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All the Mom Things Podcast Profile

All the Mom Things Podcast

English, Parenting, 1 season, 64 episodes, 1 day, 10 hours, 4 minutes
Wouldn’t it be great if we could focus on one thing each month that would help us mother from a place of strength instead of overwhelm? One thing we can remember when we don’t know what to do or where to turn? All the Mom Things hopes to deliver just that. On the 1st Wednesday of each month, Anne-Renee Gumley and Amanda Bacon will bring a fresh focus to our lives as moms. Each time you listen, we hope you’ll come away refreshed and renewed, ready for whatever you might face. Won’t you join us?
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63: All the Favorite Mom Things - Part 1

Welcome back to another new episode, friends! This month we’re talking about our favorite things from books to food to music and more … We love it when our friends share their favorite things, so we’re doing you the favor of maybe introducing you to some of your future favorites!  This is Part 1, and next month we'll be back with Part 2 with more of our favorites. Listen in!   
10/2/202433 minutes, 8 seconds
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62: Our Kids and Worry

Well hello there, friends. Today we’re talking about our kids and worry.  Often this time of year is filled with firsts:  First day of kindergarten. Middle school. High school. College. Maybe your child is starting a new sport, playing a new instrument, or trying out a new activity. New things can be scary, right? Or maybe there are some much deeper issues like mental health and anxiety... and we're going to talk about some of those things too. All these can cause sleepless nights, or feelings of trepidation — for both you AND your child. So let’s talk about it.  
9/4/202443 minutes, 32 seconds
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61: 4 Ways to Simplify Your Summer Mindset

We are delighted you’ve chosen to join us for this special episode of All the Mom Things where we're talking about some practical and fun ways to simplify our summer mindsets. Each year, we love to send you off for the summer with something encouraging and that’s a blessing of sorts. So let’s get to it!
6/5/202415 minutes, 17 seconds
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60: Moms of Teens — What I Wish I Knew Before Graduation

Today we’re talking about all those things we wish we knew before our teens graduated high school! We'll talk about the things we did do and the things we wish we would have or could have done. Join us this month for the good, the hard, and everything in-between.   
5/1/202430 minutes, 58 seconds
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59: Ask Us All the Mom Things!

We're delighted you’ve chosen to join us for this special episode of All the Mom Things where we answer YOUR questions! 
4/3/202441 minutes, 37 seconds
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58: Mothering With Our Quirks and All

Today we’re talking about all those things that make us uniquely, well, us! Those gifts and talents and bents that make up our own specialized versions of ourselves. Because we were never meant to be cookie-cutter versions of each other, especially in our mom-life. God has made each one of us with our own unique quirks and talents that make us one-of-a-kind. Yes, we’re made in His image, and we reflect our Creator, but we are also completely customized, so to speak. We think you'll enjoy and gain a lot from this month's conversation! 
3/6/202430 minutes, 39 seconds
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57: Staying Emotionally Healthy for Everyone’s Sake

Hi again, friend … We’re so happy you’re back for another episode of All the Mom Things. We're delighted you’re listening in to today’s conversation about emotional health as a mom.  We release new episodes on the first Wednesday of each month of the year, minus the summer months when we take a break from recording. Let’s get this conversation going!  
2/7/202432 minutes, 15 seconds
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56: 6 Things Our Mom Hearts Need to Hear

In this episode, we’re talking about things our mom hearts need to hear. Because let’s be honest, mothering is hard, right? Like we say in our book, Shiny Things, mothering is “hard and holy work.” So with that said, we think we can all agree that we need lots of encouragement as moms. So today we’re going to chat through things our hearts need to hear. Listen in!
1/3/202426 minutes, 17 seconds
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55: Advent — When All is Not Calm and All is Very Bright

