions you love and move through this time with ease. This episode is sponsored by Guess Where Trips. CLICK HERE to find your discounted experience gift here! Mentions Episode 88: Simplify the Holidays with Meg Nordman Funny Banana Video! The Daily Connoisseur: How to Remain Elegant and UNBOTHERED During the Holidays A 2016 study published in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology A 2020 study published in the International Journal of Research in Marketing Follow @MillennialMinimalists on Instagram & Facebook Learn more about Kelly & Lauren and their courses and e-guide at  
12/4/202349 minutes, 2 seconds
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Declutter Your Life with Heart of the Story

Be motivated to declutter your home, your brain, and your heart so that you can let go and be more. Kelly and Lauren are interviewed on the Heart of the Story podcast by host, author, and holistic writing coach, Nadine Kenney Johnstone to share how they have minimized various areas of excess in their lives. Kelly and Lauren share their minimalist lifestyle tips and systems to help you declutter your spaces, minimize physical and digital distractions, manage mental and emotional obstacles, and make space for what’s most important to you. Plus, together with Nadine they discuss the long list of benefits that come with living with less. Be motivated to own less, have more space, and find greater happiness and clarity in your every day. This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Click here to get 10% off your first month! Follow Heart of the Story  Follow Nadine on Instagram Follow @MillennialMinimalists on Instagram & Facebook Learn more about Kelly & Lauren and their courses and e-guide at
11/27/202353 minutes, 9 seconds
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Let Go & Find Simplicity with Nadine Kenney Johnstone

Be motivated to let go and find simplicity in a time of overwhelm. Kelly is joined by holistic writing coach, meditation and yoga teacher and author of Come Home to Your Heart, Nadine Kenney Johnstone to share her journey to living more with less. Nadine and her small family were inspired to let go of the majority of their possessions and the place they once thought would be their forever home to design a more fulfilling lifestyle. You will learn about several simplicity practises that you can apply to your life to help you remove the excess, slow down, gain greater clarity and keep centred. Be inspired to let go and pursue the goals and experiences that are closest to your heart. Nadine’s book: Come Home to Your Heart  Nadine’s Podcast Heart of the Story @nadinekenneyjohnstone @millennialminimalists  
11/20/202358 minutes, 44 seconds
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Our Minimalist Lifestyle Systems

Kelly and Lauren discuss their minimalist lifestyle habits and systems that help them maintain their simple and intentional lifestyles! Considering living with less requires constant maintenance, Kelly and Lauren discuss some of their key habits that help them keep on track. You will learn about their work and productivity systems, organizing and cleaning systems, decluttering systems, as well as their morning routines, all in an effort to help you adopt and maintain with your minimalist lifestyle. Be inspired by Kelly and Lauren’s lifestyle systems and be motivated to adopt healthy habits that will bring simplicity and peace to your every day. Other habit-focused episodes: Ep.138 Adopt Minimalist Habits Ep.136 Simplify Your Life & Make Room for More Ep.105 Pare Down Your Possessions Ep.73 Minimalism Crash Course Book recommendations: James Clears’ Atomic Habits BJ Fogg’s Tiny Habits: The Small Changes that Change Everything Habit Stacking: 97 small life changes that take five minutes or less!
11/13/202345 minutes, 29 seconds
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Simplify Your Life Today! (with Your Life. Your Terms. Show!)

Learn everything you need to know about minimalism and adopting a minimalist lifestyle! Kelly and Lauren are interviewed by the YouTube show and podcast called, Your Life! Your Terms! where they share in a fun and focused conversation with one of the show’s hosts, Anthony Molinaro! The Your Life! Your Terms! Show is on mission is to help their listeners live life on their own terms! And, adopting a minimalist lifestyle can provide you with the space and time back to do exactly that! You will learn more about Kelly and Lauren’s lifestyle stories and feel immersed in their conversation as they dive into simplicity, intentional living, and all of the benefits that come with living with less. Be inspired to let go of the excess in your life and gain more physical space, more headspace, and more of what you truly want out of life! Watch the full video on the Millennial Minimalists' YouTube Page: Your Life! Your Terms! Show BetterHelp: Get 10% off your first month of therapy!
10/30/20231 hour, 25 minutes, 2 seconds
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Adopt Zen Habits with Leo Babauta

If you are suffering from fear and uncertainty, or feel set back by self-criticism, procrastination, frustration, or overwhelm, this conversation is for you!  Kelly is joined by best-selling author, famed simplicity blogger, podcaster, and husband and father to six, the incredible Leo Babauta to inspire you to let go of unhealthy habits and create better habits that stick! Leo is widely recognized for his top 25 blog,, where he writes about how to implement zen habits and find simplicity and mindfulness in the daily chaos of our lives. In this discussion, you will learn how to let go of mental clutter, manage distractions, sustain effective focus, and cultivate a greater depth of purpose through mindfulness training. Plus, most significantly, you will discover how to stop doing and start being! Zen Habits Podcast Fearless Living Academy Leo Babauta’s Retreats Follow K&L on Instagram & Facebook!
10/16/20231 hour, 6 minutes, 4 seconds
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Pt.2 Your Minimalist Lifestyle Questions & Tips

Kelly and Lauren had asked you on Instagram and Facebook @millennialminimalists about your lifestyle goals and achievements, and today they are sharing part 2 of their Q&A discussion from last week! They begin by sharing the rest of your listener responses to the question, ‘what areas of excess do you need help with?’ and they answer your questions about closet clutter, including how to manage maybe items, what to do with items you occasionally wear, how to piece together outfits, and more! Be inspired by Kelly and Lauren's lifestyle tips and systems and be motivated to continue to manage the excess in your life! Kindly complete the Millennial Minimalists Listener Feedback Survey Here to Win a one-on-one Simple Living Consultation with Kelly and Lauren over Zoom! Get 10% off your first month of therapy with BetterHelp Follow K&L on Instagram & Facebook!  
10/2/202354 minutes, 8 seconds
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Your Minimalist Lifestyle Questions & Tips

Be inspired by all the ways you can simplify your life and be motivated to adopt positive habits to help you live a more fulfilling every day. Recently on the Millennial Minimalists' Instagram and Facebook pages, Kelly and Lauren asked you about your lifestyle goals and achievements and today they share your responses and their answers to your questions! The questions they asked included: 1) What have you recently let go of or minimized? And, 2) What is one habit that you have recently adopted to live simply each day? Plus, together they each share their own responses to these questions including what they are each still working to minimize today and the new, additional habits they are each looking to implement into their lifestyles. This is part 1 of a 2-part Q&A episode so stayed tuned for part-2 releasing next Monday! Get 10% off your first month of therapy with BetterHelp Follow us on Instagram & Facebook!
9/25/202358 minutes, 49 seconds
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Generation Anxiety with Dr. Lauren Cook

Did you know that Millennials and Gen Z are considered two of the most anxious generations in history? Kelly speaks with licensed clinical psychologist, best-selling author, and famed TikTok therapist, Dr. Lauren Cook to share insights from her new book, Generation Anxiety, which is a guide that aims to help us stay afloat in our uncertain world.   Dr. Lauren Cook explains that there are three main sharks in our lives that trigger our anxieties, which include: our own minds, society at large, and other people, and she shares self-care strategies to help us identify our anxiety triggers and work through the discomforts. Plus, she shares how we have the power to ease our feelings by improving our diets and/or by letting go of unhealthy habits that can leave us stuck in cycles of worry and fear. Be inspired to swim through your anxieties, ease your feelings, and embrace the ride. Pre-Order Lauren’s Book: Generation Anxiety Follow Dr. Lauren Cook on Instagram & TikTok Teach Me How To Adult Podcast w/ Dr. Lauren Cook
9/11/202354 minutes, 28 seconds
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Let’s Talk About Anxiety with Dr. Jud Brewer

Be inspired to uproot your anxiety and say goodbye to overwhelm! Kelly and Lauren speak with New York Times Best-Selling Author and Addiction Psychiatrist and Neuroscientist, Dr. Jud Brewer to share insights from his latest international best-seller, Unwinding Anxiety, which shares a clinically proven plan to help us break the cycle that drives anxiety and addictive habits. You will learn about common anxiety triggers, why we get stuck in habit loops, and how we can begin to train our brains to feel, perform and live better. Listen to the full original 1-hour episode here Dr. Jud's website Dr. Jud on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook Dr. Jud's TED Talk, A simple way to break a bad habit Apps to help you manage anxious & addictive behaviours:  Unwinding by Sharecare (app) Unwinding Anxiety (app) Eat Right Now (app) Craving To Quit! (app)
9/4/202334 minutes, 2 seconds
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Minimalist Lifestyle Check in

Be inspired to manage the mental noise in your life. Kelly and Lauren share a casual check-in on their minimalist lifestyles including an open discussion about how they are each coping with the stresses of everyday life. They each share their anxieties and the practices they follow to manage or let go of them. Plus, they discuss how they are setting boundaries in their work and personal lives in an effort to be more intentional with their time and look out for their mental health. They also share updates on the podcast, including news on an exciting upcoming guest, and more information on Lauren’s closet decluttering course! Closet Course or e-Guide: Waking Up Meditation App 
8/28/202335 minutes, 16 seconds
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Do Nothing with Celeste Headlee

If you feel stressed, overwhelmed, or burdened by daily demands, this conversation is for you! Kelly and Lauren speak with award-winning journalist, speaker, and author Celeste Headlee to share insights from her national bestseller, Do Nothing: How to Break Away from Overworking, Overdoing, and Underliving. You will learn how to break away from our society’s unhealthy obsession with busyness and efficiently so that you can reduce feelings of anxiety, work more effectively, and improve your wellbeing.  Celeste argues that we do not need to sabotage our happiness to achieve our goals and she gives examples to how making space for more leisure and rest will help us live and perform better. Be inspired to reject the idea that you should constantly be doing and start embracing a slower, more intentional lifestyle that allows you to thrive! Listen to the full episode here Read the book: Do Nothing This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Click here to get 10% off your first month of online therapy.   
8/21/202335 minutes, 13 seconds
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Millennial Minimalists Milestone

Join Kelly and Lauren as they celebrate 5 years of running the Millennial Minimalists podcast and reaching over 1,000,000 downloads! To celebrate, they each share their reflections on the minimalist lifestyle and the podcast, including how they have each grown over the years, the new knowledge they have each gained, their favourite podcast memories and episodes so far, and more. Be inspired to continue on this journey with Kelly and Lauren, and be further motivated to let go, do more and be more. You will be reminded that when you let go, you gain so much more. This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Click here to get 10% off your first month of online therapy.   
8/14/202352 minutes, 24 seconds
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Let Go of Societal Pressures & Embrace Contentment with Jamie Varon

If you are ambitious but often find yourself feeling discontent despite your achievements, and/or if you simply find yourself continually saying, “I will be happy when…” this conversation is for you! Kelly speaks with bestselling author, Jamie Varon to share insights from her book, “Radically Content: Being Satisfied in an Endlessly Dissatisfied World,” which will motivate you to opt-out of ‘societal shoulds’ and give you the tools to create a more satisfying life.  You will learn how to untangle yourself from hustle culture and other societal pressures and find who you are outside of your accomplishments and ambitious goals. Be inspired to unlearn the behaviours that cause discontentment and start embracing who you are, what you have and where you are today. Be happy NOW while you pursue your wildest ambitions. Read the Book: Radically Content About Author Jamie Varon This episode is sponsored by Viome. Click here to get a special offer on a Viome Gut Intelligence Test today!   
8/7/202342 minutes, 50 seconds
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Things We No Longer Buy & Our Best Purchases

Kelly and Lauren talk about the things they no longer buy and some of their favourite minimalist lifestyle purchases! When it comes to physical excess, minimalism is really about ‘owning what you need,’ and in this discussion you will be encouraged to reflect on your shopping behaviors, reduce your consumption, and let go of the things in your life that are no longer useful to you. Kelly and Lauren also motivate you to keep simpler items including sustainable alternatives that can help you reduce your carbon footprint. Be inspired to understand your needs and buy better so that you can gain the space and time back to focus on the most important things in your life. Follow the Millennial Minimalists on Instagram & Facebook Find the Closet Decluttering E-Guide OR Sign-Up for a Closet Decluttering Course with Lauren at  
7/31/202349 minutes, 47 seconds
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Be Intentional with Your Money with Anthony O’Neal

Be inspired to improve your relationship with money and adopt the mindset and momentum to achieve financial freedom. This conversation is a clip from episode 122 where Kelly is joined by #1 national bestselling author, educator and speaker, Anthony O’Neal who has helped over a quarter of a million people get out of debt and build wealth. Anthony went from being broke to creating financial freedom and he shares stories from his own life to inspire you to create a vision for yourself so that you can be more intentional with your money. You will learn about the factors that cause some of us to fall into debt, the greatest barriers that hold people back from making ends meet or growing wealth, and the importance of being patient when it comes to growing your money.  Plus, Anthony shares his top investment tips and 3 important questions that he suggests we should ask our partners about money before we make a big commitment and more. Listen to the full episode here The Table with Anthony O’Neal Follow the Millennial Minimalists on Instagram & Facebook Find the Closet Decluttering E-Guide OR Sign-Up for a Closet Decluttering Course with Lauren at
7/24/202330 minutes, 12 seconds
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Spiritual Minimalism with Light Watkins

Kelly is joined by bestselling author and internationally celebrated meditation teacher, Light Watkins, who shares his teachings in meditation and insights from his latest book, Travel Light: Spiritual Minimalism to Live a More Fulfilled Life. Light defines spiritual minimalism as “the inside-out path to getting rid of inner clutter and living a more fulfilled life,” and he shares how this practise of minimalism can help you clarify your inner voices, let go more easily, and find inner peace. Light shares seven principles of spiritual minimalism using stories from his own experiences to motivate you to cultivate a clutter-free approach to how you make decisions, express love, and show up in the world.  Light says quote, spiritual minimalism is about “creating space on the inside so you can be more of yourself on the outside.” This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Get 10% off your first month of online therapy by using the code:  Website: Light Watkins Book: Spiritual Minimalism TEDx Talk: Debunking Meditation Myths Instagram: Follow Light Watkins  Instagram: Follow the Millennial Minimalists  Website: Millennial Minimalists  Sign-up for a closet decluttering course Purchase a closet decluttering e-guide
7/17/20231 hour, 10 minutes, 42 seconds
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Discover the Root of Your Clutter Problems with Tracy McCubbin

Discover the root of your clutter problems, avoid overbuying, and let go. This conversation is a short clip from one of the Millennial Minimalists' most popular episodes to date, episode 158, where Kelly speaks with best-selling author and decluttering expert, Tracy McCubbin, to realize the underlying reasons for the clutter in your life. In Tracy’s first book, Making Space, Clutter Free: The Last Book on Decluttering You’ll Ever Need, she shares how clutter stems from Emotional Clutter Blocks, which she defines as the mind traps that we can get stuck in when we find it difficult to let go of our things. And, in her latest writing, Make Space for Happiness: How to Stop Attracting Clutter and Start Magnetizing the Life You Want, Tracy goes a layer deeper by observing our Emotional Clutter Magnets, which she describes as when we buy things in an attempt to fill our emotional needs. You will be challenged to think about the emotional clutter blocks or magnets in your life so that you can start making space for more happiness. Listen to the Full Episode here Emotional Clutter Block Quiz Follow Tracy on IG
7/10/202329 minutes, 37 seconds
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Declutter Your Closet For Good

Be inspired to tackle your closet clutter and start building and maintaining a simple and organized closet space for good! One of the best ways to start decluttering the excess in your life is by starting with your closet, and in this discussion Kelly and Lauren give you the tools to help you tidy your closet and build an intentional wardrobe that will leave you feeling and looking your best each day! You will learn about Kelly and Lauren's simple, 5-step decluttering method and how they each arrange and maintain their closets today. Plus they cover key tips in their closet decluttering e-guide to help you make better decisions about your clothes, save time and money, and build better habits to maintain an intentional closet for years to come. to get 10% off your first month of online therapy Get the Closet Decluttering E-Guide Sign-up for a Closet Course Follow the Millennial Minimalists on Instagram & Facebook Mentions: Vogue Article: How Many Clothes Should We Own, Exactly? Fashion Influencer Kate Hutchins on Instagram
7/3/202350 minutes, 50 seconds
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Stop Buying Things You Don’t Need with Anthony Ongaro

Learn how to stop buying things you don’t need so that you can save time and money and own your attention.  This conversation is a clip from our past episode (ep. 142) where Kelly is joined by fellow minimalist and best-selling author, Anthony Ongaro, who wrote the book, Break the Twitch: a practical guide to minimalism, intentional living and doing more of what matters. Anthony argues that our urge to spend on things we don't need comes down to our emotions, and he shares how we can change our buying behaviours by being self-compassionate and more aware of our choices. Be inspired to explore and manage your shopping impulses so that you can make better choices and do more of what matters. Listen to the full episode here Anthony's YouTube Channel Anthony on IG Millennial Minimalists on IG  
6/26/202327 minutes, 19 seconds
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The Minimalists & Lifestyle Tips

