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Giving Mental Health a Voice Cover
Giving Mental Health a Voice Profile

Giving Mental Health a Voice

Englisch, Health / Medicine, 2 Jahreszeiten, 45 Episoden, 14 Std., 10 Protokoll
Stories become tales when you cannot relate to them. Let’s get real and talk about everything from our mental health to our wellness, join me as we give mental health a voice.
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Naked and unashamed

Let’s talk about being bare… --- Send in a voice message:
10.10.202214 Protokoll, 6 Sekunden
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Have you ever asked yourself, "what is my release?" what is my go-to when I need to drop the weight? Let's explore the different release options you maybe did not know about.  --- Send in a voice message:
10.6.202216 Protokoll, 35 Sekunden
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Faith and Womanhood

Welcome to the first episode of Conversations with Bella, and thank you for clicking the subscribe, like, and share button. Our guest, Leah, and I talk about Faith and Womanhood in this video. We address issues on: Faith; Financial Independence and womanhood; Singlehood and relationships; Trauma and therapy. CONTACT ME: Instagram: Twitter: Business/Collab Email Me : [email protected] --- Send in a voice message:
4.5.202259 Protokoll, 32 Sekunden
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Cheers to a new beginning

When you wake up, that’s exactly when your morning begins. Let’s explore the tenets of a new beginning. --- Send in a voice message:
15.3.202214 Protokoll, 8 Sekunden
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The Telling 1

For years, I’ve nursed this unending desire to always be heard and seen. A desire that has cost me my fair share of denial to the vacuum that has stood in front of me. Taking an oath to always be in the light can be crude especially when you’re unsure if it would always reflect the things that you’d like to be seen. Like everyone else, my twenties came with my bit of the pack up and just leave moments but with very bleak courage, I stood in this light for the ones I love. In the past months, while I prayed for you and stood with you through the deep dark tunnels of your lives, I wrestled with mine. Those cold nights when you called for comfort, the only reason I could pick up was that I was up trying to deal with mine. I tried to pack up and leave, I thought of what would be an easy way out. I imagined that death would maybe give me the solitude I craved. That was the only thing I was sure of, that would be seated with Christ where I truly belonged. I wouldn’t have to be such a disappointment to you when you hear that I'm probably as clueless as you were in the moments you sort me...... --- Send in a voice message:
4.1.202232 Protokoll, 26 Sekunden
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The Menace of Imposter Syndrome: Defining Identity

As we continue our series on Imposter Syndrome, we continue to reinstate the need for a person to be grounded in self. Sometimes, we need to shout out all the noise, look within and search the word of God to see what God says about us even when we can't see it for ourselves. --- Send in a voice message:
1.12.202122 Protokoll, 38 Sekunden
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The menace of imposter syndrome

If you've ever struggled with self-doubt and the feeling of not being good enough then you probably can relate to my story. Through this series, I would be addressing one of the biggest elephants in the room for even the highest achieving people, imposter syndrome. If you want to see yourself through the eyes of other people and understand the ways to deal with this menace then you want to join us.  --- Send in a voice message:
22.11.202116 Protokoll, 41 Sekunden
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The Endless Pursuit for More.

The Endless Pursuit for More. --- Send in a voice message:
1.6.202115 Protokoll, 14 Sekunden
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Tools to Thrive: Wholeness and Intentionality

Tools to Thrive: Wholeness and Intentionality --- Send in a voice message:
5.5.202114 Protokoll, 24 Sekunden
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Quarter Life Crisis: The reality

Is Quarter life Crisis real? --- Send in a voice message:
9.4.202117 Protokoll, 15 Sekunden
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Something I’ve always struggled with is mastering the art of stillness. Lately, I’ve been learning the intentionality behind it and acknowledging how complex it can be when there is so much background noise. But what if I told you you could be still even with the all raging volumes. --- Send in a voice message:
26.3.202113 Protokoll, 17 Sekunden
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Submission and Logic

Have you struggled with understanding Spiritual things because they contradict your logical understanding of things? --- Send in a voice message:
20.2.202115 Protokoll, 16 Sekunden
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Look in your hands