This season, amid the craziness, the packed schedules, the busyness, the noise, the flashing lights, and all the ads that encourage us to buy more to be more, may our hearts quiet for a moment to reflect on the real reason of the season: Jesus, God in the flesh, the unexpected infant who became the Savior of the world. The Messiah. The Prince of Peace. The ultimate Gift. Immanuel: God with us.  What is He whispering to your heart in this season? In what ways are you seeing His fingerprints? As you take a moment to listen to the stirrings of your own heart, may these words draw you closer to the feet of Jesus, allowing His hope and His peace to have the final word.  
12/6/20234 minutes, 50 seconds
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54: When Your Joy Goes Missing

We all have times in life when we’re down and out, our joy is gone and things are just hard. Today we’re going to discuss how we navigate times and seasons like these and what was helpful to us. We hope you come away encouraged by two friends who get you.   
11/1/202326 minutes, 17 seconds
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53: Hey Mama, Be Kind to Yourself

Today we’re talking about ways we can be kind to ourselves. — I think as moms and as women, it’s very natural for us to think about everyone else in our sphere. And we often forget that we need to make sure we’re taking care of ourselves as well. Am I right?! We forget this little fact and then try to run on Empty, maybe even on Reserve. So today we’re going to chat about that. To dive in deep into the ways we can love and serve our people as well as be good stewards of the one life here on earth we are given. 
10/4/202338 minutes, 33 seconds
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52: Coming Alive as a Mom (and Bringing the Fun Back Too)

If there’s anything we want in this current season we're in, it’s to be fully alive as a Christ-follower, woman, mom and all the other roles we play. Sometimes it’s like we're sleepwalking and letting difficult circumstances become the whole of who we are. This month, we want to talk about coming alive as a mom and (dare we say) be a fun mom too? Let's dive in. 
9/6/202337 minutes, 42 seconds
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51: A Prayer for Us All as Summer Begins

As summer begins, let’s pray together as some of us are bursting with excitement over the fun, relaxation and lazy days ahead with our families… while others of us are overwhelmed, stressed and already tired thinking of the days to come for various reasons. And excitement isn’t exactly how we’d describe it. Either way, we all need the same thing: So much grace. If you're feeling anxious or excited about this summer — either way — A Prayer For Us All as Summer Begins is for you!  We take each summer off from producing new episodes, so until we talk again in the Fall, have an amazing summer, friends. 
6/7/20236 minutes, 16 seconds
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50: Friendship and Other Things a Mom Needs

Listen in to one of our favorite episodes yet! This month we’re discussing the importance of friendship in the life of a mom … What things we should consider as a friend and what pitfalls we want to avoid. We also discuss important topics such as personal preferences, expectations, comparing ourselves to our friends, being a trustworthy friend and more!     
5/3/202334 minutes, 31 seconds
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49: Mom Hacks + Life Savers

This month on All the Mom Things we’re talking about our favorite mom hacks and life savers. These are practical tips and tricks we've picked up or created along the way — the things that are keeping us organized and sane, and that free us up to enjoy our lives! What hacks and life savers are saving your life right now?   
4/5/202332 minutes, 54 seconds
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48: What Kind of Person Do I Want to Be If They Never Change?

We all have people in our lives who challenge us ... They might be family members, our own children, or other adults in our lives. In this episode, we're discussing who we want to be as people — as moms — if the people in our lives never change?  What would it look like if we accepted where they're at, and decided who we want to be in the process?  We hope you'll find this discussion thought-provoking and helpful, friends. Thanks for listening!
3/1/202333 minutes, 14 seconds
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47: Passing the Baton of Faith and Passing It Well

Join us as we start a 2-part series discussing two topics that are truly important to us.  This month, Anne-Renee will be heading up our discussion as we talk about passing the baton of faith to our kids. And next month, Amanda will be leading a conversation around accepting where our people are … And deciding who we want to be in the process. Passing the baton of faith on to our children is a tender topic for us here at All the Mom Things. Both of us have older teens and young adults who are just now making their way out in the big world. The things we’re going to be talking about today, this subject in general, is very close to our hearts. So listen in for a humble and prayerful conversation about passing our faith on to our kids. We're so glad you're here! 
2/1/202332 minutes, 44 seconds
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46: Some Words of Hope and Blessing As We Begin a New Year

