Sgyrsiau bywiog ar bynciau sy'n effeithio addysg, addysgwyr a dysgwyr yng Nghymru heddiw | Lively conversations on topics affecting education, educators and learners in Wales today
Progression in learning – Members of the Camau team share their evolving understanding of key concepts from a range of perspectives
A discussion about the journey to understanding Progression in Learning in the context of Curriculum for Wales, chaired by Rachel Bendall from University of Wales Trinity Saint David, with Abigail Davies of Ysgol y Strade, and Debbie Moon of Partneriaeth, members of the Camau group.
2/12/2024 • 31 minutes, 22 seconds
Cynnydd mewn dysgu – Yma, mae aelodau o dîm Camau yn rhannu eu dealltwriaeth esblygol o gysyniadau allweddol o ystod o safbwyntiau
Trafodaeth am y daith i ddeall Cynnydd mewn Dysgu yng nghyd-destun Cwricwlwm i Gymru, dan gadeiryddiaeth Rachel Bendall o Brifysgol Cymru Y Drindod Dewi Sant gydag aelodau o'r grŵp Camau, Abigail Davies o Ysgol y Strade, a Debbie Moon o Partneriaeth.
2/12/2024 • 37 minutes, 8 seconds
School Year consultation – practitioners discuss proposed changes to the school year in Wales
Proposals are in place to ‘re-balance’ the school year in Wales by changing some term lengths. In this podcast three head teachers discuss the implications – positive and negative - with Tegwen Ellis, Chief Executive of the National Academy for Educational Leadership Wales. The Consultation closes on 12th February 2024.
1/24/2024 • 24 minutes, 5 seconds
Ymgynghoriad Blwyddyn Ysgol – ymarferwyr yn trafod newidiadau arfaethedig i'r flwyddyn ysgol yng Nghymru
Mae cynigion ar waith i 'ail-gydbwyso'r flwyddyn ysgol yng Nghymru drwy newid hyd y tymor. Yn y podlediad hwn, mae tri phrifathro yn trafod y goblygiadau - cadarnhaol a negyddol - gyda Tegwen Ellis, Prif Weithredwr Academi Genedlaethol Arweinyddiaeth Addysgol Cymru. Mae'r ymgynghoriad yn dod i ben ar 12fed Chwefror 2024.
1/24/2024 • 35 minutes, 54 seconds
Curriculum Design Pilot 2023 – Practitioners Share the Learning
Curriculum for Wales asks practitioners to think differently about curriculum design. A successful pilot project to explore a ‘backwards design’ approach, resulting in learning with purpose, is discussed by Professional Advisor Yvonne Roberts-Ablett and colleagues from the pilot.
9/26/2023 • 48 minutes, 57 seconds
Peilot Cynllunio Cwricwlwm 2023 – Ymarferwyr yn Rhannu'r Dysgu
Mae Cwricwlwm i Gymru yn gofyn i ymarferwyr feddwl yn wahanol am gynllunio’r cwricwlwm. Mae’r prosiect peilot llwyddiannus yn archwilio dull 'cynllunio tuag at yn ôl', gan arwain at ddysgu pwrpasol, yn cael ei drafod gan Alun Jones sy’n Gynghorydd Proffesiynol a chydweithwyr o'r peilot.
9/26/2023 • 45 minutes, 59 seconds
How the National Resource: Evaluation and Improvement is being used to benefit Ysgol Penrhyn Dewi
An interview conducted by Mark Jones, Professional Advisor to the Welsh Government, with Anthony Jones, Deputy Headteacher at Ysgol Penrhyn Dewi, about how the school is using the National Resource: Evaluation and Improvement and the improvements it is helping to bring about.
7/6/2023 • 14 minutes, 44 seconds
Sut mae'r Adnodd Cenedlaethol: Gwerthuso a Gwella yn cael ei ddefnyddio er budd Ysgol Cybi
Cyfweliad Mark Jones, Cynghorydd Proffesiynol i Lywodraeth Cymru, gydag Owen Roberts, Pennaeth Ysgol Cybi, ar sut mae'r ysgol yn defnyddio'r Adnodd Cenedlaethol: Gwerthuso a Gwella a'r gwelliannau sy’n dod yn ei sgil.
