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Asana Kitchen Podcast Profile

Asana Kitchen Podcast

Englisch, Education, 1 Staffel, 45 Episoden, 1 Tag, 8 Std., 28 Protokoll
David Garrigues is an internationally recognized yoga teacher and creator of the Asana Kitchen, an acclaimed yoga instruction channel on YouTube. The goal of the Asana Kitchen podcast is to teach yoga philosophy and hatha yoga techniques that can be applied directly to the daily practice.
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Asana & Awakening Kundalini

In this podcast, David defines the grand concept of Kundalini and how this main concept is associated with more familiar terms such as Prana, Shakti, Nadis, Shushumna, Mudra, Prana and Apana Vayu, as well as Mula, Uddiyana, and Jalandhara Bandhas. He outlines the classic tantric imagery that is ubiquitous to many of the sacred texts and discusses the relevance of this important schemata to the practice of asana, vinyasa, and pranayama. David reads from such sacred Hatha Yoga texts as the Hatha Yoga Pradipika, Geranda Samhita, and Prasna Upanishad to give examples how the kundalini language and schemata are inherently embedded in these texts. He also gives examples of how the 7 asana principles are a secret, disguised road map to kundalini awakening. The asana principles: 1) Samasthiti is every pose, 2)crouch and spring to transition 3) ground legs and arms 4) awaken spine 5) tap breath 6 ) seal in energy 7) play with opposites—awakening.
24.5.202450 Protokoll, 44 Sekunden
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Ask Me Anything, 4 Questions from Students

In this month's podcast David answers four questions from students: 1) How do I balance Yoga and Family obligations? 2) How did David start teaching and what were some struggles in the beginning? 3) Should Ashtanga evolve? 4) Why are there some postures and vinyasas I struggle to do without your (DG's) instruction?
21.4.202459 Protokoll, 34 Sekunden
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Indriyas: Mastery Over the Senses

Using Yoga Sutras 3:48 and 3:49, David breaks down the indriyas and discusses how to explore them on the mat.
2.1.202455 Protokoll, 2 Sekunden
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How Many Asanas Are Enough?

• Analysis of the great yogi Krishnamacharya’s statement that not all asanas are meant to be done by everyone—each individual will have their own custom list of asanas based on such factors as: age, experience, aptitude, interest, work or family responsibilities. • Probing the question of how important it is in Ashtanga to keep doing more postures and more difficult series. • Thoughts about the teachings in the Yoga Vashista that say, “A yogi should never make the least effort to get what doesn’t come to him/her/they without effort.” • Exploration of the word wisdom. What does the Bhagadvad Gita mean when it says: “Wisdom is the goal of every action.” • The importance of centering one’s practice around the foundational poses • Interpretation of a passage from the Isha Upanishad on finding balance between devoting oneself to the material and spiritual aspects of one’s life. • Recitation of a Kabir poem that that speaks to turning one’s attention to the mystery of it all.
24.11.202348 Protokoll, 23 Sekunden
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Myth of the Perfect Yogi

The podcast is meant to let people know that it's natural and essential to show up to one’s mat in any number of different physical and mental states. Dealing with one’s darkness is as much part of the process as reaching for the light. And so there’s no need to feel like a bad yogi when you find that you are not happy or not detached--all the of the time. David questions the heavily marketed idea that yoga is primarily about wellness or feeling good or happy all of the time. There’s an idea that a good yogi detaches from all afflictions and masterfully transcends or stops negative impulses or reactive emotions. The models that populate yoga magazines and social media outlets are almost always shown to be strong, flexible, serene, happy, in control and at peace. David points out how these depictions are misleading and at odds with what actually happens when one takes up a steady daily practice. In fact, practice partly serves to help one raise up the darkness within, to face one’s shadow, and come into meaningful contact with one’s suffering. David discusses James Hillman’s idea that human growth and wisdom is only partly about overcoming darkness or reaching for the light or attaining to the high-pinnacled peak of spiritual ascendancy. Soul, in contrast to spirit, is the other equally important part of the equation for self discovery, self mastery, and self knowledge. Questing for soul involves traveling downward into the blue, dark, shadowy valleys of the psyche. David speaks about Hillman's insistence that the soul actually gains insight and wisdom through encountering afflictions (desires, attachments, fears, anger, sadness, grief, abandonment, loneliness, jealousy, and other strong emotions) rather than merely attempting to disengage, cut, repress or otherwise get rid of these challenging states. David reads several poems from such Bhakti poets as: Mirabai, Tulsidas, Hafiz, and Kabir to illustrate how these yogis accepted, worked with, and transformed their darkness into creative works instead of rejecting or shunning such aspects of themselves. Enjoy!
18.10.202350 Protokoll, 34 Sekunden
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Aparigraha by David Garrigues
4.9.20231 Stunde, 4 Protokoll, 11 Sekunden
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All About Dristi

