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#MarketplaceInfluencer Tomi Shane Ng Cover
#MarketplaceInfluencer Tomi Shane Ng Profile

#MarketplaceInfluencer Tomi Shane Ng

English, Finance, 10 seasons, 364 episodes, 5 days, 21 hours, 19 minutes
Tomi Shane Ng is a #MarketplaceInfluencer that builds Workplaces for Excellence & Collaboration. His work and corporate training experience were featured in Philstar, Moneysense Magazine, 702 DZAS, and Light TV. He was included as one of the Brand Ambassadors of Mossimo in 2019. He hosted TV segments under Edge TV / Light TV Ch. 33. Recently, his #MarkerplaceInfluencer journey was featured in Coursera & Chinoy TV. He is currently a Character Development Consultant of Workplace of Winners. He is also a certified TESOL instructor (by ASU) and Certified Digital Marketing Associate (by DMI).
Episode Artwork

What's Your P.L.A.N.?

Last episode for 2020 as we move to 2021 tomorrow.
12/31/202035 minutes, 59 seconds
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Back to B.A.S.I.C.s

Some things we can do for the long 2021 season...
12/29/202032 minutes, 6 seconds
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Take It

We have a Reason for the Season.
12/24/202032 minutes, 29 seconds
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Create Your D.E.S.I.G.N.

Let's pursue our calling!
12/22/202033 minutes, 40 seconds
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Think POS.I.T.I.VE.

We shift our mind from thinking Covid-19 positive to Think POS.I.T.I.VE.
12/17/202035 minutes, 7 seconds
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K.N.O.W. More

Are you game for your New You?
12/14/202031 minutes, 37 seconds
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Be M.I.N.D.ful

Let's take care of our minds.
12/9/202033 minutes, 40 seconds
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Stay Y.O.U.T.H.ful

Let's learn from the youth.
12/7/202037 minutes, 42 seconds
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Make the Right A.C.T.

Your life is full of impact if you make the right A.C.T.
12/4/202032 minutes, 1 second
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Have Q.U.I.E.T. Times

Take time doing it during this season.
12/2/202032 minutes, 35 seconds
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What's Your P.H.I.L.O.sophy?

We start thinking of others.
12/1/202034 minutes, 1 second
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What's Your Endgame?

Is it __ + endgame ?
11/27/202037 minutes, 21 seconds
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It pays to wait if we prepare.
11/25/202035 minutes, 2 seconds
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Stay H.A.P.I.

Fitting feeling for this season.
11/23/202032 minutes, 48 seconds
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Live O.U.T. Your Branding

It depends on your market.
11/18/202033 minutes, 40 seconds
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Gain W.I.S.D.O.M.

Let's put our knowledge into action.
11/17/202032 minutes, 54 seconds
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Understand the N.O.W.

Seeing what is happening N.O.W.
11/16/202036 minutes, 48 seconds
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Make S.O.M.E. Changes

The season has changed, but the same life principle applies.
11/13/202033 minutes, 26 seconds
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Don't Assume; Discover!

How do we discover? By taking a L.O.O.K.
11/10/202032 minutes, 38 seconds
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Bank on Think T.A.N.K.

What do you feed your mind?
11/9/202033 minutes, 49 seconds
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Be R.E.A.D.Y.

Better be ready than sorry.
11/6/202033 minutes, 25 seconds
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Engage Your MA.R.KE.T.

Are you reaching to your internal and external clients?
11/5/202032 minutes, 28 seconds
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Live to G.I.V.E.

This season is our opportunity to make a difference.
11/4/202034 minutes, 46 seconds
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Common S.E.N.S.E. Rather than Science

Like what my mentored asked, "Why is common sense no longer common?"
11/3/202039 minutes, 8 seconds
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Overcome P.I.T.C.H. Perfect

Never wait for perfect conditions.
10/30/202043 minutes, 20 seconds
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Have Your B.L.U.E. Badge

Are you feeling BLUE?
10/29/202041 minutes, 51 seconds
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Next Year is N.E.A.R.