Kelly and Lauren discuss their recent trip to Los Angeles where they met minimalism pioneers, The Minimalists’ Joshua, Ryan and T.K., and decluttering expert to the stars, Tracy McCubbin! In this casual one-on-one discussion, Kelly and Lauren detail their experiences on their week away including tips to help you pack and travel light. They also share what it was like to watch The Minimalists record live in their Los Angeles studio and they share their feedback on some of The Minimalists' listener questions including: What constitutes a real minimalist? And what is wrong with storage spaces? They also discuss how to manage relational clutter and they debunk some of the common misconceptions about this lifestyle. Plus, Kelly shares her reflections on her latest read, The Fifth Agreement by international bestselling author, Don Miguel Ruiz, to help you manage your mental clutter and be open to listening to the ideas of others. Be motivated by Kelly and Lauren's minimalist lessons and experiences and be inspired to join them on their journeys for the long-haul. Closet Course & Closet Decluttering E-Guide: The Minimalists Tracy McCubbin
6/19/202349 minutes, 45 seconds
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Be Intentional with Your Phone with Catherine Price

If you feel triggered to constantly pick up your phone and are left feeling distracted and/or anxious, this episode is for you! This conversation is a clip from episode 135 where Kelly speaks with award-winning science journalist, speaker, and author, Catherine Price to share insights from her international best-seller, How to Break Up With Your Phone: The 30-Day Plan to Take Back Your Life. Catherine’s goal is to help us keep what we love about our phones and minimize or eliminate what we don’t. And in this clip, she shares tips to help you avoid getting distracted by your phone and strategies to help you become more mindful with your phone use, including how you it around others. You will learn about the implications that come with overusing your device and be challenged to build a better relationship with it through mindfulness training. Be inspired to take back control over your phone and get back to focusing on what really matters. Listen to the Full Episode About Catherine Price Catherine’s Free Resources Follow Millennial Minimalists on Instagram & Facebook
6/12/202325 minutes, 43 seconds
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Live Intentionally through Minimalism with Oleg Lougheed

Be inspired to design your version of an intentional life. Kelly and Lauren share their latest interview on The Overcoming Odds Podcast, where they discuss how adopting minimalist lifestyles has helped them live with greater intention. Host Oleg Lougheed shares the stories of people who have overcome adversity to achieve personal success, and Kelly and Lauren talk about how this lifestyle has helped them manage the excess in their lives so that they can live closer to their values. Together they cover how to know when you are ready to get started with minimalism, how to begin to adopt this lifestyle, and how to maintain intentional habits and more. Plus, they discuss the difference between a minimalist mindset and a scarcity mindset. You will learn that living with greater intention takes constant work, but that the rewards are well worth the effort. Follow The Overcoming Odds Podcast Closet Decluttering E-Guide: Follow Millennial Minimalists on Instagram & Facebook  
6/5/202339 minutes, 22 seconds
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What is Minimalism? with The Minimalists’ T.K. Coleman

Kelly speaks with The Minimalists' T.K. Coleman to explore the definition of minimalism and how a minimalist lifestyle plays a role in helping us make sense of our own dreams. This is a short, yet powerful snippet from Kelly’s longer discussion with T.K. in episode 151 here. In this snippet, you will be reminded that minimalism is more than about things. This simple way of life also challenges us to let go of the excess in our lives (whether internal or external) and teaches us to make room for more of what matters.   T.K. says quote, “It’s not about how many things you have or how many things you don’t have... it’s about what are you willing to let go of in order to say yes to the life that you really want.” In this discussion you will be inspired to remove the barriers in your life, such as the excess physical things, time commitments, or mental roadblocks that may be keeping you from living your best life. Be inspired by T.K.’s great insights on the power of simplicity and intentionality and be motivated to pursue what makes you come alive! Follow us on Instagram and Facebook  Follow T.K. Coleman Listen to the full episode: Apple: Episode 151. Follow Your Curiosity with The Minimalists’ TK Coleman Spotify: Episode 151. Follow Your Curiosity with The Minimalists’ TK Coleman  
5/29/202320 minutes, 52 seconds
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Let Go & Embrace Your Authentic Self

Kelly is interviewed by the popular storytelling podcast, And So, She Left to share her journey to discovering minimalism and how letting go has helped her pursue her goals and embrace her authentic self. In this intimate conversation, Kelly shares how she let go of excess things and outdated beliefs and redefined what success meant to her. You will be challenged to let go of the unnecessary possessions or mental baggage that you may have accumulated over time and be inspired to think about the areas in your life that bring you the most joy. We hope that you find wisdom in some of Kelly’s minimalist lessons and are left feeling motivated to create more meaning and fulfillment in your every day. Topics covered in this episode: Why minimalism is so much deeper than just getting rid of physical possessions. How to unlearn harmful ideas about ambition. How to escape the 'comparison trap,' and the importance of taking things at your own pace. The five ways in which minimalism can improve your life. Why getting out of your comfort zone is one of the most important steps to take as an entrepreneur. Follow Us on Instagram and Facebook. Follow the podcast, And So, She Left Hosted by Katherin Vasilopoulos. Made by Cansulta and Ethan Lee. Music by © Chris Zabriskie, published by You've Been a Wonderful Laugh Track (ASCAP). Songs used in this episode include: "Air Hockey Saloon," "The House Glows (With Almost No Help)," "We Were Never Meant to Live Here," "Short Song 011923,"  "Short Song 030623," "Short Song 012123," "I'm About to Do the Second Hardest Thing I've Ever Done," "A New Day in a New Sector."
5/22/202335 minutes, 5 seconds
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Closet Course & LA Visit!

Kelly and Lauren share a couple of exciting updates! Firstly, they are thrilled to share that they have developed a digital Closet Course to help you build and maintain a simple and intentional closet for good! This live digital Closet Course will take place over Zoom on Saturday, May 27th at 10 AM Pacific Time or 1 PM Eastern Time. The course will run for 40 minutes with a 20-minute Q&A. Plus, as registrant you will receive a complimentary copy of their closet decluttering e-guide (a $25 value)! Wherever you are in the world, Kelly and Lauren are hopeful that you can join them! Secondly, Kelly and Lauren are coming to Los Angeles at the end of May and they are hosting a listener MEET-UP on Tuesday, May 30th at 5 pm at Runyon Canyon for an hour stroll (please meet at the Fuller Avenue entrance). If you are in the Los Angeles area, Kelly and Lauren would love to see you! If you can join, please email Kelly and Lauren at or send them a DM on Facebook or Instagram with your email so they know you are coming!
5/19/20236 minutes, 16 seconds
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Let’s Reflect & Laugh Together (20 Questions)

In this immersive one-on-one conversation, Kelly and Lauren ask you to join them as they ask each other 20 questions about life, minimalism, and their friendship! You will get to know Kelly and Lauren better and you will be motivated to reflect on your own lifestyle patterns and goals. Together they ask each other questions including ‘what do you need more in your life?’ and ‘what do you need less of?’ to ‘what fears do you experience?’ and ‘what obstacles have you recently overcome?’ Plus, they share questions around their favourite moments in their friendship and the traits they appreciate in one another. Be inspired by Kelly and Lauren’s reflections and wisdom and be prepared to laugh and smile with them along the way. --- Want to Play 20 Questions with a Friend? See below: What do you remember most about how and when we met? What’s your favourite memory or memories from our friendship so far? What’s your favourite part of our friendship? What is your favourite trait in me? If you had a whole day where you could do anything you wanted, what would you do? If you had no WIFI or data for one week, how would you spend your time? What do you need more of in your life? What do you need less of in your life? What fears do you experience? What is one thing you find most challenging in your life right now? What do you feel has been your greatest “win” so far in your life? If you could meet anyone in the world, alive or deceased, who would it be? What makes your life feel purposeful? Or what values are most important to you?  What would you like to accomplish in life? Or what mark on the world would you like to leave? What is a lifestyle quote you live by? What obstacle have you overcome in recent memory? What’s the best career advice you’ve ever been given? What’s the best personal advice you’ve ever been given? What to-do list item have you been putting off for a while? How are you helping the environment? Do you have a five-year plan? If so, what’s on it?  
5/8/20231 hour, 10 minutes, 46 seconds
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Adopt a Minimalist Mindset

Kelly and Lauren discuss the ways a minimalist lifestyle influences their values and the decisions they make each day.  You will learn about the daily habits they carry out to help them save time, money, and energy, and give them the space to focus on what matters most. Plus, in addition to their lifestyle tips and to dos, they also discuss some of the habits to avoid when it comes to living a minimalist lifestyle.  Be inspired by Kelly and Lauren's minimalist mindsets and start reaping the great rewards that come will practising a simpler, more intentional way of life! Links: Closet Decluttering E-Guide: Get 10% off BetterHelp: Try Viome Gut Health Test: Try Future Personal Training App: Episodes Mentioned: Overcome FOMO and FOBO with Patrick J. McGinnis Unwind Your Anxiety with Dr. Jud Brewer How to Break Up with Your Phone with Catherine Price Simple Sustainable Swaps with Tara McKenna Books: The Power of Scarcity: How the Science of Less Can Help You Achieve More by Mindy Weinstein Lessons from Madame Chic by Jennifer L. Scott  
4/24/20231 hour, 7 minutes, 44 seconds
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Let’s Navigate Online Dating with OKCupid’s Michael Kaye

Whether you are single and on the dating apps or simply want to learn more about the online dating world, this episode is for you! Kelly and Lauren are joined by the Director of Brand Marketing and Communications at OkCupid, Michael Kaye, to talk about how to navigate the complex world of online dating to help you or someone you know better their odds at finding quality matches! Michael shares a ton of helpful online dating tips to help you or someone you know work the algorithms to your/their advantage. Plus, he shares his own online dating success story and some fascinating online dating stats and trends he is seeing. You will learn strategies on how to build a better profile, how to communicate more effectively, how to politely decline a date, when ghosting is and isn’t okay, how to stay safe when online dating, common online dating mistakes to avoid, and much more! Kelly and Lauren also express their own online dating curiosities and personal experiences using dating apps. Be inspired by Michael’s findings and strategies to help you or someone you know use the apps more intentionally and get closer to finding that perfect match. Get 3-months of OkCupid Premium for Free (First 50 listeners to submit!) 1) Create an account on OkCupid. 2) Email using the email you used to sign up. 3) Let OkCupid know you heard about them through Millennial Minimalists. 4) You will be upgraded to OkCupid Premium for 3 months to unlock features! This podcast is sponsored by BetterHelp. Go to to get 10% off your first month. 
4/10/20231 hour, 1 minute, 30 seconds
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Your Minimalist Lifestyle Stories

Share in a few inspiring messages from our Millennial Minimalists podcast listeners! In episode 154, Improve Your Life with Less, Kelly and Lauren asked you (the listeners) to share all the ways that living a simpler, more intentional lifestyle has benefited you, and in this episode Kelly shares your motivating and heartfelt stories. You will be reminded that the benefits that come from living a minimalist lifestyle go well beyond having less stuff and keeping an organized home. Whether you are just adopting this lifestyle or already living this way, we hope that by sharing your stories we can further spread the word about all the great rewards that come with living with less. Want to share your story? Please email us at Follow Us on Instagram: @millennialminimalists Website:
3/27/202322 minutes, 18 seconds
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Let’s Manage Distractions in a Noisy World

What if there was a mute button for the mind? Kelly and Lauren share strategies to help you manage both the internal and external distractions in your life. Plus, they discuss the importance of setting boundaries with yourself, others, and your technologies. You will learn about the benefits that come with managing the noise including reclaimed focus, greater clarity, and the ability to reach a flow state, and more. Be inspired to find peace and calm in your every day. Past Related Episodes: Ep. 90 Minimize Detractions Ep. 97 Conquer Distractions with Nir Eyal Books: The Pomodoro Technique by Francesco Cirillo GOLDEN: The Power of Silence in a World of Noise by Leigh Marz and Justin Zorn The Book of Boundaries by Melissa Urban Indistractable by Nir Eyal
3/13/202347 minutes, 19 seconds
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Solve Your Clutter Problems with Tracy McCubbin

This podcast is sponsored by BetterHelp. Go to to get 10% off your first month. If you have too much stuff or find yourself constantly decluttering and can’t keep up, this episode is for you! Kelly speaks with decluttering expert to the stars and best-selling author, Tracy McCubbin, to help you declutter with purpose and achieve a clutter-free home for good! Tracy is the Founder and CEO of Los Angeles’s premier organizing and decluttering firm, dClutterfly, and she is the author of two best-selling books including, Making Space, Clutter Free and her latest, Make Space for Happiness. Unlike most decluttering methods, Tracy and her team help their clients keep their homes clutter-free by working with them to discover the obstacles that got them there. You will learn that clutter is an emotional issue and that we must let go of what Tracy calls, our ‘emotional clutter blocks’ that keep us from decluttering, as well as our ‘emotional clutter magnets’ that cause us to buy things we don’t need. Be inspired to adopt Tracy’s simple and realistic decluttering techniques so that you can start reaping all the great rewards that come with owning less.  About Tracy Book: Make Space for Happiness (2022) Book: Making Space, Clutter-free (2019) Follow Tracy on IG Closet E-Guide
3/6/20231 hour, 15 minutes, 54 seconds
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Unexpected Benefits of Letting Go

Be inspired to let go and gain more! Kelly reads a journal article she wrote for titled, "Unexpected Benefits of Letting Go: How you gain more than you may think," to share a list of rewards that come with living with less.  You will learn that the benefits of owning less go well beyond keeping a simple space and reducing stress.
2/27/20234 minutes, 58 seconds
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Let’s Simplify Food with The Nutrition Junky

Be inspired to simply your food, kick-start a meal prep routine, save time and money, and optimize your health! Kelly and Lauren are joined by their dear friend and Registered Dietitian and ADHD Nutritionist, Becca Harris, otherwise known as The Nutrition Junky to help you build healthier, more mindful, and cost-saving food and nutrition habits. Together they discuss how to simplify meal planning (including simple meal and snack ideas), tips to eat more mindfully, how to shop on a budget, and how to streamline your grocery shopping experience! Becca also shares how to identify trigger foods and food tolerances and how to break the binge eating cycle and other disordered eating patterns. Plus, she shares some eye-opening stats around food labelling! Be inspired to simplify your food and eating regimes and start optimizing your health for the long-term. Unsavory Podcast
2/20/202344 minutes, 59 seconds
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Subtract: The Science of Less with Leidy Klotz

This podcast is sponsored by BetterHelp. Go to to get 10% off your first month.  Instead of piling on ‘to-dos’ and accumulating more, this episode will inspire you to consider ‘stop-doings' and choosing less! Kelly speaks with American scientist, engineering professor, and international best-selling author, Leidy Klotz, to discuss how subtraction can help us let go of unhealthy habits and make room for more of what matters.  You will learn that we often overlook subtraction and default to more in an attempt to feel better, and in Leidy's latest international seller, Subtract: The Untapped Science of Less, he shares numerous evidence-based studies to prove how using subtraction to solve problems is a powerful option. Be inspired by Leidy’s insights on the power of subtraction and start paving your way to a more meaningful life.    Book: Subtract: The Untapped Science of Less Website:
2/13/202353 minutes, 25 seconds
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Improve Your Life with Less

This podcast is sponsored by BetterHelp. Go to to get 10% off your first month.  This is one of Kelly and Lauren's favorite on-on-one conversations to date! In this laid-back and reflective discussion, Kelly and Lauren each share the top 5 ways that living a minimalist lifestyle has improved their lives for the better. Together they work to inspire you to think about all of the life-changing benefits that come with living with less, including personal growth and greater meaning and fulfillment. You will learn that the greatest benefits that come from living a minimalist lifestyle go well beyond owning less and keeping an organized home. Rather these advantages arise through the process of letting go and the great reflection that follows. Whether you are in the process of adopting minimalist habits or managing the excess in your life, Kelly and Lauren motivate you to reflect on all of the great rewards that come with living with less. Interested in sharing your story? Please send us an email to: Mentioned Book: The Soul of Money by Lynne Twist Lynne Twist on Oprah's Super Soul Conversations Article: To Anyone Who Thinks They're Falling Behind by Jamie Varon 
2/6/202351 minutes, 44 seconds
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Let Go & Be Love(d) with Humble The Poet

Whatever your relationship status is today, this conversation is for you! Most of us have heard the line, “you have to manage your love for yourself first before you can fully love and receive love from another,” and as cliché as it sounds, it’s the truth. Kelly is joined by fellow Canadian minimalist and international best-selling author, musician, speaker, filmmaker, and former elementary school teacher, Humble The Poet to share insights from his latest book, How To Be Love(d): Simple Truths for Going Easier on Yourself, Embracing Imperfection & Loving Your Way to a Better Life. In this discussion, Humble inspires us to let go of lessons from our pasts that may be causing us to seek love in unhealthy ways. He says quote, “we have to clean out the clutter of outdated beliefs and ideas and understandings of love.” You will learn that love is not found, but rather realized, and that when we love ourselves, love will be easier. Be motivated to start building a more meaningful relationship with yourself so that you can be and receive the kind of healthy love that exists as connection and peace. Book: How to be Love(d) @humblethepoet on IG
1/30/20231 hour, 13 minutes, 52 seconds
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Skinimalism with Dr. Mary Alice Mina

Are you looking to simplify your skin care routine? Kelly and Lauren are joined by Harvard-trained dermatologist, dermatologic surgeon, and skin enthusiast, Dr. Mary Alice Mina to discuss the benefits of skin minimalism for the better of your skin health. Skin Minimalism or "Skinimalism" is a popular minimalist approach to skin care that has become one of the biggest beauty movements today amplified by Instagram and Tiktok. In this discussion Dr. Mina answers Kelly and Lauren's burning questions to help you improve your skin, and save you time, money, and the environment. Plus, you will learn about the best skin care regimen for you, whether you are in your 20s, 30s, 40s or above! Be inspired to skip your multi-step routine for a simpler one! Save counter space and let your skin glow! About Dr. Mary Alice Mina The Skin Real Podcast
1/23/202354 minutes, 22 seconds
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Follow Your Curiosity with The Minimalists’ T.K. Coleman