Maybe all that you need for that breakthrough is in your hands but your eyes are too fixed on everything else that you have refused to look in your hands. --- Send in a voice message:
6.2.202114 Protokoll, 15 Sekunden
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So many things we could do with time, the most is enjoy and embrace it, let’s talk about more. --- Send in a voice message:
17.12.202010 Protokoll, 21 Sekunden
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Nigeria & My Mental Health

How do you stay grateful with very little, or nothing at all? How do you deal with a system that is bent on draining us all, How do we continue the good fight while staying sane ? --- Send in a voice message:
23.11.202020 Protokoll, 7 Sekunden
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Positive Vibes Only

Have you ever wondered wha the outcome would be if you suppressed your “what if’s” and focused more on the positive outcomes? Let me help you see how that turns out --- Send in a voice message:
16.11.202020 Protokoll, 12 Sekunden
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Clay in the Hands of the Potter

Clay in the Hands of the Potter --- Send in a voice message:
27.9.202012 Protokoll, 33 Sekunden
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How to keep Walking in the dark...

Even been confused about whether to stand still or keep walking when it's dark? --- Send in a voice message:
26.8.202019 Protokoll, 33 Sekunden
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My Faithful Lifestyle

Hello, thank you for staying tuned to this series. Today I’ve gone further by sharing with you the journey through what I describe as my “Faith living”. I hope you find it super helpful and inspiring. Do stay tuned until the next episode!!! --- Send in a voice message:
26.5.202014 Protokoll, 51 Sekunden
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My Mental Health and My Everyday Life: Introduction

Introducing the first Episode of my new series where I’ll be talking about maintaining a balance with my mental health and my very sane *laughs* everyday life. Please stay tuned as I drop practical steps on living a Faith Based Life and overcoming mental battles in other episodes. --- Send in a voice message:
16.4.202014 Protokoll, 48 Sekunden
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Series: Christ - love or logic in liberation Episode 1: Intriguing Love

Episode 1: Intriguing love... Have you ever found yourself questioning how you are deserving of God’s love or how it makes sense for an unworthy person to earn a place in God’s heart. Maybe you’re wondering if you’d ever be loved by God or if you were, well let me help you see the dimensions to an intriguing side to an unfailing love. --- Send in a voice message:
11.12.201913 Protokoll, 16 Sekunden
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My cross, my liberation- change your perspective

I’ve caught myself often times questioning my story; Why me? Why did I have to go through this path? Or maybe asking for something better. The truth is, as much as we all have our stories to tell, sometimes the difficulties that we experience are not orchestrated for our downfall but for God’s Glory to be known. God isn’t going to compensate you for lost times, He’s simply preparing for the plan ahead. So why you sulk on the bad times, change your perspective and look forward. See the light and keep walking. It’s not over yet, it just started! --- Send in a voice message:
17.11.201917 Protokoll, 12 Sekunden
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Value your relationships

“Forgive them, they do not know what they have done” the words of Jesus. It has resonated in my life everyday and in my dealings with everyone around me. Forgive as often as they hurt you, take advantage of memories when you can and live in them. --- Send in a voice message:
6.10.201915 Protokoll, 41 Sekunden
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Handling depression: Strength in support

Where is your gaze fixed? Who are you speaking to? What’s the source of your strength? --- Send in a voice message:
27.9.201914 Protokoll, 29 Sekunden
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Handling depression: Why aren’t we speaking?

Communication is not always about speaking or even actions it’s mainly about being expressive. I have found that the major attack on any kind of relationship is communicating. When unspoken words linger on for a long time, the things that we think we might be protecting comes crashing. You might even lose yourself trying to protect a falsehood or keeping up with a pretense that everything is fine or should be fine, when clearly it isn’t. This might be your relationship with God. God doesn’t want a long-distance relationship with you, He doesn’t just want to be “guys” or “pals” but to be your life in its entirety. He wants you to come Him through all your moods, Happy or sad. Fixing our relationship with God enables Him fix our relationship with others. So Let’s start talking!!! --- Send in a voice message:
15.8.201914 Protokoll, 23 Sekunden
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Handling depression: Growth

Growth is an inevitable fabric of our lives. It is in the minds ability to mature and just when years goes by. When we grow spiritually and physically, we start seeing life from a more objective lenses. The lenses that help us see that the scares we might have attained in our life’s journey are our beauty marks. Marks that lead of to the very moment of our victory. --- Send in a voice message:
22.7.201915 Protokoll, 52 Sekunden
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Handling depression: Peace In Appreciation...