All About Dristi by David Garrigues
28.6.202340 Protokoll, 18 Sekunden
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Ashtanga Yoga Vinyasa: Movement, Breath, and Posture

In this podcast, David Garrigues describes how to use his new book, Ashtanga Yoga Vinyasa: Movement,, Breath, and Posture. The book can be purchased on David's website or in your home country's Amazon. With his new book, Ashtanga Yoga Vinyasa: Movement, Breath and Posture in the Primary Series, David Garrigues has created a concise yet comprehensive technical manual on AshtangaYoga as well a mystical, poetic treatise on the greater subject of yoga. An instant Hatha Yoga classic, this offering is sure to be a trusted companion for present and future generations of yoga lovers. The book provides the reader with an unprecedented, easy-to-follow breakdown of every single vinyasa (and pose) of the Primary Series. The instructions are bullet-points that contain skillfully articulated directions for doing the transitions and poses along with unique, potent cues on such essential Hatha yoga themes as pranayama (controlling the breath), vinyasa (transitions), mudra, (energetic seals/gestures), bandha (energetic locks), drsti (gazing points), meditation, philosophy, Indian folklore, the five elements, and more. This book is an unprecedented road map to the art of yoga, it shares the teachings of Ashtanga in ways that promote physical, psychological, and spiritual growth.
3.5.202341 Protokoll, 16 Sekunden
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Kleshas: Overcoming the 5 Causes of Pain

Kleshas: Overcoming the 5 Causes of Pain by David Garrigues
21.1.202356 Protokoll, 15 Sekunden
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Discovering Your Self Beyond Thought

In this podcast you will hear some creative perspectives on the Yoga Sutras: -YS 1, 2 Yoga Citta Vrtti Niroda--Union arrives when the field of the mind is cleared of thoughts -YS 1,3 Tada Drastuh Svarupe Avastham--Then the yogi finds his own peculiar way of seeing the world in its sacred entirety *Classic and alternative definitions of each individual word of the above Sutras. *Discussion of the important progression: vrtti—pravrrti—nirvrrti—in other words I discuss the necessity to use the intermediate step of Pravrtti or higher thoughts to go from the ordinary thinking mind (Vrtti) to a state of where all thought ceases (Nirodha) *Using a poem from the Bauls of Bengal (Gypsy Poets of India), I discuss learning to let go of needing to have it all and embrace your small, yet vital station in life *With a poem of Kabir, I discuss the necessity to trust the greater cosmic forces of the universe that are beyond your control *A small reading from James Hillman pertaining the concept of Svarupa—Intrinsic Essence *Discuss the connection between growing psychologically as an individual and attaining a more universal, all-inclusive spiritual perspective on your life. *A few pithy lines from the Yoga Vashistha on the importance of Self effort in charting your path through your life
26.9.202254 Protokoll, 48 Sekunden
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Equanimity by David Garrigues
8.8.202246 Protokoll, 58 Sekunden
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How are Yoga and Fitness Related?