Whether you are exploring your interests, in the midst of pursing a dream, or living out your dream, this conversation is for you! The Minimalists' T.K. Coleman joins Kelly to discuss how a minimalist lifestyle can give us the space to help us make sense of our own unique dreams. You will be inspired to eliminate the barriers in your life, such as excess things, time commitments, or mental roadblocks that may be keeping you from pursuing your ambitions or embracing the process. You will discover that the power to achieve lies in exploring our curiosities, creating momentum, and understanding that fear, resistance, and failure is part of the journey. You will learn that the greatest success of the journey lies not in the things that we achieve but the better versions of ourselves that we become. Be inspired by T.K.’s great insights on the power of creativity, simplicity, and intentionality, and be motivated to pursue what makes you come alive!   About TK: TK's Talk: Dream's Don't Come True, Decisions Do The Minimalists Podcast
1/9/20231 hour, 33 minutes, 10 seconds
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BEST OF: Pursue What Matters Most with Joshua Becker

Be inspired to let go of everyday obstacles and start living in alignment with the lifestyle you seek to create. In this BEST OF episode, Kelly and Lauren are joined by one of the pioneers of the minimalist movement, famed blogger and best-selling author, Joshua Becker! After eliminating the excess things from his life, Joshua gained the space and time-back to focus on the things that matter most to him, which inspired his latest book titled, Things That Matter: Overcoming Distraction to Pursue a More Meaningful Life. You will discover how a minimalist lifestyle fosters intentionality and gives us the clarity to live by our values. For Joshua, a minimalist lifestyle has helped him “align his life around the things he values more than he had ever thought possible." And in this discussion you will learn how to manage the ongoing external and internal distractions in life that can sometimes hold you back from living the lifestyle you desire.  Be motivated to adopt practical systems and habits to help you build and maintain a more meaningful life.  ----more---- Things That Matter  About Joshua Becker  Becoming Minimalist Blog   
1/2/20231 hour, 9 minutes, 8 seconds
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BEST OF: Declutter Your Life

To close the year, Kelly and Lauren reshare their most popular episode in 2022 where they discuss the most common areas of excess and their simple living solutions! If one of your New Year’s resolutions is to eliminate the clutter in your life, whether in your home, your mental space, or within the digital world, this episode is for you! You will learn how to better manage the excess things in your life including mental clutter such as fear, guilt, regret, and other thoughts that aren’t serving you, and more.  Be inspired to adopt practical solutions to help you declutter with ease and embrace a more intentional and happier way of life in 2023! Past episodes mentioned: Four Tendencies Quiz by Gretchen Rubin Ep. 97 Conquer Distractions with Nir Eyal Ep. 88 Simplify the Holidays with author Meg Nordmann Ep. 75 Minimalism for families with Diane Boden Ep. 67 Own Your Anxiety with Julian Brass Ep. 47 Mental Minimalism with Marc Champagne  
12/26/20221 hour, 3 minutes, 35 seconds
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Our Year in Review & Book Recommendations!

To close out 2022, Kelly and Lauren share a list of inspiring books they read this year and discuss key takeaways from all of the notable best-selling authors they interviewed!  The common theme between all of the book titles is the focus on simplifying and living with greater intention so that you can be your best self and make time for what matters most. Kelly and Lauren spoke with celebrated authors about everything from how to manage physical excess to mental clutter such as anxiety, overwork, financial stress, and more. You will learn that in addition to physical clutter, much of the excess in our lives is invisible, it’s mental clutter, and you will be reminded that this lifestyle provides us with the space to live more intentionally. Be inspired to adopt some of the key takeaways from leading personal development authors to further help you live a more meaningful life.  Book List (Interviewed) EP.120: Outer Order, Inner Calm by Gretchen Rubin EP.122: Debt-Free Degree by Anthony O'Neal EP.126: Things that matter by Joshua Becker EP.129: Radically Content by Jamie Varon EP.131: Do Nothing by Celeste Headlee EP.132: Don't Be Trashy by Tara McKenna EP.133: Unwinding Anxiety by Dr. Jud Brewer EP.135: How to Break Up with Your Phone by Catherine Price EP.142: Break the Twitch by Anthony Ongaro  EP.137: The Paradox of Choice by Barry Schwartz  EP.85: Essentialism by Greg McKeown EP.92: Fear of Missing Out by Patrick J. McGinnis EP.106: Effortless by Greg McKeown EP.97: Indistractable by Nir Eyal   Other Books We Love The Daily Stoic by Ryan Holiday Four Thousand Weeks by Oliver Burkeman The Sleep Book by Dr. Guy Meadows Hello Habits by Fumio Sasaki How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big Unlearn by Humble The Poet Nervous Energy by Chloe Carmichael  The Wisdom of Sundays by Oprah Winfrey  A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle    
12/19/202258 minutes, 29 seconds
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Let’s Simplify the Holidays

Kelly and Lauren share their minimalist lifestyle tips to help you simplify the holiday season! While it’s a wonderful time of year, it can also be stressful, expensive, and exhausting if we are not careful, and so Kelly and Lauren share simple strategies to help you make the best of the holidays and future ones to come. They discuss how to navigate gift-giving and receiving, how to simplify holiday decorations, how to control your holiday spending, and how to avoid over scheduling yourself. Plus, they each share what they are asking for this year and their new year’s resolutions! You will learn that you can enjoy this busy season and still practise a minimalist lifestyle. Be inspired by Kelly and Lauren’s minimalist approach to the holidays and start enjoying this time of year to the fullest! Giftagram: Use code minimal20 to get $20 off at checkout! Ettitude: Use code MILLENNIAL at checkout to get 15% off your order of $150 or more.  
12/12/202247 minutes, 28 seconds
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Millennial Minimalists Q&A: Part 2

Kelly and Lauren share the second half of their latest Q&A episode where they answer your questions around minimalism and their minimalist lifestyles! On Instagram @millennialminimalists, Kelly and Lauren asked you, “what areas of excess are you looking to declutter and how can we help you?" and today they share their responses! Together they each share their tips on how to manage junk drawers, old hobbies and crafts, office clutter, bathroom clutter, and excess clothes to name a few. Plus, they discuss mental and emotional clutter, which are areas of excess that they personally continue to work on the most. Be inspired by Kelly and Lauren's simple living tips to further help you work through the various areas of clutter in your life. Follow us on IG and FB @millennialminimalists Sign-up for online therapy at -- This episode is supported by our sponsor, Loblaws Dietitian Services. Go to to book a free 15-minute consult today! Conditions apply. 3,000 PCO Optimum offer is available to PC Optimum™ program members in NB, NL, NS, PEI, ON, SK, MB, AB and BC until December 15, 2022 upon completion of a free 15-minute initial phone/virtual consult with a Registered Dietitian. Membership is free. To register as a PC Optimum™ member, visit This offer cannot be combined with any other offer or promotion. No cash value. Offer expires after one use. We are not obligated to award points based on errors or misprints. Minimum redemption 10,000 points. See PC Optimum™ terms and conditions at for program details and redemption restrictions.
12/5/20221 hour, 22 minutes, 22 seconds
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Millennial Minimalists Q&A: Part 1

In response to popular demand, Kelly and Lauren run another Q&A episode where they answer your questions around minimalism and their minimalist lifestyles! On Instagram @millennialminimalists, Kelly and Lauren asked you two questions, “how can we help you simplify your life and live with greater intention?” and, “ask us anything about our minimalist lifestyles” and today they share their answers to your responses! Together they cover everything from how to manage living with someone who is attached to their stuff, what to do with sentimental and 'just in case' items, how to simplify your work life, and more. They also share their individual approaches to wellness, how they maintain their daily routines, and how they store essential household items. Plus, they even reveal the number of items in their wardrobes!  Be inspired by Kelly and Lauren’s simple lifestyle tips and be motivated to apply minimalist habits to your every day. Follow us on IG and FB @millennialminimalists Sign-up for online therapy at Visit survey to win 1 of 3 $100 Amazon Gift Cards! -- This episode is supported by our sponsor, Loblaws Dietitian Services. Go to to book a free 15-minute consult today! Conditions apply. 3,000 PCO Optimum offer is available to PC Optimum™ program members in NB, NL, NS, PEI, ON, SK, MB, AB and BC until December 15, 2022 upon completion of a free 15-minute initial phone/virtual consult with a Registered Dietitian. Membership is free. To register as a PC Optimum™ member, visit This offer cannot be combined with any other offer or promotion. No cash value. Offer expires after one use. We are not obligated to award points based on errors or misprints. Minimum redemption 10,000 points. See PC Optimum™ terms and conditions at for program details and redemption restrictions.
11/28/202256 minutes, 26 seconds
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Let’s Navigate Food & Nutrition with Martina Luketich

Kelly and Lauren are joined by registered dietitian and nutrition expert, Martina Luketich, to debunk common food and nutrition myths and to help you make better decisions about what you eat! Similar to decluttering our homes, Kelly and Lauren believe in removing the excess when it comes to the ideas around food and nutrition. In a time where our eating habits are continually under pressure, Martina shares evidence-based tips to help you take the stress out of eating and strengthen your relationship with food. Together they discuss popular food misconceptions, how to manage ever-changing food trends, what it means to eat intuitively, what it’s like to work with a dietitian, and more. Be inspired to ‘unlearn’ unhealthy patterns and misconceptions around food and be motivated to build simple and healthy habits that support your nutrition goals for good! -- Follow Martina Luketich on IG: @Loblaws.dietitian.martina  Follow Loblaws Dietitians on IG and FB: @shoppersonlinedietitian, Visit survey to win 1 of 3 $100 Amazon Gift Cards! Follow us on IG and FB @millennialminimalists -- This episode is supported by our sponsor, Loblaws Dietitian Services. Go to to book a free 15-minute consult today! Conditions apply. 3,000 PCO Optimum offer is available to PC Optimum™ program members in NB, NL, NS, PEI, ON, SK, MB, AB and BC until December 15, 2022 upon completion of a free 15-minute initial phone/virtual consult with a Registered Dietitian. Membership is free. To register as a PC Optimum™ member, visit This offer cannot be combined with any other offer or promotion. No cash value. Offer expires after one use. We are not obligated to award points based on errors or misprints. Minimum redemption 10,000 points. See PC Optimum™ terms and conditions at for program details and redemption restrictions.
11/21/202258 minutes, 31 seconds
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Our Take on Food & Diet

Are you looking to adopt a minimalist approach to food and diet? While a minimalist diet favors a sustainable and plant-based lifestyle, there is no rulebook. You will learn that a minimalist lifestyle supports a simple and intentional version of ‘your diet, your way.’ Kelly and Lauren share their food and diet systems, their grocery shopping routines, the ingredients in their cupboards, and how they have each simplified their kitchens to the essentials! You will learn about the relationship between the food we eat and our mental and physical wellbeing and the importance of eating a healthy diet to feel better, improve your sleep, and be more present. Be inspired by Kelly and Lauren’s simplified approach to food and diet and be motivated to choose a dietary mindset that is right for you! Mentioned Super Soul Special: Suzy Amis Cameron: One Meal a Day [Thank you for listening to this podcast. We want to hear what you think! Our listener survey at shouldn't take more than five minutes, and you'll be entered for a chance to win one of three $100 Amazon gift cards. Thanks for helping us make great podcasts!] -- This episode is supported by our sponsor, Loblaws Dietitian Services. Go to to book a free 15-minute consult today! Conditions apply. 3,000 PCO Optimum offer is available to PC Optimum™ program members in NB, NL, NS, PEI, ON, SK, MB, AB and BC until December 15, 2022 upon completion of a free 15-minute initial phone/virtual consult with a Registered Dietitian. Membership is free. To register as a PC Optimum™ member, visit This offer cannot be combined with any other offer or promotion. No cash value. Offer expires after one use. We are not obligated to award points based on errors or misprints. Minimum redemption 10,000 points. See PC Optimum™ terms and conditions at for program details and redemption restrictions.
11/14/202249 minutes, 2 seconds
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Break Impulsive Spending & Own Your Attention with Anthony Ongaro

If you want to improve your spending habits and be more intentional with your time and attention, this conversation is for you! Kelly speaks with fellow minimalist and recognized filmmaker, writer, and author, Anthony Ongaro to share lessons from his book, Break the Twitch: a practical guide to minimalism, intentional living and doing more of what matters. Anthony defines the twitch as an impulsive response to discomfort that can cause us to give into distractions, and he shares how the twitch caused him to overspend and miss out on meaningful experiences. You will learn the tools to help you adopt intentional spending habits and focus your attention on the people, experiences, and things that you have always wanted to pursue. Be inspired to take a step back, identify the twitches in your life, and remove the distractions so that you can make purposeful purchases and do more of what matters. Mentioned Read Break the Twitch Subscribe to Anthony's YouTube Channel Follow Anthony on Instagram [Thank you for listening to this podcast. We want to hear what you think! Our listener survey at shouldn't take more than five minutes, and you'll be entered for a chance to win one of three $100 Amazon gift cards. Thanks for helping us make great podcasts!] -- This episode is supported by our sponsor, Loblaws Dietitian Services. Go to to book a free 15-minute consult today! Conditions apply. 3,000 PCO Optimum offer is available to PC Optimum™ program members in NB, NL, NS, PEI, ON, SK, MB, AB and BC until December 15, 2022 upon completion of a free 15-minute initial phone/virtual consult with a Registered Dietitian. Membership is free. To register as a PC Optimum™ member, visit This offer cannot be combined with any other offer or promotion. No cash value. Offer expires after one use. We are not obligated to award points based on errors or misprints. Minimum redemption 10,000 points. See PC Optimum™ terms and conditions at for program details and redemption restrictions.
11/7/202259 minutes, 22 seconds
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Travel & Pack Like a Minimalist

Learn how to pack light and travel like a minimalist so that you can feel lighter wherever your next getaway takes you! Kelly and Lauren are both big advocates of travelling with a carry-on only and together they share their simple packing systems to help you eliminate the ‘what ifs’ and create space for your most useful items. They run through their minimalist packing hacks, pre-travel and inflight tips, and how they organize their carry-ons and personal items (purses/backpacks) to help you pack with intention. You will discover the benefits that come with packing and travelling light; including making it easier to move around the airport and make decisions once you reach your destination. Plus, you will learn about how to maintain your diet while travelling and how doing a post-travel packing audit can help you keep on track! Whether your next travel plan is a weekend trip or a longer escape, be inspired to travel with a carry-on and simplify how you pack and travel for good! Mentioned How to Pack Like a Minimalist by Matt D’Avella What’s in a Minimalist’s Travel Bag? By The Minimalists My Travel Bag Essentials by Justin Tse [Thank you for listening to this podcast. We want to hear what you think! Our listener survey at shouldn't take more than five minutes, and you'll be entered for a chance to win one of three $100 Amazon gift cards. Thanks for helping us make great podcasts!] -- This episode is supported by our sponsor, Loblaws Dietitian Services. Go to to book a free 15-minute consult today! Conditions apply. 3,000 PCO Optimum offer is available to PC Optimum™ program members in NB, NL, NS, PEI, ON, SK, MB, AB and BC until December 15, 2022 upon completion of a free 15-minute initial phone/virtual consult with a Registered Dietitian. Membership is free. To register as a PC Optimum™ member, visit This offer cannot be combined with any other offer or promotion. No cash value. Offer expires after one use. We are not obligated to award points based on errors or misprints. Minimum redemption 10,000 points. See PC Optimum™ terms and conditions at for program details and redemption restrictions.
10/31/202248 minutes, 19 seconds
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BONUS: Choose Conscious Femcare with Proof Underwear

Whether you use femcare products or not, we believe that this is an important conversation to share. Did you know that an estimated 20 billion pads and tampons are tossed into North American landfills each year, and that a single woman may dispose of 11,000 tampons in her lifetime?   In this special bonus episode, Kelly and Lauren are joined by sister-preneurs Jodi, Lori, and Kari Caden who are the founders of Proof Underwear to talk about the impact of disposable feminine hygiene products and how they are leading the way for a future of eco-friendly alternatives.  You will learn about the alarming stats around traditional feminine hygiene products and how companies like Proof are disrupting the industry to make women’s lives easier and to help the planet. – Use code PROOFMM to get 20% off your order.
10/17/202229 minutes, 57 seconds
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Save Time, Money, Space & The Environment

If you find yourself spending too much time organizing and cleaning, or if you are looking to spend less, and/or live more consciously, this episode will be helpful to you! Kelly and Lauren discuss their lifestyle experiences and strategies to help you remove time wasters, spend more mindfully, and embrace a more sustainable lifestyle. They also stress that a minimalist lifestyle is not about depriving yourself. You will learn that minimalists can own nice things. It's about living with greater intention, simplifying, and focusing on quality or quantity. Be inspired to adopt better, more intentional habits to help you gain the time, money, and space back to do what you enjoy most. ----more---- Mentioned - To get 10% off online therapy. - Use promo code PROOFMM to get 15% off all products
10/10/202248 minutes
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BEST OF: Adopt Minimalist Habits

