Here we test Tabletop RPGs as English practice tools, for listeners, speakers, and some fun. Join us to listen and learn, or to laugh and enjoy! The story starts from Episode 3, Character introductions from Episode 12. If you have questions or suggestions, please contact us at: [email protected] Find our school's Facebook page and join weekly discussions at: If you like this podcast, consider supporting us at:
3-21-2020 Bloopisode!
Welcome to Bloopers, where all our naughty words, questionable things, and stuff we sing goes. Possibly not safe for work, potentially not safe for people who hate rules lawyers.
Also, we have a Patreon here:
And if you want, check out our Youtube Channel.
29.4.2021 • 47 Protokoll, 51 Sekunden
NSFW? Bloopers, LMoP, 3-1-2020
What it says in the title! Do not listen around small children or bosses. Now come here how bad my Spanish really is!
Also, we have a Patreon here:
And if you want, check out our Youtube Channel.
19.3.2021 • 38 Protokoll, 38 Sekunden
Jeff's Door 2-15-2020 Bloopers
What it says in the title!
May feature cursing, swearing, innuendo, etc.
4.2.2021 • 51 Protokoll, 17 Sekunden
Bloopisode of Feb 1st game (2020)
Yeah, so when our professionalism slipped, or we got far off topic, or needed things clarified, or cursed, or let loose the hounds of sexual innuendo more than usual.... all that go here.
18.11.2020 • 30 Protokoll, 51 Sekunden
Bloopers, 1-25-20 NSFW
Look! It's Bloopers! Where we say all the bad stuff we can't include in the normal podcast!
Or the philosophical discussions.
Or the rules lawyering.
Or... other stuff....
Also, we have a Patreon here:
And if you want, check out our Youtube Channel.
28.9.2020 • 29 Protokoll, 41 Sekunden
NSFW, 1-11-2020 Bloopers!
Here are all the bloopers from the latest Jeff's Door game! And some of it is just rules lawyering and philosophy!
Yes, that is the reason it is so long. Lots of lawyering and philosophy.
Also, we have a Patreon here:
And if you want, check out our Youtube Channel.
15.9.2020 • 50 Protokoll, 34 Sekunden
Bloopisode, 11-30-2019
Bloopers, distractions, rules-lawyering, and explaining the orgy. This part is actually pretty safe for work, the rest less so.
21.8.2020 • 59 Protokoll, 52 Sekunden
LMoP Bloopers, 11-16-2019
There's a few things Not Safe For Work here. You know the drill.
1.8.2020 • 33 Protokoll, 11 Sekunden
NSFW! Honey Heist Bloopers
You've been warned, now enjoy!
Also, we have a Patreon at:
29.3.2020 • 30 Protokoll, 18 Sekunden
One Shots 16 - HH 3, Heist 2, Other Bears!
Our bears go on another heist, meet some competition, and BAMBOO!!!! FINALLY!!!!!
Also, we have a Patreon at:
24.3.2020 • 28 Protokoll, 39 Sekunden
NSFW HNC - 9-21-2019 Bloopers
Bloopers again! Not for children or work!
Also, we have a Patreon at:
15.3.2020 • 29 Protokoll, 36 Sekunden
Origins of Buffrat, or Why You Should Be Careful With Random NPCs You Create
As the title says. We actually spent a lot of time playing with Buffrat. A lot. Like a lot a lot. Like we decided to bring him back in other future games, a lot.
This is how popular NPCs and DMPCs are born. This is also how monsters of hilarity are created. Enjoy!
Also, we have a Patreon at:
14.3.2020 • 13 Protokoll, 56 Sekunden
HNC 10 - A Muscular Rodent Approaches!
In this episode, we return to the Heroes of New Cydonia campaign! Our heroes left off having firebombed an orphanage by not listening to directions, and start off by un-firebombing said orphanage. Along the way, they will run into a character that may end up recurring in other games. Because we grew to like him very much.
This will become a little bit of a problem with some DMPCs for us.
Also, we have a Patreon at:
6.3.2020 • 30 Protokoll, 17 Sekunden
NSFW. TTC 8-31-2019 Bloopers!
Same rules as always, some bad words, so be careful where you listen!
Also, we have a Patreon at:
5.3.2020 • 32 Protokoll, 55 Sekunden
TTC 34 - Would You Mind Terribly If We Eat You?
In this episode, our players go off to Copper Mountain, Magical Fed Ex, a magic tattoo, they get hired, demonstrate politeness with dead horses, get in a big fight, and fail horribly at sneaking.
Tune in next time for a return to Heroes of New Cydonia!
