Helping Parents Teach Toddlers To Understand and Use Language
Stage 8: Early Role Play and Pretending with Peers
Pediatric SLP Laura Mize explains the 8th stage of play.
12/03/2024 • 2 heures, 13 minutes
#472 Stage 7: New Jobs and Events
In this course #472, learn the play and language skills a child acquires during Stage 7: New Jobs and New Events from Stages of Play for Toddlers and Preschoolers with Language Delays, along with activities, strategies, and recommended toys to facilitate each skill and help train parents and other caregivers.
Course appropriate for SLPs and other therapists (OT, PT, and EI Developmental Specialists/Therapists) who work with pediatrics in various settings including state or county-based early intervention providers, outpatient pediatric therapy clinics, infant/toddler and preschool programs, and other childcare settings
Stage 7 Toy List
Link for CE credit for $5
01/03/2024 • 1 heure, 48 minutes
#471 Stage 6: Expanding Play in Stages of Play for Toddlers with Language Delays
In this course #471, learn the play and language skills a child acquires during Stage 6: Expanding Play Routines from Stages of Play for Toddlers and Preschoolers with Language Delays, along with activities, strategies, and recommended toys to facilitate each skill and help train parents and other caregivers.
Course appropriate for SLPs and other therapists (OT, PT, and EI Developmental Specialists/Therapists) who work with pediatrics in various settings including state or county-based early intervention providers, outpatient pediatric therapy clinics, infant/toddler and preschool programs, and other childcare settings
Stage 6 Toy List
Get CE credit here:
13/02/2024 • 1 heure, 31 minutes
#470 Stage 5: Combining Play Actions in Familiar Routines in Stages of Play for
In this course #470, learn the play and language skills a child acquires during Stage 5: Combining Play Actions in Familiar Routines from Stages of Play for Toddlers and Preschoolers with Language Delays, along with activities, strategies, and recommended toys to facilitate each skill and help train parents and other caregivers.
Course appropriate for SLPs and other therapists (OT, PT, and EI Developmental Specialists/Therapists) who work with pediatrics in various settings including state or county-based early intervention providers, outpatient pediatric therapy clinics, infant/toddler and preschool programs, and other childcare settings
01/02/2024 • 1 heure, 38 minutes
#469 Stage 4: Early Symbolic Play in Stages of Play for Toddlers and Preschooler
In this course #469, learn the play and language skills a child acquires during Stage 4: Early Symbolic Play from Stages of Play for Toddlers and Preschoolers with Language Delays, along with activities, strategies, and recommended toys to facilitate each skill and help train parents and other caregivers.
Course appropriate for SLPs and other therapists (OT, PT, and EI Developmental Specialists/Therapists) who work with pediatrics in various settings including state or county-based early intervention providers, outpatient pediatric therapy clinics, infant/toddler and preschool programs, and other childcare settings
Get CE credit here:
13/12/2023 • 1 heure, 1 minute
#468 Stage 3: Beginning Functional Play
Join Laura Mize, pediatric speech-language pathologist, for learning the stages of play for toddlers with language delays and disorders.
Purchase CE credit for $5 at this link:
09/10/2023 • 1 heure, 16 minutes
Stage 1: Exploratory Play in Stages of Play for Toddlers with Language Delays
In this course #466, learn the play and language skills a child acquires during Stage 1 Exploratory Play from the Stages of Play for Toddlers and Preschoolers with Language Delays, along with activities, strategies, and recommended toys to facilitate each skill and help train parents and other caregivers.
Course appropriate for SLPs and other therapists (OT, PT, and EI Developmental Specialists/Therapists) who work with pediatrics in various settings including state or county-based early intervention providers, outpatient pediatric therapy clinics, infant/toddler and preschool programs, and other childcare settings
Link for $5 CEU credit
13/09/2023 • 1 heure, 23 minutes
Stage 2: Nonfunctional Play in Stages of Play for Toddlers with Language Delays
In this course #467, learn the play and language skills a child acquires during Stage 2: Nonfunctional Play from Stages of Play for Toddlers and Preschoolers with Language Delays, along with activities, strategies, and recommended toys to facilitate each skill and help train parents and other caregivers.
Course appropriate for SLPs and other therapists (OT, PT, and EI Developmental Specialists/Therapists) who work with pediatrics in various settings including state or county-based early intervention providers, outpatient pediatric therapy clinics, infant/toddler and preschool programs, and other childcare settings
Link for $5 CEU credit:
12/09/2023 • 1 heure, 22 minutes
#465 Introduction to Stages of Play for Toddlers with Language Delays
In this course #465 Introduction to Stages of Play for Toddlers and Preschoolers with Language Delays, learn an overview for the stages of play and how play skill development relates to language development for toddlers and preschoolers with language delays.
Course appropriate for SLPs and other therapists (OT, PT, and EI Developmental Specialists/Therapists) who work with pediatrics in various settings including state or county-based early intervention providers, outpatient pediatric therapy clinics, infant/toddler and preschool programs, and other childcare settings
Link for CE credit:
19/08/2023 • 1 heure, 14 minutes
DEI Basics for SLPs and Therapists in Early Intervention and Pediatrics
In this course, we review Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) basic terminology with an in-depth analysis of how to develop and improve cultural responsiveness.
2 hour Introductory DEI Course appropriate for SLPs and other therapists (OT, PT, and EI Developmental Specialists/Therapists) who work with pediatrics in various settings including state or county-based early intervention providers, outpatient pediatric therapy clinics, infant/toddler and preschool programs, and other academic settings
Will satisfy ASHA's requirement for DEI - 2 hours
Link for CE credit for $10:
16/08/2023 • 2 heures, 3 minutes
#463 Expressive Language Milestones by 48 Months
In this 14 part podcast series, learn all the language milestones from under 12 months to 48 months. We'll break down all milestones for both receptive and expressive language into 6 month age ranges. In each show (as well as on the handout), we'll define each skill, discuss its importance for language development, and then talk about the best strategies for targeting the skill in therapy sessions and at home. This information will serve as a fantastic reminder for typical language acquisition, as well as a great resource for parent education.
In this course, we're discussing the expressive language milestones acquired by 48 months.
For speech-language pathologists, other therapists and professionals who work in early intervention and pediatrics, and parents of toddlers and preschoolers with speech-language delays.
Recommended Toys & Resources Post
Link for CE credit -- #463
27/07/2023 • 1 heure, 17 minutes
#462 Receptive Language Milestones by 48 Months
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP from for part 11 in this 14 part podcast series, learn all the language milestones from under 12 months to 48 months. We'll break down all milestones for both receptive and expressive language into 6 month age ranges. In each show (as well as on the handout), we'll define each skill, discuss its importance for language development, and then talk about the best strategies for targeting the skill in therapy sessions and at home. This information will serve as a fantastic reminder for typical language acquisition, as well as a great resource for parent education. In this course, we're discussing the receptive language milestones acquired by 42 months For speech-language pathologists, other therapists and professionals who work in early intervention and pediatrics, and parents of toddlers and preschoolers with speech-language delays. Link to purchase $5 CEU credit:
14/07/2023 • 1 heure, 17 minutes
461 Expressive Language Milestones by 42 Months
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP from for part 11 in this 14 part podcast series, learn all the language milestones from under 12 months to 48 months. We'll break down all milestones for both receptive and expressive language into 6 month age ranges. In each show (as well as on the handout), we'll define each skill, discuss its importance for language development, and then talk about the best strategies for targeting the skill in therapy sessions and at home. This information will serve as a fantastic reminder for typical language acquisition, as well as a great resource for parent education. In this course, we're discussing the receptive language milestones acquired by 42 months For speech-language pathologists, other therapists and professionals who work in early intervention and pediatrics, and parents of toddlers and preschoolers with speech-language delays. Link to purchase $5 CEU credit:
22/06/2023 • 1 heure, 31 minutes
Expressive Language Milestones by 36 Months
Join Laura Mize, pediatric SLP, for this podcast. Link to CE credit:
In this 14 part podcast series, learn all the language milestones from under 12 months to 48 months. We’ll break down all milestones for both receptive and expressive language into 6 month age ranges. In each show (as well as on the handout), we’ll define each skill, discuss its importance for language development, and then talk about the best strategies for targeting the skill in therapy sessions and at home. This information will serve as a fantastic reminder for typical language acquisition, as well as a great resource for parent education.
In this course, we’re discussing the expressive language milestones acquired by 36 months.
For speech-language pathologists, other therapists and professionals who work in early intervention and pediatrics, and parents of toddlers and preschoolers with speech-language delays.
Recommended Toys & Resources Post
21/06/2023 • 1 heure, 31 minutes
Receptive Language Milestones by 42 Months
Join pediatric SLP Laura Mize of for this course. Get CE credit here:
In this 14 part podcast series, learn all the language milestones from under 12 months to 48 months. We’ll break down all milestones for both receptive and expressive language into 6 month age ranges. In each show (as well as on the handout), we’ll define each skill, discuss its importance for language development, and then talk about the best strategies for targeting the skill in therapy sessions and at home. This information will serve as a fantastic reminder for typical language acquisition, as well as a great resource for parent education.
In this course, we’re discussing the receptive language milestones acquired by 42 months.
For speech-language pathologists, other therapists and professionals who work in early intervention and pediatrics, and parents of toddlers and preschoolers with speech-language delays.
Recommended Toys & Resources Post
21/06/2023 • 1 heure, 13 minutes
#458 Receptive Language Milestones by 36 Months
In this 14 part podcast series, learn all the language milestones from under 12 months to 48 months. We'll break down all milestones for both receptive and expressive language into 6 month age ranges. In each show (as well as on the handout), we'll define each skill, discuss its importance for language development, and then talk about the best strategies for targeting the skill in therapy sessions and at home. This information will serve as a fantastic reminder for typical language acquisition, as well as a great resource for parent education.
In this course, we're discussing the receptive language milestones acquired by 36 months.
For speech-language pathologists, other therapists and professionals who work in early intervention and pediatrics, and parents of toddlers and preschoolers with speech-language delays.
Recommended Toys & Resources Post
13/05/2023 • 1 heure, 31 minutes
#457 Expressive Language Milestones by 30 Months
In this 14 part podcast series, learn all the language milestones from under 12 months to 48 months. We’ll break down all milestones for both receptive and expressive language into 6 month age ranges. In each show (as well as on the handout), we’ll define each skill, discuss its importance for language development, and then talk about the best strategies for targeting the skill in therapy sessions and at home. This information will serve as a fantastic reminder for typical language acquisition, as well as a great resource for parent education.
In this course, we’re discussing the expressive language milestones acquired by 30 months.
For speech-language pathologists, other therapists and professionals who work in early intervention and pediatrics, and parents of toddlers and preschoolers with speech-language delays.
Recommended Toys & Resources Post
Link to CE credit:
11/05/2023 • 1 heure, 20 minutes
#456 Receptive Language Milestones by 30 Months
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize of teachmetotalk to discuss expressive language development for late talking toddlers.
In this 14 part podcast series, learn all the language milestones from under 12 months to 48 months. We’ll break down all milestones for both receptive and expressive language into 6 month age ranges. In each show (as well as on the handout), we’ll define each skill, discuss its importance for language development, and then talk about the best strategies for targeting the skill in therapy sessions and at home. This information will serve as a fantastic reminder for typical language acquisition, as well as a great resource for parent education.
In this course, we’re discussing the receptive language milestones acquired by 30 months.
For speech-language pathologists, other therapists and professionals who work in early intervention and pediatrics, and parents of toddlers and preschoolers with speech-language delays.
Recommended Toys & Resources Post
Link to purchase $5 CEU credit:
Link to Teach Me To Talk: The Therapy Manual
Link for START HERE page with THERAPY MANUALS purchase information
Link to sign up for my daily emails and for my free Parent's Guide to Language Development
Link for Ultimate Toy List for Toddlers with Language Delays and Autism
22/02/2023 • 1 heure, 10 minutes
#455 Expressive Language Milestones by 24 Months
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize of teachmetotalk to discuss expressive language development for late talking toddlers.
In this 14 part podcast series, learn all the language milestones from under 12 months to 48 months. We’ll break down all milestones for both receptive and expressive language into 6 month age ranges. In each show (as well as on the handout), we’ll define each skill, discuss its importance for language development, and then talk about the best strategies for targeting the skill in therapy sessions and at home. This information will serve as a fantastic reminder for typical language acquisition, as well as a great resource for parent education.
In this course, we’re discussing the expressive language milestones acquired by 24 months.
For speech-language pathologists, other therapists and professionals who work in early intervention and pediatrics, and parents of toddlers and preschoolers with speech-language delays.
Recommended Toys & Resources Post
Link to purchase $5 CEU credit:
Link to Teach Me To Talk: The Therapy Manual
Link for START HERE page with THERAPY MANUALS purchase information
Link to sign up for my daily emails and for my free Parent's Guide to Language Development
Link for Ultimate Toy List for Toddlers with Language Delays and Autism
16/02/2023 • 1 heure, 7 minutes
#454 Receptive Language Milestones by 24 Months
In this 14 part podcast series, learn all the language milestones from under 12 months to 48 months. We'll break down all milestones for both receptive and expressive language into 6 month age ranges. In each show (as well as on the handout), we'll define each skill, discuss its importance for language development, and then talk about the best strategies for targeting the skill in therapy sessions and at home. This information will serve as a fantastic reminder for typical language acquisition, as well as a great resource for parent education.
In this course, we're discussing the receptive language milestones acquired by 24 months
For speech-language pathologists, other therapists and professionals who work in early intervention and pediatrics, and parents of toddlers and preschoolers with speech-language delays.
18/11/2022 • 1 heure, 11 minutes
#449 Clinical Supervision and Education…. Following ASHA’s Guidelines for Best P
In this course, we discuss clinical supervision and education for speech-language pathologists using guidelines recommended in ASHA's Practice Portal.
2 hour introductory supervision course appropriate for SLPs to satisfy ASHA's 2 hour requirement for supervision
Most appropriate for therapists who work in birth to 3 or preschool programs
Link to purchase CE credit: #449
08/11/2022 • 2 heures, 9 minutes
#453 Expressive Language Milestones by 18 Months
In this 14 part podcast series, learn all the language milestones from under 12 months to 48 months. We’ll break down all milestones for both receptive and expressive language into 6 month age ranges. In each show (as well as on the handout), we’ll define each skill, discuss its importance for language development, and then talk about the best strategies for targeting the skill in therapy sessions and at home. This information will serve as a fantastic reminder for typical language acquisition, as well as a great resource for parent education.
In this course, we’re discussing the expressive language milestones acquired by 18 months. Interestingly, the milestone list is very similar to an initial set of goals we would establish for a child who is minimallly verbal!
For speech-language pathologists, other therapists and professionals who work in early intervention and pediatrics, and parents of toddlers and preschoolers with speech-language delays.
Link for $5 CEU credit:
29/10/2022 • 1 heure, 16 minutes
#452 Receptive Language Milestones by 18 Months
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M. S., CCC-SLP for this CE course reviewing early receptive language milestones children acquire by 12 months. This is part 3 of a 14 part series reviewing all language milestones under 12 months to 48 months. Show #452
28/10/2022 • 1 heure, 12 minutes
#451 Expressive Language Milestones by 12 Months
In this 14 part podcast series, learn all the language milestones from under 12 months to 48 months. We’ll break down all milestones for both receptive and expressive language into 6 month age ranges. In each show (as well as on the handout), we’ll define each skill, discuss its importance for language development, and then talk about the best strategies for targeting the skill in therapy sessions and at home. This information will serve as a fantastic reminder for typical language acquisition, as well as a great resource for parent education.
In this course, we’re discussing the expressive language milestones acquired by 12 months. Interestingly, the milestone list is very similar to an initial set of goals we would establish for a child who is not yet talking!
For speech-language pathologists, other therapists and professionals who work in early intervention and pediatrics, and parents of toddlers and preschoolers with speech-language delays.
Recommended Toys & Resources Post #450 and #451
Link for CE credit:
22/10/2022 • 1 heure, 22 minutes
#450 Receptive Language Milestones by 12 Months
In this 14 part podcast series, learn all the language milestones from under 12 months to 48 months. We’ll break down all milestones for both receptive and expressive language into 6 month age ranges. In each show (as well as on the handout), we’ll define each skill, discuss its importance for language development, and then talk about the best strategies for targeting the skill in therapy sessions and at home. This information will serve as a fantastic reminder for typical language acquisition, as well as a great resource for parent education. In this course, we’re discussing the receptive language milestones acquired by 12 months.
For speech-language pathologists, other therapists and professionals who work in early intervention and pediatrics, and parents of toddlers and preschoolers with speech-language delays.
Recommended Toys & Resources Post
Link for $5 CEU credit:
22/10/2022 • 1 heure, 18 minutes
#448 Speech Therapy Games for Toddlers with Language Delays
Many ideas for speech therapy activities found on SLPs blogs look great until... you realize that they are TOO HARD for toddlers with developmental differences. In this 1.5 hour course, learn four kinds of games to use for your youngest clients during speech therapy at home and in clinical and preschool settings. We'll review why we should include structured games during sessions with toddlers, which games work best for various target populations, which skills are targeted with each kind of game, and how to introduce the game for maximum success. For speech-language pathologists, other early interventionists, and parents of toddlers and preschoolers with speech-language delays Link to $5 CEU credit:
15/10/2022 • 1 heure, 33 minutes
#447 Ethics…Application for Therapists in Early Intervention and Pediatrics
In this ethics course, we discuss ethical decision making by looking at 3 different models for ethical decision making and then applying them in common scenarios we face as providers in early intervention programs and other pediatric settings.
1 hour Introductory Ethics Course appropriate for SLPs who work with pediatrics in various settings including state or county-based early intervention providers, outpatient pediatric therapy clinics, infant/toddler and preschool programs, and other academic settings.
28/07/2022 • 1 heure, 8 minutes
#446 Ethics for the SLP: Reviewing ASHA’s Code of Ethics
Do you have a process for resolving dilemmas within your organization, with colleagues, or with families you serve? Yes, you do! If you’re an SLP, it’s called the ASHA Code of Ethics. In this course, review the Code of Ethics to prepare yourself to make the best decisions for your clients, your profession, and yourself.
1 hour Introductory Ethics Course appropriate for SLPs who work in pediatrics in various settings including state or county-based early intervention providers, outpatient pediatric therapy clinics, infant/toddler and preschool programs, and other academic settings.