Are you looking forward to next year?
10/28/202034 minutes, 11 seconds
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The New Abnormal

Past is P.A.S.T.!
10/27/202034 minutes, 25 seconds
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Set the Minimum C.A.P.

How to start your Podcast?
10/26/202036 minutes, 58 seconds
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Stand-Out Among P.eoP.L.e.

Let's remember P.P.L.
10/23/202036 minutes, 23 seconds
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Bounce F.orW.arD.

Let's go F.W.D.!
10/22/202040 minutes, 10 seconds
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Is it okay to be Busy? Or go for VC?

Maximize these 3 things...
10/21/202036 minutes, 50 seconds
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Timely R.E.S.T.

Day 219 of this new normal. But as I look back, this is what I needed.
10/20/202041 minutes, 47 seconds
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Keep C.O.M.M.unication Simple

Practice. Have accountability.
10/19/202038 minutes, 56 seconds
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You Do the M.A.T.H.

It's time to analyze and think.
10/16/202038 minutes, 8 seconds
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Love to L.E.A.R.N.

Your choice now will have an impact or consequence in the long run.
10/15/202035 minutes, 54 seconds
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Hey Mr. D.J., Can I Make a Request?

Let's apply these 3 D.J.s for this season.
10/14/202040 minutes, 53 seconds
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Wear Different Hats

How to start a creativity process?
10/13/202038 minutes, 41 seconds
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Make the Right B.A.L.ance

How do we stay healthy during this busy season?
10/12/202040 minutes, 33 seconds
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Understanding S.T.A.T.S.

Whether it is KPI, KRA, or Stats, we will be evaluated.
10/9/202039 minutes, 35 seconds
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Get S.E.E.N. in the Net

Make ourselves relevant and marketable.
10/8/202034 minutes, 11 seconds
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Your P.E.R.S.O.N.A.L. Effect

Finding the right place can help us become a positive effect on others.
10/7/202034 minutes, 23 seconds
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Make Your Off-Season P.R.E.P.s

Be ready for the upcoming season and year.
10/6/202032 minutes, 49 seconds
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Thrive This Season

How? Put on your P.P.E.!
10/5/202037 minutes, 1 second
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Run the R.A.C.E.

We must be reminded that life is a marathon, not a sprint.
10/2/202045 minutes, 37 seconds
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When Life Gives You a Tea, Let's Make a M.I.L.K. Tea

You can do something about the situation.
10/1/202035 minutes, 56 seconds
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Be YourS.E.L.F.

Don't just copy. Carve your own path.
9/30/202039 minutes, 46 seconds
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Expand Your G.A.M.E.!

We have to keep up with the changing world.
9/29/202037 minutes
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Get S.M.A.R.T.!

This pandemic season is not just the best time to prepare for Christmas, but also for next year.
9/28/202033 minutes, 32 seconds
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Too B.U.S.Y. to Worry

How do we keep ourselves from Worrying?
9/25/202033 minutes, 8 seconds
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Build Your N.A.M.E.

Name Value will take you further than face value.
9/24/202039 minutes, 37 seconds
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Big 3! (T.R.I.O.)

It's 100 days until 2021. A perfect time to prepare.
9/23/202034 minutes, 32 seconds
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What If : You are the Toxic Person?

Let's be S.T.I.L.L.!
9/22/202038 minutes, 26 seconds
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Maximize Resources

Do you get it? In Tagalog, G.E.T.S. mo?
9/21/202040 minutes, 3 seconds
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Stop Worrying; Start Doing Something

One, Two & Three
9/18/202039 minutes, 31 seconds
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D.I.S.C.over Your Team

Do you see the personality differences in your group?
9/17/202037 minutes, 24 seconds
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Be a T.E.A.M. Player

During this season, it helped realize on how a team can succeed. Greater than individual success is team accomplishments.
9/16/202038 minutes, 48 seconds
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Customize Your Business Model

Make the Right S.A.V.E.!
9/15/202036 minutes, 55 seconds
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S.T.A.Y. Mentally Healthy

Making most of this time...
9/14/202037 minutes, 47 seconds
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Adapt to the R.E.A.L. Norm

It's Day 180 of New Normal. How are you?
9/11/202037 minutes, 25 seconds
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Back to Square O.N.E.!

