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HillsidePA Sermons

English, Christianity, 1 season, 180 episodes
The sermons of Hillside Christian Church in Reinholds, PA.
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Tom Eaton's Testimony

We have begin a new sermon series called "Restoration". Just as every snowflake and star is different, so God's work in each of us produces a unique individual with a distinctive purpose and story. Today we are going to hear one of those stories. Tom Eaton will share what God has done and continues to do in his life through a lot of adversity.
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Tom Eaton's Testimony

We have begin a new sermon series called "Restoration". Just as every snowflake and star is different, so God's work in each of us produces a unique individual with a distinctive purpose and story. Today we are going to hear one of those stories. Tom Eaton will share what God has done and continues to do in his life through a lot of adversity.
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How Jesus' Resurrection Restores Your Soul

"'Didn't I see you out there in the olive grove with Jesus?' Again Peter denied it. And immediately a rooster crowed." -John 21:15-19We know what failure looks like. It's easy to relate to Peter's denial of Jesus. We've all failed. It seemed like a final failure, too--Jesus died without a chance for Peter to even ask for forgiveness. After the resurrection, Jesus invited Peter to breakfast. Peter might have expected to hear "I told you that you would fail." Instead, listen this morning to what Jesus really said.
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How Jesus' Resurrection Restores Your Soul

"'Didn't I see you out there in the olive grove with Jesus?' Again Peter denied it. And immediately a rooster crowed." -John 21:15-19We know what failure looks like. It's easy to relate to Peter's denial of Jesus. We've all failed. It seemed like a final failure, too--Jesus died without a chance for Peter to even ask for forgiveness. After the resurrection, Jesus invited Peter to breakfast. Peter might have expected to hear "I told you that you would fail." Instead, listen this morning to what Jesus really said.
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The Wake

"Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother or sister who sins against me? Up to seven times?"When we are offended, we fell just in being angry, righteous in resentment and entitled to revenge. It is an empowering and energizing experience that is the heartbeat of half the movies made in Hollywood and many daydreams of ordinary people. Surrendering such an attractive and natural dream is the last thing we want to do. Yet, Jesus insists on it. He requires it. He commands it. But how can we let it go?
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The Wake

"Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother or sister who sins against me? Up to seven times?"When we are offended, we fell just in being angry, righteous in resentment and entitled to revenge. It is an empowering and energizing experience that is the heartbeat of half the movies made in Hollywood and many daydreams of ordinary people. Surrendering such an attractive and natural dream is the last thing we want to do. Yet, Jesus insists on it. He requires it. He commands it. But how can we let it go?
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Drop the Rock

"Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her"This passage is not an endorsement of adultery--It is rather a condemnation of prejudice. Prejudice is "pre-judging" people because we have decided already that they are guilty and need not be treated according to the Golden Rule. Jesus does not argue that she is innocent, but he treats her as a human being whose worth is not limited to her behavior. Listen again to the words of James MacDonald on the cover of the bulletin. "If you are wrong in the way you are right, you are wrong even if you are right."
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Let It Go!

The first in a series about forgiving others.
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The Judgment

Revelations 20:11 -14; Daniel 7:9-14The book of Revelations is filled with judgment. Each of the repeating cycles (seals, trumpets, signs, and bowls) expand on the consequences of rebellion against God and the practice of evil. In this chapter we come to the end of the age and the final judgment. "Then I saw a great white throne and him who was seated on it. The earth and the heavens fled from his presence, and there was no place for them. And I saw the dead, great and small, standing before the throne, and books were opened. Another book was opened, which is the book of life" (Revelations 20:11-12)
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The Judgment

Revelations 20:11 -14; Daniel 7:9-14The book of Revelations is filled with judgment. Each of the repeating cycles (seals, trumpets, signs, and bowls) expand on the consequences of rebellion against God and the practice of evil. In this chapter we come to the end of the age and the final judgment. "Then I saw a great white throne and him who was seated on it. The earth and the heavens fled from his presence, and there was no place for them. And I saw the dead, great and small, standing before the throne, and books were opened. Another book was opened, which is the book of life" (Revelations 20:11-12)
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The Story of Jesus, as Told from Heaven

