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White Canvas Sky Cover
White Canvas Sky Profile

White Canvas Sky

Canada, Rock - Alternativerock, Rock
2 sample tracks
Stare at the Sun
White Canvas Sky - What a Thrill
About White Canvas Sky
White Canvas Sky is made up of four very talented dudes, crossing over generations of influence, with a predominant 90’s style Alt Rock foundation. Equipped with strong, insightful and beautifully melodic lyricism, WCS is a refreshing reminder of what real rock integrity is all about. The group itself is closing in on it’s fifth year together, but the efforts of this project have been a life long endeavor for singer/songwriter and lead art director, Steve Burgess. “I cannot be more grateful to have found these 3 musicians, who share the same love and passion for music as I, and are able to, without any dictation, take my songs and make them magical. I am without doubt, that this child I’ve birthed will grow to be as big and bold as it deserves to be.”