Also, we have a Patreon at:
3.3.2020 • 35 Protokoll, 7 Sekunden
NSFW!!! Bloopisode, 9-7
Bloopers again, don't listen at work or with kids!
Also, we have a Patreon at:
21.2.2020 • 38 Protokoll, 32 Sekunden
Announcement: We are now on Patreon!
Currently, our content is listed on Patreon as Adult Content, making it unsearchable. This can't be helped, as one of our Patron Rewards is unedited episodes we have recorded. But, you can follow this link here:
14.2.2020 • 4 Protokoll, 22 Sekunden
NSFW? Lords of Waterdeep Bloopers!
As always, there are a lot of things you don't want to play around kids or at work. But also, there may be a lot of boring rule stuff.
Also, we have a Patreon at:
3.2.2020 • 49 Protokoll, 39 Sekunden
NSFW Bloopers With Wizards!
Here are the bloopers for our Harry Potter Homebrew!
As always, don't listen around children or at work, because adult language will be put here. On purpose. Because of course it would be.
Also, we have a Patreon at:
7.1.2020 • 30 Protokoll, 35 Sekunden
One Shots 5 - Harry Potter Homebrew, Characters and Rules
We are back to trying new games. This time, a very new game, one we are working on ourselves! The idea is, what if Call of Cthulhu met Harry Potter? What if Muggles and Wizards were each other's technology or beings so alien they cannot be understood?
Anyway, our players make characters and learn all the rules that fit on one page!
Also, we have a Patreon at:
12.12.2019 • 28 Protokoll, 2 Sekunden
NSFW? 7-15 Bloopisode!
There's the bloopers, and here is the general warning! Don't listen at work or around children.
Also, we have a Patreon at:
11.12.2019 • 32 Protokoll, 6 Sekunden
NSFW 6-22-2019 Bloopers!
Here you will find all the jokes, references, curses, and other things we had to cut.
Do NOT listen to this at work or around kids!
Also, we have a Patreon at:
16.11.2019 • 47 Protokoll, 38 Sekunden
NSFW? Bloopisode 5-25
Here are all your bloopers for listening to at home! Seriously! Not at work, people!
Also, we have a Patreon at:
7.11.2019 • 27 Protokoll, 13 Sekunden
NSFW!!! Bloopisode 5-11-2019
Here are the bloopers, don't listen at work, or near kids, or... eh, I think you know how it works now.
Also, we have a Patreon at:
22.10.2019 • 22 Protokoll, 40 Sekunden
NSFW!! One Shots Call of Cthlulhu Bloopers!
Exactly what it says in the title. Don't listen at work or around kids, etc.
Also, expect some small delays due to a long typhoon weekend and university starting up again messing with the upload schedule.
Also, we have a Patreon at:
16.10.2019 • 34 Protokoll, 25 Sekunden
NSFW!! Bloopisode 4-6
Here are the bloopers from the Heroes game! WARNING!!! Not safe for work, public, children, etc.
Also, we have a Patreon at:
28.9.2019 • 47 Protokoll, 17 Sekunden
NSFW!!! Bloopisode 3-23
Here are the bloopers! Enjoy!
Also, we have a Patreon at:
13.9.2019 • 19 Protokoll, 24 Sekunden
NSFW!!! Bloopisode 3-9
Here is the blooper reel where I just don't care about censorship anymore. So I can't say this enough, NOT FOR KIDS OR WORK!!!!
Also, we have a Patreon at:
30.8.2019 • 49 Protokoll, 5 Sekunden
Bloopisode 07/2019
Here we are at our cutest, most talking about babies, most disgustingly wrong, and most off topic. Enjoy, but maybe not at work.
Also, we have a Patreon at:
2.8.2019 • 56 Protokoll, 29 Sekunden
Bloopisode 09/2018
Here is the most recent batch of bloopers, complete with some from episodes yet to be released! Don't worry, no spoilers, just so many questions.
Also, we have a Patreon at:
20.9.2018 • 13 Protokoll, 10 Sekunden
TTC 7- Bones Out, Bones In
On this weeks episode, The 1s return, muggers turned in, loot looked through, Marcello is returned, Bob Jr. is found, the price of a book, and secrets... Also, bloopers.
Also, we have a Patreon at:
6.9.2018 • 36 Protokoll, 14 Sekunden
ESL RPG, The Introduction
Thank you for downloading and listening! Here is the first episode answering many questions, like, Who are these crazy people? What is this weird idea? Why should I listen? and, What are you even thinking? Bonus question answered! Where is this podcast going in the future?
Also, we have a Patreon at: