About Any Questions? WAMC's Friday quiz segment, Any Questions? , puts news director Ian Pickus in the hot seat, as he and listeners field questions from resident quizzer Mike Nothnagel. Nothnagel is Associate Professor of mathematics at The Culinary Institute of America, and a crossword constructor for the New York Times and Games Magazine , among other outlets. Often, Mike and Ian switch seats or feature guest answerers, such as Will Shortz, Liane Hansen, John Flansburgh and Mike Doughty. Any Questions? airs Friday during Northeast Report Late Edition on WAMC. Last week's challenge: Start with the name of a car first introduced in 1981 and closely associated with the 1980s. Rearrange the letters and you can spell the name of an evergreen shrub. What are the words? Answer : DeLorean, oleander. THIS WEEK'S CATEGORY: "1981" On-air questions: We’re all spending more time at home again, so let’s have some questions about movies. I’ll give you the plot of the movie based on the title with