In this lively, informative podcast I discuss the connection between fitness and yoga. Topics include: 1)The idea that doing physical exercise is detrimental to or has nothing to do with yoga 2) The idea that pure movement or pure sport or pure physicality of any kind can reach up the spiritual. 3) The idea from the Hatha Yoga Pradipika that Hatha yoga (ie doing poses, breathing exercises, and bandhas) is designed to be a support for those who are constantly engaged in the practice of yoga–and how this theme relates to the practice of hatha yoga and fitness 4) The relationship between these 3 things: A) The deepest consciousness that yoga is all about B) Hatha yoga (practice of postures etc) C) Physical Fitness 5) The possibility that there is a necessity to engage in supplemental fitness practices in order to support an intense practice of asanas. I also discuss the following quotes from the sacred texts in terms of their relevant to the subject of the connections between yoga, hatha yoga, and physical fitness: "Self is… “the breathing behind breathing, the sight behind sight, the hearing behind hearing, the thinking behind thinking --the first – the ancient.” Brhadaranyaka Upanishad 4.4. 23 “With the mind alone one must behold it— Here, there is nothing diverse at all! from death to death he goes, who sees here any kind of diversity. As just singular must one behold it— immeasurable and immovable. The Self is spotless and beyond space, unborn, immense, and immovable. By knowing that Cosmic Person, a wise Yogi should obtain insight for himself. But, let him not ponder over a lot of words; it just tires the voice!” Svetasvatara Upanishad ch 2, verse 5 “When she keeps her body straight, with the three sections erect, and draws the senses together with the mind into her heart, a wise woman shall cross all the frightful rivers with the boat consisting of the fully realized vision of Self.” Yoga Vashista Ch 6
22.6.202249 Protokoll, 4 Sekunden
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My 10 Day Rice Fast

You can’t become complacent about any aspect of your life if you want to remain at your best. It’s so easy to slip into habits in the routine things you do, like your diet, practice and the thoughts you think. It’s common to ignore signs of sickness and become complacent. In this podcast David discusses that when you finally face you’re in pain and you’re suffering that’s when you need to simplify, break your habits, and embrace constant change and the unknown. The challenge of constantly pushing forward, learning, growing, and engaging in the evolution of yourself means sacrifice is needed. You have to give up things you become familiar with and attached to. And that process needs to continue for your whole life. That’s the recipe for health.
29.4.202227 Protokoll, 35 Sekunden
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Hatha Yoga and Bhakti Poetry, A Great Duo

In this Podcast you’ll find the following themes • I discuss the inspirational and insightful relationship that exists between Hatha yoga and Bhakti (Devotional) poetry. • I talk about the connections that I’ve made between my practice and poetry throughout my yoga journey from the beginning and all along the way up to the present. • I recite poems from my new book entitled: Ecstatic Discipline, 57 Poems for Lovers of Hatha Yoga, and also from my favorite Bhakti Poets including: Kabir, Lalla, and Baul Poets • I talk about different ways that the physical asana practice, poetry, and yoga philosophy come together and compliment each other.
19.2.202242 Protokoll, 31 Sekunden
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How to use props, modify, and customize your practice

In this Podcast I discuss the following positive facts about using props and modifying: 1) Props (modifying) helps you build strength and flexibility by enabling you to specifically target desirable actions, movements, or position 2) Props (modifying) help you better align your skeleton 3) Props (modifying) help you stay in poses longer with more ease 5) Props (modifying) help you work more safely and protect your body. 6) Props (modifying) help you break difficult poses into smaller, logical steps so you can progress in your own way on your timeline. 7) Props (modifying) help you pinpoint what has value in doing a pose and strive for excellence where it really counts. 8) Props (modifying) help you learn more about how to do a pose and open yourself up to its many possibilities for creative expression. I also briefly address Ashtanga Yoga's unfortunate taboo against props or modifying and point out some of the wrong ideas commonly embraced within the culture of Ashtanga concerning props. The list of untruths about props discussed include; 1) If you use props or modify you aren’t doing real Ashtanga. 2) Using a prop or modifying is a sign that you are weak or stiff or lack skill or are incapable. 3) You only use a prop or modify because you can’t do a pose 4) A prop is a crutch and becoming dependent upon it makes your practice worse over time. 5) Only older or injured or incapable students benefit from using props or modifying. 6) Props or modifications aren’t needed to practice hard poses safely or to protect your body from harm-- short and long term. 7) The ideal student doesn’t use props or the less the better. 8) The advanced student doesn’t use props or modify, but rather strictly follows all the poses and Vinyasas of each series without deviation.
14.1.202241 Protokoll, 34 Sekunden
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Dear DG, Question and Answer

