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Force of Habit

English, Education, 1 season, 106 episodes, 1 day, 7 hours, 34 minutes
A weekly chat about all things mindset, self-care, entrepreneurship and transforming, for the woman of color who is adamant about breaking limiting beliefs, lifelong habits, and creating the life she wants to lead in the body she's proud of. Join your host Shantel Taylor, nutritionist and self-proclaimed transformation master, every Monday for short, sweet, and no BS episodes that will give you the jolt of inspiration you need to kick ass all week long.
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Do It First

If you feel like you're in a season where you're stuck… A season where you feel like no matter what you do you can't seem to get the needle to move in your weight loss… A season where you feel like your busy all day long but at the end of the week nothing has changed again, then this week's podcast is just for you.You don't want to miss it!  _Ready to lose your first pound eating the foods you love? Download Your Free 7-Day Meal Plan Follow along on Instagram
10/21/202414 minutes, 32 seconds
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All Diets Work

Weight loss is not just about weight loss.It's also about sustainability. You can be a pro at losing 20 pounds all day long, but if you aren't able to KEEP those 20 pounds off, it doesn't actually mean anything. Sustainability is the other piece to the weight loss pie. Your weight loss should be simple habits that you can stack each and every day that lead to big wins month over month… Consistency is the name of the game. Don't waste your time (or your effort) getting results that you don't actually get to enjoy forever. This week on the podcast I'm talking all about this and the changes you can make so that you can lose weight they way you want to live your life.  _Ready to lose your first pound eating the foods you love? Download Your Free 7-Day Meal Plan Follow along on Instagram
8/12/202415 minutes, 38 seconds
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Move More, Exercise Less

If you struggle to be consistent at the gym when you want to lose weight… You aren't alone. Trust.A lot of women think that the more calories their Apple watch says they burned after a workout directly correlates to how much weight they lose. And while it helps, it actually doesn't move the needle in your weight loss as much as you think it does. Today on the podcast, I'll teach you…How your body actually burns fatWhy exercise isn't really that important to your weight lossSimple habits to start doing that help your body burn more calories consistently. _Ready to lose your first pound eating the foods you love? Download Your Free 7-Day Meal Plan Follow along on Instagram
7/29/202411 minutes, 18 seconds
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4 Things You DON'T Have To Do To Lose Weight

Today on the podcast, I'll teach you…4 things you DON'T have to do to lose weightThe key habit that makes or breaks your weight loss journeyAnd a simple mindset switch that will help you feel more in control around your usual trigger foods. _Ready to lose your first pound eating the foods you love? Download Your Free 7-Day Meal Plan Follow along on Instagram
7/22/202413 minutes, 14 seconds
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Rewind: How to Stick to Your "Diet" During the Holidays

(This episode is a re-run. Original airdate was November, 28th 2022). If you're worried about how the heck you're going to lose weight during the PEAK of holiday season, I got you.Truth time? The reason your weight loss feels hard during the holidays is because you haven't learned how to actually eat holiday foods without guilt… So you spiral.No more. Today, I'll teach you…The most common mistakes women make with their food this time of yearThe thoughts that are 100% sabotaging your weight loss right nowA simple exercise you can do to create an easy going holiday planYou don't want to miss it! Let's finish the year like a boss.Follow Shantel on Socials Instagram | TikTok | SHEtrition
11/20/202312 minutes, 52 seconds
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How Much, First. What, Second.

What you eat doesn't matter that much in the beginning of your weight loss. In this episode, I'll share with you what to focus on FIRST, without changing a thing about what you're currently eating.  _Ready to lose your first pound eating the foods you love? Download Your Free 7-Day Meal Plan Follow along on Instagram
11/14/202311 minutes, 24 seconds
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If you feel stuck right now, if you feel like you're in a life rut, if you feel like you know what you need to do to hit your goals but you can't seem to make yourself DO any of it… It's likely because you're letting your past write the story of your future. Every misstep, every broken promise, every time you said you were going to get your sh*t together and then stumbled even further back plays like a broken record in your head stopping you from being consistent. Truth time? The ONLY thing that will stop you from hitting November's goals, is holding on to October's mistakes.  Rewrite who you are and who you are becoming.  Today, I'll tell you the recipe that keeps so many women stuck in their weight loss and in their life, and the ONLY thing that'll help you drop the old stories of yourself in order to busy achieving the big goals, you're SO capable of achieving. _Ready to lose your first pound eating the foods you love? Download Your Free 7-Day Meal Plan Follow along on Instagram
11/6/202315 minutes, 10 seconds
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The Hidden Costs to Your Weight Loss Goal

This is the time of year you typically start thinking about the goals you want to hit in the New Year. Am I right?The New Year is so close, but far enough away that you can day dream about how next year will be soooo different…But today on Force of Habit, I want to talk about THIS year's goals, and why you might be struggling to hit them.There's another side to goals that a lot of women don't think about, and it's the costs. The price you have to pay (or what you have to give up) in order to actually hit the goal.It's easy to just think about what you GET when you hit the goal or what you have to DO to hit a goal, but the hidden costs are usually the reason so many people don't see their goals through… So today on the podcast, I want to talk about what those hidden costs are, and how not knowing what they are can hurt your weight loss goals.You'll find it REALLY valuable, (and it's just 10 minutes - win win)! _Ready to lose your first pound eating the foods you love? Download Your Free 7-Day Meal Plan Follow along on Instagram  
10/30/202311 minutes, 45 seconds
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Satiety: Foods That Help You Feel Full Without Overeating

Let's keep it real… A lot of women struggle to be consistent with weight loss because they struggle with hunger.  Whether it's because they're TOO hungry all the time, or they never experience true hunger because they're constantly snacking and grazing, finding the balance can be difficult if you've never taken time to get in touch with it.Can you relate? If so, today on the podcast I want to talk about satiety and foods that make you feel full and satisfied without overeating (and also, how  big “no-no's foods” help you lose MORE weight)I think you'll find it super valuable! _Ready to lose your first pound eating the foods you love? Download Your Free 7-Day Meal Plan Follow along on Instagram
10/16/202319 minutes, 26 seconds
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Becoming Your Future Self

The last few months have been a little crazy for me. We moved into our first home, and chaos ensued. Adulting… amiright? I'd been feeling like I hadn't been productive… Lots of avoiding, lots of days ending like I didn't do the things I really needed or wanted to do, sprinkle in some anxiety and you've got the perfect recipe for overwhelm 👩🏽‍🍳Can you relate? If so, today on the podcast I'm taking you through the exercise I did this weekend (and one that I do often, and teach in SHEtrition) when I feel like I'm not being the person I want to be. When I need to check in with my future self and realign with her, so that I can hit the goals I know that I'm capable of. If anything I'm saying is hitting home for you, I think you'd find it really, really valuable.  I'll walk you through it step-by-step so that you can easily replicate it and do it yourself today!  _Ready to lose your first pound eating the foods you love? Download Your Free 7-Day Meal Plan Follow along on Instagram  
10/3/202323 minutes, 45 seconds
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You Can Eat Pasta, and Lose Weight

The minute you decide to lose weight, what's usually the first thing you cut? If I had to guess... It's carbs. And after the decades long hate campaign against them... That makes sense.In today's episode, I'll share with you why you CAN eat carbs and lose weight, and why you should. _Ready to lose your first pound eating the foods you love? Download Your Free 7-Day Meal Plan SHEtrition Doors open in the New Year, Join the Waitlist so that you're the first to know!
9/27/202317 minutes, 34 seconds
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Why You Should Prioritize Yourself Before Your Kids

In today's episode, I'm giving you the perspective shift of a lifetime so that you can feel guilt-free for prioritizing your weight loss goals when you have children_Ready for your weight loss food plan to actually taste amazing? Download Your Free 7-Day Meal Plan SHEtrition Doors open this fall, Join the Waitlist so that you're the first to know!
9/18/202319 minutes, 35 seconds
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How to Tweak Your Weight Loss Plan to Lose More Weight

SHEtrition is OPEN for enrollment! 🎉 Just 4 days left to join us this fall. After today, doors won't reopen until 2024!Click here to learn all about the program that'll help you lose your weight for the LAST time! _ In today's episode I'm going over exactly how to tweak your weight loss plan to lose more weight and KEEP it off.
9/9/202322 minutes, 22 seconds
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You Need to Do More

It's very rare that you need to do something new to lose weight.Weight loss is a multi-billion dollar industry, and to keep people paying the big bucks new trends and diets will ALWAYS emerge each year. Keto, Whole30, anti-inflammatory diets, eating for your blood type, eating for your body type… The list goes on, and on. But the truth is, the secret to your weight loss isn't about discovering new things to do or try. The secret to your weight loss is simply doing more. In today's podcast episode, I'm going over what that “more” looks like and why it's so freaking important that you focus on doing more to lose the weight you want to lose._Ready for your weight loss food plan to actually taste amazing? Download Your Free 7-Day Meal Plan SHEtrition Doors open this fall, Join the Waitlist so that you're the first to know!
8/28/202311 minutes, 32 seconds
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Want It For You

