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Failure To Stop

English, Social, 1 season, 221 episodes, 5 days, 3 hours, 16 minutes
Former police officers Mike The Cop and Eric Tansey recount their crazy stories on patrol, break down the top stories of the week behind the badge, and tell you why we shouldn't defund the police... because they're retired and can say whatever the hell they want.
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385. TRUE CRIME: Surviving the Mad Chopper: Mary Vincent

On this True Crime Tuesday episode, we're discussing the Mary Vincent case and the notorious Lawrence Singleton. Mary had her arms chopped off by the deranged Singleton, and through an amazing will to live, survived the near-death attack. After a soft on crime California conviction, Singleton was let out on parole when he relocated to unincorporated Hillsborough County in near Tampa. Through an odd twist of fate, Singleton was interrupted as he was in the process of stabbing a sex worker by the name of Roxanne Hayes. The murder investigation led to a conviction where Singleton died in prison. | Code: Wolfpack for Factor Meals | Promo Code: Wolfpack50 - 50% off Visit our Patreon at Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/30/202359 minutes, 30 seconds
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384. UNCUFFED: Trump Gets His Street Credit

Today on Uncuffed Monday with former police officer now comedian Jay Derrell and former cop Eric Tansey, Trumps mugshot has become a logo for his campaign?! A young High school student was not allowed to drive his truck on campus with the American flag flying from it, a book solves a crime, and Tender for teens is full of predators ? All this and more on today's Failure to Stop Uncuffed Monday. | Code: Wolfpack for Factor Meals | Promo Code: Wolfpack50 - 50% off Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/29/20231 hour, 12 minutes, 4 seconds
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383. COMM CENTER: Screaming 911 Caller Arrested

This past winter in Marshfield Wisconsin, a woman dialed 911 requesting urgent assistance. A male voice was shouting in the background, but the caller provided no more information before hanging up. There was an investigation, and even a use of force against the male subject. In the end, the female caller is the one who was booked on several charges. Veteran police officer Drew and active duty 911 dispatcher Jon will discuss how common such calls are, and provide commentary on how it all went down. If you have questions or comments, join the live chat or call in live to discuss at 8/7C. Call our non-emergency line at *(848) COMM-911* *(848) 266-6911*** DOWNLOAD THE PODCAST THIS SATURDAY ON ALL MAJOR PODCAST PLATFORMS. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/26/20231 hour, 30 minutes, 25 seconds
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382. BREAKDOWN: Fargo Officers Ambushed by Syrian Terrorist

On July 14, 2021 in Fargo, ND, a Syrian national shot and killed Officer Jake Wallin and wounded Officers Andrew Dotas and Tyler Hawes before being neutralized by the heroic actions of Officer Zach Robinson. On today's Breakdown, Drew Breasy and Eric Tansey analyze the case with a reaction video of the officers' body worn camera. Was there a bigger plot other than killing police officers? Did the Syrian national have ties to international terrorism? Why was the media silent on this and what can we learn from it? All this and more on today's Failure to Stop Friday Breakdown. The guys also discuss a Dallas Police Department case that grabbed headlines because a disable veteran alleged that the officers laughed at him for urinating on himself. All this and more on the Friday Breakdown on Failure to Stop. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/25/20231 hour, 4 minutes, 13 seconds
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381. LAST CALL: Has Joe Biden Completely Lost it?

Aloha Joe visits Maui and reminisces about his 67 Corvette before falling asleep at the memorial service. Has Biden completely lost it? Rainn Wilson weights in on Oliver Anthony's Rich Men North of Richmond. COVID is making a return just in time for election season and Trumps trial set the Monday before Super Tuesday ? All this and more on todays Last Call of The Day. | Code: Wolfpack for Factor Meals | Promo Code: Wolfpack50 - 50% off | promo code: Wolfpack Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/24/20231 hour, 8 minutes, 40 seconds
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380. TRUE CRIME: Gerard Schaefer, The Killer Cop with Kendra

Gerard Schaefer was an American Serial Killer known as the Killer Cop. Hear this story broken down by former police woman, Kendra Jrama who does true crime a little different. No warnings, no holding back, and... it's all true. True True Crime on True Crime Tuesdays right here on the FTS channel the number one channel where first responders go to be informed and entertained. | Code: Wolfpack for Factor Meals | Promo Code: Wolfpack50 - 50% off | promo code: Wolfpack Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/23/202355 minutes, 21 seconds
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379. UNCUFFED: Hurricane Hilary and Going to Jail with Trump?

Uncuffed with retired cop now comedian Jay Derrell and Eric Tansey Have an action packed and full episode. First Everyone close to Trump gets indicted, Hurricane Hilary hits California, a Woman gets stuck in an aisle on an airplane, a Georgia State Trooper literally makes policing great again with an epic take down, and to finish it all off a Henry County Deputy Chief is caught going 96 in a 35. All this and more on Uncuffed Monday. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/22/20231 hour, 26 minutes, 27 seconds
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378. COMM CENTER: 911 Game Show - Call My Bluff

Take a break tonight to play a classic game show! Your host Drew will play 911 calls and it's your challenge to guess whether the caller is homicidal, suicidal, or something else! We play for fun but every day dispatchers have to use small clues and a discerning ear to determine the truth behind every dangerous call police respond to. Want to play? We go live at 8/7C! Call our non-emergency line at **(848) COMM-911** **(848) 266-6911**** DOWNLOAD THE PODCAST THIS SATURDAY ON ALL MAJOR PODCAST PLATFORMS. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/19/20231 hour, 11 minutes, 36 seconds
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377. BREAKDOWN: Does Daniel Holtzcalw's Family Think He's Guilty?

Welcome to Failure to Stop: Breakdown, where we strive to keep first responders entertained and informed. In this eye-opening video, we uncover an emotional and insightful interview with Daniel Holtzclaw's sister Jenny. Prepare to gain a deeper understanding of the shocking events surrounding Daniel, his case, and the impact it has had on his family in our video titled, "Breakdown: Does Daniel Holtzcalw's Family Think He's Guilty?,". In this candid conversation, Daniel Holtzclaw's sister Jenny Holtzclaw bravely sheds light on her personal experiences and shares her perspective on the case that has captured national attention. With her genuine sincerity and desire for justice, you'll be moved by her powerful words throughout the discussion. As we delve into the life of Daniel Holtzclaw, a former police officer, we aim to provide a comprehensive analysis of the controversies surrounding his actions. Remember to subscribe to our channel, like this video, and share it with others to get this vital conversation spreading far and wide. Stay tuned for more engaging content that challenges societal norms and examines important topics. | Code: Wolfpack for Factor Meals | Promo Code: Wolfpack50 - 50% off | promo code: Wolfpack Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/18/20231 hour, 12 minutes, 14 seconds
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376. LAST CALL: What REALLY Started the Maui Fire?

Today on Last Call of the Day, Deadleg and Tansey dive into the Maui Fire. Deadleg was an LEO in Hawaii and has some inside information regarding the fire, the relief aid, and on the moral of th locals. What was Biden's response to the disaster in Maui and why are there so many conspiracies behind the fire storm? All this and more on Last Call of the Day. See more exclusive content on our Patreon, | Code: Wolfpack for Factor Meals | Promo Code: Wolfpack50 - 50% off | promo code: Wolfpack Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/17/20231 hour, 13 minutes, 32 seconds
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375. TRUE CRIME: Interviewing a Composite Sketch Artist

Tonight on Failure to Stop: Andrea sits down with Matt Klein. Matt was an NYPD detective that found his incredible talent for drawing, and let it shape his career. We will be chatting about how his drawings led to the closure of multiple cases, and how it’s not often talked about that composite sketches are crucial in identifying victims, not only suspects. Now retired, he gets to draw the fun stuff and sells his work on shirts and stickers through his shop. Join us tonight at 8/7C on the FTS Podcast channel on YouTube, then listen wherever you stream. | Code: Wolfpack for Factor Meals | Promo Code: Wolfpack50 - 50% off | promo code: Wolfpack Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/16/20231 hour, 1 minute, 28 seconds
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374. T-Bones with Tansey: Officer Daniels

Guns Up Giddy Up! This week we are changing things up a bit. Since the Skate Daddy has proven being a Daddy by having a FIFTH child. We decided to give the poor mullet man a break and let you guys in on an exclusive episode from our Patreon! Go head over there for some awesome, and I mean awesome... content! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/16/20231 hour, 1 minute, 57 seconds
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373. COMM CENTER: Robbery, Pursuit and Gunfight in Colorado

Last year, suspects in an armed bank robbery at a Wells Fargo bank in Colorado were taken into custody after fleeing from the scene at high speed, crashing their vehicle, engaging in a gunfight and an attempting to carjack another vehicle. Current dispatcher Jon and veteran cop Drew will break down the challenges of dispatching and responding to the most dangerous and fast-changing calls. Have a question about how it all works? Call our non-emergency line at ***(848) COMM-911*** ***(848) 266-6911***** DOWNLOAD THE PODCAST THIS SATURDAY ON ALL MAJOR PODCAST PLATFORMS. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/12/20231 hour, 33 minutes, 57 seconds
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372. BREAKDOWN: Joe Arpaio

Today on Failure to Stop Break Down, Drew Breasy and Eric Tansey sit down with legendary lawman Sheriff Joe Arpaio. Arpaio is considered one of the most controversial Sheriffs in the United States. With his tough on crime and immigration stances, Arpaio is running for Mayor now at 91 years old. Drew and Eric get to sit down with Arpaio for a two on one interview. What will they ask? All this and more on today's Breakdown. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/11/20231 hour, 10 minutes, 2 seconds
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371. LAST CALL: Uvalde 2.0, WW3, and RFK goes Unprotected?

This week's Last call with the incredible Deadleg Media and the just okay Eric Tansey AKA Skate daddy. We go over all of the latest news that you missed to keep you up to date and informed. Inlcuding but not limited to: WW3 being prompted by war ships in the alaskan coast, RFK denying Secret Service protection, and MORE Hunter Biden problems. | Code: Wolfpack for Factor Meals | Promo Code: Wolfpack50 - 50% off | promo code: Wolfpack Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/10/20231 hour, 2 minutes, 3 seconds
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370. TRUE CRIME: Suicide or MURDER? Bizarre Case of Elizabeth Santos

Elizabeth Santos left her home in Florida to explore beautiful Alaska and enjoy a change of pace. She secured a job, and eventually a boyfriend. But after almost a decade, Elizabeth ended the relationship and chose to stay with a friend for a few days to clear her head. However that was not what happened, and the events that transpired left Elizabeth dead. Police immediately deemed her wounds self inflicted. But there were just so many of them. Was her pink robe darkened by sweat, or blood? Depends on who you ask. Were there signs of a struggle? Again, depends on who you ask. How were zero bloody knives found if this was suicide....oh, except for the one never entered into evidence. Join Andrea_up_late as she dives deep into the very hushed case of Elizabeth Santos | Code: Wolfpack for Factor Meals | Promo Code: Wolfpack50 - 50% off | promo code: Wolfpack Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/9/20231 hour, 37 minutes, 54 seconds
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369. UNCUFFED: Obama is Gay? Kai Cenant's NYC Riot, Docking Gone Wrong in Alabama

Today on Uncuffed Jay Derrell and Eric Tansey cover all the news in a truly comedic fashion. Todays heads lines are; President Obama having a male lover, Tik Toker causing Riot in New York, and docking going HORRIBLY wrong in Alabama. All this and more on Failure to Stop Podcast Uncuffed Monday. | Code: Wolfpack for Factor Meals | Promo Code: Wolfpack50 - 50% off | promo code: Wolfpack Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/8/20231 hour, 19 minutes, 16 seconds
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368. COMM CENTER: The Strange Call and Disappearance of Anthony Cirigliano

Last October, Anthony Cirigliano made a call to Newaygo County 911. Claiming that he and his family were in certain danger for his deep knowledge about the 9/11 attacks, police were sent to investigate. The next day police found an elderly woman with dementia wandering the streets, and when they helped her home, they found that the rest of the Cirigliano family-- 4 persons in all-- had disappeared. In this episode 29-year veteran police detective Drew Breasy and active 911 dispatcher Jon will break down what it's like to take bizarre 911 calls, and how dispatchers are the first investigators in missing persons cases. If you are a true crime buff and want to join the investigation, this is your chance to ask questions about how missing cases begin-- learn about police tactics and legal limitations in finding missing persons. Call our non-emergency line at ****(848) COMM-911**** ****(848) 266-6911****** DOWNLOAD THE PODCAST THIS SATURDAY ON ALL MAJOR PODCAST PLATFORMS. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/5/20231 hour, 32 minutes, 51 seconds
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367. BREAKDOWN: Brent Thompson Tazing w/ Special Guest AntiHero Podcast

Today on Failure to Stop Breakdown we are joining forces with an active police officer in the Orlando area who has a podcast called the Antihero Podcast. We will be breaking down the recent case of Brent Thompson who was Tased and then hit by a car. Should Taser policies be changed, could this be avoided in the future? We cover all this and more on todays Failure to Stop Breakdown! SPONSORED BY: | Code: Wolfpack for Factor Meals Promo Code: Wolfpack50 - 50% off | promo code: Wolfpack Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/4/20231 hour, 33 minutes, 52 seconds
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366. LAST CALL: Who turned off Mitch McConnell?

Since Mitch McConnell was switched off by a bizarre lady in green we have to ask… what keeps these old rich people from just retiring? Also in the news Cardi B throws mic at a fan, and illegal cops? All this and more on todays Last Call. SPONSORED BY: | Code: Wolfpack for Factor Meals Promo Code: Wolfpack50 - 50% off | promo code: Wolfpack Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/3/20231 hour, 25 minutes, 38 seconds
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365. True Crime: Tracey Kirkpatrick

In March of 1989, in a shopping mall in Maryland, the unexpected happened. 17 year old Tracey Kirkpatrick never returned from her shift at a ladies athletic clothing store. On his routine rounds, a mall security employee noticed lights on in one of the stores in the otherwise closed facility. Upon inspection, the security guard noticed the door was unlocked. He walked inside to find Tracey's body lying on the storage room floor. She had been stabbed to death. There weren't many leads to investigate until a few weeks later when a mysterious called phoned the police station. It was a man that confessed to the murder. Now enter the psychic who also brought forth a second potential suspect. It has been 34 years and no arrests have been made. But there were more strange details that have recently come out. Who could it have been? SPONSORED BY: | Code: Wolfpack for Factor Meals | Promo Code: Wolfpack50 - 50% off | promo code: Wolfpack Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/2/20231 hour, 6 minutes, 29 seconds
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364. UNCUFFED: Aaron Hernandez’s Brother is a Terrorist?

Today on Uncuffed Jay Derrell and Eric Tansey cover all the crime news in a truly comedic fashion. Todays heads lines are Aaron Hernandez’s brother tried to commit a school shooting and is stopped in the Knick of time, a woman is attacked by a polar bear, a man is Tased to death and lastly LAPD officer pleads no contest to beating a homeless man. All this and more on Failure to Stop Podcast Uncuffed Monday. | Code: Wolfpack for Factor Meals | Promo Code: Wolfpack50 - 50% off | promo code: Wolfpack Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/1/20231 hour, 7 minutes, 24 seconds
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363. COMM CENTER: #IAm911 With Ricardo Martinez

If you’re tired of taking calls and hearing everyone’s complaints, this is the show for you. Whether you’re a dispatcher, a cop, or a firefighter/paramedic, this is your chance to sound off and be part of the problem for once. Call our non-emergency line at *****(848) COMM-911***** *****(848) 266-6911******* DOWNLOAD THE PODCAST THIS SATURDAY ON ALL MAJOR PODCAST PLATFORMS. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/29/20231 hour, 46 minutes, 56 seconds
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362. BREAKDOWN: Jadarrius Rose Case - A Game-Changer for K9 Officers?

In this video, we'll be discussing the Jadarrius Rose case and how it may have a significant impact on police K9 officers across the United States. Rose fled the police in an 18 wheeler until stop sticks rendered his vehicle in operable. What happened next left one officer out of a job and could potentially change everything for the future of K9 officers. Former police officer Eric Tansey and retired police lieutenant Drew Breasy provide a point-counterpoint on this use of a K9. All this and more on today's BREAKDOWN on the Failure to Stop Podcast. SPONSORED BY: | Code: Wolfpack https://www. for Factor Meals | Promo Code: Wolfpack50 - 50% off | promo code: Wolfpack Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/28/20231 hour, 27 minutes, 45 seconds
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361. LAST CALL: Bowe Bergdahl What You Should Know

On todays Failure To Stop Last Call episode, we are covering the new updates on the Bowe Bergdahl case. Bowe Bergdahl was the US Army deserter in the Afghan War that made national headlines for years. His Court Martial Conviction has now been voided by a US judge but why. What is the whole story? We have it here on Last Call of the Day, the episode of the week that gives first responders something else to talk about other than the job. Failure to Stop is a podcast channel with five different shows a week to keep first responders entertained, informed, and aware of whats going on in the world today. SPONSORED BY: | Code: Wolfpack Factor Fresh | Promo Code: Wolfpack50 - 50% off | promo code: Wolfpack Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/27/20231 hour, 5 minutes, 3 seconds
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360. True Crime: What Happened to Asha Degree? Missing/Unsolved

It was February of 2000 in the rural town of Shelby City, NC, and Valentine's day was approaching. Nine year old Asha Degree had a busy weekend of sleepovers, basketball games, and family gatherings. We know that during the early morning hours of February 14, Asha was seen sleeping in her bed by her father. But then she was gone...and seen walking down the highway at 4am during a storm. Asha has never been seen since. A 70's model car, candy wrappers, a backpack, and a mystery picture may hold the clues needed. What in the world happened to Asha Degree, and why? Join us tonight as Andrea_up_late tells Erictansey_official the mysterious story on Failure to Stop's True Crime Tuesday, your favorite true crime podcast! Give us your likes, rates, and reviews on the Failure to Stop Podcast Channel. SPONSORED BY: | Code: Wolfpack Factor Fresh | Promo Code: Wolfpack50 - 50% off | promo code: Wolfpack Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/26/20231 hour, 11 minutes, 48 seconds
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359. UNCUFFED: Carlee Russell’s welcome home party episode

Today on the Failure to Stop Uncuffed Monday episode, Jay Derrell White and Eric Tansey celebrate Carlee Russell’s coming home party and her birthday—all in one episode! This spoiled little girl, along with her deranged parents, have taken us all for a ride and now it’s our turn to take them on a little ride of our own. We are here to say the things first responders want to say, but can’t. We also discuss a twenty-six-year-old man who identifies as a high school student to get with some younger girls. All this and more on today’s Uncuffed. SPONSORED BY: | Code: Wolfpack Factor Fresh | Promo Code: Wolfpack50 - 50% off | promo code: Wolfpack Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/25/20231 hour, 21 minutes, 22 seconds
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358. COMM CENTER: Carlee Russell’s Abduction?

