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Light Through the Past

English, Christianity, 1 season, 358 episodes, 2 days, 14 hours, 9 minutes
This podcast will look at the course and development of the Orthodox Church, its struggles with heresy, the empire, and relations to other Christian bodies.
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The Undulating Status of Chalcedon before 518

This episode Dr. Jenkins covers the ecclesio-political struggle over Chalcedon, especially during the reign of Anastasius I after the death of Zeno in 491.
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The Henotikon of the Emperor Zeno

This episode we continue our look at the Council of Chalcedon and its aftermath. Dr. Jenkins discusses the emperor Zeno's attempt to heal the schism in the East by his political sleight of hand called The Henotikon: an effort to bridge the gap created by those who rejected Chalcedon by asking them to ignore it.
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Two Decades of Crises Following Chalcedon

This episode, Dr. Jenkins continues looking at the Council of Chalcedon and its aftermath, focusing on the two decades of bitter unrest that followed as the schism over Chalcedon develops.
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Empire and State after Chalcedon

This episode Dr. Jenkins begins looking at the variegated and often troubled relationship between the Church and the empire, and how this relationship played a key role in the shape the history of the Chalcedonian and monophysite controversy.
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Chalcedon: Where We've Been & Where We're Going

This week we look back at what we've covered, but more so at what the future of the podcast entails with regards our study of the division between Chalcedon's defenders and detractors. Orthodoxy and Education:
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The Latin Fathers on the Matter of Chalcedon

This episode Dr. Jenkins looks at the ways that the Latin Church talked about the economy or dispensation of the Incarnation, and what this means for its language about the realtionship of the human and Divine in the Incarnation. Orthodoxy and Education:
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Chalcedon the Cyrillian Council

Dr. Jenkins continues his study of the Council of Chalcedon, looking at how the fathers of the council labored to address both Nestorius and Eutyches all the while staying true to St. Cyril's single subject (but dual nature) Christology. Orthodoxy and Education: Dr. Jenkins new website with the Atheism course: (note, not .com)
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Chalcedon Begins

This episode Dr. Jenkins formally begins the Council of Chalcedon, looking at the main actors and also the two fundamental questions facing the council.
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The Latrocinium (Robber) Council of 449

This Episode Dr. Jenkins looks at the council of Ephesus of 449, its background, its consequences, and why it is called the Robber or Brigand council (from the Latin, latrocinium). Orthodoxy and Education: Dr. Jenkins new website with the Atheism course: (note, not .com).
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The Road to Chalcedon

While the Church held St. Cyril as a standard for Orthodoxy in the same way it did St. Athanasius, divisions still emerged over an understanding his language. This episode Dr. Jenkins looks at how this all started, and how the Church persisted in the doctrines enshrined at Ephesus while refining its understanding of St. Cyril's language. Orthodoxy and Education: Doxamoot 2024: Dr. Jenkins new website with Atheism course: (note, not .com).
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St. Cyril and the Correct Language at the Correct Time

The period between the Council of Ephesus (431) and the Council of Chalcedon (451) laid the groundwork for the controversy of the latter. St. Cyril's explicit use of a single-subject Christology that at the same time embraced the two natures of God Incarnate, still sought a precision of terminology that was only gradually being developed. Orthodoxy and Education: Doxamoot 2024: Dr. Jenkins new website with Atheism course: (note, not .com).
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Let the Heavens Rejoice!; The End of the Nestorian Schism

Dr. Jenkins explores how St. Cyril of Alexandria reconciled with John of Antioch and mend the schism brought about in the Church over the condemnation of Nestorius.
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The Council of Ephesus

The conflict between St. Cyril and Nestorius culminates in the Council of Ephesus that not only vindicated St. Cyril's single-subject Christology, but canonized his second letter to Nestorius as a standard for understanding the Creed, and which letter became the basis for the definition of Chalcedon...but that's for a few weeks from now. Orthodoxy and Education: Doxamoot 2024: Dr. Jenkins new website with Atheism course: (note, not .com).
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The Shambolic Road to the Council of Ephesus

Dr. Jenkins continues looking at the history of the Council of Ephesus, and how both St. Cyril and Nestorius had cause for both optimism and alarm as the council approached. Orthodoxy and Education: Doxamoot 2024: Dr. Jenkins' new website with Atheism course: (note, not .com).
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Saint Cyril, Nestorius, and the Mounting Controversy

Continuing our study of the Nestorian controversy, Dr. Jenkins looks at the expansion of the dispute and the issues the propelled it out of Constantinople and across the Mediterranean to Rome and Alexandria. We shall also see St. Cyril's first entrances into the controversy and his keen focus on the issues involved. Orthodoxy and Education: Doxamoot 2024: Dr. Jenkins new website with Atheism course: (note, not .com).
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Union in Christ: The Christology of St. Cyril of Alexandria

Having looked at the heretical Christology of Nestorius, this week Dr. Jenkins wades into the deep but wonderful waters of St. Cyril's doctrine of the Incarnation, looking at why St. Cyril believed that our salvation was at stake in the questions dividing him from Nestorius.
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The Theology of Archbishop Nestorius

What did Nestorius teach that struck St. Cyril of Alexandria as heresy? This episode Dr. Jenkins tackles the theology of Nestorius, archbishop of Constantinople, and how it was he came to the conclusions he did.
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Constantinople on the Even of the Council of Ephesus

Constantinople seemed always an event, either coming, happening, or going. In the years before the Council of Ephesus (431) the city, reeling still from the deposition and exile of St. John Chrysostom, now faced a new challenge with the arrival of an Archbishop, Nestorius, at odds with the life and thought of the most influential elements of the city. This episode we get into the details.
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Constantinople on the Even of the Council of Ephesus

Constantinople seemed always an event, either coming, happening, or going. In the years before the Council of Ephesus (431) the city, reeling still from the deposition and exile of St. John Chrysostom, now faced a new challenge with the arrival of an Archbishop, Nestorius, at odds with the life and thought of the most influential elements of the city. This episode we get into the details.
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What has Alexandria to do with Antioch: Theological Assumptions on the Eve of the Nestorian Controversy

Two conflicting sets of assumptions faced off in the Nestorian controversy, and Dr. Jenkins addresses these as we move closer to the confrontation between St. Cyril of Alexandria and Nestorius of Constantinople.
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What has Alexandria to do with Antioch: Theological Assumptions on the Eve of the Nestorian Controversy

Two conflicting sets of assumptions faced off in the Nestorian controversy, and Dr. Jenkins addresses these as we move closer to the confrontation between St. Cyril of Alexandria and Nestorius of Constantinople.
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Alexandria as the Logical Place for Heated Theological Disputes

This Episode Dr. Jenkins dives into the world of Alexandria, what made the city unique, how its disparate residents handled themselves, and what made the Church there such a force in the Ancient Christian World. Orthodoxy and Education: Doxamoot 2024:
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Alexandria as the Logical Place for Heated Theological Disputes

This Episode Dr. Jenkins dives into the world of Alexandria, what made the city unique, how its disparate residents handled themselves, and what made the Church there such a force in the Ancient Christian World. Orthodoxy and Education: Doxamoot 2024:
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A Division in Type: Allegory and History, Alexandria and Antioch

The Christological controversies were about far more than what it means that 'the Word was made flesh.' This Week Dr. Jenkins looks at how the Orthodox thought differently about Holy Scripture than did those who strayed from the Faith. Fr. Soroka's show: Orthodoxy and Education: Doxamoot 2024:
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A Division in Type: Allegory and History, Alexandria and Antioch

The Christological controversies were about far more than what it means that 'the Word was made flesh.' This Week Dr. Jenkins looks at how the Orthodox thought differently about Holy Scripture than did those who strayed from the Faith. Fr. Soroka's show: Orthodoxy and Education: Doxamoot 2024:
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Origen & Nestorius: A look forward to the Christological Controversies

This episode Dr. Jenkins begins looking at the era of the great Christological debates which will dominate the mind of the Church for the next few centuries, and begins by looking again at the thought of Origen of Alexandria. Orthodoxy and Education: Doxamoot 2024:
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Origen & Nestorius: A look forward to the Christological Controversies

This episode Dr. Jenkins begins looking at the era of the great Christological debates which will dominate the mind of the Church for the next few centuries, and begins by looking again at the thought of Origen of Alexandria. Orthodoxy and Education: Doxamoot 2024:
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The Lord of History

This week Dr. Jenkins concludes his discussion of St. Augustine's vision of history, on how the Incarnation is the central fact of history, and the place that the Incarnation plays as the paradigm for all of history. Orthodoxy and Education: Doxamoot 2024:
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The Lord of History

This week Dr. Jenkins concludes his discussion of St. Augustine's vision of history, on how the Incarnation is the central fact of history, and the place that the Incarnation plays as the paradigm for all of history. Orthodoxy and Education: Doxamoot 2024:
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St. Augustine contra Pagan History

We continue our analysis of St. Augustine's monumental work, The City of God, looking at how St. Augustine, in taking on the pagan views of history of his time, lays the groundwork for a Christian theology of history. Orthodoxy and Education: Doxamoot 2024:
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St. Augustine contra Pagan History

We continue our analysis of St. Augustine's monumental work, The City of God, looking at how St. Augustine, in taking on the pagan views of history of his time, lays the groundwork for a Christian theology of history. Orthodoxy and Education: Doxamoot 2024:
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Let God Arise: the fourth-century fathers on what was happening at Pascha

This week Dr. Jenkins looks at the question of the "atonement" (an English word from the 16th century) in the minds of our Fathers among the Saints, Gregory the Theologian and Gregory of Nyssa."
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Let God Arise: the fourth-century fathers on what was happening at Pascha

This week Dr. Jenkins looks at the question of the "atonement" (an English word from the 16th century) in the minds of our Fathers among the Saints, Gregory the Theologian and Gregory of Nyssa."
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St. Augustine and a Resurgent Paganism

The Church thrived in the Greek East, but not so much in Rome. The old rites were now forbidden, but Rome's educated class of pagans made bold to promote the old Roman ways, and were led by men of real education. This threat in the end moved St. Augustine to pen his greatest work, The City of God. Orthodoxy and Education: Doxamoot 2024:
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St. Augustine and a Resurgent Paganism

The Church thrived in the Greek East, but not so much in Rome. The old rites were now forbidden, but Rome's educated class of pagans made bold to promote the old Roman ways, and were led by men of real education. This threat in the end moved St. Augustine to pen his greatest work, The City of God. Orthodoxy and Education: Doxamoot 2024:
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St. Augustine and the Civitatem Aeternam

St. Augustine's idea of the Civitas has almost no correspondence to what we moderns mean when we say "city." So what does he (and his world) mean by this phrase, and what exactly is the Civitas Dei (of his De civitate Dei)? That's what this episode starts to address. Orthodoxy and Education: Doxamoot 2024:
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St. Augustine and the Civitatem Aeternam

St. Augustine's idea of the Civitas has almost no correspondence to what we moderns mean when we say "city." So what does he (and his world) mean by this phrase, and what exactly is the Civitas Dei (of his De civitate Dei)? That's what this episode starts to address. Orthodoxy and Education: Doxamoot 2024:
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St. Augustine and the Angelic Destiny of Man

This week we look at St. Augustine's account of the angels, and how his view of the angels affects his theological anthropology and even his doctrines of election and history. Orthodoxy and Education: Doxamoot 2024:
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St. Augustine and the Angelic Destiny of Man

This week we look at St. Augustine's account of the angels, and how his view of the angels affects his theological anthropology and even his doctrines of election and history. Orthodoxy and Education: Doxamoot 2024:
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St. Augustine and Predestination

"This week Dr. Jenkins explores St. Augustine's novel doctrine of predestination, how did he come to believe it, and what we should Orthodox should think of it." Orthodoxy and Education: Doxamoot 2024: Luxchristi blog for the text from today's episode:
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St. Augustine and Predestination

"This week Dr. Jenkins explores St. Augustine's novel doctrine of predestination, how did he come to believe it, and what we should Orthodox should think of it." Orthodoxy and Education: Doxamoot 2024: Luxchristi blog for the text from today's episode:
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St. Augustine, Pelagius, and the Human Condition

For this episode Dr. Jenkins looks at the debate between St. Augustine and Pelagius on the power of sin in our lives, how extensive is its hold, and how do we 'get' it. Doxamoot tickets: Orthodoxy and Education:
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St. Augustine, Pelagius, and the Human Condition

For this episode Dr. Jenkins looks at the debate between St. Augustine and Pelagius on the power of sin in our lives, how extensive is its hold, and how do we 'get' it. Doxamoot tickets: Orthodoxy and Education:
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Tradition! Tradition!

This week Dr. Jenkins, after a seeming gratuitous poem from John Donne (but can anything from Donne be gratuitous) looks again at how we should think about Tradition, and why this is so relevant when discussing St. Augustine." Dr. Jenkins' book: Donne's poem: Orthodoxy & Education:
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Tradition! Tradition!

This week Dr. Jenkins, after a seeming gratuitous poem from John Donne (but can anything from Donne be gratuitous) looks again at how we should think about Tradition, and why this is so relevant when discussing St. Augustine." Dr. Jenkins' book: Donne's poem: Orthodoxy & Education:
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The Pelagians are Coming! The Pelagians are Coming!

This week Dr. Jenkins begins what will be a long and involved discussion of the Pelagian controversy. This touches more than just a British monk, but questions of the soul, freewill, predestination, inherited guilt and corruption, and difference between Greek East and Latin West. Orthodox Education Conference: A Perilous Realm:
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The Pelagians are Coming! The Pelagians are Coming!

