Melanie Tonia Evans is an author, radio host, relationship and dating expert and coach. She’s the author of the books Breaking the Chains of Painful Love and Take Back Your Power. Melanie’s work resulted from her own nearly fatal experiences with narcissistic abuse, co-dependency and relationship addiction. Melanie is now a world expert on empowering women and healing painful love. Her deep core writing, teaching, coaching and healings are now liberating women world wide to stand up and take back their power in order to create a life of deservedness whereby they can attract and sustain genuine and healthy love relationships. Heal the past. Heal yourself. Create real love!
5 Steps To Ignoring A Narcissist Who Tries To Punish You
Ignoring a narcissist is critical, and ignoring a narcissist is crucial when a narcissist tries to punish you.
Narcissists love to get your reaction. As soon as they do, you are handing power away.
And … when a narcissist hooks you in, everything you used to think is tipped upside down and turned on its head. We hand power away and can be significantly abused.
Until we know better we think that combatting a narcissist is the answer, but it isn’t.
IGNORING them is … and please learn the five ways to DO this in our POWER in this week’s radio show.
30.6.2017 • 21 Protokoll
The Narcissist – Soulmate, Twin Flame Or Cell Mate?
There is SUCH a deep soul familiarity to relationships with narcissists.
Are narcissists Soul Mates who we were meant to get it right with, but just couldn’t, or are they Twin Flames; deeply impactful souls called forth to surface and purge our darker pieces that they reflect, so that we can evolve?
In this blog article I share with you what I deeply believe to be the truth about this … regarding what VERSION narcissists are and WHY they are Soul Contracted to come into our lives.
Join the conversation on the blog:
9.6.2017 • 25 Protokoll
Disarming The Narcissist - The 5 Essential Steps To Reclaiming Your Freedom
This radio show is one that many of you have been asking for – some conclusive steps regarding how it break free from a narcissist and recover from narcissistic abuse.
I understand how hard it can be when we don’t know how to recover, or even what it is that could help us. There is of course tons of information we can read on the net, and we may be given advice from lots of people, including family and friends.
I felt the same for years, and that is why I am passionate about sharing my breakthrough truly create our best and happiest life – even after feeling broken and devastated and having lost as much as we do when abused by a narcissist.
And … that’s what these 5 steps are about … No Contact all the way through to conscious expansion, as well how to take ourselves firmly off the “narcissistic supply menu.”
I so hope that this radio show helps breaks it down for you from the start of your journey to who you wish to be as your True Self.
Join the discussion with us on the blog.
12.5.2017 • 22 Protokoll
The 10 Most Impactful Ways To Start Self-Partnering Right Now
I get asked by people ALL the time …“Can you please explain to me Melanie HOW to self-partner?”
And that is such a great question!
As are these questions: Is self-partnering something that can become automatic? Is it essential for abuse recovery and even MORE than that?
I believe it is … absolutely!
I will even go as far as to say I believe self-partnering holds the key to not only our Highest Potential and the Game of Life …
It also unlocks the literal power of All of Creation itself.
I hope with all of my heart and Being this article will harness within you how to become and experience the pure miracle of Life and yourself.
Please come over to my blog to join in this conversation at:
8.4.2017 • 23 Protokoll
Boundaries With A Narcissist If You Can't Go No Contact Part 2
In Part One of this series, we looked at how to detach, and not a grant a narcissist narcissistic supply, and why this was so important.
In this article – Part 2 I illustrate the 3 different ways we can try to deal with a narcissist – and the results of each
And we also take a deep dive into the growing up of our traumatised parts that the narcissist could previous hook us with, and what that then looks like.
I also answer specific questions from people in the Community about this very important topic!
Please come over to the blog at join in on this week’s discussion.
10.3.2017 • 46 Protokoll
How To Set Boundaries With A Narcissist If You Can’t Go No Contact
There are many people in the Community who aren’t No Contact with narcissists.
Maybe they are family members or you have to work with one …
Or … maybe you are co-parenting with a narcissist.
Or perhaps you are just not ready to let go yet.
Whatever the circumstance, if you are still connected to a narcissist, please know it is possible to manage this and even have your rights upheld.
Throughout this two-part series you will understand how and why.
4.3.2017 • 33 Protokoll
How To Evict The Narcissist From Your Head And Move On With Your Life - Part 2
Can we break free of the ongoing painful thoughts that can be so tortuous?
Ones that …
Bring us to our knees.
Strip our Life-force.
And leave us feeling so empty, broken and alone that we wonder how we can live, love and trust again.
The answer is “YES!”
Let me explain to you, with a deep dive into “how to” in Part 2.
Read along and join the conversation on the blog here.
17.2.2017 • 34 Protokoll
How To Evict The Narcissist From Your Head And Move On With Your Life
It is so frustrating and exhausting to have our heads go over and over and over what happened to us after narcissistic abuse.
Why do we keep thinking about “what happened” and all the “what ifs” when we know we can’t change what happened?
Maybe, despite you putting in a ton of effort to heal yourself, the “story” still keeps taking you down – not allowing you to move on.
Stripping your Life-force.
In this radio series we take a deep dive into WHY this is happening, and why is is detracting from our ability to heal.
And you will learn how to stop this, reverse this and get free – once and for all – from those torturous thoughts into your True Life and freedom.
Join the conversation on the blog:
10.2.2017 • 29 Protokoll
Evolutionary Trends For 2017 And Why It’s Time!
This week’s episode is about two very important Quantum topics which I believe are pivotal for 2017.
The realizing that time has sped up – and how to align oneself so as NOT to be “out of time” … meaning not living in the now and therefore not in the flow of Lifeforce and Wellbeing.
I also discuss how the Feminine Collective Wounds are now rising up with great force to be released, and what this really means for females and males, as well as the healing of unity and humanity.
This show may answer some mysteries for you that you have deeply felt and pondered.
Much Love xo
8.12.2016 • 29 Protokoll
How To Survive A Break Up With A Narcissist - Part 2
This week in Part Two, we take a deep dive into practical concerns when breaking up with a narcissist, which are not just heartbreaking and gut-wrenching – they turn our lives upside down.
Things such as smearing, being replaced, trying to explain to others that you have been abused by someone with Narcissistic Personality Disorder, trying to have others understand that you are suffering from Traumatic Stress Disorder … as well as many other excruciatingly painful and stressful situations.
How do we come back from this?
How do we combat the terrible things that the narcissist is capable of when we break up with one?
Find out in this week’s Part 2.
Please see the transcript of this radio show, and join in on the conversation on the blog.
3.11.2016 • 42 Protokoll
How To Survive A Break Up With A Narcissist - Part 1
Why is it that when we break up with a narcissist we usually feel WORSE instead of get relief?
And …
What does it take to not just merely (and barely) survive from breaking up with a narcissist, but to actually Thrive as a result?
Find out in my two part series.
Join the conversation with myself and other Thrivers on the blog.
20.10.2016 • 36 Protokoll
The 5 Stages Of Forgiveness
This week’s topic about “forgiveness” was inspired by my friend Sylvia.
She really nailed it … regarding “Organic Forgiveness”, and as a result I sat down to write about the truth of the stages of “forgiveness”, what they produce and how they set us free.
Ranging all the way from Non-forgiveness, to Logical Forgiveness to the higher states of Evolving, Radical and Compassionate Forgiveness … ultimately leading to Organic Forgiveness.
I hope with all my heart that this article will help set you free from abuse and pain … into the freedom of becoming your True Self.
And … I hope you get as much out of soaking in this material, as I do in sharing it with you.
This week’s topic about “forgiveness” was inspired by my friend Sylvia.
She really nailed it … regarding “Organic Forgiveness”, and as a result I sat down to write about the truth of the stages of “forgiveness”, what they produce and how they set us free.
Ranging all the way from Non-forgiveness, to Logical Forgiveness to the higher states of Evolving, Radical and Compassionate Forgiveness … ultimately leading to Organic Forgiveness.
I hope with all my heart that this article will help set you free from abuse and pain … into the freedom of becoming your True Self.
And … I hope you get as much out of soaking in this material, as I do in sharing it with you.
Join the conversation with myself and other Thrivers on the blog here.
6.10.2016 • 36 Protokoll
The Malignant Female - Understanding Female Narcissism
This is a radio show many men have asked for.
Within this article we do a deep dive into the characteristics of narcissistic females.
What makes them tick?
How can they turn from the most beautiful, loving, sensual compassionate women you could ever hope to meet, into an entitled being who is never happy, always finding fault and acting nastily and crazily?
And what is the difference between narcissistic men and women – and are there any differences at all?
I am really happy to bring this radio show to you – not is a way that will demonise women or even narcissistic women, but I believe in a way that will help all of us – men and women come together healthily even more.
You will see what I mean by this when reading this article!
See further details and join the conversation:
29.8.2016 • 42 Protokoll
Why Did We Fall For A Narcissist? Part 2
Last week, in Part One, we explored the reasons why we fell for a narcissist and why it can be very difficult to leave and stay away.
And why, in this Community, we DO struggle to end it and break free, whereas other people just don’t … even if they were initially hoodwinked by a narcissist.
This week, in Part Two, I want to take a deep dive into the understanding of specifically why we were highly susceptible to narcissists, and may have felt (or still feel) it’s almost impossible to leave.
Because it is my fullest intention – if this is your battle – to help free you from that.
So this week … I hope you gain a lot of understanding regarding the Quantum Forces that are dictating our Life and working “for” us and not “to” us.
As well as how by becoming conscious and authentic we not only became a force that is no longer “narcissist-prone”, but we also get to experience Life at levels that we simply couldn’t before abuse.
And this is regardless of how painful are battles are or how hopeless everything seems right now.
13.8.2016 • 37 Protokoll
Why Did We Fall For A Narcissist? Part 1
Why is it that some individuals who have a run in with a narcissist don’t get hooked and adversely affected, once the mask drops …
… whereas some people fall head over heels, make excuses for the terrible behavior and eventually have their life torn to shreds?
This is a very important question to have answered … because within the answer is a vital key to break free from the trauma and ensure it never happens to you again.
This two-part radio show series will hopefully reveal the truth of the answer to you.
5.8.2016 • 29 Protokoll
The Once Broken And Homeless Man Who Brought The Thriver Model To Life - Par
Participate in this transformative series and go in the chance to win any MTE course of your choosing!
To take part please join me and the Thriver Community on the blog here.
And join in Neale Donald Walsch's global event by clicking here.
1.7.2016 • 26 Protokoll
How To Restore Your Trust Again After Narcissistic Abuse
When the very person we put our heart and soul into teared our life apart how on earth do we trust again? Learn how to regain your faith in people and rebuild your life in this radio show.
Come and join the conversation with myself and other Thrivers on the blog here.
25.6.2016 • 32 Protokoll
Freedom After Cerebral And Somatic Narcissistic Abuse Thriver Story #31 Aminath
Aminath’s story is quite unique, and a little different to most of our Community Member’s backgrounds, because she came from a country and family torn by political unrest and fighting.
Her father was incarcerated and her family was shunned and ostracised. Incredible shame and emotional wounds ensued.
Aminath’s identity is protected in this interview, for a very good reason. She is a prominent person on a world stage (and incredibly humble about it).
Her achievements and recognition came about because she had emerged from her childhood with a desire to be an advocate for world reform.
Yet – as result of her childhood and generational wounds – even though she had such a BIG destiny and calling, she still felt small on this inside.
Aminath was still unconsciously susceptible and primed for narcissistic abuse … which she endured.
This story is about how Aminath was able to up-level and free herself from a lifetime of anxiety and shame, and the latest narcissist, to release into true joy and the power to achieve her dreams.
And her calling …
This truly is a story I will never forget and I know you will gain many insights from listening to it.
Please join the conversation with other Thrivers by leaving a comment on the blog here.
12.6.2016 • 47 Protokoll
Are You Addicted To Self-Help?
Many of us have been deeply committed to spiritual practices and seeking information in order to become more enlightened, evolved and better people, and to heal.
But why in some circumstances do we feel like we have to always to make so much effort and as soon as we don’t that our anxiety and fears come back and engulf us?
Is spiritual practice and seeking truths and information really helping us, or is it just another method to try to manage our wounds, that is keeping us separated from truly releasing them for good?
This radio show may help you realise that we can often be overcomplicating our healing when there is a much simpler and more direct path.
Have a question for Melanie? Join the conversation with the Triver community by clicking here.
24.5.2016 • 30 Protokoll
How To Break Free From Terror And Gain Peace In Your Life
It near impossible to heal from narcissistic abuse when you are locked into the trajectory of just trying to survive ...
Where everyday tasks such as going to work, making appointments, meeting with people or planning out your day can send you into anxiety.
Find out how to break free from this powerless state, stop the minute to minute panic attacks and gain peace so that you have a path to heal.
Join in the conversation with myself and other Thrivers on the blog:
13.5.2016 • 30 Protokoll
Does The Thriver Model Place The Blame On The Victim?
Many people believe if a victim of narcissistic abuse is asked to take responsibility for what happened to them – that they are being “blamed” for the abuse they suffered.
Naturally, there a large consensus assert this takes away the accountability from where it should be positioned - which is on the abuser.
There is also a lot of belief that the words “blame” and “responsibility” mean the same thing. But do they? Does adopting these beliefs and paths create the same results?
Today’s radio show is a very controversial topic, and one that I feel very passionate about bringing out into an open Forum for discussion.
It is one regarding victimisation versus Thriving, and how the Thriver Model is confused as victim blaming.
To join in the debate please visit the blog here:
I love reading and answering all your comments!
24.4.2016 • 38 Protokoll
Overcoming Abuse When It's All You've Ever Known – Thriver Show #31
This week’s Empowered Love Radio Show is an interview with Sylvia, a regular and wonderful contributor to this Community.
Sylvia’s journey was narcissistic abuse ever since a child, starting with her mother - and then four narcissistic love relationships in a row.
Sylvia had always been able to get up and get on with it, until the last narcissist, who she described as her “big bad wolf”.
Even though Sylvia endured extreme behaviour and terrible abuse, it wasn’t until she discovered details about his sexuality that had been hidden from her, that she finally had the strength to leave and never go back.
Some time later she realised he was a narcissist, and in fact that many significant people in her past were narcissists. This then led Sylvia to extensively research all she could about narcissists, to try to avoid being abused again - yet multiple narcissists continued to come into her life.
Until one day she realised there had to be something much deeper going on - and it had to be something within her ..
That is what led her to my work, and another life, which bears no resemblance to the one she was living.
I hope you thoroughly enjoy this show, which includes some of Sylvia’s incredible ah-ha’s breakthroughs and discoveries, which are truly nothing short of Quantum Leaps.
Please join us at the Thriver Community by leaving a comment or question on the blog here:
14.4.2016 • 51 Protokoll
Why Doesn’t The Narcissist Care About Me – Part 2
During Part 2, we will look at how we go beyond the holding of the narcissist accountable to caring for us, and how we can start orientating towards and generating care for ourselves.
Why is it NOT true that our life is reliant on whether or not someone else cares for us?
How can we empower our children not to need the narcissistic parent to care for them?
How can we start authentically generating a Life that does reflect back love, support and care to us?
Find out how in this radio show, as well as learn some practical and empowering ways to say “No”.
26.3.2016 • 34 Protokoll
Why Doesn't The Narcissist Care About Me - Part 1
This question has been coming up so much in the Community lately, and it is certainly always a really big theme in the Private Facebook 3 Keys Groups.
It is one of the most invasive reasons why people can stay hooked to narcissists and keep breaking No Contact, because they are trying to stop the agony of not feeling cared for, and can’t stop trying to make the narcissist care for them …
Or they give in to the massive emotional relief when the narcissist, after atrocious behaviour, hoovers and makes signs of caring for them.
What this article series is about, is a deep look into why the narcissist does not have the resources "to care" and how we can overcome the trauma and devastation of that.
To join in the conversation please visit the blog article:
19.3.2016 • 30 Protokoll
Is There A Right Way To Leave A Narcissist?
Are you at the stage where you are thinking about or getting ready to leave the narcissist?
This can be an incredibly daunting time and there are so many questions one might have before trying toexert themself from the toxicty of a narcissist relationship.
I hope that this radio show provides the resources you need to gain the courage to move forward into no contact and begin your thriving after narcissistic abuse story.
To access all the links visit the blog here:
11.3.2016 • 30 Protokoll
How Nora Triumphed Depsite All Odds - Thriver Story #30
This week’s blog and radio show is a Thriver Show, about a wonderful woman named Nora, who is also one of the Senior Moderators in the NARP Forum.
Nora’s story is quite exceptional.
Nora is a woman who suffered narcissistic abuse, which included components such as him taking another wife without her consent, and suffering numerous affairs, neglect, and abuse until she experienced severe medical conditions, which affected her brain and heart and almost took her life.
This is a story of sheer survival for many years, and then ultimate Thriving after narcissistic abuse.
Read the transcript here:
4.3.2016 • 1 Stunde, 13 Protokoll
A Deeper Look At Idolise, Devalue, Discard - Part 2
In Part 2 we will be covering in depth ...
How the cycles of idolise, devalue, discard can also affect "normal" relationships (just as a different dynamic and level of intensity).
As well as ...
How to become up-levelled to a state where a narcissist has nothing left to gain from you and ceases to be able to extract narcissistic supply from you.
I also explain how even after you have created No Contact it can seem like the narcissist is still attacking you – psychically. I share how virtually everyone who has been narcissistically abused experiences this and how you can break free from it.
And finally this article covers how to transcend from powerlessness to powerfulness where you no longer feel any feelings of being hooked in, and how you can break free without the trauma of despair, obsession, regret or pain.
26.2.2016 • 49 Protokoll
A Deeper Look At Idolise, Devalue, Discard - Part 1
Idolise, devalue and discard is one of the most painful and horiffic experiences anyone can suffer at the hands of a narcissist.
What is this deadly cycle really about? How does it play out? How can we break away and heal from this cycle than not only devestates
us but addicts us into receiving more devestation?
Find out in this two part series on Empowered Love Radio.
19.2.2016 • 39 Protokoll
The 4 Blocks That Separate You From Love With Katherine Woodward Thomas
Katherine shares the fundamental 4 keys that allow us to become the person we must be to attract and maintain a soulmate relationship.
You can sign up for her world-class event by clicking here:
4 Keys to Release Your Baggage, Blocks and Barriers to Love and Consciously Call In Your Soul Partner.
12.2.2016 • 56 Protokoll
Ascension, Setting Powerful Intentions For 2016 And My Little Bombshell
Welcome back everyone for another year in this incredible community!
In this show I discuss the powerful ascension that is taking place in 2016. More and more people are applying the Thriver Model, and doing the inner work to transform themselves and reaping the results in their outer lives.
I also discuss just how important purposeful evolution is, and I share some incredibly powerful 2016 intentions from people in the community to inspire you.
Please note if you listen to the radio show, you will have the ability to close your eyes, and breathe these intentions in, as I speak them to your soul. What a beautiful way to start off this year, implanting powerful and beautiful intentions into your subconscious to help pave your way forward!
Plus I have a little surprise about something that has been going on in my personal life, and some exciting things to look forward to for the coming year at MTE.
5.2.2016 • 31 Protokoll
What Is Self-Partnering?
In this radio show you will learn how not being self-partnered was the number one reason why we were narcissistically abuse, as well as why it is impossible to heal from narcissistic abuse if we don’t come home to “meeting ourselves”.
You will also discover exactly what self-partnering is, what the results of doing it achieve, and how it is a template to not only heal ourselves but heal our world.
Truly this is one of the most important recovery articles I have ever written, and I hope that it truly inspires you to know there is a way of the hellish pain and into love, freedom and a healthy life.
17.12.2015 • 41 Protokoll
Quantum Realities And Healing From Narcissistic Abuse - Part 2
In Part One we discussed some of the templates for Quantum Realities … theories that at the Quantum Level “there is no outside”, and “we are powerful Creators as per the levels of consciousness we are connected to Life at.”
During Part 2, we take a deeper dive into the Quantum theories and I share with you information regarding how modern Quantum Information is not modern at all.
As well as this part you may have been really waiting for ...
How Quantum discoveries such as The Double Split Experiment, The Holograph, Entanglement Theory and Superposition can not only allow us to understand a deeper meaning to life, but also grant us understandings that allow us to heal from narcissistic abuse, and in fact any limitation we have suffered.
I totally believe it is Quantum Truths that will set us all free to create a new world.
Discover why I believe this in Part 2.
11.12.2015 • 44 Protokoll
Quantum Realities And Healing From Narcissistic Abuse - Part 1
This is the first of a two part series regarding the Quantum Model and how it works in regard to healing from narcissistic abuse.
I have been talking a lot lately on YouTube about this topic and people have been asking for a deeper conversation about it.
In this radio show you will learn about what “going Quantum” means, and how we can change our “consciousness” to have the power to change ourselves and our lives.
By sharing this series I know this will grant you the opportunity to revolutionize your life.
If you have any questions or comments please join the conversation with us on the blog:
4.12.2015 • 41 Protokoll
Thriving After Narcissistic Abuse Story #29 Premi
Today’s Thriver Show is about Prima, a lady who went through a highly abusive narcissistic marriage that had her eventually fleeing, fearful for her life.
He had threatened that if she ever left him he would kill her.
Now today Prima has not only recovered herself, her emotions and her life, but she was also recently awarded full legal custody of her two daughters.
This occurred despite being initially terrified for her and her daughters that he would charm the courts and no-one would believe her.
But one day something completely changed, and what unfolded was nothing short of a miracle.
Find out all about this incredible story in today’s Thriver Show.
