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Chinese, Education, 1 season, 184 episodes, 13 hours, 57 minutes
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英译 《我们仨》 杨绛

“We Two Grow Old ” Excerpt from "The Three Of Us" Written by Jiang Yang One night, I had a dream. Zhongshu and I were out on a walk together, talking and laughing, when we came to a place we did not know. The sun had set behind the mountains, and dusk was approaching. Then Zhongshu disappeared into the void. I searched everywhere but could find no trace of him. I called to him, but there was no answer. It was just me, alone, standing there in the wasteland not knowing where Zhongshu had gone. 有一晚,我做了一个梦。我和锺书一同散步,说说笑笑,走到了不知什么地方。太阳已经下山,黄昏薄幕,苍苍茫茫中,忽然锺书不见了。我四顾寻找,不见他的影踪。我喊他,没人应。只我一人,站在荒郊野地里,锺书不知到哪里去了。I cried out to him, calling his full name, but my cries just fell into the wilderness without the faintest echo, as if they’d been swallowed. Complete silence added to the blackness of the night, deepening my loneliness and sense of desolation. 我大声呼喊,连名带姓地喊。喊声落在旷野里,好像给吞吃了似的,没留下一点依稀仿佛的音响。彻底的寂静,给沉沉夜色增添了分量,也加深了我的孤凄。In the distance, I saw only layer upon layer of dusky dark. I was on a sandy road with a forest to one side. There was a murmuring brook; I couldn’t see how wide it was. 往前看去,是一层深似一层的昏暗。我脚下是一条沙土路,旁边有林木,有潺潺流水,看不清楚溪流有多么宽广。When I turned to look back, I saw what appeared to be a cluster of houses. It was an inhabited place, but since I couldn’t see any lights, I thought they must be quite far away. 向后看去,好像是连片的屋宇房舍,是有人烟的去处,但不见灯火,想必相离很远了。Had Zhongshu gone home on his own? Then I’d better go home too! Just as I was looking for the way back, an old man appeared, pulling an empty rickshaw. I hurried over to bar his way, and sure enough he stopped, but I couldn’t tell him where I wanted to go. In the midst of my desperation, I woke up. Zhongshu lay next to me in bed, sound asleep. 锺书自顾自先回家了吗?我也得回家呀。我正待寻觅归路,忽见一个老人拉着一辆空的黄包车,忙拦住他。他倒也停了车。可是我怎么也说不出要到哪里去,惶急中忽然醒了。锺书在我旁边的床上睡得正酣呢。I tossed and turned for the rest of the night, waiting for Zhongshu to wake up; then I told him about what happened in my dream. I reproached him: How could you have abandoned me like that, leaving on your own without a word to me? 我转侧了半夜等锺书醒来,就告诉他我做了一个梦,如此这般;于是埋怨他怎么一声不响地撇下我自顾自走了。Zhongshu didn’t try to defend the Zhongshu of my dream. He only consoled me by saying: this is an old person’s dream. He often had it too. Yes, I’ve had this sort of dream many times. The setting may differ, but the feeling is the same. Most often the two of us emerge from some place, then, in the blink of an eye, he’s gone. 锺书并不为我梦中的他辩护,只安慰我说:那是老人的梦,他也常做。 是的,这类的梦我又做过多次,梦境不同而情味总相似。往往是我们两人从一个地方出来,他一晃眼不见了。I ask after him everywhere, but nobody pays any attention to me. 我到处问询,无人理我。Sometimes I search for him everywhere but end up in a succession of alleys, all with dead ends. Sometimes I am alone in a dimly lit station, waiting for the last train, but the train never comes. In every dream I am lonely and desperate. If only I could find him, I think, we could go home together. 我或是来回寻找,走入一连串的死胡同,或独在昏暗的车站等车,等那末一班车,车也总不来。梦中凄凄惶惶,好像只要能找到他,就能一同回家。Zhongshu probably remembered my reproach, and caused this dream to be ten thousand miles long. (Translated by Jesse Field) 锺书大概是记着我的埋怨,叫我做了一个长达万里的梦。
5/31/20165 minutes, 9 seconds
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趣配音 晨读 03 YPZD 小小说 节选一

「趣配音 悦己达人」大家好,我是Lewis,在扬州给大家晨读!今早读 “A VERY SHORT STORY” BY Ernest Hemingway《小小说》 作者 海明威One hot evening in Padua they carried him up onto the roof and he could look out over the top of the town. There were chimney swifts in the sky. After a while it got dark and the searchlights came out. The others went down and took the bottles with them. He and Luz could hear them below on the balcony. Luz sat on the bed. She was cool and fresh in the hot night.Luz stayed on night duty for three months. They were glad to let her. When they operated on him she prepared him for the operating table; and they had a joke about friend or enema. He went under the anæsthetic holding tight on to himself so he would not blab about anything during the silly, talky time. After he got on crutches he used to take the temperatures so Luz would not have to get up from the bed. There were only a few patients, and they all knew about it. They all liked Luz. As he walked back along the halls he thought of Luz in his bed. Before he went back to the front they went into the Duomo and prayed. It was dim and quiet, and there were other people praying. They wanted to get married, but there was not enough time for the banns, and neither of them had birth certificates. They felt as though they were married, but they wanted everyone to know about it, and to make it so they could not lose it. 在帕多瓦,一个炎热的傍晚,他们把他抬到屋顶上去,让他可以平眺全城的顶层。天上有飞燕。过了片刻天黑了,探照灯亮了。另外的人下去了,随身带走了酒瓶。他和卢芝听得见他们在下面阳台上。卢芝坐在床上。在炎热的夜晚,她倒凉快。卢芝坚持做了三个月夜班。人家乐得让她做。人家给他动手术,她替他准备了手术台,人家都在讲是朋友还是灌肠剂的笑话。他虽上了麻药,还硬挺着,免得在失去知觉、多嘴多舌的时刻说漏了嘴。他用了拐杖以后,自己就常去量体温,免得卢芝铺床。他回到前线去之前,他们到大教堂里去祈祷。教堂里暗沉沉,静悄悄,还有别人在祈祷。他们想要结婚,可是来不及请教堂公布结婚预告了,而且两个人都没有出生证。他们感到两人好象结了婚似的,不过他们要大家都知道这事,要让事情办成,这样就不怕它吹了。注释: 1. Padua /ˈpædʒuə/ 帕多瓦 意大利东北部的一个城市,位于威尼斯的西部,中世纪时是个重要的文化中心,以乔托,曼特纳以及多纳泰洛的艺术和建筑作品而闻名,伽利略自1592到1610在该市的大学执教。 2. Chimney Swift 雨燕 A small, dark, swallowlike New World bird that frequently nests in chimneys. 烟囱刺尾雨燕:美洲大陆的一种小而黑的似燕的鸟(烟囱刺尾雨燕) ,常在烟囱中筑巢 3. Enema /'enɪmə/ 灌肠 a medical treatment in which liquid is forced into a person's intestines to clean out the bowels before an operation 4. Go under the anaesthetic /'ænɪsθ'etɪk/ 被麻醉 5. Hold tight on to himself 撑住/挺住 6. Blab 说漏嘴 to tell someone something that should be kept secret 7. Duomo [ˈdwɔːmɔː] (意大利的)大教堂, 中央教堂 8. Banns /bænz/ (教堂里的)结婚预告 a public statement that two people intend to get married, made in a church in Britain
7/16/20152 minutes, 55 seconds
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CCAV 趣配音 晨读 02 时间和金钱

「趣配音 悦己达人」大家好,我是Lewis,在扬州给大家晨读!今早读小伍哥分享的双语正能量。关于奋斗过程中的 “时间/金钱”观。 Time and money are precious resources, and few people striving for success ever believe they possess either one in excess. Understanding how you use them is an important part of evaluating your progress toward success and analyzing what may be holding you back.时间和金钱都是宝贵的资源,没有人在奋斗的过程中会认为他们有太多的时间和金钱. 懂得如果去使用时间和金钱,有助于去评估成功进展情况和分析阻力!
7/14/20151 minute, 26 seconds
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SAT 50天词汇突破 DAY 50

6/20/20152 minutes, 30 seconds
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SAT 50天词汇突破 DAY 49

6/19/20153 minutes, 10 seconds
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SAT 50天词汇突破 DAY 48

6/18/20152 minutes, 35 seconds
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集思双语 中国文化特辑 西游记

【集思双语 Lewis 中国文化特辑 西游记 Journey to the West】Good morning, everyone! It's Thurs., 18th June. I am Lewis saying hello to you all from Yangzhou. 大家周四早上好,今天是六月十八号! 我是Lewis,在扬州给大家问好! 今天给大家分享的中国文化元素主题是 《西游记》 Journey to the West!1. “Journey to the West” is the most famous mythology in China.2. It was inspired by real historical events. 3. A Buddhist monk, named Xuzang, walked through the harsh desert for more than 10 thousand kilometers on his pilgrimage to India to obtain Buddhist sutras.4. His first disciple, named Sun Wukong, is a monkey with great magic powers. 5. He is a righteous and brave hero who has mastered 72 methods of transformations. 6. Unlike conventional heroes, he departs from tradition and fights for freedom. 7. His tag is “Hey, I am coming!” 8. He defeated powerful demons on the pilgrimage, and helped Xuanzang accomplish his objectives with Zhu bajie, monk Sha wujin and Bailongma. 9. “Journey to the West” tells stories about self-discipline and overcoming difficulties. 10. It has profound influence on the Chinese spirit. 最后补上一句,86版的电视剧西游记对80年代出生的孩子影响那也是profound! 备注:1. Mythology 神话2. Pilgrimage 朝圣3. Disciple 徒儿4. Righteous 正义的5. Conventional hero 传统的/一般的 英雄6. Depart from tradition 背离传统7. Tag 格言 8. Accomplish his objectives 实现目标,完成任务9. Self-discipline 自律10. Overcome difficulties 克服困难11. Profound influence 深远的影响
6/18/20159 minutes, 38 seconds
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SAT 50天词汇突破 DAY 47

6/17/20152 minutes, 49 seconds
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录音背景音乐分享 气势恢宏 Earthsong

选自唱片集 “Global Spirit”
6/17/20155 minutes, 46 seconds
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集思双语 中国文化特辑 兵马俑

【集思双语 Lewis 中国文化特辑 兵马俑 Terra-Cotta Warriors】Good morning, everyone! It's Wed., 17th June. I am Lewis saying hello to you all from Yangzhou. 大家周三早上好,今天是六月十七号! 我是Lewis,在扬州给大家问好!今天给大家分享的中国文化元素主题是 兵马俑 Terra Cotta Warriors 1. There is a saying that you have not been to China If you have not visited the Terra Cotta Warriors - Bingmayong.2. Located to the west of Xi’an, Bingmayong is a collection of the tomb treasures of Qinshihuang – the first emperor of China.3. They were built by hundreds of thousands of men more than two thousand years ago.4. Bingmayong were a copy of Qinshihuang’s powerful army which conquered and unified 6 states. 5. Each Warrior was as big and vivid as real soldiers.6. The facial features, expressions and the hairlines of the clay Warriors were exact duplicates of real ones.7. Life-sized war chariots and horses were also made.8. This army of clay statue is as effective and strong as any real military force.9. When you visit Bingmayong, it will remind you of the glorious times of the Qin Dynasty.备注:1. Terra Cotta 赤陶土 2. Tomb treasure 墓穴宝藏3. Conquer 征服4. Unify 统一5. Vivid 逼真的6. Facial feature 面部特征7. Exact duplicate 完整复制品 8. Life-sized 真人/实物大小的9. Glorious times 辉煌的时代/时期
6/17/20154 minutes, 17 seconds
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SAT 50天词汇突破 DAY 46

6/16/20152 minutes, 22 seconds
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集思双语 中国文化特辑 红娘

【集思双语 Lewis 中国文化特辑 红娘 Matchmaker 】Good morning, everyone! It's Tue., 16th June. I am Lewis saying hello to you all from Yangzhou. 大家周二早上好,今天是六月十六号! 我是Lewis,在扬州给大家问好!今天给大家分享的中国文化元素主题是 红娘 Matchmaker1. A matchmaker, often called Hongniang in China, is a messenger of love.2. In a Chinese love story, a young man fell in love with a rich lady.3. The lady’s family strongly objected to this marriage.4. The family’s maid named Hongniang, persuaded the rich family to approve the marriage.5. There are many other stories about Hongniang in Chinese literature and drama.6. Chinese are more than happy to be a Hongniang, because they believe that those who bring happiness to others will be happy themselves.7. Now you understand that Hongniang is the Chinese Cupid.备注:关键词/表达1. Messenger 信使2. Maid 女仆 侍女3. Approve the marriage 同意这门亲事4. Be more than happy to do sth. 十分乐意做某事5. The Chinese Cupid 中国的丘比特
6/16/20156 minutes, 15 seconds
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SAT 50天词汇突破 DAY 45

6/15/20153 minutes, 57 seconds
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集思双语 中国文化特辑 吃醋

【集思双语 Lewis 中国文化特辑 吃醋 Jealous 】Good morning, everyone! It's Mon. 15th June. I am Lewis saying hello to you all from Yangzhou. 大家周一早上好,今天是六月十五号! 我是Lewis,在扬州给大家问好!今天的中国文化特辑和大家分享 吃醋 Jealous1. Having vinegar means to be jealous, Chicu, in China.2. The legend says that a minister was to marry his second wife according to the order of the emperor.3. His first wife was quite jealous.4. The emperor offered two choices for her.5. If she object to the marriage, she should drink poison.6. The woman willingly drank the poison offered by the emperor.7. However she didn’t die.8. What she drank was vinegar instead of poison.9. The emperor made the prank to test her attitude towards love.10. From then on, Chicu has been related to jealousy and used to describe the jealousy between lovers.备注:关键词/表达1. Vinegar 醋2. Object to the marriage 反对这桩婚事3. Willingly 情愿地4. Make the prank 开玩笑/搞恶作剧
6/15/20153 minutes, 4 seconds
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SAT 50天词汇突破 DAY 44

6/14/20153 minutes, 14 seconds
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集思双语 录音背景音乐回放一 沉思 3

6/13/20155 minutes, 20 seconds
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集思双语 录音背景回放 二 明快 4

6/13/20151 minute, 4 seconds
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SAT 50天词汇突破 DAY 43

6/13/20153 minutes, 30 seconds
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集思双语 录音背景音乐回放 一 沉思 2

6/13/20155 minutes, 55 seconds
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集思双语 录音背景音乐回放 一 沉思 1

6/13/20154 minutes, 29 seconds
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集思双语 录音背景音乐回放 二 明快 3

6/13/20155 minutes, 19 seconds
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集思双语 录音背景音乐回放 二 明快 1

6/13/20152 minutes, 7 seconds
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SAT 50天词汇突破 DAY 42

6/12/20153 minutes, 46 seconds
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集思双语 中国文化特辑 舞蹈

【集思双语 Lewis 中国文化特辑 舞蹈 Dance】Good morning, everyone! It's Fri., 12th June. I am Lewis saying hello to you all from Yangzhou. 大家周五早上好,今天是六月十二号! 我是Lewis,在扬州给大家问好!今天的中国文化特辑晨读和大家分享 舞蹈 Dance1. Scenes of dancing were drawn on pottery in China some 5,000 years ago.2. At that time, people danced at ceremonies for worship. 3. There was a concubine who could dance on a tray in the Imperial Palace about 2,000 years ago.4. She danced so lightly that she supposedly would fly away when the wind blew.5. Legends say that an emperor made his soldiers dance when he returned in triumph.6. The dance was powerful and vigorous.7. People also dance on festivals, harvest celebrations and weddings.8. You can see abundant styles of Wudao in China, a country composed of many ethnic groups.9. Wudao shortens the distance between people.备注:关键词句1. Scene 场景2. Worship 祭拜3. Return in triumph 凯旋归来4. Vigorous 充满活力的5. Abundant styles of Wudao 丰富多彩的舞蹈风格6. Shorten the distance between people 拉近了人与人之间的距离
6/12/20153 minutes, 2 seconds
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SAT 50天词汇突破 DAY 41

6/11/20154 minutes, 4 seconds
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集思双语 中国文化特辑 民族

【集思双语 Lewis 中国文化特辑 Ethnic Groups 民族】Good morning, everyone! It's Thurs., 11th June. I am Lewis saying hello to you all from Yangzhou. 大家周四早上好,今天是六月十一号! 我是Lewis,在扬州给大家问好!今天的中国文化特辑晨读和大家分享 民族 Ethnic Groups1. The Chinese nation is composed of 56 ethnic groups, Minzu, with distinct features.2. These Minzu are distributed all over China with their own traditions.3. Culture characteristics include the songs and dances of the Uygur, Water Splashing Festival of the Dai, silver ornaments of the Miao, and Nadam Fair of the Mongolian people.4. Chinese use brothers to describe the relationship among different Minzu.5. Brotherhood means the different Minzu live harmoniously in this huge family.备注:关键词句1. Be composed of 由…组成2. Distinct features 突出的特点3. Be distributed all over China 分布在全中国4. Silver ornament 银饰品5. Brotherhood 兄弟情谊
6/11/20152 minutes, 35 seconds
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SAT 50天词汇突破 DAY 40

6/10/20153 minutes, 30 seconds
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集思双语 中国文化特辑 唐装

Good morning, everyone! It's Wed., 10th June. I am Lewis saying hello to you all from Yangzhou. 大家周三早上好,今天是六月十号! 我是Lewis,在扬州给大家问好!今天的中国文化特辑晨读和大家分享 唐装 Tang Suit 1. A Tang Suit, Tang Zhuang, is not a suit of the Tang Dynasty but a suit with Chinese style.2. Tang Zhuang is tailored according to specific procedures. 3. Brocade is the first choice when selecting materials for Tang Zhuang.4. Stand-up collars and symmetrical lapels are typical styles. 5. Exquisite embroidery is another feature of Tang Zhuang.6. Even the little buttons are made with great details. 7. These unique buttons are the finishing touches of Tang Zhuang.8. Nowadays Chinese put on Tang Zhuang for the Spring Festival or weddings.9. People regard Tang Zhuang as special clothing for important ceremonies in China.10. Absorbing some elements from western designs, Tang Zhuang now has a more fashionable beautiful look.备注:关键词句1. Be tailored according to specific procedures 按照特定的程序裁剪;裁剪考究2. Brocade 云锦3. Stand-up collars 立领4. Symmetrical lapels 对称的衣襟5. Exquisite embroidery 精美的刺绣6. Finishing touches 最后的点睛之笔7. Absorb 吸收
6/10/20153 minutes, 11 seconds
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SAT 50天词汇突破 DAY 39

6/9/20154 minutes, 32 seconds
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在家里流浪 .境界.心态.经历

在家里流浪 文: 杨华斌 一, 近期在西安装修了一间小房子,没床,没电脑,没电视。睡地上,头枕双肩包,旁搁小台灯,看(西安城墙),偶尔呼朋唤友码码长城,看(理想丰满),不顾现实骨感,看(谁的大学不迷惘),想谁的人生不迷茫?看(涂自强的悲伤),自己就不再悲伤。在家里流浪,是我今年国庆节的选择,被迫,也是自愿。被迫一 是孩子不愿意出去,二是没时间,三是没钱。这个顺序当然是按重要程度来排的。所以,主要是因为要陪孩子,自愿陪孩子,以孩子的意愿来安排,不能不说是一种甜蜜的忧伤。但人心思动,每个人都渴望浪迹天涯。首先我不能衣衫褴褛去远方,其次我没法考察访问去看风景,最后是我更没资格通过贪腐去挥霍。于是,就在家里流浪吧。旅行的本质是学习,既然如此,那就躺地上看看书,熬个稀饭,就点咸莱,想想曹雪芹写(红楼梦)时的九格粥,浇浇花,擦擦地,在家里流浪,无比高大上! 二,在家里流浪,自己体会自己的倔犟。坚持摆个旧家俱,坚持睡地上,翻翻旧照片,整理一下日志,总结一下人生过往。岁月残忍,不是生活无情。所谓的"阶前冷雨",所谓的"岁月静好",所谓的"昙花一现",所谓的"苔痕新绿",只有亲历,她们的美好,她们的动人,只有亲自看见了,都来不及告诉朋友,知己,就已经不见了。去过汶川吗? 好繁华,只剩下"大爱无疆"空洞的诉说。 对一个人的生命历程而言,必须有一段慢旅,旅行中的千回百转本身就是一个启示和暗示。旅行的时间会有结束的一天,而生活的道路相对而言却没有尽头。在家里流浪,你可以发挥无尽的想象。让思想在家的笼罩中摇摇晃晃,胜却在名山大川胡逛。 三,在家里流浪,其实是心无所往。想看海吗?东海, 黄海,南海?根本就腻歪了。想爬山吗?华山,黄山,峨嵋山,都徒步俩回了,真的再没有胆量。想艳遇吗?好象到了有锅盔没牙的阶段。不如就在家里,二十六楼,十字路口最拐角,看楼下人来人往,车来车往,云来雾往,前来后往。独行独坐,独唱独酬还独卧,在家里流浪,却没有伫立神伤,也不管此情谁见。活在时光的最前沿,无锥心憾事,不自编牢笼。品品佳茗,感知田园风光,浇浇花草,想象世外桃源,捏俩核桃,体味丰收喜悦,洗洗衣服,享受劳动快乐。在家里流浪, 自己的故事对自己讲。 四,对自己讲,和自己对话。不同于自说自话,孤芳自赏。其实就是一种反省,一种回味,一次总结。 想远方的亲人,朋友,祝福他们的热闹,享受自己的宁静。夏虫不可与冰语。古今多少事,都付笑谈中。客观地说,每个人都是井底之蛙,不过是井口直径不一而已。即使一个直径,那咱们是不是应该尽量往井口爬,天地随之也就不一样了呢?在家里流浪,自己抽烟自己 炝。想这些古怪的问题,牵挂老家的父母,情系韩塬的闺女,担心逐渐独立的儿子,还有钢贸商们的命运和单位的走向。一根横笛,一管口琴,自己作曲自己唱。别人还不让,只有在家里流浪。 五,多少人挖空心思,身居要职。本应站的高,看的远。结果不过是站的高,尿的远。效果不是有多少人怀念,有多少人追随,有多少人心悦臣服,而是迎风臭十里。自说自话,孤芳自赏,还毫无意识,理直气壮,强词夺理。我相信没有不择手段的正义。所以让与不让,其实并不好讲。杨绛先生在(一百岁感言)中这样说:"人生最曼妙的风景,其实就是内心的淡定与从容。 我们曾如此期盼外界的认可,到最后才知道,世界是自己的,与外人毫无关系。"何尝不是?! 昨天是一道风景,看见了,模糊了,时间是一个过客,记住了,遗忘了, 生活是一个漏斗,得到了,失去了。世上没有不平的事,只有不平的心。想起七匹狼男装广告:男人,就对自己狠一点。那潜台词呢?是不是说要善待别人?西安的雨,据说三十八年一遇,连日连天,逦迤(li3yi3)梦幻,让多少人筋骨生锈,焦灼不安,渴望远行,渴望在路上。我选择在家里流浪,读戴望舒,撑思想的雨伞,砌模拟的雨巷,雕岁月的时光,塑心中的姑娘。在家里流浪,你永不惆怅,随时都在路上。
6/9/201510 minutes, 12 seconds
Episode Artwork

集思双语 中国文化特辑 太阳

Good morning, everyone! It's Tues., 9th June. I am Lewis saying hello to you all from Yangzhou.大家周二早上好,今天是六月九号! 我是Lewis,在扬州给大家问好!今天的中国文化特辑晨读和大家分享 "太阳" 1. Sun, Tai Yang, brings light and vitality to the world.2. Legends say that there were 10 Tai Yang in the sky in ancient times.3. People couldn’t put up with the hot weather brought by 10 Tai Yang.4. A hero named Hou Yi shot down 9 Tai Yang with his bow.5. The Chinese created a calendar according to shadows produced by the last Tai Yang.6. The Chinese have created 24 solar terms according to the circulation laws of Tai Yang.7. They are used to guide farming activities.8. The rise and set of Tai Yang represents hope in the hearts of Chinese people.备注: 1. Vitality 生机 派生:形容词 vital 重要的/必需的/必不可少的2. Put up with the hot weather 忍受酷暑 3. 24 Solar terms 24节气4. Circulation 轮转/运转
6/9/20152 minutes, 59 seconds
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SAT 50天词汇突破 DAY 38

6/8/20153 minutes, 30 seconds
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集思双语特别节目·谨以此文献给即将完整结束高中生活,走进大学校园或者一直在路上的你们!文 / 冰菲嫣 M是我的朋友, 很普通很宅的一个工科男生, 就像你在全国众多女生稀少的 理工科院校里看到的任何一个 留着平头穿着免费赠送的T恤 和看起来木木的男生一样, 而他似乎还要格外笨拙一些, 遇到需要说话的场合, 常常仰着脖子, 抽着喉咙半天无法表达。 怎么好交那些明艳动人的同校女生? 他只在高中同学中找了一个也有点喜欢她的女生, 谈着一段不咸不淡的异地恋。 只是,他还是有些不一样的。 当别的男生忙着参加社团发掘自己的特长时, 他正在钻研一道道微积分难题, 当别的男生由于苦闷无聊等种种原因打游戏喝酒时, 他把高等代数又看了一遍, 当别的男生换了好几个女友创了几次业兼了几份职时 他的计算机编程课终于拿了90分。 他很刻苦, 总是舍得在学习上花时间, 总是不会被花花世界所打动, 在自己的象牙塔里笃定地攀爬者。 大三一统计成绩,竟然是班级第三, 败在天分上,他不够聪明,一道题要比别人多想十遍。 本来要推研到一个还算不错的学校, 但临时被一个看起来更聪明发展更全面的同学替代掉了。 他十月份开始考研, 还是那么一天学足十几个小时, 后来就去了全国最好的那几所大学中的一所。 据说去了去读研究生也还是常在课题上遇到关卡, 在土著同学的秒懂中发现自己的迟钝。 但胜在勤奋好学勤问, 跌跌撞撞竟然一路拿了优秀毕业生, 去了一家很厉害的单位, 一年时间还了上学这几年借的钱, 然后和女友汇合, 准备买房结婚生子的事情。 再过几年见到他竟然成了不大不小的领导, 也不再说话张口结舌, 眉宇之间有种淡定的气质, 已经和以前判若两人, 讲起专业知识侃侃而谈, 哪有当年的局促和土气。 同学之间属于他的走向最稳定最好了, 现在同学会都是他在组织。 他和我讲起从前, 我钦佩他对方向的把握和对事情的取舍, 他双眼发着光说: “哪有什么选择,我一无所长,只有学习这一块下下功夫还可以稍微出点成绩,已经拼尽了全力,做兼职搞社团什么的既玩不来又没有精力。” 后来听说他是国内那个专业方向的佼佼者, 时常参加各种国内外会议, 当年的女友已经转正成妻, 一家子和和满满, 正准备借政策之东风生第二个小孩。 L是我的姐姐, 大概还是有一些语言的天赋的, 在数理化科目常常倒数的情况下, 英语是她唯一的相对长的特长。 长辈们见到她的这份心情见面时也总夸她英语好。 她是昏天暗地地苦学英语, 每篇课文都一字一句地硬记下来, 然后总算可以考到130分左右, 在普通中学这门科目里也算是佼佼者了。 我从来没有和她说 我基本上只拿一点点时间学习轻轻松松138分左右波动。 高考她情理之中地没考好, 只是说上了一本的尾巴, 去了一所名不经转的学校学习英语。 后来,两年之后的家族聚会见到她, 本来就有些天生丽质的她现在浓妆淡抹总相宜, 身姿秀美,举手投足之间轻盈优雅, 她说她依然每天学很久的英语, 看各种英文小说, 听各种广播, 生活在英语的世界里, 对于她已经是天堂。 后来听说她在学校和英国 交换的项目中认识了一个英国男生, 轰轰烈烈地爱了一场, 我们以为不着调的时候, 她们毕业后就结了婚, 此刻她的英语已经说得和母语一样流利了。 在各种机缘下,她承担了几次大型项目的同声口译 , 从此一发不可收拾, 在国际名企就职, 办外贸公司, 人生风生水起, 过年时见到她, 气质斐然, 眉目流转, 在我们众多姐妹中十分出众, 完全不是十几年前那个苦哈哈的小女孩。 而我的英语水平只停留在高中时代了, 甚至还遗忘了几个词。 当她在帝都的大房子里招待我的时候, 我向她倾诉我被不擅长的物理折磨得死去活来, 而且鸡肋工作钱少活多, 这时候, 她的英国老公为她递来了一杯英式奶茶。 是的,小的时候我们总希望自己十项全能, 最好是会发光长翅膀的超人, 又能斩杀毒龙又能诗词歌赋, 文武双全,天下无敌。 我们会嘲笑那些成绩差的人, 我们也会嘲笑书呆子, 似乎那些他们不擅长的领域就代表了他们是很失败很失败的人。 我们还会不满意自己, 不知道自己为什么那么不聪明, 拿不了奥赛金牌, 也不知道自己为什么没有天赋, 不能跑的比别人快, 琴棋书画也是一塌糊涂。 于是我们花很多的时间去钻研我们自卑的那些地方, 明明肢体不灵活还要学街舞, 明明看到数字就犯晕还挑战数学系, 明明对体育不感兴趣还游泳羽毛球样样都练, 明明喜欢死宅听讲座还偏偏假装热爱旅游最喜欢尼泊尔。 看到身边的人兼数职羡慕, 看到身边的人插花茶道羡慕, 看到身边的人发的间隔年日记羡慕。 在别人的炫目的光中迷失了自己, 不知道自己的光在哪里,是什么颜色? 是的,东学学西看看你总算可以说出咖啡的做法和口味的差别, 别人每提一个话题你都可以说上几句。 但是, 你依然是就那么回事, 你写的论文好像还可以, 你弹的吉他也是还可以听, 你的工作完成也是马马虎虎, 甚至有点力不可支。 所有的一切都像你的人生,平凡至极,也想超市里面廉价批量出售的碗碟,做工粗糙,歪歪扭扭,图案模糊,被大家挑挑拣拣,勉为其难地买下。 你永远搞不清为什么那个碗甚至没有花纹,只是纯白色就可以要价上百 ,而这只碗造型独特,花纹缤纷,拿在手里很有分量原价二十,最后还打了五折。 我想问问你,你拥有的哪些是你真正喜欢和擅长的? 你有没有在这些方面全力以赴让自己光芒四射? 你有没有像打磨艺术品的耐心,把自己勇敢地打磨出来? 一只跑得最快的乌龟也比不过一个跑得最慢的兔子, 但是兔子可不会游泳? 即使你用奇淫技巧赢得了几场龟兔赛跑, 那也不过是过眼烟云和另一种意义上的掩耳盗铃, 不如将这些智慧和技术用在长寿研究和水陆两栖上, 随随便便都是佼佼者, 稍微用心已经是世界第一。 幸福不是多,而是去芜存菁。 时间和金钱都是宝贵的成本, 我们要用来以最小的投资获得最大的收益。 当然,并不是让你驱逐快乐和变得单调, 其实做自己擅长的事 或者对未来有好处的事 本就应该是比做自己做不好的事和无意义的事情 来得快乐呀。 在这个专业分工越来越精细的社会, 我们讲究的是质量, 你送给别人一箩筐又小又酸苹果不如送给别人一个又红又大又香甜的苹果。 让你光芒四射的永远是你拥有的, 正如让方文山被人记住的是他摄人心魄的词而不是歌声, 让周杰伦为万千粉丝膜拜的是他音乐的才华而不是长相。 那些你无能为力的部分不如放弃掉, 从此聚精会神在自己 本身就很不错的地方, 假以时日,你肯定会大放异彩。 如果有人拿自己的擅长来嘲笑你的不擅长, 那么你只需执着努力, 达到自己心中的港湾, 若因此乱了阵脚, 自怨自艾, 那么他的话就是你的魔咒, 束缚你的快乐和成长, 也许有一天你攀登得足够高远再去看他, 不过是目光短浅不考虑别人感受的人罢了, 甚至是嫉妒你的所有。 即使他说的都对, 样样比你强, 而且遥遥领先, 那又如何? 你只能做好你自己, 你无法变成别人, 但是你不会像他一样去嘲笑别人。 兰花无需羡慕玫瑰的娇艳姿态,她有她的幽雅暗香。 你的本身已足够动人,把自己活出来已经成为光源,温暖世界和他人。 当然你竭尽全力也无法让自己独领风骚,但那又如何呢? 你在做着自己喜欢和擅长的事情,一路前进,快乐无比,这本来就光芒四射。 选择自己可以做好的,然后持续为之努力吧! (本文系作者授权发布)
6/8/201512 minutes, 6 seconds
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集思晨读 中国文化特辑 印刷

