主播:Maelle(法国)+Selah(美国) 歌曲:I Count on Me今天梅莉和Selah要聊一聊“what they miss about China”! 到国外后最想念中国的什么。Selah has not been back to China since she moved to the US in 2019, so it has been a long time. Maelle has been back a few times, since her family still lives in China. China is considered Selah’s childhood home, so she has many fond memories and nostalgia (怀念).Maelle在国外和她的中国朋友说她准备“回国”时,他们都会笑,因为Maelle虽然是外国人,但是她说的回国也是中国。China is truly home for Maelle.What do they miss most after leaving China?01. China's Cuisine & Convenient Lifestyle 中国的美食和便捷的生活方式Selah misses food being delicious, fresh, and cheap. When Maelle really misses Asian food, she finds it quite hard to find good and reasonably priced places (价格合理的地方). 在国外找好的中餐厅真的不容易,而且价格会比中国贵。In the US, food is often very processed (大量加工), and eating out can be very expensive. In France they have really good food. Maelle would not complain on that, but it can be quite expensive for sure, especially coming from China.Besides food, Selah also misses public transportation. 在中国想去任何地方可以乘公共交通工具and it is very easy! You can take a bus, metro (地铁), taxi and so much more. It is so different in the states. 在美国公共交通不是特别的方便。In the US, everyone has to have their own car. 除了大城市like New York or Los Angeles, 其他地方必须得有自己的交通工具。It’s not so convenient.This is something Maelle really misses about China, how quickly and convenient everything is. 梅莉觉得在中国生活真的很方便, like ordering food, and all the services such as滴滴, 达达, 代驾, and so much more. It is cheap, fast, easily accessible (容易获取) and makes life so much easier.02. Chinese Healthy Lifestyle and Hospitality 中国人健康的生活方式和待客之道Selah really misses the ability to walk everywhere. In the US, she mostly sits, either at her desk at work or in her car. Selah感觉中国人每天walk so much everywhere, this has to be so much healthier!Maelle really misses going to the parks in the morning or at night in China and seeing the older people dancing and exercising. She always found it to be so wholesome (有益健康). This isn’t something she sees old people do in France. 在中国,梅莉经常会看到老人早上在公园里健身,晚上跳广场舞,真的很有意思,而且很健康!Something Selah also misses is how welcoming Chinese people are towards foreigners. They always want to have a conversation with her. Maelle definitely misses the hospitality (热情好客) in China. 梅莉觉得中国人的待客之道非常好,她非常喜欢这一点。When Selah lived in China, she would get many questions every time she left the house like, “你是哪里人?你怎么会说中文?你在这儿住了多久?你更喜欢美国还是中国?你喜欢吃饺子吗?”Maelle would have very similar experiences. She always finds it so nice to be able to start a conversation and get to know people. They are very approachable (平易近人).Selah said people in the US are kind and welcoming, but they can sometimes look intimidating or unapproachable (令人生畏或难以接近). It can be like that in France as well.03. Interesting Traditions of Chinese Festivals 中国节日的有趣传统China has many holidays, like 中秋节,端午节,春节 with many traditions. The US has holidays and traditions, but they have a shorter history. There are so many fun activities during the holidays, it is always so fun to participate.Selah misses the red decorations (装饰品) around 春节 and the traditions like 红包 and 包饺子. Maelle totally agrees. And she thinks that how everyone gathers to set fireworks is so special!Selah misses hearing fireworks for holidays. They are not allowed where she lives other than New Years and the 4thof July.They are not allowed in France either. Maelle doesn’t see them often expect for special occasions (除了特殊场合). 在美国和法国,她们不是经常可以看到烟花,在中国尤其是过节的时候放烟花都是很热闹的时刻。04. Changes and Constancy in Chinese Cities 中国城市的变与不变Maelle really misses speaking Chinese everyday. Selah does not use it as much anymore.Maelle also misses the dynamic pace of development (充满活力的发展步伐) in China. There is always something changing. Cities in China are always evolving, with new buildings, restaurants, and innovations popping up (突然出现). It is always exciting and you don’t know what might pop up next!Lastly, the 24/7 availability (全天候服务). In France, everything is basically closed on Sundays, and shop hours are quite limited. Maelle really misses how in China, food delivery (外卖), shops, and restaurants are always open. It’s great for emergencies or spontaneous plans (紧急情况或临时计划)—there’s always something open (总有营业的地方)!There are some places like that in the US, but it is mostly fast food and even then, they will usually close after midnight (在午夜后关门).After the conversation today, they miss China even more! If you have any questions or comments feel free to comment below !请在评论区告诉我们:你还想听梅莉和Selah聊什么话题呢?
10/24/2024 • 9 minutes, 12 seconds
主播:Flora(中国)+ Erin(美国) 歌曲:Double Trouble我们今天来聊聊最近在全球重映的魔法题材系列电影——Harry Potter。It has captured the hearts of millions worldwide (俘获了全世界数百万人的心). Even now, with the re-release (重映) of the films, fans—both old and new—are flocking to (涌向) cinemas to relive the magic (重温). 前几天Flora订票的时候发现Harry Potter的放映厅位置爆满。You really had to scramble to get the best seats (抢最佳观影位置) for the movie!It’s the same thing in the U.S. Erin knows a lot of people would seat in theaters for hours on end, watch like an entire marathon of the movies (很多人会在影院里一坐就是几个小时,就像看一整部马拉松式的电影一样). So Today, we’re breaking down the top reasons (首要原因) why Harry Potter remains so beloved.01. The relatability of its characters 角色的亲和力They’re real, flawed (有缺点的), and far from perfect. 让人觉得没有距离感。In fact, there are actually a lot of movies and TV shows that simplify (简化) the characters and their emotions.We see them deal with everyday problems, especially as teens and young adults. They aren’t portrayed (被描绘) as overly mature (过度成熟)—they are as messy and unsure as we were at their age.And it perfectly reflects the everyday challenges that we face as teenagers. From Harry’s insecurities (不安全感) to Hermione’s perfectionism (完美主义) and Ron’s feelings of inadequacy (不自信), these are issues we’ve all faced.相信这些是大家经历过的事情,所以我们很容易resonate with them(与他们产生共鸣)。That authenticity (真实性) makes us connect with them on a personal level.02. A magical world intertwined with reality 与现实交织的魔法世界Another reason the series feels so magical is how the wizarding world (魔法世界) is intertwined (交织) with our own. It’s not some completely distant, far-off place. Instead, the magical world runs parallel to our reality (与现实平行).This makes a lot of kids believe in Hogwarts (霍格沃茨) even more. 所以很多孩子到了11岁的时候会期待收到来自Hogwarts的录取通知。It seems like magic could actually be hidden around the corner. You can almost imagine bumping into (撞见) a wizard in Diagon Alley (对角巷) or stumbling onto (偶然发现) Platform 9¾ (9¾站台) at King’s Cross (国王十字). That connection makes it feel closer and more real.03. Distinctive school divisions 独特的学院划分In fact, Hogwarts itself is another huge draw (巨大的吸引力). 他们没有按照教授的内容去划分学院,而是按照学生的traits and characteristics(特征和特性)。It is unlike traditional magical schools at all.Gryffindors (格兰芬多) are known for their bravery, Ravenclaws (拉文克劳) for their intelligence, Hufflepuffs (赫奇帕奇) for their loyalty, and Slytherins (斯莱特林) for their ambition. It’s not just about learning magic—it’s about belonging to a group that reflects who you are.找到一个属于你的群体会帮你建立a sense of belonging(一种归属感)。Wherever in Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff or Slytherin, you will all find a place where you belong.Fans love imagining which house they’d be sorted into (被分到哪个学院). It’s more than (不仅仅是) just a school; it’s a home where your values and traits are recognized and celebrated (这是一个让你的价值观和特质得到认可和庆祝的家). Anywhere on the internet that mentions Harry Potter, you see people discussing what house they are.Flora did a Personality Test-Which Hogwarts House Are You in (你在哪个霍格沃茨的学院里)?Basically, you need to do some multiple choice questions (多选题) where you'll get points for each option, and at the end you'll need to add up the points. 一个分数区间会对应一个霍格沃茨学院。大家如果对这个测试感兴趣也可以去搜一下:Which Hogwarts House Are You in? If you're interested in MBTI 16 personality, you must be very much the same with this one.04. The stunning visuals 令人惊叹不已的视觉效果Like Gloucester Cathedral (格洛斯特大教堂——位于英格兰南部的格洛斯特郡) and Alnwick Castle(阿尼克城堡——位于英格兰东北部的诺森伯兰郡), it makes them even more special.These places are not just CGI (computer-generated imagery)—they have history, depth, and character. This makes them more relatable and appealing. 05. Memorable quotes 令人难忘的名言It’s like magic brought to life (魔法被赋予了生命). Harry Potter最powerful(强大)也是最伟大的地方就在于它教会我们的life lessons(人生教训),it’s about love, friendship, and loyalty(爱、友谊和忠诚)。These values that transcend gender, race, and age.和我们大多数人一样,他们一开始只是nobodies(无名小卒)。Over the course of the series (在这个系列中), they grow, face incredible challenges, and mature in ways we can all admire. 也许这才是我们普通人崇拜的英雄。It’s a story of resilience (坚韧) and growth. No matter who you are or where you start, you can become something greater through courage, friendship, and perseverance. They're all precious treasures in life.Finally, the series is packed with memorable quotes(充满了令人难忘的名言) that stick with (继续跟着) you long after you’ve closed the book or left the theater.Like Dumbledore (邓布利多)’s wisdom: “It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live (人不要依赖梦想而忘记生活).”Or “Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light (即便在最黑暗的时候,也可以找到幸福,只要你记得开灯).”“We’ve all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That’s who we really are (每个人内心都有光明与阴暗的一面,重要的是我们如何选择,那才是真正的我们).”These lines aren’t just magical—they’re reminders of how we can approach life (对待生活). 它们讲述了the struggles we all face and the choices we make。That’s why we love Harry Potter so much. It’s the characters we relate to, the magical world that feels so close, the life lessons that guide us, and the quotes that stay with us forever.Whether you’re watching the re-release in theaters or picking up the books for the hundredth time, Harry Potter’s magic never fades (哈利·波特的魔法永不褪色). 他会一直提醒我们:friendship, bravery, and staying true to ourselves(友谊、勇气和忠于自己),这三样东西是何其宝贵。06. Online reviews of the Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone movie接下来是来自Rotten Tomatoes“烂番茄网站”的一些影评。(1)《哈利·波特》系列电影是少有的违背 “原著总是更好 ”这一观点的系列电影。(2)看到孩子们自己动手、智胜同龄人和成年人、战胜强敌,总是令人激动不已。(3)......第一部电影还算不错(decent-enough),很好地建立了罗琳笔下令人印象深刻的细腻世界和人物形象。If you love Harry Potter as much as we do, share your favorite reason with us. Thanks for joining us today. Until next time, keep the magic alive (让魔法永存)!请在评论区告诉我们:你觉得《哈利·波特》系列电影怎么样?
10/17/2024 • 14 minutes, 28 seconds
主播:Flora(中国)+ Erin(美国) 歌曲:Out There我们来聊一个在不同文化背景下都能引起人们共鸣的一个话题—anxiety(焦虑)。Anxiety is something most of us experience regularly. Whether it's work, school, relationships, or the day-to-day stress of life, anxiety tends to creep in (悄悄蔓延). 真的是生活的方方面面都有可能滋生焦虑。关于处理anxiety,大家有想过:不去fight it(和它做对抗),而是和它make peace(和平相处)吗?Today, we’ll talk about how to accept and manage anxiety in a healthier way (今天,我们将讨论如何以一种更健康的方式来接受和管理焦虑).01. Sources and Manifestation of Anxiety 焦虑的来源和表现Anxiety can come from all kinds of sources. Relationships, work, school, and just navigating (驾驭) life can all contribute. It’s not uncommon to feel like we’re constantly juggling too much at once (我们经常会觉得自己要同时处理太多事情).But anxiety isn’t just about what's going on around us; it affects us in various ways. We might feel physical symptoms (身体上的症状)—like a racing heart (心跳加速) or tension (紧张)—or find ourselves stuck in cycles of worry (陷入了一个无限担忧的循环中).And that brings us to the heart of today’s discussion: how can we effectively manage anxiety (如何有效地管理焦虑)?We’ll explore techniques like cognitive restructuring (认知重组), journaling (写日记), and brainstorming solutions (头脑风暴解决方案) to help manage those overwhelming feelings.02. The Right Mindset 正确的心态It’s important to recognize that these sources are part of being human, not something we need to completely eliminate (需要完全消除). But, how we react to them makes a huge difference.Flora can relate to that on a personal level. There was a time when she tried to tackle her anxiety head-on, thinking that if she just fought it hard enough, it would go away. But then she realized that the more she resisted her anxiety, the stronger it seemed to become. Eventually, she learned to acknowledge her feelings instead of battling them (承认自己的感受而不是压抑). She thinks this is a very important mindset for us to have when dealing with anxiety.03. How to Manage Anxiety Effectively?如何有效管理焦虑?(1) Cognitive Restructuring (认知重组)To manage anxiety, one key approach is challenging our thoughts. 其实很多时候我们的认知或者想法和事实是有很大差距的。With a little bit of reasoning (稍做推理), you may find that the truth is actually far from what you thought.进行认知重组的时候可以问自己一些问题:Is my worry logical(我的担心是符合逻辑的吗)? What’s the evidence behind it(这背后有证据吗)? 总之就是不要让你的emotion(情绪)占据自己的大脑。You might find that a lot of what you’re anxious about is unlikely to happen, or that you’re exaggerating the problem in your mind (你夸大了心中的问题).(2) Journaling (写日记)Writing things down helps make the problem feel more concrete and manageable (更加具体和易于管理). When you put your thoughts on paper, it’s easier to break them down and find a solution.当你有焦虑却不表达的时候,那它就成为了一种abstract feeling (抽象的感受),会让你觉得it's difficult to manage,这样的话只会加深焦虑。那么这时候通过journaling把它具象化,就会打破你对这种未知抽象的恐惧。(3) Brainstorming Solutions (头脑风暴解决方案)When faced with a problem, listing out as many solutions as you can (尽可能多地列出解决方法) is a helpful way to ease anxiety (缓解焦虑). It reduces that feeling of uncertainty and helps you regain a sense of control (找回掌控感).这个其实是可以刻意练习的。You might feel a bit lost at first, but once you open your mind (打开思路), you'll find that there are at least three solutions to your problem (一个问题至少有三种解决方法). It also calms your mind and helps it think of something else.04. Classification of Anxiety (焦虑的分类)(1) Acute Anxiety (急性焦虑)Sometimes, we have acute anxiety, which comes on suddenly, like before a big presentation (一场大型演讲之前). 此外,在日常生活中大家轮流发言交流自己的想法的时候也有可能产生acute anxiety。So what can we do about this?在这种情况出现时,deep breathing(深呼吸)or distracting yourself for a short period(短暂地分散一下注意力)都是比较有效的。如果大家想要直接从源头上减少acute anxiety的话,Flora的建议是:Create more opportunities for yourself to deal with acute anxiety (多给自己创造一些能去应对急性焦虑的机会). 次数累积到一定程度之后,你可能就会惊喜地发现你没有之前那么紧张和焦虑了。In fact, this method could take a lot of courage in the beginning. But when you actually take that step, you'll realize it's not that hard. It is like exposure therapy (暴露疗法). The more you do it, the less scary it is. (2) Chronic Anxiety (慢性焦虑)Chronic anxiety is probably more likely to bother us, and we often have a hard time dealing with it. If it’s chronic anxiety, where the feelings build up over time (随着时间的推移而积累), it’s important to approach it differently.First, adjust your mindset (调整心态). 千万不要试着去suppress or avoid the anxiety(压抑或者回避焦虑),这只会适得其反。其实anxiety是大脑对我们的一种保护。When we feel anxious, it's our brain reminding us to react ahead of time to unknown dangers (提醒我们提前对未知的危险做出反应) so we can better protect ourselves.Whether we are humans or other animals, when faced with a threat we either choose to run or fight. Either choice requires our bodies to function at maximum capacity (都需要我们的身体发挥最大功能) to protect us from harm.自古以来都是这样的。产生焦虑并不是错误,而且是我们身体的一种protective mechanism(保护机制)。After realizing this, you can consistently do things that boost your mood (持续地做一些能改善情绪的事情). It could be exercising, connecting with loved ones, or taking breaks during stressful moments.By balancing out life’s negatives with positive actions, you’ll prevent anxiety from becoming overwhelming. 当你生活中积极的事比重变大之后,心情自然也会变好了。At the end of the day, anxiety is part of life, but it doesn’t have to control us. The key is learning how to approach it with the right mindset (关键是学习如何以正确的心态来处理它), accept it for what it is, and find practical (实用的) ways to manage it.So next time you feel anxious, remember: you don’t need to fight it. Instead, try to make peace with it (尝试和它和解), understand where it’s coming from, and use the tools we talked about today to take back control. And remember, it's perfectly okay to seek support (寻求帮助), whether from friends, family, or professionals. We hope today’s episode helps you feel more empowered to face anxiety head-on and find balance in your life.欢迎在评论区告诉我们:你都有哪些管理焦虑的方法呢?
10/6/2024 • 11 minutes, 43 seconds
主播:翩翩(中国)+Selah(美国) 歌曲:Like I Loved You最近外网有个话题被热议:什么东西极大地改善了你的心理状态?(What massively improved your mental health?)01 运动 Exercising运动真是让人又爱又恨。It sucks at how well it works.然而,心情低落的时候,运动是最不想做的事(when you are depressed, exercising is the last thing you feel like doing.)但又是真有效果。所以说it sucks at how well it works.坚持锻炼带来的精神状态改善是其他任何方法都比不上的。Nothing else has much of a positive effect on your mental health as regular exercise.02 养宠物 Having petsMany people think having pets helped their mental health. 因为life can be lonely, 宠物可以给到陪伴。It makes life a little easier. 让孤独的日子能好过一点。“其实我有一个心理体验,就是在低谷期时,可以选择将一部分心力拿出来,去照料植物、动物,或者教学生、帮助别人,在这种过程中,会得到一部分自我救赎。”This might be why having pets can improve mental health.03 走出去 Getting outside因为外面有大自然。Yes! Nature!Nature can work wonders for your mental health. 就像梭罗在《瓦尔登湖》所体验的那样,大自然是内心的避难所。When you realize that so much is alive and around us, it makes you stop and think how small we really are. 天地有大美而不言,身处其中,会时常有这种humbling moments。前天在一席,翩翩还跟同事开玩笑,说人什么时候会意识到自己有脚?When do people become aware that they have feet?答案是:脚疼的时候。(When your feet hurt!) 同理,人在痛苦的时候更能意识到“自我”的存在。当人处在大自然中,“自我”会瞬间变渺小,那么人与自我的巨大矛盾也就会平息很多。04 觉察 Reevaluate what is causing that就是要重新评估一下,什么引发了你的心理危机。Is it a person in your life? Is it a living situation? 是接触的人?还是生活环境?现在流行一个词叫做toxic,有毒的。外媒上的网友建议,首先要远离那种不友好、不公正、人际关系复杂,得不到肯定的工作环境,这种就是有毒的工作环境(a toxic work environment)。So leave a toxic work environment. 远离有毒的人(Remove toxic people)。这位外国网友说:It’s amazing how much your mental health can improve just by removing toxic people from my life. Toxic people bring nothing but negativity to your life.05 睡足觉 Getting enough sleep睡觉,是被严重低估的精神改善大法!这位国外网友简直是嘴替,他说:我要是十几岁就知道这事儿就好了 (If only I’d realized this in my teens)。睡眠太重要了。It has a great impact on your day, productivity and mood. 最终影响的是mental health。 长期睡眠不足一定会让人产生精神危机。所以好好睡足觉。06 停用社交媒体 Putting a stop to social media use但话又说回来了,很多东西又绝对会影响睡眠,比如说 spending too much time on screens or social media (玩太久的电子产品和社交媒体)。这位外国网友说:我停用社交媒体,改成读纸质书,今年1月份以来我已经读完6本书了,这让我感觉自己棒棒哒。(Putting a stop to my social media use and replacing that time with reading books. I have completed 6 books since the beginning of January. It makes me feel really good about myself.)大家觉得,什么东西极大地改善了你的心理状态呢?Selah是:周围环境干净整洁,东西各归各位(keeping everything in its place)。 翩翩是:读书、写作、喝茶、以及教课。你们呢?So what massively improved your mental health, our dear followers?请大家留言分享:什么东西极大地改善了你的心理状态?说不定你的经验方法能够帮助到很多人。
10/3/2024 • 8 minutes, 29 seconds
主播:Flora(中国)+Selah(美国) 歌曲:fuzzy wuzzy今天我们要谈的是:哪些话醍醐灌顶,永久改变了你对生活、对事物的看法?We both have some quotes (名言) that really impacted (影响) our lives and perspectives (观点).01. “You might be the sweetest peach on the tree, but some people just don't like peaches.”“你可能是树上最甜的桃子,但是有些人就是不喜欢桃子。” It is a very sweet quote that is also very deep. It reminds Flora of a story:有一个人很喜欢吃橘子,但是他的父亲不喜欢。No matter how much he tried to tell his father about the benefits of oranges: rich in vitamin C (富含维生素C), or to buy the best variety of oranges (买最好品种的橘子), he just didn't like them. 最后他父亲说了一句话:“再好的橘子我也不喜欢吃,我根本就不喜欢橘子的味道。”It doesn’t matter if it is the best orange. He wasn’t going to like it. 被每个人喜欢当然是大家都希望发生的。But it's impossible. You may be the sweetest peach or orange, but some people just don't like it, and it's not your fault.It is impossible to make everyone happy all the time. Some people, you will just never win over to your side (你永远也无法把他们争取到你这边来)!The quote actually helped Flora get over (克服) her desire to be liked by everyone. She realized she can’t please everyone, and that’s perfectly okay. Instead, she started focusing on becoming someone she herself actually likes. 不要成为别人眼中的你,要成为你眼中的自己。02. “You cannot control the way someone else reacts.”“别人的反应并不是你能控制的。” You can only control yourself and how you react to something, not other people.Don't expect people to always react the way you want them to (不要期待别人总是按照你所希望的那样做出反应). If someone reacts poorly, that is out of your control (那是你无法控制的). But you can reflect and see if you can communicate better next time.Maybe the only thing we can control in this world is ourselves. 虽然我们不能控制别人的reaction(反应),但是我们可以反思一下下次有没有更好的交流方式。That's what we can and really should do, rather than blaming ourselves.This is good in any situation and is helpful in friendships, relationships, with your family or in the workplace.03. “Courage doesn't always roar.”“勇气并不总是轰轰烈烈的。” Sometimes it is a quiet voice at the end of the day saying, "l will try again tomorrow." Getting back up is the most courageous thing you can do (重新站起来是你能做的最勇敢的事情).很多时候我们会觉得像电影中的主人公与死神交手的瞬间才算是有“courage(勇气)”,但殊不知生活中大多数的courage都是无声且沉默的,也许那只是一天结束后的暗下决心:“明天再试一次。” 其实内心经历了波涛汹涌之后,你早已成为了生活的勇士。04. People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.“人们会忘记你说过的话,人们会忘记你做过的事,但人们永远不会忘记你给他们带来的感受。”We think that what matters is what we do for people the success we achieve (我们取得的成功) and the status we have (拥有的地位). But often it is more about how we relate to and treat other people (我们如何与他人相处和对待他人).Flora thought the only way she can get people to remember her and want to be friends with her is to make some contribution or achievement (做出一些贡献或成就). But at the end of the day she figured out what really attracts them is our character, the way we treat people (待人的方式).This is especially true when working with kids. Often kids do not remember their teachers or activities they did, but they do remember how they felt at school.因为Flora和Selah平时工作都会和一些孩子相处,所以她们有相似的感受。So if you're a teacher or a parent or anyone who has to spend time with kids on a regular basis (需要经常与孩子们相处的人), the way you treat them really matters to them.05. “You can't blame a blind person for being blind… you just don’t let them drive your car.”“不要责怪有视力障碍的人看不见,不让他们开你的车就行了。”It points out that we need to be wise on how to protect ourselves and not just trust anyone to do anything for us. 有时候一些人造成一些事情并不是他们的本意,也许他们就是没有办法理解这些,但是这并不妨碍你采取措施保护自己。You can be kind to everyone, that is your choice. But at the same time, protect yourself.06. “When we hit our lowest points is when we are open to the greatest change.”“当我们达到最低点时,我们就会愿意接受最大的变化。”Flora would have a strange curiosity when she is at that point in her life: let's see if it can get any worse (这个情况还会更糟吗)? 可能因为那个时候已经没有那么多包袱了。有时候拥有的越多越怕失去。但是当你本身就赤手空拳的时候反而更愿意接受一些改变,承担一些风险。When Selah looks back on her life, she has grown the most (成长得最多) or made the most positive changes when life was hard (生活艰难的时候). 这个低谷会让你pause(暂停)并reevaluate(重新评估)一下现在的生活。So, take this opportunity to make some positive changes!There we have it—six powerful quotes. Each of these quotes invites us to reflect on how we see ourselves (思考我们如何看待自己) and how we connect with others (如何与他人沟通).We’d love to hear from you. 哪些话醍醐灌顶,改变了你对生活的看法?哪些话最能引起你的共鸣呢?Share the quotes and your thoughts in the comments below! Remember, your insights might just inspire someone else (你的见解可能会激励别人), so don't hesitate to share!我们期待在评论区看到你的分享!
9/29/2024 • 9 minutes, 10 seconds
主播:Wendi(中国)+Selah(美国) 歌曲:Que Sera Sera今天,我们要讲一个让人振奋精神的话题——resilience(复原力)。01. 什么是复原力?Resilience is the process of adapting well (很好地适应) in the face of adversity(困境), trauma(创伤), tragedy(痛苦), threats or significant sources of stress.The key is that people adapt and change as needed to face these things.Resilience不仅强调忍耐,更重要的是adapt and change(能够根据情况及时调整和适应),是一种随遇而安的能力。事情本身不会变得简单,但是我们可以通过不同的responding(应对方式)调整我们的心态。Highly resilient people are flexible(灵活的), adapt to new circumstances quickly(能迅速适应新环境), and thrive in constant change(在不断的变化中蓬勃发展). Resilience is important because it allows us to grow and learn from hardship(困难), as well as get through it well.It allows us to live our lives more calmly and peacefully. Like the saying goes, the only constant in the world is change (世界上唯一不变的东西是变化). Since we cannot avoid it, it’s better if we can adapt to it (接受它).如果复原力比较低的话,当周围事物和人haven’t met your expectations(没有达到你的期望)时,you will easily be annoyed。You will have a worse reaction to change, not be able to handle hardship (应对困难), and be impacted (冲击) by things for a long time.02. 提升“复原力”的方法#1 Practice meditation. 练习冥想冥想时,找一个你觉得舒服的地方,可以是你的房间,也可以是室外的某个地方,只要你能感受到平静、安全和自在就可以。When you are in a state of tranquility(宁静的状态), your whole mind will be clear and strong. 在冥想中,你会进入心流的状态。It calms your body and soul enough to see through problems and reflect. 冥想能让你看清楚、想明白很多事情,也是一个自省的机会。It helps you to reset the brain (重启大脑) and find new perspectives (新的视角) towards challenges instead of sweating the small stuff (纠结小事).#2 Get out in nature. 走进自然Immersing yourself in nature helps reset your body and clear your mind, just like meditation does. 大自然里的能量是非常高的,所以有的人也会在大自然中做冥想。It provides a good perspective (它提供了一个很好的视角).#3 Surround yourself with positive and high spirits. 多接触高能量的人或者事物People often say that you are what you eat, you are who you spend time with, and you are what you surround yourself with. 近朱者赤近墨者黑,多接触高能量的人也能让自己变得更积极。#4 Move your body. 运动运动也是一种提高resilience的方法,但更重要的是要做你喜欢的运动。运动过后,your mind will be very quiet and peaceful.#5 Take time to learn more things. 保持学习不断地学习,汲取新知识也可以有效提高复原力。Resilience comes from expanding knowledge and skills, either by watching videos, listening to podcasts or reading books. The key is to make a daily habit of continually learning (关键是养成日常不断学习的习惯). 学习新知识不仅能让头脑更清醒,而且会让你有不同的视角去看待事情。#6 Work from a to-do list. 列日程计划Resilience comes from seeing positive outcomes(积极结果) from your work. At an early stage, what’s critical to driving success is doing the right work. By creating a priority list (优先级列表) and ruthlessly working from there, you’ll be able to gain momentum(动力) — and build trust in yourself and your process — to overcome obstacles (克服障碍).#7 Work on becoming immune to rejection. 努力做到对拒绝免疫To become immune to rejection(对拒绝免疫)就是要能够坦然接受别人的拒绝。在你听到一声yes之前,you’re going to hear a lot of “no”s。Letting all that rejection slide off your back will help you keep moving forward when times get tough.总之,你要practice cognitive restructuring(练习认知重构)。It can change the way you think about potentially negative situations (潜在的负面情况) by helping you better understand your feelings of fear or discomfort. The ability to reframe your failures (重新定义失败) as important lessons is what makes a truly resilient leader. 改变面对消极情况的情绪,换一个看待视角,任何事情都会有积极的一面。Life doesn’t get easier or more forgiving (生活本身不会变得更容易或更宽容), but we get stronger and more resilient (而我们可以变得更强大,更有复原力). It just requires us being proactive (积极主动的) on how we want to do this.困境本身不会变得容易,但我们可以发挥自己的主观能动性,努力提升自己的复原力,提高能量,或者转换视角去更加积极地面对。
9/27/2024 • 10 minutes, 23 seconds
老外来了特辑 | 俩老外谈小时候在中国的经历,让人哭笑不得…
主播:Maelle(法国)+Selah(美国) 歌曲:Colorful今天的节目是一个special edition(特别版),由Maelle和Selah两位外国主播来聊一下她们在中国成长的经历。其实她们经常会聊这样的话题,因为她俩都有相似的经历,特别是她们都上过中国学校!So it is indeed really fun to talk about it. Many foreigners in China have had this experience.(图中间的小女孩为Selah)They both attended a Chinese school. Maelle started from kindergarten all the way to 5th grade (从幼儿园一直到五年级). Selah attended Chinese kindergarten and then attended primary school (小学) for 1st, 2nd and 3rd grade (从幼儿园一直到三年级).(梅莉和她的双胞胎妹妹)01. Unique experiencesSelah said “the first time I felt different is when I realized that I was the only one in the whole school that looked like me (全校没有一个人长得像我一样), and kids used to call me a 芭比娃娃.” (Because Selah has blond hair.)(小时候的Selah)“The Chinese teacher would also ask me to help her teach English class for her and even asked me to grade the tests when I was only in 2nd grade (甚至让我在二年级的时候就给考试打分)! I also had a TV station come to school once and interview me (接受电视采访).”Maelle totally get that: “For me, I think I never really saw myself as different from the other kids, other than physically obviously (除了身体上的明显差别).”“But I realized when it came to things that holidays and all. Christmas was a big deal for my family. If it happened to be in the middle of the week we would often skip school to celebrate as a family (如果它碰巧是在周中,我们经常会不去学校,然后全家庆祝圣诞节).” “当时我们中国学校的同学都不怎么会特别庆祝这个节日,但是过年的时候当然就不一样了!”02. Interesting stories on campus 校园趣事(1) Distinctive appearance 与众不同的外貌Selah问梅莉:“你还记得第一次上学的时候发生了什么吗?”Maelle: “The first time I was in Chinese school I do not remember because I was very young, but I remember some of my classmates would touch my hair because it was different, or even ask me to give them a stand of hair because they thought it was gold (有一些同学甚至会问我要一根头发,因为他们以为是金子) haha!”(梅莉和她的双胞胎妹妹)Selah: “Me too! They actually did that exact same thing to me, and they would use my hair as bookmarks (书签)… but they would lose it so I would always have to get new ones for them (给他们一根新的), haha! Especailly for other little girls, they would touch my eyelashes (眼睫毛) too, and say that it looked like a horse!”(小时候的Selah)Maelle agreed: “Since I have a high nose, everyone loved to touch my nose!”Selah: “I also have a lot of freckles (雀斑) on my face, and they would ask to touch it or whether I was sick with a disease (问是不是我生病了).” (童年时的Selah)(2) Cultural differences文化差异Maelle thinks one of the most memorable parts of school in China was some cultural differences she encountered (她遇到的文化差异).“我们小时候掉牙的时候会把掉的牙齿放在枕头下面,然后会得到钱,当然那是爸爸妈妈给我们的,但是我们不知道。我们以为是tooth fairy(牙仙子:传说中如果儿童把脱落的牙齿放在枕下,牙仙子会在他们睡着时把牙齿取走,留下硬币)。”“So we would tell our Chinese classmates to do the same!” “但是因为在中国没有这个传统,所以很多家长没有这个做法。她们有朋友会尝试但不会告诉他们的爸爸妈妈,所以他们不会得到钱,就会觉得很奇怪。”“They would come back to school and tell us about it and we would think it was very weird as well (我们也会觉得很奇怪). But now it’s just really funny to think about it because there clearly was a cultural difference there haha!”Selah: “This is the same for Christmas, as we did Santa and Christmas gifts (我们做了圣诞老人和圣诞礼物), but other Chinese kids did not celebrate this. I had to learn that just because something was normal for me, does not mean it was for them (对我来说正常的事,并不意味着也对他们正常)!”Maelle: “Exactly, I had the same thing happen to me and it was really confusing as a child (作为一个孩子会很困惑). (3) “We're all the same (其实我们都一样).” Selah: “ But because I attended Chinese school for many years, I thought this was normal and did not really think about the fact that I was different (并没有真正觉得我与众不同). I was just another kid (我只是另一个孩子)!”Maelle thinks that it is such a special and super cool experience.Selah: “I learned everything with the other Chinese children though, like 古诗 and regular (常规的) 语文课 so my teachers loved hearing me 背古诗 because it was so different for them.”(童年时的Selah)这些对于梅莉来说是a core memory(一段核心记忆)!She remembers learning pinyin, and the Chinese characters with all of her Chinese friends at school. “很小的时候我们就和我们的中国同学一起学拼音,怎么写字,不同的撇旁等等。这真的很有趣。当时我特别地喜欢语文课,小时候我没有怎么去想我是外国人,像Selah说的一样我们都是小孩。”Selah: “In fact, the teachers always used to laugh, because I would eat more food than all the other kids at lunch (我午餐要比其他孩子吃得多). 我小时候非常喜欢吃鸡爪 and would eat it off my friends plates (还会吃我朋友们盘子里的). My teachers thought it was so funny! That is hilarious (太搞笑了)!”(正在啃鸡爪的Selah)Selah: “I have so many fun stories. All of my younger brothers and sisters also attended Chinese school. I remember that they used to threaten the other kids that (他们还这样吓唬其他孩子) ‘你如果不听老师的话老师就把你送到老外家!’ I don’ even know why it’s a threat (我都不知道为什么这也能吓唬他们). Haha it's so funny!”This makes me think about the analogy of the egg (鸡蛋的类比)。 我们都是鸡蛋,里面是黄色的,外面是白色的 (Yellow on the inside and white on the outside)。
9/22/2024 • 8 minutes, 53 seconds
主播:Wendi(中国)+Selah(美国) 歌曲:Birds of A Feather今天的节目我们来聊一聊time management(时间管理),尤其是“四象限法则”。This is such an important skill today when we often have to multitask.·multitask v. 多任务工作01. Four Quadrants Work Method 四象限工作法The Four Quadrant Method, also known as the Eisenhower Matrix (艾森豪威尔矩阵) or the Time Management Matrix (时间管理矩阵), is a popular tool for prioritizing tasks based on their urgency and importance (紧急性和重要性).So, it is a tool for time management. 它的基本原则就是根据任务的轻重缓急来决定处理的先后顺序。It was popularized by Stephen Rechards Covey (史蒂芬·柯维) in his book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People (《高效人士的七个习惯》). 这个四象限工作法则就是在这本书里被带火了。It was created by Dwight David Eisenhower (德怀特·戴维·艾森豪威尔). 根据urgency and importance这两个维度,任务被分成了四种类型。Its key benefits are that it clarifies priorities (明确优先级), helps with decision-making (决策制定), and improves focus on important tasks.02. The four categories(1) Quadrant I: Urgent and Important 象限1——紧急且重要These tasks require immediate attention and are critical to achieving your goals. They often include crises (危机), pressing deadlines (紧迫的最后期限), and emergency issues (紧急问题).(2) Quadrant II: Not Urgent but Important 象限2——不紧急但重要象限2的这些任务一般对我们的long-term success(长期发展)很重要,比如personal growth(个人成长),building relationships(建立人际关系),and long-term planning(长期规划)。Examples: strategic planning (战略规划), relationship-building, self-care, exercise, learning, and professional development (专业发展).(3) Quadrant III: Urgent but Not Important 象限3——紧急但不重要These tasks demand immediate attention but do not contribute significantly to (对......有重大贡献) your long-term goals. They are often interruptions or distractions (干扰或者导致我们分心的事情).Examples: some emails, phone calls, meetings, and minor issues (不重要的问题) that feel pressing but aren't crucial.(4) Quadrant IV: Not Urgent and Not Important 象限4——不紧急且不重要These tasks often leading to time-wasting activities. They can be a source of procrastination (拖延症的根源).Examples: mindless web browsing (漫无目的地刷手机), excessive social media use (过度使用社交媒体), watching TV, or engaging in trivial activities (从事琐碎的活动).03. How do we use it?(1) Categorize Tasks (任务分类): List all your tasks and place them into one of the four quadrants based on their urgency and importance (把你目前的任务按照紧急性和重要性这两个维度放到这四个象限中).(2) Prioritize Quadrant II (重点关注象限2): Focus on activities in Quadrant II to achieve long-term success (获取长期成功) and reduce the time spent in Quadrant I. 也就是说在完成这些紧急且重要的事的时候要提高效率,不要占用太多时间。(3) Minimize Quadrant III (缩减象限3): Try to delegate or limit the time spent on tasks in Quadrant III.(4) Avoid Quadrant IV (取消象限4): Eliminate or minimize (取消或缩减) activities in Quadrant IV to use your time more effectively.Overall, this method of prioritizing your tasks based on the four quadrants sounds really workable (可行的). 但实际上第一步可能相当困难,因为你必须要figure out which task is truly important to you (弄清楚哪项任务对你来说是真正重要的).That is why it takes time to evaluate (评估) what is important and why things might need to be done in a certain order (为什么事情可能需要按照一定的顺序来做). Does it affect other people? What will happen if it isn’t done immediately? 所以在用这个方法之前最重要的是要先分清楚任务的重要性。04. Are there any other methods?(1) Using a shared calendar (共享日历): this is especially helpful when coordinating with a spouse or family members to balance multiple schedules (当与配偶或家庭成员协调平衡多个日程安排时).Selah uses this with her Fiancé (未婚夫). 她在iPhone上有一个共享的日历(我们也可以用谷歌日历)。When one of them has an event, they put it in. It saves so much effort and miscommunications (省去很多精力和误解). 在手机上和家人或者朋友建一个共享日历,既方便又能起到一个互相督促的作用。(2) Timeboxing (时间盒): It involves setting a fixed amount of time (设置一个固定的时间) for a specific task or activity. The difference is that you stop working when the time is up, regardless of whether the task is completed (当时间结束时,无论任务是否完成,你都将停止工作).这样就不会导致上一个事情的进程耽误之后的事情。But, to be honest, as somewhat of a perfectionist (完美主义者), this can be a bit annoying (有点恼人), not being able to get something 100% done.But you have to zoom out (从大局看) and realize that this can be essential within the grand scheme of things (这在宏大的计划中是必不可少的).Wendi doesn’t really have a method for time management. What she did was to simply list out all the deadlines on her calendar (在日历上简单列出所有事情的截止日期), and then break down these tasks into smaller ones (把这些任务分成更小的任务) and put them on her to-do-list (待办事项清单) every day.05. Benefits of good time management 良好的时间管理的好处Once you are good at time management, it not only reduces stress, but helps you spend time on the most important things, and not waste time and energy on things that do not matter! It makes life more fulfilling and efficient (使生活更充实和高效). It also makes sure you don’t forget important things.For Wendi, managing tasks can really help her to relieve anxiety (减轻压力), because most of time our anxiety comes from not having control over the uncertainties in the future (因为大多数时候,我们的焦虑来自于无法控制未来的不确定性). So being more organized (更有条理) allows her to deal with these tasks one step at a time (一步一步处理这些工作) and know when or how she will finish them.
9/19/2024 • 12 minutes, 9 seconds
主播:Flora(中国)+Erin(美国) 歌曲:黄风起兮关于《黑神话:悟空》我们已经谈了两期节目了,但是最近有一件事不知道大家有没有关注:Tesla(特斯拉)和SpaceX(太空探索技术公司)的CEO马斯克(Elon Reeve Musk)在X也就是原来的Twitter(推特)上发布了一条关于黑神话的内容。他发了一张AI-generated image(AI合成的图片),把自己的脸P到了游戏中的悟空身上,还配文说“impressive 3A game from China(来自中国的让人印象深刻的3A游戏)”。We have to say that the influence of this game has spread all over the world.今天我们就来谈一谈Black Myth: Wukong这款游戏为什么不只是在中国,而是在全球都making waves(掀起了波澜)!01. A Fresh Mythological World 全新的神话体系你敢相信吗?黑神话还没正式发行就已经在多个地区登顶pre-sale charts(预售排行榜)了。这简直是不可思议!So, what makes this game so special?首先就是《黑神话:悟空》给世界带来的全新的游戏世界观,或者说a fresh mythological world(一个全新的神话体系)。Actually, 3A games are typically dominated by major western and Japanese studios (3A游戏常年由西方和日本的一些大型工作室主导).As for China, the main focus of its gaming industry is often on mobile games (手机游戏).其实在此之前,西方的一些3A games的世界观就来自它的神话体系。There are a lot of game canons out there that take cues in (汲取) their world-building (世界构建) from existing mythologies (现存的神话). Hades (《哈迪斯》), God Of War (《战神》), Valheim (《瓦尔海姆》), and Assassin's Creed (《刺客信条》) build around foundations that have existed for centuries.canon /ˈkænən/ 规则,标准说到西方神话体系,就不得不提到:Egyptian Mythology(埃及神话)、Greek Mythology(希腊神话)和 Norse Mythology(北欧神话)了。These are classic Western myths.People are already familiar with these mythic systems, so it's very exciting when players are exposed to (接触到) a new kind of world-building.有一个玩家是这么说的:对于3A游戏界而言,黑神话绝对是满满的异文化冲击,那是一种神秘、有历史感、高壁垒,又让人忍不住去探索的未知领域。It's a mysterious kind of culture shock (神奇的文化冲击).But let’s not ignore the fact that this game could be a bit hard to get into for those not familiar with Chinese culture (对那些不了解中国文化的人来说会有些困难).But it is normal that we always have to put in a lot of effort (花很多精力) when learning something new. Just as we have learned about Western culture before by looking up information (查阅信息), learning their language, etc.Now is perhaps the best time for the world to learn about China.It hasn’t stopped international players from wanting to dive deeper into (更深入地了解) the story and cultural background. For example, some players learn about the myth by reading Journey to the West and watching the Journey to the West TV series. Erin thinks it actually made the game more intriguing (有趣) since it is so different.02. Hardcore Technology 硬核技术接下来我们从technical aspects(技术方面)聊一聊这部游戏的影响力。Game Science used a cutting-edge (尖端的) tool called Unreal Engine 5 (虚幻引擎5). 其实“虚幻5”是2020年才发布的一款软件,而在此之前《黑神话:悟空》已经启动了好几年了。所以它算是中途切换到了一个新的graphic engines(图形引擎),但是这一换可以说是让这个游戏的画面清晰度直接提了几个等级。Unreal Engine 5 is the latest version of Unreal Engine (虚幻引擎的最新版本) developed by Epic Games. Nanite 虚拟几何体(virtual geometry)的出现意味着由billions of polygons(数以亿计的多边形)组成的影视级美术作品可以被直接导入虚幻引擎。这也就是为什么我们玩游戏能玩出影视大片的感觉了,每一帧都是高清壁纸。From its humble beginnings using Unreal Engine 4 to upgrading (升级) to Unreal Engine 5, the shift is like going from 720p to 4K. 在这种极致的画面下所呈现出来的场景简直太美了!Actually, a lot of the buildings and sculptures (雕塑) in the game are scanned from (扫描自) real life China. The developers traveled around China, scanning actual historical sites (历史遗址) to create aesthetically stunning setting (美轮美奂的场景).No wonder it won the “Best Visual Effects” award (最佳视觉效果奖) at Gamescom 2023 (2023年科隆游戏展). It shows that Black Myth: Wukong is already being recognized on a global stage, not just as a game, but as a serious contender (竞争者) in the world of visual storytelling (视觉叙事).What’s really fascinating is how this technology allows players to experience real Chinese environments, from ancient temples (古寺庙) to mystical (神秘的) landscapes. It would be more reasonable and believable. 现实中存在的东西就是比凭空创造出来的要更加reasonable(合理)一些。或许我们可以说,这是一种realism(现实主义)或者写实风格,它用一种只有cutting-edge technology(尖端技术)才能做到的方式把你拉到了这个世界中。The authenticity (真实性) adds to the storytelling, making it feel more grounded and relatable (更接地气、更贴近生活), especially for Chinese players.One comment said, “When I see the temples and hear the familiar conversations in the game, it feels like I’m home.” While there were many fantastic 3A games before Black Myth: Wukong, non-Western gamers don’t have that cultural resonance (文化共鸣). 尤其是游戏中的梗、笑点都是对不上的,特别是在本地化没有那么完善的时候。那么在这种情况下,黑神话的出现让众多中国玩家感觉像是回到了家一样。That emotional connection (情感联系) is powerful, especially for a game based on such an iconic piece of literature (标志性的文学作品) like Journey to the West.Now in China, almost everyone has seen the Journey to the West TV series. And what’s funny is that it’s not just Chinese players feeling this; international gamers are diving deep into the lore (传说) and even learning about Chinese culture just to appreciate the game more.And a lot of people are starting to watch different versions (不同版本) of the Journey to the West TV series. If you are one of them, Flora recommends the one made in 1986. You may love the character of Wukong after watching it because it is played so well.03. Global Gamer ReactionsHere are a few comments we found:一位中国玩家写到:作为一个《刺客信条》系列游戏的爱好者,每当我蹲在欧洲各个著名建筑顶端和历史神话人物对话交互的时候都在想,我们也有五千年历史文化,也有各种神话故事璀璨的文明,我们的建筑也很美,什么时候才能玩到我们自己的3A游戏,现在我们有了!相信《黑神话:悟空》只是起点!A foreign gamer commented, “This is like Assassin’s Creed but with Chinese mythology. The graphics (画面), the story—it’s unlike anything I’ve ever played (不同于以往我玩的任何游戏)!”Black Myth: Wukong is finally giving Chinese gamers a taste of their own mythology (让中国玩家体验到他们自己的神话) in a way that feels just as epic (如史诗一般). It represents a milestone for China’s video game industry (中国电子游戏的里程碑).Its success shatters the notion (打破了这种看法) that 3A titles are more likely to be money losers (做3A游戏是赔钱买卖). In addition, it is making the world more aware of China.04. Expectations for China's Game IndustryBlack Myth: Wukong shouldn’t just be seen as a vehicle (工具) for exporting Chinese culture. The game’s primary goal (主要目标) is to be a fun, well-made game. Cultural export (文化输出) is a bonus (锦上添花), not the endgame (最终目的).我们希望Game Science在“文化输出”“国风”这样的褒奖声中能够不忘初心,继续给世界呈现更多制作精良的内容和文化产品。The “national style” or “cultural export” tags (标签) don’t automatically guarantee success (并不能自动保证成功). The quality of the game needs to speak for itself. If a product is genuinely good, it will naturally attract attention and spread globally.That’s why there’s a lot of responsibility on the developers to keep refining and improving (改进和完善) the game. “国风”“海外”这样的标签不但不会成为“免死金牌”,反而赋予了Game Science更大的责任。如履薄冰、努力深耕,才会给世界呈现出更多足够震撼的中国作品。Black Myth: Wukong is not just a game, but a glimpse into the future of Chinese AAA development (未来中国3A游戏开发的一个缩影) and a gateway to Chinese culture for gamers around the world (全球玩家了解中国文化的窗口). We can’t wait to see where this journey goes.See you next time!
9/13/2024 • 12 minutes, 24 seconds
主播:翩翩(中国)+Selah(美国) 歌曲:Hero最近,青岛发生了一些事。身为青岛市民,我们觉得好难过。It’s really heartbreaking to see these stories. 感觉青岛在叹息(the city is sighing). 青岛是一个非常美好的城市,而且,青岛还是一个非常值得的城市。Please don’t let this create any prejudice against Qingdao.01 青岛的三件“人间值得”来青岛前,要知道来青岛图什么(what you’re looking for in Qingdao)?There are three main things to visit in Qingdao:* the beautiful scenery 美景有人说青岛就像济州岛的城市版,老上海的青春版。青岛是一座山海小城,the roads wind up and down(道路起起伏伏),and the seaside setting gives it a very fairytale-like feel(沿路都是海景,让整个城市充满了童话梦幻感).在青岛,其实不用去网红点看人从众,如果是为了美景的话,随便一条街走走就很漂亮。And as you walk around, you'll eventually come across the sea. 在青岛走着走着,就会碰到大海了。我们有一个朋友,她是江苏人,前些年搬到青岛市南区定居,她每天上班前一定是去海边看海,海边有些人在晨起散步、运动;而且一年四季大海的颜色都是不一样的,她会每天认真地记录。这是一位很会在青岛生活的人。我们还有一些青岛的朋友go hiking in Mount Laoshan or Mount Fushan every weekend(每个周末去爬崂山、浮山),到山顶看山海一色———这是在青岛应该体验的。*the great food (especially seafood and beer) 海鲜和啤酒来青岛的话,其他菜系就不要考虑了,当地特色就是海鲜,以及最正宗的青岛啤酒。(You should focus on trying the seafood and beer. Don't worry too much about other cuisines.)并且,尽量不要在景区吃海鲜(Try not to get seafood at tourist spots.)其实青岛本地人有一种吃法,就是从市场买海鲜,去啤酒屋买点扎啤,顺便让店家把海鲜给加工了。在家吃就比较简单了:市场上买回来,回家自己一蒸,很简单就可以上桌了。It's straightforward, but fresh and delicious.*the opportunities it offers 机会为什么定居青岛?作为生活在青岛二十多年的外地人,翩翩说:我当时在青岛读大学,because my major was English, and back then, there were a lot of native English speakers in Qingdao. 所以我当时真的觉得如鱼得水,英文很快练好了。青岛这个城市has a really diverse culture(文化非常多元)。大学毕业之后我在自己的城市一直没有找到合适的工作,感觉跟周围的世界格格不入。最终还是回到了青岛,这边企业多,机会很多,而且毕竟是港口城市,得风气之先,自己很多年轻的不成熟的想法和创意,都被这个城市包容和接纳了。就像Selah说的:This city has welcomed me. 我当年两手空空而来,是青岛给了我机会,给了我工作、给了我朋友、爱人、给了我家,而且还给了我们“一席”,让理想成为现实。我一直觉得,青岛是一个允许年轻人有梦想的城市。It’s a city of dreams.大家还关注的一个问题:Do you think people in Qingdao are hostile towards outsiders?(你觉得青岛排外吗?)No, never. 我们从来没有感受到过。作为一个从外地来青岛的outsider, 我所见过的青岛本地人,都非常地朴实、善良。反而很多青岛的老百姓会羡慕济南、北京、杭州等一些城市厚重的历史和人文积淀,因为that’s something you don't find in Qingdao(这是青岛没有的)。总之,没有感受到丝毫的hostile, 就像Selah说的:Qingdao is home.02 每一位市民,都代表着你的城市作为青岛市民,有责任维护城市形象,it’s our responsibility to maintain and share Qingdao's positive image。每一位市民都应当记得:you represent the city—you are Qingdao. 你,就是青岛。翩翩说:这几天我这种觉悟很高。前天在一席书院,有一对杭州来的游客,路过一席,进来参观,我非常热情地邀请他们在书院免费喝茶,还给她们提供在青岛的旅行建议。她们临走时说:青岛的山海跟别处的不一样,非常地宏大开阔。This is the impression Qingdao should leave on the world. 这才是青岛应该留给世界的印象。希望你们留言跟大家分享:Have you ever been to Qingdao? What do you love most about the city? Any suggestions? Feel free to leave a comment and share with everyone! 同时,如果有青岛本地的粉丝,也希望你能留言与大家分享你生活中的青岛。
9/10/2024 • 8 minutes, 34 seconds
主播:Flora(中国)+Selah(美国) 歌曲:Turnin'今天,我们从电子游戏的角度谈一谈不同的人对《黑神话:悟空》等游戏的看法。01. Impressive video gamesSome things you should know about Black Myth: Wukong is that it has many achievements, like being the first 3A game in China (中国的第一部3A游戏). 此外,关注游戏的朋友可能知道Gamescom(科隆游戏展)——世界上最大的游戏盛会。而Black Myth: Wukong正是在这个展会上获得了“Best Visuals(最佳视觉效果奖)”。该展会呈现了the latest trailers (最新的预告片) and announcements (公告) from the international games industry,由Geoff Keighley(加拿大电子游戏记者、电视节目主持人)主持。《黑神话:悟空》火了之后,当然不乏鲜花和掌声,但是其中也有一些不同的声音。For some reason, there are stereotypes (刻板印象) about video games that they are only detrimental (有害的) to learning and life.Selah thinks this view is a bit one-sided (有点片面). People can sometimes get relaxed (放松) and relieve stress (缓解压力) with video games, and a good gaming experience can change your mood for the better (让心情变得更好).And a good video game is always something to look forward to, it may carry a lot of cultural information (承载很多文化信息).Assassin's Creed (《刺客信条》), a historical action-adventure (历史动作冒险类) video game series (系列电子游戏), depicts a fictional millennia-old struggle (虚构的千年斗争) between the Order of Assassins (刺客组织), who fight for peace and free will (自由意志), and the Knights Templar (圣殿骑士团), who desire peace through order and control. In most games, players control a historical Assassin while also playing as an Assassin Initiate (新成员).Many people are impressed by this game because players can crouch on top of (蹲在......顶端) various famous buildings in Europe, talk and interact with historical and mythological figures (历史和神话人物), see what those relics and monuments (文物古迹) looked like when they were just built.02. Video games: the Ninth Art(第九艺术)?有些人把电子游戏称作“the Ninth Art(第九艺术)”。关于前八项艺术,其实也有不同的说法。比较常见的一种说法是:Architecture (建筑)、 Sculpture(雕塑)、 Music、Dance、Literature、 Film、Theatre(戏剧)。但是把电子游戏称为“第九艺术”这个结论目前还有争议。While this is a rather controversial conclusion, it does reflect what people expect from video games.· controversial /ˌkɑ:ntrəˈvɜ:rʃ(ə)l/ adj. 有争议的There's a reason people say that. Video games can often communicate their messages (传达信息) better than the movies they’re based on. 前八种艺术,不管是听还是看都是在appreciating the results of a work of art(欣赏一个艺术作品的结果)。电子游戏的不同之处就在于它的interactivity(交互性)。In the game, people are no longer spectators (旁观者), but someone integrated into (融入) the whole game world, in which you can become whatever you want to be and can have a different story.但是,要被列为“第九大艺术”确实不是一件容易的事情。Over all, the first eight are representative of their times (有时代的代表性) and are widely recognized (被广泛认可).03. Prejudice against video games 对电子游戏的偏见就像不是所有的书都能称得上是文学艺术,游戏也有优劣之分。There are some great games like Black Myth: Wukong, but we cannot deny there are some bad quality, illegal games (低质量、非法游戏). We must learn to distinguish between them (学会分辨).不过有些人确实是对电子游戏是有偏见的。Some parents were like: I don’t care if it is a great video game or not. I don’t even need to know what a video game is. Once my kid started playing video games, I’m sure all his or her failures stemmed from it (所有的失败都来源它).In fact, it's normal to have difficulties at work and school, everyone experiences failures (每个人都会经历失败). But it's not a wise choice to blame it all on video games. The point is what games you play or how you organize your time outside of playing games (如何安排游戏外的时间).Flora remembers one of her teachers saying something that’s very interesting. She said:“ grades don't depend on when you're not studying, but when you're (你的成绩并不取决于你不学习的时候,而是学习的时候).”04. A ban on the sale of game consoles 游戏机禁令Why do some Chinese parents stereotype video games so deeply (对电子游戏有这么深的刻板印象)? This may have something to do with the following.In 2000, China issued a ban on the sale of game consoles (颁布了一项游戏机禁令). 从那以后,进口游戏市场一直处于灰色地带。无数玩家只能通过parallel imports(水货)、山寨以及piracy(盗版)等来体验喜欢的国外游戏和游戏主机。This is bad for the entire gaming market. After the regular games and consoles are not allowed (正规的游戏和游戏机被禁止后), those illegal behaviors in the shadows will start (暗处的非法行为就会开始). 因为中国的游戏和游戏机需求始终存在。因而,在相当一段时间,进口游戏机市场成为水货盗版横行的畸形生态圈。So this has been an underground market for games, and there has not been much supervision (没有太多监管) and there was pirating with acquiring consoles. Because of this, they have been looked down upon (被......看不起) by the public.就这样,乱象丛生的进口游戏机被人们扣上了disturbing social order (扰乱社会秩序),affecting student’s performance (影响学生学习) 的帽子。但最后这顶帽子却到了“所有的电子游戏”头上。而“spiritual opium(精神鸦片)”,“electronic heroin(电子海洛因)”这样的标签也让人们对“电子游戏”的误解越来越深。Just like in China, the US stereotypes video games too. Many people either love them or hate them. 一些常见的片面观点有:1. 这对你的大脑有好处2. 这纯粹浪费时间、还会助长暴力的行为。05. Balance is the key 取得平衡才是关键Selah is not a huge fan or very interested in them. But she thinks if you use it wisely (明智地使用它) and not spend all your time on it, it could have some benefits. 还有,玩游戏的时候会感觉时间过得很快,所以在体验的同时我们也别忘了游戏外的精彩世界。Overall, experiencing some good video games can be relaxing and a way to experience something different, but don’t get addicted to the games (不要沉迷). 其实不光是电子游戏,很多事情并不是非黑即白。如果你多做一些研究也许就会发现和自己以往认知完全不同的观点。Selah also thinks it is important to think about the amount of time you are spending on it- too much of anything can be harmful (任何事情过度就会产生危害). So balance is the key (平衡是关键).愿我们每个人都能在体验和享受美好时做好分辨、有所节制。并不是所有的电子游戏都能称为艺术,也莫要让电子游戏成为你精神的鸦片。
9/5/2024 • 10 minutes, 54 seconds
主播:翩翩(中国)+ Selah(美国)音乐:Love StorySelah recently got engaged!!! Selah最近订婚啦!!!一起来盘点一下外网热议的话题:the best relationship advice we have ever gotten你听过哪些最好的恋爱建议。1.常感恩 (Show appreciation often)Never take each other for granted. show appreciation often.“我从来不会把对方的好当作理所当然,我会经常对我爱人表达感激、肯定与欣赏。”2.吵架时,你俩也是一伙的。(You are a team)When you are resolving an issue, you and your partner are a team, not people fighting against each other. It is the two of you versus the problem itself.(吵架的时候你对抗的,不应该是你的另一半,而应该是你们俩一起对抗问题。)“对两个相爱的人来说,吵架除了破坏身体健康、耽误事儿、以及事后后悔之外,没有其他的用处,所以有不愉快的时候,尽量提醒彼此及时止损,互相配合着把问题解决掉,而不是把对方解决掉。It’s all about the issue.It’s not personal.3. 让你人生充实的,不是伴侣。(It’s your own responsibility) They can never make you ultimately happy and fulfill everything you need in life.(让你获得最终幸福,以及让你人生充实的不是你的伴侣。)能做到这些的,有且只有你自己。It’s your own responsibility to have a happy and fulfilling life.They will make your life better, but they cannot guarantee your happiness.好的伴侣会让你的生活更甜蜜,但不能为你的人生幸福做担保。因为,幸福在自身之内,不在自身之外。True happiness cannot be found in another person。4. 跟谁结婚?(Marry your best friend) You should marry your best friend and someone you enjoy spending time with.(跟那个能成为你最好朋友的人结婚,跟那个你喜欢与其过日子的人结婚。)无论对方多么的make you feel a certain way,“感觉”,都是靠不太住的。Feelings change but friendship can help you stand the test of time. (感觉会变,但友谊经得住时间考验)“我跟我爱人都认识十多年了,现在依然是每天聊不完的天,我们真的是对方最好的朋友。所以我觉得感情保鲜的秘诀里,一定有一条是友谊。”5.爱是一件又一件的小事 (little acts of love)影视剧会给我们另一种 misconception(误解),就是love is about big gestures.(爱是惊天动地的大事),但是,many times, little acts of love mean more.《纽约时报》TheNew YorkTimes出过一个特刊,征集了100位读者说说how they show their affection day-in and day-out(日常怎么通过一些小的行为表达爱意)。题目叫做‘100 Small Acts of Love.’ (一百件爱的小事)很多读者的回答琐碎而动人,比如:每天晚上刷牙时会顺便在对方的牙刷上放上牙膏(put toothpaste on the other person’s toothbrush)每次上车、下车时,互相亲吻对方一下( kiss each other every time they get in and out of the car.)一位加州的女士说:21年了,我丈夫总是会把最后一口甜点留给我。(For more than 21 years, my husband has given me the last bite of his dessert, always.)真的都是一些small acts,but strong relationships need this kind of regular care and attention.6.他/她不会读心术( They cannot read your mind) If there is something bothering you, you should talk about it.你的伴侣不会读心术(your partner cannot read your mind),所以心里话要及时说出来,要告诉对方,及时沟通。不然,憋久了,you will feel bitter about everything,会看什么都怨气冲天。那我们今天关于“你听过哪些最好的恋爱建议”就盘点到这里,每段感情都会有起伏every relationship has its ups and downs,但是只要多一些努力和理解,感情会越来越牢固美好。也希望你们留言告诉大家,你听过哪些最好的恋爱建议?
9/1/2024 • 8 minutes, 28 seconds
主播:Flora(中国)+Erin(美国) 歌曲:云宫迅音今天距离《黑神话:悟空》正式发售已经有一周多了,但是它的热度依然不减。这期节目我们就聊一聊中国首个国产3A游戏大作——Black Myth: Wukong。01. Introduction of the Game 游戏介绍This is actually the first 3A game in China. 其实,3A游戏是类似于影视作品中的大片的概念。It’s a 3A title, which means it’s a super high-budget (高预算的) game with top-tier production values (有着顶级的制作价值). Some people say "3A" stands for (代表): a lot of time, a lot of money, a lot of resources. 同时,它创下了中国single-player game(单机游戏)的新纪录。·tier /tɪr/ n. 一层Also, it is particularly hot in the US (在美国也很火). Within an hour of its release (上线不到1小时), it topped the Steam charts (登上了Steam榜首) , 同时在线玩家当天晚些时候数量突破了150万。Flora has found people discussing whether this is a Souls-like game (魂系游戏) or not on the internet. So what exactly is a souls-like game?这种Souls-like games一般难度比较高,而且通常是in a dark fantasy setting(有暗黑、奇幻的背景设定)。Such as Dark Souls (《黑暗之魂》) and Elden Ring (《艾尔登法环》)。And it really tests your skills (非常考验你的操作).So is Black Myth: Wukong a Souls-like game or not?Some say yes, because of its tough combat (艰苦的战斗) and intricate gameplay (复杂的游戏玩法). But others argue it stands out with (以......而突出) its unique storytelling (独特的故事情节) and rich Chinese cultural elements (丰富的中国文化元素).·combat /ˈkɑ:mbæt/ n. 战斗·intricate /ˈɪntrɪkət/ adj. 错综复杂的·stand out v. 突出So there's a diversity of views (人们观点不一). 这样看的话,Souls-like game好像也没有一个fixed criteria(固定的标准)。Everyone has a different Souls-like game in mind.·criteria /kraɪˈtɪriə/ n.(评判或做决定的)标准Erin believes Game Science has really hit it out of the park (一鸣惊人) with this one.Flora and Erin both agree it’s a game that deserves the hype (这个游戏值得大肆宣传). 不过,在一片赞美声中也有一些声音表示困惑。·hit it out of the park 大获成功·hype /haɪp/ n. 大肆的宣传广告Erin asked: “Did you know that some people are mixing up (混淆) China’s legendary Sun Wukong (中国神话中的孙悟空) with Japan’s Goku from Dragon Ball (日本《七龙珠》中的Goku)?” Flora answered : “They are definitely not the same.” 只不过悟空是七龙珠中Goku的原型。·legendary /ˈledʒənderi/ adj. 传说(中)的孙悟空是中国经典小说Journey to the West(《西游记》)的中心人物,也是中国真正的cultural icon(文化偶像)。Meanwhile, Goku, or “Son Goku,” is a Japanese character created by Akira Toriyama (鸟山明——日本漫画家). 其灵感来自孙悟空,但故事情节和背景都截然不同。孙悟空来自于Chinese mythology(中国神话),而七龙珠中的Goku是诞生于modern Japanese pop culture(日本的流行文化)。We need to know that.People may have been more familiar with Goku before (人们可能之前对Goku更加熟悉). But Black Myth: Wukong is reintroducing the world (向世界重新介绍) to the original Chinese Wukong and making waves (掀起波澜) in the correct format (以一种正确的形式). 02. Global Reception of Black Myth: Wukong《黑神话:悟空》的全球反响There was a lot of discussion about this game, especially when the game started to be released (尤其是当游戏正式发售时). 因为自Game Science(游戏科学——《黑神话:悟空》的开发商)发布第一个live demo video(实机演示视频)后,到如今已经整整过了四年,有些玩家也等了整整四年。As many of us know, Erin plays a lot of video games in her free time. She has seen many of her favorite gaming streamers in the West (西方的游戏博主) be blown away (被震惊) by the stunning visuals (让人惊叹的视觉效果) and the deep dive into Chinese mythology (对中国神话的深入挖掘).·stunning /ˈstʌnɪŋ/ adj. 令人震惊的有些人甚至承认,他们必须重温《西游记》,才能充分理解故事。Many overseas gamers (海外玩家) are already reading Journey to the West. 有英文版、西班牙语版、双语版等等,就跟我们当时看英文原著的时候一样。Flora is really happy and proud (感到高兴和自豪) to see that people from all over the world are interested in Journey to the West (世界各地的人对《西游记》感兴趣) and the cultural background behind it (其背后的文化背景).It’s not every day that a game prompts (促使) people to learn about another culture. 让世界各地的人能以一种极具吸引力的方式了解一种文化,这种机会真的非常宝贵。Erin also felt so happy to see so many people appreciate her culture.So we all know it gave the world an insight into Chinese culture (它让世界了解了中国文化). 那么,作为游戏玩家的Erin,是怎么从graphics(画面),design(设计),visual effects(视觉效果)这些方面评价这款游戏的呢?Erin认为the graphics are top-notch(一流的)。The design and visual effects (设计和视觉效果) are groundbreaking (有开创性的), especially when you consider how they’ve captured the essence of Chinese mythology (抓住中国神话的精髓) in such a detailed and immersive way (以一种细节且让人身临其境的方式).·immersive /ɪˈmɜ:rsɪv/ adj. 沉浸式虚拟现实的下面,我们来看一下一些游戏评论网站是怎么评价的?IGN给出的评分是8分(满分10分)。MC(Metacritic),给出了84分(满分100分)。原因是一些海外玩家觉得这个西游记的故事比较obscure(难懂)。·obscure /əbˈskjʊr/ adj. 难以说清楚的As a game player, Erin would say those scores are a little bit low (那些分数有点低). She thinks Black Myth: Wukong deserves high marks (值得更高的分数), especially if you appreciate the cultural depth it brings (欣赏它带来的文化深度).Flora doesn't think there's anything wrong with that because not everyone is knowledgeable about different cultures (因为不是每个人都了解不同的文化). But Erin is different. She watched the TV series-Journey to the West since she lived in China for many years.作为一个了解背景故事的海外游戏玩家,如果要Erin评价这款游戏,她会怎么打分呢?Personally (个人来说), she would give it a 9 out of 10, particularly because of its unique approach to storytelling (因为它独特的讲故事的方式). What’s the missing point for?Erin said that she hasn’t finished the game yet. She wants to save a point (保留一分) to see if the game will hold up as she progress further (看她继续玩下去这个游戏是否还是能符合她的预期)!其实, 除了我们刚才说的故事背景难懂,有些平台criticized the game for its “lack of diversity,” (批评这个游戏缺乏“多样性”),说这个游戏缺少female characters(女性角色)。Erin thinks those criticisms (批评) reflect a broader conversation (更广泛的讨论) about representation in games (关于游戏中的代表性). However, we should also consider the cultural and historical context (文化和历史背景) of the story Black Myth: Wukong is telling.While it’s important to strive for diversity (争取多样性), it’s also crucial to respect the source material (尊重原始资料). 尊重原著也是非常重要的。We can’t judge every game by the same standard without understanding its cultural roots (不了解它的文化根源). 用某一个人或群体所认为的统一的标准去衡量所有的事物恐怕才是真正的“lack of diversity”(缺乏多样性)。If we look at the game through the lens of Chinese mythology and the era it represents (从中国神话和它所代表的时代的角度来看这个游戏), it makes more sense (它会更有意义). 如何平衡representation(代表性)和cultural authenticity(文化真实性)之间的关系,也许是游戏产业所面临的一大问题和挑战。·lens n. 镜片但是不管怎么说,《黑神话:悟空》这款游戏不管从制作还是文化传播方面都非常成功。Black Myth: Wukong is more than just a game (不仅仅是一个游戏)—it’s a cultural phenomenon (文化现象). It’s introducing millions of people to Chinese mythology and sparking global interest (激发全球的兴趣) in Journey to the West.·phenomenon /fəˈnɑ:mɪnən/ n. 现象That’s why everyone is so excited about this game, it is a breakthrough (突破) for the creation of games in China (中国的游戏制作), as well as a beautiful and fun game.Erin thinks this game will inspire many games (激发许多游戏的灵感) in the future as well, so she is really excited to see those as well.我们相信《黑神话:悟空》只是中国3A游戏大作的开始,而《西游记》也正是世界了解中国文化的一个新的方式。
8/30/2024 • 12 minutes, 46 seconds
主播:Flora(中国)+Selah(美国) 歌曲:Stray Nights今日,中元。中元节又叫“鬼节”。其实除了中元节之外,万圣节、亡灵节也被称为“鬼节”。今天我们就来聊一聊不同的“鬼节”分别体现了什么样的“生死观”。On Chinese Zhong Yuan Festival (中元节), we usually float river lanterns (放河灯) to honor our ancestors (祭祖). It’s also known as the "Ghost Festival (鬼节)."· ghost /ɡoʊst/ n. 鬼,幽灵其实很多国家也都有“鬼节”,像Halloween (万圣节), Day of the Dead (亡灵节)等。关于万圣节的传统,相信大家都比较熟悉,比如:雕刻南瓜灯(carving pumpkins)、不给糖就捣蛋(trick or treating)。今天我们重点聊一聊亡灵节(Day of the Dead)。01 Day of the Dead亡灵节在墨西哥是一个非常重大的节日。People celebrate the Day of the Dead with songs and dances (载歌载舞) while honoring their ancestors(纪念他们的祖先).在这一天,他们带着鲜花和美食gather at cemeteries(聚集在墓地),awaken the spirits of the departed(唤醒逝者的灵魂),offer flower petals(献上花瓣),guide their ancestors home(引导他们的祖先回家)。单就载歌载舞这一点来讲,this is nothing like the Chinese Ghost Festival (这和中国的鬼节一点也不一样)。02 Zhong Yuan Festival在中元节这天,有些地方的人们会bring out the ancestral tablets(拿出祖宗的排位),respectfully place them on a special offering table(恭敬地把它们放在贡品桌上),light incense(点上香),并且offer tea and food for the ancestors to enjoy(供茶和食物供祖先享用)。然后,他们为祖先磕头(kowtow)、烧纸钱(burn paper money)。· tablet n. 匾但是现在烧纸钱的人越来越少了。Because it's bad for the environment, easy to start fires (容易引起火灾), etc. 而且,现在也提倡文明祭祀。So anyways, we are in a very reverent state of mind (怀着一颗敬畏的心) when it comes to rituals (谈到仪式)。现场的气氛也非常庄严肃穆(solemn)。· reverent /ˈrevərənt/ adj. 恭敬的· solemn /ˈsɑ:ləm/ adj.(仪式)庄严的,隆重的03 同样是缅怀先人,但表现大不同。生死观有差异!今天我们来谈一下不同的生死观(Different Views of Life and Death)。其实我们很少谈论“死亡”这个话题,甚至可以说是非常避讳。(1)我们的生死观第一个特点就是:回避死亡相关的话题,注重当下的生活。Selah believes it's quite nice to focus on the present (专注于当下挺好的), but it may not be sensible to avoid talking about death (避免谈论死亡可能是不明智的). 因为我们迟早要面对它(sooner or later we have to face it)。That's probably why people who have a vague concept of death (对死亡概念模糊) may go to extremes (可能会走向极端) after encountering some difficulties (遇到一些困难之后). · vague /veɪɡ/ adj. 不明确的(2)第二个特点就是:追求生命的价值(it seeks the value of life),尤其是社会价值(especially the social value)而不是它本身存在的自然价值(rather than the natural value of its own existence)。所以我们才会有“杀生成仁”“舍身取义”这样的成语,也会有“人固有一死,或重于泰山,或轻于鸿毛(Though death befalls all men alike, it may be weightier than Mount Tai or lighter than a feather)”的名句。这实际上和我们的文化传统有关(This is actually related to our cultural tradition)。儒家文化强调:我们要在社会价值中实现生命的意义(it is in the pursuit of social values that human natural life has a meaning of existence)。That may be the reason why we value the collective interest over the individual (重视集体利益高于个人利益).当个人利益与他们所在集体的正当利益发生冲突时,we are encouraged to defend the latter first(我们被鼓励首先维护后者)。(3)Our view of life and death把死亡视为一个精神的升华 (sees death as a process of spiritual ascension).· ascension /əˈsenʃn/ n. 上升In our culture, sacrifice for a just cause (为正义事业而牺牲) is seen as an elevation of the sacrificer’s character (被视为牺牲者人格的升华), and it perpetuates the spirit (它使精神永存). 所以对于那些为伟大事业,比如保家卫国而牺牲的人,我们会用“英勇就义”“英勇牺牲”这样的词。· cause n. 事业· perpetuate /pərˈpetʃueɪt/ v. 使持续墨西哥的亡灵节背后透露着什么样的生死观呢?首先,亡灵节其实是以印第安文明(Indian cultures)为主导,结合西班牙文明(Hispanic cultures)的产物。当时,印第安人认为只有treating the dead well(善待亡灵)and letting them go home happily(让他们高高兴兴地回家),他们才会be blessed by the dead(被这些亡灵保护)。所以说墨西哥的亡灵节可以说是“亡者在棺,生者狂欢”,而我们却是通过感怀死亡从而更加珍视生命。还有一部非常典型的墨西哥亡灵节电影——《寻梦环游记》(Coco)。It tells the story of a dead father who wants to be reunited with his living daughter on the Day of the Dead (一个死去的父亲想在亡灵节与活着的女儿团聚).At first, he had hoped his daughter would die quickly so they could actually meet. 但后来意识到如果他女儿死了,在现实世界中没有人会记得他了(no one would remember him in the real world)。所以看来他非常在意是否被人记得。It may also reflect the Mexican view of life and death (反映墨西哥人的生死观).墨西哥著名作家奥克塔维奥·帕斯(Octavio Pasco)曾说过:“We think that death is only the beginning of a new way of life (我们认为死亡只是一种新的生活方式的起点).”They think the real death is to be forgotten (被遗忘才是真正的死亡).看到这里,你对这两种生死观的理解有没有更加深入呢?其实现在有很多人对“死亡”这个话题是谈之色变的,这就显现出死亡教育的必要性了。04 死亡教育——如何理智看待生命的终点,感恩生命的珍贵目前,死亡教育的开展任重道远。那么现在美国的死亡教育普及得怎么样呢?主播Selah提到:死亡教育在美国越来越受到关注,尤其是在学术和医疗保健环境中(academic and healthcare settings),但它尚未广泛融入mainstream education(主流教育)。Are there any related courses offered in schools in the US (美国的学校有相关的课程吗)?死亡教育在美国中小学仍然很少见,大多数学生都是通过 literature(文学),history(历史),or religion(宗教)classes来了解的。其实,死亡是人生一个不可避免的课题。也许对它的认知加深之后,我们会更加珍视自己的生命,从而实现人生价值的升华。
8/18/2024 • 11 minutes, 8 seconds
主播:Flora(中国)+Erin(美国) 歌曲:Monster巴黎奥运会期间,“饭圈文化”引发了人们的热议,今天,我们就来聊聊由奥运会引发的饭圈文化讨论。01 何为“饭圈文化”?“饭圈文化”(Fandom culture)的“饭”是英文单词fan(粉丝)的音译,所谓的“饭圈”就是一些特定的人群,他们devote themselves to supporting their favorite stars(全身心地支持他们最喜欢的明星),这些明星可能是athletes(运动员),singers(歌手)或者是actors(演员)。Fandom culture很容易lead to intense rivalries(引发激烈的争议或对抗)以及significant social media influence(产生巨大的社交媒体影响力)。因为当粉丝们对明星的devotion(忠诚)turns into blind loyalty(变得盲目忠诚时),they will see anyone who stands in their idol’s way as an enemy(他们会把任何妨碍他们偶像的人当作敌人),这样的话会lead to hostility(引起敌意) rather than healthy competition(而不是健康的竞争)。02 “饭圈文化”为何引起热议?北京时间8月3日,我们的乒乓球运动员Chen Meng defeated her teammate Sun Yingsha in the women's singles final at the Paris Olympics(陈梦战胜了队友孙颖莎,在乒乓球女单决赛中成功卫冕冠军)。然而,陈梦等来的却是铺天盖地负面的评价。During the match, many fans were booing when Chen lost points. 当陈梦失分的时候,很多人在喝倒彩。boo /bu:/ v. 喝倒彩Why don't they support Chen Meng? 为什么这些人不支持陈梦呢?AFP(法新社)的记者都一脸懵。原来,看台大部分的中国观众were fans of Sun(是孙颖莎的粉丝)。按常理来讲,两名运动员都是中国队的,她们应该celebrate both of their incredible achievements(两者之中无论谁获胜都应该为她们祝贺)。 但因为这些粉丝are into Sun Yingsha(喜欢孙颖莎),they only see it as a win or lose situation for their favorite(他们只关注自己偶像的输赢)。所以当陈梦夺冠的时候,台下一片沉默。更让人意想不到的是,some supporters of Sun even posted aggressive comments on social media(一些孙颖莎的支持者在社交平台上甚至还发了一些过激的言论)。Don’t put down others just to support someone you like. 不要仅仅为了支持你喜欢的人而把别人放在一边。Some platforms have removed many of the inappropriate comments. 一些平台已经删除了许多不恰当的评论,有人甚至被criminally detained(刑事拘留)了。detain /dɪˈteɪn/ v. 拘留Cyber violence(网络暴力)的危害不容小觑,it can cause real harm to a person’ s mental health(它会对一个人的心理健康造成真正的伤害),can even lead to physical harm(甚至还会影响到一个人的身体健康)。希望大家都能speak kindly on the Internet,我们共同努力来maintain a good online environment(维护一个良好的网络环境)。03 还有哪些运动员受了“饭圈文化”的影响?其实不只是陈梦,樊振东和王楚钦这两位top Chinese table tennis players(中国顶级乒乓球运动员)have also been targets of this toxic fandom culture(也是深受“饭圈文化”的影响)。比如说樊振东,因为粉丝leaked his personal information(泄露了他的个人信息),he had to retreat from social media(他不得不退出社交媒体)。这些粉丝甚至went after his family。Involving their family(把他们的家人卷入进来) and exposing private information (暴露他们的私人信息) is even worse, and definitely illegal(非法的)!王楚钦也有这样的disturbing experience(让人不安的经历)。有粉丝会follow him(跟踪他)然后snap photos and sell them(拍照并出售)。他曾在深夜发文说:希望大家能respect each other's privacy(尊重彼此的隐私),keep our distance(保持距离),给他一些喘息的空间。At its core, sports are about fair play, respect, and the joy of competition. 体育精神的核心是:公平竞争,彼此尊重,并享受竞赛的乐趣。当这些价值被破坏之后,体育精神本身也就变味了。04 美国也有类似的“饭圈文化”吗?在美国,他们非常强调individualism(个人主义),这就有时候会lead to extreme behavior from fans(导致一些极端行为) who see their favorite athletes as heroes who must always win(认为自己喜欢的运动员是战无不胜的英雄)。Losing games is normal in competitive sports. 在竞技体育中,输掉比赛本就是非常正常的事情。Losing and winning are two sides of the same coin. 输赢本就是一个硬币的两面。We cheer for the winners and applaud the losers who struggle on. 我们为赢家欢呼,但只要是敢于拼搏,即使失败也值得我们的掌声。运动员们都非常努力,applauding them for their effort and encouraging them to keep working hard(肯定他们的努力,并鼓励他们继续加油)至少是我们都能做到的。05 怎么才能减少“饭圈文化”对竞技体育的负面影响呢?首先,无论是对于运动员还是粉丝们,要接受winning and losing are both part of the game(输赢都是比赛的一部分),我们应该celebrate the effort and determination of all athletes(为所有运动员的努力和决心喝彩),而不只是为那些who come out on top(取得优异成绩的运动员而欢呼)。要知道,competitive sports aren't just about winning games(竞技体育不仅仅是关于赢得比赛),更重要的要有sportsmanship(体育精神)的存在。我们需要回归到the true Olympic values(真正的奥林匹克价值观)——understanding,friendship和fair play(公平竞争)。这创造了一个积极的环境,运动员可以focus on what they do best(专注于他们做得最好的事情)。Whether you're cheering from the stands (站台) or watching from your couch (沙发), the way you support athletes and create a positive vibe (氛围) really makes a difference. You're helping to keep that Olympic spirit alive and strong (你正在帮助保持奥林匹克精神活跃和强大)! 作为看台或屏幕前的一名观众,也许你追星时的理性、营造的良好比赛环境也是在助推实践伟大的奥林匹克精神。
8/15/2024 • 9 minutes, 57 seconds
主播:Flora(中国)+Selah(美国) 歌曲:How to Be Alone01. 什么是“松弛感”?Selah has often seen the Chinese phrase "松弛感" on the Internet. What is it?其实,松弛感我们可以说 “a sense of relaxation (一种放松的感觉)” 或者 “a chill vibe (一种松弛的氛围)”。Basically, on Weibo, a lot of people are posting pictures with the phrase "sense of relaxation" on them (发布配文有“松弛感”的照片). 最近关于the Paris Olympics(巴黎奥运会)的新闻也有一些带有“松弛感 (a chill vibe)” 的文案。Actually, a lot of people are looking for a sense of relaxation (寻找一种松弛感) these days. "Chill vibe" does sound like something you would want to be and feel, but it's sometimes counterproductive to strive for it intentionally (刻意争取有时会适得其反). 越想抓紧反而越得不到,“松弛感”就是这么一种神奇的感觉。• counterproductive adj. 事与愿违的• intentionally /ɪnˈtenʃənəli/ adv. 故意地真正的松弛感意味着:我们会更加注重inner peace(内心的平静)and fulfillment(满足),不再过度追求material satisfaction(物质满足)and external evaluation(外部评价),而是更加注重self-growth(自我成长)and enrichment of the inner world(内心世界的丰富)。02. 为什么会追求“松弛感”?It is actually related to (和......有关) the fast-paced life nowadays (当今快节奏的生活) . 它满足了年轻人stress relief(缓解压力)的intrinsic craving(内在渴望)。• intrinsic /ɪnˈtrɪnzɪk/ adj. 内在的The older generation, who have worked hard all their lives until they die, do not have such thoughts (一辈子操劳的老一辈,是没有这种念想的).Selah has also heard that Chinese people work very hard (中国人工作非常努力)。But at the same time there is a lot of pressure from all around them, society, their families, and their own selves (他们也面临着来自周围、社会、家庭和自己的巨大压力).So she can understand how young people think (她能理解年轻人的想法), they feel like "at least I can live differently (至少我能换个活法)".英国作家毛姆(William Somerset Maugham)在他的《在中国屏风上》(On a Chinese Screen)中就写到“To be harassed by the wear and tear of life, and to pass rapidly (被生活损耗、折磨,然后迅速走完生命历程), through it without the possibility of arresting one's course,-is not this pitiful indeed (根本得不到休息——这不是很可怜吗)? ”• harass /həˈræs/ v. 骚扰• wear and tear of life 生活的磨损:指日常生活中的压力、疲劳和损耗,对身体和心理造成的影响。• arrest v. 抑制“To labor without ceasing (苦苦地干,没完没了), and then, without living to enjoy the fruit (然后还没活到享受劳动果实的日子), worn out, to depart, suddenly (就疲惫地突然逝去), one knows not whither, -is not that a just cause for grief (也不知道会落个什么归宿——这难道不令人悲哀吗)?”• cease v. 终止,结束• whither adv. 到哪里,去哪儿• grief /ɡri:f/ n. 悲伤,悲痛What is the point of it all (这一切有什么意义) if you are not enjoying the journey? He is saying that is a cause for grief (这是悲伤的原因).03. 过度追求“松弛感”会怎样?It is indeed sad to be overworked and not thinking. But you can't get a sense of relaxation by deliberately pursuing it (但你不能通过刻意追求来获得放松感).• overwork v. 使过度劳累• deliberately /dɪˈlɪbərətli/ adv. 故意地It's the same as sleeping (这个其实跟睡觉是一样的). The insomniac who keeps thinking (失眠的人一直想) , "I have to fall asleep, I have to fall asleep," will probably have insomnia that night (那天晚上可能会失眠).• insomniac /ɪnˈsɑ:mniæk/ n. 失眠症患者When the chill vibe becomes a cultural symbol (成为一种文化象征), there are bound to be people who follow suit (一定会有人跟风) because it looks cool. 然而,真正的放松是模仿不来的,甚至是学不来的。• follow suit 效仿Because it requires the inner self-sufficiency (需要内在的自给自足) and peace (平和) that comes with maturity and time (伴随成熟和时间而来的).• maturity /məˈtʃʊrəti/ n. 成熟The real sense of relaxation is never a photo on social media, but your true feelings (真正的松弛感从来不是社交媒体上的一张照片,而是你的真实感受).04. 中国古人的松弛感(1)战国时期,庄子主张在天地间“逍遥游”,达到无己、无功、无名的境界。The most highly cultivated person (最有修养的人) can let nature take its course (顺其自然), forget himself (无己), and has no intention of seeking merit (无心求功), and the saint with moral learning has no intention of seeking fame (有道德学问的圣人无心求名).• saint n. 圣人It is kind of the saying “go with the flow (随遇而安)” instead of trying so hard to make something happen for you. 其实就是比较“佛系”。(2)要说“佛系”,魏晋时期的“竹林七贤”绝对算得上我们现在说的“佛系青年(Buddha-like youngsters)”。他们在竹林间(live in the bamboo forest),不闻外事,不问朝纲,只求开怀畅饮、放歌长啸、抚琴赋诗、谈玄论道,过潇洒惬意的生活(live a dashing and cozy life)。Actually, similar ideas have been around for a long time in the West as well (类似的想法在西方也已经存在很长时间了).05. 西方“廷臣”的松弛感西方的西塞罗(Cicero)(公元前106-43年)曾主张“deliberate negligence(有意的疏忽)”,意思是在演讲时故意隐藏修辞和技巧。Cicero was actually a famous orator in ancient Rome (西塞罗实际上是一位著名的演说家). 他善于雄辩。别的演讲者都是唯恐自己的言辞不够犀利、不能直击对方观点的要害,但他却提倡“deliberate negligence”。That's interesting.These Western concepts developed in the Middle Ages (这些西方观念发展到中世纪), and a phenomenally popular work appeared (一部现象级传播的作品出现) - "The Courtier (《廷臣》)".This is a great work that swept the whole of Europe (这是一部席卷整个欧洲的伟大作品) during the Italian Renaissance (在意大利文艺复兴时期).• phenomenally /fəˈnɑ:mɪnəli/ adv. 现象上地In the discussion of "grace (优雅)" and "sprezzatura", The Courtier pointed out that courtiers (廷臣) must "show appropriate calmness in all their actions (在行动中表现出适当的冷静) so that their words and deeds (言语和行为) seem to have been effortless and thoughtless (毫不费力、不假思索的)."• sprezzatura /sprettsaˈtu:ra/ n. 不羁,潇洒(意大利词汇,用于描述一种轻松、不费力地表现出优雅和自信的态度)在这本书中,一位廷臣要appear natural and unforced (表现出自然、不被强迫). Maybe that's what a chill vibe looks like.这本书还谈到the qualities of a perfect courtier(作为一个完美廷臣的品质),不仅要精通arms(武器)还要精通letters(文字),简单来说就是能文能武,而且还要体现sprezzatura。Basically it means "not caring (不关心)" but here it also contains the meaning of "calmness and confidence (冷静、自信)" and quick action (行动迅速).It reminded Flora of a Chinese fable (中国寓言故事). 有一个卖油翁,把一枚铜钱盖在葫芦口上,让油穿过钱孔倒进葫芦,而钱却没有湿。有人问他说:为什么手那么稳呢?他回答说:“无他,惟手熟尔(也没什么啦,不过是手法熟练罢了)。”06. 如何拥有真正的“松弛感”?(1)Practice makes perfect (熟能生巧)Flora thinks instead of mimicking someone else's chill vibe (与其模仿别人的松弛感), she'd rather learn how they practice to achieve proficiency (她更愿意学习他们如何练习达到熟能生巧). She believes there's a lot of things that give us a chill vibe when we've done them a lot (有很多事做多了之后就会有松弛感).• mimic /ˈmɪmɪk/ v. 模仿(人的言行举止)• proficiency /prəˈfɪʃ(ə)nsi/ n. 熟练,精通(2)Be present in the present moment (活在当下)Selah thinks we should be present in the present moment and focus on the matter itself (关注事情本身). 其实过去的已经过去,未来的还未到来,我们关注能把握的当下就好了。We cannot always be thinking ahead (提前思考) or be thinking about the next best thing. Developing an "Experiencer's Mindset (体验者的思维)" will allow you to enjoy the process (会让你享受这个过程). Flora believes life is like a game. Getting a good game experience is what matters (获得良好的游戏体验才是最重要的).(3)“Accept everything (接受一切)” Life is just about taking things as they come (随遇而安) and taking things in strides (大步向前). 允许一切发生,就像孔子在《论语》中说的:既来之,则安之。Besides, it is important to understand yourself and accept yourself (了解和接受自己很重要). Understand what matters to you (知道你觉得重要的事), what you care about (你关心的事), what you want to spend your time doing (你想花时间做的事), and how you want to go about life (你想怎样生活). 我们如何体验生活是一种选择(How we experience life is a choice)。认识和接受自己是爱自己的开始(Knowing and accepting yourself is the beginning of loving yourself)。Only then will we know what kind of life we want to live (只有这样,我们才会知道我们想要过什么样的生活).那时,你不追寻松弛感(when you don't seek the chill vibe),松弛感也会随之而来(the chill vibe will follow)。请留言告诉我们:你是怎么看待“松弛感”的呢?
8/8/2024 • 13 minutes, 22 seconds
中西戏剧对比 | 法国奥运会开幕式上的“酒神”来头不小!
主播:Wendi(中国)+Selah(美国) 歌曲:Helpless今年奥运会开幕式(the Paris 2024 Olympics opening ceremony)的很多创意都来源于一些French plays(法国戏剧)。今天,我们来聊一聊中西方戏剧的对比。01 历史起源和剧种分类法国是an important source of plays(戏剧的重要来源)。法国戏剧起源于medieval religious dramas(中世纪的宗教戏剧),这是一种有关宗教题材的戏剧。如mystery plays(神秘剧),它演绎的是选自《圣经》的一段神秘的故事,miracle plays(奇迹剧),一般是关于某个圣徒的奇迹,还有morality plays(道德剧),目的是教给人们某个重要的品德。· morality /məˈræləti/ n. 道德,品行They often performed in churches or public spaces (经常在教堂或公共场所上演).The French Renaissance (法国文艺复兴) brought a revival of classical themes and structures (带来了古典主题和结构的复兴), influenced by Greek and Roman models (受希腊和罗马模式的影响).古希腊戏剧(Greek theater)起源于公元前6世纪的Athens(雅典),是世界最古老的戏剧之一。它最早是在religious festivals(宗教节日)上表演的,为的是献给Dionysus (狄俄尼索斯)——古希腊的酒神,也是古希腊戏剧之神。· theater n. 戏剧古希腊戏剧主要分为两种类型:tragedy(悲剧),一般是关于human suffering(人类经历的痛苦);comedy(喜剧),经常非常讽刺(satirical)。其实中国的戏剧也属于世界古老戏剧之一,据说最早也是一种民间的歌舞仪式,一般以祈福、求神、祭祀等等为主题,和古希腊戏剧有相似之处。中国的京剧(Peking Opera)主要有文戏和武戏两种类型。武戏一般是打斗的主题(martial subjects),有关war(战争), rebellion and intrigue(叛乱和阴谋),注重演员的martial arts(武术)功底和身体动作的表演。· martial /ˈmɑ:rʃ(ə)l/ adj. 尚武的文戏一般主题是和social life(社会生活)有关,通过dialogue(对白)和lyrics(唱词)来讲一段故事,传达角色情感。02 表演风格差异中西戏剧在performing style(表演风格)上有比较大的差异。西方歌剧在表演过程中focus on(注重)powerful singing(强有力的演唱)和emotional expression(情感表达),表演是self-explanatory(不言自明的),fluid(流畅的),以及life-like(写实的)。这些也和西方其他的艺术作品风格一脉相承。· explanatory /ɪkˈsplænətɔ:ri/ adj. 解释的,说明的比如舞台上的props(道具)都是identical to the object in real life(模仿现实中真实的物品),还有很多舞台效果都很写实,比如fake blood(假血), fake knives(仿真刀),或者sound effects(音效)等等。· identical adj. 完全相同的相比于西方戏剧,中国的传统戏剧更加的symbolic(写意)。For example, many movements(许多人物的动作)are just imitating actions (模仿真实情景), like riding a horse, or entering a room.· symbolic adj. 用作象征的,被认为是象征的It’s not so straightforward (它并不是很直接). It is symbolic where the audience infers what is happening in that moment (观众推断在那一刻在发生着什么).· infer v. 推断,推论舞台上的道具are also not exactly life-like(也不是那么写实)。有些剧里的道具只有一张桌子,当演员坐在旁边的时候它是桌子,当演员站在上面张望的时候它又变成了城楼。03 中西方戏剧的人物角色划分The roles in traditional Chinese operas(中国的传统戏剧) are fixed(是固定的)。京剧的角色有四大行当:生旦净丑。Sheng(生), which refers to male roles(男性角色),and Dan(旦), the female roles(女性角色)。除了the main male and female characters,还有Jing(净),who play with their face painted(花脸),他们扮演的是一些比较严肃的角色,比如warriors(士兵), heroes(英雄)还有statesmen(政治家)。Chou(丑), which is the clown(小丑), also has a painted face, with a patch of white paint around his eyes and nose(一般在眼睛和鼻子的这个位置会涂上一块白色),用来营造comic effect(喜剧效果)。京剧中,各类角色根据剧中人物的身份、气质与性格的不同,都有固定的脸谱、扮相和服饰。Using body and face makeup or paint is a great way to show which characters they are!在西方的戏剧中,会有protagonists(主人公),他们是整部戏剧的核心,drive the plot(推动着情节的发展),他们也经常face challenges or a tragic fate(面对挑战或者悲惨的命运)。· protagonist /prəˈtæɡənɪst/ n. 主人公主角的对立方就是antagonist,一般就是the character opposing the protagonist(剧里面的反派)。· antagonist /ænˈtæɡənɪst/ n. 对手;敌人西方戏剧里还有一类演员是the chorus,一个小的歌队或者合唱团,起的是类似于旁白的作用,他们会comment on the action(对情节做一些评论),provide background information(补充背景信息)。· chorus /ˈkɔ:rəs/ n. 合唱团除了这些角色之外,还会有heroes(男性英雄角色),heroine(女性英雄角色),comic heroes(喜剧角色),villains(恶霸角色),lovers(情人)等等。· villain /ˈvɪlən/ n. 恶棍西方戏剧中角色的分类不像京剧里这么固定,一般会根据他们的voice pitch(声调)和voice range(音域)来定。· pitch n. 音高04 中西方看剧的习惯The audience is also an important part of a play(观众也是戏剧很重要的一环). 一个好的喜剧是completed by the performers and the audience(由演员和观众共同完成)。audience /ˈɑːdiəns/ n. 观众中国的传统戏曲通常是performed in the open air(在露天演出),所以technically(严格说来)它不像是在一个closed theater(封闭式剧院)。有一个 rising trend nowadays(当下的趋势),就是这些戏剧正在moving into the theaters(搬到剧院里),而且there has been a resurgent interest among the young people(年轻人也重新拾起了对传统戏剧的兴趣)。resurgent /rɪˈsɜ:rdʒənt/ adj. 复兴的;再度流行的在西方,去剧院看戏剧也变得less common than it used to be(比之前更少见), 而且比较昂贵,但依然是valued in western culture(在西方文化中受到重视的)。 现在有了电视和streaming(流媒体),戏剧也can be watched online(可以在网上观看)。更丰富的选择和观看方式has opened up this world to many(为许多人打开了这个世界)!而在网上看到一些amazing(超级棒的)戏剧之后,很多中国年轻人也start to show great interest in going to the theaters(开始对去剧院这件事充满兴趣)!
8/4/2024 • 14 minutes, 12 seconds
主播:Anne(中国)+Erin(美国) 歌曲 :Call You Mine转眼已是三伏天,很多网友们说夏天是一个lose weight(减肥)的好时候。所以今天咱们来聊聊how to lose weight in the summer!01 很多人喜欢夏季减肥虽然很多人为了look better in summer clothes(夏天穿衣服更好看)而减肥,不过主播们personally wouldn’t recommend people to lose weight just for the sake of looking pretty(个人不太支持大家单纯为了看上去好看而减肥)!尽管会有一些潜移默化的beauty standards(审美标准),不过主播们并不认为thinner is better(人越瘦越好)。for the sake of 为了……很多人会feel the societal pressure to be thin(感受到来自外界社会的要变瘦的压力),尤其是women and girls。所以主播们并不promote(提倡)that mindset of “you need to be thin in order to be pretty”(这种以瘦为美的心态)。mindset n. 心态如果要知道whether you need to diet or not(你是否需要控制饮食),一个很好的方式是check your BMI(查一下你的BMI),也就是body mass index(身体质量指数)。Ideally, you should be within a healthy range of BMI. (理想状态下,你应该保持在一个健康的BMI范围之内)如果你的BMI是 higher than 25,you would be considered overweight(你会被认定是超重)或者临床意义上的obese(肥胖)。这是一个valid reason to lose weight(减肥的正当理由)。obese /oʊˈbiːs/ adj. (临床意义上)肥胖的如果你的BMI是在normal range(正常范围)里,而你又想lose weight to the point where you’re underweight(减到过瘦的地步),还是要三思!Your health should be the most important thing when it comes to losing weight. (对于减肥而言,你的健康应该是头等大事)02 夏天出了那么多汗,为什么不掉秤?网上有种说法,说是因为夏天你会sweat a lot(出很多汗),所以你的metabolism(新陈代谢)will be faster(会更快), due to the heat(因为高温)和sweating(出汗),which makes it more effective for you to lose weight (让你减脂更高效)。这个说法does make sense(有一定道理),但不是entirely accurate(完全准确)。sweat /swet/ n.v. 汗;出汗metabolism /məˈtæbəlɪzəm/ n. 新陈代谢脂肪被排出体外有两种形式。Fat leaves the body (脂肪被排出体外)either as carbon dioxide(要么是作为二氧化碳) when you exhale(呼气), or as water(作为水) when you sweat or go to the bathroom.carbon dioxide 二氧化碳exhale /eksˈheɪl/ v. 呼气More than 80% of the fat goes out of your body through breathing in the form of CO2. (多于80%的脂肪是以二氧化碳的形式通过呼吸排出体外的。)The remaining 16% is excreted as water(剩下的16%是作为水被排出体外)。而这其中,出汗只是一小部分,doesn’t make too much of a difference in your weight loss(在你减脂里起到的作用微不足道)。所以有的人会裹着plastic wrap(保鲜膜)运动来多出汗以达到减脂的效果,这并不是非常effective(有效)。《黄帝内经》里有一句话,“汗为心之液”,所以出汗其实是对心脏有负担的,大量出汗就会容易心虚气弱,所以还是建议大家不要大量出汗。Especially(尤其) in the summer, if you sweat a lot, you need to wipe it with a towel(用毛巾擦干), change into clean clothes(换上干净的衣服), and try not to exercise at noon(尽量不要在大中午头锻炼)!03 为什么夏天适合减肥?What advantages(优势) does summer have that help you lose weight?首先,warmer weather tends to suppress your appetite(更热的天气往往会抑制食欲), 所以这会make you eat less(让你吃得更少)。suppress /səˈpres/ v. 压制appetite /ˈæpətaɪt/ n. 食欲;胃口高温会让你want to drink more water(想喝更多的水), 这会让你feel more full(感到更饱),所以during your meals(在正餐的时候),你就会吃得更少。有一种现象叫stress eating,就是人一压力大的时候就喜欢吃东西。而在夏天由于there’s more sunlight during the day(白天有更多阳光),你会更开心,have less stress(压力更小),就不那么容易stress eat。04 夏天减肥小贴士、Tip 1: 设定实际的目标 Set Realistic GoalsAim for a gradual weight loss of 1-2 pounds per week to make sure it’s sustainable.(以每周减少半斤到1斤的慢速减重为目标,确保这个过程是可持续的。)那种“一次性”(all at once)减掉大量体重的做法是不健康的!It’s also hard to keep the weight off if you lose too much too quickly! (如果减重太猛,很难保持体重不反弹)gradual /ˈɡrædʒuəl/ adj. 缓慢的Tip 2: 多锻炼 Stay Active可以做一些strength training(力量训练),因为减重期间很容易lose muscles(流失肌肉)。strength /streŋθ/ n. 力量muscle /ˈmʌsəl/ n. 肌肉主播Erin说,she’s been swimming and going on a calorie deficit(减少热量摄入)。她现在doesn’t really have time for the gym(没太有时间去健身房),偶尔会做一些ab workouts(腹肌锻炼),但不是super consistent(非常坚持)。Tip 3: 睡好觉 Sleep Well减重不光是多运动和少吃饭,而是要看how healthy you are as a whole(你整体有多健康)。所以,having a healthy lifestyle(有一个更健康的生活方式)能让掉秤更轻松 。Tip 4: 多喝水 Stay Hydratedhydrated /ˈhaɪdreɪt̬ɪd/ adj. 水分充足的你需要drink plenty of water(喝大量的水)来support your metabolism(促进你的新陈代谢)。“多喝热水”(Drink more warm water)可不是一句空话,it also applies to summer(放在夏天也一样适用)!尤其是right after an intense workout(刚做完剧烈运动),如果喝冷水或者冰凉的水(icy cold water)的话,it could be really bad for your health(可能对你的健康很不利)。Erin也开玩笑说,she drinks too much cold water for her own good(她喝的凉水太多了,对她自己并不好)!Tip 5: 注意你的饮食 Pay Attention to Your Diet少吃点可以,但不要starve yourself(饿着自己)!starve /stɑːrv/ v. 使…挨饿尽量在饮食中:Add fiber-rich foods(增加高纤维食品)fiber /ˈfaɪbɚ/ n. 纤维Avoid processed foods(避免加工食品)processed /ˈprɑːsest/ adj. 经过特殊加工的(食品);处理过的Limit sugar intake(限制糖分摄入)Eat more protein(摄入更多蛋白质)Consuming(摄入)更多蛋白质能够让你feel fuller for longer periods of time(感受更多更久的饱腹感),并且能在减脂过程中lower the risk of muscle loss(降低肌肉流失的风险)。比如chicken(鸡肉)就是一个很好的protein option(蛋白质选择)!protein /ˈproʊtiːn/ n. 蛋白质欢迎留言告诉我们:这个三伏天,你是否有减重计划呢?
8/2/2024 • 15 minutes, 10 seconds
主播:Flora(中国)+Erin(美国) 歌曲 :can you hear me? (by Munn)今天我们来聊一聊最近的一部关于“中式教育”的电影——《抓娃娃》(Successor)。01. 影片名《抓娃娃》和SuccessorSuccessor意为“继承者”,指影片中父亲马成钢培养儿子马继业为自己的“继承者”。而“抓娃娃”则为“抓孩子”或者抓孩子的education(教育)。02. 《抓娃娃》的影片内容There was a tycoon(富翁) named Ma Chenggang who had two sons.由于长子(his elder son)在优渥的条件下(under the favorable conditions)没多大成就,马成钢将此归咎于the living conditions were so good that he did not appreciate them(生活条件太好,所以他并不珍惜)。他觉得大儿子没能“成才”肯定是因为没有艰苦条件的磨炼。Then he decided that he would make sure (决定要确保) that his youngest son would be admitted to Qingbei University (小儿子被清北大学录取) to fulfill the wish that he had not been able to fulfill at that time (实现他当时不能实现的愿望).当时电影里频繁地出现“清北大学”估计就是暗示现实中国内的两所顶尖院校Tsinghua University and Peking University(清华大学和北京大学)了。They are the universities that not only many students but also many parents aspire to (不仅是很多学生也是很多父母向往的)。马成钢就是其中之一,他想让儿子满足this wish for him when he didn't get in himself (他自己未能实现的愿望)。Ma Chenggang paid for a professional team (成立一个专业团队) to simulate his growth environment (模仿他的成长环境) in order for his son to be admitted to Qingbei University.•be admitted to 被......录取这和《楚门的世界》一样细思极恐,周围的人都是一群演员。你生活的方方面面都暴露在摄像头下。There are even people who are specializing in analyzing your micro-expressions (有人专门分析你的微表情).• specialize v.专门研究(或从事)在发现真相后,继业打算break free from his father's control(摆脱他父亲的控制),去实现他自己的抱负(to fulfill his own aspirations):成为一名long-distance runner(长跑运动员)。其实,继业从小就喜欢长跑,但是后来因为父亲和周围的人都欺骗他,让他觉得他不适合这条道路,于是他就放弃了。The last scene shows Jiye running a marathon (最后一幕是继业跑马拉松). This is supposed to be a cause for celebration (本来是值得庆祝的事). All's well that ends well (皆大欢喜).But this is not fairy tale (童话故事). 他本来是第一名(He was originally in first place),但由于他以前developed habit of excessive frugality(养成了过度节俭的习惯),他看到空瓶子就想捡起来,等到捡完后,所有的选手都超过了他。This reflects that his parents' previous wrong education methods (之前错误的教育方法) had already had a profound effect on him (对他产生了深刻的影响).有很多网友都表示:这令人窒息的“中式教育”!Traditional Chinese-style education, it has been labeled as “authoritarian” (被贴上“独裁主义”的标签).Authoritarian parenting (专制型教育) is a style of child-raising that emphasizes high standards (强调高标准) and a tendency to control kids (控制孩子) through shaming, the withdrawal of love, or other punishments (通过羞辱、撤回爱或其他惩罚).But once people equalize Chinese education with authoritarian (一旦将中国教育等同于独裁主义), 必定会增加对中国教育的误解和偏见(misunderstanding and prejudice)。Because after all, not everything about Chinese education is negative (并不是关于中国教育的一切都是负面的).• equalize v. 使相等There are good aspects of traditional Chinese education, such as the importance that families place on cultivating a sense of frugality (培养节俭意识), self-reliance (自立) and filial piety (孝顺) in their children.These are increasingly overlooked by modern youth (这些越来越被现代年轻人所忽视). 就像这次的抓娃娃电影,人们好像一提到中国式教育首先想到的就是suffering parenting, guilt-based parenting and control-based parenting(过度的苦难教育,内疚式还有控制式教育)。People may have their reasons for interpreting it that way, but anyway they're not exactly the same.• interpret v. 把……理解为03. 一些错误的教育方法(1)Suffering parenting(过度的苦难教育)Suffering parenting refers to a form of education in which the recipient (受教育者) is made to undergo suffering (遭受痛苦) in order to improve his or her overall qualities (为了提高整体素质).这种教育方式是的初衷其实是好的,它的目的是让受教育者的综合素质得到提升。For example, it's supposed to develop a sense of frugality(节俭意识) and resilience(抗压能力).However, most of the so-called "suffering parenting" that exists nowadays is just a formality (现存的多数“苦难教育”仅停留于形式) and does not serve the purpose of education (与其教育初衷相违背).It's fine to develop or improve his or her overall qualities, but life itself can give us that, or we can get it in other ways (生活本就可以给予我们这些,我们也可以通过其他方式获得).也难怪很多人说:我的生活本来就很苦了,你还要给我制造这么多苦难?Flora saw a video posted by a mom complaining about her daughter (视频关于一个母亲抱怨自己的女儿). 她带着女儿出去旅行,本可以给她买一张seat ticket(坐票),但她却intentionally bought a standing ticket(故意买了一张站票)。They traveled for hours and her daughter cried the whole way (她们有几个小时的车程,女儿哭了一路).What's even more unbelievable is that this mother is still complaining to the internet (这位母亲还在网络上抱怨) that her daughter doesn't understand her good intentions (说女儿不懂自己的良苦用心). What a terrible mindset!(2)Guilt-based education (内疚式教育)Guilt-based parenting is when parents control their children by making them feel guilty (通过让他们感到内疚来控制孩子) through showing weakness (通过表现出软弱) and complaining(抱怨) or even self-mutilation (甚至是自残).其实内疚式教育就是以爱为名的情感绑架。它会让孩子产生sense of guilt(愧疚感)、增加mental stress(心理压力),削弱他们的self-esteem and self-confidence(自尊心和自信心)。Some people call them toxic love (有毒的爱). 最经典的就是餐桌上的一句:我舍不得吃,都留给你吃。(3)Control-based parenting(控制式教育)It is when parents or educators control their children's lives, learning, socialization, and hobbies (控制孩子的生活、学习、社交和业余爱好) to achieve their goals (去实现他们的目标). 这类父母通常控制欲极强。其实以上三种教育方式与exam-oriented education(应试教育)不无关系,比如电影里马成钢费尽心思其实就是想让继业考上清北大学。04. Exam-oriented education(应试教育)Exam-oriented education has received mixed reviews (评价褒贬不一).这种教育体系可能不利于学生的all-round development(全面发展),but it is conducive to the popularization of basic knowledge(有利于基础知识的普及),而且选拔人才的成本较低。05. Quality education (素质教育)在西方,特别是在美国,高质量教育的重点是holistic development(全面发展),encouraging creativity(鼓励创造力)、critical thinking(批判性思维)和a broad array of extracurricular activities(广泛的课外活动)。This approach aims to develop well-rounded individuals (旨在培养全面发展的个人).• a broad array of 各种各样的• extracurricular /ˌekstrəkəˈrɪkjələr/ adj. 课外的虽然素质教育的理念听起来很理想,但它并非没有挑战。One major concern is whether quality education can sometimes be overemphasized (有时素质教育会被过分强调).• concern n. 担忧• overemphasize /ˌəʊvərˈemfəsaɪz/ v. 过分强调美国的top-tier universities(一流大学)的生源基本上是来自美国排名前100 的高中,但是在这里面public schools(公立学校)只有6所。The reality is that attending a private high school is often the most effective way to receive a quality education in the US (在美国,上私立高中往往是接受优质教育的最有效方式).然而,the high tuition fees(高昂的学费)使得许多家庭望而却步。这可能会reducing social mobility(降低社会流动性)。这可能会造成一个循环,只有那些能负担得起私立教育的人(those who can afford private education)才会继续dominate top university admissions(主要影响顶尖大学的录取率)。When social mobility decreases(当社会流动性下降), 不同的社会经济阶层之间的差距(the gap between different socioeconomic classes)会扩大. This can lead to a society where opportunities are concentrated among the wealthy(这导致机会都集中在富人手里), 会限制多样性(diversity),延续不平等(inequality).06. “An idealized education system (理想化的教育制度)”It’s clear that both China and the US face unique challenges with their educational systems (中美的教育体系都面临着独特的挑战).过分强调高质量教育(overemphasizing quality education)而像美国那样without addressing accessibility(不解决教育的可获得性),可能会exacerbate social divides(加剧社会分歧).• exacerbate /ɪɡˈzæsərbeɪt/ vt. 使加重Some people just blindly worship the western education system (一些人盲目崇拜西方的教育体系), 但每个教育体系都有自己的挑战,盲目照搬绝对是不可取的,适合自己的才是最好的。China's education system, while making strides in popularizing basic education (尽管在普及基础教育方面取得了重大进展), still heavily focuses on academic performance (非常关注学业成绩). 这往往会给学生带来immense pressure(巨大的压力),并且overlooks the importance of holistic development(忽视全面发展的重要性)。许多人担心中国教育的未来,并试图找到改变它的方法,有些人提出了很多宝贵建议,但有些很多建议是极端的。This is why we're doing this podcast to correct that (这就是我们想做这期节目来更正它的原因).The key takeaway is that (关键的结论是) there is no one-size-fits-all solution (没有一刀切的解决方案). What we need is a balanced approach tailored to each country’s unique context (针对每个国家国情的平衡的方法).It’s really about finding the middle ground—integrating (融合) the strengths of quality education (高素质教育的优势) with the rigor of traditional academic excellence (传统学术卓越的严谨性) while ensuring accessibility for all students (同时确保所有学生都有入学机会).• rigor /ˈrɪɡər/ n. 严格这种平衡的方法就像是我们说的“中庸”,可以帮助develop well-rounded individuals(个人全面发展),without compromising on inclusivity and equity(而不损害包容性和公平性)。• compromise /ˈkɑ:mprəmaɪz/ v. 折中,妥协请留言告诉我们:你看了电影《抓娃娃》吗?对这部电影你有什么看法?
7/28/2024 • 15 minutes, 34 seconds
主播:Anne(中国)+Vip(澳大利亚) 歌曲 :If Today Was Your Last Day上期节目提到(戳链接�《原子习惯》这本书,让你无痛建立新习惯!),building a good habit(建立一个好习惯)必不可少的是一个好的system(系统)。这期节目,咱们就继续来聊聊——如何设计一个“坚不可摧”的习惯系统。How to design a habit system that is indestructible?indestructible /ˌɪndɪˈstrʌktəbəl/ adj. 坚不可摧的01 Four Stages 习惯的4个步骤Before we actually build the system for a habit, we need to understand what a habit is. 在建立习惯系统之前,我们先要去深入认识习惯的本质。每一个习惯的养成(when a habit is formed),看似只是一个单纯的行为,实则involves(涉及到)4个stages:Cue(提示),Craving(渴望), Response(反应), Reward(回报)。Let’s break it down!Take phone scrolling as an example(拿刷手机举个例子):1) Cue 提示:cue就是when you see your phone。2) Craving 渴望:当你have the urge to pick up your phone(有拿起手机的冲动)的时候,然后start scrolling(开始刷),这就是craving。尤其是当我们感到bored(无聊)或者in a bad mood(在坏情绪里)的时候,we all know how it feels(大家应该都懂)!3) Response 反应:我们会naturally(自然而然地)respond to that urge(回应那个冲动),所以response就是when you pick up the phone and start scrolling。4) Reward 回报:就是当你开始刷手机看short-form videos(短视频)时,your brain would be very satisfied(你的大脑会感到非常满足)。这四个步骤形成了一个loop(闭环),就开始了刷手机的无限循环……02 Four Principles 养成习惯的4大法则中文里讲“养成”习惯,强调好习惯需要日积月累的培育和灌溉,说的是习惯的本质;而英文里讲“build” a habit,强调像建房子一样建立一个习惯,侧重于习惯的构造。这个文化差异(cultural difference)不得不让人觉得fascinating(神奇)!建立一个好习惯系统,就是要based on these four stages(基于上面提到的四个阶段),逐个击破,这里《原子习惯》的作者提出了4个basic principles(基本法则):#法则一:Make it obvious(让它显而易见)作者提到,当你想要建立好的习惯的时候,environment matters more than motivation(环境比你的动力更重要),所以不要try to test your motivation by placing yourself in a bad environment(通过将自己置于不良环境中来测试自己的动力)。比如说,你想要晚上好好休息, don’t put your phone in the bedroom where you can see it.再有一个点就是,you should use habit stacking(你应该使用习惯叠加),pair a new habit with an existing one(将新的习惯与现有的习惯配对)。The habit stacking formula(公式) is: After [CURRENT HABIT](现有习惯), I will [NEW HABIT]. 而且,you should include time and location as well(你还要把时间和地点包含进去)。比如你想要养成晚饭后不用手机和电脑的习惯,那你就在晚饭后turn off your phones and computers right away(立马关上手机和电脑),然后把它们放在卧室外。如果你有工作要做的话,you could wake up early in the morning and do it.#法则二:Make it attractive(让它有吸引力)You should make a habit attractive. 要让它变得吸引人,有诱惑力!Habits are formed when they give you that dopamine hit. 我们养成习惯,都是因为它们能带给我们多巴胺。要想养成习惯的话,你要pair what you want to do with what you need to do(把你想做的和你需要做的事情相结合)。在马上要做一个相对困难的行为习惯之前,你可以do something you enjoy(做一件自己喜欢的事情)。比如说,在你要做一个hard workout(困难的健身)的时候,你可以eat your favourite candy(先吃你最喜欢的糖果)。If you do this a few times(几次这样做之后), your brain will associate these two things together(你的大脑会自动地把糖和困难的健身联系起来), and make you crave the difficult workout(然后你就会特别渴望健身).associate /əˈsəʊʃieɪt/ v. 联系#法则三:Make it easy(让它变简单)如果你想要do a workout in the morning(早上锻炼),你可以lay out workout clothes the night before in advance(提前一晚把锻炼要穿的衣服准备好)。另一种让习惯变得简单的方法就是to start with 2 minutes of doing it(先做个2分钟)。为了确保能stick to a habit(坚持一个好习惯),你需要do it as many times as possible(尽可能多地重复)。The 2 minutes rule can get you start doing the habit very easily. 做10次2分钟要比做1次20分钟更加管用,重要的是要先开始起来。#法则四:Make it satisfying(让它变得令人满足)一旦你完成这个养成习惯的行为之后,you should give yourself reward IMMEDIATELY(立刻奖励自己)。对于主播Anne来说,如果她能够关闭电子产品,她会这样奖励自己:read the novel that she likes(读自己喜欢的小说),或者do facial(敷个面膜)或者light a scented candle(点个香薰蜡烛)。除了上面提到的4个原则之外,你还可以使用a habit tracker to track habits(记录你的习惯养成),habit trackers可以是some apps或者a notebook。总是对你的习惯复盘是行之有效的,and make changes to your system if you’re not sticking to the habit(如果你无法坚持这个习惯,你可以随时改变你的系统)。
7/26/2024 • 16 minutes, 28 seconds
主播:Anne(中国)+Vip(澳大利亚) 歌曲 :SmileTo build a habit(养成习惯)对于很多人而言是the hardest part(最难的部分)。今天,我们跟大家聊一本能帮助你真正养成习惯的书——Atomic Habits《原子习惯》,它的作者是James Clear。一提起习惯指南,这本书就会成为大家的go-to book(首选)。书名中的atomic意思是“原子的”,作者的中心思想其中之一就是you need to start with very small changes,你要从非常小的改变开始做起,不要想一步登天。要想养成习惯,我们要先搞清楚习惯的定义。习惯就是你日常生活中做出的small decisions(微小的决定)以及actions,这些决定和行为不需要你刻意思考或纠结。但是大多数人对于习惯都有误解,今天我们先来看看three common misunderstandings that most people have about habits(人们对于习惯的三个误解)。#人们对于习惯的误解一 Small but positive changes don’t matter. 微小但积极的变化并不重要。无论是好的改变还是不好的变化,都会compound(累积叠加)。假设以一年为单位,good changes will compound into a huge improvement, and the same goes for bad changes(好的改变会变成巨大的进步,坏的变化也会产生巨大的影响)。有一个词叫compound interest(复利),再小的的改变只要一年就会累积成巨大的进步,所以好习惯就是“利滚利”,那反之坏习惯就是“高利贷”了。#人们对于习惯的误解二 You should focus on what you want to achieve. 你应该专注于你想要实现的事。有很多人可能会想,是不是搞错了,养成好习惯不就是要focus on what you want to achieve(专注于你想要达成的那件事吗)?但《原子习惯》的作者却说,养成习惯最高效的做法是to actually focus on your identity(专注于你的身份)。你首先要决定what kind of person you want to become(你想成为一个什么样的人),然后choose the habits that align with this identity(选择与这个身份相符的习惯)。align with 与……达成一致比如说,对于你想要的一个结果“I want to lose 20 pounds”或者“I want to squat 300 pounds”,你应该告诉自己“I am a person who never misses a workout(我是一个从来不会错过锻炼的人)”,而且你要really believe it,把它内化成你的信念。比如说,你想要做到sleep and wake up early,你不要想“我要早睡早起”,这样只会加强你对自身不足的看法,反而,你就应该告诉自己:我就是一个早睡早起的人。我就是一个睡眠自由的人。王阳明先生提到过的“吾性自足”的信念,就是告诉我们要向自己的内心寻求力量。当然了,只靠信念是不够的,at the same time you need to also prove it to yourself(还需要做些事情来证明给自己看)。不要做很困难的事情。You need to prove it to yourself with very small wins in your life that align with your identity. (以微小的胜利来向自己证明这个新身份是合理的。)比方说你想早起,在早上的时候,you did get up early,那就对自己说:see I am a morning person. I knew it.(看吧,我是一个能早起的人,我就知道我可以。)这样的话,你的信念会越来越强大。千万不要这样对自己说:oh I finally get up early for once, I hope I do it next time.(我这次早起了,我希望下次我也能做到。)再简单一点,when your alarm rings(闹钟响的时候),simply open your eyes in the morning,然后你就可以自信地告诉自己:我是一个能早起的人!It’s not a lie,这并不是对自己撒谎,而是在利用这种信心和信念的力量给自己降低行动的阻力,增加动力。信念的力量真的太神奇了!#人们对于习惯的误解三 You should focus on setting goals. 你应该专注于设定目标。大家应该都有同感,想一想自己每年的new year resolutions(新年决心)就知道了,有多少是真的实现了呢?If you want better results, then forget about setting goals. Focus on your system instead. 忘掉你设定的目标,转而是要专注于你的“习惯养成系统”。缺乏系统化思维(systematic thinking)也是很多人在养成习惯时屡战屡败的原因。你的目标没有实现,是你设计的“习惯养成系统”有漏洞! 下一期节目,我们会重点聊聊how to design a system to build habits that is indestructible(如何设计一个坚不可摧的“习惯养成系统”)来帮助你养成好习惯。干货满满,记得关注哦。
7/21/2024 • 10 minutes, 45 seconds
主播:Anne(中国)+ 梅莉(法国) 歌曲 :Turn the Page现代社会,睡眠已经成了一大难题。A lot of people have sleeping issues. 很多人会stay up late(熬夜),也有一些人have trouble falling asleep(入睡困难),有的人甚至会stay up all night(睁眼到天明)。当然,也有很多年轻人会选择报复性熬夜(revenge bedtime procrastination)。procrastination /prəˌkræstɪˈneɪʃn/ n. 延迟,拖延所以,现在,有越来越多的人开始追求“睡眠自由”了。01 睡眠有多重要有一位很著名的neuroscientist神经科学家(斯坦福的副教授),发布过一篇关于睡眠的贴文,他在文中写道:Best nootropic: sleep(最能提高你大脑认知能力的药物就是睡眠)Best stress relief: sleep(最好的解压手段就是睡眠)Best immune booster: sleep(最能提升免疫力的方式还是睡眠)Best emotional stabilizer: sleep(最佳情绪稳定器依然是睡眠)This post really sums up the importance of sleep. 这篇文章确实总结了睡眠的重要性。总之,就是一句话:睡饱睡足比啥都重要。聊到睡眠的重要性,不得不提的就是sleep debt(睡眠债)。你睡不够的那些时间,并不会凭空消失,just like debt,they add up over time(它们会累积起来),最后it can really have a negative impact on your health(它真的会对你的健康产生负面影响)。If you miss one hour of sleep every night, you have seven hours of sleep debt in just one week. 那周末补觉不就都补回来了?大错特错!According to research, it takes four days to fully recover from one hour of lost sleep. 缺一个小时的觉,需要四天来完全恢复。02 到底怎样才能实现“睡眠自由”?# Tip 01You should check for any sleep disorders. 检查一下你是否有睡眠障碍。常见的睡眠障碍或者说睡眠方面的疾病有:insomnia 失眠症sleep apnea 睡眠呼吸暂停症(症状是you stop breathing during sleep)如果说你正在经历着snoring(打鼾),feeling sleepy during the day(白天嗜睡)or having very poor sleep(睡眠非常差),可以考虑去医院检查一下是不是有sleep apnea。# Tip 02You should go outside and view sunlight within 30-60 minutes of waking up in the morning, and before sunset in the late afternoon. 你要在醒来以后的半小时到一小时以内,以及在临近日落的时候,出门去看看阳光。It doesn’t mean that you should look at the sun directly(并不是直视太阳),just looking at things in the sunlight is fine.在晴天的时候,try to view sunlight for at least 10 minutes,如果是阴天的话,double the time,看20分钟。Glasses,contact lenses(隐形)都是可以的,but do not wear sunglasses(墨镜),并且尽量不要stay in the shade(待在阴凉地里)。而且还要注意,you can’t look at sunlight through the windows(不要透过窗户看阳光),因为窗户会过滤掉很大一部分的蓝光的波段。一天两次看阳光的时间timing很关键。When you view sunlight, the closer it is to sunrise and sunset, the better. 跟日出和日落的时间越接近越好。其实也就是印证了那句古训,“日出而作,日入而息”。# Tip 03It is best to have a schedule. 最好有一个睡眠时间表。给自己设定好,7-8 hours of sleep every night, go to bed and wake up at the same time every day(每天尽量在同一时间睡觉和起床)。When you first start to feel sleepy, don’t fight it, just go to bed and sleep. 当你一有困意的时候,不要挣扎,赶紧去睡。Try to maintain this so your body can get used to it. 尽量保持这个习惯,你的身体会慢慢适应它。# Tip 04Do not go to bed hungry or stuffed. 饥饿或者太饱的时候不要入睡。Try to stop eating three hours before your bedtime!# Tip 05Avoid caffeine within 8-10 hours of bedtime. 在你睡前的8-10个小时内避免咖啡因。含咖啡因的食物有milk tea(奶茶)、tea、sodas like cola(可乐)、energy drinks(功能性饮料)、chocolate 以及some medications(药物)。如果你想睡个好觉的话,avoid all of these after 12pm(中午12点后这些都不要碰)。有一个误区,很多人都认为睡前喝两杯可以助眠,但是alcohol will actually mess up your sleep(酒精真的会扰乱你的睡眠)。# Tip 06Create a restful environment. 创造一个适合休息的环境。Keep your room cool, dark, and quiet. 你的房间应该是凉爽、黑暗又安静的。你可以考虑装一个blackout curtains(遮光帘),这样的话可以很好地block out(阻挡)外面所有的光。遮光窗帘能遮挡外面的光,却挡不住the light from your phone screen(你手机屏幕的光)。所以,you should avoid using any electronics (电子产品) at least an hour before you sleep!根据研究,在晚上10点到凌晨4点之间you should actually avoid all bright lights, 尤其是overhead lights(顶灯)。因为我们的眼睛really sensitive to light(对光非常敏感),including the angle of the light(对光的角度也非常敏感)。当你看到不同的灯光时,your eyes are sending different signals to your brain:比如说it’s time to wake up,或者说it’s time for bed。但是现代人的大脑接受到的信号全乱套了。我们的古人非常讲究入睡和起床的时间。亥时,也就是21时-23时是古人们推崇的最佳入睡时间。亥时从汉代起也被称为“人定”,意思就是人静(you should be resting quietly)。但入睡最晚最晚尽量不要超过晚上11点,因为那个时候胆经正旺。在中医理论里,胆又叫少阳,“少阳不升,天下不明”。晚上11点不睡觉,胆经没法照常运行,人就容易昏昏沉沉的。古代人喜欢五更起,很多人一般早上4点左右就起来了。除了注意睡眠的时间和睡眠时的光线,你在睡前可以diffuse some essential oils(用一些精油)。# Tip 07Limit daytime naps to less than 90 mins, or don’t nap at all. 将白天的小睡控制在90 分钟以下,或者根本不要小睡。这个对于上班族来说还是比较容易做到的。# Tip 08You should also try to stay active. 要经常运动。适当的锻炼will make you tired,更容易帮助你入睡。但是要避免too active before going to bed。You could do some stretching(拉伸) before bed.# Tip 09Manage your stress. 管理好你的压力。Find a way to put all the stressful things aside before you go to bed(找到睡前把所有有压力的事情放在一边的方法),比如说meditate(冥想),推荐大家可以去找一些NSDR(non-sleep deep rest)这样的视频,或者是write them down somewhere(把这些事从脑子里腾到纸上),and then put them aside(然后把它们扔到一边去),就算天塌下来,睡醒了再说!03 拿到“睡眠自由”,我说了算!改善睡眠质量其实也没那么复杂,但是很多时候就是,“I know what to do, I just don’t want to do it”。很多人晚睡的一个深层的心理原因是因为太想要有一部分可以完全由自己掌控的时间。当你stay up late at night and scroll on your phone(熬夜刷手机)的时候,你会认为“I have this time all to myself”(这段时间全部都属于我),还会觉得“it’s completely under my control”(完全受我控制). 在某种程度上说,it’s kind of like mental self-care(这有点像心理上的自我照顾)。但是,越是这样,越会在不知不觉中又失去了对人生的掌控。因为staying up late真的会让你lose more control of your life。通过掌控好自己睡眠,才有可能去真正掌握人生的主动权。其实大家可以这么想,每一天的醒来都是一次重生(Tomorrow is not only a new day, but a new life)。希望我们大家都可以有早睡早起的勇气,实现睡眠自由,成为睡眠的百万富翁,甚至亿万富翁!
7/19/2024 • 25 minutes, 9 seconds
巴菲特修改遗嘱 | 聊聊基金会的那些事儿…历史上最早的基金会在北宋!
主播:Wendi(中国)+ Selah(美国) 歌曲 :Money, Money, Money今天,我们聊聊“股神”巴菲特(Warren Buffett)修改遗嘱这件事。Warren Buffett is a legendary value investor(是一个充满传奇色彩的价值投资者).He is best known for(因……被熟知) being a very successful investor(成功的投资者) and the head of Berkshire Hathaway(伯克希尔哈撒韦公司的负责人), a big company with many businesses.*legendary /ˈledʒənderi/ adj. 传奇的他通过buying and holding undervalued companies(收购和持有价值被低估的公司)赚了很多钱。为人们所熟知的是,he gives away a large part of his fortune to charity(他把他的大部分财产捐给了慈善机构),而且he lives a simple, modest life despite his wealth(尽管他很富有,但他却过着简单、低调的生活)。*undervalued /ˌʌndərˈvæljʊ/ adj. 售价过低的01 Buffett’s latest will 巴菲特最新遗嘱巴菲特之前说要把遗产捐赠给the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation(比尔盖茨和他妻子Melinda的基金会),但是前不久,Buffett just changed how his considerable fortune will be spent following his death(他改变了死后巨额财富的使用方式)。*considerable /kənˈsɪdərəb(ə)l/ adj. 相当大93岁的巴菲特说,he has again re-worked his will(他又一次重新调整了他的遗嘱) — and that he does not plan to continue donations to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation after he dies. He will put his wealth in a new charitable trust overseen by his three children(他将把自己的财富存入一个由他的三个孩子监管的新的慈善信托基金中).*trust n. 信托基金机构*oversee v. 监管He has changed his will several times(他已经改变了好几次遗嘱了),and he put together the newest plan(他制定了最新的计划)due to the trust he has in his children’s values(因为他信任孩子们的价值观)and how they will distribute his wealth(也信任孩子会如何分配他的财富).*distribute /dɪˈstrɪbju:t/ v. 分发在巴菲特的遗嘱修改之前,the largest portion of his fortune was designated for the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation(他最大一笔遗产是要给比尔·盖茨和他的妻子的这个基金会的)。02 巴菲特和盖茨基金会之间啥联系?The Buffett and Gates families have been friends for over 3 decades(30多年). As some of the wealthiest people in the world (同为世界富豪), they have pooled their resources together to make much change and good happen in the world(他们一起用自己的资源改变世界,让世界变得更好).*pool v. 集中资源虽然都是世界富豪,比尔盖茨稍微更有钱一点,位居世界第四(Bill Gates is the 4th richest person in the world),巴菲特是第六(Buffett is the 6th)。Buffett was on the board of the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation for many years(巴菲特曾在比尔和梅林达·盖茨基金会的董事会任职多年), and is said to have contributed $43 billion dollars to them over the last 20 years(在20年里向Bill and Melinda Gates基金会捐赠了430亿美元).The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation在很多领域都做出了卓越的贡献,比如说eradicating polio(帮助消除小儿麻痹症) 、reducing malaria(消除疟疾)以及帮助发展中国家发展,比如improving education through investments in K-12(通过投资改善从幼儿园到12年级的孩子教育),alleviating poverty by supporting agricultural development(通过支持农业发展来减轻贫困),improving sanitation (改善卫生设施)。*eradicate /ɪˈrædɪkeɪt/ v. 消灭*alleviate /əˈli:vieɪt/ v. 减轻*sanitation /ˌsænɪˈteɪʃ(ə)n/ n. 卫生系统或设备03 基金会都有哪些种类?There are many different types, for example, Private Foundations(私人基金会), like the Gates Foundation, Corporate Foundations (Established by a corporation)(由公司创立的企业基金会).大多数的私人基金会都是由wealthy people来创立,这样的话,他们可以reduce the inheritance taxes(少交一些遗产税)。而且,it allows the donors to decide how their money is used for charitable purposes(它允许捐赠者决定他们的钱如何用于慈善目的)。*inheritance /ɪnˈherɪtəns/ n. 遗产还有一种基金会是Family Foundations(家族基金会),这种基金会通常目标是passing down philanthropic values across generations(将慈善价值观代代相传)。*philanthropic /ˌfɪlənˈθrɑ:pɪk/ adj. 博爱的04 历史上最早的家族基金会在北宋据说历史上最早的家族基金会是在北宋由范仲淹创立的,叫“范氏义庄”。In 1050, Fan Zhongyan, who was then 60 years old and was serving as the governor of Hangzhou(在杭州做官), donated his life savings(捐赠了他的终身储蓄), purchased more than 1,000 acres of fertile land in Suzhou(在苏州买了1000多亩田), and founded the charity organization "Fan's Charity House"(“范氏义庄”), which supported three parts: land, housing, and education(“义田”“义宅”“义学”).*purchase /ˈpɜ:rtʃəs/ v. 购买1000年后,a similar design appeared in the United States, like these family foundations(家族基金会),大家比较熟悉的可能有Carnegie Foundation(卡耐基基金会),Rockefeller Foundation(洛克菲勒基金会),这些基金会目的都是to pass on their wealth(传承财富), with the aim of allowing their families to have a secure and comfortable life(保障家族后代的生活)。比较典型的洛克菲勒家族基金会has been passed down for 7 generation(已经传承了7代了)。范氏宗族规定任何族人都不能卖族田。Similar to the Fan’s House, it is stipulated that the descendants of these wealthy people cannot sell the property of the family foundation. 欧美富豪的后代不能卖掉家族基金会的财产。*stipulate /ˈstɪpjuleɪt/ v. (尤指在协议或建议中)规定*descendant /dɪˈsendənt/ n. 后代But a slight difference of the Fan’s House is that it not only took care of its own descendants(自己的后人) but also the whole clan(全族之人), including the distant relatives(远亲). 范仲淹的宗族制度不仅照顾自己的后人,还有全族之人,这一差异可能是由于中西方不同的家庭观和宗族观造成的。*clan n. 家族05 国外网友怎么评价巴菲特更改遗嘱?Truthfully, most normal people do not have much to say. 网友并没有什么反应。由于the Gates divorce(盖茨的离婚),there has been family drama in the Gates family the past few years(盖茨家庭发生了家庭闹剧)。导致巴菲特改编遗嘱的原因之一可能是Melinda Gates recently announced that she is leaving the foundation herself(梅林达·盖茨最近宣布她将自己离开该基金会)。巴菲特可能does not trust the future of the company as much(不那么相信公司的未来)。
7/14/2024 • 12 minutes, 55 seconds
主播:Wendi(中国)+ Selah(美国) 歌曲 :I Will Survive暑假期间又到了旅游旺季。People all around the world (世界各地的人) are traveling (都在旅行).Young people, both in school and those that are out of school, do a lot of traveling too (上学的和不上学的年轻人也会旅行). It is easier for them because they have more time and fewer responsibilities (因为他们的时间更多、责任更少).Especially young kids. Summer and winter breaks (寒暑假) are probably the best time to go travelling (旅游的最好时间).Selah刚刚结束了她三周的假期。She went to France, Egypt and Kenya (法国、埃及和肯尼亚). It was so much fun! 她看到了很多的风景(sights),体验了许多different cultures(不同的文化)。Wendi plans to visit some cities in southern China (计划去中国南方的一些城市旅游) with her family. 因为他们住在北方,所以views and cultures in the south (南方的观点和文化) 对他们来说非常different and interesting(不同且有趣)。01 The Difference between Chinese and Western Young People Making Travel Plans中西方年轻人制定旅游计划的区别In China, there are many apps for booking tickets and hotels (有很多关于预订门票和酒店的应用程序), like去哪网,携程,and 智行。Wendi will always compare the prices on these apps (比较一下这些应用程序里的价格) and try to look for the cheapest offer (试着找最便宜的报价).For flights, Selah uses websites like Kayak (客涯) or Hopper to compare flight prices (比较航班价格) across a lot of platforms (在很多平台). Because prices on different platforms can be really different (因为在不同的平台上的价格可能会差别很大).For accommodations (住宿), it depends on (取决于) what type of place we want to stay (我们想住什么类型的地方) and how long we are staying for (以及我们要待多久).Selah’s first choice is usually Airbnb (爱彼迎), because it is cheaper, convenient, and has more space. 他们也带有厨房。So we can cook our own meals (自己做饭) and save money by buying groceries (买食品杂货可以省钱).Airbnb is actually someone has their own house or apartment, they turn it kind of into a hotel (他们把它变成了一家旅馆) so someone can pay and stay in that apartment or house for however long your vacation is (有人可以度假时付钱住在你的公寓或房子里). And they give you a password (给你一个密码) and you are able to stay. 非常方便。If Selah is booking a hotel, she will typically start with the area she wants to stay in (从她想住的地方开始), and then go onto Booking.com (缤客) or just do a general google search (谷歌搜索) to find a hotel with good reviews (找到一个有好评的酒店).选择你想待的地方很重要。You need to consider the distance it has to all the tourist spots you want to visit (考虑和你想去的所有旅游景点的距离), and make sure it has good transport links (确保它有良好的交通连接).Selah选择旅馆的时候, 她想选择一个包括免费早餐的(she wants one that has a free breakfast included).Sometimes Wendi would like to go to a nearby market (去附近的市场) and enjoy some local breakfast (享受当地的早餐)。这是一种体验那里的文化的好方法。02 Who Would You Like to Travel with?你想和谁一起旅行?Selah’s advice for young people traveling (给年轻人的旅行建议) is, firstly, to do it with a friend (和你的朋友去旅行) or someone you want to share that memory with (或者和你想与之分享这段回忆的人).It’s nice to have friends around, but it’s not always easy. There’s a saying that (有句话说) travelling is the best way to test your relationship (旅行是测试关系的最好方式) with your friends or your loved ones (与你的朋友或者你爱的人).There are many people that enjoy solo-traveling (享受独自旅行), which has its own perks (有自己的好处). Because they can go anywhere and do anything completely based on their own will (完全根据他们自己的意愿).Some more advice she would have is to plan ahead (提前计划). 如果你在最后一刻做出选择(make choices at last minute), prices are often very high and it gets expensive.In addition, if you can, avoid eating out (避免外出就餐), or eat out only once (只出去吃一次) during your trip. Buying cheap meals, cooking yourself and buying groceries (买便宜的饭菜,自己做饭和买食品杂货) mean you can experience other things more (体验到更多的其他东西). Another advice is to prioritize what you want ahead of time (提前优先考虑你想要的东西), make a budget(做预算).给自己一个机会来体验当地的美食(local cuisines)、风景(sights)和文化(culture)。Let yourself explore!*prioritize /praɪˈɔ:rətaɪz/ v. 优先考虑(处理)03 "Military-style" travelling“特种兵式旅游”A term called "Military-style" travelling (特种兵式旅游) went viral online last year. It is a traveling style (旅行风格) of some Chinese college students, or young people (大学生或者年轻人), who spend as little money as possible to travel to as many places as they can (花尽可能少的钱去尽可能多的地方旅行) during the weekend, or a short holiday.They rarely take any break (很少休息), as if they were on a military training (好像他们在接受军事训练).To do this, they usually take a late-night train (通常乘坐深夜的火车), because it’s cheaper, sleep on the train (睡在火车上), and arrive at their destination the next morning (第二天早上到达目的地).Then they will explore that city real quick (快速探索这座城市), and probably go to another nearby city if they have time (可能去附近的另一个城市).If they want to spend another day in that city, to save money, some people choose to stay in a 24-hour restaurant (选择住在一家24小时营业的餐厅里), like the McDonald’s (比如麦当劳).So, the schedule is really tight (时间表真的很紧), but they can really explore many places with minimum cost (以最低的成本探索许多地方).*minimum adj. 最小的,最低限度的Some people think this way of traveling is just wandering around (这种旅行方式就是四处闲逛), like they can’t really learn something deep about that city (不能真正了解那个城市的东西). 但旅行只是为了好玩。人们可以有不同的目的(People can have different purposes)。*purpose n. 目的,意图
7/12/2024 • 11 minutes, 7 seconds
主播:Flora(中国)+ Erin(美国) 歌曲 :Miles on it今天我们来聊一个比较实在的话题——怎么获得快乐呢?因为在当下时代,获得快乐的能力真的很重要。Especially in this fast-paced era (快节奏时代), happiness seems to have become something unattainable (快乐似乎遥不可及). 对一些人来说,快乐已经成为一种luxury(奢侈品)了。01 The Different Levels of Happiness 不同层次的快乐有人把幸福分为三个层次:感官快乐(sensory happiness)、情绪快乐(emotional happiness)和精神快乐(spiritual happiness)。(1)感官快乐(sensory happiness)Sensory happiness, comes from physical pleasures (身体上的快乐) and material gains (和物质上的获得). It's the joy you feel when you eat your favorite food (吃你最喜欢的食物), buy a new gadget (买一个小物件), or enjoy a beautiful sunset (看一场漂亮的日落).这些经历是直接的(immediate),并且是有形的(tangible),但往往也是易逝的(fleeting)。(2)情绪快乐(emotional happiness)相比之下,情绪上的快乐(emotional happiness)要更加地深刻和持久(deeper and longer-lasting)。它来自关系以及个人的成就(relationships and personal achievements)。比如,和你所爱的人共度美好时光(spending quality time),在工作中庆祝晋升(promotion),或者享受一个令人满意的爱好(a fulfilling hobby)。这种程度的幸福通常涉及到一种连接感和归属感(a sense of connection and belonging)。*quality time 美好时光:花费时间全神贯注地陪伴亲近的人,例如自己的孩子。All of these are more difficult to access than sensual happiness (比感官上的快乐更难获取一些). So it is progressively harder to acquire from sensual pleasure to spiritual pleasure (从感官快乐到精神快乐是越来越难获取的).*progressively /prəˈɡresɪvli/ adv. 渐进地*pleasure /ˈpleʒər/ n. 快乐;满足(3)精神快乐(spiritual happiness)精神上的快乐是来自inner peace(内心的平和)还有 self-fulfillment(自我满足)。通常是通过mindfulness(正念),a sense of purpose(一种使命感),还有a connection to something greater than oneself(与比自己更伟大的事情产生连接),比如说大自然。02 Why We Are Prone to Unhappiness?为什么我们容易不开心?Few people can access spiritual happiness these days (很少有人能获得精神上的快乐), and some never even experience it (有些人甚至都没体验过).*access /ˈækses/ v. 接近;进入In today’s digital age (数字时代), finding true happiness can be challenging (找到真正的快乐是有挑战的). Modern life, influenced by social media and consumerism (被社交媒体和消费主义所影响), often emphasizes material wealth and status (通常强调物质财富和地位).*material /məˈtɪriəl/ adj. 物质的;非精神上的现在的短视频平台无疑会amplify(放大)这种comparison(对比)还有 envy(羡慕嫉妒)的心态。心理学上有个词叫“相对剥夺感”(Relative Deprivation),这感觉就像是我们觉得我们有权享有,但并不拥有。*deprivation /ˌdeprəˈveɪʃən/ n. 匮乏;剥夺比如一个人 swipes on a video (刷短视频) 然后看到a rich man who sits in a mansion and a luxury car (一个坐拥豪宅和豪车的富豪),会觉得he should have all of that too, but he actually doesn't (自己也该拥有,实际上并没有)。*swipe /swaɪp/ v. 滑动*mansion /ˈmænʃ(ə)n/ n. 宅邸这种落差可能让他产生嫉妒(envy)甚至是愤恨。它有些侵蚀了一个人的理性(reason)以及对自我的认知(self-cognition)了。That's why we've been emphasizing the need to control the amount of time spent watching short videos (这就是为何我们一直强调控制看短视频的时间).The more we watch them, the less attention we may pay to our own lives (看别人的视频越多,对自己生活的关注就越少).这也许就是我们说的“乱花渐欲迷人眼”,沉醉于这种几乎零成本的感官快乐(sensory happiness)当中自然会上瘾。但关键是,人总会对“这种快感”脱敏,一旦脱敏之后就只能通过更大的刺激让大脑保持愉悦。这就是为什么人们把短视频叫做the "spiritual opium" of the times (时代的“精神鸦片”)。The algorithms of short video plat forms (短视频平台的算法) can calculate what you want to watch very precisely (能精准地算出你想看什么).人很容易get addicted to this bad loop (沉迷于这个不好的循环),所以这种情况下我们一定要保持警惕,不要让自己陷入“信息茧房”中。loop n.(程序中)一套重复的指令*get addicted to 对……上瘾不仅是视频的受众,创作者也要警惕优越感(superiority)带给你的“快乐陷阱”。由优越感带来的“快乐”一定是短暂的(fleeting)、不可持续(unsustainable)、并且是不健康的(unhealthy)。True happiness is simple (真正的快乐是简单的). 它可以来自self-satisfaction (自我满足)、家庭、人际关系和自然。我们需要意识到,the joy from materialism is temporary (来自物质主义的快乐是短暂的)。There's always someone better, richer, or more accomplished (总有人更优秀、更富有或者更有才华), which makes this pursuit endless and exhausting (这种追赶是无穷无尽的). 最终只会让自己落入绝望的深渊。所以真正的问题是,我们如何break free from these desires (摆脱这种欲望的控制) 并且找到lasting happiness (持久的快乐)?03 How to Achieve True Happiness?怎样获得真正的快乐?Harvard University suggested some habits that can help us achieve true joy.哈佛大学给出了一些可以帮助我们获得真正快乐的习惯。(1)Be grateful (心存感激)Practicing gratitude(练习感恩)shifts our focus from what we lack to what we have (把我们的注意力从我们缺乏的东西转移到我们拥有的东西上), fostering contentment (培养满足感).*contentment n. 满足;满意The truth is that what you take for granted may be something that others will never reach in their lifetime (你认为理所当然的,可能是别人在有生之年永远不会触及的东西). 比如世上还有些地方战火纷飞,人们的性命都岌岌可危……*take…for granted 把……视为理所当然Some people keep a gratitude journal (有些人写感恩日记), and it is amazing how much it helps them appreciate the little things in life (帮助他们感激生活中的小事).(2) Choose friends wisely (谨慎择友)Surround yourself with positive, supportive people who uplift you (与积极向上的、支持你、让你振作起来的人为伍).*uplift v. 鼓舞Always distance yourself from (一定要远离) people who bring you down (让你沮丧的人), or negatively impact your habits and goals (对你的习惯或目标产生负面影响的人). *distance v. 远离(3)Live in the present (活在当下)Focusing on the here and now (关注当下和现在) helps reduce anxiety about the past and future (会减少对过去和未来的焦虑).、(4)Don’t forget the importance of forgiveness (谨记宽恕)Letting go of grudges (放下怨恨) frees us from negative emotions that hinder our happiness (让我们从阻碍我们快乐的负面情绪中解放出来).*hinder v. 阻碍,妨碍In fact, sometimes it's really hard to forgive someone (有时很难原谅一个人), especially when they've done something that's unacceptable to you (尤其是当他们做了一些你无法接受的事情) and there's no way you can ignore the pain it causes (无法忽视它所带来的痛苦).So forgive, but don’t forget (宽恕,但不要遗忘). Let go of being angry at them (不对他们愤怒), but don’t forget what they have done (但也不要忘记他们的所作所为). 其实,这个时候选择宽恕并不是赦免对方的罪恶,实际上是放自己一条生路——一条免于被仇恨侵蚀的生路。这绝对不是historical nihilism (历史虚无主义),我们不能忘记过去。That's true of individuals (个人如此), and of nations (国家亦是如此).04 中国传统文化中获取快乐的方式In Chinese culture, wisdom is offered on finding joy (中华文化蕴含着寻找快乐的智慧).孔子的弟子颜回“一箪食,一瓢饮,居陋巷,人不堪其忧,回也不改其乐。”这就是一种简单的快乐,与物质无关。Confucius’ disciple Yan Hui found happiness in simplicity and contentment (颜回在简单和满足中找到快乐), despite his modest living conditions (尽管他的生活条件简朴).*modest adj. 朴素的老子在《道德经》中强调了与自然和谐相处的简单快乐。These teachings (教诲) show that true happiness doesn't rely on external conditions (真正的幸福并不依赖于外部条件) but comes from inner development (而是来自于内在的发展), wisdom, and spiritual growth (智慧和精神的成长).05 西方文化中的快乐是什么样的呢?西方文化中的快乐,与爱(love)、助人(helping others)以及分享(sharing)有关。These values can also be instilled through family and societal norms (这些价值观可以通过家庭和社会规范来灌输). For example, in a family where acts of kindness are a daily practice (日常实践中有善举的家庭), it can deeply influence a sense of happiness (会深刻地影响幸福感).*instill v. 逐渐灌输In both Eastern and Western traditions (在东、西方传统里), the essence of happiness (幸福的本质) lies in connecting with others (与他人产生联系), being grateful (心存感激), and finding peace within ourselves (在自己内心找到和平).*lie in 在于请留言告诉我们:你是怎么获得快乐的呢?