ASHA Code of Ethics
27/07/2022 • 1 heure, 3 minutes
#439 Coaching Parents for Better Participation and Outcomes
One of the most important components of any developmental therapy treatment plan is parent/caregiver education. Research from the field of adult learning reveals that adults learn best from a coaching model. In this 1.5 hour podcast, learn an easy parent coaching model based on evidence-based practice as well as beginning strategies and factors for success for parents of toddlers and preschoolers with autism.
For speech-language pathologists, other early interventionists, and parents of toddlers and preschoolers with speech-language delays
GET CE CREDIT HERE for only $5
This is part 3 of the podcast series Beginning Speech Therapy with Autistic Children
For the first shows in this series... Part 1, Section A #437 and Part 2, Section B #438
27/07/2022 • 1 heure, 41 minutes
#437 What is Autism? Discussing the Initial Diagnosis with Paren
One of the most challenging conversations therapists have with parents is discussing a diagnosis, or potential diagnosis, of autism.
In this 1.5 hour podcast, walk through Section A of the diagnostic criteria for autism using the official indicators from the DSM-5.
Every therapist who practices in early intervention should review the diagnostic criteria for autism periodically to sharpen your clinical objectiveness.
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP of with a comprehensive review of the first piece, Social Communication difficulties, using a tool matched to the DSM-5 with everyday language to help parents and other caregivers understand ASD.
For speech-language pathologists, other early interventionists, and parents of toddlers and preschoolers with speech-language delays
Get CE credit here for $10...1.5 hours
For the next show Part 2... Section B
06/05/2022 • 1 heure, 31 minutes
#438 What is Autism? Discussing the Initial Diagnosis with Parents... Part 2
One of the most challenging conversations therapists have with parents is discussing a diagnosis, or potential diagnosis, of autism.
In this 1 hour podcast, walk through Section B of the diagnostic criteria for autism using the official indicators from the DSM-5.
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP of with a comprehensive review of the second section, Restricted, Repetitive Behaviors, using a tool matched to the DSM-5 with everyday language to help parents and other caregivers understand ASD.
For speech-language pathologists, other early interventionists, and parents of toddlers and preschoolers with speech-language delays
Get CE credit here for $10... 1 hour
For the first show in this series... Part 1, Section A #437
06/05/2022 • 1 heure, 15 minutes
Best Pretend Play Themes for Building Language for Toddlers and Preschoolers
It’s true that we can teach language anywhere, anytime, BUT… some toys and activities are better than others for teaching a child to understand and use words! Learn the 5 considerations speech-language pathologists can use for choosing play themes, and then we’ll discuss the 5 best pretend themes parents and professionals can use for toddlers and preschoolers with language delays.
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP of for this 1-hour audio/video podcast episode, ASHA CEU COURSE #436 Best Pretend Play Themes for Building Language for Toddlers and Preschoolers
For speech-language pathologists, other early interventionists, and parents of toddlers and preschoolers with speech-language delays
Post with recommended toys and links
Post for CE credit
12/03/2022 • 1 heure, 7 minutes
426 Teach Me To Imitate Easy, Early Vocalizations
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP of for the fifth part of this audio/video podcast series ASHA CEU COURSE #0426 : Teach Me To Imitate Easy, Early Vocalizations: The Building Verbal Imitation in Late Talkers Podcast Series. Do you know the #1 skill all late talkers are missing? They don't know how to imitate words... which is always linked to late talking. In fact, imitating can be the one thing that separates late talkers from toddlers who are already talking. So... how do we teach nonverbal toddlers to imitate? Obviously, we can't start by trying to teach them to say words. They're not able to repeat words no matter how much we beg, bribe, and plead! What most parents of late talkers don't know is that there are "levels" of imitation that all kids learn before they begin to talk... whether a child talks late or on time. During infancy, babies learn these levels of imitation easily and naturally as they mature and grow. When late talking occurs, we know that a child has gotten "stuck" in a level of imitation and hasn't been able to progress to imitating words. When this happens, we must determine where they're "stuck," meet them there, and then help them learn to imitate more complex actions, gestures, sounds, and until they're developmentally ready to imitate real words. Once they're imitating easily and frequently, we've turned them into full-time imitators, which leads to a child who talks!
Link for $5 CEU credit...
09/02/2022 • 1 heure, 31 minutes
#434 Treating Apraxia in Toddlers: Tips for Parents
Parents of toddlers with apraxia need practical suggestions for what they can do to improve their child’s speech. In this podcast, you’ll learn how to summarize the latest evidence-based guidelines for treating apraxia in toddlers into five family-friendly tips parents can implement at home.
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP of for this 1.5 hour audio/video podcast episode, ASHA CEU COURSE #434 Treating Apraxia in Toddlers: Tips for Parents
For speech-language pathologists, other early interventionists, and parents of toddlers and preschoolers with suspected childhood apraxia of speech
Link for $5 CEU credit...
08/02/2022 • 1 heure, 33 minutes
435 Selecting Speech Therapy Activities for Toddlers
Selecting therapy activities for late talking toddlers can be a challenge! Use these guidelines to become more intentional about choosing materials and toys for your youngest clients or your own late talker.
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP of for this 1 hour audio/video podcast episode, ASHA CEU COURSE #435 Selecting Therapy Activities for Toddlers.
For speech-language pathologists, other early interventionists, and parents of toddlers and preschoolers with speech-language delays
Link to the post for one hour CE credit for therapists/teachers only $5:
Link to Teach Me To Talk: The Therapy Manual... full of ideas for speech therapy activities for late talking toddlers
08/02/2022 • 1 heure, 9 minutes
#433 Treating Apraxia in Toddlers and Preschoolers Part 2
Treating suspected childhood apraxia of speech can be extremely difficult in toddlers and preschoolers. In part 2 of this podcast, you’ll learn the latest evidence-based guidelines for designing initial treatment plans for very young children when apraxia is first suspected including the motor treatment principles with word lists matched for facilitative contexts for first words for minimally verbal toddlers and preschoolers.
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP of for this one-hour audio/video podcast episode, ASHA CEU COURSE #432 Treating Apraxia in Toddlers and Preschoolers.
Link for CE credit...
21/01/2022 • 1 heure, 37 minutes
#425 Teach Me To Imitate Face and Mouth Movements
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP of for the third part of this audio/video podcast series ASHA CEU COURSE #0425 : Teach Me To Imitate Nonverbal Face and Mouth Movements: The Building Verbal Imitation in Late Talkers Podcast Series.
In this 8 part podcast series Building Verbal Imitation in Late Talkers, learn an effective hierarchy for teaching imitation skills to late talking toddlers and preschoolers using evidence based, science-backed strategies that emphasize imitation as the KEY component. This method delivers a practical framework for knowing where to begin working with a late talking child, provides ideas for what to try when a young child’s progress stalls, and can serve as your new approach when your standard methods don’t seem to be adequate for a particular child’s language delays.
In part 4 of this course, learn to:
Review the levels of imitation with a parent or caregiver.Explain why we target nonverbal facial and mouth movements and gestures for late talkers.Discuss why this level may not be necessary for all late talkers.Demonstrate how to effectively model facial and mouth movements for parents and late talking toddlers.Troubleshoot when a child does not imitate facial and body movements.
Link for CE credit:
17/01/2022 • 1 heure, 7 minutes
424 Teach Me To Imitate Body Movements & Gestures
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP of for the third part of this audio/video podcast series ASHA CEU COURSE #0424 : Teach Me To Imitate Body Movements & Gestures: The Building Verbal Imitation in Late Talkers Podcast Series.
In this 8 part podcast series Building Verbal Imitation in Late Talkers, learn an effective hierarchy for teaching imitation skills to late talking toddlers and preschoolers using evidence based, science-backed strategies that emphasize imitation as the KEY component. This method delivers a practical framework for knowing where to begin working with a late talking child, provides ideas for what to try when a young child’s progress stalls, and can serve as your new approach when your standard methods don’t seem to be adequate for a particular child’s language delays.
In part 3 of this course, learn to:
Review the levels of imitation with a parent or caregiver.Explain why we target body movements and gestures for late talkers.Demonstrate how to effectively model body movements for parents and late talking toddlers.Demonstrate how to effectively model gestures for parents and late talkers.Troubleshoot when a child does not imitate body movements and gestures.
Link for CE credit:
17/01/2022 • 1 heure, 31 minutes
Recognizing Apraxia in Toddlers and Preschoolers
Recognizing characteristics of apraxia can be extremely difficult in toddlers and preschoolers. In this podcast, you’ll learn the latest research regarding the most important markers for apraxia in toddlers and preschoolers and receive resources to help you plan assessment for your youngest clients and their families. Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP of for this one-hour audio/video podcast episode, ASHA CEU COURSE #431 Recognizing Apraxia in Toddlers and Preschoolers.
For speech-language pathologists, other early interventionists, and parents of toddlers who are not yet talking
Therapists... -Purchase CE credit at this link.
15/01/2022 • 1 heure, 14 minutes
#432 Treating Apraxia in Toddlers and Preschoolers... Part 1
Treating suspected childhood apraxia of speech can be extremely difficult in toddlers and preschoolers. In this podcast, you’ll learn the latest evidence-based guidelines for designing initial treatment plans for very young children when apraxia is first suspected including the 4 overall treatment principles for toddlers and preschoolers, assisting parents in adaption to the diagnosis, identifying prelinguistic skills that may impact communication, discussing initial AAC options, steps to teaching a child with apraxia to imitate, and considerations for early vocabulary selection.
Link for $5 CEU credit...
15/01/2022 • 1 heure, 10 minutes
#423 Teach Late Talkers to Imitate Actions with Objects
Do you know the #1 skill all late talkers are missing? They don't know how to imitate words... which is always linked to late talking. In fact, imitating can be the one thing that separates late talkers from toddlers who are already talking. So... how do we teach nonverbal toddlers to imitate? Obviously, we can't start by trying to teach them to say words. They're not able to repeat words no matter how much we beg, bribe, and plead! What most parents of late talkers don't know is that there are "levels" of imitation that all kids learn before they begin to talk... whether a child talks late or on time. During infancy, babies learn these levels of imitation easily and naturally as they mature and grow. When late talking occurs, we know that a child has gotten "stuck" in a level of imitation and hasn't been able to progress to imitating words. When this happens, we must determine where they're "stuck," meet them there, and then help them learn to imitate more complex actions, gestures, sounds, and until they're developmentally ready to imitate real words. Once they're imitating easily and frequently, we've turned them into full-time imitators, which leads to a child who talks! In this 8 part podcast series Building Verbal Imitation in Late Talkers, learn an effective hierarchy for teaching imitation skills to late talking toddlers and preschoolers using evidence based, science-backed strategies that emphasize imitation as the KEY component. This method delivers a practical framework for knowing where to begin working with a late talking child, provides ideas for what to try when a young child’s progress stalls, and can serve as your new approach when your standard methods don’t seem to be adequate for a particular child’s language delays. Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize of for the second part of this audio/video podcast series
20/12/2021 • 1 heure, 31 minutes
#422 Imitation Matters! Building Verbal Imitation in Late Talkers
Do you know the #1 skill all late talkers are missing? They don't know how to imitate words... which is always linked to late talking. In fact, imitating can be the one thing that separates late talkers from toddlers who are already talking. So... how do we teach nonverbal toddlers to imitate? Obviously, we can't start by trying to teach them to say words. They're not able to repeat words no matter how much we beg, bribe, and plead! What most parents of late talkers don't know is that there are "levels" of imitation that all kids learn before they begin to talk... whether a child talks late or on time. During infancy, babies learn these levels of imitation easily and naturally as they mature and grow. When late talking occurs, we know that a child has gotten "stuck" in a level of imitation and hasn't been able to progress to imitating words. When this happens, we must determine where they're "stuck," meet them there, and then help them learn to imitate more complex actions, gestures, sounds, and until they're developmentally ready to imitate real words. Once they're imitating easily and frequently, we've turned them into full-time imitators, which leads to a child who talks! In this 8 part podcast series Building Verbal Imitation in Late Talkers, learn an effective hierarchy for teaching imitation skills to late talking toddlers and preschoolers using evidence based, science-backed strategies that emphasize imitation as the KEY component. This method delivers a practical framework for knowing where to begin working with a late talking child, provides ideas for what to try when a young child’s progress stalls, and can serve as your new approach when your standard methods don’t seem to be adequate for a particular child’s language delays. Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP of for this podcast.
11/12/2021 • 1 heure, 25 minutes
Teach a Child to Talk with 5 Strategies from Speech Therapist
Learn the top 5 evidence-based strategies to teach parents of late talkers. Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP of for this one-hour audio/video podcast episode, ASHA CEU Course #0421, as we discuss effective techniques to jumpstart language for toddlers and preschoolers with language delays. For speech-language pathologists, other early interventionists, and parents of late talking toddlers
22/11/2021 • 1 heure, 4 minutes
#420 Childhood Trauma and Early Language Development
Many toddlers with language delays have experienced trauma, measured as Adverse Childhood Experiences or ACES, even before they are referred for early intervention services. Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP of for this one-hour audio/video podcast episode, ASHA CEU Course #0420, to learn the latest research about the effects of childhood trauma on early language development.
For speech-language pathologists, other early interventionists, and parents of late talking toddlers
Link to CE credit:
15/11/2021 • 1 heure, 8 minutes
Late Talking: Everything You Want To Know
Learn the latest research about late language emergence so that you can help parents make the most informed decisions for their late talking toddlers. Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP of for this one-hour audio/video podcast episode for CE credit, ASHA CEU Course #419 Late Talking: A Clinician's Guide with Research to Improve Parent Counseling as she explains what science says about which children are most at risk for late talking, which ones are most likely to catch up, as well as the best protective factors against continued language delay. Important info for speech-language pathologists, other early interventionists, and parents of late talking toddlers.
28/10/2021 • 1 heure, 8 minutes
417 Making Books Better for Late Talking Toddlers Part 3
It may be difficult for parents to figure out how to use books beyond teaching a child to label objects. In this course, learn how to use books to target higher-level language skills including identifying verbs and prepositions, following 2 step commands, identifying objects by function, and answering yes/no questions in late-talking toddlers with activities for several books demonstrated during the course. Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP of for this one-hour audio/video podcast episode, ASHA CEU Course #417 Making Books Better for Toddlers with Language Delays Part Three, as she explains how to make books better for toddlers with language delays in the final part of this three part series.
List of the books used for demo from the course.
ASHA CEU COURSE 418 Teaching Toddlers Developmentally Appropriate Consonant Sounds
A Crash Course in Toddler Articulation!
Learn the most effective speech therapy strategies for targeting first consonant sounds /p,b, m, w, t, d, n, k, g, h/ with key words based on facilitative contexts, placement techniques designed for very young children (rather than strategies for school-age kids that don't work!), and FUN time-tested toys, play routines, and everyday activities for toddlers and preschoolers at home or in clinical settings. Parent coaching strategies are emphasized throughout the FREE 1 hour, 53 minute course.
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP of for this one-hour audio/video podcast episode, ASHA CEU Course #418 Teaching Toddlers Developmentally Appropriate Consonant Sounds as she explains how to effectively treat articulation disorders in your youngest clients.
21/10/2021 • 1 heure, 54 minutes
#416 Making Books Better for Toddlers with Language Delays Part
If a child loves books, it’s not hard for parents to figure out how to use books to teach them to understand and use words. But for toddlers with language delays and other young children who learn differently, it may not be so easy! Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP of for this one-hour audio/video podcast episode, ASHA CEU Course #416 Making Books Better for Toddlers with Language Delays Part Two, as she explains how to make books better for toddlers with language delays in part two of this three part series. In this show, we'll discuss strategies for children in the 18 to 36 month age range beginning with a discussion of the literacy milestones for this developmental range along with brief review of overall expressive and receptive language milestones for 18 to 36 months and six goals for children using books with training strategies and troubleshooting tips for professionals and parents.
16/08/2021 • 1 heure, 3 minutes
#415 Making Books Better for Toddlers with Language Delays..Part 1
If a child loves books, it’s not hard for parents to figure out how to use books to teach them to understand and use words. But for toddlers with language delays and other young children who learn differently, it may not be so easy! Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP of for this one-hour audio/video podcast episode as she explains how to make books better for toddlers with language delays in part one of this two part series. In this show, we'll discuss strategies for children in the 6 to 18 month developmental range beginning with a review of common problems noted when reading to toddlers with language delays, a discussion of the literacy milestones along with brief review of related expressive and receptive language milestones for 6 to 12 months and 12 to 18 months, and four overall goals for children in this developmental period with training strategies and troubleshooting tips for professionals and parents.
13/08/2021 • 1 heure, 12 minutes
#414 Introduce Structured Teaching... The Autism Podcast Series
Are you working with a child who does not play with toys, participate in therapy activities, and who has a very short attention span? Today I want to introduce you to a treatment method I've found to successfully improve attention, participation, and task completion for many kids who are on the autism spectrum or with characteristics of ASD. Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP of for this one-hour audio/video podcast episode in The Autism Podcast Series as she explains how structured teaching can help young children with autism "learn how to learn."
23/06/2021 • 1 heure, 23 minutes
Addressing Jargon and Echolalia in Toddlers and Preschoolers with ASD
Are you working with a child who uses jargon and echolalia? Although both are listed as types of repetitive speech in the official diagnostic criteria for autism, they're also both part of typical language development. Learn how to differentiate typical vs. atypical jargon and imitation (which is what echolalia is- excessive imitation) and more importantly, the 11 best strategies for addressing jargon and echolalia in toddlers and preschoolers with ASD or suspected ASD. Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP of for this one-hour audio/video podcast episode in The Autism Podcast Series. See details at show #413. Therapists... get one hour CE credit for only $5.