This week Dr. Jenkins begins what will be a long and involved discussion of the Pelagian controversy. This touches more than just a British monk, but questions of the soul, freewill, predestination, inherited guilt and corruption, and difference between Greek East and Latin West. Orthodox Education Conference: A Perilous Realm:
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St. Augustine and the Unity and Purity of the Church

This week we continue our look at St. Augustine, and in particular his controversy with the Donatists, whose vision of a pure Church struck at the very foundation of the Church as God's ordinary locus of grace. For Dr. Jenkins new book:
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St. Augustine and the Unity and Purity of the Church

This week we continue our look at St. Augustine, and in particular his controversy with the Donatists, whose vision of a pure Church struck at the very foundation of the Church as God's ordinary locus of grace. For Dr. Jenkins new book:
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St. Augustine and the Harmonious Soul

This week Dr. Jenkins looks at St. Augustine's use of classical and Platonic motifs in describing the soul's relation to the cosmos through his influential treatise On music. Dr. Jenkins most recent book: Orthodoxy & Education Conference:
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St. Augustine and the Harmonious Soul

This week Dr. Jenkins looks at St. Augustine's use of classical and Platonic motifs in describing the soul's relation to the cosmos through his influential treatise On music. Dr. Jenkins most recent book: Orthodoxy & Education Conference:
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The Conversions and Conversion of St. Augustine

Continuing with his discussion of St. Augustine, Dr. Jenkins explores the Saint's account of his conversion to Christ as recounted in the Confessions. Orthodoxy and Education: Perilous Realm:
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The Conversions and Conversion of St. Augustine

Continuing with his discussion of St. Augustine, Dr. Jenkins explores the Saint's account of his conversion to Christ as recounted in the Confessions. Orthodoxy and Education: Perilous Realm:
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St. Augustine's life to his conversion

This week Dr. Jenkins continues his discussion of St. Augustine, looking at his life up to his momentous conversion in Milan. Info on Dr. Jenkins new book: Info on the Orthodoxy & Education Conference:
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St. Augustine's life to his conversion

This week Dr. Jenkins continues his discussion of St. Augustine, looking at his life up to his momentous conversion in Milan. Info on Dr. Jenkins new book: Info on the Orthodoxy & Education Conference:
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St. Augustine: The path to Christ through Cicero, Mani, and Plato

This episode Dr. Jenkins looks at St. Augustine's intellectual formation, and how he came from rebellious son to intellectual arrogance and at last to a questioning what he thought he believed. Dr. Jenkins new book:
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St. Augustine: The path to Christ through Cicero, Mani, and Plato

This episode Dr. Jenkins looks at St. Augustine's intellectual formation, and how he came from rebellious son to intellectual arrogance and at last to a questioning what he thought he believed. Dr. Jenkins new book:
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St. Augustine: An Introduction

This wee Dr. Jenkins begins his discussion of the monumental and monumentally problematic figure of St. Augustine: monk, commentator, preacher, bishop, and writer. You can order Dr. Jenkins recent book at
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St. Augustine: An Introduction

This wee Dr. Jenkins begins his discussion of the monumental and monumentally problematic figure of St. Augustine: monk, commentator, preacher, bishop, and writer. You can order Dr. Jenkins recent book at
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What is History? What is Tradition?

In this episode Dr. Jenkins returns to a listener's question about the relationship of history to truth, and the findings of that discipline to our Orthodox understanding of our clearly historical faith. Dr. Jenkins new book can be found here:
2/1/202448 minutes, 1 second
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What is History? What is Tradition?

In this episode Dr. Jenkins returns to a listener's question about the relationship of history to truth, and the findings of that discipline to our Orthodox understanding of our clearly historical faith. Dr. Jenkins new book can be found here:
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What is History? What is Tradition?

In this episode Dr. Jenkins returns to a listener's question about the relationship of history to truth, and the findings of that discipline to our Orthodox understanding of our clearly historical faith. Dr. Jenkins new book can be found here:
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Episode 100: Almost All the Questions Answered

This Episode Dr. Jenkins answers your questions almost completely, but....leaves one that could be quite involved until next week (and thus pushes St. Augustine off for another week). Dr. Jenkins' new book:
1/25/202443 minutes, 18 seconds
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Episode 100: Almost All the Questions Answered

This Episode Dr. Jenkins answers your questions almost completely, but....leaves one that could be quite involved until next week (and thus pushes St. Augustine off for another week). Dr. Jenkins' new book:
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Episode 100: Almost All the Questions Answered

This Episode Dr. Jenkins answers your questions almost completely, but....leaves one that could be quite involved until next week (and thus pushes St. Augustine off for another week). Dr. Jenkins' new book:
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St. John Cassian the Roman and Pelagianism

This week the Podcast shifts towards the west as we look at St. John Cassian. St. John had immense influence on western monasticism through St. Benedict's Rule. But also has been maligned (wrongly) as one of the sources of that dubious theology (dubious in so many ways), Semipelagianism.
1/18/202440 minutes, 17 seconds
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St. John Cassian the Roman and Pelagianism

This week the Podcast shifts towards the west as we look at St. John Cassian. St. John had immense influence on western monasticism through St. Benedict's Rule. But also has been maligned (wrongly) as one of the sources of that dubious theology (dubious in so many ways), Semipelagianism.
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St. John Cassian the Roman and Pelagianism

This week the Podcast shifts towards the west as we look at St. John Cassian. St. John had immense influence on western monasticism through St. Benedict's Rule. But also has been maligned (wrongly) as one of the sources of that dubious theology (dubious in so many ways), Semipelagianism.
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The Many Faces of the Origenist Controversy

This week Dr. Jenkins concludes his discussion of the Origenist controversy by looking at its several stages, the key components, and why it is actually several smaller controversies which each had more or less to do with Origen.
1/11/202438 minutes, 14 seconds
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The Many Faces of the Origenist Controversy

This week Dr. Jenkins concludes his discussion of the Origenist controversy by looking at its several stages, the key components, and why it is actually several smaller controversies which each had more or less to do with Origen.
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The Many Faces of the Origenist Controversy

This week Dr. Jenkins concludes his discussion of the Origenist controversy by looking at its several stages, the key components, and why it is actually several smaller controversies which each had more or less to do with Origen.
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Evagrius the Apathetic Origenist

This episode Dr. Jenkins continues looking at the first Origenistic controversy by looking at the key Origenist, namely the enigmatic Evagrius of Pontus, and his weird and wonderful teachings on the nature of the soul and prayer (sometimes weird and sometimes wonderful). You can find Dr. Jenkins most recent book at
1/4/202448 minutes, 50 seconds
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Evagrius the Apathetic Origenist

This episode Dr. Jenkins continues looking at the first Origenistic controversy by looking at the key Origenist, namely the enigmatic Evagrius of Pontus, and his weird and wonderful teachings on the nature of the soul and prayer (sometimes weird and sometimes wonderful). You can find Dr. Jenkins most recent book at
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Evagrius the Apathetic Origenist

This episode Dr. Jenkins continues looking at the first Origenistic controversy by looking at the key Origenist, namely the enigmatic Evagrius of Pontus, and his weird and wonderful teachings on the nature of the soul and prayer (sometimes weird and sometimes wonderful). You can find Dr. Jenkins most recent book at
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St. Epiphanius and the Origenists

This week we continue our discussion of the first Origenistic controversy by looking closer at the life and teachings of St. Epiphanius, and what it was he found so odious about Origen.
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St. Epiphanius and the Origenists

This week we continue our discussion of the first Origenistic controversy by looking closer at the life and teachings of St. Epiphanius, and what it was he found so odious about Origen.
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St. Epiphanius and the Origenists

This week we continue our discussion of the first Origenistic controversy by looking closer at the life and teachings of St. Epiphanius, and what it was he found so odious about Origen.
12/28/202337 minutes, 23 seconds
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The Icon of the Invisible God

This episode Dr. Jenkins continues his discussion of the Origenistic controversy by running down the rabbit hole of the Anthropomorphite controversy (AD 399). It is more bizarre than anything Alice encountered.
12/21/202340 minutes, 6 seconds
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The Icon of the Invisible God

This episode Dr. Jenkins continues his discussion of the Origenistic controversy by running down the rabbit hole of the Anthropomorphite controversy (AD 399). It is more bizarre than anything Alice encountered.
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The Icon of the Invisible God

This episode Dr. Jenkins continues his discussion of the Origenistic controversy by running down the rabbit hole of the Anthropomorphite controversy (AD 399). It is more bizarre than anything Alice encountered.
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An Introduction to the First Origenist Controversy

In this episode Dr. Jenkins begins his look at the first Origenistic controversy, the key players, and some of the messy , bitter, and acrid issues involved.
12/14/202329 minutes, 12 seconds
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An Introduction to the First Origenist Controversy

In this episode Dr. Jenkins begins his look at the first Origenistic controversy, the key players, and some of the messy , bitter, and acrid issues involved.
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An Introduction to the First Origenist Controversy

In this episode Dr. Jenkins begins his look at the first Origenistic controversy, the key players, and some of the messy , bitter, and acrid issues involved.
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The Return of St. John and a Question About the Jews

In this episode Dr. Jenkins finishes his discussion of the life of St. John Chrysostom by discussing how it happened that St. John came back to Constantinople. Dr. Jenkins as well responds to a listeners question about St. John and his stance on the Jews.
12/7/202333 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Exile of St. John Chrysostom

Dr. Jenkins comes to the conclusion of the ordeals endured by St. John, including his banishment from Constantinople, the continued persecution of his followers, and the persistent malice aimed at him by his enemies.
11/30/202353 minutes, 5 seconds
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The Exile of St. John Chrysostom

Dr. Jenkins comes to the conclusion of the ordeals endured by St. John, including his banishment from Constantinople, the continued persecution of his followers, and the persistent malice aimed at him by his enemies.
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The Exile of St. John Chrysostom

Dr. Jenkins comes to the conclusion of the ordeals endured by St. John, including his banishment from Constantinople, the continued persecution of his followers, and the persistent malice aimed at him by his enemies.
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The Synod of the Oak

Dr. Jenkins continues his study of St. John Chrysostom looking at the tragic enormity which was the synod convoked by his over enemies to depose St. John.
11/23/202339 minutes, 18 seconds
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The Synod of the Oak

Dr. Jenkins continues his study of St. John Chrysostom looking at the tragic enormity which was the synod convoked by his over enemies to depose St. John.
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The Synod of the Oak

Dr. Jenkins continues his study of St. John Chrysostom looking at the tragic enormity which was the synod convoked by his over enemies to depose St. John.
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St. John and St. Epiphanius

In this episode, Dr. Jenkins looks at the sad and unedifying episode of St. John Chrysostom's interaction with St. Epiphanius, a confrontation that occurred almost as a prelude to the Synod of the Oak, and left both our fathers in God embittered.
11/16/202336 minutes, 12 seconds
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St. John and St. Epiphanius

In this episode, Dr. Jenkins looks at the sad and unedifying episode of St. John Chrysostom's interaction with St. Epiphanius, a confrontation that occurred almost as a prelude to the Synod of the Oak, and left both our fathers in God embittered.
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St. John and St. Epiphanius

In this episode, Dr. Jenkins looks at the sad and unedifying episode of St. John Chrysostom's interaction with St. Epiphanius, a confrontation that occurred almost as a prelude to the Synod of the Oak, and left both our fathers in God embittered.
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St. John Chrysostom and the Tall Brothers

This week we dive further into the life of St. John Chrysostom and Dr. Jenkins at last gets to the events that precipitated St. John's banishment from Constantinople. This episode we look at the controversy surrounding the "tall" brothers.
11/9/202343 minutes, 18 seconds
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St. John Chrysostom and the Tall Brothers

This week we dive further into the life of St. John Chrysostom and Dr. Jenkins at last gets to the events that precipitated St. John's banishment from Constantinople. This episode we look at the controversy surrounding the "tall" brothers.
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St. John Chrysostom and the Tall Brothers

This week we dive further into the life of St. John Chrysostom and Dr. Jenkins at last gets to the events that precipitated St. John's banishment from Constantinople. This episode we look at the controversy surrounding the "tall" brothers.
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St. John Chrysostom and the Coming Storm

This week we continue looking at St. John as Bishop of Constantinople. In this episode Dr. Jenkins looks at St. John's relationship with the wandering Bishop and orator, Severian of Gabala and its implications for the disaster of the Synod of the Oak. Dr. Jenkins also begins discussing the background of the coming storm involving Theophilus of Antioch.
11/2/202336 minutes, 6 seconds
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St. John Chrysostom and the Coming Storm

This week we continue looking at St. John as Bishop of Constantinople. In this episode Dr. Jenkins looks at St. John's relationship with the wandering Bishop and orator, Severian of Gabala and its implications for the disaster of the Synod of the Oak. Dr. Jenkins also begins discussing the background of the coming storm involving Theophilus of Antioch.
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St. John Chrysostom and the Coming Storm

This week we continue looking at St. John as Bishop of Constantinople. In this episode Dr. Jenkins looks at St. John's relationship with the wandering Bishop and orator, Severian of Gabala and its implications for the disaster of the Synod of the Oak. Dr. Jenkins also begins discussing the background of the coming storm involving Theophilus of Antioch.
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St. John Chrysostom and the Gothic General

This week Dr. Jenkins continues his study of St. John Chrysostom looking at the tumultuous years of 399-400 and the terror to the imperial throne that was the Goth general Genais, and how it seemed on St. John was able to deal with him.
10/26/202342 minutes, 26 seconds
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St. John Chrysostom and the Gothic General

This week Dr. Jenkins continues his study of St. John Chrysostom looking at the tumultuous years of 399-400 and the terror to the imperial throne that was the Goth general Genais, and how it seemed on St. John was able to deal with him.
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St. John Chrysostom and the Gothic General

This week Dr. Jenkins continues his study of St. John Chrysostom looking at the tumultuous years of 399-400 and the terror to the imperial throne that was the Goth general Genais, and how it seemed on St. John was able to deal with him.
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Saint John Chrysostom and Constantinople

In this episode Dr. Jenkins discusses Constantinople and its environment, and St. John and his uneasy relationship with the imperial city.
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Saint John Chrysostom and Constantinople

In this episode Dr. Jenkins discusses Constantinople and its environment, and St. John and his uneasy relationship with the imperial city.
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Saint John Chrysostom and Constantinople

In this episode Dr. Jenkins discusses Constantinople and its environment, and St. John and his uneasy relationship with the imperial city.
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Dr. Aristeides Papadakis: A Remembrances of a Mentor and Friend

This episode Dr. Jenkins takes a break from St. John Chrysostom to reflect upon one of his Graduate Advisors, the Byzantine historian, Prof. Papadakis. Prof. Papadakis as a humble but brilliant teacher set Dr. Jenkins feet firmly on the path to Orthodoxy and his pursuit of the Church.
10/12/202334 minutes, 54 seconds
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Dr. Aristeides Papadakis: A Remembrances of a Mentor and Friend

This episode Dr. Jenkins takes a break from St. John Chrysostom to reflect upon one of his Graduate Advisors, the Byzantine historian, Prof. Papadakis. Prof. Papadakis as a humble but brilliant teacher set Dr. Jenkins feet firmly on the path to Orthodoxy and his pursuit of the Church.
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Dr. Aristeides Papadakis: A Remembrances of a Mentor and Friend