7/7/2024 • 13 minutes, 55 seconds
主播:Wendi(中国)+ Selah(美国) 歌曲 :Helpless现在,全球各地都正approaching some of the hottest times of the year(即将进入全年中最热的时候),所以让我们来聊聊,有哪些避暑(escape the heat)的妙方呢?主播Selah位于Phoenix, Arizona(凤凰城,亚利桑那州),这是one of the hottest cities on the planet(地球上最热的城市之一)。在夏季的时候,it gets to 115-120 F, 也就是45-48 degrees Celsius(摄氏度),can’t even imagine(简直无法想象)!approach /əˈproʊtʃ/ v. 接近;临近01 世界各地的人们都有哪些避暑方式?一些避暑的common ways(常见的方式)有吃点东西来让自己cool down(凉快凉快),或者going somewhere(去某个地方)。在墨西哥和中国,人们会have mid-day naps(睡个午觉)。在墨西哥,午觉又被称为siestas。在中国,farmers in the past(古代的农民)一直有这个habit(习惯),人们可以很好地rest during the day(在白天休息),并且recharge for the afternoon(为下午充电)。· recharge /ˌriːˈtʃɑːrdʒ / v. 充电在欧洲南部,很多地方没有Air Conditioning(空调系统),所以取而代之的是adaptations on the living environment(对于居住空间的改造):比如用thick walls(厚墙),小窗户以及courtyards(庭院)来让家里保持凉爽。在public spaces(公共空间),他们有plazas with fountains(喷泉广场)以及shaded areas(阴凉地儿)。· air conditioning 空调系统· adaptation /ˌædæpˈteɪʃ(ə)n / n. 改变;适应· plaza /ˈplɑːzə / n. 广场· fountain /ˈfaʊnt(ə)n / n. 喷泉当Selah在肯尼亚和乌干达游玩时,她发现人们gathered under large shaded trees(聚在“大树底下好乘凉”),这样既可以stay cool(保持凉爽)又可以socialize(社交一下)。大家都喜闻乐见的避暑方式还有来点cold treats(冰镇美食),比如ice cream(冰淇淋)、smoothies(冰沙)、juices(各类果汁),还有anything that can cool your body down(任何能让你降温的东西)。在中国,还有herbal teas(凉茶)也可以用来drive away the heat inside of our body(去去我们体内的火气)。· herbal /ˈɜːrb(ə)l / adj. 药草的· drive away 把……赶走很多人还会去swimming pools(游泳池)、lake(湖)或者是beach(海滩)来避暑。在美国TV series(电视连续剧)里,公共泳池就是个常见的setting(场景)。户外玩水对于孩子们来说是especially good(超赞),毕竟不上学的时候如果待在indoors(室内),娃们总是容易get a little antsy(变得有点坐立不安)。· antsy /ˈæntsi / adj. 坐立不安的在凤凰城,nearly(几乎)每家都会有一个backyard pool(后院泳池)。It’s the only way to survive out here! (这是待在外面的唯一“活路”!)由于heat level(热度)可以达到危险的地步,他们还建立了Cooling Centers(降温中心),这样任何人都可以去乘凉。这对于those people who are experiencing homelessness(那些无家可归的人们)来说尤其重要。02 那中国古人是如何避暑的呢?对于ancient Chinese people (中国古人)来说,在大约700年前的Song Dynasty(宋朝),people started to have cold drinks and sell them on the street(最先开始有街边卖冷饮的先例),在一些poems written during that time(当时写下的诗歌)中也有记载。有一种snack叫冰雪,类似现在的shaved ice(刨冰),是冰mixed with(掺了)牛奶和糖,with fruit on top(最上面放水果)。消暑神饮sour plum juice(酸梅汤)也是宋人们的最爱!为了get away from the heat(避暑),古人没事儿还喜欢去temples in the mountains(山里的寺庙)呆着。· plum /plʌm/ n. 李子;梅子· temple /ˈtemp(ə)l/ n. 寺庙主播Wendi有一次在顺德的一处private garden(私人园林)见到了一个rockery with an artificial waterfall coming down(有人工瀑布流下的假山)。导游介绍说,这种景观竟能function as(充当为)古人们的air conditioning system(空调系统)。若你立定于前,when water hits the rocks(当水击于石),there will be a sense of cool breeze(会顿感阵阵凉风袭来)。· rockery /ˈrɑːkəri/ n. 假山;假山庭院· artificial /ˌɑːrtɪˈfɪʃ(ə)l/ adj. 人造的· function as 起……作用;可作为……人们也会在夏季change their outfits(换装),比如换上linen(亚麻)和更贵一点的silk(丝绸)这两种常见的fabrics(布料)。欢迎留言告诉我们:你都有什么避暑小妙方?
7/4/2024 • 9 minutes, 20 seconds
主播:Flora(中国)+ Erin(美国) 歌曲 :Happy今天我们来聊一聊——“小狗”。越来越多的人开始养不同品种的狗狗了,但是你知道“狗”除了用“dog”之外,还有哪些词吗?主播Erin家中有一只巧克力拉布拉多犬(chocolate labrador),这只拉布拉多是她15岁时收到的生日礼物。Her name is Thalia and she is Erin’s favorite person in the whole world. 这只拉布拉多很喜欢swimming and playing fetch(游泳和玩飞盘)。 Erin often takes her on hikes (带她去远足) and she will be so happy her tail wags (摇尾巴) the entire time.主播Flora虽然没养狗,但是她也很喜欢狗。前一段时间她沿着青岛的海岸线city walk(城市漫步)的时候,还看到好多的人牵着他们的狗狗出来遛弯。They’re so cute!1. 不同种类的狗用英语怎么说?(1)金毛巡回犬(Golden Retriever)Retriever是巡回犬。They are traditionally (先前) used to bring back(带回) birds and animals that their owners(主人) have shot(射击).(2)哈士奇(Siberian Husky)哈士奇这个名字是从Husky这个词音译过来的。至于为什么是“Siberian”Husky,是因为哈士奇是生活在西伯利亚(Siberia)的一种犬种。如果觉得这个名字太长了,直接说Husky也是可以的。(3)德国牧羊犬(German Shepherd)Shepherd本身也有牧羊人的意思,所以德国牧羊犬就叫German Shepherd。(4)柴犬(Shiba Inu)Shiba Inu是从日语音译过来的。It is an older Japanese dog.(5)柯基犬(Corgis)They are known for (因......而出名) their little butts (屁股) moving when they walk. 柯基犬还因为四肢很短被人们取外号叫“小短腿”。(6)贵宾犬(Poodles)A lot of people in China have poodles. 说贵宾犬可能大家不大熟悉,但是如果说“小泰迪”肯定都不陌生。其实“泰迪”只是贵宾犬的一种造型名称,并不是所有的贵宾犬都叫泰迪。Only poodles that look as cute as a teddy bear (像泰迪熊一样可爱的贵宾犬) when trimmed (修剪) can be called “泰迪”.2. 中国的本土狗,你知道多少?为我们大家所熟知的本土狗就是中华田园犬(Chinese Rural Dog)。In May (在五月), a Chinese Wu Hei Dog (五黑犬) won third place (荣获第三名) in a dog beauty pageant (选美比赛) organized by China Kennel Union (中国光彩事业促进会犬业协会). 这个比赛是由China Kennel Union(简称CKU)举办的,它是世界犬业联盟(简称FCI)在中国地区的唯一正式成员。•rural /ˈrʊrəl/ adj. 农村的,乡村的•kennel n. 养狗场FCI is an international institution (国际机构) of the same nature as (和......有相同性质) international organizations (国际组织) such as the WTO (世界贸易组织) and the WHO (世界卫生组织).The CKU now has full authority (权威) over purebred dog management (管理纯种犬) in China, and is under the authority of the FCI (被FCI授权) to breed and manage (培育和管理) the purebred breeds (纯种犬) it recognizes.•recognize /ˈrekəɡnaɪz/ v. 承认至于刚才我们说的参赛的“五黑犬”,为什么叫这个名字呢,就是这种狗头黑、尾黑、脚黑、舌头也黑。Some say never lose your Wu Hei Dogat night. Because they're so dark that you can't spot (注意到) them at night (因为他们太黑了,一到晚上你就很难发现他们).Wu Hei Dog belongs to the Chinese native dog breed (中国本土犬种), the Chinese Rural Dog(中华田园犬).Because of the glitz and glamor (浮华和魅力) of exotic breeds (外来犬种) that have been introduced in large numbers (大量引入), the Chinese Rural Dog is now discriminated against (被歧视) and considered not to be a breed (并且被认为不能作为一种犬种).或许因为他们不娇贵、好养活,又或许因为人们有一些奇奇怪怪的攀比心理。中华田园犬(the Chinese Rural Dogs)并没有得到人们足够的重视。现在更多的人选择一些名贵的外来犬种来养,而不是这种“小土狗”。很多人觉得中华田园犬不气派、牵出去没有面儿。但据说秦始皇一统中原(unified the Central Plains)的时候牵着的就是这种狗。•unify v.(使)联合,(使)统一此外,史记里面记载秦朝丞相李斯被赵高陷害、处斩之前,他对次子就说:“吾欲与若复牵黄犬俱出,上蔡,东门逐狡兔,岂可得乎!”我原本还想和你再次牵着大黄狗,一起出上蔡东门去追兔子呢,可惜办不到了。He must have missed the time (怀念那段时光) when they had a big yellow dog with them at the time.还有,苏东坡的词里面写到“老夫聊发少年狂,左牵黄,右擎苍”。这里的“黄”就指的就是用于行猎的田园犬。So the Chinese Rural Dog plays an important role (起着重要的作用) in the lives of the people. They're good helpers and companions (好帮手和好伙伴).除了中华田园犬,藏獒(Tibetan Mastiff)、松狮(Chow Chow)、西施犬(Shih Tzus)也都是中国本土的狗品种。3. 想养狗?别急,这些你先了解一下They all have their own little personalities(自己的小性格).其实,狗狗也有自己的MBTI的。Labrador Retrievers (拉布拉多犬) are friendly and outgoing (友好外向), much like an ENFJ (主人公) personality type.Shiba Inus(柴犬) are independent and reserved (内向独立), similar to an INTJ (建筑师). 真的很难看出来,小柴犬这么一副阳光开朗的外表下竟然装着一个孤独又倔强的灵魂!If you are thinking about getting a dog, it would be good to do some research (做一些调查) on their temperament (性情) before. If you have kids for example, it is important to get a patient dog (如果家里有小孩,最好要一只有耐心的狗).还有,这个狗它掉毛严不严重啊、体型大不大呀、是中小型犬还是大型犬,这可能就关系到它的食量——一顿饭能吃多少了。Large dogs (大型犬) are generally very energetic (都很有活力). They get excited when they go outdoors and love to run wild (当他们去户外时,他们很兴奋,喜欢狂奔).Once they run, if you have very little strength (如果你力气很小), you will definitely not be able to pull them (绝对拉不动它们), and sometimes they can even take people away (有时甚至把人带走). That could be dangerous.4. 狗在中西方文化中不同的含义In traditional Western culture (传统西方文化), dogs are often seen as loyal (忠诚的), diligent (勤奋的), and great companions (很好的伙伴). 比如,"lucky dog"指的是幸运的人(fortunate person),"top dog"指的是成功的人(successful person),而"work like a dog"形容的是工作非常努力的人。In Chinese, people often use words with "dog" to describe bad people (坏人) or disdainful things (让人鄙视的事情), such as 狗腿子 (a bootlicker).•disdainful /dɪsˈdeɪnfl/ adj. 轻蔑的However, there are also positive idioms (积极的成语) like “犬马之劳” (愿意为别人效劳), and “犬不夜吠” (形容社会治安很好).From a language point of view (从语言的角度), it is quite interesting how it reflects (反应) the values and views culturally(文化的价值和观点). And this is a topic that can definitely go much deeper relating to the history, traditions, everything is related (这是一个绝对可以更深入地讲到关于历史,传统以及一切相关事物的话题).5. 狗对现代人生活的影响It feels like a lot of people have dogs and cats now (感觉现在很多人都有了猫狗), even younger people who are less stable (甚至也有不是很稳定的年轻人).Flora doesn’t have any pets yet, but she would like to get a Golden Retriever very much (但是她很想养一只金毛). They are warm and intelligent (既暖心又聪明). She feels sure she'll enjoy its company (享受它的陪伴).其实现在有很多人养狗也是因为能从他们身上获取到很多情绪价值。Pets can provide psychological benefits (心理上的益处),比如情感支持(emotional support)、减轻压力(reducing stress)和对抗孤独(combating loneliness).And they also help facilitate social interactions(促进社交) and build connections (建立联系). You can meet many people by joining clubs (加入俱乐部), walking your dog (遛狗) things like that! It is easy to connect!•facilitate /fəˈsɪlɪteɪt/ v. 促进两个遛狗的人碰上了估计能聊很久。比如,你家的狗吃的多不多呀、你家的狗拆不拆家呀...... It also helps you find a lot of things to talk about in common (共同的事).For young people, you can go on so many adventures (去冒险) with your dog, go running, hiking (徒步旅行), etc.And for older people, if they are alone, they feel less lonely (可以不那么孤独). They can get out of the house (走出房子), walk the dog (遛狗), meet people (见一些新朋友). 这对他们的身心健康也有好处。6. 生命是平等的,汪星人也想要一个爱它的家养狗也是一份很大的责任(it is a lot of responsibility)。在决定养狗之前,一定要确保(make sure)自己有能力照顾它们。现在有很多狗狗被遗弃,让人心痛(it breaks our heart)。狗狗小时候确实很可爱,但它们也会长大、变老。如果真的到了那一天,希望你也可以像当初他们陪着你一样陪伴着他们。So before you buy a dog, make sure you really are ready to make that commitment (确保你自己准备好作出承诺). Erin takes this opportunity to raise awareness (借此机会提高人们对保护狗狗的意识) for this because she really loves dogs.•commitment n. 承诺And it breaks her heart to see abused and abandoned dogs (看到虐狗和弃狗会让她心痛).Flora would also like to make it clear (阐明) that although the word "dog" has some derogatory connotations in traditional Chinese culture (虽然“狗”这个词在中国传统文化中带有一些贬义的含义), this does not prevent us from loving and protecting dogs (但这并不妨碍我们爱护和保护狗). •derogatory /dɪˈrɑ:ɡətɔ:ri/ adj. 贬低的哪里都有爱犬人士,但是虐狗、弃狗的现象也无处不在。She said that she is not a dog owner, but maybe she will have a dog (她虽然现在不养狗,但是可能以后会养一只). Even if she doesn’t have one in the future (即使以后她也没有狗狗), she still join Erin today (她仍然和Erin一起) in calling for (提倡) the protection and kindness of dogs (保护和善待狗狗), because she believes that life is equal (生命是平等的). 希望狗狗不再有高低贵贱之分,希望每只狗狗都能找到真正爱它的家。请留言告诉我们:你家里有狗狗吗?或者你想养一只狗吗?欢迎和我们分享你和狗狗的有趣故事!
6/30/2024 • 17 minutes, 10 seconds
主播:Anne(中国)+ Erin(美国) 歌曲 :Just Be Me今天我们来聊一聊北美的一些social etiquettes(社会礼仪)。Social etiquettes are basically rules that you need to follow in order to be seen as a respectful(有礼貌的)person by other people.• etiquette /ˈetɪkət/ n. 礼节,规矩北美有哪些你不知道的社会礼仪呢?01 Make an appointment for everything(事事都要预约)即使是去看医生也要预约,而且预约是要a few weeks in advance(提前几个周)or even months in advance(甚至提前几个月)。在美国有一个反复出现的梗(a running joke),说是等到你终于能见到医生的时候(by the time you get to see a doctor),你已经好得差不多了(you’d be all better)。• make an appointment 预约• in advance 提前其实预约文化可以体现在方方面面。For example, you make an appointment before going to someone’s house(比如,拜访别人家之前也要预约).It might be inappropriate to just show up at someone’s door unannounced even just for a few minutes(哪怕只是几分钟,只要是不经通知就出现在别人家的门口,也不合适).• inappropriate /ˌɪnəˈproʊpriət/ adj. 不适当的;不恰当的• unannounced /ˌʌnəˈnaʊnst/ adj. 突然的;未经宣布的02 Hold the door for the people behind you(为身后的人扶门)It’s considered as common courtesy(这被认为是习以为常的礼貌). If you don’t do it, it will be seen as rude or impolite(如果你不这样做,就会被认为是粗鲁或不礼貌的).• courtesy/ˈkɜːrtəsi/ n. 礼貌Erin说到,在加拿大和美国,基本上每个人都养成了为身后的人扶门的习惯(everyone has gotten into the habit of holding the door for the people behind them),尽管有时身后的那个人离得有点远(kind of far away)。所以有人开玩笑说他们必须跑到门口,因为觉得让别人为自己扶门有点awkward(尴尬)。如果不为对方扶门就是不礼貌,但如果把门扶太久,就会让对方feel pressured(感到压力),那到底应该什么时候扶门呢?为此,有人还专门写了文章。• pressured /ˈpreʃərd/ adj. 有压力的在这件事上如此内耗,确实体现出it is important to have good manners(讲礼貌很重要)。03 Say bye to the bus driver和公交车司机说再见主播Anne说,在加拿大,下公交车前要和司机说声“谢谢”。Many people are doing it, so it’s just weird to get off the bus without saying it. (当很多人都这么做时,我们如果不说“谢谢”就下车可能会显得有点奇怪)。一次,Anne偶然听到了两位公交车司机的聊天内容。其中一位说:有百分之五十的乘客(passengers)下车时会说“谢谢”,有百分之五十的不会。It’s a question of respect(这是一个事关尊重的问题). 所以从那以后,她都会 shout out her thanks(大声地表达感谢)。• shout out 大声喊出(在公开场合表达感激或认可的一种方式)04 Greeting the strangers in the park在公园里和陌生人打招呼在散步的时候,如果你对面走来一个陌生人(if a stranger is walking towards you),他通常会跟你打个招呼。In the US, they will make eye contact(眼神交流) with you, and then give you a little nod(向你点下头) and say “hi” to you with a smile.Anne表示,it would really make your day(这会让你一天心情都非常好)。但是,并不是随时随地都需要打招呼,问候的时机也是有讲究的。比如走在车水马龙的大街上,一般也不会互相问候。通常来说,问候要在一个安静的地方,比如公园、山上或者附近的街道(neighborhood street)上。这是一种友好的表示(friendly gesture)!欢迎听众朋友们留言告诉我们:你最喜欢的social etiquette是哪一条?
6/27/2024 • 9 minutes, 47 seconds
主播:Flora(中国)+ Erin(美国)音乐:Exhale今天的节目,我们要聊一聊在小学生群体中风靡的“烟卡”和“臭水”。01 “烟卡”和“臭水”都是什么?“烟卡”(Cigarette Packet Card)其实就是用烟盒折成的,上面还印有各种香烟名称的卡片。其实“烟卡”游戏并不是现在才流行起来的,很多家长表示他们小时候也玩过这种游戏。游戏规则比较简单:首先把烟卡放在地上,然后use the empty palm hit the ground(用空掌心击拍地面),只要是the card turned over(烟卡翻面了),那就算是赢了。烟卡每翻一次面他们就会赢得一张烟卡,从而获得成就感(a sense of accomplishment)。其实,from a psychological point of view(从心理学角度来看),“拍烟卡”还可能会让孩子产生a gambling mentality(赌博心理)。这就是很多孩子现在are obsessed with "Cigarette Packet Cards"(迷恋上“烟卡”)的原因。• accomplishment /əˈkɑ:mplɪʃmənt/ n. 成就• gambling /ˈɡæmblɪŋ/ n. 赌博• be obsessed with 痴迷于……除了“烟卡”,最近还有风靡小孩圈的“液体宠物”(Liquid Pets),叫“臭水”(Stinky Water)。“臭水”就是把各种材料都放在瓶子里,ingredient list(配料表)里面什么都有,it’s a hodgepodge of everything(就是一个大杂烩),比如里面可能会有方便面、牛奶、胶水还有臭豆腐等等,加水后“养着”观察,这就是“养臭水”。It sounds really gross.• hodgepodge /ˈhɑ:dʒpɑ:dʒ/ n. 大杂烩观察一些物质之间的chemical reactions(化学反应)确实很有趣,但是前提条件是it's not a threat to their health(对他们的健康没有威胁)。一旦“臭水”没有存放好,it is very likely to jeopardize their health(这很可能危及他们的健康)。jeopardize /ˈdʒepərdaɪz/ v. 危及由于“臭水”会不停地发酵,所以可能产生硫化氢、甲醛等toxic gases(有毒气体),所以一旦“臭水”被泄露,这些有毒气体被吸进respiratory tract(呼吸道),it may lead to poisoning(就可能导致中毒)。• respiratory /ˈrespərətɔ:ri/ adj. 呼吸的• poisoning /ˈpɔɪzənɪŋ/ n. 中毒不光是“臭水”会对孩子的健康产生威胁,the smell of smoke left on cigarette cards(烟卡上残留的烟味)is no less than second-hand smoke(也不亚于二手烟)。This can also be harmful to children's health(有害于孩子的健康)。美国的孩子也有一些家长和学校都不鼓励玩但却风靡校园的游戏,有的孩子可能会climb on top of playgrounds(爬到操场/游乐场顶部),it could be dangerous if kids fall off。02 这些校园游戏为什么那么火?其实孩子们玩的这些游戏也并不是那么地不可理解(are not that incomprehensible)。一些专家分析,类似的这些游戏都有2个的特点:low learning costs(低学习成本)以及easy access(容易获取),这可以meet the needs of children to interact with others(满足儿童与他人互动)以及 pursue a sense of achievement and value(追求成就感价值感)的需求。• incomprehensible /ɪnˌkɑ:mprɪˈhensəb(ə)l/ adj. 不可思议的有家长反映说,自从玩了这种游戏之后,孩子盯着electronic screen(电子屏幕)的时间就变少了,这从一定程度来说还protects children's eyesight(保护了孩子的视力)。03 怎么正确引导,保护孩子免受其害?Instead of harshly banning children from playing “cigarette card” games(与其粗暴地禁止孩子玩“烟卡”游戏),我们不如反思一下,不管是家长也好、学校也好,反思一下在教育孩子过程中存在的问题,从而来guide them towards healthy activities that they enjoy and are good at(引导孩子开展自己喜欢且擅长的健康活动),这样也可以enhance their sense of worth(增强他们的价值感)。• enhance /ɪnˈhæns/ v. 增强学校和家长应该work together to guide children to recognize the negative effects of "cigarette cards"(共同努力来引导孩子认识到“烟卡”的负面影响),帮助孩子choose more appropriate card collecting and card games as an alternative(选择更合适的集卡、玩卡游戏来替代)。• alternative /ɔ:lˈtɜ:rnətɪv/ adj. 可替代的,备选的现在这种烟卡买卖都形成产业链了("Cigarette cards" are now being traded in a chain),但它是违法的。因为我们国家有明确的legal requirements(法律规定),比如不允许向未成年人(minors)出售烟酒。因为“烟卡”是香烟制品的一部分,那么卖烟卡就属于illegal behavior(违法行为)。如果你见到了这种违法行为,please report it directly to the authorities(可以直接向有关部门举报)to stop this illegal behavior。• minor /ˈmaɪnər/ n. 未成年人青少年是民族和国家的未来,我们为了保护未成年人,制定了The Law on the Protection of Minors《未成年人保护法》,在法律中明确规定了未成年不能做的事:例如未满十八周岁禁止去bars(酒吧)、Internet cafés(网吧)和dance halls(舞厅)等场所。在美国也有类似的法律规定,如you are also not allowed to consume alcohol when you are under 21(未满21周岁不允许喝酒)。其实这些法律规定are of vital importance(是至关重要的),它是一个国家national consciousness(国家意识)的体现,represent a correct value(代表了一种正确的价值观),have an irreplaceable guiding effect(具有不可替代的导向作用)。The protection of children depends not only on the law, but also on the efforts of parents, schools and the community. 保护未成年人不仅要依靠法律,还需要家长、学校和社会多方的努力。保护归保护,但是有一点必须要明确,protection is not laissez-faire(保护并不等于自由放任)。• laissez-faire adj. 自由放任的出于关心少年儿童的健康成长,当他们产生危害行为时,我们要坚持教育为主、惩罚为辅的方针,但对未成年人的保护不应该成为“未成年违法犯罪”的挡箭牌(our protection of minors cannot be a shield for them to break the law)。This reinforces(加强)the importance of correctly guiding the thoughts and behavior of minors.请留言告诉我们:对于“烟卡”“臭水”这些在小学生中风靡的活动,你是怎么看的?
6/23/2024 • 10 minutes, 11 seconds
主播:Anne(中国)+ 梅莉(法国)歌曲:Bana Ellerini Ver今天,我们聊一聊生活中绝对不能少的一样东西——music。上个周末,在青岛的小麦岛,举办了一场法国音乐节,我们的主播Anne和梅莉都去了。两位主播回忆起当时的气氛,直呼it was so lit(太燃了)!这场音乐节的主题是“Beats and Bites”,beats就是节奏,bites指的就是food。There was a stage set up(搭了一个舞台),还有一个food market(美食集市),里面卖some croissants(羊角面包), red wine(红酒), meat and different products。• croissant /kwɑ:ˈsɑ:nt/ n.羊角面包Anne去的时候a French group was performing on stage,现场的每个人was jumping up and down,当时正好the sun was setting(日落),you have the city lights on one side and the ocean on the other side,一边是海,一边是落日,that was so chillaxed(人会超放松)。• chillaxed: chill和relaxed组合在一起的新词,用于形容一种非常轻松、放松的状态。其实,小麦岛的这个音乐节是part of a bigger global music festival(一个国际性节日的一部分),这个音乐节就是“世界音乐节”。01世界音乐节Music Day世界音乐节started in France,但是现在it is now celebrated all over the world in nearly 120 countries(有近120个国家都在庆祝)。这个音乐节在法语里是Fête de la Musique,意思是music festival,但它也有法语里的双关含义,就是“make some music”,创作音乐。这就是为什么国际音乐节会被叫做Make Music Day!It’s held and celebrated every year on June 21.每年的6月21日,也就是在夏至(the summer solstice)这一天庆祝。It’s a great way to kick off the summer.这是开启夏天的一个很好的方式。以音乐来开启盛夏,真的是一个极棒的主意。它是由French Minister of Culture(法国文化部长)Jack Lang首次提出(proposed),音乐节的美好期许是“music will be everywhere and concerts nowhere”(音乐将无处不在,音乐会将无处可寻),其实就是去打破这种音乐是教条的、高高在上的固有观念(break the stereotype that music should be high and mighty),去鼓励人们自由地创作音乐(to make music freely in the public space),而非只在音乐会上才能感受音乐,进行演奏。所以,在这一天,人们可以在任意的公众场所listen to and play music,比如说in the streets, outside cafés(在咖啡馆外), in parks and even in museums, hospitals and other public spaces。你也不必pay for these concerts,the musicians will play for free(音乐家们将免费演奏)。每个人都可以enjoy music,showcase their musical talents(展示他们的音乐才华),其实这才是音乐最本真的样子(the purest form of music)。• showcase /ˈʃoʊkeɪs/ v.展示02怎么地道地形容音乐?Music Vocabulary我们之前的节目中介绍过不同的音乐流派(different genres),比如说classical music(古典音乐)、soul or R&B(灵魂音乐)等等,这些不同类型的歌能给人带来不同的音乐体验。“这歌真好听!”用英语怎么说?如果这首歌是slower-paced(节奏慢一点的),你可以说:this song is beautiful!如果“这首歌很感人”,那就可以说:it is very emotional。如果说一首快歌(fast-paced)很好听,就可以说:this song is fire!如果这首歌“很洗脑”,听起来很上头,你就可以说:this song is so catchy!比如说,对于主播梅莉来说,Baby Shark这首歌就很洗脑。Baby Shark is very catchy!而对于Anne来说,《卡路里》is catchy。表达“洗脑”,除了说这首歌catchy,你也可以说:it’s stuck in my head(字面意思就是“卡在我脑子里出不来了”)。如果要说一首歌“很带感”,比如凤凰传奇的歌,就可以说:their songs are groovy。Groovy用来形容音乐就是说这首歌has a strong rhythm(节奏很强),而且it really makes you wanna dance(让你不禁想动起来)。• groovy /ˈɡru:vi/ adj.吸引人的03主播们喜欢的音乐风格喜欢听什么歌it really depends on your mood(真的取决于你的心情)。梅莉比较喜欢older songs,她听的很多歌都是classics(经典音乐)。The group Queen is a must on all of their car rides(皇后乐队的歌是他们开车必放曲目)。比如Bohemian Rhapsody(《波西米亚狂想曲》)以及We Will Rock You(《我们将震撼你》)就是非常经典的曲子。梅莉后来也很喜欢the genre Afrobeat,这种类型的歌起源于非洲,it combines African music with jazz (爵士),funk, and soul music(灵魂音乐),这个风格的歌比较欢快。It has a really nice rhythm(节奏真的非常带感).Another genre of music Maelle really likes is R&B/Soul (灵魂音乐). 对于这种类型的音乐,梅莉最喜欢的乐队是Thee Sacred Souls,他们的音乐is calm and very nice to listen to。梅莉最喜欢他们的那首Can I Call You Rose,这首歌很平静,it’s quite mesmerizing(有神秘的吸引力),almost like in a dream。• mesmerizing /ˈmezməraɪzɪŋ/ adj.有吸引力的对于主播Anne来说,she really just listens to whatever she comes across,她也很喜欢老歌,比如说Yesterday Once More。当Anne还小的时候,她很喜欢Jay Chou周杰伦。Anne尤其喜欢周杰伦那些有中国风元素的歌(songs with Chinese elements and style),比如说《东风破》和《发如雪》,这些歌能够takeher back to the times when people are still listening to music on tape recorders(把她带回那个还在用磁带机听音乐的年代)。Music truly is a universal language that brings people together. 音乐是能够把人们聚集在一起的全世界共同语言。有的时候即使听不懂歌词,我们还是能感受到那份美好。在这里,我们也鼓励大家平时不光是听歌,也可以多去用自己的方式make some music。其实,making music并不难,you can make music in so many ways,比如说go to karaoke(去卡拉OK),play an instrument(演奏乐器),或者只是sing in the shower(冲澡的时候哼唱)。聊起making music,主播Anne聊起了自己的经历,她打小就学习乐器,小时候学习过小提琴,但自打她took the musical exam(考级)之后,she just rarely have the chance to sether hands on it(再也没碰过琴)。很多学过乐器的人估计和Anne是一样的,已经很久没有碰过乐器了。但没关系的!It’s something that probably if you start playing again, it’ll come back naturally though.如果你重新开始演奏,那种感觉会自然地回来的。无论你是不是擅长演奏音乐,just do it and enjoy yourself!
6/21/2024 • 16 minutes, 30 seconds
父亲节特辑 | 中美主播谈自己的父亲,这“反差感”
主播:Flora(中国)+ Erin(美国)歌曲 :Kingdom今天我们来聊聊这个特殊的日子——Father’s Day(父亲节)。Happy Father’s Day to all the fathers around the world!01 The Origin of Father’s Day父亲节的起源父亲节originated in(起源于)美国,began in the early 20th century(开始于二十世纪早期),是因为Sonora Smart Dodd想要honor(纪念)她的父亲William Smart。这位父亲raised six children alone(独自抚养了6个孩子)。This became what we now celebrate as Father's Day.第一个父亲节was celebrated on 1910年的6月19日,在Washington(华盛顿)。现在这个节日is widely celebrated on the third Sunday of June(普遍在六月的第三个星期天庆祝)。中国也有自己的父亲节。在1945年,it was proposed in 1945 by patriots in Shanghai(它在上海由爱国者们提出),为的是honor fathers who died in the war(纪念在战争中牺牲的父亲们)。随后公历的8月8日便被定为“父亲节”,这个节日又被称为“八八节”,谐音“爸爸节”,现在中国台湾省还会庆祝这个节日。02 The Image of Fathers in Different Cultures父亲在不同文化中的形象在中国文化里,the traditional father image(传统的父亲形象)is mainly determined by(主要取决于)the family division of labor(家庭分工),也就是我们常说的“男主外,女主内”。• division /dɪˈvɪʒ(ə)n/ n.分配这种cultural tradition(文化传统)对男性角色的定位是:男人们必须assume the economic responsibility of the family(承担家庭的经济责任),并且engage in more social activities outside the home(更多参与到家庭以外的社会活动中)。在美国,父亲也是traditionally seen as(传统意义上被看作)breadwinners(养家糊口的人)。不过现在,越来越多的父亲are more involved in parenting(更多地参与到养育孩子的过程中)。• breadwinner n. 养家糊口的人03 The Fathers of Our Hosts主播们的父亲主播Erin的父亲has always been present(全程都在)。He had always been there for her(他一直陪在她身边)since she was young. Erin会记得父亲在elementary school(小学)的时候taught her to skate(教她滑冰)和ride a bike。She trust him so much.这些对培养一个人的sense of potency(力量感)和spirit of adventure(冒险精神)都是很重要的。• potency /ˈpoʊt(ə)nsi/ n.支配力She’s so thankful for her father. 在过去的十年里,当她spent a lot of time commuting to swim practice(为了游泳训练而花很长时间通勤)的时候,她的父亲总会坐在车里,边工作边等她,never once complained(从来没有抱怨过一次) 。这种从父亲那里得到的companionship(陪伴)和encouragement(鼓励),让Erin总能感受到他的silent support(默默的支持)。• commute /kəˈmju:t/ v.通勤有人说:父亲是一种独特的存在,对培养孩子有一种特别的力量,这是任何人、任何角色都替代不了的。他们可以带给孩子们security(安全)、strength(力量)还有encouragement(鼓励)。他们会foster(培养)a sense of adventure(一种冒险精神)和creativity(创造力)in their child,这点是essential for their growth(对于孩子们的成长不可或缺)。• foster v.促进,培养主播Flora的父亲fits the stereotypes of a traditional Chinese father(很符合一位传统的中国父亲的形象)。He was hardly involved in her life and studies.(他几乎不参与她的生活和学业),但与此同时,he was very strict with her(他对她要求非常严格)and very demanding of her(对她要求很高)。当她想起父亲的时候,the first thing that comes to mind(第一个想到的)就是他的harshness(严厉),所以她发现自己不知道如何去to be grateful(感恩)以及appreciate(领会)这种严厉的爱。• stereotype /ˈsteriətaɪp/ n.刻板印象• harshness /ˈhɑ:rʃnəs/ n.严肃尽管并不是所有的父亲都是altruistic(无私的),在有些家庭中“父职缺失”也确实是一个值得思考的问题,但无论如何:You cannot decide who loves you, but you can always choose to love yourself.(你无法决定谁爱你,但你总是可以爱你自己。)• altruistic /ˌæltruˈɪstɪk/ adj.利他的在谈到教育孩子时,一些家长觉得手足无措,认为“自己是第一次做父母”没经验。没有育儿的方法和能力却又不愿意学习,这才导致了家庭教育在孩子的整个教育环节中的缺位甚至是错位。作为父母,parenting requires continuous learning and adaptation(养育孩子需要一个不断学习和适应的过程)。但无论如何,父亲的角色都是至关重要,无可替代的。本期节目不仅仅是关于要感恩父亲,也是在鼓励父亲们多参与到孩子的成长过程中,重视父亲在孩子成长过程中的责任和义务,与孩子一起享受美好的家庭时光!最后,一席再次祝所有的父亲们,父亲节快乐!请留言告诉我们:你有什么想对父亲说的话?你和父亲之间有怎么样的故事?
6/16/2024 • 8 minutes, 54 seconds
主播:Flora(中国)+Erin(美国)音乐:I See You今天的节目,我们聊一聊中西方的选拔性考试。01 中西方的重要升学考试高考(the college entrance exam)is a once-a-year event(一年一次的事件)。对于中国的考生而言,它在我们心中的分量非常地重要。很多人把高考看作是一个life-defining moment(一个决定命运的时刻)。在美国,也有像高考这样的standardized tests(标准化考试),这些考试在他们的大学录取中play a significant role(起着非常重要的作用)。这两个重要的考试分别是SAT和ACT。SAT,全称the Scholastic Aptitude Test,是学术上的(scholastic)一种能力测试(aptitude test)。美国很多顶尖的学院和大学require SAT scores as part of their admissions criteria(都把SAT的考试成绩作为一种录取标准的一部分)。It's also a major factor in awarding scholarships. 而且,这也是决定奖学金颁发的一个主要因素。• scholastic /skəˈlæstɪk/ adj.学术上的• admission /ədˈmɪʃ(ə)n/ n.准入• criteria /kraɪˈtɪriə/ n.标准ACT,全称the American College Testing,is accepted by over 3,000 U.S. colleges(被3000多所美国大学所接受)。这种考试is more of a subject-based test(更多的是一个针对基础课程的测试),一共考5门,分别是English,math,reading,science,还有一个optional writing section(选做的写作部分)。ACT考试更加侧重students' knowledge(学生的知识) and their ability to think critically and make decisions(批判性思考以及做决定的能力)。大多数的美国考生在SAT和ACT中任选一个来考就可以,他们会based on what they feel more comfortable in(根据自己更喜欢哪个)来做出选择,比如我们的主播Erin就选择了SAT考试,而她的一个朋友就选择了ACT考试。02 美国大学录取除了看成绩,还看这些因素The scores are required as part of their admissions criteria.不管是SAT考试还是ACT考试,分数只是大学录取标准的一部分。U.S. colleges take a holistic approach.美国的大学采取了一种全面的录取方法。• holistic /hoʊˈlɪstɪk/ adj.整体的他们还会看your high school grades(你整个高中的成绩),recommendation letters(推荐信),personal statements(个人陈述)以及extracurricular activities(课外活动的成果)。This method of talent selection does sound more comprehensive.这种录取方式听上去非常地全面。• recommendation /ˌrekəmenˈdeɪʃ(ə)n/ n.推荐信• extracurricular /ˌekstrəkəˈrɪkjələr/ adj.学校课程以外的It is both beneficial and difficult.但这种选拔方式是益处与挑战并存的。因为如果你simply have outstanding grades(只是成绩优异),you will struggle to get into top universities(是很难进入顶尖大学的)。因为他们希望看到you making an impact in your community(对社区的影响) and applying your skills(对技能的应用)。很多人会觉得美国的学生上学很轻松,作业又少,而且备考压力也没有那么大。但其实,他们只是 don’t spend as much time in school and doing homework,their after school life is often very busy as well(他们的课后生活会很忙),会花时间做一些课外活动,比如说volunteering(志愿活动)。03 中国最早的标准化考试——科举制中国最早的标准化考试(standardized tests)科举制started in the Sui Dynasty(起源于隋朝),and was perfected during the Tang and Song Dynasties(在唐宋时期完善),它是the world's longest-lasting standardized examination system(世界上持续时间最长的标准化考试制度)。这个考试系统非常地具有革命性。它打破了固化的社会阶层,让来自普通家庭的talented individuals(有才之士)也能通过考试进入官府,从而改变他们的social status(社会地位)。• status /ˈsteɪtəs/ n.(尤指在社会中的)地位 Its influence didn't stop at China's borders. 科举制走出了国门。It had some impact on the Western examination system.它对西方的考试制度产生了一定的影响。在16-17世纪的时候,Jesuit missionaries like Matteo Ricci introduced the Keju to Europe(像利玛窦这样的传教士把科举制引入了欧洲)。科举制在selecting talented individuals fairness(在选拔人才的公平性)以及efficiency(效率)方面起到了重要的作用。• border n.边界(地区)Ricci’s writings highlighted how the system provided opportunities for the poor but talented to achieve high positions through personal effort.利玛窦的著作强调了这个制度如何为贫穷但有才华的人提供了通过个人努力提升社会地位的机会。The idea of a systematic, merit-based selection process was inspirational. It contributed to the evolution of modern educational and civil service systems in the West.这样一个系统性并且以成绩为基础的选拔制度对当代的教育和考试制度有重大的启发作用。它促进了西方现代教育和公务员制度的发展。• inspirational /ˌɪnspəˈreɪʃənl/ adj.给予灵感的• contribute... to ...促成不管你参加的是高考,还是SAT或ACT,每场考试或选拔制度都有它自己的挑战和机遇。但是不管结果如何,你的能力和潜力是绝对不能由一场考试来定义的。Stay resilient and keep your eyes on your broader goals. Exams are just one step on your journey. 把目光放在更长远的目标上,考试只是我们人生旅途中的一部分而已。这样想的话,可能会让你少一分焦虑,多一分从容和舒畅。• resilient /rɪˈzɪliənt/ adj.有复原力的祝广大考生金榜题名,一举夺魁!
6/13/2024 • 9 minutes, 28 seconds
英语话端午 | 祝大家端午安康
主播:Flora(中国)+ Erin(美国)音乐:Hometown今天,我们来聊一聊端午节(the Dragon Boat Festival)。01端午节的历史(History of the Dragon Boat Festival)The Dragon Boat Festival has a long history(历史悠久)that dates back over 2,000 years (有2000多年的历史了). Many Westerners are amazed by the ancient traditions (古老的传统)and cultural depth (文化深度) of this festival. • date back 追溯到• ancient /ˈeɪnʃənt/adj.古老的It’s really funny, when they learn that the Dragon Boat Festival has been celebrated since the time of Qu Yuan (听说端午节从屈原时代就开始庆祝了), they often draw comparisons (比较) like, “While the Roman Empire (罗马帝国)was at its peak (处于鼎盛时期), the Chinese were already celebrating this festival (中国人就已经开始庆祝这个节日了)!”• draw comparison:进行比较• peak n. 巅峰It’ s truly incredible (不可思议) to think about the longevity (持久) and continuity (连续性) of such traditions. 其实,正是因为中华优秀传统文化代代相传、源远流长,我们才会至今仍然庆祝端午节。• longevity /lɔ:nˈdʒevəti/ n.持久• continuity /ˌkɑ:ntɪˈnu:əti/ n.连续性,连贯性02端午节的起源(The origin of the Dragon Boat Festival)It begins with Qu Yuan, a patriotic poet (爱国诗人)who drowned (溺死) himself in a river as a protest against (抗议)corruption (腐败).• protest v.(公开)反对,抗议• corruption /kəˈrʌpʃ(ə)n/ n.贪污,腐败Locals raced out in boats to save him (当地人乘船要去救屈原) or at least retrieve (找回) his body, and this tradition evolved into (演变成)the dragon boat races today (今天的龙舟比赛). 这就是“赛龙舟”的由来了。• race out匆忙离开• retrieve /rɪˈtri:v/ v.找回The people in order to not let the fish and shrimp (为了不让鱼虾)in the river to eat Qu Yuan's body (损伤屈原的躯体), they threw food wrapped in (裹在)bamboo tubes (竹筒) into the river.这就是我们最早的粽子——“筒粽”的由来了。• wrap /ræp/ v.包,裹• tube n.管状物Speaking of dragon boat races (说到赛龙舟), many Westerners find it fascinating (吸引人的) that people commemorate (怀念)Qu Yuan’s death by eating zongzi and racing boats (人们通过吃粽子和赛龙舟来纪念屈原的死). • commemorate /kəˈmeməreɪt/ v.纪念在很多西方人看来,这样的做法可能sound a little silly,因为他们会觉得throwing food into the river won’t stop the fish from eating Qu Yuan's body(往河里扔食物并不能阻止鱼虾吃屈原的尸体). But every cultural tradition has its own rationale (每个文化的传统都自有它的道理)。主播Flora反而觉得这体现了人们对这位伟大诗人的love and respect(敬爱与尊重)。• rationale /ˌræʃəˈnæl/ n.根据When we focus on (聚焦于)Western culture, the Christmas traditions (圣诞传统)are quite unique,too – like a jolly old man (一个喜气洋洋的老爷爷) sliding down chimneys (滑下烟囱)to deliver gifts (送礼物). Every culture has its own “holiday logic (逻辑)”.• jolly /ˈdʒɑ: li/ adj.愉快的,高兴的• slide /slaɪd/ v.滑落03咸粽(Savory Zongzi)vs甜粽(Sweet Zongzi)One of the main traditions of the festival(这个节日的主要传统之一)is making and eating zongzi, which are sticky rice (糯米) dumplings wrapped in bamboo leaves (竹叶). They are so delicious (美味)!• sticky /ˈstɪki/ adj.黏性的There are so many varieties as well (有很多不同的种类). For example, in the south, you’ll find savory (咸味的) zongzi filled with pork(猪肉)or salted egg yolk (咸蛋黄), which are Erin’s favorite. • savory /ˈseɪvəri/ adj.咸味的• variety /vəˈraɪəti/ n.种类• yolk /joʊk/ n.蛋黄In the north, people often prefer(更喜欢)zongzi filled with red bean paste (红豆馅) or dates (红枣馅). Each region has its own unique twist after all (每个地区都会有自己独特的风情).• paste n.糊状物• red date n.红枣• twist n.变化Among them, the red date zongzi, or枣粽(zao zong) is special. The name sounds like “early success” - “早中”in Chinese, making it a popular treat (非常受欢迎)during the high school entrance exams (高考), as it symbolizes (象征)wishing students good luck (祝学生们好运). • symbolize /ˈsɪmbəlaɪz/ v.象征今年的端午节正值高考之际,一席在这里祝广大考生(all candidates)金榜题名,考入自己理想学府(we wish all candidates the admission to your desired schools)!不管你吃没吃“枣粽”都祝大家“早中”(We wish you all early success)!• candidate /ˈkændɪdət/ n.应试者• admission n.准许加入• desired adj.想得到的In addition, the popularity (流行)of zongzi has even made its way to (传到)social media platforms (社交媒体平台)like TikTok (抖音). People from different countries all gather to (聚集)watch creators (创作者)make zongzi, and everyone is craving this delicious delicacy (美味佳肴).• crave v.渴望• delicacy /ˈdelɪkəsi/ n.佳肴Erin saw some really interesting comments (看到了一些非常有趣的评论), like “It looks like a shark tooth (很像鲨鱼的牙齿), thank you for the recipe (食谱)!”. Another one says, “Wow, Chinese tamales (玉米粽)! I want some.” Tamale is a traditional food of Central America (中美洲的传统食物).玉米粽也叫墨西哥粽,它和粽子有一些相似之处,所以美国网友说这是“中国的玉米粽”。It’s really cool to see people of all different cultures talking about how zongzi remind (使想起)them of certain foods from their own culture! 端午节除了吃粽子之外,我们还会tie colorful strings around children’s wrists(在手腕上系五彩绳)for protection(寻求保护),wear fragrant sachets(佩香囊)to ward off evil(驱邪),hang mugwort and calamus (挂艾草和菖蒲) to purify the air (净化空气)。• sachet /sæˈʃeɪ/ n.香囊• ward off v.避开,挡住• mugwort /ˈmʌɡˌwɜ: rt/ n.艾叶• calamus /ˈkæləməs/ n.菖蒲• purify v.使(某物)洁净04 赛龙舟(Dragon Boat Racing)走向国际Besides the culinary delights (美食佳肴),there is another popular activity is dragon boat racing (赛龙舟).赛龙舟现在已经成为了一项international sport(国际运动),而且还在世界各地举办competitions(比赛)。• culinary /ˈkʌlɪneri/ adj.烹饪的• delight n.乐事It’s amazing to see how this ancient festival has evolved(这个古老的节日是如何演变而来的)and been embraced globally (被全球接受).• evolve v.(使)逐渐演变• embrace v.拥抱;欣然接受There’s a saying that goes, “Watching dragon boat races in New York, eating zongzi in Paris- that’s the global village (在纽约看龙舟比赛,在巴黎吃粽子,原来地球村真的是一个村子).”05 Globalization of the Festival: Globalization of Culture (节日全球化——文化全球化)The way the Dragon Boat Festival has been adopted (采用)internationally truly reflects (反应)the cultural globalization (文化全球化)we’re witnessing (见证)today.有人说:端午节就像一个会飞的粽子(the Dragon Boat Festival has become like a flying zongzi)——从中国出发(starting from China),裹上各国风味(it’s wrapped in flavors from around the world),最后带着更加丰富的口味又回到中国(returns to China with even richer tastes)。• flavor n.味(道)有人担心粽子会失去原味,但是越来越多样的粽子恰恰体现了中华文化的包容性(the inclusiveness of Chinese culture)。After all, if we can accept zongzi with all sorts of fillings (馅), why not a pizza zongzi (披萨粽子)? Flora said if they ever come out with (推出)pizza stuffed zongzi, she’ll definitely try them (她一定会尝试). Because she loves zongzi but she loves pizza as well.come out with v.把……投入市场Flora觉得推出并且尝试不同口味的粽子不但不会失去我们传统的味道,反而可以让更多的人了解并喜欢上粽子(trying different flavors of zongzi will onlymakeus like them more)。西方对中国传统节日的看法是多元(diverse)且动态(ever-changing)的。从最初的陌生(unfamiliarity)、有误解(misunderstandings),到现在的欣赏(appreciation)和参与(participation),这一变化反映了中国在国际舞台上地位的提升(China’s growing influence on the global stage)。祝大家端午安康。请留言告诉我们:你们那里端午节有什么习俗?你喜欢吃甜粽还是咸粽?
6/9/2024 • 10 minutes, 20 seconds
《庆余年2》成为Disney+顶流,老外热评 “no fillers”,啥意思?
主播:Anne(中国)+ 梅莉(法国)歌曲:Beautiful World今天,我们聊一部刚刚大结局的剧(a Chinese TV drama)——《庆余年2》(Joy of Life Season 2)。01《庆余年2》火出海了“庆余年”直译的话,可能就是Celebrating the Remaining Life,“remaining life”sounds a bit sad especially in English。因为《庆余年》毕竟是一部喜剧(comedy),剧名翻译成“Joy of Life”会更加地符合这部剧的vibe(氛围)。• vibe /vaɪb/ n. <非正式>氛围There’s a collaboration with Disney (这部剧跟迪士尼有合作)。Since its release(上映), "Joy of Life 2" has become the most popular drama from the China mainland ever on Disney+(《庆余年2》成为了Disney+平台上有史以来最受欢迎的国产电视剧).That’s a huge success!02《庆余年》简介庆余年是 adapted from a popular online novel(改编自一部网络小说).它是一部traditional Chinese drama 或者说Chinese costume drama(古装剧)。It’s really a combination of several popular genres(是多种流行体裁的融合),剧中包括time travel(时空穿越),武侠还有romantic comedy(浪漫喜剧)。• genre /ˈʒɑ:nrə/ n.体裁,类型男主角(the male lead)的名字范闲其实是个双关(pun),谐音“犯嫌”,就是讨人嫌的意思。除了男主角的名字,这部剧里还有一些punny names(有双关含义的名字),一些名字are just plain funny(只是为了好玩),而另一些have connections to real historical figures(是与历史上真实人物相关的)。• figure n.(重要的)人物比如,男主角的侍卫(bodyguard)名叫滕梓荆,他的名字很大可能性是a direct reference to(直接引用)滕子京(a friend of the famous Chinese writer大文豪范仲淹)。而男主角取名范闲也可能是与范仲淹有关。很多人都猜测,this is hinting at the friendship between these two characters in the drama,剧里这么取名暗示了两个人物之间的友谊。Using names with puns and historical references(使用带有双关含义和历史典故的名字)其实是一种 writing technique(写作技巧)that’s used in a lot of Chinese literature(在很多中国文学里都会出现)。• technique /tekˈni:k/ n.(尤指体育或艺术方面的)技巧第一季电视剧剧情(plot of the drama)里,under the guidance of mysterious mentors(在神秘高人的点拨下),男主精进武艺(learns martial arts),学习药性药理(makes discoveries about medicines),然后为了解开(to unravel)自己的身世之谜(the mystery of his identity),决定前往京城寻找答案(decides to go to the capital to find his answers)。• unravel /ʌnˈræv(ə)l/ v.弄清第二季里男主的journey(经历)主要是如何跟他的alliance(同盟)一起seeks the truth以及如何fights against(对抗)deeper conspiracies(更深的阴谋)。为了不spoil the show(剧透),if you’re curious, you could watch the show for yourself!• alliance /əˈlaɪəns/ n.同盟03《庆余年2》台词《庆余年2》里,有一些台词比较thought-provoking(引人深思)。有外国网友提到了这句:“人间无绝对公平。有人生来富贵,有人一贫如洗,有人机智过人,有人却傻里傻气。” “There is no absolute fairness in this world. Just like some people are born with great wealth, some are penniless, some are talented and quick-thinking, and some are as wise as fools.”范闲多次谈到fairness(公平)一词,而这个角色也经常是 standing against the unfairness of the world(与世间的不公作斗争),有a sense of justice(一股正义感)。• justice /ˈdʒʌstɪs/ n.公平,正义还有中外网友感触都比较深的一句:“人都是会变的,这世上没有人天生应该对你好。”“People will change. No one in this world should be nice to you by nature.”所以一定要珍惜那些对你好的人。• by nature 天生地下面这一句也是很能引起人的共鸣:“他是一个人,而不是一枚棋子。”“He is a human being, not a pawn.”Pawn就是象棋里的兵和卒,在英文里也代表被操纵的或者可以被牺牲的人。• pawn /pɑ:n/ n.典当;人质04外国网友的观剧评价#Comment 1每一个角色都很有意义(meaningful),every episode is interesting(每一集都很有趣),没有fillers(很水的剧情)。• filler n.充数的东西#Comment 2没有一个角色是单纯的坏人或好人。No one is a plain bad or good character. 这说明这部剧塑造的角色都很立体。#Comment 3这位观众说,他觉得《庆余年》中所有的反派(villains)都很迷人,当然他不至于支持他们(root for them),但也不至于讨厌。• villain /ˈvɪlən/ n.(小说、戏剧等中的)主要反面人物#Comment 4这位观众对《庆余年2》有点失望,他misses the magic of the first season(怀念第一季带来的吸引力)。所以说第二季的成功也一定程度上反映出大家对于第一季的认可和喜爱。尽管观众有不同的意见,这部剧的成功也反映了中国影视产业在全球范围内影响力的增强。请留言告诉我们:你看《庆余年2》了吗?你对于这部剧是怎么看的?
6/6/2024 • 10 minutes, 50 seconds
主播:Flora(中国)+ Selah(美国) 歌曲:Good Time今天的节目是儿童节专题,我们来聊一聊——我们怀念的童年。主播Flora和Selah回想起自己的童年真的是回忆满满。两位主播都是00后,而且Selah的童年大部分也是在中国度过的,所以她们聊起来很有共鸣。下面是她们美好的童年回忆分享,和她们一起打开记忆的窗,一起回到童年。01 A childhood very close to nature 贴近自然的童年When Flora was a kid and went to her grandpa's house every summer, her grandpa would take her fishing(她的姥爷会带她去钓鱼). Flora记得她第一次拿起鱼竿钓鱼,没过几分钟就钓上来一条。She was so excited. 也许这就是“新手的运气”。还有一次是下雨后河水漫上来,她就在水坑里找小虾。So they can have fried shrimps. It was really satisfying (很满足). She had a great time out in nature.• fried /fraɪd/ adj.油炸的• satisfying /ˈsætɪsfaɪɪŋ/ adj.令人满足的They would do fishing, gardening and raise poultry, etc(他们会钓鱼、种菜、养家禽等). But she rarely gets the chance to do that nature stuff now (但她现在很少有机会做那些贴近自然的事情了). That's why she misses it so much (这就是为什么她如此怀念那段时光). • poultry /ˈpoʊltri/ n.家禽• rarely /ˈrerli/ adv.罕有,很少02 A Childhood without loneliness 不孤独的童年She spent most of her childhood in the countryside of Jinan, and also spent three years in Tianjin (她童年的大部分时间都在济南的乡村度过,也在天津待了三年), but she still prefers the time in Jinan (更喜欢在济南度过的时光),因为她在那里有很多朋友,这些好朋友是她的“发小”。• countryside /ˈkʌntrisaɪd/ n.乡村• prefer /prɪˈfɜ: r/ v.更喜爱“发小”就是彼此的父辈互相认识,从小一块长大的,并且长大之后也经常一块玩的伙伴。在英语中,“发小”对应的词是“buddy”。They used to do a lot of stuff together. They'd go to school and leave together, do their homework, and hang out on the weekends(周末一块儿出去玩). She had her buddies and friends to make memories with and fill her time (她有自己的伙伴和朋友,可以和她们一起留下美好的回忆,充实自己的时间). She never feels alone when she is with her buddies.• buddy /ˈbʌdi/ n.伙伴,好朋友• hang out闲逛:在某个地方消磨时间,特别是与朋友一起。Flora记得当时最热闹的事情就是大家聚在一起看电影。But it's very different from watching a movie in a cinema nowadays.他们是在空地上放露天的电影,不管是老人、年轻人还是小孩,他们都自备马扎儿、板凳,聚在一起,想看电影就看,不想看也可以在旁边活动身体,聊聊天,总之就是松弛感拉满了。They’re all chillaxed.• cinema /ˈsɪnəmə/ n.电影院• chillaxed adj.放松的Chillax它是分别从chill和relax中分别取了一部分然后合成了一个词——chillax。It meansto relax and stop feeling angry or nervous about something (它意味着放松,既不生气,也不紧张). So it's a combination of chill out and relax (是chill out和relax的结合).也就是我们说的“松弛感”。03 Childhood games 儿时的游戏Selah also has many fantastic childhood memories. One of the common games they played was Sharks and Minnows(鲨鱼捉小鱼).她们也会玩Hide & Seek, Charades(你来比划我来猜), board games (棋盘类游戏)。• fantastic /fænˈtæstɪk/adj. 极好的,非常棒的She also spent much of her childhood playing outside with her Chinese friends(她童年的大部分时间都和中国朋友在外面玩).Selah比较喜欢的户外游戏有:riding her bike, climbing trees, playing in sandboxes(在沙坑里玩), making up games(玩发明游戏). 主播Selah认为她的童年was pretty close to nature, too。It's good for both their physical and mental health(这非常有利于她们的身心健康).• sandbox n.沙箱;沙盒• physical /ˈfɪzɪk(ə)l/ adj.身体的• mental /ˈment(ə)l/ adj.精神的Selah回忆说,当她在济南住的时候,they had a small river in her apartment complex,when it froze(当河面结冰的时候),they would even skate on it(可以在上面滑冰)。The ice on the river would have been really solid (结实的) back then.*【温馨提示】滑冰还是要去正规的滑冰场。• complex /kəmˈpleks/ n.综合大楼,建筑群• froze v.冻结(freeze的过去式形式)• solid /ˈsɑ: lɪd/ adj.结实的,牢固的主播Selah和Flora没有想到,她们都有过一段在济南的美好时光,更没想到的是,they finally met each other some years later(多年后她们会相遇)。04 Childhood cartoons 那些年看过的动画片谈起童年回忆,她们还有一个很有共鸣的点:they both love watching cartoons when they were kids(喜欢看动画片)。Selah小时候看过《葫芦娃》《孙悟空》《大耳朵图图》以及whatever else was on TV! Selah也看过家庭喜剧Home with Kids《家有儿女》,这部喜剧真的是时代的眼泪了,之前是打开电视就能看的。Flora特别喜欢《海绵宝宝》(SpongeBob SquarePants)。It was one of her favorite cartoons during her childhood.前一段时间她还重温了一下这部动画片,再看的时候真的会有很多不一样的感受。比如里边有一句台词长大再看忽然就懂了:谁都会犯错,所以人们才会在铅笔的另一头装上橡皮(Anyone can make a mistake, that's why people put erasers on the other end of pencils)。小时候觉得动画片只是带给了我们欢声笑语,现在才明白原来动画片还传递着让我们收益一生的价值观。有人说:“以前的动画片只有一个缺点,那就是不清晰。现在的动画片只有一个优点,那就是太过清晰。”Flora believes that high-quality cartoons like the previous ones are rarely seen nowadays (好像之前那样高质量的动画片现在很少见到了).• previous adj. /ˈpri: viəs/ adj.以前的,先前的05 The childhood of children today 当下孩子们的童年现在的小孩好像比她们当时“忙”多了。我们小时候放学后的活动是:夏天去钓鱼,冬天去滑冰,甚至是爬树等等。But kids these days don't seem to have much time or even the opportunity to do that anymore (但是现在的小孩好像都没有太多时间甚至没有机会做这些了).他们可能由于学业上的压力或其他原因,要花更多的时间在其他的事情上。• opportunity /ˌɑ: pərˈtu: nəti/ n.时机,机会Selah believes parents are more nervous and protective of their kids than before (父母比以前更焦虑,更保护他们的孩子了).无论是中国还是美国,父母都是一样的:they don’t want to let their kids go as much (不想让孩子离开)。但是现在想想,谁又能独善其身呢?我们不也是在花更多的时间在工作上吗?• nervous /ˈnɜ: rvəs/ adj.神经紧张的,担忧的• protective /prəˈtektɪv/ adj.保护的,防护的But no matter how, we want all the kids now to be healthy, strong and happy (但是不管怎么样,我们都希望现在的小朋友们能够健康、茁壮、快乐地成长)! Once again, Happy Children's Day to you!不管你是小朋友,还是身边有小朋友,一席都在这里祝你们儿童节快乐!也祝我们所有的大朋友们永远年轻,永远热泪盈眶!请留言告诉我们:你怀念的童年是怎样的呢?
6/1/2024 • 12 minutes, 15 seconds
主播:Anne(中国)+ 梅莉(法国)歌曲:Go Again俗话说,every adult was once a child(所有的大人都曾经是小孩)。最近网上有很多人分享“把自己重养一遍”的话题:reparenting yourself。到底什么才是重新养自己呢?What exactly is reparenting yourself?01什么是“把自己重养一遍”?重新养自己,就是做自己的父母。It’s basically being your own parents.不像养宠物或者养孩子(unlike raising a pet or a child),这一次你是在把自己当孩子养(raising yourself as if you were a kid)!·raise /reɪz/v.养育网友们总结出了很多“重养自己”的方法,比如去吃小时候爸爸妈妈不让买的零食(eat the snacks that your parents wouldn't let you buy when you were a kid),或者是带自己看一场“小时候觉得太贵(pricey)”的演唱会(take yourself to a concert which was too pricey for you when you were little),又或者是学一门看上去好像在“浪费时间”的手艺(learn a skill that is seemingly a waste of time),比如搭乐高(building legos)或者编织(knitting)。·pricey/ˈpraɪsi/adj.贵的·seemingly/ˈsiːmɪŋli/adv.貌似;看似不过,最困难的地方(the hardest part)还是在于精神上(emotionally)如何重养自己。其实每个人都有一个inner child(内心里的小孩子),而她记得你所有的童年记忆和情感(remembers all your childhood moments and emotions),无论好坏(both good and bad)。她是你潜意识的一部分(part of your subconsciousness)。如果你有过一些让你不安的童年经历,比如当父母向你发火(get mad at you)或者是责怪了你(scold you)时,却没有人安慰你(you had no one to comfort you),又没有任何支持(support),那你当时心里的痛苦(pain)或者羞耻感(shame)不会真正消失(go away),because your inner child still remembers it。·scold/skoʊld/v. 责备·comfort/ˈkʌmfɚt/v. 安慰·support/səˈpɔːrt/n.支持;帮助所以重养自己很重要的一点就是acknowledge(承认)内心小孩的存在,comfort her(安慰她),maybe even write her a letter(甚至给她写一封信)!·acknowledge/əkˈnɑːlɪdʒ/v. 承认;认可……存在总而言之,重养自己本质上就是in a way you might not have experienced before(以一种你以前可能没体验过的方式)做一些事情来take care of your physical needs(照顾好你身体上的需求)以及emotional needs(情感上的需求),并且give yourself the love that you deserve(把你值得的那份爱给自己)。主播梅莉在中国看到了很多cartoon decorations(卡通装饰),她有一个猜测:不知道这是不是因为人们小时候didn’t have a lot of time to play(没太多时间玩),所以在以这种方式trying to make it up(试着弥补)。·make up弥补02如何重新养自己?每个人都有different ways of reparenting yourself(不同的重养自己的方式),不论是物质上,还是精神上。在物质上,主播Anne建议可以buy yourself small, seemingly useless things that make you happy(给自己买看上去没用,却能让自己开心的小东西),比如 a bouquet of flowers(一束花)。 它可以用来提醒自己:- You’re worth it.(你值得)- Your happiness matters.(你的开心很重要)对于稍微更贵一点的东西(something that’s a bit more pricey),如果是something that you’ve been wanting for a long time(你想要了很久的东西),经济允许的情况下也可以买给自己。而不是像经济独立之前一样告诉自己:you don’t need this in order to live(你不需要这个也能活)。很多人心里一直都会有一个 innervoice(内心的声音)telling them tosave more money(告诉他们要省钱)以及be thrify(要节俭),不过自己独立挣钱后就会开始re-evaluateyour relationship with money(重新审视你跟金钱的关系),适当满足自己的需求,增强“配得感”。·thrifty/ˈθrɪfti/adj.节俭的·evaluate/ɪˈvæljueɪt/v.评估;评价在精神上,可以试着encourage yourself more(多鼓励自己),然后试着去更多地看到你的strengths(强项)和the things you did right(你做对的事情),而不是 weaknesses(弱点)和the things you did wrong(你做错的事情)。- Focusing on your strengths actually brings out the best in you, and gives you more power to fix your weaknesses!(专注于长处会让你发挥出你最好的一面,并且给你更多力量去改正你的缺点!)- Try not to punishyourself foryourmistakes and failures.(试着不要去因为自己犯的错误和失败而去惩罚自己。)就像主播们说的,人生已经如此地艰难,don’t be so hard on yourself(不要对自己太苛刻了),just do better next time!·strength/streŋθ/n.长处;强项·weakness/ˈwiːknəs/n.弱点;缺点·punish/ˈpʌnɪʃ/v.惩罚·failure/ˈfeɪljɚ/n.失败学会从原生家庭中独立,也是重养自己的一个重要方面。主播梅莉说,她家里有五口人,家里总是热热闹闹的,不过离开家以后(sincemoving away),她感受到she has been challenged to be more independent(她面临着更加独立自主的挑战),并且学会了spend time alone to organize her thoughts(利用独处时间去整理思绪),了解自己的喜好。·independent/ˌɪndɪˈpendənt/adj.独立的尽管她十分extroverted(外向),而且love being around people(热爱与人交往),现在也在学着take time for self-care activities(花时间做自我关怀的活动)。比如meditation(冥想),journaling(写日记)以及taking walks or runs(散步或跑步)。这些事情都能帮她reconnect withherself(跟内心建立链接)。03疗愈与理解重新养自己这个话题背后,也有一个healing and understanding aspect(疗愈和理解的层面)。Not everyone is fortunate to have grown up in families that are healthy. (不是每个人都有幸成长在健康的家庭里)·aspect/ˈæspekt/n.方面;层面毕竟,家家有本难念的经。No family is perfect, andwe all have our own dramas and challenges. 每个人都是第一次活,没有任何previous experience(之前的经验),we’re all doing this for the first time!我们需要keep in mind(记住)的是:we’realldoing our best with the knowledge we have been taught and the experiences we have.以我们现有的知识和经验,我们都已经尽力了。重养自己,不是critizing your parents(批判父母),也不是criticizing your past self(批判过去的自己),而是making peace (和解) with your parents and your past self。·knowledge/ˈnɑːlɪdʒ/n. 知识·criticize/ˈkrɪt̬ɪsaɪz/v. 批评;批判·make peace with v. 与……和解好不容易长大的我们,终于有了能力让生活变得更好。We have the power to make our lives better, as adults(成年人).欢迎留言告诉我们:你会用什么方式,把自己重养一遍呢?
5/30/2024 • 17 minutes, 42 seconds
主播:Anne(中国)+ 梅莉(法国)歌曲:The Saltwater Room最近很流行说“情绪价值”(emotional value),“情绪价值”是什么意思?怎么获取健康的情绪价值?我们需要什么样的情绪价值?01“情绪价值”(emotional value)是什么意思? (1)营销学领域的“情绪价值”“情绪价值”一开始是营销学领域(the field of marketing)的概念,是指顾客(customers)所感受到的positive emotional experience(积极情绪体验)减去negative emotional experience(负面情绪体验),比如customer care(顾客关怀)就可以为顾客create high emotional value(创造更高的情绪价值)。说到哪个品牌(brands)给顾客带来了更好的情绪价值,“海底捞”可谓是榜上有名。一顿火锅吃完光顾着开心了,妥妥的情绪价值“拉满”。过硬的customer care足以撑起一个品牌,还有的品牌通过storytelling(讲故事)来create emotional value。(2)现在流行的“情绪价值”现在我们常说的情绪价值,指在interpersonal relationship(人际关系)里,一个人影响别人情绪的能力(the ability to influence the emotions of others)。在相处中有些人会让你感觉如沐春风(naturally bring you more feelings of comfort)。They can bring you good feelings, and make you feel very comfortable, happy and secure.让人觉得很舒服,很有安全感。有些人可能不是故意的(they don’t mean it),但是they say or do things that often make others feel uncomfortable or angry(为人处世可能会让人感觉不那么舒服)。02有些“情绪价值”可能是有“毒”的(toxic)不只是人际关系,其实很多东西都与情绪价值挂钩(almost everything we do is related to emotional value),比如family,job,money,and entertainment(家庭、工作、金钱以及娱乐等)。虽然谈钱很俗(cliché),但毫无疑问,花钱不论是买material things(物质)还是experiences(体验),的确可以带来情绪价值。但如果你感觉心里有一个空洞(a void),想通过花钱去填补内心的空虚(fill this void),这就是不健康的(it’s not healthy)。比如,有人会spend a lot of money on celebrities (花钱追星),which is good if this celebrity makes you really happy,从中可以获得快乐。但如果超出了自己的经济能力(if you spend too much, more than you can afford),就会适得其反。·cliché /klɪˈʃeɪ/ n. 陈词滥调·celebrity/səˈlebrəti/ n. 名人刷手机(scrolling on your phone)也可以带来情绪价值。但是相信大家有这样的体验:一开始刷手机很爽,到了一定程度以后,越刷手机反而越感到郁闷(feel more depressed than you started)。看来凡事都有个限度,也不能只一味地寻求情绪价值。·scroll/skroʊl/ v. 滚屏;滚动在人际交往中,和有些人接触的体验就感觉他“take you on a roller coaster ride”,让人感觉七上八下,好像坐过山车一样,这可能是有“毒”的(they can be toxic)!·toxic /ˈtɑːksɪk/ adj. 有毒的03怎么获取健康的情绪价值?有时我们应该look deeper,多向内思考一下what are the healthy ways that not only bring you healthy emotional value but also push you to be a better person(不仅能提供健康的情绪价值,还能使我们成为更棒的自己)。(1)健康的人际关系(Healthy relationships)花时间和自己爱的人相处(spending time with the people you love)以及进行有意义的深层对话(having meaningful deep conversation),都是培养健康人际关系的方式。(2)做能让自己开心的事情(Doing things that make you happy)爱自己(to love yourself)、为自己感到骄傲(to be proud of yourself),让自己保持一个良好的心态,就可以实现情绪价值上的自给自足。(3)适当走出舒适区(To get out of the comfort zone)不妨尝试走出自己的舒适区,多去学习(to learn),充实自己,和与自己经历不同的人接触(to connect with people who have different stories than yours),发现不同的生活体验。(4)内心的声音一定要积极(Positive self-talk)只有当情绪价值是你自己给自己的,它才是可靠的、永远不会枯竭的。Don’t rely on other people to give you the emotional value that you need (不要依靠他人提供给你自己所需的情绪价值).(5)从更大的事物里去寻找意义(Find meaning in bigger things)要从更大的事物里去寻找意义(You have to find meaning in bigger things),而不是一味去找寻情绪价值(life is not all about emotional value)。适当摆脱这种情绪价值的思考,志当存高远。When you find value and a mission in the things you do (当做事是为了意义和使命感),而不是情绪价值的话,it doesn’t matter if it’s tiring or hard (就算这件事再苦再累),只要事情是有意义的,it will motivate you to keep going (它就会激励你一直前行)。这种意义感和使命感是一种更高级的情绪价值。·mission/ˈmɪʃn/ n.使命;任务(6)先爱己后爱人(Learn to provide emotional value to yourself first)在给别人提供情绪价值之前,先学会好好爱自己,满足自己的情绪价值。How can you provide emotional value to others when you don’t even know how to love yourself?04什么是最高级的情绪价值?当别人难过的时候,需要的不是你去fix everything(把所有问题都解决掉),you just need to listen(要去倾听)。你心里要去承认他们的存在和感受(recognize them as a person),不管是好的坏的,开心的挣扎的,you need to recognize all of their feelings,接纳一切情绪。最高级的情绪价值是被看见(The highest form of emotional value is to feel seen or heard)。在别人给我们say nice things(给予言语上的肯定)和do good things(提供行为上的帮助)之前,我们想要的是被人真正“看见”,希望有人倾听自己(we want someone truly sees us and hears us),这真的是一种很高的情绪体验了。05怎么让情绪价值“自给自足”?提供情绪价值有一个前提,就是you have to put yourself first(把自己放在第一位)。其实很多人可能会put other people beforethemselves(把他人放在自己前面),会觉得their problems became my responsibility(别人的事情也是我的事情)。其实,我们应该先照顾到自己的情绪和感受,因为you need to be the best(你要成为最棒的),才能够really help other people(真正帮助到他人)。这样顾及他人感受、永远“先人后己”的人,英语中叫“empath”(容易共情的人)。我们的主播梅莉和Anne都是“empath”。Anne说自己是一个huge empath,有时候会provide too much emotional value to others(为别人提供过多的情绪价值),最后反而feel emotionally drained(感到自己的感情好像被“掏空”了)。看来每个人都需要学习to provide more emotional value to myself(为自己提供情绪价值)。·drain /dreɪn/ v. 使(精力、金钱等)耗尽请留言告诉我们:你怎样满足自己的情绪价值?你是一个容易共情的人吗?
5/26/2024 • 16 minutes, 41 seconds
主播:Flora(中国)+ 梅莉(法国)歌曲:west texas最近,电视剧《我的阿勒泰》(To the Wonder)热播。阿勒泰(Altay)位于中国新疆的西北部边缘地区(It is a border region of northwest China),有着纯粹、天然的牧场风光以及自由、蓬勃的生活意境。很多网友表示“阿勒泰治愈了我的‘精神内耗’(mental internal friction)”。《我的阿勒泰》中有哪些治愈系台词?我们该怎么缓解“精神内耗”?01 《我的阿勒泰》为什么火?剧中的角色(character)李文秀是生长于阿勒泰的一名年轻女孩(a young girl growing up in Altay),她想去大城市追求她的作家梦(she pursues her dream of becoming a writer in the big city)。这可能也是很多年轻人的追求,想要去大城市寻找更多的机会和可能。后来她repeatedly runs into obstacles(遇到了很多障碍),可以说是屡屡碰壁。Later on, she is forced to (被迫) return to her hometown Altay to live with her mother.最后,文秀回到了家乡,并渐渐地被家乡的美吸引,shegradually discovers the beauty of her hometown。在草原上的经历教会了她如何生活、如何爱以及如何处理伤痛(how to love, live and deal with hurt)。·repeatedly/rɪˈpiːtɪdli/ adv. 重复地·obstacle/ˈɑːbstəkl/ n. 障碍;阻碍要说《我的阿勒泰》为什么火,一方面是the nature in this show is so beautiful,可以说是每一帧都可以拿来当壁纸的程度;另一方面是因为这部剧里的台词也非常治愈,比如下面的台词:“再颠簸的生活,也要闪亮地过。”“No matter howbumpy life is, we should live it brilliantly.”·bumpy/ˈbʌmpi/ adj. 颠簸的;不平的“我们只有二十岁啊,我都不知道我真正喜欢的生活是什么样的。”“We’re only twenty years old. I don’t know what kind of life I really like.”这对于还在迷茫阶段的青年人来讲,真的是能给予我们最温柔的精神抚慰了。Not everyone is supposed to know what he or she wants to do with their life at the very beginning.(不是每个人都从一开始就知道这一生自己想做什么的。)所以网友纷纷表示,《我的阿勒泰》真的是治好了我的精神内耗。02 “精神内耗”用英语怎么解释?广义的“精神内耗”在英语中可以说是“mental exhaustion”或者“mental fatigue”,表示精神上的exhaustion(疲惫)或者fatigue(劳累),当然,mental exhaustion的形式有很多,精神内耗只是其中一种。更具体一点来看,“精神内耗”其实就像是在你的spiritual world(精神世界)里有两个观点不同的小人,他们不断争吵、相互拉扯。在这个过程中,人的心理资源被消耗,就可能会陷入精神内耗。所以“精神内耗”可以解释为mental internal friction,是一种inner conflict within yourself(自我内心的冲突)。·friction/ˈfrɪkʃn/ n. 摩擦;分歧03 主播们会不会经历“精神内耗”?主播Flora说“精神内耗”在很长一段时间里都伴随着她的生活,she used to be very prone to mental internal friction(她以前很容易精神内耗)。这会affects a lot of things(影响很多事),比如always overthinking before taking action (总是在行动之前思虑过多), thinking about a thousand possibilities for failure (成千上万次地假设失败的可能性),甚至会导致“拖延症”(procrastination)。·be prone to 易于……的·procrastination/prəʊˌkræstɪ'neɪʃ(ə)n/ n. 拖延这些看起来有些悲观主义(pessimism),总是去想the bad side of things(事情中坏的方面)。但是又不完全悲观,确实内心还是希望事情能有好的结果的。But that’s the point.当悲观和乐观产生冲突时,friction(摩擦)就出现了,就开始“内耗”了。·pessimism/ˈpesɪmɪzəm/ n. 悲观;悲观主义梅莉说,她也是一个容易“emo”的人,也会有感到“压力山大”(felt a lot of stress)的时候。比如,做group project(小组作业)时,遇到不配合的成员(teammates),他们可能是not motivated(不主动)或者not complete(完成)their work。·motivated /ˈmoʊtɪveɪtɪd/ adj. 有积极性的;有动机的梅莉提到,一次小组作业中,原本六个人的任务最后只有两个人来完成,其他人完全不care,有些甚至会disappear,干脆“潜水”,theycouldn’t contact them(联系不上他们)。最后梅莉感觉非常内耗,they definitely had lost motivation (丧失了动力), and theywere feeling very stressed.04怎么缓解“精神内耗”?梅莉说,在那次小组作业的内耗中,“not going through alone and being with a friend”,这帮助了她不少,和朋友一起可以motivate each other(彼此激励),stay positive(保持乐观心态)。的确,it’s easy to get overwhelmed when you’re alone,独自面对问题就很容易精神内耗,不妨换个角度看问题。当感觉思维陷入困境时,可以communicate and brainstorm with people,不妨和身边的人沟通一下,听听他们的想法,说不定会有另外的收获。There are at least three solutions to a problem.一个物品至少有三种用途,一个问题至少有三种解决方法。遇到问题,试着让自己brainstorm(头脑风暴)一下,从多个角度去看待问题。很多时候,completion is more important than perfection(完成要比完美更重要)。有些时候我们太想要完美了,以至于无法开始,所以有时允许过程有那么一丢小瑕疵,而不是抓住细枝末节不放,反而可以让事情进行得更顺利。You need to start somewhere, and you can perfect it as you go (有时可以在进展中完善). But you cannot expect for everything to be perfect all the time (而不是总是要求所有事情都做到完美).当你觉得自己被负面想法包围的时候,可以问问自己这三个问题:①它是真实的吗?②它发生的可能性大吗?③我有没有方法可以应对它呢?我们要掌控负面的想法,而不要让他们来掌控我们,这样就不会觉得这件事有多么的out of control(不可控)了。老子的道家思想中提到“无为中而有为,有为而有所不为”,顺天应道,则可以事成。所以,对事物本身本质的把握是非常重要的。We may need to break the closure of our inner world (打破内心世界的封闭状态) and exchange energy with the outside world (与外界进行能量交换).还要有足够的执行力(execution),不断强化自己的主动性,来让自己感受到:we will all be in control of our thoughts (我们可以掌控自己的想法) and have the ability to analyze and deal with problems rationally (有能力理性地解决问题)。慢慢地,处理问题也会更加游刃有余。·execution/ˌeksɪˈkjuːʃn/ n. 执行;实施缓解“精神内耗”离不开提升自身修养这一根本,传承“仁”“义”“礼”“智”“信”的优良传统,正心、修身、养性,才可能逐渐真实、真诚地认知本我和世界万物,自然而然一切皆有可能。请留言告诉我们:你有“精神内耗”的时候吗?你是怎么缓解“精神内耗”的呢?精神内耗我的阿勒泰 心灵成长
5/22/2024 • 17 minutes, 37 seconds
主播:Flora(中国)+Selah(美国)歌曲:Hometown今天我们聊一聊中西方的餐具(tableware)。我们的美国主播Selah从小在中国长大,不管是对中国的筷子(chopsticks)还是西方的刀叉(knives and forks)都非常熟悉。用惯了刀叉的西方人拿起筷子是什么感觉?筷子和刀叉的由来分别是什么?01 用惯了刀叉的西方人拿起筷子是什么感觉?主播Selah从1岁开始就在中国生活,一直待了16年。She attended Chinese preschool (幼儿园), and elementary school(小学)until 4th grade, so she learned to use chopsticks along with the other Chinese children (和学校里的其他中国小朋友一起学会了使筷子). 提到怎么学会用筷子的,Selah truthfully does not remember it (真的不太记得了)。因为当时还是小孩子,所以学起来不会感觉到有culture shock(文化冲击)。· elementary /ˌelɪˈmentri/ adj.基础的;初级的回到美国后,Selah还教家人和朋友how to use chopsticks。她说:“I was so proud to share it with them!”(很自豪能跟他们分享)。直到现在,Selah还会经常(regularly)使用筷子,特别是(especially)吃米饭和面条的时候,Selah觉得这样会更方便(much easier to use)。Selah还说,用筷子可以帮助digestion(消化),因为每次用筷子夹东西时只能夹那么一口,所以没法吃太快,it forces you to slow down(迫使你慢下来)while you eat。看来,Selah可能不是一个Chinese native speaker(说汉语说得地道的人), 但绝对是一个native chopsticks user(用筷子用得地道的人)!·digestion/daɪˈdʒestʃən/ n.消化02筷子是大禹治水时发明的?早在古代的商周时期,也就是in the period from about 1600 to 256 B.C.(公元前1600年到公元前256年),筷子就已经出现了,筷子的起源(the origin of chopsticks)距今有约三千多年的历史了。据说筷子的发明和大禹治水有关(Yu the Great ruled over water)。大禹是夏朝的开国君主(the founder of the Xia Dynasty),他的flood management(治理洪水)事迹广为流传。传说大禹治水时忙于工作,废寝忘食(he didn’t even want to spend time eating or sleeping),认为吃饭睡觉都是a waste of time(浪费时间),是一个非常dedicated(敬业的)人。·dedicated /ˈdedɪkeɪtɪd/ adj.献身的;专心致志的有一次大禹乘船来到一个岛上,he was so hungry that he set up a clay pot to cook meat(用陶锅煮肉吃)。肉煮好(boiled in water)后,it was too hot to be eaten by hand(太烫了没办法用手拿着吃)。大禹不想浪费时间等待,就想了一个办法,砍了两根树枝(branches)从热汤里夹肉吃。·set up 设置;安装后来,他的手下发现,用树枝吃东西既不烫手也不会把油弄到手上(without burning his hands or getting grease on them),就纷纷效仿。In the end, the branches are turned into chopsticks. 这就是筷子的由来。·grease /ɡriːs/ n.油脂03 西方刀叉的起源是什么?说到the origin of knives and forks(刀叉的起源),可以goes all the way back to(追溯到)中世纪(the Middle Ages)和文艺复兴时期(the Renaissance)。在这之前,人们吃饭主要(primarily)是used their hands,with knives(用手吃饭,用一些刀具辅助)。其实在餐具没有被发明之前,全世界的人们一般都是用手抓食物,比较原始。手抓饭不管在nobles(贵族)还是在commoners(平民)中都是很common(常见的)。确实以当时的技术发展水平,用手抓是省时又省力的,it was efficient for all types of food。后来,因为要切一些比较tough(硬的)食物,所以刀才会出现在餐桌上。一开始西方人是用刀把食物送进嘴里(moving your food into your mouth),后来forks(叉子)changed this to where people didn’t use knives for this anymore(改变了用刀吃饭的现象)。叉子首先是11世纪时在欧洲被使用的,而且可能是来自于Byzantine Empire(拜占庭帝国,即东罗马帝国)。一开始的叉子是two-pronged(两个叉的),随着时间的演变(over time)才变成了现在见到的four-pronged的叉子。慢慢地,使用刀叉成为了modern dining etiquette(用餐礼仪)and table manners (餐桌礼仪)。·prong /prɔːŋ/ n.有…齿的;叉子齿·etiquette /ˈetɪkət/ n.礼仪;规矩04 中国古人也用刀叉吃饭?其实,5000年前的中国古人吃饭也是用刀叉的。1995年,海南藏族自治州出土了一把距今5000年的骨质餐叉(a 5,000-year-old bone dinner fork was unearthed),被誉为“人类餐叉之祖”。这把叉子有three prongs(三个叉),it reflects (反映) the life and civilization (文明) of the ancient ancestors(祖先)on this land 5,000 years ago.·unearth /ʌnˈɜːrθ/ v.发掘;使出土·ancestor/ˈænsestɚ/ n.祖先;祖宗·civilization/ˌsɪvələˈzeɪʃən/ n. 文明虽然不确定它是否与西方的刀叉相关(if they're related or not),但无论是筷子还是刀叉,the dining habits and tableware have a lot to do with that culture, history, and what types of food people are eating(饮食习惯和餐具都与文化、历史以及人们吃的食物有很大关系),都代表着一个民族的历史文化和生活形态。请留言告诉我们:你对中西方的餐具还有哪些了解?
5/18/2024 • 11 minutes, 2 seconds
主播:Anne(中国)+ 梅莉(法国)歌曲:Ça Ira最近,“法国面包节”(the French bread festival)(法语:La Fête du Pain)在中国上了热搜(trending on Chinese social media),馒头(steamed buns)作为中国“面包”的代表,也“出战”了这次的面包节。01 “法国面包节”是什么节日?法国面包节(the French bread festival)是一个10-day event(10天的活动),今年将会end on the 16th (在16号结束)。面包节就在巴黎圣母院前面(right in front Notre Dame)举行,ittakes place in May each year(每年五月举行),是一个了解the process of making bread and pastries(蛋糕和糕点制作过程)的好机会。·pastry /ˈpeɪstri/ n. 油酥糕点节日的活动包括tasting sessions(试吃环节),人们可以sample(试吃)一些freshly baked bread(新鲜出炉的面包)。还会有live demonstrations(现场示范)来展示how to make baguettes and other types of bread(如何制作法棍和其它种类的面包)。·sample /ˈsæmpl/ v. 品尝;体验·demonstration /ˌdemənˈstreɪʃn/ n. 演示;示范中国也participated in this festival(参加了这个节日),并且showcased our own type of bread(展示了我们自己的面包)。被选中去代表中国的“面包”参展的,竟然是馒头(steamed buns)!·showcase /ˈʃoʊkeɪs/ v. 使展现;在玻璃橱窗陈列·steamed /stiːmd/ adj. 蒸熟的,蒸的·bun /bʌn/ n. 小面包;小圆甜饼02 面包节是怎么“夸”中国馒头的?我们派出的代表选手是馒头(Steamed buns were sent to represent the Chinese bread)。这件事shocked the Chinese netizens(让中国网友震惊了)。网友以馒头的口吻调侃说“我是馒头,但工作的时候请叫我‘中式无糖面包’(Chinese sugarless bread)”。这么说来,面包是不是也可以叫“法式馒头”呢?法国面包节是这么“夸”中国馒头的:Based on wheat (小麦), flour (面粉), yeast (酵母) and then steamed (蒸制), the Mantou has a smooth surface (光滑的表面) and a dense crumb (细密的馒头屑).在中国南方,有花样的“馒头”,会加sugar and fat(糖和脂肪),它是一种staple food(主食)。It is found in many shapes (形状),比如round (圆形的), leaf (树叶形的), and flower (花朵形的).·dense/dens/ adj. 密集的;稠密的·crumb/krʌm/ n. 面包屑;食物碎屑03 馒头和面包最早是怎么制作出来的?据说馒头最早是invented by诸葛亮。也有传说说当年馒头是作为战争时期的祭品被发明出来的,还有传说是诸葛亮为了改善士兵们的伙食,才发明了馒头。关于面包的起源,有一个legend(传说)说是一个Egyptian slave(埃及奴隶)在烤面包的时候(when he was baking)睡着(fell asleep)了,然后accidentally let the bread ferment overnight(不小心让面包发酵了整晚),意外制作出了“面包”。当然,这也只是一个传说,we don’t know whether it is true or not!·ferment/fərˈment/v. 发酵可以确定的是,the techniques for making bread(做面包的技巧)确实还是从埃及(Egypt)传到古罗马(Romans)和古希腊(Greeks),eventually toFrance,从此法国人开始了跟面包的不解之缘。France and bread trulyisa love story!04 中国馒头都有啥花样?Basically, steamed buns to China is what bread is to France (中国人离不开馒头,就像法国人离不开面包).馒头在中国饮食结构中非常重要,theNorthern Chinese typically haveMantou and noodles as their main source of carbs (北方人的碳水来源主要是馒头、面条等面食)。中国有各种各样的馒头(different types ofMantou),比如大枣饽饽,which isa type of steamed buns with dates (大枣),and it’s got a bit of a sweet flavour(带点甜味)。中国人还会用馒头来symbolize good wishes(象征美好的寓意),比如面鱼,which isMantou in the shape of a fish。过年过节时吃面鱼代表(represents)“年年有余”,这也是一种饮食文化(a kind of food culture)。05 法国人常吃什么面包?说到法国的面包,baguette(法棍)肯定是第一名,it isprobably the most famous French bread。法棍可以说是“Crispy on the outside, fluffy on the inside”(外脆里软),难怪法国人每天去boulangerie(现烤面包店),排队买法棍(line up for baguettes every day)。·boulangerie /'bu:lɔŋgəri:/ n.(法)面包房·line up 排队主播梅莉提到,法棍的形状是determined by French law(由法国法定的)。还说you have to eat baguette with cheese (吃法棍,一定要和奶酪一起吃) !·determine /dɪˈtɜːrmɪn/ v.确定;安排有一种比较unique(独特的)面包,叫“Fougasse”。这种面包是跟olives(橄榄)、cheese以及anchovies(小咸鱼干)一起烤成的。“Fougasse”是咸口的(salty),很适合当afternoon snack(下午茶点),或者搭配a glass of wine(一杯葡萄酒)来吃。“Brioche”这种面包非常sweet,并且comes in different flavors(有很多不同口味)。梅莉说“Brioche”在法国的里昂(Lyon)非常popular,有粉色的sugar-coated almonds(裹着糖的杏仁),Anne听了之后觉得这应该她的“菜”(sounds like her type of bread),一定要找机会去里昂这座“美食之城”(foodie city)。最后就是经典的“Croissant”(牛角面包),吃起来特别flaky(酥脆),it’s best enjoyed with a cup of café u lait (牛奶咖啡)。牛角包真的是a perfect way to start a French morning(开启一个法式清晨的最佳选择)!06 主播们最爱的面包和馒头是什么?提到最爱的面包,主播梅莉说尝试过很多(shehas tried so many),但她definitely recommend the baguette(还是最推荐法棍),可以pair it with butter and jam, and also with cheese(搭配黄油、果酱或奶酪)一起吃。梅莉还提到,她还爱吃pain au chocolate(巧克力面包),it is like a croissant but with chocolate inside。可以说pain au chocolate是她的“little guilty pleasure”,吃起来有“罪恶感”,但又很满足。因为巧克力面包的确卡路里很高(it’s super high-calorie),but it’s seriously good!主播Anne说她最喜欢的馒头是“炼乳小馒头”。在这种馒头上面,可以蘸(dip) 一些甜的炼乳(sweet condensed milk)。Sounds like another guilty pleasure! 梅莉说下次来青岛,一定要Anne带她去尝尝这个“炼乳小馒头”,梅莉也答应在法国要当tour guide(导游),一起吃遍各种美味。·condensed /kənˈdenst/ adj.(液体)浓缩的请留言告诉我们:你有什么好吃的面包或者馒头推荐给大家呢?
5/15/2024 • 17 minutes, 16 seconds
主播:Anne(中国)+Selah(美国)歌曲:Steady Me每年5月第二个星期天是母亲节(Mother’s Day),今年是在5月12日。母亲节是怎么由来的呢?在国外人们怎么过母亲节?给妈妈送花为什么常选康乃馨呢?01母亲节起源于美国,由来是什么?我们知道,Mother’s Day每年并不是fixed to a specific date(日期并不是固定的),而是在每年的thesecond Sunday of May(5月的第二个星期天)。Mother’s Day最早是一个叫Anna Jarvis的美国人为了honor her own mother(纪念自己母亲)而发起的,她想设立这样一个纪念日来honor thesacrifices mothers made for their children(赞扬母亲对孩子的付出和牺牲)。·sacrifice /ˈsækrɪfaɪs/ n.牺牲Anna的妈妈叫Ann Reeves Jarvis,她除了照顾自己的孩子,还为当地人做了很多。She had establishedsomeclubs(创建了一些社团),教育当地女性how to properly care for their children(如何以适当的方式照顾孩子)。Building on her mother’s work and legacy(在母亲的事业和她留下的这种精神的基础上),安娜发起了一些运动,让母亲节成为一个法定的节日。She made it!·build on 以…为基础·legacy /ˈleɡəsi/ n.遗产;遗留02在美国,母亲节礼物会送什么?和中国很像,在美国children will give mothers gifts and flowers,花儿的话一般会送carnations(康乃馨)。Other popular gifts include chocolates, jewelry, clothing, and beauty products.·jewelry /ˈdʒuːəlri/ n.珠宝人们还会选择personalized gifts(“私人定制”的礼物),比如custom photo albums (定制相册)或handmade things(手工制品)。礼轻情意重,重点是expressyourlove!·personalized /ˈpɜːrsənəlaɪzd/ adj.个性化的Mother’s Day cards(母亲节贺卡)也是对母亲表达爱意与感谢(express love and gratitude)的一种方式。Anne说她在小时候送给过妈妈一些贺卡,her mom could keep and cherish them for years!妈妈会一直保存并珍惜孩子的这份心意。Mothers love gifts made by their children themselves.·gratitude /ˈɡrætɪtuːd/ n.感激;感谢·cherish/ˈtʃerɪʃ/ v.珍惜;重视03美国人怎么过母亲节? 很多家庭会use the occasion(利用这个时机),gather for a special meal,进行一个特别的聚餐。在家里,有些家务活儿可能typically handled by mother(通常由妈妈处理),在这一天家庭成员也会take over the household chores(分担一些家务)。但是建议大家don’t just do it on mother’s day only! 平常没事就可以帮妈妈做点事情,it should be a habit!还有的儿女会在这一天cook for their mom,让妈妈从平常忙碌的事务中休息休息,give her a break from her usual responsibilities。·household /ˈhaʊshoʊld/ adj.家庭的,日常的如果没法陪在妈妈身边过节,可以和妈妈打视频电话。不难想象,今天可能是one of busiest days of the year for phone calls(全年通话量最高的一天之一)!也可以为妈妈安排一些放松身心的活动,应该没有妈妈会拒绝spa days,再来个beauty treatments(美容)。Andmany places also have sales(很多地方也都会打折)。也可以进行一些outdoor activities(室外活动),如果天气不错,可以带妈妈去郊游,就像小时候妈妈带我们郊游一样,take your mom on a picnic, or on a hike, or take her to a park!04 主播们的母亲节安排 Selah会和herparents and all 4 ofher siblings(父母和4个兄弟姐妹)一起过,他们会划着paddle boards(划桨板),spending time outside,一家人一起泛舟湖上,溯游玩乐。·sibling /ˈsɪblɪŋ/ n. 兄弟姐妹·paddle /ˈpædl/ n. 桨;船桨Selah说:“Paddle Boarding is one of my Mom’s favorite activities, so we thought this would be perfect for her.”的确,that’s a very personalizedMother’sDay!是给妈妈“特别定制”的一个母亲节。另外,Selah还为妈妈准备了鲜花,打算cook her a meal(为妈妈做一顿饭)。Anne也为妈妈准备了鲜花,要送carnations给妈妈,并且还要give her a massage,自己在家为妈妈做个按摩,真是一个特别的spa day!05 除了康乃馨,这种花也代表母爱 Selah和Anne都打算送康乃馨给妈妈,看来carnations are popular both in America and in China。康乃馨是“母亲之花”(the flower of mother),代表母爱(maternal love),因为它象征(symbolize)很多美好的品质,比如purity(纯洁),love,and endurance(韧性)等。They doremind people ofgreatmothers!能让人联想到motherhood。·maternal /məˈtɜːrnl/ adj.母亲的·endurance /ɪnˈdʊrəns/ n.耐力;忍耐力·motherhood/ˈmʌðərhʊd/ n.母性;母亲身份在中华文化里有一种花symbolizes motherhood——萱草花(Hemerocallis fulva),also known as(也叫做)“忘忧草”。Itis said that it canmake people forget their worries(据说它可以让人忘记忧愁). 在古代,当母亲思念在外漂泊的游子(wandering children)时,就会种植萱草花来解忧(torelieve their worries)。It seems that萱草花is Chinese mother flower!·wandering /ˈwɑːndərɪŋ/ adj.流浪的;漂泊的·relieve /rɪˈliːv/ v.解除,减轻06 “中华母亲节”是哪一天?其实在中国,we have our own traditional Mother’s Day!我们也有“中华母亲节”,it’s onthe 2nd day of the fourth lunar month(是在农历的四月初二这一天),据说这一天是孟母生孟子(Mencius)的日子。Just like Confucius (孔子), Mencius is also a famouseducationist (教育家) in ancient China.我们知道“孟母三迁”的故事,孟母为了find a good environment for herson’s best education(为了孟子更好的教育), she moved her residence three times(搬了3次家)。孟母为了孩子sacrificed a lot,她是一位伟大的母亲,that’s why Mencius’ birthday is considered as Chinese Mother’s Day。·residence /ˈrezɪdəns/ n.住宅;住所No matter what culture you’re from,母爱都能resonate with people(引起人们的共鸣),是伟大而永恒的爱。孩子对妈妈的心意,不管用什么方式表达,也都是超越文化的。·resonate /ˈrezəneɪt/ v.产生共鸣请留言告诉我们:在母亲节这一天,你打算怎么过呢?
5/12/2024 • 14 minutes, 25 seconds
主播:Anne(中国)+Erin(美国)歌曲:24/7,365这期我们来聊聊工作,morespecifically(更具体一点),都有哪些工作可以称得上是decent jobs(体面工作)。01 “高大上”的工作Prestigious Jobs比如在国内,有一些工作are considered not only decent(被认为不仅体面),而且被认为是moreprestigious than others(比别的工作更光鲜),比如university professors(大学教授)和doctors(医生)。• decent /ˈdiːsənt/ adj.体面的• prestigious /presˈtɪdʒəs/ adj.有声望的,受尊敬的聊起工作,主播Erin说:It’s actually so funny that you brought this up, my friends and I were just talking about this a few days ago!(你提起了这事很有意思,我前几天还刚刚跟朋友讨论过这个问题)• bring up v.提起In terms of(关于)哪些工作是prestigious(光鲜)而且successful(成功的),西方的看法和我们也是prettysimilar(比较相似),比如lawyers, doctors and professors(律师、医生和教授)这些职业arehighly valued(被高度重视的)。因为这些professions(职业)compared to(比起)只有一个regularbachelor’s degree(普通的本科学历),需要many extra years of education and training(很多年额外的教育和培训)。在北美,medical school(医学院)在大学毕业后takes at least four years(至少需要四年),law school(法学院)至少需要三年,而且还要经过多年的培训才可以成为一个fully licensed andpracticing(完全获得执照许可并从业的)医生或律师。• licensed /ˈlaɪsənst/ adj.有执照的;已获得许可的• practicing /ˈpræktɪsɪŋ/ adj.执业的人们会拿他们毕业后的the amount of student debt(学生贷款的数额)开玩笑,但因为这些职业pay so well(挣得很多),itusually ends up paying for itself(通常会把学费挣回来)!• debt/det/ n.借款;债务02 蓝领工作Blue-Collar Jobs蓝领工作是lessprestigious(没那么光鲜),但也是一个popular career choice(热门职业选择),而且也可以是well-paid(挣得很多)。• blue-collar adj.蓝领的;从事体力工作的一些蓝领工作有:carpenters(木工),electricians(电工),plumbers(管道工),welders(焊工)。• carpenter/ˈkɑːrpɪnt̬ər/ n.木匠;木工• electrician/ˌɪlekˈtrɪʃən/ n.电工• plumber /ˈplʌmər/ n.管道工;水暖工• welder /ˈweldər/ n.焊工在美国,on average(平均起来),a plumber makes about 56,000 dollarsannually(一个管道工大约每年赚56000美金)。• annually/ˈænjuəli/ adv.每年但一个more experienced(更有经验的)管道工可以赚到more than a hundred thousand US dollars(超过十万美金)!在加拿大,管道工的average salary(平均工资)也能达到每年60000加币,或者时薪30加币,that’s already higher than a lot of entry-level desk jobs(已经比很多入门级的办公室职位都要高了),尤其当你是create your own thriving business(自己创业之后)。• experienced/ɪkˈspɪəriənst/ adj.经验丰富的;有阅历的• entry-level adj.初级水平的• desk job n.办公室工作• thriving /ˈθraɪvɪŋ/ adj.兴旺的;繁荣的还有一些工作,比如elevator mechanics(电梯机械师),一直是on high demand(需求量很大)。类似的工作属于niche jobs,就是指有点小众,需要特殊技能或专业知识,并且能满足特定需求的工作。It’s a very specialized(专门的)job that requires specialized skills.• mechanic/məˈkænɪk/ n.技师;机工;机械师• niche/niːʃ/ adj.针对特定客户群的;细分的• specialized/ˈspeʃəlaɪzd/ adj.专门的;专科的03 IT工作/程序员Software Engineers主播Erin在学校曾经学的是computer science major(计算机专业),因为她父亲就是一位software engineer(程序员),所以她也是exposed to coding at a young age(从小对编程耳濡目染)。• computer science n.计算机科学• software engineer n.程序员• beexposed to v.接触到• coding /ˈkoʊdɪŋ/ n.编程很多software engineers(程序员)可以make six figures(有六位数的收入),也是一个well-paying job(挣钱多的工作)。但是现在对于计算机专业学生来说,the job market is tough(就业市场艰难)。There are more computer science majors than there are jobs available.(计算机专业学生的数量比工作岗位多。)• figure /ˈfɪɡjər/ n.数字;位数• job market n.就业市场• tough /tʌf/ adj.困难的;棘手的而且还有一个big worry(很大的担忧)就是有一些计算机工作can be replaced by AI(可以被AI取代)。很多计算机公司正在经历massive layoffs(大规模裁员),因此,as of right now(就目前而言),程序员这个工作是no longer considered very stable(不再像以往大家认为的那样很稳定)。• layoff /ˈleɪɑːf/ n.解雇;裁员所以主播Erin目前在考虑switching to a humanities major (转到一个人文类专业),去追求自己的热爱。最后归根结底,到底什么才是体面工作呢?There is no one right answer to this question, and the definition of decent jobs is constantly changing.这个问题没有一个正确答案,而且体面工作的定义也在不断改变。As long as you’re doing legitimate work, your job should be respected!只要你付出的是合法正当的劳动,你的工作都应该得到尊重!• legitimate /lɪˈdʒɪtɪmət/ adj.合法的;正当的请留言告诉我们:关于国外的体面工作,你还有哪些想了解的呢?
5/8/2024 • 10 minutes, 53 seconds
主播:Flora(中国)+Selah(美国)歌曲:Time To Shine最近,很流行一种说法:人生是旷课,人生是旷工。这种说法从何而来?这句话原话其实是“人生是旷野,不是轨道”(“Life is more of a wilderness than a track.”),它的意思是说人生的旅程不是沿着一条固定的轨道前行,而是像wilderness(旷野)一样充满了各种uncertainties and changes(不确定性和变化)。• wilderness /ˈwɪldərnəs/ n.未开发的地区,荒野• track /træk/ n.足迹,车辙;(铁路的)轨道• uncertainty /ʌnˈsɜːrt(ə)nti/ n.无把握;拿不定的事01. 何来旷野?人生像wilderness一样充满了各种uncertainties and changes。Itcompares life to a wilderness(将人生比作了旷野)because it does have a lot of uncertainties and infinite possibilities.• compare... to...将……比作……• infinite /ˈɪnfɪnət/ adj.无限的,无穷尽的• possibility /ˌpɑ:səˈbɪləti/ n.可能,可能性02. 何来轨道?Itcompares life to a track, because in China, society and families expect a lot from young people. 比如就家庭而言,一些家长希望他们的孩子能进入大学,之后按部就班地考公、考编或者考研。尽管可能很多孩子并不是很适合大学的教育,与之相比他们可能更适合从事技术类的工作。They could go straight to a trade school (职业学校)or start working full time. But there are a lot of expectations (期待) and pressure(压力).所以很多时候可能因为不想辜负那些的期待,很多年轻人从而选择了可能不是自己最喜欢的那条路。主播Selah认为,that sounds really sad,because you are signing up for a life you are living for someone else, not for yourself(因为你选择活在别人的期待里,而不是活出自己的人生)!主播Flora也认为,有些人花费了人生很多的时间,想到了让父母开心、家人开心,结果却没能做到让自己开心。• sign up注册;登记03.在美国,有没有类似的社会和家庭对年轻人的期待?其实,美国也是有一些societal and familial expectations(社会和家庭的期待),而且它们也会influence young people's life trajectories(人生轨迹). 但这些cultural norms and expectations也是受很多因素影响的,比如region(地区), socio-economic background(社会经济背景),ethnicity(种族特点),and individual family diversities(个人家庭的差异).• trajectory /trəˈdʒektəri/n. 轨迹;轨道线• norm /nɔ:rm/ n.社会准则,行为规范• ethnicity /eθˈnɪsəti/ n.种族渊源,种族特点• individual /ˌɪndɪˈvɪdʒuəl/ adj.个别的;个人的• diversity /daɪˈvɜ:rsəti/ n.多样性,多样化1. Some families may have specific career aspirations for their children.一些家庭可能会对他们的孩子有特定的职业期待。It depends on that family and what dreams they have for their kids.Sometimes they will want them to take on the family business (有的家庭会想让孩子继承家业) , others want them to do what they are doing(有些家庭让他们做自己想做的就可以), others just want them to do something that gives them the most money or freedom (还有些家庭希望自己的孩子能做一些薪资高而且比较自由的工作),like a doctor, engineer or lawyer (像医生、工程师和律师). • specific /spəˈsɪfɪk/ adj.明确的,具体的• aspiration /ˌæspəˈreɪʃ(ə)n/ n.渴望,抱负,志向• depend on取决于• take on 承担;获得主播Flora表示非常可以理解这些职业期待,因为在中国,也有许多家长希望他们的孩子去从事一些特定的行业,比如医生、教师等等。她分享了自己的经历:Duringher college years,her mom expectedher to become a teacher in a public school after graduation(当学校的老师). And thenFlora’s mother hadFlora prepare forthe license exam (让她去准备资格证考试).Finally, she found that she cannot go against her heart to do something that she doesn’t like (她发现她没办法违背自己的内心去做自己不喜欢的事情).• go against不同意,违背Selah也分享了自己的看法:Not everyone is made for every profession! We all have different passions and talents for a reason (我们都在不同的方面有着不同的热情和天赋). It would not be good if all of us were doctors or all of us teachers.• passion /ˈpæʃ(ə)n/ n.激情,热情• talent /ˈtælənt/ n.天赋,才能2. They might expect their children to achieve certain milestones by certain ages.他们可能会期望他们的孩子在特定的年龄取得特定的里程碑。很多的美国年轻人差不多都是在18-19的时候pursue higher education(继续高等教育)。很多年轻人通常会在their early to mid-20s(20岁出头到25岁左右)的时候enter the workforce(开始工作),然后通常会在their mid to late 20s(25-30岁时)achieve financial independence(实现经济独立)。• pursue /pərˈsu:/ v.追求;继续• financial /faɪˈnænʃ(ə)l/ adj.财政的,金融的据说,美国的父母会在孩子18岁的时候separate their children from their own families(让孩子和自己分开),并且会ask them to provide for themselves(让他们自己养活自己)。但现在这种情况也变了,because it is getting very expensive to live on your own(一个人住成本非常高),more and more young people are having to live with their parents longer(越来越多的年轻人不得不延长跟父母住在一起的时间)。 • separate /ˈseprət/ v.(使)分离• provide /prəˈvaɪd/ v.供养,提供生计现在的就业压力和形势下,全球的年轻人都面临着很大的压力,经济独立确实是越来越难了,这是事实。因此,这些milestones的实现阶段其实是要不断随着时代的变化而变化的。Things are more fluid (易变的) and not as set in stone (不是一成不变的), much of it depends on what that person’s life situation is. 在一些人生阶段如果你没有完成一些相应的milestones,也没有关系。有一句话说的非常好“每个人都有自己的时区,一切都是最好的安排。”Everyone is running their own race, in their own time. They are in their time zone, and you are in yours (他们都在自己的时区,你也是). • fluid /ˈflu:ɪd/ adj.易变的,不稳定的• zone /zoʊn/ n.(有某特色或作用的)地区;时区In the US,after graduating high school,some will attend college and start their 4 year degrees at the age of 40 or even older (有人会在40岁以后再开始读大学).It’s very normal and nobody would think it’s weird.有些人会take a gap year,暂停学业或者工作,去旅行、看看这个世界,去探索一下whattheyare passionate about(他们热衷于做的事情)。• normal /ˈnɔ:rm(ə)l/ adj.正常的• gap n.(时间上的)间隔;空白• passionate /ˈpæʃənət/ adj.热诚的,狂热的04.人生是“旷野”和“轨道”的结合It can be scary togo off the track (偏离轨道), butalso very rewarding and worth it. In the end, many people learn a lot and are very shaped by it (很受其影响). Life is an adventure worth embarking on (生命是值得一试的冒险活动)! 但是,如果你想去旅行的话也要考虑budget(预算),再次就业会不会有困难等等,可千万不要头脑一热,然后说走就走。• go off离开,离去• rewarding /rɪˈwɔ:rdɪŋ/ adj.值得的,有意义的• adventure /ədˈventʃər/ n.冒险(经历),奇遇• embark on开始(一段旅程或时间发生的事)人生的旷野可不是真的“旷工”和“旷课”。There is a level of preparation you have to do, even in a gap year.所以如果你想抱着“YOLO”(you only live once)的心态,“play hookey on life”对生活放任自流的话,真的要多思考一下了。• hookey /ˈhʊki/ n.(非正式)逃学,旷课之所以出现“人生是旷工”这种说法,是因为有人把当下的“difficult work”简单地定义为“track”(轨道),而把“unexplored unknown”(一些没有探索过的未知领域)叫做“wilderness”(旷野),把它当成心目中的理想国。然后不多加考虑就果断抛弃“轨道”去追寻“旷野”了,这恐怕是有一定风险的。比如,一些年轻人裸辞去旅行,想要寻找内心的那片“旷野”,旅程还没过半却发现自己的预算已经不足了。就算预算没问题的,回来再求职谋生,结果却发现自己再找不到像当初那份这么适合自己的工作了。People can always feel like the grass is greener on the other side (得不到的才是最好的).But there isalwaysfun and difficulty to everything. Being in the wilderness of life is exciting but also unpredictable. A track can also be fun and wilderness can also bedifficult.• unexplored /ˌʌnɪkˈsplɔːrd/ adj.未勘查过的;未经彻底研究(或探讨)的• unknown /ˌʌnˈnoʊn/ adj.未知的,未被确认的• unpredictable /ˌʌnprɪˈdɪktəb(ə)l/ adj.无法预测的,不定的“旷野”和“轨道”之间其实也没有严格的界限,人生更多的时候是“旷野”和“轨道”的结合。人总能找到一条适合自己的道路,不管是哪一条,只要坚持走下去,都有可能行至开阔。请留言告诉我们:你是怎么看待“旷野”和“轨道”的呢?
5/4/2024 • 13 minutes, 19 seconds
国际劳动节的起源国(美国), 五一竟然不放假?!
一席文化出品欢迎订阅、收藏、点赞,给主播投月票。主播:Anne(中国)+Selah(美国)歌曲:Sliver Platter今天是五一国际劳动节(International Worker’s Day),我们终于迎来了五天假期!We have a five-day holiday, or five days off!虽然五一劳动节originated from the US(起源于美国),但是美国人却不过五一,也不放假,they still have to go to work today.那么,美国人的劳动节是哪一天?“五一国际劳动节”的由来是什么?本期内容让我们一起来了解一下吧!01五一国际劳动节的由来“五一国际劳动节”的英语是International Labor Day(国际劳动节),或者是May Day。在1886年5月1日,芝加哥(Chicago)爆发(broke out)了一场workers’ strike movement,最后结果the workers’ victory,工人们取得了胜利,争取到了一些rights(权利)。此后人们为了纪念5月1日这一天,it spread to the whole world,传遍了全世界,很多国家也开始celebratethis holiday。·strike /straɪk/ n.罢工02美国的劳动节是哪一天?美国人虽然不过五一劳动节,但是they have their own Labor Day,是在first Monday in September(九月的第一个星期一),他们会放一天假,they haveone day off。这个Labor Day比五一国际劳动节的起源要早一些,是在1882年9月4日,发起者是纽约的labor union(工会),目的是demand better working conditions(要求更好的工作条件)。虽然中国和美国的劳动节不同,但有一件事是相同的(we have one thing in common):we all love holidays!03五一出游,看景还是看人?说到五一安排,相信很多人会像我们的主播Anne一样,visit some tourist attractions,去打卡一些旅游景点。当然,景点难免会crowded with people,尤其是在节假日,especiallyover the holidays。我们虽然嘴上complain about the tourist attractions being crowded(抱怨人多),but we’d go anyway,但一到放假还是会奔着景点去旅游,而且有的时候既是看景,也是看人。It’s sight-seeing and people-watching at the same time.·attraction/əˈtrækʃn/n. 具有吸引力的事物或人04美国人过假期和中国有什么不同?在中国,除了过年,放假最长的两个节日就是“五一”(May Day)和“十一”(National Day)了,我们一般会利用假期go travelling。在美国,人们要根据不同节日来决定要不要go travelling, it depends on the holiday。因为美国文化具有多元性(diversity),人们的cultural background(文化背景)和religion(宗教信仰)等存在不同,so they celebrate the holidays in very different ways。·diversity/daɪˈvɜːrsəti/ n.多样性;不同而且,美国人会take holidays whenever they want,想放假时就给自己放个假,they will notnecessarily wait until the decided holiday,不必非得等到某个固定的节假日,放假全看自己的喜好(personal preference)。在美国,有些节假日适合出游,有些节日是“stay-at-home holiday”。像Christmas(圣诞节)和Thanksgiving(感恩节)就比较适合探亲,people will travel to see their families。在summer vacation(暑假)、Memorial Day(阵亡将士纪念日)、Presidents’Day(总统日),或者long weekends, spring break(春假)和fall break(秋假)是比较适合出游的,these holidays are times for Americans to travel。在中国,我们假期出游有时会全家一起出动,也会带上家里的老人,但是在美国,it is not typical,这是不太常见的。Unless(除非)这个人是没法be active on their own,没有足够的自理能力;或者在一些special occasion(特殊场合),比如特别有纪念意义的日子,usually they will not travel together with the elders。05美国的公路旅行(road trip)是什么样的?在美国,人们会pile into their car,打包行李,装进车里,drive long distances,开长途,一路上随心地开着车,走走停停看风景,stop along the way whenever you feel like it。并且还会找到很多unseen parts(别人没有看过的地方)。When you find a place that not many people know, it’s the best feeling. Also a good part isjunk food, 还可以在路上狂吃垃圾食品。·pile /paɪl/ v.堆放;装入;摞起·unseen /ˌʌnˈsiːn/ adj.看不见的;未被发现的我们的主播Selah上周就进行了一次road trip,她去了加利福尼亚州的圣地亚哥,she decided to go to the beach!在车里,可以sing loud songs,大声唱歌,可以spend quality time with the people you love(与爱的人一起消磨美好时光)。It’s not always about the destination. It’s about the journey.不在乎目的和终点,尽情享受旅行的过程才是最重要的。·quality /ˈkwɑːləti/ adj.优质的;高质量的·destination/ˌdestɪˈneɪʃn/ n.目的地;终点06美国的露营旅行(camping trip)是什么样的?不管在中国还是在美国,人们最近都比较喜欢go camping trips(去露营旅行)。Anne说在青岛,人们会take a tent (帐篷) , chairs and tables,坐在海边(sit by the ocean),吹着海风,特别惬意。在美国,a camping trip will be in the mountains or a more remote location(人们通常是在山里露营),全国各地都会有campsites(露营地),但是需要reserve(预约),一定要reserve ahead of time(提前预约)。·remote /rɪˈmoʊt/ adj.遥远的;偏远的·campsite/ˈkæmpsaɪt/ n.营地;野营地·reserve/rɪˈzɜːrv/ v.预订,预约很多外国人还喜欢爬“野山”。Anne提到自己在国外的一次露营经历:A friend took her to a mountain,她以为会是像崂山那种已经“开发”好的山,but it was not! In the beginning she was already a bit skeptical(一开始Anne就已经觉得有点可疑),因为他们带了heavy backpacks,里面有cooking pot, tent等等很多东西。It was very remote (非常遥远),no buses,他们只能bike there(骑自行车到达那里)。接下来他们还要hike for 20 km才能到达the camping site(露营地),并且那里人烟罕至,there was literally no one on the mountain like only one or two occasionally。 ·skeptical/ˈskeptɪkl/ adj.怀疑的;心存疑惑的这可以说是非常意外的一次爬山经历了,it wasdefinitely not what she expected!当然这也是一次new experience(全新的体验),it’s a good way to reset,是一次“重启”自我的旅行,能够让人reconnect with nature,与大自然“重连”,全身心地亲近自然。·reset/ˌriːˈset/ v.重置;调整·reconnect/ˌriːkəˈnekt/ v.再连接请留言告诉我们:这个五一小长假你打算怎么度过呢?
5/1/2024 • 13 minutes, 16 seconds
一席文化出品欢迎关注、订阅,为主播投月票主播:Wendi(中国)+Erin(美国)歌曲:Flowers之前我们谈到过一些在美国的unexpected realities(意想不到的事),今天我们就继续来聊一聊在美国与开车有关的unexpected realities。01 The US is a country on wheels. 美国是一个车轮上的国家。在美国,除了像New York、Chicago这种非常modern的城市,基本上都需要开车出门。It is basically impossible to go anywhere without a car!我们的主播Erin提到,她小时候住在New Jersey时,需要开车至少10分钟(at least 10 minutes)才能到最近的商店(the nearest store),感觉不是特别方便。在中国,最近的便利店(convenience store)一般就在楼下或者小区里,可以直接go downstairs for a snack(下楼买零食)。而在美国买chips(薯片)一般也需要开车,这对懒人可有点不太友好。·convenience /kənˈviːniəns/ n. 方便;便利02 There is not a lot of security cameras in the US.美国的道路监控很少。在美国的道路上,很少有security cameras(监控)。即使是在stop lights(信号灯)上,也很少有camera’s capturing(监控抓拍)。What if someone runs a red light?如果有人闯红灯怎么办?Erin说那就只能全凭自觉了。It is all up to you if you are unlucky enough to be seen by a police officer (不幸被交警看到).·capture /ˈkæptʃər/ v.捕获;拍摄·run a red light 闯红灯道路千万条,安全第一条。不管在哪儿开车,大家还是要自觉遵守交通规则!03 There is not really traffic police in the US.美国没有“交警”。在美国的道路上没有“交警”(traffic police),通常是police officer(警察)beon duty to manage traffic(分管交通)。Erin说在路上开车时,有时能看到a police vehicle pulls somebody over(警察让别人靠边停车)。的确,“pull over”(靠边停车)在美剧中也经常出现,一般是一辆警车跟在后面拉警笛让你pull over,可能是因为超速或者other problems。·on duty 值班,执勤·pull over(驾车者)靠路边停车有时,警察will be in a parked car on the side of a road(将呆在停在路边的车上),watching to make sure nobody is speeding(观察并确保没有人超速行驶)。当然,我们还经常在美剧中看到这样的桥段:警察把车停在路边,观察行人和车辆,同时嘴里还吃着donut(甜甜圈)。They must get hungry at sometime and have a snack!·speed /spiːd/ v.加速;超速驾驶所以说,美国所谓的“交警”,实际上they are not specifically trained for traffic(他们没有接受交通方便相关培训),他们都是regular police officers,只不过那天恰好beon traffic duty(在道路交通领域值岗)。04 You will see wild animals run out in the middle of the road when driving in the US. 在美国道路上行驶时会看见野生动物。在美国的道路上开车时,可能会看到a deer run out in the middle of the road(路中央有一头鹿窜出来)。如果人们能及时地(in time)看到鹿出现,通常会stop and wait for deer to cross(停下来并等鹿过完再行驶)。But sometimes there isn’t enough time (当时间不充足时), and an accident will occur (就会出现事故).这有时会非常危险,所以会设置road signs(路牌)来提示there is deer in the area(附近有鹿出现),使司机提高警惕(be on high alert)。·alert /əˈlɜːrt/ adj.警惕的;警觉的除了野鹿,甚至还能在路上看到野鸭子!Erin有一次就见到a mother duck crossing the road with her baby ducks(一只鸭妈妈带着小鸭子过马路)。美国真的是有很多野生动物,不只在道路上,Erin often sees bunnies (兔子) and squirrels (松鼠) in her backyard, and in parks。05 Drivers will have to stop way behind a school bus if they see a school bus stopping. 在美国看到校车停在路边,隔着很远也要停车。我们经常看到校车上有“Stop”的牌子。在美国,it is illegal to go past the school bus on any side (从停着的校车两侧驶过是违法的),直到等校车发动后,其他车才可以继续行驶。这是出于安全考虑(for safety reasons),刚刚提到“America is a country on wheels”,在美国there are a lot of children getting on or off the school bus(很多小孩乘坐校车),让司机停下来等待校车是为了确保(ensure)学生过马路(cross the road)或上下车的安全。国外学生上学的交通方式与国内不太一样,他们要么ride the school bus(乘坐校车),要么get driven by their parents(由私家车接送)。再大一些的学生,就可以get their licenses(考取驾照)并且drive themselves(自己开车)了。国内坐校车的学生可能不是majority(大多数),可能更多会选择坐公交或地铁,离家近的学生一般直接步行上学。Erin记得有一次在路上遇到一个司机did not stop behind a school bus(没有在校车后停车),并且直接drove around it(绕过校车行驶),当时Erin车上的司机got really mad(非常生气),开始冲那个司机叫喊(yelling at him)并且鸣笛(honking the horn)。在美国,遇到校车却不停车是非常不尊重别人(disrespectful)且不考虑他人的(inconsiderate)行为,更是违法的(illegal)!·honk /hɑːŋk/ v. (使汽车喇叭)鸣响请留言告诉我们:你怎么看美国的交通规则和开车习惯?
4/27/2024 • 9 minutes, 8 seconds
主播:Anne(中国)+Erin(美国)歌曲:Fortnight01“霉霉”泰勒·斯威夫特发布了新专辑4月19日,粉丝们期待已久的泰勒的new album(新专辑)正式发行,专辑名为The Tortured Poets Department(《苦难诗社》),跟电影名DeadPoetsSociety(《死亡诗社》)有异曲同工之妙。整个专辑包含31 completely new songs(31首全新歌曲)。It is a big deal in the US!在美国这可是一个大事件!There were lots of news articles about it as well.(各新闻媒体纷纷报道。)Onearticle by the Washington Post is titled “Taylor Swift Shows No Mercy” 《华盛顿邮报》发布了一篇文章,题为《泰勒·斯威夫特毫不留情》,内容谈到这张专辑让人感觉dark and relentless(黑暗和无情). • album /ˈælbəm/ n.唱片,专辑;相册• mercy /ˈmɜ:rsi/ n.仁慈,宽恕在专辑发行之前,也有相应的宣传活动(promotional campaign)。在Tik Tok上,if you complete certain tasks(完成了所有的任务),like following her(比如说关注泰勒),you will be able to get a profile picture frame(头像框)。• profile /ˈproʊfaɪl/(人头部的)侧面(像)02“霉霉”为新专辑写的发刊词在专辑发行时,Taylor Swift在社交媒体平台上写了一篇简短的诠释。下面我们逐句赏析一下。The Tortured Poets Department. An anthology of new works that reflect events, opinions and sentiments from a fleeting and fatalistic moment in time - one that was both sensational and sorrowful in equal measure. 译:《苦难诗社》这张专辑是一个选集,里面的新歌反映出来的是我经历的事以及自己的观点和情感。这些观点和情感皆来自于一个转瞬即逝的且有宿命感的瞬间,在同等程度上既耸人听闻又令人伤心欲绝。• anthology /ænˈθɑ:lədʒi/ n.(诗、文、曲、画等的)选集• sentiment /ˈsentɪmənt/ n.观点,看法,情绪• fleeting /ˈfli:tɪŋ/ adj.短暂的,飞逝的• fatalistic /ˌfeɪtəˈlɪstɪk/ adj.宿命论的This period of the author's life is now over, the chapter closed and boarded up.译:作者(泰勒本人)生命中的这一时期已经结束,这一章也已关闭并封存。• board up用板围住;用栅木板阻断这里的chapter指的是人生的篇章(a chapter in life)。In English, we use this expression a lot to describe the events and different stages in our life。泰勒说,过去的阶段已经翻篇,现在要start a new chapter in life(开启人生的新篇章)。There is nothing to avenge, no scores to settle once wounds have healed.译:一旦伤口愈合,就没有什么好去报复的,也没有什么旧账去算的了。• heal /hi:l/ v.痊愈,康复;(感情创伤)愈合• avenge /əˈvendʒ/ v.报复,替……报仇“Settle the scores” meansto punish someone for something wrong that they did to you in the past (惩罚某人过去对你犯下的的错误).也许你真的会被身边的人伤得很深,那时候,all you can think about was to avenge(你唯一的想法就是“报复”)。但是就像霉霉所说的,“once your wounds have healed,there’s no need to avenge.” 因为,when you heal your wounds(当你治愈了你的伤口),之后变得stronger and have a better life,那些曾经伤害了你的人won’t matter anymore(就不再重要了)。你需要做的就是,focus on healing yourself first(首先专注于治愈你自己),因为your life matters the most!And upon further reflection, a good number of them turned out to be self-inflicted.译:在进一步反思过后会发现,很多的伤口其实都是自己给自己的。• wound n.伤口• self-inflicted adj.自己造成的This writer is of the firm belief that our tears become holy in the form of ink on a page.译:这位作者(也就是泰勒本人)坚信,眼泪会化成一页墨水,变得神圣。• holy adj.神圣的Once we have spoken our saddest story, we can be free of it.译:一旦我们说出了我们最悲伤的故事,我们就可以从中解脱了。• be free of摆脱And then all that's left behind is the tortured poetry.译:最后留下来的,只有苦难的诗篇。总结为一句话:世界以痛吻我,我却报之以歌。03外国网友的评价“my favourite thing about this album is that she made clear the tortured poets department era was over the minute the album dropped because she’s already solidly in the next extremely happy and in love era.” 这位网友说,这张专辑里TA最喜欢的部分就是,在专辑发行的那一刻,泰勒made clear the tortured poets department era was over(痛苦的过去结束了),she’s already solidly in the next extremely happy and in love era(她坚定地进入了非常幸福和美好的未来。)很多网友对新专辑里下面的这两句歌词感触很深: “I can do it with a broken heart.”“即使心碎,我也能做到。”对于这一句,每一个打工人应该都有体会,无论经历什么样的heartbreak,该上班的时候还得上班。 “I cry a lot, but I am so productive.It’s an art.” “我哭个没完,但是我做事很有效率,这是门艺术。”A lot of fans are relating to this.这种感觉就是,当你break down crying(哭到崩溃的时候),你还要在镜子面前摆个pose,因为你哭的时候也好看,是真实又难过又乐观的感觉。对于这首歌,有网友就评论说:“This is the cry while dancing song.”(这是边哭边跳舞的歌。主播Anne也调侃说:下次难过的时候,我就放这首歌,然后边哭边跳。请留言告诉我们:泰勒的新专你听了吗?《TTPD》哪首歌最戳中你心?欢迎来评论区一起聊聊~
4/23/2024 • 11 minutes
主播:Anne(中国)+Erin(美国)歌曲:Waving At Cars最近有一个新鲜出炉的榜单(a new ranking)叫做“独角兽”,这可不是西方传说里“mythical creature”(神兽),而是指“unicorn enterprises”(独角兽公司)。这个榜单的全称叫“The Global Unicorn Index 2024”(2024全球独角兽榜),到底什么样的公司才能被称为“独角兽”呢? 01什么样的公司能称得上是“独角兽”?公司要有两个criteria(标准)需要满足(to be met),才能称得上是“独角兽”公司。• criteria /kraɪˈtɪriə/ n.标准(criterion的复数)第一个标准,必须是start-up companies(创业公司),而且一定要是privately held(私人拥有的),也就是我们常说的“私企”(private company),并且这些公司还得是not be listed on a public exchange(没有在交易所上市的)。第二个标准,公司的market value(市值)至少要达到十亿美元(must be worth at least 10 billion US dollars)。这样的私企公司可以说是“凤毛麟角”了,it is very rare for private companies!这也就是他们叫做“独角兽”的原因,they are just like unicorns。总的来说,2024全球独角兽榜是a ranking of private start-up companies that are worth more than 1 billion US dollars,并且上榜的公司都是在2000年之后成立(the company should be founded after 2000)。02 全球十大独角兽公司有哪些?最近,ChatGPT的风潮可谓是席卷全网,it istaking over the internet!它背后的公司——OpenAI就位列全球独角兽公司的第三名(itis ranked in the third place)。位列第二的是马斯克的公司SpaceX。这两家公司一个属于artificial intelligence(人工智能)领域,一个属于aerospace(航天)领域。• aerospace /ˈeroʊspeɪs/ n.航空航天工业Tiktok (抖音海外版) is trending all overtheworld.不止在中国,Tiktok在西方的热度也非常高,它隶属于中国的社交媒体公司——字节跳动Bytedance,总部位于北京(based in Beijing)。Itis the biggest and most valuable (最大且最有影响力的) unicorn in the world right now.而且字节跳动已经是No.1for three consecutive years(连续三年的榜首)了,难怪都说现在是the age of short-form video content(短视频时代)。• consecutive /kənˈsekjətɪv/ adj.连续的下面这些公司的排名在前10,比如说:阿里巴巴旗下的蚂蚁集团,腾讯旗下的数字银行微众银行,快时尚电商公司、收购了部分Forever 21的Shein,平面设计网站Canva,以及一些金融类的公司。From fast-fashion and graphic design companies (快速时装和平面设计公司) to financial and blockchain companies (到金融公司和区块链公司) ,we could be using a lot of their services in our everyday lives!• blockchain 区块链据统计,在全部1453家独角兽公司中(out of the total 1453 companies),703 are located in US(美国有703家),中国有340家,印度有67家。中美两国加起来就占了全球的四分之三(accounts for three quarters of the unicorns worldwide)。独角兽公司的具体城市分布:San Franciscohas the highest number of unicorns(旧金山的独角兽公司最多),接下来的是New York、北京和上海。03 独角兽公司涉及到哪些行业和领域呢?AI has become one of the fastest-growing sectors (增长最快的行业) in 2023. 除了AI,独角兽公司还涉及到了其他很多领域。比如在中国,独角兽公司主要集中在semiconductors(半导体)和new energy(新能源)领域。在美国,software services(软件服务)、financial technology(金融科技)以及health technology(健康科技)是比较热门的行业。• semiconductor /ˈsemikəndʌktər/ n.半导体有些独角兽公司我们might have heard of them(可能听说过)或者might have used their services(可能用过他们的服务),但是可能从未意识到it’s a unicorn enterprise。比如,“小红书”(the little red book)就是一家独角兽公司。以后在手机上scroll on(刷)小红书的时候,可以想象we’re involved in the business of a billion-dollar company(想象自己参与了市值十亿美元公司的商业活动),是不是感觉刷小红书这件事瞬间变得非常“高大上”了呢。除了social media sector(社交媒体领域),中国的饮料公司(the Chinese beverage companies)其实也在going strong in the ranking(领跑全球)。比如瑞幸咖啡、蜜雪冰城、喜茶以及元气森林等,they are all in the top 100 biggest unicorns in the world!• beverage /ˈbevərɪdʒ/ n.饮料本以为“独角兽公司榜单”跟我们的日常生活没什么关系,但了解以后发现thesemulti-billion companies are actually pretty connected with our everyday lives(其实与我们的日常生活也是息息相关的)!。请留言告诉我们:你还了解哪些独角兽公司?
4/21/2024 • 8 minutes, 53 seconds
之前的节目,我们谈到过北美生活和我们的有所不同,这期节目我们来聊聊北美的boba or milk tea shops(奶茶店)、legal age to drink(法定饮酒年龄),以及在北美为什么人们wear shorts and T-shirts in the winter time(冬天也穿短袖短裤)。01 Boba or milk tea shops 奶茶店奶茶店在中国的大街小巷随处可见,其实在北美也到处都有奶茶店(they are literally everywhere)! 不止我们爱喝奶茶,外国人也喜欢喝奶茶。They even have bubble tea shopsin the college cafés (大学的饮品区).饮品区的奶茶也是留学生的最爱,但它们might not taste good(可能没有那么好喝),因为它们看起来是那种有“塑料感”的奶茶(the milk teas that have like very artificial colors)。·artificial/ˌɑːrtɪˈfɪʃ(ə)l/ adj.人工的;人造的They’re cheaper (价格更便宜) and look very artificial (看起来像是加了很多人工的配料). They don’t taste as good as the ones in China (味道没有国内的好).不过asmore and more Asian people go there(随着越来越多亚洲人的到来),奶茶店的质量(quality)得到了升级(it’sgetting an upgrade)。Anne说她学校旁边的奶茶店这两年就是replaced with a really fancy Asian bubble tea shop(被换成了一家比较高级的奶茶店)。·quality /ˈkwɑːləti/ n.质量;品质·upgrade /ˌʌpˈɡreɪd/ v.升级;提高不仅仅是亚洲人爱奶茶,the locals(当地人)love it too,经常能看到the locals lining up for bubble tea(排队等着取奶茶)。在我们的想象中,外国学生放学可能会hang out at the coffee shops(在咖啡馆坐着闲聊)或者social一下。But no! They hang out at the bubble tea shops now!02 Legal age to drink 法定饮酒年龄在美国,the legal age to drink(喝酒的法定年龄)是21岁,只有年龄达到21岁才可以buy alcohol(买酒精类产品)。Because it’s so late, many teens have their own fake IDs (假身份证).·alcohol/ˈælkəhɔːl/ n.含酒精的饮料,酒为了能去喝酒、蹦迪(go to the club),很多学生会order fake IDs in groups(团购假身份证件)。有的假证其实是made poorly(做得很糟糕),甚至本人don’t look like their fake photo(跟证件上的照片不太像)。那么用假证件的人会get caught(被抓到)吗?据Erin了解,检查证件的人往往是not too strict with it(没有很严格)。Especially in college towns (特别是在大学城), it is so common (早就司空见惯了)!主播Anne提到,加拿大BC省的法定饮酒年龄是19岁,正是因为与美国的饮酒年龄不太一样,Anne还闹过一个小笑话(an interesting story)。有一次,Anne在美国转机(transferring at an airport in the United States)时刚满20岁,正好是喜欢装酷的年龄,she saw a bar (看到一个吧台), and she sat down and ordered a drink (坐下来点了一杯)。这个时候bartender (调酒师)告诉她是underage(不够年龄的)。Anne一直解释说自己已经20岁了,可以喝酒了,可是调酒师说:“In the US, you can’t drink until you’re 21 (在美国满21岁才可以喝酒).”这个时候Anne才意识到她不是在加拿大。·transfer/trænsˈfɜːr/ v.转移·bartender/ˈbɑːrtendər/ n.调酒师·underage/ˈʌndəreɪdʒ/ adj.未达到法定年龄的当时Anne感觉非常embarrassed(尴尬),而且旁边的人started laughing so hard(开始爆笑),她只好got up and ran(撒腿就跑)。·embarrassed/ɪmˈbærəst/ adj.尴尬的03 Wear shorts and T-shirts in the winter time 在冬天也穿短袖短裤说起这一点,Erin feltcalled out(感觉被点名了)!很多美国人是not afraid of the cold(不畏严寒的),大冬天也穿短裤短袖直接出门。And definitely this one is for Canadians as well (很多加拿大人也是如此).主播Erin就非常喜欢wearing a skirt when out(穿裙子出门),即使it is below freezing(在零下的温度)。但是其实很多美国人也会make jokes about people who do that(取笑那些冬天穿得少的人),说他们会have grandma’s knees at a young age(年纪轻轻膝盖就有毛病),因为constant exposure to cold(经常暴露在空气里)。·constant/ˈkɑːnstənt/ adj.连续发生的;不断的·exposure/ɪkˈspoʊʒər/ n.暴露;显露不过也有人说beauty is worth the price(为了美,这个代价是值得的)。请留言告诉我们:你对北美文化还有什么想了解的内容呢?
4/17/2024 • 9 minutes, 28 seconds
主播:Wendi(中国)+Selah(美国)音乐:Flowers今天,我们聊一下,美国是怎么解决bullying(校园霸凌)的?01学校角度:School Policies and Programs学校政策(1)“反霸凌政策”为了预防校园霸凌,很多美国的学校have implemented anti-bullying policies and programs(实施了“反霸凌政策”)。这些“反霸凌政策”包括clear guidelines on behavior expectations(明确的行为预期准则),definition of what counts as bullying(对霸凌行为的界定),consequences for bullying(霸凌行为的后果)以及ways to report incidents(举报的方式)。有一些学校会有anonymous reporting systems(匿名举报系统),比如说会有hotlines or online forms(热线电话或在线表格)toallow students to report bullyingamay be hesitant to come forward for fear of retaliation to seek help.这可以鼓励那些可能因为害怕报复而不愿站出来寻求帮助的学生。• anonymous /əˈnɑ:nɪməs/ adj.匿名的• retaliation /rɪˌtæliˈeɪʃn/ n.报复,反击也有一些学校会offer educational programs and awareness campaigns(有教育和宣传活动),目的在于to grow a culture of empathy and respect among students(在学生中培养一种充满同情和尊重的文化)。• campaign /kæmˈpeɪn/ n.活动(2)教师及工作人员培训老师的责任也很重要。很多学校的老师和工作人员都会receive training on recognizing and responding to bullying behavior(接受注意到和应对霸凌行为的培训),他们会教给学生 how to create a positive school climate(如何创造一个积极的学校氛围),strategies for dealing with bullying(应对霸凌行为的策略),以及how to support everyone involved(怎么帮助霸凌事件中的学生)。除此之外,许多学校offer support services for both victims and perpetrators of bullying(为受欺凌行为的受害者和施暴者提供支持服务)。这看起来就像是counseling services(咨询服务),peer support groups(同伴支持小组),以及conflict resolution programs(冲突解决项目),总之都是为了solve the root issues of bullying(解决霸凌的根本问题)。• victim /ˈvɪktɪm/ n.受害者• perpetrator /ˈpɜ:rpətreɪtər/ n.犯罪者通常,这些活动可能会包括assemblies(集会),posters(海报宣传),guest speakers(请嘉宾来做一些讲座或者分享),或者是 themed events(主题日活动)。(3)积极应对网络霸凌近年来,随着网络的发展,cyberbullying has also become a bigger issue(网络霸凌已经成为了很严重的一种霸凌形式)。学校和一些组织经常教育学生how to be responsible online(如何在网上负责),并且需要思考what rules are in place for it(如何制定相应的规则)。有些网站或软件have no limitation for young people(对年轻人没有限制),所以他们can receive anything like other adults do(像其他成年人一样收到任何信息),也可以send whatever they want(想发什么就发什么),这样真的很危险。So it’s important to show them some online responsibilities.有一些学校use monitoring software or partner with technology companies(使用监控软件或与科技公司合作)来identify and address online harassment(识别和解决网络骚扰)。• harassment /həˈræsmənt/ n.骚扰02 法律角度:Legislation and Legal Measures 立法和法律措施针对校园霸凌,美国有些州也有明确的legislation(法律规定)。这些法律可能会outline how schools should address bullying(概述学校应该如何解决霸凌问题),provide protections for victims(为受害者提供保护),并且会establish protocols for investigating and addressing reported incidents(建立调查和处理所报告事件的协议)。• protocol /ˈproʊtəkɑːl/ n.协议Colorado(科罗拉多州)requires bullying preventions and education policies by district(要求按学区制定霸凌预防政策),同时也要求each school principal to report annually on their school's bullying policy(学校的校长每年报告自己学校的霸凌政策)。West Virginia(西弗吉尼亚州)require school district administrators to provide anti-harassment policies(要求学区管理者提供反骚扰政策),并且training to staff and volunteers in their schools(要对学校的员工和志愿者进行培训),在反对霸凌方面,西弗吉尼亚州还会提供一定的funding(经费支持)。但即便是有相关的法律措施,this doesn’t mean it always works(也不总是能有效预防校园霸凌的)。面对severe cases of bullying(恶劣的霸凌案件),有的要面对criminal charges(刑事指控)。哪些情况,bullying会被界定为法律案件呢?比如说:physical assault(人身攻击),sexual harassment(性骚扰),extortion or blackmail(敲诈勒索),或者是severe psychological harm(对别人心理上造成的严重伤害)。Different states have different policies though. 不同的州有不同的政策。但大多数州都规定,if the conduct involves a criminal offense or civil infringement(如果犯罪行为涉及刑事犯罪或民事侵权),将会依法进行处罚。而对于那些have not yet reached the level of crime(没有达到犯罪程度的),the school may handle them accordingly in accordance with the campus anti-bullying policy(学校可以依据校园反霸凌政策进行相应处理)。New Jersey and West Virginia(新泽西州和西弗吉尼亚州) 的只是指出了反霸凌政策要包含consequences and treatment for the abuser(施暴者所需承担的后果及相应的治疗措施),但却没有specify what the consequences are(具体说明要承担什么后果)。Georgia(乔治亚州)就明确规定“if a student conducts bullying three times in a school year, he will be assigned to another special school for education”(如果一名学生在一学年中出现三次霸凌行为,就要去特殊学校去接受教育)。Charges can be different based on different conditions.指控可能因情况的不同而有所不同。#案件一:在2019年,一名13岁的男孩被另外两名学生击中头部后受伤,最终死亡。因为这个案件really severe(非常严重),the punishment to everyone involved was rather serious(对所有跟这个案件有关的人的处罚都相当严重):the two abusers were arrested 这两名施虐者被逮捕了;the school principal was removed from the middle school 学校的校长被从中学开除了;the school district was charged to pay $27 million to the legal guardians of the boy 学区被指控向男孩的法定监护人支付2700万美元。#案件二:2021年美国密歇根州有一个15岁的男生,持枪杀害了4名同学。最终,这个男孩was sentenced to life without the possibility of parole(被判终身监禁,不得假释),而他的父母也是were prosecuted(被起诉)。• sentence v.判决• parole /pəˈroʊl/ n.假释#案件三:马萨诸塞州,一名15岁的高中生因为受到了校园霸凌而自杀。其中施暴的五名学生were sentenced to community service on harassment or civil rights charges(因扰乱秩序或民权指控被判接受社区服务)。这个案子当时引发了很大的社会关注,以至于itled to changes with preventing bullying(在预防霸凌方面带来了改变)。2010年,马萨诸塞州因为这个案件,签署了Massachusetts Anti-Bullying Law(马萨诸塞州反霸凌法),这个法律在那个时候成为了the country’s most comprehensive law(最全面的法案)。• comprehensive adj.全面的03 家长角度:Measures for Parents to Prevent or Deal with Bullying家长预防或应对霸凌的措施(1) It is important to have open communication. 开放的交流是很重要的。要鼓励孩子to talk about their experiences at school and online(谈谈在学校和网上的经历),包括任何的concerns or incidents related to bullying(与欺凌行为有关的担心或事件)。Listen attentively and take their concerns seriously. 认真倾听,认真对待他们的担心。Having open communications真的非常重要,尤其是当下,好多孩子spend more time on their phones(花更多的时间在手机上),他们are reluctant to talk to their parents face to face(不愿意与父母面对面交谈)。(2) Educateyourchild.教育孩子,让孩子了解霸凌。教给你的孩子:What bullying is什么是霸凌 The different forms it can take (physical, verbal, social, and cyberbullying) 霸凌的多种表现形式,比如说,身体上的,言语上的以及网络霸凌How to recognize it 如何意识到霸凌行为(3) You should establish clear expectations for behavior.让孩子树立良好的行为规范。要跟孩子emphasize the importance of treating others with empathy and respect(强调有同理心以及尊重他人的重要性),并和孩子一起讨论the consequences of bullying behavior(霸凌行为的后果)。不只是生活中,在互联网上的言行也应该有所控制。如果你担心your child will be bullied(你的孩子会被欺负),你应该equip your child with coping strategies to deal with bullying(为你的孩子准备好应对霸凌的策略),比如说,assertive communication(自信的沟通), seeking help from trusted adults(向值得信赖的成年人寻求帮助), and knowing when to walk away from a potentially harmful situation(以及知道什么时候该摆脱潜在的有害处境)。要鼓励他们to develop strong social support network(发展强大的社会支持网络)。父母不仅是要避免孩子成为施暴者,也要防止他受到霸凌的伤害。父母can be a positive role model,要以身作则,为孩子树立榜样,一方面教育孩子要be kind,不要成为施暴者,另一方面要能够让孩子resolve conflicts peacefully and constructively(平和地,有效地解决冲突),不要成为受害者。总之,不管是家长还是孩子,如果遇到无法解决的问题,don't hesitate to seek support from school counselors(学校辅导员), mental health professionals(心理健康专家), 或者是 support groups for parents of bullied children(为受霸凌儿童的父母提供支持的组织)。You don’t have to navigate the situation alone. 你不必独自应对。一旦发生霸凌,每个人都有责任。 Local organizations(当地组织), parents, and law enforcement agencies(执法机构) can all work with schools to develop ways to prevent and address bullying(制定预防和解决霸凌行为的方法).• navigate /ˈnævɪɡeɪt/ v.应付(困难处境)请留言告诉我们:对于校园霸凌,你怎么看?有哪些好的应对方案?
