These five-minute programs feature Chuck Swindoll's best stories. You'll hear his loudest laughs, his funniest experiences, and his famous catch phrases.
Dealing With Finances
Proverbs 23:4-5Teaching your children how to deal with finances covers four areas: giving, earning, spending, and saving.
24.10.2024 • 0
Deal With It Now!
Proverbs 14:1Parents who detect foolishness early and deal with it firmly will grace the world with wise children.
23.10.2024 • 0
A Thief is Not Loyal
Proverbs 25:19Somehow we’ve separated our jobs from God’s rules. Is your workplace behaviour determined by what works, or by what’s right?
22.10.2024 • 0
A Book for Living
Proverbs If you need wisdom to become skilled at godly living, become a student of the Proverbs. It’s one of the riches volumes of vertical wisdom for horizontal living ever written.
21.10.2024 • 0
Psalms 139:14God loves variety. That’s why He made all kinds of people with different interests and abilities.
18.10.2024 • 0
To See Clearly, To Feel Deeply
Matthew 14:15-20What are the essentials for evangelism? To see clearly and to feel deeply.
17.10.2024 • 0
Three Traits of Authentic Love
1 Corinthians 13:13Authentic love is unconditional in its expression, unselfish in its motive, and unlimited in the benefits.
16.10.2024 • 0
The Marks of a Stubborn Man
Romans 2:5Are you roaring through life doing your own thing? One day God will say, “That’s enough.” And He’ll do whatever it takes to get your attention and bring you to Him.
15.10.2024 • 0
The Four Spiritual Flaws
1 Corinthians 8:1You’ve heard of the four spiritual laws, but probably not the four spiritual flaws. Here is Chuck Swindoll’s list created after 20 years in ministry.
14.10.2024 • 0
The Difference Between a Wedding and a Marriage
1 Peter 3:1-7Marriage, as God intended it, is a mutual thing. It goes both ways—God never asks more of one than the other, though He asks the maximum of everyone.
11.10.2024 • 0
James 1:2-4We shouldn’t be surprised at suffering—we should expect it. Suffering shapes us and matures our character.
10.10.2024 • 0
Stepping Forward
Romans 1:16Why are we so reluctant to share the Gospel? We hear so much about the need for evangelism but it doesn’t affect us if we don’t have a burden for the lost.
9.10.2024 • 0
Set Apart
1 Peter 4:8When we love and serve one another people take notice. Genuine kindness doesn’t fit the pattern and people have different reactions. Some push you away, but some are drawn closer to the Lord as a result.
8.10.2024 • 0
Proverbs 17:3It’s in God’s refining fires that the authenticity of our faith is revealed. The purpose of these fiery ordeals is we come forth as purified gold, a likeness of Jesus.
7.10.2024 • 0
No One's Perfect
Romans 3:23The Bible says we have all sinned and fall short of the glory of God. That’s why we need a Saviour.
4.10.2024 • 0
Misunderstandings Happen
Mark 3:5To be great is to be misunderstood. Jesus was the most misunderstood person who ever lived. He was also the most forgiving.
3.10.2024 • 0
Methods of Evangelism (That Won't Work)
Matthew 9:27-31Evangelism is telling your story of how you came to faith in Christ. No more, no less.
2.10.2024 • 0
Keeping Fervent in Love
1 Peter 1:22Think of someone who may have blown it. He or she needs your love, not your judgment. Leave grudges to the world and open your arms with a forgiving embrace.
1.10.2024 • 0
It's OK to Fail
Romans 3:23Rarely will one of God’s heroes show up in the Scriptures and have no failure throughout his or her life. ALL have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.
30.9.2024 • 0
It's Not Fair!
1 Peter 3:14Few things in life are more irritating, aggravating, and resented than having to endure what’s unfair, especially when our suffering is not our fault.
27.9.2024 • 0
Free Lunch
Romans 4:5The word says “there ain’t no free lunch,” but God says “but to the one who does not work, but believes in Him who justifies the ungodly, his faith is credited as righteousness.”
26.9.2024 • 0
Failure and Mercy
Romans 3:23Your mistakes don’t disqualify you from God’s love or His plan. Remember, all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.
25.9.2024 • 0
Believing and Not Working
Romans 6:23There’s no way you can lose your salvation. It’s a gift received, not a wage earned.
24.9.2024 • 0
An Unseen Saviour
1 Peter 1:6-9The unseen presence of the Lord is like a warm blanket around you. Someone to talk to, someone to comfort you—a sense of reassurance.
23.9.2024 • 0
A Tap on the Shoulder
Psalms 31:3“A tap on the shoulder” is the almighty power of God acting without help or hindrance so as to produce a new creature, and to lead him into the particular work which God has for him.
20.9.2024 • 0
A Guaranteed Reservation
1 Peter 1:3-5If you know Jesus as your Saviour you have a guaranteed reservation—an imperishable, undefiled, and unfading inheritance in heaven.
19.9.2024 • 0
A Good Thanksgiving
Psalms 66:10When troubling circumstances disturb you remember God is using them to refine and shape you into the image of His Son.
18.9.2024 • 0
What to Do When You're Misunderstood
Matthew 12:26The next time you’re misunderstood use it as an opportunity to count on God to protect and defend you. Ask Him to fight the battle for you and resist the temptation to avenge yourself.
17.9.2024 • 0
Tools for the Christian Life
Acts 2When you read your Bible and you come to a word you don’t understand, this can be a great time to learn something new. Bible dictionaries and concordances are excellent tools to help you do serious Bible study.
16.9.2024 • 0
The Five Stages of Death
John 11:1-45Death is usually the last thing we want to talk about. We feel uncomfortable and awkward when the subject comes up. But for the Christian, God has a plan and purpose when death occurs.
13.9.2024 • 0
The Enemy is Hard at Work
1 Peter 5:8The enemy is hard at work and he’s alive and well in the Church, working hard to destroy the lives of Christians—particularly those in leadership.
12.9.2024 • 0
That Old Problem of Fear
1 Kings 8:57Fear turns into trust when you look to God. He will never leave nor forsake you.
11.9.2024 • 0
Speaking the Same Language
Acts 2:1-13Acts 2 tells the story of a time when the Holy Spirit affected a sermon Peter preached where over 3,000 people came to faith. And the Holy Spirit is just as powerful today as He was at the time of Pentecost.
10.9.2024 • 0
Salvation, Worship, and Christianity
John 12:24-26Christianity is not implemented on selfish terms, worship is not limited to specific times, and salvation is not designed for certain types.
9.9.2024 • 0
Peer Pressure
Matthew 26:69-75Standing alone is tough. It’s easier to fit in, to be a people-pleaser. Look at your home, your work, your relationships and ask yourself, “Am I any different from the world?”
6.9.2024 • 0
One Week to Live
John 12:25If you knew you had just one more week to live, how would you spend that week? Your answer reveals your priorities.
5.9.2024 • 0
1 Corinthians 13:13No one can ignore authentic love. It’s unconditional, unselfish, and the Christian’s mark of distinction.
4.9.2024 • 0
Living Without Sight
John 9:1-12Have you examined your spiritual eyesight lately? Only by facing your blind spots and bringing them to Jesus can you hope to have your vision corrected. Pretending you’re OK will keep you in the dark.
3.9.2024 • 0
Lions in Daniel's Den
Daniel 6:16-28One of Chuck Swindoll’s favourite Bible stories is Daniel in the lions’ den, although he thinks it should be called the lions in Daniel’s den.
2.9.2024 • 0
Jake and Stan
John 21:1-11Here’s a great fishing story from Chuck Swindoll that helps us understand Peter’s experience in John 21 a little better.
30.8.2024 • 0
Ephesians 5:23Marriage is a partnership, not a dictatorship. Christlike leadership is based on love, grace, and honour.
29.8.2024 • 0
God's Hand is in Our Pain
John 14:16-17Rest assured in the midst of your trouble, no matter what it is, God’s sovereign hand is at work. It will literally revolutionize your whole mental attitude toward life.
28.8.2024 • 0
Four Ways to Deal With Fear
John 14:27Chuck Swindoll has four simple words of advice for dealing with fear and they all have to do with choosing to trust the Lord instead of running scared.
27.8.2024 • 0
John 8:1-11John 8 tells the story of a woman caught in adultery. The Pharisees brought her to Jesus in order to trap Him. If Jesus said, “punish her” then His compassion for people would be questioned. If He said, “release her” then He’d be accused of not supporting the Law of Moses. How did He respond?
26.8.2024 • 0
Fear and Truth
John 14:27The peace Jesus promises does not come from the power of positive thinking but from trusting Him.
23.8.2024 • 0
Basic Bible Ignorance
John 8:12-14The Pharisees wanted to stone Jesus because He claimed equality with God and they rejected His claim. We do the same thing; we either accept or reject Christ. There is no middle ground.
22.8.2024 • 0
Authority and Submission
Ephesians 5:22Submission doesn’t mean wives are doormats, blindly carrying out orders. It means they’re willingly supportive of their husband’s leadership. Dignity, equality, and unity are the essentials of submission.
21.8.2024 • 0
Ask Me Anything
John 14:12-15It’s shallow to think God is at our beck and call, eager to give us everything and anything we ask for. Prayer doesn’t work this way—Jesus isn’t a genie. The purpose of prayer is to glorify God.
20.8.2024 • 0
A Time to Laugh
Ecclesiastes 3:4There may be people in your life who are causing conflict and tension—take it first to God in prayer. Refuse to retaliate and trust God for the outcome.
19.8.2024 • 0
Who Do You Trust With Your Life?
John 11:25-26If you want to get beyond the grave you need to trust in the One who Himself has gotten beyond the grave and lives forever.
16.8.2024 • 0
What Worship Is
1 Corinthians 13God wants us to worship Him from our hearts, and not just at church. God desires our worship each moment of every day.
15.8.2024 • 0
We All Need Mentors
1 Corinthians 11:1No matter who you are or how old you are it’s not too late to be a mentor. People need the wisdom, encouragement, and guidance of those who are a little further along in life.
14.8.2024 • 0
There's a Plan Here
Isaiah 50:10God’s plan for our lives isn’t always revealed to us, and it rarely makes sense. Our job is to trust and obey.
13.8.2024 • 0
The Golden A-B-Cs
Psalms 119An old German version of the Bible calls Psalm 119 “the Christian’s Golden ABC of the praise, love, power, and use of the Word of God.” If we can absorb the lessons from this chapter, we’re off to a good start.
12.8.2024 • 0
The "D" Word
1 Peter 5:1-4Discipline is the “D” word that nobody likes but everybody admires. It’s the stuff that happens when nobody is looking or applauding. It’s the hard work of what goes on behind the scenes and results in excellence.
9.8.2024 • 0
Isaiah 2:6We become superstitious when we’re unsure about God’s truth. Superstition is bondage. It puts us in chains, enslaves us, and steals our joy. Christ came to set us free from this oppression.