How often do you appreciate yourself? Do you seek validation from people who barely know you?... The greatest peace you would know is appreciating everything that God is through and in you. You need to understand that it is an inner peace that you must protect. While you stare at your reflection, remind yourself who you are, credit yourself for what you have achieved through God and constantly be the voice you want to hear. --- Send in a voice message:
1.7.201916 Protokoll, 47 Sekunden
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Handling Depression: “The little act of kindness”

Treat people the way you want to be treated, let selflessness be a lifestyle and not just an attribute. Kindness isn’t always reflected In material things but in the littlest gestures. Helping and reaching out to people going through similar situations is one of the ways of overcoming depression. --- Send in a voice message:
25.6.201916 Protokoll, 44 Sekunden
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Handling depression: “Breathe in positivity”

Take your mind on a walk and have a paradigm shift. Let go of the negative and breathe in the positive. After a make over, you look at yourself in the mirror and regardless of what anyone might think at that moment, you look your best. That’s how your life should be, give yourself a chance to behold the light at the end of the tunnel, Christ. --- Send in a voice message:
20.6.201915 Protokoll, 28 Sekunden
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Handling Depression: “Break the pattern”

Have you ever lived under ugly stereotypes or something you fight to live above? Do people constantly remind you of your pain? Let me remind you that you are designed and created by God for His purpose. You are not supposed to live in the Identity of a “lineage of abusers” but in the identity of who God as called you to be in “Christ”. --- Send in a voice message:
15.6.201916 Protokoll, 24 Sekunden
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Handling depression: ‘Who is your friend’

Our standards for friendship can be unreal when we do not understand it. Many people refuse to give space for error and as such hold a certain standard of perfection for friendship. We need to understand that sometimes our friends are going to hurt us but it’s important to look pass the error and cherish the friendship. However, this can only happen when you understand ‘who is truly your friend’. Your friends see your strength when you think you’re weak. Just like Jesus does with the church, your friends strengthen you, accommodate your errors, forgive you and love you in-spite your weaknesses. --- Send in a voice message:
13.6.201915 Protokoll, 26 Sekunden
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Handling depression: “Investing in peace and happiness”

I find peace and comfort in the most mundane things. Many times, it’s a taking a long walk at the beach and so many other times it’s a taking in a deep breathe and inhaling the smell of fresh air . What truly brings you lasting peace? --- Send in a voice message:
10.6.201916 Protokoll, 22 Sekunden
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Handling depression: “No space for pressure”

Being human comes with an undeniable pressure. For many, the pressure gets even worse when you’re forced to live under a certain level of expectation. What happens when you can’t meet these expectations? that’s question we have to answer everyday. --- Send in a voice message:
7.6.201916 Protokoll, 47 Sekunden
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Handling depression: “What am I thinking”

The mind is always at work, it’s the birth place of activities. It often defines our actions and translates our inactions. Have you ever stopped for a second to ask yourself “what am I thinking?”, even in your unconsciousness. It is important that we constantly reaffirm our thoughts with power. Always remind yourself that you have full authority over situations and that it would never have power of you. --- Send in a voice message:
5.6.201914 Protokoll, 43 Sekunden
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Handling depression: “You worth more than you think”

When Jeremiah was unsure of His worth and His capacity God opened His eyes and equipped Him with strength. Have you ever been in a time when you’ve questioned your worth or let your worth be tied to materialism. What happens when you suddenly can’t have those things you’re chasing after and people start ruling over you because they attach your value to material things. Look, you need to understand that God decides your worth and it is for this that He epitomized your worth by the death of His son. If you cost the only son of God, then you need to check yourself and understand what you have tied your value to. Man can only attach you to what they know but to know what God says about you, the Holy Spirit will reveal. Remember that flesh and blood can only reveal that it knows but to God, you what more than you might think. --- Send in a voice message:
4.6.201919 Protokoll, 53 Sekunden
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Handling depression: What happens while waiting?