7/6/2023 • 16 minutes, 31 seconds
Trafod Addysgeg yn Eisteddfod yr Urdd – Rhan Dau
Dyma'r ail o bodlediad dwy ran a recordiwyd yn fyw yn Eisteddfod yr Urdd. Ymunwch â Daniel Davies o’r Gwasanaeth Cyflawniad Addysgol i arwain panel Trafod Addysgeg. Gwrandewch ar Manon Tinnuche (Ysgol Maes y Gwendraeth), Catherine Evans (Estyn), Gareth Owens (Ysgol Caerelen) a Meleri Jones (Ysgol Gyfun Penweddig) wrth iddynt drafod y Gymraeg, nodi’r un peth yr hoffent ei newid am y system addysg a sut y gall yr Urdd helpu ysgolion i weithredu Cwricwlwm i Gymru. This is the second of a two part podcast recorded live at Eisteddfod yr Urdd. Join Daniel Davies from the Educational Achievement Service lead a i panel. Hear from Manon Tinnuche (Ysgol Maes y Gwendraeth), Catherine Evans (Estyn), Gareth Owens (Ysgol Caerelen) and Meleri Jones (Ysgol Gyfun Penweddig) as they discuss y Gymraeg, identify the one thing they’d like to change about the education system and how the Urdd can help schools implement the Curriculum for Wales. This podcast is available in Welsh only.
6/23/2023 • 24 minutes, 2 seconds
Trafod Addysgeg yn Eisteddfod yr Urdd – Rhan Un
Dyma'r cyntaf o bodlediad dwy ran a recordiwyd yn fyw yn Eisteddfod yr Urdd. Ymunwch â Daniel Davies o’r Gwasanaeth Cyflawniad Addysgol i arwain panel Trafod Addysgeg. Gwrandewch ar Manon Tinnuche (Ysgol Maes y Gwendraeth), Catherine Evans (Estyn), Gareth Owens (Ysgol Caerelen) a Meleri Jones (Ysgol Gyfun Penweddig) wrth iddynt drafod sut mae addysgeg yn esblygu o dan Gwricwlwm i Gymru. This is the first of a two part podcast recorded live at Eisteddfod yr Urdd. Join Daniel Davies from the Educational Achievement Service lead a Talk Pedagogy panel. Hear from Manon Tinnuche (Ysgol Maes y Gwendraeth), Catherine Evans (Estyn), Gareth Owens (Ysgol Caerelen) and Meleri Jones (Ysgol Gyfun Penweddig) as they discuss how pedagogy is evolving under Curriculum for Wales. This podcast is available in Welsh only.
6/23/2023 • 29 minutes, 11 seconds
Mae’r Gymraeg yn perthyn i ni gyd
Trigain mlynedd wedi araith Saunders Lewis Tynged yr Iaith, nae’r Gweinidog dros Addysg a’r Gymraeg, Jeremy Miles AS yn amlinellu ei weledigaeth ar gyfer dyfodol y Gymraeg.Gallwch weld yr araith ysgrifennedig yma: belongs to us all: The Minister for Education and Welsh Language, Jeremy Miles MS outlines his vision and direction for Cymraeg sixty years on from Saunders Lewis’ famous speech Tynged yr Iaith. This podcast is available in Welsh only. A translation of the speech is available here:
3/1/2022 • 34 minutes, 49 seconds
Education Reform in Wales – Minister Jeremy Miles Answers Your Questions
In this podcast, the Minister for Education and the Welsh language, Jeremy Miles MS, talks candidly about his vision for the Curriculum for Wales. He gives us his take on the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead as we move towards its implementation in 2022.
11/18/2021 • 18 minutes, 23 seconds
Diwygio Addysg Cymru- mae’r Gweinidog, Jeremy Miles yn ateb eich cwestiynau.
Yn y bennod hon mae’r Gweinidog Addysg a’r Iaith Gymraeg , Jeremy Miles AoS, yn datgelu ei weledigaeth ar gyfer y Cwricwlwm i Gymru. Mae’n siarad yn agored am yr heriau a’r cyfleoedd sydd yn ein hwynebu wrth inni symud ymlaen at ei weithredu o 20022 ymlaen.