Tell me if this sounds familiar...You decide you want to lose a few pounds, and think… I need some accountability.So, you hire a trainer, maybe you decide to go to the gym every day with your bestie, maybe you join a program and then as time goes by… You find yourself doing the ghosting.Ignoring calls, skipping appointments, and sending the “Omg! I didn't even see this” text to your friend who's been texting you about that cycle class for the last few weeks.And… Beating yourself up because even WITH accountability, you feel like you can't get it right.In today's podcast, I'm giving you the perspective shift you need to look at what accountability really means so that you can start using it to actually help you in your weight loss._Ready for your weight loss food plan to actually taste amazing? Download Your Free 7-Day Meal Plan SHEtrition Doors open this fall, Join the Waitlist so that you're the first to know!
8/14/202333 minutes, 23 seconds
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Let It Go

In today's episode, I'm giving you to motivational talk of a lifetime to help you drop the weight loss baggage and get busy creating new wins! _Ready for your weight loss food plan to actually taste amazing? Download Your Free 7-Day Meal Plan SHEtrition Doors open this fall, Join the Waitlist so that you're the first to know!  
7/31/202317 minutes, 37 seconds
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Do It Busy

You're doing weight loss wrong. I'll tell you why. Right now, you're probably waiting for things to “calm down” before you take the leap to lose weight, or to “commit”. You're waiting for the kids to go back to school, for work to calm down, for your family to not be so needy, for you to just have less going on all together. And that's exactly why you stop and start so much on your journey. Being busy is normal. It's a part of life. And if you don't learn how to navigate a very normal part of life AND lose weight, you'll never hit the goals you're OH so capable of.  In today's podcast episode, I'm explaining why busy is the best time to start your weight loss journey and giving you the kick in the butt you need to crush the week. _Ready for your weight loss food plan to actually taste amazing? Download Your Free 7-Day Meal Plan SHEtrition Doors open this summer, Join the Waitlist so that you're the first to know!
7/24/202314 minutes, 26 seconds
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Rep After Rep

In today's podcast episode, I'm sharing with you exactly what to do to stop wasting your time and finally get to your big weight loss goal. We're calling it... Your mid-year reset.-SHEtrition Doors are OPEN for summer enrollment, join here!
6/26/202319 minutes, 13 seconds
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Losing Weight with a Demanding Job

Struggling to lose weight while also working a demanding job? In today's episode I'm sharing with you the biggest shift I made that was the catalyst to me losing my weight while building a business and working a ton. _SHEtrition Doors are OPEN for summer enrollment, join here!
6/19/202321 minutes, 30 seconds
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I've Been Stress Eating... Here's What I'm Doing About It

So… I’ve been stress eating.My husband and I are closing on our first home, we're building an app for SHEtrition, and Bex is home for the summer. Talk about stress city.I didn’t immediately catch that I was coping with my stress with food, but once I did, I noticed I had gained a few pounds.Now, Shantel 5 years ago would have panicked, kept spiraling, or overly restricted.Shantel today knows that when she notices her body isn't feeling great, or that her weight is fluctuating it's time to do this ONE thing, and take some action. Today, I'm sharing with you what I'm doing, and if you're in the same place… Noticing you're up in the scale and having a hard time getting a handle on it, today's episode will be REALLY helpful. 
6/12/202320 minutes, 47 seconds
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How to Stay Full While in a Calorie Deficit

In today's podcast episode, I'm walking you through 3 of my best tips to minimize your hunger while you're in a calorie deficit so that your weight loss is a little more comfortable and consistent._Ready for your weight loss food plan to actually taste amazing? Download Your Free 7-Day Meal Plan SHEtrition Doors open this summer, Join the Waitlist so that you're the first to know!
5/17/202330 minutes, 48 seconds
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Doing What You Said You'd Do

Years ago, I had left my job, started a business, and just a few months later found myself close to 30 pounds up on the scale and shocked at how complicated my weight loss was turning out to be…I knew all the things… Created a meal plan, had my friend create a bomb training program for me, had all the knowledge in the world on how to physically lose weight…  And I didn't do JACK each day, day in and day out. And every day that passed… My guilt, shame, and confusion about why I just wasn't doing what I planned kept building. It wasn't until I confronted these three core things that I'm sharing with you in today's podcast episode that my weight loss became… Well, effortless.If planning how to lose weight is easy for you, but you struggle with actually following through, this episode is just for YOU._Ready for your weight loss food plan to actually taste amazing? Download Your Free 7-Day Meal Plan SHEtrition Doors open this summer, Join the Waitlist so that you're the first to know!  
5/8/202327 minutes, 42 seconds
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Why You Aren't Keeping Your Weight Off

SHEtrition Doors are CLOSING in TWO Days! On April 26th, doors will close to new members! To join our spring tribe >> Learn More About SHEtrition ______Losing weight is one thing, but keeping the weight off is a whole other animal. In today's episode, I'm chatting with you about the disconnect that happens and stops so many women from losing their weight for the last time.
4/24/202316 minutes, 5 seconds
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How to Get Back On Track After You Fell Off The Wagon

SHEtrition Doors are CLOSING Soon! On April 26th, doors will close to new members! To join our spring tribe! Learn More About SHEtrition ____Fell off the wagon and don't know what to do to get back on track? In today's episode, I'm lighting the fire of motivation under you so that you can get back to being busy and hitting your weight loss goals ASAP.
4/18/202320 minutes, 2 seconds
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3 Things to Change Today to Be More Consistent in Your Weight Loss

SHEtrition Doors are CLOSING Soon! On April 26th, doors will close to new members! To join our spring tribe! Learn More About SHEtrition ____Consistency is not a new topic on the podcast; it's something we talk a lot about here... And that's because the reason we aren't consistent doesn't just boil down to one thing. In today's episode, I'm giving you three new perspectives that could be the reason you aren't being consistent with your weight loss, and what you can do about it today.
4/11/202322 minutes, 30 seconds
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How to Set a Weight Loss Goal and ACTUALLY Hit It

So many of us never learned what it actually takes to not just set a goal but to actually GET to the goal. Even more so when it comes to weight loss.We say we want to lose 30, 40, 50 pounds then have no earthly idea what to do nextIn today's episode, I'm breaking it all down for you. I'm giving you the 3 things you NEED to do, in order to see your weight loss goal all the way through this year._______Ready for your weight loss food plan to actually taste amazing? Download Your Free 7-Day Meal Plan or Learn More About SHEtrition
4/5/202318 minutes, 12 seconds
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Meal Prep Tips When You Have No Time

You don't need a lot of time to lose weight. “Yeah right, Shantel- have you seen my schedule?” Nope. And I don't need to. The truth is, prioritizing weight loss actions is no more time consuming than scrolling TikTok, going to work, binging our favorite shows… You just haven't learned how to ALSO make time for them.  In today's sniffly episode (I have a cold, bear with me this week), I'm giving you 3 bullet proof hacks you can start implementing today that'll make eating healthier and losing weight, SO much easier. _______Ready for your weight loss food plan to actually taste amazing? Download Your Free 7-Day Meal Plan or Learn More About SHEtrition
3/27/202326 minutes, 18 seconds
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My Husband's Sobriety Story and How It'll Help You in Your Weight Loss

My husband is 1 year and 9 months sober.   But I'll be honest, his first few months out of treatment I was always nervous about a relapse… I was always silently scared about him going back to a dark place and what it would do to our family.I kept these thoughts to myself until one day, I just straight up said very quietly… “I'm scared you're going to relapse”  And he told me something really profound. It's stuck with me for the last two years, and it's a perspective that I lead with in SHEtrition today.And I'm sharing it with you in today's Force of Habit episode.   I promise you, you'll leave today's episode gaining a brand new perspective in your weight loss and feeling like you CAN achieve that big goal.   _______Ready for your weight loss food plan to actually taste amazing? Download Your Free 7-Day Meal Plan or Learn More About SHEtrition
3/20/202311 minutes, 51 seconds
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Improve Your Body Image While Losing Weight With This 1 Strategy

I use to be my own biggest bully.  When I was losing weight, every chance I got to 💩 on myself, I did. I criticized every inch of my body that I felt didn't match the expectations I had for it. And I was relentless… Then I wondered why I couldn't just love myself. So then I tried. I tried to force myself to love my cellulite, the extra fat on my back and lower belly, and my stretchmarks. Did every affirmation in the book, and tried to love it all.  It didn't work.  The truth was… I didn’t like the way my body looked. My weight loss journey was becoming this stressful, depressive, endless journey that I was trying to rush so that I could hurry up, lose my weight, and just feel good about myself.  It wasn't until I made the changes that I'm talking about in depth in today's podcast episode that everything changed for me. I was not only able to not only lose my weight, but my weight loss became something that I actually enjoyed because I wasn't tying my self worth to it. _______Ready for your weight loss food plan to actually taste amazing? Download Your Free 7-Day Meal Plan or Learn More About SHEtrition
3/13/202326 minutes, 24 seconds
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Why You WANT To Overeat

Most people rely on other people telling them what to do to lose weight, then wonder why they're stuck losing and gaining the same 10 pounds over and over and over again. Meal plans don't teach you how to sit with an urge to overeat, how to optimize a bedtime routine for fat loss, how to create a mindset that helps you stay consistent… In today's podcast episode, I'm talking to you about some of the biggest mindset errors when it comes to losing weight and sharing with you a snippet of a brand new series we're doing inside my weight loss program, SHEtrition.  _______Ready for your weight loss food plan to actually taste amazing? Download Your Free 7-Day Meal Plan or Learn More About SHEtrition
2/13/202325 minutes, 48 seconds
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My #1 Habit for Weight Loss Beginners