One of the hardest things for humans to do is wait. The wait exposes the impatience of the mortal mind. What happens while you wait? I’ve seen questions like this pop up many times. Also, it is in the wait that most people are very prone to anxiety and depression. Wether you’re single and waiting or just waiting for the right job, opportunities or even time, understanding and holding on to the word of God will sustain you through this period. In this podcast, we talk about faith as in Hebrews 11 and understanding our purpose while in the wait. While you wait, learn not to constrain God to your timing. --- Send in a voice message:
2.6.201925 Protokoll, 58 Sekunden
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Handling depression: “surviving a broken home”

The family is the heartbeat of the society. Whatever happens in our very large society is a reflection of what goes on in our little families. Often, the offshoot of depression is nurtured In the hearts of little children that have witnessed the damages of a love deprived home and grow into adults carrying it as a life-time baggage. We need to understand that marriage is a life time decision, your marriage should be able to reflect what you hope for the society. If you believe that the world can be Crime and hate free then you need to start with your family. --- Send in a voice message:
1.6.201946 Protokoll, 53 Sekunden
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Handling depression: “Anger needs to leave”

Why are you so angry at yourself? Do you know that anger communicates bitterness even when it’s unintentional. It’s easier to translate bitterness to the ones you love when you bottle up anger. You need to understand that you’re going to have a few wrong turns but it’s never enough reason to be angry at yourself for so long. Expectations can be deceitful especially when they blind you from seeing that sometimes failure isn’t the end but the beginning of life’s lessons. Have you ever thought of letting go of anger and giving yourself another chance? Well if you haven’t then it’s about time. --- Send in a voice message:
30.5.201921 Protokoll, 3 Sekunden
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Handling depression: Second chances

Have you ever been in a situation where things just don’t seem to be going right? Have you ever tried and failed? Have you given up because you think you’re not just good enough? Well don’t stop trying. How dare you give up when God hasn’t given up on you? Learn from from the process then try again. God has a unique purpose for everyone of us, all you have to do is just ask Him and let Him direct you. Do not constrain Him to time, the fact that it hasn’t happened yet doesn’t mean it’s never going to happen. So Just do it!!! --- Send in a voice message:
29.5.201920 Protokoll, 26 Sekunden
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Handling Depression: To love is to win

Molestation has always been a sensitive topic. Many hate to talk about it because a lot of old wounds are opened but to go through the healing process it is necessary. Molestation victims often linger in pain and have very high tendencies to translate these pain to other innocent people who in turn hurt others. However, this is not exactly the right way to crush memories of molestation. One of the greatest ways to win is to love, even when it might seem difficult. The one who teaches and enables to love is Christ, for He is love. The only way to defeat is to accept that you deserve a better life and understand that pain has no place in your life. We should love the ones who hurt or violate us even when they are undeserving of it, that’s what makes you different from them. --- Send in a voice message:
27.5.201920 Protokoll, 11 Sekunden
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Handling depression: “Down but not defeated”

It is important that we realize the power of spoken words in our lives. The soul is fragile so it’s necessary that you feed it right, this why we recommend the necessities of the Word of God. To see the light at the end of the tunnel we must walk in the manifestation of the light even though it might be dim. Remember that God’s strength is most evident in our weakness. --- Send in a voice message:
26.5.201919 Protokoll, 57 Sekunden
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Handling Depression: Crushing Denial

A depressed mind feeds on denial, it forbids the prospects of a better life believing that it’s much safer to make peace with their pain than gamble with the chances of anything better. Hoarding memories of pain only gives the perpetrators a place of importance in your life. To walk away from the pain, you have to unseat the molester by accepting that you can have the life you deserve irrespective of what you’ve been through. --- Send in a voice message:
25.5.201920 Protokoll, 14 Sekunden
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Handling Depression: Defeating Identity Crisis.

One of the biggest baggage depression comes with is “Identity Crisis”. Depression victims often reject the question “who am I”, making it easy to draw strength from a false identity “pain”. However, pain and fear are very real, denying their existence only gives them a place of residence in your life. To defeat pain you must acknowledge it, seek a solution and then speak up!. Together we can defeat depression through Christ. Pain doesn’t define me, Christ does... --- Send in a voice message:
24.5.201931 Protokoll, 12 Sekunden