If you have any questions or comments for myelf or Premi please join us over at the blog:
27.11.2015 • 1 Stunde, 22 Protokoll
Clarifying No Contact - The Common Pitfalls That Keep Us Hooked
Anyone that has experienced narcissistic abuse, knows the feeling like black ink and ice running through your veins, when enmeshed with a narcissist.
If you don’t achieve No Contact it is like being continually poisoned whilst trying to detox from the poison that is making you so sick. It’s very, very difficult to get well when you are constantly tied up in the battle of trying to survive the onslaughts of narcissistic abuse.
Sadly, no contact is often misunderstood, and even when you having “physically” broken contact, there still could be other ties that are unknowingly stunting your ability to recover and get well.
So ... I wanted to clarify exactly what No Contact means and address the common mistakes, to ensure you are not still tied to the narcissist in any way. This allows you to move forward in your recovery, transcend from the cycle of abuse and ultimately Thrive.
Have a question? Share it on our blog:
13.11.2015 • 32 Protokoll
Clarifying No Contact - The Common Pitfalls That Keep Us Hooked
No Contact is probably the biggest buzz word in narcissistic abuse recovery, and that’s really no surprise because it’s widely acknowledged that No Contact from a narcissist is vital in order to recover from one.
Anyone that has experienced narcissistic abuse, knows the feeling like black ink and ice running through your veins, when enmeshed with a narcissist.
If you don’t achieve No Contact it is like being continually poisoned whilst trying to detox from the poison that is making you so sick. It’s very, very difficult to get well when you are constantly tied up in the battle of trying to survive the onslaughts of narcissistic abuse.
Sadly, no contact is often misunderstood, and even when you having “physically” broken contact, there still could be other ties that are unknowingly stunting your ability to recover and get well.
So ... I wanted to clarify exactly what No Contact means and address the common mistakes, to ensure you are not still tied to the narcissist in any way. This allows you to move forward in your recovery, transcend from the cycle of abuse and ultimately Thrive.
Visit the blog to share your comments:
13.11.2015 • 17 Protokoll
How We Become Better Parents As We Heal
So many parents try to fix and help their children deal with narcissistic abuse, but don’t realise that operating from a tormented, agonised emotional state truly makes matters worse. It grants the narcissist more bullets to shoot you with and incites them to use your children as weapons of war.
Making it the highest priority to heal ourselves and lead the way for our children, not only helps diffuse situations with the narcissist, it also grants our children the best emotional platform to earn how to be self-partnered and self-generative and evolve and grow through the situation – profoundly.
6.11.2015 • 35 Protokoll
What To Do When Your Family And Friends Don’t Support You
There are many things that are excruciatingly difficult when suffering from narcissistic abuse.
One of them commonly being that people close to you seem to have no understanding of the soul rape that you are going through. Often adding insult to injury, people close to you might believe that you are the person who is disturbed and not well, and even making stuff up …
Because the accusations you make seem so far away from the “perfect” model person that they portray to everyone else.
It has been said before – and it is very true – that narcissist’s have the ability to be street angels/ home devils – and can be very capable of consummate acting that has people turning against you and siding with them.
All of this only adds to your feelings of aloneness, not being supported and desperately trying to get people to understand and help you with what you are going through.
And despite all your desperate pleas to people to “get” what is happening to you, the more you appeal to them, the less people get it.
Let’s face it, narcissists are masters of deception and it could be some time before your friends and family see him/her for what they really are.
We have no control over this, but we do have control over one thing …
Once you stop trying to make other people understand, you will realise that you have the ability to provide yourself with all the love, support and encouragement you need to get through this.
And when you do, you won’t even be concerned if people “get it” or not.
29.10.2015 • 29 Protokoll
Why Won't The Narcissist Leave Me Alone?
It can seem that narcissists are relentless, and they will not let up abusing, tormenting and punishing you.
Many people ask, “How can I stop this happening?” There is no “practical” answer to this, because the narcissist leaving you alone actually has nothing to do with the narcissist, and has everything to do with you.
It’s in no way dependent on who the narcissist is and what the narcissist is or isn’t doing. By listening to this radio show you will understand why.
To join me in my next free live tele class please go here:
23.10.2015 • 28 Protokoll
Thriving After Narcissistic Abuse #28 Mike And Catsby
Mike and Catsby are not only in a relationship – they are in a connected, expansive relationship which I call an “evolutionary relationship”.
Meaning a soul-mate relationship – one where once we have mated our own soul – a true soul mate can enter our life.
This is the ultimate goal of love relationship, and Mike and Catsby share intimately how to achieve it.
How, by reaching a certain level of love and connection within yourself, this radiates out into the world and creates the physical manifestation of that love.
The showing up of a partner – who with together you can share and generate ease, trust, authenticity and continual positive growth and expansion with.
To join Mike and Catsby and become a part of the NARP family go here for the details:
Show notes:
Altruistic narcissist article: http://blog.mel
16.10.2015 • 1 Stunde, 5 Protokoll
When Is It Safe To Date After Narcissistic Abuse? Part 2
In Part One of this series we were looking at the essentials of self-partnering, as well as the understanding that we will always attract, be attracted to and accept the people who match our own levels of self-love.
When we start to understand that people don’t treat us the way we profess to treat others, but rather identical to the ways we treat and feel about ourselves – we know that an “outer” relationship can never give us ourselves; all it can ever do is reflect back more of the authentic love we already are or aren’t being.
This radio show, Part 2, is a deep exploration into “how we show up” whilst dating, and the differences between someone who is self-partnered in their body and someone who isn’t. If you truly wish to get to a place of radiant safety, and the absolute permission to love and be yourself, and have a special other meet you at that level – then please listen to this radio show.
2.10.2015 • 33 Protokoll
When Is It Safe To Date After Narcissistic Abuse? Part 1
Do you feel like it's time to start dating again but you are worried and confused about how to choose someone that's right for you?
You may be struggling to trust others, and you may have lost your ability to put yourself out there in a comfortable and confident way.
Dating again after narcissistic abuse can be a minefield of confusion and pain if you decide to date too early. You must accept that fact that narcissistic abuse isn’t like a normal relationship breakdown in that there is many things you need to work on before it’s safe to put yourself back into the dating game.
In this show I’m going to share exactly when it’s safe to date again and how you can get there.
25.9.2015 • 35 Protokoll
Is It Possible To Truly Love A Narcissist?
Loving a narcissist is one of the most traumatic experiences anyone could ever go through. But was it ever really true love?
It’s so common to feel the agonising, pain, frustration and loss of “I gave this person so much love and this is how they treated me.”
This show is deep dive into the truth about Love, what healthy Love is and isn’t – and the real deal about how our levels of “love” were playing out in narcissistic relationships.
If you would like to discover the truth about how we can connect to and experience true Soul Mate relationships, that are nothing like our past narcissistic love experiences, please listen in to this episode of Empowered Love.
11.9.2015 • 39 Protokoll
The Soul Contract With A Narcissist
If this is the case, potentially this would change everything about the way we view these relationships. It could also have a profound effect on how we recover from them.
This year, I had an experience that not only confirmed to me that the two narcissists in my life were Soul Contracts, but also shocked and stunned me regarding exactly “how” that came into being and “what” it was really about.
Nothing about my previous spiritual or self-development training could have prepared me for this!
In this episode you will not only learn what that was all about, but also deeply recognise in your own journey the reason why we have Soul Contracts with narcissists.
To join me in my next free live 3 hours tele class please go to:
4.9.2015 • 41 Protokoll
The Real Reason Why The Narcissist Punishes You
What are the real reasons why a narcissist punishes us? Why are we tapped in abuse with a person like this, and why we can’t seem to let go, move on or heal beyond our suffering.
What are the REAL reasons why we still feel like we love this person? Why do we hang in there making all the justification and excuses whilst paying a terrible price trying to make the relationship work regardless of their horrendous abuse?
You will find out exactly why in this radio show.
To see the transcript of this show please go to
If you would like to become a part of my free New Life Community and receive regular updates, radio shows and articles as well as 2 free eBooks and a 16 Day free recovery guide, please go to
14.8.2015 • 35 Protokoll
Healing From Narcissistic Abuse: Coming Home To Our Bodies
Why it is vital to come home to inside our bodies in order to heal after narcissistic abuse?
In this radio show you will learn all about how we originally got disconnected from “being with ourselves” and what that looks like, how it plays out and how it feels.
Maybe we think connecting with our bodies is about eating healthily, or exercising and respecting our physical being. Many of us did not realise that “body-awareness” relates to every aspect of our emotional life – our relationship with ourselves, others and our Higher Power.
Until narcissistic abuse most of us had no idea that we weren’t self-partnered, let alone the deadly price of not being self-partnered.
This is a deep journey into the Body Connection; the understanding of what it is, and how to do it.
7.8.2015 • 1 Stunde, 8 Protokoll
Thriving After Narcissistic Abuse No #27 - Val
I'm very excited to bring you this Thriver Story about a woman named Val.
Many narcissistic relationships include episodes of rage. However, some narcissists are notorious for these episodes and constant mood swings.
If you have been a relationship with a narcissistic rager you will relate to:
Feeling like you can't do anything right because the slightest perceived error will result in a barrage of rage.
Living in constant fear of what they might do - especially after breaking away from the relationship.
Feeling like it's all your fault and being blamed for the rage episodes.
Another extremely painful thing that Val went through was bringing up two children with the narcissist.
The psychological and physical affects that children get put through when they are in constant fear of a parent is horrendous.
If you relate to any of these experiences you are going to find this show incredibly inspiring. I'd love you to listen to the show (by clicking the player above) or reading the show notes. You will learn how Val was able to do some pretty incredible things throughout her recovery like ...
Release all of her fear and anxiety regarding what the narcissist may do, and as a result he became distant and no longer affects her.
Heal the trauma her children suffered and Val is now watching them grow into amazing young adults.
Gain full custody of her kids, when the default parenting arrangement in her state was 50/50 custody.
Rebuild her career and start a business after being out of the job market for 20 years.
It truly fills my heart with joy to share with you another amazing Thriver story with you!
To sign up for my Free Get Started Recovery Pack - please go to
For the transcript of this show please see:
31.7.2015 • 2 Protokoll
Narcissistic Abuse: The 5 Victim Illusions
This radio show is a follow-on show from last week. Many people contacted me about last week’s show as well as asked questions.
This show is a deep look into those questions through the journey of the “5 Victim Illusions”.
It is my greatest desire that this radio show helps you release illusions which have been taking you away from healing and not toward it, as well as granting you access to understandings that will transcend your life capacity way beyond abuse.
To see the transcript of this show please go to
If you would like to become a part of my free New Life Community and receive regular updates, radio shows and articles as well as 2 free eBooks and a 16 Day free recovery guide, please go to
24.7.2015 • 53 Protokoll
The Difference Between Victimisation And Thriving After Narcissistic Abuse
A little over a week ago I had an awakening within me that was so powerful there was no ignoring it, and it’s this awakening that motivated me to create this radio show.
We know that narcissists operate from unconsciousness; their True Self has been eradicated and has been replaced by an Egoic Self that is never satisfied.
But it isn’t just narcissists who operate from unconsciousness …
In this article I want to explore how narcissists bring unconsciousness to the surface – granting us a choice...
To either stay unconscious and victimized.
Or to raise our consciousness and Thrive.
I'm really excited about this radio show, and I hope it shines a light on the truth of this issue which sadly is non-existent in most abuse recovery channels.
Because I truly believe it's time to change that.
You can read the transcript to this radio show on my blog at
Please know, if you haven't already, you may sign up to my free New Life Community, where you will receive 2 free eBooks, and an email series called "16 Days To Your New life", and much, much more.
To do so, go to
17.7.2015 • 56 Protokoll
Healing Childhood Trauma And Avoidance Disorders With Clarie [Thriver Story #26]
This radio show is Clarie’s Thriver Story.
An incredible one that I know many people will relate to.
As a result of Clarie’s traumatic childhood she had developed avoidance and dissociation disorders. She had very little memory of her childhood, and had through she had dealt with it, and that she was “okay”.
Clarie ended up in a relationship in her 50s with a narcissist, which cracked that illusion wide open.
The journey of this radio show is about her N-experience and then how Clarie realised she was sick, and that life could no longer carry on as normal. Clarie tried through intense therapy to be able to connect in her body to her being and to life, but could not access her emotions.
In this show you will learn how Clarie finally came home to herself in a way that she described was like looking through a window pane at life but not being able to be in life.
After Clarie was able to find and shed layer upon layer of trauma that her True Self had been buried under for years … she was finally freed, and able to be fully herself … as well as connect to life and living.
Discover how she did it in this show.
10.7.2015 • 1 Stunde, 58 Protokoll
Divorcing A Narcissist - Part Two
There really is no wonder that divorcing a narcissist takes the level of trauma of divorce to an unprecedented level – when we consider things such as: the cruel discards and replacing with new partners, new partners attacking you as well as the narcissist, battling over custody and property and the financial losses that generally happen as a result of the relationship, and whilst dealing with legal systems and narcissists in general.
Personally, divorcing my ex narcissist was the most excruciating experience I have ever gone through, and my heart truly goes out to you if this is your current experience.
I spent a long time this week completing part two of this series ... as I know exactly how painful going through a divorce can be, and how difficult it is to feel that you will survive this and be able to rebuild your life ... when you are reeling in the agony.
I hope this article gives you the insight you need, to overcome this challenge and truly break free to begin your new life.
A life free of abuse ...
To read the transcript of this show, find out more about the Narcissisic Abuse Recovery Program, and also my free upcoming Webinars - please go to
3.7.2015 • 51 Protokoll
How To Divorce A Narcissist Part 1
I think we would all agree that divorce is one of the most excruciating things anyone can go through.
Psychologists Thomas Holmes and Richard Rahe in 1967 created a list of the top 43 most stressful life events. Divorce rated the second most stressful, only capped by death of a spouse.
That describes a normal divorce.
But what about divorcing a narcissist?
THAT takes the stress to a whole new level.
In this 2 part series I will be covering many aspects of divorcing a narcissist including how to emotionally prepare and accept that the marriage is over, how to get out safetly and then the next steps you need to take to recover from this experience and grow from it.
Please know, if you haven't already, you may sign up to my free New Life Community, where you will receive 2 free eBooks, and an email series called "16 Days To Your New life", and much, much more.
To do so, go to
**Please note - to receive your free resources you will have to open the confirmation email and confirm - so make sure you remember to do that.
Also, I'm the creator of the narcissistic abuse recovery program which has humbly helped thousands of people from over 50 different countries recover and empower their life after narcissistic abuse.
To find out more go to
26.6.2015 • 37 Protokoll
Being The Scapegoat And Trying Everything To Get Approval [Thriver Story #25]
I’m really excited because today I have another incredible Thriver story.
If you were abused as a child, by a parent or family member, you are especially going to want to make some time to listen to this story.
It’s pretty incredible!
This story is about a Cindy, a wonderful woman within our NARP community and is also a moderator in the NARP forum (Like Phil who I had on the show a few weeks ago).
Cindy grew up in dairy farm in Wisconsin with foster parents. Her mother was the narcissist and her father was the co-dependent enabler.
She spent her youth growing up trying to win her Mother’s approval and inevitably became the scapegoat of the family.
If you grew up with a narcissist in your family you will definitely relate to:
Being told you will never amount to anything and trying countless things to win their approval.
Being manipulated by shame, guilt, gaslighting and emotional blackmail.
And the vicious events of rage that escalated throughout your youth.
If you are not yet a member of NARP I would like to invite you to take part in my next Webinar - The 3 Keys To Thriving After Narcissistic Abuse which is taking place next week.
Click here to reserve your space for this event.
Or if you are someone who is had enough of the pain and want to start getting your life back on track starting now...
Click here to find all the information on how to join NARP.
19.6.2015 • 1 Stunde, 8 Protokoll
What It Means To Be Addicted To A Narcissist - And How To Break Free From It
Feeling “addicted” to the narcissist is one of the most horrible and powerless things about suffering the trauma of narcissistic abuse.
The most frustrating is that friends and family and those who care about you cannot comprehend what you are going through. They respond with logical solutions like "just leave him/her"? and "Why do you stay?"
In this show I want to deeply explore what it means to be addicted to a narcissist and how you can break free from it.
Please know, if you haven't already, you may sign up to my free New Life Community, where you will receive 2 free eBooks, and an email series called "16 Days To Your New life", and much, much more.
To do so, go to
**Please note - to receive your free resources you will have to open the confirmation email and confirm - so make sure you remember to do that.
Also, I'm the creator of the narcissistic abuse recovery program which has humbly helped thousands of people from over 50 different countries recover and empower their life after narcissistic abuse.
To find out more go to
12.6.2015 • 50 Protokoll
Why Doesn't A Narcissist Want Love, Happiness Or Peace?
Are you in a relationship with someone that just doesn’t seem to want to be happy?
No matter how much you would love to resolve issues and just get on with enjoying the relationship, this person wants to create trouble and doesn’t seem to want what you want.
This is a powerful indicator that you could be in a relationship with a narcissist.
Within this radio show you will learn exactly why the narcissist doesn’t enter into or be in relationships in order to have love, happiness or peace – what his or her REAL reasons are – and how all of that will play out for you.
Please know, if you haven't already, you may sign up to my free New Life Community, where you will receive 2 free eBooks, and an email series called "16 Days To Your New life", and much, much more.
To do so, go to
**Please note - to receive your free resources you will have to open the confirmation email and confirm - so make sure you remember to do that.
I'm the creator of the narcissistic abuse recovery program which has humbly helped thousands of people from over 50 different countries recover and empower their life after narcissistic abuse.
To find out more go to
I hope you enjoy this show!
5.6.2015 • 32 Protokoll
Thriving After Narcissistic Abuse Story #24 Phil
Today I have a really special interview.
Especially if you are a male in this community, I know you will find this interview relatable and insightful.
This show is about Phil, who is now one of our senior members in the NARP community. He is a friend of mine, and is also a part of the moderator team in the NARP community.
In this show Phil talks about what it’s like being a man who suffered in silence – being ashamed to talk about it with your friends because you know they wouldn’t understand and only judge you.
He also talks about what’s like dealing with the male ego – that voice inside you that says you shouldn’t let a woman take control of you and affect you like that.
I had a wonderful time doing this show and I know you will get a lot out of it.
If you are interested in becoming a NARP member you can find all the information to join here.
29.5.2015 • 1 Stunde, 1 Minute
Narcissistic Abuse - You're Damned If You Do, Damned If You Don't
One of the most frustrating things about being narcissistically abused is that you can’t win … It doesn’t matter how hard you try to do the right thing, the narcissist still finds fault with you.
However, sometimes they turn on their charm and you can do no wrong… Which is almost always due to the narcissist trying to get something from you.
In this radio show I am going to talk about the dynamics of a relationship with a narcissist, why they idolize you and then demean you, and how you can identify these behaviours before it’s too late.
Please know, if you haven't already, you may sign up to my free New Life Community, where you will receive 2 free eBooks, and an email series called "16 Days To Your New life", and much, much more.
To do so, go to
**Please note - to receive your free resources you will have to open the confirmation email and confirm - so make sure you remember to do that.
Also, I'm the creator of the narcissistic abuse recovery program which has humbly helped thousands of people from over 50 different countries recover and empower their life after narcissistic abuse.
To find out more go to
I hope you enjoy this show!
22.5.2015 • 43 Protokoll
How You Can Get Involved In Spreading The Word
Today we have quite a different show but I’m really excited about it! One of the reasons is because this is the first ever radio show I have done with my son Zac.
This show is for everyone who has experienced results in their life as a result of our Courses and would like to know how they can spread the word and partner with us in this mission.
Zac has put together a comprehensive guide for you that will give you the step-by-step instructions of how to get involved which is absolutely free.
To sign up go to
15.5.2015 • 17 Protokoll
Special Mother's Day Show
To celebrate Mother’s day I have done a special show.
This show about womanhood, how women have only in the last few generations are starting to become equal, and the challenges that women face due to belief systems that have carried on from our ancestry.
Along with this show I am doing a Mother’s day special on one of my favourite programs – The Transforming Family Of Origin Wounds Course.
You can claim your special here:
7.5.2015 • 17 Protokoll
What Can We Do About Narcissists?
This radio show is a deeper look at the issue of narcissism in our world – the reasons why it is in epidemic proportions and what we have been trying to do to eliminate it, and why that hasn’t worked.
This follow-on conversations from last week’s topic about Epigenetics, explores our new science and spirituality model which creates the power to create true change for ourselves personally, and to our world.
In this radio show you will learn about how people’s emotional state really gets set up. You will also understand more regarding the new level of awareness and consciousness that is required to emancipate people from unconsciousness and emotional pain, as well as prevent the formation of emotional wounds that create unwholesome and unconscious behaviour in the first place.
You can see the transcript of this radio show here at: and
Please know, if you haven't already, you may sign up to my free New Life Community, where you will receive 2 free eBooks, and an email series called "16 Days To Your New life", and much, much more.
To do so, go to
**Please note - to receive your free resources you will have to open the confirmation email and confirm - so make sure you remember to do that.
Also, I'm the creator of the narcissistic abuse recovery program which has humbly helped thousands of people from over 50 different countries recover and empower their life after narcissistic abuse.
To find out more go to
I hope you enjoy this show!
1.5.2015 • 32 Protokoll
Epigenetics And Narcissistic Abuse
This radio show was prompted by me aofs a result seeing Bruce Lipton live not long ago.
This is a conversation that is very relevant to how we can recover from narcissistic abuse.
In this show I discuss how our old Darwinian and Newtonian science models rendered us powerless compared to the new science of epigenetics.
This is huge … really. Because it changes the entire concept of humankind.
Literally – I am not exaggerating.
Hence why I am really excited to be bringing you this show.