Revelations 12:1-14:5The seven "signs" found in these chapters form a unit that gives us a vision of God's sweeping plan of salvation. The key verse in this section is "They triumphed over him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death" (12:11 NIV). Follow along as we explore this passage together.
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The Story of Jesus, as Told from Heaven

Revelations 12:1-14:5The seven "signs" found in these chapters form a unit that gives us a vision of God's sweeping plan of salvation. The key verse in this section is "They triumphed over him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death" (12:11 NIV). Follow along as we explore this passage together.
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How You Pray

Matthew 6:5-8, "And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words. Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him." Last week, we talked about the simple fact that prayer has power because the one listening to the prayers has the power to answer, to reward, and to bless. So does it even make any difference how we pray? After all, God knows what we need before we even ask.
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How You Pray

Matthew 6:5-8, "And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words. Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him." Last week, we talked about the simple fact that prayer has power because the one listening to the prayers has the power to answer, to reward, and to bless. So does it even make any difference how we pray? After all, God knows what we need before we even ask.
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To Whom You Pray

Jesus says, "...pray to your Father who is in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you." The secret of prayer is not the words we use or the place where we pray or even the sincerity of our prayer. The secret has to be the on to who we pray. Otherwise, prayer is just an exercise in meditation or self-delusion. But if God is listening...then prayer has the potential to change everything.
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When You Pray

The Lord's Prayer is the best known and most loved prayer in the world. The passage in the Sermon on the Mount where it is found actually begins with this paragraph. We'll begin our exploration of prayer in 2016 with this introduction today.
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Joseph - When Your Life Changes Forever

"Unexpected" is our Christmas Sermon Series. Last week, we talked about Mary and opportunities that are thrust upon us. Today we will be looking at Joseph and what you do when a bomb falls on your life. It may devastate a day or it may change the rest of your life. How do you get through it?
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Living in Victory

We are wrapping up a verse-by-verse sermon series through a "Super" chapter of the Bible__Romans 8. We've talked about living in grace, in the Spirit, in hope and in faith. In today's message, Shelley will be talking about walking in victory in stead of defeat. The message of verses 31-39 can be summed up in these words: "we are more than conquerors"
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Living in Victory

We are wrapping up a verse-by-verse sermon series through a "Super" chapter of the Bible__Romans 8. We've talked about living in grace, in the Spirit, in hope and in faith. In today's message, Shelley will be talking about walking in victory in stead of defeat. The message of verses 31-39 can be summed up in these words: "we are more than conquerors"
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Living in Faith

We are going verse-by-verse through a "Super" chapter of the Bible--Romans 8. We've talked about living in grace, in the Spirit and in hope. In today's message, Shelley will be talking about walking in faith instead of fear. In the heart of the passage for today is Romans 8:28. How can we live that out?
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Living in Faith

We are going verse-by-verse through a "Super" chapter of the Bible--Romans 8. We've talked about living in grace, in the Spirit and in hope. In today's message, Shelley will be talking about walking in faith instead of fear. In the heart of the passage for today is Romans 8:28. How can we live that out?
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Living in Hope

We are going verse-by-verse through a "Super" chapter of the Bible-- Romans 8. We've talked about living in freedom from guild and living in the power of the Holy Spirit. in today's message, Shelley will be looking at the Christian's hope of "glory". In our instant gratification culture, this may sound dubious. However, this is not an optional value for a believer--we need this!
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Living by the Spirit