11/18/2021 • 20 minutes, 53 seconds
Professor Charlotte Williams: Bringing Black and Minority Ethnic Histories into the Welsh Curriculum
Cymru fydd y genedl gyntaf yn y DU i wneud addysgu hanes Pobl Dduon, Asiaidd ac ethnig lleiafrifol yn orfodol yng nghwricwlwm yr ysgol. Yn y podlediad hwn mae Dr Anita Shaw yn siarad â'r fenyw a chwaraeodd ran bwysig wrth ddod â'r newid nodedig hwn yn ei gylch. Mae'r Athro Charlotte Williams OBE yn ferch i fam Gymraeg a thad o Guyana ac mae hi'n rhannu ei phrofiadau o dyfu i fyny yn Llandudno fel yr unig ddisgybl du yn ei dosbarth. Clywn am ei chenhadaeth i'w gwneud yn hawl pob disgybl i addysg sy'n eu harfogi i ddeall a pharchu eu hanesion, eu diwylliannau a'u traddodiadau eu hunain a'i gilydd. Mae’r podlediad yma’n Saesneg yn unig.Wales is set to become the first nation in the UK to make the teaching of Black, Asian and minority ethnic history mandatory in the school curriculum. In this podcast Dr Anita Shaw talks to the woman who played a major part in bringing this landmark change about. Professor Charlotte Williams OBE is the daughter of a Welsh-speaking mother and a father from Guyana and she shares her experiences of growing up in Llandudno as the only black pupil in her class. We hear about her mission to make it the right of all pupils to an education that equips them to understand and respect their own and each other’s histories, cultures and traditions.
10/27/2021 • 32 minutes, 19 seconds
Beyond Covid: Learning In The Next Phase
Mike Bubbins talks to practitioners about their experiences during Covid. What lessons did they learn, what approaches will they take in the next phase? All part of a ‘national conversation’ on learning and teaching, set to continue as we realise the new curriculum.
5/26/2021 • 26 minutes, 48 seconds
Addysgu wedi Covid: y camau nesaf
Mae Ffion Dafis yn sgwrsio gydag ymarferwyr am eu profiadau yn ystod Covid. Pa wersi a ddysgwyd, a pha ddulliau y byddan nhw'n eu defnyddio wrth fynd ymlaen i’r cam nesaf? Mae hwn yn rhan o’r ‘sgwrs genedlaethol’ ar ddysgu ac addysgu, fydd yn parhau wrth inni wireddu’r cwricwlwm newydd.
5/26/2021 • 30 minutes, 11 seconds
How Does Your Child’s Education Work During Lockdown?
If you’re a stressed parent or carer trying to educate children at home during the Covid 19 lockdown - help is at hand. Mike Bubbins talks to teachers – who also have children at home - about distance learning, the role of schools, and why parents needn’t feel pressured to ‘teach’.
5/13/2020 • 25 minutes, 17 seconds
Sut mae addysgu adref yn ystod y pandemig?
Beth yw’r ffordd orau i gefnogi addysg fy mhlentyn nawr fod yr ysgolion ar gau oherwydd salwch Covid 19? Mae Ffion Dafis yn holi athrawon cynradd ac uwchradd, sydd hefyd yn rieni, am ddysgu o bell, rôl ysgolion, a pham nad oes angen i rieni deimlo dan bwysau i 'addysgu’.
5/13/2020 • 28 minutes, 29 seconds
What did you think - and what's next?
In April, the Welsh Government invited the public to feedback on the draftCurriculum for Wales. What did teachers, governors, parents and young peoplethink about the reforms? In this podcast, presenter Mike Bubbins explores some ofthe findings and discusses the next steps with Vanessa McCarthy, Head of BrynnauPrimary School and Brett Gillett a Year 6 teacher at Crynallt Primary School. They’reinvolved in the many workshops being held around the country, working on revisingand refining the curriculum guidance ready for its publication in January 2020.
11/13/2019 • 15 minutes, 36 seconds
Dweud eu dweud: adborth i’r cwricwlwm drafft i Gymru
Ym mis Ebrill gwahoddwyd y cyhoedd gan Lywodraeth Cymru i roi adborth arGwricwlwm drafft i Gymru. Beth oedd barn athrawon, llywodraethwyr, rhieni a phoblifanc am y diwygiadau? Yn y podlediad hwn mae’r cyflwynydd Yvonne Evans yndadansoddi rhai o'r canfyddiadau ac yn trafod y camau nesaf gyda Gareth Evans oYsgol y Creuddyn a Nia Williams, Ysgol y Preseli, dau athro sy'n cymryd rhan yn ynifer o weithdai sy'n cael eu cynnal ledled y wlad, er mwyn adolygu a mireinio'rcanllawiau cwricwlwm yn barod i'w cyhoeddi fis Ionawr 2020 .