Please know, if you haven't already, you may sign up to my free New Life Community, where you will receive 2 free eBooks, and an email series called "16 Days To Your New life", and much, much more.
To do so, go to
**Please note - to receive your free resources you will have to open the confirmation email and confirm - so make sure you remember to do that.
Also, I'm the creator of the narcissistic abuse recovery program which has humbly helped thousands of people from over 50 different countries recover and empower their life after narcissistic abuse.
To find out more go to
I hope you enjoy this show!
23.4.2015 • 26 Protokoll
Meeting The Narcisssist
This radio show is all about why and how we can be taken in by a narcissist upon meeting one.
During this radio show you will learn what it takes to inoculate yourself against a narcissist, be in your authentic power and flush a narcissist's antics to the surface, before it is too late.
This radio show is about so much more than recognising red flags.
It is also about more than intuition and choices.
My greatest hope, in regard to this radio show, is that you no longer feel like you can or will be taken in by a narcissist for this reason: because a narcissist can dupe anyone.
To learn more about how to heal from and empower yourself against narcissistic abuse please join me in my next 3 Keys To Thriving After Narcissistic Abuse Webinar.
Find out more at:
16.4.2015 • 36 Protokoll
Thriver Story #23 Angela
This interview is about Angela's story.
Angela was married for 22 years to a narcissist. She had decided, in her marriage, that this was her lot in life, and that she was going to endure for many reasons including for her children.
The marriage, however, did break down, and Angela was shocked, sickened and traumatised by how she became the enemy, and was cruelly smeared and attacked by her ex-husband.
Everything in Angela's life was under siege, including her children, and the high conflict divorce over a period of two years led to Angela losing her business and having to declare herself bankrupt.
Now, today ... in such a short space of time, Angela has a new home, a great relationship with her children, a new mission driven career and a new loving man.
Even though she still has to manage shared custody with the narcissist, her life reflects no resemblance to what happened to her.
In this interview you will learn all about Angela's journey from being victimised, and living as a martyr, to empowering herself and healing from the inside out.
Please know, if you haven't already, you may sign up to my free New Life Community, where you will receive 2 free eBooks, and an email series called "16 Days To Your New life", and much, much more.
To do so, go to
**Please note - to receive your free resources you will have to open the confirmation email and confirm - so make sure you remember to do that.
Also to learn about the Healing Program which Angela used to Survive and then Thrive after narcissistic abuse, please go to:
10.4.2015 • 43 Protokoll
Your Easter Renewal
Because Easter is nearly upon us, I wanted to write about “renewal”.
Easter time is a time of re-grouping for me; it feels like a reflective break to plan and reassess.
Easter is traditionally a time of re-birth, re-centring and creating ourselves anew.
In this show I am going to be talking about expanding into new directions, desires and projects. Shedding limiting beliefs and fears that have held you back and changing our consciousness to change our life.
Plus I'm also going to be sharing some of the best things myself and some members of the community have experienced as a result of our healing journey.
For the next 7 days I am running an easter special - where you can access special bundle prices on all of my programs.
You can take a look at them here:
3.4.2015 • 25 Protokoll
Does Praising Our Children Create Narcissists?
This topic was going viral through the internet not long ago … with articles such as these:
I think this topic, “the danger of praising children”, is laden with misunderstandings, and if taken literally could cause more narcissism than prevent it.
I URGE you to listen to important radio show, as I believe this topic could have dramatic effects on our future generations if we don’t understand what it really necessary to help our children be the most “whole” that they can be.
After listening to this radio show - If you resonate with my view ...
Please Spread This Important Message
26.3.2015 • 26 Protokoll
Interview With Mira Kelley - Beyond Past Lives
This interview is with Mira Kelley, the author of the Hay House published book Beyond Past Lives – what parallel realities can teach us about relationships, healing and transformation.
Those of you who know my work, and have experienced my healing system Quanta Freedom Healing know I am a big advocate of past life work as a way of creating healing that just can’t be accessed from a surface contemporary level.
In this interview Mira talks about her life story, and also her book Beyond Past Lives.
I know you will find this interview fascinating.
You can find more details about Mira and her book Beyond Past Lives at, and Mira has a free gift – a meditation that you can download directly from her website.
Please know, if you haven't already, you may sign up to my free New Life Community, where you will receive 2 free eBooks, and an email series called "16 Days To Your New life", and much, much more.
To do so, go to
**Please note - to receive your free resources you will have to open the confirmation email and confirm - so make sure you remember to do that.
Also, I'm the creator of the narcissistic abuse recovery program which has humbly helped thousands of people from over 50 different countries recover and empower their life after narcissistic abuse.
To find out more go to
I hope you enjoy this show!
20.3.2015 • 37 Protokoll
The Narcissist's Entitlement
This radio show is about the ways in which the narcissist is overly "entitled".
Why do narcissists behave in ways that are unreasonable? Why do they make demands that healthy, mature adults just don't do?
You will discover in this radio show the reasons why narcissists are entitled, and why they believe there are justifications for their entitlement.
You will also learn what your options are in regard to working with the narcissist when he or she is acting out “being entitled”.
For the transcript of this radio show you can go to
If you suspect or know that you are suffering from narcissistic abuse you can Sign up to my Free Newsletter, and receive your New Life Starter pack which includes 2 free ebooks, an email series called "16 days to your new life and an invitation to join my free 2 hour information and healing webinar.
You can do this by typing in
Also, my greatest work (humbly) is the Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Program, which to date has allowed thousands of people to not only create full recoveries from narcissistic abuse, but also thrive in their new abuse free lives.
To find out more please go to
12.3.2015 • 28 Protokoll
Thriver After Narcissistic Abuse Story #22 - Yvette - same-sex abuse
This Thriver Story is about Yvette, a gay women who suffered a narcissistic relationship.
I was thrilled when Yvette came forward, deeply wanting to share her story for the gay community … because over the years people have emailed and said to me “My narcissistic abuse situation with a same sex relationship, can you please write about that Melanie?”, whereas truly from what I have seen up close and personal with the numerous gay clients I have done energetic healing work with, is that same sex narcissistic dynamics are identical to heterosexual ones.
My great friend Eric Casaccio the director of the movie “Narcissist” also agrees. He too reports that many people in the heterosexual community have reported to him, in his travels world-wide, the identical narcissistic abuse incidents that the gay community have experienced.
What I think is wonderful, is that we now have a Thriver, Yvette, who can help gay and lesbian people identify with narcissistic abuse and recovery.
Whether you are same sex orientated or hetrosexual, if you have been narcissistically abused, I know you will relate and get a lot out of this radio show.
For more details about my healing system, which Yvette used to heal and recover from narcissistic abuse - please see
25.2.2015 • 24 Protokoll
Narcissistic Abuse - The Journey To Self Love
This radio show is about the "Higher Purpose" to narcissistic abuse, and why it really happened to us.
In this show I share with you my journey, and how it was before I understood this Higher Purpose, what happened to me and my life when I realised and embraced it, and what "self-love" looks like now after narcissistic abuse.
To see the upcoming blog article on this radio show visit here:
To visit the Valentine's Specials Page I mention in the show go
19.2.2015 • 37 Protokoll
Law Of Attraction In Action - Recovery From Narcissistic Abuse - Part 2
(Part 2)
This show, that Tami and I did together, is called "Law of Attraction In Action - Recovery From Narcissistic Abuse".
Is this radio show, Tami and I cover a lot of the questions you posted, including - how to stop our ego sabotaging us, how to remove the filters of negative self talk when we want to stay positive, and how to eliminate the fear of being abused by a narcissist again - WHILST setting yourself up to have positive Law of Attraction experiences and forward movement.
Tami and I also demonstrate a live Quanta Freedom healing to give her a needed shift in order to align better with one her present goals.
This show is just over 2 hours long, so it is divided into TWO shows, and is jam packed with information, and is a conversation that I believe could change your life.
12.2.2015 • 1 Stunde, 7 Protokoll
Law of Attraction In Action - Recovery From Narcissistic Abuse - Part 1
(Part 1)
This show, that Tami and I did together, is called "Law of Attraction In Action - Recovery From Narcissistic Abuse".
Is this radio show, Tami and I cover a lot of the questions you posted, including - how to stop our ego sabotaging us, how to remove the filters of negative self talk when we want to stay positive, and how to eliminate the fear of being abused by a narcissist again - WHILST setting yourself up to have positive Law of Attraction experiences and forward movement.
Tami and I also demonstrate a live Quanta Freedom healing to give her a needed shift in order to align better with one her present goals.
This show is just over 2 hours long, so it is divided into TWO shows, and is jam packed with information, and is a conversation that I believe could change your life.
12.2.2015 • 58 Protokoll
Thriving After Narcissistic Abuse - #21 + Law of Attraction With Tami
This is a show that I had a lot of pleasure doing with Tami!
Tami shares her story about horrendous multiple intimate partner narcissistic abuse, and how this lead to her losing nearly everything - and left her with very little will to live.
In this show you will learn how Tami resurrected her life 180 degrees - in an incredibly short amount of time.
Then, Tami and I have a delightful conversation about the deep principles of Law of Attraction, and what she did that led to her manifesting everything on her 2014 vision board, and more!
6.2.2015 • 1 Stunde, 21 Protokoll
Why Positive Thinking All The Time Isn't The Answer
This radio show is about Law of Attraction.
In this show I talk about my journey with Law of Attraction, and the deepening of "connection" as my development continued.
Is Law of Attraction about focusing exclusively on what "is wanted" in order to bring it into our life, or does positive, healthy manifestation require more from us?
This radio show may grant you much needed clarity on this very important topic.
Please know, if you haven't already, you may sign up to my free New Life Community, where you will receive 2 free eBooks, and an email series called "16 Days To Your New life", and much, much more.
To do so, go to
**Please note - to receive your free resources you will have to open the confirmation email and confirm - so make sure you remember to do that.
Also, I'm the creator of the narcissistic abuse recovery program which has humbly helped thousands of people from over 50 different countries recover and empower their life after narcissistic abuse.
To find out more go to
I hope you enjoy this show!
30.1.2015 • 51 Protokoll
What Constitutes A Healthy Relationship?
Last week I popped a post up on Facebook asking people for their definition of "love".
Many wonderful shares emerged!
This radio show is a deep journey into this important topic, as well as what constitutes conscious and unconscious love and how we can move our love experiences from abusive and painful to joyous and abundant ones.
For the upcoming transcript of this radio show, you can go to
To find out more about my healing Program which creates liberation from painful relationships go to:
21.1.2015 • 40 Protokoll
Co-dependency Checkup Part 2
In this Part Two Radio Show the conversation deepens, about how our powerless behaviors are NOT logical, and why we REALLY do them, as well as how to REALLY heal them.
Also we will look at how co-dependency, independency and interdependency work, and how to move through the different levels.
Also we investigate how we can not only up-level ourselves, but also the important relationships in our life, to a new level of "sharing power" instead of taking it or handing it over.
And much, much more ...
10.12.2014 • 1 Stunde, 6 Protokoll
Co-dependency Checkup - Part One
Because it is nearly the end of the year, this is a great time to reflect – to see where we are, and what we have grown through this year.
I believe a big part of that is checking in with where we are at with co-dependency. Are we still handing power over to things and people outside of ourselves, or are we more anchored into our own internal solidness?
“What Is co-dependency?” My definition of it is this: “trying to seek wholeness and internal peace from sources outside of self, rather than establishing those states within self”.
What this means is: we can feel empty, fragmented, afraid and powerless when things don’t go right, or life hasn’t turned out the way we wanted it to. We can get panicked and feel unsafe, and in this state we can hand our power over and make repeated choices which don’t serve us.
Co-dependency can be very serious. It leads us further away from integration of self (authentic powerfulness) and takes us down a slippery slope of disintegration of self (powerlessness) – especially if we continue to hold people and things outside of ourselves responsible for the state of our lives.
This radio show is a Part One deep spiritual journey into why we are co-dependent, the many ways that it manifests, and how we can shine light into our disowened parts in order to become a true Source to ourselves, rather than trying to gain false substitutes for love, worthiness and wholeness.
3.12.2014 • 59 Protokoll
Thriver Show #20 - Jill
This story is one of an incredibly courageous lady who suffers many debilitating auto-immune illnesses – ulcerative colitis, arthritis, fibro myalgia, migraines and Multiple Sclerosis.
Jill suffers from extreme fatigue, and has no support with my 3 kids, and then all of this, naturally, was made so much harder as a result of the huge double-whammy of narcissistic abuse.
Jill’s life-changing realisation was that she had been focusing on others her whole life, and that she had always been trying to be “perfect” for others. She was over-functioning as an over-achiever, as a successful business woman, and having to have a perfect home and life.
Her life now has changed considerably as a result of finding out and focusing on her needs and what she really wants.
In this show she talks about the shift she got out of NARP –“I am loveable for all I am ‘not’ as well as all that I am”. Jill also talks about how this led her to start enjoying the simple things in life, smiling, laughing and spending time with her kids.
Jill’s children also started shifting as a result of their mother transforming.
I know you will enjoy this incredible show, and it will give you hope, if you too have suffered narcissistic abuse on top of crippling health conditions.
20.11.2014 • 1 Stunde, 13 Protokoll
The Narcissist's Marriage To The False Self
This radio show is an in-depth look at why narcissists would rather be "right" than "happy", and why no-one can compete with the narcissistic versions of reality that they think.
You will learn in this radio show how and why a narcissist is married to his or her ego.
You will also discover the truth regarding the narcissist's behaviour according to this union with the False Self.
The later part of this radio show is information regarding how we can escape the illusions and pain of narcissistic abuse by marrying our True Selves - and what that union looks like, and what is creates.
To see the transcript of this show, you will see it on my blog at
13.11.2014 • 37 Protokoll
How We Show Up
This radio show is one that investigates how we may be showing up in ways that don’t inspire life and others to support us.
During this radio show I talk about the ways our ego can derail us, and suck us into outer delusions and illusions that keep us separated from the truth of “what is really going on.”
I hope that this radio show will really allow you to understand the truth of how your thoughts and behaviours are generated from beliefs, and how believing it is an “outside deal” simply means handing our power away.
Most of all I hope this radio show can assist you to midwife your breakthrough, so that you can begin showing up in authentic co-generative ways in life.
5.11.2014 • 39 Protokoll
Thriving After Narcissistic Abuse Story #19 Marie
This Thriver show features Marie, a mother of 5 children, who endured a 7 years relationship with a narcissist.
We talk about how one of the biggest discoveries Marie made, is how co-dependent she was – and how she always had to fill her life with activities and people, and after escaping her relationship with the narcissist, how she couldn’t initially bear to be alone.
During our conversation Marie shares about how working on establishing her Identity has been key, and she shares her involvement with Co-Dep (Co-dependents Anonymous) and how fascinating her children are as “a mirror” to make her recovery not just about herself, but also about them.
You will also learn from this interview about Marie’s new partner, who is the father of her youngest two children, and how incredibly different the relationship is from her previous narcissistic one.
To find out more about the program that helped facilitate Marie's recovery visit:
30.10.2014 • 59 Protokoll
From Trapped To Freedom Part 2
During this radio show I am responding to people's posts about their trapped situations, and talking about how to generate freedom.
I hope this show can help you know that self-liberation is possible, no matter how powerless you may feel presently.
22.10.2014 • 57 Protokoll
From Trapped To Freedom
This radio show is all about how we can feel "trapped" by outer circumstances and our own emotions – especially after suffering narcissistic abuse.
During this show I am sharing my life story, and how I escaped crippling emotions and severe "stuckedness" in order to expand into life as "freedom".
I address in this show what being "trapped" really is, and how we can be truly free to expand into becoming life-force itself, and then living the life we truly wish to live
15.10.2014 • 49 Protokoll
Narcissists In The Workplace
This radio show is one that has been asked for by many people.
During this radio show you will learn about the dynamics of narcissism in the workplace. Why narcissistic bosses and co-workers do what they do, and how they do it.
You will also learn about the crippling effect this has on others.
How can you take you power back in these situations? Listen to find out!
30.9.2014 • 40 Protokoll
Thriver Story #18 Marla
She hung in there because she believed she was supposed to ...
This Thriver story is one that I believe many people will be able to relate to.
Beliefs can be powerful.
Many people believed “marriage is for life” … but when we believe that we are supposed to suffer in silence, put on a face to the world, and continue to just “carry one” with our families, our community, or our church, is this healthy?
During this interview I have these conversations with Marla, who realised not long after saying “I do” that he changed. Things weren’t the same, and he wasn’t the same man she thought she had married.
As time went on things got worse …
After 20 years and needing to leave Marla discovered two shocking facts, ones that you will discover when you listen. One which meant she would have to completely start all over again. The second was one that most people never have to face.
I hope you enjoy this very honest, candid show.
24.9.2014 • 1 Stunde, 1 Minute
Narcissist The Movie - Interview With Eric Casaccio
This show is a very special interview with my dear friend Eric Casaccio - who is the writer, director and co-producer of the short film - "Narcissist”.
What is so wonderful, is Eric's passion with this movie, came straight from his heart, from his own personal experience.
Eric's message is raising awareness regarding narcissism on a very large scale. The world is definitely ready for this much needed message!
In this very special interview Eric and I talk about the film, the purpose of it, and the experience of making it, as well as Eric's cathartic healing journey … as well as many aspects of narcissism and narcissistic abuse recovery.
If you wish to know more details about Eric's movie, and where he will be screening and attending next, you can find Eric’s details on my blog at
17.9.2014 • 1 Stunde, 20 Protokoll
Narcissistic Hoovering
This radio show is about "Narcissistic Hoovering", the tactics a narcissist uses to pull you back into contact.
During this show you will discover why narcissists hoover, why they use all sorts of reasons to create contact in order to get attention, and what their purpose is for doing so.
You will also learn what it is about ourselves that can leave us open, susceptible and vulnerable to being hoovered, and how we can shore up those parts of ourselves which can be preyed upon.
10.9.2014 • 33 Protokoll
The 10 Ways We Self-avoid
This radio show is about one of the greatest impediments to healing - 'self-avoiding'.
During this radio show you will learn about the common 10 ways that we can avoid 'being with self', and how this affects our emotions, our life and progress.
You will also learn "how to" release self-avoidance in order to deeply partner with yourself to be a creator of your life instead of a victim to it.
26.8.2014 • 34 Protokoll
Narcissistic Abuse - Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
This radio show is about one of the most serious issues connected with narcissistic abuse - Post Traumatic Disorder.
During this radio show, you will learn all about what Post Traumatic Stress Disorder really is, how it affects us, how the damage really occurs, and how we can heal and recover from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.
20.8.2014 • 42 Protokoll
50 Shades Of The Narcissist
This radio show was inspired as a result of a very spirited discussion on my Facebook Page about the book / upcoming movie 'Fifty Shades of Grey'.
This radio show is about 'sex with a narcissist'. It is about why narcissists do what they do regarding sex, and why many of them are sex-addicts, adulterous and objectify sexual partners. You will also learn about many other tactics the narcissist uses within sexual power-play.
During this radio show you will discover the stark differences between sex with people who are healthy and whole, as measured against sex with people who are wounded.
13.8.2014 • 45 Protokoll
The First Ever Male Thriver Show
I am vey happy to share this radio show with you.
Scott's interview came about as a result of putting out to the Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Community for men to come forward and share their stories. The Community for quite some time had been asking for men, who have been narcissistically abused, to come on radio.
Wonderfully, quite a few men replied!
So...this show is the first of a new series...'Male Thrivers".
I hope you enjoy Scott's story, as it is one that many men will relate to.
5.8.2014 • 1 Stunde, 4 Protokoll
The 7 Steps To Your Personal Power
This radio show is a deep look at powerlessness, and what are the common beliefs that keep us stuck, and living a 'less than' life than we truly can live.
How have our generational beliefs caused us to hand our power over? How can we release and reverse these beliefs in order to be free to express our True Selves?
31.7.2014 • 24 Protokoll
Parents Empowering Themselves For Their Children's Sake - Part 2
Last week I wrote what I believe is my most important article on my blog ever. That article - Part 1 - was inspired as a result of the difference I see constantly between the Thriver orientation, which occurs when we take the personal responsibility on to heal our own wounds, and the rampant victimsation model which is predominant in most narcissistic / sociopathic abuse communities.
I am sharing some very special interviews with you today. These interviews are with women from the NARP Community, ladies who contacted me wanting to come forward and share their message, who have taken on the responsibility of their own healing, and who are active participants in breaking the cycles of abuse not only for themselves, but also for their future generations.
I hope you enjoy these interviews, and please share this article and accompanying radio show in any forum where victimsation is taking hostages and keeping people stuck in powerlessness and pain. Please also share with anyone you know who it can help.
24.7.2014 • 1 Stunde, 13 Protokoll
Parents Empowering Themselves For Their Children's Sake
This is the undoubtedly, to date, the most important radio show I have ever done.
This article is a two part series which is a passionate project that I believe is so necessary to break the cycles of abused and abuse.
It is to do with our children, and how we can help them not live the lives of suffering, abuse and unconsciousness that we have, and how we can stop these cycles being passed on from generation to generation.
PLEASE take a stand with me - and pass this radio show on far and wide - our world needs to wake up, for us to have any chance of breaking these horrendous and insane cycles of unconsciousness and abuse.
15.7.2014 • 42 Protokoll
Narcissism and Evolution
This is a big topic, and I believe now is the perfect time to talk about it.
Why are so many people's lives breaking down? Why is it, despite so many advancements and improved standards of life and longevity, that so many people are depressed, empty, lonely, unfulfilled and feel powerless?
What has this do with narcissists and narcissistic abuse?
