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BeEzrat HaShem with Rabbi Yaron Reuven

English, Judaism, 1 season, 275 episodes, 4 days, 22 hours, 17 minutes
BeEzrat HaShem Inc. is a Jewish 501(c) (3) nonprofit organization committed to solving the spiritual ignorance and moral crises we have in the world today. We have become the leading provider of teachings of the topics of Wasting Seed, as well as proving the existence of Avodah Zarah in sheitels/wigs today. We’ve also become one of the leaders in the teachings regarding Immodesty & Sexual exploitation, Conversion to Judaism, Anti-missionary, and Mussar (Character Development). By unapologetically teaching and proving the Emet (Truth) of the God of Yisrael and His Torah to every person that desires it, countless people are finally being given the tools to choose to live wisely. Helping Jews, Converts and Noahides around the world in their Torah observance begins and ends with serious and honest education. Through daily free lectures, Questions & Answers sessions, and even personal guidance on critical life matters, we’ve succeeded in improving the lives of countless people around the world. We utilize different media platforms to ensure our videos, books, CDs, and writings reach our growing audience and aim to publicize the Torah in every corner possible. Our videos and writings are mainly in English and Hebrew, but also have some subtitle translations to other languages, thanks to the commitment of our wonderful volunteers. We make sure to include Biblical and historical sources for everything that’s being said so that anyone can double-check the authenticity of what’s being taught, as well as learn the topic further on their own. Once you realize that the message has a source, and the source is divine the conversation changes. Though some may disagree with our straightforward no-nonsense approach, even our greatest challengers cannot dispute the honesty and integrity of our work. They may not like what they hear, but they know it’s true nonetheless. Our goal is to provide Da’at Torah in all areas of life. At times this can include subjects that have become taboo in the modern Jewish world. While many Jews wonder about it, few discuss openly and with biblical honesty. This commitment to the Emet may seem like fearlessness or lack of sensitivity, but it’s quite the contrary. Because we fear the Almighty and love His children, we have the moral and Biblical obligation to uncover the truth that no one wants to tell them. To be a light to the nations, we must start by showing all aspects of the light!
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How Can Filthy Mind Bring Holiness - Torat HaChassidut (8)

How Can Filthy Mind Bring Holiness? - Torat HaChassidut (8) Part of guiding countless people to do teshuva for immorality was by helping them in their teshuva struggles, especially getting rid of filthy thoughts. Today, we will dig deeper into the kabbalistic words of the the Tzeitel Katan to find more reasons to fight the battle, and even how the filthy thoughts can bring us to Kedusha.   While the thoughts of sin are worse than the sin, the Creator is so good that He even has good that we can find inside the worst places in the creation. Enjoy, Learn, Share and Be Holy.  #Torah #Jewish #RabbiYaronReuven #jews #god #inspiring #motivation #roshhashanah #yomkippur #miracle #testimonials #ToratHaChassidut #Mind #holiness
9/23/20241 hour, 45 minutes, 46 seconds
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KI TAVO: Secret Key Turns Curses Into Blessings - STUMP THE RABBI (217)

KI TAVO: Secret Key Turns Curses Into Blessings - STUMP THE RABBI (217) These upcoming High Holidays are the judgement days everyone asks for blessings, especially those who feel like they're living a cursed life.   Tonight we will learn some extraordinary lessons from the sages that are the Key to Turn Curses Into Blessings. Enjoy, Share, Learn and Be Holy. 🚨 ACT NOW! Be our next miracle story! 🚨 #Torah #Jewish #RabbiYaronReuven #jews #god #inspiring #motivation #roshhashanah #yomkippur #miracle #testimonials #kiTavo #parashat #parasha #shabbat #shabbatshalom #parashathashavua #curses #blessings #curses #secret
9/19/20242 hours, 56 minutes
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The Real Suffering Servants - WAR OF AMALEK (11)

The Real Suffering Servants - WAR OF AMALEK (11) After making us aware of the desire required to fight Amalek, Rav Elchonon Wasserman's WAR OF AMALEK uncovers one of the greatest secrets all real servants of HaShem must be prepared for if they are going to fight Amalek--SUFFERING.   While there will be those who immidiately forsake their duty, the real servants of HaShem will be more interested in the Why. This along with other extraordinary chidushim will be learned together in our next battle segment of the series we are living inside of. Enjoy, Learn, Share and Be Holy. 🌟 MIRACLE ALERT: Your Donation, Your Blessing!
9/18/20241 hour, 49 minutes, 18 seconds
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Protecting Your Window To Blessings - Torat HaChassidut (7)

Protecting Your Window To Blessings - Torat HaChassidut (7) If you knew that your treasure house had a window, would you keep it open and unlocked at all times? After last week's shiur, Rebbi Elimelech of Litzhinsk's Tzeitel Katan provided with a easy to use tool to fight the evil within. Today he will give us incite into the Windows of Our Blessings, which not only protect the treasure within, but also can allow many more to enter if we know exactly when to open them. The world of Chassidut is deep and full of Heavenly Beauty, and tonight we'll get another small dose from the Tzeitel Katan. Enjoy, Learn, Share and Be Holy. 🌟MIRACLE ALERT🌟 Your Donation, Your Blessing!
9/16/20241 hour, 42 minutes, 54 seconds
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KI TITZEH: Torah Laws Vs. Sharia Laws Uncover Amalek - STUMP THE RABBI (216)

KI TITZEH: Torah Laws Vs. Sharia Laws Uncover Amalek - STUMP THE RABBI (216) The rise in the population called 'useful idiots' has been extraordinary since October 7th. This is despite the fact that the same people cheering for Hamas, do not realize that they are the enemies of Hamas.   Today we will use our weekly Parasha Ki Titzeh to highlight some of the hidden differences between Torah Laws and Sharia Laws, and see how Amalek has been rising due to the ignorance of these exact differences. Enjoy, Learn, Share and Be Holy.
9/12/20242 hours, 45 minutes, 6 seconds
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KI TITZE WAR AGAINST EVIL WITHIN - STUMP THE RABBI (215) The Masters of Mussar coin the first verse of Parashat Ki Titze as symbolic to the war against our own evil inclination. Some would say that what is evil to one may be pleasure for another, so how do we know what is evil? In times of ignorance and confusion, the holy Torah is here to remind us what is evil in the eyes of HaShem. After we learn that, we'll cover some of your questions and make sure we've all received our spiritual nourishment for the day. Enjoy, Learn, Share and Be Holy. #KiTitze #Judaism #Jewish #Parashat #ParashatKiTitze #RabbiYaronReuven #Torah #ParashatHaShavua #Shabbat
9/11/20242 hours, 30 minutes, 25 seconds
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Using LACHASH to Defeat Evil Within: Torat HaChassidut (6)

Using LACHASH to Defeat Evil Within: Torat HaChassidut (6) What is a LACHASH and how can it help us defeat those horrible feelings and traits within? Rebbi Elimelech of Lezhinsk's Tzeitel Katan goes deeper into the world of Kabbalah to give us extraordinary tools that can help each person eliminate the evil and thereby get closer to HaShem. Though not widely known, these were some of the tools mentioned at the time of the Talmud and still used today by scholars that are more aware of the ongoing war within than the war outside. Enjoy, Learn, Share and Be Holy. #ToratHaChassidut #TzeitelKatan #Judaism #Jewish #RabbiYaronReuven #Torah #JewishLearning #Chassidut #JewishWisdom #JewishFaith #JewishTeachings #TorahStudy #JewishLife #JewishCommunity #JewishEducation #Spirituality #JewishTradition #JewishValues
9/9/20241 hour, 56 minutes, 24 seconds
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RE'EH: WHY DO WICKED PROSPER & RIGHTEOUS SUFFER? - STUMP THE RABBI (214) Parashat Re'eh is introduced with HaShem's promise of a Blessing or Curse for mankind before warning us about many different idolatrous practices that will certainly bring the curse. While that seems pretty clear to all, life itself is unclear to most people when they see many wicked people that fit the text get what seems to be a blessing, while the opposite can happen to those who are righteous. This big question has a deep answer that will make us look at things with divine eyeglasses we'll have to always remember to put on. This, along with answering many live questions will be a shiur you don't want to miss, and may as well end watching it over and over again for a refresher in the future. Enjoy, Learn, Share and Be Holy.  #Reeh #Torah #Jewish #RabbiYaronReuven #jews #bible #god #inspiring #motivation #Parashat #parashathashavua #Wicked #Shabbat #ShabbatShalom #Righteous
8/29/20242 hours, 15 minutes, 54 seconds
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VaEtchanan: Fear The Merciful God - STUMP THE RABBI (213)

VaEtchanan: Fear The Merciful God - STUMP THE RABBI (213) Parashat VaEtchanan discusses the fear of God more than any other place, yet at the same time we're reminded that He is Merciful. While these two descriptions seem contradictory, a deeper investigation into the Torah will clarify it for us once and for all.  After that we will tell you a real story, famous in the world of Torah, about someone who was on the other side and gave detailed insights of what the judgement day looks like and whether there's a reason to fear or we could rely on the mercy. Enjoy, Learn, Share and Be Holy.
8/15/20243 hours, 4 minutes, 44 seconds
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TISHA B'AV: What's Holding Back The Building of Beit HaMikdash

TISHA B'AV: What's Holding Back The Building of Beit HaMikdash Although it seems like most Jews want the rebuilding of Beit HaMikdash and the ultimate salvation of arrival of the MaShiach, it is clear as day that something is holding it back.  Of course we heard about the sinat chinam then and now, but perhaps it's time we look deeper into the meanings of the holy words of the sages so we can know once and for all what we have to do.
8/15/20241 hour, 10 minutes, 32 seconds
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DEVARIM How To Learn Hashkafa - STUMP THE RABBI (212)

DEVARIM: How To Learn Hashkafa - STUMP THE RABBI (212) In the last 5 weeks of Moshe Rabbeinu's life, endless lessons of Hashkafa and Halacha are taught by him in sefer Devarim.  In light of the recent conversation by Manis Friedman and Yitzchak Bitton, that was full of heresy and insults against the yeshiva students and Torah scholars, we will follow in the footsteps of our forefathers and teachers to address these issues and bring kavod for the Torah world.
8/8/20242 hours, 29 minutes, 19 seconds
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How To Fight The Satan: WAR OF AMALEK (10)

How To Fight The Satan: WAR OF AMALEK (10)   After learning that HaShem permits the illusion of the Satan fighting Him, Rav Elchonon Wasserman zt'l has prepared us to learn the most profound lesson: How To Determine To Fight the Satan, when its HaShem that is decreeing it after all. This will not only help us determine what kind of war we are currently in, but will also uncover heavenly details about the Holocaust very few have knowledge of.   After this, we will publicize a shocking true story that will remind us once again about the value of Da'at Torah. Enjoy, Learn, Share, and Be Holy.
8/7/20242 hours, 2 minutes, 22 seconds
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ISRAEL AT WAR: IRAN vs. ISRAEL MUST WATCH CRITICAL SHIUR  With all the threatening news pushed into the minds of the people, critical issues must be learned from the Torah that will help us win the war before it even begins.
8/5/20241 hour, 40 minutes, 20 seconds
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Matot Masei: The Absolute Truth Behind Sins - STUMP THE RABBI (211)

Matot Masei: The Absolute Truth Behind Sins - STUMP THE RABBI (211) After winning the war against Midian, Moshe Rabbeinu rebukes the leaders of the tribes for not completing the job. His protege Yehoshua ben Nun had a similar situation during one of his wars, which ended up with a death penalty.   What can we learn from these two situations to apply to our lives today, and what does it all have to do with the request of the tribes of Reuven and Gad that chose to remain in the exile? This and many more questions from the live audience will addressed today, so we can Learn, Enjoy, Share and Be Holy.
8/2/20242 hours, 21 minutes, 8 seconds
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Does Satan Fight God? - WAR OF AMALEK (9)

Does Satan Fight God? - WAR OF AMALEK (9) Anyone looking into the world today is quickly reminded of the time preceding the Holocaust, where it seems like the Satan was in charge. Yet the holy Jewish sages teach us that there is nothing else but HaShem (Ein Od Milvado).   In this Shiur, Rav Elchonon Wasserman zt'l will teach us about the times when the Satan is given control to destroy without deciphering between the righteous and wicked. The times, the witnesses and the reason for it, will help us understand the fundamental principals behind how HaShem controls His world. Enjoy, Share, Learn and Be Holy.
7/31/20241 hour, 51 minutes, 46 seconds
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Giving Nachat To HaShem: Torat HaChassidut (5)

Giving Nachat To HaShem: Torat HaChassidut (5) Rebbi Elimelech of Lizhenk's Tzetel Katan goes deeper in to the meaning of our role in the world, in order to help us eliminate any mistaken or even forbidden thoughts that could even be heretical. Anyone that has prayed has seen 'Giving Nachat To HaShem' countless times, and perhaps, in the days of the 50th level of Tuma, these words could lead one to confusion about their giving to the Creator who is perfect and does not need anything. So what does it mean? Today we will dig deeper into the world of Chassidut to learn, understand and bring Nachat to HaShem. Learn, Share, Enjoy and Be Holy
7/29/20242 hours, 9 minutes, 34 seconds
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PINCHAS Zealous for HaShem or Yourself? - STUMP THE RABBI (210)

PINCHAS Zealous for HaShem or Yourself? - STUMP THE RABBI (210) Parashat Pinchas reminds us of the obligation to rebuke and protest against those who desecrate the Name of HaShem and violate His Torah. While this is certainly a difficult task for many, we see that some who attempt to fulfill it, cause more damage than good.   In fact, we see that many times, the rebuke had nothing to do with HaShem, and was all about the ego of the 'zealous rebuker.' BeEzrat HaShem we will learn the difference between the zealous for HaShem versus zealous for self in this shiur and bring more mercy to the world. Enjoy, Learn, Share and Be Holy.
7/25/20242 hours, 38 minutes, 53 seconds
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Eating Like Chassidim: Torat HaChassidut (4)

Eating Like Chassidim: Torat HaChassidut (4) The Tzetel Katan has reeducated us about how to pray the Shema, Amida and fulfill the mitzvah of Kiddush HaShem while lying in bed. Tonight, Rebbi Elimelech of Lezhenk takes deeper into the real world of Chassidim by teaching us how to eat like a Chassid.   While these lessons are far away from the current abilities of most people, they do take us a step further into the realization of the greatness of our Torah, its Sages and even our own Neshamot's abilities. Enjoy, Learn, Share, and Be Holy.
7/22/20241 hour, 54 minutes, 57 seconds
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BALAK: I SINNED BECAUSE I DIDN'T KNOW - STUMP THE RABBI (209) In Parashat Balak we see HaShem saving Am Yisrael from the curse of Bilaam only to see them punished for their own sins thereafter. Why was Bilaam not punished right away after he sinned, while Am Yisrael was punished immediately? What is the meaning of Bilaam's statement 'I sinned because I didn't know' and can any of us use the same excuse today? Lastly, an extraordinary story from the Chafetz Chaim about how the Tzadikim use the Torah and Kabbalah to help Am Yisrael after they have sinned and the punishment arrived.  After that we'll provide the answer to last week's halachic trivia question and provide another for everyone to think, learn, win, Enjoy, and Be Holy. Don't forget to Share.
7/18/20242 hours, 31 minutes, 20 seconds
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Who Should Fight False MaShiach: WAR OF AMALEK (8)

Who Should Fight False MaShiach: WAR OF AMALEK (8)     On the Yartzeit of Rav Elchonon Wasserman we are going deeper into the War of Amalek by learning about the different types of Wars that need to fought, how to fight them and who should be fighting them. Am Yisrael has fought for its survival since the day of its creation, and many of our holidays and fasts are connected to those battles. Among the many battles were the battles against the heretics and false messiahs who tried to turn our people against HaShem.   In the time of Amalek, the past battles will be repeated and following in the footsteps of the earlier Shepherds will be more important than ever, since our survival depends on it. Tune in to another installment of our monumental series, learn, enjoy, share and Be Holy.
7/17/20241 hour, 56 minutes, 47 seconds
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Praying the Shema Before Death: Torat HaChassidut (3)

Praying the Shema Before Death: Torat HaChassidut (3) The Holy Torah commands that all jews are required to say the Shema Yisrael and Amida Prayer each day. Rebbi Elimelech of Lizhensk will now teach us how to do this according to Chassidut and Halacha. After this, your prayers will never be the same.
7/15/20241 hour, 51 minutes, 58 seconds
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CHUKAT Profitable Results From Bad Decisions - STUMP THE RABBI (208)

7/12/20242 hours, 31 minutes, 33 seconds
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Imagining Death At the Stake: Torat HaChassidut (2)

Imagining Death At the Stake: Torat HaChassidut (2) Although today's generation is very much ignorant about the horrible burning at the stake that many of our ancestors suffered, this is very much a time when HaShem's Name was sanctified by many tzadikim. While this may seem irrelevant horrors that one would like to forget, Rabbi Elimelech of Lizhensk's first bit of instructions in the Tzetel Katan is that one should think about it much more often than you can imagine. Why would this be good and how will it help you become a Chassid?   This and much more will be discussed in this amazing Shiur alongside some life changing stories that will inspire the sparks of Kedusha inside us that aspire to be Real Chassidim. Learn, Enjoy, Share and Be Holy.  #death #chasssidut #Torah #Jewish #RabbiYaronReuven #jews #bible #god #inspiring #motivation
7/8/20241 hour, 56 minutes, 52 seconds
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Prophecy of War Against Torah: WAR OF AMALEK (7)