Be motivated by Kelly and Lauren's minimalist habits and start adopting a simpler, more intentional lifestyle today!  Kelly and Lauren cover everything from how they manage physical clutter, mental clutter, and digital clutter, to the practices they carryout each day to live more sustainably. Plus, they share insights from James Clear’s New York Times best-seller, Atomic Habits, to further motivate you to adopt healthy habits and break bad ones. Be inspired to embrace this imperfectly perfect lifestyle and start developing the habits you need to adopt and maintain this simpler way of life. This BEST OF episode is one of our most popular episodes to date and the final re-share this month. New episodes starting Oct 10th! James Clear's Atomic Habits Johann Hari's on Oprah's Super Soul 
9/26/202244 minutes, 3 seconds
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BEST OF: The Paradox of Choice with Barry Schwartz

Do you find yourself overwhelmed by today’s explosion of choice? Or find it challenging to make everyday decisions? In this episode, you will learn how to navigate decision-making in our world of overwhelming choice. Kelly speaks with American author, speaker, and psychologist, Barry Schwartz to discuss his powerful read, The Paradox of Choice, where he shares the implications that come with too much choice and the power of embracing ‘good enough.’ From the number of snacks on grocery shelves to the number of paths we can take in our lives, Barry argues that having too many options discourages us from making decisions and shares how limiting our choices will make us better off. Be inspired to embrace ‘choice with boundaries’ and start reaping the benefits of a calmer and more fulfilled every day. ----more---- About Barry Schwartz Book: The Paradox of Choice TED Talk: The Paradox of Choice
9/12/202256 minutes, 44 seconds
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BEST OF: Simplify Your Life & Make Room for More

Be motivated to simplify your life and make room for more meaningful things. Whether you are looking to remove physical, mental, emotional, or digital clutter, this episode will encourage you to take action and start reaping the benefits of living with less. Kelly and Lauren talk about how to simplify your time commitments, your thoughts, everyday distractions, technologies, relationships and more. Plus, they share an honest discussion around the areas of clutter they continue to work through. Be inspired to manage the excess in your life and gain the time back to focus on the most important things. *This BEST OF episode is one of a few top-rated episodes that will be shared through September. New episodes will release starting this October!* ----more---- Ep.105 Pare Down Your Possessions  Ep.97 Conquer Distractions with Nir Eyal Blog by Joshua Becker: 10 Most Important Things to Simplify Article in Psychology Today: 5 Ways to Simplify Your Life Blueberry thumbprint cookie recipe
8/29/202248 minutes, 40 seconds
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How to Break Up with Your Phone with Catherine Price

If you feel triggered to constantly pick up your phone and are left feeling distracted and/or anxious, this conversation is for you! You will be motivated to improve your relationship with your phone and achieve screen-life balance.   Kelly speaks with award-winning science journalist, speaker, and author, Catherine Price to share insights from her international best-seller, How to Break Up with Your Phone: The 30-Day Plan to Take Back Your Life. Catherine’s goal is to help us keep what we love about our phones and minimize or eliminate what we don’t. You will learn about the implications that come with overusing our phones and how we can use mindfulness training to satisfy our brains without turning to our phones.   You will also be encouraged to think about how to spend the time back that you gain once you have gone through a phone breakup.  Be inspired to take a step back from your phone, feel good, and get back to what really matters. ----more---- Newsletter and digital resources Follow Catherine on IG
8/15/20221 hour, 7 minutes, 13 seconds
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Let’s Talk About Moving & Embracing Change

This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Get 10% off your first month of online therapy by going to In this one-on-one episode, Kelly and Lauren talk about their recent moving experiences and how they have each been working to embrace their life transitions. Lauren shares an update on her recent move to her partner’s place and Kelly discusses her upcoming move to another new apartment on her own. And together they talk about the discomfort that comes with change and how they have each been managing their emotions and anxieties. You will learn that moving doesn’t need to be stressful, however. By decluttering beforehand and keeping a positive mindset, it can be a smooth transition. Whether you are moving or working through a life change, be inspired to simplify your mental space, embrace discomfort, and grow. ----more---- Closet Kit: Book: 13 Things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do by Amy Morin Article: How to Get Comfortable with the Discomfort of Change
8/1/202238 minutes, 17 seconds
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Unwind Your Anxiety with Dr. Jud Brewer

Be motivated by proven brain-based techniques that can help you hack your brain, uproot your anxiety, and say goodbye to overwhelm! Kelly and Lauren speak with New York Times Best-Selling Author and Addiction Psychiatrist and Neuroscientist, Dr. Jud Brewer to share insights from his latest international best-seller, “Unwinding Anxiety,” which shares a clinically proven plan to help us break the cycle that drives anxiety and addictive habits. You will learn about common anxiety triggers, where our anxieties hide, why we get stuck in habit loops, and how we can begin to train our brains to feel, perform and live better. Be inspired to overcome anxious thoughts, feelings, and habits through mindfulness training and curiosity! ----more---- Dr. Jud's website Dr. Jud on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook Dr. Jud's TED Talk, A simple way to break a bad habit ----more---- Apps to help you manage anxious & addictive behaviours:  Unwinding by Sharecare (app) Unwinding Anxiety (app) Eat Right Now (app) Craving To Quit! (app)
7/18/202255 minutes, 53 seconds
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Simple Sustainable Swaps with Tara McKenna

Kelly and Lauren speak with recognized Zero Waste blogger and author, Tara McKenna, who shares simple sustainable swaps that you can incorporate into your everyday. Tara is the founder of The Zero Waste Collective blog and the author of the new best-seller, Don't Be Trashy: A Practical Guide to Living with Less Waste and More Joy. You will learn everything from how to reduce food waste and build a more conscious kitchen and bathroom, to how to shop more sustainably, and more. Plus, you will learn about an exciting ‘no buy’ challenge to help you start your low-to-zero waste journey today! Be inspired to take action now and start living your best life with less waste!  ----more---- Blog: The Zero Waste Collective Book: Don’t Be Trashy Zero Waste Collective on IG! Bea Johnson Cait Flanders
7/4/202257 minutes, 25 seconds
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Break Away from Overworking, Overdoing, and Underliving with Celeste Headlee

If you feel stressed, spread too thin, and/or burdened by daily demands, this conversation is for you! Kelly and Lauren speak with award-winning journalist, speaker, and author Celeste Headlee to share insights from her national best-seller, “Do Nothing: How to Break Away from Overworking, Overdoing, and Underliving.” You will learn how to break away from our society’s unhealthy obsession with busyness and efficiently so that you can reduce feelings of anxiety and reclaim your time. Celeste argues that we do not need to sabotage our well-being to achieve our goals and she gives examples to how making space for leisure and embracing moments of idleness will help us live and perform better.  Be inspired to reject the idea that you should constantly be doing and start embracing a healthier lifestyle that allows you to thrive! ----more---- Do Nothing Book
6/20/20221 hour, 8 minutes, 8 seconds
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Simple, Sustainable Diet & Fitness Tips with Carter Good

Whether you are looking to lose weight or optimize your health in a simple way, this conversation is for you. Lauren speaks with famed diet and fitness coach Carter Good, who helps others lose weight, get in shape, and build sustainable health and fitness habits.  Carter believes that diet and exercise don't need to be complicated, and he is passionate about helping others get the best results possible with the least amount of effort. You will learn about the 5 simple components of keeping a healthy body and the power of being activity-minded to help you easily integrate exercise into your everyday activities. @CarterGood  @LeanerForLife  Similar Episodes: Ep74 Build Sustainable Health and Fitness Habits with Oonaugh Duncan Ep94 A Simple, Historic take on diet and exercise
6/6/202254 minutes, 15 seconds
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Be Radically Content with Jamie Varon

If you are ambitious and often find yourself feeling discontent or saying, “I will be happy when"... this conversation is for you! Kelly speaks with American author, Jamie Varon to share insights from her latest book, “Radically Content: Being Satisfied in an Endlessly Dissatisfied World,” which will motivate you to opt-out of ‘societal shoulds’ and give you the tools to create a more satisfying life.  You will learn what it means to be radically content and how cultivating contentment can give you the foundation to be more present and the space to feel your feelings, learn, and grow. Be inspired to untangle yourself from social expectations and start embracing who you are, what you have, and where you are today. Read "Radically Content" About Jamie Varon
5/23/20221 hour, 9 minutes, 51 seconds
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Adopt Minimalist Habits

Kelly and Lauren talk about their minimalist habits and maintenance systems to help you on your lifestyle journey. They cover everything from how they keep up with physical clutter in their kitchens, bathrooms, and closets to how they manage their ongoing mental clutter, and more. Plus, considering this lifestyle is imperfect, they each discuss the areas in their lives they want to improve on.  They also share key insights from James Clear's New York Times Best-Seller, Atomic Habits, to motivate you to adopt new healthy habits, break bad ones, and help you connect your identity to the habits you want to have. Be inspired to embrace this imperfectly perfect lifestyle and start developing the habits and systems you need to maintain this simpler way of life. James Clear's Atomic Habits Johann Hari's on Oprah's Super Soul 
5/9/202244 minutes, 11 seconds
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Transform Your Life & Work-Life through Minimalism with Robyn Clark

Jump into this minimalism crash course and get to know Kelly and Lauren more! The ladies share their recent guest interview on the Jewelry Business Academy Podcast with host Robyn Clark where they discuss their definitions of minimalism and how to incorporate minimalism principles into your life and work life! You will learn how living with less can help you create space to prioritize yourself, prevent burnout, and boost your focus each day. Be inspired by the great benefits that come with living with less! @robynclarkcoaching Jewelry Business Academy Podcast Jewelry Business Academy Essentialism by Greg McKeown Mindset by Carol Dweck Lessons from Madame Chic
4/25/202253 minutes, 45 seconds
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Overcome Distraction to Pursue a More Meaningful Life with Joshua Becker

Kelly and Lauren speak with one of the original pioneers of minimalism, Joshua Becker, to share insights from his latest book, Things That Matter: Overcoming Distraction to Pursue a More Meaningful Life. Joshua is a celebrated minimalist blogger and Wall Street Journal best-selling author of The More of Less and The Minimalist Home, and in Things That Matter, Joshua aims to help us overcome distraction so that we can pursue more meaningful lifestyles. In this discussion, Joshua shares how living a minimalist lifestyle has helped him "align his life around the things he values more than he had ever thought possible." You will learn how living with less can give you the space to prioritize what matters most to you and the clarity to better manage feelings of envy and avoid future regrets. Be inspired to let go of everyday obstacles and start building the meaningful life you seek to create. Things That Matter  About Joshua Becker  Becoming Minimalist Blog   
4/11/20221 hour, 9 minutes, 45 seconds
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Your Minimalist Lifestyle Questions Answered (Part 2 of 2)

This is part two of Kelly and Lauren's latest Q&A episode where they answer your questions about minimalism and their minimalist lifestyles including their tips and tricks and maintenance systems! On Instagram and Facebook, @MillennialMinimalists, Kelly and Lauren asked you to “Ask Them Anything” and in this episode, they share the rest of their answers! Together they discuss everything from their tips for traveling light, to their ideas for keeping an organized calendar, and their favorite minimalism and personal development books. Plus, they share their hair and makeup routines and their approaches to our wardrobes, along with other fun questions to help you get to know them more! Be inspired to start or continue this journey with them to help you maintain a simpler, more intentional way of life! Awesome Calendar
3/28/202237 minutes, 46 seconds
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Your Minimalist Lifestyle Questions Answered (Part 1 of 2)

Kelly and Lauren answer your questions about minimalism and their minimalist lifestyles including their tips and tricks and maintenance systems! On Instagram and Facebook, @MillennialMinimalists, Kelly and Lauren asked you to “Ask Them Anything” and in this episode, they share their answers! Together they share a short background on how they met and discuss their simple living advice to help you navigate all forms of clutter. You will learn everything from how to maintain a simple home to how to shop more sustainably and keep a social life while on a budget, and much more. Be inspired to start or continue this journey with them to help you maintain a simpler, more intentional way of life!
3/21/202242 minutes, 19 seconds
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Declutter & Organize The KonMari Way with Michele Delory

If you feel overwhelmed by the clutter in your space and/or find yourself spending too much time cleaning up and organizing, this conversation is for you! Kelly and Lauren speak with fellow minimalist and recognized KonMari consultant, Michele Delory, who helps people tidy their homes using the KonMari Method, which is a system of simplifying your home by eliminating the things that do not bring you joy. The KonMari Method was created by minimalist author and organizing consultant, Marie Kondo, who is known for her best-selling book, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up and Netflix Series, Tidying Up with Marie Kondo. You will learn how to declutter and organize your spaces and be reminded of the great benefits that come with keeping a simple and intentional space, including a cleaner environment and more time and energy to do the things you love.  Be inspired to boost your mood, alleviate stress, or bring closure by getting organized today!   modernandminimalist  
3/7/202248 minutes, 45 seconds
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Build Mental & Financial Freedom with Anthony O’Neal

Kelly is joined by #1 national bestselling author and podcaster, Anthony O’Neal to help you improve your relationship with money and achieve mental and financial freedom. Anthony went from being homeless and deep in debt to building great wealth, and in this conversation, he shares how shifting our mindsets and behaviors can give us the foundations we need to start winning in life and money. Together they discuss why people get in debt, and why it's important to understand our money habits and to create a vision for ourselves. Plus, they review the important conversations we should be having with our partners and/or children around money, and much more. Be inspired to adopt the mindset and momentum to start building the legacy you desire. Website: Anthony O’Neal Sign-Up: The Single’s Blueprint Course Anthony O’Neal on IG
2/21/202253 minutes, 6 seconds
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Store & Organize Your Stuff Simply

Kelly and Lauren share a ton of great tips to help you store and organize the stuff in your home that you use occasionally but not every day. You know those useful things that you don't need to look at each day? Those extras that can often be found squeezed behind doors? You will learn the importance of decluttering your things and how creating a home for your 'useful items' can help you keep an organized space. Kelly and Lauren also discuss the extra things in their homes and how they have managed to store these items so that they are neatly arranged and easy to find.  Be inspired to store and organize your occasional items with intention and start making room for more. The Minimal Mom on YouTube The Minimalist Vegan
2/7/202244 minutes, 56 seconds
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Create Outer Order & Feel Happier with Gretchen Rubin

Kelly is joined by five-time New York Times bestselling author and award-winning podcaster and speaker, Gretchen Rubin to help you declutter your life and feel happier each day. Together they discuss insights from Gretchen's best-seller, “Outer Order, Inner Calm: Declutter and Organize to Make More Room for Happiness,” to help you get your possessions under control and avoid needless buys.    Gretchen argues that when you create outer order, you will feel greater inner calm, focus, and possibility. You will learn how to adopt healthier habits and make better decisions so that you can design a happier and more productive every day. The Four Tendencies Quiz Memento Keepsake Journal Podcast: Happier with Gretchen Rubin
1/24/20221 hour, 2 minutes, 53 seconds
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Declutter Your Life in 2022

If one of your goals this year is to eliminate the clutter in your life, whether in your home, your mental space, or within the digital world, this episode is for you! Kelly and Lauren discuss some of the most common areas of excess and share practical solutions to help you declutter with ease and embrace a simpler way of life in 2022! Be inspired to tackle various areas of excess in your life today and start reaping the benefits for a lifetime! Four Tendencies Quiz by Gretchen Rubin Past episodes mentioned: Ep. 97 Conquer Distractions with Nir Eyal Ep. 88 Simplify the Holidays with author Meg Nordmann Ep. 75 Minimalism for families with Diane Boden Ep. 67 Own Your Anxiety with Julian Brass Ep. 47 Mental Minimalism with Marc Champagne
1/10/20221 hour, 3 minutes, 30 seconds
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BEST OF: Minimalist Motivations

Kelly and Lauren discuss the many motivations that are driving people to adopt a minimalist lifestyle and benefits that come with living simply. This episode was inspired by two questions shared on the Millennial Minimalists Instagram page @MillennialMinimalists, which asked followers about why they adopted this lifestyle and how it has been improving their lives. You will learn about all of the minimalist motivations out there, including the drivers behind why Kelly and Lauren adopted this lifestyle and more. Be inspired to remove the excess from your life and start reaping the great rewards that come with living with less.
12/27/202145 minutes, 45 seconds
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BONUS: A Funny Holiday Jingle by Lauren Morley

Be prepared to laugh and smile. In this bonus holiday episode, Lauren reads a funny holiday jingle that she wrote about the years 2020 and 2021. As many of you know, Lauren is passionate about all things comedy and it's thanks to living a minimalist lifestyle that she has been able to make the time and space to focus on comedy writing.  So here it is, noting Lauren’s words are from the perspective of her reading a comical holiday book to a group of kids in the future. Happy Holidays! :)
12/23/20213 minutes, 54 seconds
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BEST OF: Closet Crash Course

If you are ready to clear the excess in your closet and eager to build an organized and functional wardrobe for good, this discussion is for you! Kelly and Lauren share their own closet challenges and wins and introduce you to an exciting decluttering method that they designed to help you wear your entire wardrobe and get dressed in seconds each day! Be inspired to build and maintain the closet and wardrobe of your dreams for a lifetime!
12/13/202149 minutes, 50 seconds
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BEST OF: Minimalist Lifestyle Q&A

Kelly and Lauren revisit a popular past episode where they answer your questions about the minimalist lifestyle and share their best practices! Together they answer a range of questions including what to do with gifts you don’t need or want, how to shop less and spend less, how to simplify household items, and how to get a messy spouse on board, and more! Titled the "BEST OF" series, this is the first of a few top-rated episodes that the ladies will be sharing through the end of the year. Be inspired to maintain a simpler, more intentional life!  
11/29/202158 minutes, 49 seconds
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The Paradox of Choice with Dr. Barry Schwartz

Is today's ‘EXPLOSION OF CHOICE’ causing you feelings of stress and anxiety? In this episode, you will learn how to navigate decision-making in our world of overwhelming choice. Kelly speaks with American author, speaker, and psychologist, Dr. Barry Schwartz to discuss his powerful read, The Paradox of Choice, where he shares the implications that come with too much choice and the power of embracing ‘GOOD ENOUGH.' From the number of cereals and salad dressings on grocery store shelves to the human supermarkets in online dating, Barry argues that having too many options discourages us from making decisions and that limiting our choices will make us better off! Be inspired to embrace ‘choice with boundaries’ and start reaping the benefits of a calmer, more fulfilling every day.   About Barry Schwartz Book: The Paradox of Choice TED Talk: The Paradox of Choice
11/15/202157 minutes, 42 seconds
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Simplify Your Goals with Eliana Goldstein

If you are exploring new job opportunities, ready to move to the next level in your career, or looking to start a side business, this conversation is for you! Kelly connects with Millennial Success Coach, Eliana Goldstein to talk about how to develop the necessary mindsets and strategies to achieve your goals. Learn how to start a side business while working full-time, how to network more effectively, how to ask for a raise with confidence, and more!  Be inspired to become the boss version of yourself and create what Eliana calls, “a career you're actually excited and confident about so that you can stop settling for good enough.” Connect with Eliana Goldstein Follow Eliana Goldstein on IG  
11/1/202132 minutes, 18 seconds
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Make Time for Mental Fitness with Marc Champagne

How much time do you spend exercising your mind each day? In this new episode, you will learn about the importance of making time for both restful and active mental fitness exercises. For a second time, Kelly connects with mental fitness strategist, speaker, and author, Marc Champagne, to discuss what it means to be mentally fit, the components of mental fitness, and how exercising your mind is just as important as exercising your body. Marc also shares insights from his new book, Personal Socrates: Questions That Will Upgrade Your Life from Legends and World-Class Performers, where he unpacks time-tested mental fitness practices shaping the lives of some of the world’s most brilliant thinkers. Be inspired to prioritize daily mental fitness to help bring clarity and intentionality to your every day. Behind The Human Personal Socrates (Paperback) x Kindle Edition
10/18/20211 hour, 5 minutes, 57 seconds
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Quickie: Millennial Minimalists Update!