8.8.2024 • 0
Sola Feda, Sola Gracia
Psalms 119:105While Martin Luther was teaching Galatians and Romans he came across this revelation: sola feda, sola gracia—by faith alone because of grace alone, in Christ alone there can be forgiveness of sins.
7.8.2024 • 0
Six Reasons Knowledge is Helpful
1 Peter 3:15-16Knowledge of God’s Word is helpful because it gives our faith substance, stabilizes us when we’re tested, enables us to handle Scripture accurately, equips us to detect error, gives us confidence, and erases our fears.
6.8.2024 • 0
2 Thessalonians 2:6-7As long as the church of Jesus Christ is present on this earth, lawlessness remains under great restraint. Second Thessalonians 2:7 puts it well, “For the secret power of lawlessness is already at work; but the one who now holds it back will continue to do so till he is taken out of the way.”
5.8.2024 • 0
Remember When...
Revelation 2:4-5The mind is an amazing thing. In a matter of seconds it can transport you to scenes you thought you had forgotten. Remember when your love for the Lord was in full bloom? Remember the passion you felt? Remember your deep devotion?
2.8.2024 • 0
Reasons We Don't Learn Faith
Matthew 6:19-21It’s difficult to make sacrifices and give others our time, possessions, and money. But it’s in the giving we learn to rely on God instead of ourselves and it’s in the process we learn faith.
1.8.2024 • 0
Purposeful Leadership
Mark 9:35We all make an impact in some way. Whether it’s on our family, in our community, or at work, we influence people who are part of our lives. God seeks servant leaders who lead with humility and courage.
31.7.2024 • 0
Psalm 119
Psalms 119Each of the 176 verses in Psalm 119 says something about the Word of God. If you’re wondering what God’s Word is about, this is a great place to start.
30.7.2024 • 0
Pray Without Ceasing
1 Thessalonians 5:17Praying without ceasing means living each moment in the presence of Christ. It’s not a place or for any specific reason—it’s an attitude of prayer.
29.7.2024 • 0
Partners and Friends
Proverbs 17:17True friends are priceless. They believe in us, affirm us, and hold our hands up when we’re weary and unable to go on. If we have one true friend, we are rich.
26.7.2024 • 0
Moving from Belief to Action
Mark 11:24Because we often underestimate the power of prayer we rush ahead of God without waiting on Him to do His work in His time. When we pray we need to take our hands off and trust God.
25.7.2024 • 0
Models of Inspiration
1 Timothy 4:16Whether it’s at home, work, or church, God calls us to be servant leaders who reflect humility and conviction. By drawing on the power of the Holy Spirit, we can be models of inspiration to others.
24.7.2024 • 0
Agape Love
John 13:34Jesus said “love one another,” and the word He used was “agape.” Agape is the highest form of love. It’s deliberate refusal to respond negatively. It’s a conquest of the will.
23.7.2024 • 0
Actions Speak Louder Than Words
John 13:34-35Authentic love is unconditional and unselfish. It can change lives.
22.7.2024 • 0
John 15:12Acceptance means you don’t make people jump through hoops—you take them as they are.
19.7.2024 • 0
What is This Life About?
Colossians 3:15We don’t know the pain and sorrow others are going through. That’s why we need to be grace givers. We’re all in the same boat so let’s go easy on each other.
18.7.2024 • 0
Tragic Beginnings
Psalms 73:26God loves you and wants to bring you to greater maturity through your painful experiences. Never lose hope—trust Him through your trials. God can heal even the most painful broken heart.
17.7.2024 • 0
The Final Word
Romans 2:17-23No one can know everything but when we’re dogmatic and opinionated... it’s easy to see ourselves as the final authority. There’s something refreshing about people who are teachable and willing to learn from others.
16.7.2024 • 0
The Breakdown of Integrity
Titus 2:12If you want to be a person of integrity, think about the consequences of sin rather than its pleasures and focus on Christ each and every day.
15.7.2024 • 0
Telling the Truth
Deuteronomy 33:7We all need wisdom and courage to stand up to false accusations. If you’re on the receiving end of hurtful words stay calm, speak the truth, and trust your defence to the Lord.
12.7.2024 • 0
Reservoirs of Knowledge
Proverbs 22:17-19Ignorance is not bliss. When you’re unsure about what you believe, you become a target for false teachers. Biblical knowledge will help you take a stand for the truth in a lost and disoriented world.
11.7.2024 • 0
Knowing Where You Stand
Matthew 7:15It takes knowledge of God’s Word to discern truth and detect error. Not only from what is said but from what is left out.
10.7.2024 • 0
Keep the Word Handy
Psalms 119:98If you have a smartphone or tablet you have the Bible right at your fingertips. And if you take the time to read it, the Bible will make all the difference in your life.
9.7.2024 • 0
Just Show Up
2 Timothy 4:2Being trustworthy means showing up, ready and available, season after season. Showing up is a crucial part of faithfulness—and sometimes the hardest part.
8.7.2024 • 0
It's Not a Perfect World
Psalms 30:5No one lives happily ever after on this earth, but if we cling to our faith we can be sure there will be a happy ending. Our sorrow may last for a night, but joy will come in the morning.
5.7.2024 • 0
It's All About Me
Mark 8:34The “it’s all about me” attitude may be cute on a child, but it isn’t so cute on adults. Selfishness isn’t something we outgrow as we age. It takes a conscious effort to put others before ourselves.
4.7.2024 • 0
Husbands, Love Your Wives
Colossians 3:19Mature love doesn’t grow cold over the years. True love is long term; it doesn’t give up. That’s how Christ loves us.
3.7.2024 • 0
Guard Your Leisure
2 Timothy 2:22When you’re faced with temptation, Scripture makes it clear that the best strategy is to run. Whatever it is, just say “no” and get out. It works.
2.7.2024 • 0
Five Ways to Stay Young
1 Thessalonians 5:6Here are five great ways to stay young: develop your mind, enjoy your humour, use your strength, pursue opportunities, and serve and seek God.
1.7.2024 • 0
Earthquakes, Tsunamis, and the Tribulation
1 Thessalonians 4:13-18What the great earthquake is to the Californian the great Tribulation is to the whole world. You will not escape it.
28.6.2024 • 0
Dragging Anchors
Psalms 78:1-7Certain anchors are dropped during childhood and if they’re not dealt with, they remain dropped, clinging to the bottom. And as the boat goes on in life, and as we get older, the anchor is dragging all along in whatever area is dropped and not dealt with.
27.6.2024 • 0
Don't Despair
Isaiah 32:3-4Here’s a funny story from Chuck illustrating how easy it is to talk to someone and yet not communicate with him. To be on the same page we need to meet people where they’re at and accept them without judgment or criticism.
26.6.2024 • 0
Philippians 4:6Pray about everything. When you pray you’re giving your worries to God. He understands what you’re worrying about and He knows exactly what He’s doing. If you leave it to Him, He’ll work it out.
25.6.2024 • 0
Chuck's Prayer List
James 5:16Never underestimate the power of your prayers. It relieves our anxiety and gives us calm assurance that God is in full control of our circumstances.
24.6.2024 • 0
Change, Growth, and Perspective
2 Timothy 2:22If your faith is stagnant, spiritual disciplines can help you return to a deeper relationship with Christ. Disciplines like simplicity, silence, solitude, and prayer.
21.6.2024 • 0
Age is Just a Stage
Job 42:12How do you stay young? Keep developing your mind, maintain your sense of humour, pursue your dreams, and never stop seeking and serving God.
20.6.2024 • 0
A Pattern for Marriage
Ephesians 5:33In the unpredictable journey of marriage, Scripture is the map that points us in the right direction and keeps us on track.
19.6.2024 • 0
A Parent's Desire
Proverbs 1:1-7Parents, God’s Word has the wisdom you need to train your daughters to become godly women. A great place to start is in the book of Proverbs.
18.6.2024 • 0
When Things Get Complicated
Revelation 2:3-5Life gets complicated over time and it’s easy to lose your way. Maybe it’s time to get back to the basics and remember your First Love.
17.6.2024 • 0
Three Questions to Ask Before Acting
1 Peter 4:10Three good questions to ask when considering a choice are, is it wise? Do I have peace? Does it show respect for other people?
14.6.2024 • 0
Suffering is Not an Enemy
1 Peter 2:20Our natural response to suffering is resistance. But if we welcome rather than resent it, suffering gives us the opportunity to stretch our faith and deepen our confidence in God.
13.6.2024 • 0
Strange Times
Proverbs 28:25People believe there’s an attachment between a good God and a prosperous income. And they pay a lot of money to hear the prosperity gospel preached. But it’s a false gospel, and it’s a trap. God and greed are poles apart.
12.6.2024 • 0
Stay Away From Glory Hogs
Ecclesiastes 6:12It’s easy to be impressed with ourselves, isn’t it? We become enamoured with our positions and authority and we forget it is all given to us from the Saviour. Everything we have is on loan from Him.
11.6.2024 • 0
Stand Free, Live Free
1 Corinthians 7:21-23There’s no other way to God than through Jesus Christ. By embracing a life of grace we can treat people not as they deserve but as God treats them.
10.6.2024 • 0
Simple Truths
Proverbs The book of Proverbs is for people who don’t know a whole lot about living—and that includes us all. It tells us what life is like and how it should be lived. Its contents are timeless, relevant, and easy to understand.
7.6.2024 • 0
Sideways Grace
Luke 6:27-28More often than not we don’t know what causes people to act how they do. That’s why it’s always appropriate to extend grace. Always.
6.6.2024 • 0
Resist the Devil
1 Peter 5:8-91 John 4:4The Bible tells us to watch for Satan’s attacks because they will come. And when they come, the Bible tells us Jesus in us will give us the strength to resist temptation.
5.6.2024 • 0
Promoting Integrity
James 1:17We think of promotions as a positive thing and they usually are, but promotions can also bring devastation to your integrity. Remember when you’re promoted it came by God’s sovereign grace.
4.6.2024 • 0
Acts 2:1-13Pentecost is when Christians celebrate the gift of the Holy Spirit. Today the Holy Spirit’s presence is just as powerful and evident in the lives of believers as it was at the time of Pentecost in the Bible.
3.6.2024 • 0
Love is a More Excellent Way
1 Corinthians 14:4-7Love is patient and kind, it’s not jealous, it doesn’t brag, love isn’t proud. Love never gives up on people—it never quits.
31.5.2024 • 0
Looking at the Bright Side
Jude 1:3If you know Jesus Christ and you’ve heard the truth then you know it has got to be shared. If you give it away, the message stays fresh.
30.5.2024 • 0
Psalms 9:16Sometimes we see justice here on earth, but many times we don’t. However, God always acts justly. He will not and cannot ignore sin.