Prophecy of War Against Torah: WAR OF AMALEK (7) Throughout our history, there's been countless nations and people that have tried to destroy and have the Torah forgotten. While all of these battles cost millions of lives, the hardest battle is ahead. Why do these enemies return again and again to try to destroy the Torah? Even more so, what is the prophecy that ensure that they will never succeed?   This shiur will be full of chizuk for anyone that still has that holy jewish spark within and looking for an opportunity to shine. Enjoy, Share, Learn and Be Holy  #Torah #Jewish #RabbiYaronReuven #Jews #motivation #War #amalek #warofamalek #erevrav #chizuk #Torahlearning #Jewishwisdom #JewishNeshama #Prophecy #endofdays
7/4/20241 hour, 50 minutes, 44 seconds
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7/4/20242 hours, 47 minutes, 11 seconds
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SERIES PREMIERE Torat HaChassidut - The Tzetel Katan

7/3/20241 hour, 58 minutes, 16 seconds
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The Biggest Curse In History: WAR OF AMALEK (6)

7/3/20242 hours, 6 minutes, 20 seconds
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Alone Surrounded By Wicked Generation - JEWISH HASHKAFA (133) SERIES FINALE

Alone Surrounded By Wicked Generation - JEWISH HASHKAFA (133) SERIES FINALE After Nearly 4 1/2 years of lectures, the final shiur in the Chazon Ish Jewish Hashkafa series is here. Just like Avraham Avinu was alone in his generation of wicked idolators, many feel the same in their communities.  Though quickly realizing that no one is like Avraham Avinu, there are some questions that need answers: How did he get millions of idolators to abandon their ways, despite having a criminal record, limited funding, family feud, and being enemy #1 of the most powerful man in the world at the time? Was this strategy ever successfully put to the test by anyone? Can You and I do it today?  These and many other questions will be answered today, as we finalize the series that has taught us what the Jewish Ideology of Avraham Avinu is. We may not be Avraham Avinu, but we are his descendants, and our abilities are only limited by our knowledge and application. BeEzrat HaShem excited to complete this monumental series and in sanctifying HaShem's Name, while also bringing nachat to Rabbeinu the Chazon Ish. Learn, Enjoy, Share and Be Holy #Wicked #generation #Judaism #Jewish #JewishHaShkafa #rabbiyaronreuven #surrounded #Alone #AloneSurroundedbyWickedGeneration #avrahamavinu #series #finale
6/17/20242 hours, 8 minutes, 55 seconds
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RABBINICAL JUDAISM VS REFORMERS - STUMP THE RABBI (103) Rabbi Yaron Reuven exhorts Jews to follow the Torah's teachings and accept the judgments of the sages to safeguard their faith. He emphasizes the importance of studying the Torah and adhering to its commandments, including those related to the appointment and authority of judges.  Rabbi Reuven warns against the influence of reform movements and false prophets who seek to undermine Jewish law. He stresses the significance of divine providence in protecting the Jewish people and encourages them to rely on God rather than on conspiracy theories or external powers.
6/16/20242 hours, 14 minutes, 21 seconds
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Were Adam and Eve (Chava) Like You? - Jewish HaShkafa (132)

Were Adam and Eve (Chava) Like You? - Jewish HaShkafa Series (132)   CLICK LINK TO WATCH    What happened with Adam and Chava And how does it affect us today? Explore the profound teachings of Rabbi Yaron Reuven on the generational decline since Adam and Chava in this enlightening Shiur. Delve into the origins of human challenges and their impacts on contemporary life through the lens of Jewish wisdom.  This shiur uncovers the spiritual and moral degradation that began with the first humans, and how these ancient lessons still resonate and influence our modern existence. Ideal for those seeking a deeper understanding of spiritual history and its relevance today.   
6/11/20241 hour, 54 minutes, 30 seconds
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BAMIDBAR: CURRENT EVENTS REPEAT HISTORICAL MISTAKES - STUMP THE RABBI (206) As Israel deal with attacks from every corner, the infamous enemy of the Torah that's in the Israeli government, Avigdor Lieberman warned that the next holocaust is coming. While on one hand it seemed like he was repeating the words of the Torah and its sages, we quickly learn that he, and those like him, are the ones who are repeating the mistakes that have led to the holocaust times they are warning about.   Parashat Bamidbar unveils a great secret through the census Moshe Rabbeinu was commanded to do. A secret that everyone knows, but few truly implement.   Today, we'll look into the holy words of the Torah to see if we can recruit a few more brave souls to take upon themselves the implementation of the biggest secret everyone knows. Learn, Enjoy, Share and Be Holy.
6/11/20242 hours, 43 minutes, 36 seconds
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Why Do Jewish Erev Rav Hate Torah Scholars?: WAR OF AMALEK (5)

ARE YOU A GOOD PERSON? - Jewish Hashkafa (131) Everyone says they are a good person, and most believe it too. The Chazon Ish's Jewish Hashkafa series has taught us about many things, including prophecy, and how being good is a prerequisite. Can this mean that everyone is good, or perhaps that this good is needed by the Creator? With the help of our Masters the RAMBAM, The Chinuch, the Chazon Ish clarifies it all by using the one mitzvah that Jews and Gentiles are obligated to follow--Don't eat an animal while its still alive. Confused? BeEzrat HaShem you won't be by the end of the shiur. Enjoy, Share, Learn and Be Holy.
6/11/20241 hour, 43 minutes, 21 seconds
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ARE YOU A GOOD PERSON? - Jewish Hashkafa (131)

ARE YOU A GOOD PERSON? - Jewish Hashkafa (131) Everyone says they are a good person, and most believe it too. The Chazon Ish's Jewish Hashkafa series has taught us about many things, including prophecy, and how being good is a prerequisite. Can this mean that everyone is good, or perhaps that this good is needed by the Creator? With the help of our Masters the RAMBAM, The Chinuch, the Chazon Ish clarifies it all by using the one mitzvah that Jews and Gentiles are obligated to follow--Don't eat an animal while its still alive. Confused? BeEzrat HaShem you won't be by the end of the shiur. Enjoy, Share, Learn and Be Holy.
6/11/20241 hour, 54 minutes, 4 seconds
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BECHUKOTAI: Sudden Holocaust - STUMP THE RABBI (205)

BECHUKOTAI: Sudden Holocaust - STUMP THE RABBI (205) Parashat Bechuotai reminds us of HaShem's system of Reward & Punishment. A careful review of the verses shows precise description of the SHOA many remind themselves of by saying NEVER AGAIN.  Yet some chachamim rejected the idea of name SHOA and today we'll learn why. This should also help understand the current events that we can compare to the past and BeEzrat HaShem become wiser for it. Learn, Enjoy, Share and Be Holy
5/30/20242 hours, 15 minutes, 11 seconds
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The Good Shepherd Unveils Kabbalah Secrets of Erev Rav: WAR OF AMALEK - 4

The Good Shepherd Unveils Kabbalah Secrets of Erev Rav: WAR OF AMALEK - 4 We've learned much about the general description of Amalek and its Erev Rav parts. With so much bad news in the Jewish world, many frustrated Jews will sometimes speculate who they think is an Erev Rav Today.   Today Rav Elchonon Wasserman digs into the Zohar in order to unveil secrets from the Good Shepherd that tell us a couple of specific identifying marks these Erev Rav possess till this day. The Good Shepherd is not RASHBI, but one of his teachers that taught him Torah secrets inside the cave. Indeed, the Good Shepherd is still a teacher today to some people that fit the requirement list.    Who is the Good Shepherd? Learn, Share, Enjoy and Be Holy.
5/29/20241 hour, 41 minutes, 23 seconds
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BEHAR: From Grateful To Despicable - STUMP THE RABBI (204)

BEHAR: From Grateful To Despicable - STUMP THE RABBI (204) We've all encountered some good and bad people in our lives, but most of the time it didn't start the way it ended. Parashat BEHAR teaches us the importance of helping one another before it gets too late. But what happens when the people you help turn against you to the point where they make you into an enemy?  While this may happen from time to time to regular people, there are a select few type of people that this happens to them very often, and they happen to be the ones who do the most good. If You're asking who they are, then the good news is that its not you, but the bad news is that you can still be on the other side of the equation.  Enjoy this deep shiur that will shock many that want to see the truth when they look in the mirror. Be Holy.
5/24/20243 hours, 2 minutes, 59 seconds
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Will History Repeat Itself?: WAR OF AMALEK - 3

Will History Repeat Itself?: WAR OF AMALEK - 3 The WAR OF AMALEK series has introduced us to the enemy that is hiding in plain site throughout history. The question everyone should now be asking is whether history will repeat itself.   It would seem logical that with all of the information we have about the failures of the past, we'd be able to utilize them to improve and perhaps even change the future. If only that were so simple. If only if were not already written.   Today we learn more about the past history and compare it to the current times. Perhaps then, we will see just how History May or May Not Repeat Itself. Enjoy, Learn, Share and Be Holy. #Amalek #Judaism #Jewish #erevrav #Torah #rabbiyaronreuven #inspiring #god #motivation #israel #bible
5/22/20241 hour, 40 minutes, 7 seconds
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EMOR: ANCIENT WARNING TO ALL JEWISH PODCASTS - STUMP THE RABBI (203) The Orthodox Jewish world is under constant attack from all corners and from within. Every week another 'Jewish Podcast' is launched just to highlight heresy against the Torah, and the 'podcaster's' dismay and criticism of the Torah they have rarely learned. The hosts of these podcasts and those who listen may be surprised to find this story is found in Parashat Emor: The Blasphemer. Watch to learn the shocking backstory of how this Blasphemer came to curse God and what was his punishment
5/20/20242 hours, 34 minutes, 27 seconds
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What Is Amalek In Today's World: WAR OF AMALEK (2)

What Is Amalek In Today's World: WAR OF AMALEK (2) After learning about Rav Elchonon Wasserman's motivation to write these End of Days Instructions for the Amalek of War, we will now address two major issues.   First, what would motivate you to care about this today? Second, since the biblical Amalek is no longer a nation, and the Nazi Amalek of the Holocaust was defeated, what is Amalek in today's world? These critical questions will be answered, explained and BeEzrat HaShem Inspire.   Learn, Enjoy, Share and Be Holy.
5/20/20241 hour, 24 minutes, 25 seconds
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How Can You Know If You Are The MaShiach?- Jewish Hashkafa (130)

How Can You Know If You Are The MaShiach?- Jewish Hashkafa (130)   Do you or someone you know think you may be the MaShiach or perhaps 'just a prophet?' Each week there are more and more people who claim that they are the Chosen One, and while its easy to simply ignore, perhaps its time we learned the Prophecy Test. We've all heard some of the 'False Messiah' stories of past generations that were exposed by the Jewish Sages or the test of time. But how did the Sages know? In this shiur we will review the prerequisites to being a prophet in a clear and precise manner that can help anyone who wants to know this very interesting topic. Indeed this can help every person, even someone who doesn't want to be one. Learn, Enjoy, Share and Be Holy.
5/13/20241 hour, 39 minutes, 13 seconds
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KEDOSHIM Must Know Laws To Have Good Happy Life - STUMP THE RABBI (202)

KEDOSHIM Must Know Laws To Have Good Happy Life - STUMP THE RABBI (202) If you ask people what they want most, everyone will say that they want a good happy life and are willing to do anything for it. What most people may not know is that God has certain rules in Parashat Kedoshim with an exact recipe for success. In fact, without following these few laws in the Torah, it is impossible to have the good happy life we all want.   Tune in to learn just what these laws are, as well as hear the Questions & Answers session thereafter that address all types of questions from audience, ranging from what is the Talmud to Whether You're Allowed To Eat Human Flesh for the sake of survival. Enjoy, Share, and Be Holy.
5/13/20242 hours, 53 minutes, 59 seconds
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WAR OF AMALEK - SERIES PREMIERE With the rise of worldwide antisemitism, it has reminded many of us of the times before the Holocaust. In the ERA of MaShiach series we did several years ago, Rav Elchonon Wasserman zt'l taught us about the greatest signs we'll see in the world before MaShiach arrives.   In this 'must watch' series, we uncover the pages of a rarely known book also written by Rav Wasserman, that will clarify the Torah's instructions we must know of how to fight the WAR OF AMALEK. Enjoy, Share, and Be Holy
5/13/20241 hour, 50 minutes, 53 seconds
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Are All Goyim Evil? - Jewish Hashkafa (129)

Are All Goyim Evil? - Jewish Hashkafa (129) Goyim is a biblical term for Nations, any nation. Even the Jews are called a Goy Kadosh in the Torah. Many erroneously believe it is a derogatory term for gentiles. With antisemitism hitting new higher levels each day, the propaganda goes along with it.   The most common type being the allegations about Jewish beliefs. The question everyone has asked, at least in their mind, is whether the Torah teaches that all goyim are evil. In fact, both Jews and non Jews are asking this question, and this lecture will provide us the real uncensored answer once and for all.   Learn, Enjoy, Share and Be Holy
5/6/20242 hours, 6 minutes, 54 seconds
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Metzora: How Much Is Too Much - STUMP THE RABBI (201)

Metzora: How Much Is Too Much - STUMP THE RABBI (201) Parashat Metzora highlights a special treatment for the poor. Does everyone really need to follow this? What if they are a scammer pretending to be poor? Since we're on the topic of giving, we've all heard the term 'giving it your all,' but how much giving is too much giving?  This will be a shiur full of sources that you'll want to write down and engrave into your hearts, since they'll help you learn and Be Holy.
4/18/20242 hours, 40 minutes, 9 seconds
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CATCH THE SHIUR EVERYONE'S TALKING ABOUT! 🚨✨ ISRAEL AT WAR: DIVINE MESSAGE INSIDE IRAN ATTACK A Few Divine Messages were provided recently that were warning us of this attack by Iran. Unbelievable Precision from Above that will shock anyone with working ears and working minds.  Many are asking if this is the beginning of the biblical war of Gog U'Magog? Why Is HaShem allowing Iran to attack Israel? Should we be worried? Excited? Grateful?  Today we will address all this and more BeEzrat HaShem. New Chidushim will be unveiled for the first time you ever hear it in this Shiur. Hold On To Your Sofas, and Be Holy.
4/18/20241 hour, 27 minutes, 27 seconds
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TAZRIA: SAYING GOODBYE TO THE RABBI No one likes to say Goodbye, but sometimes we have to, while other times the mistake of our lives is being made as the words our coming out of our mouths.   Parashat Tazria will enlighten us on this life changing idea that can save us from the tragedy people bring upon themselves when they make the wrong decision.
4/18/20242 hours, 20 minutes, 36 seconds
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What To Do In The Most Difficult Times of Our Lives: STUMP THE RABBI (199)

4/1/20242 hours, 44 minutes, 39 seconds
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TZAV: WHY IS THE WORLD THREATENING THE JEWS - Stump The Rabbi (198) Sefer Vayikra is full of more Torah laws than any other parts of the Torah, and Parashat Tzav matches the rest. But a deeper dig into these ancient laws will unveil the mystery of why the world is threatening the Jewish people today, again. The world is at war and antisemitism is running rampant to the levels of pre WWII, yet many Jews and Gentiles are asking what the Divine cause is.  Tune in and learn more holy Torah from that will help each one of us get ready for what's ahead. Enjoy, Learn, Share and Be Holy.
4/1/20242 hours, 42 minutes, 2 seconds
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VAYIKRA PURIM LOVE OF JEWS & TORAH - Stump The Rabbi (197) Does Loving the Jewish people supersede the Torah? In the time of Purim we see all types of Jews that we didn't see during some of the other holidays.  Are we supposed to accept everyone the same? Are we supposed to help them do teshuva? What is the connection of Vayikra, Purim and the Love of the Jewish people?  These are some of the questions we will address today to learn, share and be Holy.
4/1/20242 hours, 35 minutes, 52 seconds
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REUVEN TELLER Convert To Judaism Becomes Chasid – RTH #21

REUVEN TELLER: Convert To Judaism Becomes Chasid? – RTH #21 In Episode 21 of the 'Returning To HaShem' podcast we meet Reuven Teller, a special Convert To Judaism who also became a real Chasid. While many determine affiliation to Chassidut by superficial matters like clothes and location, the truth is that Chassidut is determined by ideology and dedication to the Torah more than anything else. Born far removed from any Jewish communities with a secular Jewish father and non-Jewish mother, Reuven's young Neshama had an unusual interest in Judaism at a young age. His connection to online shiurim quickly became an addiction to HaShem. This got to the point where he did everything possible to chase HaShem's presence in his life and become one of His Chosen People.   Realizing that it wasn't enough for him to just be Jewish, Reuven joined Chassidut and dedicated his life to learning Torah. Along the journey, Reuven meets Rabbi Yaron Reuven and develops an important relationship that is still helping Reuven reach even higher levels in Torah, Kedusha and even Zikkuy HaRabim. Tune in to this beautiful story of how the lack of satisfaction with the standards, and a determination to continue growing in Torah can literally bring them to their own salvation in this world and the next. Enjoy, Share and Be Holy
3/27/202443 minutes, 50 seconds
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PEKUDEI: What's The Hardest Trait To Master?- Stump The Rabbi (196)