In mid-July 2023, Hoover 911 Center in Alabama received a 911 call from a young woman named Carlee Russell, who saw a toddler walking on the side of a busy interstate. Police arrived and found no sign of the child or the original caller, but her belongings were left in her car, which was found running. An intensive search began for what was originally believed to be an abduction. Carlee Russell returned home after a few days relatively unharmed. The investigation turned to what happened since she was safely returned. Are her abductors still on the loose? Where is the child she saw? Where did she go? Join retired police officer Drew (also a former 911 dispatcher) as he breaks down the 911 call and the different perspectives from area surveillance cameras. Drew provides great analysis and will take your calls and play your voicemails. . If you’re tired of taking calls and hearing everyone’s complaints, this is the show for you. Whether you’re a dispatcher, a cop, or a firefighter/paramedic, this is your chance to sound off and be part of the problem for once. Call our non-emergency line at ******(848) COMM-911****** ******(848) 266-6911******** DOWNLOAD THE PODCAST THIS SATURDAY ON ALL MAJOR PODCAST PLATFORMS. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/22/20231 hour, 31 minutes, 9 seconds
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357. BREAKDOWN: The Arrest of Cult Leader Sam Bateman

Today on Failure to Stop Podcast Breakdown, Drew Breasy and Eric Tansey breakdown a bizarre traffic stop where several under age girls were rescued from a sex crazed cult leader, Sam Bateman. Drew and Tansey deep dive investigative stops and what you might find if you do them correctly. Brought to you By Factor Fresh Promo Code Wolfpack50 for 50% off promo code Wolfpack Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/21/20231 hour, 57 minutes, 49 seconds
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356. LAST CALL: Terrifying new UFO Legislation, American Defects to North Korea, Air Force out of Money

Today on Failure to Stop Last Call, Tansey and Dead Leg discuss the new purposed UFO legislation and what it actually tells us. An American willfully crosses the DMZ and the Air Force cancels bonuses, stops all TDYs and there are talks about a stop loss. Why is the Air Force out of money? All this and more on today's Last Call the episode of the week that gives you something else to talk about other than the job. Brought to you By Factor Fresh Promo Code Wolfpack50 for 50% off promo code Wolfpack Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/20/20231 hour, 8 minutes, 34 seconds
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355. TRUE CRIME: The Chilling Tale of the Gilgo Beach Serial Killer

Shannan Gilbert went missing in May of 2010 after an ominous 911 call and very bizarre behavior. While on a training mission and search for her, Suffolk County police uncovered something more sinister than could have been imagined. Along the coast of Gilgo Beach - a barrier beach on the south coast of Long Island - four women's bodies were found. They were evenly spaced apart, and wrapped in camouflaged burlap. But none of them were Shannan. Over time, the remains of nine women, one man, and one baby were found all strewn along the same stretch of beach. Many dismembered. But not one single clue as to who could have committed such atrocities. The only clue came in the form of a strand of hair. Finally, over thirteen years later, Rex Heuermann was just arrested last week on July 13, 2023. Rex is a successful architect that walked amongst the town people with many, many secrets. Shannan's body was eventually recovered, but did Rex have anything to do with her death? Tonight we talk cars, burner phones, and the pizza crust that saved the day. Tune in for Stay Awake with Andrea Up Late as she discusses the Long Island Serial Killer SPONSORED BY: Ghostbed | Use Code: WOLFPACK FACTOR | - Use Code: WOLFPACK50 - Get 50% off! MYBOOKIE | promo code WOLFPACK - to secure yourself a sweet deposit bonus! Visit us on Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/19/20231 hour, 10 minutes, 59 seconds
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354. UNCUFFED: Serviced by the Community? TYFYS Ma’am!

Former cops now-comedians Jay Derrell White and Eric Tansey break down the story of a Detroit Police Commissioner caught with a prostitute, a woman blasting home invaders, and a reminder to never ever look back at your explosion (or in this case a man you just tackled in a foot chase!) Today on Failure to Stop Uncuffed, J Derrell and Eric slap cuffs on all the current first responder related news to make your Monday night just a little bit more fun/funnier. SPONSORED BY: Ghostbed | Use Code: WOLFPACK FACTOR | - Use Code: WOLFPACK50 - Get 50% off! MYBOOKIE | promo code WOLFPACK - to secure yourself a sweet deposit bonus! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/18/20231 hour, 29 minutes, 55 seconds
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353. COMM CENTER: LA Sheriff's Deputies Respond to Robbery

In Los Angeles County, deputies were dispatched to a robbery in progress. Upon arrival, they found instead two shoplifting suspects, and force was used in the outcome. The controversial encounter captured on bodycam has protestors calling for the deputies' firing. Their claim? That LASO routinely roughs up minorities. But was the force justified? Retired police officer Drew, current dispatcher Jon and use of force expert Daniel from Police Law News team up to break down this case. Drew and Jon provide great analysis and they will take your calls and play your voicemails. If you’re tired of taking calls and hearing everyone’s complaints, this is the show for you. Whether you’re a dispatcher, a cop, or a firefighter/paramedic, this is your chance to sound off and be part of the problem for once. Call our non-emergency line at **(848) COMM-911** **(848) 266-6911**** DOWNLOAD THE PODCAST THIS SATURDAY ON ALL MAJOR PODCAST PLATFORMS. SPONSORED BY: Ghostbed | Use Code: WOLFPACK - Save 35% Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/15/20231 hour, 55 minutes, 46 seconds
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352. BREAKDOWN: TikTok Challenge? Exposing the Dark Reality of Carjacking a Cop

Cops, Dispatchers, Firefighter / Paramedics, and truth-seeking civilians this show is for YOU. It’s TRUE true crime. In this episode of Failure to Stop Breakdown, Drew Breasy and Eric Tansey analyze the Louisville attempted armed carjacking of Louisville Metro Police Detective Matthew Hayden by suspect Mark Jagger, Jr. In the shocking bodycam video, we see Jagger's attempt and the reaction of the detective which has prompted the threat of a civil suit. Tune in to see how this all unfolds and what you need to know in case this ever happens to you. All this and more on todays Failure to Stop Podcast. Was this a TikTok challenge gone wrong, or an attempted carjacking? WATCH the episode and SUBSCRIBE to the channel for all the best true crime content. Check out our Podcast on YouTube Music and all other podcast platforms. SPONSORED BY: Ghostbed | Use Code: WOLFPACK FACTOR | - Use Code: WOLFPACK50 - Get 50% off! MYBOOKIE | promo code WOLFPACK - to secure yourself a sweet deposit bonus! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/14/20231 hour, 11 minutes, 21 seconds
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351. LAST CALLl: Has the White House become a Modern day Sodom & Gomorrah?

Cocaine, child pornography, trans exhibitionist on the White House lawn, Hunters geeking on the 4th, Ashley Biden’s Diary, has the White House just become a modern day Sodom and Gomorrah ? Today on Failure to Stop’s Last Call episode, Eric Tansey and Dead Leg dive into it. SPONSORED BY: Ghostbed | Use Code: WOLFPACK FACTOR | - Use Code: WOLFPACK50 - Get 50% off! MY BOOKIE | promo code WOLFPACK - to secure yourself a sweet deposit bonus Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/13/20231 hour, 22 minutes, 19 seconds
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350. NIGHTSHIFT: Missing/UNSOLVED- Crystal Rogers and the Bardstown Murders

In the small town of Bardstown, Kentucky, in 2015, families were preparing to celebrate the Fourth of July. Crystal Rogers spent that July 3 running errands with three of her five children. She got home that evening and unloaded her car. Later that night, she had a date planned with her boyfriend, Brooks Houck. Then the stories start changing, and Brooks wakes the next morning with Crystal nowhere in the home. Crystal has never been found, and there is only one suspect. A year later, a police officer was fired for obstruction...and he is the brother of Brooks Houck. Then we learn of four other UNSOLVED murders in that small town that occurred before and after Crystal’s disappearance SPONSORED BY: Ghostbed | Use Code: WOLFPACK FACTOR | - Use Code: WOLFPACK50 - Get 50% off! MY BOOKIE | promo code WOLFPACK - to secure yourself a sweet deposit bonus Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/12/20231 hour, 33 minutes, 27 seconds
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349. UNCUFFED: Secret OnlyFans Cop

Tonight on UNCUFFED, former cops-turned comedians Jay Derrell White and Eric Tansey run through police related news. Do you ever wonder what the cops are talking about in the locker rooms or behind closed doors? Ever wonder what they think of a fellow officer being an OnlyFans model? On todays episode we have a steamy Only Fans story by a Colorado officer, a hate filled road rage incident, cocaine in the White House and the Larry Nasser prison stabbing. All this and more on todays Uncuffed. SPONSORED BY: Ghostbed | Use Code: WOLFPACK FACTOR | Use Code: WOLFPACK Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/11/20231 hour, 36 minutes, 12 seconds
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348. COMM CENTER: Shark Attack! 911 Answers Call For An Under Water Emergency

In the Florida Keys, 20-year-old Kevin Blanco was spearfishing in 70 feet of water when he was attacked by a shark. His friends fought to get him safely to the surface before Kevin bled to death, but once there, the fight for survival had only begun. How do you get lifesaving paramedics to a critical patient at sea? Comm Center answers the question. Retired police officer Drew and current dispatcher Jon give you a look into a sea of danger as they review the harrowing 911 call made from the boat and show Marathon Rescue responding. Drew and Jon provide great analysis and they will take your calls and play your voicemails. If you’re tired of taking calls and hearing everyone’s complaints, this is the show for you. Whether you’re a dispatcher, a cop, or a firefighter/paramedic, this is your chance to sound off and be part of the problem for once. Call our non-emergency line at ***(848) COMM-911*** ***(848) 266-6911***** DOWNLOAD THE PODCAST THIS SATURDAY ON ALL MAJOR PODCAST PLATFORMS. SPONSORED BY: Ghostbed | Use Code: WOLFPACK - Save 35% Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/8/20231 hour, 49 minutes, 57 seconds
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347. BREAKDOWN: Allen Outlet Mall Hero Takes out Mass Shooter

Today Drew Breasy and Eric Tansey break down the Allen Outlet Mall Mass Shooting in Texas, and the hero who stoped the carnage. What do we know about the shooter, the hero, and the victims? All this and more on today’s Failure to Stop Podcast Friday Breakdown. SPONSORED BY: Ghostbed | Use Code: WOLFPACK Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/7/20231 hour, 12 minutes, 21 seconds
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346. LAST CALL: Our Most Important Episode Yet

In this week's episode of Last Call, Eric Tansey comes at you solo with some life advice and some no nonsense talk. Prepare to have your life changed! SPONSORED BY: Ghostbed | Use Code: WOLFPACK - Save 35% Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/7/20231 hour, 8 minutes, 8 seconds
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345. UNCUFFED: Nahel M, Naked Cyclist beat in hate crime, NASCAR murder suicide, Ezra Millers Flash

Today on Uncuffed, former cop now comedian Jay Derrell and Eric tansey cover all the news where police meet society and culture. We have a Naked cyclist beat down, NASCAR murder suicide, and more Ezra Miller craziness! SPONSORED BY: Ghostbed | Use Code: WOLFPACK Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/4/20231 hour, 31 minutes, 28 seconds
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344. COMM CENTER: Defending Your Home - How Far Can You Go?

Earlier this month in Pinellas County Florida, Bradley Hocevar was home with his wife after 9PM when a suspicious person came onto the property. Hocevar discharged over 30 rounds from a rifle at the intruder in less than 90 seconds at the man-- who turned out to be the pool cleaner--and ultimately faces no charges. Retired police officer Drew and current dispatcher Jon give you a peek behind the curtain as they break down the surveillance camera footage of the suspect, the 911 call from the wife, and the response from the Sheriff of Pinellas County. Drew and Jon provide great analysis and they will take your calls and play your voicemails. If you’re tired of taking calls and hearing everyone’s complaints, this is the show for you. Whether you’re a dispatcher, a cop, or a firefighter/paramedic, this is your chance to sound off and be part of the problem for once. Call our non-emergency line at ****(848) COMM-911**** ****(848) 266-6911****** SPONSORED BY: Ghostbed | Use Code: WOLFPACK Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/1/20231 hour, 41 minutes, 11 seconds
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343. BREAKDOWN: Sheriff On Trial for Calling for Backup?

Discover the contentious incident involving Sheriff Ed Troyer of Pierce County, WA that sparked a heated debate. In January 2021, Sheriff Troyer encountered a vehicle he considered suspicious in his neighborhood, leading to a confrontation with the driver. Despite requesting minimal assistance, an overwhelming number of local officers responded. Accused of racial profiling by the driver, which was amplified by the local media, Sheriff Troyer faced charges of false reporting and making false or misleading statements to a public servant. Delve into the core questions surrounding this case: Was it a matter of racial profiling? Did the sheriff abuse his authority? Join the discussion and share your thoughts on this gripping topic. SPONSORED BY: Ghostbed | Use Code: WOLFPACK Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/30/20231 hour, 29 minutes, 11 seconds
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342. LAST CALL: Hunter Biden, Free Beers, and Censorship, OH MY!

In this week's installment of Last Call of the Day. Eric Tansey and Dead Leg Media bring to you all of the latest news that actually matters. From Hunter Biden wanting more money from the Chinese, all the way to Bud Light giving out $15 dollar beer vouchers. We cover it ALL SPONSORED BY: Ghostbed | Use Code: WOLFPACK Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/29/20231 hour, 2 minutes, 43 seconds
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341. NIGHTSHIFT: One Year of Night Shift Anniversary

Andrea Up_Late has been with us for a year! Join the team as we take fan calls, go over the favorite episodes and the not so favorite episodes. Whats next for True Crime Tuesdays and will there be any surprises? Find out on this party episode of Failure to Stop Night Shift. SPONSORED BY: Ghostbed | Use Code: WOLFPACK Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/28/20231 hour, 25 minutes, 42 seconds
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340. UNCUFFED: Black Target Practice, Lego Heist, and Nuke in Miami

Today on Uncuffed, former cop now comedian Jay Derrell and Eric tansey cover all the news where police meet society and culture. We have a GA police department that used all black male targets for target practice, a serious lego heist, and a Florida man threatening to nuke Miami. SPONSORED BY: Ghostbed | Use Code: WOLFPACK Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/27/20231 hour, 5 minutes, 40 seconds
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339. COMM CENTER: What Could Go Wrong? - 911 Call Response

Three 911 calls-- three tragic outcomes. In Florida, deputies running lights and sirens to a faked emergency crash on the way; in a high-profile case in Wichita, swatting leaves one dead; and in Phoenix, 911 is dialed to lure officers into a deadly trap. Retired police officer Drew and current dispatcher Jon give you a peek behind the curtain as they break down the surveillance camera footage of the ball in the sky, footage from the officers’ body worn cameras, and discuss the 911 calls and radio traffic. Drew and Jon provide great analysis and they will take your calls and play your voicemails. If you’re tired of taking calls and hearing everyone’s complaints, this is the show for you. Whether you’re a dispatcher, a cop, or a firefighter/paramedic, this is your chance to sound off and be part of the problem for once. Call our non-emergency line at *****(848) COMM-911***** *****(848) 266-6911******* DOWNLOAD THE PODCAST THIS SATURDAY ON ALL MAJOR PODCAST PLATFORMS. SPONSORED BY: Ghostbed | Use Code: WOLFPACK - Save 35% Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/24/20231 hour, 31 minutes, 30 seconds
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338. BREAKDOWN: Four kids Rescued From Deadly Drag Party

Today on Failure to Stop Break Breakdown, Drew Breasy and Eric Tansey break down the current case out of Boston where four kids where found by first responders at a deadly drag party. Sex toys, booze, drugs, and a dead trans woman lead first responders to a government housing address where they found the unthinkable. All this and more on todays Failure to Stop Break Down. SPONSORED BY: Ghostbed | Use Code: WOLFPACK Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/23/20231 hour, 24 minutes, 56 seconds
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337. LAST CALL: Titanic Sub, Hunter pleads guilty, and a colossal accounting error

Today on Last Call--the show that gives you something else to talk about other than the job--we are covering a plethora of disasters, starting with the Ocean Gate disaster. Who was on the sub, what are the most probable theories behind its disappearance, and how could this change extreme vacations for the future?Plus: Hunter Biden pleads guilty to tax charges and a gun charge, and where did all the money go? A billions-of-dollars accounting error in favor of Ukraine spending--was this an error, or was it part of the divine plan? All this and more on today's Last Call. SPONSORED BY: Ghostbed | Use Code: WOLFPACK Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/22/20231 hour, 3 minutes, 26 seconds
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336. NIGHTSHIFT: Missing and Unsolved - The Millbrook Twins