4/14/2024 • 20 minutes, 3 seconds
主播:Anne(中国)+ Selah(美国)歌曲:EternalSunshine前阵子在开封有个线下的相亲综艺节目挺火的,叫《王婆说媒》。那“说媒”用英语怎么说呢?通常我们讲两个人很配,是天生一对,就会用到“说媒”matchmaking这个词。那媒婆就是matchmaker。01 西方有类似于“媒婆”的职业吗?实际上,在现代西方世界里,传统意义上的媒婆不常见了,但是matchmaking(婚介)这项服务人们还是离不开的,比如online dating platforms(线上交友平台),这相当于咱们国内的世纪佳缘。还有一些matchmaking agencies(婚介机构)以及dating apps(交友软件)。有很多人通过朋友介绍遇到了自己的另一半(significant other),因为有的人非常热衷于给朋友,甚至是朋友的朋友介绍对象。So westerners like to do it as well!• dating n. 约会• platform n. 平台;讲台• agency/ˈeɪdʒənsi/ n.代理行Using dating apps is the most common way to find a partner (使用约会软件是寻找伴侣最常见的方式), because it’ s so convenient and you have a very large dating pool(有很多人供你选择).但是许多人觉得网络交友就好比是大海捞针,it's too time-consuming(太费时间了),it’s like a full time job(简直堪比上班)。• convenient/kənˈviːniənt/ adj.方便的,便利的• common/ˈkɑːmən/ adj.常见的,普遍的• time-consuming adj. 耗时的;旷日持久的Today, there are modern matchmakers who can help you find people to go on dates with.(现在国外也有这种类似媒婆的职业,来帮你寻找约会对象。)And they do it professionally(专业地). Many matchmakers have a bachelor’s degree in psychology (心理学学士学位). There are also different types of matchmakers for different groups of people (针对不同群体的人,也有不同类型的媒人). 例如,可能有只提供基督教或犹太教的相亲服务。• professionally/prəˈfeʃənəli/ adv.专业地;内行地• psychology/saɪˈkɑːlədʒi/ n.心理学这个过程是怎样的?首先是注册(signing up)以及缴费(paying a fee)。便宜的(on the lower end)每年能低于五百刀,贵的呢(on the very high end),一年能超过一万美元。• sign up 报名;注册• paying a fee 支付费用然后你就会经常要接受one on one interview process(一对一的交谈),通过交谈,matchmaker会真正了解你的basic information(基本信息),比如说age, job and salary, education, and cultural background(年龄、工作和薪水、受教育程度和文化背景),还有你的personality, interests, and values(个性、兴趣和价值观)。• salary /ˈsæləri/ n. 薪金,薪水• personality /ˌpɜːrsəˈnæləti/ n. 个性,性格• values价值观在那之后,他们通常会有一个筛选过程(screening process),还要collect references(收集参考资料)。然后他们就会和你的家人和朋友交谈。When you’re approved(当你通过了筛选以后),他们就会set you up on dates(给你安排约会),也就是咱们讲的相亲,然后剩下的就取决于你们是否compatible(合适)。• screen /skriːn/ v. 检查,筛查;审查• reference /ˈrefrəns/ n.参考,查阅• approve /əˈpruːv/ v. 同意,赞成• compatible /kəmˈpætəb(ə)l/ adj. 兼容的;可共存的02中西方的媒人有什么不同?在西方,the matchmakers will encourage you and give you lots of feedback on the date(给你很多关于约会的反馈)and help you along the way (并一直帮助你)。在中国,媒婆还会协助别的一些事情,比如协商彩礼(negotiate dowry),还有婚礼安排(wedding arrangements),或者可能去协调双方家里人之间的关系(mediate the relationship between the two families)。甚至有的媒婆可能还会提供婚后指导(post-marriage counselling)。所以,西方的matchmaker更相当于是一个真人版的dating app。• negotiate/nɪˈɡoʊʃieɪt/ v. 商定,达成协议• dowry/ˈdaʊri/ n. 嫁妆• mediate/ˈmiːdieɪt/ v. 使……可能发生;促成(协议)• counselling n. 咨询,辅导03 中西方对“说媒”都是怎么看的?It’s really mixed (看法不一). 有些人对相亲带有一点刻板印象,好像觉得只有找不到对象的desperate people才会去找媒婆或者相亲介绍所,but that’s not true。大多数的美国人take matters into their own hands(自己处理事情),so mostpeople still prefer dating apps (更喜欢使用约会软件). 因为它更便宜,也更方便。• mixed adj.好坏参半的• desperate /ˈdespərət/ adj.极需要的,渴望的而在中国,大多数的人更喜欢matchmaking agencies (婚介机构) or real matchmakers(真的媒婆) because they are seen as more reliable than dating apps (因为他们比约会软件更可靠)。• reliable/rɪˈlaɪəb(ə)l/ adj.可靠的,可信赖的不知道听众朋友们是倾向于相亲、朋友介绍还是网络交友呢,欢迎留言告诉我们!
4/10/2024 • 10 minutes, 14 seconds
主播:Wendi(中国)+ Selah(美国)音乐:Flowers01. 中国的清明节清明节,the Qingming Festival,又叫the Tomb Sweeping Day,是一个带有伤感基调的节日。在这一天,Chinese people show respect to their passed ancestors(中国人对他们逝去的祖先/亲人表示追缅),其中的一个方式就是to clean their tombs(扫墓), like to wipe away the dust or to remove the weeds(比如说擦去墓碑上的灰尘或清除坟墓边的杂草)。除此之外,人们也会place some offerings(摆祭品),but the item differs from place to place(每个地方要摆的祭品都不一样),比方说有的地方可能是鸡鸭肉,有的地方可能是一些面食,至于具体要摆什么,it’s all related to the local diet(要看当地的饮食习惯)。• offering n.祭品02. 在美国,有类似清明节的节日吗?在美国,they don’t havemany festivals to commemorate their ancestors(纪念他们的祖先),因为有很多美国人do not believe in them。不过,他们也有类似清明节的节日,比如说Memorial Day(阵亡将士纪念日),All Saint’s Day(万圣节),Day of the Dead(亡灵节,主要是墨西哥人的节日)。Memorial Day是一个federal holiday(联邦假日),为的是honor and mourn the military personnel who have died in the military(纪念和哀悼那些在军队中牺牲的军人)。• mourn /mɔ:rn/ v.悼念• personnel /ˌpɜ:rsəˈnel/ n.人员All Saint’s Day isonly celebrated by Catholics(只有天主教徒庆祝), 这个节日是为了纪念those who have passed away in the church(在教堂里去世的人)。Day of the Dead主要是墨西哥的节日,或者说从墨西哥搬到美国的人的节日。03. 中国和美国分别都是怎么缅怀先人的?l 在中国清明节上坟的时候,我们会burn joss paper(烧纸),也会烧joss paper money(纸钱),这样做是tosend all your blessings for those who passed away(祝福那些逝去的人),同时也是希望the ancestors can live a wealthy afterlife(去世的人可以在另一个世界生活富裕)。美国有些网友把我们的烧纸误以为是wrapping paper or decorative paper(包装纸或装饰纸),这时候就会有很多Asian-Americans(亚裔美国人)纠正他们,告诉他们烧纸的真正含义,以及joss paper should only be used in its intended way(烧纸钱的正确方式)。在中国,很多地方上坟还会kowtowto the tomb(磕头),这样来表示对去世的人的尊重。• kowtow /ˌkaʊˈtaʊ/ v.叩头有些人会选择get outside and enjoy nature(踏青),和家人一起go to a park to have a picnic,or go climb a mountain(去公园野餐,或者去爬山)。清明除了是一个节日之外,它还是one of the 24 solar terms in Chinese culture(中国二十四节气之一),它informs people of the coming of spring(告诉人们春天的到来)。Qingming can be related to death, but it’s also a time for the rebirth of everything(也是万物复苏的时节).听Wendi介绍完清明节,主播Selah联想到美国的Memorial Day,她说这个美国节日是最像清明节的。美国人也是在Memorial Day这天,to visit cemeteries and memorials(参观墓地和纪念堂) to honor deceased family members and ancestors(以此来纪念已故的家庭成员和祖先),而不只是去纪念those who served in the military(那些曾在军队服役的人)。l 在美国美国人除了at funerals(葬礼上)或者on special occasions(在特殊场合)会go to their loved one’s grave(去亲人的墓地),一般来讲他们不会do very much to commemorate the dead(特别地纪念死者)。他们去墓地的时候,通常会wear nice clothing(穿得体的衣服),bring flowers以及an item special to that person(对去世的人特别的物品),比如说a toy or figure。如果人们能呆得更久的话,they will often bring a chair and sit in front of the grave(他们通常会带着一把椅子坐在坟墓前)。他们会talk to their loved ones,spend quality time with them(和他们共度美好时光)。04. 美国也开始烧纸钱了?“神秘的东方力量”也传到了美国,在国外也开始有人对中国的冥币很感兴趣。他们通过尝试也相信,burning paper money had actually brought them luck(烧纸钱确实给他们带来了运气)。美国人可以在areas with a high Asian population(亚洲人口众多的地区)以及a diverse area in general(多元化的地区)买到纸钱,他们说it is a distinctively Asian thin(纸钱是一个独具亚洲特色的东西)。很多美国人把paper money叫做the ancestor money(给祖先的钱),看来他们是了解到冥币背后的文化意义了。主播Selah问了Wendi一个很有趣的问题:What would you say are the most extravagant joss money you have seen?你见过的最奢侈的纸钱是多少?Wendi:I used to see paper money of an insane amount, like a hundred billion or something, basically more than you'll ever make in your whole life.我曾经看到过一笔额度惊人的纸币,比如一千亿左右,基本上比你一生中赚的还要多!除了烧纸币,还有人会给去世的人烧clothing or paper iPads(衣服或纸做的iPad)。其实,你烧给去世的人的,可以是任何一种东西,as long as you believe that your ancestors can receive it you can send them anything you want(只要你相信你的祖先能收到它,你就可以寄给他们任何你想要的东西)。Wishing you health and safety for Qingming Festival.祝大家清明安好,清明安康。
4/6/2024 • 12 minutes, 53 seconds
主播:Anne(中国)+Selah(美国)歌曲:Go Again有段时间网上特别流行把秦始皇(Emperor Qin Shi Huang orEmperor Qin)叫做“我迷人的老祖宗”(my charming ancestor),那么国外的课本是怎么介绍秦始皇的呢?西方人对秦始皇有怎样的印象?西方人如何评价秦始皇当时的一些治国政策呢?·charming/ˈtʃɑːrmɪŋ/ adj.令人着迷的,迷人的·ancestor/ˈænsestər/ n.祖先;祖宗01. 美国教科书是怎么介绍秦始皇的?主播Selah提到,关于秦始皇,美国的教科书里有几条central things(主要内容):一是介绍了the warring states period(战国时期),the states were at war with each other(诸国交战);还讲了the developments in the Qin Dynasty(秦朝时的发展);最后强调一个史实,秦始皇是the first emperor to unify the country under one reign(历史上第一个统一全中国的皇帝)。·reign/reɪn/ n. 君主统治时期;任期总的来说,美国教科书肯定了秦始皇的成就(he’srecognized for his achievements),不过也注意到了他统一国家过程中用的比较严苛的一些手段(the harsh ways of unifying the country)。Besides textbooks,大多数西方人对秦始皇印象最深的是he built the Great Wall (长城) and Terracotta Warriors (兵马俑)。·harsh /hɑːrʃ/ adj. 严厉的·terracotta /ˌterəˈkɑːtə/ n.赤陶;赤褐色02. 西方人是怎么评价秦始皇的治国政策的?以西方人的思维模式,他们是如何评价秦始皇时期的一些治国政策的呢?How the EmperorQin Shi Huang ruled the empire?Selah说秦始皇治国有three aspects(三个方面)对西方人来说是very fascinating(特别神奇的),我们来看看具体是哪些方面吧!(1) The Emperor Qin created a system ofstandardization 秦始皇建立了标准化系统Standardization (标准化) is the process of setting the same standard to everything (把一切都设立一个统一的标准).比如我们都知道“车同文,书同轨”。In just 15 years, the Qin government standardized weights and measures (度量衡), coinage (货币), written script (文字) and many others. ·standardize /ˈstændərdaɪz/ v.标准化;使符合标准(或规格)这些措施在那个时代大大提高了管理国家的效率,同种类的货币让贸易(trade)更便捷,文字的统一也让秦始皇的命令能够更好地上传下达(his orders could be understood by everyone)。西方人大多都attach great importance to standardization(非常重视标准化),他们看重order and process(秩序和流程),这也跟他们在文化上重视highproductivity(高生产力)以及high efficiency(高效率)是分不开的。·productivity /ˌprɑːdʌkˈtɪvəti/ n. 生产率西方从第一次工业革命(the First Industrial Revolution)开始,systems of standardization were put in place(系统化和标准化的思维就非常深入人心)。对于西方人来说,秦朝是一个建立良好且有效的系统(good systems were put in place)的时期。(2) The Emperor Qinbuilt acentralized country 秦始皇建立了大一统的国家秦始皇在中国历史上第一次创建了一个centralized government system(统一的中央集权制度)。He was able to make public projects (公共项目) more effective, such asthe building of the Great Wall (长城的修建). ·centralized/ˈsentrəlaɪzd/ adj. 集中的;中央集权的大多数西方人都知道长城,除了长城,其实在秦朝时就已经有高速公路(highways)了。They built highways called秦直道and it was used for nearly 2000 years (有两千多年的历史).秦直道的建造质量(the construction quality)在现在看来都是非常高的,当时甚至还有运输货物的铁路,是靠马在两边跑来拉动轨道上的“火车”(railways powered by horses)。·construction/kənˈstrʌkʃn/ n. 建设;建造这令Selah也感到impressive(印象深刻),还有外国网友认为正是the bureaucratic(官僚制度)的efficiency(高效),让大秦得以expand anddevelop(扩张发展),并且实现人口的增长(thegrowth in population)。·bureaucratic /ˌbjʊrəˈkrætɪk/ adj. 官僚的;官僚主义的所以在很多西方人的眼里,评价秦始皇很重要的一点就是他把曾经充满战乱与分割的国家(divided and chaotic country of warring states),变成了一个中央集权的大一统国家(a centralized country)。·chaotic /keɪˈɑːtɪk/ adj. 混乱的(3) The Emperor Qin introduced legalization 秦始皇引入了“法制化”秦始皇created a law code(建立了一套律法),也就是当时的秦律。虽然当时的法律可能有些严苛(overly harsh),在现代人看来有很多漏洞,但是这种governing the country with laws(用法律治国安邦的思想)的确是秦始皇开了先河(he paved the way)。It wasthe start of legalization!·legalization /ˌliːɡələˈzeɪʃn/ n.合法化·pave the way为……铺平道路西方人认为order and laws(秩序和法律)对于governing a modern society(现代社会的治理)非常helpful。的确,如何以法治国(how to use law and order to govern a society)对于每个国家来说都非常重要,非常值得去研究。Selah提到,连美国国父(American’s founding fathers)都要参考秦朝或者中国类似的古代王朝的法规,可见秦始皇在西方世界的影响力。而且,在时代周刊(TIME magazine)评选的前25名(top 25)最有影响力的政治人物(most influential political icons)中,秦始皇就榜上有名(hewas on this list)。请留言告诉我们:你怎么看外国人对秦始皇的认识?你还想了解哪位中国古代人物在西方人眼中的印象?
4/3/2024 • 12 minutes, 33 seconds
主播:Anne(中国)+梅莉(法国) 歌曲:Glow Me今天我们聊一聊:如何跨过small talk,打破冷场,与外国人聊天不尴尬!01.什么是Small Talk?Small Talk(闲聊)是指谈论非常表面的事情,比如天气,你来自哪里,你多大等。所以small talk基本上可以理解为中文里的“寒暄”。那么,如何与外国人聊天,不尴尬!你可以use some conversation starters(用一些暖场话题)to help break the ice(来打破冷场)。02.五个实用的暖场话题1. If money was not an issue, what would you be doing with your life?(如果钱不是问题,你会做什么呢?)这个问题不仅能让我们了解对方的梦想和价值观,还能知道他们心中的dream jobs(理想工作),还能帮助你know someoneon a deeper level, not just on the surface level(更深层次了解一个人,而不仅仅停留在表面)。• dream jobs理想工作• on the surface level在表面上• on a deeper level更深层次上对于这个问题,主播梅莉跟我们分享了她的想法。其中,她最想做的是travel the world(环游世界)。主播Anne也表示赞同。同时,她还觉得she would still go to work, probably for free。因为工作肯定会让你的生活更有条理。Besides, she would be doing a lot of artsy stuff, such as photography, drawing, singing and writing. (此外,她说她会做很多艺术方面的工作,比如摄影、绘画、唱歌和写作。)• artsy /ˈɑːrtsi/ adj. 艺术家气派的;有艺术气息的• photography/fəˈtɑːɡrəfi/ n.摄影,摄影术2. What's your favourite way to spend a day off ?(你最喜欢怎么过休息日?)It is a great way to get to know each other’s hobbies and lifestyles. (这个问题能让我们了解对方的兴趣爱好以及生活方式。)• day off休息日(由雇主授予的不工作或不承担职责的时间)主播Anne说:If she is really tired she likes to take naps (补觉).然后她会在城市里散散步(take a city walk)。梅莉也分享了自己的答案:她喜欢在户外休息一天,grab some food(买东西吃),在户外吃早餐或午餐,或者徒步旅行(hiking)等等。3. What's your bucket list location and why?(你这一生一定要去的旅游地点有哪些呢?为什么?)• bucket /ˈbʌkɪt/ n.桶;一桶之量;大量• bucket list 愿望清单Abucket list a list of the things that a person would like to do or achieve before they die.(愿望清单是一个人在离世前想做或想实现的事情的清单。)主播Anne说,她一定要去迪士尼(Disneyland)还有环球影城(Universal Studios),“我的朋友们一直在告诉我这些地方有多有趣,但我从来没有去过。”她说。对梅莉来说,one of herbucket list location is definitely to go on a safari (观兽旅行) in Africa! I would love to see all the animals in their natural habitat.• Safari /səˈfɑ:ri/ n.(尤指在东非、非洲南部的)观赏(或捕猎)野兽的旅行• habitat /ˈhæbɪtæt/ n.(动植物的)生活环境,栖息地4. What advice would you give to your younger self?(你会给年轻的自己什么建议?)This question can be used from a networking situation and it can really bring up some interestingand meaningfuldiscussions! (在建立人脉的时候可以问这个问题,会引发很多有意思并且有意义的讨论。)梅莉会告诉年轻时的自己要相信自己,相信这个过程。This is something that she keep telling herself today.Anne说,you should know yourself first before you pursue anything.在你去追求任何事物之前,一定要先了解自己。年轻的时候,她觉得自己太关注于外界了。And she didn’t really know who she was as a person and therefore she didn’t know what was the best for her.(因为不够了解自己,因此不知道什么才是适合自己的。)她会告诉年轻时的自己要活在当下(be present),不要过分专注于过去与未来。5. What was your very first job?(你的第一份工作是什么?)这个问题能让我们了解对方的工作经历。Many successful people have humbling beginnings so it’s always cool to hear where they came from!(许多成功人士的起点都很低,所以听听他们的出身总是很酷的!)很多大佬起家的方式都看上去比较普通,他们普遍都有打工经历,他们的第一个工作大多都在速食店或超市。所以,这确实是个跟同事“破冰”很好用的话题。• humbling /ˈhʌmblɪŋ/ adj.谦逊的;普通的聊到自己的第一份工作,梅莉说她的第一份正式工作是在当地的一家杂货店当收银员。Anne的第一份工作也差不多,是在一个美食广场帮忙给顾客打饭。Remember, these conversation starters are not only great for breaking the ice, but they can also lead to meaningful discussions and connections.(请记住,这些暖场话题不仅有利于打破僵局,而且还能带来有意义的讨论和联系。)You should definitely try them out for yourselves!(你真的应该自己尝试一下!)希望这些暖场话题能帮助你跟人拉近关系。请留言告诉我们:面对这些破冰问题,你会怎么回答呢?
3/31/2024 • 12 minutes, 3 seconds
主播:Anne(中国)+ 梅莉(法国)歌曲:Peter Pan Was Right在之前的节目中我们提到过衡量不同国家文化差异的6大文化价值观维度(different cultural dimension),这期节目我们来聊聊不同国家的商务礼仪(Business Etiquettes)。Business Etiquettes指的是一些unspoken rules(潜在的不言而喻的规则)。身处商务环境(business environment)中,how shouldyou behave(应该如何行事呢)?01Greeting关于问候的礼仪问候中最重要的事情之一是a firm handshake(强有力的握手),握手应该是strong and steady(有力而平稳的)。在西方国家,它代表着confidence and professionalism(自信且专业)。·professionalism /prəˈfeʃənəlɪzəm/ n.专业对于北欧的国家(Nordic countries),握手时会轻一些(handshakes are lighter)。在日本,nod(点头)或者是bow(鞠躬)才是比较customary(惯常)的一种做法。于日本人而言,在when you meet a client(在见客户的时候),30度的鞠躬好像是比较标准。·Nordic /ˈnɔːrdɪk/ adj. 北欧的·customary /ˈkʌstəmeri/ adj. 习俗的;习惯的在中东(Middle East),人们往往先shake hands,然后会place the right hand over the heart(把右手放在心口上)。同时也要注意(be aware of)商务礼仪也有性别差异(gender differences)。跟异性握手的时候,可能要等对方先initiate(做出表示),这才是比较advisable(推荐的)一种做法。·initiate /ɪˈnɪʃieɪt/ v.开始;发起·advisable /ədˈvaɪzəb(ə)l/ adj. 值得推荐的,可取的02Addressing Colleagues关于同事间称呼的礼仪 First names are often used in a business setting(在商务环境中一般直接称呼名字). 即使是跟上级(even with superiors)也不例外,除非是有具体的头衔(specific title)或敬称(honorific)。比如要称呼英国女王,you have to say Queen Elizabeth。 ·superior /suːˈpɪriərs/ n.上级,上司·honorific /ˌɑːnəˈrɪfɪk/ n. 敬语因为直接称呼名字会promotes a sense of equality and friendliness(促进平等交流的感觉)。However, in Germany(在德国),in initial business interactions (在最初的商务交往里),人们还是会互称“Herr” (Mr.) or “Frau” (Ms.).·initial /ɪˈnɪʃ(ə)l/ adj.开始的,最初的In the Netherlands(在荷兰), people like a direct communication style (人们喜欢一种比较直接的沟通方式), so they will use first names. 这是一种平等主义的态度和方式(egalitarian approach)。·egalitarian /iˌɡælɪˈteriən/ n. 平等主义当然,你也可以观察对方是如何行事的(look at your counterparts),并跟着他们来做(follow their lead)。·counterpart /ˈkaʊntərpɑːrt/ n.职位(或作用)相当的人03Punctuality关于守时的礼仪守时(being punctual/ being on time)在西方商务文化中非常重要。会议和约定(meetings and appointments)的开始、结束都要按照提前的规划进行(are expected to start and end as scheduled)。Punctuality is a sign of respect for others’ time(这表示你很尊重别人的时间).·punctuality/ˌpʌŋktʃuˈæləti/ n.守时·punctual /ˈpʌŋktʃuəl/ adj.准时的In Switzerland and Austria (在瑞士和奥地利), punctuality is highly valued (高度重视守时). Being late tardiness(迟到了)哪怕只是几分钟,也可能会被认为是缺乏职业精神(lack of professionalism)。·tardiness /ˈtɑːrdinəs/ n.缓慢;迟到In Spain(在西班牙), being late for a few minutesis culturally accepted (在这种文化里是可以接受的).04Direct Communication关于沟通方式的礼仪Thisone is something that is a little different from Chinese business culture (这一点与中国的商务文化有些许不同). Most western countries often appreciate (比较欣赏) direct and straightforward communication (直截了当的沟通方式)。在中国和日本,人们表达的方式比较委婉(not very straightforward),不想冒犯到他人(offend people),以和为贵。·straightforward /ˌstreɪtˈfɔːrwərd/ adj.简单的;直接的·offend /əˈfend/ v.得罪;冒犯In theNetherlands (在荷兰), clarity and transparency in communication(清楚易懂的表达) are valued. 既要能够清晰地表达自己(express opinions openly),也要to do so respectfully,找到两者之间的平衡(balance)。·clarity /ˈklærəti/ n.清晰·transparency /trænsˈpærənsi/ n.易懂However, in the UK,“British politeness”(英式的礼貌)is a bit different.他们比较倾向于用不太直接的语言(indirect language)去convey criticism or disagreement(表达批判的意见或表达自己不同意的观点)。英国人有时会用一种“讽刺的方式”(in asarcastic way)去表达自己。其他国家的人则很难get到这种criticism。·criticism /ˈkrɪtɪsɪzəm/ n.批评;批判·sarcastic /sɑːrˈkæstɪk/ adj.讽刺的05DressCode关于着装风格的礼仪商务场合中的着装一般要稍微板正一点(neat)、保守一点(conservative)。即使稍微穿的隆重一点(be slightly overdressed),还是比穿的不正式要好(it’s still better than underdressed)。·neat /niːt/ adj.整洁的·conservative /kənˈsɜːrvətɪv/ adj.保守的但是像在硅谷(the tech hubs of Silicon Valley)工作于IT行业的人,他们就不会那么重视穿着正式。Theyprefer a casual dress code (休闲随意的服装风格)。InSweden and Denmark(瑞典和丹麦), there is often a balance (平衡) between professionalism (职业风格) and a relaxed dress code (休闲风格)。06Gift Giving关于赠送礼物的礼仪中国文化素有赠送礼物(gift giving)的传统,商务中的互赠礼物也十分重要。In western countries it is also something that people do.在西方社会的商务礼物赠送中,一般会选择实用的礼物(practical gifts),而不太会送很奢侈的礼物(extravagant gifts)。·practical /ˈpræktɪk(ə)l/ adj.实际的·extravagant /ɪkˈstrævəɡənt/ adj.奢侈的请留言告诉我们:你对中西方文化的对比还有什么想了解的内容呢?
3/27/2024 • 15 minutes, 40 seconds
主播:Anne(中国)+梅莉(法国) 歌曲:Good Day王洛勇老师朗诵的英文版《出师表》在音频14分18秒开始今天的节目,我们聊一聊《出师表》(NorthernExpeditionMemorial)的英文版。01.《出师表》背景在三国时期(in the three kingdoms period),诸葛亮相当于刘备的顾问(advisor),刘备是蜀国的开国皇帝(the first emperor of the Shu-han empire),他的儿子刘禅是第二位皇帝(the second emperor)。而这篇文章就是写给皇帝刘禅的。那时,刘禅只有20岁。So in this writing,Zhuge Liangistrying to give advice to the young emperor.所以在这篇文章中,诸葛亮想给年轻的皇帝提个建议。02.《出师表》英文翻译(节选)赏析臣亮言Permit me to observe·permit /pərˈmɪt/ v.批准,许可·permit me to observe允许我讲一些自己的观察先帝创业未半而中道崩殂(cú)中文意思:先帝开创统一天下的大业还没有完成一半,就中途去世了。英文翻译:The late emperor was taken from us before he could finish his life's work, the restoration of theHan.我们经常用late解释为过世的某某(表示尊敬),比如新闻提到过世的伊丽莎白二世就是the late queenElizabeth II。然后说皇帝是taken from us(被带走了,表示某人去世得非常突然)。·the late emperor先帝·sb. be taken from us某人突然去世先帝还没来得及完成他的life’s work(人生大业),这个大业指the restoration of theHan(汉王朝的复辟)。·restoration /restəˈreɪʃən/ n.恢复,修复今天下三分,此诚危机存亡之秋也。中文意思:王朝分成了三份(也就是魏、蜀、吴),我们自己的生存都是受威胁的。英文翻译:The empire is divided in three,and our very survival is threatened.· survival /sərˈvaɪv(ə)l/ n.继续生存,存活然侍卫之臣不懈于内,忠志之士忘身于外者,盖追先帝之殊遇,欲报之于陛下也。中文意思:侍卫大臣在皇宫内毫不懈怠,忠诚有志的将士在皇宫外舍生忘死,这都是追念先帝对他们的特殊待遇,所以想要报答陛下。英文翻译:Yet still the officials at court and the soldiers throughout the realm remain loyal to you, your majesty.Because they remember the late emperor, all of them, and they wish to repay his kindness in service to you.“王国内外”用了throughout the realm ,这些officials and soldiers(官员和士兵)都是remain loyal to your majesty(对陛下保持忠诚)。这其实是因为他们记得先帝,并且想要repay his kindness(报答他的仁慈)。·realm /relm/ n. <正式>王国·repay someone’s kindness 报答某人的好意诚宜开张圣听,以光先帝遗德,恢弘志士之气。中文意思:后主要扩大圣明的听闻(广泛地听取别人的意见),发扬先帝留下的美德,振奋那些有抱负之人的志气。英文翻译:This is the moment to extend your divine influence, honor the memory of the late emperor andstrengthen the morale of your officers.·honor the memory of sb.追忆或纪念某人·morale /mə'ræl/n.士气;精神面貌亲贤臣,远小人,此先汉所以兴隆也。中文意思:亲近贤臣,疏远小人,这是前汉所以兴盛的原因。英文翻译:The emperors of the Western Han chose their courtiers wisely, and their dynasty flourished. The dynasty(王朝)开始更加兴隆昌盛(flourished),这个flourish还可以用来形容商业繁荣发展(the business flourished),或者是我们的国家繁荣起来了(our country flourished).·courtier /ˈkɔ:rtiər/ n.朝臣;奉承者·flourish /ˈflɜ:rɪʃ/ v.繁荣,昌盛臣本布衣,躬耕于南阳,苟全性命于乱世。中文意思:我本来是平民,在南阳亲自耕田,在乱世中苟且保全性命。英文翻译:I began as a common man, farming in my fields in Nanyang doing what I could to survive in an age of chaos. ·common man平民百姓·in an age of chaos在乱世之中不求闻达于诸侯。中文意思:不奢求在诸侯之中出名。英文翻译:I never had any interest in making a name for myself as a noble.·make a name for oneself 成名帝不以臣卑鄙,猥自枉屈,三顾臣于草庐之中,咨臣以当世之事。中文意思:先帝不认为我的地位卑微,三顾茅庐,向我寻求建议。英文翻译:The late Emperor was not ashamed to visit my cottage and seek my advice. ·be ashamed to为……感到羞愧·seek advice 寻求建议先帝知臣谨慎,故临崩寄臣以大事也。中文意思:先帝知道我做事谨慎,所以在驾崩(去世)前委托我一件大事。英文翻译:The late Emperor always appreciated my caution and, in his final days, entrusted me with his cause. ·caution /ˈkɔ:ʃ(ə)n/ n.小心,谨慎·entrust /ɪnˈtrʌst/ v.委托,交托·cause /kɔ:z/ n.事业夙夜忧叹,恐托付不效,以伤先帝之明。中文意思:接受遗命以来,我日夜忧愁叹息,只怕先帝托付给我的大任不能实现,以致损伤先帝的圣明。英文翻译:Since that moment, I have been tormented day and night by the fear that I might let him down.·torment /ˈtɔːrment/n.(肉体、精神上的)折磨·let sb. down让某人失望愿陛下托臣以讨贼兴复之效,不效,则治臣之罪,以告先帝之灵。中文意思:希望陛下把讨伐叛贼、兴复汉室的机会交给我,若不能完成,就治我的罪。英文翻译:My only desire is to be permitted to drive out the traitors and restore the Han. IfI should let you down,punish my offense and report it to the spirit of the late Emperor. “IfI should let you down”,这里的should不是“应该”,而是跟if连用表示虚拟语气。“先帝之灵”的“灵”,这里用的是spirit,亡灵这个词。·punishsb.’s offence治某人的罪陛下亦宜自谋,以咨诹(zōu)善道,察纳雅言,深追先帝遗诏。中文意思:首先请陛下仔细考虑你的所作所为,然后要寻求好的意见,最后要记得先帝的遗诏。英文翻译:Your Majesty, consider your course of action carefully andyour course of action.Seek out good advice andnever forget the last words of the late emperor.·seek out 寻求臣不胜感激。中文意思:我感激不尽。英文翻译:I will be forever grateful if you heed my advice.如果皇帝heed my advice(注意听从我的建议),I will be forever grateful(我将永远感激)。今当远离,临表泣零,不知所言。中文意思:今天(我)将要告别陛下远行了,面对这份奏表禁不住热泪纵横,也不知说了些什么。英文翻译:I depart nowon a long expedition. Blinded by my own tears, I know not what I write. Depart意思是go away,启程去一段漫长的远征,也就是题目里提到的expedition(探险)。此处“I know not”译为“我不知道”,在古英文中经常有这样的用法,比如说“fear not”(别害怕)。最后,你们对英文版的《出师表》有什么看法呢?你是否还有非常喜欢的文言文的英文翻译呢?欢迎在评论区跟我们留言分享!
3/23/2024 • 19 minutes, 29 seconds
主播:Wendi(中国)+ Selah (美国) 歌曲 :I'm Coming Home之前节目我们聊了在欧洲人们是怎么养老的。有听众留言在美国老年人的生活有没有什么不同。今天我们就来聊一下在美国都有哪些养老方式。在美国养老的方式主要取决于:health status(健康状况), financial resources(经济资源), family dynamics(家庭动态), and personal preferences(个人偏好)。下面,我们了解一下,美国的养老方式有哪些。• financial /faɪˈnænʃ(ə)l/ adj.金融的• dynamic /daɪˈnæmɪk/ n.动态01. Independent living communities独立生活社区Independent living communities(独立生活社区)是最普遍的一种,这里的老年人基本上可以maintenance-free(自理)。相当于国内的养老院,居住设施、娱乐设施都很齐全,老人直接入住就可以。• maintenance /ˈmeɪntənəns/维护他们住在private apartments(私人公寓)或者cottages(小别墅),配套齐全,比如里面配有: dining options(餐饮选择),recreational activities(娱乐活动), fitness centers(健身中心), and transportation services(交通服务)。这与国内的养老院还是有点不一样的,有点像老年公寓。• recreational /ˌrekriˈeɪʃən(ə)l/娱乐的这种medical care不多,比较适合于自理能力比较强的老年人。而且这类社区通常比较 expensive, and it is not for everyone(不适合每个人)。02. Family care 家人护理这种方式一般提供direct care(直接护理) , arranging for in-home caregivers(安排居家的护理人员), or assisting with tasks(协助完成一些任务),比如:shopping(购物), meal preparation(餐食准备), transportation(交通), and medical appointments(医疗预约)。这种养老方式不一定是和子女一起住,有的是由 adult children(成年子女) 或者 other close relatives(亲戚)来照顾,也有可能是找caregiver(护工)。这种family care,it can be a burden(负担)and a very time-consuming(耗时)。虽然便宜,但也会占用很多精力和时间。03.Home care services 家庭护理服务如果不去养老院的话,可以请护工来家里提供home care services。Home care agencies offer a range of non-medical services(提供一系列的非医疗服务),主要是帮助 elderly individuals(老年人)尽可能在家里remain independent(保持独立) and comfortable(舒适)。Home care services只是帮老人做一些日常活动,比如 personal hygiene(个人卫生),mobility assistance(行动上的协助),medication reminder(用药提醒)。• hygiene /ˈhaɪdʒi:n/ n.卫生• medication /ˌmedɪˈkeɪʃ(ə)n/ n.药物除了上述之外,还包括housekeeping(打扫房间),meal preparation(做饭),以及companionship(陪伴)。04. Assisted living facilities. 提供辅助生活设施Assisted living facilities offer housing options(提供住房选择)for elderly individuals who require some assistance with activities of daily living (日常生活需要协助的老年人)。这里住的人have their own private or semi-private living spaces(拥有私人或半私人空间),不过吃饭或其他活动都是 communal(公共的)。这种assisted living facilities工作人员也是很多,包括 assistant(助理), nurses(护士) and other professionals(其他专业人员)来帮助进行一些 daily activities(日常活动), 甚至还有 chefs and care-takers(专门的厨师和看护)。05. Nursing homes养老院Nursing homes主要为elderly individual complex medical needs(有复杂的医疗需求的老年人) or disabilities(身体残疾的人)提供 round-the-clock skilled nursing care(24小时的熟练护理) and medical supervision(药物监督)。• round-the-clock adj.全天候的所以,nursing home会针对老年人的身体状况有一些治疗,比如:medications medication(药物治疗),medical treatments(医学治疗),and rehabilitative therapies(康复治疗)。• rehabilitative adj.复原的06. Memory care facilities针对记忆的护理这种memory care facilities就比一般的养老院针对性更强。通常为cognitive impairment(认知障碍)出现问题的老年人提供 specialized care(专业护理)。比如Alzheimer's disease(阿尔茨海默症)或者dementia(老年痴呆症)。这种facility就不只是为老年人提供一个居住的地方,更是能够帮他们提高cognitive function(认知方面的功能)。07. Hospice care 临终关怀这种hospice care都是给individuals that are near the end of their lives(临终的病人提供服务或者关怀)。临终关怀给临终的老人及其家属提供compassionate end-of-life care and support(富有同情的关怀和支持)。• compassionate /kəmˈpæʃənət/ adj.有同情心的Hospice services focus on(重点在于)managing pain and symptoms(应对疼痛和一些症状),enhancing quality of life(提高生活质量),并在生命的最终旅程种,addressing emotional, spiritual, and practical needs(解决情感、精神和实际需求)。It takes the burden off of grieving families during this time. 在这段过程中,它可以减轻处在悲伤中的家庭的负担。通常,很多家庭都会选择a combination of formal and informal care arrangements(正式和非正式的护理的结合)来meet the evolving needs of their elderly loved ones(满足他们年迈的亲人变化着的需求),这样来确保老人的safety, comfort, and well-being(安全、舒适和幸福)。
3/20/2024 • 13 minutes, 11 seconds
主播:Anne(中国)+Selah(美国) 歌曲:Peter Pan Was Right我们在前面讲“聚餐文化”的节目中提到了“networking”(建立人脉),但它并不是我们通常理解的“socializing”(社交)。01. Networking(建立人脉)和socializing(社交)有什么区别?“Social”更多的是指你和家人朋友在一起,主要是for fun or for enjoyment。但是,“networking”的主要目的是tomeet people who might be useful to know, especially in your job(去认识那些可能会对你有帮助的人,尤其是在工作上)。在西方,your network or your connection is very valuable(你的人脉是非常有价值的),他们也是特别注重人脉关系的。“建立人脉”的英文说法是:• build your network• expand your network• network (v.)02.在哪些领域,人脉非常有用?In academia(在学术界),networking could bring you morecollaborative research opportunities(带给你更多一起合作研究的机会)and help you find the right mentors(帮你找到合适的导师)。• academia /ˌækəˈdi:miə/ n.学术界• collaborative /kəˈlæbəreɪtɪv/ adj.合作的,协作的• mentor n.导师Networking can also be helpful with ajobsearch.找工作的时候,networking也非常有用,到底多有用?There’s a saying that says around 80% of jobs are not on the job board(80%的工作不在招聘网站上), they are filled through networking(这些职位通过networking来填补人员空缺). This is also called the hidden job market(隐性就业市场)。大多数job openings(职位的空缺)are not advertised publicly(其实是不对外登广告的),they are circulated within professional networks(这些信息只是在专业的人脉圈子中散布),比如说通过referrals(转介绍)或者说word-of-mouth recommendations(口碑推荐)。• circulate /ˈsɜ:rkjəleɪt/ v.传递;传播• referral /rɪˈfɜːrəl/ n.介绍,指引• word-of-mouth adj.口头的,口述的• word-of-mouth recommendations 口碑推荐:指通过口头传播的推荐或评价,通常来自于朋友、家人或其他信任的人。所以说,having a strong network is necessary(拥有一个强大的人脉关系是非常必要的),这样你能够receive these referrals and recommendations.除此之外,employers(雇主)会倾向于录用那些他们信任的人推荐过来的job candidate(候选人)。 It’s better to come recommended by someone trustworthy.所以,找工作的时候,最好是有一个值得信赖的人来推荐你。03.一个强大的人脉网通常都包含哪些人脉?这里就分strong ties和weak ties,也就是中文里的“强关系”与“弱关系”。Strong ties refer to close relationships you have with family members, close friends, or colleagues with whom you interact frequently.“强关系”是指你与经常交往的家人、亲密的朋友或同事之间的亲密关系。Weak ties are connections with acquaintances, former classmates, distant relatives, or professionals you've met briefly.“弱关系”是指与熟人、以前的同学、远亲或你短暂见过的专业人士的联系。• acquaintance /əˈkweɪntəns/泛泛之交Both strong ties and weak ties matter.强关系和弱关系都很重要。但调查显示,和强关系相比,weak ties are more beneficial for employment opportunities, promotions, and wages(无论是工作机会还是升职加薪,弱关系对你更有利)。• promotion n.提拔,晋升• wage n.工资04.在国外应该如何建立你的人脉关系呢?1. You shouldattendnetworkingevents.要多参加社交活动。In these networking events, you’re expected to engaging in small talk with professional in your field.在这些社交活动中,你要与你所在领域的专业人士进行闲聊。可能it sounds awkward(有点尬),但是a big part of networking就是putting yourself out there and showing up(让自己置身其中),实在不行光是混个脸熟也是可以的,哈哈哈~除了参加networking events,你也应该参加professional organizations(职业组织), volunteer(志愿者) or intern(实习)。2. You should utilize your social media, especially linkedin.利用好你的社交媒体。在社交媒体上,你可以share relevant content(分享相关内容),最好是you could reach out to people who can provide you with insights or opportunities(主动联系别人来获得他们提供的一些见解和机会)。不要觉得自己主动去联系别人对他们来说会是a bother,他们压根不会这么想。在linkedin上,你可以directly write a message to someone and introduce yourself,你也可以askto have a coffee chat(约一个咖啡聊天)。但是,don’t just ask for a job,直接问有没有工作是有点不太合适的,最好是ask for an information interview or some advice first(首先询问一些信息或一些建议)。但是,it’s important to not be transactional(不要让你们的关系变成一种交易),要make genuine connections(建立真诚的联系)。• transactional /trænˈzækʃənl/ adj.交易的• genuine /ˈdʒenjuɪn/ adj.真正的;真诚的You should always follow up and maintain relationships: Share updates, express gratitude, and offer assistance if you can.千万别联系完了就走人,后面要经常保持联系,比如说要分享你的近况,表达感激,如果可以的话,还可以主动提供帮助。Reaching out to people(主动联系) and being proactive(积极主动)will actually put you in a better position for jobs(让你占据更有利的位置)!一定不要害怕to reach out(主动联系),if you’re able to show your skills and capabilities(如果你能够展示你的技能和能力),也许你会惊讶于how many people are willing to give you their time and a helping hand(其实很多人都会乐于拿出时间来帮助你)。05.申请工作,reference letter(推荐信)和references(推荐人)也很重要在很多国家,job references play a crucial role in the job application and hiring process(工作推荐人不管是在申请工作,还是雇人过程中),都扮演着至关重要的角色。• crucial /ˈkruːʃ(ə)l/ adj.至关重要的工作推荐人会根据firsthand experience working with you or knowing you(和你在一起工作的第一手经验或者对你的了解)vouch for your skills, qualifications, work ethic, and character(为你的技能、资历、职业道德以及性格特点提供担保)。• vouch /vaʊtʃ/ vi.保证;担保• qualification n.资格;资历工作推荐人可以是你的former colleagues(前同事), classmates, professors, supervisors(主管), or mentors(导师)。主播Anne就给她的同学当过工作推荐人,谈起那段经历,Anne直言:I was so nervous! 为什么呢?Anne同学的公司问了她很多问题,这些问题都是关于这位同学的work ethic,her abilities,her performance in class,etc,总之,it was a very thorough background check(就是一个非常彻底的背景调查),整个过程持续了30分钟之久!一份好的工作requires at least 3 references(至少需要3个推荐人),好的推荐will set you apart from other candidates(会让你从众多的候选者中脱颖而出)。在你想要别人做你的工作推荐人之前,你要ask for permission from individuals(征求他们的同意),and definitelymaintaining positive relationships with your references(而且一定要和你的推荐人保持积极的联系),不然到时候如果你想要问一个人当你的reference,结果对方万一忘了你是谁,那就太尴尬了。请留言告诉我们:你对西方的人脉关系都有什么看法呢?
3/17/2024 • 17 minutes, 38 seconds
主播:Wendi(中国)+梅莉 (美国) 歌曲 :Flowers咱们网易云有位网友留言,想了解下“回南天”用英语怎么说,既然有观众提到了,我们今天就来聊一聊这个“回南天”。01.“回南天”用英语怎么说?回南天难道是back South day?逐字翻译的话,显然语法上不对,至少要说back to south day,但实际上英语里也没有这个表达。你可以说:It is very wet (到处都很湿)。然后就可以具体描述一下有多湿,比如说:你的头发会变得很湿,地上也都是水。或者也可以说:It’s humid (潮湿)。那humid和wet都表示潮湿,有什么不一样吗?Humid是指气候潮湿。It doesnot mean it is going to rain (不一定是下过雨之后变得潮湿),而是指空气中湿度very heavy(很大),人们会感到很闷,hard to breathe (呼吸不畅)。所以“回南天”这种天气更像是humid,因为它不是因为下雨到处变得很湿,而是空气中本身水分很大。02.在南方的主播们对于“回南天”的真实感受咱们两位主播刚好都经历过前段时间的“回南天”,特别是梅莉刚从上海搬到香港,最大的感受就是so weird!梅莉:My floors were all wet(家里地板会非常湿),especially in the kitchen(厨房)and bathroom(浴室),根本不可能弄干,而且it’s so slippery(特别滑)!梅莉住的地方外面有个escalator(自动扶梯),many people were slipping and falling because it was so wet(很多人由于地面湿滑而导致摔倒),很是危险。而对于在广州生活有一段时间的Wendi来说,天气was not such a big problem (不是太大问题),但是由于“回南天”好几天都是gloomy(阴暗的), 让人感觉 kind of depressed(很没精神)。03.为什么会有“回南天”呢?After a period of cold air(冷空气过后),气候开始变得warm and humid(气温升高,湿度加大),一些温度比较低的物体表面,遇到这种暖湿空气之后,就容易产生水珠。这就是“回南天”产生的原因。It typically occurs(通常发生)in the spring months of February and March(二、三月份),特别是在广东省的南部地区。04.对于“回南天”,有什么应对措施?1)Close the windows.紧闭门窗。开窗这件事应该是每个第一次经历“回南天”的人都会犯的错误。2) Place newspaper on the ground. 地上铺报纸。Place newspaper on the ground to absorb the water.在地上铺报纸,可以吸水。3) Turn on the dehumidifier. 开除湿机。这个应该是the best for sure(最好的方式),只不过,the water accumulated so fast(水箱很快就满了),我们不得不经常empty it(倒出来)。还好天气已好转,“回南天”暂时告一段落。如果有经历过回南天的朋友们,欢迎在评论区分享一下你的体验和感受。
3/12/2024 • 9 minutes, 20 seconds
主播:Wendi(中国)+Erin (美国) 歌曲 :Flowers最近有一部电影爆火,叫《周处除三害》。01.电影《周处除三害》《周处除三害》是一部充满black comedy thriller(黑色幽默的惊悚片)。讲述的是一个dying hit man(将死之人),他作为通缉榜上的第三名,想在死之前eliminate(消除掉)他前面的两个(criminal)罪犯。这个电影其实是《世说新语》里面的一个故事的adaptation(改编)。《周处除三害》的英文名字:“The Pig, the Snake and the Pigeon ”。直译过来分别是三种动物:猪、蛇、鸽子。02.为什么叫这个名字?In Buddhism(佛教), the pig(猪), the snake(蛇), and the pigeon(鸽子)represent(代表) the three poisons in the hub of the wheel of life(在生命之轮中心的三毒)。有点像中国的“三害”,这也是为什么中文名叫做“除三害”。• The pig:The pig represents delusion(猪代表痴), 因为在对别人看来,即便是unsustainable situations(无法忍受的情况),他们依然会带着“this is perfect”的幻想,觉得这已经很完美了。对于猪来说,you could feed it the most expensive items or the dirtiest trash(用最贵的东西或者最肮脏的东西来喂它) and it wouldn’t know the difference(而它并不会知道差别)。也就说,猪代表的是是非不明,善恶不分,颠倒黑白,或者也可以说ignorance(无知)。• The snake:The snake represents hatred(蛇代表仇恨),也就是佛教三毒中的嗔。It is poisonous and dangerous and are prone to strike out(它有毒、危险,而且容易发起攻击),总是对人和事有仇视、怨恨和愤怒的心理。• The pigeon:The pigeon representsgreed(鸽子代表贪).It does not stop eating even if itisfull(即使饱了也不停地吃), and is always looking for food, it could eat itself into bloated oblivion(哪怕吃到它的肚子都涨了,还是会继续吃)。鸽子非常的greedy,很贪婪。这三毒不是说他们本身是poisonous(有毒的),而是说“贪、嗔、痴”是三种不好的心理,在佛教里是恶之根源,又叫做三不善根。03.在美国文化里,还有哪些动物有隐喻1. The bald eagle(鹰)represents freedom(自由) and strength(力量)。2. The owl(猫头鹰)represents knowledge and is often seen as wise(智慧)。3. Foxes(狐狸)are often referred to as a sly fox(狡猾的狐狸), to describe someone as like a fox means they’re cunning (说人像狐狸意思就是说这个人很狡猾)。4. Bison(野牛) is also an inspiring symbol of strength(鼓舞人心的力量象征) and resilience(坚韧)。你有看过《周处除三害》这部电影吗?你有什么想法或感受,欢迎给我们留言。
3/9/2024 • 8 minutes, 14 seconds
主播:Wendi(中国)+梅莉 (法国) 歌曲 :Flowers今年的“两会”正式召开了。你知道两会的“会”用英语怎么说吗?meeting?答案是No!两会的“会”在英文中应该用“session”一词。01.为什么要用session这个单词而不是meeting呢?Meeting:一般指的是大家一起来讨论问题或者交流信息。像在公司里开的会就可以用meeting,比如staff meeting员工会议,annual meeting年会,还有一种meeting叫summit meeting,就是我们经常听到的“峰会”。Session:强调the “period of time” for an event(会议持续的时间)。我们的“两会”,一次会议要开好几天,所以就是一个session,而不是一次meeting。而且我们不止有一段会议,人大和政协分别要开会,所以就是两段会议的时间,所以就是two sessions。02.这“两会”分别是哪两会?其中一个是NPC,全称是the National People's Congress(全国人民代表大会)。Congress在西方一般指议会或者国会,这里指我们的人民代表大会。另一个会是CPPCC,全称是the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference(中国人民政治协商会议)。这里出现的两个新的会议“Congress”和“Conference”都是会议,这两个有什么区别呢?Congress专指这种代表大会,conference一般指比较formal(正式)的会议。两会首先由the premier(总理)will deliver a government work report on behalf of the State Council(代表国务院作政府工作报告)。政府工作报告一般会涵盖很多方面的内容,比如:people’s livelihood(民生), tax(税收), and environmental protection(环保),jobs(就业),frontier technologies(尖端科技),consumption(消费),and foreign investment(外资)。03. The NPC和the CPPCC的职能分别是什么?The NPC:人大代表会提交motion(议案),来审议政府的工作报告。Motion就是在会议里提出,然后经过讨论、投票得出的一项提议。The CPPCC:政协委员会通过提交proposal(提案),来讨论一些更贴近民生的议题。proposal(提案)指的是a plan(计划)or suggestion(建议)。希望今日话题,能让大家对“两会”的理解更深入,也希望大家能对meeting和session的区别以及人大和政协的职能有更清晰的认识。如果大家有想讨论的话题,欢迎留言告诉我们!
3/7/2024 • 9 minutes, 42 seconds
Open AI的Sora问世:爆火的Sora,名字原来是这个意思!
OpenAI“开年王炸”Sora横空出世,全网霸屏。今天我们就来聊一聊Sora, 它凭什么这么火爆!1.Sora到底是什么?Sora is a text-to-video generative AI model(Sora是一款人工智能文生视频大模型)。 The model is trained to generate videos(生成视频) of realistic(逼真的)or imaginative scenes(充满想象力的场景)from text instructions(文本指令)and has possibility in simulating the physical world(模拟真实的世界)!• realistic / ˌriːəˈlɪstɪk / adj.逼真的,写实的• imaginative / ɪˈmædʒɪnətɪv / adj.富有想象力的• simulating / ˈsɪmjuleɪt / v.模拟,模仿In fact, Open AI launched a technical report(OpenAI发布了一份技术报告),报告中表明了“Video generation models as world simulators(视频生成模型是世界模拟器)。”这意味着Sora不仅能理解what the user has asked for in the prompt(用户提出的提示要求),还能理解 how those things exist in the physical world(这些事物是如何存在于真实世界的)。2.为什么取名Sora?The name Sora was chosen after the Japanese word for sky(Sora名字来自日语“天空”), referring to its “limitless creative potential”(寓意“无限的创造潜力”)!The phrase “Sky’s the limit(天空才是极限)” which means there is nothing preventing you from reaching your potential(没有什么能阻止你发挥自己的潜力),寓意着一切皆有可能。• potential /pəˈtenʃ(ə)l/ n.潜力3.Sora的特别之处在哪?Google之前也推过类似的视频生成模型,但是与Google相比,Sora appears more powerful(呈现的功能更强大)。那Sora比Google的视频生成模型强在哪里呢?Google’s Lumiere做出来的视频的resolution(分辨率) 512x512-pixel (像素),而Sora分辨率可以达到 1920×1080 pixels(像素) or HD quality(甚至可以达到HD高清的视频质量)。Googles videos can only run up to 5 seconds(Google视频只能达到5秒),而Sora can go up to a minute(Sora可以生成长达1分钟的视频),这是Sora最大的技术突破。Sora 的另一个突破:It can make videos composed of multiple shots (生成的视频可以切换多种镜头),而不是只能一镜到底。除了上面提到的, Sora还产生了一个巨大的影响方式,it can create scenarios to train people on certain skills(它可以生成场景来帮助训练人的技能)。• scenario /səˈnærioʊ/ n.情景,场景比如it can train people to be a great salesman(培训人们成为伟大的推销员), to help them learn to code(帮助人们学习代码),or even just to help with social skills(甚至帮助人们掌握社交技能)。它可以模拟一个真实场景,给人提供一个训练各种技能的场景。4.Sora有哪些不足?它可能对accurately simulating the physics of a complex scene(精确地模拟物理现象)处理不好,也不能很好地理解 specific instances of cause and effect (因果关系的具体实例)。比如:吹蜡烛但是蜡烛没灭,吃蛋糕但是蛋糕没少,类似这种错误。The model对于细节处理不是很成熟,比如mixing up left and right(左右混淆),and may struggle with precise descriptions of events that take place over time(事件发生的前后顺序)也有可能出错。5.Sora真的安全吗? 据Open AI官方显示,他们会take several safety steps(采取了一些安全措施)来防止人们输入一些不合规定的prompts(提示),比如:extreme violence(极端暴力),sexual content(性内容),hateful imagery(充满仇恨的形象), celebrity likeness(名人肖像),这些都是违反他们使用政策的。即便是这样,大部分人还是会担心Sora会take over(取代)他们的工作。像 Youtube content creators(内容创造者) might lose their jobs, 因为Sora生成的视频much faster(更快)。另一个担心就是Sora生成的视频涉及the copyright laws(版权问题)。有可能Sora生成的视频和别人的作品很相似,从而会infringe upon copyright claims(侵犯对方的版权)。也有人担心Sora会 create a video of another person without consent(未经允许用别人的形象来生成视频),严重的可能会有moral or ethical issues(伦理道德问题)。另外,很多人担心以后 won’t be able to trust what their eyes see anymore(会不再相信自己眼睛所见),这也是为什么网友直呼: reality will no longer exist(现实将不再存在)。不可否认Sora的确是科技一大进步,我们也要慢慢学习,更好地利用人工智能给我们提供便利。欢迎大家在评论区给我们留言,分享一下你对Sora的一些想法。
3/3/2024 • 10 minutes, 43 seconds
主播:梅莉(法国)+Wendi(中国)歌曲:I’m Coming Home近期,外媒评选出了“世界上最好吃的50种面包”,看看都有哪些面包入围。提到最好的吃的面包,咱们主播梅莉第一反应就是French baguette(法棍)。 The French baguette is a long (长的), thin bread (薄面包) that we eat with basically everything(基本上什么都可以搭配着吃), like butter(黄油), jam(果酱),nutella(巧克力酱)。You can also make sandwiches with it(用它做三明治) and it’s really good.除了法棍面包呢,中国也有一种“面包”入选,那就是烧饼,而且还排在法棍前面呢,hahaha...01. 烧饼用英语怎么说呢?实际上, we would just say the pinyin (拼音), so it is called shaobing or huoshao。可以直接读它的拼音。But also some people call it Chinese Sesame Flatbread(也有人说成“中国芝麻面包”)。• flatbread扁面包,饼• sesame芝麻02.如何用英语介绍烧饼?You could explain it as a type of baked (烤), unleavened(未发酵), layered flatbread(多层面饼) in northern Chinese cuisine 。• unleavened未发酵的• leaven v.发酵主播梅莉和她周围外国朋友也都喜欢吃烧饼,especially the ones that have filling(有馅)!Filling这个词非常好用。饺子,包子,火烧里面的馅儿都可以说是filling。03.外媒是如何报道烧饼的?They are saying that when you crack into the sesame-seed crust of a shaobing, it reveals tender layers that are rich with wheat flavor.“掰开烧饼酥脆的芝麻酥皮,是柔软的多层结构,充满了浓郁的小麦风味。”• crack into:掰开,把...分裂为• crust:酥皮,面包皮• tender:柔软的,嫩的文中还提到了烧饼的制作工艺。 “Expert(专业的) shaobing bakers whirl(旋转) and slap the dough(拍打面团)so thin that the finished product has 18 or more layers(18层甚至更多)。” “The north Chinese flatbread can then be spiked with sweet(甜的) or savory fillings(美味的馅), from black sesame(黑芝麻)paste to smoked meat(熏肉) or Sichuan pepper(四川花椒).” 中国不同地方的烧饼做法和口味都很不一样。或许我们大部分人和主播Wendi的想法一样,“I never knew that shaobing can be considered a type of bread(从来没想过烧饼也能属于面包)!”但就像面包历史学家Rubel提出的“Bread is basically what your culture says it is.”(不同的文化对面包也可以有不同的定义)。每个国家都会有自己的面包。04.还有哪些面包入选?最好吃的50种面包里包括了来自世界各地的面包。从入围的名单中,我们能看到有来自Asia(亚洲), Middle East(中东),Europe(欧洲) 等地的面包。除了刚刚说的法棍和烧饼外,我们再看一下3种不同类型的面包。1. Malawach,Yemen也门的 MalawachThe article explains that to make malawach, bakers roll wheat dough(小麦面团) into a delicate sheet(薄片)and fold it over a slick of melted butter(上面抹上黄油)。 2.Montreal Bagels, Canada 加拿大的Montreal BagelsThese bagels(贝果)are made with dough mixed with egg and honey(面团里加入了鸡蛋和蜂蜜), and the hand-shaped rings are boiled in honey water before baking(烤之前会在蜂蜜水里煮一下).3. Ciabatta, Italy 意大利的CiabattaThe Ciabatta was only invented in 1980s.看起来很传统的一种面包,居然是30几年前才出现的!50种世界上最美味的面包,种类太多实在是,咱们就不一一列举了。但主播梅莉看完名单后,为葱油饼没有入围而感动愤愤不平。哈哈,看来咱们的梅莉很喜欢吃葱油饼啊。感兴趣的听众朋友们可以在一席文化公众号上输入关键词“世界50种最好吃的面包”,查看还有哪些面包入围。欢迎大家给我们留言,你最喜欢哪种面包或者你家乡有哪些好吃的烧饼?
2/29/2024 • 10 minutes, 6 seconds
主播:Selah(美国)+Wendi(中国)歌曲:I’m ComingHome今天我们聊一聊美国的聚餐文化,与我们的相比有哪些不同,都要注意哪些方面。01.Types of dinner parties 聚餐类型在美国,有很多不同的聚餐类型。有的有themes(主题) 或者有的是来 celebrate special occasions(庆祝一些特殊的日子),比如:holidays(节日), birthdays(生日), anniversaries(纪念日), or achievements(成就)。有时可能是一些比较casual(休闲),或者比较laid-back affairs(轻松悠闲)的聚餐,有时也可能是formal and elegantgatherings(正式、高级的聚餐)。小型的、比较亲密的聚餐一般和中国差不多。但在美国,聚餐的规模通常会比较大,参加人员包括family members(家人), friends(朋友),colleagues(同事), neighbors(邻居), and acquaintances from various backgrounds and walks of life(以及来自不同背景和各行各业的熟人)。02.Activities of dinner parties 聚餐活动聚餐通常开始于earlyevening(傍晚) and may last for several hours (可能持续数小时)。聚餐后人们会do other activities(进行其他活动)。除了常见的音乐、游戏外,还会组织winetasting(品酒)和cooking demonstration(厨艺展示)。通常会有professional(专业人士)demonstrate various wines(展示各种葡萄酒),邀请客人一起taste them (品酒)。在厨艺展示部分,他们会欣赏a professional chef(专业厨师)how to cook(如何烹饪)。这些forms ofentertainment (娱乐形式)that maybe will also come with socializing(也许会伴随着社交)一起进行。03. Socializing in a dinner party 聚餐上的社交聚餐常常是为了socializingand networking(社交)。和中国一样,dinner parties are as muchabout socializing as it is about eating(美国聚餐既是社交也是吃饭)。像这样的聚餐,it’s forguests to mingle(客人们会彼此进行交流), and network in a relaxed and intimate setting(在轻松而亲密的环境下建立关系网)。客人经常 engage in conversations about a wide range of topics(就各种话题进行交谈), 包括 work(工作), hobbies(爱好), current events(时事), and personal interests(个人兴趣)。在和别人聊天的时候,在话题的选择上也要注意。当你和别人不熟悉时,你应该avoid controversial topics(避免有争议的话题),比如politics(政治) or religion(宗教), 这些都会 lead to uncomfortable conversations(导致不舒服的对话)。04. What to bring to a dinner party 聚餐要带什么客人一般会给主人bring agift (带份礼物)。这份礼物可能是 a bottle of wine(一瓶酒), a bouquet of flowers(一束花), a dessert(一份甜点)或者其他礼物,只要是你认真挑选的都可以。当然,你也可以ask the hostif there's anything specific they need(问主人是否有具体的需要), 但这个也depends on the type of dinner party(取决于参加聚会的类型)。除了问主人带什么东西,你也可以问问有没有什么dietary restrictions(饮食限制),一般常见的饮食限制有:gluten free(不含麸质), dairy free (不含乳制品), vegan(纯素食), vegetarians(素食者) or other restrictions(其他限制)。05. What to wear to a dinner party 聚会穿什么聚会穿什么 dependson(取决于) how formal the event is(活动有多正式)and how well you know the hosts(你对主人的了解程度),or what occasion the dinner is for(适合什么场合)。For more formal occasions(对于更正式的场合), 像holidays(节日), birthdays (生日)or dinner parties at fancy upscale restaurants(在高档餐厅举办聚会), 客人应该dress in business casual or even formal attire(穿商务休闲甚至正式服装)。For more casual gatherings(对于更休闲的聚餐), 像barbecue(烧烤)or potluck dinner(百乐餐), 可以穿的casual(休闲一点)。06. Foodin a dinner party 聚餐上的食物Food is a central focus(中心焦点) of American dinner parties(美国聚餐), 主人通常会准备各种 appetizers(开胃菜), maincourses(主菜), side dishes(配菜), and desserts(甜点)。一些特殊节日像Thanksgiving(感恩节) or Christmas(圣诞节), 主菜通常是roast turkey(烤火鸡) or ham(火腿) or a casserole(砂锅饭)。而对于一些休闲的聚餐,主菜通常会有 grilled meats(烤肉)and vegetables(蔬菜)。 常见的配菜有pasta(意大利面), salads(沙拉), mashed potatoes(土豆泥), green beans(青豆), andcornbread(玉米面包)。开胃菜有 breads(面包), wines(葡萄酒), dip(蘸酱), chips(薯条), soups(汤)。Alcoholic(酒)一般会提供一些wine(红酒),cocktails(鸡尾酒),beer(啤酒),还有soft drinks(软饮料),也就是non-alcoholic drinks (没有酒精的饮料)。07. Etiquettein a dinner party 聚会上的礼节有一些etiquette(礼节)to be aware of(需要注意)。客人应该对主人表示 gratitude(感谢), respect(尊重), and appreciation(赞赏)。比如:afterthe party(聚餐后),要给主人写一封 thank-you note(感谢信)or message(信息)来表达你对主人的感谢。那么,在饭桌上有哪些礼节要注意呢?1.通常要等everyone is served(每个人的菜都上齐)才能begin to eat(开始吃)。 It isrude to eat if someone else is still waiting(如果别人还在等,你就开始吃是不礼貌的)。2.请别人帮助时要说"please"(请) and "thank you" (谢谢)。另外,如果想吃某一道菜,你不能 reach over someone else to grab something(直接伸手去拿)。Instead,you should ask them to pass it.3.还要注意keep your elbows off the table(胳膊肘不能上桌),and chewwith your mouth closed(咀嚼时要闭着嘴巴)。4.你应该保持盘子和周围的桌面干净,盘子周围的桌面不能留 dirty food, bones(骨头), or other things(其他),alwaysuse a fork(叉子)and knife(刀)。绝对不能 use your fingers(用手) to eat or pick up(端起)yourplate/bowl while eating.5.你应该 put your napkin(铺上餐巾)on your lap(大腿上), andmake sure you are being clean(确保不能脏衣服)。以上是正式聚餐场合要注意的事项,但其实非正式聚餐也是要注意刚刚提到的一些礼节。关于欧美的聚餐文化,你还想知道哪些内容呢?欢迎留言、转发、点赞。
2/25/2024 • 17 minutes, 34 seconds
主播:Anne(中国)+ Erin(美国) 歌曲 : Smile这期节目我们来聊一聊,西方的家长对待孩子的教育上到底卷不卷?“卷”是用来形容当人们在一个very competitive environment(竞争激烈的环境里),他们必须pushthemselves to work extremely hard(非常拼命努力)来outcompete other people(胜过其他人)。很多西方家长同样会want their children to be more successful in life(想让孩子变得更成功)。• outcompete /ˌaʊt.kəmˈpiːt/ vt. 胜过,打败1. Parents in the west also want their children to go to amore reputable school.西方家长也会希望孩子能去更好的学校美国和加拿大从小学到高中也会有rankings of schools(学校的排名),这些rankings(排名)是based on(基于)很多因素,比如student-teacherratio(学生与老师的比例),the quality of teachers(师资力量), 还有studentperformance(学生成绩表现)。• ranking /ˈræn.kɪŋ/ n. 排名;名次对于中学和高中,通常higher ranked schools(排名更好的学校), the coursework will be harder(课业会更难), 这样可以 prepare students for college(帮学生提前做好上大学的准备)。学生会被assigned(分配)到各所中学和高中basedon where they live(根据他们居住地址)。家长们picking a place to buy a house(选地买房)之前,会先checkschools for their rankings(查看学校的排名),希望居住在good neighborhoods with good schools(有好学校的街区)。在一个好的school zone(学区)里,房价也是relativelymore expensive(相对更贵)。学校多prestigious(有声望)对于the pricing ofthe nearby houses(附近的房价)就会有一个pretty big impact(大的影响),所以westernparents(西方家长)还是care a lot about their children’seducation(很在乎孩子的教育问题)。即使你有足够多的钱也不一定能买上,因为这些房子也会很快sell out(卖光),所以经常会有ashortage of houses(房子数量短缺)。• prestigious / presˈtɪdʒ.əs/ adj. 有威望的;负有盛名的Erin主播有个朋友家里有两套房,一套在好学区里,一套在更便宜的地方,他们就rent out(租出)好学区里的房子,然后住在更便宜的地方,因为the house is still in their name(房子还在他们名下),所以他们的孩子就可以去更好的大学!还有些家长会选择在一个好学区里rent a place(租房),或者 choose to sendtheir children to private schools(把孩子送去私立学校)。 私立学校相对学业要求会更加rigorous(严格)。在加拿大,有一些really high-quality schools(非常优质的学校)甚至会有waitlist(等候名单) ,要进去必须要wait for a spot(等名额),好学校都是 indemand(需求很大)。2. A lot of Americans care a lot about where theirchildren go to college. 很多美国家长非常在乎孩子去哪读大学和想象不同,很多美国家长是很在乎孩子去哪所大学的。其中有很多家长梦想孩子能上Ivy leagues (常春藤)或者equallyprestigious schools(同等知名的大学)。因为在这些大学里会有一个inner network of alumni(毕业生校友的内部关系网),对lookingfor a job later on(接下来找工作)非常有用,而且还会有一个tighter-knit community(更紧密的社群)。• tight-knit /taɪtnɪt/ adj. 亲密的;紧密的如果你went to the same college as someone(跟某人去了同一所大学), 他们可能因为这段共同经历,未来可能得到校友的帮助。No wonder(怪不得)西方家长都想让孩子上好大学。父母都是 want the best for their children(想给孩子最好的),这点没什么文化差异,大家都一样。3. Parents will send their children to private coachingfor their hobbies. 家长会为孩子的爱好报私教课。主播Erin是一个competitive swimmer(游泳运动员),所以她的父母signedher up for swimming lessons(给她报了游泳课)和 swim teams(游泳队)。如果孩子是非常committed to (坚持投入)一项sport(体育)或者instrument(乐器),家长会送他们去上 private coaching (私教课)。• be committed to致力于;投身于如果是一个popular coach(受欢迎的教练),学一小时可能会 cost a few hundred US dollars(花几百美元),这真是一个hugecommitment(巨大的投入)。一般大多数父母会先put their children into group lessons(送孩子上大课),不然iftheir children are not committed(如果孩子坚持不下来),这些钱就会go down the drain(打水漂)。西方家长通常不会force their children into anyhobbies(逼着孩子培养爱好),而会provide their children withopportunities(给孩子提供机会)。比如有些孩子会grow up watching(成长过程中观看)各种球类比赛,或者看到年龄大的孩子 succeed at their hobbies(在他们的爱好上获得成功),从而程逐渐找到自己的兴趣。所以家长会bring their children to differentevents (带他们的孩子去各种活动),让他们可以be exposed to a lot of differentinterests(接触到各种各样的兴趣),然后choose for themselves(自己做选择)。最后的结果就是孩子反过来beg their parents(求父母)给他们报班。• be exposed to 接触到总之,西方家长也会在competitive about their children’seducation(孩子教育上卷),只是取决于家长自己如何做。毕竟最后,it is up to the children in terms ofwhat kinds of things they want to achieve(取决于孩子想要做成哪些事)。当然有一些西方家长还是很chill, 不太worry aboutthese types of things(操心这些事)如果这期节目对你有帮助,欢迎给我们点赞、留言!
2/22/2024 • 14 minutes, 21 seconds
主播:Anne(中国)+ Selah (美国) 歌曲 :Smile(Dami Im)现在孩子们玩手机越来越普遍,并且大多沉迷其中,尤其现在正是放假期间。对于让不让孩子玩手机,玩多长时间,家长们很是头疼。今天,我们就来聊一聊,欧美国家的父母对于孩子们玩手机是怎么处理的。01. SetLimits on Screentime 限制屏幕时间国外父母通常establish rules(建立规则) and boundaries(边界) regarding phone usage, such as limiting screentime to certain hours of the day(限制在特定时间看手机) or setting daily time limits(设定日使用时长)。因为孩子们don’thave much self-control yet(还没有自控能力),so it’s up to the parents to set limits(设定限制)。02. Use ParentalControl Features 使用家长控制功能手机有一个特别的功能就是ParentalControl Features(家长控制功能)。它主要用来monitor yourchildren’s screen use(监控孩子的屏幕使用情况),也可以通过这个功能来limittheir access to certain apps or websites(限制他们访问一些特定的应用或网站)。这样,父母们就能控制how much time children can spend on their phone(孩子可以玩多长时间),what they can see(能看什么), who they can call or text(能给谁打电话或给谁发信息),and pretty much everything else(几乎可以控制所有事情)。主播Selah的父母对于她的手机使用就管得很严格。她的父母在她小的时候,就有意识地控制她看手机的时间。当时尽管Selah觉得有点严,但还是明白这是为了自己好。03. Lead by Example以身作则父母必须意识到 theimportance of modeling healthy phone habits themselves(在用手机的习惯上带个好头的重要性)。如果你要求孩子not beon their phone,但是你却一直在玩,孩子就会觉得it doesn’t seem fair(不公平),the child will likely push back(孩子很可能会反抗)。所以,言传身教,以身作则,这点很重要。04.Encourage Alternatives 鼓励孩子寻找手机替代方案孩子们之所有依赖手机,很大一部分原因是children can easily get a large dose of cheap dopamine(很容易获得大量、廉价的多巴胺) on their phones,从而获得即时快乐。要摆脱这种情况,父母们可以encourage(鼓励)their children to engage in alternative activities(参与其他活动),比如说reading(阅读),outdoor play(户外活动),hobbies(爱好), or spending time with family and friends(与家人共度美好时光)。因为如果想要break an old habit(打破一个旧的习惯),you need to replace it with a new one(就要用新的习惯来代替)。所以这是个好机会,for families to spend time together doingthese things(让家人花时间一起做这些事情)。孩子依赖手机的另一个原因可能是: Children may use screens as a coping mechanism for negative emotions andstress. 有些孩子会把玩手机当做一种排解负面情绪的方式。如果是这样的话,parents need to find out(找出) what’s theunderlying issue (潜在问题),然后help children find healthier copingmechanisms(更健康的应对方式)。• cope v. 对付,处理05. Establish Tech-Free Zones 建立无设备区域You designate specific areas or times(你指定特定的区域或时间)where phones and other electronic devicesare not permitted(禁止使用手机和其他电子产品), such as during meals(用餐), family outings(家人外出), or beforebedtime(睡觉前)。主播Selah家里就有这种规定:You were not allowed to have a phone ortechnology at the dinner table(饭桌)。并且Selah父母以身作则,这点就做得非常好。她的父母 would silence their phones(会把电话静音), or would warn themin advance if there could be an emergency call(如有紧急电话,会提前告知)。然而大多数父母都会找很多借口,尽管明白这个规定,but they just fail to follow through(但没能坚持执行下去)。06. Have Open Discussions 公开讨论Parents can have open and honest conversations(进行开诚布公的谈话)with their children about the impacts(影响)of excessive(过度) phone usage on their health(健康), relationships(人际关系), and overallwell-being(整体健康)。You can also emphasize (强调) the importance of taking breaks(休息), practicing goodposture(练习良好的体态)and maintaining proper eye health(保护视力)。孩子和父母之间的这种沟通是必不可少的 。07. Involve Children in Decision-Making 让孩子参与决策让孩子参与到这个制定规则和做决定的过程,可以让他们feel more responsible(感到更有责任感) for followingthese rules。今天我们聊到的管控手机的方法,不光是对孩子有效,对大人同样适用。In the short term(短期内),这些措施可能会让让你的孩子be upset(不安),但长期来看 it is worth。关于孩子沉迷于玩手机,你是否也有相同的困扰呢?如果这期节目对你有帮助,欢迎给我们点赞、留言!
2/18/2024 • 14 minutes, 35 seconds
主播:Anne(中国)+ 梅莉(法国) 歌曲 :(开场)You are so Sunshine(结尾)SimpleGifts过年了,大家免不了要送礼物,送的礼物最好have positive and well wishingconnotations(有积极美好的含义),不要送寓意不好的。在国外送礼物同样也要注意,有一些礼物千万不能送。今天,我们就来聊一聊,在国外送礼物必须要避开的“雷”。01. 在韩国不能送鞋It is perceived negatively if you gift shoes. 如果你送的礼物是鞋子,会被认为不吉利。因为在韩国,鞋子代表“出轨”。Koreans believe that receiving shows as a gift will kill therelationship. 韩国人相信,接受鞋子礼物会破坏他们的感情。在亲密关系中,收到鞋子的人会“run away”from their significant other(离开另一半)。02. 在阿根廷不能送钱包If you are gifting a wallet you need to make sure you are putting somemoney inside.要送钱包的话,里面要放上钱。Gifting an empty wallet is very rude. 送空钱包是很不礼貌的。如果要送钱包的话,至少要在里面放上1美元。03. 在法国不能送扫把如果你送别人cleaning appliances(清洁用具)比如说broomsticks or vacuum cleaners(扫把或吸尘器),会让人觉得很奇怪。因为这样会让人觉得his/her house is dirty,需要打扫。主播梅莉开玩笑说,如果你送的是a pricy Dyson vacuum(价格昂贵的戴森吸尘器),那就另当别论了,人们不会see it negatively,hahaha~。04. 在意大利不能送手帕It is not great to gift handkerchiefs(手帕)。Because they are used to wipe away tears whenyou go see your closed ones who have passed away(因为手帕通常是当亲友去世的时候,被用来擦眼泪)。05. 在英国不能送百合In England lilies actually represent death. 因为在英国百合象征着死亡。It has the same connotation as the number 13. 百合和数字13在英国有着同样不好的寓意。• connotation / ˌkɑːnəˈteɪʃ(ə)n /n.隐含意义06. 在德国不能送有黑猫或者喜鹊图案的东西In Germany, it is better to not give gifts that have blackcats(黑猫) or magpies(喜鹊). Because they think that these two animals are related towitches and pickpocket(这两种动物分别是女巫和小偷的化身) which brings misfortune(带来不幸)。Witches usually have blackcats as their pets (女巫通常会有黑猫作为宠物)。07. 在印度不能送牛皮制品In India, it is important to note tonot give gifts that are made of leather(牛皮制品).Because cows are holy so it is important to keep this in mind.印度宗教把牛当做“圣兽”,是绝对不能侵犯的。08. 在俄罗斯不能送钱In Russia it is important to not give money as gifts to people.因为在他们眼里,送钱是a bit awkward and embarrassing(令人尴尬的),因为这代表着施舍和侮辱,带有贬低意味。所以,有没有可能,俄罗斯人收不到红包09. 在日本不能送梳子In Japan you shouldn’t gift combs, for combing hair.因为在日语里,the pronunciation of theword is the name as the word death(“梳子”和“死亡”同音)。你还知道哪些不能送的礼物?欢迎大家评论区留言补充。
2/14/2024 • 8 minutes, 35 seconds
主播:Wendi(中国)+ Erin (美国)歌曲:Chinese New Year大家过年好!今年的春晚大家都看了吗?就像是咱们过年都会看春晚一样,在美国,也有人会为了春节做一些特别的事。主播Erin在美国也感受到了浓浓的过年气氛。今天我们来聊一聊,在美国,人们是怎么庆祝中国新年的。01. 在美国,中国新年也会放假?在美国,很多人都会庆祝中国新年。那么,is there a day off for Chinese New Year? 中国新年也会放假吗?答案是: kind of(有的会)!主播Erin之前在New Jersey(新泽西州)上学时,everyone in the district had Lunar New Year off(学校都会在农历新年放假)。现在在Maryland (马里兰州) 上学,尽管他们don’t officiallyhave the day off(不会官方放假),但是你如果celebrate Chinese New Year(庆祝新年)and want to have off that day(想请假), your absence is excused(你缺课也是可以的)!不仅是学校,对于大多数businesses(企业) 也是一样,即便they don’t celebrate it,they will respect your traditions(尊重中国的传统)。02. 在纽约和洛杉矶的唐人街都会有新年活动在中国新年期间,像主要城市 NewYork和Los Angeles will hold events at their Chinatown(在唐人街举办活动)。主播Erin最喜欢的一项活动就是the traditional Chinese Lion Dance(中国传统舞狮)。去年,Erin的爸爸和弟弟甚至signed up (报名)for a class。今年,纽约唐人街 ishosting a parade(游行),with stunning outfits(特色的服装),dragon dancing(舞狮),以及martial art performers(武术表演)。It is all so cool that China’s traditions are alive in other countries. 看到越来越多的中国传统能够走到海外,真的是很自豪。03. 华人社区的中文学校会举行晚会Chinese communities(华人社区) 比如说Chinese School(中文学校) willhost performances (举办表演)orprovide Chinese food(提供中餐)tocelebrate the new year (庆祝春节)。在这里学习的学生 willoften perform traditional Chinese dancing(表演中国传统舞蹈), ChineseYo-yo(抖空竹),martial arts(武术),singing(唱歌),and skits(小品)! They are all done by students who are there to learn Chinese. 他们不仅是学中文,还学会了很多中国的才艺。很多表演是are doneby little kids(由小朋友完成),而这些才艺都是 taught by the older kids(由年龄大孩子教授),这种 the interactions (互动)are adorable(可爱),有点像theolder kids are passing on(传递)Chinese traditions to the newer generation (新一代),确保 the traditions never die(这些文化不断流传下去)。• adorable/əˈdɔ:rəb(ə)l/ adj. 可爱的;讨人喜爱的04. 有些学校会上中国新年相关的课除了中文学校,有些学校也会有与中国新年相关的课。主播Erin在上中学时,很多老师会have a special lesson dedicated to Chinese New Year(讲一些春节主题的课)。而这些课程一般will fall either before or after Chinese New Year(春节之前或之后进行)。比如,Erin的西班牙老师会taught them to make Chinese Paper Cuttings(中国剪纸) before the New Year,并会将剪好的剪纸挂在 all around the classroom for decoration(装饰)。除了会上中国传统文化的相关课程外,还有的课上学生们会被允许bring in dishes(自己带菜)together to celebrate Chinese New Year, and they just have a class party with all the food everyonebrought(用自带的食物举办班级聚会)!Some of the Chinesetraditions(中国的一些传统)has been respected(尊重) and celebrated (庆祝)byanother culture .05. 美国公司会设计中国新年主题的产品一些西方的公司会create Lunar New Year inspired products(设计以农历新年为主题的产品)。比如,Coachcame out with bags with the year of the dragon designs(蔻驰推出了有龙设计的包),and Burberry came out withscarves forLunar New Year(而博柏利也推出了中国年特色的围巾)。除了上述品牌外,其他一些常规的clothing brands(服装品牌) 比如: Aritzia and Lululemon 也同样推出 pieces inspired by Lunar New year(新年系列的产品)。06. 游戏公司会出跟中国新年有关的奖励或者皮肤我们的主播Erin是一个游戏大玩家,所以她对于很多游戏都很熟悉。这些游戏公司会专门为中国新年create special events(设计特别的游戏情节) or skin lines(皮肤) 。比如: League of Legends (王者荣耀)每年都会creates a Lunar New Year skin line(皮肤)。Valorant(无畏契约)每年都会有an event pass(通关活动),玩家可以collectrewards relating to Lunar New Year(收集与新年有关的奖励),while also coming out with a skin line(同时也会推出新年相关皮肤)。The skins are very pretty.玩家们在玩游戏的同时,也感受到了中国春节的节日气氛。
2/11/2024 • 8 minutes, 17 seconds
近些年来,国外的春节氛围越来越浓,但对于中国的有些春节习俗,很多外国友人还是很迷惑。今天我们来聊一聊,哪些习俗让外国友人无法理解。01. 春节每一年都是不一样的日期Chinese New Year之所以是又被称为 Lunar New Year是因为我们有一个 different calendar system(不同的历法)。它是根据the cycles of the moon phases(月亮的运行周期)制定的一种历法。而西方,他们使用的是the solar calendar(阳历)。所以,the first day of the lunar new year is differentevery year(每年春节正月初一的日期都不太一样)。02. 正月初五拜财神外国友人对于中国人常说的“Gong hay fat choy”有点迷惑,这其实是粤语里的“恭喜发财”,寓意是“wishing you happiness and prosperity”(祝你开心又富有)。在中国,很多地方有拜财神的这个习俗。拜财神用英语说是:*worshipping the god of money*worshipping the god of wealthOn the fifth day of the lunar new year(大年初五),很多人会worship the god of money(拜财神),人们希望财神可以保佑他们在新的一年里财源滚滚,希望be blessed with a lot of wealth and success in the newyear(被赐予财富和成功)。03. 过年穿红色、发红包、放红色炮仗过春节时,人们通常会wear red(穿红色),set off red firecrackers(放红色炮仗),并且会give their children red envelopes(给孩子们红包)。为什么到处都是红色?这是因为:中国民间有个legend(传说):有一个monster called the Nian(叫“年”的怪兽),它会appear(出现) during the lunar new year(农历新年) and harm children and people’s wealth(伤害孩子,破坏人们的财产),后来人们发现它怕the color red and loud noises(红色和响声)。于是,人们通过穿红色、放鞭炮的方式来scare away(吓跑) the year beast(年兽),中国人过年也是这么来的。还有giving children lucky money in red envelopes(给孩子压岁钱)是a symbol for wishing them safe (祝福孩子平安的一种象征)。主播Selah说:“在西方,从未见过有一个节日是父母给孩子钱的。”不过,了解了这个传说后,她觉得还是很有意义。04. 贴春联主播Selah说,她在过年的时候经常会看见a lot of people writing poems on red paper strips(很多人在红纸条上写诗),而且他们还会put them up on their doors(把这些诗贴在门上),看上去so pretty(相当漂亮)。这些写在红纸上的poems就是我们的spring festival couplets /scrolls(春联),every household(家家户户)都会put up spring festival couplets on their doors(在门上贴春联)。They’re used to convey(表达)good wishes andblessings for the coming year(对新的一年的美好的祝愿)。比如下面这幅春联:Upper scroll(上联):May the heavens bestow more years andgrant longevity to people.天增岁月人增寿。Lower scroll(下联):May the Spring fill the world andblessings fill the house.春满乾坤福满楼。Horizontal scroll(横批):Peace and stability throughout the seasons.四季长安。• bestow /bɪˈstəʊ/ vt. 赠给,授予• longevity /lɔ:nˈdʒevəti/ n.长寿• stability /stəˈbɪləti/ n. 稳定(性)05. 年夜饭的鱼不能吃完On the Chinese New Year’s Eve(年三十),你不能吃完an entire fish(整条鱼)。因为我们讲究“年年有余”(every year we wish to have a surplus of things)。 “余”sounds exactlythe same as the word fish “ yu” in Chinese(“余”谐音“鱼”),寓意着每一年都会有good fortune(好运)以及abundance(盈余)。It’s a nice play on words. 这就像是在玩一个文字游戏。为了图个吉利,我们要确保say things that are associated with good fortune(说的话都与好运有关)。06. 正月不能理发In the first month of the lunar new year(正月),你不能get a haircut(理发)。中文里,头发(hair)中的发(fa)sounds like the word for getting rich(和“发财”中的发同音),你不会想cut your chances of getting rich(断财运)。所以,大家都会避讳在正月里剪头发,大多数人get a haircut(理发) 都选择before the lunar new year(年前)。主播Anne最近听说,有家理发店(barbershop) lineup of customers until 5am in the morning(一直排队到了凌晨五六点钟)。由于the barbers(理发师)太累,they don’t even want to make money anymore(这钱他们都不想赚)。Haha~除了上述提到的,其实正月里的还有很多讲究,特别是正月初一,因为它是the most auspicious(最吉利) time of the year。比如:你不能sweep the floor(扫地),take out the trash(倒垃圾),touch needles(碰针),or even take medicine(吃药)。Well if you have good intentions and work hard and just take care ofyourself and others, I’m sure you’ll have a wonderful new year! 只要心存善意,努力进步,然后用心对待自己和自己身边的人,相信新的一年里一定会吉祥,如意!非常感谢大家在兔年里一直陪伴着我们一席英语,在这里祝福大家新年快乐! 我们龙年再见!
2/9/2024 • 12 minutes, 24 seconds
国外最常用的6个购物App, 建议收藏!
主播:Wendi(中国)+ 梅莉(法国) 歌曲 :I’mComing Home在国外都会用什么App在网上买东西呢?今天的节目,我们就聊一聊国外比较常用的shopping Apps(购物软件)。01. Amazon 亚马逊Amazon是very commonly used marketplace(最常使用的第三方交易平台)。Marketplace就是一个第三方的交易平台,允许sellers(卖家)通过the same storefront/website(同一个店面/网站)offer products,在这个相同的的店面或者网站背后,是the store owner(店主)和third-party sellers(第三方卖家)在运营。我们最常用的购物平台“淘宝”就是一个marketplace。在Amazon上,you can really find almost everything,这个购物平台is very commonly used in Europe and the United States。这个平台一大优势就是they have warehouses everywhere(他们到处都有仓库) ,所以the shipping doesn’t take too long(物流很快)。• warehouse n. 仓库• shipv. 运输;运送主播梅莉就在亚马逊上买了一个Kindle,因为它connected to amazon,所以梅莉也是直接从Amazon买Kindle里的电子书。因为梅莉有亚马逊的Amazon prime(会员),所以it is free shipping(可以享受免费送货)。如果没有这个Amazon prime的话,买东西一般情况下have to pay the shipping(要付运费)。02. eBay 易贝欧美人第二常用的购物APP是eBay。Amazon和eBay这两个是two major players in the e-commerce sector(电商领域的领头羊)。eBay和Amazon卖的东西很相似,它们只是have slightly different business models(有略微不同的商业模式)。Amazon operates like a traditional retail store(亚马逊就是传统的商店的模式),商家和买家在上面进行买卖,the price is fix(价格是固定的)。但是,eBay更像是一个auction house(拍卖行),买家通过bid on the price(竞价的方式)来买东西。比如说:如果你想买一个玩具,你就告诉平台the most money you'rewilling to pay for it(你愿意出的最高价),当其他人也想要你看中的这个玩具时,eBay helps by increasing your offer a bit at a time(平台会把你的价格稍微抬高一点),但是会在你的limit(最高价)之内。假如你说你最高愿意出价20美元,接下来想买这件商品的人愿意出的最高价是15美元,那么you might win at $16(你可能以16美元的价格买走这件商品)。03. Temu 拼多多(海外版)Temu是拼多多的海外版。在海外,it launched only a few years ago(它是在几年前才推出的),算是比较新的购物平台。它是一个Chinese-owned digital marketplace(中国的电子购物平台),it’s taken the internet by storm (它已经席卷了互联网),由此可见Temu的火爆程度。根据TechReport的数据显示,Temu reached over 200 million downloads(下载次数超过2千万),这让它成为了the world's most downloaded mobile marketplace App(世界上下载量最多的手机购物平台)。它也是one of the websites that ismost used for buying online both the US and Europe(欧美线上购物使用最多的网站之一)。在国外大家一般会在Temu上面买什么呢?在Temu上,你几乎可以买一切的商品,比方说car accessories(汽车配件)、clothing(衣服)、kitchen appliances(餐厨用具)、electronics(电子设备)、outdoor furniture(户外家具)、power tools(电动工具)、baby clothes(婴儿服)等等。Temu上的东西也是十分便宜,因为它leverages the consolidation of tens of thousands ofconsumer orders into bulk shipments(把成千上万的消费者的订单整合成批量的货),这样的话就可以实现economies of scale(规模经济),it significantly lowers the shipping cost per item(大大降低了每个商品的运输成本)。Temu那么受欢迎主要是因为you can buy products at a very cheap price(你可以低价买商品)。• leverage /ˈlevərɪdʒ/v. 利用• consolidation/kənˌsɑ:ləˈdeɪʃ(ə)n/n. 合并• bulk /bʌlk/adj. 大批的,大宗的04. Wish和Shein另外两个比较受欢迎的购物平台是Wish和Shein。这两个平台和拼多多很相似,you can really find all kinds of products。这两个平台上的大多数产品都是come from China,而且have a very competitiveprice(价格优惠)。05.Vinted在欧洲,再一个比较火的购物平台是Vinted,这是一个二手交易平台。在这个平台上,you can sell second hand things and buy things from others(买卖二手的东西)。Vinted听上去就像vintage(老式的)。在这个平台上,你可以淘到some very nice second handclothes,bags and shoes。有的时候,你还能淘到luxury brands in very verygood condition and good price(质量好,价格低的奢侈品)。Vinted上卖的衣服、鞋子之类都是more fashion focused(更注重时尚)。欧美还有一些专门卖奢侈品的网站,比如说Net a porter, Harrods, Farfetch and Nordstrom。对于国外常用的购物平台,你还有补充吗?欢迎大家评论区留言。
2/7/2024 • 12 minutes, 30 seconds
寒暑假期间, 西方学生都会参加什么活动?
主播:Wendi(中国)+ Erin(美国)歌曲 :I’m Coming HomeWinter break( 寒假)已经到来了,国内的学生寒假是一定要finishtheir homework for the break(完成假期作业),有些学生还会take some classes(上课),也有些学生会由家长带着去旅游。那美国的学生放了寒假或暑假都做什么呢?01.Going on vacation 去旅行One commonactivity students do during their break is going on vacation!在假期期间,学生们比较常有的一项活动就是goingon vacation(旅行)。有一些学生会takefamily vacations to other states or other countries(和家人去其他州或其他国家度假)。一些人会去tropical places(热带地区),比如说Cancun(坎昆)或者是Hawaii(夏威夷),也有一些人喜欢goto ski resorts(去滑雪胜地)。• resort 度假胜地02.Catching up with friends找朋友叙旧、聊天学生们另外一个比较喜欢参加的活动是catching up with friends(找朋友叙叙旧,聊聊天),尤其是对于那些collegestudents(大学生)来说,他们回到家乡后,就会hangoutwith some old friends(和一些老朋友出去玩)。They do all kindsof activities,比如说going to the mall(逛商场),going to the movies(看电影),或者只是goingout for a meal(出去吃个饭)。最重要的就是toenjoy your friends company(享受朋友的陪伴)。03. Going to a camp 参加营地活动这些营地活动会有一些室外活动,比如canoeing(划皮划艇),swimming,roasting marshmallows(烤棉花糖) 以及hiking(徒步)。Thatsounds fun!也有一些营地会focuson specific activities(有一些针对性的特定项目),比如说,会有theatercamp(戏剧营),writingcamp(写作营),还有swimmingcamp(游泳营)。这些营地的开放对象是那些有specifictalents(某方面才能)的学生,或者是那些想在假期里improveat something they are passionate about(提升他们所热爱的东西)的学生。主播Erin小时候就和弟弟一块儿去过一个hockeycamp(冰球营),他们虽然是初学者,但在这个营地学到了somuch about hockey and ice skating。Erin去的这个营地,每天的开营时间大约是从早上8点到下午4、5点,thatis a long time。很多家长都会选择sendkids to camps during breaks,因为他们白天要工作,they don’t want theirchildren to just be sitting alone at home(不想让孩子一个人在家呆一天),而这些camps就提供了很好的选择,campis both entertaining for the children(既能给孩子带来乐趣),也能createsless stress for parents(减少父母的压力)。04. Taking a class 上课很多学生因为对学校取得的成绩不满意,他们会signup for the same class at a local community college(在当地的社区大学报名上同样的课程),希望geta better grade。他们重考的这个成绩是可以替换掉他们在学校的成绩的,这样的话,theywill have a better grade on their transcript(他们的成绩单上会有更好的成绩)。• transcript /ˈtrænskrɪpt/ <美>成绩单也有一些学生会在假期里上课提前学明天夏天要修的课程,ifthey pass it in the summer,在新的学年,they can free up a spacein their schedule to take another course(他们可以在课程表中腾出时间去上另一门课程)。05. Working a part time job打工一些大一点的学生会spend the break working a part time job(在假期做兼职工作),他们可能会workat restaurants(在餐馆工作),也可能会做retailjobs(零售工作)。差不多15或16岁就可以做兼职工作了。比如Erin的弟弟,heis turning 15 soon(马上就要15岁了),他就打算暑假里去找个兼职工作。最后是所有学生都会做的事,juststaying at home and relaxing(呆在家躺平)。平时在学校里there’s so much work(课业压力很大),所以学生们在假期都会选择beingrelaxed,比如说watchtelevision and catch up on sleep(看电视和睡觉)。
2/4/2024 • 8 minutes, 40 seconds
主播:Wendi(中国)+ 梅莉(法国)歌曲 :I'm Coming Home
2/1/2024 • 13 minutes, 16 seconds
在美国,买豪车、奢侈品跟想象中 大不一样
主播:Wendi(中国)+ Erin(美国) 歌曲 : I'm Coming Home这期节目我们来聊聊,在美国有哪些东西unexpectedly expensive(出乎意料的贵) 以及哪些是unexpectedly cheap(出乎意料的便宜)。01:Taxes are expensive.税很贵Some things have a higher tax percentage than others. (有些商品税率很高)比如在Maryland马里兰州,taxes for normal items(一般商品的税)是6%,而alcohol(酒)的税是9%。· tax percentage n. 税率每一个 state都有different taxes(不同的税), 并没有一个 single number for the entire US(全美统一的数值)。与中国不同,税并不是included in the listed price(含在标价里)。如果你buy something for $1000(买了一千美金),the total will come out to $1060(出来的总价则是$1060),尽管the price will be listed as $1000(价格吊牌是$1000)。Technically(严格说来),你可以calculate the number on your own (自己核算实际要付的钱),不过nobody would do that(没有人会那样做),因为people are used to it(人们已经习惯了),所以他们don’t care that much about it(不在乎那么多)。无论是big supermarkets, malls, grocery stores(杂货店)还是small roadside shops(小路边摊),都要交税。除了Delaware这个州没有sales tax(销售税)外,其它州都有。02:Ambulances and medical insurance are extremely expensive.救护车和医疗保险极其贵Just by getting into the ambulance(仅仅叫救护车)就会 cost anywhere between $500 to $2000(花费$500到$2000不等), 而且这还是without getting any treatment(没有任何治疗的情况)!比如:主播Erin认识的一个朋友的家人had an allergic reaction(过敏反应), 因为不想pay for the ambulance(花钱叫救护车), 就decided to just wait it out(决定等等看)。最后还好 thankfully he turned out fine(他没事), 但这真的显示出How costly it is(有多贵)。· ambulance /ˈæm.bjə.ləns/ n. 救护车· allergic /əˈlɝː.dʒɪk/ adj. 过敏的Insurance(保险)也很贵, 大多数公司会 provide insurance(提供保险)并且pay part of it (付一部分)。Nationwide(在全国),The average price for a single person’s insurance (个人平均的保险价格) 是 $599 per month, 而公司会 cover for(报销)其中的 $400左右。Average payment for a family(平均家庭的费用)是每月$1715元,公司会pay about half of it(付大约一半费用),而个人需要pay the rest(付剩下的)。如果没有工作,或者你的公司无法offer insurance(提供保险),那医疗保险是simply unaffordable(完全负担不起的)。03:Buying cars is actually not cheap.买豪车其实并不便宜如果有人说他能花 $10000 or $20000 来买一辆 luxury car(豪车),那辆车一定是used(二手的)并且已经has a ton of mileage used already (里程数已经跑了很多)。主播Erin看到 recent listing for a 2011 BMW(一辆2011BMW),售价$19,900。这个价位也不是新车。一个美国的regular family(普通家庭) 通常会有2-3辆车,几乎每个family member(家庭成员)都会有their own car(他们自己的车)。每个家庭在车上的花销会比较高。即使是一个Honda(本田)这样的 regular car brand (平价牌子)现在都要花$ 30000 ,所以能便宜买到brand new (全新的)豪车是 literally impossible(根本不可能)。· mileage /ˈmaɪlɪdʒ/ n. 总里程数· listing/ˈæm.bjə.ləns/ n. 广告条目04:Shipping is expensive and slow.快递又贵又慢Shipping指运输,也可以指我们网购的快递。在美国regular mail (平邮)需要 5-7 business days(工作日)来deliver(送达),对于above 13 oz (盎司)的东西要花$4.50,其中不会contain任何 guarantee(安全保证) 或者提供 tracking(跟踪包裹)的服务,所以不是很recommended(推荐)。最common的mailing method(邮寄方式)是priority mail(优先邮寄), 需要 1-3 工作日, start at(起价) $8.70。如果你want something delivered the next day(隔天送到), 需要花 $26.95。· contain /kənˈteɪn/ vtr. 包含· guarantee /ˌgærənˈti/ n. 担保;保证· priority /praɪˈɒrɪti/ n. 优先相比较美国,国内的快递不仅方便还又快又便宜。05:Affordable luxury will often go on sale in stores like Costco or Walmart.奢侈品会经常在超市搞活动比如:Coach这样的brand(品牌)可能会 be seen at Costco for 40, 50 percent off(在Costco优惠五到六折),你仅仅花100 美金就能买一个蔻驰包 during these sales(在搞活动期间),巨便宜。欢迎留言告诉我们:你听了这期节目,有什么想法?
1/28/2024 • 10 minutes, 34 seconds
主播:翩翩(中国)+ Maelle( 法国) 歌曲:Rising Girl在西方,有一种非常流行的概念,就是把男性分为:西格玛男人、阿尔法男人等6种男性性格。* swipe on tiktok 刷抖音 * 6 types of male personalities 6种男性性格今天我们就一起来看,西方人总结出的6种男性性格。1.Alpha Males霸总西方人把在群体中游刃有馀、一切尽在掌握之中的“老大型”男性,称为“阿尔法男”Alpha Males。Alpha男性的性格关键词:dominant 主导的,assertive果断的,confident自信的在社交场合中占主导,they take charge in social situations,自信满满self-assuredalpha男性通常处在社会顶端 Theyoften rise to the top of social hierarchies.Because that is where they want to be.因为这是他们心之所愿。2. Sigma Males独狼Sigma男性,指代独立、自律的男人,他们不追求、且不讨好异性,并因与主流价值观不同显得个性十足,通常会被描述为 the lone wolf 独狼。性格关键词:independent 独立 play outside the system itself. 独立于系统之外的,自己玩自己的Theydon’t seek approval from others.从不求别人的支持而且they don’t care what others think about them.根本不在意别人怎么看Sigma 男性,有一个内在的compass(指南针)。value their freedom 重视自由,属于离群但又开心的人,他们也不会在意自己在 social hierarchies的第几层。3.Beta Males 暖男在西方,通常将Beta 男和Alpha男对比, Alpha男是领袖的角色, Beat则是服从性高的人群。性格关键词:friendly and respect others 很友好,谦恭有礼they are reserved很矜持,甚至a bit shy.Beta男性不喜欢share their opinion publicly公开场合发表意见因为 theydon’t like negativity and conflict. 他们不喜欢负面的东西、不喜欢纷争在人际关系方面,Beta男性有较高的social intelligence社交智慧。People tend to like them. 容易得到大家的喜爱。Beta男性, 一般都是好员工、好丈夫、好朋友。They make the best employees and great family men as they will do anything for their wife and children.(愿为妻子孩子做一切)4.Gamma Males洒脱男Gamma男性有冒险精神,性格非常有趣( adventurous and have a very interesting personality.)性格关键词:seekfulfillment in life above all other pursuits.对Gamma男性来说,追求生活上的满足,凌驾于一切追求之上They lovegoing on trips, traveling to exotic places.喜欢旅游,喜欢去有异域风情的地方。Gamma男性love people,喜爱与人打交道。They have many close relationships and seek to be loved by all. 他们有很多很铁的关系,被所有人喜爱。说起来,中国的大文化IP苏东坡,是不是有点像Gamma男性呢?5.Omega Males书呆子性格关键词:缺乏social awareness社交意识,They may struggle with social skills社交困难, lack confidence 缺乏自信,容易在社交群体中被边缘化。但是,社交不行的omega男性,在学术方面很有潜力。They are very focused on learning.有一些Omega男性, 非常符合the nerd archetype (书呆子的典型),他们在某一些需要高智商方面具有a strong, natural pull(强烈的天然的兴趣),比如:读书,building models(模型建造), coding编程,还有technology。翩翩有一个表弟,就是典型的Omega Males, 社交能力相当弱,一讲话能得罪一屋子的人。他是学coding的,后来做AI, 技术很牛;读书能力也相当强,西方哲学烂熟于心,类似于荣格的原著,他都能读通,而且对精神分析、集体无意识相当有自己的见解,只可惜社交太差。属于a typicalOmega Male.6.DeltaMale普信男Delta男性,是社会中的中坚力量,是正常的平凡人。但在西方,很多时候,会着重强调Delta男has gone through an experience that has caused him to change into a delta male(经历了一些事情之后转变成了现在的人格)经历创伤后,会有一些表现,比如:they have trust issues,不太信任别人。they are resentful心怀怨恨。Theydon’tlook inward 不会向内看(内省)Theylook to others to blame for his problems.指责他人是他问题的原因。所以,最终没法moving on with life and growing as a person. 并以过去的伤痛为借口,继续过悲哀低效的人生。( remain unhappy and unproductive in his own life.) 但是,像所有普通人一样,Delta男可上可下,有的会因为不好的经历而变得more resentful and angrier,但也会因为一些美好的经历,而走向另一个方向,实现跃迁。以上,就是西方人把男性分成的6这种类型,你是哪一种呢?你的身边有没有其中典型的类型呢?欢迎留言告诉我们!let us know in the comments below!
1/25/2024 • 11 minutes, 2 seconds
主播:翩翩(中国)+ Selah ( 美国 ) 歌曲 :Fool For You最近,一个叫“程前”的网红视频主,被360创始人“周鸿祎”教训而上了热搜。我们用英文聊一聊这个incident(事件),希望网络时代、自媒体时代的我们,能借这个网红翻车的incident,做一些反思与学习。2024年1月5日,冯仑邀请两位entrepreneurs企业家:王石、周鸿祎参加a year-end showcase(年终秀)。除了这三位captains of industry(行业领袖,大佬),还有一位叫“程前”的年轻网红,也是本次事件的 the main character (主角)。程前是 an influencer(一位网红),是这两年迅速崛起的顶流商业访谈博主,内容主要是采访中小企业主的创业故事。He's got over six million followers (他有600多万粉丝),属于抖音商业访谈视频头部博主。但在这一次在这次的live stream(直播)中,程前同样作为主持人,表现却与平时人设 persona/pɚ'sonə/完全不同, completely unlike his usual persona. 令人大跌眼镜。Let's take a quick look back at the whole incident(我们来稍回顾一下整个事件):首先,四位嘉宾就”挺住“这个主题各自发表演讲,王石、周鸿祎、以及冯仑都是speaking without notes脱稿演讲,而程前则是 read from a script,读稿读了19分钟。演讲结束后,周鸿祎非常直白地给了两个建议:一、尽量不要念稿子,要跟台下观众有眼神的互动。you've got to engage with the audience,make eye contact with the audience,二、演讲时,尽量不要说大词、抒情词(big words),创业者要更现实一点keep it real。因此,程前was so pissed off, 在周鸿祎做分享时,程前突然以非常粗暴的方式强行打断 , He interrupted Zhou Hongyi's speech, in a really rough manner:你这用的跟我一样的词啊,什么憧憬、好奇心。周鸿祎handled very quickly说:杠精对公司发展没有好处。Being argumentative doesn't do any good for the company.接着,程前转头问冯仑说:周总能跟别人聊天吗?聊完之后,微信都还留着吗?然后,程前说:今天就我一个人写了稿子,三位老师上来嘻嘻哈哈。(He complains that others aren't serious, don't write scripts.)周鸿祎就讲了马云当年给他分享怎么做演讲:一要说段子,吸引观众注意力,二是言简意赅。(humor, and keeping it concise.)程前继续找机会回怼 (firing back),说乔布斯当年也念稿read from a script,而且乔布斯在苹果新品发布时作的演讲,比你周总的freestyle精彩多了。周鸿祎回道:你在恭维我呀you are flattering me!,拿乔布斯和我们这种凡人比。At the end of the meeting, as the host, Cheng Qian was wrapping up today's meeting and providing a summary.会议结束时,作为主持人的程前,需要wrap up the meeting(结束会议)、providing a summary(做出总结):第一,程前说穿红衣服的(周鸿祎)性格不会收敛了;第二,程前祝愿其他人延年益寿、健康长久。到此,会议结束。随后几天,there's more to come on this matter此事的后续来了.Taking this opportunity, Zhou Hongyi hosted a live session, teaching everyone 'How to Give a Speech’.借此机会,周鸿祎举办了一场直播课,教大家如何作演讲。程前去现场听课并道歉,说:我的策略是“打不过就加入”(If you can't beat them, join them. )Doesn’t sound like an apology at all.(听起来不像道歉)周鸿祎说:没必要道歉,道歉有时只是为了平息公众的反应(calm public reactions)。犯错后最重要的还是自己能不能真正的去复盘,真诚地明白自己错在哪里。到此,600万粉丝的知识圈网红程前被360创始人红衣教主周鸿祎教训的整个过程就结束了。美国主播Selah感叹道: it’s a lesson worth learning. 1. short videos are all edited by a team, and making short videos involves scripts and copywriting.短视频都是按照既定脚本、经由团队剪辑而成的。互联网时代,the trick with short videos就是:你看到的,只是他想让你看到的。对任何网红,都要学会“去魅”。2. 好好做人 is a universal concept.全球通行的概念,放之四海而皆准身为网红,与其在稿子上下功夫,不如在脑子上下功夫,不如在做人上下功夫。"be a good person," "live a righteous life,"其实,像honesty真诚、 integrity厚道、kindness仁义、diligence勤奋等等,是人类共同认可的美德。做个”be a decent human being”.现实生活不会对任何一个人格外开恩,不好好修为自己的话,谁都扛不住直播镜头下的“特写”,更答不好人生这张考卷。正如中国传承千年的老道理:自天子以至于庶人,一是皆以修身为本。从程前事件中,大家学到什么了呢?视频你看了吗?有什么观感吗?欢迎留言跟大家一起交流讨论。
1/21/2024 • 10 minutes, 21 seconds
主播:翩翩(中国)+ Selah(美国) 歌曲:Catch My Breath(开场)偷心(结尾)《繁花》爆火,被外媒热议王家卫首部电视剧作品《繁花》,目前在中国爆火。外媒报道称:Blossoms Shanghai is Wong Kar-wai’s first dive into dramatic TV series production.• It’s viral:爆火 • Blossoms Shanghai:《繁花》 • Wong Kar-wai:王家卫• first dive:第一次潜水(首度尝试)王家卫出生于上海:Shanghai is his birthplace.外媒称《繁花》是王家卫对上海的致敬:It’s an homage to his birthplace Shanghai.• birthplace: 出生地 • homage:致敬(h不发音)上映以来,《繁花》获评褒贬不一: It has received mixed reviews.但是,王家卫的镜头充满了visual poetry(视觉上的诗意表达),把电视剧行业提升到全新的高度,被称作中国娱乐业的game changer.• mixed:混合的 • review:评价《繁花》改编自茅盾文学奖作品,很多台词很有鉴赏价值,今天,我们就一边鉴赏台词一边学英文吧!1. 心可以热,但是头要冷。Keep your heart warm but your head cool.这句台词,是汪小姐创业前,她的师父金科长对她说,不要轻易相信别人的verbal promises(口头承诺),Analyze the pros and cons before making decisions(做决定前,要自己分析利弊),要够激情,但也要够理性。2. “27号的汪小姐”跟“汪小姐”,是两桩事情。”The Miss Wang on the 27th" and "Miss Wang" are two different matters.27号,是汪小姐之前所在的外贸公司,是个大平台。因此,27号的汪小姐被很多人追捧。后来汪小姐从27号辞职,要自己创业招商,结果没人来,没人买她的帐(No one is buying what she's selling),尝尽世态炎凉。剧中的大佬爷叔用说:排骨是排骨,年糕是年糕。排骨年糕有个好价格,不代表年糕就值这个价。排骨年糕的套餐(the combo) 有个好价格, the combo comes with a good price,但并不代表the rice cake is worth the same。要分清楚平台和自身,不要因为平台资源一叶障目而忘记自己是谁。3. 一个男人应该有多少钱包?三只。第一只,就是你实际上有多少钱第二只,是你的信用。人家钱包里的钞票,你可以调动多少;第三只,人家认为你有多少钱。A man should have 3 wallets, the first one is how much cash you actually have;the second one is your credit; how much you can leverage from what's in others' wallets;the third one is how much others think you have.”所以做人要有信用,还要有腔调。4. 哪里有这么多真的假的,眼前能看得见的都是真的,走掉的都是假的。Who’s got time for all this real or fake drama? What's in front of your eyes is real; what's walked away is fake.夜东京的老板娘玲子在受到情伤之后的领悟:Who’s got time for all this real or fake drama?英文中,drama是指“戏”,Who’s got time for all this drama 哪来这么多戏?美国主播Selah的翻译很准确地传递了玲子的角色神韵。5. 目标从来就不遥远,一步步,一天天。只管全力以赴,剩下的交给时间。The goal has never been too far away, step by step, day by day. Just give it your all, and leave the rest to time.就像是英文中常说的: trust the process.相信过程,但行好事。路虽远,行则将至。 step by step一步步, day by day一天天, 全力以赴。6. 一支队伍,有人看脚底下,有人看前面。In a team, some focus on their own steps, while others keep an eye on the road ahead.这句台词虽然短,但是却讲明白了人类“合群”的意义(the point of fitting in):人类是要有合群的部分,也要有离群的部分。合群是为了大家一起做成事情,就像野生动物需要合群,才能生存。人类也是,合群是为了做事,每个人有不同的职责。所以, while in a team, you need to fit-in。合群做事时,要多动脑、多动手,少动心。万众一心,才是一支好队伍。7. 男男女女这点事,讲起来都是老法师,真到自己身上全是小学生,年年留级,永远拿不到毕业证书。When it comes to relationships, everyone talks like they're experts. But in reality, we're all just rookies. Repeating the same mistakes, never graduating from the school of love.男女关系,在英语中统一称作 relationship。 • experts:专家,老法师 • rookie:新手,菜鸟《二十四章经》中讲:爱欲之人,犹如执炬,逆风而行,必有烧手之患。It’s like holding a torch, walking against the wind.但是,所谓“智者不坠入爱河”,是因为爱欲本身是欲望,索取本身就是逆风执炬。理论来讲,换个方向,把索取变成给予,爱欲变成爱,“逆风执炬”也许就会变成“顺风执火炬”了。8. 做生意先要学会两个字:不响。In business, you gotta learn two words: hush-hush.有人说:真正想做的事,连神明都不要说(for real goals, don't even mention them to the gods.)上海话说“不响”,安静地做 Just go do your thing quietly,,成功了再说and when you've nailed it, then you can talk about it.其实对立志爬坡的人来说,“分享”,本来就是奢侈品,大门要守好,心神才安宁。才能聚焦做事。9. 能说服一个人的,从来不是道理而是南墙。The convincing stuff is never the logic, it's always the hard reality.• logic: 逻辑,道理 • convincing:有说服力的 • the hard reality: 残酷的现实(南墙)所以,放下劝人情结,尊重他人命运。10. 人人心里都有杆秤,什么时候可以同富贵,什么时候可以共患难,心里多少都是有数的。Everyone’s got a scale in their heart–knowing when to share the good times, when to weather the storms. It's all pretty clear to them.这就是所谓的“冷暖自知”吧!以上呢,就是电视剧《繁花》中的10句台词,哪一句最入你心呢? 欢迎留言讨论!
1/17/2024 • 12 minutes, 41 seconds
主播:Wendi(中国)+Selah(美国)歌曲:I'm Coming Home近段时间,舞蹈“科目三”火遍全网。It is really popular! People are dancing it all over the internet. It’s insane(疯狂的)!1. “科目三”是什么?“科目三”本来是中国考驾照的一个科目,但是最近成了网上非常火的一个舞蹈。你会看到people dancing it all around the world(全世界都在跳),比如在the World Sports Grand Prix(世界体育舞蹈大赛)上,就有拉丁舞冠军跳了这个科目三,the Russian Royal Ballet(俄罗斯皇家芭蕾舞团)在中国演出的时候也跳了。当然还有全球其他大场合的表演。科目三isoriginally a driving test in China,这个舞蹈和“考试”有什么联系呢?有人解释说,it is originated from a wedding dance in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region in China(它是起源于广西壮族自治区的一种婚礼上跳的舞蹈)。也有人说,这个舞蹈只是posted online by a man from Guangxi。还有人说,这个舞蹈之所以被叫“科目三”是因为dancing is one of the three tests people have to take so that they can legitimately call themselves a Guangxi person(这个舞蹈是人们为了合法地称自己是广西人而必须接受的三种测试之一),这就像是在你get your license之前,you need to take a driving test是一样的。这个解释真的是非常有趣。• legitimate/lɪˈdʒɪtɪmət/ adj.合法的2. “科目三”为什么那么火?#原因一:舞蹈动作简单,歌曲上头。The dance moves are very fun and catchy(很上头)!舞蹈动作非常有趣,很容易让人上头,而且也很容易学。科目三有几个很经典的动作,比如说,swinging knees sideways(向两边摇晃膝盖),a snappy hand action(快速的手部动作),比方说fast wrist-twisting moves(快速扭转手腕,也就是摇花手)。这些动作都很好上手,even if you are not a dancer, you can learn this dance!• swing v.使摆动• wrist n.手腕• twist v.扭动除了说这些动作比较让人上头之外,这个“科目三”的音乐也很catchy。Itsounds like a mix ofwestern disco beats and traditional Chinese folk song.它听起来像是西方迪斯科节奏和中国传统民歌的混合。#原因二:这个舞蹈是年轻人解压的好方式。It is a way for young people to express themselves freely.这是年轻人自由表达自己的一种方式。现代的年轻人都想要express themselves in unique and personal ways(以独特的、个人化的方式表达自己),而“科目三”就allows them to release stress from everyday life(让他们得以释放日常生活中压力),以及do something fun and different。• release stress 释放压力哪怕你自己不跳这个舞,单是watch someone else dance,你就会immediately feel happier。It is also a great opportunity for people to have community and share an experience with other people! 朋友们一般会组团来跳这个“科目三”,这样也不用在意别人的看法,不会尴尬。现在的年轻人,喜欢大胆表现,they wouldn’t set too much limits on themselves(不会给自己设定太多的限制),just let loose(随心所欲,放飞自我)。• let loose v.释放,不拘束而且,年轻人喜欢actively participating in things(参与),而不只是want to be bystanders(旁观者)。• bystander n.看热闹的人,旁观者#原因三:“科目三”符合短视频平台的传播。It is very suitable for short videoAPPs like TikTok or other social media platforms.这种又简单又上头的舞蹈现在很容易在TikTok或者抖音这些短视频软件上面火起来(to become a viral trend)。人们在短视频平台上看到其他人跳后,theywant to try it out for themselves,甚至还会make their own remixes of it(创造自己的版本),因为这个舞simple and easy to replicate(简单而且易于模仿)。• remix n.重新合成版• replicate /ˈreplɪkeɪt/ vt.复制总结一下,“科目三”在全球大火(has become popular overseas)是因为:People all around the world love dancing, love catchy music(喜欢洗脑的音乐), love trying new things, and love feeling connected to others(愿意和他人建立联系). It is agreat opportunity for all those things! “科目三”集全球人们的这些共同喜好于一身,自然大受欢迎。而且“科目三”也不是独属于某个舞种,it’s kind like a freestyle and a universal one, 所以每个人都能has their own space to create their own dance(有自由创作的空间)。Young people from various countries around the world can participate, explaining its global popularity.It brings people together(把人们联结到一起),而且有更多的人通过它了解到了中国的pop culture。3. 人们对“科目三”有什么评价?Overall, people have had a positive attitude(积极的态度).人们喜欢这种an upbeat dance(欢快的舞蹈)。• upbeat adj.积极乐观的;愉快的人们也喜欢透过这个舞蹈所展示出的Guangxi people’s passion and their optimistic attitude towards life(广西人民的热情及其对生活的乐观态度)。通过这个舞蹈,more and more people around the world get to know China。当然,也有人说,有些人只是follow suit(跟风),so they don’t enjoy it as much as other people do。But there are always different voices.但不管怎样,“科目三”has had an overwhelmingly good reception(受到了极大的欢迎),而且,它会continue to make people smile and laugh for years to come。• reception n.接待;欢迎现在有越来越多的人在跳“科目三”了,比如最近知名健身博主帕梅拉也跳了,很期待后面还会有哪些版本的“科目三”。你跳“科目三”了吗?欢迎大家留言分享你对“科目三”的想法。
1/14/2024 • 10 minutes, 36 seconds
主播:翩翩(中国)+梅莉(法国) 歌曲:Smile(Dami Im)法国人梅莉的印象中,a few years back,三亚 was a popular touristic place for the warmth。 但最近,却看到so many posts about Harbin(关于哈尔滨的帖子)!外媒感叹:Harbin tourism goes viral ! (哈尔滨旅游业爆火!)虽然很冷,但是it’s totally worthy it!(很值), 尤其是冰雕the ice sculptures,美轮美奂。只是去之前,make sure you stay warm(注意保暖)! 可以用hot packs(暖宝宝),还可以网上淘gloves with heaters,这是个聪明的好方法(a very clever approach)。哈尔滨是今年冬天的“顶流”话题,那外媒怎么报道的?路透社Reuters、英国《太阳报》The Sun、每日邮报DailyMail,以及很多 local media outlets(地方媒体),all reported on this matter(都有报道)。Harbin tourism has gone viral,而且还带火了一个term:southern spuds 或者southern potatoes (南方小土豆)。It’s trending online。It’s a playful nod to the fact that many tourists look like potatoes when dressed in winter attire.东北人都人高马大的,中国其他地区的人一穿winter attire(冬装),跟他们一比,就很像小土豆了。It’s a playful nod to … 这个用法很好,playful是指俏皮的,nod点头、致意,it’s a playful nod to sth.指对……轻松的调侃。对于“南方小土豆”,外媒有的用southern spuds,有的用southern potatoes。Spud和potato,完全指同一种东西,只是potato是稍正规的叫法,spud更加活泼(lively)、更口语一点(more conversational)。对很多城市来说,Harbin’s success story offers valuable lessons,非常值得学习。They have many heartwarming gestures. 哈尔滨做了很多暖人心的举动。比如,冻梨拼盘(frozen pearplatters)。Harbin introduced frozen pear platters, making it more convenient for tourists to try. 哈尔滨推出了冻梨拼盘,方便游客品尝。再比如,打车和网约车服务。因为游客多到超出哈尔滨政府的预期(it exceeded the organizer’s expectations),所以it’s packed and busy(人多,好挤)。It’s really hard to secure taxis or ride hailing services.打车或叫车都很难。哈尔滨市民就自发组成“私家车车队”(private vehicles)免费接送游客。• ride hailing service 网约车服务• secure 获得还有,哈尔滨还在很多广场建了warm stations(温暖站),providing warm places to rest。以及,哈尔滨还派了小哥哥给游客分发热红糖水。When people said that the Ice and Snow World was cold, they sent cute boys to distribute(分配)hot sugar water.还有,让南方游客觉得被宠到的是,甜豆腐脑 (the sweet doufu pudding)。对北方人来说,we usually eat salty ones,所以,the sweet doufu pudding is exceptional(非常例外)。Harbin is really treating tourists so well! 所以南方游客直呼:尔滨,有被你宠到!哈尔滨本地人说: 哪是南方小土豆啊,明明是小金豆 (golden beans)!Anyways, 哈尔滨的这种“用户思维”(user mindset),以及各种暖心的举动(heartwarming gestures),说明哈尔滨的爆火不仅仅只是运气。Harbin’s success story offers valuable lessons for us!祝福哈尔滨的冰雪经济再创高峰!大家去过哈尔滨吗?欢迎在评论区分享你的体验!
1/10/2024 • 8 minutes, 37 seconds
主播:Anne(中国)+ Erin(美国) 歌曲 :Smile(Dami Im)
1/5/2024 • 11 minutes, 6 seconds
主播:翩翩(中国)+ Maelle(法国) 歌曲:What Makes You Beautiful(开头)Show Me [by Audrey Assad](结尾)上一期的podcast,我们用10个问题来reflect on the past year(盘点过去的一年). It is now time to plan for the new year!该做新年规划啦!新的一年,像一个崭新的空间,装满了未曾使用的时间。而做新年规划的心情,就像一个肥美丰腴的新年在前方等待自己。但,今年的新年规划前,我们先听主播梅莉给我们读一段essay(小短文):Preparing time to do the thing isn’t doing the thing.(preparing time to do the thing为了做这件事而预备出时间isn’t doing the thing 并不是在做这件事)Scheduling time to do the thing isn’t doing the thing.(scheduling time 安排时间)Making a to do list to do the thing isn’t doing the thing.(making a to do list列一个待办清单)Telling people you are going to do the thing isn’t doing the thing.(telling people you are going to do the thing 告诉大家你要做了)Writing a social media post about how you are going to do the thing isn’t doing the thing.(writing a social media post在社交媒体上发个帖子)Hating on yourself for not doing the thing isn’t doing the thing(hating on yourself怨恨自己)Hating on other people who have done the thing isn’t doing the thing.(hating on other people怨恨他人)Hating on obstacles in the way of doing the thing isn’t doing the thing.(obstacles那些障碍 obstacles in the way挡路的障碍)Fantasizing about all the adoration you will received once you have done the thing isn’t doing the thing.(fantasizing幻想,白日做梦,theadoration you will received once you have done the thing,一旦做成这件事,你会得到的那些爱慕与崇拜)Reading about how you are going to do the thing isn’t doing the thing.(reading about how you are going to do the thing阅览那些关于你怎么做这件事的信息)Reading about other people who have done the thing isn’t doing the thing.(reading about other people who have done the thing阅读别人已经完成这件事的信息)Reading the essay isn’t doing the thing.(reading the essay读这篇小短文)The only thing doing the thing is doing the thing.(唯一能做的事情就是去做这个事情。)新年立志之前,这是一则超棒的提醒,it’s such a great reminder!走得最慢的人,也比原地徘徊的人走得快。总之新年规划,重点不是规划,而是doing the thing (做起来)!为了避免there is so much pressure put on ourselves to make plans and goals,同时也为了避免计划得太多,忘记得太快,今年我们打算 do it in a more simple way。实践检测,这种方式更加有效, it works best for me!一共三步:1. Find a few categories in which you want to focus on this year. 定下今年你想重点关注的几个类别。For example, it can be related to health, professionally, family, financially etc.• berelated to:与……相关• health健康,professionally搞事业, family家庭, financially搞钱…2. Write a specific goal or goals for each category. 给每一项定下具体的目标。“焦虑”的反义词是“具体”。• specific goals: 具体的目标 比如,for the health category,the goal can be to run a marathon, drink more water, eat more vegetables etc.• to run a marathon 跑一次马拉松关于吃蔬菜,翩翩有一个量化的原则:警车加信号灯。(会问自己:我今天有没有吃够5种颜色的食物,黑、白、红、绿、黄。) 3. Write down exactly how you are going to achieve each goal for each category. 写下具体如何实现每一个目标。比如,想要实现本年能够 run a marathon, you need to come up with a plan(需要制定一个计划),来实现你今年健康这一项里running a marathon的目标。比如计划:how many times a week you are going to train 一周训练几次do research on what you need to eat 研究相应的饮食how long in advance do you need to do this以及提前多久开始做这样,就成为了一个简约有效的 action plan。梅莉常用这种方式来做年度计划,so I can look back on them throughout the year(一整年都可以随时回顾),并且it helps me reflect at the end of the year(年末复盘时很有帮助)。另外,国外年轻人很很流行做vision board(愿景板),来自我激励。Vision board就是a collection of images(一组图片),代表了你的目标、梦想和愿望。其实就是一种视觉提醒,a visual reminder,提醒你今年的目标、梦想等等。Making a vision board is quite simple!做起来非常简单!You just need to find pictures that reflect your goals. 什么图片都可以,pictures of people(人物图片),quotes(名句), pictures from magazines(杂志图片)等,只要能够reflect your goals就行。很多人会在冰箱上做vision board,每天都能看到这些图片,来提醒自己今年的目标。希望你听完今天的播客后,今年的new year’s resolution制作起来会更高效!And remember!!!九层之台,起于垒土;千里之行,始于足下。 The only thing doing the thing is doing the thing!欢迎大家留言告诉我们:你的2024年,最大的目标是什么呢?Please comment us!Happy new year everyone!
12/31/2023 • 12 minutes, 32 seconds
主播:翩翩(中国)+ Maelle(法国) 歌曲: Silent Night(开头)+Cold November(结尾)2023年临近结尾,我们一起做总结吧,reflecting on 2023(复盘2023)。我们总结了10个复盘问题(10 prompts),来帮助大家进行有效的反思与总结。You can journal along with us. 大家可以边记笔记边做总结。下期节目我们会带大家一起plan for 2024, so keep an eye out for that!Now let’s start reflecting on the past year! 10个提示问题,开始复盘你的2023年。1. If you had to describe your past year in 3 words, what would it be?3个词来总结自己的2023翩翩:孕育(she’s expecting, yay!),团队(一席团队进了优秀新人,团队越来越默契),平衡(找到了工作生活的平衡点)Maelle: adventure, trust and connectionAdventure :梅莉从法国搬到澳洲一年,然后又搬到上海,she went along a lot of incredible adventures。Trust:学会了trust the process (但行好事)。Connection: Through all of these adventures, she has connected with beautiful people and connected with herself.连结了很多美好的人,同时也连结了自我。2. List all your highlights from 2023.列出2023年的高光时刻这个highlights,不一定是成功或者成就,而是 all the big things that happened,或者说all of the things that you want to remember forever(你想永远记住的那些时刻)。梅莉:3年疫情后,与家人团聚的那个时刻。翩翩:去医院做产检,第一次听到胎心音时的那个美好下午。It’s archived in my memory.在记忆中存档了。3. What are your biggest accomplishments?2023年,你最大的成绩有哪些?这里的accomplishment(成绩)无分大小,哪怕一件小事,可能都会had a big impact on your life(对你的人生有影响)。因为,即使你还没有accomplished your big goal,也可以写下你做了什么(what you’ve done)来为实现大目标而打好的基础(to lay the foundation for achieving it)。4. What didn’t work in 2023?2023年哪些事情失败了?也许,比起our wins, 失败和错误其实能教会人更多。所以,要学会celebrate making mistakes。翩翩坦白:2023年意识到:自己不会安慰别人。I’m not comforting others.我爱人跟妹妹,常说心情不太好的时候,被我一顿猛劝下来,就会觉得:其实我刚才挺好的….昨天我还安慰同事以宁Grace,后来她给我说,被你劝完,我更难过了。翩翩反思道: 一来我是ENTP,会有一点“真理牛掰症”,安慰别人通常会变成与对方辩论。二来我觉得强者应该调整思维与视角,攻克情绪的迷惑(对自己就是这样),但就少了最重要的那个“共情”。梅莉问:Will you make changes going forward? 你会改吗?翩翩回答:当然要改。我想明白了:真理固然重要,但远没有我爱的人重要;还有,当你接纳什么,什么就会消失,比如对方的情绪,你接纳它、共情它的时候,对方自己就平静了。So mistakes and failures are also things that we can celebrate and there’s so much we can learn. 失败也是值得庆祝的地方,因为,人生,不是得到,就是学到。5. What did I learn in 2023?这一年,我学到了什么?可以是人生教训(life lessons);也可以是practical skills(实际的技能)。6. What’s the single biggest bottleneck to my continued growth?成长中最大的瓶颈是什么?翩翩:精力易分散easy to get distracted,不够聚焦。梅莉:think too much, and make excuses that don’t exist, 所以导致nothing gets done(啥都做不成)。找到这个biggest bottleneck之后,要追问自己我为什么不focused on removing it(集中精力除掉它)?新年的flags之一,就是去掉这个最大的瓶颈(find out the single biggest bottleneck and get focused on removing it)。7. When didI feel inspired, alive, or excited this year, and why? 这一年,在什么时候,你觉得被启发、被激活,被激励?翩翩: 一种是深度休息的时候,比如每天睡前读小说时;二是进行工作研讨、头脑风暴时;三是与智慧的家人师长朋友聊天时,经常会feel inspired, alive, or excited。梅莉: being in nature(走进大自然 ),exercising like going on runs(跑步之类的运动时),会觉得 feel alive。另外,搬到上海后,感觉到被充分inspired,不管是个人成长角度还是职业生涯角度(whether it is from a personal or professional point of view)。8. When did you feel at your lowest this year and why? 2023年,你什么时候觉得最低落?梅莉坦言:when I moved abroad(刚去异国时),会有孤独感,除了同事谁都不认识(didn’t know anyone other than the co-workers), it can be tough(太难了)!但,逐渐从异乡人feel at your lowest,变成“结交了很多好朋友,成为年度one of the highlights!”。这种变化真深刻诠释了:正是人生无常,才让人生充满希望。9. What’s on my “best of list”?我的年度最佳清单* Books * Events * Podcasts * Purchases * New habits梅莉:Best of books:Both Cleaving and CleavingBest of events年度最佳活动: 梅莉供职于一家event agency,参加太多events,大部分都很棒Best of Podcasts 最佳播客:个人成长类(self-development)Best of Purchases最佳购物:一只被梅莉用来cook everything的rice cookerBest of New habits最佳新习惯:quality time for herself享受独处时光翩翩:Best of books:《西游记》和《东周列国志》Best of podcasts:《春秋五霸》Best of Purchases:某森吸尘器Best of New habits :睡前把第二天的早餐预备好10. What about 2023 am I most grateful for?2023年,最感恩的人和事人,一定要回归到感恩的思维,come back to that mindset of gratitude。Maybe you made a lot of mistakes this past year(过去的一年也许你犯了很多错),or there were things that didn’t go the way you wanted(或者很多事情没有预期的效果),这个时候,更应该花时间来数算自己得到的恩典,以及别人给予的帮助,这样心里会充满动力,觉得人间值得、这一年not bad。这也是为什么我们要让一年的反思与总结以感恩结尾(wrap it up with gratitude)。最后,留给大家一个问题:正在过去的这一年,对于那些有限的资源(时间、金钱、精力),你用来消耗了,还是用来投资了?Am I“spending” them? Or am I investing them?期待你留言告诉我们。希望听完今天的节目之后,大家都能花时间好好跟2023年告个别,do your reflection on your 2023。再见,2023!
12/30/2023 • 20 minutes, 54 seconds
主播:Anne(中国)+ Maelle(法国)歌曲:If Today Was Your Last Day上期节目我们谈到了8 types ofWeChat posts that are commonly considered as annoying(8种令人反感的朋友圈类型), 那今天的节目我们来聊聊positive things。在西方网友眼里,都有哪些types of WeChat moments(朋友圈类型)是perceived to be very positive(让人觉得很积极向上)?1. Celebrating Milestones庆祝里程碑事件Milestones(里程碑事件)就是你人生中的important events(大事)或者是achievements(成就)。比如说你可以在朋友圈post about(发)你的birthdays(生日),anniversaries(纪念日), 或者是graduation ceremonies(毕业典礼),这些都可以是significant life events(人生大事)。• milestone /ˈmaɪlstoʊn/n. 里程碑• achievement /əˈtʃiːvmənt/ n. 成就;成绩• anniversary /ænɪˈvɜːrsəri/n. 纪念日• graduation ceremony n. 毕业典礼• significant/sɪɡˈnɪfɪkənt/ adj. 重要的2. Sharing Positive News分享好消息你可以在朋友圈分享你的personal accomplishments(个人成就),比如你got a promotion(升职了)。还可以分享good news in the community(社区里的好消息), 或者是uplifting stories(振奋人心的故事)。主播们都非常喜欢的其中一种uplifting story(振奋人心的故事)就是acts of kindness(善举)。比如有时会在路上witness(目睹)一个random act of kindness(随手的善举),让人觉得非常heartwarming(暖心),就会很想share it with others(跟他人分享)。这样的朋友圈仿佛a ray of sunshine(一束阳光),是一个很美好的reminder for us to be kind to other people(告诉我们要与人为善的提醒)。• accomplishment /əˈkɑːmplɪʃmənt/ n. 成就;成绩• get a promotion v. 升职• uplifting /ʌpˈlɪftɪŋ/ adj. 振奋人心的• act of kindness n. 善举3. Sharing Pet and Family Moments跟宠物和家人在一起的瞬间分享跟宠物以及loved ones(亲人)在一起的瞬间,可以bring joy(带来幸福感)以及a sense of connection(联结感)。比如你可以post photos of family outings(发布跟家人一起外出的照片)。一个可以参考的朋友圈captions(文案)是:“Weekend well spent with the family. Quality time together is priceless.”(跟家人度过了一个愉快的周末。共度的美好时光是无价的。)还有一种比较cute(可爱)的朋友圈是发throwbackfamilyphotos(家人的老照片)。• throwback /ˈθroʊbæk/ n. 回归过去4. Sharing Feel-Good Content 分享让人心情好的内容比如inspirationalquotes(启发人的语录),heartwarming videos(暖心的视频),或者funny memes(搞笑梗图)。分享一句inspirational quote(启发人的语录):“The key to happiness is not how well you get along, but how you deal with not getting along with each other.”(幸福的关键不在于你们有多合得来,而在于你们如何处理彼此的合不来。)Especially(尤其是)当你正在经历friendship or relationship troubles(友情或者情侣关系上的问题),it would be nice to see this quote(看到这句话就很不错).如果你have a hard day(这一天过得不太好),有时候all you need(你所需要的)只是一句:“Hey, you’ve got this.”(你能行),或者是一个搞笑的cat meme(猫猫梗图)来cheer you up(让你开心起来)。• meme /miːm/ n. 梗;迷因5. Sharing Your Personal Journey 分享你的个人经历在现代社会里,opening up(敞开心扉)分享你的personal stories(个人经历)是一件非常valuable(有价值)的事情,especially(尤其是)一些challenges(艰难)和life lessons learned(学到的人生教训)。Expressing your vulnerabilities(表达你的脆弱)需要勇气,因为we’re so used to showing our best side on social media(我们太习惯于在社交媒体上展示我们最光鲜亮丽的一面)。如果你只看whatpeople post on social media(人们在社交媒体上发的东西), it feels like everyone out there is living a better life than you(会感觉好像人人都过得比自己好).其实每个人都有 hard times(艰难的时候),只是人们choose not to post about it(选择不发朋友圈)。最后送给大家一句话:It's okay not to be okay.(你不需要每时每刻都过得很好)There are better days ahead! (明天会更好)• vulnerability/vʌlnərə'bɪləti/ n. 脆弱请留言告诉我们:国外网友总结的“积极的朋友圈类型”,你是否有同感呢?
12/28/2023 • 9 minutes, 12 seconds
主播:Anne(中国)+ Maelle(法国) 歌曲:Ain't Nobody Like You 现在虽然很多人不会spend a lot of time posting WeChat moments(花很多时间发朋友圈),但却喜欢check what other people are posting on their WeChat moments(看其他人发的朋友圈)。今天的节目,我们聊一聊,在西方人的眼中,8 types ofWeChat posts that are commonly considered as annoying(8大烦人的朋友圈类型)。1. Oversharing过度分享Share是分享,overshare就是过度分享。有的人post too frequently(朋友圈更新太频繁) 或者 share every detail of one’s personal life(事无巨细地分享个人生活)。这种高频的分享can be quite overwhelming(让人招架不了)。• overwhelming /ˌoʊvərˈwelmɪŋ/ adj.压倒一切的2. Constant selfies经常发自拍Selfies就是自拍,constant是持续不断的, constant selfies就是经常性的自拍。Sharing selfies is common(分享自拍很常见),但是,an excessive number of them(太频繁的话),can come across as self-centered(会显得有点以自我为中心)。Don’toverdo it.如果一个人全部发的是close-up shots of their face(怼脸的那种自拍),it can be a bit too much。• excessive /ɪkˈsesɪv/ adj.过多的• come across as 给人的印象是……3. Posting a lot about their political views分享太多自己的政治观点时不时表达一下自己的见解没有关系,但是一旦it is very excessive(过度了),那就会有人觉得it is annoying(很烦人)。It feels overwhelming to have feeds with constant political content.看到朋友圈里不断有人在发政治内容,真的会让人觉得受不了。4. Oversharing extreme personal opinions过度分享偏激的个人观点朋友圈有一些人might share controversial opinions(可能会在朋友圈分享有争议性的观点),但他们并没有考虑the potential impact on others(可能会对别人造成的一些影响)。如果不考虑别人的感受就分享的话,很多人可能会觉得不太合适。5. To start or engage in drama in the comments在评论区跟人吵起来Drama在这里指的是一些很戏剧化的矛盾。在公开的评论区吵起来,真的会让人感觉pretty uneasy(让人很尴尬)。有了矛盾,最好是address issues privately(私下解决问题)。• address v.解决6. The person is still posting on social media, but ignores your messages.这个人明明还在发朋友圈,对你的消息却“已读不回”。这样做真的会让人心里犯嘀咕:What is going on? 怎么回事?Does he hate me or something? 他是讨厌我还是怎么回事?7. Bragging炫耀It’s definitely good to showcase your personal achievements(晒出你的个人成就没什么问题),大家可能会觉得good for you(你真棒),you work hard(你工作努力),you deserve it(你值得这个成就)。但是,如果你总是晒出你的possessions(你拥有的物品或者是财产),it may come across as bragging(就会显得像是在吹牛)。这有可能会trigger a sense of comparison(引发人们的攀比心),会有人觉得心理上不太平衡,因为some people may feel that they work just as hard(他们也很努力),but they don’t have the same possessions(但他们却没有取得和你一样的收获)。• brag v.吹嘘• showcase v.展示(优点)• trigger v.触发• possession /pəˈzeʃn/ n.所有物8. Constant complaining不断抱怨The person is using social media as an outlet for complaints or negativity.有人把社交媒体当做发泄怨气和负能量的一种途径。Some people also use this to find support and advice(有些人可能是以此来寻求支持和建议),但你不能post yourpersonal problems on social media(在社交媒体上公开你的个人问题),it’s better to keep somethings private,毕竟大多数人也没有办法对你遇到的困难感同身受。请留言告诉我们:国外网友总结的“八大烦人朋友圈类型”,你是否有同感?
12/24/2023 • 11 minutes, 35 seconds
主播:Anne(中国)+ Selah(美国) 歌曲:Smile(Dami Im)上期节目,Selah分享了一些人们来到北美后会觉得比较unexpected(意想不到的)一些点,那今天这期节目,Selah继续跟我们分享几个到北美后才知道的事儿。1. On social media, people will use their real pictures for avatars. 在社交媒体上,一定要用你本人的图片作头像。如果有人用了someone else’s picture作为头像,哪怕是像刘亦菲这样的celebrity(名星),others will think you are strange,他们真的会觉得你是在hiding your identity(隐瞒自己的身份),或者是在pretending to be someone else(假扮他人)。但在国内因为没有这种忌讳,大家还是更注重自己的隐私,people may prefer to be more anonymous。• avatar /ˈævətɑ:r/ n.头像• anonymous /əˈnɑ:nɪməs/ adj.匿名的2. Most Chinese food in the US has become Americanized.美国的大多数中国菜已经被美国化了。在美国的中餐馆mainly serve Cantonese or Sichuan food(粤菜或者是川菜), 但是大多数的中国菜has become Americanized(变得有美国特色)。比如说,在这些中餐馆,吃到最后,一定会给你上一个fortune cookie,就是一个形状很奇特的饼干,里面夹着一张小纸条,然后这个纸条上会写着你的今日运势,通常是一些吉利话或者心灵鸡汤。而且,很多菜品也是已经被Americanized(美国化了)。 They have changed the food to make it more American. 比如说,里面会加more sugar, deep-fried(油炸), and making dishes less spicy(让菜不那么辣)。很多菜的口味是有点sweet salty可能还会有点sour。有很多的“美式中餐”,都不被认为是authentic Chinese food(正宗的中国菜),哪怕是中国人自己尝起来可能都不知道这是什么菜,比如说orange chicken(左宗棠鸡),ginger beef(生姜炒牛肉),chicken ball(鸡肉丸) and fried rice(炒饭),spring rolls(春卷),很多人会觉得它们是fake Chinese food(冒牌中餐)。• authentic /ɔ:ˈθentɪk/ adj.真正的Selah她有亲身经历,小时候,他们在中餐馆吃饭的时候,问餐馆的工作人员,“ifyou like this food”,他们得到的回复是“No, we make our own food in the back. This food is gross.”(他们在后厨开小灶,这样的美式中餐太难吃了。)其实随着新移民越来越多,现在正宗的中餐馆也随处可见了,不过这种西式中餐依然是中餐里的主流。在加拿大也有Chinese-Canadian cuisine,他们把这种加拿大中餐称作是chop suey(中餐)炒杂碎,就是粤菜里杂碎的那个发音。• cuisine /kwɪˈzi:n/ n.菜肴3. Public transportation in many American cities is less developed.很多美国城市的公共交通是不太发达。美国很多城市do not have public transport(没有公共交通),只有一些大城市have a subway(有地铁),而且还often not very good。很多地铁的情况都有点一言难尽,一个“很有名”的例子就是纽约地铁。这些地铁are often dirty, crowded, not efficient(卫生条件不太好,比较拥挤,不是很高效), and can occasionally be dangerous(甚至会有安全方面的问题),the delays are even worse(最最糟糕的是经常有延误)。正是因为公共交通的不发达,美国成为了a very car-dominated society(一个汽车占主导地位的社会)。4. Nurses make a good salary. 护士的薪水很不错。在美国和加拿大,护士其实是一个高薪而且非常紧缺的职业。It’s very hard to get a license to become a nurse(要拿到护士的从业执照非常难)。Nursing school is extremely difficult(护理学校是非常难读),为了get licensed(拿到从业执照),他们要pass many exams(通过许多考试)才行。Nurses do make decent money in the US(在美国,护士确实赚了不错的钱), 但是还是挣得不如医生多。因为,护士挣的这些钱的相当一部分还要用来支付读nursing school时的student loans(学生贷款)。• decent /ˈdi:snt/ adj.像样的虽然护士的工作会比较辛苦,butnursing is a very reliable career to be in and is a stable choice(但却是一个非常可靠的职业,也是一个稳定的选择),而且,护士are highly respected(受到很高的尊重)。请留言告诉我们:关于北美,你还有哪些想了解的话题?