Are our lives breaking apart, or is the greater and deeper purpose to integrate and unite back together?
During this show you will discover what many believe is really going on, as well as the incredible shift that is occurring personally and collectively - an evolutionary shift that we are all a part of.
9.7.2014 • 39 Protokoll
Heartbreak And The Narcissist
This radio show is a deep look into our heart and our emotions when we are devestated by a narcissist. What has really caused our heartbreak? Was there a purpose for our heartbreak? How do we heal our heartbreak? Can our hearts ever be healthy or trust again?
You will discover the answers to these questions, in this radio show, and much more.
2.7.2014 • 33 Protokoll
Thriver Story #16 Suzanne
It is my absolute pleasure to bring you this Thriver Story.
This is the story of Suzanne, who I affectionately call the 'Nigella Lawson' of NARP, because of her wonderful recipes, input and the connection she has with our community. Suzanne is now a wonderful moderator and contributor to people suffering from narcissistic abuse.
Suzanne's story is incredible. From a very painful childhood Suzanne was hospitalised as a single mother for 6 years, dealing with her childhood trauma.
In this story you will learn about Suzanne's life, her two narcissistic expereinces, and the rich, full and incredible life she is living personally and professionally now.
I know you will love this show, it is nothing short of inspirational.
26.6.2014 • 1 Stunde, 16 Protokoll
What Is Narcissistic Supply?
This radio show is one specifically about narcissistic supply. Why does a narcissist need to have narcissistic supply? What is narcissistic supply exactly? Why is a narcissist never appeased regardless of the narcissistic supply he or she receives?
During this show you will learn this and much more - as well as the only true way you can prevent being an object used by a narcissistic for narcissistic supply.
19.6.2014 • 45 Protokoll
How to Deal With Your Emotional Pain The Right Way In Order To Grow and Expand
Why is emotional pain often so much harder to bear than physical pain?
This radio show is an in-depth look at why our emotional pain can feel so agonising, and be so hard to deal with.
During this radio show you will learn what your emotional pain really is, as well as Who You Really Are, and the effective orientation to be able to process your emotional traumas effectively.
5.6.2014 • 37 Protokoll
How To Thrive After Narcissistic Abuse - Part 2
This radio show is Part Two of this series explaining what the Thriver Recovery model is, and how it revolutionises simply hoping to survive with ongoing symptoms after abuse.
Since Quanta Freedom Healing’s birth in Koh Sumui in 2007, working with it to create my own recovery, and sharing it with others, its effects and benefits have spread world-wide to over 50 different countries and to thousands of men and women from all walks of life.
Because Quanta Freedom Healing is becoming so much more recognised, I’ve made a conscious decision to be very open about how it works, and why it is so successful for treating such a horrific phenomenon as narcissistic abuse.
The radio show explains exactly how Quanta Freedom Healing can release your trauma powerfully and directly, as well as treat the many symptoms that people suffer as a result of abuse, such as: Complicated / Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, agoraphobia, anxiety, depression and obsessive compulsive disorders, as well as physical symptoms such as fibro myalgia, thyroid malfunction, adrenal stress and any other debilitating mental, emotional or physical condition that occurs as a result of trauma and abuse.
30.5.2014 • 52 Protokoll
How To Thrive After Narcissistic Abuse Part 1
This radio show is the first of a two-part series regarding the Thriver Model of recovery from narcissistic abuse.
During this radio show series you will discover what Quanta Freedom Healing is, how it works and how it revolutionises the way we heal from trauma and abuse.
This show is about why the old method of 'talk therapy' does not address deep inner wounding, and why processes that communicate with your subconscious - where the trauma is stored - do.
During this show you will learn how I discovered and created Quanta Freedom Healing, and how my awakening led me to not only survive narcissistic abuse, but to Thrive, and then develop a healing system that would allow thousands of people from more than 50 different countries to became Thrivers after narcissistic abuse as well.
22.5.2014 • 42 Protokoll
Thriving After Narcissistic Abuse Story 15: Laurie
Some people have asked me for a Thriver Story interview with someone further down the track from their NARP Healing Journey..and to see what their life looks like now - some years later.
This story is about Laurie, who before the "Thriver Show' series did two radio show with me previously a few years ago.
Laurie is incredibly insightful, and I know you will find her amazing to listen to. She has profound messages that will hit anyone's consciousness and heart listening to the powerful realisations she discovered along her personal journey.
During this story we will be talking about Laurie's journey from narcissistic abuse, to freedom and creating a healthy, mature supportive relationship with her partner John - and what her life is like today.
15.5.2014 • 1 Stunde, 13 Protokoll
What If The Narcissist Is A Family Member?
This radio show is for people who are suffering narcissistic abuse from a family member.
Many people email me and ask me “What do I do if the narcissist is my family member?” They also write, “Melanie you deal with intimate partner narcissists but I need solutions for my mother / father/ brother / sister”.
That is why I wanted to do this radio show specifically, because I realise there are many people in this community who may be suffering abuse – or the emotional agony of the aftermath of abuse from a family member.
7.5.2014 • 55 Protokoll
What Is The Shadow Self?
This radio show is about the parts of ourselves that are in fear, pain and unworthiness.
How do these shadow parts play out? What power do they have in our life? Why are they stuck in the shadows of unconsciousness affecting our life?
This radio show is a deep understanding of these parts, and how these parts seem to be incredible negative yet are in fact the power actualising our consciousness and healing.
30.4.2014 • 48 Protokoll
The Narcissist and Triangulation
This radio show is a deep look at the covert abuse of triangulation.
What are the different parts of triangle? Who plays out these parts of the triangle, and why do they?
During this show you will understand what is really happening in triangulation and how to free yourself from it.
23.4.2014 • 56 Protokoll
Thriving After Narcissistic Abuse Story 14: Annie
This show is very special; it is about a wonderful lady named Annie who suffered intense and awful abuse from her birth family, including sexual abuse.
This show is about Annie's story, her Thriver recovery and a determined passion (Annie's and mine) to educate that sexual abuse IS narcissism.
The statistics for sexual abuse (1-3 women and 1-6 men) are frightful, and if we are going to put an end to the generational cycles of abuse (including sexual abuse) we HAVE TO take responsibility and heal, so that we can heal future generations.
That is what this show is about…
15.4.2014 • 1 Stunde, 5 Protokoll
Shouldn't We Make Narcissists Accountable
Many people have been hurt and treated appallingly by narcissists.
It is very common to feel that bringing the narcissist to accountability would ease the wounding.
During this radio show you will learn the truth about accountability, the system of life, compensation for what happened to you and more...
8.4.2014 • 41 Protokoll
The Difference Between The Inner Child And The Ego
This radio show is about the different parts of ourselves which influence our life.
My friend asked me not long ago…
“Should I make friends with my ego to shut it up?”
My answer was a firm “No”.
You will find out in this radio show why that was my answer – as well as the components of your Inner Child and ego – and which voice is which.
1.4.2014 • 55 Protokoll
Thriving After Narcissistic Abuse Story 13: Jessica
This Thriver Show is one of the most incredible, bizarre interviews I have ever done...and shows us how narcissistic abuse can have so many forms, how deadly it's hooks are, and how it can play out - even if your are NOT in a relationship with a narcissist..
During this show you will learn about Jess's journey, how she was hooked, disintegrated and devastated, and how she FINALLY escaped the abuse.
This story has an incredibly happy ending - and an 'angel' in Jess's life was with her all the way....and today..... (you just have to listen.... I don't want to give it away, and it's sooooo gorgeous!!)
25.3.2014 • 1 Stunde, 17 Protokoll
The Narcissist - The Nebular Void
This radio show is a deep look at how and why narcissists can don different personalities, and behave completely differently from one relationship to the next.
You will be astounded at the 'real' reasons why this happens, as well as realise the vital connection leading back to you - and HOW and WHY the narcissist uses your wounds against you as weapons.
19.3.2014 • 34 Protokoll
Co-dependents and Narcissists - Two Sides Of The Same Coin
This radio show is a deep journey into why co-dependents find themselves in devastating relationships with narcissists.
During this show you will learn more about 'what' co-dependency really is, why so much of humankind suffers from it, and how our ego loves to disconnect us from the Essential Truth about ourselves and what that Truth really is.
This show will grant you a deeper understanding of what is REALLY necessary for you in order to never share a 'coin' with a narcissist again.
12.3.2014 • 57 Protokoll
Thriver Meetups in LA!
This radio show is an interview with some of the Thrivers who attended the meetups in LA.
During this conversation you will learn about the key elemnts that assisted these people from moving from victims to Thrivers, as well as many other fascinating points regarding recovery from narcissistic abuse.
5.3.2014 • 1 Stunde, 18 Protokoll
My Dating Experiences - Part 2
This Part Two Show is about my actual dating experiences!
In this show you will learn about the tests I experienced, how I navigated and how I 'showed up' within my dating journey!
25.2.2014 • 1 Stunde, 2 Protokoll
Thriving After Narcissistic Abuse Story 12: Abbe
This Thriver Show is a very special one because there is a big focus on the debilitating physical conditions which occur as a result of trauma and narcissistic abuse, and the solutions to assist.
During this show you will learn about Abbe's story, regarding how she has struggled physically for much of her life as a result of abuse, and how she is now breaking free into NOT just being free from narcissistic abuse, but also into the radiance of healing her physical conditions.
This is a must listen show for everyone out there dealing with fibromyalgia, adrenal fatigue and other various heal issues.
19.2.2014 • 51 Protokoll
My Dating Experiences Part One
This is Part One of my recent dating experiences...
In this show you will learn about the 'set-up' to my dating. The orientation, the decisions and the self-work that I have done to prepare for this time.
You will also learn about relationships of authenticity, the new relationship paradigm, and how we are all evolving from relationships based on security, to ones of co-creative sharing and flourishing.
18.2.2014 • 48 Protokoll
What Do You Really Want?
This radio show is about how to turn life around after the losses suffered from narcissistic abuse.
What was this wake-up call all about?
How can we source and generate our life a different way, in a way that works?
How can we expand and generate love, joy and purpose at unprecendented levels?
This show will explain to you 'how' and so much more.
11.2.2014 • 54 Protokoll
Why The Ego Separates You From Love
This radio show is about how the ego holds people separated from the possibility of generating and sustaining love.
During this radio show you will learn how ego relates to narcissism, and how it is our responsibility to heal ourselves and our planet by dropping the defences of the ego, and become the light and love that we wish the world to be.
The show will explain to you how the very defences that you think are helping you be safe are the same forces that create the pain of ‘what you are trying to protect yourself from’ - and what the true solution really is.
5.2.2014 • 48 Protokoll
Expanding, Becoming Radiant, and Saying "Yes" to 2014
It is so good to be back after a month's holidays! I am so thrilled to be sharing with you the vision for healing, empowerment and thriving for 2014.
In this show you will learn of this vision, as well as some powerful orientations to life that can get you anchored in your body and truth and enable you to expand healthily into life.
28.1.2014 • 32 Protokoll
She Left It Too Late To Leave
This radio show is a very important message.
It is a sad and devastating story about what happens if we continue to hang on, and if we believe that life with a narcissist can change.
Please passionately pass on this radio show - it is a vital warning to anyone living with a narcissist believing that he or she IS capable of compassion, empathy and genuine love.
12.12.2013 • 1 Stunde, 26 Protokoll
The Common Painful Beliefs That Lead Us To Narcissistic Abuse
This radio show has come about as a result of people asking me: "What are the common belief systems that lead to abuse?"
This radio show takes you on a journey of 4 of some of the main belief systems that lead giving, caring people into being susceptible to narcissistic abuse.
During this radio show you will also learn how to reverse these painful beliefs and what the healthy beliefs are which lead to recovery and the generation of a healthy, wholesome and loving future.
28.11.2013 • 35 Protokoll
Who Am I And Am I Worthy?
This radio show is in regard to our worthiness.
Are we playing 'small' in life? Are we fearful of taking up space and shining our radiant self to the world?
This radio show is my sharing of my journey towards worthiness, and I hope it can inspire you to find and discover your True Self and know what it is to be the your authentic self in the world.
13.11.2013 • 36 Protokoll
Thriving After Narcissistic Abuse Story 10: Christine
This Thriver Story is one that many people will be able to relate to.
Christine is intelligent, academic and successful and she had never experienced abuse in her life previously.
In fact she did not believe that in any shape or form that she had co-dependent or addictive tendencies.
Despite this Christine found herself in a 12 year marriage with a narcissist.
During this show you will learn about Christine’s story and the deep inner discoveries she found out about her inner programs, and how she was able to leave, recover and claim her now incredible and lovingly authentic life.
6.11.2013 • 1 Stunde, 2 Protokoll
How To REALLY Help Our Children Affected By Narcissists
This radio show is one I am very passionate about doing because I know there is so much distress In the New Life community regarding children affected by narcissistic relationships.
I did a radio show and blog article some months ago on this topic – however this radio show is a deeper look at how we can change our emotional set-point in order to change what is happening with our children.
If you are struggling with fear, pain and anguish as a result of what is happening with your children, this show is a must listen to show.
30.10.2013 • 38 Protokoll
Relationships of Security or Consciousness?
This radio show is in response to a request that was posted on my Facebook page by a gentleman recently.
He wanted to know how we can identify what our needs are in relationship and how to get them met.
During this show I talk about how the structure of relationships has rapidly evolved, and the consciousness required now to create true relatedness of love instead of fear.
During this show you will learn how vital aligned values are as opposed to interests, and how to identify what compatible values really are.
You will also discover how to identify what your needs really are, and how to have them healthily met.
23.10.2013 • 36 Protokoll
Abuse, Safety Planning and Support Services with Fiona
This show is a very important one for the New Life Community. It is an interview with a lady who works on ‘the front’ line with domestic violence (DV), and it is fantastic that we can receive her knowledge and advice today.
I know personally how involved my work is with people who have been abused, but truly I can’t even begin to imagine what it must be to see the real life results of abuse in the flesh day after day, and have to deal with the trauma of what goes on.
This lady in my eyes is incredible, and it is such a privileged to have her on my show.
This show is a powerful show to listen to if you are in a high-risk situation with a narcissist, or know anyone else who is.
17.10.2013 • 1 Stunde, 9 Protokoll
Thriving After Narcissistic Abuse Story 9: Stephanie
In this very important Thriver Show you will learn about Stephanie's struggle with severe relationship addiction and co-dependency.
This story is one of incredible heartbreak, abandonment and survival, and how Stephanie found the way to heal her inner programing, break free from the attachments to a totally unavailable narcissist, and transform her and her children’s life.
If you, as I did also, have struggled greatly with relationship addiction, and not being able to let go, no matter how much a relationship is damaging you - this show is a vital one for you to listen to.
8.10.2013 • 1 Stunde, 24 Protokoll
Transforming The Biggest Hurt
This radio show is about the deepest and most painful wounds that narcissists can inflict.
How do we transform ourselves past these wounds?
What is Soul Work and radical responsibility and how can this dramatically improve and recover our life?
During this show you will discover what my 'biggest hurt' was, how I transformed it - and how you can heal past your biggest hurt too.
This radio show is about the deepest and most painful wounds that narcissists can inflict.
How do we transform ourselves past these wounds?
What is Soul Work and radical responsibility and how can this dramatically improve and recover our life?
During this show you will discover what my 'biggest hurt' was, how I transformed it - and how you can heal past your biggest hurt too.
1.10.2013 • 36 Protokoll
What Would It Take For A Narcissist To Heal?
This is a very big topic. It is a question I get asked many, many times…
Understandably many people want to believe narcissists can heal - and want to find out what it would take for one to recover from Narcissistic Personality Disorder.
During this show I'd like to take you on a deep journey in order to answer this question - as well as provide you extended information about this topic…
24.9.2013 • 40 Protokoll
Why Do We Need To Be In Our Body?
This radio show is about one of the HUGEST realisations I discovered in regard to recovery from narcissistic abuse.
You will learn what it means to be 'in our body', the pain and trauma we experience when we aren't, and how to work at turning your life 'inside' in order to come home to being in your body.
If you have had enough of the emotional pain and torment, this is a MUST listen to show.
17.9.2013 • 37 Protokoll
Thriving After Narcissistic Abuse Story 8: Sherry
This Thriver show is Sherry's story, about a childhood 'sweetheart' who ended up being her love partner in her 40's.
Sherry's story is one that many people including myself can relate to. False accusations, jealousy, and insane narcissistic projections – the things her partner was secretly doing.
Discover how Sherry was able to finally detach, say No Contact for ever, stay away and heal.
After only just after 8 months since her narc relationship Sherry has stated to the NARC Group and myself the difference between her life now is 'night' and 'day'.
I hope you enjoy her inspirational story.
11.9.2013 • 43 Protokoll
The Fear Of Being Vulnerable With Ourselves
This show could provide a big key of awareness to assist your recovery from narcissistic abuse.
During this show you will learn the difference between accepting our woundedness, and the ability to BE with our inner wounds, rather than immediately seek to ‘fix’ them.
This show is a sharing of my personal experience in becoming comfortable with my inner vulnerabilities and ability to self-soothe. I hope this grants you inspiration to be able to achieve the same!
3.9.2013 • 33 Protokoll
What Is Manipulation Really About?
During this radio show you will learn about the true reasons why people manipulate - and where the behaviour really stems from.
This show is a deeper look into core identity wounds and belief systems and how ‘being maladaptive’ can play out in anybody’s life - not just the lives of people who don't possess a conscience.
27.8.2013 • 36 Protokoll
Thriving After Narcissistic Abuse Story 7: Neringa
Neringa’s story is one about living in a long term narcissistic marriage, which Neringa has finally been able to separate from.
Neringa' story is a little different from many of the Thriver Shows, in that she did not use the NARP Program for an extended period of time, or even regularly for her inner shifts to occur.
I know that many people in the community will be able to relate to Neringa’s marriage and her life up until this point.
This is a pretty amazing story!
20.8.2013 • 1 Stunde, 1 Minute
Healthy Love Relationships - Having Your Own Identity
This show is about the reasons why many relationships are based on unhealthy foundations.
Why is it important to establish our own identity before entering relationships? What does this mean, and how do we do that?
What is the difference between seeking happiness, and being authentically happy?
During this very show you will learn about these things and so much more.
13.8.2013 • 42 Protokoll
The Truth About Shame
In this show you will learn what shame is, and discover how co-dependents and narcissists can match up with each other, as a result of inner feelings of shame.
The show will explain why shame is so destructive to individuals and relationships, and what we can do to confront and release the shame that may be poisoning our life.
6.8.2013 • 34 Protokoll
The Futility Of My Life Will Better When...
This radio show is another one about understanding and dissolving our ego.
During this show you will learn how the ego is the pain body which does not want us to be present in 'The Now'. It keeps us trapped in the stories of “I can't be happy because this happened to me”, and “I won't be satisfied or happy until I get that thing I want in the future."
How does this state of egoic living affecting us? How do we separate from this ongoing emotional pain? How do we open up to becoming, feeling and living in our True State of healthy emotions and joy for living?
Discover more in this radio show.
30.7.2013 • 53 Protokoll
Are You With A Narcissist?
This radio show is a purposeful broadcast about how to identify a person who has Narcissistic Personality Disorder.
Unfortunately there is a great deal of confusion in the world as to what narcissism really means, and how to know if a particular person is in fact narcissistic.
This radio show is a part of the campaign to raise awarneness, and therefore I invite you to share this radio show widely, as well as the corresponding artcile on my blog
24.7.2013 • 30 Protokoll
Thriving After Narcissistic Abuse Story 6: Deanna
This Thriver Story - is so far the one which I personally relate to the most - and I know that many people in the community will as well.
Deanna's story is about meeting and marrying a narcissist later in life, after having experienced other previous committed relationships.
How do we recover from later relationships with narcissists at mid-life? From this story you will learn how Deanna healed, recovered and thrived. I know this interview can grant you much hope and inspiration.
17.7.2013 • 1 Stunde, 4 Protokoll
Transforming Family Of Origin Wounds Mini-Course Release
Today is a very exciting day, because today I am releasing my first ever Healing Program which directly targets the emotional wounds and programming we received in our childhood.
In this radio show you will hear interviews from two of the ladies who trialled this Mini Course, as well as the incredible results I have achieved with my own family of origin as a result of working with these Healings.
The Benefits of the Transforming Family Of Origins Wounds Mini Program are:
Allows you to target your family of origin wounds with laser-like precision
Enables you to let go of any pain or wound, which you are still holding onto from your family and upbringing, no matter how deep or painful
Grants wonderful opportunities to transform the relationships with your non-narcissistic family members and other people in your life
Provides the strength to put up boundaries or do No Contact with narcissistic individuals, and allows you to achieve acceptance for the people you can't change
Fills you up with the love and self-acceptance that you missed out on in your childhood
10.7.2013 • 49 Protokoll
From The Wounded Child To The Liberated Adult
This radio show is part 2 of the series 'How To Transform Your Family Of Origin Wounds'.
During this show you will learn about Healthy Integrated Mother and Father Energy - and how we are affected if we do integrate it - and how we are if we haven't.
This show will allow you to understand how to release old subconscious programs, and how this can positively change your life and affect your future relationships.
2.7.2013 • 52 Protokoll
Healing Childhood Wounds
This show is in response to the many emails I receive from people in regard to narcissistic Family of Origin wounds.
Within this show I share with you details of inner healing work for Family of Origin wounds, my own personal experience as a result of doing this inner work - and the new upcoming Transforming Family of Origin Wounds mini-program to be released shortly.
25.6.2013 • 27 Protokoll
Co-dependency Checkup
This show is a check in to see where you are at with releasing co-dependency.
During this show you will learn how the match of co-dependency is the foundation of narcissistic relationships, and what it really means to become a solid self-loving and self-accepting Source to yourself.