Augusta, Georgia, 1990. The days were lengthening that spring in the south. Children were playing outside and the sun was warming. The city was bustling as the annual Masters Gold Tournament approached. 15 year old twins, Jeannette and Dannette Millbrook, took a Sunday afternoon walk to visit relatives and grab snacks at the corner store. Their last words to their sister were, "We will be right back." But they never did come back. It has been 33 years and no sign of the twins has been seen. Local authorities deemed the children runaways almost immediately, but we've learned more sinister activity lurked in the area. A biological father with a criminal past, possible underground sex trade, and a known serial rapist/killer in the very vicinity. Join @Andrea_up_late as she tells @erictansey_official the tale of twins that vanished without a trace. And let us know if you have any clues in the case. SPONSORED BY: Ghostbed | Use Code: WOLFPACK Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/21/20231 hour, 34 minutes
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335. UNCUFFED: Happy Juneteenth, Cocaine Syrup, Pantless Activist, and Mcgregor vs. Mascot

Today on Uncuffed Monday, Jay Derrell and Eric Tansey give you all the pertinent First Responder related news to start the week. This episode we cover a sticky drug syndicate who made billions of dollars moving drugs in syrup? We also touch on a pantless environmental activist, gang related mass shootings, Conor Mcgregor’s new promotion, and oh yea… It’s Juneteenth!!! All this and more on todays Uncuffed Monday SPONSORED BY: Ghostbed | Use Code: WOLFPACK Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/20/20231 hour, 14 minutes, 44 seconds
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334. COMM CENTER: Aliens Flee Las Vegas UFO Crash

On May 1st of 2023, an out-of-the-ordinary event happened in Nevada. A family called 911 after encountering a set of what they described as 8-10 foot non-humans in their back yard. Coincidentally, an officer on a nearby traffic stop saw a flash in the sky in the same general area during that time frame. No aliens were captured, and apparently all citizens are safe. Retired police officer Drew and current dispatcher Jon give you a peek behind the curtain as they break down the surveillance camera footage of the ball in the sky,  footage from the officers’ body worn cameras, and discuss the 911 calls and radio traffic. Drew and Jon provide great analysis and they will take your calls and play your voicemails. If you’re tired of taking calls and hearing everyone’s complaints, this is the show for you. Whether you’re a dispatcher, a cop, or a firefighter/paramedic, this is your chance to sound off and be part of the problem for once. Call our non-emergency line at ******(848) COMM-911****** ******(848) 266-6911******** DOWNLOAD THE PODCAST THIS SATURDAY ON ALL MAJOR PODCAST PLATFORMS. SPONSORED BY: Ghostbed | Use Code: WOLFPACK - Save 35% Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/17/20231 hour, 21 minutes, 43 seconds
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333. BREAKDOWN: Daniel Holtzclaw - Part 3 - The Victims

We are taking a deep dive into the interviews of each victim to take a close look at their stories and how they change dramatically every time the story is told. We match the stories to real evidence such as GPS mapping and forensic analysis. Did Daniel Holtzclaw rape all of these women or was this an anti police witch hunt powered by feminism and race baiting main stream media. We cover all this on episode three of the Daniel Holtzclaw case! SPONSORED BY: Ghostbed | Use Code: WOLFPACK - Save 35% Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/16/20231 hour, 45 minutes, 9 seconds
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332. LAST CALL: The lies about the Canadian fire you need to know

Today on Last Call, the show that gives you something else to talk about other than the job, Josh and Tansey discuss the many lies being told regarding the Canadian fire, the FBI whistle blower and the Biden tapes update, a major Trump donor’s family dies in a tragic plane crash and Tucker Carlson gets a cease and desist from Fox News. All this and more on todays Last Call. SPONSORED BY: Ghostbed | Use Code: WOLFPACK - Save 35% Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/15/20231 hour, 7 minutes, 13 seconds
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331. NIGHTSHIFT: The Bone Breaker Killer

In honor of Andrea’s one year anniversary month hosting Nightshift, you all are getting a little freebie. Andréa will cover a story that she and Jon told on Overtime for Patreon. In 1995, a serial killer was revealed...a teenage serial killer. But only by the strength and will power of 13 year old Thaddeus Phillips. Join @andrea_up_late and @erictansey_official as they discuss the mental anguish and physical torture endured by Thaddeus by the Bone Breaker Killer SPONSORED BY: Ghostbed | Use Code: WOLFPACK - Save 35% Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/14/20231 hour, 14 minutes, 24 seconds
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330. UNCUFFED: 911 Alien call, Two Sisters throw Grandma on the grill, and a serial dildo burglar

Today on Uncuffed with Jay Derrell and Eric Tansey, the boys touch on all the epic cop stories for the week. This week we got a 911 call for an alien invasion, two sisters who decided to grill grandma, an Orlando Officer with a lead foot, a serial dildo burglar and lots more. Failure to Stop is now on Patreon with lots of extra bonus content and interviews so sign up today. SPONSORED BY: Ghostbed | Use Code: WOLFPACK - Save 35% Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/13/20231 hour, 9 minutes, 29 seconds
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329. COMM CENTER: Officers Down- Small Comm Center Responds to Line of Duty Deaths

On April 8, 2023, In rural Barron County Wisconsin, police officers from Cameron and Chetek encountered Glenn Perry, who was wanted on a petty civil warrant and had been making disturbing comments to his family. Officers performed a traffic stop with extra caution, but it wasn't enough-- Perry used this encounter as an excuse to satisfy the hatred he held for police officers. He just opened fire. Two young officers lost their lives, and a small county 911 Comm Center was thrown into chaotic turmoil trying to respond to their worst day of their careers. Former police officer Eric current dispatcher Jon and former dispatcher Carli discuss the tactics and problems from this incident that are a part of tragedies and daily life for 911 dispatchers. Eric and Jon provide great analysis and they will take your calls and play your voicemails. If you’re tired of taking calls and hearing everyone’s complaints, this is the show for you. Whether you’re a dispatcher, a cop, or a firefighter/paramedic, this is your chance to sound off and be part of the problem for once. Call our non-emergency line at *****(848) COMM-911***** *****(848) 266-6911******* DOWNLOAD THE PODCAST THIS SATURDAY ON ALL MAJOR PODCAST PLATFORMS. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/10/20231 hour, 58 minutes, 59 seconds
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328. BREAKDOWN: Daniel Holtzclaw Part Two The Interview

Today on Failure to Stop Breakdown, Tansey breaks down the second part of the Daniel Holtzclaw case. In this episode we cover the traffic stop and the initial interview by detective Kim Davis and friends. Did Detective Davis suffer from tunnel vision or extreme confirmation bias or was she on the right path all along? We will cover all of that and more on today's Failure to Stop Breakdown. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/9/20232 hours, 22 minutes, 39 seconds
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327. LAST CALL: A dam bomb in Ukraine, Nord Stream, UFO whistle blower and Golf will never be the same

Last Call, the show that gives first responders something else to talk about other than dead babies and domestic violence. In today's world news, a dam is bombed flooding an entire region, Nord Stream update that isn't surprising but answers a lot of questions, a UFO whistle blower that has evidence? CRAZY! We also have special guest, pro golfer and my brother, James Tansey to help breakdown the earth shattering golf news. All this and more on today's last call of the day. SPONSORED BY: Ghostbed | Use Code: WOLFPACK - Save 35% Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/8/20231 hour, 25 minutes
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326. NIGHTSHIFT: Unsolved | The Disappearance of Nieko Lisi

Nieko Lisi was last seen by his family on September 30, 2011. When a person disappears without a trace, often the most critical information is hidden in their actions and words from the days before they vanished. He was just 18 when he fell in with the wrong crowd, and possible pending charges made police skeptical about the reason for his disappearance. Some disturbing evidence has been found, and wild accusations have been made, but there are no leads about his fate. Is this a case of a man on the run, or is Nieko the victim of foul play? If you or someone you know has any information about this case, contact the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation at 1-800-TBI-FIND or email Who knows? Perhaps YOU can help solve a mystery... SPONSORED BY: Ghostbed | Use Code: WOLFPACK - Save 35% Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/7/20231 hour, 41 minutes, 59 seconds
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325. UNCUFFED: Philly State Trooper kills Vin Diesel's Family, illegitimate elk baby and SGM gets DUI

Uncuffed Mondays bring you all the cop drama in the news over the past week delivered right to your ears by Former cop now comedian Jay Derrell and former officer Eric Tansey. This week in cop news Philly Troopers gun down a man who was driving too fast and too furious, a Yellowstone tourist drops his illegitimate elk baby off at a local precent and a Sergeant Major gets a DUI after hitting two people in a crosswalk. All this and more on Uncuffed Monday SPONSORED BY: Ghostbed | use Code: WOLFPACK - Save 35% Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/6/20231 hour, 9 minutes, 38 seconds
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324. COMM CENTER: New Mexico Active Shooter

On May 15th of 2023, an 18 year old man was at home when he began randomly firing his rifle. When the smoke settled, he had killed a 97 year old woman and her 73 year old daughter, as well as a third female victim in her late seventies. During the spree the shooter wounded six people, (including two officers) before he was neutralized by police. The chaos created panic and fear and over one hundred calls to 911 flooded the emergency center. Retired police officer Drew and current dispatcher Jon give you a peek behind the curtain as they break down the surveillance camera footage of the gunman’s last stand, footage from the officers’ body worn cameras, and discuss the 911 calls and radio traffic. Drew and Jon provide great analysis and they will take your calls and play your voicemails. If you’re tired of taking calls and hearing everyone’s complaints, this is the show for you. Whether you’re a dispatcher, a cop, or a firefighter/paramedic, this is your chance to sound off and be part of the problem for once. Call our non-emergency line at ******(848) COMM-911****** ******(848) 266-6911******** SPONSORED BY: Ghostbed | Use Code: WOLFPACK - Save 35% Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/3/20231 hour, 23 minutes, 29 seconds
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323. BREAKDOWN: Daniel Holtzclaw - Is He a Serial Rapist or is He Completely Innocent?

Daniel Holtzclaw made an odd traffic stop in which he violated several policies on what he thought was a drunk driver. Hours later he would find himself in front of detectives being accused of sexual assault and rape. In the following months 19 more individuals would come out with allegations of being sexually assaulted by Holtzclaw. The trial was more than confusing and the judge was forced to resign due to having sex with other prosecutors, the victims were caught lying, evidence was proven to be non existent, and MSM published, with extreme media bias, a rumor that was proven to be absolutely false yet the jury was not aware that it was false and it was never addressed in trial. Was Daniel Holtzclaw a serial rapist, narcissist , and corrupt cop? Was he some of those things, or was he completely innocent? Find out today on this Failure to Stop Breakdown with former Detective Drew Breasy and Former Street Cop Eric Tansey. SPONSORED BY: Ghostbed | Use Code: WOLFPACK - Save 35% Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/2/20231 hour, 25 minutes, 36 seconds
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322. LAST CALL: US Marines encounter real UFO, WW3 imminent, Budlight crash, AI and human extinction

Today on Last Call, the show that gives first responders something else to talk about other than the job, Dead Leg and Tansey dive into the craziest headlines so you have some knowledge as to what is actually going on in the real world. This week The Marines that saw a real UFO two years ago are now having their voices heard on the big stage. What did they see and why does the government seem to have zero answers or excuses? Could this legit be a real UFO ? Drone strikes in Moscow have Russia vowing to escalate at the same time Chinese fighter jet gets dangerously close to American military aircraft and then begins aggressive maneuvers that have US on high alert. Bud Light crashes 29% as Target passes them in maybe the first "real" boycotts we have seen in the last 30 years and to finish it all out, will AI cause the human extinction? All this and more on todays last call. SPONSORED BY: Ghostbed | Use Code: WOLFPACK - Save 35% Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/1/20231 hour, 5 minutes, 10 seconds
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321. NIGHTSHIFT: Unsolved | Sharmini Anandavel

The Anandavel family trekked from Sri Lanka all the way to Toronto for a better life. Leaving their war torn home was made brighter by the hope of new possibility. This hope flickered and finally vanished in the summer of 1999 when 16 year old Sharmini's remains were found in a wood line. Now, over two decades later, the case remains unsolved. But someone is serving prison time for crimes unrelated, and detectives believe that is their guy. Tonight's case involves police impersonation, an abduction kit, and arson. SPONSORED BY: Ghostbed | Use Code: WOLFPACK - Save 35% Manscaped | Get 20% off + free shipping with the code WOLFPACK Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/31/20231 hour, 6 minutes, 57 seconds
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320. COMM CENTER: Indianapolis Felon Shoots Officers

In April 20th of 2023, a 46 year old subject of a firearms task force investigation fled from police. Not realizing he was driving into a dead end, the felony suspect shot two officers before being neutralized. Retired police officer Drew and current dispatcher Jon give you a peek behind the curtain as they break down the surveillance camera footage of the gunman’s last stand, and footage from the officers’ body worn cameras, and discuss the radio traffic. Drew and Jon provide great analysis and they will take your calls and play your voicemails. If you’re tired of taking calls and hearing everyone’s complaints, this is the show for you. Whether you’re a dispatcher, a cop, or a firefighter/paramedic, this is your chance to sound off and be part of the problem for once. Call our non-emergency line at ******(848) COMM-911****** ******(848) 266-6911******** DOWNLOAD THE PODCAST THIS SATURDAY ON ALL MAJOR PODCAST PLATFORMS. SPONSORED BY: Ghostbed | Use Code: WOLFPACK - Save 35% Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/27/20231 hour, 34 minutes, 14 seconds
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319. BREAKDOWN: The Tampa Rampage

May 19, 1998 was a deadly day for Tampa law enforcement. Hank Earl Carr was being questioned for the accidental shooting death of his toddler. He was being transported by two Tampa PD Homicide detectives named Ricky Childers and Randy Bell. Carr slipped out of his cuffs and shot and killed the two detectives. He later led police on a chase through north Tampa that saw Trooper James Brad Crooks also murdered by Carr. The whole story and the dramatic ending today on Friday Breakdown. SPONSORED BY: Ghostbed | Use Code: WOLFPACK - Save 35% Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/26/20231 hour, 6 minutes, 45 seconds
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318. LAST CALL: Diversity over Merit and Brittney Griner’s not so big return

Today on Last Call, the show that gives you something else to talk about other than the job, Josh and Tansey discuss the new college rankings that are based on diversity rather than merit, Brittney Griner’s first game back and the coach wasn’t happy, we have a professor who went on a machete wielding rant over pro life posters, and Guam braces for impact as the perfect storm is set to pound them… All this and more on todays Last Call. SPONSORED BY: Ghostbed | Use Code: WOLFPACK - Save 35% Manscaped | Get 20% off + free shipping with the code WOLFPACK Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/25/20231 hour, 49 seconds
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317. NIGHTSHIFT: Missing and Unsolved - The Case of Missing Boy, Timmothy Pitzen

Mental health, marriage turbulence, and mystery. In May of 2011, Jim Pitzen dropped his six year old son off at school, to then take his wife to work. After a quick hug and exchanges of love, little Timmothy walked into his elementary school to begin his kindergarten day. Jim had no idea this would be the last time he would ever see his son. He would never see his wife again either, at least alive. After a hotel suicide, the search was on for Timmothy. Every lead turned to a dead end. There was even someone who falsely came forward saying he was the boy, many years later, opening the wound all over again. Join @Andrea_up_late as she tells this story to @erictansey_official tonight SPONSORED BY: Ghostbed | Use Code: WOLFPACK - Save 35% Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/24/20231 hour, 20 minutes, 22 seconds
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316. UNCUFFED: A town too dangerous to get mail and will the maid clean up my dead grandma

Today on Uncuffed, Former officer now comedian Jay Derrell joins Tansey to break down law enforcement news around the US. Today they cover a town too dangerous to get mail, a man calls the maid to clean up his bloody dead grandmother, a Georgia inmate burrows a hole between cells to stab another inmate on the other side, and an officer accidentally pops off a round causing an impromptu active shooter drill at the St Johns Prep school in Danvers Mass. We end the show with a vile couple who tied two children down, gagged them and then tattooed them for fun. All this and more on todays Uncuffed Monday. SPONSORED BY: Ghostbed | Use Code: WOLFPACK - Save 35% Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/23/20231 hour, 7 minutes, 1 second
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315. COMM CENTER: Desperate Armed Hostage-Taker Calls 911

In mid-January of 2023, a 33 year old Army combat veteran caused a flurry of 911 calls about an armed man. At one point, the distraught gunman called 911 himself. After intense negotiations, the man engaged in a shootout with police.   Retired police officer Drew and current dispatcher Jon give you a peek behind the curtain as they break down the frantic 911 calls, the gunman’s terrifying last moments, and footage from the officers’ body worn cameras. Drew and Jon provide great analysis and they will take your calls and play your voicemails.  If you’re tired of taking calls and hearing everyone’s complaints, this is the show for you. Whether you’re a dispatcher, a cop, or a firefighter/paramedic, this is your chance to sound off and be part of the problem for once. Call our non-emergency line at  ******(848) COMM-911****** ******(848) 266-6911******** Sponsored by: Ghostbed | Use Code: WOLFPACK - save 35% Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/20/20231 hour, 21 minutes, 36 seconds
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314. BREAKDOWN: Police Defend Against Homeless Man's Attack

In mid-January of 2023, a 50 year old homeless man caused alarm at a closed shopping mall when he refused to leave the entrance. A lone officer arrived and attempted to quell the situation. The man became aggressive and threatened the officer, which ultimately led to the officer shooting him.   Former police officer Eric Tansey and retired police officer Drew Breasy share their experience and insight as they break down the footage from the officer’s body worn camera. Sponsored by: Ghostbed | Use Code: WOLFPACK - save 35% Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/19/20231 hour, 41 minutes, 55 seconds
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313. LAST CALL: Co-founder of Google Missing After Being Subpoenaed for the Epstein Case