In this podcast, David answers students questions. 2:20 - I've got a question about pranayama. I've done your Ashtanga Pranayama Sequence video course, and I just want to clarify things with the Jalandhara Bandha position?  5:42 - Practicing with scoliosis or disc problems. 13:44 - Dear david, i feel fear when I attempt backbends like Kapotasana and drop backs. Through practice it has gotten better, and I wonder if I could further work with the fear by using any type of visualization or mantra to help to get through that fearful state and trust that I’ll be okay.  17:26 - What’s your yoga advice for mid 50s practitioner that’s currently spending more time with sitting meditation. I do get on my mat but with shorter asana practices for the time being and only full practice on the weekends. It feels right but I do want to keep a minimum maintenance asana practice, not worrying, and keep doing what feels right at the time.  22:58 - How do you recommend taking responsibility for your practice without having a studio or a teacher in person?  26:18 - The process when you feel extreme inertia in practice, what do you do? 34:00 - May I chant like a martial artist does during a strike right before executing a vinyasa to help me address my near end of practice inertia? 36:25 - A question about fasting. 38:25 - David, do you practice at the same time everyday? 39:20 - David, do you practice first thing in the morning? 39:50 - David, do you practice more than once a day? 44:44 - David, how long do you typically practice? David ends the podcast with poems.
19.11.20211 Stunde, 5 Protokoll, 48 Sekunden
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Do Your Practice and All Is Coming???

In this podcast I discuss the often misinterpreted Ashtanga saying: “Do your practice and all is coming”. I go into detail about the different important meanings of Abhyasa, the Sanskrit word for practice, and probe into how to derive optimal physical and spiritual benefits from your daily efforts. TOPICS I DISCUSS INCLUDE:
 *deliberate practice vs how just practicing a lot is not effective in developing skills or mastery. *10 years as a possible minimum number of years to become fully established in an effective practice. *how natural ability (talent or physical ability) doesn’t account for success in practice or in yoga *the most important skill that can be taught by the teacher is HOW to practice, how to set manageable and appropriate goals, to identify steps in a progression, and to monitor the success or otherwise of the practice strategies. *How at home practice is most successful if the teacher gives specific instructions about what needs to be worked on, how to do it, and what the results should be like. *How systematic approaches yield better results than free practice. *to the question “what to practice?” One answer is to repeat a difficult passage many times until mastery is achieved. This means learning to work on a series in shorter fragments (called fragmenting or chunking) rather than just doing an entire series all the way through with 5 breaths in each pose everyday. *Concept of metacognition. The quality of practice can be gauged by the level of self regulation and ‘metacognition’. Self awareness includes not only technical knowledge of the poses but also of issues related to the learning itself, such as concentration, planning, monitoring, and evaluation. Self monitoring includes reflecting on what you are doing, how you’re doing it, and having the ingenuity to consider alternative approaches. *Intensity in practice is related to the student’s personal interest in a particular pose or aspect of practice. Self initiative as a main driver of one’s practice is essential for motivation and enthusiasm. You determine what to focus on based on your interests and tastes; this is at least as important as following a prescribed syllabus or strictly following external rules because ‘that’s the way it's done’. SPIRITUAL MEANINGS *Discussion of the following spiritual meanings of the word practice in yoga: 1) Effort of the mind to remain in its unmodified condition of purity, or 2) Inculcation of a truth conveyed in the sacred writings by means of repeating the same word or the same passage. SACRED TEXTS *I cite two little exchanges between teacher and student that come from sacred texts (see below) and discuss possible connections between your daily practice and the spiritual teachings found in the texts.
13.10.202154 Protokoll, 32 Sekunden
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New Ideas for Adjustments in Ashtanga

In this podcast I speak how, in Ashtanga yoga, physical adjustments have been the exclusive means of correcting a pose whereas giving verbal cues or using props to adjust have been tabooed or discouraged. Experience has shown that significant harm or imbalance results from giving only physical adjustments and that is why I discuss the need for a new paradigm of adjustments that calls for the teacher to have skill enough to work with a balanced combination of all three of these excellent means (physical, verbal, and props) of altering or changing a pose.
19.8.202148 Protokoll, 34 Sekunden
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Yoga Sutra 3:17: Why Words Matter

Join me and Peg Mulqueen as we discuss Yoga Sūtra 3.17: There is a natural confusion of words, meanings, and our own conceptual experience that arises when we superimpose one upon the other. But with perfect focus on distinguishing between the three, we learn the language of all beings. Basically - words matter. As does our experience, use, and interpretation. Words like discipline, tradition, modification, and even the word yoga itself. So we chose a few and attempted to dissect.
18.6.202158 Protokoll, 31 Sekunden
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Tapas: Honoring the Old and Embracing the New