This episode Dr. Jenkins takes a break from St. John Chrysostom to reflect upon one of his Graduate Advisors, the Byzantine historian, Prof. Papadakis. Prof. Papadakis as a humble but brilliant teacher set Dr. Jenkins feet firmly on the path to Orthodoxy and his pursuit of the Church.
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Statues and Fear: The Lenten Crisis of 387

A riot in Antioch at the beginning of Lent, 387, set the whole city in a panic over the impending imperial judgment. At this time St. John Chrysostom preached a series of sermons that would place him to the fore in the mind of key imperial officials, and set the stage for his eventual elevation as the bishop of Constantinople.
10/5/202331 minutes, 9 seconds
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Statues and Fear: The Lenten Crisis of 387

A riot in Antioch at the beginning of Lent, 387, set the whole city in a panic over the impending imperial judgment. At this time St. John Chrysostom preached a series of sermons that would place him to the fore in the mind of key imperial officials, and set the stage for his eventual elevation as the bishop of Constantinople.
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Statues and Fear: The Lenten Crisis of 387

A riot in Antioch at the beginning of Lent, 387, set the whole city in a panic over the impending imperial judgment. At this time St. John Chrysostom preached a series of sermons that would place him to the fore in the mind of key imperial officials, and set the stage for his eventual elevation as the bishop of Constantinople.
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St. John Chrysostom’s Early Years as Priest & Preacher

This week Dr. Jenkins continues his look at our father among the saint, John Chrysostom. Dr. Jenkins specifically looks at St. John's first year as priest, and the themes of his sermons, which was the main duty that fell to him as the priest of the Golden Church in Antioch.
9/28/202346 minutes, 22 seconds
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St. John Chrysostom's Early Years as Priest & Preacher

This week Dr. Jenkins continues his look at our father among the saint, John Chrysostom. Dr. Jenkins specifically looks at St. John's first year as priest, and the themes of his sermons, which was the main duty that fell to him as the priest of the Golden Church in Antioch.
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St. John Chrysostom's Early Years as Priest & Preacher

This week Dr. Jenkins continues his look at our father among the saint, John Chrysostom. Dr. Jenkins specifically looks at St. John's first year as priest, and the themes of his sermons, which was the main duty that fell to him as the priest of the Golden Church in Antioch.
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St. John Chrysostom’s Diaconal Writings

This episode Dr. Jenkins reviews some of the key texts from St. John's years as a deacon. Though different in subject matter and purpose, these texts still carry some common themes and give us information about St. John's life as a deacon, and introduce us to themes that shall be part of his life as priest and bishop.
9/21/202332 minutes, 28 seconds
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St. John Chrysostom's Diaconal Writings

This episode Dr. Jenkins reviews some of the key texts from St. John's years as a deacon. Though different in subject matter and purpose, these texts still carry some common themes and give us information about St. John's life as a deacon, and introduce us to themes that shall be part of his life as priest and bishop.
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St. John Chrysostom's Diaconal Writings

This episode Dr. Jenkins reviews some of the key texts from St. John's years as a deacon. Though different in subject matter and purpose, these texts still carry some common themes and give us information about St. John's life as a deacon, and introduce us to themes that shall be part of his life as priest and bishop.
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St. John Chrysostom and the Decade of Crisis: 371-381

This episode Dr. Jenkins covers the harrowing years of St. John's life when he left Antioch for the life of a monastic upon the expulsion of his bishop, Meletios, from Antioch. He would return upon the restoration of Meletios in 378. St. John's ordination to the diaconate in 381 was followed by the repose of his beloved bishop about a month later.
9/14/202336 minutes, 33 seconds
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St. John Chrysostom and the Decade of Crisis: 371-381

This episode Dr. Jenkins covers the harrowing years of St. John's life when he left Antioch for the life of a monastic upon the expulsion of his bishop, Meletios, from Antioch. He would return upon the restoration of Meletios in 378. St. John's ordination to the diaconate in 381 was followed by the repose of his beloved bishop about a month later.
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St. John Chrysostom and the Decade of Crisis: 371-381

This episode Dr. Jenkins covers the harrowing years of St. John's life when he left Antioch for the life of a monastic upon the expulsion of his bishop, Meletios, from Antioch. He would return upon the restoration of Meletios in 378. St. John's ordination to the diaconate in 381 was followed by the repose of his beloved bishop about a month later.
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St. John Chrysostom’s Early Life

This week Dr. Jenkins turns east to begin what will be several episodes on the life and ministry of St. John Chrysostom, beginning with his early life, his conversion to the faith, and the start of his vision for what the life of the Christian entailed. Last week to register for doxamoot: For St. John's short work comparing a king to a monk, see
9/7/202345 minutes, 57 seconds
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St. John Chrysostom's Early Life

This week Dr. Jenkins turns east to begin what will be several episodes on the life and ministry of St. John Chrysostom, beginning with his early life, his conversion to the faith, and the start of his vision for what the life of the Christian entailed. Last week to register for doxamoot: For St. John's short work comparing a king to a monk, see
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St. John Chrysostom's Early Life

This week Dr. Jenkins turns east to begin what will be several episodes on the life and ministry of St. John Chrysostom, beginning with his early life, his conversion to the faith, and the start of his vision for what the life of the Christian entailed. Last week to register for doxamoot: For St. John's short work comparing a king to a monk, see
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St. Ambrose and Sacramental Political Theology, 2

This episode Dr. Jenkins continues to look at our Father among the Saints, Ambrose, Bishop of Milan. This week, working off of last week's episode on St. Athanasius and St. Hilary of Poitiers, Dr. Jenkins looks at St. Ambrose's relationship with the Emperor Theodosius, and how St. Ambrose's view of the kingdom as a sacramental reality worked itself out. For information on Doxamoot: See for text for the last few episodes.
8/31/202342 minutes, 30 seconds
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St. Ambrose and Sacramental Political Theology, 2

This episode Dr. Jenkins continues to look at our Father among the Saints, Ambrose, Bishop of Milan. This week, working off of last week's episode on St. Athanasius and St. Hilary of Poitiers, Dr. Jenkins looks at St. Ambrose's relationship with the Emperor Theodosius, and how St. Ambrose's view of the kingdom as a sacramental reality worked itself out. For information on Doxamoot: See for text for the last few episodes.
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St. Ambrose and Sacramental Political Theology, 2

This episode Dr. Jenkins continues to look at our Father among the Saints, Ambrose, Bishop of Milan. This week, working off of last week's episode on St. Athanasius and St. Hilary of Poitiers, Dr. Jenkins looks at St. Ambrose's relationship with the Emperor Theodosius, and how St. Ambrose's view of the kingdom as a sacramental reality worked itself out. For information on Doxamoot: See for text for the last few episodes.
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St. Ambrose and Sacramental Political Theology, part 1

This episode Dr. Jenkins continues to look at our Father among the Saints, Ambrose, Bishop of Milan. This week, working off of last week's episode on St. Ambrose on the Sacraments, we look at how the sacramental theology of St. Ambrose's predecessors as bishops, Saints Athanasius and Hilary, framed their responses to the interference of the Empire in the life of the Church. This sets the stage for next week's episode on St. Ambrose and Theodosius the Great. For information on Doxamoot: See for text for the last few episodes.
8/24/202337 minutes, 20 seconds
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St. Ambrose and Sacramental Political Theology, part 1

This episode Dr. Jenkins continues to look at our Father among the Saints, Ambrose, Bishop of Milan. This week, working off of last week's episode on St. Ambrose on the Sacraments, we look at how the sacramental theology of St. Ambrose's predecessors as bishops, Saints Athanasius and Hilary, framed their responses to the interference of the Empire in the life of the Church. This sets the stage for next week's episode on St. Ambrose and Theodosius the Great. For information on Doxamoot: See for text for the last few episodes.
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St. Ambrose and Sacramental Political Theology, part 1

This episode Dr. Jenkins continues to look at our Father among the Saints, Ambrose, Bishop of Milan. This week, working off of last week's episode on St. Ambrose on the Sacraments, we look at how the sacramental theology of St. Ambrose's predecessors as bishops, Saints Athanasius and Hilary, framed their responses to the interference of the Empire in the life of the Church. This sets the stage for next week's episode on St. Ambrose and Theodosius the Great. For information on Doxamoot: See for text for the last few episodes.
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St. Ambrose and the Sacrament of the Father

This episode Dr. Jenkins continues to look at our Father among the Saints, Ambrose, Bishop of Milan. This week we take a look at the basis of St. Ambrose's sacramental theology, what it entailed, and most of all, what it means for the life of the faithful. For information on Doxamoot: See for text for the last few episodes.
8/17/202334 minutes, 33 seconds
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St. Ambrose and the Sacrament of the Father

This episode Dr. Jenkins continues to look at our Father among the Saints, Ambrose, Bishop of Milan. This week we take a look at the basis of St. Ambrose's sacramental theology, what it entailed, and most of all, what it means for the life of the faithful. For information on Doxamoot: See for text for the last few episodes.
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St. Ambrose and the Sacrament of the Father

This episode Dr. Jenkins continues to look at our Father among the Saints, Ambrose, Bishop of Milan. This week we take a look at the basis of St. Ambrose's sacramental theology, what it entailed, and most of all, what it means for the life of the faithful. For information on Doxamoot: See for text for the last few episodes.
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Saint Ambrose and the Arians: Part 2

This Episode we return again to St. Ambrose, this week looking at his defense of Nicaea, but also of the freedom of the Church from the interference of imperial power, a major issue in his life and thought, which we will see as well with regard to the emperor Theodosius. Episode info and the texts can be found at Lux Christi. For information on Doxamoot:
8/10/202338 minutes, 45 seconds
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Saint Ambrose and the Arians: Part 2

This Episode we return again to St. Ambrose, this week looking at his defense of Nicaea, but also of the freedom of the Church from the interference of imperial power, a major issue in his life and thought, which we will see as well with regard to the emperor Theodosius. Episode info and the texts can be found at Lux Christi. For information on Doxamoot:
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Saint Ambrose and the Arians: Part 2

This Episode we return again to St. Ambrose, this week looking at his defense of Nicaea, but also of the freedom of the Church from the interference of imperial power, a major issue in his life and thought, which we will see as well with regard to the emperor Theodosius. Episode info and the texts can be found at Lux Christi. For information on Doxamoot:
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Saint Ambrose and the Arians: Part 1

This Episode we return again to St. Ambrose, this week looking at his defense of Nicaea, and major issue in his life and thought. Episode info and the texts can be found at Lux Christi. For information on Doxamoot:
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Saint Ambrose and the Arians: Part 1

This Episode we return again to St. Ambrose, this week looking at his defense of Nicaea, and major issue in his life and thought. Episode info and the texts can be found at Lux Christi. For information on Doxamoot:
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Saint Ambrose and the Arians: Part 1

This Episode we return again to St. Ambrose, this week looking at his defense of Nicaea, and major issue in his life and thought. Episode info and the texts can be found at Lux Christi. For information on Doxamoot:
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St. Ambrose and the Confrontation with Paganism

This episode Dr. Jenkins looks at St. Ambrose and the Church's confrontation with paganism, particularly over the removal of the Statue of Victory in Rome. For information on Doxamoot: For today's quoted texts:
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St. Ambrose and the Confrontation with Paganism

This episode Dr. Jenkins looks at St. Ambrose and the Church's confrontation with paganism, particularly over the removal of the Statue of Victory in Rome. For information on Doxamoot: For today's quoted texts:
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St. Ambrose and the Confrontation with Paganism

This episode Dr. Jenkins looks at St. Ambrose and the Church's confrontation with paganism, particularly over the removal of the Statue of Victory in Rome. For information on Doxamoot: For today's quoted texts:
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St. Gregory the Theologian and the Holy Spirit

This episode Dr. Jenkins continues looking at the Trinitarian controversy by exploring the respective views of St. Basil the Great and St. Gregory the Theologian on the Holy Spirit. For information on Doxamoot: For today's quoted texts:
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St. Gregory the Theologian and the Holy Spirit

This episode Dr. Jenkins continues looking at the Trinitarian controversy by exploring the respective views of St. Basil the Great and St. Gregory the Theologian on the Holy Spirit. For information on Doxamoot: For today's quoted texts:
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St. Gregory the Theologian and the Holy Spirit

This episode Dr. Jenkins continues looking at the Trinitarian controversy by exploring the respective views of St. Basil the Great and St. Gregory the Theologian on the Holy Spirit. For information on Doxamoot: For today's quoted texts:
7/20/202347 minutes, 1 second
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The Second Ecumenical Council

This episode Dr. Jenkins looks at the 2nd Ecumenical Council, how it happened, the role of the emperor, and why St. Gregory the Theologian wasn't exactly all that happy with it. Info on Doxamoot: Info on Rule of Faith:
7/13/202336 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Second Ecumenical Council

This episode Dr. Jenkins looks at the 2nd Ecumenical Council, how it happened, the role of the emperor, and why St. Gregory the Theologian wasn't exactly all that happy with it. Info on Doxamoot: Info on Rule of Faith:
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The Second Ecumenical Council

This episode Dr. Jenkins looks at the 2nd Ecumenical Council, how it happened, the role of the emperor, and why St. Gregory the Theologian wasn't exactly all that happy with it. Info on Doxamoot: Info on Rule of Faith:
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A Q&A Greater Than Which Cannot Be Thought

This episode Dr. Jenkins answers questions on what we can and cannot "learn" from history, what happens when people attempt to use history against the Faith, and where does Tradition enter into our minds as we defend the Faith once given to the saints. Info on Doxamoot: Info on Rule of Faith:
7/6/20231 hour, 2 minutes, 6 seconds
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A Q&A Greater Than Which Cannot Be Thought

This episode Dr. Jenkins answers questions on what we can and cannot "learn" from history, what happens when people attempt to use history against the Faith, and where does Tradition enter into our minds as we defend the Faith once given to the saints. Info on Doxamoot: Info on Rule of Faith:
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A Q&A Greater Than Which Cannot Be Thought

This episode Dr. Jenkins answers questions on what we can and cannot "learn" from history, what happens when people attempt to use history against the Faith, and where does Tradition enter into our minds as we defend the Faith once given to the saints. Info on Doxamoot: Info on Rule of Faith:
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St. Basil and the Holy Trinity