12/21/2023 • 9 minutes, 43 seconds
主播:Anne(中国)+Selah(美国) 歌曲:Smile(Dami Im)很多人,到了美国后发现,有些东西跟他们想的其实不太一样。主播Anne也是,在去加拿大之前,shewould expect a lot of things。但在那儿居住了才发现,the day-to-day life(日常生活) here is different than whatshe may expect,而且shehas culture shock from time to time(还会时不时有一些“文化冲击”)。今天,两位主播就来分享一下:到北美后才知道的那些事儿。1. There are many homeless people in the downtowns of big cities. 在大城市的市中心有很多无家可归的人。在市中心,under bridges or on the streets of downtown,你可能会看到homeless camps(无家可归的人的帐篷),thesehomeless people live together outside with their belongings and pets(他们会住在一起,带着一些随身物品以及宠物)。• belonging 随身物品如果你在市中心开车,你会看到这些无家可归者pan-handle(沿街乞讨),asking people in their cars for money。• pan-handle 沿街乞讨Anne第一次去温哥华市区的时候也是很震惊。坐公交经过一个叫downtown eastside的街区,然后震惊地发现,the whole street filled with homeless camps(一整条街上都是帐篷)。But once you go past this district, you’ll see the richest area of the city.一经过这个区域你就会来到全市最繁华的地方,就会看到skyscrapers(高楼大厦),还有各种fancy restaurants(高级餐厅)。而这贫富之间可能仅仅隔了几条街,这种强烈的反差真的非常震撼。It’s a very dramatic contrast.在北美,homelessness has become a big issue in major cities,尤其是那些highly populated cities(人口稠密的城市)。如何去解决这个问题,也是very controversial(非常有争议的)。因为造成这种现象的原因有很多,theygetin a sticky situation(他们陷入了困境),比如说,他们有的have difficulty with drug abuse(有药物滥用方面的问题),还有的有mental health struggles(一些心理健康方面的困扰)。• sticky adj.难办的,棘手的• abuse /əˈbju:s/ n.滥用2. The consumerism of Americans is shocking.美国人的消费观让人震惊。Americans can be thrifty at certain things.在一些特定的东西上,美国人也是很节俭。Thrift stores在美国很受欢迎。However, when it comes to travel, many Americans like to splurge.然而,对于旅行,许多美国人喜欢挥霍。• splurge /splɜ:rdʒ/ v.挥霍比如说,他们旅行追求的是to be comfortable(要舒服)。他们愿意spend as much as they can on the best things,怎么舒服怎么来。3. Humor is very important, and everyone makes jokes. 幽默很重要,而且每个人都在开玩笑。It does not matter who you are(不管你是谁), even doctors, professors and policemen make jokes(连医生、教授、警察都会开玩笑).对于美国人来说,even with people you do not know well(跟不熟的人),在大多数的交谈中,it is very normal to make 1 or 2 jokes。 在中国,不熟悉的人之间开玩笑可能就会觉得比较唐突,因为不知道对方想要干嘛,but it’s normal in America。 在他们看来,开玩笑shows that you are a kind person, that you feel comfortable in that situation(你在你们相处的当下感到很舒服), and want the other person to be happy talking to you(想让人乐于和你交谈)。4. Many Americans may not be comfortable with physical contact.很多美国人对于肢体接触会感觉不舒服。很多人对美国人有个印象,就是他们见面的时候会先来个大大的拥抱。对于朋友来说,这完全没问题,but for strangers or acquaintances(对于陌生人或者是泛泛之交),the extent of normal physical contact(正常的肢体接触范围) is only a handshake(仅限于握个手)。不太熟的朋友可能是a gentle hug(轻轻的一个拥抱)或者side-hug(从侧面稍微抱一下),but it will be short and sweet。而且,nearly no one holds hands with anyone else,除非是they are in a romantic relationship(两个人在交往)。5. Rich second-generation boys usually study business.富二代男生通常学商科。和中国一样,rich second-generation boys usually study business(富二代男孩通常学商科),then work in finance(在金融领域工作)。• rich second-generation 富二代• finance /ˈfaɪnæns/ n.金融富二代女孩们可能会倾向于study media(传媒),或者是study law(法学)以及journalism(新闻)这些比较偏文科的专业课程,学engineering(工科)的女生相对还是比较少的。富二代男生学商科,女生选择偏文科,it’s a common trend。这些孩子他们毕业后will also take on the family business(会接手家族企业),但是也是得get a degree that will help them first(先拿到一个能帮助他们的学位)。• take on the family business 接手家族企业• degree学位请留言告诉我们:which of these things is the most surprising to you?欢迎在评论区留言分享。
12/17/2023 • 12 minutes, 18 seconds
主播:翩翩(中国)+ Maelle(法国) 歌曲:Smile(Avril Lavigne)今天又是关于self-development (自我成长),大部分人喜欢探讨self-development,大概因为我们所遭遇的一切,都在促进我们的自我探索,找到安顿好自己的方式。With 2023 coming to an end,又是回顾与思考的时候,what are some things that you have reflected on?Maelle在这一年,结束旅居澳洲的生活,回到法国处理研究生学业,9月份来到中国。不同国家的旅居生活与结交世界不同文化的朋友,让她觉得 ‘the way I think about things have changed.’同样,翩翩也总结说自己成熟了很多:my perspective(视角) on life has changed.“看事情的角度变得丰富了,我今年特别大的一个感触就是:很多事情没有 ‘真相’,只有角度。”关于成熟,国外网友总结了一个清单:6 laws of maturity(人成熟的6大标准)。一起来看看,how many do you currently practice? (你现在符合几条呢?)1. Stop telling people everything 别再啥都往外说 Most people don’t care, and some secretly want you to fail.不再啥事儿都给别人讲,因为没几个人care, 且其中不乏暗戳戳希望你成不了的人。所谓“闷声干大事”,“事不外泄”,重要的事情,不妨 keep it private(自己知道即可)。而且,you don’t need everyone’s opinion on what you are doing and explain yourself all the time。 成人世界里,是个人都想指点你一下。你的单纯分享,很快会变成大型“指点与解释”现场。至于社交场合冷场时,when nobody is talking ,首先,不要觉得冷场是自己的责任;其次,假如想说点什么来avoid silence,完全可以去问对方的近况,encouraging them to share about their own life。关于自己,不必overshare, 很多重要的事情,只需要你的 inner circle / close circle知道即可。2. Choose your friends wisely 智慧择友。The fastest way to become better is to surround yourself with better people.中国有一句话:物以类聚,人以群分。但是绝大多数人不知道,这8个字后面,还有非常非常关键的一句话。原文是“方以类聚,物以群分,吉凶生矣”:一个人接下来的走向是吉还是凶,从他最近交往什么朋友上,就能判断出来。所以,转运最快的方式,就是to surround yourself with better people。你需要的,不是to be surrounded by a lot of friends,而是 to have quality(高质量、好品质的) friends. 因为,人也有伪劣产品。3. Expect nothing, appreciate everything 少期盼,多感恩期盼是愤恨的前身。换一个方向: to appreciate everything.与其期盼未来的,不如享受现有的。主播Maelle分享自己今年新学到的就是享受“小确幸”,比如:getting coffee while reading a book in the sunenjoying a nice home cooked mealBe grateful for the little things in your life to find inner peace. 感恩生活中“微小而确定的幸福感”,会帮助我们,找到 the inner peace。4.Do your best and trust the process 但行好事The harder you work, the luckier you get.越努力越幸运。西方人也相信“运”,而且东西方的常识是一致的:we need to create the space for the luck to come by working hard. (我们得通过努力,创造空间,让好运进来)。不要每天以浮沫填充,还指望拥有厚重的人生。Trust the process(相信过程)是英语中的一个短语,它其实是一种鼓励和提醒,类似于中国的“但行好事,莫问前程”,就是专注地、坚持做好真正有意义的事情,所谓的运气、机会、以及成就都会自然而然,水到渠成。5. Control yourself, not others 掌控自己,而非他人Controlling others is strength,controlling yourself is true power. 胜人者有力,自胜者强。Self discipline(自律)是最难的。《圣经》中说:治服己心的,强如取城。Maelle听播客学到了一个帮助自律的方法: the 5-second-rule, 比如:if your alarm goes off at 6AM and you don’t want to wake up, count to 5 and just wake up, no excuses and no time to think about it.• alarm:闹钟 • alarm goes off at 6AM:早上6点闹钟响• count to 5: 数到5 • no excuses:不找理由就给自己5秒钟的心理预备时间,不拖沓。大家可以一试,看看能否help with your self discipline。6. Learn to react less 学着少反应When you control your reaction, nobody can manipulate you.• manipulate: /məˈnɪpjuleɪt/ 操控、拿捏正如《甄嬛传》中,甄嬛对四阿哥弘历说:喜怒不形于色,心事勿让人知。因为如果情绪都在脸上的话,很容易让人拿捏,people can manipulate you。 Once you can do this, you can have the upper hand in many situations. 一旦学会,在很多情况下,你都可以占上风。• have the upper hand: 占上风,取得优势国外网友总结的6条成熟标准,how many do you currently practice? 你符合几条?欢迎留言告诉我们!
12/13/2023 • 13 minutes, 13 seconds
主播:Selah | Anne 歌曲 : Closer*更多节目配乐,请在“网易云音乐”搜索“一席英语-老外来了歌单”。美国是一个melting pot of cultures (文化大熔炉),来自不同国家和地区的移民共同融合创造了美国的多元文化。所以,许多美国菜都是influenced by immigrant communities(受到了不同移民社区的影响)。所以,一些常常被认为是美国菜的食物 actually have their origins in other countries(其实是原本发源于其它国家)。比如说,一说起美国食物,可能有人直接会想到pizza,然而,pizza is actually from Italy(意大利)。而我们熟知的 hot dogs和hamburgers来自Germany(德国),fries(薯条)来自France(法国)。那美国特色的菜到底有哪些呢?实际上,美国因为其文化的多元性,Americans have often adapted many of these foods(美国人经常“改造”这些食物), to make them their own(使它们成为他们独具特色的食物),让这些食物to be suitable for the local conditions and tastes of Americans(适合美国人的当地条件和口味)。接下来,我们就盘点一下,典型的独具美国特色的美食。1. American burgers美式汉堡汉堡是一个quintessential American food(典型的美国食物)。• quintessential /ˌkwɪntɪˈsenʃl/ adj. 典型的Burgers originally are from Germany, but the US has made it differently. 汉堡本来是源于德国的,那美式汉堡有什么不一样呢?主要有3个方面的区别:(1)burger patty肉饼不一样American burgers里面的burger patty(肉饼)typically use ground beef(通常用碎牛肉),但是欧洲的burger patty可能会用其它种类的肉,比如猪肉,然后里面可能会放各种各样的东西,比如breadcrumbs(面包屑)还有鸡蛋。(2)seasoning调味品不一样美国的肉饼通常就是simply seasoned salt and pepper(用盐和胡椒简单地一调味)来突出 the meat flavor(肉的味道,也就是burger patty味道),但是在欧洲就可能会加各种herbs and spices(草药和香料)。(3)toppings配菜不一样美国汉堡大多数比较standard(标准),比如配菜都是 lettuce(生菜), tomato(西红柿), cheese(奶酪)以及condiments(调味品)。但是德国汉堡可能里面还放了sauerkraut(德国酸菜)。• condiment /ˈkɑ:ndɪmənt/ n. 调味品,佐料2. American pizza美国披萨非常有名的典型的美国披萨是 the Chicago-style deep-dish pizza(芝加哥深盘披萨),它和classic Italian pizza(典型的意大利披萨)不同。这种披萨is baked in a special pan(是在一个特殊的平底锅里烤的),这样烤出来的pizza crust(披萨饼皮)就会有very high edges on the side(凸起来很高的边),就像一个大盘子一样。所以,你就可以往里面加想要的filling(填料/陷),比如cheese以及chunky tomato sauce(大块番茄酱)。• chunky /ˈtʃʌŋki/ adj. 矮胖的3. Barbecue美式烧烤Barbecue 是很多美国人都引以为傲的。美国人真的很喜欢吃烧烤。Americans eat a lot of barbecue. 像在Texas(德克萨斯州),他们的特色就是Texas style smoked briskets(烟熏牛胸脯肉)。美国不同的地区会有独自的distinct styles of barbecue(独特的烧烤风格),也会use different meats, cooking methods, and sauces(使用不同的肉类、烹饪方法和酱汁)。• brisket /ˈbrɪskɪt/ n. (兽类的)胸部,胸肉4. Sandwich三明治Americans love their sandwiches. 大家都知道的Subway(赛百味)就是美国连锁的三明治品牌。比较受美国人喜欢的三明治馅是BLT (Bacon, Lettuce, Tomato),就是培根、生菜、番茄组合在一起,这是非常典型的三明治馅。还有美国人会喜欢Peanut Butter & Jelly Sandwich(花生酱和果冻三明治),很多美国人consider it to be a comfort food(认为它是一种很舒适的食物),吃起来会让你feel very comfortable,能给人带来一种内心上的安慰,usually reminds you of childhood(会让你想起童年) or home-cooking(家常菜), family gatherings(家庭聚会)and a sense of warmth(温暖的感觉)。5. Seafood dish 海鲜Clam chowder(蛤蜊浓汤),在蛤蜊汤里加入cream,喝起来非常creamy(光滑细腻),对于很多美国人来说,也是a comfort food。另一种海鲜美食是lobster rolls(龙虾卷)。这种龙虾is native to the east coast(原产于东海岸的)。这种龙虾肉经常served on a grilled hot dog bun(配烤热狗面包),里面的馅放lobster, butter(奶油), mayonnaise(蛋黄酱), lemon juice(柠檬汁), salt(盐), pepper(胡椒)。6. Breakfast classics经典美式早餐The Breakfast Classics(经典美式早餐)经常会有pancakes(薄煎饼),waffles(华夫饼),bacon and eggs(培根加鸡蛋)。再配上一杯咖啡,那就是美式完美早餐了。7. Apple pie苹果派American desserts (美式甜点)are also unique, 其中的一个经典就是the apple pie(苹果派)。It’s very comforting, especially around the holidays。美国人对苹果派非常喜欢,以至于都有一个说法:“as American as apple pie”。如果你想说一个东西特别有美式风格,你就可以说it is as American as apple pie。8. Macaroni and cheese奶酪通心粉Americans really really love eating dairy. A classic American comfort food would be the macaroni and cheese.在the fast food section(快餐区)或者是ready-to-eat sections(即食食品区)的货架上,总能找到macaroni and cheese。当你在很饿的时候吃,it tastes great,但是一旦吃得太多了,it just starts to taste a bit heavy(口味就有点太重了)。Macaroni and cheese是很多美国人的childhood favourite(童年最爱),很多人长大了依然喜欢。• macaroni /ˌmækəˈroʊni/ n. 通心面请在评论区留言告诉我们:你都吃过哪些美国菜呢?Which American food is your favourite?
12/10/2023 • 13 minutes, 47 seconds
主播:梅莉 | Anne歌曲 :开场:Shake It Off (Taylor's Version)结尾:Love Story (Taylor’s Version)*更多节目配乐,请在“网易云音乐”搜索“一席英语-老外来了歌单”。前段时间,一位在华生活的老外用“中国特色”写的a love letter(情书)在网上传播。这封love letter是什么内容呢?怎么会让老外们就纷纷转发呢?今天的节目我们就来聊一聊。这封“情书”都说了什么?这封“情书”中的用词,只有住在中国的老外才会懂,他们会觉得特别特别亲切而且有共鸣。这封love letter的内容是:My love, You make me happy everytime WechatYou are my Alibae My heart races like a high speed train everytime I see you Like a red packet, you make me smile I like how you carry me in your arms like a Taobao Package Baby, our love is stonger than Baijiu, hotter than Sanya! I will walk the entire Great Wall for you. Like shifu in a Didi, I will ride with you. Like oil in Chaofan, we will always be together Wo ai ni! 下面我们逐句来分析一下这封“情书”。You make me happy every time WeChat. 这句话意思其实是每一次我们聊天(we chat)的时候,你让我快乐。WeChat literally means “我们聊天”。WeChat是微信的英文名,这里是a play on words(一个文字游戏)。现在很多外国人为了可以跟他们的中国朋友们聊天,也是在用微信。You are my Alibae. He is playing with the words Alibaba and bae. 这里也是玩了一个文字游戏,把Alibaba(阿里巴巴)和bae组合成了Alibae。Bae means before anyone else. 意思是“把你放在首位”。My heart races like a high speed train everytime I see you. 每一次见到你的时候,我的心跳就像高铁一样快。High speed train 就是高铁。中国的高铁are very fast compared to many places abroad(跟国外很多地方的高铁比,快很多)。这一点,在老外们刚到中国的时候,对他们来说,that is quite surprising。因为即使是一些欧美国家也不会投入这么多资源来建设他们的public transit(公共交通),所以这点国内的高铁还是很给力的。Like a red packet, you make me smile. 就像是红包一样,你让我微笑。Red packet就是红包,we all have a little smile when we receive a red packet(当大家收到红包的时候,都会露出笑容)。I like how you carry me in your arms like a Taobao Package. 我喜欢你把我抱在怀里,就像抱着一个淘宝包裹那样。这一句真的是so romantic(太浪漫了)!We can all relate to it. 这一句相信很多人都会产生共鸣。When you receive your Taobao package(当你收到你的淘宝包裹时),很多人都会carry it with so much love。Baby, our love is stronger than Baijiu, hotter than Sanya! 亲爱的,我们的爱比白酒更烈,比三亚更火热。This one is pretty self-explanatory. 这一句不言而喻。白酒是a very very strong alcohol, 而三亚在中国南端,it is very hot。在这里,这位网友is comparing love to Baijiu and Sanya(把爱情比作了白酒和三亚), strong and hot! • compare... to... 把……比作……I will walk the entire Great Wall for you. 我会为你走过整个长城。这是他的declaration of love(爱的宣言)。大家都知道长城是很长的,这里,这位网友is declaring his love by saying that he will walk it completely(通过宣告会走完长城,来表达他爱的决心)。Like shifu in a Didi, I will ride with you. 我会和你一起共度这段旅程,就像滴滴师傅那样。这里,他要表明的是他的承诺,he will be there through everything with his lover(他将和他的爱人一起度过一切)。Like oil in Chaofan, we will always be together. 就像炒饭中要放油,我会一直和你在一起。如果真的收到这样的一封信,可能会感觉有一点点cringe(难为情)。Cringe就有一种尴尬到脚趾抠地的感觉。如果想再给这封“情书”续写的话,梅莉想说:Like a代驾师傅,I will always make sure you get home safe。就像代驾师傅一样,我将永远确保你安全回家。请留言告诉我们:如果你想给这封“情书”续写,你想再加哪些“中国特色”内容呢?
12/7/2023 • 12 minutes, 29 seconds
主播:梅莉 | Anne 歌曲 : Closer*更多节目配乐,请在“网易云音乐”搜索“一席英语-老外来了歌单”。2023月11月24日,外交部宣布,中方决定对法国、德国等6个国家持普通护照人员试行单方面免签政策。今天,主播们就来聊一聊这件大事。*本期节目录制于11月。1. 这个免签具体是怎么回事?这个新的visa regulations(签证规定)是这样的:China is trialling visa-free travel for a year(中国正在试行一年的免签旅行)。这个新的policy(政策),针对的人群是citizens holding ordinary passports from six countries(来自六个国家的持有普通护照的公民),给他们提供单方面的免签,这六个国家有:France(法国), Germany(德国), Italy(意大利), Netherlands(荷兰), Spain(西班牙)以及Malaysia(马来西亚)。• visa /ˈvi:zə/ n. 签证• regulation /ˌreɡjuˈleɪʃn/ n. 规章• trial /ˈtraɪəl/ v. 测试 ;试验这个政策will come into effect(生效)是从December 1, 2023直到November 30, 2024。上面6个国家的人可以持护照来中国,not only for tourism purposes(不一定是来旅游),还可以是business(商务),family visits(探亲)以及transit(过境)。但要注意的是,这个免签的期限是up to 15 days(不超过15天)。• come into effect 生效• family visit 探亲• transit /ˈtrænzɪt/ n. 过境According to the Foreign Ministry spokesperson(据中国外交部发言人表示),签证新规定的出台,是为了facilitatehigh-quality development(促进中国高质量的发展),以及opening up to the outside world(对外开放),其实就是进一步加大改革开放的力度。在免签的这六个国家里,马来西亚对中国开放了30天的免签。Starting from December, Chinese citizens traveling to Malaysia will enjoy a visa-free stay of 30 days. 为了facilitate exchanges(促进两国之间的交流),French Foreign Minister(法国的外交部长)也是announced something new(宣布了一些新的政策),法国允许获得master’s degree(硕士学位)的中国留学生to stay in the country for five more years。• facilitate /fəˈsɪlɪteɪt/ v. 促进2. 这项政策有什么积极影响?#影响一:We will see more international visitors to China from now on.从现在开始,我们将看到更多的国际游客到中国旅游。#影响二:China can attract foreign investment and strengthen economic ties.中国可以吸引外商投资以及加强经济上的联结。#影响三:将会有更多的family visits(探亲),friends and family who would like to visit China and now they can come visa free! 对于很多久居中国的国际友人来说,这将是so heart-warming(暖心的) about having family and friends visit you from abroad! 3. 国外网友们对于这些规定都有什么反应?网上有很多happy comments。这是一位新加坡的网友,TA认为中国是one of the most diverse and amazing countries on this planet(最多样化而且最神奇的国家之一),所以TA跟这六个免签证的国家的人说,congratulations,你们能拥有visa free access(免签访问权),因为能来中国旅游实在是太快乐了,it’s truly a joy。• diverse /daɪˈvɜ:rs/ adj. 不同的,各式各样的另一位网友说:正打算和中国的朋友一起在中国旅游,这周刚要去办旅游签证,这个政策太及时了,this is really a moneysaver(省钱)。4. 主播梅莉给国际友人的“中国行”建议因为中国是一个beautiful country ,而且there are so many places to visit(有很多可参观的地方),梅莉非常推荐参观一些大城市,比如,北京,上海等。在这些大城市,你可以很好地get the city feel(感受城市气息),你可以在这些城市take a city walk。像桂林、西安这些地方,会有一些偏远地区,在这些地方,你可以有a really cool cultural experience(一个很酷的文化体验)。最最最重要的是,definitely definitely try all the foods! 一定要品尝中国独具特色的美食!
12/3/2023 • 8 minutes, 19 seconds
主播:梅莉| Wendi歌曲 :Thrift Shop*更多节目配乐,请在“网易云音乐”搜索“一席英语-老外来了歌单”。今天,我们了一个比较环保的话题——二手商品以及二手店。1. 在国外二手店很流行二手店(thrift stores或者second hand stores)在国外have become quite popular(正变得流行)。国外很多人们会经常在二手店买东西,thrifting and buying second hand things is quite common.有的城市有很多的二手店,比如说Paris(巴黎),Tokyo(东京),Melbourne(墨尔本)等城市,街上就有很多的二手店。在这些二手店里,会卖clothes, bags, shoes等等。这些小商店就像一个集市,他们在a certain day of the week(一周的一个固定日子开),通常都是open air(在户外)。2. 为什么大家会喜欢二手店?最直接的一个原因是:it is cheaper(二手东西都很便宜)。而且,买二手的商品是more environmentally friendly(更加对环境友好)。People are more and more conscious about this(人们的环保意识越来越强),所以关注环保也变得越来越重要。还有人会觉得,in thrift you can find things that are rare and different(在二手店,你可以找到一些罕见和不同的东西),特别是对于那些追求时尚的人来说,因为有很多的物品是rare finds(稀有发现)。有很多人会去二手店“淘宝”,他们能在这些店里找到“hidden gems”(“隐藏的宝藏”),比如说something valuable, special, or unique(一些有价值的、特别的、或独特的东西),这些东西可能都是不太常见的,not widely known or recognized by most people。3. 二手货交易平台中国有一些比较火的线上交易APP,比如咸鱼、转转,还有一些二手车交易APP。欧洲比较受欢迎的二手货交易平台有vinted,以及facebook marketplace。还有一些微信闲置群,比如说同一栋楼里或者小区里大家有什么不用了的东西就发在群里。这种闲置群可以是swap and sell,或者是second hand or stooping groups。• swap v.交换(东西)4. 当下流行的“拾荒”文化现在stooping(“拾荒”)文化变得非常流行。Stoop这个词作名词讲有台阶的意思,作动词有俯身弯腰的意思,所以这个stooping意思就是说在门口的台阶上弯腰捡东西,后来慢慢引申为弯腰捡二手物品回。Stooping就是一个发现好物的很好的方式,你可以不用付full price(全额)就买到好物。对于一些物品,你可以clean out things to get rid of things you don’t need(清理掉你不需要的东西),然后就可以give it a second life(给它第二次生命)。还有另一种stooping的方式,是在街边进行。比如说在Barcelona(巴塞罗那),有人就会在Instagram上post pictures of things they didn’t need anymore(发一些不要的东西的照片),并且会附上地址,对这些物品感兴趣的人就会pick it up for free(免费领取它)。中国从去年开始也兴起了stooping热,起初是上海的一个女生在留学的时候看到有人也是免费处理自己家的椅子,所以她回国之后就创立了很多stooping社群,然后现在不仅在上海,北京广州深圳一些一线城市也有了这种stooping group,大家的闲置物品都可以在上面交换。这种stooping行为是environmentally friendly(很环保的)。同时,它也会在一定程度上avoid over consumption(避免过度消费)。人们正在finding value in things that have been used(从已经使用过的东西中寻找价值),还有一些人正在makingDIYs using old things to give them a new look(将这些旧物进行改造,让它们有全新的面貌)。现在,社交网站上就有很多人在社交媒体上,展示他们改造后的new furniture or even clothes。从另一个角度来看,这也说明现在人们的环保意识在不断提高,which is a very positive trend(是一种正向的潮流)。欢迎大家在评论区给我们留言,分享你的想法和感受。
11/29/2023 • 12 minutes, 25 seconds
主播:梅莉 | Wendi歌曲 : My Day*更多节目配乐,请在“网易云音乐”搜索“一席英语-老外来了歌单”。今天,我们聊一下这几年在国外比较火的Internet language(网络流行语)。1. Rizz这个词是一个slang,可以用来形容一个人的charisma(个人魅力),说明这个人非常的charming,或者说一个人has the skill in seducing a potential romantic partner(很会吸引异性)。这个词最先是一个国外的一个social media influencer(网红)带火的。• charisma /kəˈrɪzmə/ n. 个人魅力• seduce /sɪˈdu:s/ v. 吸引• potential /pəˈtenʃ(ə)l/ adj. 潜在的荷兰弟Tom Holland在最近的采访中就多次用了rizz,他说,“I have no rizz whatsoever, I have limited rizz”,意思是:我一点魅力都没有,我只有很少的魅力。Tom Holland 的原句是这样的:“I have no rizz whatsoever, I have limited rizz. My brother Paddy has ultimate rizz. … I don’t know, I need you to fall in love with me, really, for it to work. So long game, probably making a movie with each other definitely helps when the characters you’re playing are falling in love with one another. You can sort of blur the lines a little bit. That’s kind of where my rizz is at. And I’m, um, you know, I’m locked up so I’m happy and in love. So I've got no need for razz. "2. Quiet Quitting这个短语并不是to literally quit your job(字面意思上要“放弃工作”),而是说,to reduce the amount of effort you devote to your job(来减少你投入到工作上的精力),就是我们汉语说的“躺平”或“摆烂”。比如说,avoiding tasks(逃避任务),not speaking up in meetings(不在会议上发言)。这个slang被网友投票认为是“most likely to succeed”(最可能入选网络热词的)slang term,因为人们很能resonate with this(产生共鸣),有很多人想要躺平。• devote /dɪˈvoʊt/ v. 献身,致力• resonate /ˈrezəneɪt/ v. 产生共鸣【例句】I’m quiet quitting and sticking to office hours only. 我决定不再加班,只按照办公时间工作。He’s quiet quitting his job while working on his side job. 他对全职工作选择了摆烂,专心搞副业。3. Menty BMenty b is short for mental breakdown. 是mental breakdown(精神崩溃)的缩写。This term is particularly popular in Australia.这个词在澳大利亚很火。这个俚语在社交媒体上很流行,尤其是在TikTok和Instagram上,很多年轻人拿它来表达他们的心情或幽默。【例句】I had a menty b after seeing my exam results. 我看到我的考试成绩后,就精神崩溃了。This assignment is giving me a menty b, I can’t do it. 这个作业让我精神崩溃,我做不了。4. Touch Grass“Touch grass” 是一个新表达,it is used to mock those who are overly addicted to the virtual world or internet culture(它用来嘲讽那些过度沉迷于虚拟世界或网络文化的人),建议他们出去接触一下真实的自然和社会。这个表达在社交媒体上很流行,很多人用它to respond to some ridiculous or outrageous statements or actions(来回应一些荒谬或离谱的言论或行为)。• mock /mɒk/ v. 嘲笑• be addicted to ... 对……上瘾• virtual world 虚拟世界• outrageous /aʊtˈreɪdʒəs/ adj. 无法容忍的【例句】She spends all day on TikTok and Twitter, she needs to touch grass. 她整天泡在 TikTok 和 Twitter 上,她需要去碰碰草(出去走走)。I’m having a mini menty b right now, don’t talk to me. I need some touch grass therapy. 我现在有点精神崩溃,别跟我说话。我需要一些碰碰草疗法。This comment section is full of touch grass people. 这个评论区都是一些碰碰草的人。5. Nepo BabyNepo Baby(nepotism baby) refers to a famous person who has at least one parent who is also famous. Nepo baby指不是靠自己而是靠父母火的一些名人明星。它通常是a negative term(一个有否定含义的说法)。The wordnepocomes fromnepotism.Nepotism指的是favoryour family members or close relatives(帮助你的家庭成员或近亲),尤其是when it comes to jobs or opportunities(当涉及到工作或机会时)。Nepo baby 这个词火是因为2022年New York这本杂志的封面,它把很多星二代的脸拼在了baby的身体上面。It’s weird but quite entertaining.【例句】She is not a nepo baby, she won the audience’s love by her own hard work and talent, her parents are just ordinary workers. 她不是个 nepo baby,她是靠自己的努力和才华赢得了观众的喜爱,她的父母只是普通的工人。He is a nepo baby, his music is sold by his grandfather’s fame, he has no talent of his own. 他是个 nepo baby,他的音乐都是靠他的爷爷的名声卖的,他自己没有什么才华。欢迎大家给我们留言,聊一聊你听过的Internet language。
11/26/2023 • 10 minutes, 16 seconds
主播:Selah | Anne歌曲 : Ain't Nobody Like You*更多节目配乐,请在“网易云音乐”搜索“一席英语-老外来了歌单”。今天,我们来聊点轻松好玩的——英语里的脑筋急转弯。在英语里有很多的riddles(谜语)和brainteasers(脑筋急转弯)。Technically(严格说来),脑筋急转弯是一种puzzle(解谜游戏)或者brain game(动脑游戏),通常involving lateral thinking(需要动用水平思维法)。• riddle /ˈrɪd(ə)l/ n. 谜语• brainteaser /ˈbreɪnˌtiːzər/ n. 脑筋急转弯• puzzle /ˈpʌzəl/ n. 谜;难题• lateral thinking n. 水平思维法;横向思维为了solve(猜出)一个脑筋急转弯的answer(答案),你需要一种 creative(有创意的)以及less straightforward thought process(不那么直截了当的思维方式),并且the solution won't be right in front of you(解决方法不会直接摆在你眼前)。• straightforward /ˌstreɪtˈfɔːrwərd/ adj. 简单明了的;直截了当的�第一题:Q: What do you call a bee that comes from America? (怎么称呼一只来自美国的蜜蜂?)A: USB.美国就是the US,美国的蜜蜂就是 US bee(USB),这里是玩了一个谐音梗儿。�第二题:Q: What starts with "e", ends with "e", and only contains one letter? (什么东西以e开头,以e结尾,而且只包含one letter?)A: It’s an envelope. (信封)这个重点在于letter这个单词,它既有“字母”的意思,又有“信件”的意思。这个答案 requires you to understand(要求你理解)英语单词的 spelling(拼写), 以及letter这个单词的double meaning(双层含义)。这是一个homonym(同形异义词)。• homonym /ˈhɑːmənɪm/ n. 同形(或同音)异义词�第三题:Q: What starts with a T, ends with a T, and is full of T? (什么东西以T开头,以T结尾,而且充满了T?)A: A teapot. (茶壶)这又是一个需要你thinking creatively(运用创新思维)的脑筋急转弯。这个T既是字母T又是茶的英文单词tea,一些人可能会把这称为一个pun(双关)。英语里经常会用到puns(双关),这也是一种玩梗儿的方式。通常puns are deemed “dad jokes”(双关被认为是爸爸们才会讲的冷笑话)。• pun /pʌn/ n. 双关语�第四题:Q: What do you call an alligator in a vest? (怎么称呼一个穿背心的鳄鱼?)A: An investigator! (调查员)穿背心是in vest,然后take the end of the word “alligator”(取鳄鱼一词的词尾)就是investigator(调查员)。这是一个play on words(文字游戏),因为它是taking advantage of the formation of the word(利用了英语单词的构词法)。• investigator /ɪnˈvestɪɡeɪtər/ n. 调查人员�第五题:Q: What do you call a fake noodle? (怎么称呼一个假面条?)A: An impasta.这个brainteaser需要你注意它的pronunciation(发音)。意大利面是pasta(/ˈpɑːstə/),假的就是im-pasta(非意面)。这个答案听起来很像imposter(冒充者)这个词,但其实是在referencing pasta and noodles(谈论意面和面条)。• imposter /ɪmˈpɑːstər/ n. 冒名顶替者�第六题:还有一些脑筋急转弯have nothing to do with what the words sound like(与单词的发音无关),只是需要thinking outside-the-box(跳出传统的思维框架)。Q: What goes up but never comes down? (什么东西只上不下?)A: Your age. (你的年龄)可以goes up(向上)的不仅仅是一个物体object,还可以是一种abstract concept(抽象概念)。• abstract /ˈæbstrækt/ adj. 抽象的• concept /ˈkɑːnsept/ n. 概念通常脑筋急转弯的答案会give people “aha moments”(让人有顿悟时刻),起初人们会觉得confused(迷惑),然后suddenly it makes sense(豁然开朗),make you go “Aha”(让你直呼“啊哈”)!下面是一些脑筋急转弯,来看看你能不能自己figure out why they are funny or creative(搞明白它们好笑或者创新的点在哪里)!第一题:- Q: What belongs to you but other people use it more than you? (什么东西属于你但其他人用得比你还多?)- A: Your name. (你的名字)第二题:- Q: What has a face and two hands but no arms or legs? (什么东西有一张脸,两只手,却没有胳膊或腿?)- A: A clock. (钟表)第三题:- Q: Why couldn't the bicycle stand up by itself? (为什么自行车没法自己站着?)- A: It was two-tired. (它有两个轮胎)第四题:- Q: Why did the invisible man turn down the job offer? (为什么隐形人推掉了工作机会?)- A: He couldn't see himself doing it! 这些脑筋急转弯的点在哪里,猜出来的可以在留言板告诉我们!
11/22/2023 • 9 minutes, 13 seconds
主播:Selah | Anne 歌曲 :开场:Shake It Off (Taylor's Version)结尾:Love Story (Taylor’s Version)*更多节目配乐,请在“网易云音乐”搜索“一席英语-老外来了歌单”。 Taylor Swift前段时间重新录了专辑《1989》,官宣后,引起了网友的广泛关注。 1. Taylor Swift是谁?Taylor是美国非常著名的一位女歌手,中国粉丝对她的昵称是“霉霉”。当年,她的那首Love Story刚出来的时候,it just dominated every radio station there is(几乎每一个电台都在放这首歌)。 This song just stuck in people’s head for so long(很多人都被这首歌给洗脑了), 因为这首歌实在太火了,it was playing everywhere(红遍了大街小巷)。自那之后, she has released so many hit songs(她又出了很多热门歌曲),比如说:Shake It Off, Blank Space, Bad Blood…• dominate /ˈdɑ:mɪneɪt/ v. 在……中占首要地位• stuck in 陷入 现在,her Era’s tour is happening worldwide(她正在进行全球巡演,主题是“时代巡演”)。In the last 3 years, she has been re-recording her albums. 在过去的3年里,她一直在重录她的专辑。 2. 为什么Taylor要重录专辑?她职业生涯的大部分时间,she had a deal with Big Machine Label Group(都是与大机器唱片公司签约),她的合约在2018年到期了。 2019年的时候,一个叫Scooter Braun的人在Big Machine Label Group买下了all of Taylor Swift’s early songs(泰勒早期的歌曲),同时也买下了the copyrights to these song(这些歌的版权)。这也就意味着,Scooter Braun的公司现在拥有Taylor Swift’s masters of these songs(泰勒这些歌的母带)。 When a musician signs with a label(当艺人跟唱片公司签合同的时候),唱片公司will have the ownership of the copyrights to their masters(通常会拥有母带的版权)。 那也就是说,Taylor Swift以前这些原版的录音包括它们的版权,现在都不属于她自己。She did not get a say in this deal(她对这笔交易没有任何话语权)。• label 唱片公司 • copyright 版权 She has now signed with a new label(她现在签了新的唱片公司),Universal Music Group。她实际上可以继续录新歌,have ownership of all of her masters going forward(拥有新的母带的版权),但是,她想要own her old songs as well(也拥有她老歌的版权)。 她是可以buy her music back,但是Braun would not allow her to buy her own music(不卖给她)。所以,泰勒直接重录,并且把新录的版本叫做“Taylor’s Version”。Taylor’s version has become very popular. 新录的版本大受欢迎。She’s definitely won the battle. 3. 新录的专辑都有什么内容?重录的the album 1989泰勒版是今年十月新鲜出炉的,里面除了有the original songs(原歌曲),she also releases “From the Vault” songs,“From the Vault” songs指的是本来想要在原本的专辑里收录但没有被选中的歌曲),这些歌对于听众来说就是brand new songs 。• vault /vɔ:lt/ n. 地下室• brand new 全新的 新录的专辑 1989 (Taylor’s Version) had a very sweet hand-written prologue(手写的序言)。 “I was born in 1989, reinvented for the first time in 2014, and a part of me was reclaimed in 2023 with the re-release of this album I love so dearly. ” 泰勒在1989年出生,然后在2014年也就是1989原始专辑发行的那一年,she reinvented herself for the first time(她第一次重塑了自我)。而2023年,通过重新发布这张她深爱的专辑(the album that she loves so dearly ), she reclaimed a part of herself(她找回了自己)。• reinvent /ˌri:ɪnˈvent/ v. 以新形象示人• reclaim /rɪˈkleɪm/ v.拿回 “Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine the magic you would sprinkle on my life for so long.” 即使是在她wildest dreams(最狂野的梦里),她也无法想象粉丝竟然能sprinkle so much magic on her life(在她的人生里撒出这么多的魔法)。 “Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine...” 是一个很好用的句型,比如说:Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine I would be having dinner with Taylor Swift!我做梦都想不到我会和Taylor Swift共进晚餐。• sprinkle /ˈsprɪŋk(ə)l/ v. 撒;洒• sprinkle... on... 把……撒在上…… “This moment is a reflection of the woods we've wandered through and all this love between us still glowing in the darkest dark.” 这一瞬间,我们一起回忆the woods we’ve wandered through(我们曾徘徊过的森林),而我们之间的爱依然在glowing in the darkest dark(最黑暗的黑暗之中闪闪发光)。 Taylor真的很会用词,她的文字很有画面感,而且充满了温暖的力量。这句话说明she’s gone through a lot of difficult times as well(她也经历了很多困难的时期) ,which is just like wondering through the woods (而这些就像是漫步于森林)。• reflection /rɪˈflekʃ(ə)n/ n.思考;回忆• wander /ˈwɑ:ndər/ v. 漫游• glow v. 发光 “I present to you, with gratitude and wild wonder, my version of 1989. It's been waiting for you.” With gratitude (怀着感激)以及wild wonder(狂放的惊奇),现在present to you(给大家奉上)Taylor’s version of 1989。它一直在等你。• gratitude /ˈɡrætɪtu:d/ n. 感激之情• present to sb. sth. 向……展示 请留言告诉我们:你最喜欢霉霉哪首作品呢?欢迎留言到评论区一起聊聊。 1
11/19/2023 • 11 minutes, 51 seconds
主播:梅莉 | Wendi 歌曲 : My Day*更多节目配乐,请在“网易云音乐”搜索“一席英语-老外来了歌单”。今天,我们聊一个跟“吃饭”相关的话题——White People’s Food(白人饭)。1. “白人饭”是什么?最近网上很火的“白人饭”主要是指spiceless(口味清淡的),American-style lunch(美式午餐),比如说veggies and dips(蔬菜和蘸酱),crackers(饼干),sandwiches,最重要的特点是一般这些饭都是cold meals that require little to no cooking(几乎不需要烹饪的冷餐)。• spiceless adj.无香料的• veggies n. 蔬菜比如说,raw carrots wrapped in cheese slices(用奶酪片裹着生的胡萝卜),sandwiches with just one ingredient(只有一种食材的三明治),或者只有一袋lettuce(生菜)。• ingredient /ɪnˈɡri:diənt/ n. 原料白人饭有3个条件:(1) a lack of spices 没有调味料(2) minimal preparation 不用怎么准备(3) typically consumed during work or school 一般是上班或者上学时候的午饭白人饭在中国变得so popular的起因很巧合:当初是有一个中国人在瑞士的火车上看到一个外国人吃午饭,她的午饭非常简单,it consists solely of a bag of lettuce and slices of ham(就只有一袋生菜和几片火腿),她觉得很震惊,就posted a video(拍了视频),并发到了网上,然后中国的网友们也被震惊到了,就把这种非常简单的午饭叫做“白人饭”:。2. 中国网友对“白人饭”有什么看法?中餐一般都比较重口味,所以很多的中国人are not really liking it。有人把“白人饭”戏称为“受苦餐”(lunch of suffering)。也有网友说,这种饭没有任何的调味料,it's too bland(太清淡了)。还有网友说, the food is “not of enjoyment”(吃起来享受不到吃饭的乐趣)。小红书上还有网友发问,“if such a meal is to extend life, what is the meaning of life?”(如果我要靠这种食物来维持生命,那我活着的意义是什么?)。但是呢,萝卜青菜各有所爱,有的人还挺喜欢这个白人饭的,他们觉得这种spiceless food比较清淡,很健康,很有营养,因为大多数食材都是蔬菜。有些在节食的朋友就会比较喜欢白人饭,因为它其实是一种low-carbon diet(低碳饮食)。• low-carbon /ˈkɑ:rbən/ adj. 低碳(的)3. 质疑白人饭,理解白人饭很多中国网友也因为这种白人饭easy to prepare and saves time(准备起来很省事),所以对白人饭从质疑变成了理解。中餐一般都需要很多ingredients(调味料),而且步骤比较多,it's very elaborate(很复杂)。那和中餐比起来,准备这种白人饭就省了很多时间。• elaborate /ɪˈlæbərət/ adj.复杂的在今天这种996工作制下,很多年轻人回到家已经没有精力去准备一道非常elaborate的中餐了,所以反而觉得这种白人饭很适合这种快节奏的生活,白人饭 is a good solution。4. 世界各地的饮食差异像在France, Spain, Italy这些国家,他们有着really deep food cultures(很深厚的饮食文化),所以,there are more elaborate meals(他们会做更精致的饭),people like to eat good food。哪怕是salads and sandwiches,也是可以more elaborate,it just really depends on what you are putting inside(就看你往里面加什么了)。比如说在意大利,they have really good mozzarella, burrata(他们有很好的马苏里拉奶酪和布拉塔奶酪),一般放在沙拉上,simple but tasty(简单而又不失美味)。像the United States, England和Australia这些国家,there is no deep food culture。比如说在美国,可能很多美味的食物来自Japanese restaurants or Italian restaurants。在英国的话,it is also all restaurants from other countries(有来自世界各地的饭馆)。澳大利亚is known for their barbecues(烧烤比较闻名),但是,the food is just not elaborate enough(食物并没有很精致)。梅莉去了很多国家,是“世界公民”,在中国和西方都住过一段时间。在梅莉看来,中餐和西餐的区别是:There is so much diversity, flavors and textures in the Chinese cuisine.中餐有很多品种、风味和口感都很丰富。The street food(路边小吃)是一个中国饮食特色。而且,因为中国幅员辽阔,天南海北的食物都有,from the spicy delights of Sichuan to the seafood-centric meals of coastal areas(从四川的辣味到沿海地区的海鲜大餐),这些都很好地体现着the diversity in Chinese food。• texture /ˈtekstʃər/ n. 口感• centric /ˈsentrɪk/ adj. 中心的,中央的当然,在西方,there is also amazing food. Europe has very diverse culinary cultures as well(欧洲也有非常多样化的美食文化)。• culinary /ˈkʌlɪneri/ adj. 厨房的,烹饪的你对“白人饭”有什么想法呢?欢迎大家在评论区分享。
11/16/2023 • 16 minutes, 30 seconds
11/13/2023 • 10 minutes, 8 seconds
主播:梅莉 | Anne 歌曲 : Lonely*更多节目配乐,请在“网易云音乐”搜索“一席英语-老外来了歌单”。Pamela Reif是一个very famous fitness influencer(健身圈的顶流网红),她来中国了,主播梅莉前两天saw her here in Shanghai。帕梅拉的中国行迅速地成为了a very hot topic on Chinese social media(中国社交媒体上的一个非常热门话题)。1. 帕梅拉是谁,怎么就那么火呢?Pamela Reif is one of the most popular German fitness influencers. 帕梅拉是德国人,最火的健身网红之一。她在2012年 started her journey in fitness on social media(开始了她在社交媒体上的健身之路),那时候她才16岁。现在,在Ins和YouTube上,she has more than 9 million followers(有超过900万的粉丝)。她在网上走红就是因为她经常share her easy-to-follow fitness routines(分享很好上手的健身日常),通常都是8-15分钟左右的锻炼,and she uploads at-home workouts(而且她分享的这些锻炼都是一些在家就可以轻松完成的)。Work out这个词组是动词“锻炼”的意思,workout就是名词“健身运动”,指的是稍微费体力的运动。这些workouts包括ab workouts(腹部锻炼),还有cardio workouts(有氧运动)。‘ab’ comes from the word abdominal, and ‘cardio’ is short for cardiovascular.She even has a famous barbie workout!甚至还有一个“芭比主题”的健身。• abdominal /æbˈdɑ:mɪn(ə)l/ adj. 腹部的• cardiovascular /ˌkɑ:rdioʊˈvæskjələr/ adj. 心血管的帕梅拉的这些workouts are usually pretty intensive(强度特别高),所以就有网友开玩笑地给帕梅拉起了个nickname(绰号),叫Devil Pamela(“魔鬼帕梅拉”)。她的一套workout做下来,对于很多人来说就是torture(折磨),she tortures her viewers with her intensive workouts。尽管运动强度很大,帕梅拉never seems tired,所以网友also nicknamed her the human AI (给帕梅拉起了另一个绰号,叫“人间AI”)。这次中国之行她在锻炼的时候,为了证明她不是AI,she wiped her sweat with tissues on purpose(她特意用纸巾擦了把汗)。2. 帕梅拉中国之行She danced to 《最炫民族风》 in Beijing,而且在长沙的时候,还学习了how to dance五禽戏。有句俗语,“when in Rome, do as the Romans do”(当你在罗马的时候,就要像一个罗马人一样行事),帕梅拉可以说真的是很“入乡随俗”。看到帕梅拉incorporate these Chinese elements into her workouts(把中国元素融入到她的健身中),真的非常有趣。而且,在帕梅拉来中国前,她就added Baduanjin to her workout routines(把“八段锦”融入到了她的健身日程里)。• incorporate /ɪnˈkɔ:rpəreɪt/ v.使混合;合并帕梅拉在Instagram的动态里,对此次中国之行表达的全是惊讶、激动与喜欢。She was saying how surprised and emotional she has been on this tour(她在这次旅行中是多么的惊讶和激动)。看来,everything is working out quite well for her(一切进展都很不错)。请留言告诉我们:你是帕梅拉的粉丝吗?你跟着帕梅拉一块儿做过哪些锻炼呢?
11/8/2023 • 8 minutes, 49 seconds
再见,钱德勒!We will meet at the checkout counter!
主播:梅莉 | Anne 歌曲 :You Are Not Alone(开场) I´ll Be There for You(结尾) *更多节目配乐,请在“网易云音乐”搜索“一席英语-老外来了歌单”。 1.《老友记》钱德勒演员去世The actor (演员) Matthew Perry突然在家中去世了。 This news is so shocking.(这个新闻太令人震惊了)。He is so well-known for his iconic role as Chandler in the show Friends(因饰演电视剧《老友记》中标志性的Chandler角色而闻名), and he was only 54(才五十四岁)。这真是一个tragic loss(悲剧性的损失)。•tragic /ˈtrædʒɪk/ 哀痛的,悲剧性的•iconic /aɪˈkɑːnɪk/ 非常出名的,受欢迎的他被发现的时候,是在他洛杉矶家的hot tub(浴缸)里,那时候他已经是unconscious(不省人事了)。相关人员依然需要do some more tests to find out more information(做更多的检验来了解更多信息)。这个新闻让很多人都觉得难以接受,especially for people who really love this show(尤其是对于非常热爱这部剧的人来说)。《老友记》实在是太popular了,it is definitely one of the most popular sitcoms of all time(绝对是有史以来最受欢迎的情景喜剧之一)。有些人可能没有机会watch the whole series(把整个系列看完),而有些人会watch the show over and over again(一遍遍刷这部剧),而且会在写作业和吃晚饭的时候play it in the background(把老友记当背景音)。That’s so relatable! (这太有共鸣了!)这部经典的喜剧,真的有帮到世界各地的很多人improve their English(提高英语)。•sit-com 就是 situation comedy(情景喜剧)•relatable adj. 有关系的;有共鸣的而且,这部剧不光是能提高英文,对于很多人来说,更是心情的调节剂。有人说,每当心情不好的时候,就会看一两集《老友记》,就感觉好像真的有六个这样的朋友,可以短暂地和他们逃离去另一个世界。 因为当你在看Friends的时候,it’s like you’re in a world full of laughter(在一个充满欢声笑语的世界), away from all your troubles(远离一切纷扰)。 2.国外网友对Matthew Perry去世有什么反应?对于很多Friends的铁粉来说,losing Matthew Perry is almost like losing a real friend(就像失去了一位好朋友一般)。People are devastated. 人们悲痛欲绝。在纽约,粉丝们gather outside the apartment building that was used in the TV show(聚集在《老友记》拍摄的那栋公寓大楼外面),并且留下了很多floral tributes(献花),用这种方式向Matthew Perry致敬。•devastated /ˈdevəsteɪtɪd/ adj. (极度)不安的•floral /ˈflɔ:rəl/ adj. 以花装饰的•tribute /ˈtrɪbju:t/ n. 致敬;悼念很多人说,his humour resonated with so many people(他的“钱式幽默”引起了许多人的共鸣),而且是across cultural and linguistic barriers(跨越了文化上和语言上的障碍)。很多viewers应该都记得那句iconic line(标志性的台词): “Hi, I’m Chandler, I make jokes when I’m uncomfortable.” “我有点尬的时候,就会开玩笑。”这就是typical Chandler(典型的钱德勒),这句经典的台词一下子就总结了他的角色性格。•resonate /ˈrezəneɪt/ v. 产生共鸣;发出回响•barrier /ˈbæriər/ n. 屏障他就是那么一个人,他很witty(机智幽默),也很sarcastic(爱讽刺人),同时他其实是在用笑话来mask his insecurities (掩盖他的不安全感)and mask his vulnerabilities(掩盖他脆弱的地方)。•sarcastic /sɑ:rˈkæstɪk/ adj. 讥讽的,讽刺的•vulnerability /ˌvʌlnərəˈbɪləti/ n. 弱点 3.演员Matthew Perry本身是怎样一个人?Matthew Perry这个演员本人的性格就跟Chandler非常非常相似。连他自己也说,“It wasn’t that I thought I could play Chandler, I was Chandler.” 他就是钱德勒本钱。大多数人认识Matthew Perry就是通过Friends,因为Friends的影响力实在是太大了。但可能很多人不知道的是,他其实还做了很多公益活动。他还会做提高人们在addiction and recovery(成瘾和康复方面)意识的公益。那是因为he struggled with addiction himself most of his life(他自己就是一直在坚持克服自己的成瘾问题),哪怕是at the height of his fame(在他事业和名声的巅峰时期),他也在跟自己对painkillers(止疼药)以及alcohol(酒精)的依赖作斗争。•addiction /əˈdɪkʃ(ə)n/ n. 毒瘾•recovery /rɪˈkʌvəri/ n. 恢复•painkiller /ˈpeɪnkɪlər/ n. 止痛药He then really focused on helping other people who were struggling with this as well.因为自己淋过雨,所以才想给别人撑伞。在一次采访中,他说,he would like to be remembered for helping people recover(他希望自己被记住是因为帮助人们康复),而不仅仅只是荧幕上的那个Chandler。Phoebe说和她去世的外婆说过的最后一句话竟然是:we will meet at the checkout counter(我们在收银台见)!让我们以此来致敬演员Matthew Perry,致敬我们的好友Chandler。 请留言告诉我们:你是不是也是《老友记》的粉丝呢?不知道大家都刷了几遍老友记呢?你对Matthew Perry去世这件事有什么感想呢?
11/3/2023 • 9 minutes, 17 seconds
主播:梅莉 | Wendi歌曲 : Stuck On You*更多节目配乐,请在“网易云音乐”搜索“一席英语-老外来了歌单”。主播梅莉在法国住的时候,感觉法国的driving rules are quite strict(交通法规相当严格),而且有很多的roundabouts(环岛路),所以觉得在法国开车会很难。等她回到中国后,她发现了中国和法国在开车上的很大差异。今天,我们聊一聊,中国和法国开车的5大不同。1. 中法开车差异一:Honking(按喇叭)在法国,the honk is for emergencies(一般是在紧急的情况下司机会按喇叭),或者是just want to be rude or you need to react to a really rude driver(只是用按喇叭的方式提醒the rude driver,更多是一种回应)。而在中国,horn更像是your warning signal to the other cars and pedestrians(给其他车和行人的一个警告或者提示信号)。梅莉分享说,她在上海的时候注意到,scooter’s and car’s honk(摩托车和汽车的喇叭)只是想let you know they are coming in case you didn’t see them(提醒你车来了,小心点)。2. 中法开车差异二:the road rage(路怒症)The road rage在法国是挺常见的。如果一辆车does not let the priority to another car(没给后面的车让路),或者是does something they are not supposed to(做了不该做的事),那么后面那辆车的司机可能就会get mad and scream at them(发疯大叫)。• rage /reɪdʒ/ n. 狂怒• priority /praɪˈɔ:rəti/ n. 优先权而且,the pedestrian(行人)如果没有cross at the right moment(没好好过马路的话),司机也可能会get very vocalin expressing themselves(有一些言语的冲突)。然而梅莉在中国看到的是,scooters and cars almost get into crashes(马上就要撞在一起了),当他们almost crash的时候,也没有人is screaming,他们只是keep driving their own way。There is no road rage really. 在中国很少见“路怒症”。3. 中法开车差异三:The priority of pedestrians crossing the road(行人过马路的优先权)在中国,有很多地方,pedestrians do not have the right of way(行人没有过马路的优先权),也就是说车不让人。但这一点,it really depends。但是在法国,车让人is a no brainer(是不需要思考的)。即便是有的路口没有traffic light,那司机依然是会wait for you and will let you pass。4. 中法开车差异四:driving on the highway(高速上的开车)如果我们想要overtake a car on the highway(在高速公路上超车),你需要先去the left lane(左车道),也就是快车道,这一点,中国和法国是一样的。但是,在中国,it is much harder to overtake a car(超车就有点难)。因为人们drive at similar speeds on all the lanes(所有车道上开车速度差不多)。5. 中法开车差异五:Driving speed(开车速度)在梅莉看来,Chinese people drive slower than in France。不管是在高速路上,还是在城市里,people drive slower。所以,中国的big crashes(大型交通事故)也就少一点。因为中国大多人的车速is quite safe。中国也有一些标语,比如说 “行车不规范,亲人两行泪”等,会起到警示作用,所以大家都会开车比较小心。欢迎大家在评论区留言,分享你对中外的driving culture的想法和感受。
11/1/2023 • 11 minutes, 3 seconds
主播:梅莉 | Wendi 歌曲 : Amireux *更多节目配乐,请在“网易云音乐”搜索“一席英语-老外来了歌单”。 今天,我们聊一聊 ,中国和法国eating out culture(“下馆子文化”)。 1. 外出吃饭的频率不一样在中国,to eat out(下馆子)比较常见。中国人请吃饭一般都会去restaurant,可能是因为Chinese meals require so much more effort to cook(中餐准备起来很费劲儿),there are always so many different plates of food(而且人多的话要做很多道菜),所以,为了省事儿,大家就会选择去外面吃。 饭店里的服务也是非常有仪式感的,特别是一些很古香古色的饭店,他们可能会有很有中国传统特色的服务。中国有很好的the hospitality culture(好客文化),不管是在家里,还是在外面吃饭,客人都能感受到招待的热情。The hosting and hospitality is always so amazing!• hospitality n. 殷勤好客 而在法国,他们很少在外面吃,更多的是cook their meals(自己做饭)。请客吃饭一般是host dinners at home(在家吃)。他们请客的餐通常包括entrée(前菜),main course(主菜)和dessert(甜点),it is easier to prepare(准备起来很简单)。 2. 在外吃饭花费不一样中国的小饭馆适合于people with different incomes(不同收入的人群),总是有so many affordable options(很多选择)。• affordable /əˈfɔ:rdəb(ə)l/ adj. 便宜的• option /ˈɑ:pʃ(ə)n/ n. 选择而在法国,dining out is often associated with higher prices(外出吃饭通常价格会更高),而且a more refined dining experience(就餐环境也会比较优雅高档)。• be associated with 和…联系在一起;与…有关• refined /rɪˈfaɪnd/ adj. 文雅的 当然,法国也有便宜的餐馆。最便宜的餐馆要10 euros(欧元),差不多是77元人民币。法国人出去吃饭,他们期待a certain level of a refined dining experience(一定程度的精致的用餐体验),他们想要experience something they cannot easily recreate at home。所以,他们更看重的是就餐体验和优雅的就餐环境。 3. 和谁一起就餐不一样在中国,很多人是just come to eat alone and then they leave(一个人去餐馆简单吃顿饭),不一定是和家人朋友聚餐。 而在法国,他们更多的是usually go with friends, family, co-workers etc. (和朋友、家人、同事一起出去), it is very rare for people to go alone to eat(很少有人独自去吃饭) ,因为他们更看重就餐体验,it's more about the experience, and sharing the moment with family and friends(看重与家人和朋友共享的时刻)。 欢迎大家在评论区给我们留言,分享你对eating out culture的看法和经历。
10/29/2023 • 9 minutes, 33 seconds
10/25/2023 • 9 minutes, 49 seconds
主播:梅莉 | Wendi 歌曲 :I’m Coming Home今天,我们要聊的话题是——国外养老。 1. 因为养老院太贵,他们选择住游轮Recently there has been a story of a retired Australian couple that has been quite popular. 最近关于一对澳大利亚的退休夫妻的故事特别流行。This retired couple actually booked 51 consecutive cruises and they have decided to live on a cruise ship. 这对夫妻在订了51次游船航程之后决定要一直住在船上。• retired / rɪˈtaɪrd / adj. 退休的• consecutive / kənˈsekjətɪv / adj. 连续的;连贯的• cruise / kruz / n. 航行;乘船游览• cruise ship n. 旅游客轮;游轮 游轮就是一些big ships(大船), where many passengers can go for vacation(很多游客都可以在那里度假)。Usually there are activities onboard, restaurants, swimming pool, etc. 游轮上面的设施非常齐全,有餐厅甚至还有泳池。It’s very different from an ordinary ship(和普通的客船很不一样)。• onboard / 'ɒn'bɔrd / adj. 在船上 这对夫妻的51次游船航程有795天,而且before the COVID pandemic(新冠疫情之前),他们已经spent 1200 days on the water(在海上漂了1200天)。他们are not planning on disembarking any time soon(近期不打算上岸)。• disembark / ˌdɪsɪmˈbɑrk / v. 上岸;下船 为什么这对夫妻决定生活在游轮上呢?因为他们觉得it is actually cheaper to live on cruise ships than it is to pay for a retirement home or nursing home(住在游轮上比他们去养老院或者护理院更便宜)。.• retirement home n. 养老院• nursing home n. 护理院 住在游轮上,他们不需要 worry about(担心) paying for rent or a mortgage(付房租或者房贷), getting groceries(购物) or doing laundry(洗衣服)。• mortgage / ˈmɔːr.ɡɪdʒ / n. 房贷• do laundry 洗衣服 他们在一个interview(采访)里说,他们已经不是young people(年轻人),这种生活方式意味着他们可以continue to travel the world(继续环游世界)。他们have more courage than young people(比年轻人更勇敢)。At least it takes more courage for them to make such a decision(起码对他们来说,做出这个决定更需要勇气)。而且这个决定是pretty smart(挺明智的),因为nursing home真的非常expensive(昂贵)。 2. 养老的retirement home和nursing home啥区别?Retirement home和nursing home其实是quite similar(挺相似)。Retirement home is more for people who need little to no help from professionals(更适合那些不需要或不太需要职业看护的人).They are still able to do things on their own(他们具备一定的自理能力). Retirement home就像是中国的养老院。 Nursing home一般是面向那些需要around-the-clock supervision from professionals(全天候的职业监护)的人。Nursing home更像是中国的疗养院。• professional /prəˈfeʃən(ə)l/ n. 专业人士• around-the-clock adj. 全天的;全天候的• supervision /ˌsupərˈvɪʒ(ə)n / n. 监管;监视 3. 国外nursing home真的很贵中国的nursing home的收费,据网络调查来看,the average cost is around 5000 RMB per month(平均价格是每月五千元),也算不便宜。 而法国的更贵。法国的nursing home,there are two basic charges that are imposed(有2种基础收费被推行)。一种是accommodation charge(住宿费),另一个是social care charge(护理费)。但在法国很nice的一点就是,medical care is provided without charge(医疗是免费的)。• impose / ɪmˈpoʊz / v. 推行;强制实行• accommodation / əˌkɑːməˈdeɪʃn / n. 住宿• medical care n. 医疗护理 在法国,护理院的starting price(起始价)是2000 euros(欧元),差不多15400人民币,真的是quite expensive。 当然people are not excited to go to nursing homes,住nursing home也不是老年人的首选。It is only when they have to(只是他们不得已而为之),因为 financially (经济上)他们cannot pay for private at-home caregiver(请不起护工)。因为老人他们既无法live alone(独居),他们的孩子也 do not have the possibility or do not want to have them live with them(没法或者不想和他们住在一起)。 在法国,a caregiver is paid around 150 yuan per hour(一个护工大约每小时收费150人民币)。但nursing home也不是想去就能去的,好的nursing home通常都会有一个waiting list(等候名单)。• caregiver / ˈkerˌɡɪvər / n. 照料者;家庭护理员• financially / faɪˈnæn.ʃəl.i / adv. 经济上 也许,将来越来越多的人都会像这对澳大利亚夫妻一样spend their retirement on cruise ship(在游轮上过退休生活)! 请留言告诉我们:你还有哪些想听想了解的话题?
10/22/2023 • 9 minutes, 59 seconds
正流行!年轻人喜爱的City Walk,你体验了吗?
主播:梅莉 |Wendi 歌曲: You’ve Got That Thing*更多节目配乐,请在“网易云音乐”搜索“一席英语-老外来了歌单”。今天,我们跟大家聊一聊,当下非常流行的CityWalk(城市漫步)。1. 当下大火的City Walk是什么?其实每个人的方式都不一样,主要目的就是在城市里闲逛,重新认识一下自己生活的这座城市,或者一座新城市。有的人只是walk around in the city(在街上闲逛),然后熟悉这条街的历史或文化,有的人会explore coffee shops(探店各个咖啡厅),或者有人以自然风景为路线and enjoy the nature,或者只是wander the streets with friends(和朋友无目的地在街上闲逛)。其实CityWalk很早在西方就出现了,还和法国有关。法语里有一个词是Flâneur,意思就是“漫步者”。Flâneur对应的动词是flaner,这个词是“doing nothing”的反义词,指的不是“无所事事”。Flaner这个词还有另一个意思,就是“a mobile and passionate photograph”,一张mobile(可以移动的)并且passionate photograph(非常热烈的照片),有点像中文里说的“移步换景”的意思。• passionate /ˈpæʃənət/ adj.热烈的现在,flaner在法国still common(依然很流行),especially in bigger cities likeParis,因为巴黎有很多beautiful architectures(美丽的建筑),small stores(小商店),cute little streets and parks(小巧可爱的街道和公园)。除此之外,people watching(在路上观察人)也是一件趣事。2. 为什么City Walk那么流行?CityWalk最大的特点就是它没有目的、没有意义。现在生活节奏越来越快,walking around aimlessly(没有目的的闲逛)反而很能让人放慢节奏,doing something with no goal definitely is relaxing(不带目的地做一些事情就是一种放松)。再一个原因就是,City Walk是the escape of the busyness life(对忙碌的生活的逃离)。一个人独自走走,observe society(观察周围的一切) and free our mind of any plan(放空)是一种相当不错的感觉。还有一个重要的原因就是,after the pandemic(在疫情后),people are returning to life,人们开始想要好好观察一下错过的这几年。请留言告诉我们:你体验过City Walk了吗?你还有哪些想听的话题?
10/18/2023 • 10 minutes, 25 seconds
主播:梅莉 | Anne歌曲 : Ain't Nobody Like You有时候,文言文和英文很相似,今天我们就来盘点一下文言文(classical Chinese)和英文的相似之处。1. 被动句(the passive voice)古文:孟德见困于周郎(孟德被周郎困住)。英文:Mengde(Caocao)was trapped by Zhoulang(Zhouyu).古文:(皇帝)故内惑于郑袖,外欺于张仪。(选自《屈原列传》)英文:(The emperor) was misguided by Zhengxiu, and he was deceived by Zhangyi.所以,我们能看出,文言文里的“于”,和英语中的“by”起一样的作用。• misguide /mɪsˈɡaɪd/ vt.误导• deceive /dɪˈsi:v/ v. 欺骗2. 比较句(the comparative sentence)古文:季氏富于周公。(选自《论语》)英文:Ji is richer than the Duke of Zhou.文言文里,表示比较的“于”,相当于英语中的“than”。• Duke 公爵3. 定语从句(attributive clause)古文:(皇帝)求人可使报秦者。(选自《廉颇蔺相如列传》)英文:The emperor seeks someone that can be sent to reply to Qin.• seek 寻求4. 状语后置古文:仕宦于台阁。(选自《孔雀东南飞》,仕宦就是做官,台阁就是京城)英文:Serving as an official in the capital city.• official /əˈfɪʃ(ə)l/ n. 官员,高级职员古文:饰之以花。英文:Decorate it with flowers.
10/14/2023 • 8 minutes, 54 seconds
已婚未婚的,都学学“爱的五种语言”! (内附测试链接)
主播:梅莉 | Wendi歌曲 : Crazy Little Thing Called Love今天,我们要聊的话题是——爱的五种语言。1. 爱的五种语言是怎么回事?Everything we do can be explained with the 5 love languages. 我们的所做所为都可以用“爱的五种语言”来解释。“爱的五种语言”是后来才出现的名词,它来自一本叫做《爱的五种语言》(The 5 Love Languages: the secret to love that lasts)的书。这本书的作者Gary Chapman(盖瑞·查普曼)是一位pastor(牧师),同时他也是a specialist in marriage(一位婚姻专家)。其实,“爱的五种语言”可以理解为人们表达爱和感受爱的方式。• specialist /ˈspeʃəlɪst/ n. 专家正如盖瑞·查普曼在书中所说,你想要对方feel loved(感到被爱),那你需要做的就是speak that person’s language(说对方的语言),其实也就是用对方理解和接受的方式表达爱。举一个形象的类比:假设你的伴侣只会中文,no matter how hard you try to express love in English(无论你多么努力地用英语表达爱),对方都不会感受到。作者用自己的生活经历总结出了这五种love languages。他在做牧师的时候,many couples came to him for advice(有很多夫妻找他咨询),他帮着帮着别的夫妻,his own marriage started to struggle(自己的婚姻出问题了),他和妻子got into many arguments(发生了很多争吵)。作者总是夸赞妻子how nice she looked(多么好看),告诉妻子how much he appreciated her(他是他是多么感激她),一次又一次地跟妻子说“I love you”,但是妻子的反应是,“why don’t you help me?”,潜台词就是:你快别夸我了,你要是真的爱我还不如帮我干点儿家务活呢!就在和妻子日常的争吵中,他意识到what he appreciated in a relationship was receiving compliments(在一段感情里,他看重的是受到夸赞),而于妻子而言,she valued acts of service(更看重付诸行动)。• compliment /ˈkɑ:mplɪmənt/ n. 赞美2. 爱的五种语言具体指什么?#1 Words of Affirmation 肯定的语言比如说,verbal compliments(口头的夸赞),verbal acknowledgement(口头的感谢)。如果有些人的爱的语言是words of affirmation,那比方说“I love you”以及words of appreciation, encouragement(感激、鼓励的话语)就可以make them feel understood and appreciated(让他们感到被理解和被欣赏)。#2 Quality Time有质量的陪伴时间如果一个人的love language是quality time 的话,你要是乐意spend time with them(多花一些时间陪伴他们),提供给他们一些high quality company(高质量的陪伴),那这样的话,他们会feel the most adored(感受到最受喜爱)。他们不只是需要你spend time with them,他们希望你give them your undivided attention(给他们的是一心一意的爱)。他们希望,当你们在相处的时候,without the distraction of television, phone screens, or any other outside interference(没有电视、手机或任何其他外部干扰)。They have a strong desire to have meaningful conversations or share recreational activities(他们强烈希望进行有意义的谈话或分享娱乐活动).• undivided /ˌʌndɪˈvaɪdɪd/ adj. 一心一意的• recreational /ˌrekriˈeɪʃən(ə)l/ adj. 消遣的;娱乐的#3 Acts of Service服务行为他们需要你能够真的帮到他们to make their life easier。都是一些比较简单的小事儿,比如说,当你生病的时候,bring you soup,再或者是在早上的时候,making yourcoffee(冲一杯咖啡)。对于看重实际行动的人来说,actions speak louder than words(行动胜于空话)。#4 Receiving Gifts收礼物这种语言非常straightforward(直接)。礼物是visual symbols of love(实际可以看见的爱),当你收到礼物的时候,你会感到被爱着。礼物is not about the money,但其背后的symbolic thoughts(象征性的含义)是比较重要的。我们都有这样的体会,当收到a gift that has been prepared with love(一份用爱精心准备的礼物)时,比收到一份超级昂贵的礼物要开心得多。我们中文讲的“礼轻情意重”就是这个意思,礼物背后的symbolic thoughts是无比重要的。• straightforward /ˌstreɪtˈfɔ:rwərd/ adj. 简单明了的#5 Physical Touch身体接触这个也是self-explanatory(无需解释的)。当他们接收到 any signs of physical affection(任何身体亲密行为)时,他们会感到被爱着。对于有些人来说,他们只是在童年的时候,会更需要这些physical affection,比如说when they were held, kissed, or touched(当他们被抱着,亲吻或者触摸时),会更多地感受到爱。• explanatory /ɪkˈsplænətɔ:ri/ adj. 解释性的• self-explanatory adj. 不解自明的今天我们讲的the 5 love languages中的love不只是指romantic love,it can also apply to other relationships with friends and family(它也可以适用于与朋友和家人的其他关系)。如果你也想知道你的“爱的五种语言”是哪种,可以在“一席文化”公众号后台回复“爱的5种语言”获取测试链接。欢迎在评论区留言分享你的“爱的五种语言”是什么,你也可以把你的想法、经历、感受在评论区和大家交流。
10/10/2023 • 13 minutes, 28 seconds
主播:梅莉 | Wendi 歌曲 : Smile今天,我们聊一本在亚马逊霸榜十几年的书——The Four Agreements(中文名《通往心灵自由之路》)。 1. 书籍简介这本书里讲到的the four agreements(四个约定) are a practical guide to personal freedom(关于个人自由的实用指南)。 这本书还有一段历史,这四个约定,是一千多年前统治墨西哥中部地区的一个民族——托尔特克人(Toltec )的思想智慧,these are very popular nowadays。像美国前总统Bill Clinton(克林顿),还有美国特别有名的主持人Operah Winfrey(奥普拉·温弗瑞)等,都曾经引用过这四条约定。其他的celebrities(名人),比如Ellen Degeneres(艾伦·德杰尼勒斯)、Madonna(麦当娜)、Britney Spears(布兰妮·斯皮尔斯)are all fans of the book’s author。 这本书曾经在2000年的时候,是the top of The New York Times bestseller list(《纽约时报》畅销榜的榜首),现在也依然是on the prestigious list(名气很大)。• prestigious /preˈsti:dʒəs/ adj. 受尊敬的,有声望 2. The four agreements 四个约定Agreement Number One:Be impeccable with your word. 善用美好的语言。 第一条约定是一个提醒(reminder),to be more careful with what you say(要慎言),因为words are powerful(语言是有力量的)。Say things like you actually mean them – and do the things you say you will.说的内容要诚恳,言行要一致——说到做到。• impeccable /ɪmˈpekəb(ə)l/ adj. 无缺点的;完美的 如果你说的不是实话,那么到最后, you only hurt yourself(受伤害的是自己)。因为“语言是有力量的”,不要对自己说一些消极的话,do not use them against yourself, 比如说“I’m not worthy, I am ugly, …”。要说一些话来表达爱,不仅对他人,更是要对自己。 通过这样做,你可以很有力地communicate your intentions(传达你的意图),而且,你可以create the life story you want to live(书写你理想的人生)。 Agreement Number Two:Don’t take anything personally. 不要觉得每件事都是在针对自己。 Nothing anyone ever does or says is because of you, or about you. It is always about themselves. 别人做的或说的都不是因为你,或关于你。这些总是关于他们自己。 这同样也意味着everything you say or do, is an expression of yourself(你的言行举止也只是反映你的一些心理想法)。 举个例子:有人让你伤心或伤害到你,are they to blame for your hurt feelings(他们应该为你受伤害的情绪负责吗)?答案是:No! 你感到难过是因为a part within you has not found peace yet(你自己内心不够平静),结果对方刚好又戳到了你的这个痛处。 让你受伤害的人is also responsible(有责任的)。 对方其实也不是故意针对你,可能他内心也在经历着什么,可能是有点dissatisfied(对自己有点不满意), unbalanced(有点失调),afraid(害怕), 又或者insecure(有点缺少安全感)。 They are not mean because you make them so(他们让你受伤害可能也不是有意为之), 他们不友好是因为 they haven’t dealt with something within themselves(他们没有处理好自己内心的一些事情). 所以,don’t take it personally(不要觉得他们是在针对你),we are all walking our own path。 We shouldn’t focus on what we can’t control, focus on what we can control. 他人的言行我们无法控制,但是我们可以做的是修炼好自己的内心,find your inner peace。 Agreement Number Three:Don’t make assumptions. 不要妄加揣测。 Making assumptions is one of the most dangerous things we can do to ourselves.揣测他人是我们对自己做的最危险的事情之一。 举个例子:如果我们的loved one shows up late to a dinner we prepared with love(爱人在我们用心准备的晚宴上姗姗来迟),我们的大脑会automatically go into assumptions(自动开始揣测):They don’t care/they don’t love me enough. Ta不在乎我/Ta不够爱我。No one is ever interested in the effort I make. 没有人会在乎我付出的努力。但其实也可能只是something went wrong along the way(过程中出了点问题)。也许他们只是really stressed and forgot(压力太大结果给忘了),但Ta依然还是很爱你、很尊重你的。• automatically /ˌɑː.t̬əˈmæt̬.ɪ.kəl.i/ adv. 自动地 想太多很容易让我们内耗,内耗的原因之一就是我们容易let our imagination take over(被自己的胡思乱想给控制),and jump to conclusions too fast(妄下结论)。 解决方法就是keep your mind open and free(保持开放和自由的心态),and give others the benefit of the doubt,即使你怀疑对方,也要选择相信Ta。• give sb. the benefit of the doubt (在不确定的情况下)姑且相信(某人说的话);把某人往好处想 只要ask for the truth without attacking them(在不攻击对方的前提下询问事实),就可以give both people space to be honest(给两人坦诚相对的空间)。这样可以spare us a lot of emotional drama(避免很多情感冲突)。• spare sb. sth. 使某人避免/免遭某事 Agreement Number Four:Always do your best. 凡事尽力而为。 如果你总觉得you’re not doing enough(做得不够),或者what you’re doing is not good enough(做得不够好),有一个simple solution(简单的解决办法)就是尽人事,听天命,stop thinking about being perfect all the time(不要总想着一直保持完美)。 有些时候,当你很exhausted(精疲力尽) or heartbroken(心碎),your best will look very different than on a day you’re feeling great(哪怕是你最好的状态看起来也会和你感觉很棒的一天非常不同). 当然了,doing your best doesn’t mean exhausting yourself (并不是说要竭尽全力地追求完美),而是要respect you limitations(知道自己的极限在哪里),然后try to show up as good as you can(尽力做到最好)。 这样的话,任何时候你都不会feel bad for not having done enough(当没做好的时候感到沮丧),你已经尽了全力,而且,no one else can blame you(也不会有人怪你)。 这四条约定are all related,尤其是第四条是前三条的关键。虽然道理都懂,但我们在生活中可能很难stick to all of them(很难完全做到这四个),BUT it’s OK, it’s normal!Just start little by little. 请留言告诉我们:这“四条约定”对你有帮助吗?
10/5/2023 • 17 minutes, 43 seconds
主播:梅莉 | Wendi 歌曲 : Smile 今天,我们聊一部前段时间超火的电影——Oppenheimer 《奥本海默》。 1. Oppenheimer 《奥本海默》这是一部关于原子弹之父(the Father of the atomic bomb)奥本海默的电影。This film is based on Kai Bird’s 2005 Oppenheimer Biography called American Promethus: The triumph and tragedy of J.Robert Oppenheimer. 这部电影是根据奥本海默的传记改编的。• atomic / əˈtɑːmɪk / adj. 原子能的,核能的• biography / baɪˈɑːɡrəfi / n. 传记,传记文学 在这本书里,凯•伯德用了一个非常有意思的类比,用希腊神话里面的Prometheus(普罗米修斯)来类比奥本海默。普罗米修斯从Zeus(宙斯)那里偷了火种,然后把火种赋予了人类(bestowed it upon humankind);而奥本海默给人类带来了atomic bomb(原子弹)。 他们最终的命运也有点儿相似,普罗米修斯最后被宙斯给惩罚了;而奥本海默当他想要让人们be aware of(认识到 )原子弹的terrible dangers时,也是得到了惩罚。• bestow /bɪˈstoʊ/ vt.赠予,授予 2. 为什么这部电影广受外国观众好评?这部电影在国内受欢迎程度并没有国外的高,国外网友对这部电影给出了很高的评价。#原因一:The movie features a lot of big names in the film industry. 这部电影里有许多电影行业的名人。比如说:演奥本海默的Cilian Murphy,还有饰演他妻子的Emily Blunt,还有演钢铁侠的Robert Downey Jr.。• feature v. 由…主演• big name n. 知名人士 #原因二:It has a very thought provoking plot. 有发人深省的情节。奥本海默面临的ethical dilemma(道德困境)是这部电影着重突出的一个主题,他面临着科技和ethic(道德伦理)的两难处境。It actually really explores the curse of being an emotional creature in a mathematical world.它实际上真正地探索了一个有情感的生物在一个数学世界中的困境。 • provoking /prəˈvoʊkɪŋ/ adj. 刺激的• ethical / ˈeθɪk(ə)l / adj. 道德的,伦理的• dilemma / dɪˈlemə / n.(进退两难的)窘境• mathematical/ ˌmæθəˈmætɪk(ə)l / adj. 有关数学的 #原因三:It is showing events from the World War II era. 以二战时期为背景。这部电影immerses viewers in a crucial period of history(让观众沉浸在一个关键的历史时期)。电影中的一些事,有可能我们早就听说过或了解过,但 seeing it on big screen just creates another type of impact(在大屏幕上呈现会产生另一种影响),it’s very immersive(让人身临其境)。• immerse /ɪˈmɜ:rs/ vt. 沉迷…中,陷入• immersive/ ɪˈmɜːrsɪv /adj.沉浸式虚拟现实的 #原因四:另一个原因就是这部电影的 tear dropping impact(催泪效果) 。观众能很容易地就relate to it(产生共鸣),能让人feel very emotional(很受触动)。因为这部电影让你看到how events from such a long time ago involved actual people(很久以前发生的事件是如何涉及到活生生的人的),the decisions being made(那时的决定是怎么做出来的),the impact this project had on the world(以及这个项目对于世界的影响)。 观影的时候,就会感觉,以前课本或者书上白纸黑字冷冰冰的历史,超越了时空,突然特别真实地呈现在你眼前,and then we were shocked and emotional。 #原因五:再一个这部电影非常火的原因是:there is a philosophical side to it. 有哲学视角。It really explores this dark side of technology and the nature of war. 它真正地探索了技术的阴暗面和战争的本质,另外,它还展现出the responsibilities of scientists towards society(科学家对社会的责任):如何平衡好科技和伦理道德。• philosophical / ˌfɪləˈsɑːfɪk(ə)l / adj.哲学的 #原因六:电影的画面很震撼。最有震撼的画面应该是科学家做the trinity test(三位一体试验)以及the first test of the atomic bomb(原子弹测试的第一次实验)。但这个画面并没有使用任何的special effects(特效),他们用的是gasoline(汽油)和propane(丙烷),还有aluminium powder(铝粉)和magnesium(镁)来replicate the blinding white light of a nuclear explosion(重现当时核爆炸产生的耀眼的光)。That is very impressive!• replicate /ˈreplɪkeɪt/ vt. 复制• blinding adj. 炫目的,耀眼的 欢迎大家在评论区留言:你看电影《奥本海默》有什么感受?
10/3/2023 • 13 minutes, 47 seconds
9/28/2023 • 11 minutes, 47 seconds
主播:Selah | Anne歌曲 :Ain't Nobody Like You前段时间,知名带货主播李佳琦直播时翻车了,我们看看外媒是怎么报道的。1. 外媒是怎么介绍李佳琦的?他是此前国内the most famous beauty livestreamer and influencer(顶级的美妆带货主播和网红)。他是a livestreaming “sales powerhouse”(直播带货的“销量王者”),他在销售方面是highly competent and effective(工作能力强而且还高效)。他曾经在a7-hour live streaming session(一次7个小时的直播)中,applied 380 lipsticks on his lips(在嘴上涂了380支口红),然后was nicknamed the Lipstick King of China(被称作中国的“口红一哥”)。在大家的心目中,李佳琦是authentic and trust-worthy(很真实,直言不讳,非常值得信任)。He’s not afraid to give candid reviews of top-brand beauty products.哪怕是对于顶级品牌的美容产品,他也能给出真实的评价。• authentic/ɔ:ˈθentɪk/ adj.真正的;可靠的• candid adj.率直的;公正的• top-brand 顶级品牌但是,李佳琦在最近的一次直播中,hemade some very controversial statements(说了一些有争议的话),他的这些话have sparked an uproar among Chinese netizens(在中国网友中引发了轩然大波)。• controversial /ˌkɑːntrəˈvɜːrʃ(ə)l/ adj.有争议的• uproar /ˈʌprɔ:r/ n.骚乱• spark an uproar 引起轩然大波2. 李佳琦直播翻车,外媒是怎么报道的呢?当李佳琦在直播中was promoting an eye pencil originally costing 79 RMB(推荐一支原价79元的眉笔)时,有一位观众complained that the product is too pricey(抱怨说这个产品太贵了),李佳琦chastised theviewer(怼了这位观众)。• promote /prəˈməʊt/ v.促进;促销• pricey /ˈpraɪsi/ adj.价格高的,昂贵的• chastise /tʃæˈstaɪz/ vt.严惩(某人)(尤指责打)关于“怼观众”的表达,有的新闻报道中还用了“he told off a viewer” 或者 “he slammed a viewer”。这两个表达在口语上会使用得比较多。李佳琦具体说了什么呢?Firstly, he said: “Expensive? The price has been the same for so many years. Don't talk blatant nonsense.” Don’t talk blatant nonsense.不要睁着眼睛乱说。Blatant指的是明目张胆的,公然的。He also said“It's difficult for domestic brands to survive.” 国货品牌还是很难的。• blatant /ˈbleɪt(ə)nt/ adj.公然的;明目张胆的• domestic brands 国货品牌After expressing sympathy(同情) for domestic brands,he told the viewer to “look for your own reasons” and to reflect “whether your salary has increased after so many years”(这么多年工资涨没涨).• salary /ˈsæləri/ n.薪金,工资• reflect /rɪˈflekt/ v.沉思• 涨工资 to increase one’s salary他还让这位观众reflect on “whether you have been working hard enough”(反思有没有努力工作)。So he is implying that the viewers are not applying themselves enough at work.所以他是在暗示观众在工作中还不够努力。• imply /ɪmˈplaɪ/ v.暗示• apply yourself at work 全身心投入工作李佳琦的不当言论,被看作是“a slight on ordinary working people from a snobbish and wealthy celebrity”(一个势利和富有的名人对普通工人的轻视)。• slight n.轻视• snobbish /ˈsnɑ:bɪʃ/ adj.势利眼的3. 网友们什么反应?李佳琦的这些话got the viewers so enraged(勃然大怒),并且,his “insensitive remarks” “triggered a heated discussion” on social media(在社交媒体上引发了激烈的讨论)。• enraged /ɪnˈreɪdʒd/ adj.暴怒的• insensitive /ɪnˈsensətɪv/adj.感觉迟钝的另一篇新闻报道中,是这样形容网友的愤怒的:“hell hath no fury than fans scorned”这个说法来自古英语。Hell是地狱,fury指的是怒火,hath就是现代英语里的has,scorn就是“轻视”,这里scorn用了被动。这句话的意思是:地狱里的烈火也抵不上受到愚弄的女人的怒火。其实这是外媒报道里玩的一个文字游戏,由此可见网友的愤怒程度。 “The deluge of criticism prompted Li to apologize”,网友们的批判就像洪水一样涌现迫使李佳琦道歉。• deluge洪水或者暴雨• a deluge of...大量的……• a deluge of praise 大量的赞美• a deluge of support 大量的支持、拥护李佳琦道歉说:I should never forget where I came from and shouldn’t lose myself. I have been doing soul-searching these two days, and I’m sorry to let everyone down.”• soul-searching 来自灵魂深处的反思但网友们对于李佳琦的道歉并不买账,the apology failed to calm his critics(这波道歉未能使他的批评者们平静下来)。“Li has lost supporters. His followers on Weibo, has fallen by 1.1 million since he made the comment.” 他的不当言论导致他疯狂掉粉。有网友说,“He forgot the hardships when he started, and forgot his original aspiration.”(他忘了他开始的艰难,忘了初心)。• aspiration /ˌæspəˈreɪʃ(ə)n/ n.抱负,志向请留言告诉我们:你从外媒的报道中学到了哪些表达?
9/26/2023 • 11 minutes, 57 seconds
9/23/2023 • 11 minutes, 54 seconds
主播:梅莉 | Wendi歌曲 :Fake今天,我们聊一个近期热点话题——瑞幸新品“酱香拿铁”。1. “酱香拿铁”英语怎么说国外新闻媒体大多用的是“sauce-flavored latte” 。Latte是拿铁咖啡,sauce就是我们平时吃的调味酱,比方说chili sauce,辣椒酱,flavor就是香味或者味道的意思,那sauce-flavored就是有这种酱香味道的。你也可以直接说,Moutai-flavored latte,茅台风味的拿铁咖啡。茅台的英文名也挺有意思的,不是用的“茅”的拼音,而是Mou, Moutai。2. 酱香拿铁怎么那么火?It is a collaboration between the two Chinese beverage giants—Luckin Coffee and Moutai.它是中国两大beverage giants(饮品行业的巨头)的collaboration(联名)。这个新品一经上市,it was an instant hit(瞬间大火)。每天都有特别多的人去买,根本就抢不到,每天很早就显示已售罄。• beverage /ˈbevərɪdʒ/ n. 饮料• giant /ˈdʒaɪənt/ n. 大公司• collaboration /kəˌlæbəˈreɪʃ(ə)n/ n. 协作,合作It really created so much buzz on social media. 它在社交媒体上引起了很多轰动。And there are also so many hashtags on Weibo. 微博上有好多关于这个酱香拿铁的hashtag(话题),每一个点击率都超高!Collaboration(联名)真的是a fresh and innovative way to make their product popular again(让产品变得流行的很创新的一种方式),这样做,对于联名的品牌彼此,达到了 win-win(双赢)。茅台近两年可没少搞联名。他们在2021年的时候推出了Moutai flavored ice cream(茅台冰淇凌),当时也是大获成功。They have been sold in over 160 Chinese cities,卖出了1000万杯。肯德基最近也和茅台出了联名,宣传语是“美酒加炸鸡,就爱KFC” 。“酱香拿铁”走红后,9月16日,茅台官宣与德芙推出酒心巧克力。看得出来,they are really trying to change the diversity of their products now (他们现在真的在努力改变他们产品的多样性),而且,取得的效果都很好。• diversity /daɪˈvɜ:rsəti/ n. 多样性3. 酱香拿铁——烈酒加咖啡国外媒体在报道的时候,说:Luckin is adding the fiery liquor to its lattes. 瑞幸咖啡里加了fiery liquor(烈酒)。fiery来自fire火这个词,那用fiery来形容食物或者酒就说明这个食物很辣,好像舌头着火了一样。• fiery /ˈfaɪəri/ adj. 激烈的;火热的• liquor /ˈlɪkər/ n. 烈性酒还报道说: Luckin coffee and Moutai have collaborated on a new product that spices up Luckin’s coffee with Moutai baijiu.瑞幸咖啡和茅台合作开发了一种新产品,里面加入了茅台白酒。spicy up 这个用法很好,给……加味,让它变得有吸引力,或者更美味。比如说,you have a plain glass of water,你想让它变得好喝,you might add some flavorings like lemon to spice it up。酱香拿铁中加的茅台度数很高,it’s a very strong liquor,但是瑞幸官方说里面的酒精浓度是低于0.5度的。虽然度数很低,但是官方还是不建议未成年人、孕妇以及驾驶人员饮用,据说这个酒精含量还是会被查出酒驾的。4. 咖啡与酒,哪个更受欢迎?中老年人会喝白酒多一些,年轻人也会喝酒,但是很少喝白酒,it is usually served in important gatherings(喝的话也是在重要的场合)。对于年轻人来说,咖啡是比较受欢迎的。Younger Chinese consumers definitely drink more coffee than Baijiu. 所以,这也就能解释,为什么the collaboration between Luckin Coffee and Moutai会那么成功了。在网上有个很火的词叫“早C晚A”,C stands for coffee and A for alcohol, 所以“早C晚A”就是说现在的年轻人早上喝咖啡晚上喝酒,当然喝酒一般都是小酌一杯休息一下。[之前我们做过关于外国咖啡文化的节目,大家感兴趣的话,可以在我们往期节目中搜索“咖啡”了解一下。]5. 外国人喜欢白酒吗?中国的白酒可不是the White Wine,White Wine refers to 白葡萄酒,而我们的白酒是Chinese Baijiu。中国的白酒根据酿造的原材料的不同有很多种不同的香型(aroma),分为: rice aroma 米香型light aroma 淡(清)香型strong aroma 浓香型sauce aroma 酱香型主播梅莉说,她见到的foreigners还没有几个会喜欢白酒的, because it’s too strong(度数太高了)。大家可以在评论区给我们留言,分享你对酱香拿铁的想法。M: Until next time! Bye bye!W: Bye!
9/17/2023 • 11 minutes, 59 seconds
主播:梅莉 | Wendi歌曲 :Your Man时隔多年,著名歌手刀郎重出江湖,一首《罗刹海市》引发全网热议。每个人对这首歌的理解都不同,但今天这期节目,我们不讨论它的内涵,而是聊一聊这首歌背后涉及到的一本书,以及一位哲学家。1. 《罗刹海市》讲了什么故事?这首歌是基于蒲松龄的小说集"Strange Tales from a Liaozhai Studio"(《聊斋志异》)来写的。这个故事depicts an illusory country(描绘了一个虚幻的国家)——Luocha Kingdom(罗刹国)。在这个国家里,people can’t tell right from wrong(不分黑白,是非颠倒),using ugliness as beauty(甚至美丑不分)。• depict /dɪˈpɪkt/ v. 描述,描绘• illusory /ɪˈlu:səri/ adj. 虚假的• 《聊斋志异》Strange Tales from a Liaozhai Studio• tell...from ... 区分;辨别故事中,the chancellor is the ugliest person in the area(丞相是长得最丑的人),当人们看到handsome protagonist Ma Ji(英俊的主角马骥)时,他们的反应是:they run away in fright and say he is a monster(被吓跑了,还说马骥是怪物)。马骥eventually fails repeatedly(一再失败),就只是因为he is not ugly enough(不够丑)。• chancellor /ˈtʃænslər/ n. 丞相• protagonist /prəˈtæɡənɪst/ n. 主人公2.歌词极具讽刺意义这首歌还讲了两种动物:donkey and chicken(驴和鸡),刀郎用这两种动物to satirize some hypocritical people in society(来讽刺社会上一些虚伪的人)。歌里写道:The donkey does not know that he is a donkey, and the chicken does not know that she is a chicken.那马户不知道他是一头驴,那又鸟鸡不知道她是一只鸡。然而,为了cover up his original appearance every day(掩盖自己的原本模样),他们“红描翅、黑画皮、绿绣鸡冠、金镶蹄”来cover its body with paint(粉饰自己的身体)。• satirize /ˈsætəraɪz/ v. 讽刺• hypocritical /ˌhɪpəˈkrɪtɪk(ə)l/ adj. 虚伪的3. 歌词中的维特根斯坦是谁?Wittgenstein was a very famous Austrian philosopher, especially in the field of philosophy of language.维特根斯坦是一位非常著名的奥地利哲学家,尤其是在语言哲学领域。那这位哲学家维特根斯坦和刀郎的这首歌有什么关系呢?刀郎在《罗刹海市》这首歌里所传达的想法are related to Wittgenstein’s philosophical thoughts(和维特根斯坦的哲学思想有联系)。比如说,维特根斯坦说过:The limits of my language mean the limits of my world.字面意思:语言的边界就是世界的边界。维特根斯坦相信,the world we can understand and describe is limited by our language abilities(我们对这个世界的理解和描述,受限于我们的语言)。他还说过:Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must be silent.不能说的事,必须保持沉默。Whereof和 thereof是非常正式的英语的用法,whereof 就相当于“of which”,thereof 意思是“由此、那么”。维特根斯坦的这两句话告诉我们,This is a world where it is difficult to distinguish right from wrong.我们很难区分对错,有关对错的价值都是相对的。When we cannot explain something clearly, the best way is to remain silent.当我们不能清楚地解释一些事情时,最好的方法就是保持沉默。刀郎就是这样,he did not directly convey his thoughts to us through language(没有直接通过语言来表达自己的想法),而是through the form of music and art(借助音乐和艺术来传达),在某种程度上也consistent with(呼应了)维特根斯坦的观点。歌词最后提到哲学家维特根斯坦,将歌曲升华到了“我们人类根本的问题”这样一个高度。大家可以在评论区留言,聊一聊你对《罗刹海市》这首歌的看法,以及对维特根斯坦哲学思想的理解。
9/10/2023 • 9 minutes, 42 seconds
主播:Wendi | Erin歌曲 :Smile之前的节目,我们聊了MBTI的前8种人格,今天的节目,我们将要聊一聊剩下的8个人格。ISTJ-Inspector 检察员They are responsible organizers, they are neat and orderly, inside and out.他们总是负责的组织者(responsible organizers),而且总是井井有条、一板一眼的。他们往往会比较 reserved(保守),但是却是比较的reliable(可靠),而且会carry out their actions carefully and with purpose(认真地、有目的地采取行动)。代表人物:Hermione Granger 赫敏Jeff Bezos 杰夫·贝佐斯(亚马逊的创始人)Steve Jobs 乔布斯(苹果创始人)ISFJ – Defender 守卫者They are quiet, responsible, and caring. 他们总是很安静、负责、体贴。These people tend to be warm and unassuming in their own way. 他们总是温暖的,而且以他们的方式保持谦逊。而且,他们也总是give close attention to details in their daily lives(密切关注他们日常生活中的细节)。· unassuming /ˌʌnəˈsu:mɪŋ/ adj. 谦逊的代表人物:the Tang Monk 唐僧Ed Sheeran 音乐人黄老板John Watson 华生(福尔摩斯里的人物)ESTJ-Executive 总经理They embrace the values of honesty, dedication and dignity.他们比较正直、乐于奉献,而且重视尊严。They utilize their understanding of what is right or wrong.他们对于对错,永远有自己的标准。They often serve as a stabilized force among others.他们经常是能够起到中流砥柱的作用。· dedication /ˌdedɪˈkeɪʃ(ə)n/ n. 奉献· utilize /ˈju:təlaɪz/ vt. 利用,使用· stabilized /ˈsteɪbəlaɪzd/ adj. 稳定的代表人物:John D. Rockefeller 美国历史上的石油大王Judge Judy 美国非常著名的一位法官Michelle Obama 奥巴马的妻子ESFJ-Caregiver 看护者They are attentive and people-focused.他们非常体贴,总是关注周围的人。They enjoy taking part in their social community.喜欢参加派对和社交活动。他们对身边的人有a sense of duty(责任感) and also hospitality (热情)。对于ESFJ来说,当他们与别人分享的时候,life is sweetest(生活是最甜蜜的)。· attentive /əˈtentɪv/ adj. 贴心的· hospitality /ˌhɑ:spɪˈtæləti/ n. 殷勤好客代表人物:Taylor Swift 泰勒·斯威夫特ISTP-Craftsperson / Virtuoso 工匠/ 艺术大师They tend to have an individualisticmindset, pursuing goals without needing much external connection. 他们倾向于思想独立,追求目标而不需要太多的外部联结,他们更多的是向内寻找internal connection(内在联结)。这种性格的人,是natural makers(天生的制作者),他们的动手能力比较强。代表人物:Michael Jordan 迈克尔·乔丹Kobe Bryant 科比·布莱恩特Katniss Everdeen 凯特尼斯·伊夫狄恩(《饥饿游戏》中的第一女主角)ISFP-Adventurers 冒险家They tend to have open minds, approaching life, new experiences, and people with warmth. 他们心胸开阔,以温暖的心态面对生活、新体验和人。他们会 break social norms(打破社会规范),很有冒险精神。Their ability to stay in the moment helps them uncover exciting potentials.他们能够活在当下的能力帮助他们发掘令人兴奋的潜力。They are true artists, painting on the canvas of life. 他们是真正的艺术家,在生活的画布上挥洒自如。代表人物:Lana Del Rey 拉娜·德雷(歌手,中国粉丝都叫她打雷或者雷妈)Jeon Jung Kook 田柾国(韩国BTS组合)Rihanna 蕾哈娜(歌手)Michael Jackson 迈克尔·杰克逊ESTP-Entrepreneurs 企业家They tend to be energetic, and action oriented, and are likely to create a risky lifestyle. 他们往往精力充沛,喜欢行动,并且可能会创造出冒险的生活方式。They can easily navigate whatever is in front of them. 他们可以轻松地应对眼前的任何事情。他们喜欢uncovering life’s opportunities(发现人生的更多可能性)。· oriented /ˈɔ:rientɪd/ adj.以……为方向的· navigate /ˈnævɪɡeɪt/ (有效地)处理代表人物:Dwayne Johnson 道恩·强森(巨石强森)Franklin D Roosevelt 罗斯福Churchill 丘吉尔ESFP-Entertainers 表演者他们可能会randomly break into song and dance(随时起舞,随时开唱)。They are passionate, love vibrant experiences, and engaging in life eagerly. 他们充满激情,热爱生动的体验,并且积极投入生活。But ESFPs are sensitive to other people’s emotions.但他们会对别人的情绪敏感。They get caught up in the excitement of the moment, and want everyone else to feel that way too.如果他们开心的话,他们也会希望身边的人开心。代表人物:Marilyn Monroe 玛丽莲梦露(the beautiful actress from the 1900s)Adele 阿黛尔( the singer that sang Hello)请留言告诉我们:你们的MBTI 是什么?非常期待大家的分享!
9/5/2023 • 16 minutes, 47 seconds
主播:梅莉 |翩翩 歌曲: Bana Ellerini Ver*更多节目配乐,请在“网易云音乐”搜索“一席英语-老外来了歌单”。今年的暑期,诸多硬核电影正在热映,比如,Barbie《芭比》,还有Oppenheimer《奥本海默》。今天,我们要聊一部中国热映的电影NoMoreBets《孤注一掷》。NoMoreBets在中国非常火,它的票房让人震惊:1.2 billion tickets in only 4 days(4天12亿),一度超过了Barbie《芭比》。国外的人对《孤注一掷》评价很高,我们来看几个外国网友的评论。# Comment 1It is the“best Chinese movie ever”! 是中国最好的电影!这部电影就像是a rollercoaster ride(过山车),这说明这部电影it was very intense(感官刺激很强烈) and full of emotions(情感充沛)。The viewer was totally hooked from thestarting.Hook就是钩子,“hooked on something”意思是you're really interested or fascinated by it,对……非常着迷,被吊起胃口。Thevieweris also recommending others to watch it,因为 it will “open your eyes”(让你大开眼界)。# Comment 2这位外国网友一下就抓到了核心点:One more viewer, one less fraud victim(多一人观影,少一人受骗)。• fraud /frɔ:d/ n.欺诈• victim /ˈvɪktɪm/ n.受害者还有网友说,this movie really offers an unprecedented look into the new types of cyber frauds。这部电影真的前所未有地揭示了新型网络欺诈(the new types of cyber frauds)的种种手段。• unprecedented /ʌnˈpresɪdentɪd/ adj.前所未有的,史无前例的• cyber /ˈsaɪbər/ adj.计算机(网络)的 导演为了拍好这部电影,绝对是下了功夫。他studied over 10,000 cases(研究了上万个案件),and interviewed a variety of people(采访了大量的人) 。The plot was inspired from real cases across China.故事情节的灵感来自于中国各地的真实案例。所以这部电影真的非常值得推广,就像这位外国网友说的:One more viewer, one less fraud victim。它真的踩在了“缅北诈骗”的社会热点上。在国外,cyber fraud(网络诈骗)也一直都是 a hot topic on social media(社交媒体的热点话题)。所以,the release of the movie was very well timed(这部电影的上映非常及时),天时、地利、人和都具备了,这些都帮助这部电影取得了 a major success(巨大的成功)。大家都在sharing their experiences with cyber fraud(分享自己受网络诈骗的经历),这让大家了解了“如同炼狱般的诈骗组织”, 非常适合全员普及,帮助我们raise awareness(提高警觉)。# Comment 3这位网友的评价,题目叫做review of no more bets,下面有行红字,Warning : Spoiler(剧透预警)。The viewer极度赞扬了张艺兴的演技,以及他的commitment to the cause(对事业的投入)。• spoiler /ˈspɔɪlər/ n.剧透• commitment /kəˈmɪtmənt/ n.奉献;投入• cause n.事业The viewer really empathized with the characters. 对角色很共情。empathize(共情)和sympathize(同情)这两个词真的很容易混。When you empathize with someone(当你与某人共情时), you are not just understanding their feelings(你不仅理解对方的感受) but also experiencing and feeling those emotions as if they were your own(还会试图站在对方的角度,感受他们所经历的情感和经历).It's about putting yourself in someone else's shoes.让自己站在别人的立场上。Sympathy(同情)同时也强调tounderstand and acknowledge another person's emotions(对他人情绪的理解与接受),但是it doesn't necessarily mean you're directly sharing those emotions(不一定涉及对他们情感的直接共鸣)。• acknowledge /əkˈnɑ:lɪdʒ/ v.认可Sympathy(同情)是这样的,即便是you haven't personally experienced the same emotions(你个人并没有经历过同样的情绪),但你依然能recognize their pain or struggle and offer support(觉察到他们的痛苦或挣扎,并提供支持)。请留言告诉我们:你看《孤注一掷》了吗?你对这部电影有什么感想?
8/28/2023 • 11 minutes, 46 seconds
主播:Erin | Wendi歌曲 :Dance the Night*更多节目配乐,请在“网易云音乐”搜索“一席英语-老外来了歌单”。今天,我们要聊一部一上映就直接引爆票房的电影——Barbie《芭比》。1. Barbie《芭比》主播Erin去看了《芭比》,她对这部电影的评价是:It was a goofy silly movie.“goofy”和“silly”都表示“傻的”,“a goofy silly movie”是一个很有趣的表达,意思是:《芭比》这部电影is very lighthearted(很轻松)而且还有点 ridiculous(搞笑无厘头)。• goofy /ˈɡu:fi/ adj. 傻瓜的• lighthearted /ˌlaɪtˈhɑ:rtɪd/ adj. 快乐的• ridiculous /rɪˈdɪkjələs/ adj. 可笑的《芭比》电影在美国is very popular。人们会dressed up in barbie related outfits and makeup(打扮成芭比的样子)去电影院。很多的品牌,比如说Crocs, Burger King, 还有GAP都在推出这种barbie collection(芭比联名产品)。The movie has also reached over 1 billion at the box office.电影自上映以来,已经达到了超十亿美元的票房。• box office 票房2. 芭比于孩子而言,意义非凡很多女生小时候应该都玩过芭比娃娃。其实芭比不只是我们最常见的那一种,Barbie has over 250 careers(芭比现在已经有超过250种职业了)。One Barbie can be a teacher, while another can be a police officer.孩子们在玩的时候,会给芭比换上不同的career uniforms(职业装),而且还有配套的tools(工具)。给芭比赋予不同的职业角色,这就让芭比成为了孩子们心目中的a heroic inspirational figure(英雄般的精神领袖),因为这些角色can inspire children to do whatever they set their minds to(能激励孩子们做任何他们想做的事)。• inspirational /ˌɪnspəˈreɪʃənl/ adj. 鼓舞人心的3. 完美的芭比,竟也有负面影响Barbie has a negative side to it as well.Since Barbie is very perfect(太完美了),所以就有人会用芭比来形容那些长相或者身材过于完美的人,会说她“She’s literally a barbie”,言外之意就是“it’s fake”(完美得不真实)。• literally /ˈlɪtərəli/ adv. [口语]简直(用于加强语意)另一个negative side(负面影响)就是她会给孩子们传递一种unhealthy(不健康的)、toxic body image(有伤害的身材价值观)。因为大多数的芭比玩具都被设计成一种skinny(很瘦的),perfect hourglass figure(完美的沙漏型身材)。这就导致很多女生会对自己本身的身材产生body shame(身材羞耻),有可能会用各种不健康的方式来达到这种刻板身材。• toxic /ˈtɒksɪk/ adj. 令人极不愉快的• skinny /ˈskɪni/ adj. 极瘦的• hourglass n. 沙漏4. 为什么要把芭比玩具拍成电影芭比不仅仅是一个实物玩具,还有以芭比为主角制作的一系列电影和节目。 “GenZ” has made it trendy to watch these Barbie animated products long before the live action version was announced.早在真人版电影发布之前,“GenZ”(Z世代)就让观看这些芭比动画产品变得流行。有趣的是,去电影院看芭比真人电影的大部分是成年人。曾经的Generation Z现在已经长大了,成了adults(成年人)或者teens(青少年)。其实这部电影是拍给曾经玩芭比娃娃的我们,让我们对芭比有一个更客观更全面的认识。芭比电影creates a safe environment for women(给女生们创造出一种安全的氛围),让女生们to embrace their inner little girl again(拥抱她们心里的那个小女孩)。在海外版抖音Tik Tok上这样做变成了一种trend:people put a picture of them currently(放一张自己现在的照片),and caption it “The girl who went to see the Barbie movie”(配文是“去看《芭比》电影的小女孩”),然后再发一张小时候的照片,然后配文是“The girl who saw it”(看到电影的小女孩),实际上真正看电影的是那个inner little girl(小时候的我)。It can also stand to influence a whole new generation of people!这部电影影响了一代人!• caption /ˈkæpʃ(ə)n/ v. 为…添加说明文字电影种包含了特别多关于femininity(女性气质)的话题,其中要传递的一个思想是:loving the color pink and not shying away from “girly”。Loving the color pink是很多女孩子的femininity(女性气质)之一,但是到了十几岁后,很多的女孩子开始试图逃避这个特点。但是,《芭比》这部电影就运用了大量的粉色,告诉我们,not shying away from “girly”(不要羞于这些femininity)。Just be yourself.• shy away from (由于羞怯等)躲开……• girly adj. 像少女的5. 芭比电影为什么大火(1) 恋旧情结很多人是grew up with Barbie(和芭比一同成长), so it is very nostalgic to look back onto their childhood(去看芭比是对自己童年的追忆与怀恋)。• nostalgic /nɒˈstældʒɪk/adj. 怀旧的Parents might bring their children to watch, because they loved Barbie as a child.电影院有很多父母带孩子去看的,因为这些为人父母的人打小就喜欢芭比。电影院也有很多母女一起去看的,也正像电影里传达的一样,芭比不只是小孩子的回忆,同时也是很多代女性共同的回忆。(2) feminism女权主义话题Barbie touches on issues of feminism, and female empowerment.《芭比》还讨论了关于feminism(女权主义)以及female empowerment(女性赋权)的话题。She discovers that she belongs to no one, not even Ken. 芭比意识到,她不属于任何人,包括Ken(芭比男友)。这是电影向我们传递的一个很重要的价值观:女性不是任何人的附属品。每个人都有自由去define(去定义)your own model of perfection or imperfection(来决定自己的模样),不需要在乎你是否完美。6. 让人触动的电影片段When Barbie first comes to the human world(芭比首次来到人类世界),Barbie talks to an old woman and tells her, “you’re beautiful”, and the old woman smiles and says, “I know it”.芭比和一个老妇人打招呼:“你很漂亮”,老妇人微笑着回应:“我知道。”这个片段,让人受触动不仅仅是因为这是an adorable(可爱的) moment,也是因为它传递的观点:age has nothing to do with beauty(美与年龄无关)。Change is inevitable, embrace it(变化是不可避免的,拥抱它吧)!• adorable /əˈdɔ:rəb(ə)l/ adj. 讨人喜爱的• have nothing to do with 与……无关• inevitable /ɪnˈevɪtəb(ə)l/ adj. 不可避免的欢迎留言告诉我们:你看《芭比》这部电影了吗?大家可以把你对电影的感受和想法分享在评论区。
8/24/2023 • 12 minutes, 42 seconds
主播:Selah | 以宁 歌曲 : Shotgun*更多节目配乐,请在“网易云音乐”搜索“一席英语-老外来了歌单”。今天,我们聊一聊最近爆火的国漫电影《长安三万里》。1. 《长安三万里》l 英文名:《长安三万里》英文译名:Chang An。l 时长:The film epic spans 168 minutes(时长168分钟). It’s the longest runtime of any Chinese animated movie(中国动漫史上最长电影).l 票房:Since its release on July 8, it has now grossed more than $1.6 billion. 这部电影自7月8日上映以来,已经突破了16亿的票房。• release /rɪˈli:s/ n. 发布;公映• gross vt. 总共赚得l 豆瓣评分:The movie has garnered a rating of 8.3 out of ten on Douban. 豆瓣评分高达8.3分。It’s one of the most acclaimed animated blockbusters of the summer season.• garner vt. 获得• acclaimed /əˈkleɪmd/ adj. 广受欢迎的• blockbuster n. 了不起的人或事;大片• 剧情:The film is set in the glorious age of Tang Dynasty(影片以盛唐时期为背景). It tells the story of Chang'an after the war(讲述安史之乱后,长安城的故事). Gao Shi in the situation recalled his past with Li Bai(身陷困境的高适回忆起自己与李白的过往).除了李白与高适,里面还有盛唐时期的各领域大咖,比如说:Wang Changling, known for military-themed poems 以军事主题诗歌而闻名的王昌龄calligrapher Zhang Xu 书法家张旭palace musician Li Guinian “唐代乐圣”李龟年2. 《长安三万里》诗句翻译令人称赞48 Tang poems are cited in the film. 影片中一共出现了48首经典的唐诗佳句。这部电影火起来,跟这些脍炙人口的经典唐诗是分不开的。电影另一个成功的点就是字幕的英文翻译,我们选择《将进酒》中的几句和大家分享一下。人生得意须尽欢,莫使金樽空对月。When life goes well, be joyous;Never show the moon an empty cup. • joyous /ˈdʒɔɪəs/ adj. 充满快乐的• be joyous 要尽情快乐天生我材必有用,千金散尽还复来。Heaven gave me the talent for a reason;Spend now, riches return in season.这两句,含义翻译得特别到位,reason和season还完美地押上韵了。古来圣贤皆寂寞,惟有饮者留其名。Ancient sages leave no name; It’s great drinkers who enjoy great fame. • sage圣贤name名字和fame名声也很押韵,而且it’s…who…是强调句型,把“惟有”的强调体现出来了。君不见高堂明镜悲白发,朝如青丝暮成雪。Can you see the grief of white hair in the mirrorsAs dawn's black silk turns to evening snow?白发在英语中是grey hair,但这里译者用了“white hair”,一个“white”更能和李白的“雪”字对应起来,强调头发的全白。“white hair”这个翻译真的很妙,特别符合诗的意境。《长安三万里》电影台词的译者很有来头,是片方邀请的澳大利亚的sinologist(汉学家)Linda Jaivin 女士。她的汉语名字是贾佩琳。 Linda Jaivin has been deeply engaged in Chinese and English culture for more than 40 years(贾佩琳已经深耕中英文化领域四十余年),曾翻译了很多有名的中文影片。比如说:• Farewell My Concubine《霸王别姬》• Forever Enthralled《梅兰芳》• Hero《英雄》• Ashes of Time《东邪西毒》• A City of Sadness《悲情城市》3. 《长安三万里》在国外好评如潮《长安三万里》在国外也引起了很大的反响,网友们给出了很多positive comments(正面评价)。Comment 1:这位网友说TA非常喜欢中国文化,很想看这部电影。Comment 2:这位网友将国漫《长安三万里》和迪士尼电影相媲美,留言说,如果迪士尼把电影做成这样,TA会对迪士尼的电影再一次get excited(变得兴奋)。Comment 3:近段时间中国最好的电影,看上去很赞。希望《长安三万里》能把中国文化成功地带到国外。欢迎大家评论区留言告诉我们:大家看了《长安三万里》了吗?你有什么想分享的吗?
8/17/2023 • 10 minutes, 7 seconds
主播:Wendi | Erin歌曲 : Smile*更多节目配乐,请在“网易云音乐”搜索“一席英语-老外来了歌单”。这个月月初华语乐坛有一件令所有人震惊的新闻:CoCo Lee passed due to suicide this past month. She was only 48 years old. 歌手李玟(CoCo)这个月自杀了,年仅48岁。谁都想不到,舞台上那么阳光的一个人竟然也在与精神疾病作斗争。Her siblings stated that she has been suffering from depression for several years before her passing(李玟已经患有抑郁症好几年了).• suicide /ˈsu:ɪsaɪd/ v.自杀• sibling /ˈsɪblɪŋ/ n. 兄弟,姐妹• suffer from... 患有……不过也正是在李玟自杀后,人们对抑郁症这一疾病有了更广泛的讨论。今天的节目,我们就聊一聊和“depression”(抑郁症)有关的话题。1. 认识抑郁症“抑郁症”有两种比较常见的英语表达方式,depression或者depressive disorder。Disorder就是混乱,失调,那depressive disorder就是我们抑郁情绪的一种失调。Depression is a very common mental illness. 抑郁症是一种非常常见的心理疾病。Approximately 280 million people in the world have depression. 全球大约2.8亿的人患有抑郁症!仅在美国就有将近30%的人have been diagnosed with depression(曾确诊过抑郁症)。但即使抑郁症是一个十分常见的疾病,there’s some misconception(人们对它依然存在一些误解)。It doesn’t look and feel the same way for everyone. 每一位患者的病症并不一样。有的患者可能have high-functioning depression(患有“高功能抑郁症”),这种病的表现是:when the patient is suffering inside(内心很痛苦), while appearing normal on the outside(表面上看起来却是很正常)。李玟就是类似这种情况。这种患者在患病时往往是be struggling silently(默默地挣扎),不容易被察觉到。所以大家可以check up on your friends(多留意一下自己的朋友)。另外一个大家对抑郁症的误解是:depression is that it ’s a sign of weakness(患抑郁症是因为一个人内心不够强大)。但其实不是这样的,有可能只是你坚强了太久,需要一定的调节了。It is a biological and psychological condition that has nothing to do with how strong you are.要科学地认识抑郁症,它和你心理强大与否无关,它是生理和心理病症的体现,就是你在生理和心理上病了。2. 得了抑郁症,怎么办Nobody chooses to be depressed, so it is okay to ask for help!一定要及时寻求帮助。在美国抑郁症是一个经常被讨论的话题。对于学生来说,they discuss it in health class every year(每年健康课都会谈论这个话题);他们还有assemblies to bring awareness to it(集会活动来引起人们对抑郁症的重视)。社会上也能经常看到有关“抑郁症”的新闻,有很多名人就曾经得过抑郁症,比如说,Michael Phelps(美国游泳运动员菲利普斯)和Lady Gaga。他并没有避讳自己得抑郁症这件事。He has learned that “It ’s okay to not be okay”. (即使有时候我们的状态不OK也没关系。)菲利普斯坦言: “it has gotten a lot better after seeking treatment.”(在寻求帮助后,症状好转了很多)。Accepting that he is sick, and should seek proper help has really helped him recover.接受自己生病这件事,并积极地寻求恰当的帮助让菲利普斯很好地恢复。所以,我们大家要知道,即便是像菲利普斯这种amazing athlete(了不起的运动员)都会suffer from depression(患抑郁症)。It really can happen to anyone.So what are some of the ways to treat depression? 那么现在有哪些方法来对抗抑郁症呢?在美国,有很多治疗抑郁症的方法,2个最常用的方式是therapy(心理治疗) and medication(药物治疗)。• therapy /ˈθerəpi/ n. 心理治疗• medication /ˌmedɪˈkeɪʃ(ə)n/ n. 药物治疗Therapy通常是有a certified therapist(专业的心理咨询师)对你进行一对一的心理咨询。Therapy也适用于没有得抑郁症的人,it is very common for people。Erin和她的很多朋友都attended therapy(接受过心理咨询)。心理咨询会给你提供一个safe space(安全的空间),在这个空间里,你可以express your emotions(释放你的情绪),它会带给你positive mental and physical changes(积极的心理和生理的改变)。3. 美国大学里抑郁症常见吗Depression is actually quite common in schools. Especially in competitive colleges like Ivy League and other selective schools.抑郁症在大学里很常见,尤其是在competitive colleges(竞争性比较强的大学里),比如Ivy League(常春藤盟校)这些名校。这些学校里比较“卷”,students often suffer from depression due to the intense work ethic of their environment(高强度的工作环境)。• competitive /kəmˈpetətɪv/ adj. 有竞争力的• intense /ɪnˈtens/ adj. 激烈的• ethic /ˈeθɪk/ n. 道德规范;伦理标准Erin一个美国朋友今年秋天要去Carnegie Mellon(卡内基梅隆大学),这位朋友就说he’s scared he will become depressed by the end of his studies there(他害怕当他在那里的学习结束后,他会变得抑郁)。• Carnegie Mellon卡内基梅隆大学,世界著名学府当然,Erin的这位朋友是在开玩笑。哪怕是真的有心理方面的问题,可以找学校里专业的心理咨询师来解决。就像是菲利普斯说的,“It ’s okay to not be okay”(感觉不OK完全没问题)。Always seek help when you are feeling down. 感觉情绪不好的时候,要及时寻求帮助。当生活weigh you down(反复捶打你),让你感到压力山大的时候,和朋友倾诉一下也是一个非常好的解决办法。• weigh...down 使……承受压力; 使……颓废如果,有一些事情是你不想倾诉的,it will also be helpful to write it down(写出来也是一个不错的选择)。另外,向大家安利“a mental health day”(精神健康日)。在这一天,你可以leave behind your responsibilities(把你身上的责任全都抛到脑后),让自己完全放松,小小地摆烂一下。It can really rejuvenate you, and create more productivity when you go back. 这样做真的可以让你恢复活力,并让你创造更多的生产力。• rejuvenate /rɪˈdʒu:vəneɪt/ vt. 使恢复活力相信大家一定能够从今天的节目中对抑郁症有了新的认识,希望大家都能在生活中照顾好自己, both physically and mentally!
7/25/2023 • 12 minutes, 44 seconds
主播:David | 翩翩音乐:All That I Want今天,我们和大家聊一聊,在美国拿驾照的那些事儿。在中国,getting a driver’s license is sooooo difficult。而在美国,it is quite simple!已满18岁的人,想要拿驾照的话,分两步:第一步:To get a driver’s permit(驾驶许可);第二步:To schedule a behind the wheel test(预约路考)。1.What is the process for getting a driver’s permit? 如何得到驾驶许可?A driver’s permit allows you to drive.有了这个permit许可之后,就可以得到允许开车了,但是必须有老司机(an adult that has a driver’s license)陪同。想拿到permit的话,you just need to pass a written test(笔试)。这个written test和中国的科目一一样,也是考the rules of the road(交通规则)。It wasn’t too difficult. 你只需要 read the handbook(参考书),或者take a few practice questions online(在线上刷刷题)。After you get the permit, you can start practicing driving. 拿到驾驶许可就可以练习开车了。*permit n. 许可*written test笔试*the rules of the road交通规则*handbook参考书*take a few practice questions online 线上刷题*practice doing sth. 练习做某事2.How to take the behind the wheel test? 如何参加路考?在美国,去参加路考的话,并不需要报驾校(driving school)。只要有驾照的人陪你上车练习,一直到你有把握过关就行。Whenever you are ready you can schedule(预约) a behind the wheel test.只要你准备好了,就可以约路考了。而约路考,却是整个考驾照过程the most stressful part(最让人抓狂的部分)。因为在美国,需要自己schedule the test。在美国考驾照,要去一个叫DMV的地方考试。The DMV stands for the department of motor vehicles(机动车驾驶管理处). 在美国,开车是必需的,所以驾照考试一般人很多。所以,很多人认为,the trip to the DMV is very unpleasant(非常不快),有时甚至it can be quite stressful sometimes(让人抓狂)。*behind the wheel test 路考*schedule /ˈskedʒuːl/ v. 预约*stand for 代表*unpleasant /ʌnˈpleznt/ adj. 使人不愉快的*stressful /ˈstresfl/ adj. 有压力的3.Other things about getting a driver's license in the US 关于美国考驾照,还有这些……1)How many tries do you get for the driving test? 在美国驾照考试有几次机会?For both the written and the behind the wheel test you get three tries.笔试和路考都有3次机会。You don’t need to start from the beginning unless you fail all 3 times. 没通过也不用重新再考,除非3次都不及格。*try n. 尝试*fail v. 考试不及格;未能通过……2)How is it for people under 18? 不满十八岁的考驾照有区别吗?It varies a little between states.在美国,每个州的规定也不太一样。For California people under 18 but over the legal driving age of 16(18岁以下但到了16岁的法定驾驶年龄),想要拿驾照的话,需要参加a driver’s ed(driver’s education),要practice with an instructor(教练),要上at least 6 hours of driving classes(驾驶课),以及要有6 months of practice(练习),这样才能take the behind the wheel test。他们拿到的驾照叫作a provisional driver’s license(临时驾照)。It changes after they turn 18.*vary /ˈværi/ v. 变化*legal /ˈli:gl/ adj. 法定的;合法的*instructor /ɪnˈstrʌktər/ n. 教练* provisional /prəˈvɪʒənl/ adj. 临时的3)What are the differences of getting the driving license between China and the US? 中美考驾照有什么区别?The process is actually not too complicated in the US. 比起中国考驾照,美国真的好简单。美国考驾照,有两次考试,一次是笔试,拿到驾驶许可(written test for driver’s permit),然后找个老司机带自己开车练习,就可以参加路考(take the behind the wheel test), 然后就可以拿证了。中国考驾照,有四次考试,分别是科目一,科目二,科目三和科目四。科目一是笔试(written test),考the rules of the road(交通规则)。科目二,是在训练场里,考一些specific items, 比如倒车入库,非常严格,很容易就fail。科目三是路考(behind the wheel test)。科目四,也是笔试,跟科目一类似, 熟悉一些road rules。整个过程,都要去驾校,在教练(instructor)的指导之下练习。 美国考驾照,只有路考behind the wheel test是stressful,而中国考驾照,the whole process(整个过程) is very stressful。*complicated /ˈkɑ:mplɪkeɪtɪd/ adj. 复杂的*specific /spəˈsɪfɪk/ adj. 特定的*process /ˈpra:ses/ n. 过程请留言告诉我们:你考驾照的经历是怎样的?又有哪些趣事呢?
9/26/2021 • 12 minutes, 10 seconds
主播:David | 翩翩音乐:All That I Want今天,我们和大家聊一聊,在美国拿驾照的那些事儿。在中国,getting a driver’s license is sooooo difficult。而在美国,it is quite simple!已满18岁的人,想要拿驾照的话,分两步:第一步:To get a driver’s permit(驾驶许可);第二步:To schedule a behind the wheel test(预约路考)。1.What is the process for getting a driver’s permit? 如何得到驾驶许可?A driver’s permit allows you to drive.有了这个permit许可之后,就可以得到允许开车了,但是必须有老司机(an adult that has a driver’s license)陪同。想拿到permit的话,you just need to pass a written test(笔试)。这个written test和中国的科目一一样,也是考the rules of the road(交通规则)。It wasn’t too difficult. 你只需要 read the handbook(参考书),或者take a few practice questions online(在线上刷刷题)。After you get the permit, you can start practicing driving. 拿到驾驶许可就可以练习开车了。*permit n. 许可*written test笔试*the rules of the road交通规则*handbook参考书*take a few practice questions online 线上刷题*practice doing sth. 练习做某事2.How to take the behind the wheel test? 如何参加路考?在美国,去参加路考的话,并不需要报驾校(driving school)。只要有驾照的人陪你上车练习,一直到你有把握过关就行。Whenever you are ready you can schedule(预约) a behind the wheel test.只要你准备好了,就可以约路考了。而约路考,却是整个考驾照过程the most stressful part(最让人抓狂的部分)。因为在美国,需要自己schedule the test。在美国考驾照,要去一个叫DMV的地方考试。The DMV stands for the department of motor vehicles(机动车驾驶管理处). 在美国,开车是必需的,所以驾照考试一般人很多。所以,很多人认为,the trip to the DMV is very unpleasant(非常不快),有时甚至it can be quite stressful sometimes(让人抓狂)。*behind the wheel test 路考*schedule /ˈskedʒuːl/ v. 预约*stand for 代表*unpleasant /ʌnˈpleznt/ adj. 使人不愉快的*stressful /ˈstresfl/ adj. 有压力的3.Other things about getting a driver's license in the US 关于美国考驾照,还有这些……1)How many tries do you get for the driving test? 在美国驾照考试有几次机会?For both the written and the behind the wheel test you get three tries.笔试和路考都有3次机会。You don’t need to start from the beginning unless you fail all 3 times. 没通过也不用重新再考,除非3次都不及格。*try n. 尝试*fail v. 考试不及格;未能通过……2)How is it for people under 18? 不满十八岁的考驾照有区别吗?It varies a little between states.在美国,每个州的规定也不太一样。For California people under 18 but over the legal driving age of 16(18岁以下但到了16岁的法定驾驶年龄),想要拿驾照的话,需要参加a driver’s ed(driver’s education),要practice with an instructor(教练),要上at least 6 hours of driving classes(驾驶课),以及要有6 months of practice(练习),这样才能take the behind the wheel test。他们拿到的驾照叫作a provisional driver’s license(临时驾照)。It changes after they turn 18.*vary /ˈværi/ v. 变化*legal /ˈli:gl/ adj. 法定的;合法的*instructor /ɪnˈstrʌktər/ n. 教练* provisional /prəˈvɪʒənl/ adj. 临时的3)What are the differences of getting the driving license between China and the US? 中美考驾照有什么区别?The process is actually not too complicated in the US. 比起中国考驾照,美国真的好简单。美国考驾照,有两次考试,一次是笔试,拿到驾驶许可(written test for driver’s permit),然后找个老司机带自己开车练习,就可以参加路考(take the behind the wheel test), 然后就可以拿证了。中国考驾照,有四次考试,分别是科目一,科目二,科目三和科目四。科目一是笔试(written test),考the rules of the road(交通规则)。科目二,是在训练场里,考一些specific items, 比如倒车入库,非常严格,很容易就fail。科目三是路考(behind the wheel test)。科目四,也是笔试,跟科目一类似, 熟悉一些road rules。整个过程,都要去驾校,在教练(instructor)的指导之下练习。 美国考驾照,只有路考behind the wheel test是stressful,而中国考驾照,the whole process(整个过程) is very stressful。*complicated /ˈkɑ:mplɪkeɪtɪd/ adj. 复杂的*specific /spəˈsɪfɪk/ adj. 特定的*process /ˈpra:ses/ n. 过程请留言告诉我们:你考驾照的经历是怎样的?又有哪些趣事呢?
9/26/2021 • 12 minutes, 10 seconds
老外来了:李成阳“耳鸣”是PTSD, 简历上英语TEM8,都是什么意思?
主播:Bipasha | 翩翩(中国青岛)音乐:Once Upon a Time今天我们要谈论的话题是,TV show——Crime Crackdown(《扫黑风暴》)中的英文表达法。一.从剧名翻译“Crime Crackdown”聊构词规律《扫黑风暴》的官方翻译——Crime Crackdown,我们把剧名break down(拆开)来解释一下。 1.“扫黑”:to try to crack down on the underworld crimes(打击黑社会非法行为)英语中有一个很有趣的构词现象:动介短语的动词与介词分开是动词性质;合在一起,则变成对应的名词。比如:crack down:动词,“镇压”,重读“down”。镇压/扫除犯罪行为:crack down on crimescrackdown:名词,指镇压这种行为,重读“crack”。剧名Crime Crackdown使用的就是“crack down”的名词形式。英语中很多单词都是这样的,比如“健身”:动词:work out,重读“out”名词:workout,重读“work”2.“风暴”:the literal translation(直译)应该是storm surge为什么storm后,又加了“surge”这个单词呢?surge /sɜːrdʒ/:n. 结合剧情,在这部剧中,storm surge更多地指the sudden crisis solving methods对突如其来的危机的解决方案*crisis /ˈkraɪsɪs/ n. 危机这里的“风暴”,也可以理解为“revolutionary acts”,具有革命性的行动。二.从剧情聊犯罪片(crime films)向大家介绍一部和《扫黑风暴》同类型的剧:Vincenzo《黑道律师文森佐》。它是由宋仲基主演的韩剧,但剧名却听上去很意大利。这部剧的main character(主角)是Italian lawyer(意大利律师)和Mafia consigliere (an advisor)(黑社会顾问),有点像李成阳。关于主角Vincenzo:他是一个韩国孩子,在8岁时,he was adopted by an Italian family,and was renamed “Vincenzo Cassano”,然后lived in Italy。收养他的Don Fabio,是一个黑社会的头目(head of the Casino mafia family),他之后也joins the mafia,并且成为了an Italian lawyer, a consigliere for the mafia(黑帮的法律顾问)。He was Don Fabio's right-hand man.(黑老大的左膀右臂)……Let’s stop here. We don’t want to spoil the show(剧透).如果喜欢suspense shows (悬疑片)的话,可以看看这部剧。这部剧和Crime Crackdown类似,但却有a different story line(故事线)。This is a good combination(结合) of suspense films andcrime films(犯罪片).*be adopted 被收养*rename:给……重新取名*right-hand man:左膀右臂;得力助手*spoil/spɔɪl/:v. 毁坏*suspense films:悬疑片*crime films:犯罪片美剧里有更多的suspense films和crime films。向大家介绍一部同类型的美剧Designated Survivor(《指定幸存者》)。故事讲述的是一个男人在一场导致所有政府官员死亡的tragic incident(悲剧事件)后,突然成为了the president of the United States,并且解决了许多mysteries and political crimes(谜团和政治犯罪)。三、从李成阳的PTSD聊英文缩写《扫黑风暴》的李成阳,经历了一个tragic incident,后来得了一个毛病,一激动就会耳鸣。这种症状,是PTSD,创伤后精神紧张性精神障碍,全称 post-traumatic stress disorder。李成阳的简历中,英语水平一栏写的是TEM-8, Test for English Major-8 英语专业8级。李成阳的好搭档,大江,经常说散装英语,李成阳就怼他:“能不能放英文一马?”Could you let English off the hook? 言外之意是:I am done with your lame English.(我已经厌烦了你蹩脚的英语。)*PTSD=post-traumatic(/trəˈmætɪk/)stress disorder创伤后应激障碍*TEM-8=Test for English Major-8 英语专业8级*let ... off the hook放……一马*lame /leɪm/ adj. 蹩脚的看像Crime Crackdown这样的suspense films和crime films,会让人觉得自己extremely smart。观众都是上帝视角,所以看这种剧的时候,可以学到很多。比如,可以了解很多technical terms(术语)以及things that have or are happening in the world。而且,这种类型的影视作品,really engage the audience’s attention and curiosity能真正吸引观众的注意力和好奇心。目前Bipasha已经回到美国,在美国大学(American University)读国际关系的研究生,大家有什么想听的、想了解的,可以留言告诉我们。
9/8/2021 • 11 minutes, 44 seconds
老外来了:李成阳“耳鸣”是PTSD, 简历上英语TEM8,都是什么意思?
主播:Bipasha | 翩翩(中国青岛)音乐:Once Upon a Time今天我们要谈论的话题是,TV show——Crime Crackdown(《扫黑风暴》)中的英文表达法。一.从剧名翻译“Crime Crackdown”聊构词规律《扫黑风暴》的官方翻译——Crime Crackdown,我们把剧名break down(拆开)来解释一下。 1.“扫黑”:to try to crack down on the underworld crimes(打击黑社会非法行为)英语中有一个很有趣的构词现象:动介短语的动词与介词分开是动词性质;合在一起,则变成对应的名词。比如:crack down:动词,“镇压”,重读“down”。镇压/扫除犯罪行为:crack down on crimescrackdown:名词,指镇压这种行为,重读“crack”。剧名Crime Crackdown使用的就是“crack down”的名词形式。英语中很多单词都是这样的,比如“健身”:动词:work out,重读“out”名词:workout,重读“work”2.“风暴”:the literal translation(直译)应该是storm surge为什么storm后,又加了“surge”这个单词呢?surge /sɜːrdʒ/:n. 结合剧情,在这部剧中,storm surge更多地指the sudden crisis solving methods对突如其来的危机的解决方案*crisis /ˈkraɪsɪs/ n. 危机这里的“风暴”,也可以理解为“revolutionary acts”,具有革命性的行动。二.从剧情聊犯罪片(crime films)向大家介绍一部和《扫黑风暴》同类型的剧:Vincenzo《黑道律师文森佐》。它是由宋仲基主演的韩剧,但剧名却听上去很意大利。这部剧的main character(主角)是Italian lawyer(意大利律师)和Mafia consigliere (an advisor)(黑社会顾问),有点像李成阳。关于主角Vincenzo:他是一个韩国孩子,在8岁时,he was adopted by an Italian family,and was renamed “Vincenzo Cassano”,然后lived in Italy。收养他的Don Fabio,是一个黑社会的头目(head of the Casino mafia family),他之后也joins the mafia,并且成为了an Italian lawyer, a consigliere for the mafia(黑帮的法律顾问)。He was Don Fabio's right-hand man.(黑老大的左膀右臂)……Let’s stop here. We don’t want to spoil the show(剧透).如果喜欢suspense shows (悬疑片)的话,可以看看这部剧。这部剧和Crime Crackdown类似,但却有a different story line(故事线)。This is a good combination(结合) of suspense films andcrime films(犯罪片).*be adopted 被收养*rename:给……重新取名*right-hand man:左膀右臂;得力助手*spoil/spɔɪl/:v. 毁坏*suspense films:悬疑片*crime films:犯罪片美剧里有更多的suspense films和crime films。向大家介绍一部同类型的美剧Designated Survivor(《指定幸存者》)。故事讲述的是一个男人在一场导致所有政府官员死亡的tragic incident(悲剧事件)后,突然成为了the president of the United States,并且解决了许多mysteries and political crimes(谜团和政治犯罪)。三、从李成阳的PTSD聊英文缩写《扫黑风暴》的李成阳,经历了一个tragic incident,后来得了一个毛病,一激动就会耳鸣。这种症状,是PTSD,创伤后精神紧张性精神障碍,全称 post-traumatic stress disorder。李成阳的简历中,英语水平一栏写的是TEM-8, Test for English Major-8 英语专业8级。李成阳的好搭档,大江,经常说散装英语,李成阳就怼他:“能不能放英文一马?”Could you let English off the hook? 言外之意是:I am done with your lame English.(我已经厌烦了你蹩脚的英语。)*PTSD=post-traumatic(/trəˈmætɪk/)stress disorder创伤后应激障碍*TEM-8=Test for English Major-8 英语专业8级*let ... off the hook放……一马*lame /leɪm/ adj. 蹩脚的看像Crime Crackdown这样的suspense films和crime films,会让人觉得自己extremely smart。观众都是上帝视角,所以看这种剧的时候,可以学到很多。比如,可以了解很多technical terms(术语)以及things that have or are happening in the world。而且,这种类型的影视作品,really engage the audience’s attention and curiosity能真正吸引观众的注意力和好奇心。目前Bipasha已经回到美国,在美国大学(American University)读国际关系的研究生,大家有什么想听的、想了解的,可以留言告诉我们。
9/8/2021 • 11 minutes, 44 seconds
主播:Joseph | 翩翩歌曲:Slow Grenade今天我们要谈论的话题是,很多人都在binge watching(追剧)的 TV show——《扫黑风暴》。In China this show has been trending and fan favorite.这部剧的官方译名叫做“Crime Crackdown”,这个剧名翻译如何?The translation is right but a little bit awkward.(准确,但说起来有一点拗口)*trend:v. 流行* fan favorite: 影迷最爱*awkward /ˈɔ:kwərd/ adj. 奇怪的用英文聊这部剧,下面的表达是少不了的:*crime: n. 犯罪*crackdown : n. 镇压*黑社会:mafia(一个团伙)*小混混:gangster(单个的人)*黑社会老大:mafia boss这部剧很精彩,但是却引发了很多热议has brought lots of controversy,specifically in the entertainment industry。最近对于饭圈文化的整理,很多网友就说是“娱乐行业”的扫黑风暴。*controversy /ˈkɑːntrəvɜːrsi/ n. 争议*entertainment industry 娱乐行业1.热议一:Real-life adaptions 真实案件引发讨论大家讨论的焦点:剧情都是根据真实事件改编。The show includes multiple real-life adaptations of crimes committed in the past.*real-life adaptions:真实事件改编比如说:Murderer who buries the victim’s body in the playground(“操场埋尸案”)Mafia boss demanding payment from ordinary citizens(恶意征收保护费)Mafia boss who bribed the officers to get him out of jail(为出狱贿赂官员)Murderer who got out of jail because of his family’s power(因家族势力强大而出狱)*murderer /ˈmɜːrdərər/ n. 谋杀犯*bury /ˈberi/ v. 埋葬*victim /ˈvɪktɪm/ n. 受害者*demand /dɪˈmænd/ v. 要求*payment /ˈpeɪmənt/ n. 收款*bribe /braɪb/ v. 向……行贿*jail /dʒeɪl/ n. 监狱*family’s power 家族势力很多人喜欢这部剧,是因为how it incorporates(混合) real-life events into the show(和现实案件结合),所以就有网友说,“看剧的过程后背发凉,这可都是活生生的案例。”“更恐怖的是,事实比电视剧更可怕。”2.热议二:A disappointing ending烂尾争议How was it a disappointing ending?Some segments of the show haven’t been explained well. 很多事情没有交代清楚。比如:裴伟是好人还是坏人?高赫到底是谁的儿子?To force a romance.硬插感情戏。比如:林浩与黄希,李成阳与馄炖店老板娘It stared strong but ended disappointingly. 虎头蛇尾。因为原剧集有40集,但是被剪裁成了28集。很多细节就被舍弃了。*segment /ˈseɡmənt/ n. 段,部分*force /fɔ:rs/ v. 强迫*romance /ˈroʊmæns/ n. 感情关系3. 热议三:The controversy outside of the show“送审样片”和“超前点播”引争议Although the content of the show has been controversial. There has also been lots of controversy outside of that. 除了《扫黑风暴》本身引发热议外,电视剧之外的因素也存在争议。剧集泄露:27集的电视剧was stolen from Tencent and uploaded online,付6.6元就可以观看。At the time only the 17th episode was being aired. 而此时,视频播放平台才更新到第17集。Moreover(此外), netizens 上传《扫黑风暴》的clips without the permission of Tencent. 网友未经腾讯允许上传剧情片段。*upload /ˌʌpˈloʊd/ v. 上传*air v. 播放*netizen n. 网民*permission /pərˈmɪʃn/ n. 允许电视剧被盗版引发了a lot of drama,因为剧集was spoiled(毁坏),并且人们不能 get to enjoy the show as much。“超前点播”:想看这部剧,首先要充值成为会员(you have to become the member to watch the show)但是到了20多集之后,后面每一集都要花三块钱才能观看(to pay additional 3 yuan to watch the episodes),而且不能点播(you can’t choose the order)。这也是视频平台的一种增收方式,只是方式对不对,还有待商榷。从今天的节目中,你学到了多少地道实用的英文表达呢?留言告诉我们,你对这三大争议的看法吧!
9/5/2021 • 11 minutes, 11 seconds
主播:Joseph | 翩翩歌曲:Slow Grenade今天我们要谈论的话题是,很多人都在binge watching(追剧)的 TV show——《扫黑风暴》。In China this show has been trending and fan favorite.这部剧的官方译名叫做“Crime Crackdown”,这个剧名翻译如何?The translation is right but a little bit awkward.(准确,但说起来有一点拗口)*trend:v. 流行* fan favorite: 影迷最爱*awkward /ˈɔ:kwərd/ adj. 奇怪的用英文聊这部剧,下面的表达是少不了的:*crime: n. 犯罪*crackdown : n. 镇压*黑社会:mafia(一个团伙)*小混混:gangster(单个的人)*黑社会老大:mafia boss这部剧很精彩,但是却引发了很多热议has brought lots of controversy,specifically in the entertainment industry。最近对于饭圈文化的整理,很多网友就说是“娱乐行业”的扫黑风暴。*controversy /ˈkɑːntrəvɜːrsi/ n. 争议*entertainment industry 娱乐行业1.热议一:Real-life adaptions 真实案件引发讨论大家讨论的焦点:剧情都是根据真实事件改编。The show includes multiple real-life adaptations of crimes committed in the past.*real-life adaptions:真实事件改编比如说:Murderer who buries the victim’s body in the playground(“操场埋尸案”)Mafia boss demanding payment from ordinary citizens(恶意征收保护费)Mafia boss who bribed the officers to get him out of jail(为出狱贿赂官员)Murderer who got out of jail because of his family’s power(因家族势力强大而出狱)*murderer /ˈmɜːrdərər/ n. 谋杀犯*bury /ˈberi/ v. 埋葬*victim /ˈvɪktɪm/ n. 受害者*demand /dɪˈmænd/ v. 要求*payment /ˈpeɪmənt/ n. 收款*bribe /braɪb/ v. 向……行贿*jail /dʒeɪl/ n. 监狱*family’s power 家族势力很多人喜欢这部剧,是因为how it incorporates(混合) real-life events into the show(和现实案件结合),所以就有网友说,“看剧的过程后背发凉,这可都是活生生的案例。”“更恐怖的是,事实比电视剧更可怕。”2.热议二:A disappointing ending烂尾争议How was it a disappointing ending?Some segments of the show haven’t been explained well. 很多事情没有交代清楚。比如:裴伟是好人还是坏人?高赫到底是谁的儿子?To force a romance.硬插感情戏。比如:林浩与黄希,李成阳与馄炖店老板娘It stared strong but ended disappointingly. 虎头蛇尾。因为原剧集有40集,但是被剪裁成了28集。很多细节就被舍弃了。*segment /ˈseɡmənt/ n. 段,部分*force /fɔ:rs/ v. 强迫*romance /ˈroʊmæns/ n. 感情关系3. 热议三:The controversy outside of the show“送审样片”和“超前点播”引争议Although the content of the show has been controversial. There has also been lots of controversy outside of that. 除了《扫黑风暴》本身引发热议外,电视剧之外的因素也存在争议。剧集泄露:27集的电视剧was stolen from Tencent and uploaded online,付6.6元就可以观看。At the time only the 17th episode was being aired. 而此时,视频播放平台才更新到第17集。Moreover(此外), netizens 上传《扫黑风暴》的clips without the permission of Tencent. 网友未经腾讯允许上传剧情片段。*upload /ˌʌpˈloʊd/ v. 上传*air v. 播放*netizen n. 网民*permission /pərˈmɪʃn/ n. 允许电视剧被盗版引发了a lot of drama,因为剧集was spoiled(毁坏),并且人们不能 get to enjoy the show as much。“超前点播”:想看这部剧,首先要充值成为会员(you have to become the member to watch the show)但是到了20多集之后,后面每一集都要花三块钱才能观看(to pay additional 3 yuan to watch the episodes),而且不能点播(you can’t choose the order)。这也是视频平台的一种增收方式,只是方式对不对,还有待商榷。从今天的节目中,你学到了多少地道实用的英文表达呢?留言告诉我们,你对这三大争议的看法吧!