Good morning, everyone! It's Mon., 8th June. I am Lewis saying hello to you all from Yangzhou.大家周一早上好,今天是六月八号! 我是Lewis,在扬州给大家问好!今天的中国文化特辑晨读和大 家分享 “印刷-Printing”1. A Chinese, named Bi Sheng, invented movable type print around 1,000 years ago.2. The movable components are cubes made of baked clay.3. Characters were carved on each piece of clay which looked like the seals widely used in China. 4. The movable components could be arranged freely to form different vocabularies and sentences.5. They were fixed on an iron plate with frames in certain sequence.6. Then ink was painted, and a piece of paper was laid on.7. A printed sheet was created this way.8. This technique improved the efficiency of printing and transformed traditional transcription into modern printing.9. Scripts and paintings spread widely in the world with the help of Yinshua.备注:1. Cubes made of baked clay 泥土烧制成的立方体2. Seal 印章3. In certain sequence 按照特定的顺序4. Transform traditional transcription into modern printing将传统的手抄誊写转变为现代的印刷
6/8/20152 minutes, 55 seconds
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SAT 50天词汇突破 DAY 37

6/7/20154 minutes, 18 seconds
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周末读书 《游历身体的江湖》-不可分离的身体

6/7/20157 minutes, 12 seconds
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SAT 50天词汇突破 DAY 36

6/6/20154 minutes, 12 seconds
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周末读书 《剑胆琴心是中医》粥和生机

《剑胆琴心是中医》粥和生机 剑胆琴心一词大概出自元·吴莱《寄董与几》诗:“小榻琴心展,长缨剑胆舒。”比喻既有情致,又有胆识。如果为中医,拥有剑胆的刚威果断,又拥有琴心的细致浪漫,这应该是大师的意境了,我们可以追求,毕竟人不能没有梦……当中医,在老百姓心里就是调养,就是西医搞不定了,中医来“尽人事,听天命”,一个“慢”字了得。事实上,中医并不是如许温柔,在没有西医急诊时候的中华几千年,还真是只有中医才能“救黎民于水火中”。古代和近代很多名中医,也是靠看急症出道而名闻天下。我学中医的时候,西医学的稀烂,就认一个死理:俺们西医学的再好也远不如人家西医的科班,但是西医的大夫们,凭借着一本《中医基础概论》和“中西医结合”来看我中医的项背也没有可能,很公平!彼此尊重,相得益彰而并行不悖!当然我是很尊重西医外科的,人被车撞了,血流成河,吃中药仿佛是止不住血。但是在ICU里面折腾个十几天,得个“医源性”的什么“鲍曼不动杆菌”感染,西医也就差不多“包不动”了,这个时候病人是死是活,还真和手术水平的关系不大。今年治疗了一例,一男士车祸,脑部手术后,在某西医医院的ICU里面住了6天,情况好转,但是不幸的感染了“鲍曼不动杆菌”,然后情况急转直下,一天不如一天,西医教导我们说:“获得“鲍曼不动杆菌”的科室分布以ICU最多,其次为呼吸内科患者。感染的病人多是老年患者、危重疾病及机体抵抗力弱的患者,以及使用各种侵入性操作和长期使用广谱抗生素治疗的患者。又因为该菌对湿热紫外线及化学消毒剂有较强抵抗力,常规消毒只能抑制其生长而不能杀灭,而抵抗力弱或有创伤的患者可能被从医务人员的手或消毒不彻底的医疗器械所带有的细菌感染的机会较多。”而医院对付“鲍曼不动杆菌”选用了头孢哌酮-舒巴坦,针对此病人病情较重者,又用了β-内酰胺类与氨基糖苷类联合应用。然后,则根据药敏结果调整选用了很多方案,一点起色也没有。一天在ICU里面1万多啊,还基本没有好转的可能。病人家里人和肇事者两个家庭都在流血,只有请中医了,好像并不抱什么希望,把中医当“倒数第二站”,我们去,依稀是为病人送行。刚好会诊的两个中医,都是一点西药西医也不懂,听了病人和主治大夫说了半个钟头,也莫名其妙,我们只是点头摇头,西医估计郁闷死了,说怎么连句话也不评价啊,事实上,对不起啊,哥们,我们真没有听明白。看了病人,情况很不好,昏迷,插满了管子,和病人说话,偶尔有知觉,上了呼吸机2天,痰鸣音很重,吸出来的痰色黄,寸口脉细数无力,趺阳脉竟然还有脉息,仿佛有点希望了(小贴士:趺阳脉,又称冲阳脉。切脉部位之一。位在足背胫前动脉搏动处。属足阳明胃经的经脉。古人切得趺阳脉时谓:“树无叶而有根,人困如斯,垂死而当治也”),因为趺阳脉管胃气,胃气尚存说明病人还有生机。辨证为痰热蕴肺,上蒙清窍,故神识不清。方用:桑叶10克,桑白皮15克,姜半夏10克,茯苓10克,陈皮15克,甘草6克,黄连10克,竹沥汁(兑)15克,鱼腥草20克,九节菖蒲10克,太子参30克,至宝丹(半粒,冲)三副,一日一副,水煎取汁200毫升,鼻饲!另外稀薄小米粥,不拘时候频繁的鼻饲,按比例减少病人鼻饲流质的量。抗生素依然尊重西医的用法,还是老话并行不悖啊,量稍微减点就是,也要给人家西医留点面子不是。说实话,六七天水米未进,不知道脾胃伤的怎么样了,大量的抗生素激素,也不知把人变成一个什么状态。这样的病,在古代书上没有;在现代,有机会看上一个,没有心理负担的会诊,放开了看吧,我们期待奇迹!三天后,病人苏醒,有饥饿感,什么氧饱和了二氧化碳的什么指标也好多,第四天呼吸机成功的撤机。笔者感言:脾胃是后天之本,留得一分胃气,就有一分生机,在手术前后,对脾胃的呵护,在中医里是重中之重。就是鼻饲,也不要全营养液,有点粥,有点米,给我们留点胃气,给病人留点生机!不知西医诸君以为然否?
6/6/20156 minutes, 59 seconds
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SAT 50天词汇突破 DAY 35

6/5/20153 minutes, 49 seconds
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特别节目-Sheryl Sandberg深情悼念!

谢丽尔: 我爱你,大卫!Sheryl Sandberg深情悼念!【今天是我心爱的丈夫葬礼后30天「谢洛行」(Sheloshim)的结束。犹太教将亲人埋葬后的七天称为「坐七」(Shiva),在这之后大部分日常活动就可以恢复。但真正完成悼念去世配偶的宗教仪式,则是以「谢洛行」这样一段深度哀悼期的结束为标志。】我的一位现在成为拉比(犹太牧师)的发小最近告诉我,他曾读过的最强单句祷告是:“我还活着时就别让我死去。”我在失去大卫之前一直不解。现在我明白了。 我认为悲剧发生时,也带来一个抉择。你可以放弃,任由空虚填满你的心肺,失去思考甚至是呼吸的能力。或者你可以尝试寻找意义。过去的三十天里,我很多时候都迷失在空虚之中。我也知道未来还会有很多时间被巨大空虚耗去。但当我可以选择时,我会选择生活和意义。这就是为什么我在写这些文字:标记「谢洛行」的结束,把别人给我的支持回馈出来。悲痛的经历是极其私人的,那些向我分享自己悲痛经历的人们的勇气帮助我度过难关。一些向我敞开心扉的是我最亲密的朋友。还有那些公开分享智慧和建议、与我素不相识的人。所以我在此分享我所学到的,也希望帮到别人,希望在这场悲剧中找到些意义。这三十天,我如同过了三十年。度日如年的的悲伤,也让我感觉到三十年的成长。我更深刻的认识到怎么做一位母亲。我感受到孩子们尖叫哭泣的深痛,也知道我的母亲体会到我的痛苦。她试着每晚和我同床,抱着我直到我哭着睡去。为了我她强忍眼泪。她向我解释说,我感到痛苦,不但是我自己的,也是我孩子的。我看到她眼中的悲痛,明白她是对的。我明白之前自己真的不知道该对那些有需要的人说什么。我想之前的一切都做错了;我试图让人们相信一切会好的,以为希望是我能做的最令人欣慰的事。一位癌症晚期的朋友告诉我,人们对他说“会好起来的”,但这是最难听的话。他脑子里会有声音大叫“你怎么知道它会好起来?你不明白我会死吗?”现在我理解他了。真正的同情有时不是坚持说一切都会好,而是承认现实。别人对我说,“你和孩子们会再次找到幸福。“我的内心告诉我,是的,我相信,但我知道自己不会再感觉到纯粹的快乐。有人安慰我,“你会找到一个新常态,虽然不如以前好”,因为他们知道这是实话。即使是简单一句“你好吗?“这样总是出于好意的问候,最好也改为“你今天如何?” 当我被问到“你好吗?我阻止自己喊,我丈夫去世一个月,你觉得我能好吗?当我听到“你今天如何?” 我知道他们理解我现在该做的是,就是度过每一天。我学到了些实用的知识。虽然我们现在知道大卫去的很快,我在救护车上还不知道。救护车去医院的路上慢得令我无法忍受。我痛恨每一辆没有让路的车,那些更在乎自己早到几分钟也不愿意让救护车先走的人。我在许多国家和城市开车时都注意到这一点。让我们都给紧急车辆让路吧。别人的父母、配偶或者孩子的生命都靠它了。 我现在明白一切都可以令人感觉稍纵即逝,也许一切就是这样。你脚下的支点可以在毫无警告之下被扯去。过去的三十天里,我听到太多女人失去配偶后失去各种支持。一些人没有支持网络,独自面对情绪困扰和财务问题。这些女性和她们的家庭在最需要帮助时被遗弃,在我看来是极大的错误。【我学会去寻求帮助,也明白自己需要多少帮助。在此之前我一直是大姐姐,首席运营官,实干家和规划师。但我万没料到会发生这场悲剧,一时不知所措。我身边的人来帮助我计划和安排,告诉我坐在哪里,提醒用餐。他们还在支持我一家人。】【我明白坚韧是可以学会的。亚当M.格兰特教我有关坚韧的三个重点,我都在努力。首先是将它个性化,明白这不是我的错,不要说“对不起”,反复告诉自己“这不是我的错。”第二是将它永恒化,记住自己不会永远如此。会更好的。第三是将它保持住,这不会影响我生活的所有,将其 分隔划开的能力是有益的。】【对我来说,开始回归工作是我的救星,有机会感觉自己有用和被需要。但我很快发现这里也发生变化。许多同事在我靠近时都显露出恐惧。我知道为什么。这是因为他们想帮我却不知怎么做才好。我应该提到它么?我不应该提到它?如果说了我到底该说什么?我意识到要想恢复与同事之间重要的亲近关系,我需要让他们更了解我。这意味着我要更放松和流露情感。我告诉他们我会回答坦诚的问题,他们也可以说自己的感受。有同事说她经常开车路过我家,不知道是否该进来。另一位同事说他在我身边时很紧张生怕说错话。直率发言好过怕说错话做错事的恐惧。我最喜欢的卡通片里有只大象在房间里接电话,说“这是大象。”一旦我们能够说清楚,我们就可以把它抛在脑后了。】 【也有些时候我无法让他人介入。我去孩子学校参加活动,学生带父母在教室里看他们挂在墙上的作品。很多家长善意的试图与我目光接触,说一些他们认为可以安慰的话。我一直低头,不让别人看到我眼中生怕撑不住的恐惧。我希望他们明白。】我学会了感恩。感恩自己之前以为理所当然的一切,比如生命。心碎的我,每天看着孩子,庆幸他们还活着。我感激每一个微笑,每一个拥抱。我不再把每天当成理所当然。当有朋友告诉我,他不喜欢过生日所以不愿庆祝时,我看着他含着泪说,“该死的,去庆祝你的生日吧,你能过生日是幸运的。”我下一个生日会郁闷得如同地狱,但我会在心中好好庆祝,比以前任何生日庆祝都好。【我真心感谢那些向我表达同情得人们。一位同事告诉我,他的妻子虽然没见过我,为了表示支持,决定回到学校攻读拖延多年的学位。是的!在条件允许的情况下,我依然坚信向前一步( Lean in)。还有许多我认识和不认识的男士,为了纪念大卫的生命,花更多时间与家人在一起。】我无法表达对家人和朋友们的感激。他们做了这么多事,还安慰我他们会继续在我身边。在我被空虚折磨的残酷时刻,在我面对未来无尽空虚的岁月时,只有他们的面容,把我从恐惧和孤立中解救出来。我对他们的感激没有界限。其中有个朋友,我们谈到一场父子活动,大卫当时无法参加。我们想出了一个后备计划,填补戴夫的空缺。我对他喊道,“但我想要大卫。我想选择A计划”。他搂着我说,”A计划不存在了。所以我们就选B计划做到最好吧。”大卫,为了尊重你的记忆,把你的孩子好好养大,我会尽我所能让B计划成功。虽然「谢洛行」已经结束,但我还会是喜欢A计划,也会经常想起A计划。如同Bono唱到,“悲痛了无尽头,爱也不会停止”。我爱你,大卫。
6/5/201510 minutes, 33 seconds
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SAT 50天词汇突破 Day 34

6/4/20153 minutes, 32 seconds
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集思晨读 中国文化特辑 你来猜主题

【集思晨读 Lewis 中国文化特辑 】Good morning, everyone! It's Thur., 4th June. I am Lewis saying hello to you all from Yangzhou.大家周四早上好,今天是六月四号! 我是Lewis,在扬州给大家问好。今天的中国文化特辑晨读首先给大家分享一个调调,大家来猜猜今天晨读的主题: Did you get our topic today? 听出来今天晨读的主角了么?If not, listen carefully. Here comes our hero! 1. I' m the national treasure of China.2. I like to be alone just like a drifter.3. Our family has lived on the earth for more than 8 million years.4. At first, we lived on meat.5. Later we ran out of food with the tremendous change of the temperature on the earth.6. Now, we are one of the most endangered species.7. We are regarded as beasts for peace.8. Truce was agreed whenever the flags printed with images of us were raised 1,700 years ago.9. These flags represent peace and friendship10. And both sides of the war would stop fighting.11. Now we’re known far and wide.12. And we’re often sent abroad as gifts.13. We have even been chosen as the mascot of the World Wildlife Fund.14. We hope that people will offer more protection for animals.Oh, by the way bamboo is my favorite food !Finally, I bet you've all had the answer right ? It's panda! 备注:1. Drifter 漂泊者:漂泊的人,尤指漫无目的从一个地方到另一个地方,从一个工作至另一工作的人 // 当然文中用来说 熊猫猫 到处逛 的意思了2. Endangered species 濒危物种3. Truce 休战 停战 declare/negotiate/break a truce 宣布[谈判/破坏]休战协定. 4. Be known far and wide 广为人知5. Mascot 吉祥物6. World Wildlife Fund 世界野生生物基金会
6/4/20153 minutes, 50 seconds
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SAT 50天词汇突破 Day 33

6/3/20154 minutes, 15 seconds
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集思晨读 中国文化特辑 月亮

【集思晨读 Lewis 中国文化特辑 Moon 月亮 】Good morning, everyone! It's Wed., 3rd June. I am Lewis saying hello to you all from Yangzhou. The song you've heard is one of my favorites titled "J'ai Demande a la lune " from the French Children's Choir Vox Angeli. 大家周三早上好,今天是六月三号! 我是Lewis,在扬州给大家问好。刚才大家片头听到的是来自法国童声合唱团Vox Angeli 发行的同名专辑中的一首歌曲,曲名 “问月”。今天跟大家分享的主题也就是 the“Moon”! 晨读最后将给大家欣赏完整版歌曲。1. Mythical meanings are attributed to Yueliang in Chinese legends.2. Legend has it that Chang E, the wife of ancient Chinese hero Hou Yi stole her husband’s elixir and ate it.3. Then she became a fairy and flew to the Yueliang.4. She lived alone on the Yueliang with the only company of a rabbit.5. Worshiping Yueliang is an ancient custom in China.6. A round Yueliang represents family reunion and often reminds people of their family.7. An ancient Chinese poem says ‘raise my eyes to the Yueliang, lower my head and think of home’.备注:1. Be attributed to ; attribute sth to sb/sth"认为某事物由某人[某事物]引起或产生"再举例:She attributes her success to hard work and a bit of luck. 她认为她的成功是由於勤奋加上一点儿运气而得来的.补充:attribute 可以做名词 指 "属性; 特质; 性质"Patience is one of the most important attributes in a teacher. 当教师最重要的一个品性就是要有耐心. 2. Elixir n. 长生不老药3. With the company of 在***的陪伴下补充:in the company of在...陪同下He kept me company.他陪伴我。I enjoyed his company.我喜欢他和我结伴。附上开头给大家推荐的法国童声天团 Vox Angeli - J'ai Demande a la lune J’ai demandé à la lune 我问月亮Et le soleil ne le sait pas 太阳不知道Je lui ai montré mes brûlures 我让她看我烧伤的疤痕Et la lune s’est moquée de moi 月亮笑话我Et comme le ciel n’avait pas fière allure 因为天空看起来不那么骄傲Et que je ne guérissais pas 我没能治愈Je me suis dit quelle infortune 我自言多么的不幸Et la lune s’est moquée de moi 而月亮笑话我J’ai demandé à la lune 我问月亮Si tu voulais encore de moi 你是否还想要我Elle m’a dit "j’ai pas l’habitude 她对我说‘我不习惯’De m’occuper des cas comme ça" 去处理这样的事件Et toi et moi 然而你和我,On était tellement sûr 我们曾那么的确定Et on se disait quelques fois 我们曾说Que c’était juste une aventure 是多么的一个艳遇Et que ça ne durerait pas 是不会久远Je n’ai pas grand chose à te dire 我没多少要说Et pas grand chose pour te faire rire 也没有多少事儿逗你笑Car j’imagine toujours le pire 因为我总是幻想最坏的Et le meilleur me fait souffrir 然而最好的事儿让我微笑J’ai demandé à la lune 我问月亮Si tu voulais encore de moi 你还想要我吗Elle m’a dit "j’ai pas l’habitude 她说 我没这个习惯De m’occuper des cas comme ça" 去处理这样的事件Et toi et moi 和我 和你On était tellement sûr 我们曾是那么的确信Et on se disait quelques fois 我们也曾说过Que c’était juste une aventure 这是一场艳遇Et que ça ne durerait pas不会持续太久
6/3/20156 minutes, 11 seconds
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SAT 50天词汇突破 Day 32

6/2/20153 minutes, 3 seconds
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集思晨读 中国文化特辑 喜鹊

【集思晨读 Lewis 中国文化特辑 Magpie 喜鹊 】Good morning, everyone! It's Tues., 2nd June. I am Lewis saying hello to you all from Yangzhou.大家周二早上好,今天是六月二号! 我是Lewis,在扬州给大家晨读!中国文化特辑100期的晨读已经和大家走过了71期。今天和大家分享的 分享的是 喜鹊 Magpie1. The Magpie, Xique, is a lucky bird in China.2. Chinese traditions say that the chirp of Xique can bring good luck to people.3. They fly onto the branches of plum blossoms, and then to the houses of the ordinary people with good news and auspicious omens.4. A Chinese legend says that Xique gather in heaven once a year to make a bridge for a separated couple.5. When they gather and form a bridge across the galaxy, the separated couple can meet each other on the bridge.6. Xique are kind-hearted messengers.7. People love Xique for their affability. 8. There is a saying that “Good deeds come with a warble of Xique”.备注:1. Auspicious : showing that something is likely to be successful吉利的; 吉祥的; 有前途的再举例:I'm pleased that you've made such an auspicious start to the new term. 你新学期开门红使我很高兴.反义词:加否定前缀 “in”- inauspicious 2. Affable:friendly and easy to talk to= pleasant再举例:He found her parents very affable. 他觉得她父母很好说话.3. Chirp n./v. 拟声词(小鸟或蟋蟀发出的)短而尖的叫声; 啁啾声; 唧唧声补充(飞禽的拟声词)Crow 公鸡Chatter 雀Quack 鸭子Warble 夜莺Twitter 燕4. Plum blossoms 梅花补充(常见花名)Pomegranate 石榴Lily 百合Peach 桃花Peony 牡丹Rose 玫瑰Tulip 郁金香Jasmine 茉莉花Carnation 康乃馨Lotus 荷花Sunflower 向日葵
6/2/20151 minute, 57 seconds
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SAT 50天词汇突破 Day 31

6/1/20153 minutes, 38 seconds
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集思晨读 复播第一天 特别节目

【集思晨读 特别节目】Good morning, everyone! It's Mon., 1st June.I am Lewis saying hello to you all from Yangzhou.大家周一早上好,今天是六月一号! 我是Lewis,在扬州给大家问好!今天集思晨读复播第一天,跟大家分享海明威的短篇散文《真正的高贵》True Nobility! 节目最后有个彩蛋-2015年第一季度上映的一部大片中,主播十分喜欢的一个演员在该剧中引用了海明威对“高贵”这个名词的诠释,感兴趣的朋友快来听听看,是哪部剧? True Nobility  真正的高贵In a calm sea every man is a pilot.在风平浪静的大海上,每个人都是领航员。 But all sunshine without shade, all pleasure without pain, is not life at all.Take the lot of the happiest - it is a tangled yarn.Bereavements and blessings,one following another, make us sad and blessed by turns. Even death itself makes life more loving. Men come closest to their true selv es in the sober moments of life, under the shadows of sorrow and loss.      但只有阳光没有阴影,只有快乐没有痛苦,根本不是真正的生活.就拿最幸福的人来说,他的生活也是一团缠结在一起的乱麻 。痛苦与幸福交替出现,使得我们一会悲伤一会高兴。甚至死亡本身都使得生命更加可爱。在人生清醒的时刻,在悲伤与失落的阴影之下,人们与真实的自我最为接近。      In the affairs of life or of business, it is not intellect that tells so much as character, not brains so much as heart, not genius so much as self-control, patience, and discipline, regulated by judgment.    在生活和事业的种种事务之中,性格比才智更能指导我们,心灵比头脑更能引导我们,而由判断获得的克制、耐心和教养比天分更能让我们受益。   I have always believed that the man who has begun to live more seriously within begins to live more simply without. In an age of extravagance and waste, I wish I could show to the world how few the real wants of humanity are.    我一向认为,内心生活开始更为严谨的人,他的外在生活也会变得更为简朴。在物欲横流的年代,但愿我能向世人表明:人类的真正需求少得多么可怜。      To regret one's errors to the point of not repeating them is true repentance.There is nothing noble in being superior to some other man. The true nobility is in being superior to your previous self.    反思自己的过错不至于重蹈覆辙才是真正的悔悟。高人一等并没有什么值得夸耀的。真正的高贵是优于过去的自已。
6/1/20154 minutes, 22 seconds
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SAT 50天词汇突破 Day 30

5/26/20153 minutes, 20 seconds
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SAT 50天词汇突破 Day 29

5/25/20153 minutes, 24 seconds
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SAT 50天词汇突破 Day 28

5/24/20154 minutes, 11 seconds
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SAT 50天词汇突破 Day 27

5/23/20153 minutes, 54 seconds
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SAT 50天词汇突破 Day 26

5/22/20153 minutes, 31 seconds
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SAT 50天词汇突破 Day 25

5/21/20154 minutes, 12 seconds
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SAT 50天词汇突破 Day 24

5/20/20153 minutes, 23 seconds
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SAT 50天词汇突破 Day 23

5/19/20154 minutes, 19 seconds
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SAT 50天词汇突破 Day 22

5/18/20154 minutes, 40 seconds
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SAT 50天词汇突破 Day 21

5/18/20154 minutes, 25 seconds
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SAT 50天词汇突破 Day 20

5/16/20153 minutes, 50 seconds
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SAT 50天词汇突破 Day 19

5/15/20153 minutes, 42 seconds
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SAT 50天词汇突破 Day 18

5/14/20153 minutes, 48 seconds
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SAT 50天词汇突破 Day 17

5/13/20153 minutes, 55 seconds
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SAT 50天词汇突破 Day 16

5/12/20154 minutes, 19 seconds
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SAT 50天词汇突破 Day 15

5/11/20153 minutes, 15 seconds
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SAT 50天词汇突破 Day 14

5/10/20154 minutes, 20 seconds
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SAT 50天词汇突破 Day 13

5/9/20153 minutes, 38 seconds
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SAT 50天词汇突破 Day 12

5/8/20153 minutes, 54 seconds
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SAT 50天词汇突破 Day 11

5/7/20153 minutes, 47 seconds
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集思晨读 Day 151 中国文化特辑 功夫

【集思晨读 Lewis Day 151 中国文化特辑 】071 Kung FuGood morning, everyone! It's Thurs., 7th May. I am Lewis saying hello to you all from Yangzhou.大家周四早上好,今天是五月七号! 我是Lewis,在扬州给大家晨读!今天的中国文化特辑双语跟大家聊 Kung Fu 功夫 关键词: 武功 / 师傅 / 技击 / 套路 / 武侠 / 习武 (中文解说部分省略)Now let's take a look at a short description of Kung Fu in English. 1. Kung Fu, Gongfu, is as fast as wind, as stable as mountains, and as powerful as fire.2. Kung Fu originated from labor and the imitation of animals.3. Knives, swords, spears, sticks and bows are used in Kung Fu.4. Kung Fu is not only useful, but also graceful.5. Therefore, Kung Fu is regarded as the oriental martial art.6. It is not mysterious. 7. Everyone can take training.8. Kung Fu is good for health and self-defense.9. Now Kung Fu is widely practiced around the world.
5/7/20154 minutes
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SAT 50天词汇突破 (白皮书) Day 10

5/6/20153 minutes, 30 seconds
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集思晨读 Day 150 中国文化特辑 火药

【集思晨读 Lewis Day 150 中国文化特辑 】070 火药Good morning, everyone! It's Wed., 6th May. I am Lewis saying hello to you all from Yangzhou.大家周三早上好,今天是五月六号! 我是Lewis,在扬州给大家晨读!今天的中国文化特辑 跟大家聊 火药 Gunpowder1. Gunpowder, Huoyao, is another ancient Chinese invention.2. It was invented by accident.3. More than 1,000 years ago, people experimenting in a pharmacy made the discovery.4. They found if sulphur(硫磺), charcoal(木炭) and potassium nitrate(硝酸钾) were mixed together with a certain proportion, the mixture would explode.5. Gunpowder changed the style of wars. 6. The steel age ended and gunpowder based weapons are now widely used.7. More than 600 years ago, primitive guns were used in China.8. Cannonballs were propelled by the thrust of the Huoyao explosion.9. Now Huoyao is also widely used in fireworks.10. The splendid fireworks at the Beijing Olympic Games garnered wide acclaim and admiration from the audience.备注:1. by accident: 偶然; 意外地 If something happens by accident, it happens completely by chance. 再举例:The pilot, whether by accident or design (=whether it was planned or not planned) , made the plane do a sharp turn.不管是有意还是无意,飞行员猛地将飞机掉头转向。2. pharmacy /ˈfɑːməsi/ = drugstore 药店;药房 注意这个单词中“ph”组合发 /f/类似例子:phenomenon /fɪˈnɔmɪnən/ n.现象physics /f'ɪzɪks/ n.物理3. propel /prəˈpel/ v.推进, 驱动, 推(某物)再举例:His addiction to drugs propelled him towards a life of crime. 他吸毒成瘾使他走上犯罪的道路.4. garner /ˈgɑːnə/ v. 取得;获得 再举例:The party garnered 70 percent of the vote.该党获得了70%的选票。5. wide acclaim and admiration 称赞和嘉许
5/6/20152 minutes, 28 seconds
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SAT 50天词汇突破 (白皮书) Day 09