04/06/2021 • 1 heure, 10 minutes
#412 Facilitating Peer Interaction...The Autism Podcast Series
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP of for this one hour audio/video podcast. One of the core diagnostic features of autism is persistent deficits in social interaction and social communication across multiple settings and contexts. Many young children with characteristics of ASD seem to ignore or avoid interaction with people who are not in their immediate families, including children their own age. Many times parents think this problem is due to lack of exposure. While that may be true in some cases with kids with other language delays/disorders, when a child has characteristics of autism, that’s very likely NOT the problem. Learn how to help young children with autism begin to build relationships with kids their own age. using these 5 stages and specific activities and strategies. Find out what to do (and more!) in this podcast episode in The Autism Podcast Series. Therapists - get 1hour CE credit for only $5. Want the handout? Get it with purchase of the course at this link: Purchase The Autism Workbook here: Other podcasts you may find helpful: Help a Child Purposefully Vocalize Teach a Toddler to Vocalize and Make Noise The Autism Podcast Series Playlist
26/05/2021 • 1 heure, 11 minutes
#411 Help a Nonverbal Child with Autism Find His Voice..Autism Podcast Series
Are you concerned about a child with red flags for autism or a confirmed autism diagnosis who is not talking? A small percentage of those kids do not intentionally vocalize. No one talks until they learn to control their own voices. Becoming verbal as soon as possible is a positive predictor that a child will begin to learn to talk. Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP of as she explains 7 highly practical treatment strategies for helping a nonverbal child with autism find his voice. Find out the answers to these common questions (and more!) in this podcast episode in The Autism Podcast Series. Therapists - get 1hour CE credit for only $5. Get the pdf handout with purchase of the course at this link: Purchase The Autism Workbook here: Other podcasts you may find helpful: Help a Child Purposefully Vocalize Teach a Toddler to Vocalize and Make Noise The Autism Podcast Series Playlist
24/04/2021 • 1 heure, 6 minutes
410 Getting Started with AAC... The Autism Podcast Series
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP of for this one hour audio/video podcast as we discuss introducing AAC to toddlers and preschoolers with red flags for autism including factors for choosing the right system and strategies for successful implementation. Therapists... get one hour of CE credit for listening to this course for only $5 at course 410.
09/04/2021 • 1 heure, 12 minutes
409 Treating Expressive Language in Toddlers and Preschoolers with ASD
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP of for this one hour audio/video, ASHA CEU Course #409 Treating Expressive Language in Toddlers and Preschoolers with ASD...The Autism Podcast Series, as we discuss treating expressive language differences in very young children with autism or red flags for autism. Kids with autism learn language differently. In this course, we'll explore initial treatment ideas for expressive language in this youngest age range including 6 strategies for introductory parent education and beginning goal selection for addressing semantics, syntax, and pragmatic issues. Therapists - Get CE credit at this link: Need help with designing speech therapy plans, goals, and activities for very young children with red flags for autism? I can help you with that in my newest speech therapy manual written for both parents and professionals. It's called The Autism Workbook and it's sold exclusively at my website at at this link:
13/03/2021 • 1 heure, 13 minutes
408 Expressive Language Development in Toddlers and Preschoolers with ASD
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP of for this one hour audio/video podcast as we discuss expressive language development in very young children with autism or red flags for autism. Kids with autism learn language differently. In this podcast, we’ll look at those differences and talk about ways to facilitate true language development. Although research varies widely on the percentage of children with autism who will become verbal, the general consensus is that the earlier you begin intervention, the more likely a child is to learn to communicate. See the link for CE credit at show # 408.
05/03/2021 • 1 heure, 5 minutes
#407 Imitation Skills in Toddlers and Preschoolers with ASD
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP of for this one hour audio/video podcast as we discuss the first piece of expressive language development... learning to imitate. Imitation is how little kids learn almost everything. They watch you and then do what you do or listen and then say what you say. Many very young children with autism (or red flags for autism) have lots of difficulty learning how to imitate and subsequently, how to talk. Imitation is the most important skill you will teach every child with autism who is not yet talking because a child's ability to imitate is directly related to his rate of progress for adding new words to his expressive vocabulary. Find out why imitation can be so hard for kids with autism and what to do to help toddlers and preschoolers with ASD begin to imitate in this episode of The Autism Podcast Series. Get CE credit at this link :
26/02/2021 • 1 heure, 7 minutes
#406 Receptive Language in Children with Autism
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP of for this podcast for CE credit for therapists as we examine receptive language development for very young children with autism or red flags for autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Do kids with autism learn language differently than kids with other kinds of language delays? When do we prioritize receptive language goals (vs. expressive) for children with ASD? What are activities we can recommend for parents to do at home to work on improving their own child's ability to understand language? Find out the answers to these common questions (and more!) in this podcast episode for The Autism Podcast Series. Therapists - get 1 hour CE credit for only $5 at this link:
11/02/2021 • 1 heure, 13 minutes
#405 Play Skills in Toddlers with Autism... The Autism Podcast Series
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP of for this podcast for CE credit for therapists as we differences in play skills for very young children with autism or red flags for autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Do you recognize these behaviors in the young children you treat? 1. A child’s play skills are extremely delayed, meaning he plays much like a younger baby would play—mouthing, looking at, dropping, throwing, and holding toys—but not using familiar toys as they are intended. 2. A child’s interest in toys is restricted. He doesn’t seem to like toys. 3. A child doesn’t pay attention to toys for very long. 4. A child clearly prefers objects to people, but she doesn’t seem to know how to play with toys. 5. A child plays with toys in unexpected or repetitive ways. For example, he spins wheels on a train or lines them up, but he does not play with the train in other ways. 6. A toddler is not showing any signs of pretending while playing. 7. There’s been little progress during therapy due to poor attention or interest with toys. If you answered yes to these questions, a child you're working with has difficulty with learning to play with toys. Kids who don't play miss hundreds of opportunities each day to learn language and interact with peers. Research also tells us that toddlers with ASD who have better play skills are much more likely to have better language skills as preschoolers and throughout childhood. When we prioritize play, we begin to see changes in other areas of communication too! See show #405 at for details!
05/02/2021 • 1 heure, 23 minutes
#404 Joint Attention and Turn Taking in Toddlers and Preschoolers with ASD
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP of for this podcast for CE credit for therapists as we discuss joint attention and turn taking in very young children with autism or red flags for autism spectrum disorder (ASD).
29/01/2021 • 1 heure, 2 minutes
Teach Social Games First #403... The Autism Podcast Series
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP of for this podcast, ASHA CEU Course #0403 Teach Social Games First for CE credit for therapists. In this course, you’ll learn what to work on first with a young child with autism.... participating in fun social games with you! When we do this, we treat one of the core issues we see in kids with autism... difficulty consistently interacting with other people. We'll use a child's sensory information (don't worry if you're not sure what I mean - I explain it in the show) to select which kinds of social games will be most successful first. Get the pdf handout with purchase of CE credit for only $5 at at this link: This information is from my treatment manual for helping parents and professionals develop a therapy plan for a toddler or preschooler with red flags for autism The Autism Workbook. Treating autism is hard! Don't try to do this alone! Let me help you! Here's the link.
02/11/2020 • 1 heure, 3 minutes
#402 Meet a Child Where He/She Is... The Autism Podcast Series
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP of for this podcast, ASHA CEU Course #402 Meet a Child Where He or She Is, for CE credit for therapists. In this course, you’ll learn the most important approach for beginning treatment for a very young child with autism – meet a child where he or she is! That's the reason we struggle to work with young children with autism...we don't meet them where they are! That's the reason kids run away, cry, act out, and become miserable... we don't meet them where they are. That's the reason some kids HATE therapy (Ouch!! I learned this one the hard way too...) That's the reason we have to do things differently. Treating autism is hard! Don't try to do this alone! Let me help you! See details at this link:
24/10/2020 • 1 heure, 3 minutes
#401 Explaining Autism to Parents
In this video podcast, join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, CCC-SLP of as she teaches therapists how to explain autism to parents using the official DSM-5 criteria. Therapists earn 1 hour CE credit for only $5 at this link. The handout referenced is only available with purchase of CE credit. The Autism Workbook can be found exclusively at at this link.
10/10/2020 • 1 heure, 6 minutes
#400 7 Best Strategies for Teaching Toddlers Phrases
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP as she teaches you why late talking toddlers and toddlers with more serious language delays/disorders may have difficulty learning to use phrases and then her best 7 strategies for teaching toddlers to move from single words to phrases. Therapists... early 1 hour CE credit for this show for only $5. See for details - show #400.
17/07/2020 • 1 heure, 3 minutes
Teaching Expressive Language with Familiar Toys to Toddlers with Language Delays
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP of for this podcast for CE credit for therapists. In this course, learn how to target increasingly complex imitations and spontaneous utterances in young children with expressive language delays/disorders during everyday routines at home like eating, getting dressed, and taking a bath. You'll receive guidance for choosing activities that I've found to be the most consistently successful and easiest to implement with a wide variety nonverbal to minimally verbal toddlers and preschoolers and their parents. Therapists - get 1 hour of CE credit for $5 for this podcast. #speechtherapyathome #speechtherapyfortoddlers #autism #speechtherapyideas #ASHACEU #lauramize #teachmetotalk #earlyintervention
29/05/2020 • 1 heure, 2 minutes
#398 Teaching Expressive Language with Familiar Toys
Do you have a child who is not talking? Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP of for this podcast for CE credit for therapists. In this course, learn how to use common toys to target increasingly complex imitations and spontaneous utterances in young children with expressive language delays/disorders. You'll receive guidance for choosing activities that I've found to be the most consistently successful and easiest to implement with a wide variety nonverbal to minimally verbal toddlers and preschoolers and their parents. Therapists - get 1 hour of CE credit for $5 for this podcast. See details at - show #398.
26/05/2020 • 1 heure, 8 minutes
#397 Getting Started with Visual Supports with Toddlers and Their Families
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP of as she shares strategies for introducing visual supports to toddlers and their families. Learn how to know which kids will benefit from visual supports, how to choose visual supports, as well as when and how to use visual supports. We'll also discuss guidelines for writing simple social stories for very young children with language delays. Therapists - get 1 hour of CE credit for $5 for this podcast. See Show #397 at
17/04/2020 • 1 heure, 3 minutes
#396 Prelinguistic Skill #11 Initiates Interaction with Others
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP of as she finishes up the series 11 prelinguistic skills all toddlers master before words emerge. In this final podcast of the series, we'll discuss the importance of initiation and how to help late talking toddlers learn to take the lead during communicative interactions. Therapists - earn 1 hour of CE credit for $5 for listening to this podcast! See details at, show #396.
12/03/2020 • 1 heure, 3 minutes
#395 Prelinguistic Skill #10 Uses Gestures
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP of as she continues her series of the 11 prelinguistic skills all toddlers master before words emerge. In this show, we'll discuss skill #10, uses gestures. Learn why gestures are an important predictor of language development, 2 pieces of critical EBP concerning gestures for SLPs, and how to teach gestures to toddlers and preschoolers with language delays. Therapists - get 1 hour of CE credit for $5 for this podcast. See details at Show # 0395.
04/03/2020 • 1 heure, 4 minutes
#394 Prelinguistic Skill #9 Imitates Others
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP from @teachmetotalk and as she continues the series on prelinguistic skills all toddlers master before words emerge. In this audio and visual podcast, we'll be discussing skill #9 Imitates Actions, Gestures, Sounds, and Words. This skill is important because imitation is how all children learn to talk. As parents of late talkers, we may begin to teach a child to talk by trying to get them to say words, but kids have to learn how to imitate easier, earlier things - like actions, gestures, and play sounds - before they begin to imitate words. Watch the show for the sequence of teaching imitation and strategies to make it easier for you to teach a child who is having difficulty learning to imitate on his own. Therapists, earn one hour of CE credit for watching this show at Podcast #394 ASHA Course #0394 Credit available March 15, 2020
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP as she continues her podcast series discussing prelinguistic skills all toddlers master before words emerge. This show reviews the 8th prelinguistic skill... vocalizes purposefully. This milestone means that a child understands that he alone can control his own little voice. When I talk about this with parents, I describe this process as becoming “noisy.” All children, whether they talk on time or late, must progress through a phase of vocal play and experimentation so that they gain practice using their voices. Children may be quiet for a variety of purposes. Regardless of the specific etiology, parents should understand that all talking begins with the ability to volitionally produce sound. SLPs should provide parents an explanation of basic speech sound production, including simplified versions of the neurological processes that occur when we vocalize and generate language. Listen to the show for strategies to facilitate more consistent vocalizations in nonverbal toddlers. Therapists... get 1 hour of CE credit for this show for only $5. Details at
17/01/2020 • 1 heure, 7 minutes
#392 Prelinguistic Skill #7 Understands Familiar Words and Follows Directions
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP of as she discusses prelinguistic (before language develops) skills all toddlers master before they begin to talk on this one hour audio-video podcast. This show is about skill #7 understands familiar words and follows directions. Speech-language pathologists refer to this skill as receptive language or how a child understands what he hears. Kids learn how to understand words before they learn to use words to communicate. When a toddler has difficulty following directions, we know that he will have difficulty learning to talk. Many times parents overestimate what a child truly understands. The ONLY way we know that a child is comprehending is by paying attention to how he responds when we talk to him. If a toddler does not complete verbal requests by 18 months, chances are, he has a receptive language delay. Watch this show for ways therapists and parents can help toddlers improve their receptive language skills. Therapists - get CE credit for this 1 hour course. See details at Find all info on the ASHA CEU page.
30/11/2019 • 1 heure, 5 minutes
#391 Prelinguistic Skill #6 Plays with Toys Appropriately
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP of as she discusses prelinguistic (before language develops) skills all toddlers master before they begin to talk on this one hour audio-video podcast. This show is about skill #6 Learning to Play with a Variety of Toys Appropriately. This milestone means that a child explores new toys, likes to play, uses his or her little body to manipulate toys, and is learning through play with lots of different toys. At this developmental level, we’re looking for the most basic kind of functional play with any common toy or very familiar object. This means that a child uses an item in the way it’s intended. We’re not discouraging creativity or free play, but we do want to see that a toddler understands how to use well-known items. Play is important for language development because play is a terrific and developmentally-appropriate way little kids learn (most) everything! Children who don’t play with toys miss vital opportunities to acquire and practice and variety of skill, including language. Research tells us that many times, language is closely linked with a child’s play skills. Therapists - get CE credit for this 1 hour course.
23/11/2019 • 1 heure, 5 minutes
#390 Prelinguistic Skill #5 Joint Attention
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP of as she discusses the 5th prelinguistic skill all toddlers master before words emerge - joint attention. Therapists - get 1 hour CE credit for this course as
08/11/2019 • 1 heure, 5 minutes
#389 Prelinguistic Skill #4 Develops a Longer Attention Span
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize of as she provides recommendations for extending a toddler's attention span. See for more details including CE credit for therapists!
01/11/2019 • 1 heure, 4 minutes
388 Prelinguistic Skill #3... Begins to Take Turns
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP of as she continues the podcast series Prelinguistic Skills for Toddlers. These are the skills all toddlers master before they begin to use words to communicate. In this show, we're discussing skill #3 takes turns with others. Get 1 hour CE credit for listening to this show for only $5 at
12/10/2019 • 1 heure, 4 minutes
#387...11 Prelinguistic Skills... #2 Responds to People
Communicating always involves at least 2 people. When a child doesn't routinely respond and interact when you try to talk to him, play with him, or teach him something, it's highly unlikely he's learning anything! In my experience, parents first begin to suspect there's a problem with a child's development when he or she seems to ignore other people or avoid contact. Sometimes parents mis-characterize a child as being stubborn or lazy when the real problem is, he doesn't know how to respond. The good news is... YOU CAN MAKE IT BETTER! Using the simple, straightforward tips in this podcast, you'll help a child learn to notice you and eventually, begin to interact with you.
05/10/2019 • 1 heure, 3 minutes
386...11 Prelinguistic Skills... #1 Reacts to Toys and Objects
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP as she explains the 11 prelinlinguitic skjills all toddlers master before words emerge. In this show, we're discussing Skill #1 RESPONDS AND INTERACTS WITH THINGS IN THE ENVIRONMENT. Remember that this skill refers to a child's ability to react to sensory information - or things he can see, hear, touch, hold, and manipulate. The kinds of skills we want to facilitate at this phase are alerting, looking, calming, attending, reaching, grasping, holding, mouthing, waving objects, banging, and then... REPEAT! Here's where we should begin to work with toddlers with severe developmental disabilities and not on teaching them to talk. Why? Because a child who can't do these kinds of things consistently, chiefly alert, react, and interact with things in his or her environment, is not developmentally ready to learn to understand and use words. In this show, I discussed specific activities, ideas, and toys to help improve this area. Remember that this information is best suited for speech therapy for toddlers with severe delays and any young child with a significant developmental disability. As a general guide, this would include children who functioning in the birth to 6 month developmental range. Learning that occurs in this phase happens through exploration with repeated exposure during sensory-enriched experiences. That's a mouthful to say and hard for many parents to understand, so here's how I break it down for the families I see. Our main goal for children who need help to master this first skill is to provide activities to help a child learn to use his senses to explore things in his or her little world. Ideas I recommend for this skill are listed in the post for show #386 at
Therapists... get 1 hour CE credit for this course for only $5! See details here at
28/09/2019 • 1 heure, 5 minutes
#385 11 Skills Toddlers Master Before Words Emerge
Before any toddler begins to talk, he’s mastering a set of 11 distinct skills that develop before we begin to hear words. Let me explain how important these skills are… When any one of these skills is disrupted, there’s possibly a language delay. When several are missing, a stall in language development is inevitable. When a child struggles to attain many of these skills, a long-term communication disorder is likely. In this one hour audio-video podcast, we’ll review the 11 skills so that you can understand the key role each skill plays in language development. By the end of the show, you’ll have a pretty good idea for what you should work on to help any toddler begin to communicate. Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP of for this one hour audio and video podcast. Therapists - get 1 hour of CE credit for only $5. See details at This information is from my therapy manual Let's Talk About Talking. Read info here:
14/09/2019 • 1 heure, 3 minutes
#384 Tips for Teaching Toddlers to Point
Join pediatric speech- language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP of as she shares tips for teaching toddlers with language delays how to begin to point. Listen to the podcast or watch on youtube! Therapists - get one hour ce credit for only $5 for this course! See details here.
07/09/2019 • 1 heure, 5 minutes
#383 Sign Language for Babies and Toddlers
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP of as she discusses the benefits of signing with late talking toddlers, the prerequisite skills to make signing successful, and the first 20+ signs to teach. Therapists - get 1 hour CE credit for this show for only $5! See details - show #383 at
30/08/2019 • 1 heure, 9 minutes
#382 7 Steps to Teaching Toddlers Pretend Play
Becoming symbolic is linked to language development in toddlers and preschoolers. The best way children demonstrate this emerging ability is through pretend play. Many late talking toddlers, particularly those with red flags for autism, have difficulty learning to play. In this one hour audio/video podcast, join Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP of as she explains the 7 steps for teaching pretend play skills to toddlers. See demonstrations with specific toys to walk you through the process. Therapists - get CE credit for listening to or watching this course. Details at podcast #382.