Tapas or discipline is a central aspect of daily practice that each yogi must struggle to embrace and make peace with. In this podcast I discuss the value of older, harsher ideas of tapas and the evolving new paradigm of tapas. I argue that some of the old ways of interpreting or living the spiritual discipline, though too severe or extreme, must not be forgotten, and must serve to remind new yogis of the seriousness of the obstacles that can obstruct the path of yoga. To maximize your ability to give and receive love during your brief time here in this world your discipline needs to be both strong and loving in equal measure. I locked the doors and windows. I grabbed the breath thief and yelled for help. I tied him up in an inside closet and threatened him with OM, OM, OM. I shut the body openings and found out what steals the even-breath, the truth of Who we are. —Lalla
7.5.202149 Protokoll, 37 Sekunden
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Avoiding the Trap of Perfectionism

One of the greatest things in the world is to work to perfect a pose or anything you choose. By perfect I mean to be involved in a process of improving, tinkering, seeking to go further in any small or large way. Ideally this creative process can go on indefinitely or at least until you feel fully satisfied with your creation. However often we fail to accurately determine when enough is enough, we lose track of how to best direct our efforts, and we cross over into perfectionism. We harangue ourselves instead of giving support, become overly attached to results instead of enjoying the action itself, judge too harshly or too soon instead of being patient or trusting, or we get stuck focusing our weaknesses instead of our strengths. In this podcast I discuss how to avoid these traps and win the freedom to get in there and try as hard, as long, and as openly as you want everyday.
2.4.202154 Protokoll, 21 Sekunden
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The Fight of the Ages: Pain vs Creativity

In this podcast I speak about pain and creativity as an unlikely pair of opposites, a closely connected duo that are fated to coexist within me and to play off of each other in an ongoing battle for supremacy. Though often not welcome, pain is a principal ally of creativity, a main motivator of positive action, an effective catalyst for inner revolution and evolution, and an ever-present, wise reminder of constant change. Also in this talk I discuss this statement from the Yoga Vashista: “The power of creativity is always found through logic and by facing experience. The speaker is heard not the one who remains silent”.
10.3.202139 Protokoll, 30 Sekunden
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Catching the Prize of Faith

In this podcast David discusses Shraddha or Faith as a powerful but hard won ally that helps you to remain committed to a daily practice. Faith means belief in and commitment to the invisible spiritual dimension of your life. You cultivate faith one practice at a time by coming to your mat each day equal in times of plenty or challenge. You build a strong faith through trust in your self, your practice, and in dharma (cosmic justice) and also through loyalty to inner work, longing for sacred connection, approving of your highest visions of life, and being sincerely curious about how to open yourself up to the dawning of consciousness within your own body. To have a strong faith requires tremendous effort and devotion on your part but if you are able to catch this worthy prize you become a yogi, a powerful force for good in this life.
17.2.202150 Protokoll, 2 Sekunden
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How Tapas Can Help In These Times

In this podcast David talks about how practice helps you manage inner and outer conflict.
23.1.202133 Protokoll, 36 Sekunden
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All About the Virtuous Posture

An in-depth explanation about what constitutes goodness and auspiciousness in your yoga poses and in the rest of your life.
17.11.202057 Protokoll, 17 Sekunden
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Dharma and You

In this Asana Kitchen podcast, David takes an in-depth look at the word dharma. -"What is my dharma? What does that even mean to me?" -LONGING! - essential. find your dharma? Tap you’re longing. -Raw desire into something tangible. -See dharma as happening in practice & and the bigger aspect. What's my work in this asana? -Take stock of your duties. What is your vision? -Take stock of your body. certain flexibility, and non. skillful and non. action -Prolonged vision quest. takes many repeated quests. withdrawing away/ simplifying. fasting from material. -Dharma is lessening and ending suffering. How do i heal/ encounter, my suffering? -Get into relationship with what makes you wanna fight or run away in fear. -Find the wrong that you want to make right. -Justice, work you come out of womb with. not specific, characteristic mark! -What you are searching for? Your intrinsic essence - peculiarity -Abide in your essence as seer. -Your Ego doesn’t decide your sacred work. It comes more from a humbling and following a sense of mysterious will.
29.8.202058 Protokoll, 14 Sekunden
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4 Attitudes To Clear Your Mind

In this podcast David uses Yoga Sutra 1:33 and discusses the four different attitudes to take to go from a clouded mind to a clear mind.
20.6.202058 Protokoll, 28 Sekunden
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Place of a Yoga during a Revolution