5/5/20153 minutes, 56 seconds
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集思双语 特别节目 汪国真诗集选读

“大家好,我是主播宽心石! 我在扬州跟大家分享汪国真的诗歌 《告别,不是遗忘》 Farewell doesn't mean forgetting” 《告别,不是遗忘》作者:汪国真 我走了不要嫌我走的太远我们分享的是同一轮月亮 雨还会下雪还会落树叶还会沙沙响亲爱的 脚下可是个旧码头别在上面卸下太多的忧伤告别,不是遗忘 Farewell Doesn't Mean Forgetting译者:蒋隆国I'm leaving for a distant place.Don't blame me for going too far way.I will tell you why.We share the same moon every night.It will rain still.It will snow still.Leaves will rustle still.My dear!Here is an old dock.Don't unload on it too much sorrow.FarewellDoesn't mean forgetting.
5/5/20152 minutes, 37 seconds
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集思晨读 Day 149 中国文化特辑 玉

【集思晨读 Lewis Day 149 中国文化特辑 】069 JadeGood morning, everyone! It's Tues., 5th May. I am Lewis saying hello to you all from Yangzhou.大家周二早上好,今天是五月五号! 我是Lewis,在扬州给大家晨读!今天的中国文化特辑 跟大家聊 玉1. It is difficult to acquire a beautiful jade.2. Only through the delicate procedure of cutting, polishing and carving, a piece of unshaped stone can shine. 3. Yu has played an important role in people’s life in China over the last 8,000 years.4. Seals(印章) of emperors were made of Yu.5. Yu is also a popular material for amulets(护身符), ornaments(装饰物), and expensive artwork.6. Yu was featured in the medals of Beijing Olympic Games.7. Yu represents dignity, holiness and purity.8. Chinese believe that Yu is more valuable than gold.备注1. acquire /əˈkwaɪə / v. 获得, 得到 , 取得再举例:It takes me a year to acquire proficiency in French.我花了一年时间在法语上达到熟练水平。注意派生词: acquisition /'ækwɪz'ɪʃən/n.He is a valuable acquisition to the team.他是球队中一个不可多得的(新)队员。2. delicate procedure 精细的步骤再举例:The surgical operation on the eyes is a delicate one.眼科手术是十分精细的。3. polish /ˈpɔlɪʃ/ v. 磨光,打磨引申义:修改,润色(讲稿,文章)再举例:I spent all afternoon polishing the silver. 我整个下午都在抛光这个银饰。Your essay is good, you just need to polish it a bit.你的文章写得很好,稍作润色即可。4. feature /ˈfiːtʃə(r); / v. 以...为特色;给以显著地位再举例:We find the mother featured in the son.我们发现这个儿子很象她母亲。The newspaper featured the story of the event.报纸以显著地位报道那个事件。
5/5/20151 minute, 47 seconds
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SAT 50天词汇突破 (白皮书) Day 08

5/4/20153 minutes, 40 seconds
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集思双语 Day 148 周一特别节目 一周好文

【集思晨读 Lewis Day 148 周一特别节目-一周好文】Good morning, everyone! It's Mon., 4th May. I am Lewis saying hello to you all from Yangzhou.大家周一早上好,今天是五月四号! 我是Lewis,在扬州给大家晨读!今天跟大家分享一篇转自朋友圈的文章:关键词 父母/沟通/互联网/时间小长假肯定有很多姐妹回家看望父母,聊天模式开启,可是一聊就发现聊不下去。父母关心的无非那几个问题:回家工作吗?什么时候结婚?你说不结婚,也不回家工作。父母问为什么?外地那么好吗?你说外地也没那么好,有时候也很烦恼觉得一点不幸福:污染那么多,出个门成本那么高,什么还没做就累了。但在外地结交的朋友,做的事情,见识到的东西在家里不可能有,便也不会有在外地体会到的充实和激动。父母听不懂,什么激动?哪种激动?除了结婚买房子买车外还有什么值得激动的事情吗?于是谈话进入下一阶段——自说自话。父母开始诉说他们理想中的你的人生,用那个放羊的笑话来讲就叫「放羊、娶媳妇、生娃」。他们也会旁征博引,把这一年从电视上看到的、亲戚朋友里那听到的「幸福人生」的例子都拿过来讲给你听。用「讲」已经是软化后的动词,「羞辱」这个词更接近真相。尤其对女性而言,比如我。他们说,隔壁 XX 跟你一样大,儿子都两岁了,你也这么大年纪,再不结婚谁要啊?言下之意是,女性只要年纪过了一个数就一文不值,做什么事情一点不重要。你想反驳,但能怎么说呢?把你读到的关于女权主义的那些东西讲给他们听?或者跟他们说你身边好多朋友跟自己一样,她们都挺好的?这话几年前就已经说过,结果呢?鸡蛋碰石头。对,父母的价值观和想法已经坚硬得像石头一样,无坚不摧。早料到会如此。每次跟女性朋友聚会都会蹦出一个话题:你家爸妈问不问?答案都是,问,怎么可能不问。天南海北,大城市小城市,父母关心的事情出奇地一致。我们努力把这事当笑话来讲,讲完疙瘩还在心里,挥之不去,所以下次见面还是不自觉提起来。父母毕竟是父母,假期毕竟要回家,这辈子算是缠在一起了。深陷如此境况的是一代人。知乎上很多人讨论这个问题,怎么跟父母沟通?有两个截然不同的答案。一种观点认为要努力沟通,比如向父母展示我们的生活,让父母接触一下当今科技,告诉他们我们追求什么。还有一种观点是「放弃治疗,皆大欢喜」。由于父母的观点是几十年的人生一点点塑造出来的,几乎不可能逆转。「和上一代,尤其是未受过良好教育的长辈交流,本质上是跨维度交流。」知乎上赞成最多的答案这样写。作者这么解释跨维度交流,「一个三维生物看见地上有根长绳子,从一头拿起来看看。这个行为在地板上的二维生物看来,就是本来挺长的一根线突然急剧变短。你和二维生物去解释歧视线没有变短,那是鸡同鸭讲,二维生物的脑力处理不了三维世界的新观念。」鸡同鸭讲、两个不同维度的人,这种说法确实很残忍,也确实是事实。我们这一代人的父母大多生于 60 年代,那是政治运动和报纸广播的年代。他们看被展示给他们的内容,接触别有居心的信息,一天又一天,一年又一年,他们没有选择。他们的观念经不起逻辑和理性的质问,却在经年累月的习惯中根深蒂固,也不可能去思考自己的观念来自何处。水里的鱼怎么会意识到自己在水里呢?比如人一定要趁早结婚生孩子这个观念,在父母眼里如此地理所当然,不会想到这也是社会控制的一种手段。然后是电视,有过之而无不及,春晚就是最典型的代表。权力侵入春节这个本是私人的、家庭的节日,将它所需要的价值观一年又一年以润物细无声的方式渗透进电视机前的大脑。父母看这些电视节目,不会想它背后的制作过程,不会问它的用心,在哈哈大笑中全盘接收。报纸、广播、电视这几个媒介都是传播者占主导地位,他们掌握权力,用户被动接受。没有反馈、没有修正、没有质疑。父母就是在这样的环境里成长、工作、生育我们、然后变老。他们不需要思考,因为在思想上一切都被照管好了。自由的人才需要思考,因为要为自己负责。好在有互联网。互联网是我们的。我们这一代最大的共同点是互联网,我们都在形成价值观的阶段接触到互联网,第一次我们不是被动地接受,而是主动寻找。我想自从我们接触到互联网的那一刻,就进入了另一个维度,父母长辈全部被关在外面。在这个维度里,信息没有边界,接入没有限制(虽然后来有,但总有办法破墙而出),观点五花八门,这是一个有选择,因此也要求思考的维度。从我接触互联网起,我的人生就被它主导着,而不是父母所处的那个世界。我在互联网上认识朋友,发表观点,以至于找到工作。父母,尤其像我这样的三四线小城市的父母,他们的朋友都沾亲带故,没有严格意义上的陌生人,说话当然不能乱说,出格的人总会被指指点点,工作自然靠关系,人情世故是最大竞争力。这确实是两个维度的世界,从基础到规则到形态全然不同。这是互联网和没有互联网时的两个世界,我们在跟着技术一起进化。互联网越来越是每个人的。智能机自然人手一部,本地生活服务接踵而至,我家那个小地方也可以用打车软件叫到车(也有补贴哦),也能用团购吃吃喝喝看电影。智能家居也来了,我家不久前刚开一家某TV 体验店。几年前我父母终于习惯了在网上买东西(我妈在淘宝上买好多十字绣没事就在家里玩这个),但在听我说要在网上买水果时还是有点担心,不过我觉得要不了多久他们也会开始在网上买水果。他们总是要慢好几拍,但没关系,总会追上来的。技术不会错过潜入任何一个个体的机会。在互联网化的与物质和服务相关的事情上我从来不担心父母与我们同步的能力,在精神相关的事情就难很多,但也不是完全没有希望。也许有一天,父母不再主要通过电视接收信息,而转向去中心化地、信息更丰富地互联网时,我觉得变化会慢慢发生。我对技术保持乐观,如果我们可以被点亮,父母也可以。只是需要时间,也许是很多很多时间。时间这个维度,是我对这个问题的答案。
5/4/201511 minutes, 18 seconds
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SAT 50天词汇突破 (白皮书) Day 07

5/3/20153 minutes, 24 seconds
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五一假期晨读特别节目 个园

5/3/201538 minutes, 48 seconds
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SAT 50天词汇突破 (白皮书) Day 06

5/2/20153 minutes, 12 seconds
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五一假期晨读特别节目 何园

【集思晨读 Lewis Day 146 中国文化特辑 五一特别节目】Lewis 带你游扬州 何园导游词Good morning, everyone! It's Sat., 2nd May. I am Lewis saying hello to you all from Yangzhou.大家周六早上好,今天是五月二号! 我是Lewis,在扬州给大家晨读!集思晨读今天继续给大家带来五一假期特别节目:Lewis带你游扬州 今天给大家分享的是扬州的园林-中国晚清第一名园-何园主要游览路线:何家花园 —— 复道回廊 —— 何氏住宅 —— 片石山房【何家花园】何园位于扬州古运河畔的徐凝门街内,是全国重点文物保护单位。它建造于1883年,也就是清光绪九年,是扬州大型私家园林中最后问世的一件压轴之作。因为建筑手法独特多样,艺术风格上南北兼容、中西合璧,成为扬州园林的经典代表。历史上何园的正门是开在花园巷的南门,现在我们走进的东门,是园林对外开放时兴建的,所以可以说我们一进何园首先欣赏到的就是它的后花园部分。我们迎面月洞门上镌刻的 “寄啸山庄”门额,是当年园主人亲自题写的园名。“寄啸”两个字,取自东晋大诗人陶渊明《归去来辞》中句子:“依南窗以寄慠”、“登东皋以舒啸。”表达的是诗人寄情山水田园、不与黑暗的官场同流合污的志节情怀,那么园主人为什么要集取这两个字作为园名呢?何园主人何芷舠(zhi3dao1)少年得志,官运亨通,暗地里也捎带着经营盐业,拥有巨额财富,何芷舠四十九岁那年却从湖北汉黄德道台任上辞官激流勇退,归隐扬州,也许正是因为他与陶渊明一样有着辞官归隐的相似经历,因此特别钟爱这“寄啸”二字吧!园主人姓何我们后来就习惯性的把“寄啸山庄”叫做何园了。扬州无山,但园林中不可无山,所以扬州园林中常常采用平地叠石的手段来造山,“扬州以名园胜,名园以叠石胜”的说法就是这样来的。后花园中最壮丽的景观之一,就是我们右边一座长达60多米的贴壁山,它就像嵌在墙上一样,沿着墙面走向一路攀援,状若游龙腾蛟,搅动万千气象,把原本封闭压抑的高墙深院,变成了一座抱拥天地自然山川的“城市山林”,同时也起到了防火的作用,可谓一举多得了。转过这座玲珑剔透的太湖石屏风,首先敞开山门迎客的是牡丹厅。它的特色和名称,来自东墙歇山顶尖上的一幅砖雕山花。山花题材取自传统的《凤吹牡丹》,它在创意、布局、章法、刀法各方面都有着与众不同的特点,整幅作品大拙中见大巧,细密中藏神奇,是清代晚期难得一见的精品,小小的一副砖雕就把何园的精巧表现的一览无余。对了,还要告诉大家的是“凤吹牡丹”中的“牡丹”就是何园的园花呢,等到牡丹开放姹紫嫣红摇曳春光之时,欢迎大家再来何园作客。绕过“牡丹厅”,后面就是船厅了。您看,厅的造型像一艘船,厅周围的地上用鹅卵石、瓦片铺成波光粼粼的水面,厅正前方一条方石板甬道像是登船的跳板,厅檐下低低的台阶好比船上的甲板,厅两旁廊柱上悬挂着的“月作主人梅作客,花为四壁船为家”的楹联,更是点出了“船”的主题。在这里设一个船厅不仅仅是“旱园水做”的典范,同时它与园主人何芷舠也有着一种神秘的关联,何家祖籍安徽望江,是个三面环水一面靠山的地方,在这里出生的何芷舠从小就和船结下了不解之缘,
5/2/201534 minutes, 24 seconds
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SAT 50天词汇突破 (白皮书) Day 05

5/1/20152 minutes, 50 seconds
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五一假期晨读特别节目 瘦西湖 Lewis带你游扬州

【集思晨读 Lewis Day 145 中国文化特辑 五一特别节目】Lewis 带你游扬州 瘦西湖导游词Good morning, everyone! It's Fri., 1st May. I am Lewis saying hello to you all from Yangzhou.大家周五早上好,今天是五月一号! 我是Lewis,在扬州给大家晨读!集思晨读今天给大家带来五一假期特别节目:Lewis带你游扬州 扬州景点导游词一览今天首先给大家带来扬州最具代表性的景点介绍-瘦西湖!各位游客:如果把杭州西湖比作丰满妩媚的少妇,那么扬州瘦西湖可比作清秀切娜的少女, 因为杭州西湖给人一种雍容华贵的韵味,而扬州瘦西湖却给人几分纤柔羞怯的情意。多少年来,她那独具的魅力,不仅使扬州人民喜往乐游,也使不少海内外的文人名士为之倾倒,单单一个“瘦”字,就引出许许多多诗人的佳句。早些年,邓拓游湖时,就对湖山风光赞赏不已,欣然成诗:“板桥歌吹古扬州,我作扬州三日游;瘦 了西湖情更好,人天美景不胜收。”   各位游客:我国以“西湖”命名的景区有三四十处之多,而“瘦西湖”仅扬州一个。那么她为什么要定名为“瘦西湖”呢?瘦西湖地处扬州城西郊,原名“炮山河”,亦称“保障河”,是隋唐时期由蜀同诸山之水,汇合安徽大别山东来的洞水流人运河的一段水道。它有50多公顷的游览面积,6公里多的游程,一条曲水如锦带,时展时收,犹如嫦娥起舞时抛向人间的五色飘带,形态自然动人。后来改称“瘦西湖”,是因为乾隆年间诗人汪沆(hang4)将扬州保障河与杭州西湖作了一番比较,写了一首咏赞保障河的诗:“垂杨不断接残芜,雁齿虹桥俨画图;也是销金一锅子,故应唤作瘦西湖。”从此“瘦西湖”作为正式名称,名闻中外。 解说顺序1【大虹桥—南门】“扬州好,第一是虹桥”,现在我们来到的地方就是名闻天下的瘦西湖第一景——大虹桥。这座桥是扬州二十四景之一,建于明崇份年间,横跨保障湖水。原桥为木质红栏,故名红桥,清代乾隆元年改建为石桥。十五年后,巡盐御史吉庆、普福、高恒相继重建,并在桥上建桥亭,改“红”为“虹”,意思是桥如彩虹。现已改建为7.6米宽的3孔 低坡青石桥。虹桥在历史上曾经名噪一时,乾隆皇帝游扬州时也作诗赞赏虹桥的景色。有一次乾隆的游船到虹桥,见一乞丐手执长竿,长竿端头置一布袋,口中念念有词,便门左右,此人在此作甚?纪晓岚(清朝大臣)忙上前答道:是一乞丐,专在河边吟诗乞讨为生。乾隆闻听下旨命令乞丐当面吟诗,乞丐不慌不忙地吟道:“三月烟花风流在,一代天君过红桥。锦帆徐牵碧镜里,落霞贫贱照天烧。”乾隆不得不感叹:“扬州乞儿尚能作此诗,果然不愧为文昌之地。”而他自己也被撩动诗兴,出诗应和:“绿浓春水饮长虹,锦缆徐牵碧镜中;真在横披画里过,平山迎面送春风。”今日大虹桥已成为进人瘦西湖的咽喉,登桥远望,不仅可见湖水如带,桃红柳绿,画航签歌,更可见远处小金山上的山亭,隐隐约约,似在招引我们,步入佳境。   各位游客:现在展现在我们面前的这组恢宏建筑,就是今日瘦西湖的南大门,她正敞开怀抱,热情欢迎我们的到来。瘦西湖南大门像一道屏障,使瘦西湖诸景半藏半露,恰似美人“犹抱琵琶半遮面,千呼万唤始出来”。门厅檐口的“瘦西湖”三字匾,是扬州已故书法家孙龙父的手笔。门厅廊柱上一副槛联这样写道:“天地本无私,春花秋月尽我留连,得闲便是主人,且莫间平泉草木;湖山倍多丽,杰阁幽亭凭谁点缀,到处别开生面,真不减清閟(bi 2)画图。”是晚清扬州诗人李逸休撰题,并由其女儿扬州著名书法家李圣和书写的。有了这副祖联,瘦西湖风光也更添了几分滋力。电视连续剧《红楼梦》中“元妃省亲”的那场重头戏就是在这地拍摄的,让我们像当年的元妃那样登上挂揖(yi1)兰桡(rao2),透过珠帘绣幕,去纵情领略瘦西湖的风光吧! 解说顺序2【长堤春柳—小方亭—桃花坞】  各位游客:步入大门,脚下一道长堤,逶迤(wei1 yi3)北去。从虹桥直至徐园门前,是一条600米的长堤。东侧是碧波荡漾的湖水,西侧为花圃,路的两边三步一桃,五步一柳。沿途有五景,皆为清初盐商黄为蒲所筑。此景即称“长堤春柳”。每当和煦春风吹到这里时,那细细的柳丝就被染成嫩黄
5/1/201531 minutes, 12 seconds
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SAT 50天词汇突破 (白皮书) Day 04

4/30/20152 minutes, 57 seconds
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集思晨读 Day 144 中国文化特辑 四合院

【集思晨读 Lewis Day 144 中国文化特辑 】068 Courtyard 四合院Good morning, everyone! It's Thurs., 30th April. I am Lewis saying hello to you all from Yangzhou.大家周四早上好,今天是四月三十号! 我是Lewis,在扬州给大家晨读!今天的中国文化特辑 跟大家聊 四合院 Courtyard1. A courtyard residence - Siheyuan, is a yard enclosed by houses in four directions.2. It is a closed residence with only one gate leading to the outside.3. Houses on the north are the largest ones, and used as the owner’s bedrooms.4. Houses on the two flanks(侧/边) are the residences of their descendants(子孙,后人).5. The arrangement represents the hierarchy(等级) in a family.6. The screen wall (影壁)stands behind the gate to protect the residence from wind-blown sand(风沙).7. Chinese believe that the screen wall can also ward off bad luck.8. Therefore, the wall is usually decorated exquisitely.9. The Siheyuan is intended to unite all the family members to enjoy a harmonious and happy life together.备注:1. Enclose v.搭配enclose sth.with sth. 用墙﹑ 篱笆等围住某物be enclosed by sth. 被…包围/环绕起来再举例:The garden was enclosed by a high fence.花园四周被高栅栏围了起来。另补充第二常用意思:将某物放入封套﹑ 信件﹑ 包裹等中举例:I'll enclose your letter with mine. 我把你的信装在我的信里. A cheque for ten pounds is enclosed. 附上一张十英镑的支票. Enclosed, please find..., ie You will find, enclosed with this… 兹附上....2. Ward off 避开(危险的或讨厌的人[事物]); 挡开某人[某事物]再举例:Harry Potter casted a spell to ward off the Dementors.哈利波特施了咒语取走了摄魂怪。3. Intend搭配: intend to do sth. to have a plan in your mind to do something意欲;计划再举例:I intend to do the GIST Morning reading ceaselessly for 300 days.我计划做300期集思晨读。
4/30/20152 minutes, 12 seconds
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集思晨读 Day 143 中国文化特辑 毛笔

【集思晨读 Lewis Day 143 中国文化特辑 】067 Writing Brush 毛笔Good morning, everyone! It's Wed., 29th April. I am Lewis saying hello to you all from Yangzhou. 大家周三早上好,今天是四月二十九号! 我是Lewis,在扬州给大家晨读!今天的中国文化特辑 跟大家聊 毛笔 Writing Brush1. More than 2,000 years ago, a general returned from hunting and was inspired by the tail of a rabbit.2. He cut off the tail and stuck it into a bamboo drain, making the first writing brush.3. The penholder is made of bamboo or bones. 4. The nib is made of hairs from sheep, rabbits or wolves.5. Unlike other writing tools, it is difficult to write with writing brushes.6. Writing Hanzi with soft Maobi represents oriental philosophy.7. It is regarded as a method to cultivate the mind and nature, and widely used among scholars.8. Writing became an art called calligraphy with the birth of Maobi.9. Maobi is a friend of Chinese scholars, making records of their knowledge and character.备注:1. Bamboo drain 竹竿(管)2. Nib 笔尖趣味拓展 易混词 nip v.捏住, 咬住, 夹住, 掐住(某物)常用习语:nip sth in the bud 释义:To stop or destroy sth at an early stage in its development 将某事物阻止或消灭於萌芽中: 举例: She wanted to be an actress, but her father soon nipped that idea in the bud. 她想当演员, 但她父亲一知道这个想法就阻止住了. 3. Oriental adj. =eastern 东方国家的;来自东方国家的Oriental philosophy 东方哲学New Oriental 新东方。。。4. Cultivate v. make (the mind, feelings, etc) more educated and refined 陶冶(思想﹑ 感情等)再举例: Reading books is a good way to cultivate your mind.阅读不失为陶冶情操的好方法。
4/29/20152 minutes, 5 seconds
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SAT 50天词汇突破 (白皮书) Day Two

4/28/20153 minutes, 17 seconds
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集思晨读 Day 142 中国文化特辑 豆腐

【集思晨读 Lewis Day 142 中国文化特辑 】066 Tofu 豆腐Good morning, everyone! It's Tues., 28th April. I am Lewis saying hello to you all from Yangzhou. 大家周二早上好,今天是四月二十八号! 我是Lewis,在扬州给大家晨读!今天的中国文化特辑 跟大家聊 豆腐 1. Is there a kind of food that is cheap, delicious and nutritious?2. Yes, it is Chinese Doufu.3. Some 2,100 years ago, a noble who longed for immortality developed all kinds of prescriptions every day.4. One day he accidentally dropped plaster(石膏) into soybean milk.5. The soybean milk curdled(凝结) into something like pudding.6. He boldly(大胆地) tasted it and found it very delicious.7. The new dish is what we called Doufu today.8. Doufu is made of soybeans, which are rich in protein(蛋白质).9. Doufu can be cooked with fish, vegetables and other ingredients.10. We can also eat it rare(生吃).11. The easiest way is to put a little bit of chives(小香葱), oil and salt with Doufu.12. Doufu tastes light, yummy and really melt into your mouth.13. In China, Doufu is quite popular. You can find it in any dining table.备注:1. nutritious adj. 有营养的;滋养的派生词: nutrition n. 营养 nutrient n.营养物质 nutritional adj. 营养上的 Mal-nutrition n. 营养不良 (mal-,前缀,意指 不良的,坏的)举例:Cooking vegetables reduces their nutritional value.蔬菜烹饪后减少了其营养价值。2. Long for sth/long (for sb) to do sth (对某事物)渴望; 非常想有某事物再举例:I used to long for the Spring Festival every year near the end because …曾经每到年关都十分期待过春节,因为…3. Immortality n. 长生不老派生: immortal adj.不朽的,永存的,长生不老的 n. 神仙(长生不老者) 举例:Eight Immortals Across the Sea 八仙过海Beethoven is regarded as one of the immortals of classical music. 贝多芬被认为是不朽的古典音乐大师. 反义词:mortal, mortality 4. Accidentally adv. 碰巧地,意外地5. 来自汉语的英语单词Zen禅; feng shui风水; yin yang阴阳; tai chi太极; Taoism道;kongfu功夫; kowtow叩头; mahjong麻将 ; lychee荔枝;longan龙眼; chop-suey杂碎; wonton馄饨; typhoon台风;china瓷; silk丝绸; Shangrila世外桃源; guanxi关系
4/28/20152 minutes, 5 seconds
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SAT 50天词汇突破 (白皮书) Day One

4/27/20153 minutes, 55 seconds
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集思晨读 Day 141 周一特别节目 汪国真诗集选读

【集思晨读 Lewis Day 141 周一特别节目 】 Good morning, everyone! It's Mon., 27th April. I am Lewis saying hello to you all from Yangzhou. 大家周一早上好,今天是四月二十七号! 我是Lewis,在扬州给大家晨读!今天给大家带来集思晨读周一特别节目:汪国真诗集选读《走向远方》是男儿总要走向远方,走向远方是为了让生命更辉煌。走在崎岖不平的路上,年轻的眼眸里装着梦更装着思想。不论是孤独地走着还是结伴同行,让每一个脚印都坚实而有力量。 我们学着承受痛苦。学着把眼泪像珍珠一样收藏,把眼泪都贮存在成功的那一天流,那一天,哪怕流它个大海汪洋。我们学着对待误解。学着把生活的苦酒当成饮料一样慢慢品尝,不论生命经过多少委屈和艰辛,我们总是以一个朝气蓬勃的面孔,醒来在每一个早上。我们学着对待流言。学着从容而冷静地面对世事沧桑,“猝然临之而不惊,无故加之而不怒”,这便是我们的大勇,我们的修养。我们学着只争朝夕。人生苦短,道路漫长,我们走向并珍爱每一处风光,我们不停地走着,不停地走着的我们也成了一处风光。走向远方,从少年到青年,从青年到老年,我们从星星走成了夕阳。
4/27/20152 minutes, 57 seconds
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集思晨读 Day 139 中国文化特辑 音乐

【集思晨读 Lewis Day 139 中国文化特辑 】066 Music 音乐Good morning, everyone! It's Sat., 25th April. I am Lewis saying hello to you all from Yangzhou. 大家周六早上好,今天是四月二十五号! 我是Lewis,在扬州给大家晨读!今天的中国文化特辑 跟大家聊 音乐 Music1. Chinese music originated from nature.2. The sounds of the wind blowing through the trees, birds chirping and water flowing are the inspiration of Chinese Yinyue.3. Xun, an ancient egg-shaped instrument made of pottery, can imitate the sound of the wind blowing through the holes.4. The bone flute which was made 8,000 years ago could also imitate the sounds of nature.5. There were 125 instruments in the private orchestra of a noble more than 2,000 years ago according to archeological findings.6. Various categories make up Chinese Yinyue, some involving modern elements.7. However, the natural beauty of Chinese Yinyue has endured from classic styles to the modern compositions.备注:重点关注文稿中的动词及搭配1. Blow 吹, 呼, 吐(气等)A cold wind blew across the river. 河面刮过一股冷风. 2. Chirp 作唧唧声Birds are chirping (away) merrily in the trees.树林中快乐地叽叽喳喳叫(个不停)的小鸟.3. Inspire 启示 启迪The Lake District scenery inspired Wordsworth to write his greatest poetry. 英格兰湖区的美景给了华兹华斯灵感而创作出他最伟大的诗篇. 4. Imitate 模仿,仿效Decide what you want to do; don't just imitate others. 想做什麽自己决定, 不要一味学别人的样. 5. Make up 组成; 另make-up(中间有连字符)即为化妆品;Yes, make-up could make up for (弥补)lack of beauty.是的,化妆品能够弥补美丽不足。 6. Involve 包含 包括Running your own business usually involves working long hours.自己当老板,少不了要加班!7. Endure 持续 持久These traditions have endured throughout the ages. 这些传统世代相传至今.
4/24/20152 minutes, 24 seconds
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集思晨读 Day 138 中国文化特辑 东西