29.5.2024 • 0
Grace in Marriage
1 Peter 3:7We all know love is important to marriage. But how much thought do we give to grace in marriage? It can make all the difference in a relationship.
28.5.2024 • 0
God Never Shrugs
Jeremiah 29:11-13There’s a lot about God’s plan we don’t understand. But He never promised He’d tell us His plan—He just promised He has one. Our part is to trust Him in the mystery.
27.5.2024 • 0
God Can Handle Your Honesty
Matthew 6:8God knows your grievances and hurts. There is nothing you can say He hasn’t heard before. No matter what, keep trusting God through your trials—He’s using them for your good.
24.5.2024 • 0
Five Characteristics of a Good Friend
John 11:1-3In a crisis a true friend cares enough to visit without an invitation, is sympathetic and comforting, expresses deep feelings, isn’t turned off by unpleasant sights, and says very little.
23.5.2024 • 0
Enough is Enough
Job 12:2As Christians we’re called to be gracious and loving, but we’re not called to be doormats. Sometimes enough is enough.
22.5.2024 • 0
James 5:16If you wrestle with depression don’t blame yourself. Everyone experiences episodes of despair. While it’s temping to isolate yourself it’s important to seek a close friend or trusted counsellor who can help you through this difficult time.
21.5.2024 • 0
Bad Advice
Proverbs 12:15When you offer advice be careful what you assume about the person’s situation. And seek to uplift rather than criticize.
20.5.2024 • 0
You Don't Have Forever
Matthew 24:36-37Here are three ways to prepare for Christ’s coming. First place your belief in Christ, Second resist a corrupt lifestyle. And third live in a sensible, godly way. Live as if Christ might come today.
17.5.2024 • 0
When Things Don't Go Your Way
Philippians 4:11We tend to get angry when things don’t go the way we want. A good sense of humour can turn irritation into laughter. Next time things don’t go your way refuse to let your circumstances dampen your joy.
16.5.2024 • 0
Too Much Rubbish
Psalms 112:6-8If you’re feeling discouraged instead of letting your circumstances feed your fear, focus on the Lord and trust, pray, and praise. Your circumstances may not change but through this process you will.
15.5.2024 • 0
Thoughts About Anger
Ephesians 4:26-27Anger is a God-given emotion and it’s not necessarily sinful. The Bible acknowledges that anger needs safeguards and teaches us how to control it.
14.5.2024 • 0
The Prophecy Itch
1 Thessalonians 5:2We’re all curious about the future, but we need to accept the fact that many aspects of God’s truth remain a mystery. As Christians our job is to stay alert and ready for the Day of the Lord.
13.5.2024 • 0
Proverbs 9:7-8The book of Proverbs has a lot to say about human nature. And it’s full of wisdom—especially for young people who want to live life to the fullest.
10.5.2024 • 0
Resisting Temptation
James 1:13-15Like erosion temptation is quiet and subtle. This is why we need to stay on guard. If we don’t fight temptation daily we’ll eventually compromise.
9.5.2024 • 0
Prophets and Phoneys
Acts 1:6-8We’re to be informed in our biblical knowledge of the future, but we’ll never understand all of biblical prophecy. Some of it will remain a mystery.
8.5.2024 • 0
Maturity, Wisdom, and Understanding
Proverbs 1:7Maturity doesn’t happen overnight. It’s developed over the long haul by applying God’s Word to your everyday life.
7.5.2024 • 0
Deuteronomy 31:6When you feel lonely remember the Lord is with you. He hasn’t left you alone. In these times cling to His promises to never abandon you, never fail your, and never forsake you.
6.5.2024 • 0
Life Isn't Fair
James 1:2-4Suffering has a way of simplifying life. It stretches our faith and pulls us back to the basics of prayer and dependence on God.
3.5.2024 • 0
Leave it With the Specialist
Mark 9:23When faced with impossible situations refuse to worry. Instead, hand them over to God. Ask Him to take charge. After all, He’s the specialist.
2.5.2024 • 0
Learning From Your Mistakes
Proverbs 1:1-6We don’t have to live perfect lives—that’s impossible. But we can live good lives, and that comes from learning from our mistakes and not making them over again.
1.5.2024 • 0
Laugh it Off
Proverbs 17:22When things don’t go our way it’s tempting to get angry. A better ways is to laugh it off. When you choose to smile in the midst of chaos you’re choosing to rise above your circumstances.
30.4.2024 • 0
Keeping Ready
Luke 12:35-36As hard as it is to imagine one day we will meet Jesus. And we need to be ready.
29.4.2024 • 0
Romans 12:4-5It’s easy to compare ourselves to others—but there’s no reason to! God made each of us unique and to Him we are works of art.
26.4.2024 • 0
Deuteronomy 31:6What makes someone a hero? Often they’re ordinary people who are able to rise above their circumstances.
25.4.2024 • 0
Grace-Based Salvation
Romans 3:22-24If salvation was based on works we’d never know when our good works outweighed our bad works. And we’d never know when we were good enough. We’re saved by grace, and there’s nothing we can do to earn God ’s favour. That’s why it’s a gift.
24.4.2024 • 0
Four Ways to Avoid Feeling Offended
Ephesians 4:32Chuck Swindoll has four suggestions to help us avoid feeling offended and they’re all rooted in the same concept. By shifting our perspective from horizontal (focusing on ourselves) to the vertical (focusing on God) we also avoid bitterness.
23.4.2024 • 0
Dealing With Sin
Psalms 32:5God doesn’t expect us to live perfect lives, but He does expect obedience. This means when wrong comes our way we deal with it.
22.4.2024 • 0
Building Into Each Other
Galatians 5:13Life is all about relating to others in love, forgiveness, and grace. We need each other.
19.4.2024 • 0
Advice from Mars to Venus
Job 4:3-4Men are especially vulnerable to temptation in times of stress. A wife’s emotional support is critical and these times. Husbands need the wisdom, perspective, and spiritual strength of their spouses.
18.4.2024 • 0
Who Me, Worry?
Romans 8:31When something unfair happens ask God to take charge. Ask Him for the grace to stay calm, to control your emotions, and to be Lord over the situation.
17.4.2024 • 0
Three Reactions to Being Ripped Off
Philippians 2:5-11We tend to have one of three reactions when we’re ripped off. But we’re called to have the same mindset as Christ...even when mistreated.
16.4.2024 • 0
The World's Seduction
Galatians 3:22The world system is at odds with God because Satan nurtures it. It’s a system designed to give us pleasure and distract us from God.
15.4.2024 • 0
The Apostles' Creed
1 Peter 3:18-21The Apostles’ Creed is the Church’s statement of faith—but it is not often explained! For personal study, it’s helpful to use a Bible commentary. A commentary examines Scripture verse by verse and sheds likes on difficult passages.
12.4.2024 • 0
Swimming Upstream
John 15:19We live in a world where the majority is heading the wrong way. As Christians we swim upstream, against the flow who are moving away from God.
11.4.2024 • 0
Suffering is Temporal
1 Peter 5:8-11Our confidence is in Christ, not ourselves. He is the One who calms our fears and gives us the courage we need in times of suffering.
10.4.2024 • 0
Reasons to Pull Together
Malachi 2:10There are many reasons for Christians to pull together—we’re brothers and sisters because we have the same heavenly Father.
9.4.2024 • 0
Pull for One Another
John 13:34-35In these uncertain times the world is looking for authenticity. When we show love to one another we’re taking a step in helping a needy and hostile world.
8.4.2024 • 0
Luke 16:13You can’t serve two masters. Placing Jesus before your relationships, your work, and your possessions puts everything in a whole new perspective.
5.4.2024 • 0
Letters to God
1 Peter 5:7There is nothing too big and nothing too small for God. For some reason, as we age, we forget there’s nothing God doesn’t care about in our lives.
4.4.2024 • 0
Judgment and Grace
Colossians 3:13When you have a tender heart and tough skin you forgive easily and are slow to take offence.
3.4.2024 • 0
In a Foreign Land
1 Peter 2:11-12As Christians, we live in a foreign land. And when our citizenship becomes heaven our purpose changes to live in a way that creates a thirst for heaven in others.
2.4.2024 • 0
Grow Up!
James 3:7-10How do you know when you’ve grown up? One sure sign is your ability to control your tongue.
1.4.2024 • 0
Give and Take
Hebrews 3:7-8Anyone can rebel—it comes easily to us. But it takes great strength of character to be humble and live in submission to others.
29.3.2024 • 0
Freedom and Honour
1 Peter 3:7How a husband treats his wife speaks volumes about his character. A masculine and secure husband honours his wife, and he allows her the freedom to be herself.
28.3.2024 • 0
Filling Shoes
Proverbs 22:19God has given you unique skills and abilities. And when He calls you, He will equip you.
27.3.2024 • 0
Faith in the Resurrection
Matthew 28:1-10Aron Lee Ralston’s story of being trapped under a boulder is just as unbelievable as Jesus’ Resurrection. But that doesn’t make it any less true.
26.3.2024 • 0
Controversy and Tolerance
Galatians 5:1Grace is letting people be and giving them room to be themselves.
25.3.2024 • 0
An Imperishable and Precious Spirit
1 Samuel 16:7We place a lot of emphasis on outward appearance. But God looks at the heart.
22.3.2024 • 0
A Better Plan
Proverbs 20:24God’s ways often seem illogical to us. But when we look back it’s easy to see God was watching out for us and His way really is best.
21.3.2024 • 0
Working Through the TV Guide
Jude 1:4Godly homes prepare our children to face the world with confidence. You’ll never regret making your family a priority.
20.3.2024 • 0
We All Fall Down
Colossians 2:12Are you haunted by a nagging fear of dying? God wants to give you peace of mind about your future. By claiming Christ as your Saviour you can be delivered from the plague of death.
19.3.2024 • 0
Truth to Live By
2 Peter 1:19-21When you turn to God’s Word you’re consulting the most reliable of all sources. The Bible is the only inerrant source of authority in the Christian life.
18.3.2024 • 0
Tombstones and Epitaphs
Job 14:14One day you’ll have a tombstone. What will it say?
15.3.2024 • 0
The Most Reliable Source
Psalms 119:105God has given us His Word and it has stood the test of time. The Bible is the most reliable of all sources.
14.3.2024 • 0
The Invisible Battle
Hebrews 4:12Preserving the Bible is worth fighting for. Even though it was written thousands of years ago it’s still relevant because it’s alive. God’s word convicts, comforts, and teaches.
13.3.2024 • 0
The Emancipation Proclamation
Romans 8:2Because Christ has set us free we’re no longer slaves to the power of sin. It’s a difficult concept but that’s what grace is all about.
12.3.2024 • 0
Take Heed, Lest You Fall
1 Corinthians 10:12Erosion is never sudden. It happens over time as you change your standards and accept things once rejected. Erosion can happen in anyone’s life.
11.3.2024 • 0
Rose Petals and Posies
Ecclesiastes 3:14-15When we acknowledge God is in control (not us) it makes a difference in how we live...and in how we die.