"DEAR DAVID, WHERE IS THE PLACE OF THE YOGI IN A REVOLUTION? SITTING STILL GOES AGAINST EVERY FIBER OF MY BRING BUT WHAT WOULD THE SUTRAS SAY? . It’s a natural human thing to want to lash out at wrong, to get mad, retaliate, and let go. It takes great power to practice restraint and to channel your anger like Gandhi or MLK. You keep your anger contained so that you can act skillfully instead of rashly. Having restraint means you can act for the long term, be consistent in your actions, and really take the steps to fight for what you believe in. And also you’re not supposed to sit still, you’re NOT SUPPOSED TO SIT STILL. Remember what the Bhagavad Gita says, “From birth to death the human being is never even for one moment without action.” You are constantly compelled to action and so what you want to do is sit still for long enough to gather your forces so that you can act with discernment, skill, and love; act from the place of your higher Self rather than from insecurity or fear or concern for your own gain."
1.6.202031 Protokoll, 39 Sekunden
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Practical Use of Yoga Powers

Certified Ashtanga Yoga teacher David Garrigues discusses the concept of infinity and how it plays out in the asana practice, nirodha, and creates yogic powers (siddhis) in the practitioner. EXTRA NOTES The 8 famous Siddhis Siddhi (special) power:  peculiar skill, mastery, perfection 1) ANIMA SIDDHI Ability to become small, size of an atom  In your pose:  ability to perceive the minutest detail; subtle, fine discernment; isolating the actions of different parts of your body; supra sensory perception  In your life:  attention to details; sensitive; perceive subtleties  2) MAHIMA SIDDHI Ability to become large like the monkey God, Hanuman, who grew to colossal size when he leaped across the water to Lanka from the tip of India.   In your pose: ability to perceive your entire body all at once; seeing many layers of context for activating your body; harmonizing the different parts of your body, causing Life Force to flow freely throughout all the channels.  In your life: see the big picture: more all encompassing perspective  3) GARIMA SIDDHI Power to increase in weight infinitely In your asana:  power to connect to your body (feet, hands, legs, and arms) with the ground beneath you and strike the Immovable Spot; ability to send weight into specific parts of the body: ability to wield your weight skillfully; able to sustain your attention where you choose.  In your life: grounded; able to place weight on what is important, meaningful, and prioritize what is valuable; supportive, steady, constant, reliable like a rock 4) LAGHIMA SIDDHI Power to become lighter than the lightest In your pose:  power to make your body light, buoyant, float, leap, float, and fly; buoyant light spine; nimble, swift, cheerful, ebullient In your life: lightness, able to let go of or avoid heavy states depression, despair, lethargy or pessimism; forgiving not holding grudges swift minded sharp, light on your feet responsive. 5) PRAAPTI SIDDHI  Ability to acquire anything anywhere In your pose: knowing how to get the best from your body and mind; able to work with your weaknesses and limits instead of against them; thinking creatively; able to utilize whatever is at hand—props or modifications-- to attain your objectives for doing a pose.   In your life:  knowing what you want and then making the best of whatever you have in all circumstance to succeed.  Knowing how to compromise, make concessions, and set priorities; knowing how to sacrifice the things that are least important to you and retain what is most important to you; faith that the universe somehow provides whatever you need. 6) PRAKAMYA SIDDHI Willfulness, freedom of will, power of will  7) ISHITVA SIDDHI Lordship over all creation 8) VASHITVA SIDDHI Ability to control the entire creation, especially the 5 elements Extra Siddhis Relevant to your Pose and your Life  DURA SRAVANA SIDDHI Hearing far; masterful listener both external and internal; ability to quiet and still and hear communications from the creative, higher source within  DURA DARSHANA SIDDHI Seeing far; visionary; penetrative outward and inward gaze; living your life according to dharma; in touch with what represents the ‘Ultimate You’; seeing the pith of your life and life.  MANOJAVITVA SIDDHI Swiftness of mind and body KAMA RUPA SIDDHI Ability to attain the desired form—power to strike the asana as you envision it.
11.4.202046 Protokoll, 2 Sekunden
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Let Nothing Steal Your Practice

In this podcast, certified Ashtanga teacher David Garrigues, gives the 3 top reasons to not let anything steal your practice.
24.3.202019 Protokoll, 56 Sekunden
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Certainty in Ashtanga, Practice, and Yourself