25/08/2019 • 1 heure, 5 minutes
#381 Jumpstart Expressive Language in Late Talking Toddlers
Join Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP of as she discusses effective strategies for helping late talking toddlers begin to talk. When there are no other developmental red flags ( meaning a child is socially connected to other people, has an adequate attention span when you try to interact with or play with him, plays with a variety of toys, and understands language well enough to consistently follow directions), here's the method I use... TEACH IMITATION! But don't start with words! Begin with actions...Introduce gestures... Analyze nonverbal actions a child might imitate... Get noisy with play sounds...Try automatic speech...Teach FUNCTIONAL single words...Move on to phrases... AND discover how to introduce the following traditional speech therapy techniques (modeling, offering choices, withholding, and sabotage) in the correct sequence to maximize success with late talking toddlers. Listen to the show for this hierarchy... it works!! Therapists - get CE credit for this course at - podcast #381 - coming soon! Resources mentioned in this show are Building Verbal Imitation in Toddlers (a therapy manual for SLPs and other therapists who work in early intervention) Steps to Building Verbal Imitation in Toddlers (6 hour course on DVD with ASHA CEUs available) and Early Speech-Language Development: Taking Theory to the Floor (12 hours on DVD with ASHA CEUs available). See for details.
21/08/2019 • 1 heure, 6 minutes
#380 Teaching Final Consonants and Brief Review of Diagnoses
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP as she discusses how to improve speech intelligibility in toddlers by teaching them to include final consonant sounds in words. We'll also briefly review speech diagnoses that result in unintelligible speech. Therapists - get CE credit for this course for only $5! See details at - show #380.
12/08/2019 • 1 heure, 14 minutes
#379 Variety of Syllable Shapes and Switching Vowels from Syllable to Syllable
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP as she discusses how to improve speech intelligibility in toddlers by teaching them to produce a variety of syllable shapes and switch vowels from syllable to syllable. Therapists - get CE credit for this course for only $5! See details at - show #379.
02/08/2019 • 1 heure, 2 minutes
#378 Teaching Vowels and Initial Consonants to Improve Speech Intelligibility
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP of as she shares 6 priority patterns for targeting speech intelligibility issues in toddlers. These are patterns 2 and 3. Listen to show 377 for pattern 1. This is part 6 in our summer intelligibility series for toddlers. Listen to shows 373 - 378 for the entire series thus far. Therapists - get CE credit for only $5 for this course! See for details.
26/07/2019 • 1 heure, 7 minutes
#377 Overview 6 Priority Patterns & Syllableness
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S, of as we discuss how to help toddlers improve speech intelligibility. In this show, learn the 6 priority patterns for targeting speech intelligibility in toddlers & discussion of the first pattern.
24/07/2019 • 1 heure, 12 minutes
#376 How to Effectively Teach Parents to Cue New Speech Sounds with Toddlers
In this audio/video podcast and ASHA CEU course, join speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP of as she teaches you how to help a toddler learn to produce new speech sounds using the easy-to-remember tagline “Tell him – Show him – Help him.” This parent-friendly method explains how to use verbal, visual, and tactile cues to improve articulation and speech intelligibility in very young children. You'll also learn practical ways to teach new classes of sounds to toddlers - particularly important for parents of late talkers who want specific "how to" instructions. More detailed information is included in Laura's therapy manual FUNctional Phonology: A Language-Based Approach for Improving Speech Intelligibility in Toddlers and can be found exclusively at This is part 4 in this series on speech intelligibility in toddlers. Watch show #373, #374, and #375 for background information. Therapists - get CE credit for this course for only $5! Search for show #376 on the ASHA CEU page at
13/07/2019 • 1 heure, 10 minutes
#375 Principles for Designing Therapy Sessions for Toddlers
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP of as she shares 7 principles for designing therapy sessions for toddlers - especially those working on articulation and speech intelligibility issues.
09/07/2019 • 1 heure, 6 minutes
#374 Artic in Toddlers... To Treat or Not to Treat?
How do you know when a toddler, especially a late talking toddler, is ready to work on articulation skills in speech therapy? Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP of as she discusses 7 guidelines for determining developmental readiness for articulation therapy for toddlers. Therapists - get CE credit for this one hour course for only $5! See details at this link:
15/06/2019 • 1 heure, 4 minutes
#373 5 Factors Indicating Significant Speech Intelligibility Issues in Toddlers
All little kids can be hard to understand when they are learning to talk. How do you know when a toddler falls outside what's "normal" and may need professional assistance? Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP of as she discusses what research tells us is a significant speech intelligibility problem that requires intervention in toddlers and young preschoolers.
10/06/2019 • 1 heure, 1 minute
#372 5 Best Ways to Teach Nonverbal Toddlers to Imitate
How can you teach a child to talk when he won't imitate what you say? The short answer is, you can't! You have to start somewhere else! We do that by meeting a toddler where he is- that always means making our expectations or goals easier so that a toddler can be more successful. In this one hour audio and video podcast, join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP of as she shares the 5 best ways for teaching nonverbal toddlers to imitate.Read details including how to get CE credit for therapists at at this link.
31/05/2019 • 1 heure, 3 minutes
#371 Red Flags for Communication Delays in Toddlers...What to Do
Not sure where to start working with your toddler who is not talking? In part 2 of this audio and video podcast series, join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP of as we discuss how to begin to address 12 red flags in infants and toddlers that indicate problems with the development of communication skills. ASHA CEUs are pending for this course for speech-language pathologists and CE credit for other therapists. Get the handout and check out details at
28/05/2019 • 1 heure, 4 minutes
#370 Red Flags for Communication Delay in Infants and Toddlers
Not sure if your child has a language delay? In this podcast, join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP of as we discuss 12 red flags in infants and toddlers that indicate problems with the development of communication skills. ASHA CEUs are pending for this course. Check out details at
18/05/2019 • 1 heure, 1 minute
#320 Dealing with Avoidance and Escape During Therapy Sessions
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP of as she discusses late talkers! In this podcast, we'll discusses a common problem therapists face... little friends who try to run away when you're supposed to be teaching them something!! I'll be talking with a therapist who is currently facing this situation with one of her clients. Listen in as we walk through the problem solving process!
07/09/2017 • 1 heure, 7 minutes
#319 Games for the Car for Late Talking Toddlers
Join speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S, CCC-SLP of as she shares great ideas for working with late talking toddlers while you're riding in the car. Read the post here or cut and paste into your browser:
01/09/2017 • 58 minutes
#318 Speech Intelligibility Part 3
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP of as she explains 4 speech and articulation disorders in children - speech delay, dysarthria, apraxia, and phonological disorder. We'll discuss tips for correctly identifying each one and recommendations for initial treatment plans for toddlers for each diagnoses.
19/08/2017 • 59 minutes
#317 Speech Intelligibility in Toddlers Part 2
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP of as she discusses the treatment hierarchy she uses for treating toddlers with unintelligible speech. Read the full summary here:
03/08/2017 • 1 heure
#316 Treating Speech Intelligibility in Toddlers
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.,S., CCC-SLP of as we discuss issues related to speech intelligibility in toddlers. Even toddlers who are typically developing can be difficult to understand! Almost every child uses sound substitutions or their own pronunciations. Learn what's normal and what's not. We'll also discuss treatment methods that work best for toddlers. Approaches for targeting speech intelligibility in older children are often developmentally inappropriate for children who are under 3, and even those who are 3 or 4, when there are other developmental delays. Listen to the show for ways to determine when a child is ready to target articulation and more importantly, for a list of first intelligibility targets in toddlers.
Want to hear more?
This information is from a section of my course Early Speech-Language Development: Taking Theory to the Floor. CE credit is available for this 12 hour course on DVD. Right now it's on sale for 20% off when you use the coupon code 20off. This offer is valid July 2017. If you're listening after this date and need a current coupon code, email me at [email protected] and I can help!
19/07/2017 • 52 minutes
#315 Parent Coaching... You Can Do It!
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP of to discuss parent coaching in early intervention and pediatric speech therapy. In today's show, I'm reviewing my parent coaching model. Many therapists get caught up in the trap of wanting to coach parents, but feeling uncomfortable and unnatural if it doesn't go as well as we'd like. Listen to my tips for making this process flow more smoothly for you - and for the families you're seeing!! The best part about this model is that it's EASY to remember & implement. Here are the highlights:
Introduce, Do, Review
“Introduce” the strategy – Discuss the technique and the rationale before the activity“Do” – Implement the strategy within an activity“Review” – Talk about how it went and plan your tweaks
29/06/2017 • 1 heure, 3 minutes
#314 How Play Differs Among Toddlers with Typical Developing Skills, Language De
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP as she discusses the variances in play we see among young children with developmental delays. We'll also spend the last half of the show talking about my 10 favorite ways to play with cars!
15/06/2017 • 1 heure, 1 minute
#313 Bilingualism and Language Delay in Toddlers
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP for a special show about toddlers with language delay who are bilingual. My guest is Becky Green, a trilingual speech-language therapist working in California. She has worked in both early intervention and in preschools with families from different language backgrounds since starting her profession as an SLP. Prior to that, she worked as an elementary educator (fifth grade teacher) and as well as an English teacher in Portugal. She is very passionate about multilingualism. Read the full summary of the show here.
26/05/2017 • 1 heure, 6 minutes
#312 Supporting the Needs of Moms for Mother's Day
In honor of Mother's Day, join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP as she discusses ways to support parents of children with special needs. Read the post here.
13/05/2017 • 1 heure, 9 minutes
#311 - 7 Characteristics that Differentiate Autism from Other Language Delays
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP of as she discusses 7 behaviors or differences in children with autism that differentiate this diagnosis from other kinds of speech-language delays and disorders in toddlers and preschoolers. This information is evidence-based so you can trust it! Read the full list here.
02/05/2017 • 1 heure, 1 minute
#310 This Kid Doesn't Play! Solutions for Common Problems...Echolalia
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP of as she continues the topic of Solutions for Common Problems during play. This week we're discussing echolalia and strategies to keep interaction and play going when a child seems lost in her own words.
14/04/2017 • 42 minutes
#309 This Kid Doesn't Play! Solutions for Tantrums and Meltdowns in Toddlers
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP as she discusses how to handle tantrums and meltdowns in late talking toddlers. Read the full summary here:
26/03/2017 • 1 heure, 1 minute
#308 This Kid Doesn't Play! Solutions for Common Problems - Part 6 - Transitions
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP, of as she discusses issues with late talking toddlers and preschoolers. In this week's podcast, we're continuing the series This Kid Doesn't Play! Solutions for Common Problems. This is part 6 in this series. Background...Sometimes, despite our best efforts, young children with language delays don’t seem to want to play with us. This situation might look like a “behavior” problem, meaning that the child is purposefully choosing not to play with you. That’s not always the case. On this series of shows, I hope I can help you look at these problems from another perspective. In this episode, we're tackling the following problems:
Read the full post here.
17/03/2017 • 59 minutes
#307 This Kid Doesn't Play! Solutions for Common Problems - Part 5
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP, of as she discusses issues with late talking toddlers and preschoolers. In this week's podcast, we're continuing the series This Kid Doesn't Play! Solutions for Common Problems. This is part 5 in this series. Background...Sometimes, despite our best efforts, young children with language delays don’t seem to want to play with us. This situation might look like a “behavior” problem, meaning that the child is purposefully choosing not to play with you. That’s not always the case. On this series of shows, I hope I can help you look at these problems from another perspective. In this episode, we're tackling the following problems:
Read the full post here.
11/03/2017 • 58 minutes
#306 This Kid Doesn't Play! Solutions for Common Problems...Part 4
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP as we're continuing the series This Kid Doesn't Play! Solutions for Common Problems. This is part 4 in this series. Background: Sometimes, despite our best efforts, young children with language delays don’t seem to want to play with us. This situation might look like a “behavior” problem, meaning that the child is purposefully choosing not to play with you. That’s not always the case. On this series of shows, I hope I can help you look at these problems from another perspective. In this show we're discussing the following problems:
Uses an Adult's Hand to Operate Toys (or sign)
Odd, Repetitive, or Self-Stimulatory Behaviors
Throwing Toys Habitually instead of Playing
A Kid Who is in Constant Motion
24/02/2017 • 1 heure, 1 minute
#305 This Kid Doesn't Play! Solutions for Common Problems...Part 3
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP of as she continues part 3 of the series This Kid Doesn't Play... Solutions for Common Problems. In today's show we'll be talking about why kids exhibit the following problems and solutions to try:
Prefers TV/Videos/Games to People and Toys
Sensitive to Touch
Uses Parent's Hand to Operate a Toy
Odd or Repetitive Behaviors
You can find a written and expanded version of these ideas in my book Teach Me To Play WITH You.
16/02/2017 • 1 heure
#304 This Kid Doesn't Play! Solutions for Common Problems
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP of as she discusses solutions for common problems noted in play with young children who have language delays.
19/01/2017 • 1 heure
#303 This Kid Doesn't Play! Solutions for Common Problems
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP from as she provides ideas for handling the most common problems we see during play with toddlers and preschoolers with language delays. Many of these problems stem from sensory processing differences. We'll talk about a few of those and then quickly move on to solutions that work!
13/01/2017 • 1 heure, 2 minutes
#302 Selecting Therapy Activities for Toddlers...Early Art Activities
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP as she discusses early art activities that are WINNERS for toddlers. Read the full summary here at
14/12/2016 • 56 minutes
#301 Selecting Therapy Activities for Toddlers-Part 7-Moving Pretend Play Along
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP as she continues the series Selecting Therapy Activities for Toddlers and Preschoolers. In this episode, she explains how pretend play develops in toddlers and what to try when that's not happening. Read the written summary here.
01/12/2016 • 53 minutes
#300 Selecting Therapy Activities Part 6 Pretend Play
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP of as she continues the series Selecting Therapy Activities for toddlers and preschoolers with language delays. When we match our activities to a child's developmental level and strengths, and strongly consider his likes and even dislikes, we maximize that child's participation and motivation, two very important components of an effective therapy program.
In today's show I'm outlining the 4 steps I use to introduce early pretend play to toddlers.
See the written post at for the links to toys on Amazon so you can stock up and get ready to play!
19/11/2016 • 1 heure, 1 minute
#299 Selecting Therapy Activities for Toddlers Part 5
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP as she discusses using sensory activities with toddlers and preschoolers who are late talkers. Listen for specific therapy ideas as well as how to use those toys to promote language. See the written post here.
11/11/2016 • 1 heure
#298 Selecting Therapy Activities for Toddlers Part 4 - Vocabulary Building Toys
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP of as she continues the series Selecting Therapy Activities for toddlers and preschoolers with language delays. When we match our activities to a child's developmental level and strengths, and strongly consider his likes and even dislikes, we maximize that child's participation and motivation, two very important components of an effective therapy program. In this show we're discussing how to target receptive and expressive language goals with toys. See the written post at for the links to toys on Amazon so you can stock up and get ready to play!
The next category of play is vocabulary building activities. These activities require more attention and are great for targeting both receptive and expressive language. Kids are ready to bump up to this kind of play when they understand how toys work and can stay with you and include you during play for at least 5 to 10 minutes.
05/11/2016 • 59 minutes
#297 Selecting Therapy Activities for Toddlers Part 3
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP as she discusses the guidelines for choosing therapy activities for toddlers. Today she's giving specific toy and therapy ideas... you don't want to miss it! See the written summary and links for the toys here.
21/10/2016 • 1 heure, 1 minute
#296 Selecting Therapy Activities for Toddlers Part 2
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP of for this week's show. We'll continue with Part 2 of the podcast series I started last week explaining the guidelines I use to select therapy activities for toddlers and preschoolers with language delays. But usually, there's a lot more going on than that... or at least there should be. The activities we use with late talking children can significantly enhance the progress we see. When we match our activities to a child's developmental level and strengths, and strongly consider his likes and even dislikes, we maximize that child's participation and motivation, two very important components of an effective therapy program. Listen here for the hierarchy of therapy activities that I've found works for very young children with language delays and disorders.
14/10/2016 • 1 heure
#295 Selecting Therapy Activities for Toddlers
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP of as she discusses ways to help parents and professionals teach toddlers to understand and use language.
Planning ANYTHING for toddlers can be a challenge! Selecting effective therapy activities is even more tricky! How do you know where to begin, especially when it's hard to hold a child's attention?
Over the next few episodes, we'll be talking about guidelines I use for selecting therapy activities for toddlers and preschoolers with language delays. Beyond writing outcomes and setting goals, we need to spend some time thinking about the kinds of tasks that will be effective and engaging for young children. In this show we'll talk about 3 important factors for helping you determine what it is you'll actually do during your time with a child. While it sounds like this is a show primarily for therapists, moms and dads who are committed to working with their own children with delayed language skills can also use these principles!
Factors to Consider When Planning Activities:
Developmental LevelRegulatory LevelChild's Interests and Preferences
If you'd like more information about planning effective therapy sessions, check out Teach Me To Talk: The Therapy Manual. These ideas are outlined in Chapter 10 in that book.
07/10/2016 • 1 heure
#294 Back To School Activities for Toddlers and Preschoolers
Join pediatric SLP Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP of and her guest SLP Monae Maruyama (of Monae's House) who will be sharing her best back to school ideas for toddlers and preschoolers.
04/09/2016 • 59 minutes
#293 How To Engage a Busy Toddler's Attention with Books
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP of as she discusses issues related to helping parents and professionals teach toddlers to understand and use language. Nothing can be more challenging than to try to get an active toddler interested in reading! In this show, Laura is speaking with SLP and author Teri Kaminski Peterson, M.S., CCC/SLP for her best tips to engage busy toddlers with books. Read the written summary here:
#293 How To Engage a Busy Toddler's Attention with Books
02/09/2016 • 1 heure
#292 Using Daily Routines to Teach Late Talking Toddlers Missing Skills
Join speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP of as she discusses how to use daily activities to target language skills in toddlers who are late talkers. Once you understand this treatment hierarchy and philosophy, it's easy to adapt any toy or daily activity to target exactly where a toddler is struggling in the development of his communication skills. You can't always start by trying to teach a child how to talk! Today we're talking about strategies to use during meals and snack time. Listen. Read the full show summary here.
26/08/2016 • 1 heure, 3 minutes
#291 Using Common Toys to Teach Late Talkers Missing Skills
Join speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP of as she discusses how to use a common toy to target language skills in toddlers who are late talkers. Once you understand the treatment hierarchy and philosophy, it's easy to adapt any toy or daily activity to target exactly where a toddler is struggling in the development of his communication skills. You can't always start with teaching him to say first words! Listen for ideas and read the full summary here.
19/08/2016 • 1 heure
#290 Wrap Up Show for Podcast Series - 11 Skills Toddlers MUST Use Before Words
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP as she finishes up the podcast series 11 Skills Toddlers MUST Use Before Words Emerge.
Read the written post on my website here.
12/08/2016 • 53 minutes
#289 11 Skills Toddlers Must Use BEFORE Words Emerge #11 Takes Turns Talking
Join speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP of as she continues to discuss the 11 skills toddlers must use before words emerge. In this show we're talking about turn taking. Read the full summary here:
05/08/2016 • 1 heure, 1 minute
#288 11 Skills Toddlers Use BEFORE Words Emerge. #10 Initiates Interaction
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP of as she discusses skill #10 in this series - helping a child learn to initiate interaction with others.
See the full summary here.
29/07/2016 • 1 heure, 1 minute
#284 11 Skills Toddlers Use BEFORE Words Emerge. #9 Imitates Others
Joini pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M. S., CCC-SLP from as she continues our series of the 11 skills a child masters before he begins to talk. On this episode, we'll discuss the importance of imitation and the role imitation plays in teaching a toddler to use words.
Guess what?!? Learning to imitate doesn't begin by telling a child, "Say ___." There are several other steps before we hear a word! Listen for how to make sure you're not missing these important prerequisites.
25/06/2016 • 58 minutes
#286 - 11 Skills Toddlers Use Before Words Emerge - #8 Vocalizes Purposefully
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP of, as she discusses the 11 skills young children use before first words emerge. In this show we're on skill #8 - helping a child learn to become noisy.
13/05/2016 • 59 minutes
#285 11 Skills Toddlers Use BEFORE Words Emerge. #7 Understands What Words Mean
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP as she discusses the 11 skills toddlers must master before words emerge. Today we're talking about skill #7 - understanding familiar words. SLPs refer to this skill as receptive language, language comprehension, or auditory (hearing) comprehension. Children must understand words before they begin to use words meaningfully. In this show we're talking about the significant role receptive language plays in developing early communication skills. Listen for tips for working with toddlers to make sure they learn to understand familiar words and complete simple requests. Read the full summary at Laura's website
05/05/2016 • 1 heure, 2 minutes
#284 11 Skills Toddlers Use BEFORE Words Emerge. #6 Understands Early Gestures
Join speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP, of as she continues her series about the 11 skills toddlers achieve before first words emerge. In today's show, Laura discusses the importance of beginning to understand gestures and nonverbal communication as a precursor for developing language skills.
Read the complete summary for the show at Laura's website here:
#284 Understands Early Gestures
29/04/2016 • 1 heure, 2 minutes
#283 Skills Toddlers Must Use Before Words Emerge - #5 How To Teach Early Play
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP from as she discusses how to teach toddlers to play with toys when they don't seem interested or have very few play skills. Read the post for more info at
08/04/2016 • 58 minutes
#282 Skills Toddlers Must Use Before Words Emerge - #5 Develop Early Play Skills
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP from as she discusses skills that toddlers must have before words emerge. In today's show we'll be discussing the 5th skill - developing early play with toys.
01/04/2016 • 1 heure, 1 minute
#281 Skills Toddlers Must Use Before Words Emerge - #4 Joint Attention
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP from as she discussed the 4th skill babies and toddlers use before they begin to talk - joint attention. Joint attention builds on the previous skills we've discussed during the last few weeks in this series. Joint attention means that a child can share or shift his attention between objects or events and people. Listen for an in-depth discussion for how joint attention impacts language development and for strategies to improve this skill in young children.
25/03/2016 • 52 minutes
#280 11 Skills Toddlers Use BEFORE Words Emerge. #3 Develops an Attention Span
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP of as she discussed the 11 skills children use before they begin to talk. Today we're talking about skill #3 - develops an attention span. Here's a recap:
Read the written summary here:
Get the child “warmed up” before he or she can play with us for any length of time. Listen for ideas!
Body-on-body contact can also be very calming and regulating. You can hold a child on your lap, but for more active children who may resist this closeness initially, give them a game to accomplish the same goal.
For kids who will play for a minute or two with you and then quickly want to leave, use the “one more” rule.
BEST Advice for Parents for developing an attention span with your child. Keep your little one in close proximity to you all day. Don’t let them stay alone in their rooms or wander around the house, even if it seems like that’s all they want to do. Kids have to be social to talk! That begins by being with other people and learning to like being with other people, most of the time. Take them with you as move to different parts of your home.
For some kids, better attention spans really do begin with "unplugging." While we know that some apps and DVDs can be beneficial for children, overuse of technology is associated with teaching "scan and shift" behaviors.
18/03/2016 • 1 heure, 1 minute
#279 11 Skills Toddlers Use BEFORE Words Emerge. #2 Responds to People
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP from as she discusses tips for helping a late talker learn to communicate.
In this fifth show in my series 11 Skills Toddlers Must Use BEFORE Words Emerge, we'll be talking about the second skill:
I can't overemphasize how important this skill is in helping a child learn to communicate. Here's why... Communicating always involves at least 2 people. When a child doesn't routinely respond and interact when you try to talk to him, play with him, or teach him something, it's highly unlikely he's learning.
In my experience, parents first begin to suspect there's a problem with a child's development when he or she seems to ignore other people or avoid contact. Not responding to other people is a core deficit for autism.
The good news is...YOU CAN MAKE IT BETTER!
Using the simple, straightforward tips in this podcast, you'll help a child learn to notice you and eventually, begin to interact with you. Here's the post at for this show.
Need more help? I have a therapy manual designed to teach you how to help a child learn to respond. Here's the link to my book Teach Me To Play WITH You which will give you step-by-step instructions for 50+ different little social games and easy play routines for toddlers who don't consistently respond to other people.
26/02/2016 • 1 heure, 1 minute
#278.11 Skills Toddlers Use BEFORE Words Emerge. #1 Responds to Environment
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M. S., CCC-SLP, as she continues her series 11 Skills a Toddlers Must Use Before Words Emerge. In this episode we're discussing skill #1 - Responds to Things in the Environment. Get ready for specifics! I have activity and toy recommendations as well as how to word goals to be sure you're effectively documenting these developmentally-appropriate strategies for toddlers with significant disabilities.
15/02/2016 • 55 minutes
#277 Skills a Toddler MUST Use BEFORE Words Emerge.Show 3.Overview Skills 6-11
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP as she provides a list of the next 6 skills toddlers acquire before they begin to use words to talk. This list may also be a launching point for a conversation with your child's therapist. If you've all been hyperfocused helping a child learn to say new words with no regard for the all of the things that must come first, you may not be addressing the root cause of your child's delay. Again, listen to the show if you'd like more information!
05/02/2016 • 1 heure, 5 minutes
#276 Skills a Toddler MUST Use BEFORE Words Emerge - Show 2 - Overview
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP as she provides a list of the first 5 skills toddlers acquire before they begin to use words to talk.
29/01/2016 • 1 heure, 1 minute
#275 Skills a Toddler MUST Use BEFORE Words Emerge - Show 1 of New Series
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP as she begins a new series of shows to discuss that skills that children must acquire before they learn to talk and use words meaningfully to communicate.
While it is true that "All kids develop differently," there's a general pattern of development that children follow before we begin to hear words - whether kids talk late or on time.
In this week's show, we'll begin this series with a brief overview of what happens when a child uses a word and then spend a good portion of the show looking at what's normal regarding vocabulary size from 12 months to 48 months.
Additionally, we'll review a few red flags that let us know a child is at risk for more than late talking.
For a written summary of today's show, read the post below at Laura's website
#275 Show Summary
22/01/2016 • 1 heure, 1 minute
#274 Help Preschoolers with Autism Target Specific Receptive & Expressive Goals
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP of as she gives a mom guidance and ideas for working on improving her vocabulary. Mom's questions are below. Since this mom has previously purchased Teach Me To Talk: The Therapy Manual, we'll be elaborating on ideas from the book and giving her specific page numbers for directions. If you have a child who is at the 18 month to 24 month language level but is having a hard time learning to use phrases and seems to say more words than he/she really understands, then this show is for you!
22/11/2015 • 1 heure, 12 minutes
#273 Mom's Questions
Join pediatric SLP, Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP, of as she answers a mom's questions about her 27 month old with autism.
01/11/2015 • 1 heure, 2 minutes
#272 Treatment Ideas for a Toddler Who Doesn't Play with Toys (Part 2)
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP of as she discusses ideas for a 3 year old client with autism who does not play with toys. In the last show # #271, we discussed factors that contributed to and created this issue. We began to talk about the treatment strategies we used to help him move toward playing with toys and more importantly, tie those activities to our long term goal for him, which is to communicate. In this week's show I'll finish up by talking about the steps we implemented to target play with toys, as well as his other needs. Read the written summary here:
25/10/2015 • 1 heure, 22 minutes
#271 Ideas to Try When a Toddler HATES Toys
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP of as she discusses ideas for a 3 year old client with autism who does not play with toys. We'll discuss the factors that contribute to and created this issue and the treatment strategies we've used to help him move toward playing with toys and more importantly, tie those activities to our long term goal for him, which is to communicate.
When I first started talking with his parents about play, their conclusion was: He doesn't like toys. That may be true, but it's not the REAL reason he's not playing. The truth is, he doesn't know how to play with toys. When any of us don't know how to do something, the likelihood that we will actually do it declines greatly. In the show, we'll talk about the steps we implemented to target play with toys, as well as his other needs. Read the written summary here:
18/10/2015 • 1 heure, 1 minute
#270 5 Things You Can Learn About a Toddler with a Wind Up Toy
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP from as she talks about all of the skills you can observe in just a few minutes using a wind up toy. Read the full summary here:
11/10/2015 • 47 minutes
#269 Ideas for Teaching Early Pronouns to Toddlers with Language Delays
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP of for a discussion for ideas for teaching toddlers early pronouns. This is a continuation of show #268. Listen to that one first for background!
01/09/2015 • 49 minutes
#268 Tips for Teaching Pronouns to Toddlers with Language Delays/Disorders
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP as she answers questions from this mom about her daughter's difficulty learning to use the pronouns "I" and "me" to refer to herself when she's talking. We'll discuss how pronoun usage develops in toddlers and why pronouns are so hard for kids with language delays/disorders to master. I"ll also provide some general advice and tips for teaching pronouns in every day routines as well as several successful therapy activities I've used to help parents work on pronouns at home.
28/08/2015 • 52 minutes
#266 Tips for Treating Small Groups of Young Children with Autism
Join speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP of for this week's podcast.
Today's guest is Monae Mayurama, SLP from Las Vegas. She's developed her own interactive books that she uses in small group sessions with preschoolers. I learned about Monae from an SLP I met several years ago while teaching one of my courses in Georgia. She sent me this glowing email about Monae's work:
"I started to work in the schools this year and work with an amazing speech therapist Monae. She has taught me so much about working with autistic children, especially in a small group setting. This has always been a challenge for me, but she has a true gift.
She has authored and designed an entire series of interactive books and uses them so beautifully in small group lessons to target so many language goals. She has an amazing way of including imitation and receptive targets in her group sessions.
I told her about the work that you do... I also thought she would be an AMAZING guest on your podcast to explain how she is able to target language goals in a group setting and how she is able to work with children on so many levels at once since this is an area of difficulty for many of us."
I'm excited to hear Monae's strategies and I know you will be too!
Here's the post at with more information about her books and favorite songs:
17/08/2015 • 1 heure, 6 minutes
#265 Ideas for Helping a Toddler Produce More Consonant Sounds
Ideas for Helping a Toddler Produce More Consonant Sounds
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP of as she talks with an SLP about one of her most challenging clients who produces only 3 approximations for consonant sounds: /m/ in Mama, /w/ in wow, and a pharyngeal approximation that sounds more like a gag. What would you recommend she try? Join us to see if our ideas match!
15/07/2015 • 44 minutes
#264 Treatment Ideas for Minimally Verbal 3 Year Old with Autism
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP of as she continues to talk with Laura from show #262 about her twin girls with autism. We discuss apraxia, dysarthria, and characteristics of autism as she asks her remaining questions. If you're a mom, you'll certainly identify with her as she shares what she struggles with parenting two children with two very different needs. As a therapist, you'll appreciate her honesty and gain new insights in to what parents feel and want to know as they're learning to work with their children at home.
25/06/2015 • 1 heure, 1 minute
#263 My Top 10 Activities for First Sessions with Toddlers
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP of as she discusses her top 10 toys for first speech therapy sessions with toddlers. You can use these ideas for clinical settings, home visits, and even sessions when you're implementing a coaching model since most of these activities are with famliar toys or versions of toys most families already own. For a complete listing of the toys, including links so you can SEE them, check out the post "First Sessions" Toy List.
11/06/2015 • 1 heure, 14 minutes
#262 "Will She Ever Talk?" Conversation with a mom about her twins
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP of as she speaks with a mom with questions about her twin girls with autism. This mom shared her story from having no concerns about her girls, to wondering if something was wrong, to being defensive in hearing the doctor suggest autism, to searching for other answers to explain the delays, to hearing a final diagnosis. Her girls, fraternal twins, also have very different strengths and weaknesses, but have both been diagnosed with ASD, and this mom talks about coming to grips with that. We also discussed one of her twins' new diagnosis of "dyspraxia" from the OT, what that means for speech, and for what I recommended she do next for her to address her needs at home. It's a fantastic episode for parents who are grappling with an autism diagnosis and for therapists to help them understand EXACTLY what a parent experiences during this process.
This great mom originally emailed me months ago asking the question, "Will she ever talk?" You can read the beginnings of this dialogue here and join us today for her other questions.
Will She Ever Talk?
04/06/2015 • 1 heure, 4 minutes
#261 When No One Diagnosis Fits... How to Treat Toddlers Without a Diagnosis
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP as she answers a mother's questions about her little boy who is a "mystery" to his evaluators. Will NOT having a firm diagnosis negatively affect treatment outcomes? Can we select a treatment approach without a diagnosis? Listen in as we discuss her questions. Here's the link where the original question was posted so you can read my written response to her. The question was from May 20 from "Mom."
Have a Question? I'm Here to Help!
21/05/2015 • 1 heure
#260 Should I Focus on Artic or Not with my 3 year old with Autism? A Mom Calls
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP of as she talks with a mom about prioritizing her 3 year old son's treatment plan. Here's part of her original question... Hi Laura. I have a 3 year old diagnosed with autism and is suspected to have apraxia. He doesn’t have much of a problem in the receptive language department, as he understands the majority of what is being asked of him. When he communicates, he usually uses some gestures or words/approximations. He has a little over 50 different words/approximations...but he has yet to say the majority of them accurately. He will verbally communicate what he wants on his own by pointing and naming objects, saying “opo” when he wants something open or “uhpah” for up if he wants to be held or get something out of reach. He does like to label objects, but knows their functions. For example, if he sees a crayon, he will point and say “cay” and if I ask what we do with crayon, he will say “dah” for draw. He will often say the first two letter sounds of words that are usually CV and VC. (ba – ball; pehpeh – pretzel; opo – open; ow – out). He also often deletes the final consonant....I replied to her questions down the thread in this post: Have A Question? I'm Here to Help! But today I'm giving her an "on air" consult, especially with models of how to do backward chaining with a toddler. Don't miss it!
13/05/2015 • 1 heure, 2 minutes
#259 Understanding the Chart from Building Verbal Imitation in Toddlers Book
#259 Understanding the Chart from Building Verbal Imitation in Toddlers Book
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP from as she discusses issues related to toddlers with speech-language delays.
Here's a question I receive at least weekly from a mom or an SLP:
"Dear Laura.... I've purchased your Building Verbal Imitation in Toddlers book and am using it with a few of my kiddos. I've skimmed the entire book and am having success with some of my harder clients that weren't making any progress before, but I don't understand when to progress a child to the next level. How long do I work on skills in one level before moving on? Can you point me to your specific criteria for each level in your book? I also think it would be helpful to list that information on your chart."
I wish it were that simple!!
In this week's show, we'll discuss how I use "the chart" diagnostically with toddlers with expressive language delays and how to use the information to plan therapy goals and activities for sessions.
Get the book Building Verbal Imitation Skills in Toddlers
If you're a pediatric therapist, take the CE course Steps to Building Verbal Imitation in Toddlers!
24/04/2015 • 40 minutes
#258 Helping a Toddler Become More Vocal
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S, CCC-SLP for a rare opportunity as she talks with a mom and the SLP working with her 2 1/2 year old who is yet talking.
This child has had a complex history due to a rare genetic mutation, BUT his mom has devoted herself to helping him learn to communicate. Listen to this great show, not only for ideas you can try with your own late talker, but for inspiration!
Mom and SLP both are using ideas from my books Building Verbal Imitation in Toddlers and Teach Me To Talk: The Therapy Manual during speech therapy and at home. Check it out for yourself to get recommendations for strategies that WORK to address both expressive and receptive language goals for toddlers.
17/04/2015 • 1 heure, 28 minutes
#257 Help! My Son Will NOT Sign... A Familiar Question from a Frustrated Mom
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP of as she answers the following question from a frustrated mom:
“Hi Laura. Your videos and books have been a great help for our son. I have a question about sign language. We have been working with my son on signing for about 4 months and progress has been slow. He understands some signs but will not do them by himself. When I say a word and show him the sign he holds his hands out for me to do the sign with his hands. He will not do a sign without my help. He will even push my hands together for more and then hold his hands out but will not push his own hands together. Hoping you might have a suggestion for this. My son is 2 1/2 and is Autistic. He does not use any words yet. Thanks.”
I have 5 or 6 different reasons he's not signing yet and then even more options for her. Listen for my advice! Read the written version of this question and reply.
09/04/2015 • 51 minutes
#256 New Siblings and Late Talking Toddlers... Oh My!
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP of as she answers a mom's question about her late talking toddler since the arrival of a new baby...
