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BE A BETTER YOU | كن أفضل Cover
BE A BETTER YOU | كن أفضل Profile

BE A BETTER YOU | كن أفضل

English, Education, 1 season, 31 episodes, 12 hours, 7 minutes
My name is SILOUANE, I am a Medical student and my purpose is to help people grow by discussing different topics from various domains, and THE" BE A BETTER YOU "podcast is designed for anyone desiring GROWTH, WELL BEING, MOTIVATION, INSPIRATION , and FOCUS IN LIFE . BE READY TO ACCOMPANY ME ON THIS JOURNEY OF IMPROVEMENT AND DON'T FORGET TO ......BE POSITIVE !
Episode Artwork

29-في صحبة القرآن

حلقة جد جميلة مع طالبة طب و حافظة لكتاب الله مع صحراوي روميسة
5/6/202341 minutes, 5 seconds
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28- السعي وراء المثالية

كانت لقة دردشة خفيفة باش نولو للبودكاست ترقبوا الحلقات الجاين ان شاء االه و ما تنسوس تخلولي لاايكم في الانستغرام
4/29/202311 minutes, 28 seconds
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08- OWNING YOUR FEELINGS |تعلم كيف تتعامل مع مشاعرك و أحاسيسك

It can be easy to get caught up in your emotions as you’re feeling them. Most people don’t think about what emotions they are dealing with, but taking the time to really identify what you’re feeling can help you to better cope with challenging situations in this podcast i talked about some ways that may help you better deal with your feelings
11/22/202012 minutes, 1 second
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BE A BETTER YOU| كن أفضل

كن أفضل هو بودكاست لكل انسان يسعى إلى تطوير ذاته و تحسين حياته ، هذا البودكاست يسعى الى رفع الوعي من خلال مناقشة مواضيع مختلفة في مجالات متعددة .في هذا البودكاست نُفيد و نستفيد من خبرات ناس تشارك معنا تجاربها المتواضعة لذا كن مستعد لتشارك معنا في هذه الرحلة...رحلة لنكون أفضل .
11/9/202046 seconds
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04-The power of words .

in today's episode i talked about the power of words and it 's effect in our lives from the conversation that we had with people to the ones we had with ourselves
10/11/202010 minutes, 44 seconds
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03- Unlock your motivation.

in today's episode, I talked about the power that drives us to act and get things done and what to do when you feel the lack of it
10/11/202010 minutes, 16 seconds
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02- Dealing with negative Feedbacks.

In today's episode, I talked about negative feedbacks that we get from the environment and I mentioned how to deal with them and get to what you want I hope that you like it!
10/11/20207 minutes, 47 seconds