In today's quickie episode, I give you my #1 habit I recommend weight loss beginners begin to do today to start making progress on their weight loss journey. -Ready for your weight loss food plan to actually taste amazing? Download Your Free 7-Day Meal Plan or Learn More About SHEtrition
2/6/202311 minutes, 18 seconds
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Why You Can Eat Anything AND Lose Weight

Raise your hand if you've ever been personally victimized by diet culture?! The random influencers who misread studies to scare you into not eating pasta, strict trainers who basically have you funneling protein, and random people behind profile pictures of cats telling you why you can't eat white rice and lose weight. It's exhausting.But what if I told you… There's a world where you can eat what you want AND lose weight, and there's also a world where you don't have to feel so much anxiety and pressure around your food.Today on the podcast, I'm talking to you about why weight loss food doesn't exist, and how to begin eating ONLY the things you love and enjoy while hitting your milestones.--------Ready for your weight loss food plan to actually taste amazing? Download Your Free 7-Day Meal Plan or Learn More About SHEtrition 
1/30/202325 minutes, 15 seconds
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Why You're Struggling with Staying Consistent

Struggling to stay consistent on your weight loss journey? If you ever feel like consistency is great for other people, but something you can't ever see yourself doing because your weight loss is just way too hard, then this episode is for you. In today's podcast, I talk about the big reasons you could be struggling to stay consistent on your weight loss journey and a new perspective to try on that could be the missing link to your hitting your weight loss milestones each week.-Ready for your weight loss food plan to actually taste amazing? Download Your Free 7-Day Meal Plan or Learn More About SHEtrition
1/23/202324 minutes, 2 seconds
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"I Can't Stop Eating Because I Don't Want to Waste"

Did your parents ever hit you with the ICONIC line… “There are starving kids in (insert country here), you need to eat all this” If so, you're likely a member of the Clean Plate Club, and probably have a tough time leaving food behind, and may be overeating a lot.In today's episode, I'm talking about why cleaning your plate is harmful when your body doesn't want or need the food, and how to break this belief so that you can begin to heal your relationship with food, and stop overeating.Ready for your weight loss food plan to actually taste amazing? Download Your Free 7-Day Meal Plan or Learn More About SHEtrition
1/16/202315 minutes, 27 seconds
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Why I Don't Teach Calorie Counting...

When I was losing weight years ago, I use to live and die by a random calorie count.  And you know what happened?  Half the time I hit it and felt validated I was “being good” and the other half I was beating myself up, obsessively checking the nutrition facts and telling myself I couldn't have things because they didn't fit, and doing a ton of “f*ck it” eating if I was over my calories for the day.It wasn't a big shock that I yo-yo'ed with my weight, and couldn't figure out why I couldn't be consistent. In today's podcast episode, I'm sharing with you why I don't teach calorie counting, and why I truly believe that it hurts a lot of women on their weight loss journey.-Ready for your weight loss food plan to actually taste amazing? Download Your Free 7-Day Meal Plan or Learn More About SHEtrition
1/8/202319 minutes, 44 seconds
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My Simple 1-Step Weight Loss Process For Beginners

When the clock struck 12 on New Year's Day, I know that one of the first thoughts you had was how THIS year all of your wildest dreams were going to come true. Weight loss is probably one of them. And while the natural inclination may be to GUT your routine and transform into the healthy eating, gym badass you want to be… Chances are, you've done that before, and it didn't work. What you need in your weight loss is simplicity.  You need to be able to look back at the end of this year and go wow… I've made so much progress and didn't kill myself to do it. And another grueling, restrictive bootcamp or challenge isn't how that'll happen.  In today's podcast episode, I'm sharing with you my simple 1-step nutrition strategy I have every SHEtrition member start with that helps them come into the program swinging and hitting weight loss milestones. Spoiler alert: it's SO simple! -Ready for your weight loss food plan to actually taste amazing? Download Your Free 7-Day Meal Plan or Learn More About SHEtrition
1/2/202316 minutes, 14 seconds
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Escaping the New Year Trap: Avoid These Mistakes If You Want to Lose Weight in 2023

You set a few New Year resolutions each year… They always sound like “I want to lose weight in 2023” “I want to get healthy this year” “I want to finally get my 💩 together” You start the year on fire, hitting up the gym, eating like a new person, and even see some initial weight loss…. Then, slowly but surely, day by day, begin to drift back into the same routine you've been stuck in for years. By mid-February, you feel a looming sense of guilt and shame that yet again, you can't stay consistent and hit your weight loss goals. You spend the rest of the year yo-yoing with your habits and weight, and by December vow that NEXT year, will be your year.And it begins again.Was I hot? This used to be me, and it wasn't until I stopped making these vital mistakes that I actually HIT my resolutions, lost my weight, and went on to set NEW resolutions. Finally escaping the New Year trap of setting the same goals, only to crash and burn a few weeks in.In today's Force of Habit episode, I'm walking you through these mistakes and what you can do INSTEAD to finally see the movement and progress you want to see in your body and your life. _Ready for your weight loss food plan to actually taste amazing? Download Your Free 7-Day Meal Plan or Learn More About SHEtrition
12/19/202226 minutes, 17 seconds
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Why Your Morning Routine Is The Missing Link To Your Weight Loss

In today's Force of Habit episode, I'm going to be sharing with you my weight loss story, and what the missing link to your weight loss is and HOW you can start getting yourself to do the small habits, that lead to the big wins.Ready for your weight loss food plan to actually taste amazing? Download Your Free 7-Day Meal Plan
12/12/202220 minutes, 34 seconds
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3 Ways You're Sabotaging Your Weight Loss... Without Even Realizing It

Feel like the minute you see a few weight loss wins, they disappear? Or maybe, when you start losing weight and going hard, you start to wonder how you're going to be able to maintain any of it... Waiting for the other shoe to drop, and motivation to disappear and leave you hangin' In today's podcast episode, I'm sharing 3 ways you could be sabotaging your weight loss without even realizing it. You don't want to miss it. Ready for your weight loss food plan to actually taste amazing? Download Your Free 7-Day Meal Plan Follow me on the Instagram
12/4/202219 minutes, 19 seconds
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How to Stick to Your "Diet" During the Holidays

If you're worried about how the heck you're going to lose weight during the PEAK of holiday season, I got you.Truth time? The reason your weight loss feels hard during the holidays is because you haven't learned how to actually eat holiday foods without guilt… So you spiral.No more. Today, I'll teach you…The most common mistakes women make with their food this time of yearThe thoughts that are 100% sabotaging your weight loss right nowA simple exercise you can do to create an easy going holiday planYou don't want to miss it! Let's finish the year like a boss.Ready for your weight loss food plan to actually taste amazing? Download Your Free 7-Day Meal Plan
11/28/202214 minutes, 9 seconds
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How to Develop a Healthy Relationship with the Scale for More Consistent and Happier Weight Loss

If I had to place a bet, I'd put some money down on the fact that the scale determines your mood. When you hop on the scale to weigh-in or check-in and it doesn't say what you want it to, what do you do?Start talking cash money $h!t to yourself?Get in a funky mood for the rest of the day?Fight the urge to restrict even MORE to get it to budge?Tell yourself “well if I'm doing all this and not losing weight, might as well eat how I REALLY want to eat?” Probably, all of the above at one point right?You aren't alone.Years ago, I use to live and die by what the scale said. It had SO much power over me, and if didn't validate my hard work, I sabotaged my own weight loss.It wasn't until I learned what I'm about to teach you in this podcast that my weight loss got easier, more consistent, and FUN. Yeah, you heard me. My weight loss journey became fun.  Ready for your weight loss food plan to actually taste amazing? Download Your Free 7-Day Meal Plan
11/14/202223 minutes, 44 seconds
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Why You Aren't Losing Weight

Years ago, I was really good at losing 5-10 pounds like a boss. Want to know something else though? I was really good at gaining it right back like a boss too. I thought the reason my weight loss was stalled had everything to do with how perfect my food was. So I tried to double down on never eating “junk food” and being as perfect as I could.But it wasn't about my food.When I realized my plateaus and stalls had almost everything to do with how I was optimizing my weight loss, I finally lost the 20 pounds I had been struggling to lose for what felt like an eternity. Whether you want to lose 5 pounds or 100. Today's episode I'll walk you through 3 of the top reasons that are keeping you stuck in your weight loss, and get you well on your way to your next milestone.Ready for your weight loss food plan to actually taste amazing? Download Your Free 7-Day Meal Plan
11/7/202227 minutes, 55 seconds
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How to Lose Weight When You Aren't Motivated

In today's podcast episode, I'm sharing with you 3 steps that'll shatter the way you view and use motivation on your weight loss journey, and get you taking your next steps to lose weight even when you aren't motivated to do it at all.Ready for your weight loss food plan to actually taste amazing? Download Your Free 7-Day Meal Plan Want daily tips and tricks for building healthy eating habits? Find me on the 'gram
10/31/202228 minutes, 10 seconds
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4 Strategies for Faster Weight Loss