【集思晨读 Lewis Day 138 中国文化特辑 】065 东西 Things (East and West) Good morning, everyone! It's Fri., 24th April. I am Lewis saying hello to you all from Yangzhou. 大家周五早上好,今天是四月二十四号! 我是Lewis,在扬州给大家晨读!今天的中国文化特辑跟大家聊 东西1. In China, the word “stuff” is composed of two characters representing east and west.2. When you put east and west together, you get Dongxi.3. Long long ago, there was a well-educated ancient scholar who liked to ask why.4. One day he met a friend in the street who was carrying a basket to buy some stuff.5. He wondered why he was buying Dongxi instead of south and north.6. It turns out that in ancient China, wood stands for east, gold stands for west, fire stands for south and water stands for north.7. We can put wood and gold not fire and water into a bamboo basket.8. So people say they buy Dongxi instead of south and north.9. Thus Dongxi represents stuff.备注:A. Be composed of :(由某事物)组成或构成to be formed from a number of substances, parts, or people再举例:Water is composed of hydrogen and oxygen.水是由氢和氧化合而成的。B. Composed 单独用 做形容词 意指 calm 镇静的; 平静的举例:She talked composedly to reporters about her terrible experience.她镇定(沉着地)向记者谈了自己可怕的经历。C. Well-educated adj. 受过良好教育的此类词叫合成形容词常见的此类词举例 • clean-washed clothes 洗干净了的衣服 • an ordinary-looking man 相貌平平的人 • hard-working people 努力工作的人 • man-made satellite 人造卫星
4/24/20151 minute, 48 seconds
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憋了许久, 放下让我成瘾的手机,静下心来整理一下,算是对自己的负责。生活在这个世界中,包围在别人的关注里,偶尔会让自己有些莫名的焦虑。虽然已不再年少,阵阵所谓的Peer pressure,还是会不自觉的在眼前,或是意识里弥漫开来。 最近读了一些杂书,没有体系,就是觉得不应该闲着,女人最可怕的不是不会打扮,因为随便看看杂志 听别人说说 怎么也学得会对镜贴花黄的本事;可是如果因为这些 而放弃对生命求真,就会慢慢变成一堆名牌包裹着的笑柄。认识我的人一般不会觉得我是个读书人,也许是自己气质不够优雅,其实我觉得那种午后一杯清茶一本书的生活对我来说不适合,因为学问这个东西不是发发照片得个赞的优越感。我喜欢的那种学问很实在,它能让你在流言蜚语中淡定沉着,让你不会因为别人一句无谓的话或冷漠的眼神心神不宁。当然我做的不是什么大学问,追求的东西也随着年龄在变化,高中时喜欢读古文,因为没有什么特长,能够翻译些别人看不懂的东西就很有成就感。后来,看看美剧和电影,练习英文演讲成就了我现在的职业。一直不是一个什么都拿得出手的人,因为跟名校不沾边,顶着名牌Logo游马尔代夫拍大片又没有身材,晒晒自己教出的高分吧,又觉得几个月的课自己其实作用真的太少。所以一到过年过节亲戚相聚,朋友碰面,真心不知道该怎么向他们进行所谓的汇报。时常感叹,人吧谁活着都不易,装逼是对自己的残忍也是对别人的不尊重。是什么状态就过跟什么状态相符的生活,舒服。 说到舒服,女人的鞋子就是她们对于舒适追求的一个载体。 意大利的制鞋大师菲拉格慕,这个13岁便因为卓越技艺而拥有第一家店铺的人,真真正正的成就了这个体验。并没有良好教育背景的他在美国开设店铺期间到当地夜校修完了解剖学以及化学工程和数学,他了解到人得脚其实由26块骨骼和100多根韧带组织构成,正是为了穿着鞋履的顾客的精益求精让好莱坞的众多明星成为了这位伟大鞋匠的铁杆粉丝。当然,还有很多品牌都有这样的故事,我不崇拜名牌我只是欣赏每一个成就传奇的事物和人。奢侈品不是每个人在每个阶段的必须,无需天天挂在嘴上装进心里。理解奢侈品的灵魂才能让使用和欣赏他们的人真正的提升自我的价值感。看够了各种充斥logo的自拍和街拍,有的时候搞不清她们是名牌的拥有者还是名牌的搬运工。多少人镜头前的惺惺作态只为了换来一种别人眼里的羡慕,殊不知那些图片的画风多少有些让人作呕。他们离舒服的状态实在离得太远太远。 生活中很多东西都可以成为奢侈品甚至是自己。在我家楼下的菜场里有一位这样的阿姨。一直吸引我到她那里买菜的原因,不是别的,而是因为她家的菜是整个菜场里最有“腔调”的。走上前去你会发现她家的每一盆菜都会被事先择成合适的长度,并且洗的干干净净,去除多余水分,这足以免去客人灶前的一番手忙脚乱。买菜时我从来不问价格,总是随手挑出喜欢的种类和分量,她也绝不会不经我的同意添一点凑个整数。这一切并不是因为我是熟客,她总是面戴微笑,第一次来到她的菜摊时,她就是这样的。她的菜并不贵,但是她却让每一个在这里买菜的人得到了体谅和尊重。很多次问自己,为何普普通通卖菜可以让她以及顾客们得到如此不同的体验?也许,她懂得了所有所谓奢侈的真正含义,那就是舒适。舒适让接触到她的每个人感到自己被理解和照顾,可见舒适才是我们生活中最为奢侈的一种精神体验。于人于己,不求华丽炫目,只求舒适享用。恩这大概是最近生活中的收获吧。文字:王碗君朗读:集思双语 Lewis
4/23/20157 minutes, 26 seconds
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集思晨读 Day 137 中国文化特辑 茶

【集思晨读 Lewis Day 137 中国文化特辑 】064 Tea 茶 Good morning, everyone! It's Thurs., 23rd April. I am Lewis saying hello to you all from Yangzhou. 大家周四早上好,今天是四月二十三号! 我是Lewis,在扬州给大家晨读!今天的中国文化特辑跟大家聊 茶 Tea1. Tea, Cha, is the beverage most representative of Chinese culture.2. Proper etiquette dictates that guests are treated to Cha.3. Many outstanding Chinese poems were created in the company of Cha.4. Originating in China, Cha is divided into Green Tea, Black Tea, Yellow Tea, Dark Tea and White Tea according to its color.5. The procedures for drinking Cha are delightful.6. Cha, water, wares and fire are indispensable when making Cha.7. The shape, color and fragrance of Cha are quite important.8. The water should be clear and sweet.9. The fire should be clean without odor. 10. The chinaware and purple-clay tea sets are widely used.11. People feel closer to nature by drinking Cha.备注:A. Beverage = drink (除水以外的)饮料(如牛奶﹑ 茶﹑ 葡萄酒﹑ 啤酒).B. Representative adj./n. containing examples of a number of types 具有代表性的,典型的Is a questionnaire answeredby 500 people truly representative(adj.) of national opinion? 一份调查问卷有500人作答, 是否能真正代表全国人民的意见?He shall act as sole representatives of XYZ Oil 他将充当XYZ石油公司的总代理.C. Etiquette n. Etiquette  和复数形式的proprieties 指的是文明社会中所规定的行为方式:  再举例:Even when she was angry, she observed the proprieties.甚至当她发怒的时候,都要遵从礼节。D. In the company of 与某物/某人一起,一道Delightful Greatly pleasing. 令人高兴的,使人愉快的,讨人喜欢的再举例:We had a delightful time by the seashore last Sunday.上星期天我们在海滨玩得真痛快。His daughter is such a delightful girl.他女儿确实讨人喜欢。E. Indispensable absolutely essential 不可缺少的; 必需的搭配: ~ (to sb/sth); ~ (for sth/doing sth) 文中讲 泡一壶好茶对water,ware(泡茶器具)和火全部都有要求;同样下文说一杯好茶 shape(形),color(色),fragrance(味)也很关键;F. purple-clay tea sets 紫砂壶
4/23/20152 minutes, 14 seconds
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集思晨读 Day 136 中国文化特辑 面条

【集思晨读 Lewis Day 135 中国文化特辑 】063 Noodles 面条 Good morning, everyone! It's Wed., 22nd April. I am Lewis saying hello to you all from Yangzhou. 大家周三早上好,今天是四月二十二号! 我是Lewis,在扬州给大家晨读!今天的中国文化特辑跟大家聊 面条1. Noodles, Miantiao, are a kind of time-honored Chinese food.2. Records say that nobles were fond of the food about 30 centimeters long, which is made of flour and boiled in water more than 1,900 years ago.3. Mix flour with water and make the mixture into a paste, and then cut it into strips. This is how Miantiao is made.4. Miantiao can be boiled or fried.5. Noodles in China also represent permanence.6. Therefore, people always have noodles on their birthday to wish for a long lifespan.7. Noodles are one of the Chinese favorite food, just like the bread for westerners.备注:A. Time-honored adj. 久享盛名的;老字号;历史悠久而广受推崇的再举例: • Having a cup of thick tea is time-honored tradition of some areas in China. 在饭前喝一杯浓茶是中国某些地方的历史悠久的传统。 • Homecoming is a time-honored tradition in the United States. 校友返校是美国学校由来已久的传统。B. Be fond of 喜欢,喜爱 其他表达“喜爱,喜欢”的词汇和句型 • Enjoy sth./doing sth. • Favorite adj. (仅用在名词前)最喜欢的 • (to be) keen on ... ; (尤指对某一项事物的) 喜欢 • I'm crazy about sth. (doing sth.) 疯狂的喜爱 • (to be) struck on sth. /sb. (英)喜欢,喜爱C. Lifespan 一生 life expectancy 预期寿命
4/21/20152 minutes
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集思晨读 Day 135 中国文化特辑 姓名

【集思晨读 Lewis Day 135 中国文化特辑 】062 Name 姓名Good morning, everyone! It's Tue., 21st April. I am Lewis saying hello to you all from Yangzhou.大家周二早上好,今天是四月二十一号! 我是Lewis,在扬州给大家晨读!今天的中国文化特辑跟大家聊 姓名1. Chinese names, Xing Ming, are different from western ones. 2. The family names come first and given names come last.3. People usually ask each other’s Xing Ming when they meet.4. If they share the same family name, they believe that their ancestors were relatives 500 years ago.5. The family of Confucius is an example of Chinese family names.6. A young man can trace his family line to an ancestor who lived 2500 years ago.7. It is like a tree: leaves, branches and roots are connected by the family name.8. There are supposedly more than 20,000 family names in China.9. The secrets of where your ancestors came from and what they did are concealed in Xing Ming.备注:1. 姓 last name/ family name/surname名 first name/ givn name 西方把“名字”放在第一个(first),而把“姓”放在最后(the last)同时一些人还会有中间名或教名(宗教)2. conceal 动词搭配: ~ sth/sb (from sb/sth)keep sth/sb from being seen or known about; hide sth/sb 隐藏﹑ 掩盖或隐瞒某事物[某人]中国人的“姓”的确是一个有趣的话题;主播姓“靖”,习惯性被朋友戏称靖哥哥,但是那个是由“郭靖”郭大侠的专属称号; 我的“靖”的确很少见,所以碰见本家姓的朋友,的确倍感亲切!
4/21/20152 minutes, 1 second
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集思晨读 Day 134 周一特别节目 感动我的演讲

【集思晨读 Lewis Day 134 周一特别节目 】 Good morning, everyone! It's Mon., 20th April. I am Lewis saying hello to you all from Yangzhou. 大家周一早上好,今天是四月二十号! 我是Lewis,在扬州给大家晨读!今天给大家带来集思晨读周一特别节目:感动我的那些演讲And my sharing today is from JK. Rowling's Harvard University Commencement Address.Enjoy ! But how much more are you, Harvard graduates of 2008, likely to touch other people’s lives?Your intelligence, your capacity for hardwork, the education you have earned and received, give you unique status, and unique responsibilities.Even your nationality sets you apart. The great majority of you belong to the world’s only remaining superpower. The way you vote, the way you live, the way you protest, the pressure you bring to bear on your government, has an impact way beyond your borders. That is your privilege, and your burden.但是你们,2008哈佛大学的毕业生们,到底有多么得愿意来感受他人的生命呢?你们对付困难工作的智慧与能力,你们赢得和接受的教育,给了你们独特的地位和责任。甚至你们的国籍也使你们与众不同。你们中的很大一部分人属于这个世界剩下的唯一超级大国(美国)。你们投票、生活、抗议的方式,你们给政府施加的压力,会产生超越国界的影响。那是你们的特权,更是你们的负担。If you choose to use your status and influence to raise your voice on behalf of those who have no voice;if you choose to identify not only with the powerful, but with the powerless;if you retain the ability to imagine yourself into the lives of those who do not have y our advantages, then it will not only be your proud families who celebrate your existence, but thousands and millions of people whose reality you have helped transform for the better. We do not need magic to change the world, we carry all the power we need inside ourselves already:we have the power to imagine better.如果你们选择用你们的地位和影响力来为没法发出声音的人说话;如果你们选择不仅认同有权的强势群体,也认同无权的弱势群体;如果你们保留你们的能力,用来想象那些没有你们这些优势的人的现实生活,那么不仅是你们的家庭为你们的存在而感到自豪,为你们庆祝,而且那些因为你们的帮助而生活得更好的数以千万计的人,会一起来为你们祝贺。我们不需要魔法来改变世界,我们已经在我们的内心拥有了足够的力量:那就是把世界想象成更好的力量。
4/20/20152 minutes, 52 seconds
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集思晨读 Day 133 中国文化特辑 钱

【集思晨读 Lewis Day 133 中国文化特辑 】060 Qian 钱 Good morning, everyone! It's Sun., 19th April. I am Lewis saying hello to you all from Yangzhou. 大家周日早上好,今天是四月十九号! 我是Lewis,在扬州给大家晨读!今天的中国文化特辑跟大家聊 钱1. Chinese used shells as money, Qian, five thousand years ago.2. With the development of metallurgy, metallic currency started to circulate.3. These copper coins originated from Chinese people’s daily life and production.4. Spade-shaped coins came from farming tools.5. And knife-shaped coins came from fishing gears and knives.6. The Tongbao coins symbolizing the titles of the emperor’s reigns were circulated for the longest time in the history of China.7. Gold, silver, food and textiles were once used as Qian in China. 8. The earliest paper money named Jiaozi came out in China more than one thousand years ago.9. Now the banknote circulating in China is the fifth edition of RMB.10. The appearance and printing techniques have been improved over the years.备注: A. metallurgy 冶金学 / mɪˈtælədʒɪ/ 该词的含义可以由 metal(名词,金属)推导出来;同时注意另一个派生词 metallic (形容词,似金属的)B. Fishing gear- "gear" 此处做工具、设备讲;原文意指“由渔具和刀演化而来的刀币等!”C. Reign 读音和rain一样,属同音异形词,注意区分,第一次听的时候可以结合上下文区分;reign做名词意指“君主的统治时期”
4/19/20151 minute, 51 seconds
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集思晨读 Day 132 中国文化特辑 园林

【集思晨读 Lewis Day 132 中国文化特辑 】059  Gardens 园林 Good morning, everyone! It's Sat., 18th April. I am Lewis saying hello to you all from Yangzhou.大家周六早上好,今天是四月十八号! 我是Lewis,在扬州给大家晨读!今天的中国文化特辑跟大家聊 园林1. Gardens are regarded as the treasure of Chinese ancient architecture.2. The Summer Palace, a grand imperial garden, is a typical Chinese Yuanlin. 3. The Chengde Summer Resort, which showcases natural scenery, was a place for emperors to avoid the summer heat and conduct his court affairs.4. Ancient Yuanlin or gardens in Suzhou are elegant and classical.5. Dotted with artificial hills, bridges and terraces, natural landscapes were concentrated in Yuanlin.6. Chinese Yuanlin are extravagantly detailed.今天晨读最后插播一个广告,“此时的扬州,是一年中最美的季节! 欢迎大家来扬州做客。而来扬州,要看瘦西湖(Slender West Lake)同时也不要错过个园,何园这两座园林! You will be amazed!”最后再提醒,从上一期晨读开始,我在晨读中附上了对一些关键词和表达的备注解释,大家详见文稿。备注: A. resort 这个词一般做动词用,较为正式搭配:~ to sth make use of sth for help / turn to sth./sb. for help意指求助于或诉诸某事物采取某手段或方法应急或作为对策:举例: If negotiations fail we shall have to resort to strike action. 假若谈判失败, 我们就采取罢工行动. 本文中做名词,指度假胜地 popular holiday centre 再举例: seaside, skiing, health, etc resorts 海滨﹑ 滑雪﹑ 休养等度假胜地B. showcase 这个词大家伙可能会听成两个词 show+case其实这是一个完整的词,意指突出的展示或表现,可以做名词或动词再举例:The Qipao showcases oriental modesty and sexiness.旗袍突出展现了东方女人的魅力和性感。This 2008 Olympic Games is a stunning showcase for China's power and strength.2008奥运会(尤其是开幕式哈)突出展示了中国的强大和气场。 C. Be dotted with sth. 意为被点缀 再举例: It was a fishing town, and the sea was dotted with smacks.这是个渔业城镇,海面上可看到渔帆点点。
4/18/20152 minutes, 5 seconds
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集思晨读 Day 131 中国文化特辑 鱼

【集思晨读 Lewis Day 131 中国文化特辑 】058 Yu 鱼 Good morning, everyone! It's Fri., 17th April. I am Lewis saying hello to you all from Yangzhou.大家周五早上好,今天是四月十七号! 我是Lewis,在扬州给大家晨读!今天的中国文化特辑跟大家聊 鱼 1. The Chinese character, Yu, which means fish with a plump body and round eyes. 2. Yu is related to special meanings and legends.3. There was a Yu in the Yellow River. 4. He wanted to jump over the Dragon Gate, so that he could become a dragon.5. However, only quite a few Yu could accomplish that feat in the turbulent river.6. People with great achievements in study or business are often compared to these Yu who have turned into dragons.7. Therefore, Carps, a kind of Yu, represent achieving prosperity through hard work.8. Yu is a word with a double meaning in China.9. A Spring Festival painting featuring a Yu is a symbol of an affluent life.10. Yu remind Chinese of prosperity and fortune.11. Thus people like to raise Yu to pray for good luck.12. Yu is a produce of nature and a mascot in Chinese daily life.备注: A. plump: 想想前阵子《超能陆战队》中大白的憨态可掬的形象,这个词就可以用;另外,建议形容人身体棒,最好避开“fat”这歌词,这个plump就可以用了B. Feat: 如果不看文稿,相比你会听成feet;这里feat和脚是同音异形词;它是指something that is an impressive achievement, because it needs a lot of skill, strength etc to do原文释义:"跳龙门,不是所有鱼都能够跳过去的,只有极少数可以做到(壮举)!"应用举例:人类首次登月是一个勇敢的壮举。(练练翻译吧!)C. Produce: 这里做名词实用哦,意指产品; (尤指)农产品!D. mascot: 吉祥物
4/17/20152 minutes, 40 seconds
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集思晨读 Day 130 中国文化特辑 风水

【集思晨读 Lewis Day 130 中国文化特辑 】057 Feng Shui 风水 Good morning, everyone! It's Thurs., 16th April. I am Lewis saying hello to you all from Yangzhou.大家周四早上好,今天是四月十六号! 我是Lewis,在扬州给大家晨读!今天的中国文化特辑跟大家聊 风水1. Fengshui is a mystical knowledge in China.2. People believe that the basic elements of things on the earth originated from air, water and land.3. The improvement of Fengshui will improve the relationship between humans and nature.4. Fengshui is widely used in architecture and interior design.5. Chinese believe that the best houses should be integrated into nature.6. Water brings vitality and fish brings good luck.7. These elements determine the quality of Fengshui.8. Fengshui involves medicine, architecture and philosophy.9. Chinese put emphasis on Fengshui and harmonious relationship between humans and nature.10. This is Fengshui, complicated and mysterious.
4/16/20152 minutes, 2 seconds
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集思晨读 Day 129 中国文化特辑 礼

【集思晨读 Lewis Day 129 中国文化特辑 】056  Etiquette 礼 Good morning, everyone! It's Wed., 15th April. I am Lewis saying hello to you all from Yangzhou.大家周三早上好,今天是四月十五号! 我是Lewis,在扬州给大家晨读!今天的中国文化特辑跟大家聊 礼 1. Etiquette, Li, comes from the fear and respect of the nature in China.中国人对礼的认识首先来自于对大自然的敬畏。2. We find order forms of Li from heaven, earth and nature.天、地、自然万物,从中我们发现了秩序,也找到了礼的格式。3. Li represents the authority of emperors who was given by heaven.礼在官方体现了皇权天授的威严。4. Li also represents hierarchy.礼,也体现了等级。5. In social life, Li means that people get along with each other harmoniously and respect the elderly. 礼在民间,人们和谐交流,长幼有序!6. Li comes from the heart of people.发自内心的礼,在规矩之上,是中国人对天,地,人的敬重!7. Showing respect to heaven, the earth and people is important.
4/14/20151 minute, 53 seconds
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集思晨读 Day 128 中国文化特辑 黄河

【集思晨读 Lewis Day 128 中国文化特辑 】055 Yellow River  Good morning, everyone! It's Tues., 14th April. I am Lewis saying hello to you all from Yangzhou.大家周二早上好,今天是四月十四号! 我是Lewis,在扬州给大家晨读!今天的中国文化特辑跟大家聊 黄河 1. The Yellow river, Huanghe is about 5464 kilometers long, the third-longest river in Asia, following the Yangtze River and Yenisei River, and the sixth-longest in the world. 黄河总长约5464千米,在亚洲排在长江和耶尼塞河之后,是全世界第六大河流。 2. Originating in the Qinghai-Tibet plateau, it flows east through 9 provinces and empties into the Bohai Sea. 黄河源头位于青藏高原,向东流经九个省份,最终融入渤海。 3. Sometimes Huanghe is poetically called the muddy flow. 黄河有时被大家诗话为“浊流”。 4. The Chinese idiom "when the Yellow River flows clear" is used to refer to an event that will never happen and is similar to the English expression "when pigs fly". 中国有句成语叫“黄河水清”,意指罕见的,难得的事情。这有点像英文中的一句表达,“猪会飞!” 5. The rich silt carried by Huanghe form fertile farmland that is the birthplace of Chinese culture. 富含泥沙的河水淤积成肥沃的土壤,孕育了中华文明。 6. The Chinese refer to the river as "the Mother River" and "the cradle of the Chinese civilization". 中国人把黄河誉为“母亲河”以及“华夏文明的摇篮”
4/13/20152 minutes
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集思晨读 Day 127 中国文化特辑 西安

上个月介绍西安的特别节目 链接
4/13/20158 minutes, 16 seconds
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集思晨读 Day 126 中国文化特辑 西湖

【集思晨读 Lewis Day 126 中国文化特辑 】053 West Lake Good morning, everyone! It's Sun., 12th April. I am Lewis saying hello to you all from Yangzhou.大家周日早上好,今天是四月十二号! 我是Lewis,在扬州给大家晨读!今天的中国文化特辑跟大家聊 西湖 1. Located in Hangzhou, east China, the West Lake—Xihu is praised as heaven on Earth. 2. Legends say that a dragon and a phoenix were polishing a pearl which accidently fell down to earth and became Xihu. 3. Some Chinese dramas tell love stories between a fairy and an ordinary man that took place at the banks of Xihu. 4. The gods objected to their love, and imprisoned the fairy in a pagoda, 5. The pagoda named Lei Feng Tower, is a popular attraction at Xi Hu. 6. The picturesque Xihu is surrounded by elegant landscapes, such as Three Ponds Mirroring the Moon, Curved Yard, and Lotus Pool in Summer, and Dawn on the Su Causeway in Spring. 7. As a famous resort, Xihu is a perfect combination of artificiality and nature. 8. It looks like a Chinese traditional painting. 9. Xihu is often compared to Xi Zi, the most beautiful woman described in Chinese ancient poems. 10. “It is said that plain or gaily decked out like Xi Zi, Xi Hu is always alluring.
4/12/20152 minutes, 46 seconds
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集思晨读 Day 125 中国文化特辑 三峡

【集思晨读 Lewis Day 125 中国文化特辑 】052 Three Gorges Good morning, everyone! It's Sat., 11th April. I am Lewis saying hello to you all from Yangzhou.大家周六早上好,今天是四月十一号! 我是Lewis,在扬州给大家晨读!今天的中国文化特辑跟大家聊 三峡 1. There are three raging rugged gorges on the Yangtze River named The Three Gorges-Sanxia. 2. The 192-kilometer-long gorges are nestled in between mountains more than 1000 meters high on both sides. 3. When you travel through Sanxia, water rushes past with all trees and ancient buildings competing the beautiful scenery. 4. It is a breathtaking but pleasant experience. 5. The main part of the key water project at Sanxia on the Yangtze River was finished in 2006. 6. The dam is now able to control floods and generate electric power. 7. The Three Gorges boasts the largest hydroelectric station in the world. 8. The Yangtze River is often compared to a jade belt, and Sanxia is a brilliant pearl on the belt.
4/11/20152 minutes, 6 seconds
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集思晨读 Day 124 特别节目 致我人生中最糟的两个月

致人生中最糟的两个月 季成岳 这可能是我从小到大,第一篇不是“被写作”的文章。  还有两个月就要踏上回国的飞机了,现在我打开电脑写作这一篇文,意味着又是一天过去了,意味着离下一次考sat又近了一天,离回国又近了一天,离向大学投递材料又近了一天,离拿到大学的录取通知书又近了一天。  其实说我要一步一步慢慢走向成功,我真的有那个时间么,满打满算,我只剩半年的时间把一切申请大学的事宜准备好,说老实话,时间真的很紧很紧。而我也后悔过,为什么以前的自己没有好好珍惜过时间,以为还有大把的青春可以挥霍。  不过以前的事情谁都改变不了,现在的我只能每天在啃那本将近千页的sat指导书,抄单词背单词。我也在心里暗暗嘲笑自己,离下一次sat还有一个多月,现在倒知道要努力了,真不知道以前都在干些什么,以为自己能耐很大,于是便不怎么努力。  仿佛也就是眨眼的功夫,离开家已经大半年了,我知道这个时间跟很多别的留学生比起来根本不值得一提,但这大半年对于我的改变应该大于我人生的前十六年,而这其中最大的改变莫过于,我看得清自己的未来了,却又变得比谁都看不见自己的未来了。  爸妈(尤其是妈妈)常说我没有理想,以前的我是不这么认为的,我总觉得他们太着急,等我再长大一些,也许到了高三,一切自然而然就被我看清楚了。现在的我当然知道,以前的自己就是个白痴。虽然话是这么说,现在的我又能好到哪里去呢?如果说以前的我是懒得想自己的未来,而现在的我,是不敢去想未来了。我想考UF,我想上 工程系,但我真的有这个本事么?如果我考不上,那我该怎么办呢?如果我考上了,毕业之后又该怎么办呢?而我,就是被一个一个接踵而来的问题给一点一点地打垮的。我是一个喜欢把一切都给计划好的人,而自从来到了国外,每一次关于大事情的决定,爸妈和我都是以“再决定”“到时候再看”的口吻结束每一次谈话的。所有的事情都变得飘忽不定起来,下错一步棋,便会对我的人生造成巨大的改变,而我到现在下错了几步棋,谁也不知道。  都说家是最温暖的港湾,回到了家一切的伤痛都会消失。有人问我,你想家吗?这当然是一句废话,天下游子有几个是不想家的呢。但你如果问我,你想回家吗?  也许我会说“不”吧。这时候你们肯定会满脸黑线地吐槽,你是不是脑子抽了,这些质疑不是没有理由的,想家却不想回家,这到底是什么样的心态呢?我不想回家,不仅仅是因为要和这里的同学道别,和自己喜欢的女生道别(勿吐槽),而也是因为,回到了家,又意味着一段新的生活就要开始,回到家两个月后,去到北卡,又将是一群新的朋友要认识,又是一年完全不一样的生活。有人会觉得这样的生活很刺激, 每天都有很多的新意,但我却是最讨厌这样的生活的。三年,我在三个不同的地方学习生活,我不是一个适合动荡的人。而明年,我们一家三口也许要分居三个不同的大洲,我也会为爸妈担心,他们经常会说,你安心学习就好,不要担心我们。其实说着容易,哪个做子女的不心疼自己的爸妈呢。我也希望自己能够安心学习,可是想真正做到,又谈何容易呢。比起拿到一个好的offer,我更希望爸妈能好好的过,但事实上,我拼了命的想拿到一个好的offer,不就是为了能让爸妈过得更好么。  每次和奶奶聊天,她总会说一句,成岳啊,一个人在国外不容易,要多照顾自己啊。其实,有哪个人的生活是一帆风顺的呢。我完全有能力一个人经受住在国外的种种不便与挫 折。但最近这两个月,生活对于我来说也变得不是一件容易的事情了。令我伤心的事情一件一件地把我的防线击溃,而很多事情的变革,也让我明年以及大学的去向变得越来越模糊。还是那句话,现在的我,不是懒得去谈未来,而是没有勇气去谈未来。   在很多人的眼里,我还是那个十分天真十分幼稚的小季,也许我的经历比绝大多数同龄人都要少,但平心而论,生活对我来说从来就没有容易过。从初中就与班主任不和,到申请新加坡RV高中失败,到高中因为出国的事情被老师和一些同学处处针对,到初来美国别人讲话都听不太懂,到现在大事小事一件一件地往我头上压,可以说我的抗压能力很差,但说句实话,我真的有些扛不住了。  当然,生活不是用来抱怨的,今天眼泪打湿了枕头,明天它还是会干。每天睡觉前,我都会对自己说一句,Tomorrow will be a better day. 我希望生活会是如此,我也愿意相信,生活一定会是如此。  这篇文章到这里,应该就要结尾了,先对所有看到这里的人说一句,谢谢你们的耐心与时间。写这篇日志的时候,我的眼泪掉了两次,这是我来到美国第二次哭,我也希望这是今年最后一次哭了,虽然说起来这很丢人,不过眼泪也是人生的一部分。希望一个月后或者半年后看到sat成绩的时候,我都能以微笑来面对。                                                           4/8/15
4/9/20158 minutes, 34 seconds
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集思晨读 汉语 Day 123 中国文化特辑 天坛

4/9/20152 minutes, 16 seconds
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集思晨读 Day 122 中国文化特辑 泰山

【集思晨读 Lewis Day 122 中国文化特辑 】 050 Taishan Mountain Good morning, everyone! It's Wed., 8th April. I am Lewis saying hello to you all from Yangzhou.大家周三早上好,今天是四月八号! 我是Lewis,在扬州给大家晨读!今天的中国文化特辑跟大家聊 泰山 1. Chinese legends have it that there is a god named Pangu who created heaven and earth. 2. Legends say his head turned into the Taishan Mountain 3. Therefore Taishan is regarded as the head of China’s five mountains. 4. Located in east China’s Shandong province, Taishan has witnessed Chinese history for thousands of years. 5. Chinese ancestors believed that Taishan was a holy mountain which connected with heaven. 6. Because of this, emperors built altars on Taishan to pray for the nation’s prosperity and people’s happiness. 7. You will experience its deepness when you climb up Taishan, steps go up the mountain from the foot, the midway goes up to the summit of the mountain. 8. Thousands of steps go up the side of this deep mountain. 9. Interesting peaks and trees stand on both side of the trail. 10. You can enjoy the beautiful sunrise and sea of clouds at the peaks of Taishan. 11. In 1987, it was the first Chinese site to be put on the list of World Natural and Cultural Heritage sites by UNESCO(United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization ).
4/7/20152 minutes, 35 seconds
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集思双语 夜读 《剑胆琴心是中医 自序》李杰 著