Today on Last Call, the show that gives you something else to talk about other than the job, Josh and Tansey discuss the convenient disappearance of Larry Page who was subpoenaed for allegations regarding sex trafficking in the Epstein case, the Durham Report reports bad news for Hillary Clinton, Trans Shooter Manifesto to be sealed and A man swaps spots with a dog to avoid a DUI. All this and more on Failure to Stop’s Last Call of The Day. SPONSORED BY: Ghostbed | Use Code: WOLFPACK - Save 35% Join our Patreon! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/18/20231 hour, 9 minutes, 45 seconds
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312. NIGHTSHIFT: The murders of Shari Smith and Debra Helmick

In the warm month of May in 1985 in a small town in South Carolina, an abduction takes place. As the family desperately searches for their 17 year old daughter, and an investigation is opened, something equally ominous begins to happen. The killer calls home. Riddled with calls from the killer describing the girl's clothing and religious affiliation, the family works with law enforcement to find their child. But then, another abduction takes place in town. Join @Andrea_up_late and @drew_breasy as they talk about the case that inspired accomplished behavioral analyst, John Douglas, to write a book about it. This is a chilling case, and we can't wait to explain it to you. SPONSORED BY: Ghostbed | Use Code: WOLFPACK - Save 35% Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/17/20231 hour, 38 minutes, 40 seconds
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311. UNCUFFED: Woman murders husband to get inspiration for her new children’s book

Uncuffed: Crime news delivered in an almost criminally funny style, with former-officer-turned-comedian Jay Derrell White and co-host Eric Tansey. Today we have some escaped convicts, Kouri Richins writes a children’s book after murdering her husband and gets caught, a couple cows lead police to a suspect and so much more. Tune in as we cover the perverts of the week, Florida man segments, dumb criminals of the week and all the other random crime news we can find SPONSORED BY: Ghostbed | Use Code: WOLFPACK - Save 35% Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/16/20231 hour, 12 minutes, 16 seconds
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310. COMM CENTER: Sibling Rivalry Reaches Explosive Level

In late April of 2023, a 66 year old man traveled over 700 miles to Utah to his brother’s house under the guise of visiting their mother. After a very brief encounter caught by a Ring doorbell camera, the man shot his brother and his brother’s wife. After entering the home to set it on fire, the man engaged in a shootout with police. Retired police officer Drew and current dispatcher Jon give you a peek behind the curtain as they break down the frantic 911 call of the neighbor, the view from the front porch as captured by the Ring camera, and footage from the officers’ body worn cameras. Drew and Jon provide great analysis and they will take your calls and play your voicemails. Special guest Jason Keifer, a firefighter from the “One More & I’m Outta Here” podcast lends his expertise. If you’re tired of taking calls and hearing everyone’s complaints, this is the show for you. Whether you’re a dispatcher, a cop, or a firefighter/paramedic, this is your chance to sound off and be part of the problem for once. Call our non-emergency line at ******(848) COMM-911****** ******(848) 266-6911******** SPONSORED BY: ghostbed | use Code: WOLFPACK - Save 35% Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/13/20231 hour, 42 minutes, 27 seconds
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309. BREAKDOWN: Jordan Neely, are we TOO SOFT on Mental Illness?

On May 1, 2023 a now-famous incident took place on a NYC subway. Jordan Neely, a reported homeless man was acting erratic. One of the riders, Daniel Perry subdued Neely with a chokehold while others assisted, and Neely was pronounced dead at a local hospital. The incident has spawned a series of racially-charged protests. It is likely that Perry will be charged with Manslaughter. But is this another “defund the police” moment, given there was no police involvement in the incident? Today, former and retired police officers Eric Tansey and Drew Breasy analyze the incident and the discuss the criminal aspect with Attorney Rob Herking from the “One More & I’m Outta Here” podcast. SPONSORED BY: Ghostbed | Use Code: WOLFPACK - Save 35% Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/12/20231 hour, 56 minutes, 47 seconds
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308. LAST CALL: Kamala’s Intelligence vs AI, CA Reparations and Mexican White Supremest

Today on Last Call, the show that gives you something else to talk about other than the job, Josh and Tansey discuss Kamala Harris The Czar of AI, will California fork out billions for reparations ? Can a Mexican be a White supremest? A A penis heart drawn front and center of King Charles Coronation, and a father of 550 kids banned from donating any more sperm SPONSORED BY: Ghostbed | Use Code: WOLFPACK - Save 35% Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/11/20231 hour, 7 minutes, 34 seconds
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307. NIGHTSHIFT: UNSOLVED - The Boys on the Tracks

In a small town in Arkansas in the heat of August 1987, two teenage boys were struck by a 6,000 ton train barreling down the tracks. The engineer hit the brakes and blew the horn, but it would take over a half a mile to stop the iron machine. It was soon apparent that the engineer was not the one to end their lives; they had already been dead before being placed on the tracks. An autopsy, a second autopsy, and then a third were performed. A state appointed medical examiner ran the narrative, and quite a narrative it was. Join @Andrea_up_late and @erictansey_official as they discuss drugs, corruption, the CIA, and potentially a former president. This case knows no bounds! SPONSORED BY: Ghostbed | Use Code: WOLFPACK - Save 35% or mention Failure to stop at checkout! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/10/20231 hour, 32 minutes, 7 seconds
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306. UNCUFFED: Don't ever skinny dip in Grease, Blood, or Peppermint Oil

Tonight on the outrageous Uncuffed show on the Failure to Stop Podcast Channel, Jay Derrell White and Eric Tansey dig through the police news to keep you laughing, crying and most importantly awake while on shift. From Skinny-dipping Florida man covered in grease, blood and peppermint oil arrested for burglary to a Man winning an all women poker tournament we cover it all. We have Florida man news, dumb criminals of the week, and naughty sex scandals to keep you entertained on this slow Monday Night. SPONSORED BY: Ghostbed | Use Code: WOLFPACK - Save 40% Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/9/20231 hour, 11 minutes
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305. COMM CENTER: The Louisville Active Shooter

In early April of 2023, a 25 year old man with mental health issues walked into the bank where he worked in Downtown Louisville, KY. Armed with a rifle, the man shot an killed five of his co-workers. Police arrived and an officer was shot by the gunman before fellow officers neutralized the threat. Retired police officer Drew and current dispatcher Jon give you a peek behind the curtain as they break down the frantic 911 call of the shooter’s mother, calls from the employees inside the bank, and  footage from the officers’ body worn camera. Drew and Jon provide great analysis and they will take your calls and play your voicemails. If you’re tired of taking calls and hearing everyone’s complaints, this is the show for you. Whether you’re a dispatcher, a cop, or a firefighter/paramedic, this is your chance to sound off and be part of the problem for once. Call our non-emergency line at ******(848) COMM-911****** ******(848) 266-6911******** SPONSORED BY: Ghostbed | Use Code: Wolfpack - Save 35% Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/6/20231 hour, 34 minutes, 30 seconds
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304. BREAKDOWN: The Manny Ellis Case

On March 3, 2020, Manny Ellis was involved in a confrontation with two Tacoma Police officers. While attempting to arrest him, other officers were called to assist. Manny Ellis died while in custody. After bystander video of the incident surfaced, the Washington State Attorney General determined that three of the officers involved in the case should be charged for his death. Officers Matthew Collins and Christopher Burbank were charged with second-degree murder and first-degree manslaughter. Officer Timothy Rankine was charged with first-degree manslaughter.  Is this another case of revenge prosecution, or did the officers use excessive force in this case? Former Officer Eric Tansey and retired Lieutenant Drew Breasy break down the case and objectively look at the facts. SPONSORED BY: Ghostbed | Use Code: WOLFPACK - Save 35% Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/5/20231 hour, 35 minutes, 41 seconds
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303. LAST CALL: Lots of Epstein news, Godfather of IA quits Google, Iran takes second oil rig

Today on Last Call, the show that gives you something else to talk about other than the job, Josh and Tansey discuss Esptein's Private calendar and his secret meeting with Obama. As well as Google's Head AI Researcher resigning and warning the world about his own creation. All this and more on Failure to Stop’s Last Call of The Day. SPONSORED BY: Ghostbed | Use Code: WOLFPACK - Save 40% Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/4/20231 hour, 12 minutes, 26 seconds
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302. NIGHTSHIFT: Missing and Unsolved - The Case of Dail Dinwiddie

Dail Dinwiddie was a successful college student pursing her master's degree in South Carolina in 1992. On a fall evening in late September, Dail accompanied friends to a U2 concert at a local stadium. Later, the group went to a local watering hole to fraternize. Tragically, Dail has not been seen since. While it seems she vanished into thin air, some unsuspecting persons of interest have arisen. Could her disappearance be linked to a death row prisoner in Georgia, or even a lawyer that fell from grace? SPONSORED BY: Ghostbed | Use Code: WOLFPACK - Save 40% Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/3/20231 hour, 29 minutes, 14 seconds
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301. UNCUFFED: Lori Lightfoot Doesn't Like Immigrants?

Today on the outrageous Uncuffed episode of the Failure to Stop Podcast Channel, Jay Derrell White and Eric Tansey dig through the police news to keep you laughing, crying and most importantly awake while on shift. From Lori Lightfoot asking Gov. Abbott to stop sending Immigrants to Chicago to a 13 year old saving a bus full of children, we cover it all. We have Florida man news, dumb criminals of the week, and naughty sex scandals to keep you entertained on this slow Monday Night. SPONSORED BY: Ghostbed | Use Code: WOLFPACK - Save 40% Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/2/20231 hour, 26 minutes, 45 seconds
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300. COMM CENTER: The 911 Call About Tamir Rice

In late 2014, Cleveland PD received a 911 call about a young man waving a gun near a recreation center. When police arrived and tried to detain the subject, he reached for his waistband and was subsequently shot by one of the officers. The gun turned out to be a pellet gun that resembled an actual firearm, and the young man turned out to be 12 year old Tamir Rice. He died of his injuries a day later, and the police and dispatchers came under close scrutiny after his death. Join retired police officer Drew and current dispatcher Jon as they break down the 911 call and the different perspectives from area surveillance cameras. If you’re tired of taking calls and hearing everyone’s complaints, this is the show for you. Whether you’re a dispatcher, a cop, or a firefighter/paramedic, this is your chance to sound off and be part of the problem for once. Call our non-emergency line at ******(848) COMM-911****** ******(848) 266-6911******** SPONSORED BY: Ghostbed | Use Code: WOLFPACK - Save 35% Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/29/20231 hour, 28 minutes, 16 seconds
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299. BREAKDOWN: Matthew Mistretta Breaks His Silence

By most standards, Matthew Mistretta was a model police officer. A Marine by training with a soul full of compassion. In August of 2020, Matthew stopped an erratic driver and his passenger. He learned that the driver was potentially involved in a gruesome murder that occurred moments earlier. By himself, Mistretta secured the driver. A bystander caught the moment on cell phone video. Based on the grainy cell phone video and without regard to the totality of the circumstances, Mistretta was charged by the Michigan Attorney General in a seemingly politically-motivated indictment that likened Mistretta’s behavior to that of Derek Chauvin. Earlier this month, Mistretta was found NOT GUILTY of all of his charges, which could have landed him in prison for five years. Today, with girlfriend Brooke by his side, Matthew Mistretta breaks his silence. SPONSORED BY: Ghostbed | Use Code: WOLFPACK - Save 40% Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/28/20231 hour, 58 minutes, 37 seconds
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298. LAST CALL: Tucker Carlson, ISIS-k, and Texan Dress Codes

Today on Last Call, the show that gives you something else to talk about other than the job, Josh and Tansey discuss Tucker Carlson and Tansey prediction for his future, an ISIS K leader who bombed the Abby Gate in Kabul was executed by the Taliban, Texas State Agency has a dress code, and Where is Bam Margera? All this and more on Failure to Stop’s Last Call of The Day. SPONSORED BY: Ghostbed | Use Code: WOLFPACK - Save 40% MANSCAPED | Get 20% off + free shipping with the code WOLFPACK at That’s 20% off + free shipping with the code WOLFPACK at Don’t just get your money back this year, get your swagger back too with MANSCAPED™ Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/27/20231 hour, 8 minutes, 55 seconds
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297. NIGHT SHIFT: The Anaqua Springs Murders - Tragedy in Texas

In the winter of 2019, the affluent community of Anaqua Springs woke to law enforcement swarming. Within the walls of a gated community, a mother and her two children were found dead. Originally deemed double murder-suicide, the investigation continued and questions arose. Join @Andrea_up_late and @erictansey_official as we discuss the case, and examine possible theories. SPONSORED BY: Ghostbed | Use Code: WOLFPACK - Save 40% Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/26/20231 hour, 27 minutes, 14 seconds
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296. UNCUFFED: Target & Other Stores Leaving High Crime Neighborhoods

Uncuffed: Crime news delivered in an almost criminally funny style, with former-officer-turned-comedian Jay Derrell White and co-host Eric Tansey. Today the boys address the retail stores that are closing shop due to high crime, an 8 ft. alligator caught up in an ugly divorce, a man caught trying to put together a stolen electric scooter in front of the store he stole it from and so much more. Tune in as we cover the perverts of the week, Florida man segments, dumb criminals of the week and all the other random crime news we can find. SPONSORED BY: Ghostbed | Use Code: WOLFPACK - Save 40% Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/25/20231 hour, 21 minutes, 37 seconds
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295. COMM CENTER: Police at Wrong House

A cell phone call came in to a 911 center and a husband are heard arguing. Without the benefit of exact address matching, officers responded to a nearby residence, thinking they were at the location where the couple was arguing. Unfortunately the unsuspecting homeowner came to the door and raised his gun at the officers. Join retired police officer Drew and current dispatcher Jon as they break down the 911 call and the different perspectives from responding officers body cameras. Great analysis and they will take your calls and play your voicemails. . If you’re tired of taking calls and hearing everyone’s complaints, this is the show for you. Whether you’re a dispatcher, a cop, or a firefighter/paramedic, this is your chance to sound off and be part of the problem for once. Call our non-emergency line at ******(848) COMM-911****** ******(848) 266-6911******** SPONSORED BY: Ghostbed | Use Code: WOLFPACK - Save 35% Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/22/20231 hour, 39 minutes, 17 seconds
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294. BREAKDOWN: Jimmi Toro - Satanic Cult Survivor and Anti-MAP Activist

Today on Failure to Stop Breakdown, we have a very special treat for you all. To celebrate the launching of our Patreon, we have decided to give you a sneak peak. This is a dramatic interview with Jimmi Toro. A survivor of unbelievable childhood horrors, born into a Satanic cult, Jimmi has overcome seemingly insurmountable odds and seeks to share his healing journey with the world. Author of “Heal”, his unbelievable story, we talk to Jimmi about his experiences with pedophiles, Satanic sex cults, sadist parents, and how he has come through to the other side. You will want to hear his story, and his take on current events. SPONSORED BY: Ghostbed | Use Code: WOLFPACK - Save 35% Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/21/20231 hour, 14 minutes, 40 seconds
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293. LAST CALL: AI is Taking Over and Biden Wants War

Today on Last Call, the show that gives you something else to talk about other than the job, Josh and Tansey discuss Elon Musk’s fear of AI, and is Biden encouraging the war rather than peace? We also cover Aaron Carter’s autopsy, McDonald’s new McFlurry, the Airmen’s leaked docs, and twitters new hate speech policy amendment. All this and more on Failure to Stop’s Last Call of The Day. SPONSORED BY: Ghostbed | Use Code: WOLFPACK - Save 35% Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/20/20231 hour, 3 minutes, 45 seconds
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292. NIGHTSHIFT: The Case of Sky Metalwala

On November 6, 2011, the town of Bellevue, Washington, was rocked. Julia Biryukova was taking her two year old son to the doctor in the wake of an illness. Her car ran out of gas along the highway, and she left on foot to seek assistance, leaving the toddler alone in his seat. She returned to an empty car, and little Sky has never been seen again. But why didn't she have her phone or wallet with her? A bitter divorce had taken place and a custody battle ensued. We will talk culture, mental health, and public perception in the wake of an event such as this. Join Andrea_Up_Late, Abby Ellsworth (Onbeingapoliceofficer podcast), and esteemed investigative journalist, Linda Byron, as they discuss the events in this case, and the dead ends that have ensued. SPONSORED BY: Ghostbed | Use Code: WOLFPACK - Save 40% Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/19/20231 hour, 29 minutes, 51 seconds
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291. UNCUFFED: Delta Force creates a Delta Farce

Today on the outrageous Uncuffed episode of the Failure to Stop Podcast Channel, Jay Derrell White and Eric Tansey dig through the police news to keep you laughing, crying and most importantly awake while on shift. From a Delta Force raid on the wrong hotel room to a secret and illegal Chinese police station in the US to make sure Chinese Nationals are obeying the laws of China while in the US, we cover it all. We have Florida man news, dumb criminals of the week, and naughty sex scandals to keep you entertained on this slow Monday Night. SPONSORED BY: Ghostbed | Use Code: WOLFPACK - Save 40% Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/18/20231 hour, 18 minutes, 58 seconds
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290. COMM CENTER: Pig Latin the Book w Special Guest Eric Tansey

Tonight on Comm Center, Drew and Jonathan pre-recorded from the studio in Clayton, NC. They recap some of the fun from the recent meet-up, and share dispatcher stories in honor of National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week. They also sat down with podcaster and author Eric Tansey as he discussed his upcoming book “Pig Latin: a serious but-funny true story”. If you’re tired of taking calls and hearing everyone’s complaints, this is the show for you. Whether you’re a dispatcher, a cop, or a firefighter/paramedic, this is your chance to sound off and be part of the problem for once. Call our non-emergency line at ******(848) COMM-911****** ******(848) 266-6911******** SPONSORED BY: Ghostbed | Use Code: WOLFPACK - Save 40% Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/15/20231 hour, 7 minutes, 49 seconds
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289. BREAKDOWN: The Mistretta Case