Are you reallllyyy good and losing the first 10 pounds with a program, new diet, or new rules and then stall out like clockwork once you hit that milestone?  If so, today's episode is going to be really helpful for you.In it, I break down 4 strategies that are needed to lose weight not only faster but more consistently too, so you actually start hitting the weight loss goals you set.Tune in!** At 4:57 I said "250 - 500 calories is all you need" I meant a 250-500 calorie DEFICIT, not total! I clarified in the next sentence but still wanted to put a note here**------Ready to start your weight loss journey?  Join SHEtrition HereWant daily tips and tricks for building healthy eating habits? Find me on the 'gram orDownload Your Free 7-Day Meal Plan
10/18/202222 minutes, 29 seconds
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3 Weight Loss Habits You Need to Implement... Yesterday

Ready to make your weight loss easier? If so, today's Force of Habit episode is JUST for you. In it, I'm sharing 3 of the most important habits you need to start building in order to make your weight loss more consistent and feel second nature.  Ready to start your weight loss journey?  Join SHEtrition HereWant daily tips and tricks for building healthy eating habits? Find me on the 'gram orDownload Your Free 7-Day Meal Plan
10/10/202225 minutes, 17 seconds
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2 Big Signs You're Emotionally Eating and What To Do About It

If weight loss feels hard because you're having lots of eating episodes even though you KNOW you aren't hungry and making the best decision for your goals, but you can't pinpoint what's driving the urge or compulsion, today's podcast episode is just for you.Ready to start your weight loss journey?  Join SHEtrition HereWant daily tips and tricks for building healthy eating habits? Find me on the 'gram orDownload Your Free 7-Day Meal Plan
10/4/202220 minutes, 38 seconds
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How to Make Weight Loss Less Overwhelming

Do you ever feel like the moment you vow to lose weight, it suddenly takes over every waking thought, feeling, and emotion? Like, simply stating you have a new goal gives you something new to obsess about and pretty soon, you're completely overwhelmed with how you're ever going to get to the milestone you said you wanted to hit when you can't figure out how to stay consistent past the first few weeks of new habit changes.If you constantly stop and start on your weight loss journey, throwing your hands up in defeat just a few short weeks in, then this episode is for you.Ready to start your own weight loss journey?  Join SHEtrition HereWant daily tips and tricks for building healthy eating habits? Find me on the 'gram orDownload Your Free 7 Day Meal Plan
9/26/202226 minutes, 28 seconds
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Set the Bar Low to Win Big in Your Weight Loss

So you decided you want to lose weight, and vow from this day forward you'll have your ish together. So, you start prepping, workout out, cutting back on indulgences and before you know it, a couple of weeks have passed, and you're right back where you started. Sound familiar? In today's episode, I'll tell you exactly what you're doing wrong, and give you some bite-sized steps to start taking today, to get to those big weight loss wins you want to hit. Ready to start your own weight loss journey?  Join SHEtrition HereWant daily tips and tricks for building healthy eating habits? Find me on the 'gram orDownload Your Free 7 Day Meal Plan
9/22/202211 minutes, 42 seconds
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Why You're Overeating and How to Stop It

Whether it’s taking 1 extra bite that sent you over the edge and now you’re burping and unbuttoning your pants… Or it’s grazing uncontrollably after you just had dinner, or maybe it’s the ole “It’s soooo good I have to finish it” even though you know you should probably save it for later. This episode is for you if you're struggling with overeating and hitting your weight loss goal.Ready to start your own weight loss journey?  Join SHEtrition HereWant daily tips and tricks for building healthy eating habits? Find me on the 'gram orDownload Your Free 7 Day Meal Plan
9/15/202217 minutes, 49 seconds
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The 3 Things That Make The BIGGEST Impact on Your Weight Loss

When you start your weight loss journey, it can be hard to know what to focus on... But in my experience, slowing down and getting present to these 3 things makes the biggest impact on whether or not you hit your goal, or waste years losing and re-gaining the same few pounds.Tune in and find out! Ready to start your own weight loss journey?  Join SHEtrition HereWant daily tips and tricks for building healthy eating habits? Find me on the 'gram orDownload Your Free 7 Day Meal Plan
6/20/202225 minutes, 4 seconds
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Weight Loss with Addition not Restriction —- My Experience Growing on Tik Tok, Thoughts on Intuitive Eating, and How Health Influencers Use Controversy to Get You To Pay Attention

Have you heard about the concept of Addition, not Restriction when it comes to weight loss? If you follow me on Instagram or Tik Tok then you probably have.  In today's new podcast episode, we're having a casual conversation about what it REALLY takes to lose weight for good, my problem with both diet culture and the intuitive eating movement, and how you can start approaching your time on social media so that YOU can make the best decisions for your body. Join SHEtrition HereFind me on the 'gram Download Your Free 7 Day Meal Plan
6/16/202216 minutes, 3 seconds
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The Real Deal About Processed Foods

In today's new podcast episode, I'm diving into all things processed foods… What they are, how they can both BE healthy and a part of a healthy diet, and how you can include them to still hit your goals. Join SHEtrition HereFind me on the 'gram Download Your Free 7 Day Meal Plan 
6/6/202218 minutes, 50 seconds
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Your Work From Home Weight Loss Crash Course

If you're a work from home-r, or even if you have a job that's a little more sedentary (like sitting in an office for most of your day), today's Force of Habit episode is just for you!  Creating boundaries, consistent movement, and fighting the urge to work from the bed can be a strugggllleee. When I transitioned to working at home full time, I experienced significant weight gain for the first time in my life. It's something that's not super talked about!  And if that resonates with you, tune into this week's episode to get the full scoop on the steps you can take to begin making progress right from home! Join SHEtrition HereFind me on the 'gram Download Your Free 7 Day Meal Plan
2/28/202215 minutes, 28 seconds
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How to Build a Balanced Plate - The Foundation To Feel Good Weight Loss

Nutrition has been complicated over the years, it's true. It can feel intimidating to want to eat better, but having no earthly idea how to start and actually stay consistent with it, at that.In today's new episode of Force of Habit, I'm helping you create your first strong pillar to your weight loss… Building a balanced plate, and the five questions to ask every time you're creating a meal to know, if it's balanced, or not. Join SHEtrition HereFind me on the 'gram Download Your Free 7 Day Meal Plan
2/21/202219 minutes, 26 seconds
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Becoming a Prep Queen - Meal Planning Hacks to Stay Consistent on Your Weight Loss Journey

 Join SHEtrition HereFind me on the 'gram Download Your Free 7 Day Meal PlanHitting the drive-thru a little too often during the week? Or maybe got a few prepped lunches that you seem to "forget" about during the week? This episode is for you.Today on the poddy pod, I'm sharing simple, and easy hacks and tips that you can begin to implement into your schedule that'll help make weekly meal planning and prep a breeezeeeee so that you can begin to get more intentional and consistent with your nutrition, in order to start making the progress you want to see on your weight loss journey. 
2/14/202216 minutes, 26 seconds
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Beat the Bloat - Simple Steps to Take to Improve Your Digestion and Your Gut Health

 Join SHEtrition HereFind me on the 'gram Download Your Free 7 Day Meal PlanTune into today's episode as I share one of SHEtrition's bonus trainings - Beat the Bloat!Bloating isn't fun. And chances are, if you're just starting your health journey or looking for things to continue to improve on, bloating is something that you may be experiencing daily. Not only is it uncomfortable, but it's also one of the most obvious sign your body sends letting you know that you need to pay a little more attention to your gut health. In this lesson, I'll walk you through what bloating is, how you can improve it, and a few steps to get your digestion on track for happy and healthy progress. 
2/7/202216 minutes, 38 seconds
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Your Weight Loss Beyond Diet and Exercise

 Join SHEtrition HereFind me on the 'gram I'm pumped because this episode we're talking about all the ways you can begin to tackle your weight loss… that go beyond diet and exercise.  Weight loss involves 3 core pieces:Nutrition foundation and strategyRoutineMindset  … And if one of these three pieces is missing, or isn't a priority, you'll get to the end of this year, setting the same resolution going into 2023. Don't do dat. In this episode, I'm talking about the pieces that you may be overlooking in your life right now, that have a direct effect on your weight loss, your hormones, and your consistency. Let's get into it! 
1/17/202218 minutes, 47 seconds
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Pt 6 Slay the Holidays: Your New Year Resolution Blueprint - How to Set a Goal and Actually Finish It (Part 2)

 Join SHEtrition HereGrab your free 7 day meal plan hereWow! Can you believe it? We've come to an end in our Slay the Holidays challenge. The last few weeks together have been INCREDIBLE. So many of you conquered the holidays with flying colors this year, and managed to come out of what can be such a stressful season with a few new milestones under your belt. Proud? An understatement. Today on Force of Habit, I'm diving deeper on last week's topic (New Year's Resolutions), and this week, with specific strategies and tactics to give you the advantage to successfully hitting your goals this New Year! 
12/28/202115 minutes, 29 seconds
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Pt 5 Slay the Holidays: Your New Year Resolution Blueprint - How to Set a Goal and Actually Finish It (Part 1)

 Join SHEtrition HereGrab your free 7 day meal plan hereThis week, we're getting ready for the New Year… And talking alllll about goal setting.  But not just any ole' resolution. Today, I'm walking you through the 4 major components of a goal, and how you can set yourself up for a big WIN from the very beginning… Chances are, if you haven't been successful hitting the goals you've set this year, you're missing one of the core components.  Listen in!
12/20/202120 minutes, 9 seconds
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Pt 4 Slay the Holidays: Aht aht! Don't Stop Now - Finish The Year Strong