4/7/20159 minutes, 6 seconds
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集思晨读 Day 121 中国文化特辑 少林寺

【集思晨读 Lewis Day 121 中国文化特辑 】 049 Shaolin Monastery Good morning, everyone! It's Tues., 7th April. I am Lewis saying hello to you all from Yangzhou.大家周二早上好,今天是四月七号! 我是Lewis,在扬州给大家晨读!今天的中国文化特辑跟大家聊 少林寺1. The Shaolin Temple, Shaolin Si, is the cradle of the Shaolin martial arts. 2. Legends say that 13 monks who were martial arts experts rescued a besieged emperor.3. Then the Shaolin martial arts became famous all over China. 4. Monks create maneuvers from daily labor tasks during the enlightenment.5. There are 7 yards in Shaolin Si with a total area of 30,000 square meters. 6. The Thousand Buddha Hall is the largest Hall in Shanolin Si.7. The Pagoda Forest houses the tombs of eminent monks and it’s the largest building group of ancient pagodas in the world.8. Kongfu learners all over the world know Shaolin Si with the history of 1500 years. 9. The Shaolin martial arts has been gaining in popularity.
4/7/20151 minute, 58 seconds
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集思晨读 Day 120 中国文化特辑 长城

【集思晨读 Lewis Day 120 中国文化特辑 】 048 Great Wall Good morning, everyone! It's Mon., 6th April. I am Lewis saying hello to you all from Yangzhou.大家周一早上好,今天是四月六号! 我是Lewis,在扬州给大家晨读!今天的中国文化特辑跟大家聊 长城1. There’s a long stretching wall in China called The Great Wall ‘Changcheng’.2. It follows the natural line of the mountain peaks, reaching breathtaking heights before plunging into the deepest ravines.3. With the length of more than 5000 kilometers, Changcheng was built continuously over more than 2000 years by Chinese people.4. Visitors stand speechless before this architectural masterpiece and wonder about its real military effectiveness. 5. The watchtowers would be lit up by torches if a watchman spotted an enemy invasion.6. Messages could be passed to the military center from one watchtower to another.7. Changcheng was expected to protect national peace.8. Constructing Changcheng would guard our own territory and we won’t infringe on other people’s territory.9. It is not only a brick wall but also one of the world’s greatest historical architectural works.
4/5/20152 minutes, 8 seconds
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集思晨读 Day 119 中国文化特辑 壁画

【集思晨读 Lewis Day 119 中国文化特辑 】 047 Fresco 壁画Good morning, everyone! It's Sun., 5th April. I am Lewis saying hello to you all from Yangzhou.大家周日早上好,今天是四月五号! 我是Lewis,在扬州给大家晨读!今天的中国文化特辑跟大家聊 壁画1.Chinese frescos date back to the prehistoric period some ten thousand years ago.2.People carved images of human activities and natural views on rocks.3.Excavated from tombs built 2200 years ago, the Bihua remains clear, vivid and colorful.4.Legend has it that an ancient painter drew a dragon on the wall and when he added eyes to the drawing, the image turned into a real dragon.5.With introduction of Buddhism to China, Bihua on the subject of religions rapidly developed.6.The Bihua or frescos in the Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes are the most famous ones in China.7.They are a collection of master pieces of numerous painters in the past 1000 years.8.They tell historical tales and religious stories.
4/5/20152 minutes, 10 seconds
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集思晨读 Day 118 中国文化特辑 敦煌

【集思晨读 Lewis Day 118 中国文化特辑 】 046 Dunhuang 敦煌Good morning, everyone! It's Sat., 4th April. I am Lewis saying hello to you all from Yangzhou.大家周六早上好,今天是四月四号! 我是Lewis,在扬州给大家晨读!今天的中国文化特辑跟大家聊 敦煌1.Dunhuang is an oasis in northwest china’s desert.2.Since the 2nd century BC, Dunhuang has been a crucial stopover for western and oriental merchants who search for trade and business.3.According to the old legend, in 366 AD the monk Le Zun who passed Dun Huang which was suddenly overcome with golden lights, as if tens of thousands of Buddha had shown their presence to the common people.4.The monk hired workers to dig grottoes and build Buddha’s statues on the cliff to worship the Buddha.5.This is what we called The Mogao Grottoes.6.The Mogao Grottoes span 1600 meters and include 492 grottoes with 2100 panting Buddha figures and murals covering 45,000 square meters.7.The work on The Mogao Grottoes lasted 1500 years and reflected the develop of Buddhism in China.8.Dunhuang is a marvelous place where natural wonders and ancient art enchant each other’s beauty.9.Now Dunhuang is considered to be one of the most interesting places in China where oversea travelers must visit. 
4/4/20152 minutes
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集思晨读 Day 117 中国文化特辑 都江堰

【集思晨读 Lewis Day 117 中国文化特辑 】 045 Dujiangyan Irrigation DamGood morning, everyone! It's Fri., 3rd April. I am Lewis saying hello to you all from Yangzhou.大家周五早上好,今天是四月三号! 我是Lewis,在扬州给大家晨读!今天的中国文化特辑跟大家聊 都江堰 1.Around 2200 years ago, a governor of Sichuan found that the floods happen frequently in the raining season, and water storage was short during the dry season.2.Therefore,based on the geographical features of the Minjiang river and without doing any damage to the natural environment, he built a special structure dam.3.The dam is known as Dujiangyan.4.Dujiangyan functions to direct water and divert floods and sands.5.Thanks to the dam, the region would no longer be plagued by flooding during the raining season and water supply would be sufficient in the dry season.6.Dujiangyan has functioned for more than 2200 years, even the earthquake with the magnitude of 7.8 on the Richter scale in 2008 which happened near the dam didn’t destroy it.7.Dujiangyan reflects the idea that land, water and people can live in harmony.
4/2/20152 minutes
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集思晨读 Day 116 中国文化特辑 蜡染

【集思晨读 Lewis Day 116 中国文化特辑 】 044 Wax Printing (Batik)Good morning, everyone! It's Thurs., 2nd April. I am Lewis saying hello to you all from Yangzhou.大家周四早上好,今天是四月二号! 我是Lewis,在扬州给大家晨读!今天的中国文化特辑跟大家聊 蜡染 Wax Printing1. Batik, Laran, is a traditional painting and textile dyeing technique with a history of more than 2,000 years.2. Beeswax and indigo are two widely used dyes.3. A steel knife is used to draw patterns on the cloth.4. A piece of laran is accomplished after spreading wax, painting, dyeing and washing the cloth.5. The most interesting part is that various grains form along the cracks of the cloth after cooling.6. Different grains come from the same pattern.7. Flowers, birds, fish, insects and geometrical patterns on the cloth look mysterious and unsophisticated.
4/1/20151 minute, 56 seconds
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集思晨读 Day 115 中国文化特辑 剑

【集思晨读 Lewis Day 115 中国文化特辑 】 043 Sword Good morning, everyone! It's Wed., 1st April. I am Lewis saying hello to you all from Yangzhou.大家周三早上好,今天是四月一号! 我是Lewis,在扬州给大家晨读!今天的中国文化特辑跟大家聊 剑 Sword 1. If you want to select a gentleman-like weapon, the sword-Jian-is the best choice.2. In ancient times, jian was a symbol of social status.3. Nobles not only had to study cultural knowledge but also swordsmanship.4. A good jian is cast using complicated procedures.5. Chinese like to compare the jian with mysterious things like dragons, thunder and lightning.6. Chinese also like to protect justice, equality and other dreams of better future using jian.7. Jian is a weapon but swordsmanship is an art.
3/31/20151 minute, 40 seconds
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集思晨读 Day 114 中国文化特辑 丝绸

【集思晨读 Lewis Day 114 中国文化特辑 】042 Silk 丝绸Good morning, everyone! It&`&s Tues., 31st March. I am Lewis saying hello to you all from Yangzhou.大家周二早上好,今天是三月三十一号! 我是Lewis,在扬州给大家晨读!今天的中国文化特辑跟大家聊 丝绸 Silk1. A kind of insect called a silk worm produces white raw silk thread.2. Chinese people collect these raw threads, create yarns and weave them.3. The silk fabric is soft, smooth and light.4. It is the best material used to make dresses.5. A si chou dress 2000 years old was unearthed in a tomb. 6. It weighs less than 50 grams and can be put into a match box.7. Westerners cherish Chinese si chou.8. It was introduced to Rome around 100BC by merchants.9. The route they traveled is called The Silk Road.10. Compared with other materials, si chou is more delicate and light.11. The clothes made of si chou are the most comfortable.12. Now si chou clothes are prominent in modem fashions.13. Chinese si chou has been world famous for its high quality for thousands of years.
3/30/20152 minutes, 7 seconds
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集思晨读 Day 113 特别节目 西安 我的第二故乡

Xi’an was once a major crossroads on the trading routes from eastern China to central Asia, and vied with Rome and later Constantinople for the title of greatest city in the world. Today Xi’an is one of China’s major drawcards, largely because of the Army of Terracotta Warriors on the city’s eastern outskirts. Uncovered in 1974, over 10,000 figures have been sorted to date. Soldiers, archers (armed with real weapons) and chariots stand in battle formation in underground vaults looking as fierce and war-like as pottery can. Xi’an’s other attractions include the old city walls, the Muslim quarter and the Banpo Neolithic Village - a tacky re-creation of the Stone Age. By train, Xi’an is a 16 hour journey from Beijing. If you’ve got a bit of cash to spare, you can get a flight.Xi'an était autrefois un important carrefour sur les routes commerciales de la Chine orientale à l'Asie centrale, et rivalisaient avec Constantinople à Rome et plus tard pour le titre de la plus grande ville dans le monde. Aujourd'hui, Xi'an est l'un des principaux drawcards la Chine, principalement en raison de l'armée de guerriers en terre cuite à la périphérie orientale de la ville. Uncovered en 1974, plus de 10.000 données ont été triées à ce jour. Les soldats, archers (avec des armes réelles) et les chars se en ordre de bataille dans les enceintes souterraines à la recherche aussi féroce et la guerre comme de la poterie peut. D'autres attractions de Xi'an comprennent les murs de la vieille ville, le quartier musulman et le village néolithique de Banpo - un nouveau collant de création de l'âge de pierre. En train, Xi'an est un voyage de 16 heures de Beijing. Si vous avez un peu d'argent à dépenser, vous pouvez obtenir un vol.
3/29/20151 minute
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集思晨读 Day 112 中国文化特辑 皮影

【集思晨读 Lewis Day 112 中国文化特辑 】 041 Shadow Puppet (Shadow Play)Good morning, everyone! It's Sun., 29th March. I am Lewis saying hello to you all from Yangzhou.大家周日早上好,今天是三月二十九号! 我是Lewis,在扬州给大家晨读!今天的中国文化特辑跟大家聊1. A long time ago, a monarch missed his deceased concubine so much, he got sick.2. His ministers reproduced the image of the concubine with cloth and put it behind the screen.3. The monarch could see the shadow of his concubine on the screen.4. This was the origin of the shadow puppet-piying.5. Piying represents interesting stories with lively songs and shadows produced by lights.6. It is the earliest animated technique in the world.7. The images are always made of pattern donkey leather sewn with thread.8. The bodily movements and facial expressions of the puppets are created by bamboo sticks.9. Piying tells stories with traditional methods and is popular all over the world.10. It features not only interesting stories but also Chinese fort art.
3/29/20152 minutes, 1 second
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集思晨读 Day 111 中国文化特辑 如意

【集思晨读 Lewis Day 111 中国文化特辑 】040 Ru YiGood morning, everyone! It's Sat., 28th March. I am Lewis saying hello to you all from Yangzhou.大家周六早上好,今天是三月二十八号! 我是Lewis,在扬州给大家晨读!今天的中国文化特辑跟大家聊 如意 Ruyi1. What do you do if your back itches?2. Chinese made a wooden arm to solve this problem some 1700 years ago. 3. It had a lovely name-“accomplish on your own”.4. Later it merged with a jade plank which was used by high officials to make notes when they met the emperor. 5. The new one named ruyi which means everything goes well in Chinese represents power.6. The head shapes like a glossy mushroom.7. Patterns of flowers, bats and ancient coins are carved on the handle. 8. These elements represent good will in Chinese traditional culture.9. Therefore it is used in Buddhism as a religious application.10. If you give it to your friends, it means that you wish them good luck.
3/28/20151 minute, 58 seconds
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集思晨读 Day 110 中国文化特辑 瓷器

【集思晨读 Lewis Day 110 中国文化特辑 】039 Porcelain Ware Good morning, everyone! It's Fri., 27th March. I am Lewis saying hello to you all from Yangzhou.大家周五早上好,今天是三月二十七号! 我是Lewis,在扬州给大家晨读!今天的中国文化特辑跟大家聊 瓷器 Porcelain Ware 1. When processed correctly, a pile of soil can be turned into an exquisite artwork.2. Chinaware, ciqi, is a part of daily life in China.3. The surfaces are decorated with various exquisite patterns.4. Some are as thin as paper, some are as white as jade, some are as coarse as pottery and some are black as lacquer.5. Through the development of 4,000 years, now it is still a brilliant art that attracts many people's interest.6. The Porcelain Capital, Jingdezhen in Jiangxi Province which has been praised for thousands of years, will be certain to satisfy your esthetic appetite.Ciqi is still called china in English.
3/27/20152 minutes, 40 seconds
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集思晨读 Day 109 中国文化特辑 剪纸

【集思晨读 Lewis Day 109 中国文化特辑 】 038 Paper-cutting 剪纸Good morning, everyone! It's Thurs., 26th March. I am Lewis saying hello to you all from Yangzhou.大家周四早上好,今天是三月二十六号! 我是Lewis,在扬州给大家晨读!今天的中国文化特辑跟大家聊 剪纸 Paper-cutting 1. Long long ago, there was a poor scholar who wrote the character ‘福’ or happiness on paper and his wife tore the character out. This is the origin of paper-cutting ‘jianzhi’.2. The jianzhi craft is considered to be one of the standards to identify a smart woman.3. People think a woman who is good at making dedicate jianzhi is smart.4. Jianzhi patterns come from daily life.5. Clipping and engraving are two skills used to make jianzhi.6. Intricate centers are important for jianzhi designs.7. Jianzhi is a popular folk art that expresses Chinese people’s wishes for happiness and good luck.
3/26/20151 minute, 49 seconds
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集思晨读 Day 108 中国文化特辑 纸

【集思晨读 Lewis Day 108 中国文化特辑 】 037 Paper 纸Good morning, everyone! It's Wed., 25th March. I am Lewis saying hello to you all from Yangzhou.大家周三早上好,今天是三月二十五号! 我是Lewis,在扬州给大家晨读!今天的中国文化特辑跟大家聊 纸 Paper1. Paper (纸 zhi) was a Chinese invention. 2. 2,000 years ago, Chinese invented paper making. 3. This Zhi was made of silk and was so expensive that only the emperor and aristocrats could afford to use it. 4. 1,900 years ago, a eunuch called Cai Lun improved the paper making process. 5. He made cheap, thin Zhi out of tree bark and rags. 6. The improvement in paper making spread Zhi far and wide. 7. And many different types of Zhi were invented by Chinese people. 8. Xuan paper, a kind of high quality rice paper best shows the charm of traditional Chinese painting and calligraphy. 9. Jute paper is used to transcribe Chinese classics. 10. Later, Chinese Zhi was spread to west through the Silk Road. 11. Thousands of years of culture and civilization were recorded on Zhi and passed to different parts of the world.
3/25/20152 minutes, 4 seconds
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集思晨读 Day 107 中国文化特辑 灯笼

【集思晨读 Lewis Day 107 中国文化特辑 】 036 Lantern 灯笼 Good morning, everyone! It's Tues., 24th March. I am Lewis saying hello to you all from Yangzhou.大家周二早上好,今天是三月二十四号! 我是Lewis,在扬州给大家晨读!今天的中国文化特辑跟大家聊 灯笼 Lantern1. The lantern (denglong), is the traditional lighting tool of China which also represents merry and joy. 2. The traditional denglong is covered by rice paper with candle burning inside. 3. Lights shine through the gossamer rice paper. 4. Denglongs have diversified patterns. 5. People like to decorate denglongs and paint beautiful and auspicious designs on them. 6. We light several denglongs which symbolize happiness and good luck during the Chinese New Year and enjoy denglong shows with family during the Lantern Festival. 7. Now denglongs are still used in all kinds of celebrations. 8. Denglongs light the night of festivals.9. Merry and joy spread into different families by these different lanterns.
3/24/20151 minute, 36 seconds
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集思晨读 Day 106 中国文化特辑 风筝

【集思晨读 Lewis Day 106 中国文化特辑 】 035 Kite Good morning, everyone! It's Mon., 23rd March. I am Lewis saying hello to you all from Yangzhou.大家周一早上好,今天是三月二十三号! 我是Lewis,在扬州给大家晨读!今天的中国文化特辑跟大家聊 风筝1. Legends say that the inspiration for kites was a wooden bird flying all day. 2. Most likely people were inspired by a hat blown off by the wind and invented fengzheng. 3. Legends also say that a general bond bamboo whistles on the huge fengzheng made of oxhide. 4. The kite made horrible sounds to ward off enemies.5. Other versions say he wrote important messages on fengzheng and sent them to his troops. The military use of kite was just folklore. 6. After all fengzheng are toys. 7. Classic kites used bamboo, rattan or some other strong but flexible woods for the bars, paper or light fabrics such as silk for the sails and are flown on string or twine. 8. People often make exquisite decorations on Feng Zheng.9. Fengzheng have become real works of art. 10. They seem like beautiful paintings flying in the blue sky.
3/23/20151 minute, 50 seconds
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集思晨读 今日福利 再别康桥 配音师孙悦斌老师朗诵

再别康桥 作者: 徐志摩 朗诵 孙悦斌   轻轻的我走了,正如我轻轻的来;我轻轻的招手,作别西天的云彩。 那河畔的金柳,是夕阳中的新娘;波光里的艳影,在我的心头荡漾。 软泥上的青荇,油油的在水底招摇;在康河的柔波里,我甘心做一条水草! 那榆荫下的一潭,不是清泉,是天上虹;揉碎在浮藻间,沉淀着彩虹似的梦。 寻梦?撑一支长篙,向青草更青处漫溯;满载一船星辉,在星辉斑斓里放歌。 但我不能放歌,悄悄是别离的笙箫;夏虫也为我沉默,沉默是今晚的康桥! 悄悄的我走了,正如我悄悄的来;我挥一挥衣袖,不带走一片云彩
3/22/20152 minutes
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集思晨读 Day 105 中国文化特辑 古琴

【集思晨读 Lewis Day 105 中国文化特辑 】034 Guqin Good morning, everyone! It's Sun., 22nd March. I am Lewis saying hello to you all from Yangzhou.大家周日早上好,今天是三月二十二号! 我是Lewis,在扬州给大家晨读!今天的中国文化特辑跟大家聊 古琴1. Long ago, a person was playing guqin.2. A wood cutter heard the sound, and said, “I feel the mountains and rivers in the music.”3. The player was happy that the man understood what was in his heart and made friends with him.4. A body of guqin is made of wood and the strings are made of silk.5. Playing guqin in an elegant environment brings people back to nature.6. Playing guqin can purify the soul.7. It represents wisdom, talent and emotion.8. In 1977, a recording of Flowing Water was broadcasted on the Voyager I and Voyager II spacecraft in outer space.
3/22/20151 minute, 48 seconds
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集思晨读 今日福利 超级有磁性的声音

3/21/201546 seconds
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集思晨读 Day 104 中国文化特辑 扇子

【集思晨读 Lewis Day 104 中国文化特辑 】033 Fan 扇子Good morning, everyone! It's Sat., 21th March. I am Lewis saying hello to you all from Yangzhou.大家周六早上好,今天是三月二十一号! 我是Lewis,在扬州给大家晨读!今天的中国文化特辑跟大家聊 扇子1. Fans, shanzi, are not only implements but also works of art and symbols of status in China.2. Shanzi in scholar's hands represent wisdom and elegance.3. There are many kinds of Shanzi in China.4. The most typical ones are folding shanzi.5. Techniques of carving, weaving, calligraphy and painting are applied in making shanzi.6. Shanzi are not only implements which bring a cool breeze, but also works of art.7. Collections are cherished by Chinese.
3/21/20152 minutes, 27 seconds
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集思晨读 Day 103 中国文化特辑 糖葫芦

【集思晨读 Lewis Day 103 中国文化特辑 】032 TanghuluGood morning, everyone! It's Fri., 20th March. I am Lewis saying hello to you all from Yangzhou.大家周五早上好,今天是三月二十号! 我是Lewis,在扬州给大家晨读!今天的中国文化特辑跟大家聊 糖葫芦 Tanghulu1. These are crystalline sugar-coated haws, tanghulu, which is a favorite winter snack for children in northern China. 2. Legends say that 800 years ago, an emperor’s concubine was sick and had a poor appetite.3. A doctor ordered that she eat ten haws boiled with crystal sugar before dinner. The concubine recovered within half a month.4. Later the prescription was passed on to ordinary people.5. People put haws on the stick and dip them in hot sugar syrup.6. The syrup turned into a solid coating like crystals on a haw’s surface. 7. It is a delicious and wholesome traditional snack commonly seen in stores and on streets.8. The haws are tart and the crystal sugar sweet.9. The special taste often reminds us of our happy childhood.
3/20/20152 minutes
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集思晨读 Day 102 中国文化特辑 火锅

【集思晨读 Lewis Day 102 中国文化特辑 】031 HotpotGood morning, everyone! It's Thurs., 19th March. I am Lewis saying hello to you all from Yangzhou.大家周四早上好,今天是三月十九号! 我是Lewis,在扬州给大家晨读!今天的中国文化特辑跟大家聊 火锅 Hotpot1. If you want to look for nutritious meal to share with your family, you should choose hotpot, Huoguo.2. Huoguo has a history of more than 1700 years in china. 3. To keep out the cold, people put the lamb chops in the boiling pot and eat them.4. Huoguo ingredients should be selected carefully.5. Only five parts of a lamb should be used and cut into sheets for cooking.6. The sauce is composed of more than ten seasonings. 7. The ingredients of the sauce are the commercial secrete of hotpot.8. Huoguo is popular all over China. There are various styles of Huoguo. Vegetables and meat can be boiled in Huoguo.9. Sharing hotpot meals of meat and vegetables boiled in savory both with your family is a great experience in the depth of winter. 10. Do you want to try it?
3/19/20152 minutes, 18 seconds
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集思双语-晚读-剑胆琴心是中医 代序

3/18/201516 minutes, 20 seconds
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集思晨读 Day 101 中国文化特辑 烤鸭

【集思晨读 Lewis Day 101 中国文化特辑 】030 Roast Duck Good morning, everyone! It's Wed., 18th March. I am Lewis saying hello to you all from Yangzhou.大家周三早上好,今天是三月十八号! 我是Lewis,在扬州给大家晨读!今天的中国文化特辑跟大家聊 烤鸭 Roast Duck 1. If you come to China, Roast Duck, Kaoya, is a must-have. 2. Kaoya is a famous delicious dish in China with a history of 1,600 years. 3. An authentic Kaoya should be roasted delicately in an oven burnt with fruit wood. 4. The temperature and timing should be strictly controlled. 5. To keep their skin crisp and the meat tender, Kaoya should be taken out of the oven after 50 minutes. 6. A roast duck must be cut into more than one hundred slices within several minutes after it is brought out of the oven. 7. Each slice contains skin and meat. 8. Thin pancakes, Chinese onions, cucumbers and special sauce are used to compliment Kaoya. 9. Now you have followed us so far, if you still haven’t decided to try this famous Beijing’s specialty, you probably will miss the most enjoyable culinary experience of your life.
3/18/20152 minutes, 32 seconds
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集思晨读 Day 100 中国文化特辑 舞狮

【集思晨读 Lewis Day 100 中国文化特辑 】029 Lion Dance Good morning, everyone! It's Tues., 17th March. I am Lewis saying hello to you all from Yangzhou.大家周二早上好,今天是三月十七号! 我是Lewis,在扬州给大家晨读!今天的中国文化特辑跟大家聊 舞狮 Lion Dance1. Lion Dance, Wushi, is a Chinese traditional folk art. 2. Lions are considered brave and auspicious in China. 3. People perform Wushi on festivals to ward off bad luck and pray for a happy life.4. There are two dancers: one for the head and one for the rear. 5. They cooperate with each other to make the different gestures of the lion. 6. The dancers must have basic martial arts training. Therefore they can accomplish difficult maneuvers. 7. Now Wushi is not only popular in China but also in any place where Chinese live.
3/17/20151 minute, 11 seconds
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集思晨读 Day 99 中国文化特辑 凤凰

【集思晨读 Lewis Day 99 中国文化特辑 】028 PhoenixGood morning, everyone! It's Mon., 16th March. I am Lewis saying hello to you all from Yangzhou.大家周一早上好,今天是三月十六号! 我是Lewis,在扬州给大家晨读!今天的中国文化特辑跟大家聊 凤凰 Phoenix 1. Legends say that there is a huge beautiful bird with colorful feather and a beautiful voice, which dances elegantly. 2. It is regarded as the Queen of Birds. 3. It brings a peaceful and auspicious atmosphere when she shows up. 4. This is the phoenix, Fenghuang. 5. According to the records of ancient China, celebrations were held after conquering flood. 6. Fenghuang dance to the music during the ceremony. 7. Therefore it is regarded as an auspicious bird. 8. Dragons and Fenghuang are usually mentioned together in China. 9. Dragons represent masculinity, and Fenghuang represent elegance, harmony and auspiciousness. 10. Legends of Fenghuang are passed from generation to generation.
3/16/20152 minutes
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集思晨读 Day 98 中国文化特辑 龙

【集思晨读 Lewis Day 98 中国文化特辑 】027 Dragon Good morning, everyone! It's Sun., 15th March. I am Lewis saying hello to you all from Yangzhou.大家周日早上好,今天是三月十五号! 我是Lewis,在扬州给大家晨读!今天的中国文化特辑跟大家聊 龙 Dragon 1. Chinese dragons with no wings are different from western ones.2. They are lucky animals which can bring a good year for people.3. Dragons are regarded as a symbol of power and royal dignity in China.4. The images of Long can be seen in the Forbidden City and the Summer Palace.5. They are admired by people and represent Chinese spirits.6. There are two festivals involving Long.7. On the Lantern Festival each January 15th on the lunar calendar, people wave dragon lanterns to celebrate the coming spring.8. On the Dragon Boat Festival on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month, people hold the dragon boat competitions.9. Long is a powerful symbol in Chinese culture.
3/15/20152 minutes
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集思晨读 Day 97 中国文化特辑 春节

Day 026 Spring Festival1. Spring Festival, Chunjie, is the first day of the Chinese lunar calendar.2. When Chunjie is approaching, people are busy for purchasing goods, cleaning the house, cooking traditional food house, making Spring Festival couplets and hanging spring festival pictures.3. Having a family dinner is the main activity on Chunjie. 4. Dumplings are essential to the dinner. 5. Dumplings represent reunion and good will. 6. The whole family gathers to enjoy quality family time.7. On Chunjie, lunar New Year’s Day, people in new clothes, visit each other and give money to kids to send good wishes.8. During Chunjie holidays, all kinds of celebrations are held including tempo fairs, performances and lantern exhibitions, which last nearly half a month.
3/14/20152 minutes, 27 seconds
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集思晨读 Day 96 中国文化特辑 饺子

【集思晨读 Lewis Day 96 中国文化特辑 】025 Dumplings 饺子Good morning, everyone! It's Fri., 13th March. I am Lewis saying hello to you all from Yangzhou.大家周五早上好,今天是三月十三号! 我是Lewis,在扬州给大家晨读!今天的中国文化特辑跟大家聊 Dumplings 饺子1. Chinese people like eating dumplings, Jiaozi, for their delicious taste and auspicious meanings.2. Jiaozi are made of meat and vegetable filling enclosed in pastry shaped like a half moon.3. They are boiled in water and eaten with sauces like vinegar.4. There are hundreds of fillings with different flavors.5. The shape of Jiaozi looks like the ancient currency of China called Yuanbao.6. People eat dumplings on the Chinese New Year wishing they will earn more money in the coming year.7. There are many steps to make Jiaozi. 8. People even like to put one coin in one Jiaozi and anyone who gets this coin will be lucky in the coming year.9. Making Jiaozi together with the whole family creates a unique harmonious atmosphere.10. Chinese believe that a hot bowl of Jiaozi is full of the family's love and affection.
3/13/20152 minutes, 5 seconds
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集思晨读 Day 95 中国文化特辑 门神

【集思晨读 Lewis Day 95 中国文化特辑 】024 Door God 门神Good morning, everyone! It's Thurs., 12th March. I am Lewis saying hello to you all from Yangzhou.大家周四早上好,今天是三月十二号! 我是Lewis,在扬州给大家晨读!今天的中国文化特辑跟大家聊 门神 Door God1. People paste pictures of Door God on their doors to avoid bad luck and pray for safety.2. Legend said that an emperor was harassed by demons. 3. Two generals drove out the demons so the emperor was able to fall sleep.4. The emperor pasted pictures of these two generals on his door and the demons disappeared.5. People pray that these heroes will guard them from evil.6. Men Shen signifies the beginning of New Year.7. They guard the home for Chinese.
3/12/20151 minute, 47 seconds
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集思晨读 Day 94 中国文化特辑 家