"I hope you can help me! We bought your dvd for our daughter who will be 3 in April. Before our second daughter was born (in August), she would name everything we pointed to. She would tell us the color of things animal sounds, etc. Since the new baby, she refuses to answer these questions. We know she knows them because she will be in the room alone and say "What's this? A horse! Nay!" And occasionally she will answer them for us. But hardly ever. She also prefers to say "Thirsty" instead of "I am thirsty." which she CAN say. Same thing for "I want...." She prefers to say "Muffins" instead of "I want muffins" but she occasionally says the whole thing. When we ask her to say it, she gets upset. A while ago, she would scream "THIRSTY - AHHHH!" and we would try to get her to not scream. She stopped saying it altogether, so we are trying to avoid that again. Can you help us? Our insurance does not cover speech therapy and the person who came to us with early intervention didn't believe she could speak at all. We are trying just to repeat what we want her to say but give her what she wants but we're getting nowhere. Same thing with the labeling questions. We followed your DVD and she follows everything perfectly, it's just these other things.
Thanks so much for your time!"
Tune in for my ideas! It may not be what you think!!
19/03/2015 • 53 minutes
#255 Goal Writing, Fatigue during Therapy, The Power of Distraction and more!
In this episode pediatric Laura Mize, M.S, CCC-SLP of answers a variety of questions from SLPs and parents. We'll talk about how I write goals for toddlers and young preschoolers for speech therapy, what it means when a toddler is fatigued during therapy (it may not be what you think!), and why DISTRACTION is one of the most powerful tools you can use when working with our little friends. If we have time, we'll even tackle a mom's questions about handling her toddler's language regression since the arrival of a new baby. All that and maybe even a little more on this week's show!!
11/03/2015 • 55 minutes
#254 Cute Ideas for Valentine's Day for Toddlers in Speech Therapy Sessions
I love Valentine's Day, don't you??
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP as she discusses cute ideas to use during therapy with toddlers for Valentine's Day. All ideas are listed here in this post. In the post you'll also find links to FREE Therapy Tip of the Week videos with even more ideas! Hope you enjoy these ideas with your little sweethearts!
09/02/2015 • 52 minutes
#253 Answering Questions about The Onset of Autism and Jargon in Late Talkers
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP of as she answers questions from 2 different therapists today.
A developmental therapist writes of witnessing the onset of autism in a little client she's working with and how difficult it's been to watch him decline. She needs ideas for how to proceed with treatment since he's been formally diagnosed.
The second question is from an SLP who is working with a set of spunky twins who are using lots of jargon. We'll talk about the various reasons kids use jargon and more importantly, provide some specific recommendations and strategies for therapy and for their parents. I hope you'll join me!
06/02/2015 • 47 minutes
#252 Ideas for Toddlers Who Don't Sit Still for Speech Therapy
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP as she provides ideas for a mom who complained that her child can't sit still to work with her on developing language and has difficulty maintaining attention during therapy sessions.
From Laura... Here's the truth... MANY late talking toddlers can't (not WON'T) sit still. We'll BRIEFLY talk about why that is and then move on to ideas that WORK for our friends who need to move, move, move. Here's a list of things I do with my busiest little friends:
Do what they like!Decrease demands overall so that a child doesn't feel "forced." Participation is your ONLY goal. This can dramatically help!!Don't sit... MOVE! Target language during gross motor movement or outside playground activities such as sliding, jumping on a trampoline, swinging, etc...Try social games where moving is a part of the game - Ring Around the Rosies, Row Row Your Boat, Ride a Little Horsie - verbal routines during those games to target receptive and expressive language.Introduce play that involves moving - improvise a basketball game even without a hoop, bowling, launcher toys, and relay gamesWork on Structured Teaching Tasks - TEACCH methodOver time begin to alternate activities move - sit - move - sitModify a child's space so that movement is less of an option. Beware....belting them into a high chair is usually NOT a good option! Don't try strategies for older children like "if/then." Many times our little friend DON'T understand that promise.Reinforce sitting.
27/01/2015 • 1 heure, 4 minutes
#251 Vocabulary Development for Toddlers who Seem "Stuck"
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP of as she answers similar questions from an SLP Assistant and from a mom about helping verbal toddlers expand vocabulary when they appear to be "stuck." Laura will discuss how she approaches children in this situation, the steps she uses to uncover why a child isn't making much progress, and then provides suggestions for moving forward in each scenario.
23/12/2014 • 58 minutes
#250 How to Teach a Toddler to Match
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP from as she answers this mom's question:
"hi laura,
i m mum doing speech therapy, kind of stuck teaching matching objects receptively that is written in ur teach me to talk the therapy manual in which u hav given details abt matching object to object, object to picture and picture to picture but how it is done in a structured way. i m having difficulty that how it is done easily with animals or any other object. thanks plz guide me. can u plz write the way to do it."
I just love to help moms like this!!
In this show I'll outline the process I use during speech therapy for helping a toddler learn to match.
I hope you'll join me!!
04/12/2014 • 56 minutes
#249 Stuck in a Rut? How To Get Out and Move On... for SLPs and Other Therapists
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.,S., CCC-SLP from as she discusses 6 ways to pull yourself out of your professional rut. While this advice is specifically for speech-language pathologists and other professionals who work in pediatrics or early intervention, the recommendations are good for helping anyone, anytime they feel stuck.
26/11/2014 • 56 minutes
#248 What Works To Help Toddlers Learn to Talk... Part 2!
In this week’s teachmetotalk podcast I'm continuing my series on what works to help toddlers learn to talk. Join me, pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP, founder of, as I highlight strategies that are highly effective in helping late talking toddlers begin to communicate. Let’s get back to the basics of talking about what really, really works! In some ways, it’s much simpler than you think!
Here's the post I referenced for this show:
What Works... Strategies to Help Toddlers Learn to Talk
Products I recommended:
Building Verbal Imitation in Toddlers
Teach Me To Talk the DVD
Steps to Building Verbal Imitation in Toddlers on DVD
17/11/2014 • 59 minutes
#247 What REALLY, REALLY Works to Help Late Talking Toddlers...A Reset for Fall
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP, founder of, and she highlights strategies that are highly effective in helping late talking toddlers begin to communicate. In some ways, it's much simpler than you think!
The post this show is based on is here: What Works...Strategies that Help Toddlers Learn to Talk
To find out more about the products Laura mentioned in this show, click here.
21/08/2014 • 1 heure, 3 minutes
#246 Can't vs. Won't
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP, founder of as she answers this question from an SLP:
"I read all your materials and I am very familiar with your approach to therapy . I have a question with 1 child. He is 2 years old and understands everything but is not speaking. He is not apraxia and nothing major is going on. I've tried all your techniques especially verbal routines. Does it come to a point when it's personality based child doesn't feel need to talk or is babied by parents and doesn't want to talk?"
Do you already know what I'm going to say? If you're a long time listener, probably so!
Here's the article I referenced in the show:
Can't vs. Won't
07/08/2014 • 38 minutes
#245 Back to the Drawing Board... What To Try When Nothing Else is Working
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP founder of as she discusses the process she uses when a there's little to no positive change in speech therapy with a toddler. Click here for the written summary for these guidelines. For more ideas for helping toddlers learn to talk, check out Laura's complete product line for parents and professionals at!
28/07/2014 • 1 heure, 2 minutes
#244 Gently Redirecting Parents and Treatment Ideas for a Difficult Toddler
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP, founder of as she talks with an SLP who is having difficulty talking with a child's parents about the extent of his issues and more importantly, providing treatment ideas that WILL work for this overly frustrated 2 year old!
22/07/2014 • 1 heure, 11 minutes
#233 Treatment Ideas for Toddler with Down Syndrome & Toddlers with 'Pop Outs'
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP from as she answers an SLP's questions about treatment with 2 of her little clients. We'll be looking at the diagnostic differences between apraxia and dysarthria and the treatment differences she should consider for this little one with Down syndrome who is signing but has a very limited spoken vocabulary. The second client is a 3 yo little boy with severe expressive/receptive delays who is using some phrases at times. The SLP is considering a diagnosis of selective mutism, but we'll explore other possibilities. It's going to be a great show with lots of practical tips for differential diagnosis in addition to treatment ideas!
15/07/2014 • 1 heure, 3 minutes
#232 10 Reasons I Still Teach the Sign for "More" First
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP and founder of as she discusses information for treating toddlers with speech-language delays/disorders for both parents and professionals. In today's show Laura presents the 10 reasons she still begins teaching sign language to toddlers with the sign "more." Some professionals advise beginning with very specfic signs and avoiding signs that can be overgeneralized, but Laura disagrees and will give you 10 reasons why!
08/07/2014 • 1 heure, 1 minute
#231 Be the Toy... Part 4... Taking the Next Step and Moving to Simple Toys
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP founder of as she finishes her Be the Toy Series! In this final installment we'll discuss when to know you can begin introducing very simple toys in play with toddlers, signs that tell you to delay toys for a little longer, and then give ideas for what that play looks like in toddlers with difficulty engaging with you.
02/06/2014 • 1 heure, 3 minutes
#230 NEW Offers for Parents and SLPs - One from someone else and one from me!!
Join pediatric Speech-Language Pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., from as she tells you about 2 special new offers for parents of toddlers with speech-language delays and SLPs. The first resource is from SLP Katie Yeh at who will be here to tell us all about it. The other is from Laura - a brand new FREE eBook for parents available tomorrow at The eBook will be a fabulous parent education tool for SLPs and we'll talk about all of those ways to use the book with famlies on the last half of today's show. ALSO conference dates for TEXAS will be announced.
05/05/2014 • 1 heure, 1 minute
#229 BE THE TOY... Just how does that look? More tips!
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP founder of as she continues to discuss how to engage toddlers who are difficult to play with for a variety of reasons. In the past 2 shows, we've discussed the reasons WHY young children may have difficulty engaging consistently with another person. We've also discussed the go-to games I use for toddlers. Now we'll go in depth to HOW that looks and talk about that next little step for learning to engage those kinds of toddlers.
21/04/2014 • 1 heure, 3 minutes
#228 Be the Toy Part 2
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., founder of as she continues discussing the topic from show #227 - Ideas for toddlers who crave physical contact. During the show Laura used the phrase "Be the Toy" and it's a better title for this topic! So many times WE need to be the toy for these kinds of kids instead of using traditional toys. In Part 2 of this series, we'll discuss some emails from SLPs who reported working with similar children, discuss a little more of the sensory component (and all of the hoop-la around using sensory strategies in the first place!), and more importantly provide specific ideas for other things you can try with these kinds of toddlers. Listen in! ! It's going to be a fun show!
03/04/2014 • 45 minutes
#227 Ideas for Toddlers Who Crave Physical Contact or The Toy Bag
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP from as she answers an SLP's questions about children who excessively crave physical contact or who are so obsessed with emptying the Toy Bag that nothing else gets accomplished. If you're a long-time listener of this show, you may be surprised at Laura's answers...
25/03/2014 • 33 minutes
5 Reasons to Include Simple Homemade Activities for Toddlers in Therapy
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP of as she discusses how simple homemade activities can be used with toddlers to teach important developmental milestones. Laura will outline the 5 reasons these activities work and share how she uses these activities in therapy and more importantly, how she teaches parents to use these activities at home.
20/03/2014 • 1 heure
#225 Using a Cycles Approach to Treat Phonological Disorders in Toddlers
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP as she discusses treating speech intelligibility issues in toddlers with SLP Dawn Moore, author of Dawn teaches a course in using the Cycles Approach to improve phonological (speech sound) errors in young children. This speech therapy treatment approach is frequently used for preschoolers, but Dawn is going to talk about how she modifies these techniques for toddlers.
06/03/2014 • 1 heure, 3 minutes
#224 Extending a Toddler's Attention Span
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP of as she discusses ways to increase a busy toddler's attention span. We'll start off by talking about what's "normal" and here's a teaser - it's probably shorter than you think! Next we'll discuss practical ways to target this important skill during therapy sessions and at home during play.
17/02/2014 • 1 heure, 1 minute
#223 Discussing a Toddler's Strengths in Reports and during Therapy Visits
Join speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP of, as she discusses the importance of noting a toddler's strengths. Although parents bring a child to therapy to find out what's "wrong," we never need to miss an opportunity to point out all that’s “right,” particularly when a child has a significant history or background. In this show Laura provides ideas for uncovering strengths, examples of including this information in written reports, and how/why we should absolutely discuss these things with parents.
10/02/2014 • 57 minutes
#222 Running Effective Groups for Toddlers
Join Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP pediatric speech-language pathologist as she answers a listener's questions about running small groups for toddlers with communication delays/disorders. We'll discuss EVERYTHING from developing your own philosophy to designing treatment plans to setting goals to specific ideas to make these groups effective and FUN!
27/01/2014 • 1 heure, 2 minutes
When a Toddler Talks at Home, But NOT in Therapy Sessions
UGH... don't you hate it when a child doesn't say a word in therapy, yet his parents report, "He talks all the time at home." Join Laura Mize, pediatric speech-language pathologist of, as she discusses 9 or 10 different reasons this may happen and provides potential solutions for this frustrating situation.
13/01/2014 • 1 heure, 2 minutes
220 Ideas for Kids Who Don't Like Toys - Part 2
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize from as she continues to discuss ideas for toddlers who don't like playing with toys. This is Part 2 of this series, continued from show # 217.
16/12/2013 • 1 heure, 6 minutes
#219 Toy Rotation
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize from as she talks about TOY ROTATION with Kim Row, SLP from
13/12/2013 • 1 heure, 3 minutes
#218 Communication Issues in International Adoption
Join speech-language pathologist Laura Mize of as she discusses issues related to international adoption with Tatyana Elleseff, SLP from
03/12/2013 • 1 heure, 2 minutes
Play Ideas for Kids Who Don't Like Toys
Join Laura Mize, pediatric speech-language pathologist from, as she provides lots of ideas for using common every day objects to target language in therapy sessions or just for having fun at home! I hope you'll join us!
25/11/2013 • 1 heure, 2 minutes
#216 A Review of Syndromes
Join Laura Mize, pediatric speech-language pathologist from, as she discusses acquired and genetic syndromes which will likely cause communication disorders. Special Guest Tatyana Elleseff, SLP from will provide a summary of many common syndromes she's reviewed on her blog the last few months. If it's been a while since grad school, listen in for a quick refresher!
19/11/2013 • 1 heure, 2 minutes
#215 Using Signs and Songs to Facilitate Language
Join Laura Mize, pediatric speech-language pathologist from as she talks with Wee Hands founder Sara Bingham about using sign language and singing to facilitate language development in toddlers.
04/11/2013 • 53 minutes
#214 Fall Therapy Ideas for Toddlers and Preschoolers
On this podcast pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize from will discuss CUTE therapy ideas for fall for toddlers and young preschoolers.
28/10/2013 • 1 heure, 4 minutes
#213 Parenting a Late Talker from an SLP Mom
Join Laura Mize, pediatric speech-language pathologist, from as she talks with Katie Yeh, SLP from Katie is in a unique position as a speech-language pathologist and the parent of a late talker. She'll share her perspective and give advice for other parents of late talkers.
21/10/2013 • 1 heure, 1 minute
#212 Setting Up Autism Preschool Classrooms
Join Laura Mize, pediatric speech-language pathologist from as she interviews Shareka Bentham, SLP, who recently set up and ran a week-long intervention program for preschoolers with autism. We'll discuss what worked, what she will do differently next time, and all of the other lessons she learned from her project! Join us for a great show!!
14/10/2013 • 1 heure, 2 minutes
#209 Toddler Aggression: What's Normal & What's Not
In today's podcast Laura Mize, pediatric speech-language pathologist and author of will be speaking with Maria Del Duca, speech-language pathologist, from about a great post she wrote on toddler aggression. Guess what... some negativity with others, whether it be peers, siblings, and even parents, is totally expected in this developmental period. We'll be looking at what's considered "normal" and we'll also discuss the red flags that tell us a toddler's behaviors are outside the realm of what's expected. We'll also discuss tips for handling aggressive behaviors for parents and for therapist. I hope you'll join us!!
07/10/2013 • 1 heure, 2 minutes
#208 Making Books Better Part 3
Join Laura Mize, pediatric speech-language pathologist from as she finishes the 3 part series Making Books Better for toddlers with speech-language delays. On today's show we'll discuss ways to facilitate early vocalizations for toddlers with expressive delays. Darcy Clayton, SLP and author of the cute book for therapy Making Mouth Sounds All Day Long will be a guest for the first part of the show and then Laura will finish up with the final strategies to complete this series of shows. Other shows in this series were #199 and #201 if you'd like to listen to those!
30/09/2013 • 57 minutes
#207 Great Toys from Play On Words
In this week's podcast Laura Mize, pediatric speech-language pathologist from discusses great toys with Sherry Artemenko, speech-language pathologist, and author of Play On Words. Sherry recognizes exceptional toys, games and books that encourage language, spark fun and invite creative play with her annual PAL award winners. Tune in for her toy recommendations for toddlers and preschoolers!
23/09/2013 • 1 heure
207 Praactical AAC... Get it??
Join Laura Mize, pediatric speech-language pathologist, from as she interviews special guest Dr. Carole Zangari, speech-language pathologist and AAC expert from She'll give us all kinds of tips for using AAC with young children.
16/09/2013 • 1 heure, 4 minutes
#206 Thoughts and Discussion about ABA with Toddlers
In this podcast Laura Mize, pediatric speech-language pathologist, talks with Melinda, an ABA therapist, who emailed Laura with some questions about working with toddlers who might need a less structured approach.
09/09/2013 • 1 heure, 1 minute
#205 Ideas for Young Toddlers who were Preemies
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize from as she talks with a great mom of a young toddler who was a 29 weeker (that's preemie talk, if you're not familiar with that term!) about ideas to help him become verbal when speech therapy is not an option.
26/08/2013 • 1 heure, 1 minute
#204 Tips for Starting Preschool
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP, from and developmental interventionist Kelly Nelson, from Playing is Learning on Facebook, as they discuss tips for parents who are sending toddlers to preschool for the very first time. This is a BONUS show in addition to the regularly scheduled show this week!
22/08/2013 • 1 heure
#203 My Toddler Talks with Kimberly Scanlon
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize of as she interviews SLP Kimberly Scanlon, author of the cute book My Toddler Talks. In this show Laura and Kimberly discuss strategies to use at home to promote language development in toddlers.