8.3.2024 • 0
Titus 2:6-8Alluring and deceptive baits are everywhere. The Internet, television, magazines...and you may feel like you’re the only one not giving in. But you’re not alone! Commit to purity!
7.3.2024 • 0
Old John
Ephesians 4:20-24Because of God’s grace Christians live a different life, a holy life. Holiness is a lifestyle of integrity and moral excellence.
6.3.2024 • 0
Luke 5:27Effective leadership is the key ingredient in a successful organization. And one thing great leaders have in common is their ability to influence and inspire others.
5.3.2024 • 0
It's Finished
John 19:30Just before Christ died on the cross he said, “It is finished!” His death covered over our sins completely. There is nothing left that needs to be finished by man.
4.3.2024 • 0
1 John 1:9First John 1:9 says “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins....” Forgiveness is what the cross was all about.
1.3.2024 • 0
Driving Solo
Isaiah 30:21There’s joy in liberation. Instead of looking for direction give yourself permission to think independently, with God as your guide.
29.2.2024 • 0
Childlike Happiness
Romans 15:13A joyful disposition comes from God. When He’s in your life you have a deep sense of happiness.
28.2.2024 • 0
Character and Honour
Romans 12:10Caring for others should always be the basis of any confrontation. When you have another’s best interests at heart you’re motivated by love instead of anger.
27.2.2024 • 0
Be Yourself
1 John 3:7Expecting others to live according to your list will make you miserable. And if you live according to their list, you’ll be even more miserable.
26.2.2024 • 0
Actions Speak Louder Than Words
1 John 3:18It’s easy to go along with the crowd. It takes courage to stand alone. When you take a stand for what you believe is right you influence those around you.
23.2.2024 • 0
Who Gets the Credit?
Philippians 2:3When you care about others you discover it doesn’t matter who gets the credit. What matters is you help others reach their highest good.
22.2.2024 • 0
The Good Old Days
Proverbs 4:25Many of us prefer the security of our past over facing the uncertainty of our future. But living in the past only saps our energy and makes it difficult to face the demands of today.
21.2.2024 • 0
The A-B-Cs of Love
1 Corinthians 13:4-7I accept you, I believe you’re valuable, I care when you hurt, I desire what’s best for you, and I erase all offences. Chuck Swindoll calls this the A-B-Cs of love.
20.2.2024 • 0
Running Red Lights
Proverbs 12:1We all face temptation to do things we shouldn’t—even pastors! That’s why accountability is so important. Friends help us live wisely before God.
19.2.2024 • 0
Relating to Each Other
Galatians 6:10Even if we see the same people every day of the year we do not automatically relate to one another. It takes work and effort. It takes really seeing other people, not just looking at them.
16.2.2024 • 0
Many Names for "Family"
John 13:34A family is a place that relates to one another, it’s a place where one member feels pain and is supported by others who encourage him or her in the hurt. A family is a place that listens when others speak. It’s a place that cares.
15.2.2024 • 0
Love and Apathy
1 Corinthians 13:1-3When we treat others with indifference we are making an announcement to them, declaring, “I don’t love you.” Towards whom are you apathetic?
14.2.2024 • 0
Learning to Risk
Proverbs 3:5Walking by faith is risky, and the greater the risk the greater our need to trust God. When we trust the Lord we discover how reliable and trustworthy He is.
13.2.2024 • 0
Infectious Preaching
Lamentations 3:21-23Walking by faith is never boring; in fact we can become kind of infectious. Each day we have an opportunity to draw others closer to Christ by living out the Gospel.
12.2.2024 • 0
Impossible Tasks
Joshua 1:9When we face “impossible tasks” we can choose to give up or become inspired by the challenge.
9.2.2024 • 0
Confident Expectations
Proverbs 13:12We can live a few weeks without food, a few days without water, but we can’t live long without hope.
8.2.2024 • 0
Going the Distance
Galatians 5:13Our world has become impersonal—and we’ve become uninvolved and reluctant to serve others. And yet, it’s in helping others we find the key to a fulfilled life.
7.2.2024 • 0
Fear and Discouragement
Psalms 9:10Although difficult, we need to learn to wait for God’s timing with patience and contentment. Worry is worthless. God knows our needs, and He can handle them.
6.2.2024 • 0
John 12:27We live in a death-denying culture. We don’t like to think about it, talk about it, or even plan on it. But Jesus did not have that option. The shadow of the cross stretched across each day of His life on earth.
5.2.2024 • 0
2 Peter 2:1-3Counterfeits are skilled at deception. Spotting a counterfeit requires discernment. Discernment comes from knowing God’s Word.
2.2.2024 • 0
Mark 1:40We’ve all experienced times when our prayers for healing go unanswered. But no matter what, God is in control. He heals according to His perfect timing and plan.
1.2.2024 • 0
Behaviour, Decisions, and Choices
Joshua 24:15We can’t change our feelings but we have total control over our behaviour. And our behaviour is linked to our decisions, because those choices are ours. When we choose obedience to God it brings Him favour.
31.1.2024 • 0
Awaiting the Curtain Call
Mark 13:31-33The Bible gives us a preview of future events. It teaches us to be alert because Christ’s return could be could be today!
30.1.2024 • 0
Romans 12:15A sermon will not meet our needs—we need someone to hear, someone to feel the blows in our life, someone to help us cushion the heavy weight when it drops down on us. We need to assimilate into the body of Christ.
29.1.2024 • 0
A Place of Refuge
Ephesians 4:32When you take time to listen to others without criticizing or lecturing you’re providing a safe and honest environment. We all need a place of refuge.
26.1.2024 • 0
You Are Loved
Lamentations 3:22God’s love is not fickle, moody, or conditional. His lovingkindness never ceases. You are loved by God.
25.1.2024 • 0
Where's Your Anchor?
Deuteronomy 32:3-4We can’t see the future but God can. We need to trust Him to take care of us. God always proves Himself faithful.
24.1.2024 • 0
When Things Get Complicated
Revelation 2:3-5Life gets complicated over time and it’s easy to lose your way. Maybe it’s time to get back to the basics and remember your First Love.
23.1.2024 • 0
What Tombstones Say
Deuteronomy 34Tombstones are all the same when it comes to time. It’s always represented by a little small dash and that’s all. That’s life, and then it’s gone.
22.1.2024 • 0
We Do Need Friends
Proverbs 17:17Friends are essential. They provide comfort, encouragement, and strength.
19.1.2024 • 0
Unorthodox Ministry
Romans 5:8Christ proved His love in that while we were still sinners He died for us. Do you know Christ died for you?
18.1.2024 • 0
Unceasing Plagues
2 Chronicles 7:14When you submit your heart in faith to Jesus Christ you move from God’s judgment to God’s grace and mercy. It is here you find peace.
17.1.2024 • 0
Tomorrow May Not Come
John 11:24-26Maybe you’ve gone to church all your life but have never come to terms with Christ. Jesus said, “I am the resurrection and the life; he who believes in Me will live even if he dies.” Do you believe this?
16.1.2024 • 0
This is a Neighbour
Luke 10:25-27It’s easy to stay inside our comfort zones but reaching out to our neighbours is what the Christian life is all about. It’s what we’re called to do.
15.1.2024 • 0
Signs of the Times
Matthew 12:36Living in light of Christ’s return changes our perspective. And when we realize we will give an account for every idle word when we stand before Him it also changes our conduct.
12.1.2024 • 0
Our Plans and God's Plans
Romans 11:34Living happily ever after isn’t usually God’s plan for us, but what He does have in store for us is a great adventure. Walking with God is the most exciting and rewarding of all experiences on earth.
11.1.2024 • 0
Jeremiah 29:11-13We don’t need to understand God’s will. Our job is to obey.
10.1.2024 • 0
Mrs. Monroe and Moses
Philippians 4:13Everyone has weaknesses and flaws, even Bible characters. They were real people just like us. It’s encouraging to know God uses ordinary people to accomplish extraordinary things.
9.1.2024 • 0
Momentary Rage
Proverbs 29:11Rage is the most dangerous form of anger—it can so overcome a person that acts of violence are committed without conscious awareness.
8.1.2024 • 0
Learning to Wait
Psalms 27:14No matter how old we are, we never seem to master the art of waiting. The key to waiting well is learning patience. We’re never too old for that.
5.1.2024 • 0
Ecclesiastes 3:11Waiting for God isn’t easy. It’s because His timing is different than ours. Ecclesiastes 3:11 says, “God has made everything beautiful in its time.” This means we must wait for God. He will make everything beautiful in its time.
4.1.2024 • 0
I am a Promise. I am a Possibility
Psalms 46:1You are important to God, never doubt it. During tough times it’s easy to forget God is with you and knows exactly where you are. Whatever difficulty you’re experiencing, trust God. He is a present help in trouble.
3.1.2024 • 0
Final Words
John 16Jesus’ final words were spoken to His disciples but meant for everyone. And they’re life changing.
2.1.2024 • 0
Don't Retire from Life
Psalms 92:12-15It’s one thing to retire from work but it’s quite another to retire from life. While it may be tempting to hid away during the retirement years this is the time to stay active, interested, and involved.
1.1.2024 • 0
Psalms 37:39-40There are no coincidences. Things don’t just happen—they’re planned. And God uses the events in our lives to get us to stop and pay attention to what He’s saying.
29.12.2023 • 0
Burning Bushes
Exodus 3:1-15When God wants us in His service sometimes that means rearranging our priorities and putting our pursuits on hold.
28.12.2023 • 0
Building Into Each Other
Galatians 5:13Life is all about relating to others in love, forgiveness, and grace. We need each other.
27.12.2023 • 0
Be All There
Ephesians 5:15-16Always living in the moment isn’t easy; there are so many distractions. But when you embrace each moment you begin to live life to its fullest.
26.12.2023 • 0
A Riddle Wrapped in Mystery
2 Corinthians 9:15God’s gift of salvation through Jesus Christ is indeed a gift too wonderful for words. And it’s the best gift you’ll ever receive.
25.12.2023 • 0
Outstretched Arms
Luke 2:29-32Through the months leading to Christmas we are busily about our stuff—doing business, travelling, and engaged in the give and take of life. And then Christmas hits and the zoom lenses of our minds focus on the outstretched arms of the One who saved us.
22.12.2023 • 0
Human History
Galatians 4:4-5God has been at work in human history. Over the passing of time He arranged a set of events that would lead ultimately to the beginning and to the continuation of humanity for as long as He chooses.
21.12.2023 • 0
Your First Concern
Romans 6:23If death came today, would you be ready? God loves you and wants you to live forever with him. There’s only one way to heaven, and that is through Christ. If you’ve never thought about your eternal destiny there no better time than now to believe.