Today on Failure to Stop Breakdown, Drew Breasy and Eric Tansey breakdown the Mistretta case. Mistretta encountered a homicide suspect by accident but when learning he was face to face with the suspect through radio traffic, Mistreatta escorted the suspect to the gorund and aggressively handcuffed him but used minimal force. There was no complaint by the suspect but due to the political climate, the attorney general in Michigan, decided to press charges on the officer who is now currently on trial for two misd. and one felony charge. What happened and was he justified? All this and more on todays Failure to Stop podcast Breakdown. SPONSORED BY: Ghostbed | Use Code: WOLFPACK - Save 40% Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/14/20231 hour, 5 minutes, 3 seconds
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288. LAST CALL: Tongue Sucking Dahli Lama

Why are kids sucking on the tongue of the Dahli Lama, Biden vows to make 67% of the US's vehicles electric by the year 2032 and a shark with a foot fetish eats a mans foot in Hawaii. All this and more on Today's Last Call of the day.... Also the boys and girls are all in town for the FTS/ One more and I'm Outta Here Podcast meet up. So mid show we will sit down with many of the fans in studio today from around the US. SPONSORED BY: Ghostbed | Use Code: WOLFPACK - Save 40% Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/13/20231 hour, 17 minutes, 54 seconds
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287. NIGHTSHIFT: Robert Fisher, Fire Fighter Family Annihilator

Tonight on True Crime Tuesday Night Shift, Andrea Uplate and Eric Tansey are joined by Special Guest, Fire Fighter J. Kiefer from the One More and I'm Outta Here Podcast to deliver a horrific case involving a hose dragger and a gruesome murder. Robert Fisher was a firefighter in Scottsdale Arizona who murdered his entire family and then simply disappeared. Join us for another true crime mystery on the Failure To Stop Podcast Channel. SPONSORED BY: Ghostbed | Use Code: WOLFPACK - Save 40% Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/12/20231 hour, 6 minutes, 21 seconds
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286. COMM CENTER: Kidnapper Caught Thanks To Neighbor's 911 Call

In January of 2017, Jane Priebe was kidnapped from her Las Vegas apartment. Thanks to a neighbor who called 911 and some stellar police work, the van she was chained in was stopped a few states away within a few hours. Her kidnapper and his accomplice were taken into custody as Jane was rescued. Former dispatcher-turned retired cop Drew and former officer-turned current dispatcher Jon will break down the harrowing 911 call and the footage of the dramatic rescue in this case. If you’re tired of taking calls and hearing everyone’s complaints, this is the show for you. Whether you’re a dispatcher, a cop, or a firefighter/paramedic, this is your chance to sound off and be part of the problem for once. Call our non-emergency line at ******(848) COMM-911****** ******(848) 266-6911******** SPONSORED BY: Ghostbed | Use Code: WOLFPACK - Save 40% Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/8/20232 hours, 8 minutes, 15 seconds
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285. BREAKDOWN: Stolen Car or Unjustified Shooting?

Today on Failure to Stop, Drew will break down the officer involved shooting that took place in a joint investigation of a stolen car in the DC area. On the morning of Saturday, March 18, United States Park Police officers responded to a request for assistance by Metropolitan Police Department officers for the stolen vehicle investigation. The driver was initially asleep behind the wheel, and while attempting to detain him, the driver awoke and fled in the vehicle with a USPP officer inside. A second officer, a USPP sergeant, was dragged by the fleeing car from outside the vehicle. After giving verbal commands to stop the vehicle, the officer used deadly force, and the vehicle crashed a short time later. The driver was pronounced dead at the scene. SPONSORED BY: Ghostbed | Use Code: WOLFPACK - Save 40% Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/7/20231 hour, 14 minutes, 59 seconds
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284. LAST CALL: America Joins the UK and Canada by Sending Someone to Jail for a Meme

Sexual Fantasies in the class room, Bud Light comes out of the cooler, Trump was indicted and did Ukraine assassinate a blogger in Russia? All this and more on today's Last Call of the day with Eric Tansey and Josh From Dead Leg Media. Last Call is the show that gives First Responders something else to talk about over the weekend other than the job. Last Call is a show on the Failure to Stop Podcast Channel, the number one show where police meet society and culture. SPONSORED BY: Ghostbed | Use Code: WOLFPACK - Save 40% Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/6/20231 hour, 28 minutes
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283. NIGHTSHIFT: The Somerton Man: Australia's Wild Mystery Death

In the beautiful coastal town of Adelaide in southern Australia, a secret lies. A man's body was found lying on the beach in 1948. No wounds were found. An unsmoked cigarette rested on his lapel. Ankles crossed. Dead. Police initially suspect suicide. Until the autopsy revealed what looked almost certainly to be poison. The man couldn't be identified, and the mystery continued when the passage of a Persian poem was found rolled tightly in his trouser pocket. Join Andrea_Up_Late and Eric Tansey as they discuss the possibility of murder vs suicide, a death mask, DNA matches, and....spies?? SPONSORED BY: Ghostbed | Use Code: WOLFPACK - Save 40% Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/5/20231 hour, 19 minutes, 57 seconds
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282. COMM CENTER: Paterson Police Shooting of Najee Seabrooks

The Paterson Police Department in New Jersey responded to a series of 911 calls from a man who was apparently having a mental health crisis. The man was extremely paranoid and holed up in his apartment bathroom with several knives. The man, Najee Seabrooks, was a violence intervention activist within his community. After four hours of tense negotiations, Seabrooks was killed as he lunged at officers with his knife. The community is now demanding reform, and the NJ Attorney General’s Office has seized control of the police department. Tonight we will discuss the 911 conversations, the bodycam footage, and the subsequent false information being pushed within the community.   Former dispatcher and retired cop Drew, and former officer and current dispatcher Jon will discuss the case and the audio of the call. They will also review the officer bodycam footage and the some of the trial testimony and the police response. Call our non-emergency line at: ******(848) COMM-911****** ******(848) 266-6911******** Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/1/20231 hour, 56 minutes, 32 seconds
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281. BREAKDOWN: Nashville School Shooting

Today on Failure to Stop Breakdown Friday, Eric Tansey and Drew Breasy breakdown the recent and tragic school shooting by Trans female, Audrey Hale. We cover the similarities and differences between this response and the Uvalde response and we uncover the truth about the different shows theory. All this and more on today's Breakdown. SPONSORED BY: Ghostbed | Use Code: WOLFPACK - Save 40% Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/31/20231 hour, 10 minutes, 31 seconds
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280. LAST CALL: Act 2.0, sex toys tracking you, and mammoth meat

Last Call, the show that gives First Responders something else to talk about over the weekend other than the job. Today on Last call of the day Tansey and Josh from Dead Leg Media cover the newest and craziest news. This week..The Patriot Act is coming for your online games, apps, webcams and your beloved Siri. Also a tech company gets sued for tracking vibrators and collecting info from them. Will Mammoth meat replace the Mc Rib and the Army opening the doors to ignoramuses? All this and more on todays Failure to Stop Last Call. SPONSORED BY: Ghostbed | use Code: WOLFPACK - Save 40% Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/30/20231 hour, 21 minutes, 9 seconds
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279. NIGHTSHIFT: What is Project Blue Beam?

Today on Failure to Stop Night Shift Andrea Uplate and Eric Tansey look into the conspiracy theory, Project Blue Beam. Was NASA contributing to the New World Order and was Serge Monast murdered for knowing about it? All this and more on tonight’s Night Shift SPONSORED BY: Ghostbed | Use Code: WOLFPACK - Save 40% Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/29/20231 hour, 31 minutes, 13 seconds
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278. COMM CENTER: Calling for Help is a Misdemeanor?

In January of 2021, Sheriff Ed Troyer of Pierce County, WA saw what he thought was a suspicious vehicle driving in his neighborhood at 2 in the morning. He followed the vehicle and eventually confronted the driver. After a verbal confrontation, the sheriff called a non-emergency number for assistance. The sheriff specifically asked for minimal assistance, but an outpouring of local officers responded. The driver accused the sheriff of profiling him based on his race. The local media agreed. In the months that followed, the sheriff was charged with false reporting and making a false or misleading statement to a public servant by the state Attorney General's Office. He recently stood trial on the two misdemeanor counts. Was this a case of racial profiling? Was the sheriff entitled to the same protection as any other citizen? Did he abuse his authority? Would he have been charged if he wasn’t a law enforcement officer? Former dispatcher and retired cop Drew, and former officer and current dispatcher Jon will discuss the case and the audio of the call. They will also review the officer bodycam footage and the some of the trial testimony and the police response. If you’re tired of taking calls and hearing everyone’s complaints, this is the show for you. Whether you’re a dispatcher, a cop, or a firefighter/paramedic, this is your chance to sound off and be part of the problem for once. Call our non-emergency line at ******(848) COMM-911****** ******(848) 266-6911******** SPONSORED BY: Ghostbed | Use Code: WOLFPACK - Save 35% Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/25/20231 hour, 43 minutes, 30 seconds
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277. BREAKDOWN: Weaponizing the DOJ

Today on Failure to Stop Breakdown Friday, Eric Tansey and Drew Breasy breakdown the recent trend in political warfare, the weaponization of the DOJ. With the current pending indictment on Donald Trump we have decided to deep dive the entire case and answer some important questions along the way. SPONSORED BY: Ghostbed - Use Code: WOLFPACK - Save 35% Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/24/20231 hour, 30 minutes, 43 seconds
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276. LAST CALL: Naked and Afraid

Last Call, the show that gives First Responders something else to talk about over the weekend other than the job. Today on Last call of the day Tansey and Josh from Dead Leg Media cover the newest and craziest news. This week..Amanda Bynes gets naked and Trump is afraid of a pending arrest. The CDC issues a new warning about a deadly fungus and Good Burger returns ? All this and more on todays Failure to Stop Last Call. SPONSORED BY: Ghostbed | Use Code: WOLFPACK - Save 35% Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/23/20231 hour, 58 seconds
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275. NIGHT SHIFT: Dorothy Jane Scott: Stalking Turned Murder

It was the beautiful early summer of 1980 in Santa Ana, California. Dorothy Scott, a single mother to a four year old son, worked two jobs to make ends meet. A kind, soft spirited young woman, Dorothy was known to frequent church and keep a quiet life. Suddenly she started receiving phone calls from an unknown man. These calls started with adoration, but changed into threats on her life. Not long after finding a dead rose on her car, Dorothy went missing. Her remains were found 4 years later. However, those threatening phone calls? Her mother continued to receive them....for YEARS. Join us tonight as andrea-up-late tells this intriguing story to Eric SPONSORED BY: Ghostbed | Use Code: WOLFPACK - Save 35% Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/22/20231 hour, 6 minutes, 40 seconds
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274. COMM CENTER: Suicidal Man Calls 911, Refuses to Drop His Guns

In January of 2023, a Tucson area man was having an apparent mental health crisis and called 911. After speaking with a 911 call taker, attempts were made to use a mental health professional to help communicate with the man. Unfortunately upon officer arrival at the apartment complex, them man refused to drop his guns and he fired a shot in an unknown direction. The man’s behavior posed a threat to the safety other citizens as well as to the officers. Officers shot the man and immediately began to render first aid. The man was transported to a local hospital where it is believed he is recovering. This call type is frequent in a typical 911 Communications Center, and demonstrates the heavy load that 911 and emergency dispatchers often face, but rarely discuss. The heaviness transitions to the weight that officers feel when dealing with armed suicidal people. Former dispatcher and retired cop Drew, and former officer and current dispatcher Jon will discuss the audio of the 911 call. They will also review the officer bodycam footage and the apartment’s surveillance footage to help discuss the police response. If you’re tired of taking calls and hearing everyone’s complaints, this is the show for you. Whether you’re a dispatcher, a cop, or a firefighter/paramedic, this is your chance to sound off and be part of the problem for once. Call our non-emergency line at ******(848) COMM-911****** ******(848) 266-6911******** SPONSORED BY: Ghostbed | Use Code: WOLFPACK - Save 35% Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/18/20231 hour, 30 minutes, 23 seconds
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273. BREAKDOWN: Sovereign Citizens, and what needs to change.

Today on Failure to Stop Breakdown Friday, Eric Tansey and Drew Breasy discuss the recent police shooting of Chase Allen a Sovereign Citizen. Sovereign Citizens are nothing new so why are we still dealing with them the same way? Drew and Tansey discuss it but first, seven officers have been charged in the death of Irvo Otieno in Henrico County Virginia. All this and more on todays Breakdown. SPONSORED BY: Ghostbed | Use Code: WOLFPACK - Save 35% Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/17/20231 hour, 22 minutes, 8 seconds
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272. LAST CALL: So Much News

Last Call, the show that gives First Responders something else to talk about over the weekend other than the job. Today on Last call of the day Tansey and Josh from Dead Leg Media cover the newest and craziest news. This week..Russia shoots down spy drone, Baldwin’s case update, Australia Joins the WW3 fun, banks collapse over the weekend and RedBull breaks another world record landing a plane on a helicopter pad on top of a very tall building. All this and more on todays Failure to Stop Last Call. SPONSORED BY: Ghostbed | Use Code: WOLFPACK - Save 35% Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/16/20231 hour, 2 minutes, 13 seconds
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271. NIGHTSHIFT: Robert Hansen - The Butcher Baker of Alaska

Deep in the Alaskan wilderness, along a winding creek, a boot with a partially decomposed bone was found sticking out of the snowy sand. Two off duty police officers were the ones to discover the crime scene. Little did they know, it was just the start. Killings so sensational, they are thought to be possibly mimicking art. Join Andrea_Up_Late and Eric, as they discuss a murderer that took his hunting ever so seriously. This baker turned big game hunter, decided to set his scope on women. But why wasn't he caught sooner? SPONSORED BY: Ghostbed - Use Code: WOLFPACK - Save 35% Manscaped - Use Code: WOLFPACK - Save25% Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/15/20231 hour, 2 minutes, 21 seconds
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270. COMM CENTER: Back From The Breaking Point

When historic flooding overwhelmed and threatened the lives of law enforcement officers, the trauma endured by a 911 dispatcher while trying to save them threatened to make her a final casualty long after flood waters receded. Former dispatcher and retired police officer Drew and active dispatcher Jon will confront the effects of trauma that come to the human beings who put on the headset and answer the calls in the darkest hours. If you’re tired of taking calls and hearing everyone’s complaints, this is the show for you. Whether you’re a dispatcher, a cop, or a firefighter/paramedic, this is your chance to sound off and be part of the problem for once. Call our non-emergency line at ******(848) COMM-911****** ******(848) 266-6911******** SPONSORED BY: Ghostbed | Use Code: WOLFPACK - Save 35% Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/11/20231 hour, 38 minutes, 16 seconds
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269. BREAKDOWN: The January 6th "Insurrection" Resurrection

Today on Failure to Stop Breakdown Friday, Eric Tansey and Drew Breasy talk about January 6th again from a law enforcement perspective. On the heels of Fox News being given the unreleased footage and Tucker Carlson’s comments, the insurrection has been resurrected and everyone is talking about it agin. What do we know now and what do we think about what Tucker said? All this and more on todays Breakdown. SPONSORED BY: Ghostbed | Use Code: WOLFPACK - save 35% Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/10/20231 hour, 39 minutes, 2 seconds
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268. LAST CALL: Fauci's New Ouchie

Last Call, the show that gives First Responders something else to talk about over the weekend other than the job. Today on Last call of the day Tansey and Josh from Dead Leg Media cover the newest and craziest news and this week was low hanging fruit. Fauci owes us yet another apology, a January 6 Q Anon Shaman was actually escorted and given a free tour by Capital police and planes nearly colliding in record numbers. All this and more on todays Failure to Stop Last Call. SPONSORED BY: Ghostbed | Use Code: WOLFPACK - Save 35% Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/9/20231 hour, 59 seconds
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267. NIGHTSHIFT: Kermit Gosnell - Jars of Feet

Kermit Gosnell was quite a prolific serial killer with behaviors dating back to the late seventies until his arrest in 2011. His crimes were swept under the rug amidst the politics of abortions and women's clinics. This case sheds light on regulation and oversight of clinics such as this, and why the politics of it need to stay far away. What do sea turtles, cats, and dog food containers have to do with abortion? Tune in tonight while Andrea tells the most disturbing story out of Pennsylvania - The House of Horrors SPONSORED BY: Ghostbed | Use Code: WOLFPACK - Save 35% Get a 4-week trial, free postage, and a digital scale at Thanks to for sponsoring the show! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/8/20231 hour, 31 minutes, 48 seconds
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266. COMM CENTER: Fired Employee RAMPAGE

In February of 2019, five people were tragically killed and five police officers were injured by gunfire during an active shooter incident in Aurora, IL. A 15 year employee was terminated from his job at an industrial warehouse, and he walked through and killed his victims before engaging in a shootout with police. The suspect was neutralized. Former dispatcher and retired cop Drew, and former officer and current dispatcher Jon will discuss the radio traffic and the stress that a dispatcher faces. They will also review the warehouse surveillance footage and discuss the police response. If you’re tired of taking calls and hearing everyone’s complaints, this is the show for you. Whether you’re a dispatcher, a cop, or a firefighter/paramedic, this is your chance to sound off and be part of the problem for once. Call our non-emergency line at ******(848) COMM-911****** ******(848) 266-6911******** SPONSORED BY: Ghostbed | Use Code: WOLFPACK - Save 35% Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/4/20231 hour, 31 minutes, 58 seconds
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265. BREAKDOWN: Judge Cara Hutson is a Cop Killer

Today on Failure to Stop Breakdown Friday, Eric Tansey and Drew Breasy break down an epic ending to a tragic case, where a Riverside County Deputy was killed by an extremely violent felon that Judge Cara Hutson refused to keep incarcerated for political clout. First we dive into why Judge Hutson had such a crush on this violent suspect and we finish with the most appropriate ending, in memory of Deputy Isaiah Cordero. SPONSORED BY: Ghostbed | Use Code: WOLFPACK - Save 35% MANSCAPED | Use Code: WOLFPACK - Save 20% Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/3/20231 hour, 16 minutes, 24 seconds
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264. LAST CALL: Fetterman is dying to be Senator