19/08/2013 • 1 heure, 2 minutes
#202 Social Media for Professional Development
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize from and her guest, Heidi Kay from PediaStaff, as they discuss using social media for professional development. Heidi is going to walk us through several avenues she routinely uses as she scours the internet for great resources. If you're a therapist who doesn't routinely use these sites, you're missing a wealth of information! We'll talk about Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram - all from a "work" perspective, as opposed to a personal outlet! I hope you'll join us!
12/08/2013 • 1 heure, 5 minutes
#201 Making Books Better Part 2
Join pediatric speech -language pathologist Laura Mize from as she completes the show with tips for using books to target speech-language skills with toddlers. This show is a continuation from Show # 199.
05/08/2013 • 1 heure, 2 minutes
#200 Preintentional Communicators
Join pediatric speech -language pathologist Laura Mize from as she discusses assessment and treatment strategies for preintentional communicators with Dr. Cynthia Cress from University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Preintentional communicators are children in the 2 to 9 month developmental range for communication skills. Although these children are not using words yet, we'll talk about what these kids CAN do and how build on those skills during therapy sessions.
29/07/2013 • 1 heure, 1 minute
#199 Making Books Better!
Our special guest didn't join us as planned, but hopefully that show will be rescheduled. Today pediatric speech -language pathologist Laura Mize from discussed specific ways to utilize books with toddlers with language delays who hate books!
15/07/2013 • 1 heure
#198 A Mom's Frustration with Misdiagnosis and Treatment
Join pediatric speech - language pathologist Laura Mize from as she speaks with a mom who is super frustrated with the misdiagnosis of her young son's communication issues.
The take away message for moms is to keep pursuing treatment that makes sense to you in your "mommy gut."
The take away message for therapists is to keep therapy fun for toddlers! If a young child isn't enjoying himself and making progress, then it's time to try a new approach!
We'll talk about that and more!
I hope you'll join us!
08/07/2013 • 1 heure, 6 minutes
#198 AAC Devices in Early Intervention
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize from as she discusses using AAC devices with Shareka Bentham, SLP and AAC specialist. Shareka helped me via telephone consult a few weeks ago as I was brainstorming for a little client of mine. The call was filled with so many wonderful therapy ideas that I asked her to do this show to share!
17/06/2013 • 1 heure, 2 minutes
#197 Home Visits vs. Office - Tricks for either setting
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize from as she talks with Stephanie, a speech pathologist from South Africa! First she'll tell us about her practice and how their system differs from the USA. Then we'll discuss a few issues that seem to come up no matter where we live. #1 - What's the best place for treatment for a very young child - home vs. a clinical setting? We'll discuss the pros/cons of each environment and talk about how to address those situations. #2 - How do you separate receptive language issues from a strong-willed nature in a 19 month old? It's not as easy as it sounds, is it? I hope you'll join us!
10/06/2013 • 1 heure, 13 minutes
#196 Apraxia from a mom's point of view
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize from as she discusses apraxia with Leslie Lindsay, RN and author of Speaking of Apraxia: A Parents' Guide to Childhood Apraxia of Speech. Leslie will be sharing her own story of realizing her daughter had a speech delay and tips for parents of young children who are late talkers.
03/06/2013 • 1 heure, 2 minutes
#195 Advice for Moms with Kids Who Can't Play Alone Yet
Join pediatric speech -language pathologist Laura Mize from On today's show I talk with a working mom who has questions about her little guy with receptive language issues. She needs some ideas to help him learn to play alone when she's getting ready or tending to the new baby. She also has questions about when to move him to a new class at daycare, how best to communicate with his teachers, and how to help him learn to play with his friends rather than biting or hitting. I hope you'll join us!
20/05/2013 • 1 heure, 20 minutes
#194 Speech Treatment Ideas for Toddlers with Motor Delays
Join Laura Mize, Pediatric Speech-Language Pathologist, with her guest Lauren Thomas, Physical Therapist, to answer an SLP's questions about developing a speech therapy treatment plan for a toddler with significant motor delays. Many of the play routines an SLP would routinely use may not be applicable and we'll be discussing how to modify treatment strategies to maximize a child's participation in speech therapy sessions.
13/05/2013 • 1 heure, 1 minute
#193 Feeding Problems in Toddlers Picky Eating to Dysphagia
Join pediatric speech -language pathologist Laura Mize from and her guest SLP Jennifer Hatfield from Therapy and Learning Services. Jennifer is a feeding specialist and will discuss the range of feeding issues we see in toddlers from picky eating to dysphagia, a swallowing disorder. She'll give us successful treatment strategies for both therapists and parents to explore when working with a toddler who isn't eating.
06/05/2013 • 1 heure
#192 Stickers, Sensory Bottles, and Easy Ideas to Engage
Join pediatric speech -language pathologist Laura Mize from and as she discusses issues related to communication delays and disorders in toddlers and young preschoolers. In this episode Laura is talking with Kelly Nelson, Developmental Interventionist, about the ideas she shared in this week's Therapy Tip of the Week for using stickers. It goes waaaaaaay beyond using them as a reward! We'll also discuss her upcoming Therapy Guide for Sensory Bottles and answer a question from a DI who is working with a child who is hard, hard, hard to engage. I hope you'll join me!
22/04/2013 • 1 heure, 1 minute
#191 Jargon Use in Toddlers with Language Delays
Join pediatric speech -language pathologist Laura Mize from and developmental interventionist Kate Hensler as they discuss issues related to communication delays and disorders in toddlers and young preschoolers. In this episode of "Teach Me To Talk with Laura and Kate" we'll answer a question from an SLP about a little client who is still using jargon. This will give us an opportunity to discuss jargon, consider what it could mean when we hear a child speak in jargon, and make treatment recomnmendations based on those possible scenarios.
01/04/2013 • 1 heure, 6 minutes
#190 Follow Up Emails about BIG Topics
Join pediatric speech -language pathologist Laura Mize from and developmental interventionist Kate Hensler as they discuss issues related to communication delays and disorders in toddlers and young preschoolers. In this episode of "Teach Me To Talk with Laura and Kate" we'll read follow-up emails from parents and therapists for the "BIG" topics we've covered that have made a real difference for them... so far "meet a child where he/she is developmentally," targeting cognition first, working on social games, and establishing verbal routines. I hope you'll join us!
18/03/2013 • 1 heure, 3 minutes
#189 To Diagnose or Not To Diagnose Toddlers
Join pediatric speech -language pathologist Laura Mize from and developmental interventionist Kate Hensler as they discuss issues related to communication delays and disorders in toddlers and young preschoolers. In this episode of "Teach Me To Talk with Laura and Kate" we'll be discussing a dilemma every SLP who works with toddlers experiences. Is it better to offer parents a "diagnosis" for a very young child or is it better to stick to a very general label like developmental delay or expressive language delay? Hmmmm.... we'll tackle this question with an SLP who recently experienced this situation. We'll discuss both sides of this issue - when/how it's warranted and when you may want to take a step back. As usual, we'll also be offering our own opinions and hope you'll join us!
11/03/2013 • 1 heure, 3 minutes
#188 Never Give Up on Speech!
Join pediatric speech -language pathologist Laura Mize from and developmental interventionist Kate Hensler as they discuss issues related to communication delays and disorders in toddlers and young preschoolers. In this episode of "Teach Me To Talk with Laura and Kate" we'll discuss 3 recent articles that caught my attention with the following topics: ONE POSITIVE INTERACTION with a professional can change a parent's perspective and sense of empowerment in working with their child, things a mom of a little boy with special needs wishes everyone knew, and lastly, NEVER GIVE UP ON SPEECH! A new study finds that children with autism CAN and DO learn to talk even if they're past the age of 4 or 5. I hope you'll join us for this discussion!
04/03/2013 • 1 heure, 1 minute
#187 Special Challenges during Therapy - Sibs and Grandmas!
Join pediatric speech -language pathologist Laura Mize from and developmental interventionist Kate Hensler as they discuss issues related to communication delays and disorders in toddlers and young preschoolers. In this episode of "Teach Me To Talk with Laura and Kate" we'll talk about the special challenges during therapy of dealing with siblings and grandmothers! We love, love, love brothers and sisters of our little friends. Everytime we get to work with a grandmother we know that our little client is going to get even more help with learning language. However.... there are sometimes special circumstances that we must address when siblings or grandparents are involved in sessions and we'll talk about those extra tips for successful sessions today!
25/02/2013 • 1 heure, 3 minutes
#186 Treating Disregulation in Sessions with Toddlers
Join pediatric speech -language pathologist Laura Mize from and developmental interventionist Kate Hensler as they discuss issues related to communication delays and disorders in toddlers and young preschoolers. In this episode of "Teach Me To Talk with Laura and Kate" we'll talk with an SLP who is treating a child with a history of prenatal drug exposure and a diagnosis of autism who is highly disregulated during sessions. She needs ideas for helping him participate with her during activities rather than screaming and crying.
18/02/2013 • 1 heure, 2 minutes
#185 Becoming Noisy - A Step Toward Talking!
Join pediatric speech -language pathologist Laura Mize from and developmental interventionist Kate Hensler as they discuss issues related to communication delays and disorders in toddlers and young preschoolers. In this episode of "Teach Me To Talk with Laura and Kate" we'll be discussing ideas for helping a toddler make more noise during play. All of the ideas are from my book Building Verbal Imitation in Toddlers. Get more information at We hope you'll join us! Laura
11/02/2013 • 1 heure, 8 minutes
#165 Expressive Language Development in Toddlers - Part II
Join pediatric speech -language pathologist Laura Mize from and developmental interventionist Kate Hensler as they discuss issues related to communication delays and disorders in toddlers and young preschoolers. In this episode of "Teach Me To Talk with Laura and Kate" we'll be discussing expressive language development and how build a vocabulary for late talkers who are just beginning to use words.
04/02/2013 • 57 minutes
#182 Building Play Skills for Toddlers with Delays
Join pediatric speech -language pathologist Laura Mize from and developmental interventionist Kate Hensler as they discuss issues related to communication delays and disorders in toddlers and young preschoolers. In this episode of "Teach Me To Talk with Laura and Kate" we'll talk to a mom who has questions about her son's play skills.
21/01/2013 • 1 heure, 15 minutes
#181 Auditory Processing; Apps for Older Preschoolers
Join pediatric speech -language pathologist Laura Mize from and developmental interventionist Kate Hensler as they discuss issues related to communication delays and disorders in toddlers and young preschoolers. In this episode of "Teach Me To Talk with Laura and Kate" guest SLP Patti Hamaguchi will be joining us to talk about one of her clinical specialties, auditory processing. She'll not only define this diagnosis for us, but she'll talk about what characteristics we may see in younger children, and provide some treatment ideas for therapy sessions and for home. As the founder of "Hamaguchi Apps" Patti will also discuss when apps are useful in treatment (and even when they're not!) I hope you'll join us for a great show!
14/01/2013 • 1 heure, 6 minutes
#180 Differentiating Lack of Motivation from Lack of Ability
Join pediatric speech -language pathologist Laura Mize from and developmental interventionist Kate Hensler as they discuss issues related to communication delays and disorders in toddlers and young preschoolers. In this episode of "Teach Me To Talk with Laura and Kate" we'll answer a mom's question about her 19 month old. She led with email with this: "How do I differentiate a lack of motivation with a lack of ability?" I hope you'll join us for our answer!
07/01/2013 • 1 heure, 5 minutes
#179 Year End Recap
Join pediatric speech -language pathologist Laura Mize from and developmental interventionist Kate Hensler as they discuss issues related to communication delays and disorders in toddlers and young preschoolers. In this episode of "Teach Me To Talk with Laura and Kate" we'll review our favorite podcast topics from the year, get updates on our 2 favorite podcast callers, and then talk about upcoming topics for 2013.
17/12/2012 • 1 heure, 4 minutes
#178 NEW Christmas Therapy Guide & Kathryn Gruhn
Join pediatric speech -language pathologist Laura Mize from and developmental interventionist Kate Hensler as they discuss issues related to communication delays and disorders in toddlers and young preschoolers. In this episode of "Teach Me To Talk with Laura and Kate" we'll be discussing Laura's new Christmas Therapy Guide as well as interviewing Kathryn Gruhn, SLP and author of a great resource for developmental milestones for both parents and professionals My Baby Compass.
10/12/2012 • 1 heure, 3 minutes
#177 Questions from SLPs at Conferences
Join pediatric speech -language pathologist Laura Mize from and developmental interventionist Kate Hensler as they discuss issues related to communication delays and disorders in toddlers and young preschoolers. In this episode of "Teach Me To Talk with Laura and Kate" we'll be discussing great questions from SLPs in conferences this fall including: "I have only been able to get a child to sign "more" a few times and she won't do it again. What else should I try?" and "If you're working on primarily social and receptive language skills, how would your session look vs. working on only expressive goals?" and "How can I get parents of kids I see at daycare more involved?" and "I have a child who always sounds sick..." to "Our regs have changed and we can't qualify as many kids anymore. What should we do?" If we finish all of those, I'll tell you which toys therapists asked about from my conference video clips and discuss those. I hope you'll join us!
03/12/2012 • 1 heure, 12 minutes
#176 Guest SLP Shereka Bentham to talk about EasySpeak mag
Join pediatric speech -language pathologist Laura Mize from and developmental interventionist Kate Hensler as they discuss issues related to communication delays and disorders in toddlers and young preschoolers. In this episode of "Teach Me To Talk with Laura and Kate" we'll be talking with SLP Shareka Bentham about her online magazine for SLPs called EasySpeak, her practice in the Barbados, and SLPChat she hosts on Twitter. I hope you'll join us!
26/11/2012 • 1 heure, 6 minutes
#175 Teaching Negation, Parts & Whole, Matching, Categories
Join pediatric speech -language pathologist Laura Mize from and developmental interventionist Kate Hensler as they discuss issues related to communication delays and disorders in toddlers and young preschoolers. In this episode of "Teach Me To Talk with Laura and Kate" we'll be discussing expressive language development. We're finishing up this series today with a brief review of teaching negation, identifying parts of an object, matching/sorting, and categories. I hope you'll join us!
19/11/2012 • 1 heure, 12 minutes
#174 Teaching Object Functions
Join pediatric speech -language pathologist Laura Mize from and developmental interventionist Kate Hensler as they discuss issues related to communication delays and disorders in toddlers and young preschoolers. In this episode of "Teach Me To Talk with Laura and Kate" we'll be discussing expressive language development and how build a vocabulary for late talkers. Before a child can state an object's function, he needs to understand how objects are used. We'll discuss tricks and the sequence for teaching these skills.
12/11/2012 • 1 heure, 7 minutes
#173 Teaching Your Young Child to Answer Questions
Join pediatric speech -language pathologist Laura Mize from and developmental interventionist Kate Hensler as they discuss issues related to communication delays and disorders in toddlers and young preschoolers. In this episode of "Teach Me To Talk with Laura and Kate" we'll be discussing expressive language development. In this week's episode we'll discuss how to teach a child to begin to answer questions by using forced choice responses and the review method.
05/11/2012 • 1 heure, 3 minutes
#172 Learning to Answer Questions - Where, Yes/No, Choices
Join pediatric speech -language pathologist Laura Mize from and developmental interventionist Kate Hensler as they discuss issues related to communication delays and disorders in toddlers and young preschoolers. In this episode of "Teach Me To Talk with Laura and Kate" we'll be discussing expressive language development and how a toddler learns to understand and then answer the following question types: where questions, yes/no questions, and make choices. I hope you'll join us!
29/10/2012 • 1 heure, 21 minutes
#171 Mom's Questions about Teaching "Stop" and Danger
Join pediatric speech -language pathologist Laura Mize from and developmental interventionist Kate Hensler as they discuss issues related to communication delays and disorders in toddlers and young preschoolers. In this episode of "Teach Me To Talk with Laura and Kate" we'll be taking a mom's call who has questions about teaching her child with receptive delays to understand "stop" and "danger." We'll give her some ideas for teaching him to understand, but also throw in some "mom" advice too :)
22/10/2012 • 1 heure, 9 minutes
#170 Learning to Answer and Ask Questions
Join pediatric speech -language pathologist Laura Mize from and developmental interventionist Kate Hensler as they discuss issues related to communication delays and disorders in toddlers and young preschoolers. In this episode of "Teach Me To Talk with Laura and Kate" we'll be discussing expressive language development and how build vocabulary in toddlers. This week we'll discuss how a toddler learns to ask and answer questions - or otherwise participate in back and forth conversation!
15/10/2012 • 1 heure, 12 minutes
#169 Expressive Language in Toddlers - Answering Questions
Join pediatric speech -language pathologist Laura Mize from and developmental interventionist Kate Hensler as they discuss issues related to communication delays and disorders in toddlers and young preschoolers. In this episode of "Teach Me To Talk with Laura and Kate" we'll be discussing how a child learns to answer questions. UNDERSTANDING questions is the very first requirement! I hope you'll join us!
08/10/2012 • 1 heure, 17 minutes
#168 Expressive Language Development in Toddlers - Part 5
Join pediatric speech -language pathologist Laura Mize from and developmental interventionist Kate Hensler as they discuss issues related to communication delays and disorders in toddlers and young preschoolers. In this episode of "Teach Me To Talk with Laura and Kate" we'll be discussing expressive language development and how build a vocabulary for late talkers who are just beginning to use words.In this week's episode we'll be discussing tips for teaching early pronouns and early descriptive words.
01/10/2012 • 1 heure, 2 minutes
#167 Expressive Language Development in Toddlers - Part 4
Join pediatric speech -language pathologist Laura Mize from and developmental interventionist Kate Hensler as they discuss issues related to communication delays and disorders in toddlers and young preschoolers. In this episode of "Teach Me To Talk with Laura and Kate" we'll be discussing expressive language development and how build a vocabulary for late talkers who are just beginning to use words. On today's show we'll be discussing ways to introduce location words (or prepositions) and early pronouns.
24/09/2012 • 1 heure, 6 minutes
#166 Expressive Development - Part 3 - Teaching VERBS
Join pediatric speech -language pathologist Laura Mize from and developmental interventionist Kate Hensler as they discuss issues related to communication delays and disorders in toddlers and young preschoolers. In this episode of "Teach Me To Talk with Laura and Kate" we'll be discussing expressive language development and how build a vocabulary for late talkers who are just beginning to use words. Today's topic includes teaching verbs or action words! Let's go!!!