In this quickie episode, Kelly shares a few podcast updates with you! Kelly and Lauren will be revisiting some of their favourite episodes over the coming weeks (titled, "best of") and sharing a few new and exciting guest interviews in between. The Millennial Minimalists podcast will continue on schedule releasing biweekly episodes on Monday mornings! You can also follow Kelly and Lauren on Instagram and Facebook to further join them as they adopt simpler, more intentional lifestyles.  Website Closet Kit 
10/4/20214 minutes, 33 seconds
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Simplify Your Life & Make Room for More

Learn about the countless ways that you can simplify your life today! Kelly and Lauren review the many areas in life that can be decluttered so that you can make room for the most important things. Keeping in mind the four main areas of excess (physical, mental, emotional, and digital), Kelly and Lauren talk about how to simplify your time commitments, your relationships, your mind/thoughts, your technologies, everyday distractions, and more.  Together they also open up about the areas of excess that they continue to work through, which mainly concern mental and emotional clutter.  Be inspired to manage the excess in your life and create the space to live a lighter, happier every day. Mentions Blog by Joshua Becker: 10 Most Important Things to Simplify Article in Psychology Today: 5 Ways to Simplify Your Life Blueberry thumbprint cookie recipe
9/20/202147 minutes, 7 seconds
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Simplify Your Diet with Lauren Morley

If you are looking for a new way to simplify your diet and lifestyle, this conversation is for you! The Millennial Minimalists' very own co-host, Lauren Morley, shares how intermittent fasting can be a helpful way to simplify the way you eat without sacrificing the food you love! Together with Kelly, Lauren shares lessons from her new book titled, Act Like A Lady, Eat Like a Man, which if you can tell by the title, is a hilarious and fun read! In this discussion, you will learn about the different types of fasting methods, how to manage fasting with ease, the long list of benefits, and more! Be inspired by Lauren’s take on intermittent fasting and be prepared to laugh with Kelly and Lauren along the way! Read Lauren's Book: Act Like A Lady, Eat Like A Man
9/6/202153 minutes, 22 seconds
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Declutter Your Home Quickly & Easily

Be inspired to clear your space of excess and reap the rewards of a clean, simple home today! In this 30-minute preview of one of Lauren and Kelly's simple living classes, Lauren shares a quick and easy way of decluttering that will help you remove the excess in your spaces in a matter of minutes to an hour. You will learn the difference between decluttering and organizing, how to eliminate the clutter in your home quickly and easily, and how to make intentional decisions about the items you keep in your spaces. Plus, Lauren and Kelly share tips and tricks to help you maintain a simple home for the long term. You can find the full audio and video version of this class at  
8/23/202132 minutes, 58 seconds
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Own Less & Live More with Chris Lovett

Be inspired to let go of the physical and/or mental clutter in your life. Kelly speaks with minimalist author, Chris Lovett, about his new book titled, “Discovery of Less: How I Found Everything I Wanted Underneath Everything I Owned," which follows his journey from living a busy and cluttered life to now designing a simpler and happier every day.  You will learn about the benefits of letting go and the power of saying no and taking a chance on a different path.   Gain the courage to own less and live more today. Book: Discovery of Less  
8/9/202159 minutes, 30 seconds
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Make Your Life Effortless with Greg McKeown

Kelly speaks with two-time New York Times bestselling author, Greg McKeown for a second time to discuss his latest bestseller, Effortless: Make it Easier to Do What Matters Most, which provides you with the tools to pursue what matters most to you with ease. This is a special part two to Kelly's first discussion with Greg in Episode 85, where he shared insights from his first bestseller, Essentialism: How to Focus on What Matters Most. In this discussion, you will learn how to create effortless productivity and make your essential tasks lighter and more enjoyable. Be inspired to achieve effortless results for a lifetime. Read Effortless What's Essential Podcast
7/26/20211 hour, 3 minutes, 3 seconds
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Pare Down Your Possessions

If you are looking to pare down the physical things in your life, this episode is for you! Kelly and Lauren share tips to help you declutter excess possessions and strategies to help you get clear on the most essential items in your every day. They also share a powerful exercise that will challenge you to reflect on your lifestyle needs and help you uncover the extra stuff that may be weighing you down. Be inspired to clear the clutter and start reaping the benefits of owning less! Mentions 101 Things that can be reduced in your home 10 Things You Need to Discard to Downsize Your Life Space Paring Down Your Life
7/12/202150 minutes, 20 seconds
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Master Simplicity: Closet Kit

In this quickie episode, Kelly and Lauren announce the launch of their first Master Simplicity product called the Closet Kit to help you reinvent your wardrobe habits, build a capsule collection, and maintain an organized closet for good!  If you find yourself spending too much time deciding on what to wear each morning, or if you are struggling with the excess in your wardrobe, this Closet Kit is for you! It's also a great gift idea! If this sounds like something that would be of great value to you or a family member or friend, please go to to get your kit today! Worldwide shipping, 100% Sustainable, Made in Canada. Limited quantities, more to come!
6/28/20215 minutes, 32 seconds
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Closet Crash Course

Get inspired to reinvent your closet and wardrobe for good! If your closet is disorganized and you find yourself spending too much time trying to decide on what to wear each morning, or if you are struggling to manage the excess in your wardrobe, this episode is for you! Kelly and Lauren share practical tips to help you declutter and organize your closet and they announce an exciting new method they have developed to help you build a functional wardrobe that caters to your lifestyle! After years of trying to solve their own closet and wardrobe challenges, Kelly and Lauren became inspired to build on their lessons to develop a modern method that has since transformed their closets and their lives for the better! Be inspired to reflect on your wardrobe habits and start building and maintaining the closet of your dreams! ----more---- Related Episodes Ep. 61 Build a Conscious Closet Ep. 71 Declutter and Simplify Your Life Ep. 72 Clean out Your Closet with Erin Flynn (Cladwell App) Ep. 78 Tidy the Konmari Way with Lisa Tselebidis Ep. 83 Get Organized with The Home Edit
6/7/202155 minutes, 6 seconds
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Quickie: Create Space for Stillness

In this quickie episode, Kelly shares a journal article she wrote for Minimalism.Life – an online resource led by The Minimalists to help you to live more with less. The writing is titled, Create Space for Stillness: Why it’s important to focus on the right things in the right way. Be inspired to design a more purposeful every day. Minimalism.Life  
5/17/20216 minutes
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Millennial Minimalists Recap

Kelly and Lauren recap their first 100 episodes including all of their guest interviews and their most standout one-on-one discussions! In case you missed a past episode or two, or if you are new to the podcast, this episode will help you navigate through it all! Kelly and Lauren have covered a variety of topics to help you manage the excess in your life and adopt the mindset to design a simpler, more intentional everyday. In this laid-back discussion, they also reflect on the lessons they have learned and share fun stories along the way. Be inspired by the simple wisdom that Kelly and Lauren have shared through the years. *Please note that Kelly and Lauren will be taking a brief break from the podcast to focus on the launch of their first minimalism product! Stay tuned for a new episode in June! ----more---- Connect with Kelly & Lauren on Instagram at MillennialMinimalists Join Kelly & Lauren’s Mailing List at
5/3/202154 minutes, 35 seconds
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Our Minimalism Story

In celebration of the Millennial Minimalists’ 100th episode, Kelly and Lauren share their journey towards minimalism and how the podcast came to be! They open with their gratitude for the community they have built so far and reflect on how they have grown through the years. Plus, they share a funny story about how their friendship began! Amidst their storytelling, you will learn some simple living hacks and be reminded of the great benefits that come with living with less.  ----more---- Simple Living Consultations: Simple Living Classes (off the pod):
4/19/202153 minutes, 23 seconds
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Minimalist Motivations

The minimalist lifestyle is gaining popularity around the world and Kelly and Lauren discuss the many motivations that are driving this simpler, more intentional way of life. This episode was inspired by two questions shared on Instagram @MillennialMinimalists, which asked followers about why they adopted this lifestyle and how it has been improving their lives for the better. Whether you are living a minimalist lifestyle today or you are just getting started, this episode will inspire you to discover all of the benefits that come with living simply. Together with you, Kelly and Lauren are on a mission to push this movement forward by creating a positive and powerful ripple effect. ----more---- Mentioned Decluttering at the Speed of Life by Dana K. White
4/5/202147 minutes, 24 seconds
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Let's Talk About Burnout & New Leadership with Hamza Khan

Back by popular demand, for the third time, Kelly is joined by best-selling author of The Burnout Gamble, Hamza Kahn. Hamza shares key insights from his newest book, Leadership Reinvented, which points to traditional leadership as the root cause of burnout and aims to reinvent leadership to foster happier and healthier workplaces.  You will learn what successful leaders and organizations in the modern workplace are doing to empower themselves and their workers. Whether you run an organization, work in a management role, are an employee, or are on the path to becoming a leader, this discussion is for you. Discover the importance of new leadership and be inspired by Hamza’s strong road map for the leaders of today and tomorrow. ----more---- TEDx Talk: Stop Managing, Start Leading Leadership Reinvented The Burnout Gamble
3/22/20211 hour, 10 minutes, 29 seconds
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Conquer Distractions with Nir Eyal

Are you easily distracted and want to regain control of your time and attention? Everyday distractions can clutter our minds, hinder our productivity, and hold us back from the lives we want to live. But what if there was a way to become indistractable? Kelly connects with former Stanford lecturer, behavioral design expert, and international best-selling author, Nir Eyal, to discuss his top-rated personal development book, Indistractable: How to Control Your Attention & Choose Your Life. Nir explores the drivers that lead to distraction, and he shares solutions to help you create traction and become indistractable – “to do what you say you will do.” You will gain advice on how to manage your internal and external triggers and tips on how to use your technologies to get the most out of your time.  Be inspired to adopt Nir’s strategies and take control of your life. ----more---- Resources Book: Indistractable, How to Control Your Attention and Choose Your Life Ted Talk: What makes technology so habit-forming? Video: How to create a timeboxed calendar Indistractable Summary Why schedules are better than to-do lists Free schedule maker tool Habits vs. routines
3/8/202157 minutes, 55 seconds
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Master Simplicity: Spend Less & Save More

Kelly and Lauren announce their third Master Simplicity class and the topic is “Spend Less & Save More!” In this
2/26/20212 minutes, 3 seconds
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Minimalist Lifestyle Q&A

Thanks to listener submissions on Instagram @MillennialMinimalists, Kelly and Lauren answer common questions about the minimalist lifestyle and share their best practices! They answer a range of questions including what to do with gifts you don’t want, how to shop less, how to live more sustainably, how to get a spouse on board with minimalist living, how to keep motivated when you feel off course, and more! Plus, Kelly and Lauren share their minimalist skincare routines! Learn more about the minimalist lifestyle and be inspired to adopt and maintain this lifestyle for the long-term. 
2/22/202159 minutes, 8 seconds
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A Simple, Historic take on Health with Bryan Kozlowski

Overwhelmed by the hundreds of diet fads and exercise routines today? This episode explores simple, time-tested wellness strategies from over two centuries ago, to give you a simpler perspective on health. Lauren connects with lifestyle researcher and author Bryan Kozlowski, to share key insights from his book, The Jane Austen Diet, which explores some of the healthiest characters in Jane Austen's writings, and what the regency period can teach us about food, exercise, and mental management. Be inspired by the simple and holistic lifestyle habits from the past! ----more---- Author Bryan Kozlowski’s website Jane Austen Diet on Amazon
2/8/202143 minutes, 26 seconds
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Master Simplicity: Simplify Your Home

Kelly and Lauren announce their second Master Simplicity class titled, "Simplify Your Home!" You can find this class and last month’s class, "Dress Your Best in 2021" on their website at Kelly and Lauren's Master Simplicity classes are video tutorials offered off the podcast to further help you adopt a simple and intentional lifestyle!  Be inspired to Master Simplicity with Kelly & Lauren!
1/28/20212 minutes, 30 seconds
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Overcome FOMO & FOBO with Patrick J. McGinnis

Kelly connects with international best-selling author, Patrick J. McGinnis, to discuss key insights from his latest book, The Fear of Missing Out (FOMO): Practical Decision-Making in a World of Overwhelming Choice. Patrick coined the term FOMO (the fear of missing out) and a related term, FOBO (the fear of better options), and he shares practical and powerful strategies to help you manage your “FOs” and live more decisively. Be inspired to push past indecision and take back control of the way you live and work. ----more---- Book: Fear of Missing Out FOMO Sapiens Podcast Fomo Sapiens Handbook TED Talk: How to Make Faster Decisions Book: The 10% Entrepreneur
1/25/202147 minutes, 47 seconds
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Let's Talk About "Less is Now"

Kelly and Lauren talk about The Minimalists’ inspiring new Netflix documentary called Less is Now, which released on January 1st! Kelly and Lauren give the film 5/5 stars! They each share their greatest takeaways and reinforce the benefits of living with less.  Whether you have watched it yet or not, Kelly and Lauren's reflections will motivate you to think about the excess in your life and the things that matter most to you.  Be inspired to ask yourself the important questions that will help you design a simpler, more intentional life for the long-term.  ----more---- Watch The Minimalists' Less is Now on Netflix The Minimalists' Less is Now Official Trailer
1/11/202146 minutes, 20 seconds
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Minimize Distractions

Do you feel like you are constantly being distracted by notifications on your phone, ideas in your head, or excess things in your home? If so, you are not alone. Luckily, the minimalist lifestyle can help you identify and address these distractions. Kelly and Lauren provide tips on how to manage both the internal and external triggers that can sometimes pull us away from the lives we want to live. Be inspired to minimize the distractions in your life so that you can live each day with greater focus and intention.   Mentioned Baz Luhrmann - Everybody's Free To Wear Sunscreen  
12/28/202051 minutes, 10 seconds
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Master Simplicity with Kelly & Lauren

Kelly and Lauren are excited to announce that they are now running monthly simple living video tutorials (off the podcast) to further help you adopt a simple and intentional lifestyle! Their first class releases on December 21st and it's titled, "Dress Your Best in 2021!" In this class, you will learn how to build a capsule wardrobe and keep an organized closet for the long-term! You can learn more about this class and future classes by checking out!  Be inspired to Master Simplicity with Kelly & Lauren! SIGN-UP TODAY HERE!  
12/17/20203 minutes, 57 seconds
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Simplify the Holidays with Meg Nordmann

Kelly and Lauren connect with author Meg Nordmann to share lessons in her book titled, Have Yourself a Minimalist Christmas, which inspires a simpler, more intentional holiday season. Meg is a former self-proclaimed maximalist turned minimalist who shares actionable tips to help you simplify your home, your calendar, and your budget this time of year.  Be inspired to slow down, save money, and adopt the mindset of "doing and buying less" so that you can achieve simplicity this season and any time of year! Meg Nordmann Have Yourself A Minimalist Christmas
12/14/20201 hour, 11 minutes, 30 seconds
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Simplify Your Goals with Delanie Fischer