In this Asana Kitchen podcast, David dives deep into yoga sutra 1:20 and looks at how doubt and faith reveal themselves in the practice. David's new video course, Yoga Sutras for Ashtanga Students, is now available for purchase on his website. There are 22 talks on Book 1 (Samadhi Pada) and on Book 2 (Sadhana Pada). You can purchase each book separately or together. In both books, David breaks down each sutra and relates it to the practice of Ashtanga Yoga. Go to to order.
31.12.201936 Protokoll, 50 Sekunden
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Outsmart Pain In Practice

In this Asana Kitchen podcast David discusses the five root causes of pain and gives practical ways to work with pain in your asana practice.
28.9.201952 Protokoll, 18 Sekunden
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Silence, Pattabhi Jois, and Moving Forward in Ashtanga

Silence, Pattabhi Jois, and Moving Forward in Ashtanga by David Garrigues
12.7.201932 Protokoll, 45 Sekunden
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Action Makes An Asana

JOIN ME JULY 6-AUGUST 10 for my ONLINE SUMMER COURSE: ASANA SKILL BUILDING TECHNIQUES AND PHILOSOPHY OF THE HATHA YOGA PRADIPIKA. In Ashtanga yoga when we stay in a pose for a prolonged length of time we call it being in “the state of the asana”. We single out the fact of holding a position and give it a name because our practice also includes doing many transition poses that we don’t hold. You might even say that half of our practice is doing momentary transition poses and the other half is holding poses and being in the state of the asana. Also it is true that to be in a pose is to be in a state of body and mind. To be in the state of the asana is not an ordinary way of being in your body or using your mind. It is an exceptional, heightened state of being where, through pure effort and intently focusing your mind, you work to become saturated with vitality, awareness and dynamism. You expend the energy that is necessary to achieve the state of the asana to train yourself to become more skillful in being here now. One main part of practicing is to continually wonder about how to be in your pose when you are staying there, what to think about, what is the goal(s), what to do with your body, when to be effortful and when to relax? In answer to these questions, in this podcast, I discuss the concept of action in the state of the asana and give tips on how to come to a more subtle understanding of yoga through creating actions throughout the body when you are in a pose. I also talk about how the famous yoga sutra 2-46 ( Stira (Steady) Sukham (Agreeable) Asana (Posture)) provides you with two essential qualities to seek and to manifest when you are in the state of the asana.
15.5.201931 Protokoll, 40 Sekunden
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Customizing Your Practice Is The 7th Series

In this podcast I discuss the evolution of your ashtanga yoga practice. What happens down the road, when you are years or decades into your sadhana? There are many clear rules that get you started such as practicing 6 days a week or learning a series one posture at a time. The most talked about or emphasized ashtanga practice tenets can serve you well for many years. But sooner or later there comes a time when you need more or different or further guidance. At some point just getting on your mat each day and unvaryingly trying your best to go through your series in strict order ceases to nourish or heal or give you the same potent benefits as before. You even begin to find that you are harming yourself by trying to do what you did before. And you can become sad about it—sad that what was so inspiring and helpful before has changed. You can also become angry at the prospect of having to change and having to leave behind the known. There is much to be gained by knowing exactly what you are going to do. Strictly adhering to the series gives you security and certainty and teaches you to build amazing heat, skill, and mastery. But all things, the good as well as the bad, end whether you like it or not practice long enough and you will come to a dead end, an impassible impasse, you will not be able to do what you have been doing. The title ‘Customizing your ashtanga practice is the 7th series’ comes from the idea that your ashtanga yoga practice begins a new and essential chapter when you take what you’ve learned and begin to work with a more individual, creative, and practical application of the hatha yoga technology that makes up ashtanga. The decision to allow yourself to customize your practice marks a significant new beginning point in your ashtanga evolution. It’s as though all the time you’ve spent dutifully repeating, faithfully putting your time in, going through each painstaking jump back and jump, doing that same series in that same order has been preparing for a major leap into the unknown. By taking the view that customizing is part of the evolution of your ashtanga practice you can drop sadness or anger, stop feeling guilty or thinking that you are doing something wrong because you are not following the sequences in strict order. The reality is you go wrong when you fail to take control of and develop independence in practice. The rules of ashtanga are meant to teach you how to thrive in a wider asana world beyond those rules. The practice you’ve been doing is training wheels, scaffolding that you must release to find the freedom to ride in space. The rules of ashtanga prepare you well, they give you healthy parameters that help you to go to unknown places internally and externally—unknown postural, energetic, and psychic places –places that no one has ever gone—places that are meant to be discovered by you and only you—places that no person or system could lead you to. I offer this podcast because there is far too little acknowledgement of, discussion about or instruction in what happens later in your practice-- as time passes and you gain experience, skill, and knowledge. What happens later is what I am calling the 7th series. I call it this because your custom practice is just as valid and part of ashtanga as all the other series. Honor and celebrate the new, more independent, individual way that you will eventually practice—then you’ll know that your daily practice can thrive and continue to evolve no matter how old you are or despite other limits that may be imposed on you. You can choose to do a practice that suits you and is rooted in the hatha yoga techniques that you have been doing all along and have come to love.
27.3.201932 Protokoll, 5 Sekunden
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Holy Equanimity And Skill In Action