We are going verse-by-verse through a "super" chapter of the Bible--Romans 8. We started three weeks ago by laying the foundation truth: we are saved by grace through the death Christ on the cross so that there is now no condemnation for us. Now we move ahead to see how we can live, since we are "set free in the Spirit from the law of sin and death" (Romans 8:2) "Those who live according to the flesh have their minds set on what the flesh desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires. The mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace. The governed by the flesh is hostile to God; it does not submit to God's law, nor can it do so. Those who are in the realm of the flesh cannot please God."What changes in us when we start to live by the Spirit?
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Grace or Guilt

Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit who gives life has set you free from the law of sin and death. For what the law was powerless to do because it was weakened by the flesh, God did by sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh to be a sin offering. And so he condemned sin in the flesh, in order that the righteous requirement of the law might be fully met in us, who do not live according to the flesh but according to the Spirit.Romans 8 is a "Super" chapter, in that it is a high point in Paul's explanation of salvation. In the first few verses, he announces the good news that there is no condemnation for those in Jesus and he tells us 1. What happened (8:2)2. How it happened (8:3)3. And Why it happened (8:4)
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Teach Your Children Loyalty

Matthew 26:35 Peter said to him, "Even if I must die with you, I will not deny you!" And all the disciples said the same.Today is the fourth and last in a series on core values in parenting, in life, and in the church. Today's message is about loyalty. What does the Bible have to say? How do you live it? How do you teach it?
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Teach Your Children Humility

Humility, often this virtue is unnoticed, but it's opposite vice, pride, nearly always catches our attention in a bad way. It's always difficult to teach a quality that is essentially self-emptying. What does the Bible have to say? How do you live it? How do you teach it?
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Teach Your Children Respect

Values are valuable! If you have children, you are trying to impart the values that matter to you. We've selected four qualities that we believe are a vital component of any believer's character. They are essential in a church, too. And, of course, they are core values in parenting. Today we start with Respect. What does the Bible have to say? How do you live it? How do you teach it?
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Teach Your Children Respect

Values are valuable! If you have children, you are trying to impart the values that matter to you. We've selected four qualities that we believe are a vital component of any believer's character. They are essential in a church, too. And, of course, they are core values in parenting. Today we start with Respect. What does the Bible have to say? How do you live it? How do you teach it?
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It's easy to get discouraged when we look at the challenges around us and then take inventory of the resources we can bring to face them. a found himself in a moment of both celebration and despair. It was hard not to be disappointed. Then came the Word of God: "Who dares despise the day of small things!" God went on to remind him that faith sees beyond the resources we have in our hands. "Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, says the Lord."
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Lordship and Relationships

The most personal of Paul's letters is a brief note to a named Philemon about a Christian named Onesimus. Try to put yourself in Paul's shoes today as we weigh the costly decision he feels he must make. Why would he send a runaway slave back to his master? Why would Onesimus voluntarily return? What purpose could this serve?
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How to Read the Bible Devotionally

Shelley is wrapping up our survey of how to read the Bible for all it's worth today. We've been talking about how to read the Bible so that we gain knowledge guidance and encouragement, all built on a solid, clear understanding of what the text actually means. But perhaps this seems academic and cold to you. After all, we read to know God and to love him, right? So how do we use the three questions to read devotionally.
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Unleashing Hope: Raise Your Expectations

Pastor Tim speaks about what it means to raise your expectations.
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Unleashing Hope: Raise Your Expectations

Pastor Tim speaks about what it means to raise your expectations.
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I Am Jesus: The Light of the World

Pastor Tim speaks on what it means to be the light of the world, as Jesus is the light of the world.
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I Am Jesus: The Vine & the Branches

Pastor Shelley speaks on what it means to be the branches to Jesus' vine.
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I Am Jesus: The Vine & the Branches

Pastor Shelley speaks on what it means to be the branches to Jesus' vine.
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I Am Jesus: The Way, The Truth & The Life

Pastor Tim speaks about how Jesus is the only way, the only truth, and the only life.
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I Am Jesus: The Good Shepherd

Pastor Shelley speaks about what it means when Jesus said He is the good shepherd.
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God Is Not Grey: Homosexuality