Kelly and Lauren connect with simplicity coach and co-host of the Self-Helpless Podcast – the amazing Delanie Fischer! Do you have an idea for a business and don’t know where to start? Or, are you looking to turn a hobby into a business? Or, are you in need of advice on how to work more effectively? If you answered yes to any of the above, this episode is for you! Delanie shares practical advice on how to simplify your life so that you can pursue your ambitions with greater intention. Be inspired to achieve your goals more efficiently and free up time for a simpler, more intentional every day. E-ficionado Podcast Self-Helpless Podcast Live Authentically with Delanie Fischer
11/30/202057 minutes, 36 seconds
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Reset Your Life Through Minimalism

If you are going through a life transition and/or seeking a fresh start in life, this episode is for you! The Millennial Minimalists share Kelly’s guest appearance on the Feel Free Podcast where she speaks about the minimalist lifestyle and how it's the perfect opportunity to reset your life for the better.  Kelly covers simple living lessons including how to manage physical clutter, steps on how to remove emotional noise, how to be more mindful about the relationships in your life, how to refine your wardrobe, how to use your technologies with greater intention, and more.    Be inspired to see minimalism as an opportunity to start fresh, grow, and design a simpler, more intentional every day. Feel Free Podcast Rhianna Weaver Elissa Lansdell
11/16/202042 minutes, 6 seconds
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Pursue What's Essential with Greg McKeown

What is most essential to you? Kelly speaks with New York Times bestselling author, Greg McKeown to help you prioritize your life around the things that matter most to you. Greg’s bestseller, Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less is one of the world's leading time management and productivity books of all time. In this discussion, Greg shares key insights from his book to help you gain the clarity to pursue “the right thing, in the right way, at the right time." Be inspired to 1) identify what’s essential to you, 2) eliminate the non-essential in your life, and 3) adopt an essentialist mindset, which Greg deems, “a life lived without regret.” What’s Essential Podcast
11/2/20201 hour, 17 minutes, 50 seconds
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Quickie: Fulfillment Through Minimalism

In this quickie episode, Kelly shares a journal article she wrote for Minimalism.Life – an online resource led by The Minimalists to inspire you to live more with less. This writing is titled, Fulfillment Through Minimalism: How a minimalist lifestyle is helping me achieve happiness and fulfillment. Be inspired to design a more purposeful every day. Minimalism.Life
10/26/20202 minutes, 22 seconds
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Get Organized with The Home Edit

Kelly and Lauren review the popular Netflix series “Get Organized with The Home Edit!” Whether you have watched the series or not, Kelly and Lauren share the dos and don’ts of tidying up and tips to help you keep organized. Be inspired to ask yourself the important questions that will help you keep your spaces in order for the long-term.   About Clea and Joanna Get Organized with The Home Edit Preview The Home Edit on Instagram
10/19/202017 minutes, 18 seconds
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Maintain a Minimalist Lifestyle

Kelly and Lauren share an update on their minimalist lifestyles and inspire you to carry out daily mindful practices to help you maintain a simple and intentional life. They stress the importance of organizing your life by priority and integrating non-negotiable activities into your schedule to keep on track. Plus, through the lens of the late author, Wayne Dyer, known as "the father of motivation," Kelly and Lauren emphasize the power of a growth mindset to help you manage mental clutter and manifest the life you want.  Mentions Wayne Dyer on Oprah's Super Soul Conversations Wayne Dyer's Ultimate Library on Audible
10/5/202034 minutes, 56 seconds
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Quickie: Millennial Minimalists Podcast Updates

This month marks the 2-year anniversary of the Millennial Minimalist’s podcast and Kelly and Lauren share a few announcements! First, Kelly and Lauren announce that they are taking a break from the podcast for the next few weeks, but they will be back with new episodes in the Fall! They will continue to run their simple living consultation sessions and be active on Instagram and Facebook. Secondly, Kelly and Lauren are seeking your feedback! They have put together a 5-minute questionnaire to better understand your minimalist lifestyle goals and further grow the podcast (see the link below)! By completing this survey, you will be entered to win a consulting session with Kelly and Lauren! In the meantime, go back in time with the Millennial Minimalists and check out previous episodes! With over 80 episodes of helpful content, scroll back and enjoy! See the top 5 below! MM Podcast Questionnaire Book a Simple Living Consultation Top 5 Episodes to Date:  Build a Conscious Closet Let's Talk About Burnout with Hamza Khan Declutter & Simplify Your Life The Bullet Journal Method with Mac Whale Minimalist Productivity Habits
8/31/202011 minutes, 52 seconds
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Minimalist Lifestyle Tips

Kelly and Lauren answer your questions about minimalism! Thanks to your submissions on Instagram and Facebook (@millennialminimalists) they discuss everything from how to declutter your clothes, to how simply your finances, to how to adopt simple living habits at work, and much more! Kelly and Lauren also answer your questions about their minimalist lifestyles! They share their minimalist lifestyle wins and lessons and some of the new experiences they have each created space for. Be inspired to simplify your life and reap the great rewards that come with living with less! ----more---- Book a Simple Living Consultation: Follow us: @millennialminimalists Zen Habits Blog: "8 Key Lessons for a Simple Life" by Leo Babauta Insta Recos: @Organized_home @thehomeedit
8/17/20201 hour, 8 minutes, 28 seconds
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Let's Grow Through Minimalism

This podcast is sponsored by BetterHelp. Receive 10% off online counseling services at Inspired by the growing minimalism movement, Kelly and Lauren share their reflections on 2020 so far including the lifestyle improvements they have made and the lessons they have gained. Drawing from their personal experiences, they offer helpful simple living advice when it comes to managing physical and mental clutter. Plus, they review and share inspiring ideas from some of their favorite reads over the past few months. Be inspired to remove the non-essential from your life and BE MORE WITH LESS! Book a Simple Living Consultation with Kelly & Lauren by sending an email to Books Discussed: Essentialism by Greg McKeown Follow Your Heart by Andrew Matthews Life is in the Transitions by Bruce Feiler Atomic Habits by James Clear Fear of Missing Out by Patrick J. McGinnis
8/3/202056 minutes, 17 seconds
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Tidy the KonMari Way with Lisa Tselebidis

If you find yourself constantly picking through piles of clutter or spending too much time cleaning up and organizing, this conversation is for you! Kelly connects with recognized KonMari consultant and fellow minimalist, Lisa Tselebidis, to help you to design a simpler, more organized home.     Lisa helps people tidy their homes using the KonMari Method, which is a system of simplifying your home that was created by famed minimalist consultant and author, Marie Kondo.  Lisa explains this method and shares the six KonMari principles that can help you build positive organizational habits for the long-term. Be inspired to go from overwhelmed to organized and thriving!  Follow Lisa on Instagram Lisa’s Services in NYC & Virtually Worldwide CLICK HERE for Lisa’s KonMari Category Checklist!
7/17/202050 minutes, 28 seconds
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Misconceptions About Minimalism

Kelly and Lauren break down some of the most common misconceptions about living a minimalist lifestyle.  They critique 10 main misunderstandings and run through the truths, including all of the powerful life-changing benefits that come with living with less.  Be inspired to see minimalism as a lifestyle that enables you to identify what's essential and pursue the things in life that bring you the greatest joy. Past Episode Recommendation: Minimalism & Misconceptions
7/3/202045 minutes
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Dating, Relationships, and Breakups with Natalia Juarez

Whether you are single, in a relationship, married, navigating a breakup, or going through heartbreak, this conversation is for you! For the second time, Lauren and Kelly are joined by famed Dating Strategist and Breakup Coach, Natalia Juarez to talk all about dating, relationships, and breakups! Together they discuss 1) dating strategies including how to attract quality connections, 2) relationship strategies including how to strengthen your communication by understanding your attachment style, and 3) breakup strategies including how to break up mindfully and tips on how to recover from heartbreak. Natalia's work has been featured in The Wall Street Journal, GQ, The Guardian, Vice magazine, The Globe and Mail, NPR, and more. Natalia has a degree in Gender Studies and Education and is a certified Dating Coach, Holistic Coach, and Yoga Instructor. Lovistics @thebreakupcoach Untangled, A Breakup Recovery Guide “Better Breakups & Quality Dating with Natalia Juarez”
6/19/202056 minutes, 10 seconds
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Minimalism for Families with Diane Boden

Learn how to embrace a minimalist lifestyle with a family! Kelly connects with Diane Boden, the host of the Minimalist Moms Podcast and wife and mom to 3! Diane discusses her minimalism journey and shares simple living strategies for moms and dads today. Diane argues that the best way to influence your partner and/or child is to lead by example, and she shares advice on how to instill these practices into a family network. Be inspired to understand minimalism as a lifestyle that is achievable and beneficial for everyone! About Diane Boden Minimalist Moms Podcast Resources for Minimalist Families
6/8/202045 minutes, 9 seconds
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Build Sustainable Health & Fitness Habits with Oonagh Duncan

If you want to achieve and maintain your health and fitness goals for life, this conversation is for you! Lauren interviews Oonagh Duncan, the author of the international best-selling book Healthy As F*CK, and founder of the “Fit Feels Good” movement, which emphasizes health and fitness over weight loss, and encourages feeling good today and putting sustainable, healthy habits into practice. Oonagh shares simple lifestyle strategies to help you transform your mindset and feel empowered to make healthy choices that will fulfill your goals for the rest of your life.  Together, Lauren and Oonagh share personal stories and refreshing lessons about health, fitness, and habits that will leave you feeling inspired. Website: Fit Feels Good Book: Healthy as F*CK
5/22/202036 minutes, 58 seconds
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Minimalism Crash Course

This video is sponsored by BetterHelp. Get 10% off your first month at Get ready for a 4-part crash course in minimalism. If you are considering adopting a minimalist lifestyle or if you are seeking tips on how to maintain a simple lifestyle, this episode is for you! Kelly (the minimalist adopter) and Lauren (the natural minimalist) review the 4 main types of clutter (physical, mental, digital, emotional) and provide tips on how to let go and build simple living habits. Be inspired to master the art of designing a simple and intentional life. Notable Mentions The Minimal Mom’s 5 tips for decluttering during isolation. Lavendaire’s Self-care Ideas for COVID-19 Quarantine Pick Up Limes’ Healthy Morning Habits Matt D’Avella’s New Morning Routine (Parody) Project333 Challenge 10 by 10 Style Challenge  
5/8/202051 minutes, 32 seconds
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Clean Out Your Closet with Erin Flynn

If you feel like you have tons of clothes and nothing to wear, this episode is for you! Kelly connects with Erin Flynn, the Founder and CEO of Cladwell; a personal styling app that helps you let go of clutter and maintain a simple wardrobe that you will wear and love.  Learn step-by-step tips on how to clean out your closet and build a capsule wardrobe using the clothes you already own.  Be inspired to make your closet cleanout fun by planning a "Closet Cleanout Session" over FaceTime or Zoom with a friend today! #CladwellCleanout @Cladwellapp Cladwell Podcast
4/24/202051 minutes, 29 seconds
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Declutter & Simplify Your Life

Be inspired to declutter and simplify your life during this time of isolation. Speaking remotely, Kelly and Lauren share an update on their lifestyles and offer decluttering tips to help you simplify your world. Keeping the tone calm, together they work to motivate you to make time for self-care and all of the things that light you up.    Mentioned Kylie Flavell - Best Ever Chocolate Chip Cookies (A picnic in Tuscany Italy) Book Recommendations A New Earth, Goodbye Things, The Soul of Money, 168 Hours, Tuesdays with Morrie, Digital Minimalism, Essentialism, Don't Keep Your Day Job.
4/10/202048 minutes, 59 seconds
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Let's Talk About Burnout Again with Hamza Khan

Recorded in late February, Kelly reconnects with returning guest, Hamza Khan, the author of the Amazon best-selling book, The Burnout Gamble.  In their first discussion, Let’s Talk About Burnout, Hamza shared the 12 stages of burnout and how to protect yourself from burnout first-hand, and today, considering workplace stress is on the rise, they discuss big-picture solutions to this global phenomenon. The World Health Organization classifies burnout as a medical diagnosis resulting from chronic workplace stress that has been unmanaged, and Hamza shares his insights on global workplace solutions and works to help us better understand and dissolve this global issue.    LET'S BURN BRIGHT, NOT OUT - Hamza Khan   Links Book: The Burnout Gamble TEDx Talk: The Burnout Gamble (UTSC 2016) TEDx Talk: Stop Managing, Start Leading (RyersonU 2016)   Articles Why Are Young People Pretending To Love Work? Leading on Empty, How Leaders Drive Their People to Burnout Microsoft Japan’s experiment with the 4-day workweek
3/30/20201 hour, 7 minutes, 27 seconds
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Reflections on the Coronavirus Pandemic

The coronavirus, also known as COVID-19, has recently been declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO). In this one-on-one discussion, Kelly and Lauren talk about how their lives have changed over the past week and share their thoughts on how to stay calm and be mindful during this challenging time.  Do your research, plan ahead, stay calm, take time to reflect, and keep your environment clean. Together they share informative headlines and discuss practical ways that you can protect yourself and your community.   Helpful Links | Centres for Disease Control & Prevention WHO | The World Health Organization The Minimalist's Lastest Post The Minimalists “Let's Talk About The Coronavirus”
3/16/202042 minutes, 22 seconds
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Own Your Anxiety with Julian Brass

We all worry sometimes, and we have all experienced anxiety at some point in our lives, but thankfully there are simple ways we can deal with it naturally. Kelly chats with special guest, Julian Brass, the author of the international best-selling book, “Own Your Anxiety: 99 simple ways to channel your secret edge." You will learn to see anxiety as a positive force and learn how to deal with it naturally by adopting mindful lifestyle habits such a holistic wellness and positive psychology. Be inspired to apply some of Julian's actionable strategies to help you improve your health and ultimately own your anxiety. Own Your Anxiety Follow Julian on Instagram
3/2/20201 hour, 2 minutes, 29 seconds
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Live a Meaningful Life: Kelly's Interview with Tanveer Mostafa

Kelly shares her recent interview on the Blessed For Success Podcast with host Tanveer Mostafa. Together they discuss how the minimalist lifestyle can help you live a more meaningful life.  For Kelly, living with less has helped her feel a greater sense of purpose and fulfillment. Be inspired to understand the minimalist lifestyle as an opportunity to not only clear the clutter from your life, but a pathway to strengthen your connection to yourself and with others. Mentions Blessed For Success Podcast Project 333 by Courtney Carver It Doesn't Have To Be Crazy at Work by Jason Fried
2/17/202051 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Bullet Journal Method with Mac Whale

Be inspired to adopt The Bullet Journal Method to organize your priorities and execute on the things that are most meaningful to you. Kelly shares her excitement for bullet journaling as it’s become her daily practice to stay focused, balance her priorities, and manage her goals. You will learn how The Bullet Journal Method can help you declutter your mind, manage distractions, improve your productivity, create space for reflection, and refine your responsibilities to the things that are important and valuable to you.  Kelly is joined by technology analyst, Mac Whale, a Ph.D. and MIT alumnus who is highly experienced with The Bullet Journal Method. Together they explore the many facets of bullet journaling and share their lessons and greatest rewards.   Key Links Start Here: How to Bullet Journal Main Website: Bullet Journal Book: The Bullet Journal Method
2/3/20201 hour, 14 minutes, 26 seconds
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Millennial Minimalists Podcast Update

The Millennial Minimalists' share a quick update about their plan for 2020! Kelly explains that they will be stepping back for the month of January to plan for the months ahead and taking space throughout the year to balance all of life's priorities. Moving forward, Kelly and Lauren will be sharing exciting interviews and one-on-one discussions with you every 3 weeks on Monday mornings, beginning February 3rd, 2020! They close by giving thanks to YOU (and all of their listeners) for your ongoing support and engagement and wishing you a great start to the new year! Please stay tuned!
1/13/20202 minutes, 22 seconds
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Year-End Wrap-Up & Minimalist Tips for 2020

As part of wrapping up 2019, Kelly and Lauren reflect on their minimalist lifestyle wins and share their minimalist lessons and professional goals for 2020. Together they continue to inspire you to see minimalism as a simple, intentional lifestyle that can help you embrace your authentic self and design your best life.  Mentions: Minimalist Luggage: Monos Clean Beauty: Lash Luxury Eyelash Serum
12/31/201945 minutes, 8 seconds
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Our Minimalist Story with Marc Champagne

Get ready for a fun and engaging conversation about how the Millennial Minimalists podcast came to be. Kelly and Lauren are interviewed by podcaster Marc Champagne, the host of Behind the Human. They reflect on mental minimalism and share their tips on how to declutter and organize your thoughts, especially over the busy holiday season. Recorded in a festive podcast studio in the Canadian Tire Christmas House (#CTChristmas), Kelly and Lauren close by sharing thoughts on how to design a lighter, simpler, more meaningful holiday.   Mentioned: Behind The Human Podcast Lauren Singer   Related Episodes: Mental Minimalism with Marc Champagne The Gift of 20 Things (That Aren’t Things)
12/13/201953 minutes, 35 seconds
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Imperfect Minimalism

Kelly and Lauren discuss how minimalism is not perfectionism.  Together they reflect on their wins and challenges when it comes to each living more sustainably, decluttering their mental clutter, and being intentional when it comes to buying new things. They also share their thoughts on Marie Kondo’s new store,! Topics discussed: living with less waste, reducing your carbon footprint, creating space for mental fitness, managing money with intention, making intentional purchases.   Kelly’s intentional purchase: Monos Travel Luggage (If you "need" one, use code MM5 for % off at checkout) Holiday Episodes You Should Listen to: Holidays and Consumerism – Kelly and Lauren share tips on how to be intentional when it comes to both gift giving and receiving and how to avoid unnecessary material temptations. The Gift of 20 Things (That Aren’t Things) – To celebrate the holidays, Kelly and Lauren exchange 20 things they have learned from each other since starting Millennial Minimalists. It’s a fun, priceless discussion.    
12/3/201932 minutes, 31 seconds
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Build a Conscious Closet