20.12.2023 • 0
Twenty Years From Barbarism
Proverbs 24:3-4Parents only have a short time to raise their children. Approximately 20 years is all we have to accomplish the task of teaching those born in our midst everything we know.
19.12.2023 • 0
Plain Old Hard Work
Colossians 3:23-24Whether you’re completing a university degree, harvesting potatoes, or planting a church, anything worth doing takes dedication and a lot of hard work.
18.12.2023 • 0
2 Timothy 3:14-15Was there someone who mentored you? It’s never too late to let your mentor know what he or she meant to you.
15.12.2023 • 0
Gumption and the Single Adult
1 Corinthians 7:32-35Are you married? Single? Something else? Whatever your status, acceptance is key. Discontentment can rob you of your enthusiasm for life.
14.12.2023 • 0
Psalms 92:12-15In our “hurry-up” society a grandparent’s patience, understanding, and unconditional love can make a world of difference to a child.
13.12.2023 • 0
Erosion is Always Subtle
Acts 2:40Spiritual erosion is subtle, slow, and silent but taking time to reflect and evaluate can stop erosion in your life.
12.12.2023 • 0
Empathy and Sympathy
Hebrews 4:15There’s a big difference between empathy and sympathy. To sympathize is to feel for someone. To empathize is to feel with someone.
11.12.2023 • 0
Job 5:18Pain is a part of life. And it’s in these “crucibles” our identity is shaped. Hard times are a transformative experience.
8.12.2023 • 0
Two Types of Success
Proverbs 22:6There are two types of success—outside and inside the home. Success in business never makes up for failure in the home. Children don’t need more stuff—the need lots of time and unconditional love.
7.12.2023 • 0
Tragedy Breeds Calamity
Psalms 46:1-3God doesn’t leave us in the tough times. Even when we question His goodness, He stays near. Psalm 46 says God is our refuge and strength—a very present help in trouble. Whatever you’re going through, God is there and He’s in control.
6.12.2023 • 0
The Complexities of Womanhood
Esther 2An orphan girl who grew up to be a Queen—Esther was an extraordinary person who saved the entire Jewish nation. Though she lived thousands of years ago, her humility, grace, and courage make Esther an inspiring and relevant role model for women today.
5.12.2023 • 0
The Book of Beginnings
Genesis The book of Genesis tells the story of how God created the world—and it also tells us a lot about God Himself. If you’ve never read Genesis, you have a great read awaiting you.
4.12.2023 • 0
Reassurance or Uneasiness
Psalms 27:11We all know what it’s like to get those feelings in the pit of our stomachs when we sense something just isn’t right. In these times it’s important to listen to our intuition and slow down—especially before making a big decision.
1.12.2023 • 0
Philippians 4:8-9From time to time it’s a good idea to re-examine your priorities. It’s so easy to fill your life with unimportant things, leaving little time for what really matters.
30.11.2023 • 0
Holding Things Loosely
Proverbs 3:5-6God wants you to hold everything loosely, except His hand. You never know what the future will bring—or take away—but whatever happens, God wants you to trust Him completely.
29.11.2023 • 0
Divine Healers
James 5:14-16God can and does heal, Scripture makes that clear. But divine healing is something we cannot control. It happens according to God’s perfect will, in His perfect time.
28.11.2023 • 0
Background Workers
Colossians 3:23-24Being unknown doesn’t mean a person is unimportant. Without the behind-the-scenes support people, very little would get done. If you’re in the background, never doubt the significant impact you make with your loyalty, commitment, and support.
27.11.2023 • 0
A True and Dependable Source
Hebrews 4:12The Bible has withstood centuries of opposition—and the opposition continues today. There’s a battle against the Word of God because it’s alive, powerful, and changes lives.
24.11.2023 • 0
Ways We React to Death
Exodus 3:13-17God’s faithfulness is unconditional, unending, and unswerving. Even in the face of death. He is the eternal I AM, the sovereign Lord of the universe. And you can trust Him with your very life.
23.11.2023 • 0
The Reality of Death
John 11Death is inevitable, but even death can’t threaten God’s ultimate protection over our lives. We can trust God to protect us from now till the dawning of eternity.
22.11.2023 • 0
Millions and Billions
Matthew 28:18-20Jesus said, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel.” But the world has almost seven billion people...where do we start? One person at a time. Our neighbour, our co-worker, our friend—the people we connect with every day are the one’s we’re called to reach.
21.11.2023 • 0
Ephesians 1:7-8God lavishes his grace on us and there’s nothing we can do to pay Him back. Admit your need for God and claim His free gift of grace today.
20.11.2023 • 0
Colossians 2:8Legalism is all about rules and regulations, requirements and expectations. But Jesus introduced a revolutionary and different way of life. He taught grace, truth, and freedom.
17.11.2023 • 0
Faith Not Sight
2 Corinthians 5:7So much of what happens in life is beyond our comprehension. But if we had all the answers we wouldn’t need faith. It’s in the uncertainties and mysteries of life our faith is strengthened.
16.11.2023 • 0
Bubbles, Not Sprinkles
Ephesians 1:7-8Despite messing up time and time again, God still lavishes His grace on us. And because we’ve been given so much grace we need to pass it on. Every day there are opportunities to show grace—everyone needs grace.
15.11.2023 • 0
Beneath the Surface
Galatians 5:24On the surface Chuck Colson had everything but underneath his life was empty. It was only when he accepted Christ the emptiness was filled and he truly began to live.
14.11.2023 • 0
Admit Your Limitations
Acts 8:26-35We may not be able to reach millions of people, but we can impact our neighbour...our co-worker...our friend. Reaching the world starts with just one person.
13.11.2023 • 0
A Place Like No Other
Romans 1:11-12The church is a place like no other. You’ll rarely find such a supportive community elsewhere in life. When you hurt there are people who will stay with you and suffer with you.
10.11.2023 • 0
Type B People
Psalms 139:14Type A people are the ones up front. They motivate and inspire others. Type B people work behind the scenes. They’re the thinkers, with an attention to detail. We may each be a personality type but we’re all created by God for a unique purpose.
9.11.2023 • 0
Tragedy and Calamity
Isaiah 49:16If you allow it, tragedy can pull you closer to the Lord than you’ve ever been. God doesn’t leave you in hard times, He comes closer and He stays nearer.
8.11.2023 • 0
Stop, Look, Listen
Romans 3:23Erosion is a slow and silent process and no one is immune from it. If you don’t stop yourself in a downward spiral, then last week’s wrong choice doesn’t seem so bad this week. And on and on.
7.11.2023 • 0
Remember the Victims
Exodus 23:33The world says our main goal should be getting what we want. And if we have to sin in order to do so, that’s OK. But the reality is getting what you want can leave a wake of victims. Sin always has consequences.
6.11.2023 • 0
Reading the Bible Through
Proverbs 23:12It’s probably true that most North Americans have at least six copies of the Bible in their possession—and that doesn’t count digital copies! We’re blessed with the freedom to read and own the Bible, but often we take the Bible for granted. Why not read through the Bible this year?
3.11.2023 • 0
1 Chronicles 28:9If it were possible to make all the wrongs right, it would be so much easier, wouldn’t it? When you’re misunderstood sometimes there’s nothing you can do but let it go.
2.11.2023 • 0
Love Poems
Ephesians 5:28Strong marriages don’t just happen. They require nurturing. Doing something as simple as writing a poem or even a note expressing your love can be the first step in rekindling that romantic spark.
1.11.2023 • 0
Driving Across the Desert
Matthew 1:1-17Reading through the Bible can be like taking a road trip. Each book has different scenes and along the way you meet interesting characters.
31.10.2023 • 0
Caught in the Backwash
2 Kings 15:1-5Even though we are forgiven by God’s grace, sin has consequences and sometimes they’re devastating. When our actions harm others they can have lifelong ramifications.
30.10.2023 • 0
Biblical Ignorance
Psalms 119:11The Reformation put Scripture into the hands of the people. God’s Word is resilient. It survives all attempts to destroy it. Don’t take your Bible for granted. Study it, learn it, know it.
27.10.2023 • 0
The Skeptical Intellectual
Romans 5:1-5Perhaps you’re a skeptic. You don’t believe in miracles, only in science, logic, and absolutes. The good news is Christ doesn’t ask you to check your brains at the door when you come to know Him personally. Just the opposite—you gain insight and knowledge through the Holy Spirit!
26.10.2023 • 0
The Rest of the Story
Proverbs 22:6Rebellion begins in childhood and continues into adulthood. That’s why it’s so important to teach young children to obey. And they learn best from their parents’ example.
25.10.2023 • 0
Second-Guessing Self-Pity
Philippians 1When times are tough it’s easy to get lost in self-pity. But instead of dwelling on your problems, think about others. When you choose to help others even though you’re struggling you are choosing to rise above your situation. You’re choosing victory instead of defeat.
24.10.2023 • 0
Saying Sorry
Matthew 5:23-24When you’ve offended someone it’s not enough to make things right with God. You need to face the person you’ve hurt and say, “I’m sorry.” Admitting you’re wrong takes guts and strength of character.
23.10.2023 • 0
Retirement Isn't the End
Ecclesiastes 11:6Retirement is a time to try something new, like mentoring. Investing time in a younger person can be a rewarding experience. No matter your age, taking every opportunity that comes your way and using it wisely is a great way to live.
20.10.2023 • 0
Mending Fences
Matthew 5:38-42We’ve all hurt others, and no matter how much time has passed it’s not too late to reconcile and make things right. We all need grace, and we all need to extend grace. Mending broken relationships speaks volumes to those around you.
19.10.2023 • 0
Forgiveness is the Key
Matthew 18:21-22You probably know by now life isn’t fair. And it’s easy to become bitter because of what happens—but if you don’t forgive you will be trapped in a prison of your own making. Forgiveness is the key to releasing you from bitterness, hatred, and resentment.
18.10.2023 • 0
1 Chronicles 16:8Milestones are worth celebrating. They’re wonderful opportunities to reflect on where you’ve been and evaluate where you’re going.
17.10.2023 • 0
Drinking from the Fountain of Knowledge
Joshua 1:8Learning is lifelong, and ignorance is not bliss. Just because you don’t have formal education doesn’t mean you’re off the hook. Education comes from all sorts of places. Seek it out, don’t settle for anything less.
16.10.2023 • 0
Doing What Should Be Done
Matthew 5:23-24Restoring a relationship takes courage and humility, but it’s the right thing to do. Making things right is always worth it.
13.10.2023 • 0
Strained Relationships
Colossians 3:21Just because there isn’t physical violence in your home doesn’t mean there aren’t strained relationships. But hope is not lost! Relationships can be restored and parents, this starts with you.
12.10.2023 • 0
Secret Greed
Philippians 4:12Greed is a desire for more. More power, more pleasure, more money, more stuff. But the more greed in your life the more it robs you of peace, joy, and contentment.
11.10.2023 • 0
Pride Stinks!