This episode Dr. Jenkins continues looking at both the question of the Trinity and the life and thought of St. Basil the Great, one of the most celebrated of the early Church fathers. Doxamoot: Orthodoxy & Ed conference:
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St. Basil and the Holy Trinity

This episode Dr. Jenkins continues looking at both the question of the Trinity and the life and thought of St. Basil the Great, one of the most celebrated of the early Church fathers. Doxamoot: Orthodoxy & Ed conference:
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St. Basil and the Holy Trinity

This episode Dr. Jenkins continues looking at both the question of the Trinity and the life and thought of St. Basil the Great, one of the most celebrated of the early Church fathers. Doxamoot: Orthodoxy & Ed conference:
6/29/202349 minutes, 31 seconds
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St. Basil the Great and his Chaotic World

Dr. Jenkins looks this week at the life and ministry of St. Basil the Great, and the intellectual and theological uncertainty that was his world, and why we should think of our father among the saints indeed as great. For upcoming events regarding the St. Basil Society, see the following: Doxamoot: Orthodoxy & Ed conference: Florovsky Campaign:
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St. Basil the Great and his Chaotic World

Dr. Jenkins looks this week at the life and ministry of St. Basil the Great, and the intellectual and theological uncertainty that was his world, and why we should think of our father among the saints indeed as great. For upcoming events regarding the St. Basil Society, see the following: Doxamoot: Orthodoxy & Ed conference: Florovsky Campaign:
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St. Basil the Great and his Chaotic World

Dr. Jenkins looks this week at the life and ministry of St. Basil the Great, and the intellectual and theological uncertainty that was his world, and why we should think of our father among the saints indeed as great. For upcoming events regarding the St. Basil Society, see the following: Doxamoot: Orthodoxy & Ed conference: Florovsky Campaign:
6/22/202332 minutes, 27 seconds
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St. Gregory of Nyssa and His Long Refutation of Apollinarius

This episode, Dr. Jenkins finishes his discussion of Apollinarius by looking at St. Gregory's Antihereticus. For upcoming events regarding the St. Basil Society, see the following: Doxamoot: Orthodoxy & Ed conference: Florovsky Campaign:
6/15/202337 minutes, 51 seconds
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St. Gregory of Nyssa and His Long Refutation of Apollinarius

This episode, Dr. Jenkins finishes his discussion of Apollinarius by looking at St. Gregory's Antihereticus. For upcoming events regarding the St. Basil Society, see the following: Doxamoot: Orthodoxy & Ed conference: Florovsky Campaign:
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St. Gregory of Nyssa and His Long Refutation of Apollinarius

This episode, Dr. Jenkins finishes his discussion of Apollinarius by looking at St. Gregory's Antihereticus. For upcoming events regarding the St. Basil Society, see the following: Doxamoot: Orthodoxy & Ed conference: Florovsky Campaign:
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St. Gregory of Nyssa Contra Apollinarium

In this episode Dr. Jenkins continues his investigation of Apollinarianism by looking first at the life of St Gregory of Nyssa, and then at St. Gregory's Letter to Theophilus of Apollonaris. For the content of the letter: Doxamoot: Orthodoxy & Ed conference: Florovsky Campaign:
5/18/202341 minutes, 45 seconds
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St. Gregory of Nyssa Contra Apollinarium

In this episode Dr. Jenkins continues his investigation of Apollinarianism by looking first at the life of St Gregory of Nyssa, and then at St. Gregory's Letter to Theophilus of Apollonaris. For the content of the letter: Doxamoot: Orthodoxy & Ed conference: Florovsky Campaign:
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St. Gregory of Nyssa Contra Apollinarium

In this episode Dr. Jenkins continues his investigation of Apollinarianism by looking first at the life of St Gregory of Nyssa, and then at St. Gregory's Letter to Theophilus of Apollonaris. For the content of the letter: Doxamoot: Orthodoxy & Ed conference: Florovsky Campaign:
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St. Gregory the Theologian & the Apollinarian Heresy

The week Dr. Jenkins Continues with the Apollinarian controversy, looking at three letters by St. Gregory the Theologian. The letters will be posted to Doxamoot: Orthodoxy & Ed conference: Florovsky Campaign:
5/11/202348 minutes, 15 seconds
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St. Gregory the Theologian & the Apollinarian Heresy

The week Dr. Jenkins Continues with the Apollinarian controversy, looking at three letters by St. Gregory the Theologian. The letters will be posted to Doxamoot: Orthodoxy & Ed conference: Florovsky Campaign:
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St. Gregory the Theologian & the Apollinarian Heresy

The week Dr. Jenkins Continues with the Apollinarian controversy, looking at three letters by St. Gregory the Theologian. The letters will be posted to Doxamoot: Orthodoxy & Ed conference: Florovsky Campaign:
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The Calamities of St. Gregory the Theologian

Dr. Jenkins in this episode examines the life of one of the great saints of the Church in St. Gregory the Theologian, whose defense of the Faith against Apollinarianism (to be discussed next week) proved crucial. The Vicissitudes of his life are this episodes subject. Details on Doxamoot can be found here: On Orthodoxy & Education here: And the Florovsky fundraiser here:
5/4/202351 minutes, 21 seconds
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The Calamities of St. Gregory the Theologian

Dr. Jenkins in this episode examines the life of one of the great saints of the Church in St. Gregory the Theologian, whose defense of the Faith against Apollinarianism (to be discussed next week) proved crucial. The Vicissitudes of his life are this episodes subject. Details on Doxamoot can be found here: On Orthodoxy & Education here: And the Florovsky fundraiser here:
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The Calamities of St. Gregory the Theologian

Dr. Jenkins in this episode examines the life of one of the great saints of the Church in St. Gregory the Theologian, whose defense of the Faith against Apollinarianism (to be discussed next week) proved crucial. The Vicissitudes of his life are this episodes subject. Details on Doxamoot can be found here: On Orthodoxy & Education here: And the Florovsky fundraiser here:
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The Trail of the Heretic: Apollinaris & His Background

Dr. Jenkins continues his discussion of Apollinaris, the heretic often sandwiched between Arius and Nestorius, but whose error was not too different than theirs. Information on the St. Basil Fundraiser for publishing Fr. Florovsky's works can be found here: And Doxamoot tickets are here:
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The Trail of the Heretic: Apollinaris & His Background

Dr. Jenkins continues his discussion of Apollinaris, the heretic often sandwiched between Arius and Nestorius, but whose error was not too different than theirs. Information on the St. Basil Fundraiser for publishing Fr. Florovsky's works can be found here: And Doxamoot tickets are here:
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The Trail of the Heretic: Apollinaris & His Background

Dr. Jenkins continues his discussion of Apollinaris, the heretic often sandwiched between Arius and Nestorius, but whose error was not too different than theirs. Information on the St. Basil Fundraiser for publishing Fr. Florovsky's works can be found here: And Doxamoot tickets are here:
4/27/202336 minutes, 18 seconds
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The Once & Future Heretic: Apollinaris of Laodicea

This week Dr. Jenkins begins a discussion of the heresy of Apollinarianism, a heresy touching the question what does it mean that the Word became Flesh. Far more than just an ancient error, it has champions even today. Information on this episode can be found at, and information on Doxamoot at
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The Once & Future Heretic: Apollinaris of Laodicea

This week Dr. Jenkins begins a discussion of the heresy of Apollinarianism, a heresy touching the question what does it mean that the Word became Flesh. Far more than just an ancient error, it has champions even today. Information on this episode can be found at, and information on Doxamoot at
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The Once & Future Heretic: Apollinaris of Laodicea

This week Dr. Jenkins begins a discussion of the heresy of Apollinarianism, a heresy touching the question what does it mean that the Word became Flesh. Far more than just an ancient error, it has champions even today. Information on this episode can be found at, and information on Doxamoot at
4/20/202328 minutes, 53 seconds
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A Detour to What is Necessary with Saints Sophronius, Zosima, Antony, and Mary of Egypt.

This episode Dr. Jenkins takes a look at the Life of St. Mary of Egypt with regard to reordering our thoughts and desires, with some side thoughts on The Way of the Pilgrim. As always, notes on this episode can be found at, and information on Doxamoot at
4/13/202332 minutes, 30 seconds
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A Detour to What is Necessary with Saints Sophronius, Zosima, Antony, and Mary of Egypt.

This episode Dr. Jenkins takes a look at the Life of St. Mary of Egypt with regard to reordering our thoughts and desires, with some side thoughts on The Way of the Pilgrim. As always, notes on this episode can be found at, and information on Doxamoot at
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A Detour to What is Necessary with Saints Sophronius, Zosima, Antony, and Mary of Egypt.

This episode Dr. Jenkins takes a look at the Life of St. Mary of Egypt with regard to reordering our thoughts and desires, with some side thoughts on The Way of the Pilgrim. As always, notes on this episode can be found at, and information on Doxamoot at
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The Confrontation of Church and Empire

This episode Dr. Jenkins examines how the Church at the time of the Arian controversy saw itself in relation to the state, and addressed the matter of the emperor's place in the Church. Notes for this episode can be found at Info on Doxamoot can be found at
4/6/202340 minutes, 18 seconds
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The Confrontation of Church and Empire

This episode Dr. Jenkins examines how the Church at the time of the Arian controversy saw itself in relation to the state, and addressed the matter of the emperor's place in the Church. Notes for this episode can be found at Info on Doxamoot can be found at
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The Confrontation of Church and Empire

This episode Dr. Jenkins examines how the Church at the time of the Arian controversy saw itself in relation to the state, and addressed the matter of the emperor's place in the Church. Notes for this episode can be found at Info on Doxamoot can be found at
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Saint Antony & His Life

This week Dr. Jenkins looks at St. Athanasius's Life of Antony, and at St. Antony the Great himself. As always, show notes can be found at The Florovsky Fundraiser is at
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Saint Antony & His Life

This week Dr. Jenkins looks at St. Athanasius's Life of Antony, and at St. Antony the Great himself. As always, show notes can be found at The Florovsky Fundraiser is at
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Saint Antony & His Life

This week Dr. Jenkins looks at St. Athanasius's Life of Antony, and at St. Antony the Great himself. As always, show notes can be found at The Florovsky Fundraiser is at
4/3/202338 minutes, 40 seconds
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St. Athanasius and His Last Years

This episode Dr. Jenkins concludes his look at the life and thought of St. Athanasius, his final years in Alexandria, and his contribution to the growing controversies over what it meant that “the Word became flesh and dwelt among us.” The show notes to in this episode can be found at The preserving Fr. Florovsky fundraiser can be found at For St. Gregory’s Oration on St. Athanasius: For St. Athanasius’ letters: To Epictetus, And to Adelphius:
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St. Athanasius and His Last Years

This episode Dr. Jenkins concludes his look at the life and thought of St. Athanasius, his final years in Alexandria, and his contribution to the growing controversies over what it meant that “the Word became flesh and dwelt among us.” The show notes to in this episode can be found at The preserving Fr. Florovsky fundraiser can be found at For St. Gregory’s Oration on St. Athanasius: For St. Athanasius’ letters: To Epictetus, And to Adelphius:
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St. Athanasius and His Last Years

This episode Dr. Jenkins concludes his look at the life and thought of St. Athanasius, his final years in Alexandria, and his contribution to the growing controversies over what it meant that “the Word became flesh and dwelt among us.” The show notes to in this episode can be found at The preserving Fr. Florovsky fundraiser can be found at For St. Gregory’s Oration on St. Athanasius: For St. Athanasius’ letters: To Epictetus, And to Adelphius:
3/30/202327 minutes, 14 seconds
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St. Athanasius & The Defense of Nicaean Orthodoxy

This episode Dr. Jenkins continues his look at the life and thought of St. Athanasius, his return to Alexandria after his exile in Rome, the councils held (on both sides) to address (and aggravate) the controversy, and the breakthrough of the Council at Alexandria in 362. The show notes to in this episode can be found at The preserving Fr. Florovsky fundraiser can be found at Information on the Summer Scholars Program on Tolkien is at
3/25/202334 minutes, 32 seconds
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St. Athanasius & The Defense of Nicaean Orthodoxy

This episode Dr. Jenkins continues his look at the life and thought of St. Athanasius, his return to Alexandria after his exile in Rome, the councils held (on both sides) to address (and aggravate) the controversy, and the breakthrough of the Council at Alexandria in 362. The show notes to in this episode can be found at The preserving Fr. Florovsky fundraiser can be found at Information on the Summer Scholars Program on Tolkien is at
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St. Athanasius & The Defense of Nicaean Orthodoxy

This episode Dr. Jenkins continues his look at the life and thought of St. Athanasius, his return to Alexandria after his exile in Rome, the councils held (on both sides) to address (and aggravate) the controversy, and the breakthrough of the Council at Alexandria in 362. The show notes to in this episode can be found at The preserving Fr. Florovsky fundraiser can be found at Information on the Summer Scholars Program on Tolkien is at
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St. Athanasius, Punch and Counter-Punch

In this episode Dr. Jenkins continues his discussion of St. Athanasius, looking at his time of exile in Rome, the councils held (on both sides) to address (and aggravate) the controversy, and the issues involved that come into sharper focus in these years. The show notes to in this episode can be found at You can find the most recent issue of Rule of Faith and subscribe at Dr. Jenkins recent interviews with Fr. Reardon and the Cialinis can both be found at”
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St. Athanasius, Punch and Counter-Punch

In this episode Dr. Jenkins continues his discussion of St. Athanasius, looking at his time of exile in Rome, the councils held (on both sides) to address (and aggravate) the controversy, and the issues involved that come into sharper focus in these years. The show notes to in this episode can be found at You can find the most recent issue of Rule of Faith and subscribe at Dr. Jenkins recent interviews with Fr. Reardon and the Cialinis can both be found at”
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St. Athanasius, Punch and Counter-Punch

In this episode Dr. Jenkins continues his discussion of St. Athanasius, looking at his time of exile in Rome, the councils held (on both sides) to address (and aggravate) the controversy, and the issues involved that come into sharper focus in these years. The show notes to in this episode can be found at You can find the most recent issue of Rule of Faith and subscribe at Dr. Jenkins recent interviews with Fr. Reardon and the Cialinis can both be found at”
3/9/202340 minutes, 23 seconds
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The Trials and Travails of St. Athanasius