Last Call, the show that gives First Responders something else to talk about over the weekend other than the job. Today on Last call of the day Tansey and Josh from Dead Leg Media cover news updates including: John Fetterman’s health and his wife’s strange comments about “fleeing to Canada” to escape media frenzy, the new Tik Tok removal from all Government phones, and what this means for “leaderfluencers”. All this and more on today's Failure to Stop Last Call! SPONSORED BY: Ghostbed | Use Code: WOLFPACK - Save 35% Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/2/202355 minutes, 58 seconds
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263. NIGHTSHIFT: Springfield Missouri Cold Case

On February 27, 1995, the town of Springfield, Missouri was turned upside down. The bodies of Cheryl Feeney, and her two children, Tyler and Jennifer, were found brutally murdered in their family home. The crime scene was bizarre, and quickly determined to be staged. Paint messages found on the walls, along with odd placement of photographs led to unusual turns in this case. Someone was tried, but found not the case remains cold. Was this a case of the wrong suspect? Or did he simply get away with it? Join Eric and Andrea tonight while we discuss all the twists in this horrendous murder. SPONSORED BY: Ghostbed | Use Code: WOLFPACK - save 35% Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/1/20231 hour, 25 minutes, 43 seconds
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Dispatchers are a vital role in an active shooter events and they tend to get overlooked. Dispatchers and 911 operators have a vital role in relaying information and keeping order within the chaos. Drew and Jon will discuss the 911 calls and bodycam video from three recent active shooter events at large retail stores, all of which had deadly consequences. If you’re tired of taking calls and hearing everyone’s complaints, this is the show for you. Whether you’re a dispatcher, a cop, or a firefighter/paramedic, this is your chance to sound off and be part of the problem for once. Call our non-emergency line at ******(848) COMM-911****** ******(848) 266-6911******** SPONSORED BY: Ghostbed | Use Code: WOLFPACK - save 35% Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/25/20231 hour, 16 minutes, 8 seconds
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261. BREAKDOWN: ”I told you I’d kill your dumb—” Leevon Smith Shooting

Today on Failure to Stop Breakdown Friday, Eric Tansey and Drew Breasy break down the off duty Officer Involved Shooting of Leevon Smith. Are you ever off duty and are you prepared to giddy up anytime night or day? All this and more on today’s Failure to Stop Breakdown. SPONSORED BY: Ghostbed | Use Code: WOLFPACK - Save 35% Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/24/20231 hour, 13 minutes, 48 seconds
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260. LAST CALL: Off The Rails in America

What is going on with all these trains and derailments? After last week's blow up up by Tansey with the lack of facts about the Palestine Train derailment, this week we take a closer look at the derailment and what is being done about it. We also have a heist of over 200,000 Cadbury Eggs, and an illegal dolphin skull to talk about. SPONSORED BY: Ghostbed | Use Code: WOLFPACK - save 35% Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/23/20231 hour, 2 minutes, 44 seconds
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259. NIGHTSHIFT: Are Aliens Coming For America?

Grab your foil hats! Join Andrea and Jon as we discuss all things...well...unexplained. Recent UFO sitings, cattle mutilation, crop circles, alien implantation, and more. Did you want ET as a pet? Is that an option? We will also be discussing the March 1994 event in Michigan when over 300 UFO sitings were reported in one evening over 40 counties wide. Are we looking at true abductions, or is there a mental health component we aren't discussing? SPONSORED BY: Ghostbed | Use Code: WOLFPACK - save 35% Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/22/20231 hour, 30 minutes, 26 seconds
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258. COMM CENTER: Aurora Illinois Officer Involved Shooting

Tonight, Drew and Jon analyze the 911 call and subsequent officer body worn camera footage of an officer involved shooting from the Aurora Police a few weeks ago. There is a lot to process, so join the discussion. If you’re tired of taking calls and hearing everyone’s complaints, this is the show for you. Whether you’re a dispatcher, a cop, or a firefighter/paramedic, this is your chance to sound off and be part of the problem for once. Call our non-emergency line at ******(848) COMM-911******                                 ******(848) 266-6911******** SPONSORED BY: Ghostbed | Use Code: WOLFPACK - save 35% Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/18/20231 hour, 22 minutes, 31 seconds
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257. BREAKDOWN: Christopher Dorner, Cop Turned Cop Killer

Eric Tansey and Drew Breasy break down the case of former police officer-turned cop killer Christopher Dorner. In February of 2013 after being fired from the LAPD, Dorner published an 11,000 word manifesto and went on a killing rampage directed at law enforcement and members of other officers’ families. Retired LAPD Sergeants Marlon Marrache and Leonardo Perez join the discussion to give first-hand accounts of their roles in the investigation. All this and more on today’s Failure to Stop Breakdown. SPONSORED BY: Ghostbed | Use Code: WOLFPACK - Save 35% Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/17/20231 hour, 40 minutes, 4 seconds
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256. LAST CALL: Who are we at war with? China? Russia? Aliens?

Last Call, the show that gives First Responders something else to talk about over the weekend other than the job. Today on Last call of the day Tansey and Josh from Dead Leg Media breakdown Armageddon! The world is imploding around us it seems and I feel fine. Are we are going to war with China or Russia or aliens? What’s up with Ohio, Epstein’s list and Nordstrom? SPONSORED BY: Ghostbed | Use Code: WOLFPACK - save 35% Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/16/20231 hour, 22 minutes, 8 seconds
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255. NIGHTSHIFT: Stockholm Syndrome

The condition in which a hostage bonds with their captor and potentially has feelings of admiration. The term was coined after a bank robbery in Stockholm, Sweden, in 1973. This heist resulted in 4 hostages that begged their captors' innocents once the dust settled. We will also talk about other famous cases that resulted in this phenomenon. Patty Hearst, Natasha Kampusch, and Elizabeth Smart are just three examples. Is this a real condition? Do you believe this legitimately happens in a person's psyche? SPONSORED BY: Ghostbed | Use Code: WOLFPACK - save 35% Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/15/20231 hour, 18 minutes, 33 seconds
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254. COMM CENTER: Man Confesses to Murder Over 911 Call?

The Comm Center: Drew Breasy and JB dive into the story of a Michigan man who confessed to murder over 911, and the dispatchers are punished for it. Ever wonder how much weight is on a first responders shoulders? How about a dispatchers? If you’re tired of taking calls and hearing everyone’s complaints, this is the show for you. Whether you’re a dispatcher, a cop, or a firefighter/paramedic, this is your chance to sound off and be part of the problem for once. Call our non-emergency line at: ******(848) 266-6911******** SPONSORED BY: Ghostbed | use code: WOLFPACK - save 35% Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/11/20231 hour, 11 minutes, 31 seconds
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253. BREAKDOWN: Harry Denman, the Muzzle Stamp Seen Around the World

Today on Failure to Stop Breakdown Friday, Eric Tansey and Drew Breasy break down the muzzle stamp and boot stomp to the face that was seen around the world with little to no context by Phoenix PD to Harry Denman. Was this too aggressive or is this just winning big? We also cover the Blue on Blue incident in Saratoga where a Vermont Deputy was shot by Saratoga police after a separate bar shooting. All this and more on today’s Failure to Stop Breakdown SPONSORED BY: Ghostbed | Use Code: WOLFPACK - save 35% Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/10/20231 hour, 8 minutes, 56 seconds
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252. LAST CALL: Drop Dead Boosters

Last Call, the show that gives First Responders something else to talk about over the weekend other than the job. Today Tansey and Josh from Dead Leg Media cover news updates including; The China balloon, phizer, state of the Union, and unexpected deaths. Tansey covers some strange news from around the globe so that you are prepared to talk about anything other than the job this weekend! All this and more on todays Failure to Stop Last Call SPONSORED BY: Ghostbed | Use Code: WOLFPACK - save 35% Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/9/202356 minutes, 32 seconds
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251. NIGHTSHIFT: Phylicia Simone Barnes - Missing, Murdered, Unsolved

An honor student, track star, and loving daughter goes missing in December of 2010, while visiting relatives in Baltimore. Initially no foul play is suspected, and her loving half siblings provide as much information as they can. However, the case suddenly turns, and investigators realize something quite terrible has happened. Drug and alcohol fueled parties, sexual videos, and a multitude of visitors passing through complicates the perplexing case. Even after Phylicia's body was found, no more answers presented themselves. Listen as a man is charged with her murder not once, but THREE times, and never convicted. SPONSORED BY: Ghostbed | Use Code: WOLFPACK - save 35% Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/8/20231 hour, 36 minutes, 1 second
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250. COMM CENTER: ThePaul Pelosi 911 Call and Bodycam

The San Francisco Police Department received a cryptic 911 call in October of 2022. The man on the other end seemed either disoriented, or perhaps he was talking in code. As officers arrived, the subject, David DePape was discovered in the residence and attacked the homeowner, Paul Pelosi, who is the husband of former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi. The incident was captured on the officers’ bodycam. Former dispatcher turned cop Drew Breasy and former officer turned dispatcher JB will take the politics and put most of the hacky jokes aside to break down the 911 call, the radio traffic, and the officers’ reaction, If you’re tired of taking calls and hearing everyone’s complaints, this is the show for you. Whether you’re a dispatcher, a cop, or a firefighter/paramedic, this is your chance to sound off and be part of the problem for once. Call our non-emergency line at ******(848) COMM-911******  SPONSORED BY: Ghostbed | Use Code: WOLFPACK - save 35% Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/4/20231 hour, 20 minutes, 28 seconds
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249. BREAKDOWN: BLM Co Founder’s Cousin Tased to Death?

Today on Failure to Stop Breakdown Friday, Eric Tansey and Drew Breasy break down the tasing and subsequent death of BLM co-founders cousin Keenan Anderson. Was this police incompetence or was this something much worse? All this and more on today’s show. SPONSORED BY: Ghostbed | Use Code: WOLFPACK - save 35% Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/3/20231 hour, 41 minutes, 22 seconds
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248. LAST CALL: Ukraine, America’s War

Last Call, the show that gives First Responders something else to talk about over the weekend other than the job. Today Tansey and Josh from Dead Leg Media give a brief news update covering Ukraine's recent request. Tansey covers some strange news from around the globe so that you are prepared to talk about anything other than the job this weekend! All this and more on todays Failure to Stop Last Call   SPONSORED BY: Ghostbed | Use Code: WOLFPACK - save 35% Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/2/202356 minutes, 55 seconds
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247. NIGHSTHIFT: Secrets Revealed in Death - The Michelle Martinko Murder

On tonights True Crime Tuesday with Andrea Uplate and Eric Tansey from the Failure to Stop Podcast channel, Andrea takes us through the Michelle Martinko Murder.In this video, we are sharing the details of the Michelle Martinko murder. This mysterious case has captivated the public for years and I'm here to reveal all of the secrets behind it! Thanks to new evidence and interviews with key players in this case, I'm uncovering the truth about what happened that night and the people responsible. Watch this video to find out who really killed Michelle Martinko and why it matters. SPONSORED BY: Ghostbed | Use Code: WOLFPACK - save 35% Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/1/20231 hour, 11 minutes, 28 seconds
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246. COMM CENTER: 911 Call Turns Into Fatal Shooting

The Austin Police Department received a 911 call in November of 2022 for a man in the street who was armed with a rifle. As officers arrived, the subject, Rajan David Moonesinghe, was actively firing into a residence. As the officers approached, they fatally shot Moonesinghe. Former dispatcher turned cop Drew Breasy and former officer turned dispatcher JB will tastefully break down the 911 call, the radio traffic, and the officer involved shooting, which was captured on several forms of video. If you’re tired of taking calls and hearing everyone’s complaints, this is the show for you. Whether you’re a dispatcher, a cop, or a firefighter/paramedic, this is your chance to sound off and be part of the problem for once. Call our non-emergency line at ******(848) COMM-911****** ******(848) 266-6911********  SPONSORED BY: Ghostbed | Use Code: WOLFPACK - save 35% Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/28/20231 hour, 28 minutes, 17 seconds
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245. BREAKDOWN: Memphis Police Beat Down

Today on Failure to Stop Breakdown Friday, Eric Tansey and Drew Breasy break down the shooting of protestor, Manuel Esteban Paez Teran which led to riots in Atlanta Ga. plus we open up about our initial thoughts on the police beating that killed Tyre Nichols. What can we learn from the inflammatory headlines and what does this mean for Cop City? All this and more on today’s Breakdown. SPONSORED BY: Ghostbed | Use Code: WOLFPACK - Save 35% Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/27/20231 hour, 19 minutes, 51 seconds
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244. Last Call: Special Guest Corinne Tatum

Last Call, the show that gives First Responders something else to talk about over the weekend other than the job. Today, Tansey sits down with Corinne Tatum the wife of the famous Brandon Tatum to talk all things family. Josh from Dead Leg Media gives a brief news update covering other strange news from around the globe so that you are prepared to talk about anything other than the job this weekend! All this and more on todays Last Call SPONSORED BY: ghostbed | Use Code: WOLFPACK - save 35% Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/26/20231 hour, 1 minute, 1 second
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243. NIGHTSHIFT: Richard Trenton Chase: The Vampire of Sacramento

Over the course of a month in the 1970’s in Sacramento, California, 6 people were murdered. Neighborhoods were on lockdown, residents paralyzed with fear to unlock their doors. But what was found behind the closed doors at the victims’ households was far, far worse than what anyone could have imagined. Richard Chase didn’t get this nickname for no reason...he earned it. He drank his victim’s blood and ate their internal organs. This all came from a belief that his own blood was turning to powder. Could this have been prevented? Was there any way to predict this behavior? Join Andrea and Eric as they discuss this vile crime spree, and the psychology behind it.   SPONSORED BY: ghostbed | Use Code: WOLFPACK - save 35% Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/25/20231 hour, 11 minutes, 11 seconds
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242. COMM CENTER: The Worst Temper Tantrum Over 911

Drew and JB break down what has been labeled "the worst temper tantrum" over 911, and the police body cam footage that backs up the claim. They will also take your calls. It’s like calling or working in your Comm Center, only it’s wide open to say the stuff you wish you could while you’re working. Be a part of the problem by calling (848) COMM 911 that's (848) 266-6911   SPONSORED BY: | USE CODE: WOLFPACK - Save 35% Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/21/20231 hour, 2 minutes, 1 second
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241. BREAKDOWN: La Vergne PD Sex Scandal

Today on Failure to Stop Breakdown Friday, Eric Tansey and Drew Breasy are joined by a special guest to break down the La Vergne Police department sex scandal the resulted in the termination of five officers. Why were they fire and why was it a big deal? Find out here on Failure to Stop Podcast   SPONSORED BY: Ghostbed | Use Code: WOLFPACK - save 35% Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/20/20231 hour, 19 minutes, 5 seconds
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240. LAST CALL: Who Is Andrew Tate?

Last Call, the show that gives First Responders something else to talk about over the weekend other than the job. Today on Last call of the day, Tansey sits down with Josh from Dead Leg Media to figure out, who is Andrew Tate? We also cover other strange news from around the globe so that you are prepared to talk about anything other than the job this weekend! All this and more on todays Failure to Stop Last Call.   SPONSORED BY: ghostbed | Use Code: WOLFPACK - save 35% Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/19/20231 hour, 9 minutes, 14 seconds
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239. NIGHTSHIFT: Bill and Peggy Stephenson

The Boone county, Kentucky couple was found brutally murdered in their home in May of 2011. The pair were 74 years old and approaching their 55th wedding anniversary. Bill, an avid fisherman, deacon, and local philanthropist, had close ties to the trucking community in Florence. Peggy was retired and enjoyed playing organ in their church and visiting with family. Everything changed when a killer bludgeoned them both and staged their bodies. Now over a decade later, authorities are still searching for this murderer. Join Andrea and Eric as they discuss this case, and any new leads.   SPONSORED BY: | USE CODE: WOLFPACK - Save 35% Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/18/20231 hour, 6 minutes, 24 seconds
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238. BREAKDOWN: Criminalizing the Criminal

Today on Failure to Stop, Eric Tansey and Drew Breasy break down Mohammad Gorjestani's art exhibit that glorifies criminals shot and killed by police. We break down the names in the exhibit and expose what kind of villains these “heroes” really were. All this and more on todays’ Breakdown. SPONSORED BY: | CODE: WOLFPACK - Save 35% Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/13/20231 hour, 28 minutes, 53 seconds
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237. Last Call: Biden’s Fishy Vacation

Last Call, the show that gives First Responders something else to talk about over the weekend other than the job. Today on Last call of the day Tansey sits down with Josh from Dead Leg Media to discuss Joe Biden’s Fishy Vacation. US Attorney General Denise N George from the US Virgin Islands files suit against JPMorgan, the same day President Biden arrives in the Virgin Islands. 3 days later the Virgin Islands Governor fires George. Was this a vacation or was this something more? Dead Leg gives us everything we need to know that the MSM isn’t giving us.   SPONSORED BY | Code: WOLFPACK for 35% OFF!   Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/12/20231 hour, 38 seconds
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236. NIGHTSHIFT: The Happy Face Killer - Keith Jesperson

From 1990-1995 a string of Murders haunted the pacific north west and parts of Florida. 8 women were found beaten and strangled. A couple was arrested in 1990 for the first murder, but what happened to the other seven? And how? Add this fact to a string of letters that had small happy faces sketched on them, and we have the disturbing account of Keith Jesperson. Oh, let’s not forget his daughter’s memory of seeing spaghetti sauce on the ceiling, and as an adult realizing that she couldn’t have been more wrong about what she thought she saw. Join Andrea and Eric as they shed light on The Happy Face Killer.   SPONSORED BY | Code: WOLFPACK for 35% OFF! | Code: WOLFPACK for 20% OFF! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/11/20231 hour, 44 minutes, 29 seconds
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235. COMM CENTER: The Premiere Episode with Dispatcher John

Drew and JB take your calls, dissect voicemails, and discuss current events in the emergency responder and dispatcher environments. It’s like your Comm Center, only it’s wide open to say the stuff you wish you could while you’re working. This live call-in show features Drew, who started as a dispatcher and retired as a cop, and JB who started as a corrections officer and is currently an emergency dispatcher. They team up to bring you a lighthearted look at some heavy topics while trying to bridge the gap between emergency responders and emergency dispatchers.   SPONSORED BY: | Use Code: WOLFPACK - Save 35%   Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/7/20231 hour, 1 minute, 31 seconds
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234. BREAKDOWN: Super Villains on The Loose

Today on Failure to Stop, Eric Tansey and Drew Breasy breakdown the recent murder of Brackenridge Police Chief Justin McIntire and the career criminal who murdered him. Do we need police reform or do we need more from our judicial system? All this and more on today's Breakdown. SPONSORED BY: | Use Code: WOLFPACK - Save 35% Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/6/20231 hour, 15 minutes, 31 seconds
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233. Last Call: Survivalist woman WayfinderAli

Last Call, the show that gives First Responders something else to talk about over the weekend other than the job. Today on Last call of the day Tansey sits down with Ali from @wayfinderali! She is a survival expert and avid outdoor specialist. This episode may save your life so you won’t want to miss it!   SPONSORED BY: | Use Code: WOLFPACK - Save 35% Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/5/20231 hour, 2 minutes, 1 second
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232. NIGHTSHIFT: Doppelgängers!