Here at All the Mom Things Podcast, we're starting off the year slowly and with intentionality. This is not another podcast episode encouraging you to clean out your pantry or organize your closet. This is a simple reminder for all of us to pause before we begin… well, anything. To quiet our souls and listen. To hush. Pay attention. And breathe. To slow down long enough to think of each movement of air going in and out of our bodies, and what a gift it is.  In the wise words of C.S. Lewis, “God doesn’t want something from us. He simply wants us.”
1/4/20236 minutes, 52 seconds
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45: A Mom Who Abides

This month, we’re having an interesting conversation about what it might look like to be a mom who abides…  What does that mean? What does Scripture say about abiding? How can we live this way in our everyday lives? Listen in and be encouraged! 
12/7/202220 minutes, 58 seconds
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44: A Mom Who Blesses

What would it look like for us to be a blessing to those we live and do life with? What does it mean to bless others and God? We hope you'll be encouraged through this month's episode, moms! 
11/2/202229 minutes, 47 seconds
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43: Making Time for God When Kids and Life Take All Your Time

Today we’re talking about making time for God when kids and life seem to take all your time. Because isn’t this such a dilemma for Christian moms everywhere? As we'll talk about in the episode, spending time with God doesn't have to look one certain way, but the goal is to turn to God all throughout our day. Join us for this honest and helpful conversation!
10/5/202224 minutes, 1 second
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42: What Happened to Lighthearted Mom?

Hello, friends! This month we’re chatting about our desire to be more fun and lighthearted with our families. Because who wants to be a grumpy mom?! Not us! And we're guessing you don't either! But just wanting to do something, and actually doing it, are two different things. So today we’re going to talk about: What causes us to get into rigid routines and reactions with our people? What Scripture says about the attitude of our hearts.  Practical ways to become more flexible, lighthearted mamas. No matter if you’re a lighthearted mom already, or feel like you have room to grow in this area, this is a great topic for all of us.
9/7/202228 minutes, 43 seconds
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41: A Summer Blessing

Summertime is often something that either stresses us out, or gets us really excited. So whatever summer looks like for you, we pray you find yourself somewhere in these hope-filled words. May these few precious months not overwhelm, but overflow – your heart, your mind, and your home. And with that, we give you… A Summer Blessing. After a summer of rest, we'll be back this fall with brand-new episodes!
6/1/20224 minutes, 31 seconds
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40: A Confident Mom with Renee Swope

Friends, you are going to love this episode as we have a conversation with Renee Swope, author of A Confident Mom, and discuss the topic of her newest book. It's one you are not going to want to miss! The wisdom she shares as a parent of teens through adults is so helpful and timely for us all. We were soaking up every word and we know you will too!  
5/4/202233 minutes, 43 seconds
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39: Dear Younger Me

Hey, friends! In this episode, we’re talking about the things we’d like to tell our younger selves. What do we wish we’d known when we were just starting out as moms twenty years ago? And what would we want to pass along to you as you mother your own kids? It’s a rich episode, full of what we’ve learned and some of what we’re still wrestling with. We hope it helps you reminisce about what you would tell your younger mom self too!
4/6/202232 minutes, 8 seconds
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38: My Child is Not a Vending Machine

In this episode, we’re going to chat openly and honestly about how we've wrongly thought if we did XYZ with our kids and took all right steps, they would magically turn into obedient little humans… always listening, always following directions. Because good parenting should produce a well behaved child, right?! Well as most of you know, this is not true. There is no magic parenting formulas, and there is no perfect children (or parents, for that matter.) Listen in to this month's episode as we discuss what we've learned after two decades of parenting and what we've gotten wrong along the way. 
3/2/202227 minutes, 29 seconds
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37: Moms Need Friends Too

We’re so happy to have you listening in today as we talk about friendship. Friendship is amazing... and friendship can also be hard or tricky, especially combined with the busy season of motherhood we're in the middle of. We hope you find some help and encouragement for your mom life in this episode, friends! 
2/2/202231 minutes, 29 seconds
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36: Bringing What We Love About the Holidays Into the New Year