9/5/2021 • 11 minutes, 11 seconds
主播:David(美国) | 翩翩(中国青岛)音乐:10,000 Hours主播介绍:David在中国居住7年,现在就读于美国加州大学伯克利分校(UCB),学习商业经济学。今天,我们要谈论的话题是:由于文化背景的不同,而造成的culture shock(文化冲击)。1.What is “culture shock”? 什么是“文化冲击”?Culture shock 就是当你move to a new environment and culture,所感受到的confusion and difficulties。Culture shock 会出现,是因为lifestyle and etiquette的不同。Culture shock出现于 not only between 2 countries, but also cities , companies, schools等任何新的环境。*confusion /kənˈfjuːʒn/ n. 困惑,混乱*lifestyle /ˈlaɪfstaɪl/ n. 生活方式*etiquette /etɪket/ n. 礼仪;规矩*not only... but also... 不仅……而且……2.文化冲击一:Differences in transportation交通的差异In China, many people ride public transportation(公共交通) like subways(地铁) and buses.In the US, almost everyone drives a car.如果在美国没有车的话,it’s super super hard(超超超……级难) to go to the store or to go to places you want。美国人不太使用public transportation,主要是因为public transportation is super expensive(相当贵)。虽然是有Uber(美国的一款打车APP),但它会花费way too much money(太多钱)。Uber is really similar to DiDi in China (和滴滴APP一样),you call someone through the APP,然后他们就会把你带到 your destination(目的地)。但两个软件主要的区别是,Uber is more expensive that DiDi。美国交通的另外一个不便是,there aren’t as many stops to ride public transportation(没有太多站点)。* public transportation公共交通*way too much 太多了(way在这里是一个副词,“大大地”)*be similar to 与……相似*destination/ˌdestɪˈneɪʃn/ n. 目的地3.文化冲击二:Differences in dining就餐文化的差异除了公共交通昂贵之外,eating at restaurants(在餐厅吃饭) is more expensive in general , too,部分是因为the tip to a waiter(给服务员的小费)。在中国的饮食文化里,most places will not accept tip,但现在有一些西餐厅或者星级酒店,也会charge for tips,一般是15%。In California, the average tip minimum is 15%.(If you go to a restaurant and buy $100 of food, you need to tip your waiter at least $15.100美元的饭至少要付15美元的小费)It is not 100% mandatory at every restaurant, but a lot of a waiter’s income comes from tip.所以,在美国就餐,付小费就逐渐变成了an etiquette。*accept /əkˈsept/ v. 接受*charge for 为……收费*average/ˈævərɪdʒ/adj.平均的*minimum /ˈmɪnɪməm/ n. 最小值*mandatory /ˈmændətɔːri/ adj. 强制的4.文化冲击三:Differences in social norms 社会规范的差异社会规范有点像 how people expect you to treat other people.(人们对你如何对待别人的期待)。美国的社会规范 is a little more strict compared to China for certain things(在某些事情上,比中国更严格)。If they see other people spit on the ground,他们可能会get angry, because it goes against their social norm.对于littering这件事,美国的社会规范也是更加严格,会有littering fine。Your first littering fine is usually more than $250, or 1600 RMB.*strict/strɪkt/ adj. 严格的*certain /ˈsɜ:rtn/adj. 某些*spit on the ground 随地吐痰*go against 与……相违背5.Some advice on getting to the US去美国的建议It is really important to learn about the differences between the US and China.了解中美之间的文化差异至关重要。 1.Wewon'texperience culture shock when visiting. 不会感受到强烈的“文化冲击”。2.It might help them avoid having to pay so much money for breaking a law.避免因为违反法律的罚款。It would definitely help visitors from China to the US to keep in mind(牢记在心) that:Transportation is mostly centered around cars.出行靠开车。Restaurants ask for tip.出去用餐至少是15%的小费。There is littering fine. 乱扔垃圾会被罚款。Don’t spit on the ground. 随地吐痰会让人觉得被冒犯。中国和美国都有 unique aspects(独一无二的方面)to their culture, 所以人们到一个新的环境中时,need to be flexible(灵活的)。了解这些差异,可以帮助people from different backgrounds understand each other better,避免见面时的麻烦。David现在在加州大学伯克利分校学商业经济学(Business Economics),大家有什么感兴趣的问题,或者想听的话题,可以留言告诉我们。下期的话题,由你来定!
9/2/2021 • 11 minutes, 18 seconds
主播:David(美国) | 翩翩(中国青岛)音乐:10,000 Hours主播介绍:David在中国居住7年,现在就读于美国加州大学伯克利分校(UCB),学习商业经济学。今天,我们要谈论的话题是:由于文化背景的不同,而造成的culture shock(文化冲击)。1.What is “culture shock”? 什么是“文化冲击”?Culture shock 就是当你move to a new environment and culture,所感受到的confusion and difficulties。Culture shock 会出现,是因为lifestyle and etiquette的不同。Culture shock出现于 not only between 2 countries, but also cities , companies, schools等任何新的环境。*confusion /kənˈfjuːʒn/ n. 困惑,混乱*lifestyle /ˈlaɪfstaɪl/ n. 生活方式*etiquette /etɪket/ n. 礼仪;规矩*not only... but also... 不仅……而且……2.文化冲击一:Differences in transportation交通的差异In China, many people ride public transportation(公共交通) like subways(地铁) and buses.In the US, almost everyone drives a car.如果在美国没有车的话,it’s super super hard(超超超……级难) to go to the store or to go to places you want。美国人不太使用public transportation,主要是因为public transportation is super expensive(相当贵)。虽然是有Uber(美国的一款打车APP),但它会花费way too much money(太多钱)。Uber is really similar to DiDi in China (和滴滴APP一样),you call someone through the APP,然后他们就会把你带到 your destination(目的地)。但两个软件主要的区别是,Uber is more expensive that DiDi。美国交通的另外一个不便是,there aren’t as many stops to ride public transportation(没有太多站点)。* public transportation公共交通*way too much 太多了(way在这里是一个副词,“大大地”)*be similar to 与……相似*destination/ˌdestɪˈneɪʃn/ n. 目的地3.文化冲击二:Differences in dining就餐文化的差异除了公共交通昂贵之外,eating at restaurants(在餐厅吃饭) is more expensive in general , too,部分是因为the tip to a waiter(给服务员的小费)。在中国的饮食文化里,most places will not accept tip,但现在有一些西餐厅或者星级酒店,也会charge for tips,一般是15%。In California, the average tip minimum is 15%.(If you go to a restaurant and buy $100 of food, you need to tip your waiter at least $15.100美元的饭至少要付15美元的小费)It is not 100% mandatory at every restaurant, but a lot of a waiter’s income comes from tip.所以,在美国就餐,付小费就逐渐变成了an etiquette。*accept /əkˈsept/ v. 接受*charge for 为……收费*average/ˈævərɪdʒ/adj.平均的*minimum /ˈmɪnɪməm/ n. 最小值*mandatory /ˈmændətɔːri/ adj. 强制的4.文化冲击三:Differences in social norms 社会规范的差异社会规范有点像 how people expect you to treat other people.(人们对你如何对待别人的期待)。美国的社会规范 is a little more strict compared to China for certain things(在某些事情上,比中国更严格)。If they see other people spit on the ground,他们可能会get angry, because it goes against their social norm.对于littering这件事,美国的社会规范也是更加严格,会有littering fine。Your first littering fine is usually more than $250, or 1600 RMB.*strict/strɪkt/ adj. 严格的*certain /ˈsɜ:rtn/adj. 某些*spit on the ground 随地吐痰*go against 与……相违背5.Some advice on getting to the US去美国的建议It is really important to learn about the differences between the US and China.了解中美之间的文化差异至关重要。 1.Wewon'texperience culture shock when visiting. 不会感受到强烈的“文化冲击”。2.It might help them avoid having to pay so much money for breaking a law.避免因为违反法律的罚款。It would definitely help visitors from China to the US to keep in mind(牢记在心) that:Transportation is mostly centered around cars.出行靠开车。Restaurants ask for tip.出去用餐至少是15%的小费。There is littering fine. 乱扔垃圾会被罚款。Don’t spit on the ground. 随地吐痰会让人觉得被冒犯。中国和美国都有 unique aspects(独一无二的方面)to their culture, 所以人们到一个新的环境中时,need to be flexible(灵活的)。了解这些差异,可以帮助people from different backgrounds understand each other better,避免见面时的麻烦。David现在在加州大学伯克利分校学商业经济学(Business Economics),大家有什么感兴趣的问题,或者想听的话题,可以留言告诉我们。下期的话题,由你来定!
9/2/2021 • 11 minutes, 18 seconds
主播:Bipasha | 翩翩音乐:Slow Grenade今天,我们用英语聊一聊吴亦凡,以及what is going on with him(发生在他身上的事).That indeed is a controversial topic now.这确实是一个有争议的话题。*a controversial topic: 有争议的话题controversy /ˈkɑːntrəvɜːrsi/是名词,争议。比如引发了大量的争议,可以说: lead to numerous controversiescontroversial /ˌkɑːntrəˈvɜːrʃl/ 形容词,有争议的一.Who is Wu Yifan?吴亦凡是谁?a Chinese Canadian actor, singer, record producer(音乐制作人), rapper(说唱歌手), and model*Chinese Canadian加拿大籍华人*ABC ( America born Chinese / American Chinese ) 美籍华人a former member of South Korean Chinese boy band EXO and its subgroup EXO-M*former member 前成员*subgroup 子群,子队 (sub是一个前缀,表示附属的,在……之下)has starred in several No. 1 box office hits like Mr. Six, Journey to the west*star in 主演(star v. 担任主角)*No. 1 box office hits 票房冠军*Mr. Six《老炮儿》*Journey to the West《西游记》二.What happened to Wu Yifan? 发生什么事了?He was detained by Beijing police on rape allegations on 31 July 2021.*be detained被拘留(detain /dɪˈteɪn/ v. 拘留)*allegation /ˌæləˈɡeɪʃn/ n. 指控And officially detained on 16 August , 2021, when Procuratorate of Chaoyang District of Beijing approved his arrest on suspicion of rape. 8月16日,吴亦凡正式被捕。*procuratorate /ˈprɒkjʊəreɪtərɪt/ n. 检察院*approve /əˈpru:v/ v.批准,通过*arrest /əˈrest/ n. 逮捕*on suspicion of... 涉嫌……(suspicion /səˈspɪʃn/ n. 嫌疑)What exactly happened?具体怎么回事?一个叫都美竹的大学生posted allegations online on 8 July. Essentially accusing Kris Wu of a pattern of sexual assault,包括多名女性,some underage。*post allegations发起指控post 在网上发表……,比如“发朋友圈”:post on the moments online*assault /əˈsɔ:lt/ 侵犯*harassment /həˈræsmənt/ 骚扰*underage未成年的三.How did the English newspapers reported?吴亦凡事件,英文报纸怎么报道?USA TODAY《今日美国》:Chinese-Canadian pop star Kris Wu arrested on suspicion of rapeThe Guardian《卫报》:Pop star Kris Wu arrested in Beijing on suspicion of rapeSouth China Morning Post《南华早报》:Singer Kris Wu charged with rape in China按照英语语法,“被批捕”“被控”应该有be动词来表示被动,比如,“Kris Wu was arrested.”但英文标题中,be动词都省略了,这是为什么呢?1.新闻标题必须brief with key words(短小精悍),这样才能catch the readers’ attention(吸引读者的注意),and more people want to read it. 2.在纸媒时代,版面寸土寸金。所以,新闻标题里,很多冠词、系动词等常常被省略(left out),这是新闻标题的一种特色。
8/26/2021 • 10 minutes, 37 seconds
主播:Bipasha | 翩翩音乐:Slow Grenade今天,我们用英语聊一聊吴亦凡,以及what is going on with him(发生在他身上的事).That indeed is a controversial topic now.这确实是一个有争议的话题。*a controversial topic: 有争议的话题controversy /ˈkɑːntrəvɜːrsi/是名词,争议。比如引发了大量的争议,可以说: lead to numerous controversiescontroversial /ˌkɑːntrəˈvɜːrʃl/ 形容词,有争议的一.Who is Wu Yifan?吴亦凡是谁?a Chinese Canadian actor, singer, record producer(音乐制作人), rapper(说唱歌手), and model*Chinese Canadian加拿大籍华人*ABC ( America born Chinese / American Chinese ) 美籍华人a former member of South Korean Chinese boy band EXO and its subgroup EXO-M*former member 前成员*subgroup 子群,子队 (sub是一个前缀,表示附属的,在……之下)has starred in several No. 1 box office hits like Mr. Six, Journey to the west*star in 主演(star v. 担任主角)*No. 1 box office hits 票房冠军*Mr. Six《老炮儿》*Journey to the West《西游记》二.What happened to Wu Yifan? 发生什么事了?He was detained by Beijing police on rape allegations on 31 July 2021.*be detained被拘留(detain /dɪˈteɪn/ v. 拘留)*allegation /ˌæləˈɡeɪʃn/ n. 指控And officially detained on 16 August , 2021, when Procuratorate of Chaoyang District of Beijing approved his arrest on suspicion of rape. 8月16日,吴亦凡正式被捕。*procuratorate /ˈprɒkjʊəreɪtərɪt/ n. 检察院*approve /əˈpru:v/ v.批准,通过*arrest /əˈrest/ n. 逮捕*on suspicion of... 涉嫌……(suspicion /səˈspɪʃn/ n. 嫌疑)What exactly happened?具体怎么回事?一个叫都美竹的大学生posted allegations online on 8 July. Essentially accusing Kris Wu of a pattern of sexual assault,包括多名女性,some underage。*post allegations发起指控post 在网上发表……,比如“发朋友圈”:post on the moments online*assault /əˈsɔ:lt/ 侵犯*harassment /həˈræsmənt/ 骚扰*underage未成年的三.How did the English newspapers reported?吴亦凡事件,英文报纸怎么报道?USA TODAY《今日美国》:Chinese-Canadian pop star Kris Wu arrested on suspicion of rapeThe Guardian《卫报》:Pop star Kris Wu arrested in Beijing on suspicion of rapeSouth China Morning Post《南华早报》:Singer Kris Wu charged with rape in China按照英语语法,“被批捕”“被控”应该有be动词来表示被动,比如,“Kris Wu was arrested.”但英文标题中,be动词都省略了,这是为什么呢?1.新闻标题必须brief with key words(短小精悍),这样才能catch the readers’ attention(吸引读者的注意),and more people want to read it. 2.在纸媒时代,版面寸土寸金。所以,新闻标题里,很多冠词、系动词等常常被省略(left out),这是新闻标题的一种特色。
8/26/2021 • 10 minutes, 37 seconds
主播:Joseph | 翩翩音乐:Feel the Need东京奥运会刚结束不久,我们来进行一个“奥运大盘点”。 1.A quick summary我国奥运“战况”如何?In the whole Olympics, China has won at total of 88 medals including: 38 gold medals, 32 silver medals and 18 bronze medals.本届东京奥运会,中国代表团最终以38金32银18铜收官。*medal 奖牌*gold medal 金牌*silver medal 银牌*bronze medal 铜牌2.Some different events that China has won at:我国在哪些赛事获奖?都是指“赛事”,event和game有什么区别?Event is a more formal way of saying a game. event是一种更正式的表达。我国在哪些events中,得到了the first place(第一名)?China has won multiple medals in gymnastics, badminton, ping pong, diving, shooting, swimming, weightlifting etc. *win metals in... :在……获奖*gymnastics: /dʒɪmˈnæstɪks/ 体操*badminton: /ˈbædmɪntən/ 羽毛球*ping pong 乒乓*diving:/ˈdaɪvɪŋ/ 跳水*shooting: /ˈʃuːtɪŋ/ 射击*swimming 游泳*weightlifting:/ˈweɪtlɪftɪŋ/ 举重预赛,四分之一决赛,半决赛,决赛用英语怎么表达?*预赛:preliminaries /prɪ'lɪmə,neri/ Pre- usually means before.pre-通常指的就是“在……以前”,比如“preview”,预习。*四分之一决赛:quarter finalsquarter /ˈkwɔːrtər/ 就是四分之一,final指决赛。*半决赛:semifinalsSemi- means half. semi-指“一半”,比如“semi-circle”,半圆。*决赛:finals期末考试也可以使用“finals”。3.Some records that China have broken this Olympics在哪些项目,我国打破了纪录?Su Bingtian (men’s 100m runner) has broken the Asia record(打破亚洲纪录)for the men’s 100m dash.*break the record 打破纪录*men’s 100m dash 男子100米dash 通常用于shorter run(短跑),如果指longer run(长跑),则使用run。China’s women’s weightlifter Zhihui Hou beat the weightlifting Olympic record(打破奥运会举重纪录) in two different categories including snatch, clean and jerk.*women’s weightlifter女子举重运动员*beat the record 打破纪录*snatch:/snætʃ/ 抓举*clean and jerk /dʒɜːrk/ : 挺举4.Some small and fun events 奥运轶闻趣事东京奥运会女子乒乓球单打决赛中,中国运动员陈梦为国乒夺得一枚宝贵的女单金牌。赛后,她的表哥黄晓明在第一时间发微博称,要请陈梦吃接风菜,许多网友调侃他蹭表妹热度。*女子乒乓球单打决赛:Women’s singles Ping pong final*金牌获得者:gold medalist*网友:netizen(net citizen)*蹭热度:bandwagoning举例:黄晓明在蹭陈梦的热度。Huang Xiaoming is bandwagoning Cheng Meng’s success.“仙女落泪”:比利时举重小将,因动作问题,成绩被判无效。她在赛场上落泪的一幕,引发热议。很多人把“仙女落泪”的一幕,做成了有趣的图片和表情包。*有趣的图片和表情包:funny pictures and memes希腊有一名weightlifter,宣布了his retirement due to poverty(因为贫穷退役)。他的经历很快在希腊caused a huge response(引起巨大反应)。很多人 offered to donate to him,来鼓励他继续engage in weightlifting。*due to由于*donate: /ˈdoʊneɪt/ 捐款*engage in 参与……举重冠军吕小军在比赛之余,planned very clear path for himself(为自己规划了清晰的职业路线)。他是overseas fitness circle“中国顶流”,同时也在打造his own fitness brand。有人称他为“举重圈的李子柒”(Li Ziqi of weightlifting circle)。吕小军夺冠之后,现场裁判也瞬间变为他的粉丝,上台ask for an autograph。*overseas fitness circle 海外健身圈*his own fitness brand自己的健身品牌*ask for an autograph索要签名因疫情防控,东京奥运选手原则上需在2米外接受采访。It’s inconvenient for both the athletes and journalist. 记者每次采访前都要组装挑杆和话筒,采访的时候不仅大脑要飞速运转(think quickly),手还不能抖,记者纷纷变身“摇臂”。* inconvenient:/ˌɪnkənˈvi:niənt/ 不方便的出于防疫以及环保的考虑,参加东京奥运会的远动员睡的都是纸板床。为了证明“真的不是抠门哦!”东京奥组委还公开了这纸床的造价,“15万至25万日元”(约合人民币8800元至14500元)。The cost is actually very expensive.*纸板:card board*expensive: /ɪkˈspensɪv/ 昂贵的奥运首金获得者杨倩,赛场上是百步穿杨的神枪手(sharpshooter),赛场外是时尚可爱的萌妹子(a fashionable and cute girl),她同时还就读于清华大学。网友是这样评价她的:趁清华放暑假夺金牌!Take advantage of Tsinghua's summer vacation to win the gold medal.*sharpshooter神枪手*take advantage of 利用*summer vacation 暑假“龟兔赛跑”的真人版(The Rabbit and the Turtle in real life):牙买加女飞人谢瑞卡-杰克逊(Sherika-Jackson)200米预赛意外出局(unexpectedly passed the 200m preliminaries)。凭借她的实力,she was able to enter the finals。但是,她太自信了,在最后的冲刺阶段,她竟然 started jogging(慢跑) and was overtaken(被追上)。牙买加粉丝们现在非常恼火,Jamaican fans are mad at her,炮轰她是史上第一大蠢蛋, regard her as the biggest fool in history.*unexpectedly: 出乎意料地*jog: 慢跑*be mad at sb. :生……的气*regard sb. as... :把……看作……请留言告诉我们:你还知道哪些奥运期间的趣事?
8/16/2021 • 15 minutes, 5 seconds
主播:Joseph | 翩翩音乐:Feel the Need东京奥运会刚结束不久,我们来进行一个“奥运大盘点”。 1.A quick summary我国奥运“战况”如何?In the whole Olympics, China has won at total of 88 medals including: 38 gold medals, 32 silver medals and 18 bronze medals.本届东京奥运会,中国代表团最终以38金32银18铜收官。*medal 奖牌*gold medal 金牌*silver medal 银牌*bronze medal 铜牌2.Some different events that China has won at:我国在哪些赛事获奖?都是指“赛事”,event和game有什么区别?Event is a more formal way of saying a game. event是一种更正式的表达。我国在哪些events中,得到了the first place(第一名)?China has won multiple medals in gymnastics, badminton, ping pong, diving, shooting, swimming, weightlifting etc. *win metals in... :在……获奖*gymnastics: /dʒɪmˈnæstɪks/ 体操*badminton: /ˈbædmɪntən/ 羽毛球*ping pong 乒乓*diving:/ˈdaɪvɪŋ/ 跳水*shooting: /ˈʃuːtɪŋ/ 射击*swimming 游泳*weightlifting:/ˈweɪtlɪftɪŋ/ 举重预赛,四分之一决赛,半决赛,决赛用英语怎么表达?*预赛:preliminaries /prɪ'lɪmə,neri/ Pre- usually means before.pre-通常指的就是“在……以前”,比如“preview”,预习。*四分之一决赛:quarter finalsquarter /ˈkwɔːrtər/ 就是四分之一,final指决赛。*半决赛:semifinalsSemi- means half. semi-指“一半”,比如“semi-circle”,半圆。*决赛:finals期末考试也可以使用“finals”。3.Some records that China have broken this Olympics在哪些项目,我国打破了纪录?Su Bingtian (men’s 100m runner) has broken the Asia record(打破亚洲纪录)for the men’s 100m dash.*break the record 打破纪录*men’s 100m dash 男子100米dash 通常用于shorter run(短跑),如果指longer run(长跑),则使用run。China’s women’s weightlifter Zhihui Hou beat the weightlifting Olympic record(打破奥运会举重纪录) in two different categories including snatch, clean and jerk.*women’s weightlifter女子举重运动员*beat the record 打破纪录*snatch:/snætʃ/ 抓举*clean and jerk /dʒɜːrk/ : 挺举4.Some small and fun events 奥运轶闻趣事东京奥运会女子乒乓球单打决赛中,中国运动员陈梦为国乒夺得一枚宝贵的女单金牌。赛后,她的表哥黄晓明在第一时间发微博称,要请陈梦吃接风菜,许多网友调侃他蹭表妹热度。*女子乒乓球单打决赛:Women’s singles Ping pong final*金牌获得者:gold medalist*网友:netizen(net citizen)*蹭热度:bandwagoning举例:黄晓明在蹭陈梦的热度。Huang Xiaoming is bandwagoning Cheng Meng’s success.“仙女落泪”:比利时举重小将,因动作问题,成绩被判无效。她在赛场上落泪的一幕,引发热议。很多人把“仙女落泪”的一幕,做成了有趣的图片和表情包。*有趣的图片和表情包:funny pictures and memes希腊有一名weightlifter,宣布了his retirement due to poverty(因为贫穷退役)。他的经历很快在希腊caused a huge response(引起巨大反应)。很多人 offered to donate to him,来鼓励他继续engage in weightlifting。*due to由于*donate: /ˈdoʊneɪt/ 捐款*engage in 参与……举重冠军吕小军在比赛之余,planned very clear path for himself(为自己规划了清晰的职业路线)。他是overseas fitness circle“中国顶流”,同时也在打造his own fitness brand。有人称他为“举重圈的李子柒”(Li Ziqi of weightlifting circle)。吕小军夺冠之后,现场裁判也瞬间变为他的粉丝,上台ask for an autograph。*overseas fitness circle 海外健身圈*his own fitness brand自己的健身品牌*ask for an autograph索要签名因疫情防控,东京奥运选手原则上需在2米外接受采访。It’s inconvenient for both the athletes and journalist. 记者每次采访前都要组装挑杆和话筒,采访的时候不仅大脑要飞速运转(think quickly),手还不能抖,记者纷纷变身“摇臂”。* inconvenient:/ˌɪnkənˈvi:niənt/ 不方便的出于防疫以及环保的考虑,参加东京奥运会的远动员睡的都是纸板床。为了证明“真的不是抠门哦!”东京奥组委还公开了这纸床的造价,“15万至25万日元”(约合人民币8800元至14500元)。The cost is actually very expensive.*纸板:card board*expensive: /ɪkˈspensɪv/ 昂贵的奥运首金获得者杨倩,赛场上是百步穿杨的神枪手(sharpshooter),赛场外是时尚可爱的萌妹子(a fashionable and cute girl),她同时还就读于清华大学。网友是这样评价她的:趁清华放暑假夺金牌!Take advantage of Tsinghua's summer vacation to win the gold medal.*sharpshooter神枪手*take advantage of 利用*summer vacation 暑假“龟兔赛跑”的真人版(The Rabbit and the Turtle in real life):牙买加女飞人谢瑞卡-杰克逊(Sherika-Jackson)200米预赛意外出局(unexpectedly passed the 200m preliminaries)。凭借她的实力,she was able to enter the finals。但是,她太自信了,在最后的冲刺阶段,她竟然 started jogging(慢跑) and was overtaken(被追上)。牙买加粉丝们现在非常恼火,Jamaican fans are mad at her,炮轰她是史上第一大蠢蛋, regard her as the biggest fool in history.*unexpectedly: 出乎意料地*jog: 慢跑*be mad at sb. :生……的气*regard sb. as... :把……看作……请留言告诉我们:你还知道哪些奥运期间的趣事?
8/16/2021 • 15 minutes, 5 seconds
主播:Bipasha | 翩翩音乐: Battles and Wastelands今天要聊一个非常有趣的话题——电视界很有含金量的奖项(the most elite awards),第27届上海电视节的白玉兰奖。1.The Magnolia Awards白玉兰奖 前段时间,第27届上海电视节的白玉兰奖举办。这个奖项是一个tough competition,于和伟、童谣、热依扎、黄轩、王凯等角逐者(contenders)都非常有实力。有10部电视剧被提名(were nominated),其中大多数都是爱国主题的(patriotic themes)。白玉兰奖:The Magnolia Awards(白玉兰magnolia /mæɡˈnoʊliə/)27届上海电视节:the 27th Shanghai TV Festival激烈的竞争:tough competition有实力的角逐者:worthy contenders被提名:be nominated /'nɒmɪneɪtɪd/爱国主题:patriotic themes(patriotic /ˌpeɪtriˈɑːtɪk/)这些剧虽然是featured patriotic themes,但是质量上乘,非常有吸引力,比如下面这几部。2.TV series were nominated优秀提名电视剧Minning Town《山海情》It focuses on poverty alleviation /əˌliːviˈeɪʃn/(扶贫).Awakening Age《觉醒年代》It’s about the founding of the Communist Party of China (CPC).关于中国共产党的建党史。Get Together《在一起》It tells the stories about the fight against the coronavirus in Wuhan.介绍武汉抗疫。介绍一部剧的剧情,有3种句型可以用:It focuses on... 关注于……,聚焦于……It’s about... 关于……It tells the stories about... 讲了一个……的故事Minning Town and Awakening Ageare good examples of high-quality patriotic TV dramas.《山海情》和《觉醒年代》是红色爱国剧的优秀案例。这些剧的几大特点是:The stories resonate with audiences. 故事能够让观众共鸣vivid characters that come across as real people人物生动真实meaningful意义深远They remain entertaining and commercially competitive.观看性强,有商业竞争力praiseworthy in terms of their innovative artistic style 艺术风格的革新值得称赞*resonate /ˈrezəneɪt/ v. 产生共鸣*entertaining /ˌentərˈteɪnɪŋ/ adj. 有趣的,令人愉快的*commercially /kəˈmɜ:rʃəli/ adv. 商业上*competitive/kəmˈpetətɪv/ adj. 有竞争力的*praiseworthy /ˈpreɪzwɜːrði/ adj. 值得称赞的*innovative /ˈɪnəveɪtɪv/ adj. 创新的*artistic style艺术风格Bipahsa对Red Patriotic TV series(红色爱国主义剧)很感兴趣,大家如果知道,在哪个平台(platform)可以看有English subtitles(英文字幕)的国产剧的话,可以留言告诉Bipasha哦。3.The English name of Nominations剧名翻译《山海情》——Mining Town《在一起》——With You《跨过鸭绿江》——Across the Yalu River(across “横跨”)《大江大河2》——Like a Flowing River 2《觉醒年代》——Awaking Age(awakening,“醒着的”;age,“年代”)《流金岁月》——My Best Friend’s Story《三叉戟》——Trident(“tri-”前缀,表示“three”,比如triplets“三胞胎”)《三十而已》——Nothing But Thirty《隐秘而伟大》——Fearless Whisper(fearless,“无畏的”;whisper,“悄声说话”)《装台》——The Stage这些电视剧,他们都有着great plots(很棒的情节) and a touching story line(感人的故事线)。 4.The audience's regret 观众的遗憾这一届的“白玉兰奖”,几位演员的落选,让观众感到disheartened。比如,《山海情》中的热依扎、还有《觉醒年代》中的刘琳,都分别落选the best actress,the best actress in supporting role。刘琳和热依扎都have been in the film industry for many years,演技很好。落选之后,it has led to numerous controversies。*落选:not being recognized / not gaining the title for something*disheartened遗憾的,灰心的*the best actress:最佳女主角*the best actress in supporting role最佳女配角*have been in the film industry for many years 出道多年*led/lead to 导致,引起*numerous controversies(numerous /ˈnuːmərəs/)很多的争议The Magnolia Awards会颁发给(hand out)国际和国内的作品。白玉兰奖和飞天奖、金鹰奖一起,被认为是(is considered to be)业内最权威的电视剧奖(the most prestigious /preˈstiːdʒəs/ TV awards)。希望看到更多传递优秀价值观的国产剧,和专注于表演本身的演员。
6/19/2021 • 13 minutes, 10 seconds
主播:Bipasha | 翩翩音乐: Battles and Wastelands今天要聊一个非常有趣的话题——电视界很有含金量的奖项(the most elite awards),第27届上海电视节的白玉兰奖。1.The Magnolia Awards白玉兰奖 前段时间,第27届上海电视节的白玉兰奖举办。这个奖项是一个tough competition,于和伟、童谣、热依扎、黄轩、王凯等角逐者(contenders)都非常有实力。有10部电视剧被提名(were nominated),其中大多数都是爱国主题的(patriotic themes)。白玉兰奖:The Magnolia Awards(白玉兰magnolia /mæɡˈnoʊliə/)27届上海电视节:the 27th Shanghai TV Festival激烈的竞争:tough competition有实力的角逐者:worthy contenders被提名:be nominated /'nɒmɪneɪtɪd/爱国主题:patriotic themes(patriotic /ˌpeɪtriˈɑːtɪk/)这些剧虽然是featured patriotic themes,但是质量上乘,非常有吸引力,比如下面这几部。2.TV series were nominated优秀提名电视剧Minning Town《山海情》It focuses on poverty alleviation /əˌliːviˈeɪʃn/(扶贫).Awakening Age《觉醒年代》It’s about the founding of the Communist Party of China (CPC).关于中国共产党的建党史。Get Together《在一起》It tells the stories about the fight against the coronavirus in Wuhan.介绍武汉抗疫。介绍一部剧的剧情,有3种句型可以用:It focuses on... 关注于……,聚焦于……It’s about... 关于……It tells the stories about... 讲了一个……的故事Minning Town and Awakening Ageare good examples of high-quality patriotic TV dramas.《山海情》和《觉醒年代》是红色爱国剧的优秀案例。这些剧的几大特点是:The stories resonate with audiences. 故事能够让观众共鸣vivid characters that come across as real people人物生动真实meaningful意义深远They remain entertaining and commercially competitive.观看性强,有商业竞争力praiseworthy in terms of their innovative artistic style 艺术风格的革新值得称赞*resonate /ˈrezəneɪt/ v. 产生共鸣*entertaining /ˌentərˈteɪnɪŋ/ adj. 有趣的,令人愉快的*commercially /kəˈmɜ:rʃəli/ adv. 商业上*competitive/kəmˈpetətɪv/ adj. 有竞争力的*praiseworthy /ˈpreɪzwɜːrði/ adj. 值得称赞的*innovative /ˈɪnəveɪtɪv/ adj. 创新的*artistic style艺术风格Bipahsa对Red Patriotic TV series(红色爱国主义剧)很感兴趣,大家如果知道,在哪个平台(platform)可以看有English subtitles(英文字幕)的国产剧的话,可以留言告诉Bipasha哦。3.The English name of Nominations剧名翻译《山海情》——Mining Town《在一起》——With You《跨过鸭绿江》——Across the Yalu River(across “横跨”)《大江大河2》——Like a Flowing River 2《觉醒年代》——Awaking Age(awakening,“醒着的”;age,“年代”)《流金岁月》——My Best Friend’s Story《三叉戟》——Trident(“tri-”前缀,表示“three”,比如triplets“三胞胎”)《三十而已》——Nothing But Thirty《隐秘而伟大》——Fearless Whisper(fearless,“无畏的”;whisper,“悄声说话”)《装台》——The Stage这些电视剧,他们都有着great plots(很棒的情节) and a touching story line(感人的故事线)。 4.The audience's regret 观众的遗憾这一届的“白玉兰奖”,几位演员的落选,让观众感到disheartened。比如,《山海情》中的热依扎、还有《觉醒年代》中的刘琳,都分别落选the best actress,the best actress in supporting role。刘琳和热依扎都have been in the film industry for many years,演技很好。落选之后,it has led to numerous controversies。*落选:not being recognized / not gaining the title for something*disheartened遗憾的,灰心的*the best actress:最佳女主角*the best actress in supporting role最佳女配角*have been in the film industry for many years 出道多年*led/lead to 导致,引起*numerous controversies(numerous /ˈnuːmərəs/)很多的争议The Magnolia Awards会颁发给(hand out)国际和国内的作品。白玉兰奖和飞天奖、金鹰奖一起,被认为是(is considered to be)业内最权威的电视剧奖(the most prestigious /preˈstiːdʒəs/ TV awards)。希望看到更多传递优秀价值观的国产剧,和专注于表演本身的演员。
6/19/2021 • 13 minutes, 10 seconds
主播:Selah | 翩翩音乐:Feel the Need今天我们要给大家推荐,“英文词典的黄金搭档”,“英文写作的秘密武器”——thesaurus(同义词词典)。1.What is thesaurus? 被欧美学生广泛使用的“Thesaurus”是什么?lsecret writing weapon 英文写作的秘密武器lIt gives you words that have the same meaning.给出相同意思的词。lIt can replace the other word to make it better. 替换掉其他的词,让句子更好。lIt finds synonyms. 给出近义词。*weapon /ˈwepən/ n. 武器*replace /rɪˈpleɪs/ v. 替换*synonyms /'sɪnə,nɪm/ n. 同义词举个例子:在dictionary里面查询beautiful这个词,显示的是:having qualities of beauty, 而在thesaurus里面,输入beautiful, 会给你一串的词,比如:*aesthetic /esˈθetɪk/ adj. 具有审美趣味的——如:李子柒的视频*good-looking 好看——如:巧笑倩兮,美目盼兮*stunning /ˈstʌnɪŋ/ 令人迷惑眩晕的美——如:嫣然一笑,惑阳城,迷下蔡 *knockout 迷人的(绝代佳人)——如:一顾倾人城,再顾倾人国 【举个栗子】我们想要表达:李子柒的视频太棒了。她是一个美丽的女孩,她的视频中的景色是如此的美丽。有时她把自己打扮成一个有着美丽笑容的古代美人。一般是这样表达的:Li Ziqi’s videos are so good. She is a beautiful girl and the views in her videos are so beautiful. Sometimes she dresses herself like a beautiful ancient lady who has a beautiful smile.使用 “thesaurus”句子升级后:Li Ziqi’s videos are so good. She is a stunning girl and the views in her videos are so aesthetic. Sometimes she dresses herself like a good-looking ancient lady who has a knockout smile.使用 “thesaurus”替换后,一个贫瘠的句子,瞬间变为一个非常professional(专业的),非常有画面感的句子(you can see a picture),而且这个句子has the taste of culture(有文采)。2. Words as examples 用“thesaurus”来替换掉平庸的词——增加词汇量1)想要表达good,你还可以用: *great 太好了*fantastic /fænˈtæstɪk/ 极好的2)想要表达happy,你还可以用: *cheerful兴高采烈的——如:有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎?*joyful感到喜悦的——如:学而时习之,不亦说乎?*thrilled /θrɪld/ 极为兴奋的——如:范进中举的那种欣喜若狂3)想要表达cold,你还可以用: *chilly阴冷;凉飕飕的*wintry /ˈwɪntri/ 冬天的那种寒冷*frigid /ˈfrɪdʒɪd/ 严寒的*frosty/ˈfrɔːsti/ 结霜的——如:十里平湖霜满天4)想要表达tired,你还可以用: *exhausted /ɪɡˈzɔːstɪd/ 筋疲力尽的(一点劲儿都没有,直接要躺在地上)*fatigued /fəˈti:ɡd/ 筋疲力尽的(还有一点力气,可以爬到床上去) *drained /dreɪnd/ 元气耗光的尽管,thesaurus可以让我们的表达有多种选择,但使用thesaurus之前,要先看一看词的具体含义,要考虑到词的字面意思以及所蕴含的情感意义。可能词的意思是接近的,但具体如何使用,要视语境(context)而定。如果你的身边刚好有native speakers,可以问问他们。但如果身边没有native speakers,也没关系,可以多看一些英文的电影,书籍等,在语境中感受词的使用。3. Before& after thesaurus 使用“thesaurus”给句子化个妆句子使用thesaurus之前和使用thesaurus之后,就像是child word和grown-up word。Before thesaurus:The girl got wet in the cold rain.After thesaurus:The girl got drenched in the frigid rain. 那个姑娘在冰冷的雨中被浇了个透。*drenched /drentʃt/ 湿透的变化后的句子,更加具体,向我们呈现出一个画面,让你感同身受。(语言的力量!)我们在公众号后台已经将这个网站为大家准备好了:打开“一席文化”公众号,发送thesaurus,即可收到网址。请留言告诉我们,你使用thesaurus的感受。
5/18/2021 • 15 minutes, 45 seconds
老外来了:如何用英语谈“恋爱” 情窦初开的初恋,欲言又止的暗恋 我们“谈”一下!
主播:Bipasha | 翩翩音乐:The Simple Things娱乐圈一对iconic celebrity couple get divorced,这让很多网友痛呼,“I don’t believe in love any more.”今天,我们来聊一个和“恋爱”相关的话题,希望能帮助大家restore the faith of love。*iconic celebrity couple 偶像级别的名人夫妇*get divorced 离婚*restore the faith 重塑信念 1.Various expressions of “falling in love” “喜欢你”的N种状态早恋:puppy love——情窦初开,两小无猜“早恋”和“puppy”(小狗)有什么关系?这里形容:A person wants to adore, show affection to the other person like a little puppy.就像是一只小狗一样,向对方展示爱意。早恋都是very innocent, cute and very pure,是柏拉图式的恋爱(platonic love)! *adore /əˈdɔ:r/ v. 崇拜,爱慕*affection /əˈfekʃn/ n. 爱慕,钟爱*puppy /ˈpʌpi/ n. 小狗*innocent /ˈɪnəsnt/ adj. 天真无邪的*pure /pjʊr/ adj. 纯洁的*platonic /pləˈtɑ:nɪk/ adj.柏拉图式的暗恋:crush——我不看月亮,也不说想你早恋是人生的initial stage or like Phase 1,基本上都是暗恋(crush)。crush的用法:小明暗恋Bipasha。Xiaoming has a crush on Bipasha.如果是非常非常喜欢的话,可以说:Xiaoming has a major crush on Bipasha.Crushes最后都会变成jokes,因为大多数时候,crushes are not successful.可能你都不会告诉那个人,你喜欢TA。有时,即使是表白了,it doesn’t true(没有成真)。So, crushes are may to be crushed. 暗恋可能会被碾碎。暗恋就是一个人的兵荒马乱,it’s a personal battle.*crush n. 暗恋/ v. 压碎*initial /ɪˈnɪʃl/ stage:初期*phase /feɪz/ n. 时期*battle /ˈbætl/ n. 战争初恋:first love——这个妹妹我曾见过初恋和初雪一样,很浪漫,很美。很多的影视剧都跟first love有关,比如Chinese dramas(国产剧), Korean dramas(韩剧), 还有Japanese dramas(日剧)。日本电影Love Letter《情书》,讲的就是a romantic story of first love。First love is romanticized by dramas.初恋都被影视作品浪漫化了。Bipasha非常想要binge watch romantic Chinese dramas,大家可以评论区留言推荐。*romantic /roʊˈmæntɪk/ adj. 浪漫的*romanticize /roʊˈmæntɪsaɪz/ v.使浪漫化*binge-watch v. 追剧First love is a significant turning point in everyone’s life.初恋是人生中,一个特别重要的转折点。一般身边都会有一个好朋友,陪你度过这个时期。你最好的朋友experience it with you ,因为你可能会很excited,也有可能会get hurt by little things,这时候,你最好的朋友就会comes in to comfort you.可能,对你来说,失恋就是:It feel like the end of the world. 天塌下来了。好朋友就会过来劝你:He/she doesn’t deserve you.他/她配不上你。You are so much better and all that. 你比TA好太多了。初恋的经历,可以:make you grow and gives you a better meaning of love让你成长,更好地理解爱*turning point:转折点*experience sth. with sb.:和某人一起度过……*comfort/ˈkʌmfərt/ v. 安慰2.Oral English 实用英文谈“恋爱”谈过几次恋爱?How many relationships have you had?你有对象了吗?Are you seeing / dating anyone at the moment?你谈过恋爱吗?Have you ever been in love?/Have you ever dated?我给你介绍一个男/女朋友吧。Let me introduce you someone you may like.择友标准Standards:My standards are not illogical, they are basics for a good human being.我的择友标准符合逻辑,满足一个好人的基本条件就可以了。但,这话之后,总得有一个BUT……我还没找到一个有感觉的。I just haven’t found anyone who I believe to be very compatible with. 五官不重要,三观合最重要。*standard /ˈstændərd/ n. 标准*illogical /ɪˈlɑ:dʒɪkl/ adj. 不合逻辑的*basic/ˈbeɪsɪk/ adj. 基本的*compatible /kəmˈpætəbl/ adj. 和睦共处的;志趣相投的Hope everyone can meet the right boy or girl.You guy will be growing old together.Don’t rush into relationships.It will happen when the time is right. Things will happen naturally.That is the secret to everything.希望所有人都能遇良人,共此生。不要为了恋爱而恋爱,合适的时机总会到来。一切都会应运而至,这是万事万物的规律。终有一人会对你说,“今晚的月色真美。”请留言告诉我们:你想给Bipasha推荐哪些浪漫的国产剧?
4/29/2021 • 12 minutes, 48 seconds
老外来了:如何用英语谈“恋爱” 情窦初开的初恋,欲言又止的暗恋 我们“谈”一下!
主播:Bipasha | 翩翩音乐:The Simple Things娱乐圈一对iconic celebrity couple get divorced,这让很多网友痛呼,“I don’t believe in love any more.”今天,我们来聊一个和“恋爱”相关的话题,希望能帮助大家restore the faith of love。*iconic celebrity couple 偶像级别的名人夫妇*get divorced 离婚*restore the faith 重塑信念 1.Various expressions of “falling in love” “喜欢你”的N种状态早恋:puppy love——情窦初开,两小无猜“早恋”和“puppy”(小狗)有什么关系?这里形容:A person wants to adore, show affection to the other person like a little puppy.就像是一只小狗一样,向对方展示爱意。早恋都是very innocent, cute and very pure,是柏拉图式的恋爱(platonic love)! *adore /əˈdɔ:r/ v. 崇拜,爱慕*affection /əˈfekʃn/ n. 爱慕,钟爱*puppy /ˈpʌpi/ n. 小狗*innocent /ˈɪnəsnt/ adj. 天真无邪的*pure /pjʊr/ adj. 纯洁的*platonic /pləˈtɑ:nɪk/ adj.柏拉图式的暗恋:crush——我不看月亮,也不说想你早恋是人生的initial stage or like Phase 1,基本上都是暗恋(crush)。crush的用法:小明暗恋Bipasha。Xiaoming has a crush on Bipasha.如果是非常非常喜欢的话,可以说:Xiaoming has a major crush on Bipasha.Crushes最后都会变成jokes,因为大多数时候,crushes are not successful.可能你都不会告诉那个人,你喜欢TA。有时,即使是表白了,it doesn’t true(没有成真)。So, crushes are may to be crushed. 暗恋可能会被碾碎。暗恋就是一个人的兵荒马乱,it’s a personal battle.*crush n. 暗恋/ v. 压碎*initial /ɪˈnɪʃl/ stage:初期*phase /feɪz/ n. 时期*battle /ˈbætl/ n. 战争初恋:first love——这个妹妹我曾见过初恋和初雪一样,很浪漫,很美。很多的影视剧都跟first love有关,比如Chinese dramas(国产剧), Korean dramas(韩剧), 还有Japanese dramas(日剧)。日本电影Love Letter《情书》,讲的就是a romantic story of first love。First love is romanticized by dramas.初恋都被影视作品浪漫化了。Bipasha非常想要binge watch romantic Chinese dramas,大家可以评论区留言推荐。*romantic /roʊˈmæntɪk/ adj. 浪漫的*romanticize /roʊˈmæntɪsaɪz/ v.使浪漫化*binge-watch v. 追剧First love is a significant turning point in everyone’s life.初恋是人生中,一个特别重要的转折点。一般身边都会有一个好朋友,陪你度过这个时期。你最好的朋友experience it with you ,因为你可能会很excited,也有可能会get hurt by little things,这时候,你最好的朋友就会comes in to comfort you.可能,对你来说,失恋就是:It feel like the end of the world. 天塌下来了。好朋友就会过来劝你:He/she doesn’t deserve you.他/她配不上你。You are so much better and all that. 你比TA好太多了。初恋的经历,可以:make you grow and gives you a better meaning of love让你成长,更好地理解爱*turning point:转折点*experience sth. with sb.:和某人一起度过……*comfort/ˈkʌmfərt/ v. 安慰2.Oral English 实用英文谈“恋爱”谈过几次恋爱?How many relationships have you had?你有对象了吗?Are you seeing / dating anyone at the moment?你谈过恋爱吗?Have you ever been in love?/Have you ever dated?我给你介绍一个男/女朋友吧。Let me introduce you someone you may like.择友标准Standards:My standards are not illogical, they are basics for a good human being.我的择友标准符合逻辑,满足一个好人的基本条件就可以了。但,这话之后,总得有一个BUT……我还没找到一个有感觉的。I just haven’t found anyone who I believe to be very compatible with. 五官不重要,三观合最重要。*standard /ˈstændərd/ n. 标准*illogical /ɪˈlɑ:dʒɪkl/ adj. 不合逻辑的*basic/ˈbeɪsɪk/ adj. 基本的*compatible /kəmˈpætəbl/ adj. 和睦共处的;志趣相投的Hope everyone can meet the right boy or girl.You guy will be growing old together.Don’t rush into relationships.It will happen when the time is right. Things will happen naturally.That is the secret to everything.希望所有人都能遇良人,共此生。不要为了恋爱而恋爱,合适的时机总会到来。一切都会应运而至,这是万事万物的规律。终有一人会对你说,“今晚的月色真美。”请留言告诉我们:你想给Bipasha推荐哪些浪漫的国产剧?
4/29/2021 • 12 minutes, 48 seconds
主播:Selah | 翩翩音乐:Feel the Need之前节目,给大家推荐过非常好用的词典,比如Merriam-Webster(韦氏词典)。但这些词典的专业性很强,用起来难免会觉得boring。今天,给大家推荐一个有趣又轻松的词典——HipDict。1.What is HipDict? HipDict 嬉皮词典,了解一下HipDict:Hip: hip指时尚的Dict: short for dictionary 是dictionary的缩写 1.HipDict这部“词典”特别在哪?What is special about it?It has pictures.It puts words in a very readable(可读的) way.The definitions are easy to understand and very relatable(能引起人的共鸣).It takes normal words and writes other definitions for them.用普通单词来解释,并且给出的定义与常规不同。这些定义很funny,有的甚至很sarcastic,非常relatable。人们甚至觉得,该词典给出的解释,比词本身的含义更好,true to real life(更贴切)。*sarcastic /sɑ:rˈkæstɪk/ adj.挖苦的,讽刺的*relatable adj.有共鸣的 2.HipDict有多受欢迎?It has 2.7 million followers.有270万的粉丝。3)这部“词典”编辑是谁?The account is a “crowdsourced” dictionary.*crowdsourced:群策群力的Crowd is the source for the dictionary. 诸多网友是这个词典的编辑,是词义贡献者。Baidu baike is a crowdsourced website. 百度百科是一个群策群力的网站。4)为什么人们喜欢它?It is sarcastic and relatable.(解释有讽刺性,能让人产生共鸣。)You feel like there is a shared feeling, or way to understand the world.你会找到情感互通的感觉。接下来,就给大家选HipDict里12个词来解释一下。开始之前,这些表示“好笑”的词,请先收下,以免一会儿词穷。funny 搞笑的hilarious /hɪˈleriəs/ 滑稽的entertaining有趣的relatable有共鸣的2.Some words from HipDict 搞笑HipDict词汇分享Zodiac sign: an excuse for people to justify their shitty behavior.星座:人们为他们的糟糕行为辩护的借口。*justify /ˈdʒʌstɪfaɪ/ v. 证明……有理*shitty/ˈʃɪti/ adj.较差的;糟糕的Starbucks: a place where people show off their laptops.星巴克:一个人们炫耀笔记本电脑的地方。*show off 炫耀2020: a kinda bad year for me but a really good year for my dog who did not have to be alone for a single second.2020:对我来说,是有点糟糕的一年,但对我的狗来说,却是非常好的一年,因为它不需要独自待着。因为新冠疫情,有隔离(quarantine),所以家里的狗狗就有人陪了。2021: Season 2 of 2020.2021:疫情还在持续,所以,2021是2020的第二季。English teachers: people who put more thoughts into a novel than the original author ever did.语文老师:过度解读小说的人,可能会让original author(原著作者)学到新的东西。*original author:原著作者Weekend: time goes by so quickly even though I’m doing nothing all day.周末:什么都没做,时间就那么过去了。那什么是week呢?Selah机智地给出了“week”的定义:Week:time goes by so slowly even though I’m doing everything翩翩老师通过声音给“week”下了定义:Mon...day... , Tues...day... , Wednes...day.... , ..., Friday, Sat. , Sun.Poor: when you have too much month at the end of your money.贫穷:钱花完了,但日子还长。* at the ends of... :在……的最后Birthday: you only have one. The rest are just anniversaries.生日:你只有一个,后面的只是纪念日* anniversary /ˌænɪˈvɜ:rsəri/:纪念日 I haven’t started it either: the most encouraging words you’ll hear as a student.我也还没开始呢:学生时代听到的最有安慰的话。尤其是the day before school starts(开学前一天),听到同学这么说,真是莫大的安慰。Adulthood: wanting to sleep all day and then delaying going to sleep all night.成人期:一整天想睡觉,但晚上却又迟迟不入睡。You are what you eat: bullshit. I don’t remember eating anxiety and back pain.你就是你吃的东西:胡说。我不记得吃过焦虑和背痛啊。In a minute: I’m going to take another 15 minutes.马上:再等15分钟。 These are so funny, hilarious, entertaining, relatable.这些单词那么有趣,我们怎么样才能使用这个词典呢?它是Instagram上的一个page,你输入HipDict,就能找到了。(但首先你得先翻个墙)请留言告诉我们:你喜欢这个HipDict吗?
4/22/2021 • 16 minutes, 20 seconds
主播:Selah | 翩翩音乐:Feel the Need之前节目,给大家推荐过非常好用的词典,比如Merriam-Webster(韦氏词典)。但这些词典的专业性很强,用起来难免会觉得boring。今天,给大家推荐一个有趣又轻松的词典——HipDict。1.What is HipDict? HipDict 嬉皮词典,了解一下HipDict:Hip: hip指时尚的Dict: short for dictionary 是dictionary的缩写 1.HipDict这部“词典”特别在哪?What is special about it?It has pictures.It puts words in a very readable(可读的) way.The definitions are easy to understand and very relatable(能引起人的共鸣).It takes normal words and writes other definitions for them.用普通单词来解释,并且给出的定义与常规不同。这些定义很funny,有的甚至很sarcastic,非常relatable。人们甚至觉得,该词典给出的解释,比词本身的含义更好,true to real life(更贴切)。*sarcastic /sɑ:rˈkæstɪk/ adj.挖苦的,讽刺的*relatable adj.有共鸣的 2.HipDict有多受欢迎?It has 2.7 million followers.有270万的粉丝。3)这部“词典”编辑是谁?The account is a “crowdsourced” dictionary.*crowdsourced:群策群力的Crowd is the source for the dictionary. 诸多网友是这个词典的编辑,是词义贡献者。Baidu baike is a crowdsourced website. 百度百科是一个群策群力的网站。4)为什么人们喜欢它?It is sarcastic and relatable.(解释有讽刺性,能让人产生共鸣。)You feel like there is a shared feeling, or way to understand the world.你会找到情感互通的感觉。接下来,就给大家选HipDict里12个词来解释一下。开始之前,这些表示“好笑”的词,请先收下,以免一会儿词穷。funny 搞笑的hilarious /hɪˈleriəs/ 滑稽的entertaining有趣的relatable有共鸣的2.Some words from HipDict 搞笑HipDict词汇分享Zodiac sign: an excuse for people to justify their shitty behavior.星座:人们为他们的糟糕行为辩护的借口。*justify /ˈdʒʌstɪfaɪ/ v. 证明……有理*shitty/ˈʃɪti/ adj.较差的;糟糕的Starbucks: a place where people show off their laptops.星巴克:一个人们炫耀笔记本电脑的地方。*show off 炫耀2020: a kinda bad year for me but a really good year for my dog who did not have to be alone for a single second.2020:对我来说,是有点糟糕的一年,但对我的狗来说,却是非常好的一年,因为它不需要独自待着。因为新冠疫情,有隔离(quarantine),所以家里的狗狗就有人陪了。2021: Season 2 of 2020.2021:疫情还在持续,所以,2021是2020的第二季。English teachers: people who put more thoughts into a novel than the original author ever did.语文老师:过度解读小说的人,可能会让original author(原著作者)学到新的东西。*original author:原著作者Weekend: time goes by so quickly even though I’m doing nothing all day.周末:什么都没做,时间就那么过去了。那什么是week呢?Selah机智地给出了“week”的定义:Week:time goes by so slowly even though I’m doing everything翩翩老师通过声音给“week”下了定义:Mon...day... , Tues...day... , Wednes...day.... , ..., Friday, Sat. , Sun.Poor: when you have too much month at the end of your money.贫穷:钱花完了,但日子还长。* at the ends of... :在……的最后Birthday: you only have one. The rest are just anniversaries.生日:你只有一个,后面的只是纪念日* anniversary /ˌænɪˈvɜ:rsəri/:纪念日 I haven’t started it either: the most encouraging words you’ll hear as a student.我也还没开始呢:学生时代听到的最有安慰的话。尤其是the day before school starts(开学前一天),听到同学这么说,真是莫大的安慰。Adulthood: wanting to sleep all day and then delaying going to sleep all night.成人期:一整天想睡觉,但晚上却又迟迟不入睡。You are what you eat: bullshit. I don’t remember eating anxiety and back pain.你就是你吃的东西:胡说。我不记得吃过焦虑和背痛啊。In a minute: I’m going to take another 15 minutes.马上:再等15分钟。 These are so funny, hilarious, entertaining, relatable.这些单词那么有趣,我们怎么样才能使用这个词典呢?它是Instagram上的一个page,你输入HipDict,就能找到了。(但首先你得先翻个墙)请留言告诉我们:你喜欢这个HipDict吗?
4/22/2021 • 16 minutes, 20 seconds
主播:David | 翩翩音乐:Modern Loneliness今天,翩翩和David跟大家聊聊,英美国家特别重要的一个现代生活文化:streaming service(流媒体服务)。1.What are streaming services? “流媒体”?streaming service: an online provider that loads movies through an internet connection联网就可以下载并且观看影视节目的平台比如美国的Netflix(网飞),中国的Youku, iQIYI, Tencent(腾讯视频)等都是streaming services。这些平台会买下某些爆款剧的版权,我们充会员,就可以观看。*充会员:pay subscription fee*爆款剧:hit*买下版权:buy the copyright/ own the copyright2.The movement of media consumption 媒体消费的发展movie theaters 电影院(最早的观影方式)露天电影:movie/ theater in the public美国的露天电影:在一个大的停车场(parking lot),放一个大的屏幕(screen),大家可以坐在车里看电影。电影《卡萨布兰卡》电影讲的就是:男主和爱人在一个炎热的夏天,在汽车里看露天电影发生的爱情故事。movie theaters也会放映一些old films,比如最近重映的《阿凡达》(Avatar)。这些old movies虽然old,但却是classic,timeless。*classic:adj. 经典的*timeless:adj. 永恒的你可以pay to borrow a movie theater或者rent a movie theater,来播放your own movie(自己的电影)或者pick the movie you want to watch(选自己喜欢看的)。*pay to borrow/ rent a movie theater:包场当一部电影comes out后,人们会去movie theater观看的一个重要的原因是:They don’t want to get spoilers. 不想被剧透。People hate spoilers. 人们讨厌剧透。*come out:上映;发布*spoiler:剧透DVDs and CDs 碟片租赁在美国,可以出租DVD和CD的是:Redbox。Redbox:It’s on the street.就在美国街头,比如,Seven-Eleven或其他小商店的外面。里面没有服务员,提供自助服务(help yourself)。付上钱之后,就可以rent DVDs和CDs。*rent:租Renting services 租赁服务随着时代的发展,Amazon, Youtube, iTunes等平台相继出现,租赁由stores转到成了online。人们足不出户,上网就可以rent a movie。Streaming services “流媒体”西方国家的影视播放平台:Netflix, Disney plus, Hulu, HBO在这些平台,大家pay subscription fee(充会员),然后就可以看anything in that streaming service。3.Competition among streaming services 影视平台间的竞争Streaming became very popular recently, so the competition(竞争) is getting stronger.影视平台间的竞争越来越激烈。这些平台的subscription fee(会员费),比如Netflix,如果是按年付的话,就会更划算:It’s a better deal.事实上,很多Netflix users没有付费,因为可以“一人付款,多设备账号登录”(1 account can have multiple devices)。这些用户leech off别人的account。*It’s a better deal. 更划算。*account /əˈkaʊnt/ :n. 账户*leech off:using someone else to get something 借助别人获取利益leech /li:tʃ/ :n. 水蛭;吸血鬼 / v. 依附并榨取某人To compete(为了竞争),很多streaming services,比如,Netflix,Hulu, HBO Max,Disney plus都有自己的originals(原创作品)。Netflix:The Queen’s Gambit《女王的棋局》;House of the Cards《纸牌屋》HBO Max:Superman系列Disney plus:Avengers《复仇者联盟》;Star Wars《星球大战》中国的影视播放平台,像芒果TV,优酷、腾讯也都有自创剧,我们可以说:With You(《最好的我们》)is an iQIYI original.4.Other streaming services 其他“流媒体”Streaming services are not only for movies, they are also for music, videos.音乐和短视频也有streaming services。比如,在中国,比较受欢迎的音乐类streaming services有:网易云音乐,QQ音乐。美国两大主流听音乐平台:Spotify & Apple Music无论是影视播放平台还是听音乐平台,无论是美国的还是中国的streaming services,它们get popular的原因都是:They are very affordable and convenient.*affordable /əˈfɔ:rdəbl/ :adj. 能支付得起的*convenient /kənˈvi:niənt/ :adj. 便利的大家都很重视划算便利。Both China and the US value affordability and convenience.*value /ˈvælju:/ :v. 重视请留言告诉我们:你经常用的streaming services有哪些?
4/11/2021 • 17 minutes, 43 seconds
主播:David | 翩翩音乐:Modern Loneliness今天,翩翩和David跟大家聊聊,英美国家特别重要的一个现代生活文化:streaming service(流媒体服务)。1.What are streaming services? “流媒体”?streaming service: an online provider that loads movies through an internet connection联网就可以下载并且观看影视节目的平台比如美国的Netflix(网飞),中国的Youku, iQIYI, Tencent(腾讯视频)等都是streaming services。这些平台会买下某些爆款剧的版权,我们充会员,就可以观看。*充会员:pay subscription fee*爆款剧:hit*买下版权:buy the copyright/ own the copyright2.The movement of media consumption 媒体消费的发展movie theaters 电影院(最早的观影方式)露天电影:movie/ theater in the public美国的露天电影:在一个大的停车场(parking lot),放一个大的屏幕(screen),大家可以坐在车里看电影。电影《卡萨布兰卡》电影讲的就是:男主和爱人在一个炎热的夏天,在汽车里看露天电影发生的爱情故事。movie theaters也会放映一些old films,比如最近重映的《阿凡达》(Avatar)。这些old movies虽然old,但却是classic,timeless。*classic:adj. 经典的*timeless:adj. 永恒的你可以pay to borrow a movie theater或者rent a movie theater,来播放your own movie(自己的电影)或者pick the movie you want to watch(选自己喜欢看的)。*pay to borrow/ rent a movie theater:包场当一部电影comes out后,人们会去movie theater观看的一个重要的原因是:They don’t want to get spoilers. 不想被剧透。People hate spoilers. 人们讨厌剧透。*come out:上映;发布*spoiler:剧透DVDs and CDs 碟片租赁在美国,可以出租DVD和CD的是:Redbox。Redbox:It’s on the street.就在美国街头,比如,Seven-Eleven或其他小商店的外面。里面没有服务员,提供自助服务(help yourself)。付上钱之后,就可以rent DVDs和CDs。*rent:租Renting services 租赁服务随着时代的发展,Amazon, Youtube, iTunes等平台相继出现,租赁由stores转到成了online。人们足不出户,上网就可以rent a movie。Streaming services “流媒体”西方国家的影视播放平台:Netflix, Disney plus, Hulu, HBO在这些平台,大家pay subscription fee(充会员),然后就可以看anything in that streaming service。3.Competition among streaming services 影视平台间的竞争Streaming became very popular recently, so the competition(竞争) is getting stronger.影视平台间的竞争越来越激烈。这些平台的subscription fee(会员费),比如Netflix,如果是按年付的话,就会更划算:It’s a better deal.事实上,很多Netflix users没有付费,因为可以“一人付款,多设备账号登录”(1 account can have multiple devices)。这些用户leech off别人的account。*It’s a better deal. 更划算。*account /əˈkaʊnt/ :n. 账户*leech off:using someone else to get something 借助别人获取利益leech /li:tʃ/ :n. 水蛭;吸血鬼 / v. 依附并榨取某人To compete(为了竞争),很多streaming services,比如,Netflix,Hulu, HBO Max,Disney plus都有自己的originals(原创作品)。Netflix:The Queen’s Gambit《女王的棋局》;House of the Cards《纸牌屋》HBO Max:Superman系列Disney plus:Avengers《复仇者联盟》;Star Wars《星球大战》中国的影视播放平台,像芒果TV,优酷、腾讯也都有自创剧,我们可以说:With You(《最好的我们》)is an iQIYI original.4.Other streaming services 其他“流媒体”Streaming services are not only for movies, they are also for music, videos.音乐和短视频也有streaming services。比如,在中国,比较受欢迎的音乐类streaming services有:网易云音乐,QQ音乐。美国两大主流听音乐平台:Spotify & Apple Music无论是影视播放平台还是听音乐平台,无论是美国的还是中国的streaming services,它们get popular的原因都是:They are very affordable and convenient.*affordable /əˈfɔ:rdəbl/ :adj. 能支付得起的*convenient /kənˈvi:niənt/ :adj. 便利的大家都很重视划算便利。Both China and the US value affordability and convenience.*value /ˈvælju:/ :v. 重视请留言告诉我们:你经常用的streaming services有哪些?
4/11/2021 • 17 minutes, 43 seconds
主播:梅莉 | 翩翩音乐:Slow Grenade今天,要聊一个英美国家的“大瓜”——奥普拉3月7日专访梅根与哈里。 1.什么“瓜”?Meghan和Harry是英国女王的孙子跟孙媳妇,他们自动退出皇室(gave up their duties as members of Britain’s royal family),去美国放飞自我。*give up: 放弃,退出*duty: /ˈdu:ti/ 责任,职责*royal: /ˈrɔɪəl/ 王室的,皇家的;王室成员奥普拉3月7日专访梅根与哈里。奥普拉是美国著名的脱口秀主持人,美国很多名人都选择在她的节目上爆猛料。猛料:bombshell /ˈbɑ:mʃel/ (bomb炸弹)英国的《每日镜报》(Daily Mirror)称这次事件为英国王室在过往85年间最严重的危机!Harry&Maghan bombshell: the worst royal crisis in 85 years*crisis: /ˈkraɪsɪs/ 危机这个瓜在美国的震撼程度有多大?The interview attracted 17.1 million viewers on CBS(哥伦比亚广播公司). 节目一经播出,点击量就突破了1700万(不包括重播的点击量)!*重播:v. rewatch 2.专访上都爆出啥?梅根在专访上did not hold back。她直言,当她living as a royal时,她contemplated suicide。*hold back:隐瞒*contemplate:v. /ˈkɑːntəmpleɪt/ 深思熟虑*suicide:n. /ˈsu:ɪsaɪd/ 自杀她wasn’t allowed离开皇宫,大多数时候,一个人很alone,所以,这让她depressed。当她要求to see a professional,但王室refused。因为,it would not be good for the institution(王室)。*allow:v. /əˈlaʊ/ 允许(allow to do sth.)*alone:adj. /əˈloʊn/ 孤单的*depressed:adj. /dɪˈprest/ 沮丧的*see a professional:求助专业人士(这里指心理医生)*refuse:v. /rɪˈfju:z/ 拒绝*be good for:有利于……梅根还说,皇室没有protect her from the press,而且还说出了王室存在的racism。Meghan和Harry相信,梅根的种族是皇室不想grant their son Archie a royal title以及provide security protection for him的原因。*press:n. 新闻媒体*racism:n. /ˈreɪsɪzəm/ 种族主义*grant:v. /ɡrænt/ 授予*provide v. /prəˈvaɪd/ 提供 *security protection:安全保护《纽约时报》更是把梅根的这次爆料跟25年前的戴妃事件挂上钩,旧事重提,直接打脸英国王室:25年前,戴妃broke her silence,自曝英国王室丑事,现在轮到梅根了。她俩的故事remarkably similar。*break one’s silence:打破沉默*remarkably:惊人地 3.英国王室的公开信对此,英国王室回应了,发了公开信。The whole family is saddened to learn the full extent of how challenging the last few years have been for Harry and Meghan.听到过去几年哈里和梅根的遭遇,王室全体成员表示难过。* challenging:adj. /ˈtʃælɪndʒɪŋ/ 艰难的The issue raised, particularly that of race, are concerning. While some recollections may vary, they are taken very seriously and will be addressed by the family privately. 他们提到的问题,其关于种族问题,令人担忧。虽然有些回忆可能不尽相同,但我们会非常认真地对待这些问题,王室将私下解决。* recollection:n. /ˌrekəˈlekʃn/ 回忆*vary:v. /ˈveri/ 变化*address:v. /əˈdres/ 处理* privately:adv. /ˈpraɪvətli/ 私下地Harry, Meghan and Archie will always be much loved family members. 哈里、梅根和阿奇永远是深受爱戴的家庭成员。 4.梅根想2024年竞选美国总统一波未平,一波又起。另一条关于梅根的传言又引起了大量关注——梅根貌似想在2024年竞选美国总统(run for America’s president)。对此,美国网民作何反应?网友留言一:Learning that Meghan is considering running for present actually made me laugh.梅根想要竞选美国总统,我真的觉得很好笑。*run for president:竞选总统网友留言二:Her issue with being a royal is that she wanted the prestige but not the structure and the obligations that came with it. ...作为皇室成员,她的问题在于,她想要的是威望,而不是随之而来的体制和义务。*prestige:n. /preˈstiːʒ/声望*obligation:n. /ˌa:blɪˈɡeɪʃn/ 职责;义务关于梅根和哈里退出英国王室的事件,网友们也是看法不一。有人觉得这个事件比较dramatic,也有人认为是英国王室太过分了。There are always two sides of the story. 事情总有两面性。但这事儿,在国外的确是很火,很多人talk about it, watch and follow the drama。*吃瓜:watch one’s drama请留言告诉我们,这瓜你是怎么吃的?
3/29/2021 • 11 minutes, 14 seconds
主播:梅莉 | 翩翩音乐:Slow Grenade今天,要聊一个英美国家的“大瓜”——奥普拉3月7日专访梅根与哈里。 1.什么“瓜”?Meghan和Harry是英国女王的孙子跟孙媳妇,他们自动退出皇室(gave up their duties as members of Britain’s royal family),去美国放飞自我。*give up: 放弃,退出*duty: /ˈdu:ti/ 责任,职责*royal: /ˈrɔɪəl/ 王室的,皇家的;王室成员奥普拉3月7日专访梅根与哈里。奥普拉是美国著名的脱口秀主持人,美国很多名人都选择在她的节目上爆猛料。猛料:bombshell /ˈbɑ:mʃel/ (bomb炸弹)英国的《每日镜报》(Daily Mirror)称这次事件为英国王室在过往85年间最严重的危机!Harry&Maghan bombshell: the worst royal crisis in 85 years*crisis: /ˈkraɪsɪs/ 危机这个瓜在美国的震撼程度有多大?The interview attracted 17.1 million viewers on CBS(哥伦比亚广播公司). 节目一经播出,点击量就突破了1700万(不包括重播的点击量)!*重播:v. rewatch 2.专访上都爆出啥?梅根在专访上did not hold back。她直言,当她living as a royal时,她contemplated suicide。*hold back:隐瞒*contemplate:v. /ˈkɑːntəmpleɪt/ 深思熟虑*suicide:n. /ˈsu:ɪsaɪd/ 自杀她wasn’t allowed离开皇宫,大多数时候,一个人很alone,所以,这让她depressed。当她要求to see a professional,但王室refused。因为,it would not be good for the institution(王室)。*allow:v. /əˈlaʊ/ 允许(allow to do sth.)*alone:adj. /əˈloʊn/ 孤单的*depressed:adj. /dɪˈprest/ 沮丧的*see a professional:求助专业人士(这里指心理医生)*refuse:v. /rɪˈfju:z/ 拒绝*be good for:有利于……梅根还说,皇室没有protect her from the press,而且还说出了王室存在的racism。Meghan和Harry相信,梅根的种族是皇室不想grant their son Archie a royal title以及provide security protection for him的原因。*press:n. 新闻媒体*racism:n. /ˈreɪsɪzəm/ 种族主义*grant:v. /ɡrænt/ 授予*provide v. /prəˈvaɪd/ 提供 *security protection:安全保护《纽约时报》更是把梅根的这次爆料跟25年前的戴妃事件挂上钩,旧事重提,直接打脸英国王室:25年前,戴妃broke her silence,自曝英国王室丑事,现在轮到梅根了。她俩的故事remarkably similar。*break one’s silence:打破沉默*remarkably:惊人地 3.英国王室的公开信对此,英国王室回应了,发了公开信。The whole family is saddened to learn the full extent of how challenging the last few years have been for Harry and Meghan.听到过去几年哈里和梅根的遭遇,王室全体成员表示难过。* challenging:adj. /ˈtʃælɪndʒɪŋ/ 艰难的The issue raised, particularly that of race, are concerning. While some recollections may vary, they are taken very seriously and will be addressed by the family privately. 他们提到的问题,其关于种族问题,令人担忧。虽然有些回忆可能不尽相同,但我们会非常认真地对待这些问题,王室将私下解决。* recollection:n. /ˌrekəˈlekʃn/ 回忆*vary:v. /ˈveri/ 变化*address:v. /əˈdres/ 处理* privately:adv. /ˈpraɪvətli/ 私下地Harry, Meghan and Archie will always be much loved family members. 哈里、梅根和阿奇永远是深受爱戴的家庭成员。 4.梅根想2024年竞选美国总统一波未平,一波又起。另一条关于梅根的传言又引起了大量关注——梅根貌似想在2024年竞选美国总统(run for America’s president)。对此,美国网民作何反应?网友留言一:Learning that Meghan is considering running for present actually made me laugh.梅根想要竞选美国总统,我真的觉得很好笑。*run for president:竞选总统网友留言二:Her issue with being a royal is that she wanted the prestige but not the structure and the obligations that came with it. ...作为皇室成员,她的问题在于,她想要的是威望,而不是随之而来的体制和义务。*prestige:n. /preˈstiːʒ/声望*obligation:n. /ˌa:blɪˈɡeɪʃn/ 职责;义务关于梅根和哈里退出英国王室的事件,网友们也是看法不一。有人觉得这个事件比较dramatic,也有人认为是英国王室太过分了。There are always two sides of the story. 事情总有两面性。但这事儿,在国外的确是很火,很多人talk about it, watch and follow the drama。*吃瓜:watch one’s drama请留言告诉我们,这瓜你是怎么吃的?
3/29/2021 • 11 minutes, 14 seconds
老外来了:嘴瓢,说错话,高情商,谐音梗 原来用英语这么说
主播:梅莉 | 翩翩 音乐:Feel The Need2021年春晚(Spring Festival Gala)上,喜剧演员(comedian)岳云鹏表演小品(comedy show)时,犯了一个错误(made a mistake),说错了一个词(mispronounced a word)。春晚:Spring Festival Gala喜剧演员:comedian /kəˈmi:diən/ 热搜:trending topic犯错误:make a mistake说错词:mispronounce a word但是,岳云鹏kept his calm,展示出极高的专业素养(stayed professional)。岳云鹏“嘴瓢”,虽然不是很明显(not very obvious),但还是被很多人发现了。很快,这一事件became a trending topic on social media。keep calm:保持淡定stay professional:保证专业性obvious:/ˈa:bviəs/ adj.明显的trending topic:热搜话题 1.夸夸岳云鹏!He is a quick thinker. 反应特别快。He is witty. 他很机智。*witty:/ˈwɪti/ adj. 机智幽默的【Example】I’ve missed your witty banter(无恶意的玩笑). 我想念你耍的嘴皮子。He has a high EQ. 他情商很高。*EQ = emotional quotient 情商He was able to stay calm and professional. 他保持淡定,展现出了专业素养。 2.岳云鹏嘴瓢救场1)救场:save the situation / dayHe saved the situation.他扭转/拯救了局面。He saved the day. 反败为胜。(用于关乎生死的大场面,比较有戏剧性more dramatic)2)嘴瓢:a slip of the tongue.【Example】I had no intentions of saying that. It was a slip of the tongue.我无意这么说,只是嘴瓢了。A slip of the tongue at the conference resulted in a big loss. 会议上的口误造成了很大的损失。It was a slip of the tongue.我只是不小心说错了。3)说错话:put one’s foot in one’s mouth当你说了something embarrassing or stupid(令人尴尬的话),事后,和比较亲近的人提及时,你可以用这个说法自嘲。【Example】I really put my foot in my mouth when I asked if her sister was her mother. 我问她姐姐是不是她妈妈时,我真是太蠢了。4)笔误:typo / misprinttypo:typographical error的缩写misprint:用于正式的场合(formal occasion),比如newspaper misprint5)口误: misspeak【Example】I either misheard you or you misspoke. 不是我听错了,就是你说错了。 6)任何错:faux pas (来自法语)【Example】He made a faux pas when he said all women should stay home and take care of the kids. 他说所有的女人都应该呆在家里照顾孩子,这就失礼了。fashion faux pas – fashion crimes时尚上的错误,比如“红配蓝”,sock with slippers(穿着袜子穿拖鞋)。7)话就在嘴边:It’s on the tip of my tongue. 3.谐音梗——pun(双关)脱口秀演员王建国就比较擅长用谐音梗。英语也有谐音梗。护士与病人:Nurse:Sorry about leaving you waiting. 抱歉,让您久等了。Patient:No problem, I’m patient. 没事儿,我很有耐心。(我是一个病人。)*patient: /ˈpeɪʃnt/ adj. 有耐心的/ n. 病人The conversation between two people:Boy: Oh, no! Our neighbour died! 哦不!我们的邻居去世了。Girl: Who, Ray? ( Hooray)谁?是Ray吗?Boy: I don’t think cheering is appropriate. 我觉得这时候欢呼好像不太合适。*hooray: /huˈreɪ/ (表喜悦、赞同等)好极了,万岁请留言告诉我们:你犯过的比较好玩的口误是什么?你想给梅莉推荐哪些好玩的中文谐音梗?
3/23/2021 • 15 minutes, 43 seconds
老外来了:嘴瓢,说错话,高情商,谐音梗 原来用英语这么说
主播:梅莉 | 翩翩 音乐:Feel The Need2021年春晚(Spring Festival Gala)上,喜剧演员(comedian)岳云鹏表演小品(comedy show)时,犯了一个错误(made a mistake),说错了一个词(mispronounced a word)。春晚:Spring Festival Gala喜剧演员:comedian /kəˈmi:diən/ 热搜:trending topic犯错误:make a mistake说错词:mispronounce a word但是,岳云鹏kept his calm,展示出极高的专业素养(stayed professional)。岳云鹏“嘴瓢”,虽然不是很明显(not very obvious),但还是被很多人发现了。很快,这一事件became a trending topic on social media。keep calm:保持淡定stay professional:保证专业性obvious:/ˈa:bviəs/ adj.明显的trending topic:热搜话题 1.夸夸岳云鹏!He is a quick thinker. 反应特别快。He is witty. 他很机智。*witty:/ˈwɪti/ adj. 机智幽默的【Example】I’ve missed your witty banter(无恶意的玩笑). 我想念你耍的嘴皮子。He has a high EQ. 他情商很高。*EQ = emotional quotient 情商He was able to stay calm and professional. 他保持淡定,展现出了专业素养。 2.岳云鹏嘴瓢救场1)救场:save the situation / dayHe saved the situation.他扭转/拯救了局面。He saved the day. 反败为胜。(用于关乎生死的大场面,比较有戏剧性more dramatic)2)嘴瓢:a slip of the tongue.【Example】I had no intentions of saying that. It was a slip of the tongue.我无意这么说,只是嘴瓢了。A slip of the tongue at the conference resulted in a big loss. 会议上的口误造成了很大的损失。It was a slip of the tongue.我只是不小心说错了。3)说错话:put one’s foot in one’s mouth当你说了something embarrassing or stupid(令人尴尬的话),事后,和比较亲近的人提及时,你可以用这个说法自嘲。【Example】I really put my foot in my mouth when I asked if her sister was her mother. 我问她姐姐是不是她妈妈时,我真是太蠢了。4)笔误:typo / misprinttypo:typographical error的缩写misprint:用于正式的场合(formal occasion),比如newspaper misprint5)口误: misspeak【Example】I either misheard you or you misspoke. 不是我听错了,就是你说错了。 6)任何错:faux pas (来自法语)【Example】He made a faux pas when he said all women should stay home and take care of the kids. 他说所有的女人都应该呆在家里照顾孩子,这就失礼了。fashion faux pas – fashion crimes时尚上的错误,比如“红配蓝”,sock with slippers(穿着袜子穿拖鞋)。7)话就在嘴边:It’s on the tip of my tongue. 3.谐音梗——pun(双关)脱口秀演员王建国就比较擅长用谐音梗。英语也有谐音梗。护士与病人:Nurse:Sorry about leaving you waiting. 抱歉,让您久等了。Patient:No problem, I’m patient. 没事儿,我很有耐心。(我是一个病人。)*patient: /ˈpeɪʃnt/ adj. 有耐心的/ n. 病人The conversation between two people:Boy: Oh, no! Our neighbour died! 哦不!我们的邻居去世了。Girl: Who, Ray? ( Hooray)谁?是Ray吗?Boy: I don’t think cheering is appropriate. 我觉得这时候欢呼好像不太合适。*hooray: /huˈreɪ/ (表喜悦、赞同等)好极了,万岁请留言告诉我们:你犯过的比较好玩的口误是什么?你想给梅莉推荐哪些好玩的中文谐音梗?
主播:Selah | 翩翩 美国人也喜欢用Tik Tok来作为他们的消遣,最近呢,就出了一个比较热门的一个视频——万能胶女孩。*热门的:使用trending/ viral来表达:【Example】*trending: This is a trending topic / issue .这是一个热点话题/热门事件。*viral : go viral 更具体,更形象,viral和virus(病毒)词源相同。This video/song has gone viral. 这个视频火了。/这首歌火了。 1.Tik Tok上走红的视频——Gorilla Glue Girl 万能胶女孩一个女孩,在自己的头发上使用了gorilla glue(大猩猩万能胶)。什么是Gorilla Glue?gorilla glue是一种强力胶水(superglue),就像502一样,能把东西粘起来(stick things together),可以用来修复(fix)椅子,玻璃制品,开胶的鞋子等。通常都是防水的,粘力很强(strong)。gorilla glue号称全宇宙最强的胶水!*防水的:waterproof(proof是一个后缀,表示“防……”的)事件始末:Tic Tok上,一个视频迅速蹿红(went viral)。一个叫Tessica Brown的女孩用完了自己的头发定型剂,竟然决定用大猩猩万能胶来代替。*go viral on Tic Tok:在抖音上蹿红*run out of:用完*hairspray:头发定型剂但很快,她就意识到这是一个错误。头发和头皮都粘在一起了,变成了“头盔”。*mistake:错误*stick to:粘*helmet:头盔 她去了医院,医院也是无计可施(they couldn’t do anything about it)。最后,一个叫Brown的外科医生帮助了她。他剪掉了她的长马尾,然后免费为她做了长达4个小时的手术。女孩从手术中醒来后,感觉到自己的头发free了,因宽慰和幸福哭了起来(crying with relief and happiness)。*surgeon:外科医生*cut off:剪掉*ponytail:马尾辫*for free:免费*relief:宽慰这只是一个短视频,不是直播。*短视频:short video*直播:live streaming一开始,女孩可能是为了求助,将视频发到了网上。然后人们持续关注这件事,女孩也持续更新。就这样,这个事火了近一个周的时间(keep trending for maybe a week)。*post:发布*ask for help:求助 2.美国网民的评论——Stupid but funny, relaxing一开始,的确有人认为女孩是想博人眼球,有人取笑她。但是,后来人们发现,她的确是处于痛苦之中。所以,人们对她的遭遇表示同情,并有人为她捐款。*get attention:得到人们的关注*make fun of sb.:取笑某人*be in pain:处于痛苦之中*feel sympathy for sb.:对某人表示同情*donate money:捐款 网友是怎么评论的呢?一开始觉得:funny and entertaining。搞笑,有趣。后来人们对她纷纷表示关心,想知道how she is doing(她怎么样了)。3.Tik Tok——抖音美国版Tik Tok是一种entertaining platform(娱乐平台),the US version of 抖音,现在Tik Tok已经有达到10亿的用户了(there were 1 billion users on Tik Tok)。Tik Tok在美国是怎么火起来的?疫情爆发的时候,大家都有很多的时间(people had a lot of time on their hands),又无事可做,很容易就会变得无聊(were easily bored),所以就会刷刷抖音。*刷:scroll through scroll /skroʊl/:v. (显示的文章、图形)上下、横向移动【Examples】I’m scrolling through Tik Tok.我在刷抖音。I’m scrolling through Facebook.我在刷脸书。I’m scrolling through WeChat.我在刷微信。 4.TikTok上美国年轻人关注的热门视频Some of the most popular but stupidest trends were: Boyfriends dressing up as their girlfriends and copying them男朋友打扮成女朋友的样子。而且,越来越多的名人(celebrities)也加入其中。People that lost their taste from COVID tasting gross things(难以下咽的东西) like soy sauce(酱油), onions(洋葱), vinegar(醋)etc. 因为新冠病毒,有些人失去了味觉,有的人会尝酱油,洋葱,醋等这些重口味的东西。(此处,音频里,翩翩老师插播了特朗普小时候吃洋葱的梗儿。)Pouring milk and cereal into someone’s mouth like a bowl把嘴当成碗,往里面倒牛奶和麦片。Filing down their teeth拿指甲刀的锉来磨牙。 *file /faɪl/ v. :锉,磨
主播:Selah | 翩翩 美国人也喜欢用Tik Tok来作为他们的消遣,最近呢,就出了一个比较热门的一个视频——万能胶女孩。*热门的:使用trending/ viral来表达:【Example】*trending: This is a trending topic / issue .这是一个热点话题/热门事件。*viral : go viral 更具体,更形象,viral和virus(病毒)词源相同。This video/song has gone viral. 这个视频火了。/这首歌火了。 1.Tik Tok上走红的视频——Gorilla Glue Girl 万能胶女孩一个女孩,在自己的头发上使用了gorilla glue(大猩猩万能胶)。什么是Gorilla Glue?gorilla glue是一种强力胶水(superglue),就像502一样,能把东西粘起来(stick things together),可以用来修复(fix)椅子,玻璃制品,开胶的鞋子等。通常都是防水的,粘力很强(strong)。gorilla glue号称全宇宙最强的胶水!*防水的:waterproof(proof是一个后缀,表示“防……”的)事件始末:Tic Tok上,一个视频迅速蹿红(went viral)。一个叫Tessica Brown的女孩用完了自己的头发定型剂,竟然决定用大猩猩万能胶来代替。*go viral on Tic Tok:在抖音上蹿红*run out of:用完*hairspray:头发定型剂但很快,她就意识到这是一个错误。头发和头皮都粘在一起了,变成了“头盔”。*mistake:错误*stick to:粘*helmet:头盔 她去了医院,医院也是无计可施(they couldn’t do anything about it)。最后,一个叫Brown的外科医生帮助了她。他剪掉了她的长马尾,然后免费为她做了长达4个小时的手术。女孩从手术中醒来后,感觉到自己的头发free了,因宽慰和幸福哭了起来(crying with relief and happiness)。*surgeon:外科医生*cut off:剪掉*ponytail:马尾辫*for free:免费*relief:宽慰这只是一个短视频,不是直播。*短视频:short video*直播:live streaming一开始,女孩可能是为了求助,将视频发到了网上。然后人们持续关注这件事,女孩也持续更新。就这样,这个事火了近一个周的时间(keep trending for maybe a week)。*post:发布*ask for help:求助 2.美国网民的评论——Stupid but funny, relaxing一开始,的确有人认为女孩是想博人眼球,有人取笑她。但是,后来人们发现,她的确是处于痛苦之中。所以,人们对她的遭遇表示同情,并有人为她捐款。*get attention:得到人们的关注*make fun of sb.:取笑某人*be in pain:处于痛苦之中*feel sympathy for sb.:对某人表示同情*donate money:捐款 网友是怎么评论的呢?一开始觉得:funny and entertaining。搞笑,有趣。后来人们对她纷纷表示关心,想知道how she is doing(她怎么样了)。3.Tik Tok——抖音美国版Tik Tok是一种entertaining platform(娱乐平台),the US version of 抖音,现在Tik Tok已经有达到10亿的用户了(there were 1 billion users on Tik Tok)。Tik Tok在美国是怎么火起来的?疫情爆发的时候,大家都有很多的时间(people had a lot of time on their hands),又无事可做,很容易就会变得无聊(were easily bored),所以就会刷刷抖音。*刷:scroll through scroll /skroʊl/:v. (显示的文章、图形)上下、横向移动【Examples】I’m scrolling through Tik Tok.我在刷抖音。I’m scrolling through Facebook.我在刷脸书。I’m scrolling through WeChat.我在刷微信。 4.TikTok上美国年轻人关注的热门视频Some of the most popular but stupidest trends were: Boyfriends dressing up as their girlfriends and copying them男朋友打扮成女朋友的样子。而且,越来越多的名人(celebrities)也加入其中。People that lost their taste from COVID tasting gross things(难以下咽的东西) like soy sauce(酱油), onions(洋葱), vinegar(醋)etc. 因为新冠病毒,有些人失去了味觉,有的人会尝酱油,洋葱,醋等这些重口味的东西。(此处,音频里,翩翩老师插播了特朗普小时候吃洋葱的梗儿。)Pouring milk and cereal into someone’s mouth like a bowl把嘴当成碗,往里面倒牛奶和麦片。Filing down their teeth拿指甲刀的锉来磨牙。 *file /faɪl/ v. :锉,磨
3/3/2021 • 14 minutes, 31 seconds
2/28/2021 • 15 minutes, 58 seconds
2/28/2021 • 15 minutes, 58 seconds
主播:David | 翩翩今天,我们聊的是,票房大卖的《你好,李焕英》。《你好,李焕英》,一鸣惊人*blockbuster:轰动一时的,一鸣惊人的【Example】Avengerswas a blockbuster movie of 2019, andHi, Momis a blockbuster movie of 2021.2019年,《复仇者联盟》风靡一时,《你好,李焕英》是2021年一鸣惊人的电影。上映十天,票房破40亿。It was a box-office success.*票房: box officeBox office is the place outside the movie theater where you buy tickets – now it refers to the profit of a movie.“box office”原本是指电影院外面可以购票的地方,现在它指是电影的利润。【Example】Hi, Momis a huge box-office success. 《你好,李焕英》票房大卖。*票房黑马:dark horse“dark horse”指某人或某事取得了意外的(unexpected)成功,源于(originated from)赛马运动。【Example】Hi, Momis the dark horse of 2021’s film industry.《你好,李焕英》是国内2021年电影业的黑马。*a big hit: very popular and successful 大受欢迎,非常成功 1.Actress & Director 演员&导演The movie was written, directed and produced by China’s leading female comedian Jia Ling.这部电影是由中国著名女喜剧演员贾玲创作、导演和制作的。贾玲创作了很多comedy sketches。*comedians: an entertainer that makes people laugh 喜剧演员【Example】如果你觉得谁很搞笑的话,你可以说:I think you can be a comedian.我觉得你可以成为一位喜剧人。*sketch: short play小品 2.Film introduction 电影介绍因为太催泪了,翩翩没敢看这部电影。*催泪弹 :tear jerkerjerk:猛拉【Example】That movie is a tear jerker.这部电影是一个“催泪弹”。《你好,李焕英》前部分非常funny,后面部分却催人泪下,让人笑中带泪。这部电影是一个emotional roller-coaster。*emotional roller-coaster: experience that makes you have strong, changing emotions (sad at one part, funny at another part)让人的情绪起伏很大的东西This movie is about time travel.*穿越:travel through time*穿越电影:time travel movie*时间旅行:time travel时空穿越体裁的电影,当下很流行。因为它寄托着人们的nice hope:We can’t do anything to the past, we can make up movies to comfort ourselves.对过去,我们无能为力,但我们可以制作电影,寄托慰藉。家庭主题的电影,应该是family movie还是movie about family?*family movie:the movie you can watch together with your family可以和家人一起看的电影*movie about family:movie about the importance of family and the power of maternal love关于家庭的重要性和母爱的力量*maternal: relating to a mother 母亲的【Example】Her maternal instinct (or maternal love) is very strong. 她有强烈的母爱。 比电影台词,更打动人心的(moving)是:导演贾玲说,“我不是为了当导演才去拍电影,是为了拍李焕英才去当的导演。”Jia Ling made this movie in honor of her mother.贾玲为了纪念妈妈拍了这部电影。*纪念: in honor of/in (loving) memory of 3.为什么看了《你好,李焕英》没有共情?很多人都说,自己哭是被贾玲对妈妈的爱而感动(be moved by love),而并不是因为“共情”。*被感动: be moved *共情:empathizerelate to【Example】对它我没有共情。I can’t relate to it.It’s hard for me to empathize with it.4. 你的李焕英?Your mom?David的外婆,早年移居到美国,非常辛苦地工作,来供养(support)家庭,让孩子受教育。David的妈妈也是works extremely hard,让David受到好的教育,并努力实现设定的目标。女子本弱,为母则刚。《你好,李焕英》告诉我们,也许我们无法报答父母(pay them back),但我们要珍惜和父母在一起的美好时光(cherish the memory)。一部好的电影,背后所传达的思想(the message behind it)一定是可以打动人心的。再加上好的时机(timing),所以,《你好,李焕英》是一个blockbuster,huge box-office success,a big hit and a black horse.欢迎大家评论区留言,讲讲你的“李焕英”:你妈妈叫什么?她是什么性格?她喜欢什么?
2/27/2021 • 14 minutes, 51 seconds
主播:David | 翩翩今天,我们聊的是,票房大卖的《你好,李焕英》。《你好,李焕英》,一鸣惊人*blockbuster:轰动一时的,一鸣惊人的【Example】Avengerswas a blockbuster movie of 2019, andHi, Momis a blockbuster movie of 2021.2019年,《复仇者联盟》风靡一时,《你好,李焕英》是2021年一鸣惊人的电影。上映十天,票房破40亿。It was a box-office success.*票房: box officeBox office is the place outside the movie theater where you buy tickets – now it refers to the profit of a movie.“box office”原本是指电影院外面可以购票的地方,现在它指是电影的利润。【Example】Hi, Momis a huge box-office success. 《你好,李焕英》票房大卖。*票房黑马:dark horse“dark horse”指某人或某事取得了意外的(unexpected)成功,源于(originated from)赛马运动。【Example】Hi, Momis the dark horse of 2021’s film industry.《你好,李焕英》是国内2021年电影业的黑马。*a big hit: very popular and successful 大受欢迎,非常成功 1.Actress & Director 演员&导演The movie was written, directed and produced by China’s leading female comedian Jia Ling.这部电影是由中国著名女喜剧演员贾玲创作、导演和制作的。贾玲创作了很多comedy sketches。*comedians: an entertainer that makes people laugh 喜剧演员【Example】如果你觉得谁很搞笑的话,你可以说:I think you can be a comedian.我觉得你可以成为一位喜剧人。*sketch: short play小品 2.Film introduction 电影介绍因为太催泪了,翩翩没敢看这部电影。*催泪弹 :tear jerkerjerk:猛拉【Example】That movie is a tear jerker.这部电影是一个“催泪弹”。《你好,李焕英》前部分非常funny,后面部分却催人泪下,让人笑中带泪。这部电影是一个emotional roller-coaster。*emotional roller-coaster: experience that makes you have strong, changing emotions (sad at one part, funny at another part)让人的情绪起伏很大的东西This movie is about time travel.*穿越:travel through time*穿越电影:time travel movie*时间旅行:time travel时空穿越体裁的电影,当下很流行。因为它寄托着人们的nice hope:We can’t do anything to the past, we can make up movies to comfort ourselves.对过去,我们无能为力,但我们可以制作电影,寄托慰藉。家庭主题的电影,应该是family movie还是movie about family?*family movie:the movie you can watch together with your family可以和家人一起看的电影*movie about family:movie about the importance of family and the power of maternal love关于家庭的重要性和母爱的力量*maternal: relating to a mother 母亲的【Example】Her maternal instinct (or maternal love) is very strong. 她有强烈的母爱。 比电影台词,更打动人心的(moving)是:导演贾玲说,“我不是为了当导演才去拍电影,是为了拍李焕英才去当的导演。”Jia Ling made this movie in honor of her mother.贾玲为了纪念妈妈拍了这部电影。*纪念: in honor of/in (loving) memory of 3.为什么看了《你好,李焕英》没有共情?很多人都说,自己哭是被贾玲对妈妈的爱而感动(be moved by love),而并不是因为“共情”。*被感动: be moved *共情:empathizerelate to【Example】对它我没有共情。I can’t relate to it.It’s hard for me to empathize with it.4. 你的李焕英?Your mom?David的外婆,早年移居到美国,非常辛苦地工作,来供养(support)家庭,让孩子受教育。David的妈妈也是works extremely hard,让David受到好的教育,并努力实现设定的目标。女子本弱,为母则刚。《你好,李焕英》告诉我们,也许我们无法报答父母(pay them back),但我们要珍惜和父母在一起的美好时光(cherish the memory)。一部好的电影,背后所传达的思想(the message behind it)一定是可以打动人心的。再加上好的时机(timing),所以,《你好,李焕英》是一个blockbuster,huge box-office success,a big hit and a black horse.欢迎大家评论区留言,讲讲你的“李焕英”:你妈妈叫什么?她是什么性格?她喜欢什么?
2/27/2021 • 14 minutes, 51 seconds
老外来了:爱看《沉默的真相》?那不要错过Lupin! Netflix原创,2021爆火欧美!
2/24/2021 • 15 minutes, 21 seconds
老外来了:爱看《沉默的真相》?那不要错过Lupin! Netflix原创,2021爆火欧美!
2/24/2021 • 15 minutes, 21 seconds
主播:David | 翩翩音乐:Sucker for You疫情一爆发,教学随之受到很大的影响。今天,翩翩和David跟大家聊一聊:疫情在世界范围内,对大学生活以及留学申请程序变化的影响。1.Changes on college campuses 大学授课方式有变化 COVID-19 爆发后,中国的学校很多都转成线上教学了(have moved to online learning),春运,旅行等也都受到了限制(there are some limits on traveling)。美国也有类似的限制(restriction):The US has very strict travel bans(出行禁令).餐馆酒吧等公共场所都关停了(shut down)。Many people are required to quarantine(被要求居家隔离).“flatten the curve”(让曲线变平)成为了美国人的最新流行语,意思是:降低病例的数量(lowering the number of cases that are reported)。然而,最大的变化之一就是在大学校园里(college campuses):大学基本都不能正常上课了(cannot have normal classes anymore),有的直接完全变成了线上课(have moved completely online),面对面的活动(in-person events) 也没有了。采用a hybrid(/ˈhaɪbrɪd /混合)method of learning:一些小课 in person(面授), 人多的话, happen online(线上上课)。圣母大学(the University of Notre Dame)会有手机APP,每日更新校园病例(updated number of cases ontheir school campus)。帝国理工(the Imperial College London)增设了冠状病毒课程(new course about the coronavirus)。想到我们正经历的一切(the events we are experiencing today),有朝一日会出现在历史课上,真是让人难忘(mind-blowing)。中国在美国读书的学生,take online classes from across the globe:在中国上美国的线上课,过着美国时间。许多出国留学项目(Study Abroad)也被取消了(are canceled)。2.Changes on college applications大学申请有变化申请美国大学的留学生减少(a lot less students are applying to colleges in the US):2020年,申请留学的人数减少了40%。招生政策有变化(colleges admissions have changed ):1)申请截止日期延迟(extended their application deadline)2)对测试成绩不作要求(waived test requirements) , 比如SAT或ACT这样的测试。加州的学校,UCLA(加州大学洛杉矶分校), UCSD(加州大学圣迭戈分校), UC Berkley(加州大学伯克利分校)等名牌大学,就都不看测试成绩了。*SAT或ACT:标准化考试(standardized tests),为了保证申请公平(to compare everyone in a fair way),考试使用全球标准给学生打分(use a global standard to score students)。 对于这样的变化,有人欢喜有人忧。 对于那些取得高分的学生来说,花了大量时间准备考试(they studied so hard),it's a waste (太可惜了)。成绩不太好的就高兴了,更有信心去申请排名靠前的名校(they feel more confident to apply to high-ranked colleges)。 3.The different response towards the pandemic between China and the US中美对待疫情态度大不同China:人们非常愿意遵守卫生规定(People are very willing to follow health regulations),比如,戴口罩(wearing masks),测体温(checking temperature),保持社交距离(social distancing)。中国人很看重国家的幸福(the well-being of the nation),集体观念比较强。US:美国的文化很关注个人利益(is very focused on the individual) : 人们重视(value)每个人自己的信仰和标准(each person’s own beliefs and standards)。有人戴口罩(wear masks),有人不想戴;有人想打疫苗(take vaccines),有人害怕打(are afraid to)。所以,人们对冠状病毒,有不同的态度(have different feelings and ideas)。David的哥哥现在正在美国,有一次,他在图书馆学习的时候,因为季节性过敏(seasonal allergies),打了几个喷嚏(he sneezed a few times)。之后,他周围的人都带着恐慌看向他(worried and afraid),David的哥哥只好离开。David在圣母大学的朋友告诉他,那里的人根本不在乎疫情(don’t really care about the pandemic)。他们近期,甚至还举办了一场盛大的足球比赛,近11000人观赛。许多人都没戴口罩(many people without any masks)。然而,这导致了(led to)短期内(in a short period of time)新冠病例的增加。希望疫情很快结束,这样的话,学生们可以不戴口罩( without wearing a mask),不必再担忧社交距离(social distancing),可以举办大型体育活动,正常上课(attend their classes normally)。疫情是糟糕的,因为,大学在人的一生中,应该是愉快又安全的(enjoyable and safe)。疫情也是一把双刃剑,尽管疫情带来了很多不好的影响(has had many bad effects),但也有好的一面,因为它帮助大学学会适应(adapt to)这些问题。有了应对COVID-19的经验,相信在未来,如果我们再次遇到任何像这样的突发问题(sudden issues),全世界都能够从容不迫(the world will be more prepared to face them)。请留言告诉我们,你们对于留学美国的看法吧!
2/20/2021 • 16 minutes
主播:David | 翩翩音乐:Sucker for You疫情一爆发,教学随之受到很大的影响。今天,翩翩和David跟大家聊一聊:疫情在世界范围内,对大学生活以及留学申请程序变化的影响。1.Changes on college campuses 大学授课方式有变化 COVID-19 爆发后,中国的学校很多都转成线上教学了(have moved to online learning),春运,旅行等也都受到了限制(there are some limits on traveling)。美国也有类似的限制(restriction):The US has very strict travel bans(出行禁令).餐馆酒吧等公共场所都关停了(shut down)。Many people are required to quarantine(被要求居家隔离).“flatten the curve”(让曲线变平)成为了美国人的最新流行语,意思是:降低病例的数量(lowering the number of cases that are reported)。然而,最大的变化之一就是在大学校园里(college campuses):大学基本都不能正常上课了(cannot have normal classes anymore),有的直接完全变成了线上课(have moved completely online),面对面的活动(in-person events) 也没有了。采用a hybrid(/ˈhaɪbrɪd /混合)method of learning:一些小课 in person(面授), 人多的话, happen online(线上上课)。圣母大学(the University of Notre Dame)会有手机APP,每日更新校园病例(updated number of cases ontheir school campus)。帝国理工(the Imperial College London)增设了冠状病毒课程(new course about the coronavirus)。想到我们正经历的一切(the events we are experiencing today),有朝一日会出现在历史课上,真是让人难忘(mind-blowing)。中国在美国读书的学生,take online classes from across the globe:在中国上美国的线上课,过着美国时间。许多出国留学项目(Study Abroad)也被取消了(are canceled)。2.Changes on college applications大学申请有变化申请美国大学的留学生减少(a lot less students are applying to colleges in the US):2020年,申请留学的人数减少了40%。招生政策有变化(colleges admissions have changed ):1)申请截止日期延迟(extended their application deadline)2)对测试成绩不作要求(waived test requirements) , 比如SAT或ACT这样的测试。加州的学校,UCLA(加州大学洛杉矶分校), UCSD(加州大学圣迭戈分校), UC Berkley(加州大学伯克利分校)等名牌大学,就都不看测试成绩了。*SAT或ACT:标准化考试(standardized tests),为了保证申请公平(to compare everyone in a fair way),考试使用全球标准给学生打分(use a global standard to score students)。 对于这样的变化,有人欢喜有人忧。 对于那些取得高分的学生来说,花了大量时间准备考试(they studied so hard),it's a waste (太可惜了)。成绩不太好的就高兴了,更有信心去申请排名靠前的名校(they feel more confident to apply to high-ranked colleges)。 3.The different response towards the pandemic between China and the US中美对待疫情态度大不同China:人们非常愿意遵守卫生规定(People are very willing to follow health regulations),比如,戴口罩(wearing masks),测体温(checking temperature),保持社交距离(social distancing)。中国人很看重国家的幸福(the well-being of the nation),集体观念比较强。US:美国的文化很关注个人利益(is very focused on the individual) : 人们重视(value)每个人自己的信仰和标准(each person’s own beliefs and standards)。有人戴口罩(wear masks),有人不想戴;有人想打疫苗(take vaccines),有人害怕打(are afraid to)。所以,人们对冠状病毒,有不同的态度(have different feelings and ideas)。David的哥哥现在正在美国,有一次,他在图书馆学习的时候,因为季节性过敏(seasonal allergies),打了几个喷嚏(he sneezed a few times)。之后,他周围的人都带着恐慌看向他(worried and afraid),David的哥哥只好离开。David在圣母大学的朋友告诉他,那里的人根本不在乎疫情(don’t really care about the pandemic)。他们近期,甚至还举办了一场盛大的足球比赛,近11000人观赛。许多人都没戴口罩(many people without any masks)。然而,这导致了(led to)短期内(in a short period of time)新冠病例的增加。希望疫情很快结束,这样的话,学生们可以不戴口罩( without wearing a mask),不必再担忧社交距离(social distancing),可以举办大型体育活动,正常上课(attend their classes normally)。疫情是糟糕的,因为,大学在人的一生中,应该是愉快又安全的(enjoyable and safe)。疫情也是一把双刃剑,尽管疫情带来了很多不好的影响(has had many bad effects),但也有好的一面,因为它帮助大学学会适应(adapt to)这些问题。有了应对COVID-19的经验,相信在未来,如果我们再次遇到任何像这样的突发问题(sudden issues),全世界都能够从容不迫(the world will be more prepared to face them)。请留言告诉我们,你们对于留学美国的看法吧!
2/20/2021 • 16 minutes
主播:Yuna | 翩翩歌曲:Sunflower为了解决大家不知道用英语聊什么的问题,我们做了一个系列,叫做 miscellaneous (/ˌmɪsəˈleɪniəs/“文化面面观”) ,带粉丝们了解世界最新的文化、娱乐、以及名人,开阔视野,学习最地道的英文。每个月都会有一个主题,我们节目的每一期都将与这个主题相关,会有“What is系列”,以及“Who is名人系列”。Theme for February二月份主题:TV shows and movies(国外本土比较火的电影和TV shows)What is系列今天,翩翩和Yuna要给大家推荐一部剧:先来猜猜这是哪部剧?American drama美剧coming-of-age 成长题材的Netflix Original网飞原创record-setting一上映就创了纪录This record-setting Netflix Original coming-of-age American drama is called The Queen’s Gambit(《女王的棋局》). 1.The Queen’s Gambit《女王的棋局》This was released on October 23 of 2020. 2020年10月23日上映。It has 7 episodes in total. 总共就7集。That is notable! 非常火!62 million households chose to watch it in its first 28 days of release.上映前28天就有6千多万的家庭收看。 This mini-series(迷你剧) made into the Top 10 shows in 92 countries.在92个国家进入前10名。It ranked number 1 in 63 countries, including the UK, Argentina, Israel, and South Africa.在63个国家,包括英国、阿根廷、以色列和南非,排名第一。 2.The general plot 情节简介Setting(背景): mid-1950s and proceeding into(持续) the 1960s 20世纪50年代中期到60年代The main character(主角): Beth HarmonPlot(情节): 女主Beth在车祸(a car accident)中,失去了母亲,变成了孤儿(orphan)。孤儿院的监管人,还有一个棋手一起教Beth下国际象棋(teach Beth how to play the game)。慢慢地,Beth在象棋方面展现出的天分(showing signs of genius)被发现。然而,那时候的美国孤儿院里,女生要吃镇定剂(tranquilizer ),这让Beth上瘾了(turns into an addiction for Beth)。在镇定剂的作用下(enhanced by the tranquilizers),Beth可以更容易更快地想象下棋的过程(visualize her games easier and faster),很快就成为了非常厉害的棋手。几年后, Beth被人收养(gets adopted),并组建了家庭。当Beth适应她的新生活时(adjusts to her new home),她参加了象棋锦标赛(enters a chess tournament/ˈtɜːrnəmənt/)。在没有任何比赛经验的前提下(has no prior experience in chess competitions),Beth wins 。后面的情节,Beth一边为成为世界顶级棋手做准备(works hard to become the world’s greatest chess player),一边与情感问题,毒品以及酒精依赖作斗争(struggles with emotional problems and drug and alcohol dependency)。……Let’s stop right here to not give you guys spoilers!(后面就不剧透了)3.Some notable facts 这部剧在英美国家的影响这部迷你剧是根据(is based on)小说改编的(adapt),电视剧上映后(after the release of this drama),该小说在发行37年后,也跟着成了《时代周刊》(The New York Times )最畅销的书(best seller)。自去年10月此剧在网飞上映以来,谷歌关于国际象棋的搜索翻倍(doubled ),“how to play chess”的搜索,达到了9年来的新高(hit a nine-year peak)。在购物平台eBay上,棋盘(chess sets)的需求量高达250%。北美第三大游戏制造商Goliath Games也表示,国际象棋销售额增长( have increased)了170%以上。国际象棋网站上,新玩家的数量(the number of new players)增加了五倍(has increased five-fold)。据国际象棋联合会(the International Chess Federation)称,围绕此剧的交谈也大大提高了(led to significantly higher interest in)人们对明年世界锦标赛(World Championship)的兴趣。4.Who should watch this? 把这部剧安利给谁?任何想追剧( binge watch)的人 对角色的个人成长(actual growth in the characters)感兴趣的人想感受美国上世纪五六十年代的氛围(the vibe of 1950s and 60s of the US)的人象棋爱好者(who enjoy chess or just enjoy playing games)一定不要错过,你一定会和主角产生共鸣(relate to the main character)。5. A quote by certain characters 经典台词 “Chess isn’t always competitive. Chess can also be beautiful. It was the board I noticed first. It’s an entire world of just 64 squares. I feel safe in it. I can control it. I can dominate it. And it’s predictable, so if I get hurt, I only have myself to blame.” “象棋并不总是有竞争性的。象棋也可以充满美。我首先注意到的是那块板子。整个世界只有64个方格。我从中感到安全。我能控制它。我能驾驭它。它是可预见的,所以如果我受伤了,只能怪我自己。”——Beth Harmon如果一个人找到自己的天赋和兴趣,这是一件幸事,因为这样,生命就能够得以安顿。(翩翩)
2/9/2021 • 14 minutes, 17 seconds
主播:Yuna | 翩翩歌曲:Sunflower为了解决大家不知道用英语聊什么的问题,我们做了一个系列,叫做 miscellaneous (/ˌmɪsəˈleɪniəs/“文化面面观”) ,带粉丝们了解世界最新的文化、娱乐、以及名人,开阔视野,学习最地道的英文。每个月都会有一个主题,我们节目的每一期都将与这个主题相关,会有“What is系列”,以及“Who is名人系列”。Theme for February二月份主题:TV shows and movies(国外本土比较火的电影和TV shows)What is系列今天,翩翩和Yuna要给大家推荐一部剧:先来猜猜这是哪部剧?American drama美剧coming-of-age 成长题材的Netflix Original网飞原创record-setting一上映就创了纪录This record-setting Netflix Original coming-of-age American drama is called The Queen’s Gambit(《女王的棋局》). 1.The Queen’s Gambit《女王的棋局》This was released on October 23 of 2020. 2020年10月23日上映。It has 7 episodes in total. 总共就7集。That is notable! 非常火!62 million households chose to watch it in its first 28 days of release.上映前28天就有6千多万的家庭收看。 This mini-series(迷你剧) made into the Top 10 shows in 92 countries.在92个国家进入前10名。It ranked number 1 in 63 countries, including the UK, Argentina, Israel, and South Africa.在63个国家,包括英国、阿根廷、以色列和南非,排名第一。 2.The general plot 情节简介Setting(背景): mid-1950s and proceeding into(持续) the 1960s 20世纪50年代中期到60年代The main character(主角): Beth HarmonPlot(情节): 女主Beth在车祸(a car accident)中,失去了母亲,变成了孤儿(orphan)。孤儿院的监管人,还有一个棋手一起教Beth下国际象棋(teach Beth how to play the game)。慢慢地,Beth在象棋方面展现出的天分(showing signs of genius)被发现。然而,那时候的美国孤儿院里,女生要吃镇定剂(tranquilizer ),这让Beth上瘾了(turns into an addiction for Beth)。在镇定剂的作用下(enhanced by the tranquilizers),Beth可以更容易更快地想象下棋的过程(visualize her games easier and faster),很快就成为了非常厉害的棋手。几年后, Beth被人收养(gets adopted),并组建了家庭。当Beth适应她的新生活时(adjusts to her new home),她参加了象棋锦标赛(enters a chess tournament/ˈtɜːrnəmənt/)。在没有任何比赛经验的前提下(has no prior experience in chess competitions),Beth wins 。后面的情节,Beth一边为成为世界顶级棋手做准备(works hard to become the world’s greatest chess player),一边与情感问题,毒品以及酒精依赖作斗争(struggles with emotional problems and drug and alcohol dependency)。……Let’s stop right here to not give you guys spoilers!(后面就不剧透了)3.Some notable facts 这部剧在英美国家的影响这部迷你剧是根据(is based on)小说改编的(adapt),电视剧上映后(after the release of this drama),该小说在发行37年后,也跟着成了《时代周刊》(The New York Times )最畅销的书(best seller)。自去年10月此剧在网飞上映以来,谷歌关于国际象棋的搜索翻倍(doubled ),“how to play chess”的搜索,达到了9年来的新高(hit a nine-year peak)。在购物平台eBay上,棋盘(chess sets)的需求量高达250%。北美第三大游戏制造商Goliath Games也表示,国际象棋销售额增长( have increased)了170%以上。国际象棋网站上,新玩家的数量(the number of new players)增加了五倍(has increased five-fold)。据国际象棋联合会(the International Chess Federation)称,围绕此剧的交谈也大大提高了(led to significantly higher interest in)人们对明年世界锦标赛(World Championship)的兴趣。4.Who should watch this? 把这部剧安利给谁?任何想追剧( binge watch)的人 对角色的个人成长(actual growth in the characters)感兴趣的人想感受美国上世纪五六十年代的氛围(the vibe of 1950s and 60s of the US)的人象棋爱好者(who enjoy chess or just enjoy playing games)一定不要错过,你一定会和主角产生共鸣(relate to the main character)。5. A quote by certain characters 经典台词 “Chess isn’t always competitive. Chess can also be beautiful. It was the board I noticed first. It’s an entire world of just 64 squares. I feel safe in it. I can control it. I can dominate it. And it’s predictable, so if I get hurt, I only have myself to blame.” “象棋并不总是有竞争性的。象棋也可以充满美。我首先注意到的是那块板子。整个世界只有64个方格。我从中感到安全。我能控制它。我能驾驭它。它是可预见的,所以如果我受伤了,只能怪我自己。”——Beth Harmon如果一个人找到自己的天赋和兴趣,这是一件幸事,因为这样,生命就能够得以安顿。(翩翩)
2/9/2021 • 14 minutes, 17 seconds
22岁女诗人火遍美国!给拜登背诗,在Super Bowl表演…她是谁?
主播:翩翩(中国)+Selah(美国)今天要和大家聊的是:22岁的美国爆火女诗人Amanda Gorman。最近有一个女孩,在美国彻底火了(has gone viral)。拜登的总统就职典礼(the presidential inauguration of Joe Biden),Lady Gaga也参加表演了,但,一个一身黄衣的22岁的小姑娘,却抢尽了风头(stole the show)。她做了什么?She read a poem(读了一首诗),then caused millions of people across the country to be moved(美国人民被彻底打动了),并获得了全球好评(universal praise)。问题三连:她到底是干嘛的?为什么她可以在总统就职典礼上背诗?为什么一首诗就能让她在全美爆火?1. Who is Amanda Gorman? 她是谁?She was born in Los Angeles, in 1998. 1998年出生于洛杉矶。She was raised by a single mother(单亲妈妈), 妈妈是英语老师(相当于中国的语文老师)。家里学习氛围很好:少看电视(not watch very much TV)多读书和写作(was encouraged to read and write a lot)she actually has a hearing disorder(听觉障碍)and had a speech impediment as a child(小时候有言语障碍)她个人很努力地克服了各种障碍 (work hard to overcome), 最终在哈佛大学修读了社会学(Sociology/soʊsiˈɑːlədʒi/)。She published her first book in 2015, when she was only 16. 16岁出版第一本书 ,少年成名。In 2017 ,她成为美国第一个全国青年桂冠诗人(the National Youth Poet Laureate)。她曾经说过,想在2036年竞选总统(run for president)。是史上最年轻的,在总统就职典礼上读诗的女诗人(the youngest poet to read poem at Inauguration) Inauguration Poem*总统就职典礼上,还有其他6位诗人,但都没有Amanda年轻。 *Amanda之前就写了诗的大部分,在1月6日美国国会暴乱(the attack at the capitol)当晚,Amanda完成了这首诗。2.What did Americans think about her? 美国人都是怎么评价她的?美国人完全被她的诗和她本人感动了(were so moved)。不仅仅(not only)是因为诗很美很感人,人们也(but)被诗的象征意义(what she symbolizes)给打动。在诗里,她谈到人种问题。2020年有多次种族冲突(racial conflicts),这首诗来得很是时候,很治愈(very healing)。诗人被邀请去美国橄榄球超级杯大赛表演(preforming at the Super Bowl)!美国著名的脱口秀演员之一James Corden,盛赞Amanda背诗是整个总统就职典礼上最棒的部分(the best part of the ceremony)。She has brought so much hope to the country.(她给国家带来了太多希望。)崔娃也采访Amanda了,说Amanda让诗歌回归日常(bringing poetry back into normal people’s lives)。3.Poem sharing 一起读诗吧诗中最有影响力的句子:“We've learned that quiet isn't always peace, and the norms and notions of what just is, isn't always justice.”我们知悉沉默并非总是和平,所谓的规范和信念并非总是公正。“For while we have our eyes on the future,history has its eyes on us.”当我们放眼未来,历史也在注视着我们。“For there is always light,if only we're brave enough to see it.If only we're brave enough to be it.”因为那里总有光,只要我们足够勇敢去看它,只要我们足够勇敢去成为它。“We will not march back to what was,but move to what shall be.”我们不会再返回曾经,而将迈向未来:一个受伤但完整,仁慈但勇敢,激情而自由的国家。【赏析】她在语言上参考《圣经》经文,以及约翰·F·肯尼迪(John F. Kennedy)和牧师马丁·路德·金(Rev·Martin Luther King Jr.)的演讲方式,带着紧迫感和坚定的语气问道:“在这无尽的阴影中,我们在哪里能找到光明?”(Where can we find light/In this never-ending shade?),并以自己的诗歌和人生故事作为答案。2020年是美国很破碎的一年,这首诗就像a breath of fresh air(一股新鲜的空气 )。Amanda意识到了大家一起经历的痛苦(the pain they have all been through), 然后给了人们治愈(heal)的勇气。这首诗的题目叫 The Hill We Climb (我们攀登的山),诗歌向我们展现了一种团结一致的精神。过去一年,美国已经被分裂了,这首诗呼吁人们努力创造和平与统一(work hard to create peace and unity)。
2/8/2021 • 11 minutes, 53 seconds
22岁女诗人火遍美国!给拜登背诗,在Super Bowl表演…她是谁?
主播:翩翩(中国)+Selah(美国)今天要和大家聊的是:22岁的美国爆火女诗人Amanda Gorman。最近有一个女孩,在美国彻底火了(has gone viral)。拜登的总统就职典礼(the presidential inauguration of Joe Biden),Lady Gaga也参加表演了,但,一个一身黄衣的22岁的小姑娘,却抢尽了风头(stole the show)。她做了什么?She read a poem(读了一首诗),then caused millions of people across the country to be moved(美国人民被彻底打动了),并获得了全球好评(universal praise)。问题三连:她到底是干嘛的?为什么她可以在总统就职典礼上背诗?为什么一首诗就能让她在全美爆火?1. Who is Amanda Gorman? 她是谁?She was born in Los Angeles, in 1998. 1998年出生于洛杉矶。She was raised by a single mother(单亲妈妈), 妈妈是英语老师(相当于中国的语文老师)。家里学习氛围很好:少看电视(not watch very much TV)多读书和写作(was encouraged to read and write a lot)she actually has a hearing disorder(听觉障碍)and had a speech impediment as a child(小时候有言语障碍)她个人很努力地克服了各种障碍 (work hard to overcome), 最终在哈佛大学修读了社会学(Sociology/soʊsiˈɑːlədʒi/)。She published her first book in 2015, when she was only 16. 16岁出版第一本书 ,少年成名。In 2017 ,她成为美国第一个全国青年桂冠诗人(the National Youth Poet Laureate)。她曾经说过,想在2036年竞选总统(run for president)。是史上最年轻的,在总统就职典礼上读诗的女诗人(the youngest poet to read poem at Inauguration) Inauguration Poem*总统就职典礼上,还有其他6位诗人,但都没有Amanda年轻。 *Amanda之前就写了诗的大部分,在1月6日美国国会暴乱(the attack at the capitol)当晚,Amanda完成了这首诗。2.What did Americans think about her? 美国人都是怎么评价她的?美国人完全被她的诗和她本人感动了(were so moved)。不仅仅(not only)是因为诗很美很感人,人们也(but)被诗的象征意义(what she symbolizes)给打动。在诗里,她谈到人种问题。2020年有多次种族冲突(racial conflicts),这首诗来得很是时候,很治愈(very healing)。诗人被邀请去美国橄榄球超级杯大赛表演(preforming at the Super Bowl)!美国著名的脱口秀演员之一James Corden,盛赞Amanda背诗是整个总统就职典礼上最棒的部分(the best part of the ceremony)。She has brought so much hope to the country.(她给国家带来了太多希望。)崔娃也采访Amanda了,说Amanda让诗歌回归日常(bringing poetry back into normal people’s lives)。3.Poem sharing 一起读诗吧诗中最有影响力的句子:“We've learned that quiet isn't always peace, and the norms and notions of what just is, isn't always justice.”我们知悉沉默并非总是和平,所谓的规范和信念并非总是公正。“For while we have our eyes on the future,history has its eyes on us.”当我们放眼未来,历史也在注视着我们。“For there is always light,if only we're brave enough to see it.If only we're brave enough to be it.”因为那里总有光,只要我们足够勇敢去看它,只要我们足够勇敢去成为它。“We will not march back to what was,but move to what shall be.”我们不会再返回曾经,而将迈向未来:一个受伤但完整,仁慈但勇敢,激情而自由的国家。【赏析】她在语言上参考《圣经》经文,以及约翰·F·肯尼迪(John F. Kennedy)和牧师马丁·路德·金(Rev·Martin Luther King Jr.)的演讲方式,带着紧迫感和坚定的语气问道:“在这无尽的阴影中,我们在哪里能找到光明?”(Where can we find light/In this never-ending shade?),并以自己的诗歌和人生故事作为答案。2020年是美国很破碎的一年,这首诗就像a breath of fresh air(一股新鲜的空气 )。Amanda意识到了大家一起经历的痛苦(the pain they have all been through), 然后给了人们治愈(heal)的勇气。这首诗的题目叫 The Hill We Climb (我们攀登的山),诗歌向我们展现了一种团结一致的精神。过去一年,美国已经被分裂了,这首诗呼吁人们努力创造和平与统一(work hard to create peace and unity)。
2/8/2021 • 11 minutes, 53 seconds
2/5/2021 • 29 minutes, 6 seconds
2/5/2021 • 29 minutes, 6 seconds
老外来了:留言入选通知 | 你的名字,原来如此
主播:翩翩、Bipasha上一期节目,我们聊到“如何给男生取英文名”。节目最后,我们答应给大家一个“彩蛋”——回复大家的留言。今天,翩翩和Bipasha就来给大家送“彩蛋”了。“一席文化”公众号留言:--How about the girl’s name Freya?Answer: Freya is a very cute name for a girl.It has not negative connotation(没有消极负面的含义).--我想给我家未来的狗狗取名叫:CharlieAnswer: Charlie is definitely a very cute name for anyone.(谁叫Charlie都好听。) --见过几个奇奇怪怪的英文名: Water/Tiger/BirdThose are names to identify objects and not people.It definitely should not be used to name someone.(Water,Tiger,Bird这些名字不能用于人。)人类不要跟食物,动物,东西抢名,哈哈。--Thea这个名字呢?Answer: Thea is a beautiful name. It’s based on a biblical character maybe. (这个名字可能来自《圣经》).--How about River?Answer: Bipasha’s name is also associate with the river. (Bipasha的名字就与印度的河流有关。)But the word river itself is not the best name to name anyone.(“river”这个词本身含义很好,但是,“river”作为名字,不是特别好的选择。)如果你非常喜欢“河流”的寓意,或许你可以选用“Bipasha”的名字哦。--女生名呢?Answer: Here it is. By the time you are listening to this, it should be out.关于女生的英文名,我们已经录好了哦,敬请期待。--摩西是大人物,挪亚也是大人物啊。Answer: Moses and Noah are definitely biblical names.(Moses和Noah的确是《圣经》中的人物。)And the two names are not so commonly given to young boys anymore.(年轻人叫这两个名字的不是很多。) 可能是因为“Moses”带有一点神话色彩,现在很少有人会叫Moses,但Noah这个名字还是比较常见的。--亲爱的翩翩老师,朋友们强烈要求来份女生版的Answer: We have already recorded a podcast on girl’s names and it should be posted soon.很快就要更新喽,请继续关注。--阔以选 Circle 为英文名么 ?希望小编帮我解答。Answer:Wedon't think circle is the best English name to give.“圈圈”这个名字,在汉语里听起来很可爱。但,选用“Circle”作为英文名,就非常奇怪了。这就好像说,“这是我的朋友,正方形(square)。”或者,“这是我的朋友,长方形(rectangle)。”--我一直很想知道,取名字可以自己用字母组成新的词来命名吗?Answer: That is definitely possible.是可以的。A lot of people nowadays have begun combining their names with their spouses to create a cute unique name for their baby.现在有很多人,会组合配偶的名字,来为自己的孩子取一个独一无二的名字。但有时候,因为不了解英语的文化,自己取的名字,并不能算是一个真正意义上的英文名字。我们下一期节目“女孩英文名”中,关于“如何取名字”有更深入的讨论,请大家继续关注。网易云留言:--Zoey这个怎么样?Answer: Zoey is one of Bipasha’s favorite names. It has a really nice ring to it. (听起来很好听。)Also, it is quite a common name in western countries.(在西方国家也很常见。)女生可以取名叫Zoe,男生可以取名叫Zoey。--想要谐音中文名取英文名怎么办呢?Answer: To be honest, it works sometimes and not always .(有时是可以的,但不总是可以。)Bipasha给出的建议是:To get a second opinion on the name you come up with, with someone who knows English names to make sure it does not sound or mean anything weird.(和懂英文名字的人请教一下,确保自己起的英文名听上去不奇怪。)--翩翩,我想取一个关于月亮的名字,我的中文名字最后两个字是玥玥。Answer: In English it will sound a bit weird if you name yourself “moon” , but there are lot of other names that mean moon. For example:如果你给自己取名叫“Moon”,听上去有一点奇怪。但是,我们给大家推荐了一些与月亮有关的名字: For girls there is….Neoma: It means ‘full moon’.希腊语,满月的意思。Amaris: Amaris is a pretty and unusual baby name. 一个很美的又独特的名字,意思是,“神赐的”。Lucine : Lucine is an Armenian name meaning “moon”. 亚美尼亚人对月亮的叫法。Luna: Luna is a strong, yet shimmery moon. 意思是,“很大并且银光闪闪的月亮”。《哈利波特》中,有一个小女孩叫Luna Lovegood。Aysun: Aysun is a lovely Turkish name, meaning “beautiful as the moon”.土耳其语,意思是,“像月亮一样美丽”。Cynthia: Cynthia is a beautiful name for girls as well. Cynthia是“月亮女神”的意思。For boys there is….Chan: the name Chan is a Sanskrit word for moon. 梵语中月亮的意思,意思是,“无论走到哪里,都散发着魅力”。Arche: the name of a moon orbiting Jupiter. Arche是围绕着木星的卫星。Mayank: is one of the hugely popular Hindi names meaning moon. 印度语中的月亮。Quacey: is a Scottish name and means “moonlight” . 苏格兰语中的月光。Neil:usually almost always referred to Neil Armstrong Neil通常指的是尼尔·阿姆斯特朗(Neil Armstrong),第一个登上月球的人。--How about the name: Leo, cute?Answer: Leo is a very cute name and quite common name as well. 很可爱又很常见的名字。--What about Irene?It's a girl's name.Answer: Irene is a very popular girl’s name all over the world.(全世界流行)--How about Weir?Answer: Not sure if it has any meaning, and it’s also our first time hearing. So we are not sure if it has any meaning or significance.我们也不确定这个英文名是什么意思,我们也是第一次听。--请问我这个英文名可以吗, Townsey_Steve?Answer: That’s a quite unique name.很独特的英文名。Steve is quite a normal name, but Townsey we are not sure if it has a particular meaning or not.(Steve是一个很常见的名字,但Townsey很独特。) But it does sound good and does not have any negative meaning either.这个名字听起来不错,没有消极负面的意思。喜马拉雅留言:我的英文名叫Christa。Answer: Hello Christa, you have a beautiful name almost like the word crystal.Christa听上去就像crystal,是一个非常美丽的名字。请给我们留言:你对哪些话题感兴趣?说不定下期节目我们就安排上了哦。
1/14/2021 • 18 minutes, 18 seconds
老外来了:留言入选通知 | 你的名字,原来如此
主播:翩翩、Bipasha上一期节目,我们聊到“如何给男生取英文名”。节目最后,我们答应给大家一个“彩蛋”——回复大家的留言。今天,翩翩和Bipasha就来给大家送“彩蛋”了。“一席文化”公众号留言:--How about the girl’s name Freya?Answer: Freya is a very cute name for a girl.It has not negative connotation(没有消极负面的含义).--我想给我家未来的狗狗取名叫:CharlieAnswer: Charlie is definitely a very cute name for anyone.(谁叫Charlie都好听。) --见过几个奇奇怪怪的英文名: Water/Tiger/BirdThose are names to identify objects and not people.It definitely should not be used to name someone.(Water,Tiger,Bird这些名字不能用于人。)人类不要跟食物,动物,东西抢名,哈哈。--Thea这个名字呢?Answer: Thea is a beautiful name. It’s based on a biblical character maybe. (这个名字可能来自《圣经》).--How about River?Answer: Bipasha’s name is also associate with the river. (Bipasha的名字就与印度的河流有关。)But the word river itself is not the best name to name anyone.(“river”这个词本身含义很好,但是,“river”作为名字,不是特别好的选择。)如果你非常喜欢“河流”的寓意,或许你可以选用“Bipasha”的名字哦。--女生名呢?Answer: Here it is. By the time you are listening to this, it should be out.关于女生的英文名,我们已经录好了哦,敬请期待。--摩西是大人物,挪亚也是大人物啊。Answer: Moses and Noah are definitely biblical names.(Moses和Noah的确是《圣经》中的人物。)And the two names are not so commonly given to young boys anymore.(年轻人叫这两个名字的不是很多。) 可能是因为“Moses”带有一点神话色彩,现在很少有人会叫Moses,但Noah这个名字还是比较常见的。--亲爱的翩翩老师,朋友们强烈要求来份女生版的Answer: We have already recorded a podcast on girl’s names and it should be posted soon.很快就要更新喽,请继续关注。--阔以选 Circle 为英文名么 ?希望小编帮我解答。Answer:Wedon't think circle is the best English name to give.“圈圈”这个名字,在汉语里听起来很可爱。但,选用“Circle”作为英文名,就非常奇怪了。这就好像说,“这是我的朋友,正方形(square)。”或者,“这是我的朋友,长方形(rectangle)。”--我一直很想知道,取名字可以自己用字母组成新的词来命名吗?Answer: That is definitely possible.是可以的。A lot of people nowadays have begun combining their names with their spouses to create a cute unique name for their baby.现在有很多人,会组合配偶的名字,来为自己的孩子取一个独一无二的名字。但有时候,因为不了解英语的文化,自己取的名字,并不能算是一个真正意义上的英文名字。我们下一期节目“女孩英文名”中,关于“如何取名字”有更深入的讨论,请大家继续关注。网易云留言:--Zoey这个怎么样?Answer: Zoey is one of Bipasha’s favorite names. It has a really nice ring to it. (听起来很好听。)Also, it is quite a common name in western countries.(在西方国家也很常见。)女生可以取名叫Zoe,男生可以取名叫Zoey。--想要谐音中文名取英文名怎么办呢?Answer: To be honest, it works sometimes and not always .(有时是可以的,但不总是可以。)Bipasha给出的建议是:To get a second opinion on the name you come up with, with someone who knows English names to make sure it does not sound or mean anything weird.(和懂英文名字的人请教一下,确保自己起的英文名听上去不奇怪。)--翩翩,我想取一个关于月亮的名字,我的中文名字最后两个字是玥玥。Answer: In English it will sound a bit weird if you name yourself “moon” , but there are lot of other names that mean moon. For example:如果你给自己取名叫“Moon”,听上去有一点奇怪。但是,我们给大家推荐了一些与月亮有关的名字: For girls there is….Neoma: It means ‘full moon’.希腊语,满月的意思。Amaris: Amaris is a pretty and unusual baby name. 一个很美的又独特的名字,意思是,“神赐的”。Lucine : Lucine is an Armenian name meaning “moon”. 亚美尼亚人对月亮的叫法。Luna: Luna is a strong, yet shimmery moon. 意思是,“很大并且银光闪闪的月亮”。《哈利波特》中,有一个小女孩叫Luna Lovegood。Aysun: Aysun is a lovely Turkish name, meaning “beautiful as the moon”.土耳其语,意思是,“像月亮一样美丽”。Cynthia: Cynthia is a beautiful name for girls as well. Cynthia是“月亮女神”的意思。For boys there is….Chan: the name Chan is a Sanskrit word for moon. 梵语中月亮的意思,意思是,“无论走到哪里,都散发着魅力”。Arche: the name of a moon orbiting Jupiter. Arche是围绕着木星的卫星。Mayank: is one of the hugely popular Hindi names meaning moon. 印度语中的月亮。Quacey: is a Scottish name and means “moonlight” . 苏格兰语中的月光。Neil:usually almost always referred to Neil Armstrong Neil通常指的是尼尔·阿姆斯特朗(Neil Armstrong),第一个登上月球的人。--How about the name: Leo, cute?Answer: Leo is a very cute name and quite common name as well. 很可爱又很常见的名字。--What about Irene?It's a girl's name.Answer: Irene is a very popular girl’s name all over the world.(全世界流行)--How about Weir?Answer: Not sure if it has any meaning, and it’s also our first time hearing. So we are not sure if it has any meaning or significance.我们也不确定这个英文名是什么意思,我们也是第一次听。--请问我这个英文名可以吗, Townsey_Steve?Answer: That’s a quite unique name.很独特的英文名。Steve is quite a normal name, but Townsey we are not sure if it has a particular meaning or not.(Steve是一个很常见的名字,但Townsey很独特。) But it does sound good and does not have any negative meaning either.这个名字听起来不错,没有消极负面的意思。喜马拉雅留言:我的英文名叫Christa。Answer: Hello Christa, you have a beautiful name almost like the word crystal.Christa听上去就像crystal,是一个非常美丽的名字。请给我们留言:你对哪些话题感兴趣?说不定下期节目我们就安排上了哦。
1/14/2021 • 18 minutes, 18 seconds
介绍: 主播:翩翩+Bipasha音乐:Welcome to Wonderland今天的节目里,我们会手把手地教大家如何取一个合适的英文名。取英文名,有很多坑,有些名字太风尘,有些名字过时老土,有些名字太突兀,有些名字太傻太好笑,有些名字让人很尴尬,有些甚至都不算英文名字。那今天呢,我们就要教大家避开这些坑。1.Some common names最常见的英文名,安全不出错,但使用率太高了。DavidJohnAndrewAndyDanPeterEricAlanSamAlex2.Some funny names这些英文名尴尬又奇怪,千万不要取!Dick:千万不能叫,是男生的某个部位Seven:不要用数字当英文名,not numbersTiger,Dragon:不能取动物的名字,not big animalsApollo,Zeus: 一些很大的神话人物的名字,不能取Demon,Devil:恶魔的名字,不能叫取西方神话人物的名字或者恶魔的名字,就好像一个外国人用了中国神话故事中人物的名字。想象一下,以下对话:-你的中文名字是什么?-我姓阎名王,昵称阎王爷。又或者是:-你叫什么?-我叫灶王爷。 That’s too weird. 太奇怪了。Moses摩西: a big person from Bible《圣经》中的一个大人物相当于一个外国人取了个中文名字,叫“二郎神”,或者叫“唐僧”,太突兀了。所以,有些名字可能会lead to humiliation(让人丢脸)。3.The meaning of names不要再问“这个英文名字什么意思”了!与印度和中国文化不同,欧美文化并不在乎名字的含义。India:Most Indian names always have a meaning behind them. 他们相信名字可以shape the child’s personality and characteristics(塑造孩子的性格)。The meaning behind the name of Bipasha:① Bipasha is a name of a river in India. ②蕴含的期望:calm & a sense of peace 淡定沉着,给人祥和China:中国人取名字,每一个名字背后都有含义。英美文化中,取名字并不关注名字背后的含义(the meaning behind names),是我们亚洲人取英文名时,一定要明白的文化差异。4.The 10 most common names欧美国家十大最流行的男士英文名1)Liam(可爱且酷)2)Noah(《圣经》中的一个名字)3)Oliver(很受欢迎)4)William(有点像成熟男士的名字)5)Elijah(听上去不像是英文名)6)James7)Benjamin(重音在前)8)Lucas9)Mason10)Ethan(th注意咬舌哦)以上10个名字,在给男孩取英文名字的时候可以参考哦。请留言告诉我们:What are some funny names you have heard?你听说过哪些有趣的名字?大家如果有任何关于英文名字的问题,也可以在留言处留言,我们会对前十个问题进行回复。如果我们的节目点赞超过50的话,我们会单独做一期节目,来回复大家个关于名字或者西方文化的问题。
1/7/2021 • 11 minutes, 15 seconds
介绍: 主播:翩翩+Bipasha音乐:Welcome to Wonderland今天的节目里,我们会手把手地教大家如何取一个合适的英文名。取英文名,有很多坑,有些名字太风尘,有些名字过时老土,有些名字太突兀,有些名字太傻太好笑,有些名字让人很尴尬,有些甚至都不算英文名字。那今天呢,我们就要教大家避开这些坑。1.Some common names最常见的英文名,安全不出错,但使用率太高了。DavidJohnAndrewAndyDanPeterEricAlanSamAlex2.Some funny names这些英文名尴尬又奇怪,千万不要取!Dick:千万不能叫,是男生的某个部位Seven:不要用数字当英文名,not numbersTiger,Dragon:不能取动物的名字,not big animalsApollo,Zeus: 一些很大的神话人物的名字,不能取Demon,Devil:恶魔的名字,不能叫取西方神话人物的名字或者恶魔的名字,就好像一个外国人用了中国神话故事中人物的名字。想象一下,以下对话:-你的中文名字是什么?-我姓阎名王,昵称阎王爷。又或者是:-你叫什么?-我叫灶王爷。 That’s too weird. 太奇怪了。Moses摩西: a big person from Bible《圣经》中的一个大人物相当于一个外国人取了个中文名字,叫“二郎神”,或者叫“唐僧”,太突兀了。所以,有些名字可能会lead to humiliation(让人丢脸)。3.The meaning of names不要再问“这个英文名字什么意思”了!与印度和中国文化不同,欧美文化并不在乎名字的含义。India:Most Indian names always have a meaning behind them. 他们相信名字可以shape the child’s personality and characteristics(塑造孩子的性格)。The meaning behind the name of Bipasha:① Bipasha is a name of a river in India. ②蕴含的期望:calm & a sense of peace 淡定沉着,给人祥和China:中国人取名字,每一个名字背后都有含义。英美文化中,取名字并不关注名字背后的含义(the meaning behind names),是我们亚洲人取英文名时,一定要明白的文化差异。4.The 10 most common names欧美国家十大最流行的男士英文名1)Liam(可爱且酷)2)Noah(《圣经》中的一个名字)3)Oliver(很受欢迎)4)William(有点像成熟男士的名字)5)Elijah(听上去不像是英文名)6)James7)Benjamin(重音在前)8)Lucas9)Mason10)Ethan(th注意咬舌哦)以上10个名字,在给男孩取英文名字的时候可以参考哦。请留言告诉我们:What are some funny names you have heard?你听说过哪些有趣的名字?大家如果有任何关于英文名字的问题,也可以在留言处留言,我们会对前十个问题进行回复。如果我们的节目点赞超过50的话,我们会单独做一期节目,来回复大家个关于名字或者西方文化的问题。
1/7/2021 • 11 minutes, 15 seconds
主播:翩翩(中国)+梅莉(法国)2021年已经开始了,辞旧迎新,是一个终点,也是个起点。今天,翩翩和梅莉和大家聊一聊,New Year’s resolutions(新年决心)。New Year’s resolutionsa list of goals you want to achieve in the upcoming year 在即将到来的一年,想要实现的目标清单To write New Year’s resolutions越来越common(常见),在中国叫立flags。hoping to spark positive change in their life想通过新年立志的方式,来点燃人生中的积极变化New Year’s resolutions 一般都是关于:health, fitness, improved finances(改善财务状况),personal and professional development(个人和职业发展)Do you write New Year’s resolutionsIt’s quite a big deal. 是一件大事。It is a great way to plan your goals.A great way to reflect on what you want to achieve in the upcoming year. 来反思你想在接下来的一年里实现什么It is not easy to set good and realistic goals.设定切实可行的目标不容易。Everyone has good intentions(意图,打算) for the new year but once the glow of the fresh year wears off(褪去), many people struggle to keep up with achieving their new year goals. 新鲜的一年,光环褪去之后,很多人就很难去坚持了。Some tips to write New Year’s resolutionsNo 1: Prepare for change mentally. 从心理上做好改变的准备。Look back to the previous year(回顾过去的一年),问自己几个问题:what you accomplished(实现了哪些)what you want to change(想改变什么)what you are proud of(自豪于什么) No 2: Set goals that motivate you. 列出能够激励自己的目标。The goals need to be important to you and align around(与……结合) your top priorities(最重要的事). Create a plan.To make a plan of what you need to do per week or per month.大目标切成小目标。This will help you stay motivated on the path towards(通往……的道路) your goal. No 3: Limit your resolutions. 限制新年决心。很多人都会犯的错误是:to have too many resolutions and spreading yourself too thin.把自己切分得太薄了(让自己干的事情太多了)Don’t spread yourself too thin. It is important to prioritize.确定 (任务) 优先顺序。No 4: Be specific. 具体一点。 Instead of writing “ be more healthy”, be more specific by writing “drink more water”, “quit smoking”, “eat more vegetables” etc. Make sure it is realistic. 目标一定要现实。Give yourself a time frame in which to achieve the goal, like a deadline. 列一个时间表,有截止日期之类的。No 5: Start small. 从简单的开始。Divide big goals into smaller goals, it will make it more achievable. 由大化小,让目标可实现。Break up a yearly goal into months. It will be easier to keep track as well.全年目标拆分为每月目标,这样也比较容易在正轨上。No 6: Write down your goals and review them. 写下来,时常回顾。This will remind you of your goals and keep you motivated throughout the year.这样会提醒自己,目标是什么,也会全年充满动力去实现目标。No 7: If you fall off track, don’t give up and get back to it. 如果偏轨,不要放弃,再回来。Change is difficult. Setbacks can happen and it’s OK. 几经周折很正常,事物的发展总是曲折变化的。*setback 挫折,周折学会以上7个tips,相信你更可能制定出可实现的目标(create better goals that you can achieve)。梅莉的New Year’s resolutionsRead more books多读书Wake up earlier, stick to a sleep schedule 早睡早起,坚持作息时间Learn a new hobby 培养新的爱好Hopefully travel when the situation improves 疫情好转后多旅行Wishing you all a very happy new year and success in achieving all of your New Year resolutions! 新年快乐!一切如意!Please comment us:What is your New Year’s resolution?
1/1/2021 • 15 minutes, 42 seconds
主播:翩翩(中国)+梅莉(法国)2021年已经开始了,辞旧迎新,是一个终点,也是个起点。今天,翩翩和梅莉和大家聊一聊,New Year’s resolutions(新年决心)。New Year’s resolutionsa list of goals you want to achieve in the upcoming year 在即将到来的一年,想要实现的目标清单To write New Year’s resolutions越来越common(常见),在中国叫立flags。hoping to spark positive change in their life想通过新年立志的方式,来点燃人生中的积极变化New Year’s resolutions 一般都是关于:health, fitness, improved finances(改善财务状况),personal and professional development(个人和职业发展)Do you write New Year’s resolutionsIt’s quite a big deal. 是一件大事。It is a great way to plan your goals.A great way to reflect on what you want to achieve in the upcoming year. 来反思你想在接下来的一年里实现什么It is not easy to set good and realistic goals.设定切实可行的目标不容易。Everyone has good intentions(意图,打算) for the new year but once the glow of the fresh year wears off(褪去), many people struggle to keep up with achieving their new year goals. 新鲜的一年,光环褪去之后,很多人就很难去坚持了。Some tips to write New Year’s resolutionsNo 1: Prepare for change mentally. 从心理上做好改变的准备。Look back to the previous year(回顾过去的一年),问自己几个问题:what you accomplished(实现了哪些)what you want to change(想改变什么)what you are proud of(自豪于什么) No 2: Set goals that motivate you. 列出能够激励自己的目标。The goals need to be important to you and align around(与……结合) your top priorities(最重要的事). Create a plan.To make a plan of what you need to do per week or per month.大目标切成小目标。This will help you stay motivated on the path towards(通往……的道路) your goal. No 3: Limit your resolutions. 限制新年决心。很多人都会犯的错误是:to have too many resolutions and spreading yourself too thin.把自己切分得太薄了(让自己干的事情太多了)Don’t spread yourself too thin. It is important to prioritize.确定 (任务) 优先顺序。No 4: Be specific. 具体一点。 Instead of writing “ be more healthy”, be more specific by writing “drink more water”, “quit smoking”, “eat more vegetables” etc. Make sure it is realistic. 目标一定要现实。Give yourself a time frame in which to achieve the goal, like a deadline. 列一个时间表,有截止日期之类的。No 5: Start small. 从简单的开始。Divide big goals into smaller goals, it will make it more achievable. 由大化小,让目标可实现。Break up a yearly goal into months. It will be easier to keep track as well.全年目标拆分为每月目标,这样也比较容易在正轨上。No 6: Write down your goals and review them. 写下来,时常回顾。This will remind you of your goals and keep you motivated throughout the year.这样会提醒自己,目标是什么,也会全年充满动力去实现目标。No 7: If you fall off track, don’t give up and get back to it. 如果偏轨,不要放弃,再回来。Change is difficult. Setbacks can happen and it’s OK. 几经周折很正常,事物的发展总是曲折变化的。*setback 挫折,周折学会以上7个tips,相信你更可能制定出可实现的目标(create better goals that you can achieve)。梅莉的New Year’s resolutionsRead more books多读书Wake up earlier, stick to a sleep schedule 早睡早起,坚持作息时间Learn a new hobby 培养新的爱好Hopefully travel when the situation improves 疫情好转后多旅行Wishing you all a very happy new year and success in achieving all of your New Year resolutions! 新年快乐!一切如意!Please comment us:What is your New Year’s resolution?