Pastor Shelley speaks on what the Bible has to say about gay and lesbian relationships as well as transgender issues.
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God Is Not Grey: Images in Our Mind

Pastor Shelley speaks about Christianity and pornography.
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God Is Not Grey: Images in Our Mind

Pastor Shelley speaks about Christianity and pornography.
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God Is Not Grey: Cohabitation

Pastor Tim talks about cohabitation and premarital sex.
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God Is Not grey: Intro

Pastor Shelley intros our new series about difficult topics.
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Mind Your Own Business: The Buck Stops Here

Pastor Shelley speaks about saving and investing.
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Mind Your Own Business: The Buck Stops Here

Pastor Shelley speaks about saving and investing.
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Mind Your Own Business: Profit Sharing

Pastor Shelley talks about tithing
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Mind Your Own Business: Act Your Wage

Pastor Tim's sermon about what it means to act your wage.
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Mind Your Own Business: Mind Your Own Business

Pastor Shelley opens our Mind Your Own Business series by talking about the business we have.
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Mind Your Own Business: Mind Your Own Business

Pastor Shelley opens our Mind Your Own Business series by talking about the business we have.
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Worship: Worship

Pastor Shelley's sermon on the importance of worship
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Picture of Christmas: Picture of a Savior

Pastor Tim talks about what happened on that Christmas morning and how Jesus grew up.
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Picture of Christmas: The Big Picture

Pastor Shelley's sermon about the big picture behind Christmas.
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Give Thanks

Pastor Shelley's sermon about having gratitude.
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Beatitudes: Blessed Are the Persecuted

Pastor Shelley's sermon on dealing with persecution.
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Beatitudes: Blessed Are the Peacemakers

Pastor Tim's sermon on what it takes to be a peacemaker.
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Beatitudes: Blessed Are the Peacemakers

Pastor Tim's sermon on what it takes to be a peacemaker.
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Beatitudes: Pure at Heart

Pastor Shelley's sermon on what it means to be pure at heart.
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Beatitudes: Pure at Heart

Pastor Shelley's sermon on what it means to be pure at heart.
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Beatitudes: Hunger and Thirst

Pastor Tim speaks on the 4th beatitude: to hunger and thirst for the Lord.
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Beatitudes: Hunger and Thirst

Pastor Tim speaks on the 4th beatitude: to hunger and thirst for the Lord.
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Beatitudes: Blessed Are the Meek

Pastor Shelley's sermon about the third beatitude and being meek.
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Beatitudes: Those Who Mourn

Pastor Shelley speaks on the second beatitude about those who mourn.
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Beatitudes: Those Who Mourn

Pastor Shelley speaks on the second beatitude about those who mourn.
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Beatitudes: Poor in Spirit

Pastor Tim begins our Beatitudes sermon series by talking about being poor in spirit.
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Beatitudes: Poor in Spirit

Pastor Tim begins our Beatitudes sermon series by talking about being poor in spirit.
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Community: Join In

Pastor Tim closes our Community series with the idea of joining in with your small group
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Community: Pursue God

Pastor Shelley continues our Community series with the need to pursue God.
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Community: Show Up

Pastor Shelley begins our small groups study on the first step: showing up.
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Community: Show Up

Pastor Shelley begins our small groups study on the first step: showing up.
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Why Small Groups?: Creating Disciples

Pastor Shelley speaks about how small groups is a place to create stronger disciples.
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Why Small Groups?: Relationship with God

Pastor Shelley speaks on our second reason to be in a small groups: improve our relationship with God.
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Standing on the Promises: God Is Always Victorious

Pastor Tim speaks about how God promises to always be victorious.
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Hardest Thing to Do

Keith Rodrigues speaks about God asking you to do difficult things.
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Hardest Thing to Do

Keith Rodrigues speaks about God asking you to do difficult things.
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Standing on the Promises: Promises & Principles

Pastor Shelley speaks on the difference between a principle and a promise.
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VBS Sermon: Moses