【集思晨读 Lewis Day 94 中国文化特辑 】023 Family 家Good morning, everyone! It's Wed., 11th March. I am Lewis saying hello to you all from Yangzhou.大家周三早上好,今天是三月十一号! 我是Lewis,在扬州给大家晨读!今天的中国文化特辑跟大家聊 Family 家1. There is a pig and two people. 2. The two people drive the pig into a house and raise it together thus making the Chinese character "Jia". 3. In Chinese daily life, the whole family includes three generations: grandparents, parents and children live together.4. Taking care of each other, looking after the young and supporting the parents are the traditional values of Chinese people.5. You can easily find the typical Chinese "Jia" all over the world.
3/11/20154 minutes, 17 seconds
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集思晨读 Day 93 中国文化特辑 矛盾

3/10/20152 minutes, 20 seconds
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集思晨读 Day 92 中国文化特辑 孔子

【集思晨读 Lewis Day 92 中国文化特辑 】021 Confucius 孔子 Good morning, everyone! It's Mon., 9th March. I am Lewis saying hello to you all from Yangzhou.大家周一早上好,今天是三月九号! 我是Lewis,在扬州给大家晨读!今天的中国文化特辑跟大家聊 孔子1. Born in 551 BC, Confucius, Kong Zi has made the greatest contribution to Chinese culture.2. Although he was raised in a poor family, he visited famous scholars and learned a lot.3. He developed his thoughts into a system of philosophy known as Confucianism.4. Confucianism emphasizes self-cultivation, harmonious relationships with each other and respect for the elderly.5. Friends should be honest to each other. 6. Rulers should make an effort to provide a happy life for people.7. He was a great teacher as well and promoted education for ordinary people.8. He traveled around to promote political thinking but failed. But he never give up!9. Kongzi is a great Chinese spiritual leader.10. Over the last 2,000 years, his philosophy has continued to influence China and the rest of the world.11. It is also regarded as the symbol of oriental culture.That's today's sharing about Kongzi.
3/9/20152 minutes, 6 seconds
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集思晨读 Day 91 中国文化特辑 指南针

【集思晨读 Lewis Day 91 中国文化特辑 】020 指南针 CompassGood morning, everyone! It's Sun., 8th March. I am Lewis saying hello to you all from Yangzhou.大家周日早上好,今天是三月八号! 我是Lewis,在扬州给大家晨读!今天的中国文化特辑跟大家分享 "指南针" Compass1. A compass, Zhi Nanzhen, indicates north and south.2. It was invented by Chinese 2,000 years ago.3. The ancient Zhi Nanzhen looked like a spoon.4. When the spoon was put on the plate, its handle could point to the south using magnetic fields.5. Then Chinese use a little steel needle to replace the spoon! 6. This makes the Zhi Nanzhen easier to carry!7. 600 years ago, Zhen He, a famous eunuch of Ming Dynasty travelled to the South East Asia and the Indian Ocean seven times.8. Zhen even reached the Red Sea with the help of the Zhi Nanzhen.9. The invention boosted the development of navigation.Tune of the day“Caribbean Blue”-from“Bandari”
3/8/20153 minutes, 46 seconds
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集思晨读 Day 90 中国文化特辑 菊花

【集思晨读 Lewis Day 90 中国文化特辑 】019 Chrysanthemums 菊花Good morning, everyone! It's Sat., 7th March. I am Lewis saying hello to you all from Yangzhou.大家周六早上好,今天是三月七号! 我是Lewis,在扬州给大家晨读!今天的中国文化特辑跟大家分享 菊花 Chrysanthemums 1. Chrysanthemums bloom in the cold autumn air representing elegance and courage in China. 2. Chinese scholars speak highly of Juhua for their beauty and character.3. Juhua also has another meaning. 4. They also used to convey grieve for loved ones who have passed away.5. In addition, Juhua can be used as an ingredient for tea, wine and food.6. Festivals for Juhua are held annually in China. 7. Juhua blossoms remain open in late autumn and winter when other flowers have withered.Tune of the day "九月菊花-花神陶渊明" 选自专辑 《十二花神曲》 By 史志有
3/7/20152 minutes, 47 seconds
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集思晨读 Day 89 中国文化特辑 筷子

【集思晨读 Lewis Day 89 中国文化特辑 】018 Chopsticks 筷子 Good morning, everyone! It's Friday, 6th March. I am Lewis saying hello to you all from Nantong.大家周五早上好,今天是三月六号! 我是Lewis,在南通给大家晨读!今天的中国文化特辑跟大家聊聊 筷子 Chopsticks 1. Chopsticks, Kuai Zi, are the most important eating utensils in China. 2. Chinese use them during each meal. 3. They are made of simple materials with two sticks. They are made of wood or bamboo and use the theory of leverage to pick up various kinds of food easily. 4. Manners are important when using chopsticks just like using forks and knives in the west. 5. Chinese have used Kuai Zi for at least 3,000 years. They have been spread to Asian countries like Japan and South Korea. 6. The materials come from nature. They represent the wisdom of the Chinese.That's all about this morning's sharing. Bye.
3/5/20151 minute, 50 seconds
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集思晨读 Day 88 中国文化特辑 农历

【集思晨读 Lewis Day 88 中国文化特辑 】017 Chinese Lunar Calendar 农历 Good morning, everyone! It&`&s Thurs. 5th March. I am Lewis saying hello to you all from Nanjing.大家周四早上好,今天是三月五号! 我是Lewis,在南京给大家晨读!今天的中国文化特辑跟大家分享 农历 Chinese Lunar Calendar1. The lunar calendar, Nongli, is the traditional Chinese calendar and is often used in agriculture.2. According to Nongli, the crescent appears on the first day of each month and full moon comes out in the middle of the month.3. The cycle lasts for about thirty days.4. 24 Days mark 24 divisions of the solar year in Nongli according to the different positions of the sun.5. For example, the division Lichun, or the Beginning of Spring, reminds people that spring is coming.6. Jingzhe, the Awakening of the Insects, means the weather is getting warmer.7. Lixia, the Beginning of Summer, is the point when the crops are booming.8. Dahan, the Great Cold, is the end of severe winter. 9. All these create a circle.10. Year after year, people experience the mystery of nature with Nongli.
3/4/20152 minutes, 31 seconds
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集思晨读 Day 87 中国文化特辑 汉字

【集思晨读 Lewis Day 87 中国文化特辑 】016 Chinese Characters 汉字Good morning, everyone! It's Wed. 4th March. I am Lewis saying hello to you all from Yangzhou.大家周三早上好,今天是三月四号! 我是Lewis,在扬州给大家晨读!今天的中国文化特辑跟大家分享 汉字 Chinese Character1. The marks carved on rocks 8,000 years ago are regarded as the first example of Chinese characters-Hanzi.2. Ancient Chinese recorded what they saw in the world by drawing.3. Legends say that Chinese characters are pictures which can be read.4. Westerners often say that Hanzi are pictographs. 5. This is because the first Hanzi were pictographs which conveyed meaning through physical resemblance to physical objects.6. Meanwhile, some Hanzi are composed of symbols which represent sound.7. Looking back at history, we can understand the life of people in ancient China with Hanzi.8. There are 2,500 frequently used characters. 9. A good grasp of these Hanzi is like reading an encyclopedia on China.10. Welcome to the mysterious world of Hanzi.
3/4/20152 minutes, 13 seconds
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集思晨读 Day 86 中国文化特辑 编钟

【集思晨读 Lewis Day 86 中国文化特辑 】015 编钟 Chime Bells Good morning, everyone! It's Tues. 3rd. March. I am Lewis saying hello to you all from Yangzhou.大家周二早上好,今天是三月三号! 我是Lewis,在扬州给大家晨读!今天的中国文化特辑跟大家分享 编钟 Chime Bells1. Chime Bells -"Bianzhong" are the most majestic and holy ancient instrument in China.2. As a symbol of power, they were used for sacrificial ceremonies or other crucial ceremonies starting 3500 years ago.3. "Bianzhong" were composed of bells with different scales. 4. The bells are played by mallets and create the sounds of seven musical scales much like the piano.5. What's more amazing is that one bell can generate two notes when struck at different spots.6. Its exquisite cast and pure sound reveal the high level of ancient Chinese civilization and wisdom.That's all about this morning's sharing. Now Let's enjoy a piece of music with Chime Bells. 楚商 Chu Merchants By 曾侯乙编钟与乐队
3/3/20155 minutes, 48 seconds
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集思晨读 Day 85 中国文化特辑 旗袍

【集思晨读 Lewis Day 85 中国文化特辑 】014 Cheongsam 旗袍Good morning, everyone! It's Mon. 2nd. March. I am Lewis saying hello to you all from Yangzhou.大家周一早上好,今天是三月二号! 我是Lewis,在扬州给大家晨读!今天的中国文化特辑和大家聊一下 Cheongsam 旗袍1. Chinese tradition say that if you want to identify a beauty you should look at her appearance in a Cheongsam, Qipao.2. The Qipao showcases oriental modesty and sexiness wrapping female figures in form fitting dresses.3. Fine Qipao are handmade with soft silk and intricate brocade.4. Selecting fine material is the first step to make a Qipao.5. Twenty six dimensions must be measured to make a Qipao and represent the taste of the master.6. The collars of Qipao are always curved to show the softness and slenderness of the female's neck.7. Popular patterns on Qipao include phoenix, birds, leaves and flowers.8. The breathtaking beauty of Qipao has lasted for more than a century.
3/2/20152 minutes, 28 seconds
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集思晨读 Day 84 中国文化特辑 成语

【集思晨读 Lewis Day 84 中国文化特辑 】013 Chinese Idioms 成语Good morning, everyone! It's Sun. 1st. March. I am Lewis saying hello to you all from Yangzhou.大家周日早上好,今天是三月一号! 我是Lewis,在扬州给大家晨读!今天的中国文化特辑和大家聊一下 成语 Chinese Idioms 1. Idioms are an important aspect of the Chinese language because this simple yet meaningful phrases are used to communicate people’s feelings and situations in everyday life.2. With just four characters, one can express provocative ideas and strong emotions.3. Being well versed in Chinese idioms is also a mark of proficiency in the Chinese language.4. As a student learns a language, he or she is also being immersed in the Chinese culture.5. Idioms are full of collective cultural wisdom and also a great way for students to explore the Chinese mentality.6. Some of these idioms draw parallels to sayings in the English language.7. For example, “Yi jian shuang diao” is equivalent to the English saying “to kill two birds with one stone”.8. Idioms are not just limited to the Chinese language, but have universal presence across many languages.
3/1/20152 minutes, 32 seconds
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集思晨读 Day 83 中国文化特辑 书法

【集思晨读 Lewis Day 83 中国文化特辑 】012 Calligraphy 书法Good morning, everyone! It's Sat. 28th. Feb. I am Lewis saying hello to you all from Yangzhou.大家周六早上好,今天是二月二十八号! 我是Lewis,在扬州给大家晨读!今天的中国文化特辑和大家聊一下 Calligraphy 书法1. Chinese calligraphy-Shufa-refers to a writing art and technique with writing brushes.2. 1,600 years ago, a boy named Wang Xizhi worked hard at calligraphy.3. He washed his writing brushes in a pool and the pool turned black.4. Eventually he became a prominent calligrapher in China.5. Writing brushes, Chinese inks, rice paper and ink slabs are the basic tools of calligraphy.6. Proper technique for handl ing the writing brushes and maintaining the proper angle between the tips of brushes and the paper are required.7. The structure of each individual character and overall arrangement are both important.8. Calligraphers have created plenty of masterpieces which have been passed from generation to generation. One of the masterpieces is the "Orchid Pavilion Preface" by Wang Xizhi.9. Shufa represents the aesthetic taste and philosophy of Chinese scholars.
2/28/20152 minutes, 3 seconds
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中国文化特辑 特别节目 家乡介绍

Situated in the northwest of Jiangsu, Xuzhou City is one of Chinese most well-known transportation hubs, in which China's two most important rail lines, Beijing-Shanghai that runs north-south direction, and Lianyungang-Urumqi that goes from east to west, meet here.With a history of 2,600 years, Xuzhou is a historical city with the critical strategic importance from military views. It is known as a notable battlefield in China's history, from ancient dynasties to modern republics. Regardless of these devastating combats, Xuzhou still remains relatively intact and a large amount of historical attractions and beautiful scenic sites were magically preserved without massive damages. The town was once named Pengcheng during the Qin and Han dynasties and was the hometown for Liu Bang, the first emperor of the Han. Xuzhou is well known for its heritage and cultural relics for the Han Culture, which is honored the best city to search or eye-view these splendid items, displaying in its museums.The natural beauty of Xuzhou mixes with characters from both the North and South of China. The old Yellow River flows through the city by which the Grand Canal passes. Surrounding the city are the green hills and bodies of water connecting the whole city and forming the special sceneries. The enriched cultural soil and delightful natural scenery make Xuzhou one of the wonderful tourist-attracting cities.
2/27/20151 minute, 31 seconds
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集思晨读 Day 81 中国文化特辑 云锦

【集思晨读 Lewis Day 81 中国文化特辑 】011 Brocade 云锦Good morning, everyone! It's Thurs. 26th. Feb. I am Lewis saying hello to you all from Yangzhou.大家周四早上好,今天是二月二十六号! 我是Lewis,在扬州给大家晨读!今天的中国文化特辑和大家聊一下 “云锦” Brocade1. Brocade is a kind of luxurious silk created over 1,600 years ago.2. The gorgeous patterns are as beautiful as the colorful clouds in the sky hence the Chinese name Yunjin.3. Since the Yuan Dynasty, Yunjin has been used for the imperial family's clothes especially the emperor.4. Different sizes and patterns indicate different official ranks.5. It is woven with various kinds of rare silk yarns and feathers.6. Traditional Yunjin is purely handmade on the jacquard weaving machines.7. At most five to six centimeters' Yunjin could be produced one day even with the cooperation of two workers.8. Now this traditional skill has been modernized and applied to new fashions.That's all about today's sharing. I shall have a review tomorrow of the past 11 episodes' reading material. Stay tune!明天的集思晨读分享,我将带大家回顾往期11期的中国文化特辑内容。大家明早儿见!
2/26/20152 minutes, 28 seconds
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集思晨读 Day 80 中国文化特辑 知音

【集思晨读 Lewis Day 80 中国文化特辑 】010 Bosom Buddy 知音Good morning, everyone! It's Wed. 25th. Feb. I am Lewis saying hello to you all from Yangzhou.大家周三早上好,今天是二月二十五号, 上班第一天! 我是Lewis,在扬州给大家晨读!今天的中国文化特辑和大家聊一下 “知音”Bosom Buddy1. Bosom buddy, called Zhi Yin in Chinese refers to the friend who knows you best. 2. The ancient story of Bo Ya and Zi Qi describes how Chinese define Zhi Yin.3. Long long ago, Bo Ya who was a master of Guqin, a Chinese musical instrument, met Zi Qi who was collecting firewood on a mountain.4. While Bo Ya was playing Guqin, Zi Qi said, "I can hear the mountain singing and the water flowing in your music".5. Zi Qi was only a lumberjack but he could tell what Bo Ya wanted to express.6. When Zi Qi died, Bo Ya played his Guqin for the last time in front of Zi Qi's tomb.7. Afterwards, people use the quote about "High Mountains and Flowing Water" to describe friends who understand and appreciate each other.8. If someone in China says that you're his or her "Zhiyin", it means you are his or her best friend.这就是今天跟大家分享的故事! 新的一年,祝大家生活 工作 开心 顺利! 请在这清新的旋律陪伴下,开启新的一天吧!
2/25/20153 minutes, 26 seconds
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集思晨读 Day 79 中国文化特辑 北京

【集思晨读 Lewis Day 79 中国文化特辑 】009 Beijing 北京 Good morning, everyone! It's Tues. 24th. Feb. I am Lewis saying hello to you all from Yangzhou.大家周二早上好,今天是二月二十四号,农历新年初六。我是Lewis,在扬州给大家拜年!今天中国文化特辑,跟大家说说咱们的首都,北京!1. The layout of Beijing formed in the 15th century.2. The Imperial Palace is the center of the city's symmetrical layout.3. The 7.7-kilometer-long axis is the symbol of Beijing.4. There are grand examples of Chinese architecture such as the Imperial Palace, the Temple of Heaven and the Great Wall.5. Traditional folk arts such as Peking Opera and traditional foods such as sugar-coated haws on a stick and roast duck are famous worldwide.6. The Olympic Game was held here in 2008.7. While preserving these traditions, Beijing is becoming more and more open.8. Welcome to Beijing.
2/25/20151 minute, 45 seconds
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2/14/20154 minutes, 40 seconds
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集思听写一百天 选读 Cheongsam 旗袍

Cheongsam 旗袍1. Chinese tradition say that if you want to identify a beauty you should look at her appearance in a Cheongsam, Qipao.2. The Qipao showcases oriental modesty and sexiness wrapping female figures in form fitting dresses.3. Fine Qipao are handmade with soft silk and intricate brocade.4. Selecting fine material is the first step to make a Qipao.5. Twenty six dimensions must be measured to make a Qipao and represent the taste of the master.6. The collars of Qipao are always curved to show the softness and slenderness of the female's neck.7. Popular patterns on Qipao include phoenix, birds, leaves and flowers.8. The breathtaking beauty of Qipao has lasted for more than a century.
2/6/20151 minute, 58 seconds
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集思晨读 一月份晨读总结 之 重点词汇 短语 (三)

一月份 Lewis 晨读总结 之 词汇短语篇(三)71. historical and cultural luster 72. private financing73. monetary policy74. stay up late/burn the candle/night owl75. thumb up76. suspended "mainstream support"77. extended support78. underground /subway/ the tube/ Metro79. public welfare program80. scan the QR code81. uncivilized behavior82. personal credit records83. the oldest living reigning monarch84. accede to the throne85. annual income86. insurance premiums87. Cybersecurity88. undergo a mastectomy89. the average age of onset90. early-stage breast cancer91. late childbearing92. sleep deprivation93. irregular medical checks94. long-term alcohol consumption95. be integral to Chinese society96. a pictogram of a pig97. know a thing or two about98. Be prized for99. Be tricky and time-consuming to create100. unparalleled experience101. top/ace/champ/diva/queen/king102. reach a climax103. garner 51 gold medals104. top contender105. undeniably the long-standing king of the Olympics106. be credited to 107. sense of pragmatism108. practical consequences of actions109. cultural norms110. filial piety
2/4/201520 minutes
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集思晨读 一月份晨读总结 之 重点词汇短语 (二)

一月份 Lewis 晨读总结 之 词汇短语篇(二)1. boycott vulgar horseplay2. violates ethical standards3. obscene sexual innuendos4. the newly weds5. curb corruption in vehicle management departments6. doctor food labels7. beyond the expiration date8. food safety scandals9. silent tribute10. memorial service11. stage a huge manhunt12. impromptu rallies13. mull a ban14. carpet smoking ban15. initiative to reform16. exam-oriented education17. be solely determined by18. unified examination19. single-plank bridge20. collusion between government officials and business owners21. astonishing number of bribery22. seek commercial gains23. small coteries24. major curriculum design25. detachment from market need26. credibility deficit27. sub-healthy28. "mercenary" market economy29. "Bystander attitude" or being indifferent30. Ostentatiousness31. Reveling in scandals32. anti-social behaviors33. Addiction to the Internet34. Masochism35. taxi-hailing apps36. tailored taxi service37. flag-down rate38. Intangible cultural heritage39. etiquette, cuisine and living philosophy40. oblivion in the heritage protection field
2/4/201518 minutes, 46 seconds
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集思晨读 一月份晨读总结 之 重点词汇短语(一)

一月份 Lewis 晨读总结 之 词汇短语篇(一)1. unfulfilled dreams 2. Duplicate 3. from the same perspective 4. deprive the world of your gift5. figure out6. lady-killer7. contagious smile8. boosts Your Immune System9. Natural Pain Killers10. bullet train11. intercity high-speed rail on-schedule rate12. customized calendars13. gain popularity14. languish15. anti-graft body16. online personalized-printing services17. low fertility trap18. negative growth19. maintain a downward spiral in fertility20. aging society21. flash animations 22. netizen23. dream lover, prince charming24. be brought to life25. traditional auspicious Chinese motifs26. issue a guideline27. elderly people28. vanity29. the constantly changing nature of scams30. rate of empty nest
2/2/201518 minutes, 40 seconds
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集思晨读 Day 56 英语点津 盘点:中国十大突出壮举 No.3 实用主义 Prag

【集思晨读. Lewis Day 56 英语点津 盘点:中国十大突出壮举 No.3 实用主义 Pragmatism】 Good morning,everyone! It's Sat. 31 Jan. I am Lewis saying hello to you all from Yangzhou! 大家周六早上好,今天是一月三十一号,我是Lewis,在扬州给大家晨读,今天我继续给大家盘点国人表现突出的十个领: 第三条 实用主义 PragmatismChina's achievements today, including several of the items on this list, can be credited to a deep sense of pragmatism, which assesses most situations by looking at the practical consequences of actions.中国今天的成就,包括本文列举的一些项目,都归功于深层次的实用主义。多数情况下,中国人通过观察行为的实际结果来作出评估、判断。 As Deng Xiaoping, architect of modern China, famously said: "It doesn't matter whether a cat is white or black, as long as it catches mice."中国改革开放的总设计师邓小平就曾说:“不管黑猫白猫,能抓到耗子的就是好猫。”On a grassroots level, Chinese people embrace pragmatism on a daily basis.在日常生活中,中国人每天都在实践着实用主义。 The philosophy explains most of China's customs and cultural norms, including the gifting of hongbao (red envelopes filled with cash), the importance of maintaining guanxi (interpersonal relationships) and filial piety.实用主义的处事哲学解释了中国大部分的习俗和文化规范,包括送红包(装满现金的红色信封),“关系”的维持及孝道。Review-Key Vocabs & Expressions 1. Achievement(s) 2. be credited to 3. sense of pragmatism 4. practical consequences of actions 5. architect 6. as long as 7. embrace 8. philosophy 9. cultural norms 10. hongbao (red envelopes filled with cash), 11. maintaining guanxi (interpersonal relationships) 12. filial piety
1/31/20154 minutes, 15 seconds
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集思晨读 Day 55 英语点津 盘点:中国十大突出壮举 No.2 室内运动

【集思晨读. Lewis Day 55 英语点津 盘点:中国十大突出壮举 No.2 室内运动】 Good morning, everyone! It's Fri. 30 Jan. I am Lewis saying hello to you all from Nanjing! 大家周五早上好,今天是一月三十号,我是Lewis,在南京给大家晨读。昨天,在晨读里跟大家分享了国人引以为豪的猪肉烹调,今天我继续同大家分享国人表现突出的十个领域的第二条: Indoor sports--室内运动So China isn't all that great at football -- so what?中国人不擅长足球——那又怎样? Its state system of athletic training has perfected a foolproof method for producing top gymnasts, ping pong champs, badminton aces and diving divas.中国针对运动员训练的国家体制已经十分完善,涌现出众多顶尖的运动员,包括体操、乒乓球、羽毛球和跳水等多个项目。 Since it first participated in the modern Olympics in 1984, it's steadily risen toward the top of the medals table.自从1984年第一次参加现代奥运会后,中国就以奖牌榜榜首为目标而不断努力。 Chinese-style athleticism reached a climax at the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing when the country garnered 51 gold medals and ranked number one overall.在2008年北京奥运会上,中国式体育运动到达顶峰:中国代表团摘得51枚金牌,在奖牌榜上登顶。 Although a top contender in diving and gymnastics, Chinese competitors are practically unbeatable at badminton and table tennis, winning more gold medals in these events than any other country at the Olympics.跳水和体操项目是中国队的优势项目。不过,中国在羽毛球和乒乓球上的表现则更为亮眼,获得的金牌也超过其他任何国家。In comparison, the United States is undeniably the long-standing king of the Olympics, but it's had an 18-Olympic head start on China.尽管相比之下,美国无疑才是屹立不倒的奥运会之王,但是美国的奥运会历史比中国早18年,自然有先到优势。Review: Key vocabs & Expressions1. top gymnasts2. ping pong champs3. badminton aces4. diving divas5. steadily rise toward the top of the medals table6. reached a climax7. garnered 51 gold medals8. top contender9. practically unbeatable10. undeniably the long-standing king of the Olympics
1/30/20154 minutes, 47 seconds
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集思晨读 Day 54 英语点津 盘点:中国十大突出壮举 No.1 猪肉

【集思晨读.Lewis Day 54 英语点津 盘点:中国十大突出壮举 No.1 猪肉】 Good morning,everyone! It&`&s Thurs. 29 Jan. I am Lewis saying hello to you all from Yang Zhou! 大家周四早上好,今天是一月二十九号,我是Lewis,在扬州给大家晨读。中国的足球,尤其是男足啦,不太好! 但是中国在体操、乒乓球、跳水等室内运动方面一直处于领先水平。中国的茶文化和书法也是历史悠久的资产。从今天起我在晨读里给大家依次分享咱中国人表现突出的十个领域。No.1 Pork 猪肉作为最早出现家猪驯养的国家,我们可以肯定中国对于烹调猪肉的方法略知一二。As the first place to domesticate pigs, we can be sure China knows a thing or two about making pork delicious.据美国国家猪肉局介绍,野猪驯化的证据最早可以追溯到公元前4900年的中国。According to the U.S. National Pork Board, the earliest evidence of domestication of the wild boar can be dated to 4900 BC in China.长久以来,猪这种动物已经成为中国社会不可或缺的一部分。汉字“家”就是一个很好的证明,它由一个头上有屋顶的猪 象形而成。Historically, the animal has been so integral to Chinese society that the Chinese character for "home" is a pictogram of a pig with a roof over its head.如今,中国是世界上最大的猪肉生产国和消费国——那么这些猪肉都是如何被消费的呢? Today, China is the world&`&s top producer and consumer of hogs -- and, wow, how it&`&s consumed?There are arguably two pinnacles of pork cooking in China: dongbo rou, a glistening block of braised pork belly prized for the melt-in-mouth fat and char siu, a sweet-salty cut of meat barbecued til tender and smoky.在中国,东坡肉和叉烧肉可以说是猪肉料理的两座高峰:东坡肉即为一块块晶莹剔透的扣肉,食之有味,入口即化;叉烧肉,甜咸参半,烧烤至柔软且具有烟熏味时即可食用。Both dishes are tricky and time-consuming to create, but so worth it.虽然这两道菜的工序复杂,制作耗时,但很值得。We love and respect the traditions of the entire world of barbecue out there, but China&`&s unparalleled experience and variety of dishes places it atop the pork pile.我们热爱和尊重整个世界的烧烤传统,而中国有着无与伦比的经验以及花样繁多的美味,位居猪肉烹调之巅。That&`&s all about the pork story, now let&`&s have a review of today&`&s key vocabs and expressions.Review --Key Vocabs& Expressions: 1. domesticate pigs 2. know a thing or two about 3. Be integral to Chinese society 4. a pictogram of a pig 5. top producer and consumer of hogs 6. two pinnacles of pork cooking 7. A glistening block of braised pork belly 8. Be prized for 9. melt-in-mouth 10. sweet-salty 11. barbecued til tender and smoky 12. Be tricky and time-consuming to create 13. unparalleled experience
1/29/20157 minutes, 31 seconds
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集思晨读 Day 53 英语点津 姚贝娜离世 预防“乳腺癌”成焦点

【集思晨读.Lewis Day 53 英语点津 歌手姚贝娜离世 预防“乳腺癌”成焦点】 Good morning,everyone! It&`&s Wed. 28 Jan. I am Lewis saying hello to you all from Yang Zhou! 大家周三早上好,今天是一月二十八号,我是Lewis,在扬州给大家晨读。2015年1月16日,歌手姚贝娜因乳腺癌复发去世,年仅33岁。继我们所熟知的“林妹妹”陈晓旭之后,又一个明星被乳腺癌夺去了生命。加上2013年著名好莱坞影星安吉丽娜•朱莉接受预防切除术等事,人们在对姚贝娜惋惜不已的同时,更是增强了预防乳腺癌的意识 请看相关报道:The death of 33-year-old pop singer/ Yao Beina has brought breast cancer to the fore again/ in China and raises breast cancer awareness of the public, following American actress Angelina Jolie&`&s decision to undergo a mastectomy. 继美国女演员安吉丽娜•朱莉接受乳房切除术后,年仅33岁的歌手姚贝娜的离世又一次让中国公众直面乳腺癌,增强了公众对乳腺癌的认识。 “乳腺癌”即breast cancer,乳腺癌已成为中国女性最致命的疾病(the most lethal disease)。在中国,虽然乳癌平均发病年龄(the average age of onset)是45岁,但在年轻女性中的发病率也在增加。医生建议,女性,特别是35岁以上的,每月应进行一次乳房自查(perform a breast self-exam),若发现一处或多处肿块(lump)应立即就医检查,早期乳腺癌(early-stage breast cancer)治愈率较高。有家族病史的更因提高警惕。晚育(late childbearing),睡眠不足(sleep deprivation),未定期检查(irregular medical checks)等是乳腺癌形成的几大诱因。 同时,医生指出男性也有可能患乳癌,饮酒是主要原因。长期饮酒(long-term alcohol consumption)会导致酒精肝(alcohol liver)及肝硬化(liver cirrhosis),肝功能损害(liver function damages)会造成分泌过量雌性激素(excess estrogen),引起乳腺癌。目前,每100位乳癌患者中就有1名是男性。Review: 1. to the fore: be/become prominent or important 作为[成为]突出的或重要的 2. undergo a mastectomy 进行乳房切除术 3. the most lethal disease 最致命的疾病 4. the average age of onset 平均发病年龄 5. perform a breast self-exam 进行一次乳房自查 6. 肿块(lump) 7. 早期乳腺癌(early-stage breast cancer) 8. 晚育(late childbearing) 9. 睡眠不足(sleep deprivation) 10. 未定期检查(irregular medical checks) 11. 长期饮酒(long-term alcohol consumption) 12. 肝功能损害(liver function damages) 13. 酒精肝(alcohol liver) 14. 过量雌性激素(excess estrogen)
1/28/20155 minutes, 10 seconds
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集思晨读 Day 51 英语点津 伊丽莎白女王成为在世最长寿的君主