17/09/2012 • 1 heure, 4 minutes
#165 Expressive Language Development in Toddlers - Part II
Join pediatric speech -language pathologist Laura Mize from and developmental interventionist Kate Hensler as they discuss issues related to communication delays and disorders in toddlers and young preschoolers. In this episode of "Teach Me To Talk with Laura and Kate" we'll be discussing expressive language development and how build a vocabulary for late talkers who are just beginning to use words.
10/09/2012 • 1 heure, 4 minutes
#164 Vocabulary Development in Toddlers with Language Delays
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize and developmental interventionist Kate Hensler as they discuss issues related to toddlers with language delays on Teach Me To Talk with Laura and Kate. In this episode we'll begin a series on expressive vocabulary development and the background strategies for building vocabulary in late talking toddlers. Often parents wonder... why isn't my child able to answer questions or have a conversation with me? One reason is because the child lacks the vocabulary to be able to respond. (There are other reasons too and we'll briefly discuss those as well!) Tonight we'll be discussing the kinds of words that dominate a new talker's vocabulary and how to elicit those kinds of words during daily routines and in play.
26/08/2012 • 1 heure, 6 minutes
#164 Therapy in Childcare Settings
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize and developmental interventionist Kate Hensler as they discuss issues related to toddlers with language delays on Teach Me To Talk with Laura and Kate. In this episode we'll provide ideas for therapists who see children in childcare settings. We'll discuss the "ideal" childcare situations and also provide ideas for making it work when real life creeps in and you'll need to make do with what you have!
19/08/2012 • 1 heure, 8 minutes
#163 Farm Animals in Therapy for Toddlers - Part 2
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize and developmental interventionist Kate Hensler as they discuss issues related to toddlers with language delays on Teach Me To Talk with Laura and Kate. In this episode we'll continue last week's topic of using farm animal toys with toddlers with developmental delays. We'll give you some new ideas for working on both receptive and expressive language while building a toddler's play skills, participation, and attention. Hope you'll join us!
12/08/2012 • 1 heure, 14 minutes
#162 Ideas for Using Farm Animal Play to Teach Language
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize and developmental interventionist Kate Hensler as they discuss issues related to toddlers with language delays on Teach Me To Talk with Laura and Kate. This show is an extension of Laura's Therapy Tip of the Week video for 8.3.12 with tips of using farm animal play with toddlers with language delays. The video focused on what toys to use and what words to target. The podcast will tell you HOW to do it.
05/08/2012 • 1 heure, 10 minutes
#161 Meet Kids Where They Are ... Tips for Behavior
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize and developmental interventionist Kate Hensler as they discuss issues related to toddlers with language delays on Teach Me To Talk with Laura and Kate. In this episode we'll finish up our 3 part series on meeting a kid where he is. Tonight's focus is on BEHAVIOR. We have lots and lots to say about this and hope you'll join us!
22/07/2012 • 1 heure, 8 minutes
#160 Meet a kid where he is.... what does that mean? Part 2
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize and developmental interventionist Kate Hensler as they discuss issues related to toddlers with language delays on Teach Me To Talk with Laura and Kate. This week is part 2 of discussing what it means to meet a kid where he is and work from there. This adjustment can make a big, big difference in progress, in particpation, and in feelling you're doing something besides chasing a kid around for the whole vist. We hope you'll join us for this discussion!
15/07/2012 • 1 heure, 7 minutes
#159 Meeting Kids Where They Are - What does that mean???
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize and developmental interventionist Kate Hensler as they discuss issues related to toddlers with language delays on Teach Me To Talk with Laura and Kate. In this episode we'll talk about what this phrase means and apply it to several common scenarios in therapy with developmentally delayed toddlers. Sometimes this adjustment can make a big, big difference in progress, in particpation, and in feelling you're doing something besides chasing a kid around for the whole vist. We hope you'll join us for this discussion!
08/07/2012 • 1 heure, 5 minutes
#158 Pros/Cons of Using Flashcards & Pictures for Toddlers
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize and developmental interventionist Kate Hensler as they discuss issues related to toddlers with language delays on Teach Me To Talk with Laura and Kate. In this episode we'll answer an SLP's questions about using flashcards & pictures in therapy with toddlers. We'll discuss why we're (mostly) "con," when flashcards & pictures are best, and then give you lots of activities to make them more fun for toddlers if you absolutely must use them! We hope you'll join us!
17/06/2012 • 1 heure, 9 minutes
#157 Games for Older Toddlers for Language & Other Skills
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize of and Kate Hensler, developmental interventionist, as they discuss therapy strategies for toddlers with developmental delays. This week's show is a continuation of last week's topic - WHAT TO TRY WHEN A KID IS SICK OF YOU AND YOUR STANDARD ROUTINES. We'll be discussing our favorite games for older toddlers. I hope you'll join us for some new ideas!
10/06/2012 • 1 heure, 4 minutes
#156 NEW Ideas for When a Kid is SICK of You and Your Toys!
Join Laura Mize, pediatric speech-language pathologist, and Kate Hensler, developmental interventionist, as they discuss issues related to communication and developmental delays in babies, toddlers, and young preschoolers. Tonight's episode is all about ideas to try when a child is sick of you and all of your standard therapy toys and routines. What should you do then???? Join us for new therapy ideas!
03/06/2012 • 1 heure, 4 minutes
#155 Links Between Motor, Cogition, and Language Skills
Join Laura Mize, pediatric speech-language pathologist, and Kate Hensler, developmental interventionist, as they discuss issues related to communication and developmental delays in babies, toddlers, and young preschoolers. We'll be discussing a 2006 study that links 3 specific motor & cognitive skills to stronger language development in toddlers. Join us to find out what those skills are!
27/05/2012 • 1 heure, 7 minutes
#154 Links Between Motor, Cognition and Early Language
Join Laura Mize, pediatric speech-language pathologist, and Kate Hensler, developmental interventionist, as they discuss issues related to communication and developmental delays in babies, toddlers, and young preschoolers. Tonight's episode will discuss a 2006 study that found links between early language skills and motor skills such as blowing bubbles and licking lips as well as pretending a block is a car.
20/05/2012 • 1 heure, 10 minutes
#153 Language in Daily Routines - Bath time & Outside Play
Join Laura Mize, pediatric speech-language pathologist, and Kate Hensler, developmental interventionist, as they discuss issues related to communication and developmental delays in babies, toddlers, and young preschoolers. Tonight's questions are from a mom who wants some new ideas for engaging her son during bath time and outside play. Because of his sensory issues, she seems to "lose" him during those times. Join us as we give her some new ideas!
13/05/2012 • 1 heure, 4 minutes
#152 Building Verbal Imitation - Part 8 - Words & Phrases
Join Laura Mize, pediatric speech-language pathologist, and Kate Hensler, developmental interventionist, as they discuss issues related to communication and developmental delays in babies, toddlers, and young preschoolers. In tonight's show we're finishing up the series on Laura's new book Building Verbal Imitation in Toddlers. We're discussing tips to make it easier for a child to learn to imitate words and short phrases.
29/04/2012 • 1 heure, 12 minutes
#151 Building Verbal Imitation - Part 7 - Verbal Routines
Join Laura Mize, pediatric speech-language pathologist, and Kate Hensler, developmental interventionist, as they discuss issues related to communication and developmental delays in babies, toddlers, and young preschoolers. Tonight's show is about using Verbal Routines to develop language with toddlers with developmental language delays. This is the 7th show in this series and is based on information from Laura's new book to be released on May 1. For details, visit
22/04/2012 • 1 heure, 8 minutes
#150 Building Verbal Imitation in Toddlers Part 4
Join Laura Mize, pediatric speech-language pathologist, and Kate Hensler, developmental interventionist, as they discuss issues related to communication and developmental delays in babies, toddlers, and young preschoolers. Tonight's podcast picks up where we left of with a discussion of the step necessary to move a nonverbal child through the process of learning to imitate. Tonight we'll begin with Level 5: Imitation of Exclamatory Words. This information is from Laura's new book Building Verbal Imitation in Toddlers set to be released in May 2012. See for more details!
15/04/2012 • 1 heure, 4 minutes
#149 Building Verbal Imitation in Toddlers Part 3
Join Laura Mize, pediatric speech-language pathologist, and Kate Hensler, developmental interventionist, as they discuss strategies or "In between" steps for helping nonverbal toddlers learn to imitate words and ultimately learn to talk. Part 3 in this series. Information is from Laura's new book Building Verbal Imitation in Toddlers.
18/03/2012 • 1 heure, 9 minutes
#148 Building Verbal Imitation in Toddlers - Part 2
Join Laura Mize, pediatric speech-language pathologist, and Kate Hensler, developmental interventionist, as they discuss issues related to communication and developmental delays in babies, toddlers, and young preschoolers. Today's topic is a continuation of the discussion of teaching toddlers how to imitate. In last week's show, Laura and Kate discussed the first two levels. Join us for this invaluable information for parents and professionals who work with late talkers.
11/03/2012 • 1 heure, 11 minutes
#147 Building Verbal Imitation in Toddlers
Join Laura Mize, pediatric speech-language pathologist, and Kate Hensler, developmental interventionist, as they discuss the 8 stages for building verbal imitation skills in late talkers. This information is from Laura's book set to be released later this month. For more information see
04/03/2012 • 1 heure, 9 minutes
#146 Therapy Session Outlines - Part Two
Join Laura Mize, pediatric speech-language pathologist, and Kate Hensler, developmental interventionist, as they discuss issues related to communication and developmental delays in babies, toddlers, and young preschoolers. Tonight's show is a continuation of last week's podcast #145 with ways to plan and implement speech and developmental therapy sessions for toddlers with developmental delays.
26/02/2012 • 1 heure, 5 minutes
#145 Therapy Session Outlines for Birth to 3 Therapists
Join Laura Mize, pediatric speech-language pathologist, and Kate Hensler, developmental interventionist, as they discuss issues related to communication and developmental delays in babies, toddlers, and young preschoolers. Tonight's question is from an SLP who asked Kate and me how a typical session looks for our very young clients. We'll be discussing how we plan and implement therapy sessions for very young children with communication and developmental delays.
19/02/2012 • 1 heure, 18 minutes
#144 Eye Contact, The Wrong Screentime, Valentine's Day
Join Laura Mize, pediatric speech-language pathologist, and Kate Hensler, developmental interventionist, as they discuss issues related to communication and developmental delays in babies, toddlers, and young preschoolers. On tonight's show we're discussing several different topics and articles I've posted on my website at related to eye contact in young children on the spectrum, the dangers of the wrong kind of screen time for ALL young children but especially those with family histories of ADD/ADHD, and CUTE therapy recommendations for Valentine's Day from my recent Therapy Tip of the Week Videos - not necessarily in that order :)
12/02/2012 • 1 heure, 5 minutes
#143 Why Tunnel Vision is (Mostly) Okay for Therapists
Join Laura Mize, pediatric speech-language pathologist, and Kate Hensler, developmental interventionist, as they discuss issues related to communication and developmental delays in babies, toddlers, and young preschoolers. This was last week's intended topic, but we had a caller (which was wonderful!), and we didn't get to discuss this idea. This is #5 in my article for New Years Resolutions for therapists. Read the whole article here:
29/01/2012 • 1 heure, 14 minutes
#142 Why TUNNEL VISION Is (Mostly) Okay for Therapists
Join Laura Mize, pediatric speech-language pathologist, and Kate Hensler, developmental interventionist, as they discuss issues related to communication and developmental delays in babies, toddlers, and young preschoolers. Tonight we're discussing #5 in my article for New Years Resolutions for therapists. Read the whole article here:
22/01/2012 • 1 heure, 6 minutes
#141 Resolutions #3 & #4 for Therapists in EI
Join Laura Mize, pediatric speech-language pathologist, and Kate Hensler, developmental interventionist, as they discuss issues related to communication and developmental delays in babies, toddlers, and young preschoolers. In today's show, Laura and Kate review a list of Resolutions for pediatric therapists who work with very young children. Use these strategies and eliminate (or at least minimize) some of your day-to-day challenges!
We're discussing the next 2 resolutions which are: I will not blame parents for developmental issues. I will not blame behavior for developmental issues.
Join us for the show and read the full article here:
Join us for the show and read the full article here:
15/01/2012 • 1 heure, 14 minutes
#140 Resolutions for 2012 for Early Intervention Therapists
Join Laura Mize, pediatric speech-language pathologist, and Kate Hensler, developmental interventionist, as they discuss issues related to communication and developmental delays in babies, toddlers, and young preschoolers. In today's show, Laura and Kate review a list of Resolutions for pediatric therapists who work with very young children. Use these strategies and eliminate (or at least minimize) some of your day-to-day challenges! Join us for the show and read the full article here:
08/01/2012 • 1 heure, 13 minutes
#139 SLP Questions re: HARD Clients on her EI caseload
Join Laura Mize, pediatric speech-language pathologist, and Kate Hensler, developmental interventionist, as they discuss issues related to communication and developmental delays in babies, toddlers, and young preschoolers. Tonight's questions are from an SLP whose clients have some complicated case histories and aren't making the progress she'd like to see. What do you do when you've tried EVERYTHING? Join us for our spin on that!
18/12/2011 • 1 heure, 25 minutes
#138 Therapy Ideas for Christmas & Winter for Toddlers
Join Laura Mize, pediatric speech-language pathologist, and Kate Hensler, developmental interventionist, as they discuss issues related to communication and developmental delays in babies, toddlers, and young preschoolers. During this show we'll discuss our favorite therapy activities for the holidays. We'll also preview Laura's new Christmas DVD from!
04/12/2011 • 1 heure, 7 minutes
#138 Social Skills in Toddlers - Part 5
Join Laura Mize, pediatric speech-language pathologist, and Kate Hensler, developmental interventionist, as they discuss the final 4 key social skills needed for development of communication skills in toddlers. Tonight's show is Part 5 and the final episode in this series!
27/11/2011 • 1 heure, 16 minutes
#137 Social Skills in Toddlers - Part 4
Join Laura Mize, pediatric speech-language pathologist, and Kate Hensler, developmental interventionist, as they discuss the key social skills necessary so that toddlers develop language skills. This is the 4th show in this series. Listen as we discuss how we work on these skills in therapy sessions.
20/11/2011 • 1 heure, 8 minutes
#136 Social Skills in Toddlers - Part 3
Join Laura Mize, pediatric speech-language pathologist, and Kate Hensler, developmental interventionist, as they discuss social skill issues related to communication and developmental delays in babies, toddlers, and young preschoolers. Tonight's show is part 3 in a series. We'll begin the show discussing how to use a child's sensory preferences (or even stereotypic behaviors) as an initial way to engage a child during therapy. We'll also continue to discuss the key social skills a child needs as a prerequisite to develop language.
13/11/2011 • 1 heure, 11 minutes
#135 Social Skills in Toddlers - Part 2
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize from and developmental interventionist Kate Hensler as they discuss toddlers' social skills. Learn to distinguish typical vs. atypical skills and facilitate these skills during play.
06/11/2011 • 1 heure, 14 minutes
#134 Social Skills in Toddlers with Developmental Delays
Join Laura Mize, pediatric speech-language pathologist, and Kate Hensler, developmental interventionist, as they discuss issues related to communication and developmental delays in babies, toddlers, and young preschoolers. Tonight we'll be discussing the scheduled topic for show #132. We'll review the key social skills which are the foundation for language development and discuss ways to facilitate those skills during play.
30/10/2011 • 1 heure, 7 minutes
#133 Signing vs. PECS - Decision Making for Toddlers
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize from and developmental interventionist Kate Hensler as they answer questions about late talking toddlers. Tonight we'll address the decision making process for therapists and families as they decide which initial communication system might be best for a child. We'll talk about the prerequisite skills very young children need before using either of these alternative systems and other considerations and factors that aid in selecting which method might be most effective for a child and his family.
23/10/2011 • 1 heure, 21 minutes
#132 Social Skills: Analyzing Quantity and Quality
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize from and developmental interventionist Kate Hensler as they discuss late talking toddlers. In tonight's episode two listeners have asked questions about social skills. We'll review the key social skills therapists analyze and discuss ways to facilitate those skills in therapy sessions.
16/10/2011 • 1 heure, 1 minute
#131 Seasonal Therapy Routines - Ideas for FALL
Join Laura Mize, pediatric speech-language pathologist, and Kate Hensler, developmental interventionist, as they discuss issues related to communication and developmental delays in babies, toddlers, and young preschoolers. Tonight's episode will be devoted to new therapy ideas related to fall to spice up your sessions over the next few weeks.
09/10/2011 • 1 heure, 9 minutes
#130 "Forcing" a child to perform in therapy & Co-treating
Join Laura Mize, pediatric speech-language pathologist, and Kate Hensler, developmental interventionist, as they discuss issues related to communication and developmental delays in babies, toddlers, and young preschoolers. Tonight's question is from a grad student SLP who is observing a particular methodology with a 4 year old client with autism. Since the therapists she mentions are co-treating, we'll also tackle when that's appropriate, when it's not, and how to maximize the effectiveness of working with another discipline in sessions.
25/09/2011 • 1 heure, 22 minutes
#129 The POWER of Social Games & Funny Story for Therapists
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize from and developmental interventionist Kate Hensler as they discuss late talking toddlers. This week we're going to read an email from a mom with a success story using social games and other strategies we recommended to her earlier this summer. We're discussing how/when to interject social games into your sessions to maximize your own successes in engaging difficult toddlers.
We'll also read a funny story another SLP sent me this week with recommendations for "dressing the part" for sessions with young children. I'm sure Kate and I will have plenty to say about that!
18/09/2011 • 1 heure, 4 minutes
#128 Prerequisites for Phrases & The POWER of a Social Game
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize from and developmental interventionist Kate Hensler as they answer and discuss a question about a child who is not using phrases yet and 2 specific stories about the POWER of social games in eliciting engagement and first words.
11/09/2011 • 1 heure, 3 minutes
#127 Differentiating Language Delay from Autism in Toddlers
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize from and developmental interventionist Kate Hensler as they discuss criteria set forth to differentiate toddlers with developmental language delay from those with autism spectrum disorder using an article from Dr. Rhea Paul from ASHA's journal Perspectives in Language Learning and Education October 2008.
04/09/2011 • 1 heure, 5 minutes
#126 Stages of Play
Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize from and developmental interventionist Kate Hensler as they discuss the final stages of play for toddlers as they approach the developmental age of 3. We'll also answer a mom's specific question related to expanding play using toys such as a farm set, house, and kitchen.