I know what you're thinking right now… It's just 3 more weeks until the new year. If I eat like crazy this holiday season, quit working out, and lay low-  it's okay, because I'll bounce back in 2022 and hit all my goals. Next year is my year.  Next year, I'm going to eat healthier, take care of myself, and finally lose the weight. Let me guess… You said the same thing last year, too 👀 Yeah. I remember those days all too well.  Today on the pod, I'm giving you the end of the year pep talk you need to finish strong!  And as an early Christmas present, I've got a little gift for you :) A free 7 day meal plan to help jumpstart your weight loss this month.>> Click here to get your 7 day meal plan >> Join SHEtrition Today  Here's to going into the brand new year WITH a win, not hoping for one!  
12/7/202115 minutes, 38 seconds
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Pt. 3 Slay the Holidays: You Can Socialize and Hit Your Goals... Here's How

And just like that, two holidays down- two to go! With Christmas right around the corner, holiday parties will be revving on up, and it's so important that you go into this new month with the right mindset, and the right tools in your back pocket so that you can hit your goals, and have the fun you deserve.And you know... I've got you friend. In today's episode, I'm sharing how exactly you can be the social butterfly of your dreams, and still hit your goals.And.... I'm not sugar coating anything. So fair warning, big girl pants need to be activated! 
11/29/202123 minutes, 28 seconds
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Pt. 2 Slay the Holidays: Your Holiday Routine - How to Enjoy Holiday Dinners without Guilt, Anxiety, or Falling Off the Wagon

We're back with Part 2 of the Slay the Holiday's series! And I'm so excited. In this episode, I'm walking you through both practical things you need to do the morning off Thanksgiving (and Christmas) that'll prevent you from overeating, while still eating every. single. thing. you. want.Anddddd, what to do immediately after so that you can get back to feeling great, and kicking ass on your health journey.And if you want to take it a step further, I've housed a Holiday Detox Plan inside SHEtrition's Exclusive Membership that walks you through the step by step action to take after big holiday dinners that'll help you balance your blood sugar, stay motivated, and continue to hit the goals you've set- new and old.Not a member? You can join here!
11/21/202117 minutes, 5 seconds
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Pt 1 Slay the Holidays: Carbs, Carbs, Carb - How to Balance Your Blood Sugar, Lose Fat, and Gain Energy

Download your Carb Cheat Sheet HereThe SHEtrition challenge “SLAY THE HOLIDAYS" begins, and here's what's in store… Every Monday, up until the New Year, a brand new holiday focused training releases on the podcast. These episodes are designed to help you finish your year strong by helping you stay motivated, focused, and intentional as you move through the holiday season. We'll cover things like carbs, socializing and fat loss and how the two can happen at the same time, how to maneuver through the actual holiday (like Thanksgiving day), I'll even be providing extra resources like free recipes, cheat sheets and so 👏  much 👏  more. And I hope you get in the driver seat, and meet me on this journey with other incredible women like you. This holiday season, I'm challenging you to show up as your BEST self, now.  Let's do this!
11/15/202128 minutes, 15 seconds
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Why Rest Is The Secret Weapon To Your Progress

As weird as it is to say… Resting is hard.  But, resting guilt-free? Even harder. When it comes to everything you have to, and want to, achieve in a day… Busy is an understatement. Amirighttt?What if I told you that the reason you're on the health hamster wheel, the reason you can't stay consistent, the reason that you're actually not being productive is because you aren't resting enough… But, there's a specific type of rest I'm talking about, and a specific way to do it… I dive all into that in today's podcast episode…___SHEtrition's Recipe Membership is OPEN! If you're ready to automate your meal planning, and gain access to hundreds of easy, healthy and delicious recipes balanced, counted, and mapped out for you... join the balanced babes by clicking the link below to learn more.There's so much progress waiting on you.I hope to be celebrating you on the inside! JOIN HERE
11/8/202115 minutes, 17 seconds
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Choose You Today and Every Day - How to Beat "Fresh Start Syndrome"

If you find yourself waiting for the “perfect” times of the week, month or year to dig deep and commit to your goals. Commit to eating healthier, working out more, practicing self care… then today's episode is JUST for you. I'm giving you the pep talk you NEED to start off the month on fire, and to STAY on fire 🔥  _Come hang out with me on instagram! Need some prep recipes that actually taste good? I got you! Steal 10 of my favorite prep recipes right here 
11/1/20216 minutes, 43 seconds
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Uncomplicate Nourishing Your Body - 3 Steps to Eating Healthier

Ever feel like if you aren't snorting chia seeds and juicing 8 pounds of celery each day you aren't healthy?Been there.If you ever feel overwhelmed with where to start, or if you've ever constantly questioning if you're doing this whole “healthy lifestyle” thing right… I know how to help.In today's episode of Force of Habit, I'm giving you 3 simple, yet powerful, steps to take to begin eating healthier, without all the guilt and comparison-itis. Accompanied by a slightly embarrassing, but important lesson I learned about nourishing my body in my college years...Tune in!_Come hang out with me on instagram! Need some prep recipes that actually taste good? I got you! Steal 10 of my favorite prep recipes right here 
10/25/202114 minutes, 37 seconds
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3 Steps to Take to Hit Your Fitness Goals Through Big Life Transitions

Years ago, a gust of wind was all it took to knock me off my game. A change in schedule, a busier work day, Bexley going through a phase, and I felt like I was in the sunken place. Frozen. Not knowing the next move.Now? Well. It takes a lot more to shake things up around here, but that doesn't mean that sometimes I don't need to sit down, and readjust my mindset, my routine, or my steps to get back on the horse after a sudden change of pace.In today's Force of Habit episode, I've got you covered! I'm helping to demystify the steps, and the mindset, behind getting back on the horse after life's curveballs, and giving you the pep talk you wa… no NEED, this week. Tune in! It'll be worth it. ___ P.S. I’m hosting a FREE LIVE training on October 12th and October 13th called “How to Transform Your Mind, to Transform Your Body” where I’ll be teaching you the 4 foundational pieces you need to master to hit your big weight loss goals (plus when you show up live, I'll gift you 5 free recipes to use to start hitting your goals this fall) >> SAVE YOUR SEAT RIGHT HERE <<  
10/6/202113 minutes, 1 second
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Wing Proof Your Routine - The What, When, and Where of Having *Actual* Productive Days

After experiencing a devastating loss in my family, the last few weeks I've really had to spend some time tearing down a few blocks in order rebuild them back into my routine.  Sometimes going back to the start, and re-teaching yourself the basics is how you can begin to pick up the pieces and start making progress again in your life. So…. If you missed prep this week, if you skipped a workout… or three, if you've been pushing out starting your new healthy habits, creating a morning routine, or literally anything you know is going to move the needle in your weight loss or journey to live a healthier lifestyle… Oh, boo! This week's Force of Habit episode is justtttt for you. Today, I'm walking you through the what, when, and where of creating a to-do list that ACTUALLY gets done, so you can start stacking your wins… yesterday. __Come hang out with me on instagram! Need some prep recipes that actually taste good? I got you! Steal 4 of my favorite prep recipes right here 
9/20/202112 minutes, 44 seconds
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Un-complicate Your Weight Loss - The Real Reason Behind “Failed” Weight Loss

Life is complicated. Relationships are complicated. Our kids are complicated. Pinterest recipes are complicated.Ikea instructions are complicated But, weight loss? Not so much. In this week's episode of Force of Habit I'm breaking your weight loss down, and giving you the action steps you need to take to un-complicate your weight loss and your results.____Ready to learn how to eat the foods you love AND hit your weight loss goal?Register for my FREE live training happening August 18th! Click here to save your seat >> REGISTER
8/17/202112 minutes, 1 second
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What's the Price? The One Thing You Need to Do to Stop Procrastinating Your Wildest Dreams

Procrastination will be the reason you don't hit your goals.It's the reason I put off important needle moving tasks in my routine, the reason I've missed out on big opportunities, the reason I fed into my fear, and ultimately the reason I plateaued in my growth at different points in my life. From weight loss, to life changing routine changes, ditching those bad health habits, asking for a promotion or the raise I deserved.Today on the podcast, I'm sharing the one thing you need to do, to get to the bottom of your procrastination and start pushing past those paralyzing thoughts that so often have you putting off your wildest dreams. ___Come hang out with me on instagram! Want some free prep recipes that actually taste good? I got you! Steal 4 of my favorite prep recipes right here
8/9/202111 minutes, 20 seconds
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Summer Night Routine - Preparing for Your Goal Smashing Mornings

Starting your days off right and gaining momentum to crush all the small things that inch you one step closer to the promotion, the weight loss, the mental clarity, the energy, the productiveness, all start in your mornings. But something I don't touch on often is the need for a solid night routine. Because those awesome, productive ass mornings don't happen if you haven't laid the foundation for peaceful, calm, and anxiety-free nights.  It took me awhile to find the right starter steps that allowed me to create boundaries at night, so that I could lay the groundwork to productive days that aligned with the goals I set for myself.  And today, I'm sharing them with you.________Come hang out with me on instagram! Want some free prep recipes that actually taste good? I got you! Steal 4 of my favorite prep recipes right here
8/4/202112 minutes, 44 seconds
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The Switch Up - How to Stay Inspired and Motivated Effortlessly on Your Weight Loss Journey