PEKUDEI: What's The Hardest Trait To Master?- Stump The Rabbi (196) Parashat Pekudei is the last parashat in the book of Exodus, which completes the building the mishkan by giving us a tally of all of the gold, silver, copper and other donations made by Am Yisrael. While its wonderful to see that Am Yisrael was generous, what lessons can we take from this for our modern day lives that are full of inner and outer struggles?  In this week's Shiur we will delve deeper into the holy Torah and learn some of these and other lessons that are available for all to learn, enjoy, apply and share in order to achieve the goal of Being Holy.
3/27/20242 hours, 44 minutes, 39 seconds
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YEDIDYAH MONTRÉAL: RABBI'S SON THAT FOUND RABBI AT 3 A.M l RTH PODCAST #20 In Episode 20, we meet YEDIDYAH from Montreal, son of a big Talmid Chacham Rabbi. Here we'll see that just because your father is a great Rabbi doesn't mean that you won't need another Rabbi to help you through dark times. But what if those dark moments are at 3 a.m? Yedidyah tells us about how his special relationship with Rabbi Yaron Reuven was cemented through these difficult times, and helped him make some of the important decisions in his life.   This podcast episode is full of Torah and life lessons that you'll want to write down and remember because they can help anyone in your life, especially yourself. Don't be surprised if you end up watching this episode a few times, as the gems are too precious to forget. Enjoy, Share, and Be Holy. #torah #jewish #rabbiyaronreuven #podcast #judaism #wastingseed #HaShem
3/27/20241 hour, 59 seconds
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VAYAKHEL: REAL TIME KLIPA vs. KEDUSHA TEST - Stump The Rabbi (195) Many people ask how can they know whether their teshuva is being accepted or not, and what their spiritual status is.  Parashat VAYAKHEL will uncover one of the 'DO IT YOURSELF' Tests to give each of us a better idea of where we stand. Some will be elated, some disappointed and certainly some will continue living in denial.  Choose Life. Enjoy, Learn, Share and Be Holy.
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AHRON PATTERSON: Foster Child That Found ABA l RTH PODCAST #19

AHRON PATTERSON: Foster Child That Found ABA l RTH PODCAST #19 In Episode 19, we meet Ahron Patterson, a diamond in the rough Jew that grew up in the tough foster care system, completely disconnected from HaShem and His Torah, and surrounded by drugs and crime. Ahron's straight and sometimes rough talk is full relevant truth about the serious life battles some of us must go through before we find our way back to Aba (HaShem).   We Though intrigued by Torah lectures among the many subjects he's learned, it was the FREE KIRUV PACKAGE from Rabbi Yaron Reuven that contained the information that would help him choose the Life of Torah.   Watch this very interesting interview, and let yourself be inspired and educated about the awesome ways of HaShem, and how He will turn the world over to give every Jew a road to get back to Him. Enjoy, Share, and Be Holy.
3/3/20241 hour, 2 minutes, 52 seconds
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KI TISA If God Loves Us Why Punish Us? - Stump The Rabbi (194)

Discover the Divine Balance: Love and Discipline in Parashat Ki Tisa 🌟 Dive into the mystery of the Golden Calf with Rabbi Yaron Reuven and explore a pivotal question: If God loves us, why does He punish us? 🤔 This session reveals the harmonious balance of Divine love and discipline, offering insights into the enduring wisdom of Parashat Ki Tisa. Join us to uncover the 'answer of answers,' enhance your spiritual journey, and bring glory to HaShem. ✨ Embrace this opportunity to learn, share, and ascend towards holiness . 📚 Transform Your Understanding - Where Divine Love Meets Discipline.
3/3/20242 hours, 11 minutes, 3 seconds
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Becoming A Prophet - Jewish HaShkafa (127)

Becoming A Prophet - Jewish HaShkafa (127) 'You think you're a prophet?' Perhaps you've heard this snark remark from someone who didn't like what you were saying. Putting the crazies and Looney Tunes aside, the real question is whether it is possible for you to become one?    The Chazon Ish's Jewish Hashkafa begins a whole new chapter about prophecy, and here we can begin to answer the question, and perhaps even prepare ourselves for some interesting tasks ahead. Enjoy, Learn, Share and Be Holy.
3/3/20242 hours, 20 minutes, 32 seconds
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JEREMY NEW YORK Why I Stopped Being A Modern Orthodox Jew RTH PODCAST #18

JEREMY NEW YORK: Why I Stopped Being A Modern Orthodox Jew RTH PODCAST #18 In Episode 18, we meet Jeremy Braunstein from Staten Island, New York. Growing up in a Modern Orthodox Jewish community with its local yeshiva education, Jeremy felt like a robot repeating the same thing day after day without connecting to the purpose of life. After being introduced to Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi and Rabbi Yaron Reuven's shiurim on YouTube, he realized it's time to step up in the spiritual department. Step by step, Jeremy tells us his story of how he dropped the Modern in Modern Orthodox, and is careful not to miss any of the details you're all going to enjoy.    Watch this detailed story, and don't be surprised if you're even more inspired to serve HaShem better in every aspect of your life. Enjoy, Share, and Be Holy.
3/3/202447 minutes, 6 seconds
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Navigating Tomorrow: Insights from Parashat Tetzaveh with Rabbi Yaron Reuven TETZAVEH: DANGEROUS FUTURE AHEAD - Stump The Rabbi (193) Parashat Tetzaveh brings us into the heart of a pivotal moment in Jewish history—the preparation for the Mishkan. In this enlightening Shiur, Rabbi Yaron Reuven delves into how these ancient teachings offer guidance for the Jewish People and the world today.  He emphasizes the importance of balancing reverence for the past with courage for the future, advocating for a life led by Torah Judaism that skillfully merges historical wisdom with future challenges. Discover how to embrace the future without fear, applying timeless Torah principles to modern life.
3/3/20242 hours, 47 minutes, 24 seconds
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NETANEL ALCIDE Seventh-Day Adventist Discovers Judaism RTH PODCAST #17

NETANEL ALCIDE: Seventh-Day Adventist Discovers Judaism RTH PODCAST #17 In Episode 17, we meet Netanel Alcide, a special Jewish convert who grew up with possibilities of becoming a preacher in Christian Seventh-day Adventist Church. This was the case until a simple headache turned into a life risk. Interestingly, this life risk and medical battle ends up introducing him to the Jewish Rabbi that will help him save his eternity--meet Rabbi Yaron Reuven.   Watch this emotional story, and don't be surprised if you're even more inspired to learn more about how HaShem runs His world full of miracles and wonders. Enjoy, Share, and Be Holy. #torah #jewish #rabbiyaronreuven #podcast #judaism #wastingseed #HaShem
2/18/202456 minutes, 49 seconds
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TERUMAH: The God of Money - Stump The Rabbi (192)

Unlock ancient secrets for today's world 🌟 Dive into a shiur that will lift your spirit and light your way. ✨ TERUMAH: The God of Money - Stump The Rabbi (192) 💸 Why do our wise Sages suggest donating money when finances are tight? 📉➡️💫 One might assume saving is better. Is there a misunderstanding in our financial wisdom, or is there deeper insight to uncover? 🧐✨ Join us to unravel this mystery!
2/16/20242 hours, 5 minutes, 32 seconds
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KABBALAH GUARANTEE To Have Righteous Child - JEWISH INTIMACY (42) Are you or someone you know trying everything you know of to have a child and failing? Are You scared of having a problematic child? Want A Guaranteed Salvation?  Today's Jewish Intimacy Series will provide you the ultimate salvation you've never heard of, but certainly CAN DO. Enjoy, Learn, Share and Be Holy. #Kaballlah #children #judaism #jewish #rabbiyaronreuven #intimacy #jewishintimacy #righteous #Torah #relationship
2/14/20241 hour, 44 minutes, 37 seconds
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Are You Smarter Than Shlomo - Jewish HaShkafa (126)

Are You Smarter Than Shlomo?-Jewish HaShkafa (126) The Chazon Ish's Jewish Hashkafa series gives us another perspective of the wisdom of Shlomo and how one can apply it to their lives when learning Torah. Perhaps the smart ones among us will pay attention. Enjoy, Share, and Be Holy.
2/14/20241 hour, 41 minutes, 13 seconds
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DAVID NEW YORK: Learning About Punishments Made Me Love God RTH PODCAST #16

DAVID NEW YORK: Learning About Punishments Made Me Love God RTH PODCAST #16 In Episode 16, we meet David, a charismatic Jew living in New York with an all too relevant story of growing up as a secular Jewish boy despite attending a modern Yeshiva. After some of his teenage friends convinced him to start observing Shabbat, David began watching shiurim by different Rabbis to learn more about the purpose of the mitzvot and fill in the gap of the things he didn't learn in school.   This would ultimately lead him to watch a shiur by a charismatic 'No Nonsense' approach Rabbi that used to be a Wall Street executive--Meet Rabbi Yaron Reuven. Watching shiur after shiur by Rabbi Reuven, filled with sources for every statement and clarification of the consequences of our actions, David says 'The Rabbi built my foundation of Teshuva.'   Tune in, learn and be entertained by how David retells his story of how he fell in love with HaShem after learning about all the scary punishments people typically say they don't want to hear about. Learn, Enjoy, Share and Be Holy.
2/11/202443 minutes, 38 seconds
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MISHPATIM WE DON'T UNDERSTAND- Stump The Rabbi (191) After the monumental Divine Revelation at Mt. Sinai, Parashat Mishpatim brings a series of laws that do not typically fit into the modern day ideology. What if we don't understand the reasoning behind HaShem's laws, or simply disagree with what we do understand?   In this amazing Shiur we'll learn how to understand what we don't understand about the Divine Laws of the Holy Torah. Enjoy, Share and Be Holy. #Mishpatim #Parashat #Judaism #Jewish #rabbiyaronreuven #Torah #parashathashavua #understand #Sinai #mountsinai #divine #divinelaws
2/8/20242 hours, 19 minutes, 32 seconds
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Tzadikim That Married Prostitutes - JEWISH INTIMACY (41)

Tzadikim That Married Prostitutes - JEWISH INTIMACY (41) As we get closer to completing the Ramban's Iggeret HaKodesh, we're hitting some points that will shock our neshamot once again, after realizing what is truly possible to achieve through holy intimacy.  Today we're going to review some points that can help the so called 'low generation' in ways that many did not possible. Enjoy, Share and Be Holy.  
2/7/20241 hour, 43 minutes, 43 seconds
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What's A Chacham? - Jewish HaShkafa (125)

What's A Chacham? - Jewish HaShkafa (125) The Jewish HaShkafa series has enlightened us about Emunah, Bitachon, Wisdom of the Sages and helped us build our ideology and perspective of the holy Torah and its Chachamim.  In this shiur we'll learn how all of this can be applied to our behavior regarding the Chachamim of today. First, the Chazon Ish will use the help of biggest Chacham, Shlomo HaMelech, to help us learn 'What Is A Chacham?' Enjoy, Share and Be Holy.
2/5/20242 hours, 1 minute, 33 seconds
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JACOB SWITZERLAND: Holy Jewish Soul Born Inside Gentile Body RTH PODCAST #15

JACOB SWITZERLAND: Holy Jewish Soul Born Inside Gentile Body RTH PODCAST #15 In Episode 15, we meet Jacob Frank, a precious Jew living in Switzerland born with a non jewish body. Even as a boy, Jacob knew something wasn't right and always dreamt of joining the big synagogue and said 'I want to be like the boys with tzitzit.' After an extraordinary journey full of ups and downs in both spiritual and material life, an open miracle of being saved from robbery at gunpoint, brings Jacob back to the spiritual home he's always dreamt about.   Watch and learn how HaShem runs His world full of miracles and wonders, and connects them to Rabbi Yaron Reuven to help them get to where He destined them to be. This will inspire anyone that listens.
2/5/20241 hour, 20 minutes, 54 seconds
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YITRO: CONVERTS THE SKIN DISEASE OF ISRAEL - Stump The Rabbi (190) Anyone familiar with either the Talmud or the world of Jewish Conversion has heard the Talmudic teaching that the Converts Are the Skin Disease of Am Yisrael. While the Torah repeats HaShem's special love and protection of the converts, one who is unfamiliar with how to learn can quickly arrive at ideological problems.  Today, we will learn about this from one of the Greatest Converts Who Ever Lived: Yitro. Enjoy, Share and Be Holy.
2/1/20242 hours, 4 minutes, 22 seconds
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Happy Father Vs. Miserable Father - JEWISH INTIMACY (40)

Happy Father vs. Miserable Father- JEWISH INTIMACY (40) We've learned about bringing precious neshamot to the world, but how do I know it will make the father happy in the end? The Ramban's Iggeret HaKodesh will provide us proofs from the Holy Torah that will show us who the happiest fathers are and whether we can become them.  At the same time there are those fathers who create misery for themselves without realizing it, and being a father does not make things any better. Learn, Enjoy and Be Holy. #Judaism #jewish #intimacy #rabbiyaronreuven #JewishIntimacy #Father #fatherhood #Happy #miserable
2/1/20241 hour, 42 minutes, 55 seconds
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How To Deal With Conflicting Statements by Sages? - Jewish HaShkafa (124)

How To Deal With Conflicting Statements by Sages? - Jewish HaShkafa (124) The Sages in Pirkei Avot teach to 'Toil over it (Torah) and Toil over it because everything is in it' and the Chazon Ish's Jewish Hashkafa series is showing us exactly that. But what do we do when we find conflicting statements by the sages?  This MUST WATCH Shiur by Rabbi Yaron Reuven will address that BeEzrat HaShem
2/1/20241 hour, 59 minutes, 50 seconds
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NATE HIEKALI: Persian Jew Seeing Torah Miracles RTH PODCAST #14

NATE HIEKALI: Persian Jew Seeing Torah Miracles RTH PODCAST #14 In Episode 14, we meet Nate Hiekali, a Persian Jew living in Los Angeles. Nate's life transformation from secularism and a detachment from his Jewish roots, to serious Torah learning and seeing miracles is truly inspirational.  Working in the family business and being surrounded by ignorant people did not stop Nate from getting closer to HaShem and even trying to get others to follow. Watch and learn how a simple Jew can make himself into something special and not so simple anymore. This will inspire anyone that listens.  #torah #jewish #rabbiyaronreuven #podcast #judaism #wastingseed #HaShem
1/29/202448 minutes, 21 seconds
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Degradation of the Generations Explained: A Talmid Asks Rabbi Reuven A Tough Question

Degradation of the Generations Explained: A Talmid Asks Rabbi Reuven A Tough Question In this Chizuk Rabbi Yaron Reuven addresses the spiritual and moral decline observed in successive generations. He explores how this degradation manifests today and offers practical solutions grounded in Torah study and observance.
1/28/202415 minutes
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Are Ladies Really First - JEWISH INTIMACY (39)

Are Ladies Really First - JEWISH INTIMACY (39) What kind of children will you produce? Will they be masculine male or females? Will they be different than the many problematic ones of the ADHD generation the followed the sexual revolution? What does this all have to do with who climaxes first?  These are some of the question we'll be able to learn together from the Ramban's Iggeret HaKodesh in this life, marriage and eternity changing Jewish Intimacy series.
1/25/20242 hours, 3 minutes, 41 seconds
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Do You Need Wisdom To Have Emunah?- Jewish HaShkafa (123)

Do You Need Wisdom To Have Emunah?- Jewish HaShkafa (123) The fundamental of all fundamentals in serving HaShem is having Emunah. But despite how religious one is, the test of Emunah keep coming and its not a pleasant surprise to find out one is lacking. Parashat Beshalach retells us the time when Am Yisrael just left Egypt after a series of miracles, only to fail one Emunah test after another.  When do we fail in our Emunah? The Chazon Ish, with the help of Shlomo HaMelech and other sages are here to answer this very fundamental question that will change the lives of those who apply it to theirs.
1/24/20241 hour, 56 minutes, 27 seconds
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SHIMON WOLDMANN: Russian Jew In Germany Finds God In Torah RTH PODCAST #13

SHIMON WOLDMANN: Russian Jew In Germany Finds God In Torah RTH PODCAST #13  In Episode 13, we meet Shimon Woldmann, a Russian Jew whose life in Germany was marked by secularism and a detachment from his Jewish roots. Despite a bar mitzvah promise to lay tefillin daily, it would take years for Shimon to fulfill this commitment, a testament to his belief in the importance of keeping one's word. Shimon's academic and professional journey led him from law studies to a partnership in a construction company. But amidst his success, he felt an internal void, a longing for deeper meaning in life. This search for purpose eventually led him to confront the pivotal question: Can the Torah's divine origin be proven? His search for answers led Shimon to the online teachings of Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi, and subsequently to Rabbi Yaron Reuven. Despite the physical distance, Shimon found a spiritual mentor in Rabbi Reuven. Engaging with the Rabbi's lectures online and seeking guidance over the phone, Shimon embarked on a transformative journey into Orthodox Judaism. Shimon's story is one of profound change — from his secular roots in Russia and Germany to establishing a Torah-centric life. His tale highlights the power of online learning and long-distance mentorship in the digital age.
1/23/202452 minutes, 29 seconds
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BO Inconvenient Truth Is Categorized As Extremism - Stump The Rabbi (189)

BO: Inconvenient Truth Is Categorized As Extremism The last 3 plagues in Egypt by HaShem are here to tell us much more than the story of salvation Am Yisrael had over 3300 years ago. Indeed, they are here to unveil to us about all of the ideological battlegrounds we must overcome in order for the final salvation to arrive. Using multiple Torah facts, will show us the real state of affairs about the current events happening the Jewish people around the world, as well as society at large. #bo #Judaism #Jewish #parashat #rabbiyaronreuven #Shabbat #Truth #Extremism #Israel #Palestine #israeli
1/18/20242 hours, 2 minutes, 57 seconds
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SHOVAVIM MONEY & MASHIACH After being overwhelmed with new questions since the big REWARD FOR TIKKUN HABRIT shiur last week, we've decided that a follow up shiur was needed urgently to fill in some more info, address big questions and give you an opportunity to ask more. #tikkunhabrit #shovavim #judaism #jews #jewish #rabbiyaronreuven #wastingseed #Money #mashiach
1/17/20242 hours, 8 minutes, 35 seconds
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The Reward For Tikkun HaBrit with Q&A