In this episode Dr. Jenkins continues his discussion of St. Athanasius, treating the initial struggles with the Arianist Eusebian party, and his first two exiles from Alexandria. The show notes to in this episode can be found at You can find the most recent issue of Rule of Faith and subscribe at Dr. Jenkins recent interviews with Fr. Reardon and the Cialinis can both be found at
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The Trials and Travails of St. Athanasius

In this episode Dr. Jenkins continues his discussion of St. Athanasius, treating the initial struggles with the Arianist Eusebian party, and his first two exiles from Alexandria. The show notes to in this episode can be found at You can find the most recent issue of Rule of Faith and subscribe at Dr. Jenkins recent interviews with Fr. Reardon and the Cialinis can both be found at
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The Trials and Travails of St. Athanasius

In this episode Dr. Jenkins continues his discussion of St. Athanasius, treating the initial struggles with the Arianist Eusebian party, and his first two exiles from Alexandria. The show notes to in this episode can be found at You can find the most recent issue of Rule of Faith and subscribe at Dr. Jenkins recent interviews with Fr. Reardon and the Cialinis can both be found at
3/2/202332 minutes, 38 seconds
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St. Athanasios: An Introduction

This episode Dr. Jenkins begins our look at one of the Church's most memorable and important saints, one remembered at the Intercessions during Matins, St. Athanasios. Dr. Jenkins begins with some introductory thoughts on recent (and some not-so-recent) studies of St. Athanasios, and situates him the fourth-century Roman world whose middle years he dominated. Show notes can be found at More information of the Summer Scholar Program on Tolkien with Dr. Jenkins and Fr. Andrew Stephen Damick can be found at
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St. Athanasios: An Introduction

This episode Dr. Jenkins begins our look at one of the Church's most memorable and important saints, one remembered at the Intercessions during Matins, St. Athanasios. Dr. Jenkins begins with some introductory thoughts on recent (and some not-so-recent) studies of St. Athanasios, and situates him the fourth-century Roman world whose middle years he dominated. Show notes can be found at More information of the Summer Scholar Program on Tolkien with Dr. Jenkins and Fr. Andrew Stephen Damick can be found at
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St. Athanasios: An Introduction

This episode Dr. Jenkins begins our look at one of the Church's most memorable and important saints, one remembered at the Intercessions during Matins, St. Athanasios. Dr. Jenkins begins with some introductory thoughts on recent (and some not-so-recent) studies of St. Athanasios, and situates him the fourth-century Roman world whose middle years he dominated. Show notes can be found at More information of the Summer Scholar Program on Tolkien with Dr. Jenkins and Fr. Andrew Stephen Damick can be found at
2/23/202335 minutes, 48 seconds
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The World Groaned to Find Itself Arian

“In this episode Dr. Jenkins begins year two of Light Through the Past by taking in a broad view of the decades of the fourth century that comprise the Arian controversy. The show notes to in this episode can be found at You can find the most recent issue of Rule of Faith and subscribe at, and Dr. Jenkins recent presentation on the Troubadours at”
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The World Groaned to Find Itself Arian

“In this episode Dr. Jenkins begins year two of Light Through the Past by taking in a broad view of the decades of the fourth century that comprise the Arian controversy. The show notes to in this episode can be found at You can find the most recent issue of Rule of Faith and subscribe at, and Dr. Jenkins recent presentation on the Troubadours at”
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The World Groaned to Find Itself Arian

“In this episode Dr. Jenkins begins year two of Light Through the Past by taking in a broad view of the decades of the fourth century that comprise the Arian controversy. The show notes to in this episode can be found at You can find the most recent issue of Rule of Faith and subscribe at, and Dr. Jenkins recent presentation on the Troubadours at”
2/16/202332 minutes, 20 seconds
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Saint Constantine the Great

In this episode Dr. Jenkins takes an in-depth look at Saint Constantine the Great. The show notes and the texts quoted and alluded to in this episode can be found at You can find the most recent issue of Rule of Faith and subscribe at
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Saint Constantine the Great

In this episode Dr. Jenkins takes an in-depth look at Saint Constantine the Great. The show notes and the texts quoted and alluded to in this episode can be found at You can find the most recent issue of Rule of Faith and subscribe at
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Saint Constantine the Great

In this episode Dr. Jenkins takes an in-depth look at Saint Constantine the Great. The show notes and the texts quoted and alluded to in this episode can be found at You can find the most recent issue of Rule of Faith and subscribe at
2/9/202342 minutes, 46 seconds
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The Council of Nicaea 2

In this episode Dr. Jenkins continues to weigh in on the Council of Nicaea and the Nicaean Crisis, what occurred at the Council, who were some of the chief players, and what was the immediate implications of the Council’s acts. The show notes and the texts quoted and alluded to in this episode can be found at You can find the most recent issue of Rule of Faith and subscribe at
2/2/202336 minutes, 37 seconds
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The Council of Nicaea 2

In this episode Dr. Jenkins continues to weigh in on the Council of Nicaea and the Nicaean Crisis, what occurred at the Council, who were some of the chief players, and what was the immediate implications of the Council’s acts. The show notes and the texts quoted and alluded to in this episode can be found at You can find the most recent issue of Rule of Faith and subscribe at
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The Council of Nicaea 2

In this episode Dr. Jenkins continues to weigh in on the Council of Nicaea and the Nicaean Crisis, what occurred at the Council, who were some of the chief players, and what was the immediate implications of the Council’s acts. The show notes and the texts quoted and alluded to in this episode can be found at You can find the most recent issue of Rule of Faith and subscribe at
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The Nicaean Crisis, Part 1

In this episode Dr. Jenkins weighs in on the Council of Nicaea and the Nicaean Crisis, what were the events that lead up to it, and who were some of the chief players. The show notes and the texts quoted and alluded to in this episode can be found at You can find the most recent issue of Rule of Faith and subscribe at
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The Nicaean Crisis, Part 1

In this episode Dr. Jenkins weighs in on the Council of Nicaea and the Nicaean Crisis, what were the events that lead up to it, and who were some of the chief players. The show notes and the texts quoted and alluded to in this episode can be found at You can find the most recent issue of Rule of Faith and subscribe at
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The Nicaean Crisis, Part 1

In this episode Dr. Jenkins weighs in on the Council of Nicaea and the Nicaean Crisis, what were the events that lead up to it, and who were some of the chief players. The show notes and the texts quoted and alluded to in this episode can be found at You can find the most recent issue of Rule of Faith and subscribe at
1/26/202334 minutes, 55 seconds
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Dipping into the Mailbag

This week Dr. Jenkins replies to emails from listeners.
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Dipping into the Mailbag

This week Dr. Jenkins replies to emails from listeners.
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Dipping into the Mailbag

This week Dr. Jenkins replies to emails from listeners.
1/19/202345 minutes, 40 seconds
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An Heresiarch Like None Other: Arius of Alexandria

In this episode Dr. Jenkins continues his discussion of the origin of the Trinitarian controversy and addresses exactly what it was the Arius believed, and gives some thoughts on why the Church in righteous and just horror recoiled from the nice, rational religion. The show notes and the texts quoted and alluded to in this episode can be found at You can find the most recent issue of Rule of Faith and subscribe at
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An Heresiarch Like None Other: Arius of Alexandria

In this episode Dr. Jenkins continues his discussion of the origin of the Trinitarian controversy and addresses exactly what it was the Arius believed, and gives some thoughts on why the Church in righteous and just horror recoiled from the nice, rational religion. The show notes and the texts quoted and alluded to in this episode can be found at You can find the most recent issue of Rule of Faith and subscribe at
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An Heresiarch Like None Other: Arius of Alexandria

In this episode Dr. Jenkins continues his discussion of the origin of the Trinitarian controversy and addresses exactly what it was the Arius believed, and gives some thoughts on why the Church in righteous and just horror recoiled from the nice, rational religion. The show notes and the texts quoted and alluded to in this episode can be found at You can find the most recent issue of Rule of Faith and subscribe at
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Arianism from Newman to Vaggione

In today's episode Dr. Jenkins at last gets to the Nicene controversy, and begins by discussing how recent historians of theology have framed the questions that surround this tumultuous time, beginning with John Henry Newman's 1833 book (later revised) The Arians os the Fourth Century. The books referenced and links to them on Amazon, along with show notes, can be found at
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Arianism from Newman to Vaggione

In today's episode Dr. Jenkins at last gets to the Nicene controversy, and begins by discussing how recent historians of theology have framed the questions that surround this tumultuous time, beginning with John Henry Newman's 1833 book (later revised) The Arians os the Fourth Century. The books referenced and links to them on Amazon, along with show notes, can be found at
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Arianism from Newman to Vaggione

In today's episode Dr. Jenkins at last gets to the Nicene controversy, and begins by discussing how recent historians of theology have framed the questions that surround this tumultuous time, beginning with John Henry Newman's 1833 book (later revised) The Arians os the Fourth Century. The books referenced and links to them on Amazon, along with show notes, can be found at
1/5/202340 minutes
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The Problem of Constantine's Conversion

In today’s episode Dr. Jenkins concludes his detour from the Trinitarian controversy to tackle the questions and problems surrounding the so-called conversion of St. Constantine. The show notes and the texts quoted and alluded to in this episode can be found at You can find the most recent issue of Rule of Faith and subscribe at
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The Problem of Constantine's Conversion

In today’s episode Dr. Jenkins concludes his detour from the Trinitarian controversy to tackle the questions and problems surrounding the so-called conversion of St. Constantine. The show notes and the texts quoted and alluded to in this episode can be found at You can find the most recent issue of Rule of Faith and subscribe at
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The Problem of Constantine’s Conversion

In today’s episode Dr. Jenkins concludes his detour from the Trinitarian controversy to tackle the questions and problems surrounding the so-called conversion of St. Constantine. The show notes and the texts quoted and alluded to in this episode can be found at You can find the most recent issue of Rule of Faith and subscribe at
12/29/202232 minutes, 42 seconds
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Who Converted Whom?

In today’s episode Dr. Jenkins continues his detour from the Trinitarian controversy to address further the Great Persecution and the Conversion of St. Constantine. Specifically this episode, we look at the question of what exactly was the Church, these Christians, that St. Constantine would attach himself to? The show notes and the texts quoted and alluded to in this episode can be found at You can find the most recent issue of Rule of Faith and subscribe at
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Who Converted Whom?

In today’s episode Dr. Jenkins continues his detour from the Trinitarian controversy to address further the Great Persecution and the Conversion of St. Constantine. Specifically this episode, we look at the question of what exactly was the Church, these Christians, that St. Constantine would attach himself to? The show notes and the texts quoted and alluded to in this episode can be found at You can find the most recent issue of Rule of Faith and subscribe at
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Who Converted Whom?

In today’s episode Dr. Jenkins continues his detour from the Trinitarian controversy to address further the Great Persecution and the Conversion of St. Constantine. Specifically this episode, we look at the question of what exactly was the Church, these Christians, that St. Constantine would attach himself to? The show notes and the texts quoted and alluded to in this episode can be found at You can find the most recent issue of Rule of Faith and subscribe at
12/22/202235 minutes, 19 seconds
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The Great Persecution Begins in Earnest

In today’s episode Dr. Jenkins continues his circuitous and long detour from the Trinitarian controversy to address matters pertaining to the Great Persecution, the third of several episodes on this topic. While the persecution begins in AD 303, the great persecution was not empire wide, nor was its ferocity evenly distributed, but it was clearly marked by two periods. We shall treat the first period today. The show notes and the texts quoted and alluded to in this episode can be found at You can find the most recent issue of Rule of Faith and subscribe at
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The Great Persecution Begins in Earnest

In today’s episode Dr. Jenkins continues his circuitous and long detour from the Trinitarian controversy to address matters pertaining to the Great Persecution, the third of several episodes on this topic. While the persecution begins in AD 303, the great persecution was not empire wide, nor was its ferocity evenly distributed, but it was clearly marked by two periods. We shall treat the first period today. The show notes and the texts quoted and alluded to in this episode can be found at You can find the most recent issue of Rule of Faith and subscribe at
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The Great Persecution Begins in Earnest

In today’s episode Dr. Jenkins continues his circuitous and long detour from the Trinitarian controversy to address matters pertaining to the Great Persecution, the third of several episodes on this topic. While the persecution begins in AD 303, the great persecution was not empire wide, nor was its ferocity evenly distributed, but it was clearly marked by two periods. We shall treat the first period today. The show notes and the texts quoted and alluded to in this episode can be found at You can find the most recent issue of Rule of Faith and subscribe at
12/15/202229 minutes, 49 seconds
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The Theban Legion and Its Despisers and Detractors

“In today’s episode Dr. Jenkins continues his detour from the Trinitarian controversy to address matters pertaining to the Great Persecution, the second of several episodes on this topic. While the persecution begins in AD 303, events and confrontations happened before it that clearly signaled its approach, and this week we look at the story of the Martyrdom of the Theban Legion. The show notes and the texts quoted and alluded to in this episode can be found at You can find the most recent issue of Rule of Faith and subscribe at”
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The Theban Legion and Its Despisers and Detractors

“In today’s episode Dr. Jenkins continues his detour from the Trinitarian controversy to address matters pertaining to the Great Persecution, the second of several episodes on this topic. While the persecution begins in AD 303, events and confrontations happened before it that clearly signaled its approach, and this week we look at the story of the Martyrdom of the Theban Legion. The show notes and the texts quoted and alluded to in this episode can be found at You can find the most recent issue of Rule of Faith and subscribe at”
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The Theban Legion and Its Despisers and Detractors

“In today’s episode Dr. Jenkins continues his detour from the Trinitarian controversy to address matters pertaining to the Great Persecution, the second of several episodes on this topic. While the persecution begins in AD 303, events and confrontations happened before it that clearly signaled its approach, and this week we look at the story of the Martyrdom of the Theban Legion. The show notes and the texts quoted and alluded to in this episode can be found at You can find the most recent issue of Rule of Faith and subscribe at”
12/8/202238 minutes, 32 seconds
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The Theban Legion and Its Despisers and Detractors

“In today’s episode Dr. Jenkins continues his detour from the Trinitarian controversy to address matters pertaining to the Great Persecution, the second of several episodes on this topic. While the persecution begins in AD 303, events and confrontations happened before it that clearly signaled its approach, and this week we look at the story of the Martyrdom of the Theban Legion. The show notes and the texts quoted and alluded to in this episode can be found at You can find the most recent issue of Rule of Faith and subscribe at”
12/8/202238 minutes, 32 seconds
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The Dawn of the Great Persecution