1/1/2021 • 15 minutes, 42 seconds
主播:翩翩(中国)+梅莉(法国)Question1:How has this year been for you? 这一年,你过得如何?rough and challenging 坎坷,充满挑战went very differently to what we were expecting 与期望大不同(This is the case for everyone. 大家境况差不多。)definitely quite intense for us emotionally 情感上的感受很强烈had to learn to adapt to situations(适应环境) and accept some things are just out of our control(接受不受控制的事情)share the same key word——COVID全世界有了一个共同的关键词——新冠病毒Question2:What is your overall feeling? 整体感受怎样?Be happy that the year is ending.很多事情被耽误(put on hold)。Good times, hard times, but never bad times.——by Steve Jobs有美好的时候,有艰难的时候,但从来没有过糟糕的时候。我们的爱和尊敬经历了时间的考验,而且与日俱增。我们一起经历We need to stay positive(积极乐观). Question3:What are you thankful for?你感恩于什么?Stay healthy and stay safe.Family and friendsHealthStay alive.Question4:What did you accomplish and what are you most proud of?你实现了什么?你最自豪的是什么?梅莉:Finished first half year of college.Took time to improve my skills.Invested(花费) a lot of time in personal growth(个人成长).——the most proud thing翩翩:1.Read many books2.Learned a lot. 明白了很多东西。3.The mind got peaceful. 4.Life was regular. 生活规律。5.一小席的儿童英文体系完全地系统起来:fun and efficientQuestion5:Do you have any regrets?有哪些遗憾?梅莉的心态(mindset)很好:try not to have any regrets尽力不留遗憾situation positive or negative,see them as learning experiencesIf don’t achieve something or fail at it, try to learn from it to do better next time. Question6:What did you learn? 你学到了什么?梅莉Self-awareness 自我觉察:学会管理情绪(manage emotions),并且知道什么时候 need a break。To invest more times in hobbies花些时间在自己的兴趣上go for a run:clear my mind and release stress(释放压力), could work more efficiently翩翩:感悟:我不一定是唯一正确的,我的方式也不一定是最有效的,对自我的过度执着,是人一切烦恼的源头。希望大家也可以通过以上问题,take time and look back on this year。这真的很有效(beneficial for us),同时也可以帮助我们设定新年目标(make new goals for the new year)。Let’s end 2020 on a positive note(积极的态度). Say goodbye to 2020, and welcome this new year with a positive mind. 以积极的心态,辞旧迎新。Please comment us:你的2020感悟是什么?对于2021,你又有哪些目标?Happy New Year!主播:翩翩(中国)+梅莉(法国)音乐:今天,翩翩和梅莉会通过回答some important questions,和大家一起,进行“年度总结”(take a look back and think about this year)。Question1:How has this year been for you? 这一年,你过得如何?rough and challenging 坎坷,充满挑战went very differently to what we were expecting与期望大不同(This is the case for everyone. 大家境况差不多。)definitely quite intense for us emotionally 情感上的感受很强烈had to learn to adapt to situations(适应环境) and accept some things are just out of our control(接受不受控制的事情)share the same key word——COVID全世界有了一个共同的关键词——新冠病毒Question2:What is your overall feeling? 整体感受怎样?Be happy that the year is ending.很多事情被耽误(put on hold)。Good times, hard times, but never bad times.——by Steve Jobs有美好的时候,有艰难的时候,但从来没有过糟糕的时候。我们的爱和尊敬经历了时间的考验,而且与日俱增。我们一起经历We need to stay positive(积极乐观). Question3:What are you thankful for?你感恩于什么?Stay healthy and stay safe.Family and friendsHealthStay alive.Question4:What did you accomplish and what are you most proud of?你实现了什么?你最自豪的是什么?梅莉:Finished first half year of college.Took time to improve my skills.Invested(花费) a lot of time in personal growth(个人成长).——the most proud thing翩翩:1.Read many books2.Learned a lot. 明白了很多东西。3.The mind got peaceful. 4.Life was regular. 生活规律。5.一小席的儿童英文体系完全地系统起来:fun and efficientQuestion5:Do you have any regrets?有哪些遗憾?梅莉的心态(mindset)很好:try not to have any regrets尽力不留遗憾situation positive or negative,see them as learning experiencesIf don’t achieve something or fail at it, try to learn from it to do better next time. Question6:What did you learn? 你学到了什么?梅莉Self-awareness 自我觉察:学会管理情绪(manage emotions),并且知道什么时候 need a break。To invest more times in hobbies花些时间在自己的兴趣上go for a run:clear my mind and release stress(释放压力), could work more efficiently翩翩:感悟:我不一定是唯一正确的,我的方式也不一定是最有效的,对自我的过度执着,是人一切烦恼的源头。希望大家也可以通过以上问题,take time and look back on this year。这真的很有效(beneficial for us),同时也可以帮助我们设定新年目标(make new goals for the new year)。Let’s end 2020 on a positive note(积极的态度). Say goodbye to 2020, and welcome this new year with a positive mind. 以积极的心态,辞旧迎新。Please comment us:你的2020感悟是什么?对于2021,你又有哪些目标?Happy New Year!
12/26/2020 • 13 minutes, 11 seconds
主播:翩翩(中国)+梅莉(法国)Question1:How has this year been for you? 这一年,你过得如何?rough and challenging 坎坷,充满挑战went very differently to what we were expecting 与期望大不同(This is the case for everyone. 大家境况差不多。)definitely quite intense for us emotionally 情感上的感受很强烈had to learn to adapt to situations(适应环境) and accept some things are just out of our control(接受不受控制的事情)share the same key word——COVID全世界有了一个共同的关键词——新冠病毒Question2:What is your overall feeling? 整体感受怎样?Be happy that the year is ending.很多事情被耽误(put on hold)。Good times, hard times, but never bad times.——by Steve Jobs有美好的时候,有艰难的时候,但从来没有过糟糕的时候。我们的爱和尊敬经历了时间的考验,而且与日俱增。我们一起经历We need to stay positive(积极乐观). Question3:What are you thankful for?你感恩于什么?Stay healthy and stay safe.Family and friendsHealthStay alive.Question4:What did you accomplish and what are you most proud of?你实现了什么?你最自豪的是什么?梅莉:Finished first half year of college.Took time to improve my skills.Invested(花费) a lot of time in personal growth(个人成长).——the most proud thing翩翩:1.Read many books2.Learned a lot. 明白了很多东西。3.The mind got peaceful. 4.Life was regular. 生活规律。5.一小席的儿童英文体系完全地系统起来:fun and efficientQuestion5:Do you have any regrets?有哪些遗憾?梅莉的心态(mindset)很好:try not to have any regrets尽力不留遗憾situation positive or negative,see them as learning experiencesIf don’t achieve something or fail at it, try to learn from it to do better next time. Question6:What did you learn? 你学到了什么?梅莉Self-awareness 自我觉察:学会管理情绪(manage emotions),并且知道什么时候 need a break。To invest more times in hobbies花些时间在自己的兴趣上go for a run:clear my mind and release stress(释放压力), could work more efficiently翩翩:感悟:我不一定是唯一正确的,我的方式也不一定是最有效的,对自我的过度执着,是人一切烦恼的源头。希望大家也可以通过以上问题,take time and look back on this year。这真的很有效(beneficial for us),同时也可以帮助我们设定新年目标(make new goals for the new year)。Let’s end 2020 on a positive note(积极的态度). Say goodbye to 2020, and welcome this new year with a positive mind. 以积极的心态,辞旧迎新。Please comment us:你的2020感悟是什么?对于2021,你又有哪些目标?Happy New Year!主播:翩翩(中国)+梅莉(法国)音乐:今天,翩翩和梅莉会通过回答some important questions,和大家一起,进行“年度总结”(take a look back and think about this year)。Question1:How has this year been for you? 这一年,你过得如何?rough and challenging 坎坷,充满挑战went very differently to what we were expecting与期望大不同(This is the case for everyone. 大家境况差不多。)definitely quite intense for us emotionally 情感上的感受很强烈had to learn to adapt to situations(适应环境) and accept some things are just out of our control(接受不受控制的事情)share the same key word——COVID全世界有了一个共同的关键词——新冠病毒Question2:What is your overall feeling? 整体感受怎样?Be happy that the year is ending.很多事情被耽误(put on hold)。Good times, hard times, but never bad times.——by Steve Jobs有美好的时候,有艰难的时候,但从来没有过糟糕的时候。我们的爱和尊敬经历了时间的考验,而且与日俱增。我们一起经历We need to stay positive(积极乐观). Question3:What are you thankful for?你感恩于什么?Stay healthy and stay safe.Family and friendsHealthStay alive.Question4:What did you accomplish and what are you most proud of?你实现了什么?你最自豪的是什么?梅莉:Finished first half year of college.Took time to improve my skills.Invested(花费) a lot of time in personal growth(个人成长).——the most proud thing翩翩:1.Read many books2.Learned a lot. 明白了很多东西。3.The mind got peaceful. 4.Life was regular. 生活规律。5.一小席的儿童英文体系完全地系统起来:fun and efficientQuestion5:Do you have any regrets?有哪些遗憾?梅莉的心态(mindset)很好:try not to have any regrets尽力不留遗憾situation positive or negative,see them as learning experiencesIf don’t achieve something or fail at it, try to learn from it to do better next time. Question6:What did you learn? 你学到了什么?梅莉Self-awareness 自我觉察:学会管理情绪(manage emotions),并且知道什么时候 need a break。To invest more times in hobbies花些时间在自己的兴趣上go for a run:clear my mind and release stress(释放压力), could work more efficiently翩翩:感悟:我不一定是唯一正确的,我的方式也不一定是最有效的,对自我的过度执着,是人一切烦恼的源头。希望大家也可以通过以上问题,take time and look back on this year。这真的很有效(beneficial for us),同时也可以帮助我们设定新年目标(make new goals for the new year)。Let’s end 2020 on a positive note(积极的态度). Say goodbye to 2020, and welcome this new year with a positive mind. 以积极的心态,辞旧迎新。Please comment us:你的2020感悟是什么?对于2021,你又有哪些目标?Happy New Year!
12/26/2020 • 13 minutes, 11 seconds
主播:翩翩(中国)+梅莉(法国)音乐:Complicated今天,要和大家聊的是,一夜爆红的丁真。 1.丁真一夜爆红一夜爆红:to become popular overnight / go viral overnight没有任何预兆,突然之间out of nowhere, not expected It happened very suddenly.丁真爆红只用了10秒不到(less than 10 seconds)。 2.丁真是谁?四川人Sichaunese藏族Tibetan 少数民族ethnic minority丁真“火了”:双11当天,有一个关于丁真的不到10秒的视频(a 10 seconds video of Ding Zhen)被发到网上(was posted on the internet)。视频中,丁真正在微笑。(The video shows Ding Zhen smiling.)结果这个视频就火了(went viral)。 3.为什么丁真火了?有很多明星是被包装出来的。Many celebrities are polished, trained and prepared to be famous. 但,丁真是纯天然的。Ding Zhen became famous naturally, without trying.每个人心中都住着一个丁真(Everyone has a Ding Zhen in their heart.):天然natural自由free在草原上躺一天,看时间慢慢流逝lying on grassland and watching time fly slowly无忧无虑:careless and enjoying the life to the fullest 4.怎么形容男生帅handsome 帅气的attractive 有吸引力的good looking 好看的stunning 令人惊艳的gorgeous 美艳不可方物媒体是怎么报道“丁真的帅”的?CGTN: Tibetan heartthrob gets job offer after getting viral on Chinese media.藏族帅哥在中国社交媒体上走红之后,获得了工作邀约。heartthrob怎么用?heart(心脏)+throb(悸动)= heartthrob(万人迷)这个词经常被用来形容长得好看的名人(celebrities who are known for being good looking)We can say:Ding Zhen is the latest Tibetan heartthrob. 丁真是最新的藏族万人迷。The recent heartthrob became famous in less than 10 seconds.最近的万人迷在不到10秒内就出名了。 South China Morning Post 《南华早报》:China’s most handsome man right now?Tibetan herder wows Chinese social media with rugged good looks.中国最帅的男人?藏族牧人以粗犷英俊的面容震惊了中国社交媒体。rugged good looks:a man with masculine figures粗犷的,有男子汉气概的比如《雷神》的男主 Chris Hemsworth(克里斯·海姆斯莫斯)He is very famous for his rugged good looks.We can say: Women are attracted to his rugged good looks. wow的用法语气词exclamation:Example:Wow! That is amazing! 像Wow这样的语气词还有: Aw, Oh, Hm, Aha etc…名词noun:Example:You will be a wow at the show. (It means that you will succeed.)你会取得极大的成功。动词verbExample:You really wowed us all today!(Another way to say “You really amazed us!”)你今天真的让我们惊叹!法国人梅莉眼中的丁真He is good looking.He seems like a very happy young man who enjoys life. 一个快乐的小青年儿。He is also different from most 20 year old’s nowadays.和如今大多数二十多岁的青年人与众不同。His culture also plays a big part in his identity.他的文化对他的特征影响很大。Please comment us: What do you think about Ding Zhen?
12/18/2020 • 12 minutes, 47 seconds
主播:翩翩(中国)+梅莉(法国)音乐:Complicated今天,要和大家聊的是,一夜爆红的丁真。 1.丁真一夜爆红一夜爆红:to become popular overnight / go viral overnight没有任何预兆,突然之间out of nowhere, not expected It happened very suddenly.丁真爆红只用了10秒不到(less than 10 seconds)。 2.丁真是谁?四川人Sichaunese藏族Tibetan 少数民族ethnic minority丁真“火了”:双11当天,有一个关于丁真的不到10秒的视频(a 10 seconds video of Ding Zhen)被发到网上(was posted on the internet)。视频中,丁真正在微笑。(The video shows Ding Zhen smiling.)结果这个视频就火了(went viral)。 3.为什么丁真火了?有很多明星是被包装出来的。Many celebrities are polished, trained and prepared to be famous. 但,丁真是纯天然的。Ding Zhen became famous naturally, without trying.每个人心中都住着一个丁真(Everyone has a Ding Zhen in their heart.):天然natural自由free在草原上躺一天,看时间慢慢流逝lying on grassland and watching time fly slowly无忧无虑:careless and enjoying the life to the fullest 4.怎么形容男生帅handsome 帅气的attractive 有吸引力的good looking 好看的stunning 令人惊艳的gorgeous 美艳不可方物媒体是怎么报道“丁真的帅”的?CGTN: Tibetan heartthrob gets job offer after getting viral on Chinese media.藏族帅哥在中国社交媒体上走红之后,获得了工作邀约。heartthrob怎么用?heart(心脏)+throb(悸动)= heartthrob(万人迷)这个词经常被用来形容长得好看的名人(celebrities who are known for being good looking)We can say:Ding Zhen is the latest Tibetan heartthrob. 丁真是最新的藏族万人迷。The recent heartthrob became famous in less than 10 seconds.最近的万人迷在不到10秒内就出名了。 South China Morning Post 《南华早报》:China’s most handsome man right now?Tibetan herder wows Chinese social media with rugged good looks.中国最帅的男人?藏族牧人以粗犷英俊的面容震惊了中国社交媒体。rugged good looks:a man with masculine figures粗犷的,有男子汉气概的比如《雷神》的男主 Chris Hemsworth(克里斯·海姆斯莫斯)He is very famous for his rugged good looks.We can say: Women are attracted to his rugged good looks. wow的用法语气词exclamation:Example:Wow! That is amazing! 像Wow这样的语气词还有: Aw, Oh, Hm, Aha etc…名词noun:Example:You will be a wow at the show. (It means that you will succeed.)你会取得极大的成功。动词verbExample:You really wowed us all today!(Another way to say “You really amazed us!”)你今天真的让我们惊叹!法国人梅莉眼中的丁真He is good looking.He seems like a very happy young man who enjoys life. 一个快乐的小青年儿。He is also different from most 20 year old’s nowadays.和如今大多数二十多岁的青年人与众不同。His culture also plays a big part in his identity.他的文化对他的特征影响很大。Please comment us: What do you think about Ding Zhen?
12/18/2020 • 12 minutes, 47 seconds
老外来了:法国姑娘说:“ 封完城了,我们心累!”
主播:翩翩(中国)+梅莉(法国)音乐:That's Christmas to Me今天,要和大家聊的是法国疫情近况。 1.法国封城the first lockdown第一次封城:March 18 要有出门证来展示出门的动机(motive)如果不遵守规定(the rule was not followed)的话,会有135欧的罚款(a fine of 135 euros)。the gradual lifting of the confinement 逐步解除禁闭: May只有几个高风险区(in the red zone)仍然需要严格地封闭(strictly confined)。渐渐地,法国回归了“新正常生活”状态(back to the new normal)。 the new normal:1)Restaurants, schools, cafes reopened(重新开学、开业).2)wearing masks(戴口罩), 1m distance(保持1米的社交距离)等新规定也是相继而来。 3)但在九月末,病例又增加了(cases started to rise again)。4)很多区域有新的限制(new restrictions):the closing of gyms, venues for festive or associative events, ban on gatherings of more than 10 people in public spaces健身房关门,节日或相关活动场所关闭,公共场所不能有超过10人的聚会。ban on student parties, flea markets, garage sales, non-food markets etc. 句点学生的聚会,跳蚤市场,车库甩卖等也是被禁止。a curfew(宵禁) was put in place for 15 days:晚上10点,所有的bars和restaurants都必须stop serving(关门)。但是,所有的这些措施都是太温柔(tender,gentle)。So a new confinement was announced(出台).new lockdown measures 再一次封城:October但是,这一次的封城没有上一次严格(less strict than the first confinement)。Universities were closed but all primary, middle and high schools stayed open. 大学关了,但小学、初中、高中依然开学。这样,爸妈不用照顾孩子(take care of kids),可以keep working,经济才能维持下去(keep going)。既可以在家办公(work from home),也可以去办公室(go to work physically)。法国疫情近况:The cases are still quite a lot. 法国目前有200多万确诊病例(confirmed cases),5万多死亡病例(deaths)。Everyone is tired, very tired of living with COVID. It has been a year now and we are confined again.每一个人都疲于新冠疫情,已经一年了,如今又封城,心累!!!It’s too hard!太难了!!! 2.疫情之下的法国The second wave is getting better now, but they are worried that there will be potentially(潜在地) a third one. 尽管第二波疫情正在好转,但大家都在惶恐第三波疫情的到来。餐饮行业(restaurants, bars and nightclubs)经济惨淡(losing a lot of business)。Older people in nursing homes(养老院)cannot enjoy their family’s company(陪伴).Students having parents abroad(在国外)haven’t seen their family for a year. 海外留学的学子已经一年没有与亲人相见。France might even still be confined by Christmas.圣诞将近,那时法国可能仍然封城。Good news: vaccines seem to be promising and hopefully will be available soon. 疫苗似乎很有希望,并且疫苗接种在望。 3.中法对待疫情的差异The way this pandemic was handled(解决) is so different in the two countries. 中法处理新冠疫情大不同:中国跟欧美国家很大的文化差异(cultural difference)China:所有中国人已经习惯了(were already used to)戴口罩(wearing masks)。在中国,口罩买不上的时候,竟有人拿柚子皮做口罩。France:They didn’t even have masks in the beginning. 但法国一开始没有口罩,后来还在争论要不要戴口罩。China:人人都使用WeChat,所以通过这个平台(platform)来追踪病例(to keep track of the cases)就容易很多。 France:人们更多的是,不愿意安装相关的应用(are more reluctant to installing apps),因为他们知道,自己会被追踪(be tracked),位置信息(positions)会被共享。 所以,法国政府为疫情使用的APP, 没有奏效(did not really work)。It was very frustrating. 一声叹息,深深的无力感!Staying positive is hard but it is important. We believe that everything will get better.保持积极的心态很难,但至关重要。我们相信一切都在好转。 祝愿世界疫情尽快得到控制。也愿在世界各地的一席小伙伴,能够一切安好,早日回到中国。
12/3/2020 • 12 minutes, 44 seconds
老外来了:法国姑娘说:“ 封完城了,我们心累!”
主播:翩翩(中国)+梅莉(法国)音乐:That's Christmas to Me今天,要和大家聊的是法国疫情近况。 1.法国封城the first lockdown第一次封城:March 18 要有出门证来展示出门的动机(motive)如果不遵守规定(the rule was not followed)的话,会有135欧的罚款(a fine of 135 euros)。the gradual lifting of the confinement 逐步解除禁闭: May只有几个高风险区(in the red zone)仍然需要严格地封闭(strictly confined)。渐渐地,法国回归了“新正常生活”状态(back to the new normal)。 the new normal:1)Restaurants, schools, cafes reopened(重新开学、开业).2)wearing masks(戴口罩), 1m distance(保持1米的社交距离)等新规定也是相继而来。 3)但在九月末,病例又增加了(cases started to rise again)。4)很多区域有新的限制(new restrictions):the closing of gyms, venues for festive or associative events, ban on gatherings of more than 10 people in public spaces健身房关门,节日或相关活动场所关闭,公共场所不能有超过10人的聚会。ban on student parties, flea markets, garage sales, non-food markets etc. 句点学生的聚会,跳蚤市场,车库甩卖等也是被禁止。a curfew(宵禁) was put in place for 15 days:晚上10点,所有的bars和restaurants都必须stop serving(关门)。但是,所有的这些措施都是太温柔(tender,gentle)。So a new confinement was announced(出台).new lockdown measures 再一次封城:October但是,这一次的封城没有上一次严格(less strict than the first confinement)。Universities were closed but all primary, middle and high schools stayed open. 大学关了,但小学、初中、高中依然开学。这样,爸妈不用照顾孩子(take care of kids),可以keep working,经济才能维持下去(keep going)。既可以在家办公(work from home),也可以去办公室(go to work physically)。法国疫情近况:The cases are still quite a lot. 法国目前有200多万确诊病例(confirmed cases),5万多死亡病例(deaths)。Everyone is tired, very tired of living with COVID. It has been a year now and we are confined again.每一个人都疲于新冠疫情,已经一年了,如今又封城,心累!!!It’s too hard!太难了!!! 2.疫情之下的法国The second wave is getting better now, but they are worried that there will be potentially(潜在地) a third one. 尽管第二波疫情正在好转,但大家都在惶恐第三波疫情的到来。餐饮行业(restaurants, bars and nightclubs)经济惨淡(losing a lot of business)。Older people in nursing homes(养老院)cannot enjoy their family’s company(陪伴).Students having parents abroad(在国外)haven’t seen their family for a year. 海外留学的学子已经一年没有与亲人相见。France might even still be confined by Christmas.圣诞将近,那时法国可能仍然封城。Good news: vaccines seem to be promising and hopefully will be available soon. 疫苗似乎很有希望,并且疫苗接种在望。 3.中法对待疫情的差异The way this pandemic was handled(解决) is so different in the two countries. 中法处理新冠疫情大不同:中国跟欧美国家很大的文化差异(cultural difference)China:所有中国人已经习惯了(were already used to)戴口罩(wearing masks)。在中国,口罩买不上的时候,竟有人拿柚子皮做口罩。France:They didn’t even have masks in the beginning. 但法国一开始没有口罩,后来还在争论要不要戴口罩。China:人人都使用WeChat,所以通过这个平台(platform)来追踪病例(to keep track of the cases)就容易很多。 France:人们更多的是,不愿意安装相关的应用(are more reluctant to installing apps),因为他们知道,自己会被追踪(be tracked),位置信息(positions)会被共享。 所以,法国政府为疫情使用的APP, 没有奏效(did not really work)。It was very frustrating. 一声叹息,深深的无力感!Staying positive is hard but it is important. We believe that everything will get better.保持积极的心态很难,但至关重要。我们相信一切都在好转。 祝愿世界疫情尽快得到控制。也愿在世界各地的一席小伙伴,能够一切安好,早日回到中国。
12/3/2020 • 12 minutes, 44 seconds
主播:翩翩 | Bipasha今天,跟大家要聊个“梗儿”——爆红网络的“秋天的第一杯奶茶”。*网络爆红:go viral /ˈvaɪrəl/ “梗”:trend /meme爆红网络的梗:a viral trend / a viral memeFirst cup of BOBA in AUTUMNWhat do you think about it?对于这个“梗儿”,你这么看?the main reason why the trend has gone viral(这个“梗儿”爆红的主要原因):人们买来 boba(奶茶),putting it in plastic bottle containers(塑料容器)or other containers。It does not look as aesthetic as milk tea’s usually look.一点也不像奶茶的审美。Where did the trend come from? 这个“梗儿”是怎么来的?We are not quite sure这个“梗儿”是怎么流行的(become a trend)。Viewers if you know, please leave a comment and let us know. (请尝试用英文留言哦)What’s the difference between Boba and Bubble Tea? Boba和Bubble Tea区别在哪?Boba专指珍珠奶茶(milk tea with pearls) Boba is a cute name for the drink.When and Where did Boba originate? 奶茶的起源起源:Bubble tea originated(起源于) in Asia.第一次被发现:in Taipei, Taiwan(中国台湾,台北) in the late 80s.中国凉茶:Liu Han-Chieh,the founder, who first came up with(提出) the idea of serving Chinese tea cold. 明清之后,中国人才开始使用泡茶法:drink tea without milk(茶汤里什么都不放),purely enjoy the flavor(香气) of the tea leaves soaked(浸泡) in Hot Water印度茶:they drink tea with spices(香料) that are rejuvenating(使……恢复精神)and good for health汉唐时期的中国茶:会把茶叶和“葱、姜、枣、橘皮、茱萸、薄荷”等同煮Does it have any Nutritional Value?奶茶有什么营养价值吗?Bubble Tea has very little to no nutritional value.(几乎没有营养价值)珍珠奶茶的含糖量:has up to(高达)36 grams(克) of sugar which is equivalents to(与……相等) a can of soda(一罐苏打水).因为高含糖量(high volume of sugar),让人喝起来很上瘾(addictive)。Is Bubble Tea Popular in America? 珍珠奶茶在美国流行吗?Bubble tea is very popular in America.在California,更多的时候,把“珍珠奶茶”叫作:boba tea。奶茶started in Taiwan(始于中国台湾),then Japan,然后迅速在西方made its way(杀出一条销路)。American Boba brands:美国也有中国的本土品牌(local brands):CoCo, Hey Tea, Tiger SugarCalifornia also has its very famous local brands(加州的本土品牌):Boba Guys, Urban Ritual and Purple CowBoba和rice, dumplings, pho(米粉), soy sauce(酱油), Korean barbecue一样,都已经成为Asian-American popular culture(亚裔美国人流行文化)的tokens(标记),是一种identity(文化象征)。(奶茶也算是一种文化输出了。)The price奶茶价格:在中国:一杯奶茶,avg. between 15-30RMB;在美国:depends on(取决于)the size(大小) and where you are getting the drink from(地点),on average(平均起来) a cup of Boba is around $5-10 dollars。Some fun stories or memories of Boba 奶茶轶事Boba was part of Bipasha’s everyday life.(奶茶已经成为日常的一部分)Something about Bipasha会和朋友randomly(不定时地) drive down to(开车去) popular bubble tea shops,去喝 a specific Boba Drink(特定的奶茶)。personal favorite is White Gourd Milk Tea (冬瓜珍珠奶茶) Bipasha会喝“冬瓜珍珠奶茶”来 de-stress herself (解压),或者 treat herself for surviving the week(对自己一周努力的奖励).但Bipasha在青岛还没有找到朝思暮想的“冬瓜珍珠奶茶”,有知道的听众可以留言告诉Bipasha哦。在美国,如果不喝奶茶的话,人们通常会喝coffee, smoothies, or fruit juices。在加州,health smoothies are very popular(流行), 许多女孩喜欢每天都喝 Green smoothies 来 cleanse their body(净化身体) and stay fit(保持健康). Green Smoothies在本质上(essentially)是vegetable smoothies with fruits。请听众朋友们猜一下:smoothies是什么饮料?请留言告诉我们:你喜欢喝什么奶茶?
10/13/2020 • 10 minutes, 6 seconds
主播:翩翩 | Bipasha今天,跟大家要聊个“梗儿”——爆红网络的“秋天的第一杯奶茶”。*网络爆红:go viral /ˈvaɪrəl/ “梗”:trend /meme爆红网络的梗:a viral trend / a viral memeFirst cup of BOBA in AUTUMNWhat do you think about it?对于这个“梗儿”,你这么看?the main reason why the trend has gone viral(这个“梗儿”爆红的主要原因):人们买来 boba(奶茶),putting it in plastic bottle containers(塑料容器)or other containers。It does not look as aesthetic as milk tea’s usually look.一点也不像奶茶的审美。Where did the trend come from? 这个“梗儿”是怎么来的?We are not quite sure这个“梗儿”是怎么流行的(become a trend)。Viewers if you know, please leave a comment and let us know. (请尝试用英文留言哦)What’s the difference between Boba and Bubble Tea? Boba和Bubble Tea区别在哪?Boba专指珍珠奶茶(milk tea with pearls) Boba is a cute name for the drink.When and Where did Boba originate? 奶茶的起源起源:Bubble tea originated(起源于) in Asia.第一次被发现:in Taipei, Taiwan(中国台湾,台北) in the late 80s.中国凉茶:Liu Han-Chieh,the founder, who first came up with(提出) the idea of serving Chinese tea cold. 明清之后,中国人才开始使用泡茶法:drink tea without milk(茶汤里什么都不放),purely enjoy the flavor(香气) of the tea leaves soaked(浸泡) in Hot Water印度茶:they drink tea with spices(香料) that are rejuvenating(使……恢复精神)and good for health汉唐时期的中国茶:会把茶叶和“葱、姜、枣、橘皮、茱萸、薄荷”等同煮Does it have any Nutritional Value?奶茶有什么营养价值吗?Bubble Tea has very little to no nutritional value.(几乎没有营养价值)珍珠奶茶的含糖量:has up to(高达)36 grams(克) of sugar which is equivalents to(与……相等) a can of soda(一罐苏打水).因为高含糖量(high volume of sugar),让人喝起来很上瘾(addictive)。Is Bubble Tea Popular in America? 珍珠奶茶在美国流行吗?Bubble tea is very popular in America.在California,更多的时候,把“珍珠奶茶”叫作:boba tea。奶茶started in Taiwan(始于中国台湾),then Japan,然后迅速在西方made its way(杀出一条销路)。American Boba brands:美国也有中国的本土品牌(local brands):CoCo, Hey Tea, Tiger SugarCalifornia also has its very famous local brands(加州的本土品牌):Boba Guys, Urban Ritual and Purple CowBoba和rice, dumplings, pho(米粉), soy sauce(酱油), Korean barbecue一样,都已经成为Asian-American popular culture(亚裔美国人流行文化)的tokens(标记),是一种identity(文化象征)。(奶茶也算是一种文化输出了。)The price奶茶价格:在中国:一杯奶茶,avg. between 15-30RMB;在美国:depends on(取决于)the size(大小) and where you are getting the drink from(地点),on average(平均起来) a cup of Boba is around $5-10 dollars。Some fun stories or memories of Boba 奶茶轶事Boba was part of Bipasha’s everyday life.(奶茶已经成为日常的一部分)Something about Bipasha会和朋友randomly(不定时地) drive down to(开车去) popular bubble tea shops,去喝 a specific Boba Drink(特定的奶茶)。personal favorite is White Gourd Milk Tea (冬瓜珍珠奶茶) Bipasha会喝“冬瓜珍珠奶茶”来 de-stress herself (解压),或者 treat herself for surviving the week(对自己一周努力的奖励).但Bipasha在青岛还没有找到朝思暮想的“冬瓜珍珠奶茶”,有知道的听众可以留言告诉Bipasha哦。在美国,如果不喝奶茶的话,人们通常会喝coffee, smoothies, or fruit juices。在加州,health smoothies are very popular(流行), 许多女孩喜欢每天都喝 Green smoothies 来 cleanse their body(净化身体) and stay fit(保持健康). Green Smoothies在本质上(essentially)是vegetable smoothies with fruits。请听众朋友们猜一下:smoothies是什么饮料?请留言告诉我们:你喜欢喝什么奶茶?
10/13/2020 • 10 minutes, 6 seconds
主播:翩翩(中国)+Selah(美国)电影《花木兰》MulanEveryone was eagerly waiting for and anticipating this movie.万众瞩目The ratings were low.评分很低Had many criticisms.口碑很差the live action version was based on the animated one基于动画版本的真人武打版本,但更像是成人电影(adult movie),因为这部电影:does not have songs没有歌曲has more fighting and action scenes有更多武打场景The story of Mulan花木兰的故事Pretends to be a boy 女扮男装Goes to the war to fight in the place of her father 替父从军故事激励人心:a story about courage and bravery(勇气) and sacrificing(牺牲) for the ones you love美国人民的反应美国人民的反应(response):very mixed看法不一Positive comments(好评)是好电影,love it a lot。可以拍得更像迪士尼动画电影(animated Disney movie)。有创新,没有repeat the original(原来的)movie。吸引人(grabbing),并且,“全程无尿点”(扣人心弦,引人入胜people were on the “edge of their seats”) Negative comments(差评):没有准确(accurately)描绘(portray)the story or Chinese culture。因为政治问题(political issues)而迁怒这部电影。选的体裁(genre)有问题: 既不是kids movie, 也不是war movie。The main criticisms(主要的差评):很无聊(boring),不能吸引人的注意力 (grab people’s attention)。因为疫情,美国could not release(上映) it in movie theaters。Selah和朋友在自己的专属movie theater——living room,看了这部电影,两人AA付电影票(split the price)。美国人的电影评分平台:IMDbMulan got a 5.4/10 (5.4 out of 10)score on IMDb. 《花木兰》这部电影在IMDb上的评分是5.4分。这部电影并没有赚到期望的票房(make as much money as they thought they would), 尤其还是 Disney movie。Selah的观影感受Selah really enjoyed the movie. 非常喜欢这部电影。这部电影:did a good job at (在……做得好)telling the story, showing Chinese cultural valuesfamily movie(适合家人一起看):因为没有intense romance(强烈的爱情)made Selah laugh and proud of Chinese stories and history(为中国故事和历史感到骄傲)did a good job at making it look and feel “Chinese”(看上去和感受起来很“中国”)传递 Chinese traditional values(中国精神):bravery(勇气) and family honor(家族的荣耀)the costumes: big dresses (大长裙)and 夸张的makeup(妆容)the actresses Liu Yifei & Gong Li:did an excellent job and did not try to be too American or Western(演出了“中国化”的感觉) 如果你也看了《花木兰》,请留言分享你的观影感受。
10/2/2020 • 10 minutes, 29 seconds
主播:翩翩(中国)+Selah(美国)电影《花木兰》MulanEveryone was eagerly waiting for and anticipating this movie.万众瞩目The ratings were low.评分很低Had many criticisms.口碑很差the live action version was based on the animated one基于动画版本的真人武打版本,但更像是成人电影(adult movie),因为这部电影:does not have songs没有歌曲has more fighting and action scenes有更多武打场景The story of Mulan花木兰的故事Pretends to be a boy 女扮男装Goes to the war to fight in the place of her father 替父从军故事激励人心:a story about courage and bravery(勇气) and sacrificing(牺牲) for the ones you love美国人民的反应美国人民的反应(response):very mixed看法不一Positive comments(好评)是好电影,love it a lot。可以拍得更像迪士尼动画电影(animated Disney movie)。有创新,没有repeat the original(原来的)movie。吸引人(grabbing),并且,“全程无尿点”(扣人心弦,引人入胜people were on the “edge of their seats”) Negative comments(差评):没有准确(accurately)描绘(portray)the story or Chinese culture。因为政治问题(political issues)而迁怒这部电影。选的体裁(genre)有问题: 既不是kids movie, 也不是war movie。The main criticisms(主要的差评):很无聊(boring),不能吸引人的注意力 (grab people’s attention)。因为疫情,美国could not release(上映) it in movie theaters。Selah和朋友在自己的专属movie theater——living room,看了这部电影,两人AA付电影票(split the price)。美国人的电影评分平台:IMDbMulan got a 5.4/10 (5.4 out of 10)score on IMDb. 《花木兰》这部电影在IMDb上的评分是5.4分。这部电影并没有赚到期望的票房(make as much money as they thought they would), 尤其还是 Disney movie。Selah的观影感受Selah really enjoyed the movie. 非常喜欢这部电影。这部电影:did a good job at (在……做得好)telling the story, showing Chinese cultural valuesfamily movie(适合家人一起看):因为没有intense romance(强烈的爱情)made Selah laugh and proud of Chinese stories and history(为中国故事和历史感到骄傲)did a good job at making it look and feel “Chinese”(看上去和感受起来很“中国”)传递 Chinese traditional values(中国精神):bravery(勇气) and family honor(家族的荣耀)the costumes: big dresses (大长裙)and 夸张的makeup(妆容)the actresses Liu Yifei & Gong Li:did an excellent job and did not try to be too American or Western(演出了“中国化”的感觉) 如果你也看了《花木兰》,请留言分享你的观影感受。
10/2/2020 • 10 minutes, 29 seconds
主播:翩翩(中国)+梅莉(法国)今天我们要聊一聊,一个多月前就想聊的话题,热播剧《三十而已》 Nothing but Thirty。1.都市情感剧: 三十而已Nothing but Thirty很像美国的Desperate Housewives 《绝望主妇》以及Sex and the City《欲望都市》。*都市情感剧:TV serials of urban love/ romantic drama 2.三十而已——来自中国成语“三十而立”剧名(Nothing but Thirty)灵感来自 a Chinese idiom(中国的成语)——三十而立(Standing at Thirty)。中国人相信,人到三十岁的时候,应该成家立业(being financially stable and having a family),在社会上立足。“三十岁的焦虑”,怕:They are not doing well and lacking self development. (三十岁而不能立。)这部剧,turning the traditional idea around(改变传统观念), 就把“三十而立”,换成了“三十而已”,Nothing but Thirty。表示:Being 30 is just the beginning. 很多人有共鸣:Many people can relate to it. 3.三个女主角1.顾佳谐音“顾家”:Someone who takes care and looks after their family.比如:我的太太很顾家。My wife takes good care of my family. a perfect housewife(家庭主妇)beautiful, intelligent and courageous(集美丽与智慧于一身)takes good care of her husband and educates her son very well(相夫教子,贤妻良母)very elegant socially and skillful in the kitchen(上得厅堂下得厨房。)However,这样一位贤惠的妻子,她的丈夫却出轨了: Her husband cheated on her. / He had an affair.2.王曼妮“海漂”爱上了“海王”。a sales assistant(一名“柜姐”)a shanghai drifter(一名“海漂”)海漂:在上海工作、生活的外地人Shanghai drifter 北漂:在北京工作、生活的外地人Beijing drifters她爱上(falls in love with)一个多金多情的男人(rich and affectionate man),结果这个男人是“海王”(Sea King),最后他们以分手(broke up)告终。* “海王”,是汉语中的buzz word(流行词), 源于(originates from)“本以为游进了哥哥的鱼塘,没想到哥哥是个海王”。I thought I swam into my his fish pond, but I didn't expect him to be a sea king.意思是指暧昧关系众多,经常以“广撒网、多捕鱼”为中心指导思想撩妹(seduce girls)的渣男(players)。3.钟晓芹像她的名字一样(芹=芹菜),简单、无害harmless。a nice and innocent good girl(一名“乖乖女”)an ordinary office worker(平凡的“上班族”)她跟丈夫离婚后又复婚(remarried),有一个happy ending。这三位女主角,是好闺蜜。 闺蜜:best friends/ besties例如:①她是我闺蜜。She is my best friend. ②她俩是闺蜜。They are best friends. *注意:闺蜜一定不可以用girlfriends这个词,因为girlfriends只用来指a relationship between a guy and a girl。4.关于题目:三十而立这句话,is a quote(引言) from Confucius:吾十有五而志于学,三十而立,四十不惑,五十而知天命,六十而耳顺,七十而从心所欲,不逾矩。很多汉学家将孔子的这句话翻译为英文,其中比较普遍一个翻译版本来自英国著名汉学家理雅各(James Legge):At fifteen, I had my mind bent on learning. At thirty, I stood firm. At forty, I had no doubts. At fifty, I know the decrees of Heaven. At sixty, my ear was an obedient organ for the reception of truth. At seventy, I could follow what my heart desired, without transgressing what was right.“三十而立”“四十不惑”,是基于孔子十五岁就“志于学”,否则的话,四十岁刚好是“大惑不解”之时。孔子得出的感悟并非适用于每一个人(apply to everyone),现在社会,it’s OK to start business or start doing something at forties.Anyway, 我们都祝愿大家:Stand firm at thirty and have no doubts at forty.Best wishes!
9/29/2020 • 13 minutes, 28 seconds
主播:翩翩(中国)+梅莉(法国)今天我们要聊一聊,一个多月前就想聊的话题,热播剧《三十而已》 Nothing but Thirty。1.都市情感剧: 三十而已Nothing but Thirty很像美国的Desperate Housewives 《绝望主妇》以及Sex and the City《欲望都市》。*都市情感剧:TV serials of urban love/ romantic drama 2.三十而已——来自中国成语“三十而立”剧名(Nothing but Thirty)灵感来自 a Chinese idiom(中国的成语)——三十而立(Standing at Thirty)。中国人相信,人到三十岁的时候,应该成家立业(being financially stable and having a family),在社会上立足。“三十岁的焦虑”,怕:They are not doing well and lacking self development. (三十岁而不能立。)这部剧,turning the traditional idea around(改变传统观念), 就把“三十而立”,换成了“三十而已”,Nothing but Thirty。表示:Being 30 is just the beginning. 很多人有共鸣:Many people can relate to it. 3.三个女主角1.顾佳谐音“顾家”:Someone who takes care and looks after their family.比如:我的太太很顾家。My wife takes good care of my family. a perfect housewife(家庭主妇)beautiful, intelligent and courageous(集美丽与智慧于一身)takes good care of her husband and educates her son very well(相夫教子,贤妻良母)very elegant socially and skillful in the kitchen(上得厅堂下得厨房。)However,这样一位贤惠的妻子,她的丈夫却出轨了: Her husband cheated on her. / He had an affair.2.王曼妮“海漂”爱上了“海王”。a sales assistant(一名“柜姐”)a shanghai drifter(一名“海漂”)海漂:在上海工作、生活的外地人Shanghai drifter 北漂:在北京工作、生活的外地人Beijing drifters她爱上(falls in love with)一个多金多情的男人(rich and affectionate man),结果这个男人是“海王”(Sea King),最后他们以分手(broke up)告终。* “海王”,是汉语中的buzz word(流行词), 源于(originates from)“本以为游进了哥哥的鱼塘,没想到哥哥是个海王”。I thought I swam into my his fish pond, but I didn't expect him to be a sea king.意思是指暧昧关系众多,经常以“广撒网、多捕鱼”为中心指导思想撩妹(seduce girls)的渣男(players)。3.钟晓芹像她的名字一样(芹=芹菜),简单、无害harmless。a nice and innocent good girl(一名“乖乖女”)an ordinary office worker(平凡的“上班族”)她跟丈夫离婚后又复婚(remarried),有一个happy ending。这三位女主角,是好闺蜜。 闺蜜:best friends/ besties例如:①她是我闺蜜。She is my best friend. ②她俩是闺蜜。They are best friends. *注意:闺蜜一定不可以用girlfriends这个词,因为girlfriends只用来指a relationship between a guy and a girl。4.关于题目:三十而立这句话,is a quote(引言) from Confucius:吾十有五而志于学,三十而立,四十不惑,五十而知天命,六十而耳顺,七十而从心所欲,不逾矩。很多汉学家将孔子的这句话翻译为英文,其中比较普遍一个翻译版本来自英国著名汉学家理雅各(James Legge):At fifteen, I had my mind bent on learning. At thirty, I stood firm. At forty, I had no doubts. At fifty, I know the decrees of Heaven. At sixty, my ear was an obedient organ for the reception of truth. At seventy, I could follow what my heart desired, without transgressing what was right.“三十而立”“四十不惑”,是基于孔子十五岁就“志于学”,否则的话,四十岁刚好是“大惑不解”之时。孔子得出的感悟并非适用于每一个人(apply to everyone),现在社会,it’s OK to start business or start doing something at forties.Anyway, 我们都祝愿大家:Stand firm at thirty and have no doubts at forty.Best wishes!
9/29/2020 • 13 minutes, 28 seconds
主播:翩翩(中国)&梅莉(法国)音乐:Solstice(开场)+Felix(结尾)1)The beauty 巴黎美Buildings建筑除了法国的标志(symbol)之一——Eiffel Tower(埃菲尔铁塔),法国还有很多保存完好的(well preserved)建筑,这些建筑风韵犹存(preserving the beautiful views)。 Streets 街道The streets in Paris are also very charming(富有魅力的)。在巴黎街头,手牵手地漫步( a stroll hand in hand ),绝对是一件顶浪漫的事。巴黎的街道是散步和赏风景(take in the scenery)的理想(ideal )去处。There’s always something beautiful around the next corner. 人在画中走,一步一风景。2)The movies 电影许多电影中,都植入了(have embedded)对巴黎的美好印象(a certain rosy idea)。好莱坞电影中(Hollywood) , 巴黎是这样的:到处是时髦的旅馆(chic hotels)人们在干净的塞纳河畔漫步(stroll by the very clean Seine)当然了,好莱坞电影描绘了(painted)一幅非常理想的巴黎画面(idealized picture of Paris)。人们痴迷于(are fascinated with)art, fashion and jewelry(珠宝),so they want to show it in the films. 3.The food 美食The French food也是让巴黎成为浪漫之都(a romantic city)的元素(elements)之一。将传统优雅或舒适的餐厅(traditionally elegant or cozy restaurants)与浪漫的建筑(romantic architecture)相结合(combine),你就会明白,为什么在巴黎的双人晚餐(dinner for two)会吸引(appeal)很多情侣(couples)。French classic food:cheese & wine(奶酪与红酒)想象一下,在巴黎的某个地方,人们端着红酒杯,谈笑风生。(美哉!) 4.The people and language 法国人与法语PeopleFrench people are definitely more passionate and flirtatious. 法国人肯定是更热情,更有情调的。他们很随性,跟着感觉走(follow their passions)。 The French language The French language is also seen as a very romantic language.法语Je t’aime(I love you)是法语在线翻译中,被查询最多的词组之一。 法语为巴黎增添了浪漫的气息(the romantic flavor of Paris)。 【梅莉为你读诗】梅莉为大家读了一首精美的法语小诗,快听音频,感受法语的浪漫与萌~Pas Besoin Alain BosquetLa trompe de l'éléphant,c'est pour ramasser les pistaches:pas besoin de se baisser.Le cou de la girafe,c'est pour brouter les astres:pas besoin de voler.La peau du caméléon,verte, bleue, mauve, blanche,selon sa volonté,c'est pour se cacher des animaux voraces:pas besoin de fuir.La carapace de la tortue,c'est pour dormir à l'intérieur,même l'hiver:pas besoin de maison.Le poème du poète,c'est pour dire tout celaet mille et mille et mille autres choses:pas besoin de comprendre.———————————————————————————————————————没必要-阿兰·博思凯大象的鼻子是用来捡开心果的,没必要弯下腰。长颈鹿的脖子,是用来看星星的,没必要飞翔。变色龙的皮肤,绿色、蓝色、粉色、白色,是用来躲避动物,没必要逃跑。乌龟的壳,是为了在里面睡觉,甚至在冬天,没必要有家。诗人的诗歌是为了说所有这些,还有成千上万其他东西没必要懂。5.The history 历史历史上,法国是西方世界ideas, art, poetry and revolutionary politics(政治革命)的中心。许多作家都对光明之城(the City of Light)——巴黎的生活大加赞赏(wrote adoringly)。在他们笔下,巴黎给人深刻而浪漫(profound and romantic)的感受,这或许就可以解释:Why people all over the world fall in love with Paris even if they’ve never been there?身虽未至,一往情深。许多游客,带着对浪漫生活(life in pink)的追求与期待来到巴黎,only to discover(却发现),巴黎也有着现代都市(modern city)的弊病(pitfalls)——traffic, noise, pick pockets, high prices, trash, dirty public transport etc.许多住在巴黎的人,可能也看到了它名声的讽刺(the irony of its reputation),因为巴黎显然是法国单身人士、出轨者和离婚者的首都(the capital of single people, infidelity and divorce in France)。So there is no doubt(毋庸置疑)you can have a wonderfully romantic time in Paris:享受美丽的建筑(architecture)感受法国的历史(enjoy the history)品尝美味的食物(fine cuisine)与当地热情的人们(passionate locals)举杯畅饮BUT,请不要带着对浪漫生活(life in pink)的期待而来。It is a very romantic city but it also has the norms of a big city. 任何一个城市都有它的童话版本和真实版本。(这话听着熟悉吗?)请给我们留言:如果你去过巴黎,你最喜欢的是什么?
8/16/2020 • 12 minutes, 32 seconds
主播:翩翩(中国)&梅莉(法国)音乐:Solstice(开场)+Felix(结尾)1)The beauty 巴黎美Buildings建筑除了法国的标志(symbol)之一——Eiffel Tower(埃菲尔铁塔),法国还有很多保存完好的(well preserved)建筑,这些建筑风韵犹存(preserving the beautiful views)。 Streets 街道The streets in Paris are also very charming(富有魅力的)。在巴黎街头,手牵手地漫步( a stroll hand in hand ),绝对是一件顶浪漫的事。巴黎的街道是散步和赏风景(take in the scenery)的理想(ideal )去处。There’s always something beautiful around the next corner. 人在画中走,一步一风景。2)The movies 电影许多电影中,都植入了(have embedded)对巴黎的美好印象(a certain rosy idea)。好莱坞电影中(Hollywood) , 巴黎是这样的:到处是时髦的旅馆(chic hotels)人们在干净的塞纳河畔漫步(stroll by the very clean Seine)当然了,好莱坞电影描绘了(painted)一幅非常理想的巴黎画面(idealized picture of Paris)。人们痴迷于(are fascinated with)art, fashion and jewelry(珠宝),so they want to show it in the films. 3.The food 美食The French food也是让巴黎成为浪漫之都(a romantic city)的元素(elements)之一。将传统优雅或舒适的餐厅(traditionally elegant or cozy restaurants)与浪漫的建筑(romantic architecture)相结合(combine),你就会明白,为什么在巴黎的双人晚餐(dinner for two)会吸引(appeal)很多情侣(couples)。French classic food:cheese & wine(奶酪与红酒)想象一下,在巴黎的某个地方,人们端着红酒杯,谈笑风生。(美哉!) 4.The people and language 法国人与法语PeopleFrench people are definitely more passionate and flirtatious. 法国人肯定是更热情,更有情调的。他们很随性,跟着感觉走(follow their passions)。 The French language The French language is also seen as a very romantic language.法语Je t’aime(I love you)是法语在线翻译中,被查询最多的词组之一。 法语为巴黎增添了浪漫的气息(the romantic flavor of Paris)。 【梅莉为你读诗】梅莉为大家读了一首精美的法语小诗,快听音频,感受法语的浪漫与萌~Pas Besoin Alain BosquetLa trompe de l'éléphant,c'est pour ramasser les pistaches:pas besoin de se baisser.Le cou de la girafe,c'est pour brouter les astres:pas besoin de voler.La peau du caméléon,verte, bleue, mauve, blanche,selon sa volonté,c'est pour se cacher des animaux voraces:pas besoin de fuir.La carapace de la tortue,c'est pour dormir à l'intérieur,même l'hiver:pas besoin de maison.Le poème du poète,c'est pour dire tout celaet mille et mille et mille autres choses:pas besoin de comprendre.———————————————————————————————————————没必要-阿兰·博思凯大象的鼻子是用来捡开心果的,没必要弯下腰。长颈鹿的脖子,是用来看星星的,没必要飞翔。变色龙的皮肤,绿色、蓝色、粉色、白色,是用来躲避动物,没必要逃跑。乌龟的壳,是为了在里面睡觉,甚至在冬天,没必要有家。诗人的诗歌是为了说所有这些,还有成千上万其他东西没必要懂。5.The history 历史历史上,法国是西方世界ideas, art, poetry and revolutionary politics(政治革命)的中心。许多作家都对光明之城(the City of Light)——巴黎的生活大加赞赏(wrote adoringly)。在他们笔下,巴黎给人深刻而浪漫(profound and romantic)的感受,这或许就可以解释:Why people all over the world fall in love with Paris even if they’ve never been there?身虽未至,一往情深。许多游客,带着对浪漫生活(life in pink)的追求与期待来到巴黎,only to discover(却发现),巴黎也有着现代都市(modern city)的弊病(pitfalls)——traffic, noise, pick pockets, high prices, trash, dirty public transport etc.许多住在巴黎的人,可能也看到了它名声的讽刺(the irony of its reputation),因为巴黎显然是法国单身人士、出轨者和离婚者的首都(the capital of single people, infidelity and divorce in France)。So there is no doubt(毋庸置疑)you can have a wonderfully romantic time in Paris:享受美丽的建筑(architecture)感受法国的历史(enjoy the history)品尝美味的食物(fine cuisine)与当地热情的人们(passionate locals)举杯畅饮BUT,请不要带着对浪漫生活(life in pink)的期待而来。It is a very romantic city but it also has the norms of a big city. 任何一个城市都有它的童话版本和真实版本。(这话听着熟悉吗?)请给我们留言:如果你去过巴黎,你最喜欢的是什么?
8/16/2020 • 12 minutes, 32 seconds
主播:翩翩(中国)+梅莉(法国)歌曲:Félix应一席粉丝的提议,今天,翩翩和梅莉要聊的是:法国恋爱文化。看似开放浪漫的法国人,他们的恋爱观念却很传统?Really?我们来一探究竟。 1.法国的恋爱文化很开放?In France ,romantic relationships are more traditional. 法国的恋爱文化其实很传统。这就意味着,他们对待爱情是严肃的(serious),并且忠诚(loyalty)在爱情里很重要。1.在法国,也是男追女(man to pursue the woman),他们很重视正式的浪漫约会(formal romantic dates)。2)法国人会使用“见面”(seeing each other)这个词来指代“约会”。3)There is no exclusivity talk needed.不进行排他性地谈话。在一些国家,夫妻之间需要有一个谈话,来建立关系,来证明他们是正式的(official)并且是专一的(exclusive)。But in France, it is very different. 但在法国,这截然不同。如果你吻了,那么你们的恋爱关系就正式确立了(formalizes the romantic relationship),你们就正式成为一对儿了(officially a couple)。 无需废话,“一吻定情”!这就是一种含蓄的浪漫,有一种不用言说的默契在里面。*exclusive adj. 独有的,排外的,专一的*romantic relationship恋爱关系4)法国人很少会在社交平台“秀恩爱”(post so much about their relationship)。恋爱更是一种私人的(much more private)事情,他们只会在亲密的朋友与家人之间分享。 2.公开亲热在法国可接受吗?*PDA= public displays of affection 公开亲热PDA is acceptable in French dating culture 公开亲热在法国文化是可接受的。公开亲热(PDA)在法国并不是禁忌(taboo)。可能,在法国街头,到处可见人们hold hands, hug, and kiss 。或许,这就是法国以浪漫的自由久负盛名(reputation)的原因。* taboo /təˈbuː/ n. 禁忌* reputation /ˌrepjuˈteɪʃn/ n. 名誉,声望* widespread /ˈwaɪdspred/ adj. 广为流传的In France I love you isn’t said that often.“我爱你”,在法国不常听见。在一些特定的场合,他们会说, Je t’aime(法语:我爱你)。在美国,只要是说过一次“I love you”,之后,就可以随时说了(as much as you want without hesitation),甚至是挂电话时,美国人可能会说: Love you,bye!然而,法国人却会用“bisous”(“亲亲”的意思)来取代(replace)“I love you”.* hesitation /ˌhezɪˈteɪʃn/ n. 犹豫 3.法国人的婚恋观在法国,越来越少的(less and less)人会去结婚(get married)。因为,在法国,宗教的影响力正在没落(declining),因此,越来越少的人,会为了宗教的结合(see the need for religious binding)而去结婚。民事伴侣关系(civil partnerships)在增加,这意味着合法婚姻的减少( decrease in legal marriages)。*civil partnerships:不想进入婚姻,比较希望处于一种类似于普通法婚姻(common-law marriage)的异性同居关系,这种婚姻关系享有一定的法律权利。 他们并不认为(assume),婚礼就意味着幸福永久(happy ever after)。即便不结婚,他们仍然会尽力keep romance alive。无论他们是否会结婚,他们都不会去追求(for the sake of)童话的结局(fairytale ending),因为那并不是他们的终极目标(the end goal)。王子和公主在一起了,只是故事的开始。故事里,并不会为我们讲述他们生活的苦难(problems and struggles)。婚姻的实质是两个人之间能够keep romance alive,而不是那些繁文缛节(formality)。从前的日色变得慢,车,马,邮件都慢,一生只够爱一个人。 ——木心《从前慢》(节选)关注公众号“一席文化”,发送关键词“法国恋爱”,就可以领取本期节目的英文逐字稿了。请留言告诉我们:你们有什么感兴趣的话题?听了今天的节目,你们有什么感想?
7/30/2020 • 11 minutes, 30 seconds
主播:翩翩(中国)+梅莉(法国)歌曲:Félix应一席粉丝的提议,今天,翩翩和梅莉要聊的是:法国恋爱文化。看似开放浪漫的法国人,他们的恋爱观念却很传统?Really?我们来一探究竟。 1.法国的恋爱文化很开放?In France ,romantic relationships are more traditional. 法国的恋爱文化其实很传统。这就意味着,他们对待爱情是严肃的(serious),并且忠诚(loyalty)在爱情里很重要。1.在法国,也是男追女(man to pursue the woman),他们很重视正式的浪漫约会(formal romantic dates)。2)法国人会使用“见面”(seeing each other)这个词来指代“约会”。3)There is no exclusivity talk needed.不进行排他性地谈话。在一些国家,夫妻之间需要有一个谈话,来建立关系,来证明他们是正式的(official)并且是专一的(exclusive)。But in France, it is very different. 但在法国,这截然不同。如果你吻了,那么你们的恋爱关系就正式确立了(formalizes the romantic relationship),你们就正式成为一对儿了(officially a couple)。 无需废话,“一吻定情”!这就是一种含蓄的浪漫,有一种不用言说的默契在里面。*exclusive adj. 独有的,排外的,专一的*romantic relationship恋爱关系4)法国人很少会在社交平台“秀恩爱”(post so much about their relationship)。恋爱更是一种私人的(much more private)事情,他们只会在亲密的朋友与家人之间分享。 2.公开亲热在法国可接受吗?*PDA= public displays of affection 公开亲热PDA is acceptable in French dating culture 公开亲热在法国文化是可接受的。公开亲热(PDA)在法国并不是禁忌(taboo)。可能,在法国街头,到处可见人们hold hands, hug, and kiss 。或许,这就是法国以浪漫的自由久负盛名(reputation)的原因。* taboo /təˈbuː/ n. 禁忌* reputation /ˌrepjuˈteɪʃn/ n. 名誉,声望* widespread /ˈwaɪdspred/ adj. 广为流传的In France I love you isn’t said that often.“我爱你”,在法国不常听见。在一些特定的场合,他们会说, Je t’aime(法语:我爱你)。在美国,只要是说过一次“I love you”,之后,就可以随时说了(as much as you want without hesitation),甚至是挂电话时,美国人可能会说: Love you,bye!然而,法国人却会用“bisous”(“亲亲”的意思)来取代(replace)“I love you”.* hesitation /ˌhezɪˈteɪʃn/ n. 犹豫 3.法国人的婚恋观在法国,越来越少的(less and less)人会去结婚(get married)。因为,在法国,宗教的影响力正在没落(declining),因此,越来越少的人,会为了宗教的结合(see the need for religious binding)而去结婚。民事伴侣关系(civil partnerships)在增加,这意味着合法婚姻的减少( decrease in legal marriages)。*civil partnerships:不想进入婚姻,比较希望处于一种类似于普通法婚姻(common-law marriage)的异性同居关系,这种婚姻关系享有一定的法律权利。 他们并不认为(assume),婚礼就意味着幸福永久(happy ever after)。即便不结婚,他们仍然会尽力keep romance alive。无论他们是否会结婚,他们都不会去追求(for the sake of)童话的结局(fairytale ending),因为那并不是他们的终极目标(the end goal)。王子和公主在一起了,只是故事的开始。故事里,并不会为我们讲述他们生活的苦难(problems and struggles)。婚姻的实质是两个人之间能够keep romance alive,而不是那些繁文缛节(formality)。从前的日色变得慢,车,马,邮件都慢,一生只够爱一个人。 ——木心《从前慢》(节选)关注公众号“一席文化”,发送关键词“法国恋爱”,就可以领取本期节目的英文逐字稿了。请留言告诉我们:你们有什么感兴趣的话题?听了今天的节目,你们有什么感想?
7/30/2020 • 11 minutes, 30 seconds
主播:翩翩(中国)+Selah(美国)歌曲:Amazing近日,美国说唱歌手侃爷放话:I am running for president of the United States.此言一出,立刻成了推特热搜(trend on Twitter)。特斯拉CEO留言(reply to Kanye): You have my full support! (全力支持)。今天,翩翩和Selah就和大家聊一聊这一热点话题。由于侃爷错过了许多重要州的候选人申请日期,因此退选 ,但推送还是发出来 ,小伙伴们依然可以练听力、学词汇和地道表达哦!1.坎爷是谁?Who is Kanye West?Kanye West:an American successful rapper and singer 一美国成功的说唱歌手with more than 140 million records sold 唱片销量很高has won 21 Grammy Awards 得过21次格莱美音乐奖His style is rap and hip-hop music.音乐风格:说唱 & 嘻哈FBI成员——跟他合作的人基本进局子了(went to the jail)(玩笑话)His clothing brand——Yeezy(椰子)一位专心做音乐的时尚UP主:除了歌手的身份外,侃爷还是一位商人(business owner)以及服装设计师(fashion designer),他有自己的服装品牌(clothing brand)——椰子(Yeezy)。very popular and famous 很受欢迎Shoes are expensive, high quality and hard to get . 鞋子价格昂贵,质量高,“一鞋难求”The most expensive pair is Nike Air Yeezy 2 SP “Red October”– $11,400 与耐克合作的鞋子——Nike Air Yeezy 2 SP “Red October”,竟然卖到了11400美元!His wife——Kim Kardashian(金·卡戴珊)an older sister in the famous reality TV Show Keeping Up with the Kardashians 参加著名真人秀节目——《与卡戴珊一家同行》a model, clothing designer, make up brand owner, and popular on social media 超模、服装设计师,有自己化妆品品牌,在社交媒体深受欢迎got married with Kanye in 2014 and have 4 children together 与侃爷在2014年结婚,并生了4个孩子为人生猛,独具个性,甚至在Twitter发裸照,祝大家国际妇女节快乐。 2.让特朗普插不上话的男人In 2016, Trump welcomed Kanye West to the White House .2016年,特朗普邀请侃爷到白宫一叙。整个过程,Kanye滔滔不绝地讲了20分钟。Kanye’s monologue leaves Trump speechless. 侃爷的独白(monologue)让特朗普插不上话(speechless)。特朗普可不是一个会轻易无话可说的人(easily speechless),but he intently(专心地) listened to what Kanye wanted to say。(可见侃爷魅力所在。)最后,特朗普总结说:Kanye was a special man.侃爷是一个特别的男人。而侃爷也很支持特朗普,他时常戴着有“Make America Great Again (MAGA)”字样的红色帽子,来展示his support for Trump。 3.侃爷竞选美国总统,美国人怎么看?If he was to become president, it would be a very hot topic.如果侃爷成为了美国总统,将会引起轩然大波。人们的意见分歧会很大(very divided at this)。Kanye is a very controversial person.侃爷是一个饱受争议(very controversial)的人物。Some people love and respect him. 有人是喜欢并尊敬他的。But he is also disliked for his extreme views and comments.但也有人,因为侃爷过激的言论,而不喜欢他。他因为粗鲁和以自我为中心(rude and self-centered)而有着不好的声誉(reputation),所以很多人认为他is not ready to run a country(不能治理国家)。他在政治上直言不讳(outspoken on politics),但缺乏经验。4.他和Taylor Swift怎么回事?2009年,Taylor swift 获得格莱美最佳音乐录影带奖(a Grammy award for best music video)。当Taylor swift领奖时,侃爷走上台,却说,他认为Beyoncé 才应该是这个奖项的最佳候选人。自此以后,他们就有很多戏剧性的故事(have had a lot of drama),并且, their fans like to fight. 他们甚至在歌里诋毁对方(insulted each other in their songs)。It is public knowledge that they are not friends.大家都知道他们不是朋友。 5.他曾经在中国的南京生活过? 侃爷10岁的时候,在南京待过一年(had spent a year living in Nanjing)。他的妈妈在南京大学(Nanjing University)教英语。他学习过太极(Taichi),甚至还会went to school nearby。 住在中国对他的事业有极大的影响(had a great impact on his career),为他成为名人做好了准备(prepared him for becoming a celebrity)。因为中国人过去很少见到外国人(were not used to seeing a black person), 所以经常会盯着他看(stared at him)并且会摸他的皮肤(touch his skin),侃爷小时候就受到了明星一般的待遇。 6.如果侃爷成为美国总统,中美关系将会怎样?有人认为, if he became president, 将有利于中美关系(US China relations)。因为有一段在中国的快乐时光, so he would be sympathetic(共情的;相理解的)to the Chinese people.也许他会多访问中国(take many trips to visit )。并且会尽力鼓励两国的合作(cooperation’s between the two countries)。
7/16/2020 • 11 minutes, 59 seconds
主播:翩翩(中国)+Selah(美国)歌曲:Amazing近日,美国说唱歌手侃爷放话:I am running for president of the United States.此言一出,立刻成了推特热搜(trend on Twitter)。特斯拉CEO留言(reply to Kanye): You have my full support! (全力支持)。今天,翩翩和Selah就和大家聊一聊这一热点话题。由于侃爷错过了许多重要州的候选人申请日期,因此退选 ,但推送还是发出来 ,小伙伴们依然可以练听力、学词汇和地道表达哦!1.坎爷是谁?Who is Kanye West?Kanye West:an American successful rapper and singer 一美国成功的说唱歌手with more than 140 million records sold 唱片销量很高has won 21 Grammy Awards 得过21次格莱美音乐奖His style is rap and hip-hop music.音乐风格:说唱 & 嘻哈FBI成员——跟他合作的人基本进局子了(went to the jail)(玩笑话)His clothing brand——Yeezy(椰子)一位专心做音乐的时尚UP主:除了歌手的身份外,侃爷还是一位商人(business owner)以及服装设计师(fashion designer),他有自己的服装品牌(clothing brand)——椰子(Yeezy)。very popular and famous 很受欢迎Shoes are expensive, high quality and hard to get . 鞋子价格昂贵,质量高,“一鞋难求”The most expensive pair is Nike Air Yeezy 2 SP “Red October”– $11,400 与耐克合作的鞋子——Nike Air Yeezy 2 SP “Red October”,竟然卖到了11400美元!His wife——Kim Kardashian(金·卡戴珊)an older sister in the famous reality TV Show Keeping Up with the Kardashians 参加著名真人秀节目——《与卡戴珊一家同行》a model, clothing designer, make up brand owner, and popular on social media 超模、服装设计师,有自己化妆品品牌,在社交媒体深受欢迎got married with Kanye in 2014 and have 4 children together 与侃爷在2014年结婚,并生了4个孩子为人生猛,独具个性,甚至在Twitter发裸照,祝大家国际妇女节快乐。 2.让特朗普插不上话的男人In 2016, Trump welcomed Kanye West to the White House .2016年,特朗普邀请侃爷到白宫一叙。整个过程,Kanye滔滔不绝地讲了20分钟。Kanye’s monologue leaves Trump speechless. 侃爷的独白(monologue)让特朗普插不上话(speechless)。特朗普可不是一个会轻易无话可说的人(easily speechless),but he intently(专心地) listened to what Kanye wanted to say。(可见侃爷魅力所在。)最后,特朗普总结说:Kanye was a special man.侃爷是一个特别的男人。而侃爷也很支持特朗普,他时常戴着有“Make America Great Again (MAGA)”字样的红色帽子,来展示his support for Trump。 3.侃爷竞选美国总统,美国人怎么看?If he was to become president, it would be a very hot topic.如果侃爷成为了美国总统,将会引起轩然大波。人们的意见分歧会很大(very divided at this)。Kanye is a very controversial person.侃爷是一个饱受争议(very controversial)的人物。Some people love and respect him. 有人是喜欢并尊敬他的。But he is also disliked for his extreme views and comments.但也有人,因为侃爷过激的言论,而不喜欢他。他因为粗鲁和以自我为中心(rude and self-centered)而有着不好的声誉(reputation),所以很多人认为他is not ready to run a country(不能治理国家)。他在政治上直言不讳(outspoken on politics),但缺乏经验。4.他和Taylor Swift怎么回事?2009年,Taylor swift 获得格莱美最佳音乐录影带奖(a Grammy award for best music video)。当Taylor swift领奖时,侃爷走上台,却说,他认为Beyoncé 才应该是这个奖项的最佳候选人。自此以后,他们就有很多戏剧性的故事(have had a lot of drama),并且, their fans like to fight. 他们甚至在歌里诋毁对方(insulted each other in their songs)。It is public knowledge that they are not friends.大家都知道他们不是朋友。 5.他曾经在中国的南京生活过? 侃爷10岁的时候,在南京待过一年(had spent a year living in Nanjing)。他的妈妈在南京大学(Nanjing University)教英语。他学习过太极(Taichi),甚至还会went to school nearby。 住在中国对他的事业有极大的影响(had a great impact on his career),为他成为名人做好了准备(prepared him for becoming a celebrity)。因为中国人过去很少见到外国人(were not used to seeing a black person), 所以经常会盯着他看(stared at him)并且会摸他的皮肤(touch his skin),侃爷小时候就受到了明星一般的待遇。 6.如果侃爷成为美国总统,中美关系将会怎样?有人认为, if he became president, 将有利于中美关系(US China relations)。因为有一段在中国的快乐时光, so he would be sympathetic(共情的;相理解的)to the Chinese people.也许他会多访问中国(take many trips to visit )。并且会尽力鼓励两国的合作(cooperation’s between the two countries)。
7/16/2020 • 11 minutes, 59 seconds
主播:翩翩(中国)+梅莉(法国)歌曲:Oublier la villechic /ʃi:k/ : 法语词,指法式风情,法国女人的优雅美。今天,梅莉,要和大家聊一聊,法国丽人的chic是怎么样养成的。*需要知道的是,法国美是一种stereotype(整体印象/刻板印象),definitely don’t apply to all French women(并不适用所有的法国女人)。 French Fashion 法国时尚法国女人的 mantra(准则):Less is more. 少就是多。法国女人的 wardrobe (衣橱):minimal and organized简洁有条理。法国女人买衣服: 1)buy less but better 少买,但买的都是精品。2)invest in high quality and long lasting items 投资高质量、使用持久的单品。法国女人的“胶囊衣橱”--capsule wardrobe:capsule wardrobe:a set of basic, high quality, and timeless pieces 衣橱存放的,都是基本款、质量好且不会过时的衣服2)How do you create a French capsule wardrobe?“胶囊衣橱”怎么打造?<1> make a list of all the basic items you are missing 先看自己缺什么基本款单品。<2> invest and look for high quality fabrics, long-lasting, and timeless clothing styles 寻找高品质衣料以及持久不过时的风格。<3> They don’t look for the latest fashion trends. 她们不会追求潮流(trend),相反会避开潮流。法国女人的精致:1)穿那些让他们看起美的衣服(what makes them feel beautiful)。2)花时间使自己look polished and beautiful,即使是去grocery(杂货店),也要让自己看起来是polished(优美的)。3)不会在衣服上spend a fortune(花大价钱)。法式chic并不难,就是经典+优雅(classic and elegant)。4)她们选衣服:<1>布料要 comfortable to wear(穿起来舒服);<2>颜色尽量是neutral(中性的),像black,grey,beige(米色), navy blue(海军蓝), brown。<3>感觉上要fabulous and confident(极好且让人自信满满)。Perfume 法国香水对法国女人来说,香水不是在特殊场合(special occasions)才会用的。一种独特的香气 (a scent that is unique) ,是你个人身份的一部分(part of your identity). 所谓“闻香识女人”,大抵如此吧!每天早上,法国女人都会精挑细选香水(the scent they want to wear)。When you smell good you feel good,打扮才算结束。* 喷香水用“wear”这个词,真的很形象!! !Makeup 妆容法国女人的妆容多以自然妆为主(keep their makeup very natural),她们只是用make up来突出(enhance)天然的特征(natural features)。喜欢涂非常红的口红(wear very red lipstick),是法国女人的象征(statement)。法国女人怎么对待aging(变老)这件事?法国美很重要的一部分——优雅地拥抱变老(to embrace aging gracefully)。法国女人相信,age has nothing to do with style(风格无关年龄),任何年龄都可以chic(优雅)。* have nothing to do with... 与……无关They just want to be the best version of themselves at any age. 在任何年龄,都要活到极致。比起整容(go for excessive plastic surgery),她们更喜欢纯天然的美(prefer to stay 100% natural) 。* prefer 更喜欢……*plastic surgery 整容手术不要愁老之将至,你老了一定很可爱。而且,假如你老了十岁,我当然也同样老了十岁,世界也老了十岁,上帝也老了十岁,一切都是一样。——朱生豪《醒来觉得甚是爱你》法国美最重要的心法:It is important to learn to take care and embrace our natural beauty.学会照顾和拥抱我们的天然之美,很重要!Looking elegant and feeling beautiful and confident in your own skin is so important. 让自己的皮肤看起来优雅、美丽、自信,很重要!愿听完节目的你,更加接纳自己、热爱自己!翩翩和梅莉是资深爱美女生,特别乐意在节目里,与大家分享自己的心得。So,please let us know:关于法式美,你们还想了解什么?你喷什么香水?涂什么口红?
7/8/2020 • 15 minutes, 33 seconds
主播:翩翩(中国)+梅莉(法国)歌曲:Oublier la villechic /ʃi:k/ : 法语词,指法式风情,法国女人的优雅美。今天,梅莉,要和大家聊一聊,法国丽人的chic是怎么样养成的。*需要知道的是,法国美是一种stereotype(整体印象/刻板印象),definitely don’t apply to all French women(并不适用所有的法国女人)。 French Fashion 法国时尚法国女人的 mantra(准则):Less is more. 少就是多。法国女人的 wardrobe (衣橱):minimal and organized简洁有条理。法国女人买衣服: 1)buy less but better 少买,但买的都是精品。2)invest in high quality and long lasting items 投资高质量、使用持久的单品。法国女人的“胶囊衣橱”--capsule wardrobe:capsule wardrobe:a set of basic, high quality, and timeless pieces 衣橱存放的,都是基本款、质量好且不会过时的衣服2)How do you create a French capsule wardrobe?“胶囊衣橱”怎么打造?<1> make a list of all the basic items you are missing 先看自己缺什么基本款单品。<2> invest and look for high quality fabrics, long-lasting, and timeless clothing styles 寻找高品质衣料以及持久不过时的风格。<3> They don’t look for the latest fashion trends. 她们不会追求潮流(trend),相反会避开潮流。法国女人的精致:1)穿那些让他们看起美的衣服(what makes them feel beautiful)。2)花时间使自己look polished and beautiful,即使是去grocery(杂货店),也要让自己看起来是polished(优美的)。3)不会在衣服上spend a fortune(花大价钱)。法式chic并不难,就是经典+优雅(classic and elegant)。4)她们选衣服:<1>布料要 comfortable to wear(穿起来舒服);<2>颜色尽量是neutral(中性的),像black,grey,beige(米色), navy blue(海军蓝), brown。<3>感觉上要fabulous and confident(极好且让人自信满满)。Perfume 法国香水对法国女人来说,香水不是在特殊场合(special occasions)才会用的。一种独特的香气 (a scent that is unique) ,是你个人身份的一部分(part of your identity). 所谓“闻香识女人”,大抵如此吧!每天早上,法国女人都会精挑细选香水(the scent they want to wear)。When you smell good you feel good,打扮才算结束。* 喷香水用“wear”这个词,真的很形象!! !Makeup 妆容法国女人的妆容多以自然妆为主(keep their makeup very natural),她们只是用make up来突出(enhance)天然的特征(natural features)。喜欢涂非常红的口红(wear very red lipstick),是法国女人的象征(statement)。法国女人怎么对待aging(变老)这件事?法国美很重要的一部分——优雅地拥抱变老(to embrace aging gracefully)。法国女人相信,age has nothing to do with style(风格无关年龄),任何年龄都可以chic(优雅)。* have nothing to do with... 与……无关They just want to be the best version of themselves at any age. 在任何年龄,都要活到极致。比起整容(go for excessive plastic surgery),她们更喜欢纯天然的美(prefer to stay 100% natural) 。* prefer 更喜欢……*plastic surgery 整容手术不要愁老之将至,你老了一定很可爱。而且,假如你老了十岁,我当然也同样老了十岁,世界也老了十岁,上帝也老了十岁,一切都是一样。——朱生豪《醒来觉得甚是爱你》法国美最重要的心法:It is important to learn to take care and embrace our natural beauty.学会照顾和拥抱我们的天然之美,很重要!Looking elegant and feeling beautiful and confident in your own skin is so important. 让自己的皮肤看起来优雅、美丽、自信,很重要!愿听完节目的你,更加接纳自己、热爱自己!翩翩和梅莉是资深爱美女生,特别乐意在节目里,与大家分享自己的心得。So,please let us know:关于法式美,你们还想了解什么?你喷什么香水?涂什么口红?
7/8/2020 • 15 minutes, 33 seconds
主播:翩翩(中国)+梅莉(法国)歌曲:《小白船》& Oublier la ville近期,一部悬疑剧火遍全网(the most popular suspense TV show)——《隐秘的角落》。今天,翩翩和梅莉教你,如何用英文聊这部剧。悬疑、剧透怎么说?(1)悬疑剧:suspense drama / suspense TV showSome classic suspense movies:经典的悬疑剧美国经典——Silent Lamb《沉默的羔羊》法国经典——Les Misérable《悲惨世界》/ In the House 《登堂入室》剧透:spoil(毁坏) +er → spoilers不要剧透呀: No spoilers!我最讨厌剧透:I really hate spoiler.(3)这部剧,现在在中国很火。The Bad Kids is now very popular in China. / It has gone viral in China.经典台词(crucial line):我还有机会吗?一起去爬山吗?《隐秘的角落》讲什么?The beginning of the story is scary:故事的开头很惊悚数学老师“张东升”跟岳父岳母(parents in law)一起爬山(went mountain climbing),到山顶的时候,he suddenly pushed them down the mountain。 这一幕被三名小朋友无意中视频拍摄下来(was accidentally filmed)。恰好,3个小孩中的一个小女孩“普普”的弟弟得了白血病(leukemia),他们就决定sell the "video" to Zhang Dongsheng ,然后用这笔钱 to treat Pupu's younger brother。Double ending: fairy tale ending + real ending 双结局:童话结局 + 真实结局表面上,这部剧有一个happy ending:They lived happily ever after. 他们从此过上了幸福的生活。小孩们都健康快乐地活着,普普的弟弟也治好了病。但细节里,一直都在暗示观众(hinting the audience),what the true story actually is :朝阳杀死了自己的妹妹,利用张东升害死了他的两个小伙伴。并用一本“半真半假”的日记(a "half true and half false" diary),将自己洗脱干净(to make himself clear)。更可怕的暗示——两个主角的名字:朝阳(the rising sun)& 东升(rise from the east)The rising sun will rise from the east. 朝阳会东升。这就暗示将来:他们本来就是the same kind of person(一类人)!细思恐极!A second thought incurs profound fear!剧名翻译有秘密!《隐秘的角落》的英文名字:The Bad Kids OR Cat's Cradle Cat's Cradle:①字面意思(literal meaning):猫的摇篮;②实际指中国民间流传的儿童游戏(traditional Chinese children’s game)——翻花绳。③暗含意义(figurative meaning):精心策划的事件(something that is intricate, complicated, or elaborate)《隐秘的角落》翻译为Cat's Cradle,有内涵,而且与故事很fitting(合适)。而且,整部剧大量使用隐喻(metaphor),暗含14岁少年的“心机”与“设计”。比如:杀人犯张东升临死前对朱朝阳说:你可以相信童话。(观众听到的)但口型却是“高手”You are good! ——(实际看到的)火遍全网的台词英文版一起爬山吗?——To go mountain climbing together? (对某人“下狠手”attack someone的代名词)我还有机会吗?——Do I still have a chance? (预兆“结束”的一句话)你选择相信童话,还是选择相信真相?——Do you choose to believe in fairy tales or choose to believe in the truth? (暗示观众:故事有两个版本two versions)你读书就是为了杀人吗?——Are you studying to kill?(普普的灵魂拷问,令张东升哑口无言speechless)你不是让我从小做一个诚实的孩子吗?——Didn’t you want me to be an honest child from an early age?(朱朝阳对爸爸的反问)Anyway,这部剧非常值得追 (highly recommend)。一席文化寄语:如果你是父母,希望你们记住: 身教永远重于言教(Actions speak louder than words.)。与其多关注成绩,不如多进行品格引导,身心健康了,一切都会有的。如果你是后妈,记住: 爱不会越分越少,与其让小孩少一个爸爸,不如让TA多一个妈妈,你也会多一个孩子。如果你是小孩,希望你记住:永远按照你所知道的,最善的方式去生活(苏格拉底)。
7/3/2020 • 12 minutes, 40 seconds
主播:翩翩(中国)+梅莉(法国)歌曲:《小白船》& Oublier la ville近期,一部悬疑剧火遍全网(the most popular suspense TV show)——《隐秘的角落》。今天,翩翩和梅莉教你,如何用英文聊这部剧。悬疑、剧透怎么说?(1)悬疑剧:suspense drama / suspense TV showSome classic suspense movies:经典的悬疑剧美国经典——Silent Lamb《沉默的羔羊》法国经典——Les Misérable《悲惨世界》/ In the House 《登堂入室》剧透:spoil(毁坏) +er → spoilers不要剧透呀: No spoilers!我最讨厌剧透:I really hate spoiler.(3)这部剧,现在在中国很火。The Bad Kids is now very popular in China. / It has gone viral in China.经典台词(crucial line):我还有机会吗?一起去爬山吗?《隐秘的角落》讲什么?The beginning of the story is scary:故事的开头很惊悚数学老师“张东升”跟岳父岳母(parents in law)一起爬山(went mountain climbing),到山顶的时候,he suddenly pushed them down the mountain。 这一幕被三名小朋友无意中视频拍摄下来(was accidentally filmed)。恰好,3个小孩中的一个小女孩“普普”的弟弟得了白血病(leukemia),他们就决定sell the "video" to Zhang Dongsheng ,然后用这笔钱 to treat Pupu's younger brother。Double ending: fairy tale ending + real ending 双结局:童话结局 + 真实结局表面上,这部剧有一个happy ending:They lived happily ever after. 他们从此过上了幸福的生活。小孩们都健康快乐地活着,普普的弟弟也治好了病。但细节里,一直都在暗示观众(hinting the audience),what the true story actually is :朝阳杀死了自己的妹妹,利用张东升害死了他的两个小伙伴。并用一本“半真半假”的日记(a "half true and half false" diary),将自己洗脱干净(to make himself clear)。更可怕的暗示——两个主角的名字:朝阳(the rising sun)& 东升(rise from the east)The rising sun will rise from the east. 朝阳会东升。这就暗示将来:他们本来就是the same kind of person(一类人)!细思恐极!A second thought incurs profound fear!剧名翻译有秘密!《隐秘的角落》的英文名字:The Bad Kids OR Cat's Cradle Cat's Cradle:①字面意思(literal meaning):猫的摇篮;②实际指中国民间流传的儿童游戏(traditional Chinese children’s game)——翻花绳。③暗含意义(figurative meaning):精心策划的事件(something that is intricate, complicated, or elaborate)《隐秘的角落》翻译为Cat's Cradle,有内涵,而且与故事很fitting(合适)。而且,整部剧大量使用隐喻(metaphor),暗含14岁少年的“心机”与“设计”。比如:杀人犯张东升临死前对朱朝阳说:你可以相信童话。(观众听到的)但口型却是“高手”You are good! ——(实际看到的)火遍全网的台词英文版一起爬山吗?——To go mountain climbing together? (对某人“下狠手”attack someone的代名词)我还有机会吗?——Do I still have a chance? (预兆“结束”的一句话)你选择相信童话,还是选择相信真相?——Do you choose to believe in fairy tales or choose to believe in the truth? (暗示观众:故事有两个版本two versions)你读书就是为了杀人吗?——Are you studying to kill?(普普的灵魂拷问,令张东升哑口无言speechless)你不是让我从小做一个诚实的孩子吗?——Didn’t you want me to be an honest child from an early age?(朱朝阳对爸爸的反问)Anyway,这部剧非常值得追 (highly recommend)。一席文化寄语:如果你是父母,希望你们记住: 身教永远重于言教(Actions speak louder than words.)。与其多关注成绩,不如多进行品格引导,身心健康了,一切都会有的。如果你是后妈,记住: 爱不会越分越少,与其让小孩少一个爸爸,不如让TA多一个妈妈,你也会多一个孩子。如果你是小孩,希望你记住:永远按照你所知道的,最善的方式去生活(苏格拉底)。
7/3/2020 • 12 minutes, 40 seconds
主播: 翩翩(中国)+梅莉(法国)音乐:La plus belle pour aller danser想必大家都已经体验了微信的新功能(new feature)——“拍一拍”。今天,翩翩就和梅莉用英文聊一聊“拍一拍”。1.微信新功能:“拍一拍” 1.You double tap someone’s profile picture. 双击对方的头像。 2.It will shake the other person’s profile picture . 对方的头像会震动。 3.Then a message will show up in the conversation as “You nudged xxx” . 对话框会出现“你拍了拍XXX”信息。需要将微信升级到最新版本(the latest version)。除了拍别人,你还可以“自拍”(nudge yourself)。We can simply nudge them on WeChat. (以后,微信聊天直接“拍一拍”,不必再发“在吗”) 2.微信团队怎么翻译“拍一拍”?“nudge”: to push somebody gently轻轻地推某人,像小时候上课时,同桌会碰你一下,提醒“老师叫你呢!”“拍一拍”只是来提醒某人,而非真正的pat 或 beat。因此,微信团队使用“nudge”这个词非常传神,并且合适(fitting)。 3.微信翻译中的“英文小秘密”翩翩的手机屏幕中,会出现以下情况:(1) 如果翩翩拍了一下梅莉,会出现“you nudged 梅莉”的文字。(2)如果翩翩拍了一下自己,会出现“you nudged yourself”的文字。(3) 如果梅莉拍了一下梅莉,那么屏幕上会显示“梅莉 nudged themselves”的文字。梅莉是一个人,为什么用 themselves(他们自己)?原因很简单:因为微信不知道梅莉is a man or a woman,所以使用“they”来指代。*英文语法冷知识: 当你不知道一个人的性别时,可以用they、them、themselves 来指代。这叫做:单数they!就像是中文网上,用“TA”来直接代替“她”或“他”。At the end of 2015, this "singular they" was also selected as one of the ten "Word of the Year" of Oxford Dictionaries.2015年年底,“单数they”还曾入选为牛津词典(Oxford Dictionaries)的十大“年度词汇”(Word of the Year)之一。Singular they 很常用啊:(1)If anyone doesn’t like it, they can leave.(要是有人不喜欢,TA可以离开。)(2) When a friend upsets you, do you tell them?(朋友让你不开心的时候,你会告诉TA吗?)(3)Someone has left their coat behind.(有人把TA的外套落下了。)由此可见,This rule is actually really helpful,可以帮助我们cut down on the words。翻译下面这个句子:一个人不理发的时候,TA的头发就会变长。When somebody does not get a haircut, his or her hair grows long.有了singular they,下面这个句子就可以简化为:→When somebody does not get a haircut, their hair grows long.所以这就解释了,微信中,对方拍了拍自己,会翻译为“XXX nudged themselves”。Good job,WeChat!Please let us know:你有没有玩“拍一拍”呢?你又有哪些新发现吗?
7/1/2020 • 12 minutes, 58 seconds
主播: 翩翩(中国)+梅莉(法国)音乐:La plus belle pour aller danser想必大家都已经体验了微信的新功能(new feature)——“拍一拍”。今天,翩翩就和梅莉用英文聊一聊“拍一拍”。1.微信新功能:“拍一拍” 1.You double tap someone’s profile picture. 双击对方的头像。 2.It will shake the other person’s profile picture . 对方的头像会震动。 3.Then a message will show up in the conversation as “You nudged xxx” . 对话框会出现“你拍了拍XXX”信息。需要将微信升级到最新版本(the latest version)。除了拍别人,你还可以“自拍”(nudge yourself)。We can simply nudge them on WeChat. (以后,微信聊天直接“拍一拍”,不必再发“在吗”) 2.微信团队怎么翻译“拍一拍”?“nudge”: to push somebody gently轻轻地推某人,像小时候上课时,同桌会碰你一下,提醒“老师叫你呢!”“拍一拍”只是来提醒某人,而非真正的pat 或 beat。因此,微信团队使用“nudge”这个词非常传神,并且合适(fitting)。 3.微信翻译中的“英文小秘密”翩翩的手机屏幕中,会出现以下情况:(1) 如果翩翩拍了一下梅莉,会出现“you nudged 梅莉”的文字。(2)如果翩翩拍了一下自己,会出现“you nudged yourself”的文字。(3) 如果梅莉拍了一下梅莉,那么屏幕上会显示“梅莉 nudged themselves”的文字。梅莉是一个人,为什么用 themselves(他们自己)?原因很简单:因为微信不知道梅莉is a man or a woman,所以使用“they”来指代。*英文语法冷知识: 当你不知道一个人的性别时,可以用they、them、themselves 来指代。这叫做:单数they!就像是中文网上,用“TA”来直接代替“她”或“他”。At the end of 2015, this "singular they" was also selected as one of the ten "Word of the Year" of Oxford Dictionaries.2015年年底,“单数they”还曾入选为牛津词典(Oxford Dictionaries)的十大“年度词汇”(Word of the Year)之一。Singular they 很常用啊:(1)If anyone doesn’t like it, they can leave.(要是有人不喜欢,TA可以离开。)(2) When a friend upsets you, do you tell them?(朋友让你不开心的时候,你会告诉TA吗?)(3)Someone has left their coat behind.(有人把TA的外套落下了。)由此可见,This rule is actually really helpful,可以帮助我们cut down on the words。翻译下面这个句子:一个人不理发的时候,TA的头发就会变长。When somebody does not get a haircut, his or her hair grows long.有了singular they,下面这个句子就可以简化为:→When somebody does not get a haircut, their hair grows long.所以这就解释了,微信中,对方拍了拍自己,会翻译为“XXX nudged themselves”。Good job,WeChat!Please let us know:你有没有玩“拍一拍”呢?你又有哪些新发现吗?
7/1/2020 • 12 minutes, 58 seconds
主播:翩翩(中国)+ 卫普(澳大利亚)从课堂上的一个可爱的瞬间说起:教绘本It Looked Like Spilt Milk时,棕色皮肤的卫普,举例说:“I look like chocolate but I am not a chocolate.” 我看着像巧克力,但我不是巧克力。一整个班的小孩,都被逗笑了。让人想起,最近的世界大事件——Black Lives Matter,今天,就和卫普一起聊一聊这一trending issue(热点话题),以及个人的亲身经历。 1.美国“Black Lives Matter”(黑人的命也是命)抗议运动,澳大利亚怎么看?* 这件事成为新闻(bring this issue to light)是一个遗憾(shame)。The Australian media澳洲媒体:is very similar to American media 与美国报道的一样just recycle the same thing the American media is saying 只是重复美国媒体的报道put a lot of blame on Trump 把罪责推到特朗普身上* recycle v. 循环使用* blame n. 责备,责任2.Is there any protest in Australia now? 澳大利亚也抗议吗?In America, this event is still going worse(持续发酵). 然而在澳大利亚,抗议的情况比美国好太多,因为:Australia is much better than America in terms of quality of life在生活质量(quality of life)方面,澳大利亚比美国好很多。Australian government is much more supportive of disadvantaged people and communities. 澳大利亚政府更加支持弱势群体(disadvantaged people)和社区。3.Were you discriminated against ?你,受过歧视吗?上学时,有一次打架,8岁的卫普被卷进去。老师不问原因,也不听解释(didn't listen to his story),就把卫普扔进校长办公室。成年后的卫普,坦言道:That was the worst experience. 那是我人生中最糟糕的经历!问他:Are you healed? 从那段伤害中,走出来了吗?他说: Yes, I’m. 因为大家都不懂事。 They didn’t understand.在中国,只有在面试外教时,会被不公平对待,有一次,跟一个Russian white guy一起面试,英语为母语的卫普,工资却低了一大截。“当天我就直接辞职了...I quit that job right away that day”,他说。尽管受到过不公平的待遇,但卫普却说,“It isn’t indicative of my overall experience in China.”(但这并不能代表我在中国的全部经历。)It’s really stupid to judge people by the colors. 根据肤色来衡量一个人简直太愚蠢了。很多家长不喜欢Asian looking teacher(亚洲面孔的老师)却喜欢 Western looking teacher(西方面孔的老师),但这不是家长的错,培训机构应当自己明白,同时使家长明白:What matters as a teacher!作为一个老师,什么才是重要的!Many people are blind by their own prejudice.很多人被自己的偏见蒙蔽了双眼。很多家长付了高昂的学费,却把孩子送到了not qualified teachers(不专业的老师)手中。Language and race are two separated things. 语言与人种是两码事!Language and teaching language are two different things, too.“会说”与“会教”也是两码事!4.With which words we can call yellow person and black person can be political correct or polite? 怎样称呼“黄种人”“黑种人”比较正确、合理?现在肤色问题变得很sensitive(敏感),Google已经把“black list”(黑名单)更改为了“block list”。The best solution is to use something else to describe someone apart from their ethnicity or skin colour. 与国际友人相处,最好不要描述一个人的种族和肤色。You can describe them by using something they are wearing(衣服) or even something like their hairstyle(发型)。What do you think of this podcast? 听完今天的节目,你有什么感想?Please comment us!
6/25/2020 • 10 minutes, 12 seconds
主播:翩翩(中国)+ 卫普(澳大利亚)从课堂上的一个可爱的瞬间说起:教绘本It Looked Like Spilt Milk时,棕色皮肤的卫普,举例说:“I look like chocolate but I am not a chocolate.” 我看着像巧克力,但我不是巧克力。一整个班的小孩,都被逗笑了。让人想起,最近的世界大事件——Black Lives Matter,今天,就和卫普一起聊一聊这一trending issue(热点话题),以及个人的亲身经历。 1.美国“Black Lives Matter”(黑人的命也是命)抗议运动,澳大利亚怎么看?* 这件事成为新闻(bring this issue to light)是一个遗憾(shame)。The Australian media澳洲媒体:is very similar to American media 与美国报道的一样just recycle the same thing the American media is saying 只是重复美国媒体的报道put a lot of blame on Trump 把罪责推到特朗普身上* recycle v. 循环使用* blame n. 责备,责任2.Is there any protest in Australia now? 澳大利亚也抗议吗?In America, this event is still going worse(持续发酵). 然而在澳大利亚,抗议的情况比美国好太多,因为:Australia is much better than America in terms of quality of life在生活质量(quality of life)方面,澳大利亚比美国好很多。Australian government is much more supportive of disadvantaged people and communities. 澳大利亚政府更加支持弱势群体(disadvantaged people)和社区。3.Were you discriminated against ?你,受过歧视吗?上学时,有一次打架,8岁的卫普被卷进去。老师不问原因,也不听解释(didn't listen to his story),就把卫普扔进校长办公室。成年后的卫普,坦言道:That was the worst experience. 那是我人生中最糟糕的经历!问他:Are you healed? 从那段伤害中,走出来了吗?他说: Yes, I’m. 因为大家都不懂事。 They didn’t understand.在中国,只有在面试外教时,会被不公平对待,有一次,跟一个Russian white guy一起面试,英语为母语的卫普,工资却低了一大截。“当天我就直接辞职了...I quit that job right away that day”,他说。尽管受到过不公平的待遇,但卫普却说,“It isn’t indicative of my overall experience in China.”(但这并不能代表我在中国的全部经历。)It’s really stupid to judge people by the colors. 根据肤色来衡量一个人简直太愚蠢了。很多家长不喜欢Asian looking teacher(亚洲面孔的老师)却喜欢 Western looking teacher(西方面孔的老师),但这不是家长的错,培训机构应当自己明白,同时使家长明白:What matters as a teacher!作为一个老师,什么才是重要的!Many people are blind by their own prejudice.很多人被自己的偏见蒙蔽了双眼。很多家长付了高昂的学费,却把孩子送到了not qualified teachers(不专业的老师)手中。Language and race are two separated things. 语言与人种是两码事!Language and teaching language are two different things, too.“会说”与“会教”也是两码事!4.With which words we can call yellow person and black person can be political correct or polite? 怎样称呼“黄种人”“黑种人”比较正确、合理?现在肤色问题变得很sensitive(敏感),Google已经把“black list”(黑名单)更改为了“block list”。The best solution is to use something else to describe someone apart from their ethnicity or skin colour. 与国际友人相处,最好不要描述一个人的种族和肤色。You can describe them by using something they are wearing(衣服) or even something like their hairstyle(发型)。What do you think of this podcast? 听完今天的节目,你有什么感想?Please comment us!
6/25/2020 • 10 minutes, 12 seconds
公众号:一席文化主播:梅莉(法国巴黎)+ 翩翩(中国青岛)配乐:Itsi Bitsi Petit Bikini1. 摆地摊怎么说?* 地摊:street stall 摆地摊: set up a street stall但摆地摊不仅是动作,更是长久的的经营:* 摆地摊(卖货):Run a street stallRunning a street stall can be a great way to start a business.摆地摊是一种不错的创业途径* 地摊的摊主: a stall keeper 街上的卖家: a street vendor 我是个摆地摊的: I’m a street vendor. / I’m a stall keeper.大不了去摆地摊: No big deal, we can go running street stall !2. 欧美国家,有“地摊”吗?欧美国家,在景区、度假地附近有夜市,卖旅游纪念品、夏天的衣裳summer clothes、小玩意* night markets 夜市* vacation locations 度假地点* touristic place 景区* souvenirs /ˌsuvə'nɪr/: 法语词,伴手礼(纪念品)* gadget /'gædʒɪt/ : 小玩意They are more like a store that extends into the streets. 但这些摊位,其实更多的是店铺延伸到街上。跟中国的“地摊”还是有区别。在欧美,真正的“地摊”,也有:有些人会place some products on the ground(把产品放在地上) and sell in(出售),尤其是many artists(很多搞艺术的),sell their own hand made products 在街上卖自己的手工品。3. 美国的 yard sales,法国的Braderie在美国,最火的是: yard sales 庭院甩卖 + garage sales 车库甩卖销售地点:in their yard 在自家院子里销售的物品:things they do not use anymore 家里用不着的二手东西People who are interested can come and check it out 感兴趣的人们都可以进来看看。在法国,最火的是: Braderie :法语, 意为clearance sales 清家底儿销售时间:happen on a specific day 固定的一天销售物品:things they do not use anymore 家里用不着的二手东西old toys旧玩具, baby clothes婴儿装, vintage things 古着、古董...* They are considered an event 更像是一个活动。* It is very popular and does attract many people. 在法国,很火、能吸引到很多人来* Some roads are blocked. 有些路会被清出来,* So there can be more space for people to sell their things. 腾出更多的地方来给人们卖东西。 梅莉的奶奶每年都会盼着这一天,把家里所有不用的东西都搬出来卖。4. 在欧美,摆摊是合法的吗?In France there are street vendors that sell cheap souvenirs illegally. 法国很多卖便宜纪念品的街贩,都是违法的在巴黎埃菲尔铁塔下面,常有一些人:带一个包,里面装着一些货,随手就会pull it out(拿出货来卖),如果看到the police come by(警察过来),就会quickly put it in the bag,然后 act like a normal tourist(假装是普通游客)在中国长大的梅莉笑道: 法国埃菲尔铁塔下的商贩,兜售的“旅游纪念品”,一看就是made in China, 在淘宝上一搜(look it up)就能很便宜地买到。5. 中西方截然不同的兜售文化中国有热闹的叫卖文化: 瞧一瞧,看一看。10块钱,你买不了“吃亏”,买不了“上当”!在欧美,却截然不同:There isn’t a culture of chasing after the customerIn China people often sell very similar products,在中国,很多人卖差不多的货,there is very high competition. 所以,竞争很激烈。在中国长大的梅莉,Having grown up in China ,早就习惯讲价了she was used to bargaining.中国的商家,都很努力地想卖货, the sellers are very eager to sell their products 肢体语言就能展示出来,They will physically show it但回到法国之后,很快就意识到:Sellers do not have the same attitude. 你不买有别人来买,they will be ok with you walking away. 6. 摆摊碰到外国人,用哪些英文吸引他们?梅莉在青岛“即墨路”,有类似的体验:大部分商家都会对all of the foreigners walking by(路过的所有外国人)说:“look look”,因为大家都说同意就话,外国人也就ignore it.最好的办法是——提问 asking questions!* you will show that you care 表明你在意* you can also find out what their preference is. 还能知道他们的喜好可以用这些英文:* Can I help you with something? * What are you looking for? Maybe I can help you find it. 在找什么?说不定我能帮你找到。* How are you doing? 外国人很喜欢这种small talk,聊聊天* a comment on their appearance.夸奖一下他们的包包、衣服或者外形 比如:I really like your bag it looks really nice. 好喜欢你的包。( 这样他们自己我感觉超级良好, 会 take a second look at your products)8. 如果你在中国的话,你会想尝试摆地摊吗?会卖什么呢?Oh yes I would love to. I have actually done it and I think if I could do it again I would definitely sell food. More specifically French Crepes (可丽饼). I know people love it and I like baking so it would be very fun for me. 9. 网上搞笑的meme:如果各行业 转行摆地摊的话,程序员—修电脑、手机贴膜Programmer – Fix computers, Stick phone screen protections HR—— 相面( 算命)Human resources – Fortune telling 实习生—— 手冲咖啡Intern – Make coffee 中国有“实习生在单位端茶倒水”的刻板印象,在法国也有“实习生在新单位要冲咖啡”的刻板印象。这就叫做stereotype.留言告诉我们,中国的地摊,法国的Braderie, 美国的yard sales,你更喜欢哪一个呢?替好奇的梅莉问一句:买二手货物,你会觉得不舒服吗?
6/11/2020 • 16 minutes, 56 seconds
公众号:一席文化主播:梅莉(法国巴黎)+ 翩翩(中国青岛)配乐:Itsi Bitsi Petit Bikini1. 摆地摊怎么说?* 地摊:street stall 摆地摊: set up a street stall但摆地摊不仅是动作,更是长久的的经营:* 摆地摊(卖货):Run a street stallRunning a street stall can be a great way to start a business.摆地摊是一种不错的创业途径* 地摊的摊主: a stall keeper 街上的卖家: a street vendor 我是个摆地摊的: I’m a street vendor. / I’m a stall keeper.大不了去摆地摊: No big deal, we can go running street stall !2. 欧美国家,有“地摊”吗?欧美国家,在景区、度假地附近有夜市,卖旅游纪念品、夏天的衣裳summer clothes、小玩意* night markets 夜市* vacation locations 度假地点* touristic place 景区* souvenirs /ˌsuvə'nɪr/: 法语词,伴手礼(纪念品)* gadget /'gædʒɪt/ : 小玩意They are more like a store that extends into the streets. 但这些摊位,其实更多的是店铺延伸到街上。跟中国的“地摊”还是有区别。在欧美,真正的“地摊”,也有:有些人会place some products on the ground(把产品放在地上) and sell in(出售),尤其是many artists(很多搞艺术的),sell their own hand made products 在街上卖自己的手工品。3. 美国的 yard sales,法国的Braderie在美国,最火的是: yard sales 庭院甩卖 + garage sales 车库甩卖销售地点:in their yard 在自家院子里销售的物品:things they do not use anymore 家里用不着的二手东西People who are interested can come and check it out 感兴趣的人们都可以进来看看。在法国,最火的是: Braderie :法语, 意为clearance sales 清家底儿销售时间:happen on a specific day 固定的一天销售物品:things they do not use anymore 家里用不着的二手东西old toys旧玩具, baby clothes婴儿装, vintage things 古着、古董...* They are considered an event 更像是一个活动。* It is very popular and does attract many people. 在法国,很火、能吸引到很多人来* Some roads are blocked. 有些路会被清出来,* So there can be more space for people to sell their things. 腾出更多的地方来给人们卖东西。 梅莉的奶奶每年都会盼着这一天,把家里所有不用的东西都搬出来卖。4. 在欧美,摆摊是合法的吗?In France there are street vendors that sell cheap souvenirs illegally. 法国很多卖便宜纪念品的街贩,都是违法的在巴黎埃菲尔铁塔下面,常有一些人:带一个包,里面装着一些货,随手就会pull it out(拿出货来卖),如果看到the police come by(警察过来),就会quickly put it in the bag,然后 act like a normal tourist(假装是普通游客)在中国长大的梅莉笑道: 法国埃菲尔铁塔下的商贩,兜售的“旅游纪念品”,一看就是made in China, 在淘宝上一搜(look it up)就能很便宜地买到。5. 中西方截然不同的兜售文化中国有热闹的叫卖文化: 瞧一瞧,看一看。10块钱,你买不了“吃亏”,买不了“上当”!在欧美,却截然不同:There isn’t a culture of chasing after the customerIn China people often sell very similar products,在中国,很多人卖差不多的货,there is very high competition. 所以,竞争很激烈。在中国长大的梅莉,Having grown up in China ,早就习惯讲价了she was used to bargaining.中国的商家,都很努力地想卖货, the sellers are very eager to sell their products 肢体语言就能展示出来,They will physically show it但回到法国之后,很快就意识到:Sellers do not have the same attitude. 你不买有别人来买,they will be ok with you walking away. 6. 摆摊碰到外国人,用哪些英文吸引他们?梅莉在青岛“即墨路”,有类似的体验:大部分商家都会对all of the foreigners walking by(路过的所有外国人)说:“look look”,因为大家都说同意就话,外国人也就ignore it.最好的办法是——提问 asking questions!* you will show that you care 表明你在意* you can also find out what their preference is. 还能知道他们的喜好可以用这些英文:* Can I help you with something? * What are you looking for? Maybe I can help you find it. 在找什么?说不定我能帮你找到。* How are you doing? 外国人很喜欢这种small talk,聊聊天* a comment on their appearance.夸奖一下他们的包包、衣服或者外形 比如:I really like your bag it looks really nice. 好喜欢你的包。( 这样他们自己我感觉超级良好, 会 take a second look at your products)8. 如果你在中国的话,你会想尝试摆地摊吗?会卖什么呢?Oh yes I would love to. I have actually done it and I think if I could do it again I would definitely sell food. More specifically French Crepes (可丽饼). I know people love it and I like baking so it would be very fun for me. 9. 网上搞笑的meme:如果各行业 转行摆地摊的话,程序员—修电脑、手机贴膜Programmer – Fix computers, Stick phone screen protections HR—— 相面( 算命)Human resources – Fortune telling 实习生—— 手冲咖啡Intern – Make coffee 中国有“实习生在单位端茶倒水”的刻板印象,在法国也有“实习生在新单位要冲咖啡”的刻板印象。这就叫做stereotype.留言告诉我们,中国的地摊,法国的Braderie, 美国的yard sales,你更喜欢哪一个呢?替好奇的梅莉问一句:买二手货物,你会觉得不舒服吗?
6/11/2020 • 16 minutes, 56 seconds
主播:翩翩( 中国) + 卫普(澳大利亚)由于pandemic(疫情)的影响,一大批回国的外国人出不了国门,也来不了中国。卫普就是其中之一。今天,就来聊一聊:What do foreigners miss most about China. 回不来的外国人,最想念中国的…1. Food 好想念中国饭!I miss South Chinese food immensely. 非常想念中国的“南方饭”。The food in China is so good I rarely missed my mother’s cooking .中国饭好吃到,很少想念妈妈烧的饭。 I really miss hotpot and Chongqing noodles. 最想火锅和重庆小面atmosphere: 气氛When you go to hotpot, it’s not just dinner, it’s an event. 火锅不只是晚饭,更是社交活动。澳洲人卫普还记得来中国后,第一次吃火锅的反应:It really angered me. 我很生气,因为:We had to pay money and then cook our own food. 自己cook, 还要交钱?2. Shandong People 好想念山东人!I’ve travelled to a lot of big cities in China. 在中国,去过很多大城市。I have never felt more welcome than when I am in Shandong. 但从没有像在山东那样,感觉宾至如归。Shandong People are the most welcoming. 山东人是最好客的!It’s not an advertisement. 不是广告。It’s real. 是真的3. Convenience 好想念,中国的便捷!Many Chinese people take it for granted. 很多中国人觉得“理所当From Didi to JD to Meituan , everything in China is incredibly convenient. 中国一切都极为便捷买部手机, it came on the same day in the afternoon 当天下午就到了在澳洲, post usually takes a 5-7 working days 通常(至少)5-7个工作日。Shopping online is a much better experience. 在中国,网购的体验实在好太多!4. Opportunity 好想念,中国遍地都是的机会!There is so much opportunity in China. 在中国,有太多机会!* 每次离职(left a job)后,the next day if I applied for another job I would always get it.第二天,申请新的工作,总是能够成功得到。*在中国,想做什么,总能找到小伙伴,join you 或者help you.比如: English corner , chess club(国际象棋俱乐部), vegetarian club(素食者俱乐部)会线上交流,线下见面。在中国,A doors closes , a new one will open. 一扇门关了,就会有另一扇打开。其他国家,可能情况不太一样,many people are out of a job 大批人失业VIP’s work is struggling. 卫普所在的公司也在艰难挣扎。There isn’t as much diversity. 没有中国的那么多的“工作机会的多样性5. My Teaching Job 好想念在中国当老师!I really miss working as a Teacher in China. Even though I only taught on Fridays and Saturdays, 尽管,卫普只在周五周六在一席教课。 It was one of the most fulfilling jobs I’ve ever had. 但是,这真的是幸福感最强的工作。在中国做外教:I had terrible teaching jobs. 在中国,也做过很奇葩的教学工作If the vibe is right, I will give my heart to the school. 跟学校气场对了的话,会把心掏出来。* Chinese children really enjoy learning. 中国孩子都特别爱学习。一席中外方老师们的心声:Teachers have the most important jobs in the world. 教师是世上最重要的工作之一。They have the ability to make an impression on our future generation.老师们有能力去给未来一代留下印象。It’s really important that our kids are in good hands. 要确保孩子们,能够被精心照料好。盼望国际疫情好转,飞往中国的国际航班早日开通,卫普能够回到朝思暮想的中国,回到被孩子们热爱的岗位,与一席小伙伴们一起值日(rostered to cook),做三明治给大家吃!今天的节目,为大家准备了逐字稿,请在公众号发送“想念中国”,就能拿到啦!
6/8/2020 • 10 minutes, 9 seconds
主播:翩翩( 中国) + 卫普(澳大利亚)由于pandemic(疫情)的影响,一大批回国的外国人出不了国门,也来不了中国。卫普就是其中之一。今天,就来聊一聊:What do foreigners miss most about China. 回不来的外国人,最想念中国的…1. Food 好想念中国饭!I miss South Chinese food immensely. 非常想念中国的“南方饭”。The food in China is so good I rarely missed my mother’s cooking .中国饭好吃到,很少想念妈妈烧的饭。 I really miss hotpot and Chongqing noodles. 最想火锅和重庆小面atmosphere: 气氛When you go to hotpot, it’s not just dinner, it’s an event. 火锅不只是晚饭,更是社交活动。澳洲人卫普还记得来中国后,第一次吃火锅的反应:It really angered me. 我很生气,因为:We had to pay money and then cook our own food. 自己cook, 还要交钱?2. Shandong People 好想念山东人!I’ve travelled to a lot of big cities in China. 在中国,去过很多大城市。I have never felt more welcome than when I am in Shandong. 但从没有像在山东那样,感觉宾至如归。Shandong People are the most welcoming. 山东人是最好客的!It’s not an advertisement. 不是广告。It’s real. 是真的3. Convenience 好想念,中国的便捷!Many Chinese people take it for granted. 很多中国人觉得“理所当From Didi to JD to Meituan , everything in China is incredibly convenient. 中国一切都极为便捷买部手机, it came on the same day in the afternoon 当天下午就到了在澳洲, post usually takes a 5-7 working days 通常(至少)5-7个工作日。Shopping online is a much better experience. 在中国,网购的体验实在好太多!4. Opportunity 好想念,中国遍地都是的机会!There is so much opportunity in China. 在中国,有太多机会!* 每次离职(left a job)后,the next day if I applied for another job I would always get it.第二天,申请新的工作,总是能够成功得到。*在中国,想做什么,总能找到小伙伴,join you 或者help you.比如: English corner , chess club(国际象棋俱乐部), vegetarian club(素食者俱乐部)会线上交流,线下见面。在中国,A doors closes , a new one will open. 一扇门关了,就会有另一扇打开。其他国家,可能情况不太一样,many people are out of a job 大批人失业VIP’s work is struggling. 卫普所在的公司也在艰难挣扎。There isn’t as much diversity. 没有中国的那么多的“工作机会的多样性5. My Teaching Job 好想念在中国当老师!I really miss working as a Teacher in China. Even though I only taught on Fridays and Saturdays, 尽管,卫普只在周五周六在一席教课。 It was one of the most fulfilling jobs I’ve ever had. 但是,这真的是幸福感最强的工作。在中国做外教:I had terrible teaching jobs. 在中国,也做过很奇葩的教学工作If the vibe is right, I will give my heart to the school. 跟学校气场对了的话,会把心掏出来。* Chinese children really enjoy learning. 中国孩子都特别爱学习。一席中外方老师们的心声:Teachers have the most important jobs in the world. 教师是世上最重要的工作之一。They have the ability to make an impression on our future generation.老师们有能力去给未来一代留下印象。It’s really important that our kids are in good hands. 要确保孩子们,能够被精心照料好。盼望国际疫情好转,飞往中国的国际航班早日开通,卫普能够回到朝思暮想的中国,回到被孩子们热爱的岗位,与一席小伙伴们一起值日(rostered to cook),做三明治给大家吃!今天的节目,为大家准备了逐字稿,请在公众号发送“想念中国”,就能拿到啦!
6/8/2020 • 10 minutes, 9 seconds
公众号:一席文化主播:翩翩( 中国) + 梅莉(法国)梅莉:在中国长大的法国人,精通法语、英语、汉语。曾在一席担任一年进阶班的老师,目前在法国学商业管理。本期节目中,梅莉和翩翩将会为大家推荐,电脑和手机上,超好用的英语词典app.1.外国学生们,都用什么词典app学英语?手机应用: phone applications 查单词: look up学英语的好工具:a great tool to learn English外国学生常用的三大词典app: Dictionary.com Merriam-WebsterUrban Dictionary 2. 外国人为什么喜欢这三个词典?词义: word’s definition例句: sentence examples 词性:part of speech还有“每日一词” 类的功能:have features which teach you a new word every day. 把它们区别开:differentiate them from each other1)Dictionary.com 风靡外国学生圈的词典app既是词典app,也是网站, 手机应用市场搜索Dictionary.com即可找到。这个词典app的好处是,除了词典的的基本功能,它还有:some fun short articles 有趣有料的小文章 cover a wide range of topics 话题的覆盖范围很广learn some fun new words 可以学到很多新鲜的潮词when it’s appropriate to use them 什么时候用这些词比较合适并且,词典兼具这样一个功能:thesaurus (同义词词典/ 分类词汇汇编)每个词都会另外列出synonyms(同义词) and antonyms(反义词)2)Merriam-Webster 学美式英语词典首选*neat and elegant design 设计很干净优雅* fun word games and weekly challenges 还会有好玩的单词游戏 每周挑战另外,这本《韦氏高阶英语词典》是美系品牌,是学习美式英语的词典首选。词典收录了美国常用的160,000个例句,收录了大量的美式常用惯用语、动词搭配部分美式表达,只有在这本词典上才能查到,同时它采用韦氏音标,而非国际音标3)Urban Dictionary 英语国家网民合力写就的词典都市词典,一本非正式词典。收录更多的是,正经词典里没有的,但英语世界里常用的话。a crowdsourced online dictionary 一部crowdsourced的网络词典Crowdsourced :the information on it is written by people online. 信息都是由网民提供的slangs and culture words 俚语和文化独有的词汇not recommend any of you to use it for formal purposes 有正经目的(学习、工作)的就不要使用了翩翩推荐的两款词典:* Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English 5th Edition (朗文当代高级英语辞典第五版)所有的学习型词典中,LDOCE5是很业界良心的一本:a. 收词量大,例句多,各种搭配和用法举例也非常用心。b. 单词词源,比如”jade玉”这个单词,它的解释:A hard ,usually green stone often used to make jewelry .下面会有词源,告诉你这个词是从哪里来的:Jade来自早期西班牙语,那时候人们believed that jade cures pain in the kidney.玉石可以治愈肾上的疼痛。c.LDOCE5最感人的:单词的例句都带真人发音!d. 词典还具有COLLOCATIONS(搭配功能),对写作很有帮助。比如obedient, 除了告诉你可以做形容词 an obedient student, 还会给你拓展一下: 在写英语书信时,可以用your obedient servant来做结束语。写作时如果碰到单词认识但不会用,不妨试试LDOCE5,词典上面的搭配功能应该能够给你带来启发。e. 词典还有另一个很实用的功能:THESAURUS例如,”walk”,词典会列出同义词:”wander,stride,pace,wade”,并告诉你细微差别:”wander"是“漫步”,"stride"是“大踏步走”,pace是“踱步走”。欧路词典欧路词典是“开源词典”,就是需要额外下载词典包,才可以使用的。在欧路词典中,翩翩增加了collins,所以会有全英文解释。而且,欧路词典中,有大量的听力原声例句,全部都来自美剧、英剧、电影中的原声对话或者台词,很容易加深对这个词的理解,顺便学一下地道表达。3. 如果手机上只能装一本词典的话梅莉: dictionary.com翩翩: LDOCE5 There is no one perfect dictionary. I would recommend you to try different ones and choose the one that works best for you. 留言告诉我们,你的手机里,安装了什么词典?如有词典相关问题,请到公众号“一席文化”本篇推送下,留言提问,会给大家解答。
6/3/2020 • 15 minutes, 37 seconds
公众号:一席文化主播:翩翩( 中国) + 梅莉(法国)梅莉:在中国长大的法国人,精通法语、英语、汉语。曾在一席担任一年进阶班的老师,目前在法国学商业管理。本期节目中,梅莉和翩翩将会为大家推荐,电脑和手机上,超好用的英语词典app.1.外国学生们,都用什么词典app学英语?手机应用: phone applications 查单词: look up学英语的好工具:a great tool to learn English外国学生常用的三大词典app: Dictionary.com Merriam-WebsterUrban Dictionary 2. 外国人为什么喜欢这三个词典?词义: word’s definition例句: sentence examples 词性:part of speech还有“每日一词” 类的功能:have features which teach you a new word every day. 把它们区别开:differentiate them from each other1)Dictionary.com 风靡外国学生圈的词典app既是词典app,也是网站, 手机应用市场搜索Dictionary.com即可找到。这个词典app的好处是,除了词典的的基本功能,它还有:some fun short articles 有趣有料的小文章 cover a wide range of topics 话题的覆盖范围很广learn some fun new words 可以学到很多新鲜的潮词when it’s appropriate to use them 什么时候用这些词比较合适并且,词典兼具这样一个功能:thesaurus (同义词词典/ 分类词汇汇编)每个词都会另外列出synonyms(同义词) and antonyms(反义词)2)Merriam-Webster 学美式英语词典首选*neat and elegant design 设计很干净优雅* fun word games and weekly challenges 还会有好玩的单词游戏 每周挑战另外,这本《韦氏高阶英语词典》是美系品牌,是学习美式英语的词典首选。词典收录了美国常用的160,000个例句,收录了大量的美式常用惯用语、动词搭配部分美式表达,只有在这本词典上才能查到,同时它采用韦氏音标,而非国际音标3)Urban Dictionary 英语国家网民合力写就的词典都市词典,一本非正式词典。收录更多的是,正经词典里没有的,但英语世界里常用的话。a crowdsourced online dictionary 一部crowdsourced的网络词典Crowdsourced :the information on it is written by people online. 信息都是由网民提供的slangs and culture words 俚语和文化独有的词汇not recommend any of you to use it for formal purposes 有正经目的(学习、工作)的就不要使用了翩翩推荐的两款词典:* Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English 5th Edition (朗文当代高级英语辞典第五版)所有的学习型词典中,LDOCE5是很业界良心的一本:a. 收词量大,例句多,各种搭配和用法举例也非常用心。b. 单词词源,比如”jade玉”这个单词,它的解释:A hard ,usually green stone often used to make jewelry .下面会有词源,告诉你这个词是从哪里来的:Jade来自早期西班牙语,那时候人们believed that jade cures pain in the kidney.玉石可以治愈肾上的疼痛。c.LDOCE5最感人的:单词的例句都带真人发音!d. 词典还具有COLLOCATIONS(搭配功能),对写作很有帮助。比如obedient, 除了告诉你可以做形容词 an obedient student, 还会给你拓展一下: 在写英语书信时,可以用your obedient servant来做结束语。写作时如果碰到单词认识但不会用,不妨试试LDOCE5,词典上面的搭配功能应该能够给你带来启发。e. 词典还有另一个很实用的功能:THESAURUS例如,”walk”,词典会列出同义词:”wander,stride,pace,wade”,并告诉你细微差别:”wander"是“漫步”,"stride"是“大踏步走”,pace是“踱步走”。欧路词典欧路词典是“开源词典”,就是需要额外下载词典包,才可以使用的。在欧路词典中,翩翩增加了collins,所以会有全英文解释。而且,欧路词典中,有大量的听力原声例句,全部都来自美剧、英剧、电影中的原声对话或者台词,很容易加深对这个词的理解,顺便学一下地道表达。3. 如果手机上只能装一本词典的话梅莉: dictionary.com翩翩: LDOCE5 There is no one perfect dictionary. I would recommend you to try different ones and choose the one that works best for you. 留言告诉我们,你的手机里,安装了什么词典?如有词典相关问题,请到公众号“一席文化”本篇推送下,留言提问,会给大家解答。
6/3/2020 • 15 minutes, 37 seconds
公众号:一席文化主播:Mary | 翩翩Topic: 西方社会里,孩子跟谁姓?Which surname does a child take in Western societies?1. “网红“Papi酱,在微博被骂,因为孩子跟爸爸姓there’s an influencer Papi caught some flack for letting her kid take the father’s last name. 网红:influencer受抨击:catch flack for ====get criticism about跟谁姓:taking someone’s name 跟爸爸姓: take the father’s last name2. last name , surname, family name 都是“姓”,有区别吗?Last name: 表示“姓”,一般都用last name, Surname : 姓氏,比较官方、正式的用法Family name: 老外不太用3. Which surname does a child take?西方社会,孩子跟谁姓?Traditionally 西方传统中,a child will take the father’s name,孩子要跟爸姓a wife will take her husband’s name after marriage. 婚后,妻子要随夫姓键盘侠: troll (既可做名词,又可以做动词)has nothing better to do: 没啥正事insult people:骂人have a lot of opinions on everything 什么事都想说两句get angry at everything 什么事都看不顺眼 troll 既可做名词,又可以做动词Someone is a troll. 某人是一个键盘侠(喷子)。He is trolling her. 他在喷她。There are a lot of trolls on the internet. 网上很多喷子4. 单亲妈妈和二婚家庭,孩子跟谁姓?Children to single mothers单亲妈妈: 孩子跟妈妈姓 take the mother’s name if the mother remarried如果妈妈再婚,孩子跟继父姓 take the step-father’s nameThis is the case with my dad! 我爸就是这样的情况!5. 爸爸的姓—妈妈的姓 + 名字西方有一些人,对孩子姓什么,又一个态度:anything goes, 随便。想跟爸爸姓? go for it!想跟妈妈姓? cool! 想跟爹妈一起姓?it’s also cool, Want to smash the letters all together and create a completely new surname? 把爹妈姓氏的字母拆分、混合起来,变成一个新的姓? Why not?Combining surnames: 组合姓氏中国有些家庭,会组合姓氏,比如:爸爸姓孙,妈妈姓杨,孩子就叫做“ 孙杨+名字” 西方也有,爸爸姓Jones, 妈妈姓Smith, 那孩子就可以姓 Smith—Jones.6. 在西方,孩子不跟爸爸姓,奇怪吗?This is not to say that people don’t think it’s weird, because a lot of people do. 很多人这样做,并不代表大家不觉得奇怪。It’s just more understood and accepted than it used to be. 只是比以前好接受一些了it’s a mixed bag 什么观点都有:You’ll get people who think it’s emasculating. 有人会觉得爸爸不爷们。You’ll get people who think it’s really cool. 也有人觉得这样挺好的。7.西方,夫妻结婚后,妻子的姓会改?Yes,a woman does change her surname to that of her husband’s. 的确如此This is both traditional and cultural. 对西方人来说,即是传统,又是文化。8. 美国人怎样称呼Parents-in-laws? 不叫Dad, mom!Just call them by their names. 直接叫名字!It even be considered weird if you do. 如果你贸然喊你的公婆/岳父母 “dad, mom”,会很weird!如果想叫,一定要提前问一句: May I call you dad/ mom?9. 女权主义者,会主张孩子跟自己姓吗?Some feminists do, 有些会Some feminists don’t. 有些不会Some feminists don’t care. 有些不在乎feminism is about choice.女权主义,其实是关于选择权的。和孩子跟谁姓没有直接必然的关系。真正的女权,从来不是与男人为敌。而是妇女解放、女性自强。积极地从政、从商、出名,成为各行各业的翘楚。只要女性里强者越来越多,女性地位自然就会飞速提升最后,Mary 说,如果她的孩子将来能跟她姓,她就给孩子取名叫Margaret,你知道为什么吗?留言告诉我们!提醒:Magna Carta 英国大宪章Mary 姓Carta,合起来就成了Magna Carta 英国大宪章另外,听到大家说喜欢她的笑声,Mary跟翩翩提议:录个节目,就光Mary从头到尾笑15分钟,怎么样….
5/18/2020 • 14 minutes, 47 seconds
公众号:一席文化主播:Mary | 翩翩Topic: 西方社会里,孩子跟谁姓?Which surname does a child take in Western societies?1. “网红“Papi酱,在微博被骂,因为孩子跟爸爸姓there’s an influencer Papi caught some flack for letting her kid take the father’s last name. 网红:influencer受抨击:catch flack for ====get criticism about跟谁姓:taking someone’s name 跟爸爸姓: take the father’s last name2. last name , surname, family name 都是“姓”,有区别吗?Last name: 表示“姓”,一般都用last name, Surname : 姓氏,比较官方、正式的用法Family name: 老外不太用3. Which surname does a child take?西方社会,孩子跟谁姓?Traditionally 西方传统中,a child will take the father’s name,孩子要跟爸姓a wife will take her husband’s name after marriage. 婚后,妻子要随夫姓键盘侠: troll (既可做名词,又可以做动词)has nothing better to do: 没啥正事insult people:骂人have a lot of opinions on everything 什么事都想说两句get angry at everything 什么事都看不顺眼 troll 既可做名词,又可以做动词Someone is a troll. 某人是一个键盘侠(喷子)。He is trolling her. 他在喷她。There are a lot of trolls on the internet. 网上很多喷子4. 单亲妈妈和二婚家庭,孩子跟谁姓?Children to single mothers单亲妈妈: 孩子跟妈妈姓 take the mother’s name if the mother remarried如果妈妈再婚,孩子跟继父姓 take the step-father’s nameThis is the case with my dad! 我爸就是这样的情况!5. 爸爸的姓—妈妈的姓 + 名字西方有一些人,对孩子姓什么,又一个态度:anything goes, 随便。想跟爸爸姓? go for it!想跟妈妈姓? cool! 想跟爹妈一起姓?it’s also cool, Want to smash the letters all together and create a completely new surname? 把爹妈姓氏的字母拆分、混合起来,变成一个新的姓? Why not?Combining surnames: 组合姓氏中国有些家庭,会组合姓氏,比如:爸爸姓孙,妈妈姓杨,孩子就叫做“ 孙杨+名字” 西方也有,爸爸姓Jones, 妈妈姓Smith, 那孩子就可以姓 Smith—Jones.6. 在西方,孩子不跟爸爸姓,奇怪吗?This is not to say that people don’t think it’s weird, because a lot of people do. 很多人这样做,并不代表大家不觉得奇怪。It’s just more understood and accepted than it used to be. 只是比以前好接受一些了it’s a mixed bag 什么观点都有:You’ll get people who think it’s emasculating. 有人会觉得爸爸不爷们。You’ll get people who think it’s really cool. 也有人觉得这样挺好的。7.西方,夫妻结婚后,妻子的姓会改?Yes,a woman does change her surname to that of her husband’s. 的确如此This is both traditional and cultural. 对西方人来说,即是传统,又是文化。8. 美国人怎样称呼Parents-in-laws? 不叫Dad, mom!Just call them by their names. 直接叫名字!It even be considered weird if you do. 如果你贸然喊你的公婆/岳父母 “dad, mom”,会很weird!如果想叫,一定要提前问一句: May I call you dad/ mom?9. 女权主义者,会主张孩子跟自己姓吗?Some feminists do, 有些会Some feminists don’t. 有些不会Some feminists don’t care. 有些不在乎feminism is about choice.女权主义,其实是关于选择权的。和孩子跟谁姓没有直接必然的关系。真正的女权,从来不是与男人为敌。而是妇女解放、女性自强。积极地从政、从商、出名,成为各行各业的翘楚。只要女性里强者越来越多,女性地位自然就会飞速提升最后,Mary 说,如果她的孩子将来能跟她姓,她就给孩子取名叫Margaret,你知道为什么吗?留言告诉我们!提醒:Magna Carta 英国大宪章Mary 姓Carta,合起来就成了Magna Carta 英国大宪章另外,听到大家说喜欢她的笑声,Mary跟翩翩提议:录个节目,就光Mary从头到尾笑15分钟,怎么样….
5/18/2020 • 14 minutes, 47 seconds
公众号:一席文化主播:Vip | 翩翩今天,精通汉语的Austrilian卫普,要和大家一起聊聊“学汉语”这件事!1.一个外国人,汉语可以好到什么程度?How good is your Chinese? I don’t think it’s actually that good. 我觉得其实没那么好——谦虚的回答方式你太谦虚了:You’re being humble平时在工作、教研时,卫普会和一席的小伙伴中英文切换,但在聊生活时,卫普通常都会全中文,吐槽、八卦,毫无压力!但,也会在意自己的外国口音: self conscious of my accent* be self conscious of… 介意…* accent: 口音2. Do other foreigners admire you ? 会汉语会不会被其他老外羡慕?* Some are impressed: 很多人会非常惊叹* ask how I learnt so well: 问是怎么把汉语学这么好的* that is expected:听到他在青岛待了这么多年,就觉得that is expected,没啥好震惊的了。* trick :小把戏没学过汉语的人,真的不知道,汉语有多难。所以并不把“会汉语”当成多厉害的事。但是有的老外,断断续续学汉语,在中国十多年,还是什么都不会说* on and off 断断续续的语言环境不是万能的,还是要自己下功夫。刚来中国时, I did admire foreigners that could make small talk with the taxi drivers 会超级羡慕能跟出租车司机,用汉语small talk的外国人。* Small talk 搭讪、闲聊几句* admire 羡慕* It really motivated me to learn as well 我也下决心要学好汉语3. 外国人眼中的汉语来(中国)之前的三个月: 3 months before coming . 在澳洲学了点汉语落地到广州后:landed in Guangzhou 发现,汉语装备严重不足:how poorly prepared I was汉语,不是闹着玩的!!!Chinese is not a language to be learnt as a hobby or for fun.汉语不是可以拿来当兴趣、学着玩儿的语言You have to commit to learning it. 你真得正儿八经的去学! * Commit:付出精力、长期做。4. 汉语学霸的突击方法* surround yourself with mainland friends 让你周围都是中国大陆的朋友* limit your foreign friends 尽量少交外国朋友* make the most of the opportunity 好好抓住机会除此之外,还有一个不是方法的方法:* a Chinese girlfriend who likes to argue a lot 有个爱争吵的女朋友* learn Chinese pretty fast 得赶紧学汉语* to keep up (跟女朋友吵架)才能不落后5. Using instead of memorizing 单词句子,不要背,要用!No! 大部分外国人学汉语,都不太会 memorize(背) words or sentences.很多外国人学语言的方式是:使用 using!* I learn the characters through texting with WeChat汉字,居然是通过微信打字来学的!* come across a character I have never met 碰上一个从没见过的汉字* try to use it 努力用它* text other friends 发微信给别人* day to day conversation 每天的对话中外国人学汉语,更加看重的都是“使用”这门语言。以前上过节目的职业模特Peter,北欧人,他来中国四个月,就可以对话、用汉语发朋友圈了。他的秘诀也是“用”: use the language as much as possible.4. 汉语讲的好,是一种怎样的人生体验?* the best reactions 最好玩的反应* when I am in Australia and I order at hotpot restaurants.我在澳洲的火锅店点餐然后,女服务员用汉语,对旁边人说:你看这个老外,长得好帅啊。”老外“卫普就赶紧回答说:啊,谢谢!女服务员立刻害羞得红了脸, they find out I speak Chinese….并且,life 发生了变化 It makes a really big difference in my life* Mandarin 普通话* communicate with different cultural backgrounds than you. 用语言去与不同的文化背景交流,* opens your perspective 打开你的视角* I’m in Australia now but I still drink hot water 人在澳洲,依然每天喝热水* I remember an old lady telling me it was good for my health. 他记得一个中国老太太告诉他:热水有益健康* I really did notice a difference 我的确看到了变化* especially when I had a sore throat or a cold.尤其是嗓子疼、感冒的时候这就是汉语带来的变化。卫普,在节目里云淡风轻,但他学汉语是很拼的。他就是“你必须非常努力,才能看起来毫不费力”他非常干净、自律self-deciplined,他长期素食:a vegan for five years.他长期健身: a trainer for quite a long time他长期戒糖: Sugar is terrible他长期谈着同一个女朋友 has been with the same girl for a long time 他长期在一席工作着: only got late one time because of the traffic.他长期热爱着汉语、学习着汉语: try to practice everyday.世上无难事,只要肯登攀(Nothing is difficult to the man who will try),汉语是这样,英语更是如此,高手,从来都是“长期主义者”。
5/15/2020 • 12 minutes, 51 seconds
公众号:一席文化主播:Vip | 翩翩今天,精通汉语的Austrilian卫普,要和大家一起聊聊“学汉语”这件事!1.一个外国人,汉语可以好到什么程度?How good is your Chinese? I don’t think it’s actually that good. 我觉得其实没那么好——谦虚的回答方式你太谦虚了:You’re being humble平时在工作、教研时,卫普会和一席的小伙伴中英文切换,但在聊生活时,卫普通常都会全中文,吐槽、八卦,毫无压力!但,也会在意自己的外国口音: self conscious of my accent* be self conscious of… 介意…* accent: 口音2. Do other foreigners admire you ? 会汉语会不会被其他老外羡慕?* Some are impressed: 很多人会非常惊叹* ask how I learnt so well: 问是怎么把汉语学这么好的* that is expected:听到他在青岛待了这么多年,就觉得that is expected,没啥好震惊的了。* trick :小把戏没学过汉语的人,真的不知道,汉语有多难。所以并不把“会汉语”当成多厉害的事。但是有的老外,断断续续学汉语,在中国十多年,还是什么都不会说* on and off 断断续续的语言环境不是万能的,还是要自己下功夫。刚来中国时, I did admire foreigners that could make small talk with the taxi drivers 会超级羡慕能跟出租车司机,用汉语small talk的外国人。* Small talk 搭讪、闲聊几句* admire 羡慕* It really motivated me to learn as well 我也下决心要学好汉语3. 外国人眼中的汉语来(中国)之前的三个月: 3 months before coming . 在澳洲学了点汉语落地到广州后:landed in Guangzhou 发现,汉语装备严重不足:how poorly prepared I was汉语,不是闹着玩的!!!Chinese is not a language to be learnt as a hobby or for fun.汉语不是可以拿来当兴趣、学着玩儿的语言You have to commit to learning it. 你真得正儿八经的去学! * Commit:付出精力、长期做。4. 汉语学霸的突击方法* surround yourself with mainland friends 让你周围都是中国大陆的朋友* limit your foreign friends 尽量少交外国朋友* make the most of the opportunity 好好抓住机会除此之外,还有一个不是方法的方法:* a Chinese girlfriend who likes to argue a lot 有个爱争吵的女朋友* learn Chinese pretty fast 得赶紧学汉语* to keep up (跟女朋友吵架)才能不落后5. Using instead of memorizing 单词句子,不要背,要用!No! 大部分外国人学汉语,都不太会 memorize(背) words or sentences.很多外国人学语言的方式是:使用 using!* I learn the characters through texting with WeChat汉字,居然是通过微信打字来学的!* come across a character I have never met 碰上一个从没见过的汉字* try to use it 努力用它* text other friends 发微信给别人* day to day conversation 每天的对话中外国人学汉语,更加看重的都是“使用”这门语言。以前上过节目的职业模特Peter,北欧人,他来中国四个月,就可以对话、用汉语发朋友圈了。他的秘诀也是“用”: use the language as much as possible.4. 汉语讲的好,是一种怎样的人生体验?* the best reactions 最好玩的反应* when I am in Australia and I order at hotpot restaurants.我在澳洲的火锅店点餐然后,女服务员用汉语,对旁边人说:你看这个老外,长得好帅啊。”老外“卫普就赶紧回答说:啊,谢谢!女服务员立刻害羞得红了脸, they find out I speak Chinese….并且,life 发生了变化 It makes a really big difference in my life* Mandarin 普通话* communicate with different cultural backgrounds than you. 用语言去与不同的文化背景交流,* opens your perspective 打开你的视角* I’m in Australia now but I still drink hot water 人在澳洲,依然每天喝热水* I remember an old lady telling me it was good for my health. 他记得一个中国老太太告诉他:热水有益健康* I really did notice a difference 我的确看到了变化* especially when I had a sore throat or a cold.尤其是嗓子疼、感冒的时候这就是汉语带来的变化。卫普,在节目里云淡风轻,但他学汉语是很拼的。他就是“你必须非常努力,才能看起来毫不费力”他非常干净、自律self-deciplined,他长期素食:a vegan for five years.他长期健身: a trainer for quite a long time他长期戒糖: Sugar is terrible他长期谈着同一个女朋友 has been with the same girl for a long time 他长期在一席工作着: only got late one time because of the traffic.他长期热爱着汉语、学习着汉语: try to practice everyday.世上无难事,只要肯登攀(Nothing is difficult to the man who will try),汉语是这样,英语更是如此,高手,从来都是“长期主义者”。
5/15/2020 • 12 minutes, 51 seconds
公众号:一席文化主播:Mary|翩翩今天,翩翩和Mary要聊一位非常有趣的人——火遍全球的Trevor Noah(崔娃)。1.Who is Trevor Noah?崔娃何许人也?Trevor Noah is a lot of things—Americans know him best as the host of The Daily Show. Trevor Noah有多重身份,为美国人最熟知的身份是The Daily Show(每日秀)的主持人。但火爆美国的崔娃,并不是土生土长的美国人。He was born and raised in South Africa.崔娃在南非出生并长大。凭借他的stand-up (单口喜剧),他获得了international success(国际成功),闯入了美国主流媒体(became more involved in American media)。He is a polyglot.崔娃会说多国语言。*polyglot会说多种语言的人不仅如此,He has a knack for imitating languages. 他有模仿语言的本事。*have a knack for...有做……的本事例子:1.You have a knack for reading people.你有看透别人的本事。2.Someone has a knack for finding trouble.也总有某些人,拥有惹是生非的本领。2.How popular is he? 崔娃有多火?Everybody knows him!家喻户晓!Everyone likes his stand-up!所有人都喜欢他的脱口秀!He’s taken over The Daily Show really well!尽管脱口秀原主持人Jon Stewart(囧司徒)拥有很多铁杆粉丝,但崔娃接手后做得很好!*hardcore viewers 铁杆粉丝*take over 接管,接手近期,人们对崔娃的好感更是加深。疫情期间,尽管大家都不工作了,他依然决定给The Daily Show的员工们继续发薪水,这暖到了很多人的心。*during the pandemic 疫情期间崔娃代表了一种在美国渐渐式微的全球公民化视角( a global perspective)。3.Why do Chinese people like him so much?中国人为啥喜欢崔娃?大概是因为他的直言不讳(straightforward)。*直言不讳的:straightforward/blunt/speak up崔娃幽默地说道:不要用foreign virus 来代替 coronavirus,which sounds like because the virus doesn’t speak English. 说的好像因为病毒不会讲英语一样。他有一段视频被央视转播,并且多次trending on Weibo(成为微博热搜)。中国网友都叫他崔娃、小崔。崔娃,那么幽默、正直、勇敢、温暖的一个人,他的原生家庭(family of origin),是什么样的呢?What’s his story? “天生有罪”的局外人崔娃1984年出生在南非,当时,跨种族婚姻是非法的。*interracial relationships 跨种族(恋爱婚姻)关系*illegal非法的崔娃是混血,妈妈是黑人,爸爸是白人,妈妈因此被罚款,并入狱。*mixed-race 混血*pay a fine交罚款*go to jail 入狱他在自传(autobiography)Born a Crime(《天生有罪》)中,说自己从一出生,就是一个有罪的人。他的经历非常坎坷(rough)。1.He was born illegally.非法出生。2.He grew up in slums.在贫民窟出生长大。3.He was in a lot of poverty.经历了贫穷。4.His mom is a single mom.他的妈妈是一位单亲妈妈。5.His birth father and step father are abusive.他的生父和继父都对他的妈妈家暴(继父甚至还对他的妈妈开枪)。*birth father生父*step father 继父*abusive 粗暴的abuse V. 虐待He abused her.他对她实施家暴。他有一个强大的妈妈,一个始终如一搞笑的人。尽管生活不如意,但她没有让这些影响到她(get to her)。她把幽默变成了对抗艰难生活的良药,凭借着幽默、乐观与智慧,最终摆脱了暴力与贫穷,从南非的贫民窟走向了世界的舞台。很多人都会说,我们这一生会受到童年以及原生家庭的影响,但无论你有怎样的experience,there is a way to get through it(总有办法度过艰难时期)。就像崔娃,他以前的经历非常痛苦(rough),但这些经历并没有影响到他,他选择了rise above it。一个人的人生是由自己决定的,不是由什么经历决定的。经历会影响你,但不能最终决定你会成为一个什么样的人。崔娃就是很好的一个教材,既励志又搞笑,建议大家看看他的The Daily Show,同时学习英语。Please comment us:Do you know Trevor Noah?Do you like him?
5/10/2020 • 16 minutes, 41 seconds
公众号:一席文化主播:Mary|翩翩今天,翩翩和Mary要聊一位非常有趣的人——火遍全球的Trevor Noah(崔娃)。1.Who is Trevor Noah?崔娃何许人也?Trevor Noah is a lot of things—Americans know him best as the host of The Daily Show. Trevor Noah有多重身份,为美国人最熟知的身份是The Daily Show(每日秀)的主持人。但火爆美国的崔娃,并不是土生土长的美国人。He was born and raised in South Africa.崔娃在南非出生并长大。凭借他的stand-up (单口喜剧),他获得了international success(国际成功),闯入了美国主流媒体(became more involved in American media)。He is a polyglot.崔娃会说多国语言。*polyglot会说多种语言的人不仅如此,He has a knack for imitating languages. 他有模仿语言的本事。*have a knack for...有做……的本事例子:1.You have a knack for reading people.你有看透别人的本事。2.Someone has a knack for finding trouble.也总有某些人,拥有惹是生非的本领。2.How popular is he? 崔娃有多火?Everybody knows him!家喻户晓!Everyone likes his stand-up!所有人都喜欢他的脱口秀!He’s taken over The Daily Show really well!尽管脱口秀原主持人Jon Stewart(囧司徒)拥有很多铁杆粉丝,但崔娃接手后做得很好!*hardcore viewers 铁杆粉丝*take over 接管,接手近期,人们对崔娃的好感更是加深。疫情期间,尽管大家都不工作了,他依然决定给The Daily Show的员工们继续发薪水,这暖到了很多人的心。*during the pandemic 疫情期间崔娃代表了一种在美国渐渐式微的全球公民化视角( a global perspective)。3.Why do Chinese people like him so much?中国人为啥喜欢崔娃?大概是因为他的直言不讳(straightforward)。*直言不讳的:straightforward/blunt/speak up崔娃幽默地说道:不要用foreign virus 来代替 coronavirus,which sounds like because the virus doesn’t speak English. 说的好像因为病毒不会讲英语一样。他有一段视频被央视转播,并且多次trending on Weibo(成为微博热搜)。中国网友都叫他崔娃、小崔。崔娃,那么幽默、正直、勇敢、温暖的一个人,他的原生家庭(family of origin),是什么样的呢?What’s his story? “天生有罪”的局外人崔娃1984年出生在南非,当时,跨种族婚姻是非法的。*interracial relationships 跨种族(恋爱婚姻)关系*illegal非法的崔娃是混血,妈妈是黑人,爸爸是白人,妈妈因此被罚款,并入狱。*mixed-race 混血*pay a fine交罚款*go to jail 入狱他在自传(autobiography)Born a Crime(《天生有罪》)中,说自己从一出生,就是一个有罪的人。他的经历非常坎坷(rough)。1.He was born illegally.非法出生。2.He grew up in slums.在贫民窟出生长大。3.He was in a lot of poverty.经历了贫穷。4.His mom is a single mom.他的妈妈是一位单亲妈妈。5.His birth father and step father are abusive.他的生父和继父都对他的妈妈家暴(继父甚至还对他的妈妈开枪)。*birth father生父*step father 继父*abusive 粗暴的abuse V. 虐待He abused her.他对她实施家暴。他有一个强大的妈妈,一个始终如一搞笑的人。尽管生活不如意,但她没有让这些影响到她(get to her)。她把幽默变成了对抗艰难生活的良药,凭借着幽默、乐观与智慧,最终摆脱了暴力与贫穷,从南非的贫民窟走向了世界的舞台。很多人都会说,我们这一生会受到童年以及原生家庭的影响,但无论你有怎样的experience,there is a way to get through it(总有办法度过艰难时期)。就像崔娃,他以前的经历非常痛苦(rough),但这些经历并没有影响到他,他选择了rise above it。一个人的人生是由自己决定的,不是由什么经历决定的。经历会影响你,但不能最终决定你会成为一个什么样的人。崔娃就是很好的一个教材,既励志又搞笑,建议大家看看他的The Daily Show,同时学习英语。Please comment us:Do you know Trevor Noah?Do you like him?
5/10/2020 • 16 minutes, 41 seconds
公众号:一席文化主播:翩翩 | Mary中国已经进入了“短视频时代”,今天Mary和翩翩,要聊聊美国的“短视频”文化,同时,教大家一些实用、地道的表达,帮你用英文聊“短视频”话题!1. 短视频时代 a.…时代,用英语怎么说?时代 :era…时代: …era短视频时代:Short video era5G时代:5G era网络时代:Internet age“网络时代” 是一个 a specific name(特定的名称),中国已经进入了短视频时代: China has entered the short video era.b. Platforms 平台中国的短视频平台: Chinese “short video” platforms抖音、快手、微信上的视频号 Douyin, Kuaishou, Wechat美国的短视频平台:American “short video” platforms美国人看短视频的两大平台: Tik Tok & InstagramThe main one for Americans is Tik Tok. 最主要的还是抖音英文版main one:主要的Tik Tok 抖音(英文版)They used to have Vine but it was shut down for some reason.以前美国还有一个短视频平台,叫 Vine,上面的视频都是6秒,但是后来关闭了。used to 曾经shut down 关闭for some reason 由于某种原因除了抖音,还有一个短视频平台,就是Instagram!在Instagram上,You can do short videos可以做短视频,but you can also do longer 还可以做长一点的视频。通常视频播放几秒后,会有一个button,写着continue watching,观众自己选择是否继续观看。Youtube 和 Facebook?YouTube is more geared towards longer videos.Facebook:更多的视频是 repost( 转发)。如果你在tik tok 或者 instagram上看到有趣的视频,你可以take it and repost on facebook.( 转发到facebook 上)Facebook is less and less popular. 在美国,Facebook越来越不火了。因为,美国人觉得扎克伯克出卖私人信息。They are concerned about their privacy.( 大家担心自己的隐私)2. 直播 a. 直播怎么说?Live-streamingb. 中国的直播平台:抖音、快手、淘宝等。Chinese live-streaming platforms include Douyin, Kuaishou, Taobaoc. 美国的三大直播平台?(American Platforms of live-streaming)Instagram live, Facebook live, and Twitch. Any social media platform can do some sort of live-streaming. 所有社交媒体平台都带一些直播的功能。social media 社交媒体some sort of :某种的(口语中常用)美国的直播平台也是三足鼎立,其中Twitch是电子游戏平台。美国年轻人常说:Watch me Twitch! 来Twitch看我直播!3. 直播在美国,并不太火25岁的Mary说:None of my friends really watch live-streaming. 我的朋友里没有一个看直播的。美国人会看这样的直播:Stay at home concert : 美国大隔离期间的“在家慈善演唱会”4. 用英文发弹幕:夸奖:除了amazing, unbelievable,nice,good,还可以怎么夸?Putting fire emojis:发送“火”的表情符号���It’s fire! 太赞了!goals / this is goals:人生目标啊!吐槽:能教的词儿就是:This sucks:太差劲了All the other ones are swear words lol 其他的都是脏话啦swear words 脏话比较搞笑的吐槽弹幕:Why did I watch this? I’ve been in a wheelchair my whole life, and finally I stood up so I could turn this off. 我坐了一辈子轮椅,最后我终于站起来,好把这个给关掉。你喜欢这一期的话题吗?你学到什么文化差异,学到什么地道英文啦?留言告诉我们吧!
