Welcome to +965Pediacast, A Platform for every pediatrician out there to discuss major and hot topics in the field. Health experts from the region will be exploring the latest guidelines in pediatric healthcare & research. We aim to simplify dense topics in pediatrics, to be heard and learned by all pediatricians, thus raising awareness in the healthcare of children. We hope you enjoy our talks and maximize your learning opportunities.
Episode 10: Approach to Immune Deficiency Hosted by Dr. Jumanah Karim Pediatrician, Specialist in Allergy and Immunology and Dr.Raghad AlEinati Year 1 Kuwaiti Pediatric Board Residents
Episode 10: Approach to Immune Deficiency Hosted by Dr. Jumanah Karim Pediatrician, Specialist in Allergy and Immunology and Dr.Raghad AlEinati Year 1 Kuwaiti Pediatric Board Residents
6/1/2023 • 13 minutes, 54 seconds
Episode 8: Approach To Cows' Milk Allergy Hosted by Dr. Jumanah Karim Pediatrician, Specialist in Allergy and Immunology and Dr.Saja AlShammari Year 2 Kuwaiti Pediatric Board Residents
Approach To Cows' Milk Allergy Hosted by Dr. Jumanah Karim Pediatrician, Specialist in Allergy and Immunology and Dr.Saja AlShammari Year 2 Kuwaiti Pediatric Board Residents
6/1/2023 • 11 minutes, 44 seconds
Episode 7 Food Allergy Hosted by Dr. Jumanah Karim Pediatrician, Specialist in Allergy and immunology and Dr. Shahed AlBaloul Year 5 Kuwaiti Pediatric Board Resident
Food Allergy Hosted by Dr. Jumanah Karim Pediatrician Specialist in Allergy and immunology and Dr. Shahed AlBaloul Year 5 Kuwaiti Pediatric Board Resident,
4/5/2023 • 17 minutes, 37 seconds
Episode 6 Approach to head trauma in pediatrics Hosted by Dr. Raghda Al-Jassar Senior Pediatric at Amiri Hospital , and Dr. Zainah Jamal Year 3 Kuwaiti Pediatric Board Resident.
Episode 6 Approach to head trauma in pediatrics Hosted by Dr. Raghda Al-Jassar Senior Pediatric at Amiri Hospital , and Dr. Zainah Jamal Year 3 Kuwaiti Pediatric Board Resident. For more information: https://cps.ca/en/documents/position/paediatric-patient-with-acute-head-trauma
3/6/2023 • 10 minutes, 42 seconds
Episode 5: Pulmonology: Overview of Asthma
Episode 5 Pulmonology, Overview of Asthma Hosted by Dr. Athari AlMajed Pediatric Pulmonologist Consultant and Long term mechanical ventilation and sleep medicine specialist, and Dr. Taibah AlMousawi Year 3 Kuwaiti Pediatric Board Resident. For more information : https://ginasthma.org/pocket-guide-for-asthma-management-and-prevention/
2/20/2023 • 16 minutes, 39 seconds
Episode 4 Pediatric Critical Care, Sedation and Analgesia
Episode 4 Pediatric Critical Care, Sedation, and AnalgesiaIn this podcast, we review some of the basics of analgesia and sedation with Dr. Fajer.
2/13/2023 • 23 minutes, 32 seconds
Episode 3 Infectious Disease: UTI in pediatrics
Episode 3 Infectious Disease: UTI in pediatricsHosted by Dr. Danah Al-Sharrah Senior Pediatrician and Dr. Mohammad AlGhounaim Infectious Disease ConsultantFor more information CPS: https://cps.ca/en/documents/position/urinary-tract-infections-in-childrenhttps://cps.ca/en/documents/position/prophylactic-antibiotics-recurrent-urinary-tract-infections
2/6/2023 • 15 minutes, 1 second
Episode 2 Infectious disease, Pneumonia & Otitis Media
For more information, we will provide the link to CPS statement regarding pneumonia and otitis media.Pneumonia:https://cps.ca/en/documents/position/pneumonia-management-children-youthhttps://cps.ca/en/documents/position/complicated-pneumonia-empyema Otitis Media:https://cps.ca/en/documents/position/acute-otitis-media