Psalms 10:4Pride stinks! The problem is, the proud person is the only one who doesn’t smell it. You can put pride into perspective by recognizing you’re reliant on God for every breath you take.
10.10.2023 • 0
Sixty Seconds
2 Corinthians 9:15Everything we have is a gift from God and once you learn to appreciate what you’ve been given, giving back is a natural response. Generosity increases contentment and instead of striving for more, you enjoy what you have.
9.10.2023 • 0
People On Our Path
Isaiah 45:5We meet all sorts of people on our path. Some we meet only briefly, and yet God uses seemingly insignificant events to shape us. The people we meet on our path leave us forever changed, and we do the same for them.
6.10.2023 • 0
Kindness, Compassion, and Forgiveness
Ephesians 4:25Here’s a principle for life: Relationships are built on trust and trust is built on truth. Tell the truth.
5.10.2023 • 0
Hatred in the Home
Proverbs 10:12If your home is a battleground it’s not too late to turn things around. Broken relationships can be mended. It starts with love; a steady stream of love that quickly forgives and refuses to take offence.
4.10.2023 • 0
Four Types of Greed
Psalms 10:2-4Greed is covetousness. It’s an inordinate desire to acquire more and more. Greed is always in a hurry. It knows little of patience or integrity or appropriateness. It is seldom admitted and is often rationalized.
3.10.2023 • 0
Deception and Accountability
Isaiah 57:2It’s important to live an accountable life because once a man can lie to himself he can lie to anyone.
2.10.2023 • 0
Galatians 6:7Here is the principle: We reap what we sow, forgiveness notwithstanding. Confessing our sin does not take away the consequences. However, God’s grace means God, in forgiving us, gives us the strength to endure the consequences.
29.9.2023 • 0
What Would You Do for $10 Million?
Hebrews 13:5No really, what would you do for 10 million dollars? Although it’s easier for us to trust in money than in God, much of the time it can bring no lasting satisfaction, only a desire for more.
28.9.2023 • 0
Vertical Perspective
Psalms 9:10Seeing the hand of God in your situation may seem impossible when the bottom drops out from your life, but viewing life from a vertical perspective gives you hope and helps you stand firm. No matter what the crisis.
27.9.2023 • 0
The Rewards of a Life Well-Lived
Daniel 6:1-4If someone went over your life with a fine-tooth comb, what would he find? As Chuck says, the rewards of a life well-lived never end. They continue from generation to generation.
26.9.2023 • 0
Prophets and Politicians
Acts 4There is a big difference between prophets and politicians. Politicians act in a way to please their constituents. Prophets act in a way to please God. In the Bible prophets often stood alone. They spoke God’s truth and risked losing their lives for it.
25.9.2023 • 0
Principles for Marriage
Genesis 2:23-24Two principles for a happy marriage: severance and permanence. You must leave your old family for your new one, and you must stick with it.
22.9.2023 • 0
Daniel 4:37Pride wants the best of everything, and insists on recognition. Humility, on the other hand, is the most Christlike attitude you can demonstrate. It means being content when others receive the recognition.
21.9.2023 • 0
Missing the Obvious
Romans 14:17It’s so easy to focus on the non-essentials. We can become so preoccupied with the details we completely miss the big picture. Relationships become fractured when we only focus on the small stuff.
20.9.2023 • 0
Proverbs 14:2In Hebrew, the word “integrity” means an unimpaired condition. Another word is “solid.” A person with integrity is not divided or devious.
19.9.2023 • 0
God is Still in Control
1 Chronicles 16:29-31Our default is to embrace a horizontal perspective of life, but once we embrace a vertical perspective we acknowledge God’s hand on our lives. God is sovereign, no matter what happens.
18.9.2023 • 0
Chasing Kindness
Galatians 5:19-23When your life is free of bitterness you have lots of room for kindness. Which would you rather have in your life?
15.9.2023 • 0
Unwholesome Words and Rotten Shrimp
Ephesians 4:29Every time you speak you either build up or tear down. So be careful with your words. Let your speech be the light of Christ.
14.9.2023 • 0
1 Corinthians 7:10A marriage is sick if there’s a lack of unity. Allow your partner the freedom to be, and to cultivate the gifts and strengths and abilities God has given him or her.
13.9.2023 • 0
This is Your Chance
Ephesians 4:32Parents, your children need to know they’re loved unconditionally and that you won’t condemn them when they mess up. Talk straight, get close, and let grace overflow in your home.
12.9.2023 • 0
Putting Off the Lie
Proverbs 24:26Marriage is built on trust and trust is built on truth. Being completely honest is difficult and risky, but it’s critical to a strong and healthy relationship.
11.9.2023 • 0
Love's Language
1 Corinthians 13:13Love has a language all its own. When love is on display, no words can adequately define or describe it.
8.9.2023 • 0
Gush Moments
1 Peter 3:1-4, 3:7Every marriage needs those gush moments, those moments when you affirm your spouse. Acts of kindness and showing affection are vital to a vibrant marriage.
7.9.2023 • 0
Expressing Anger
1 John 3:18All anger is not bad...and all conflicts are not wrong. But disagreements need to be expressed appropriately and at the right time.
6.9.2023 • 0
Proverbs 4:23Erosion is dangerous because you don’t see it happening when all the while it’s eating away, disintegrating, destroying...slowly, silently, and subtly.
5.9.2023 • 0
Eight Characteristics About Family
Exodus 20:12You can’t choose your family, but you can choose how you relate to them. It’s never too late to start extending grace.
4.9.2023 • 0
Define Family
Ephesians 3:14-19One definition for family is “a museum of memories.” As you think of your family, what pictures hang in the gallery of your mental images? What kind of memories are you creating for your family now?
1.9.2023 • 0
Unveiling Marriage
Ephesians 4:26-32Applying these five principles to your marriage will breathe new life into it. It’s not too late to have a marriage that thrives.
31.8.2023 • 0
Three Statements About Love
1 Peter 2:17We don’t hear the words, “I love you” enough. And we certainly don’t say it often enough. If you can think of someone who needs to hear this from you, don’t wait.
30.8.2023 • 0
Stretch Your Mind
Psalms 7:17The secret of staying young is within you. It has nothing to do with where you live, how much money you make, who you’re married to, or how your kids turn out. It has everything to do with your attitude.
29.8.2023 • 0
Singing Praises
Proverbs 27:2Proverbs 27:2 says “Let another praise you, and not your own mouth; A stranger, and not your own lips.” You do good work and others will find you. They will sing your praises.
28.8.2023 • 0
Marriage and Hardship
Ephesians 4:25-32As important as love is to a marriage, grace is even more so. Grace can transform your marriage and turn your home into a place of security, acceptance, and encouragement.
25.8.2023 • 0
Love Doesn't Go There
Ephesians 4:32We’ve all been wronged, but keeping a list of the wrongs only makes things worse. The best way to recover is to forgive.
24.8.2023 • 0
Four Attitudes That Demoralize Us
1 John 4:18The four attitudes that demoralize us are uselessness, self-pity, fear, and guilt mixed with regret. These negative attitudes can prevent you from living life to the fullest.
23.8.2023 • 0
Commitment is the Key
1 Corinthians 13:13Commitment is key to the survival of a marriage. And commitment begins with Christ. His grace can change your attitude.
22.8.2023 • 0
Attitude Over Age
Joshua 14:10-12Your mind isn’t old—keep stretching it. This is good advice for everyone, no matter what age.
21.8.2023 • 0
A Word to Parents
Proverbs 22:6Even though kids act like they don’t care they want the security of your attention, love, and even boundaries.
18.8.2023 • 0
Where Do I Go With This Broken Heart?
2 Corinthians 1:5Pain in our lives is an opportunity to depend further on Christ. In the process, our faith is strengthened.
17.8.2023 • 0
This Thing Called Prejudice
Luke 6:37Prejudice is a heart problem. We adopt sinful attitudes towards others and recognizing them is the first step towards removing the blinders and—with God’s help—begin seeing the truth.
16.8.2023 • 0
Saving Marriage
1 Corinthians 7:27Your commitment is what binds you and your spouse together for better or for worse...richer or sickness and health.
15.8.2023 • 0
Plight Your Troth
1 Corinthians 4:2“Troth” isn’t a word we often use. It’s a solemn pledge made at the altar between a bride and a groom, a pledge to remain faithful to one another. Maybe it’s a word we should start using again.
14.8.2023 • 0
Life is Like Hockey
Matthew 18:21-22Misunderstandings can easily lead to broken relationships. Before this happens do your best to come to a resolution. Then graciously forgive. And move on.
11.8.2023 • 0
Matthew 23:23Our actions should match our words. It’s only when we’re honest with ourselves and with God can we begin to overcome hypocrisy.
10.8.2023 • 0
Honouring Without Smothering
Ephesians 5:22-30If you’re jealous or overprotective of your spouse you risk smothering. True honouring is the opposite—honouring allows your spouse to be free to be his or her own person.
9.8.2023 • 0
Proverbs 3:5-6Whether expected or not, crossroads are always life changing. In those uncertain times be sure of this: God is ultimately and uniquely trustworthy.
8.8.2023 • 0
Romans 12:10Prejudice is a learned trait, but it can be unlearned. It takes a renewed mind to remove the blinders of prejudice and see people for who they are...instead of what they look like.
7.8.2023 • 0
An Allegory About Marriage
Matthew 19:6As time passes a marriage can easily become neglected. And neglect makes it susceptible to harmful influences. But a marriage that’s given care and attention, thrives. The honeymoon doesn’t have to end!
4.8.2023 • 0
Wrestling With Providence
Luke 8:22-25Your response to hard times is an indication of where your trust lies —in yourself or in God.
3.8.2023 • 0
When Catastrophe Strikes
Proverbs 3:5In the midst of catastrophe your priorities change. You find the things once important to you are now insignificant. And you become more sensitive to God—you learn to trust Him like never before.
2.8.2023 • 0
We Need Encouragement
Romans 15:5We all need encouragement. Many people are worn down by worry and anxiety and those who seem like they have it all together are often the ones who need encouragement the most.
1.8.2023 • 0
The Spark of Protest
Colossians 1:24We take for granted the freedom of reading the Bible in our own language. The Bible came to us at great cost. Men and women sacrificed their lives so God’s Word could be in the hands of the common people.
31.7.2023 • 0
The Complete Picture
Romans 8:28-30God sees everything from the beginning to the end. But you have a limited view. Although in the moment you may be feeling defeated or forgotten, God sees the final scene. And from His perspective, it’s beautiful.
28.7.2023 • 0
Selfish, Afraid, and Proud
Jeremiah 29:11We wrestle with God’s sovereignty because we want to be in control of what happens to us. But God sees the whole picture of our lives from start to finish...and He says, “Trust Me. I know what’s best for you.”