Learn how to design a conscious closet that you can feel proud of! Kelly and Lauren speak with the brand manager behind the sustainable and ethical clothing brand, Boody Eco-wear.  Boody is amongst a leading group of growing slow fashion brands that are dedicated to responsible practices. As we become increasingly conscious about how our clothes are manufactured, brands like Boody are helping us make a difference for the future of our planet and the people involved in the making of our clothes. Be inspired to invest in high quality, responsible brands that help you reduce your carbon footprint and approach fashion in an ethical way. Boodywear Website Use code “millennial” at checkout for 20% off your order
11/15/201940 minutes, 24 seconds
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Live Sustainably Now

Learn how to live more sustainably today by starting with one small act.  Kelly and Lauren are interviewed by a podcaster with a great sustainable mission. Host Amy Powell at The Attainable Podcast inspires us to adopt sustainable habits to help our planet today and for generations to come.  In their discussion, you will learn how to be more mindful of the environment and how living sustainably is a natural component of a minimalist lifestyle.  The minimalist lifestyle is about being kind to ourselves and to the environment. Amy Powell  The Attainable Podcast Nielson Report
11/3/201940 minutes, 3 seconds
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Travel with Intention

Be inspired to plan your next trip with intention by leaning into your preferences and goals. Kelly and Lauren speak with special guest, Megan Anderluh, the editor of Moon Travel Guides about how to design your ideal vacation. They discuss how to experience new cities as an explorer rather than a tourist, and the benefits of taking in local spots rather than packing your days.  Learn how to design a trip where you can experience more and still make time to relax and wander. Moon Travel Guides  
10/20/201929 minutes, 40 seconds
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Minimalism & Mindfulness

In this one on one discussion between Kelly and Lauren, learn how the minimalist lifestyle can help you live more mindfully and feel more fulfilled.  By clearing your life of excess, you become more mindful of your energy, your attention to others, and the environment.  Kelly and Lauren share their thoughts on how this lifestyle has helped them be more present and less triggered by life's distractions. They also share a few daily mindful routines that help them tap into their conscious minds. Be inspired to adopt mindfulness practices that will help you live more in the present moment.  Eckhart Tolle's Book A New Earth Eckhart Tolle's Book The Power of Now
10/5/201930 minutes, 43 seconds
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Live Authentically with Delanie Fischer

This week's guest is comedy podcaster and creative entrepreneur Delanie Fischer! Delanie is also an extremely passionate and enthusiastic minimalist. Delanie is the co-host of the comedy and health podcast, Self-Helpless (a top iTunes and Spotify podcast), the artist behind “Dicks by Delanie", and a creative consultant working with new business owners and individuals in search of greater personal fulfillment. In her discussion with Kelly and Lauren, Delanie shares an open reflection on her minimalist journey and provides tips to help you design a lifestyle that is most authentic to you. Key topics: Living authentically, making time for self-reflection, letting go of stuff, sustainable lifestyle practices, veganism, time-blocking. Delanie Fischer's Website Self-Helpless Podcast
9/16/201958 minutes, 23 seconds
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Let's Talk About Burnout with Hamza Khan

The World Health Organization (WHO) previously labeled stress as the “health epidemic of the 21st century” and today WHO has diagnosed burnout as an “extreme chronic workplace stress that has not been successfully managed.” Today, millennials report a higher level of stress than any other generation. To explore this critical topic, Kelly and Lauren speak with the author of The Burnout Gamble, Hamza Khan, who shares his ideas on how to manage stress, beat burnout and stay motivated. Hamza offers actionable tools that you can apply to your life to channel your work, health, and relationships in an intentional and mindful way.  “BURN BRIGHT, NOT OUT.” – Hamza Khan About Hamza Podcast: Ideas into Action Book: The Burnout Gamble  TEDx Talk: The Burnout Gamble (UTSC 2016) TEDx Talk: Stop Managing, Start Leading (RyersonU 2016)
8/6/20191 hour, 25 minutes, 4 seconds
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Achieve Amazing Productivity with Josh Davis

Lauren speaks with American author Josh Davis about his international bestseller titled, Two Awesome Hours: Science-Based Strategies to Harness Your Best Time and Get Your Most Important Work Done. If you are feeling overwhelmed with life and work demands, Josh argues that the answer is creating the conditions for two awesome hours of peak productivity every day. He shares simple steps to help you maximize your daily performance and avoid the risk of working on autopilot. The key framework is as follows: 1) identify your most important work, 2) decide on the best time of day to do deep work (which may vary each day), and 3) create mindful conditions (i.e. physically and mentally) to help you be at the top of your game.    To close, you will learn the surprising cognitive and performance benefits of letting your mind wander. Two Awesome Hours
7/22/201949 minutes, 36 seconds
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Live Intentionally with Colin Wright

Kelly and Lauren speak with fellow millennial and minimalism pioneer Colin Wright. Colin shares his lifestyle journey and offers tips on how to design a more purposeful every day.  Colin is the man behind the popular blog Exile Lifestyle, a celebrated author of over 30 books, the host of the “Lets Know Things” podcast, the co-founder of Asymmetrical Press (with Joshua Fields Millburn), and an international speaker. Kelly and Lauren were lucky to connect with Colin just days after he finished his 10-month speaking tour across North America, called the Becoming Tour, where he spoke about how to “live with purpose, on purpose.” Colin’s Website Exile Lifestyle Blog Let’s Know Things Podcast Asymmetrical Press Becoming Tour
7/9/201944 minutes, 29 seconds
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Minimalism & Vulnerability

Learn how minimalism can encourage us to remove the masks we often wear in life. Those parts of ourselves that we try to cover up or ignore out of shame or fear. Sometimes we use stuff to hide, to project hyper versions of ourselves or to avoid feeling vulnerable. Kelly and Lauren believe that as we declutter our lives, we become more aware of our physical and mental spaces and we have the opportunity to reflect on who we are and our desires. And through this process of self-introspection, we can then design a lifestyle that is aligned with our authentic selves. Minimalism essentially challenges us to ask ourselves questions around what we truly need in life so that we can make smart decisions that shape a more focused and purposeful every day. Links Removing the mask – self-alignment. Being Honest with Ourselves & Removing our Masks Brene Brown “The Power of Vulnerability” (TedxHouston) Colin Wright “No Need” (Blog Post: May 17) Quotes “I would rather be hated for who I am than loved for who I’m not.” - Wayne Dyer "At age 20, we worry about what others think of us. At age 40, we don't care what they think of us. At age 60, we discover they haven't been thinking of us at all." - Anna Landers 
6/24/201936 minutes, 34 seconds
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Essay: Tidy Up & Give Back

Kelly reads an essay she wrote titled, Tidy Up: Start Giving Back & Feel Happier Every Day. Kelly and Lauren took on a challenge to give back every day for 1-week and this piece reflects on their journey and the lessons they learned.  This episode was inspired by their recent discussion with Jaqueline Way, the Founder and CEO of 365give – a global challenge that empowers people to make room for daily giving. According to Jaqueline, when we give “we receive a helpers high.” Kelly works to inspire you to start making room for daily giving and closes this piece by sharing simple and actionable ways you can start giving back today! This article is published on 365Give’s blog here. 50 Simple Ways To Give Back Jaqueline Way
6/13/20194 minutes, 3 seconds
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Focus on Your ONE Thing for Extraordinary Results with Jay Papasan

Today we are sharing a conversation with Jay Papasan, the co-author of the book, The ONE Thing: The Surprisingly Simple Truth Behind Extraordinary Results. The ONE Thing proposes that if we focus on the one most important task in any priority, we can cut through the clutter, simplify our workload, achieve better results in less time, and master what matters most. Be prepared to start thinking about what your one thing is today. Whether for this week, this month, or this year, learn how to give that one thing first position and achieve extraordinary results.  The ONE Thing has appeared on the bestseller lists of The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, USE Today, and Amazon, among hundreds of other national bestseller lists. The One Thing Jay Papasan
6/7/201924 minutes, 39 seconds
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Reflections on Minimalism

Kelly and Lauren celebrate their 50th episode by reflecting on their minimalist journeys since starting this podcast in August 2018. You will learn about some of the lifestyle improvements that come from adopting a minimalist lifestyle. For Kelly, the minimalist adopter, minimalism has helped her design her best life. For Lauren, the natural minimalist, despite always living simply, she has learned to adopt new minimalist values, such as living more sustainably and being more mindful with her time. Leading into their next 50+ episodes, Kelly and Lauren will continue to share their minimalism lessons in addition to new interviews with both celebrated authors and minimalism thought leaders. Cheers to helping us reach the big 5-0!
5/27/201927 minutes, 44 seconds
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Adopt a Minimalist Lifestyle: Kelly's Interview with Hamza Khan

The Millennial Minimalists share Kelly’s guest appearance on the Ideas Into Action Podcast, hosted by Hamza Khan, a multi-award-winning marketer, dynamic keynote speaker, and accomplished serial entrepreneur. Kelly shares her story as a minimalist adopter and delivers actionable advice on how to eliminate clutter and boost productivity. Together Kelly and Hamza talk about the minimalism lifestyle movement, the importance of creating communities, and removing distractions when it comes to our time, energy and attention. Learn more about Hamza Khan and the Ideas Into Action podcast below: Hamza Khan Ideas Into Action Podcast
5/20/20191 hour, 11 minutes, 48 seconds
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Minimalism Challenges & Solutions

Kelly and Lauren reflect on their minimalist journeys and share an honest conversation about the challenges they have experienced while working to master this lifestyle. That being said, they believe that the life-changing benefits of living like a minimalist have been worth every obstacle. By sharing their honest reflections, Kelly and Lauren hope to inspire you to adopt or continue to adopt this lifestyle knowing that there will be challenges and it’s OKAY. Greg McKeown's Book, Essentialism Laura Vanderkam's Book, 168 Hours
5/11/201937 minutes, 19 seconds
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Mental Minimalism with Marc Champagne

When you think of your mind as a room, do you see a cluttered space? In this episode, you will learn how to create the mental space to sharpen your mind.   Kelly and Lauren are joined by Marc Champagne, the co-founder of the private journal and reflection app, KYŌ, to discuss proven mental fitness practices that will help you reflect and recharge your mind. The KYŌ app is a platform for you to track your daily reflections and get access to powerful mental fitness lessons that shape the lives of inspiring figures around the globe. Be prepared to declutter your mind and start integrating proven practices into your every day for improved mental health. KYŌ App KYŌ Conversations Connect with Marc
5/2/201958 minutes, 56 seconds
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How to Be Happy Every Day with Jacqueline Way

Learn how to be happy every day by making room for purposes bigger than yourself.  Kelly and Lauren are joined by Jaqueline Way, notable TEDx speaker and Founder and CEO of 365 Give – a global challenge that empowers people to create positive change through daily giving. Jaqueline says that one of the best ways you can make yourself happy is to make other people happy. Jaqueline is credited for her TEDx Talk (2017), How to be happy every day: It will change the world, which has over 3 million views. Jacqueline says, "when we give our endorphins kick in and we receive a helpers high.” The secret is out! Start giving back to guarantee a feeling of happiness every, single, day.    365 Give Challenge Tedx Talk ( >3 Million Views) Connect with Jaqueline Way  
4/22/201924 minutes, 33 seconds
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Emotional Minimalism

Learn how to declutter your emotional noise! All of the inner chaos and negative thoughts in your mind that do not serve you. Kelly and Lauren work to inspire you to navigate your mental space and remove your emotional excess; all the emotional baggage that is created by you and can also be eliminated by you.    Like decluttering your stuff, you need to evaluate your emotional thoughts and create space for positive emotional habits.   Listen in and begin to capture and control your emotions to your advantage.   References: Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman!  The Upside of Stress by Kelly McGonigal  The Fast 5 Diet and The Fast 5 Lifestyle by Bert W. Herring Oprah’s Supersoul Conversations Deepak Chopra: Creating Harmony A Minimalist Guide to dealing with negative emotions by Dan Erickson  
4/13/201945 minutes, 46 seconds
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Minimalist Productivity Habits

Learn about the minimalist productivity systems and lifestyle habits you can adopt and shape to win your every day. Lauren and Kelly chat with Raphael Wong, Host of The Canvas Series Podcast to share proven systems for success to help you live with greater intention; from how you think to how you manage your time and your surroundings. Be inspired to jumpstart your minimalist lifestyle journey and produce results that matter to you.   The Canvas Series Podcast Raphael Wong at MyTechne  
4/4/201948 minutes, 54 seconds
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Create an Ethical Wardrobe with Kristi Soomer

Be inspired to create an ethical and minimalist wardrobe that you can feel proud of! Kelly and Lauren sit down with Kristi Soomer, CEO of the ethical fashion brand, Encircled, a line of high quality, multi-use and responsible basics with the traveler in mind. Kristi believes that a conscious consumer is an impactful consumer and she works to inspire customers to build a wardrobe that creates space to be more with less. Encircled has been featured in The Huffington Post, The National Post, Chatelaine, Canadian Geographic, Canadian Living, Now Magazine, and several broadcast media to name a few.   About Kristi Soomer Encircled's #WearYourCloset Challenge Encircled's Carry-on Travel Packing List Brave + Boss: The Podcast  
3/27/201935 minutes, 33 seconds
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Essay: A Minimalist Mindset

Be inspired to develop a growth-minded way of thinking, embrace your fears and take action on your goals. Kelly reads a short essay she wrote titled, A Minimalist Mindset: How minimalism inspired me to regain focus and own my life. This essay was published in Minimalism.Life, an online journal and collaborative project between The Minimalists, Minimalissimo and 5 STYLE.
3/20/20192 minutes, 31 seconds
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Sustainable Fashion

Be inspired to build a high-quality, minimalist wardrobe that will reduce your impact and simplify your every day. To launch this discussion, Lauren and Kelly are supported by growing ethical fashion brand, Kotn, an Egyptian-Canadian brand that was born out of a desire for quality, simple and sustainable essentials.  Recorded at Kotn Toronto, Lauren and Kelly are joined by influential minimalists and Kotn supporters, Jack Greystone and Carter Reid to share ideas on how to embrace a conscious style and help grow the demand for ethical brands.   Kotn  Jack Greystone Carter Reid  
3/15/201922 minutes, 27 seconds
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Digital Minimalism

Your digital life is just as important as your physical health. If you are addicted to your digital devices or if you want to be more intentional with how you engage with these tools, this episode is for you! Be inspired to make lasting habit changes! Become more present and regain deep focus. Digital addiction has been cited as one of the most devastating epidemics of the 21st century and it's up to us to control how we use these tools.  This episode is inspired by author Cal Newport's book, Digital Minimalism, which will motivate you to begin decluttering and transforming your digital tools so that you use these innovations to your advantage.    Mentioned: Andrew Sullivan: “I Used to Be a Human Being” The Distraction Podcast: Review of Andrew Sullivan's Story  
3/8/201943 minutes, 34 seconds
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Live More Sustainably

If you want to live more sustainably, this is the episode for you! Meet zero waste lifestyle expert and host of the Zero Waste Lifestyle Podcast, Laura Nash. Laura recently threw out her first bag of garbage in 8 months! Learn about the strong connection between the minimalist lifestyle and zero waste lifestyle and take away great tips on how to be more environmentally conscious.    3 Actions You Can Take Today: Use a reusable coffee cup Use reusable grocery bags Replace plastic bags with plastic free  Mentioned: Netflix Documentary STINK! Lauren Singer Package Free Shop in NYC Etsy Reusable Bags
2/25/201942 minutes, 34 seconds
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Essay: Minimalism is a Lifestyle Template

Essay: Minimalism is a Lifestyle Template Be inspired to observe minimalism as an opportunity to design your ideal life.  Kelly reads a short essay she wrote titled, Minimalism is a Lifestyle Template: How I’ve used minimalism as a template to design my ideal life. Kelly adopted the minimalist lifestyle in an effort to find greater meaning and fulfillment in her every day. Now, ten months later, she has crafted a simpler, more intentional lifestyle and she works to motivate you and others do the same. This essay was published in Minimalism.Life, an online journal and collaborative project between The Minimalists, Minimalissimo and 5 STYLE.
2/19/20192 minutes, 18 seconds
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Tidy Up Your Closet For Good

If you are motivated to start simplifying your life, we suggest starting with your closet! In this episode you will learn how to declutter your closet, refine your wardrobe, and design your dream closet for good. Kelly and Lauren hope to inspire lasting positive changes that will influence you to simplify all areas of your life.   Matt D’Avella: Decluttering for Messy People Verena Erin (My Green Closet): 10 Ways a Capsule Wardrobe can Change Your Life Courtney Carver: Minimalist Wardrobe Challenge, Project 333 Netflix Series: Tidying Up with Marie Kondo  Netflix Documentary: The True Cost Kelly & Lauren's Favourite Storage Boxes: See Amazon Canada (US)
2/13/201946 minutes, 28 seconds
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Simplify Your Life with Courtney Carver