18.6.2013 • 39 Protokoll
Thriving After Narcissistic Abuse Story #5: Kayla
This show is an incredible story of a lady who worked at her recovery whilst in her 33 year narcissistic marriage.
Discover how Karla overcame an emotional and physical breakdown, empowered herself, broke away and stayed away. Learn how Kayla has now created a life which bares no resemblance to her former one.
12.6.2013 • 53 Protokoll
The Illusion That Love Has To Come From Outside Of Ourself
During this show I would like to take you on a Quantum / Spiritual journey of self, regarding Who You Really Are –and what your journey of evolution after being narcissistically abused is.
How does self-love change and transform us out of limited egoic fearful states? What has been happening in our lives when we have been living in these states? How do we move out of survival into true unlimited creation and a loving life without fear?
Within this show you will find out!
4.6.2013 • 46 Protokoll
Your Breakdowns Are Your Breakthroughs
This radio show is a deeper look at emotional pain. Why do we have emotional pain? What is its purpose?
This show will allow you to learn how we can recognise our times of emotional pain and use them for our greatest personal growth potential.
Learn how you can align with the true knowing that breakdowns do contain spectacular breakthroughs.
28.5.2013 • 1 Stunde, 7 Protokoll
Thriving After Narcissistic Abuse Story # 4: Rozanne
This story is a lady's amazing journey to escape and survive after a long-term highly abusive narcissistic marriage.
Her story is one of courage and succeeding against all odds. From a paralysed position where leaving seemed hopeless she is now free and creating her true and incredible life.
No matter how powerless, scared and stuck you may feel - there is hope and this show will explain to you 'how'.
21.5.2013 • 44 Protokoll
Does The Narcissist Know What He or She is Doing?
This is such a common question!
In this radio show you will learn that in regard to poor behaviour the answer (I believe) is yes and no....and this radio show will explain to you the intricacies in regard to narcissism, and why narcissists struggle so much to be accountable for poor behaviour as well as the fundamental reasons they do what they do.
14.5.2013 • 40 Protokoll
From The Depths Of Darkness Into The Purity Of The Light
This radio show is very personal and real for me, and something that I would like to share with you.
This show is about our journey out of the darkness of narcissistic abuse to claiming our light - our light within and our light with life, and our light to be able to move forward and open up to the incredible possibilities that life does have in store for us.
You may still be in intense darkness and in pain, and I hope with all of my heart that it can inspire you and grant you the ‘journey of within’ that does change your external world from the inside out.
This is about becoming authentically free.
This is about becoming authentically free.
7.5.2013 • 43 Protokoll
Thriving After Narcissistic Abuse Story 3: Frith
This show is the story of a lady in her 50's who has undergone a miraculous transformation in her life. In this show you will learn about her painful narcissistic abuse experience.
You will hear how despite the high levels of love and support she contributed to her marriage, how she suffered desertion, being left in her times of surgical need and how she was ultimately discarded.
Frith's story is truly incredible and one that many people who invested a great deal of effort, love and resources into narcissistic relationships can relate to. You will be inspired to learn how Frith turned all of this around, and how she is now a beautiful, radiant lady fully enjoying and claiming her life.
30.4.2013 • 31 Protokoll
How We Lost Contact With Our Intution
This show is about our inner navigation system - our intuition. How is it that we don't listen to our intuition, and how do we lose an essential and real connection with ourself?
What happens in our life when we are disconnected from trusting ourself and how does narcissistic abuse accentuate this problem?
This show will explain to you how we lose connection to our intuition, how this causes pain and disintegration of our self, and what we need to do to come home to connecting to our intuition again.
23.4.2013 • 35 Protokoll
Narcissistic Central: Narcissistic Abuse and Addiction
This show is about the connection between narcissistic abuse and having an obsessive or addictive prone nature.
This is a deep journey into understanding the vibrational nature of life and relationships and why in order to change our relationship with life and other people it is so important to understand and work on our own vibration.
This show relates to my personal journey and one of the greatest wakeup calls I experienced in my own recovery.
16.4.2013 • 33 Protokoll
Thriving After Narcissistic Abuse Story #2: Evy
This story is about a woman with four children who left a narcissistic marriage after 21 years.
During this show you will learn about her journey, her growth - and how she has gained the empowerment, confidence and belief to create her new life.
9.4.2013 • 1 Stunde, 10 Protokoll
Healing Emotional Wounds at the Subconscious Level
This radio show is an in-depth explanation of the difference between your subconscious and conscious mind, what you emotions really are, as well as the connection between emotional pain and how your mind deals with this pain.
This radio show will allow you to understand how you can break off old pain, fear and patterns which are not serving you and durably, powerfully and directly heal at the true level where healing takes place.
2.4.2013 • 53 Protokoll
Authentic Relationships versus Narcissistic Relationships
This show is about the vast difference between authentic and narcissistic relationships.
It will grant you powerful understandings regarding the goal of real relationships, who you need to be, and how to heal past the pattern of non-authentic relationships in order to create an authentic soul-partnership.
Please pass this message on to create a greater understanding of what healthy soul-partnerships do look like!
26.3.2013 • 55 Protokoll
Thriving After Narcissistic Abuse Story: Galeet
This radio show is one lady's recovery from narcissistic abuse.
Her life hit rock bottom, after a painful narcissistic relationship which ended when her boyfriend discarded her and moved on to another love partner.
During this show you will learn how low she was, how she was immobilised, couldn't function or work. Not only was she emotionally traumatised, physical conditions escalated as well. When I first met her, truly she was one of the worst cases of narcissistic abuse I have ever come across.
This lady went through all types of therapies contemporary as well as holistic to try to find the answer to heal and live.
Eventually she did, and her life now bears no resemblance to her previous agony.
Her story can inspire you that recovery from narcissistic abuse can occur regardless of how powerless and devastated you feel.
19.3.2013 • 1 Stunde
The New Quanta Freedom Empowered Self Course
In this radio show I explain the 10 Modules of the new Empowered Self Course.
This Course has been created to allow you to claim your authentic power and begin your dream life after narcissistic abuse.
Click here to see the course:
12.3.2013 • 51 Protokoll
Narcissistic Central: The narcissist 'too good to be true'
This show is about 'love-bombing'.
What it is, how narcissists do it, and what to look out for.
This information is vital information to understand what the start of your narcissistic relationship really was, and how to protect yourself against a narcissist in the future.
5.3.2013 • 41 Protokoll
30 Days To Empowered Self Week 4
This is the fourth and final week of 30 Days To Empowered Self.
This week is all about working on boundary function.
Exercise 1: Identify your Boundary Malfunctions
This exercise will allow you to explore the times in your life that hurt that most due to having poor boundaries. By delving into these times in your life you will be able to ascertain the fear within yourself that stopped you from laying effective boundaries
Exercise 2: What I Will No Longer Accept
In this exercise you will now decide what you no longer want to be a part of your reality. Writing a list of what you will no longer accept will give you the clarity and confidence to lay boundaries when you are involved with a situation that is not a part of your reality.
Exercise 3: Reframing Poor Boundaries With Verbal Strategies
In this exercise you will be exploring the times in your life that you were unable to say ‘no’ and be assertive. After writing this list you will be reframing these events with healthy ways to say ‘no’.
By reframing these events you will have a strategy in place to effectively say ‘no’ and lay boundaries in the future.
26.2.2013 • 32 Protokoll
30 Days To Empowered Self Week 3
This show is Week 3 of 30 Days To Empowered Self, and is focused on creating and strengthening your personal deservedness and integrity.
Exercise 1: Testing my beliefs
This exercise will allow you to identify the beliefs you have adopted over time that have been holding you back from achieving love, success and fulfilment.
Exercise 2: Why Don’t I Deserve?
Carrying on from exercise 1, this exercise will allow you to delve deep into exactly “why” you feel like you don’t deserve. By allowing your thoughts and feelings to come to the surface you will have the ability to address and heal these limitations and create your authentic deservedness.
Exercise 3: How Well Do You Uphold Personal Integrity
Personal Integrity is an essential key to self-worth.It is all about providing validation, self-love, truth and compassion to yourself. Remember life and others will treat you only the way you treat yourself.
This exercise will allow you to identify which areas you are not upholding personal integrity so that you can work on them.
Exercise 4: Creating My Deservedness and Integrity
In this exercise you will be writing out a plan for how you are going to begin upholding personal integrity in the areas that you are lacking.
By emotionally and practically creating your new plan you will be able to begin providing yourself with validation, truth, self-love and compassion.
19.2.2013 • 58 Protokoll
30 Days To Empowered Self Week 2 - Releasing Co-dependency
This show is about shifting from co-dependency to independency.Within this show:
Exercise 1 You will identify in what areas of your life you are playing out co-dependency.
Exercise 2: You will understand how to start releasing your co-dependent behaviours. You will understand how to tap into your fears regarding your co-dependent patterns. This gets to the core issue and when addressed allows you to begin releasing co-dependency for good.
7 Independency Mantras are granted that you can apply to your life to shift from co-dependency to independency.
Exercise 3: Is about is the Rewriting The Script exercise, which is conciously formulating a plan for your new and more empowered way of living.
12.2.2013 • 51 Protokoll
30 Days To Empowered Self Week 1 - Creating The New You
This show is week 1 of 30 Days to Your Empowered Self. During this show I will be taking you through the first three exercises of this series.Exercise One is about creating the end goal in mind of your life, and uncovering your soul mission and what your true purpose in life is.Exercise Two is the establishing of what you would like to receive and have not received in life yet. This will allow you to identify your biggest hurdles blocking you from achieving what you desire in life.Exercise Three is the creation of a Declaration of Self. This sets a powerful intention to become the character and values you want to receive from life and others.
5.2.2013 • 46 Protokoll
Question & Answer Show: Can Narcissists be 'Loving'?
This show is very important and will assist you to get clear if you are living the experience of 'I love you - I love you not',
I often receive questions regarding people's confusion about a narcissistic partner who on one hand grants copious amounts of love, affection and support, and then can act intensely narcissistic.
During this show you will learn about the 'Altruistic Narcissist' and why they can be very alluring, and why it can be so difficult to realise that they are abusive despite their acts of kindness and benevolence.
You will also learn how to spot and avoid being drawn into a relationship with an Altruistic Narcissist.
29.1.2013 • 57 Protokoll
Narcissistic Central: Claiming Your Authentic Power
This show is all about how to claim your authetic power after being narcissistically abused.
This show will take your understanding and healing to a much higher and more profound level. This will assist you in understanding 'why' you were narcissistic abused, and what your gift and liberation is in this experience.
This show is all about the shift from external power to authentic power, and the true joy and real life this shift creates.
22.1.2013 • 46 Protokoll
Re run: Why Narcissists Go After Light
This show is a re-run of one of the most popular ever Narcissisttic Central shows.
During this show you will understand why narcissists are drawn to good people - people with integrity, and how the dynamic of the narcissist and the codependent plays out.
18.12.2012 • 1 Stunde, 2 Protokoll
Question and answer show: Am I The Narcissist?
This question is one of the most common questions I receive, and this is why I want to address this question in this radio show.
By listening to this show you will understand the 2 major components that identify any individual as narcissistic.
You will also understand why you believe you may be narcissistic and how 'narcissism' is projected on to you.
This show, potentially, will hand you an important key to get clear, remove the fog and claim your true self, nature, values and life.
11.12.2012 • 42 Protokoll
Getting Love Right: Why Most Boundaries Dont Hold Up
This show is a very important 'boundary setting' show.
It will describe to you why you may be enduring unfulfilling, and even abusive relationships, as well as why you struggle to honour and respect yourself.
During this show you will discover key ways to reverse you compromising yourself so that you can be truly aligned in healthy self-love, and self-value, and be a match to real, fulfilling and genuine love.
4.12.2012 • 32 Protokoll
Re run -Getting love right by healing ourself
This show is about the first step to get aligned with healing. Ironically this recognition and process is all about loving ourself. Without embracing 'all of us' including our unhealed parts this is impossible to do. If we do want to heal - if not today when? If we do want to heal then if we don't commit to ourself - who will?
This is a powerful show that can show you how to - maybe for the first time ever - truly unconditionally love and accept yourself - and how and why this is so vital in order for you to truly heal.
28.11.2012 • 42 Protokoll
Narcissistic Central: Learning About Narcs Isn't The Answer
In this show - I would like to help with you a very important understanding - and I would like to share a very 'key' story with you.
This show will help you to understand why, despite learning all there is to know about narcissism, you may not have been able to create a healthy love relationship or a narcissistic free life.
As a result of this show you will be able to realise what truly is the solution in order to live free of narcissistic abuse and move forward into loving, fulfilling and real love relationships.
20.11.2012 • 28 Protokoll
Manifest Life and Love: How to Heal Emotional Pain
This show is a very important manifestation show because truly all of us want to manifest a life that is free of emotional pain.
During this show you will learn why your emotional pain may have been in repeat, and why you have not been effectively able to stop experiencing it.
You will receive the answers as to what is really causing your pain, and how to effectively treat and heal your pain to completion.
You will also learn about one of the most painful beliefs that you can have which has been holding you firmly in your pain – and how you can release this belief and start flowing into healing.
13.11.2012 • 31 Protokoll
Q & A Show: What is co-dependency?
Within this show I want to talk in detail about the meaning of the word co-dependency.
What does this term mean? What meanings can people place on this label? How do we feel about ourselves when we investigate whether or not we are co-dependent?
If we can accept the term co-dependency how can we then apply that awareness in order to change our life?
I know you can get a lot out of this show - as it is integral to becoming a source to yourself, and creating great boundary function as well as emotional mastery.
In fact the information in this show has the potential to authentically and powerfully change your life.
6.11.2012 • 45 Protokoll
Getting Love Right: Healing by Loving Ourself
This show is about the first step to get aligned with healing. Ironically this recognition and process is all about loving ourself. Without embracing 'all of us' including our unhealed parts this is impossible to do. If we do want to heal - if not today when? If we do want to heal then if we don't commit to ourself - who will?
This is a powerful show that can show you how to - maybe for the first time ever - truly unconditionally love and accept yourself - and how and why this is so vital in order for you to truly heal.
30.10.2012 • 42 Protokoll
Narcissistic Central: Belief and Behaviours
During this show I will be talking about 'beliefs' and 'behaviours'. This show will grant you a deep understanding of how you can change the behaviours that aren’t serving you - and what is really necessary in order to create this change.
The real life examples in this show will allow you to understand how you can change yourself to experience a different life durably and authentically.
23.10.2012 • 23 Protokoll
Manifest Life and Love: The Blame Game
In this show I will talk about blaming and how when we do blame that we disempower ourself, given how we would like our life to really turn out.
In this show I will explain to you how to muscle test yourself and how you can understand how blaming yourself and others is hurting you and keeping you stuck.
16.10.2012 • 38 Protokoll
Q & A Show: What comes first Emotions or Outcomes?
In this show today I wanted to answer this question, and I believe the answer is very important. I actually believe the answer to this question is SO important that this may be this may be the most important radio show I have ever done.
The information in this show is about your pain, your emotions and the outcomes in your life - and how they are all intricately connected.
Through listening you will understand how when we are stressed, how we are often totally in reaction, and are therefore powerless in trying to create different outcomes.
This show will explain to you so much about emotional mastery - and how everything in your life - in fact every outcome you desire - depends on it.
Learn how to turn your entire life experience around from 'what you don't want to happen' to 'what you do want to happen.'
9.10.2012 • 47 Protokoll
Getting Love Right:Nothing Is Real With Someone False
This show is about discovering how we can get into relationships that do not provide us the real results we seek.
Discover how we can accept 'less than' and what it is within ourself that co-creates disappointing, unfulfilling and even abusive love experiences.
How do we create REAL relationship results? Listen to this show to find out.
2.10.2012 • 40 Protokoll
Narcissistic Central: Committing To Ourself
This show is not about the narcissist, it is about YOU and your recovery. This show will explain the difference between support and recovery and enabling the problem or creating real solutions.
During this show you will discover what the reoccuring and torturous pain of narcissistic abuse is really about, and how our peptide addiction and trying to access support to get relief is not the answer.
What does committing to ourself and recovering really mean, and what does it entail? Listen to this show find out.
25.9.2012 • 1 Stunde, 2 Protokoll
Manifest Love and Life: Your Pain Is Not A Timeline
This show is about how hanging on to pain and fear can block us from being healed and free.In order for us to make way for the good stuff to come into our life we have to release our junk. How long should this take? Is it true that the healing of our pain can take a set amount of time? Why are the reasons we usually believe our healing is going to take a long time? During this show you may discover the real reasons why it is taking you a long time to heal.
18.9.2012 • 45 Protokoll
Question and Answer Show: Why Is It Important To Feel?
This show relates to my next Empowered Life and Love article and was born from a very recent discussion on my Facegroup Book Page. The most essential part of self- healing is being able to FEEL. In this show you will understand how our mind has kept us separated from our feelings, and how by not being able to embrace our feelings without judgement we are separarted from emotionl mastery and the ability to healthily create our life. This show - truly - may hold a very powerful key, which will change EVERYTHING for you.
11.9.2012 • 39 Protokoll
Getting Love Right: Healing Our Inner Identity
In this show I will be discussing the upcoming video 3 of the series: The Phenomenon Of Narcissistic Abuse And How To Overcome It.
This show is about understanding that thinking ourself out of pain does not work, and we need to get to the deeper reasons regarding our pain, and our less than life experiences, in order to be able to create real and true change for ourself.
This show will grant you the awareness of why you may be stuck in pain, and what is truly necessary for you in order to heal.
4.9.2012 • 37 Protokoll
Re-run: Manifest your goal , Quanta Freedom Healing
This show is a re-run of the show: Manifest Your Dreams Goals and Desires, and is an incredibly inspirational show for many people who have discovered how to vibrationally shift limiting beliefs and align their Inner Identity with their goals.
28.8.2012 • 1 Stunde, 18 Protokoll
Narcissistic Central: The Narc Does Not Want You To Be Happy
In this show I am going to explain some of the most major differences between a relationship that can be healthy, and a narcissistic relationship. You will learn about pathological envy and how this permeates a relationship with a narcissist, and how it affects your life with him and her.
Discover why and how the narcissist is threatened by you being happy, successful and fulfilled, and why you cannot have support, encouragement and healthy co-creation with a narcissist.
21.8.2012 • 40 Protokoll
Manifest Life and Love You Want: How To Inspire Real Love
This show is all about 'how' we can get a man to REALLY want to grant attention, love and commitment. In this show we will explore limiting beliefs that separate you from this goal, and what is necessary to become this goal.
In this show I provide a muscle testing on-air so that you can discover what is holding you back from achieving this goal.
This is a must listen show for any women who is frustrated as a result of relationships where she is not receiving real love, attention or commitment.
14.8.2012 • 48 Protokoll
Q& A - How Do We Heal Our Children?
This show is vital for any parent that has concerns regarding their children as a result of narcissistic abuse.
This show covers the topics 1) Your children are affected as a result of a narcissistic parent or step-parent. 2) You have fears about the narcissist who has visitation rights or joint custody. 3) Your children are turned against you or taken away from you by the narcissist. 4) You suspect that one or more of your children has been programmed into becoming a narcissist, and 4) Your child is in an abusive narcissitic relationship.
This show is a much listen to show if any of the above is your painful situation.
7.8.2012 • 1 Stunde, 1 Minute
Getting Love Right: Honouring Yourself Before Seeking Love
It is true that many people try to engage in love relationships before they are ready to do so. This is especially true if you have suffered painful, traumatic or abusive love. YOu may feel that you wish to have a love partner, yet the thought of seeking a love relationship feels totally overwhelming. In this show you will discover the steps to reclaim yourself, be at peace with this process and then work towards opening yourself up to love. You will understand how and why this process is so necessary if you have fear around love.
31.7.2012 • 54 Protokoll
Narcissistic Central: How To Let Go
We all know that the hooks, enmeshments and psychic ties with narcissists are intense. Eevn though logically we know we are being abused and damaged why is it so hard to let go? Why is it that we can be intelligent and capable yet when it comes to the narcissist we lose all common sense? During this show I will talk about the hooks that keep us engaged, and how we are actually playing out our unhealed parts in these hooks. I will explain to you how to avoid the horrific aftershock process that most people go through when leaving a narcissist, and how to access shifts within yourself so that you can let go and be safe and empowered.
24.7.2012 • 51 Protokoll
Manifesting Life and Love: The Shift from Ego to Integrity
This show is about the time we live in and what this time entails. Why are so many people struggling at the moment? What is really going on at an energetic and universal level? You will discover in this show why integrity is the only system that does produce results, and why egoic and False Self function no longer does. This show will challenge you to stand in and live a model of realness and truth and will allow you to realise the repercussions if you don't.
Please join the chatroom if you have any questions or comments.
17.7.2012 • 35 Protokoll
Question and Answer Show
During this show I will be talking about - what creates narcissism? This question has appeared several times this week, and I would like to discuss this very important question.
10.7.2012 • 35 Protokoll
Getting Love Right: Partner Appreciation
During this show we will be talking about how to contribute to a relationship in order to help it grow and thrive. The truth is many relationships become complacent and lose their spark and ‘fertilizer’. Discover within this show how you can lose resentment, guilt, boredom and staleness, and replace it with contributions that not only enhance how your partner feels, but also create you as the other half of a relationship who feels and enjoys the passion and love. If you have any questions that you would like answered in this show please email me at [email protected] and if you would like to dial in to speak to me the call in number is USA listeners 347 989 1262 or for Australian listeners 00111 347 989 1262.