In today’s episode Dr. Jenkins takes a detour from the Trinitarian controversy to address matters pertaining to the Great Persecution, an event that demands several episodes in and of itself; but which is also a necessary precursor to the Arian controversy and the Council of Nicaea. While the persecution begins in AD 303, events and confrontations happened before it that clearly signaled its approach. The show notes and the texts quoted and alluded to in this episode can be found at You can find the most recent issue of Rule of Faith and subscribe at
12/1/202236 minutes, 47 seconds
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The Dawn of the Great Persecution

In today’s episode Dr. Jenkins takes a detour from the Trinitarian controversy to address matters pertaining to the Great Persecution, an event that demands several episodes in and of itself; but which is also a necessary precursor to the Arian controversy and the Council of Nicaea. While the persecution begins in AD 303, events and confrontations happened before it that clearly signaled its approach. The show notes and the texts quoted and alluded to in this episode can be found at You can find the most recent issue of Rule of Faith and subscribe at
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The Dawn of the Great Persecution

In today’s episode Dr. Jenkins takes a detour from the Trinitarian controversy to address matters pertaining to the Great Persecution, an event that demands several episodes in and of itself; but which is also a necessary precursor to the Arian controversy and the Council of Nicaea. While the persecution begins in AD 303, events and confrontations happened before it that clearly signaled its approach. The show notes and the texts quoted and alluded to in this episode can be found at You can find the most recent issue of Rule of Faith and subscribe at
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St. Dionysius of Alexandria and the Continued Ambiguity of Language

In today’s episode, Dr. Jenkins continues his discussion of Trinitarian thought prior to the Council of Nicaea, and this week investigates St. Dionysius of Alexandria and the controversy with his namesake in Rome, Pope St. Dionysius. The show notes and the texts quoted and alluded to in this episode can be found at You can find the most recent issue of Rule of Faith and subscribe at
11/24/202236 minutes, 52 seconds
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St. Dionysius of Alexandria and the Continued Ambiguity of Language

In today’s episode Dr. Jenkins continues his discussion of Trinitarian thought prior to the Council of Nicaea, and this week investigating St. Dionysius of Alexandria and the controversy with his namesake in Rome, Pope St. Dionysius. The show notes and the texts quoted and alluded to in this episode can be found at You can find the most recent issue of Rule of Faith and subscribe at
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St. Dionysius of Alexandria and the Continued Ambiguity of Language

In today’s episode Dr. Jenkins continues his discussion of Trinitarian thought prior to the Council of Nicaea, and this week investigating St. Dionysius of Alexandria and the controversy with his namesake in Rome, Pope St. Dionysius. The show notes and the texts quoted and alluded to in this episode can be found at You can find the most recent issue of Rule of Faith and subscribe at
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Novatian, A Trinitarian Ahead of His Time

In today’s episode Dr. Jenkins continues his discussion of Trinitarian thought prior to the Council of Nicaea, focusing on the Schismatic Novatian, who, before he entered into schism, had written a treatise on the Holy Trinity. The show notes and the texts quoted and alluded to in this episode can be found at You can check out Rule of Faith at You can order through donation Patterns for Life at (click on the Donate link under 'Buy Now')
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Novatian, A Trinitarian Ahead of His Time

In today’s episode Dr. Jenkins continues his discussion of Trinitarian thought prior to the Council of Nicaea, focusing on the Schismatic Novatian, who, before he entered into schism, had written a treatise on the Holy Trinity. The show notes and the texts quoted and alluded to in this episode can be found at You can check out Rule of Faith at You can order through donation Patterns for Life at (click on the Donate link under 'Buy Now')
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Novatian, A Trinitarian Ahead of His Time

In today’s episode Dr. Jenkins continues his discussion of Trinitarian thought prior to the Council of Nicaea, focusing on the Schismatic Novatian, who, before he entered into schism, had written a treatise on the Holy Trinity. The show notes and the texts quoted and alluded to in this episode can be found at You can check out Rule of Faith at You can order through donation Patterns for Life at (click on the Donate link under 'Buy Now')
11/17/202239 minutes, 47 seconds
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St. Hippolytus and the Trinitarian Controversy in Rome

In today’s episode Dr. Jenkins continues his discussion of the path of Trinitarian thought prior to the Council of Nicaea, focusing on St. Hippolytus and his controversy with the Popes of Rome, namely Sts. Zephyrinus and Callixtus. Show notes and the texts quoted and alluded to in this episode can be found at
11/10/202230 minutes, 13 seconds
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St. Hippolytus and the Trinitarian Controversy in Rome

In today’s episode Dr. Jenkins continues his discussion of the path of Trinitarian thought prior to the Council of Nicaea, focusing on St. Hippolytus and his controversy with the Popes of Rome, namely Sts. Zephyrinus and Callixtus. Show notes and the texts quoted and alluded to in this episode can be found at
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St. Hippolytus and the Trinitarian Controversy in Rome

In today’s episode Dr. Jenkins continues his discussion of the path of Trinitarian thought prior to the Council of Nicaea, focusing on St. Hippolytus and his controversy with the Popes of Rome, namely Sts. Zephyrinus and Callixtus. Show notes and the texts quoted and alluded to in this episode can be found at
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Tradition, the Deposit of Faith, and the Development of Doctrine

In this episode, Dr. Jenkins looks at how, if we say that we hold the Faith once and for all delivered to the Saints, the language and terminology used in the fourth century looks so different than that used in Holy Scripture and by the Fathers before the Council of Nicaea. As always, the items referenced in this episode can be found at
11/3/202236 minutes, 6 seconds
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Tradition, the Deposit of Faith, and the Development of Doctrine

In this episode, Dr. Jenkins looks at how, if we say that we hold the Faith once and for all delivered to the Saints, the language and terminology used in the fourth century looks so different than that used in Holy Scripture and by the Fathers before the Council of Nicaea. As always, the items referenced in this episode can be found at
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Tradition, the Deposit of Faith, and the Development of Doctrine

In this episode, Dr. Jenkins looks at how, if we say that we hold the Faith once and for all delivered to the Saints, the language and terminology used in the fourth century looks so different than that used in Holy Scripture and by the Fathers before the Council of Nicaea. As always, the items referenced in this episode can be found at
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Tertullian, the Trinity, and Monarchianism in Rome

In this episode Dr. Jenkins continues the discussion of the Trinity, and particularly the controversy that occurred in Rome sometime around the year AD 210. Today especially we look at the N. African writer Tertullian, whom we have met before, and his treatise Against Praxeas. The texts quoted and alluded to in this episode put up under the episode notes at
10/27/202245 minutes, 1 second
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Tertullian, the Trinity, and Monarchianism in Rome

In this episode Dr. Jenkins continues the discussion of the Trinity, and particularly the controversy that occurred in Rome sometime around the year AD 210. Today especially we look at the N. African writer Tertullian, whom we have met before, and his treatise Against Praxeas. The texts quoted and alluded to in this episode put up under the episode notes at
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Tertullian, the Trinity, and Monarchianism in Rome

In this episode Dr. Jenkins continues the discussion of the Trinity, and particularly the controversy that occurred in Rome sometime around the year AD 210. Today especially we look at the N. African writer Tertullian, whom we have met before, and his treatise Against Praxeas. The texts quoted and alluded to in this episode put up under the episode notes at
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St. Irenaeus, and the Trinitarian Economy of Redemption

In this episode Dr. Jenkins continues our discussion of the Trinity, looking at the thought of the great second-century saint, St. Irenaeus of Lyons, and his discussion of God in Himself from all eternity, and God as He has revealed himself to us in redemption. The texts quoted and alluded to in this episode can all be found under the episode notes at
10/20/202238 minutes, 5 seconds
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St. Irenaeus, and the Trinitarian Economy of Redemption

In this episode Dr. Jenkins continues our discussion of the Trinity, looking at the thought of the great second-century saint, St. Irenaeus of Lyons, and his discussion of God in Himself from all eternity, and God as He has revealed himself to us in redemption. The texts quoted and alluded to in this episode can all be found under the episode notes at
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St. Irenaeus, and the Trinitarian Economy of Redemption

In this episode Dr. Jenkins continues our discussion of the Trinity, looking at the thought of the great second-century saint, St. Irenaeus of Lyons, and his discussion of God in Himself from all eternity, and God as He has revealed himself to us in redemption. The texts quoted and alluded to in this episode can all be found under the episode notes at
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Saint Justin Martyr and the Word of the Ineffable God

In this episode Dr. Jenkins continues looking at the Trinitarian controversy by going back to the early Christian, St. Justin Martyr or Justin the Philosopher and his struggles with concepts and terminology, all the while working hard to stay faithful to the truth of the Holy Scripture and the teachings of the Church. The texts alluded to in this episode can all be found under the notes for it at
10/13/202235 minutes, 52 seconds
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Saint Justin Martyr and the Word of the Ineffable God

In this episode Dr. Jenkins continues looking at the Trinitarian controversy by going back to the early Christian, St. Justin Martyr or Justin the Philosopher and his struggles with concepts and terminology, all the while working hard to stay faithful to the truth of the Holy Scripture and the teachings of the Church. The texts alluded to in this episode can all be found under the notes for it at
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Saint Justin Martyr and the Word of the Ineffable God

In this episode Dr. Jenkins continues looking at the Trinitarian controversy by going back to the early Christian, St. Justin Martyr or Justin the Philosopher and his struggles with concepts and terminology, all the while working hard to stay faithful to the truth of the Holy Scripture and the teachings of the Church. The texts alluded to in this episode can all be found under the notes for it at
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The Long Road to Homoousios: The Historical Path of the Church's Trinitarian Faith

In this episode, Dr. Jenkins begins looking at the Trinitarian controversy, a question that materially concerned the church for centuries, and formally plagued the church for some decades in the fourth century. Why did the Church adopt homoousion to describe the relations of the Persons of the Trinity? Why were some leery of the term? Who were the key thinkers in this controversy, and how did they build on the thoughts and teachings of the Saints before them? The texts alluded to in this episode can all be found under the notes for it at
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The Long Road to Homoousios: The Historical Path of the Church's Trinitarian Faith

In this episode, Dr. Jenkins begins looking at the Trinitarian controversy, a question that materially concerned the church for centuries, and formally plagued the church for some decades in the fourth century. Why did the Church adopt homoousion to describe the relations of the Persons of the Trinity? Why were some leery of the term? Who were the key thinkers in this controversy, and how did they build on the thoughts and teachings of the Saints before them? The texts alluded to in this episode can all be found under the notes for it at
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World Without End! Origen and His System Part 2

In this episode Dr. Jenkins concludes his look at the early church author and thinker, Origen of Alexandria, continuing our examination of Origen’s system, and this week Origen’s doctrine of creation, both of souls and then of the created cosmos around us. The texts alluded to in this episode can all be found under the notes for it at
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World Without End! Origen and His System Part 2

In this episode Dr. Jenkins concludes his look at the early church author and thinker, Origen of Alexandria, continuing our examination of Origen’s system, and this week Origen’s doctrine of creation, both of souls and then of the created cosmos around us. The texts alluded to in this episode can all be found under the notes for it at
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The Long Road to Homoousios: The Historical Path of the Church’s Trinitarian Faith

In this episode, Dr. Jenkins begins looking at the Trinitarian controversy, a question that materially concerned the church for centuries, and formally plagued the church for some decades in the fourth century. Why did the Church adopt homoousion to describe the relations of the Persons of the Trinity? Why were some leery of the term? Who were the key thinkers in this controversy, and how did they build on the thoughts and teachings of the Saints before them? The texts alluded to in this episode can all be found under the notes for it at
10/6/202233 minutes, 55 seconds
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World Without End! Origen and His System Part 2

In this episode Dr. Jenkins concludes his look at the early church author and thinker, Origen of Alexandria, continuing our examination of Origen’s system, and this week Origen’s doctrine of creation, both of souls and then of the created cosmos around us. The texts alluded to in this episode can all be found under the notes for it at Info on Doxamoot here.
9/29/202235 minutes, 39 seconds
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Angels in Camel Skins: Origen on Angels and St. John the Baptist

In this episode Dr. Jenkins continues his look at the early church author and thinker, Origen of Alexandria, continuing our examination of Origen’s system, and this week Origen’s weird and wonderful (more weird than wonderful) doctrine of the Angels, their relationship to redemption, and their part in Providence. The texts alluded to in this episode can all be found under the notes for it at Info on Doxamoot here.
9/22/202242 minutes, 18 seconds
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Angels in Camel Skins: Origen on Angels and St. John the Baptist

In this episode Dr. Jenkins continues his look at the early church author and thinker, Origen of Alexandria, continuing our examination of Origen’s system, and this week Origen’s weird and wonderful (more weird than wonderful) doctrine of the Angels, their relationship to redemption, and their part in Providence. The texts alluded to in this episode can all be found under the notes for it at Info on Doxamoot here.
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Angels in Camel Skins: Origen on Angels and St. John the Baptist

In this episode Dr. Jenkins continues his look at the early church author and thinker, Origen of Alexandria, continuing our examination of Origen’s system, and this week Origen’s weird and wonderful (more weird than wonderful) doctrine of the Angels, their relationship to redemption, and their part in Providence. The texts alluded to in this episode can all be found under the notes for it at Info on Doxamoot here.
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How Much Platonism Can You Take? Origen and His System Part 1

In this episode Dr. Jenkins continues his look at the early church author and thinker, Origen of Alexandria, turning our attention to Origen's system, which extends from his views on the soul to that of Providence, to that of creation, to that of redemption and the age to come. The subsequent generation focused on Origen’s theology far more than his work as a scholar of the Bible, as It lead to many errors and even condemned heresies. The texts alluded to in this episode can all be found under the notes for it at Info on Doxamoot here.
9/15/202245 minutes, 49 seconds
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How Much Platonism Can You Take? Origen and His System Part 1

In this episode Dr. Jenkins continues his look at the early church author and thinker, Origen of Alexandria, turning our attention to Origen's system, which extends from his views on the soul to that of Providence, to that of creation, to that of redemption and the age to come. The subsequent generation focused on Origen’s theology far more than his work as a scholar of the Bible, as It lead to many errors and even condemned heresies. The texts alluded to in this episode can all be found under the notes for it at Info on Doxamoot here.
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How Much Platonism Can You Take? Origen and His System Part 1