27.7.2023 • 0
It Is Well
Proverbs 10:25Even in the midst of a crisis, it is possible to find peace. When the bottom drops out Jesus Christ will give you the strength you need. Why not put your trust in Him today?
26.7.2023 • 0
Four Characteristics of Catastrophe
Hebrews 13:5Catastrophes don’t usually give advanced warning. But you can be prepared—faith in Christ will help you weather the storms of life. He promises to always be with you and never leave you.
25.7.2023 • 0
Death is Inescapable
1 John 5:11Although it may feel like it, death is not an escape—it leads you into eternity. Ending your life is not your decision to make, it’s God’s. He is both the Giver and Taker of life.
24.7.2023 • 0
A Pit Bull Called Death
Proverbs 14:27Death is inevitable, and once you’re in its grip there is no escape. The good news is those in Christ don’t need to fear death because it ushers us into the presence of God.
21.7.2023 • 0
When the Work is Finished
Acts 2:32-33When Jesus Christ arrived back in heaven, having finished His work on the cross, He was seated next to the Father. But He isn’t just sitting. The Lord is actively directing the affairs of this planet, and He is in complete control.
20.7.2023 • 0
Ten Minutes a Day
Psalms 19:14Nothing is of greater importance than getting acquainted with Christ. Spending just 10 minutes a day with Him for one year will transform you. Why not accept Chuck’s challenge and find out for yourself?
19.7.2023 • 0
One Long Gift
1 Kings 19:10-12There are days it’s wise for us to stop and look and listen. When you do everything in life seems to shut down for a period of time. It’s almost as if the Lord is saying, “Now that you’ve stopped, I want you to look, and I want you to listen.”
18.7.2023 • 0
Losing Our Edge
Jeremiah 20:9We live in a time where Christian values are blurred and weakened. But God’s Word is truth and it’s unchanging. When we choose to ignore it we become lost, confused, and without hope.
17.7.2023 • 0
Life is Like a Coin
Revelation 12:12You can live any way you want to, but you can only live once. Looking at it another way, you have a set amount of time to make a difference. How will you spend your time this year?
14.7.2023 • 0
Learning from the Crosses
James 1:2-3When we meet with trials our typical response is resistance. But trials have a purpose, they help us mature and they teach us to depend on God.
13.7.2023 • 0
Learn to Run
1 Corinthians 6:18Wondering how to stay pure in a world filled with temptation? Learn to run. As soon as you find yourself starting to lust, run. You cannot lust and run at the same time.
12.7.2023 • 0
It is a Big Deal
Luke 9:23Self-denial is not a popular message—it’s seen as outdated and irrelevant. This generation believes instant gratification is no big deal, but it is! It’s a big deal! You do not take up your cross daily unless you know the discipline of patience and waiting for God’s timing.
11.7.2023 • 0
God Loves a Hilarious Giver
2 Corinthians 9:7“Each one must do just as he has purposed in his heart, not grudgingly, not under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver” (2 Corinthians 9:7). “Cheerful” in Greek actually translated “hilarious.” God loves a hilarious giver—you give because you want to laugh out loud, because your heart is light.
10.7.2023 • 0
Treacherous Temptations
1 Corinthians 10:13Temptations are dangerous because they invite you to get in over your head. And if you accept the invitation you’ll find all your energy is spent just trying to stay afloat. When it comes to temptation the best plan of attach is a hasty retreat.
7.7.2023 • 0
Thoughts and Thinkers
Genesis 1:1The first sentence of the Bible says, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” But to many that’s impossible. They believe the world just happened, without any reason, intellect, plan, or thought. The truth is everything around us is evidence that creation not only required great thought but a great Thinker.
6.7.2023 • 0
The King of Heaviness
Psalms 8:9We live in a day marked by shallow concepts of God. We’ve lost our sense of reverence...God has become our “pal,” our understanding buddy. But God is holy. He’s our Creator. He is our sovereign and glorious Lord, worthy of all our praise and worship.
5.7.2023 • 0
Not in Vain
Hebrews 11:39-40Nothing you do for the Lord is ever wasted. It’s never in vain. Even if you receive no credit or even a “thank you” don’t be discouraged! God promises you will be rewarded when the time is right.
4.7.2023 • 0
It's Not a Cross we Honour
Romans 5:8The cross is where we gain our spiritual freedom. But we don’t honour the cross...we honour the One who hung on it. Christ is the object of our adoration.
3.7.2023 • 0
In the Attic
Micah 6:13You can’t play games with sin. Left unchecked it can ruin your whole life. It moves in and eats away at our moral fabric. And the longer it stays... the harder it is to get rid of it.
30.6.2023 • 0
Revelation 5:11-13According to the dictionary the word “glory” is a synonym for splendour or magnificence. So how do we give God glory?
29.6.2023 • 0
Defying Gravity
Acts 2:17-20Never think that because something is invisible it is therefore unimportant or weak. Just think of gravity—where would we be without it? The Holy Spirit is the same. He energizes, motivates, comforts, and gives discernment. The Holy Spirit is our spiritual fuel.
28.6.2023 • 0
Isaiah 64:8Something everyone agrees on is the key in life is change. And it’s not optional. Think about the last 10 years—you’re not the same person, are you? In fact, your life today compared to then probably doesn’t even resemble each other. That’s because of change.
27.6.2023 • 0
Better Git Ready
Acts 17:30The return of Jesus Christ is met with mixed emotions. For those who are ready there is a sense of comfort and anticipation. But for those who are not there is a mixture of confusion, intimidation, and—for a few—even fear.
26.6.2023 • 0
Why Me?
James 1:2-4Although often met with resistance and resentment, trials have a purpose: they stretch you. It is through trials you learn endurance. And it is through patient endurance you bring glory to God.
23.6.2023 • 0
The Best Teacher
Psalms 25:9True of false? Experience is the best teacher. Experience is a good teacher, but guided experience is the best teacher. We need people to come alongside us; people who care enough to confront us when we’re off base. And when we’re confronted, we need the humility to learn from it.
22.6.2023 • 0
Temptation and Reality
1 Corinthians 10:13Temptation is always present, no matter who you are. It knows no barriers and doesn’t play favourites. When you’re tempted don’t linger; determine in your heart to resist.
21.6.2023 • 0
James 4:11Prejudice is nothing new. It’s a learned trait, which keeps you in darkness. When you’re prejudice you become bound to old ways of thinking. You lose your openness and creativity. In fact, prejudice can affect every aspect of your life.
20.6.2023 • 0
Judging Motives
Romans 2:1First impressions are seldom correct. We’re quick to judge others but a better approach is to choose to see the best in each other and extend grace. It’s something we all need.
19.6.2023 • 0
I'm the Problem
1 John 5:16-18You can’t play games fairly without keeping the rules and the same logic applies to life. Rules set boundaries for us in how we should live but they don’t stop us from stop doing what wrong. God’s law is not the cause of our wrongdoing it simply reveals it to us.
16.6.2023 • 0
Hiding Inadequacy
2 Corinthians 12:9-10God does His best work in you after you’ve exhausted your own strength. He doesn’t use “super-strong” people. He uses the inadequate and ill equipped, “...for when I am weak, then I am strong.”
15.6.2023 • 0
Faith is Like Calories
James 2:22Someone has said faith is like calories—you can’t see them, but you can certainly see the results! Living a deep and consistent walk with Christ requires your time and attention, every day.
14.6.2023 • 0
Breaking Up is Hard to Do
Matthew 23:1-12The world says tells us all that matters is making a good impression. But God is not impressed with externals; you can’t fake it with Him. Recognizing the hypocrisy in your life and breaking with it is painful, but necessary.
13.6.2023 • 0
Applying the Truth
Proverbs 16:32While you can’t always control what happens, you can control your response. Your choice of attitude is the single most significant decision you can make on a daily basis. Positive responses develop patience, perseverance, and self-control.
12.6.2023 • 0
You Can't Predict the Falling of a Wall
2 Chronicles 7:14Someone may be making your life miserable. There may be another situation making you miserable. Whoever or whatever you’re up against there is no wall so strong that God is not stronger. What seems unchangeable is not. God can change hearts. God can change situations. Trust Him for the outcome.
9.6.2023 • 0
What is Your Final Authority?
Matthew 19:26When times are tough what matters is your focus. If you focus on your problems they’ll seem insurmountable. If you focus on God you’re trusting Him for the outcome. And nothing is impossible for God.
8.6.2023 • 0
What is a Family?
Ephesians 4:32A perfect family is not achievable. There will always be disagreements and the clashing of wills. However, through Christ a home filled with grace, forgiveness, and love is achievable.
7.6.2023 • 0
We Live in Different Days
Micah 6:8Life is complex. Our world is more complicated than it was even 20 or 30 years ago. Even though many of the values we grew up with now seem passé, the basics never change—they’re summarized in Micah 6:8, to act justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God.
6.6.2023 • 0
Walling In or Walling Out
Romans 8:20-21Just as countries build walls for protection from enemies we build walls around ourselves. Freedom is living without walls; letting go of the bitterness and anger keeping us in bondage.
5.6.2023 • 0
Romans 12:1-2We’re all tempted to get even when we’ve been wronged; our natural reaction is to retaliate. However, a better response extends grace. It not only demonstrates self-control but it shows you don’t take your cues from how the world would respond—but rather from what God wants you to do.
2.6.2023 • 0
Never Stop Learning
Exodus 33:12-14Chuck Swindoll tells us to remain students for the rest of our lives. He says to those in education, “press on; never quit. Never stop studying. Never stop reading. Never stop learning. Don’t believe it because someone says it. Find out for yourself. Never stop. Press on.” That’s good advice for all of us.
1.6.2023 • 0
John 17:3Self-absorption is a dead end, which will never bring happiness or fulfilment. It’s only through the pursuit of knowing God we discover true contentment. And once we know God we’re equipped to truly know ourselves.
31.5.2023 • 0
Invisible Providence
Jeremiah 29:11Just because you can’t see God doesn’t mean He isn’t there, continually at work in your life. You may not understand what He’s doing but never doubt it—you are the object of God’s concern. And you can trust that His plan for you is perfect.
30.5.2023 • 0
A Reasonably Good Marriage
Ecclesiastes 4:12Chuck Swindoll affirms a reasonably good marriage may not sound exciting but it’s both real and achievable. Marriage enhances life because you’re in it together. The world keeps changing but God’s design for marriage hasn’t. It’s the basis of the family and even society.
29.5.2023 • 0
The Significance of One
John 13:35It matters that you get involved. This doesn’t necessarily mean joining a protest march; it can be as straightforward as connecting with people and making a positive difference in their lives.
26.5.2023 • 0
The Day of the Flies
1 Chronicles 10:13Curiosity in the occult can lead to tragedy. What seems like harmless and innocent fun can quickly escalate to the point where you’re involved spiritually and physically. Like Chuck Swindoll says, “Watch out for the enemy. He not only plays dirty; he plays for keeps. And he’s playing for your soul.”
