breakup BOOST Relationship Advice
English, Social, 2024 seasons, 354 episodes, 4 days, 1 hour, 5 minutes
breakup BOOST Relationship Advice
English, Social, 2024 seasons, 354 episodes, 4 days, 1 hour, 5 minutes

#343: Having the Attitude of “Easier Said Than Done” When Getting Over a Breakup (or other adversity)
When you’re going through a breakup, it can be easy to sink into a negative thought pattern. It can seem like everything is working against you. It can be easy to think that whatever you want in life will never become reality and that good things only happen to OTHER people. It can make you envious to see happy couples, wishing you had that too. I get that. BUT....... Listen to this episode NOW! Then, check out my book "Don't Be DESPERATE: Get Over Your Breakup with CLARITY & DIGNITY" on Amazon: https://amzn.to/3R2EHiz Get More Help: (1) ORDER EMAIL or PHONE coaching at breakupBOOST.com (2) Call Trina direct on The Breakup Hotline ANYTIME! (see website for details: https://www.breakupboost.com/live-coaching-trina-breakup-boost) (3) GET A PERSONALIZED VIDEO from Trina for you or a friend on CAMEO: cameo.com/breakupboost (4) CHAT ONLINE with Trina from your phone or computer: premium.chat/breakupBOOST (5) SUBSCRIBE to Trina's YouTube - search "breakup BOOST" (6) Follow Trina on INSTAGRAM & TIKTOK @breakupBOOST
7/17/2024 • 12 minutes, 28 seconds

#341: REALITY CHECK: “Will They Regret It?" / “But, He Was Crying!!!” (insert eye-roll)
One of the MOST COMMON questions after a breakup is, "Will they regret it???" I have so much to say about this so that you can flip these thoughts around and get on with your life. Doesn't that sound good? Or would you rather keep sitting around sulking and walking for a lousy text or investigating the story-watching on your social media?! Listen to this episode NOW! Then, check out my book "Don't Be DESPERATE: Get Over Your Breakup with CLARITY & DIGNITY" on Amazon: https://amzn.to/3R2EHiz Get More Help: (1) ORDER EMAIL or PHONE coaching at breakupBOOST.com (2) Call Trina direct on The Breakup Hotline ANYTIME! (see website for details: https://www.breakupboost.com/live-coaching-trina-breakup-boost) (3) GET A PERSONALIZED VIDEO from Trina for you or a friend on CAMEO: cameo.com/breakupboost (4) CHAT ONLINE with Trina from your phone or computer: premium.chat/breakupBOOST (5) SUBSCRIBE to Trina's YouTube - search "breakup BOOST" (6) Follow Trina on INSTAGRAM & TIKTOK @breakupBOOST
6/26/2024 • 11 minutes, 50 seconds

#185: Not Physically Attracted to Someone & How Faithfulness Factors In
So you met someone who seems great ... BUT ... you're not physically attracted to them. What should you do in this case? And can you assume that a less attractive person (less attractive in your eyes) would be a safe bet against infidelity? I have SO much to say on this topic. LISTEN NOW! -Trina xo Support the podcast HERE: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/breakupboost Support the podcast HERE: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/breakupboost Get More Help: (1) ORDER EMAIL or PHONE coaching at breakupBOOST.com (2) Call Trina direct on The Breakup Hotline ANYTIME! (see website for details: https://www.breakupboost.com/live-coaching-trina-breakup-boost) (3) GET A PERSONALIZED VIDEO REPLY from Trina for your relationship issue: wisio.com/BOOST (4) CHAT ONLINE with Trina from your phone or computer: premium.chat/breakupBOOST (5) SUBSCRIBE to Trina's YouTube - search "breakup BOOST" (6) FOLLOW on Instagram @breakupBOOST or TikTok @breakup BOOST
12/16/2020 • 13 minutes, 48 seconds