In this episode Dr. Jenkins continues his look at the early church author and thinker, Origen of Alexandria, turning our attention to Origen's system, which extends from his views on the soul to that of Providence, to that of creation, to that of redemption and the age to come. The subsequent generation focused on Origen’s theology far more than his work as a scholar of the Bible, as It lead to many errors and even condemned heresies. The texts alluded to in this episode can all be found under the notes for it at Info on Doxamoot here.
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Moses My Servant is Dead: Origen and Reading the Scriptures

In this episode Dr. Jenkins continues his look at the early church author and thinker, Origen of Alexandria, focusing on Origen's life-long passion for the study of scripture. If we look closely at Origen’s life and thought, while some focus on his heterodoxy, it is clear that the key thing for Origen was getting Scripture correct. The texts alluded to in this episode can all be found under the notes for it at Info on Doxamoot here.
9/8/202238 minutes, 17 seconds
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Moses My Servant is Dead: Origen and Reading the Scriptures

In this episode Dr. Jenkins continues his look at the early church author and thinker, Origen of Alexandria, focusing on Origen's life-long passion for the study of scripture. If we look closely at Origen’s life and thought, while some focus on his heterodoxy, it is clear that the key thing for Origen was getting Scripture correct. The texts alluded to in this episode can all be found under the notes for it at Info on Doxamoot here.
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Moses My Servant is Dead: Origen and Reading the Scriptures

In this episode Dr. Jenkins continues his look at the early church author and thinker, Origen of Alexandria, focusing on Origen's life-long passion for the study of scripture. If we look closely at Origen’s life and thought, while some focus on his heterodoxy, it is clear that the key thing for Origen was getting Scripture correct. The texts alluded to in this episode can all be found under the notes for it at Info on Doxamoot here.
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Origen and the Science of Reading the Bible #1

In this episode Dr. Jenkins continues his look at the early church author and thinker, Origen of Alexandria. This week Dr. Jenkins looks at Origen and his life-long passion for the study of scripture. If we look closely at Origen’s life and thought, while some focus on his heterodoxy, it is clear that the key thing for Origen was getting Scripture correct. The texts alluded to in this episode can all be found under the notes for it at Info on Doxamoot.
9/1/202240 minutes, 37 seconds
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Origen and the Science of Reading the Bible #1

In this episode Dr. Jenkins continues his look at the early church author and thinker, Origen of Alexandria. This week Dr. Jenkins looks at Origen and his life-long passion for the study of scripture. If we look closely at Origen’s life and thought, while some focus on his heterodoxy, it is clear that the key thing for Origen was getting Scripture correct. The texts alluded to in this episode can all be found under the notes for it at Info on Doxamoot.
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Origen and the Science of Reading the Bible #1

In this episode Dr. Jenkins continues his look at the early church author and thinker, Origen of Alexandria. This week Dr. Jenkins looks at Origen and his life-long passion for the study of scripture. If we look closely at Origen’s life and thought, while some focus on his heterodoxy, it is clear that the key thing for Origen was getting Scripture correct. The texts alluded to in this episode can all be found under the notes for it at Info on Doxamoot.
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The Life & Times of Origen of Alexandria

In this episode, Dr. Jenkins continues his look at the early church author and thinker, Origen of Alexandria. This week Dr. Jenkins looks at his life and the background to Origen’s thought. The texts alluded to in this episode can all be found under the notes for it at Info on Doxamoot can be found here.
8/25/202245 minutes, 51 seconds
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The Life & Times of Origen of Alexandria

In this episode, Dr. Jenkins continues his look at the early church author and thinker, Origen of Alexandria. This week Dr. Jenkins looks at his life and the background to Origen’s thought. The texts alluded to in this episode can all be found under the notes for it at Info on Doxamoot can be found here.
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The Life & Times of Origen of Alexandria

In this episode, Dr. Jenkins continues his look at the early church author and thinker, Origen of Alexandria. This week Dr. Jenkins looks at his life and the background to Origen’s thought. The texts alluded to in this episode can all be found under the notes for it at Info on Doxamoot can be found here.
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Finding Gold in the Mud: Origen of Alexandria

In this episode Dr. Jenkins begins the first of several podcasts on Origen. Probably the most problematic, if not controversial figure in the early Church, both praised and condemned by saints, his impact was enormous. Today’s episode starts exploring this enigmatic figure. The texts alluded to in this episode can all be found under the notes for it at The book mentioned at the end can be found at
8/18/202232 minutes, 10 seconds
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Finding Gold in the Mud: Origen of Alexandria

In this episode Dr. Jenkins begins the first of several podcasts on Origen. Probably the most problematic, if not controversial figure in the early Church, both praised and condemned by saints, his impact was enormous. Today’s episode starts exploring this enigmatic figure. The texts alluded to in this episode can all be found under the notes for it at The book mentioned at the end can be found at
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Finding Gold in the Mud: Origen of Alexandria

In this episode Dr. Jenkins begins the first of several podcasts on Origen. Probably the most problematic, if not controversial figure in the early Church, both praised and condemned by saints, his impact was enormous. Today’s episode starts exploring this enigmatic figure. The texts alluded to in this episode can all be found under the notes for it at The book mentioned at the end can be found at
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Filling up the Martyrology, The Decian Persecution

In this episode, Dr. Jenkins continues to look at the history of the persecution of the Church. The mid-third century saw what would be the most savage persecution up to this point under the emperor Decius. The texts alluded to in this episode can all be found under the notes for it at
8/11/202236 minutes, 24 seconds
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Filling up the Martyrology, The Decian Persecution

In this episode, Dr. Jenkins continues to look at the history of the persecution of the Church. The mid-third century saw what would be the most savage persecution up to this point under the emperor Decius. The texts alluded to in this episode can all be found under the notes for it at
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Filling up the Martyrology, The Decian Persecution

In this episode, Dr. Jenkins continues to look at the history of the persecution of the Church. The mid-third century saw what would be the most savage persecution up to this point under the emperor Decius. The texts alluded to in this episode can all be found under the notes for it at
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The Imperial Persecutions Begin

This episode Dr. Jenkins continues our look at the history of the persecution of the Church but now in the third century. For the first time, the persecutions were empire-wide, though concentrated in urban areas. While starting in Alexandria, the most well-known account to us comes from Carthage. The texts alluded to in this episode can all be found under the notes for it at
8/4/202237 minutes, 20 seconds
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The Imperial Persecutions Begin

This episode Dr. Jenkins continues our look at the history of the persecution of the Church but now in the third century. For the first time, the persecutions were empire-wide, though concentrated in urban areas. While starting in Alexandria, the most well-known account to us comes from Carthage. The texts alluded to in this episode can all be found under the notes for it at
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The Imperial Persecutions Begin

This episode Dr. Jenkins continues our look at the history of the persecution of the Church but now in the third century. For the first time, the persecutions were empire-wide, though concentrated in urban areas. While starting in Alexandria, the most well-known account to us comes from Carthage. The texts alluded to in this episode can all be found under the notes for it at
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The Intellectual Attacks on Second-Century Christians

In this episode Dr. Jenkins continues our look at the history of the persecution of the Church in the second century, but this time with the attacks on the faith that came from pagan writers, namely the Satirist Lucian, and Lucian’s friend, Celsus. The texts alluded to in this episode can all be found under the notes for it at
7/28/202252 minutes, 45 seconds
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The Intellectual Attacks on Second-Century Christians

In this episode Dr. Jenkins continues our look at the history of the persecution of the Church in the second century, but this time with the attacks on the faith that came from pagan writers, namely the Satirist Lucian, and Lucian’s friend, Celsus. The texts alluded to in this episode can all be found under the notes for it at
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The Intellectual Attacks on Second-Century Christians

In this episode Dr. Jenkins continues our look at the history of the persecution of the Church in the second century, but this time with the attacks on the faith that came from pagan writers, namely the Satirist Lucian, and Lucian’s friend, Celsus. The texts alluded to in this episode can all be found under the notes for it at
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The Slave Girl Who Revealed Christ: The Martyrs of Lyons

In this episode, Dr. Jenkins continues our look at the history of the persecution of the Church in the second century, and how the situation for the church in the 170s in the empire, even though ruled by the Stoic philosopher, Marcus Aurelius, deteriorated. The texts alluded to in this episode can all be found under the notes for it at
7/21/202234 minutes, 5 seconds
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The Slave Girl Who Revealed Christ: The Martyrs of Lyons

In this episode, Dr. Jenkins continues our look at the history of the persecution of the Church in the second century, and how the situation for the church in the 170s in the empire, even though ruled by the Stoic philosopher, Marcus Aurelius, deteriorated. The texts alluded to in this episode can all be found under the notes for it at
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The Slave Girl Who Revealed Christ: The Martyrs of Lyons

In this episode, Dr. Jenkins continues our look at the history of the persecution of the Church in the second century, and how the situation for the church in the 170s in the empire, even though ruled by the Stoic philosopher, Marcus Aurelius, deteriorated. The texts alluded to in this episode can all be found under the notes for it at
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A Brutal but Glorious Martyrdom: After Peace, Persecution Begins in Earnest

In this episode Dr. Jenkins begins looking at the persecution of the Church in the second century, how the situation for the church changed from one of relative peace at the century’s beginning, and what brought this change about. The texts alluded to in this episode can all be found under the notes for it at
7/14/202238 minutes, 35 seconds
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A Brutal but Glorious Martyrdom: After Peace, Persecution Begins in Earnest

In this episode Dr. Jenkins begins looking at the persecution of the Church in the second century, how the situation for the church changed from one of relative peace at the century’s beginning, and what brought this change about. The texts alluded to in this episode can all be found under the notes for it at
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A Brutal but Glorious Martyrdom: After Peace, Persecution Begins in Earnest

In this episode Dr. Jenkins begins looking at the persecution of the Church in the second century, how the situation for the church changed from one of relative peace at the century’s beginning, and what brought this change about. The texts alluded to in this episode can all be found under the notes for it at
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Life in Death: The Theology of Martyrdom

In this episode, Dr. Jenkins begins looking at the question of martyrdom, what it was, how the early Church thought about it, and begins thinking about how, why, and the ways the early Christians were persecuted. Shownotes at
7/7/202239 minutes, 44 seconds
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Life in Death: The Theology of Martyrdom

In this episode, Dr. Jenkins begins looking at the question of martyrdom, what it was, how the early Church thought about it, and begins thinking about how, why, and the ways the early Christians were persecuted. Shownotes at
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Life in Death: The Theology of Martyrdom

In this episode, Dr. Jenkins begins looking at the question of martyrdom, what it was, how the early Church thought about it, and begins thinking about how, why, and the ways the early Christians were persecuted. Shownotes at
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The Heresiarch Unlike All Others: The Strange and Legendary History of Simon Magus.

Due to a question from one of our listeners, we return this week to look again at Simon Magus and the place he has in history as the prototypical heretic and suppliant of demons. Shownotes at
6/30/202244 minutes, 17 seconds
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The Heresiarch Unlike All Others: The Strange and Legendary History of Simon Magus.

Due to a question from one of our listeners, we return this week to look again at Simon Magus and the place he has in history as the prototypical heretic and suppliant of demons. Shownotes at
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The Heresiarch Unlike All Others: The Strange and Legendary History of Simon Magus.

Due to a question from one of our listeners, we return this week to look again at Simon Magus and the place he has in history as the prototypical heretic and suppliant of demons. Shownotes at
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Did St. Paul Betray Jesus: Hellenization You Say?

Dr. Jenkins dives into the murky and fraught waters of the question of the relationship of Greek thought and the early Church, discussing the history of the question, why it's important, and gives some thoughts on how we should think about it. Shownotes at
6/23/202235 minutes, 2 seconds
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Did St. Paul Betray Jesus: Hellenization You Say?

Dr. Jenkins dives into the murky and fraught waters of the question of the relationship of Greek thought and the early Church, discussing the history of the question, why it's important, and gives some thoughts on how we should think about it. Shownotes at
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Did St. Paul Betray Jesus: Hellenization You Say?

Dr. Jenkins dives into the murky and fraught waters of the question of the relationship of Greek thought and the early Church, discussing the history of the question, why it's important, and gives some thoughts on how we should think about it. Shownotes at
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Clement of Alexandria: Recovering Platonist, Christian Humanist, or Learned Puritan?

This week Dr. Jenkins looks at the first notable teacher in Alexandria about whom we have any real information, Clement of Alexandria. There is much to learn here from someone who is generally overshadowed by his much greater pupil, Origen.
6/16/202237 minutes
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Clement of Alexandria: Recovering Platonist, Christian Humanist, or Learned Puritan?

This week Dr. Jenkins looks at the first notable teacher in Alexandria about whom we have any real information, Clement of Alexandria. There is much to learn here from someone who is generally overshadowed by his much greater pupil, Origen.
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Clement of Alexandria: Recovering Platonist, Christian Humanist, or Learned Puritan?