Pastor Tim plays the role of Moses as he shares what the kids learned this week at VBS.
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VBS Sermon: Moses

Pastor Tim plays the role of Moses as he shares what the kids learned this week at VBS.
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Called: intro to Moses

Pastor Shelley wraps up our Called series by introing Moses for our VBS week.
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Called: Burned Out

Pastor Shelley's sermon on what it means to get burned out and how to overcome it.
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Jonah - Running From God: Fueled by Anger

Pastor Shelley's sermon on Jonah 4
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Jonah - Running From God: Motivated by Pride

Pastor Shelley's sermon on Jonah 3
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Jonah - Running From God: Overwhelming Guilt

Pastor Tim's sermon on Jonah 2
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Jonah - Running From God: Jonah's Fear

Pastor Shelley's sermon on Jonah 1, talking about Jonah's fear.
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Why We Believe: In the Resurrection

Pastor Shelley's sermon on the importance of the resurrection.
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Why We Believe: In Moral Absolutes

Pastor Tim's sermon on the importance of moral absolutes.
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Why We Believe: In Moral Absolutes

Pastor Tim's sermon on the importance of moral absolutes.
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Why We Believe: In the Local Church

Pastor Shelley's sermon about our need for the local church.
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Why We Believe: In the Local Church

Pastor Shelley's sermon about our need for the local church.
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Why We Believe: In the Afterlife

Pastor Shelley's sermon on heaven and hell.
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Why We Believe: In the Bible

Pastor Tim's sermon on why we as Christians believe in the Bible.
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Why We Believe: In the Bible

Pastor Tim's sermon on why we as Christians believe in the Bible.
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Why We Believe: In God

Pastor Shelley's Sermon explaining why we believe in God.
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Missions Weekend Sermon

Rod Vaughn from Diamond Willow Ministries shares a message about his work in South Dakota.
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Baptism: What If I'm Not Perfect?

Pastor Shelley's sermon answering if one should be baptized if they're not perfect.Please note: There is a 30 second gap in the audio due to technical problems. We're sorry for the inconvenience.
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Baptism: Do I Really Have to do It?

Pastor Shelley's sermon answering the question if someone really needs to be baptized.
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Baptism: What If I Was Baptized As a Baby?

Pastor Shelley's sermon answering this question for those who were baptized as infants.
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Baptism: What If I Was Baptized As a Baby?

Pastor Shelley's sermon answering this question for those who were baptized as infants.
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Shattered: Transformation/Testimony

Pastor Tim's sermon on how the Holy Spirit transforms us. Also, Brenda Desko's testimony on how God has been working in her life.
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Shattered: Transformation/Testimony

Pastor Tim's sermon on how the Holy Spirit transforms us. Also, Brenda Desko's testimony on how God has been working in her life.
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Timid Christians in a Terrifying World

The end of the year is a time when we reflect on the year past and the year ahead. We are now swept along in an avalanche of information and news that is unique to the human race and profoundly unsettling. Sometimes we get so caught up in the frenzy that we forget who we are and whose we are. This morning Shelley will be talking about "Timid Christians in a Terrifying World" Tune in for some good news.
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Mary - When Opportunity Appears

"Unexpected!" is our Christmas Sermon Series. Despite a 1,000 years of prophecies about a coming messiah, Mary certainly did not expect to be the messiah's mother! Yet, what an opportunity. What unexpected opportunities have you had? How can you be open to God's unexpected call in the future.
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Living by the Spirit

We are going verse-by-verse through a "super" chapter of the Bible--Romans 8. We started three weeks ago by laying the foundation truth: we are saved by grace through the death Christ on the cross so that there is now no condemnation for us. Now we move ahead to see how we can live, since we are "set free in the Spirit from the law of sin and death" (Romans 8:2) "Those who live according to the flesh have their minds set on what the flesh desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires. The mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace. The governed by the flesh is hostile to God; it does not submit to God's law, nor can it do so. Those who are in the realm of the flesh cannot please God."What changes in us when we start to live by the Spirit?
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Grace or Guilt

Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit who gives life has set you free from the law of sin and death. For what the law was powerless to do because it was weakened by the flesh, God did by sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh to be a sin offering. And so he condemned sin in the flesh, in order that the righteous requirement of the law might be fully met in us, who do not live according to the flesh but according to the Spirit.Romans 8 is a "Super" chapter, in that it is a high point in Paul's explanation of salvation. In the first few verses, he announces the good news that there is no condemnation for those in Jesus and he tells us 1. What happened (8:2)2. How it happened (8:3)3. And Why it happened (8:4)
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Teach Your Children Loyalty

Matthew 26:35 Peter said to him, "Even if I must die with you, I will not deny you!" And all the disciples said the same.Today is the fourth and last in a series on core values in parenting, in life, and in the church. Today's message is about loyalty. What does the Bible have to say? How do you live it? How do you teach it?
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Teach Your Children Honesty

Colossians 3:9-10Do not lie to each other, since you have taken off your old self with its practices, and have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge in the image of its Creator.We are looking at four core values in parenting, in life and in the church. Today's message is about honesty. What does the Bible have to say? How do you live it? How do you teach it?
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It's easy to get discouraged when we look at the challenges around us and then take inventory of the resources we can bring to face them. a found himself in a moment of both celebration and despair. It was hard not to be disappointed. Then came the Word of God: "Who dares despise the day of small things!" God went on to remind him that faith sees beyond the resources we have in our hands. "Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, says the Lord."
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Unleashing Hope: Play to Your Strengths

Pastor Tim speaks about playing to the gifts God has given you.
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Unleashing Hope: Refocus on the Future

Pastor Shelley shares how to get our focus off the past and into the future.
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I Am Jesus: The Way, The Truth & The Life

Pastor Tim speaks about how Jesus is the only way, the only truth, and the only life.
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God Is Not Grey: Homosexuality

Pastor Shelley speaks on what the Bible has to say about gay and lesbian relationships as well as transgender issues.
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God Is Not Grey: Cohabitation

Pastor Tim talks about cohabitation and premarital sex.
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Mind Your Own Business: Profit Sharing

Pastor Shelley talks about tithing
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Picture of Christmas: The Big Picture

Pastor Shelley's sermon about the big picture behind Christmas.
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Picture of Christmas: When Christmas Isn't Picture Perfect

Pastor Shelley's sermon about when Christmas plans don't go the way you expect.
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Picture of Christmas: Picture of #2

Pastor Tim's sermon about John the Baptist.
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Give Thanks

Pastor Shelley's sermon about having gratitude.
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Beatitudes: Blessed Are the Merciful

Pastor Shelley's sermon on being merciful.
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Community: Pursue God

Pastor Shelley continues our Community series with the need to pursue God.
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Why Small Groups?: Relationship with God

Pastor Shelley speaks on our second reason to be in a small groups: improve our relationship with God.
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Why Small Groups?: Relationships with Others

Pastor Tim speaks of the first reason why we believe in small groups - to create relationships with others.
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Standing on the Promises: The Goodness of God

Pastor Shelley speaks on the goodness of God.
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Standing on the Promises: God Is Always Victorious

Pastor Tim speaks about how God promises to always be victorious.
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Standing on the Promises: God Is Always With Me

Pastor Shelley speaks on how God promises to always be with us.
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Called: The Magic Sauce

Pastor Shelley's sermon on the secret behind being called.
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Called: Burned Out

Pastor Shelley's sermon on what it means to get burned out and how to overcome it.
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Called: Purpose

Pastor Shelley's sermon on being called by God.
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Jonah - Running From God: Fueled by Anger

Pastor Shelley's sermon on Jonah 4
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Jonah - Running From God: Motivated by Pride

Pastor Shelley's sermon on Jonah 3
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Why We Believe: In the Resurrection

Pastor Shelley's sermon on the importance of the resurrection.
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Why We Believe: In the Cross

Pastor Shelley's sermon on the importance of the cross.
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Why We Believe: In the Afterlife

Pastor Shelley's sermon on heaven and hell.
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Baptism: What Does God Want From Me?