Learn the power of simplicity to reduce stress, improve your health, and “be more with less.” Lauren and Kelly connect with minimalism and simplicity thought leader Courtney Carver. She is the author of Soulful Simplicity: How Living with Less Can Lead to So Much More, and the creator of minimalist fashion challenge #Project333, which involves dressing with 33 items or less for 3 months. Courtney says, “simplicity is the way back to love.” She runs where she offers e-courses and advice on how to live more simply. Her work and #Project333 have been featured in O, The Oprah Magazine among notable publications, wellness blogs and podcasts.    Connect with Courtney Carver Web: IG: @bemorewithless TW: @bemorewithless
2/4/201952 minutes, 13 seconds
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Minimalism Q & A

To celebrate 6 months since starting the Millennial Minimalists podcast, Lauren and Kelly ask each other 21 questions as part of a 6-month review! Join in the conversation as they share their fun and insightful minimalist experiences, actionable lessons, and relatable advice to help you get started or keep motivated. One of Lauren's biggest goals for 2019 is to become more environmentally conscious and she provides smart tips on how to move toward a zero waste lifestyle. For Kelly, she also plans to make habit changes to live more consciously. Both Lauren and Kelly plan to continue to inspire others to live more simply and hope to influence future generations to advance the minimalist movement.    MENTIONED Package Free Shop (Manhattan) Lauren Singer (Zero Waste Lifestyle)
1/26/201950 minutes, 17 seconds
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Minimalism & Your Identity

How do you define your identity, and how do your peers influence how you see yourself? If you are on this minimalism journey, do you define yourself as a minimalist?  Lauren and Kelly discuss the interconnection between minimalism and identity. Specifically how minimalism helps us clear the excess clutter in our lives so that we can fully see our innate identity. We can then be more intentional when it comes to the components of our identity that we can develop. Be ready to uncover the quality of your identity investment. Lauren and Kelly challenge you to think about whether your identity is true to your goals and values or shaped by your possessions.   MENTIONED Audible Link: Click to Get Your First Book Free!  Blog: Minimalism Saved My Life by Joshua Fields Millburn Blog: Minimalism by Mark Manson “I am not what I think I am, I am not what you think I am, I am what I think you think I think I am” - Charles Cooley    
1/17/201924 minutes, 14 seconds
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Tidying Up in 2019

If you want to start ridding your life of excess stuff and you are open to changing your relationship with your stuff, this episode is for you! Kelly and Lauren believe that 2019 is the year of tidying up so that we can reduce the time we spend on tidying up! While decluttering and organizing our lives is a great place to start, Kelly and Lauren stress that minimalism is an ongoing journey that requires us to analyze our relationship with our stuff so that we can make lasting changes.   Mentioned Netflix Series: Tidying Up with Marie Kondo Courtney Carver, Soulful Simplicity Elaine St. James, Living The Simple Life    
1/6/201926 minutes, 5 seconds
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Minimalist Lessons & New Year's Resolutions

Learn how minimalism can help you stick to your New Year’s resolutions! Lauren and Kelly say goodbye to 2018 by reviewing a list of minimalist lessons they have learned, and they celebrate the new year by sharing their minimalist goals and ambitions! When it comes to setting resolutions, Lauren and Kelly discuss how minimalist principles can help us maintain momentum and appreciate small wins. Using a bullet journal to manage our tasks is just one way to track the smaller accomplishments that move us closer to achieving our bigger goals.   Lauren and Kelly are excited to master their minimalist goals into 2019 and they hope you will continue to share in their journey!
12/31/201834 minutes, 55 seconds
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The Gift of 20 Things (That Aren't Things)

Be inspired to give your friends and loved ones the gift of time and connection. Lauren and Kelly celebrate the holidays by exchanging the gift of 20 things, which aren’t things. They each exchange 20 things they have learned from each other including minimalist lessons and fun facts and details about one another. Their exchange is thoughtful and witty, and they work to inspire you to find beauty in gift giving beyond the physical things.   Give the gift that keeps on giving.   
12/24/201824 minutes, 24 seconds
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Holidays & Consumerism

‘Tis the season and Kelly and Lauren start off this episode by sharing their tips on how to be intentional when it comes to both gift giving and receiving and how to avoid unnecessary material temptations. They then focus their conversation on consumerism and brands. Kelly shares her thoughts on the powerful impact millennials have on the success of brands and she argues that minimalism helps us weed out brands that do not speak our language.  Kelly further argues that most big brands are driven to pickpocket us, especially this time of year, and it’s these brands that need to start listening and engaging with millennials and minimalists. As minimalists we still need to buy things, and we popularize brands that foster a genuine connection and support our values including quality, sustainability, local, and organic etc. This episode ends with a challenge for big brands. For those that want to learn more about how to better engage with millennials and minimalists and have the confidence to make changes, Kelly and Lauren want to connect with you! Build a relationship with Kelly and Lauren and let them be your advocates! Let them help you crack the millennial and minimalist codes. Reach Kelly & Lauren at OR send a line on Instagram here.
12/17/201836 minutes, 30 seconds
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Minimalism is Freedom

If you are looking to regain power over your goals and values – listen to this episode! Freedom is one of the ultimate benefits of adopting a minimalist lifestyle. Minimalism is freedom from clutter, freedom from temptations, freedom from keeping up with the joneses and so much more.   Minimalism is not about constraining yourself, it’s rather an opportunity to regain power over your physical, mental and virtual spaces, not to mention your overall wellbeing.   Kelly discusses the freedom she has gained since adopting this lifestyle, while Lauren reviews discipline-focused readings and podcasts to communicate the interconnection between discipline, minimalism, and freedom.    Mentions Book: Discipline Equals Freedom by Jocko Willink Article: Courtney Carver on Minimalism & Freedom
12/6/201835 minutes, 28 seconds
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Minimalism & Productivity

Learn how minimalism can help you on the path to productivity! For Lauren and Kelly, minimalism has inspired them to start their every day with a plan. Minimalism is a tool they use to achieve greater mental focus and work smarter.   Lauren and Kelly rave about “the bullet journal” to prioritize their daily tasks. it’s a fun journaling system that will transform the way you plan your life by helping you track the past, organize the present and plan for the future.   Also learn the difference between being busy and being productive and the power in saying "no" to daily tasks and commitments that don’t support your goals. Productivity isn’t about cramming you schedule. It's about creating as effective and balanced lifestyle that you can keep up with each day.   Mentions Video: Are You Addicted to Your Phone by Dr. Lynn Gribble Rachel Aust Saudia “Pick Up Limes” Matt D’Avella
11/25/201843 minutes, 22 seconds
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What is Minimalism?

Minimalism at its core is a door to greater happiness.  Lauren and Kelly share their definitions of minimalism and the varying explanations between minimalist thought leaders including Colin Wright, The Minimalists, Joshua Becker, and Leo Babauta. Considering the growing interest in minimalism today, Lauren and Kelly reinforce that there are many types of minimalists and ways of living with less. They define minimalism as a tool that can be used by all to design a more meaningful life. Minimalism is not one-dimensional. Minimalist principles rather provide us with ideas to live more meaningfully and it’s up to us to design this lifestyle. For Lauren and Kelly, minimalism has significantly helped them become more intentional with everyday decisions including how they spend their time, money and energy.   Mentioned Being A Minimalist, Ultra Spiritual Life
11/19/201831 minutes, 9 seconds
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Better Breakups & Quality Dating with Natalia Juarez

Whatever your relationship status is, listen to this episode! Meet Natalia Juarez, best known as “The Breakup Coach” and dating strategist who says LESS CAN BE WAY MORE when it comes to navigating breakups and attracting quality dates.  Natalia joins Lauren and Kelly to talk about dating strategies, how to attract quality dates, breakups and exits plans, breakup recovery tips, and even ideas on how to get exes back. Natalia is the founder of Lovistics, an organization dedicated to helping men and women navigate their breakups or complicated romantic situations and find healthy real love. After going through a broken engagement in 2010, Natalia became obsessed with healing her own broken heart and learning to date in a healthy way.  Natalia’s work has been covered in The Wall Street Journal, GQ, the Guardian, Vice magazine, NPR, and others. Natalia has a degree in Gender Studies and Education and is a certified Holistic Coach, Dating Coach and Yoga Instructor.   Connect with Natalia Instagram: @thebreakupcoach Twitter: @lovistics
11/10/20181 hour, 21 minutes, 32 seconds
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Live Like A Minimalist

This is a special 1-hour episode and Lauren & Kelly's favorite so far! Be inspired, learn new strategies and laugh along the way! Lauren and Kelly aim to encourage non-minimalists to get started and inspire minimalist adopters to keep motivated. Lauren runs through the differences between non-minimalists and minimalists by breaking down the qualities and benefits of living simply. Kelly follows by discussing minimalist influencers who model tailored and insightful approaches to living with less. Kelly also breaks down a list of ten items she no longer buys and discusses her new simplified home since starting her journey in August. Remember, there isn’t a rulebook when it comes to minimalism. It’s about being intentional and defining what living simply means to you.    YOUTUBE LINKS Matt D’Avella: A Day in the Life of a Minimalist Sarah Therese: 50 Thing I don’t Buy AUDIBLE: Get your first audiobook free here.
11/1/201858 minutes, 56 seconds
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The Minimalist Movement

Lauren and Kelly review their shared mission to push the minimalist movement forward and discuss their individual motivations for living with less.  Lauren endorses this lifestyle as a responsible way to live that has brought her great calmness. For Kelly, adopting this lifestyle has given her a greater sense of happiness by making room for the things that matter. These ladies also support great minimalist thought leaders such as The Minimalists, Joshua & Ryan, author Joshua Becker, and filmmaker and podcaster Matt D’Avella. Lauren and Kelly are on the same team, working to inspire others to be more intentional and live more meaningfully. Mentions The Minimalists Joshua Becker  Matt D’Avella  Funny Minimalist Video 
10/26/201826 minutes, 24 seconds
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The Minimalist Smartphone

Considering the smartphone is a favorite tool among minimalists, Lauren and Kelly discuss the importance of designing your smartphone so that it serves you and not the other way around. Learn how to declutter and simplify your phone so that your tools and apps add value to you. Kelly shares an incredible way to organize your apps, which immediately inspires Lauren to renovate her phone for the better. They also discuss some of their favorite apps. See free offers and credits for three of their favorites here:      Audible: Get Your first book free by clicking here.  Giftagram (Cda/US): Use code 20MM for $20 off your first gift! Get started here. KYŌ App: Receive 30 Days Fully Unlocked! (1) Download KYŌ by clicking here. (2) Unlock 30 days by clicking here.
10/22/201836 minutes, 18 seconds
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Short: The Gift of 25 Things

Lauren discusses a thoughtful exchange between loved ones that doesn't involve material things. Just two people, a pen and paper, and a memorable moment. 
10/19/201853 seconds
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Minimalism & Gifts

Lauren and Kelly discuss “gifts” – all of the stuff we want, give and/or receive. Learn how to be a more intentional gift-giver and receiver and gain tips on how to take the stress out of shopping for minimalists and non-minimalist friends and family. While holidays, birthdays, and other special occasions are about expressing love and appreciation, we should be thoughtful about the gifts we want, what we give and how we receive. Lauren and Kelly joke about keeping their stuff in "the cloud," but they also recognize that others may actually like to receive physical things. When it comes to gift-giving and receiving, communicating our desires and being mindful of others’ desires will help us give and receive with greater intention.
10/16/201831 minutes, 19 seconds
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Getting Started with Jack Greystone

Interested in decluttering your life but don’t know where to start? Meet Jack Greystone. Jack is a Canadian artist, social media x-fluencer, and new minimalist adopter. Jack joins Lauren and Kelly to share his story and inspire you to get started and reap the benefits of living with less.  Jack gained his social media stock from a satirical film he created called “Love, Man Bun” and today he develops content to inspire his audience to live intentionally. Jack argues that we can be in a constant state of a vacation-like mindset when we live a more intentional, simplified life.
10/13/201845 minutes, 51 seconds
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Minimalism & Misconceptions

There are tons of misunderstandings when it comes to being a minimalist and living simply. Lauren and Kelly run through common misconceptions such as the ideas that minimalists own very little and live in tiny homes. They also reinforce the true elements of minimalism. Minimalism is not one-dimensional, rather it’s a personalized approach to simplifying your physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing. You don’t need to call yourself a minimalist either. Minimalist principles just inspire us to live more mindfully.
10/5/201833 minutes, 29 seconds
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Products: Buy Less, Use Less, Need Less

Challenge yourself to think about the products you buy on a weekly or monthly basis to keep up with your hygiene, wellbeing, and ideal self. How many products do you own? How many of these items do you use or truly need? Lauren and Kelly argue that we don't need much, and one of the best ways to declutter our obsession with products is to challenge ourselves to go without some or eliminate. Get inspired to buy less, use less, and need less!
9/30/201817 minutes, 37 seconds
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Create Your Minimalist Home

Learn how to design your home so that it reflects your values and goals. A minimalist home is not an empty space with bare walls, rather it can be colorful and showcase your personality. It's about creating a home that is functional to your life and makes you happy. Minimalism is about being intentional with what you own and creating a space that reflects that. 
9/25/201835 minutes, 4 seconds
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Meditation: Train Your Brain

Meditation is a form of mental fitness. It is a time to harness your thoughts and strengthen your focus. Lauren and Kelly discuss the power of meditation to declutter your mind and live a life with greater intention. Learn about the many forms and benefits and how meditation can be a complimentary component to living simply. 
9/21/201825 minutes, 31 seconds
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Lauren and Kelly discuss common 'temptations' and how to resist them. Learn how to resist temptation when it comes to food, shopping, social media, and our attraction to others. Kelly concludes that falling into temptation isn't always a bad thing as long as we achknowledge and manage the urge. 
9/17/201818 minutes, 36 seconds
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Essay: Lauren's Morning Routine

Lauren shares her morning routine with the world ;). She never misses her morning cup of coffee and reading time. If you haven't mastered the perfect morning routine for your lifestyle, Lauren suggests a few ideas that may inspire you. Also check out episode 12, "Design Your Moring Routine." 
9/16/20182 minutes, 1 second
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Develop Your Why

It's important to 'Develop Your Why' when it comes to adopting a minimalist lifestyle. Lauren and Kelly reveal their 'whys' and inspire you to curate a minimalist life that works best for you and your goals. The practice of minimalism can vary from person to person. 
9/13/201820 minutes, 15 seconds
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Design Your Morning Routine

What is your morning routine? Lauren and Kelly talk trial and error and simple strategies for getting the most out of your mornings. Should you workout, journal, and/or meditate? Find what works for you to keep your mornings simple and proactive.
9/10/201832 minutes, 34 seconds
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Wardrobe Challenge: Plan Staple Outfits

Lauren discusses a simple challenge to ease everyday wardrobe decision-making. Even for those with a small capsule wardrobe, Lauren argues it can still be difficult (stressful and time-consuming) to mix and match.
9/10/201811 minutes, 47 seconds
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Simplify Your Food

Just like decluttering your closet, the same lessons can be applied to food! Keep it simple and choose quality over quantity! Learn how simple eating can help you reduce stress, save money and time, and help improve your diet. Lauern discusses the benefits of food planning and Kelly jokes about the delicately placed food items in Lauren's showhome-like fridge. 
9/5/201828 minutes, 47 seconds
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Book Review: The Soul of Money by Lynne Twist

9/4/20181 minute, 45 seconds
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Minimalism & Money

Lauren and Kelly talk money and budgeting. Learn how minimalism can put money in your pocket and inspire you to spend with better intention. Lauren is a true money minimalist and she shares her secrets for keeping within budget while Kelly shares her strategies to getting rid of unnecessary expenses. Be ready to challenge your relationship with money to reduce stress and financial concerns. 
9/3/201834 minutes, 20 seconds
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Modern Technologies & The Simple Life

2-Minute Audio Essay: Our thoughts on why we need to be more intentional about how we use modern technologies to simplify our everyday.
8/31/20182 minutes, 9 seconds
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Declutter Your Closet

Learn how to declutter your closet to help clear your mind and reduce decision fatigue. Lauren and Kelly discuss the benefits of adopting a simple, clean wardrobe and how to get started. Lauren argues the more refined your closet is, the more you understand your personal style.  
8/31/201828 minutes
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Minimalism & Relationships

Lauren and Kelly discuss the benefits of simplifying the relationships in our lives including friendships, family and significant others. Learn how applying minimalism to our relationships can be one of the most rewarding aspects of the simple life. It's all about keeping quality people around us who make us better.
8/29/201828 minutes, 17 seconds
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Simplify Your Mind

We live in an age of constant distraction, and as the noise increases the more essential it is that we find ways to quiet our minds and make room for mental clarity. Lauren and Kelly discuss various strategies they use to find mental clarity and simplify their day-to-day. 
8/27/201830 minutes, 18 seconds
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Meet The Millennial Minimalists

Meet Canadian millennial minimalists Lauren Morley and Kelly Foss. Lauren is a grassroots minimalist expert and Kelly is a motivated minimalist adopter. Follow their journey for guided tips to adopting a minimalist lifestyle. 
8/25/201825 minutes, 32 seconds
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Packing and Unpacking

Lauren and Kelly return from 10 days in Italy with carryons. They reflect on how packing less simplifies the travel experience and they discuss their learnings after unpacking. Kelly starts to rethink the size of her wardrobe while Lauren touches on a few secrets to overcoming minimalist challenges when traveling light. 
8/20/201821 minutes, 24 seconds
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Embrace Minimalist Travel

What’s a great way to get started on a minimalist journey? Book a trip! Recorded in Florence Italy, Lauren and Kelly discuss the benefits of traveling light including reduced stress and increased mental clarity. Also learn how traveling with less can help you be more deliberate with your time. 
8/20/201815 minutes, 3 seconds