The reason so many of us start and stop our weight loss journeys, reset on our goals, start over and over… and over again, is because of this one thing…  Boredom. Bored with our food, our workouts, not feeling as motivated or inspired by the goals that had us fired the hell up just a few weeks ago. Trust me. If anyone gets it, if anyone understands… It's me. Been there, done that, and so have so many of my clients who have gone on to smash the goals they set, and then some. In this week's Force of Habit episode, we're tackling what to do to stay inspired, fired up, and ready to hit your goals head on each and every week… and what to do when the feeling fades, and you're ready to go back to those comforting, but sabotaging bad habits.________Come hang out with me on instagram! Want some free prep recipes that actually taste good? I got you! Steal 4 of my favorite prep recipes right here
7/13/202117 minutes, 37 seconds
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We Outside - Balancing Your Social Life and Weight Loss

“We outside” this summer is getting reallllll…. well, tricky (and expensive, but that's beside the point). Because after a year of being cooped up in the house, we're ready to spread our wings and dip our toes back into the social scene. Which is all fine and dandy until we realize it's been weeks and we've been missing preps, too tired for workouts, and gaining a little weight we lost in the spring, back.  Ultimately, feeling like it's either our goals this summer, or it's fun brunches with the girls. But you don't have to pick between the two. In today's episode of Force of Habit, we're doing the deep dive into 3 easy ways to balance your social life and your weight loss so that you can have the fun summer you deserve WHILE staying on track and crushing the heck out of your goals along the way. _____Come hang out with me on instagram! Want some free prep recipes that actually taste good? I got you! Steal 4 of my favorite prep recipes right here
7/5/202113 minutes, 5 seconds
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7 Healthy Habits That Changed My Life

Years ago, I'll be the first to admit that I thought in order to help women lose weight that a full transformation was needed from the jump. A conveyer belt of new and improved habits that needed to be put into action and perfected from Day 1. Don't worry, I checked into reality shortly after But that took a little time… A little good ole' experience myself. It wasn't until I started to change my un-serving and self-sabotaging habits one by one, and implement new and exciting ones that things changed for me, and for my clients. Hitting body goals, career goals, strength and endurance goals, energy goals, all became easier when I put these 7 habits into my daily rotation, and I really began to appreciate my journey in full But most importantly, they've helped other women just like you to enjoy and optimize their journey to loving their body and food. In today's episode of Force of Habit, I'm sharing these game changers with YOU!  _____Come hang out with me on instagram! Want some free prep recipes that actually taste good? I got you! Steal 4 of my favorite prep recipes right here
5/3/202121 minutes, 12 seconds
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My Nutrition Game Changers - The 3 Mindset Shifts I Made Around My Food to Hit My Body Goals Every Time

 I've been pretty open about my weight gain during the winter (about 14 pounds to be exact). Safe to say that last year was…yeah. So, my winter weight was def out of the ordinary. I was a little shocked myself when I jumped on the scale in February. And hey, maybe you've recently had that come to Jesus moment yourself. You've been stuck in the house all year long, and now that it's getting warm, you're all vaccine'd up (Moderna Mamí over here), you're realizing you may be out of shape… Like way out of shape. Don't worry boo, you aren't alone by a long shot.  In this week's Force of Habit episode, I'm talking all about my nutrition game changers. The three shifts I needed to make with my food so that I could hit my body goals every single time. Fast forward to today, and that winter weight that hit me like a ton of bricks is gone and spoiler alert… I didn't kill myself to make it happen. Chicken nuggets begin at: 5:50 _____Come hang out with me on instagram! Want some free prep recipes that actually taste good? I got you! Steal 4 of my favorite prep recipes right here
4/25/202114 minutes, 40 seconds
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Beat the Pesky Weight Loss Plateau

You ever started your new body goal with fire and motivation? Killing those pound or measurement milestones... And then one day, you hop on the scale and nothing's changed.No biggie, right?Until the next week… Same thing.And then the next week… Same thing.The horror!Cue the afternoon ride to get a crunch wrap supreme at Taco Hel.. I mean Bell, because the work you've been putting in is well… "not working". If there is one thing I loathe the most when it comes to weight loss, it's those pesky plateaus. Plateaus that seemingly have no cause, right? Plateaus that make you feel like no matter the hours you're putting into the gym each week, the perfect meal preps, the turned down treats, nothing is going to change.Maybe even begin to make you doubt yourself, and your ability to lose weight at all.Well my friend, this week… I've got you covered.In this week's Force of Habit episode I'm walking you through how to bust through a plateau and keep truckin' on your weight loss journey, so that you can go on to hit your next weight loss milestone with a little more peace of mind. ____Come hang out with me on instagram! Want some free prep recipes that actually taste good? I got you! Steal 4 of my favorite prep recipes right here
4/19/202119 minutes, 43 seconds
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Why Your Morning Routine and Your Weight Loss Are Connected

Mornings…. weight loss… what do they have to do with one another? Short answer? Everything…The long answer? Still everything.  This week's Force of Habit episode, I'm getting into the nitty gritty of why your mornings are often the pre-marker to whether or not you hit your goals. Because in my space, I've seen them make or break progress 1,000 times over. And yet, it's often on of the most undervalued parts of weight loss journeys. That was understandable to me… Until I was a victim of my own lack of routine.You don't want to miss these juicy nuggets this week! ______P.S. Our 5 Day Challenge “5 Days of Intentionality and Mindfulness” BEGIN TODAY! This challenge is dedicated to loving up on ourselves each and every morning. At 9 AM CT I'll be going live to do a little yoga, while setting our intentions for March! Follow along hereI can't wait to see you!
3/1/202112 minutes, 9 seconds
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Lie to Yourself - How to Rewire Your Mind to Love The Things You Hate

Any of these sound familiar.... "I hate working out""I'm not a morning person""I hate prepping/cooking" "I don't really like to journal, it's not my thing" .... I could keep going, but I'll keep it short. It's easy to feel like we just hate what we hate. That we came out of the womb with these traits of not liking things like cooking, or working out, or journaling, or being a morning person. We get stuck with how things have always been, so we don't challenge ourselves, ultimately thinking that not liking specific things are a core part of who we are, our routines and our lives, but they're not. We have the power to change our thoughts, our perspective, our likes, and dislikes, we just have to start…. and the first step? Lying to yourself.Tune into today's episode where I take a dive in the deep end on how to rewire your mind to actually like the things you “hate” right now. You're going to love it. ____And in the meantime, join all the self-love wins, cool recipes, and fun over on our instagram
2/22/20218 minutes, 18 seconds
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Build Your Blocks - How to Cut Back and Make Progress Without Restricting

65% of all FAD and overly restrictive dieters gain all of their weight back, and are twice as likely to surpass their initial starting weight.And here's why…You cannot restrict the things you actually like, love, enjoy and expect to Hit your goals without miseryMake it a lifestyleListen, I know your friend Veronica, and Renee, and Shandra all did keto, or no carbs, or the new *insert new diet trend here* diet but, there's a reason that every year they're trying a new diet. It's because it's really freaking hard to maintain the results from the last one. In today's episode of Force of Habit, I'm giving away a few secrets from SHEtrition Academy and teaching you how to cut back without restricting. You don't want to miss this extra juicy nuggets.____Click here for the editable meal planner template (check out chicken nugget #3) Need some recipe inspo in the kitchen this week? Steal my 4 favorite prep recipes here____And in the meantime, join all the self-love wins, cool recipes, and fun over on our instagram
2/8/202112 minutes, 34 seconds
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The 3 Biggest Mistakes You Might Be Making on Your Weight Loss Journey

I've created Nobel Prize worthy meal plans in the past, only for a client to A. Never start it B. Give up half way into week 2.And trust me, it wasn't because of the food… It was because of their mindset. When we stripped away everything to work on that first, wow… they were off to the races. Your mindset is the foundation to your habits, without it, there's no real way to build onto any new habit no matter how bad you want the end result.In this episode, I'm going to walk you through 3 of the biggest mistakes you might be making on your own weight loss journey, and because I'll never leave ya' hanging, a few action steps to match. ____And in the meantime, join all the self-love wins, cool recipes, and fun over on our instagram
2/1/202114 minutes, 57 seconds
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Don't Put Up A Zero - 3 Key Strategies Behind Successfully Hitting Your Goals

Not consistently hitting the goals you set? Been there. I use to come up with these humungous, BIG OLE' giant goals myself… What can I say, I'm a dreamer. Honestly, I think we all are. I would set these HUGE goals, and when they didn't happen immediately, or if I wasn't perfect on the way to hit the goal, I beat myself up.I spent all of my days focused on the end goal that I forgot to actually enjoy the process, I wasn't enjoying my life. It wasn't until I took a step back, evaluated the areas in both my life and my goal setting structure that were broken, that needed a little (or a lot of) tweaking that I was able to peel back and uncover what REALLY mattered when it came to the goals I set.These little strategies helped me piece by piece, begin to strategically and tactically align the areas I needed to, to show up for myself each and every time. No matter how small the goal was, and no matter how big, new, and scary it was.In today's episode, I'm walking you through the strategies that helped me break my goals down. You don't want to miss it!____And in the meantime, join all the self-love wins, cool recipes, and fun over on our instagram
1/25/202116 minutes, 14 seconds
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Commit To Doing Something Scary In 2021

Wow! And just like that, it's a wrap on yet another year... This year was tough, to say the bare minimum about it. It stretched you, it challenged you, it upset you... and I'm right there with you.But here's one thing I'm not willing to do going into 2021... I won't hold on to the things that didn't go my way, that made me cry, that left me feeling alone and misunderstood. Instead, I'm taking every failure, every rejection, every face palm worthy moment and turning them into lessons. Stepping stones. So that this year, I can commit to growth on a level I haven't experienced before. And I want you to do the same. You are able, you are worthy, and you are capable of doing all the things. Let's make 2021, ours. ______Have you registered for the webinar yet?! Omg, girl. It's going to be so valuable. I'll be teaching you my top 4 in-depth weight loss strategies to build and maintain consistency! Grab your seat, and let's hang out! I'm ready to serve you. Grab Your Seat HereTo join the SHEtrition Academy Waitlist, put your pretty little name hereAnd until then... I'll see you next year boo ;)
12/28/20208 minutes, 45 seconds
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That Time I Restricted to Lose 10 Pounds....