This happens to all. We just need to reconfigure our personal strategies.
9/10/202033 minutes, 42 seconds
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Create Your Skill-set

Your E4s to accomplish it.
9/9/202036 minutes, 52 seconds
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Exercise Creativity

How? A.B.C.D.!
9/8/202034 minutes, 37 seconds
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Upgrade to Your New Version

4 "Net"s that we need to be reminded...
9/7/202031 minutes, 43 seconds
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Discover New Market

Doing business is like a card game that can be a gamble or faces uncertain risks. This is why we needs to have A.C.E.S.
9/4/202036 minutes
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Flex Yourself

How do we F.L.E.X. ourselves?
9/3/202033 minutes, 23 seconds
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From Throwback to Go Forward

What do we need to work on so we can move from throwback to go forward?
9/2/202031 minutes, 26 seconds
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Enhance Our Minds

How do we enhance our minds? It helps us remain youthful.
9/1/202025 minutes, 40 seconds
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Building Your Brand

What do we need to know?
8/31/202029 minutes, 53 seconds
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Simple Marketing for Every Juan

Sharing basic principles of digital marketing S.S.S.
8/28/202030 minutes, 49 seconds
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Embrace This Reality

How do we embrace this reality? It's time for M.O.R.E.!
8/27/202029 minutes, 19 seconds
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Sustaining Your Momentum

How do we sustain our momentum? Fix our E.Y.E.S.!
8/26/202030 minutes, 56 seconds
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Lead Yourself

In a difficult time, how do we L.E.A.D. ourselves?
8/25/202029 minutes, 39 seconds
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When Plans Do Not Pan Out

Take it E.A.S.Y.!
8/24/202026 minutes, 4 seconds
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Make most of your weekend.
8/21/202025 minutes, 11 seconds
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Practical Thinking

Because everyone is in social media, what can you do?
8/20/202033 minutes, 20 seconds
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Consider Our Ways

Are we a team player? Are we a giver?
8/19/202029 minutes, 5 seconds
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It's Time to Men-up (not Man-Up)

If there is 4Ps of Marketing, I have 4Ps of MEN-keting.
8/18/202029 minutes, 43 seconds
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Learnings from My Mentor

ABCD. Something helpful for me as a leader.
8/17/202029 minutes, 22 seconds
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Do Something New

What soft skills and hard skills needed today?
8/14/202030 minutes, 28 seconds
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Learnings from the Old Normal

Things I have learned that remain helpful moving forward.
8/13/202029 minutes, 54 seconds
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Making the Right Call

It's my 12th episode. Sharing some of my reasons for my personal decision.
8/12/202031 minutes, 38 seconds
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Creating a Workplace of Winners

The working environment has greatly changed. How can we adopt?
8/11/202031 minutes, 18 seconds
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Playing Safe is the New Danger

Ready, Get S.E.T., Go!
8/10/202029 minutes, 35 seconds
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Loving Thing to Do

Spread love, not virus.
8/7/202021 minutes, 46 seconds
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Setting Rules for Communication

Why is it hard to connect / communicate?
8/6/202026 minutes, 16 seconds
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Coping with the New Normal

Everyone faces worries and anxieties. How do we manage it?
8/5/202032 minutes, 39 seconds
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Team Effort in Personal Branding

Do you have a team to help you in your branding?
8/4/202025 minutes, 8 seconds
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New Normal You

As a response to our New Normal Resolution, we discover our New Normal You. We have to reinvent ourselves.
8/3/202026 minutes, 51 seconds