Pastor Tim's sermon on what God wants in a relationship from us.
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Shattered: Guidance

Pastor Shelley's sermon on how the Holy Spirit guides us.
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Shattered: Guidance

Pastor Shelley's sermon on how the Holy Spirit guides us.
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Shattered: Comfort

Pastor Shelley's sermon on how the Holy Spirit provides comfort.
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Shattered: Comfort

Pastor Shelley's sermon on how the Holy Spirit provides comfort.
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Timid Christians in a Terrifying World

The end of the year is a time when we reflect on the year past and the year ahead. We are now swept along in an avalanche of information and news that is unique to the human race and profoundly unsettling. Sometimes we get so caught up in the frenzy that we forget who we are and whose we are. This morning Shelley will be talking about "Timid Christians in a Terrifying World" Tune in for some good news.
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Drop the Rock

"Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her"This passage is not an endorsement of adultery--It is rather a condemnation of prejudice. Prejudice is "pre-judging" people because we have decided already that they are guilty and need not be treated according to the Golden Rule. Jesus does not argue that she is innocent, but he treats her as a human being whose worth is not limited to her behavior. Listen again to the words of James MacDonald on the cover of the bulletin. "If you are wrong in the way you are right, you are wrong even if you are right."
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Let It Go!

The first in a series about forgiving others.
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To Whom You Pray

Jesus says, "...pray to your Father who is in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you." The secret of prayer is not the words we use or the place where we pray or even the sincerity of our prayer. The secret has to be the on to who we pray. Otherwise, prayer is just an exercise in meditation or self-delusion. But if God is listening...then prayer has the potential to change everything.
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When You Pray

The Lord's Prayer is the best known and most loved prayer in the world. The passage in the Sermon on the Mount where it is found actually begins with this paragraph. We'll begin our exploration of prayer in 2016 with this introduction today.
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Joseph - When Your Life Changes Forever

"Unexpected" is our Christmas Sermon Series. Last week, we talked about Mary and opportunities that are thrust upon us. Today we will be looking at Joseph and what you do when a bomb falls on your life. It may devastate a day or it may change the rest of your life. How do you get through it?
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Mary - When Opportunity Appears

"Unexpected!" is our Christmas Sermon Series. Despite a 1,000 years of prophecies about a coming messiah, Mary certainly did not expect to be the messiah's mother! Yet, what an opportunity. What unexpected opportunities have you had? How can you be open to God's unexpected call in the future.
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Living in Hope

We are going verse-by-verse through a "Super" chapter of the Bible-- Romans 8. We've talked about living in freedom from guild and living in the power of the Holy Spirit. in today's message, Shelley will be looking at the Christian's hope of "glory". In our instant gratification culture, this may sound dubious. However, this is not an optional value for a believer--we need this!
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Teach Your Children Humility

Humility, often this virtue is unnoticed, but it's opposite vice, pride, nearly always catches our attention in a bad way. It's always difficult to teach a quality that is essentially self-emptying. What does the Bible have to say? How do you live it? How do you teach it?
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Teach Your Children Honesty

Colossians 3:9-10Do not lie to each other, since you have taken off your old self with its practices, and have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge in the image of its Creator.We are looking at four core values in parenting, in life and in the church. Today's message is about honesty. What does the Bible have to say? How do you live it? How do you teach it?
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Lordship and Relationships

The most personal of Paul's letters is a brief note to a named Philemon about a Christian named Onesimus. Try to put yourself in Paul's shoes today as we weigh the costly decision he feels he must make. Why would he send a runaway slave back to his master? Why would Onesimus voluntarily return? What purpose could this serve?
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How to Read the Bible Devotionally