As a nutritionist... There's a ton of pressure to be perfect. And for so long I was afraid to embrace my clients, and tell them "I'm struggling with that too". I felt like it made me look like a fraud, like I wasn't fit to coach them, when in reality, it made me human. It showed the women I was helping that they weren't alone, that even people who have literal degrees in nutrition and food science struggle with the same mindset battles that they did. I did something really dumb once, learned from it, and now I coach women to avoid restricting like the plague. It doesn't work, it will never work, and it's oh so dumb. Listen in! I want you to learn from my mistakes boo, and put the restrictions you thought you needed to make to lose weight, behind you... for good.-----Have you registered for the webinar yet?! Omg, girl. It's going to be so valuable. I'll be teaching you my top 4 in-depth weight loss strategies to build and maintain consistency! Grab your seat, and let's hang out! I'm ready to serve you. Grab Your Seat HereTo join the SHEtrition Academy Waitlist, put your pretty little name hereAnd until then... I'll see you next week, boo!
12/21/202010 minutes, 20 seconds
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"I shouldn't have eaten that" "Omg, that burger was so bad" "Ugh, I'll never hit my goals- I can't believe I had two cupcakes" ... You've probably used one of these lines, in some variation, once or 100 times before. Even when you just say them to yourself, these words can leave a lasting impact on your mindset and begin to create a... not so great relationship with our food, and can even domino to borderline disordered eating (specifically binging)So listen in! And tell me if any of these things sound familiar, I'll be telling you what an unhealthy relationship with food can look like, how it shows u, and the mindset blows it can take on your mental. But, don't worry babe! Everything in life is figureoutable. And as long as you're here, keep taking the steps each and every day to evolve and become the best, healthiest version of you, inside.-----We just announced the LIVE webinar! Omg, I'm so excited to dig in and teach you some of my top strategies that I teach for building and maintaining consistency on your weight loss journey. To grab your seat, friend! I'm ready to serve you. Register HereAnd to join the SHEtrition Academy Waitlist, put your pretty little name hereI'll see you next week, boo!
12/14/202014 minutes, 13 seconds
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OVERCOMING FEAR AND SELF DOUBT - What's Really Holding You Back

Most of the time, the very thing holding us back from our dreams and our goals is fear, and what I've found over the years of coaching is that most of the time, that fear is not founded. It's made up. It's not real. It feels real, we rationalize it, but it's not. And when you finally take the leap and do the thing that has been scaring you most, you'll often find that... it's not so scary after all. Uncomfortable? Probably. But truly scary? Nope.In this episode, we'll talk about doubting your weight loss journey, the fear that happens when we don't strategize correctly, and how to overcome the overwhelming self-doubt, so that we can start taking and appreciating the small steps -Did you hear?! SHEtrition Academy's waitlist is officially live! I'd love to have you in the new year, boo! Subscribe to the list and be the very first to know when enrollment opens! Subscribe To The Waitlist Here
11/30/202015 minutes, 59 seconds
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MORNING ANXIETY - The Cause And Remedy

Are you waking up immediately immersing yourself in everyone else's energy before protecting your own? Are you putting out fires the moment you open your eyes in the morning, setting the tone for the day? I get it boo, and I've been there before. I don't know everything, but I know some of the top things that have helped me put my anxiety to bed first thing. I've cut out habits that fed those feelings, and adopted new ones that kept them away. Today we're hitting the top three things you need to stop or start doing in the mornings that will help keep those anxious feelings at bay.Tune in! These chicken nuggets are hot!Connect with me, babe! I don't bite..... hard.Join all the self-love wins over on InstagramBrowse around, get inspired here!
11/23/202010 minutes, 27 seconds
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UPGRADE YA - Why Identity Change Is The Key To Transforming

It isn't enough to set an outcome based goal when you want to change a part of your reality. Losing X amount of weight, prepping X amount of days, being consistent in your business X amount of hours. You have to shift who you believe you are, behind the actions, behind the tasks, behind the goal.For example... I'm a transformation coach running a successful nutrition and habit based business, I'm not "trying" to be successful, I don't only have goals to make X amount of dollars, help X amount of women. No, I believe I am successful, I know I help a ton of women, and I know I practice what I preach so I show up as that each and every day. Even when I didn't have a client or a dollar to validate my belief, I believed it anyway until it felt real. I changed my identity to fit my habits, because my habits form my identity.Listen in this week as I share why it's important to change who you believe you are, and why not doing this is likely the reason your new goals, plans, action steps never make it past a week or two, regardless of the intentions you have.Connect with me, babe! I don't bite..... hard.Join all the self-love wins over on InstagramRead the amazing client stories in the Self-Love Lair
11/16/202013 minutes, 48 seconds
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BE AN ICE CUBE - How Progress Really Works

Real, true, and beautiful change doesn't happen overnight. How silly of us to think that the bad habits we've had for years are suppose to vanish instantly. That we're suppose to transform into our best versions of ourselves in the matter of weeks. I have to laugh. I've been there boo, but the true secret to progress..... Well, you'll just have to listen to find out.Connect with me, babe! I don't bite..... hard.Join all the self-love wins over on InstagramRead the amazing client stories in the Self-Love Lair
10/26/20207 minutes, 39 seconds
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MAKE THE UNCONSCIOUS CONSCIOUS - The First Step To Creating a Better Habit

It's time, boo. It's been time. To hit the reset button! Smash it. Because I know, like you know, that the way things are moving now... isn't sustainable. Unproductive days, missing your goals, making excuses, being lazy, moving with no direction. But what's the first step? How to we even begin to create habits that serve us, that are sustainable, that are for us, and our life? Tune in and find out!Connect with me, babe! I don't bite..... hard.Join all the self-love wins over on InstagramRead the amazing client stories in the Self-Love Lair
10/26/202014 minutes, 50 seconds
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OWN IT - Mindset Hacks To Transform Your Body

Season 2 is here, and we're popping it off with a bang! One of the biggest focal points in the SHEtrition Program is helping my clients gain control of their mindset on their journey to transforming their body. Learning how to be kind, and also checking the f out of yourself when you know you're slacking; planning your day, when everything you have to do is just floating around in your head, executing the smallest tasks- all things that we sometimes overlook, but are single handedly what can make or break progress. So today! Tough Love Telly is in the building, and she's laying the hammer down. Don't miss it! Join all the self-love wins and celebrations on IG @shanteltaylornutrition or visit our chicken nugget lair at - I can't wait to hear from you, babe!
9/16/20201 hour, 16 minutes, 13 seconds
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CONTROL QUEEN - Learn To Control Your Time

How many have you have gone through your day, only to get to bedtime and realize.... You didn't get sh*t accomplished. Been there boo, and chances are the reason you aren't being productive is because you haven't done this oneeee thing- and that's a time journal. Join Shantel this week to get your daily dose of chicken nuggets and learn how to be a Control Queen, time style. Ready to unleash a basket full of productivity? Then, you don't want to miss today's episode! Join all the self-love wins and celebrations on IG @shanteltaylornutrition or visit our chicken nugget lair at - I can't wait to hear from you, babe!
8/10/202014 minutes, 4 seconds
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READY IS A LIE - Done Is Better Than Perfect

You aren't going to have the perfect body. You aren't going to have perfect prep days. A perfect job. Perfect workouts. A perfect partner. A perfect dog. A perfect business. Believing that we're suppose to though can be the rock that blocks the road to transformation each and every time. No one has this figured out- but you know how you make progress is nearly every aspect of your life? Just starting, and then staying consistent through all your royal blunders because there are going to be a f*ck ton. It won't be perfect. It won't be pretty most days. But whatever goal you set, CAN be accomplished if you just jump. Jump before you feel ready. Jump because it's not perfect. Jump because it's not perfectly put together yet. Don't stall any longer. Clock in. Done is better than perfect.Join all the self-love wins and celebrations on IG @shanteltaylornutrition or visit our chicken nugget lair at - I can't wait to hear from you, babe!
7/27/202011 minutes, 49 seconds
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THE GRAPHIC TEE NARRATIVE - You're Undercharging, Sis