【集思晨读.Lewis Day 51 英语点津 伊丽莎白女王成为在世最长寿的君主】 Good morning,everyone! It's Mon. 26 Jan. I am Lewis saying hello to you all from Yang Zhou! 大家周一早上好,今天是一月二十六号,我Lewis, 在扬州给大家晨读。上周四,沙特阿拉伯国王阿卜杜拉(King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia)去世,享年90岁。英国女王伊丽莎白二世成为世界上仍然在世的年龄最大的统治君主。The death of King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia on last Thursday, at about age 90, leaves British Queen Elizabeth II as the oldest living reigning monarch in the world.  The queen is 88, and will turn 89 on April 21, although her birthday is typically celebrated in June when the weather is better. 女王现年88岁,过了4月21日的生日就89岁了,不过她的生日庆祝活动通常是在天气比较好的6月举行。  The queen and her husband, Prince Philip, who is 93, have cut back on their long-range overseas travels in recent years, leaving it to their children and grandchildren. But not entirely. 最近几年,女王和她的丈夫——现年93岁的菲利普亲王(Prince Philip)已经减少了远途的海外活动,将其交由子女或者孙辈来完成。但女王并没把所有活动都委派给年轻的皇室成员。 She has several engagements in the U.K. in her diary for this week, and will pay a state visit to Germany in June, according to Buckingham Palace. 据白金汉宫透露,按照日程安排,女王本周会在英国国内出席几场活动,她还将在6月份对德国进行国事访问。Meanwhile, she's due to set other records this year: Next month will mark her 63rd year on the throne, having acceded when her father, King George VI, died in February 1952. 今年女王还将创造一些其他的记录:下个月将迎来女王统治的63周年。1952年2月,女王在其父亲乔治六世国王(King George VI)去世后即位。And on Sept. 10, she will pass her great-great grandmother, Queen Victoria, as the longest reigning British monarch ever. 而到9月10日,女王的统治时长将超过其曾曾祖母维多利亚女王(Queen Victoria),成为史上在位时间最长的英国君主。  Vocabularyreign: 统治monarch: 君主the oldest living reigning monarch:在世的年龄最大的统治君主cut back: 削减long-range overseas travels:远途的海外活动engagement: (日程)约定pay a state visit to:对…进行国事访问accede to the throne: 继承王位
1/26/20154 minutes, 6 seconds
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集思晨读 Day 50 英语点津 中国将开展“旅游厕所革命”

【集思晨读.Lewis Day 50 英语点津 中国将开展“旅游厕所革命”】 Good morning,everyone! It's Sun. 25 Jan. I am Lewis saying hello to you all from Nan Jing! 大家周日早上好,今天是一月二十五号,我在南京给大家晨读。经过多年建设,中国旅游公共服务设施有很大改观,但与游客要求和国际旅游标准还有很大差距。数量过少、质量低劣、分布不均、管理缺位等旅游厕所问题尤为突出。中国今年将在全国范围内发动一场旅游厕所革命。请看新华社的报道:China will launch a "toilet revolution" at tourist sites across the country this year to make the notorious facilities cleaner and more regulated, tourism authorities said on Thursday.国家旅游局负责人15日表示,中国今年将在全国范围内的旅游景区发动一场“厕所革命”,让旅游厕所这一“老大难”更加整洁、更有规范。 据悉,我国将用三年时间解决旅游厕所的数量过少(insufficient numbers)、卫生质量低劣(unhygienic conditions)、以及管理缺位(lack of management)问题,到2017年最终实现旅游景区、旅游线路沿线、交通集散点、旅游餐馆、旅游娱乐场所、休闲步行区等的厕所全部达到三星级标准(reach three-star standards)。 此前,针对游客的一些不文明行为(uncivilized behavior),国家旅游局称拟将其纳入个人信用不良记录(bad records),个人信用记录即personal credit records。最后给大家讲一个笑话,说一位导游英文不过关。一次,一个外国旅行团造访中国,其中一位游客找到导游,说“Hi, where can I rest myself?” 导游随口回答,“You can rest everywhere!” 嗯,想必大家知道这其中的笑点。 解释下,这里游客用“rest”意指方便,上厕所。而导游理解成了“休息”。所以当导游说“everywhere”的时候,可想而知那位游客当时的表情。 最后复习一下,旅游厕所英文 “tourist restrooms”。
1/24/20153 minutes
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集思晨读 Day 49 英语点津 北京首个“地铁图书馆”开馆

【集思晨读.Lewis Day 49 英语点津 北京首个“地铁图书馆”开馆 】 Good morning,everyone! It's Sat. 24 Jan. I am Lewis saying hello to you all from Yang Zhou! 大家周六早上好,今天是一月二十四号,我在扬州给大家晨读。京城首个地铁图书馆日前正式开馆。乘客只要在4号线车站站台或部分列车上扫描相应的二维码,就能免费在线阅读由国家图书馆提供的精品图书。请看中国日报网的报道:China's capital city launched its first underground library, "M Subway·Library" on Jan 12. The theme of its first activity is "Our Characters".首都京城1月12日推出了首个地铁图书馆——“M地铁·图书馆”,并开启首期主题活动——“我们的文字”。 文中的underground library即“地铁图书馆”。Underground作形容词意为“地下的”,但作名词可以指地铁。地铁的说法各地有别,如伦敦称London Underground,俗称the Tube;巴黎地铁称Metro,是metropolitan railway的省略表达,欧洲大陆的城轨系统一般也都称Metro;纽约地铁称New York City Subway;华盛顿特区地铁称Washington Metro等。 地铁图书馆是北京京港地铁公司和国家图书馆合作推出的大型公益项目(public welfare program),旨在依托地铁这一公众交通出行平台(the platform of public transportation),开放部分国家图书馆的优质图书资源,让乘客在日常出行中多一个阅读的平台和场所。乘客扫描车厢内的二维码(scan the QR code),可免费在线阅读图书。
1/23/20152 minutes, 31 seconds
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NE0-010 元旦特别节目之2014年世界和谷哥聊了什么

(CNN) -- In 2013, people just wanted to know how to twerk. It was a more innocent time. This year, people wanted to know if they had Ebola.Google has released its annual round-up of the year's top global searches. Apple, Facebook and other companies also do these recaps, but those only show what we bought or posted publicly on social media. Our search history is a more honest, sometimes embarrassing, peek into what we really care about. In 2014, the entire world was sad about the passing of Robin Williams, excited to watch the World Cup and worried about Ebola. Those three topics top the list of global trending searches, which also includes missing Malaysian Airlines Flight 370, the viral phenomenon Ice Bucket Challenge, addictive smartphone game Flappy Bird and Eurovision winner and drag queen Conchita Wurst. Celebrity deaths tend to dominate Google's year-end lists. Last year Paul Walker was the top trending topic after dying in a car accident, and Nelson Mandela and "Glee" actor Cory Monteith were in the top five. Google breaks out a special, sad category of "trending celebrity losses" to show the deceased celebrities we searched for most. Following Williams on this year's list were Joan Rivers, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Maya Angelou and Jan Hooks. Most popular global searches for living people were Jennifer Lawrence and Kim Kardashian. French actress Julie Gayet was third on the list, likely because of allegations that she had an affair with French President Francois Hollande. Tracy Morgan's tragic car accident and Renee Zellweger's new look also stoked our curiosity. In the United States, domestic abuse made NFL's Ray Rice a top searched for person, and NASCAR driver Tony Stewart was a top topic after he struck and killed fellow driver Kevin Ward Jr. during a race. Google is a first stop for questions people may be too embarrassed to ask their friends. This year's top "What is..." queries included Ebola, ALS, ISIS, Bitcoin and asphyxia. Apple's Airdrop feature, which lets you share files between Apple devices, was either very popular or very confusing. It made the list of top "What is..." searches and was the top trending "How to..." search for the year. After sharing files, we just wanted to know how to contour with makeup, vote, kiss and craft. Google is a popular first stop for looking up various health symptoms. Ebola was the top term here too, but it wasn't the only ailment we thought we might have in 2014. The top searches for symptoms also included the flu, pregnancy, Aspergers, and spurred on by the Ice Bucket Challenge, ALS.
1/1/20154 minutes, 34 seconds
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NEO-Vol 009 黑客 黑客 Hacker Hacker

Good Wednesday Evening! This is NEO, the 9th episode brought to you by Lewis from Yangzhou. 大家周三晚上好,我是靖磊,在扬州给大家带来第九期新闻英语在线节目。For this edition, you shall hear a general description about the hacker event that recently brought SONY Pictures into limelight and garnered worldwide attention for the reason of the release of a film titled "The Interview".本期节目,大家将了解到最近发生的一件黑客入侵索尼影视娱乐网站的新闻概述。 据称,黑客的入侵行为和索尼影业制作并发行的电影《访问》有关。Let's hear the story.Tensions between the USA and North Korea are rising following the cyber-attack on the film company Sony Pictures, and the subsequent decision by Sony to cancel all screenings of its movie 'The Interview'. The cancelled film is a political action comedy about two US journalists who arrange an interview with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un with the intention of assassinating him. A group calling itself The Guardians of Peace has claimed responsibility for the attack. It warned that it would attack 9/11 style any cinema that showed the movie. It also threatened Sony that it would put online more confidential data that could damage the company if it did not pull the movie.Sony canceled the release of its movie "in the interests of public safety" after several US cinema chains refused to screen it. This has caused a storm of protest in America. President Obama said: "We cannot have a society in which some dictators some place can start imposing censorship here." He added: "Imagine what they start doing once they see a documentary that they don't like or news reports that they don't like." Senator John McCain called the cyber-attack "an act of war" and "the greatest blow to free speech" he had seen in his lifetime. Another politician said: "America has lost its first cyber-war." Actor Rob Lowe tweeted: "Everyone caved [in]. The hackers won. An utter and complete victory for them."Now time for the News Review-- Language Points 语言点You shall hear a list of useful phrases and expressions selected from the article. 本部分是从新闻中挑出来的实用短语和表达,供参考学习。 1. The rising tensions between the USA and North Korea 不断紧张升级的美朝关系 2. The Cyber-attack on the film company 针对电影公司的网络黑客攻击 3. The Subsequent decision by Sony 索尼随后做出的决定 4. A political action comedy 一个带有政治色彩的动作喜剧片 5. To arrange an interview with sb. with the intention of assassinating him 安排一个意在谋杀他的访问 6. To claim responsibility for the attack 为袭击负责 7. To put online more confidential data 公布更多机密数据到网上 8. In the interests of public safety 出于对大众安全的考虑 9. To cause a storm of protest 引发大规模抗议 10. To start imposing censorship 开始强制执行审查制度 11. The greatest blow to free speech 对言论自由的重创 12. An utter and complete victory 彻彻底底的胜利,完胜Well, that's all for this edition of NEO and I decide not to include the "News Angle" section this time. I'm gonna view the film first and see how bad it is 'cause I have already seen quite negative critiques posted on various websites. I may share with you listeners this coming Friday. Bye. 本期节目不包括新闻视角环节,我准备观看下这部电影,主播已经留意到看过这部电影的网民在网上声讨这部影片,看来是个烂片。不管怎样,本周五和大家分享下观影体会。
12/31/20146 minutes, 3 seconds
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007 The Orchid Pavilion 兰亭集序

This is the ninth year of Yungho (AD353) Kueichou in cycle. We met in late spring at the Orchid Pavilion in Shanyin to celebrate the Water Festival. All the scholar friends are gathered, and there is a goodly mixture of old and young. In the background lie high peaks and deep forests, while a clear, gurgling brook catches the light to the right and to the left. We then arrange ourselves, sitting on its bank, drinking in succession form the goblet as it floats down the stream .No music is provided, but with drinking and with song, our hearts are gay and at ease. It is a clear spring day with a mild, caressing breeze, the vast universe, throbbing with life, lies spread before us, entertaining the eye and pleasing the spirit and all the senses. It is perfect. Now when men come together, they let their thoughts travel to the present. Some enjoy a quiet conversation indoors and others play about outdoors, occupied with what they love. The forms of amusement differ according to temperaments, but when each has found what he wants, he is happy and never feels old, then as time passes on and one is tired of his pursuits, it seems that what fascinated him not so long ago has become a mere memory. What a thought! Besides, whether individually we live a long life or not, we all return to nothingness. The ancient regarded death as the great question. Is it not sad to think of it? I often thought that the people of the past lived and felt exactly as we of today. Whenever I read their writing, I felt this way and was seized with its pathos. It is cool comfort to say that life and death are different phases of the same thing and that a long span of life or a short one does not matter. Alas! The people of the future will look upon us as we look upon those who have gone before us. Hence I have recorded here those present and what they said. Ages may pass and times may change, but the human sentiments will be the same; I know that future readers who set their eyes upon these words will be affected in the same way.
12/27/20147 minutes, 6 seconds
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NEO-Vol 008 学习语言延缓痴呆Be Bilingual to delay dementia

Good Thursday Evening, this is NEO, the eighth episode brought to you by Lewis, from Yangzhou. 大家周四晚上好,我是靖磊,在扬州给大家带来第八期新闻英语在线节目。For today's program, I shall bring you language learners an exciting news 'cause you may find the correlation between language learning and our physical health from the program today. 在今天的节目中,我将给大家分享一则令人兴奋的内容,尤其针对语言学习爱好者,接下来你会了解到语言学习和我们身体健康之间存在的关系。A new study shows that being bilingual may delay dementia by five or more years. Researchers from the University of Edinburgh in Scotland discovered that people who spoke two languages did not show any signs of three types of dementia for more than four years longer than those who were monolingual. A co-author of the report, Dr. Thomas Bak, said: "Bilingualism can be seen as a successful brain training, contributing to cognitive reserve, which can help delay dementia." This means that speaking two languages keeps the brain in better health and helps to keep diseases like Alzheimer's at bay for longer than if someone spoke just one language. Dr Bak's research found that bilingualism and the delaying of dementia had little to do with social status, gender, occupation or educational background. Bak's team evaluated the medical records of 648 people from India who had been diagnosed with dementia. Of these patients, 391 were bilingual or trilingual and many were illiterate. Dr Bak wrote: "The fact that bilingual advantage is not caused by any differences in education is confirmed by the fact that it was also found in illiterates, who have never attended any school." He suggested that learning a language later in life could keep the brain healthier. He said language learning was "socially more enjoyable, and it forces your brain to train permanently". News Review:Language Points: In this part you shall hear a list of useful phrases and expressions selected from the article. 本部分是从新闻中挑出来的实用短语和表达,供大家参考学习. 1. Delay dementia 延缓痴呆 2. Co-author of the report 报告的联合作者 3. Contribute to cognitive reserve 有助于认知储备 4. Keep diseases at bay 避免疾病 5. Gender, occupation background 性别 职业背景 6. Evaluate the medical records 评估医疗记录 7. Be diagnosed with dementia 被确诊为痴呆 8. Socially more enjoyable 普遍地更愉悦化 9. Force your brain to train permanently 迫使大脑一直接受训练
12/25/20148 minutes, 56 seconds
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NEO-Vol 007 穿衣 任性 Dress to be respected

Good Monday Evening, this is NEO, the seventh episode brought to you by Lewis, from Yangzhou. 大家周一晚上好,我是靖磊,在扬州给大家带来第七期新闻英语在线节目。 Wanna get more respect from others? Maybe you could start from dressing in a, sort of, "abnormal" way. Frankly speaking, when I read the news below, I was totally not expecting this idea. Yet, to give it a second thought, it does have a point. 亲们,想要获得他人更多的尊敬么?或许可以"尝试"从衣着打扮上下下功夫哦,“来个与众不同的”! 坦白讲,初读下面这条新闻的时候,我确实没这么想过! 可是,细细这么一啄磨,确实有点道理! So to be or not to be, let&`&s hear the story! Researchers at the Harvard Business School claim that people who do not follow "normal fashion" get more respect from others. Doctoral student Silvia Bellezza and two of her colleagues examined how we view the social status and competence of people who do not conform to "normal" ways of dressing. They discovered that the more outlandishly people dress, the more respect they get. Participants in the research considered others who had a "weirder" fashion to be more unique. Researchers said that rather than think badly of someone scruffily dressed, many people believe that dressing down is a sign of confidence. Ms Bellezza said: "If you&`&re willing to deviate, there are upsides." Bellezza conducted a number of experiments to test how people reacted to non-conformity. In one, people in different types of clothes shopped at expensive boutiques in Milan. One group wore casual sports clothes, while the other donned expensive-looking outfits. The sales assistants assumed the ones in the sports gear were the bigger spenders. In another test, students rated an unshaven, T-shirt-clad professor above an academic wearing a suit and tie. Bellezza says high-profile entrepreneurs who dress down may be responsible for changing our perceptions. In particular, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg&`&s wearing of hoodies and the late Steve Jobs&`& trademark jeans, sneakers and polo neck tops. News Review: Language Points: In this part you shall hear a list of useful phrases and expressions selected from the article. 本部分是从新闻中挑出来的实用短语和表达,供大家参考学习. 1. Social status and competence 社会地位和能力 2. Conform to "normal" ways of dressing 走群众衣着路线 3. Dress outlandishly 衣着怪异,打扮犀利 4. Dress scruffily 衣着邋遢 5. Be willing to deviate 愿意走不同路线 6. Expensive boutiques 高级精品店 7. Don expensive-looking outfits 衣着光鲜 8. Rate a. above b.扬A抑B 9. High-profile entrepreneurs 知名度高的企业家 10. Trademark jeans, sneakers and polo neck tops 标志性的牛仔裤,运动鞋和高领衫 News Angle: 新闻视角 For today&`&s News Angle, let&`&s continue with the discussion regarding the question I throw to you guys in the beginning of our program today. Below are some more detailed and sensible explanations. 今天的新闻视角环节,咱继续说说在节目刚开始给大家抛出的那个问题!“穿衣打扮上和别人不同是否真的就会让别人更加尊重你?”下面给大家分享的是更加详细具体的解释。 The late Apple co-founder was best known for his visionary leadership and innovation—but he was also known for his unvarying signature look. Unlike most corporate executives, who wear suits and ties, Jobs was committed to his chosen uniform of a black mock turtleneck, blue jeans and New Balance sneakers. 已故苹果联合创始人乔布斯是一个有着远见卓识且勇于创新的领导者,但同时他也因其一成不变的标志性着装而被大家所熟知。作为CEO,他不像其他大多数管理者那样穿西服打领带而是始终如一坚持如下着装:上身黑色圆翻领衫,下身蓝色牛仔裤,脚上纽百伦运动鞋。 William Arruda, a personal branding guru and author of "Ditch. Dare. Do!", says this practice can be part of personal branding. “They wear what they wear because that’s what they feel comfortable wearing,” he says. “When you wear something that just feels right, you are confident. And it is also great to have a trademark look. It makes you memorable and distinctive.” 一位在个人品牌营销领域的专家这么点评老乔的着装-“他们按照自己的感觉,怎么舒服怎么穿。衣服合身,穿衣服的人也显着自信。而且,大家可以通过行头认出你,记住了你,这该有多棒啊!” “It’s who they are, how they want to represent themselves and make a statement. It’s not about what you wear, but what you accomplish. [Mark] Zuckerberg wears casual clothing because he represents the entire generation of young people who don’t want to wear suits to work.”It says this is who I am and this is what I enjoy. I think it’s a rather positive thing that helps people identify with them and allows them to just be themselves.” Others do it to be more efficient.Take Albert Einstein. It has been reported that the famous physicist bought several versions of the same grey suit because he didn’t want to waste brainpower on choosing an outfit each morning. Now—decades later—President Obama does the same. All right, that&`&s all about today&`&s news angle. I have made my decision of changing and elevating myself and I think I&`&ve figured a way out-starting from my wardrobe. How about you guys? That&`&s all about this edition of NEO, meet you this Thursday!
12/22/20149 minutes, 59 seconds
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NEO-Vol 006 考拉 考拉 The Real Koalas

Good Thursday Evening, this is NEO, the sixth episode brought to you by Lewis, from Yangzhou. 大家周四晚上好,我是靖磊,在扬州给大家带来第六期新闻英语在线节目。 Well, while most of us here in China are experiencing the mind-numbing cold, especially those who live in areas where the city central heating is not available, there are, however, places on earth that are experiencing quite the opposite-the scorching hot ! Do you know which place that I am talking about? 现在已经是阳历十二月过半,北半球的朋友们正在经历严冬的考验,尤其在没有城市集中供暖的地方,这天气,尤其对于要出门在外办事的朋友,那真叫个冷啊! 可与此同时呢,在地球的另一端的人们却也在经历着酷暑! 想必大家已经知道了那个地方! All right, I am talking about Australia. But our topic today is not Australia, it&`&s the cute lovely animal that comes from Australia. And we shall learn a fascinating fact about it today! Wanna know what is it and what exactly the fact is? Stay tune. 好了,不要再猜了,我说的是澳大利亚。 但是我们今天的主题不是澳大利亚,而是来自澳大利亚的一个十分可爱的动物。在今天的节目中,大家将了解到关于这个动物的一个趣闻。想知道这个动物和那个趣闻么?请接着往下听。 Scientists have unlocked one of the secrets as to how koalas stay cool and avoid dehydration in the intense heat of Australian summers. They hug trees. For decades people thought the cuddly marsupials clung to trees simply because they were tired and wanted somewhere to nap. Researchers from Melbourne University have now cast new light on the tree-hugging habits of the koala. Lead researcher Natalie Briscoe said there is a five-degree difference in temperature between a tree trunk and the air. Koalas utilize the cooler surface by spreading themselves out on large branches or by hugging the trunk. Ms Briscoe said: "Access to these trees can save about half the water a koala would need to keep cool on a hot day." Briscoe studied the behaviour of 37 koalas on an island off the Melbourne coast. She is part of a team trying to identify how koalas might survive higher temperatures brought by global warming. Her observations and conclusions regarding the cooling effects of the trees came as a surprise to her. She noted that the koalas sat upright in cooler weather, hugged branches when it became warmer, and then wrapped themselves around the tree trunk when it got hot. The animals even moved to different trees that had cooler trunks. She said the trees are probably cooler because of the water they suck up from the ground. The koala&`&s cooling technique could be one way for humans to survive increasingly hot summers. News Review: Language Points: In this part you shall hear a list of useful phrases and expressions selected from the article. 本部分是从新闻中挑出来的实用短语和表达,供大家参考学习. 1. Unlock the secrets 揭开谜团 2. Stay cool and avoid dehydration 保持凉爽,避免脱水 3. The intense heat of Australian summers 澳大利亚酷热的夏天 4. Cast new light on 对…有新的解释 5. Tree-hugging habits 抱树的习性 6. Utilize the cooler surface 利用更加凉爽的表面 7. Identify how koalas might do 验证考拉如何做到某事 8. survive higher temperatures brought by global warming 抗住因全球变暖而不断攀升的气温 9. Sit upright 端正坐着 10. Suck up water from the ground News Angle: For today&`&s news angle, let&`&s take a look at how animals worldwide survive the sweltering summer temperature. 今天的新闻视角环节,我带大家了解下世界各地的动物如何在酷暑天儿防暑降温。 Yet I&`&m gonna pick just one animal and I would leave the rest to your discovery. Don&`&t worry, you could access the bilingual transcript directly if you are listening now with the Lizhi FM APP from your smartphones. 今天在节目中,我只给大家分享一个动物的避暑抗高温知识,另外的九个请大家参考节目的双语文稿,自行阅读探索。 No.1 Giraffe 长颈鹿 Those beautiful patterns on a giraffe aren’t just for show. In addition to providing camouflage, those patches are surrounded by a heavy concentration of blood vessels, the Giraffe Conservation Foundation says. When a giraffe is hot, those vessels flood the center of the patch with warmed blood. That heat then escapes through a “thermal heat window” in the patch. 哇哦,原来长颈鹿身上的花纹斑点暗藏玄机! 它们不仅是长颈鹿在户外伪装自己的衣服,更是性感高挑的长颈鹿避暑降温的关键部位所在。 那些块状纹理周围集聚的血管会在气温高升的时候充盈热血,并流向块状花纹中心,随后呢,热气儿通过这些个“块状散热片”释放出去,从而达到降温效果。 All right, that&`&s all about today&`&s program. See you next week. 好的,这就是本期节目的全部内容,下周见。 (突然发现今天的后续文稿超出了字数限制,需要的朋友可以微信给我 187-566-1568 我贴给你们哈)
12/18/20148 minutes, 6 seconds
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NEO-Vol 005 来顶个拳头 Fist Bump

Good Tuesday Evening, this is NEO, the fifth episode brought to you by Lewis, from Yangzhou. 大家周二晚上好,我是靖磊,在扬州给大家带来第五期新闻英语在线节目。 Have you heard of fist bumping? Have you ever fist bumped before? Do you think that fist bumping is more hygienic than handshaking? 本次节目开始之前先给大家抛出这三个问题? 问题的关键是围绕“顶拳”展开的,不知道大家有没有听清楚,“Fist bump” ,拳头-fist 顶,撞,bump。 Well,if you need answers for all these questions, just follow the program.好的,咱们来看一下新闻报道。 A new(ish) and alternative form of greeting and showing respect has been found to be more hygienic than shaking hands. We have all seen it on TV. Basketball and baseball players do it after a teammate scores. Rock stars and actors do it onstage at awards ceremonies. Even U.S. President Barack Obama does it. What is it? Well, it&`&s fist bumping. It&`&s kind of like a high five, except the hand is clenched into a ball and the other person&`&s fist is given a gentle nudge, knuckles to knuckles. Researchers at the University of Aberystwyth in Wales have discovered that this twenty-first-century greeting spreads one-twentieth of the germs than a traditional handshake does and around one-tenth of the germs in a high five. An article on Wikipedia explains that the fist bump originated with American motorcycle gangs in the 1940s. It was easier and safer to fist bump another rider than to shake hands when two bikes were side by side at traffic lights. It achieved global exposure 70 years later when in 2008, President Obama and his wife Michelle fist bumped during a televised presidential campaign speech. There is less skin-to-skin contact during a fist bump so the chance of spreading germs is lower. A researcher said: "People rarely think about the health implications of shaking hands, but if the general public could be encouraged to fist bump, there is a genuine potential to reduce the spread of infectious diseases. News Review: Language Points: In this part you shall hear a list of useful phrases and expressions. 本部分是从新闻中挑出来的实用短语和表达,供大家参考学习 1. Alternative form of greeting 另一种问候方式 2. Be more hygienic than 相比之下较之更卫生 3. Award ceremonies 颁奖仪式 4. Clench into a ball 握成拳头 5. Achieve global exposure 备受瞩目 6. Televised presidential campaign speech 电视转播总统竞选演说 7. Skin-to-skin contact 皮肤直接接触 8. Health implications 健康问题 9. Genuine potential to do 确实有可能去做某事 10. Reduce the spread of infectious diseases 减少传染病的扩散 News Angle: What are the media&`&s reactions towards the study? 新闻视角这个环节我们来关注下,各大媒体对这一研究的报道。 But we shall just take a look at the news headlines.不过我们只从新闻标题上来关注,学习下。 1. LA Times "Handshakes are germ bombs - embrace the fist bump!" 大家来顶拳吧,握手简直就是细菌炸弹袭击; 2. The Atlantic "The Fist Bump Manifesto" 顶拳宣言; 3. MedCity News "Want to spread fewer germs in hospitals? Ditch the handshake, go for a fist bump" 在医院,自从顶拳之后,再也不怕因为握手而传播细菌了; 4. CBC News "Doctors encourage &`&fist bump&`& over handshake to prevent illness" 医生大力支持顶拳; 5. National Geographic "Why Germs Prefer Handshakes to Fist Bumps" 为什么细菌钟爱握手而非顶拳; Well, dear listeners, what do you think of the topic for today&`&s program? 听众朋友们,你们对这期节目主题作何看法? For me, I agree with the following statement.我同意下方的观点。 "This is just one of many examples of the media sensationalizing the findings of a paper far beyond what it is due. The idea is interesting and might be worth studying further with a few more subjects and then trying to prove that more infections were actually transmitted by the handshake than the fist. " 大家注意“sensationalizing”用在这里表明说话人对媒体的报道行为持批判态度。 说话人觉着媒体在耸人听闻,小题大做。同时指出,到底握手相较于碰拳哪个更卫生,最好再有针对性地再多来几个实验。 All right, that&`&s all for today&`&s program. See you on Thursday. 这就是本期节目的全部内容,大家周四见。
12/16/20147 minutes, 54 seconds
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NEO-Vol 004 人工智能靠谱么 Artificial Intelligence