The Reward For Tikkun HaBrit with Q&A DO NOT MISS this Life Changing shiur with Rabbi Yaron Reuven as he unveils the Kabbalistic Mysteries of Tikkun HaBrit - Join us on a journey that sheds light on the profound essence and heart of Jewish spirituality. Full of rare insights! Deepen your understanding and connect with the spiritual core of Tikkun HaBrit in the lively, interactive Q&A session.
1/16/20243 hours, 22 minutes, 54 seconds
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Why Did Jewish Sages Limit Development? - Jewish HaShkafa (122)

Why Did Jewish Sages Limit Development? - Jewish HaShkafa (122) After hearing a few more extraordinary examples of the medical and scientific knowledge of the Jewish Sages, one must ask, why didn't they develop it further? Perhaps we would be even more advanced today if this would happen.  This and more will discussed in the Jewish Hashkafa series based on the teachings of the Chazon Ish
1/16/20241 hour, 48 minutes, 39 seconds
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VAYECHI ETERNAL DEALS - Stump the Rabbi (187)

VAYECHI: ETERNAL DEALS - Stump the Rabbi (187) Parashat Vayechi is full of diamonds and pearls of wisdom one MUST LEARN to know how to make any deal a deal worth doing forever. As one who made countless deals in the business and Torah world, Rabbi Reuven is here to show you some of these priceless teachings for free. Learn, Apply and Enjoy.
1/16/20242 hours, 15 minutes, 25 seconds
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Understanding Witchcraft and Forbidden Places

Understanding Witchcraft and Forbidden Places Many people are trying to understand and even rationalize the evil in the world. Some have even gotten to the point of ignoring the warnings by going to forbidden places and connecting to the people there.  There's even a story in the jewish world of a 'convert' who abandoned chassidut and went to witchcraft. Whether its the terrorists from Hamas or the spiritual terrorists elsewhere, the Torah has much to teach about all of it. Enjoy!!
1/16/20241 hour, 48 minutes, 18 seconds
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SHEMOT: BRIT KODESH - Stump the Rabbi (188)

CRITICAL Shiur that is going viral. SHEMOT: BRIT KODESH - Stump the Rabbi (188) As we begin anew Sefer Shemot we see that the message between the lines is still the same--Kedusha is the Foundation of Judaism. Tune in and learn the beautiful messages of the Torah by that can even inspire a life long addicted sinner into becoming a modern day Yosef HaTzadik. Enjoy
1/16/20242 hours, 24 minutes, 33 seconds
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Monthly Wedding Night - Jewish Intimacy (38)

Monthly Wedding Night - Jewish Intimacy (38) The Jewish Intimacy Series based on the Iggeret HaKodesh of the Holy Ramban is back after a long break, and here to break some klipa that is destroying marriages today.  In a generation of old men and women walking around single as if they have all the time in the world, perhaps its time to visit what happens on the wedding night, and how couples can make that special night just as special as the wedding night each month forever.
1/16/20241 hour, 56 minutes
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Rejecting or Mocking Sages - Jewish HaShkafa (121)

Rejecting or Mocking Sages - Jewish HaShkafa (121) The Chazon Ish's Jewish Hashkafa has brought to light some extraordinary medical and scientific knowledge of the sages in the past few shiurim. Of course there will always be someone that finds a statement made by the sages regarding this subject that is either incorrect or not applicable and thereby use it to negate the Talmud, its Sages and ultimately the entire Torah. Lets Address one of those matters today and see where it takes us. Enjoy.  Rejecting or Mocking Sages - Jewish HaShkafa (121) The Chazon Ish's Jewish Hashkafa has brought to light some extraordinary medical and scientific knowledge of the sages in the past few shiurim. Of course there will always be someone that finds a statement made by the sages regarding this subject that is either incorrect or not applicable and thereby use it to negate the Talmud, its Sages and ultimately the entire Torah. Rejecting or Mocking Sages - Jewish HaShkafa (121) The Chazon Ish's Jewish Hashkafa has brought to light some extraordinary medical and scientific knowledge of the sages in the past few shiurim.  Of course there will always be someone that finds a statement made by the sages regarding this subject that is either incorrect or not applicable and thereby use it to negate the Talmud, its Sages and ultimately the entire Torah.  Lets Address one of those matters today and see where it takes us. Enjoy. Lets Address one of those matters today and see where it takes us. Enjoy. 
1/16/20241 hour, 25 minutes, 9 seconds
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Extraordinary Medical & Science Of Sages - Jewish HaShkafa (120)

Extraordinary Medical & Science of Sages - Jewish HaShkafa (120) Its all too common to hear athiests and other types of heretics dismiss the knowledge of the Jewish sages. The Chazon Ish gives some more examples that will not only prove this notion to be foolish, but will enlighten us to some of the wisdom that superior to anything available in the secular world today.
12/27/20231 hour, 13 minutes, 38 seconds
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A Bit of Patience - 🎧 Torah Sessions vol.1

A Bit of Patience - 🎧 Torah Sessions vol.1 We took parts from the amazing lecture and mixed it with some beautiful melodies. Hope you’ll enjoy it!
12/24/20231 hour, 19 minutes, 16 seconds
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VAYIGASH: YOUR PUBLIC IMAGE - Stump the Rabbi (186)

VAYIGASH: YOUR PUBLIC IMAGE - Stump the Rabbi (1865) Parashat Vayigash is full of Torah diamonds and pearls that apply to each of our lives more than we can imagine. In fact, one cannot be a kosher Jew without knowing the valuable lessons taught by Yosef and his brothers.  `In a world where the long term perception of public personalities are proven wrong, and one criminal after another is exposed, one must be sure to take steps to ensure he/she is not a criminal in the eyes of HaShem or people. Today you'll see why.
12/24/20232 hours, 7 minutes, 21 seconds
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Invention Innovation And Chidushim - Jewish HaShkafa (119)

Invention Innovation And Chidushim - Jewish HaShkafa (119) Join Rabbi Yaron Reuven for an enlightening journey in the Jewish Hashkafa Series, where he brings to life the enduring teachings of the Chazon Ish, demonstrating their profound relevance in our modern world.
12/24/20231 hour, 53 minutes, 49 seconds
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MIKEITZ: KNOW THE LIAR LIES - Stump the Rabbi (185)

MIKEITZ KNOW THE LIAR LIES Israel is at war, and though it seems like we're winning the battle, it is clear we will need the torah to win the ultimate war. Parashat Mikeitz gives us incites about what we will need and what to expect. Enjoy
12/24/20231 hour, 53 minutes
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ISRAEL AT WAR: Should You Get A Gun?

ISRAEL AT WAR: Should You Get A Gun? In Rabbi Yaron Reuven's shiur on whether to acquire a gun during 'Israel at War,' he likely examines the issue through a Jewish lens.  This includes exploring Halacha (Jewish law) and ethical considerations, particularly the principle of 'pikuach nefesh' (saving a life), to balance the need for self-defense with the responsibilities and risks of gun ownership. His approach would be grounded in Jewish texts and traditions, offering a nuanced perspective on this complex decision.
12/24/20231 hour, 30 minutes, 15 seconds
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12/24/20232 hours, 30 minutes, 36 seconds
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Effective KIRUV: Teaching The Awesome Punishment That Brings Joy

Effective KIRUV: Teaching The Awesome Punishment That Brings Joy How did Avraham Avinu's KIRUV Strategy change the world and what does it have to do with the Punishment at the End of Days that will bring the Nations of the world Joy? Confused? BeEzrat HaShem After this shiur you won't be. Enjoy
12/24/20231 hour, 11 minutes, 53 seconds
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ISRAEL AT WAR: BIG LIES EVERYWHERE LIES LIES AND MORE LIES is all we hear about, yet the vast majority of people have no idea they are being lied to from all sides and all corners. lets see what the Torah has to say about it.
12/24/20231 hour, 28 minutes, 45 seconds
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VAYEITZEI: THE HAND CONTROLING CIRCLE OF LIFE Most of people's anxiety comes from their concerns about things that are not within their control. Parashat Vayeitzei provides countless examples that we need not be concerned about any of it, as the Hand of HaShem will always ensure that Justice will ultimately be achieved even better than we can imagine. enjoy
12/24/20231 hour, 56 minutes, 59 seconds
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ISRAEL AT WAR: PROTESTS & HOSTAGES While the Mitzvah of Pidyon Shvuyim is critical, what do you do if the price requested from the terrorists is to free other terrorists from jail, which could lead to more blood being spilled in the future?   In this Shiur we will address the Torah sources and know once and for all what is the Da'at Torah on this and much more.
12/24/20231 hour, 24 minutes, 51 seconds
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TORAH PERSPECTIVE REGARDING GRATITUDE OF IDF SOLDIERS It was recently publicized that a certain older Rabbi allegedly said that jews should show gratitude towards the IDF Soldier's at war now as they do garbage men. This of course was not taken well by the public and created a repeat of the hatred of orthodox jews by the liberal jews in israel.   Was what this Rabbi saying true, and if not, what is the Torah perspective?
12/24/20231 hour, 6 minutes, 14 seconds
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ISRAEL AT WAR: MESSAGES FROM SATAN There are countless messages in the air right now from the Satan that must be addressed before the damage gets bigger. Important for all people that love HaShem and hate being lied to.
12/24/20231 hour, 22 minutes, 47 seconds
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TOLDOS: TZADIKIM - Stump the Rabbi (182)

TOLDOS: TZADIKIM Despite the cheapening of the term Tzadik in our generation, if one was fortunate enough to cleave to a real Tzadik he would know a life full of blessings and clarity. In our parasha we get to see many special things that HaShem provides the tzadik, and how it could have even saved Esav, if he only agreed to cleave to the tzadik.
12/24/20231 hour, 58 minutes, 50 seconds
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ISRAEL AT WAR: WHO IS AMALEK? Though some are still tense due to the war, many are showing signs of relief because it looks like we're winning. Perhaps we are missing the point altogether, and need to get to know who amalek is in order to get a good understanding of the picture we're all going to see at some point.
12/24/20231 hour, 31 minutes, 55 seconds
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THREE THOUSAND SIYUMIM EVENT: The Unforgettable Night of Torah ENGLISH VERSION As War in Israel began, the need to get closer to HaShem and His Torah was higher than ever. This Torah Event was held at perfect timing, and included a ceremony and special prayer for our Soldiers and fellow Jews around the world that need more protection in these tough times. Witness Torah History in the Making - 3000 Siyumim Celebration by Be'Ezrat HaShem Inc. for the Honor of Torah at ICC Jerusalem  A magnificent event in honor of the Torah that included thousands of Siyumim of the Gemara, Shas Mishnayot, Shulchan Aruch and more, and was celebrated at the ICC Jerusalem hall, with the participation of Gdolei Hador and the distinguished Shas completers. The event also announced the opening of Beit Din Tzedek (Rabbinical Court) and the appointing of Rabbi Efraim Kachlon Shlit'a as the head of the Beit Din. Be'Ezrat HaShem Inc. distributed respectable rewards to all the young and older scholars, and with God's help continues to support those who toil in the Torah. The 1 Million Campaign was also launched, due to the difficult situation for Am Yisrael, which includes the study of one million Dapim of Gemara for men, completion of one million books of Tehilim (Psalms) for women, and the study of one million Mishnayot for boys under Bar Mitzva. For details and registration contact 03-3137868 or email [email protected]
12/24/20234 hours, 47 minutes, 43 seconds
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ISRAEL AT WAR: CHIZUK At Yesod HaTorah Yeshiva

ISRAEL AT WAR: CHIZUK At Yesod HaTorah Yeshiva In a stirring lecture at Yesod HaTorah Yeshiva, Rabbi Yaron Reuven delivers an impassioned shiur focused on the importance of Torah study, particularly during times of conflict. He emphasizes the spiritual strength and protection that the diligent learning of the Yeshiva's students provides for the people of Israel amidst their struggle against Hamas. Rabbi Reuven's message is one of encouragement, inspiring his students to continue their sacred studies with the conviction that their intellectual and spiritual pursuits are a fortress safeguarding their nation.
12/24/20231 hour, 20 minutes, 49 seconds
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ISRAEL AT WAR: SHOULD YOU BE SCARED? In the shiur 'Israel at War: Should You Be Scared?' by Rabbi Yaron Reuven, the topic addressed is the Jewish approach to dealing with conflict, specifically the war with Hamas.  Rabbi Yaron Reuven discusses the concept of fear and the importance of having Emunah, or unwavering faith in HaShem, for the protection and victory of the Jewish people. He advises against succumbing to fear, instead encouraging trust in divine support, even while taking necessary practical measures for defense and safety. This shiur aims to strengthen the spiritual resilience of Am Yisrael in the face of adversity.
12/24/20232 hours, 24 minutes, 13 seconds
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ISRAEL AT WAR: What's Expected of You Today

ISRAEL AT WAR: What's Expected of You Today In the timely shiur 'ISRAEL AT WAR: What's Expected of You Today,' Rabbi Yaron Reuven addresses the current war with Hamas in Israel. He emphasizes the role of Am Yisrael in these challenging times, urging support through tzedakah, Torah study, aiding Torah Bochurs, and providing tefillin to soldiers. Each act of solidarity contributes to the nation's strength and unity.
12/24/20231 hour, 42 minutes, 50 seconds
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VAYEIRA: The Source of Yishmael's Hatred of Israel - Stump the Rabbi (181)

VAYEIRA: The Source of Yishmael's Hatred of Israel Where did Yishmael's descendants hatred begin and what makes them so determined to destroy Israel? This shiur by Rabbi Yaron Reuven will answer those and many other questions BeEzrat HaShem.
12/24/20231 hour, 51 minutes, 33 seconds
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ISRAEL AT WAR: IS PEACE POSSIBLE? For decades a discussion of peace and all types of solutions has been a topic many have put in their opinion on, but what does the Torah say about peace between Israel and Yishmael?
12/24/20231 hour, 14 minutes, 38 seconds
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ISRAEL AT WAR: PROTESTS AROUND THE WORLD The protests against Israel and pro hamas are terrifying many jews around the world. The good news is that the Torah and its sages discuss and address this too. Tune in for some good news.
12/24/20231 hour, 38 minutes, 38 seconds
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WHY WOULD GOD PUNISH ENEMIES HE SENT US? AVRAHAM AVINU saw the future suffering of the exile in parashat Lech Lecha. In it we have the answer to many questions clever people should be asking.
12/24/20231 hour, 31 minutes, 31 seconds
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ISRAEL AT WAR: THE VALUE OF JEWISH LIFE What makes a jewish life so valuable? while everyone knows that materialism is worthless in the moment of truth like we're all facing, the answer to this question has yet to become common knowledge to most. tonight we will tell a few stories that will put things into perspective of what you can become priceless.
12/24/20231 hour, 17 minutes, 31 seconds
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ISRAEL AT WAR: CAN WE WIN THE WAR? In the midst of Israel's conflict with Hamas, Rabbi Yaron Reuven delves into Jewish history and wisdom. This powerful shiur analyzes Israel's chances of victory, blending historical context with spiritual insight. Join Rabbi Reuven for a profound reflection on Israel's present and future.
11/6/20231 hour, 7 minutes, 32 seconds
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ISRAEL AT WAR: HaShem Is Fighting For Them

ISRAEL AT WAR: HaShem Is Fighting For Them Rabbi Yaron Reuven's compelling shiur, 'ISRAEL AT WAR: HaShem Is Fighting For Them,' provides a profound spiritual perspective on the current Israel-Hamas conflict. Amidst the chaos of rocket attacks and warfare, Rabbi Reuven underscores the divine intervention shielding Israel, emphasizing the belief that God Himself is waging war for the Jewish nation. This talk is a beacon of hope and faith, asserting that even in the darkest times, the protective Hand of HaShem remains steadfastly over His people.
11/6/20231 hour, 11 minutes, 59 seconds
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ISRAEL AT WAR: HOW TO DEAL WITH THE ANXIETY Many people are so anxious about the war in Israel and around the world that they've either become unpaid journalists reporting everything they see all day or a deer in headlights that cannot move forward. you're missing the opportunity of a lifetime if thats what you're doing. we'll discuss that in this shiur.
11/6/20232 hours, 29 minutes, 24 seconds
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ISRAEL AT WAR: WHAT TO CONSIDER IF WAR GETS WORSE The questions about the matzav continue coming, anxiety growing for many, but the shiurim will provide you answers that will put things in perspective. We're not here to pacify you or scare you, rather provide you the Torah you need for your neshama to be prepared for anything that's ahead.
11/6/20231 hour, 42 minutes, 5 seconds
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What Did Rav Avigdor Miller Say About GEHINNOM?