25.5.2023 • 0
Standing Alone
Exodus 15:2It takes courage to stand against the crowd and speak the truth. Sometimes it isn’t easy, and it can be isolating and lonely. But that’s how God shapes our character—when we depend solely on Him for our strength.
24.5.2023 • 0
Rebellion and Defiance
1 Samuel 15:23We tend to think of teens as the only ones who deal with rebellion and defiance but these tendencies are in all of us, no matter our age.
23.5.2023 • 0
Mundane and Meaningful
Matthew 10:29-31God not only moves in unusual ways, He also moves on uneventful days. He’s just as involved in the mundane events as He is in the miraculous. His hand is in it all.
22.5.2023 • 0
Charm and Elegance
1 Peter 3:10Verbal restraint is a virtue, which applies to both men and women. If you struggle with this quality consider the three-second pause. Waiting before speaking gives you time to think about your words—are they true? Are they kind? Are they necessary?
19.5.2023 • 0
From Bad to Worse
Isaiah 25:1What do you do when a situation goes from bad to worse? You have two options: Focus on yourself and your problems or focus on God. Focusing on God helps you trust He’s working out His perfect plan, no matter the circumstances.
18.5.2023 • 0
Does One Make a Difference?
1 Kings 19:14-18In an overpopulated world it’s easy to underestimate the value of you, your vote, your convictions, your determination to say, “I stand against this.” Even though you can’t do everything you can do something. It makes a difference.
17.5.2023 • 0
A Teachable Spirit
Proverbs 21:11It’s easy to think we know it all, especially as we get older. Somewhere along the way we lose our teachable spirit. The truth is, regardless of age or education no one has the corner on wisdom. There is never a time we lose our need for the input of others.
16.5.2023 • 0
A Smiling Face
John 5:24When you imagine God’s face...what do you see? If you visualize anger, you’re wrong. All God’s anger at sin was poured on Christ at the cross. This means if you’re in Christ, you’re free from God’s wrath because of Christ’s death and resurrection.
15.5.2023 • 0
Your Brook is Dried Up
Romans 8:28Author John Bunyan was in a seemingly hopeless situation when he penned Pilgrim’s Progress, a book still impacting lives today...300 years later. Whatever tough stuff you’re dealing with remember God is with you, working through you, in His perfect timing and in His perfect way.
12.5.2023 • 0
Refusing to Blend
Philippians 1:27God is looking for men and women whose hearts are completely His. He wants to use you—you are uniquely placed in your situation to reach people for Christ in your sphere of influence. Never underestimate the difference you can make simply by refusing to blend in. The way you live can help someone find God.
11.5.2023 • 0
Love the Giver Not the Gifts
Colossians 3:16Whether it’s your family, friends, job, or home, everything you have is from God. Look within—are you more enamoured with the gifts God gives you than with God Himself?
10.5.2023 • 0
God of the Fly
2 Kings 1Have you ever wondered about the name, “Baalzebub?” The name is comprised of two Hebrew words —Baal meaning “lord or god,” and Zebub meaning, “to move here and there quickly,” referencing flies.
9.5.2023 • 0
First Impressions
2 Thessalonians 3:4-5Beginning days are often the hardest ones. Chuck Swindoll says, “How do we learn consistent faith? We learn it one day at a time. We learn it through endurance.” He’s right. As you walk into a new situation, don’t lose heart. It’s just one more opportunity to grow and learn and trust.
8.5.2023 • 0
Every Promise in the Book is Mine?
Mark 16:15-18Someone did the math and figured there are 7,474 promises in the Bible. Are they all for you and me to claim? Chuck Swindoll says there are two kinds of promises in the Bible: personal and universal. Learning to discern between the two is the challenge.
5.5.2023 • 0
Don't Beat Around the Bush
Philippians 4:6How specific are you in your prayers? When you talk to God, talk about your needs—don’t beat around the bush! God does His most ideal work when we are in an impossible situation. And He always proves Himself faithful.
4.5.2023 • 0
Direction and Provision
1 Peter 1:6-7When you welcome trials as friends for the good they do in your life, you can turn bad situations into opportunities to grow and mature. And what you think will certainly destroy you can actually be the very thing, which makes you.
3.5.2023 • 0
Boot Camp
Ephesians 6:13Boot camp isn’t supposed to be easy, it’s meant to prepare people to defend their country against the enemy. It has the built-in ingredients to make you strong. There’s a sort of spiritual boot camp believers go through. It’s not easy, but God is using it ultimately for good.
2.5.2023 • 0
Blooming and Blossoming
1 Corinthians 7:24One person really can make a difference. And you don’t have to be famous to impact this world. Each day there are opportunities to take a stand, speak in truth, and extend kindness.
1.5.2023 • 0
Under Grace
Galatians 5:13Being under grace beings being free in Christ and no longer a slave to sin. However, this doesn’t mean you’re free to do whatever you please. It means you do what pleases Christ.
28.4.2023 • 0
The Fruit of Depravity
Galatians 5:19-21The world is full of bad news because we’re full of sin and depravity. But here’s the Good News—God bought you a way out, a way back to Him.
27.4.2023 • 0
Preventative Theology
Romans 6:13Many of us are programmed to have “corrective theology,” where grace is used as a tool to justify sin or take away the pain of consequences. Grace is not a cure-all and there are always consequences for sin.
26.4.2023 • 0
Self-Portrait of a Struggler
Romans 7:24Unfortunately, the battle between right and wrong, good and evil, will always be at war within us. Despite our best efforts, we will always be strugglers. But Christ enables us to overcome wrong. He gives us the power to do what’s right.
25.4.2023 • 0
John 3:16
John 3:16This is the Good News—“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life,” (John 3:16 NIV). The price for our sins is paid in full. It’s a free gift for you, for me, for everyone who believes.
24.4.2023 • 0
Jesus Loves Me
1 Timothy 1:15No matter what you’ve done God loves you. The Apostle Paul, who wrote much of the New Testament, calls himself the worst of sinners. Before he met Christ he killed Christians and yet he was rescued by God’s grace. And you can be too.
21.4.2023 • 0
Free From Slavery
Romans 6:6-7Sometimes as believers we become preoccupied with what we do wrong—we live as though we’re still slaves to sin. Instead, our focus should be on following Christ. He has set us free, and gives us the power to live free.
20.4.2023 • 0
Foundation Problems
Luke 6:47-49A house needs to be built on a solid foundation or it will crack, sag, and even collapse. In the same way your life needs to be built on the foundation of God’s Word so you won’t be swept away by false teaching.
19.4.2023 • 0
A Plan that Won't Backfire
Isaiah 9:6You won’t get bad advice from God. When He reveals His plan, it will never backfire on you. Isaiah 9:6 says God is a Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
18.4.2023 • 0
The Big Bang
Genesis 1When you look at the perfectly ordered universe, it’s hard to believe it just happened. Both science and history reveal an incredibly and intricately designed creation. And creation always requires a Creator.
17.4.2023 • 0
Standing in the Need of Prayer
Hebrews 10:30We’ve all heard the old spiritual “It’s me, O Lord, Standin’ in the need of prayer.” But how many of us live this way? Judging others is a job best left to God. He alone knows our hearts and our motives; He alone is qualified to judge.
14.4.2023 • 0
No Way Out
Matthew 6:34Sometimes it seems like your situation is hopeless and your life is unredeemable. But the truth is, there is freedom. In life there are two masters. One is an enemy, who will put you into bondage and a deathlike existence. The other is your Redeemer and Friend. You can only serve one, and the choice is yours.
13.4.2023 • 0
It's Tough Getting Started
Ecclesiastes 2:13The Christian life is tough to get started because it’s not just a new way of thinking it’s a whole new way of living. It’s like moving from darkness to light; from being self-centred to being like Christ. But as you persevere, the journey keeps getting better and better.
12.4.2023 • 0
Intimacy and Email
Psalms 119:37Chuck Swindoll half-jokes that email has just about ruined great writing. Would you agree? Unlike today’s emails, the New Testament letters weren’t written in a hurry. They were meticulously transcribed with the words of wisdom and truth, which are still treasured today.
11.4.2023 • 0
Humpty Dumpty and Mr. Hyde
Romans 5:12-15Just like you can’t unscramble an egg that’s been broken, we all have a dark side we can’t quite shake. We have a root problem with sin, which sounds pretty hopeless until we remember God, in His mercy, doesn’t leave us there. Through His Son He provided a way out of our brokenness and despair.
10.4.2023 • 0
Darkness and Dawn
Isaiah 53Only Jesus Christ the risen Saviour has the power to rescue souls. His suffering brought a saving work of mercy and grace to the whole world. And He invites everyone to come to Him.
7.4.2023 • 0
Freedom and Slavery
Romans 6:6-7“Whose slave are you?” It’s a great question. Are you a slave to work? Possessions? People’s opinions? Bad habits? The good news is you don’t have to be chained to any of these. As a child of God, you’re free.
6.4.2023 • 0
Excessive Works
Romans 10:9-10Despite the hymns we sing, many people think they can earn their way into heaven if their good deeds outweigh their bad deeds. Replace your good deeds with the Good News—your salvation was accomplished on the cross. It’s simply a gift. All you have to do is accept it.
5.4.2023 • 0
Depravity and More Bad News
Romans 8:38-39Depravity is never pretty. More often than not it’s ugly and dark, marked by scandal. We’ve all experienced depravity. But the Good News is we can come to Christ just as we are. Our depravity does not disqualify us from salvation.
4.4.2023 • 0
Absolutely No Fishing From the Balcony!
Hebrews 4:16No matter if we’re four or 84...when we’re told not to do something, we immediately want to. Don’t touch wet paint. Don’t walk on the grass. Don’t fish off the balcony. We’re all guilty of wanting to do what we’re not supposed to. And that’s why we all need God’s grace.
3.4.2023 • 0
The Biography of Sid Vicious
Isaiah 49:16Sid Vicious is an example of the downward spiral of someone living with no sense of worth. If you’re wondering if your life has any value, consider this: the God who created the universe has written your name on the palms of His hands.
31.3.2023 • 0
Straighten Up!
Matthew 12:35-37We live in a time where wrongdoing is rationalized and excused. We’re quick to blame others...and slow to accept responsibility for our actions. However, the reality is no one else makes our choices for us. A sign of maturity is admitting our offences and making things right.
30.3.2023 • 0
Galatians 5:19-21Jealousy is a sin, which cannot be hidden. It starts small but ultimately leads to envy, strife, and conflict. Whether it’s at home, at work, or on a team jealousy always promotes bitterness. The only cure is contentment. When you accept where you are and who you are, you’re able to contentedly live your life...and give others the freedom to do the same.
29.3.2023 • 0
It's Always Something!
Psalms 9:9Trials. Challenges. Hardships. There will always be tough stuff in life. So what is there to do? God tells us to let go, and trust Him completely.