3.7.2012 • 32 Protokoll
Narcissistic Central: The Attraction to Fear Pain and Drama
We may not realise it, but the narcissist may be providing us with all the ‘material’ we need to feel ‘in love’. The reason why we may not realise this is taking place is because much of it can be happening at a deep unconscious level….This show will fascinate you in discovering all the reasons why painful, narcissistic and unsafe people may be your perfect match as a love partner – that is until you know how to change yourself in order to be attracted to much healthier and more sustainable relationships..
26.6.2012 • 46 Protokoll
Manifest Love and Life: Losing Fear to Become Love
When we realise we are the vibrational creator of what we receive, we can realise that the ultimate goal is to become love without fear and pain. This may sound etheral or even glib - yet during this show you will realise how powerful this statement really is. During this broadcast you will be able to embody why, no matter how much information and training you have - it is your deepest fears that can keep you sepearted from love.
19.6.2012 • 46 Protokoll
Question and Answer Show
During this radio show I will be answering questions that have been emailed to me regarding all sorts of topics, relating to co-dependency, manifestation, boundary function, Quanta Freedom Healing, recovery strategies and so much more. If you have any questions that you would like answered in this specific Q and A show please email me at [email protected] and if you would like to dial in to speak to me the call in number is USA listeners 347 989 1262 or for Australian listeners 00111 347 989 1262.
12.6.2012 • 47 Protokoll
Getting Love Right: Love Avoidance and Addiction
In the show you will discover the patterns of love addiction and love avoidance and how if individuals within love relationships don’t effectively know how to fill themselves and relate healthily to each other, they may play out these patterns. Learn about healthy interdependent relationships and what the model of sharing and space can look like in a functional way. You may discover many answers to the problems you have been experiencing in relationships in this show, as well as how to rectify these issues.
5.6.2012 • 45 Protokoll
Narcissistic Central: No Contact
In this radio show Nancy and I will be discussing No Contact. Why we need to do it, and if we do slip up what the experience can teach us. If you do fall back on No Contact, are you back to square one? Discover in this show where you are at in your healing journey in regard to maintaining No Contact. If you have any questions that you would like answered in this show please email me at [email protected] and if you would like to dial in to speak to me the call in number is USA listeners 347 989 1262 or for Australian listeners 00111 347 989 1262.
29.5.2012 • 1 Stunde, 3 Protokoll
Manifesting Love and Life: Internal and external healing
So many people ask “How do I heal myself?” The truth is when people have suffered pain, they want to feel better and find the solutions in order to do so. Clearly we all want to be free of the pain and be able to create a great life. In this show I will explain the difference between internal and external healing – and the difference between ‘going through’ pain and ‘growing through’ pain. If you are serious about healing and eliminating the repeat painful patterns in your life, you will find this show very beneficial to listen to.
22.5.2012 • 29 Protokoll
Question and Answer Show
During this radio show I will be answering questions that have been emailed to me regarding all sorts of topics, relating to co-dependency, manifestation, boundary function, Quanta Freedom Healing, recovery strategies and so much more. If you have any questions that you would like answered in this specific Q and A show please email me at [email protected]
15.5.2012 • 50 Protokoll
Getting Love Right: Empathetic Listening
This show is about how to recognise, empathise with and help support your partner’s vulnerabilities. This can be a challenge when we recognise that your partner’s Achilles heels are going to be big triggers for your associated fears. How can relationships in crisis, that are worth saving learn how to come together, provide nurture, support and growth? If you have any questions that you would like answered in this show please email me at [email protected]
8.5.2012 • 34 Protokoll
Narcissistic Central: Trauma Bonding
This show is a deep discussion about trauma bonding. It seems insane that being treated poorly would make us bond with a person, and believe that we love them and need them in our life – yet it truly does. Learn about trauma bonding, how it happens, how it has affected you, and what you need to do to release yourself from the insidious and life destroying attachment to a narcissistic individual. If you have any questions that you would like answered in this show please email me at [email protected]
1.5.2012 • 42 Protokoll
Manifesting Love and Life: Goals, Dreams and Your Identity
This show is about how powerfully your Inner Identity dictates who you can be in the world. If your Inner Identity was a match for your dreams and goals then you would be content and invigorated on the journey of realising these goals. Unfortunately for many people their Inner Identity is in opposition to what they want to achieve.
During this show we will be doing Quanta Freedom Shifts live on air, to help you release your limiting beliefs and align with the creation of your goals. Please let other people know about this show, so that they can also access freedom from limits and move closer to their own personal joy and expansion.
24.4.2012 • 1 Stunde, 17 Protokoll
Question and Answer Show
During this radio show I will be answering questions that have been emailed to me regarding all sorts of topics, relating to co-dependency, manifestation, boundary function, Quanta Freedom Healing, recovery strategies and so much more. If you have any questions that you would like answered in this specific Q and A show please email me at [email protected] and if you would like to dial in to speak to me the call in number is USA listeners 347 989 1262 or for Australian listeners 00111 347 989 1262.
17.4.2012 • 49 Protokoll
Getting Love Right: How To Communicate More Effectively
I have speaking lately about the great book that is life-changing – Crucial Conversations. During this show I wish to explain how to communicate more effectively. Within this show I will be discussing how we can make disempowered choices such as ‘silence’ and ‘violence’ and how we not only don’t get our needs met when we do this, but we also create an unsafe platform for our loved ones. How do we change this pattern, and how can we keep our conversations as safe, effective and working as a win win success for all concerned. If you have any questions that you would like answered in this show please email me at [email protected] and if you would like to dial in to speak to me the call in number is USA listeners 347 989 1262 or for Australian listeners 00111 347 989 1262.
10.4.2012 • 50 Protokoll
Narcissistic Central: Recovery From Narcissistic Abuse
This show is an interview with an individual who has broken free and recovered from narcissistic abuse. Listen to their inspirational journey of how they recovered, and what processes they used to break free. If you have any questions that you would like answered in this show please email me at [email protected] and if you would like to dial in to speak to me the call in number is USA listeners 347 989 1262 or for Australian listeners 00111 347 989 1262.
3.4.2012 • 1 Stunde, 13 Protokoll
Pre-Record Interview
This show is a pre-recorded show for Narcissitic Central.
3.4.2012 • 1 Stunde, 19 Protokoll
Manifesting the Love and Life You Want: Bringing 'more' in
It is very easy to fall into the trap of focusing on ‘what you don’t have’ instead of ‘what you would like to create’. Until we realise what powerful creators we are we may not understand that we are in fact the creator of our ‘less than’ experiences as a result of calling them forth into our experience. During this show you will learn how to turn these experiences around in order to flow forward into the abundance and the plenty that is yours by divine right. If you have any questions that you would like answered in this show please email me at [email protected] and if you would like to dial in to speak to me the call in number is USA listeners 347 989 1262 or for Australian listeners 00111 347 989 1262.
27.3.2012 • 59 Protokoll
Question and Answer Show
During this radio show I will be answering questions that have been emailed to me regarding all sorts of topics, relating to co-dependency, manifestation, boundary function, Quanta Freedom Healing, recovery strategies and so much more. If you have any questions that you would like answered in this specific Q and A show please email me at [email protected] and if you would like to dial in to speak to me the call in number is USA listeners 347 989 1262 or for Australian listeners 00111 347 989 1262.
20.3.2012 • 47 Protokoll
Manifesting the Love and Life You Want: Men want love too!
Many women have limited beliefs regarding men. They beleive that men can be adulterous, non-committal and simply use and abuse women for sex. This show will help you understand how men think, what they really do want, and how you can be a woman who appeals to a man's ability to love and commit. How can you turn your expereince around from being the 'play thing' to the 'real thing' for him?
16.3.2012 • 1 Stunde
Re-run: Who Is Responsible For Our Wellbeing
This show is a re-run of a very powerful show. Please note due to internet connection difficulties this shows reception does cut out and in - but is well worth listening to on so many levels!
9.3.2012 • 58 Protokoll
Narcissistic Central: Tired of Being the Scapegoat?
When you are in a narcissistically abusive relationship you are positioned as the scapegoat. During this show you will learn how the narcissist projects his or her unhealed parts at you and holds you responsible for his or her defects. Learn how not accept being the scapegoat, and how to assert healthy boundaries so that you are not continually justifying your position. If you have any questions that you would like answered in this show please email me at [email protected] and if you would like to dial in to speak to myself or Nancy call in number is USA listeners 347 989 1262 or for Australian listeners 00111 347 989 1262.
28.2.2012 • 59 Protokoll
Manifesting the Love and Life You Want: Trusting Others
During this radio show I will be talking about how to manifest others as you would like to receive them. How do we not get triggered and see the worst in others and therefore attract ‘more of that’? Within this show you will learn about Law of Attraction techniques in order to receive the love, support, happiness and connection you wish to be and receive in life. If you have any questions that you would like answered in this show please email me at [email protected] and if you would like to dial in to speak to me the call in number is USA listeners 347 989 1262 or for Australian listeners 00111 347 989 1262.
21.2.2012 • 41 Protokoll
Question and Answer Show
During this radio show I will be answering questions that have been emailed to me regarding all sorts of topics, relating to co-dependency, manifestation, boundary function, Quanta Freedom Healing, recovery strategies and so much more. If you have any questions that you would like answered in this specific Q and A show please email me at [email protected] and if you would like to dial in to speak to me the call in number is USA listeners 347 989 1262 or for Australian listeners 00111 347 989 1262.
14.2.2012 • 46 Protokoll
Getting Love Right: Creating Our Own Wellbeing
This is part two from last month’s show regarding taking personal responsibility. Within this show I will be discussing the aspects of how we can take personal responsibility within our personal relationships to inspire love, respect and support, rather than being stuck in the victimhood and pain of not having our needs met. Within this show you will learn how to be the alignment you seek, and will discover strategies regarding how to get your needs met in healthy ways. If you have any questions that you would like answered in this show please email me at [email protected] and if you would like to dial in to speak to me the call in number is USA listeners 347 989 1262 or for Australian listeners 00111 347 989 1262.
8.2.2012 • 33 Protokoll
Narcissistic Central: He Is My Source Of Everything
One of the most compelling and binding aspects of a narcissistic relationship is that you have been conditioned, and are susceptible to energetically, psychically, emotionally and mentally believe that the narcissist is your Source of everything, and that without this Source you will be nothing, and will not be able to create anything in your life of value or joy ever again.. This incredibly stripped feeling of powerlessness, limitation and futileness is extreme, and can mean that letting go and living without the narcissist’s energy in your life feels like ‘death’ (often literally). Find out why this phenomenon has occurred, why the illusion has been established, and how the breaking down of the illusion and necessary reprogramming is essential in order to live again, break free and move forward into a wonderful and full life without the narcissist. If you have any questions that you would like answered in this show please email me at [email protected] and if you would like to dial in to speak to myself or Nancy call in number is USA listeners 347 989 1262 or for Australian listeners 00111 347 989 1262.
31.1.2012 • 57 Protokoll
Manifesting the Love and Life You Want: How To Let Go
One of the greatest keys in manifesting anything in your life, is learning how to surrender in order to open up the space for your manifestation to ‘come’. This, arguably is the hardest part of the process. How do we get to a level where we are not attached to specific outcomes? How do we get our ego and our expectations out of the way, yet stay aligned in the energy of creating our goal? This show will fascinate you, and allow you to realise why your manifestations may not be working, and how you can turn all of that around. If you have any questions that you would like answered in this show please email me at [email protected] and if you would like to dial in to speak to me the call in number is USA listeners 347 989 1262 or for Australian listeners 00111 347 989 1262.
24.1.2012 • 56 Protokoll
Question and Answers
During this radio show I will be answering questions that have been emailed to me regarding all sorts of topics, relating to co-dependency, manifestation, boundary function, Quanta Freedom Healing, recovery strategies and so much more. If you have any questions that you would like answered in this specific Q and A show please email me at [email protected] and if you would like to dial in to speak to me the call in number is USA listeners 347 989 1262 or for Australian listeners 00111 347 989 1262.
17.1.2012 • 1 Stunde
Getting Love Right: Who Is Responsible For Our Wellbeing?
It is an illusion that other people are energetically responsible for our well-being, and it is this illusion that is one of the greatest creators of co-dependency. Yet in relationships we all want to have our needs met – and this is where the conundrum lies. Within this show I will explain how to ease this confusion and navigate getting your needs met, whilst not making your partner responsible for your well-being. As a result of listening to this show you will understand one of the greatest dichotomies of life – and that is that if you take responsibility for your own well-being, you are in the best position to have your love partner grant you ‘more of that’. If you have any questions that you would like answered in this show please email me at [email protected] and if you would like to dial in to speak to me the call in number is USA listeners 347 989 1262 or for Australian listeners 00111 347 989 1262.
10.1.2012 • 58 Protokoll
Re-run: Why do narcissists go after light?
This show is a re-run regarding more information about the phenomenon of narcissistic abuse. What is really going on, and why do narcissists go after nice people?
3.1.2012 • 1 Stunde, 2 Protokoll
Narcissistic Central Interview: 2 Years on after abuse
In this interview I will be talking to my guest about how she is travelling 2 years onwards from the end of her narcissistic relationship. Learn how she has accepted responsibility for her journey and her healing, and has learnt how to break her painful cycles. Learn how she created her empowerment and healthy boundaries for herself. During our discussion she will share with you the difference she now knows between narcissistic abuse and feeling free, balanced and at home with her True Self.
20.12.2011 • 1 Stunde
Manifesting the Love and Life You Want: He was The One!
This show is all about the illusion that many people can fall prey to, which is “I thought he / she was The One”. In this show you will discover the manifestation truth of what you are creating, and how in effect there is never the external ‘one’, and what the authentic Ultimate Reality Truth is on this topic. Learn how to create yourself as ‘The One’ in order to gain the love experience that you truly desire. If you have any questions that you would like answered in this show please email me at [email protected] and if you would like to dial in to speak to me the call in number is USA listeners 347 989 1262 or for Australian listeners 00111 347 989 1262.
13.12.2011 • 50 Protokoll
Interview with an empowered dater
This show is going to be a great show, as it is with a lady who were previously abused and lonely, and she had a history of not getting love right. Listen to how she turned it all around, is in her power now, and loved dating! Seriously this show will inspire you that there is no need for you stay lonely, single and dateless and have fears of dating! During this show you will find out why! If you’re single and lonely, yet the thought of dating horrifies you, you really must listen to this show. If you have any questions that you would like answered in this show please email me at [email protected] and if you would like to dial in to speak to me the call in number is USA listeners 347 989 1262 or for Australian listeners 00111 347 989 1262.
6.12.2011 • 1 Stunde, 18 Protokoll
Getting Love Right: Why Your Authentic Self is so safe
If we have been hurt before, it is normal to have fears in regard to creating love. As a result we try to adapt ourselves to what people want us to be, rather than simply being our authentic self. During this show you will learn how protecting and adapting ourselves never works, and actually blocks us off from giving and receiving loves, as well as attracting the very people and things we fear. During this show you will learn not only how safe it is to be your authentic self, but also why being authentically you attracts, creates and maintains all that you want, and what the stark differences between authenticity and guardedness are. If you have any questions that you would like answered in this show please email me at [email protected] and if you would like to dial in to speak to me the call in number is USA listeners 347 989 1262 or for Australian listeners 00111 347 989 1262.
29.11.2011 • 1 Stunde
Narcissistic Central: The History Of Misogyny
In this show Nancy and I will be talking about the History of Misogyny, and how society was primed to create narcissistic abuse. Discover when this started, how this started and why misogyny was allowed to thrive. How did women lose their knowing of their power, and how to create safe relationships? This show will grant you fascinating information, and the understanding of how we truly do now live in times where we can create safety, respect and healthy relationships with life and others. If you have any questions that you would like answered in this show please email me at [email protected] and if you would like to dial in to speak to myself or Nancy call in number is USA listeners 347 989 1262 or for Australian listeners 00111 347 989 1262.
22.11.2011 • 1 Stunde, 1 Minute
Re-run: Narcissists and Empaths
Due to me having a headache and needing to lie down! (yes time to nurture me, been doing too much!) This week's show is a re-run of the one of the most popular ever Narcissistic Central shows. I hope you enjoy!
15.11.2011 • 1 Stunde, 2 Protokoll
Manifesting The Life and Love You Want: What Is True Freedom
This show is about True Freedom? What is it? How do we create it, and very importantly how do we hold on to it when we get it? How does our ‘freedom’ affect others? How can we operate in the world in win / win ways whilst still retaining our freedom? How can we, once establishing our own freedom, allow others to have theirs and release the need to control them? You will learn in this show what True Freedom is, and how it creates Authentic Power, and releases us from the pain and repercussions of False Power and the egoic need to control our life from a place of fear. . If you have any questions that you would like answered in this show please email me at [email protected] and if you would like to dial in to speak to me the call in number is USA listeners 347 989 1262 or for Australian listeners 00111 347 989 1262.
8.11.2011 • 58 Protokoll
Interviews with individuals co-parenting with a narcissist
This show is a very important one for anyone who is struggling with the agony of co-parenting with a narcissist. Learn how to assist your children and yourself practically, emotionally and vibrationally. Learn how to overcome the fear, pain and guilt that you have in regard to what is happening to your children, and learn how to empower them instead. In the show you will also learn how to not participate in your ex-partner using the children as a source of bait to hook you in for narcissistic supply. Please recommend this show to anyone you know who is suffering, and to all women in general – because there are many world-wide struggling greatly in regard to co-parenting with a narcissist.
1.11.2011 • 1 Stunde, 28 Protokoll
Getting Love Right: How to create what you want to receive
Many of us have an intense focus on the disappointment and pain that we experienced in previous relationships, or what is occurring in our present relationship. We may feel stuck in feelings of resentment, not being good enough, being taken for granted or suffering the anguish of feeling rejected. How can we turn this experience around? Why is it that when we get stuck in the negativity of our situations, it feels like no matter how much we complain and state our needs that they don’t seem to get met. Why does if feel like we are moving further and further away from being loved and not towards it? This show will offer you some revolutionary solutions in order to change your previous painful love experiences. Have a pen and a piece of paper to go through some transforming exercises!
25.10.2011 • 1 Stunde, 1 Minute
Narcissistic Central: Why narcissists go after 'light'
Nancy and I will be talking about an incredibly interesting subject regarding narcissistic abuse. Why do narcissists get attracted to ‘good people’? What is it that they want energetically? What happens to our ‘light’ and our connection to ‘good’ when we become enmeshed with a narcissist? Anyone that has experienced or is experiencing narcissistic abuse will be totally fascinated with this show. It is highly recommended that if this has been or is your reality that you listen to this show, because truly it will explain so much. If you have any questions that you would like answered in this show please email me at [email protected] and if you would like to dial in to speak to myself or Nancy call in number is USA listeners 347 989 1262 or for Australian listeners 00111 347 989 1262.
18.10.2011 • 1 Stunde, 1 Minute
Manifesting The Life and Love You Want: Feeling Safe In Life
We are all living in times that are uncertain and certainly precarious. Our world is going through incredible earth and economic changes that are unpredictable and hovering between destruction and re-birth. How can we retain our vibration in these times? How can we not give over to the fear of uncertainly and worse case scenarios? How can we learn that our inner state is all important and the outer conditions do not dictate our creation of life? How can we ‘be in the world’ but not of the world’ to help assist the raising of consciousness within ourselves and collectively with our world? This show will assist you vibrationally in these challenging times. If you have any questions that you would like answered in this show please email me at [email protected] and if you would like to dial in to speak to me the call in number is USA listeners 347 989 1262 or for Australian listeners 00111 347 989 1262.
11.10.2011 • 59 Protokoll
Recovery from Narcissitic Abuse: Guests discussing boundarie
This show is with individuals who were previously terrorised and distraught by perpetrators in their life. Discover what happened when these people took back control, aligned themselves with boundary function and their own self-empowerment and deservedness. Learn how, not only did this change their experience of abuse in life; it also changed their experiences in every area of their life. If you find it difficult to stand up, and not sell yourself out with fear this show will grant you much inspiration and hope.
4.10.2011 • 1 Stunde, 31 Protokoll
How To Implement Boundaries With Guests
This show is an interview with two ladies who have recovered, survived and thrived as a result of empowering themselves. Both of these guests were suffering from high level narcissistic relationship which came very close to destroying their lives. Learn how these women rose up, asserted themselves and reclaimed their life.
4.10.2011 • 1 Stunde, 31 Protokoll
Interview with individuals regarding implemented boundaries
This show is with individuals who were previously terrorised and distraught by perpetrators in their life. Discover what happened when these people took back control, aligned themselves with boundary function and their own self-empowerment and deservedness. Learn how, not only did this change their experience of abuse in life; it also changed their experiences in every area of their life. If you find it difficult to stand up, and not sell yourself out with fear this show will grant you much inspiration and hope. If you have any questions that you would like answered in this show please email me at [email protected] and if you would like to dial in to speak to me the call in number is USA listeners 347 989 1262 or for Australian listeners 00111 347 989 1262.
2.10.2011 • 1 Stunde, 31 Protokoll
Getting Love Right: Is Being A Woman Letting Me Down?
Historically women felt that they had very limited resources to care for and protect themselves. In many ways their experiences of partners were ‘pot luck’ in the quest to achieve safety and stability. Hopefully a woman’s partner could provide the safety, security, protection and certainty that she couldn’t provide for herself. What if he didn’t? This show is about how many of us may have struggled with understanding what it is to be ‘female’ in modern times, and how this is no longer an impediment to providing for ourselves as well as getting our needs met healthily. Why is it that we can still feel extremely vulnerable, and can still be let down when men aren’t providing our safety and survival for us? This show will be a very helpful listen to if you feel that being a woman create you as feeling vulnerable and unsafe in the world, and within relationships. If you have any questions that you would like answered in this show please email me at [email protected] and if you would like to dial in to speak to me call in number is USA listeners 347 989 1262 or for Australian listeners 00111 347 989 1262.