How long have we kept record of them? Some believe the phenomenon to be that of see your own could be an omen of death! Others believe they are tangible strangers that are mere coincidence. While still some believe this mystery to be the result of time travel and a parallel universe! Join Andrea and Eric tonight at 8PM EST as we dive in.   SPONSORED BY: Ghostbed | USE CODE: WOLFPACK - Save 35% Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/4/202355 minutes, 39 seconds
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231. OFF THE CUFF: Christmas Not so Special

Mike, Dave and the UPP team up for the final "Off the Cuff" episode on the Failure to Stop train. We bring you cop news from around the country and pretend like it's cutting edge. Merry Christmas! Oh and Dave and Elijah talk about recurring dreams for some reason.   SPONSORED BY: | Get 35% off with Code: WOLFPACK Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/26/20221 hour, 18 minutes, 21 seconds
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230. BREAKDOWN: Twitter’s FBI File

Today on Failure to Stop with Mike The Cop and Eric Tansey, the boys dig through all of Twitters files regarding the FBI and breakdown fact vs fiction. Truly the biggest case that no one is really talking about. Did the FBI pay Twitter to censor conservatives? Where Russian bots the DNC bots? What’s conspiracy and what’s reality? We break it all down today!   SPONSORED BY: | Get 35%+ OFF| CODE: WOLFPACK Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/23/20221 hour, 26 minutes, 54 seconds
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229. LAST CALL: The Bull Sperm Heist

Today on Last Call, Evidence of life in space, Santa pub crawls, and a Bull Sperm Heist? All this and more on todays Last Call with Eric Tansey on Failure to Stop the number one show where police meets society and culture.   SPONSORED BY: | get 35% off! | Code: WOLFPACK Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/22/202233 minutes, 40 seconds
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228. NIGHT SHIFT: A Very Casey (Anthony) Christmas Special

Tonight on Failure to Stop Night Shift, the Casey Anthony documentary breakdown with a very special Christmas guest. Join us as we talk about Casey Anthony the Grinch who killed her daughter. SPONSORED BY: | get 35% off! | Code: WOLFPACK Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/21/20221 hour, 37 minutes, 21 seconds
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227. OFF THE CUFF: Time to Defund the Firefighters

On today's episode of Off the Cuff: Mike, Dave and the UPP bring you law enforcement related news from across the country and give their hot takes! This week, one story is about a firefighter that punched someone that had it coming but we're wondering where the protests are and all the calls to defund them.   SPONSORED BY: | Code: WOLFPACK - 35% off Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/19/20221 hour, 12 minutes, 7 seconds
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226. BREAKDOWN: Oklahoma Cop Charged With Murder

Today on Failure to Stop with Mike The Cop and Eric Tansey, the boys sit down with Lt. Mitchell who stopped an active shooter and then was charged with murder from a woke DA and mob. During the early morning hours of May 20th, 2019, Lt. Mitchell responded to a report of a woman driving her car around town firing a gun out the window. She’d already shot at her mother, police officers, vehicles, and other objects. The suspect had ignored many demands to drop the weapon and surrender. Eventually, Lt. Mitchell, with both his AR-15 and handgun, and another officer, with his pistol, fired shots into the suspect’s pickup truck until they stopped the threat. How dead is dead? How many rounds can be used in deadly force? We break it all down here. SPONSORED BY: | Code: WOLFPACK - 35% off | Code: Wolfpack Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/16/20221 hour, 39 minutes, 17 seconds
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225. LAST CALL: Ten Eight Memes

Last Call of The Day, the show that gives you something else to talk about over the weekend other than the job. Today on Last Call, Tansey sits down with the Mystery Man behind the rapidly growing Instagram Channel,Ten Eight Memes. All this and more on todays Last Call with Eric Tansey on Failure to Stop the number one show where police meet society and culture.   SPONSORED BY: | Code: WOLFPACK - 35% off Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/15/20221 hour, 1 minute, 56 seconds
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224. NIGHTSHIFT: Tragedy in Kentucky and Suicide on the Rise

Tonight we will be discussing the horrific murder/suicide that occurred in Kentucky earlier this month. What made a man snap and end the lives of his family members, and ultimately his own? We explore rates of suicide, what time of year causes spikes in numbers, and what professions hold the highest death by suicide rate. Within that frame, how are first responders affected, and how do we change the narrative to get a better hold on mental health?   SPONSORED BY: | Code: WOLFPACK - 35% off | Code: WOLFPACK Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/14/20221 hour, 15 minutes, 40 seconds
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223. OFF THE CUFF: Dave’s Feminine Care Routine

In this week’s Off the Cuff, Mike and Dave break down law enforcement related news from around the country, which somehow includes Dave's Feminine Care Routine? Tune in to hear all about it! SPONSORED BY: | Code: WOLFPACK - 35% off Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/12/20221 hour, 10 minutes, 39 seconds
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222. BREAKDOWN: Who is the Boy In The Box?

A mystery that has been going on for 65 years has finally been solved. the "Boy In the Box" also known as "America's Unknown Child". On December 8, 2022, 65 years after his body was found, the boy was publicly identified as Joseph Augustus Zarelli during a press conference held by Philadelphia Police Department.   SPONSORED BY: | Code: WOLFPACK for 35% OFF! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/9/20221 hour, 1 minute, 2 seconds
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221. LAST CALL: Man Overboard!

Last Call of The Day, The show that gives you something else to talk about over the weekend other than the job. Today on Last Call, a man fell off of a cruise ship and survives 12 hours treading water! how many people actually died getting ready for the 2022 world cup, and why did a woman fake going into labor in the middle of a flight? All this and more on Last Call!   SPONSORED BY | Code: WOLFPACK for 35% OFF! | Code: WOLFPACK for 20% OFF! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/8/20221 hour, 4 minutes, 8 seconds
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220. NIGHTSHIFT: Idaho College Massacre

What exactly happened in the town of Moscow, Idaho, two weeks ago? And how? Ethan Chapin, Kaylee Goncalves, Xana, Kernodle, and Madison Mogen were four college students murdered viscously, presumably in their sleep. We don’t have a weapon, and no suspect at all. Watch and listen as Andrea and Tansey sift through the known details of this case.   SPONSORED BY | Code: WOLFPACK for 35% OFF! | Code: WOLFPACK for 20% OFF! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/7/20221 hour, 16 minutes, 27 seconds
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219. OFF THE CUFF: Cops vs. Old Lady in Alabama

In this week’s Off the Cuff, Mike and Dave break down law enforcement related news from around the country, including an 82 year old lady in Alabama arrested for an unpaid trash bill. SPONSORED BY: | Code: WOLFPACK - 35% off | Code: WOLFPACK - 10% freeshipping! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/5/20221 hour, 9 minutes, 30 seconds
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218. BREAKDOWN: Seattle Area Law Enforcement’s Terrifying Month

Six law enforcement line of duty deaths in three separate incidents changed the lives of so many people, and had police officers in the Pacific Northwest on edge. On today’s breakdown, Drew Breasy is going to walk us through the one month period in 2009 where law enforcement was under deadly attack in the Seattle area.   SPONSORED BY: | Code: WOLFPACK - 35% off | WOLFPACK20 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/2/20221 hour, 3 minutes, 47 seconds
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217. LAST CALL: Gaslighting DMT Toads

Welcome to last call of the day, the show that gives you something else to talk about this weekend other than the job. This week on Last Call SPAM released its figgy pudding, hippies are licking DMT toads in Colorado and a woman is questioning her relationship with her very handsome partner complaining that her friends say she is far too ugly to be with a man that handsome. All this and more on today’s Last Call of the day with Eric Tansey.   SPONSORED BY: | Code: WOLFPACK - 35% off | Code: WOLFPACK   Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/1/202245 minutes, 45 seconds
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216. NIGHTSHIFT: Catfishing Gone Wrong!

The Winek Murders Ultimate Catfishing...what started as online flirtations ended in tragedy for a California family a little over two weeks ago. A 15 year old is left without family when her online love murdered everyone in her home. Listen in as we discuss Catfishing, and look into other crimes committed using this method. And did this exist before the internet? Why, yes, it did   SPONSORED BY: | Code: WOLFPACK - 35% off Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/30/20221 hour, 43 minutes, 22 seconds
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215. OFF THE CUFF: Police Robots Can Use Deadly Force?

Mike and Dave return and patrol the internet so you don’t have to for all your law enforcement related news. We find out that San Francisco Police are debating using robots for deadly force, and listen to all of Dave's completely "Law Enforcement Related" news. #GUGU   SPONSORED BY: | Code: WOLFPACK - 35% off | Code: Wolfpack   SUBSCRIBE TO OUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/28/20221 hour, 2 minutes, 52 seconds
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214. BREAKDOWN: Balenciaga and the Attack on our Kids

On today’s episode of Failure to Stop, Mike and Eric breakdown the Balenciaga story that should be a continuous top headline but has been shuffled to the bottom of the deck. Balenciaga is now “apologizing” for using children in ads featuring BDSM bears and several easter eggs pertaining to child pornography that will disturb you.   SPONSORED BY: | Code: WOLFPACK - 35% off | Code: Wolfpack | WOLFPACK20 | Code: WOLFPACK Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/25/20221 hour, 12 minutes, 53 seconds
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213. LAST CALL: How Media Bias Makes Traffic Stops Deadly

In this week's episode of LAST CALL, Drew Breasy takes over and actually is a guest on the show "On Being A Police Officer" They discuss Media Bias when it comes to Traffic Stops and more!   SPONSORED BY: | Code: WOLFPACK - 35% off Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/24/20221 hour, 3 minutes, 20 seconds
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212. NIGHTSHIFT: Alien Abduction: The Betty and Barney Hill Story

Pass the gravy!! Tonight’s Failure to Stop Night Shift Thanksgiving episode will be to give thanks that we (or at least I haven’t- can’t speak for Tansey) been abducted by aliens....I am going to tell y’all all about Betty and Barney Hill. They claim to have lost 2 hours of their lives, at the expense of an alien abduction. An interracial couple in the 60’s, the two were known for their devotion to civil rights, high IQ, and then...intergalactic travel. Carve the turkey and let’s talk ALIENS! Join Andrea Uplate and Eric Tansey for another True Crime Tuesday that is out of this world. SPONSORED BY | Code: WOLFPACK for 35% OFF! | Code: WOLFPACK for 20% OFF! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/23/20221 hour, 40 minutes, 49 seconds
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211. OFF THE CUFF: What Happens When Cops Have to Poop?

Mike and Dave are joined by "Officer Butthurt" who regales us with the most epic poop tale known to man. Have a better one? Let us know in the comments! OFFICER BUTTHURT did not wish to have his face on camera   SPONSORED BY: | Code: WOLFPACK - 35% off | Code: Wolfpack   SUBSCRIBE TO OUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/21/20221 hour, 8 minutes, 11 seconds
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210. BREAKDOWN: Waukesha Parade massacre, Everything You need to know

Today on Failure to Stop podcast we revisit the Waukesha parade massacre now that the trial is over and all the information is available. Join Eric Tansey and Drew Breasy as they cover the case, the trial and the newest case out of LA County where a man drove through a crowd of jogging police recruits. All this and more on todays Breakdown #breakdown #police #crime SPONSORED BY: | Code: WOLFPACK - 35% off Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/18/20221 hour, 33 minutes, 32 seconds
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209. LAST CALL: Last Call Parenting in 2022

Last Call giving first responders something else to talk about other than the job. Today Tansey talks about parenting in 2022. A mom who lets her kids shave her head, drink coffee, and pick her own clothing at the age of 8, homeschooling, public education and so much more. SPONSORED BY: | Code: WOLFPACK - 35% off | Code: WOLFPACK   SUBSCRIBE TO OUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/17/202247 minutes, 54 seconds
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208. NIGHTSHIFT: The Unsolved Disappearance of Tara Calico

Tonight on Failure to Stop Night Shift Andrea breaks down the unsolved missing person case of Tara Leigh Calico. Out for a routine morning bike ride in 1988, Tara was accompanied by her Walkman and her mother’s Huffy. She left excited for the day, but never returned home. More chillingly, nearly a year later, this Polaroid was found many miles away. Is this Tara? Who is the boy in the photo? Join me and Tansey as we discuss this sadly unsolved case   SPONSORED BY | Code: WOLFPACK for 35% OFF! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/16/20221 hour, 26 minutes, 58 seconds
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207. OFF THE CUFF: What Would It Take For You to Snap?

Mike, Dave, and the UPP return after patrolling the internet so you don’t have to for all your law enforcement related news. Mike asks what it would take for us to take the law into our own hands, and a fender bender that lead to a murder case. All this and more on Off The Cuff!   SPONSORED BY: | Code: WOLFPACK - 35% off | Code: Wolfpack   SUBSCRIBE TO OUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/14/20221 hour, 6 minutes, 55 seconds
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206. BREAKDOWN: The Louisville Slushie Gate

Today Mike the Cop and Eric Tansey are joined by former Louisville Police Officer Dexter Pitts to breakdown Slushie Gate on this Failure to Stop Veterans Day Special.   SPONSORED BY: | Code: WOLFPACK - 35% off | Code: WOLFPACK20 - 20% off SUBSCRIBE TO OUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/11/20221 hour, 8 minutes, 58 seconds
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205. LAST CALL: Drinking and Telling Stories with One More & I’m Outta Here

Today on Last Call Tansey is in Cincinnati Ohio for the One More and I’m Outta Here Podcast-a-Palooza. Tansey joins Dexter Pitts from I am Pitts the book, Drew Breezy, a Lawyer, firefighter, and a locally Famous Radio Host from One More and I’m Outta Here Podcast for a round table beer session at Varsity’s Sports Bar in Cincinnati Ohio. The funniest round table ever recorded SPONSORED BY: | Code: WOLFPACK - 35% off | Code: WOLFPACK   SUBSCRIBE TO OUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/10/20221 hour, 28 minutes, 35 seconds
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204. NIGHTSHIFT: The Salem Witch Trials

On tonight’s Failure to Stop Night Shift, Andrea Uplate and Eric Tansey deep dive the crazy trials and executions of the Salem Witch Trials. Failure to Stop is the number one podcast where Police meet Society and Culture with four different episodes per week. On Night Shift we bring you all the True Crime your twisted soul can handle. SPONSORED BY: | Code: WOLFPACK - 35% off   SUBSCRIBE TO OUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/9/20221 hour, 8 minutes, 31 seconds
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203. OFF THE CUFF: Are Cops Racist or Just Lazy?

Mike and Dave return from their two week long hiatus and patrol the internet so you don’t have to for all your law enforcement related news. We ask the question if police are racist or just really lazy. And listen to Dave's completely non-related Law Enforcement news.   SPONSORED BY: | Code: WOLFPACK - 35% off | Code: WOLFPACK 10% off + free shipping   SUBSCRIBE TO OUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/7/20221 hour, 22 minutes, 54 seconds
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202. BREAKDOWN: Paul Pelosi, What We Know Now

Today on Failure to Stop Podcast Mike the Cop and Eric Tansey sit down with Former NYPD/FBI counter terrorism expert, Kevin Hallinan to discuss the Paul Pelosi assault case. SPONSORED BY: | Code: WOLFPACK - 35% off | Code: WOLFPACK | WOLFPACK20 SUBSCRIBE TO OUR YOUTUBE Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/4/20221 hour, 13 minutes, 18 seconds
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201. LAST CALL: Naughty License Plates and Roaches In My Candy

Today on Last Call of the Day with Eric Tansey and a guest appearance from the UPP, we cover cockroach covered candy that is getting Halloween canceled next year in part of a Michigan city, naughty license plates are now illegal in one state, and kindness is against the law in another! All this and more on today’s Last Call. SPONSORED BY: | Code: WOLFPACK - 35% off | Code: WOLFPACK SUBSCRIBE TO OUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/3/202252 minutes, 39 seconds
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200. NIGHTSHIFT: The INSANE story of Austin Harrouff, the face eating murderer

In August of 2016, 19 year old Austin Harrouff walked out of a restaurant in West Palm Florida, where he was eating with his family. What happened next could never have been anticipated. The night ended with police, tasers, a K9.....and a man’s face chewed and bitten off. Let’s dive in and explore what a mental health crisis looks like, and if this could have been prevented. All this and more on Failure to Stop Night Shift with Andrea Uplate and Eric Tansey. SPONSORED BY: | Code: WOLFPACK - 35% off   SUBSCRIBE TO OUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/2/20221 hour, 25 minutes, 17 seconds
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199. OFF THE CUFF: Legalizing Jay Walking and Q&A

In this pre recorded episode of Off the Cuff, Mike and Dave return from patrolling the internet so you don’t have to for all your law enforcement related news. California legalizes Jay Walking saying that more black people were being cited with Jay walking than white people. We also answer some listener questions and hear the origins of the Underpaid Producer.   SPONSORED BY: | Code: WOLFPACK - 35% off   SUBSCRIBE TO OUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/31/20221 hour, 4 minutes, 45 seconds
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198. BREAKDOWN: Informants & The Murder of Rachel Hoffman

Today on Failure to Stop Eric Tansey is joined by pinch hitter Drew Breasy to breakdown the Murder of Rachel Hoffman who was actively working as a confidential informant. What is a CI and how are they used? We break it all down on todays Failure to stop Breakdown.   SPONSORED BY: | Code: WOLFPACK - 35% off SUBSCRIBE TO OUR YOUTUBE Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/28/20221 hour, 8 minutes, 7 seconds
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197. LAST CALL: What can we learn from Tom Brady?