Shelley is wrapping up our survey of how to read the Bible for all it's worth today. We've been talking about how to read the Bible so that we gain knowledge guidance and encouragement, all built on a solid, clear understanding of what the text actually means. But perhaps this seems academic and cold to you. After all, we read to know God and to love him, right? So how do we use the three questions to read devotionally.
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Unleashing Hope: Play to Your Strengths

Pastor Tim speaks about playing to the gifts God has given you.
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Unleashing Hope: Refocus on the Future

Pastor Shelley shares how to get our focus off the past and into the future.
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I Am Jesus: The Light of the World

Pastor Tim speaks on what it means to be the light of the world, as Jesus is the light of the world.
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I Am Jesus: The Good Shepherd

Pastor Shelley speaks about what it means when Jesus said He is the good shepherd.
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God Is Not grey: Intro

Pastor Shelley intros our new series about difficult topics.
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Mind Your Own Business: Act Your Wage

Pastor Tim's sermon about what it means to act your wage.
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Worship: Worship

Pastor Shelley's sermon on the importance of worship
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Picture of Christmas: Picture of a Savior

Pastor Tim talks about what happened on that Christmas morning and how Jesus grew up.
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Picture of Christmas: When Christmas Isn't Picture Perfect

Pastor Shelley's sermon about when Christmas plans don't go the way you expect.
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Picture of Christmas: Picture of #2

Pastor Tim's sermon about John the Baptist.
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Beatitudes: Blessed Are the Persecuted

Pastor Shelley's sermon on dealing with persecution.
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Beatitudes: Blessed Are the Merciful

Pastor Shelley's sermon on being merciful.
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Beatitudes: Blessed Are the Meek

Pastor Shelley's sermon about the third beatitude and being meek.
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Community: Join In

Pastor Tim closes our Community series with the idea of joining in with your small group
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Why Small Groups?: Creating Disciples

Pastor Shelley speaks about how small groups is a place to create stronger disciples.
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Why Small Groups?: Relationships with Others

Pastor Tim speaks of the first reason why we believe in small groups - to create relationships with others.
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Standing on the Promises: The Goodness of God

Pastor Shelley speaks on the goodness of God.
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Standing on the Promises: God Is Always With Me

Pastor Shelley speaks on how God promises to always be with us.
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Standing on the Promises: Promises & Principles

Pastor Shelley speaks on the difference between a principle and a promise.
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Called: intro to Moses

Pastor Shelley wraps up our Called series by introing Moses for our VBS week.
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Called: The Magic Sauce

Pastor Shelley's sermon on the secret behind being called.
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Called: Purpose

Pastor Shelley's sermon on being called by God.
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Jonah - Running From God: Overwhelming Guilt

Pastor Tim's sermon on Jonah 2
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Jonah - Running From God: Jonah's Fear

Pastor Shelley's sermon on Jonah 1, talking about Jonah's fear.
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Why We Believe: In the Cross

Pastor Shelley's sermon on the importance of the cross.
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Why We Believe: In God

Pastor Shelley's Sermon explaining why we believe in God.
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Missions Weekend Sermon

Rod Vaughn from Diamond Willow Ministries shares a message about his work in South Dakota.
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Baptism: What If I'm Not Perfect?

Pastor Shelley's sermon answering if one should be baptized if they're not perfect.Please note: There is a 30 second gap in the audio due to technical problems. We're sorry for the inconvenience.
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Baptism: Do I Really Have to do It?

Pastor Shelley's sermon answering the question if someone really needs to be baptized.
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Baptism: What Does God Want From Me?

Pastor Tim's sermon on what God wants in a relationship from us.
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Shattered: Shattered

Pastor Shelley's sermon introducing the Shattered series about the Holy Spirit.
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Shattered: Shattered

Pastor Shelley's sermon introducing the Shattered series about the Holy Spirit.