What Did Rav Avigdor Miller Say About GEHINNOM? In the context of the Israel-Hamas conflicts, Rabbi Avigdor Miller's teachings on Gehinnom might emphasize divine justice. He would likely discuss Gehinnom as a spiritual consequence for earthly actions, underscoring the idea that ultimate justice, although not always immediately visible, is assured in the broader divine scheme. This concept can offer a theological perspective during times of conflict and moral ambiguity.
11/6/20231 hour, 20 minutes, 39 seconds
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Noach & Tower of Babel: Surviving The Destruction of The World - Stump the Rabbi (180)

Noach & Tower of Babel: Surviving The Destruction of The World - Stump the Rabbi (180) What does the Torah say about the past destruction that we can implement for the current destruction? In 'Noach & Tower of Babel: Surviving The Destruction of The World - Stump the Rabbi (180),' Rabbi Yaron Reuven illuminates our path in confronting the evil of Hamas using insights from Parashat Noach and the Tower of Babel. . Learn how the Torah equips us to face malevolence and safeguard civilization, reminding us that, while evil forces existed from Babel to today, so does the indomitable spirit of righteousness and unity. Join us in this pivotal shiur for clarity and strength in tumultuous times #israel #war #hamas #palestine #judaism #jews #jewish #Torah #rabbiyaronreuven #noach #babel
10/19/20231 hour, 48 minutes, 51 seconds
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ISRAEL AT WAR HaShem Is Fighting For Them

ISRAEL AT WAR HaShem Is Fighting For Them Rabbi Yaron Reuven's compelling shiur, 'ISRAEL AT WAR: And HaShem Is Fighting For Them,' provides a profound spiritual perspective on the current Israel-Hamas conflict. Amidst the chaos of rocket attacks and warfare, Rabbi Reuven underscores the divine intervention shielding Israel, emphasizing the belief that God Himself is waging war for the Jewish nation. This talk is a beacon of hope and faith, asserting that even in the darkest times, the protective Hand of HaShem remains steadfastly over His people.
10/19/20231 hour, 12 minutes, 22 seconds
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ISRAEL AT WAR: WHAT SHOULD JEWS DO NOW? SHOULD YOU GO TO ISRAEL OR FLEE TO THE EXILE? WHAT ACTUALLY MATTERS RIGHT NOW? In this urgent shiur, Rabbi Yaron Reuven addresses the heart-wrenching decisions Jews face as war engulfs Israel. With the conflict against Hamas intensifying, Rabbi Reuven offers a compelling, Torah-infused perspective on whether Jews should rally to Israel or seek safety in exile. He emphasizes that the true battleground is irrespective of one's physical location. Join Rabbi Reuven for an inspiring message of resilience and spiritual solidarity amidst crisis, and discover the profound role each individual can play in this historic moment.
10/19/20231 hour, 56 minutes, 7 seconds
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ISRAEL AT WAR IS INSIDE THE TORAH DELVE INTO IT AND DELVE INTO IT BECAUSE EVERYTHING IS IN IT In his impactful shiur, 'Israel at War is Inside the Torah,' Rabbi Yaron Reuven connects the turmoil of the Israel-Hamas conflict with ancient Torah teachings. Urging deeper engagement with the scripture, 'Delve into it because everything is in it,' he asserts that current struggles are reflections of divine narratives within the Torah. Rabbi Reuven's insights reveal the Torah as a living guide, offering timeless wisdom and context for Israel's enduring challenges.
10/19/20231 hour, 51 minutes, 29 seconds
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Torah Perspective About Children Killed at War

Torah Perspective About Children Killed at War Rabbi Yaron Reuven's shiur explores the deeply sensitive and emotional topic of children killed during the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, particularly focusing on the tragic incidents involving Israeli children and actions by Hamas. Within a framework of Torah teachings and Jewish philosophy, Rabbi Reuven navigates through the painful narratives of recent events, attempting to provide a context and understanding amid the horrors of war. This content is heavy and potentially distressing; thus, viewer discretion is advised, and it is not recommended for sensitive individuals or those underage.
10/19/20231 hour, 43 minutes, 27 seconds
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Beresheit: What Does End of Days Have To Do With Creation - Stump the Rabbi (179)

Beresheit: What Does End of Days Have To Do With Creation - Stump the Rabbi (179) 'STUMP THE RABBI (179) Beresheit: What Does End of Days Have To Do With Creation' by Rabbi Yaron Reuven tackles a wide array of thought-provoking and complex questions pertaining to Jewish faith, practice, ethics, and philosophy.  Questions range from exploring the link between the end of days and creation, understanding volunteerism in Israel, addressing sentiments towards different ethnic and religious groups, exploring the concepts of resurrection, righteousness, and prayer in Judaism, to pondering practical, ethical, and eschatological conundrums. The discussion also ventures into socio-political territories, delving into topics like Zionism, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and perspectives on the IDF. Furthermore, Rabbi Reuven doesn’t shy away from exploring intrafaith perspectives, discussing aspects like Jewish factions, practices, and spiritual queries, providing an insightful exploration into various facets of Jewish thought and tradition.
10/19/20232 hours, 2 minutes, 44 seconds
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PROPHECY OF DATE OF MASHIACH Many videos are popping up with all types of Gematria and play on verses from the Torah that are predicting the arrival of the Mashiach. If you want to know the answer of the date, we can simply go to the prophet that asked exactly that and know the truth once and for all without any more guessing.
10/19/20232 hours, 29 minutes, 5 seconds
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ISRAEL AT WAR - Is This The Beginning Of The End?

ISRAEL AT WAR - Is This The Beginning Of The End? Did Gog U'magog Officially Begin? What Now? In a world aflame, Rabbi Yaron Reuven delves into the perplexing parallels between Israel's current conflicts and the ancient prophesies of Gog U'Magog. Join this urgent shiur, bridging the gap between turbulent present realities and sacred ancient predictions, navigating a path towards understanding and hope amidst chaos
10/19/20231 hour, 43 minutes, 27 seconds
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ISRAEL UNDER ATTACK & Message From Hidden Tzadik That Dreamt It

ISRAEL UNDER ATTACK & Message From Hidden Tzadik That Dreamt It In this potent and timely shiur, Rabbi Yaron Reuven delves into the unfolding crisis where Israel finds itself under attack, linking earthly events with spiritual dimensions. A message from a hidden Tzadik, who foresaw the events in a dream, becomes a central point of discussion, intertwining prophecies, faith, and current events. Rabbi Reuven unpacks the deeper meanings, urging listeners to reflect upon the spiritual and moral imperatives of the times, providing insight and guidance on navigating through the challenging scenarios with faith, unity, and resilience, all while seeking to uncover the divine messages encrypted within the tumultuous happenings in Israel.
10/19/20231 hour, 36 minutes, 33 seconds
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7th Annual HoShanna Rabbah TORAH ALL NIGHTER (Nearly 60 Live Questions & Life Changing Answers)

7th Annual HoShanna Rabbah TORAH ALL NIGHTER (Nearly 60 Live Questions & Life Changing Answers) If You Have Questions About The Purpose Of Life and The Torah Then This Shiur by Rabbi Yaron Reuven Is the Perfect Source Of Information. With Nearly 60 plus Questions Getting Answered On The Spot With Sources From Across The Entire Torah Being Quoted And Served On a Silver Platter For Those Who Are Hungry For The Truth.
10/17/20233 hours, 34 minutes, 32 seconds
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Three Reasons Why People Are Unhappy

Three Reasons Why People Are Unhappy Rabbi Yaron Reuven's shiur 'Three Reasons Why People Are Unhappy' likely discusses the spiritual and emotional factors contributing to unhappiness from a Jewish perspective, exploring topics like materialism, spiritual disconnect, and societal pressures, and offers guidance towards achieving happiness through adherence to Jewish teachings and values. 
10/17/20231 hour, 13 minutes
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JOSHUA AFRAHIM: Acquiring Bitachon That Brought Financial Miracles During COVID-RTH #10

JOSHUA AFRAHIM: Acquiring Bitachon That Brought Financial Miracles During COVID-RTH #10  In Episode 10 of the 'Returning To HaShem' podcast we meet Joshua Afrahim--a Sephardic Jew, raised in a family that held on to traditional values but wasn't fully observant. Public school life and adherence to only some mitzvot were the norm. Marriage and the birth of his first child stirred in him a longing — a need for his family to embrace the richness of Judaism, fearing assimilation and intermarriage. His prayers for guidance were soon answered when he stumbled upon Rabbi Yaron Reuven's riveting lectures on Bitachon. The profound realization dawned on Joshua: God wasn't just the Creator but the ever-watchful caretaker of the universe. Each response from Rabbi Reuven to Joshua's seeking inquiries exceeded his expectations, deepening their bond. Joshua remarks in this episode, 'Rabbi Reuven doesn’t just teach the laws; he molds better human beings.' This relationship with Rabbi Reuven became a cornerstone for Joshua's transformation. Witnessing miraculous financial blessings even amid the turmoil of the COVID era fortified their faith. Beyond his successful CPA career, the Torah's wisdom now drives Joshua. Regular Torah study sessions with loved ones have become a staple, and he dreams of soon taking on roles like Chazan and Ba'al Koreh, with God's grace. Join us in Episode 10 to trace Joshua Afrahim's inspiring journey from casual observance to profound dedication to Torah. #Teshuva #Judaism #Podcast #Shabbat #Jewish #RabbiYaronReuven #Motivation #inspiration
8/27/202342 minutes, 24 seconds
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Looks That Can Kill - JEWISH INTIMACY (36)

Looks That Can Kill - JEWISH INTIMACY (36) Have you heard of the expression 'Looks That Can Kill?' Although the statement is intended towards forbidden places, the Ramban's Jewish Intimacy Series will show us the truth inside the words.  This Shiur will help many nonchalant mindsets get a better perspective of the significance of the very things they believe are not such a big deal. Enjoy, Support, Share and Be Holy.
8/16/20231 hour, 56 minutes, 27 seconds
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Imagination That Build & Destroy Lives - Jewish HaShkafa (116)

Imagination That Build & Destroy Lives - Jewish HaShkafa (116) We begin a new chapter in the Jewish Hashkafa series and enter the world of Imagination vs Reality. Has your imagination led you to success? Perhaps it also destroyed your relationship. So is imagination good or bad?  Today we will be to analyze the battle between imagination and reality from the perspective of the Torah and holy eyes and minds of the Jewish Sages. Enjoy, Support, Share and Be Holy. #Imagination #build #destroy #lives #Jewish #Judaism #RabbiYaronReuven #JewishHaShkafa
8/14/20232 hours, 3 minutes, 38 seconds
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ALEX ISAKOV: The Shabbaton That Destroyed Communism -RTH #8

ALEX ISAKOV: The Shabbaton That Destroyed Communism -RTH #8 Meet Alex Isakov, a 35-year-old who immigrated from Communist Uzbekistan to the U.S. as a child. Raised in a secular Jewish family, Alex's curiosity about his Jewish identity began to grow as he got older. Attending a Shabbaton in Arizona where Rabbi Yaron Reuven spoke became a turning point in his life, inspiring him to undertake teshuva. Alex's spiritual growth continued as he watched online lectures by Rabbi Reuven and Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi. Despite facing challenges and discouragement from others, Alex's faith was tested regularly. Tune in to hear how HaShem guided Rabbi Reuven's words, miraculously answering Alex's weekly questions without prior knowledge. Though separated by thousands of miles, the connection between Alex in Arizona and the Rabbi in Florida was a testament to divine orchestration. #Teshuva #Judaism #Podcast #Shabbat #communism #Uzbekistan #Jewish #RabbiYaronReuven #Motivation #inspiration
8/13/202331 minutes, 33 seconds
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Loud Heavenly Voice Before MaShiach PART 2 - MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (144)

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELF I know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with. Instead of paying thousands of $ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE. Man made Self Help vs Divine Self Help 'For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water' (Jeremiah 2:13) YouTube channel Series Playlist BeEzrat HaShem Iphone App (Video & Audio) AUDIO ONLY on Soundcloud APP:
10/16/20222 hours, 40 minutes, 53 seconds
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Loud Heavenly Voice Before MaShiach - MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (143)

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELF I know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with. Instead of paying thousands of $ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE. Man made Self Help vs Divine Self Help 'For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water' (Jeremiah 2:13) YouTube channel Series Playlist BeEzrat HaShem Iphone App (Video & Audio) AUDIO ONLY on Soundcloud APP:
10/9/20222 hours, 39 minutes, 12 seconds
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To Whom Are Torah Secrets Given PART 5 - MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (142)

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELF I know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with. Instead of paying thousands of $ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE. Man made Self Help vs Divine Self Help 'For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water' (Jeremiah 2:13) YouTube channel Series Playlist BeEzrat HaShem Iphone App (Video & Audio) AUDIO ONLY on Soundcloud APP:
10/2/20222 hours, 9 minutes, 1 second
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To Whom Are Torah Secrets Given PART 4 - MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (141)

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELF I know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with. Instead of paying thousands of $ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE. Man made Self Help vs Divine Self Help 'For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water' (Jeremiah 2:13) YouTube channel Series Playlist BeEzrat HaShem Iphone App (Video & Audio) AUDIO ONLY on Soundcloud APP:
9/25/20222 hours, 15 minutes, 47 seconds
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To Whom Are Torah Secrets Given PART 3 - MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (140)

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELF I know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with. Instead of paying thousands of $ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE. Man made Self Help vs Divine Self Help 'For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water' (Jeremiah 2:13) YouTube channel Series Playlist BeEzrat HaShem Iphone App (Video & Audio) AUDIO ONLY on Soundcloud APP:
9/18/20222 hours, 49 minutes, 19 seconds
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To Whom Are Torah Secrets Given PART 2 - MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (139)

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELF I know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with. Instead of paying thousands of $ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE. Man made Self Help vs Divine Self Help 'For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water' (Jeremiah 2:13) YouTube channel Series Playlist BeEzrat HaShem Iphone App (Video & Audio) AUDIO ONLY on Soundcloud APP:
9/11/20222 hours, 44 minutes, 4 seconds
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To Whom Are Torah Secrets Given? - MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (138)

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELF I know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with. Instead of paying thousands of $ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE. Man made Self Help vs Divine Self Help 'For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water' (Jeremiah 2:13) YouTube channel Series Playlist BeEzrat HaShem Iphone App (Video & Audio) AUDIO ONLY on Soundcloud APP:
9/4/20222 hours, 40 minutes, 41 seconds
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What’s Real TeShuva? PART 2 - MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (137)

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELF I know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with. Instead of paying thousands of $ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE. Man made Self Help vs Divine Self Help 'For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water' (Jeremiah 2:13) YouTube channel Series Playlist BeEzrat HaShem Iphone App (Video & Audio) AUDIO ONLY on Soundcloud APP:
8/28/20222 hours, 53 minutes, 6 seconds
Episode Artwork

What’s Real TeShuva? - MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (136)

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELF I know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with. Instead of paying thousands of $ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE. Man made Self Help vs Divine Self Help 'For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water' (Jeremiah 2:13) YouTube channel Series Playlist BeEzrat HaShem Iphone App (Video & Audio) AUDIO ONLY on Soundcloud APP:
8/21/20222 hours, 50 minutes, 16 seconds
Episode Artwork

The Life Journey Of A Jew PART 4 - MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (135)

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELF I know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with. Instead of paying thousands of $ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE. Man made Self Help vs Divine Self Help 'For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water' (Jeremiah 2:13) YouTube channel Series Playlist BeEzrat HaShem Iphone App (Video & Audio) AUDIO ONLY on Soundcloud APP:
8/14/20222 hours, 53 minutes, 27 seconds
Episode Artwork

The Life Journey Of A Jew PART III - MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (134)

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELF I know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with. Instead of paying thousands of $ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE. Man made Self Help vs Divine Self Help 'For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water' (Jeremiah 2:13) YouTube channel Series Playlist BeEzrat HaShem Iphone App (Video & Audio) AUDIO ONLY on Soundcloud APP:
8/7/20222 hours, 33 minutes, 50 seconds
Episode Artwork

The Life Journey Of A Jew PART II - MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (133)

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELF I know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with. Instead of paying thousands of $ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE. Man made Self Help vs Divine Self Help 'For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water' (Jeremiah 2:13) YouTube channel Series Playlist BeEzrat HaShem Iphone App (Video & Audio) AUDIO ONLY on Soundcloud APP:
7/31/20222 hours, 52 minutes, 6 seconds
Episode Artwork

The Life Journey Of A Jew - MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (132)

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELF I know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with. Instead of paying thousands of $ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE. Man made Self Help vs Divine Self Help 'For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water' (Jeremiah 2:13) YouTube channel Series Playlist BeEzrat HaShem Iphone App (Video & Audio) AUDIO ONLY on Soundcloud APP:
7/24/20222 hours, 50 minutes, 7 seconds
Episode Artwork

Arrogantly Running To Gehinom - MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (131)

7/17/20222 hours, 32 minutes, 41 seconds
Episode Artwork

Achieving Shlemut PART 2 - MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (130)

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELF I know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with. Instead of paying thousands of $ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE. Man made Self Help vs Divine Self Help 'For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water' (Jeremiah 2:13) YouTube channel Series Playlist BeEzrat HaShem Iphone App (Video & Audio) AUDIO ONLY on Soundcloud APP:
7/10/20222 hours, 40 minutes, 37 seconds
Episode Artwork

Achieving Shlemut - MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (129)

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELF I know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with. Instead of paying thousands of $ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE. Man made Self Help vs Divine Self Help 'For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water' (Jeremiah 2:13) YouTube channel Series Playlist BeEzrat HaShem Iphone App (Video & Audio) AUDIO ONLY on Soundcloud APP:
7/3/20223 hours, 4 minutes, 56 seconds
Episode Artwork

The Emunah of A Tzadik PART 4 - MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (128)

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELF I know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with. Instead of paying thousands of $ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE. Man made Self Help vs Divine Self Help 'For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water' (Jeremiah 2:13) YouTube channel Series Playlist BeEzrat HaShem Iphone App (Video & Audio) AUDIO ONLY on Soundcloud APP:
6/26/20222 hours, 46 minutes, 58 seconds
Episode Artwork

The Emunah of A Tzadik PART 3 - MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (127)