Last Call the show that could save Tom Brady’s marriage and yours ! This is the show that gives you something else to talk about other than the job. Today Tansey talks about a dinosaur in Massachusetts a very perverted Tickle Me Elmo, Tom Brady, and Twins ?! All this and more on todays Last Call of The Day   SPONSORED BY: | Code: WOLFPACK - 35% off   SUBSCRIBE TO OUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/27/202244 minutes, 27 seconds
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196. NIGHTSHIFT: The Becker House Haunting

Phones flying across the room, drain plugs wrapping themselves around faucets, and the noises of a crying woman. This is the story of a new family hopeful for the future, and moving into a home that had only seen death. Oh, let’s not forget the box of porn clippings locked in the shed. This is the story of the paranormal Becker House, which inspired the very first televised exorcism.   SPONSORED BY: | Code: WOLFPACK - 35% off   SUBSCRIBE TO OUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/26/20221 hour, 21 minutes, 33 seconds
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195. OFF THE CUFF: The FBI vs. Jews?

In this pre recorded episode of Off the Cuff, Mike and Dave return from patrolling the internet so you don’t have to for all your law enforcement related news. The FBI arrests an 87 year old concentration camp survivor for praying outside of an abortion clinic, and so many more crazy stories.   SPONSORED BY: | Code: WOLFPACK - 35% off   SUBSCRIBE TO OUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/24/20221 hour, 8 minutes, 41 seconds
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194. BREAKDOWN: The Bryan Coupal Shooting

Suicide by cop seems to be a normal phrase these days but rarely is it just about committing suicide. There is often more to it. Drew Breasy and Eric Tansey break down this particular case while deep diving into what lies beneath the surface. All this and a little more on today's Failure To Stop Case Breakdown. SPONSORED BY: | Code: WOLFPACK - 35% off | Code: WOLFPACK | Code: WOLFPACK SUBSCRIBE TO OUR YOUTUBE Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/21/20221 hour, 42 minutes, 13 seconds
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193. LAST CALL: 180k UFO reports and counting

Today on Last Call, the show that gives first responders something to talk about over the weekend other than the job. This episode, Eric Tansey is joined by UFO nerd Boston Joe to discuss UFO reports, the 2022 Mullet Championships, and a useless cat. All this and more on Last Call of The Day   SPONSORED BY: | Code: WOLFPACK - 35% off   SUBSCRIBE TO OUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/20/20221 hour, 12 minutes, 33 seconds
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192. NIGHTSHIFT: The Most Infamous Executioners

On tonight’s Night Shift, Andrea Up Late introduces us to some of histories most infamous killers who did it legally. How do you become an executioner? Why do you become one in the first place, and how the hell do you get famous from it ? All this and more on tonight’s Failure to Stop Night Shift SPONSORED BY: | Code: WOLFPACK - 35% off   SUBSCRIBE TO OUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/19/20221 hour, 28 minutes, 15 seconds
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191. OFF THE CUFF: Stay Away From Golf Carts at Your Wedding

In this episode of Off the Cuff, Mike and Dave return from patrolling the internet so you don’t have to for all your law enforcement related news. Dave shares a horrifying wedding adventure from this past week, and Mike discusses protests related to the Thin Blue Line Flag.    SUBSCRIBE TO OUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/17/20221 hour, 30 minutes, 43 seconds
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190. BREAKDOWN: Deputy vs. FBI

Today on Failure To Stop Mike and Eric breakdown a blue on blue case out of Franklin County Florida. An FBI agent trying to investigate police corruption is handcuffed and put in the back of a patrol car by a deputy he was supposed to be interviewing. Who was in the right and who was in the wrong ? All this and more on todays Breakdown.   SPONSORED BY: | Code: WOLFPACK - 35% off   SUBSCRIBE TO OUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/14/20221 hour, 14 minutes, 31 seconds
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189. LAST CALL: Texas Pete Ain’t So Texas

Last call of the day the show that gives first responders something else to talk about other than dead babies and domestic violence. Today Tansey gets hot over Texas Pete hot sauce, Putin's Tractor, and Bigfoot visits Pennsylvania. All this and more on today's Last Call SPONSORED BY: | Code: WOLFPACK - 35% off   SUBSCRIBE TO OUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/13/202245 minutes, 38 seconds
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188. NIGHTSHIFT: The Mysterious Disappearance of Trenton Duckett

A Toddler mysteriously vanished in Ocala Florida with little to no leads. His mother drove through the Ocala National Forest in the hours before his disappearance but why? Was she there for target practice? something more sinister? What about the police officer related to the toddler that is currently on death row? Sonogram pictures in the dumpster? A suicide?! Follow us through this story that leaves us with really only one question why did Trenton Duckett go missing? If you have any information contact the national center for missing and exploited children.   SPONSORED BY: | Code: WOLFPACK - 35% off | Code: WOLFPACK   SUBSCRIBE TO OUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/12/20221 hour, 19 minutes, 56 seconds
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187. OFF THE CUFF: PayPal Police Get Spanked

In this episode of Off the Cuff, Mike and Dave return from patrolling the internet so you don’t have to for all your law enforcement related news. They discuss PayPal’s new aggressive speech police policy that by the time we have published has already been labeled a “mistake” by PayPal after suffering massive backlash. We discuss a rape victim forced to testify and a politician that hates the police calling 9-1-1. All this and TONS more in this super sized episode for your listening pleasure on the Failure to Stop family of podcasts.   SUBSCRIBE TO OUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/10/20222 hours, 7 minutes, 3 seconds
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186. BREAKDOWN: The Abraham Shakespeare Case

Money can buy friends but it can also lead to murder. Drew Breasy Joins Eric Tansey to break down how detectives solved a million dollar murder in the Abraham Shakespeare homicide. We do lots of street cop breakdowns but have never broken down a detective's case from a detective's perspective. Today we see exactly how to solve a murder mystery. GUGU! SPONSORED BY: | Code: WOLFPACK - 35% off | Code: WOLFPACK SUBSCRIBE TO OUR YOUTUBE   Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/7/20221 hour, 8 minutes, 5 seconds
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185. LAST CALL: The NyQuil Chicken Challenge

Last Call brings you all the hot topics going on today so you don't have to sound like a robot cop over the weekend to your civilian friends. Is NyQuil Chicken really a thing? Did an adopted woman really accidentally date her brother for six years? All this and more on Last Call! SPONSORED BY: | Code: WOLFPACK SUBSCRIBE TO OUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/6/202253 minutes, 41 seconds
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184. NIGHTSHIFT: The Mysterious Death of Debbie Collier

An investigation began when a body was found partially burned and partially nude in Tallulah Falls Georgia nearly 50 miles from where she was suppose to be. Her hand was grasping a small tree that was partially removed from the ground. She made a very strange stop at a Dollar General in Habersham county Ga and made a very ominous Venmo payment. How did Debbie Collier end up 70 miles from home? Who sent a Venmo payment just before her death and what was up with Amanda Bearden's 911 call? Collier’s death has been labeled “targeted and personal.” Kidnapping has been ruled out and we are looking at quite a mysterious murder. Tune in at 8pm EST on the Failure to Stop channel to hear all about the Debbie Collier Update and Investigation.   SUBSCRIBE TO OUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/5/20221 hour, 36 minutes, 23 seconds
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183. OFF THE CUFF: Can We Trust Human Trafficking Stats?

In this week's episode of Off the Cuff, Mike, Dave, and the UPP discuss Sex Trafficking Statistics and if they can really be trusted. They also dive into our favorite topic... 3 letter agencies! All this and more on Off The Cuff!   SUBSCRIBE TO OUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/3/20221 hour, 29 minutes, 39 seconds
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182. BREAKDOWN: The Donovan Lewis Shooting

On August 30, 2022 Donovan Lewis was shot by police in an apartment bedroom during the service of an arrest warrant but he was armed only with a vape pen. Were the cops incompetent, trigger happy cowards, or did Donovan play a role in this controversial Ohio shooting? All this and more on this week's Friday Breakdown SPONSORED BY: | Code: WOLFPACK - 35% off | Code: WOLFPACK - Try for free SUBSCRIBE TO OUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/30/20221 hour, 20 minutes, 6 seconds
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181. LAST CALL: Coolio Evacuates Hurricane Ian

Last call, the show that gives you something to talk about over the weekend other than dead babies and domestic violence to your civilian friends. Hurricane Ian bears down on Florida as Coolio checks out of this earth to Gangster's Paradise. All this and more on today's Last Call of The Day. SPONSORED BY: | Code: WOLFPACK SUBSCRIBE TO OUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/29/202238 minutes, 37 seconds
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180. NIGHTSHIFT: Taylor Parker The Baby Snatcher

How a web of lies and a little jealousy lead to one of the most horrific murders we’ve ever heard. Ashley Cooper from A&E "60 Days In" breaks down a true crime case that she was personally involved in. This story has yet to be told and is by far the most intense kidnapping murder case we have covered to date. When one woman gets too deep into a pregnancy lie, she rips a baby from the womb of a friend. Although police and other law enforcement were quick on the scene, were they there fast enough to save anyone? Join Andrea Up Late and Eric Tansey on this week’s Failure to Stop Night Shift   SUBSCRIBE TO OUR YOUTUBE Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/28/20221 hour, 31 minutes, 28 seconds
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179. OFFTHE CUFF: What if The Hate Speech Police Knocked On Your Door?

In this week's brave and stunning episode of Off the Cuff, Mike and Dave discuss some wooden dilly drama (ya there's a story behind this) then dive into law enforcement news across the globe including German police knocking on doors in the middle of the night confiscating laptops for hate speech content in memes they posted. They also cover how a new police training facility in Atlanta is causing global warming and racism. What a world! What a week!  CHECK OUT THE YOUTUBE CHANNEL Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/26/20221 hour, 14 minutes, 14 seconds
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178. BREAKDOWN: The Ernest Aguilar Shooting

In this week's breakdown, Mike the Cop and Eric Tansey dissect the Orange County shooting of Ernest Aguilar in Lake Forest California. The officers got a quick lesson in how de-escalation can turn around and get bad real quick. All this and more on our Friday Breakdown! SPONSORED BY: | Code: WOLFPACK - 35% off | Code: WOLFPACK | Code: WOLFPACK - Try for free SUBSCRIBE TO OUR YOUTUBE Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/23/20221 hour, 19 minutes, 56 seconds
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177. LAST CALL: Ashley From 60 Days In

Last Call Baby ! Today Eric learns all the raunchy ins and outs about 60 Days In which is a reality show on A&E about being in jail for 60 days. Former Officer Ashley volunteered to secretly enter a terrible jail as an inmate and live all the drama of jail house drama. Tansey doesn't hold back for asking ALL the questions we have about jail life. Welcome to Last Call the show that will save your third marriage. SPONSORED BY: | Code: WOLFPACK Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/22/20221 hour, 13 minutes, 53 seconds
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176. NIGHTSHIFT: Anthonette Cayedito Vanished in the Night

Anthonette Cayedito was snatched from her New Mexico home at three in the morning at the young age of nine. All we have is a chilling 911 call but Who took her, what are the leads, and is she still alive. Join Andrea and Tansey for another True Crime Tuesday as they break this sad story of the missing Anthonette Cayedito down and try to make some sense of it.  SUBSCRIBE TO THE YouTube CHANNEL    Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/21/20221 hour, 18 minutes, 25 seconds
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175. OFF THE CUFF: Insane Hypocrisy on Illegal Immigration

Mike and Dave are back together this week to discuss the insane amount of hypocrisy as politicians do everything they can to NOT solve the problem of illegal immigration. Then we discuss a rape and human trafficking victim having to pay her abusers family damages after killing him. That and much more on this week's Off the Cuff edition of the Failure to Stop podcast. SUBSCRIBE TO THE YouTube CHANNEL Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/19/20221 hour, 24 minutes, 2 seconds
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174. BREAKDOWN: The Murder of Ella French and the Hero Dispatcher Keith Thornton

In this week's breakdown, Mike and Tansey are joined by Drew Breasy to breakdown the Ella French murder and to take a look at the man behind the scenes in the rescue of Carlos Yanez. Keith Thornton was the dispatcher who went above and beyond as he masterfully handled the radios and communications that lead to the capture of the suspects and saved another Yanez's Life. The boys uncover the underbelly of the communications centers and the everyday life of dispatchers and the horrors they hear on a daily basis.  SPONSORED BY: | Code: WOLFPACK - 35% off   SUBSCRIBE TO OUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL     Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/16/20221 hour, 18 minutes, 17 seconds
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173. LAST CALL: Ray J Exposes The Kardashians | Special Guest @letstalkdarling

Last Call is the show that gives you something else to talk about this weekend other than dead babies and domestic violence. This episode Tansey brings on special guest @letstalkdarling to break down the Ray J and Kim Kardashian Saga. Ray J's recently exposed text and a contract that allegedly proves the sex tape was plotted and planned by the family. All this and more on Last Call of The Day SPONSORED BY: | Code: WOLFPACK Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/15/20221 hour, 10 minutes, 22 seconds
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172. NIGHTSHIFT: The Murder of Eliza Fletcher

Join Andrea and Tansey as they discuss the abduction and murder of Memphis mother and kindergarten teacher Eliza Fletcher. The suspect charged in her death has lived a life full of violent crime. When is enough, enough?   SUBSCRIBE TO OUR YOUTUBE Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/14/20221 hour, 4 minutes, 34 seconds
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171. OFF THE CUFF: Deputy Police Chief Loves a Good Prostitute Sting

In today's Off the Cuff edition of the Failure to Stop podcast, Dave and the Underpaid Producer get their chance to host the show without the illustrious Mike The Cop. We cover stories ranging from Deputy Police Chiefs falling into a prostitution sting all the way to uncovering vampiric remains in Poland. GUGU!   SUBSCRIBE TO OUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/12/20221 hour, 14 minutes, 21 seconds
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170. BREAKDOWN: Robert Telles Took it Too Far

In this week's breakdown, we talk all about the brutal murder of journalist, Jeff German. Robert Telles was being investigated by Jeff and his team which he believed was the reason he lost the primary. Yesterday Las Vegas Metro arrested Telles and he is currently being held without bond. All this and more on the Friday Breakdown! SPONSORED BY: | Code: WOLFPACK - 35% off | Code: WOLFPACK | Code: WOLFPACK - Try for free SUBSCRIBE TO OUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/9/20221 hour, 15 minutes, 20 seconds
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169. LAST CALL: The Worst Football Story Ever Told

Last Call is the show that gives first responders something else to talk about over the weekend other than dead babies and domestic violence. With football season here, Tansey revisits the love story that never was. The Manti Teo cat fishing excursion.   SUBSCRIBE TO OUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/8/20221 hour, 8 minutes, 7 seconds
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168. NIGHTSHIFT: The Kindly Killer Dennis Nilsen

A clogged drain sealed the fate of the prolific serial killer in London in 1983. Join Andrea and Tansey as we discuss the case. We will explore the mind of a serial killer, including compassion, but also necrophilia.   CHECK OUT OUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/7/20221 hour, 10 minutes, 18 seconds
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167. OFF THE CUFF: How’s That Bail Reform Working Out For Ya?

In today's Off the Cuff edition of the Failure to Stop podcast, Mike and the Underpaid Producer hold the fort down while Dave is in parts unknown (literally). We cover stories ranging from a civil dispute over a batmobile to more of the regular examples of completely failed bail reform results and other law enforcement news across the country. GUGU! SUBSCRIBE TO THE YOUTUBE CHANNEL GRAB YOUR FTS MERCH Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/5/20221 hour, 9 minutes, 38 seconds
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166. BREAKDOWN: Breonna Taylor, Rayshard Brooks and Uvalde Back in the News

Mike The Cop is out of town on vacay just in time for all the major cases, that we have covered in the past, to be back on the front page news! Tansey calls in Drew Breasy for back up to break down all the developments and all of the breaking news. The MSM and DOJ is desperate to save face from the Breonna Taylor and Rayshard Brooks cases in the wake of midterms. Uvalde Police Chief speaks out about being fired and breaking news in the Delphi Murders! All this and more on the Friday Breakdown.  SPONSORED BY: | Code: WOLFPACK - 35% off | Code: WOLPACK - Save 20% Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/2/20221 hour, 44 minutes, 6 seconds
Episode Artwork

165. LAST CALL: The Rise And Fall of Eddie Antar

Last Call of The Day! The show that gets you ready for the weekend giving you something else to talk about other than the job. This episode Tansey sits down with Author of Retail Gangster, Gary Weiss, to talk about the raise and fall of Crazy Eddie and how he went from a simple electronic salesman to a master fraud retail gangster. Gary is a great story teller and this book is a must have in your go bag!  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/1/202256 minutes, 4 seconds