27.9.2011 • 1 Stunde, 1 Minute
Narcissistic Central: How and why we become 'narcissistic'
In this show Nancy and I will discuss the phenomenon of narcissistic projection – which is the reason why when you are with a narcissist you start to behave like a narcissist. During the experience of narcissistic abuse you may discover the meaning of the term ‘narcissist’ look at the checklist and have grave fears about whether or not you are in fact narcissistic as well. In fact many partners of narcissists can be virtually convinced that they are in fact the narcissist and the cause of the problems. This show will assist you in the clarification of why, when you look in the mirror, you may be disgusted by the person that you have become, and what you can do in order to claim back the person that you really are. If you have any questions that you would like answered in this show please email me at [email protected] and if you would like to dial in to speak to myself or Nancy call in number is USA listeners 347 989 1262 or for Australian listeners 00111 347 989 1262.
20.9.2011 • 1 Stunde, 1 Minute
Manifesting The Life You Want: Self belief and boundaries
It is true that self-belief and boundaries are extremely connected. People that suffer with having little belief or self-esteem are the people that have deficient boundary function. By listening to this show you will understand the vital connection that is essential to feel safe in the world and the knowing that with some self-adjustment, that you can expand out into the world and create the life you truly want to have. How can we create a better connection of self-belief and better boundary function? How can we get to the place where we know that we can trust and look after ourselves emotionally as well as practically, regardless of what life does or doesn’t throw at us? How can we know that when we start believing in ourselves that life, others and circumstances will start to reflect that also? If you have any questions that you would like answered in this show please email me at [email protected] and if you would like to dial in to speak to myself call in number is USA listeners 347 989 1262 or for Australian listeners 00111 347 989 1262.
13.9.2011 • 1 Stunde
Interview with victims of narcissistic abuse
In this show I will be conducting interviews with ladies who have been suffered from narcissistic abuse and found their way to empowered recovery as a result of accessing vibrational and belief system healing. Find out the difference that was experienced as opposed to contemporary cognitive therapy, and how empowered solutions made the difference. If you would like to ask any questions in this show you may call in. The number is USA listeners 347 989 1262 or for Australian listeners 00111 347 989 1262.
6.9.2011 • 1 Stunde, 54 Protokoll
Getting Love Right: How to seek love without fear
In this show I will discuss the crippling beliefs that can make women fearful of seeking love and connecting to love in healthy ways. What is it that can stop women finding and connecting with love? What are the fears that sabotage the creation of a loving relationship? How can you lose the fear and still know how to protect yourself, have boundaries and trust your choices and ability to speak up to have your needs met? If you have any questions that you would like answered in this show please email me at [email protected] and if you would like to dial in to speak to myself call in number is USA listeners 347 989 1262 or for Australian listeners 00111 347 989 1262.
30.8.2011 • 1 Stunde
Narcissistic Central: Why do empaths attract narcissists?
In this show Nancy and I will discuss why narcissists target nice people who have a great deal of empathy to give. Does this make empaths victims, or is there a deeper reason going on? How can you be an empath yet learn healthy boundaries to know when it is or isn’t applicable to give? How can you still be a nice person in the world and know that you can be safe and not mined by other people for their own selfish and abusive reasons? If you have any questions that you would like answered in this show please email me at [email protected] and if you would like to dial in to speak to myself or Nancy call in number is USA listeners 347 989 1262 or for Australian listeners 00111 347 989 1262.
23.8.2011 • 1 Stunde, 1 Minute
Manifesting The Life and Love You Want: What is 'the gift'?
So much of our fear comes from the belief that bad things happen, or maybe - just as something goes right it will go wrong and that people can do bad things to us. On a human level that has been our experience that can keep fear running in our lives, and charging within our emotional bodies and will keep attracting exactly what we fear. Our goal is to move out of fear and into consciousness, which means that we can accept that there is a perfect design and a perfect pattern in life that always is loving and supportive. This show is about getting our focus off negativity and on to positivity and then realising that there is a gift in every experience that can and will take us through to greater love, joy, creation and expansion. Learn how your perceptions create your beliefs and your experience, and know the difference between ‘repeat pain’ and ‘the gift’. If you want to transform your patterns and painful experiences you will find this show very beneficial. If you have any questions that you would like answered in this show please email me at [email protected] if you would like to dial in to speak to myself or Dale call in number is USA (1) 347 989 1262 or for Australian listeners 00111 347 989 1262
16.8.2011 • 1 Stunde
On Air Quanta Freedom Healing
This show was a pre-recorded show with a lady from the UK who is recovering from narcissistic abuse. Only a month ago Juliette was devestated, incredibly depressed and feeling helpless. Due to her engaging in the Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Program and focsuing on healing herself she now sees a light at the end of the tunnel and is on the way to recovering her self, life and truth. This show is a great listen to for anyone wishing to recover from narcissistic abuse.
9.8.2011 • 1 Stunde, 33 Protokoll
Free On Air Quant freedom Healing
This show is a 90 minute special including a guest who will experience a free on-air Quanta Freedom Healing. This lady from the UK has already been chosen for this show, and has been a victim of narcissistic abuse. To understand how we do the deeper inner work on painful belief systems in order to heal our life please tune in to this show!
7.8.2011 • 1 Stunde, 32 Protokoll
Narcissistic Central: Can narcissists have humility
In this show Nancy and I will discuss the times when the narcissist admits that there is something wrong with them – and when they talk about why they are damaged and how they want to heal. During this show we will examine these times, when they occur, what they mean, and how you can create strong boundaries to work out whether or not there is hope that the narcissist will change. How do we know that this show of humility is real or not? How do we know if this will actually hold, and if circumstances will improve? If you have any questions that you would like answered in this show please email me at [email protected] and if you would like to dial in to speak to myself or Nancy call in number is USA listeners 347 989 1262 or for Australian listeners 00111 347 989 1262.
26.7.2011 • 1 Stunde, 1 Minute
On-Air Quanta Freedom Healing
This show is a 90 minute special including a guest who will experience a free on-air Quanta Freedom Healing. Quanta freedom Healing is a healing technique that can be applied to any less than situation in your life that you wish to recover from and gain empowerment on. If you would like to apply to be the guest who is chosen to experience this show’s Healing please email me at [email protected]. Outline why you would like the healing and what it is that you wish to improve in your life.
12.7.2011 • 1 Stunde, 32 Protokoll
Narcissistic Central: Trying to get even.
In this show Nancy and I will discuss one of the most normal responses and charges that occur when narcissistically abused which is: wanting to get even with the narcissist. What happens when we try to do this and what are the results? How do we really ‘get even’, and how do we get ourselves out of the pain of trying to obtain justice when there seems that there is none forthcoming, and move forward into relief. This show is a vital listen to for anyone who has been involved in the excruciating agony of narcissistic abuse, and feels that there is no justice and way to regain your power other than try to bring the narcissist down, and make him or her accountable. If you have any questions that you would like answered in this show please email me at [email protected] and if you would like to dial in to speak to myself or Nancy call in number is USA listeners 347 989 1262 or for Australian listeners 00111 347 989 1262.
28.6.2011 • 1 Stunde, 1 Minute
Healing Narcissistic Abuse with Quanta Freedom Healing
This show is a one hour session including an individual who has been chosen for a free Quanta Freedom Healing on-air. The topic for this healing is recovery from narcissistic abuse. This show is a powerful show to listen to if you have been trying to break free and heal from the devastation of narcissistic abuse. Please note that if you would like to be the individual who experiences a future free live healing, you may apply at: [email protected].
14.6.2011 • 1 Stunde, 30 Protokoll
Narcissistic Central: Men in Narcissitic Relationships
This show was a pre-recorded show interviewing three men who had been in narcissitically abuive relationships. Discover ho wthese men became hooked to narcissitic females and how they escaped the abuse. Please suggest this show to any man that you may know who is in, or has been in a narcissitic relationship. Also for any women listening in to this show you will learn how abuse to men, is very similar to abuse to women, and how some of the relaisations that are shared by these men may also be helpful for female recovery from narcissitic abuse.
31.5.2011 • 1 Stunde, 1 Minute
Narcissistic Central: Men In Narcissistic Relationships
During this show I will be interviewing men who suffered narcissistic relationships. What drew them to the narcissist woman? What hooked them in? What were the addictions / hooks that made it so difficult to remove themselves from the relationship when they knew that it clearly wasn’t healthy? How did they finally learn how to break away and stay away, and what was necessary for their recovery? What have these men understood as the gift of their narcissistic relationship? This show will be fascinating, as you will understand the similarities between all individuals regardless of gender when dealing with narcissistic abuse, and also some significant differences between men and women in regards to recovery. If you suspect that any men you know are in a narcissistic relationship, or trying to recover from one please encourage them to listen to this show! if you would like to dial in to speak to myself or any of the guys please call in number is USA (1) 347 989 1262 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting (1) 347 989 1262 end_of_the_skype_highlighting or for Australian listeners 00111 347 989 1262
27.5.2011 • 1 Stunde, 1 Minute
From Pain to Self-realisation through Quanta Freedom
This show is a one hour session including an individual who will receive a Quanta Freedom Healing on-air. By listening in you will hear how Quanta Freedom Healing works to release you instantly from your fear, pain and blockages and releases you into the freedom to align with what you really want in life. This is a must listen to show if you have had enough of feeling stuck and feel unable to achieve your goals in any area of your life.
17.5.2011 • 1 Stunde, 30 Protokoll
2012 – What does it Mean? Part 4
In this last segment of 2012 Marian will be explaining the ‘difference of dimensions’. Expand your knowledge of human evolution further with information about the Aghartans, the new generation of crystal babies, and their purpose in this time, and the incredible transformation of Gaia, which we truly are all witnessing right here, right now on a profound scale. This is the last show of the 2012 series so make sure you catch it!
19.4.2011 • 1 Stunde, 1 Minute
Narcissistic Central: Spiritual Narcissists
On this show Nancy and I will explore Spiritual Narcissism. There can be much disparaging and off-putting information regarding Spiritual Narcissists, which unfortunately can deter individuals from taking a spiritual journey – yet it’s very important to realise that Spiritual Narcissists do exist. Most definitely people have been molested mentally, physically and financially by spiritual ‘guru’s’. It can be daunting to put your spiritual self in the hands of another – as it is very true that many people espouse ‘spirituality’ , however may not ‘walk the talk’. Alternatively it can be very easy to trust ‘spiritual’ people who appear to live a principle centered life, yet who don’t walk the talk. Narcissists are very good at appearing ‘real’, and it can be very easy to believe a narcissist is ‘spiritual’, yet find out the hard way that they’re not. This discussion regarding Spiritual Narcissism will not only cover the common narcissist in relationships but also the public figure narcissist. Find out why co-dependents can be easily drawn in by spiritual narcissists, and why it’s essential to take your time to know what, and who, is or isn’t real. If you would like to email in any questions or share information regarding this show, please email me at [email protected].
5.4.2011 • 1 Stunde, 1 Minute
2012 What Does It Mean - Part 3
In this show the fascination and information continues. Tune in to discover information regarding Lightworkers, and what ‘lightworker’ means. Marian and I will be continuing our discussion about the Arcturians (purported creators of crop circles) and their connection with scared geometry, and how they’re educating our vibration via the phenomenon of crop circles. We’ll also be discussing healing with sound vibration, and other ways to raise our frequency. I love these 2012 shows! I hope you listen in!
22.3.2011 • 1 Stunde, 1 Minute
Narcissistic Central: Support for narcissistic abuse – Part 2
Nancy and I’ve decided to continue the discussion we had in the last show, regarding seeking and engaging in support for narcissistic abuse. What is a spiritual empowerment journey? How do we get on such a journey? What is the truth about the ‘gift’ of narcissistic abuse? How can we get past the atrocities we’ve experienced on a human level – to rise into the empowerment of ourselves at an evolved level? How can we recognise that our true liberation and evolution were always the REAL reasons for WHY this happened to us? How can we recognise that in our past, even before the narcissist, there were sign posts that we didn’t understand, and possible weren’t going to until we were flattened by the narcissistic billboard? For those who wish to expand their consciousness and REALLY heal, this show is a must listen to!
8.3.2011 • 1 Stunde, 1 Minute
Manifest the Life and Love You Want: Healthy relationships and boundaries
This show is about learning one of the most vital truths about manifestation - which is 'boundaries'. This show will explain to you HOW to define 'who you are' and 'who you aren't' with the use of boundaries. You’ll discover how until we’re ready and willing to walk the truth that backs who we are, the Universe can’t supply this truth. In this show you’ll learn more about boundaries and how to 'do' them in order to manifest the truths that you wish to live. Please email in any questions you have about this topic to [email protected], and we will help clarify them for you!
1.3.2011 • 1 Stunde, 1 Minute
2012 What Does It Mean? Part Two
In this show I’ll be asking Marian questions in regard to Atlantis, the Golden Age and the Egyptian connection, and how this all relates to us now. We will also be discussing Marian’s concepts in regard to the Galactic Federation of Light, and our genetic connection with aliens. Also this show contains fascinating information in regard to crop circles (one of my personal favourite topics!), and how our subconscious is affected by sacred geometry. If you are into expanding your consciousness, this will be a must listen to show!!
22.2.2011 • 1 Stunde, 1 Minute
Narcissistic Central: Support for narcissitic abuse. How to source it and what to do for self
In this show Nancy and I will be talking specifically about the necessary journey in order for you to recover from the devastating and shell-shocking trauma of narcissistic abuse. What avenues are healthy and which aren't? How can you align yourself with empowerment in order to recover and move on rather than risking feeding into more negativity and victimhood, thus being stuck in the pain? This show will explain to you the vast difference between remaining the victim and undergoing the journey of empowerment, and how you can make choices that will create your REAL healing experience, granting you the best opportunity to create the recovery, life love and expansion that you truly desire.
8.2.2011 • 1 Stunde, 1 Minute
2012 - What Does It Mean? Part One
This show is about a deeper understanding of 2012. During this show I'll be talking to a guest who has a profound understanding and interest in this event. Discover what the time we live in is really about, and gain the 'food for thought' which can assist your awareness and personal growth in this time of profound shifting and expanding of consciousness. All of us, if we're really honest with ourselves, can see and feel that we're living in significant times, and most of us can feel that change is imminent and unavoidable. Learn about the shifts that are happening, what they really mean and how they relate to humanity and yourself. Will this time bring disaster? Is it a time of liberation and peace? Is 2012 a complete fallacy? After listening to the three part series, which we will be presenting once a month, you will have more information in order to choose which version relates to you.
25.1.2011 • 1 Stunde, 1 Minute
Narcissistic Central: How Narcissists don't think like we do
During this show Nancy and I will be discussing how it's so vital to understand that the most powerful ‘charges’ that hook us into narcissistic abuse are our dismay, and distress in regard to the the unbelievable and unjust behaviour that we just can’t get our heads around. However, when we realise 'how' narcissists think - we can accept that we’ve wanted the narcissist to behave like a 'normal' human, which is akin to expecting a crocodile not to bite. This show will enable you to gain a much better understanding of how not to be anguished, and how to be released from the trap of wanting, trying to control and force better behaviour, so that you may move forward towards a knowing of acceptance rather than the fear and pain of disbelief. This show is a MUST LISTEN to show for all individuals suffering as a result of narcissistic abuse, and as a resource to pass on to any individuals who may need this information.
11.1.2011 • 1 Stunde, 1 Minute
Repeat Episode: How to Disconnect from The Narcissist Practically and Emotionally
Please find a repeat of my most listened to show ever. This show is valuable information for anyone wishing to remove themselves from the tormenting grip of narcissism in order to reclaim their life.
4.1.2011 • 1 Stunde, 1 Minute
Life after for Myself and My Children: Recovery from a severely narcissistic relationship
During this show I'll be interviewing a guest from the UK who has survived and thrived despite a violent and all-consuming narcissistic relationship. Find out how this lady escaped, gained herself back, and the steps she took to become empowered personally, practically and legally. Due to the high-level of abuse that has taken place in this lady's life, her story is nothing short of remarkable, and is a wonderful resource for any woman who has felt terrorised and trapped in a narcissistic relationship.
21.12.2010 • 1 Stunde, 1 Minute
Free Live On Air GPH - Healing of the heart and the creation of my new life
This free on-air Group Power Healing has been specifically designed for individuals who are feeling the pain of loneliness and loss during the Christmas period. I know that when I was single and working through my self-recovery that Christmas was indeed a tough time emotionally, and as such I would love to give back and assist your emotional state at this time. If you'd like to take place in this healing please email me at [email protected] to receive your worksheet for this event.
14.12.2010 • 1 Stunde
MTE Product Review - Perfect gifts
In this show I will be discussing the Melanie Tonia Evans Christmas specials that include the empowerment resources and specials that can be the perfect foundations for the creation of the 'true you' who you wish to be next year (and for the rest of your life), or provide great personal gifts for the people that you care about. Listen in, in order to snap up a special - maybe the 2 for 1 numerology profiles that are so popular, and make a wonderful personal gift - especially for the people who you don't know what to give as presents!
7.12.2010 • 1 Stunde, 1 Minute
Quanta: Feeling is Believing
In this show Ali and I will be discussing more empowered information in regard to Quanta Healing. How is this healing modality evolving and offering the fastest most effective path to lining up with 'what you want' in life? Discover how by releasing the resistances that are getting in the way of your objectives, you can rise into true-self empowerment and become a direct match for the love, success and happiness you want in life. What are the resources, services and products that can assist you in getting your life right 'the easy way?' There is no more need to struggle and do life ‘tough’! Find out why not by listening to this show!
30.11.2010 • 1 Stunde, 1 Minute
Kicking Co-dependency: Dissolving Co-dependency
Co-dependency is one of the most debilitating states of human-kind. When we're empty and trying to receive self from outside of self, we are totally controlled by life and others and will ironically try to exert more control in order to try to feel loved, secure and safe. Learn how by dissolving and letting go of your co-dependency tendencies that will discover a better way a way that does work easily, and with minimum effort. Learn about the connection with co-dependency, boundary function and narcissism. What are the definitions, and the differences that are played out in human interactions? How can you define yourself in amongst these manipulations and power plays that can occur in life? How do you become a source to yourself that can create love e, security and safety interdependently in life? Ali and I will be discussing these topics and much more!
23.11.2010 • 1 Stunde, 1 Minute
Quanta Quit - controlling addictions, compulsions and weight loss guest
Learn how with the assistance of Quanta Healing self-sabotages and compulsions that are keeping you separated from addiction recovery can be managed. Many of us can struggle with habits and compulsions as an attempt to relieve the inner anxieties and emptiness that we may be feeling. Listen to this show and quest interview in order to realise there is an easy way to align with yourself and achieve the addiction recovery or weight loss goals that you seek. Our guest has had a history of 'trying everything' in order to lose weight and is now receiving the benefits and the results of emotional alignment that make her weight lose 'easy' as opposed to her previous failed attempts.
16.11.2010 • 1 Stunde, 1 Minute
Narcissistic Central
On this show there will be discussions about the new resource centre 'Narcissistic Central' that will be available in order to provide EMPOWERED abuse recovery. This unique initiative is in regard to providing the ability for victims of narcissism to move on and become empowered, free and inspired as a result of their abuse journey. Ali and I will be discussing the articles, eBooks, eCourses and upcoming forum that will offer abuse healing and recovery at the REAL level. Learn how and why these resources work, and what the difference is between these methods and contemporary solutions.
9.11.2010 • 1 Stunde, 1 Minute
Free Live on Air Quanta Healing: Dissolving The Ego
This free live on-air Power Healing is to do with relieving yourself of your ego attachments. When we're in our heads and in resistance, control and defense mechanisms we're not connected to the flow and abundance of life. Learn how to let go of your egoic fears that are keeping you separated from the bounty of life. When you connect to Source Energy (the real and intended state of yourself) you will realise that every potential of yourslf and what you really want is 'already who you are' and totally avaliable to you. This profound session will assist you via the Qunata Healing shifts to know and feel your true unlimited potential. In order to receive the necessary worksheet for this event please email me at [email protected].
2.11.2010 • 1 Stunde
Quanta: 'Feeling is Believing' and how you can be a part of the raising of vibration
In this show I will be discussing the growing phenomenon of Quanta Healing. You will learn about the 1 on 1 and Group Power Healing Sessions and why Quanta Healing is creating immediate shifts in individuals that defy all contemporary results. Discover how Quanta Healing is evolving and growing as a channelled form of aligning with self and all of life. Learn how I have applied Quanta Healing in my own life to totally remove all resistance to the love relationship I deeply desired, and how very quickly afterwards the most astounding life partner manifested into my life. Learn what Quanta Healing can do for you!
26.10.2010 • 1 Stunde, 1 Minute
Special Guest discussing recovery from Narcissistic Abuse: Getting Away and Staying Away
During this show I will be having a conversation with a guest who is disconnecting from a long term narcissistic relationship. Many of you will be able to relate to the struggle and the difficulty of no contact, and we will be talking about how to keep away and what is necessary in as far as rebuilding and working on self in this crucial period of withdrawal and self-empowerment. Learn about the power of realisation and self-ownership, and how the discovery of narcissism and co-dependency information, as well as full awareness of the hooks and deep enmeshments of narcissism has saved this ladies’ emotional life. This is a must listen to show for all women struggling to get away from a narcissist in order to create real and healthy love.