After the craziness of the holidays, we thought we could all use a bit of a grace-filled topic. So today we’re going to talk about implementing more of what we love about the holiday season, and how we can bring those concepts along with us as we enter a new year. Instead of all the lists, resolutions, or things we want to DO in 2022, these are all the ways we want to SAVOR what’s most important to us. Listen in!
1/5/202226 minutes, 29 seconds
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35: A Prayer For Us All This Christmas

In light of the busyness of the season, we thought you might need a bit of a break from it all—a breath of fresh air granting rest to your rushed, weary souls. We pray this 6-minute episode set fully to music is just the hug your heart needs during December … and beyond.
12/1/20216 minutes, 6 seconds
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34: When You Feel Too Busy for What Matters Most

In this month's episode, we’re talking about being too busy with life and our responsibilities that we neglect teaching and walking with our kids in the gospel. Listen in!
11/3/202144 minutes, 4 seconds
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33. Age With Grace

For many of us, age can be somewhat of an uncomfortable topic. We don't like to think of ourselves in terms of growing older. Our grandparents and parents are the ones who are old... not us! So how do we age with grace? Let's talk about it.
10/6/202131 minutes, 12 seconds
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32: Confidence Looks Good on You, Mama

Welcome back for Episode 32! We love having these monthly discussions that breathe some new life into our mom lives, and we hope they do the same for you. Today we’re talking about… When do you feel the most like yourself? What makes you come alive? And what would it look like for you to mother from those places?? Join us!
9/1/202128 minutes, 55 seconds
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31: Am I the Same Mom Everywhere?

Raise your hand if you’re ready to jump into a bit of a tricky topic. Okay… so we might not feel totally ready to chat about this, but it’s a new month, it’s almost a new season, so today we’re going to talk about who we are in all the places. Who we are at home. At work. At the grocery store. At church. Are we the same person with our people inside our own homes as we are in front of others? Listen in to this month's conversation on All the Mom Things!
8/4/202136 minutes, 41 seconds
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30: Pause on Purpose

In this month’s short episode, we’re talking about taking a break from some of the things in our normal life and routine. Sometimes we forget to press pause, and summer feels like the right time to think about it. Sometimes we get so busy doing what we always do, that we forget that everything isn’t necessary all of the time.  There’s a time and season for everything, so let’s chat about taking a short break this summer from some of the things we ALWAYS do, and maybe, just maybe we’ll come back refreshed.
7/7/202119 minutes, 52 seconds
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29: Am I a Controlling Mom?

This time, we’re talking about control and mothering. Because moms are responsible for an awful lot of things, right?! And since we are in charge of so much (think diapers, snacks, water bottles, and extra clothes for the child that refuses to stay clean), sometimes the responsibility juggle can evolve into some rather, well, controlling behaviors. (Gulp.) So instead of ignoring it, let's talk about it. Thanks for listening to this month's episode of All the Mom Things podcast!
6/2/202134 minutes, 56 seconds
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28: The Art of Growing Slow with Special Guest Jennifer Dukes Lee

This month on the show, we welcome our friend and special guest, Jennifer Dukes Lee. We hope you enjoy this conversation with Jennifer around the topic of her newest book, Growing Slow: Lessons on Un-Hurrying Your Heart from an Accidental Farm Girl. Growing Slow is a message that was born after years of stress and fast-paced living. Listen in as we discuss how this way of living caught up with Jennifer in a dramatic way and how her life changed as a result. You'll be so glad you did!
5/5/202134 minutes, 51 seconds
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27: I Wish I Wasn't So Distracted