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELF I know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with. Instead of paying thousands of $ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE. Man made Self Help vs Divine Self Help 'For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water' (Jeremiah 2:13) YouTube channel Series Playlist BeEzrat HaShem Iphone App (Video & Audio) AUDIO ONLY on Soundcloud APP:
6/19/20222 hours, 51 minutes, 21 seconds
Episode Artwork

The Emunah of A Tzadik PART 2 - MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (126)

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELF I know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with. Instead of paying thousands of $ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE. Man made Self Help vs Divine Self Help 'For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water' (Jeremiah 2:13) YouTube channel Series Playlist BeEzrat HaShem Iphone App (Video & Audio) AUDIO ONLY on Soundcloud APP:
6/12/20222 hours, 45 minutes, 3 seconds
Episode Artwork

The Emunah of A Tzadik - MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (125)

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELF I know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with. Instead of paying thousands of $ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE. Man made Self Help vs Divine Self Help 'For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water' (Jeremiah 2:13) YouTube channel Series Playlist BeEzrat HaShem Iphone App (Video & Audio) AUDIO ONLY on Soundcloud APP:
6/5/20222 hours, 34 minutes, 15 seconds
Episode Artwork

Why Zikkuy HARABIM (KIRUV)? PART 3 - MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (124)

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELF I know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with. Instead of paying thousands of $ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE. Man made Self Help vs Divine Self Help 'For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water' (Jeremiah 2:13) YouTube channel Series Playlist BeEzrat HaShem Iphone App (Video & Audio) AUDIO ONLY on Soundcloud APP:
5/29/20222 hours, 35 minutes, 4 seconds
Episode Artwork

Why Zikkuy HARABIM (KIRUV)? PART 2 - MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (123)

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELF I know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with. Instead of paying thousands of $ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE. Man made Self Help vs Divine Self Help 'For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water' (Jeremiah 2:13) YouTube channel Series Playlist BeEzrat HaShem Iphone App (Video & Audio) AUDIO ONLY on Soundcloud APP:
5/22/20222 hours, 28 minutes, 13 seconds
Episode Artwork

Why Zikkuy HARABIM (KIRUV) PART 1 - MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (122)

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELF I know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with. Instead of paying thousands of $ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE. Man made Self Help vs Divine Self Help 'For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water' (Jeremiah 2:13) YouTube channel Series Playlist BeEzrat HaShem Iphone App (Video & Audio) AUDIO ONLY on Soundcloud APP:
5/15/20222 hours, 20 minutes, 20 seconds
Episode Artwork

Debate Fire For Heaven PART 2 - MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (121)

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELF I know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with. Instead of paying thousands of $ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE. Man made Self Help vs Divine Self Help 'For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water' (Jeremiah 2:13) YouTube channel Series Playlist BeEzrat HaShem Iphone App (Video & Audio) AUDIO ONLY on Soundcloud APP:
5/8/20222 hours, 27 minutes, 56 seconds
Episode Artwork

Debate Fire For Heaven PART 1 - MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (120)

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELF I know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with. Instead of paying thousands of $ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE. Man made Self Help vs Divine Self Help 'For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water' (Jeremiah 2:13) YouTube channel Series Playlist BeEzrat HaShem Iphone App (Video & Audio) AUDIO ONLY on Soundcloud APP:
5/1/20222 hours, 2 minutes, 26 seconds
Episode Artwork

What Is Real LOVE? PART 2 - MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (119)

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELF I know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with. Instead of paying thousands of $ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE. Man made Self Help vs Divine Self Help 'For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water' (Jeremiah 2:13) YouTube channel Series Playlist BeEzrat HaShem Iphone App (Video & Audio) AUDIO ONLY on Soundcloud APP:
4/24/20222 hours, 52 minutes, 23 seconds
Episode Artwork

What Is Real LOVE? PART 1 - MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (118)

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELF I know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with. Instead of paying thousands of $ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE. Man made Self Help vs Divine Self Help 'For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water' (Jeremiah 2:13) YouTube channel Series Playlist BeEzrat HaShem Iphone App (Video & Audio) AUDIO ONLY on Soundcloud APP:
4/10/20222 hours, 32 minutes, 25 seconds
Episode Artwork

Does The Rabbi Have Your Cure - PART 2 - MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (117)

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELF I know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with. Instead of paying thousands of $ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE. Man made Self Help vs Divine Self Help 'For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water' (Jeremiah 2:13) YouTube channel Series Playlist BeEzrat HaShem Iphone App (Video & Audio) AUDIO ONLY on Soundcloud APP:
4/3/20222 hours, 23 minutes, 49 seconds
Episode Artwork

Does The Rabbi Have Your Cure- PART 1 - MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (116)

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELF I know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with. Instead of paying thousands of $ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE. Man made Self Help vs Divine Self Help 'For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water' (Jeremiah 2:13) YouTube channel Series Playlist BeEzrat HaShem Iphone App (Video & Audio) AUDIO ONLY on Soundcloud APP:
3/27/20222 hours, 45 minutes, 42 seconds
Episode Artwork

The Path Of A Talmid Chacham - MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (115)

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELF I know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with. Instead of paying thousands of $ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE. Man made Self Help vs Divine Self Help 'For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water' (Jeremiah 2:13) YouTube channel Series Playlist BeEzrat HaShem Iphone App (Video & Audio) AUDIO ONLY on Soundcloud APP:
3/22/20222 hours, 45 minutes, 47 seconds
Episode Artwork

MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (114) Can Money Buy Eternity? PART 2

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELF I know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with. Instead of paying thousands of $$$ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE. Man-made Self Help vs Divine Self Help 'For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water' (Jeremiah 2:13) The New BeEzrat HaShem APP 3.0 is Here! YouTube channel Series Playlist AUDIO ONLY on Soundcloud APP:  
12/12/20213 hours, 2 seconds
Episode Artwork

MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (113) Can Money Buy Eternity?

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELF I know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with. Instead of paying thousands of $$$ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE. Man-made Self Help vs Divine Self Help 'For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water' (Jeremiah 2:13) The New BeEzrat HaShem APP 3.0 is Here! YouTube channel Series Playlist AUDIO ONLY on Soundcloud APP:  
12/5/20212 hours, 43 minutes, 29 seconds
Episode Artwork

MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (112) How To Attain Ruach HaKodesh PART 2

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELF I know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with. Instead of paying thousands of $$$ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE. Man-made Self Help vs Divine Self Help 'For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water' (Jeremiah 2:13) The New BeEzrat HaShem APP 3.0 is Here! YouTube channel Series Playlist AUDIO ONLY on Soundcloud APP:  
11/28/20212 hours, 48 minutes, 37 seconds
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MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (111) How To Attain Ruach HaKodesh PART 1

11/21/20212 hours, 15 minutes, 55 seconds
Episode Artwork

MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (110) The Cost Of Anger PART 3

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELF  I know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with.  Instead of paying thousands of $$$ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE.  Man-made Self Help vs Divine Self Help  'For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water' (Jeremiah 2:13)  The New BeEzrat HaShem APP 3.0 is Here!  YouTube channel Series Playlist  AUDIO ONLY on Soundcloud APP:  
10/10/20212 hours, 45 minutes, 55 seconds
Episode Artwork

MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (109) The Cost Of Anger PART 2

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELF  I know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with.  Instead of paying thousands of $$$ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE.  Man-made Self Help vs Divine Self Help  'For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water' (Jeremiah 2:13)  The New BeEzrat HaShem APP 3.0 is Here!  YouTube channel Series Playlist  AUDIO ONLY on Soundcloud APP:  
10/3/20212 hours, 24 minutes, 45 seconds
Episode Artwork

MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (108) The Cost Of Anger PART 1

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELF  I know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with.  Instead of paying thousands of $$$ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE.  Man-made Self Help vs Divine Self Help  'For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water' (Jeremiah 2:13)  The New BeEzrat HaShem APP 3.0 is Here!  YouTube channel Series Playlist  AUDIO ONLY on Soundcloud APP:  
9/26/20212 hours, 23 minutes, 33 seconds
Episode Artwork

MUSSAR SHAVUOT SPECIAL 5778 (includes halachot for this year)

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELF  I know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with.  Instead of paying thousands of $$$ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE.  Man-made Self Help vs Divine Self Help  'For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water' (Jeremiah 2:13)  The New BeEzrat HaShem APP 3.0 is Here!  YouTube channel Series Playlist  AUDIO ONLY on Soundcloud APP:  
9/19/20212 hours, 32 minutes, 50 seconds
Episode Artwork

MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (107) What Are Your Real Money Issues

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELF  I know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with.  Instead of paying thousands of $$$ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE.  Man-made Self Help vs Divine Self Help  'For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water' (Jeremiah 2:13)  The New BeEzrat HaShem APP 3.0 is Here!  YouTube channel Series Playlist  AUDIO ONLY on Soundcloud APP:  
9/12/20212 hours, 19 minutes, 33 seconds
Episode Artwork

MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (106) Are There Any Real Chasidim Left

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELF  I know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with.  Instead of paying thousands of $$$ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE.  Man-made Self Help vs Divine Self Help  'For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water' (Jeremiah 2:13)  The New BeEzrat HaShem APP 3.0 is Here!  YouTube channel Series Playlist  AUDIO ONLY on Soundcloud APP:  
9/5/20212 hours, 37 minutes, 47 seconds
Episode Artwork

MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (105) The Steps Before The Last War

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELF I know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with. Instead of paying thousands of $$$ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE. Man-made Self Help vs Divine Self Help 'For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water' (Jeremiah 2:13) The New BeEzrat HaShem APP 3.0 is Here! YouTube channel Series Playlist AUDIO ONLY on Soundcloud APP: GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELF  I know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with.  Instead of paying thousands of $$$ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE.  Man-made Self Help vs Divine Self Help  'For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water' (Jeremiah 2:13)   The New BeEzrat HaShem APP 3.0 is Here!  YouTube channel Series Playlist   AUDIO ONLY on Soundcloud APP: 
8/29/20212 hours, 36 minutes, 22 seconds
Episode Artwork

MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (104) Scary Truth Measure For Measure (5)

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELF  I know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with.  Instead of paying thousands of $$$ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE.  Man-made Self Help vs Divine Self Help  'For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water' (Jeremiah 2:13)   The New BeEzrat HaShem APP 3.0 is Here!  YouTube channel Series Playlist    AUDIO ONLY on Soundcloud APP: 
8/22/20212 hours, 22 minutes, 13 seconds
Episode Artwork

MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (103) Scary Truth Measure For Measure 4

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELF I know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with. Instead of paying thousands of $$$ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE. Man-made Self Help vs Divine Self Help 'For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water' (Jeremiah 2:13)  The New BeEzrat HaShem APP 3.0 is Here! YouTube channel Series Playlist AUDIO ONLY on Soundcloud APP: 
7/25/20212 hours, 6 minutes, 8 seconds
Episode Artwork

MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (102) Scary Truth Measure For Measure 3

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELF I know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with. Instead of paying thousands of $$$ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE. Man-made Self Help vs Divine Self Help 'For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water' (Jeremiah 2:13)  The New BeEzrat HaShem APP 3.0 is Here! YouTube channel Series Playlist AUDIO ONLY on Soundcloud APP: 
7/18/20213 hours, 46 seconds
Episode Artwork

MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (101) Scary Truth Measure For Measure 2

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELF I know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with. Instead of paying thousands of $$$ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE. Man-made Self Help vs Divine Self Help 'For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water' (Jeremiah 2:13)  The New BeEzrat HaShem APP 3.0 is Here! YouTube channel Series Playlist AUDIO ONLY on Soundcloud APP: 
7/11/20212 hours, 13 minutes, 56 seconds
Episode Artwork

MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (100) Scary Truth Measure For Measure

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELF I know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with. Instead of paying thousands of $$$ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE. Man-made Self Help vs Divine Self Help 'For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water' (Jeremiah 2:13)  The New BeEzrat HaShem APP 3.0 is Here! YouTube channel Series Playlist AUDIO ONLY on Soundcloud APP: 
7/4/20212 hours, 18 minutes, 36 seconds
Episode Artwork

MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (99)The Wise The Fool And The Showoff PART 3

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELF I know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with. Instead of paying thousands of $$$ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE. Man-made Self Help vs Divine Self Help 'For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water' (Jeremiah 2:13)  The New BeEzrat HaShem APP 3.0 is Here! YouTube channel Series Playlist AUDIO ONLY on Soundcloud APP: 
6/27/20212 hours, 44 minutes, 14 seconds
Episode Artwork

MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (98)The Wise The Fool And The Showoff PART 2

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELF I know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with. Instead of paying thousands of $$$ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE. Man-made Self Help vs Divine Self Help 'For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water' (Jeremiah 2:13)  The New BeEzrat HaShem APP 3.0 is Here! YouTube channel Series Playlist AUDIO ONLY on Soundcloud APP: 
6/20/20212 hours, 39 minutes, 38 seconds
Episode Artwork

MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (97)The Wise The Fool And The Showoff

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELF I know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with. Instead of paying thousands of $$$ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE. Man-made Self Help vs Divine Self Help 'For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water' (Jeremiah 2:13)  The New BeEzrat HaShem APP 3.0 is Here! YouTube channel Series Playlist AUDIO ONLY on Soundcloud APP: 
6/13/20212 hours, 27 minutes, 13 seconds
Episode Artwork

MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (96)The 10 Miracles Created Before Shabbat PART 5

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELF I know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with. Instead of paying thousands of $$$ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE. Man-made Self Help vs Divine Self Help 'For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water' (Jeremiah 2:13)  The New BeEzrat HaShem APP 3.0 is Here! YouTube channel Series Playlist AUDIO ONLY on Soundcloud APP: 
6/6/20212 hours, 27 minutes, 13 seconds
Episode Artwork

MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (95)The 10 Miracles Created Before Shabbat PART 4

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELF I know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with. Instead of paying thousands of $$$ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE. Man-made Self Help vs Divine Self Help 'For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water' (Jeremiah 2:13)  The New BeEzrat HaShem APP 3.0 is Here! YouTube channel Series Playlist AUDIO ONLY on Soundcloud APP: 
5/30/20212 hours, 30 minutes, 40 seconds
Episode Artwork

MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (94)The 10 Miracles Created Before Shabbat PART 3

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELFI know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with.Instead of paying thousands of $$$ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE.Man-made Self Help vs Divine Self Help"For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water" (Jeremiah 2:13)The New BeEzrat HaShem APP 3.0is Here! channel Series Playlist ONLY on Soundcloud APP: See for privacy and opt-out information.
5/23/20212 hours, 39 minutes, 45 seconds
Episode Artwork

MUSSAR SHAVUOT SPECIAL 5778 (includes halachot for this year)

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELFI know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with.Instead of paying thousands of $$$ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE.Man-made Self Help vs Divine Self Help"For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water" (Jeremiah 2:13)The New BeEzrat HaShem APP 3.0is Here! channel Series Playlist ONLY on Soundcloud APP: See for privacy and opt-out information.
5/19/20212 hours, 32 minutes, 50 seconds
Episode Artwork

MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (93) The 10 Miracles Created Before Shabbat PART 2

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELFI know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with.Instead of paying thousands of $$$ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE.Man-made Self Help vs Divine Self Help"For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water" (Jeremiah 2:13)The New BeEzrat HaShem APP 3.0is Here! channel Series Playlist ONLY on Soundcloud APP: See for privacy and opt-out information.
5/16/20212 hours, 46 minutes, 15 seconds
Episode Artwork

MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (92) The 10 Miracles Created Before Shabbat PART 1

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELFI know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with.Instead of paying thousands of $$$ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE.Man-made Self Help vs Divine Self Help"For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water" (Jeremiah 2:13)The New BeEzrat HaShem APP 3.0is Here! channel Series Playlist ONLY on Soundcloud APP: See for privacy and opt-out information.
3/28/20212 hours, 30 minutes, 21 seconds
Episode Artwork

MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (91) Divine Secrets Of Happiness

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELFI know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with.Instead of paying thousands of $$$ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE.Man-made Self Help vs Divine Self Help"For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water" (Jeremiah 2:13)The New BeEzrat HaShem APP 3.0is Here! channel Series Playlist ONLY on Soundcloud APP: See for privacy and opt-out information.
3/14/20212 hours, 35 minutes, 53 seconds
Episode Artwork

MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (90) Your Emunah Is In Your Pocket

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELFI know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with.Instead of paying thousands of $$$ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE.Man-made Self Help vs Divine Self Help"For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water" (Jeremiah 2:13)The New BeEzrat HaShem APP 3.0is Here! channel Series Playlist ONLY on Soundcloud APP: See for privacy and opt-out information.
3/7/20212 hours, 49 minutes, 39 seconds
Episode Artwork

MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (89) Tests Keep Getting Bigger

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELFI know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with.Instead of paying thousands of $$$ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE.Man-made Self Help vs Divine Self Help"For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water" (Jeremiah 2:13)The New BeEzrat HaShem APP 3.0is Here! channel Series Playlist ONLY on Soundcloud APP: See for privacy and opt-out information.
2/28/20212 hours, 17 minutes, 59 seconds
Episode Artwork

MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (88) How Much Emunah Do You Have?