Good Friday Evening, This is NEO, the fourth episode brought to you by Lewis, from Yangzhou. 大家周五晚上好, 我是靖磊,在扬州给大家带来第四期新闻英语在线节目。 For today&`&s program, let&`&s hear what the superstar from the science world has to say about the A.I.(artificial intelligence)recently. And the superstar is Stephen Hawking. 在今天的节目中我们将了解到来自科学界的巨匠 史蒂芬.霍金最近就人工智能的未来所持的看法。 Is he positive or negative about the future of A.I.? You shall find out later! Professor Stephen Hawking, one of the world&`&s most renowned scientists, has warned that robots and machines with artificial intelligence could one day mean the end of us all. Professor Hawking recently told the BBC in an interview that: "The development of full artificial intelligence (AI) could spell the end of the human race." The famous cosmologist made his warning in response to a question about an update to the app he uses to allow him to communicate. Hawking suffers from motor neuron disease (also known as ALS) and needs a special voice synthesizer to talk. The update will be able to predict words he might want to use based on his previous communication. Hawking said that AI has given many benefits to many people. He said it is still in its early stages of development, but when it becomes more sophisticated, it could prove a threat to our existence. He said: "It would take off on its own, and re-design itself at an ever increasing rate. Humans, who are limited by slow biological evolution, couldn&`&t compete, and would be superseded." This is not the first time he has issued such a warning. He gave a more chilling warning in April 2014, saying: "One can imagine such technology outsmarting financial markets, out-inventing human researchers, out-manipulating human leaders, and developing weapons we cannot even understand." News Review: Language Points 语言点 In this part you shall hear a list of useful phrases and expressions. 本部分是从新闻中挑出来的实用短语和表达,供大家参考学习 1. Most renowned scientist 最著名的科学家 2. Spell the end of the human race 招致人类的毁灭 3. A special voice synthesizer 一个特殊的语音合成器 4. Give many benefits to people 造福人类 5. Prove a threat to our existence 对我们的生存造成威胁 6. Be superseded 被取代 7. Issue a warning 发布警告 8. Outsmart/ out-invent/ out-manipulate 注意构词法,out放动此前表示A 在能力,速度,方法上超过,优于B 类似例子有 outnumber 比如大学里 男女比例。。 外语系 News Angle: Advantages and disadvantages of Artificial Intelligence Artificial Intelligence is computer programs that can engage in human-like reasoning. 人工智能简而言之,就是可以向人一样进行思考的计算机程序系统。 Advantages of Artificial Intelligence • Can take on stressful and complex work that humans may struggle/can not do. • Can complete task faster than a human can most likely • To discover unexplored things. i.e. outer space • Less errors and defects • Function is infinite 此处罗列的这些优点突出显示了人工智能在“做工”上的优势,它不会嫌工作单调无趣,不会嫌工作累且同时因为很少犯“错误”,所以做工效率高!而且,加上它的“智能”和“无限的功能拓展”,那对其而言,诸如“外太空探索”这样高逼格的活儿完全能胜任! Disadvantages of Artificial Intelligence • Lacks the "human touch" • Has the ability to replace human jobs • Can malfunction and do the opposite of what they are programmed to do • Can be misused leading to mass scale destruction • May corrupt younger generation 说完了优点,那咱们再来说说缺陷:首先它没有人情味!然后呢,脏活累活好活孬活它都能做,那人干嘛去啊!我在想,不久的将来,地球人会的技能,它都能取而代之!再次,机器总会有出故障的时候,万一来个正负颠倒,黑白混淆,后果可不堪设想啊。 最后一点,功课上的难题啊,生活上的锻炼啊,一切皆可指望人工智能,兴许,这会 会毁了生活在人工智能时代的年轻人! Finally, currently I am working on this program all by myself from the selection of news, the editing, the recording to the final sound synthesizing. So I am hoping to find a partner who I can cooperate with to make this program better and in a more steady way. If you&`&re interested in reading news and you have the time to spare, you are welcomed to join me! Wechat me first at 187-566-1568 and talk to you at length!
12/12/20148 minutes, 42 seconds
Episode Artwork

NEO-Vol 003 凯蒂猫身份大曝光 Hello Kitty

Good Wednesday Morning, This is NEO, the third episode brought to you by Lewis, from Yangzhou. 大家周三早上好,我是靖磊,在扬州给大家带来第三期新闻英语在线节目。 For today&`&s program, you are going to hear an interesting fact about the classic cartoon character -Hello Kitty. Yes, the Hello Kitty! 今天的节目中,大家将会了解到关于经典卡通形象“凯蒂猫”的一则趣闻! And let&`&s go! Vol.003 Hello Kitty is a girl, not a cat! The creators of one of the world&`&s most widely-recognised cartoon characters have set the record straight. Japanese toymaker Sanrio have declared that its iconic creation Hello Kitty is not a cat. The bombshell came to light following publicity for an upcoming exhibition on the character at the Japanese American National Museum. The curator of the exhibition, anthropologist Christine R Yano, said she received a mail from Sanrio correcting her script for the show. Ms Yano confirmed that: "Hello Kitty is not a cat. She is a little girl. She is a friend….She&`&s never depicted on all fours. She walks and sits like a two-legged creature." The Sanrio website states Kitty is "a bright little girl with a heart of gold." Hello Kitty has taken the world by storm since its introduction in 1974. It has become ubiquitous worldwide, adorning everything from chopsticks to airplanes. The Japanese carmaker Daihatsu even sold a specially branded Hello Kitty car. It had Kitty-emblazoned upholstery, a speedometer with the character&`&s face etched into the glass and a Kitty-shaped gear stick. The creators designed the character&`&s face to epitomise cuteness. Sanrio account for her lack of a mouth, saying she doesn&`&t have one because she speaks with her heart. Social media has been abuzz with the revelation that Kitty is a girl. Rapper Mike Shinoda tweeted: "This is worse than finding out Pluto is not a planet." News Review: Language Points 语言点 In this part you shall hear a list of useful phases and expressions. 本部分是从新闻中挑出来实用短语和表达,供大家参考学习 1. widely-recognized cartoon character 十分被大家所熟知卡通形象 2. Set the record straight (对事实﹑ 事件等)作正确的陈述, 纠正误解 3. Iconic creation 闻名于世的创作 4. The bombshell come to light 重磅消息被大家知晓 5. On all fours 四脚着地 6. Take the world by storm 风靡全球 7. Become ubiquitous worldwide 地球人都知道 8. Epitomise cuteness 象征/代表可爱的形象 9. Account for the lack of mouth 解释为什么没有嘴 10. Be abuzz with the revelation 就奇闻展开的热烈讨论 News Angle: Hello Kitty : Why The Obsession ?? 凯蒂猫风靡到底是为啥? ◊ Let&`&s hear an sensible explanation from one of our netizens! Maybe because... Hello Kitty has been marketed in the United States from the beginning and has held the position of U.S. children&`&s ambassador for UNICEF(United Nations International Children&`&s Fund) since 1983. 凯蒂猫很早就在美国进行市场宣传推广同时自1983年起就成为美国在联合国儿童基金会的儿童形象大使。 She really came to her own during the late 1990s when several celebrities such as Mariah Carey adopted her as a fashion statement. 上世纪九十年代,随着众多明星大咖诸如玛丽亚.凯瑞将凯蒂猫装饰成自己的一个时尚宣言,凯蒂猫人气飙涨。 Many American celebrities have contributed to the character&`&s popularity: Ricky Martin, Mariah Carey, Cameron Diaz, Heidi Klum, Steven Tyler, Christina Aguilera, Carmen Electra, Mandy Moore, Raven-Symoné, Varla Jean Merman, as well as Paris and Nicky Hilton have all been spotted with Hello Kitty goods. 众多美国名人都为凯蒂猫的成名做了些许贡献:这其中有 。。。哈哈,中文名就不为大家解释了。。但是这其中有我喜欢的 像 Ricky Martin Mariah Carey Heidi Klum and Christina Aguilera Singer Lisa Loeb, who is marketing the pink Hello Kitty guitar, has admitted to being a fan and has even dedicated a whole album in homage to Hello Kitty, called Hello Lisa. 歌手Lisa Loeb就粉色的凯蒂猫吉他进行市场推广,坦承自己是凯蒂猫的粉丝,并且为凯蒂猫专门创作了一张专辑。 With all these celebrities going googooo and gaaaagaaas over Hello Kitty, naturally their own fans would follow suit. 有着众多名人在各自的圈子里给凯蒂猫打广告,自然而然粉丝团效应在凯蒂猫的成名上就很凸显了。 Now products featuring the character can be found in virtually any American department store. 现在,几乎在美国的任何一家百货商店都可以找到以凯蒂猫为形象创作的产品。 ◊ ◊ ◊
12/10/20148 minutes
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006 A Ball to Roll Around 滚球

A Ball to Roll Around by Robert G Allman 罗伯特•G•奥尔曼 I lost my sight when I was four years old by falling off a box car in a freight yard in Atlantic City and landing on my head. Now I am thirty-two. I can vaguely remember the brightness of sunshine and what colour red is. It would be wonderful to see again, but a calamity can do strange things to people. 4岁那年在大西洋城,我从货场一辆火车上摔下来,头先着地,于是双目失明。现在我已经32岁了。我还模糊地记得阳光是多么灿烂,红色是多么鲜艳。能恢复视觉固然好,但灾难也能对人产生奇妙的作用。 It occurred to me the other day that I might not have come to love life as I do if I hadn't been blind. I believe in life now. I am not so sure that I would have believed in it so deeply, otherwise. I don’t mean that I would prefer to go without my eyes. I simply mean that the loss of them made me appreciate the more what I had left. 有一天我突然想到,倘若我不是盲人,我或许不会变得像现在这样热爱生活。现在我相信生活,但我不能肯定如果自己是明眼人,会不会像现在这样深深地相信生活。这并不意味着我宁愿成为盲人,而只是意味着失去视力使我更加珍惜自己其他的能力。 Life, I believe, asks a continuous series of adjustments to reality. The more readily a person is able to make these adjustments, the more meaningful his own private world becomes. The adjustment is never easy. I was bewildered and afraid. But I was lucky. My parents and my teachers saw something in me ——a potential to live, you might call it ——which I didn’t see, and they made me want to fight it out with blindness. 我认为,生活要求人不断地自我调整以适应现实。人愈能及时地进行调整,他的个人世界便愈有意义。调整决非易事。我曾感到茫然害怕,但我很幸运,父母和老师在我身上发现了某种东西——可以称之为活下去的潜力吧——而我自己却没有发现。他们激励我誓与失明拼搏到底。 The hardest lesson I had to learn was to believe in myself. That was basic. If I hadn't been able to do that, I would have collapsed and become a chair rocker on the front porch for the rest of my life. When I say belief in myself I am not talking about simply the kind of self-confidence that helps me down an unfamiliar staircase alone. That is part of it. But I mean something bigger than that: an assurance that I am, despite imperfections, a real, positive person that somewhere in the sweeping, intricate pattern of people there is a special place where I can make myself fit. 我必须学会的最艰难的一课就是相信自己,这是基本条件。如做不到这一点,我的精神就会崩溃,只能坐在前门廊的摇椅中度过余生。相信自己并不仅仅指支持我独自走下陌生的楼梯的那种自信,那是一部分。我指的是大事:是坚信自己虽然有缺陷,却是一个真正的有进取心的人;坚信在芸芸众生错综复杂的格局当中,自有我可以安身立命的一席之地。 It took me years to discover and strengthen this assurance. It had to start with the most elementary things. Once e a man gave me an indoor baseball. I thought he was mocking me and I was hurt. "I can’t use this," I said. "Take it with you," he urged me," and roll it around. "The words stuck in my head." Roll it around!" By rolling the ball I could hear where it went. This gave me an idea how to achieve a goal I had thought impossible: playing baseball. At Philadelphia’s Overbrook School for the Blind I invented a successful variation of baseball. We called it ground ball. 我花了很长时间才树立并不断加强这一信念。这要从最简单的事做起。有一次一个人给我一个室内玩的棒球,我以为他在嘲笑我,心里很难受。“我不能使这个。”我说。“你拿去,”他竭力劝我,“在地上滚。”他的话在我脑子里生了根。“在地上滚!” 滚球使我听见它朝哪儿滚动。我马上想到一个我曾认为不可能达到的目标:打棒球。在费城的奥弗布鲁克盲人学校,我发明了一种很受人欢迎的棒球游戏,我们称它为地面球。 All my life I have set ahead of me a series of goals and then tried to reach them, one at a time. I had to learn my limitations. It was no good to try for something I knew at the start was wildly out of reach because that only invited the bitterness of failure. I would fail sometimes anyway but on the average I made progress. 我这一辈子给自己树立了一系列目标,然后努力去达到,一次一个。我必须了解自己能力有限,若开始就知道某个目标根本达不到却硬要去实现,那不会有任何好处,因为那只会带来失败的苦果。我有时也失败过,但一般来说总有进步。
12/9/20144 minutes, 2 seconds
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NEO-Vol 002 日本经济堪忧 Japaniese Economy

Good Monday Morning, This is NEO, the second episode brought to you by Lewis, from Yangzhou. 大家周一早上好,我是靖磊, 在扬州给大家带来第二期新闻英语在线节目。 From this week on, I shall update the program three times a week! 从本周起,我将每周做三次节目分享。 And I shall make it more listener-friendly for those of you who are having problems understanding the news article. I decide to make it bilingual specifically in the news-review section to better your appreciation be it about the language points or the news angle. 我将针对有英文学习要求的听众,把节目做得更加易听。同时, 特别在节目结尾的新闻总结环节,我将做成双语形式,方便大家从英文知识点和新闻观点两个方面提高收听体验! One last thing, I do will keep on editing The Exercises Sheet for each news article and the way to access it is to wechat me your email address. 最后,我将继续编辑针对每一期节目的练习文稿,大家可以微信给我你的邮箱,乐意为你奉上! So, here we go. For today, we shall about the Japanese economy. Vol.002 Japan recession may hurt global economy Text Japan has slipped back into recession, leaving financial analysts to ponder over the implications for the global economy. Japan&`&s economy unexpectedly shrank for the second consecutive quarter. Two successive negative quarters officially puts a country in recession. The slide in the last quarter has taken economists by surprise. Figures indicated that Japan&`&s economy would grow by 2.1 per cent in the last quarter. Instead, gross domestic product (GDP) fell by 1.6 per cent between July and September. Many economists attribute the fall to April&`&s increase in sales tax from five to eight per cent. Many Japanese consumers have tightened their purse strings and are simply not spending. World leaders are worried that Japan&`&s slide back into recession could be ominous for the global economy. British leader David Cameron said the world was on the brink of a second economic disaster. He told reporters he saw "red warning lights" for the global economy because of international "instability and uncertainty" and a slowing of growth in emerging markets, especially Brazil and China. Mr Cameron said the problems were "plain to see". He added: "The Eurozone is teetering on the brink of a possible third recession, with high unemployment, falling growth and the real risk of falling prices. Emerging markets, which were the driver of growth in the early stages of the recovery, are now slowing down." News Review: Language Points 语言点 In this part you shall hear a list of useful phases and expressions. 本部分是从新闻中挑出来实用短语和表达,供大家参考学习 1. slip back into recession 再次陷入衰退 2. ponder over the implications for the global economy 考虑对全球经济的影响 (ponder :to think or think about carefully and at length 正式场合,指深思,琢磨) 3. consecutive = successive 连续的 4. GDP (Gross domestic product ) 国内生产总值 5. GNP(Gross national product)国民生产总值 6. Attribute the fall to April’s increase in sales tax 将经济回落归咎于四月份的增收销售税 7. tight their purse strings 勒紧裤腰带 8. be ominous for the global economy 预示全球经济形势凶多吉少 9. emerging markets 新兴经济市场 10. be teetering on the brink of 在…边缘摇摇欲坠 News Angle: The difference between GDP & GNP I found a very simple explanation of those two terms and I&`&m gonna present it in Chinese in order to bring home the message. “为了让大家更容易区分它们,我在这里举个例子。假如有一家子,妻子在家里种苹果,一年的产值是5000圆,丈夫在外地卖馄钝,一年的产值是10000圆。他们还有一间房屋出租给一个公司搞软件开发,一年的产值是10万圆。那么,这个家庭的“家民生产总值”(GNP)就是丈夫和妻子的生产总值,就应该是15000圆;这个家庭的“家内生产总值(GDP)就是这个妻子和那个公司的生产总值,就是105000圆。 GDP和GNP的关系是:GDP = GNP + (外资生产总值 — 本国国民在外国的生产总值) 在上例中,那个家庭的GDP = 15000+10万—10000 = 105000圆。 GDP和GNP,究竟哪个能比较真实地反映一国国民的生活水平呢?当然是GNP。GNP是本国国民生产的总产值,当然比GDP反映地要真实一些。外资在该国的产值再大,也不是该国的。外资在该国内,就象在一个人肚子里的用塑料膜严密封好的一个蛋糕,这个蛋糕虽然在这个人肚子里,但是不属于这个人。还拿上例来说,真正能反映那个家庭生活水平的数据,是15000,而不是105000,那个软件开发公司的产值再高,也和这个家庭无关。 所以说,在GDP和GNP这两个核算方法中,要想选择一个能比较真实反映国民生活水平的方法,应该选GNP。”
12/8/20149 minutes
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NEO-Vol 001 来自教皇的声音 Pope Francis

This program is all about news, news that need our attention! I encourage you to subscribe to this program and contact me if you have any problem understanding each news article. You could follow me through my weibo, search “宽心石” or wechat me @ 187-566-1568. If you need transcripts and exercises for each episode, email me at [email protected]. Currently I shall upload just one episode a week on Monday. The first article’s news figure is Pope Francis! Pope Francis delivered a damning message to European leaders on Tuesday when he addressed the European Parliament in Strasbourg. He denounced what he saw as Europe&`&s &`&throwaway culture&`& where the elderly, the terminally ill and unborn children are ignored. He said technology and economics were more important to politicians than those suffering. He told his audience: "Men and women risk being reduced to mere cogs in a machine that treats them as items of consumption to be exploited, with the result that whenever a human life no longer proves useful for that machine, it is discarded." He added: "It is the inevitable consequence of a throwaway culture, and an uncontrolled consumerism". The Pope was very critical of Europe&`&s politicians and systems. He warned that Europe&`&s once dynamic, caring and artistic cultures were being eroded by red tape, saying: "The great ideas which once inspired Europe seem to have lost their attraction, only to be replaced by the bureaucratic technicalities of its institutions." He said bureaucracy was "perceived as insensitive to individual peoples, if not downright harmful". The Pope said Europe risked losing its sense of community, saying: "One of the most common diseases in Europe today is the loneliness typical of those who have no connection with others. This is especially true of the elderly, who are often abandoned to their fate, and also in the young."
12/1/20143 minutes, 8 seconds
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005 Self-Discipline 自律

Self-Discipline 自律 Self-discipline means deliberately aligning our energy with our values and priorities. Through mental practice we focus in on a task before us and let other temptations and distractions pass us by. 自律意为自我对个人行为标准和做事顺序的恪守,通过心智上锻炼,自觉规避诱惑和纷扰之事。 Self-discipline asks that we endure frustration, disappointment, and pain in the service of a higher goal. It means being willing to push ourselves to the limits of our will and endurance if that is what is needed for success. 自律需要你我为了实现更高的目标而承受挫折,失望和痛楚。成功的路上需要你我拿出最大的勇气和毅力! Self-discipline need not be harsh; it can take the form of a quiet resolve or determination that then directs our choices. It is exacting, but is rarely served by our being self-critical or self-denigrating. Self-discipline allows us to make use of whatever power and capabilities have been given us, to be all that we can in the service of our dreams. 自律不需要行为苛刻。从微志细决做起,精明处事。严于律己却又不妄自菲薄。 自律使我们能够集力量和才智于一事,最终实现梦想!
11/18/20141 minute, 29 seconds
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004 A Reason Season or Lifetime 你生活中的人们

A Reason, Season, or Lifetime People come into your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime. When you figure out which one it is, you will know what to do for each person. When someone is in your life for a REASON, it is usually to meet a need you have expressed. They have come to assist you through a difficulty, to provide you with guidance and support, to aid you physically, emotionally, or spiritually. They are there for the reason you need them to be. Then, without any wrongdoing on your part, or at an inconvenient time, this person will say or do something to bring the relationship to an end. Sometimes they walk away. Sometimes they act up and force you to take a stand. Sometimes they die. What we must realize is that our need has been met, our desire fulfilled, their work is done. Your need has been answered, and now it is time to move on. When people come into your life for a SEASON, it is because your turn has come to share, grow, or learn. They bring you an experience of peace, or make you laugh. They may teach you something you have never done. They usually give you an unbelievable amount of joy. Believe it! It is real! But, only for a season. LIFETIME relationships teach you lifetime lessons; things you must build upon in order to have a solid emotional foundation. Your job is to accept the lesson, love the person, and put what you have learned to use in all other relationships and areas of your life. Wish all the person that come in your way for a good reason, in the right season and if she/he wishes to accompany you through your life. 你生活中的人们 人们走进你的生活,或者是为了一个原因,或者他们只停留一段时期,或者他们永远与你相随。一旦明晓其中究竟,你就知道该如何面对他们了。 有的人出现在你的生活中是有原因的,通常他们填补了你流露出来的需要:帮你渡过难关,指点和支持你,切实地在情感上、精神上帮助你。他们出现是因为你需要他们。然后在一个你无可引咎而又不便的时候,这人说了什么或者做了什么令你们终止了友谊。有时候他们离你而去,有时候他们冒出歪理而逼得你要奋起反抗,有时候是因为他们逝世。我们必需认识到,自己的需要已经满足了,愿望已经实现了,他们的工作也就完成了。你的需要得到了回应,接着的是要继续前行。 有的人在你的生活中只会停留一段时期,那是因为你到了这样的一个时候:成长、学习,并和别人一起分享你的世界。他们让你体会平和,也让你欢笑。他们可能也教会你做一些从没做过的事情。他们常能给你带来无数欢乐。相信这一点!这是真的!可这,只能维持一段时间。 持续一生的情谊将令你终生受益;一点一滴地努力吧,建造一个坚不可摧的感情基础。你要做的只是去接受经验,对一生相随的人付出关爱,并将你所学到的应用到生命中的其他关系中。 祝愿你在对的时间,遇见对的人,如果够巧,可以携手她/他共度此生!
11/18/20143 minutes, 16 seconds
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003 What I have lived for 我为何而生

What I Have Lived For / 我为何而生 Bertrand Russell / 伯特兰 罗素 Three passions, simple but overwhelmingly strong, have governed my life: the longing for love, the search for knowledge, and unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind. These passions, like great winds, have blown me hither and thither, in a wayward course, over a deep ocean of anguish, reaching to the very verge of despair. 我的一生被三种简单却又无比强烈的激情所控制:对爱的渴望,对知识的探索和对人类苦难的难以抑制的怜悯。这些激情像狂风,把我恣情吹向四方,掠过苦痛的大海,迫使我濒临绝望的边缘。 I have sought love, first, because it brings ecstasy---ecstasy so great that I would often have sacrificed all the rest of my life for a few hours for this joy. I have sought it, next, because it relieves loneliness---that terrible loneliness in which one shivering consciousness looks over the rim of the world into the cold unfathomable lifeless abyss. I have sought it, finally, because in the union of love I have seen, in a mystic miniature, the prefiguring vision of the heaven that saints and poets have imagined. This is what I sought, and though it might seem too good for human life, this is what---at least---I have found. 我寻求爱,首先因为它使我心为之着迷,这种难以名状的美妙迷醉使我愿意用所有的余生去换取哪怕几个小时这 样的幸福。我寻求爱,还因为它能缓解我心理上的孤独中,我感觉心灵的战栗,仿如站在世界的边缘而面前是冰冷,无底的死亡深渊。我寻求爱,因为在我所目睹的 结合中,我仿佛看到了圣贤与诗人们所向往的天堂之景。这就是我所寻找的,虽然对人的一生而言似乎有些遥不可及,但至少是我用尽一生所领悟到的。 With equal passion I have sought knowledge. I have wished to understand the hearts of men. I have wished to know why the stars shine. And I have tried to apprehend the Pythagorean power by which number holds sway above the flux. A little of this, but not much, I have achieved. 我用同样的激情去寻求知识。我希望能理解人类的心灵,希望能够知道群星闪烁的缘由。我试图领悟毕达哥拉斯所景仰的“数即万物”的思想。我已经悟出了其中的一点点道理,尽管并不是很多。 Love and knowledge, so far as they were possible, led upward toward the heavens. But always pity brought me back to earth. Echoes of cries of pain reverberate in my heart. Children in famine, victims tortured by oppressors, helpless old people a hated burden to their sons, and the whole world of loneliness, poverty, and pain make a mockery of what human life should be. I long to alleviate the evil, but I cannot, and I too suffer. 爱和知识,用它们的力量把人引向天堂。但是同情却总把人又拽回到尘世中来。痛苦的呼喊声回荡在我的内心。饥饿的孩子,受压迫的难民,贫穷和痛苦的世界,都是对人类所憧憬的美好生活的无情嘲弄。我渴望能够减少邪恶,但是我无能为力,我也难逃其折磨。 This has been my life. I have found it worth living, and would gladly live it again if the chance were offered me. 这就是我的一生。我已经找到它的价值。而且如果有机会,我很愿意能再活它一次。 作者简介: 伯特兰•罗 素(Bertrand Russell,1872-1970)是二十世纪英国哲学家、数学家、逻辑学家、历史学家,无神论或者不可知论者,也是上世纪西方最著名、影响最大的学者 和和平主义社会活动家之一,1950年诺贝尔文学奖得主,罗素也被认为是与弗雷格、维特根斯坦和怀特海一同创建了分析哲学。他与怀特海合著的《数学原理》 对逻辑学、数学、集合论、语言学和分析哲学有着巨大影响。1950年,罗素获得诺贝尔文学奖,以表彰其“多样且重要的作品,持续不断的追求人道主义理想和 思想自由”。
11/17/20142 minutes, 44 seconds
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002 Youth 青春

Youth --- Written by Samuel Ullman Youth is not a time of life; it is a state of mind; it is not a matter of rosy cheeks, red lips and supple knees; it is a matter of the will, a quality of the imagination, a vigor of the emotions; it is the freshness of the deep springs of life. 青春不是年华,而是心境;青春不是桃面、丹唇、柔膝,而是深沉的意志、恢宏的想象、炽热的恋情;青春是生命的深泉在涌流。 Youth means a temperamental predominance of courage over timidity, of the appetite for adventure over the love of ease. This often exists in a man of 60 more than a boy of 20. Nobody grows old merely by a number of years. We grow old by deserting our ideals. Years may wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul. Worry, fear, self distrust blows the heart and turns the spirit back to dust. 青春气贯长虹,勇锐盖过怯弱,进取压倒苟安。如此锐气,二十后生而有之,六旬男子则更多见。年岁有加,并非垂老;理想丢弃,方堕暮年。岁月悠悠,衰微只及肌肤;热忱抛却,颓废必至灵魂。忧烦、惶恐、丧失自信,定使心灵扭曲,意气如灰。 Whether 60 or 16, there is in every human being’s heart, the lure of wonders, the unfailing appetite for what’s next and the joy of the game of living. 无论年届花甲,抑或二八芳龄,心中皆有生命之欢乐,奇迹之诱惑,孩童般天真久盛不衰。 In the center of your heart and my heart there is a wireless station, so long as it receives messages of beauty, hope, courage and power from men and from the Infinite, so long as you are young. 人人心中皆有一台天线,只要你从天上人间接受美好、希望、欢乐、勇气和力量的信号,你就青春永驻、风华长存。 When your aerials are down, and your spirit is covered with snows of cynicism and the ice of pessimism, then you have grown old, even at 20, but as long as your aerials are up, to catch waves of optimism, there is hope you may die young at 80. 一旦天线下降,勇气便被冰雪覆盖,玩世不恭、自暴自弃油然而生,即使年方二十,实已垂垂老矣;然则只要竖起天线,捕捉乐观信号,你就有望在八十高龄告别尘寰时仍觉年轻。
11/17/20145 minutes, 58 seconds
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001 If I were a boy again 假如回到童年

If I were a boy again, I would practice perseverance more often, and never give up a thing because it was hard or inconvenient. If we want light, we must conquer darkness. 假如我又回到了童年,我做事要更有毅力,决不因为事情艰难或者麻烦而撒手不干,我们要光明,就得征服黑暗。 Perseverance can sometimes equal genius in its results. “There are only two creatures,” says a proverb, “who can surmount the pyramids—the eagle and the snail.” 毅力在效果上有时能同天才相比。俗话说:“能登上金字塔的生物,只有两种——鹰和蜗牛。” If I were a boy again, I would school myself into a habit of attention; I would let nothing come between me and the subject in hand. I would remember that a good skater never tries to skate in two directions at once. The habit of attention becomes part of our life, if we began early enough. I often hear grown up people say “I could not fix my attention on the sermon or book, although I wished to do so”, and the reason is, the habit was not formed in youth. 假如我又回到了童年,我就要养成专心致志的习惯;有事在手,就决不让任何东西让我分心。我要牢记:优秀的滑冰手从不试图同时滑向两个不同的方向。如果及早养成这种专心致志的习惯,它将成为我们生命的一部分。我常听成年人说:“虽然我希望能集中注意听牧师讲道或读书,但往往做不到。”而原因就是年轻时没有养成这种习惯。 If I were a boy again, I would look on the cheerful side. Life is very much like a mirror: if you smile upon it, it smiles back upon you; but if you frown and look doubtful on it, you will get a similar look in return. Inner sunshine warms not only the heart of the owner, but of all that come in contact with it. “Who shuts love out, in turn shall be shut out from love.” 假如我又回到了童年,我就要事事乐观。生活犹如一面镜子:你朝它笑,它也朝你笑;如果你双眉紧锁,向它投以怀疑的目光,它也将还以你同样的目光。内心的欢乐不仅温暖了欢乐者自己的心,也温暖了所有与之接触者的心。“谁拒爱于门外,也必将被爱拒诸门外。” If I were a boy again, I would school myself to say no more often. I might write pages on the importance of learning very early in life to gain that point where a young boy can stand erect, and decline doing an unworthy act because it is unworthy. 假如我又回到了童年,我就要养成经常说“不”字的习惯。一个少年要能挺得起腰,拒绝做不应该做的事,就因为这事不值得做。我可以写上好几页谈谈早年培养这一点的重要性。 If I were a boy again, I would demand of myself more courtesy towards my companions and friends, and indeed towards strangers as well. The smallest courtesies along the rough roads of life are like the little birds that sing to us all winter long, and make that season of ice and snow more endurable. 假如我又回到了童年,我就要要求自己对伙伴和朋友更加礼貌,而且对陌生人也应如此。在坎坷的生活道路上,最细小的礼貌犹如在漫长的冬天为我们歌唱的小鸟,那歌声使冰天雪地的寒冬变得较易忍受。 Finally, instead of trying hard to be happy, as if that were the sole purpose of life, I would, if I were a boy again, still try harder to make others happy. 最后,假如我又回到了童年,我不会力图为自己谋幸福,好像这就是人生唯一的目的;与之相反,我要更努力为他人谋幸福。
11/16/20142 minutes, 43 seconds