5/7/2020 • 12 minutes, 49 seconds
公众号:一席文化主播:翩翩 | Mary中国已经进入了“短视频时代”,今天Mary和翩翩,要聊聊美国的“短视频”文化,同时,教大家一些实用、地道的表达,帮你用英文聊“短视频”话题!1. 短视频时代 a.…时代,用英语怎么说?时代 :era…时代: …era短视频时代:Short video era5G时代:5G era网络时代:Internet age“网络时代” 是一个 a specific name(特定的名称),中国已经进入了短视频时代: China has entered the short video era.b. Platforms 平台中国的短视频平台: Chinese “short video” platforms抖音、快手、微信上的视频号 Douyin, Kuaishou, Wechat美国的短视频平台:American “short video” platforms美国人看短视频的两大平台: Tik Tok & InstagramThe main one for Americans is Tik Tok. 最主要的还是抖音英文版main one:主要的Tik Tok 抖音(英文版)They used to have Vine but it was shut down for some reason.以前美国还有一个短视频平台,叫 Vine,上面的视频都是6秒,但是后来关闭了。used to 曾经shut down 关闭for some reason 由于某种原因除了抖音,还有一个短视频平台,就是Instagram!在Instagram上,You can do short videos可以做短视频,but you can also do longer 还可以做长一点的视频。通常视频播放几秒后,会有一个button,写着continue watching,观众自己选择是否继续观看。Youtube 和 Facebook?YouTube is more geared towards longer videos.Facebook:更多的视频是 repost( 转发)。如果你在tik tok 或者 instagram上看到有趣的视频,你可以take it and repost on facebook.( 转发到facebook 上)Facebook is less and less popular. 在美国,Facebook越来越不火了。因为,美国人觉得扎克伯克出卖私人信息。They are concerned about their privacy.( 大家担心自己的隐私)2. 直播 a. 直播怎么说?Live-streamingb. 中国的直播平台:抖音、快手、淘宝等。Chinese live-streaming platforms include Douyin, Kuaishou, Taobaoc. 美国的三大直播平台?(American Platforms of live-streaming)Instagram live, Facebook live, and Twitch. Any social media platform can do some sort of live-streaming. 所有社交媒体平台都带一些直播的功能。social media 社交媒体some sort of :某种的(口语中常用)美国的直播平台也是三足鼎立,其中Twitch是电子游戏平台。美国年轻人常说:Watch me Twitch! 来Twitch看我直播!3. 直播在美国,并不太火25岁的Mary说:None of my friends really watch live-streaming. 我的朋友里没有一个看直播的。美国人会看这样的直播:Stay at home concert : 美国大隔离期间的“在家慈善演唱会”4. 用英文发弹幕:夸奖:除了amazing, unbelievable,nice,good,还可以怎么夸?Putting fire emojis:发送“火”的表情符号���It’s fire! 太赞了!goals / this is goals:人生目标啊!吐槽:能教的词儿就是:This sucks:太差劲了All the other ones are swear words lol 其他的都是脏话啦swear words 脏话比较搞笑的吐槽弹幕:Why did I watch this? I’ve been in a wheelchair my whole life, and finally I stood up so I could turn this off. 我坐了一辈子轮椅,最后我终于站起来,好把这个给关掉。你喜欢这一期的话题吗?你学到什么文化差异,学到什么地道英文啦?留言告诉我们吧!
5/7/2020 • 12 minutes, 49 seconds
公众号:一席文化主播:翩翩 | Mary1. 网红:internet celebrity: 网络名人 ( 早些年,美国人对于网红的称呼)celebrity: 名人influencers: 有影响力的人( 现在英美人对于“网红”的称呼)Influence: 影响2. 网红蛋糕、网红咖啡、网红零食:They don’t have a specific word for them like in Chinese.英语中,没有一个具体的说法,但是对于这些网红产品、网红餐厅等,有个统一的名称:trends: 时尚、风尚、正在流行的我们可以说:It’s a trend:这是一个网红产品。或者:It’s trending on instagram. 在ins上面很红。在哪里很火,可以说 It’s …famous, 比如: It’s Instagram-famous.在抖音上很火: It’s Tik Tok - famousTrend还有一个很好用的用法:trending topic : 热门话题、 热搜话题3. 网红餐厅:This restaurant is trending. 这家餐厅是家网红餐厅。4. 网红打卡地:一席文化的办公地点,时常会有人来拍照打卡。美国人Mary眼中的一席办公室:Cool, neat, old-looking, traditional…建筑:architecture地点:location终点:destination 网红打卡地:虽然英语中没有完全对应的term, 但美国人有一个类似的说法,叫做:an Instagram-worthy location(值得上instagram的地方。。值得“发圈”的地点)比如咖啡厅、一堵墙、甚至是哪里大的洗手间,只要cute enough, cool enough, 并且people want to take pictures of(大家喜欢在此拍照), 并且enjoy the atmosphere喜欢这里的气氛,这个地方都可以成为:an Instagram-worthy location ,网红打卡、发圈的地方5. 美国最火的网红?网红:Kylie Jenner is the most popular “influencer.” 美国最火的网红是Kylie Jenner* a sponsored post: 被赞助后,为打广告而发的动态If she just drinks something and posts a picture of it, she gets upwards of $1 million. 美国网红Kylie Jenner,只要发一张她喝什么饮料的照片,就能拿到至少100万美元。* post发动态* upwards of 至少美国的网红食物?Dalgona coffee 蓬松咖啡 & lobster pizza龙虾披萨美国人心目中的网红打卡地:Bali 巴厘岛Iceland 冰岛Thailand 泰国are the biggest Instagram-worthy destinations. 美国人心目中的三大 Instagram-worthy 目的地。6. “自带流量”怎么说?* bring your own traffic 自己带着流量* becoming a brand 自己就是一个品牌,比如“李佳琦”牌口红…流量: Traffic. 英语中对于“流量”这个词的选择很有趣:traffic (交通)If you’re popular, you can get a lot of traffic on your page. 如果你很火,你的页面就会有很多人来人往、车水马龙(流量)。最后,直播间怎么说呢?直播间:Studio欢迎来到我的直播间:Welcome to my stream!
4/30/2020 • 13 minutes, 20 seconds
公众号:一席文化主播:翩翩 | Mary1. 网红:internet celebrity: 网络名人 ( 早些年,美国人对于网红的称呼)celebrity: 名人influencers: 有影响力的人( 现在英美人对于“网红”的称呼)Influence: 影响2. 网红蛋糕、网红咖啡、网红零食:They don’t have a specific word for them like in Chinese.英语中,没有一个具体的说法,但是对于这些网红产品、网红餐厅等,有个统一的名称:trends: 时尚、风尚、正在流行的我们可以说:It’s a trend:这是一个网红产品。或者:It’s trending on instagram. 在ins上面很红。在哪里很火,可以说 It’s …famous, 比如: It’s Instagram-famous.在抖音上很火: It’s Tik Tok - famousTrend还有一个很好用的用法:trending topic : 热门话题、 热搜话题3. 网红餐厅:This restaurant is trending. 这家餐厅是家网红餐厅。4. 网红打卡地:一席文化的办公地点,时常会有人来拍照打卡。美国人Mary眼中的一席办公室:Cool, neat, old-looking, traditional…建筑:architecture地点:location终点:destination 网红打卡地:虽然英语中没有完全对应的term, 但美国人有一个类似的说法,叫做:an Instagram-worthy location(值得上instagram的地方。。值得“发圈”的地点)比如咖啡厅、一堵墙、甚至是哪里大的洗手间,只要cute enough, cool enough, 并且people want to take pictures of(大家喜欢在此拍照), 并且enjoy the atmosphere喜欢这里的气氛,这个地方都可以成为:an Instagram-worthy location ,网红打卡、发圈的地方5. 美国最火的网红?网红:Kylie Jenner is the most popular “influencer.” 美国最火的网红是Kylie Jenner* a sponsored post: 被赞助后,为打广告而发的动态If she just drinks something and posts a picture of it, she gets upwards of $1 million. 美国网红Kylie Jenner,只要发一张她喝什么饮料的照片,就能拿到至少100万美元。* post发动态* upwards of 至少美国的网红食物?Dalgona coffee 蓬松咖啡 & lobster pizza龙虾披萨美国人心目中的网红打卡地:Bali 巴厘岛Iceland 冰岛Thailand 泰国are the biggest Instagram-worthy destinations. 美国人心目中的三大 Instagram-worthy 目的地。6. “自带流量”怎么说?* bring your own traffic 自己带着流量* becoming a brand 自己就是一个品牌,比如“李佳琦”牌口红…流量: Traffic. 英语中对于“流量”这个词的选择很有趣:traffic (交通)If you’re popular, you can get a lot of traffic on your page. 如果你很火,你的页面就会有很多人来人往、车水马龙(流量)。最后,直播间怎么说呢?直播间:Studio欢迎来到我的直播间:Welcome to my stream!
4/30/2020 • 13 minutes, 20 seconds
美国人也吐槽 “甩锅”行为,“甩锅”英文怎么说?
公众号:一席文化主播:Vip | 翩翩甩锅英文怎么说?甩锅:“甩锅”本是厨艺技术———炒菜时用力颠锅,让食物均匀受热。A. 甩锅的字面意思Literal meaning字面意思 : throw the potIt is culturally exclusive(文化特有).It’s slang.这是俚语 。B. 甩锅的真正含义fragrative meaning比喻含义 : find someone else to blame在英语中有什么地道的说法,来表示“甩锅”呢?1. shift the blame*Shift: 转换在我们Ketboard(键盘)上,有换档键 Shift key更多时候,shift用作名词: For 12 hours. My shift is over. 整整12个小时了该换班了。I have to work the night shift. 我得上夜班。* Blame : 既可作动词又可作名词是英语中最常用的词,大家必须学会,作动词:怪谁,就直接blame后面加人就可以了。*He can’t be blaming us. 他不能怪我们啊。*I don't blame you. 我不怪你*Blame it on me or blame it on you归咎于我或者归咎于你*Be to blame for: 对…应负责任Who is to blame for the mistake?这个错误该由谁负责Blame还可以做名词: Don't try to shift the blame onto others. 不要试图把责任推卸给别人。美国的著名脱口秀主持人Trevor Noah,在他的Daily show 中吐槽特朗普把疫情失控甩锅给别人:He shifts the blame onto China, onto the governors, onto Carole Baskin…笑点在于:Carole Baskin是美国热播剧Tiger King中的人物。澳大利亚的卫普也知道这部《虎王》,并且一说Carole Baskin,他就说:她杀死自己老公了…2. Shirk one’s responsibility 推诿责任(甩锅的正式表达)* Shirk: to avoid doing something you should do 逃避一些你应该做的事,shirker :偷懒者 I’m not a shirker. 我可不是一个逃兵最常用 shirk one's responsibility(推卸/逃避责任),比如:I will never shirk my responsibility. 承担责任:Take responsibility* I don’t take responsibility at all. 这事我一点责任都没有shirk one’s responsibility 是比较正式的书面语,在口语中,还有一个比较轻松随意的说法:3. pass the buck这个短语是颇有文化背景的!pass传递;而 buck是简称,全称是 buckhorn knife 鹿角握柄的猎刀The term comes from the game of poker as played in 19th century America, where players took turns acting as dealer. * the game of poker 扑克游戏* in 19th century America 19世纪的美国* take turns 轮流* acting as dealer 做“庄家”To keep track, a marker known as the “buck,” often a knife with a handle made of buck horn, was placed on the table in front of the dealer, and passed to the next player before each round. 庄家面前要放一把 buckhorn knife 来做记号* To keep track 为了追踪记录* marker记号* each roundpass the buck :把刀传到下一家,轮到某人做庄。文学家的引申和政治家的演绎:后来美国作家 Mark Twain(马克·吐温)幽默地将“pass the buck”引申为“把责任推卸给他人”。就是中文里的“甩锅”。例如:The president should not " pass the buck." 总统不应该推卸责任。The buck stops here责任止于此,不要推给别人——Harry S. Truman杜鲁门美国总统杜鲁门曾根据“pass the buck”发明出了一句经典名言“The buck stops here! ”,20世纪40年代,为防止政府官相互甩锅,杜鲁门在全国州府推行这句座右铭“the buck stops here”,号召大家别甩锅!杜鲁门的继任者,艾森豪威尔将军成为美国总统后,也将这块“the buck stops here”牌子继承下来了。疫情当下,希望咱们人类,都能够有buck stops here”的精神,拒绝“pass the buck”,拒绝 shift the blame,拒绝Shirk our responsibilities,绝不做一个shirker,要take our responsilities, 做光、做盐!因为:We are waves of the same sea, leaves of the same tree, flowers of the same garden. 我们是同一片大海的海浪,同一棵树上的树叶,同一座花园里的花朵。(古罗马诗人:塞涅卡)
4/26/2020 • 12 minutes, 40 seconds
美国人也吐槽 “甩锅”行为,“甩锅”英文怎么说?
公众号:一席文化主播:Vip | 翩翩甩锅英文怎么说?甩锅:“甩锅”本是厨艺技术———炒菜时用力颠锅,让食物均匀受热。A. 甩锅的字面意思Literal meaning字面意思 : throw the potIt is culturally exclusive(文化特有).It’s slang.这是俚语 。B. 甩锅的真正含义fragrative meaning比喻含义 : find someone else to blame在英语中有什么地道的说法,来表示“甩锅”呢?1. shift the blame*Shift: 转换在我们Ketboard(键盘)上,有换档键 Shift key更多时候,shift用作名词: For 12 hours. My shift is over. 整整12个小时了该换班了。I have to work the night shift. 我得上夜班。* Blame : 既可作动词又可作名词是英语中最常用的词,大家必须学会,作动词:怪谁,就直接blame后面加人就可以了。*He can’t be blaming us. 他不能怪我们啊。*I don't blame you. 我不怪你*Blame it on me or blame it on you归咎于我或者归咎于你*Be to blame for: 对…应负责任Who is to blame for the mistake?这个错误该由谁负责Blame还可以做名词: Don't try to shift the blame onto others. 不要试图把责任推卸给别人。美国的著名脱口秀主持人Trevor Noah,在他的Daily show 中吐槽特朗普把疫情失控甩锅给别人:He shifts the blame onto China, onto the governors, onto Carole Baskin…笑点在于:Carole Baskin是美国热播剧Tiger King中的人物。澳大利亚的卫普也知道这部《虎王》,并且一说Carole Baskin,他就说:她杀死自己老公了…2. Shirk one’s responsibility 推诿责任(甩锅的正式表达)* Shirk: to avoid doing something you should do 逃避一些你应该做的事,shirker :偷懒者 I’m not a shirker. 我可不是一个逃兵最常用 shirk one's responsibility(推卸/逃避责任),比如:I will never shirk my responsibility. 承担责任:Take responsibility* I don’t take responsibility at all. 这事我一点责任都没有shirk one’s responsibility 是比较正式的书面语,在口语中,还有一个比较轻松随意的说法:3. pass the buck这个短语是颇有文化背景的!pass传递;而 buck是简称,全称是 buckhorn knife 鹿角握柄的猎刀The term comes from the game of poker as played in 19th century America, where players took turns acting as dealer. * the game of poker 扑克游戏* in 19th century America 19世纪的美国* take turns 轮流* acting as dealer 做“庄家”To keep track, a marker known as the “buck,” often a knife with a handle made of buck horn, was placed on the table in front of the dealer, and passed to the next player before each round. 庄家面前要放一把 buckhorn knife 来做记号* To keep track 为了追踪记录* marker记号* each roundpass the buck :把刀传到下一家,轮到某人做庄。文学家的引申和政治家的演绎:后来美国作家 Mark Twain(马克·吐温)幽默地将“pass the buck”引申为“把责任推卸给他人”。就是中文里的“甩锅”。例如:The president should not " pass the buck." 总统不应该推卸责任。The buck stops here责任止于此,不要推给别人——Harry S. Truman杜鲁门美国总统杜鲁门曾根据“pass the buck”发明出了一句经典名言“The buck stops here! ”,20世纪40年代,为防止政府官相互甩锅,杜鲁门在全国州府推行这句座右铭“the buck stops here”,号召大家别甩锅!杜鲁门的继任者,艾森豪威尔将军成为美国总统后,也将这块“the buck stops here”牌子继承下来了。疫情当下,希望咱们人类,都能够有buck stops here”的精神,拒绝“pass the buck”,拒绝 shift the blame,拒绝Shirk our responsibilities,绝不做一个shirker,要take our responsilities, 做光、做盐!因为:We are waves of the same sea, leaves of the same tree, flowers of the same garden. 我们是同一片大海的海浪,同一棵树上的树叶,同一座花园里的花朵。(古罗马诗人:塞涅卡)
4/26/2020 • 12 minutes, 40 seconds
主播:Mary | 翩翩歌曲: Don't Pull Your Love上期节目,我们聊到,疫情期间,美国全民都在追《虎王》(Tiger King),除了追剧,美国人民还做什么呢?今天,翩翩和Mary要聊一聊,疫情期间,美国人民还有哪些打发时间的方式?How do people spent their time at home? 在家是怎么打发时间的?How are they supporting each other from a distance? 怎么远距离互相鼓励的?A big thing that is happening : 美国朋友圈里的一件大事:1.Life imitates art “名画模仿”①Challenge : imitating famous pieces of art. “名画模仿” 全民挑战imitate 模仿famous piece of art 名画* Challenge 挑战道具通常都是:Dressing up in sheet : 披着床单Old styled clothing: 老式的衣服They need to find things to keep themselves busy.疫情期间,他们需要找点事让自己忙起来。总之,就是:Recreate famous works of art 对名画进行再创造比如: 名画Old Woman Selling Eggs(《卖鸡蛋的老妇人》)的模仿:② Sad Pablo 悲伤的巴勃鲁除了对famous piece of art 名画的模仿,美国人民还热衷于对memes的模仿:Meme 流行的的动图/表情包最经典的、被最多人模仿的一个Meme: Sad Pablo 悲伤的巴勃鲁它是一组剧照, 主角Pablo巴勃鲁sitting in the chair and very sad(坐在椅子上,面带愁容)Pablo’s face is depressing 表情很丧很多美国人,因为social distancing(隔离),会模仿Sad Pablo的表情。然后post a moment(发布一个状态)。Bread baking烘焙美国人被一条又一条的”烘焙照片”刷屏了,�The pandemic has inspired masses to begin baking their own bread. 疫情激发了人们的“烘焙”欲。inspire 激发 启发* masses 大众* baking their own bread 自己烤面包Why?可能是因为 bread shortages(面包短缺)吧!Regardless of the reason: 不管什么原因,总之,post after post of people are trying their hand at baking bread.一条又一条“试手烘焙”的动态,在美国人的朋友圈刷屏!* post after post 一条又一条(动态)*regardless of : 不管,不顾*try one’s hand at doing sth.试着做某事也有很多美国人发圈吐槽:烘焙期望(baking expectation)太高,却总是事与愿违(don’t pan out)。Maybe it does nothing with the pandemic.It is about the age.Connecting virtually 网络世界里的聚会Small-scale 小规模的① “Quarantine Art Clubs”. “隔离期,艺术俱乐部”艺术家们主要是针对(gear towards)孩子们(tiny human)。教易学会(pick up)的基本技能(basic art techniques)。*美国人把小孩子们称作tiny human,而疫情期间,而我们把他们叫作“神兽”(amazing animal),“吞金兽”(animals who swallow money)。*我们对娃娃们称呼,惹得Mary哈哈大笑。Mary说:I do not have any kids, but I know that is true. 虽然没生娃,但秒懂!② Fitness influencers 健身网红除了对疫情的担忧,美国普通民众还有一个相似的concern: FitnessBefore quarantine隔离前 & After quarantine 隔离后Fitness influencers are filming workouts that can be done quietly at home.健身网红拍摄了很多健身的视频,可以在家安静(不扰民)的练习。influencers “网红”Fitness influencers 健身网红、达人*workout 锻炼Large-scale 大规模的Lady Gaga has raised 35 million dollars and is organizing a “stay at home” concert.歌星Lady Gaga筹集到35,000,000美金的善款(仅一周时间),并组织在家的音乐会。除了Lady Gaga,许多big names(名人)也发起了这样的活动。这些proceeds(收益)将会用于:get protective equipment for health workers为医护人员准备医用物资to develop a vaccine for the virus 追剧、名画模仿秀、烤面包、网络群组活动,关心疫情后的体重问题。。。这些,就是美国人民 疫情期间的部分生活写照。
4/20/2020 • 13 minutes, 50 seconds
主播:Mary | 翩翩疫情期间,美国人民群众,都是怎么打发时间的?美国现在全民都在追一个神剧——《虎王》(Tiger King)。这个剧不是狗血剧,而是一部剧情曲折离奇的——记!录!片!曲折离奇到……小说都不敢这么演。男主角Joe以及女主角Carole都是真实的人物,而且该剧的男主角,曾在2016年,与特朗普一起竞争过总统职位,而此刻正在美国监狱里。Tiger King 10天收割了几千万的观众(tens of millions of viewers)You can’t guess what will happen.该剧剧情曲折离奇。A documentary series(纪录片) released(发布) by NetflixTop show on the Netflix website Netflix网站排行榜第一The plot of the TV showTwo main characters:男主角Joe :Joe 养的动物比较重口味,比如:tigers,lions,chimpanzee(黑猩猩),alligators,ligers(老虎与狮子生的宝宝)Joe的信念:美国人有权利(have the right to)养老虎当宠物。而且,美国真的有人养这些动物作宠物。女主角Carole BaskinCarole站在了Joe的对立面,她拯救野生动物(rescue wild animals)。但Carol并不是Angel,大家盛传一个rumor(谣言):她的丈夫失踪了(went missing),谣传她killed her husband and fed him to the tigers(喂了老虎)。Joe and Carol are in competition.他们是死对头。*be in competition with与……竞争,作对Joe ordered a hit on her. Joe雇人杀Carol。*order下单*hit击打 order a hit雇凶杀人Joe is in jail now. Joe现在正在狱中。Tiger Kingis a documentary series which is based on a real story.《虎王》是根据真实事件拍成的纪录片。*be based on......:以……为基础;基于……关于Joe:Joe 竟然是2016年是美国总统的竞选人(president candidate),与特朗普,希拉里竞选,也竞选过州长(governor)。这个纪录片,还包含了mistreating animals(剥削动物),ordering a hit(雇凶杀人),drugs(毒品),都是一些very hard topics。Memes表情包People need something to get their mind off the coronavirus. 人们需要一些东西来转移他们对冠状病毒的注意力。有一张tiger king里的剧照(screen shot): We are never going to recover financially from this.财务上的的重创,是恢复不过来了。很多美国人拿这张Meme,来表达自己疫情下的心态。另一张Meme,体现了美国人的自黑美国人自嘲道:现在活着,只能靠下面这3样东西了:Tiger King1,200 dollars checksMemes我们选了当下美国最流行的Memes给大家,Memes是get美式幽默,学习最in词汇的好方式,大家可以到“一席文化”公众号本期推送里查看。
4/15/2020 • 17 minutes
主播:Mary | 翩翩疫情期间,美国人民群众,都是怎么打发时间的?美国现在全民都在追一个神剧——《虎王》(Tiger King)。这个剧不是狗血剧,而是一部剧情曲折离奇的——记!录!片!曲折离奇到……小说都不敢这么演。男主角Joe以及女主角Carole都是真实的人物,而且该剧的男主角,曾在2016年,与特朗普一起竞争过总统职位,而此刻正在美国监狱里。Tiger King 10天收割了几千万的观众(tens of millions of viewers)You can’t guess what will happen.该剧剧情曲折离奇。A documentary series(纪录片) released(发布) by NetflixTop show on the Netflix website Netflix网站排行榜第一The plot of the TV showTwo main characters:男主角Joe :Joe 养的动物比较重口味,比如:tigers,lions,chimpanzee(黑猩猩),alligators,ligers(老虎与狮子生的宝宝)Joe的信念:美国人有权利(have the right to)养老虎当宠物。而且,美国真的有人养这些动物作宠物。女主角Carole BaskinCarole站在了Joe的对立面,她拯救野生动物(rescue wild animals)。但Carol并不是Angel,大家盛传一个rumor(谣言):她的丈夫失踪了(went missing),谣传她killed her husband and fed him to the tigers(喂了老虎)。Joe and Carol are in competition.他们是死对头。*be in competition with与……竞争,作对Joe ordered a hit on her. Joe雇人杀Carol。*order下单*hit击打 order a hit雇凶杀人Joe is in jail now. Joe现在正在狱中。Tiger Kingis a documentary series which is based on a real story.《虎王》是根据真实事件拍成的纪录片。*be based on......:以……为基础;基于……关于Joe:Joe 竟然是2016年是美国总统的竞选人(president candidate),与特朗普,希拉里竞选,也竞选过州长(governor)。这个纪录片,还包含了mistreating animals(剥削动物),ordering a hit(雇凶杀人),drugs(毒品),都是一些very hard topics。Memes表情包People need something to get their mind off the coronavirus. 人们需要一些东西来转移他们对冠状病毒的注意力。有一张tiger king里的剧照(screen shot): We are never going to recover financially from this.财务上的的重创,是恢复不过来了。很多美国人拿这张Meme,来表达自己疫情下的心态。另一张Meme,体现了美国人的自黑美国人自嘲道:现在活着,只能靠下面这3样东西了:Tiger King1,200 dollars checksMemes我们选了当下美国最流行的Memes给大家,Memes是get美式幽默,学习最in词汇的好方式,大家可以到“一席文化”公众号本期推送里查看。
4/15/2020 • 17 minutes
公众号:一席文化主播:翩翩 | JerryHow to write a book review?看了一部电影,一本书,却不知道怎么用英语交流观点?今天要教大家6步,完美搞定各种书评、影评!1. 读后感、观后感怎么说?评论:Review 读后感:Book review 书评观后感: film review 影评Review 还可以用作各类产品、各类app 的使用评价.比如: Leave us a good review on Podcast! (在播客上给我们好评哦)(小伙伴们,一席英语老外来了最近正式入驻苹果podcast, 迅速成为热门电台第二名,单集节目前五,请小伙伴们在podcast上面,给我们5星好评, 为创作组加油!)2. 怎样做英文书评、影评?记住,6步走!无论是用英文聊电影,还是写影评?聊畅销书,写读后感?6个步骤帮助你,高规格表达自己!Step1: Quick summary of the book. 先把故事快速总结一下记住,一定是short and brief(简明扼要) 因为书评、影评中,重要的是:YOUR OPINION(你的观点。)Step2 : What is a moral of the story? 故事的寓意是啥? (表达了作者怎么样的思想感情)–还可以说:what lesson can you learn from it? 你能学到啥lesson?Step3: Do you like it or not? 你喜欢这本书/电影吗?到这一步,就开始变得personal了,It’s about YOU! 只回答YES/NO 即可Step4 : Why do you like it? 为啥喜欢(或不喜欢)列举 evidence 论据,来支撑你的观点Step5 : Describe one part of the story 描述故事中,你比较喜欢(不喜欢)的一部分。Step6 : Do you recommend it to others ? 你会推荐给别人吗?3. 举个例子,《阿甘正传》* Summary 总结《阿甘正传》的故事 故事主线会用的词汇:*这本小说是关于…The novel is about ….*一个叫阿甘的角色: a character called Forrest Gump*一开始: initially * a below average IQ 低智商* he later becomes…后来他变成了感情线会用的词汇:*贯穿于整个故事的:throughout the story*青梅竹马的女孩: a girl from his childhood*在心中萦绕: lingers in his mind* Moral 阿甘正传的寓意True love can last through difficult situations. 人生浮沉,真爱永存。这是Jerry看到的Moral,你也可以总结出其他的Moral* Do you like it or not? 你喜欢这本书/电影吗?+ Why?一小席课堂上,老师们鼓励孩子们进行“critical thinking”批判性思维,就是同一个故事,进行“正、反”两个观点论述。同一个《阿甘正传》,You can like it, but you can also dislike it! If you like it:I really liked the book because it gives people hope. 我喜欢,因为它给人以希望。然后, Describe one part of the story 描述故事中,你比较喜欢的一部分,来证明“它给人以希望”:论点1:*He was unable to walk properly, 他没发正常走路。*He becomes a star football player. 他变成了足球明星。*He even meets President John F. Kennedy. 他居然还见到了肯尼迪总统如果,你还想再加一个论据,你可以用这个词:MOREOVER!论点2: Moreover,而且*He has a low IQ. 他智商那么低* he becomes a millionaire. 他还成了大富豪所以,的确给人希望 giving people hope ——*we might have limitations 我们也许都有限*we can fight through it. 但是我们可以进取,克服限制!所以,I would of course recommend this book to others. 一篇Review 就圆满的完成了!照咱们一席小师弟、小师妹们的homework风格,当然还有critical thinking的部分,就是立刻换掉对立观点上去,再写一篇。If you DISLIKE it不喜欢 :反方观点的影评怎么写,还是6个步骤,还是6个配方。Moreover而且,故事梗概(Summary),以及作者的思想感情(Moral),都不用变!因为是objective(客观)的!后面四个步骤,陈述个人观点即可,具体的Jerry 和翩翩在节目里详详细细的讲了。为了节省你们的时间(to save your time), 把Jerry写出来的“反观点影评”,整理到了“逐字稿”中,大家在公众号对话框里回复“影评”即可拿到。小伙伴们,你们学到了吗?别忘转发给你身边 一拿笔写英文就发愁的的大人和孩子们!欢迎大家来网易云音乐、喜马拉雅、Podcast来看“探班”,为我们加油鼓励!
4/9/2020 • 19 minutes, 22 seconds
公众号:一席文化主播:翩翩 | JerryHow to write a book review?看了一部电影,一本书,却不知道怎么用英语交流观点?今天要教大家6步,完美搞定各种书评、影评!1. 读后感、观后感怎么说?评论:Review 读后感:Book review 书评观后感: film review 影评Review 还可以用作各类产品、各类app 的使用评价.比如: Leave us a good review on Podcast! (在播客上给我们好评哦)(小伙伴们,一席英语老外来了最近正式入驻苹果podcast, 迅速成为热门电台第二名,单集节目前五,请小伙伴们在podcast上面,给我们5星好评, 为创作组加油!)2. 怎样做英文书评、影评?记住,6步走!无论是用英文聊电影,还是写影评?聊畅销书,写读后感?6个步骤帮助你,高规格表达自己!Step1: Quick summary of the book. 先把故事快速总结一下记住,一定是short and brief(简明扼要) 因为书评、影评中,重要的是:YOUR OPINION(你的观点。)Step2 : What is a moral of the story? 故事的寓意是啥? (表达了作者怎么样的思想感情)–还可以说:what lesson can you learn from it? 你能学到啥lesson?Step3: Do you like it or not? 你喜欢这本书/电影吗?到这一步,就开始变得personal了,It’s about YOU! 只回答YES/NO 即可Step4 : Why do you like it? 为啥喜欢(或不喜欢)列举 evidence 论据,来支撑你的观点Step5 : Describe one part of the story 描述故事中,你比较喜欢(不喜欢)的一部分。Step6 : Do you recommend it to others ? 你会推荐给别人吗?3. 举个例子,《阿甘正传》* Summary 总结《阿甘正传》的故事 故事主线会用的词汇:*这本小说是关于…The novel is about ….*一个叫阿甘的角色: a character called Forrest Gump*一开始: initially * a below average IQ 低智商* he later becomes…后来他变成了感情线会用的词汇:*贯穿于整个故事的:throughout the story*青梅竹马的女孩: a girl from his childhood*在心中萦绕: lingers in his mind* Moral 阿甘正传的寓意True love can last through difficult situations. 人生浮沉,真爱永存。这是Jerry看到的Moral,你也可以总结出其他的Moral* Do you like it or not? 你喜欢这本书/电影吗?+ Why?一小席课堂上,老师们鼓励孩子们进行“critical thinking”批判性思维,就是同一个故事,进行“正、反”两个观点论述。同一个《阿甘正传》,You can like it, but you can also dislike it! If you like it:I really liked the book because it gives people hope. 我喜欢,因为它给人以希望。然后, Describe one part of the story 描述故事中,你比较喜欢的一部分,来证明“它给人以希望”:论点1:*He was unable to walk properly, 他没发正常走路。*He becomes a star football player. 他变成了足球明星。*He even meets President John F. Kennedy. 他居然还见到了肯尼迪总统如果,你还想再加一个论据,你可以用这个词:MOREOVER!论点2: Moreover,而且*He has a low IQ. 他智商那么低* he becomes a millionaire. 他还成了大富豪所以,的确给人希望 giving people hope ——*we might have limitations 我们也许都有限*we can fight through it. 但是我们可以进取,克服限制!所以,I would of course recommend this book to others. 一篇Review 就圆满的完成了!照咱们一席小师弟、小师妹们的homework风格,当然还有critical thinking的部分,就是立刻换掉对立观点上去,再写一篇。If you DISLIKE it不喜欢 :反方观点的影评怎么写,还是6个步骤,还是6个配方。Moreover而且,故事梗概(Summary),以及作者的思想感情(Moral),都不用变!因为是objective(客观)的!后面四个步骤,陈述个人观点即可,具体的Jerry 和翩翩在节目里详详细细的讲了。为了节省你们的时间(to save your time), 把Jerry写出来的“反观点影评”,整理到了“逐字稿”中,大家在公众号对话框里回复“影评”即可拿到。小伙伴们,你们学到了吗?别忘转发给你身边 一拿笔写英文就发愁的的大人和孩子们!欢迎大家来网易云音乐、喜马拉雅、Podcast来看“探班”,为我们加油鼓励!
4/9/2020 • 19 minutes, 22 seconds
公众号:一席文化主播:翩翩 | Mary青岛一名外国人,插队并咆哮事件登上了热搜,并且在持续发酵(It goes sour)热点话题: hot topic在社交网站转发:sharing on the social media. 美国小伙伴Mary,恰好跟“咆哮男”在同一微信群,和大家来聊一聊这件登上热搜的事,以及背后的故事(story behind the story)1. “热搜”,用英语怎么说?热搜:TrendingHe’s trending.He’s trending on Weibo.It’s a trending topic.2. 排队,插队怎么说?队伍: 美国人说: line英国人说: queue* “排队”: Line up (美国) / queue up(英国) * 学校里,常听到:line up! Line up! 排好队,排好队! * grocery stores : “line up behind the marker” 在标志后面排队 * 我正在排队:I’m waiting in line. * 如果有人看起来好像they’re waiting in line,但是不确定,你想check一下,看看能不能 go in front of them(到他前面去)就可以说:Are you in line? 你在排队吗?* 请问,在哪里排队?Where’s the end of the line? (队伍尽头在哪里?)3. 如果有人插队,怎样用英文怼回去? 插队: Cut in line * 小孩们,可以说“no cutting!!!!!” * 大人一般会说: “the end of the line is over there” (队伍尽头在那边) * 还可以说: Excuse me, I was here first. 不好意思,我先来的4. 美国人插队咆哮事件,故事后面的故事。happen to :恰好有人将这个视频转发到群内: people were sharing this video and talking about it.主角“咆哮男”就pop out,并说:it’s me.* His side of the story. 他的一面之词:The clinic told him to go in front of the line. 工作人员早已提前与他约好时间,让他不用排队,直接过去。A man took his passport,so he threw his paper. 一名男子(因他插队)拿了他的护照,所以他扔了他的化验单。* Another side of the story 另一个版本群里,有另外一名男士跳出来说:我当时在场,they had just cut the line :他们就是插队了。They were lying about it:他们不承认而已。最终,“咆哮男” issued an apology 发了一封道歉声明。5. 其他外国人怎么看?the foreigner groups have been blowing up. 外国人群已经炸了。外国人们的担忧:There has been across China an increase in anti-foreigner sentiment. 很怕在中国国内,会升起敌对“外国人” 的情绪。 * anti-foreigner:反外国人* sentiment:态度情绪更怕我们会 paint all foreigners with the same brush(认为天下乌鸦一般黑)。paint … with the same brush :用同一把刷子刷(一视同仁)。6. 外国人在中国,享有“特权”吗?会有。一方面,中国是一个好客的国度,对待外人比较谦让。另外,不可否认,由于某些历史形成的原因,部分人存在“媚外”倾向。美国人Mary常在银行、医院等地方碰到“美好而尴尬”的福利:几年前,在医院做检查, * A worker called me to come up :工作人员叫我过去(做检查)* I wasn’t next in line:还没排队到我。* My number wasn’t called:我的号也还没有被抽到。但是,这种“特权”让一部分比较自觉的外国人,感觉到焦虑不安:My Chinese is good, I can understand what people are saying. 我的汉语挺好,能听懂周围人的“议论”。* I didn’t want to step on any toes 我不想踩到谁的脚趾头(不想惹麻烦)7. 反思* 外国人来中国,应该学好汉语,了解当地文化,遇事用汉语好好解释。行走在国外,应当谦逊低调,个人修养不足,于己于国,皆有所损。* 我们,也有需要反思的地方:规则应该是对所有人有效的,如果真的有特权,那么享受特权的,应该是老弱病残孕,而不是外国人。 Mary说: Everyone has times that they regret getting angry or reacting in a certain way. 每个人都有为自己的愤怒而后悔的时候,也有为自己的一些反应而后悔的时候。希望这名咆哮男,能够真心悔过。
4/5/2020 • 19 minutes, 4 seconds
公众号:一席文化主播:翩翩 | Mary青岛一名外国人,插队并咆哮事件登上了热搜,并且在持续发酵(It goes sour)热点话题: hot topic在社交网站转发:sharing on the social media. 美国小伙伴Mary,恰好跟“咆哮男”在同一微信群,和大家来聊一聊这件登上热搜的事,以及背后的故事(story behind the story)1. “热搜”,用英语怎么说?热搜:TrendingHe’s trending.He’s trending on Weibo.It’s a trending topic.2. 排队,插队怎么说?队伍: 美国人说: line英国人说: queue* “排队”: Line up (美国) / queue up(英国) * 学校里,常听到:line up! Line up! 排好队,排好队! * grocery stores : “line up behind the marker” 在标志后面排队 * 我正在排队:I’m waiting in line. * 如果有人看起来好像they’re waiting in line,但是不确定,你想check一下,看看能不能 go in front of them(到他前面去)就可以说:Are you in line? 你在排队吗?* 请问,在哪里排队?Where’s the end of the line? (队伍尽头在哪里?)3. 如果有人插队,怎样用英文怼回去? 插队: Cut in line * 小孩们,可以说“no cutting!!!!!” * 大人一般会说: “the end of the line is over there” (队伍尽头在那边) * 还可以说: Excuse me, I was here first. 不好意思,我先来的4. 美国人插队咆哮事件,故事后面的故事。happen to :恰好有人将这个视频转发到群内: people were sharing this video and talking about it.主角“咆哮男”就pop out,并说:it’s me.* His side of the story. 他的一面之词:The clinic told him to go in front of the line. 工作人员早已提前与他约好时间,让他不用排队,直接过去。A man took his passport,so he threw his paper. 一名男子(因他插队)拿了他的护照,所以他扔了他的化验单。* Another side of the story 另一个版本群里,有另外一名男士跳出来说:我当时在场,they had just cut the line :他们就是插队了。They were lying about it:他们不承认而已。最终,“咆哮男” issued an apology 发了一封道歉声明。5. 其他外国人怎么看?the foreigner groups have been blowing up. 外国人群已经炸了。外国人们的担忧:There has been across China an increase in anti-foreigner sentiment. 很怕在中国国内,会升起敌对“外国人” 的情绪。 * anti-foreigner:反外国人* sentiment:态度情绪更怕我们会 paint all foreigners with the same brush(认为天下乌鸦一般黑)。paint … with the same brush :用同一把刷子刷(一视同仁)。6. 外国人在中国,享有“特权”吗?会有。一方面,中国是一个好客的国度,对待外人比较谦让。另外,不可否认,由于某些历史形成的原因,部分人存在“媚外”倾向。美国人Mary常在银行、医院等地方碰到“美好而尴尬”的福利:几年前,在医院做检查, * A worker called me to come up :工作人员叫我过去(做检查)* I wasn’t next in line:还没排队到我。* My number wasn’t called:我的号也还没有被抽到。但是,这种“特权”让一部分比较自觉的外国人,感觉到焦虑不安:My Chinese is good, I can understand what people are saying. 我的汉语挺好,能听懂周围人的“议论”。* I didn’t want to step on any toes 我不想踩到谁的脚趾头(不想惹麻烦)7. 反思* 外国人来中国,应该学好汉语,了解当地文化,遇事用汉语好好解释。行走在国外,应当谦逊低调,个人修养不足,于己于国,皆有所损。* 我们,也有需要反思的地方:规则应该是对所有人有效的,如果真的有特权,那么享受特权的,应该是老弱病残孕,而不是外国人。 Mary说: Everyone has times that they regret getting angry or reacting in a certain way. 每个人都有为自己的愤怒而后悔的时候,也有为自己的一些反应而后悔的时候。希望这名咆哮男,能够真心悔过。
公众号:一席文化主播:Jerry I 翩翩前期节目中,我们聊到了,美国人日常聊天常用的流行语,具体内容请查阅3.14的节目。动了口,我们再来动动手。简单5分钟,get英语聊天常用语。1.WTH=What the heck我去,搞什么呀!这句比单独的”what”表达的语气更强烈。*hell:地狱heck 是hell的委婉语。2.LOL=laughing out loud 放声大笑相当于我们平时聊天发的“哈哈哈哈”。3.LMAO=laughing my ass off 大笑不止!笑死我了!这个表达很有趣,我们常说“笑掉大牙”,美国人说“笑掉屁股”, LOL LOL *ass :屁股4.IDK= I don’t know.我不知道。这个缩略语平时交流也可以用。5.GTG(G2G)=got to go 我得走了。相当于Byebye 。6.Aight=alright=I got it .明白了。这个日常交流也可以用。7.OMG=Oh my god!我的天呐!这些实用表达,是不是很快就可以pick up(简单易学好上手),快用起来!
3/22/2020 • 6 minutes, 44 seconds
老外来了:lol, IDK, LMAO-6个英语聊天最火流行语!
公众号:一席文化主播:Jerry I 翩翩前期节目中,我们聊到了,美国人日常聊天常用的流行语,具体内容请查阅3.14的节目。动了口,我们再来动动手。简单5分钟,get英语聊天常用语。1.WTH=What the heck我去,搞什么呀!这句比单独的”what”表达的语气更强烈。*hell:地狱heck 是hell的委婉语。2.LOL=laughing out loud 放声大笑相当于我们平时聊天发的“哈哈哈哈”。3.LMAO=laughing my ass off 大笑不止!笑死我了!这个表达很有趣,我们常说“笑掉大牙”,美国人说“笑掉屁股”, LOL LOL *ass :屁股4.IDK= I don’t know.我不知道。这个缩略语平时交流也可以用。5.GTG(G2G)=got to go 我得走了。相当于Byebye 。6.Aight=alright=I got it .明白了。这个日常交流也可以用。7.OMG=Oh my god!我的天呐!这些实用表达,是不是很快就可以pick up(简单易学好上手),快用起来!
3/22/2020 • 6 minutes, 44 seconds
一席文化出品主播:翩翩 | Mary最近有部剧“很火”——《安家》,是根据日本电视剧《卖房子的人》改编的。今天我们就来聊一聊,“安家”你需要知道的表达。在此之前,请收下聊剧常用表达:* TV show:电视剧 电视节目* Soap opera:电视泡沫剧Drama to the Max :足够戏剧化Dramatic and rediculous: 剧情比较狗血* Sitcom:情景喜剧 (像我们熟知的《老友记》,《摩登家庭》),但现在基本上都统称为TV show。* Binge-watch 追剧Binge /bɪndʒ/ : do too much of something 无节制* One season:1季* One episode: 1集Binge-watch,它曾经被英国Collins字典宣布为:2015年的年度第一热词!Go back to our topic!言归正传!那么,从《安家》这部剧中,我们能学到哪些相关词汇和地道表达?1.房屋中介 Real Estate Agent他是做房地产发家的:He built his family fortune from selling real estate.2.买房的客户Client ? Customer?Client:通常有委托人的意思Customer:通常是指顾客所以,买房的客户要用Client。那其他地方的“客户”都怎么称呼呢?* 医院 : Patients (病人)* 旅馆 : Guests (客人)* 公共交通:Passengers (乘客)3. 租客 : Renter Rent的用法:*租房子:rent an apartment (verb 动词)*租金:rent ( noun 名词) I need to pay the rent.我要付租金。*合租:rent sth. with sb.She rents a house with three other girls. 她和其他3个女孩合租一套房子。4.房型的表达:公寓:Flat ( 英国 ) Apartment ( 美国)别墅:Villa /ˈvɪlə/洋房:Western style house平房:Bungalow/ˈbʌŋɡəloʊ/ (one story house)*story n. 层接下来,我们聊聊美国房产的那些事儿!1. 美国各大城市每月的租金:拿一居室做个对比*一居室:One-bedroom apartment* NYC纽约: $1889/month* Philadelphia 费城: $815/month* Washington DC 华盛顿: $1275/month* Boston波士顿:$1486/month2. 美国房产销售人员的佣金:* 佣金:Commission /kəˈmɪʃn/* 买房子佣金:on average between 5-6% of the home cost (一般房价的5-6%,还是蛮高的)租房子佣金:one month’s rent(一个月的租金,这个和国内基本差不多)中介费多少?这样问:How much is the intermediary fee/agent fee(中介费)?*intermediary /ˌɪntərˈmiːdieri/ adi. 中间的4.在美国,“房屋中介”是一个比较好的行业吗?It is a solid job(稳定的工作),but it depends on:* What area you’re working in ? 你处在哪个区?* How the economy is ? 经济形式怎么样?剧中有个人物叫985(毕业于名牌大学),对于他去卖房子,他的妈妈很不满意。BUT,就像翩翩和Mary说的:行业无非贵贱,书也不会白读。任何行业做好,都需要很强能力的人。所以,我们每个人都要努力,做到你所在行业的佼佼者(expert)!Work hard and try to do the best job you can!努力奋斗,尽自己所能将事情做到极致!
3/18/2020 • 17 minutes, 26 seconds
一席文化出品主播:翩翩 | Mary最近有部剧“很火”——《安家》,是根据日本电视剧《卖房子的人》改编的。今天我们就来聊一聊,“安家”你需要知道的表达。在此之前,请收下聊剧常用表达:* TV show:电视剧 电视节目* Soap opera:电视泡沫剧Drama to the Max :足够戏剧化Dramatic and rediculous: 剧情比较狗血* Sitcom:情景喜剧 (像我们熟知的《老友记》,《摩登家庭》),但现在基本上都统称为TV show。* Binge-watch 追剧Binge /bɪndʒ/ : do too much of something 无节制* One season:1季* One episode: 1集Binge-watch,它曾经被英国Collins字典宣布为:2015年的年度第一热词!Go back to our topic!言归正传!那么,从《安家》这部剧中,我们能学到哪些相关词汇和地道表达?1.房屋中介 Real Estate Agent他是做房地产发家的:He built his family fortune from selling real estate.2.买房的客户Client ? Customer?Client:通常有委托人的意思Customer:通常是指顾客所以,买房的客户要用Client。那其他地方的“客户”都怎么称呼呢?* 医院 : Patients (病人)* 旅馆 : Guests (客人)* 公共交通:Passengers (乘客)3. 租客 : Renter Rent的用法:*租房子:rent an apartment (verb 动词)*租金:rent ( noun 名词) I need to pay the rent.我要付租金。*合租:rent sth. with sb.She rents a house with three other girls. 她和其他3个女孩合租一套房子。4.房型的表达:公寓:Flat ( 英国 ) Apartment ( 美国)别墅:Villa /ˈvɪlə/洋房:Western style house平房:Bungalow/ˈbʌŋɡəloʊ/ (one story house)*story n. 层接下来,我们聊聊美国房产的那些事儿!1. 美国各大城市每月的租金:拿一居室做个对比*一居室:One-bedroom apartment* NYC纽约: $1889/month* Philadelphia 费城: $815/month* Washington DC 华盛顿: $1275/month* Boston波士顿:$1486/month2. 美国房产销售人员的佣金:* 佣金:Commission /kəˈmɪʃn/* 买房子佣金:on average between 5-6% of the home cost (一般房价的5-6%,还是蛮高的)租房子佣金:one month’s rent(一个月的租金,这个和国内基本差不多)中介费多少?这样问:How much is the intermediary fee/agent fee(中介费)?*intermediary /ˌɪntərˈmiːdieri/ adi. 中间的4.在美国,“房屋中介”是一个比较好的行业吗?It is a solid job(稳定的工作),but it depends on:* What area you’re working in ? 你处在哪个区?* How the economy is ? 经济形式怎么样?剧中有个人物叫985(毕业于名牌大学),对于他去卖房子,他的妈妈很不满意。BUT,就像翩翩和Mary说的:行业无非贵贱,书也不会白读。任何行业做好,都需要很强能力的人。所以,我们每个人都要努力,做到你所在行业的佼佼者(expert)!Work hard and try to do the best job you can!努力奋斗,尽自己所能将事情做到极致!
3/18/2020 • 17 minutes, 26 seconds
主播:翩翩 |Jerry配乐: Wonderful world----Sam Cooke关注公众号:一席文化,发送关键词:美国俚语,领取逐字稿!汉语中“颜值”、“抱大腿”、“毁三观”等等,英语中也有大量的地道俚语!我们就挑出2020年度,美国年轻人,每天都在用的最最最流行的俚语(Slangs),教给大家。超级实用!1.No cap: For real. I mean it 说真的,不跟你撒谎* cap 本身是指帽子,* No cap 这个词语在说唱歌曲中很常见,300 thousand on my wrist ,no cap.花三十万买了个表,绝对不是吹的。而且,这个词是从今年开始流行起来的!2. Flex: using excessive amount of money出血,花大价钱这个词超好用!比如,攒钱买了一只超贵的手表,可以这样用:*I did some flexing. (我可出血了)*I flexed on my watch.(我是花大价钱买的这块表)3.BAE:before anyone else的首字母缩写对亲密爱人的昵称,还可以说:the precious one那么,Jerry有BAE么?(Jerry被突然问道,瞬间害羞,仓促应答,哈哈,音频中有答案 )4. Lit: It is cool, especially within parties很燃!* Lit 本身是 fire is burning 火在燃烧* It’s lit 表示 we are having a good time 玩的很尽兴。超级高频的词!当你参加完演唱会、Party时,别人问你怎么样,你都可以说It’s lit !另外,It’s lit=It was fire (咦!It was fire是不是有语法错误?流行语嘛,通常都不太符合语法规律^-^)但要注意:这和汉语中的“很火”是不!同!的!:汉语中“很火”:It’s popular!5.GOAT: Greatest of all time.史上最佳 史上最强* GOAT DEBATE:史上最强之争* Who is the GOAT of basketball?谁是篮球史上最佳?* Who is the GOAT of American football ?谁是美式足球史上最佳?迈克尔·乔丹和 汤姆·布拉迪是Jerry心中篮球界和美式足球史上的最佳!那么,在篮球界,美式足球中,谁又是你心中的GOAT?欢迎在留言出写出你的答案!GOAT的其他表达,Jerry心中,英语国家里的“最佳”:GOAT actor 最佳男明星:Tom Cruise 汤姆·克鲁斯GOAT actress 最佳女明星:Emma Watson 艾玛·沃特森* GOAT writer 最佳作家:Shakespeare 莎士比亚* GOAT director最佳导演:Spielberg 斯皮尔伯格6.Peep: It means friends,comes from the word “people”小伙伴That peep over there.Peep 既可以指我的小伙伴,还可以指我的小伙伴们。7. Bruh: bro(brother)兄弟这有一个简化过程:Brother 变成 broBro 变成 bruh.翩翩小课堂:英语中,如果一个音节不重读,通常元音会弱读成 “呃”音举个栗子:I’m waiting for you (for 中元音O会弱读 “呃”音)8. Dip: Dip本身指 蘸,但这个词有点小特别。要注意啦:不同的地区,会有不同的含义:north east-美国的大东北 dip:to leave or go (走人,走着)South-美国南方 dip: marijuana or drugs. (大麻,毒品)哇,这差别真是太大所以,一定要注意说话的对象,来自哪里,免得产生误会。9.Stan :hardcore fan, to an obsessive harmful degree.狂热粉Stan的由来:Stan是由美国说唱歌手埃米纳姆(Eminem)的一个狂热粉丝名叫Stan,由于没有一直收到自己偶像的回信,选择了自杀。Eminem为此以他的名字写了这首歌。Stan的用法:*作为verb动词: I stan him 我超爱他*作为noun名词:I’m his stan (我是他的狂热粉)Stan不仅仅是“铁粉”,“死忠粉”,还上升到了“狂热粉”。今日留言板:你是谁的stan? 谁是你心中的GOAT? 用我们刚学的俚语来留言吧!
3/14/2020 • 18 minutes, 3 seconds
主播:翩翩 |Jerry配乐: Wonderful world----Sam Cooke关注公众号:一席文化,发送关键词:美国俚语,领取逐字稿!汉语中“颜值”、“抱大腿”、“毁三观”等等,英语中也有大量的地道俚语!我们就挑出2020年度,美国年轻人,每天都在用的最最最流行的俚语(Slangs),教给大家。超级实用!1.No cap: For real. I mean it 说真的,不跟你撒谎* cap 本身是指帽子,* No cap 这个词语在说唱歌曲中很常见,300 thousand on my wrist ,no cap.花三十万买了个表,绝对不是吹的。而且,这个词是从今年开始流行起来的!2. Flex: using excessive amount of money出血,花大价钱这个词超好用!比如,攒钱买了一只超贵的手表,可以这样用:*I did some flexing. (我可出血了)*I flexed on my watch.(我是花大价钱买的这块表)3.BAE:before anyone else的首字母缩写对亲密爱人的昵称,还可以说:the precious one那么,Jerry有BAE么?(Jerry被突然问道,瞬间害羞,仓促应答,哈哈,音频中有答案 )4. Lit: It is cool, especially within parties很燃!* Lit 本身是 fire is burning 火在燃烧* It’s lit 表示 we are having a good time 玩的很尽兴。超级高频的词!当你参加完演唱会、Party时,别人问你怎么样,你都可以说It’s lit !另外,It’s lit=It was fire (咦!It was fire是不是有语法错误?流行语嘛,通常都不太符合语法规律^-^)但要注意:这和汉语中的“很火”是不!同!的!:汉语中“很火”:It’s popular!5.GOAT: Greatest of all time.史上最佳 史上最强* GOAT DEBATE:史上最强之争* Who is the GOAT of basketball?谁是篮球史上最佳?* Who is the GOAT of American football ?谁是美式足球史上最佳?迈克尔·乔丹和 汤姆·布拉迪是Jerry心中篮球界和美式足球史上的最佳!那么,在篮球界,美式足球中,谁又是你心中的GOAT?欢迎在留言出写出你的答案!GOAT的其他表达,Jerry心中,英语国家里的“最佳”:GOAT actor 最佳男明星:Tom Cruise 汤姆·克鲁斯GOAT actress 最佳女明星:Emma Watson 艾玛·沃特森* GOAT writer 最佳作家:Shakespeare 莎士比亚* GOAT director最佳导演:Spielberg 斯皮尔伯格6.Peep: It means friends,comes from the word “people”小伙伴That peep over there.Peep 既可以指我的小伙伴,还可以指我的小伙伴们。7. Bruh: bro(brother)兄弟这有一个简化过程:Brother 变成 broBro 变成 bruh.翩翩小课堂:英语中,如果一个音节不重读,通常元音会弱读成 “呃”音举个栗子:I’m waiting for you (for 中元音O会弱读 “呃”音)8. Dip: Dip本身指 蘸,但这个词有点小特别。要注意啦:不同的地区,会有不同的含义:north east-美国的大东北 dip:to leave or go (走人,走着)South-美国南方 dip: marijuana or drugs. (大麻,毒品)哇,这差别真是太大所以,一定要注意说话的对象,来自哪里,免得产生误会。9.Stan :hardcore fan, to an obsessive harmful degree.狂热粉Stan的由来:Stan是由美国说唱歌手埃米纳姆(Eminem)的一个狂热粉丝名叫Stan,由于没有一直收到自己偶像的回信,选择了自杀。Eminem为此以他的名字写了这首歌。Stan的用法:*作为verb动词: I stan him 我超爱他*作为noun名词:I’m his stan (我是他的狂热粉)Stan不仅仅是“铁粉”,“死忠粉”,还上升到了“狂热粉”。今日留言板:你是谁的stan? 谁是你心中的GOAT? 用我们刚学的俚语来留言吧!
3/14/2020 • 18 minutes, 3 seconds
主播:Jerry I翩翩配乐: Wonderful world----Sam Cooke关注公众号:一席文化,发送关键词:修改句子,领取逐字稿!Today’s topic:How to make a sentence better?在之前的节目中,我们讲到,is,am, are是弱爆的词,要将弱势句(passive sentences)变为生动句(active sentence)。这一期节目,我们给大家三条黄金法则,用上它们,你的句子定会文采斐然,熠熠生辉!Rule 1:使用形容词和副词!She sing→(Beautiful )Mary sings (happily).*给she一个名字,并选一个形容词描述she;*给动词加副词,描述怎样唱。Rule2:Add details 加细节怎么加“细节”?超简单——— 5w1h 原则!5W=who ,what ,when ,where, why1H=howBeautiful Mary sings happily.→(During midnight),beautiful Mary sings happily (in the magic forest)( to wake the scary dragon).在午夜时分,美丽的Mary在魔法森林里开心地唱歌,想要唤醒可怕的龙。3.Change weak words to stronger words 将弱势词变为强有力的词使用stronger words能直接呈现出一个scene(场景)。1)同样表示“说”,你只说“say”吗?Say是一个极为笼统的词汇,下面的词能展现一幅图片,所以是stronger words(强有力的词)Assert,Claim,Exclaim,Whisper,Explain,Announce2)同样地,go也是笼统词汇,下面这些强有力的词(stronger words)表示go更具体Run,Transport,Walk,Move,Gallop,CrawlPractice:①Nena goes to school.(Grumpy ) Nena,(an eight old years girl),(unfortunately )goes to (a private) school (through a bus)( every day).②Jerry teaches.(Every Saturday ) (muscular) Jerry ( passionately ) educates (English ) (at ASeat) ( to 3rd grade students) ( because he enjoys being with kids).Homework你英语老师喊你做作业啦!使用改写句子的3条黄金法则,请给下面这个句子化化妆,使其变成一个熠熠生辉的句子。I go to the park.
3/11/2020 • 18 minutes, 58 seconds
主播:Jerry I翩翩配乐: Wonderful world----Sam Cooke关注公众号:一席文化,发送关键词:修改句子,领取逐字稿!Today’s topic:How to make a sentence better?在之前的节目中,我们讲到,is,am, are是弱爆的词,要将弱势句(passive sentences)变为生动句(active sentence)。这一期节目,我们给大家三条黄金法则,用上它们,你的句子定会文采斐然,熠熠生辉!Rule 1:使用形容词和副词!She sing→(Beautiful )Mary sings (happily).*给she一个名字,并选一个形容词描述she;*给动词加副词,描述怎样唱。Rule2:Add details 加细节怎么加“细节”?超简单——— 5w1h 原则!5W=who ,what ,when ,where, why1H=howBeautiful Mary sings happily.→(During midnight),beautiful Mary sings happily (in the magic forest)( to wake the scary dragon).在午夜时分,美丽的Mary在魔法森林里开心地唱歌,想要唤醒可怕的龙。3.Change weak words to stronger words 将弱势词变为强有力的词使用stronger words能直接呈现出一个scene(场景)。1)同样表示“说”,你只说“say”吗?Say是一个极为笼统的词汇,下面的词能展现一幅图片,所以是stronger words(强有力的词)Assert,Claim,Exclaim,Whisper,Explain,Announce2)同样地,go也是笼统词汇,下面这些强有力的词(stronger words)表示go更具体Run,Transport,Walk,Move,Gallop,CrawlPractice:①Nena goes to school.(Grumpy ) Nena,(an eight old years girl),(unfortunately )goes to (a private) school (through a bus)( every day).②Jerry teaches.(Every Saturday ) (muscular) Jerry ( passionately ) educates (English ) (at ASeat) ( to 3rd grade students) ( because he enjoys being with kids).Homework你英语老师喊你做作业啦!使用改写句子的3条黄金法则,请给下面这个句子化化妆,使其变成一个熠熠生辉的句子。I go to the park.
3/11/2020 • 18 minutes, 58 seconds
公众号:一席文化主播:Jerry I翩翩配乐: Wonderful world----Sam Cooke非常感谢长期以来,广大听众对“一席英语”的支持与喜爱,今天我们挑选了一些留言进行回复,快来围观你有没有被pick!1.海角柒号miss:很棒,如果有单词字幕就更好了*字幕:subtitles*逐字稿:text to accompany our podcast*关注:follow*公众号:account2.吴Richard:没有治愈这个词*治愈:v. cureadj. healing /comforting比如:这首歌很治愈,就可以用healing或者comforting来形容。 有很多粉丝留言说,Jerry的声音很healing,哈哈,Jerry听了很开心呢!3.吴Richard:我想了解美国生活,例如美国怎么安排他们工作的一天,假期等生活方面的。*Relationship between boss and the employee is very friendly. 老板与员工的关系很友好。*工作环境灵活:chill and flexible *在家工作:work from home*入乡随俗:Do in Rome as Rome does .4.金小缮:敬老院应该怎么说啊?百度翻译里面没查到Will-son-:nursery不是托儿所吗?*敬老院:nursing home感谢这位听众的纠正,Jerry在这里是口误了,谢谢细心地粉丝!5.萌徳不萌、:不管内容 声音听着太舒服了Your voice is comforting. Jerry自己有一个自己的小乐队,自己做音乐,但没有发布。因为真的喜欢,不在意有没有人。期不期待Jerry在“老外来了”唱一首?6.南峰遥:我竟然在网易云学英语。*多样的方式:diverse manner*关注公众号:follow our account7.搞事情的哈士奇: 每天打开网易云看到有一期更新了,就觉得幸福感和安全感爆棚。*安全感爆棚:a great sense of security.8.狐狸纸:现在更新这么快?*我们更新公众号:update our account*观众去刷新的视频/内容:refresh更新频率提高了 学到很多 受到了很多启发Jerry:I really appreciate how my work can inspire others to think in multiple ways. These comments also motivate me to work harder and harder.* 启发大家以多样的方式思考:to inspire others to think in multiple ways* 给我们动力:motivate us9.bmjdw: 可以做一期关于送给外国人礼物的,不知道他们会对中国的什么东西感兴趣啊? “Hey, would you like me to bring anything?”我需要带点什么?“Anything!”什么都行!如果是这样的话,那就很好说啦!a bottle of wine or some flower都是可以的。关于更多的细节(more details),大家可以查看我们“老外来了”做过的两期节目。10.Mundane_Journey: That's all about the denotation and connotation of a given word, phrase, or sentence or even a text. In Chinese, for example, some traits or qualities of human being are given to pine, bamboo, plum(梅) and orchid(兰花). We can try to empathize and get the hidden meaning, the contextual meaning.*denotation /ˌdiːnoʊˈteɪʃn/ 外延意义(字面意思)*connotation/ˌkɑːnəˈteɪʃn/ 暗含意义(深层意思)英语文化中,也会赋予植物一些特质(traits or qualities)*olive trees:橄榄树圣经中,鸽子叼着橄榄枝回到诺亚方舟,表示洪水结束,平安到来。*United Nations:联合国*fig tree:无花果树(wealth and blessing)无花果树,还有葡萄枝都是耶稣经常用到的比喻,就像好佛教里的菩提树一样。11.Mundane_Journey:谈到了《动物农场》,再推荐三本:Lord of the Flies,The Death of Stalin,Nineteen Eighty-Four。 *Lord of the Flies《蝇王》诺贝尔文学奖得主威廉·高丁的一部寓言小说。*The Death of Stalin《斯大林之死》*Nineteen Eighty-Four 1984 is on the crucial reading list for American teens. 英国作家乔治·奥威尔的畅销小说*crucial reading list for American teens:美国青年必读书单之一12.HeidiLaw: Jerry声音很好听,很gentle,polite!Jerry:Aww thank you once again!13.吴Richard:Jerry越来越好了,第一集不喜欢他,现在不错了。Jerry:Thanks again. I appreciate the fact that you like me.Please check out more of my podcasts! Jerry表示很开心,感谢铁粉吴Richard的长期关注,请继续关注我们的节目哟!14.yyeah94264: 哇杜克大学Duke universityIt is located in Durham, North Carolina.杜克大学位于达勒姆,是美国最好的私立大学之一。知名校友:Merinda Gate s梅琳达·盖茨Kyrie Irving NBA球星 凯里·欧文15.夏安的雨滴:很喜欢听你们的聊天,我感觉这是我最放松不枯燥的学英语方式,听时事很有话题感,nice!加油!关注你们了!Jerry:Thanks for subscribing and following us.感谢关注!我们会更加努力!*subscribe /səbˈskraɪb/ 关注,订阅16.Echo程俊俊呢: 有段时间你们都没有播,每天都在翻你们有没有播。 今天一看有好多期了,真好。 I love一席Engilish!Jerry:Thank you so much! We would be uploading more and more podcasts. Thanks for all the love.*upload 更新,上传17.阿伊沙eye: BGM真的走心了You are not alone – Michael Jackson Amazing Grace – classic Christian song在美国家喻户晓18.一七so: 这期真的特别有用!太爱了!希望出一期有关科比去世的内容 他是好多人的青春科比Kobe“你见过凌晨四点的洛杉矶吗?”----科比曼巴精神:科比绰号“黑曼巴”;“永不言弃”是科比自己给予这种精神的定义。19.Charlie_Rowe:想说点鼓舞的话,又不好意思难为情,相信大家都能平安度过!Jerry:I want to express my encouragement towards all the patients currently fighting through this disease. *fight through disease与疾病做抗争20.是千玺的温柔啊:我们共同努力,一定能战胜病毒!Coronavirus is getting better and better.疫情正在得到好转!The number of new confirmed cases is now less than the number of being cured.新增确诊病例的数量少于被治愈的人数。* new confirmed cases 新增确诊病例*go back to our original lifestyle回归正常的生活衷心感谢各位粉丝长期以来对我们的关注,请继续关注我们,我们会继续努力,更新更多质量更高的节目。
3/7/2020 • 20 minutes, 14 seconds
一席出品: 主播:Mary | 翩翩 歌曲:Maybe Something's Wrong -Sara Jackson-Holman小伙伴们都已经back to your work(复工)了,那今天就来聊一聊——在家办公。2020 is an interesting year so far.* 在英语中,“interesting”的含义是“有意思”,可以是褒义,也可以是贬义,要看语气。* 语气不太积极时,可理解成“呵呵”在家办公:Working at home Working from home? 远程办公:Working remotelyWorking from home often gives us really lofty images “在家办公”四个字看起来很“高大上”* lofty 高大上的* images: 图片In An Ideal World 完美世界里的“在家办公”: * wake up feeling refreshed 精神抖擞地醒来* catch a bus (不用)赶公交* beat traffic (不用)应付堵车* the hustle and bustle of the city 城市的喧嚣。* be isolated from the hustle and bustle 远离喧嚣* It’s freeing 时间自由* tidy your home 打扫房间* a home-brewed iced Americano 捧一杯自制的冰美式咖啡* send out some emails 然后再发几封邮件 aspire to “be your own boss.” 渴望自己做自己的老板* Aspire 立志 渴望* Be your own boss 自己做老板Many of us have this experience now现在我们都有这样的体验了。So那么,--- did your expectations meet reality? 现实满足你的期望了吗?* expectation 期望* reality 现实* meet 达到 满足In The Real World 现实世界里的“在家办公”:Is it as freeing as you thought? 像你想的那样自由了吗?Are you as independent as you thought? 像想象中那样无拘无束吗?Are you more efficient? 效率更高了吗?一步到岗: being a step away from the workplace* A step away 一步远* workplace 工作位睁眼到岗: open your eyes and find yourself bombarded with work* bombard 轰炸* assignment 任务所有的时间都是工作时间: all your time is spent working连白开水都来不及喝: leaving no time to even drink your waterLeave no time : 留不下时间更不用说读书了: let alone finish a book. * Let alone 更不用说从大家的996到一个人的007:* 996工作模式: the 996 style of working * 007 工作模式:working constantly for 24 hours, seven days a week.所谓的“躺着挣钱”,只是玩笑。就是Jack Ma(马云)也是working really hard!!* 躺着挣钱 千万不要翻译成: make money lying down (会给人不好的联想)* weird looks 怪异的眼神* “躺赚”可以这样说: make money without getting out of bed.还有一种情况就是:躺着躺着,结果公司没了。* the grave reality: 严峻的现实* many businesses cannot operate in this way 很多行业没法这样操作* The company goes bankrupt. 公司破产了你的在家时光是什么样子的?* Couch potato (沙发上的土豆):电视迷* give yourself a break: 让自己休息一下* Aimless: 没目标的* tunnel vision 隧道视野当人只关注一件事情的时候,就会容易变成tunnel(隧道)vision(视野)所以还是要尽力自律:* Be positive 积极一些* Change your focus 换换注意力* 考虑一下 How do you spend a productive day indoors 如何在家提高生产力所以,请留言告诉我们:你喜欢在家办公吗? Do you like working from home? And why? 为什么呢?
2/13/2020 • 15 minutes, 23 seconds
一席出品: 主播:Mary | 翩翩 歌曲:Maybe Something's Wrong -Sara Jackson-Holman小伙伴们都已经back to your work(复工)了,那今天就来聊一聊——在家办公。2020 is an interesting year so far.* 在英语中,“interesting”的含义是“有意思”,可以是褒义,也可以是贬义,要看语气。* 语气不太积极时,可理解成“呵呵”在家办公:Working at home Working from home? 远程办公:Working remotelyWorking from home often gives us really lofty images “在家办公”四个字看起来很“高大上”* lofty 高大上的* images: 图片In An Ideal World 完美世界里的“在家办公”: * wake up feeling refreshed 精神抖擞地醒来* catch a bus (不用)赶公交* beat traffic (不用)应付堵车* the hustle and bustle of the city 城市的喧嚣。* be isolated from the hustle and bustle 远离喧嚣* It’s freeing 时间自由* tidy your home 打扫房间* a home-brewed iced Americano 捧一杯自制的冰美式咖啡* send out some emails 然后再发几封邮件 aspire to “be your own boss.” 渴望自己做自己的老板* Aspire 立志 渴望* Be your own boss 自己做老板Many of us have this experience now现在我们都有这样的体验了。So那么,--- did your expectations meet reality? 现实满足你的期望了吗?* expectation 期望* reality 现实* meet 达到 满足In The Real World 现实世界里的“在家办公”:Is it as freeing as you thought? 像你想的那样自由了吗?Are you as independent as you thought? 像想象中那样无拘无束吗?Are you more efficient? 效率更高了吗?一步到岗: being a step away from the workplace* A step away 一步远* workplace 工作位睁眼到岗: open your eyes and find yourself bombarded with work* bombard 轰炸* assignment 任务所有的时间都是工作时间: all your time is spent working连白开水都来不及喝: leaving no time to even drink your waterLeave no time : 留不下时间更不用说读书了: let alone finish a book. * Let alone 更不用说从大家的996到一个人的007:* 996工作模式: the 996 style of working * 007 工作模式:working constantly for 24 hours, seven days a week.所谓的“躺着挣钱”,只是玩笑。就是Jack Ma(马云)也是working really hard!!* 躺着挣钱 千万不要翻译成: make money lying down (会给人不好的联想)* weird looks 怪异的眼神* “躺赚”可以这样说: make money without getting out of bed.还有一种情况就是:躺着躺着,结果公司没了。* the grave reality: 严峻的现实* many businesses cannot operate in this way 很多行业没法这样操作* The company goes bankrupt. 公司破产了你的在家时光是什么样子的?* Couch potato (沙发上的土豆):电视迷* give yourself a break: 让自己休息一下* Aimless: 没目标的* tunnel vision 隧道视野当人只关注一件事情的时候,就会容易变成tunnel(隧道)vision(视野)所以还是要尽力自律:* Be positive 积极一些* Change your focus 换换注意力* 考虑一下 How do you spend a productive day indoors 如何在家提高生产力所以,请留言告诉我们:你喜欢在家办公吗? Do you like working from home? And why? 为什么呢?
2/13/2020 • 15 minutes, 23 seconds
老外来了:美国“春晚”----Super Bowl
介绍: 一席出品主播:Jerry | 翩翩歌曲:Goosebumps & Devoted To YouToday’s topic:The Culture of American Football美国的足球文化What sports symbolize the United States?什么运动可以代表美国呢?1.The Evolution of American Football美国足球的演变American football is an evolution of rugby that started in England.美式足球是从英式橄榄球演变而来的。American football has gears.美式足球有特定的装备。And they changed some rules.美国人也改变了一些足球规则。2.The Importance of American Football美国足球的重要性Super Bowl 超级碗The Super Bowl is usually held on the last Sunday in January or the first Sunday in February,which is called Super Bowl Sunday.超级碗一般在每年1月最后一个或2月第一个星期天举行,那一天被称为超级碗星期天.为什么美国没有学霸这个说法?美国人崇拜运动,而占据这种文化核心的是 football。study worship 崇拜学习athletic worship 崇拜运动NFL=National Football League 美国国家橄榄球联盟Super Bowl is a championship game.超级碗是NFL职业橄榄球大联盟的年度冠军赛。Super Bowl Sunday is America’s second largest food consumption day.超级碗星期天是美国单日食品消耗量第二高的日子,仅次于感恩节。3、Shows&Superstars演出以及参演明星Justin Timberlake 贾斯汀·汀布莱克Maroon 5 魔力红乐队Travis Scott 特拉维斯·斯科特Travis Scott leads the train.他引领着潮流。lead the train 起到引领作用Travis Scoot的歌一直位居Billboard的榜首。Billboard 公告牌Goosebumps《鸡皮疙瘩》是 Travis Scott 最有名的一首歌。4.Football Player著名的球星Tom Brady 汤姆·布雷迪Tom Brady plays a possession that called quarterback.汤姆·布雷迪是美式橄榄球的四分卫。He plays 9 Super Bowls, and he wins 6.汤姆·布雷迪参加过九次超级碗,赢了六次!WOW~He plays for the New England Patriots.他自2000年开始职业生涯以来,一直效力于NFL麾下的新英格兰爱国者队。Last year, New England Patriots went out the Super Bowl. They lost.去年,新英格兰爱国者队没能赢得超级碗。You win, you lose.That is life!时输时赢,这才是生活!American football will be the best topic to start a conversation with American.如果你不知道如何跟一个美国人打开话匣子,那么美国足球将会是一个不错的话题。
2/3/2020 • 16 minutes, 43 seconds
老外来了:美国“春晚”----Super Bowl
介绍: 一席出品主播:Jerry | 翩翩歌曲:Goosebumps & Devoted To YouToday’s topic:The Culture of American Football美国的足球文化What sports symbolize the United States?什么运动可以代表美国呢?1.The Evolution of American Football美国足球的演变American football is an evolution of rugby that started in England.美式足球是从英式橄榄球演变而来的。American football has gears.美式足球有特定的装备。And they changed some rules.美国人也改变了一些足球规则。2.The Importance of American Football美国足球的重要性Super Bowl 超级碗The Super Bowl is usually held on the last Sunday in January or the first Sunday in February,which is called Super Bowl Sunday.超级碗一般在每年1月最后一个或2月第一个星期天举行,那一天被称为超级碗星期天.为什么美国没有学霸这个说法?美国人崇拜运动,而占据这种文化核心的是 football。study worship 崇拜学习athletic worship 崇拜运动NFL=National Football League 美国国家橄榄球联盟Super Bowl is a championship game.超级碗是NFL职业橄榄球大联盟的年度冠军赛。Super Bowl Sunday is America’s second largest food consumption day.超级碗星期天是美国单日食品消耗量第二高的日子,仅次于感恩节。3、Shows&Superstars演出以及参演明星Justin Timberlake 贾斯汀·汀布莱克Maroon 5 魔力红乐队Travis Scott 特拉维斯·斯科特Travis Scott leads the train.他引领着潮流。lead the train 起到引领作用Travis Scoot的歌一直位居Billboard的榜首。Billboard 公告牌Goosebumps《鸡皮疙瘩》是 Travis Scott 最有名的一首歌。4.Football Player著名的球星Tom Brady 汤姆·布雷迪Tom Brady plays a possession that called quarterback.汤姆·布雷迪是美式橄榄球的四分卫。He plays 9 Super Bowls, and he wins 6.汤姆·布雷迪参加过九次超级碗,赢了六次!WOW~He plays for the New England Patriots.他自2000年开始职业生涯以来,一直效力于NFL麾下的新英格兰爱国者队。Last year, New England Patriots went out the Super Bowl. They lost.去年,新英格兰爱国者队没能赢得超级碗。You win, you lose.That is life!时输时赢,这才是生活!American football will be the best topic to start a conversation with American.如果你不知道如何跟一个美国人打开话匣子,那么美国足球将会是一个不错的话题。
2/3/2020 • 16 minutes, 43 seconds
介绍: 介绍: 一席出品主播:Mary | 翩翩Topic :The Spring FestivalCelebrations in America美国的新年庆祝活动Cities with large Chinese populations put on larger celebrations , such as San Francisco, New York city.They celebrate the Spring Festival with parades and dragon dance.* parade n. /pəˈreɪd/ 游行* dragon dance 舞龙* Chinatown唐人街The Celebration of Chinese Majors美国中文专业学生的庆祝活动Mary’s Chinese teacher tried to teach them to write couplets with proper calligraphy brushes.Mary 的中文教师教他们使用真正的毛笔写对联。 (Mary现在好像已经还给老师了^-^)* China hand 中国通* couplet 对联* calligraphy brush 毛笔* calligraphy 书法The Celebration of FCC领养中国孩子家庭的庆祝方式*FCC=Families with Children from ChinaMary’s sister Lisa adopts a child from Guizhou Province and she raises the child with Chinese culture. It is a long story.Mary的sister领养了一位贵州的孩子,并且用中国的文化来养育这个孩子。It is very touching!* adopt v. /əˈdɑːpt/ 收养* raise a child 养育孩子* steamed bun 馒头* get rid of the old and let in the new 辞旧迎新* red envelop 红包ABC or Immigrant Chinese Families美籍华人或中国移民的庆祝方式ABC or immigrant Chinese families celebrate about the same as mainland Chinese.美籍华人或中国移民家庭会像大陆人一样庆祝春节。*ABC=American Born Chinese 美籍华裔Mixed-race Families混血家庭的庆祝方式Mixed-race families, at least those who try to celebrate the adopted child’s birth culture, put in a lot of effort to celebrate as well.混血家庭会尽力用孩子原生文化的方式来庆祝春节。Are there any interesting celebrations in your hometown? Please share with us!你的家乡又有哪些有趣的庆祝方式呢?武汉加油,中国加油!
1/29/2020 • 14 minutes, 29 seconds
介绍: 介绍: 一席出品主播:Mary | 翩翩Topic :The Spring FestivalCelebrations in America美国的新年庆祝活动Cities with large Chinese populations put on larger celebrations , such as San Francisco, New York city.They celebrate the Spring Festival with parades and dragon dance.* parade n. /pəˈreɪd/ 游行* dragon dance 舞龙* Chinatown唐人街The Celebration of Chinese Majors美国中文专业学生的庆祝活动Mary’s Chinese teacher tried to teach them to write couplets with proper calligraphy brushes.Mary 的中文教师教他们使用真正的毛笔写对联。 (Mary现在好像已经还给老师了^-^)* China hand 中国通* couplet 对联* calligraphy brush 毛笔* calligraphy 书法The Celebration of FCC领养中国孩子家庭的庆祝方式*FCC=Families with Children from ChinaMary’s sister Lisa adopts a child from Guizhou Province and she raises the child with Chinese culture. It is a long story.Mary的sister领养了一位贵州的孩子,并且用中国的文化来养育这个孩子。It is very touching!* adopt v. /əˈdɑːpt/ 收养* raise a child 养育孩子* steamed bun 馒头* get rid of the old and let in the new 辞旧迎新* red envelop 红包ABC or Immigrant Chinese Families美籍华人或中国移民的庆祝方式ABC or immigrant Chinese families celebrate about the same as mainland Chinese.美籍华人或中国移民家庭会像大陆人一样庆祝春节。*ABC=American Born Chinese 美籍华裔Mixed-race Families混血家庭的庆祝方式Mixed-race families, at least those who try to celebrate the adopted child’s birth culture, put in a lot of effort to celebrate as well.混血家庭会尽力用孩子原生文化的方式来庆祝春节。Are there any interesting celebrations in your hometown? Please share with us!你的家乡又有哪些有趣的庆祝方式呢?武汉加油,中国加油!
1/29/2020 • 14 minutes, 29 seconds
介绍: 一席出品主播:Mary | 翩翩Topic :The Spring FestivalHolidays in America美国节假日*official holiday 官方节假日In America , holidays like Christmas, Thanksgiving, Independence Day etc. are official holidays.在美国,像圣诞节、感恩节、美国独立日等等这些都是官方节假日。If you are a working person ,you will get one and a half days, at most two or three days.在美国,像圣诞节这样的重要节日(major holiday),上班族一般会有一天半的假期, 最多会有两到三天的假期。In America, such as Independence Day, they will get one day off.像美国独立日这样的小假期(minor holiday), 他们会休一天假。make up days 调休Chinese New Year Food:dumpling 饺子candied hawthorn 冰糖葫芦(糖球)You’ll probably have to explain what hawthorn is to your foreign friends .在国外,山楂并不是那么被熟知,所以,最好向外国友人介绍一下什么是山楂。rice glue ball 元宵pickle 泡菜,腌咸菜Only for cucumbers, they just call them pickles. And for others, they call them pickled something.pickles专指腌黄瓜,对于其他的腌制食品,叫作pickled balabalapickled garlic 糖醋蒜 spicy kimchi 辣白菜Happy Chinese New year!Would you please recommend some local food to Mary? Please write it down in the comment section.你能给Mary推荐一下当地有年味儿的食物吗?武汉加油,中国加油!
1/25/2020 • 14 minutes, 18 seconds
介绍: 一席出品主播:Mary | 翩翩Topic :The Spring FestivalHolidays in America美国节假日*official holiday 官方节假日In America , holidays like Christmas, Thanksgiving, Independence Day etc. are official holidays.在美国,像圣诞节、感恩节、美国独立日等等这些都是官方节假日。If you are a working person ,you will get one and a half days, at most two or three days.在美国,像圣诞节这样的重要节日(major holiday),上班族一般会有一天半的假期, 最多会有两到三天的假期。In America, such as Independence Day, they will get one day off.像美国独立日这样的小假期(minor holiday), 他们会休一天假。make up days 调休Chinese New Year Food:dumpling 饺子candied hawthorn 冰糖葫芦(糖球)You’ll probably have to explain what hawthorn is to your foreign friends .在国外,山楂并不是那么被熟知,所以,最好向外国友人介绍一下什么是山楂。rice glue ball 元宵pickle 泡菜,腌咸菜Only for cucumbers, they just call them pickles. And for others, they call them pickled something.pickles专指腌黄瓜,对于其他的腌制食品,叫作pickled balabalapickled garlic 糖醋蒜 spicy kimchi 辣白菜Happy Chinese New year!Would you please recommend some local food to Mary? Please write it down in the comment section.你能给Mary推荐一下当地有年味儿的食物吗?武汉加油,中国加油!
1/25/2020 • 14 minutes, 18 seconds
一席出品主播:Jerry| 翩翩前方高能预警!请记住,带am/is/are的句子简直弱爆了,今天手把手教你如何进阶修炼,让你的句子变得高大上!!!*学霸 top kids *书呆子 nerd *体育崇拜 athletic worship2 Types of Sentences: 两种类型的句子passive sentence and active sentence弱势句与强势句Always try to use active rather than passive sentences.尽力去使用强势句而不是弱势句。Passive merely indicates that something is something. 我们谈论的passive sentence并不是狭义上的被动句,而是陈述“什么是什么”的句子,这些带有be(is /am/ are)。Passive Sentence VS Active SentenceTwo Weaknesses of the Passive Sentence 1.It is .2.And its structure prevents you from adding details.passive sentence对增加句子的细节有限制。While active sentences utilizes a verb that adds details or meaning to the sentence.而active sentence会使用动词给句子增加细节或意义。A verb can make a sentence colourful.动词的使用会使句子更加丰富多彩。One Important Policy一个重要的原则SHOW ! DON’ T TELL !展示而不是讲述!(拿出来!别说话!)Example 1:Michael is a teacher. (passive sentence)Micheal teaches at ASeat . (active sentence)2 benefits of the second sentence:1.From the sentence, we can see a painting that Micheal is teaching.2.We can know that Micheal is a teacher.Example 2:Susan is tired. (passive sentence)Susan almost fell asleep. (active sentence)Susan almost fell asleep due to lethargy. (add more details)Example 3:She is nice. (passive sentence)She helps elders in nursery. (active sentence)She assists elders in nursery. (more specific) She converses with elders in nursery.(more details)Example 4:The apple is good. (passive sentence)The apple tastes good. (active sentence)The apple is healthy. (more specific)We had better tell the reason why the apple is good and in what aspect the apple is good.最好说出苹果为什么好,在哪一方面(aspect)好。Example 5:赞美一个boy帅怎么说?He is handsome.(passive sentence) 这句子简直弱!爆!了!His tall nose glistens under the sun, and his large eyes charms women in the street.He bites his lips shaped like juicy cherry.今日互动:你有想要调整的句子吗?欢迎评论区留言,Jerry会挑选一些进行回复哟~See you in the comment section.
1/22/2020 • 25 minutes, 24 seconds
一席出品主播:Jerry| 翩翩前方高能预警!请记住,带am/is/are的句子简直弱爆了,今天手把手教你如何进阶修炼,让你的句子变得高大上!!!*学霸 top kids *书呆子 nerd *体育崇拜 athletic worship2 Types of Sentences: 两种类型的句子passive sentence and active sentence弱势句与强势句Always try to use active rather than passive sentences.尽力去使用强势句而不是弱势句。Passive merely indicates that something is something. 我们谈论的passive sentence并不是狭义上的被动句,而是陈述“什么是什么”的句子,这些带有be(is /am/ are)。Passive Sentence VS Active SentenceTwo Weaknesses of the Passive Sentence 1.It is .2.And its structure prevents you from adding details.passive sentence对增加句子的细节有限制。While active sentences utilizes a verb that adds details or meaning to the sentence.而active sentence会使用动词给句子增加细节或意义。A verb can make a sentence colourful.动词的使用会使句子更加丰富多彩。One Important Policy一个重要的原则SHOW ! DON’ T TELL !展示而不是讲述!(拿出来!别说话!)Example 1:Michael is a teacher. (passive sentence)Micheal teaches at ASeat . (active sentence)2 benefits of the second sentence:1.From the sentence, we can see a painting that Micheal is teaching.2.We can know that Micheal is a teacher.Example 2:Susan is tired. (passive sentence)Susan almost fell asleep. (active sentence)Susan almost fell asleep due to lethargy. (add more details)Example 3:She is nice. (passive sentence)She helps elders in nursery. (active sentence)She assists elders in nursery. (more specific) She converses with elders in nursery.(more details)Example 4:The apple is good. (passive sentence)The apple tastes good. (active sentence)The apple is healthy. (more specific)We had better tell the reason why the apple is good and in what aspect the apple is good.最好说出苹果为什么好,在哪一方面(aspect)好。Example 5:赞美一个boy帅怎么说?He is handsome.(passive sentence) 这句子简直弱!爆!了!His tall nose glistens under the sun, and his large eyes charms women in the street.He bites his lips shaped like juicy cherry.今日互动:你有想要调整的句子吗?欢迎评论区留言,Jerry会挑选一些进行回复哟~See you in the comment section.
1/22/2020 • 25 minutes, 24 seconds
主播:Win & 翩翩歌曲:Never Ending StoryThe basic genres of music in America美国音乐的基本类型(genre)*genre /ˈʒɑːnrə/ 体裁,类型Jazz 爵士乐Rock 摇滚Metal 重金属Alternative 另类音乐(非主流音乐)R&B (Rhythm and Blues) 蓝调音乐Electronic 电子音乐Punk 朋克Indie music (Independent Music) 独立音乐Dance 舞曲Country Music 乡村音乐(Taylor Swift就是乡村音乐创作型歌手)Folk music 民谣Hip-hop 嘻哈音乐Folk music 民谣诸位听众都知道赵雷的《成都》就是民谣。This land is Your Land 《这是你的土地》是美国经典的民谣Johnny Cash was a well-known musician in America.Johnny Cash是美国非常有名的民谣歌手Bob Dylan is a folk musician originally but later he changed his music form.Bob Dylan 起初是民谣风格,后来改变了音乐风格。The difference between country music and folk music is hard to explain.乡村音乐与民谣的区别不易区别,不过,如果你听得多了的话就能清晰地分辨了。Soundtrack 影视原声Game of Thrones 《权力的游戏》的主题曲 “Everyone knows that song and they can sing the song.”几乎所有人都知道这首歌并且会唱。(啊哈,由此可见,《权游》真的是大火)Some people use the opening song of Game of Thrones as their phone ringer.《权利的游戏》的片头曲(opening song)被很多人用作手机铃声(phone ringer)。* opening song 片头曲* phone ringer 手机铃声My Heart Will Go On 《泰坦尼克号》(Titanic)的主题曲When we talk about soundtrack, we can not escape My Heart Will Go On .提到影视原声,《我心永恒》是躲不掉的了。*soundtrack /ˈsaʊndtræk/ 影视原声,原声带It is so classic.太经典了,大家耳熟能详。Blowin’ In the Wind 《阿甘正传》(Forrest Gump)插曲Bob Dylan的《答案在风中飘扬》也是经典的影视插曲。Songs from Douyin APP一些来自抖音的“神曲”The so-called Shenqu (小编水平有限) has special rhythm and it is easy to pick up. And when you hear the song ,you will know what kind of video it is and the content of the video.*rhythm/ˈrɪðəm/ 旋律,节奏* be easy to pick up 简单易学(好上手,哈哈)America has the same APP named Tik-Tok .Classical Music 古典音乐Classical music become popular in America in a new way, and it is a very interesting thing to talk about Mozart and Bach.古典音乐在美国以一种新的方式流行起来,谈论莫扎特、巴赫是很有意思的事情。Three Famous Classical Operas 三个据故事改编的经典歌剧The Magic Flute 《魔笛》Swan Lake 《天鹅湖》The Nutcracker 《胡桃夹子》In the movie The Shawshank Redemption, the hero plays the opera The Marriage of Figaro for prisoners.It is a very classic scene.在电影《肖申克的救赎》中,男主角为犯人们播放歌剧《费加罗的婚礼》,这是很经典的一幕。
1/18/2020 • 15 minutes, 9 seconds
主播:Win & 翩翩歌曲:Never Ending StoryThe basic genres of music in America美国音乐的基本类型(genre)*genre /ˈʒɑːnrə/ 体裁,类型Jazz 爵士乐Rock 摇滚Metal 重金属Alternative 另类音乐(非主流音乐)R&B (Rhythm and Blues) 蓝调音乐Electronic 电子音乐Punk 朋克Indie music (Independent Music) 独立音乐Dance 舞曲Country Music 乡村音乐(Taylor Swift就是乡村音乐创作型歌手)Folk music 民谣Hip-hop 嘻哈音乐Folk music 民谣诸位听众都知道赵雷的《成都》就是民谣。This land is Your Land 《这是你的土地》是美国经典的民谣Johnny Cash was a well-known musician in America.Johnny Cash是美国非常有名的民谣歌手Bob Dylan is a folk musician originally but later he changed his music form.Bob Dylan 起初是民谣风格,后来改变了音乐风格。The difference between country music and folk music is hard to explain.乡村音乐与民谣的区别不易区别,不过,如果你听得多了的话就能清晰地分辨了。Soundtrack 影视原声Game of Thrones 《权力的游戏》的主题曲 “Everyone knows that song and they can sing the song.”几乎所有人都知道这首歌并且会唱。(啊哈,由此可见,《权游》真的是大火)Some people use the opening song of Game of Thrones as their phone ringer.《权利的游戏》的片头曲(opening song)被很多人用作手机铃声(phone ringer)。* opening song 片头曲* phone ringer 手机铃声My Heart Will Go On 《泰坦尼克号》(Titanic)的主题曲When we talk about soundtrack, we can not escape My Heart Will Go On .提到影视原声,《我心永恒》是躲不掉的了。*soundtrack /ˈsaʊndtræk/ 影视原声,原声带It is so classic.太经典了,大家耳熟能详。Blowin’ In the Wind 《阿甘正传》(Forrest Gump)插曲Bob Dylan的《答案在风中飘扬》也是经典的影视插曲。Songs from Douyin APP一些来自抖音的“神曲”The so-called Shenqu (小编水平有限) has special rhythm and it is easy to pick up. And when you hear the song ,you will know what kind of video it is and the content of the video.*rhythm/ˈrɪðəm/ 旋律,节奏* be easy to pick up 简单易学(好上手,哈哈)America has the same APP named Tik-Tok .Classical Music 古典音乐Classical music become popular in America in a new way, and it is a very interesting thing to talk about Mozart and Bach.古典音乐在美国以一种新的方式流行起来,谈论莫扎特、巴赫是很有意思的事情。Three Famous Classical Operas 三个据故事改编的经典歌剧The Magic Flute 《魔笛》Swan Lake 《天鹅湖》The Nutcracker 《胡桃夹子》In the movie The Shawshank Redemption, the hero plays the opera The Marriage of Figaro for prisoners.It is a very classic scene.在电影《肖申克的救赎》中,男主角为犯人们播放歌剧《费加罗的婚礼》,这是很经典的一幕。
1/18/2020 • 15 minutes, 9 seconds
介绍: 主播:Jerry | 翩翩歌曲:heroTopicThe literal and figurative meaning of English phrases.1.Lend a hand :Literal meaning 字面意思:Let someone borrow your hand.“让别人借走你的手”。Figurative meaning引申意义: To help somebody (搭把手) You are giving help. 伸出援助之手。2.I got cold feetLiteral meaning 字面意思:My feet are cold.我的脚很冷。Figurative meaning 引申意义: I am very nervous. I don’t have confidence.我很紧张,没有自信。3.You have a good heartLiteral meaning字面意思 :You have a good health.你身体倍儿棒!Figurative meaning引申意义: You are a good person.You are so warmhearted!你是一个好人,你很热心肠。4.Stay greenLiteral meaning字面意思 :Keep something looking green.It doesn’t make sense.让某种东西保持绿色的颜色。字面意思根本就没有意义。Figurative meaning引申意义: To protect the environment. To be friendly to the environment.保护环境。5.PhoenixLiteral meaning 字面意思:It is a kind of bird. 凤凰Figurative meaning引申意义: One is failed but he or she is gong to be burned(the bird) and succeed one day.指那些虽然经历了失败,但有雄心壮志东山再起,涅槃重生的那些人(生活的强者)。6.Add fuel to the fireLiteral meaning 字面意思:You add fuel to make fire bigger.往火上加燃料,让火着得更旺。Figurative meaning引申意义: Make bad situation worse.火上浇油。7.A piece of cakeLiteral meaning字面意思 :字面翻译:一小块蛋糕。Figurative meaning引申意义: Easy job.小事一桩。那都不是事儿!8.Spill the beansLiteral meaning字面意思 :洒豆子。Figurative meaning引申意义: Tell a secret. 说出秘密。最后呢,Jerry向我们推荐了由乔治·奥威尔写的中篇小说《动物农场》收起
1/15/2020 • 25 minutes, 6 seconds
介绍: 主播:Jerry | 翩翩歌曲:heroTopicThe literal and figurative meaning of English phrases.1.Lend a hand :Literal meaning 字面意思:Let someone borrow your hand.“让别人借走你的手”。Figurative meaning引申意义: To help somebody (搭把手) You are giving help. 伸出援助之手。2.I got cold feetLiteral meaning 字面意思:My feet are cold.我的脚很冷。Figurative meaning 引申意义: I am very nervous. I don’t have confidence.我很紧张,没有自信。3.You have a good heartLiteral meaning字面意思 :You have a good health.你身体倍儿棒!Figurative meaning引申意义: You are a good person.You are so warmhearted!你是一个好人,你很热心肠。4.Stay greenLiteral meaning字面意思 :Keep something looking green.It doesn’t make sense.让某种东西保持绿色的颜色。字面意思根本就没有意义。Figurative meaning引申意义: To protect the environment. To be friendly to the environment.保护环境。5.PhoenixLiteral meaning 字面意思:It is a kind of bird. 凤凰Figurative meaning引申意义: One is failed but he or she is gong to be burned(the bird) and succeed one day.指那些虽然经历了失败,但有雄心壮志东山再起,涅槃重生的那些人(生活的强者)。6.Add fuel to the fireLiteral meaning 字面意思:You add fuel to make fire bigger.往火上加燃料,让火着得更旺。Figurative meaning引申意义: Make bad situation worse.火上浇油。7.A piece of cakeLiteral meaning字面意思 :字面翻译:一小块蛋糕。Figurative meaning引申意义: Easy job.小事一桩。那都不是事儿!8.Spill the beansLiteral meaning字面意思 :洒豆子。Figurative meaning引申意义: Tell a secret. 说出秘密。最后呢,Jerry向我们推荐了由乔治·奥威尔写的中篇小说《动物农场》收起
1/15/2020 • 25 minutes, 6 seconds
主播:Win(美国) 翩翩(中国)歌曲:heroBreakfast 早餐:Cereal 麦片Cereal and milk Cereal and water Toast and eggs, Pancake, Sandwich, Boiled egg 吐司配煎蛋,煎饼,三明治,煮蛋Pancake & ice cream, syrup 通常,老外会小煎饼配冰淇淋和糖浆,美味Lunch 午餐:Roast(烧烤类)roast soup(roasted meat in soup)/meat/pieSoup (汤类)Texas Chilly(Southern Chilly): Heavy meat, sauce, chilly 德州具有代表性的汤:有很多肉、酱料和辣椒Cream of mushroom soup, Chicken vegetable soup此外,还有奶油蘑菇浓汤、鸡肉蔬菜汤Chicken soup is good for the soul.(Ha....)Noodles(面条类) Macaroni, spaghetti, lasagne,...Chinese fried noodles通心粉,意大利面(长),意大利千层面,中式炒面(在美国很流行)Brunch 早午餐:Combo(套餐):coffee and pastry咖啡配油酥点心.甜品还有甜甜圈、派、玛芬蛋糕等soup and salad 汤类配沙拉Dinner 晚餐:Chicken fried steak roast (鸡肉炸牛排)Meat loaf (肉饼)---heat-attack in a meal So,what condiments on American’s dining table?Condiments 调料:Salt & pepper 盐和胡椒粉Spicy sauces: tobasco,chilly sauce 辣椒酱Ketchup 番茄酱Mustard 芥末酱Mayonnaise蛋黄酱,蘸薯条和汉堡
1/12/2020 • 17 minutes, 20 seconds
主播:Win(美国) 翩翩(中国)歌曲:heroBreakfast 早餐:Cereal 麦片Cereal and milk Cereal and water Toast and eggs, Pancake, Sandwich, Boiled egg 吐司配煎蛋,煎饼,三明治,煮蛋Pancake & ice cream, syrup 通常,老外会小煎饼配冰淇淋和糖浆,美味Lunch 午餐:Roast(烧烤类)roast soup(roasted meat in soup)/meat/pieSoup (汤类)Texas Chilly(Southern Chilly): Heavy meat, sauce, chilly 德州具有代表性的汤:有很多肉、酱料和辣椒Cream of mushroom soup, Chicken vegetable soup此外,还有奶油蘑菇浓汤、鸡肉蔬菜汤Chicken soup is good for the soul.(Ha....)Noodles(面条类) Macaroni, spaghetti, lasagne,...Chinese fried noodles通心粉,意大利面(长),意大利千层面,中式炒面(在美国很流行)Brunch 早午餐:Combo(套餐):coffee and pastry咖啡配油酥点心.甜品还有甜甜圈、派、玛芬蛋糕等soup and salad 汤类配沙拉Dinner 晚餐:Chicken fried steak roast (鸡肉炸牛排)Meat loaf (肉饼)---heat-attack in a meal So,what condiments on American’s dining table?Condiments 调料:Salt & pepper 盐和胡椒粉Spicy sauces: tobasco,chilly sauce 辣椒酱Ketchup 番茄酱Mustard 芥末酱Mayonnaise蛋黄酱,蘸薯条和汉堡
1/12/2020 • 17 minutes, 20 seconds
Typically American week, tour from Chinese, Spain, Mexican, Italian restaurants.典型美国人的一周是从中餐馆吃到西班牙、墨西哥、意大利等等各国餐馆。Meat pie roast, Roast Turkey, Macaroni, Mashed potato烤肉派、烤火鸡、通心粉、土豆泥是美国建国后,发展出的非常具有美国特色的食物。与此同时,KFC,Pizza Hut, Starbucks, Papa John 是中国化的美国食物,在中国很流行,在美国并非如此。Western food: European food, North American food, Mexican food all contribute to it.西餐包含欧洲、北美 (美国、加拿大)、墨西哥的食物。最流行的两种美式土豆做法:Baked potato: 烤土豆(内外可放多种馅料)Mashed potato with sauces: 土豆泥Dessert 甜点:Apple pie:苹果派Pancake with ice cream:早午餐,小煎饼配冰淇淋Three common flavor of ice cream: Strawberry, chocolate, vanilla三种常见冰淇淋口味:草莓、巧克力、香草味
1/10/2020 • 18 minutes, 41 seconds
Typically American week, tour from Chinese, Spain, Mexican, Italian restaurants.典型美国人的一周是从中餐馆吃到西班牙、墨西哥、意大利等等各国餐馆。Meat pie roast, Roast Turkey, Macaroni, Mashed potato烤肉派、烤火鸡、通心粉、土豆泥是美国建国后,发展出的非常具有美国特色的食物。与此同时,KFC,Pizza Hut, Starbucks, Papa John 是中国化的美国食物,在中国很流行,在美国并非如此。Western food: European food, North American food, Mexican food all contribute to it.西餐包含欧洲、北美 (美国、加拿大)、墨西哥的食物。最流行的两种美式土豆做法:Baked potato: 烤土豆(内外可放多种馅料)Mashed potato with sauces: 土豆泥Dessert 甜点:Apple pie:苹果派Pancake with ice cream:早午餐,小煎饼配冰淇淋Three common flavor of ice cream: Strawberry, chocolate, vanilla三种常见冰淇淋口味:草莓、巧克力、香草味
1/10/2020 • 18 minutes, 41 seconds
介绍: 一席英语出品的新节目:翩说电影- 你订阅了么主播:Elias(美国) 翩翩(中国)歌曲:SunflowerGenre:Movie genres:action, documentary, comedy. 动作片,纪录片,喜剧片。Book genres:autobiography, novel . 自传,小说。 Nobody listen to Adele anymore, as she doesn’t release many songs.现在没什么人听阿黛尔了,因为她不怎么发行新歌了。Fire:Somebody is fire,super cool,very interesting, but not necessarily popular.在美国指这个人很酷,但不一定很流行。和汉语中所讲的火还是有区别的。Billy Eilish is very fire and popular. Billy Eilish 很酷也很火。Lit:That party is lit. 这个派对很酷。Lit is a slang,buzzword, might sounds weird, and make others think you’re trying to be cool.Lit是个俚语,潮人专属,不经常用的人会听起来有点怪,好像在耍酷。 We can see the most popular songs on U.S. Billboard.发现美国流行音乐排行榜的地方:Sportify U.S. Top 50QQ U.S. BillboardDifferent Genres of Music1.Rap----most popular genre in U.S.Rap 是美国最流行的音乐类型。 Sunflower Post Malone animation Spider Man: Into the Spider 《蜘蛛侠》的插曲2.Pop: 流行乐Billie Eilish 代表作 Ocean Eyes, BellyacheMellow 醇厚的特色:a little depressing, calming or dark ( unsettling,creep out)3.Country Music 乡村音乐Old, traditional ones:slow-paced, less instruments传统乡村音乐节奏更慢一些,乐器较少。Modern ones: littlebit pop, electronic elements, upbeat and happy现代乡村音乐混合了流行元素,电子元素,节奏感更强,更欢快South 南部:TexasDeep South 最南部: South Carolina, Mississippi, Georgia,Louisiana, Alabama �4.EDM(Electronic Dance Music)电子舞曲(DJ在派对上播放的音乐)5.Soul Music( R&B)灵魂音乐6.Jazz爵士乐7.Classic Music�古典音乐
11/22/2019 • 24 minutes, 23 seconds
介绍: 一席英语出品的新节目:翩说电影- 你订阅了么主播:Elias(美国) 翩翩(中国)歌曲:SunflowerGenre:Movie genres:action, documentary, comedy. 动作片,纪录片,喜剧片。Book genres:autobiography, novel . 自传,小说。 Nobody listen to Adele anymore, as she doesn’t release many songs.现在没什么人听阿黛尔了,因为她不怎么发行新歌了。Fire:Somebody is fire,super cool,very interesting, but not necessarily popular.在美国指这个人很酷,但不一定很流行。和汉语中所讲的火还是有区别的。Billy Eilish is very fire and popular. Billy Eilish 很酷也很火。Lit:That party is lit. 这个派对很酷。Lit is a slang,buzzword, might sounds weird, and make others think you’re trying to be cool.Lit是个俚语,潮人专属,不经常用的人会听起来有点怪,好像在耍酷。 We can see the most popular songs on U.S. Billboard.发现美国流行音乐排行榜的地方:Sportify U.S. Top 50QQ U.S. BillboardDifferent Genres of Music1.Rap----most popular genre in U.S.Rap 是美国最流行的音乐类型。 Sunflower Post Malone animation Spider Man: Into the Spider 《蜘蛛侠》的插曲2.Pop: 流行乐Billie Eilish 代表作 Ocean Eyes, BellyacheMellow 醇厚的特色:a little depressing, calming or dark ( unsettling,creep out)3.Country Music 乡村音乐Old, traditional ones:slow-paced, less instruments传统乡村音乐节奏更慢一些,乐器较少。Modern ones: littlebit pop, electronic elements, upbeat and happy现代乡村音乐混合了流行元素,电子元素,节奏感更强,更欢快South 南部:TexasDeep South 最南部: South Carolina, Mississippi, Georgia,Louisiana, Alabama �4.EDM(Electronic Dance Music)电子舞曲(DJ在派对上播放的音乐)5.Soul Music( R&B)灵魂音乐6.Jazz爵士乐7.Classic Music�古典音乐
11/22/2019 • 24 minutes, 23 seconds
主播:Vip(澳大利亚) 翩翩(中国)结尾:电影《甜蜜蜜》原声带1.《霸王别姬》说的是一辈子,差一年,一个月,一天,一个时辰...都不算一辈子!We were meant to be together for a lifetime.If it is one year less, one month less,one day less, or an hour less, then it’s no lifetime.Be meant to = be supposed toLifetime: 一生的时间Note: 一个时辰英文表达其实是two hours,但这里为了保持统一,强调文学性用 an hour.2.《一声叹息》这么多年,牵着你的手,就象左手牵着右手没有感觉,但砍下去也会生疼。In all these years, when I was holding your hands,The feeling is not there, like my left hand holding my right hand. But if you cut it, it’s painful.Hold hands: 牵手Attachment:附件 依附的关系(非爱情维系的男女关系)3.《甜蜜蜜》傻丫头,回去泡个热水澡,睡个好觉,明天早上起来满街都是男人,个个都比豹哥好。Silly girl, go back have a warm bath and a good sleep, when you wake up tomorrow morning, you’ll find many good men on the street, much better than Bao Ge.the mafia:黑社会, he is in the mafia 他是黑社会he's in danger 出事了Have a bath 泡澡Take a shower 冲澡4.《花样年华》如果有多一张船票,你会不会跟我走?If I have more than one ticket, will you go with me?维普老师是一个typical指南,他觉得:* 类似于“如果你先遇见的是我,会不会爱上我?”之类的问题,就像是问“你说明年圣诞节会不会下雪?”一样的silly.* 如果有女生如此问,他说他当然会回答:Yes! (说你想听的答案,你开心就好咯)5.《纵横四海》其实爱一个人并不是要跟她一辈子的。我喜欢花,难道你摘下来让我闻;我喜欢风,难道你让风停下来;我喜欢云,难道你就让云罩着我;我喜欢海,难道我就去跳海?Actually if you love someone, you don’t have to be with them for a lifetime.I love flowers, It doesn’t mean that you should take it and smell it; I love the wind, It doesn’t mean that you should ask the wind to stop blowing. I love clouds, It doesn’t mean that you should have them shelter only me. I love the ocean, but I will not jump into it.possess: 占有it doesn't mean: 难道shelter: n.避难所 ,v.罩着6.《喜剧之王》不上班行不行?Don’t go to work, how about that?不上班你养我吗?If I don’t work, so you’ll look after me?我养你啊. I’ll look after you.今日留言板:你有没有喜欢的电影台词,推荐给Vip老师
10/24/2019 • 15 minutes, 3 seconds
主播:Vip(澳大利亚) 翩翩(中国)结尾:电影《甜蜜蜜》原声带1.《霸王别姬》说的是一辈子,差一年,一个月,一天,一个时辰...都不算一辈子!We were meant to be together for a lifetime.If it is one year less, one month less,one day less, or an hour less, then it’s no lifetime.Be meant to = be supposed toLifetime: 一生的时间Note: 一个时辰英文表达其实是two hours,但这里为了保持统一,强调文学性用 an hour.2.《一声叹息》这么多年,牵着你的手,就象左手牵着右手没有感觉,但砍下去也会生疼。In all these years, when I was holding your hands,The feeling is not there, like my left hand holding my right hand. But if you cut it, it’s painful.Hold hands: 牵手Attachment:附件 依附的关系(非爱情维系的男女关系)3.《甜蜜蜜》傻丫头,回去泡个热水澡,睡个好觉,明天早上起来满街都是男人,个个都比豹哥好。Silly girl, go back have a warm bath and a good sleep, when you wake up tomorrow morning, you’ll find many good men on the street, much better than Bao Ge.the mafia:黑社会, he is in the mafia 他是黑社会he's in danger 出事了Have a bath 泡澡Take a shower 冲澡4.《花样年华》如果有多一张船票,你会不会跟我走?If I have more than one ticket, will you go with me?维普老师是一个typical指南,他觉得:* 类似于“如果你先遇见的是我,会不会爱上我?”之类的问题,就像是问“你说明年圣诞节会不会下雪?”一样的silly.* 如果有女生如此问,他说他当然会回答:Yes! (说你想听的答案,你开心就好咯)5.《纵横四海》其实爱一个人并不是要跟她一辈子的。我喜欢花,难道你摘下来让我闻;我喜欢风,难道你让风停下来;我喜欢云,难道你就让云罩着我;我喜欢海,难道我就去跳海?Actually if you love someone, you don’t have to be with them for a lifetime.I love flowers, It doesn’t mean that you should take it and smell it; I love the wind, It doesn’t mean that you should ask the wind to stop blowing. I love clouds, It doesn’t mean that you should have them shelter only me. I love the ocean, but I will not jump into it.possess: 占有it doesn't mean: 难道shelter: n.避难所 ,v.罩着6.《喜剧之王》不上班行不行?Don’t go to work, how about that?不上班你养我吗?If I don’t work, so you’ll look after me?我养你啊. I’ll look after you.今日留言板:你有没有喜欢的电影台词,推荐给Vip老师
10/24/2019 • 15 minutes, 3 seconds
一席英语出品主播:Alan(美国) 翩翩(中国)音乐:Listen - One OK RockToday's fun topic:What are some telltale signs of person is Chinese? 判断中国人的标志有哪些?telltale signs 标志How you know what can you see a people is doing, from that you can tell where they from. Telltale signs 就是从一个人的行为举止可以判断出这个人是哪个国家的、文化是什么样子的。We will look at a funny list of top 10 culture differences that foreigners noticed. 一些外国人在了解中国文化之后,总结出了一个sum up,前10项中国人的特征,一看就知道这是中国人!NO.10 Fight over who pays the dinner bill. 为谁来买单而打架。 fight over 为……打架‘ I'm gonna do it!’‘No! I 'm gonna do it!’ 中国人会为了抢着买单而fight over,打到医院之后,又会继续为了抢着出医药费而买单。In America, people offer to pay the bill. But if you say ‘no, I wanna do it’ or ‘let me do it’ more than 2 times, people will just let you do it. 而在美国文化当中,如果一个人说“我来买单吧”说两遍,那么另一方就会毫不客气的let you do it哦。美国文化里可是不存在“客气”这件事情的。因为他们认为,总有一天你会treat back 请回来的NO.9 Drive around looking for the best parking space. 开着车到处寻找最好的停车位。drive around 开车四处转parking space 停车位Actually, right now, I spend a lot of time to drive around to look for a parking space, not the best one. 而现在对于翩翩老师来说,开车到处转可不是为了找最好的停车位,能找到停车位就已经很不容易啦。If in summer, you want to find a parking space maybe with a tree over it. 美国人同样也会去找最合适的停车位啊,尤其是在夏天,他们会更喜欢有树荫的停车位。所以这个中国人的特征并不是很typical很有“中国特色”啦。NO.8 Take showers at night. 晚上洗澡。take shower 淋浴take a bath 沐浴(in a bathtub在浴缸里的沐浴)It's showering. 下大雨了。In western countries,many people take showers in the morning. 中国人喜欢晚上洗澡,而在西方国家,很多人都是在早上洗澡的。NO.7 Never hug their parents. 从不拥抱父母。intimacy 亲昵的行为,亲密Chinese are too shy to show their love or intimacy to parents. 中国人对父母的亲昵和爱总是羞于去表达,因此从不,或者很少去拥抱父母。Most children hug their parents. 对欧美人来说,绝大多数的孩子都会拥抱他们的父母,physical touch 是一种表达爱的方式。中外“孝顺”的differenceXiaoshun: It's a special word for the way a kid treading their parents when the kid is growing up. 中国的“孝顺”是指:孩子在长大以后对待父母的一个特别的词语,不可以用到其他人身上,只能用于父母。Filial piety: It means loyalty to your parents. 英语当中的“孝顺”可以用filial piety来表达。But it's a technical word, not very common. 但这是一个术语,不是常用语。NO.6 Have a Chinese knick-knack hanging on the rear view mirror. 在车内的后视镜上挂小饰物。rear view mirror 后视镜What is a kninck-knack? It's a small and cheap decoration. kninck-knack其实就是一个像中国结这一类的小饰物。外国人也会在车内的后视镜上挂一些小饰物,但不是中国结这种。NO.5 Leave the plastic covers on your remote control. 把遥控器上的塑料袋留在上面。remote control 遥控器中国人会为了keep it new 而把遥控器上的塑料袋留在上面不摘掉。也有一些家庭会把原本的plastic covers换成好看的保护袋。而在美国文化当中,大多数人可能会用cell phone cover, 但是可能不会Leave the plastic covers on your remote control。NO.4 Like to sing karaoke. 喜欢唱K。Most Americans don’t think about or do karaoke very much. Maybe at weddings. 美国人不太喜欢唱K, 即使是在婚礼上唱歌,也跟中国人在KTV里唱的不同。Lots of Asian people like to sing karaoke. 唱K 可以说是一种亚洲文化,不仅仅是中国人喜欢唱,其他亚洲国家的人也喜欢唱K哦。NO.3 Suck on the fish head. 吮吸鱼头。Definitely not where I come from. 西方人可是不吃鱼头的哟。In western countries, fish/ chicken/ pork serve as meat. 在西方国家,鸡鸭鱼肉极少会带着骨头上桌,永远都是以肉相见。 NO.2 Like to eat chicken feet. 喜欢吃凤爪。In China, it's a common thing to eat chicken feet. But most Americans wouldn't even consider it. 中国人吃凤爪很常见,但对于美国人来说,他们可是想都不敢想呢。所以这是不是够“中国特色”呢?NO.1 Drinking hot water. 喝热水。room temperature 常温的Most westerners don’t drink hot water. They prefer cold water or cool water, especially in the summer. 西方人喝水一定喝的是凉水,或者是room temperature water 常温水,他们更喜欢直接从水龙头接饮用水。Either room temperature water or ice water. Never hot water.How do you recognize a Chinese? Please comment to us!
10/10/2019 • 22 minutes, 45 seconds
一席英语出品主播:Alan(美国) 翩翩(中国)音乐:Listen - One OK RockToday's fun topic:What are some telltale signs of person is Chinese? 判断中国人的标志有哪些?telltale signs 标志How you know what can you see a people is doing, from that you can tell where they from. Telltale signs 就是从一个人的行为举止可以判断出这个人是哪个国家的、文化是什么样子的。We will look at a funny list of top 10 culture differences that foreigners noticed. 一些外国人在了解中国文化之后,总结出了一个sum up,前10项中国人的特征,一看就知道这是中国人!NO.10 Fight over who pays the dinner bill. 为谁来买单而打架。 fight over 为……打架‘ I'm gonna do it!’‘No! I 'm gonna do it!’ 中国人会为了抢着买单而fight over,打到医院之后,又会继续为了抢着出医药费而买单。In America, people offer to pay the bill. But if you say ‘no, I wanna do it’ or ‘let me do it’ more than 2 times, people will just let you do it. 而在美国文化当中,如果一个人说“我来买单吧”说两遍,那么另一方就会毫不客气的let you do it哦。美国文化里可是不存在“客气”这件事情的。因为他们认为,总有一天你会treat back 请回来的NO.9 Drive around looking for the best parking space. 开着车到处寻找最好的停车位。drive around 开车四处转parking space 停车位Actually, right now, I spend a lot of time to drive around to look for a parking space, not the best one. 而现在对于翩翩老师来说,开车到处转可不是为了找最好的停车位,能找到停车位就已经很不容易啦。If in summer, you want to find a parking space maybe with a tree over it. 美国人同样也会去找最合适的停车位啊,尤其是在夏天,他们会更喜欢有树荫的停车位。所以这个中国人的特征并不是很typical很有“中国特色”啦。NO.8 Take showers at night. 晚上洗澡。take shower 淋浴take a bath 沐浴(in a bathtub在浴缸里的沐浴)It's showering. 下大雨了。In western countries,many people take showers in the morning. 中国人喜欢晚上洗澡,而在西方国家,很多人都是在早上洗澡的。NO.7 Never hug their parents. 从不拥抱父母。intimacy 亲昵的行为,亲密Chinese are too shy to show their love or intimacy to parents. 中国人对父母的亲昵和爱总是羞于去表达,因此从不,或者很少去拥抱父母。Most children hug their parents. 对欧美人来说,绝大多数的孩子都会拥抱他们的父母,physical touch 是一种表达爱的方式。中外“孝顺”的differenceXiaoshun: It's a special word for the way a kid treading their parents when the kid is growing up. 中国的“孝顺”是指:孩子在长大以后对待父母的一个特别的词语,不可以用到其他人身上,只能用于父母。Filial piety: It means loyalty to your parents. 英语当中的“孝顺”可以用filial piety来表达。But it's a technical word, not very common. 但这是一个术语,不是常用语。NO.6 Have a Chinese knick-knack hanging on the rear view mirror. 在车内的后视镜上挂小饰物。rear view mirror 后视镜What is a kninck-knack? It's a small and cheap decoration. kninck-knack其实就是一个像中国结这一类的小饰物。外国人也会在车内的后视镜上挂一些小饰物,但不是中国结这种。NO.5 Leave the plastic covers on your remote control. 把遥控器上的塑料袋留在上面。remote control 遥控器中国人会为了keep it new 而把遥控器上的塑料袋留在上面不摘掉。也有一些家庭会把原本的plastic covers换成好看的保护袋。而在美国文化当中,大多数人可能会用cell phone cover, 但是可能不会Leave the plastic covers on your remote control。NO.4 Like to sing karaoke. 喜欢唱K。Most Americans don’t think about or do karaoke very much. Maybe at weddings. 美国人不太喜欢唱K, 即使是在婚礼上唱歌,也跟中国人在KTV里唱的不同。Lots of Asian people like to sing karaoke. 唱K 可以说是一种亚洲文化,不仅仅是中国人喜欢唱,其他亚洲国家的人也喜欢唱K哦。NO.3 Suck on the fish head. 吮吸鱼头。Definitely not where I come from. 西方人可是不吃鱼头的哟。In western countries, fish/ chicken/ pork serve as meat. 在西方国家,鸡鸭鱼肉极少会带着骨头上桌,永远都是以肉相见。 NO.2 Like to eat chicken feet. 喜欢吃凤爪。In China, it's a common thing to eat chicken feet. But most Americans wouldn't even consider it. 中国人吃凤爪很常见,但对于美国人来说,他们可是想都不敢想呢。所以这是不是够“中国特色”呢?NO.1 Drinking hot water. 喝热水。room temperature 常温的Most westerners don’t drink hot water. They prefer cold water or cool water, especially in the summer. 西方人喝水一定喝的是凉水,或者是room temperature water 常温水,他们更喜欢直接从水龙头接饮用水。Either room temperature water or ice water. Never hot water.How do you recognize a Chinese? Please comment to us!
10/10/2019 • 22 minutes, 45 seconds
一席英语出品主播:Vip(澳大利亚) 翩翩(中国)歌曲:Better Than OneWhat kind of guy is considered handsome from a western’s point of view?1. 提到“帅气”,我们首先想到的就是handsome,那么除了handsome之外,有没有其他的词汇来形容帅呢?Other words have the same meaning? hot adj. 形容词一般是指figure,形容一个人的身材有点xg.fitIn the UK, ‘fit’ doesn’t mean physically fit. It’s just another word for handsome or attractive. 在英国,“fit”可不是说一个男生身体健康、身材健美哦,它是形容一个人非常的帅气,有吸引力呢。masculineThat really means a man is a man’s man. 男生非常 manly,特别有阳刚之气的帅,就叫做masculine。good looking长得很好看就可以说这个男生是good lookingcutecute也不是说男生长得可爱,而是说他长得很帅很英俊。√ 女生形容男生cute × 男生形容男生cute 但是仅限于女生的表达,如果男生形容男生cute,则会被认为是offensive,你冒犯到对方啦!gorgeous可以说是handsome的最高级啦,形容一个人长得十分惊艳。But a man never calls another man ‘gorgeous’. 跟cute一样,也是仅限于女生去形容尤其好看的男生的。studn. 名词Stud is a man who is very manly, but also very handsome and dresses well. 当你发现一个男人特别有男人味儿,长得又高又壮,衣品还非常好,那么就可以形容他为stud。Brad Pitt is a stud. 美国男演员布拉德·皮特就是一个富有男性魅力的人。2. standard 那么西方人眼中的帅气有什么样的判断标准呢?There’re 3 things:1.The first one is physically fit. 男生帅不帅,首先要看他是否身体健康、身材健美,不要太fat,也不要太muscly肌肉太发达。2.The second thing is good teeth, good smile. 其次,牙要好看。如果牙齿不好看,那怎么能用笑容打动别人呢?好的牙齿不仅要straight直,还要white白哟。3.The third thing is well groomed. 最后还要看这个男生是不是将自己修饰、打扮得很得体,而不是不修边幅。比如:a clean cut beard or moustache 干净整齐的小胡子clip his nails 修剪整齐的指甲nicely styled hair 有型的发型good hygiene 良好的卫生习惯[PS:]如果你想用style来形容一个人的话,应该怎样表达呢?He is very stylish. 他很时尚,很有风格。He is well- put together. 他很有品味。3. 中国人喜欢对人称呼“帅哥,美女”“handsome guy, beautiful woman” ,那么英语当中有没有similar expressions 呢?We don’t actually have anything like that. 其实没有哦,中国人为了表示polite而常常称对方为“帅哥、美女”,而西方人往往直接称对方为“Sir, Miss”.比自己年长一点的,或者同龄人,可以称呼Sir/ Miss比自己年纪小的,可以直接说excuse me...eg: Excuse me Sir/Miss, can I get some help?It’s very impolite to call someone by their job name. They would definitely spit in your food, if you call a waiter/waitress by their job name. 4. “硬汉”和“都市美型男”怎么说?tough guy 硬汉张涵予、孙红雷这样的男明星就可以说是“tough guy”。metrosexual 都市美型男有一类男明星可称为“ metrosexual”,都市美型男。形容那些well dressed,而且现在已经逐渐成为一种风尚了。Review:handsomegood lookinghotfit(in UK)masculinegorgeousstudathletic
9/30/2019 • 18 minutes, 35 seconds
一席英语出品主播:Vip(澳大利亚) 翩翩(中国)歌曲:Better Than OneWhat kind of guy is considered handsome from a western’s point of view?1. 提到“帅气”,我们首先想到的就是handsome,那么除了handsome之外,有没有其他的词汇来形容帅呢?Other words have the same meaning? hot adj. 形容词一般是指figure,形容一个人的身材有点xg.fitIn the UK, ‘fit’ doesn’t mean physically fit. It’s just another word for handsome or attractive. 在英国,“fit”可不是说一个男生身体健康、身材健美哦,它是形容一个人非常的帅气,有吸引力呢。masculineThat really means a man is a man’s man. 男生非常 manly,特别有阳刚之气的帅,就叫做masculine。good looking长得很好看就可以说这个男生是good lookingcutecute也不是说男生长得可爱,而是说他长得很帅很英俊。√ 女生形容男生cute × 男生形容男生cute 但是仅限于女生的表达,如果男生形容男生cute,则会被认为是offensive,你冒犯到对方啦!gorgeous可以说是handsome的最高级啦,形容一个人长得十分惊艳。But a man never calls another man ‘gorgeous’. 跟cute一样,也是仅限于女生去形容尤其好看的男生的。studn. 名词Stud is a man who is very manly, but also very handsome and dresses well. 当你发现一个男人特别有男人味儿,长得又高又壮,衣品还非常好,那么就可以形容他为stud。Brad Pitt is a stud. 美国男演员布拉德·皮特就是一个富有男性魅力的人。2. standard 那么西方人眼中的帅气有什么样的判断标准呢?There’re 3 things:1.The first one is physically fit. 男生帅不帅,首先要看他是否身体健康、身材健美,不要太fat,也不要太muscly肌肉太发达。2.The second thing is good teeth, good smile. 其次,牙要好看。如果牙齿不好看,那怎么能用笑容打动别人呢?好的牙齿不仅要straight直,还要white白哟。3.The third thing is well groomed. 最后还要看这个男生是不是将自己修饰、打扮得很得体,而不是不修边幅。比如:a clean cut beard or moustache 干净整齐的小胡子clip his nails 修剪整齐的指甲nicely styled hair 有型的发型good hygiene 良好的卫生习惯[PS:]如果你想用style来形容一个人的话,应该怎样表达呢?He is very stylish. 他很时尚,很有风格。He is well- put together. 他很有品味。3. 中国人喜欢对人称呼“帅哥,美女”“handsome guy, beautiful woman” ,那么英语当中有没有similar expressions 呢?We don’t actually have anything like that. 其实没有哦,中国人为了表示polite而常常称对方为“帅哥、美女”,而西方人往往直接称对方为“Sir, Miss”.比自己年长一点的,或者同龄人,可以称呼Sir/ Miss比自己年纪小的,可以直接说excuse me...eg: Excuse me Sir/Miss, can I get some help?It’s very impolite to call someone by their job name. They would definitely spit in your food, if you call a waiter/waitress by their job name. 4. “硬汉”和“都市美型男”怎么说?tough guy 硬汉张涵予、孙红雷这样的男明星就可以说是“tough guy”。metrosexual 都市美型男有一类男明星可称为“ metrosexual”,都市美型男。形容那些well dressed,而且现在已经逐渐成为一种风尚了。Review:handsomegood lookinghotfit(in UK)masculinegorgeousstudathletic
9/30/2019 • 18 minutes, 35 seconds
主播:Alan(美国) 翩翩(中国)歌曲:Here With You - Asher BookMany people are becoming interested in working out! Do you do it? Do you like it?1. Your figure shows your class? 你的身材就代表了你的社会阶层吗?In American culture, you can rich or poor and still be overweight. 在美国,无论你贫富,都可能会胖哦。(其实哪个国家的人都一样啦)In general, people with more money tend to be healthier or slimmer, because they can afford healthy food. 但是通常来说,wealthy people物质条件比较好的人会有充足的钱来获得更好的食物。Is it nothing with working out? 所以物质条件比较好的人通常不会胖真的跟健身无关吗?× 当然不是!√ 健身是一种习惯或信念Maybe wealthy in their thirties turn to be a little more exercise. 可能30多岁的年轻人更具有这种健身的意识。Something that starts hard like exercise becomes easier overtime until it’s just a part of your day. 很多像健身这样的事情,一开始seems hard,但是它会get easier and easier, 会变得越来越简单。千万不要do nothing, and choose easy choice! Or your life will get hard!overweight 体重超重的fit 健康的2. Working out helps you to become a self-disciplined person 运动有助于你变成一个自律的人自律的人到底是什么样的呢?A self-disciplined person is a person who can manage their time well and accomplish everything that needs to be done in a day, or at least most things.①能够很好地管理自己的时间:manage their time well②在一天之内能够完成大部分甚至所有的事情:accomplish everything or at least most things③非常的高效:high efficiencyAlan 老师是个role model就在身边的幸运儿哦他的父母都good at focusing, 非常的专注。self-disciplined 自律的accomplish 完成role model 榜样3. Make a To Do List 做好备忘录记忆力好的人就可以做mental To Do List记忆力不好的人就可以慢慢养成手写To Do List的习惯哦在美国,备忘录叫Check List, 因为列出的list在每做完一项之后都要检查、画√呀。mental 大脑的,精神上的4. ways to working out 健身的方式Some people like to go to the gym, some people like to use Apps. 对于健身,有些人喜欢上体育馆、健身房,还有些人则是喜欢在家用通过一些软件来健身。二者有何区别呢? Waste money!(小区公园,你,值得拥有!)Keep is very popular in China. The popular one in American is called 7 Minute Workout. 美国人也用健身App哦。7 Minute Workout 7分钟健身顾名思义当然是Obviously for busy people who want short intense workouts啦!听说能够在7分钟之内让你大汗淋漓,你信不信?Try it out! Have some short intense work out! You’ll feel better, sleep better. It’s worth it!
9/16/2019 • 15 minutes, 50 seconds
主播:Alan(美国) 翩翩(中国)歌曲:Here With You - Asher BookMany people are becoming interested in working out! Do you do it? Do you like it?1. Your figure shows your class? 你的身材就代表了你的社会阶层吗?In American culture, you can rich or poor and still be overweight. 在美国,无论你贫富,都可能会胖哦。(其实哪个国家的人都一样啦)In general, people with more money tend to be healthier or slimmer, because they can afford healthy food. 但是通常来说,wealthy people物质条件比较好的人会有充足的钱来获得更好的食物。Is it nothing with working out? 所以物质条件比较好的人通常不会胖真的跟健身无关吗?× 当然不是!√ 健身是一种习惯或信念Maybe wealthy in their thirties turn to be a little more exercise. 可能30多岁的年轻人更具有这种健身的意识。Something that starts hard like exercise becomes easier overtime until it’s just a part of your day. 很多像健身这样的事情,一开始seems hard,但是它会get easier and easier, 会变得越来越简单。千万不要do nothing, and choose easy choice! Or your life will get hard!overweight 体重超重的fit 健康的2. Working out helps you to become a self-disciplined person 运动有助于你变成一个自律的人自律的人到底是什么样的呢?A self-disciplined person is a person who can manage their time well and accomplish everything that needs to be done in a day, or at least most things.①能够很好地管理自己的时间:manage their time well②在一天之内能够完成大部分甚至所有的事情:accomplish everything or at least most things③非常的高效:high efficiencyAlan 老师是个role model就在身边的幸运儿哦他的父母都good at focusing, 非常的专注。self-disciplined 自律的accomplish 完成role model 榜样3. Make a To Do List 做好备忘录记忆力好的人就可以做mental To Do List记忆力不好的人就可以慢慢养成手写To Do List的习惯哦在美国,备忘录叫Check List, 因为列出的list在每做完一项之后都要检查、画√呀。mental 大脑的,精神上的4. ways to working out 健身的方式Some people like to go to the gym, some people like to use Apps. 对于健身,有些人喜欢上体育馆、健身房,还有些人则是喜欢在家用通过一些软件来健身。二者有何区别呢? Waste money!(小区公园,你,值得拥有!)Keep is very popular in China. The popular one in American is called 7 Minute Workout. 美国人也用健身App哦。7 Minute Workout 7分钟健身顾名思义当然是Obviously for busy people who want short intense workouts啦!听说能够在7分钟之内让你大汗淋漓,你信不信?Try it out! Have some short intense work out! You’ll feel better, sleep better. It’s worth it!
9/16/2019 • 15 minutes, 50 seconds
主播:Vip(澳大利亚) 翩翩(中国)歌曲:Our Own Heaven - MasettiToday’s topic: Cosmetics! 化妆品! Make up! 彩妆!When we buy cosmetics from overseas, we’re not entirely sure what these cosmetics are, and what they are used for.很多时候,朋友从国外带来的化妆品,看不懂,所以不知道怎么用。make up 彩妆,眼线笔、眼影之类,是a subset of cosmetics,化妆品的一部分Popular make up 热门彩妆有哪些?1. lipstick 口红So many people are crazy about lipsticks. 好多人对口红很痴迷。Men feel like all the colors are the same. 直男眼中,所有口红色号都是同一种颜色——红色! 涂口红用wearDo you wear lipstick? 你涂口红吗?Big fan of lipstick 的翩翩老师种草时间:Amani 405 super super beautiful! 超级好看!好看到直男也知道哦!(买它!)Chanel 960 strongly recommend! 强推香奈儿960! retail store 专柜2. eyeshadow 眼影抹眼影也用wearDo you wear eyeshadow? 你抹眼影了吗?3. liquid foundation 粉底液万能wear也被用来抹粉底液Do you wear liquid foundation? 你抹粉底液了吗?4. powder 粉饼 Air cushion 气垫粉饼要用use才可以I use powder. 我用粉饼。I need to go to the restroom to powder my nose.我需要去一下洗手间补个妆。powder my nose 补妆5. eyeliner 眼线笔 Eyeliner can make your eyes look much bigger, or it can make you look very different. 眼线笔能让你的眼睛看起来变大许多,也能让你看起来很与众不同。misleading 误导colors contact 美瞳6. eyebrow pencil 眉笔 thick enough (眉毛)够浓7. mascara 睫毛膏It can make your eyes even bigger, and make you more beautiful.睫毛膏能够放大你的眼睛,放大你的美!刷睫毛膏说useDid you use mascara? 你刷睫毛膏了?8. wear out 妆花了;穿坏了Your make up can’t wear out. 你的妆花了。PS: It’s not polite to tell someone ‘Your make up can’t wear out’!告诉别人“你的妆花了”是不礼貌的行为!
9/10/2019 • 16 minutes, 40 seconds
主播:Vip(澳大利亚) 翩翩(中国)歌曲:Our Own Heaven - MasettiToday’s topic: Cosmetics! 化妆品! Make up! 彩妆!When we buy cosmetics from overseas, we’re not entirely sure what these cosmetics are, and what they are used for.很多时候,朋友从国外带来的化妆品,看不懂,所以不知道怎么用。make up 彩妆,眼线笔、眼影之类,是a subset of cosmetics,化妆品的一部分Popular make up 热门彩妆有哪些?1. lipstick 口红So many people are crazy about lipsticks. 好多人对口红很痴迷。Men feel like all the colors are the same. 直男眼中,所有口红色号都是同一种颜色——红色! 涂口红用wearDo you wear lipstick? 你涂口红吗?Big fan of lipstick 的翩翩老师种草时间:Amani 405 super super beautiful! 超级好看!好看到直男也知道哦!(买它!)Chanel 960 strongly recommend! 强推香奈儿960! retail store 专柜2. eyeshadow 眼影抹眼影也用wearDo you wear eyeshadow? 你抹眼影了吗?3. liquid foundation 粉底液万能wear也被用来抹粉底液Do you wear liquid foundation? 你抹粉底液了吗?4. powder 粉饼 Air cushion 气垫粉饼要用use才可以I use powder. 我用粉饼。I need to go to the restroom to powder my nose.我需要去一下洗手间补个妆。powder my nose 补妆5. eyeliner 眼线笔 Eyeliner can make your eyes look much bigger, or it can make you look very different. 眼线笔能让你的眼睛看起来变大许多,也能让你看起来很与众不同。misleading 误导colors contact 美瞳6. eyebrow pencil 眉笔 thick enough (眉毛)够浓7. mascara 睫毛膏It can make your eyes even bigger, and make you more beautiful.睫毛膏能够放大你的眼睛,放大你的美!刷睫毛膏说useDid you use mascara? 你刷睫毛膏了?8. wear out 妆花了;穿坏了Your make up can’t wear out. 你的妆花了。PS: It’s not polite to tell someone ‘Your make up can’t wear out’!告诉别人“你的妆花了”是不礼貌的行为!
9/10/2019 • 16 minutes, 40 seconds
老外来了:rain cats and dogs 淋了猫和狗?英语习语 老外教你说
介绍: 主播:Win(美国) 翩翩(中国)歌曲:heroIdiom is more like any phrase or idea that everyone understand with in their culture. 对英语国家的人来说,idiom指的是一些习语,或约定俗成的说法,并不一定是字面意思。eg:It’s raining cats and dogs outside. 外面在下倾盆大雨。buzzword 热词,流行词Mai Meng 卖萌= make a cutie face= puppy dog eyes= selfie face Ren Shan Ren Hai = people mountain people sea 人山人海make sense 有道理,言之有理1.The early bird gets the worm. 早起的鸟儿有虫吃。2.Curiosity killed the cat. 好奇害死猫。3.Is the juice worth the squeeze? = Is it worthy effort?值得努力吗?4.Mild women rarely make history. 温文尔雅的女人极少能创造历史。5.Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. 与朋友靠近一点,与敌人靠的更近一点。Confucius 孔子A Dream in Red Mansions 红楼梦classic 经典文学,古典文学philosopher 哲学家今日互动留言:Have you read Chinese literature poetry or literature works?A Dream in Red Mansions? Or Journey to the West?
9/6/2019 • 10 minutes, 51 seconds
老外来了:rain cats and dogs 淋了猫和狗?英语习语 老外教你说
介绍: 主播:Win(美国) 翩翩(中国)歌曲:heroIdiom is more like any phrase or idea that everyone understand with in their culture. 对英语国家的人来说,idiom指的是一些习语,或约定俗成的说法,并不一定是字面意思。eg:It’s raining cats and dogs outside. 外面在下倾盆大雨。buzzword 热词,流行词Mai Meng 卖萌= make a cutie face= puppy dog eyes= selfie face Ren Shan Ren Hai = people mountain people sea 人山人海make sense 有道理,言之有理1.The early bird gets the worm. 早起的鸟儿有虫吃。2.Curiosity killed the cat. 好奇害死猫。3.Is the juice worth the squeeze? = Is it worthy effort?值得努力吗?4.Mild women rarely make history. 温文尔雅的女人极少能创造历史。5.Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. 与朋友靠近一点,与敌人靠的更近一点。Confucius 孔子A Dream in Red Mansions 红楼梦classic 经典文学,古典文学philosopher 哲学家今日互动留言:Have you read Chinese literature poetry or literature works?A Dream in Red Mansions? Or Journey to the West?