19.10.2010 • 1 Stunde, 1 Minute
Narcissistic Central: The materialistic ego of the narcissist and how they mine to feed the ego
In this show I will be having a discussion with one of our regular contributors NewWings. NewWings has been a wonderful source of information regarding narcissism, and I have no doubt she will deliver incredible insight in this show as well. By listening in you will learn about many of the drives of the narcissist and how you may be unwillingly caught up in their insatiable need to mine material resources and take over your life. This show is another vital resource for women who have been damaged by narcissits, are living with narcissistic abuse, and ladies who require the vital information to avoid becoming connected with a narcissist. Another 'must listen' to show, that all women should hear!
12.10.2010 • 1 Stunde, 1 Minute
Numerology: Personal and Universal Insight available to support you now
In this show you will learn about the power of Numerology and how it can create profound self-growth. Numerology is a tool that I use with all my clients and it creates a deep understanding of karmic patterns and programs, and how to heal the aspects of ourselves that are blocking the manifestations of our true desires. By listening to this show you will have the opportunity to understand how a Numerology Profile can be life-changing and in some cases life-saving, as well as the spectacular difference it has facilitated for me and the lives of many others.
5.10.2010 • 1 Stunde, 1 Minute
Live on Air Group Power Healing
This is going to be a very exciting show which I would like you to listen in to live if possible! During this show you as the listener will expereince a Quanta Healing and have the opportunity to expereince powerful emotional and belief system shifts that will enable you to lose the limiting emotions and behaviours that may have been holding you back. During this show you will find out what Qunata Healing is about and how it can change your life in incredible ways. Be prepared to get closer to the empowered you who can live the life that you dream of!
28.9.2010 • 1 Stunde
Quanta Vision - 'Feeling is Believing' with Melanie Tonia Evans
Melanie discusses Quanta Healing - the healing modality that is creating profound healing results globally. What is Quanta? Where does it come from? How does it work? What is Quanta Healings obvious personal and interpersonal applications and wider global social implications in co-creating greater empowerment and alignment with truth, healing and liberation? How is Quanta Healing a solution to disconnection from source, narcissitic abuse and all conditions that create pain and suffering in our world? How can Quanta Healing change your life, and the lives of people that you care about? This very important show will explain to you another way - a new way - whereby you can 'shift' from the pain into the 'true you' that you wish to be - powerfully and quickly.
21.9.2010 • 1 Stunde
Guest Feature: Resurrection from Co-dependency
In this show I will be interviewing a lady who I have mentioned in previous shows. You will discover how in such a short space of time this women turned her life around from feeling narcissistically abused, broken, financially destitute and powerless. This show will give you hope that no matter how bad it seems there is a way through, and there are things that you can apply and do that can very quickly change your reality to the empowered life where you are the creator instead of being a victim to life. This inspiring show can grant you more than hope it can help you realise that within you that you do have the power to create the life you want, regardless of the crippling beleifs and programs that have been running in your life. I am really looking forward to this show, and I hope you tune in!!
14.9.2010 • 1 Stunde, 1 Minute
Narcissistic Central: How to disconnect your energy from the narcisist practically and energetically
Standard societal treatment may realise the necessity of diconnecting one's self materially and practically and even emotionally from the narcissist, but little is explained about the psychic and spiritual damage that a narcissist creates. How do you recover when you feel that you have been 'raped' on every level? How is it that a narcissist insidiously violates ever part of your being, and the torture continues even when the narcissist isn't in your physical space? In this show I will explain the practical aspects of no contact or modified contact and what is also necessary to exorcise the narcissist out of your being. This show is essential for all the oindividuals who still feel 'hooked' to a narcissist regardless of whether or not the narcissist is still physically in your life.
7.9.2010 • 1 Stunde, 1 Minute
MTE resource review - Empowered Living
Ali and I will be discussing the philosophy of Empowered Living and how to create yourself as the powerful manifester that you truly are. When we learn how to be truly aligned with our creative self we know the inspiration and joy of manifesting - life wasn't meant to be difficult!! It is meant to be a glorious process of expansion and creation!
31.8.2010 • 1 Stunde, 1 Minute
Kicking Co-dependency: Self nurture learning how to love yourself and break free from the pain
Why is it that women often only discover self-nurture and the importance of looking after themselves following a crisis. Many women have to manifest illnesses, relationship breakdowns or total emotional depletion before they learn the necessity to give to self first. If we don't learn how to 'fill' ourselves then we are not serving ourselves or others in life-affirming ways. In this show Ali and I will be discussing how to 'come home to yourself', and by doing so how you become a much more balanced and productive force in the world, and additionally how this will also allow you to break free from your past painful patterns.
24.8.2010 • 1 Stunde
Prerecord for Kicking Codependency
This show is a pre record for the show scheduled at 1:00pm
23.8.2010 • 1 Stunde, 1 Minute
Interview with Barbara Hofmeister: Living a Life of Choice
Barbara Hofmeister is an International Speaker, Published Author and the Founder of the ‘TO BE’ Success System. Barbara Hofmeister is a refugee from Communist Germany and knows firsthand what it is like to be living in adverse circumstances. Severely abused and with low self-esteem she set out to live her personal dream travelling the world sharing what she learned from her studies and the “University of Hard Knocks” with a wide audience.
Barbara uses a practical step by step approach that allows ANYBODY to move towards their dream life.
I'll be asking Barbara about her inspiration, and the tools and techniques she uses that have created her dream life and improved the lives of countless others.
17.8.2010 • 1 Stunde, 1 Minute
Narcissitic Central - The Language of the Narcissist
Lisa and I will be discussing the language of the narcissist. Both Lisa and I are very proactive in educating women as to the ''handbook' that many narcissists seem to follow. What is their language? How do they use projection, manipulation and the twists and turns that drive you crazy? Learn the tactics and the language of the narcissist so that you can see it clearly and not think that you’re losing your mind, or that it’s some error of judgement, or worse still your fault. This show is really important and well worth tuning in to if you don’t know which way is up or down or what is going on. How can you make sense out of something that you’ve never encountered before? We’ll help you make sense out of the mayhem.
10.8.2010 • 1 Stunde, 1 Minute
MTE Resource Review - the Launch of Empowered Dating
I will be discussing the Empowered Dating information that's being released through my website. What was the inspiration for this Empowered Dating Section? How can this dating knowledge help women? How can single women learn how to be Empowered Daters? What are the common mistakes that women make whilst dating that create unsatisfactory dating results? How can women easily and powerfully turn it all around to become a great woman who gets a great man?
3.8.2010 • 1 Stunde, 1 Minute
Interview with NewWings and a female Lawyer in regard to Narcissists and Legal Steps and Strategies
Due to me mucking up my last interview time with NewWings, this show has been re-secheduled....
This show will provide even more insight as to how to work with the law in order to procure the results you would like in order to rebuild your life. These two interviews within this show will be fascinating in regard to the lawyers perspective and the clients's perspective and how to successfully combine the two.
27.7.2010 • 1 Stunde
Learning to Live and Love Again: Interview
During this show I will interview a lady named Lisa, who has lived through what most women dread: the ending of life as she knew it due to her husband having an affair after a 23 year old marraige. Lisa's story is profound and inspirational. She displays what she has taken from this experience and how she found herself in a way that she never knew existed. One of the most powerful messages that Lisa exhibits is how she is now raising her daughters to become empowered and independent. If a situation like Lisa's is a fear, or you have lived through (or going through) similiar circumstances this is a must listen show.
20.7.2010 • 1 Stunde, 1 Minute
Narcissitic Central: Feeding the narcissist: How to let go and empower yourself
Lisa and I will be discussing the necessity of working with bringing your focus back to yourself in order to disconnect from the 'pulls' of the narcissist. Why do we feel so energetically enmeshed? What is the phenomena that is taking place? How can we 'cut the chords' and change our vibration so that it is no longer a match for the narcissist? For any individual feeling the psychic emotional, mental and physical enmeshment with a narcissist you will find this information extremely helpful and soul saving.
13.7.2010 • 1 Stunde
MTE resource review: Empowered Relationships
The most vital relationship we can ever have in life is with ourself. This is the foundation from which every relationship is created. It so often looks like the relationships on the outside are at fault, but when we become conscious we understand that these relationships are the vital reflection causing us to embrace and take resposibility for the authentic creation of self-love, self-acceptance and self-validation. We also begin to understand how the creating of our boundaries is no-one elses's job other than our own. Within this show I will be discussing the tools and products within the Empowered Relationships Group can assist you with the essential creation of yourself.
6.7.2010 • 1 Stunde
Kicking Co-dependency: Personal Power
I will be discussing the tips and tricks to get on track and build your self-esteem in order to recreate your life. Within this show we'll be discussing how to align with Energetic Reality to manifest better outcomes, and how toxic situations move us away from our own alignment. We will always discuss how if we listen we DO know that we're out of alignment. How do we listen to ourselves and take vital notice? How do we begin to nurture ourselves and create a new awareness?
29.6.2010 • 1 Stunde
Interview with NewWings regarding Narcissists and Legal Steps and Strategies
In this show I'll be talking with NewWings about the journey with narcissists in the legal arena. This show is a must listen to if you are afraid of how to deal with the narcissist legally and need strategies and suggestions as to how to stand in you power within the system. Inevitably endings with narcissists turn legal, and its vital to understand how to get out of the fear of violation and manipulation in order to stand in your power and create the necessary boundaries that are possible to achieve.
22.6.2010 • 1 Stunde
Narcissist Central with Melanie Tonia Evans and Lisa E. Scott, discussion on who is the narcissist?
On the show Lisa and I will be discussing the confusion of the narcissist projecting his damaged self on to you. Not only do you believe that there is something terribly wrong with you, you may start to wonder and fear that you are narcissistic as well, or even worse still the one who is the narcissist in the relationship. This may have also been brought on as a result of the narcissist isolating you and devaluing you to friends, family and associates. Learn how to define the difference between the narcissist and the co-dependent, and how to know that even though you are being significantly damaged that the narcissistic defects are not your own. How is it possible not to absorb these projections? What can you do to protect yourself against the projections of being the one continually at fault. What tactics does the narcissist use to project this blame on to you? Virtually every individual who partners with a narcissist lives through this horrible and degrading phenomena. If you have or are suffering this and would like to call in please call 347 989 1262 for US callers, and 00 111 347 989 1262 for Australian callers. You may also wish to post questions in the chat room at the time of the show.
15.6.2010 • 1 Stunde
Kicking Co-dependency - Controlling Partners
Within this show Ali and I will be discussing Controlling Partners. How do we identify a partner who is controlling? What is okay behaviour and not okay behaviour? How can you protect your self-esteem when you're with a controlling partner? How do you create boundaries? How do you know when there is or isn't hope that the behaviour will change. How do you know when it's time to leave? This show will be a personal favourite of mine as 'controlling partners' have absolutely been my 'Achilles heel'. Learn how your fears and little knowledge of your equal female rights may cause you to unknowingly attract and sustain controlling partners, and keep you 'down' as a result of the guilt of exercising your rights. This will be a wonderful and extremely insightful show! I can't wait!! Please call in with any questions to 347 989 1262 for US callers, and 00 111 347 989 1262 for Aussie callers! Please also post any questions you may have in the chat room.
8.6.2010 • 1 Stunde
MTE Resource Review - Reviewing New Products & Information
The opening of my new website is here!! A very exciting time, and I will be talking to you about the vision of my new website, the resources that are available for your empowerment, and the vital information that can change, transform and revolutionise your life! Why is it that we have never really received the education on self-love, self-acceptance, boundaries and other pertinent relationship issues that are so vital for a healthy relationship to ourselves first and then with others in effective, safe and loving ways? We'll explain the information that we all now have access to that simplifies and creates our boundaries, self value and the ability to create real and healthy love.
1.6.2010 • 1 Stunde
Heather James from Inspiring Mums talking about Creative Awareness for Self Care
Heather James is the Founder and the Creative Director of Inspiring Mums and her organisation provides inspiration, motivation and self-awareness and encouragement through the Inspiring Mums Creative Workshop, website and resources. Her workshops are designed to help awaken the Inner Artist for personal development and self development, and to also enrich your life for yourself, your family and to create balance, happiness and harmony. Heather and I will be discussing the challenges that Mums face, and how Mums can handle parenting and balancing their lives more effectively. I believe this will be a wonderful show for Mums who feel challenged with everyday life, partnering and parenting, and by listening you will be able to receive some wonderful creative strategies to improve your life. If you would like to call in to the show to ask Heather any questions, the call in number is USA 347 989 1262, and for Australian callers 00 111 347 989 1262. Please also post any questions that you may have in the chat room!
25.5.2010 • 1 Stunde
Narcissistic Central with Melanie Tonia Evans and Lisa E. Scott
Due to Lisa being called away on business I'll be interviewing a lady called Susy who has been through narcissitic abuse, and is a regular on narcissism message boards and forums. We'll be discussing the resources that are available for individuals who have suffered narcissistic abuse, and how it is important to align with empowered assistance in order to rise out of victimhood.Learn what you should be looking out for in relation to support, and the assistance that is essential for your recovery. What is the difference between staying stuck in the pain, and moving through and out of the pain?
18.5.2010 • 1 Stunde
Melanie Tonia Evans - granting answers to submitted questions
During the last couple of months many questions have been submitted by email in relation to topics on the show. I'll be answering some of the most potent questions that I have received and Ali and I will be discussing how to become aligned and position oneself in rleation to these common topics in order to create the love and life that you desire! This show will be dynamite, and may just provide the answers to your own burning questions!
11.5.2010 • 1 Stunde
Kicking Co-dependency - Are you Co-dependant?
In this show I will be discussing the Questions and Answers in regard to understanding whether or not you are co-dependent and the varying degrees of co-dependency. We'll also be discussing setting boundaries and self-empowerment.Why are boundaries so important? How do we realise and implement that we are responsible for our own boundaries? How can we move up into the energy of respecting and supporting ourselves and THEN receiving these commodities from life and others? If you would like to ring in to ask questions, receive guidance or to share you story please call 00 111 347 989 1262 for Australian listners, and 347 989 1262 for US listeners. We'd love to share this show with you!
NewWings is a lady who wishes to remain anonoymous due to her life being in recovery from a narcissistic relationship. NewWings passionately contacted me in regard to discussing the relevance of narcissism in schools and how our children can learn to create boundaries and self-worth to protect them. We'll be discussing the education that children can benefit from, and also how narcissim may be able to be identified and deal with (and maybe even to some extent healed) in the primary years. This information / discussion is sure to be insightful for every parent who is concerned about the effects that narcissism can have on their children at an early age. Clearly, our society needs to do more about this epidemic issue.
27.4.2010 • 1 Stunde
Narcissist Central: with Melanie Tonia Evans and Lisa E. Scott
This is the first of Lisa's and my feature program 'Narcissist Central' which is a brand new once a month show in order to raise awareness and education about narcissism. Lisa and I will be discussing aspects of narcissism and are available to talk to callers about any details of narcissism that they would like to discuss. We firmly believe that the knowledge of prevention and recovery of narcissistic abuse is essential in society, as narcissism is often a little understood devestating condition which is in epidemic proportions. Please encourage women you know to listen in to these programmes. This is essential information for women, and also for the daughters of these women. Call in number for any questions is 347 989 1262 (USA Callers) and 00 111 347 989 1262 (Australian Callers). Please also come into the chat room with any questions that you may have.
20.4.2010 • 1 Stunde
Kicking Co-dependency Show - Onwards & Upwards
This regular once a month show is a show where two previous co-dependents (myself and Ali) will be discussing many aspects of co-dependency, how it played out in disappointing and abusive relationships, and how to become the source to self necessary to become empowered and free. Please call in with any questions or contributions that you may have USA callers - 347 989 1262 and Aust callers - 00 111 347 989 1262
Pamela is founder of Forgiveness Healing International. It is her mission to bring the healing power of forgiveness to the awareness of everyone on a worldwide basis. Pamela's goal is to establish an International Forgiveness Day that is recognized and celebrated throughout the World. Her message of LOVE and ONENESS is creating a renewed sense of love and compassion within the hearts of those she touches through her work.
Pamela has spent over 25 years in the health and wellness industry as a fitness trainer, holistic health practitioner, and nutritional consultant. Her greatest passion is to research empowering ways to help people heal themselves. The primary focus of her work today is in helping others to heal on an emotional, energetic/spiritual level. Pamela blends several very powerful healing modalities including EFT, Heart Forgiveness, Ho'oponopono, Zpoint Process and Divine guidance counseling to create her unique Forgiveness Healing process. This very powerful and effective process RESTORES the body's emotional and energetic balance back to the time before the event which caused it. Clearing energy disturbances at the deepest of all levels creates a bio-chemical, physiological shift in the body, allowing your mind, body, and Spirit to return to it's natural state of health. Removing these long term hurts and grievances can produce miracles in your life and the lives of others.
Pamela and I will be discusses the liberating effects of the power of Forgiveness!
6.4.2010 • 1 Stunde
Relationship Expert Melanie Tonia Evans offering empowerment for callers
This is your chance to call in to the show and receive my strategies and guidance. Are you in a disempowering relationship? Do you have problems with boundaries? Are you struggling to honour, love and respect yourself? Do you feel that you're struggling with co-dependency, narcissistic abuse or relationship addiction? Are you single and despondent and wanting to know what it takes to meet the man of your dreams? I'll be taking calls and granting strategies and assistance. Also be aware that your story will be many other women's story and by accessing this information, you'll also be assisting others. I'm looking forward to sharing hope and empowerment!!
30.3.2010 • 1 Stunde
Author Lisa E Scott talks about 'When It's All About Him'.
Lisa is the author of the Book 'When Its All About Him'. Lisa has a masters degree in Human Resources. Studying and practicing HR gave her a unique perspective on human behavior. Her personal experience of falling for two pathological narcissists is what led her to write “It’s All About Him.” Lisa advocates that narcissism permeates every facet of personal relationships, including work relationships.
Lisa connects to people through her book in a way that helps them understand the narcissist in their life. Lisa and I will be discussing narcissism, how to identify a narcissist, why narcissists seek relationships, and why women stay in relationships with narcissists.
23.3.2010 • 1 Stunde
Relationship expert Melanie Tonia Evans discusses 'Coming out the other side'
In this very special show I'm going to interview a very courageous young lady, who has been through a surreal life of being hooked and connected to a high level narcissistic relationship that constituted abuse, drugs and destruction. This young lady is now not only an inpiration to herself, but she's also pursuing a career in assisting others. Find out about her story, how the relationship led to her virtual complete disintegration and how she recovered from her previous life. I've been captivated by this young lady, her courage, her story and the message that she has to share with all of us! If you have suffered from, or are struggled with high intensity and painful relationships this is a must listen to show!
16.3.2010 • 1 Stunde
Holistic Coach Michelle Barr discusses "The Energy of Relationships"
Michelle Barr, M.Ed.i a Holistic Coach,and an Energy Medicine Intuitive. Michelle has always been called to the healing arts. Over the past 20 years, she has worked in a variety of traditional mental health, wellness and health care settings and has also been involved in non-traditional and alternative and complementary medicine and healing practices.Understanding the energetic dynamics of being in relationship can help you identify and clean up what is your own "stuff" playing out and experience relationships in your life that are more fulfilling, healthier and more authentic.Michelle believes that Inner Healing is a strategy for success.By utilizing a holistic approach that addresses the Body, Mind and Spirit she helps people come to new understandings and ways of being and doing so that they can move into their best expression of life.Listen to my interview with Michelle Barr to learn how understanding "The Energy of Relationships" can help you experience relationships in your life that are more fulfilling, healthier and more authentic.
9.3.2010 • 1 Stunde
Relationship Expert Alida Fehily discusses Values in Relationships
Alida Fehily is an International Wisdom Consultant, Australian Psychics Association award-winning "Psychic of the Year (WA) 2005”, author of the Keys to Wisdom WIZ-cARDs, an intuitive healer and a Demartini Method Trained Facilitator from The Secret. She has helped thousands of people see their futures more vividly and clearly through face to face consultations, public speaking, radio talks, workshops and internet social media. She helps provide insights into issues that may concern you and also into how you can manifest the life of your dreams. Alida consults for people from all walks of life including business owners, celebrities and entrepreneurs. Alida and I will be discussing how to create the values in our life in a way that we can realise these values, and her philosophy of the 7 areas of life. We'll explore how values play an important role in relationships.
2.3.2010 • 1 Stunde
Author Karen Langhorne Folan discusses her Book - Don't Bring Home A White Boy
Karyn Langhorne Folan is a former law professor. Karyn became interested in the many questions surrounding interracial relationships after her marraige to her Irish American husband in 2004. After receiving hundreds of comments from readers after when an essay she wrote on the unique ways black Americans reacted to her relationship was printed in The Washington Post, Karyn decided to explore the issues further. The result is her book Don't Bring Home A White Boy. Karyn and I will be discussing her book, as well as the limtiing beliefs that all women can play out, that may keep them seperated from genuine, loving and safe relationships. Karyn is a firm beleiver that all women need to transcend the cultual beliefs that could be limiting their chances of love and happiness.
23.2.2010 • 1 Stunde
Relationship Expert Daniela Koenig discusses Attracting Real Love
Daniela is a certified Relationship Coach and workshop facilitator. She works with people in the USA and Europe. She holds an M.A. in counseling psychology, and Daniela is passionate about supporting individuals and couples with practical tools to create loving, intimate and authentic relationships.I'll be interviewing Daniela in regard to what a conscious, loving relationship is and how to create one. How does self-awareness assist us in attracting the right partner? What do we learn about ourselves when single so as to create a different relationship experience next time? How can men and women, as two different species learn how to come together and connect and communicate in effective ways? How do we move past 'falling in love' into creating a solid, conscious and genuine relationship?