It’s hard to believe that almost 2 years has passed since our book, SHINY THINGS: Mothering on Purpose in a World of Distractions, made its way out into the world! In some ways it feels like yesterday … and in other ways, it feels like a lifetime ago. A lot has happened since spring of 2019, right?! So we thought today might be a good day for a little recap — giving you an inside peek into what has happened since our book came out, and where we are in our distraction journey in the right here, right now.   Plus, we're doing an awesome GIVEAWAY!!! In honor of our 2 year book-iversary, we're giving away a set of 5 books to 2 lucky winners. Now you can finally have that book club you've been dreaming of. (Inserts all the whoops and hollers here!) Enter to win at on the Episode 27 show notes!
4/7/202132 minutes, 57 seconds
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26. When Rest Feels Out of Reach

Today we’re talking about REST. And after the frenzied, yet slowed down year we’ve all walked through, some of us moms are needing some serious rest. But we don’t always know what that means, what it could look like for us, and how in the world we could pull that off when life looks like it does. So… let’s talk about it!
3/3/202148 minutes, 20 seconds
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25. Is Having Perfectly Behaved Kids the Goal?

We're pretty sure we can all agree that as moms — well as humans for that matter — we like to see RESULTS. We forget that motherhood is more like a marathon … a long haul race. So today we’re going to talk about not just behavioral change, but the real, true heart change we’d like to see in the lives of our kids. Thanks for taking the time to listen in and join in the conversation!
2/3/202140 minutes, 54 seconds
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24: The Lists That Bring Life

In this episode at the start of the year, we're talking about list-making! The two of us LOVE lists. So if you want some ideas of how to track your life and make lists that bring life instead of shame and guilt, this episode is for you, friend!  
1/6/202136 minutes, 13 seconds
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23: All the Good Things

Being a critic comes much easier for most of us than taking the time and the discipline to sift through hard things and find the good. Because it’s easy to see the negative, right? So as we come to the end of 2020, we thought we’d assemble our own list (not a complete list), but start a list of good things that would encourage our hearts and hopefully encourage yours as well. Happy listening, dear friends. And happy New Year!
12/2/202048 minutes, 7 seconds
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22: When Your Circumstance Calls for More Than a Thankful BandAid

This month we’re talking about contentment with a side of gratitude thrown in along with a discussion about what we do when we need to make some changes because things just aren’t right… and we’re discontent for a reason.  We also want to acknowledge that this year, this election season, and this pandemic has left our emotions heightened… so please know that we recognize this as we discuss this topic today.  November is stereotypically gratitude month… but we don’t want to gloss over and pretend everything’s okay just because it’s November and we’re super grateful! We want to trust God, considering that He is sovereign, and all the things that point us to a grateful and even joyful perspective. We hope you'll listen in!
11/4/202044 minutes, 7 seconds
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21: Am I Too Tied to My Expectations?

Change seems inevitable, doesn't it? Seasons change. Weather changes. Our children grow and change. And as busy mamas, our schedules seem to be constantly shifting and changing. Like the saying goes, “The only thing that is constant is change.” As hard as we try, we cannot plan out and predict the outcome for every single thing in life. But we can choose how we respond to it. So that’s what we’re going to talk about today... expectations, changes, and our ability to be flexible and go with the flow (or not). Thanks for taking time to join in the conversation! We're thrilled you're here.
10/7/202040 minutes, 39 seconds
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20: Relief From the Anxiety of Right Now

It seems like there’s a lot of talk lately about moms needing ways to pause and breathe through tension, anxiety, tough situations or burn out... a need for respite and peace.  So we want this episode — Relief From the Anxiety of Right Now, to help us all take a deep breath and relax all the tension that’s been building up in our lives… we’d also like to provide you with a few tools we use ourselves to help in this area. Today we’ll discuss: What’s bringing peace to our souls when anxiety is hanging heavy?  What things are urging us Godward when we want to turn inward? What practical things are helping our sanity, the impatience that grabs at us and anger levels that tend to creep higher and higher when we’re stressed and anxious? We'll answer those questions and more in this month's episode. Listen in.
9/2/202041 minutes, 16 seconds
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19: Learning to Live Sanctified

Today we’re talking about sanctification. Not a stay-cation. Glorification. Or personification. But the work God is doing in us and through us to make us more like His Son. Which brings us to the question, what does sanctified mothering look like? Well you're in luck—because that’s exactly what we’re talking about today. We’d love for you to come join in the conversation.
8/5/202037 minutes, 32 seconds
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18: Learning to Live Selflessly

This month, we’re talking about learning to live selflessly.  The word selfless is sort of a tongue-twister… but it simply means the opposite of selfish.  Merriam Webster defines it as “having no concern for self.” That definition may send up some major red flags for us because if we’re in a healthy space, we know we do need to think about ourselves if we want to be a thriving person who takes care of a family. But where do we draw the line… what does it look like to care for our own needs, but also mother selflessly? Listen in as we discuss that and more!
7/1/202051 minutes, 32 seconds
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17: Learning to Live Surrendered

We often think of surrender like putting up a white flag and giving up. That a posture of surrender somehow looks more like laziness ... or weakness. But what about surrender in motherhood? What does that look like? Or what should it look like? And how about all those things that get in the way of living a surrendered life? I mean, come on. There's tons of things we are juggling as moms. If we surrender, we might lose all control. Hmmm. Sounds like something we need to talk about. So thanks for joining us for Part One of our three-part summer series! We're excited to chat through this topic with you.   "We can hand it all over to the One who holds it all because He cares about it all."
6/3/202038 minutes, 3 seconds
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16: When We Find Ourselves Waiting … Again

Every single one of us is waiting for something. You might even have a huge list of things you're praying and hoping for at this very moment. What should we do in these times of waiting and what do we do with our thoughts while we wait? We'll discuss this and more in today's episode. It's one you're not going to want to miss as it provides some help and hope for us all in this area.
5/6/202053 minutes, 26 seconds
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15: Staying Steady as a Mom When Life Goes Completely Sideways

Who would have thought that 2020 would be such a memorable year, where we would talk about things like quarantines and social distancing. We may not have chosen this pandemic, but we can choose how we respond to it. Because in spite of the craziness, Jesus is still on the throne. And thankfully He can see the big picture even when we cannot. So let's talk about it. The struggles. The joys. The lessons we're learning. Let's talk about it all. And in the process, may we grow closer to one another, and closer to our friend, Jesus.
4/1/202043 minutes, 34 seconds
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14: Why Am I So Bent Out of Shape?

Have you ever put too much focus on your children's obedience? Are there must-haves in your mom life that you're demanding without giving much thought to how it's affecting you and your family? What are your actual goals in parenting? Join the conversation today as we talk about this challenging topic and gain some hope and help as we do. 
3/4/202044 minutes, 36 seconds
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13: Friendship Is Scary (But Worth It Too)

What is it about this time of year that makes us want to hole up in our homes and stay put in our comfy sweatshirts and fuzzy slippers? Well today we’re going to resist the urge to burrow, and instead, invite others into the warmth alongside us. So go grab a soothing cup of something and join us for this welcoming and gut-honest conversation about friendship and practical ways we strengthen our relationships with our fellow mom friends.
2/5/202038 minutes, 11 seconds
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12: What We Really Need

Sometimes what we really need as a woman and as a mom, is a new perspective. We don't necessarily need new routines or new habits in the new year, no — it's our pattern of thought that needs the most help. In this episode, we'll discuss the ways our different life experiences have shaped our perspective, and how our perspectives need a change. Listen in.   
1/1/202038 minutes, 48 seconds
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11: All the Christmasy Things

In today’s episode, we’re talking about all things Christmas. From traditions and tips on how not to become a royal stress case during the holidays, to beloved Christmas songs and favorite foods. And guess what? This episode features a very special guest. So get ready for some incredible heart-stirring conversation.
12/4/201940 minutes, 12 seconds
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10: A Mom's Well-Lived Life

As we wrap up this 10-episode series on All the Mom Things, we want to end with these words: Well-lived moments stacked upon well-lived moments accumulate into a well-lived life. And this is especially true in our life as moms. Listen in this month, as we talk about choosing to be the mom we'd like to be from this moment on and living our mom life with no regrets.     
11/6/201931 minutes, 53 seconds
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9: The Me I Want to Be