9/6/2019 • 10 minutes, 51 seconds
介绍: 主播:Win(美国) 翩翩(中国)歌曲:One dayForeigners learn ChineseLearning Chinese is not easy!1. Is Chinese hard? 外国人学汉语难吗?It’s easier if you are Korean or Japanese. But if you are westerner, you have that fear. 对于西方人来说,Chinese is really hard.Why is it hard for westerners to learn Chinese? 为什么西方人学汉语难?It doesn’t translate well. The grammar is very different from Romantic languages.欧美国家的语言一般都是Latin拉丁语系,因此,欧美人学Spanish、 French、 Italian都是比较简单的,一般听一听大约就能understand。但是汉语却是totally different!It is easily one of the hardest languages in the world. 汉语被公认为是世界上最难得语言之一。English is great easily to pick up.但英语却比较好上手, because of movies.Hollywood has made English accessible and spread the culture all over the world.Win觉得英语简单是因为好莱坞电影特别多,大家都在听、学。只要我们看好莱坞电影,我们就会have contact with English。have contact with 和……有联系,接触到mysterious 神秘的外国人也会受“哑巴汉语”的折磨哦Listening is better than oral(口语). 听力要比口语好。mental block 心理障碍language block 语言障碍block 被堵住“哑巴英语”、“哑巴汉语”怎么说呢?外国人喜欢用bottleneck(瓶颈)来形容听懂的多而能说的少。They have bottleneck with their Chinese.dumb/ mute English 哑巴英语language bottleneck 语言瓶颈2. Where is Chinese difficult? 汉语究竟难在哪里呢?第一难:声调 the 5 tones 在英语中,tones emphasis on different words,在不同的单词上重读可能会引起意思的不同。在汉语中,tones are unlike anything in Western languages,在每一个character(字)上重读的意思都不一样。characters 汉字汉语的五种声调:First/ high-level tone 阴平(一声) Second/ rising tone 阳平(二声)Third/ low/ low-falling-raising tone 上声(三声)Fourth/ falling tone 去声(四声)Neutral/ Fifth/ zeroth tone 轻声 Neutral tone is sometimes thought of incorrectly as a lack of tone.eg: I feel sick. 我感觉不舒服。That was sick! 太恶心了!对Win来说,low tone(三声)和falling tone(四声)They are so close! 太像了!Characters are exceptionally difficult to study and memorize. 汉字本身就格外的难学习和记住。第二难:文化背景 cultural contextA meme: Fang bian (方便)① Are you convenient tonight? 你今晚方便吗?Fang bian: Are you available to meet? 有时间吗?②I need to go to the bathroom. 我需要去方便一下。Fang bian: use the bathroom 上厕所③If he have enough money? 你方便付钱吗?Fang bian: Do you have enough money? 你的钱够吗?④Then they eat ‘fang bian mian’. 他们回家后又吃了方便面。Fang bian: convenient food 速食品这么多的“方便”让外国人很confused,也很头疼。更多内容请关注微信公众号:一席英语
9/6/2019 • 14 minutes, 14 seconds
介绍: 主播:Win(美国) 翩翩(中国)歌曲:One dayForeigners learn ChineseLearning Chinese is not easy!1. Is Chinese hard? 外国人学汉语难吗?It’s easier if you are Korean or Japanese. But if you are westerner, you have that fear. 对于西方人来说,Chinese is really hard.Why is it hard for westerners to learn Chinese? 为什么西方人学汉语难?It doesn’t translate well. The grammar is very different from Romantic languages.欧美国家的语言一般都是Latin拉丁语系,因此,欧美人学Spanish、 French、 Italian都是比较简单的,一般听一听大约就能understand。但是汉语却是totally different!It is easily one of the hardest languages in the world. 汉语被公认为是世界上最难得语言之一。English is great easily to pick up.但英语却比较好上手, because of movies.Hollywood has made English accessible and spread the culture all over the world.Win觉得英语简单是因为好莱坞电影特别多,大家都在听、学。只要我们看好莱坞电影,我们就会have contact with English。have contact with 和……有联系,接触到mysterious 神秘的外国人也会受“哑巴汉语”的折磨哦Listening is better than oral(口语). 听力要比口语好。mental block 心理障碍language block 语言障碍block 被堵住“哑巴英语”、“哑巴汉语”怎么说呢?外国人喜欢用bottleneck(瓶颈)来形容听懂的多而能说的少。They have bottleneck with their Chinese.dumb/ mute English 哑巴英语language bottleneck 语言瓶颈2. Where is Chinese difficult? 汉语究竟难在哪里呢?第一难:声调 the 5 tones 在英语中,tones emphasis on different words,在不同的单词上重读可能会引起意思的不同。在汉语中,tones are unlike anything in Western languages,在每一个character(字)上重读的意思都不一样。characters 汉字汉语的五种声调:First/ high-level tone 阴平(一声) Second/ rising tone 阳平(二声)Third/ low/ low-falling-raising tone 上声(三声)Fourth/ falling tone 去声(四声)Neutral/ Fifth/ zeroth tone 轻声 Neutral tone is sometimes thought of incorrectly as a lack of tone.eg: I feel sick. 我感觉不舒服。That was sick! 太恶心了!对Win来说,low tone(三声)和falling tone(四声)They are so close! 太像了!Characters are exceptionally difficult to study and memorize. 汉字本身就格外的难学习和记住。第二难:文化背景 cultural contextA meme: Fang bian (方便)① Are you convenient tonight? 你今晚方便吗?Fang bian: Are you available to meet? 有时间吗?②I need to go to the bathroom. 我需要去方便一下。Fang bian: use the bathroom 上厕所③If he have enough money? 你方便付钱吗?Fang bian: Do you have enough money? 你的钱够吗?④Then they eat ‘fang bian mian’. 他们回家后又吃了方便面。Fang bian: convenient food 速食品这么多的“方便”让外国人很confused,也很头疼。更多内容请关注微信公众号:一席英语
9/6/2019 • 14 minutes, 14 seconds
介绍: 主播:Vip(澳大利亚) 翩翩(中国)歌曲:Our Own HeavenWhen we buy cosmetics from overseas, we’re not entirely sure what these cosmetics are, and what they are used for.很多时候,朋友从国外带来的化妆品,看不懂,所以不知道怎么用。The basic cosmetics 基础化妆品25. shampoos 洗发水Everything is directly from plants. 提取植萃精华。It doesn’t get rid of your natural oil. 自然呵护秀发。6. hair conditioner 护发素conditioner 调节剂7. shower gel 沐浴露It’s a liquid form of soap. 沐浴露是香皂的液体形式。convenient 方便的8. facial cleanser 洗面奶9. facial mask 面膜另一种懒人用的免洗面膜: a sleeping mask 睡眠面膜Bad side of sleeping mask:It looks quite uncomfortable. 看起来很不舒服(尤其是在飞机上)。It’s cold and wet which is the worst feeling. 脸上又凉又湿的,很不舒服。It’s not practical. 不实用,不现实。Good side of sleeping mask:Your skin can recover the most. 你的皮肤能够得到最好的恢复。You can get the most out of the mask. 能够最大限度的吸收到面膜的精华。10. perfume/ cologne 香水香水可是分男女的哟!女生用的叫perfume男生用的是小说男主通用的古龙香水cologne 喷香水怎么说?Do you wear …?什么时候用香水呢?Go to a party,to have dinner, or some special occasion.Review:1. face lotion 脸部乳液2. serum 精华液3. tuner 爽肤水4. sunblock & sunscreen 防晒5. shampoo 洗发水6. hair conditioner 护发素7. shower gel 沐浴露8. facial cleanser 洗面奶9. facial mask 面膜10. perfume/ cologne 香水
9/6/2019 • 11 minutes, 16 seconds
介绍: 主播:Vip(澳大利亚) 翩翩(中国)歌曲:Our Own HeavenWhen we buy cosmetics from overseas, we’re not entirely sure what these cosmetics are, and what they are used for.很多时候,朋友从国外带来的化妆品,看不懂,所以不知道怎么用。The basic cosmetics 基础化妆品25. shampoos 洗发水Everything is directly from plants. 提取植萃精华。It doesn’t get rid of your natural oil. 自然呵护秀发。6. hair conditioner 护发素conditioner 调节剂7. shower gel 沐浴露It’s a liquid form of soap. 沐浴露是香皂的液体形式。convenient 方便的8. facial cleanser 洗面奶9. facial mask 面膜另一种懒人用的免洗面膜: a sleeping mask 睡眠面膜Bad side of sleeping mask:It looks quite uncomfortable. 看起来很不舒服(尤其是在飞机上)。It’s cold and wet which is the worst feeling. 脸上又凉又湿的,很不舒服。It’s not practical. 不实用,不现实。Good side of sleeping mask:Your skin can recover the most. 你的皮肤能够得到最好的恢复。You can get the most out of the mask. 能够最大限度的吸收到面膜的精华。10. perfume/ cologne 香水香水可是分男女的哟!女生用的叫perfume男生用的是小说男主通用的古龙香水cologne 喷香水怎么说?Do you wear …?什么时候用香水呢?Go to a party,to have dinner, or some special occasion.Review:1. face lotion 脸部乳液2. serum 精华液3. tuner 爽肤水4. sunblock & sunscreen 防晒5. shampoo 洗发水6. hair conditioner 护发素7. shower gel 沐浴露8. facial cleanser 洗面奶9. facial mask 面膜10. perfume/ cologne 香水
9/6/2019 • 11 minutes, 16 seconds
介绍: 主播:Vip(澳大利亚) 翩翩(中国)歌曲:Our Own HeavenToday’s topic: Cosmetics! 化妆品!When we buy cosmetics from overseas, we’re not entirely sure what these cosmetics are, and what they are used for.很多时候,朋友从国外带来的化妆品,看不懂,所以不知道怎么用。所以化妆品怎么说呢?cosmetics 更倾向于指护肤品,如乳液、精华液等make up 指彩妆,眼线笔、眼影之类,是a subset of cosmetics,化妆品的一部分The basic cosmetics 基础化妆品11. lotion 乳液2 types: body & face lotion(facial cream)涂/抹乳液怎样表达?Did you use lotion today? 你今天有没有涂/抹乳液?求种草时要说Which brand of lotion do you prefer? 你用哪个牌子的乳液?brand 品牌,牌子prefer 更喜欢Vip 种草时间:ingredient 原料,配料commercial 商业的advertising 广告Vip 上课时间:①If you use ‘got’ as a verb, there’s always a better verb. 如果你要把“got”当动词来用,那一定会有一个更好的动词来替代它。Vip 在高中时,语文老师要求可是很严格的哦,如果你在作文中用了got ,那么老师就会给你低分!eg:I got the NO.1 in the race. 我在跑步比赛中获得了第一名。I won the NO.1 in the race.I got a cold. 我感冒了。I caught a cold.I got a gift. 我收到了一份礼物I received a gift.②外国人的poor English 是指small vocabulary,词汇量贫乏中国人的poor English 是谦虚的说法take marks off = take points away 扣分essay 文章,作文,散文2. toner 爽肤水一般来说,男生take a shower 以后,通常会直接put on face lotion涂乳液, 而不会用toner 爽肤水。女生就喜欢精致护肤啦!3. serum 精华液It’s quite heavy, and make your skin very oily. 精华可是有点厚重啊, 而且会让你的皮肤变油哦。matte 哑光4. sunblock(美式) & sunscreen(英式) 防晒block 屏蔽,拉黑三种涂防晒的表达:put on sunblock & sunscreenwear sunblock & sunscreenapply sunblock & sunscreenWesterners don’t fear to get dark. 西方人可是不怕晒黑的哦!而且他们超级喜欢小麦色的健康皮肤!tan 小麦色Review:1. face lotion 脸部乳液2. serum 精华液3. toner 爽肤水4. sunblock & sunscreen 防晒
9/6/2019 • 17 minutes, 35 seconds
介绍: 主播:Vip(澳大利亚) 翩翩(中国)歌曲:Our Own HeavenToday’s topic: Cosmetics! 化妆品!When we buy cosmetics from overseas, we’re not entirely sure what these cosmetics are, and what they are used for.很多时候,朋友从国外带来的化妆品,看不懂,所以不知道怎么用。所以化妆品怎么说呢?cosmetics 更倾向于指护肤品,如乳液、精华液等make up 指彩妆,眼线笔、眼影之类,是a subset of cosmetics,化妆品的一部分The basic cosmetics 基础化妆品11. lotion 乳液2 types: body & face lotion(facial cream)涂/抹乳液怎样表达?Did you use lotion today? 你今天有没有涂/抹乳液?求种草时要说Which brand of lotion do you prefer? 你用哪个牌子的乳液?brand 品牌,牌子prefer 更喜欢Vip 种草时间:ingredient 原料,配料commercial 商业的advertising 广告Vip 上课时间:①If you use ‘got’ as a verb, there’s always a better verb. 如果你要把“got”当动词来用,那一定会有一个更好的动词来替代它。Vip 在高中时,语文老师要求可是很严格的哦,如果你在作文中用了got ,那么老师就会给你低分!eg:I got the NO.1 in the race. 我在跑步比赛中获得了第一名。I won the NO.1 in the race.I got a cold. 我感冒了。I caught a cold.I got a gift. 我收到了一份礼物I received a gift.②外国人的poor English 是指small vocabulary,词汇量贫乏中国人的poor English 是谦虚的说法take marks off = take points away 扣分essay 文章,作文,散文2. toner 爽肤水一般来说,男生take a shower 以后,通常会直接put on face lotion涂乳液, 而不会用toner 爽肤水。女生就喜欢精致护肤啦!3. serum 精华液It’s quite heavy, and make your skin very oily. 精华可是有点厚重啊, 而且会让你的皮肤变油哦。matte 哑光4. sunblock(美式) & sunscreen(英式) 防晒block 屏蔽,拉黑三种涂防晒的表达:put on sunblock & sunscreenwear sunblock & sunscreenapply sunblock & sunscreenWesterners don’t fear to get dark. 西方人可是不怕晒黑的哦!而且他们超级喜欢小麦色的健康皮肤!tan 小麦色Review:1. face lotion 脸部乳液2. serum 精华液3. toner 爽肤水4. sunblock & sunscreen 防晒
9/6/2019 • 17 minutes, 35 seconds
介绍: 一席英语出品:主播:Vip老师 翩翩老师歌曲:CasablancaThe Big Question : What…is love?爱情,到底是什么?维普懵了下,说: it’s very complicated to answer...但是,他补充:爱情或许就是此刻,当你听到下面某句台词时,想起的那个人....Perhaps it’s the one pops into your head when you are reading the following lines.1“Winning that ticket, Rose, was the best thing that ever happened to me”—Titanic《泰坦尼克号》赢取这张船票,是我一生最美好的事情。• The best and the worst thing that ever happened to him.对于Jack来说, 赢取那张船票,是一生最大的福,也是最大的劫。2“You had me at hello.”—Jerry Maguire《甜心先生》我对你一见钟情。• Cliche:俗套(法语词)• conventional 常见的• Affective 深情的3“But the you who you are tonight is the same you I was in love with yesterday, the you I’ll be in love with tomorrow.” —If I Stay《如果我留下》今晚的你和昨天我爱上的你,和明天我将爱上的你,是一样的。4. “I love you not for who you are, but for who I am with you.”我爱你不是因为你的样子,而是在你面前,我的样子。—Edward Scissorhands 《剪刀手爱德华》• 我爱你,因为你让我成为一个更好的自己You make me to be a better person•Mutual beneficiary共同受益者•The right person 真命天子(天女)5.“I love that you are the last person I want to talk to before I go to sleep at night.” 你是我晚上就寝前最想聊天的人。— When Harry Met Sally《当哈里碰上莎莉时》• 没有你 良辰美景更与何人说6.《卡萨布兰卡》/《北非谍影》全世界有那么多城镇 有那么多酒吧她就走进我这一家Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, she walks into mine.——Casablanca• gin 杜松子酒 • joint 馆子 • Gin joint 酒馆• universal 全世界的 普遍的If you haven’t watched Casablanca, you’d definitely watch it. 如果还没看过《卡萨布兰卡》,应该去看看• Highly recommend.强烈推荐!• Classic! 经典哇! 7.假如再碰不见你...祝你早、午、晚都安.《楚门的世界》In case i don't see you, good morning, good afternoon and good night.• it's very basic. 非常基础 非常普通• It doesn't resonate with me. 引不起我的共鸣• I can’t relate to it. 对它无感。• it’s a shame.非常遗憾• Sweet nothing 情话你有被哪些英文电影的台词打动过,欢迎大家留言互动^-^
9/6/2019 • 14 minutes, 57 seconds
介绍: 一席英语出品:主播:Vip老师 翩翩老师歌曲:CasablancaThe Big Question : What…is love?爱情,到底是什么?维普懵了下,说: it’s very complicated to answer...但是,他补充:爱情或许就是此刻,当你听到下面某句台词时,想起的那个人....Perhaps it’s the one pops into your head when you are reading the following lines.1“Winning that ticket, Rose, was the best thing that ever happened to me”—Titanic《泰坦尼克号》赢取这张船票,是我一生最美好的事情。• The best and the worst thing that ever happened to him.对于Jack来说, 赢取那张船票,是一生最大的福,也是最大的劫。2“You had me at hello.”—Jerry Maguire《甜心先生》我对你一见钟情。• Cliche:俗套(法语词)• conventional 常见的• Affective 深情的3“But the you who you are tonight is the same you I was in love with yesterday, the you I’ll be in love with tomorrow.” —If I Stay《如果我留下》今晚的你和昨天我爱上的你,和明天我将爱上的你,是一样的。4. “I love you not for who you are, but for who I am with you.”我爱你不是因为你的样子,而是在你面前,我的样子。—Edward Scissorhands 《剪刀手爱德华》• 我爱你,因为你让我成为一个更好的自己You make me to be a better person•Mutual beneficiary共同受益者•The right person 真命天子(天女)5.“I love that you are the last person I want to talk to before I go to sleep at night.” 你是我晚上就寝前最想聊天的人。— When Harry Met Sally《当哈里碰上莎莉时》• 没有你 良辰美景更与何人说6.《卡萨布兰卡》/《北非谍影》全世界有那么多城镇 有那么多酒吧她就走进我这一家Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, she walks into mine.——Casablanca• gin 杜松子酒 • joint 馆子 • Gin joint 酒馆• universal 全世界的 普遍的If you haven’t watched Casablanca, you’d definitely watch it. 如果还没看过《卡萨布兰卡》,应该去看看• Highly recommend.强烈推荐!• Classic! 经典哇! 7.假如再碰不见你...祝你早、午、晚都安.《楚门的世界》In case i don't see you, good morning, good afternoon and good night.• it's very basic. 非常基础 非常普通• It doesn't resonate with me. 引不起我的共鸣• I can’t relate to it. 对它无感。• it’s a shame.非常遗憾• Sweet nothing 情话你有被哪些英文电影的台词打动过,欢迎大家留言互动^-^
9/6/2019 • 14 minutes, 57 seconds
介绍: 主播:Peter(英国) 翩翩(中国)歌曲: Cruisin International relationships series跨国恋系列跨国恋系列3:想要遇见Mr. Right,你首先要做个Miss. RightIf you want to attract a good man, you should be a good women.想要遇见Mr. Right,你首先要做个Miss. Right1. What kind of characteristics of Asian women are more appreciated? 相对于欧美女人,亚洲女子的哪些特征更受欢迎&欣赏呢?Asian women are more family orientated. 亚洲女性比较以家庭为中心。orientated 英/ˈɔ:ri:enˌteɪtid/ 美/ˈɔ:ri:enˌteɪtid/ 以……为中心,重视Asian women often sacrifice themselves for the man, for the children, for family.西方人普遍认为亚洲女性会为了家庭牺牲很多东西。sacrifice 英/ˈsakrɪfʌɪs/ 美/ˈsækrəˌfaɪs/ 牺牲They help take care of the finances.亚洲女性也很会持家哦。有这样的太太,男人们不用操心太多,Men don’t have to worry. They can just focus on looking after the family, and going to work. Women can take care of some of the stress.男生可以没有压力的尽管往前冲,女生会帮忙分担压力,保障后勤工作。without any pressure 没有压力,毫无压力go forward 往前冲A saying:Behind a successful man, there’s a woman.一个成功男人背后永远站着一个女人。2. What kind of characteristics of Chinese women are more appreciated?世界眼光下,中国女生的美丽特质gentle 温柔Compared with European woman. 跟欧洲女性相比,中国女性可是很温柔的呢!obedient 顺从Only traditional people like obedient woman. 只有传统的欧美男人才喜欢顺从的女性。Most people want woman to be strong, independent, and free willed.整体来讲,西方男性还是比较喜欢女性有自由的意志。西方男人比较喜欢Independent的女生,主要体现在下面:* Make their own decisions. 可以自己做决定。* Have their own opinions. 有自己的想法/观点。* Don’t rely on their parents. 不依靠父母。obedient 英/əˈbiːdɪənt/ 美/əˈbidiənt/ 顺从free willed 自由意志convince 英/kənˈvɪns/ 美/kənˈvɪns/ 说服To sum up:西方男性欣赏亚洲女性的这些:family orientated 以家庭为中心sacrifice a lot 为家庭牺牲很多take care of the finances 很会持家meanwhile, you should be:independent 独立
9/6/2019 • 10 minutes, 45 seconds
介绍: 主播:Peter(英国) 翩翩(中国)歌曲: Cruisin International relationships series跨国恋系列跨国恋系列3:想要遇见Mr. Right,你首先要做个Miss. RightIf you want to attract a good man, you should be a good women.想要遇见Mr. Right,你首先要做个Miss. Right1. What kind of characteristics of Asian women are more appreciated? 相对于欧美女人,亚洲女子的哪些特征更受欢迎&欣赏呢?Asian women are more family orientated. 亚洲女性比较以家庭为中心。orientated 英/ˈɔ:ri:enˌteɪtid/ 美/ˈɔ:ri:enˌteɪtid/ 以……为中心,重视Asian women often sacrifice themselves for the man, for the children, for family.西方人普遍认为亚洲女性会为了家庭牺牲很多东西。sacrifice 英/ˈsakrɪfʌɪs/ 美/ˈsækrəˌfaɪs/ 牺牲They help take care of the finances.亚洲女性也很会持家哦。有这样的太太,男人们不用操心太多,Men don’t have to worry. They can just focus on looking after the family, and going to work. Women can take care of some of the stress.男生可以没有压力的尽管往前冲,女生会帮忙分担压力,保障后勤工作。without any pressure 没有压力,毫无压力go forward 往前冲A saying:Behind a successful man, there’s a woman.一个成功男人背后永远站着一个女人。2. What kind of characteristics of Chinese women are more appreciated?世界眼光下,中国女生的美丽特质gentle 温柔Compared with European woman. 跟欧洲女性相比,中国女性可是很温柔的呢!obedient 顺从Only traditional people like obedient woman. 只有传统的欧美男人才喜欢顺从的女性。Most people want woman to be strong, independent, and free willed.整体来讲,西方男性还是比较喜欢女性有自由的意志。西方男人比较喜欢Independent的女生,主要体现在下面:* Make their own decisions. 可以自己做决定。* Have their own opinions. 有自己的想法/观点。* Don’t rely on their parents. 不依靠父母。obedient 英/əˈbiːdɪənt/ 美/əˈbidiənt/ 顺从free willed 自由意志convince 英/kənˈvɪns/ 美/kənˈvɪns/ 说服To sum up:西方男性欣赏亚洲女性的这些:family orientated 以家庭为中心sacrifice a lot 为家庭牺牲很多take care of the finances 很会持家meanwhile, you should be:independent 独立
9/6/2019 • 10 minutes, 45 seconds
介绍: 主播:Peter(英国) 翩翩(中国I Can't Read Your Mind跨国恋系列2: How to pick a good man? 学会分辨“渣男”和“优质男”How to tell this foreign man is worth your time & effort?不要让年华白付,不要所托非人。西方人眼中,什么样的man才算是优质的呢?The characteristics of good western man 首先要看性格1. Is he considerate? 他体贴吗?他考虑的周到吗?considerate 体贴的,考虑周到的2. Is he independent? 他独立吗?independent 独立的make their own decisions 自己做决定a man baby = mama boy 妈宝男rely on 依靠You want someone who can make their own decisions. 你想要找一个能够自己做决定的人。Independent mentally,physically. 精神上和物质上都要独立,尤其是会cook哦!(加分)You don’t want a man baby. 你也不想找一个“妈宝男”吧?3. Is he punctual? 他守时吗?他有时间观念吗?punctual 守时,on timereliable 靠谱的,可信的Being punctual is very important to westerners. 守时对外国人来说是十分重要的!重要到可以直接用来判断这个人是不是reliable,是不是优质男哦!4. Does he have morals & values? 他道德和价值观怎么样?morals = ethic 道德,values 价值观三观正才是最重要的!5. Does he treat people with respect? 他待人尊重吗?‘Please’, ‘thank you’ 嘴边挂的才是have good manners的、有教养的优质男!6. Does he get drunk every night? 他是流连于各种酒吧,夜夜买醉的loser吗?work with hangover 带着宿醉工作hangover 宿醉Make sure the foreign guy doesn’t have hangover all the time. 要查看他是不是经常宿醉!7. Does he show up to work on time or do their best? 他工作努力吗?do one’s best = try very hard 尽力,努力feature 品质,特点8. Does he integrate with the local community? integrate 与……融合, mix with local people9. How he treat you? 他对你怎么样?Does he pay you compliments? 他会夸奖你吗?Does he listen to and is he interested in your opinions? 他会听你的建议或者对你的观点感兴趣吗?他会不会经常问: What do you think ?10. What kind of relationship is he looking for? 他想要的是什么样的关系?Short term? Or something more serious? 短期的恋情?还是以结婚为目的的恋情?Ladies! You are worth the time & effort! You deserve the best!姑娘们,如果你想冒险试试“跨国恋”,请记住一席英语给你的建议,带着照妖镜,选一个正常男人,因为,你的美丽年华,值得最好的!
9/6/2019 • 12 minutes, 36 seconds
介绍: 主播:Peter(英国) 翩翩(中国I Can't Read Your Mind跨国恋系列2: How to pick a good man? 学会分辨“渣男”和“优质男”How to tell this foreign man is worth your time & effort?不要让年华白付,不要所托非人。西方人眼中,什么样的man才算是优质的呢?The characteristics of good western man 首先要看性格1. Is he considerate? 他体贴吗?他考虑的周到吗?considerate 体贴的,考虑周到的2. Is he independent? 他独立吗?independent 独立的make their own decisions 自己做决定a man baby = mama boy 妈宝男rely on 依靠You want someone who can make their own decisions. 你想要找一个能够自己做决定的人。Independent mentally,physically. 精神上和物质上都要独立,尤其是会cook哦!(加分)You don’t want a man baby. 你也不想找一个“妈宝男”吧?3. Is he punctual? 他守时吗?他有时间观念吗?punctual 守时,on timereliable 靠谱的,可信的Being punctual is very important to westerners. 守时对外国人来说是十分重要的!重要到可以直接用来判断这个人是不是reliable,是不是优质男哦!4. Does he have morals & values? 他道德和价值观怎么样?morals = ethic 道德,values 价值观三观正才是最重要的!5. Does he treat people with respect? 他待人尊重吗?‘Please’, ‘thank you’ 嘴边挂的才是have good manners的、有教养的优质男!6. Does he get drunk every night? 他是流连于各种酒吧,夜夜买醉的loser吗?work with hangover 带着宿醉工作hangover 宿醉Make sure the foreign guy doesn’t have hangover all the time. 要查看他是不是经常宿醉!7. Does he show up to work on time or do their best? 他工作努力吗?do one’s best = try very hard 尽力,努力feature 品质,特点8. Does he integrate with the local community? integrate 与……融合, mix with local people9. How he treat you? 他对你怎么样?Does he pay you compliments? 他会夸奖你吗?Does he listen to and is he interested in your opinions? 他会听你的建议或者对你的观点感兴趣吗?他会不会经常问: What do you think ?10. What kind of relationship is he looking for? 他想要的是什么样的关系?Short term? Or something more serious? 短期的恋情?还是以结婚为目的的恋情?Ladies! You are worth the time & effort! You deserve the best!姑娘们,如果你想冒险试试“跨国恋”,请记住一席英语给你的建议,带着照妖镜,选一个正常男人,因为,你的美丽年华,值得最好的!
9/6/2019 • 12 minutes, 36 seconds
介绍: 主播:Peter(英国) 翩翩(中国)歌曲:You're Beautiful1. General ways they show friendliness? 欧美男人表达友好的常用方式?To show friendliness, maybe they could pay you some compliments.有的时候会夸奖一下,而且一定是short and polite的夸奖。I like your dress. 我喜欢你的裙子。I like your hairstyle. 你的发型不错呀!Buy food for you, buy you drinks偶尔会给女生买一下食物、帮你买单、或者给你买饮料喝,但注意不是very often哦。Open the door for you, or open the car for you to get in and out.帮你开车门,或者进门时帮你开一下门也只是在being gentlemen哦,千万别misunderstand啦。所以说平时偶尔照顾一下女生,或者帮女生买个单等等,It doesn’t mean anything. 并不能说明什么,所以此时不宜自作多情哦。You don’t want to have mixed signals. 你也不想会错意吧2. Paying more or strong complimentsLook at you sideways glances 经常偷偷看你sideways glances 斜瞥,偷偷地从侧面看你If you catch this guy give you a sideways glances, or give you more strong compliments如果你发现与男生偷偷地看你,或者经常夸奖你,那么恭喜你,他喜欢你哦!3. phrases to confess:I feel like we are more than friends. 我觉得我们友达以上了。I have feelings for you. 我对你蛮有感觉的。I have a thing for you. 我暗恋你那么什么时候说I am in love with you 呢?It’s more serious. They would only say that after they are already couple.这句话通常在已经是情侣的时候才能说哦。4. How can you tell a man is trying to date with a girl? 欧美男人在试图跟一个女人约会的表现?Paying for her food and drink very often.吃饭时经常给她付钱Gentlemen will walk her home after a night out.绅士的男人会送她回家a night out 晚间外出Often ask a girl to cinema/ dinner经常约她去看电影或者吃饭Following you on social media, and like your posts.在社交媒体上,像Titter、WeChat、Weibo等,他们会like most of your posts,并且迅速点赞或者留言。give you a like/ comment 给你点个赞/留个言It’s very important not to have mixed signals. Or it could be awkward.不要会错意,不要自作多情这一点非常重要!否则的话就会非常尴尬。
9/6/2019 • 13 minutes, 37 seconds
介绍: 主播:Peter(英国) 翩翩(中国)歌曲:You're Beautiful1. General ways they show friendliness? 欧美男人表达友好的常用方式?To show friendliness, maybe they could pay you some compliments.有的时候会夸奖一下,而且一定是short and polite的夸奖。I like your dress. 我喜欢你的裙子。I like your hairstyle. 你的发型不错呀!Buy food for you, buy you drinks偶尔会给女生买一下食物、帮你买单、或者给你买饮料喝,但注意不是very often哦。Open the door for you, or open the car for you to get in and out.帮你开车门,或者进门时帮你开一下门也只是在being gentlemen哦,千万别misunderstand啦。所以说平时偶尔照顾一下女生,或者帮女生买个单等等,It doesn’t mean anything. 并不能说明什么,所以此时不宜自作多情哦。You don’t want to have mixed signals. 你也不想会错意吧2. Paying more or strong complimentsLook at you sideways glances 经常偷偷看你sideways glances 斜瞥,偷偷地从侧面看你If you catch this guy give you a sideways glances, or give you more strong compliments如果你发现与男生偷偷地看你,或者经常夸奖你,那么恭喜你,他喜欢你哦!3. phrases to confess:I feel like we are more than friends. 我觉得我们友达以上了。I have feelings for you. 我对你蛮有感觉的。I have a thing for you. 我暗恋你那么什么时候说I am in love with you 呢?It’s more serious. They would only say that after they are already couple.这句话通常在已经是情侣的时候才能说哦。4. How can you tell a man is trying to date with a girl? 欧美男人在试图跟一个女人约会的表现?Paying for her food and drink very often.吃饭时经常给她付钱Gentlemen will walk her home after a night out.绅士的男人会送她回家a night out 晚间外出Often ask a girl to cinema/ dinner经常约她去看电影或者吃饭Following you on social media, and like your posts.在社交媒体上,像Titter、WeChat、Weibo等,他们会like most of your posts,并且迅速点赞或者留言。give you a like/ comment 给你点个赞/留个言It’s very important not to have mixed signals. Or it could be awkward.不要会错意,不要自作多情这一点非常重要!否则的话就会非常尴尬。
9/6/2019 • 13 minutes, 37 seconds
介绍: 一席出品1. How to offer a ride 如何表达捎对方一程没车的外国人,其实,特别希望有人能开车捎着他/她,所以,安全情况下,完全可以直接询问!For most foreigners really just asking them directly it's not inappropriate.对于大多数外国人来说,直接询问没有什么不合适的。* asking them directly 直接询问inappropriate /‘ɪnə’proprɪət/ 不合适的我们可以这样问:* Hey, do you need a ride ? 需要捎着你吗?* Hey, Can I offer you a ride? 我能捎你回家吗?这样表达简单,明了!!通常情况下,如果外国朋友没有车时,他们是期待被捎一程哒 .They’re hoping for it �2. positions in the car 坐在哪儿a.坐副驾驶吧:* You can sit by the driver 坐在驾驶旁边* You can sit the front passenger / you can sit in the front 坐在乘客的前面* Shotgun ( n.副驾驶 最地道表达,比较口语化)I’m riding shotgun /I have shotgun/I’ve got shotgun/I’m in shotgun 我坐在副驾驶b. 坐后排吧:* You can sit in the back 你可以坐在后面* I will sit in the back 我坐在后面* I get the window / you can sit by the window 我坐在靠窗的位置如果车内人比较多,你可以说 I’ll sit in the middle 我坐在中间3. giving directions 在路上如何指方向我们需知道:cardinal directions 基本方向north south east and west 上北下南左西右东If I don't know the direction I'm going in the right and left are meaningless.如果搞不懂基本方向,向左、向右就显得毫无意义。日常生活实用表达:基本款:* go toward north =head north 往北* go towards south= head south 往南* Turn left 左转* Turn right 右转升级款:下一个路口左转:* take the second turn on the left * turn left on the second street / turn left at the second street* Turn left at the next intersection (有红绿灯的十字路口)下下个路口左(右)转:* Take the third turn on the left (左转)* Take the third turn on the right (右转)直行:* Go along* Go straight 掉头:make / take a U-turn 靠边停车:* park on the side* Go into the parking lot parking lot 停车区在这停一下:* Can you wait here?* Can you stop here?小心,不要闯红灯* Be careful , don’t passed through the red light!* Do not run the red light!4. Small talk 聊点啥美国人都喜欢这么问,但只是问问而已,并不真的care 你的answer. So don’t talk too much 不要掏心掏肺地说太多哦聊天也要看关系:Didi (打车): don’t talk 不用聊One time friend(泛泛之交) : weather, sports ,hobbiesclose: deep topic 深一点的话题建议:与外国人交流时,Don’t make assumption, it’s better to ask 不要主观臆断,要多问问题.这种方式 easily to build a relationship 更容易建立关系。今天的课程超级实用,你们记住了吗?
9/6/2019 • 20 minutes, 33 seconds
介绍: 一席出品1. How to offer a ride 如何表达捎对方一程没车的外国人,其实,特别希望有人能开车捎着他/她,所以,安全情况下,完全可以直接询问!For most foreigners really just asking them directly it's not inappropriate.对于大多数外国人来说,直接询问没有什么不合适的。* asking them directly 直接询问inappropriate /‘ɪnə’proprɪət/ 不合适的我们可以这样问:* Hey, do you need a ride ? 需要捎着你吗?* Hey, Can I offer you a ride? 我能捎你回家吗?这样表达简单,明了!!通常情况下,如果外国朋友没有车时,他们是期待被捎一程哒 .They’re hoping for it �2. positions in the car 坐在哪儿a.坐副驾驶吧:* You can sit by the driver 坐在驾驶旁边* You can sit the front passenger / you can sit in the front 坐在乘客的前面* Shotgun ( n.副驾驶 最地道表达,比较口语化)I’m riding shotgun /I have shotgun/I’ve got shotgun/I’m in shotgun 我坐在副驾驶b. 坐后排吧:* You can sit in the back 你可以坐在后面* I will sit in the back 我坐在后面* I get the window / you can sit by the window 我坐在靠窗的位置如果车内人比较多,你可以说 I’ll sit in the middle 我坐在中间3. giving directions 在路上如何指方向我们需知道:cardinal directions 基本方向north south east and west 上北下南左西右东If I don't know the direction I'm going in the right and left are meaningless.如果搞不懂基本方向,向左、向右就显得毫无意义。日常生活实用表达:基本款:* go toward north =head north 往北* go towards south= head south 往南* Turn left 左转* Turn right 右转升级款:下一个路口左转:* take the second turn on the left * turn left on the second street / turn left at the second street* Turn left at the next intersection (有红绿灯的十字路口)下下个路口左(右)转:* Take the third turn on the left (左转)* Take the third turn on the right (右转)直行:* Go along* Go straight 掉头:make / take a U-turn 靠边停车:* park on the side* Go into the parking lot parking lot 停车区在这停一下:* Can you wait here?* Can you stop here?小心,不要闯红灯* Be careful , don’t passed through the red light!* Do not run the red light!4. Small talk 聊点啥美国人都喜欢这么问,但只是问问而已,并不真的care 你的answer. So don’t talk too much 不要掏心掏肺地说太多哦聊天也要看关系:Didi (打车): don’t talk 不用聊One time friend(泛泛之交) : weather, sports ,hobbiesclose: deep topic 深一点的话题建议:与外国人交流时,Don’t make assumption, it’s better to ask 不要主观臆断,要多问问题.这种方式 easily to build a relationship 更容易建立关系。今天的课程超级实用,你们记住了吗?
9/6/2019 • 20 minutes, 33 seconds
介绍: 一席英语出品:主播:翩翩老师,Win老师歌曲:HeroGreetings that require physical contact—Kissing西方的亲吻礼:Cultural context: What is appropriate in each country . 文化情景Levels of kisses 亲吻级别Kiss pointers: how to kiss 亲吻方式1.What is appropriate in each country?每个国家都合适亲吻礼么其实,并不是!看地方和国家!!In America, it depends on what part of America, the south central part of America is much less common and as the northeastern part is more common .美国东北部用亲吻礼会比较普遍些。整体来说,美国并不是一个把亲吻礼做为社交方式的国家。It’s very European. Especially Italian、 Spanish、French, These are the cultures are very open with this much more common.比较欧洲式。特别是意大利,西班牙,法国这几个国家,亲吻礼比较盛行。2. kissing pointers 亲吻方式:one on the right 右脸one on the left 左脸then on the right again 再一次右脸比较普遍的:三下式注意:start from the right cheek 都是从右脸开始3. 不同国家间亲吻方式的基本介绍:a. French culture 法国They will do the three point kiss 。脸上亲三下(叮叮叮)from right, left, then right。(右、左、右)这种亲吻方式出现的场景:️Women to women 女性之间️Women to men 女性主动️Men to Women 男性对女性(一般很少会出现男生主动亲女生)b. Italian culture 意大利Italy does the two point kiss and sometimes does like a full kiss( on the lips )* Two point kiss (叮叮两下)* Full kiss=kiss on the lips (亲嘴唇 �)So…romantic.要不要这么浪漫。。。。女生去意大利,有可能在街头被意大利男生送上full kiss哦�。这种独特的意大利社交文化,有让男生沾光(take advantage占便宜)。Play around furtherc. Spanish culture 西班牙They're pretty free with the kisses, it can be one two , it can be one two three ,they may just like kiss each other back and forth 。Back and forth 来来回回西班牙这个国家, kissing culture 比较 free 、 open (开放,不拘束)。敲重点:去这些国家旅游时,最好做下攻略,了解当地的社交礼仪。Especially like Belgium the Netherlands, they have these very strict rules and you might want to know about them。特别是比利时、荷兰,他们对于亲吻礼有严格的规定。Social kiss 社交亲吻总结:1.cultural context of kissing 文化情境* European: common 欧洲 普遍(except England, which is more conservative 英国除外,他们相对比较保守)* America: less 美国 少见* Asian : never 亚洲 不存在2. Kiss pointer 亲吻方式Offer you right cheek, start from the right cheek 总是会从右脸开始亲。但如果有人想kiss Mouth (it’s really a big deal!)该如何refuse 拒绝呢?首先,我们要了解:You have to realize, if a man is making a move that in many ways he's probably taking advantage of the situation。It's less about being social and more about just abusing。如果有男生想采用亲嘴唇这种方式问好,大部分情况下是想占便宜。我们可以这样拒绝:* I’m sorry ,that’s a bit much for me. let’s have a side hug.A big too much 太多Side hug 边抱你还可以这样表达:* That’s not my culture. 这不是我们的文化。总之,在社交中,所选择的社交方式一定是自己舒服的。不舒服的方式则不用担心,完全可以说出来。西方最基本的问好社交礼仪方式,我们今天就全部学完啦。你们学会了吗?
9/6/2019 • 14 minutes, 7 seconds
介绍: 一席英语出品:主播:翩翩老师,Win老师歌曲:HeroGreetings that require physical contact—Kissing西方的亲吻礼:Cultural context: What is appropriate in each country . 文化情景Levels of kisses 亲吻级别Kiss pointers: how to kiss 亲吻方式1.What is appropriate in each country?每个国家都合适亲吻礼么其实,并不是!看地方和国家!!In America, it depends on what part of America, the south central part of America is much less common and as the northeastern part is more common .美国东北部用亲吻礼会比较普遍些。整体来说,美国并不是一个把亲吻礼做为社交方式的国家。It’s very European. Especially Italian、 Spanish、French, These are the cultures are very open with this much more common.比较欧洲式。特别是意大利,西班牙,法国这几个国家,亲吻礼比较盛行。2. kissing pointers 亲吻方式:one on the right 右脸one on the left 左脸then on the right again 再一次右脸比较普遍的:三下式注意:start from the right cheek 都是从右脸开始3. 不同国家间亲吻方式的基本介绍:a. French culture 法国They will do the three point kiss 。脸上亲三下(叮叮叮)from right, left, then right。(右、左、右)这种亲吻方式出现的场景:️Women to women 女性之间️Women to men 女性主动️Men to Women 男性对女性(一般很少会出现男生主动亲女生)b. Italian culture 意大利Italy does the two point kiss and sometimes does like a full kiss( on the lips )* Two point kiss (叮叮两下)* Full kiss=kiss on the lips (亲嘴唇 �)So…romantic.要不要这么浪漫。。。。女生去意大利,有可能在街头被意大利男生送上full kiss哦�。这种独特的意大利社交文化,有让男生沾光(take advantage占便宜)。Play around furtherc. Spanish culture 西班牙They're pretty free with the kisses, it can be one two , it can be one two three ,they may just like kiss each other back and forth 。Back and forth 来来回回西班牙这个国家, kissing culture 比较 free 、 open (开放,不拘束)。敲重点:去这些国家旅游时,最好做下攻略,了解当地的社交礼仪。Especially like Belgium the Netherlands, they have these very strict rules and you might want to know about them。特别是比利时、荷兰,他们对于亲吻礼有严格的规定。Social kiss 社交亲吻总结:1.cultural context of kissing 文化情境* European: common 欧洲 普遍(except England, which is more conservative 英国除外,他们相对比较保守)* America: less 美国 少见* Asian : never 亚洲 不存在2. Kiss pointer 亲吻方式Offer you right cheek, start from the right cheek 总是会从右脸开始亲。但如果有人想kiss Mouth (it’s really a big deal!)该如何refuse 拒绝呢?首先,我们要了解:You have to realize, if a man is making a move that in many ways he's probably taking advantage of the situation。It's less about being social and more about just abusing。如果有男生想采用亲嘴唇这种方式问好,大部分情况下是想占便宜。我们可以这样拒绝:* I’m sorry ,that’s a bit much for me. let’s have a side hug.A big too much 太多Side hug 边抱你还可以这样表达:* That’s not my culture. 这不是我们的文化。总之,在社交中,所选择的社交方式一定是自己舒服的。不舒服的方式则不用担心,完全可以说出来。西方最基本的问好社交礼仪方式,我们今天就全部学完啦。你们学会了吗?
9/6/2019 • 14 minutes, 7 seconds
介绍: 一席英语出品主播:Win(美国) 翩翩(中国)Greetings that require physical contact—hug西方的拥抱礼:Where are the hands at? 手搁哪?How long is the hug? 抱多久?what’s the context of the hug 拥抱礼,要分情况。比如,Best friend’s wife,朋友妻,拥抱不拥抱?a.When they’re first engaged ,give her a nice short hug. 他们订婚时,首次见朋友妻,给她个短而暖的拥抱。b.When they’re at the wedding, give her a really long and emotional hug.他们婚礼上,可以给朋友妻,一个长而深情的拥抱。c.If she’s alone at home,I’m giving a very short and very simple hug.朋友妻自己在家,这拥抱,一定要短而简略1. Where are the hands at 拥抱时,手放在哪里?a. 拥抱礼,有两种:Full hug 满抱 Side hug: 边抱2. 在什么场景下或遇见哪个国家的人,会脸颊碰脸颊 (check to check 叮叮两下)呢?a.This is very European. 很欧式(欧洲国家比较常见)b. You’re on a first name basis.( 关系比较亲,直呼其名)3. 什么情况下会拥抱, 具体实用场景:Work related :工作职场* Co-worker hug 同事间拥抱Only use hugs with people you’re close to(仅仅是熟悉的同事间,才会拥抱).Not any co-worker. Even like a side hug (不熟的人,边抱也没有)Boss offers the hug 与老板拥抱Full hug is uncomfortable (满抱不是很合适)Side hug is acceptable (边抱可以接受)b. Friend related : 朋友之间️Say Goodbye (再见时拥抱)️Say hello (一般不会,除非很亲或是很长时间没见)c. for everyone 任何人This can be for everyone, especially in Texas(德克萨斯州)hugs are all around(到处都可以抱)Social creatures 人类都是社交动物If you don’t get that physical contact, it can actually be bad for your mental health 身体接触少的话,对我们的精神健康不利 �Physical contact 身体接触Mental health 精神健康爱拥抱人的人,会让人觉得trustworthy.4. 拥抱时,双方的关系很重要 relationshipsUnderlying 下属Minimize 减少romantic implications 浪漫的感觉怎么算是浪漫的拥抱的感觉呢?Around the waist 拦腰抱!如果,老板要拦腰抱女员工,大多都是想take advantage 占便宜。女员工可以这样拒绝,1.let’s turn into side hug (这样表达也不会turn the boss down让老板没面子)2. That’s a bit much(有点过了), here’s a side hug.总结:西方拥抱礼,非常重要的几个点:Where are the hands at 手放在哪里a. 放在腰上 waist (恋爱关系)b. 放在后背上或肩上 on the back or on the shoulder (比较普遍)2. The time of the hug 拥抱多长时间通常情况下 Two to four seconds 2到4秒钟足矣 再长就很尬啦 除非关系是灰常灰常亲密或者是好久不见3.the Context of the hug 拥抱是在什么样的情境之下,你在哪里,和谁。。。4. hover hugs (手不碰到对方身体) this is not actually touching .Men is better to air on the side of cautious ,be careful just don’t put too much emotion or too much Intimacy ,this is way anyone feel comfortable.总之,社交拥抱时要谨慎些,不要放入太多情感在里面,这样都会舒服些怎么样 今天的收获是不是很多哇更多精彩内容,我们下期见!欢迎留言、点赞、转发!
9/6/2019 • 19 minutes, 3 seconds
介绍: 一席英语出品主播:Win(美国) 翩翩(中国)Greetings that require physical contact—hug西方的拥抱礼:Where are the hands at? 手搁哪?How long is the hug? 抱多久?what’s the context of the hug 拥抱礼,要分情况。比如,Best friend’s wife,朋友妻,拥抱不拥抱?a.When they’re first engaged ,give her a nice short hug. 他们订婚时,首次见朋友妻,给她个短而暖的拥抱。b.When they’re at the wedding, give her a really long and emotional hug.他们婚礼上,可以给朋友妻,一个长而深情的拥抱。c.If she’s alone at home,I’m giving a very short and very simple hug.朋友妻自己在家,这拥抱,一定要短而简略1. Where are the hands at 拥抱时,手放在哪里?a. 拥抱礼,有两种:Full hug 满抱 Side hug: 边抱2. 在什么场景下或遇见哪个国家的人,会脸颊碰脸颊 (check to check 叮叮两下)呢?a.This is very European. 很欧式(欧洲国家比较常见)b. You’re on a first name basis.( 关系比较亲,直呼其名)3. 什么情况下会拥抱, 具体实用场景:Work related :工作职场* Co-worker hug 同事间拥抱Only use hugs with people you’re close to(仅仅是熟悉的同事间,才会拥抱).Not any co-worker. Even like a side hug (不熟的人,边抱也没有)Boss offers the hug 与老板拥抱Full hug is uncomfortable (满抱不是很合适)Side hug is acceptable (边抱可以接受)b. Friend related : 朋友之间️Say Goodbye (再见时拥抱)️Say hello (一般不会,除非很亲或是很长时间没见)c. for everyone 任何人This can be for everyone, especially in Texas(德克萨斯州)hugs are all around(到处都可以抱)Social creatures 人类都是社交动物If you don’t get that physical contact, it can actually be bad for your mental health 身体接触少的话,对我们的精神健康不利 �Physical contact 身体接触Mental health 精神健康爱拥抱人的人,会让人觉得trustworthy.4. 拥抱时,双方的关系很重要 relationshipsUnderlying 下属Minimize 减少romantic implications 浪漫的感觉怎么算是浪漫的拥抱的感觉呢?Around the waist 拦腰抱!如果,老板要拦腰抱女员工,大多都是想take advantage 占便宜。女员工可以这样拒绝,1.let’s turn into side hug (这样表达也不会turn the boss down让老板没面子)2. That’s a bit much(有点过了), here’s a side hug.总结:西方拥抱礼,非常重要的几个点:Where are the hands at 手放在哪里a. 放在腰上 waist (恋爱关系)b. 放在后背上或肩上 on the back or on the shoulder (比较普遍)2. The time of the hug 拥抱多长时间通常情况下 Two to four seconds 2到4秒钟足矣 再长就很尬啦 除非关系是灰常灰常亲密或者是好久不见3.the Context of the hug 拥抱是在什么样的情境之下,你在哪里,和谁。。。4. hover hugs (手不碰到对方身体) this is not actually touching .Men is better to air on the side of cautious ,be careful just don’t put too much emotion or too much Intimacy ,this is way anyone feel comfortable.总之,社交拥抱时要谨慎些,不要放入太多情感在里面,这样都会舒服些怎么样 今天的收获是不是很多哇更多精彩内容,我们下期见!欢迎留言、点赞、转发!
9/6/2019 • 19 minutes, 3 seconds
介绍: 一席英语出品主播:Win(美国) 翩翩(中国)歌曲:HeroGreetings That Require Physical Contact 1. 跟外国人见面,怎么问安?握手?拥抱?亲亲?亲几下?电影中,西方人问安时会kissing on the cheek (脸颊上亲一下),In the bible, kissing was much more common.在圣经中,我们也会经常看到这种亲嘴问安的方式。Even between men.甚至男人之间也如此因此我们会puzzled(迷惑):Puzzle 迷惑Hug 拥抱Handshake 握手这几种问安方式到底有什么不同和讲究呢?2. 重要概念:Low context culture 低语境High context culture 高语境如何判断高低语境? 靠两点:Tone of voice:语气Body language :肢体语言China and most Asian cultures are very high context 中国是最高语境国家!Germany is a lower context culture 德国是表达最直接的国家让我们看看 Low contents 最低语境(表达最直接)排名情况2. 最常见的西方礼仪: 握手* The handshake is good to start with because it’s not too intimate(亲密)* You can never go wrong with the handshake. Few people will refuse one. 握手不会出错,一般情况下握手是没人拒绝的。油腻大叔 :creepy uncle dirty old manWin 说——-特朗普 就是一个creep uncle 哈哈哈哈 好直接3. 握手要注意:Something you need to pay attentiona. Your thumb should be touching each other, meat between thumb and forefinger 双方的大拇指和食指的肉要贴合在一起。b. a good strong grip. 强有力的握手如果握手不够有力,你完全可以这样补救:That was a weak handshake, let’s redo it! 这样直接讲出来,非但不尬,而且能够展示你对对方的一种在意。4. 握手这个礼节,是怎么来的?为了表示和平a sign of peace:握手时,都是伸出每个人的 dominant hand(常用的手),这只手也叫做: weapon hand 武器手* 握手时就表示:I offer that you’re protected. 你是安全的。(因为我手里没有武器。)比如,在Gangster movies 黑帮电影,head bosses 老大们见面不会轻易握手,一旦握手,就是一个big sign!That’s their way to show peace. 这是他们表达和平的方式。更多详细文本敬请关注微信公众号:一席英语欢迎留言、点赞、转发!
9/6/2019 • 13 minutes, 47 seconds
介绍: 一席英语出品主播:Win(美国) 翩翩(中国)歌曲:HeroGreetings That Require Physical Contact 1. 跟外国人见面,怎么问安?握手?拥抱?亲亲?亲几下?电影中,西方人问安时会kissing on the cheek (脸颊上亲一下),In the bible, kissing was much more common.在圣经中,我们也会经常看到这种亲嘴问安的方式。Even between men.甚至男人之间也如此因此我们会puzzled(迷惑):Puzzle 迷惑Hug 拥抱Handshake 握手这几种问安方式到底有什么不同和讲究呢?2. 重要概念:Low context culture 低语境High context culture 高语境如何判断高低语境? 靠两点:Tone of voice:语气Body language :肢体语言China and most Asian cultures are very high context 中国是最高语境国家!Germany is a lower context culture 德国是表达最直接的国家让我们看看 Low contents 最低语境(表达最直接)排名情况2. 最常见的西方礼仪: 握手* The handshake is good to start with because it’s not too intimate(亲密)* You can never go wrong with the handshake. Few people will refuse one. 握手不会出错,一般情况下握手是没人拒绝的。油腻大叔 :creepy uncle dirty old manWin 说——-特朗普 就是一个creep uncle 哈哈哈哈 好直接3. 握手要注意:Something you need to pay attentiona. Your thumb should be touching each other, meat between thumb and forefinger 双方的大拇指和食指的肉要贴合在一起。b. a good strong grip. 强有力的握手如果握手不够有力,你完全可以这样补救:That was a weak handshake, let’s redo it! 这样直接讲出来,非但不尬,而且能够展示你对对方的一种在意。4. 握手这个礼节,是怎么来的?为了表示和平a sign of peace:握手时,都是伸出每个人的 dominant hand(常用的手),这只手也叫做: weapon hand 武器手* 握手时就表示:I offer that you’re protected. 你是安全的。(因为我手里没有武器。)比如,在Gangster movies 黑帮电影,head bosses 老大们见面不会轻易握手,一旦握手,就是一个big sign!That’s their way to show peace. 这是他们表达和平的方式。更多详细文本敬请关注微信公众号:一席英语欢迎留言、点赞、转发!
9/6/2019 • 13 minutes, 47 seconds
介绍: 一席英语出品主播:Win(美国) 翩翩(中国)参加西方人的婚礼,一定要送贺礼,送什么呢?贺礼通常不是在婚礼当天送的,那什么时间送呢?西方人给你的电子结婚请帖,不要只是看看,因为里面是有玄机的,给西方人送结婚贺礼,有哪几个文化潜规则?1. Buy From the Couple's Registry. Check to see if they have a Couple's Gift Registry 看看他们有没有这个东西:Couple's Gift Registry:新婚夫妇礼物登记单Give them what they ask for on the Registry 新婚夫妇在登记单上说要什么,就买给他们什么* 买礼物重了怎么办?It’s not terrible to get 2 same gifts.也不赖啊They can keep one and turn one in. 他们(新人)可以留一个,退一个。Turn in 上交 ,退还You agree anonymously .匿名购买。2.Bed, Bath and Kitchen Gifts Are Not Boring. ...It’s not a bad idea to give Bed, Bath and Kitchen Gifts. 不知道送啥?那就送床品、浴品、厨房用品。It’s a way start off new life with nice things. 用好东西来展开新生活!3. Spend More Than $50. ... 买的礼物,一定要50美金以上。The wedding cost for them is probably easily $500 per person. 婚礼的花费,可能很轻松的就是人均500美金。4. Group Gifts Go a Long Way. ... 可以大家凑份子买一份大礼送,靠谱、长久It lasts longer 更持久5. Send It Within Two Months.参加婚礼(或者Part),如果Showing up empty-handed 空手出席(两个膀子架着头)会很awkward(尴尬)可以带一个:On arrival gift 见面礼总之,记住这5条潜规则,你会成为婚礼上那个最会送礼物的人更多详细文本敬请关注微信公众号:一席英语欢迎留言、点赞、转发!
9/6/2019 • 13 minutes, 40 seconds
介绍: 一席英语出品主播:Win(美国) 翩翩(中国)参加西方人的婚礼,一定要送贺礼,送什么呢?贺礼通常不是在婚礼当天送的,那什么时间送呢?西方人给你的电子结婚请帖,不要只是看看,因为里面是有玄机的,给西方人送结婚贺礼,有哪几个文化潜规则?1. Buy From the Couple's Registry. Check to see if they have a Couple's Gift Registry 看看他们有没有这个东西:Couple's Gift Registry:新婚夫妇礼物登记单Give them what they ask for on the Registry 新婚夫妇在登记单上说要什么,就买给他们什么* 买礼物重了怎么办?It’s not terrible to get 2 same gifts.也不赖啊They can keep one and turn one in. 他们(新人)可以留一个,退一个。Turn in 上交 ,退还You agree anonymously .匿名购买。2.Bed, Bath and Kitchen Gifts Are Not Boring. ...It’s not a bad idea to give Bed, Bath and Kitchen Gifts. 不知道送啥?那就送床品、浴品、厨房用品。It’s a way start off new life with nice things. 用好东西来展开新生活!3. Spend More Than $50. ... 买的礼物,一定要50美金以上。The wedding cost for them is probably easily $500 per person. 婚礼的花费,可能很轻松的就是人均500美金。4. Group Gifts Go a Long Way. ... 可以大家凑份子买一份大礼送,靠谱、长久It lasts longer 更持久5. Send It Within Two Months.参加婚礼(或者Part),如果Showing up empty-handed 空手出席(两个膀子架着头)会很awkward(尴尬)可以带一个:On arrival gift 见面礼总之,记住这5条潜规则,你会成为婚礼上那个最会送礼物的人更多详细文本敬请关注微信公众号:一席英语欢迎留言、点赞、转发!
9/6/2019 • 13 minutes, 40 seconds
主播:Win(美国) 翩翩(中国)歌曲:Devoted to youToday we are going to talk about an American wedding and Western weddings with Chinese characteristics* Chinese characteristics 中国特色* china hand 中国通Gift card with money in it. 礼品卡monetary ['mʌnɪtɛri] adj. 货币的benefit: 利益business transaction 商业交易一定要知道的西方交际潜规则:gifting of cash can be looked down upon……送礼物直接送钱的话,会被鄙视的。Is there a magic number? 有没有一个magic number?* magic number:神奇数字 (送多少钱的红包合适?)两条潜规则:* The amount will vary depending on how close of a friend you are. 该送什么价位的,得看你们的关系有多近。* Spend More Than $50. ..欧美人参加婚礼不送红包,送“礼品”,注意️:礼品价格不低于 50美金!No upper ceiling. 没有上限。美国的“婚礼送礼”文化* 美国人结婚时,亲友会送各种“贺礼”, 礼物里一般都会带着——Receipt 收据!* 新人可以take it back to the store, and get cash for it. 拿到店里退掉,换回钱来。* Stupidly expensive 死贵死贵的* Be useful in money 可以用来挣些钱* Cover(弥补) a good part ((好大一部分)of the cost of the wedding(婚礼开销). You just blow my mind:刷三观!To sum up:总结一下:参加欧美人的婚礼要知道:* 不送红包* 给newly weds贺礼,里面放receipt* 不要怕对方知道多少钱,这就是他们的文化* 如果一个欧美跟中国人结婚,可以送红包,但不要送666,这是西方文化里不吉利的数字总之,要记住:It is important to note that gifting of cash can be looked down upon where as gifts that can easily be returned are much more common更多详细文本敬请关注微信公众号:一席英语欢迎留言、点赞、转发!
9/6/2019 • 12 minutes
主播:Win(美国) 翩翩(中国)歌曲:Devoted to youToday we are going to talk about an American wedding and Western weddings with Chinese characteristics* Chinese characteristics 中国特色* china hand 中国通Gift card with money in it. 礼品卡monetary ['mʌnɪtɛri] adj. 货币的benefit: 利益business transaction 商业交易一定要知道的西方交际潜规则:gifting of cash can be looked down upon……送礼物直接送钱的话,会被鄙视的。Is there a magic number? 有没有一个magic number?* magic number:神奇数字 (送多少钱的红包合适?)两条潜规则:* The amount will vary depending on how close of a friend you are. 该送什么价位的,得看你们的关系有多近。* Spend More Than $50. ..欧美人参加婚礼不送红包,送“礼品”,注意️:礼品价格不低于 50美金!No upper ceiling. 没有上限。美国的“婚礼送礼”文化* 美国人结婚时,亲友会送各种“贺礼”, 礼物里一般都会带着——Receipt 收据!* 新人可以take it back to the store, and get cash for it. 拿到店里退掉,换回钱来。* Stupidly expensive 死贵死贵的* Be useful in money 可以用来挣些钱* Cover(弥补) a good part ((好大一部分)of the cost of the wedding(婚礼开销). You just blow my mind:刷三观!To sum up:总结一下:参加欧美人的婚礼要知道:* 不送红包* 给newly weds贺礼,里面放receipt* 不要怕对方知道多少钱,这就是他们的文化* 如果一个欧美跟中国人结婚,可以送红包,但不要送666,这是西方文化里不吉利的数字总之,要记住:It is important to note that gifting of cash can be looked down upon where as gifts that can easily be returned are much more common更多详细文本敬请关注微信公众号:一席英语欢迎留言、点赞、转发!
9/6/2019 • 12 minutes
介绍: 一席英语出品:更多内容请关注微信公众号:一席英语主播: VIP(澳大利亚) 翩翩(中国)歌曲:Heart of Gold1. What If you don’t get a raise? 加不了薪怎么办?The best thing to do is not to worry too much ut it.能做的最好的事情就是:不要焦虑!问你的外国老板2 questions:(仅限欧美,亚洲的模仿有风险)What would merit a raise? 怎样才能够格加薪?What need I do to get a raise?我需要做些啥才能捞得着加薪?2. 西方员工的思维就是:He has to tell you. 他得告诉你啊!That’s a common question.这种问题也是很常见啊。He should tell you what you need to do to merit a raise.老板应该告诉你,你需要做什么才能够格加薪。That gives you a goal.这样能够让(员工)有目标。What you need to be doing to make more money in this company.(让你知道)你该做些什么才能在这个公司挣到更多的钱。3. It puts you on the radar of your boss.让老板注意到你radar:雷达put… on the radar of somebody:让…进入到某人的考虑范围之内He knows that you want more money and you’re chasing it. 老板知道你正在争取。Chase: 追逐,追求(目标),争取这样的话,Next time you ask等下次你问(加薪)的时候,卫普有很确定地补充道:—There would be a next time for sure.当然一定会有下次哟For sure 用在某句话的句末,表示“肯定,一定,当然”It’s for sure:当然咯! He’ll be ready. 他(老板)就一定会准备好咯!He’ll probably give the raise, because you’ve done what he asked you to do.因为你已经按照他说的做了,所有很有可能就会给你涨薪。所以,西方人的思维非常简单,想要加薪,老板不同意,可以问:1. What would merit a raise?2. What need I do to get a raise?老板说了What would merit a raise后,你就go out and do it出门干活,过几个月再come back to tell the boss:This is what I’ve done, I’d like to get that raise!交代的我都做了,我想要那笔涨薪!这就是欧美的职场文化,简单、直接。如果你学到了,请点赞,给主播们鼓励!如果有建议和想听的话题,也欢迎大家留言互动。主播们都会看哦!
9/6/2019 • 5 minutes, 43 seconds
介绍: 一席英语出品:更多内容请关注微信公众号:一席英语主播: VIP(澳大利亚) 翩翩(中国)歌曲:Heart of Gold1. What If you don’t get a raise? 加不了薪怎么办?The best thing to do is not to worry too much ut it.能做的最好的事情就是:不要焦虑!问你的外国老板2 questions:(仅限欧美,亚洲的模仿有风险)What would merit a raise? 怎样才能够格加薪?What need I do to get a raise?我需要做些啥才能捞得着加薪?2. 西方员工的思维就是:He has to tell you. 他得告诉你啊!That’s a common question.这种问题也是很常见啊。He should tell you what you need to do to merit a raise.老板应该告诉你,你需要做什么才能够格加薪。That gives you a goal.这样能够让(员工)有目标。What you need to be doing to make more money in this company.(让你知道)你该做些什么才能在这个公司挣到更多的钱。3. It puts you on the radar of your boss.让老板注意到你radar:雷达put… on the radar of somebody:让…进入到某人的考虑范围之内He knows that you want more money and you’re chasing it. 老板知道你正在争取。Chase: 追逐,追求(目标),争取这样的话,Next time you ask等下次你问(加薪)的时候,卫普有很确定地补充道:—There would be a next time for sure.当然一定会有下次哟For sure 用在某句话的句末,表示“肯定,一定,当然”It’s for sure:当然咯! He’ll be ready. 他(老板)就一定会准备好咯!He’ll probably give the raise, because you’ve done what he asked you to do.因为你已经按照他说的做了,所有很有可能就会给你涨薪。所以,西方人的思维非常简单,想要加薪,老板不同意,可以问:1. What would merit a raise?2. What need I do to get a raise?老板说了What would merit a raise后,你就go out and do it出门干活,过几个月再come back to tell the boss:This is what I’ve done, I’d like to get that raise!交代的我都做了,我想要那笔涨薪!这就是欧美的职场文化,简单、直接。如果你学到了,请点赞,给主播们鼓励!如果有建议和想听的话题,也欢迎大家留言互动。主播们都会看哦!
9/6/2019 • 5 minutes, 43 seconds
介绍: 一席英语出品:更多内容请关注微信公众号:一席英语主播: VIP(澳大利亚) 翩翩(中国)片尾曲:A Girl Can Dream1. Actual raise /number 具体数目,一定要说出来:You have to come in with a number in your head.进去的时候,脑子里一定要有一个数字One of the mistakes that women always make(they make all the time):女性朋友们经常会犯的一个错误Women don’t ask how much more they want. 不说到底要多少这是一个common error(太常见的错误)* It’s hard for the boss 对老板来说也很困难* give you a raise 给你加工资2. In a relationship Part of the romance is a surprise. 爱情中的一部分就是“惊喜”* romance 特指恋爱、爱情* 她们骨子里带的:That’s part of their DNA. That’s part of who they are.VIP在节目中说:女生这样(含蓄些,不直说自己想要什么)还蛮好的。翩翩问:Do you really think so? Does it bother you?不会让你很烦吗?VIP说:I think it makes it challenging for men.并且补充说: It’s a good challenge.是个好的挑战。节目录制前讨论时,小编在场,VIP不是这么说哒,面对诸多女听众,VIP老师求生欲可以说是:很强了!哈哈* hang out 在一起 不一定是具体玩什么,就是在一块You should know what will make them happy.你应该知道什么能让她开心3. Business is ut numbers. 商业就是数字* work up to the point 努力到某个点上* You have to make it very transparent.transparent: 透明化* Business is ut numbers. 4. Ask it in terms of percentage ——加薪的话, 按百分比要* Sounds small 听起来数目比较小* more professional 更加专业专业说法: I’d like a 10-15% raise in my salary.如果你有什么话题想听 欢迎留言 我们将从点赞数最高的话题中选取 作为接下来谈话的主题 下一个主题 会是你提出的吗?
9/6/2019 • 10 minutes
介绍: 一席英语出品:更多内容请关注微信公众号:一席英语主播: VIP(澳大利亚) 翩翩(中国)片尾曲:A Girl Can Dream1. Actual raise /number 具体数目,一定要说出来:You have to come in with a number in your head.进去的时候,脑子里一定要有一个数字One of the mistakes that women always make(they make all the time):女性朋友们经常会犯的一个错误Women don’t ask how much more they want. 不说到底要多少这是一个common error(太常见的错误)* It’s hard for the boss 对老板来说也很困难* give you a raise 给你加工资2. In a relationship Part of the romance is a surprise. 爱情中的一部分就是“惊喜”* romance 特指恋爱、爱情* 她们骨子里带的:That’s part of their DNA. That’s part of who they are.VIP在节目中说:女生这样(含蓄些,不直说自己想要什么)还蛮好的。翩翩问:Do you really think so? Does it bother you?不会让你很烦吗?VIP说:I think it makes it challenging for men.并且补充说: It’s a good challenge.是个好的挑战。节目录制前讨论时,小编在场,VIP不是这么说哒,面对诸多女听众,VIP老师求生欲可以说是:很强了!哈哈* hang out 在一起 不一定是具体玩什么,就是在一块You should know what will make them happy.你应该知道什么能让她开心3. Business is ut numbers. 商业就是数字* work up to the point 努力到某个点上* You have to make it very transparent.transparent: 透明化* Business is ut numbers. 4. Ask it in terms of percentage ——加薪的话, 按百分比要* Sounds small 听起来数目比较小* more professional 更加专业专业说法: I’d like a 10-15% raise in my salary.如果你有什么话题想听 欢迎留言 我们将从点赞数最高的话题中选取 作为接下来谈话的主题 下一个主题 会是你提出的吗?
9/6/2019 • 10 minutes
介绍: 一席英语出品:更多内容请关注微信公众号:一席英语主播: VIP(澳大利亚) 翩翩(中国)片尾曲:Battles and Wastelands 实战第一步:Step 1 : Make a listA good strategy is to look at your responsibilities.将你的工作职责列出来If they are the same, probay you don’t deserve a raise. 如果(过去现在的工作职责)都一样,那可能你不该有加薪。you have an argument你可以据理力争实战第一步:Step 2: 开场 an openerA good opener.一个很好的开场I’m happy taking on extra work, I just want to be compensated.compensate vi. 报酬You are not arguing , 不是在争辩you’re being very respectful, 满怀敬意You’re willing to do more work, 愿意多做些you’re ambitious,也有雄心,but you just want to be paid more. 就是想工资多加点。如果你学到了,请点赞,给主播们鼓励!如果有建议和想听的话题,也欢迎大家留言互动。主播们都会看哦!
9/6/2019 • 9 minutes, 7 seconds
介绍: 一席英语出品:更多内容请关注微信公众号:一席英语主播: VIP(澳大利亚) 翩翩(中国)片尾曲:Battles and Wastelands 实战第一步:Step 1 : Make a listA good strategy is to look at your responsibilities.将你的工作职责列出来If they are the same, probay you don’t deserve a raise. 如果(过去现在的工作职责)都一样,那可能你不该有加薪。you have an argument你可以据理力争实战第一步:Step 2: 开场 an openerA good opener.一个很好的开场I’m happy taking on extra work, I just want to be compensated.compensate vi. 报酬You are not arguing , 不是在争辩you’re being very respectful, 满怀敬意You’re willing to do more work, 愿意多做些you’re ambitious,也有雄心,but you just want to be paid more. 就是想工资多加点。如果你学到了,请点赞,给主播们鼓励!如果有建议和想听的话题,也欢迎大家留言互动。主播们都会看哦!
9/6/2019 • 9 minutes, 7 seconds
老外来了: 欧洲人不敢来中国,居然是这个原因?
介绍: 一席英语出品:更多内容请关注:一席英语主播:Peter(斯洛伐克) 翩翩(中国)歌曲::Battles and Wastelands Order take-out: 点外卖Deliver take-out: 送外卖Take-out 外卖 可以作名词,也可以做形容词take-out Pizza 外卖 PizzaIt’s over-packed.过度包装。 It’s not green ! 不环保!环保:可以说 environmentally friendly 也可以用 green 这个词convince + someone :努力说服某人translation is very lame (翻译比较蹩脚)** 作业:给大家布置一个听力理解作业 please answer :Why do you have to tip in a nice western restaurant?请大家把你的答案用英文写好放在留言板里一点一滴训练你的表达能力吧 !
9/6/2019 • 10 minutes, 25 seconds
介绍: 一席英语出品:更多内容请关注:一席英语主播:Peter(斯洛伐克) 翩翩(中国)歌曲::Battles and Wastelands Order take-out: 点外卖Deliver take-out: 送外卖Take-out 外卖 可以作名词,也可以做形容词take-out Pizza 外卖 PizzaIt’s over-packed.过度包装。 It’s not green ! 不环保!环保:可以说 environmentally friendly 也可以用 green 这个词convince + someone :努力说服某人translation is very lame (翻译比较蹩脚)** 作业:给大家布置一个听力理解作业 please answer :Why do you have to tip in a nice western restaurant?请大家把你的答案用英文写好放在留言板里一点一滴训练你的表达能力吧 !
9/6/2019 • 10 minutes, 25 seconds
介绍: 一席英语出品:主播:Peter(斯洛伐克) 翩翩(中国)intern :实习生 Summer Intern 暑期实习生have been to 去过什么地方have gone to去了哪里(还没回来)Afternoon nap. 下午午睡efficient:有效率的Let’s take a ten-minute break .我们休息十分钟吧。flexie 弹性欧洲假期:Over 20 days per year on vacation plus national holidays. In China, people leave from their job after their boss leaves. 在中国,员工一般都要等上司走了才下班。而我们:I don’t care if my boss leaves later or earlier. I finish my job, I go home. 更多内容和详细文本可在一席英语公众号中找到。欢迎点赞、转发,笔芯️如果您有建议和想听的话题,也欢迎大家留言互动。主播们都会看哦!
9/6/2019 • 8 minutes, 50 seconds
介绍: 一席英语出品:主播:Peter(斯洛伐克) 翩翩(中国)intern :实习生 Summer Intern 暑期实习生have been to 去过什么地方have gone to去了哪里(还没回来)Afternoon nap. 下午午睡efficient:有效率的Let’s take a ten-minute break .我们休息十分钟吧。flexie 弹性欧洲假期:Over 20 days per year on vacation plus national holidays. In China, people leave from their job after their boss leaves. 在中国,员工一般都要等上司走了才下班。而我们:I don’t care if my boss leaves later or earlier. I finish my job, I go home. 更多内容和详细文本可在一席英语公众号中找到。欢迎点赞、转发,笔芯️如果您有建议和想听的话题,也欢迎大家留言互动。主播们都会看哦!
9/6/2019 • 8 minutes, 50 seconds
介绍: 一席英语出品:主播:Win(美国) 翩翩(中国)令外国人尴尬的话题排行榜第 2 名Do you think Chinese men/women are different from foreigners? (你觉得中国男人或女人跟外国人不同吗?) Why does it make foreigners awkward?这个问题为什么会让外国人尴尬?诊断 :问题内容没有问题,需要 specify it 问题具体化,比如:How are they different in treating their husbands.中西方女人对待老公方面有啥不同?支招 :可以用以下问题问,都会是非常好的聊天话题:√ In China,we have this tradition. Is there something like that in the West? √ In the west, are you comfortable with traditions like x,y,z…总之,问此类文化类问题,不要太笼统,另对方无法回答一定要记住两步走:1. Give an example 举个明确的例子2. draw out the question 抛出你的问题这样就可以 give them space to work with. 外国人会有可回答的空间。令外国人尴尬的话题排行榜第3名:Where are you from?诊断 :This question itself is not awkward. It’s how you respond when they answer.问题内容没有问题,是我们的回答会令外国人尴尬。支招 :哪里来的...这个话题其实特别好!用以下的问题来问,会让你们的聊天持久,关系亲近:√ Would you like to tell me about your hometown? 你可以讲讲你家乡吗?√ What are some interesting places where you live? 你生活的家乡,有什么有趣的地方?√ What is something interesting about your hometown that I might like? 你老家有啥好玩的?我可能会喜欢。√ Is there something interesting about your hometown that I might like?与外国人交流时,一定要记得:Don’t make assumptions, but ask questions!少主观臆断,多问细节问题!这一点做到,你的 social skill 一定会提高不少!更多内容敬请关注微信公众号:一席英语
9/6/2019 • 13 minutes, 25 seconds
介绍: 一席英语出品:主播:Win(美国) 翩翩(中国)令外国人尴尬的话题排行榜第 2 名Do you think Chinese men/women are different from foreigners? (你觉得中国男人或女人跟外国人不同吗?) Why does it make foreigners awkward?这个问题为什么会让外国人尴尬?诊断 :问题内容没有问题,需要 specify it 问题具体化,比如:How are they different in treating their husbands.中西方女人对待老公方面有啥不同?支招 :可以用以下问题问,都会是非常好的聊天话题:√ In China,we have this tradition. Is there something like that in the West? √ In the west, are you comfortable with traditions like x,y,z…总之,问此类文化类问题,不要太笼统,另对方无法回答一定要记住两步走:1. Give an example 举个明确的例子2. draw out the question 抛出你的问题这样就可以 give them space to work with. 外国人会有可回答的空间。令外国人尴尬的话题排行榜第3名:Where are you from?诊断 :This question itself is not awkward. It’s how you respond when they answer.问题内容没有问题,是我们的回答会令外国人尴尬。支招 :哪里来的...这个话题其实特别好!用以下的问题来问,会让你们的聊天持久,关系亲近:√ Would you like to tell me about your hometown? 你可以讲讲你家乡吗?√ What are some interesting places where you live? 你生活的家乡,有什么有趣的地方?√ What is something interesting about your hometown that I might like? 你老家有啥好玩的?我可能会喜欢。√ Is there something interesting about your hometown that I might like?与外国人交流时,一定要记得:Don’t make assumptions, but ask questions!少主观臆断,多问细节问题!这一点做到,你的 social skill 一定会提高不少!更多内容敬请关注微信公众号:一席英语
9/6/2019 • 13 minutes, 25 seconds
介绍: 一席英语出品:主播:Win(美国) 翩翩(中国)tend to 倾向于complain about 抱怨1. 西方人:对于陌生人、朋友、家人,西方人对于“什么可以问,什么不可以问”,清晰的分了不同层次deem: 看作 视为acceptable 可接受的unacceptable 不可接受的Many cultures in the west西方的很多文化2. Dating恋爱时,绝不轻易说I love you.It’ll be awkward.就会尴尬了。That will be their last date.后面的约会就没戏了(将会成为他们最后一次约会)。3. 美国人通常会把社交关系分为三个层次:acquaintance 熟人 Deeper friends 好朋友: Best friends 挚友:Somebody you’ll talk to 2-3 times a week. 一周至少聊两三次的人。Even if you don’t talk in a long time, you’re very close when you do talk to them.即使好长时间不聊,一聊还是很亲。4. 不要问欧美人的问题,排行榜第一名:How much money do you make? 你能挣多少钱?The very first Taxi ride. 第一次打车I’m not making any money yet! 我还没开始挣钱呢!5. 为什么不能问欧美人每个月挣多少钱?* It conflicts with American culture. 跟美国文化是冲突的。因为…..They try to be humble about how to present themselves.6. 想关心经济能力,怎样问比较合适?* Are you able to take care of your daily needs? 可以糊口吗?* Do you have enough money to cover the dinner?晚饭买单有困难吗?Tip : 对于一些friends who is a little bit broke(有点穷的朋友),你可以说:Hey man, I got the dinner. Dinner’s on me. 晚饭我来买单。*记住:They don’t like to talk about money very much.欧美人不喜欢聊“钱”。They like to keep the relationship and money separate. 他们喜欢把“关系”和“钱”分开。接下来,我们还会揭秘老外们不喜欢被问到的问题,如果你学到了,请点赞留言,给主播们鼓励!如果有建议和想听的话题,也欢迎大家留言互动。更多内容敬请关注微信公众号:一席英语欢迎加入一席英语学习群,一个人学习孤单,一群人学习温暖
9/6/2019 • 10 minutes, 18 seconds
介绍: 一席英语出品:主播:Win(美国) 翩翩(中国)tend to 倾向于complain about 抱怨1. 西方人:对于陌生人、朋友、家人,西方人对于“什么可以问,什么不可以问”,清晰的分了不同层次deem: 看作 视为acceptable 可接受的unacceptable 不可接受的Many cultures in the west西方的很多文化2. Dating恋爱时,绝不轻易说I love you.It’ll be awkward.就会尴尬了。That will be their last date.后面的约会就没戏了(将会成为他们最后一次约会)。3. 美国人通常会把社交关系分为三个层次:acquaintance 熟人 Deeper friends 好朋友: Best friends 挚友:Somebody you’ll talk to 2-3 times a week. 一周至少聊两三次的人。Even if you don’t talk in a long time, you’re very close when you do talk to them.即使好长时间不聊,一聊还是很亲。4. 不要问欧美人的问题,排行榜第一名:How much money do you make? 你能挣多少钱?The very first Taxi ride. 第一次打车I’m not making any money yet! 我还没开始挣钱呢!5. 为什么不能问欧美人每个月挣多少钱?* It conflicts with American culture. 跟美国文化是冲突的。因为…..They try to be humble about how to present themselves.6. 想关心经济能力,怎样问比较合适?* Are you able to take care of your daily needs? 可以糊口吗?* Do you have enough money to cover the dinner?晚饭买单有困难吗?Tip : 对于一些friends who is a little bit broke(有点穷的朋友),你可以说:Hey man, I got the dinner. Dinner’s on me. 晚饭我来买单。*记住:They don’t like to talk about money very much.欧美人不喜欢聊“钱”。They like to keep the relationship and money separate. 他们喜欢把“关系”和“钱”分开。接下来,我们还会揭秘老外们不喜欢被问到的问题,如果你学到了,请点赞留言,给主播们鼓励!如果有建议和想听的话题,也欢迎大家留言互动。更多内容敬请关注微信公众号:一席英语欢迎加入一席英语学习群,一个人学习孤单,一群人学习温暖
9/6/2019 • 10 minutes, 18 seconds
介绍: 一席英语出品:主播:翩翩老师, Vip老师结尾曲:HeroReality TV - show : 真人秀节目* Shark: 鲨鱼 wealthy person超级有钱的人* entrepreneur: 企业家 [ˌɑntrəprəˈnɝ ]* They come to the show and present their business idea:他们来到节目,展示他们的商业计划* Get investment from one of the sharks得到其中“一条鲨鱼”的投资 Let’s get back on track : 咱们回到正题除非是必须做的一件事: Unless it’s a must. Unless it’s a necessity.中国人的特点:Chinese people, in general, are less direct than foreigners. 中国人,整体来说,比欧美人要委婉的多。 You never really know what their goal is. 跟中国朋友打交道时,经常不知道他们的目标是什么 欧美人的特点:If I want something or need something, I’ll tell them. 我想要什么、需要什么,会直接告诉对方。西方人的加薪哲学: If you deserve a raise, go and ask for a raise.如果你觉得自己配得加薪,那就去申请加薪!The boss should be expecting this.老板应该有心理准备。You’ll get some employees who are very ambitious,有些员工是有志向的,And you get other employees are quiet, they probably don’t do any work.而有些员工很无欲无求,但可能啥活也不干。老板的职责应该是:让不干活的去do more work(多干点活),Keep the ambitious ones happy.(让有野心有志向的开心,比如加薪…)穿小鞋用英语怎么说?There’s no direct translation.没有一个完全直译的说法。可以说:make it hot for someone(刁难)在澳洲政府工作时, 政府会在每一个 end of a financial year (财政年底),schedule your raise (安排加薪)。You’ll guarantee a raise every year. 每年都一定会有加薪。That counts: 算数。How much you’re worth in terms of money. 用钱来衡量你的价值Pay a little bit more but keep this person.多付一点钱,但是留下这个人。* Most of them are frugal ['fruɡl]. 在用钱方面非常聪明、节俭。* They can make $1 goes much further. 他们可以让1美元走得更远(赚更多的钱)更多内容敬请关注微信公众号:一席英语欢迎加入一席英语学习群,一个人学习孤单,一群人学习温暖
9/6/2019 • 16 minutes, 1 second
介绍: 一席英语出品:主播:翩翩老师, Vip老师结尾曲:HeroReality TV - show : 真人秀节目* Shark: 鲨鱼 wealthy person超级有钱的人* entrepreneur: 企业家 [ˌɑntrəprəˈnɝ ]* They come to the show and present their business idea:他们来到节目,展示他们的商业计划* Get investment from one of the sharks得到其中“一条鲨鱼”的投资 Let’s get back on track : 咱们回到正题除非是必须做的一件事: Unless it’s a must. Unless it’s a necessity.中国人的特点:Chinese people, in general, are less direct than foreigners. 中国人,整体来说,比欧美人要委婉的多。 You never really know what their goal is. 跟中国朋友打交道时,经常不知道他们的目标是什么 欧美人的特点:If I want something or need something, I’ll tell them. 我想要什么、需要什么,会直接告诉对方。西方人的加薪哲学: If you deserve a raise, go and ask for a raise.如果你觉得自己配得加薪,那就去申请加薪!The boss should be expecting this.老板应该有心理准备。You’ll get some employees who are very ambitious,有些员工是有志向的,And you get other employees are quiet, they probably don’t do any work.而有些员工很无欲无求,但可能啥活也不干。老板的职责应该是:让不干活的去do more work(多干点活),Keep the ambitious ones happy.(让有野心有志向的开心,比如加薪…)穿小鞋用英语怎么说?There’s no direct translation.没有一个完全直译的说法。可以说:make it hot for someone(刁难)在澳洲政府工作时, 政府会在每一个 end of a financial year (财政年底),schedule your raise (安排加薪)。You’ll guarantee a raise every year. 每年都一定会有加薪。That counts: 算数。How much you’re worth in terms of money. 用钱来衡量你的价值Pay a little bit more but keep this person.多付一点钱,但是留下这个人。* Most of them are frugal ['fruɡl]. 在用钱方面非常聪明、节俭。* They can make $1 goes much further. 他们可以让1美元走得更远(赚更多的钱)更多内容敬请关注微信公众号:一席英语欢迎加入一席英语学习群,一个人学习孤单,一群人学习温暖
9/6/2019 • 16 minutes, 1 second
介绍: 一席英语出品主播:翩翩;WinGetting out of the door is half the journey 万事开头难inviting 受欢迎的friendly 友好地professional 专业的 professional voice actor 专业的配音演员Chinese stops names 中文站名 Recording artist 录音的艺术总监”地铁哥“亲自教你读,青岛每条地铁线都响着的英文:Dear Passengers, Your attention please.The train bound for NingXia Road station is arriving.Please do not lean against the safety doors and mind the gap.Thank you.更多内容敬请关注微信公众号:一席英语,加入我们学习群,一个人学习孤单,一群人学习温暖。
9/6/2019 • 10 minutes, 8 seconds
介绍: 一席英语出品主播:翩翩;WinGetting out of the door is half the journey 万事开头难inviting 受欢迎的friendly 友好地professional 专业的 professional voice actor 专业的配音演员Chinese stops names 中文站名 Recording artist 录音的艺术总监”地铁哥“亲自教你读,青岛每条地铁线都响着的英文:Dear Passengers, Your attention please.The train bound for NingXia Road station is arriving.Please do not lean against the safety doors and mind the gap.Thank you.更多内容敬请关注微信公众号:一席英语,加入我们学习群,一个人学习孤单,一群人学习温暖。
9/6/2019 • 10 minutes, 8 seconds
老外来了:we are arriving at .没错 我就是青岛地铁英文播报人
介绍: 一席英语出品主播:翩翩 ;Winrecognize vt. 认出,识别;承认Metro 地铁Dubbing 配音voice acting 为电影配音voice actor 配音演员voiceover 旁白How did it happen? 怎样得到这个机会的Reduce down the candidates 刷下去一些应聘者I submitted a voice recording file. 我提交了一个声音录制文件Old China hand.中国通We’re getting off track:我们跑 题了Consistent更多内容敬请关注:一席英语 ,欢迎加入一席英语晨读群。一个人学习孤单,一群人学习温暖。
9/6/2019 • 10 minutes, 16 seconds
老 外来了:we are arriving at .没错 我就是青岛地铁英文播报人
介绍: 一席英语出品主播:翩翩 ;Winrecognize vt. 认出,识别;承认Metro 地铁Dubbing 配音voice acting 为电影配音voice actor 配音演员voiceover 旁白How did it happen? 怎样得到这个机会的Reduce down the candidates 刷下去一些应聘者I submitted a voice recording file. 我提交了一个声音录制文件Old China hand.中国通We’re getting off track:我们跑题了Consistent更多内容敬请关注:一席英语 ,欢迎加入一席英语晨读群。一个人学习孤单,一群人学习温暖。
9/6/2019 • 10 minutes, 16 seconds
一席英语出品 主播:Alan老师,翩翩老师Can anybody give him a call ?有没有人能给他打个电话?There is no need,He is deep in his cups 没必要,他喝多了。But we had a deal .And he promised to dine here.但是我们说好的啊,他答应来这里吃饭的Well, that’s Tim… Never believe what he said. 千万不要相信他说的话。What are you thankful for this year?你今年要感谢什么呢?It was a wonderful dinner! 晚餐真好吃。I am very glad that you like it. If you have finished, why don't we watch the game 很高兴你喜欢吃.既然大家都吃完了,咱们看个比赛(美国橄榄球)吧。Ok, who’s playing ?好的,谁在踢?Does it matter ? I just want to relax after that meal.有那么重要吗?我只是想吃完饭轻松下。What are you thankful for this year? 你今年要感谢什么呢?欢迎留言。感谢大家对一席英语的关注和支持!
9/6/2019 • 7 minutes, 57 seconds
一席英语出品 主播:Alan老师,翩翩老师Can anybody give him a call ?有没有人能给他 打个电话?There is no need,He is deep in his cups 没必要,他喝多了。But we had a deal .And he promised to dine here.但是我们说好的啊,他答应来这里吃饭的Well, that’s Tim… Never believe what he said. 千万不要相信他说的话。What are you thankful for this year?你今年要感谢什么呢?It was a wonderful dinner! 晚餐真好吃。I am very glad that you like it. If you have finished, why don't we watch the game 很高兴你喜欢吃.既然大家都吃完了,咱们看个比赛(美国橄榄球)吧。Ok, who’s playing ?好的,谁在踢?Does it matter ? I just want to relax after that meal.有那么重要吗?我只是想吃完饭轻松下。What are you thankful for this year? 你今年要感谢什么呢?欢迎留言。感谢大家对一席英语的关注和支持!
9/6/2019 • 7 minutes, 57 seconds
主播:Win(美国) 翩翩(中国)歌曲:Crying In The RainShanghai is doing garbage sorting. What do Americans think?garbage sorting 垃圾分类touchy topic 热门话题垃圾到底怎么说?refuse/rubbish 英式的说法trash/ garbage 美式的说法上海垃圾筒旁边流行问:Which trash are you? 侬是啥垃圾?其实原意是which trash are you bringing?三种垃圾类别:干垃圾:dry trash湿垃圾:wet/ biological trash有害垃圾:toxic trash (电池之类等)被垃圾分类“逼疯”的上海人民—智慧总结:Pigs eat wet trash, but not dry trash.猪可以吃的是湿垃圾,猪不可以吃的是干垃圾2. Government advertisement campaign 政府的广告到处都是垃圾桶的说法,要看大小(depends on the size):trash can 家用的小垃圾桶trash bin 外面的中号垃圾桶dumpster 垃圾站的大垃圾桶,大约四五米trash truck 垃圾车dump into the dumpster 扔垃圾particularly strict policy 史上最严的政策如果你违反的话,there will be a fine(罚款)! 3. For the common person 民间冒出的各种段子meme 段子,梗 It went viral. 像病毒一样传播民间的各种meme更像是一场“病毒传播”a spreading disease,加深了市民对垃圾分类的认知。4. Government policy becomes a water -cooler topic. 变为茶余饭后的谈资 closed topic 封闭话题a water -cooler topic 茶余饭后的谈资某个话题很火怎么说呢?It’s very lit.It’s on fire.It’s a hot topic.5. Have foreign media reported on this matter? 外国人怎么看这件事?Not really though there is greater interests in what China is doing with its trash as this has impacts for other countries.垃圾分类暂时还没上升到national policies, 因此外国媒体虽然对中国处理垃圾的方式更感兴趣,这件事情暂时还没有走出国门Trash该怎么处理,仍然是一个lit topic around the world 全世界关注的一个焦点不过,确实 It’ s definitely 麻烦!减少垃圾三个步骤:Reduce :降低产出reuse:重复利用recycle:回收循环(成本高,且质量和作用降低)️Plastic bag 塑料袋 ️Cloth bag 布包Incur a pain to the person 让这人疼了,才有可能change his habit (改变习惯)!总之,能用的东西尽量用,不要再买新的。俭以养德!
7/18/2019 • 13 minutes, 44 seconds
主播:Win(美国) 翩翩(中国)歌曲:Crying In The RainShanghai is doing garbage sorting. What do Americans think?garbage sorting 垃圾分类touchy topic 热门话题垃圾到底怎么说?refuse/rubbish 英式的说法trash/ garbage 美式的说法上海垃圾筒旁边流行问:Which trash are you? 侬是啥垃圾?其实原意是which trash are you bringing?三种垃圾类别:干垃圾:dry trash湿垃圾:wet/ biological trash有害垃圾:toxic trash (电池之类等)被垃圾分类“逼疯”的上海人民—智慧总结:Pigs eat wet trash, but not dry trash.猪可以吃的是湿垃圾,猪不可以吃的是干垃圾2. Government advertisement campaign 政府的广告到处都是垃圾桶的说法,要看大小(depends on the size):trash can 家用的小垃圾桶trash bin 外面的中号垃圾桶dumpster 垃圾站的大垃圾桶,大约四五米trash truck 垃圾车dump into the dumpster 扔垃圾particularly strict policy 史上最严的政策如果你违反的话,there will be a fine(罚款)! 3. For the common person 民间冒出的各种段子meme 段子,梗 It went viral. 像病毒一样传播民间的各种meme更像是一场“病毒传播”a spreading disease,加深了市民对垃圾分类的认知。4. Government policy becomes a water -cooler topic. 变为茶余饭后的谈资 closed topic 封闭话题a water -cooler topic 茶余饭后的谈资某个话题很火怎么说呢?It’s very lit.It’s on fire.It’s a hot topic.5. Have foreign media reported on this matter? 外国人怎么看这件事?Not really though there is greater interests in what China is doing with its trash as this has impacts for other countries.垃圾分类暂时还没上升到national policies, 因此外国媒体虽然对中国处理垃圾的方式更感兴趣,这件事情暂时还没有走出国门Trash该怎么处理,仍然是一个lit topic around the world 全世界关注的一个焦点不过,确实 It’ s definitely 麻烦!减少垃圾三个步骤:Reduce :降低产出reuse:重复利用recycle:回收循环(成本高,且质量和作用降低)️Plastic bag 塑料袋 ️Cloth bag 布包Incur a pain to the person 让这人疼了,才有可能change his habit (改变习惯)!总之,能用的东西尽量用,不要再买新的。俭以养德!
7/18/2019 • 13 minutes, 44 seconds
一席英语出品:主播:翩翩老师,Win老师歌曲:Crying In The Rain01. Short and sweet 又简单又好用的simple and easy 又简单又好用Please keep your lesson short and sweet .02. Bread and butter 非常基础的main staple, fundamental, basic非常基础的东西Teaching children is my bread and butter job, while Recording and writing are my side jobs.main hustle 主业side hustle 副业03. Keeping with the Joneses 攀比跟隔壁老王家攀比To compare or compete with a neighbor, to do the same thing or even do better.Everyone was getting new phones, so I had to keep with the Joneses and buy one myself.每个人都有了新手机,所以我得跟上潮流也给自己买一个04. Sticky fingers “三只手”,小偷小摸的人sticky 粘糊糊的He has a bad case of sticky fingers.他有小偷小摸的坏习惯,控制不住去偷东西。05. Pay the Pied Piper 付出代价You may not get cancer from smoking quickly, but eventually you will have to pay the pied piper .你可能不会因为抽烟而很快得癌症,但你始终得为吸烟付出代价。06. Nuke / Burn the bridge 跟某人断交,关系破裂burn the bridge 语气稍轻一些 还有修复的机会nuke the bridge 完全结束07. Water off a duck’s back 不在乎,没什么影响People like to say bad things about me, but it’s like water off a duck’s back to me. 对我评价不好,但是呢对我没有什么影响。对什么事不Care,这么说:roll off my back no dirt on my shoulder 08. Good Cop/Bad Cop 一个唱红脸,一个唱白脸一个唱红脸,一个唱白脸,最终 good Cop 会 get all information。但其实这是不过是他们使得一个trick。How to use it? You are playing a “good Cop &bad Cop” with somebody.You're playing a bad cop where is the good cop 小结 :1. Short and sweet 又简单又好用的2. Bread and butter 非常基础的3. Keeping with the Joneses 攀比4. Sticky fingers “三只手”,小偷小摸的人5. Pay the Pied Piper 为曾经做过的事付出代价6. Nuke / Burn the bridge 跟某人断交,关系破裂7. Water off a duck’s back 不在乎,没什么影响8. Good Cop/Bad Cop 一个唱红脸,一个唱白脸what is your bread and butter job? And what is your side hustle ? 期待你的留言! ^-^如果你学到了,请点赞,给主播们鼓励!如果有建议和想听的话题,也欢迎大家留言互动。主播们都会看哦!
7/15/2019 • 17 minutes
一席英语出品:主播:翩翩老师,Win老师歌曲:Crying In The Rain01. Short and sweet 又简单又好用的simple and easy 又简单又好用Please keep your lesson short and sweet .02. Bread and butter 非常基础的main staple, fundamental, basic非常基础的东西Teaching children is my bread and butter job, while Recording and writing are my side jobs.main hustle 主业side hustle 副业03. Keeping with the Joneses 攀比跟隔壁老王家攀比To compare or compete with a neighbor, to do the same thing or even do better.Everyone was getting new phones, so I had to keep with the Joneses and buy one myself.每个人都有了新手机,所以我得跟上潮流也给自己买一个04. Sticky fingers “三只手”,小偷小摸的人sticky 粘糊糊的He has a bad case of sticky fingers.他有小偷小摸的坏习惯,控制不住去偷东西。05. Pay the Pied Piper 付出代价You may not get cancer from smoking quickly, but eventually you will have to pay the pied piper .你可能不会因为抽烟而很快得癌症,但你始终得为吸烟付出代价。06. Nuke / Burn the bridge 跟某人断交,关系破裂burn the bridge 语气稍轻一些 还有修复的机会nuke the bridge 完全结束07. Water off a duck’s back 不在乎,没什么影响People like to say bad things about me, but it’s like water off a duck’s back to me. 对我评价不好,但是呢对我没有什么影响。对什么事不Care,这么说:roll off my back no dirt on my shoulder 08. Good Cop/Bad Cop 一个唱红脸,一个唱白脸一个唱红脸,一个唱白脸,最终 good Cop 会 get all information。但其实这是不过是他们使得一个trick。How to use it? You are playing a “good Cop &bad Cop” with somebody.You're playing a bad cop where is the good cop 小结 :1. Short and sweet 又简单又好用的2. Bread and butter 非常基础的3. Keeping with the Joneses 攀比4. Sticky fingers “三只手”,小偷小摸的人5. Pay the Pied Piper 为曾经做过的事付出代价6. Nuke / Burn the bridge 跟某人断交,关系破裂7. Water off a duck’s back 不在乎,没什么影响8. Good Cop/Bad Cop 一个唱红脸,一个唱白脸what is your bread and butter job? And what is your side hustle ? 期待你的留言! ^-^如果你学到了,请点赞,给主播们鼓励!如果有建议和想听的话题,也欢迎大家留言互动。主播们都会看哦!
7/15/2019 • 17 minutes
11/21/2018 • 16 minutes, 25 seconds
11/21/2018 • 16 minutes, 25 seconds
这档节目-目的是跨文化。国际化的形式下,我们特别想帮助大家实现双文化视野。带你了解中西方文化差异。一席英语:坚持最科学的二外习得理念、让学生事半功倍的学习英文。一席英语遍及全国几万名学生,课程科学且丰富,全面涵盖听|说|读|写|译。整合创新的学习理念使零散的英语学习全面系统化。加入一席,一起将最好的英语学习传递给全国6亿想学英语却不得其法的年轻人。Start it Now!更多内容,请关注微信公众号:一席英语或者AseatEnglish
11/8/2018 • 14 minutes, 48 seconds
这档节目-目的是跨文化。国际化的形式下,我们特别想帮助大家实现双文化视野。带你了解中西方文化差异。一席英语:坚持最科学的二外习得理念、让学生事半功倍的学习英文。一席英语遍及全国几万名学生,课程科学且丰富,全面涵盖听|说|读|写|译。整合创新的学习理念使零散的英语学习全面系统化。加入一席,一起将最好的英语学习传递给全国6亿想学英语却不得其法的年轻人。Start it Now!更多内容,请关注微信公众号:一席英语或者AseatEnglish
11/8/2018 • 14 minutes, 48 seconds
这档节目-目的是跨文化。国 际化的形式下,我们特别想帮助大家实现双文化视野。带你了解中西方文化差异。一席英语:坚持最科学的二外习得理念、让学生事半功倍的学习英文。一席英语遍及全国几万名学生,课程科学且丰富,全面涵盖听|说|读|写|译。整合创新的学习理念使零散的英语学习全面系统化。加入一席,一起将最好的英语学习传递给全国6亿想学英语却不得其法的年轻人。Start it Now!更多内容,请关注微信公众号:一席英语或者AseatEnglish
11/8/2018 • 7 minutes, 16 seconds
这档节目-目的是跨文化。国际化的形式下,我们特别想帮助大家实现双文化视野。带你了解中西方文化差异。一席英语:坚持最科学的二外习得理念、让学生事半功倍的学习英文。一席英语遍及全国几万名学生,课程科学且丰富,全面涵盖听|说|读|写|译。整合创新的学习理念使零散的英语学习全面系统化。加入一席,一起将最好的英语学习传递给全国6亿想学英语却不得其法的年轻人。Start it Now!更多内容,请关注微信公众号:一席英语或者AseatEnglish
11/8/2018 • 7 minutes, 16 seconds
这档节目-目的是跨文化。国际化的形式下,我们特别想帮助大家实现双文化视野。带你了解中西方文化差异。一席英语:坚持最科学的二外习得理念、让学生事半功倍的学习英文。一席英语遍及全国几万名学生,课程科学且丰富,全面涵盖听|说|读|写|译。整合创新的学习理念使零散的英语学习全面系统化。加入一席,一起将最好的英语学习传递给全国6亿想学英语却不得其法的年轻人。Start it Now!更多内容,请关注微信公众号:一席英语或者AseatEnglish
11/8/2018 • 10 minutes, 11 seconds
这档节目-目的是跨文化。国际化的形式下,我们特别想帮助大家实现双文化视野。带你了解中西方文化差异。一席英语:坚持最科学的二外习得理念、让学生事半功倍的学习英文。一席英语遍及全国几万名学生,课程科学且丰富,全面涵盖听|说|读|写|译。整合创新的学习理念使零散的英语学习全面系统化。加入一席,一起将最好的英语学习传递给全国6亿想学英语却不得其法的年轻人。Start it Now!更多内容,请关注微信公众号:一席英语或者AseatEnglish
11/8/2018 • 10 minutes, 11 seconds
11/7/2018 • 16 minutes, 53 seconds
11/7/2018 • 16 minutes, 53 seconds
10/31/2018 • 8 minutes, 4 seconds
10/31/2018 • 8 minutes, 4 seconds
10/29/2018 • 15 minutes, 34 seconds
10/29/2018 • 15 minutes, 34 seconds
一席英语:坚持最科学的二外习得理念、让学生事半功倍的学习英文。一席英语遍及全国几万名学生,课程科学且丰富,全面涵盖听|说|读|写|译。整合创新的学习理念使零散的英语学习全面系统化。加入一席,一起将最好的英语学习传递给全国6亿想学英语却不得其法的年轻人。Start it Now!更多内容,请关注微信公众号:一席英语或者AseatEnglish
8/28/2018 • 13 minutes, 13 seconds
一席英语:坚持最科学的二外习得理念、让学生事半功倍的学习英文。一席英语遍及全国几万名学生,课程科学且丰富,全面涵盖听|说|读|写|译。整合创新的学习理念使零散的英语学习全面系统化。加入一席,一起将最好的英语学习传递给全国6亿想学英语却不得其法的年轻人。Start it Now!更多内容,请关注微信公众号:一席英语或者AseatEnglish
8/28/2018 • 13 minutes, 13 seconds
一席英语:坚持最科学的二外习得理念、让学生事半功倍的学习英文。一席英语遍及全国几万名学生,课程科学且丰富,全面涵盖听|说|读|写|译。整合创新的学习理念使零散的英语学习全面系统化。加入一席,一起将最好的英语学习传递给全国6亿想学英语却不得其法的年轻人。Start it Now!更多内容,请关注微信公众号:一席英语或者AseatEnglish
8/28/2018 • 13 minutes, 30 seconds
一席英语:坚持最科学的二外习得理念、让学生事半功倍的学习英文。一席英语遍及全国几万名学生,课程科学且丰富,全面涵盖听|说|读|写|译。整合创新的学习理念使零散的英语学习全面系统化。加入一席,一起将最好的英语学习传递给全国6亿想学英语却不得其法的年轻人。Start it Now!更多内容,请关注微信公众号:一席英语或者AseatEnglish
8/28/2018 • 13 minutes, 30 seconds
一席英语 | 老外来了-六词微小说 II
一席英语:坚持最科学的二外习得理念、让学生事半功倍的学习英文。一席英语遍及全国几万名学生,课程科学且丰富,全面涵盖听|说|读|写|译。整合创新的学习理念使零散的英语学习全面系统化。加入一席,一起将最好的英语学习传递给全国6亿想学英语却不得其法的年轻人。Start it Now!更多内容,请关注微信公众号:一席英语或者AseatEnglish
8/8/2018 • 12 minutes
一席英语 | 老外来了-六词微小说 II
一席英语:坚持最科学的二外习得理念、让学生事半功倍的学习英文。一席英语遍及全国几万名学生,课程科学且丰富,全面涵盖听|说|读|写|译。整合创新的学习理念使零散的英语学习全面系统化。加入一席,一起将最好的英语学习传递给全国6亿想学英语却不得其法的年轻人。Start it Now!更多内容,请关注微信公众号:一席英语或者AseatEnglish
8/8/2018 • 12 minutes
一席英语 | 老外来了:六词微小说 I
一席英语:坚持最科学的二外习得理念、让学生事半功倍的学习英文。一席英语遍及全国几万名学生,课程科学且丰富,全面涵盖听|说|读|写|译。整合创新的学习理念使零散的英语学习全面系统化。加入一席,一起将最好的英语学习传递给全国6亿想学英语却不得其法的年轻人。Start it Now!更多内容,请关注微信公众号:一席英语或者AseatEnglish
8/6/2018 • 11 minutes, 20 seconds
一席英语 | 老外来了:六词微小说 I
一席英语:坚持最科学的二外习得理念、让学生事半功倍的学习英文。一席英语遍及全国几万名学生,课程科学且丰富,全面涵盖听|说|读|写|译。整合创新的学习理念使零散的英语学习全面系统化。加入一席,一起将最好的英语学习传递给全国6亿想学英语却不得其法的年轻人。Start it Now!更多内容,请关注微信公众号:一席英语或者AseatEnglish
8/6/2018 • 11 minutes, 20 seconds
一席英语 | 老外来了:跟外国客户、朋友、外国老师一起吃饭,都怎么买单?
一席英语:坚持最科学的二外习得理念、让学生事半功倍的学习英文。一席英语遍及全国几万名学生,课程科学且丰富,全面涵盖听|说|读|写|译。整合创新的学习理念使零散的英语学习全面系统化。加入一席,一起将最好的英语学习传递给全国6亿想学英语却不得其法的年轻人。Start it Now!更多内容,请关注微信公众号:一席英语或者AseatEnglish
7/31/2018 • 20 minutes, 21 seconds
一席英语 | 老外来了:跟外国客户、朋友、外国老师一起吃饭,都怎么买单?
一席英语:坚持最科学的二外习得理念、让学生事半功倍的学习英文。一席英语遍及全国几万名学生,课程科学且丰富,全面涵盖听|说|读|写|译。整合创新的学习理念使零散的英语学习全面系统化。加入一席,一起将最好的英语学习传递给全国6亿想学英语却不得其法的年轻人。Start it Now!更多内容,请关注微信公众号:一席英语或者AseatEnglish
7/31/2018 • 20 minutes, 21 seconds
一席英语 | 老外来了:如何让你的英语听起来更高级(下)
一席英语:坚持最科学的二外习得理念、让学生事半功倍的学习英文。一席英语遍及全国几万名学生,课程科学且丰富,全面涵盖听|说|读|写|译。整合创新的学习理念使零散的英语学习全面系统化。加入一席,一起将最好的英语学习传递给全国6亿想学英语却不得其法的年轻人。Start it Now!更多内容,请关注微信公众号:一席英语或者AseatEnglish
7/29/2018 • 10 minutes, 31 seconds
一席英语 | 老外来了:如何让你的英语听起来更高级(下)
一席英语:坚持最科学的二外习得理念、让学生事半功倍的学习英文。一席英语遍及全国几万名学生,课程科学且丰富,全面涵盖听|说|读|写|译。整合创新的学习理念使零散的英语学习全面系统化。加入一席,一起将最好的英语学习传递给全国6亿想学英语却不得其法的年轻人。Start it Now!更多内容,请关注微信公众号:一席英语或者AseatEnglish
7/29/2018 • 10 minutes, 31 seconds
一席英语:坚持最科学的二外习得理念、让学生事半功倍的学习英文。一席英语遍及全国几万名学生,课程科学且丰富,全面涵盖听|说|读|写|译。整合创新的学习理念使零散的英语学习全面系统化。加入一席,一起将最好的英语学习传递给全国6亿想学英语却不得其法的年轻人。Start it Now!更多内容,请关注微信公众号:一席英语或者AseatEnglish
7/26/2018 • 10 minutes, 17 seconds
一席英语:坚持最科学的二外习得理念、让学生事半功倍的学习英文。一席英语遍及全国几万名学生,课程科学且丰富,全面涵盖听|说|读|写|译。整合创新的学习理念使零散的英语学习全面系统化。加入一席,一起将最好的英语学习传递给全国6亿想学英语却不得其法的年轻人。Start it Now!更多内容,请关注微信 公众号:一席英语或者AseatEnglish
7/26/2018 • 10 minutes, 17 seconds
一席英语:坚持最科学的二外习得理念、让学生事半功倍的学习英文。一席英语遍及全国几万名学生,课程科学且丰富,全面涵盖听|说|读|写|译。整合创新的学习理念使零散的英语学习全面系统化。加入一席,一起将最好的英语学习传递给全国6亿想学英语却不得其法的年轻人。Start it Now!更多内容,请关注微信公众号:一席英语或者AseatEnglish
7/23/2018 • 9 minutes, 45 seconds
一席英语:坚持最科学的二外习得理念、让学生事半功倍的学习英文。一席英语遍及全国几万名学生,课程科学且丰富,全面涵盖听|说|读|写|译。整合创新的学习理念使零散的英语学习全面系统化。加入一席,一起将最好的英语学习传递给全国6亿想学英语却不得其法的年轻人。Start it Now!更多内容,请关注微信公众号:一席英语或者AseatEnglish
7/23/2018 • 9 minutes, 45 seconds
一席英语:坚持最科学的二外习得理念、让学生事半功倍的学习英文。一席英语遍及全国几万名学生,课程科学且丰富,全面涵盖听|说|读|写|译。整合创新的学习理念使零散的英语学习全面系统化。加入一席,一起将最好的英语学习传递给全国6亿想学英语却不得其法的年轻人。Start it Now!更多内容,请关注微信公众号:一席英语或者AseatEnglish
7/4/2018 • 9 minutes, 58 seconds
一席英语:坚持最科学的二外习得理念、让学生事半功倍的学习英文。一席英语遍及全国几万名学生,课程科学且丰富,全面涵盖听|说|读|写|译。整合创新的学习理念使零散的英语学习全面系统化。加入一席,一起将最好的英语学习传递给全国6亿想学英语却 不得其法的年轻人。Start it Now!更多内容,请关注微信公众号:一席英语或者AseatEnglish
7/4/2018 • 9 minutes, 58 seconds
一席英语|老外来了|天热, 别再说hot了,其实英美人更喜欢说这些词!
进入盛夏,天气很热,我们就来学一学,整个夏天你都可以用到的英语:怎样说很热? 我们都会说:hot 但是英语词汇也是很丰富的哈,除了 hot 之外,还有一些其他程度更强,表达更充分有趣 的说法。.........更多内容,请关注微信公众号:一席英语或者AseatEnglish
7/4/2018 • 9 minutes, 57 seconds
进入盛夏,天气很热,我们就来学一学,整个夏天你都可以用到的英语:怎样说很热? 我们都会说:hot 但是英语词汇也是很丰富的哈,除了 hot 之外,还有一些其他程度更强,表达更充分有趣 的说法。.........更多内容,请关注微信公众号:一席英语或者AseatEnglish
7/4/2018 • 9 minutes, 57 seconds
What made you move to Qingdao?It's important to make a good first impression. 更多文字及配乐请关注公众号:一席英语 WeChat ID: AseatEnglish翩翩老师私人新浪微博:一席英语-翩翩想了解VIP口语课及公益课详情请加客服微信:aseatenglish1一席英语始于2015年,创始人:翩翩老师。从教几个朋友学英语开始设立了公益课,目前已有过万人在学习一席英语的课程。翩翩老师:学贯中西,英文讲得好,国学也有造诣。她开设英文电台,英文访谈,原版解读,每个节目点击都破万。发音技巧讲解,分分钟让学渣升级学霸,新技能get得醍醐灌顶。欢迎爱学习的你加入哦!
2/27/2018 • 14 minutes, 24 seconds
What made you move to Qingdao?It's important to make a good first impression. 更多文字及配乐请关注公众号:一席英语 WeChat ID: AseatEnglish翩翩老师私人新浪微博:一席英语-翩翩想了解VIP口语课及公益课详情请加客服微信:aseatenglish1一席英语始于2015年,创始人:翩翩老师。从教几个朋友学英语开始设立了公益课,目前已有过万人在学习一席英语的课程。翩翩老师:学贯中西,英文讲得好,国学也有造诣。她开设英文电台,英文访谈,原版解读,每个节目点击都破万。发音技巧讲解,分分钟让学渣升级学霸,新技能get得醍醐灌顶。欢迎爱学习的你加入哦!
2/27/2018 • 14 minutes, 24 seconds
It's not a competitive game. It's very relaxing.Either your body or soul must be on the way.更多文字及配乐请关注公众号:一席英语 WeChat ID: AseatEnglish翩翩老师私人新浪微博:一席英语-翩翩想了解VIP口语课及公益课详情请加客服微信:aseatenglish1一席英语始于2015年,创始人:翩翩老师。从教几个朋友学英语开始设立了公益课,目前已有过万人在学习一席英语的课程。翩翩老师:学贯中西,英文讲得好,国学也有造诣。她开设英文电台,英文访谈,原版解读,每个节目点击都破万。发音技巧讲解,分分钟让学渣升级学霸,新技能get得醍醐灌顶。欢迎爱学习的你加入哦!
2/23/2018 • 12 minutes, 53 seconds
It's not a competitive game. It's very relaxing.Either your body or soul must be on the way.更多文字及配乐请关注公众号:一席英语 WeChat ID: AseatEnglish翩翩老师私人新浪微博:一席英语-翩翩想了解VIP口语课及公益课详情请加客服微信:aseatenglish1一席英语始于2015年,创始人:翩翩老师。从教几个朋友学英语开始设立了公益课,目前已有过万人在学习一席英语的课程。翩翩老师:学贯中西,英文讲得好,国学也有造诣。她开设英文电台,英文访谈,原版解读,每个节目点击都破万。发音技巧讲解,分分钟让学渣升级学霸,新技能get得醍醐灌顶。欢迎爱学习的你加入哦!
2/23/2018 • 12 minutes, 53 seconds
一席英语|老外聊春晚 | “笑点”、“假 唱”、“小品”、“吐槽”用英语怎么说?
You might love it, you might hate it, but you can&`&t live without it.更多文字及配乐请关注公众号:一席英语 WeChat ID: AseatEnglish翩翩老师私人新浪微博:一席英语-翩翩想了解VIP口语课及公益课详情请加客服微信:aseatenglish1一席英语始于2015年,创始人:翩翩老师。从教几个朋友学英语开始设立了公益课,目前已有过万人在学习一席英语的课程。翩翩老师:学贯中西,英文讲得好,国学也有造诣。她开设英文电台,英文访谈,原版解读,每个节目点击都破万。发音技巧讲解,分分钟让学渣升级学霸,新技能get得醍醐灌顶。欢迎爱学习的你加入哦!想了解更多,请点击原版链接http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/2QooMGWr8AiiCUjgg22q9A
2/23/2018 • 14 minutes, 59 seconds
一席英语|老外聊春晚 | “笑点”、“假唱”、“小品”、“吐槽”用英语怎么说?
You might love it, you might hate it, but you can&`&t live without it.更多文字及配乐请关注公众号:一席英语 WeChat ID: AseatEnglish翩翩老师私人新浪微博:一席英语-翩翩想了解VIP口语课及公益课详情请加客服微信:aseatenglish1一席英语始于2015年,创始人:翩翩老师。从教几个朋友学英语开始设立了公益课,目前已有过万人在学习一席英语的课程。翩翩老师:学贯中西,英文讲得好,国学也有造诣。她开设英文电台,英文访谈,原版解读,每个节目点击都破万。发音技巧讲解,分分钟让学渣升级学霸,新技能get得醍醐灌顶。欢迎爱学习的你加入哦!想了解更多,请点击原版链接http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/2QooMGWr8AiiCUjgg22q9A
2/23/2018 • 14 minutes, 59 seconds
I like your new haircut, very cool!Thanks, hearing that feels really good.更多文字及配乐请关注公众号:一席英语 WeChat ID: AseatEnglish翩翩老师私人新浪微博:一席英语-翩翩想了解VIP口语课及公益课详情请加客服微信:aseatenglish1一席英语始于2015年,创始人:翩翩老师。从教几个朋友学英语开始设立了公益课,目前已有过万人在学习一席英语的课程。翩翩老师:学贯中西,英文讲得好,国学也有造诣。她开设英文电台,英文访谈,原版解读,每个节目点击都破万。发音技巧讲解,分分钟让学渣升级学霸,新技能get得醍醐灌顶。欢迎爱学习的你加入哦!
2/23/2018 • 15 minutes, 42 seconds
I like your new haircut, very cool!Thanks, hearing that feels really good.更多文字及配乐请关注公众号:一席英语 WeChat ID: AseatEnglish翩翩老师私人新浪微博:一席英语-翩翩想了解VIP口语课及公益课详情请加客服微信:aseatenglish1一席英语始于2015年,创始人:翩翩老师。从教几个朋友学英语开始设立了公益课,目前已有过万人在学习一席英语的课程。翩翩老师:学贯中西,英文讲得好,国学也有造诣。她开设英文电台,英文访谈,原版解读,每个节目点击都破万。发音技巧讲解,分分钟让学渣升级学霸,新技能get得醍醐灌顶。欢迎爱学习的你加入哦!
2/23/2018 • 15 minutes, 42 seconds
The teacher immediately called my mother, who by the way is also a teacher in the same school. 更多文字及配乐请关注公众号:一席英语 WeChat ID: AseatEnglish翩翩老师私人新浪微博:一席英语-翩翩想了解VIP口语课及公益课详情请加客服微信:aseatenglish1一席英语始于2015年,创始人:翩翩老师。从教几个朋友学英语开始设立了公益课,目前已有过万人在学习一席英语的课程。翩翩老师:学贯中西,英文讲得好,国 学也有造诣。她开设英文电台,英文访谈,原版解读,每个节目点击都破万。发音技巧讲解,分分钟让学渣升级学霸,新技能get得醍醐灌顶。欢迎爱学习的你加入哦!
2/23/2018 • 28 minutes, 3 seconds
The teacher immediately called my mother, who by the way is also a teacher in the same school. 更多文字及配乐请关注公众号:一席英语 WeChat ID: AseatEnglish翩翩老师私人新浪微博:一席英语-翩翩想了解VIP口语课及公益课详情请加客服微信:aseatenglish1一席英语始于2015年,创始人:翩翩老师。从教几个朋友学英语开始设立了公益课,目前已有过万人在学习一席英语的课程。翩翩老师:学贯中西,英文讲得好,国学也有造诣。她开设英文电台,英文访谈,原版解读,每个节目点击都破万。发音技巧讲解,分分钟让学渣升级学霸,新技能get得醍醐灌顶。欢迎爱学习的你加入哦!
2/23/2018 • 28 minutes, 3 seconds
一席英语|老外来了|“七大姑八大姨”用英语怎么说? 怼亲戚攻略
When do you think you'll get married?When the time is right.Do you like your work?It pays the bills.更多文字及配乐请关注公众号:一席英语 WeChat ID: AseatEnglish翩翩老师私人新浪微博:一席英语-翩翩想了解VIP口语课及公益课详情请加客服微信:aseatenglish1一席英语始于2015年,创始人:翩翩老师。从教几个朋友学英语开始设立了公益课,目前已有过万人在学习一席英语的课程。翩翩老师:学贯中西,英文讲得好,国学也有造诣。她开设英文电台,英文访谈,原版解读,每个节目点击都破万。发音技巧讲解,分分钟让学渣升级学霸,新技能get得醍醐灌顶。欢迎爱学习的你加入哦!
2/23/2018 • 20 minutes, 43 seconds
一席英语|老外来了|“七大姑八大姨”用英语怎么说? 怼亲戚攻略
When do you think you'll get married?When the time is right.Do you like your work?It pays the bills.更多文字及配乐请关注公众号:一席英语 WeChat ID: AseatEnglish翩翩老师私人新浪微博:一席英语-翩翩想了解VIP口语课及公益课详情请加客服微信:aseatenglish1一席英语始于2015年,创始人:翩翩老师。从教几个朋友学英语开始设立了公益课,目前已有过万人在学习一席英语的课程。翩翩老师:学贯中西,英文讲得好,国学也有造诣。她开设英文电台,英文访谈,原版解读,每个节目点击都破万。发音技巧讲解,分分钟让学渣升级学霸,新技能get得醍醐灌顶。欢迎爱学习的你加入哦!
2/23/2018 • 20 minutes, 43 seconds
Grandparents like their independence. They don't always want the burden of raising grand-children.更多文字及配乐请关注公众号:一席英语 WeChat ID: AseatEnglish翩翩老师私人新浪微博:一席英语-翩翩想了解VIP口语课及公益课详情请加客服微信:aseatenglish1一席英语始于2015年,创始人:翩翩老师。从教几个朋友学英语开始设立了公益课,目前已有过万人在学习一席英语的课程。翩翩老师:学贯中西,英文讲得好,国学也有造诣。她开设英文电台,英文访谈,原版解读,每个节目点击都破万。发音技巧讲解,分分钟让学渣升级学霸,新技能get得醍醐灌顶。欢迎爱学习的你加入哦!
2/8/2018 • 11 minutes, 57 seconds
Grandparents like their independence. They don't always want the burden of raising grand-children.更多文字及配乐请关注公众号:一席英语 WeChat ID: AseatEnglish翩翩老师私人新浪微博:一席英语-翩翩想了解VIP口语课及公益课详情请加客服微信:aseatenglish1一席英语始于2015年,创始人:翩翩老师。从教几个朋友学英语开始设立了公益课,目前已有过万人在学习一席英语的课程。翩翩老师:学贯中西,英文讲得好,国学也有造诣。她开设英文电台, 英文访谈,原版解读,每个节目点击都破万。发音技巧讲解,分分钟让学渣升级学霸,新技能get得醍醐灌顶。欢迎爱学习的你加入哦!
2/8/2018 • 11 minutes, 57 seconds
People might have a little bit of money, so they'll just use it for holidays, traveling, buying cars.Make a house a home. 更多文字及配乐请关注公众号:一席英语 WeChat ID: AseatEnglish翩翩老师私人新浪微博:一席英语-翩翩想了解VIP口语课及公益课详情请加客服微信:aseatenglish1一席英语始于2015年,创始人:翩翩老师。从教几个朋友学英语开始设立了公益课,目前已有过万人在学习一席英语的课程。翩翩老师:学贯中西,英文讲得好,国学也有造诣。她开设英文电台,英文访谈,原版解读,每个节目点击都破万。发音技巧讲解,分分钟让学渣升级学霸,新技能get得醍醐灌顶。欢迎爱学习的你加入哦!
1/31/2018 • 15 minutes, 12 seconds
People might have a little bit of money, so they'll just use it for holidays, traveling, buying cars.Make a house a home. 更多文字及配乐请关注公众号:一席英语 WeChat ID: AseatEnglish翩翩老师私人新浪微博:一席英语-翩翩想了解VIP口语课及公益课详情请加客服微信:aseatenglish1一席英语始于2015年,创始人:翩翩老师。从教几个朋友学英语开始设立了公益课,目前已有过万人在学习一席英语的课程。翩翩老师:学贯中西,英文讲得好,国学也有造诣。她开设英文电台,英文访谈,原版解读,每个节目点击都破万。发音技巧讲解,分分钟让学渣升级学霸,新技能get得醍醐灌顶。欢迎爱学习的你加入哦!
1/31/2018 • 15 minutes, 12 seconds
I want to purchase some real estate.He is working in real estate.It is a necessity.更多文字及配乐请关注公众号:一席英语 WeChat ID: AseatEnglish翩翩老师私人新浪微博:一席英语-翩翩想了解VIP口语课及公益课详情请加客服微信:aseatenglish1一席英语始于2015年,创始人:翩翩老师。从教几个朋友学英语开始设立了公益课,目前已有过万人在学习一席英语的课程。翩翩老师:学贯中西,英文讲得好,国学也有造诣。她开设英文电台,英文访谈,原版解读,每个节目点击都破万。发音技巧讲解,分分钟让学渣升级学霸,新技能get得醍醐灌顶。欢迎爱学习的你加入哦!
1/30/2018 • 15 minutes, 52 seconds
I want to purchase some real estate.He is working in real estate.It is a necessity.更多文字及配乐请关注公众号:一席英语 WeChat ID: AseatEnglish翩翩老师私人新浪微博:一席英语-翩翩想了解VIP口语课及公益课详情请加客服微信:aseatenglish1一席英语始于2015年,创始人:翩翩老师。从教几个朋友学英语开始设立了公益课,目前已有过万人在学习一席英语的课程。翩翩老师:学贯中西,英文讲得好,国学也有造诣。她开设英文电台,英文访谈,原版解读,每个节目点击都破万。发音技巧讲解,分分钟让学渣升级学霸,新技能get得醍醐灌顶。欢迎爱学习的你加入哦!
1/30/2018 • 15 minutes, 52 seconds
You will have 7 years bad luck if you break a mirror.You shouldn't give someone an empty wallet or purse as a gift.更多文字及配乐请关注公众号:一席英语 WeChat ID: AseatEnglish翩翩老师私人新浪微博:一席英语-翩翩想了解VIP口语课及公益课详情请加客服微信:aseatenglish1一席英语始于2015年,创始人:翩翩老师。从教几个朋友学英语开始设立了公益课,目前已有过万人在学习一席英语的课程。翩翩老师:学贯中西,英文讲得好,国学也有造诣。她开设英文电台,英文访谈,原版解读,每个节目点击都破万。发音技巧讲解,分分钟让学渣升级学霸,新技能get得醍醐灌顶。欢迎爱学习的你加入哦!
1/24/2018 • 10 minutes, 20 seconds
一席英 语|老外来了|给外国人选礼物,千万别送这些!
You will have 7 years bad luck if you break a mirror.You shouldn't give someone an empty wallet or purse as a gift.更多文字及配乐请关注公众号:一席英语 WeChat ID: AseatEnglish翩翩老师私人新浪微博:一席英语-翩翩想了解VIP口语课及公益课详情请加客服微信:aseatenglish1一席英语始于2015年,创始人:翩翩老师。从教几个朋友学英语开始设立了公益课,目前已有过万人在学习一席英语的课程。翩翩老师:学贯中西,英文讲得好,国学也有造诣。她开设英文电台,英文访谈,原版解读,每个节目点击都破万。发音技巧讲解,分分钟让学渣升级学霸,新技能get得醍醐灌顶。欢迎爱学习的你加入哦!
1/24/2018 • 10 minutes, 20 seconds
People put coins in dumplings to represent good fortune.7 is generally regarded as a lucky number.更多文字及配乐请关注公众号:一席英语 WeChat ID: AseatEnglish翩翩老师私人新浪微博:一席英语-翩翩想了解VIP口语课及公益课详情请加客服微信:aseatenglish1一席英语始于2015年,创始人:翩翩老师。从教几个朋友学英语开始设立了公益课,目前已有过万人在学习一席英语的课程。翩翩老师:学贯中西,英文讲得好,国学也有造诣。她开设英文电台,英文访谈,原版解读,每个节目点击都破万。发音技巧讲解,分分钟让学渣升级学霸,新技能get得醍醐灌顶。欢迎爱学习的你加入哦!
1/23/2018 • 12 minutes, 28 seconds
People put coins in dumplings to represent good fortune.7 is generally regarded as a lucky number.更多文字及配乐请关注公众号:一席英语 WeChat ID: AseatEnglish翩翩老师私人新浪微博:一席英语-翩翩想了解VIP口语课及公益课 详情请加客服微信:aseatenglish1一席英语始于2015年,创始人:翩翩老师。从教几个朋友学英语开始设立了公益课,目前已有过万人在学习一席英语的课程。翩翩老师:学贯中西,英文讲得好,国学也有造诣。她开设英文电台,英文访谈,原版解读,每个节目点击都破万。发音技巧讲解,分分钟让学渣升级学霸,新技能get得醍醐灌顶。欢迎爱学习的你加入哦!
1/23/2018 • 12 minutes, 28 seconds
Today is hard, tomorrow is harder, the day after tomorrow is easier.更多文字及配乐请关注公众号:一席英语 WeChat ID: AseatEnglish翩翩老师私人新浪微博:一席英语-翩翩想了解VIP口语课及公益课详情请加客服微信:aseatenglish1一席英语始于2015年,创始人:翩翩老师。从教几个朋友学英语开始设立了公益课,目前已有过万人在学习一席英语的课程。翩翩老师:学贯中西,英文讲得好,国学也有造诣。她开设英文电台,英文访谈,原版解读,每个节目点击都破万。发音技巧讲解,分分钟让学渣升级学霸,新技能get得醍醐灌顶。欢迎爱学习的你加入哦!
12/30/2017 • 24 minutes, 52 seconds
Today is hard, tomorrow is harder, the day after tomorrow is easier.更多文字及配乐请关注公众号:一席英语 WeChat ID: AseatEnglish翩翩老师私人新浪微博:一席英语-翩翩想了解VIP口语课及公益课详情请加客服微信:aseatenglish1一席英语始于2015年,创始人:翩翩老师。从教几个朋友学英语开始设立了公益课,目前已有过万人在学习一席英语的课程。翩翩老师:学贯中西,英文讲得好,国学也有造诣。她开设英文电台,英文访谈,原版解读,每个节目点击都破万。发音技巧讲解,分分钟让学渣升级学霸,新技能get得醍醐灌顶。欢迎爱学习的你加入哦!
12/30/2017 • 24 minutes, 52 seconds
As a kid, you want the biggest gift, the most gift, the coolest gift. So that must be the best part for sure. AND you can stay up late at night.更多文字及配乐请关注公众号:一席英语 WeChat ID: AseatEnglish翩翩老师私人新浪微博:一席英语-翩翩想了解VIP口语课及公益课详情请加客服微信:aseatenglish1一席英语始于2015年,创始人:翩翩老师。从教几个朋友学英语开始设立了公益课,目前已有过万人在学习一席英语的课程。翩翩老师:学贯中西,英文讲得好,国学也有造诣。她开设英文电台,英文访谈,原版解读,每个节目点击都破万。发音技巧讲解,分分钟让学渣升级学霸,新技能get得醍醐灌顶。欢迎爱学习的你加入哦!
12/25/2017 • 20 minutes, 6 seconds
As a kid, you want the biggest gift, the most gift, the coolest gift. So that must be the best part for sure. AND you can stay up late at night.更多文字及配乐请关注公众号:一席英语 WeChat ID: AseatEnglish翩翩老师私人新浪微博:一席英语-翩翩想了解VIP口语课及公益课详情请加客服微信:aseatenglish1一席英语始于2015年,创始人:翩翩老师。从教几个朋友学英语开始设立了公益课,目前已有过万人在学习一席英语的课程。翩翩老师:学贯中西,英文讲得好,国学也有造诣。她开设英文电台,英文访谈,原版解读,每个节目点击都破万。发音技巧讲解,分分钟让学渣升级学霸,新技能get得醍醐灌顶。欢迎爱学习的你加入哦!
12/25/2017 • 20 minutes, 6 seconds
Mountain Tai is very tall, and has magnificent and splendid views.My heart is beating fast. He makes my heart flutter.更多文字及配乐请关注公众号:一席英语 WeChat ID: AseatEnglish翩翩老师私人新浪微博:一席 英语-翩翩想了解VIP口语课及公益课详情请加客服微信:aseatenglish1一席英语始于2015年,创始人:翩翩老师。从教几个朋友学英语开始设立了公益课,目前已有过万人在学习一席英语的课程。翩翩老师:学贯中西,英文讲得好,国学也有造诣。她开设英文电台,英文访谈,原版解读,每个节目点击都破万。发音技巧讲解,分分钟让学渣升级学霸,新技能get得醍醐灌顶。欢迎爱学习的你加入哦!
12/25/2017 • 22 minutes, 14 seconds
Mountain Tai is very tall, and has magnificent and splendid views.My heart is beating fast. He makes my heart flutter.更多文字及配乐请关注公众号:一席英语 WeChat ID: AseatEnglish翩翩老师私人新浪微博:一席英语-翩翩想了解VIP口语课及公益课详情请加客服微信:aseatenglish1一席英语始于2015年,创始人:翩翩老师。从教几个朋友学英语开始设立了公益课,目前已有过万人在学习一席英语的课程。翩翩老师:学贯中西,英文讲得好,国学也有造诣。她开设英文电台,英文访谈,原版解读,每个节目点击都破万。发音技巧讲解,分分钟让学渣升级学霸,新技能get得醍醐灌顶。欢迎爱学习的你加入哦!
12/25/2017 • 22 minutes, 14 seconds
You are so extra.That's too funny, I'm dead.You need to get woke.That party last night was lit.更多文字及配乐请关注公众号:一席英语 WeChat ID: AseatEnglish翩翩老师私人新浪微博:一席英语-翩翩想了解VIP口语课及公益课详情请加客服微信:aseatenglish1一席英语始于2015年,创始人:翩翩老师。从教几个朋友学英语开始设立了公益课,目前已有过万人在学习一席英语的课程。翩翩老师:学贯中西,英文讲得好,国学也有造诣。她开设英文电台,英文访谈,原版解读 ,每个节目点击都破万。发音技巧讲解,分分钟让学渣升级学霸,新技能get得醍醐灌顶。欢迎爱学习的你加入哦!
12/21/2017 • 20 minutes, 5 seconds
You are so extra.That's too funny, I'm dead.You need to get woke.That party last night was lit.更多文字及配乐请关注公众号:一席英语 WeChat ID: AseatEnglish翩翩老师私人新浪微博:一席英语-翩翩想了解VIP口语课及公益课详情请加客服微信:aseatenglish1一席英语始于2015年,创始人:翩翩老师。从教几个朋友学英语开始设立了公益课,目前已有过万人在学习一席英语的课程。翩翩老师:学贯中西,英文讲得好,国学也有造诣。她开设英文电台,英文访谈,原版解读,每个节目点击都破万。发音技巧讲解,分分钟让学渣升级学霸,新技能get得醍醐灌顶。欢迎爱学习的你加入哦!
12/21/2017 • 20 minutes, 5 seconds
watermelon-eating spectatorsIt's all schemeGo with the flowdrama queen/king更多文字及配乐请关注公众号:一席英语 WeChat ID: AseatEnglish翩翩老师私人新浪微博:一席英语-翩翩想了解VIP口语课及公益课详情请加客服微信:aseatenglish1一席英语始于2015年,创始人:翩翩老师。从教几个朋友学英语开始设立了公益课,目前已有过万人在学习一席英语的课程。翩翩老师:学贯中西,英文讲得好,国学也有造诣。她开设英文电台,英文访谈,原版解读,每个节目点击都破万。发音技巧讲解,分分钟让学渣升级学霸,新技能get得醍醐灌顶。欢迎爱学习的你加入哦!
12/19/2017 • 11 minutes, 55 seconds
watermelon-eating spectatorsIt's all schemeGo with the flowdrama queen/king更多文字及配乐请关注公众号:一席英语 WeChat ID: AseatEnglish翩翩老师私人 新浪微博:一席英语-翩翩想了解VIP口语课及公益课详情请加客服微信:aseatenglish1一席英语始于2015年,创始人:翩翩老师。从教几个朋友学英语开始设立了公益课,目前已有过万人在学习一席英语的课程。翩翩老师:学贯中西,英文讲得好,国学也有造诣。她开设英文电台,英文访谈,原版解读,每个节目点击都破万。发音技巧讲解,分分钟让学渣升级学霸,新技能get得醍醐灌顶。欢迎爱学习的你加入哦!
12/19/2017 • 11 minutes, 55 seconds
Christmas is the most important holiday, just as Chinese New Year is the most important holiday in China.圣诞节在英国,如同春节在中国,是最重要的节日。更多文字及配乐请关注公众号:一席英语 WeChat ID: AseatEnglish翩翩老师私人新浪微博:一席英语-翩翩想了解VIP口语课及公益课详情请加客服微信:aseatenglish1一席英语始于2015年,创始人:翩翩老师。从教几个朋友学英语开始设立了公益课,目前已有过万人在学习一席英语的课程。翩翩老师:学贯中西,英文讲得好,国学也有造诣。她开设英文电台,英文访谈,原版解读,每个节目点击都破万。发音技巧讲解,分分钟让学渣升级学霸,新技能get得醍醐灌顶。欢迎爱学习的你加入哦!
12/19/2017 • 19 minutes, 47 seconds
Christmas is the most important holiday, just as Chinese New Year is the most important holiday in China.圣诞节在英国,如同春节在中国,是最重要的节日。更多文字及配乐请关注公众号:一席英语 WeChat ID: AseatEnglish翩翩老师私人新浪微博:一席英语-翩翩想了解VIP口语课及公益课详情请加客服微信:aseatenglish1一席英语始于2015年,创始人:翩翩老师。从教几个朋友学英语开始设立了公益课,目前已有过万人 在学习一席英语的课程。翩翩老师:学贯中西,英文讲得好,国学也有造诣。她开设英文电台,英文访谈,原版解读,每个节目点击都破万。发音技巧讲解,分分钟让学渣升级学霸,新技能get得醍醐灌顶。欢迎爱学习的你加入哦!
12/19/2017 • 19 minutes, 47 seconds
There is a belief that men should take care of the woman.人们普遍认为,男人应该照顾女人。更多文字及配乐请关注公众号:一席英语 WeChat ID: AseatEnglish翩翩老师私人新浪微博:一席英语-翩翩想了解VIP口语课及公益课详情请加客服微信:aseatenglish1一席英语始于2015年,创始人:翩翩老师。从教几个朋友学英语开始设立了公益课,目前已有过万人在学习一席英语的课程。翩翩老师:学贯中西,英文讲得好,国学也有造诣。她开设英文电台,英文访谈,原版解读,每个节目点击都破万。发音技巧讲解,分分钟让学渣升级学霸,新技能get得醍醐灌顶。欢迎爱学习的你加入哦!
12/12/2017 • 20 minutes, 21 seconds
There is a belief that men should take care of the woman.人们普遍认为,男人应该照顾女人。更多文字及配乐请关注公众号:一席英语 WeChat ID: AseatEnglish翩翩老师私人新浪微博:一席英语-翩翩想了解VIP口语课及公益课详情请加客服微信:aseatenglish1一席英语始于2015年,创始人:翩翩老师。从教几个朋友学英语开始设立了公益课,目前已有过万人在学习一席英语的课程。翩翩老师:学贯中西,英文讲得好,国学也有造诣。她开设英文电台,英文访谈,原版解读,每个节目点击都破万。发音技巧讲解,分分钟让学渣升级学霸,新技能get得醍醐灌顶。欢迎爱学习的你加入哦!
12/12/2017 • 20 minutes, 21 seconds
A vast of majority of men are happy to date a single mom or a divorced woman. 绝大多数的外国男人都会特别乐意找一个单亲妈妈或者离婚女人做太太。更多文字及配乐请关注公众号:一席英语 WeChat ID: AseatEnglish翩翩老师私人新浪微博:一席英语-翩翩想了解VIP口语课及公益课详情请加客服微信:aseatenglish1一席英语始于2015年,创始人:翩翩老师。从教几个朋友学英语开始设立了公益课,目前已有过万人在学习一席英语的课程。翩翩老师:学贯中西,英文讲得好,国学也有造诣。她开设英文电台,英文访谈,原版解读,每个节目点击都破万。发音技巧讲解,分分钟让学渣升级学霸,新技能get得醍醐灌顶。欢迎爱学习的你加入哦!
12/11/2017 • 18 minutes, 5 seconds
A vast of majority of men are happy to date a single mom or a divorced woman. 绝大多数的外国男人都会特别乐意找一个单亲妈妈或者离婚女人做太太。更多文字及配乐请关注公众号:一席英语 WeChat ID: AseatEnglish翩翩老师私人新浪微博:一席英语-翩翩想了解VIP口语课及公益课详情请加客服微信:aseatenglish1一席英语始于2015年,创始人:翩翩老师。从教几个朋友学英语开始设立了公益课,目前已有过万人在学习一席英语的课程。翩翩老师:学贯中西,英文讲得好,国学也有造诣。她开设英文电台,英文访谈,原版解读,每个节目点击都破万。发音技巧讲解,分分钟让学渣升级学霸,新技能get得醍醐灌顶。欢迎爱学习的你加入哦!
12/11/2017 • 18 minutes, 5 seconds
Some numbers report that 75% of foreigners in China are male.更多文字及配乐请关注公众号:一席英语 WeChat ID: AseatEnglish翩翩老师私人新浪微博:一席英语-翩翩想了解VIP口语课及公益课详情请加客服微信:aseatenglish1一席英语始于2015年,创始人:翩翩老师。从教几个朋友学英语开始设立了公益课,目前已有过万人在学习一席英语的课程。翩翩老师:学贯中西,英文讲得好,国学也有造诣。她开设英文电台,英文访谈,原版解读,每个节目点击都破万。发音技巧讲解,分分钟让学渣升级学霸,新技能get得醍醐灌顶。欢迎爱学习的你加入哦!想了解更多,请点击原版链接http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/oZKWU6F6yRYjlirxhd1I3Q
12/6/2017 • 21 minutes, 49 seconds
Some numbers report that 75% of foreigners in China are male.更多文字及配乐请关注公众号:一席英语 WeChat ID: AseatEnglish翩翩老师私人新浪微博:一席英语-翩翩想了解VIP口语课及公益课详情请加客服微信:aseatenglish1一席英语始于2015年,创始人:翩翩老师。从教几个朋友学英语开始设立了公益课,目前已有过万人在学习一席英语的课程。翩翩老师:学贯中西,英文讲得好,国学也有造诣。她开设英文电台,英文访谈,原版解读,每个节目点击都破万。发音技巧讲解,分分钟让学渣升级学霸,新技能get得醍醐灌顶。欢迎爱学习的你加入哦!想了解更多,请点击原版链接http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/oZKWU6F6yRYjlirxhd1I3Q
12/6/2017 • 21 minutes, 49 seconds
Chinese families are tighter and closer, they sacrifice more. 更多文字及配乐请关注公众号:一席英语 WeChat ID: AseatEnglish翩翩老师私人新浪微博:一席英语-翩翩想了解VIP口语课及公益课详情请加客服微信:aseatenglish1一席英语始于2015年,创始人:翩翩老师。从教几个朋友学英语开始设立了公益课,目前已有过万人在学习一席英语的课程。翩翩老师:学贯中西,英文讲得好,国学也有造诣。她开设英文电台,英文访谈,原版解读,每个节目点击都破万。发音技巧讲解,分分钟让学渣 升级学霸,新技能get得醍醐灌顶。欢迎爱学习的你加入哦!
12/4/2017 • 24 minutes, 43 seconds
一席英语|老外来了|来到中国,我们被这些shock到了 !(中西大不同)
Chinese families are tighter and closer, they sacrifice more. 更多文字及配乐请关注公众号:一席英语 WeChat ID: AseatEnglish翩翩老师私人新浪微博:一席英语-翩翩想了解VIP口语课及公益课详情请加客服微信:aseatenglish1一席英语始于2015年,创始人:翩翩老师。从教几个朋友学英语开始设立了公益课,目前已有过万人在学习一席英语的课程。翩翩老师:学贯中西,英文讲得好,国学也有造诣。她开设英文电台,英文访谈,原版解读,每个节目点击都破万。发音技巧讲解,分分钟让学渣升级学霸,新技能get得醍醐灌顶。欢迎爱学习的你加入哦!
12/4/2017 • 24 minutes, 43 seconds
Did you wear enough layers?Make sure you dress warmly.更多文字及配乐请关注公众号:一席英语 WeChat ID: AseatEnglish翩翩老师私人新浪微博:一席英语-翩翩想了解VIP口语课及公益课详情请加客服微信:aseatenglish1一席英语始于2015年,创始人:翩翩老师。从教几个朋友学英语开始设立了公益课,目前已有过万人在学习一席英语的课程。翩翩老师:学贯中西,英文讲得好,国学也有造诣。她开设英文电台,英文访谈,原版解读,每个节目点击都破万。发音技巧讲解,分分钟让学渣升级学霸,新技能get得醍醐灌顶。欢迎爱学习的你加入哦!
11/29/2017 • 20 minutes, 39 seconds
Did you wear enough layers?Make sure you dress warmly.更多文字及配乐请关注公众号:一席英语 WeChat ID: AseatEnglish翩翩老师私人新浪微博:一席英语-翩翩想了解VIP口语课及公益课详情请加客服微信:aseatenglish1一席英语始于2015年,创始人:翩翩老师。从教几个朋友学英语开始设立 了公益课,目前已有过万人在学习一席英语的课程。翩翩老师:学贯中西,英文讲得好,国学也有造诣。她开设英文电台,英文访谈,原版解读,每个节目点击都破万。发音技巧讲解,分分钟让学渣升级学霸,新技能get得醍醐灌顶。欢迎爱学习的你加入哦!
11/29/2017 • 20 minutes, 39 seconds
Qingdao is a coastal city and a tourist city.青岛是一座海滨城市,也是一座旅游城市。更多文字及配乐请关注公众号:一席英语 WeChat ID: AseatEnglish翩翩老师私人新浪微博:一席英语-翩翩想了解VIP口语课及公益课详情请加客服微信:aseatenglish1一席英语始于2015年,创始人:翩翩老师。从教几个朋友学英语开始设立了公益课,目前已有过万人在学习一席英语的课程。翩翩老师:学贯中西,英文讲得好,国学也有造诣。她开设英文电台,英文访谈,原版解读,每个节目点击都破万。发音技巧讲解,分分钟让学渣升级学霸,新技能get得醍醐灌顶。欢迎爱学习的你加入哦!
11/27/2017 • 19 minutes, 20 seconds
Qingdao is a coastal city and a tourist city.青岛是一座海滨城市,也是一座旅游城市。更多文字及配乐请关注公众号:一席英语 WeChat ID: AseatEnglish翩翩老师私人新浪微博:一席英语-翩翩想了解VIP口语课及公益课详情请加客服微信:aseatenglish1一席英语始于2015年,创始人:翩翩老师。从教几个朋友学英语开始设立了公益课,目前已有过万人在学习一席英语的课程。翩翩老师:学贯中西,英文讲得好,国学也有造诣。她开设英文电台,英文访谈,原版解读,每个节目点击都破万。发音技巧讲解,分分钟让学渣升级学霸,新技能get得醍醐灌顶。欢迎爱学习的你加入哦!
Americans are loud, confident, and outspoken.Japanese people are very hard working.Germans are very punctual and reliable.Australians love outdoor barbecues and surfing.美国人自信、日本人勤奋;德国人严谨、澳大利亚人喜欢户外运动。更多文字及配乐请关注公众号:一席英语 WeChat ID: AseatEnglish翩翩老师私人新浪微博:一席英语-翩翩想了解VIP口语课及公益课详情请加客服微信:aseatenglish1一席英语 始于2015年,创始人:翩翩老师。从教几个朋友学英语开始设立了公益课,目前已有过万人在学习一席英语的课程。翩翩老师:学贯中西,英文讲得好,国学也有造诣。她开设英文电台,英文访谈,原版解读,每个节目点击都破万。发音技巧讲解,分分钟让学渣升级学霸,新技能get得醍醐灌顶。欢迎爱学习的你加入哦!
11/10/2017 • 21 minutes, 27 seconds
Americans are loud, confident, and outspoken.Japanese people are very hard working.Germans are very punctual and reliable.Australians love outdoor barbecues and surfing.美国人自信、日本人勤奋;德国人严谨、澳大利亚人喜欢户外运动。更多文字及配乐请关注公众号:一席英语 WeChat ID: AseatEnglish翩翩老师私人新浪微博:一席英语-翩翩想了解VIP口语课及公益课详情请加客服微信:aseatenglish1一席英语始于2015年,创始人:翩翩老师。从教几个朋友学英语开始设立了公益课,目前已有过万人在学习一席英语的课程。翩翩老师:学贯中西,英文讲得好,国学也有造诣。她开设英文电台,英文访谈,原版解读,每个节目点击都破万。发音技巧讲解,分分钟让学渣升级学霸,新技能get得醍醐灌顶。欢迎爱学习的你加入哦!
11/10/2017 • 21 minutes, 27 seconds
I'm single. I'm in a relationship. I'm engaged. I'm married. I'm dating someone.I'm going out with someone.更多文字及配乐请关注公众号:一席英语 WeChat ID: AseatEnglish翩翩老师私人新浪微博:一席英语-翩翩想了解VIP口语课及公益课详情请加客服微信:aseatenglish1一席英语始于2015年,创始人:翩翩老师。从教几个朋友学英语开始设立了公益课,目前已有过万人在学习一席英语的课程。翩翩老师:学贯中西,英文讲得好,国学也有造诣。她 开设英文电台,英文访谈,原版解读,每个节目点击都破万。发音技巧讲解,分分钟让学渣升级学霸,新技能get得醍醐灌顶。欢迎爱学习的你加入哦!
11/6/2017 • 19 minutes, 12 seconds
I'm single. I'm in a relationship. I'm engaged. I'm married. I'm dating someone.I'm going out with someone.更多文字及配乐请关注公众号:一席英语 WeChat ID: AseatEnglish翩翩老师私人新浪微博:一席英语-翩翩想了解VIP口语课及公益课详情请加客服微信:aseatenglish1一席英语始于2015年,创始人:翩翩老师。从教几个朋友学英语开始设立了公益课,目前已有过万人在学习一席英语的课程。翩翩老师:学贯中西,英文讲得好,国学也有造诣。她开设英文电台,英文访谈,原版解读,每个节目点击都破万。发音技巧讲解,分分钟让学渣升级学霸,新技能get得醍醐灌顶。欢迎爱学习的你加入哦!
11/6/2017 • 19 minutes, 12 seconds
Common mistakes people make when speaking English 中国人容易犯的英语错误更多文字及配乐请关注公众号:一席英语 WeChat ID: AseatEnglish翩翩老师私人新浪微博:一席英语-翩翩想了解VIP口语课及公益课详情请加客服微信:aseatenglish1一席英语始于2015年,创始人:翩翩老师。从教几个朋友学英语开始设立了公益课,目前已有过万人在学习一席英语的课程。翩翩老师:学贯中西,英文讲得好,国学也有造诣。她开设英文电台,英文访谈,原版解读,每个节目点击都破万。发音技巧讲解,分分钟让学渣升级学霸,新技能get得醍醐灌顶。欢迎爱学习的你加入哦!
11/2/2017 • 19 minutes, 45 seconds
Common mistakes people make when speaking English 中国人容易犯的英语错误更多文字及配乐请关注公众号:一席英语 WeChat ID: AseatEnglish翩 翩老师私人新浪微博:一席英语-翩翩想了解VIP口语课及公益课详情请加客服微信:aseatenglish1一席英语始于2015年,创始人:翩翩老师。从教几个朋友学英语开始设立了公益课,目前已有过万人在学习一席英语的课程。翩翩老师:学贯中西,英文讲得好,国学也有造诣。她开设英文电台,英文访谈,原版解读,每个节目点击都破万。发音技巧讲解,分分钟让学渣升级学霸,新技能get得醍醐灌顶。欢迎爱学习的你加入哦!
11/2/2017 • 19 minutes, 45 seconds
Differences between American English and British English英式英语和美式英语的区别更多文字及配乐请关注公众号:一席英语 WeChat ID: AseatEnglish翩翩老师私人新浪微博:一席英语-翩翩想了解VIP口语课及公益课详情请加客服微信:aseatenglish1一席英语始于2015年,创始人:翩翩老师。从教几个朋友学英语开始设立了公益课,目前已有过万人在学习一席英语的课程。翩翩老师:学贯中西,英文讲得好,国学也有造诣。她开设英文电台,英文访谈,原版解读,每个节目点击都破万。发音技巧讲解,分分钟让学渣升级学霸,新技能get得醍醐灌顶。欢迎爱学习的你加入哦!
10/30/2017 • 23 minutes, 40 seconds
Differences between American English and British English英式英语和美式英语的区别更多文字及配乐请关注公众号:一席英语 WeChat ID: AseatEnglish翩翩老师私人新浪微博:一席英语-翩翩想了解VIP口语课及公益课详情请加客服微信:aseatenglish1一席英语始于2015年,创始人:翩翩老师。从教几个朋友学英语开始设立了公益课,目前已有过万人在学习一席英语的课程。翩翩老师:学贯中西,英文讲得好,国学也有造诣。她开设英文电台,英文访谈,原版解读,每个节目点击都破万。发音技巧讲解,分分钟让学 渣升级学霸,新技能get得醍醐灌顶。欢迎爱学习的你加入哦!
10/30/2017 • 23 minutes, 40 seconds
" How do we choose names? "Names often come from celebrities,Religious areas,The Bible for example. 老外起名字通常从名人、宗教、《圣经》当中来选择喜欢的名字。更多文字及配乐请关注公众号:一席英语 WeChat ID: AseatEnglish翩翩老师私人新浪微博:一席英语-翩翩想了解VIP口语课及公益课详情请加客服微信:aseatenglish1一席英语始于2015年,创始人:翩翩老师。从教几个朋友学英语开始设立了公益课,目前已有过万人在学习一席英语的课程。翩翩老师:学贯中西,英文讲得好,国学也有造诣。她开设英文电台,英文访谈,原版解读,每个节目点击都破万。发音技巧讲解,分分钟让学渣升级学霸,新技能get得醍醐灌顶。欢迎爱学习的你加入哦!
10/26/2017 • 20 minutes, 6 seconds
" How do we choose names? "Names often come from celebrities,Religious areas,The Bible for example. 老外起名字通常从名人、宗教、《圣经》当中来选择喜欢的名字。更多文字及配乐请关注公众号:一席英语 WeChat ID: AseatEnglish翩翩老师私人新浪微博:一席英语-翩翩想了解VIP口语课及公益课详情请加客服微信:aseatenglish1一席英语始于2015年,创始人:翩翩老师。从教几个朋友学英语开始设立了公益课,目前已有过万人在学习一席英语的课程。翩翩老师:学贯中西,英文讲得好,国学也有造诣。她开设英文电台,英文访谈,原版解读,每个节目点击都破万。发音技巧讲解,分分钟让学渣升级学霸,新技能get得醍醐灌顶。欢迎爱学习的你加入哦!