If you've been struggling to make a comfortable and scaleable profit in your business, then this episode is for YOU. I've been there, sis. Massively undercharging for an amazing service, only to be stressed, burnt out, and still broke. So many entrepreneurs fail for this very reason.What I've learned in my first three years of business is that, other people's budgets are not your business. If someone wants what you offer, they'll find a way. So market yourself, invest in yourself, carry yourself like the confident business owner you are. Be unapologetic about your worth, and watch your business flourish because of it.Join all the self-love wins and celebrations on IG @shanteltaylornutrition or visit our chicken nugget lair at - I can't wait to hear from you, babe!
7/21/202017 minutes, 32 seconds
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PUT YOUR BLINDERS ON - Comparing Yourself to Other Women

Whew! It feels good to be back on the mic. This week, we're talking all about putting on our blinders. Focusing solely and entirely on our journey, our progress, our wins, our lessons. I know first hand how it feels to think someone else's success or story should be yours... but one thing I've learned during this short time on earth is that no one can replicate you, or your story, and sometimes our failures are someone else's inspiration. Guess what? Intentional Tees JUST restocked! Go grab yours and get intentional AF, sis. Head over to and hit the "SHOP" tab! Join all the self-love wins and celebrations on IG @shanteltaylornutrition or visit our chicken nugget lair at - I can't wait to hear from you, babe!
7/13/20207 minutes, 27 seconds
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"Who am I to launch this business?" "Am I smart enough for this masters program?" "I don't think my boss would give me a raise..." "I'm not talented enough" "Who cares what I have to say" ... All thoughts that I know have entered your brain a time or two because they've entered mine, a million times over. Phases of sheer and utter doubt. Doubting your ability in your passion, doubting your worth, doubting your talent. This week, we're talking all about imposter syndrome, recognizing when it sneaks up, and subsequently telling it to go f*ck itself.Join all the self-love wins and celebrations on IG @shanteltaylornutrition or visit our chicken nugget lair at - I can't wait to hear from you, babe!
5/25/20209 minutes, 44 seconds
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EMBRACE THE SUCK - The Post Grad Struggle Bus

It's going to suck... really bad, until it gets better, and that even sucks to think about. But, remember that growth happens in that dark, uncomfortable, and shitty place. It's the spark that ignites that little piece in you that wants better, and can do better; the piece of you who has to steam ahead because you have no other option if you want to create the life you want. Today, Shantel is sharing one of the suckier parts in her life, ahh..... post-grad, a part that was monumental to both the growth in her personal life, and her business. The "finding yourself" phase is real, and hits hardest when you feel like you should have already figured "you" out.Join all the self-love wins and celebrations on IG @shanteltaylornutrition or visit our chicken nugget lair at - I can't wait to hear from you, babe!
5/18/202011 minutes, 19 seconds
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GET UNCOMFORTABLE - Do More Sh*t That Scares You

Growth and transformation only and solely happen when you're standing outside your comfort zone. It doesn't happen by playing it safe. You don't get that promotion, lose that 20 pounds, sign your first client, book your first sale, by doing the same thing you've always done. Step out on that limb sis, and challenge your norm. Challenge your mindset, your way of thinking and do things you wouldn't usually do. The growth that comes from that is.... *chef's kiss* Join all the self-love wins and celebrations on IG @shanteltaylornutrition or visit our chicken nugget lair at - I can't wait to hear from you, babe!
5/4/202010 minutes, 55 seconds
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WHAT YOU SEE IS WHAT YOU GET - Visualizing Your Wildest Dreams

Today, not only are we celebrating Force of Habit's first 10,000 downloads (Woo!!) but we're talking all about visualizing techniques that will change your life. While I love a solid vision board, what I've realized over the last couple of years is that sometimes visualizing your life is more than pictures- if you want a boutique, go find the actual space that exists and stand in it, look at it and envision exactly how it's going to look when you own it one day. The color on the wall, the set up of the racks, how many employees you're going to have. Get specific, and forget all about not feeling ready, f*ck that. Manifest your dreams brick by brick, day by day.Join all the self-love wins and celebrations on IG @shanteltaylornutrition or visit our chicken nugget lair at - I can't wait to hear from you, babe!
4/13/202012 minutes, 42 seconds
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This week, Shantel's sharing just a few chicken nuggets that she's learned from growing a 6-figure business from the ground up. Despite being in the house, and economic uncertainty currently, make no mistake that this season will pass and once it does, game on. We're getting right into the nitty gritty of what it takes to not only run a business, but a successful one at that. From how to manage your days to discovering your niche- we got you covered. Got suggestions on future episodes? Let's here them! You can find us on Instagram at @shanteltaylornutrition - can't wait to hear from you boo!
4/6/202017 minutes, 40 seconds
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QUARANTINE ROUTINE - Make The Most Out Of Your Days Inside

Day ___ in the house, and at this point, I think we all need a little structure in our lives. While a few of us are use to working from home, I think it's safe to say that many of us are riding the struggle bus. Are you sleeping until 1 each day, followed by a snack and a afternoon nap? Or even if you're working from home and your discipline just is not there... Trust me, I know it's hard. Today's episode I've giving you all the nuggets to make the most of your new lives at home. Tune in! You don't want to miss it. And if you haven't yet, find us on instagram - @shanteltaylornutrition - can't wait to hear from you boo!
3/30/202010 minutes, 27 seconds
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THE CASE OF THE EX - Knowing When To Leave A Toxic Relationship

We've all been there... months, or even years, into a relationship that we know damn well is no good for us, but we stay, and it isn't until we leave and finally take a deep breath of fresh air that we think "HOLY HELL, what was I thinking". But the first step is recognizing the problem. Today, Shantel shares all about her experiences that lead her to leaving a toxic relationship, living a year filled with growth and self-exploration, before finding and dating her now fiancé. Kick in the pants? Oh, you know it's coming.
3/23/202028 minutes, 32 seconds
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TALK TO ME NICE - Affirming The Life You Want

"You're so stupid, why did you just do that?", "You aren't as creative as her to have your own business" "You're so fat" "You're so skinny" "This outfit isn't cute" ... Thought those were things women were saying to other women? Ha, no. These are thoughts that we often have about ourselves, to ourselves. Sometimes the biggest bully we'll ever face in our life is well.... us. Affirmations aren't corny, a trend, or silly- it's a conscious effort to fill your head with thoughts that uplift and support you, not kick you while you're down. Ready for a ton of F bombs and a kick in the pants? GOOD! You're in the right spot. Let's get this "get together" session started.And if you haven't yet, find us on instagram - @shanteltaylornutrition - can't wait to hear from you boo!
2/17/202012 minutes, 39 seconds
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DISCIPLINE VS. OBSESSION - Your Relationship with Food Pt. 1

This week we're getting into the nitty gritty of your relationship... with food, that is. Are you obsessing over each calorie in order to make it to a goal, maybe you're trying every new "diet" that emerges until you find, the one, and all it's leading to is, well.... no where. In today's episode, Shantel's going through a few steps you might be lacking to begin to build the solid foundation with food you need in order to not only hit your goals, but to build a sustainable routine that doesn't involve unhealthy or unrealistic habits.And if you think we're stopping here, guess again! Join us in the coming weeks for Part 2, where she helps listeners build the details of their food intake minus the stress. You don't want to miss it.And if you haven't yet, find us on instagram - @shanteltaylornutrition - can't wait to hear from you boo!
2/3/202016 minutes, 4 seconds
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MOTIVATION IS A MYTH - What You're Lacking Isn't Magical

Don't have time to listen to a 30 minute episode today? Boom, we got you boo. Join your host Shantel Taylor today for a super short episode where we're talking all things motivation. Finding it hard to get to your goals without feeling, well..... unmotivated? Welcome to reality, babe.I'm going to share with you what you might be lacking! And I know it's going to resonate with so many of you, because it definitely does for me.Kick in the pants?! CHECK.Don't forget to find me on instagram and let me know what you want to hear for future episodes!XO
1/27/202010 minutes, 35 seconds
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EAT THE FROG - My 6-Figure Morning Routine

Whew, when I say you don't want to miss this episode... I mean it. Today we're talking morning routine. The most underrated, yet important part of your physical, mental, and environmental transformation. This isn't just for the aspiring entrepreneur, oh no, boo boo. This is for every single woman who feels the start of her days begin frazzled, overwhelmed, a little anxious, or just plain chaotic with no direction. We're getting in the driver's seat and steering each day in the direction of growth, intentional, and straight up power! Let's go! XOFind me on instagram, babe! I don't bite.... hard. Can't wait to hear from you!
1/20/202030 minutes, 27 seconds
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Proactive or reactive? We're kicking off the very first episode of Force of Habit and we're getting intentional. No more are we moving through our days in a reactive state, hoping for the things we want to knock on our doors and politely ask to be let in - No boo boo, we're getting clear on not only how we want to show up, but how we need to show up to accomplish every goal written in that pretty planner you bought for the new year.Let's get this party started! Tune in to this week's episode to get the kick in the pants you've been avoiding, the inspiration you've been needing, and the community you've been craving.XOFind me on instagram, babe! I don't bite.... hard. Can't wait to hear from you!
1/9/202015 minutes, 26 seconds