On today's episode, we're going to chat about who we really want to be. Not the tired, cranky mom who loses her junk on her kids on a regular basis. But the woman who is confident in who she is in Christ, and who she is as a mom.    Because it's never too late to be the person you meant to be all along.
10/2/201938 minutes, 32 seconds
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8: Overcoming the Just Don't Wannas

It’s not just our children who struggle with only wanting to do the things they like or desire. We struggle with this too.  In this episode, we discuss procrastination and the ways, at times, we lean toward avoiding the things that feel too hard. Will distraction and avoidance win out this time?   Listen in. 
9/4/201932 minutes, 38 seconds
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7: A Mom's Daily Derailing

Regardless of your stage and season of motherhood, we're pretty sure we can all agree that we want to love and serve our families well. And more importantly, we want to urge our people Godward while growing in our own walk with the Lord. We also want our families to know they are welcome in our lives.    Just sometimes we're not sure how to do that. Especially in the midst of stress, mess, and everyday craziness. So this episode, we're going to wade in deep and talk about those things that not only distract us, but derail us.   Thanks for listening to All the Mom Things Podcast!
8/7/201925 minutes, 36 seconds
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6: When Life Takes a Turn

Sometimes, life gets hard. Really hard. What do we do then? Is hardship and devastation a distraction in our lives? Or is it something else? And how do we handle everyday stress?  Let’s discuss this and more on today’s episode.
7/10/201924 minutes, 45 seconds
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5: Not Yets and Daydreams

Today we’re talking about not-yets and daydreams. What do we do with our situations when they don’t measure up to our expectations? How do we react? And what does the song London Bridge is Falling Down have to do with any of it?! Listen in as we chat through delays and desires, and seeing God's hand in through it all.
6/5/201929 minutes, 6 seconds
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4: All the People, All the Things

What and who will get the best of us? Our days and our calendars are jam-packed, filled to overflowing with all the things. How do we choose what we should do today, let alone tomorrow? What activities should we be involved in? Who should get our best efforts? If these questions are overwhelming your heart today, let us whisper a bit of hope into your ear:  Motherhood is busy, but it doesn’t have to bury us.
5/1/201937 minutes, 12 seconds
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3: Important Things and Everything Else

What is most important to me? And why do I have a hard time keeping my focus on those things? Why is it so enticing to choose lesser things instead of lasting things? If you're asking yourself some of these same questions, you're in the right place. Listen in. We're so glad you're here!
4/3/201933 minutes, 4 seconds
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2: Good Things, Wrong Timing

Today we’re talking about all those good things we could be involved in, and how sometimes we choose wrong times to be involved in them. Why am I so worn out all the time? How do I help people and serve God without crashing? If you’re asking yourself these questions, then you’re in the right place. Listen in.
3/6/201925 minutes, 50 seconds
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1: Overcome the Overwhelm

Do you know a mom who is feeling a bit (or a whole bunch) overwhelmed in her current mothering season? Maybe that someone is a close friend. Or a neighbor. Or maybe that someone is you. If so, you're not alone. We all go through times where life just feels like too much. There's too much to do, too many needs to attend to, and too many tabs open in the brain. So what are we going to do about it? Listen in and let's learn together and launch All the Mom Things podcast with Episode 1. Subscribe to show notes + episodes by email HERE
2/6/201930 minutes, 22 seconds
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Introducing All the Mom Things

Wouldn’t it be great if we could focus on one thing each month that would help us mother from a place of strength instead of overwhelm? One thing we can remember when we don’t know what to do or where to turn? All the Mom Things hopes to deliver just that. Beginning on February 6th, Anne-Renee Gumley and Amanda Bacon will bring a fresh focus to our lives as moms on the 1st Wednesday of every month. Each time you listen, we hope you’ll come away refreshed and renewed, ready for whatever you might face. Won’t you join us? Learn more about All the Mom Things by clicking play.
1/10/201913 minutes, 39 seconds