See for privacy and opt-out information.
2/21/20212 hours, 52 minutes, 18 seconds
Episode Artwork

MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (87) Holy Women Of The Exodus

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELFI know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with.Instead of paying thousands of $$$ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE.Man-made Self Help vs Divine Self Help"For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water" (Jeremiah 2:13)The New BeEzrat HaShem APP 3.0is Here! channel Series Playlist ONLY on Soundcloud APP: See for privacy and opt-out information.
2/14/20212 hours, 32 minutes, 9 seconds
Episode Artwork

MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (86) Are We Being Lied To About Teshuva

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELFI know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with.Instead of paying thousands of $$$ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE.Man-made Self Help vs Divine Self Help"For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water" (Jeremiah 2:13)The New BeEzrat HaShem APP 3.0is Here! channel Series Playlist ONLY on Soundcloud APP: See for privacy and opt-out information.
2/7/20211 hour, 59 minutes, 56 seconds
Episode Artwork

MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (85) What’s God’s Opinion

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELFI know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with.Instead of paying thousands of $$$ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE.Man-made Self Help vs Divine Self Help"For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water" (Jeremiah 2:13)The New BeEzrat HaShem APP 3.0is Here! channel Series Playlist ONLY on Soundcloud APP: See for privacy and opt-out information.
1/31/20212 hours, 7 minutes, 47 seconds
Episode Artwork

MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (84) GEHINOM

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELFI know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with.Instead of paying thousands of $$$ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE.Man-made Self Help vs Divine Self Help"For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water" (Jeremiah 2:13)The New BeEzrat HaShem APP 3.0is Here! channel Series Playlist ONLY on Soundcloud APP: See for privacy and opt-out information.
1/24/20213 hours, 29 minutes, 32 seconds
Episode Artwork

MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (83) Three Things To Fix Before End Of Days

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELFI know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with.Instead of paying thousands of $$$ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE.Man-made Self Help vs Divine Self Help"For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water" (Jeremiah 2:13)The New BeEzrat HaShem APP 3.0is Here! channel Series Playlist ONLY on Soundcloud APP: See for privacy and opt-out information.
1/17/20212 hours, 58 minutes, 15 seconds
Episode Artwork

MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (82) Who’s Left To Learn Divine Truth From?

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELFI know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with.Instead of paying thousands of $$$ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE.Man-made Self Help vs Divine Self Help"For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water" (Jeremiah 2:13)The New BeEzrat HaShem APP 3.0is Here! channel Series Playlist ONLY on Soundcloud APP: See for privacy and opt-out information.
1/10/20213 hours, 13 minutes, 27 seconds
Episode Artwork

MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (81) What’s A Little Experience Worth

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELFI know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with.Instead of paying thousands of $$$ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE.Man-made Self Help vs Divine Self Help"For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water" (Jeremiah 2:13)The New BeEzrat HaShem APP 3.0is Here! channel Series Playlist ONLY on Soundcloud APP: See for privacy and opt-out information.
1/3/20212 hours, 34 minutes, 28 seconds
Episode Artwork

MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (80) The Big Effect Small Habits Have On Raising Children

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELFI know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with.Instead of paying thousands of $$$ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE.Man-made Self Help vs Divine Self Help"For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water" (Jeremiah 2:13)The New BeEzrat HaShem APP 3.0is Here! channel Series Playlist ONLY on Soundcloud APP: See for privacy and opt-out information.
12/27/20202 hours, 53 minutes, 53 seconds
Episode Artwork

MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (79) Does So Called Karma Really Exist

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELFI know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with.Instead of paying thousands of $$$ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE.Man-made Self Help vs Divine Self Help"For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water" (Jeremiah 2:13)The New BeEzrat HaShem APP 3.0is Here! channel Series Playlist ONLY on Soundcloud APP: See for privacy and opt-out information.
12/20/20202 hours, 23 minutes, 26 seconds
Episode Artwork

MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (77) Does Suffering Have A Divine Purpose

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELFI know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with.Instead of paying thousands of $$$ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE.Man-made Self Help vs Divine Self Help"For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water" (Jeremiah 2:13)The New BeEzrat HaShem APP 3.0is Here! channel Series Playlist ONLY on Soundcloud APP: See for privacy and opt-out information.
12/13/20202 hours, 28 minutes, 18 seconds
Episode Artwork

MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (78) Do Real Friends Exist

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELFI know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with.Instead of paying thousands of $$$ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE.Man-made Self Help vs Divine Self Help"For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water" (Jeremiah 2:13)The New BeEzrat HaShem APP 3.0is Here! channel Series Playlist ONLY on Soundcloud APP: See for privacy and opt-out information.
12/6/20202 hours, 46 minutes, 51 seconds
Episode Artwork

MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (76) What’s Destroying Our Eternity

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELFI know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with.Instead of paying thousands of $$$ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE.Man-made Self Help vs Divine Self Help"For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water" (Jeremiah 2:13)The New BeEzrat HaShem APP 3.0is Here! channel Series Playlist ONLY on Soundcloud APP: See for privacy and opt-out information.
11/29/20202 hours, 25 minutes, 35 seconds
Episode Artwork

MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (75) Increase Shalom Before The Big War Begins

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELFI know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with.Instead of paying thousands of $$$ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE.Man-made Self Help vs Divine Self Help"For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water" (Jeremiah 2:13)The New BeEzrat HaShem APP 3.0is Here! channel Series Playlist ONLY on Soundcloud APP: See for privacy and opt-out information.
11/22/20203 hours, 1 minute, 23 seconds
Episode Artwork

MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (74) Purpose of Life In A Purposeless World

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELFI know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with.Instead of paying thousands of $$$ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE.Man-made Self Help vs Divine Self Help"For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water" (Jeremiah 2:13)The New BeEzrat HaShem APP 3.0is Here! channel Series Playlist ONLY on Soundcloud APP: See for privacy and opt-out information.
11/15/20203 hours, 18 minutes, 26 seconds
Episode Artwork

MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (73) The Only Exile That’ll Save You From Terrorism

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELFI know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with.Instead of paying thousands of $$$ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE.Man-made Self Help vs Divine Self Help"For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water" (Jeremiah 2:13)The New BeEzrat HaShem APP 3.0is Here! channel Series Playlist ONLY on Soundcloud APP: See for privacy and opt-out information.
11/8/20202 hours, 38 minutes, 32 seconds
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MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (72) Better A Good Name Than Good Oil

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELFI know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with.Instead of paying thousands of $$$ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE.Man-made Self Help vs Divine Self Help"For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water" (Jeremiah 2:13)The New BeEzrat HaShem APP 3.0is Here! channel Series Playlist ONLY on Soundcloud APP: See for privacy and opt-out information.
11/1/20202 hours, 27 minutes, 29 seconds
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MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (71) Despicable With Permission Of Torah

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELFI know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with.Instead of paying thousands of $$$ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE.Man-made Self Help vs Divine Self Help"For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water" (Jeremiah 2:13)The New BeEzrat HaShem APP 3.0is Here! channel Series Playlist ONLY on Soundcloud APP: See for privacy and opt-out information.
10/25/20202 hours, 39 minutes, 31 seconds
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MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (70) Jews For Sale!

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELFI know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with.Instead of paying thousands of $$$ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE.Man-made Self Help vs Divine Self Help"For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water" (Jeremiah 2:13)The New BeEzrat HaShem APP 3.0is Here! channel Series Playlist ONLY on Soundcloud APP: See for privacy and opt-out information.
10/18/20203 hours, 26 minutes, 48 seconds
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MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (69) Real Unity Requires God

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELFI know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with.Instead of paying thousands of $$$ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE.Man-made Self Help vs Divine Self Help"For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water" (Jeremiah 2:13)The New BeEzrat HaShem APP 3.0is Here! channel Series Playlist ONLY on Soundcloud APP: See for privacy and opt-out information.
10/12/20202 hours, 25 minutes, 57 seconds
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MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (68) The Secret To Revive The Dead

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELFI know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with.Instead of paying thousands of $$$ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE.Man-made Self Help vs Divine Self Help"For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water" (Jeremiah 2:13)The New BeEzrat HaShem APP 3.0is Here! channel Series Playlist ONLY on Soundcloud APP: See for privacy and opt-out information.
10/5/20202 hours, 24 minutes, 2 seconds
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MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (67) Being A Millionaire vs Torah Scholar

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELFI know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with.Instead of paying thousands of $$$ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE.Man-made Self Help vs Divine Self Help"For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water" (Jeremiah 2:13)The New BeEzrat HaShem APP 3.0is Here! channel Series Playlist ONLY on Soundcloud APP: See for privacy and opt-out information.
9/27/20202 hours, 20 minutes, 31 seconds
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MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (66) Chasing God Away With Money

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELFI know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with.Instead of paying thousands of $$$ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE.Man-made Self Help vs Divine Self Help"For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water" (Jeremiah 2:13)The New BeEzrat HaShem APP 3.0is Here! channel Series Playlist ONLY on Soundcloud APP: See for privacy and opt-out information.
9/21/20202 hours, 9 minutes, 54 seconds
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MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (65) Yom Kippur in the End of Days

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELFI know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with.Instead of paying thousands of $$$ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE.Man-made Self Help vs Divine Self Help"For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water" (Jeremiah 2:13)The New BeEzrat HaShem APP 3.0is Here! channel Series Playlist ONLY on Soundcloud APP: See for privacy and opt-out information.
9/13/20202 hours, 34 minutes, 51 seconds
Episode Artwork

MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (64) Yom Kippur Last Minute Rescue

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELFI know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with.Instead of paying thousands of $$$ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE.Man-made Self Help vs Divine Self Help"For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water" (Jeremiah 2:13)The New BeEzrat HaShem APP 3.0is Here! channel Series Playlist ONLY on Soundcloud APP: See for privacy and opt-out information.
9/6/20202 hours, 31 minutes, 16 seconds
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Mussar Pirkei Avot (63) Torah Secrets EXPOSE Yeshua (Jesus) & New Testament

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELFI know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with.Instead of paying thousands of $$$ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE.Man-made Self Help vs Divine Self Help"For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water" (Jeremiah 2:13)BeEzrat HaShem Iphone App (Video & Audio) channel Series Playlist ONLY on Soundcloud APP: See for privacy and opt-out information.
8/30/20202 hours, 25 minutes, 56 seconds
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Mussar Pirkei Avot (62) Last Chance To Choose A Boss Before Judgement Day

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELFI know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with.Instead of paying thousands of $$$ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE.Man-made Self Help vs Divine Self Help"For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water" (Jeremiah 2:13)BeEzrat HaShem Iphone App (Video & Audio) channel Series Playlist ONLY on Soundcloud APP: See for privacy and opt-out information.
8/23/20202 hours, 51 minutes, 57 seconds
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Mussar Pirkei Avot (61) Riding The Biggest Storm In History with Emunah

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELFI know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with.Instead of paying thousands of $$$ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE.Man-made Self Help vs Divine Self Help"For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water" (Jeremiah 2:13)BeEzrat HaShem Iphone App (Video & Audio) channel Series Playlist ONLY on Soundcloud APP: See for privacy and opt-out information.
8/16/20203 hours, 5 minutes, 44 seconds
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MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (60) Are You Fighting Against God Accidentally

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELFI know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with.Instead of paying thousands of $$$ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE.Man-made Self Help vs Divine Self Help"For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water" (Jeremiah 2:13)BeEzrat HaShem Iphone App (Video & Audio) channel Series Playlist ONLY on Soundcloud APP: See for privacy and opt-out information.
8/9/20202 hours, 34 minutes, 44 seconds
Episode Artwork

MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (59) What's God's opinion About Racism, Pride and Hatred

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELFI know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with.Instead of paying thousands of $$$ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE.Man-made Self Help vs Divine Self Help"For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water" (Jeremiah 2:13)BeEzrat HaShem Iphone App (Video & Audio) channel Series Playlist ONLY on Soundcloud APP: See for privacy and opt-out information.
8/2/20202 hours, 57 minutes, 48 seconds
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MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (58) Elul Is Here Countdown To Judgement Day 2 (MaShiach Secrets)

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELFI know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with.Instead of paying thousands of $$$ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE.Man-made Self Help vs Divine Self Help"For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water" (Jeremiah 2:13)BeEzrat HaShem Iphone App (Video & Audio) channel Series Playlist ONLY on Soundcloud APP: See for privacy and opt-out information.
7/26/20202 hours, 42 minutes, 41 seconds
Episode Artwork

MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (57) Elul Is Here countdown to Judgement Day

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELFI know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with.Instead of paying thousands of $$$ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE.Man-made Self Help vs Divine Self Help"For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water" (Jeremiah 2:13)BeEzrat HaShem Iphone App (Video & Audio) channel Series Playlist ONLY on Soundcloud APP: See for privacy and opt-out information.
7/19/20202 hours, 46 minutes, 12 seconds
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MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (56) Is Your Emunah Enough To Survive Suffering

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELFI know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with.Instead of paying thousands of $$$ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE.Man-made Self Help vs Divine Self Help"For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water" (Jeremiah 2:13)BeEzrat HaShem Iphone App (Video & Audio) channel Series Playlist ONLY on Soundcloud APP: See for privacy and opt-out information.
7/12/20202 hours, 21 minutes, 45 seconds
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MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (55) The Eclipse is Coming and we are in the middle of a MUSSAR Crisis

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELFI know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with.Instead of paying thousands of $$$ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE.Man-made Self Help vs Divine Self Help"For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water" (Jeremiah 2:13)BeEzrat HaShem Iphone App (Video & Audio) channel Series Playlist ONLY on Soundcloud APP: See for privacy and opt-out information.
7/5/20202 hours, 54 seconds
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MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (54) Big Talk No Action Has Heavenly Consequences

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELFI know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with.Instead of paying thousands of $$$ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE.Man-made Self Help vs Divine Self Help"For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water" (Jeremiah 2:13)BeEzrat HaShem Iphone App (Video & Audio) channel Series Playlist ONLY on Soundcloud APP: See for privacy and opt-out information.
6/28/20202 hours, 30 minutes, 54 seconds
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MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (53) The Path To Spiritual & Monetary Success

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELFI know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with.Instead of paying thousands of $$$ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE.Man-made Self Help vs Divine Self Help"For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water" (Jeremiah 2:13)BeEzrat HaShem Iphone App (Video & Audio) channel Series Playlist ONLY on Soundcloud APP: See for privacy and opt-out information.
6/21/20202 hours, 37 minutes, 56 seconds
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MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (52) The Business Of Being God

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELFI know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with.Instead of paying thousands of $$$ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE.Man-made Self Help vs Divine Self Help"For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water" (Jeremiah 2:13)BeEzrat HaShem Iphone App (Video & Audio) channel Series Playlist ONLY on Soundcloud APP: See for privacy and opt-out information.
6/14/20202 hours, 15 minutes, 19 seconds
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MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (51) Is Your Free Choice Really Free

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELFI know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with.Instead of paying thousands of $$$ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE.Man-made Self Help vs Divine Self Help"For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water" (Jeremiah 2:13)BeEzrat HaShem Iphone App (Video & Audio) channel Series Playlist ONLY on Soundcloud APP: See for privacy and opt-out information.
6/7/20201 hour, 56 minutes, 36 seconds
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MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (50) What Makes You Think God Loves You

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELFI know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with.Instead of paying thousands of $$$ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE.Man-made Self Help vs Divine Self Help"For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water" (Jeremiah 2:13)BeEzrat HaShem Iphone App (Video & Audio) channel Series Playlist ONLY on Soundcloud APP: See for privacy and opt-out information.
6/1/20202 hours, 41 minutes, 52 seconds
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MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (49) The War Of Gog Umagog Inside The Jewish World

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELFI know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with.Instead of paying thousands of $$$ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE.Man-made Self Help vs Divine Self Help"For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water" (Jeremiah 2:13)BeEzrat HaShem Iphone App (Video & Audio) channel Series Playlist ONLY on Soundcloud APP: See for privacy and opt-out information.
5/3/20203 hours, 1 minute, 4 seconds
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MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (48) Does God Need A Loan

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELFI know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with.Instead of paying thousands of $$$ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE.Man-made Self Help vs Divine Self Help"For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water" (Jeremiah 2:13)BeEzrat HaShem Iphone App (Video & Audio) channel Series Playlist ONLY on Soundcloud APP: See for privacy and opt-out information.
4/26/20202 hours, 29 minutes, 14 seconds
Episode Artwork

MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (47) Can You Lose Eternity Without Knowing It

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELFI know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with.Instead of paying thousands of $$$ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE.Man-made Self Help vs Divine Self Help"For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water" (Jeremiah 2:13)BeEzrat HaShem Iphone App (Video & Audio) channel Series Playlist ONLY on Soundcloud APP: See for privacy and opt-out information.
4/19/20202 hours, 51 minutes
Episode Artwork

MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (46) Are We Sleeping While Korach Is Taking Over

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELFI know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with.Instead of paying thousands of $$$ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE.Man-made Self Help vs Divine Self Help"For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water" (Jeremiah 2:13)BeEzrat HaShem Iphone App (Video & Audio) channel Series Playlist ONLY on Soundcloud APP: See for privacy and opt-out information.
4/12/20202 hours, 12 minutes, 51 seconds
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MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (45) Time For The Holy To Take Back The Rainbow From The Proud Homosexual

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELFI know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with.Instead of paying thousands of $$$ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE.Man-made Self Help vs Divine Self Help"For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water" (Jeremiah 2:13)BeEzrat HaShem Iphone App (Video & Audio) channel Series Playlist ONLY on Soundcloud APP: See for privacy and opt-out information.
4/5/20202 hours, 40 minutes, 38 seconds
Episode Artwork

MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (44) Are You Part Of Erev Rav

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELFI know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with.Instead of paying thousands of $$$ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE.Man-made Self Help vs Divine Self Help"For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water" (Jeremiah 2:13)BeEzrat HaShem Iphone App (Video & Audio) channel Series Playlist ONLY on Soundcloud APP: See for privacy and opt-out information.
3/29/20202 hours, 17 minutes, 42 seconds
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MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (43) Who Are The Erev Rav