In this Asana Kitchen podcast certified Ashtanga teacher David Garrigues discusses two empowering perspectives the student can utilize to extract knowledge out of their practice.
27.2.201927 Protokoll, 13 Sekunden
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You Are Of This World And That World

In this AK podcast certified Ashtanga teacher David Garrigues uses the Hindu myth of Vamana and Bali to discuss the material and spiritual world, and the need for the yoga practitioner to learn how to balance each of them in their lives. Purchase Maps and Musings on Amazon -
26.1.201933 Protokoll, 28 Sekunden
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Yoga Practice Through Four Life Stages

In this Asana Kitchen podcast David compares the 4 Hindu life stages (student, householder, forest dweller, and renunciate) to the stages of a yogi's life long practice.
30.11.201832 Protokoll, 11 Sekunden
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Self Absorbed And Lovin' It

In this podcast David Garrigues discusses absorption and how the householder yogi can utilize the term in their daily practice.
18.10.201828 Protokoll, 15 Sekunden
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Three Levels Of Yogic Purification In this Asana Kitchen podcast David talks about the 3 levels of purification and how all three are necessary to climb the staircase from hatha yoga to raja yoga. KEYWORDS: ASHTANGA YOGA HATHA YOGA RAJA YOGA DAVID GARRIGUES ASANA KITCHEN PODCAST MYSORE YOGA POSE POSTURE YOGA TEACHER INSTRUCTOR BANDHAS MUDRAS YOGA PHILOSOPHY SPIRITUAL
13.9.201824 Protokoll, 59 Sekunden
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Yoga, Svadhyaya, and the Poetry of Self

The 3 practices that make up Kriya Yoga (Tapas, Svadhyaya, Isvara Pranidhana-YS II-1) are central to the study of yoga. The classical application of Svadhyaya is to consult the sacred texts to gather definitions of Self that help you distinguish between the little you(self) and you as sacred Seer to the world (Self). In this podcast David reads bhakti poetry as an example of how the student of yoga can start their own practice of Svadhyaya and begin to contemplate the sacred seer Self.
6.8.201812 Protokoll, 28 Sekunden
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Meditation On Conflict, Forgiveness, and Resolution

In this Asana Kitchen podcast David Garrigues uses psychologist James Hillman's article on betrayal to discuss ahimsa and how it plays out in conflict, forgiveness, and resolution. "You can't even learn about trust and forgiveness without being betrayed."
12.7.201822 Protokoll, 36 Sekunden
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From Practice Principle To Concentration

The main theme of this podcast is to use a single principle in yoga practice to go from a clouded, disturbed mind to a clear, lucid, settled, blessed mind.
21.6.201840 Protokoll
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Vinyasa As Mudra

In this talk David teaches how vinyasa in the Ashtanga system is an entry point into one of the 4 major categories of Hatha Yoga, Mudras. This talk was given at the Mysore intensive in Great Barrington, May of 2018.
1.6.201823 Protokoll, 17 Sekunden
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Learning to Direct Desire

Topics and Keywords David discusses are: -Yoga Sutra 17 from Book 1 -Bhagavad Gita -Nirodha -Vitarka -Vicara -Ananda -Asmita This talk was given at the Mysore intensive in Great Barrington May of 2018.
30.5.20181 Stunde, 3 Protokoll, 11 Sekunden