This week Dr. Jenkins looks at the first notable teacher in Alexandria about whom we have any real information, Clement of Alexandria. There is much to learn here from someone who is generally overshadowed by his much greater pupil, Origen.
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What Hath Plato (& Philo) to do with Athanasius? Alexandria as the Heart of the Mediterranean World

This week Dr. Jenkins looks at the great ancient metropolis of Alexandria, the home of many people important to our Faith, such as Clement, Origen, St. Alexander of Alexandria, St. Antony the Great, St. Athanasius, St. Cyril of Alexandria, inter alios. Dr. Jenkins discusses why Alexandria was important to the ancient world, and why this city’s culture and history were vital to the formation of our Orthodox Faith?
6/9/202252 minutes, 33 seconds
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What Hath Plato (& Philo) to do with Athanasius? Alexandria as the Heart of the Mediterranean World

This week Dr. Jenkins looks at the great ancient metropolis of Alexandria, the home of many people important to our Faith, such as Clement, Origen, St. Alexander of Alexandria, St. Antony the Great, St. Athanasius, St. Cyril of Alexandria, inter alios. Dr. Jenkins discusses why Alexandria was important to the ancient world, and why this city’s culture and history were vital to the formation of our Orthodox Faith?
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What Hath Plato (& Philo) to do with Athanasius? Alexandria as the Heart of the Mediterranean World

This week Dr. Jenkins looks at the great ancient metropolis of Alexandria, the home of many people important to our Faith, such as Clement, Origen, St. Alexander of Alexandria, St. Antony the Great, St. Athanasius, St. Cyril of Alexandria, inter alios. Dr. Jenkins discusses why Alexandria was important to the ancient world, and why this city’s culture and history were vital to the formation of our Orthodox Faith?
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The Montanists Athwart the Church’s First 170 Years

After reviewing what has been covered as regards the Chruch's Apostolic ministry and its origin, Dr. Jenkins looks at one of the early challenges to the Church's sacramental ministry in the Phrygian schismatic group, the Montanists. Texts and notes are on my blog.
6/2/202230 minutes, 37 seconds
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The Montanists Athwart the Church's First 170 Years

After reviewing what has been covered as regards the Chruch's Apostolic ministry and its origin, Dr. Jenkins looks at one of the early challenges to the Church's sacramental ministry in the Phrygian schismatic group, the Montanists. Texts and notes are on my blog.
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The Montanists Athwart the Church's First 170 Years

After reviewing what has been covered as regards the Chruch's Apostolic ministry and its origin, Dr. Jenkins looks at one of the early challenges to the Church's sacramental ministry in the Phrygian schismatic group, the Montanists. Texts and notes are on my blog.
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The Apostolic and Eucharistic Ministry of the Church

This week Dr. Jenkins examines the establishment of the Church's Apostolic succession as one tied to its Eucharistic ministry, a ministry rooted in the Old Testament, but given it by Divine appointment from Christ, and through His Apostles. Authors cited include Saints Hippolytus, Clement of Rome, and Ignatios of Antioch. Texts and notes are on my blog.
5/26/202234 minutes, 51 seconds
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The Apostolic and Eucharistic Ministry of the Church

This week Dr. Jenkins examines the establishment of the Church's Apostolic succession as one tied to its Eucharistic ministry, a ministry rooted in the Old Testament, but given it by Divine appointment from Christ, and through His Apostles. Authors cited include Saints Hippolytus, Clement of Rome, and Ignatios of Antioch. Texts and notes are on my blog.
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The Apostolic and Eucharistic Ministry of the Church

This week Dr. Jenkins examines the establishment of the Church's Apostolic succession as one tied to its Eucharistic ministry, a ministry rooted in the Old Testament, but given it by Divine appointment from Christ, and through His Apostles. Authors cited include Saints Hippolytus, Clement of Rome, and Ignatios of Antioch. Texts and notes are on my blog.
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St. Irenaeus and Bishops as the Repositories of the Apostolic Ministry

Picking up from Episode 13, and after a brief review, Dr. Jenkins looks specifically at what St. Irenaeus says in Book III of Against Heresies concerning the office of the Bishop, what this office entails, why it is important, and its link to the Apostles, and thus to Christ. The passage read from St. Irenaeus, plus other information for Episode 14 can be found on my blog.
5/19/202233 minutes, 49 seconds
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St. Irenaeus and Bishops as the Repositories of the Apostolic Ministry

Picking up from Episode 13, and after a brief review, Dr. Jenkins looks specifically at what St. Irenaeus says in Book III of Against Heresies concerning the office of the Bishop, what this office entails, why it is important, and its link to the Apostles, and thus to Christ. The passage read from St. Irenaeus, plus other information for Episode 14 can be found on my blog.
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St. Irenaeus and Bishops as the Repositories of the Apostolic Ministry

Picking up from Episode 13, and after a brief review, Dr. Jenkins looks specifically at what St. Irenaeus says in Book III of Against Heresies concerning the office of the Bishop, what this office entails, why it is important, and its link to the Apostles, and thus to Christ. The passage read from St. Irenaeus, plus other information for Episode 14 can be found on my blog.
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The Obscure (and even Messy) History of the Monoepiscopacy prior to A.D. 150

This week we pick up again with Sts. Irenaeus and Hegesippus in the context of the emergence of the Episcopal office and its link to the Gift of the Apostolic ministry. Dr. Jenkins first discusses Apostolic succession, what it is, and what is its importance before turning to the history of the Episcopal office and its function in the first decades of the life of the Church. Books, links, and more information about matters discussed are all on my blog.
5/12/202243 minutes, 31 seconds
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The Obscure (and even Messy) History of the Monoepiscopacy prior to A.D. 150

This week we pick up again with Sts. Irenaeus and Hegesippus in the context of the emergence of the Episcopal office and its link to the Gift of the Apostolic ministry. Dr. Jenkins first discusses Apostolic succession, what it is, and what is its importance before turning to the history of the Episcopal office and its function in the first decades of the life of the Church. Books, links, and more information about matters discussed are all on my blog.
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The Obscure (and even Messy) History of the Monoepiscopacy prior to A.D. 150

This week we pick up again with Sts. Irenaeus and Hegesippus in the context of the emergence of the Episcopal office and its link to the Gift of the Apostolic ministry. Dr. Jenkins first discusses Apostolic succession, what it is, and what is its importance before turning to the history of the Episcopal office and its function in the first decades of the life of the Church. Books, links, and more information about matters discussed are all on my blog.
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Two Questions Along the Way to Irenaeus and Bishops

Today Dr. Jenkins replies to two questions sent his way, and both related to the discussion of St. Irenaeus. For more information on our questions, and books mentioned in this episode, you can jump to
5/5/202240 minutes, 49 seconds
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Two Questions Along the Way to Irenaeus and Bishops

Today Dr. Jenkins replies to two questions sent his way, and both related to the discussion of St. Irenaeus. For more information on our questions, and books mentioned in this episode, you can jump to
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Two Questions Along the Way to Irenaeus and Bishops

Today Dr. Jenkins replies to two questions sent his way, and both related to the discussion of St. Irenaeus. For more information on our questions, and books mentioned in this episode, you can jump to
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St. Irenaeus on the Eucharist Confirming our Faith

In this episode, Prof. Jenkins leads us through St. Irenaeus on the Eucharist, and how our participation in the Holy Elements brings us the vivifying life of Christ. You can see the readings covered in this episode at
4/28/202241 minutes, 13 seconds
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St. Irenaeus on the Eucharist Confirming our Faith

In this episode, Prof. Jenkins leads us through St. Irenaeus on the Eucharist, and how our participation in the Holy Elements brings us the vivifying life of Christ. You can see the readings covered in this episode at
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St. Irenaeus on the Eucharist Confirming our Faith

In this episode, Prof. Jenkins leads us through St. Irenaeus on the Eucharist, and how our participation in the Holy Elements brings us the vivifying life of Christ. You can see the readings covered in this episode at
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Redemption and Recapitulation in St. Irenaeus.

Having examined St. Irenaeus' teaching on creation in the last episode, today we continue our investigation by looking at the great saint's doctrine of redemption. Dr. Jenkins explores how for St. Irenaeus the Creator is also the Redeemer who recapitulates in himself the whole of the divine drama of the Old Testament, from Paradise through His Virgin birth to His death of the Tree.
4/21/202235 minutes
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Redemption and Recapitulation in St. Irenaeus.

Having examined St. Irenaeus' teaching on creation in the last episode, today we continue our investigation by looking at the great saint's doctrine of redemption. Dr. Jenkins explores how for St. Irenaeus the Creator is also the Redeemer who recapitulates in himself the whole of the divine drama of the Old Testament, from Paradise through His Virgin birth to His death of the Tree.
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Redemption and Recapitulation in St. Irenaeus.

Having examined St. Irenaeus' teaching on creation in the last episode, today we continue our investigation by looking at the great saint's doctrine of redemption. Dr. Jenkins explores how for St. Irenaeus the Creator is also the Redeemer who recapitulates in himself the whole of the divine drama of the Old Testament, from Paradise through His Virgin birth to His death of the Tree.
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St. Irenaeus, the Incarnation as Foundation of Creation

In this episode, Dr. Jenkins looks at St. Irenaeus on the centrality of the Incarnation in his doctrine of creation. The great saint's teaching not only refutes the Gnostic doctrines about the cosmos being a mistake but shows that the relationship of the Incarnation to the creation of the world also establishes the parameters for the doctrine of redemption.
4/14/202241 minutes, 14 seconds
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St. Irenaeus, the Incarnation as Foundation of Creation

In this episode, Dr. Jenkins looks at St. Irenaeus on the centrality of the Incarnation in his doctrine of creation. The great saint's teaching not only refutes the Gnostic doctrines about the cosmos being a mistake but shows that the relationship of the Incarnation to the creation of the world also establishes the parameters for the doctrine of redemption.
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St. Irenaeus, the Incarnation as Foundation of Creation

In this episode, Dr. Jenkins looks at St. Irenaeus on the centrality of the Incarnation in his doctrine of creation. The great saint's teaching not only refutes the Gnostic doctrines about the cosmos being a mistake but shows that the relationship of the Incarnation to the creation of the world also establishes the parameters for the doctrine of redemption.
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Four Fell Horsemen: The Chief Targets of St. Irenaeus’ Labors

This week Dr. Jenkins continues his discussion of the Gnostics, looking at four of its main proponents, Basilides, Valentinus, the Sethians, and then the outlier of Marcion. You can see notes and add your own questions to Dr. Jenkins at
4/7/202234 minutes, 34 seconds
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Four Fell Horsemen: The Chief Targets of St. Irenaeus' Labors

This week Dr. Jenkins continues his discussion of the Gnostics, looking at four of its main proponents, Basilides, Valentinus, the Sethians, and then the outlier of Marcion. You can see notes and add your own questions to Dr. Jenkins at
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Four Fell Horsemen: The Chief Targets of St. Irenaeus' Labors

This week Dr. Jenkins continues his discussion of the Gnostics, looking at four of its main proponents, Basilides, Valentinus, the Sethians, and then the outlier of Marcion. You can see notes and add your own questions to Dr. Jenkins at
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Who Were the Gnostics, and Where and How Did They Arise?

This week Dr. Jenkins looks, in broad outline, at the strange structure and obscure origins of the Gnostics, some of the questions that concern their origins, and how this will relate to St. Irenaeus and his great efforts in both the refutation of their teachings and the positive teachings of the Church that arise in his theology. You can see notes and add your own questions to Dr. Jenkins at
3/31/202235 minutes, 39 seconds
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Who Were the Gnostics, and Where and How Did They Arise?

This week Dr. Jenkins looks, in broad outline, at the strange structure and obscure origins of the Gnostics, some of the questions that concern their origins, and how this will relate to St. Irenaeus and his great efforts in both the refutation of their teachings and the positive teachings of the Church that arise in his theology. You can see notes and add your own questions to Dr. Jenkins at
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Who Were the Gnostics, and Where and How Did They Arise?

This week Dr. Jenkins looks, in broad outline, at the strange structure and obscure origins of the Gnostics, some of the questions that concern their origins, and how this will relate to St. Irenaeus and his great efforts in both the refutation of their teachings and the positive teachings of the Church that arise in his theology. You can see notes and add your own questions to Dr. Jenkins at
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St. Irenaeus

In this episode, Dr. Jenkins gives a brief introduction to St. Irenaeus and the predominance, despite would some contemporary scholars may assert, of a unified Orthodoxy in the early Church when combatting gnostic heresies.
3/24/202230 minutes, 32 seconds
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St. Irenaeus

In this episode, Dr. Jenkins gives a brief introduction to St. Irenaeus and the predominance, despite would some contemporary scholars may assert, of a unified Orthodoxy in the early Church when combatting gnostic heresies.
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St. Irenaeus

In this episode, Dr. Jenkins gives a brief introduction to St. Irenaeus and the predominance, despite would some contemporary scholars may assert, of a unified Orthodoxy in the early Church when combatting gnostic heresies.
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St. Justin Martyr, the Philosopher

Today we discuss the thought and importance of St. Justin Martyr, or St. Justin the Philosopher. St. Justin forms an important bridge between the earliest Apostolic Fathers and the late second- and early third-century Fathers of the Church.
3/17/202234 minutes, 48 seconds
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St. Justin Martyr, the Philosopher

Today we discuss the thought and importance of St. Justin Martyr, or St. Justin the Philosopher. St. Justin forms an important bridge between the earliest Apostolic Fathers and the late second- and early third-century Fathers of the Church.
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St. Justin Martyr, the Philosopher

Today we discuss the thought and importance of St. Justin Martyr, or St. Justin the Philosopher. St. Justin forms an important bridge between the earliest Apostolic Fathers and the late second- and early third-century Fathers of the Church.
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St. Ignatius of Antioch

In this episode, Dr. Jenkins introduces us to St. Ignatius of Antioch and his early, clear teachings on the episcopacy and the Eucharist which are rooted in the Incarnation.
3/10/202226 minutes, 27 seconds
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St. Ignatius of Antioch

In this episode, Dr. Jenkins introduces us to St. Ignatius of Antioch and his early, clear teachings on the episcopacy and the Eucharist which are rooted in the Incarnation.
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St. Ignatius of Antioch

In this episode, Dr. Jenkins introduces us to St. Ignatius of Antioch and his early, clear teachings on the episcopacy and the Eucharist which are rooted in the Incarnation.
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Early Gnostic Sects

In this episode, Dr. Jenkins gives a lesson on three gnostic groups from the first century with which the Church had to grapple.
3/3/202235 minutes, 17 seconds
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Early Gnostic Sects

In this episode, Dr. Jenkins gives a lesson on three gnostic groups from the first century with which the Church had to grapple.
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Early Gnostic Sects

In this episode, Dr. Jenkins gives a lesson on three gnostic groups from the first century with which the Church had to grapple.
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Intro to the Roman Empire

In this episode, Dr. Jenkins opens with a little history about history itself. He then moves on to set the backdrop of second-century Rome as the Church begins to emerge.
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Intro to the Roman Empire

In this episode, Dr. Jenkins opens with a little history about history itself. He then moves on to set the backdrop of second-century Rome as the Church begins to emerge.
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Intro to the Roman Empire

In this episode, Dr. Jenkins opens with a little history about history itself. He then moves on to set the backdrop of second-century Rome as the Church begins to emerge.
2/24/202234 minutes, 53 seconds
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Dr. Cyril Jenkins introduces his new podcast and explains the importance of history to the Christian faith.
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Dr. Cyril Jenkins introduces his new podcast and explains the importance of history to the Christian faith.
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Dr. Cyril Jenkins introduces his new podcast and explains the importance of history to the Christian faith.
2/14/202224 minutes, 44 seconds