11/13/2019 • 15 minutes, 46 seconds
When The Heads Met The Minister
Education Minister, Kirsty Williams has been touring Wales speaking to the whole education profession about the big changes ahead. In this podcast, two headteachers - one primary, one secondary, and neither involved in curriculum development - put their questions to the Minister. A consultation on the new curriculum and assessment arrangements is underway and runs until July 19th 2019. If you want to have your say, go to and click on Curriculum for Wales 2022.
7/1/2019 • 29 minutes, 11 seconds
Pan wnaeth y penaethiaid gyfarfod â’r Gweinidog
Mae’r Gweinidog Addysg, Kirsty Williams AC, wedi bod ar daith drwy Gymru yn sgwrsio gyda’r holl broffesiwn am y newidiadau mawr sydd ar y gweill. Yn y podlediad hwn mae dau bennaeth- un ysgol gynradd ac un ysgol uwchradd , sydd heb fod yn ymwneud â datblygu’r cwricwlwm, yn cael cyfle i holi’r Gweinidog.Mae’r broses o geisio barn yn mynd ymlan tan fis Gorffennaf. Os ydych chi am roi adborth, ewch i a chliciwch ar Cwricwlwm i Gymru 2022.
7/1/2019 • 25 minutes, 27 seconds
Professional Learning – The New Approach for Practitioners in Wales
What skills do teachers need to prepare for the new curriculum? How will the new professional learning approach help? Mike Bubbins goes to St Julian’s Primary School in Newport to talk to practitioners about their professional learning journey.
3/31/2019 • 18 minutes, 25 seconds
Dysgu proffesiynol- y dull cenedlaethol newydd i ymarferwyr yng Nghymru
Oes angen i ymarferwyr ddysgu sgiliau arbennig ar gyfer addysgu’r cwricwlwm newydd? A fydd y dull newydd ar gyfer dysgu proffesiynol yn helpu? Aeth Yvonne Evans i Ysgol y Preseli yn Sir Benfro i siarad â thair athrawes am eu profiadau nhw.
3/31/2019 • 19 minutes, 59 seconds
Exploring Schools as Learning Organisations
The Schools as Learning Organisations model helps schools explore new ways to improve teaching and learning. Mike Bubbins speaks to Jenny Scott, Headteacher at Ninian Park Primary in Cardiff about how she’s used this important element of Wales’ new national approach to professional learning.
12/6/2018 • 15 minutes, 50 seconds
Beth yw ysgolion sy’n dysgu?
Mae'r cynllun Ysgolion fel Sefydliadau sy’n Dysgu yn fodd i helpu ysgolion i wella’r ffordd y maen nhw’n addysgu a dysgu. Aeth Yvonne Evans i gwrdd â Lliwen Jones, prifathrawes Ysgol Tregarth i glywed sut y mae’n defnyddio’r elfen bwysig hon o ymagwedd genedlaethol newydd Cymru tuag at ddysgu proffesiynol yn ei hysgol hi.This podcast is all about the Schools as Learning Organisations model which is an important element of Wales' new approach to professional learning.
12/6/2018 • 14 minutes, 29 seconds
A New Curriculum for Wales
Professor Graham Donaldson talks about his recommendations for a new curriculum for Wales - and also his view on the progress made so far. Leading academics Mark Priestley, Louise Hayward talk about Wales' approach to education reform. Plus Head of Curriculum Development, Ty Golding, and Kath Lewis, a music teacher from Pioneer School, Porthcawl Comprehensive, talk about the work underway and what happens next. Presented by Mike Bubbins and Luisa Martin-Thomas.
6/19/2018 • 41 minutes, 31 seconds
Education in Wales is Changing: The Big Picture
Welsh eduction is undergoing seismic change, so presenters Mike Bubbins and Luisa Martin-Thomas speak to the people involved to find out why and what's involved. Plus we hear from children at three schools in South Wales about what they want from their education.
5/11/2018 • 34 minutes, 46 seconds
Coming Soon - Addysg Cymru | Education Wales
A preview of the forthcoming podcast, Addysg Cymru | Education Wales