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELFI know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with.Instead of paying thousands of $$$ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE.Man-made Self Help vs Divine Self Help"For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water" (Jeremiah 2:13)BeEzrat HaShem Iphone App (Video & Audio) channel Series Playlist ONLY on Soundcloud APP: See for privacy and opt-out information.
3/22/20202 hours, 47 minutes, 12 seconds
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MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (42) Shavuot Special Reminder Not To Forget God

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELFI know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with.Instead of paying thousands of $$$ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE.Man-made Self Help vs Divine Self Help"For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water" (Jeremiah 2:13)BeEzrat HaShem Iphone App (Video & Audio) channel Series Playlist ONLY on Soundcloud APP: See for privacy and opt-out information.
3/15/20202 hours, 44 minutes, 56 seconds
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MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (41) The Key To The Hidden Treasure Called Emunah

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELFI know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with.Instead of paying thousands of $$$ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE.Man-made Self Help vs Divine Self Help"For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water" (Jeremiah 2:13)BeEzrat HaShem Iphone App (Video & Audio) channel Series Playlist ONLY on Soundcloud APP: See for privacy and opt-out information.
3/8/20202 hours, 28 minutes, 33 seconds
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MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (40) Playing House With God's Time & Money

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELFI know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with.Instead of paying thousands of $$$ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE.Man-made Self Help vs Divine Self Help"For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water" (Jeremiah 2:13)BeEzrat HaShem Iphone App (Video & Audio) channel Series Playlist ONLY on Soundcloud APP: See for privacy and opt-out information.
3/1/20202 hours, 41 minutes, 38 seconds
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MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (39) The Silent War Of The End Of Times Has Begun

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELFI know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with.Instead of paying thousands of $$$ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE.Man-made Self Help vs Divine Self Help"For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water" (Jeremiah 2:13)BeEzrat HaShem Iphone App (Video & Audio) channel Series Playlist ONLY on Soundcloud APP: See for privacy and opt-out information.
2/23/20202 hours, 51 minutes, 19 seconds
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MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (38) Work For God Or Man

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELFI know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with.Instead of paying thousands of $$$ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE.Man-made Self Help vs Divine Self Help"For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water" (Jeremiah 2:13)BeEzrat HaShem Iphone App (Video & Audio) channel Series Playlist ONLY on Soundcloud APP: See for privacy and opt-out information.
2/16/20203 hours, 12 seconds
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MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (37) Are You Creating Angels Or Demons

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELFI know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with.Instead of paying thousands of $$$ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE.Man-made Self Help vs Divine Self Help"For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water" (Jeremiah 2:13)BeEzrat HaShem Iphone App (Video & Audio) channel Series Playlist ONLY on Soundcloud APP: See for privacy and opt-out information.
2/9/20202 hours, 27 minutes, 31 seconds
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MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (36) To Do List Before Delving Into Jewish Mysticism & Zohar (Kabbalah)

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELFI know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with.Instead of paying thousands of $$$ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE.Man-made Self Help vs Divine Self Help"For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water" (Jeremiah 2:13)BeEzrat HaShem Iphone App (Video & Audio) channel Series Playlist ONLY on Soundcloud APP: See for privacy and opt-out information.
2/2/20202 hours, 35 minutes, 55 seconds
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MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (35) Wasting Time You Don't Have

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELFI know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with.Instead of paying thousands of $$$ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE.Man-made Self Help vs Divine Self Help"For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water" (Jeremiah 2:13)BeEzrat HaShem Iphone App (Video & Audio) channel Series Playlist ONLY on Soundcloud APP: See for privacy and opt-out information.
1/26/20202 hours, 10 minutes, 8 seconds
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MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (34) A World Full Of Selfish People

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELFI know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with.Instead of paying thousands of $$$ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE.Man-made Self Help vs Divine Self Help"For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water" (Jeremiah 2:13)BeEzrat HaShem Iphone App (Video & Audio) channel Series Playlist ONLY on Soundcloud APP: See for privacy and opt-out information.
1/19/20202 hours, 21 minutes, 10 seconds
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MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (33) The Three Keys To Teshuva

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELFI know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with.Instead of paying thousands of $$$ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE.Man-made Self Help vs Divine Self Help"For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water" (Jeremiah 2:13)BeEzrat HaShem Iphone App (Video & Audio) channel Series Playlist ONLY on Soundcloud APP: See for privacy and opt-out information.
1/12/20202 hours, 40 minutes, 17 seconds
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MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (32) The Day Is Short The Task Abundant And Employees Are Lazy

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELFI know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with.Instead of paying thousands of $$$ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE.Man-made Self Help vs Divine Self Help"For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water" (Jeremiah 2:13)BeEzrat HaShem Iphone App (Video & Audio) channel Series Playlist ONLY on Soundcloud APP: See for privacy and opt-out information.
1/5/20202 hours, 35 minutes, 29 seconds
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MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (31) Know Before Whom You Stand

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELFI know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with.Instead of paying thousands of $$$ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE.Man-made Self Help vs Divine Self Help"For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water" (Jeremiah 2:13)BeEzrat HaShem Iphone App (Video & Audio) channel Series Playlist ONLY on Soundcloud APP: See for privacy and opt-out information.
12/29/20192 hours, 5 minutes, 1 second
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MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (30) Don't Get Too Comfortable In This World

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELFI know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with.Instead of paying thousands of $$$ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE.Man-made Self Help vs Divine Self Help"For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water" (Jeremiah 2:13)BeEzrat HaShem Iphone App (Video & Audio) channel Series Playlist ONLY on Soundcloud APP: See for privacy and opt-out information.
12/22/20193 hours, 39 minutes, 20 seconds
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MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (29) Money,Torah and Mashiach

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELFI know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with.Instead of paying thousands of $$$ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE.Man-made Self Help vs Divine Self Help"For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water" (Jeremiah 2:13)BeEzrat HaShem Iphone App (Video & Audio) channel Series Playlist ONLY on Soundcloud APP: See for privacy and opt-out information.
12/17/20192 hours, 15 minutes, 13 seconds
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MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (28) Ayin Hara and Yetzer Hara in the Real World

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELFI know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with.Instead of paying thousands of $$$ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE.Man-made Self Help vs Divine Self Help"For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water" (Jeremiah 2:13)BeEzrat HaShem Iphone App (Video & Audio) channel Series Playlist ONLY on Soundcloud APP: See for privacy and opt-out information.
12/1/20192 hours, 31 minutes, 6 seconds
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MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (27)Anger Management: The Daily Grind

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELFI know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with.Instead of paying thousands of $$$ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE.Man-made Self Help vs Divine Self Help"For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water" (Jeremiah 2:13)BeEzrat HaShem Iphone App (Video & Audio) channel Series Playlist ONLY on Soundcloud APP: See for privacy and opt-out information.
11/21/20192 hours, 33 minutes, 29 seconds
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MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (26)- The Divine Self-Help Book vs The Munchausen Proxy Rabbis PART 2

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELFI know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with.Instead of paying thousands of $$$ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE.Man-made Self Help vs Divine Self Help"For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water" (Jeremiah 2:13)BeEzrat HaShem Iphone App (Video & Audio) channel Series Playlist ONLY on Soundcloud APP: See for privacy and opt-out information.
11/17/20192 hours, 35 minutes, 46 seconds
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MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (25)- The Divine Self-Help Book vs The Munchausen Proxy Rabbis

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELFI know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with.Instead of paying thousands of $$$ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE.Man-made Self Help vs Divine Self Help"For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water" (Jeremiah 2:13)BeEzrat HaShem Iphone App (Video & Audio) channel Series Playlist ONLY on Soundcloud APP: See for privacy and opt-out information.
11/10/20193 hours, 5 minutes, 3 seconds
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MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (24) Can A Jew Learn Torah From A Christian Or Messianic Jew?

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELFI know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with.Instead of paying thousands of $$$ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE.Man-made Self Help vs Divine Self Help"For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water" (Jeremiah 2:13)BeEzrat HaShem Iphone App (Video & Audio) channel Series Playlist ONLY on Soundcloud APP: See for privacy and opt-out information.
11/3/20192 hours, 44 minutes, 20 seconds
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MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (23) Creating Superstars In Business & Torah

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELFI know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with.Instead of paying thousands of $$$ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE.Man-made Self Help vs Divine Self Help"For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water" (Jeremiah 2:13)BeEzrat HaShem Iphone App (Video & Audio) channel Series Playlist ONLY on Soundcloud APP: See for privacy and opt-out information.
10/27/20193 hours, 26 minutes, 53 seconds
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MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (22) The Character Trait To Survive The 15 Days Of Darkness

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELFI know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with.Instead of paying thousands of $$$ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE.Man-made Self Help vs Divine Self Help"For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water" (Jeremiah 2:13)BeEzrat HaShem Iphone App (Video & Audio) channel Series Playlist ONLY on Soundcloud APP: See for privacy and opt-out information.
10/20/20192 hours, 10 minutes, 38 seconds
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MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (21) Are You Seriously Trying To Fool God?

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELFI know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with.Instead of paying thousands of $$$ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE.Man-made Self Help vs Divine Self Help"For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water" (Jeremiah 2:13)BeEzrat HaShem Iphone App (Video & Audio) channel Series Playlist ONLY on Soundcloud APP: See for privacy and opt-out information.
10/13/20192 hours, 45 minutes, 59 seconds
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MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (20) Do We Have Free Choice or Is It An Illusion ?

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELFI know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with.Instead of paying thousands of $$$ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE.Man-made Self Help vs Divine Self Help"For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water" (Jeremiah 2:13)BeEzrat HaShem Iphone App (Video & Audio) channel Series Playlist ONLY on Soundcloud APP: See for privacy and opt-out information.
10/6/20191 hour, 58 minutes, 18 seconds
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MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (19) Reincarnation, Is It Mercy or Punishment?

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELFI know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with.Instead of paying thousands of $$$ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE.Man-made Self Help vs Divine Self Help"For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water" (Jeremiah 2:13)BeEzrat HaShem Iphone App (Video & Audio) channel Series Playlist ONLY on Soundcloud APP: See for privacy and opt-out information.
9/29/20192 hours, 14 minutes, 19 seconds
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MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (18) Excuses Blocking The Door Of Heaven

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELFI know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with.Instead of paying thousands of $$$ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE.Man-made Self Help vs Divine Self Help"For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water" (Jeremiah 2:13)BeEzrat HaShem Iphone App (Video & Audio) channel Series Playlist ONLY on Soundcloud APP: See for privacy and opt-out information.
9/22/20192 hours, 7 minutes, 44 seconds
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MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (17) Saving Jewish Communities With A Mirror

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELFI know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with.Instead of paying thousands of $$$ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE.Man-made Self Help vs Divine Self Help"For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water" (Jeremiah 2:13)BeEzrat HaShem Iphone App (Video & Audio) channel Series Playlist ONLY on Soundcloud APP: See for privacy and opt-out information.
9/15/20192 hours, 51 minutes, 58 seconds
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MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (16) Diagnosis & Cure For Business Problems

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELFI know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with.Instead of paying thousands of $$$ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE.Man-made Self Help vs Divine Self Help"For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water" (Jeremiah 2:13)BeEzrat HaShem Iphone App (Video & Audio) channel Series Playlist ONLY on Soundcloud APP: See for privacy and opt-out information.
9/8/20192 hours, 37 minutes, 40 seconds
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MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (15) Political Friends, Fake Friends, Dangerous Friends And The Truth

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELFI know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with.Instead of paying thousands of $$$ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE.Man-made Self Help vs Divine Self Help"For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water" (Jeremiah 2:13)BeEzrat HaShem Iphone App (Video & Audio) channel Series Playlist ONLY on Soundcloud APP: See for privacy and opt-out information.
9/1/20192 hours, 22 minutes, 9 seconds
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MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (14) The Secret To Staying Righteous In The Business World

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELFI know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with.Instead of paying thousands of $$$ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE.Man-made Self Help vs Divine Self Help"For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water" (Jeremiah 2:13)BeEzrat HaShem Iphone App (Video & Audio) channel Series Playlist ONLY on Soundcloud APP: See for privacy and opt-out information.
8/25/20192 hours, 35 minutes, 19 seconds
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MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (13) Testing Our Relationship With HaShem (New York)

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELFI know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with.Instead of paying thousands of $$$ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE.Man-made Self Help vs Divine Self Help"For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water" (Jeremiah 2:13)BeEzrat HaShem Iphone App (Video & Audio) channel Series Playlist ONLY on Soundcloud APP: See for privacy and opt-out information.
8/18/20191 hour, 42 minutes, 27 seconds
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MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (12) Valuable Words Priceless Silence

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELFI know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with.Instead of paying thousands of $$$ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE.Man-made Self Help vs Divine Self Help"For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water" (Jeremiah 2:13)BeEzrat HaShem Iphone App (Video & Audio) channel Series Playlist ONLY on Soundcloud APP: See for privacy and opt-out information.
8/11/20192 hours, 25 minutes, 9 seconds
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MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (11) Making Torah Your Business

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELFI know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with.Instead of paying thousands of $$$ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE.Man-made Self Help vs Divine Self Help"For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water" (Jeremiah 2:13)BeEzrat HaShem Iphone App (Video & Audio) channel Series Playlist ONLY on Soundcloud APP:' See for privacy and opt-out information.
8/4/20192 hours, 17 minutes, 54 seconds
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MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (10) Connecting To The Top To Stay At The Top

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELFI know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with.Instead of paying thousands of $$$ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE.Man-made Self Help vs Divine Self Help"For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water" (Jeremiah 2:13)BeEzrat HaShem Iphone App (Video & Audio) channel Series Playlist ONLY on Soundcloud APP: See for privacy and opt-out information.
7/28/20191 hour, 35 minutes, 26 seconds
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MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (9) Powerful Words That Build Or Destroy Peace

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELFI know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with.Instead of paying thousands of $$$ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE.Man-made Self Help vs Divine Self Help"For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water" (Jeremiah 2:13)BeEzrat HaShem Iphone App (Video & Audio) channel Series Playlist ONLY on Soundcloud APP: See for privacy and opt-out information.
7/21/20192 hours, 44 minutes, 44 seconds
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MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (8 PART II) How To Get To The Truth In Life, Business and Even Shidduchim

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELFI know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with.Instead of paying thousands of $$$ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE.Man-made Self Help vs Divine Self Help"For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water" (Jeremiah 2:13)BeEzrat HaShem Iphone App (Video & Audio) channel Series Playlist ONLY on Soundcloud APP: See for privacy and opt-out information.
7/17/20192 hours, 4 minutes, 52 seconds
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MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (8 PART 1) Should We Listen To The Sages

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELFI know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with.Instead of paying thousands of $$$ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE.Man-made Self Help vs Divine Self Help"For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water" (Jeremiah 2:13)BeEzrat HaShem Iphone App (Video & Audio) channel Series Playlist ONLY on Soundcloud APP: See for privacy and opt-out information.
7/16/20191 hour, 37 minutes, 57 seconds
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MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (7) A Legal System or A House of Cards

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELFI know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with.Instead of paying thousands of $$$ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE.Man-made Self Help vs Divine Self Help"For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water" (Jeremiah 2:13)BeEzrat HaShem Iphone App (Video & Audio) channel Series Playlist ONLY on Soundcloud APP: See for privacy and opt-out information.
7/15/20192 hours, 16 minutes, 27 seconds
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MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (6) A Ba'al TeShuva Surrounded By Wicked Family & Friends

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELFI know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with.Instead of paying thousands of $$$ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE.Man-made Self Help vs Divine Self Help"For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water" (Jeremiah 2:13)BeEzrat HaShem Iphone App (Video & Audio) channel Series Playlist ONLY on Soundcloud APP: See for privacy and opt-out information.
7/14/20193 hours, 31 minutes, 38 seconds
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MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (5) Ignoring The Jewish Problem Is The Problem (Big Debate Eruption )

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELFI know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with.Instead of paying thousands of $$$ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE.Man-made Self Help vs Divine Self Help"For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water" (Jeremiah 2:13)BeEzrat HaShem Iphone App (Video & Audio) channel Series Playlist ONLY on Soundcloud APP: See for privacy and opt-out information.
7/11/20191 hour, 25 minutes, 3 seconds
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MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (4) Become Dusty From The Scholars Dust

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELFI know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with.Instead of paying thousands of $$$ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE.Man-made Self Help vs Divine Self Help"For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water" (Jeremiah 2:13)BeEzrat HaShem Iphone App (Video & Audio) channel Series Playlist ONLY on Soundcloud APP: See for privacy and opt-out information.
7/11/20192 hours, 36 minutes, 30 seconds
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MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (3) If You re Already Serving, Serve Like Avraham

GIVE A GREAT GIFT TO YOURSELFI know it seems overwhelming to some new people, especially with each of the lectures being 2 hours plus, but I have seen great things as a result of learning and teaching this MUSSAR PIRKEI AVOT series. It's really a great foundational teaching of countless relevant day to day issues all of us deal with.Instead of paying thousands of $$$ for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE.Man-made Self Help vs Divine Self Help"For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water" (Jeremiah 2:13)BeEzrat HaShem Iphone App (Video & Audio) channel Series Playlist ONLY on Soundcloud APP: See for privacy and opt-out information.
7/7/20192 hours, 49 minutes, 5 seconds
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MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (2) Your Word Can Create And Destroy Worlds

See for privacy and opt-out information.
7/5/20192 hours, 42 minutes, 44 seconds
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MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (1) Does Every Jew Really Have A Share In Olam HaBa

See for privacy and opt-out information.
7/3/20192 hours, 38 minutes, 4 seconds